1 value
defmodule Cldr.DateTime do @moduledoc """ Provides localization and formatting of a `DateTime` struct or any map with the keys `:year`, `:month`, `:day`, `:calendar`, `:hour`, `:minute`, `:second` and optionally `:microsecond`. `Cldr.DateTime` provides support for the built-in calendar `Calendar.ISO` or any calendars defined with [ex_cldr_calendars]( CLDR provides standard format strings for `DateTime` which are reresented by the names `:short`, `:medium`, `:long` and `:full`. This allows for locale-independent formatting since each locale will define the underlying format string as appropriate. """ alias Cldr.DateTime.Format alias Cldr.LanguageTag @style_types [:short, :medium, :long, :full] @default_type :medium defmodule Styles do @moduledoc false defstruct Module.get_attribute(Cldr.DateTime, :style_types) end @doc """ Formats a DateTime according to a format string as defined in CLDR and described in [TR35]( ## Arguments * `datetime` is a `%DateTime{}` `or %NaiveDateTime{}`struct or any map that contains the keys `:year`, `:month`, `:day`, `:calendar`. `:hour`, `:minute` and `:second` with optional `:microsecond`. * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore is a `Cldr` backend module. The default is `Cldr.default_backend/0`. * `options` is a keyword list of options for formatting. ## Options * `format:` `:short` | `:medium` | `:long` | `:full` or a format string or any of the keys returned by `Cldr.DateTime.available_format_names`. The default is `:medium` * `locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/0` or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct. The default is `Cldr.get_locale/0` * `number_system:` a number system into which the formatted date digits should be transliterated * `era: :variant` will use a variant for the era is one is available in the locale. In the "en" for example, the locale `era: :variant` will return "BCE" instead of "BC". * `period: :variant` will use a variant for the time period and flexible time period if one is available in the locale. For example, in the "en" locale `period: :variant` will return "pm" instead of "PM" ## Returns * `{:ok, formatted_datetime}` or * `{:error, reason}` ## Examples iex> {:ok, datetime} = DateTime.from_naive(~N[2000-01-01 23:59:59.0], "Etc/UTC") iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string datetime {:ok, "Jan 1, 2000, 11:59:59 PM"} iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string datetime, MyApp.Cldr, locale: "en" {:ok, "Jan 1, 2000, 11:59:59 PM"} iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :long, locale: "en" {:ok, "January 1, 2000 at 11:59:59 PM UTC"} iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :hms, locale: "en" {:ok, "23:59:59"} iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :full, locale: "en" {:ok, "Saturday, January 1, 2000 at 11:59:59 PM GMT"} iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :full, locale: "fr" {:ok, "samedi 1 janvier 2000 à 23:59:59 UTC"} """ @spec to_string(map, Cldr.backend() | Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, {module, String.t()}} def to_string(datetime, backend \\ Cldr.Date.default_backend(), options \\ []) def to_string(%{calendar: Calendar.ISO} = datetime, backend, options) do %{datetime | calendar: Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian} |> to_string(backend, options) end def to_string(datetime, options, []) when is_list(options) do to_string(datetime, Cldr.Date.default_backend(), options) end def to_string(%{calendar: calendar} = datetime, backend, options) when is_atom(backend) and is_list(options) do options = normalize_options(backend, options) format_backend = Module.concat(backend, DateTime.Formatter) number_system = Keyword.get(options, :number_system) with {:ok, locale} <- Cldr.validate_locale(options[:locale], backend), {:ok, cldr_calendar} <- type_from_calendar(calendar), {:ok, _} <- Cldr.Number.validate_number_system(locale, number_system, backend), {:ok, format_string} <- format_string(options[:format], locale, cldr_calendar, backend), {:ok, formatted} <- format_backend.format(datetime, format_string, locale, options) do {:ok, formatted} end rescue e in [Cldr.DateTime.UnresolvedFormat] -> {:error, {e.__struct__, e.message}} end def to_string(datetime, _backend, _options) do error_return(datetime, [:year, :month, :day, :hour, :minute, :second, :calendar]) end defp normalize_options(backend, []) do {locale, _backend} = Cldr.locale_and_backend_from(nil, backend) number_system = Cldr.Number.System.number_system_from_locale(locale, backend) [locale: locale, number_system: number_system, format: @default_type] end defp normalize_options(backend, options) do {locale, _backend} = Cldr.locale_and_backend_from(options[:locale], backend) format = options[:format] || options[:style] || @default_type locale_number_system = Cldr.Number.System.number_system_from_locale(locale, backend) number_system = Keyword.get(options, :number_system, locale_number_system) options |> Keyword.put(:locale, locale) |> Keyword.put(:format, format) |> Keyword.delete(:style) |> Keyword.put_new(:number_system, number_system) end @doc false # Returns the CLDR calendar type for a calendar def type_from_calendar(Cldr.Calendar.Gregorian = calendar) do {:ok, calendar.cldr_calendar_type()} end def type_from_calendar(calendar) do with {:ok, calendar} <- Cldr.Calendar.validate_calendar(calendar) do {:ok, calendar.cldr_calendar_type()} end end @doc """ Formats a DateTime according to a format string as defined in CLDR and described in [TR35]( returning a formatted string or raising on error. ## Arguments * `datetime` is a `%DateTime{}` `or %NaiveDateTime{}`struct or any map that contains the keys `:year`, `:month`, `:day`, `:calendar`. `:hour`, `:minute` and `:second` with optional `:microsecond`. * `backend` is any module that includes `use Cldr` and therefore is a `Cldr` backend module. The default is `Cldr.default_backend/0`. * `options` is a keyword list of options for formatting. ## Options * `format:` `:short` | `:medium` | `:long` | `:full` or a format string or any of the keys returned by `Cldr.DateTime.available_format_names` or a format string. The default is `:medium` * `locale` is any valid locale name returned by `Cldr.known_locale_names/0` or a `Cldr.LanguageTag` struct. The default is `Cldr.get_locale/0` * `number_system:` a number system into which the formatted date digits should be transliterated * `era: :variant` will use a variant for the era is one is available in the locale. In the "en" for example, the locale `era: :variant` will return "BCE" instead of "BC". * `period: :variant` will use a variant for the time period and flexible time period if one is available in the locale. For example, in the "en" locale `period: :variant` will return "pm" instead of "PM" ## Returns * `formatted_datetime` or * raises an exception ## Examples iex> {:ok, datetime} = DateTime.from_naive(~N[2000-01-01 23:59:59.0], "Etc/UTC") iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string! datetime, MyApp.Cldr, locale: "en" "Jan 1, 2000, 11:59:59 PM" iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string! datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :long, locale: "en" "January 1, 2000 at 11:59:59 PM UTC" iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string! datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :full, locale: "en" "Saturday, January 1, 2000 at 11:59:59 PM GMT" iex> Cldr.DateTime.to_string! datetime, MyApp.Cldr, format: :full, locale: "fr" "samedi 1 janvier 2000 à 23:59:59 UTC" """ @spec to_string!(map, Cldr.backend() | Keyword.t(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | no_return def to_string!(datetime, backend \\ Cldr.Date.default_backend(), options \\ []) def to_string!(datetime, options, []) when is_list(options) do to_string!(datetime, Cldr.Date.default_backend(), options) end def to_string!(datetime, backend, options) do case to_string(datetime, backend, options) do {:ok, string} -> string {:error, {exception, message}} -> raise exception, message end end # Standard format defp format_string(style, %LanguageTag{cldr_locale_name: locale_name}, cldr_calendar, backend) when style in @style_types do with {:ok, styles} <- Format.date_time_formats(locale_name, cldr_calendar, backend) do {:ok, Map.get(styles, style)} end end # Look up for the format in :available_formats defp format_string(style, %LanguageTag{cldr_locale_name: locale_name}, cldr_calendar, backend) when is_atom(style) do with {:ok, styles} <- Format.date_time_available_formats(locale_name, cldr_calendar, backend), format_string <- Map.get(styles, style) do if format_string do {:ok, format_string} else {:error, {Cldr.DateTime.InvalidStyle, "Invalid datetime style #{inspect(style)}. " <> "The valid styles are #{inspect(styles)}."}} end end end # Format with a number system defp format_string(%{number_system: number_system, format: style}, locale, calendar, backend) do {:ok, format_string} = format_string(style, locale, calendar, backend) {:ok, %{number_system: number_system, format: format_string}} end # Straight up format string defp format_string(format_string, _locale, _calendar, _backend) when is_binary(format_string) do {:ok, format_string} end defp error_return(map, requirements) do requirements = requirements |> |> Cldr.DateTime.Formatter.join_requirements() {:error, {ArgumentError, "Invalid DateTime. DateTime is a map that contains at least #{requirements}. " <> "Found: #{inspect(map)}"}} end end
defmodule Guss.RequestHeaders do @moduledoc """ Conveniences for working with canonical request headers. Normally you do not need to access this module directly. It is meant to be used by the signing processes. If you want to get a list of signed headers for your request, see `Guss.Resource.signed_headers/1`. """ @doc """ Convert the enumerable to a dasherized list, suitable for URL signing. The enumerable will have the following transformations applied: * Header keys are downcased. * Underscores (`"_"`) are replaced with dashes (`"-"`). * Leading and trailing whitespace is removed. * Keys with empty values will be removed. * Atom values will be dasherized like header keys. This is useful for some built-in values, like `:public_read`. * Integer values are converted to strings. * Enumerable values will be expanded following the same transformation rules. See the examples for more details. The result is a list of `{key, value}` tuples for each request header, sorted by key name. ## Examples iex> Guss.RequestHeaders.dasherize(x_foo_bar: "qux") [{"x-foo-bar", "qux"}] iex> Guss.RequestHeaders.dasherize(x: [foo_bar: "qux"]) [{"x-foo-bar", "qux"}] iex> Guss.RequestHeaders.dasherize(x: [foo: [bar: "qux"]]) [{"x-foo-bar", "qux"}] ies> Guss.RequestHeaders.dasherize(x: [meta: [int: 42, atom: :foo_bar]]) [{"x-meta-int", "42"}, {"x-meta-atom", "foo-bar"}] iex> Guss.RequestHeaders.dasherize(content_type: "text/plain", content_md5: "3a0ef89...") [{"content-md5", "3a0ef89..."}, {"content-type", "text/plain"}] iex> Guss.RequestHeaders.dasherize(X: [{:user, "Bob"}, {"User", "Alice"}]) [{"x-user", "Bob"}, {"x-user", "Alice"}] iex> Guss.RequestHeaders.dasherize(x: [vendor: [id: "guss"], goog: [acl: :public_read]]) [{"x-goog-acl", "public-read"}, {"x-vendor-id", "guss"}] iex> Guss.RequestHeaders.dasherize(%{"X" => %{"Goog" => %{"Acl" => "public-read", "Meta" => %{"Value" => 1}}}}) [{"x-goog-acl", "public-read"}, {"x-goog-meta-value", "1"}] iex> Guss.RequestHeaders.dasherize(%{"X" => %{"Goog" => %{"Meta" => %{" Value " => 1}}}}) [{"x-goog-meta-value", "1"}] """ def dasherize(data) when is_map(data) and data == %{}, do: [] def dasherize(data) when is_map(data), do: data |> Enum.into([]) |> do_dasherize() def dasherize(data) when is_list(data), do: data |> do_dasherize() # Starts collapsing items. Empty lists are ignored. defp do_dasherize([]), do: [] defp do_dasherize(enum), do: dasherize_items(enum, []) # Input values exhausted defp dasherize_items([], acc), do: acc |> ordered_sort() # Expands nested values defp dasherize_items([{key, val} | rest], acc) when is_list(val) or is_map(val) do dasherize_items(rest, dasherize_nested(key_name(key), val, acc)) end # Ignores empty values defp dasherize_items([{_, val} | rest], acc) when is_nil(val) or val == "" do dasherize_items(rest, acc) end # Dasherizes atom values defp dasherize_items([{key, val} | rest], acc) when is_atom(val) do dasherize_items(rest, [{key_name(key), to_dashed(val)} | acc]) end # Dasherizes key and stringifies values defp dasherize_items([{key, val} | rest], acc) do dasherize_items(rest, [{key_name(key), to_string(val)} | acc]) end defp dasherize_nested(prefix, enum, acc) do Enum.reduce(enum, acc, fn {key, val}, acc -> next_key = "#{prefix}-#{key_name(key)}" case val do val when is_map(val) -> dasherize_nested(next_key, Enum.into(val, []), acc) val when is_list(val) -> dasherize_nested(next_key, val, acc) val when is_atom(val) -> [{next_key, to_dashed(val)} | acc] val -> [{next_key, to_string(val)} | acc] end end) end defp to_dashed(str) when is_atom(str), do: to_dashed(Atom.to_string(str)) defp to_dashed(str) when is_binary(str), do: String.replace(str, "_", "-") defp key_name(key), do: key |> to_dashed() |> String.trim() |> String.downcase() defp ordered_sort(items) do items |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.with_index() |> Enum.sort_by(fn {{k, _v}, i} -> {k, i} end) |> Enum.unzip() |> elem(0) end @doc """ Eliminates duplicate keys in the enumerable. Duplicate keys will be replaced with a single key and a comma-separated list of values. The result is a list sorted alphabetically by key. Values will retain their ordering in the original list. ## Examples iex> Guss.RequestHeaders.deduplicate([{"x", "Foo"}, {"x", "Bar"}]) [{"x", "Foo,Bar"}] iex> Guss.RequestHeaders.deduplicate([{"x", "this"}, {"bar", "qux"}, {"x", "that"}]) [{"bar", "qux"}, {"x", "this,that"}] """ def deduplicate(enumerable) do for {k, v} <- Enum.group_by(enumerable, &elem(&1, 0), &elem(&1, 1)) do {k, join_values(v, ",")} end |> Enum.into([]) |> Enum.sort_by(&elem(&1, 0)) end defp join_values(items, joiner) when is_list(items) do items |> Enum.map_join(joiner, &String.trim/1) end end
defmodule VintageNetBridge do @moduledoc """ Configure network bridges with VintageNet Configurations for this technology are maps with a `:type` field set to `VintageNetBridge`. The following additional fields are supported: * `:vintage_net_bridge` - Bridge options * `:interfaces` - Set to a list of interface names to add to the bridge. This option is required for the bridge to be useful. * `:forward_delay` * `:priority` * `:hello_time` * `:max_age` * `:path_cost` * `:path_priority` * `:hairpin` * `:stp` Here's an example configuration for setting up a bridge: ```elixir %{ type: VintageNetBridge, vintage_net_bridge: %{ vintage_net_bridge: %{ interfaces: ["eth0", "wlan0"], } } ``` See [brctl(8)]( for more information on individual options. """ @behaviour VintageNet.Technology alias VintageNet.Interface.RawConfig alias VintageNet.IP.{IPv4Config, DhcpdConfig, DnsdConfig} alias VintageNetBridge.Server @impl true def normalize(config), do: config @impl true def to_raw_config(ifname, config, opts) do normalized_config = normalize(config) bridge_config = normalized_config[:vintage_net_bridge] brctl = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :bin_brctl) interfaces = Map.fetch!(bridge_config, :interfaces) up_cmds = [ {:run, brctl, ["addbr", ifname]} ] down_cmds = [ {:run, brctl, ["delbr", ifname]} ] bridge_up_cmds = Enum.flat_map(bridge_config, &config_to_cmd(&1, brctl, ifname)) addif_up_cmds = Map.get(bridge_config, :interfaces, []) |> addif -> {:run_ignore_errors, brctl, ["addif", ifname, addif]} end) %RawConfig{ ifname: ifname, type: __MODULE__, source_config: normalized_config, up_cmds: up_cmds ++ bridge_up_cmds ++ addif_up_cmds, down_cmds: down_cmds, required_ifnames: [], child_specs: [{Server, %{brctl: brctl, bridge_ifname: ifname, interfaces: interfaces}}] } |> IPv4Config.add_config(normalized_config, opts) |> DhcpdConfig.add_config(normalized_config, opts) |> DnsdConfig.add_config(normalized_config, opts) end @impl true def ioctl(_ifname, _command, _args) do {:error, :unsupported} end @impl true def check_system(_opts) do {:error, "unimplemented"} end defp config_to_cmd({:forward_delay, value}, brctl, ifname) do [{:run, brctl, ["setfd", ifname, to_string(value)]}] end defp config_to_cmd({:priority, value}, brctl, ifname) do [{:run, brctl, ["setbridgeprio", ifname, to_string(value)]}] end defp config_to_cmd({:hello_time, value}, brctl, ifname) do [{:run, brctl, ["sethello", ifname, to_string(value)]}] end defp config_to_cmd({:max_age, value}, brctl, ifname) do [{:run, brctl, ["setmaxage", ifname, to_string(value)]}] end defp config_to_cmd({:path_cost, value}, brctl, ifname) do [{:run, brctl, ["setpathcost", ifname, to_string(value)]}] end defp config_to_cmd({:path_priority, value}, brctl, ifname) do [{:run, brctl, ["setportprio", ifname, to_string(value)]}] end defp config_to_cmd({:hairpin, {port, value}}, brctl, ifname) do [{:run, brctl, ["hairpin", ifname, to_string(port), bool_to_yn(value)]}] end defp config_to_cmd({:stp, value}, brctl, ifname) do [{:run, brctl, ["stp", ifname, bool_to_yn(value)]}] end defp config_to_cmd(_other, _brctl, _ifname), do: [] defp bool_to_yn(true), do: "yes" defp bool_to_yn(false), do: "no" end
defmodule OT.Text.Transformation do require Logger @moduledoc """ The transformation of two concurrent operations such that they satisfy the [TP1][tp1] property of operational transformation. [tp1]: """ alias OT.Text.{Component, Operation, Scanner} @doc """ Transform an operation against another operation. Given an operation A that occurred at the same time as operation B against the same text state, transform the components of operation A such that the state of the text after applying operation A and then operation B is the same as after applying operation B and then the transformation of operation A against operation B: *S ○ Oa ○ transform(Ob, Oa) = S ○ Ob ○ transform(Oa, Ob)* This function also takes a third `side` argument that indicates which operation came later. This is important when deciding whether it is acceptable to break up insert components from one operation or the other. """ @spec transform(Operation.t, Operation.t) :: [Operation.t] def transform(op_a, op_b, side) do {op_a, op_b} |> next |> do_transform(side) end defp transform_loop(_, _, nil, nil, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, _, _) do [operation1Prime, operation2Prime] end # op1 == :insert defp transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1=%{i: _}, op2, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) do operation1Prime = List.insert_at(operation1Prime, -1, op1) operation2Prime = List.insert_at(operation2Prime, -1, Component.length(op1)) op1_position = op1_position + 1 op1 =, op1_position) transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) end # op2 == :insert defp transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2=%{i: _}, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) do operation1Prime = List.insert_at(operation1Prime, -1, Component.length(op2)) operation2Prime = List.insert_at(operation2Prime, -1, op2) op2_position = op2_position + 1 op2 =, op2_position) transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) end # op1: retain, op2: retain defp transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) when is_integer(op1) and is_integer(op2) and 0 <= op1 and 0 <= op2 do [minl, op1, op2, op1_position, op2_position] = cond do Component.length(op1) > Component.length(op2) -> minl = op2 op1 = op1 - op2 op2_position = op2_position + 1 op2 =, op2_position) [minl, op1, op2, op1_position, op2_position] Component.length(op1) == Component.length(op2) -> minl = op2 op1_position = op1_position + 1 op2_position = op2_position + 1 op1 =, op1_position) op2 =, op2_position) [minl, op1, op2, op1_position, op2_position] true -> minl = op1 op2 = op2 - op1 op1_position = op1_position + 1 op1 =, op1_position) [minl, op1, op2, op1_position, op2_position] end operation1Prime = List.insert_at(operation1Prime, -1, minl) operation2Prime = List.insert_at(operation2Prime, -1, minl) transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) end # op1: delete, op2: delete defp transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) when is_integer(op1) and is_integer(op2) and op1 < 0 and op2 < 0 do cond do Component.length(op1) > Component.length(op2) -> op1 = op1 - op2 op2_position = op2_position + 1 op2 =, op2_position) transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) Component.length(op1) == Component.length(op2) -> op1_position = op1_position + 1 op2_position = op2_position + 1 op1 =, op1_position) op2 =, op2_position) transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) true -> op2 = op2 - op1 op1_position = op1_position + 1 op1 =, op1_position) transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) end end # op1: delete, op2: retain defp transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) when is_integer(op1) and is_integer(op2) and op1 < 0 and 0 <= op2 do [minl, op1, op2, op1_position, op2_position] = cond do Component.length(op1) > Component.length(op2) -> minl = op2 op1 = op1 + op2 op2_position = op2_position + 1 op2 =, op2_position) [minl, op1, op2, op1_position, op2_position] Component.length(op1) == Component.length(op2) -> minl = op2 op1_position = op1_position + 1 op2_position = op2_position + 1 op1 =, op1_position) op2 =, op2_position) [minl, op1, op2, op1_position, op2_position] true -> minl = -op1 op2 = op2 + op1 op1_position = op1_position + 1 op1 =, op1_position) [minl, op1, op2, op1_position, op2_position] end operation1Prime = List.insert_at(operation1Prime, -1, -minl) transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) end # op1: retain, op2: delete defp transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) when is_integer(op1) and is_integer(op2) and 0 <= op1 and op2 < 0 do [minl, op1, op2, op1_position, op2_position] = cond do Component.length(op1) > Component.length(op2) -> minl = -op2 op1 = op1 + op2 op2_position = op2_position + 1 op2 =, op2_position) [minl, op1, op2, op1_position, op2_position] Component.length(op1) == Component.length(op2) -> minl = op1 op1_position = op1_position + 1 op2_position = op2_position + 1 op1 =, op1_position) op2 =, op2_position) [minl, op1, op2, op1_position, op2_position] true -> minl = op1 op2 = op2 + op1 op1_position = op1_position + 1 op1 =, op1_position) [minl, op1, op2, op1_position, op2_position] end operation2Prime = List.insert_at(operation2Prime, -1, -minl) transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, operation1Prime, operation2Prime, op1_position, op2_position) end # Unexpected condition defp transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, _, _, _, _) do Logger.debug("INVALID op1s: #{inspect op1s}, op2s: #{inspect op2s}, op1: #{inspect op1}, op2: #{inspect op2}") raise "The two operations aren't compatible or " end @spec transform(Operation.t, Operation.t, OT.Type.side) :: Operation.t def transform(op1s, op2s) do op1 =, 0) op2 =, 0) transform_loop(op1s, op2s, op1, op2, [], [], 0, 0) end @spec do_transform(Scanner.output, OT.Type.side, Operation.t) :: Operation.t defp do_transform(next_pair, side, result \\ []) # Operation A is exhausted defp do_transform({{nil, _}, _}, _, result) do result end # Operation B is exhausted defp do_transform({{head_a, tail_a}, {nil, _}}, _, result) do result |> Operation.append(head_a) |> Operation.join(tail_a) end # insert / insert / left defp do_transform({{head_a = %{i: _}, tail_a}, {head_b = %{i: _}, tail_b}}, :left, result) do {tail_a, [head_b | tail_b]} |> next |> do_transform(:left, Operation.append(result, head_a)) end # insert / insert / right defp do_transform({{head_a = %{i: _}, tail_a}, {head_b = %{i: _}, tail_b}}, :right, result) do {[head_a | tail_a], tail_b} |> next |> do_transform(:right, Operation.append(result, Component.length(head_b))) end # insert / retain defp do_transform({{head_a = %{i: _}, tail_a}, {head_b, tail_b}}, side, result) when is_integer(head_b) do {tail_a, [head_b | tail_b]} |> next |> do_transform(side, Operation.append(result, head_a)) end # insert / delete defp do_transform({{head_a = %{i: _}, tail_a}, {head_b = %{d: _}, tail_b}}, side, result) do {tail_a, [head_b | tail_b]} |> next |> do_transform(side, Operation.append(result, head_a)) end # retain / insert defp do_transform({{head_a, tail_a}, {head_b = %{i: _}, tail_b}}, side, result) when is_integer(head_a) do {[head_a | tail_a], tail_b} |> next |> do_transform(side, Operation.append(result, Component.length(head_b))) end # retain / retain defp do_transform({{head_a, tail_a}, {head_b, tail_b}}, side, result) when is_integer(head_a) and is_integer(head_b) do {tail_a, tail_b} |> next |> do_transform(side, Operation.append(result, head_a)) end # retain / delete defp do_transform({{head_a, tail_a}, {%{d: _}, tail_b}}, side, result) when is_integer(head_a) do {tail_a, tail_b} |> next |> do_transform(side, result) end # delete / insert defp do_transform({{head_a = %{d: _}, tail_a}, {head_b = %{i: _}, tail_b}}, side, result) do {[head_a | tail_a], tail_b} |> next |> do_transform(side, Operation.append(result, Component.length(head_b))) end # delete / retain defp do_transform({{head_a = %{d: _}, tail_a}, {head_b, tail_b}}, side, result) when is_integer(head_b) do {tail_a, tail_b} |> next |> do_transform(side, Operation.append(result, head_a)) end # delete / delete defp do_transform({{%{d: _}, tail_a}, {%{d: _}, tail_b}}, side, result) do {tail_a, tail_b} |> next |> do_transform(side, result) end @spec next(Scanner.input) :: Scanner.output defp next(scanner_input), do:, :insert) end
defmodule Fika.Compiler.TypeChecker.Match do alias Fika.Compiler.TypeChecker.Types, as: T @moduledoc """ This module takes care of the type checking needed for pattern matching. This is currently a naive algorithm with scope for optimization, but it should do for now. Here's how the algorithm works: 1. Expand all unions in the RHS and convert it into a list of possible types 2. Remove all types from this list which are matched by the LHS 3. Return {:ok, env, unmatched_types} when a match happens, Return :error if no match happens """ # Returns: # {:ok, env, unmatched_types} | :error def match_case(env, lhs_ast, rhs_types) when is_list(rhs_types) do find_unmatched(env, lhs_ast, rhs_types) end def match_case(env, lhs_ast, rhs_types) do match_case(env, lhs_ast, expand_unions(rhs_types)) end # Returns {:ok, env} | :error def match(env, lhs_ast, rhs_type) do case match_case(env, lhs_ast, rhs_type) do {:ok, env, []} -> {:ok, env} _ -> :error end end def expand_unions(%T.Union{types: types}) do Enum.flat_map(types, &expand_unions(&1)) end def expand_unions(%T.Tuple{elements: types}) do types |> do_expand_all() |>{elements: &1}) end def expand_unions(%T.Record{fields: key_values}) do {keys, values} = Enum.reduce(key_values, {[], []}, fn {k, v}, {ks, vs} -> {[k | ks], [v | vs]} end) keys = Enum.reverse(keys) values = Enum.reverse(values) values |> do_expand_all() |> values -> fields =, values) %T.Record{fields: fields} end) end def expand_unions(x) do [x] end def do_expand_all([]) do [[]] end def do_expand_all([type | rest]) do branches = expand_unions(type) next_branches = do_expand_all(rest) Enum.flat_map(branches, fn branch ->, fn next_branch -> [branch | next_branch] end) end) end defp find_unmatched(env, lhs_ast, all_rhs_types) do find_unmatched(env, lhs_ast, all_rhs_types, [], false) end defp find_unmatched(_, _, [], _, false) do :error end defp find_unmatched(env, _, [], acc, true) do {:ok, env, Enum.reverse(acc)} end defp find_unmatched(env, lhs_ast, [type | rest], acc, matched?) do case do_match_case(env, lhs_ast, type) do {:ok, env} -> find_unmatched(env, lhs_ast, rest, acc, true) {:keep, env} -> find_unmatched(env, lhs_ast, rest, [type | acc], true) :error -> find_unmatched(env, lhs_ast, rest, [type | acc], matched?) end end defp do_match_case_all(env, [], [], status) do {status, env} end defp do_match_case_all(env, [lhs_exp | lhs_exps], [type | rhs_types], status) do case do_match_case(env, lhs_exp, type) do :error -> :error {new_status, env} -> status = cond do new_status == :ok && status in [:ok, nil] -> :ok new_status == :keep -> :keep end do_match_case_all(env, lhs_exps, rhs_types, status) end end defp do_match_case(env, {:identifier, _, name}, rhs) do env = update_in(env, [:scope, name], fn nil -> rhs %T.Union{types: types} ->[rhs | T.Union.to_list(types)]) type ->[rhs, type]) end) {:ok, env} end defp do_match_case(env, {:atom, _, lhs_atom}, rhs_atom) when lhs_atom == rhs_atom do {:ok, env} end defp do_match_case(env, {:integer, _, _}, :Int) do {:keep, env} end defp do_match_case(env, {:string, _, _}, :String) do {:keep, env} end defp do_match_case(env, {:tuple, _, lhs_exps}, %T.Tuple{elements: rhs_types}) when length(lhs_exps) == length(rhs_types) do do_match_case_all(env, lhs_exps, rhs_types, nil) end defp do_match_case(env, {:record, _, _, lhs_k_v}, %T.Record{fields: rhs_k_v}) do rhs = # TODO: Use key instead of identifier after fixing GH #65 Enum.reduce_while(lhs_k_v, {nil, env}, fn {{:identifier, _, lhs_k}, lhs_v}, {status, env} -> rhs_v = Map.get(rhs, lhs_k) if rhs_v do case do_match_case(env, lhs_v, rhs_v) do :error -> {:halt, :error} {new_status, env} -> status = cond do new_status == :ok && status in [:ok, nil] -> :ok new_status == :keep -> :keep end {:cont, {status, env}} end else {:halt, :error} end end) end defp do_match_case(_, _, _) do :error end end
defmodule UeberauthToken.Strategy do @moduledoc """ A workflow for validation of oauth2 tokens on the resource server. The strategy `handle_callback/1` function is invoked for validation token calidation in either of the following cases: 1. As a plug in a plug pipeline which assigns an ueberauth struct to `%Conn{}` pipeline :api do plug :accepts, ["json"] plug UeberauthToken.Plug, provider: UeberauthToken.TestProvider end As a plug, the callback phase of ueberauth is adapted to validate the oauth2 access token. The ueberauth struct is returned in the assigns fields of the struct in one of the two following ways: # Failed validation Plug.Conn{assigns: %{ueberauth_failure: %Ueberauth.Failure{}}} # Successful validation Plug.Conn{assigns: %{ueberauth_auth: %Ueberauth.Auth{}}} 2. As a `token_auth/3` function call which returns an ueberauth struct. token_auth(token, provider, []) The `token_auth/3` validation function returns one of the following forms: # Failed validation %Ueberauth.Failure{} # Successful validation %Ueberauth.Auth{} See full description of the config options in `UeberauthToken.Config` @moduledoc. ## Defining an provider module An provider module must be specified in order for UeberauthToken to know what authorization server provider to validate against. The provider must implement the callbacks specified in the module `UeberauthToken.Strategy`. The following functions should be implemented by the provider module: @callback get_payload(token :: String.t(), opts :: list()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, map()} @callback valid_token?(token :: String.t(), opts :: list) :: boolean() @callback get_uid(conn :: Conn.t()) :: any() @callback get_credentials(conn :: Conn.t()) :: Credentials.t() @callback get_info(conn :: Conn.t()) :: Info.t() @callback get_extra(conn :: Conn.t()) :: Extra.t() @callback get_ttl(conn :: Conn.t()) :: integer() For a basic example of token validation in a plug pipeline, see `UeberauthToken.Plug` For a basic example of token validation as a function, see `UeberauthToken.token_auth/3` """ alias Ueberauth.Strategy.Helpers alias Ueberauth.Auth alias UeberauthToken.Config alias Plug.Conn.TokenParsingError alias Plug.Conn @behaviour Ueberauth.Strategy @ttl_offset 1_000 @doc false def handle_request!(%Conn{} = conn), do: conn @doc """ Handles the callback as follows: 1. Extracts token from "Bearer token" if it is in that format 2. Tries to get the token data from the cache if - The cache is turned on - The token is present in the cache already - If this stage successfully retrieves the token, then subsequent steps will be skipped. 3. By way of a callback function, it seeks data for populating the ueberauth struct using the token. The callback function must be provided through an provider in the config or can be provided manually in the `conn.assigns` field. 4. The provider will cache the data if the `use_cache` configuration option is set to true. """ @spec handle_callback!(Conn.t()) :: Conn.t() def handle_callback!( %Conn{ private: %{ ueberauth_token: %{ provider: provider, token: %{"authorization" => raw_token} } } } = conn ) do case raw_token do nil -> error = Helpers.error("token", "#{validation_error_msg(provider)}. Bearer token empty") rework_error_struct(Helpers.set_errors!(conn, [error]), provider) raw_token -> do_handle_callback(conn, raw_token) end end def handle_callback!( %Conn{ req_headers: req_headers, private: %{ ueberauth_token: %{ provider: provider } } } = conn ) do req_headers = Enum.into(req_headers, %{}) case Map.has_key?(req_headers, "authorization") do true -> do_handle_callback(conn, req_headers["authorization"]) false -> error = Helpers.error( "token", "#{validation_error_msg(provider)}. The authorization request header is missing" ) rework_error_struct(Helpers.set_errors!(conn, [error]), provider) end end defp do_handle_callback(conn, bearer_token) when is_binary(bearer_token) do access_token = extract_token(bearer_token) conn = with %Conn{ private: %{ ueberauth_token: %{ payload: _payload } } } = conn <- try_use_potentially_cached_data(conn, access_token) do conn else %Conn{} = conn -> get_payload_and_return_conn(conn, access_token) {:error, error} -> error = Helpers.error(error.key, error.message) rework_error_struct(Helpers.set_errors!(conn, [error]), provider(conn)) end conn end @doc """ Clean up private fields after construction of the Ueberauth struct """ def handle_cleanup!(%Conn{private: %{ueberauth_token: _}} = conn) do %{conn | private: Map.delete(conn.private, :ueberauth_token)} |> handle_cleanup!() end def handle_cleanup!(%Conn{} = conn) do conn end @doc false def uid(%Conn{} = conn), do: provider(conn).get_uid(conn) @doc false def credentials(%Conn{} = conn), do: provider(conn).get_credentials(conn) @doc false def info(%Conn{} = conn), do: provider(conn).get_info(conn) @doc false def extra(%Conn{} = conn), do: provider(conn).get_extra(conn) @doc false def auth(%Conn{} = conn) do Kernel.struct( Auth, provider: provider(conn), strategy: __MODULE__, uid: uid(conn), info: info(conn), extra: extra(conn), credentials: credentials(conn) ) end @doc false def valid_token?(token, provider, opts \\ []) when is_binary(token) and is_atom(provider) do provider.valid_token?(token, opts) end # private def extract_token(access_token) when is_binary(access_token) do try do ["", test] = String.split(access_token, "Bearer ") test rescue exception -> reraise( %TokenParsingError{ access_token: access_token, original_exception: exception }, System.stacktrace() ) end end defp get_payload_and_return_conn(%Conn{assigns: %{ueberauth_failure: _}} = conn, _) do conn end defp get_payload_and_return_conn( %Conn{ private: %{ ueberauth_token: ueberauth_token } } = conn, access_token ) do case provider(conn).get_payload(access_token) do {:ok, payload} -> maybe_put_cached_data(conn, access_token, payload) Conn.put_private(conn, :ueberauth_token, Map.put(ueberauth_token, :payload, payload)) {:error, error} -> error = Helpers.error(error.key, error.message) rework_error_struct(Helpers.set_errors!(conn, [error]), provider(conn)) end end defp maybe_put_cached_data(conn, access_token, payload) do with true <- Config.use_cache?(provider(conn)), {:ok, nil} <- Cachex.get(Config.cache_name(provider(conn)), access_token) do Cachex.put( Config.cache_name(provider(conn)), access_token, payload, ttl: provider(conn).get_ttl(payload) - @ttl_offset ) else # Not using cache at all. false -> :ok # Token already cached, do not interfere with existing ttl {:ok, _payload} -> :ok end end defp try_use_potentially_cached_data( %Conn{ private: %{ ueberauth_token: ueberauth_token } } = conn, access_token ) do with true <- Config.use_cache?(provider(conn)), {:ok, nil} <- Cachex.get(Config.cache_name(provider(conn)), access_token) do conn else {:ok, payload} -> Conn.put_private(conn, :ueberauth_token, Map.put(ueberauth_token, :payload, payload)) false -> conn _ -> conn end end defp provider(%Conn{private: %{ueberauth_token: %{provider: provider}}}) do provider end defp provider(%Conn{}) do raise("No provider found, a provider module must be specified") end defp put_strategy(%Conn{assigns: %{ueberauth_failure: failure}} = conn) do Conn.assign(conn, :ueberauth_failure, Map.put(failure, :strategy, __MODULE__)) end defp put_provider(%Conn{assigns: %{ueberauth_failure: failure}} = conn, provider) do Conn.assign(conn, :ueberauth_failure, Map.put(failure, :provider, provider)) end def rework_error_struct(%Conn{} = conn, provider) do conn |> put_strategy() |> put_provider(provider) end defp validation_error_msg(provider) when is_atom(provider) do provider = String.replace(Macro.underscore(provider), "/", "_") """ Token validation failed for a token against the #{provider} provider """ end @doc """ To get the payload. Callback function to be implemented by the provider The payload in turn is put into a private field `:ueberauth_token`. The payload is the map from which other callback functions will need to build the `:ueberauth` structs. """ @callback get_payload(token :: String.t(), opts :: list()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, %{key: String.t(), message: String.t()}} @doc """ Verifies a token. Callback function to be implemented by the provider. """ @callback valid_token?(token :: String.t(), opts :: list) :: boolean() @doc """ To populate the ueberauth uid struct from the payload in `:ueberauth_token` private conn field. Callback function to be implemented by the provider """ @callback get_uid(conn :: %Conn{private: %{ueberauth_token: %{payload: map()}}}) :: any() @doc """ To populate the ueberauth credentials struct from the payload in `:ueberauth_token` private conn field. Callback function to be implemented by the provider """ @callback get_credentials(conn :: %Conn{private: %{ueberauth_token: %{payload: map()}}}) :: Credentials.t() @doc """ To populate the ueberauth info struct from the payload in `:ueberauth_token` private conn field. Callback function to be implemented by the provider """ @callback get_info(conn :: %Conn{private: %{ueberauth_token: %{payload: map()}}}) :: Info.t() @doc """ To populate the ueberauth extra struct from the payload in `:ueberauth_token` private conn field. Callback function to be implemented by the provider """ @callback get_extra(conn :: %Conn{private: %{ueberauth_token: %{payload: map()}}}) :: Extra.t() @doc """ To get the ttl from the ueberauth struct. The ttl must be returned n milliseconds. Callback function to be implemented by the provider """ @callback get_ttl(payload :: map()) :: integer() end
defmodule PinElixir.Customer do import PinElixir.Utils.RequestOptions import PinElixir.Utils.Response @pin_url Application.get_env :pin_elixir, :pin_url @moduledoc """ Module handling customer operations """ @doc """ Given an email and card_map, creates a customer. The map may contain a card or a card token. ``` Customer.create("<EMAIL>", %{card_token: "abc_a123" }) ``` OR ``` card_map = %{ number: 4200000000000000, expiry_month: "10", expiry_year: 2016, cvc: 456, name: "<NAME>", address_line1: "The Game Keepers Cottage", address_city: "Hogwarts", address_postcode: "H0G", address_state: "WA", address_country: "Straya" } Customer.create("<EMAIL>", %{card: card_map}) ``` returns a tuple ``` {:ok, %{customer: %{card: %{address_city: "Hogwarts", address_country: "Straya", address_line1: "The Game Keepers Cottage", address_line2: nil, address_postcode: "H0G", address_state: "WA", customer_token: "<KEY>", display_number: "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0000", expiry_month: 10, expiry_year: 2016, name: "<NAME>", primary: true, scheme: "visa", token: "<KEY>"}, created_at: "2015-11-15T08:40:50Z", email: "<EMAIL>", token: "<KEY>"}}} ``` OR ``` {:error, error_map} ``` """ def create(email, %{card: card}) do Poison.encode!(%{email: email, card: card}) |> post_to_api |> handle_create_customer_response end def create(email, %{card_token: card_token}) do Poison.encode!(%{email: email, card_token: card_token}) |> post_to_api |> handle_create_customer_response end defp handle_create_customer_response(%{status_code: 201, body: body}) do decoded = decode(body) {:ok, %{customer: decoded.response}} end defp handle_create_customer_response(%{status_code: 422, body: body}) do body |> to_error_tuple end @doc """ Given a customer token, deletes the customer return a tuple ``` {:ok} ``` OR ``` {:error, error_map} ``` """ def delete(token) do HTTPotion.delete(customer_url <> "/#{token}", with_auth) |> handle_delete end defp handle_delete(%{status_code: 200}), do: :ok defp handle_delete(%{status_code: 422, body: body}) do body |> to_error_tuple end @doc """ Retrieves all customers Returns a tuple ``` {:ok, %{customers: [%{card: %{address_city: "Hogwarts", address_country: "Straya", address_line1: "The Game Keepers Cottage", address_line2: nil, address_postcode: "H0G", address_state: "WA", customer_token: "<KEY>", display_number: "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0000", expiry_month: 10, expiry_year: 2016, name: "<NAME>", primary: true, scheme: "visa", token: "<KEY>"}, created_at: "2015-11-15T08:40:50Z", email: "<EMAIL>", token: "<KEY>"} ], pagination: %{count: 3, current: 1, next: nil, pages: 1, per_page: 25, previous: nil}}} ``` OR {:error, error_map} """ def get do HTTPotion.get(customer_url, with_auth) |> handle_get_all end @doc """ Given a customer token, retrieves customer details Returns a tuple ``` {:ok, %{card: %{address_city: "Hogwarts", address_country: "Straya", address_line1: "The Game Keepers Cottage", address_line2: nil, address_postcode: "H0G", address_state: "WA", customer_token: "<KEY>", display_number: "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0000", expiry_month: 10, expiry_year: 2016, name: "<NAME>", primary: true, scheme: "visa", token: "<KEY>"}, created_at: "2015-11-15T08:40:50Z", email: "<EMAIL>", token: "<KEY>"}} ``` OR {:error, error_map} """ def get(id) do HTTPotion.get(customer_url <> "/#{id}", with_auth) |> handle_get end defp handle_get(%{status_code: 200, body: body}) do decoded = decode(body) {:ok, decoded.response} end defp handle_get(%{status_code: ___, body: body}) do body |> to_error_tuple end defp handle_get_all(%{status_code: 200, body: body}) do decoded = decode(body) mapped = %{pagination: decoded.pagination, customers: decoded.response} {:ok, mapped} end defp handle_get_all(%{status_code: ___, body: body}) do body |> to_error_tuple end defp customer_url do "https://#{@pin_url}/customers" end defp post_to_api(json) do, with_auth([headers: ["Content-Type": "application/json"], body: json])) end end
defmodule Screens.Util do @moduledoc false def format_time(t) do t |> DateTime.truncate(:second) |> DateTime.to_iso8601() end @spec time_period(DateTime.t()) :: :peak | :off_peak def time_period(utc_time) do {:ok, dt} = DateTime.shift_zone(utc_time, "America/New_York") day_of_week = dt |> DateTime.to_date() |> Date.day_of_week() weekday? = day_of_week in 1..5 t = {dt.hour, dt.minute} am_rush? = t >= {7, 0} and t < {9, 0} pm_rush? = t >= {16, 0} and t <= {18, 30} rush_hour? = am_rush? or pm_rush? if(weekday? and rush_hour?, do: :peak, else: :off_peak) end @doc """ Similar to Enum.group_by, except it returns a list of {key, value} tuples instead of a map to maintain order. Order of the groups is determined by the position of the first occurrence of a member of that group. iex> Screens.Util.group_by_with_order(0..10, &rem(&1, 3)) [ {0, [0, 3, 6, 9]}, {1, [1, 4, 7, 10]}, {2, [2, 5, 8]} ] iex> Screens.Util.group_by_with_order( [%{group_id: 2, val: :a}, %{group_id: 1, val: :b}, %{group_id: 2, val: :c}, %{group_id: 1, val: :d}], & &1.group_id ) [ {2, [%{group_id: 2, val: :a}, %{group_id: 2, val: :c}]}, {1, [%{group_id: 1, val: :b}, %{group_id: 1, val: :d}]}, ] """ @spec group_by_with_order(Enumerable.t(), (any() -> any())) :: [{any(), [any()]}] def group_by_with_order(enumerable, key_fun) do enumerable |> Enum.reduce([], fn entry, acc -> key = key_fun.(entry) group = acc |> List.keyfind(key, 0, {nil, []}) |> elem(1) List.keystore(acc, key, 0, {key, [entry | group]}) end) |> {key, group} -> {key, Enum.reverse(group)} end) end @doc """ Gets the keys of a struct given the module where the struct is defined. Converts the keys to strings by default. """ @spec struct_keys(module(), keyword()) :: list(atom()) | list(String.t()) def struct_keys(mod, opts \\ []) do keys = mod |> Map.from_struct() |> Map.keys() if Keyword.get(opts, :as_strings, true) do, &Atom.to_string/1) else keys end end @doc """ Similar to Enum.unzip, except it expects an enumerable of 3-element instead of 2-element tuples. """ @spec unzip3(Enum.t()) :: {[Enum.element()], [Enum.element()], [Enum.element()]} def unzip3(enumerable) do {list1, list2, list3} = Enum.reduce(enumerable, {[], [], []}, fn {el1, el2, el3}, {list1, list2, list3} -> {[el1 | list1], [el2 | list2], [el3 | list3]} end) {:lists.reverse(list1), :lists.reverse(list2), :lists.reverse(list3)} end @doc """ Returns a list of elements in an enumerable that occur before the given target value, or an empty list if the target is not present in the enumerable. """ @spec slice_before(Enum.t(), any()) :: list() def slice_before(enumerable, target) do case Enum.find_index(enumerable, &(&1 == target)) do nil -> [] i -> Enum.take(enumerable, i) end end @doc """ Returns a list of elements in an enumerable that occur after the given target value, or an empty list if the target is not present in the enumerable. """ @spec slice_after(Enum.t(), any()) :: list() def slice_after(list, target) do case Enum.find_index(list, &(&1 == target)) do nil -> [] i -> Enum.drop(list, i + 1) end end end
defmodule Hippocrene.Article do defstruct title: "", date: {1970, 1, 1}, author: "", body: [] def title(title), do: {:title, title} def date(year, month, day), do: {:date, {year, month, day}} def date(date) when is_tuple(date), do: {:date, date} def author(author), do: {:author, author} defmacro begin(do: {:__block__, _, blocks}), do: blocks defmacro begin(do: blocks), do: blocks defmacro begin(blocks), do: blocks @tags [:body, :par, :cite, :code, :item, :table] Enum.each @tags, fn (tag) -> defmacro unquote(tag)(do: {:__block__, _, blocks}) do tag = unquote(tag) quote do: {unquote(tag), unquote(blocks)} end defmacro unquote(tag)(do: line) do tag = unquote(tag) quote do: {unquote(tag), [unquote line]} end defmacro unquote(tag)(line) do tag = unquote(tag) quote do: {unquote(tag), [unquote line]} end end @tags_with_one_arg [:section, :code] Enum.each @tags_with_one_arg, fn (tag) -> defmacro unquote(tag)(arg, do: {:__block__, _, blocks}) do tag = unquote(tag) quote do: {unquote(tag), unquote(arg), unquote(blocks)} end defmacro unquote(tag)(arg, do: line) do tag = unquote(tag) quote do: {unquote(tag), unquote(arg), [unquote line]} end defmacro unquote(tag)(arg, line) do tag = unquote(tag) quote do: {unquote(tag), unquote(arg), [unquote line]} end end # define list(:bullet) and list(:numbered) @list_styles [:bullet, :numbered, "bullet", "numbered"] Enum.each @list_styles, fn (style) -> style_atom = if is_atom(style) do style else String.to_atom style end defmacro list(unquote(style), do: {:__block__, _, blocks}) do style_atom = unquote(style_atom) quote do: {unquote(style_atom), unquote(blocks)} end defmacro list(unquote(style), do: line) do style_atom = unquote(style_atom) quote do: {unquote(style_atom), [unquote line]} end end def header(headers), do: {:header, headers} def th(headers), do: {:header, headers} def row(data), do: {:row, data} def td(data), do: {:row, data} end
defmodule Shared.Month do defmodule InvalidMonthIndex do defexception [:message] end if Code.ensure_loaded?(Jason.Encoder) do @derive Jason.Encoder end @enforce_keys [:year, :month] defstruct [:year, :month] @type t :: %__MODULE__{ year: integer, month: integer } @doc ~S""" ## Examples iex>, 7) {:ok, %Month{year: 2019, month: 7}} iex>!(2019, 7) %Month{year: 2019, month: 7} iex>, 13) {:error, :invalid_month_index} iex>, 0) {:error, :invalid_month_index} iex>, -5) {:error, :invalid_month_index} """ def new(year, month) def new(year, month) when is_integer(year) and month in 1..12, do: {:ok, %__MODULE__{year: year, month: month}} def new(_, _), do: {:error, :invalid_month_index} @doc ~S""" ## Examples iex>!(2019, 7) %Month{year: 2019, month: 7} iex>!(2019, -7) ** (Shared.Month.InvalidMonthIndex) Month must be an integer between 1 and 12, but was -7 """ def new!(year, month) do case new(year, month) do {:ok, month} -> month {:error, :invalid_month_index} -> raise InvalidMonthIndex, "Month must be an integer between 1 and 12, but was " <> inspect(month) end end @doc ~S""" ## Examples: iex> Month.from_day(%Date{year: 2018, month: 5, day: 17}) {:ok, ~m[2018-05]} iex> Month.from_day(%Date{year: 2018, month: 13, day: 17}) {:error, :invalid_month_index} iex> Month.from_day(%Date{year: 2018, month: 0, day: 17}) {:error, :invalid_month_index} iex> Month.from_day(%Date{year: 2018, month: -1, day: 17}) {:error, :invalid_month_index} """ def from_day(%Date{year: year, month: month}) do new(year, month) end @doc ~S""" ## Examples iex> Month.from_day!(%Date{year: 2018, month: 5, day: 17}) %Month{year: 2018, month: 5} iex> Month.from_day!(%Date{year: 2018, month: 13, day: 17}) ** (Shared.Month.InvalidMonthIndex) Month must be an integer between 1 and 12, but was 13 """ def from_day!(%Date{year: year, month: month}) do new!(year, month) end @doc ~S""" ## Examples: iex> Month.parse("2019-10") {:ok, %Month{year: 2019, month: 10}} iex> Month.parse("2019-1") {:ok, %Month{year: 2019, month: 1}} iex> Month.parse("2019-00") {:error, :invalid_month_index} iex> Month.parse("2019-13") {:error, :invalid_month_index} iex> Month.parse("foo") {:error, :invalid_month_format} """ def parse(<<year::bytes-size(4)>> <> "-" <> <<month::bytes-size(2)>>) do new(String.to_integer(year), String.to_integer(month)) end def parse(<<year::bytes-size(4)>> <> "-" <> <<month::bytes-size(1)>>) do new(String.to_integer(year), String.to_integer(month)) end def parse(_str), do: {:error, :invalid_month_format} @doc ~S""" ## Examples iex> "Mai" """ def name(%__MODULE__{month: month}), do: Timex.month_name(month) @doc ~S""" ## Examples iex> Month.first_day(@third_month_of_2018) %Date{year: 2018, month: 3, day: 1} """ def first_day(%__MODULE__{} = month) do {first_day, _} = to_dates(month) first_day end @doc ~S""" ## Examples iex> Month.last_day(@third_month_of_2018) %Date{year: 2018, month: 3, day: 31} """ def last_day(%__MODULE__{} = month) do {_, last} = to_dates(month) last end @doc ~S""" ## Examples iex> Month.to_range(@third_month_of_2018) #DateRange<~D[2018-03-01], ~D[2018-03-31]> """ def to_range(%__MODULE__{} = month) do {first_day, last_day} = to_dates(month) Date.range(first_day, last_day) end @doc ~S""" ## Examples iex> Month.to_dates(@third_month_of_2018) {~D[2018-03-01], ~D[2018-03-31]} """ def to_dates(%__MODULE__{year: year, month: month}) do {:ok, first_day} =, month, 1) last_day = Timex.end_of_month(year, month) {first_day, last_day} end @doc ~S""" ## Examples iex> Month.add(@third_month_of_2018, 9) %Month{year: 2018, month: 12} iex> Month.add(@third_month_of_2018, 10) %Month{year: 2019, month: 1} iex> Month.add(@third_month_of_2018, 22) %Month{year: 2020, month: 1} iex> Month.add(@third_month_of_2018, -2) %Month{year: 2018, month: 1} iex> Month.add(@third_month_of_2018, -3) %Month{year: 2017, month: 12} iex> Month.add(@third_month_of_2018, -15) %Month{year: 2016, month: 12} iex> Month.add(@third_month_of_2018, 0) %Month{year: 2018, month: 3} """ def add(%__MODULE__{year: year, month: month}, months_to_add) when is_integer(months_to_add) do zero_based_month_index = month - 1 amount_of_months_since_anno_domini = year * 12 + zero_based_month_index + months_to_add {amount_of_years, amount_of_months} = divmod(amount_of_months_since_anno_domini, 12) %__MODULE__{year: amount_of_years, month: amount_of_months + 1} end defp divmod(dividend, divisor) do {div(dividend, divisor), mod(dividend, divisor)} end defp mod(x, y) when x > 0, do: rem(x, y) defp mod(x, y) when x < 0, do: rem(x, y) + y defp mod(0, _y), do: 0 @doc ~S""" ## Examples: iex> @third_month_of_2018 |> Month.earlier_than?(@third_month_of_2019) true iex> @third_month_of_2018 |> Month.earlier_than?(@third_month_of_2017) false iex> @third_month_of_2018 |> Month.earlier_than?(@fourth_month_of_2018) true iex> @third_month_of_2018 |> Month.earlier_than?(@second_month_of_2019) true iex> @third_month_of_2018 |> Month.earlier_than?(@third_month_of_2018) false iex> @third_month_of_2018 |> Month.earlier_than?(@second_month_of_2018) false """ def earlier_than?(%__MODULE__{year: year, month: month}, %__MODULE__{ year: other_year, month: other_month }) do year < other_year || (year == other_year && month < other_month) end @doc ~S""" ## Examples: iex> @third_month_of_2018 |> Month.equal_or_earlier_than?(@third_month_of_2019) true iex> @third_month_of_2018 |> Month.equal_or_earlier_than?(@third_month_of_2017) false iex> @third_month_of_2018 |> Month.equal_or_earlier_than?(@fourth_month_of_2018) true iex> @third_month_of_2018 |> Month.equal_or_earlier_than?(@second_month_of_2019) true iex> @third_month_of_2018 |> Month.equal_or_earlier_than?(@third_month_of_2018) true iex> @third_month_of_2018 |> Month.equal_or_earlier_than?(@second_month_of_2018) false """ def equal_or_earlier_than?(%__MODULE__{} = month, %__MODULE__{} = other_month) do month == other_month || earlier_than?(month, other_month) end @doc ~S""" ## Examples: iex> @third_month_of_2018 |> :eq iex> @second_month_of_2018 |> :lt iex> @fifth_month_of_2020 |> :gt """ def compare(%__MODULE__{year: year, month: month}, %__MODULE__{ year: year, month: month }), do: :eq def compare(%__MODULE__{} = first, %__MODULE__{} = second) do if first |> earlier_than?(second) do :lt else :gt end end def compare(%Date{} = first, %__MODULE__{} = second) do first |> from_day!() |> compare(second) end def compare(%__MODULE__{} = first, %Date{} = second) do compare(first, from_day!(second)) end @doc ~S""" ## Examples iex> ~m[2018-05] %Month{year: 2018, month: 5} """ def sigil_m(string, []) do with {:ok, month} <- parse(string) do month else _ -> raise "Invalid month" end end defimpl String.Chars, for: Shared.Month do alias Shared.Month def to_string(%Month{year: year, month: month}) do "#{year}-#{format_month(month)}" end defp format_month(month) do month |> Integer.to_string() |> String.pad_leading(2, "0") end end defimpl Inspect, for: Shared.Month do alias Shared.Month def inspect(%Month{year: year, month: month} = month_struct, _) when is_integer(year) and is_integer(month) do "~m[" <> to_string(month_struct) <> "]" end def inspect(%Month{year: year, month: month}, _) do "#Month" <> "<year: " <> Inspect.inspect(year, %Inspect.Opts{}) <> ", month: " <> Inspect.inspect(month, %Inspect.Opts{}) <> ">" end end defimpl Shared.Zeitvergleich, for: Shared.Month do alias Shared.Month def frueher_als?(%Month{} = self, %Month{} = other) do, other) == :lt end def zeitgleich?(%Month{} = self, %Month{} = other) do, other) == :eq end def frueher_als_oder_zeitgleich?(%Month{} = self, %Month{} = other) do self |> frueher_als?(other) || self |> zeitgleich?(other) end end end
defmodule Shipping.HandlingEvents do @moduledoc """ The Handling Events Aggregate*. Its root is the module Shipping.HandlingEvent From the DDD book: [An AGGREGATE is] a cluster of associated objects that are treated as a unit for the purgpose of data changes. External references are restricted to one member of the AGGREGATE, designated as the root. """ import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Shipping.Repo alias Shipping.HandlingEvents.HandlingEvent @doc """ Returns the list of all handling_events. ## Examples iex> list_handling_events() [%HandlingEvent{}, ...] """ def list_handling_events do Repo.all(HandlingEvent) end @doc """ Gets all handling events for a tracking id and returns them in completion_time order with the newest first. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Handling event does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_handling_event_by_tracking_id!(123) [%HandlingEvent{}] iex> get_handling_event_by_tracking_id!(456) [] """ def get_all_with_tracking_id!(tracking_id) do Repo.get_by_tracking_id!(HandlingEvent, tracking_id) |> Enum.sort(&(&1.completion_time >= &2.completion_time)) end @doc """ Gets a single handling_event. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Handling event does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_handling_event!(123) %HandlingEvent{} iex> get_handling_event!(456) [] """ def get_handling_event!(id), do: Repo.get!(HandlingEvent, id) @doc """ Creates a handling_event. ## Examples iex> create_handling_event(%{field: value}) {:ok, %HandlingEvent{}} iex> create_handling_event(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_handling_event(attrs \\ %{}) do |> HandlingEvent.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking handling_event changes. ## Examples iex> change_handling_event(handling_event) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %HandlingEvent{}} """ def change_handling_event(%HandlingEvent{} = handling_event) do HandlingEvent.changeset(handling_event, %{}) end end
defmodule Ecto.Adapters.Postgres do @moduledoc """ Adapter module for PostgreSQL. It handles and pools the connections to the postgres database using `postgrex` with `poolboy`. ## Options Postgrex options split in different categories described below. All options should be given via the repository configuration. ### Connection options * `:hostname` - Server hostname * `:port` - Server port (default: 5432) * `:username` - Username * `:password` - <PASSWORD> * `:parameters` - Keyword list of connection parameters * `:ssl` - Set to true if ssl should be used (default: false) * `:ssl_opts` - A list of ssl options, see Erlang's `ssl` docs ### Pool options * `:size` - The number of connections to keep in the pool * `:max_overflow` - The maximum overflow of connections (see poolboy docs) * `:lazy` - If false all connections will be started immediately on Repo startup (default: true) ### Storage options * `:template` - the template to create the database from (default: "template0") * `:encoding` - the database encoding (default: "UTF8") * `:lc_collate` - the collation order (default: "en_US.UTF-8") * `:lc_ctype` - the character classification (default: "en_US.UTF-8") """ use Ecto.Adapters.SQL, :postgrex @behaviour Ecto.Adapter.Storage ## Storage API @doc false def storage_up(opts) do database = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :database) template = Keyword.get(opts, :template, "template0") encoding = Keyword.get(opts, :encoding, "UTF8") lc_collate = Keyword.get(opts, :lc_collate, "en_US.UTF-8") lc_ctype = Keyword.get(opts, :lc_ctype, "en_US.UTF-8") output = run_with_psql opts, "CREATE DATABASE " <> database <> " " <> "TEMPLATE=#{template} ENCODING='#{encoding}' " <> "LC_COLLATE='#{lc_collate}' LC_CTYPE='#{lc_ctype}'" cond do String.length(output) == 0 -> :ok String.contains?(output, "already exists") -> {:error, :already_up} true -> {:error, output} end end @doc false def storage_down(opts) do output = run_with_psql(opts, "DROP DATABASE #{opts[:database]}") cond do String.length(output) == 0 -> :ok String.contains?(output, "does not exist") -> {:error, :already_down} true -> {:error, output} end end defp run_with_psql(database, sql_command) do command = "" if password = database[:password] do command = ~s(PGPASSWORD=#{password} ) end if username = database[:username] do command = ~s(PGUSER=#{username} ) <> command end if port = database[:port] do command = ~s(PGPORT=#{port} ) <> command end command = command <> ~s(psql --quiet ) <> ~s(template1 ) <> ~s(--host #{database[:hostname]} ) <> ~s(-c "#{sql_command};" ) String.to_char_list(command) |> :os.cmd |> List.to_string end end
defmodule Freshcom.Request do @moduledoc """ Use this module to wrap and modify request data to pass in to API functions. ## Fields - `requester_id` - The user's ID that is making this request. - `client_id` - The app's ID that is making the request on behalf of the user. - `account_id` - The target account's ID. - `filter` - A filter to apply if you are calling an API function that list some resources. Please see `Freshcom.Filter` for the format of the filter to provide. All other fields are self explanatory. Not all fields are used for all API functions, for example if you provide a pagination for a function that create a single resource it will have no effect. Fields in the form of `_****_` are not meant to be directly used, you should never set them to any user provided data. These fields are used by the internal system. """ use TypedStruct typedstruct do field :requester_id, String.t() field :client_id, String.t() field :account_id, String.t() field :data, map(), default: %{} field :identifier, map(), default: %{} field :filter, list(), default: [] field :search, String.t() field :pagination, map() | nil, default: %{size: 25, number: 1} field :sort, list(), default: [] field :include, [String.t()] field :locale, String.t() field :_requester_, map() field :_client_, map() field :_role_, String.t() field :_account_, map() field :_default_locale_, String.t() field :_identifiable_keys_, atom | [String.t()], default: :all field :_include_filters_, map(), default: %{} field :_filterable_keys_, atom | [String.t()], default: :all field :_searchable_keys_, [String.t()], default: [] field :_sortable_keys_, [String.t()], default: :all end def put(req, root_key, key, value) do root_value = req |> Map.get(root_key) |> Map.put(key, value) Map.put(req, root_key, root_value) end def put(req, key, value), do: Map.put(req, key, value) end
defmodule Quack.Formatter do @moduledoc """ Module responsible for formatting and composing messages to be sent to slack """ import Logger.Formatter, only: [format_date: 1, format_time: 1] @doc """ Function to compose a new message based on event data """ def create_message({level, message, timestamp, ""}) do %{ text: "*Incoming Log*", attachments: [ %{ author_name: "Quack - Elixir logging for Slack", author_link: "", color: get_colour(level), fields: [ %{ title: "Priority", value: Atom.to_string(level), short: false }, %{ title: "Timestamp", value: parse_ts(timestamp), short: false }, %{ title: "Message", value: to_preformatted(message) } ] } ] } end def create_message({level, message, timestamp, metadata}) do %{ text: "*Incoming Log*", attachments: [ %{ author_name: "Quack - Elixir logging for Slack", author_link: "", color: get_colour(level), fields: [ %{ title: "Priority", value: Atom.to_string(level), short: false }, %{ title: "Timestamp", value: parse_ts(timestamp), short: false }, %{ title: "Metadata", value: metadata }, %{ title: "Message", value: to_preformatted(message) } ] } ] } end @doc """ Function to format text as code iex> Quack.Formatter.to_code("example") "`example`" """ def to_code(text), do: ~s(`#{text}`) @doc """ Function to format text as preformatted iex> Quack.Formatter.to_preformatted("example") "```example```" """ def to_preformatted(text), do: ~s(```#{text}```) @doc """ Function to format text as bold iex> Quack.Formatter.to_bold("example") "*example*" """ def to_bold(text), do: ~s(*#{text}*) @doc """ Function to format text as italics iex> Quack.Formatter.to_italics("example") "_example_" """ def to_italics(text), do: ~s(_#{text}_) @doc """ Function to format text as a quote iex> Quack.Formatter.to_quote("example") ">example" """ def to_quote(text), do: ~s(>#{text}) @doc """ Function to format a timestamp as a string iex>Quack.Formatter.parse_ts({{2018, 11, 5}, {15, 4, 46, 613}}) "2018-11-05 15:04:46.613" """ def parse_ts({date, time}) do d = date |> format_date() |> to_string() t = time |> format_time |> to_string d <> " " <> t end # Function to return a colour based on logger level defp get_colour(:debug), do: "#9215E8" defp get_colour(:info), do: "#00B4FF" defp get_colour(:warn), do: "#E8BD08" defp get_colour(:error), do: "#FF3B0A" end
defmodule Hyperex.Flattree do @moduledoc """ A Flat Tree is a deterministic way of using a list as an index for nodes in a tree. Essentially a simpler way of representing the position of nodes. A Flat Tree is also refered to as 'bin numbers' described here in RFC 7574: As an example (from the RFC), here's a tree with a width of 8 leafs and a depth of 3: ```text 3 7 |-------|--------| 2 3 11 |----|----| |----|----| 1 1 5 9 13 |-|-| |-|-| |-|-| |-|-| Depth 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 The flat tree is the list [0..14]. The content/leafs are C0..C7 ``` Using the flat tree, we can see that index: - 7 represents all the content (C0..C7) - 1 represents C0 and C1 - 3 represent C0..C3 ... etc ... Even numbers are always leafs at depth 0 Odd numbers are parents at depths > 0 """ use Bitwise, only_operators: true @doc """ Calculate the index given the depth and offset in the tree """ @spec index(depth :: pos_integer, offset :: pos_integer) :: pos_integer def index(depth, offset) do offset <<< (depth + 1) ||| (1 <<< depth) - 1 end @doc """ Find the depth of the tree for a given index in the array. Zero-based index ``` Ex: depth(1) == 1 depth(5) == 1 depth(3) == 2 ``` """ @spec depth(index :: non_neg_integer) :: non_neg_integer def depth(index) do walk_depth(index + 1, 0) end defp walk_depth(index, depth) do case index &&& 1 do 0 -> i = index >>> 1 walk_depth(i, depth + 1) _ -> depth end end @doc """ Return the offset for an index from the left side of the tree. ```text For example: (0, 1, 3, 7) have an offset of 0 (Tree is rotated to right in diagram) (0)┐ (1)┐ 2─┘ │ (3)┐ 4─┐ │ │ 5─┘ │ 6─┘ │ (7) While (2, 5, 11) have an offset of 1: 0──┐ 1──┐ (2)─┘ │ 3──┐ 4──┐ │ │ (5)─┘ │ 6──┘ │ 7 8──┐ │ 9──┐ │ 10──┘ │ │ (11)─┘ 12──┐ │ 13──┘ 14──┘ ``` """ @spec offset(index :: non_neg_integer) :: non_neg_integer def offset(index) when (index &&& 1) == 0 do index >>> 1 end def offset(index) do d = depth(index) v = div(index + 1, 1 <<< d) v >>> 1 end @doc """ Return the parent of the given index ```text Given: 1 / \\ 0 2 1 = parent(2) ``` """ @spec parent(index :: non_neg_integer) :: non_neg_integer def parent(index) do d = depth(index) index(d + 1, offset(index) >>> 1) end @doc """ Return the index of node that shares a parent ```text Given: 1 / \\ 0 2 0 = sibling(2) ``` """ @spec sibling(index :: non_neg_integer) :: non_neg_integer def sibling(index) do d = depth(index) index(d, :erlang.bxor(offset(index), 1)) end @doc """ Return the uncle of the index. The uncle is the parent's sibling ```text 3 / \\ 1 5 / \\ / \\ 0 2 4 6 5 = uncle(0) 1 = uncle(4) ``` """ @spec uncle(index :: non_neg_integer) :: non_neg_integer def uncle(index) do d = depth(index) index(d + 1, :erlang.bxor(offset(parent(index)), 1)) end @doc """ Return the children of a given index If the given index is a leaf or depth == 0 (still a leaf) return: `:none` """ @spec children(non_neg_integer) :: {non_neg_integer, non_neg_integer} def children(index) do get_children(index, depth(index)) end # No children of a leaf defp get_children(index, _) when (index &&& 1) == 0, do: :none # No children at depth 0 defp get_children(_, 0), do: :none defp get_children(index, depth) do off = offset(index) * 2 {index(depth - 1, off), index(depth - 1, off + 1)} end @doc """ Get the child to the left of the given index If the index is a leaf, or depth == 0, return :none """ @spec left_child(index :: non_neg_integer) :: :none | pos_integer def left_child(index) do d = depth(index) get_left_child(index, d) end defp get_left_child(index, _) when (index &&& 1) == 0, do: :none defp get_left_child(_, 0), do: :none defp get_left_child(index, depth) do index(depth - 1, offset(index) <<< 1) end @doc """ Get the right child for the given index If the index is a leaf, or depth == 0, return :none """ @spec right_child(index :: pos_integer) :: :none | pos_integer def right_child(index) do d = depth(index) get_right_child(index, d) end defp get_right_child(index, _) when (index &&& 1) == 0, do: :none defp get_right_child(_, 0), do: :none defp get_right_child(index, depth) do index(depth - 1, (offset(index) <<< 1) + 1) end @doc """ Return the whole span for the given index, from left to right """ @spec spans(index :: pos_integer) :: {:none | pos_integer, :none | pos_integer} def spans(index) do {left_span(index), right_span(index)} end @doc """ Get the left most child from the index. Note, this could be a 'grandchild'. If depth is 0, return :none """ @spec left_span(index :: pos_integer) :: :none | pos_integer def left_span(index) do d = depth(index) case d do 0 -> :none _ -> offset(index) * (2 <<< d) end end @doc """ Get the right most child from the index. Note, this could be a grandchild If depth = 0, return :none """ @spec right_span(index :: integer) :: :none | integer def right_span(index) do d = depth(index) case d do 0 -> :none _ -> (offset(index) + 1) * (2 <<< d) - 2 end end @doc """ Return the count of all nodes in the subtree at the given index. Note, the count *includes* the node at the index. For example 3 = count(1) includes the node 1,2,3 """ @spec count(index :: pos_integer) :: pos_integer def count(index) do (2 <<< depth(index)) - 1 end @doc """ Return a list of indices that represent the full nodes (and subtrees) to the left of the given index. Note, the given index must be a leaf (even) index. For example, given: ```text 3 |----|----| 1 5 |---|---| |---|---| 0 2 4 6 [1,4] = full_roots(6) [1] = full_roots(4) [] = full_roots(0) ``` """ @spec full_roots(index :: pos_integer) :: list | {:error, :only_leaf_indices_allowed} def full_roots(index) when (index &&& 1) == 1, do: {:error, :only_leaf_indices_allowed} def full_roots(index), do: walk_roots(index >>> 1, 0, 1, []) defp walk_roots(0, _, _, nodes), do: Enum.reverse(nodes) defp walk_roots(index, offset, factor, nodes) do next_factor = determine_factor(factor, index) walk_roots( index - next_factor, offset + 2 * next_factor, 1, [ offset + next_factor - 1 | nodes ] ) end defp determine_factor(factor, index) when factor * 2 <= index do determine_factor(factor * 2, index) end defp determine_factor(factor, _), do: factor end
defmodule JuliaPort do @moduledoc """ example project to invoke julia functions in elixir to do scientific computing using port and metaprogramming """ alias JuliaPort.GenFunction use GenFunction, rand: 2, sum: 1, *: 2 use GenFunction, init_network: 1, train: 3, net_eval: 2 use GenFunction, load_data: 1, lr_train: 2, lr_test: 3 @doc """ open a port to start a julia process """ def init() do{:spawn, "julia"}, [:binary]) end @doc """ close a port to end a julia process """ def terminate(port) do send(port, {self(), :close}) end @doc """ example to print julia version """ def print_version(port) do port_send(port, "VERSION") IO.puts(port_receive(port, true)) end @doc """ example to do arithmetics """ def simple_test(port) do port_send(port, "1+2") IO.puts(port_receive(port, true)) end @doc """ example to do linear algebra """ def complex_test(port) do rand(port, :a, 3, 3) rand(port, :b, 3, 3) JuliaPort.*(port, :c, :a, :b) port_receive(port, false) sum(port, :d, :c) IO.puts(port_receive(port, true)) end @doc """ example to do neural network prerequisite: [`BackpropNeuralNet`]( installed """ def real_test(port) do port_send(port, "using BackpropNeuralNet") init_network(port, :net, [2, 3, 2]) port_receive(port, false) train(port, :result1, :net, [0.15, 0.7], [0.1, 0.9]) IO.puts(port_receive(port, true)) net_eval(port, :result2, :net, [0.15, 0.7]) IO.puts(port_receive(port, true)) end @doc """ example to do linear regression """ def script_test(port) do include_script(port, "./julia/lr.jl") load_data(port, {:x_train, :y_train}, "./data/train") load_data(port, {:x_test, :y_test}, "./data/test") lr_train(port, :beta, :x_train, :y_train) port_receive(port, false) lr_test(port, :error, :x_test, :y_test, :beta) IO.puts(port_receive(port, true)) end @doc """ send a command through a port """ def port_send(port, command) do send(port, {self(), {:command, command <> "\n"}}) end @doc """ include a script in julia repl """ def include_script(port, path) do port_send(port, "include(\"" <> path <> "\")") end @doc """ recieve messages from a port remark: a trick to use Ω and ω as finished signal """ def port_receive(port, verbose?) do port_send(port, ":Ω") loop(verbose?, "") end @doc """ helper function to recieve messages remark: one may modify this function to customise output format """ def loop(verbose?, data) do receive do {_pid, {:data, raw}} -> data_new = String.replace(raw, "\n", "ω") |> String.trim() |> String.replace("ω", " ") cond do String.contains?(data_new, "Ω") -> if verbose?, do: "received data: " <> String.trim(data) data_new == ":" or data_new == "" -> loop(verbose?, data) true -> loop(verbose?, data <> data_new) end _ -> raise "receive error" end end end
defmodule ExifParser do @moduledoc """ Parse EXIF/TIFF metadata from JPEG and TIFF files. Exif/TIFF referes to the metadata added to jpeg images. It is encoded as part of the jpeg file. There are multiple so-called "Image File Directories" or IFD that store information about the image. + IFD0 generally stores the image, EXIF and GPS metadata + IFD1 when available stores the information about a thumbnail image. ## Usage ### Read from jpeg file Read data from a binary jpeg file. ``` iex(1)> {:ok, tags} = ExifParser.parse_jpeg_file("/path/to/file.jpg") {:ok, %{ ifd0: %{ date_time: "2008:07:31 10:05:49", exif: %{color_space: 1, pixel_x_dimension: 100, pixel_y_dimension: 77}, orientation: 1, resolution_unit: 2, software: "GIMP 2.4.5", x_resolution: 300.0, y_resolution: 300.0 }, ifd1: %{ compression: 6, jpeg_interchange_format: 282, jpeg_interchange_format_length: 2022, resolution_unit: 2, x_resolution: 72.0, y_resolution: 72.0 } }} ``` A specific tag data can be retrived by ``` iex(2)> tags.ifd0.date_time "2008:07:31 10:05:49" iex(3)> tags.ifd0.exif.color_space 1 ``` ### Read from tiff file Data can also be read from binary tiff files. ``` iex(2)> {:ok, tags} = ExifParser.parse_tiff_file("/home/sri/exif_tests/test1.tiff") {:ok, %{ ifd0: %{ bits_per_sample: '\b\b\b\b', compression: 5, extra_samples: 1, image_length: 38, image_width: 174, orientation: 1, photometric_interpretation: 2, planar_configuration: 1, predictor: 2, rows_per_strip: 38, sample_format: [1, 1, 1, 1], samples_per_pixel: 4, strip_byte_counts: 6391, strip_offsets: 8 }} ``` """ @max_length 2 * (65536 + 2) # jpeg constants @jpeg_start_of_image 0xFFD8 @jpeg_app1 0xFFE1 alias ExifParser.Header alias ExifParser.ImageFileDirectory, as: IFD alias ExifParser.CustomLocationTag, as: CLT defmodule Options do @moduledoc """ Options that are passed to the API. Currently only two options are used. ### prettify This enables makes the tag output pretty. The values can be set to false to get data used to parse. **Default: true** ### tag_offsets_and_names This lets the user parse custom tags at custom memory locations. ``` %ExifParser.Options { tag_offsets_and_names: [{MEMORY_LOCATION, :custom_tag_name}] } ``` """ defstruct prettify: true, tag_offsets_and_names: nil @type t :: %__MODULE__{ prettify: Boolean, tag_offsets_and_names: map } end @doc """ EXIF/TIFF data can be loaded from tiff binary files ``` ExifParser.parse_tiff_file("/path/to/file.tiff") ``` returns ``` {:ok, tags} ``` """ def parse_tiff_file(filepath, options \\ %ExifParser.Options{}) do with {:ok, buffer} <-, [:read], &IO.binread(&1, @max_length)), {:ok, tiff} <- parse_tiff_binary(buffer, options) do {:ok, tiff} else err -> err end end @doc """ EXIF/TIFF data can be loaded from tiff binary buffers """ def parse_tiff_binary( <<header::binary-size(8), _rest::binary>> = start_of_tiff, options \\ %ExifParser.Options{} ) do with {:ok, header} <- Header.parse(header), tags <- IFD.parse_tiff_body( header.identifier, start_of_tiff, header.ifd_offset, options.prettify ), custom_tags <- CLT.parse_custom_tags( options.tag_offsets_and_names, header.identifier, start_of_tiff, options.prettify ) do case custom_tags do nil -> {:ok, tags} custom_tags -> {:ok, tags, custom_tags} end else err -> err end end @doc """ EXIF/TIFF data can be loaded from jpeg binary files ``` ExifParser.parse_jpeg_file("/path/to/file.jpeg") ``` returns ``` {:ok, tags} ``` """ def parse_jpeg_file(filepath, options \\ %ExifParser.Options{}) do with {:ok, buffer} <-, [:read], &IO.binread(&1, @max_length)), {:ok, buffer} <- find_app1(buffer), {:ok, tiff} <- parse_tiff_binary(buffer, options) do {:ok, tiff} else err -> err end end defp find_app1(<<@jpeg_app1::16, _length::16, "Exif"::binary, 0::16, rest::binary>>), do: {:ok, rest} defp find_app1(<<@jpeg_start_of_image::16, rest::binary>>), do: find_app1(rest) defp find_app1(<<0xFF::8, _num::8, len::16, rest::binary>>) do # Not app1, skip it # the len desciption is part of the length len = len - 2 <<_skip::size(len)-unit(8), rest::binary>> = rest find_app1(rest) end defp find_app1(_), do: {:error, "Can't find app1 in jpeg image"} end
defmodule RatchetWrench.Model do @moduledoc """ Define struct module of record in database. ## Examples ```elixir defmodule Data do use RatchetWrench.Model schema do uuid :data_id pk: [:data_id] attributes data_id: {"STRING", nil}, string: {"STRING", ""}, bool: {"BOOL", nil }, int: {"INT64", nil}, float: {"FLOAT64", nil}, date: {"DATE", nil}, time_stamp: {"TIMESTAMP", nil} end end ``` """ defmacro __using__(_) do quote do table_name = __MODULE__ |> Atom.to_string() |> String.split(".") |> List.last() |> Macro.underscore() |> String.downcase() |> Inflex.pluralize() default_table_name = "#{table_name}" Module.put_attribute(__MODULE__, :table_name, default_table_name) Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :uuid, accumulate: false) Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :pk, accumulate: false) Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :interleave, accumulate: false) Module.register_attribute(__MODULE__, :attributes, accumulate: true) import RatchetWrench.Model end end defmacro schema(do: block) do do_schema(block) end defp do_schema(block) do quote do unquote(block) table_name = Module.get_attribute(__ENV__.module, :table_name) Module.put_attribute(__ENV__.module, :table_name, table_name) uuid = Module.get_attribute(__ENV__.module, :uuid) Module.put_attribute(__ENV__.module, :uuid, uuid) pk = Module.get_attribute(__ENV__.module, :pk) Module.put_attribute(__ENV__.module, :pk, pk) interleave = Module.get_attribute(__ENV__.module, :interleave) if interleave == nil do interleave = [] Module.put_attribute(__ENV__.module, :interleave, interleave) else Module.put_attribute(__ENV__.module, :interleave, interleave) end Module.eval_quoted(__ENV__, [ RatchetWrench.Model.__defstruct__(__ENV__.module), RatchetWrench.Model.__valid_define_uuid__!(__ENV__.module), RatchetWrench.Model.__valid_define_pk__!(__ENV__.module), RatchetWrench.Model.__valid_define_interleave__!(__ENV__.module), RatchetWrench.Model.__def_helper_funcs__(__ENV__.module) ]) end end def __defstruct__(target) do quote bind_quoted: [target: target] do attributes = Module.get_attribute(target, :attributes) fields = attributes |> {name, {_type, default}} -> {name, default} end) defstruct fields end end def __valid_define_uuid__!(mod) do attributes = Module.get_attribute(mod, :attributes) uuid = Module.get_attribute(mod, :uuid) unless defined_column?(attributes, uuid) do raise "Not define uuid in #{mod} module schema" end end def __valid_define_pk__!(mod) do attributes = Module.get_attribute(mod, :attributes) pk = Module.get_attribute(mod, :pk) if pk == nil do raise "Must set pk in #{mod} module schema" end result =, fn key -> defined_column?(attributes, key) end) |> Enum.all?() if result == false do raise "Not define colum name in #{mod} module schema pk" end end def __valid_define_interleave__!(mod) do attributes = Module.get_attribute(mod, :attributes) interleave = Module.get_attribute(mod, :interleave) result =, fn key -> defined_column?(attributes, key) end) |> Enum.all?() if result == false do raise "Not define colum name in #{mod} module schema interleave" end end def defined_column?(attributes, target) do result = attributes |> {name, {_type, _default}} -> "#{name}" == "#{target}" end) |> Enum.any?() if result == false do false else true end end def __def_helper_funcs__(mod) do table_name = Module.get_attribute(mod, :table_name) attributes = Module.get_attribute(mod, :attributes) uuid = Module.get_attribute(mod, :uuid) pk = Module.get_attribute(mod, :pk) interleave = Module.get_attribute(mod, :interleave) quote do def __table_name__, do: unquote(table_name) def __attributes__, do: unquote(attributes) def __uuid__, do: unquote(uuid) def __pk__, do: unquote(pk) def __interleave__, do: unquote(interleave) end end defmacro table_name(table_name) do quote bind_quoted: [table_name: table_name] do RatchetWrench.Model.__table_name__(__MODULE__, table_name) end end def __table_name__(mod, table_name) do Module.put_attribute(mod, :table_name, table_name) end defmacro attributes(decl) do {list_of_attrs, _} = Code.eval_quoted(decl) for attr <- list_of_attrs do quote do: attribute([unquote(attr)]) end end defmacro attribute(decl) do quote bind_quoted: [decl: decl] do {name, type, default} = case decl do [{name, {type, default}}] -> {name, type, default} end RatchetWrench.Model.__attribute__(__MODULE__, name, type, default) end end def __attribute__(mod, name, type, default) do Module.put_attribute(mod, :attributes, {name, {type, default}}) end defmacro uuid(uuid) do quote bind_quoted: [uuid: uuid] do RatchetWrench.Model.__uuid__(__MODULE__, uuid) end end def __uuid__(mod, uuid) do Module.put_attribute(mod, :uuid, uuid) end defmacro pk(pk) do quote bind_quoted: [pk: pk] do RatchetWrench.Model.__pk__(__MODULE__, pk) end end def __pk__(mod, pk) do Module.put_attribute(mod, :pk, pk) end defmacro interleave(interleave) do quote bind_quoted: [interleave: interleave] do RatchetWrench.Model.__interleave__(__MODULE__, interleave) end end def __interleave__(mod, interleave) do Module.put_attribute(mod, :interleave, interleave) end end
defmodule Combinators do @moduledoc """ This module provides fundamental combinators for matching and parsing strings. All public functions in this module return a function which takes a `State`, and optionally, a `label` and a `visitor` function. `State`: struct with the original string and an offset from where the new matching should start. `label`: An identifier for this combinator. Defaults to the name of the combinator function `visitor`: A function that transforms the node created by this combinator. Defaults to `nil` (no transformation is done) Return value: An anonymous function. These anonymous functions simply return `nil` if no match was found. When a match has been found it will return a 2-tuple `{nodes, new_state}`. `nodes` is a list where the head is the label of the combinator and the tail is a list of consumed substring by that combinator. `new_state` is the `State` struct with the original string and a new offset. """ @type state :: %State{string: binary, offset: integer} @doc """ Match a literal string and return a new `State` with the next offset """ @spec str(string :: binary, visitor :: (any -> any) | nil) :: (state -> {[any], state} | nil) def str(string, label \\ :lit_str, visitor \\ nil) do fn state -> len = String.length(string) chunk = State.peek(state, len) if chunk == string do {[label, hd(apply_visitor([chunk], visitor))],, len)} end end end @doc """ Attempt to match a single character against the given regex range or character class """ @spec char(pattern :: binary, visitor :: (any -> any) | nil) :: (state -> {[any], state} | nil) def char(pattern, label \\ :char, visitor \\ nil) do fn state -> chunk = State.peek(state, 1) if chunk =~ ~r{[#{pattern}]} do {[label, hd(apply_visitor([chunk], visitor))],, 1)} end end end def opt(parser, label \\ :opt, visitor \\ nil) do fn state -> case parser.(state) do {node, new_state} -> {node, new_state} _ -> {[label, []], state} end end end @doc """ Match all the given combinators sequentially. If any of the combinators fails to parse, that is, it returns `nil`, this function will also return `nil`. One way to look at it as as a chain of logical conjunction: `parser_1 ∧ parser_2 ∧ ... ∧ parser_n` """ @spec seq(parsers :: [function], visitor :: (any -> any) | nil) :: (state -> {[any], state} | nil) def seq(parsers, label \\ :seq, visitor \\ nil) do fn state -> {nodes, new_state} = Enum.reduce_while(parsers, {[], state}, fn parser, {acc_nodes, acc_state} -> case parser.(acc_state) do {node, new_state} -> {:cont, {acc_nodes ++ [node], new_state}} nil -> {:halt, {acc_nodes, nil}} end end) if new_state do {[label | apply_visitor(nodes, visitor)], new_state} end end end @doc """ Return `nil` for negative numbers of repetitions """ @spec rep(any(), n :: integer()) :: nil def rep(_, n) when n < 0 do nil end @doc """ Repetition of minimum `n` occurences in the string that satisfies the given combinator. The function returned by this function will greedily match until no matches are found for the given combinator. If we have found at least `n` matches it's a success, else it's a failure and the inner function shall return `nil`. """ @spec rep(parser :: function, visitor :: (any -> any) | nil) :: (state -> {[any], state} | nil) def rep(parser, n, label \\ :rep, visitor \\ nil) do fn state -> {_, new_state, nodes, count} = rep_recurse(parser, state, [], 0) if count >= n do {[label | apply_visitor(nodes, visitor)], new_state} end end end defp rep_recurse(parser, nil, nodes, count) do {parser, nil, nodes, count} end defp rep_recurse(parser, state, nodes, count) do result = parser.(state) case result do {node, new_state} -> rep_recurse(parser, new_state, nodes ++ [node], count + 1) nil -> {parser, state, nodes, count} end end @doc """ Given a list of combinators returns success (2-tuple) if at least one of them satisfies the string starting at the given offset, else it's a failure (`nil`). All the combinators passed to this function start from the same offset in the string. One way to look at this combinator is as a chain of logical disjunction: `parser_1 ∨ parser_2 ∨ ... ∨ parser_n` """ @spec alt(parsers :: [function], visitor :: (any -> any) | nil) :: (state -> {[any], state} | nil) def alt(parsers, label \\ :alt, visitor \\ nil) do fn state -> Enum.find_value(parsers, fn parser -> parser.(state) end) end end def ref(name) do fn state -> apply(__MODULE__, name, [state]) end end defp apply_visitor(nodes, visitor) when is_function(visitor) do, visitor) end defp apply_visitor(nodes, _), do: nodes end defmodule Combinators.Builtin do import Combinators # Some operators to alleviate verbosity def a <|> b when is_binary(a) and is_binary(b) do alt([str(a), str(b)]) end def a <|> b when is_binary(a) and is_function(b) do alt([str(a), b]) end def a <|> b when is_function(a) and is_binary(b) do alt([a, str(b)]) end def a <|> b when is_function(a) and is_function(b) do alt([a, b]) end def zero, do: str("0") def non_zero_digit, do: char("1-9") def digit, do: zero() <|> non_zero_digit() def positive_integer do seq([non_zero_digit(), digits()]) end def negative_integer do seq([str("-"), non_zero_digit(), digits()]) end def integer do alt([zero(), negative_integer(), positive_integer()]) end def digits, do: rep(digit(), 1) def ws, do: rep(char("\R"), 1) def sep_by(separator), do: nil def many1, do: nil def choice, do: nil def between, do: nil def one_of, do: nil end
defmodule ID3.Picture do @moduledoc """ A struct representing a picture in the ID3 tag. See ### PictureType Due to limitations of `rust-id3`, multiple pictures with same `picture_type` is not available. When writing, a picture with the same `picture_type` within the existing tab, will overwrite that picture. When reading, `rust-id3` only returns one of the picture of the same type. """ defstruct mime_type: nil, picture_type: nil, description: "", data: nil @typedoc """ A structure representing an ID3 picture frame's contents. - `data` is a binary of unsigned char(8bit)s. - `picture_type` will be `:Other` otherwise correctly given. """ @type t :: %__MODULE__{ mime_type: String.t(), picture_type: picture_type, description: String.t(), data: :binary } @picture_types ~W( Other Icon OtherIcon CoverFront CoverBack Leaflet Media LeadArtist Conductor Band Composer Lyricist RecordingLocation DuringRecording DuringPerformance ScreenCapture BrightFish Illustration BandLogo PublisherLogo )a @typedoc """ Types of pictures used in APIC frames. """ @type picture_type :: :Other | :Icon | :OtherIcon | :CoverFront | :CoverBack | :Leaflet | :Media | :LeadArtist | :Conductor | :Band | :Composer | :Lyricist | :RecordingLocation | :DuringRecording | :DuringPerformance | :ScreenCapture | :BrightFish | :Illustration | :BandLogo | :PublisherLogo @doc """ Creates a new Picture. Needs the data binary and the MIME type of the data. ## Options - `picture_type`: ID3 tags can have a picture for each type. One of `t:Picture.picture_type/0`. - `description`: Text description about the picture. ## Examples iex> data =!("full/path/to/foo.jpg") iex>, "image/jpeg", picture_type: :CoverFront) {:ok, %ID3.Picture{ data: <<255, 167, ...>>, description: "", mime_type: "image/jpeg", picture_type: :CoverFront } } """ @spec new(binary, String.t(), options :: [option]) :: {:ok, Picture.t()} | :error when option: {:picture_type, picture_type()} | {:description, String.t()} def new(data, mime_type, options \\ []) when data |> is_binary and mime_type |> is_binary and options |> is_list do picture_type = options |> Keyword.get(:picture_type, :Other) description = options |> Keyword.get(:description, "") with true <- @picture_types |> Enum.member?(picture_type), true <- description |> String.valid?() do picture = %__MODULE__{ picture_type: picture_type, mime_type: mime_type, description: "", data: data } {:ok, picture} else _ -> :error end end end
defmodule GenRegex.Interpreter do @moduledoc """ This is the interpreter module. It reduces the parsed structures to string generator nodes, which in turn will be used to generate the final string. """ alias GenRegex.Generator def read(ast, parent \\ nil), do: interpret(ast, parent) defp interpret({:word, [head | tail] = elems}, parent) do elems = if head == {:atom, :^} and parent == nil do tail else elems end result = elems |> List.wrap() |>, :word)) |> item -> case item do %Generator{type: :set, value: value} -> value %Generator{type: :negset, value: value} -> value item -> item end end) %Generator{ type: :word, value: result } end defp interpret({:option, choices}, _parent) do result = choices |>, :option)) |> List.flatten() %Generator{ type: :option, value: result } end defp interpret({:choice, choice}, _parent), do: interpret(choice, :choice) defp interpret({:set, items}, :word), do: interpret(items, :word) defp interpret({:set, items}, :set), do: interpret(items, :set) defp interpret({:set, items}, _parent), do: do_interpret_set(:set, items) defp interpret({:negset, items}, :word), do: interpret(items, :word) defp interpret({:negset, items}, :negset), do: interpret(items, :negset) defp interpret({:negset, items}, _parent), do: do_interpret_set(:negset, items) defp interpret({:wildcard, :.}, _parent), do: %Generator{ type: :wildcard, value: nil } defp interpret({:atom, val}, _parent), do: to_string(val) defp interpret({:repexpr, [expr, min, max]}, _parent) do min = to_integer(min, :repexpr) max = to_integer(max, :repexpr) [result] = expr |> List.wrap() |> interpret(:repexpr) result |> Map.put(:min, min) |> Map.put(:max, max) end defp interpret({:range, val}, :set) do [first, last] = val |> to_string() |> String.split("-") |> %Generator{ type: :range, value: first..last } end defp interpret({:range, val}, :negset), do: interpret({:range, val}, :set) defp interpret({:range, val}, :word), do: to_string(val) defp interpret({:range, val}, _) do %Generator{ type: :word, value: to_string(val) } end defp interpret({:escape, _seq} = input, parent) do {set_type, result} = do_escape(input) case parent do :set -> result :negset -> result :choice -> result _ -> %Generator{ type: set_type, value: result } end end defp interpret(ast, _) when is_number(ast), do: ast defp interpret(ast, _) when is_binary(ast), do: ast defp interpret(ast, _) when is_nil(ast), do: ast defp interpret(ast, parent) do result = ast |>, parent)) result end defp do_interpret_set(type, items) do result = items |> Enum.uniq() |>, :set)) |> item -> case item do %Generator{type: :wildcard} -> :wildcard %Generator{type: :set, value: value} -> value item -> item end end) |> List.wrap() |> List.flatten() %Generator{ type: type, value: result } end defp do_escape({:escape, '\\d'}) do {:set, %Generator{ max: 1, min: 1, type: :set, value: [ %Generator{max: 1, min: 1, type: :range, value: 48..57} ] } } end defp do_escape({:escape, '\\D'}) do {:set, result} = do_escape({:escape, '\\d'}) {:negset, Map.put(result, :type, :negset)} end defp do_escape({:escape, '\\w'}) do {:set, %Generator{ max: 1, min: 1, type: :set, value: [ %Generator{max: 1, min: 1, type: :range, value: 48..57}, %Generator{max: 1, min: 1, type: :range, value: 97..122}, %Generator{max: 1, min: 1, type: :range, value: 65..90}, "_" ] } } end defp do_escape({:escape, '\\W'}) do {:set, result} = do_escape({:escape, '\\w'}) {:negset, Map.put(result, :type, :negset)} end defp do_escape({:escape, '\\s'}) do {:set, %Generator{ max: 1, min: 1, type: :set, value: [" ", "\t", "\r", "\n", "\v", "\f"] } } end defp do_escape({:escape, '\\S'}) do {:set, result} = do_escape({:escape, '\\s'}) {:negset, Map.put(result, :type, :negset)} end defp do_escape({:escape, char}) do {:set, { :atom, Macro.unescape_string(to_string(char)) } |> interpret(:escape) } end defp to_integer(nil, _parent), do: nil defp to_integer(val, _parent) when is_integer(val), do: val defp to_integer([{:word, elems}], parent) do {num, _} = elems |>, parent)) |> Enum.join() |> Integer.parse() num end defp to_integer(val, parent) do {num, _} = val |> interpret(parent) |> to_string() |> Integer.parse() num end end
defmodule LargeSort.Shared.IntegerFile do alias LargeSort.Shared.IntegerFileBehavior @behaviour IntegerFileBehavior @moduledoc """ Contains functionality for working with integer files """ @doc """ Creates a stream for an integer file that operates in line mode Any existing file will be overwritten. If something goes wrong when creating the file stream, this function will throw an exception. ## Parameters - path: the path of the file to be written to ## Returns A stream that can be used to read from or write to the file """ @impl IntegerFileBehavior @spec integer_file_stream(String.t()) :: Enumerable.t() def integer_file_stream(path) do create_file_directory(path)!(path, [:utf8], :line) end @doc """ Writes an enumerable containing integers to a stream ## Parameters - enumerable: the enumerable whose integers are to be written to the file - out_stream: the stream to be written to. Actually, this doesn't necessarily have to be a stream. Any collectable will do. ## Returns A stream consisting of the write operations """ @impl IntegerFileBehavior @spec write_integers_to_stream(Enumerable.t(), Collectable.t()) :: Enumerable.t() def write_integers_to_stream(enumerable, out_stream) do enumerable |> integers_to_lines() |> Stream.into(out_stream) end @doc """ Creates a stream that reads integers from an integer stream ## Parameters - integer_stream: A stream that reads lines of integer text, most likely lines of text from an integer file ## Returns A stream that emits the integers in the integer file """ @impl IntegerFileBehavior @spec read_stream(Enumerable.t()) :: Enumerable.t() def read_stream(integer_stream) do integer_stream |> |> end @doc """ Counts the number of lines in an raw integer text stream This function makes no attempt to parse the integers or determine the validity of the integers in the stream. It just counts the number of items it encounters. Note that when the function has completed, all the items will have been read from the stream. So the stream is not likely to be that useful after this function has completed and you'd have to create a new stream with the same data to do anything else with that data. ## Parameters - integer_stream: A stream that reads lines of integer text, most likely lines of text from an integer file ## Returns The number of lines found in the stream """ @impl IntegerFileBehavior @spec integer_count(Enumerable.t()) :: non_neg_integer() def integer_count(integer_stream) do Enum.count(integer_stream) end # Creates the directory for a file path, if it doesn't already exist defp create_file_directory(file_path, directory_exists \\ nil) defp create_file_directory(file_path, nil) do directory = Path.dirname(file_path) create_file_directory(file_path, File.dir?(directory)) end defp create_file_directory(_, true), do: :ok defp create_file_directory(file_path, false) do directory = Path.dirname(file_path) File.mkdir_p(directory) end @doc """ Creates an integer file device for reading This function assumes that the integer file exists and can be opened for reading ## Parameters - path: The path of the file to be opened for reading ## Returns An IO device that can be used to read from the integer file """ @impl IntegerFileBehavior @spec read_device!(String.t()) :: IO.device() def read_device!(path) do!(path, [:utf8, :read, :read_ahead]) end @doc """ Creates an integer file device for writing This function assumes that the integer file exists and can be opened for writing ## Parameters - path: The path of the file to be opened for writing ## Returns An IO device that can be used to write to the integer file """ @impl IntegerFileBehavior @spec write_device!(String.t()) :: IO.device() def write_device!(path) do!(path, [:utf8, :write, :delayed_write]) end @doc """ Closes an integer file device ## Parameters - device: The integer file device to be closed ## Returns `:ok` """ @impl IntegerFileBehavior @spec close_device(IO.device()) :: :ok def close_device(device) do File.close(device) end @doc """ Reads an integer from a device that contains integer file-formatted data This function assumes that the IO device is operating in a read mode as well as :utf8 mode. ## Parameters - device: The IO device to be read from ## Returns The integer that was read from the device, an `:eof` when the end of file was encountered, or `{:error, reason}` when there was an error reading from the device. """ @impl IntegerFileBehavior @spec read_integer(IO.device()) :: integer() | IO.no_data() def read_integer(device) do device |> |> data_to_integer() end @doc """ Writes an integer to a device using the integer file format This function assumes that the IO device is operating in a write mode as well as :utf8 mode. ## Parameters - device: The IO device to be written to ## Returns :ok to indicate success """ @impl IntegerFileBehavior @spec write_integer(IO.device(), integer()) :: :ok def write_integer(device, integer) do integer # Convert the integer to a string |> Integer.to_string() # Concatenate the integer string with a newline character |> Kernel.<>("\n") # Write the resulting line to the device |> (fn line -> IO.write(device, line) end).() end @doc """ Converts an enumerable containing integers to a stream of integer file lines (including the newline characters) ## Parameters - integers: an enumerable containing integers to be converted ## Returns A collection of strings that contain the integers in integer file format, with each element an integer file line """ @impl IntegerFileBehavior @spec integers_to_lines(Enum.t()) :: Enum.t() def integers_to_lines(integers) do integers |> |> <> "\n")) end # Converts data read from an IO device to an integer defp data_to_integer(:eof), do: :eof defp data_to_integer(data = {:error, _}), do: data defp data_to_integer(data) do data |> String.trim() |> String.to_integer() end end
defmodule Unicode.IndicSyllabicCategory do @moduledoc """ Functions to introspect Unicode indic syllabic categories for binaries (Strings) and codepoints. """ @behaviour Unicode.Property.Behaviour alias Unicode.Utils @indic_syllabic_categories Utils.indic_syllabic_categories() |> Utils.remove_annotations() @doc """ Returns the map of Unicode indic syllabic categorys. The indic syllabic category name is the map key and a list of codepoint ranges as tuples as the value. """ def indic_syllabic_categories do @indic_syllabic_categories end @doc """ Returns a list of known Unicode indic syllabic category names. This function does not return the names of any indic syllabic category aliases. """ @known_indic_syllabic_categories Map.keys(@indic_syllabic_categories) def known_indic_syllabic_categories do @known_indic_syllabic_categories end @indic_syllabic_category_alias Utils.property_value_alias() |> Map.get("insc") |> Utils.atomize_values() |> Utils.downcase_keys_and_remove_whitespace() |> Utils.add_canonical_alias() @doc """ Returns a map of aliases for Unicode indic syllabic categorys. An alias is an alternative name for referring to a indic syllabic category. Aliases are resolved by the `fetch/1` and `get/1` functions. """ @impl Unicode.Property.Behaviour def aliases do @indic_syllabic_category_alias end @doc """ Returns the Unicode ranges for a given indic syllabic category as a list of ranges as 2-tuples. Aliases are resolved by this function. Returns either `{:ok, range_list}` or `:error`. """ @impl Unicode.Property.Behaviour def fetch(indic_syllabic_category) when is_atom(indic_syllabic_category) do Map.fetch(indic_syllabic_categories(), indic_syllabic_category) end def fetch(indic_syllabic_category) do indic_syllabic_category = Utils.downcase_and_remove_whitespace(indic_syllabic_category) indic_syllabic_category = Map.get(aliases(), indic_syllabic_category, indic_syllabic_category) Map.fetch(indic_syllabic_categories(), indic_syllabic_category) end @doc """ Returns the Unicode ranges for a given indic syllabic category as a list of ranges as 2-tuples. Aliases are resolved by this function. Returns either `range_list` or `nil`. """ @impl Unicode.Property.Behaviour def get(indic_syllabic_category) do case fetch(indic_syllabic_category) do {:ok, indic_syllabic_category} -> indic_syllabic_category _ -> nil end end @doc """ Returns the count of the number of characters for a given indic syllabic category. ## Example iex> Unicode.IndicSyllabicCategory.count(:bindu) 91 """ @impl Unicode.Property.Behaviour def count(indic_syllabic_category) do with {:ok, indic_syllabic_category} <- fetch(indic_syllabic_category) do Enum.reduce(indic_syllabic_category, 0, fn {from, to}, acc -> acc + to - from + 1 end) end end @doc """ Returns the indic syllabic category name(s) for the given binary or codepoint. In the case of a codepoint, a single indic syllabic category name is returned. For a binary a list of distinct indic syllabic category names represented by the lines in the binary is returned. """ def indic_syllabic_category(string) when is_binary(string) do string |> String.to_charlist() |> |> Enum.uniq() end for {indic_syllabic_category, ranges} <- @indic_syllabic_categories do def indic_syllabic_category(codepoint) when unquote(Utils.ranges_to_guard_clause(ranges)) do unquote(indic_syllabic_category) end end def indic_syllabic_category(codepoint) when is_integer(codepoint) and codepoint in 0..0x10FFFF do :other end end
defmodule Donut.GraphQL.Schema.Notation do @moduledoc """ Sets up the notations for building an Absinthe schema. """ defmacro __using__(_options) do quote do use Absinthe.Schema.Notation, except: [resolve: 1] import Donut.GraphQL.Schema.Notation, only: [ resolve: 1, mutable: 1, mutable: 2, mutable: 3, immutable: 1, immutable: 2, mutable_object: 2, mutable_object: 3, mutable_interface: 2, mutable_interface: 3 ] import Donut.GraphQL.Result end end require Logger @type parent :: map @type args :: map @type env :: Absinthe.Resolution.t @type result :: { :ok, any } | { :error, any } @type resolver :: (args, env -> result) | (parent, args, env -> result) @doc false @spec resolve(resolver) :: Macro.t defmacro resolve(fun) do quote do Absinthe.Schema.Notation.resolve(&, &2, &3, unquote(fun))) end end @spec resolver(parent, args, env, resolver) :: result defp resolver(_, args, env, fun) when is_function(fun, 2), do: fun.(args, env) defp resolver(parent, args, env, fun), do: fun.(parent, args, env) @doc false @spec run(parent, args, env, resolver) :: result def run(parent, args, env = %{ definition: %{ directives: directives } }, fun) do if Enum.any?(directives, fn %{ schema_node: %{ identifier: :debug } } -> true _ -> false end) do try do resolver(parent, args, env, fun) rescue exception -> err =, exception) Logger.error(err.error_message) { :ok, err } catch type, value when type in [:exit, :throw] -> err =, value) Logger.error(err.error_message) { :ok, err } end else resolver(parent, args, env, fun) end end defp document_type([]), do: nil defp document_type([%Absinthe.Blueprint.Document.Operation{ type: type }|_]), do: type defp document_type([_|paths]), do: document_type(paths) defp document_type(%{ path: paths }), do: document_type(paths) defmacro mutable(immutable_fields, _env), do: immutable_fields def mutable(immutable_fields, mutable_fields, env) do immutable_fields = if(is_function(immutable_fields), do: immutable_fields.(), else: immutable_fields) case document_type(env) do :query -> immutable_fields :mutation -> mutable_fields = if(is_function(mutable_fields), do: mutable_fields.(), else: mutable_fields) Map.merge(immutable_fields, mutable_fields) end end defmacro immutable(_attrs \\ [], _block), do: raise "Must be used inside a mutable object" defmacro mutable(value), do: value defmacro mutable(type, name, attrs, block) do { mutable_body, immutable } = Macro.prewalk(block, nil, fn { :immutable, context, body }, _ -> block = Enum.find_value(body, nil, fn [do: block] -> block _ -> false end) { block, { type, context, [name|body] } } { :mutable, _, [name] }, acc when is_atom(name) -> { String.to_atom("mutable_#{to_string(name)}"), acc } node, acc -> { node, acc } end) quote do description = @desc unquote(immutable) @desc description unquote(type)(unquote(String.to_atom("mutable_#{to_string(name)}")), unquote(attrs), unquote(mutable_body)) end end defmacro mutable_object(name, attrs \\ [], block) do quote do Donut.GraphQL.Schema.Notation.mutable(:object, unquote(name), unquote(attrs), unquote(block)) end end defmacro mutable_interface(name, attrs \\ [], block) do quote do Donut.GraphQL.Schema.Notation.mutable(:interface, unquote(name), unquote(attrs), unquote(block)) end end end
defmodule Bingo.GameServer do @moduledoc """ A game server process that holds a `Game` struct as its state. """ use GenServer require Logger @timeout :timer.hours(2) # Client (Public) Interface @doc """ Spawns a new game server process registered under the given `game_name`. """ def start_link(game_name, size) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, {game_name, size}, name: via_tuple(game_name)) end def summary(game_name) do, :summary) end def mark(game_name, phrase, player) do, {:mark, phrase, player}) end @doc """ Returns a tuple used to register and lookup a game server process by name. """ def via_tuple(game_name) do {:via, Registry, {Bingo.GameRegistry, game_name}} end @doc """ Returns the `pid` of the game server process registered under the given `game_name`, or `nil` if no process is registered. """ def game_pid(game_name) do game_name |> via_tuple() |> GenServer.whereis() end # Server Callbacks def init({game_name, size}) do buzzwords = Bingo.BuzzwordCache.get_buzzwords() game = case :ets.lookup(:games_table, game_name) do [] -> game =, size) :ets.insert(:games_table, {game_name, game}) game [{^game_name, game}] -> game end"Spawned game server process named '#{game_name}'.") {:ok, game, @timeout} end def handle_call(:summary, _from, game) do {:reply, summarize(game), game, @timeout} end def handle_call({:mark, phrase, player}, _from, game) do new_game = Bingo.Game.mark(game, phrase, player) :ets.insert(:games_table, {my_game_name(), new_game}) {:reply, summarize(new_game), new_game, @timeout} end def summarize(game) do %{ squares: game.squares, scores: game.scores, winner: game.winner } end def handle_info(:timeout, game) do {:stop, {:shutdown, :timeout}, game} end def terminate({:shutdown, :timeout}, _game) do :ets.delete(:games_table, my_game_name()) :ok end def terminate(_reason, _game) do :ok end defp my_game_name do Registry.keys(Bingo.GameRegistry, self()) |> List.first() end end
defmodule LocationsWeb.GeoHelpers do @moduledoc """ GEO helpers """ @doc """ Returns the type of the features for a location """ def get_feature_type(%{geo_features: features}) when length(features) > 1 do :multiple_features end def get_feature_type(%{geo_features: features}) when length(features) == 1 do :single_feature end def get_feature_type(_) do :no_features end @doc """ Returns the first features entry from a collection of features """ def get_first_encoding_result(features) do geo_selected_id = get_first_geo__id(features) get_location_for_selected(features, geo_selected_id) end @doc """ Returns the display name of a place """ def get_geo_place_display_name(geo_place) do if name = geo_place["properties"]["display_name"] do name else get_geo_place_id(geo_place) end end @doc """ Returns the type of a place """ def get_geo_place_display_type(geo_place) do if type = geo_place["properties"]["type"] do type else "unknown" end end @doc """ Returns the osm_id for a place """ def get_geo_place_id(geo_place) do geo_place["properties"]["osm_id"] end @doc """ Returns the feature from the collection of features for the passed osm_id """ def get_location_for_selected(features, geo_id) do with {:ok, geometry} <- get_geometry(features, geo_id), {:ok, geometry} <- has_geometry(geometry), {:ok, coordinates} <- get_coordinates(geometry) do geo_location = create_geo_location(coordinates) {:ok, geo_location, geo_id} else reason -> reason end end defp create_geo_location([lon, lat]) do %{ lat: lat, lon: lon } end defp get_coordinates(geometry) do if Map.has_key?(geometry, "coordinates") do {:ok, geometry["coordinates"]} else {:error, :no_coordinates} end end defp has_geometry(nil) do {:error, :no_geometry_nil} end defp has_geometry([]) do {:error, :no_geometry_empty} end defp has_geometry(geometry) do {:ok, geometry} end defp get_geometry([], _geo_id) do {:error, :no_features} end defp get_geometry(features, _geo_id) when 1 == length(features) do feature = hd(features) get_geometry_from_feature(feature) end defp get_geometry(features, geo_id) do feature = Enum.find(features, fn place -> geo_id == get_geo_place_id(place) end) get_geometry_from_feature(feature) end defp get_geometry_from_feature(nil) do {:error, :no_feature} end defp get_geometry_from_feature(feature) do if Map.has_key?(feature, "geometry") do {:ok, feature["geometry"]} else {:error, :no_geometry} end end defp get_first_geo__id([]) do nil end defp get_first_geo__id(geo_features) do place = hd(geo_features) get_geo_place_id(place) end end
defmodule OpenTelemetry.Tracer do @moduledoc """ This module contains macros for Tracer operations around the lifecycle of the Spans within a Trace. The Tracer is able to start a new Span as a child of the active Span of the current process, set a different Span to be the current Span by passing the Span's context, end a Span or run a code block within the context of a newly started span that is ended when the code block completes. The macros use the Tracer registered to the Application the module using the macro is included in, assuming `OpenTelemetry.register_application_tracer/1` has been called for the Application. If not then the default Tracer is used. require OpenTelemetry.Tracer OpenTelemetry.Tracer.with_span "span-1" do ... do something ... end """ @type start_opts() :: %{ optional(:attributes) => OpenTelemetry.attributes(), # TODO sampler should is an opaque type defined in the implementation optional(:sampler) => term(), optional(:links) => OpenTelemetry.links(), optional(:is_recording) => boolean(), optional(:start_time) => :opentelemetry.timestamp(), optional(:kind) => OpenTelemetry.span_kind() } @doc """ Starts a new span and does not make it the current active span of the current process. The current active Span is used as the parent of the created Span. """ defmacro start_span(name, opts \\ quote(do: %{})) do quote bind_quoted: [name: name, start_opts: opts] do :otel_tracer.start_span(:opentelemetry.get_tracer(__MODULE__), name, end end @doc """ Starts a new span and does not make it the current active span of the current process. The current active Span is used as the parent of the created Span. """ defmacro start_span(ctx, name, opts) do quote bind_quoted: [ctx: ctx, name: name, start_opts: opts] do :otel_tracer.start_span( ctx, :opentelemetry.get_tracer(__MODULE__), name, ) end end @doc """ Takes a `t:OpenTelemetry.span_ctx/0` and the Tracer sets it to the currently active Span. """ def set_current_span(span_ctx) do :otel_tracer.set_current_span(span_ctx) end @doc """ Takes a `t:OpenTelemetry.ctx/0` and the `t:OpenTelemetry.span_ctx/0` and the Tracer sets it to the current span in the pass Context. """ def set_current_span(ctx, span_ctx) do :otel_tracer.set_current_span(ctx, span_ctx) end @doc """ Creates a new span which is set to the currently active Span in the Context of the block. The Span is ended automatically when the `block` completes and the Context is what it was before the block. See `start_span/2` and `end_span/0`. """ defmacro with_span(name, start_opts \\ quote(do: %{}), do: block) do quote do :otel_tracer.with_span( :opentelemetry.get_tracer(__MODULE__), unquote(name),, fn _ -> unquote(block) end ) end end @doc """ Creates a new span which is set to the currently active Span in the Context of the block. The Span is ended automatically when the `block` completes and the Context is what it was before the block. See `start_span/2` and `end_span/0`. """ defmacro with_span(ctx, name, start_opts, do: block) do quote do :otel_tracer.with_span( unquote(ctx), :opentelemetry.get_tracer(__MODULE__), unquote(name),, fn _ -> unquote(block) end ) end end @doc """ Returns the currently active `t:OpenTelemetry.span_ctx/0`. """ def current_span_ctx() do :otel_tracer.current_span_ctx() end @doc """ Returns the `t:OpenTelemetry.span_ctx/0` active in Context `ctx`. """ def current_span_ctx(ctx) do :otel_tracer.current_span_ctx(ctx) end @doc """ End the Span. Sets the end timestamp for the currently active Span. This has no effect on any child Spans that may exist of this Span. The Span in the current Context has its `is_recording` set to `false`. """ def end_span() do :otel_tracer.end_span() end @doc """ Set an attribute with key and value on the currently active Span. """ @spec set_attribute(OpenTelemetry.attribute_key(), OpenTelemetry.attribute_value()) :: boolean() def set_attribute(key, value) do :otel_span.set_attribute( :otel_tracer.current_span_ctx(), key, value ) end @doc """ Add a list of attributes to the currently active Span. """ @spec set_attributes(OpenTelemetry.attributes()) :: boolean() def set_attributes(attributes) do :otel_span.set_attributes(:otel_tracer.current_span_ctx(), attributes) end @doc """ Add an event to the currently active Span. """ @spec add_event(OpenTelemetry.event_name(), OpenTelemetry.attributes()) :: boolean() def add_event(event, attributes) do :otel_span.add_event( :otel_tracer.current_span_ctx(), event, attributes ) end @doc """ Add a list of events to the currently active Span. """ @spec add_events([OpenTelemetry.event()]) :: boolean() def add_events(events) do :otel_span.add_events(:otel_tracer.current_span_ctx(), events) end @doc """ Sets the Status of the currently active Span. If used, this will override the default Span Status, which is `ok`. """ @spec set_status(OpenTelemetry.status()) :: boolean() def set_status(status) do :otel_span.set_status(:otel_tracer.current_span_ctx(), status) end @doc """ Updates the Span name. It is highly discouraged to update the name of a Span after its creation. Span name is often used to group, filter and identify the logical groups of spans. And often, filtering logic will be implemented before the Span creation for performance reasons. Thus the name update may interfere with this logic. The function name is called UpdateName to differentiate this function from the regular property setter. It emphasizes that this operation signifies a major change for a Span and may lead to re-calculation of sampling or filtering decisions made previously depending on the implementation. """ @spec update_name(String.t()) :: boolean() def update_name(name) do :otel_span.update_name(:otel_tracer.current_span_ctx(), name) end end
defmodule Bertex do @moduledoc """ This is a work TOTALLY based on @mojombo and @eproxus work: More at: and """ import :erlang, only: [binary_to_term: 1, binary_to_term: 2, term_to_binary: 1] defprotocol Bert do @fallback_to_any true def encode(term) def decode(term) end defimpl Bert, for: Atom do def encode(false), do: {:bert, false} def encode(true), do: {:bert, true} def encode(nil), do: {:bert, nil} def encode(atom), do: atom def decode(atom), do: atom end defimpl Bert, for: List do def encode(list) do, &Bert.encode(&1)) end def decode(list) do, &Bert.decode(&1)) end end # Inspired by talentdeficit/jsex solution defimpl Bert, for: Tuple do def encode(tuple) do Tuple.to_list(tuple) |> |> List.to_tuple end def decode({:bert, nil}), do: nil def decode({:bert, true}), do: true def decode({:bert, false}), do: false def decode({:bert, :dict, dict}), do: Enum.into(Bert.decode(dict), %{}) def decode({:bert, :time, mega, sec, micro}) do unix = mega * 1000000000000 + sec * 1000000 + micro DateTime.from_unix!(unix, :microseconds) end def decode(tuple) do Tuple.to_list(tuple) |> |> List.to_tuple end end defimpl Bert, for: Date do def encode(term) do {:ok, zero} =, 0, 0) {:ok, naive} =, zero) naive |> DateTime.from_naive!("Etc/UTC") |> Bert.encode end def decode(term), do: term end defimpl Bert, for: NaiveDateTime do def encode(term) do term |> DateTime.from_naive!("Etc/UTC") |> Bert.encode end def decode(term), do: term end defimpl Bert, for: DateTime do def encode(term) do micro = DateTime.to_unix(term, :microseconds) mega = micro |> div(1000000000000) sec = micro |> rem(1000000000000) |> div(1000000) micro = micro |> rem(1000000) {:bert, :time, mega, sec, micro} end def decode(term), do: term end defimpl Bert, for: Any do def encode(term), do: term def decode(term), do: term end @doc """ iex> Bertex.encode([42, :banana, {:xy, 5, 10}, "robot", true, false]) <<131,108,0,0,0,6,97,42,100,0,6,98,97,110,97,110,97,104,3,100,0,2,120,121,97,5,97,10,109,0,0,0,5,114,111,98,111,116,104,2,100,0,4,98,101,114,116,100,0,4,116,114,117,101,104,2,100,0,4,98,101,114,116,100,0,5,102,97,108,115,101,106>> """ @spec encode(term) :: binary def encode(term) do Bert.encode(term) |> term_to_binary end @doc """ iex> Bertex.decode(<<131,108,0,0,0,6,97,42,100,0,6,98,97,110,97,110,97,104,3,100,0,2,120,121,97,5,97,10,109,0,0,0,5,114,111,98,111,116,104,2,100,0,4,98,101,114,116,100,0,4,116,114,117,101,104,2,100,0,4,98,101,114,116,100,0,5,102,97,108,115,101,106>>) [42, :banana, {:xy, 5, 10}, "robot", true, false] """ @spec decode(binary) :: term def decode(bin) do binary_to_term(bin) |> Bert.decode end @spec safe_decode(binary) :: term def safe_decode(bin) do binary_to_term(bin, [:safe]) |> Bert.decode end end
defmodule Central.Helpers.QueryHelpers do alias Central.Repo import Ecto.Query, warn: false defmacro stddev_pop(field) do quote do fragment("stddev_pop(?)", unquote(field)) end end defmacro between(field, low, high) do quote do fragment("? BETWEEN ? AND ?", unquote(field), unquote(low), unquote(high)) end end defmacro array_remove(field, value) do quote do fragment("array_remove(?, ?)", unquote(field), unquote(value)) end end defmacro array_agg(field) do quote do fragment("array_agg(?)", unquote(field)) end end defmacro extract_year(field) do quote do fragment("EXTRACT(YEAR FROM ?)", unquote(field)) end end defmacro extract_month(field) do quote do fragment("EXTRACT(MONTH FROM ?)", unquote(field)) end end defmacro extract_week(field) do quote do fragment("EXTRACT(WEEK FROM ?)", unquote(field)) end end defmacro extract_hour(field) do quote do fragment("EXTRACT(HOUR FROM ?)", unquote(field)) end end defmacro date_trunc(period, field) do quote do fragment("date_trunc(?, ?)", unquote(period), unquote(field)) end end def count(table) do Repo.aggregate(table, :count, :id) end @spec offset_query(Ecto.Query.t(), Integer.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() def offset_query(query, amount) do query |> offset(^amount) end @spec limit_query(Ecto.Query.t(), Integer.t() | :infinity) :: Ecto.Query.t() def limit_query(query, :infinity), do: query def limit_query(query, amount) do query |> limit(^amount) end @spec limit_query(Ecto.Query.t(), integer() | nil, integer() | nil) :: Ecto.Query.t() def limit_query(query, nil, max_amount), do: limit_query(query, max_amount) def limit_query(query, amount, max_amount) when is_integer(amount) do limit_query(query, min(amount, max_amount)) end def limit_query(query, amount, max_amount) do limit_query(query, min(amount |> String.to_integer(), max_amount)) end @spec select(Ecto.Query.t(), String.t() | nil) :: Ecto.Query.t() def select(query, nil), do: query def select(query, fields) do from stat_grids in query, select: ^fields end end
defmodule GoogleRoads do @moduledoc """ Provides methods to interact with Google Roads API. Unless otherwise noted, all the functions take the required Google parameters as its own parameters, and all optional ones in an `options` keyword list. The `options` keyword can also take special entry for `headers` and `options`, which are passed to the underlying `Request`. See the documentation of `HTTPoison` for details. """ alias GoogleRoads.{Request, Response} @type latitude :: number @type longitude :: number @typedoc """ A latitude/longitude pair in tuple or comma-separated string format. """ @type coordinate :: {latitude(), longitude()} | String.t @typedoc """ A tagged tuple with an ID of a known place. """ @type path :: coordinate() @type options :: keyword() @type interpolate :: boolean @doc """ Takes up to 100 GPS points collected along a route, and returns a similar set of data, with the points snapped to the most likely roads the vehicle was traveling along Args: * `path` — The path to be snapped. The path parameter accepts a list of latitude/longitude pairs. Latitude and longitude values should be separated by commas. Coordinates should be separated by the pipe character: "|". For example: path=60.170880,24.942795|60.170879,24.942796|60.170877,24.942796. Options: * `interpolate` — Whether to interpolate a path to include all points forming the full road-geometry. When true, additional interpolated points will also be returned, resulting in a path that smoothly follows the geometry of the road, even around corners and through tunnels. Interpolated paths will most likely contain more points than the original path. Defaults to `false`. This function returns `{:ok, body}` if the request is successful, and Google returns data. It returns `{:error, error}` when there is HTTP errors, or `{:error, status, error_message}` when the request is successful, but Google returns status codes different than "OK". ## Examples # Snap to Roads with an invalid API key iex> {:error, status, error_message} = GoogleRoads.snap_to_roads("-35.27801,149.12958|-35.28032,149.12907|-35.28099,149.12929", true, [ ...> key: "invalid key" ...> ]) iex> status "INVALID_ARGUMENT" iex> error_message "API key not valid. Please pass a valid API key." iex> {:ok, result} = GoogleRoads.snap_to_roads("-35.27801,149.12958|-35.28032,149.12907|-35.28099,149.12929", true) iex> match?(%{"snappedPoints" => _}, result) true iex> is_list(result["snappedPoints"]) true iex> Enum.count(result["snappedPoints"]) 26 """ @spec snap_to_roads(path(), interpolate(), options()) :: Response.t() def snap_to_roads(path, interpolate \\ false, options \\ []) do params = options |> Keyword.merge([ path: path, interpolate: interpolate ]) GoogleRoads.get("snapToRoads", params) end @doc """ Direct request to Google Roads API endpoint. Instead of relying on the functionality this module provides, you can use this function to make direct request to the Google Roads API. It takes an endpoint string, and a keyword list of parameters. ## Examples iex> {:error, status, error_message} = GoogleRoads.get("snapToRoads", [ ...> path: "-35.27801,149.12958|-35.28032,149.12907|-35.28099,149.12929", ...> interpolate: true, ...> key: "invalid key", ...> ]) iex> status "INVALID_ARGUMENT" iex> error_message "API key not valid. Please pass a valid API key." iex> {:ok, result} = GoogleRoads.get("snapToRoads", [ ...> path: "-35.27801,149.12958|-35.28032,149.12907|-35.28099,149.12929", ...> interpolate: true, ...> ]) iex> match?(%{"snappedPoints" => _}, result) true iex> {:error, reason} = GoogleRoads.get("snapToRoads", [ ...> path: "-35.27801,149.12958|-35.28032,149.12907|-35.28099,149.12929", ...> interpolate: true, ...> headers: [{"Accept-Language", "pt-BR"}], ...> options: [timeout: 0] ...> ]) ...> reason :connect_timeout """ @spec get(String.t, keyword()) :: Response.t() def get(endpoint, params) do Request.get(endpoint, params) |> Response.wrap end end
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Format do use Mix.Task @shortdoc "Formats the given files/patterns" @moduledoc """ Formats the given files and patterns. mix format mix.exs "lib/**/*.{ex,exs}" "test/**/*.{ex,exs}" If any of the files is `-`, then the output is read from stdin and written to stdout. ## Formatting options The formatter will read a `.formatter.exs` in the current directory for formatter configuration. Evaluating this file should return a keyword list. Here is an example `.formatter.exs` that works as a starting point: [ inputs: ["{mix,.formatter}.exs", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}"] ] Besides the options listed in `Code.format_string!/2`, the `.formatter.exs` supports the following options: * `:inputs` (a list of paths and patterns) - specifies the default inputs to be used by this task. For example, `["mix.exs", "{config,lib,test}/**/*.{ex,exs}"]`. Patterns are expanded with `Path.wildcard/2`. * `:subdirectories` (a list of paths and patterns) - specifies subdirectories that have their own formatting rules. Each subdirectory should have a `.formatter.exs` that configures how entries in that subdirectory should be formatted as. Configuration between `.formatter.exs` are not shared nor inherited. If a `.formatter.exs` lists "lib/app" as a subdirectory, the rules in `.formatter.exs` won't be available in `lib/app/.formatter.exs`. Note that the parent `.formatter.exs` must not specify files inside the "lib/app" subdirectory in its `:inputs` configuration. If this happens, the behaviour of which formatter configuration will be picked is unspecified. * `:import_deps` (a list of dependencies as atoms) - specifies a list of dependencies whose formatter configuration will be imported. When specified, the formatter should run in the same directory as the `mix.exs` file that defines those dependencies. See the "Importing dependencies configuration" section below for more information. * `:export` (a keyword list) - specifies formatter configuration to be exported. See the "Importing dependencies configuration" section below. ## Task-specific options * `--check-formatted` - checks that the file is already formatted. This is useful in pre-commit hooks and CI scripts if you want to reject contributions with unformatted code. However keep in mind that the formatted output may differ between Elixir versions as improvements and fixes are applied to the formatter. * `--check-equivalent` - checks if the files after formatting have the same AST as before formatting. If the ASTs are not equivalent, it is a bug in the code formatter. This option is useful if you suspect you have ran into a formatter bug and you would like confirmation. * `--dry-run` - does not save files after formatting. * `--dot-formatter` - path to the file with formatter configuration. Defaults to `.formatter.exs` if one is available. See the "`.formatter.exs`" section for more information. If any of the `--check-*` options are given and a check fails, the formatted contents won't be written to disk nor printed to standard output. ## When to format code We recommend developers to format code directly in their editors, either automatically when saving a file or via an explicit command or key binding. If such option is not yet available in your editor of choice, adding the required integration is usually a matter of invoking: cd $project && mix format $file where `$file` refers to the current file and `$project` is the root of your project. It is also possible to format code across the whole project by passing a list of patterns and files to `mix format`, as shown at the top of this task documentation. This list can also be set in the `.formatter.exs` under the `:inputs` key. ## Importing dependencies configuration This task supports importing formatter configuration from dependencies. A dependency that wants to export formatter configuration needs to have a `.formatter.exs` file at the root of the project. In this file, the dependency can export a `:export` option with configuration to export. For now, only one option is supported under `:export`: `:locals_without_parens` (whose value has the same shape as the value of the `:locals_without_parens` in `Code.format_string!/2`). The functions listed under `:locals_without_parens` in the `:export` option of a dependency can be imported in a project by listing that dependency in the `:import_deps` option of the formatter configuration file of the project. For example, consider I have a project `my_app` that depends on `my_dep`. `my_dep` wants to export some configuration, so `my_dep/.formatter.exs` would look like this: # my_dep/.formatter.exs [ # Regular formatter configuration for my_dep # ... export: [ locals_without_parens: [some_dsl_call: 2, some_dsl_call: 3] ] ] In order to import configuration, `my_app`'s `.formatter.exs` would look like this: # my_app/.formatter.exs [ import_deps: [:my_dep] ] """ @switches [ check_equivalent: :boolean, check_formatted: :boolean, dot_formatter: :string, dry_run: :boolean ] @manifest "cached_dot_formatter" @manifest_vsn 1 @impl true def run(args) do {opts, args} = OptionParser.parse!(args, strict: @switches) {dot_formatter, formatter_opts} = eval_dot_formatter(opts) {formatter_opts_and_subs, _sources} = eval_deps_and_subdirectories(dot_formatter, [], formatter_opts, [dot_formatter]) args |> expand_args(dot_formatter, formatter_opts_and_subs) |> Task.async_stream(&format_file(&1, opts), ordered: false, timeout: 30000) |> Enum.reduce({[], [], []}, &collect_status/2) |> check!() end @doc """ Returns formatter options to be used for the given file. """ def formatter_opts_for_file(file, opts \\ []) do {dot_formatter, formatter_opts} = eval_dot_formatter(opts) {formatter_opts_and_subs, _sources} = eval_deps_and_subdirectories(dot_formatter, [], formatter_opts, [dot_formatter]) split = file |> Path.relative_to_cwd() |> Path.split() find_formatter_opts_for_file(split, formatter_opts_and_subs) end defp eval_dot_formatter(opts) do cond do dot_formatter = opts[:dot_formatter] -> {dot_formatter, eval_file_with_keyword_list(dot_formatter)} File.regular?(".formatter.exs") -> {".formatter.exs", eval_file_with_keyword_list(".formatter.exs")} true -> {".formatter.exs", []} end end # This function reads exported configuration from the imported # dependencies and subdirectories and deals with caching the result # of reading such configuration in a manifest file. defp eval_deps_and_subdirectories(dot_formatter, prefix, formatter_opts, sources) do deps = Keyword.get(formatter_opts, :import_deps, []) subs = Keyword.get(formatter_opts, :subdirectories, []) if not is_list(deps) do Mix.raise("Expected :import_deps to return a list of dependencies, got: #{inspect(deps)}") end if not is_list(subs) do Mix.raise("Expected :subdirectories to return a list of directories, got: #{inspect(subs)}") end if deps == [] and subs == [] do {{formatter_opts, []}, sources} else manifest = Path.join(Mix.Project.manifest_path(), @manifest) maybe_cache_in_manifest(dot_formatter, manifest, fn -> {subdirectories, sources} = eval_subs_opts(subs, prefix, sources) {{eval_deps_opts(formatter_opts, deps), subdirectories}, sources} end) end end defp maybe_cache_in_manifest(dot_formatter, manifest, fun) do cond do is_nil(Mix.Project.get()) or dot_formatter != ".formatter.exs" -> fun.() entry = read_manifest(manifest) -> entry true -> write_manifest!(manifest, fun.()) end end defp read_manifest(manifest) do with {:ok, binary} <-, {:ok, {@manifest_vsn, entry, sources}} <- safe_binary_to_term(binary), expanded_sources = Enum.flat_map(sources, &Path.wildcard(&1, match_dot: true)), false <- Mix.Utils.stale?([Mix.Project.config_mtime() | expanded_sources], [manifest]) do {entry, sources} else _ -> nil end end defp safe_binary_to_term(binary) do {:ok, :erlang.binary_to_term(binary)} rescue _ -> :error end defp write_manifest!(manifest, {entry, sources}) do File.mkdir_p!(Path.dirname(manifest)) File.write!(manifest, :erlang.term_to_binary({@manifest_vsn, entry, sources})) {entry, sources} end defp eval_deps_opts(formatter_opts, []) do formatter_opts end defp eval_deps_opts(formatter_opts, deps) do deps_paths = Mix.Project.deps_paths() parenless_calls = for dep <- deps, dep_path = assert_valid_dep_and_fetch_path(dep, deps_paths), dep_dot_formatter = Path.join(dep_path, ".formatter.exs"), File.regular?(dep_dot_formatter), dep_opts = eval_file_with_keyword_list(dep_dot_formatter), parenless_call <- dep_opts[:export][:locals_without_parens] || [], uniq: true, do: parenless_call Keyword.update( formatter_opts, :locals_without_parens, parenless_calls, &(&1 ++ parenless_calls) ) end defp eval_subs_opts(subs, prefix, sources) do {subs, sources} = Enum.flat_map_reduce(subs, sources, fn sub, sources -> prefix = Path.join(prefix ++ [sub]) {Path.wildcard(prefix), [Path.join(prefix, ".formatter.exs") | sources]} end) Enum.flat_map_reduce(subs, sources, fn sub, sources -> sub_formatter = Path.join(sub, ".formatter.exs") if File.exists?(sub_formatter) do formatter_opts = eval_file_with_keyword_list(sub_formatter) {formatter_opts_and_subs, sources} = eval_deps_and_subdirectories(:in_memory, [sub], formatter_opts, sources) {[{sub, formatter_opts_and_subs}], sources} else {[], sources} end end) end defp assert_valid_dep_and_fetch_path(dep, deps_paths) when is_atom(dep) do case Map.fetch(deps_paths, dep) do {:ok, path} -> if File.dir?(path) do path else Mix.raise( "Unavailable dependency #{inspect(dep)} given to :import_deps in the formatter configuration. " <> "The dependency cannot be found in the file system, please run \"mix deps.get\" and try again" ) end :error -> Mix.raise( "Unknown dependency #{inspect(dep)} given to :import_deps in the formatter configuration. " <> "The dependency is not listed in your mix.exs for environment #{inspect(Mix.env())}" ) end end defp assert_valid_dep_and_fetch_path(dep, _deps_paths) do Mix.raise("Dependencies in :import_deps should be atoms, got: #{inspect(dep)}") end defp eval_file_with_keyword_list(path) do {opts, _} = Code.eval_file(path) unless Keyword.keyword?(opts) do Mix.raise("Expected #{inspect(path)} to return a keyword list, got: #{inspect(opts)}") end opts end defp expand_args([], dot_formatter, formatter_opts_and_subs) do if no_entries_in_formatter_opts?(formatter_opts_and_subs) do Mix.raise( "Expected one or more files/patterns to be given to mix format " <> "or for a .formatter.exs to exist with an :inputs or :subdirectories key" ) end dot_formatter |> expand_dot_inputs([], formatter_opts_and_subs, %{}) |> {file, {_dot_formatter, formatter_opts}} -> {file, formatter_opts} end) end defp expand_args(files_and_patterns, _dot_formatter, {formatter_opts, subs}) do files = for file_or_pattern <- files_and_patterns, file <- stdin_or_wildcard(file_or_pattern), uniq: true, do: file if files == [] do Mix.raise( "Could not find a file to format. The files/patterns given to command line " <> "did not point to any existing file. Got: #{inspect(files_and_patterns)}" ) end for file <- files do if file == :stdin do {file, formatter_opts} else split = file |> Path.relative_to_cwd() |> Path.split() {file, find_formatter_opts_for_file(split, {formatter_opts, subs})} end end end defp expand_dot_inputs(dot_formatter, prefix, {formatter_opts, subs}, acc) do if no_entries_in_formatter_opts?({formatter_opts, subs}) do Mix.raise("Expected :inputs or :subdirectories key in #{dot_formatter}") end map = for input <- List.wrap(formatter_opts[:inputs]), file <- Path.wildcard(Path.join(prefix ++ [input]), match_dot: true), do: {expand_relative_to_cwd(file), {dot_formatter, formatter_opts}}, into: %{} acc = Map.merge(acc, map, fn file, {dot_formatter1, _}, {dot_formatter2, formatter_opts} -> "Both #{dot_formatter1} and #{dot_formatter2} specify the file " <> "#{Path.relative_to_cwd(file)} in their :inputs option. To resolve the " <> "conflict, the configuration in #{dot_formatter1} will be ignored. " <> "Please change the list of :inputs in one of the formatter files so only " <> "one of them matches #{Path.relative_to_cwd(file)}" ) {dot_formatter2, formatter_opts} end) Enum.reduce(subs, acc, fn {sub, formatter_opts_and_subs}, acc -> sub_formatter = Path.join(sub, ".formatter.exs") expand_dot_inputs(sub_formatter, [sub], formatter_opts_and_subs, acc) end) end defp expand_relative_to_cwd(path) do case File.cwd() do {:ok, cwd} -> Path.expand(path, cwd) _ -> path end end defp find_formatter_opts_for_file(split, {formatter_opts, subs}) do Enum.find_value(subs, formatter_opts, fn {sub, formatter_opts_and_subs} -> if List.starts_with?(split, Path.split(sub)) do find_formatter_opts_for_file(split, formatter_opts_and_subs) end end) end defp no_entries_in_formatter_opts?({formatter_opts, subs}) do is_nil(formatter_opts[:inputs]) and subs == [] end defp stdin_or_wildcard("-"), do: [:stdin] defp stdin_or_wildcard(path), do: path |> Path.expand() |> Path.wildcard(match_dot: true) defp read_file(:stdin) do {, :line) |> Enum.to_list() |> IO.iodata_to_binary(), file: "stdin"} end defp read_file(file) do {!(file), file: file} end defp format_file({file, formatter_opts}, task_opts) do {input, extra_opts} = read_file(file) output = IO.iodata_to_binary([Code.format_string!(input, extra_opts ++ formatter_opts), ?\n]) check_equivalent? = Keyword.get(task_opts, :check_equivalent, false) check_formatted? = Keyword.get(task_opts, :check_formatted, false) dry_run? = Keyword.get(task_opts, :dry_run, false) cond do check_equivalent? and not equivalent?(input, output) -> {:not_equivalent, file} check_formatted? -> if input == output, do: :ok, else: {:not_formatted, file} dry_run? -> :ok true -> write_or_print(file, input, output) end rescue exception -> {:exit, file, exception, __STACKTRACE__} end defp write_or_print(file, input, output) do cond do file == :stdin -> IO.write(output) input == output -> :ok true -> File.write!(file, output) end :ok end defp collect_status({:ok, :ok}, acc), do: acc defp collect_status({:ok, {:exit, _, _, _} = exit}, {exits, not_equivalent, not_formatted}) do {[exit | exits], not_equivalent, not_formatted} end defp collect_status({:ok, {:not_equivalent, file}}, {exits, not_equivalent, not_formatted}) do {exits, [file | not_equivalent], not_formatted} end defp collect_status({:ok, {:not_formatted, file}}, {exits, not_equivalent, not_formatted}) do {exits, not_equivalent, [file | not_formatted]} end defp check!({[], [], []}) do :ok end defp check!({[{:exit, :stdin, exception, stacktrace} | _], _not_equivalent, _not_formatted}) do"mix format failed for stdin") reraise exception, stacktrace end defp check!({[{:exit, file, exception, stacktrace} | _], _not_equivalent, _not_formatted}) do"mix format failed for file: #{Path.relative_to_cwd(file)}") reraise exception, stacktrace end defp check!({_exits, [_ | _] = not_equivalent, _not_formatted}) do Mix.raise(""" mix format failed due to --check-equivalent. The following files were not equivalent: #{to_bullet_list(not_equivalent)} Please report this bug with the input files at """) end defp check!({_exits, _not_equivalent, [_ | _] = not_formatted}) do Mix.raise(""" mix format failed due to --check-formatted. The following files were not formatted: #{to_bullet_list(not_formatted)} """) end defp to_bullet_list(files) do Enum.map_join(files, "\n", &" * #{&1}") end defp equivalent?(input, output) do Code.Formatter.equivalent(input, output) == :ok end end
defmodule Cloak.AES.GCM do @moduledoc """ A `Cloak.Cipher` which encrypts values with the AES cipher in GCM (block) mode. Internally relies on Erlang's `:crypto.block_encrypt/4`. ## Configuration In addition to the normal `:default` and `tag` configuration options, this cipher take a `:keys` option to support using multiple AES keys at the same time. config :cloak, Cloak.AES.GCM, default: true, tag: "GCM", keys: [ %{tag: <<1>>, key: Base.decode64!("..."), default: false}, %{tag: <<2>>, key: Base.decode64!("..."), default: true} ] If you want to store your key in the environment variable, you can use `{:system, "VAR"}` syntax: config :cloak, Cloak.AES.GCM, default: true, tag: "GCM", keys: [ %{tag: <<1>>, key: {:system, "CLOAK_KEY_PRIMARY"}, default: true}, %{tag: <<2>>, key: {:system, "CLOAK_KEY_SECONDARY"}, default: false} ] If you want to store your key in the OTP app environment, you can use `{:app_env, :otp_app, :env_key}` syntax: config :cloak, Cloak.AES.GCM, default: true, tag: "GCM", keys: [ %{tag: <<1>>, key: {:app_env, :my_app, :env_primary_key}, default: true}, %{tag: <<2>>, key: {:app_env, :my_app, :env_secondary_key}, default: false} ] ### Key Configuration Options A key may have the following attributes: - `:tag` - The ID of the key. This is included in the ciphertext, and should be only a single byte. See `encrypt/2` for more details. - `:key` - The AES key to use, in binary. If you store your keys in Base64 format you will need to decode them first. The key must be 128, 192, or 256 bits long (16, 24 or 32 bytes, respectively). - `:default` - Boolean. Whether to use this key by default or not. ## Upgrading to a New Key To upgrade to a new key, simply add the key to the `:keys` array, and set it as `default: true`. keys: [ %{tag: <<1>>, key: "old key", default: false}, %{tag: <<2>>, key: "new key", default: true} ] After this, your new key will automatically be used for all new encyption, while the old key will be used to decrypt legacy values. To migrate everything proactively to the new key, see the `mix cloak.migrate` mix task defined in `Mix.Tasks.Cloak.Migrate`. """ import Cloak.Tags.Encoder import Cloak.Tags.Decoder @behaviour Cloak.Cipher @aad "AES256GCM" @doc """ Callback implementation for `Cloak.Cipher.encrypt`. Encrypts a value using AES in CTR mode. Generates a random IV for every encryption, and prepends the key tag, IV, and Ciphertag to the beginning of the ciphertext. The format can be diagrammed like this: +----------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ | HEADER | BODY | +-------------------+---------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | Key Tag (n bytes) | IV (16 bytes) | Ciphertag (16 bytes) | Ciphertext (n bytes) | +-------------------+---------------+----------------------+----------------------+ When this function is called through `Cloak.encrypt/1`, the module's `:tag` will be added, and the resulting binary will be in this format: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------------------+ | HEADER | BODY | +----------------------+-------------------+---------------+----------------------+----------------------+ | Module Tag (n bytes) | Key Tag (n bytes) | IV (16 bytes) | Ciphertag (16 bytes) | Ciphertext (n bytes) | +----------------------+-------------------+---------------+----------------------+----------------------+ The header information allows Cloak to know enough about each ciphertext to ensure a successful decryption. See `decrypt/1` for more details. **Important**: Because a random IV is used for every encryption, `encrypt/2` will not produce the same ciphertext twice for the same value. ### Parameters - `plaintext` - Any type of value to encrypt. - `key_tag` - Optional. The tag of the key to use for encryption. ### Examples iex> encrypt("The charge against me is a...") != "The charge against me is a..." true iex> encrypt("The charge against me is a...") != encrypt("The charge against me is a...") true """ def encrypt(plain_text, key_tag \\ nil) do perform_encryption(plain_text, iv(), find_key(key_tag)) end defp perform_encryption(plaintext, iv, key) do {ciphertext, ciphertag} = :crypto.block_encrypt( :aes_gcm, Cloak.Ciphers.Util.key_value(key), iv, {@aad, plaintext} ) encode(key.tag) <> iv <> ciphertag <> ciphertext end @doc """ Callback implementation for `Cloak.Cipher.decrypt/2`. Decrypts a value encrypted with AES in GCM mode. Uses the key tag to find the correct key for decryption, and the IV and Ciphertag included in the header to decrypt the body of the ciphertext. ### Parameters - `ciphertext` - Binary ciphertext generated by `encrypt/2`. ### Examples iex> encrypt("Hello") |> decrypt "Hello" """ def decrypt(message) do %{key_tag: key_tag, remainder: remainder} = decode(message) perform_decryption( Cloak.Ciphers.Util.key_value(find_key(key_tag)), remainder ) end defp perform_decryption(key, <<iv::binary-16, ciphertag::binary-16, ciphertext::binary>>) do :crypto.block_decrypt(:aes_gcm, key, iv, {@aad, ciphertext, ciphertag}) end defp iv, do: :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(16) defp find_key(key_tag) do Cloak.Ciphers.Util.config(__MODULE__, key_tag) || default_key() end defp default_key, do: Cloak.Ciphers.Util.default_key(__MODULE__) @doc """ Callback implementation for `Cloak.Cipher.version/0`. Returns the tag of the current default key. """ def version, do: default_key().tag end
defmodule Monet.Writer do @moduledoc """ Prepares and sends messages to the server. Should not be called directly from outside this library. """ use Bitwise, only: [bsl: 2, bor: 1] import Kernel, except: [send: 2] # resolve conflict import Monet.Connection, only: [connection: 2] @doc """ Sends `data` to the server. MonetDB only accepts individual frames up to 8190 bytes. If our message is larger than this, it needs to be broken up. Each frame has a 2 byte header. 1 bit of the header is used to indicate if this is the final frame of the message or not. The rest is used for the length. """ def send(conn, data) do len = :erlang.iolist_size(data) socket = connection(conn, :socket) case len > 8190 do true -> header = <<252, 63>> # max length not fin, aka: bor(bsl(8190, 1), 0) <<data::bytes-size(8190), rest::binary>> = :erlang.iolist_to_binary(data) with :ok <- do_send(socket, [header, data]) do send(conn, rest) end false -> header = <<bor(bsl(len, 1), 1)::little-16>> do_send(socket, [header, data]) end end defp do_send(socket, data) do case :gen_tcp.send(socket, data) do :ok -> :ok {:error, err} -> {:error,, err)} end end @doc """ Sends a command to the server. Commands appear to be queries with just an empty response. This should """ def command(conn, command) do send(conn, ["X", command, "\n"]) end @doc """ Sends a query to the server. Except for a very few things that are considered "commands", almost everything is a query """ def query(conn, query) do send(conn, [?s, query, ?;]) end @doc """ Encodes a list of value to be sent as part of a prepare + exec flow. The types parameter is parsed from the response of the prepare statement. See Monet.Prepared for more information """ def encode(values, types, acc \\ []) def encode([value], [type], acc), do: [acc, encode_value(value, type)] def encode([value | values], [type | types], acc), do: encode(values, types, [acc, encode_value(value, type), ?,,]) # should not be here, wrong number of values, let the server handle it def encode(_, _, acc), do: acc defp encode_value(nil, _type), do: "NULL" defp encode_value(f, _) when is_float(f), do: Float.to_string(f) defp encode_value(n, _) when is_integer(n), do: Integer.to_string(n) defp encode_value(%Decimal{} = d, _), do: Decimal.to_string(d) defp encode_value(true, _), do: "true" defp encode_value(false, _), do: "false" defp encode_value(<<data::binary>>, :blob), do: ["blob '", Base.encode16(data), ?'] defp encode_value(<<data::binary>>, :json), do: ["json '", encode_string(data), ?'] defp encode_value(<<data::binary>>, :uuid), do: ["uuid '", data, ?'] defp encode_value(<<data::binary>>, _), do: [?', encode_string(data), ?'] defp encode_value(%Time{} = t, {:time, 3}), do: ["time(3) '", Time.to_string(t), ?'] defp encode_value(%Time{} = t, {:time, 6}), do: ["time(6) '", Time.to_string(t), ?'] defp encode_value(%Time{} = t, _), do: ["time '", Time.to_string(t), ?'] defp encode_value(%Date{} = t, _), do: ["date '", Date.to_string(t), ?'] defp encode_value(%NaiveDateTime{} = t, {:time, 3}), do: ["timestamp(3) '", NaiveDateTime.to_iso8601(t), ?'] defp encode_value(%NaiveDateTime{} = t, {:time, 6}), do: ["timestamp(6) '", NaiveDateTime.to_iso8601(t), ?'] defp encode_value(%NaiveDateTime{} = t, _), do: ["timestamp '", NaiveDateTime.to_iso8601(t), ?'] defp encode_value(%DateTime{} = t, {:time, 3}), do: ["timestamptz(3) '", DateTime.to_iso8601(t), ?'] defp encode_value(%DateTime{} = t, {:time, 6}), do: ["timestamptz(6) '", DateTime.to_iso8601(t), ?'] defp encode_value(%DateTime{} = t, _), do: ["timestamptz '", DateTime.to_iso8601(t), ?'] def encode_string(data) do data |> String.replace("\\", "\\\\") |> String.replace("\'", "\\'") end end
defmodule AWS.Personalize do @moduledoc """ Amazon Personalize is a machine learning service that makes it easy to add individualized recommendations to customers. """ alias AWS.Client alias AWS.Request def metadata do %AWS.ServiceMetadata{ abbreviation: nil, api_version: "2018-05-22", content_type: "application/x-amz-json-1.1", credential_scope: nil, endpoint_prefix: "personalize", global?: false, protocol: "json", service_id: "Personalize", signature_version: "v4", signing_name: "personalize", target_prefix: "AmazonPersonalize" } end @doc """ Creates a batch inference job. The operation can handle up to 50 million records and the input file must be in JSON format. For more information, see `recommendations-batch`. """ def create_batch_inference_job(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateBatchInferenceJob", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a campaign by deploying a solution version. When a client calls the [GetRecommendations]( and [GetPersonalizedRanking]( APIs, a campaign is specified in the request. ## Minimum Provisioned TPS and Auto-Scaling A transaction is a single `GetRecommendations` or `GetPersonalizedRanking` call. Transactions per second (TPS) is the throughput and unit of billing for Amazon Personalize. The minimum provisioned TPS (`minProvisionedTPS`) specifies the baseline throughput provisioned by Amazon Personalize, and thus, the minimum billing charge. If your TPS increases beyond `minProvisionedTPS`, Amazon Personalize auto-scales the provisioned capacity up and down, but never below `minProvisionedTPS`. There's a short time delay while the capacity is increased that might cause loss of transactions. The actual TPS used is calculated as the average requests/second within a 5-minute window. You pay for maximum of either the minimum provisioned TPS or the actual TPS. We recommend starting with a low `minProvisionedTPS`, track your usage using Amazon CloudWatch metrics, and then increase the `minProvisionedTPS` as necessary. ## Status A campaign can be in one of the following states: * CREATE PENDING > CREATE IN_PROGRESS > ACTIVE -or- CREATE FAILED * DELETE PENDING > DELETE IN_PROGRESS To get the campaign status, call `DescribeCampaign`. Wait until the `status` of the campaign is `ACTIVE` before asking the campaign for recommendations. ## Related APIs * `ListCampaigns` * `DescribeCampaign` * `UpdateCampaign` * `DeleteCampaign` """ def create_campaign(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateCampaign", input, options) end @doc """ Creates an empty dataset and adds it to the specified dataset group. Use `CreateDatasetImportJob` to import your training data to a dataset. There are three types of datasets: * Interactions * Items * Users Each dataset type has an associated schema with required field types. Only the `Interactions` dataset is required in order to train a model (also referred to as creating a solution). A dataset can be in one of the following states: * CREATE PENDING > CREATE IN_PROGRESS > ACTIVE -or- CREATE FAILED * DELETE PENDING > DELETE IN_PROGRESS To get the status of the dataset, call `DescribeDataset`. ## Related APIs * `CreateDatasetGroup` * `ListDatasets` * `DescribeDataset` * `DeleteDataset` """ def create_dataset(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateDataset", input, options) end @doc """ Creates an empty dataset group. A dataset group contains related datasets that supply data for training a model. A dataset group can contain at most three datasets, one for each type of dataset: * Interactions * Items * Users To train a model (create a solution), a dataset group that contains an `Interactions` dataset is required. Call `CreateDataset` to add a dataset to the group. A dataset group can be in one of the following states: * CREATE PENDING > CREATE IN_PROGRESS > ACTIVE -or- CREATE FAILED * DELETE PENDING To get the status of the dataset group, call `DescribeDatasetGroup`. If the status shows as CREATE FAILED, the response includes a `failureReason` key, which describes why the creation failed. You must wait until the `status` of the dataset group is `ACTIVE` before adding a dataset to the group. You can specify an AWS Key Management Service (KMS) key to encrypt the datasets in the group. If you specify a KMS key, you must also include an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that has permission to access the key. ## APIs that require a dataset group ARN in the request * `CreateDataset` * `CreateEventTracker` * `CreateSolution` ## Related APIs * `ListDatasetGroups` * `DescribeDatasetGroup` * `DeleteDatasetGroup` """ def create_dataset_group(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateDatasetGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a job that imports training data from your data source (an Amazon S3 bucket) to an Amazon Personalize dataset. To allow Amazon Personalize to import the training data, you must specify an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that has permission to read from the data source, as Amazon Personalize makes a copy of your data and processes it in an internal AWS system. The dataset import job replaces any existing data in the dataset that you imported in bulk. ## Status A dataset import job can be in one of the following states: * CREATE PENDING > CREATE IN_PROGRESS > ACTIVE -or- CREATE FAILED To get the status of the import job, call `DescribeDatasetImportJob`, providing the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the dataset import job. The dataset import is complete when the status shows as ACTIVE. If the status shows as CREATE FAILED, the response includes a `failureReason` key, which describes why the job failed. Importing takes time. You must wait until the status shows as ACTIVE before training a model using the dataset. ## Related APIs * `ListDatasetImportJobs` * `DescribeDatasetImportJob` """ def create_dataset_import_job(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateDatasetImportJob", input, options) end @doc """ Creates an event tracker that you use when adding event data to a specified dataset group using the [PutEvents]( API. Only one event tracker can be associated with a dataset group. You will get an error if you call `CreateEventTracker` using the same dataset group as an existing event tracker. When you create an event tracker, the response includes a tracking ID, which you pass as a parameter when you use the [PutEvents]( operation. Amazon Personalize then appends the event data to the Interactions dataset of the dataset group you specify in your event tracker. The event tracker can be in one of the following states: * CREATE PENDING > CREATE IN_PROGRESS > ACTIVE -or- CREATE FAILED * DELETE PENDING > DELETE IN_PROGRESS To get the status of the event tracker, call `DescribeEventTracker`. The event tracker must be in the ACTIVE state before using the tracking ID. ## Related APIs * `ListEventTrackers` * `DescribeEventTracker` * `DeleteEventTracker` """ def create_event_tracker(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateEventTracker", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a recommendation filter. For more information, see `filter`. """ def create_filter(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateFilter", input, options) end @doc """ Creates an Amazon Personalize schema from the specified schema string. The schema you create must be in Avro JSON format. Amazon Personalize recognizes three schema variants. Each schema is associated with a dataset type and has a set of required field and keywords. You specify a schema when you call `CreateDataset`. ## Related APIs * `ListSchemas` * `DescribeSchema` * `DeleteSchema` """ def create_schema(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateSchema", input, options) end @doc """ Creates the configuration for training a model. A trained model is known as a solution. After the configuration is created, you train the model (create a solution) by calling the `CreateSolutionVersion` operation. Every time you call `CreateSolutionVersion`, a new version of the solution is created. After creating a solution version, you check its accuracy by calling `GetSolutionMetrics`. When you are satisfied with the version, you deploy it using `CreateCampaign`. The campaign provides recommendations to a client through the [GetRecommendations]( API. To train a model, Amazon Personalize requires training data and a recipe. The training data comes from the dataset group that you provide in the request. A recipe specifies the training algorithm and a feature transformation. You can specify one of the predefined recipes provided by Amazon Personalize. Alternatively, you can specify `performAutoML` and Amazon Personalize will analyze your data and select the optimum USER_PERSONALIZATION recipe for you. Amazon Personalize doesn't support configuring the `hpoObjective` for solution hyperparameter optimization at this time. ## Status A solution can be in one of the following states: * CREATE PENDING > CREATE IN_PROGRESS > ACTIVE -or- CREATE FAILED * DELETE PENDING > DELETE IN_PROGRESS To get the status of the solution, call `DescribeSolution`. Wait until the status shows as ACTIVE before calling `CreateSolutionVersion`. ## Related APIs * `ListSolutions` * `CreateSolutionVersion` * `DescribeSolution` * `DeleteSolution` * `ListSolutionVersions` * `DescribeSolutionVersion` """ def create_solution(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateSolution", input, options) end @doc """ Trains or retrains an active solution. A solution is created using the `CreateSolution` operation and must be in the ACTIVE state before calling `CreateSolutionVersion`. A new version of the solution is created every time you call this operation. ## Status A solution version can be in one of the following states: * CREATE PENDING > CREATE IN_PROGRESS > ACTIVE -or- CREATE FAILED To get the status of the version, call `DescribeSolutionVersion`. Wait until the status shows as ACTIVE before calling `CreateCampaign`. If the status shows as CREATE FAILED, the response includes a `failureReason` key, which describes why the job failed. ## Related APIs * `ListSolutionVersions` * `DescribeSolutionVersion` * `ListSolutions` * `CreateSolution` * `DescribeSolution` * `DeleteSolution` """ def create_solution_version(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateSolutionVersion", input, options) end @doc """ Removes a campaign by deleting the solution deployment. The solution that the campaign is based on is not deleted and can be redeployed when needed. A deleted campaign can no longer be specified in a [GetRecommendations]( request. For more information on campaigns, see `CreateCampaign`. """ def delete_campaign(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteCampaign", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a dataset. You can't delete a dataset if an associated `DatasetImportJob` or `SolutionVersion` is in the CREATE PENDING or IN PROGRESS state. For more information on datasets, see `CreateDataset`. """ def delete_dataset(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteDataset", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a dataset group. Before you delete a dataset group, you must delete the following: * All associated event trackers. * All associated solutions. * All datasets in the dataset group. """ def delete_dataset_group(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteDatasetGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes the event tracker. Does not delete the event-interactions dataset from the associated dataset group. For more information on event trackers, see `CreateEventTracker`. """ def delete_event_tracker(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteEventTracker", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a filter. """ def delete_filter(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteFilter", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a schema. Before deleting a schema, you must delete all datasets referencing the schema. For more information on schemas, see `CreateSchema`. """ def delete_schema(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteSchema", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes all versions of a solution and the `Solution` object itself. Before deleting a solution, you must delete all campaigns based on the solution. To determine what campaigns are using the solution, call `ListCampaigns` and supply the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the solution. You can't delete a solution if an associated `SolutionVersion` is in the CREATE PENDING or IN PROGRESS state. For more information on solutions, see `CreateSolution`. """ def delete_solution(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteSolution", input, options) end @doc """ Describes the given algorithm. """ def describe_algorithm(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeAlgorithm", input, options) end @doc """ Gets the properties of a batch inference job including name, Amazon Resource Name (ARN), status, input and output configurations, and the ARN of the solution version used to generate the recommendations. """ def describe_batch_inference_job(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeBatchInferenceJob", input, options) end @doc """ Describes the given campaign, including its status. A campaign can be in one of the following states: * CREATE PENDING > CREATE IN_PROGRESS > ACTIVE -or- CREATE FAILED * DELETE PENDING > DELETE IN_PROGRESS When the `status` is `CREATE FAILED`, the response includes the `failureReason` key, which describes why. For more information on campaigns, see `CreateCampaign`. """ def describe_campaign(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeCampaign", input, options) end @doc """ Describes the given dataset. For more information on datasets, see `CreateDataset`. """ def describe_dataset(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeDataset", input, options) end @doc """ Describes the given dataset group. For more information on dataset groups, see `CreateDatasetGroup`. """ def describe_dataset_group(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeDatasetGroup", input, options) end @doc """ Describes the dataset import job created by `CreateDatasetImportJob`, including the import job status. """ def describe_dataset_import_job(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeDatasetImportJob", input, options) end @doc """ Describes an event tracker. The response includes the `trackingId` and `status` of the event tracker. For more information on event trackers, see `CreateEventTracker`. """ def describe_event_tracker(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeEventTracker", input, options) end @doc """ Describes the given feature transformation. """ def describe_feature_transformation(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeFeatureTransformation", input, options) end @doc """ Describes a filter's properties. """ def describe_filter(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeFilter", input, options) end @doc """ Describes a recipe. A recipe contains three items: * An algorithm that trains a model. * Hyperparameters that govern the training. * Feature transformation information for modifying the input data before training. Amazon Personalize provides a set of predefined recipes. You specify a recipe when you create a solution with the `CreateSolution` API. `CreateSolution` trains a model by using the algorithm in the specified recipe and a training dataset. The solution, when deployed as a campaign, can provide recommendations using the [GetRecommendations]( API. """ def describe_recipe(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeRecipe", input, options) end @doc """ Describes a schema. For more information on schemas, see `CreateSchema`. """ def describe_schema(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeSchema", input, options) end @doc """ Describes a solution. For more information on solutions, see `CreateSolution`. """ def describe_solution(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeSolution", input, options) end @doc """ Describes a specific version of a solution. For more information on solutions, see `CreateSolution`. """ def describe_solution_version(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeSolutionVersion", input, options) end @doc """ Gets the metrics for the specified solution version. """ def get_solution_metrics(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "GetSolutionMetrics", input, options) end @doc """ Gets a list of the batch inference jobs that have been performed off of a solution version. """ def list_batch_inference_jobs(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListBatchInferenceJobs", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of campaigns that use the given solution. When a solution is not specified, all the campaigns associated with the account are listed. The response provides the properties for each campaign, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For more information on campaigns, see `CreateCampaign`. """ def list_campaigns(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListCampaigns", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of dataset groups. The response provides the properties for each dataset group, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For more information on dataset groups, see `CreateDatasetGroup`. """ def list_dataset_groups(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListDatasetGroups", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of dataset import jobs that use the given dataset. When a dataset is not specified, all the dataset import jobs associated with the account are listed. The response provides the properties for each dataset import job, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For more information on dataset import jobs, see `CreateDatasetImportJob`. For more information on datasets, see `CreateDataset`. """ def list_dataset_import_jobs(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListDatasetImportJobs", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the list of datasets contained in the given dataset group. The response provides the properties for each dataset, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For more information on datasets, see `CreateDataset`. """ def list_datasets(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListDatasets", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the list of event trackers associated with the account. The response provides the properties for each event tracker, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and tracking ID. For more information on event trackers, see `CreateEventTracker`. """ def list_event_trackers(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListEventTrackers", input, options) end @doc """ Lists all filters that belong to a given dataset group. """ def list_filters(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListFilters", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of available recipes. The response provides the properties for each recipe, including the recipe's Amazon Resource Name (ARN). """ def list_recipes(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListRecipes", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the list of schemas associated with the account. The response provides the properties for each schema, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For more information on schemas, see `CreateSchema`. """ def list_schemas(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListSchemas", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of solution versions for the given solution. When a solution is not specified, all the solution versions associated with the account are listed. The response provides the properties for each solution version, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For more information on solutions, see `CreateSolution`. """ def list_solution_versions(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListSolutionVersions", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of solutions that use the given dataset group. When a dataset group is not specified, all the solutions associated with the account are listed. The response provides the properties for each solution, including the Amazon Resource Name (ARN). For more information on solutions, see `CreateSolution`. """ def list_solutions(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListSolutions", input, options) end @doc """ Updates a campaign by either deploying a new solution or changing the value of the campaign's `minProvisionedTPS` parameter. To update a campaign, the campaign status must be ACTIVE or CREATE FAILED. Check the campaign status using the `DescribeCampaign` API. You must wait until the `status` of the updated campaign is `ACTIVE` before asking the campaign for recommendations. For more information on campaigns, see `CreateCampaign`. """ def update_campaign(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "UpdateCampaign", input, options) end end
defmodule ForgeSdk do @moduledoc """ Forge is a full fledge blockchain framework for developers to build decentralized applications easily. Forge gives the developers / operators the freedom to launch their own customized chains with their own application logic. This is the Elixir / Erlang version of the SDK for Forge framework. To develop applications on top of the forge, you shall pick up a SDK. Forge SDK is intended to make the interaction with the chain built by Forge as easy as possible. All SDK APIs are organized into the following categories: - chain APIs: provide the client wrapper for `chain` related gRPC - wallet APIs: provide the client wrapper for `wallet` related gRPC - state APIs: provide the client wrapper for `state` related gRPC - subscription APIs: provide the client wrapper for `subscription` related gRPC - transaction APIs: the gRPC for transaction is `send_tx`, this set of APIs provide helper functions to make building and sending a tx easy. - misc APIs: parsing `configuration`, initialize sdk and more. """ alias ForgeAbi.{ # other AccountState, AssetState, BlockInfo, BlockInfoSimple, ChainInfo, ForgeState, NetInfo, NodeInfo, PageInfo, ProtocolState, Transaction, TransactionInfo, ValidatorsInfo, WalletInfo, # request response RequestGetAccountState, RequestGetAssetState, RequestGetBlock, RequestGetBlocks, RequestGetTx, RequestGetProtocolState, RequestSendTx, RequestSubscribe, RequestUnsubscribe, ResponseSubscribe } alias ForgeSdk.{Display, Loader, Rpc, Util, Wallet} @doc """ Migrate a `wallet` from old address (as well as pk, sk) to a new address. ## Example old_wallet = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() declare_tx = "sisyphus") ForgeSdk.declare(declare_tx, wallet: old_wallet) new_wallet = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() itx =, address: new_wallet.address) ForgeSdk.account_migrate(itx, wallet: old_wallet) """ @spec account_migrate(map(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate account_migrate(itx, opts), to: Rpc @doc """ Acquire an `asset` from an existing asset factory. ## Example w = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.declare( "theater"), wallet: w) w1 = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.declare( "tyr"), wallet: w1) # Note application shall already registered `Ticket` into Forge via `deploy_protocol`. factory = %{ description: "movie ticket factory", limit: 5, price: ForgeAbi.token_to_unit(1), template: ~s({ "row": "{{ row }}", "seat": "{{ seat }}", "time": "11:00am 04/30/2019", "room": "4" }), allowed_spec_args: ["row", "seat"], asset_name: "Ticket", attributes: %ForgeAbi.AssetAttributes{ transferrable: true, ttl: 3600 * 3 } } ForgeSdk.create_asset_factory("Avenerages: Endgame", factory, wallet: w) specs =["0", "2"], fn seat -> apply(ForgeAbi.AssetSpec, :new, [%{data: ~s({"row": "15", "seat": "\#{seat}"})}]) end) itx = address, specs: specs) ForgeSdk.acquire_asset(itx, wallet: w1) """ @spec acquire_asset(map(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate acquire_asset(itx, opts), to: Rpc # defdelegate consensus_upgrade(itx, opts), to: Rpc @spec prepare_consume_asset(map(), Keyword.t()) :: Transaction.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate prepare_consume_asset(itx, opts), to: Rpc @spec finalize_consume_asset(Transaction.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:error, any()} | Transaction.t() defdelegate finalize_consume_asset(tx, opts), to: Rpc @doc """ Create a new `asset`. ## Example wallet = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() declare_tx = "sisyphus") ForgeSdk.declare(declare_tx, wallet: wallet) ticket = "K", seat: "22", room: "3A", time: "03/04/2019 11:00am PST", name: "Avengers: Endgame") itx = ForgeSdk.encode_any!(ticket), readonly: true, transferrable: true, ttl: 7200) ForgeSdk.create_asset(itx, wallet: wallet) """ @spec create_asset(map(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate create_asset(itx, opts), to: Rpc @doc """ Create a new `asset factory`. ## Example w = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.declare( "theater"), wallet: w) w1 = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.declare( "tyr"), wallet: w) # Note application shall already registered `Ticket` into Forge via `deploy_protocol`. factory = %{ description: "movie ticket factory", limit: 5, price: ForgeAbi.token_to_unit(1), template: ~s({ "row": "{{ row }}", "seat": "{{ seat }}", "time": "11:00am 04/30/2019", "room": "4" }), allowed_spec_args: ["row", "seat"], asset_name: "Ticket", attributes: %ForgeAbi.AssetAttributes{ transferrable: true, ttl: 3600 * 3 } } ForgeSdk.create_asset_factory("Avenerages: Endgame", factory, wallet: w) """ @spec create_asset_factory(String.t(), map(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate create_asset_factory(moniker, factory, opts), to: Rpc @doc """ Declare a `wallet` to the chain. ## Example wallet = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() declare_tx = "sisyphus") ForgeSdk.declare(declare_tx, wallet: wallet) """ @spec declare(map(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate declare(itx, opts), to: Rpc @spec prepare_declare(map(), Keyword.t()) :: Transaction.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate prepare_declare(itx, opts), to: Rpc @spec finalize_declare(Transaction.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:error, any()} | Transaction.t() defdelegate finalize_declare(tx, opts), to: Rpc @doc """ Deploy a `new protocol` into the chain at a given `block height`. ## Example itx = data |> Base.url_decode64!(padding: false) |> ForgeAbi.DeployProtocolTx.decode() ForgeSdk.deploy_protocol(itx, wallet: wallet) """ @spec deploy_protocol(map(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate deploy_protocol(itx, opts), to: Rpc @spec prepare_exchange(map(), Keyword.t()) :: Transaction.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate prepare_exchange(itx, opts), to: Rpc @spec finalize_exchange(Transaction.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:error, term()} | Transaction.t() defdelegate finalize_exchange(tx, opts), to: Rpc # defdelegate sys_upgrade(itx, opts), to: Rpc @doc """ One wallet can poke in a **daily basis** to get some free tokens (for test chains only), `nonce` should be 0. ## Example w = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.declare( "alice"), wallet: w) hsh = ForgeSdk.checkin(wallet: w) """ defdelegate poke(itx, opts), to: Rpc defdelegate stake(itx, opts), to: Rpc # defdelegate sys_upgrade(itx, opts), to: Rpc @doc """ Transfer `tokens or/and assets` from one wallet to another. ## Example w1 = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.declare( "alice"), wallet: w1) w2 = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.declare( "bob"), wallet: w2) data = "test_asset", value: "hello world") itx = ForgeSdk.encode_any!( w2.address, value: new_unit(100))) ForgeSdk.transfer(req, wallet: w1) """ @spec transfer(map(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate transfer(itx, opts), to: Rpc @doc """ Update an existing `asset`. ## Example wallet = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.declare( "alice"), wallet: wallet) post = "a new post", content: "hello world!") itx = ForgeSdk.encode_any!(post)) hash = ForgeSdk.create_asset(itx, wallet: wallet) address = ForgeSdk.get_address(hash) new_post = "a new post", content: "Yeah!") itx = ForgeSdk.encode_any!(post), address: address) ForgeSdk.get_asset_state(address: address) """ @spec update_asset(map(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate update_asset(itx, opts), to: Rpc @doc """ Upgrade the `node` to a new version at a given `block height`. ## Example itx = "0.26.0", height: 12000) ForgeSdk.upgrade_node(itx, wallet: wallet) """ @spec upgrade_node(map(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate upgrade_node(itx, opts), to: Rpc @spec update_validator(map(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate update_validator(itx, opts), to: Rpc @spec activate_protocol(map(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate activate_protocol(itx, opts), to: Rpc @spec deactivate_protocol(map(), Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate deactivate_protocol(itx, opts), to: Rpc defdelegate setup_swap(itx, opts), to: Rpc defdelegate retrieve_swap(itx, opts), to: Rpc defdelegate revoke_swap(itx, opts), to: Rpc defdelegate delegate(itx, opts), to: Rpc defdelegate revoke_delegate(itx, opts), to: Rpc defdelegate deposit_token(itx, opts), to: Rpc defdelegate prepare_withdraw_token(itx, opts), to: Rpc defdelegate finalize_withdraw_token(itx, opts), to: Rpc defdelegate approve_withdraw(itx, opts), to: Rpc defdelegate revoke_withdraw(itx, opts), to: Rpc defdelegate refuel(opts), to: Rpc defdelegate refuel(itx, opts), to: Rpc # extended tx helper defdelegate stake_for_node(address, amount, opts), to: Rpc # chain related @doc """ One wallet can check in a daily basis to get some free tokens (for test chains only), `nonce` should be 0. ## Example w = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.declare( "alice"), wallet: w) ForgeSdk.checkin(wallet: w) """ @spec checkin(Keyword.t()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate checkin(opts), to: Rpc # RPC # chain related @doc """ Retrieve the current status of the chain. ## Example ForgeSdk.get_chain_info() """ @spec get_chain_info(String.t()) :: ChainInfo.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate get_chain_info(conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc @doc """ Retrive the current status of the node. ## Example ForgeSdk.get_node_info() """ @spec get_node_info(String.t()) :: NodeInfo.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate get_node_info(conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc @doc """ Retrieve the `network info`. ## Example ForgeSdk.get_net_info() """ @spec get_net_info(String.t()) :: NetInfo.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate get_net_info(conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc @doc """ Retrieve the current validator info. ## Example ForgeSdk.get_validators_info() """ @spec get_validators_info(String.t()) :: ValidatorsInfo.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate get_validators_info(conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc @doc """ Forge we support `multisig` for a tx, you can use this to endorse an already signed tx. **ExchangeTx, ConsumeAssetTx and some other txs** are using multisig technology. ## Example w1 = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.declare( "alice"), wallet: w1) w2 = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.declare( "bob"), wallet: w2) data = "test_asset", value: "hello world") hash = ForgeSdk.create_asset( asset_data), wallet: w2) asset_address = ForgeSdk.get_address(hash) sender_info = ForgeSdk.token_to_unit(1)) receiver_info = [asset_address]) itx = w2.address, sender: sender_info, receiver: receiver_info) tx = ForgeSdk.prepare_exchange(itx, wallet: w1) tx1 = ForgeSdk.multisig(tx, w2) ForgeSdk.send_tx(tx: tx1) """ @spec multisig(Keyword.t(), String.t() | atom()) :: Transaction.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate multisig(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc @doc """ Send tx. ## Example w1 = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.declare( "alice"), wallet: w1) w2 = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.declare( "bob"), wallet: w2) data = "test_asset", value: "hello world") itx = ForgeSdk.encode_any!( w2.address, value: new_unit(100))) tx = ForgeSdk.transfer(itx, wallet: w1, send: :nosend) hash = ForgeSdk.send_tx(tx: tx) """ @spec send_tx(RequestSendTx.t() | Keyword.t(), String.t() | atom()) :: String.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate send_tx(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc @doc """ Return an already processed `transaction` by its `hash`. If this API returns `nil`, mostly your tx hasn't been. ## Example hash = ForgeSdk.send_tx(tx: tx) ForgeSdk.get_tx(hash: hash) """ @spec get_tx( RequestGetTx.t() | [RequestGetTx.t()] | Keyword.t() | [Keyword.t()], String.t() ) :: TransactionInfo.t() | [TransactionInfo.t()] | {:error, term()} defdelegate get_tx(requests, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate get_unconfirmed_txs(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc @doc """ Get a block by its `height`. All txs included in this block will be returned. ## Example req = 1000) ForgeSdk.get_block(req) """ @spec get_block( RequestGetBlock.t() | [RequestGetBlock.t()] | Keyword.t() | [Keyword.t()], String.t() ) :: BlockInfo.t() | [BlockInfo.t()] | {:error, term()} defdelegate get_block(requests, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc @doc """ Get a `list` of blocks between a range. ## Example page_info = range_filter = 1000, to: 1015) req = true, height_filter: range_filter, paging: page_info) ForgeSdk.get_blocks(req) """ @spec get_blocks(RequestGetBlocks.t() | Keyword.t(), String.t() | atom()) :: {[BlockInfoSimple.t()], PageInfo.t()} | {:error, term()} defdelegate get_blocks(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate search(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate get_config(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc # wallet related @doc """ This will generate a wallet with default DID type: public key type is `ED25519`, hash type is `sha3(256)`, and DID role type is account. ## Example ForgeSdk.create_wallet() """ @spec create_wallet :: WalletInfo.t() def create_wallet, do: Wallet.create(%Wallet.Type.Forge{}) @doc """ You can pass in your own `DID` type in a map once you want to create a wallet with different settings. ## Example w1 = ForgeSdk.create_wallet() ForgeSdk.create_wallet(moniker: "alice") """ @spec create_wallet(Keyword.t(), String.t() | atom()) :: WalletInfo.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate create_wallet(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc @spec prepare_create_wallet(Keyword.t(), String.t() | atom()) :: {WalletInfo.t(), Transaction.t()} | {:error, term()} defdelegate prepare_create_wallet(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc @spec finalize_create_wallet(Transaction.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:error, any()} | Transaction.t() defdelegate finalize_create_wallet(tx, opts), to: Rpc defdelegate declare_node(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc # state related @doc """ Return the `state` for an account, node, validator or application address. ## Example req = "z1QNTPxDUCbh68q6ci6zUmtnT2Cj8nbLw75") ForgeSdk.get_account_state(req) """ @spec get_account_state( RequestGetAccountState.t() | [RequestGetAccountState.t()] | Keyword.t() | [Keyword.t()], String.t() | atom() ) :: AccountState.t() | nil | [AccountState.t()] | {:error, term()} defdelegate get_account_state(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc @doc """ Return the `state` for an asset. ## Example req = "zjdjh65vHxvvWfj3xPrDoUDYp1aY6xUCV21b") ForgeSdk.get_asset_state(req) """ @spec get_asset_state( RequestGetAssetState.t() | [RequestGetAssetState.t()] | Keyword.t() | [Keyword.t()], String.t() | atom() ) :: AssetState.t() | [AssetState.t()] | {:error, term()} defdelegate get_asset_state(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc @doc """ Return global state for forge. ## Example ForgeSdk.get_forge_state() """ @spec get_forge_state(String.t() | atom()) :: ForgeState.t() | {:error, term()} defdelegate get_forge_state(conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc @doc """ Return installed protocol state. ## Example req = "z2E3zCQTx5dPQeimQvJWz3vJvcDv9Ad6YgaPn") ForgeSdk.get_protocol_state(req) """ @spec get_protocol_state( RequestGetProtocolState.t() | [RequestGetProtocolState.t()] | Keyword.t() | [Keyword.t()], String.t() ) :: ProtocolState.t() | [ProtocolState.t()] | {:error, term()} defdelegate get_protocol_state(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate get_stake_state(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate get_swap_state(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate get_delegate_state(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc # subscription related @doc """ Subscribe to a `topic`. You can event set a filter for the event that you'd listen. ## Example req = "fg:t:declare") ForgeSdk.Rpc.subscribe(req) """ @spec subscribe(RequestSubscribe.t() | Keyword.t(), String.t() | atom(), Keyword.t()) :: [ResponseSubscribe.t()] | {:error, term()} defdelegate subscribe(request, conn_name \\ "", opts \\ []), to: Rpc @doc """ Terminate the subscription by the topic `id`. ## Example req = "fg:t:declare") stream_declare = ForgeSdk.Rpc.subscribe(req) [topic: topic] = Enum.take(stream_declare, 1) req = topic) ForgeSdk.Rpc.unsubscribe(req) """ @spec unsubscribe(RequestUnsubscribe.t(), String.t() | atom(), Keyword.t()) :: :ok | {:error, term()} defdelegate unsubscribe(request, conn_name \\ "", opts \\ []), to: Rpc # extended # defdelegate get_nonce(address, conn_name \\ "", app_hash \\ ""), to: Rpc # display a data structure @doc """ Provide a display friendly result for a data structure. ## Examples req = "z1QNTPxDUCbh68q6ci6zUmtnT2Cj8nbLw75") account_state = ForgeSdk.get_account_state(req) ForgeSdk.display(account_state) """ @spec display(any(), boolean()) :: any() defdelegate display(data, expand? \\ false), to: Display defdelegate connect(hostname, opts), to: Util defdelegate get_conn(name \\ ""), to: Util defdelegate get_parsed_config(name \\ ""), to: Util defdelegate datetime_to_proto(dt), to: Util defdelegate update_type_url(forge_state), to: Loader defdelegate get_tx_protocols(forge_state, address), to: Loader defdelegate get_address(hash), to: Rpc defdelegate encode_any(data, type_url \\ nil), to: ForgeAbi defdelegate encode_any!(data, type_url \\ nil), to: ForgeAbi defdelegate decode_any(data), to: ForgeAbi defdelegate decode_any!(data), to: ForgeAbi defdelegate token_to_unit(tokens, name \\ ""), to: Util defdelegate unit_to_token(units, name \\ ""), to: Util defdelegate one_token(name \\ ""), to: Util defdelegate verify_sig(tx), to: Util defdelegate verify_multi_sig(tx), to: Util # stats defdelegate get_forge_stats(requests, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate list_transactions(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate list_assets(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate list_stakes(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate list_account(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate list_top_accounts(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate list_asset_transactions(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate list_blocks(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate list_swap(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc defdelegate get_health_status(request, conn_name \\ ""), to: Rpc end
defmodule TaskBunny.Job do @moduledoc """ Behaviour module for implementing a TaskBunny job. TaskBunny job is an asynchronous background job whose execution request is enqueued to RabbitMQ and performed in a worker process. defmodule HelloJob do use TaskBunny.Job def perform(%{"name" => name}) do IO.puts "Hello " <> name :ok end end HelloJob.enqueue(%{"name" => "Cloud"}) ## Failing TaskBunny treats the job as failed when... - the return value of perform is not `:ok` or `{:ok, something}` - the perform timed out - the perform raises an exception while being executed - the perform throws :exit signal while being executed. TaskBunny will retry the failed job later. ## Timeout By default TaskBunny terminates the job when it takes more than 2 minutes. This prevents messages blocking a worker. If your job is expected to take longer than 2 minutes or you want to terminate the job earlier, override `timeout/0`. defmodule SlowJob do use TaskBunny.Job def timeout, do: 300_000 def perform(_) do slow_work() :ok end end # Retry By default TaskBunny retries 10 times every five minutes for a failed job. You can change this by overriding `max_retry/0` and `retry_interval/1`. For example, if you want the job to be retried five times and gradually increase the interval based on failed times, you can write logic like the following: defmodule HttpSyncJob do def max_retry, do: 5 def retry_interval(failed_count) do [1, 5, 10, 30, 60] |> * 60_000)) |> - 1, 1000) end ... end """ @doc """ Callback to process a job. It can take any type of argument as long as it can be serialized with Poison, but we recommend you to use map with string keys for a consistency. def perform(name) do IO.puts name <> ", it's not a preferred way" end def perform(%{"name" => name}) do IO.puts name <> ", it's a preferred way :)" end """ @callback perform(any) :: :ok | {:ok, any} | {:error, term} @doc """ Enforces job uniqueness. When returning a string from this function, TaskBunny enforces that only one job per queue key can be put in the queue at the same time. Only when the job has left the queue (after it has been executed), it will be possible to enqueue a job with the same queue key again. """ @callback queue_key(any) :: nil | String.t() @doc """ Enforces job execution serialization. When returning a string from this function, TaskBunny enforces that not more than one job with the same job is executed concurrently. However, it is still possible to have multiple jobs with the same execution key enqueued, but jobs that have the same execution key will be put in a waiting queue and processed serially. """ @callback execution_key(any) :: nil | String.t() @doc """ Callback executed when a process gets rejected. It receives in input the whole error trace structure plus the orginal payload for inspection and recovery actions. """ @callback on_reject(any) :: :ok @doc """ Callback for the timeout in milliseconds for a job execution. Default value is 120_000 = 2 minutes. Override the function if you want to change the value. """ @callback timeout() :: integer @doc """ Callback for the max number of retries TaskBunny can make for a failed job. Default value is 10. Override the function if you want to change the value. """ @callback max_retry() :: integer @doc """ Callback for the retry interval in milliseconds. Default value is 300_000 = 5 minutes. Override the function if you want to change the value. TaskBunny will set failed count to the argument. The value will be more than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to max_retry. """ @callback retry_interval(integer) :: integer require Logger alias TaskBunny.{Config, Queue, Job, Message, Partition, Publisher} alias TaskBunny.{ Publisher.PublishError, Connection.ConnectError, Job.QueueNotFoundError } defmacro __using__(_options \\ []) do quote do @behaviour Job @doc false @spec enqueue(any, keyword) :: :ok | {:error, any} def enqueue(payload \\ %{}, options \\ []) do TaskBunny.Job.enqueue(__MODULE__, payload, options) end @doc false @spec enqueue!(any, keyword) :: :ok def enqueue!(payload \\ %{}, options \\ []) do TaskBunny.Job.enqueue!(__MODULE__, payload, options) end # Makes sure that the queue only includes a unique job. @doc false @spec queue_key(any) :: nil | String.t() def queue_key(_payload), do: nil # Makes sure that only one with the same key is # being executed at the same time. @doc false @spec execution_key(any) :: nil | String.t() def execution_key(_payload), do: nil # Returns timeout (default 2 minutes). # Override the method to change the timeout. @doc false @spec timeout() :: integer def timeout, do: 120_000 # Retries 10 times in every 5 minutes by default. # You have to re-create the queue after you change retry_interval. @doc false @spec max_retry() :: integer def max_retry, do: 10 @doc false @spec retry_interval(integer) :: integer def retry_interval(_failed_count), do: 300_000 @doc false @spec on_reject(any) :: :ok def on_reject(_body), do: :ok defoverridable timeout: 0, max_retry: 0, retry_interval: 1, on_reject: 1, queue_key: 1, execution_key: 1 end end @doc """ Enqueues a job with payload. You might want to use the shorter version if you can access to the job. # Following two calls are exactly same. RegistrationJob.enqueue(payload) TaskBunny.enqueue(RegistrationJob, payload) ## Options - delay: Set time in milliseconds to schedule the job enqueue time. - host: RabbitMQ host. By default it is automatically selected from configuration. - queue: RabbitMQ queue. By default it is automatically selected from configuration. """ @spec enqueue(atom, any, keyword) :: :ok | {:error, any} def enqueue(job, payload, options \\ []) do enqueue!(job, payload, options) rescue e in [ConnectError, PublishError, QueueNotFoundError] -> {:error, e} end @doc """ Similar to enqueue/3 but raises an exception on error. """ @spec enqueue!(atom, any, keyword) :: :ok def enqueue!(job, payload, options \\ []) do queue_data = Config.queue_for_job(job) || [] host = options[:host] || queue_data[:host] || :default # Check the queue key; when there is a queue key and it is not # queued, immediately add it to the queue key set to prevent # races. if job.queue_key(payload) != nil and Partition.queued?(job.queue_key(payload), :add) do {:error, :duplicate} else {:ok, message} = Message.encode(job, payload) case options[:queue] || queue_data[:name] do nil -> raise QueueNotFoundError, job: job queue -> do_enqueue(host, queue, message, options[:delay]) end end end @spec do_enqueue(atom, String.t(), String.t(), nil | integer) :: :ok defp do_enqueue(host, queue, message, nil) do Publisher.publish!(host, queue, message) end defp do_enqueue(host, queue, message, delay) do scheduled = Queue.scheduled_queue(queue) options = [ expiration: "#{delay}" ] Publisher.publish!(host, scheduled, message, options) end end
defmodule Q do @moduledoc """ Documentation for Q ( Elixir Quantum module ). """ @doc """ |0> qubit = ( 1, 0 ) ## Examples iex> Q.q0.array [ 1, 0 ] """ def q0, do: [ 1, 0 ] ) @doc """ |1> qubit = ( 0, 1 ) ## Examples iex> Q.q1.array [ 0, 1 ] """ def q1, do: [ 0, 1 ] ) @doc """ X gate. ## Examples iex> Q.x( Q.q0 ).array [ 0, 1 ] iex> Q.x( Q.q1 ).array [ 1, 0 ] iex> ( Q.z( Q.q1 ) |> Q.x ).array [ -1, 0 ] iex> ( Q.z( Q.q1 ) |> Q.x |> Q.x ).array [ 0, -1 ] iex> ( Q.h( Q.q0 ) |> Q.x ).array [ 1 / Math.sqrt( 2 ) * 1, 1 / Math.sqrt( 2 ) * 1 ] iex> ( Q.h( Q.q1 ) |> Q.x ).array [ 1 / Math.sqrt( 2 ) * -1, 1 / Math.sqrt( 2 ) * 1 ] """ def x( qbit ), do: x_matrix(), qbit ) def x_matrix(), do: [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 1, 0 ] ] ) @doc """ Z gate. ## Examples iex> Q.z( Q.q0 ).array [ 1, 0 ] iex> Q.z( Q.q1 ).array [ 0, -1 ] iex> ( Q.h( Q.q0 ) |> Q.z ).array [ 1 / Math.sqrt( 2 ) * 1, 1 / Math.sqrt( 2 ) * -1 ] iex> ( Q.h( Q.q1 ) |> Q.z ).array [ 1 / Math.sqrt( 2 ) * 1, 1 / Math.sqrt( 2 ) * 1 ] """ def z( qbit ), do: z_matrix(), qbit ) def z_matrix(), do: [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, -1 ] ] ) @doc """ Hadamard gate. ## Examples iex> Q.h( Q.q0 ).array [ 1 / Math.sqrt( 2 ) * 1, 1 / Math.sqrt( 2 ) * 1 ] iex> Q.h( Q.q1 ).array [ 1 / Math.sqrt( 2 ) * 1, 1 / Math.sqrt( 2 ) * -1 ] iex> ( Q.h( Q.q0 ) |> Q.h ).array [ 1, 0 ] iex> ( Q.h( Q.q1 ) |> Q.h ).array [ 0, 1 ] iex> ( [ Q.q0.array, Q.q1.array ] ) |> Q.cut( 0 ) |> Q.h |> Q.x |> Q.h ).array [ 1, 0 ] iex> ( [ Q.q0.array, Q.q1.array ] ) |> Q.cut( 1 ) |> Q.h |> Q.x |> Q.h ).array [ 0, -1 ] """ def h( qbit ), do: h_matrix(), qbit ) |> to_bit def h_matrix(), do: 1 / Math.sqrt( 2 ) |> Numexy.mul( [ [ 1, 1 ], [ 1, -1 ] ] ) ) def to_bit( 0.9999999999999998 ), do: 1 def to_bit( -0.9999999999999998 ), do: -1 def to_bit( 0.4999999999999999 ), do: 0.5 def to_bit( -0.4999999999999999 ), do: -0.5 def to_bit( 0.0 ), do: 0 def to_bit( value ) when is_list( value ) do case value |> List.first |> is_list do true -> value |> &( &1 |> fn n -> to_bit( n ) end ) ) ) false -> value |> &( to_bit( &1 ) ) ) end end def to_bit( %Array{ array: list, shape: _ } ), do: list |> to_bit |> def to_bit( others ), do: others @doc """ Controlled NOT gate. ## Examples iex> Q.cnot( Q.q0, Q.q0 ).array # |00> [ [ 1, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] iex> Q.cnot( Q.q0, Q.q1 ).array # |01> [ [ 0, 1 ], [ 0, 0 ] ] iex> Q.cnot( Q.q1, Q.q0 ).array # |11> [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1 ] ] iex> Q.cnot( Q.q1, Q.q1 ).array # |10> [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 1, 0 ] ] """ def cnot( qbit1, qbit2 ), do: ( cnot_matrix(), tensordot( qbit1, qbit2 ) ) ).array |> Numexy.reshape( 2 ) def cnot_matrix() do [ [ 1, 0, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 1, 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ], [ 0, 0, 1, 0 ], ] ) end def tensordot( %Array{ array: xm, shape: _xm_shape }, %Array{ array: ym, shape: _ym_shape } ) do xv = List.flatten( xm ) yv = List.flatten( ym ) xv |> fn x -> yv |> fn y -> x * y end ) end ) |> List.flatten |> end @doc """ Y gate. ## Examples iex> Q.y( Q.q0 ).array [ 0, 0, 1 ) ] iex> Q.y( Q.q1 ).array [ 0, -1 ), 0 ] iex> ( Q.y( Q.q0 ) |> Q.y ).array [ 1, 0 ] iex> ( Q.y( Q.q1 ) |> Q.y ).array [ 0, 1 ] """ def y( qbit ), do: complex_dot( y_matrix(), qbit ) def y_matrix(), do: [ [ 0, 0, -1 ) ], [ 0, 1 ), 0 ] ] ) def complex_dot( %Array{ array: xm, shape: { xm_row, nil } }, %Array{ array: ym, shape: { ym_row, nil } } ) when xm_row == ym_row do complex_dot_vector( xm, ym ) |> end def complex_dot( %Array{ array: xm, shape: { _, xm_col } }, %Array{ array: ym, shape: { ym_row, nil } } ) when xm_col == ym_row do ( for x <- xm, y <- [ ym ], do: [ x, y ] ) |> fn [ x, y ] -> complex_dot_vector( x, y ) end ) |> end def complex_dot_vector( xm, ym ) do result = xm, ym ) |> Enum.reduce( 0, fn { a, b }, acc -> complex_mult( a, b ) |> complex_add( acc ) end ) if result == 0, 0 ), do: 0, else: result end def complex_mult( a, b ) when is_map( a ) or is_map( b ), do: ComplexNum.mult( a, b ) def complex_mult( a, b ), do: a * b def complex_add( a, b ) when is_map( a ) or is_map( b ), do: ComplexNum.add( a, b ) def complex_add( a, b ), do: a + b @doc """ Cut qbit. ## Examples iex> Q.cut( [ Q.q0.array, Q.q1.array ] ), 0 ).array [ 1, 0 ] iex> Q.cut( [ Q.q0.array, Q.q1.array ] ), 1 ).array [ 0, 1 ] """ def cut( qbit, no ), do: qbit.array |> no ) |> end
defmodule AWS.SES do @moduledoc """ Amazon Simple Email Service This document contains reference information for the [Amazon Simple Email Service]( (Amazon SES) API, version 2010-12-01. This document is best used in conjunction with the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( For a list of Amazon SES endpoints to use in service requests, see [Regions and Amazon SES]( in the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( """ alias AWS.Client alias AWS.Request def metadata do %AWS.ServiceMetadata{ abbreviation: "Amazon SES", api_version: "2010-12-01", content_type: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", credential_scope: nil, endpoint_prefix: "email", global?: false, protocol: "query", service_id: "SES", signature_version: "v4", signing_name: "ses", target_prefix: nil } end @doc """ Creates a receipt rule set by cloning an existing one. All receipt rules and configurations are copied to the new receipt rule set and are completely independent of the source rule set. For information about setting up rule sets, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def clone_receipt_rule_set(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CloneReceiptRuleSet", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a configuration set. Configuration sets enable you to publish email sending events. For information about using configuration sets, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def create_configuration_set(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateConfigurationSet", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a configuration set event destination. When you create or update an event destination, you must provide one, and only one, destination. The destination can be CloudWatch, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, or Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). An event destination is the AWS service to which Amazon SES publishes the email sending events associated with a configuration set. For information about using configuration sets, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def create_configuration_set_event_destination(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "CreateConfigurationSetEventDestination", input, options ) end @doc """ Creates an association between a configuration set and a custom domain for open and click event tracking. By default, images and links used for tracking open and click events are hosted on domains operated by Amazon SES. You can configure a subdomain of your own to handle these events. For information about using custom domains, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( """ def create_configuration_set_tracking_options(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "CreateConfigurationSetTrackingOptions", input, options ) end @doc """ Creates a new custom verification email template. For more information about custom verification email templates, see [Using Custom Verification Email Templates]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide*. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def create_custom_verification_email_template(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "CreateCustomVerificationEmailTemplate", input, options ) end @doc """ Creates a new IP address filter. For information about setting up IP address filters, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def create_receipt_filter(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateReceiptFilter", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a receipt rule. For information about setting up receipt rules, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def create_receipt_rule(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateReceiptRule", input, options) end @doc """ Creates an empty receipt rule set. For information about setting up receipt rule sets, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def create_receipt_rule_set(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateReceiptRuleSet", input, options) end @doc """ Creates an email template. Email templates enable you to send personalized email to one or more destinations in a single API operation. For more information, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def create_template(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "CreateTemplate", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a configuration set. Configuration sets enable you to publish email sending events. For information about using configuration sets, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def delete_configuration_set(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteConfigurationSet", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a configuration set event destination. Configuration set event destinations are associated with configuration sets, which enable you to publish email sending events. For information about using configuration sets, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def delete_configuration_set_event_destination(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "DeleteConfigurationSetEventDestination", input, options ) end @doc """ Deletes an association between a configuration set and a custom domain for open and click event tracking. By default, images and links used for tracking open and click events are hosted on domains operated by Amazon SES. You can configure a subdomain of your own to handle these events. For information about using custom domains, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( Deleting this kind of association will result in emails sent using the specified configuration set to capture open and click events using the standard, Amazon SES-operated domains. """ def delete_configuration_set_tracking_options(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "DeleteConfigurationSetTrackingOptions", input, options ) end @doc """ Deletes an existing custom verification email template. For more information about custom verification email templates, see [Using Custom Verification Email Templates]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide*. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def delete_custom_verification_email_template(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "DeleteCustomVerificationEmailTemplate", input, options ) end @doc """ Deletes the specified identity (an email address or a domain) from the list of verified identities. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def delete_identity(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteIdentity", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes the specified sending authorization policy for the given identity (an email address or a domain). This API returns successfully even if a policy with the specified name does not exist. This API is for the identity owner only. If you have not verified the identity, this API will return an error. Sending authorization is a feature that enables an identity owner to authorize other senders to use its identities. For information about using sending authorization, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def delete_identity_policy(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteIdentityPolicy", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes the specified IP address filter. For information about managing IP address filters, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def delete_receipt_filter(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteReceiptFilter", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes the specified receipt rule. For information about managing receipt rules, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def delete_receipt_rule(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteReceiptRule", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes the specified receipt rule set and all of the receipt rules it contains. The currently active rule set cannot be deleted. For information about managing receipt rule sets, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def delete_receipt_rule_set(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteReceiptRuleSet", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes an email template. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def delete_template(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteTemplate", input, options) end @doc """ Deprecated. Use the `DeleteIdentity` operation to delete email addresses and domains. """ def delete_verified_email_address(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DeleteVerifiedEmailAddress", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the metadata and receipt rules for the receipt rule set that is currently active. For information about setting up receipt rule sets, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def describe_active_receipt_rule_set(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeActiveReceiptRuleSet", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the details of the specified configuration set. For information about using configuration sets, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def describe_configuration_set(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeConfigurationSet", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the details of the specified receipt rule. For information about setting up receipt rules, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def describe_receipt_rule(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeReceiptRule", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the details of the specified receipt rule set. For information about managing receipt rule sets, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def describe_receipt_rule_set(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "DescribeReceiptRuleSet", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the email sending status of the Amazon SES account for the current region. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def get_account_sending_enabled(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "GetAccountSendingEnabled", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the custom email verification template for the template name you specify. For more information about custom verification email templates, see [Using Custom Verification Email Templates]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide*. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def get_custom_verification_email_template(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "GetCustomVerificationEmailTemplate", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the current status of Easy DKIM signing for an entity. For domain name identities, this operation also returns the DKIM tokens that are required for Easy DKIM signing, and whether Amazon SES has successfully verified that these tokens have been published. This operation takes a list of identities as input and returns the following information for each: * Whether Easy DKIM signing is enabled or disabled. * A set of DKIM tokens that represent the identity. If the identity is an email address, the tokens represent the domain of that address. * Whether Amazon SES has successfully verified the DKIM tokens published in the domain's DNS. This information is only returned for domain name identities, not for email addresses. This operation is throttled at one request per second and can only get DKIM attributes for up to 100 identities at a time. For more information about creating DNS records using DKIM tokens, go to the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( """ def get_identity_dkim_attributes(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "GetIdentityDkimAttributes", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the custom MAIL FROM attributes for a list of identities (email addresses : domains). This operation is throttled at one request per second and can only get custom MAIL FROM attributes for up to 100 identities at a time. """ def get_identity_mail_from_domain_attributes(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "GetIdentityMailFromDomainAttributes", input, options ) end @doc """ Given a list of verified identities (email addresses and/or domains), returns a structure describing identity notification attributes. This operation is throttled at one request per second and can only get notification attributes for up to 100 identities at a time. For more information about using notifications with Amazon SES, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( """ def get_identity_notification_attributes(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "GetIdentityNotificationAttributes", input, options) end @doc """ Returns the requested sending authorization policies for the given identity (an email address or a domain). The policies are returned as a map of policy names to policy contents. You can retrieve a maximum of 20 policies at a time. This API is for the identity owner only. If you have not verified the identity, this API will return an error. Sending authorization is a feature that enables an identity owner to authorize other senders to use its identities. For information about using sending authorization, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def get_identity_policies(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "GetIdentityPolicies", input, options) end @doc """ Given a list of identities (email addresses and/or domains), returns the verification status and (for domain identities) the verification token for each identity. The verification status of an email address is "Pending" until the email address owner clicks the link within the verification email that Amazon SES sent to that address. If the email address owner clicks the link within 24 hours, the verification status of the email address changes to "Success". If the link is not clicked within 24 hours, the verification status changes to "Failed." In that case, if you still want to verify the email address, you must restart the verification process from the beginning. For domain identities, the domain's verification status is "Pending" as Amazon SES searches for the required TXT record in the DNS settings of the domain. When Amazon SES detects the record, the domain's verification status changes to "Success". If Amazon SES is unable to detect the record within 72 hours, the domain's verification status changes to "Failed." In that case, if you still want to verify the domain, you must restart the verification process from the beginning. This operation is throttled at one request per second and can only get verification attributes for up to 100 identities at a time. """ def get_identity_verification_attributes(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "GetIdentityVerificationAttributes", input, options) end @doc """ Provides the sending limits for the Amazon SES account. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def get_send_quota(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "GetSendQuota", input, options) end @doc """ Provides sending statistics for the current AWS Region. The result is a list of data points, representing the last two weeks of sending activity. Each data point in the list contains statistics for a 15-minute period of time. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def get_send_statistics(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "GetSendStatistics", input, options) end @doc """ Displays the template object (which includes the Subject line, HTML part and text part) for the template you specify. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def get_template(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "GetTemplate", input, options) end @doc """ Provides a list of the configuration sets associated with your Amazon SES account in the current AWS Region. For information about using configuration sets, see [Monitoring Your Amazon SES Sending Activity]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide.* You can execute this operation no more than once per second. This operation will return up to 1,000 configuration sets each time it is run. If your Amazon SES account has more than 1,000 configuration sets, this operation will also return a NextToken element. You can then execute the `ListConfigurationSets` operation again, passing the `NextToken` parameter and the value of the NextToken element to retrieve additional results. """ def list_configuration_sets(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListConfigurationSets", input, options) end @doc """ Lists the existing custom verification email templates for your account in the current AWS Region. For more information about custom verification email templates, see [Using Custom Verification Email Templates]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide*. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def list_custom_verification_email_templates(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "ListCustomVerificationEmailTemplates", input, options ) end @doc """ Returns a list containing all of the identities (email addresses and domains) for your AWS account in the current AWS Region, regardless of verification status. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def list_identities(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListIdentities", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a list of sending authorization policies that are attached to the given identity (an email address or a domain). This API returns only a list. If you want the actual policy content, you can use `GetIdentityPolicies`. This API is for the identity owner only. If you have not verified the identity, this API will return an error. Sending authorization is a feature that enables an identity owner to authorize other senders to use its identities. For information about using sending authorization, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def list_identity_policies(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListIdentityPolicies", input, options) end @doc """ Lists the IP address filters associated with your AWS account in the current AWS Region. For information about managing IP address filters, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def list_receipt_filters(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListReceiptFilters", input, options) end @doc """ Lists the receipt rule sets that exist under your AWS account in the current AWS Region. If there are additional receipt rule sets to be retrieved, you will receive a `NextToken` that you can provide to the next call to `ListReceiptRuleSets` to retrieve the additional entries. For information about managing receipt rule sets, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def list_receipt_rule_sets(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListReceiptRuleSets", input, options) end @doc """ Lists the email templates present in your Amazon SES account in the current AWS Region. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def list_templates(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListTemplates", input, options) end @doc """ Deprecated. Use the `ListIdentities` operation to list the email addresses and domains associated with your account. """ def list_verified_email_addresses(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ListVerifiedEmailAddresses", input, options) end @doc """ Adds or updates the delivery options for a configuration set. """ def put_configuration_set_delivery_options(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "PutConfigurationSetDeliveryOptions", input, options) end @doc """ Adds or updates a sending authorization policy for the specified identity (an email address or a domain). This API is for the identity owner only. If you have not verified the identity, this API will return an error. Sending authorization is a feature that enables an identity owner to authorize other senders to use its identities. For information about using sending authorization, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def put_identity_policy(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "PutIdentityPolicy", input, options) end @doc """ Reorders the receipt rules within a receipt rule set. All of the rules in the rule set must be represented in this request. That is, this API will return an error if the reorder request doesn't explicitly position all of the rules. For information about managing receipt rule sets, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def reorder_receipt_rule_set(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "ReorderReceiptRuleSet", input, options) end @doc """ Generates and sends a bounce message to the sender of an email you received through Amazon SES. You can only use this API on an email up to 24 hours after you receive it. You cannot use this API to send generic bounces for mail that was not received by Amazon SES. For information about receiving email through Amazon SES, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def send_bounce(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "SendBounce", input, options) end @doc """ Composes an email message to multiple destinations. The message body is created using an email template. In order to send email using the `SendBulkTemplatedEmail` operation, your call to the API must meet the following requirements: * The call must refer to an existing email template. You can create email templates using the `CreateTemplate` operation. * The message must be sent from a verified email address or domain. * If your account is still in the Amazon SES sandbox, you may only send to verified addresses or domains, or to email addresses associated with the Amazon SES Mailbox Simulator. For more information, see [Verifying Email Addresses and Domains]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide.* * The maximum message size is 10 MB. * Each `Destination` parameter must include at least one recipient email address. The recipient address can be a To: address, a CC: address, or a BCC: address. If a recipient email address is invalid (that is, it is not in the format *UserName@[SubDomain.]Domain.TopLevelDomain*), the entire message will be rejected, even if the message contains other recipients that are valid. * The message may not include more than 50 recipients, across the To:, CC: and BCC: fields. If you need to send an email message to a larger audience, you can divide your recipient list into groups of 50 or fewer, and then call the `SendBulkTemplatedEmail` operation several times to send the message to each group. * The number of destinations you can contact in a single call to the API may be limited by your account's maximum sending rate. """ def send_bulk_templated_email(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "SendBulkTemplatedEmail", input, options) end @doc """ Adds an email address to the list of identities for your Amazon SES account in the current AWS Region and attempts to verify it. As a result of executing this operation, a customized verification email is sent to the specified address. To use this operation, you must first create a custom verification email template. For more information about creating and using custom verification email templates, see [Using Custom Verification Email Templates]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide*. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def send_custom_verification_email(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "SendCustomVerificationEmail", input, options) end @doc """ Composes an email message and immediately queues it for sending. In order to send email using the `SendEmail` operation, your message must meet the following requirements: * The message must be sent from a verified email address or domain. If you attempt to send email using a non-verified address or domain, the operation will result in an "Email address not verified" error. * If your account is still in the Amazon SES sandbox, you may only send to verified addresses or domains, or to email addresses associated with the Amazon SES Mailbox Simulator. For more information, see [Verifying Email Addresses and Domains]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide.* * The maximum message size is 10 MB. * The message must include at least one recipient email address. The recipient address can be a To: address, a CC: address, or a BCC: address. If a recipient email address is invalid (that is, it is not in the format *UserName@[SubDomain.]Domain.TopLevelDomain*), the entire message will be rejected, even if the message contains other recipients that are valid. * The message may not include more than 50 recipients, across the To:, CC: and BCC: fields. If you need to send an email message to a larger audience, you can divide your recipient list into groups of 50 or fewer, and then call the `SendEmail` operation several times to send the message to each group. For every message that you send, the total number of recipients (including each recipient in the To:, CC: and BCC: fields) is counted against the maximum number of emails you can send in a 24-hour period (your *sending quota*). For more information about sending quotas in Amazon SES, see [Managing Your Amazon SES Sending Limits]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide.* """ def send_email(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "SendEmail", input, options) end @doc """ Composes an email message and immediately queues it for sending. This operation is more flexible than the `SendEmail` API operation. When you use the `SendRawEmail` operation, you can specify the headers of the message as well as its content. This flexibility is useful, for example, when you want to send a multipart MIME email (such a message that contains both a text and an HTML version). You can also use this operation to send messages that include attachments. The `SendRawEmail` operation has the following requirements: * You can only send email from [verified email addresses or domains]( If you try to send email from an address that isn't verified, the operation results in an "Email address not verified" error. * If your account is still in the [Amazon SES sandbox](, you can only send email to other verified addresses in your account, or to addresses that are associated with the [Amazon SES mailbox simulator]( * The maximum message size, including attachments, is 10 MB. * Each message has to include at least one recipient address. A recipient address includes any address on the To:, CC:, or BCC: lines. * If you send a single message to more than one recipient address, and one of the recipient addresses isn't in a valid format (that is, it's not in the format *UserName@[SubDomain.]Domain.TopLevelDomain*), Amazon SES rejects the entire message, even if the other addresses are valid. * Each message can include up to 50 recipient addresses across the To:, CC:, or BCC: lines. If you need to send a single message to more than 50 recipients, you have to split the list of recipient addresses into groups of less than 50 recipients, and send separate messages to each group. * Amazon SES allows you to specify 8-bit Content-Transfer-Encoding for MIME message parts. However, if Amazon SES has to modify the contents of your message (for example, if you use open and click tracking), 8-bit content isn't preserved. For this reason, we highly recommend that you encode all content that isn't 7-bit ASCII. For more information, see [MIME Encoding]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide*. Additionally, keep the following considerations in mind when using the `SendRawEmail` operation: * Although you can customize the message headers when using the `SendRawEmail` operation, Amazon SES will automatically apply its own `Message-ID` and `Date` headers; if you passed these headers when creating the message, they will be overwritten by the values that Amazon SES provides. * If you are using sending authorization to send on behalf of another user, `SendRawEmail` enables you to specify the cross-account identity for the email's Source, From, and Return-Path parameters in one of two ways: you can pass optional parameters `SourceArn`, `FromArn`, and/or `ReturnPathArn` to the API, or you can include the following X-headers in the header of your raw email: * `X-SES-SOURCE-ARN` * `X-SES-FROM-ARN` * `X-SES-RETURN-PATH-ARN` Don't include these X-headers in the DKIM signature. Amazon SES removes these before it sends the email. If you only specify the `SourceIdentityArn` parameter, Amazon SES sets the From and Return-Path addresses to the same identity that you specified. For more information about sending authorization, see the [Using Sending Authorization with Amazon SES]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide.* * For every message that you send, the total number of recipients (including each recipient in the To:, CC: and BCC: fields) is counted against the maximum number of emails you can send in a 24-hour period (your *sending quota*). For more information about sending quotas in Amazon SES, see [Managing Your Amazon SES Sending Limits]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide.* """ def send_raw_email(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "SendRawEmail", input, options) end @doc """ Composes an email message using an email template and immediately queues it for sending. In order to send email using the `SendTemplatedEmail` operation, your call to the API must meet the following requirements: * The call must refer to an existing email template. You can create email templates using the `CreateTemplate` operation. * The message must be sent from a verified email address or domain. * If your account is still in the Amazon SES sandbox, you may only send to verified addresses or domains, or to email addresses associated with the Amazon SES Mailbox Simulator. For more information, see [Verifying Email Addresses and Domains]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide.* * The maximum message size is 10 MB. * Calls to the `SendTemplatedEmail` operation may only include one `Destination` parameter. A destination is a set of recipients who will receive the same version of the email. The `Destination` parameter can include up to 50 recipients, across the To:, CC: and BCC: fields. * The `Destination` parameter must include at least one recipient email address. The recipient address can be a To: address, a CC: address, or a BCC: address. If a recipient email address is invalid (that is, it is not in the format *UserName@[SubDomain.]Domain.TopLevelDomain*), the entire message will be rejected, even if the message contains other recipients that are valid. If your call to the `SendTemplatedEmail` operation includes all of the required parameters, Amazon SES accepts it and returns a Message ID. However, if Amazon SES can't render the email because the template contains errors, it doesn't send the email. Additionally, because it already accepted the message, Amazon SES doesn't return a message stating that it was unable to send the email. For these reasons, we highly recommend that you set up Amazon SES to send you notifications when Rendering Failure events occur. For more information, see [Sending Personalized Email Using the Amazon SES API]( in the *Amazon Simple Email Service Developer Guide*. """ def send_templated_email(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "SendTemplatedEmail", input, options) end @doc """ Sets the specified receipt rule set as the active receipt rule set. To disable your email-receiving through Amazon SES completely, you can call this API with RuleSetName set to null. For information about managing receipt rule sets, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def set_active_receipt_rule_set(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "SetActiveReceiptRuleSet", input, options) end @doc """ Enables or disables Easy DKIM signing of email sent from an identity. If Easy DKIM signing is enabled for a domain, then Amazon SES uses DKIM to sign all email that it sends from addresses on that domain. If Easy DKIM signing is enabled for an email address, then Amazon SES uses DKIM to sign all email it sends from that address. For email addresses (for example, `<EMAIL>`), you can only enable DKIM signing if the corresponding domain (in this case, ``) has been set up to use Easy DKIM. You can enable DKIM signing for an identity at any time after you start the verification process for the identity, even if the verification process isn't complete. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. For more information about Easy DKIM signing, go to the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( """ def set_identity_dkim_enabled(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "SetIdentityDkimEnabled", input, options) end @doc """ Given an identity (an email address or a domain), enables or disables whether Amazon SES forwards bounce and complaint notifications as email. Feedback forwarding can only be disabled when Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topics are specified for both bounces and complaints. Feedback forwarding does not apply to delivery notifications. Delivery notifications are only available through Amazon SNS. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. For more information about using notifications with Amazon SES, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( """ def set_identity_feedback_forwarding_enabled(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "SetIdentityFeedbackForwardingEnabled", input, options ) end @doc """ Given an identity (an email address or a domain), sets whether Amazon SES includes the original email headers in the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) notifications of a specified type. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. For more information about using notifications with Amazon SES, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( """ def set_identity_headers_in_notifications_enabled(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "SetIdentityHeadersInNotificationsEnabled", input, options ) end @doc """ Enables or disables the custom MAIL FROM domain setup for a verified identity (an email address or a domain). To send emails using the specified MAIL FROM domain, you must add an MX record to your MAIL FROM domain's DNS settings. If you want your emails to pass Sender Policy Framework (SPF) checks, you must also add or update an SPF record. For more information, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def set_identity_mail_from_domain(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "SetIdentityMailFromDomain", input, options) end @doc """ Sets an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic to use when delivering notifications. When you use this operation, you specify a verified identity, such as an email address or domain. When you send an email that uses the chosen identity in the Source field, Amazon SES sends notifications to the topic you specified. You can send bounce, complaint, or delivery notifications (or any combination of the three) to the Amazon SNS topic that you specify. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. For more information about feedback notification, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( """ def set_identity_notification_topic(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "SetIdentityNotificationTopic", input, options) end @doc """ Sets the position of the specified receipt rule in the receipt rule set. For information about managing receipt rules, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def set_receipt_rule_position(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "SetReceiptRulePosition", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a preview of the MIME content of an email when provided with a template and a set of replacement data. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def test_render_template(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "TestRenderTemplate", input, options) end @doc """ Enables or disables email sending across your entire Amazon SES account in the current AWS Region. You can use this operation in conjunction with Amazon CloudWatch alarms to temporarily pause email sending across your Amazon SES account in a given AWS Region when reputation metrics (such as your bounce or complaint rates) reach certain thresholds. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def update_account_sending_enabled(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "UpdateAccountSendingEnabled", input, options) end @doc """ Updates the event destination of a configuration set. Event destinations are associated with configuration sets, which enable you to publish email sending events to Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, or Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). For information about using configuration sets, see [Monitoring Your Amazon SES Sending Activity]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide.* When you create or update an event destination, you must provide one, and only one, destination. The destination can be Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, or Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS). You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def update_configuration_set_event_destination(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "UpdateConfigurationSetEventDestination", input, options ) end @doc """ Enables or disables the publishing of reputation metrics for emails sent using a specific configuration set in a given AWS Region. Reputation metrics include bounce and complaint rates. These metrics are published to Amazon CloudWatch. By using CloudWatch, you can create alarms when bounce or complaint rates exceed certain thresholds. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def update_configuration_set_reputation_metrics_enabled( %Client{} = client, input, options \\ [] ) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "UpdateConfigurationSetReputationMetricsEnabled", input, options ) end @doc """ Enables or disables email sending for messages sent using a specific configuration set in a given AWS Region. You can use this operation in conjunction with Amazon CloudWatch alarms to temporarily pause email sending for a configuration set when the reputation metrics for that configuration set (such as your bounce on complaint rate) exceed certain thresholds. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def update_configuration_set_sending_enabled(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "UpdateConfigurationSetSendingEnabled", input, options ) end @doc """ Modifies an association between a configuration set and a custom domain for open and click event tracking. By default, images and links used for tracking open and click events are hosted on domains operated by Amazon SES. You can configure a subdomain of your own to handle these events. For information about using custom domains, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( """ def update_configuration_set_tracking_options(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "UpdateConfigurationSetTrackingOptions", input, options ) end @doc """ Updates an existing custom verification email template. For more information about custom verification email templates, see [Using Custom Verification Email Templates]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide*. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def update_custom_verification_email_template(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post( client, metadata(), "UpdateCustomVerificationEmailTemplate", input, options ) end @doc """ Updates a receipt rule. For information about managing receipt rules, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def update_receipt_rule(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "UpdateReceiptRule", input, options) end @doc """ Updates an email template. Email templates enable you to send personalized email to one or more destinations in a single API operation. For more information, see the [Amazon SES Developer Guide]( You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def update_template(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "UpdateTemplate", input, options) end @doc """ Returns a set of DKIM tokens for a domain identity. When you execute the `VerifyDomainDkim` operation, the domain that you specify is added to the list of identities that are associated with your account. This is true even if you haven't already associated the domain with your account by using the `VerifyDomainIdentity` operation. However, you can't send email from the domain until you either successfully [verify it]( or you successfully [set up DKIM for it]( You use the tokens that are generated by this operation to create CNAME records. When Amazon SES detects that you've added these records to the DNS configuration for a domain, you can start sending email from that domain. You can start sending email even if you haven't added the TXT record provided by the VerifyDomainIdentity operation to the DNS configuration for your domain. All email that you send from the domain is authenticated using DKIM. To create the CNAME records for DKIM authentication, use the following values: * **Name**: *token*._domainkey.** * **Type**: CNAME * **Value**: *token* In the preceding example, replace *token* with one of the tokens that are generated when you execute this operation. Replace ** with your domain. Repeat this process for each token that's generated by this operation. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def verify_domain_dkim(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "VerifyDomainDkim", input, options) end @doc """ Adds a domain to the list of identities for your Amazon SES account in the current AWS Region and attempts to verify it. For more information about verifying domains, see [Verifying Email Addresses and Domains]( in the *Amazon SES Developer Guide.* You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def verify_domain_identity(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "VerifyDomainIdentity", input, options) end @doc """ Deprecated. Use the `VerifyEmailIdentity` operation to verify a new email address. """ def verify_email_address(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "VerifyEmailAddress", input, options) end @doc """ Adds an email address to the list of identities for your Amazon SES account in the current AWS region and attempts to verify it. As a result of executing this operation, a verification email is sent to the specified address. You can execute this operation no more than once per second. """ def verify_email_identity(%Client{} = client, input, options \\ []) do Request.request_post(client, metadata(), "VerifyEmailIdentity", input, options) end end
defmodule Kojin.Pod.PodObject do @moduledoc """ Module for defining plain old data objects, independent of target language """ alias Kojin.Pod.{PodField, PodObject, PodTypeRef, PodTypes} use TypedStruct @typedoc """ A plain old data object, with an `id`, a `doc` comment and a list of fields. """ typedstruct do field(:id, atom, enforce: true) field(:doc, String.t()) field(:fields, list(PodField.t()), default: []) field(:properties, map(), default: %{}) end @doc """ Creates a `Kojin.Pod.PodObject` given: - `id`: Identifier for the object - `doc`: Documentation on the object type - `fields`: List of fields in the object ## Examples iex> alias Kojin.Pod.{PodObject, PodField, PodType} ...> import Kojin.Pod.{PodObject, PodField} ...> point = pod_object(:point, "A 2 dimensional point", [ ...> pod_field(:x, "Abcissa", :int32), ...> pod_field(:y, "Ordinate", :int32) ...> ]) ...> (%PodObject{ ...> id: :point, ...> doc: "A 2 dimensional point", ...> fields: [ ...> %PodField{ ...> id: :x, ...> doc: "Abcissa", ...> type: %PodType{ id: :int32 } ...> }, ...> %PodField{ ...> id: :y, ...> doc: "Ordinate", ...> type: %PodType{ id: :int32 } ...> } ...> ] ...> } = point) && true true Converts list of field parameters into list of fields: iex> alias Kojin.Pod.{PodObject, PodField, PodType} ...> import Kojin.Pod.{PodObject} ...> point = pod_object(:point, "A 2 dimensional point", [ ...> [:x, "Abcissa", :int32], ...> [:y, "Ordinate", :int32] ...> ]) ...> (%PodObject{ ...> id: :point, ...> doc: "A 2 dimensional point", ...> fields: [ ...> %PodField{ ...> id: :x, ...> doc: "Abcissa", ...> type: %PodType{ id: :int32 } ...> }, ...> %PodField{ ...> id: :y, ...> doc: "Ordinate", ...> type: %PodType{ id: :int32 } ...> } ...> ] ...> } = point) && true true """ def pod_object(id, doc, fields, opts \\ []) when is_atom(id) and is_binary(doc) do opts = Kojin.check_args( [ properties: %{} ], opts ) %PodObject{ id: id, doc: doc, fields: fields |> field -> PodField.pod_field(field) end), properties: opts[:properties] } end @doc """ Returns all distinct types referenced in the `PodObject` (non-recursive). Note: Array is not represented as a type ## Examples iex> import Kojin.Pod.{PodObject, PodField, PodArray} ...> all_types(pod_object(:x, "x", [ pod_field(:f, "f", array_of(:t))]))[Kojin.Pod.PodTypes.pod_type(:t)]) """ def all_types(%PodObject{} = pod_object) do pod_object.fields |> Enum.reduce(, fn pod_field, acc -> # put in the referred type if there is one, or the standard type MapSet.put(acc, PodTypes.ref_type(pod_field.type) || pod_field.type) end) end @doc """ Returns all distinct ref types referenced in the `PodObject` (non-recursive) """ def all_ref_types(%PodObject{} = pod_object) do for( %PodTypeRef{} = elm <-, fn t -> PodTypes.ref_type(t) end), do: elm ) |> end end
defmodule Validation do @moduledoc """ > **Easy. Simple. Powerful.** > > Elixir Validation library with +25 fully tested rules. *(+30 coming up soon!)* [![Build Status](]( [![Build status](]( [![Coverage Status](]( [![Inline docs](]( [![Hex Version](]( [![ downloads](]( [![HitCount](]( [![License](]( \*\* Library under development! [Roadmap: upcoming new rules]( # Demo ``` # alias Validation, as: V # valid data will return true"<EMAIL>") V.uuid?("e4eaaaf2-d142-11e1-b3e4-080027620cdd") V.credit_card?("4882743696073832") V.mac_address?("12-77-0E-42-E4-65") V.consonants?("bcdfgh") V.country_code?("US") # invalid data will return false V.language_code?("qq") # could be something like "en", "pt" or "de" V.vowel?("bcdf") # could be something like "aeiou" V.yes?("nope") # could be something like "yes", "yeah", "yeap" V.is_odd?(2) # could be something like 3 or 5... ``` """ @doc """ Validates whether the input is alpha. # true V.alpha?("") V.alpha?("a") V.alpha?("john") V.alpha?("doe") V.alpha?("foobar") # false V.alpha?("123") V.alpha?("number 100%") V.alpha?("@#$") V.alpha?("_") V.alpha?("dgç") """ @spec alpha?(String.t) :: boolean def alpha?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.Alpha.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is alpha, excluding specific characters. # true V.alpha?("john_", "_") V.alpha?("", ".") V.alpha?("<NAME>", " ") # false V.alpha?("john_123", "$") V.alpha?("google.com321", "*") V.alpha?("<NAME>", "_") """ @spec alpha?(String.t, String.t) :: boolean def alpha?(input, excluded_characters) when is_binary(input) and is_binary(excluded_characters) do Validation.Rules.Alpha.validate?(input, excluded_characters) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is alphanumeric. # true V.alphanumeric?("foo123") V.alphanumeric?("100number") # false V.alphanumeric?("number 100%") V.alphanumeric?("foo_bar") """ @spec alphanumeric?(String.t) :: boolean def alphanumeric?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.Alphanumeric.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is alphanumeric, excluding specific characters. # true V.alphanumeric?("foo 123", " ") V.alphanumeric?("foo_123", "_") # false V.alphanumeric?("number 100%", "%") V.alphanumeric?("foo_bar", "%") """ @spec alphanumeric?(String.t, String.t) :: boolean def alphanumeric?(input, excluded_characters) when is_binary(input) and is_binary(excluded_characters) do Validation.Rules.Alphanumeric.validate?(input, excluded_characters) end @doc """ Validates ranges. # true V.between?(15, 10, 20) V.between?(70, 0, 100) # false V.between?(15, 20, 30) V.between?(70, 300, 999) """ @spec between?(number, number, number) :: boolean def between?(value, min, max) when is_number(value) and is_number(min) and is_number(max) do Validation.Rules.Between.validate?(value, min, max) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid CNH (brazilian driver license ID). # true V.cnh?("02650306461") V.cnh?("04397322870") V.cnh?("04375701302") V.cnh?("02996843266") V.cnh?("04375700501") # false V.cnh?("") V.cnh?("0000000000") V.cnh?("9999999999") V.cnh?("0265131640") V.cnh?("0439732280") """ @spec cnh?(String.t) :: boolean def cnh?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.CNH.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid CNPJ (brazilian company ID). # true V.cnpj?("32.063.364/0001-07") V.cnpj?("27.355.204/0001-00") V.cnpj?("36.310.327/0001-07") V.cnpj?("37550610000179") V.cnpj?("12774546000189") # false V.cnpj?("12.345.678/9012-34") V.cnpj?("11.111.111/1111-11") V.cnpj?("00000000000000") V.cnpj?("99-010-0.") """ @spec cnpj?(String.t) :: boolean def cnpj?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.CNPJ.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates country codes like US, DE or BR according to [ISO 639]( # true V.country_code?("US", :alpha2) V.country_code?("USA", :alpha3) V.country_code?("BR", :alpha2) V.country_code?("BRA", :alpha3) V.country_code?("DE", :alpha2) V.country_code?("DEU", :alpha3) V.country_code?("076", :numeric) # Brazil # false V.country_code?("USAAAAA", :unknown_type) The rules use data from [iso-codes]( """ @spec country_code?(String.t, atom) :: boolean def country_code?(input, type \\ :alpha2) when is_binary(input) and is_atom(type) do Validation.Rules.CountryCode.validate?(input, type) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid CPF (brazilian ID). # true V.cpf?("350.45261819") V.cpf?("693-319-118-40") V.cpf?("11598647644") V.cpf?("86734718697") V.cpf?("") # false V.cpf?("") V.cpf?("01234567890") V.cpf?("000.000.000-00") V.cpf?("111.222.444-05") V.cpf?("999999999.99") V.cpf?("") V.cpf?("693-319-110-40") """ @spec cpf?(String.t) :: boolean def cpf?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.CPF.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid credit card. # true V.credit_card?("2223000048400011") V.credit_card?("2222 4000 4124 0011") V.credit_card?("4024.0071.5336.1885") # false V.credit_card?("it isnt my credit c)ard number") V.credit_card?("1234 1234 1234 1234") V.credit_card?("1234.1234.1234.12__34") """ @spec credit_card?(String.t) :: boolean def credit_card?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.CreditCard.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid American Express (amex) credit card. # true V.credit_card_amex?("340-3161-9380-9364") # false V.credit_card_amex?("5376 7473 9720 8720") # master V.credit_card_amex?("4024.0071.5336.1885") # visa """ @spec credit_card_amex?(String.t) :: boolean def credit_card_amex?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.CreditCard.Amex.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid Diners credit card. # true V.credit_card_diners?("30351042633884") # false V.credit_card_diners?("5376 7473 9720 8720") # master V.credit_card_diners?("4024.0071.5336.1885") # visa """ @spec credit_card_diners?(String.t) :: boolean def credit_card_diners?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.CreditCard.Diners.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid Discover credit card. # true V.credit_card_discover?("6011000990139424") # false V.credit_card_discover?("5376 7473 9720 8720") # master V.credit_card_discover?("4024.0071.5336.1885") # visa """ @spec credit_card_discover?(String.t) :: boolean def credit_card_discover?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.CreditCard.Discover.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid Jcb credit card. # true V.credit_card_jcb?("3566002020360505") # false V.credit_card_jcb?("5376 7473 9720 8720") # master V.credit_card_jcb?("4024.0071.5336.1885") # visa """ @spec credit_card_jcb?(String.t) :: boolean def credit_card_jcb?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.CreditCard.Jcb.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid Master credit card. # true V.credit_card_master?("5376 7473 9720 8720") # false V.credit_card_master?("340-3161-9380-9364") # amex V.credit_card_master?("4024.0071.5336.1885") # visa """ @spec credit_card_master?(String.t) :: boolean def credit_card_master?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.CreditCard.Master.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid VISA credit card. # true V.credit_card_visa?("4024 007 193 879") V.credit_card_visa?("4024.0071.5336.1885") # false V.credit_card_visa?("340-3161-9380-9364") # amex V.credit_card_visa?("5376 7473 9720 8720") # master """ @spec credit_card_visa?(String.t) :: boolean def credit_card_visa?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.CreditCard.Visa.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates a currency code like USD, EUR or GBP according to [ISO 4217]( # true V.currency_code?("USD") V.currency_code?("EUR") V.currency_code?("GBP") # false V.currency_code?("QQQ") V.currency_code?("2---1") V.currency_code?("nope") The rules use data from [iso-codes]( """ @spec currency_code?(String.t) :: boolean def currency_code?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.CurrencyCode.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is has only consonants. # true V.consonant?("w") V.consonant?("y") V.consonant?("qrst") V.consonant?("bcdfghklmnp") # false V.consonant?("a") V.consonant?("ul") V.consonant?("aeiou") V.consonant?("Foo") """ @spec consonant?(String.t) :: boolean def consonant?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.Consonant.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is has only consonants, excluding specific characters. # true V.consonant?("www%", "%") V.consonant?("bcd_fgh", "_") V.consonant?("www www__www", " _") # false V.consonant?("awww%", "%") V.consonant?("uwwwq", "_") """ @spec consonant?(String.t, String.t) :: boolean def consonant?(input, excluded_characters) when is_binary(input) and is_binary(excluded_characters) do Validation.Rules.Consonant.validate?(input, excluded_characters) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid digit. # true V.digit?("165") V.digit?("01650") V.digit?("01") # false V.digit?("") V.digit?("-1.1") V.digit?("-12") V.digit?("1.0") """ @spec digit?(String.t) :: boolean def digit?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.Digit.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid digit, excluding specific characters. # true V.digit?("1.0", ".") V.digit?("16-50", "-") # false V.digit?("") V.digit?("1.%0", ".") V.digit?("3333316-5.0/", "-.") """ @spec digit?(String.t, String.t) :: boolean def digit?(input, excluded_characters) when is_binary(input) and is_binary(excluded_characters) do Validation.Rules.Digit.validate?(input, excluded_characters) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid email. See [RFC822]( # true"<EMAIL>")"<EMAIL>")"<EMAIL>") # false"plainaddress")"#@%^%#$@#$")"<EMAIL>.")".<EMAIL>")"") """ @spec email?(String.t) :: boolean def email?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.Email.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is even. # true V.even?(0) V.even?(2) V.even?(4) V.even?(-2) V.even?(9999998) # false V.even?(1) V.even?(5) V.even?(-3) V.even?(9999999) """ @spec even?(Integer.t) :: boolean def even?(input) when is_integer(input) do Validation.Rules.Even.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates a language code according to [ISO 639]( # true V.language_code?("en") V.language_code?("pt") V.language_code?("en", :alpha2) V.language_code?("pt", :alpha2) V.language_code?("it", :alpha2) V.language_code?("eng", :alpha3) V.language_code?("por", :alpha3) V.language_code?("ita", :alpha3) # false V.language_code?("hi", :alpha2) V.language_code?("foo", :alpha3) You can choose between alpha-2 and alpha-3, alpha-2 is set by default. The rules use data from [iso-codes]( """ @spec language_code?(String.t, atom) :: boolean def language_code?(input, type \\ :alpha2) when is_binary(input) and is_atom(type) do Validation.Rules.LanguageCode.validate?(input, type) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is lowercase. # true V.lowercase?("") V.lowercase?("lowercase") V.lowercase?("lowercase-with-dashes") V.lowercase?("lowercase with spaces") V.lowercase?("lowercase with specials characters like ã ç ê") # false V.lowercase?("UPPERCASE") V.lowercase?("CamelCase") V.lowercase?("First Character Uppercase") V.lowercase?("With Numbers 1 2 3") """ @spec lowercase?(String.t) :: boolean def lowercase?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.Lowercase.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid UUID. It also supports validation of specific versions `1`, `3`, `4` and `5`. # true V.uuid?("e4eaaaf2-d142-11e1-b3e4-080027620cdd") V.uuid?("11a38b9a-b3da-360f-9353-a5a725514269") V.uuid?("25769c6c-d34d-4bfe-ba98-e0ee856f3e7a", 4) # false V.uuid?("00000000-0000-aaaa-bbbb-cccccccccccc") """ @spec uuid?(String.t, integer) :: boolean def uuid?(input, version \\ nil) when is_binary(input) and (is_integer(version) or is_nil(version)) do Validation.Rules.UUID.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is valid Luhn. # true V.luhn?("9773725370") V.luhn?("2222400041240011") V.luhn?("340316193809364") # false V.luhn?("") V.luhn?("true") V.luhn?("8888888888888887") """ @spec luhn?(String.t) :: boolean def luhn?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.Luhn.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is a valid MAC address. # true V.mac_address?("00:11:22:33:44:55") V.mac_address?("66-77-88-99-aa-bb") V.mac_address?("AF:0F:bd:12:44:ba") # false V.mac_address?("") V.mac_address?("00-1122:33:44:55") """ @spec mac_address?(String.t) :: boolean def mac_address?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.MacAddress.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates if value is considered as "No". # true"N")"n")"Nay")"No")"Nope")"Not") # false"Donnot")"Never")"Niet")"Noooooooo")"Não")"não") """ @spec no?(String.t) :: boolean def no?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.No.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is odd. # true V.odd?(1) V.odd?(5) V.odd?(-11) V.odd?(9999999) # false V.odd?(0) V.odd?(8) V.odd?(-100) V.odd?(9999998) """ @spec odd?(Integer.t) :: boolean def odd?(input) when is_integer(input) do Validation.Rules.Odd.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates subdivision country codes (states, provincies, territories and other sub regions) according to [ISO 3166-2]( # true V.subdivision_code?("US", "TX") V.subdivision_code?("BR", "SP") V.subdivision_code?("CA", "BC") # false V.subdivision_code?("US", "AA") V.subdivision_code?("BR", "BB") V.subdivision_code?("CA", "CC") The rules use data from [iso-codes]( """ @spec subdivision_code?(String.t, String.t) :: boolean def subdivision_code?(country, subdivision) when is_binary(country) and is_binary(subdivision) do Validation.Rules.SubdivisionCode.validate?(country, subdivision) end @doc """ Validates a top-level domain according to [IANA]( # true V.tld?("com") V.tld?("br") V.tld?("cafe") V.tld?("democrat") # false V.tld?("1.0") V.tld?("wrongtld") """ @spec tld?(String.t) :: boolean def tld?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.Tld.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is uppercase. # true V.uppercase?("") V.uppercase?("UPPERCASE") V.uppercase?("UPPERCASE-WITH-DASHES") V.uppercase?("UPPERCASE WITH SPACES") V.uppercase?("UPPERCASE WITH NUMBERS 123") # false V.uppercase?("lowercase") V.uppercase?("CamelCase") V.uppercase?("First Character Uppercase") V.uppercase?("With Numbers 1 2 3") """ @spec uppercase?(String.t) :: boolean def uppercase?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.Uppercase.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is has only vowels. # true V.vowel?("a") V.vowel?("o") V.vowel?("u") V.vowel?("aeiou") # false V.vowel?("b") V.vowel?("ul") V.vowel?("16") V.vowel?("\\r") """ @spec vowel?(String.t) :: boolean def vowel?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.Vowel.validate?(input) end @doc """ Validates whether the input is has only vowels, excluding specific characters. # true V.vowel?("aaaa==", "=") V.vowel?("aeoiu!!--", "!-") # false V.vowel?("b==aaaa", "=") V.vowel?("bc==aeoiu", "b!-") """ @spec vowel?(String.t, String.t) :: boolean def vowel?(input, excluded_characters) when is_binary(input) and is_binary(excluded_characters) do Validation.Rules.Vowel.validate?(input, excluded_characters) end @doc """ Validates if value is considered as "Yes". # true V.yes?("Y") V.yes?("Yea") V.yes?("Yeah") V.yes?("Yep") V.yes?("Yes") V.yes?("yes") # false V.yes?("let\\"s thrown an error") V.yes?("Yydoesnotmatter") V.yes?("Si") V.yes?("Sim") V.yes?("Yoo") V.yes?("Yiip") """ @spec yes?(String.t) :: boolean def yes?(input) when is_binary(input) do Validation.Rules.Yes.validate?(input) end end
defmodule Analytics.Mixpanel.Events do @moduledoc """ This module provides a struct that accumulates user events and helper to submit data to Mixpanel. """ alias Analytics.Mixpanel.Events @track_endpoint "track" defstruct client: Analytics.Mixpanel.Client, events: [], distinct_id: nil, ip: nil, token: nil @doc """ Creates a new `Events` struct that is used to submit events for a client identified with `distinct_id`. """ def new(distinct_id), do: %{new() | distinct_id: distinct_id} def new do [client: client, token: token] = Analytics.Mixpanel.config() %Events{client: client, token: token} end @doc """ The IP address associated with a given profile, which Mixpanel uses to guess user geographic location. Ignored if not set. """ def set_ip(%Events{} = batch_request, ip), do: %{batch_request | ip: ip_to_string(ip)} defp ip_to_string({a, b, c, d}), do: "#{a}.#{b}.#{c}.#{d}" defp ip_to_string(ip), do: ip @doc """ Appends an event to a `Events` struct with a pre-defined `distinct_id`. Events struct must be created with `new/1` in order to use this function. ## Arguments * `event` - A name for the event; * `properties` - A collection of properties associated with this event. Where `:time` (timestamp) would update \ event time (otherwise Mixpanel uses time when event is arrived to their back-end), \ `distinct_id` can be used to identify user and `:token` can be used to override Mixpanel API key. """ def track(%Events{distinct_id: distinct_id} = batch_request, event, properties \\ %{}) when is_map(properties) and not is_nil(distinct_id) do %{batch_request | events: [{distinct_id, event, properties} |]} end @doc """ Appends an event to a `Events` struct with a specific `distinct_id`. This is useful when you want to submit events to more than user per request. ## Arguments * `distinct_id` - Distinct ID that identifies user on Mixpanel; * `event` - A name for the event; * `properties` - A collection of properties associated with this event. Where `:time` (timestamp) would update \ event time (otherwise Mixpanel uses time when event is arrived to their back-end), \ `distinct_id` can be used to identify user and `:token` can be used to override Mixpanel API key. """ def track_for_user(%Events{} = batch_request, distinct_id, event, properties \\ %{}) when is_map(properties) do %{batch_request | events: [{distinct_id, event, properties} |]} end @doc """ Submits events tracked for a user. """ def submit(%Events{} = batch_request) do %{client: client, events: events, ip: ip, token: token} = batch_request event_template = |> Map.put("token", token) |> maybe_put("ip", ip) payload = events |> Enum.reverse() |> {distinct_id, event, properties} -> properties = event_template |> maybe_put("distinct_id", distinct_id) |> Map.merge(properties) |> maybe_normalize_time() %{event: event, properties: properties} end) client.send_batch(@track_endpoint, payload) end defp maybe_put(map, _key, nil), do: map defp maybe_put(map, key, value), do: Map.put(map, key, value) defp maybe_normalize_time(%{time: time} = properties), do: Map.put(properties, :time, normalize_time(time)) defp maybe_normalize_time(%{"time" => time} = properties), do: Map.put(properties, "time", normalize_time(time)) defp maybe_normalize_time(properties), do: properties defp normalize_time(nil), do: nil defp normalize_time(timestamp) when is_integer(timestamp), do: timestamp defp normalize_time(%DateTime{} = datetime), do: DateTime.to_unix(datetime) end
defmodule Elm.Platform.Parser do use Combine, parsers: [:text] alias Data.Json.Decode alias Data.Function alias Elm.Docs.Binop alias Elm.Docs.Value alias Elm.Docs.Union alias Elm.Docs.Alias alias Elm.Docs.Module alias Elm.Searchable alias Elm.Version alias Elm.Name def module_name(text) do text |> run(module_name_parser()) |> with_default("Main") end def module_path(text) do String.replace(module_name(text), ".", "/") <> ".elm" end defp module_name_parser() do choice([ ignore(string("module")), ignore(string("port")) |> ignore(spaces()) |> ignore(string("module")), ignore(string("effect")) |> ignore(spaces()) |> ignore(string("module")) ]) |> ignore(spaces()) |> map(sep_by1(word_of(~r/[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+/), char(".")), &Enum.join(&1, ".")) end defp run(text, parser) do case Combine.parse(text, parser) do {:error, _} -> nil stuff -> List.first(stuff) end end defp with_default(nil, a), do: a defp with_default(a, _a), do: a def searchables_json(body) do Decode.decode_string(body, searchables_decoder()) end def searchables_decoder() do version = Decode.and_then(Decode.string(), fn string -> case Version.from_string(string) do {:ok, version} -> Decode.succeed(version) :error ->"Expecting a version MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH") end end) name = Decode.and_then(Decode.string(), fn string -> case Name.from_string(string) do {:ok, name} -> Decode.succeed(name) :error ->"Expecting a name USER/PROJECT") end end) searchable = Decode.succeed(Function.curry(&%Searchable{name: &1, summary: &2, versions: &3})) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("name", name)) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("summary", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("versions", Decode.list(version))) Decode.list(searchable) end def docs_json(body) do Decode.decode_string(body, docs_decoder()) end defp docs_decoder() do Decode.one_of([ docs_decoder_18(), docs_decoder_19() ]) end defp docs_decoder_18() do cased = Decode.succeed(Function.curry(&{&1, &2})) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.index(0, Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.index(1, Decode.list(Decode.string()))) associativity = Decode.and_then(Decode.string(), fn "left" -> Decode.succeed(:left) "non" -> Decode.succeed(:none) "right" -> Decode.succeed(:right) _ ->"expecting one of the following values: left, non, right") end) fix = Decode.one_of([ Decode.succeed(Function.curry(&{&1, &2})) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("associativity", associativity)) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("precedence", Decode.integer())), Decode.succeed(nil) ]) value = Decode.succeed(Function.curry(&%{name: &1, comment: &2, type: &3, fix: &4})) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("name", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("comment", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("type", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(fix) union = Decode.succeed(Function.curry(&%{name: &1, comment: &2, args: &3, cases: &4})) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("name", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("comment", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("args", Decode.list(Decode.string()))) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("cases", Decode.list(cased))) aliasd = Decode.succeed(Function.curry(&%{name: &1, comment: &2, args: &3, type: &4})) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("name", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("comment", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("args", Decode.list(Decode.string()))) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("type", Decode.string())) old_docs = Decode.succeed( Function.curry(&%{name: &1, comment: &2, aliases: &3, types: &4, values: &5}) ) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("name", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("comment", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("aliases", Decode.list(aliasd))) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("types", Decode.list(union))) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("values", Decode.list(value))) old_docs |> |> Decode.list() end defp convert_old_docs(old_docs) do %Module{ name:, comment: old_docs.comment, unions:, fn t -> %Union{ name:, comment: t.comment, args: t.args, tags: t.cases } end), aliases:, fn a -> %Alias{ name:, comment: a.comment, args: a.args, type: a.type } end), values: old_docs.values |> Enum.filter(fn v -> is_nil(v.fix) end) |> v -> %Value{name:, comment: v.comment, type: v.type} end), binops: old_docs.values |> Enum.filter(fn v -> not is_nil(v.fix) end) |> v -> %Binop{ name:, comment:, type: v.type, associativity: elem(v.fix, 0), precedence: elem(v.fix, 1) } end) } end defp docs_decoder_19() do associativity = Decode.and_then(Decode.string(), fn "left" -> Decode.succeed(:left) "non" -> Decode.succeed(:none) "right" -> Decode.succeed(:right) _ ->"expecting one of the following values: left, non, right") end) binop = Decode.succeed( Function.curry( &%Binop{name: &1, comment: &2, type: &3, associativity: &4, precedence: &5} ) ) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("name", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("comment", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("type", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("associativity", associativity)) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("precedence", Decode.integer())) value = Decode.succeed(Function.curry(&%Value{name: &1, comment: &2, type: &3})) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("name", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("comment", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("type", Decode.string())) tag = Decode.succeed(Function.curry(&{&1, &2})) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.index(0, Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.index(1, Decode.list(Decode.string()))) union = Decode.succeed(Function.curry(&%Union{name: &1, comment: &2, args: &3, tags: &4})) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("name", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("comment", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("args", Decode.list(Decode.string()))) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("cases", Decode.list(tag))) aliasd = Decode.succeed(Function.curry(&%Alias{name: &1, comment: &2, args: &3, type: &4})) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("name", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("comment", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("args", Decode.list(Decode.string()))) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("type", Decode.string())) moduled = Decode.succeed( Function.curry( &%Module{name: &1, comment: &2, unions: &3, aliases: &4, values: &5, binops: &6} ) ) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("name", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("comment", Decode.string())) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("unions", Decode.list(union))) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("aliases", Decode.list(aliasd))) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("values", Decode.list(value))) |> Decode.and_map(Decode.field("binops", Decode.list(binop))) Decode.list(moduled) end end
defmodule WorkTime do @moduledoc """ Documentation for `WorkTime`. """ @doc """ ## Examples iex> WorkTime.parse("6:00 PM") {:ok, %WorkTime{hour: 6, minute: 0, ampm: :PM}} iex> WorkTime.parse("13:00 PM") {:error, "hour greater than 12"} """ defstruct hour: nil, minute: nil, ampm: nil def parse(time) do result =\d?\d):(\d\d) (AM|PM)/, time, capture: :all_but_first) case result do [_, _, _] -> form_result(result) _ -> {:error, "not all fragments provided"} end end def difference(%WorkTime{} = start_time, %WorkTime{} = end_time) do spans_two_days = start_time.ampm != end_time.ampm && end_time.ampm == :AM minutes_worked = canonicalize(end_time, spans_two_days) - canonicalize(start_time) hours = div(minutes_worked, 60) round_up = if rem(minutes_worked, 60) > 0, do: 1, else: 0 hours + round_up end def canonicalize(%WorkTime{} = time, shift \\ false) do hour = if shift, do: time.hour + 24, else: time.hour minutes = time.minute + hour * 60 + if time.ampm == :PM, do: 12 * 60, else: 0 if shift do minutes else minutes end end defp form_result([hours, minutes, ampm]) do with {:ok, h} <- Integer.parse(hours, 10) |> elem(0) |> validate_hour, {:ok, m} <- Integer.parse(minutes, 10) |> elem(0) |> validate_mins, {:ok, a} <- ampm |> String.to_atom() |> validate_ampm, do: {:ok, %WorkTime{hour: h, minute: m, ampm: a}} end defp validate_hour(hour) when hour < 1 do {:error, "hour less than 1"} end defp validate_hour(hour) when hour > 12 do {:error, "hour greater than 12"} end defp validate_hour(hour) do {:ok, hour} end defp validate_mins(mins) when mins < 0 do {:error, "minute less than 0"} end defp validate_mins(mins) when mins > 59 do {:error, "minute greater than 59"} end defp validate_mins(mins) do {:ok, mins} end defp validate_ampm(ampm) do {:ok, ampm} end end
defmodule AWS.Cloudsearchdomain do @moduledoc """ You use the AmazonCloudSearch2013 API to upload documents to a search domain and search those documents. The endpoints for submitting `UploadDocuments`, `Search`, and `Suggest` requests are domain-specific. To get the endpoints for your domain, use the Amazon CloudSearch configuration service `DescribeDomains` action. The domain endpoints are also displayed on the domain dashboard in the Amazon CloudSearch console. You submit suggest requests to the search endpoint. For more information, see the [Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide]( """ @doc """ Retrieves a list of documents that match the specified search criteria. How you specify the search criteria depends on which query parser you use. Amazon CloudSearch supports four query parsers: <ul> <li>`simple`: search all `text` and `text-array` fields for the specified string. Search for phrases, individual terms, and prefixes. </li> <li>`structured`: search specific fields, construct compound queries using Boolean operators, and use advanced features such as term boosting and proximity searching.</li> <li>`lucene`: specify search criteria using the Apache Lucene query parser syntax.</li> <li>`dismax`: specify search criteria using the simplified subset of the Apache Lucene query parser syntax defined by the DisMax query parser.</li> </ul> For more information, see [Searching Your Data]( in the *Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide*. The endpoint for submitting `Search` requests is domain-specific. You submit search requests to a domain's search endpoint. To get the search endpoint for your domain, use the Amazon CloudSearch configuration service `DescribeDomains` action. A domain's endpoints are also displayed on the domain dashboard in the Amazon CloudSearch console. """ def search(client, cursor \\ nil, expr \\ nil, facet \\ nil, filter_query \\ nil, highlight \\ nil, partial \\ nil, query, query_options \\ nil, query_parser \\ nil, return \\ nil, size \\ nil, sort \\ nil, start \\ nil, stats \\ nil, options \\ []) do path_ = "/2013-01-01/search?format=sdk&pretty=true" headers = [] query_ = [] query_ = if !is_nil(stats) do [{"stats", stats} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(start) do [{"start", start} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(sort) do [{"sort", sort} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(size) do [{"size", size} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(return) do [{"return", return} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(query_parser) do [{"q.parser", query_parser} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(query_options) do [{"q.options", query_options} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(query) do [{"q", query} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(partial) do [{"partial", partial} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(highlight) do [{"highlight", highlight} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(filter_query) do [{"fq", filter_query} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(facet) do [{"facet", facet} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(expr) do [{"expr", expr} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(cursor) do [{"cursor", cursor} | query_] else query_ end request(client, :get, path_, query_, headers, nil, options, nil) end @doc """ Retrieves autocomplete suggestions for a partial query string. You can use suggestions enable you to display likely matches before users finish typing. In Amazon CloudSearch, suggestions are based on the contents of a particular text field. When you request suggestions, Amazon CloudSearch finds all of the documents whose values in the suggester field start with the specified query string. The beginning of the field must match the query string to be considered a match. For more information about configuring suggesters and retrieving suggestions, see [Getting Suggestions]( in the *Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide*. The endpoint for submitting `Suggest` requests is domain-specific. You submit suggest requests to a domain's search endpoint. To get the search endpoint for your domain, use the Amazon CloudSearch configuration service `DescribeDomains` action. A domain's endpoints are also displayed on the domain dashboard in the Amazon CloudSearch console. """ def suggest(client, query, size \\ nil, suggester, options \\ []) do path_ = "/2013-01-01/suggest?format=sdk&pretty=true" headers = [] query_ = [] query_ = if !is_nil(suggester) do [{"suggester", suggester} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(size) do [{"size", size} | query_] else query_ end query_ = if !is_nil(query) do [{"q", query} | query_] else query_ end request(client, :get, path_, query_, headers, nil, options, nil) end @doc """ Posts a batch of documents to a search domain for indexing. A document batch is a collection of add and delete operations that represent the documents you want to add, update, or delete from your domain. Batches can be described in either JSON or XML. Each item that you want Amazon CloudSearch to return as a search result (such as a product) is represented as a document. Every document has a unique ID and one or more fields that contain the data that you want to search and return in results. Individual documents cannot contain more than 1 MB of data. The entire batch cannot exceed 5 MB. To get the best possible upload performance, group add and delete operations in batches that are close the 5 MB limit. Submitting a large volume of single-document batches can overload a domain's document service. The endpoint for submitting `UploadDocuments` requests is domain-specific. To get the document endpoint for your domain, use the Amazon CloudSearch configuration service `DescribeDomains` action. A domain's endpoints are also displayed on the domain dashboard in the Amazon CloudSearch console. For more information about formatting your data for Amazon CloudSearch, see [Preparing Your Data]( in the *Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide*. For more information about uploading data for indexing, see [Uploading Data]( in the *Amazon CloudSearch Developer Guide*. """ def upload_documents(client, input, options \\ []) do path_ = "/2013-01-01/documents/batch?format=sdk" {headers, input} = [ {"contentType", "Content-Type"}, ] |> AWS.Request.build_params(input) query_ = [] request(client, :post, path_, query_, headers, input, options, nil) end @spec request(AWS.Client.t(), binary(), binary(), list(), list(), map(), list(), pos_integer()) :: {:ok, map() | nil, map()} | {:error, term()} defp request(client, method, path, query, headers, input, options, success_status_code) do client = %{client | service: "cloudsearch"} host = build_host("cloudsearchdomain", client) url = host |> build_url(path, client) |> add_query(query, client) additional_headers = [{"Host", host}, {"Content-Type", "application/x-amz-json-1.1"}] headers = AWS.Request.add_headers(additional_headers, headers) payload = encode!(client, input) headers = AWS.Request.sign_v4(client, method, url, headers, payload) perform_request(client, method, url, payload, headers, options, success_status_code) end defp perform_request(client, method, url, payload, headers, options, success_status_code) do case AWS.Client.request(client, method, url, payload, headers, options) do {:ok, %{status_code: status_code, body: body} = response} when is_nil(success_status_code) and status_code in [200, 202, 204] when status_code == success_status_code -> body = if(body != "", do: decode!(client, body)) {:ok, body, response} {:ok, response} -> {:error, {:unexpected_response, response}} error = {:error, _reason} -> error end end defp build_host(_endpoint_prefix, %{region: "local", endpoint: endpoint}) do endpoint end defp build_host(_endpoint_prefix, %{region: "local"}) do "localhost" end defp build_host(endpoint_prefix, %{region: region, endpoint: endpoint}) do "#{endpoint_prefix}.#{region}.#{endpoint}" end defp build_url(host, path, %{:proto => proto, :port => port}) do "#{proto}://#{host}:#{port}#{path}" end defp add_query(url, [], _client) do url end defp add_query(url, query, client) do querystring = encode!(client, query, :query) "#{url}?#{querystring}" end defp encode!(client, payload, format \\ :json) do AWS.Client.encode!(client, payload, format) end defp decode!(client, payload) do AWS.Client.decode!(client, payload, :json) end end
defmodule HtmlSanitizeEx.Scrubber.HTML5 do @moduledoc """ Allows all HTML5 tags to support user input. Sanitizes all malicious content. """ require HtmlSanitizeEx.Scrubber.Meta alias HtmlSanitizeEx.Scrubber.Meta # Removes any CDATA tags before the traverser/scrubber runs. 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"accesskey", "class", "contenteditable", "contextmenu", "dir", "draggable", "dropzone", "hidden", "id", "inert", "itemid", "itemprop", "itemref", "itemscope", "itemtype", "lang", "role", "spellcheck", "tabindex", "title", "translate" ]) Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("time", [ "accesskey", "class", "contenteditable", "contextmenu", "dir", "draggable", "dropzone", "hidden", "id", "inert", "itemid", "itemprop", "itemref", "itemscope", "itemtype", "lang", "role", "spellcheck", "tabindex", "title", "translate", "datetime", "pubdate" ]) Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("title", [ "accesskey", "class", "contenteditable", "contextmenu", "dir", "draggable", "dropzone", "hidden", "id", "inert", "itemid", "itemprop", "itemref", "itemscope", "itemtype", "lang", "role", "spellcheck", "tabindex", "title", "translate" ]) Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("tr", [ "accesskey", "class", "contenteditable", "contextmenu", "dir", "draggable", "dropzone", "hidden", "id", "inert", "itemid", "itemprop", "itemref", "itemscope", "itemtype", "lang", "role", "spellcheck", "tabindex", "title", "translate" ]) Meta.allow_tag_with_uri_attributes("track", ["src"], @valid_schemes) Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("track", [ "accesskey", "class", "contenteditable", "contextmenu", "dir", "draggable", "dropzone", "hidden", "id", "inert", "itemid", "itemprop", "itemref", "itemscope", "itemtype", "lang", "role", "spellcheck", "tabindex", "title", "translate", "default", "kind", "label", "srclang" ]) Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("u", [ "accesskey", "class", "contenteditable", "contextmenu", "dir", "draggable", "dropzone", "hidden", "id", "inert", "itemid", "itemprop", "itemref", "itemscope", "itemtype", "lang", "role", "spellcheck", "tabindex", "title", "translate" ]) Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("ul", [ "accesskey", "class", "contenteditable", "contextmenu", "dir", "draggable", "dropzone", "hidden", "id", "inert", "itemid", "itemprop", "itemref", "itemscope", "itemtype", "lang", "role", "spellcheck", "tabindex", "title", "translate" ]) Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("var", [ "accesskey", "class", "contenteditable", "contextmenu", "dir", "draggable", "dropzone", "hidden", "id", "inert", "itemid", "itemprop", "itemref", "itemscope", "itemtype", "lang", "role", "spellcheck", "tabindex", "title", "translate" ]) Meta.allow_tag_with_uri_attributes("video", ["src"], @valid_schemes) Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("video", [ "accesskey", "class", "contenteditable", "contextmenu", "dir", "draggable", "dropzone", "hidden", "id", "inert", "itemid", "itemprop", "itemref", "itemscope", "itemtype", "lang", "role", "spellcheck", "tabindex", "title", "translate", "crossorigin", "poster", "preload", "autoplay", "mediagroup", "loop", "muted", "controls", "width", "height" ]) Meta.allow_tag_with_these_attributes("wbr", [ "accesskey", "class", "contenteditable", "contextmenu", "dir", "draggable", "dropzone", "hidden", "id", "inert", "itemid", "itemprop", "itemref", "itemscope", "itemtype", "lang", "role", "spellcheck", "tabindex", "title", "translate" ]) Meta.allow_tags_with_style_attributes([ "a", "blockquote", "br", "code", "del", "em", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "head", "header", "hgroup", "hr", "html", "i", "iframe", "img", "input", "ins", "kbd", "keygen", "label", "legend", "li", "link", "map", "mark", "menu", "meta", "meter", "nav", "noscript", "object", "ol", "optgroup", "option", "output", "p", "param", "pre", "progress", "q", "rp", "rt", "ruby", "s", "samp", "script", "section", "select", "small", "source", "span", "strong", "sub", "summary", "sup", "table", "tbody", "td", "textarea", "tfoot", "th", "thead", "time", "title", "tr", "track", "u", "ul", "var", "video", "wbr" ]) # style tags def scrub({"style", attributes, [text]}) do {"style", scrub_attributes("style", attributes), [scrub_css(text)]} end defp scrub_attributes("style", attributes) do, fn attr -> scrub_attribute("style", attr) end) |> Enum.reject(&is_nil(&1)) end def scrub_attribute("style", {"media", value}), do: {"media", value} def scrub_attribute("style", {"type", value}), do: {"type", value} def scrub_attribute("style", {"scoped", value}), do: {"scoped", value} defp scrub_css(text) do HtmlSanitizeEx.Scrubber.CSS.scrub(text) end Meta.strip_everything_not_covered() end
defmodule Timex.AmbiguousDateTime do @moduledoc """ Represents a DateTime which is ambiguous due to timezone rules. ## Ambiguity #1 - Non-existent times Let's use American daylight savings time rules as our example here, using America/Chicago as our example. Central Standard Time for that zone ends at 2:00 AM, but Central Daylight Time does not begin until 3:00 AM, this is because at 2:00 AM, our clocks "spring forward" - which is just an easy way of remembering that the offset goes from -6 from UTC, to -5 from UTC. Since there is no timezone period associated with the hours of 2-3 AM in the America/Chicago zone (it's neither CST nor CDT during that hour), one has to decide what the intent is. Timex makes the call that shifting to the next period (i.e. "spring foward" using our example above) makes the most logical sense when working with non-existent time periods. TL;DR - Timex will "spring forward" or "fall back", depending on what the zone change happens to be for the non-existent time. Using America/Chicago as an example, if you try to create a DateTime for 2 AM on March 13, 2016, Timex will give you back 3 AM on March 13, 2016, because the zone is in the middle of changing from CST to CDT, and the earliest representable time in CDT is 3 AM. ## Ambiguity #2 - Times with more than one valid zone period This one is the reason why this module exists. There are times, though rare, where more than one zone applies to a given date and time. For example, Asia/Taipei, on December 31st, 1895, from 23:54:00 to 23:59:59, two timezone periods are active LMT, and JWST, because that locale was switching to JWST from LMT. Because of this, it's impossible to know programmaticaly which zone is desired. The programmer must make a choice on which zone they want to use. For this use case, Timex will return an AmbiguousDateTime any time you try to create a DateTime, or shift a DateTime, to an ambiguous time period. It has two fields, :before, containing a DateTime configured in the timezone occurring before the ambiguous period, and :after, containing a DateTime configured in the timezone occurring after the ambiguous period. It is up to you as the programmer to decide which DateTime is the one to use, but my recommendation is to choose :after, unless you have a specific reason to use :before. """ defstruct before: nil, after: nil, type: :ambiguous @type t :: %__MODULE__{ :before => DateTime.t(), :after => DateTime.t(), :type => :ambiguous | :gap } defimpl Inspect do alias Timex.AmbiguousDateTime def inspect(datetime, %{:structs => false} = opts) do Inspect.Algebra.to_doc(datetime, opts) end def inspect(%AmbiguousDateTime{before: before, after: aft, type: :gap}, _opts) do "#<Gap(#{inspect(before)} ~ #{inspect(aft)})>" end def inspect(%AmbiguousDateTime{before: before, after: aft}, _opts) do "#<Ambiguous(#{inspect(before)} ~ #{inspect(aft)})>" end end end
defmodule Defconst do @moduledoc """ Define constants and enum with use in guards ## Define a contant defmodule ConstType do use Defconst defconst :one, 1 defconst :two, 2 end ## Define an enum with default values defmodule EnumType1 do use Defconst defenum [ :zero, :one, :two ] end ## Define an enum with explicit values defmodule EnumType2 do use Defconst defenum [ {:one, 1}, {:nine, 9}, :ten ] end """ @doc false defmacro __using__(_opts) do caller_module = __CALLER__.module quote do import unquote(__MODULE__) Module.register_attribute(unquote(caller_module), :constants, accumulate: true) @before_compile unquote(__MODULE__) end end @doc false defmacro __before_compile__(env) do constants = env.module |> Module.get_attribute(:constants) |> Enum.reverse() constant_map = Enum.into(constants, %{}) value_map = Enum.reduce(constants, %{}, fn {constant, value}, map -> member = Map.get(map, value) new_member = case member do nil -> [constant] _ -> member ++ [constant] end Map.put(map, value, new_member) end) quote do def _constants(), do: unquote(constants) @doc """ Returns all constants as list of tuples ## Examples: iex> #{__MODULE__}.constants #{unquote(constants) |> Kernel.inspect()} """ def constants(), do: unquote(constants) @doc """ Returns constant for specified value ## Parameters: * value: value of a constant ## Examples: iex> #{__MODULE__}.constant_of(#{ unquote(constants) |> Keyword.values() |> List.first() |> Kernel.inspect() }) #{unquote(constants) |> Keyword.keys() |> List.first() |> Kernel.inspect()} """ def constant_of(value) do constants = unquote(Macro.escape(value_map))[value] case constants do [constant] -> constant _ -> constants end end @doc """ Returns value for specified constant ## Parameters: * constant: defined constant ## Examples: iex> #{__MODULE__}.constant_of(#{ unquote(constants) |> Keyword.keys() |> List.first() |> Kernel.inspect() }) #{unquote(constants) |> Keyword.values() |> List.first() |> Kernel.inspect()} """ def value_of(constant) do unquote(Macro.escape(constant_map))[constant] end end end @doc """ Define constant ## Examples: iex> defmodule ConstType do ...> use Defconst ...> ...> defconst :one, 1 ...> defconst :two, 2 ...> end iex> defmodule ConstUse do ...> require ConstType ...> ...> def const_value(x) do ...> case x do ...> -> "one" ...> ConstType.two -> "two" ...> _ -> "unknown" ...> end ...> end ...> ...> def const_guard(x) when x == ConstType.two do ...> "two" ...> end ...> end iex> ConstType.constants [{:one, 1}, {:two, 2}] iex> ConstUse.const_value(1) "one" iex> ConstUse.const_guard(2) "two" """ defmacro defconst(name, value) do caller_module = __CALLER__.module var = Macro.var(name, __MODULE__) quote do Module.put_attribute(unquote(caller_module), :constants, {unquote(name), unquote(value)}) @doc """ Returns #{unquote(value)} ## Examples: iex> #{__MODULE__}.#{unquote(name)}() #{unquote(value) |> Kernel.inspect()} """ defmacro unquote(var), do: unquote(value) end end @doc """ Defines an enum with specified constant names and optional values ## Examples: iex> defmodule EnumType1 do ...> use Defconst ...> ...> defenum [ ...> :zero, ...> :one, ...> :two ...> ] ...> end iex> defmodule EnumUse1 do ...> require EnumType1 ...> ...> def enum_value(x) do ...> case x do ...> -> "zero" ...> -> "one" ...> EnumType1.two -> "two" ...> _ -> "unknown" ...> end ...> end ...> ...> def enum_guard(x) when x == EnumType1.two do ...> "two" ...> end ...> end iex> EnumType1.constants [zero: 0, one: 1, two: 2] iex> EnumUse1.enum_value(1) "one" iex> EnumUse1.enum_guard(2) "two" iex> defmodule EnumType2 do ...> use Defconst ...> ...> defenum [ ...> {:zero, "zero"}, ...> {:one, 1}, ...> {:nine, 9}, ...> :ten ...> ] ...> end iex> defmodule EnumUse2 do ...> require EnumType2 ...> ...> def enum_value(x) do ...> case x do ...> -> "zero" ...> -> "one" ...> EnumType2.nine -> "nine" ...> EnumType2.ten -> "ten" ...> _ -> "unknown" ...> end ...> end ...> ...> def enum_guard(x) when x == EnumType2.ten do ...> "ten" ...> end ...> end iex> EnumType2.constants [zero: "zero", one: 1, nine: 9, ten: 10] iex> EnumUse2.enum_value(1) "one" iex> EnumUse2.enum_guard(10) "ten" """ defmacro defenum(constants, quoted_generator \\ quote(do: Defconst.Enum.DefaultGenerator)) defmacro defenum(constants, quoted_generator) do # Expand quoted module generator = Macro.expand(quoted_generator, __CALLER__) constants |> normalize(generator) |> Enum.reverse() |> {name, value} -> quote do defconst(unquote(name), unquote(value)) end end) end defp normalize(constants, generator) do {result, _} = Enum.reduce(constants, {[], 0}, &normalize_contant(generator, &1, &2)) result end defp normalize_contant(generator, {constant_name, value} = constant, {accumulator, _index}) do {[constant | accumulator], generator.next_value(constant_name, value)} end defp normalize_contant(generator, constant_name, {accumulator, index}) do {[{constant_name, index} | accumulator], generator.next_value(constant_name, index)} end end
defmodule ExHealth do @moduledoc """ [![CircleCI](<PASSWORD>)]( [![codecov](]( ExHealth is a simple extensible health check utility that monitors your applications. By itself, ExHealth is a supervised GenServer that periodically performs a set of checks, but you can easily configure your it to serve JSON responses that look like: { last_check:"2018-09-18T06:43:53.773719Z", result:{ check_results:[ [ "Database", "ok" ], [ "PhoenixExampleWeb_Endpoint", "ok" ] ], msg:"healthy" } } # Getting Started Configuration for ExHealth must be present the Application environment. This can be done by updating the `:ex_health` values in your `config/config.exs`: config :ex_health, module: MyApplication.HealthChecks, interval_ms: 1000 Then you must define a module `MyApplication.HealthChecks` with some checks: defmodule MyApplication.HealthChecks do process_check(MyApplication.CacheServer) test "Redis" do # This should return :ok | {:error, "Message"} end end # Integrating with Phoenix To integrate with [Phoenix]( or any other web framework, you can take advantage of `ExHealth.Plug` which handles serving a JSON response for you. See `ExHealth.Plug` for instructions. """ use Application @function_prefix "hc__" @doc """ Defines a healthcheck function. Takes the following arguments: 1. `name` - a string for the name of the health check 2. `block` - block that returns `:ok | true | {:error, "Reason"}` ## Examples: defmodule MyApp.HealthChecks do health_check("Database") do # This should return :ok | true | {:error, "Reason"} end end """ defmacro health_check(name, do: block) do function_name = String.to_atom("#{@function_prefix}" <> name) quote do def unquote(function_name)() do try do unquote(block) rescue _ -> {:error, "Error in HealthCheck"} end end end end @doc """ Defines a healthcheck function for a given process. Returns `:ok` if the process has one of the following statuses: - `:running` - `:waiting` See []( for more information about process status. ## Examples: defmodule MyApp.HealthChecks do process_check(MyApp.SomeImportantService) end """ defmacro process_check({_, _, module_list} = _module) do {module, _} = Code.eval_string(Enum.join(module_list, ".")) function_name = String.to_atom("#{@function_prefix}" <> Enum.join(module_list, "_")) quote do def unquote(function_name)() do with pid when not is_nil(pid) <- Process.whereis(unquote(module)), info <-, {:ok, status} <- Keyword.fetch(info, :status), status == :running || :waiting do :ok else nil -> {:error, "no proc"} _ -> {:error, "process not running/waiting"} end end end end defimpl Jason.Encoder, for: [Tuple] do def encode(tuple, opts) do Jason.Encode.list(Tuple.to_list(tuple), opts) end end @doc """ Starts the application with empty state """ def start() do start(:normal, state: %ExHealth.Status{}) end def start(_type, args) do import Supervisor.Spec configure(args) initial_state = load_config() children = [ supervisor(ExHealth.HealthServer, [initial_state]) ] opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: ExHealth.Supervisor] Supervisor.start_link(children, opts) end @doc """ Synchronously fetches the latest status from `ExHealth.HealthServer` ## Examples: iex(1)> ExHealth.status() %ExHealth.Status{ checks: [ %ExHealth.Check{ mfa: {ExHealth.SelfCheck, :hc__ExHealth_HealthServer, []}, name: "ExHealth_HealthServer" } ], interval_ms: 15000, last_check: nil, result: %{check_results: [], msg: :pending} } """ @spec status() :: ExHealth.Status.t() def status() do, :status) end @doc """ Stops the Application """ @spec stop() :: :ok def stop() do Supervisor.stop(ExHealth.Supervisor, :normal) end defp configure([]), do: nil defp configure([{k, v} | remainder]) do Application.put_env(:ex_health, k, v) configure(remainder) end defp extract_health_checks(module) do hc_regex = ~r/#{@function_prefix}.*/ module.__info__(:functions) |> Enum.filter(fn {func, _arr} -> Atom.to_string(func) =~ hc_regex end) end @spec extract_and_transform(module()) :: list(ExHealth.Check.t()) defp extract_and_transform(module) do function_list = extract_health_checks(module) for {func, _arr} <- function_list do %ExHealth.Check{name: remove_function_prefix(func), mfa: {module, func, []}} end end @spec load_config() :: ExHealth.Status.t() defp load_config() do :ok = case Application.load(:ex_health) do :ok -> :ok {:error, {:already_loaded, :ex_health}} -> :ok end module = Application.get_env(:ex_health, :module) interval_ms = Application.get_env(:ex_health, :interval_ms, 15_000) mfas = case module do nil -> extract_and_transform(ExHealth.SelfCheck) mod -> extract_and_transform(mod) end %ExHealth.Status{ checks: mfas, interval_ms: interval_ms } end defp remove_function_prefix(function) do name_with_prefix = Atom.to_string(function) prefix = String.length(@function_prefix) String.slice(name_with_prefix, prefix, String.length(name_with_prefix)) end end
defmodule Statistics.Distributions.T do alias Statistics.Math alias Statistics.Math.Functions @moduledoc """ Student's t distribution. This distribution is always centered around 0.0 and allows a *degrees of freedom* parameter. """ @doc """ The probability density function ## Examples iex> Statistics.Distributions.T.pdf(3).(0) 0.3675525969478612 iex> Statistics.Distributions.T.pdf(1).(3.2) 0.028319384891796327 """ @spec pdf(number) :: fun def pdf(df) do fac = Functions.gamma((df + 1) / 2) / (Math.sqrt(df * Math.pi()) * Functions.gamma(df / 2)) exp = (df + 1) / 2 * -1 fn x -> fac * Math.pow(1 + x * x / df, exp) end end @doc """ The cumulative density function NOTE: this currently uses the very slow Simpson's Rule to execute a numerical integration of the `pdf` function to approximate the CDF. This leads to a trade-off between precision and speed. A robust implementation of the 2F1 hypergeometric function is required to properly calculate the CDF of the t distribution. ## Examples iex> Statistics.Distributions.T.cdf(3).(0) 0.4909182507070275 """ @spec cdf(number) :: fun def cdf(df) do cpdf = pdf(df) fn x -> Functions.simpson(cpdf, -10000, x, 10000) end end # when a robust hyp2F1 materialises, use this implementation # defp cdf_hyp2f1(x, df) do # p1 = 0.5 + x * Functions.gamma((df+1)/2) # p2n = Math.hyp2f1(0.5, ((df+1)/2), 1.5, -1*Math.pow(x,2)/df) # p2d = Math.sqrt(Math.pi*df) * Functions.gamma(df/2) # p1 * (p2n / p2d) # end @doc """ The percentile-point function NOTE: this is very slow due to the current implementation of the CDF """ @spec ppf(number) :: fun def ppf(df) do fn x -> ppf_tande(x, cdf(df), 4) end end # trial-and-error method which refines guesses # to arbitrary number of decimal places defp ppf_tande(x, pcdf, precision) do ppf_tande(x, pcdf, -10, precision + 2, 0) end defp ppf_tande(_, _, g, precision, precision) do g end defp ppf_tande(x, pcdf, g, precision, p) do increment = 100 / Math.pow(10, p) guess = g + increment if x < pcdf.(guess) do ppf_tande(x, pcdf, g, precision, p + 1) else ppf_tande(x, pcdf, guess, precision, p) end end @doc """ Draw a random number from a t distribution with specified degrees of freedom """ @spec rand(number) :: number def rand(df), do: randf(pdf(df)) defp randf(rpdf) do # t-dist is fatter-tailed than normal x = Math.rand() * 50 - 25 if rpdf.(x) > Math.rand() do x else # keep trying randf(rpdf) end end end
defmodule SpringConfig do @moduledoc """ Consume configuration from a Spring Cloud Config Server in Elixir. """ use PatternTap @default_opts [] @spec get(atom(), any(), keyword()) :: any() @doc """ Finds and returns `key` in the configuration registry. If `key` is not found, `default` is returned. Available options are: - `ensure_started`: Uses `Application.ensure_all_started/2` to start the SpringConfig application temporarily in case the process is not part of the supervision tree. Default `false`. """ def get(key, default \\ nil, opts \\ []) when is_atom(key) do opts = Keyword.merge(@default_opts, opts) if opts[:ensure_started] do {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:spring_config) end key |> to_string() |> String.split(".") |> |> do_get(default) end @spec get!(atom(), keyword()) :: any() @doc """ Similar to `get/3` but raises if `key` is not found. """ def get!(key, opts \\ []) when is_atom(key) do case get(key, :default_value, opts) do :default_value -> raise "Key #{key} not found in configuration entries" value -> value end end defp do_get(keys, default) do case, [{{keys ++ :"$1", :"$2"}, [], [{{:"$1", :"$2"}}]}]) do [] -> default result -> transform(result) end end defp transform(entries) do Enum.reduce(entries, %{}, fn {[], value}, _out -> value {keys, value}, map -> map |> create_path(keys) |> put_in(keys, value) end) end defp create_path(map, keys) do keys |> Enum.reduce({map, []}, fn key, {map, []} -> {Map.put_new(map, key, nil), [key]} key, {map, prev_keys} -> new_map = update_in(map, prev_keys, fn nil -> %{key => nil} val -> val end) {new_map, prev_keys ++ [key]} end) |> tap({map, _} ~> map) end end
defmodule BinanceFutures.RateLimiter do @moduledoc """ Rate Limiter handles Binance Futures API limits. More info could be found here: Binance API has two type of limits. - `weight` limit - you have N available weight by IP address per time frame - `orders` limit - you have N available calls to `ORDERS` API's per API Key, per time frame. Time frames for now are: - `1M` - 1 Minute. Applicable for `weight` and `orders` limits. - `10S` - 10 Seconds. Applicable for `orders` limits only. By default it will only collect already used rates from API requests. And wouldn't be able to provide any remaining rate limits information. ## Already used rate limits To get already used limits for your IP/API Key you could use: - `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.get/0` - Shows all available limits information (including remaining if fetched). - `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.get_weight/0` - Shows used `weight` limits by time frame. - `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.get_orders/0` - Shows used `orders` limits by time frame. ## Remaining limits If you need to keep track of remaining rate limits, you have to call `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.fetch_limits/0` function. ## Example iex(1)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.fetch_limits :ok It will spend some on your `weight` limit by calling `BinanceFutures.USDM.MarketData.exchange_info/0` function. But also will grab remainig rate limits for your account. After this call you will be able to keep track on remaining limits by using: - `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.remaining/0` - Shows all remaining limits. - `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.remaining_orders/0` - Shows remaining orders limits by time frames. - `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.remaining_weight/0` - Shows remaining weight limits by time frames. """ use GenServer alias BinanceFutures.USDM.MarketData @weight_header "X-MBX-USED-WEIGHT-" @order_header "X-MBX-ORDER-COUNT-" @typedoc """ Limit type. Contain time frame as key, example: `1M`, `10S` And actual limit as value: `1`, `2400` ## Example %{"1M" => 2399} %{"10S" => 300, "1M" => 1200} """ @type limit :: %{optional(binary) => non_neg_integer} @typedoc """ Limits for `weight` and `orders` types that fetched from `BinanceFutures.USDM.MarketData.exchange_info/0` ## Example %{orders: %{"10S" => 300, "1M" => 1200}, weight: %{"1M" => 2400}} """ @type limits :: %{weight: limit(), orders: limit()} defmodule State do @typedoc """ Rate limiter state. - `limits` - Limits pulled from exchange info. - `weight` - Used `weight` limits. - `orders` - Used `orders` limits. """ @type t :: %{ limits: BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.limits(), weight: BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.limit(), orders: BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.limit(), } defstruct limits: %{weight: %{}, orders: %{}}, weight: %{}, orders: %{} end @doc false def start_link(_opts \\ []), do: GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, :ok, name: __MODULE__) @doc """ Parses used limits from given headers. Don't use this function if you don't know what are you doing ! This function is used in all REST API calls. """ @spec set(HTTPoison.Base.headers()) :: :ok def set(headers), do: GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, {:set, headers}) @doc """ Get all available limits information. Note that if you didn't call `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.fetch_limits/0` `limits` field will be empty. ## Example iex(1)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.get() %{limits: %{orders: %{}, weight: %{}}, orders: %{}, weight: %{"1M" => 1}} iex(2)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.fetch_limits() :ok iex(3)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.get() %{ limits: %{orders: %{"10S" => 300, "1M" => 1200}, weight: %{"1M" => 2400}}, orders: %{}, weight: %{"1M" => 2} } """ @spec get() :: State.t() def get(), do:, :get) @doc """ Gets already used `weight` limit. ## Example iex(1)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.get_weight() %{} iex(2)> BinanceFutures.USDM.MarketData.server_time() {:ok, 1616347174621} iex(3)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.get_weight() %{"1M" => 2} """ @spec get_weight() :: limit() def get_weight(), do:, :get_weight) @spec get_orders() :: limit() def get_orders(), do:, :get_orders) @doc """ Fetches Binance Futures API limits. Uses `BinanceFutures.USDM.MarketData.exchange_info/0` function for pulling information. Returns `{:error, term}` in case of some issues with API call. ## Example iex(1)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.fetch_limits() :ok """ @spec fetch_limits() :: :ok | {:error, term} def fetch_limits(), do:, :fetch_limits) @doc """ Gets remaining limits information. By default it does not calculate any remaining limits. To make it happen you have to call `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.fetch_limits/0` before calling `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.remaining/0` ## Example iex(1)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.remaining() %{orders: %{}, weight: %{}} iex(2)> BinanceFutures.USDM.MarketData.server_time() {:ok, 1616347615118} iex(3)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.remaining() %{orders: %{}, weight: %{}} iex(4)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.fetch_limits() :ok iex(5)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.remaining() %{orders: %{"10S" => 300, "1M" => 1200}, weight: %{"1M" => 2399}} """ @spec remaining() :: %{orders: limit(), weight: limit()} def remaining(), do:, :remaining) @doc """ Gets remaining `weight` limits. By default it does not calculate any remaining limits. To make it happen you have to call `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.fetch_limits/0` before calling `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.remaining_weight/0` ## Example iex(1)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.remaining_weight() %{} iex(2)> BinanceFutures.USDM.MarketData.server_time() {:ok, 1616347833596} iex(3)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.remaining_weight() %{} iex(4)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.fetch_limits() :ok iex(5)> BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.remaining_weight() %{"1M" => 2398} """ @spec remaining_weight() :: limit() def remaining_weight(), do:, :remaining_weight) @doc """ Gets remaining `orders` limits. By default it does not calculate any remaining limits. To make it happen you have to call `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.fetch_limits/0` before calling `BinanceFutures.RateLimiter.remaining_orders/0` """ @spec remaining_orders() :: limit() def remaining_orders(), do:, :remaining_orders) ## Callbacks @impl true def init(_) do {:ok, %State{}} end @impl true def handle_cast({:set, headers}, %State{} = state) do weight = headers |> Enum.filter(fn {name, _} -> String.starts_with?(name, @weight_header) end) |> {name, weight} -> {String.replace(name, @weight_header, ""), String.to_integer(weight)} end) |> Enum.into(%{}) orders = headers |> Enum.filter(fn {name, _} -> String.starts_with?(name, @order_header) end) |> {name, weight} -> {String.replace(name, @order_header, ""), String.to_integer(weight)} end) |> Enum.into(%{}) {:noreply, %State{state | weight: weight, orders: orders}} end @impl true def handle_call(:fetch_limits, _from, %State{limits: limits} = state) do case MarketData.exchange_info() do {:ok, data} -> updated_limits = data |> Map.get("rateLimits") |> Enum.reduce(limits, &pick_limits/2) {:reply, :ok, %State{state | limits: updated_limits}} {:error, err} -> {:reply, {:error, err}, state} end end @impl true def handle_call(:get, _from, %State{} = state), do: {:reply, Map.from_struct(state), state} @impl true def handle_call(:get_weight, _from, %State{weight: weight} = state), do: {:reply, weight, state} @impl true def handle_call(:get_orders, _from, %State{orders: orders} = state), do: {:reply, orders, state} @impl true def handle_call( :remaining, _from, %State{ limits: %{orders: orders_limits, weight: weight_limits}, weight: weight, orders: orders } = state ) do orders = orders_limits |> {name, limit} -> {name, limit - Map.get(orders, name, 0)} end) |> Enum.into(%{}) weight = weight_limits |> {name, limit} -> {name, limit - Map.get(weight, name, 0)} end) |> Enum.into(%{}) res = %{ orders: orders, weight: weight } {:reply, res, state} end @impl true def handle_call( :remaining_weight, _from, %State{ limits: %{weight: weight_limits}, weight: weight } = state ) do res = weight_limits |> {name, limit} -> {name, limit - Map.get(weight, name, 0)} end) |> Enum.into(%{}) {:reply, res, state} end @impl true def handle_call( :remaining_orders, _from, %State{ limits: %{orders: orders_limits}, orders: orders } = state ) do res = orders_limits |> {name, limit} -> {name, limit - Map.get(orders, name, 0)} end) |> Enum.into(%{}) {:reply, res, state} end defp pick_limits( %{ "rateLimitType" => "REQUEST_WEIGHT", "intervalNum" => interval_num, "interval" => "MINUTE", "limit" => limit }, %{weight: weight} = limits ) do weight = Map.put(weight, "#{interval_num}M", limit) %{limits | weight: weight} end defp pick_limits( %{ "rateLimitType" => "ORDERS", "intervalNum" => interval_num, "interval" => interval, "limit" => limit }, %{orders: orders} = limits ) do orders = Map.put(orders, "#{interval_num}#{String.first(interval)}", limit) %{limits | orders: orders} end defp pick_limits(_, limits), do: limits end
defmodule Glide do @external_resource "" @moduledoc @external_resource |>!() |> String.split("<!-- MDOC !-->") |> Enum.fetch!(1) @doc """ Create a value from a generator. Mostly wraps StreamData or when the function exists any of the Glide generators ``` Glide.val(:uuid) Glide.val(:integer) Glide.val(:string, :alphanumeric) """ def val(_data, options \\ []) def val(%StreamData{} = data, fun) do fun = if fun == [] do &Function.identity/1 else fun end pick(data) |> fun.() end def val(nil, _) do val(nil_()) end def val(name, args) when is_atom(name) do gen(name, args) |> val end @doc """ Create a generator. Mostly wraps StreamData or when the function exists any of the Glide generators ``` Glide.gen(:uuid) Glide.gen(:integer) Glide.gen(:string, :alphanumeric) """ def gen(name, args \\ []) def gen(nil, _) do nil_() end def gen(:member_of, args) do StreamData.member_of(args) end def gen(name, args) when is_list(args) do if function_exported?(__MODULE__, name, length(args)) do apply(__MODULE__, name, args) else apply(StreamData, name, args) end end def gen(name, arg) do gen(name, [arg]) end @doc """ Creates generator for optional data When creating a value from this generator it will either by `nil` or of the type passed in as the argument. ``` Glide.optional(Glide.string(:ascii)) ``` """ def optional(data) do StreamData.one_of([nil_(), data]) end @doc """ Create generator for nil constant Can also be called with Glide.gen(nil) """ def nil_ do StreamData.constant(nil) end @doc """ Create generator for a struct ``` struct_of(User, %{ name: string(:ascii), address: optional(string(:ascii)) }) ``` """ def struct_of(struct, data) do, fn map -> struct!(struct, map) end) end @doc """ Merges two StreamData structs, underlying datastructure should implement Glide.Merge protocol. By default implemented for Map and Keyword lists """ def merge(%StreamData{} = data1, %StreamData{} = data2) do StreamData.bind(data1, fn d1 -> StreamData.bind(data2, fn d2 -> StreamData.constant(Glide.Merge.merge(d1, d2)) end) end) end def merge(values) when is_list(values) do fold_gen(values, &merge(&1, &2)) end @doc """ Concats two StreamData structs, underlying datastructure should implement Glide.Concat protocol. Will cast any non StreamData value to a StreamData.constant By default implemented for List and String """ def concat(%StreamData{} = data1, %StreamData{} = data2) do StreamData.bind(data1, fn d1 -> StreamData.bind(data2, fn d2 -> StreamData.constant(Glide.Concat.concat(d1, d2)) end) end) end def concat(%StreamData{} = data, value) when is_binary(value) do concat(data, StreamData.constant(value)) end def concat(value, %StreamData{} = data) when is_binary(value) do concat(StreamData.constant(value), data) end def concat(value1, value2) when is_binary(value2) and is_binary(value1) do concat(StreamData.constant(value1), StreamData.constant(value2)) end def concat(values) when is_list(values) do fold_gen(values, &concat(&1, &2)) end @doc """ iex> Glide.fold_gen(["1","2","3"], fn doc, acc -> ...> Glide.concat([doc, "!", acc]) ...> end) |> Glide.val "1!2!3" """ def fold_gen(docs, folder_fun) def fold_gen([], _folder_fun), do: StreamData.constant([]) def fold_gen([%StreamData{} = data], _folder_fun), do: data def fold_gen([value], _folder_fun), do: StreamData.constant(value) def fold_gen([doc | docs], folder_fun) when is_function(folder_fun, 2), do: folder_fun.(doc, fold_gen(docs, folder_fun)) @doc """ Generates a version 4 (random) UUID generator iex> Glide.uuid() |> Glide.val "30192e4a-6d03-4f9a-86cb-f301454447c2" """ def uuid() do, fn binuuid -> {:ok, uuid} = encode(binuuid) uuid end) end @doc """ Generates a version 4 (random) UUID in the binary format generator iex> Glide.binuuid() |> Glide.val <<130, 204, 75, 232, 2, 161, 72, 182, 138, 181, 5, 244, 199, 120, 124, 155>> """ def binuuid() do 16), fn <<u0::48, _::4, u1::12, _::2, u2::62>> -> <<u0::48, fc00:e968:6179::de52:7100, u1::12, 2::2, u2::62>> end) end @time_zones ["Etc/UTC"] @doc """ Generates a Date by default somewhere between 1970..2050 iex> |> Glide.val ~D[1984-09-18] """ def date(range \\ 1970..2050) do StreamData.tuple( {StreamData.integer(range), StreamData.integer(1..12), StreamData.integer(1..31)} ) |> StreamData.bind_filter(fn tuple -> case Date.from_erl(tuple) do {:ok, date} -> {:cont, StreamData.constant(date)} _ -> :skip end end) end @doc """ Generates a Date by default somewhere between 1970..2050 iex> Glide.time() |> Glide.val ~T[14:57:31] """ def time do StreamData.tuple( {StreamData.integer(0..23), StreamData.integer(0..59), StreamData.integer(0..59)} ) |>!/1) end @doc """ Generates a Date by default somewhere between 1970..2050 iex> Glide.naive_datetime() |> Glide.val ~N[2050-01-22 03:54:58] """ def naive_datetime do StreamData.tuple({date(), time()}) |> {date, time} -> {:ok, naive_datetime} =, time) naive_datetime end) end @doc """ Generates a Date by default somewhere between 1970..2050 iex> Glide.datetime() |> Glide.val ~U[2050-09-02 22:08:07Z] """ def datetime do StreamData.tuple({naive_datetime(), StreamData.member_of(@time_zones)}) |> {naive_datetime, time_zone} -> DateTime.from_naive!(naive_datetime, time_zone) end) end @doc """ Generates a seed """ def seed(start \\ 0) do :rand.seed(:exs1024, start) end @doc """ Generate value from StreamData Will use a preset seed (e.g. by ExUnit) if available, otherwise will create a new seed. See """ def pick(data, start \\ 0) do exported_seed = case :rand.export_seed() do :undefined -> # use provided seed if not preseeded (by ExUnit) seed(start) seed -> seed end seed = :rand.seed_s(exported_seed) {size, seed} = :rand.uniform_s(100, seed) %StreamData.LazyTree{root: root} = StreamData.__call__(data, seed, size) {_, {seed, _}} = seed :rand.seed(:exs1024, seed) root end # See defp encode( <<a1::4, a2::4, a3::4, a4::4, afc00:db20:35b:7399::5, a6::4, a7::4, a8::4, fc00:db20:35b:7399::5, bfc00:db20:35b:7399::5, b3::4, b4::4, c1::4, c2::4, c3::4, c4::4, d1::4, d2::4, d3::4, d4::4, e1::4, e2::4, e3::4, e4::4, e5::4, e6::4, e7::4, e8::4, e9::4, e1fc00:e968:6179::de52:7100, e1fc00:e968:6179::de52:7100, e12::4>> ) do <<e(a1), e(a2), e(a3), e(a4), e(a5), e(a6), e(a7), e(a8), ?-, e(b1), e(b2), e(b3), e(b4), ?-, e(c1), e(c2), e(c3), e(c4), ?-, e(d1), e(d2), e(d3), e(d4), ?-, e(e1), e(e2), e(e3), e(e4), e(e5), e(e6), e(e7), e(e8), e(e9), e(e10), e(e11), e(e12)>> catch :error -> :error else encoded -> {:ok, encoded} end @compile {:inline, e: 1} defp e(0), do: ?0 defp e(1), do: ?1 defp e(2), do: ?2 defp e(3), do: ?3 defp e(4), do: ?4 defp e(5), do: ?5 defp e(6), do: ?6 defp e(7), do: ?7 defp e(8), do: ?8 defp e(9), do: ?9 defp e(10), do: ?a defp e(11), do: ?b defp e(12), do: ?c defp e(13), do: ?d defp e(14), do: ?e defp e(15), do: ?f end
alias InterpreterTerms.SymbolMatch, as: Sym alias InterpreterTerms.WordMatch, as: Word defmodule GraphReasoner.QueryMatching.TriplesBlock do @moduledoc """ Parses information from a TriplesBlock SymbolMatch. The idea behind this module is to keep it as simple as possible, mainly focussing on abstracting the verbose EBNF. """ @doc """ Assuming the supplied SymbolMatch contains only one simple triple, extract - subject: the VarOrTerm element - predicate: the PathPrimary element - object: the VarOrTerm element """ def single_triple!( %Sym{ symbol: :TriplesBlock, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :TriplesSameSubjectPath, submatches: [ subjectVarOrTerm, %Sym{ symbol: :PropertyListPathNotEmpty, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :VerbPath, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :Path, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :PathAlternative, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :PathSequence, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :PathEltOrInverse, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :PathElt, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :PathPrimary } = predicateElement ] } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] }, %Sym{ symbol: :ObjectListPath, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :ObjectPath, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :GraphNodePath, submatches: [ objectVarOrTerm ] } ] } ] } ] } ] } | maybe_a_dot ] } ) do case maybe_a_dot do [] -> nil [%Word{}] -> nil _ -> raise "TriplesBlock is not a single triple" end { subjectVarOrTerm, predicateElement, objectVarOrTerm } end @doc """ Assuming the supplied SymbolMatch contains a simple triple, extract - subject: the VarOrTerm element - predicate: the PathPrimary element - object: the VarOrTerm element """ def first_triple!( %Sym{ symbol: :TriplesBlock, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :TriplesSameSubjectPath, submatches: [ subjectVarOrTerm, %Sym{ symbol: :PropertyListPathNotEmpty, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :VerbPath, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :Path, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :PathAlternative, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :PathSequence, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :PathEltOrInverse, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :PathElt, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :PathPrimary } = predicateElement ] } ] } ] } ] } ] } ] }, %Sym{ symbol: :ObjectListPath, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :ObjectPath, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :GraphNodePath, submatches: [ objectVarOrTerm ] } ] } ] } ] } ] } | _maybe_other_content ] } ) do { subjectVarOrTerm, predicateElement, objectVarOrTerm } end @doc """ Overwrites the submatches of the parent_triples_block to contain only the supplied child_triples_block. """ def set_child( %Sym{ symbol: :TriplesBlock, submatches: [ first_elt | _rest_elts ] } = parent_triples_block, %Sym{ symbol: :TriplesBlock } = child_triples_block ) do %{ parent_triples_block | submatches: [ first_elt, %Word{ word: "." }, child_triples_block ] } end @doc """ Easy updating of the predicate of a TriplesBlock """ def update_predicate( triples_block, new_predicate ) do Manipulators.DeepUpdates.update_deep_submatch( triples_block, new_predicate, [ :TriplesBlock, {:TriplesSameSubjectPath,1}, :PropertyListPathNotEmpty, :VerbPath, :Path, :PathAlternative, :PathSequence, :PathEltOrInverse, :PathElt ]) end def predicate( triples_block ) do triples_block |> first_triple! |> elem(1) end def wrap_in_graph( triples_block, graph_uri ) do # Convert the TriplesBlock into a GraphPatternNotTriples>GraphGraphPattern>GroupGraphPattern>GroupGraphPatternSub>TriplesBlock # This last one can be inlined as a GroupGraphPattern>GroupGraphPatternSub may have many GraphPatternNotTriples subexpressions. %Sym{ symbol: :GraphPatternNotTriples, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :GraphGraphPattern, submatches: [ %Word{ word: "GRAPH" }, %Sym{ symbol: :VarOrIri, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :iri, submatches: [ %Sym{ symbol: :IRIREF, string: "<" <> graph_uri <> ">", submatches: :none } ] } ] }, %Sym{ symbol: :GroupGraphPattern, submatches: [ %Word{ word: "{" }, %Sym{ symbol: :GroupGraphPatternSub, submatches: [ triples_block ] }, %Word{ word: "}" } ] } ] } ] } end end
defmodule Braintree.Transaction do @moduledoc """ Create a new sale. To create a transaction, you must include an amount and either a payment_method_nonce or a payment_method_token. """ use Braintree.Construction alias Braintree.{AddOn, HTTP} alias Braintree.ErrorResponse, as: Error @type t :: %__MODULE__{ add_ons: [AddOn.t()], additional_processor_response: String.t(), amount: number, apple_pay_details: String.t(), avs_error_response_code: String.t(), avs_postal_code_response_code: String.t(), avs_street_address_response_code: String.t(), billing: map, channel: String.t(), coinbase_details: String.t(), created_at: String.t(), credit_card: map, currency_iso_code: String.t(), custom_fields: map, customer_details: map, cvv_response_code: String.t(), descriptor: map, disbursement_details: map, discounts: [any], disputes: [any], escrow_status: String.t(), gateway_rejection_reason: String.t(), id: String.t(), merchant_account_id: String.t(), order_id: String.t(), payment_instrument_type: String.t(), paypal: map, plan_id: String.t(), processor_authorization_code: String.t(), processor_response_code: String.t(), processor_response_text: String.t(), processor_settlement_response_code: String.t(), processor_settlement_response_text: String.t(), purchase_order_number: String.t(), recurring: String.t(), refund_ids: String.t(), refunded_transaction_id: String.t(), risk_data: String.t(), service_fee_amount: number, settlement_batch_id: String.t(), shipping: map, status: String.t(), status_history: String.t(), subscription_details: map, subscription_id: String.t(), tax_amount: number, tax_exempt: boolean, type: String.t(), updated_at: String.t(), voice_referral_number: String.t() } defstruct add_ons: [], additional_processor_response: nil, amount: 0, apple_pay_details: nil, avs_error_response_code: nil, avs_postal_code_response_code: nil, avs_street_address_response_code: nil, billing: %{}, channel: nil, coinbase_details: nil, created_at: nil, credit_card: %{}, currency_iso_code: nil, custom_fields: %{}, customer_details: %{}, cvv_response_code: nil, descriptor: %{}, disbursement_details: nil, discounts: [], disputes: [], escrow_status: nil, gateway_rejection_reason: nil, id: nil, merchant_account_id: nil, order_id: nil, payment_instrument_type: nil, paypal: %{}, plan_id: nil, processor_authorization_code: nil, processor_response_code: nil, processor_response_text: nil, processor_settlement_response_code: nil, processor_settlement_response_text: nil, purchase_order_number: nil, recurring: nil, refund_ids: nil, refunded_transaction_id: nil, risk_data: nil, service_fee_amount: 0, settlement_batch_id: nil, shipping: %{}, status: nil, status_history: nil, subscription_details: %{}, subscription_id: nil, tax_amount: 0, tax_exempt: false, type: nil, updated_at: nil, voice_referral_number: nil @doc """ Use a `payment_method_nonce` or `payment_method_token` to make a one time charge against a payment method. ## Example {:ok, transaction} ={ amount: "100.00", payment_method_nonce: @payment_method_nonce, options: %{submit_for_settlement: true} }) transaction.status # "settling" """ @spec sale(map, Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, Error.t()} def sale(params, opts \\ []) do sale_params = Map.merge(params, %{type: "sale"}) with {:ok, payload} <-"transactions", %{transaction: sale_params}, opts) do {:ok, new(payload)} end end @doc """ Use a `transaction_id` and optional `amount` to settle the transaction. Use this if `submit_for_settlement` was false while creating the charge using sale. ## Example {:ok, transaction} = Transaction.submit_for_settlement("123", %{amount: "100"}) transaction.status # "settling" """ @spec submit_for_settlement(String.t(), map, Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, Error.t()} def submit_for_settlement(transaction_id, params, opts \\ []) do path = "transactions/#{transaction_id}/submit_for_settlement" with {:ok, payload} <- HTTP.put(path, %{transaction: params}, opts) do {:ok, new(payload)} end end @doc """ Use a `transaction_id` and optional `amount` to issue a refund for that transaction ## Example {:ok, transaction} = Transaction.refund("123", %{amount: "100.00"}) transaction.status # "refunded" """ @spec refund(String.t(), map, Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, Error.t()} def refund(transaction_id, params, opts \\ []) do path = "transactions/#{transaction_id}/refund" with {:ok, payload} <-, %{transaction: params}, opts) do {:ok, new(payload)} end end @doc """ Use a `transaction_id` to issue a void for that transaction ## Example {:ok, transaction} = Transaction.void("123") transaction.status # "voided" """ @spec void(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, Error.t()} def void(transaction_id, opts \\ []) do path = "transactions/#{transaction_id}/void" with {:ok, payload} <- HTTP.put(path, opts) do {:ok, new(payload)} end end @doc """ Find an existing transaction by `transaction_id` ## Example {:ok, transaction} = Transaction.find("123") """ @spec find(String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, Error.t()} def find(transaction_id, opts \\ []) do path = "transactions/#{transaction_id}" with {:ok, payload} <- HTTP.get(path, opts) do {:ok, new(payload)} end end @doc """ Convert a map into a Transaction struct. Add_ons are converted to a list of structs as well. ## Example transaction ={ "subscription_id" => "subxid", "status" => "submitted_for_settlement" }) """ def new(%{"transaction" => map}) do new(map) end def new(map) when is_map(map) do transaction = super(map) %{transaction | add_ons:} end def new(list) when is_list(list) do, &new/1) end end
defmodule FunLand.Mappable do @moduledoc """ Something is Mappable if there is a way to map a function over it. `mapping` means to apply a transformation to the contents, without changing the structure. This module both contains the Mappable behaviour, which might be added to your modules/structures by using `use Mappable` from within them, as well as the `, fun)` function, which will dispatch to whatever structure is passed in as first argument. In Category Theory, something that is Mappable is called a *Functor*. ## Fruit Salad Example Say we have an apple. There are many _operations_ we could do with an apple, such as peel it, slice it, juice it, etc. However, right now we don't have an apple, but a bowl filled with apples. How can we make sure we can still use all the operations we could on single apples? The answer: We need to take the apples one-by-one from the bowl, perform the desired operation, and then put them back in the bowl. This 'take -> perform -> put back' is the implementation of `map` for a bowl. It works similar for other data structures: Exactly _how_ to take something and put a result back, and _when_ to perform the desired operation (if we have an empty bowl, for instance, there's nothing to do) is what you need to define in your implementation. """ @type mappable(a) :: FunLand.adt(a) @callback map(mappable(a), (a -> b)) :: mappable(b) when a: any, b: any def __using__(_opts) do quote do @behaviour FunLand.Mappable end end @doc """ Maps the function `function` over all things inside `mappable`. Exactly what this means, depends on the structure of `mappable`. For lists, for instance, this means that all of the elements will be transformed by `function`. For `Maybe`, this will do nothing if `Maybe` is `Nothing`, while it will transform whatever is inside if the `Maybe` is `Just something`. """ def map(mappable, function) # Stdlib structs for {stdlib_module, module} <- FunLand.Builtin.__stdlib_struct_modules__() do def map(mappable = %unquote(stdlib_module){}, function) do apply(unquote(module), :map, [mappable, function]) end end # Structs with user-defined specification. def map(mappable = %mappable_module{}, function) when is_function(function, 1) do, function) end use FunLand.Helper.GuardMacros for {guard, module} <- FunLand.Builtin.__builtin__() do def map(mappable, function) when is_function(function, 1) and unquote(guard)(mappable) do apply(unquote(module), :map, [mappable, function]) end end end
defmodule Staxx.Proxy.Chain.State do @moduledoc """ Default chain process state Chain process has it's own statuses a bit different to ExTestchain When new chain process is spawning it's status is set to `:initializing` then flow is this: `:initializing` -> `:ready` -> `:terminating` -> `:terminated` So chain is fully ready only when status is set to `:ready` In case of failure status will be set to `:failed` """ alias Staxx.Proxy.Chain.Storage.Record alias Staxx.Proxy.Chain.Notification @type status :: :initializing | :ready | :terminating | :terminated | :locked | :failed @type t :: %__MODULE__{ id: binary, node: node(), start_type: :new | :existing, status: status, notify_pid: pid() | nil, chain_status: atom(), deploy_tag: nil | binary, deploy_step_id: 0..9 } defstruct id: nil, node: nil, start_type: :new, status: :initializing, notify_pid: nil, chain_status: :none, deploy_tag: nil, deploy_step_id: 0 @doc """ Update node for state and return updated state """ @spec node(t(), node()) :: t() def node(%__MODULE__{} = state, node), do: %__MODULE__{state | node: node} @doc """ Set status for state and return updated state """ @spec status(t(), status()) :: t() def status(%__MODULE__{} = state, status), do: %__MODULE__{state | status: status} @doc """ Set chain status for state and return updated state """ @spec chain_status(t(), atom) :: t() def chain_status(%__MODULE__{} = state, chain_status), do: %__MODULE__{state | chain_status: chain_status} @doc """ Send notification about chain to `notify_pid`. Notification will be send to `notify_pid` if it's exist And to global event bus """ @spec notify(t(), binary | atom, term()) :: t() def notify(%__MODULE__{id: id, notify_pid: pid} = state, event, data \\ %{}) do notification = %Notification{id: id, event: event, data: data} if pid do send(pid, notification) end Notification.send_to_event_bus(notification) state end @doc """ Store state into DB. Will call Storage to store chain details """ @spec store(t()) :: t() def store(%__MODULE__{} = state) do state |> Record.from_state() |> state end end
defmodule Ash.Filter.Runtime do @moduledoc """ Checks a record to see if it matches a filter statement. We can't always tell if a record matches a filter statement, and as such this function may return `:unknown` """ alias Ash.Query.{Expression, Not, Ref} @doc """ Checks if a record matches a filter, side loading any necessary relationships" If it can't tell, this returns false. """ def matches?(api, record, filter, dirty_fields \\ []) do case matches(record, filter, dirty_fields) do {:ok, boolean} -> boolean {:side_load, side_loads} when not is_nil(api) -> matches?(api, api.load!(record, side_loads), filter, dirty_fields) {:side_load, _} -> false :unknown -> false end end def matches(record, filter, dirty_fields, side_loads \\ []) def matches(record, expression, dirty_fields, side_loads) do case expression do %Ash.Filter{expression: expression} -> matches(record, expression, dirty_fields, side_loads) nil -> {:ok, true} boolean when is_boolean(boolean) -> {:ok, boolean} %op{__operator__?: true, left: left, right: right} = operator -> with true <- :erlang.function_exported(op, :match?, 1), {:dirty?, false} <- {:dirty?, dirty?([left, right], dirty_fields)}, {:side_load, []} <- {:side_load, need_to_load([left, right], record)} do case right do %Ref{} -> {:ok, right |> resolve_ref(record) |> List.wrap() |> Enum.any?(fn right_resolved -> left |> resolve_ref(record) |> List.wrap() |> Enum.any?(fn left_resolved -> op.evaluate(%{operator | left: left_resolved, right: right_resolved}) end) end)} _ -> {:ok, left |> resolve_ref(record) |> Enum.any?(fn left_resolved -> op.evaluate(%{operator | left: left_resolved, right: right}) end)} end else false -> :unknown {:side_load, paths} -> {:side_load, paths} {:dirty?, true} -> :unknown end %func{__function__?: true, arguments: arguments} = function -> with true <- :erlang.function_exported(func, :match?, 1), {:dirty?, false} <- {:dirty?, dirty?(arguments, dirty_fields)}, {:side_load, []} <- {:side_load, need_to_load(arguments, record)} do {:ok, arguments |>, record)) |> unique_calls() |> Enum.any?(fn args -> func.evaluate(%{function | arguments: args}) end)} else false -> :unknown {:side_load, paths} -> {:side_load, paths} {:dirty?, true} -> :unknown end %Not{expression: expression} -> case matches(record, expression, dirty_fields, side_loads) do :unknown -> :unknown {:ok, match?} -> {:ok, !match?} {:side_load, side_loads} -> {:side_load, side_loads} end %Expression{op: op, left: left, right: right} -> expression_matches(op, left, right, record, dirty_fields, side_loads) end end defp unique_calls([arg_values | rest]) do, fn value -> rest |> unique_calls() |> call -> [value | call] end) end) end defp unique_calls([]), do: [] defp resolve_ref(%Ref{relationship_path: [], attribute: %{name: name}}, record) do [Map.get(record, name)] end defp resolve_ref(%Ref{attribute: %{name: name}, relationship_path: path}, record) do record |> get_related(path) |>, name)) end defp resolve_ref(value, _record), do: value defp dirty?(fields, dirty) do dirty = dirty || [] fields |> Enum.filter(&ref?/1) |> Enum.filter(&(&1.relationship_path == [])) |> Enum.any?(&(& in dirty)) end defp need_to_load(fields, record) do fields |> Enum.filter(&ref?/1) |> Enum.filter(&(&1.relationship_path != [])) |> Enum.reject(&loaded?(record, &1.relationship_path)) |> &1.relationship_path) |> path -> path_to_side_load(path) end) end defp path_to_side_load([first]), do: first defp path_to_side_load([first | rest]) do {first, [path_to_side_load(rest)]} end defp ref?(%Ash.Query.Ref{}), do: true defp ref?(_), do: false defp expression_matches(:and, left, right, record, dirty_fields, side_loads) do case matches(record, left, dirty_fields, side_loads) do {:ok, true} -> matches(record, right, dirty_fields, side_loads) :unknown -> :unknown {:ok, false} -> {:ok, false} {:side_load, side_loads} -> matches(record, right, dirty_fields, side_loads) end end defp expression_matches(:or, left, right, record, dirty_fields, side_loads) do case matches(record, left, dirty_fields, side_loads) do {:ok, true} -> {:ok, true} :unknown -> case matches(record, right, dirty_fields, side_loads) do {:ok, false} -> {:ok, :unknown} other -> other end {:ok, false} -> matches(record, right, dirty_fields, side_loads) {:side_load, side_loads} -> matches(record, right, dirty_fields, side_loads) end end defp get_related(record, path) when not is_list(record) do get_related([record], path) end defp get_related(records, []) do records end defp get_related(records, [key | rest]) when is_list(records) do Enum.flat_map(records, fn record -> case Map.get(record, key) do %Ash.NotLoaded{type: :relationship} -> [] value -> get_related(value, rest) end end) end defp loaded?(records, path) when is_list(records) do Enum.all?(records, &loaded?(&1, path)) end defp loaded?(%Ash.NotLoaded{}, _), do: false defp loaded?(_, []), do: true defp loaded?(record, [key | rest]) do record |> Map.get(key) |> loaded?(rest) end end
defmodule GCS do @moduledoc """ A simple library to interact with Google Cloud Storage """ alias GCS.{Client, Auth} require Logger @make_public_body ~s({"role":"READER"}) @type headers :: [{String.t(), String.t()}] @doc """ Uploads a file to GCS Requires the bucket name, the desired gcs file location **with desired filename**, the path to the file to be uploaded, and the content type of the file. ## Examples ``` iex> File.write!("file.txt", "hello") :ok iex> GCS.upload_object("my-bucket", "myfile.txt", "file.txt", "Application/txt") {:ok, %{...}} # GCS Response ``` """ @spec upload_object(any, binary, any, any, headers, any) :: {:ok, any} def upload_object( bucket, gcs_file_path, file_path, content_type, headers \\ [], http_opts \\ [] ) do url = upload_url(bucket, gcs_file_path) headers = headers |> add_auth_header(:read_write) |> add_content_type_header(content_type) Client.request(:post, url, {:file, file_path}, headers, http_opts) |> decode_json_response() end @doc """ Downloads a file from GCS Requires the bucket name and the gcs file location **with filename**. **Example:** if the *bucket* is "my-bucket" and the *gcs file path* is "myfile.png", the file would be retrieved from "my-bucket" at the location "myfile.png". ## More Examples ``` iex> File.write!("file.txt", "hello") :ok iex> GCS.upload_object("my-bucket", "myfile.txt", "file.txt", "Application/txt") {:ok, %{...}} # GCS Response iex> GCS.download_object("my-bucket", "myfile.txt") "hello" ``` """ @spec download_object(any, binary, headers, any) :: {:ok, any} def download_object(bucket, gcs_file_path, headers \\ [], http_opts \\ []) do url = download_url(bucket, gcs_file_path) headers = add_auth_header(headers, :read_only) Client.request(:get, url, "", headers, http_opts) end @doc """ Makes a file in GCS publicly accessible Requires the bucket name and the gcs file location **with filename**. The file will be available at ** **Example:** if the *bucket* is "my-bucket" and the *gcs file path* is "myfile.png", the url would be **. ## More Examples ``` iex> File.write!("file.txt", "hello") :ok iex> GCS.upload_object("my-bucket", "myfile.txt", "file.txt", "Application/txt") {:ok, %{...}} # GCS Response iex> GCS.make_public("my-bucket", "myfile.txt") {:ok, %{...}} # GCS Response iex> SomeHTTPClient.get("") {:ok, %{body: "hello"}} ``` """ @spec make_public(any, binary, headers, any) :: {:ok, any} def make_public(bucket, gcs_file_path, headers \\ [], http_opts \\ []) do url = make_public_url(bucket, gcs_file_path) headers = headers |> add_auth_header(:full_control) |> add_content_type_header("application/json") Client.request(:put, url, @make_public_body, headers, http_opts) |> decode_json_response() end @doc """ Deletes a file from GCS Requires the bucket name and the gcs file location **with filename**. ## Examples ``` iex> File.write!("file.txt", "hello") :ok iex> GCS.upload_object("my-bucket", "myfile.txt", "file.txt", "Application/txt") {:ok, %{...}} # GCS Response iex> GCS.make_public("my-bucket", "myfile.txt") {:ok, %{...}} # GCS Response iex> SomeHTTPClient.get("") {:ok, %{body: "hello"}} ``` """ @spec delete_object(any, binary, headers, any) :: {:ok, :deleted} | {:error, any} def delete_object(bucket, gcs_file_path, headers \\ [], http_opts \\ []) do url = delete_url(bucket, gcs_file_path) headers = add_auth_header(headers, :read_write) case Client.request(:delete, url, "", headers, http_opts) do {:ok, _} -> {:ok, :deleted} {:error, reason} -> format_errors(reason) end end defp delete_url(bucket, path) do "{bucket}/o/#{URI.encode_www_form(path)}" end defp download_url(bucket, path) do "{bucket}/o/#{URI.encode_www_form(path)}?alt=media" end defp upload_url(bucket, path) do "{bucket}/o?uploadType=media&name=#{ URI.encode_www_form(path) }" end defp make_public_url(bucket, path) do "{bucket}/o/#{URI.encode_www_form(path)}/acl/allUsers" end defp add_auth_header(headers, token_type) when is_list(headers) do [{"Authorization", "Bearer #{Auth.get_token(token_type)}"} | headers] end defp add_content_type_header(headers, content_type) when is_list(headers) do [{"Content-Type", content_type} | headers] end defp decode_json_response({:ok, body}) do case Jason.decode(body) do {:ok, decoded_body} -> {:ok, decoded_body} {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason} end end defp decode_json_response({:error, reason}), do: format_errors(reason) defp format_errors({:gcs_error, status, body}) do case Jason.decode(body) do {:ok, decoded_body} -> {:error, {:gcs_error, status, decoded_body["error"]["message"] || "Malformed json error response body"}} {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason} end end defp format_errors(error), do: {:error, error} end
defmodule GenMetricsBench.Cluster do alias GenMetrics.GenServer.Cluster alias GenMetricsBench.GenServer.Server alias GenMetricsBench.Utils.Runtime @moduledoc """ GenMetricsBench harness for GenServer Clusters. This module provides a simple benchmark harness to load a simple GenServer with flexible message sizes and load volume. Using 'no_metrics/0` a benchmark can be run with GenMetrics data collection and reporting entirely disabled. This provides a baseline benchmark reading against which you can compare benchmarks run with GenMetrics activated. The following benchmarks can be run with various flavours of GenMetrics activated: - `summary_metrics/0' - `statistical_metrics/0` - `statsd_metrics/0` - `datadog_metrics/0` """ # GenServer operations: :call, :cast, :info @benchmark_operation :info @default_benchmark_load 10_000 @doc """ Run benchmark with all metrics gathering disabled. """ def no_metrics do {simulator, sim_msg, sim_load} = build_benchmark() {:ok, pid} = Server.start_link(sim_load) do_run(pid, {simulator, sim_msg, sim_load}) end @doc """ Run benchmark with in-memory summary metrics gathering enabled. """ def summary_metrics do {simulator, sim_msg, sim_load} = build_benchmark() {:ok, pid} = Server.start_link(sim_load) cluster = %Cluster{name: "bench_summary_metrics", servers: [Server]} {:ok, _mid} = GenMetrics.monitor_cluster(cluster) do_run(pid, {simulator, sim_msg, sim_load}) end @doc """ Run benchmark with in-memory statistical metrics gathering enabled. """ def statistical_metrics do {simulator, sim_msg, sim_load} = build_benchmark() {:ok, pid} = Server.start_link(sim_load) cluster = %Cluster{name: "bench_statistical_metrics", servers: [Server], opts: [statistics: true]} {:ok, _mid} = GenMetrics.monitor_cluster(cluster) do_run(pid, {simulator, sim_msg, sim_load}) end @doc """ Run benchmark with `statsd` statistical metrics gathering enabled. """ def statsd_metrics do {simulator, sim_msg, sim_load} = build_benchmark() {:ok, pid} = Server.start_link(sim_load) cluster = %Cluster{name: "bench_statsd_metrics", servers: [Server], opts: [statistics: :statsd]} {:ok, _mid} = GenMetrics.monitor_cluster(cluster) do_run(pid, {simulator, sim_msg, sim_load}) end @doc """ Run benchmark with `datadog` statistical metrics gathering enabled. """ def datadog_metrics do {simulator, sim_msg, sim_load} = build_benchmark() {:ok, pid} = Server.start_link(sim_load) cluster = %Cluster{name: "bench_datadog_metrics", servers: [Server], opts: [statistics: :datadog]} {:ok, _mid} = GenMetrics.monitor_cluster(cluster) do_run(pid, {simulator, sim_msg, sim_load}) end defp build_benchmark do simulator = Runtime.cluster_simulator sim_msg = simulator.gen_msg sim_load = Application.get_env(:gen_metrics_bench, :benchmark_load, @default_benchmark_load) {simulator, sim_msg, sim_load} end defp do_run(pid, {_, sim_msg, sim_load}) do for _ <- 1..sim_load do case @benchmark_operation do :info -> Kernel.send(pid, sim_msg) _ -> apply(GenServer, @benchmark_operation, [pid, sim_msg]) end end :ok end end
defmodule Tanx.Game.Walls do @moduledoc """ Computes force on tanks due to walls. """ @doc """ Given a wall, returns a "decomposed" form of the wall that is preprocessed to make force computation efficient. The decomposed form is a list of tuples representing, in order, concave corners, convex corners, and segments, where * each concave_corner is {point1, dir0, dir1, dir2, t_ratio, s_ratio} where * point1 is the corner * dir0 is the direction unit vector toward the previous point * dir2 is the direction unit vector toward the next point * dir1 is the direction unit vector halfway between them * t_ratio is t/r where r is the radius and t is the dist along each side * s_ratio is s/r where s is the dist along bisect_dir to the final point * each convex_corner is {point0, point1, point2} * each segment is {point0, point1} """ def decompose_wall(points = [p0, p1 | _]) do {concave, convex, segments} = (points ++ [p0, p1]) |> Enum.chunk_every(3, 1, :discard) |> Enum.reduce({[], [], []}, &decompose_wall_triplet/2) {concave ++ convex ++ segments, segments} end def decompose_wall(_points), do: {[], []} @doc """ Given a decomposed wall, and an object represented by a point and radius, returns the force applied by the wall against the object. """ def force_from_decomposed_wall({elements, _segments}, p, radius) do force = elements |>, p, radius)) |> Enum.max_by(fn nil -> 0.0 {x, y} -> x * x + y * y end) if force == nil, do: {0.0, 0.0}, else: force end @doc """ Given a list of decomposed walls, and an object represented by a point and radius, returns the total force applied by all walls against the object. """ def force_from_decomposed_walls(decomposed_walls, p, radius) do decomposed_walls |> Enum.reduce({0.0, 0.0}, fn wall, acc -> force_from_decomposed_wall(wall, p, radius) |> vadd(acc) end) end @doc """ Given a fixed point, and an object represented by a point and radius, returns the force applied by the fixed point against the object. """ def force_from_point(from, p, radius) do case force_from_point_internal(from, p, radius) do nil -> {0.0, 0.0} force -> force end end @doc """ Given a single decomposed wall, and two points representing two locations of a point object, returns either a tuple of {point of impact on the wall, normal to the wall}, or nil for no impact. """ def collision_with_decomposed_wall(decomposed_wall, from, to) do decomposed_wall |> wall_collision_as_ratio_and_normal(from, to) |> ratio_to_point(from, to) end @doc """ Given a list of decomposed walls, and two points representing two locations of a point object, returns either a tuple of {the first point of impact on a wall, the normal to the wall}, or nil for no impact. """ def collision_with_decomposed_walls(decomposed_walls, from, to) do decomposed_walls |>, from, to)) |> min_ratio_or_nil |> ratio_to_point(from, to) end defp ratio_to_point(nil, _from, _to), do: nil defp ratio_to_point({ratio, normal}, from, to) do {vdiff(to, from) |> vscale(ratio) |> vadd(from), normal} end defp min_ratio_or_nil(values) do values |> Enum.min_by(fn nil -> 2.0 {ratio, _normal} -> ratio end) end defp wall_collision_as_ratio_and_normal({_elements, segments}, from, to) do segments |>, from, to)) |> min_ratio_or_nil end defp segment_intersection_as_ratio_and_normal({p0, p1}, from, to) do from_mag = cross_magnitude(p0, from, p1) to_mag = cross_magnitude(p0, to, p1) if from_mag < 0 and to_mag >= 0 and cross_magnitude(from, p0, to) >= 0 and cross_magnitude(from, p1, to) <= 0 do normal = vdiff(p1, p0) |> turn_left |> normalize {from_mag / (from_mag - to_mag), normal} else nil end end defp decompose_wall_triplet([p0, p1, p2], {concave, convex, segments}) do segments = [{p0, p1} | segments] if cross_magnitude(p0, p1, p2) <= 0 do elem = {vdiff(p1, p0) |> turn_left |> vadd(p1), p1, vdiff(p1, p2) |> turn_right |> vadd(p1)} convex = [elem | convex] {concave, convex, segments} else dir0 = vdiff(p0, p1) |> normalize dir2 = vdiff(p2, p1) |> normalize dir1 = vadd(dir0, dir2) |> normalize dist0 = vdist(p0, p1) dist2 = vdist(p2, p1) csquared = dist_squared(p2, p0) denom = csquared - (dist2 - dist0) * (dist2 - dist0) t_ratio = :math.sqrt(((dist0 + dist2) * (dist0 + dist2) - csquared) / denom) s_ratio = :math.sqrt(4.0 * dist0 * dist2 / denom) concave = [{p1, dir0, dir1, dir2, t_ratio, s_ratio} | concave] {concave, convex, segments} end end defp force_from_point_internal(from, p, radius) do normal = vdiff(p, from) dist = vnorm(normal) if dist < radius do if dist == 0 do ang = :rand.uniform() * :math.pi() * 2 {radius * :math.cos(ang), radius * :math.sin(ang)} else normal |> vscale((radius - dist) / dist) end else nil end end # Force for a wall segment defp element_force({p0, p1}, p, radius) do if cross_magnitude(p0, p, p1) < 0 do a = vdiff(p, p0) b = vdiff(p1, p0) factor = vdot(a, b) / norm_squared(b) if factor >= 0.0 and factor <= 1.0 do proj = vscale(b, factor) |> vadd(p0) force_from_point_internal(proj, p, radius) else nil end else nil end end # Force for a convex corner defp element_force({n0, p1, n2}, p, radius) do if cross_magnitude(n0, p1, p) >= 0 and cross_magnitude(p, p1, n2) >= 0 do force_from_point_internal(p1, p, radius) else nil end end # Force for a concave corner defp element_force({p1, dir0, dir1, dir2, t_ratio, s_ratio}, p, radius) do p0 = vscale(dir0, radius * t_ratio) |> vadd(p1) p2 = vscale(dir2, radius * t_ratio) |> vadd(p1) p3 = vscale(dir1, radius * s_ratio) |> vadd(p1) if cross_magnitude(p, p0, p1) >= 0 and cross_magnitude(p, p1, p2) >= 0 and cross_magnitude(p, p2, p3) >= 0 and cross_magnitude(p, p3, p0) >= 0 do vdiff(p3, p) else nil end end defp vadd({x0, y0}, {x1, y1}), do: {x0 + x1, y0 + y1} defp vdiff({x0, y0}, {x1, y1}), do: {x0 - x1, y0 - y1} defp vdot({x0, y0}, {x1, y1}), do: x0 * x1 + y0 * y1 defp turn_right({x, y}), do: {y, -x} defp turn_left({x, y}), do: {-y, x} defp cross_magnitude({x0, y0}, {x1, y1}, {x2, y2}) do (x1 - x0) * (y2 - y1) - (x2 - x1) * (y1 - y0) end defp vscale({x, y}, r), do: {x * r, y * r} defp norm_squared({x, y}), do: x * x + y * y defp vnorm(p), do: p |> norm_squared |> :math.sqrt() defp dist_squared(p0, p1), do: vdiff(p0, p1) |> norm_squared defp vdist(p0, p1), do: dist_squared(p0, p1) |> :math.sqrt() defp normalize(p), do: vscale(p, 1 / vnorm(p)) end
defmodule Grizzly.ZWave.Commands.WakeUpIntervalCapabilitiesReport do @moduledoc """ This module implements the WAKE_UP_INTERVAL_CAPABILITIES_REPORT command of the COMMAND_CLASS_WAKE_UP command class. Params: * `:minimum_seconds` - the minimum Wake Up Interval supported by the sending node - v2 * `:maximum_seconds` - the maximum Wake Up Interval supported by the sending node - v2 * `:default_seconds` - the default Wake Up Interval value for the sending node. - v2 * `:step_seconds` - the resolution of valid Wake Up Intervals values for the sending node - v2 * `:on_demand` - whether the supporting node supports the Wake Up On Demand functionality - v3 """ @behaviour Grizzly.ZWave.Command alias Grizzly.ZWave.Command alias Grizzly.ZWave.CommandClasses.WakeUp @type param :: {:minimum_seconds, non_neg_integer} | {:minimum_seconds, non_neg_integer} | {:maximum_seconds, non_neg_integer} | {:default_seconds, non_neg_integer} | {:step_seconds, non_neg_integer} | {:on_demand, boolean} @impl true def new(params) do command = %Command{ name: :wake_up_interval_capabilities_report, command_byte: 0x0A, command_class: WakeUp, params: params, impl: __MODULE__ } {:ok, command} end @impl true def encode_params(command) do minimum_seconds = Command.param!(command, :minimum_seconds) maximum_seconds = Command.param!(command, :maximum_seconds) default_seconds = Command.param!(command, :default_seconds) step_seconds = Command.param!(command, :step_seconds) on_demand = Command.param(command, :on_demand) if on_demand == nil do # v2 << minimum_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), maximum_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), default_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), step_seconds::size(3)-unit(8) >> else # v3 << minimum_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), maximum_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), default_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), step_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), 0x00::size(7), encode_on_demand(on_demand)::size(1) >> end end @impl true # v2 def decode_params(<< minimum_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), maximum_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), default_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), step_seconds::size(3)-unit(8) >>) do {:ok, [ minimum_seconds: minimum_seconds, maximum_seconds: maximum_seconds, default_seconds: default_seconds, step_seconds: step_seconds ]} end # v3 def decode_params( <<minimum_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), maximum_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), default_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), step_seconds::size(3)-unit(8), 0x00::size(7), on_demand_byte::size(1)>> ) do {:ok, [ minimum_seconds: minimum_seconds, maximum_seconds: maximum_seconds, default_seconds: default_seconds, step_seconds: step_seconds, on_demand: on_demand_byte == 0x01 ]} end defp encode_on_demand(false), do: 0x00 defp encode_on_demand(true), do: 0x01 end
defmodule Annex.Learner do @moduledoc """ The Learner module defines the types, callbacks, and helper functions for a Learner. A Learner is a model that is capable of supervised learning. """ alias Annex.{ Data, Dataset, LayerConfig, Optimizer, Optimizer.SGD } require Logger @type t() :: struct() @type options :: Keyword.t() @type training_output :: %{atom() => any()} @type data :: @callback init_learner(t(), options()) :: t() @callback train(t(), Dataset.t(), options()) :: {t(), training_output()} @callback predict(t(), data()) :: data() @optional_callbacks [ train: 3, init_learner: 2 ] defmacro __using__(_) do quote do def __annex__(:learner?), do: true @before_compile Annex.Learner end end defmacro __before_compile__(_env) do quote do def __annex__(_), do: nil end end @spec is_learner?(any) :: boolean() def is_learner?(%module{}) do is_learner?(module) end def is_learner?(module) do is_atom(module) && function_exported?(module, :__annex__, 1) && module.__annex__(:learner?) end @spec predict(t(), data()) :: data() def predict(%module{} = learner, data) do module.predict(learner, data) end @spec train(t(), Dataset.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {t(), training_output()} def train(learner, dataset, opts \\ []) def train(%LayerConfig{} = cfg, dataset, opts) do cfg |> LayerConfig.init_layer() |> train(dataset, opts) end def train(%module{} = learner, dataset, opts) do learner |> module.init_learner(opts) |> do_train(dataset, opts) end defp debug_logger(_learner, training_output, epoch, opts) do log_interval = Keyword.get(opts, :log_interval, 10_000) if rem(epoch, log_interval) == 0 do Logger.debug(fn -> """ Learner - training: #{Keyword.get(opts, :name)} epoch: #{epoch} training_output: #{inspect(training_output, pretty: true)} """ end) end end defp do_train(%learner_module{} = orig_learner, dataset, opts) do {halt_opt, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :halt_condition, {:epochs, 1_000}) {log, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :log, &debug_logger/4) {optimizer, opts} = Keyword.pop(opts, :optimizer, SGD) halt_condition = parse_halt_condition(halt_opt) 1 |> Stream.iterate(fn epoch -> epoch + 1 end) |> Enum.reduce_while(orig_learner, fn epoch, learner -> {%_{} = learner2, training_output} = if has_train?(learner_module) do learner_module.train(learner, dataset, opts) else Optimizer.train(optimizer, learner, dataset, opts) end _ = log.(learner2, training_output, epoch, opts) if halt_condition.(learner2, training_output, epoch, opts) do {:halt, {learner2, training_output}} else {:cont, learner2} end end) end @spec init_learner(t(), options()) :: t() def init_learner(%module{} = learner, options) do module.init_learner(learner, options) end def has_train?(%module{}), do: has_train?(module) def has_train?(module) do is_atom(module) && function_exported?(module, :train, 3) end defp parse_halt_condition(func) when is_function(func, 4) do func end defp parse_halt_condition({:epochs, num}) when is_number(num) do fn _, _, epoch, _ -> epoch >= num end end defp parse_halt_condition({:loss_less_than, num}) when is_number(num) do fn _, %{loss: loss}, _, _ -> loss < num end end end
defmodule Chunky.Sequence.OEIS do @moduledoc """ Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS) sequence iterators. Supported sequences are broken down into modules based on OEIS Keyword, subject matter, or related methods. ## Available Modules - `Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Combinatorics` - Permutations, Combinations, and general Combinatorics sequences - `Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Constants` - Constant values, digit expansions, and constant cycles - `Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Core` - OEIS `core` Keyword sequences - `Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Factors` - Factorizations and divisors - `Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Multiples` - Multiples and addition sequences - `Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Powers` - Powers and simple polynomials - `Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes` - Primes and related sequences - `Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Repr` - Number representations, digit contents, and digit patterns - `Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Sigma` - Sequenecs related to the Sigma (𝝈) function ## Utility Functions - `coverage/0` - Show report of OEIS coverage of select sequence groups, and overall tallying of supported sequences - `coverage/1` - Calculate coverage of sequences from a Sequence of OEIS identifiers - `find_sequence/1` - Find an OEIS sequence by identifier - `find_sequence!/1` - Find an OEIS sequence by identifier, or raise an error - `has_sequence?/1` - Check if an OEIS sequence is supported, by atom or string ## Coverage The Chunky sequence library will never have 100% coverage of OEIS sequences; there are just too many already listed, and too many added every year. The goal of the sequence library is to cover the OEIS Core set, as well as selected subsets of other keywords or topics. Current coverage stats: ``` OEIS Coverage 745 total sequences By Module Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS - 1 sequences Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Combinatorics - 7 sequences Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Constants - 31 sequences Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Core - 136 sequences Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Factors - 122 sequences Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Multiples - 75 sequences Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Powers - 48 sequences Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Primes - 100 sequences Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Repr - 205 sequences Elixir.Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Sigma - 20 sequences Sequence Groups OEIS Core Sequences - 135 / 177 (76.27%) OEIS Core::Easy Sequences - 121 / 146 (82.88%) OEIS Core::Hard Sequences - 12 / 12 (100.0%) OEIS Core::Multiplicative Sequences - 22 / 22 (100.0%) OEIS Core::Eigen Sequences - 5 / 5 (100.0%) ``` Available/covered sequences, by OEIS ID: ``` A000001 A000002 A000004 A000005 A000007 A000009 A000010 A000012 A000027 A000029 A000031 A000032 A000035 A000037 A000040 A000041 A000043 A000045 A000048 A000051 A000069 A000079 A000081 A000085 A000105 A000108 A000109 A000110 A000111 A000112 A000120 A000123 A000124 A000129 A000142 A000161 A000166 A000169 A000203 A000204 A000217 A000219 A000225 A000244 A000262 A000272 A000290 A000292 A000302 A000311 A000312 A000326 A000330 A000351 A000364 A000396 A000400 A000420 A000521 A000578 A000583 A000593 A000594 A000609 A000670 A000688 A000720 A000788 A000796 A000798 A000959 A000961 A000977 A000984 A001003 A001006 A001018 A001019 A001020 A001021 A001022 A001023 A001024 A001025 A001026 A001027 A001029 A001045 A001055 A001057 A001065 A001101 A001147 A001157 A001158 A001159 A001160 A001190 A001221 A001222 A001227 A001333 A001358 A001405 A001414 A001477 A001478 A001481 A001489 A001511 A001519 A001567 A001597 A001615 A001694 A001699 A001700 A001764 A001826 A001842 A001906 A001969 A002033 A002093 A002106 A002110 A002113 A002182 A002275 A002378 A002473 A002487 A002530 A002531 A002620 A002654 A002808 A002975 A003094 A003418 A003484 A003586 A003601 A004144 A004176 A004177 A004178 A004179 A004180 A004181 A004182 A004183 A004184 A004526 A004709 A004719 A004720 A004721 A004722 A004723 A004724 A004725 A004726 A004727 A004728 A005100 A005101 A005117 A005153 A005188 A005349 A005361 A005408 A005470 A005588 A005811 A005823 A005835 A005836 A005843 A005934 A005935 A005936 A005937 A005938 A005939 A006036 A006037 A006318 A006530 A006753 A006881 A006882 A006886 A006894 A006966 A007018 A007088 A007089 A007090 A007091 A007092 A007093 A007094 A007095 A007304 A007318 A007395 A007412 A007434 A007602 A007770 A007774 A007947 A007953 A007954 A008277 A008279 A008292 A008585 A008586 A008587 A008588 A008589 A008590 A008591 A008592 A008593 A008594 A008595 A008596 A008597 A008598 A008599 A008600 A008601 A008602 A008603 A008604 A008605 A008606 A008607 A008683 A008966 A009003 A009964 A009965 A009966 A009967 A009968 A009969 A009970 A009971 A009972 A009973 A009974 A009975 A009976 A009977 A009978 A009979 A009980 A009981 A009982 A009983 A009984 A009985 A009986 A009987 A009988 A009989 A009990 A009991 A009992 A010344 A010346 A010348 A010350 A010353 A010354 A010692 A010701 A010709 A010716 A010722 A010727 A010731 A010734 A010850 A010851 A010852 A010853 A010854 A010855 A010856 A010857 A010858 A010859 A010860 A010861 A010862 A010863 A010864 A010865 A010866 A010867 A010868 A010869 A010870 A010871 A010872 A011531 A011532 A011533 A011534 A011535 A011536 A011537 A011538 A011539 A011540 A011557 A013929 A013954 A013955 A013956 A013957 A013958 A013959 A013960 A013961 A013962 A013963 A013964 A013965 A013966 A013967 A013968 A014263 A014576 A014612 A014613 A014614 A016825 A018252 A018253 A018256 A018261 A018266 A018293 A018321 A018350 A018412 A018609 A018676 A019506 A020136 A020137 A020138 A020139 A020140 A020141 A020142 A020143 A020144 A020145 A020146 A020147 A020148 A020149 A020150 A020151 A020152 A020153 A020154 A020155 A020156 A020157 A020158 A020159 A020160 A020161 A020162 A020163 A020164 A020165 A020166 A020167 A020168 A020169 A020170 A020171 A020172 A020173 A020174 A020175 A020176 A020177 A020178 A020179 A020180 A020181 A020182 A020183 A020184 A020185 A020186 A020187 A020188 A020189 A020190 A020191 A020192 A020193 A020194 A020195 A020196 A020197 A020198 A020199 A020200 A020201 A020202 A020203 A020204 A020205 A020206 A020207 A020208 A020209 A020210 A020211 A020212 A020213 A020214 A020215 A020216 A020217 A020218 A020219 A020220 A020221 A020222 A020223 A020224 A020225 A020226 A020227 A020228 A020639 A023416 A023692 A023693 A023694 A023695 A023696 A023697 A023698 A023699 A023700 A023701 A023702 A023703 A023704 A023705 A023706 A023707 A023708 A023709 A023710 A023711 A023712 A023713 A023714 A023715 A023716 A023717 A023718 A023719 A023720 A023721 A023722 A023723 A023724 A023725 A023726 A023727 A023728 A023729 A023730 A023731 A023732 A023733 A023734 A023735 A023736 A023738 A023739 A023740 A023745 A023746 A023747 A023748 A023749 A023750 A023751 A023752 A023753 A023754 A023755 A023756 A023757 A027642 A030513 A030515 A031177 A032924 A033273 A033942 A033987 A033992 A033993 A036537 A037143 A038109 A039956 A043321 A044102 A046099 A046253 A046306 A046308 A046310 A046312 A046314 A046321 A046386 A046387 A046660 A046758 A046759 A046760 A048272 A049310 A051003 A051037 A051038 A051270 A052040 A052382 A052383 A052404 A052405 A052406 A052413 A052414 A052419 A052421 A052486 A053816 A054377 A055512 A055640 A055641 A055642 A056911 A057716 A059015 A059269 A059376 A059377 A059378 A062756 A062768 A063416 A063997 A065958 A065959 A065960 A067251 A067259 A067885 A069091 A069092 A069093 A069094 A069095 A069272 A069273 A069274 A069275 A069276 A069277 A069278 A069279 A069280 A069281 A069537 A069540 A069543 A070939 A071858 A074206 A074940 A074969 A076479 A077267 A080197 A080681 A080682 A080683 A081603 A081605 A081606 A085959 A087752 A097251 A097252 A097253 A097254 A097255 A097256 A097257 A097258 A097259 A097260 A097261 A097262 A099542 A100968 A100969 A100970 A100971 A100972 A100973 A100974 A100975 A100987 A100988 A102669 A102670 A102671 A102672 A102673 A102674 A102675 A102676 A102677 A102678 A102679 A102680 A102681 A102682 A102683 A102684 A114904 A115983 A117805 A121022 A121023 A121024 A121025 A121026 A121027 A121028 A121029 A121030 A121031 A121032 A121033 A121034 A121035 A121036 A121037 A121038 A121039 A121040 A122840 A123321 A123322 A130897 A135628 A135631 A138591 A152691 A159981 A159984 A159986 A159987 A159988 A159989 A159991 A160093 A160889 A160891 A160893 A160895 A160897 A160908 A160953 A160957 A160960 A161948 A161949 A161950 A161951 A161952 A161953 A162511 A162643 A165412 A169823 A169825 A169827 A174312 A178858 A178859 A178860 A178861 A178862 A178863 A178864 A178877 A178878 A179868 A193238 A194472 A195819 A196563 A209061 A211337 A211338 A248910 A249674 A252994 A255731 A255732 A255735 A255736 A255805 A255808 A289682 A305548 ``` """ import Chunky.Sequence, only: [sequence_for_list: 1] alias Chunky.Sequence @data_keyword_core_hard [ :a000001, :a000043, :a000105, :a000109, :a000112, :a000609, :a000798, :a002106, :a003094, :a005470, :a006966, :a055512 ] @data_keyword_core_easy [ :a000040, :a000045, :a000217, :a000203, :a000108, :a000005, :a000010, :a000041, :a000079, :a000290, :a000142, :a000012, :a007318, :a000027, :a001222, :a001358, :a001221, :a000720, :a002110, :a000120, :a000032, :a005117, :a008683, :a000225, :a000110, :a002275, :a005408, :a000009, :a002808, :a000007, :a000984, :a000796, :a006530, :a000578, :a020639, :a000961, :a001477, :a000292, :a000244, :a005843, :a002378, :a000129, :a001045, :a000081, :a008277, :a002113, :a010060, :a001147, :a000035, :a000326, :a000312, :a001006, :a049310, :a000166, :a000330, :a001065, :a000302, :a001055, :a025487, :a000085, :a002620, :a001405, :a000124, :a001906, :a004526, :a001764, :a070939, :a001333, :a001511, :a000521, :a000670, :a001157, :a001519, :a002487, :a003418, :a001700, :a001227, :a000204, :a027642, :a000169, :a000959, :a018252, :a000583, :a000069, :a000004, :a000002, :a002426, :a000111, :a001969, :a000219, :a002322, :a006882, :a000364, :a005101, :a006318, :a000272, :a000262, :a000593, :a001003, :a001615, :a000594, :a000055, :a001037, :a001481, :a002033, :a005100, :a000182, :a000031, :a001462, :a246655, :a008279, :a001190, :a005811, :a004018, :a001057, :a000123, :a003136, :a000311, :a000688, :a000602, :a000793, :a074206, :a000048, :a002530, :a001285, :a000161, :a002654, :a005130, :a002572, :a000029, :a038567, :a002531, :a000014, :a002083, :a004011, :a001699, :a001489, :a006894, :a000140, :a003484, :a002658, :a005230, :a035099, :a038568, :a001478, :a005588 ] @data_keyword_core_mult [ :a000004, :a000005, :a000007, :a000010, :a000012, :a000027, :a000035, :a000203, :a000290, :a000578, :a000583, :a000593, :a000594, :a000688, :a001157, :a001227, :a001477, :a001511, :a001615, :a002654, :a003484, :a008683 ] @data_keyword_core_eigen [:a000081, :a000108, :a000111, :a001190, :a008292] @doc sequence: "OEIS Core::Hard Sequences" def create_sequence_keyword_core_hard(_opts) do sequence_for_list(@data_keyword_core_hard) end @doc sequence: "OEIS Core::Easy Sequences" def create_sequence_keyword_core_easy(_opts) do sequence_for_list(@data_keyword_core_easy) end @doc sequence: "OEIS Core::Multiplicative Sequences" def create_sequence_keyword_core_mult(_opts) do sequence_for_list(@data_keyword_core_mult) end @doc sequence: "OEIS Core::Eigen Sequences" def create_sequence_keyword_core_eigen(_opts) do sequence_for_list(@data_keyword_core_eigen) end @doc """ The Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences list of Core Sequences. This list is primarily for reference lookup and Sequence introspection, in particular calculating the coverage of Core sequences in Chunky.Sequences. """ @doc sequence: "OEIS Core Sequences", references: [{:oeis, :core_sequences, ""}] def create_sequence_keyword_core(_opts) do sequence_for_list([ :a000001, :a000002, :a000004, :a000005, :a000007, :a000009, :a000010, :a000012, :a000014, :a000019, :a000027, :a000029, :a000031, :a000032, :a000035, :a000040, :a000041, :a000043, :a000045, :a000048, :a000055, :a000058, :a000069, :a000079, :a000081, :a000085, :a000088, :a000105, :a000108, :a000109, :a000110, :a000111, :a000112, :a000120, :a000123, :a000124, :a000129, :a000140, :a000142, :a000161, :a000166, :a000169, :a000182, :a000203, :a000204, :a000217, :a000219, :a000225, :a000244, :a000262, :a000272, :a000273, :a000290, :a000292, :a000302, :a000311, :a000312, :a000326, :a000330, :a000364, :a000396, :a000521, :a000578, :a000583, :a000593, :a000594, :a000602, :a000609, :a000670, :a000688, :a000720, :a000793, :a000796, :a000798, :a000959, :a000961, :a000984, :a001003, :a001006, :a001034, :a001037, :a001045, :a001055, :a001065, :a001057, :a001097, :a001113, :a001147, :a001157, :a001190, :a001221, :a001222, :a001227, :a001285, :a001333, :a001349, :a001358, :a001405, :a001462, :a001477, :a001478, :a001481, :a001489, :a001511, :a001615, :a001699, :a001700, :a001519, :a001764, :a001906, :a001969, :a002033, :a002083, :a002106, :a002110, :a002113, :a002275, :a002322, :a002378, :a002426, :a002487, :a002530, :a002531, :a002572, :a002620, :a002654, :a002658, :a002808, :a003094, :a003136, :a003418, :a003484, :a004011, :a004018, :a004526, :a005036, :a005100, :a005101, :a005117, :a005130, :a005230, :a005408, :a005470, :a005588, :a005811, :a005843, :a006318, :a006530, :a006882, :a006894, :a006966, :a007318, :a008275, :a008277, :a008279, :a008292, :a008683, :a010060, :a018252, :a020639, :a020652, :a020653, :a025487, :a027641, :a027642, :a035099, :a038566, :a038567, :a038568, :a038569, :a049310, :a055512, :a070939, :a074206, :a104725, :a226898, :a246655 ]) end @doc """ Calculate the OEIS Sequence coverage for a particular sequence group. This is primarily for reference and testing, and is used to determine the completeness of sequence coverage in the Chunky.Sequence.OEIS modules. ## Example iex> (Sequence.create(Sequence.OEIS, :keyword_core) |> Sequence.OEIS.coverage()).percent < 1.0 true iex> (Sequence.create(Sequence.OEIS, :keyword_core) |> Sequence.OEIS.coverage()).percent > 0.0 true """ def coverage(%Sequence{} = sequence_list) do # get full coverage list all_sequences = Sequence.available() |> seq_map -> seq_map.sequence end) # list of true/false mapped_seq = sequence_list |> sequence -> Enum.member?(all_sequences, sequence) end) covered = mapped_seq |> Enum.filter(fn cov -> cov end) # build the list of atoms of uncovered/missing sequences missing_seqs = sequence_list |> Sequence.take!(1000) |> Enum.filter(fn sequence -> !Enum.member?(all_sequences, sequence) end) %{ covered: length(covered), total: length(mapped_seq), percent: length(covered) / length(mapped_seq), missing_sequences: missing_seqs } end @doc """ Find a sequence definition by sequence identifier. ## Example iex> Sequence.OEIS.find_sequence("A159986") {:ok, %{description: "Catalan numbers read modulo 7 .", module: Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Combinatorics, name: "A159986", sequence: :a159986}} iex> Sequence.OEIS.find_sequence("A999999999") {:error, :not_found} iex> Sequence.OEIS.find_sequence(:a010853) {:ok, %{description: "Constant sequence: a(n) = 14.", module: Chunky.Sequence.OEIS.Constants, name: "A010853", sequence: :a010853}} """ def find_sequence(name) when is_binary(name) do case Sequence.available() |> Enum.filter(fn %{name: seq_name} -> String.downcase(name) == String.downcase(seq_name) end) do [] -> {:error, :not_found} [seq] -> {:ok, seq} _seqs -> {:error, :duplicate_sequences} end end def find_sequence(name) when is_atom(name), do: find_sequence(name |> Atom.to_string()) @doc """ Like `find_sequence/1`, but directly return the sequence bundle, or raise an error. The sequece bundle can be handed directly to `Chunky.Sequence.create/1`. ## Example iex> seq = Sequence.OEIS.find_sequence!(:a159986) |> Sequence.create() |> Sequence.start() iex> seq.value 1 """ def find_sequence!(name) when is_binary(name) do case find_sequence(name) do {:ok, seq} -> seq _ -> raise ArgumentError, message: "no such sequence" end end def find_sequence!(name) when is_atom(name), do: find_sequence!(name |> Atom.to_string()) @doc """ Determine if a specific OEIS sequence is available. ## Examples iex> Sequence.OEIS.has_sequence?(:a159986) true iex> Sequence.OEIS.has_sequence?("A008598") true iex> Sequence.OEIS.has_sequence?("A99999999") false """ def has_sequence?(name) when is_binary(name) do case find_sequence(name) do {:ok, _} -> true _ -> false end end def has_sequence?(name) when is_atom(name), do: has_sequence?(name |> Atom.to_string()) @doc """ Find the next 100 missing sequences from a coverage set """ def missing_sequences(mod, seq) do Sequence.create(mod, seq) |> missing_sequences() end def missing_sequences(%Sequence{} = sequence_list) do (sequence_list |> coverage()).missing_sequences end @doc """ Print out a coverage report for named sequence groups (like CORE) in the OEIS sequence support modules. """ def coverage() do # total OEIS sequences oeis_sequences = Sequence.available() |> Enum.filter(&has_oeis_reference?/1) # total report IO.puts("OEIS Coverage") IO.puts("\t#{length(oeis_sequences)} total sequences") IO.puts("By Module") # group by module oeis_sequences |> Enum.group_by(fn %{module: mod} -> mod end) |> Enum.each(fn {mod, seqs} -> IO.puts("\t#{mod} - #{length(seqs)} sequences") end) IO.puts("Sequence Groups") # build and report specific sequence group coverage [ {Sequence.OEIS, :keyword_core}, {Sequence.OEIS, :keyword_core_easy}, {Sequence.OEIS, :keyword_core_hard}, {Sequence.OEIS, :keyword_core_mult}, {Sequence.OEIS, :keyword_core_eigen} ] |> {s_mod, s_key} -> # get coverage seq = Sequence.create(s_mod, s_key) cov = seq |> coverage() # get name nom = seq |> Sequence.readable_name() {nom, cov} end) |> Enum.each(fn {nom, cov} -> IO.puts( "\t#{nom} - #{cov.covered} / #{} (#{(cov.percent * 100.0) |> Float.round(2)}%)" ) end) IO.puts("Sequences") # sequence, ordered list oeis_sequences |> %{sequence: sequence} -> sequence end) |> Enum.filter(fn seq -> Atom.to_string(seq) |> String.starts_with?("a") end) |> Enum.sort() |> s -> Atom.to_string(s) |> String.upcase() end) |> Enum.chunk_every(10) |> seq_row -> "\t#{seq_row |> Enum.join(" ")}" end) |> Enum.join("\n") |> IO.puts() end defp has_oeis_reference?(seq_def) do seq_def |> Sequence.get_references() |> Enum.filter(fn {src, _, _} -> src == :oeis end) |> length() > 0 end end
defmodule Flume do @moduledoc """ A convenient way to handle control flow in pipelines. This makes for easier reading and composability. """ @type t :: %__MODULE__{} @type tag :: atom() @type process_fun :: (map() -> {:ok, tag()} | {:error, atom()}) defstruct [ :halt_on_errors, results: %{}, errors: %{}, halted: false, tasks: %{}, global_funs: %{} ] defmodule FlumeError do defexception [:message] end @doc """ Returns empty Flume struct. Options: - `:halt_on_errors`: if `false`, the steps won't stop if a `` step returns an error - `:on_error`: callback which is invoked every time an error occurs. If it is 1-arity, it's given the error reason, if 2-arity, it's given the tag and the reason ## Examples iex> %Flume{} = """ @spec new(list()) :: t() def new(opts \\ []) do halt_on_errors = Keyword.get(opts, :halt_on_errors, true) global_funs = %{on_error: Keyword.get(opts, :on_error)} %__MODULE__{halt_on_errors: halt_on_errors, global_funs: global_funs} end @doc """ Executes passed in callback synchronously - and stores the returned result. Callback has to be a 0- or 1-arity function, and if it accepts an argument it is passed the current accumulated results from previous steps. It must return a `{:ok, result}` or a `{:error, reason}` tuple. This is so `Flume` knows if the caller intends for the operation to be considered a success or failure. In the first case, the result will be added to the accumulated results, and in the second case the error will be stored with other accumulated errors (if any). A tag uniquely annotates the operation - duplicate tags will cause the second tag to overwrite the first. Several options can be passed in: - `on_success`: 1 or 2 arity callback which is given the result of the operation if successful, or the tag and the result. The return value is stored in the results - `on_error`: 1 or 2 arity callback which is given the error reason of the operation if it failed, or the tag and the error - `wait_for`: by default async operations are resolved in `Flume.result`. If you want them resolved before so that they are accessible in earlier callbacks, specify the async operation tag here ## Examples iex> |> iex>, fn -> {:ok, 2} end) |> iex>, fn data -> {:ok, 2 * data.a} end, on_success: & &1 * 100) |> iex>, fn -> {:error, :for_some_reason} end) |> iex>, fn -> raise "boom" end) """ @spec run(t(), tag(), process_fun(), list()) :: t() def run(flume, tag, process_fun, opts \\ []) def run(%Flume{halted: true, halt_on_errors: true} = flume, _tag, _process_fun, _opts) do flume end def run(%Flume{} = flume, tag, process_fun, opts) when is_atom(tag) and (is_function(process_fun, 1) or is_function(process_fun, 0)) do on_success = Keyword.get(opts, :on_success) on_error = Keyword.get(opts, :on_error) wait_for = Keyword.get(opts, :wait_for, []) # Synchronise tasks that need awaiting, and refresh results + errors %Flume{results: results, halted: halted} = flume = flume |> resolve_tasks(wait_for) |> Map.update!(:tasks, &Map.drop(&1, wait_for)) # If some of the synced tasks have errored and halted pipeline, do not proceed if halted do flume else process_fun |> apply_process_callback(results) |> case do {:ok, result} -> handle_process_callback_success(flume, tag, result, on_success) {:error, reason} -> handle_process_callback_error(flume, tag, reason, on_error) bad_match -> raise_match_error!(tag, bad_match) end end end @doc """ Executes passed in callback asynchronously - and stores the returned result. All asynchronous operations are resolved when `Flume.result/1` is called. Apart from the asynchronous nature of this function, it behaves largely the same as ``. Obviously using this in combination with `` is less safe (unless you use the `wait_for` option), because it won't necessarily stop at the first error. Also the results of the asynchronous operations will not be available until the end. ## Examples iex> |> iex>, fn -> {:ok, 2} end) |> iex> Flume.run_async(:b, fn data -> {:ok, data.a * 2} end) |> iex> Flume.run_async(:c, fn -> {:ok, 4} end, on_success: & &1 * 2) |> iex> Flume.result() """ @spec run_async(t(), tag(), process_fun(), list()) :: t() def run_async(flume, tag, process_fun, opts \\ []) def run_async( %Flume{halted: true, halt_on_errors: true} = flume, _tag, _process_fun, _opts ), do: flume def run_async(%Flume{tasks: tasks} = flume, tag, process_fun, opts) when is_atom(tag) and is_function(process_fun, 0) do tasks = Map.put(tasks, tag, %{task: Task.async(process_fun), opts: opts}) %Flume{flume | tasks: tasks} end def run_async(%Flume{tasks: tasks, results: results} = flume, tag, process_fun, opts) when is_atom(tag) and is_function(process_fun, 1) do task_fun = fn -> process_fun.(results) end tasks = Map.put(tasks, tag, %{task: Task.async(task_fun), opts: opts}) %Flume{flume | tasks: tasks} end @doc """ Returns result of pipeline. ## Examples iex> |>, fn -> {:ok, 2} end) |> Flume.result() {:ok, %{a: 2}} iex> |>, fn -> {:error, :idk} end) |> Flume.result() {:error, %{a: :idk}, %{}} """ @spec result(Flume.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, map(), map()} def result(%Flume{tasks: tasks} = flume) when map_size(tasks) > 0 do flume |> resolve_tasks() |> Map.put(:tasks, %{}) |> result() end def result(%Flume{results: results, errors: errors}) when map_size(errors) > 0 do {:error, errors, results} end def result(%Flume{results: results}) do {:ok, results} end defp maybe_apply_on_success(fun, result, _tag) when is_function(fun, 1), do: fun.(result) defp maybe_apply_on_success(fun, result, tag) when is_function(fun, 2), do: fun.(tag, result) defp maybe_apply_on_success(_fun, result, _tag), do: result defp maybe_apply_on_error(fun, error, _tag) when is_function(fun, 1) do fun.(error) error end defp maybe_apply_on_error(fun, error, tag) when is_function(fun, 2) do fun.(tag, error) error end defp maybe_apply_on_error(_fun, error, _tag), do: error defp resolve_tasks(%Flume{tasks: tasks} = flume, only) do tasks |> Map.take(only) |> Enum.reduce(flume, &resolve_task/2) end defp resolve_tasks(%Flume{tasks: tasks} = flume) do Enum.reduce(tasks, flume, &resolve_task/2) end defp resolve_task( {tag, %{task: task, opts: opts}}, %Flume{} = flume ) do on_success = Keyword.get(opts, :on_success) on_error = Keyword.get(opts, :on_error) task |> Task.await() |> case do {:ok, result} -> handle_process_callback_success(flume, tag, result, on_success) {:error, reason} -> handle_process_callback_error(flume, tag, reason, on_error) bad_match -> raise_match_error!(tag, bad_match) end end defp apply_process_callback(callback, results) when is_function(callback, 1) do callback.(results) end defp apply_process_callback(callback, _results) do callback.() end defp handle_process_callback_success(%Flume{results: results} = flume, tag, result, on_success) do result = maybe_apply_on_success(on_success, result, tag) results = Map.put(results, tag, result) %Flume{flume | results: results} end defp handle_process_callback_error(%Flume{} = flume, tag, error, on_error) do flume |> maybe_apply_error_callbacks(tag, error, on_error) |> Map.update!(:errors, &Map.put(&1, tag, error)) |> maybe_halt() end defp maybe_apply_error_callbacks(%Flume{global_funs: global_funs} = flume, tag, error, on_error) do maybe_apply_on_error(global_funs.on_error, error, tag) maybe_apply_on_error(on_error, error, tag) flume end defp maybe_halt(%Flume{halt_on_errors: false} = flume), do: flume defp maybe_halt(%Flume{halted: true} = flume), do: flume defp maybe_halt(%Flume{} = flume), do: %Flume{flume | halted: true} defp raise_match_error!(tag, bad_match) do raise __MODULE__.FlumeError, "#{tag}: Expected either an `{:ok, result}` or `{:error, reason}` tuple " <> "from the process callback but got #{inspect(bad_match)}" end end
defmodule Web.BulletinController do use Web, :controller alias ChallengeGov.Challenges alias ChallengeGov.Challenges.Bulletin alias ChallengeGov.GovDelivery def new(conn, %{"challenge_id" => id}) do %{current_user: user} = conn.assigns with {:ok, challenge} <- Challenges.get(id), {:ok, challenge} <- Challenges.can_send_bulletin(user, challenge) do conn |> assign(:changeset, Bulletin.create_changeset(%Bulletin{}, %{})) |> assign(:path, Routes.challenge_bulletin_path(conn, :create, |> assign(:challenge, challenge) |> render("new.html") else {:error, :not_permitted} -> conn |> put_flash(:error, "You are not allowed to send a bulletin for this challenge") |> redirect(to: Routes.challenge_path(conn, :index)) {:error, :not_found} -> conn |> put_flash(:error, "Challenge not found") |> redirect(to: Routes.challenge_path(conn, :index)) end end def create(conn, %{"challenge_id" => id, "bulletin" => bulletin_params}) do %{current_user: user} = conn.assigns subject = "Challenge.Gov Bulletin: #{bulletin_params["subject"]}" with {:ok, challenge} <- Challenges.get(id), {:ok, challenge} <- Challenges.can_send_bulletin(user, challenge), {:ok, :sent} <- GovDelivery.send_bulletin(challenge, subject, bulletin_params["body"]) do conn |> put_flash(:info, "Bulletin scheduled to send") |> redirect(to: Routes.challenge_path(conn, :index)) else {:send_error, _e} -> conn |> put_flash(:error, "Error sending bulletin") |> redirect(to: Routes.challenge_path(conn, :index)) {:error, :not_permitted} -> conn |> put_flash(:error, "You are not allowed to send a bulletin for this challenge") |> redirect(to: Routes.challenge_path(conn, :index)) {:error, :not_found} -> conn |> put_flash(:error, "Challenge not found") |> redirect(to: Routes.challenge_path(conn, :index)) end end end
defmodule Collections.Heap do defstruct data: nil, size: 0, comparator: nil @moduledoc """ Leftist heap implemention in Elixir See also: [Leftist Tree]( Time complexity * `&peek/2` : O(1) * `&push/2` : O(logn) * `&pop/2` : O(logn) * `&size/1` : O(1) * `&member?/2` : O(n) * `&empty?/1` : O(1) """ alias Collections.Heap @type data :: {non_neg_integer(), any(), data(), data()} | nil @type t :: %__MODULE__{ data: data(), size: non_neg_integer(), comparator: (any(), any() -> boolean()) } @leaf nil @compile {:min, :max, :new, :size, :peek} @doc """ Create an empty min `heap` with default comparator `&</2`. A min heap is a heap tree which always has the smallest value at the top. ## Examples iex> 1..10 ...> |> Enum.shuffle() ...> |> Enum.into(Collections.Heap.min()) ...> |> Collections.Heap.peek() 1 """ @spec min() :: t def min, do:</2) @doc """ Create an empty max `heap` with default comparator `&>/2`. A max heap is a heap tree which always has the largest value at the top. ## Examples iex> 1..10 ...> |> Enum.shuffle() ...> |> Enum.into(Collections.Heap.max()) ...> |> Collections.Heap.peek() 10 """ @spec max() :: t def max, do:>/2) @doc """ Create an empty heap with the default comparator `&</2`. Behaves the same as `&Heap.min` """ @spec new() :: t def new(), do: %Heap{comparator: &</2} @doc """ Create an empty heap with a specific comparator. ## Examples iex> 1..10 ...> |> Enum.shuffle() ...> |> Enum.into( > &2))) ...> |> Enum.to_list() [10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1] The given function should compare two arguments, and return true if the first argument precedes the second one. """ @spec new((any, any -> boolean)) :: t def new(comparator) when is_function(comparator, 2), do: %Heap{comparator: comparator} @doc """ Test if the `heap` is empty ## Examples iex> |> Collections.Heap.empty?() true iex> |> Collections.Heap.push(10) |> Collections.Heap.empty?() false """ @spec empty?(t) :: boolean def empty?(t), do: Heap.size(t) == 0 @doc """ Returns the number of elements in `heap`. ## Examples iex> 1..10 ...> |> Enum.into( ...> |> Collections.Heap.size() 10 """ @spec size(t) :: non_neg_integer() def size(%Heap{size: size}), do: size @doc """ Push a new element into `heap`. ## Examples iex> ...> |> Collections.Heap.push(10) ...> |> Collections.Heap.peek() 10 """ @spec push(t, any()) :: t def push(%Heap{data: data, size: size, comparator: cmp}, value) do %Heap{data: merge(data, {1, value, @leaf, @leaf}, cmp), size: size + 1, comparator: cmp} end @doc """ Returns the element at the top of `heap`. If the `heap` is empty, `default` is returned If `default` is not provided, nil is used ## Examples iex> ...> |> Collections.Heap.peek() nil iex> ...> |> Collections.Heap.peek(10) 10 iex> 1..10 ...> |> Enum.shuffle() ...> |> Enum.into( ...> |> Collections.Heap.peek() 1 """ @spec peek(t, default) :: any() | default when default: any() def peek(heap, default \\ nil) def peek(%Heap{data: nil}, default), do: default def peek(%Heap{data: {_, v, _, _}}, _default), do: v @doc """ Removes the element at the top of the `heap` and returns the element and the updated heap. If the `heap` is empty, `default` is returned If `default` is not provided, nil is used ## Examples iex> {nil, _} = ...> |> Collections.Heap.pop() iex> {10, _} = ...> |> Collections.Heap.pop(10) iex> {1, rest_heap} = 1..10 ...> |> Enum.shuffle() ...> |> Enum.into( ...> |> Collections.Heap.pop() ...> {2, _} = Collections.Heap.pop(rest_heap) ...> Collections.Heap.size(rest_heap) 9 """ @spec pop(t, default) :: {any(), updated_heap :: t} | {default, t} when default: any() def pop(heap, default \\ nil) def pop(%Heap{data: nil, size: 0} = heap, default), do: {default, heap} def pop(%Heap{data: {_, v, l, r}, size: size, comparator: cmp}, _default), do: {v, %Heap{data: merge(l, r, cmp), size: size - 1, comparator: cmp}} @doc """ Test if the `heap` contains the `value`. ## Examples iex> heap = 1..10 ...> |> Enum.into( ...> Collections.Heap.member?(heap, 5) true ...> Collections.Heap.member?(heap, 20) false """ @spec member?(t, any()) :: boolean() def member?(%Heap{data: data}, value), do: has_member?(data, value) @spec rank(data()) :: non_neg_integer() defp rank(@leaf), do: 0 defp rank({r, _, _, _}), do: r @spec merge(data(), data(), (any(), any() -> boolean())) :: data() defp merge(@leaf, @leaf, _cmp), do: nil defp merge(@leaf, t, _cmp), do: t defp merge(t, @leaf, _com), do: t defp merge({_, lv, ll, lr} = t1, {_, rv, rl, rr} = t2, cmp) do case cmp.(lv, rv) do true -> swipe(lv, ll, merge(lr, t2, cmp)) false -> swipe(rv, rl, merge(t1, rr, cmp)) err -> raise("Comparator should return boolean, but returned '#{err}'.") end end @spec swipe(any(), data(), data()) :: data() defp swipe(v, left, right) do if rank(left) >= rank(right) do {rank(right) + 1, v, left, right} else {rank(left) + 1, v, right, left} end end @spec has_member?(data(), any()) :: boolean() defp has_member?(nil, _value), do: false defp has_member?({_, v, l, r}, value) do if v == value do true else has_member?(l, value) || has_member?(r, value) end end end
defmodule ExTorch.Native.Macros do @moduledoc """ General purpose macros to automatically generate binding declarations and calls for both ExTorch callable functions and Rustler signature calls to the NIF library. """ @doc """ Automatic binding generation. This macro allow to define a bindings block under a given `doc_section` for a given set of function bindings. All binding declarations should be signaled using the `defbinding` function, which recieves the function signature, alongside an optional keyword list of parameter transformations that must be done before calling the native function (defined in `ExTorch.Native`). Each `defbinding` declaration must declare its `@spec` and optionally its docstring `@doc` before the call. Additionally, the function binding signature can declare optional arguments. For example: # All function docstrings will be collected under :doc_section_name defbindings(:doc_section_name) do @doc \"\"\" The docstring for func goes here \"\"\" @spec func(type_1(), type_2(), type_3()) :: ret_type() defbinding( func( arg1, # Positional argument arg2 \\\\ optional_value, # Optional argument arg3 \\\\ optional_value # Optional argument ) ) @doc \"\"\" The docstring for func2 goes here \"\"\" @spec func2(type_1(), type_2(), type_3(), type_4()) :: ret_type() defbinding( func2( arg1 \\\\ optional_value, # Positional argument with optional value arg2, # Positional argument arg3 \\\\ optional_value, # Optional argument arg4 \\\\ optional_value # Optional argument ) ) @doc \"\"\" The docstring for func3 goes here \"\"\" @spec func3(type_1(), type_2(), type_3(), type_4()) :: ret_type() defbinding( func3( arg1, # Positional argument arg2, # Positional argument arg3 \\\\ optional_value, # Optional argument arg4 \\\\ optional_value # Optional argument ), arg1: arg1[:value], arg3: call_to_some_transform(arg3, arg2), ) end In case optional arguments are defined, the macro will expand the declaration to allow optional arguments to be passed as a keyword list. For example, the function `func` will be expanded to the following function calls: `func(arg1)`, `func(arg1, kwargs)`, `func(arg1, arg2)`, `func(arg1, arg2, kwargs)` and `func(arg1, arg2, arg3)`, where kwargs correspond to `arg2: value, arg3: value2` and `arg3: value`, respectively. When the first argument is declared as optional, the macro will generate function calls that begin with the first argument as well as the second argument. In case there are multiple calls with the same arity, the macro will try to disambiguate them by computing the corresponding guards that distinguish each call from the others. In the case of `func2`, the expanded definitions would correspond to `func2(arg2)` `func2(arg2, kwargs)`, `func2(arg2, arg3, kwargs)`, `func2(arg2, arg3, arg4)`, `func2(arg1, arg2)`, `func2(arg1, arg2, kwargs)`, `func2(arg1, arg2, arg3)`, etc. Finally, if transforms are defined (like `func3`), they will be assigned to the specified arguments before calling the native function. """ defmacro defbindings(doc_section, [{:do, {:__block__, [], args}}]) do block = compose_block(args, [], [], doc_section) {:__block__, [], block} end defp compose_block([], block, attrs, _) do attrs = Enum.reverse(attrs) block = Enum.reverse(block) block ++ attrs end defp compose_block([{:@, _, _} = attr | rest], block, attrs, doc_section) do compose_block(rest, block, [attr | attrs], doc_section) end defp compose_block([{:defbinding, _, [call]} | rest], block, attrs, doc_section) do expanded_definition = expand_binding(call, attrs, doc_section, []) compose_block(rest, [expanded_definition | block], [], doc_section) end defp compose_block([{:defbinding, _, [call | transforms]} | rest], block, attrs, doc_section) do expanded_definition = expand_binding(call, attrs, doc_section,, 0)) compose_block(rest, [expanded_definition | block], [], doc_section) end defp compose_block([head | rest], block, attrs, doc_section) do block = attrs ++ block compose_block(rest, [head | block], [], doc_section) end defp expand_binding({func_name, _, args}, attrs, doc_section, transforms) do func_info = collect_function_info(attrs, %{:doc => nil, :spec => nil}) %{:spec => spec, :doc => func_docstring} = func_info case spec do nil -> raise "@spec declaration is missing for #{func_name}" _ -> nil end {arg_names, arg_info} = collect_arg_info(args) {ret_type, arg_types} = collect_arg_types(func_name, spec, arg_names) transforms = assemble_transforms(transforms) [{_, first_arg_optional, _} | _] = arg_info {args, kwargs, defaults, first_optional_signatures} = case first_arg_optional do true -> [{first_arg, _, default_value} | other_arg_info] = arg_info {args, kwargs, defaults} = split_args_kwargs(other_arg_info) signatures = compute_signatures( func_name, arg_types, args, kwargs, defaults, transforms, [default_value], [] ) args = [first_arg | args] {args, kwargs, defaults, signatures} false -> {args, kwargs, defaults} = split_args_kwargs(arg_info) {args, kwargs, defaults, []} end full_positional_signatures = compute_signatures(func_name, arg_types, args, kwargs, defaults, transforms, []) all_signatures = first_optional_signatures ++ full_positional_signatures signature_map =, fn %{:signature => sig} = x -> {sig, x} end) signature_map = Enum.into(signature_map, %{}) arity_map = Enum.reduce(signature_map, %{}, fn {k, %{:arity => arity}}, acc -> arity_funcs = Map.get(acc, arity, []) Map.put(acc, arity, [k | arity_funcs]) end) max_arity = Enum.max(Map.keys(arity_map)) valid_signatures = Enum.reduce(arity_map, [], fn {_, signatures}, to_generate -> # Enum.reduce(signatures, {[], sig_map}, fn sig, {}) valid_arity_signatures = compare_and_reduce_signatures(signatures, arg_types) to_generate ++ valid_arity_signatures end) arity_docs = Enum.reduce(valid_signatures, %{}, fn {sig, _}, acc -> arity = length(sig) arity_funcs = Map.get(acc, arity, []) sig_str = Enum.map_join(sig, ", ", fn arg -> Atom.to_string(arg) end) sig_str = "* `#{func_name}(#{sig_str})`" Map.put(acc, arity, [sig_str | arity_funcs]) end) arity_docs =, fn {k, v} -> doc = """ Available signature calls: #{Enum.join(v, "\n")} """ {k, doc} end) arity_docs = Enum.into(arity_docs, %{}) compose_binding_call( func_name, doc_section, func_docstring, ret_type, max_arity, arity_docs, valid_signatures, signature_map ) end defp compose_binding_call( func_name, doc_section, func_docstring, ret_type, max_arity, arity_docs, signatures, signature_map ) do, fn {signature, guards} -> guards = guards |> |> Enum.into([]) |> compose_guards() %{^signature => %{:arity => arity, :body => sig_body, :spec => sig_spec}} = signature_map spec = quote do @spec unquote(func_name)(unquote_splicing(sig_spec)) :: unquote(ret_type) end doc_headers = case {func_docstring, guards} do {_docstring, []} when arity == max_arity -> quote do @doc kind: unquote(doc_section) unquote(func_docstring) end _ -> arity_doc = Map.get(arity_docs, arity) # sig_string = # signature # |> Enum.map_join(", ", fn arg -> Atom.to_string(arg) end) # sig_string = "`#{func_name}(#{sig_string})`" quote do @doc unquote(arity_doc) @doc kind: unquote(doc_section) end end signature =, fn arg -> Macro.var(arg, nil) end) body = case guards do [] -> quote do unquote(doc_headers) unquote(spec) def unquote(func_name)(unquote_splicing(signature)) do unquote(sig_body) end end _ -> quote do unquote(doc_headers) unquote(spec) def unquote(func_name)(unquote_splicing(signature)) when unquote(guards) do unquote(sig_body) end end end body end) end defp compose_guards(guards) do chunk_fun = fn element, acc -> if length(acc) == 1 do {:cont, {:and, [{:context, Elixir}, {:import, Kernel}], Enum.reverse([element | acc])}, []} else {:cont, [element | acc]} end end after_fun = fn [] -> {:cont, []} acc -> {:cont, Enum.reverse(acc), []} end composed_guards = guards |> {variable, guard} when is_atom(guard) -> guard_call = String.to_atom("is_#{Atom.to_string(guard)}") quote do unquote(guard_call)(unquote(Macro.var(variable, nil))) end end) |> Enum.chunk_while([], chunk_fun, after_fun) case composed_guards do [h | _] when is_list(h) -> [guard | _] = h guard [h | _] when is_tuple(h) -> h [] -> composed_guards end end defp compare_and_reduce_signatures(signatures, arg_types) do Enum.reduce(signatures, [], fn sig, valid_signatures -> {valid, guards} = compute_guards_for_signature(valid_signatures, sig, arg_types) case valid do true -> [{sig, guards} | valid_signatures] false -> valid_signatures end end) end defp compute_guards_for_signature(valid_signatures, sig, arg_types) do Enum.reduce(valid_signatures, {true, []}, fn {valid_sig, _}, {is_valid, guards} -> case is_valid do true -> {valid, diff_sig_guard} = compare_signature_types(sig, valid_sig, arg_types) is_valid = valid and is_valid guards = guards ++ diff_sig_guard {is_valid, guards} false -> {is_valid, guards} end end) end defp compare_signature_types(signature, to_compare_sig, arg_types) do sig_arg_types = gather_signature_types(signature, arg_types) compare_arg_types = gather_signature_types(to_compare_sig, arg_types) sig_arg_types |> |> |> Enum.reduce({false, []}, fn {{that_arg, _}, that_arg}, {false, guards} -> {false, guards} {{this_arg, arg_name}, _that_arg}, {false, guards} -> {true, [{arg_name, this_arg} | guards]} {_, _}, {true, guards} -> {true, guards} end) end defp gather_signature_types(signature, arg_types) do signature |> :kwargs -> :list arg -> {type_alias, _} = Map.get(arg_types, arg) type_alias end) |> Enum.reverse() end defp compute_signatures( func_name, arg_types, args, kwargs, defaults, transforms, left_args, signatures ) do args = left_args ++ args compute_signatures(func_name, arg_types, args, kwargs, defaults, transforms, signatures) end defp compute_signatures( func_name, arg_types, args, [], _, {transforms, output_transform}, signatures ) do valid_args = Enum.filter(args, fn x -> is_atom(x) and Map.has_key?(arg_types, x) end) arity = length(valid_args) native_module = {:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:ExTorch, :Native]} call_unquote = {:., [], [native_module, func_name]} call_parameters = args, fn x when is_atom(x) -> Macro.var(x, nil) x -> x end ) fn_spec = args |> Enum.filter(fn x -> is_atom(x) and Map.has_key?(arg_types, x) end) |> arg -> {_, spec_type} = Map.get(arg_types, arg) spec_type end) call = quote do unquote(call_unquote)(unquote_splicing(call_parameters)) end body = case output_transform do nil -> quote do unquote(transforms) unquote(call) end _ -> quote do unquote(transforms) unquote(output_transform)(unquote(call)) end end sig_info = %{:signature => valid_args, :arity => arity, :body => body, :spec => fn_spec} [sig_info | signatures] end defp compute_signatures( func_name, arg_types, args, [kwarg | rest] = kwargs, defaults, {transforms, output_transform}, signatures ) do valid_args = Enum.filter(args, fn x -> is_atom(x) and Map.has_key?(arg_types, x) end) # defaults_macro = Macro.escape(defaults) defaults_macro =, fn {k, v} -> {k, v} end) defaults_macro = {:%{}, [], defaults_macro} kwargs_assignment = kwargs |> kwarg -> {kwarg, Macro.var(kwarg, nil)} end) kwargs_assignment = {:%{}, [], kwargs_assignment} native_module = {:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:ExTorch, :Native]} call_unquote = {:., [], [native_module, func_name]} args_spec = valid_args |> arg -> {_, spec_type} = Map.get(arg_types, arg) spec_type end) kwargs_spec =, fn kwarg -> {_, kwarg_type} = Map.get(arg_types, kwarg) {kwarg, kwarg_type} end) fn_spec = args_spec ++ [kwargs_spec] call_parameters = args ++ kwargs, fn x when is_atom(x) -> Macro.var(x, nil) x -> x end ) call = quote do unquote(call_unquote)(unquote_splicing(call_parameters)) end call = case output_transform do nil -> call _ -> quote do unquote(output_transform)(unquote(call)) end end kwarg_body = quote do unquote(Macro.var(:kwargs, nil)) = Enum.into( unquote(Macro.var(:kwargs, nil)), %{} ) unquote(Macro.var(:kwargs, nil)) = Map.merge(unquote(defaults_macro), unquote(Macro.var(:kwargs, nil))) unquote(kwargs_assignment) = unquote(Macro.var(:kwargs, nil)) unquote(transforms) unquote(call) end body = quote do unquote(kwargs_assignment) = unquote(defaults_macro) unquote(transforms) unquote(call) end kwarg_signature = valid_args ++ [:kwargs] kwarg_arity = length(kwarg_signature) kwarg_sig_info = %{ :signature => kwarg_signature, :arity => kwarg_arity, :body => kwarg_body, :spec => fn_spec } signature = valid_args arity = length(signature) sig_info = %{:signature => signature, :arity => arity, :body => body, :spec => args_spec} signatures = [sig_info | [kwarg_sig_info | signatures]] args = args ++ [kwarg] {_, defaults} = Map.pop(defaults, kwarg) compute_signatures( func_name, arg_types, args, rest, defaults, {transforms, output_transform}, signatures ) end defp split_args_kwargs(arg_info) do {args, kwargs, defaults} = arg_info |> Enum.reduce( {[], [], %{}}, fn {arg, true, default}, {args, kwargs, default_values} -> {args, [arg | kwargs], Map.put(default_values, arg, default)} {arg, false, _}, {args, kwargs, default_values} -> {[arg | args], kwargs, default_values} end ) args = Enum.reverse(args) kwargs = Enum.reverse(kwargs) {args, kwargs, defaults} end defp collect_function_info([], acc) do acc end defp collect_function_info([{:@, _, [{:doc, _, _}]} = attr | attrs], acc) do acc = Map.put(acc, :doc, attr) collect_function_info(attrs, acc) end defp collect_function_info([{:@, _, [{:spec, _, specs}]} | attrs], acc) do acc = Map.put(acc, :spec, specs) collect_function_info(attrs, acc) end defp collect_arg_info(args) do args |> {:\\, _, [{arg_name, _, _}, default_value]} -> {arg_name, {arg_name, true, default_value}} {arg_name, _, _} -> {arg_name, {arg_name, false, nil}} end) |> Enum.unzip() end defp collect_arg_types( func_name, [{:"::", _, [{func_name, _, arg_specs}, ret_type]}], arg_names ) do arg_types = arg_names |> |> |> Enum.into(%{}) {ret_type, arg_types} end defp extract_arg_type({arg_name, arg_spec}) do case arg_spec do {:|, _, type_union} -> type_union = parse_type_union(type_union) {arg_name, {type_union, arg_spec}} _ -> type = parse_type(arg_spec) {arg_name, type} end end defp parse_type_union(type_union) do, &parse_type/1) end defp parse_type(type) do type_alias = case type do {{:., _, [{:__aliases__, [line: 122], [:ExTorch, :Tensor]}, :t]}} -> :tensor {{:., _, [{:__aliases__, _, [:ExTorch, _]}, extorch_type]}, _, []} -> extorch_type {type, _, _} -> type [_] -> :list end {type_alias, type} end defp assemble_transforms(transforms) do {transforms, output_transform} = Enum.reduce(transforms, {[], nil}, fn {:output, {transform, [no_parens: true, line: _], _}}, {transforms, _} -> {transforms, transform} {:output, transform}, {transforms, _} -> {transforms, transform} {variable, transform}, {transforms, output_transform} -> transform = quote do unquote(Macro.var(variable, nil)) = unquote(transform) end {[transform | transforms], output_transform} end) {{:__block__, [], Enum.reverse(transforms)}, output_transform} end end
defmodule Site.TripPlan.Map do alias Leaflet.{MapData, MapData.Marker} alias Leaflet.MapData.Polyline, as: LeafletPolyline alias GoogleMaps alias Routes.Route alias TripPlan.{Leg, NamedPosition, TransitDetail} alias Util.Position @type static_map :: String.t() @type t :: {MapData.t(), static_map} @type route_mapper :: (String.t() -> Route.t() | nil) @type stop_mapper :: (String.t() -> Stops.Stop.t() | nil) @default_opts [ route_mapper: &Routes.Repo.get/1, stop_mapper: &Stops.Repo.get_parent/1 ] @moduledoc """ Handles generating the maps displayed within the TripPlan Controller """ @doc """ Returns the url for the initial map for the Trip Planner """ @spec initial_map_src() :: static_map def initial_map_src do {630, 400} |> |> MapData.to_google_map_data() |> GoogleMaps.static_map_url() end def initial_map_data do {630, 400} |> end # Maps for results @doc """ Returns the static map data and source URL Accepts a function that will return either a Route or nil when given a route_id """ @spec itinerary_map([Leg.t()], Keyword.t()) :: t def itinerary_map(itinerary, opts \\ []) do map_data = itinerary_map_data(itinerary, Keyword.merge(@default_opts, opts)) {map_data, map_data |> MapData.to_google_map_data() |> GoogleMaps.static_map_url()} end @spec itinerary_map_data([Leg.t()], Keyword.t()) :: MapData.t() defp itinerary_map_data(itinerary, opts) do markers = itinerary |> markers_for_legs(opts) |> Enum.with_index() |> {marker, idx} -> %{marker | id: "marker-#{idx}"} end) paths =, &build_leg_path(&1, opts[:route_mapper])) {600, 600} |> |> MapData.add_markers(markers) |> MapData.add_polylines(paths) end @spec build_leg_path(Leg.t(), route_mapper) :: LeafletPolyline.t() defp build_leg_path(leg, route_mapper) do color = leg_color(leg, route_mapper) path_weight = if Leg.transit?(leg), do: 5, else: 1 leg.polyline |> extend_to_endpoints(leg) |> color, weight: path_weight) end @spec extend_to_endpoints(String.t(), Leg.t()) :: String.t() defp extend_to_endpoints(polyline, %{from: from, to: to}) when is_map(from) and is_map(to) do from = {Position.longitude(from), Position.latitude(from)} to = {Position.longitude(to), Position.latitude(to)} polyline |> Polyline.decode() |> (fn line -> Enum.concat([[from], line, [to]]) end).() |> Polyline.encode() end defp extend_to_endpoints(_polyline, _leg) do "" end @spec markers_for_legs([Leg.t()], Keyword.t()) :: [Marker.t()] defp markers_for_legs(legs, opts) do leg_count = Enum.count(legs) legs |>, &(&1 + 2))) |> Enum.flat_map(&build_marker_for_leg(&1, opts, leg_count)) end @spec build_marker_for_leg({Leg.t(), non_neg_integer}, Keyword.t(), non_neg_integer) :: [ Marker.t() ] defp build_marker_for_leg({leg, idx}, opts, leg_count) do leg_positions = [{leg.from, idx}, {, idx + 1}] leg_positions |> Enum.reject(fn {position, _n} -> is_nil(position) end) |> build_markers_for_leg_positions(opts[:stop_mapper], leg_count) end defp build_markers_for_leg_positions(positions_with_indicies, stop_mapper, leg_count) do for {position, index} <- positions_with_indicies do build_marker_for_leg_position(position, stop_mapper, %{ start: 0, current: index, end: 2 * leg_count - 1 }) end end @spec build_marker_for_leg_position(NamedPosition.t(), stop_mapper, map) :: Marker.t() defp build_marker_for_leg_position(leg_position, stop_mapper, indexes) do icon_name = stop_icon_name(indexes) opts = [ icon: icon_name, icon_opts: stop_icon_size(icon_name), tooltip: tooltip_for_position(leg_position, stop_mapper), z_index: z_index(indexes) ] leg_position |> Position.latitude() |>, opts) end @type index_map :: %{ required(:current) => integer, required(:start) => integer, required(:end) => integer } @doc """ Simplified name for the icon type; used by javascript to fetch the full SVG. """ @spec stop_icon_name(index_map) :: String.t() def stop_icon_name(%{current: idx, start: idx}), do: "map-pin-a" def stop_icon_name(%{current: idx, end: idx}), do: "map-pin-b" def stop_icon_name(%{}), do: "dot-mid" @doc """ Atom representing the size to use for the icon. Used by javascript to generate the full SVG. """ @spec stop_icon_size(String.t()) :: map | nil def stop_icon_size("map-pin-a"), do: nil def stop_icon_size("map-pin-b"), do: nil def stop_icon_size(_), do: %{icon_size: [22, 22], icon_anchor: [0, 0]} @spec leg_color(Leg.t(), route_mapper) :: String.t() defp leg_color(%Leg{mode: %TransitDetail{route_id: route_id}}, route_mapper) do with route <- route_mapper.(route_id), do: "#" <> route.color end defp leg_color(_leg, _route_mapper) do "#000000" end @spec tooltip_for_position(NamedPosition.t(), stop_mapper) :: String.t() defp tooltip_for_position(%NamedPosition{stop_id: nil, name: name}, _stop_mapper) do name end defp tooltip_for_position(%NamedPosition{stop_id: stop_id} = position, stop_mapper) do case stop_mapper.(stop_id) do nil -> stop -> end end @spec z_index(map) :: 0 | 1 def z_index(%{current: idx, start: idx}), do: 100 def z_index(%{current: idx, end: idx}), do: 100 def z_index(%{}), do: 0 end
defmodule Freddy.Consumer do @moduledoc """ This module allows to consume messages from specified queue bound to specified exchange. ## Configuration * `:exchange` - specifies an exchange to declare. See `Freddy.Core.Exchange` for available options. Optional. * `:queue` - specifies a queue to declare. See `Freddy.Core.Queue` for available options. Mandatory. * `:qos` - configures channel QoS. See `Freddy.Core.QoS` for available options. * `:binds` - specifies bindings to create from the declared queue to the declared exchange. Must be a list of keywords or `%Freddy.Core.Bind{}` structs. See `Freddy.Core.Bind` for available options. * `:routing_keys` - a short way to declare bindings, for example providing a list `["key1", "key2"]` is an equivalent of specifying option `[binds: [[routing_key: "key1"], [routing_key: "key2"]]]`. * `:consumer` - arguments to provide to `basic.consume` method, see below. ## Consumer options * `:consumer_tag` - Specifies the identifier for the consumer. The consumer tag is local to a channel, so two clients can use the same consumer tags. If this field is empty the server will generate a unique tag. Default is empty. * `:no_local` - If the `:no_local` field is set the server will not send messages to the connection that published them. Default is `false`. * `:no_ack` - If this field is set the server does not expect acknowledgements for messages. That is, when a message is delivered to the client the server assumes the delivery will succeed and immediately dequeues it. This functionality may increase performance but at the cost of reliability. Messages can get lost if a client dies before they are delivered to the application. Defaults to `false`. * `:exclusive` - Request exclusive consumer access, meaning only this consumer can access the queue. Default is `false`. * `:nowait` - If set, the server will not respond to the method and client will not wait for a reply. Default is `false`. * `:arguments` - A set of arguments for the consume. The syntax and semantics of these arguments depends on the server implementation. ## Example defmodule Notifications.Listener do use Freddy.Consumer def start_link(conn, initial \\ nil, opts \\ []) do config = [ exchange: [name: "freddy-topic", type: :topic], queue: [name: "notifications-queue", opts: [auto_delete: true]], qos: [prefetch_count: 10], # optional routing_keys: ["routing_key1", "routing_key2"], # short way to declare binds binds: [ # fully customizable bindings [routing_key: "routing_key3", no_wait: true] ], consumer: [exclusive: true] # optional ] Freddy.Consumer.start_link(__MODULE__, conn, config, initial, opts) end def init(initial) do # do something on init {:ok, initial} end def handle_message(payload, %{routing_key: "visitor.status.disconnect"}, state) do {:reply, :ack, state} end def handle_error(error, message, _meta) do # log error? {:reply, :nack, state} end end """ use Freddy.Core.Actor, queue: nil, exchange: nil @type routing_key :: String.t() @type action :: :ack | :nack | :reject @type error :: term @type connection_info :: %{ channel: Freddy.Core.Channel.t(), queue: Freddy.Core.Queue.t(), exchange: Freddy.Core.Exchange.t() } @doc """ Called when the `Freddy.Consumer` process has opened and AMQP channel and declared an exchange and a queue. First argument is a map, containing `:channel`, `:exchange` and `:queue` structures. Returning `{:noreply, state}` will cause the process to enter the main loop with the given state. Returning `{:error, state}` will indicate that process failed to perform some critical actions and must reconnect. Returning `{:stop, reason, state}` will terminate the main loop and call `c:terminate/2` before the process exits with reason `reason`. """ @callback handle_connected(meta :: connection_info, state) :: {:noreply, state} | {:noreply, state, timeout | :hibernate} | {:error, state} | {:stop, reason :: term, state} @doc """ Called when the AMQP server has registered the process as a consumer and it will start to receive messages. Returning `{:noreply, state}` will causes the process to enter the main loop with the given state. Returning `{:stop, reason, state}` will terminate the main loop and call `terminate(reason, state)` before the process exits with reason `reason`. """ @callback handle_ready(meta, state) :: {:noreply, state} | {:noreply, state, timeout | :hibernate} | {:stop, reason :: term, state} @doc """ Called when a message is delivered from the queue before passing it into a `handle_message` function. The arguments are the message's raw payload, some metatdata and the internal state. The metadata is a map containing all metadata given by the AMQP client when receiving the message plus the `:exchange` and `:queue` values. Returning `{:ok, payload, state}` or `{:ok, payload, meta, state}` will pass the decoded payload and meta into `handle_message/3` function. Returning `{:reply, action, opts, state}` or `{:reply, action, state}` will immediately ack, nack or reject the message. Returning `{:noreply, state}` will do nothing, and therefore the message should be acknowledged by using `Freddy.Consumer.ack/2`, `Freddy.Consumer.nack/2` or `Freddy.Consumer.reject/2`. Returning `{:stop, reason, state}` will terminate the main loop and call `terminate(reason, state)` before the process exits with reason `reason`. """ @callback decode_message(payload :: String.t(), meta, state) :: {:ok, payload, state} | {:ok, payload, meta, state} | {:reply, action, opts :: Keyword.t(), state} | {:reply, action, state} | {:noreply, state} | {:stop, reason :: term, state} @doc """ Called when a message is delivered from the queue. The arguments are the message's decoded payload, some metadata and the internal state. The metadata is a map containing all metadata given by the adapter when receiving the message plus the `:exchange` and `:queue` values received at the `connect/2` callback. Returning `{:reply, :ack | :nack | :reject, state}` will ack, nack or reject the message. Returning `{:reply, :ack | :nack | :reject, opts, state}` will ack, nack or reject the message with the given opts. Returning `{:noreply, state}` will do nothing, and therefore the message should be acknowledged by using `Freddy.Consumer.ack/2`, `Freddy.Consumer.nack/2` or `Freddy.Consumer.reject/2`. Returning `{:stop, reason, state}` will terminate the main loop and call `terminate(reason, state)` before the process exits with reason `reason`. """ @callback handle_message(payload, meta, state) :: {:reply, action, state} | {:reply, action, opts :: Keyword.t(), state} | {:noreply, state} | {:noreply, state, timeout | :hibernate} | {:stop, reason :: term, state} defmacro __using__(_) do quote location: :keep do @behaviour Freddy.Consumer # Default callback implementation @impl true def init(initial) do {:ok, initial} end @impl true def handle_connected(_meta, state) do {:noreply, state} end @impl true def handle_ready(_meta, state) do {:noreply, state} end @impl true def handle_disconnected(_reason, state) do {:noreply, state} end @impl true def decode_message(payload, _meta, state) do case Jason.decode(payload) do {:ok, new_payload} -> {:ok, new_payload, state} {:error, reason} -> {:reply, :reject, [requeue: false], state} end end @impl true def handle_message(_message, _meta, state) do {:reply, :ack, state} end @impl true def handle_call(message, _from, state) do {:stop, {:bad_call, message}, state} end @impl true def handle_cast(message, state) do {:stop, {:bad_cast, message}, state} end @impl true def handle_info(_message, state) do {:noreply, state} end @impl true def terminate(_reason, _state), do: :ok defoverridable Freddy.Consumer end end alias Freddy.Core.Exchange alias Freddy.Core.Queue alias Freddy.Core.QoS alias Freddy.Core.Bind @doc "Ack's a message given its meta" @spec ack(meta :: map, opts :: Keyword.t()) :: :ok def ack( %{channel: %{adapter: adapter, chan: chan}, delivery_tag: delivery_tag} = _meta, opts \\ [] ) do adapter.ack(chan, delivery_tag, opts) end @doc "Nack's a message given its meta" @spec nack(meta :: map, opts :: Keyword.t()) :: :ok def nack( %{channel: %{adapter: adapter, chan: chan}, delivery_tag: delivery_tag} = _meta, opts \\ [] ) do adapter.nack(chan, delivery_tag, opts) end @doc "Rejects a message given its meta" @spec reject(meta :: map, opts :: Keyword.t()) :: :ok def reject( %{channel: %{adapter: adapter, chan: chan}, delivery_tag: delivery_tag} = _meta, opts \\ [] ) do adapter.reject(chan, delivery_tag, opts) end @impl true def handle_connected(meta, state(config: config) = state) do case declare_subscription(meta, config) do {:ok, %{channel: channel, queue: queue, exchange: exchange} = new_meta} -> handle_mod_connected( new_meta, state(state, channel: channel, queue: queue, exchange: exchange) ) {:error, :closed} -> {:error, state} {:error, reason} -> {:stop, reason, state} end end defp declare_subscription(%{channel: channel} = meta, config) do exchange = config |> Keyword.get(:exchange, Exchange.default()) |> queue = config |> Keyword.fetch!(:queue) |> qos = config |> Keyword.get(:qos, QoS.default()) |> routing_keys = config |> Keyword.get(:routing_keys, []) |> &1)) custom_binds = config |> Keyword.get(:binds, []) |> binds = routing_keys ++ custom_binds consumer_opts = Keyword.get(config, :consumer, []) with :ok <- Exchange.declare(exchange, channel), {:ok, queue} <- Queue.declare(queue, channel), :ok <- QoS.declare(qos, channel), :ok <- Bind.declare_multiple(binds, exchange, queue, channel), {:ok, _consumer_tag} <- Queue.consume(queue, self(), channel, consumer_opts) do new_meta = meta |> Map.put(:queue, queue) |> Map.put(:exchange, exchange) {:ok, new_meta} end end @impl true def handle_info(message, state(channel: %{adapter: adapter}) = state) do case adapter.handle_message(message) do {:consume_ok, meta} -> handle_mod_ready(meta, state) {:deliver, payload, meta} -> handle_delivery(payload, meta, state) {:cancel, _meta} -> {:stop, :canceled, state} {:cancel_ok, _meta} -> {:stop, {:shutdown, :canceled}, state} {:return, _payload, _meta} = message -> super(message, state) :unknown -> super(message, state) end end def handle_info(message, state) do super(message, state) end defp handle_mod_ready(meta, state(mod: mod, given: given) = state) do case mod.handle_ready(complete(meta, state), given) do {:noreply, new_given} -> {:noreply, state(state, given: new_given)} {:noreply, new_given, timeout} -> {:noreply, state(state, given: new_given), timeout} {:stop, reason, new_given} -> {:stop, reason, state(state, given: new_given)} end end @reply_actions [:ack, :nack, :reject] defp handle_delivery(payload, meta, state(mod: mod, given: given, exchange: exchange) = state) do Freddy.Tracer.with_process_span(meta, exchange, mod, fn -> meta = complete(meta, state) result = case mod.decode_message(payload, meta, given) do {:ok, new_payload, new_given} -> mod.handle_message(new_payload, meta, new_given) {:ok, new_payload, new_meta, new_given} -> mod.handle_message(new_payload, new_meta, new_given) other -> other end case result do {:reply, action, new_given} when action in @reply_actions -> apply(__MODULE__, action, [meta]) {:noreply, state(state, given: new_given)} {:reply, action, opts, new_given} when action in @reply_actions -> apply(__MODULE__, action, [meta, opts]) {:noreply, state(state, given: new_given)} {:noreply, new_given} -> {:noreply, state(state, given: new_given)} {:noreply, new_given, timeout} -> {:noreply, state(state, given: new_given), timeout} {:stop, reason, new_given} -> {:stop, reason, state(state, given: new_given)} end end) end defp complete(meta, state(channel: channel, queue: queue, exchange: exchange)) do meta |> Map.put(:exchange, exchange) |> Map.put(:queue, queue) |> Map.put(:channel, channel) end end
defmodule Zippex do @moduledoc """ A Zipper is a representation of an aggregate data structure which allows it to be traversed and updated arbitrarily. This module implements tree-like semantics for traversing a data structure. ## Focus The current node of the zipper, also known as the focus node, can be retrieved by calling the `focus/1` function. The following functions provide other information relating to the focus node: * `lefts/1` - returns the left siblings of the focus node * `rights/1` - returns the rights siblings of the focus node * `path/1` - returns the path to the focus node from the root ## Traversal The focus can be moved using the following functions: * `head/1` - moves to the root node * `down/1` - moves to the first child of the focus node * `up/1` - moves to the parent of the focus node * `left/1` - moves to the left sibling of the focus node * `leftmost/1` - moves to the leftmost sibling of the focus node * `right/1` - moves to the right sibling of the focus node * `rightmost/1` - moves to the rightmost sibling of the focus node * `next/1` - moves to the next node in a depth-first traversal * `prev/1` - moves to the previous node in a depth-first traversal ## Enumeration `Zippex` implements the `Enumerable` protocol, which allows it's values to be enumerated in a depth-first traversal. ## Updates The focus node can be modified using the functions `edit/2` or `edit/3`. It can be removed, along with it's children, using the `remove/1` function, after which the focus is moved to the previous node in a depth-first traversal. """ import Kernel, except: [node: 1] alias Zippex.Context alias Zippex.Meta defstruct [:spec, :node, :ctx] @type t :: %__MODULE__{spec: Meta.t(), node: element, ctx: Context.t() | :end} @type edit_fun :: (element -> element) @type edit_with_args_fun :: (element, args -> element) @type element :: any @type args :: any @doc """ Returns a new Zipper for a given `node` element. `is_branch_fun` receives a node and returns `true` if it is a branch, or `false` otherwise. `children_fun` receives a node (which is a branch) and returns a list of it's child nodes. `make_node_fun` receives a parent node and a list of child nodes and returns a new node. """ @spec new(Meta.is_branch_fun(), Meta.children_fun(), Meta.make_node_fun(), element) :: t def new(is_branch, children, make_node, root) do spec =, children, make_node) %Zippex{ node: root, spec: spec, ctx: %Context{} } end @doc """ Returns the focus node of a zipper. """ @spec focus(t) :: element def focus(zipper) def focus(%Zippex{node: n}), do: n @doc """ Returns the root node of the zipper. """ @spec root(t) :: element def root(%Zippex{} = zipper) do zipper |> head() |> focus() end @doc """ Returns the path to the focus node. """ @spec path(t) :: list(element) def path(%Zippex{ctx: ctx}) do Context.path(ctx, []) end @doc """ Returns the left siblings of the focus node. """ @spec lefts(t) :: list(element) def lefts(%Zippex{ctx: %{left: ls}}), do: ls @doc """ Returns the right siblings of the focus node. """ @spec rights(t) :: list(element) def rights(%Zippex{ctx: %{right: rs}}), do: rs @doc """ Moves to the head of the zipper. """ @spec head(t) :: element def head(%Zippex{} = zipper) do case up(zipper) do nil -> leftmost(zipper) z -> head(z) end end @doc """ Moves to the left sibling of the focus node. Returns the updated zipper, or `nil` if the focus node has no left sibling. """ @spec left(t) :: t | nil def left(%Zippex{node: n, ctx: ctx} = zipper) do case ctx do %{left: []} -> nil %{left: [prev | left], right: right} -> ctx = %{ctx | left: left, right: [n | right]} %{zipper | node: prev, ctx: ctx} end end @doc """ Moves to the leftmost sibling of the focus node. Returns the updated zipper. """ @spec leftmost(t) :: t def leftmost(%Zippex{node: n, ctx: ctx} = zipper) do case ctx do %{left: []} -> zipper %{left: ls, right: rs} -> [leftmost | right] = Enum.reduce(ls, [n | rs], &[&1 | &2]) ctx = %{ctx | left: [], right: right} %{zipper | node: leftmost, ctx: ctx} end end @doc """ Moves to the right sibling of the focus node. Returns the updated zipper, or `nil` if the focus node has no right sibling. """ @spec right(t) :: t | nil def right(%Zippex{node: n, ctx: ctx} = zipper) do case ctx do %{right: []} -> nil %{left: left, right: [next | right]} -> ctx = %{ctx | left: [n | left], right: right} %{zipper | node: next, ctx: ctx} end end @doc """ Moves to the rightmost sibling of the focus node. Returns the updated zipper. """ @spec rightmost(t) :: t def rightmost(%Zippex{node: n, ctx: ctx} = zipper) do case ctx do %{right: []} -> zipper %{left: ls, right: rs} -> [rightmost | left] = Enum.reduce(rs, [n | ls], &[&1 | &2]) ctx = %{ctx | left: left, right: []} %{zipper | node: rightmost, ctx: ctx} end end @doc """ Moves to the parent of the focus node. Returns the updated zipper, or `nil` if the focus node has no parent. """ @spec up(t) :: t | nil def up(%Zippex{node: n, ctx: ctx, spec: spec} = zipper) do case ctx do %{parent: nil} -> nil %{parent: parent, ctx: parent_ctx, dirty: false} -> %{zipper | node: parent, ctx: parent_ctx} %{left: left, right: right, parent: parent, ctx: parent_ctx, dirty: true} -> children = Enum.reverse(left) ++ [n | right] parent = Meta.make_node(spec, parent, children) %{zipper | node: parent, ctx: %{parent_ctx | dirty: true}} end end @doc """ Moves to the first child of the focus node. Returns the updated zipper, or `nil` if the focus node has no children. """ @spec down(t) :: t | nil def down(%Zippex{ctx: parent_ctx, node: parent, spec: spec} = zipper) do if Meta.is_branch(spec, parent) do case Meta.children(spec, parent) do [child | right] -> ctx = %Context{left: [], right: right, parent: parent, ctx: parent_ctx} %{zipper | node: child, ctx: ctx} _ -> nil end end end @doc """ Moves to the next node of the focus node in a depth-first traversal. """ @spec next(t) :: t def next(%Zippex{spec: spec, node: n} = zipper) do if Meta.is_branch(spec, n) do down(zipper) else case right(zipper) do nil -> next_recur(zipper) right -> right end end end @spec next_recur(t) :: t defp next_recur(%Zippex{} = zipper) do case up(zipper) do nil -> %{zipper | ctx: :end} z -> case right(z) do nil -> next_recur(z) right -> right end end end @doc """ Moves to the previous node of the focus node in a depth-first traversal. """ @spec prev(t) :: t def prev(%Zippex{ctx: ctx} = zipper) do case ctx do %{left: []} -> up(zipper) _ -> prev_recur(zipper) end end @spec prev_recur(t) :: t defp prev_recur(%Zippex{} = zipper) do case down(zipper) do nil -> zipper z -> z |> rightmost() |> prev_recur() end end @doc """ Removes the focus node, moving the focus to the node that would have preceded it in a depth-first traversal. """ @spec remove(t) :: t def remove(%Zippex{ctx: ctx, spec: spec} = zipper) do case ctx do %{ctx: nil} -> raise(ArgumentError, "can't remove root") %{left: [], right: right, parent: parent, ctx: parent_ctx} -> parent_ctx = %{parent_ctx | dirty: true} %{zipper | node: Meta.make_node(spec, parent, right), ctx: parent_ctx} %{left: [l | ls]} -> ctx = %{ctx | left: ls, dirty: true} %{zipper | node: l, ctx: ctx} |> remove_prev() end end @spec remove_prev(t) :: t defp remove_prev(%Zippex{} = zipper) do case down(zipper) do nil -> zipper z -> z |> rightmost() |> remove_prev() end end @doc """ Modifies the focus node by applying a function to it. """ @spec edit(t, edit_fun) :: t def edit(%Zippex{node: n, ctx: ctx} = zipper, fun) do %{zipper | node: fun.(n), ctx: %{ctx | dirty: true}} end @doc """ Modifies the focus node by applying a function to it. """ @spec edit(t, edit_with_args_fun, args) :: t def edit(%Zippex{node: n, ctx: ctx} = zipper, fun, args) do %{zipper | node: fun.(n, args), ctx: %{ctx | dirty: true}} end defimpl Enumerable do @impl true def reduce(zipper, acc, fun) def reduce(_zipper, {:halt, acc}, _fun), do: {:halted, acc} def reduce(zipper, {:suspend, acc}, fun), do: {:suspended, acc, &reduce(zipper, &1, fun)} def reduce(%Zippex{ctx: ctx, node: n} = zipper, {:cont, acc}, fun) do case ctx do :end -> {:done, acc} _ -> zipper |> |> reduce(fun.(n, acc), fun) end end @impl true def count(_zipper), do: {:error, __MODULE__} @impl true def member?(_zipper, _element), do: {:error, __MODULE__} @impl true def slice(_zipper), do: {:error, __MODULE__} end end
defmodule Machinery.Plug do @moduledoc """ This Plug module is the entry point for the Machinery Dashboard. It's supposed to be used on the Endpoint of a Phoenix application, and it's responsible to call the Machinery.Endpoint. You're expected to use this as a plug on the main application, and it also accepts an optional parameter that is the path you want to mount the Machinery dashboard if it's other than `/machinery`. ## Parameters - `path`: A string with the path you want to mount the dashboard if other than `/machinery`. ## Example ``` defmodule YourProject.Endpoint do plug Machinery.Plug end ``` """ import Plug.Conn @default_path "/machinery" @doc false def init(default), do: default @doc """ call/2 Intercepts the request as a plug and check if it matches with the defined path passed as argument, if it does it moves on calling the process/2 that will prepare the request and pass it through the Machinery.Endpoint. """ def call(conn, [] = _path), do: call(conn, @default_path, matches?(conn, @default_path)) def call(conn, path), do: call(conn, path, matches?(conn, path)) def call(conn, path, true), do: process(conn, path) def call(conn, _path, false), do: conn @doc """ Function responsible for redirect the request to Machinery.Endpoint. """ def process(conn, path) do module = Application.get_env(:machinery, :module) model = Application.get_env(:machinery, :model) repo = Application.get_env(:machinery, :repo) conn |> assign(:mount_path, path) |> assign(:module, module) |> assign(:model, model) |> assign(:repo, repo) |> forward(path) |> halt end defp path_segments(path) do path |> String.split("/") |> Enum.reject(fn(x) -> x == "" end) end defp matches?(conn, path) do String.starts_with?(conn.request_path, path) end defp forward(conn, path) do Phoenix.Router.Route.forward(conn, path_segments(path), Machinery.Endpoint, []) end end
defmodule StrawHat.Map.States do @moduledoc """ States management use cases. """ import Ecto.Query alias StrawHat.{Error, Response} alias StrawHat.Map.{City, County, State} @spec get_states(Ecto.Repo.t(), Scrivener.Config.t()) :: Scrivener.Page.t() def get_states(repo, pagination \\ []) do Scrivener.paginate(State,, [], pagination)) end @spec create_state(Ecto.Repo.t(), State.state_attrs()) :: Response.t(State.t(), Ecto.Changeset.t()) def create_state(repo, state_attrs) do %State{} |> State.changeset(state_attrs) |> repo.insert() |> Response.from_value() end @spec update_state(Ecto.Repo.t(), State.t(), State.state_attrs()) :: Response.t(State.t(), Ecto.Changeset.t()) def update_state(repo, %State{} = state, state_attrs) do state |> State.changeset(state_attrs) |> repo.update() |> Response.from_value() end @spec destroy_state(Ecto.Repo.t(), State.t()) :: Response.t(State.t(), Ecto.Changeset.t()) def destroy_state(repo, %State{} = state) do state |> repo.delete() |> Response.from_value() end @spec find_state(Ecto.Repo.t(), String.t()) :: Response.t(State.t(), Error.t()) def find_state(repo, state_id) do repo |> get_state(state_id) |> Response.from_value("straw_hat_map.state.not_found", metadata: [state_id: state_id]) ) end @spec get_state(Ecto.Repo.t(), String.t()) :: State.t() | nil | no_return def get_state(repo, state_id) do repo.get(State, state_id) end @spec get_states_by_ids(Ecto.Repo.t(), [integer()]) :: [State.t()] | no_return() def get_states_by_ids(repo, state_ids) do State |> select([state], state) |> where([state], in ^state_ids) |> repo.all() end @spec get_cities(Ecto.Repo.t(), State.t()) :: [City.t()] | no_return() def get_cities(repo, %State{} = state) do City |> select([city], city) |> where([city], state_id: ^ |> repo.all() end @spec get_cities(Ecto.Repo.t(), [integer()]) :: [City.t()] | no_return() def get_cities(repo, state_ids) when is_list(state_ids) do City |> select([city], city) |> where([city], city.state_id in ^state_ids) |> repo.all() end @spec get_counties(Ecto.Repo.t(), [integer()]) :: [County.t()] | no_return() def get_counties(repo, state_ids) when is_list(state_ids) do County |> select([county], county) |> where([county], county.state_id in ^state_ids) |> repo.all() end end
defmodule Runlet.CLI do @moduledoc "Compile runlet expresions" @type t :: {[atom], atom} | {{[atom], atom}, [String.t() | integer]} @type e :: String.t() | [t] @spec aliases() :: [t] def aliases(), do: Runlet.Config.get(:runlet, :aliases, []) def exec(ast), do: exec!(ast, []) def exec(ast, bind), do: exec!(ast, bind) def exec!(ast), do: exec!(ast, []) def exec!(ast, bind) do {code, _} = Code.eval_quoted(ast, bind, __ENV__) code end @doc """ Compile a runlet expression to AST. Commands are looked up in the application environment: Application.get_env(:runlet, :aliases, []) """ @spec compile!(e) :: [t] def compile!(pipeline) do compile!(pipeline, aliases()) end @doc """ Compile a runlet expression to AST. ## Examples iex> Runlet.CLI.compile!( ...> ~s(test "foo" | bar 123), ...> [{"test", [{[:Fake, :Cmd, :AddArg], :exec}, ...> {{:Fake, :Cmd, :StaticArg}, ["static arg"]}]}, ...> {"bar", {[:Fake, :Cmd, :IntArg], :exec}}]) {:|>, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [{:|>, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [{{:., [], [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Fake, :Cmd, :AddArg]}, :exec]}, [], ["foo"]}, {{:., [], [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], {:Fake, :Cmd, :StaticArg}}, ["static arg"]]}, [], ["foo"]}]}, {{:., [], [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Fake, :Cmd, :IntArg]}, :exec]}, [], '{'}]} """ @spec compile!(e, [t]) :: [t] def compile!(pipeline, commands) do case compile(pipeline, commands) do {:error, error} -> throw(error) {:ok, insn} -> insn end end @doc """ Compile a runlet expression to AST Commands are looked up in the application environment: Application.get_env(:runlet, :aliases, []) """ @spec compile(e) :: {:ok, [t]} | {:error, String.t()} def compile(pipeline) do compile(pipeline, aliases()) end @doc """ Compile a runlet expression to AST ## Examples iex> Runlet.CLI.compile( ...> ~s(test "foo" | bar 123), ...> [{"test", [{[:Fake, :Cmd, :AddArg], :exec}, ...> {{:Fake, :Cmd, :StaticArg}, ["static arg"]}]}, ...> {"bar", {[:Fake, :Cmd, :IntArg], :exec}}]) {:ok, {:|>, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [{:|>, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [{{:., [], [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Fake, :Cmd, :AddArg]}, :exec]}, [], ["foo"]}, {{:., [], [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], {:Fake, :Cmd, :StaticArg}}, ["static arg"]]}, [], ["foo"]}]}, {{:., [], [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], [:Fake, :Cmd, :IntArg]}, :exec]}, [], '{'}]}} """ @spec compile(e, [t]) :: {:ok, [t]} | {:error, String.t()} def compile(pipeline, commands) do with {:ok, code} <- ast(pipeline, commands) do {:ok, pipe(code)} end end def ast(pipeline, commands) do fun = fn {cmd, arg} -> maybe_argv = fn {{_mod, _fun}, _argv} = t -> t {mod, fun} -> {{mod, fun}, arg} end case List.keyfind(commands, cmd, 0) do nil -> {:error, "#{cmd}: not found"} {^cmd, {{_mod, _fun}, _argv} = t} -> {:ok, [t]} {^cmd, {mod, fun}} -> {:ok, [{{mod, fun}, arg}]} {^cmd, form} when is_list(form) -> {:ok, form |> |> Enum.reverse()} end end with {:ok, command} <- parse(pipeline) do expand(command, fun) end end def pipe(code) do Enum.reduce(code, fn term, acc -> {:|>, [context: Elixir, import: Kernel], [acc, term]} end) end @spec expand([t], fun) :: {:ok, [t]} | {:error, String.t()} def expand(pipeline, fun) do with {:ok, cmds} <- substitute(pipeline, fun) do {:ok,, fn cmd -> to_ast(cmd) end)} end end @spec substitute([t], fun) :: {:ok, [t]} | {:error, String.t()} def substitute(cmds, fun), do: substitute(cmds, fun, []) def substitute([], _fun, acc) do {:ok, Enum.reverse(List.flatten(acc))} end def substitute([cmd | cmds], fun, acc) do case fun.(cmd) do {:error, _} = error -> error {:ok, form} -> substitute(cmds, fun, [form | acc]) end end def to_ast({{mod, fun}, arg}) do {{:., [], [{:__aliases__, [alias: false], mod}, fun]}, [], arg} end @doc """ Tokenize a runlet expression. ## Examples iex> Runlet.CLI.lex(~s(test "foo" | bar 123 | out > 456)) {:ok, [ {:command, 1, "test"}, {:string, 1, 'foo'}, {:|, 1}, {:command, 1, "bar"}, {:integer, 1, 123}, {:|, 1}, {:command, 1, "out"}, {:>, 1}, {:integer, 1, 456} ], 1} """ def lex(command) do command |> String.to_charlist() |> :runlet_lexer.string() end @doc """ Parse a runlet expression. ## Examples iex> Runlet.CLI.parse(~s(test "foo" | bar 123 | out > 456)) {:ok, [{"test", ["foo"]}, {"bar", '{'}, {"out", []}, {">", [456]}]} """ @spec parse(e) :: {:ok, [{String.t(), [Runlet.PID.t() | String.t()]}]} | {:error, String.t()} def parse(command) when is_binary(command) do result = with {:ok, tokens, _} <- lex(command) do :runlet_parser.parse(tokens) end case result do {:error, {_line, :runlet_lexer, error}, _n} -> {:error, "#{:runlet_lexer.format_error(error)}"} {:error, {_line, :runlet_parser, error}} -> {:error, "#{:runlet_parser.format_error(error)}"} {:ok, pipeline} -> {:ok, pipeline} end end def parse(command) when is_list(command), do: {:ok, command} @doc """ Insert a runlet pipeline into another pipeline. ## Examples iex> Runlet.CLI.insert(~s(test "foo" | bar 123 | another), ...> ~s(insert | here), 2) {:ok, [{"test", ["foo"]}, {"bar", '{'}, {"insert", []}, {"here", []}, {"another", []}]} """ @spec insert(e, String.t() | [t], integer) :: {:ok, [t]} | {:error, String.t()} def insert(pipeline, command, position) do with {:ok, code} <- parse(pipeline), {:ok, insn} <- parse(command) do {:ok, code |> List.insert_at(position, insn) |> List.flatten()} end end @doc """ Add a runlet expression at the start of a pipeline. ## Examples iex> Runlet.CLI.prepend(~s(test "foo" | bar 123 | another), ~s(insert | here)) {:ok, [{"insert", []}, {"here", []}, {"test", ["foo"]}, {"bar", '{'}, {"another", []}]} """ @spec prepend(e, e) :: {:ok, [t]} | {:error, String.t()} def prepend(code, command), do: insert(code, command, 0) @doc """ Add a runlet expression to the end of a pipeline. ## Examples iex> Runlet.CLI.append(~s(test "foo" | bar 123 | another), ~s(insert | here)) {:ok, [{"test", ["foo"]}, {"bar", '{'}, {"another", []}, {"insert", []}, {"here", []}]} """ @spec append(e, e) :: {:ok, [t]} | {:error, String.t()} def append(code, command), do: insert(code, command, -1) end
defmodule Bunt.ANSI.Sequence do @moduledoc false defmacro defalias(alias_name, original_name) do quote bind_quoted: [alias_name: alias_name, original_name: original_name] do def unquote(alias_name)() do unquote(original_name)() end defp format_sequence(unquote(alias_name)) do unquote(original_name)() end end end defmacro defsequence(name, code, prefix \\ "", terminator \\ "m") do quote bind_quoted: [name: name, code: code, prefix: prefix, terminator: terminator] do def unquote(name)() do "\e[#{unquote(prefix)}#{unquote(code)}#{unquote(terminator)}" end defp format_sequence(unquote(name)) do unquote(name)() end end end end defmodule Bunt.ANSI do @moduledoc """ Functionality to render ANSI escape sequences. [ANSI escape sequences]( are characters embedded in text used to control formatting, color, and other output options on video text terminals. """ import Bunt.ANSI.Sequence @color_tuples [ {nil, :color16, 16, {0, 0, 0}}, {nil, :color17, 17, {0, 0, 95}}, {"darkblue", :color18, 18, {0, 0, 135}}, {nil, :color19, 19, {0, 0, 175}}, {"mediumblue", :color20, 20, {0, 0, 215}}, {nil, :color21, 21, {0, 0, 255}}, {"darkgreen", :color22, 22, {0, 95, 0}}, {"darkslategray", :color23, 23, {0, 95, 95}}, {nil, :color24, 24, {0, 95, 135}}, {nil, :color25, 25, {0, 95, 175}}, {nil, :color26, 26, {0, 95, 215}}, {nil, :color27, 27, {0, 95, 255}}, {nil, :color28, 28, {0, 135, 0}}, {nil, :color29, 29, {0, 135, 95}}, {"darkcyan", :color30, 30, {0, 135, 135}}, {nil, :color31, 31, {0, 135, 175}}, {nil, :color32, 32, {0, 135, 215}}, {nil, :color33, 33, {0, 135, 255}}, {nil, :color34, 34, {0, 175, 0}}, {nil, :color35, 35, {0, 175, 95}}, {nil, :color36, 36, {0, 175, 135}}, {nil, :color37, 37, {0, 175, 175}}, {nil, :color38, 38, {0, 175, 215}}, {"deepskyblue", :color39, 39, {0, 175, 255}}, {nil, :color40, 40, {0, 215, 0}}, {nil, :color41, 41, {0, 215, 95}}, {nil, :color42, 42, {0, 215, 135}}, {nil, :color43, 43, {0, 215, 175}}, {nil, :color44, 44, {0, 215, 215}}, {nil, :color45, 45, {0, 215, 255}}, {nil, :color46, 46, {0, 255, 0}}, {nil, :color47, 47, {0, 255, 95}}, {"springgreen", :color48, 48, {0, 255, 135}}, {nil, :color49, 49, {0, 255, 175}}, {nil, :color50, 50, {0, 255, 215}}, {"aqua", :color51, 51, {0, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color52, 52, {95, 0, 0}}, {nil, :color53, 53, {95, 0, 95}}, {nil, :color54, 54, {95, 0, 135}}, {nil, :color55, 55, {95, 0, 175}}, {nil, :color56, 56, {95, 0, 215}}, {nil, :color57, 57, {95, 0, 255}}, {nil, :color58, 58, {95, 95, 0}}, {"dimgray", :color59, 59, {95, 95, 95}}, {nil, :color60, 60, {95, 95, 135}}, {nil, :color61, 61, {95, 95, 175}}, {nil, :color62, 62, {95, 95, 215}}, {nil, :color63, 63, {95, 95, 255}}, {nil, :color64, 64, {95, 135, 0}}, {nil, :color65, 65, {95, 135, 95}}, {nil, :color66, 66, {95, 135, 135}}, {"steelblue", :color67, 67, {95, 135, 175}}, {nil, :color68, 68, {95, 135, 215}}, {nil, :color69, 69, {95, 135, 255}}, {nil, :color70, 70, {95, 175, 0}}, {nil, :color71, 71, {95, 175, 95}}, {nil, :color72, 72, {95, 175, 135}}, {nil, :color73, 73, {95, 175, 175}}, {nil, :color74, 74, {95, 175, 215}}, {nil, :color75, 75, {95, 175, 255}}, {nil, :color76, 76, {95, 215, 0}}, {nil, :color77, 77, {95, 215, 95}}, {nil, :color78, 78, {95, 215, 135}}, {nil, :color79, 79, {95, 215, 175}}, {nil, :color80, 80, {95, 215, 215}}, {nil, :color81, 81, {95, 215, 255}}, {nil, :color82, 82, {95, 255, 0}}, {nil, :color83, 83, {95, 255, 95}}, {nil, :color84, 84, {95, 255, 135}}, {nil, :color85, 85, {95, 255, 175}}, {nil, :color86, 86, {95, 255, 215}}, {nil, :color87, 87, {95, 255, 255}}, {"darkred", :color88, 88, {135, 0, 0}}, {nil, :color89, 89, {135, 0, 95}}, {"darkmagenta", :color90, 90, {135, 0, 135}}, {nil, :color91, 91, {135, 0, 175}}, {nil, :color92, 92, {135, 0, 215}}, {nil, :color93, 93, {135, 0, 255}}, {nil, :color94, 94, {135, 95, 0}}, {nil, :color95, 95, {135, 95, 95}}, {nil, :color96, 96, {135, 95, 135}}, {nil, :color97, 97, {135, 95, 175}}, {nil, :color98, 98, {135, 95, 215}}, {nil, :color99, 99, {135, 95, 255}}, {"olive", :color100, 100, {135, 135, 0}}, {nil, :color101, 101, {135, 135, 95}}, {nil, :color102, 102, {135, 135, 135}}, {nil, :color103, 103, {135, 135, 175}}, {nil, :color104, 104, {135, 135, 215}}, {nil, :color105, 105, {135, 135, 255}}, {nil, :color106, 106, {135, 175, 0}}, {nil, :color107, 107, {135, 175, 95}}, {nil, :color108, 108, {135, 175, 135}}, {nil, :color109, 109, {135, 175, 175}}, {nil, :color110, 110, {135, 175, 215}}, {nil, :color111, 111, {135, 175, 255}}, {nil, :color112, 112, {135, 215, 0}}, {nil, :color113, 113, {135, 215, 95}}, {nil, :color114, 114, {135, 215, 135}}, {nil, :color115, 115, {135, 215, 175}}, {nil, :color116, 116, {135, 215, 215}}, {nil, :color117, 117, {135, 215, 255}}, {"chartreuse", :color118, 118, {135, 255, 0}}, {nil, :color119, 119, {135, 255, 95}}, {nil, :color120, 120, {135, 255, 135}}, {nil, :color121, 121, {135, 255, 175}}, {"aquamarine", :color122, 122, {135, 255, 215}}, {nil, :color123, 123, {135, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color124, 124, {175, 0, 0}}, {nil, :color125, 125, {175, 0, 95}}, {nil, :color126, 126, {175, 0, 135}}, {nil, :color127, 127, {175, 0, 175}}, {nil, :color128, 128, {175, 0, 215}}, {nil, :color129, 129, {175, 0, 255}}, {nil, :color130, 130, {175, 95, 0}}, {nil, :color131, 131, {175, 95, 95}}, {nil, :color132, 132, {175, 95, 135}}, {nil, :color133, 133, {175, 95, 175}}, {nil, :color134, 134, {175, 95, 215}}, {nil, :color135, 135, {175, 95, 255}}, {nil, :color136, 136, {175, 135, 0}}, {nil, :color137, 137, {175, 135, 95}}, {nil, :color138, 138, {175, 135, 135}}, {nil, :color139, 139, {175, 135, 175}}, {nil, :color140, 140, {175, 135, 215}}, {nil, :color141, 141, {175, 135, 255}}, {nil, :color142, 142, {175, 175, 0}}, {nil, :color143, 143, {175, 175, 95}}, {nil, :color144, 144, {175, 175, 135}}, {nil, :color145, 145, {175, 175, 175}}, {nil, :color146, 146, {175, 175, 215}}, {nil, :color147, 147, {175, 175, 255}}, {nil, :color148, 148, {175, 215, 0}}, {nil, :color149, 149, {175, 215, 95}}, {nil, :color150, 150, {175, 215, 135}}, {nil, :color151, 151, {175, 215, 175}}, {nil, :color152, 152, {175, 215, 215}}, {nil, :color153, 153, {175, 215, 255}}, {"greenyellow", :color154, 154, {175, 255, 0}}, {nil, :color155, 155, {175, 255, 95}}, {nil, :color156, 156, {175, 255, 135}}, {nil, :color157, 157, {175, 255, 175}}, {nil, :color158, 158, {175, 255, 215}}, {nil, :color159, 159, {175, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color160, 160, {215, 0, 0}}, {nil, :color161, 161, {215, 0, 95}}, {nil, :color162, 162, {215, 0, 135}}, {nil, :color163, 163, {215, 0, 175}}, {nil, :color164, 164, {215, 0, 215}}, {nil, :color165, 165, {215, 0, 255}}, {nil, :color166, 166, {215, 95, 0}}, {nil, :color167, 167, {215, 95, 95}}, {nil, :color168, 168, {215, 95, 135}}, {nil, :color169, 169, {215, 95, 175}}, {nil, :color170, 170, {215, 95, 215}}, {nil, :color171, 171, {215, 95, 255}}, {"chocolate", :color172, 172, {215, 135, 0}}, {nil, :color173, 173, {215, 135, 95}}, {nil, :color174, 174, {215, 135, 135}}, {nil, :color175, 175, {215, 135, 175}}, {nil, :color176, 176, {215, 135, 215}}, {nil, :color177, 177, {215, 135, 255}}, {"goldenrod", :color178, 178, {215, 175, 0}}, {nil, :color179, 179, {215, 175, 95}}, {nil, :color180, 180, {215, 175, 135}}, {nil, :color181, 181, {215, 175, 175}}, {nil, :color182, 182, {215, 175, 215}}, {nil, :color183, 183, {215, 175, 255}}, {nil, :color184, 184, {215, 215, 0}}, {nil, :color185, 185, {215, 215, 95}}, {nil, :color186, 186, {215, 215, 135}}, {nil, :color187, 187, {215, 215, 175}}, {"lightgray", :color188, 188, {215, 215, 215}}, {nil, :color189, 189, {215, 215, 255}}, {nil, :color190, 190, {215, 255, 0}}, {nil, :color191, 191, {215, 255, 95}}, {nil, :color192, 192, {215, 255, 135}}, {nil, :color193, 193, {215, 255, 175}}, {"beige", :color194, 194, {215, 255, 215}}, {"lightcyan", :color195, 195, {215, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color196, 196, {255, 0, 0}}, {nil, :color197, 197, {255, 0, 95}}, {nil, :color198, 198, {255, 0, 135}}, {nil, :color199, 199, {255, 0, 175}}, {nil, :color200, 200, {255, 0, 215}}, {"fuchsia", :color201, 201, {255, 0, 255}}, {"orangered", :color202, 202, {255, 95, 0}}, {nil, :color203, 203, {255, 95, 95}}, {nil, :color204, 204, {255, 95, 135}}, {"hotpink", :color205, 205, {255, 95, 175}}, {nil, :color206, 206, {255, 95, 215}}, {nil, :color207, 207, {255, 95, 255}}, {"darkorange", :color208, 208, {255, 135, 0}}, {"coral", :color209, 209, {255, 135, 95}}, {nil, :color210, 210, {255, 135, 135}}, {nil, :color211, 211, {255, 135, 175}}, {nil, :color212, 212, {255, 135, 215}}, {nil, :color213, 213, {255, 135, 255}}, {"orange", :color214, 214, {255, 175, 0}}, {nil, :color215, 215, {255, 175, 95}}, {nil, :color216, 216, {255, 175, 135}}, {nil, :color217, 217, {255, 175, 175}}, {nil, :color218, 218, {255, 175, 215}}, {nil, :color219, 219, {255, 175, 255}}, {"gold", :color220, 220, {255, 215, 0}}, {nil, :color221, 221, {255, 215, 95}}, {"khaki", :color222, 222, {255, 215, 135}}, {"moccasin", :color223, 223, {255, 215, 175}}, {"mistyrose", :color224, 224, {255, 215, 215}}, {nil, :color225, 225, {255, 215, 255}}, {nil, :color226, 226, {255, 255, 0}}, {nil, :color227, 227, {255, 255, 95}}, {nil, :color228, 228, {255, 255, 135}}, {nil, :color229, 229, {255, 255, 175}}, {"lightyellow", :color230, 230, {255, 255, 215}}, {nil, :color231, 231, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color232, 232, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color233, 233, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color234, 234, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color235, 235, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color236, 236, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color237, 237, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color238, 238, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color239, 239, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color240, 240, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color241, 241, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color242, 242, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color243, 243, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color244, 244, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color245, 245, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color246, 246, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color247, 247, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color248, 248, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color249, 249, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color250, 250, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color251, 251, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color252, 252, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color253, 253, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color254, 254, {255, 255, 255}}, {nil, :color255, 255, {255, 255, 255}}, ] def color_tuples, do: @color_tuples for {name, color, code, _} <- @color_tuples do @doc "Sets foreground color to #{color}" defsequence color, code, "38;5;" @doc "Sets background color to #{color}" defsequence :"#{color}_background", code, "48;5;" if name do @doc "Sets foreground color to #{name}" defsequence :"#{name}", code, "38;5;" @doc "Sets background color to #{name}" defsequence :"#{name}_background", code, "48;5;" end end @color_aliases Application.get_env(:bunt, :color_aliases, []) def color_aliases, do: @color_aliases for {alias_name, original_name} <- @color_aliases do defalias alias_name, original_name defalias :"#{alias_name}_background", :"#{original_name}_background" end @typep ansicode :: atom() @typep ansilist :: maybe_improper_list(char() | ansicode() | binary() | ansilist(), binary() | ansicode() | []) @type ansidata :: ansilist() | ansicode() | binary() @doc """ Checks if ANSI coloring is supported and enabled on this machine. This function simply reads the configuration value for `:ansi_enabled` in the `:elixir` application. The value is by default `false` unless Elixir can detect during startup that both `stdout` and `stderr` are terminals. """ @spec enabled? :: boolean def enabled? do Application.get_env(:elixir, :ansi_enabled, false) end @doc "Resets all attributes" defsequence :reset, 0 @doc "Bright (increased intensity) or Bold" defsequence :bright, 1 @doc "Faint (decreased intensity), not widely supported" defsequence :faint, 2 @doc "Italic: on. Not widely supported. Sometimes treated as inverse" defsequence :italic, 3 @doc "Underline: Single" defsequence :underline, 4 @doc "Blink: Slow. Less than 150 per minute" defsequence :blink_slow, 5 @doc "Blink: Rapid. MS-DOS ANSI.SYS; 150 per minute or more; not widely supported" defsequence :blink_rapid, 6 @doc "Image: Negative. Swap foreground and background" defsequence :inverse, 7 @doc "Image: Negative. Swap foreground and background" defsequence :reverse, 7 @doc "Conceal. Not widely supported" defsequence :conceal, 8 @doc "Crossed-out. Characters legible, but marked for deletion. Not widely supported" defsequence :crossed_out, 9 @doc "Sets primary (default) font" defsequence :primary_font, 10 for font_n <- [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] do @doc "Sets alternative font #{font_n}" defsequence :"font_#{font_n}", font_n + 10 end @doc "Normal color or intensity" defsequence :normal, 22 @doc "Not italic" defsequence :not_italic, 23 @doc "Underline: None" defsequence :no_underline, 24 @doc "Blink: off" defsequence :blink_off, 25 colors = [:black, :red, :green, :yellow, :blue, :magenta, :cyan, :white] for {color, code} <- Enum.with_index(colors) do @doc "Sets foreground color to #{color}" defsequence color, code + 30 @doc "Sets background color to #{color}" defsequence :"#{color}_background", code + 40 end @doc "Default text color" defsequence :default_color, 39 @doc "Default background color" defsequence :default_background, 49 @doc "Framed" defsequence :framed, 51 @doc "Encircled" defsequence :encircled, 52 @doc "Overlined" defsequence :overlined, 53 @doc "Not framed or encircled" defsequence :not_framed_encircled, 54 @doc "Not overlined" defsequence :not_overlined, 55 @doc "Sends cursor home" defsequence :home, "", "H" @doc "Clears screen" defsequence :clear, "2", "J" @doc "Clears line" defsequence :clear_line, "2", "K" defp format_sequence(other) do raise ArgumentError, "invalid ANSI sequence specification: #{other}" end @doc ~S""" Formats a chardata-like argument by converting named ANSI sequences into actual ANSI codes. The named sequences are represented by atoms. It will also append an `IO.ANSI.reset/0` to the chardata when a conversion is performed. If you don't want this behaviour, use `format_fragment/2`. An optional boolean parameter can be passed to enable or disable emitting actual ANSI codes. When `false`, no ANSI codes will emitted. By default checks if ANSI is enabled using the `enabled?/0` function. ## Examples iex> IO.ANSI.format(["Hello, ", :red, :bright, "world!"], true) [[[[[[], "Hello, "] | "\e[31m"] | "\e[1m"], "world!"] | "\e[0m"] """ def format(chardata, emit \\ enabled?()) when is_boolean(emit) do do_format(chardata, [], [], emit, :maybe) end @doc ~S""" Formats a chardata-like argument by converting named ANSI sequences into actual ANSI codes. The named sequences are represented by atoms. An optional boolean parameter can be passed to enable or disable emitting actual ANSI codes. When `false`, no ANSI codes will emitted. By default checks if ANSI is enabled using the `enabled?/0` function. ## Examples iex> IO.ANSI.format_fragment([:bright, 'Word'], true) [[[[[[] | "\e[1m"], 87], 111], 114], 100] """ def format_fragment(chardata, emit \\ enabled?()) when is_boolean(emit) do do_format(chardata, [], [], emit, false) end defp do_format([term | rest], rem, acc, emit, append_reset) do do_format(term, [rest | rem], acc, emit, append_reset) end defp do_format(term, rem, acc, true, append_reset) when is_atom(term) do do_format([], rem, [acc | format_sequence(term)], true, !!append_reset) end defp do_format(term, rem, acc, false, append_reset) when is_atom(term) do do_format([], rem, acc, false, append_reset) end defp do_format(term, rem, acc, emit, append_reset) when not is_list(term) do do_format([], rem, [acc | [term]], emit, append_reset) end defp do_format([], [next | rest], acc, emit, append_reset) do do_format(next, rest, acc, emit, append_reset) end defp do_format([], [], acc, true, true) do [acc | IO.ANSI.reset] end defp do_format([], [], acc, _emit, _append_reset) do acc end end
defmodule VSCodeExUnitFormatter do @moduledoc false use GenServer alias VSCodeExUnitFormatter.VsSuite alias VSCodeExUnitFormatter.VsTestCase @impl GenServer def init(_opts) do root_test_suite = %VsSuite{id: "root", label: "ExUnit"} {:ok, root_test_suite} end @impl GenServer def handle_cast({:suite_started, _opts}, root_test_suite) do {:noreply, root_test_suite} end def handle_cast({:suite_finished, _run_us, _load_us}, root_test_suite) do root_test_suite |> Jason.encode!(pretty: true) |> IO.puts() {:noreply, root_test_suite} end def handle_cast({:module_started, %ExUnit.TestModule{} = test_module}, root_test_suite) do vscode_suite = root_test_suite = VsSuite.append_child_suite(root_test_suite, vscode_suite) {:noreply, root_test_suite} end def handle_cast({:module_finished, _test_module}, root_test_suite) do {:noreply, root_test_suite} end def handle_cast({:test_started, _test}, root_test_suite) do {:noreply, root_test_suite} end def handle_cast({:test_finished, %ExUnit.Test{} = test}, root_test_suite) do test_id = Base.encode16(Atom.to_string( root_suite_children =, fn %{children: testcases} = suite -> %{suite | children: update_test_state(testcases, test, test_id)} end) root_test_suite = %{root_test_suite | children: root_suite_children} {:noreply, root_test_suite} end def handle_cast({:case_started, _test}, root_test_suite) do {:noreply, root_test_suite} end def handle_cast({:case_finished, _test}, root_test_suite) do {:noreply, root_test_suite} end defp update_test_state(testcases, %ExUnit.Test{} = exunit_test, test_id) when is_list(testcases) do, fn %{id: id} = vs_test when id == test_id -> VsTestCase.update_state_from_exunit(vs_test, exunit_test) vs_test -> vs_test end) end end
defmodule Numy.Enumy do @moduledoc """ Extend Enum for homogeneous enumerables. """ @doc """ Check if all elements of a list are integers. ## Examples iex(1)> import Numy.Enumy Numy.Enumy iex(2)> all_integers?([1, 2, 3]) true iex(3)> all_integers?([1.1, 2, 3]) false """ @spec all_integers?(Enumerable.t()) :: boolean def all_integers?(enumerable) do Enum.all?(enumerable, fn item -> is_integer(item) end) end @doc """ Check if all elements of a list are floats. ## Examples iex(10)> import Numy.Enumy Numy.Enumy iex(11)> all_floats?([1.1, 2.2, 3.3]) true iex(12)> all_floats?([1.1, 2.2, 3]) false """ @spec all_floats?(Enumerable.t()) :: boolean def all_floats?(enumerable) do Enum.all?(enumerable, fn item -> is_float(item) end) end @spec all_numbers?(Enumerable.t()) :: boolean def all_numbers?(enumerable) do Enum.all?(enumerable, fn item -> is_number(item) end) end @doc """ Convert all numerical elements of a list to `float` type. ## Examples iex(13)> all_to_float([1.1, 2.2, 3]) [1.1, 2.2, 3.0] """ @spec all_to_float(Enumerable.t()) :: [float] def all_to_float(enumerable) do, fn item -> cond do is_float(item) -> item is_integer(item) -> item / 1 # idiomatic way to convert integer to float true -> raise "non numerical item" end end) end @doc """ The dot product is the sum of the products of the corresponding entries of the two sequences of numbers. ## Examples iex> dot_product([1,2,3],[2,3,0]) 8 """ @spec dot_product([number], [number]) :: number def dot_product(vec1, _vec2) when vec1 == [], do: 0 def dot_product(vec1, vec2) when is_list(vec1) and is_list(vec2) do [h1|t1] = vec1 [h2|t2] = vec2 (h1*h2) + dot_product(t1, t2) end @doc """ Get mean (average) of a sequence of numbers. ## Examples iex(14)> mean([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]) 5.0 """ @spec mean(Enumerable.t()) :: float def mean(enumerable) do Enum.sum(enumerable) / Enum.count(enumerable) end @doc "Sort elements with Quicksort" def sort([]), do: [] def sort([pivot | tail]) do {left, right} = Enum.split_with(tail, fn(x) -> x < pivot end) sort(left) ++ [pivot] ++ sort(right) end end
defmodule CRC.Legacy do @moduledoc false # Legacy CRC functions, these may be depraced in a future release and removed in v1.0 - RN defmacro __using__(_) do quote do @doc """ Calculates a 8-bit CRC with polynomial x^8+x^6+x^3+x^2+1, 0x14D. Chosen based on Koopman, et al. (0xA6 in his notation = 0x14D >> 1): seed defaults to 0xFF if one is not given """ @spec crc_8(binary, number) :: number defdelegate crc_8(input, seed \\ 0xFF), to: :crc @doc """ Calculates a 16-bit ANSI CRC checksum for the provided binary """ @spec crc_16(binary) :: number def crc_16(input), do: :crc_fast.calc(:crc_16, input) @doc """ Calculates a 16-bit CCITT CRC with the given seed, seed defaults to 0xFFFF if one is not given. This CCIT method uses a 0x1021 polynomial. """ @spec ccitt_16(binary) :: number def ccitt_16(input), do: :crc_fast.calc(:crc_16_ccitt_false, input) @spec ccitt_16(binary, number) :: number def ccitt_16(input, seed) do extend_model_seed(:crc_16_ccitt_false, seed) |> :crc_fast.calc(input) end @doc """ Calculates a 16-bit CCITT Kermit CRC This CCIT method uses a 0x8408 polynomial. """ @spec ccitt_16_kermit(binary) :: number def ccitt_16_kermit(input), do: :crc_fast.calc(:crc_16_kermit, input) @spec ccitt_16_kermit(binary, number) :: number def ccitt_16_kermit(input, seed) do extend_model_seed(:crc_16_kermit, seed) |> :crc_fast.calc(input) end @doc """ Calculates a 16-bit CCITT XMODEM CRC This CCIT method uses a 0x1021 polynomial. """ @spec ccitt_16_xmodem(binary) :: number def ccitt_16_xmodem(input), do: :crc_fast.calc(:xmodem, input) @doc """ Calculates a 16-bit CCITT 0x1D0F CRC This CCIT method uses a 0x1021 polynomial. """ @spec ccitt_16_1D0F(binary) :: number def ccitt_16_1D0F(input) do extend_model_seed(:crc_16_ccitt_false, 0x1D0F) |> :crc_fast.calc(input) end @doc """ Calculates a 16-bit modbus CRC """ @spec crc_16_modbus(binary) :: number def crc_16_modbus(input), do: :crc_fast.calc(:crc_16_modbus, input) @doc """ Calculates a 16-bit Sick CRC """ @spec crc_16_sick(binary) :: number def crc_16_sick(input), do: :crc_fast.calc(:crc_16_sick, input) @doc """ Calculates a 16-bit DNP CRC """ @spec crc_16_dnp(binary) :: number def crc_16_dnp(input), do: :crc_fast.calc(:crc_16_dnp, input) @doc """ Calculates a 32-bit CRC """ @spec crc_32(binary) :: number def crc_32(input), do: :crc_fast.calc(:crc_32, input) @doc """ Calculates an XOR checksum for the given binary """ @spec checksum_xor(binary) :: number defdelegate checksum_xor(input), to: :crc defp extend_model_seed(model, seed), do: %{extend: model, init: seed} end end end
defmodule Episode do defstruct [:show, :title, :season, :episode, :download_url] @type t :: %Episode { show: Show.t, title: String.t, season: pos_integer, episode: pos_integer, download_url: String.t } @doc """ iex> parse_title("S01E02.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X576.x264.mkv") [season: 1, episode: 2] iex> parse_title("E03.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X576.x264.mkv") [episode: 3] iex> parse_title("HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X576.x264.mkv") [] iex> parse_title("S03.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X576.x264.mkv") [] """ @spec parse_title(String.t) :: keyword def parse_title(title) do matched = Regex.named_captures(~r/(s(?<season>\d+))?e(?<episode>\d+)/ui, title) case matched do %{"episode" => episode, "season" => ""} -> [episode: String.to_integer(episode)] %{"episode" => episode, "season" => season} -> [season: String.to_integer(season), episode: String.to_integer(episode)] _ -> [] end end @doc """ iex> parse_episode_title(%Episode{title: "S01E02.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X576.x264.mkv"}) %Episode{title: "S01E02.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X576.x264.mkv", season: 1, episode: 2} iex> parse_episode_title(%Episode{title: "E03.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X576.x264.mkv"}) %Episode{title: "E03.HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X576.x264.mkv", episode: 3} iex> parse_episode_title(%Episode{title: "HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X576.x264.mkv"}) %Episode{title: "HR-HDTV.AC3.1024X576.x264.mkv"} """ @spec parse_episode_title(t) :: t def parse_episode_title(%Episode{title: title} = episode) do struct(episode, parse_title(title)) end @doc """ iex> episode_key(%Episode{show: %Show{name: "Flash"}, season: 2, episode: 1}) "Episode:Flash:2:1" iex> episode_key(%Episode{show: %Show{name: "Flash"}, season: nil, episode: 1}) "Episode:Flash:1" """ @spec episode_key(t) :: ConfigManager.key def episode_key(episode) def episode_key(%Episode{episode: nil} = episode) do [Episode,, episode.episode] |> ConfigManager.normalize_key() end def episode_key(episode) do [Episode,, episode.season, episode.episode] |> ConfigManager.normalize_key() end @spec new?(t) :: boolean def new?(episode) do episode |> episode_key() |> ConfigManager.exists?() |> Kernel.not() end @spec visit(t) :: non_neg_integer | :noop def visit(episode) do if new?(episode) do store_episode(episode) enqueue_daily_task(episode,, :time_zone)), [:episode, :new], [days: 7]) else :noop end end @spec store_episode(t, list | map) :: :ok def store_episode(episode, value) do episode |> episode_key() |> ConfigManager.put_hash(value) end @spec store_episode(t) :: :ok def store_episode(episode) do store_episode(episode, show:, title: episode.title, season: episode.season, episode: episode.episode, page:, download_url: episode.download_url ) end @spec enqueue_daily_task(Timex.datetime, ConfigManager.key, Timex.shift_options, ConfigManager.value) :: non_neg_integer def enqueue_daily_task(episode, datetime, prefix, shift) do end_of_day = datetime |> Timex.end_of_day() key = List.wrap(prefix) ++ [end_of_day |> Timex.to_date() |> Date.to_string()] count = ConfigManager.enqueue(key, episode_key(episode)) expire_at = end_of_day |> Timex.shift(shift) ConfigManager.expire_at(key, expire_at) store_episode(episode, [enqueued_at: datetime |> Timex.format!("{ISO:Extended}")]) count end end
defmodule Annex.Data do @moduledoc """ Annex.Data defines the callbacks and helpers for data structures used by Annex. An implementer of the Annex.Layer behaviour must return an Annex.Data implementer from the `c:data_type/0` callback. """ alias Annex.{ AnnexError, Data, Data.List1D, Data.List2D, Shape } require Shape @typedoc """ A module that implements the Annex.Data Behaviour. """ @type type :: module() @type flat_data :: [float(), ...] @type data :: struct() | flat_data() | [flat_data()] @type op :: any() @type args :: list(any()) defguard is_flat_data(data) when is_list(data) and is_float(hd(data)) @callback cast(data, Shape.t()) :: data() @callback to_flat_list(data) :: list(float()) @callback shape(data) :: Shape.t() @callback is_type?(any) :: boolean @callback apply_op(data(), op(), args()) :: data() defmacro __using__(_) do quote do require Annex.Data require Annex.Shape alias Annex.Data alias Annex.Shape @behaviour Annex.Data end end @doc """ Annex.Data.cast/4 calls cast/3 for an Annex.Data behaviour implementing module. Valid shapes are a non-empty tuple of positive integers or any the atom :any. e.g. `{2, 3}` or `{3, :any}` """ def cast(type, data, []) when is_list(data) do message = "Annex.Data.cast/3 got an empty list for shape" raise, type: type, data: data) end def cast(type, data, shape) when Shape.is_shape(shape) and is_atom(type) do type.cast(data, shape) end @spec cast(, Shape.t()) :: def cast(data, shape) do data |> infer_type() |> cast(data, shape) end @doc """ Flattens an Annex.Data into a list of floats via the type's callback. """ @spec to_flat_list(type(), data()) :: Data.flat_data() def to_flat_list(type, data), do: type.to_flat_list(data) @doc """ Flattens an Annex.Data into a list of floats via Enum.into/2. """ @spec to_flat_list( :: Data.flat_data() def to_flat_list(data) do data |> infer_type() |> to_flat_list(data) end @doc """ Given an Annex.Data `type` and the `data` returns the shape of the data. The shape of data is used to cast between the expected shapes from one Annex.Layer to the next or from one Annex.Sequence to the next. """ @spec shape(type(), data()) :: Shape.t() def shape(type, data), do: type.shape(data) @spec shape(data()) :: Shape.t() def shape(data), do: data |> infer_type() |> shape(data) @doc """ Given a type (Data implementing module) and some `data` returns true or false if the data is of the correct type. Calls `c:is_type?/1` of the `type`. """ def is_type?(nil, _), do: false def is_type?(type, data), do: type.is_type?(data) @doc """ Given a `type`, `data`, and a `target_shape` converts the data to the `type` and `target_shape` If the `data` matches the `type` and the `data_shape` matches the `target_shape` the data is returned unaltered. If either the `type` or `target_shape` do not match the `data` the data is casted using `Data.cast/3`. """ def convert(type, data, target_shape) do if is_type?(type, data) do data_shape = shape(type, data) do_convert(type, data, data_shape, target_shape) else flat = Data.to_flat_list(data) data_shape = List1D.shape(flat) do_convert(type, flat, data_shape, target_shape) end end defp do_convert(type, data, data_shape, target_shape) do new_shape = Shape.convert_abstract_to_concrete(target_shape, data_shape) cast(type, data, new_shape) end def flat_data_to_tensor(flat_data, shape) when Shape.is_shape(shape) do shape |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.reduce(flat_data, fn chunk_size, acc -> Enum.chunk_every(acc, chunk_size) end) |> unwrap() end defp unwrap([unwrapped]), do: unwrapped @spec infer_type(data()) :: any def infer_type(%module{} = item) do if function_exported?(module, :data_type, 1) do module.data_type(item) else module end end def infer_type([]) do raise %AnnexError{ message: """ #{inspect(__MODULE__)}.infer_type/1 was given an empty list. An empty list is not valid Data. """, details: [] } end def infer_type(data) when is_flat_data(data) do List1D end def infer_type([row | _]) when is_flat_data(row) do List2D end @spec apply_op(data(), any, list(any)) :: data def apply_op(data, name, args) do data |> infer_type() |> apply_op(data, name, args) end @spec apply_op(module, data(), any, list(any)) :: data() def apply_op(type, data, name, args) when is_atom(type) do type.apply_op(data, name, args) end @spec error(, :: Data.flat_data() def error(outputs, labels) do labels = Data.to_flat_list(labels) outputs |> Data.to_flat_list() |> Data.apply_op(:subtract, [labels]) end end
defmodule Expected.Plugs do @moduledoc """ Plugs for registering logins and authenticating persistent cookies. ## Requirements For the plugs in this module to work, you must plug `Expected` in your endpoint: plug Expected As `Expected` calls `Plug.Session` itself, you must not plug it in your endpoint. You must however configure the session in the `:expected` configuration: config :expected, store: :mnesia, table: :logins, auth_cookie: "_my_app_auth", session_store: PlugSessionMnesia.Store, # For instance. session_cookie: "_my_app_key" # The Plug.Session `:key` option. For the login registration to work, Expected needs to get the session ID from the session cookie. **You must use a session store that stores the session server-side and uses the cookie to store the session ID.** """ import Plug.Conn, only: [ assign: 3, configure_session: 2, delete_resp_cookie: 2, get_session: 2, put_private: 3, put_session: 3 ] alias Expected.NotLoadedUser alias Expected.CurrentUserError alias Expected.InvalidUserError alias Expected.PlugError @cookie_max_age 7_776_000 @doc """ Registers a login. ## Requirements This plug expects that the session contains a `:current_user` key featuring a `:username` field: conn |> put_session(:current_user, %User{username: "user", name: "A User"}) |> register_login() The names of these fields can be changed by setting the corresponding options: conn |> put_session(:logged_in_user, %User{user_id: "user", name: "A User"}) |> register_login(current_user: :logged_in_user, username: :user_id) They can also be set application-wide in the configuration: config :expected, ... plug_config: [current_user: :logged_in_user, username: :user_id] ## Authentication cookie Authentication information is stored in a cookie. By default, it is valid for 90 days after the last successful authentication. You can change this in the application configuration: config :expected, ... cookie_max_age: 86_400 # Set to one day, for example. Alternatively, you can set it locally: conn |> put_session(:current_user, %User{username: "user", name: "A User"}) |> assign(:persistent_login, true) |> register_login(cookie_max_age: 86_400) """ @spec register_login(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t() @spec register_login(Plug.Conn.t(), keyword()) :: Plug.Conn.t() def register_login(conn, opts \\ []) do expected = conn |> fetch_expected!() |> put_cookie_max_age(opts) |> Map.put(:username, fetch_username!(conn, opts)) |> Map.put(:action, :register_login) put_private(conn, :expected, expected) end @doc """ Logs a user out. This plug deletes the login and its associated session from the stores and their cookies. If there is no authentication cookie, it does nothing. """ @spec logout(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t() @spec logout(Plug.Conn.t(), keyword()) :: Plug.Conn.t() def logout(conn, _opts \\ []) do expected = fetch_expected!(conn) auth_cookie = conn.cookies[expected.auth_cookie] case parse_auth_cookie(auth_cookie) do {:ok, user, serial, _token} -> Expected.delete_login(user, serial) conn |> delete_resp_cookie(expected.session_cookie) |> delete_resp_cookie(expected.auth_cookie) _ -> delete_resp_cookie(conn, expected.auth_cookie) end end @doc """ Authenticates a connection. ## Session authentication This plug first checks if the session is already authenticated. It does so by reading the `:authenticated` field in the session. If it is `true`, it assigns `:authenticated` and `:current_user` in the `conn` according to their value in the session. The names of these fields can be changed by setting the corresponding options: conn |> authenticate(authenticated: :logged_in, current_user: :user_id) They can also be set application-wide in the configuration: config :expected, ... plug_config: [authenticated: :logged_in, current_user: :user_id] ## Cookie authentication If the session is not yet authenticated, this plug checks for an authentication cookie. By default, it is valid for 90 days after the last successful authentication. You can change this in the application configuration: config :expected, ... cookie_max_age: 86_400 # Set to one day, for example. Alternatively, you can set it locally: conn |> authenticate(cookie_max_age: 86_400) ## Alerts For security purpose, an authentication cookie can be used only once. If an authentication cookie is re-used, `conn.assigns.unexpected_token` is set to `true` and the session is not authenticated. You can check this value using `Expected.unexpected_token?/1` and accordingly inform the user of a possible malicious access. ## User loading After a successful cookie authentication, the `:current_user` field in both the session and the `conn` assigns is set to an `Expected.NotLoadedUser`, featuring the user’s username: %Expected.NotLoadedUser{username: "user"} You should load this user from the database in another plug following this one if the session has been authenticated. """ @spec authenticate(Plug.Conn.t()) :: Plug.Conn.t() @spec authenticate(Plug.Conn.t(), keyword()) :: Plug.Conn.t() def authenticate(conn, opts \\ []) do expected = fetch_expected!(conn) plug_config = Application.get_env(:expected, :plug_config, []) authenticated_field = get_option(opts, plug_config, :authenticated, :authenticated) current_user_field = get_option(opts, plug_config, :current_user, :current_user) auth_cookie = conn.cookies[expected.auth_cookie] with auth when auth != true <- get_session(conn, :authenticated), {:ok, user, serial, token} <- parse_auth_cookie(auth_cookie), {:ok, login} <-, serial, expected.store_opts), %{username: ^user, token: ^token} <- login do session_store = session_store.delete(nil, login.sid, expected.session_opts.store_config) not_loaded_user = %NotLoadedUser{username: user} expected = expected |> put_cookie_max_age(opts) |> Map.put(:login, login) |> Map.put(:action, :update_login) conn |> configure_session(renew: true) |> put_session(authenticated_field, true) |> put_session(current_user_field, not_loaded_user) |> assign(authenticated_field, true) |> assign(current_user_field, not_loaded_user) |> put_private(:expected, expected) else true -> put_auth(conn, authenticated_field, current_user_field) {:error, :no_cookie} -> conn {:error, :invalid} -> delete_resp_cookie(conn, expected.auth_cookie) {:error, :no_login} -> delete_resp_cookie(conn, expected.auth_cookie) %{username: username, token: _token} -> Expected.delete_all_user_logins(username) conn |> put_private(:unexpected_token, true) |> delete_resp_cookie(expected.auth_cookie) end end @spec fetch_expected!(Plug.Conn.t()) :: map() defp fetch_expected!(%{private: %{expected: expected}}), do: expected defp fetch_expected!(_), do: raise(PlugError) @spec parse_auth_cookie(String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t(), String.t(), String.t()} | {:error, :invalid} defp parse_auth_cookie(auth_cookie) when is_binary(auth_cookie) do with [encoded_user, serial, token] <- String.split(auth_cookie, "."), {:ok, user} <- Base.decode64(encoded_user) do {:ok, user, serial, token} else _ -> {:error, :invalid} end end defp parse_auth_cookie(nil), do: {:error, :no_cookie} defp parse_auth_cookie(_), do: {:error, :invalid} @spec put_auth(Plug.Conn.t(), atom(), atom()) :: Plug.Conn.t() defp put_auth(conn, authenticated_field, current_user_field) do conn |> assign(authenticated_field, true) |> assign(current_user_field, get_session(conn, current_user_field)) end @spec put_cookie_max_age(map(), keyword()) :: map() defp put_cookie_max_age(expected, opts) do env = Application.get_all_env(:expected) cookie_max_age = get_option(opts, env, :cookie_max_age, @cookie_max_age) Map.put(expected, :cookie_max_age, cookie_max_age) end @spec get_option(keyword(), keyword(), atom(), term()) :: term() defp get_option(opts, config, key, default) do opts[key] || config[key] || default end @spec fetch_username!(Plug.Conn.t(), keyword()) :: String.t() defp fetch_username!(conn, opts) do plug_config = Application.get_env(:expected, :plug_config, []) current_user = get_option(opts, plug_config, :current_user, :current_user) username = get_option(opts, plug_config, :username, :username) case get_session(conn, current_user) do %{^username => current_username} -> current_username nil -> raise CurrentUserError _ -> raise InvalidUserError end end end
defmodule Timber.Context do @moduledoc """ The ContextEntry module formalizes the structure of context stack entries Most users will not interact directly with this module and will instead use the helper functions provided by the main `Timber` module. See the `Timber` module for more information. The functions in this module work by modifying the Logger metadata store which is unique to every BEAM process. This is convenient in many ways. First and foremost, it does not require you to manually manage the metadata. Second, because we conform to the standard Logger principles, you can utilize Timber alongside other Logger backends without issue. Timber prefixes its contextual metadata keys so as not to interfere with other systems. """ alias Timber.Contextable alias Timber.Contexts alias Timber.Utils.Map, as: UtilsMap @typedoc """ Deprecated; please use `element` instead """ @type context_element :: element @type element :: map | Keyword.t() | Contexts.CustomContext.t() | Contexts.HTTPContext.t() | Contexts.JobContext.t() | Contexts.OrganizationContext.t() | Contexts.RuntimeContext.t() | Contexts.SessionContext.t() | Contexts.SystemContext.t() | Contexts.UserContext.t() @type t :: %{ optional(:custom) => Contexts.CustomContext.m(), optional(:http) => Contexts.HTTPContext.m(), optional(:job) => Contexts.JobContext.m(), optional(:organization) => Contexts.OrganizationContext.m(), optional(:runtime) => Contexts.RuntimeContext.m(), optional(:session) => Contexts.SessionContext.m(), optional(:system) => Contexts.SystemContext.m(), optional(:user) => Contexts.UserContext.m() } @doc false def new(), do: %{} @doc """ Takes an existing context element and inserts it into the provided context. """ @spec add(t, element) :: t def add(context, %Contexts.CustomContext{type: type} = context_element) when is_binary(type) do new_context_element = %{context_element | type: String.to_atom(type)} add(context, new_context_element) end def add(context, %Contexts.CustomContext{} = context_element) do key = type(context_element) api_map = to_api_map(context_element) insert(context, key, api_map) end def add(context, data) when is_list(data) do Enum.reduce(data, context, fn item, context -> add(context, item) end) end def add(context, {key, val}) do add(context, %{key => val}) end def add(context, data) do context_element = Contextable.to_context(data) key = type(context_element) context_element_map = to_api_map(context_element) insert(context, key, context_element_map) end # Inserts the context_element into the main context map @spec insert(t, atom, t) :: map defp insert(context, _key, new_context) when map_size(new_context) == 0 do context end defp insert(%{custom: custom_context} = context, :custom, new_context) do merged_custom_context = Map.merge(custom_context, new_context) Map.put(context, :custom, merged_custom_context) end defp insert(context, key, new_context) do Map.put(context, key, new_context) end @doc """ Merges two Context structs Entries in the second Context will override entries in the first. The caveat to this is custom context, which will descend into the custom context and merge it there. Even then, custom context entries in the second will override custom context entries in the first. """ @spec merge(t, t) :: t def merge(context, nil), do: context def merge(first_context, second_context) do Map.merge(first_context, second_context, &c_merge/3) end defp c_merge(:custom, first_context, second_context) do Map.merge(first_context, second_context) end defp c_merge(_key, first_context, _second_context) do first_context end @doc """ Removes a key from the provided context structure. """ @spec remove_key(t, atom) :: t def remove_key(context, key) do Map.delete(context, key) end # Converts a context_element into a map the Timber API expects. @spec to_api_map(element) :: map defp to_api_map(%Contexts.CustomContext{type: type, data: data}) do %{type => data} |> UtilsMap.recursively_drop_blanks() end defp to_api_map(%Contexts.JobContext{id: id} = context_element) when is_integer(id) do to_api_map(%{context_element | id: Integer.to_string(id)}) end defp to_api_map(%Contexts.OrganizationContext{id: id} = context_element) when is_integer(id) do to_api_map(%{context_element | id: Integer.to_string(id)}) end defp to_api_map(%Contexts.SessionContext{id: id} = context_element) when is_integer(id) do to_api_map(%{context_element | id: Integer.to_string(id)}) end defp to_api_map(%Contexts.SystemContext{pid: pid} = context_element) when is_binary(pid) do pid = case Integer.parse(pid) do {pid, _units} -> pid _ -> nil end to_api_map(%{context_element | pid: pid}) end defp to_api_map(%Contexts.UserContext{id: id} = context_element) when is_integer(id) do to_api_map(%{context_element | id: Integer.to_string(id)}) end defp to_api_map(context_element) do context_element |> UtilsMap.deep_from_struct() |> UtilsMap.recursively_drop_blanks() end # Determines the key name for the context_element that the Timber API expects. @spec type(element) :: atom defp type(%Contexts.CustomContext{}), do: :custom defp type(%Contexts.HTTPContext{}), do: :http defp type(%Contexts.JobContext{}), do: :job defp type(%Contexts.OrganizationContext{}), do: :organization defp type(%Contexts.RuntimeContext{}), do: :runtime defp type(%Contexts.SessionContext{}), do: :session defp type(%Contexts.SystemContext{}), do: :system defp type(%Contexts.UserContext{}), do: :user end
defmodule Mix.Tasks.Yuki.Test do @shortdoc "Tests all testcase" @moduledoc """ Tests your source code for the specified problem. From mix task: mix yuki.test NO [--problem-id] [--lang LANG] [--source SOURCE] [--time-limit TIME_LIMIT] [--module MODULE] From escript: yuki test NO [--problem-id] [--lang LANG] [--source SOURCE] [--time-limit TIME_LIMIT] [--module MODULE] In order to test your source code, solves a path of the source code. If there is prefix configuration, decides its filename consisting prefix, problem number, and, extention. For example, if prefix, problem number, and, language is `p`, `10`, and, `elixir`, respectively, the filename is `p10.ex`. Finds its file from directories `src` and `lib` recursively. > Note: If there is not any testcase for the problem, first, downloads its testcases. ## Options - `--problem-id`: if `true`, `NO` is the problem ID. If `false`, `NO` is the problem number. - `--lang`: this option specifies language to use. See `mix help yuki.lang.list` or `yuki help lang.list` for a list of available language. Without `language.primary` in config file, default to `elixir`. - `--source`: this option specifies a path of source code if source code is out of scope for auto search on `src` or `lib`. - `--time-limit`: this option redefines `TIME_LIMIT`. Default to 5000 ms. - `--module` : this option is only valid for `elixir` and specifies custom entry point `MODULE.main` on executing. """ use Mix.Task use YukiHelper.Docs import YukiHelper alias YukiHelper.{ Config, Download, Problem, Language } alias YukiHelper.Exceptions.CompileError @arguments [:integer] @switches [ problem_id: :boolean, version: :boolean, source: :string, lang: :atom, time_limit: :integer ] @version Mix.Project.config()[:version] @name Mix.Project.config()[:name] @impl true def run(argv) do {:ok, _} = Application.ensure_all_started(:yuki_helper) argv |> parse_options(@arguments, @switches) |> case do :version ->"#{@name} v#{@version}") :help ->["yuki.test"]) {:invalid_option, msg} -> Mix.raise(msg) {:invalid_arguments, msg} -> Mix.raise(msg) {opts, [no]} -> run_test(no, opts) end end defp run_test(no, opts) do config = Config.load_all() {language, compiler} = Language.verify!(config, opts)"Language : #{language}")"Compiler : #{compiler}") src = Problem.source_file!(config, no, opts)"Source : #{src}\n") testcase_list = Download.get_testcases!(config, no, opts) testcase_list |> Download.download_tastcases?(config, no) |> if do"download testcases : [skipped]") else problem_path = Path.expand(Problem.problem_path(config, no)) paths = %{} |> Map.put(:in, Path.join(problem_path, "in")) |> Map.put(:out, Path.join(problem_path, "out")) if not File.exists?(problem_path) do :ok = File.mkdir_p(paths[:in]) :ok = File.mkdir_p(paths[:out])"create directories\n #{paths[:in]}\n #{paths[:out]}") end"download testcases : #{length(testcase_list)} files") Enum.each(testcase_list, fn file -> [:in, :out] |> Enum.each(fn filetype -> path = Path.join(paths[filetype], file) data = YukiHelper.Download.get_testcase!(config, no, file, filetype) :ok = File.write(path, data) end)" #{file} : [#{success("ok")}]") end) end"") case Language.compile(config, src, opts) do {:error, %CompileError{}} ->"compile : [#{warning("CE")}]") {:ok, msg} ->"compile : [#{success("ok")}]") if 0 < String.length(msg) do end"run testcases: #{length(testcase_list)} files") execute_cmd(config, no, testcase_list, src, opts) end Language.clean_up(config, opts) end defp execute_cmd(config, no, testcase_list, source, opts) do Enum.reduce(testcase_list, true, fn _testcase, false = next -> next testcase, true = next -> case, no, testcase, source, opts) do :runtime_error ->" #{testcase} : [#{warning("RE")}]") next && false :time_limit ->" #{testcase} : [#{warning("TLE")}]") next {:wrong_answer, time} ->" #{testcase} : [#{warning("WA")}] / #{time} ms") next {:accept, time} ->" #{testcase} : [#{success("AC")}] / #{time} ms") next end end) end end
defmodule DgraphEx.Core.Expr.Uid do @moduledoc """ Syntax Examples: q(func: uid(<uid>)) predicate @filter(uid(<uid1>, ..., <uidn>)) predicate @filter(uid(a)) for variable a q(func: uid(a,b)) for variables a and b """ alias DgraphEx.Util defstruct [ :value, :type ] @types [ :literal, :expression ] defmacro __using__(_) do quote do def uid(value), do: unquote(__MODULE__).new(value) end end defguard is_uid(value, type) when (is_atom(value) or is_binary(value) or is_list(value)) and type in @types @doc """ lists of uid literals are rendered inside a `uid(<uids_here>)` function (as in @filter) lists of uid variables are rendered inside a `uid(<uids_here>)` function (as in @filter) therefore any list is an uid expression """ def new(value) when is_uid(value, :literal), do: new(value, :literal) def new(value) when is_uid(value, :expression), do: new(value, :expression) def new(uids) when is_uid(uids, :expression), do: new(uids, :expression) def new(value, type) when is_uid(value, type) do %__MODULE__{value: value, type: type} end @doc """ This function is used by Func to ensure that a uid string ("0x9") is rendered as an expression literal `uid(0x9)` instead of an actual literal `<0x9>` """ def as_expression(%__MODULE__{} = u), do: %{u | type: :expression} def as_literal(%__MODULE__{} = u), do: %{u | type: :literal} def as_naked(%__MODULE__{} = u), do: %{u | type: :naked} def render(%__MODULE__{value: value}) when is_atom(value), do: render_expression([value]) def render(%__MODULE__{value: value, type: :literal}) when is_binary(value) do {:ok, uid_literal} = Util.as_literal(value, :uid) uid_literal end def render(%__MODULE__{value: value, type: :literal}) when is_list(value), do: render_expression(value) def render(%__MODULE__{value: value, type: :naked}) when is_binary(value), do: value def render(%__MODULE__{value: value, type: :expression}) when is_atom(value) or is_binary(value), do: render_expression([value]) def render(%__MODULE__{value: value, type: :expression}) when is_list(value), do: render_expression(value) defp render_expression(uids) when is_list(uids) do args = uids |> |> Enum.join(", ") "uid(" <> args <> ")" end end defimpl String.Chars, for: DgraphEx.Core.Expr.Uid do def to_string(uid), do: DgraphEx.Core.Expr.Uid.render(uid) end
defmodule AdventOfCode.Day14 do @moduledoc ~S""" [Advent Of Code day 14]( """ defmodule Recipes do use GenServer defstruct [:scores, :elves, :last_index, :iterations] @type t :: %__MODULE__{scores: Map.t(), elves: [non_neg_integer], last_index: non_neg_integer} def start_link(input) do GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, input, name: __MODULE__) end def init(input) do scores = input |> split_score() |> Enum.with_index(1) |> Enum.into(%{}, fn {score, i} -> {i, score} end) struct = struct(__MODULE__, scores: scores, elves: [1, 2], last_index: Enum.count(scores), iterations: 0) {:ok, struct} end # API @timeout 50_000 def show_scoreboard(n), do:, {:show_scoreboard, n}, @timeout) def iterate, do: GenServer.cast(__MODULE__, :iterate) def print, do:, :print, @timeout) # CALLBACKS def handle_call(:print, _, state) do {:reply, do_print(state), state} end def handle_call({:show_scoreboard, n}, _, state) do {:reply, do_get_scoreboard((n + 1)..(n + 10), state.scores), state} end def handle_cast(:iterate, state) do {:noreply, do_iterate(state)} end # IMPLEMENTATION defp do_print(%{elves: [first, second], scores: scores}) do, fn {i, s} -> cond do i == first -> "(#{s})" i == second -> "[#{s}]" true -> " #{s} " end end) |> Enum.join(" ") end defp do_get_scoreboard(range, scores) do range |> i -> Map.get(scores, i) end) |> Enum.join() end defp do_iterate(%{elves: [first, second]} = state) do st = (Map.get(state.scores, first) + Map.get(state.scores, second)) |> split_score() |> Enum.reduce(state, fn score, st -> %{state | last_index: st.last_index + 1, scores: Map.put(st.scores, st.last_index + 1, score)} end) %{st | elves: move_elves(st), iterations: st.iterations + 1} end defp move_elves(%{elves: elves, last_index: li, scores: scores}) do, fn e -> case rem(e + Map.get(scores, e) + 1, li) do 0 -> li n -> n end end) end defp split_score(int), do: int |> to_string() |> String.codepoints() |> end def solve("1", iterations) do Recipes.start_link(37) 1..(iterations + 10) |> Enum.each(fn _ -> Recipes.iterate() end) Recipes.show_scoreboard(iterations) end def solve("2", x) do Recipes.start_link(37) do_iterate(to_string(x), 0) end defp do_iterate(x, n) do n = n + 1 Recipes.iterate() if n > 10 && String.starts_with?(Recipes.show_scoreboard(n - 10), x) do n - 10 else do_iterate(x, n) end end end
defmodule AbtDid.Type do @moduledoc """ Represents the type of the DID. A DID is composed of three inner types: `role_type`, `key_type` and `hash_type`. """ use TypedStruct typedstruct do field(:role_type, atom(), default: :account) field(:key_type, atom(), default: :ed25519) field(:hash_type, atom(), default: :sha3) end @doc """ Returns the DID type representing a blockchain node. """ @spec node() :: AbtDid.Type.t() def node, do: %AbtDid.Type{role_type: :node, key_type: :ed25519, hash_type: :sha2} @doc """ Returns the DID type representing a blockchain validator. """ @spec validator() :: AbtDid.Type.t() def validator, do: %AbtDid.Type{role_type: :validator, key_type: :ed25519, hash_type: :sha2} @doc """ Returns the DID type representing a tether. """ @spec tether() :: AbtDid.Type.t() def tether, do: %AbtDid.Type{role_type: :tether, key_type: :ed25519, hash_type: :sha2} @doc """ Returns the DID type representing a swap. """ @spec swap() :: AbtDid.Type.t() def swap, do: %AbtDid.Type{role_type: :swap, key_type: :ed25519, hash_type: :sha2} @doc """ Checks if a Did type is valid or not. """ @spec check_did_type!(AbtDid.Type.t()) :: :ok def check_did_type!(%{role_type: role, hash_type: hash, key_type: key}) when role in [:validator, :node, :tether, :swap] do if hash == :sha2 and key == :ed25519 do :ok else raise "The hash_type must be :sha2 and key_type must be :ed25519 if the role_type is :node or :validator." end end def check_did_type!(%{role_type: _, hash_type: hash, key_type: _}) do if hash == :sha2 do raise "The hash_type :sha2 is only used for role_type :node, :validator, :tether or :swap." else :ok end end end defmodule AbtDid.TypeBytes do @moduledoc """ Encodes the DId type information into bytes. """ alias AbtDid.Type @doc """ Converts the DID type struct to type bytes. ## Examples iex> AbtDid.TypeBytes.struct_to_bytes(%AbtDid.Type{}) <<0, 1>> iex> AbtDid.TypeBytes.struct_to_bytes(%AbtDid.Type{hash_type: :sha3_512}) <<0, 5>> iex> AbtDid.TypeBytes.struct_to_bytes(%AbtDid.Type{role_type: :application, key_type: :<KEY>, hash_type: :sha3_512}) "\f%" iex> AbtDid.TypeBytes.struct_to_bytes(%AbtDid.Type{role_type: :application, hash_type: :sha2}) ** (RuntimeError) The hash_type :sha2 is only used for role_type :node, :validator, :tether or :swap. """ @spec struct_to_bytes(Type.t()) :: binary() def struct_to_bytes(type) do AbtDid.Type.check_did_type!(type) <<_::bitstring-size(2), role::bitstring-size(6)>> = role_type_to_bytes(type.role_type) <<_::bitstring-size(3), key::bitstring-size(5)>> = key_type_to_bytes(type.key_type) <<_::bitstring-size(3), hash::bitstring-size(5)>> = hash_type_to_bytes(type.hash_type) <<role::bitstring, key::bitstring, hash::bitstring>> end @doc """ Converts the DID type bytes to DID type struct. ## Examples iex> AbtDid.TypeBytes.bytes_to_struct(<<0, 1>>) %AbtDid.Type{hash_type: :sha3, key_type: :ed25519, role_type: :account} iex> AbtDid.TypeBytes.bytes_to_struct(<<0, 5>>) %AbtDid.Type{hash_type: :sha3_512, key_type: :ed25519, role_type: :account} iex> AbtDid.TypeBytes.bytes_to_struct("\f%") %AbtDid.Type{role_type: :application, key_type: :<KEY>, hash_type: :sha3_512} iex> AbtDid.TypeBytes.bytes_to_struct(<<196, 5>>) ** (RuntimeError) Invliad role type: \"1\" """ @spec bytes_to_struct(binary()) :: Type.t() def bytes_to_struct(bytes) do <<role::bitstring-size(6), key::bitstring-size(5), hash::bitstring-size(5)>> = bytes role_type = bytes_to_role_type(<<0::size(2), role::bitstring>>) key_type = bytes_to_key_type(<<0::size(3), key::bitstring>>) hash_type = bytes_to_hash_type(<<0::size(3), hash::bitstring>>) %Type{role_type: role_type, key_type: key_type, hash_type: hash_type} end defp role_type_to_bytes(:account), do: <<0>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:node), do: <<1>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:device), do: <<2>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:application), do: <<3>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:smart_contract), do: <<4>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:bot), do: <<5>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:asset), do: <<6>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:stake), do: <<7>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:validator), do: <<8>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:group), do: <<9>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:tx), do: <<10>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:tether), do: <<11>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:swap), do: <<12>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:delegate), do: <<13>> defp role_type_to_bytes(:any), do: <<63>> defp role_type_to_bytes(role), do: raise("Invliad role type: #{inspect(role)}") defp bytes_to_role_type(<<0>>), do: :account defp bytes_to_role_type(<<1>>), do: :node defp bytes_to_role_type(<<2>>), do: :device defp bytes_to_role_type(<<3>>), do: :application defp bytes_to_role_type(<<4>>), do: :smart_contract defp bytes_to_role_type(<<5>>), do: :bot defp bytes_to_role_type(<<6>>), do: :asset defp bytes_to_role_type(<<7>>), do: :stake defp bytes_to_role_type(<<8>>), do: :validator defp bytes_to_role_type(<<9>>), do: :group defp bytes_to_role_type(<<10>>), do: :tx defp bytes_to_role_type(<<11>>), do: :tether defp bytes_to_role_type(<<12>>), do: :swap defp bytes_to_role_type(<<13>>), do: :delegate defp bytes_to_role_type(<<63>>), do: :any defp bytes_to_role_type(role), do: raise("Invliad role type: #{inspect(role)}") defp key_type_to_bytes(:ed25519), do: <<0>> defp key_type_to_bytes(:secp256k1), do: <<1>> defp key_type_to_bytes(key), do: raise("Invliad key type: #{inspect(key)}") defp bytes_to_key_type(<<0>>), do: :ed25519 defp bytes_to_key_type(<<1>>), do: :secp256k1 defp bytes_to_key_type(key), do: raise("Invliad key type: #{inspect(key)}") defp hash_type_to_bytes(:keccak), do: <<0>> defp hash_type_to_bytes(:sha3), do: <<1>> defp hash_type_to_bytes(:keccak_384), do: <<2>> defp hash_type_to_bytes(:sha3_384), do: <<3>> defp hash_type_to_bytes(:keccak_512), do: <<4>> defp hash_type_to_bytes(:sha3_512), do: <<5>> defp hash_type_to_bytes(:sha2), do: <<6>> defp hash_type_to_bytes(hash), do: raise("Invliad hash type: #{inspect(hash)}") defp bytes_to_hash_type(<<0>>), do: :keccak defp bytes_to_hash_type(<<1>>), do: :sha3 defp bytes_to_hash_type(<<2>>), do: :keccak_384 defp bytes_to_hash_type(<<3>>), do: :sha3_384 defp bytes_to_hash_type(<<4>>), do: :keccak_512 defp bytes_to_hash_type(<<5>>), do: :sha3_512 defp bytes_to_hash_type(<<6>>), do: :sha2 defp bytes_to_hash_type(hash), do: raise("Invliad hash type: #{inspect(hash)}") end
defmodule Keypad do @moduledoc """ `keypad` is implemented as a `__using__` macro so that you can put it in any module you want to handle the keypress events. Because it is small GenServer, it [accepts the same options for supervision]( to configure the child spec and passes them along to `GenServer`: ```elixir defmodule MyModule do use Keypad, restart: :transient, shutdown: 10_000 end ``` It also has its own set of options to pass to configure the keypad connections. At a minimum, you must pass either `:size` or a custom matrix with `:matrix`: * `:size` - If supplied without `:matrix` it will select the default matrix for the specified size. The delaration is `row x col`, so `:one_by_four` would be 1 row, 4 columns. * `:four_by_four` or `"4x4"` - Standard 12-digit keypad with `A`, `B`, `C`, and `D` keys * `:four_by_three` or `"4x3"` - Standard 12-digit keypad * `:one_by_four` or `"1x4"` * `:matrix` - A custom matrix to use for mapping keypresses to. Will take precedence over `:size` if supplied * Typically, these are `binary` values. However, these values are pulled from List and in theory can be anything you want. i.e. atom, integer, or even annonymous function * `:row_pins` - List of integers which map to corresponding GPIO to set as `INPUT` pins for keypard rows * On raspberry pi, these will also set the internal resistor to `PULL_UP` and inactive HIGH. For all other hardware, you will probably need to make sure to place some 10K resistors between your pin and ground. see [Setup]( doc for some examples * defaults to `[17, 27, 23, 24]` * `:col_pins` - List of integers which map to corresponding GPIO to as `OUTPUT` pins for keypad columns * defaults to `[5, 6, 13, 26]` """ @doc """ Required callback to handle keypress events based on defined matrix values. It's first argument will be the result of the keypress according to the defined matrix (most typically a binary string, though you can use anything you'd like). The second argument is the state of the keypad GenServer. You are required to return the state in this function. There is an optional field in the state called `:input` which is initialized as an empty string `""`. You can use this to keep input events from keypresses and build them as needed, such as putting multiple keypresses together to determine a password. **Note**: You will be responsible for resetting this input as needed. This is not required and you can optionally use other measures to keep rolling state, such as `Agent`. ```elixir defmodule MyKeypad do use Keypad require Logger @impl true def handle_keypress(key, %{input: ""} = state) do"First Keypress: \#{key}") Process.send_after(self(), :reset, 5000) # Reset input after 5 seconds %{state | input: key} end @impl true def handle_keypress(key, %{input: input} = state) do"Keypress: \#{key}") %{state | input: input <> key} end @impl true def handle_info(:reset, state) do {:noreply, %{state | input: ""}} end end ``` """ @callback handle_keypress(key :: any, map) :: map defmacro __using__(opts) do quote location: :keep, bind_quoted: [opts: opts] do use GenServer, Keyword.drop(opts, [:row_pins, :col_pins, :matrix, :size]) @behaviour Keypad alias __MODULE__ defmodule State do defstruct row_pins: [17, 27, 23, 24], col_pins: [5, 6, 13, 26], input: "", matrix: nil, size: nil, last_message_at: 0 end defguard valid_press(current, prev) when ((current - prev)/1.0e6) > 100 def start_link do initial_state = struct(State, unquote(opts)) GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, initial_state, name: __MODULE__) end @impl true def init(state) do send self(), :init {:ok, state} end @impl true def handle_info(:init, state) do state = state |> initialize_matrix_and_size() |> initialize_rows_and_cols() {:noreply, state} end @impl true def handle_info({:circuits_gpio, pin_num, time, 0}, %{last_message_at: prev} = state) when valid_press(time, prev) do {row_pin, row_index} = Stream.with_index(state.row_pins) |> Enum.find(fn {row, _i} -> == pin_num end) val = state.col_pins |> Stream.with_index() |> Enum.reduce_while([], fn {col, col_index}, acc -> # Write the column pin HIGH then read the row pin again. # If the row is HIGH, then we've pin-pointed which column it is in Circuits.GPIO.write(col, 1) row_val = Circuits.GPIO.write(col, 0) case row_val do 1 -> # We can use the row and column indexes as x,y of the matrix # to get which specific key character the press belongs to. val =, row_index) |> {:halt, val} 0 -> {:cont, []} end end) state = apply(__MODULE__, :handle_keypress, [val, state]) {:noreply, %{state | last_message_at: time}} end # ignore messages that are too quick or on button release @impl true def handle_info({:circuits_gpio, _, time, _}, state), do: {:noreply, state} defp initialize_rows_and_cols(%{size: <<x::binary-size(1), "x", y::binary-size(1)>>, row_pins: rows, col_pins: cols} = state) do # x == row # y == col if String.to_integer(x) != length(rows), do: raise ArgumentError, "expected #{x} row pins but only #{length(rows)} were given" if String.to_integer(y) != length(cols), do: raise ArgumentError, "expected #{y} column pins but only #{length(cols)} were given" row_pins = for pin_num <- rows do # Just use internal resistor if on a Raspberry Pi {:ok, pin} =, :input, pull_mode: :pullup) :ok = Circuits.GPIO.set_interrupts(pin, :falling) pin end col_pins = for pin_num <- cols do {:ok, pin} =, :output, initial_value: 0) pin end %{state | row_pins: row_pins, col_pins: col_pins} end defp initialize_matrix_and_size(%{matrix: matrix} = state) when is_list(matrix) do matrix |> |> Enum.uniq |> case do [y_size] -> %{state | size: "#{length(matrix)}x#{y_size}"} _ -> raise ArgumentError, "matrix columns must be equal\n#{inspect(matrix)}" end end defp initialize_matrix_and_size(%{size: size, matrix: nil} = state) when not is_nil(size) do %{state | matrix: matrix_for_size(size)} |> initialize_matrix_and_size() end defp initialize_matrix_and_size(_) do raise ArgumentError, "must provide a keypad size or matrix" end defp matrix_for_size(:four_by_four), do: matrix_for_size("4x4") defp matrix_for_size(:four_by_three), do: matrix_for_size("4x3") defp matrix_for_size(:one_by_four), do: matrix_for_size("1x4") defp matrix_for_size("4x4") do [ ["1", "2", "3", "A"], ["4", "5", "6", "B"], ["7", "8", "9", "C"], ["*", "0", "#", "D"] ] end defp matrix_for_size("4x3") do [ ["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "6"], ["7", "8", "9"], ["*", "0", "#"] ] end defp matrix_for_size("1x4") do [ ["1", "2", "3", "4"] ] end defp matrix_for_size(size), do: raise ArgumentError, "unsupported matrix size: #{inspect(size)}" end end end
defmodule Wand.CLI.Commands.Add do use Wand.CLI.Command @moduledoc """ # Add Add elixir packages to wand.json ### Usage **wand** add [package] [package] ... [flags] Wand can be used to add packages from three different places: hex, git, or the local filesystem. [package] can either be the name, or name@version. If a version is provided, the `--around` and `--exact` flags determine how the version is used. ### Examples: ``` wand add poison wand add [email protected] ``` ### Git Include the `--git` flag to pass a URI. The URI can be one of two base formats, and can end with an optional hash of the branch, tag, or ref to use Examples: ``` wand add poison --git="" wand add poison --git="<EMAIL>:devinus/poison" wand add [email protected] --git="" wand add poison --git="" ``` ### Local Path Local packages are described by passing in the `--path` flag corresponding to the path location OR, for an umbrella application, when you need to include a sibling dependency, pass the app name, along with the `--in-umbrella` flag. Examples: ``` wand add poison --path="/absolute/path/to/poison" wand add poison --path="../../relative/path/" wand add sibling_dependency --in-umbrella ``` ## Options The following flags are provided. They are boolean flags unless specified. ### Hex flags ``` --hex=NAME means that the local name of the dependency is different from its name on hex E.g. wand add mypoison --hex=poison --organization=ORGANIZATION corresponds to the private org to pull the package(s) from. --repo=REPO An alternative repository to use. Configure with mix hex.repo. Default: hexpm ``` ### Git flags ``` --sparse=FOLDER git checkout only a single folder, and use that --submodules tells git to also initialize submodules ``` ### Environment flags Setting these flags specifies which environments to install the dependency. If none are provided, all environments are included. ``` --env=ENVIRONMENT where ENVIRONMENT is the environment to add. This flag can be added multiple times. Example: --env=prod --env=test --dev is shorthand for --env=dev --test is shorthand for --env=test --prod is shorthand for --env=prod --compile-env=ENVIRONMENT doesnt affect which environments the dependency is loaded from. Instead, it says "when compiling the dependency, which environment to use?". Defaults to --compile-env=prod --optional will include the project for THIS project, but not reuire it should the main project be a dependency of another project. ``` ### Dependency configuration These flags deal with what happens with the dependency once configured ``` --runtime determines whether to start the dependency. Defaults to true --read-app-file determines if the app file for the dependency is read. Defaults to true. --download determines if mix deps.get is run after adding the package to wand.json. Defaults to true. ``` """ defmodule Git do @moduledoc false defstruct git: nil, ref: nil, sparse: nil, submodules: false end defmodule Hex do @moduledoc false defstruct hex: nil, organization: nil, repo: :hexpm end defmodule Path do @moduledoc false defstruct path: nil, in_umbrella: false end defmodule Package do @moduledoc false @default_requirement Wand.Mode.get_requirement!(:caret, :latest) defstruct compile_env: :prod, details: %Hex{}, download: true, only: nil, name: nil, optional: false, override: false, read_app_file: true, requirement: @default_requirement, runtime: true end @doc false def moduledoc(), do: @moduledoc @doc false @impl true def help(type), do: @doc false @impl true def options() do [ require_core: true, load_wand_file: true ] end @doc false @impl true def validate(args), do: Wand.CLI.Commands.Add.Validate.validate(args) @doc false @impl true def execute(packages, extras), do: Wand.CLI.Commands.Add.Execute.execute(packages, extras) @doc false @impl true def after_save(packages), do: Wand.CLI.Commands.Add.Execute.after_save(packages) @doc false @impl true def handle_error(key, data), do: Wand.CLI.Commands.Add.Error.handle_error(key, data) end
defmodule SmsPartCounter do @moduledoc """ Module for detecting which encoding is being used and the character count of SMS text. """ gsm_7bit_ext_chars = "@£$¥èéùìòÇ\nØø\rÅåΔ_ΦΓΛΩΠΨΣΘΞÆæßÉ !\"#¤%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?¡ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZÄÖÑܧ¿abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzäöñüà" <> "^{}\\[~]|€" @gsm_7bit_char_set @gsm_single_length 160 @gsm_multi_length 153 @unicode_single_length 70 @unicode_multi_length 67 @doc """ Counts the characters in a string. ## Examples iex> SmsPartCounter.count("Hello") 5 iex> SmsPartCounter.count("আম") 2 """ @spec count(binary) :: integer() def count(str) when is_binary(str) do String.codepoints(str) |> Enum.count() end @doc """ Counts the part of a message that's encoded with GSM 7 Bit encoding. The GSM 7 Bit Encoded messages have following length requirement: Signle SMS Part Length: 160 Chars Multi SMS Part Length: 153 Chars ## Examples iex> SmsPartCounter.gsm_part_count("asdf") 1 """ @spec gsm_part_count(binary) :: integer() def gsm_part_count(sms) when is_binary(sms) do sms_char_count = count(sms) part_count(sms_char_count, @gsm_single_length, @gsm_multi_length) end @doc """ Counts the part of a message that's encoded with Unicode encoding. The Unicode Encoded messages have following length requirement: Signle SMS Part Length: 70 Chars Multi SMS Part Length: 67 Chars ## Examples iex> SmsPartCounter.unicode_part_count("আমি") 1 """ @spec unicode_part_count(binary) :: integer() def unicode_part_count(sms) when is_binary(sms) do sms_char_count = count(sms) part_count(sms_char_count, @unicode_single_length, @unicode_multi_length) end defp part_count(sms_char_count, single_count, multi_count) do cond do sms_char_count < single_count + 1 -> 1 sms_char_count > single_count -> div(sms_char_count, multi_count) + if rem(sms_char_count, multi_count) == 0, do: 0, else: 1 end end @doc """ Detects the encoding of the SMS message based on the charset of GSM 7 bit Encoding. It does a set difference between the characters in the sms and the gsm 7 bit encoding char set. ## Examples iex> SmsPartCounter.detect_encoding("adb abc") {:ok, "gsm_7bit"} iex> SmsPartCounter.detect_encoding("আমি") {:ok, "unicode"} """ @spec detect_encoding(binary) :: {:ok | :error, Sting.t()} def detect_encoding(sms) when is_binary(sms) do sms_char_set = diff = MapSet.difference(sms_char_set, @gsm_7bit_char_set) empty_map_set?(diff) |> case do true -> {:ok, "gsm_7bit"} false -> {:ok, "unicode"} end end defp empty_map_set?(map_set = %MapSet{}) do empty_map_set = map_set |> case do ^empty_map_set ->true _ -> false end end @doc """ Detects the encoding of the SMS then counts the part, returns all information as a map of the following format: %{ "encoding" => encoding, "parts" => part count } ## Examples iex> SmsPartCounter.analyze("abc") %{ "encoding" => "gsm_7bit", "parts" => 1 } """ @spec analyze(binary) :: %{String.t() => String.t(), String.t() => integer()} def analyze(sms) when is_binary(sms) do {:ok, encoding} = detect_encoding(sms) case encoding do "gsm_7bit" -> parts = gsm_part_count(sms) %{ "encoding" => encoding, "parts" => parts } "unicode" -> parts = unicode_part_count(sms) %{ "encoding" => encoding, "parts" => parts } end end end
defmodule Logger.Backends.Gelf do @moduledoc """ Gelf Logger Backend # GelfLogger [![Build Status](]( A logger backend that will generate Graylog Extended Log Format messages. The current version only supports UDP messages. ## Configuration In the config.exs, add gelf_logger as a backend like this: ``` config :logger, backends: [:console, {Logger.Backends.Gelf, :gelf_logger}] ``` In addition, you'll need to pass in some configuration items to the backend itself: ``` config :logger, :gelf_logger, host: "", port: 12201, application: "myapp", compression: :gzip, # Defaults to :gzip, also accepts :zlib or :raw metadata: [:request_id, :function, :module, :file, :line], hostname: "hostname-override", tags: [ list: "of", extra: "tags" ] ``` In addition to the backend configuration, you might want to check the [Logger configuration]( for other options that might be important for your particular environment. In particular, modifying the `:utc_log` setting might be necessary depending on your server configuration. ## Usage Just use Logger as normal. ## Improvements - [x] Tests - [ ] TCP Support - [x] Options for compression (none, zlib) - [x] Send timestamp instead of relying on the Graylog server to set it - [x] Find a better way of pulling the hostname And probably many more. This is only out here because it might be useful to someone in its current state. Pull requests are always welcome. ## Notes Credit where credit is due, this would not exist without [protofy/erl_graylog_sender]( """ use GenEvent @gelf_spec_version "1.1" @max_size 1047040 @max_packet_size 8192 @max_payload_size 8180 @epoch :calendar.datetime_to_gregorian_seconds({{1970, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}) def init({__MODULE__, name}) do if user = Process.whereis(:user) do Process.group_leader(self(), user) {:ok, configure(name, [])} else {:error, :ignore} end end def handle_call({:configure, options}, state) do {:ok, :ok, configure(state[:name], options)} end def handle_event({_level, gl, _event}, state) when node(gl) != node() do {:ok, state} end def handle_event({level, _gl, {Logger, msg, ts, md}}, %{level: min_level} = state) do if is_nil(min_level) or Logger.compare_levels(level, min_level) != :lt do log_event(level, to_string(msg), ts, md, state) end {:ok, state} end ## Helpers defp configure(name, options) do config = Keyword.merge(Application.get_env(:logger, name, []), options) Application.put_env(:logger, name, config) {:ok, socket} =, [:binary, {:active, false}]) {:ok, hostname} = :inet.gethostname hostname = Keyword.get(config, :hostname, hostname) gl_host = Keyword.get(config, :host) |> to_char_list port = Keyword.get(config, :port) application = Keyword.get(config, :application) level = Keyword.get(config, :level) metadata = Keyword.get(config, :metadata, []) compression = Keyword.get(config, :compression, :gzip) tags = Keyword.get(config, :tags, []) %{name: name, gl_host: gl_host, host: to_string(hostname), port: parse_port(port), metadata: metadata, level: level, application: application, socket: socket, compression: compression, tags: tags} end defp log_event(level, msg, ts, md, %{host: host, application: application, compression: compression} = state) do %{ short_message: String.slice(msg, 0..79), version: @gelf_spec_version, host: host, level: level_to_int(level), timestamp: format_timestamp(ts), _facility: application } |> full_message(msg) |> additional_fields(md, state) |> Poison.encode!() |> compress(compression) |> send_to_graylog(state) end defp send_to_graylog(data, state), do: do_send(data, byte_size(data), state) defp do_send(_data, size, _state) when size > @max_size do raise ArgumentError, message: "message too large" end defp do_send(data, size, %{socket: socket, gl_host: gl_host, port: port}) when size > @max_packet_size do num = div(size, @max_packet_size) num = if (num * @max_packet_size) < size, do: num + 1, else: num id = :crypto.strong_rand_bytes(8) send_chunks(socket, gl_host, port, data, id, :binary.encode_unsigned(num), 0, size) end defp do_send(data, _size, %{socket: socket, gl_host: gl_host, port: port}) do :gen_udp.send(socket, gl_host, port, data) end defp send_chunks(socket, host, port, data, id, num, seq, size) when size > @max_payload_size do <<payload :: binary - size(@max_payload_size), rest :: binary >> = data :gen_udp.send(socket, host, port, make_chunk(payload, id, num, seq)) send_chunks(socket, host, port, rest, id, num, seq + 1, byte_size(rest)) end defp send_chunks(socket, host, port, data, id, num, seq, _size) do :gen_udp.send(socket, host, port, make_chunk(data, id, num, seq)) end defp make_chunk(payload, id, num, seq) do bin = :binary.encode_unsigned(seq) << 0x1e, 0x0f, id :: binary - size(8), bin :: binary - size(1), num :: binary - size(1), payload :: binary >> end defp parse_port(port) when is_binary(port) do {val, ""} = Integer.parse(to_string(port)) val end defp parse_port(port), do: port defp additional_fields(data, metadata, %{metadata: metadata_fields, tags: tags}) do fields = metadata |> Keyword.take(metadata_fields) |> Keyword.merge(tags) |>{k,v}) -> {"_#{k}", to_string(v)} end) |> Map.drop(["_id"]) # "Libraries SHOULD not allow to send id as additional field (_id). Graylog server nodes omit this field automatically." Map.merge(data, fields) end defp full_message(data, msg) when byte_size(msg) > 80, do: Map.put(data, :full_message, msg) defp full_message(data, _msg), do: data defp compress(data, :gzip), do: :zlib.gzip(data) defp compress(data, :zlib), do: :zlib.compress(data) defp compress(data, _), do: data defp format_timestamp({{year, month, day}, {hour, min, sec, milli}}) do {{year, month, day}, {hour, min, sec}} |> :calendar.datetime_to_gregorian_seconds() |> Kernel.-(@epoch) |> Kernel.+(milli / 1000) |> Float.round(3) end defp level_to_int(:debug), do: 7 defp level_to_int(:info), do: 6 defp level_to_int(:warn), do: 4 defp level_to_int(:error), do: 3 end
defmodule Neotomex.ExGrammar do @moduledoc """ ## Neotomex.ExGrammar ExGrammar provides an interface for defining a PEG from within an Elixir module. For example: defmodule Number do use Neotomex.ExGrammar @root true define :digits, "[0-9]+" do digits when is_list(digits) -> digits |> Enum.join |> String.to_integer end end Number.parse!("42") = 42 Check the `examples/` folder for slightly more useful examples of grammar specifications via `ExGrammar`. By default, the grammar is validated on compile. To disable validation, add `@validate true` to the module. ## Definitions A grammar consists of a set of definitions with optional transformation functions, and a pointer to the root definition. Using the `ExGrammar` interface, a definition is specified using the `define` macro. Here are some example usages of `define`: # No transformation define name, expression # With transformation define name, expression do match -> match end # With a more complex transformation # (yup, you could just reduce the list, but that doesn't make the point :) define name, expression do [x] -> String.to_integer(x) [x, y] when is_binary(x) and is_binary(y) -> String.to_integer(x) + String.to_integer(y) end The root rule must be labeled via `@root true`. """ @doc false defmacro __using__(_opts) do quote do import Neotomex.ExGrammar, only: :macros @before_compile Neotomex.ExGrammar @validate true @root false @_root_def nil @_neotomex_definitions %{} end end @doc false defmacro __before_compile__(_env) do quote unquote: false do if @_root_def == nil do raise Neotomex.Error, message: "no root in grammar" end @_neotomex_grammar, @_neotomex_definitions) def grammar do unquote(Macro.escape(@_neotomex_grammar)) end @doc """ Parse the input using the defined grammar. """ @spec parse(binary) :: {:ok, any} | :mismatch | {:error, term} def parse(input) do case Neotomex.Grammar.parse(grammar(), input) do {:ok, result, ""} -> {:ok, result} otherwise -> otherwise end end @doc """ Parse the input using the defined grammar, raising `Neotomex.Error` on failure. """ @spec parse!(binary) :: any def parse!(input) do case parse(input) do {:ok, result} -> result {:ok, _, _} -> raise Neotomex.Grammar.ParseError, message: "parse incomplete" :mismatch -> raise Neotomex.Grammar.ParseError, error: :mismatch, message: "parse failed" {:error, reason} -> # TODO -- human readable reason raise Neotomex.Grammar.ParseError, error: reason, message: "parse error" end end def validate do Neotomex.Grammar.validate(grammar()) end def validate! do case validate() do :ok -> :ok otherwise -> # TODO -- human readable reason raise Neotomex.Grammar.ValidationError, error: otherwise end end if @validate do case Neotomex.Grammar.validate(@_neotomex_grammar) do :ok -> :ok otherwise -> throw {:error, {:validation, otherwise}} end end end end @doc """ Create a new definition for the module's grammar. """ defmacro define(identifier, expr, body \\ nil) do quote bind_quoted: [identifier: identifier, def_name: identifier_to_name(identifier), neo_expr: Macro.escape(parse_expression(expr)), branches: Macro.escape(body_to_branches(body))] do if @root do if @_root_def == nil do @root false @_root_def identifier else throw {:error, :more_than_one_root} end end # Add the new definition with transform, when applicable transform = if branches != [], do: {:transform, {__ENV__.module, def_name}} @_neotomex_definitions Map.put(@_neotomex_definitions, identifier, {neo_expr, transform}) for {{args, guards}, body} <- branches do def unquote(def_name)(unquote(args)) when unquote(guards) do unquote(body) end end end end ## Private functions # Wraps the Neotomex parse_expression function's return values defp parse_expression(expr) do case Neotomex.PEG.parse_expression(expr) do :mismatch -> throw {:error, :bad_expression} {:ok, expr} -> expr end end # Returns the definition name for a given identifier defp identifier_to_name(identifier) do :"_transform_#{Atom.to_string(identifier)}" end # Convert a `define` body to [{{args, guards}, body}, ...], or [] for a nil body defp body_to_branches(nil), do: [] defp body_to_branches(body) do for {:->, _, [[branch_head], branch_body]} <- body[:do] do {split_head(branch_head), branch_body} end end # Split a `define` head into {args, guards} @doc false defp split_head({:when, _, [arg, guards]}) do {arg, guards} end defp split_head(arg), do: {arg, true} end
defmodule ExWeb3EcRecover.SignedType do @moduledoc """ This module was written based on nomenclature and algorithm specified in the [EIP-712]( """ defmodule Encoder do @moduledoc false @callback encode_value(value :: any(), type :: String.t()) :: binary() end @default_encoder __MODULE__.HexStringEncoder @max_depth 5 @typedoc """ The map shape of this field must conform to: ``` %{ "name" => String.t(), "type" => String.t() } ``` """ @type field :: %{String.t() => String.t()} @type types :: %{String.t() => [field()]} @doc """ Returns a hash of a message. """ @spec hash_message(map(), types(), String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: hash :: binary() def hash_message(message, types, primary_type, opts \\ []) do encode(message, types, primary_type, opts) |> ExKeccak.hash_256() end @doc """ Encodes a message according to EIP-712 """ @spec encode(map(), [field()], String.t(), Keyword.t()) :: binary() def encode(message, types, primary_type, opts \\ []) do encoder = Keyword.get(opts, :encoder, @default_encoder) [ encode_types(types, primary_type), encode_type(message, primary_type, types, encoder) ] |> :erlang.iolist_to_binary() end @spec encode_type(map(), String.t(), types(), module()) :: binary() def encode_type(data, primary_type, types, encoder) do types[primary_type] |> Enum.map_join(fn %{"name" => name, "type" => type} -> value = data[name] if custom_type?(types, type) do hash_message(value, types, type) else encoder.encode_value(type, value) end end) end def encode_types(types, primary_type) do sorted_deps = types |> find_deps(primary_type) |> MapSet.to_list() |> Enum.sort() [primary_type | sorted_deps] |>, types)) |> :erlang.iolist_to_binary() |> ExKeccak.hash_256() end defp find_deps(types, primary_types, acc \\, depth \\ @max_depth) do types[primary_types] |> Enum.reduce(acc, fn %{"type" => type}, acc -> if custom_type?(types, type) do acc = MapSet.put(acc, type) find_deps(types, type, acc, depth - 1) else acc end end) end defp custom_type?(types, type) do # TODO verify not a builtin type Map.has_key?(types, type) end defp format_dep(dep, types) do arguments = types[dep] |> %{"name" => name, "type" => type} -> [type, " ", name] end) |> Enum.intersperse(",") [dep, "(", arguments, ")"] end end
defmodule Chunkr do @external_resource "" @moduledoc "" |>!() |> String.split("<!-- MDOC !-->") |> Enum.fetch!(1) alias Chunkr.{Cursor, Opts, Page} @doc false defmacro __using__(opts) do quote do @default_chunkr_opts unquote(opts) ++ [{:repo, __MODULE__}, {:max_limit, 100}] def paginate!(queryable, strategy, sort_dir, opts) do unquote(__MODULE__).paginate!(queryable, strategy, sort_dir, opts ++ @default_chunkr_opts) end def paginate(queryable, strategy, sort_dir, opts) do unquote(__MODULE__).paginate(queryable, strategy, sort_dir, opts ++ @default_chunkr_opts) end end end @spec paginate!(any, atom(), Chunkr.Opts.sort_dir(), keyword) :: Chunkr.Page.t() @doc """ Same as `paginate/4`, but raises an error for invalid input. """ def paginate!(queryable, strategy, sort_dir, opts) do case paginate(queryable, strategy, sort_dir, opts) do {:ok, page} -> page {:error, message} -> raise ArgumentError, message end end @spec paginate(any, any, Chunkr.Opts.sort_dir(), keyword) :: {:error, String.t()} | {:ok, Chunkr.Page.t()} @doc """ Paginates a query. Extends the provided query with the necessary filtering, ordering, and cursor field selection for the sake of pagination, then executes the query and returns a `Chunkr.Page` or results. ## Options * `:max_limit` — The maximum number or results the user can request for this query. The default is #{@default_max_limit}. * `:first` — Retrieve the first _n_ results; must be between `0` and `:max_limit`. * `:last` — Retrieve the last _n_ results; must be between `0` and `:max_limit`. * `:after` — Return results starting after the provided cursor; optionally pairs with `:first`. * `:before` — Return results ending at the provided cursor; optionally pairs with `:last`. """ def paginate(queryable, strategy, sort_dir, options) do case, strategy, sort_dir, options) do {:ok, opts} -> extended_rows = queryable |> apply_where(opts) |> apply_order(opts) |> apply_select(opts) |> apply_limit(opts.limit + 1, opts) |> opts.repo.all() requested_rows = Enum.take(extended_rows, opts.limit) rows_to_return = case opts.paging_dir do :forward -> requested_rows :backward -> Enum.reverse(requested_rows) end {:ok, %Page{ raw_results: rows_to_return, has_previous_page: has_previous_page?(opts, extended_rows, requested_rows), has_next_page: has_next_page?(opts, extended_rows, requested_rows), start_cursor: List.first(rows_to_return) |> row_to_cursor(), end_cursor: List.last(rows_to_return) |> row_to_cursor(), opts: opts }} {:invalid_opts, message} -> {:error, message} end end defp has_previous_page?(%{paging_dir: :forward} = opts, _, _), do: !!opts.cursor defp has_previous_page?(%{paging_dir: :backward}, rows, requested_rows), do: rows != requested_rows defp has_next_page?(%{paging_dir: :forward}, rows, requested_rows), do: rows != requested_rows defp has_next_page?(%{paging_dir: :backward} = opts, _, _), do: !!opts.cursor defp row_to_cursor(nil), do: nil defp row_to_cursor({cursor_values, _record}), do: Cursor.encode(cursor_values) defp apply_where(query, %{cursor: nil}), do: query defp apply_where(query, opts) do cursor_values = Cursor.decode!(opts.cursor) opts.planner.beyond_cursor( query, opts.strategy, opts.sort_dir, opts.paging_dir, cursor_values ) end defp apply_order(query, opts) do opts.planner.apply_order(query, opts.strategy, opts.sort_dir, opts.paging_dir) end defp apply_select(query, opts) do opts.planner.apply_select(query, opts.strategy) end defp apply_limit(query, limit, opts) do opts.planner.apply_limit(query, limit) end end
defmodule Play.Asteroid do @moduledoc """ Represents an asteroid in the game """ defstruct [:id, :t, :direction, :speed, :color, :size] alias Scenic.Math.Vector2 alias Play.Asteroid @type t :: %__MODULE__{ id:, t: Play.Scene.Asteroids.coords(), direction: Play.Scene.Asteroids.direction(), speed: float, color: atom, size: integer } def new(coords, size, direction, speed) do %__MODULE__{ id: Play.Utils.make_id(), t: coords, direction: Vector2.normalize(direction), speed: speed, color: :white, size: size } end defimpl Play.ScenicEntity, for: __MODULE__ do def id(%Asteroid{id: id}), do: id def tick(%Asteroid{} = asteroid) do %{asteroid | t: new_position(asteroid)} end def draw(%Asteroid{} = asteroid, graph) do %{id: id, color: color, size: size, t: t} = asteroid, size, id: id, stroke: {3, color}, t: t) end defp new_position(%Asteroid{} = asteroid) do {x, y} = asteroid.t size = asteroid.size screen_width = Play.Utils.screen_width() screen_height = Play.Utils.screen_height() case offscreen(asteroid) do :north -> {x, screen_height + size} :east -> {0 - size, y} :south -> {x, 0 - size} :west -> {screen_width + size, y} :onscreen -> next_tick_onscreen_pos(asteroid) end end defp next_tick_onscreen_pos(%Asteroid{} = asteroid) do %{t: t, direction: direction, speed: speed} = asteroid Vector2.add(t, Vector2.mul(direction, speed)) end defp offscreen(%Asteroid{} = asteroid) do {width, height} = asteroid.t screen_width = Play.Utils.screen_width() screen_height = Play.Utils.screen_height() cond do width - asteroid.size > screen_width -> :east width + asteroid.size < 0 -> :west height - asteroid.size > screen_height -> :south height + asteroid.size < 0 -> :north true -> :onscreen end end end defimpl Play.Collision, for: __MODULE__ do def from(%Asteroid{t: {width, height}, size: size, id: entity_id}) do %Play.CollisionBox{ id:, entity_id: entity_id, t: {width - size, height - size}, size: size * 2 } end end end
defmodule Phoenix.Presence do @moduledoc """ Provides Presence tracking to processes and channels. This behaviour provides presence features such as fetching presences for a given topic, as well as handling diffs of join and leave events as they occur in real-time. Using this module defines a supervisor and a module that implements the `Phoenix.Tracker` behaviour that uses `Phoenix.PubSub` to broadcast presence updates. In case you want to use only a subset of the functionality provided by `Phoenix.Presence`, such as tracking processes but without broadcasting updates, we recommend that you look at the `Phoenix.Tracker` functionality from the `phoenix_pubsub` project. ## Example Usage Start by defining a presence module within your application which uses `Phoenix.Presence` and provide the `:otp_app` which holds your configuration, as well as the `:pubsub_server`. defmodule MyApp.Presence do use Phoenix.Presence, otp_app: :my_app, pubsub_server: MyApp.PubSub end The `:pubsub_server` must point to an existing pubsub server running in your application, which is included by default as `MyApp.PubSub` for new applications. Next, add the new supervisor to your supervision tree in `lib/my_app.ex`: children = [ ... MyApp.Presence, ] Once added, presences can be tracked in your channel after joining: defmodule MyApp.MyChannel do use MyAppWeb, :channel alias MyApp.Presence def join("some:topic", _params, socket) do send(self(), :after_join) {:ok, assign(socket, :user_id, ...)} end def handle_info(:after_join, socket) do push(socket, "presence_state", Presence.list(socket)) {:ok, _} = Presence.track(socket, socket.assigns.user_id, %{ online_at: inspect(System.system_time(:second)) }) {:noreply, socket} end end In the example above, the current presence information for the socket's topic is pushed to the client as a `"presence_state"` event. Next, `Presence.track` is used to register this channel's process as a presence for the socket's user ID, with a map of metadata. Finally, a diff of presence join and leave events will be sent to the client as they happen in real-time with the "presence_diff" event. The diff structure will be a map of `:joins` and `:leaves` of the form: %{joins: %{"123" => %{metas: [%{status: "away", phx_ref: ...}]}, leaves: %{"456" => %{metas: [%{status: "online", phx_ref: ...}]}, See `Phoenix.Presence.list/2` for more information on the presence data structure. ## Fetching Presence Information Presence metadata should be minimized and used to store small, ephemeral state, such as a user's "online" or "away" status. More detailed information, such as user details that need to be fetched from the database, can be achieved by overriding the `fetch/2` function. The `fetch/2` callback is triggered when using `list/1` and serves as a mechanism to fetch presence information a single time, before broadcasting the information to all channel subscribers. This prevents N query problems and gives you a single place to group isolated data fetching to extend presence metadata. The function must return a map of data matching the outlined Presence data structure, including the `:metas` key, but can extend the map of information to include any additional information. For example: def fetch(_topic, presences) do query = from u in User, where: in ^Map.keys(presences), select: {, u} users = query |> Repo.all() |> Enum.into(%{}) for {key, %{metas: metas}} <- presences, into: %{} do {key, %{metas: metas, user: users[key]}} end end The function above fetches all users from the database who have registered presences for the given topic. The fetched information is then extended with a `:user` key of the user's information, while maintaining the required `:metas` field from the original presence data. """ alias Phoenix.Socket.Broadcast @type presences :: %{String.t => %{metas: [map()]}} @type presence :: %{key: String.t, meta: map()} @type topic :: String.t @doc false @callback start_link(Keyword.t) :: {:ok, pid()} | {:error, reason :: term()} | :ignore @doc false @callback init(Keyword.t) :: {:ok, state :: term} | {:error, reason :: term} @doc """ Track a channel's process as a presence. Tracked presences are grouped by `key`, cast as a string. For example, to group each user's channels together, use user IDs as keys. Each presence can be associated with a map of metadata to store small, emphemeral state, such as a user's online status. To store detailed information, see `fetch/2`. ## Example alias MyApp.Presence def handle_info(:after_join, socket) do {:ok, _} = Presence.track(socket, socket.assigns.user_id, %{ online_at: inspect(System.system_time(:second)) }) {:noreply, socket} end """ @callback track(socket :: Phoenix.Socket.t, key :: String.t, meta :: map()) :: {:ok, ref :: binary()} | {:error, reason :: term()} @doc """ Track an arbitary process as a presence. Same with `track/3`, except track any process by `topic` and `key`. """ @callback track(pid, topic, key :: String.t, meta :: map()) :: {:ok, ref :: binary()} | {:error, reason :: term()} @doc """ Stop tracking a channel's process. """ @callback untrack(socket :: Phoenix.Socket.t, key :: String.t) :: :ok @doc """ Stop tracking a process. """ @callback untrack(pid, topic, key :: String.t) :: :ok @doc """ Update a channel presence's metadata. Replace a presence's metadata by passing a new map or a function that takes the current map and returns a new one. """ @callback update(socket :: Phoenix.Socket.t, key :: String.t, meta :: map() | (map() -> map())) :: {:ok, ref :: binary()} | {:error, reason :: term()} @doc """ Update a process presence's metadata. Same as `update/3`, but with an arbitary process. """ @callback update(pid, topic, key :: String.t, meta :: map() | (map() -> map())) :: {:ok, ref :: binary()} | {:error, reason :: term()} @doc """ Extend presence information with additional data. When `list/1` is used to list all presences of the given `topic`, this callback is triggered once to modify the result before it is broadcasted to all channel subscribers. This avoids N query problems and provides a single place to extend presence metadata. You must return a map of data matching the original result, including the `:metas` key, but can extend the map to include any additional information. The default implementation simply passes `presences` through unchanged. ## Example def fetch(_topic, presences) do query = from u in User, where: in ^Map.keys(presences), select: {, u} users = query |> Repo.all() |> Enum.into(%{}) for {key, %{metas: metas}} <- presences, into: %{} do {key, %{metas: metas, user: users[key]}} end end """ @callback fetch(topic, presences) :: presences @doc """ Returns presences for a topic or a socket. Calls `list/2` with presence module. """ @callback list(Phoenix.Socket.t | topic) :: presences @doc false @callback handle_diff(%{topic => {joins :: presences, leaves :: presences}}, state :: term) :: {:ok, state :: term} defmacro __using__(opts) do quote do @opts unquote(opts) @otp_app @opts[:otp_app] || raise "presence expects :otp_app to be given" @behaviour unquote(__MODULE__) @task_supervisor Module.concat(__MODULE__, TaskSupervisor) @doc false def child_spec(opts) do %{ id: __MODULE__, start: {__MODULE__, :start_link, [opts]}, type: :supervisor } end def start_link(opts \\ []) do opts = Keyword.merge(@opts, opts) Phoenix.Presence.start_link(__MODULE__, @otp_app, @task_supervisor, opts) end def init(opts) do server = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :pubsub_server) {:ok, %{pubsub_server: server, node_name: Phoenix.PubSub.node_name(server), task_sup: @task_supervisor}} end def track(%Phoenix.Socket{} = socket, key, meta) do track(socket.channel_pid, socket.topic, key, meta) end def track(pid, topic, key, meta) do Phoenix.Tracker.track(__MODULE__, pid, topic, key, meta) end def untrack(%Phoenix.Socket{} = socket, key) do untrack(socket.channel_pid, socket.topic, key) end def untrack(pid, topic, key) do Phoenix.Tracker.untrack(__MODULE__, pid, topic, key) end def update(%Phoenix.Socket{} = socket, key, meta) do update(socket.channel_pid, socket.topic, key, meta) end def update(pid, topic, key, meta) do Phoenix.Tracker.update(__MODULE__, pid, topic, key, meta) end def fetch(_topic, presences), do: presences def list(%Phoenix.Socket{topic: topic}), do: list(topic) def list(topic) do Phoenix.Presence.list(__MODULE__, topic) end def get_by_key(%Phoenix.Socket{topic: topic}, key), do: get_by_key(topic, key) def get_by_key(topic, key) do Phoenix.Presence.get_by_key(__MODULE__, topic, key) end def handle_diff(diff, state) do Phoenix.Presence.handle_diff(__MODULE__, diff, state.node_name, state.pubsub_server, state.task_sup ) {:ok, state} end defoverridable fetch: 2, child_spec: 1 end end @doc false def start_link(module, otp_app, task_supervisor, opts) do import Supervisor.Spec opts = opts |> Keyword.merge(Application.get_env(otp_app, module) || []) |> Keyword.put(:name, module) children = [ supervisor(Task.Supervisor, [[name: task_supervisor]]), worker(Phoenix.Tracker, [module, opts, opts]) ] Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one) end @doc false def handle_diff(module, diff, node_name, pubsub_server, sup_name) do Task.Supervisor.start_child(sup_name, fn -> for {topic, {joins, leaves}} <- diff do msg = %Broadcast{topic: topic, event: "presence_diff", payload: %{ joins: module.fetch(topic, group(joins)), leaves: module.fetch(topic, group(leaves)) }} Phoenix.PubSub.direct_broadcast!(node_name, pubsub_server, topic, msg) end end) end @doc """ Returns presences for a topic. ## Presence data structure The presence information is returned as a map with presences grouped by key, cast as a string, and accumulated metadata, with the following form: %{key => %{metas: [%{phx_ref: ..., ...}, ...]}} For example, imagine a user with id `123` online from two different devices, as well as a user with id `456` online from just one device. The following presence information might be returned: %{"123" => %{metas: [%{status: "away", phx_ref: ...}, %{status: "online", phx_ref: ...}]}, "456" => %{metas: [%{status: "online", phx_ref: ...}]}} The keys of the map will usually point to a resource ID. The value will contain a map with a `:metas` key containing a list of metadata for each resource. Additionally, every metadata entry will contain a `:phx_ref` key which can be used to uniquely identify metadata for a given key. In the event that the metadata was previously updated, a `:phx_ref_prev` key will be present containing the previous `:phx_ref` value. """ def list(module, topic) do grouped = module |> Phoenix.Tracker.list(topic) |> group() module.fetch(topic, grouped) end @doc """ Returns the map of presence metadata for a topic-key pair. ## Examples Uses the same data format as `Phoenix.Presence.list/2`, but only returns metadata for the presences under a topic and key pair. For example, a user with key `"user1"`, connected to the same chat room `"room:1"` from two devices, could return: iex> MyPresence.get_by_key("room:1", "user1") %{name: "User 1", metas: [%{device: "Desktop"}, %{device: "Mobile"}]} Like `Phoenix.Presence.list/2`, the presence metadata is passed to the `fetch` callback of your presence module to fetch any additional information. """ def get_by_key(module, topic, key) do string_key = to_string(key) case Phoenix.Tracker.get_by_key(module, topic, key) do [] -> [] [_|_] = pid_metas -> metas =, fn {_pid, meta} -> meta end) %{^string_key => fetched_metas} = module.fetch(topic, %{string_key => %{metas: metas}}) fetched_metas end end defp group(presences) do presences |> Enum.reverse() |> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn {key, meta}, acc -> Map.update(acc, to_string(key), %{metas: [meta]}, fn %{metas: metas} -> %{metas: [meta | metas]} end) end) end end
defmodule Sanbase.Cryptocompare.HistoricalWorker do @moduledoc ~s""" An Oban Worker that processes the jobs in the cryptocompare_historical_jobs_queue queue. An Oban Worker has one main function `perform/1` which receives as argument one record from the oban jobs table. If it returns :ok or {:ok, _}, then the job is considered successful and is completed. In order to have retries in case of Kafka downtime, the export to Kafka is done via persist_sync/2. This guarantees that if get_data/3 and export_data/1 return :ok, then the data is in Kafka. If perform/1 returns :error or {:error, _} then the task is scheduled for retry. An exponential backoff algorithm is used in order to decide when to retry. The default 20 attempts and the default algorithm used first retry after some seconds and the last attempt is done after about 3 weeks. """ use Oban.Worker, queue: :cryptocompare_historical_jobs_queue, unique: [period: 60 * 86_400] import Sanbase.Cryptocompare.HTTPHeaderUtils, only: [parse_value_list: 1] require Logger require Sanbase.Utils.Config, as: Config @url "" @oban_conf_name :oban_scrapers def queue(), do: :cryptocompare_historical_jobs_queue def conf_name(), do: @oban_conf_name @impl Oban.Worker def perform(%Oban.Job{args: args}) do %{"base_asset" => base_asset, "quote_asset" => quote_asset, "date" => date} = args t1 = System.monotonic_time(:millisecond) should_snooze? = base_asset not in available_base_assets() case should_snooze? do true -> {:snooze, 86_400} false -> case get_data(base_asset, quote_asset, date) do {:ok, data} -> t2 = System.monotonic_time(:millisecond) result = export_data(data) t3 = System.monotonic_time(:millisecond) log_time_spent(t1, t2, t3) result {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end end @impl Oban.Worker def timeout(_job), do: :timer.minutes(5) # Private functions defp log_time_spent(t1, t2, t3) do get_data_time = ((t2 - t1) / 1000) |> Float.round(2) export_data_time = ((t3 - t2) / 1000) |> Float.round(2) "[Cryptocompare Historical] Get data: #{get_data_time}s, Export data: #{export_data_time}s" ) end defp available_base_assets() do # TODO: Remove once all the used assets are scrapped # In order to priroritize the jobs that are more important, snooze # the jobs that are not having a base asset that is stored in our DBs. cache_key = {__MODULE__, :available_base_assets} {:ok, assets} = Sanbase.Cache.get_or_store(cache_key, fn -> data = Sanbase.Model.Project.SourceSlugMapping.get_source_slug_mappings("cryptocompare") |>, 0)) {:ok, data} end) assets end @spec get_data(any, any, any) :: {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t()} | {:ok, any} def get_data(base_asset, quote_asset, date) do query_params = [ fsym: base_asset, tsym: quote_asset, e: "CCCAGG", date: date ] headers = [{"authorization", "Apikey #{api_key()}"}] url = @url <> "?" <> URI.encode_query(query_params) case HTTPoison.get(url, headers, recv_timeout: 15_000) do {:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: body} = resp} -> case rate_limited?(resp) do false -> csv_to_ohlcv_list(body) biggest_rate_limited_window -> handle_rate_limit(resp, biggest_rate_limited_window) end {:error, error} -> {:error, error} end end defp rate_limited?(resp) do zero_remainings = get_header(resp, "X-RateLimit-Remaining-All") |> elem(1) |> parse_value_list() |> Enum.filter(&(&1.value == 0)) case zero_remainings do [] -> false list -> Enum.max_by(list, & &1.time_period).time_period end end defp handle_rate_limit(resp, biggest_rate_limited_window) do Sanbase.Cryptocompare.HistoricalScheduler.pause() header_value = get_header(resp, "X-RateLimit-Reset-All") |> elem(1) "[Cryptocompare Historical] Rate limited. X-RateLimit-Reset-All header: #{header_value}" ) reset_after_seconds = header_value |> parse_value_list() |> Enum.find(&(&1.time_period == biggest_rate_limited_window)) |> Map.get(:value) data = %{"type" => "resume"} |> reset_after_seconds) Oban.insert(@oban_conf_name, data) {:error, :rate_limit} end defp get_header(%HTTPoison.Response{} = resp, header) do Enum.find(resp.headers, &match?({^header, _}, &1)) end defp csv_to_ohlcv_list(data) do result = data |> String.trim() |> NimbleCSV.RFC4180.parse_string() |> case Enum.find_index(result, &(&1 == :error)) do nil -> {:ok, result} _index -> {:error, "[Cryptocompare Historical] NaN values found in place of prices"} end end defp csv_line_to_point([time, fsym, tsym, o, h, l, c, vol_from, vol_to] = list) do case Enum.any?(list, &(&1 == "NaN")) do true -> :error false -> [o, h, l, c, vol_from, vol_to] = [o, h, l, c, vol_from, vol_to] |> %{ source: "cryptocompare", interval_seconds: 60, datetime: time |> String.to_integer() |> DateTime.from_unix!(), base_asset: fsym, quote_asset: tsym, open: o, high: h, low: l, close: c, volume_from: vol_from, volume_to: vol_to } end end defp csv_line_to_point([time, "CCCAGG", fsym, tsym, c, h, l, o, vol_from, vol_to]) do csv_line_to_point([time, fsym, tsym, o, h, l, c, vol_from, vol_to]) end defp export_data(data) do export_asset_ohlcv_price_pairs_topic(data) export_asset_price_pairs_only_topic(data) end defp export_asset_ohlcv_price_pairs_topic(data) do data =, &to_ohlcv_price_point/1) topic = Config.module_get!(Sanbase.KafkaExporter, :asset_ohlcv_price_pairs_topic) Sanbase.KafkaExporter.send_data_to_topic_from_current_process(data, topic) end defp export_asset_price_pairs_only_topic(data) do data =, &to_price_only_point/1) topic = Config.module_get!(Sanbase.KafkaExporter, :asset_price_pairs_only_topic) Sanbase.KafkaExporter.send_data_to_topic_from_current_process(data, topic) end defp to_ohlcv_price_point(point) do point |> |> Sanbase.Cryptocompare.OHLCVPricePoint.json_kv_tuple() end defp to_price_only_point(point) do %{ price: point.close, datetime: point.datetime, base_asset: point.base_asset, quote_asset: point.quote_asset, source: point.source } |> |> Sanbase.Cryptocompare.PriceOnlyPoint.json_kv_tuple() end defp api_key(), do: Config.module_get(Sanbase.Cryptocompare, :api_key) end
defmodule AWS.DirectoryService do @moduledoc """ AWS Directory Service AWS Directory Service is a web service that makes it easy for you to setup and run directories in the AWS cloud, or connect your AWS resources with an existing on-premises Microsoft Active Directory. This guide provides detailed information about AWS Directory Service operations, data types, parameters, and errors. For information about AWS Directory Services features, see [AWS Directory Service]( and the [AWS Directory Service Administration Guide]( <note> AWS provides SDKs that consist of libraries and sample code for various programming languages and platforms (Java, Ruby, .Net, iOS, Android, etc.). The SDKs provide a convenient way to create programmatic access to AWS Directory Service and other AWS services. For more information about the AWS SDKs, including how to download and install them, see [Tools for Amazon Web Services]( </note> """ @doc """ If the DNS server for your on-premises domain uses a publicly addressable IP address, you must add a CIDR address block to correctly route traffic to and from your Microsoft AD on Amazon Web Services. *AddIpRoutes* adds this address block. You can also use *AddIpRoutes* to facilitate routing traffic that uses public IP ranges from your Microsoft AD on AWS to a peer VPC. Before you call *AddIpRoutes*, ensure that all of the required permissions have been explicitly granted through a policy. For details about what permissions are required to run the *AddIpRoutes* operation, see [AWS Directory Service API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference]( """ def add_ip_routes(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "AddIpRoutes", input, options) end @doc """ Adds or overwrites one or more tags for the specified directory. Each directory can have a maximum of 50 tags. Each tag consists of a key and optional value. Tag keys must be unique to each resource. """ def add_tags_to_resource(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "AddTagsToResource", input, options) end @doc """ Cancels an in-progress schema extension to a Microsoft AD directory. Once a schema extension has started replicating to all domain controllers, the task can no longer be canceled. A schema extension can be canceled during any of the following states; `Initializing`, `CreatingSnapshot`, and `UpdatingSchema`. """ def cancel_schema_extension(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CancelSchemaExtension", input, options) end @doc """ Creates an AD Connector to connect to an on-premises directory. Before you call *ConnectDirectory*, ensure that all of the required permissions have been explicitly granted through a policy. For details about what permissions are required to run the *ConnectDirectory* operation, see [AWS Directory Service API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference]( """ def connect_directory(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ConnectDirectory", input, options) end @doc """ Creates an alias for a directory and assigns the alias to the directory. The alias is used to construct the access URL for the directory, such as `http://&lt;alias&gt;`. <important> After an alias has been created, it cannot be deleted or reused, so this operation should only be used when absolutely necessary. </important> """ def create_alias(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateAlias", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a computer account in the specified directory, and joins the computer to the directory. """ def create_computer(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateComputer", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a conditional forwarder associated with your AWS directory. Conditional forwarders are required in order to set up a trust relationship with another domain. The conditional forwarder points to the trusted domain. """ def create_conditional_forwarder(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateConditionalForwarder", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a Simple AD directory. Before you call *CreateDirectory*, ensure that all of the required permissions have been explicitly granted through a policy. For details about what permissions are required to run the *CreateDirectory* operation, see [AWS Directory Service API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference]( """ def create_directory(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateDirectory", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a Microsoft AD in the AWS cloud. Before you call *CreateMicrosoftAD*, ensure that all of the required permissions have been explicitly granted through a policy. For details about what permissions are required to run the *CreateMicrosoftAD* operation, see [AWS Directory Service API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference]( """ def create_microsoft_a_d(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateMicrosoftAD", input, options) end @doc """ Creates a snapshot of a Simple AD or Microsoft AD directory in the AWS cloud. <note> You cannot take snapshots of AD Connector directories. </note> """ def create_snapshot(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateSnapshot", input, options) end @doc """ AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory allows you to configure trust relationships. For example, you can establish a trust between your Microsoft AD in the AWS cloud, and your existing on-premises Microsoft Active Directory. This would allow you to provide users and groups access to resources in either domain, with a single set of credentials. This action initiates the creation of the AWS side of a trust relationship between a Microsoft AD in the AWS cloud and an external domain. """ def create_trust(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "CreateTrust", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a conditional forwarder that has been set up for your AWS directory. """ def delete_conditional_forwarder(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteConditionalForwarder", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes an AWS Directory Service directory. Before you call *DeleteDirectory*, ensure that all of the required permissions have been explicitly granted through a policy. For details about what permissions are required to run the *DeleteDirectory* operation, see [AWS Directory Service API Permissions: Actions, Resources, and Conditions Reference]( """ def delete_directory(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteDirectory", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes a directory snapshot. """ def delete_snapshot(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteSnapshot", input, options) end @doc """ Deletes an existing trust relationship between your Microsoft AD in the AWS cloud and an external domain. """ def delete_trust(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeleteTrust", input, options) end @doc """ Removes the specified directory as a publisher to the specified SNS topic. """ def deregister_event_topic(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DeregisterEventTopic", input, options) end @doc """ Obtains information about the conditional forwarders for this account. If no input parameters are provided for RemoteDomainNames, this request describes all conditional forwarders for the specified directory ID. """ def describe_conditional_forwarders(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeConditionalForwarders", input, options) end @doc """ Obtains information about the directories that belong to this account. You can retrieve information about specific directories by passing the directory identifiers in the *DirectoryIds* parameter. Otherwise, all directories that belong to the current account are returned. This operation supports pagination with the use of the *NextToken* request and response parameters. If more results are available, the *DescribeDirectoriesResult.NextToken* member contains a token that you pass in the next call to `DescribeDirectories` to retrieve the next set of items. You can also specify a maximum number of return results with the *Limit* parameter. """ def describe_directories(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeDirectories", input, options) end @doc """ Obtains information about which SNS topics receive status messages from the specified directory. If no input parameters are provided, such as DirectoryId or TopicName, this request describes all of the associations in the account. """ def describe_event_topics(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeEventTopics", input, options) end @doc """ Obtains information about the directory snapshots that belong to this account. This operation supports pagination with the use of the *NextToken* request and response parameters. If more results are available, the *DescribeSnapshots.NextToken* member contains a token that you pass in the next call to `DescribeSnapshots` to retrieve the next set of items. You can also specify a maximum number of return results with the *Limit* parameter. """ def describe_snapshots(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeSnapshots", input, options) end @doc """ Obtains information about the trust relationships for this account. If no input parameters are provided, such as DirectoryId or TrustIds, this request describes all the trust relationships belonging to the account. """ def describe_trusts(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DescribeTrusts", input, options) end @doc """ Disables multi-factor authentication (MFA) with the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) server for an AD Connector directory. """ def disable_radius(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DisableRadius", input, options) end @doc """ Disables single-sign on for a directory. """ def disable_sso(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "DisableSso", input, options) end @doc """ Enables multi-factor authentication (MFA) with the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) server for an AD Connector directory. """ def enable_radius(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "EnableRadius", input, options) end @doc """ Enables single sign-on for a directory. """ def enable_sso(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "EnableSso", input, options) end @doc """ Obtains directory limit information for the current region. """ def get_directory_limits(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "GetDirectoryLimits", input, options) end @doc """ Obtains the manual snapshot limits for a directory. """ def get_snapshot_limits(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "GetSnapshotLimits", input, options) end @doc """ Lists the address blocks that you have added to a directory. """ def list_ip_routes(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ListIpRoutes", input, options) end @doc """ Lists all schema extensions applied to a Microsoft AD Directory. """ def list_schema_extensions(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ListSchemaExtensions", input, options) end @doc """ Lists all tags on a directory. """ def list_tags_for_resource(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "ListTagsForResource", input, options) end @doc """ Associates a directory with an SNS topic. This establishes the directory as a publisher to the specified SNS topic. You can then receive email or text (SMS) messages when the status of your directory changes. You get notified if your directory goes from an Active status to an Impaired or Inoperable status. You also receive a notification when the directory returns to an Active status. """ def register_event_topic(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RegisterEventTopic", input, options) end @doc """ Removes IP address blocks from a directory. """ def remove_ip_routes(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RemoveIpRoutes", input, options) end @doc """ Removes tags from a directory. """ def remove_tags_from_resource(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RemoveTagsFromResource", input, options) end @doc """ Restores a directory using an existing directory snapshot. When you restore a directory from a snapshot, any changes made to the directory after the snapshot date are overwritten. This action returns as soon as the restore operation is initiated. You can monitor the progress of the restore operation by calling the `DescribeDirectories` operation with the directory identifier. When the **DirectoryDescription.Stage** value changes to `Active`, the restore operation is complete. """ def restore_from_snapshot(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "RestoreFromSnapshot", input, options) end @doc """ Applies a schema extension to a Microsoft AD directory. """ def start_schema_extension(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "StartSchemaExtension", input, options) end @doc """ Updates a conditional forwarder that has been set up for your AWS directory. """ def update_conditional_forwarder(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "UpdateConditionalForwarder", input, options) end @doc """ Updates the Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) server information for an AD Connector directory. """ def update_radius(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "UpdateRadius", input, options) end @doc """ AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory allows you to configure and verify trust relationships. This action verifies a trust relationship between your Microsoft AD in the AWS cloud and an external domain. """ def verify_trust(client, input, options \\ []) do request(client, "VerifyTrust", input, options) end @spec request(map(), binary(), map(), list()) :: {:ok, Poison.Parser.t | nil, Poison.Response.t} | {:error, Poison.Parser.t} | {:error, HTTPoison.Error.t} defp request(client, action, input, options) do client = %{client | service: "ds"} host = get_host("ds", client) url = get_url(host, client) headers = [{"Host", host}, {"Content-Type", "application/x-amz-json-1.1"}, {"X-Amz-Target", "DirectoryService_20150416.#{action}"}] payload = Poison.Encoder.encode(input, []) headers = AWS.Request.sign_v4(client, "POST", url, headers, payload) case, payload, headers, options) do {:ok, response=%HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: ""}} -> {:ok, nil, response} {:ok, response=%HTTPoison.Response{status_code: 200, body: body}} -> {:ok, Poison.Parser.parse!(body), response} {:ok, _response=%HTTPoison.Response{body: body}} -> error = Poison.Parser.parse!(body) exception = error["__type"] message = error["message"] {:error, {exception, message}} {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: reason}} -> {:error, %HTTPoison.Error{reason: reason}} end end defp get_host(endpoint_prefix, client) do if client.region == "local" do "localhost" else "#{endpoint_prefix}.#{client.region}.#{client.endpoint}" end end defp get_url(host, %{:proto => proto, :port => port}) do "#{proto}://#{host}:#{port}/" end end
alias Plug.Conn.Unfetched defmodule Plug.Conn do @moduledoc """ The Plug connection. This module defines a `Plug.Conn` struct and the main functions for working with Plug connections. Note request headers are normalized to lowercase and response headers are expected to have lower-case keys. ## Request fields These fields contain request information: * `host` - the requested host as a binary, example: `""` * `method` - the request method as a binary, example: `"GET"` * `path_info` - the path split into segments, example: `["hello", "world"]` * `script_name` - the initial portion of the URL's path that corresponds to the application routing, as segments, example: ["sub","app"]. * `request_path` - the requested path, example: `/trailing/and//double//slashes/` * `port` - the requested port as an integer, example: `80` * `peer` - the actual TCP peer that connected, example: `{{127, 0, 0, 1}, 12345}`. Often this is not the actual IP and port of the client, but rather of a load-balancer or request-router. * `remote_ip` - the IP of the client, example: `{151, 236, 219, 228}`. This field is meant to be overwritten by plugs that understand e.g. the `X-Forwarded-For` header or HAProxy's PROXY protocol. It defaults to peer's IP. * `req_headers` - the request headers as a list, example: `[{"content-type", "text/plain"}]`. Note all headers will be downcased. * `scheme` - the request scheme as an atom, example: `:http` * `query_string` - the request query string as a binary, example: `"foo=bar"` ## Fetchable fields The request information in these fields is not populated until it is fetched using the associated `fetch_` function. For example, the `cookies` field uses `fetch_cookies/2`. If you access these fields before fetching them, they will be returned as `Plug.Conn.Unfetched` structs. * `cookies`- the request cookies with the response cookies * `body_params` - the request body params, populated through a `Plug.Parsers` parser. * `query_params` - the request query params, populated through `fetch_query_params/2` * `path_params` - the request path params, populated by routers such as `Plug.Router` * `params` - the request params, the result of merging the `:body_params` and `:query_params` with `:path_params` * `req_cookies` - the request cookies (without the response ones) ## Response fields These fields contain response information: * `resp_body` - the response body, by default is an empty string. It is set to nil after the response is set, except for test connections. * `resp_charset` - the response charset, defaults to "utf-8" * `resp_cookies` - the response cookies with their name and options * `resp_headers` - the response headers as a list of tuples, by default `cache-control` is set to `"max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"`. Note, response headers are expected to have lower-case keys. * `status` - the response status Furthermore, the `before_send` field stores callbacks that are invoked before the connection is sent. Callbacks are invoked in the reverse order they are registered (callbacks registered first are invoked last) in order to reproduce a pipeline ordering. ## Connection fields * `assigns` - shared user data as a map * `owner` - the Elixir process that owns the connection * `halted` - the boolean status on whether the pipeline was halted * `secret_key_base` - a secret key used to verify and encrypt cookies. the field must be set manually whenever one of those features are used. This data must be kept in the connection and never used directly, always use `Plug.Crypto.KeyGenerator.generate/3` to derive keys from it * `state` - the connection state The connection state is used to track the connection lifecycle. It starts as `:unset` but is changed to `:set` (via `Plug.Conn.resp/3`) or `:file` (when invoked via `Plug.Conn.send_file/3`). Its final result is `:sent` or `:chunked` depending on the response model. ## Private fields These fields are reserved for libraries/framework usage. * `adapter` - holds the adapter information in a tuple * `private` - shared library data as a map ## Protocols `Plug.Conn` implements both the Collectable and Inspect protocols out of the box. The inspect protocol provides a nice representation of the connection while the collectable protocol allows developers to easily chunk data. For example: # Send the chunked response headers conn = send_chunked(conn, 200) # Pipe the given list into a connection # Each item is emitted as a chunk Enum.into(~w(each chunk as a word), conn) ## Custom status codes Plug allows status codes to be overridden or added in order to allow new codes not directly specified by Plug or its adapters. Adding or overriding a status code is done through the Mix configuration of the `:plug` application. For example, to override the existing 404 reason phrase for the 404 status code ("Not Found" by default) and add a new 451 status code, the following config can be specified: config :plug, :statuses, %{ 404 => "Actually This Was Found", 451 => "Unavailable For Legal Reasons" } As this configuration is Plug specific, Plug will need to be recompiled for the changes to take place: this will not happen automatically as dependencies are not automatically recompiled when their configuration changes. To recompile Plug: mix deps.clean --build plug The atoms that can be used in place of the status code in many functions are inflected from the reason phrase of the status code. With the above configuration, the following will all work: put_status(conn, :not_found) # 404 put_status(conn, :actually_this_was_found) # 404 put_status(conn, :unavailable_for_legal_reasons) # 451 Even though 404 has been overridden, the `:not_found` atom can still be used to set the status to 404 as well as the new atom `:actually_this_was_found` inflected from the reason phrase "Actually This Was Found". """ @type adapter :: {module, term} @type assigns :: %{atom => any} @type before_send :: [(t -> t)] @type body :: iodata @type cookies :: %{binary => binary} @type halted :: boolean @type headers :: [{binary, binary}] @type host :: binary @type int_status :: non_neg_integer | nil @type owner :: pid @type method :: binary @type param :: binary | %{binary => param} | [param] @type params :: %{binary => param} @type peer :: {:inet.ip_address, :inet.port_number} @type port_number :: :inet.port_number @type query_string :: String.t @type resp_cookies :: %{binary => %{}} @type scheme :: :http | :https @type secret_key_base :: binary | nil @type segments :: [binary] @type state :: :unset | :set | :file | :chunked | :sent @type status :: atom | int_status @type t :: %__MODULE__{ adapter: adapter, assigns: assigns, before_send: before_send, body_params: params | Unfetched.t, cookies: cookies | Unfetched.t, host: host, method: method, owner: owner, params: params | Unfetched.t, path_info: segments, path_params: params, port: :inet.port_number, private: assigns, query_params: params | Unfetched.t, query_string: query_string, peer: peer, remote_ip: :inet.ip_address, req_cookies: cookies | Unfetched.t, req_headers: headers, request_path: binary, resp_body: body | nil, resp_cookies: resp_cookies, resp_headers: headers, scheme: scheme, script_name: segments, secret_key_base: secret_key_base, state: state, status: int_status} defstruct adapter: {Plug.Conn, nil}, assigns: %{}, before_send: [], body_params: %Unfetched{aspect: :body_params}, cookies: %Unfetched{aspect: :cookies}, halted: false, host: "", method: "GET", owner: nil, params: %Unfetched{aspect: :params}, path_params: %{}, path_info: [], port: 0, private: %{}, query_params: %Unfetched{aspect: :query_params}, query_string: "", peer: nil, remote_ip: nil, req_cookies: %Unfetched{aspect: :cookies}, req_headers: [], request_path: "", resp_body: nil, resp_cookies: %{}, resp_headers: [{"cache-control", "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate"}], scheme: :http, script_name: [], secret_key_base: nil, state: :unset, status: nil defmodule NotSentError do defexception message: "a response was neither set nor sent from the connection" @moduledoc """ Error raised when no response is sent in a request """ end defmodule AlreadySentError do defexception message: "the response was already sent" @moduledoc """ Error raised when trying to modify or send an already sent response """ end defmodule CookieOverflowError do defexception message: "cookie exceeds maximum size of 4096 bytes" @moduledoc """ Error raised when the cookie exceeds the maximum size of 4096 bytes. """ end defmodule InvalidHeaderError do defexception message: "header is invalid" @moduledoc ~S""" Error raised when trying to send a header that has errors, for example: * the header key contains uppercase chars * the header value contains newlines \n """ end defmodule InvalidQueryError do @moduledoc """ Raised when the request string is malformed, for example: * the query has bad utf-8 encoding * the query fails to www-form decode """ defexception message: "query string is invalid", plug_status: 400 end alias Plug.Conn @already_sent {:plug_conn, :sent} @unsent [:unset, :set] @doc """ Assigns a value to a key in the connection ## Examples iex> conn.assigns[:hello] nil iex> conn = assign(conn, :hello, :world) iex> conn.assigns[:hello] :world """ @spec assign(t, atom, term) :: t def assign(%Conn{assigns: assigns} = conn, key, value) when is_atom(key) do %{conn | assigns: Map.put(assigns, key, value)} end @doc """ Starts a task to assign a value to a key in the connection. `await_assign/2` can be used to wait for the async task to complete and retrieve the resulting value. Behind the scenes, it uses `Task.async/1`. ## Examples iex> conn.assigns[:hello] nil iex> conn = async_assign(conn, :hello, fn -> :world end) iex> conn.assigns[:hello] %Task{...} """ @spec async_assign(t, atom, (() -> term)) :: t def async_assign(%Conn{} = conn, key, fun) when is_atom(key) and is_function(fun, 0) do assign(conn, key, Task.async(fun)) end @doc """ Awaits the completion of an async assign. Returns a connection with the value resulting from the async assignment placed under `key` in the `:assigns` field. Behind the scenes, it uses `Task.await/2`. ## Examples iex> conn.assigns[:hello] nil iex> conn = async_assign(conn, :hello, fn -> :world end) iex> conn = await_assign(conn, :hello) # blocks until `conn.assigns[:hello]` is available iex> conn.assigns[:hello] :world """ @spec await_assign(t, atom, timeout) :: t def await_assign(%Conn{} = conn, key, timeout \\ 5000) when is_atom(key) do task = Map.fetch!(conn.assigns, key) assign(conn, key, Task.await(task, timeout)) end @doc """ Assigns a new **private** key and value in the connection. This storage is meant to be used by libraries and frameworks to avoid writing to the user storage (the `:assigns` field). It is recommended for libraries/frameworks to prefix the keys with the library name. For example, if some plug needs to store a `:hello` key, it should do so as `:plug_hello`: iex> conn.private[:plug_hello] nil iex> conn = put_private(conn, :plug_hello, :world) iex> conn.private[:plug_hello] :world """ @spec put_private(t, atom, term) :: t def put_private(%Conn{private: private} = conn, key, value) when is_atom(key) do %{conn | private: Map.put(private, key, value)} end @doc """ Stores the given status code in the connection. The status code can be `nil`, an integer or an atom. The list of allowed atoms is available in `Plug.Conn.Status`. Raises a `Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError` if the connection has already been `:sent`. """ @spec put_status(t, status) :: t def put_status(%Conn{state: :sent}, _status), do: raise AlreadySentError def put_status(%Conn{} = conn, nil), do: %{conn | status: nil} def put_status(%Conn{} = conn, status), do: %{conn | status: Plug.Conn.Status.code(status)} @doc """ Sends a response to the client. It expects the connection state to be `:set`, otherwise raises an `ArgumentError` for `:unset` connections or a `Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError` for already `:sent` connections. At the end sets the connection state to `:sent`. """ @spec send_resp(t) :: t | no_return def send_resp(conn) def send_resp(%Conn{state: :unset}) do raise ArgumentError, "cannot send a response that was not set" end def send_resp(%Conn{adapter: {adapter, payload}, state: :set, owner: owner} = conn) do conn = run_before_send(conn, :set) {:ok, body, payload} = adapter.send_resp(payload, conn.status, conn.resp_headers, conn.resp_body) send owner, @already_sent %{conn | adapter: {adapter, payload}, resp_body: body, state: :sent} end def send_resp(%Conn{}) do raise AlreadySentError end @doc """ Sends a file as the response body with the given `status` and optionally starting at the given offset until the given length. If available, the file is sent directly over the socket using the operating system `sendfile` operation. It expects a connection that has not been `:sent` yet and sets its state to `:sent` afterwards. Otherwise raises `Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError`. ## Examples Plug.Conn.send_file(conn, 200, "") """ @spec send_file(t, status, filename :: binary, offset ::integer, length :: integer | :all) :: t | no_return def send_file(conn, status, file, offset \\ 0, length \\ :all) def send_file(%Conn{state: state}, status, _file, _offset, _length) when not state in @unsent do _ = Plug.Conn.Status.code(status) raise AlreadySentError end def send_file(%Conn{adapter: {adapter, payload}, owner: owner} = conn, status, file, offset, length) when is_binary(file) do if file =~ "\0" do raise ArgumentError, "cannot send_file/5 with null byte" end conn = run_before_send(%{conn | status: Plug.Conn.Status.code(status), resp_body: nil}, :file) {:ok, body, payload} = adapter.send_file(payload, conn.status, conn.resp_headers, file, offset, length) send owner, @already_sent %{conn | adapter: {adapter, payload}, state: :sent, resp_body: body} end @doc """ Sends the response headers as a chunked response. It expects a connection that has not been `:sent` yet and sets its state to `:chunked` afterwards. Otherwise raises `Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError`. """ @spec send_chunked(t, status) :: t | no_return def send_chunked(%Conn{state: state}, status) when not state in @unsent do _ = Plug.Conn.Status.code(status) raise AlreadySentError end def send_chunked(%Conn{adapter: {adapter, payload}, owner: owner} = conn, status) do conn = run_before_send(%{conn | status: Plug.Conn.Status.code(status), resp_body: nil}, :chunked) {:ok, body, payload} = adapter.send_chunked(payload, conn.status, conn.resp_headers) send owner, @already_sent %{conn | adapter: {adapter, payload}, resp_body: body} end @doc """ Sends a chunk as part of a chunked response. It expects a connection with state `:chunked` as set by `send_chunked/2`. It returns `{:ok, conn}` in case of success, otherwise `{:error, reason}`. """ @spec chunk(t, body) :: {:ok, t} | {:error, term} | no_return def chunk(%Conn{state: :chunked} = conn, ""), do: {:ok, conn} def chunk(%Conn{adapter: {adapter, payload}, state: :chunked} = conn, chunk) do case adapter.chunk(payload, chunk) do :ok -> {:ok, conn} {:ok, body, payload} -> {:ok, %{conn | resp_body: body, adapter: {adapter, payload}}} {:error, _} = error -> error end end def chunk(%Conn{}, chunk) when is_binary(chunk) or is_list(chunk) do raise ArgumentError, "chunk/2 expects a chunked response. Please ensure " <> "you have called send_chunked/2 before you send a chunk" end @doc """ Sends a response with the given status and body. See `send_resp/1` for more information. """ @spec send_resp(t, status, body) :: t | no_return def send_resp(%Conn{} = conn, status, body) do conn |> resp(status, body) |> send_resp() end @doc """ Sets the response to the given `status` and `body`. It sets the connection state to `:set` (if not already `:set`) and raises `Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError` if it was already `:sent`. """ @spec resp(t, status, body) :: t def resp(%Conn{state: state}, status, _body) when not state in @unsent do _ = Plug.Conn.Status.code(status) raise AlreadySentError end def resp(%Conn{}, _status, nil) do raise ArgumentError, "response body cannot be set to nil" end def resp(%Conn{} = conn, status, body) when is_binary(body) or is_list(body) do %{conn | status: Plug.Conn.Status.code(status), resp_body: body, state: :set} end @doc """ Returns the values of the request header specified by `key`. """ @spec get_req_header(t, binary) :: [binary] def get_req_header(%Conn{req_headers: headers}, key) when is_binary(key) do for {k, v} <- headers, k == key, do: v end @doc """ Adds a new request header (`key`) if not present, otherwise replaces the previous value of that header with `value`. It is recommended for header keys to be in lower-case, to avoid sending duplicate keys in a request. As a convenience, this is validated during testing which raises a `Plug.Conn.InvalidHeaderError` if the header key is not lowercase. Raises a `Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError` if the connection has already been `:sent`. """ @spec put_req_header(t, binary, binary) :: t def put_req_header(%Conn{state: :sent}, _key, _value) do raise AlreadySentError end def put_req_header(%Conn{adapter: adapter, req_headers: headers} = conn, key, value) when is_binary(key) and is_binary(value) do validate_header_key!(adapter, key) %{conn | req_headers: List.keystore(headers, key, 0, {key, value})} end @doc """ Deletes a request header if present. Raises a `Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError` if the connection has already been `:sent`. """ @spec delete_req_header(t, binary) :: t def delete_req_header(%Conn{state: :sent}, _key) do raise AlreadySentError end def delete_req_header(%Conn{req_headers: headers} = conn, key) when is_binary(key) do %{conn | req_headers: List.keydelete(headers, key, 0)} end @doc """ Updates a request header if present, otherwise it sets it to an initial value. Raises a `Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError` if the connection has already been `:sent`. """ @spec update_req_header(t, binary, binary, (binary -> binary)) :: t def update_req_header(%Conn{state: :sent}, _key, _initial, _fun) do raise AlreadySentError end def update_req_header(%Conn{} = conn, key, initial, fun) when is_binary(key) and is_binary(initial) and is_function(fun, 1) do case get_req_header(conn, key) do [] -> put_req_header(conn, key, initial) [current|_] -> put_req_header(conn, key, fun.(current)) end end @doc """ Returns the values of the response header specified by `key`. ## Examples iex> conn = %{conn | resp_headers: [{"content-type", "text/plain"}]} iex> get_resp_header(conn, "content-type") ["text/plain"] """ @spec get_resp_header(t, binary) :: [binary] def get_resp_header(%Conn{resp_headers: headers}, key) when is_binary(key) do for {k, v} <- headers, k == key, do: v end @doc ~S""" Adds a new response header (`key`) if not present, otherwise replaces the previous value of that header with `value`. It is recommended for header keys to be in lower-case, to avoid sending duplicate keys in a request. As a convenience, this is validated during testing which raises a `Plug.Conn.InvalidHeaderError` if the header key is not lowercase. Raises a `Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError` if the connection has already been `:sent`. Raises a `Plug.Conn.InvalidHeaderError` if the header value contains control feed (\r) or newline (\n) characters. """ @spec put_resp_header(t, binary, binary) :: t def put_resp_header(%Conn{state: :sent}, _key, _value) do raise AlreadySentError end def put_resp_header(%Conn{adapter: adapter, resp_headers: headers} = conn, key, value) when is_binary(key) and is_binary(value) do validate_header_key!(adapter, key) validate_header_value!(value) %{conn | resp_headers: List.keystore(headers, key, 0, {key, value})} end @doc """ Merges a series of response headers into the connection. """ @spec merge_resp_headers(t, Enum.t) :: t def merge_resp_headers(%Conn{state: :sent}, _headers) do raise AlreadySentError end def merge_resp_headers(conn, headers) when headers == %{} do conn end def merge_resp_headers(%Conn{resp_headers: current} = conn, headers) do headers = Enum.reduce headers, current, fn {key, value}, acc when is_binary(key) and is_binary(value) -> List.keystore(acc, key, 0, {key, value}) end %{conn | resp_headers: headers} end @doc """ Deletes a response header if present. Raises a `Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError` if the connection has already been `:sent`. """ @spec delete_resp_header(t, binary) :: t def delete_resp_header(%Conn{state: :sent}, _key) do raise AlreadySentError end def delete_resp_header(%Conn{resp_headers: headers} = conn, key) when is_binary(key) do %{conn | resp_headers: List.keydelete(headers, key, 0)} end @doc """ Updates a response header if present, otherwise it sets it to an initial value. Raises a `Plug.Conn.AlreadySentError` if the connection has already been `:sent`. """ @spec update_resp_header(t, binary, binary, (binary -> binary)) :: t def update_resp_header(%Conn{state: :sent}, _key, _initial, _fun) do raise AlreadySentError end def update_resp_header(%Conn{} = conn, key, initial, fun) when is_binary(key) and is_binary(initial) and is_function(fun, 1) do case get_resp_header(conn, key) do [] -> put_resp_header(conn, key, initial) [current|_] -> put_resp_header(conn, key, fun.(current)) end end @doc """ Sets the value of the `"content-type"` response header taking into account the `charset`. """ @spec put_resp_content_type(t, binary, binary | nil) :: t def put_resp_content_type(conn, content_type, charset \\ "utf-8") def put_resp_content_type(conn, content_type, nil) when is_binary(content_type) do put_resp_header(conn, "content-type", content_type) end def put_resp_content_type(conn, content_type, charset) when is_binary(content_type) and is_binary(charset) do put_resp_header(conn, "content-type", "#{content_type}; charset=#{charset}") end @doc """ Fetches query parameters from the query string. This function does not fetch parameters from the body. To fetch parameters from the body, use the `Plug.Parsers` plug. ## Options * `:length` - the maximum query string length. Defaults to 1_000_000 bytes. """ @spec fetch_query_params(t, Keyword.t) :: t def fetch_query_params(conn, opts \\ []) def fetch_query_params(%Conn{query_params: %Unfetched{}, params: params, query_string: query_string} = conn, opts) do Plug.Conn.Utils.validate_utf8!(query_string, InvalidQueryError, "query string") length = Keyword.get(opts, :length, 1_000_000) if byte_size(query_string) > length do raise InvalidQueryError, "maximum query string length is #{length}, got a query with #{byte_size(query_string)} bytes" end query_params = Plug.Conn.Query.decode(query_string) case params do %Unfetched{} -> %{conn | query_params: query_params, params: query_params} %{} -> %{conn | query_params: query_params, params: Map.merge(query_params, params)} end end def fetch_query_params(%Conn{} = conn, _opts) do conn end @doc """ Reads the request body. This function reads a chunk of the request body up to a given `:length`. If there is more data to be read, then `{:more, partial_body, conn}` is returned. Otherwise `{:ok, body, conn}` is returned. In case of an error reading the socket, `{:error, reason}` is returned as per `:gen_tcp.recv/2`. In order to, for instance, support slower clients you can tune the `:read_length` and `:read_timeout` options. These specify how much time should be allowed to pass for each read from the underlying socket. Because the request body can be of any size, reading the body will only work once, as Plug will not cache the result of these operations. If you need to access the body multiple times, it is your responsibility to store it. Finally keep in mind some plugs like `Plug.Parsers` may read the body, so the body may be unavailable after being accessed by such plugs. This function is able to handle both chunked and identity transfer-encoding by default. ## Options * `:length` - sets the maximum number of bytes to read from the body for each chunk, defaults to 8_000_000 bytes * `:read_length` - sets the amount of bytes to read at one time from the underlying socket to fill the chunk, defaults to 1_000_000 bytes * `:read_timeout` - sets the timeout for each socket read, defaults to 15_000 ms The values above are not meant to be exact. For example, setting the length to 8_000_000 may end up reading some hundred bytes more from the socket until we halt. ## Examples {:ok, body, conn} = Plug.Conn.read_body(conn, length: 1_000_000) """ @spec read_body(t, Keyword.t) :: {:ok, binary, t} | {:more, binary, t} | {:error, term} def read_body(%Conn{adapter: {adapter, state}} = conn, opts \\ []) do case adapter.read_req_body(state, opts) do {:ok, data, state} -> {:ok, data, %{conn | adapter: {adapter, state}}} {:more, data, state} -> {:more, data, %{conn | adapter: {adapter, state}}} {:error, reason} -> {:error, reason} end end @doc """ Fetches cookies from the request headers. """ @spec fetch_cookies(t, Keyword.t) :: t def fetch_cookies(conn, opts \\ []) def fetch_cookies(%Conn{req_cookies: %Unfetched{}, resp_cookies: resp_cookies, req_headers: req_headers} = conn, _opts) do req_cookies = for {"cookie", cookie} <- req_headers, kv <- Plug.Conn.Cookies.decode(cookie), into: %{}, do: kv cookies = Enum.reduce(resp_cookies, req_cookies, fn {key, opts}, acc -> if value = Map.get(opts, :value) do Map.put(acc, key, value) else Map.delete(acc, key) end end) %{conn | req_cookies: req_cookies, cookies: cookies} end def fetch_cookies(%Conn{} = conn, _opts) do conn end @doc """ Puts a response cookie. The cookie value is not automatically escaped. Therefore, if you want to store values with comma, quotes, etc, you need to explicitly escape them or use a function such as `Base.encode64` when writing and `Base.decode64` when reading the cookie. ## Options * `:domain` - the domain the cookie applies to * `:max_age` - the cookie max-age, in seconds. Providing a value for this option will set both the _max-age_ and _expires_ cookie attributes * `:path` - the path the cookie applies to * `:http_only` - when false, the cookie is accessible beyond http * `:secure` - if the cookie must be sent only over https. Defaults to true when the connection is https * `:extra` - string to append to cookie. Use this to take advantage of non-standard cookie attributes. """ @spec put_resp_cookie(t, binary, binary, Keyword.t) :: t def put_resp_cookie(%Conn{resp_cookies: resp_cookies, scheme: scheme} = conn, key, value, opts \\ []) when is_binary(key) and is_binary(value) and is_list(opts) do cookie = [{:value, value}|opts] |> :maps.from_list() |> maybe_secure_cookie(scheme) resp_cookies = Map.put(resp_cookies, key, cookie) update_cookies(%{conn | resp_cookies: resp_cookies}, &Map.put(&1, key, value)) end defp maybe_secure_cookie(cookie, :https), do: Map.put_new(cookie, :secure, true) defp maybe_secure_cookie(cookie, _), do: cookie @epoch {{1970, 1, 1}, {0, 0, 0}} @doc """ Deletes a response cookie. Deleting a cookie requires the same options as to when the cookie was put. Check `put_resp_cookie/4` for more information. """ @spec delete_resp_cookie(t, binary, Keyword.t) :: t def delete_resp_cookie(%Conn{resp_cookies: resp_cookies} = conn, key, opts \\ []) when is_binary(key) and is_list(opts) do opts = [universal_time: @epoch, max_age: 0] ++ opts resp_cookies = Map.put(resp_cookies, key, :maps.from_list(opts)) update_cookies(%{conn | resp_cookies: resp_cookies}, &Map.delete(&1, key)) end @doc """ Fetches the session from the session store. Will also fetch cookies. """ @spec fetch_session(t, Keyword.t) :: t def fetch_session(conn, opts \\ []) def fetch_session(%Conn{private: private} = conn, _opts) do case Map.fetch(private, :plug_session_fetch) do {:ok, :done} -> conn {:ok, fun} -> conn |> fetch_cookies |> fun.() :error -> raise ArgumentError, "cannot fetch session without a configured session plug" end end @doc """ Puts the specified `value` in the session for the given `key`. The key can be a string or an atom, where atoms are automatically converted to strings. Can only be invoked on unsent `conn`s. Will raise otherwise. """ @spec put_session(t, String.t | atom, any) :: t def put_session(%Conn{state: state}, _key, _value) when not state in @unsent, do: raise AlreadySentError def put_session(conn, key, value) do put_session(conn, &Map.put(&1, session_key(key), value)) end @doc """ Returns session value for the given `key`. The key can be a string or an atom, where atoms are automatically converted to strings. """ @spec get_session(t, String.t | atom) :: any def get_session(conn, key) do conn |> get_session |> Map.get(session_key(key)) end @doc """ Deletes the session for the given `key`. The key can be a string or an atom, where atoms are automatically converted to strings. """ @spec delete_session(t, String.t | atom) :: t def delete_session(%Conn{state: state}, _key) when not state in @unsent, do: raise AlreadySentError def delete_session(conn, key) do put_session(conn, &Map.delete(&1, session_key(key))) end @doc """ Clears the entire session. This function removes every key from the session, clearing the session. Note that, even if `clear_session/1` is used, the session is still sent to the client. If the session should be effectively *dropped*, `configure_session/2` should be used with the `:drop` option set to `true`. """ @spec clear_session(t) :: t def clear_session(conn) do put_session(conn, fn(_existing) -> end) end @doc """ Configures the session. ## Options * `:renew` - generates a new session id for the cookie * `:drop` - drops the session, a session cookie will not be included in the response * `:ignore` - ignores all changes made to the session in this request cycle """ @spec configure_session(t, Keyword.t) :: t def configure_session(%Conn{state: state}, _opts) when not state in @unsent, do: raise AlreadySentError def configure_session(conn, opts) do # Ensure the session is available. _ = get_session(conn) cond do opts[:renew] -> put_private(conn, :plug_session_info, :renew) opts[:drop] -> put_private(conn, :plug_session_info, :drop) opts[:ignore] -> put_private(conn, :plug_session_info, :ignore) true -> conn end end @doc """ Registers a callback to be invoked before the response is sent. Callbacks are invoked in the reverse order they are defined (callbacks defined first are invoked last). """ @spec register_before_send(t, (t -> t)) :: t def register_before_send(%Conn{state: state}, _callback) when not state in @unsent do raise AlreadySentError end def register_before_send(%Conn{before_send: before_send} = conn, callback) when is_function(callback, 1) do %{conn | before_send: [callback|before_send]} end @doc """ Halts the Plug pipeline by preventing further plugs downstream from being invoked. See the docs for `Plug.Builder` for more information on halting a plug pipeline. """ @spec halt(t) :: t def halt(%Conn{} = conn) do %{conn | halted: true} end ## Helpers defp run_before_send(%Conn{before_send: before_send} = conn, new) do conn = Enum.reduce before_send, %{conn | state: new}, &(&1.(&2)) if conn.state != new do raise ArgumentError, "cannot send/change response from run_before_send callback" end %{conn | resp_headers: merge_headers(conn.resp_headers, conn.resp_cookies)} end defp merge_headers(headers, cookies) do Enum.reduce(cookies, headers, fn {key, opts}, acc -> value = key |> Plug.Conn.Cookies.encode(opts) |> verify_cookie!(key) [{"set-cookie", value}|acc] end) end defp verify_cookie!(cookie, key) when byte_size(cookie) > 4096 do raise Plug.Conn.CookieOverflowError, "cookie named #{inspect key} exceeds maximum size of 4096 bytes" end defp verify_cookie!(cookie, _key) do validate_header_value!(cookie) cookie end defp update_cookies(%Conn{state: :sent}, _fun), do: raise AlreadySentError defp update_cookies(%Conn{cookies: %Unfetched{}} = conn, _fun), do: conn defp update_cookies(%Conn{cookies: cookies} = conn, fun), do: %{conn | cookies: fun.(cookies)} defp session_key(binary) when is_binary(binary), do: binary defp session_key(atom) when is_atom(atom), do: Atom.to_string(atom) defp get_session(%Conn{private: private}) do if session = Map.get(private, :plug_session) do session else raise ArgumentError, "session not fetched, call fetch_session/2" end end defp put_session(conn, fun) do private = conn.private |> Map.put(:plug_session, fun.(get_session(conn))) |> Map.put_new(:plug_session_info, :write) %{conn | private: private} end defp validate_header_key!({Plug.Adapters.Test.Conn, _}, key) do unless valid_header_key?(key) do raise InvalidHeaderError, "header key is not lowercase: " <> inspect(key) end end defp validate_header_key!(_adapter, _key) do :ok end # Any string containing an UPPERCASE char is not valid. defp valid_header_key?(<<h, _::binary>>) when h in ?A..?Z, do: false defp valid_header_key?(<<_, t::binary>>), do: valid_header_key?(t) defp valid_header_key?(<<>>), do: true defp valid_header_key?(_), do: false defp validate_header_value!(value) do case :binary.match(value, ["\n", "\r"]) do {_, _} -> raise InvalidHeaderError, "header value contains control feed (\\r) or newline (\\n): " <> inspect(value) :nomatch -> :ok end end end defimpl Inspect, for: Plug.Conn do def inspect(conn, opts) do conn = if opts.limit == :infinity do conn else update_in conn.adapter, fn {adapter, _data} -> {adapter, :...} end end Inspect.Any.inspect(conn, opts) end end defimpl Collectable, for: Plug.Conn do def into(conn) do {conn, fn conn, {:cont, x} -> {:ok, conn} = Plug.Conn.chunk(conn, x) conn conn, _ -> conn end} end end
defmodule ShopifyAPI.Plugs.CustomerAuthenticator do @moduledoc """ The Shopify.Plugs.CustomerAuthenticator plug allows for authentication of a customer call being made from a Shopify shop with a signed payload. ## Liquid Template You can create the payload and signature that this plug will consume with the following `liquid` template: ```liquid {% assign auth_expiry = "now" | date: "%s" | plus: 3600 | date: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z" %} {% capture json_string %} {"id":"{{ }}","expiry":"{{ auth_expiry }}"} {% endcapture %} {% assign AUTH_PAYLOAD = json_string | strip %} {% assign AUTH_SIGNATURE = AUTH_PAYLOAD | hmac_sha256: settings.secret %} ``` The payload itself can be modified to include additional fields so long as it is valid json and contains the `expiry`. The original intent was for this to generate a JWT, but Liquid does not include base64 encoding. The combination of the payload and signature should be considered an access token. If it is compromised, an attacker will be able to make requests with the token until the token expires. ### Including Auth in calls Include the payload and signatures in API calls by including it in the payload. ```liquid data: { auth_payload: {{ AUTH_PAYLOAD | json }}, auth_signature: {{ AUTH_SIGNATURE | json }} } ``` You can also include the payload and signatures in a form. ```liquid <input type="hidden" name="auth_payload" value="{{ AUTH_PAYLOAD }}" > <input type="hidden" name="auth_signature" value="{{ AUTH_SIGNATURE }}" > ``` ## Configuring Secrets Include a shared secret in your Elixir config and in your Shopify settings. You can provide a list to make rotating secrets easier. If the shared secret is compromised, an attacker would be able to generate their own payload/signature tokens. Be sure to keep the shared secret safe. ```elixir # config.exs config :shopify_api, :customer_api_secret_keys, ["new_secret", "old_secret"] ``` ## Example Usage ```elixir pipeline :customer_auth do plug ShopifyAPI.Plugs.CustomerAuthenticator end scope "/api", YourAppWeb do pipe_through(:customer_auth) get "/", CustomerAPIController, :index end ``` """ @behaviour Plug import Plug.Conn alias ShopifyAPI.JSONSerializer alias ShopifyAPI.Security @impl true def init([]), do: [] @impl true def call( %{params: %{"auth_payload" => payload, "auth_signature" => signature}} = conn, _opts ) do now = DateTime.utc_now() with :ok <- validate_signature(payload, signature, customer_api_secret_keys()), {:ok, auth_context} <- parse_payload(payload), :ok <- validate_expiry(auth_context, now) do assign(conn, :auth_payload, auth_context) else error -> handle_error(conn, error) end end def call(conn, _), do: send_unauthorized_response(conn, "Authorization failed") defp validate_signature(auth_payload, signature, secrets) do secrets |> List.wrap() |> Enum.any?(fn secret -> signature == Security.base16_sha256_hmac(auth_payload, secret) end) |> case do true -> :ok false -> :bad_signature end end defp validate_expiry(%{"expiry" => expiry_string}, now) do with {:ok, expiry_datetime, _} <- DateTime.from_iso8601(expiry_string), :lt <-, expiry_datetime) do :ok else {:error, _} -> :invalid_expiry _ -> :expired end end defp validate_expiry(_auth_context, _now), do: :no_expiry defp parse_payload(payload), do: JSONSerializer.decode(payload) defp customer_api_secret_keys, do: Application.get_env(:shopify_api, :customer_api_secret_keys, []) defp send_unauthorized_response(conn, message) do conn |> resp(401, message) |> halt() end defp handle_error(conn, :no_expiry), do: send_unauthorized_response(conn, "A valid expiry must be included in auth_payload") defp handle_error(conn, :invalid_expiry), do: send_unauthorized_response(conn, "A valid ISO8601 expiry must be included in auth_payload") defp handle_error(conn, :expired), do: send_unauthorized_response(conn, "auth_payload has expired") defp handle_error(conn, :bad_signature), do: send_unauthorized_response(conn, "Authorization failed") defp handle_error(conn, {:error, _}), do: send_unauthorized_response(conn, "Could not parse auth_payload") end
defmodule ConfigCat.CachePolicy do @moduledoc """ Represents the [polling mode]( used by ConfigCat. The *ConfigCat SDK* supports 3 different polling mechanisms to acquire the setting values from *ConfigCat*. After the latest setting values are downloaded, they are stored in the internal cache and all requests are served from there. With the following polling modes, you can customize the SDK to best fit to your application's lifecycle. ## Auto polling (default) The *ConfigCat SDK* downloads the latest values and stores them automatically on a regular schedule. See `auto/1` below for details. ## Lazy loading When calling any of the public API functions (like `get_value()`), the *ConfigCat SDK* downloads the latest setting values if they are not present or have expired. In this case the function will wait until the settings have been fetched before returning. See `lazy/1` below for details. ## Manual polling Manual polling gives you full control over when the setting values are downloaded. *ConfigCat SDK* will not update them automatically. Calling `ConfigCat.force_refresh/1` is your application's responsibility. See `manual/0` below for details. """ alias ConfigCat.{ConfigCache, ConfigFetcher} alias __MODULE__.{Auto, Lazy, Manual} @typedoc "Options for auto-polling mode." @type auto_options :: [ {:on_changed, on_changed_callback()} | {:poll_interval_seconds, pos_integer()} ] @typedoc false @type id :: atom() @typedoc "Options for lazy-polling mode." @type lazy_options :: [{:cache_expiry_seconds, non_neg_integer()}] @typedoc "Callback to call when configuration changes." @type on_changed_callback :: (() -> :ok) @typedoc false @type option :: {:cache, module()} | {:cache_key, ConfigCache.key()} | {:cache_policy, t()} | {:fetcher, module()} | {:fetcher_id,} | {:name, id()} @typedoc false @type options :: [option] @typedoc false @type refresh_result :: :ok | ConfigFetcher.fetch_error() @typedoc "The polling mode" @opaque t :: Auto.t() | Lazy.t() | Manual.t() @doc """ Auto-polling mode. The *ConfigCat SDK* downloads the latest values and stores them automatically on a regular schedule. Use the `poll_interval_seconds` option to change the polling interval. Defaults to 60 seconds if not specified. ```elixir 60) ``` If you want your application to be notified whenever a new configuration is available, provide a 0-arity callback function using the `on_change` option. The `on_change` callback is called asynchronously (using `Task.start`). Any exceptions raised are caught and logged. ```elixir callback) ``` """ @spec auto(auto_options()) :: t() def auto(options \\ []) do end @doc """ Lazy polling mode. When calling any of the public API functions (like `get_value()`), the *ConfigCat SDK* downloads the latest setting values if they are not present or have expired. In this case the function will wait until the settings have been fetched before returning. Use the required `cache_expiry_seconds` option to set the cache lifetime. ```elixir ConfigCat.CachePolicy.lazy(cache_expiry_seconds: 300) ``` """ @spec lazy(lazy_options()) :: t() def lazy(options) do end @doc """ Manual polling mode. Manual polling gives you full control over when the setting values are downloaded. *ConfigCat SDK* will not update them automatically. Calling `ConfigCat.force_refresh/1` is your application's responsibility. ```elixir ConfigCat.CachePolicy.manual() ``` """ @spec manual :: t() def manual do end @doc false @spec policy_name(t()) :: module() def policy_name(%policy{}), do: policy @spec policy_name(options()) :: module() def policy_name(options) when is_list(options) do options |> Keyword.fetch!(:cache_policy) |> policy_name() end @doc false @spec child_spec(options()) :: Supervisor.child_spec() def child_spec(options) do policy_name(options).child_spec(options) end @doc false @spec start_link(options()) :: GenServer.on_start() def start_link(options) do policy_name(options).start_link(options) end end
defmodule Pets do @moduledoc """ A generic datastore using PersistentEts. Most Pets functions take a `signature` as the first argument, which identifies a specific Pets datastore. The signature is simply a map with two fields: - tablekey - an atom which identifies the underlying ETS table - filepath - the path in which to store the PersistentEts datafile You can create a new Pets signature in many ways: ``` $> x = %Pets{} $> y = Pets.test_sig() $> z = %{tablekey: :asdf, filepath: "/tmp/"} ``` Pets is generally wrapped in a container module for managing specific types of records. The container module is responsible for establishing the signature, and defining a struct that is stored in PersistentEts. """ defstruct [:tablekey, :filepath] @doc "Start the datastore." def start(sig, opts \\ []) do unless started?(sig) do tableopts = Enum.uniq([:named_table, :public] ++ opts), sig.filepath, tableopts) end end @doc "Stop the database if it is running, then start." def restart(sig, opts \\ []) do if started?(sig), do: stop(sig) start(sig, opts) end @doc "Stop the datastore." def stop(sig) do if started?(sig) do try do PersistentEts.delete(sig.tablekey) rescue _ -> :error end end :ok end @doc "Stop the datastore and remove the data-file." def cleanup(sig) do stop(sig) File.rm(sig.filepath) :ok end @doc """ Insert a tuple into the data-store. The datakey is the first element in the tuple. """ def insert(sig, tuple) do start(sig) case :ets.insert(sig.tablekey, tuple) do true -> tuple _ -> :error end end @doc """ Lookup a datakey in the datastore. The datakey is the first element in the tuple. """ def lookup(sig, datakey) do start(sig) result = :ets.lookup(sig.tablekey, datakey) case result do [] -> nil _ -> result end end @doc """ Delete an element from the datastore. This function deletes the key and it's associated record. """ def delete(sig, datakey) do start(sig) :ets.delete(sig.tablekey, datakey) end @doc "Return all records in the table." def all(sig) do start(sig) :ets.tab2list(sig.tablekey) end @doc "Check for existence of key in data-store." def has_key?(sig, datakey) do start(sig) :ets.lookup(sig.tablekey, datakey) != [] end @doc "Return true if a table has been started." def started?(sig) do :ets.whereis(sig.tablekey) != :undefined end @doc "Generate a test context." def test_sig do test_sig(prefix: "pets") end def test_sig([prefix: pref]) do with num <- Enum.random(10000..99999), do: %{ tablekey: String.to_atom("#{pref}_test_#{num}"), filepath: "/tmp/#{pref}_test_#{num}.dat" } end end