3 values
1 value
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
This was one of the first studies to examine the number of instability episodes as a predictor of an intra-articular injury.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
EVR with reduced-exposure TAC attenuated weight gain at 1 and 2 years posttransplant compared with a standard TAC immunosuppression regimen.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Psychological assessment demonstrated a close correlation between symptoms and psychological factors, suggesting that group psychotherapy is an important alternative to conventional treatment methods.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Most of the eyes with CRVO had normal optic disc diameter, but about 25% of patients with CRVO have reduced optic disc dimensions.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
This appears to be the first review to examine health interventions for tertiary education staff.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The effect of fasting on glucose was small and may not be clinically important.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The prevalence of asthma was 4.57% and QOL was impaired among the asthmatic obese individuals.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
We believe that SLB should be performed in a select group of patients with ILD after discussion by a multidisciplinary panel.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The TruView may be used to elevate the epiglottis for orotracheal intubation.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
RSL for breast conservation surgery has a low rate of positive margins even early in a surgeons experience.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Visual and optical quality decreases after ortho-k treatment, which can be alleviated by a larger TxZ diameter and a smaller lens decentration.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Awareness about breast self-examination should be emphasized.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Use of the salt substitute significantly reduces the increase in BP over a long term, and thus, the salt substitute can be used as a replacement for regular salt in the daily diet to prevent/diminish the incidence of hypertension.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The results of multiple diffusion anisotropic indices data provide complementary information to understand the dysfunction of thalamo-cortical pathway in DRE patients, which may be contributors to disorder of language and motor functions.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Hypovitaminosis D was common among patients with a foot or ankle injury seen at our institution.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Further research to identify effective maintenance strategies is required to maximize the benefits of telephone-based interventions on child diet.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
These results suggest that the rs2301436 tagSNP of FGFR10P is positively associated with susceptibility to VKH syndrome in the tested Chinese Han populations.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Although metformin may improve tumour response in the non-randomized, retrospective studies analysed, it may not necessarily confer survival benefits.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Our findings suggested that the increased plasma level of 27-OHC was associated with MCI, suggesting high plasma levels of 27-OHC may pay an important role in the development of MCI.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Wheatgrass supplementation at a dose of 3.5\xa0g per day for a period of 10\xa0weeks results in significant reductions in Apo B fraction, TC, and TAG without significantly reducing the HDL cholesterol.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Based on the results of this study, an affirmation can be made that meditation can be used as a non-invasive intervention treatment for improving fatigue, anxiety, quality of life, and emotional faculties of women with breast cancer.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Obesity is associated with increased IOP compared with normal weight controls, but not with the magnitude of postural IOP change across different seated and supine positions.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Aromatherapy massage is a simple and effective nonpharmacological nursing intervention that can be used to manage neuropathic pain and improve QoL in patients with painful neuropathy.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The method leads to safe, fast and apparently permanent results.
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Based on color pattern recognition, it outperforms previous state-of-the-art approaches.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
These results suggest rare CNVs might have a role in breast cancer susceptibility, at least for disease at a young age.
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The PC\xa0+\xa0EC method is more efficient for improving serum lipids and enhancing health awareness than any single programme in older adults with dyslipidaemia.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
These data may help to understand the mechanisms that trigger ischemic events and to better organize hospital assistance throughout the year.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Findings demonstrate the utility of this intervention for smoking reduction and maintenance of reductions over time among a population of college students with elevated depressive symptomatology.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The intraoperative use of MMC during PRK did not induce tear deficiency, and it seems that MMC can be used safely when necessary.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
In addition, those with T1DM have lower scores for their intuitive eating behaviour compared to controls.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
High mammographic density is an independent risk factor of local and locoregional recurrence but is neither associated with distant metastasis nor survival.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Work-related psychosocial stress may increase the risk of T2DM only amongst women in their early 60s.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Maintained HDL in OH probably reflects reduced CETP activity, which was not observed in SCH.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Interventions on contraceptive attitudes and behaviors should base on the existing health service system, synthesize resources and selectively apply to populations with distinct characteristics.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
FLI could be used as a surrogate of CAP.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
This work highlights the importance of several psychosocial factors in influencing patients surgical decisions.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Most M3s lacked adequate fluid and electrolyte management competency.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Our findings revealed that girls with PA have higher body weight and height for age values.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
High intratumoral PTEN gene expression was associated with poor prognosis in patients with locally advanced breast cancers harboring wild-type TP53.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Nebulization with 5% hypertonic saline is safe, can be widely generalizable, and may be superior to current treatment for early outpatient treatment of bronchiolitis.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The fact that testing of platelet function at only one time point has reduced significance may have implications for all clinical settings in which aspirin is used for the prevention of thrombo-embolic events.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The LA Sprouts program positively affected a number of determinants of dietary behaviors that suggest possible mechanisms by which gardening and nutrition education act to improve dietary intake and health outcomes.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Desoximetasone 0.25% topical spray is a high to super high range of potency (Class I to Class II) steroid formulation.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
These findings emphasize the importance of the patient-provider relationship during a clinic visit and help inform how nurses may be incorporated into subsequent screening mammography interventions tailored to Latinas.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
This intervention targeting CHWs could lead to desired outcomes for both CHWs and PWID.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
While QI implementation may result in staff who are more satisfied with their jobs and who believe they are providing better care, associations with improved care are uncertain.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Younger patients have better overall adherence likely secondary to increased parental supervision.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
These associations may be secondary to adiposity or insulin resistance.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Specialist physicians have moderate ability to identify patient negative affect and poor ability to identify patient positive affect and patient satisfaction.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Although self-selection bias was present in our data, it was not likely to be responsible for the beneficial effect in women aged 65-74 at the time of invitation to screenings.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The association between TG response after a mixed meal and IMT disappeared after adjusting for TGc.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
This protocol will save money, time, and workload without compromising patients safety and future management.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
In patients with active ophthalmopathy, teprotumumab was more effective than placebo in reducing proptosis and the Clinical Activity Score.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Risk factors for bleeding can be identified, and knowledge of these risk factors can be used to plan therapy.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
This study found that children exposed to the Jazan war had more anxiety.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The use of cholesterol-lowering medication increased substantially over a decade in community-dwelling elderly individuals but was not related to a change in level or trend following the release of the guidelines and evidence-based data.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The collagen matrix represents a possible alternative to CTG.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Biofilm forming isolates and non-biofilm forming isolates had similar infectious outcomes in this study.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
RLS negatively influenced sleep and was associated with depressed mood.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
However, the diagnosis should be considered with the diameter of appendix over 6 mm.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The remaining risk factors specific to sub-clinical and major postpartum depression suggest some differences between women vulnerable to sub-clinical compared to major depressive symptoms in the postpartum period, which may have implications for targeted screening and intervention strategies.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Although the inverse association attributable to these biomarkers is substantial, future research should explore benefits of exercise beyond these biomarkers of risk.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
One month after breast cancer surgery, satisfaction with different life domains was associated primarily with social support and health-related functioning.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
We found an SVR to reduce overall mortality and risk of death from liver-related and non-liver-related causes.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Other studies are needed to clarify the potential advantages of the LMA on breastfeeding.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Therapy with alogliptin was well tolerated.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
These findings may inform targeted intervention efforts.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Sitagliptin might protect β-cells in the pancreas by elongating the telomere length.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The findings might be used by providers and health systems to promote healthy lifestyle changes for their patients.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The presence of PU is also related to adverse outcomes, such as MV duration and ICU and hospital mortality.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
For those identified to be at high risk, providers must then either engage in chemopreventive counselling or refer patients to providers who are more comfortable working with patients on this critical decision.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The initial negative nitrogen balance can be increased by more aggressive feeding regimes than the usual ones.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Compared with testing using the Carpenter-Coustan criteria, the IADPSG criteria for diagnosis of GDM were associated with higher rates of GDM, cesarean delivery, shoulder dystocia, and neonatal intensive care unit admission.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The use of NSAIDs was not associated with more diarrhoeal symptoms.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
IMPACT: These findings, coupled with evidence that statin use is associated with reduced recurrence risk, suggest that lipid levels should be explored as a modifiable risk factor for prostate cancer recurrence.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Fast-track anesthesia combined with morphine-clonidine spinal analgesia controlled postoperative pain better and obtained a better QoR than conventional analgesia.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Further work is needed to understand how weight management programmes can be delivered effectively to young people from diverse and deprived backgrounds in which childhood obesity is common.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
In most cases, such findings can form the basis of the diagnosis, eliminating the need to perform a lung biopsy.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Findings provide preliminary support for the integration of an SBIRT model in an HIV/AIDS clinic setting to screen and provide active treatment to all smokers, regardless of readiness to quit smoking.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Up to 43% of patients undergoing shoulder arthroscopy can be classified as obese, but early perioperative complications are uncommon.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Study results supported RNs' unique contribution to resident outcomes in comparison to alternative nurse staffing in fall prevention, decreased use of tube feeding, better range of motion for residents, and decreased aggressive behaviors in nursing homes in Korea.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Through meta-analysis, we were able to gain insight into previously reported associations between +331G/A polymorphism and breast cancer risk.
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The common Ala-87-Thr polymorphism of the P2Y11 receptor is associated with AMI and increased levels of C-reactive protein.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
We have identified common variants in SLCO1B1 that are strongly associated with an increased risk of statin-induced myopathy.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Stent diameter might be important for stent patency in procedure with PES for SFA lesions.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The results in this trial did not highlight any differences between those who received the intervention and those who received usual care.
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However, its role in the prevention of endometrial hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma as well as its effect on risk of breast cancer recurrence remain uncertain.
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But the tendon-bone suture without tension is then often possible only with musculo-tendinoplasties.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Further research should consider organizational readiness as an important factor of change and ultimately of the quality of care.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Men appeared more susceptible to T2D than women.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The bidirectional association between AN diagnosis and CD warrants attention in the initial assessment and follow-up of these conditions because underdiagnosis and misdiagnosis of these disorders likely cause protracted and unnecessary morbidity.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The hypertriglyceridemic waist phenotype is significantly associated with lower HDL-cholesterol levels in men with heart failure.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
In preschool-age children, an intensive 6-month behavioral skills-based intervention is necessary to reduce obesity.
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GNRI could identify patients with high risk for amputation in early time.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
These findings do not provide evidence to support routine metronidazole treatment of D. fragilis positive children with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms.
This is no advice
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No significant differences in weight gain, growth, or nutritional status were observed at hospital discharge between the two feeding strategies.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Parents and health professionals can confidently use these techniques to reduce the short- to medium-term burden of infant sleep problems and maternal depression.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
More study is needed before recommending weight loss, in particular rapid weight loss, among men with prostate cancer.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
A data monitoring committee should be considered in the design of clinical trials involving behavioral interventions.