3 values
1 value
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Measuring personality factors in chronically ill individuals may facilitate targeting of self-management interventions to those most likely to respond.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The vaccine durability supports universal HPV vaccination programs in adolescents to reduce the burden of clinical HPV disease, particularly cervical cancer and precancers.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Minor adjustments in management will be needed to accommodate individual preferences to increase satisfaction.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Intervention-effect among overweight/obese and physically inactive women was, however, dependent on exercise-adherence.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
These findings can be used to anticipate high-risk scenarios and limit AKI in CF patients under clinical care.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
However, sensitivity and specificity of VAC were under pool for the diagnosis of VAP.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
ARFI elastography shows excellent correlation with AST/ALT ratios in obese children and may be used as a noninvasive tool to detect nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and associated hepatic changes, especially in pediatric patients, for whom liver biopsy is not always feasible.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
These data inform follow-up practises aimed at optimizing outcomes.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Although the overall fistula rate is not reduced by the coverage procedure, it should be considered as a valid measure for complication prevention due to its clinical benefit.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Most plantar pressure measurements were also within predefined acceptable limits; however, reproducibility was not as good for assessment of the maximum sensor pressure.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Rates of PTMS were comparable between EVR-containing and TAC control regimens.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Overcoming challenges has required a multifaceted approach incorporating individualization, flexibility, and persistence, as well as the ability to implement needed mid-course corrections.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
These results provide a breakthrough and initial support for the inclusion of FAP in the workplace along with the integration with brief ACT in individual sessions to improve employees’ mental health.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Treatment with intravaginally applied oxytocin could be an alternative to local estrogen treatment in women with post-menopausal vaginal atrophy.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The majority of patients did not comply with their contract and follow-up adherence was low in both groups.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Transanal irrigation may be effective in the treatment of children with FC and renders a high parental satisfaction.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Hypertension was the major aetiology of heart failure followed by IHD.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
These patterns should be considered by patients and physicians when treatment for lower urinary tract function is initiated with these drugs.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Topical diclofenac is comparable to dexamethasone in providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect with the advantage of significantly lesser IOP rise and should be preferred after strabismus surgery.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Breastfeeding promotion needs to focus on the health advantages and other advantages of breastfeeding for 6 months, especially in high-risk groups, in order to increase the intention to breastfeed, which appeared to be a strong predictor for actual behavior.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Body mass indices calculated on the basis of stated weights and heights of Playboy centrefolds reveal the majority to be technically undernourished, which is clearly not so on inspection of the centrefolds.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
As this study provides new data, the observed effect needs further investigations to better elucidate its extent.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Suboptimal VtD status and bone loss were common in adult SBS even after weaning off PN.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Routine microscopic examination of all LSG specimens is not necessary.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
C15:0 is a useful biomarker of dairy fat intake in children and can detect short-term changes in the absolute intake of dairy fat.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Triglyceride was highly associated with suicidality in younger and middle-aged adults, but not in elderly adults.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Education and systems for medication review conducted by GPs can be used to improve use of medicines.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Sleep is an important factor that physical therapists should consider when teaching clients motor skills.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Compared with nongated F-FDG-PET, the TVs obtained with optimally respiratory gated F-FDG-PET were significantly smaller, however, without a clinically relevant difference in radiation dose to the OAR.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Therefore, it has not been registered as a clinical intervention trial.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Home-based strategies could be a promising component of poverty alleviation programmes seeking to improve developmental outcomes among rural Peruvian children.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
This analysis demonstrates the value of observational studies and their ability to provide unbiased results through inclusion of genetic data avoiding confounding, reverse causation, and bias.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Persistence of an acute phase response was also correlated with an adverse lipid profile.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Despite diabetes-specific information recommending birth control and the avoidance of pregnancy, 10% of the study participants became pregnant.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Ozone may be considered as an alternative management strategy due to its powerful ability to inactivate microorganisms.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
ECPC is an acceptable alternative to VPS for treatment of hydranencephaly and near hydranencephaly.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
BoNTA may be a useful treatment option for headache patients demonstrating poor compliance, adherence, or AE profile with oral prophylactic regimens.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Our results underline the importance of a careful observers selection, good initial preparation, as well as the necessity of ongoing training and supervision over the entire course of a longitudinal nutritional study.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Results of the study provide support for cognitive remediation as an efficacious intervention to improve neurocognitive functioning and decrease psychiatric symptoms of schizophrenia.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Gender (male), duration of diabetes, and diabetic retinopathy may serve as indicators of DN.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Use of this model will help identify those patients in need of more intensive monitoring and therapy and may help identify appropriate populations for trials of new therapies.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Gastrointestinal symptoms cannot predict the presence of esophageal dysmotility.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Registered on 2 April 2009.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
This result may be related to the anti-ischemic or to a primary direct effect of the hormone upon myocyte release of the peptide, and may contribute to its anti-ischemic effect.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
In adolescents with T1DM, there appears to be a strong association between intuitive eating, in particular the effect of emotion on eating, and glycaemic control.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
If validated in other sample sets, Cyr61 may serve as a tissue biomarker for stratifying men for risk of recurrence and thus could inform treatment decision making.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
IA TXA is an alternative to IV TXA.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
For the majority of patients, surgical treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis provides good long-term results and patient satisfaction.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Treatment of AKI with temporary dialysis in hospitalized patients with baseline eGFR between 20 and 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 was not associated with an increased risk for subsequent admission for MACE.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The 4-n-butylresorcinol DMN patch was effective and safe for skin depigmentation through targeting melanocytes and could be a useful functional cosmetic product.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Dietary habits with high TAC showed a stronger inverse association with frailty in elderly Japanese women than the individual foods examined.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Country-specific prevalence of diagnosed DR may reflect clinical management of diabetes, healthcare systems, or record-keeping accuracy.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
In a general population of patients seeking hospital based acute care for simple ankle sprains, there is no evidence to support a clinically important improvement in outcome with the addition of supervised physiotherapy to usual care, as provided in this protocol.Trial registration\xc2\xa0ISRCTN 74033088 (www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN74033088).
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The findings support the importance of focusing efforts on developing a pattern of regular evening meal consumption among individuals in the treatment of BN.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The results support the notion that regulation of little cigars is appropriate in light of public health considerations.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Although mean weight loss after LGCP was inferior to that after LSG, especially after six months postoperatively, it was acceptable, and LGCP had an excellent metabolic comorbidity resolution rate in patients with BMIs, ranging from 30 to 35 kg/m².
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Implementation of RSL can be done with no evidence of a learning curve.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Higher circulating AMH levels are associated with increased breast cancer risk among premenopausal women.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The results of this study should be considered preliminary due to the small sample size.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
A structured PA program reduced the risk of MMD even in older adults with extreme obesity.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Among patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease who were receiving intensive statin therapy, the use of anacetrapib resulted in a lower incidence of major coronary events than the use of placebo.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Patients with severe nutritional depletion or high surgical risk may benefit from mesenteric stenting for CMI, but close follow-up is required.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
These findings have implications for the design of rehabilitation techniques for people with AD that may lead to improved quality of life and social interactions for this population.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Actions focused on improving the methods of preparing meal without gluten were recommended, especially in under populated municipalities with school kitchen on site.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
This meditation program may be useful to manage psychological and spiritual distress, as well as improve quality of life and sleep, in clinical settings among breast cancer survivors.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
PCB151 was significantly predictive and HCB was significantly protective for diabetes.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The feasibility and tolerability of this treatment produce an attractive new therapeutic option for men with PD.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Significant weight loss after bariatric surgery is weakly associated with IOP lowering.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Military leaders have recognized the urgent need to support military families.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Patients with craniopharyngioma are at an increased risk for T2DM, cerebral infarction, total mortality and mortality due to circulatory and respiratory diseases.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Common AEs are generally seen within 1\xa0week of starting treatment, with few subsequent new reports at a given dose.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The results from this study support the hypothesis that cholinergic system activity may be important in the cognitive deficits of ADHD and may be a useful therapeutic target.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Its presence is associated with increased mortality and morbidity rates.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Geographical mismatch can be excluded as a reason for this result.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Indications of reduced treatment-induced inflammation and thrombogenicity suggest citrate as a biocompatible alternative to acetate in dialysis fluid.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
With the prescription of finger splints, a substantial number of potentially positive and negative consequences of their use need to be taken into account.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Higher intakes of cholesterol and monounsaturated fatty acids may reduce risk of PD in men and women, respectively.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Increased familiarity with the environment (not acclimation) could explain the reduced AMS severity on the second hypoxic exposure.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
This provides support for the conduct of a larger, fully-powered RCT, but with minor amendments to research procedures and intervention components required.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The prerequisites for evidence-based practice were assessed as good, but ways to make evidence-based practice time efficient, easy to access and relevant to clinical practice need to be continuously supported at the management level, so that research evidence becomes linked to work-flow in a way that does not adversely affect productivity and the flow of patients.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Cases of refractory diabetic macular edema that did not respond to previous treatment, such as anti-vascular endothelial growth factor injections and laser photocoagulation, exhibited improvements in visual acuity and decreases in retinal thickness after IVD implantation.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The addition of ALA/n-3 PUFAs to amitriptyline treatment in patients with VBD/PBS appears to improve outcomes and may allow for a lower dosage of amitriptyline, which may lead to fewer adverse effects.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
This model can be used to predict DPP-4 inhibition effects of other dosage regimens and be modified for other DPP-4 inhibitors to differentiate their properties.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Furthermore, future studies should report results stratified by gender and race and should adjust the results by more confounders.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
New imaging modalities should allow further exploration of the contributions of choroidal vessel disease to diabetic eye disease pathogenesis, prognosis, and treatment response.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
This highlights the importance of the timing of magnesium for neuroprotection for women at risk of preterm delivery.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The self-adhesive luting cement RelyX Unicem can be recommended for bonding of ceramic inlays/onlays.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
In particular, a low BMI was an independent prognostic factor for poorer survival in the multivariate analysis.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
This may be a better treatment option for moderate and severe sleep apnea patients that is worthy of clinical application.
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They were more likely to have hypertension, high triglycerides, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, albuminuria and elevated alanine aminotransferase.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
In the present study, large tumour size and positive or uncertain margin status were associated with a higher risk of death from breast cancer after treatment for primary DCIS.
This is no advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
No differences between these therapy protocols should be expected.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
KC may be helpful in mediating physiologic response to painful procedures in preterm infants.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Acceptance-based procedures may be a viable alternative to traditional CBT techniques in the management of tinnitus.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Improved clinical results can be achieved with careful case selection based on specific baseline characteristics.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
In order to offer residents high quality of care that meet their individual needs, it is important for management and nursing home staff to be aware of and understand factors that enable or constrain change.
This is a strong advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Runners should limit weekly training distance in minimalist shoes to avoid running-related pain.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Despite an overall detectable association in the meta-analysis, considerable heterogeneity existed between studies.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The effect of a LGI diet was similar to a high-cereal fibre diet on hs-cTnI and galectin-3 levels in otherwise healthy individuals with T2DM over a 6-month period.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Only LCD was found significantly to improve the subclinical inflammatory state in type 2 diabetes.