SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by looking up from my cellphone (slightly nsfw) POST: Dear redditors, Long-time lurker first real TIFU. This one happened yesterday... My wifes' 93 year old grandmother is currently in the hospital, recovering from pneumonia. As it's New Years the whole family goes to visit, to wish her the best. When we arrive, my father, mother, brother and uncle in law are already in the room and with little spare seating, I sit down on the only free chair left, next to my brother-in-law at the end of grannys' bed. It's a very regular visit, everyone exchanges wishes, hands granny her presents and we're all just chatting away. After about an hour or so i get bored take out my cell and start redditing. All of a sudden there's some movement in front of me and I glance up from my phone. Apparently granny needed to pee and I was just in time to see granny pull away her blankets and sitting up on her bed. Granny went commando under her nightgown and I had front seats and, being the moron I am, I let out a grunt. Whole family of in-laws looks at me and realizes the sight i just had. Everyone embarrassed except for granny who just moves on to the bathroom. Rest of the family gathering was pretty quiet. We stayed like another half an hour staring awkwardly at each other. Upon leaving the hospital my brother-in-law leans in and said: "sorry man, But if it makes you feel better i saw it too..." Wife hasn't said a word about it so far TL;DR:
visited granny-in-law in the hospital, looked up from my phone and saw her 93-year old you-know-what
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me 17m cant get over something that wasnt much POST: I met this girl about 6 months ago and i fell hard and fast, i had alot of expectations with her and fell in love. But we ended about a month ago and i broke it off cause of it wasn't working out and i didn't want to do it but i had to (we were never intimate and she treated me like a friend). She told me later she lost interest a while ago and thats why she wasn't intimate. I was fine at first but now i'm still hung up on it, and i don't know why. Shes moved on already and that bothers the hell out of me but it shouldn't. I never talk with her anymore, i did no contact but i go to same school with same friend groups so its hard to not see her and hear about her from my friends. My friends also constantly tell me how hot she was and how cool she is and i get so fed up cause it just makes me miss her despite why we broke up with her. I sometimes just feel like ill never find some one like her cause her personality was great and she was very attractive so when i see her in school it kills me. And to make matters worse every single attempt at something after this just to rebound has failed. I dont know what to do anymore, how do i stop feeling this way? How do i stop caring cause i know i shouldn't but i just cant get myself to? TL;DR:
cant move a girl, even though i know i need to, how can i get over this and stop thinking about her and what she is doing?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [22M] DAE feel like no-one could ever find them attractive? POST: I don't think I have low self esteem, I'm just a realist, and realistically speaking I don't think I'm what most women are looking for physically. I have a weird face, I'm 5'10" and a bit overweight. This has caused me trouble in terms of dating because I'm a 4 who's only attracted to women I consider to be a 7+. It seems that the general rule of thumb is that if I find a woman attractive, she's out of my league, and I get rejected. I still try, but so far I have a 100% failure rate with women I find attractive. On the other hand, I'm quite successful when I date less attractive women, but even if I love their personality, I never want to be more than friends with them. I don't see the point in dating someone if you're not attracted to them. As well as this, it seems that attractive women can reject me because they have other options, so I worry that the less attractive women I date are only there because I'm the best of a bad bunch, and they're just as ambivalent to my looks as I am to theirs. I want to find my partner irresistible and feel like I'm lucky to have her, and I want her to find me irresistible, and feel like she's lucky to have me, because without mutual attraction you're just friends imo. Any advice would be appreciated, I wish I could be less shallow, or just have a broader palate, so if there's ways I can change myself to make that possible I'd love to hear it. Any personal anecdotes that relate to my situation are also relevant. TL;DR:
Average to below average looking guy is unable to be attracted to women in his league, and worries that women in his league are just settling for him anyway. How can br improve this mindstate?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 M/F] 4 years a one year engaged, I can't find spark anymore. POST: We broke up. She was my high school sweetheart that wasn't so sweet. The problem is not dealing with the break up but moving on to another person. Most girl find me very attractive and I'm am not bragging or being conceited at all. I actually find myself just borderline okay and lucky. (PM for link) I can't find anyone who I'm attracted to. Maybe I just legit can't find anyone who I liked yet but it's been awhile since I broke up with my ex-fiance (been 8-9 months). I feel it's because they last girl I dated was her and that was in the 9th grade. We lived together, I was joining the Navy at the time with her. Anyways, ever since, I either didn't like anyone who I'm attracted to and/or if I did, I don't know how to react/flirt because it's been so long. I get so many mix signals from girls. I don't know if they are being just nice or flirting with me. I told myself if I don't know the difference I would just say she is being nice. I don't know if anyone had same problem but this is just me for now. A funny thing is that it seems like I attract girls who are in relationship already and want to flirt and do stuff together. It pisses me off because the was the reason I broke up with my ex and I would never want to wish that upon anyone. So I always turn down girls who with someone and they get mad at me lol wtf. TL;DR:
Ever since my ex. I can't find anyone who I'm attracted too and/or don't know wether they are flirting with me or just being nice.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [22 M] do not feel like I can drive 3 hours a day to see my GF [18 F] of 7 months but do not know how to discuss this with her. POST: UPDATE: I discussed this with her and told her I won't be able to pick her up 2 days out of the week, every week, because it was too much of a burden on me and my car. She was not happy about it, but she was surprisingly understanding. She said she will miss not seeing me everyday, but that she understands it's too far. And she will pitch in for gas money every now and then. I guess I was jumping the gun when I assumed she would throw a fit and fight. Thanks for the advice all! My girlfriend lives 30 minutes away from me, and my work is 30 minutes away in the opposite direction. Since we started dating, my daily schedule has been to drive 30 minutes to work, drive an hour to her house to pick her up, drive 30 minutes home, then drive her home at night. Altogether, that's 3 hours of driving a day, 5 days a week. I've put 20,000 miles on my car in the past 7 months, and don't even want to think about how much I've spent on gas to support this. While I love spending everyday with her, I really don't feel this is sustainable. We do spend every weekend together. She would be extremely upset if I told her I could only see her a few days out of the week because of the gas and the depreciation on my car, so I'm not sure how to even approach this. Any thoughts? TL;DR:
I don't feel like I can drive 3 hours everyday to see my girlfriend because of gas cost and car depreciation concerns. I do not know how to talk to her about this, because she will not be happy at all.
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU with a flu shot POST: So some background... This took place over a few weeks, but really only became an issue now. I'm an exchange student so I'm living with a host family. Things have been really good and I'm enjoying my time. No problems up to this point. A few weeks ago I was told to get a flu shot at my school. I was like okay whatever. I ended up forgetting and when my host parents asked me I told them I had gotten it. I have a shitty problem with telling dumb little lies. I was planning on getting it the next day or sometime soon. But I also forgot about that too. I also have a shit memory. Fast forward to yesterday... We get a call from the school nurse saying she hasn't seen me get my shot. My host parents ask me about it and me being a total fucking major dip shit moron decided to double down and be like, "oh I got it, she must have forgotten or something." Then I knew this was becoming more of a problem because I'm stupid, but was banking on the whole thing blowing over. It didn't. I go in to school today and I get a call from the nurse telling me to come to her office. She tells me I didn't get the shot. I decided going further with this would be plain retarded so I fessed up, but I told her the reason why I didn't get it was that I was afraid of shots. I'm not, but that was the excuse I had. So because of my "fear" of shots I didn't get the thing. I'm now acting like I was too scared to get it. She was kind and understanding and sent a nice email to my host family explaining the situation about my "fear" of shots. I also texted them too. That was like an hour ago, but no response. The nurse emailed my host family, she was really nice and understanding, but now I'm waiting to see what shit I'm going to run into for being a fucking stupid liar. No way to go, but the semi truth from here I think. TL;DR:
Lies, laziness, and stupidity caused me to double down on lying about getting a shot. Got caught and now waiting to face the music.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [17 M] met a girl [17 F] at a party and have no idea what I'm doing. POST: Hi r/relationships, I hope this is the most appropriate subreddit. I cannot stop thinking about what happened to me over the weekend. If it makes a difference me and this girl go to different schools but we only live a 5 min. drive from each other. I guess I'll start in chronological order. I kinda live a sheltered life, there is always at least one parent home and they kinda keep a close eye on me, I don't get invited to house parties a lot but I did this weekend (told my parents I was going to a trusted friend's house). Anyway, I was having a lot of fun with this girl we were beer pong and flip cup partners all night and we're having a lot of fun. The night starts to die down and we end up watching T.V. in bed in the same room together. We were cuddling and just talking for an hour. I thought about making a move multiple times but pussied out. I ended up loosing the bed because a few drunk party goers decided to just start sleeping in the room regardless of who was in there. We left the room together, but just joined those who were still up in the kitchen and helped clean up before the morning. I honestly felt like shit and have never regretted not doing something so much. We didn't really talk about what happened and she left and I left. I haven't talked to her since the weekend but can't stop think about what could have happened. My question to all of you is I have no idea what to do now. I'd invite her to a party if I knew if I was ever going to another one, and unless the planets align properly I probably won't be able to have one at my house. A part of me just wants to text her saying sorry and moving on but I want another chance, but I'm not sure if she wants to give me another chance. TL;DR:
Went to a party and a girl and I hit it off. When push came to shove I pussied out and want another opportunity with her but don't know how to go about it.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [19 M/F] with my GF [20 M/F] 2yr, Constantly worried about her safety. POST: Hi guys, this is an easy question to word, but hard for me to actually figure out. Whenever I'm not with my girlfriend I am constantly paranoid for her safety and while I can manage without doing something silly like calling her or texting constantly, it's crippling and very draining to fight myself and actually be productive. I know that there is virtually a 100% probability she is fine, hell, she's with huge groups of family, even and I still get worried! However I can't rid myself of these fears that she's going to get hurt or worse. They're eating at me and are getting more stressful and I'm imagining more vivid scenarios. TL;DR:
Torturing myself by being way too worrisome about my girlfriend, but I can't figure out what to do with these bottled up emotions I'm trying to deal with.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [22 M] need deciding what to say to my ex [25 F] POST: Long story short. My ex and I dated a few years ago for about a year and a half. We broke up about 3 years ago because I had trust issues and because she had a minor drinking problem. We've both dated other people since then but I always find myself thinking of her. Anytime I accomplish something new I want to tell her about it. Over the years we've been apart I really think I have matured a lot and my self esteem has increased. I've found some good supportive friends that have shown me how to love myself, like I couldn't before. Within the last year, I've started working out and lost some weight which has also increased my self esteem. The relationships I've had since her had taught be a lot about trust. I think that all these would make a much better boyfriend now than I was 3 years ago. I also know that she has worked on her drinking problem. Shortly after we broke up she stopped drinking for about 1.5 years. Now she only drinks in moderation, she no longer smokes. I know she focuses a lot more of her efforts on school(grad school) rather than partying like she once did. I know Reddit isn't a huge fan of trying to rekindle old relationships but I both think we have worked on our problems and are both better people now than we were back then. I want to tell her that I miss her, that I've changed and I want to know if she feels at all similarly, or if she thinks its possible that she might someday. I just don't know how to phrase it correctly so I don't scare her off or give off the wrong idea. TL;DR:
I want to reconnect with my ex, I feel I've improved myself and matured. Want to know if my ex feels at all the same. Need advice on what specifically to say.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Update: [37/m] I don't know if my co-worker(25/f) is hitting on/flirting with me. If she is do I really want to do anything? POST: [original]( My co-worker called me into her office the other day and told me that she was indeed pregnant and that she had a big fight with her boyfriend over the weekend and she kicked him out but didn't tell him about being pregnant. I told her that it was going to be ok but its also going to be tough raising a child by yourself and that she needed to get him for child support. She said she wasn't and that her boyfriends mother will help her if he doesn't. Later that day she calls me into her office again. When I went in the lights were off and she was in tears. I thought to myself "oh shit reality just hit her, how do I back out of this one?" but she wasn't crying out of sadness but of happiness. She had just got off the phone with her boyfriend and she had blurted out that she was pregnant but instead off him being angry he was overjoyed with the news and wanted to apologize for the way he has been treating her and was going to stay. I told her that I was happy for her and that this must be a load off her shoulders. The rest of the day she was skipping around the office happy and laughing telling everybody that she was expecting. No more leaning over my desk with her ass in my face, no more conversations about cheating exs. I am going to move to a different dept come Wednesday temporarily with a possible promotion in the future so I will not be working with her for a long time. TL;DR:
Update: My co-worker seems to be hitting on me but she is nuttier than squirrel shit. Now I don't have to deal with her for awhile.
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by fighting the wrong person POST: This didn't actually happen today but it isn't often I fuck up like this. I was at a Christopher Lawrence concert/rave at a club with some friends of mine, they were two girls. We ended up meeting up with another friend of mine later that night and were all drinking and having fun. One of the girls ended up meeting some other guy friend of hers and was hanging out back and forth. Well, she ends up taking off somewhere with this guy and we had no clue who he was so we went looking for her. After a bit of searching we find out she is in the bathroom screaming and crying because a guy was trying to rape her in the stall. I saw security throwing him out as we got over there and after she explained what happened. I asked security where he was and they showed me outside where I saw some guy standing around that looked like him. Security confirms that guy was just thrown out so I throw off my shirt and get in a fight with this guy while a group of people cheer me on. I know Systema and even in my drunken state I was able to pull things off. I ended up beating on him on the ground and somehow sliced his arm and it was bleeding pretty bad. He ended up coming back to talk to my friend so I grabbed up a bottle but my friends stopped me. The guy and my friend took off and we all were confused why she would take off with some rapist. Nobody heard from her for a few days since she didn't have a cell phone. Well, a few weeks later we finally get a hold of her and she tells me how the guy I beat up was the wrong guy and was actually one of her friends. TL;DR:
At rave, guy tries to rape friend, beat the shit out of guy, turns out it was the wrong guy that I fought.
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by making a mentally handicapped kid roar like a lion POST: This happened over 20 years ago. This will be my throwaway account to post my FU's. I'm in 9th grade and it's lunch period and I am sitting at a table eating lunch with my friends. The teacher that ran the mentally handicapped class brings her students into the cafeteria. She has them sit down at the table next to where I was sitting. This one kid kept looking over at my table, we were considered the cool kids for some reason. I gesture at him to come over to our table. He smiles, comes over, I try making small talk with him with not a lot of luck. As he is talking to me I notice that he is looking at the table behind me. Sitting at that table were all of the cute girls in the cafeteria. For some reason, I said this to him "You would really impress those girls if you went over to their table, rip open your shirt, and roar like a lion." To my amazement, he starts walking to their table. He walked to the very end of the table, pulls down on his shirt so hard he rips it and lets out a roar. It was like "rourrr rourrrr rourrrr rourrr!!!" He had this huge smile on his face the entire time. It was so loud that almost everyone in the cafeteria is staring and laughing at him. He finally realized that everyone was laughing at him and he starts to cry then walks back to his table. I was crying too, but they were tears of laughter. All of my friends were dying of laughter too. I avoided him for the rest of the year. He was bigger than I was and I was afraid that he would kick my ass. I probably deserved it. Ok, I did... TL;DR:
told a kid to roar like a lion in front of girls, he did, made him cry, I was a jerk
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: [18F] How to deal with the Friendzone - Advice? POST: First time using this subreddit, but I hope you guys will be able to help me in this dilemma! Sorry if it's confusing or boring or whatever you'd like to call it - I don't have much experience in dating so I'm new to all this!! Okay so I've known this guy from high school (I only recently graduated) and since a couple of months ago we've become really good friends - we knew each other before, but weren't close. He's invited me to the cinema twice, but nothing especially romantic happened on either occasion and so from my point of view we are strictly friends. However, some of our mutual friends believe that he likes me more than a friend, and he hasn't denied or brought up the topic with me, so I can't confirm their suspicions. In the likely event that he does make a move on our next outing (this time he invited me to dinner and then a movie), how should I respond? I don't have romantic feelings for him, but half of me wonders if I could if I gave him a chance. I don't want to ruin our friendship, but I hate the idea of friend-zoning guys - especially ones I care about. Is it wise of me to support this development knowing that at this point in time I don't see it lasting long (I could be completely wrong about this! As I said I don't have much experience!) or should I make it clear to him that I don't feel that way, even though I very well could in time? TL;DR:
Friend likes me more than a friend, but the feeling isn't mutual (at this point in time). Do I give him a chance anyway?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: EX-Girlfriend won't return items. What do I do now? POST: While dating her, I was given a really nice TV for Christmas from my father. I was attending college at the time, and my current rooming situation did not allow for the TV to stay in my dorm. Her TV had just broken, and I specifically told her she could hold onto the TV until the end of summer when I needed it back (as I was going to be living with some friends for the next year of college). Anyway, the end of summer rolled along and I started asking for my TV back, which she never returned. She kept insisting it was a gift, which it NEVER was. This went on for months. We broke up about a month ago, and the TV is still in her possession. I have been attempting to get it back (my father still has receipts) but she will not return it. She keeps insisting it was a gift, and has since cut off all communication. What do I do? TL;DR:
EX-Girlfriend won't return my TV, has cut off all communication. I have receipts. What is my next step?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 M] with my friend/crush [20 F], I feel like I've been put in the "just friends" category for the girl I have feelings for. Need help on what to do POST: So I've been talking to this girl I met last quarter in the same major as me. We text, snap chat, hang out, and study all the time and over the course of the time, I have grown feelings for her. The thing is that I think she just sees me as a close friend that she can trust and rely on and nothing else and getting this vibe that she doesn't have mutual feelings. I really don't know what to do. I'm afraid to tell her my feelings and make things awkward and ruin our friendship, but on the other hand, I want something between us to happen. Any way of salvaging the relationship and make it become something more? TL;DR:
Feel like I've been friend zoned with this girl I have feelings for and need help to see what I can do.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [19M] am in a (mostly) physical relationship with my girlfriend [23F] of four years and feel terrible about it. POST: (I apologize in advice if I've missed any crucial details, and will be replying to comments on any points of confusion. Thanks!) My girlfriend Julie and I got together without getting to know each other too well, I was much younger and jumped the gun at the first girl to give me any concrete evidence of romantic interest. A couple years down the line and we've got a lot of stuff smoothed over, teenage drama passed and viewpoints are on the table. Rushing into the relationship without getting to know each other as friends means that unfortunately, we've ended up in a relationship with no common ground. We don't enjoy the same things at ALL. Every time we want to do something "together" it's usually something one of us enjoys and the other tolerates/suffers through. Most of the time it's just us, being together (in proximity,) doing our own thing, occasionally cuddling or having sex. Not only do we not share interests, we have no crossover in our senses of humor. I'm the type of person to crack jokes off whenever they come to mind and she finds 95% of my jokes/puns to just be irritating or tells me to stop. It drives me crazy to have no way to connect other than physically. I can't use my humor, we don't have very active lives at the moment so there's no current events to discuss, and we don't have anything else to do together. Is this even a relationship? What on earth do I do? We've tried to forge common ground but so far that hasn't gone anywhere. I don't want to be that type of person who just strings someone else along. I can't stand to make people sad, so I'm hesitant to break up with her, but I don't want to eat up a part of her life on something she feels is going somewhere I don't think it is. TL;DR:
Girlfriend and I have no common ground. Feels like I'm stringing her along but she doesn't seem to care despite acknowledging the lack of connection.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: I [22m] would like my gf [22f] to care/respect me more.I feel I would do more if I was in her place.I don't know if I am paranoid or legit... POST: So she really cares , she does.I know it.But I just can't help and think what would I have done in her place sometimes and then it all starts to feel bad.Because I would have done more,I would have been more caring and considerate. I know she doesn't have to be the same person as me , obviously, but here we are talking about less and more... Examples: She is french and I am English.I was at her in france and we were out with some friends of her and most of them didn't give a fuck about speaking English so it was me sitting there like stupid...except when she talked to me a bit so I don't feel bad. She told me afterwards that she had hoped they would speak English and that she felt real bad and apologised. Now if I was in her place....I would have gotten us out of there on the half hour mark...not in 2 hours....Or I would put all or at least almost all of my focus on her to talk with her....Because well she would have been completely alone...Just like I was.. Example 2: When we talk about random things, she nowadays forgets to ask about me.She is just excited to talk about herself and it feels bad that she doesn't ask me things about me...This , for me shows a lack of interest and it hurts me a bit...(of course she asks me how i am always or if she notices i am weird , if everything is okay...but i meant when we talk about our wants and aspirations and things like that...) TL;DR:
I feel that my girlfriend should care/respect me more.She really likes me and I know it...But you can't just demand respect from someone can you...?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [23 M] with my girlfriend [29 F] of 8 months, I am insecure and she is the opposite. It is starting to create friction in our relationship. How could I try to fix this? POST: We have been exclusive for 8 months. She is an independent woman who would be ok with not talking for a week and wouldn't usually feel any different than if we talked every day. We love eachother. I on the other hand am the needy one in this situation. My past relationships haven't been healthy. I was cheated on for a year straight. Essentially my insecurity is beginning to manifest itself in our relationship in the form of stupid arguments where I fear she is ignoring me or not caring for me how I care for her. This unhealthy thought process usually leads to me freaking out and asking or saying stupid things to her. I love her and I don't want to push her away with this nonsense. Any advice would be appreciated! TL;DR:
I am insecure. My girlfriend is very secure. How do we meet in the middle so I feel secure and she isn't being smothered?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [M, 20] am in love with a girl [F, 21] halfway around the world and can't get over her. POST: I'm a normal college kid, in a fraternity, okay socially, but could do better with girls. About a year ago I met this girl in one of my classes, and slowly over the months we became great friends. She was one of the few people I could really connect to on a higher level, both socially and intellectually, which really made us grow really close this past spring. I grew really attracted to her, and thought that she felt the same way. But I never made a move though, because there were times where she seemed to reject me if I put my arm around her, but more importantly, she was going abroad for the fall semester. We were going to be around 5 hours apart for the summer too, and it just didn't make sense for me to try something right before we each went home. Throughout the summer we talked all the time, and she visited me (and her other friend), and I did the same later. We always had great times, but again I never made a move, which of course I regret greatly. Since the summer we've talked intermittently, some days all the time, others not at all which I'm fine with. Many times I've made the decision to move on because I know I screwed up, but every time she starts talking to me it's hard to do so. Sometimes we talk on a solely friend-to-friend basis but at other times she seems flirty, and it always makes What should I do here? I feel like this is eating away at me, especially because I can't seem to move on. I thought I could wait until January when we'd see each other in person again but it's been gnawing at me so much I don't know what I should do. TL;DR:
girl I can't get over is halfway around the world until December, and I don't know what to do at this point.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Is it bad that your husband flirts with other girls with no other intention? POST: I'm not sure how to feel about it? I always knew he was a flirt but perhaps naivley i thought that would stop once he got married. Most of the time I am not bothered by it, its not in front of me either. Its quite sexual too but a joke. It's bothering me though, I dont want to be the jealous wife. Would it overall affect our relationship if he does get ego boosts from other girls? Or does this say something about me? Or our relationship? He has always been a flirt I guess and been a bit of a player, but he is a very loyal guy too. I am not your regular floaty, girly, overly touchy feely woman. I am quite blunt and hard, balanced male/female characteristics, with him I can be soft and mushy but not always and when its not always reciprocated I shut down a bit, bad habit of mine. I am 30 yes even at my age I can insecure. We have bee together 3 years. TL;DR:
Husband flirts with other girls, i think for an ego boost, i trust him but it affects me at times.
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by refusing a handy j while driving a Mclaren P1 POST: The other day I was playing Forza 5 downstairs in my man cave, and my wife came down to see what I was doing. She started one of her favorite practices of trying to divert my attention from video games by performing sexual acts on me, as I was in the heat of a moment chasing a rival car around the Nurburgring, and largely ignoring her. Some info on my racing setup: I use the Thrustmaster (giggity) TX 458 Italia racing wheel for the Xbone (I'm not even trying to make these puns). Ive been putting off getting a racing seat to mount my wheel/pedals on for a while for whatever reason, so I have the wheel mounted to the end of a jank walmart folding table, and just stick the pedals underneath. The folding table is longer than it is wide so I sometimes have to put a weight at the end of it to counterbalance the weight of the mounted wheel. Today I hadn't done that. Call it destiny. A few moments later, as I closed in on a sub 7 minute lap time, man sausage fully removed from my shorts and extended, as if it were trying to see the TV to see if I could beat the rival time, wife gives up in frustration that I didn't stop playing and jerks the wheel hard right as she leaves, flinging $1.15 million of British Engineering into the wall at 120 mph. Several things happened in the next second- First, I saw my new PR lap time disappear and the rival ghost car fly past me, Second, I threw my hands up in the air and looked at my wife and had the words 'what the hell' halfway out of my mouth, Third, the incredible brushless motors inside the steering wheel sprung to life to give me some awesome force feedback, Fourth, physics broke. The force feedback on the Thrustmaster TX is absolutely FANTASTIC- but when you arent actually holding the wheel it goes absolutely crazy shaking. When the wheel started shaking, without the weight on the table to counterbalance it, the wheel tipped over into my lap, slamming right into the top of my 'short shifter' if you will. Unpleasant. TL;DR:
Was driving supercar, wife tried to give me a handjob. Didn't respond so she totalled the car and a steering wheel smashed my dick.
SUBREDDIT: r/Parenting TITLE: T4F Android Games - Unsafe for our children? POST: Hi everyone, I'm looking for a little advice here. My daughter plays a game called Spartan Wars, developed by Tap4Fun. I've monitored the in-game chat a lot and although there's some usual arguing, it seemed harmless enough. My daughter started moaning a lot about a certain other player, saying they were making inappropriate comments and generally just annoying her. It turns out this other player was a "moderator in training" (MIT). One day I spotted a particularly awful comment from that MIT about one of the other players being "touched" when they were younger. Outraged by this T4F "official" saying such a thing in a childrens game, I took a screenshot and mailed it to T4F. I was expecting them to reply with an apology and ensuring action would be taken. Instead they simply said they can't comment on it but that they'd look into it. A week passes and the abusive player pops back into the chat and this time has green text, showing that they've been approved as a moderator and can now ban/mute/kick players from the game. What should I do next? Am I over reacting? To me it seems like a big deal that such a large game maker would allow someone to become a moderator and have such close contact with our children after making such sick jokes and generally having a history of "annoying" younger players. I've uploaded some of the screenshots to imgur TL;DR:
Am I overreacting about a staff member (chat moderator) of tap4fun (android game developer) making jokes in the chat room about children being touched when they were younger? (and other inappropriate comments).
SUBREDDIT: r/travel TITLE: Three Guys Extending our International Choir Tour in Spain/Portugal and possibly more of Europe. Suggestions? POST: Hi everyone. My university choir from the States is doing an international tour in Spain and Portugal for about two weeks next May. The itinerary isn't final yet so i'm not sure what we will be seeing/where we will be singing, but its safe to say we'll have seen the major tourist attractions in Lisbon, Barcelona, and Madrid. My two best friends are kicking around the idea of staying around in Europe, as we will have just graduated so it's perfect timing. There is also a possibility of my family joining us post-tour and meeting up with our friend who is doing a Eurotour. She also happens to have a summer home in Croatia/is a native so she could show us around there. Basically, recommendations for how to plan for this or where to begin? Do we do a whirlwind tour of as much as possible or spend more time on "the road less traveled" sort of trip? If my family comes, do I spend a week with them and then do "young people traveling" with my friends? If I was traveling just with my friends, we are obviously more comfortable with lower quality accommodations but my parents have never seen anything in Europe... Obviously I am looking for this to be as cheap as possible, but I'm not sure what to do. TL;DR:
Traveling with friends and/or possibly family in Spain in May/early June: how long, where, and how?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: I need legal advice. POST: Simple story. I got pulled over last week, and in doing so, the police officer smelled weed on me, searched me, and after a while of crap, my mom picked me up and took me home. I will be receiving information in the mail about my crimes, but I have already spoken to a lawyer and had a sit down with him and my father. I am 19, have my head on straight and just liked to smoke casually a few times a week after work or with friends. I have self chosen to stop smoking since the incident and I do not see myself starting again for a while. Here is my dilemma. My lawyer is well known in the county, knowing a lot of the police officers in the area, the DA, blah blah, etc, etc. During the sit down, he suggested a lawyer he was going to try to get me. The meeting was a few days ago and I remembered the name. I work at a gym, and a member just checked in with the same name. I, shocked, google imaged him, and sure enough there he was. My question is this: in court, would it be favorable for me to know to the judge, even as a small acquaintance, or not. Obviously afterwards he would recognize me at work. I know nothing of his personality or history in small drug matters such as this, but can anyone give me a piece of advice on the matter? TL;DR:
I was busted for possession of a small amount of weed, and the lawyer told me a judge he wanted to get for me. Turns out the judge comes into where I work often.
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: My girlfriend is super pissed. What can I do to make up for being dumb? POST: I accidently scratched the paint on her car giving her a temporary racing stripe. I was borrowing her car when I saw one of my friends painting a temporary racing stripe on his car. He asked if I wanted one on my car but I couldn't, as a joke I said he could put it on her car. Then we actually did it, because we thought it would be funny, and it was until the stripe was removed, and there was a scratch where he removed the tape, to there are two parallel lines running up her car. I am planing to fix the scratch, but what should I do to make her happy in the mean time? TL;DR:
thought it would be funny to paint a racing stripe on my gf's car. very funnily until we saw the scratch under around the paint. What do I do besides repenting it to make her happy?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I (20/F) need advice on how to get more physical with a shy guy (21/M) that I've been dating. POST: Hello r/relationships! So, I have been dating a guy for a few weeks and we're pretty much heading towards a relationships. Everything is great so far, we gel together very well, but the only bad thing is a lack of physical contact. He apologized on our last date that he was really liked me, but he was sorry he wasn't beign very physical--because he is inexperienced and wants to be as respectful to me as possible. I really appreciate his statement and don't care that he is inexperienced at all, and would love to find a way to try and ease him into more physical affection. What are some non-aggressive ways to do this? I think most of it is him being nervous and overthinking things. Thank you! TL;DR:
Dude and I like each other, but I need a little help getting him to relax and commence a more physical relationship.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [21M] am planning on breaking up with my girlfriend [19F], of 3 years, who is still very much in love with me. How can I minimize the pain for her and maintain a friendly relationship with her? POST: Hey guys, So as the title suggests I've been dating this girl for more than three years. Through the whole thing we've had our ups and downs but it never affected the bond I felt between us. However, these past few months or so, I haven't felt the same about her as I used to. I no longer feel that bond we used to have and when I imagine a life with her it just makes me unhappy at having a relationship with someone I don't have strong feelings for. This has led me to decide, to be fair to her and my self, to break things off with her. The problem is she's still very much in love with me. Everyday she talks about how much she loves me and how happy she is that she has me. It breaks my heart every time she says it. I really care about this girl and I want to be able to still be there for her but I just don't love her anymore like I used to. I guess what I want is to be able to minimize the pain as much as I can for her. I know there's no way of doing this without hurting her but I just hope I can do it in a way that at least lets her know I'm still there for her as a friend. Any advice on what I should say or how I can best go about doing this would be greatly appreciated. TL;DR:
I Don't love my girlfriend who is still madly in love with me and I need advice on how not to crush her.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Started out resenting gf's past. Now I want to experience more myself. POST: (M25) I have been with my girl(30) for a little over a year. We moved in together a few months ago. We have had some issues that have put a strain on our relationship but we make it work. We both have kids from previous relationships, five altogether, who live with us. She has made her desire for marriage clear but I am hesitant for a couple of reasons, some less rational than others, but all in all she is a wonderful girlfriend and mother. I just find myself with the urge to sow my oats, as the saying goes, before I really decide to tie the knot. I guess I just want to get it out of my system but I am feeling guilty at the same time. I have always wanted to have a threesome, something I was content leaving a fantasy untill I learned she has had one. Well sixsome more like but no females. Yes I believe there is another word for it and I admit it doesn't sit well with me. I have discussed my fantasy with her and she isn't comfortable with it. Would it be selfish of me to ask for a break? TL;DR:
I have the urge to "sow my oats" before I settle down. Is it selfish to ask for a break?
SUBREDDIT: r/pettyrevenge TITLE: I have shut up about Gangham Style! POST: Me and my friends were talking about pokemon and someone said something about Psyduck. Then sme dude turns around and says, "WOULD YOU SHUT UP ABOUT GANGHAM STYLE?" and proceeds to insult our music taste and knowledge of music. The knowledge part legitimately pissed me off, so I said (thank god for Wikipedia), "We are not, in fact talking about North Korean pop star TL;DR:
dumbass insults my knowledge of music while I was talking about Pokemon, he gets a long list of facts about Gangham Style.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My bf [M24] got kicked out by his step dad and subsequently moved in with me [F23] but his mom called him everyday and cried affecting his mood. What should I do to get out of drama? POST: My bf has lived with his parents for his entire life until recently his step dad thought that he is old enough to live on his own. Seems like his step dad and his mom have had a long, ongoing arguments about this for years since he graduated from college. Just recently, things blew up and my bf decided to move out right away and stay with me temporarily until he finds he own place. We get along really well, except that his mom always calls him everyday and cries (missing him probably) affecting my bf's mood badly. This affects me indirectly, for example, he doesn't want to talk to me, or look sad after his mom called. Sometimes, we lack intimacy as well because he is worried about his mom. TL;DR:
I just want to live happily and peacefully and not be part of the drama between my bf, his mom and his stepdad. What should I do?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [24 M] have been thinking about breaking up with my girlfriend [24 F] of 3 years and some months because I don't think I've been a good boyfriend POST: So I've been dating my girlfriend for 3 years now and it's been great. She's caring, loving, and has gotten me through some rough times. However, recently I've been thinking about breaking up because I don't think I've been as good to her as she has been to me. In the past I have cheated a few times, never sex, just making out, but cheating's cheating. She doesn't know about any of the times either. Also recently I've started getting closer with a friend and it's made me realize that I would be willing to go behind my girlfriends back to hang out with this person, and I've even thought about cheating again. It really sucks, because I do care about my girlfriend. We've talked about marriage and having lives together and I like the idea a lot, however, the fact that I keep finding myself having these thoughts of cheating and going behind her back make me think that I'm just another asshole cheater, something which I never thought I would be, but I guess here we are. I don't necessarily think it's the commitment that scares me as I like the idea of settling down, but the fact that I've acted out on these urges rather than just fighting them makes me disappointed in myself and upset because my girlfriend doesn't deserve this. Ultimately, it would be nice to hear any opinions on this I guess, maybe hearing from people who were in similar situations would be nice too. Should I end it or should I consider something else? TL;DR:
Dating girlfriend of 3 years, and haven't been very faithful even though I do care about her a lot. I think she deserves better/I don't deserve her. Should we break up or maybe try and work it out?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Indecisive about breaking off an almost 2 year relationship POST: I am 18m and she is 19f. I have been dating this girl since we were both in high school. She went to a college really close by so everything went well when she went off to college. Now I am about to go to college in another state, so our relationship will end then; that is mutual. However, lately over the past two months we have fought a lot, and I have been contemplating whether or not I want to stay in the relationship for the summer. It just does not seem appealing to me anymore. When I see her it is still enjoyable, and I may even change my mind about not wanting the relationship for a day or so. However that feeling does not seem to stay. I am no longer eager to spend that much time with her. I still care about her a lot, and I don't *want* to hurt her, but I do not think I feel the same as I used to. I am unsure if I am hesitant to end it because I feel attached to her or the security and length of the relationship. ~2 years it a hell of a lot of time considering I'm 18. Should I just wait out the summer and see how it goes? Or does the fact that I have been thinking this way, posting for advice here, etc mean that I should not? I am a very indecisive person to begin with. That fact that we have been together for almost two years and since she has been my first true relationship makes this decision particularly difficult. TL;DR:
Almost 2 year relationship that has survived her going to a close college. I am going out of state this fall. Should I continue with the relationship through the summer if I already have second thoughts about it?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [18 M] with my ex-gf [18 F] dated for 9 months - trying to stay friends, but she found someone else POST: So here's my story guys - my girlfriend and I had been together for 9 months. It was amazing, we had been friends for three years before that, we had the same interests, and those 9 months were the best of my life. In short, I loved her...she was the first person I had ever fallen in love with. But we were seniors, and she had had problems with long-distance before, so when we found out we were going to different colleges, we decided that at the end of the summer, we would have to break up. It was miserable, and neither of us wanted to. I wanted so desperately to stay together, but I thought that she deserved her space. Still, when I left for college, I couldn't talk to other girls because I still had really deep feelings for her. Then, we were Skyping one night (we still talked every day), and she told me that she was seeing another guy. The news hit me like a bus; she had barely been at college for two weeks before she found another guy. I knew that we weren't dating anymore, but it still hurt a lot. I felt like everything we had been through together meant nothing to her, and she had just thrown it all away so quickly. She kept saying that this was her way of coping with the loss, and she told me that she always has this desire to be close with someone. I couldn't listen for much was hurting too much, so I ended up hanging up on her. She wants to be friends still, like we were before we were dating, but I don't know what to do... Can someone help me understand why she might be doing this? And what do I tell her? TL;DR:
should i stay friends with my ex-gf who seems to not have cared about how hard it is to move on in college?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Yesterday I [F23] fractured my tibia. I live with my bf [M28]. How do I balance recovery with not being a burden? POST: Yesterday in a cycling accident, I fractured my Tibia (weight-bearing bone in leg) and am expecting to be on crutches for 8-12 weeks and in recovery for a year. My BF and I have only been living together for 2 months. I am afraid he will resent me because I need a lot of help. I can't cook, grocery shop, clean, etc. I am not sure if I will be returning to work or taking medical leave of absence, but my boss has agreed to let me try working from a sitting position only. My main concern is that I will be too much of a burden on my BF. A few years ago in a similar circumstance, I broke a wrist and my ex left me because he couldn't deal with me needing help. I feel so useless as I can barely get out of bed right now, and my pain is very bad. I'm afraid that between all the help I will need and the obvious hit to our sex life (how does one have sex when one leg is so painful/useless?) that my BF will become tired of me or irritated with me. I literally can't function on my own right now, but I am worried he will feel trapped because of it and will be resentful. TL;DR:
injured, on crutches for 8-12 weeks, how do I keep my relationship with live-in boyfriend going?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20F] with my boyfriend [26M] had an argument last night which end in him saying I was just like his ex.. POST: So my boyfriend and I have been all seeing each other now for about 5 months.. Last night we went to see a movie (gone girl) anyway I really enjoyed the movie and I was really excited to talk to him after the movie. However the first thing he did when he stood up was look at his phone, he was completely more interested in what the vibration in his pocket was than having a quick chat. I said to him "so your phone is more important" thinking about it now was probably really rude and stupid. The car ride home was in complete silence, almost. I asked him what was wrong if he was tired or something, which he said he wasn't and instead told me he couldn't understand the big deal about the phone. I explained to him that I felt he was being rude and I couldn't understand why he couldn't just wait till we were in the car (I was driving) his response to this was "oh, you sound just like f**king jess" (not her real name). Now we're not really speaking and he thinks it wasn't that bad. Even when I reversed the situation. I'm really hurt by what he said and I don't know what to do.. Am I overreacting or is he in the wrong? TL;DR:
boyfriend gets on his phone before we even leave the movie I get a little bit upset, compares me to his ex.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [36F] with my husband [37M] married 2 years, he wants to send a stranger pictures of my boobs POST: I send him naked pictures when he works out of town. I have told him it is okay to show them to other people but he can't post them online or send them to anyone. I don't want anyone else having copies of them. We posted an ad on Craigslist a few weeks ago looking for couples to be friends with. One guy (45) who answered it has become his texting buddy but they haven't met in real life. This friend seems to have some fetish for showing off his wife in public and having her wear see through tops. He also likes heels and keeps asking if I wear them. Today my husband said he was going to send this friend some pictures of my boobs without my face in them. I told him no I don't feel comfortable with that at all and it's not okay. He doesn't understand why I don't want him to if my face can't be seen. I'm concerned because my husband has been attempting to talk me into a MFM threesome or swinging. i don't want to complicate our relationship like that. Maybe he's hoping this friend could be the third. Also, what if this is the first step and my husband keeps pushing to send worse pictures? I know he wants to hang out as couples with this guy someday and I can't face meeting someone who's seen naked pictures of me. I'm also concerned because we have never met this guy and he might blackmail me somehow with these pictures. Even if you can't see my face it would still be embarrassing to have them sent to people I know. How can I show him that it's a bad idea to send anonymous naked pictures to strangers? He doesn't understand why I have a problem with it. TL;DR:
My husband wants to send a stranger naked pictures of me without showing my face. How can I explain why this is a bad idea or am I just too sensitive?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I'm [18M] terrified of my relationship. POST: *Apologies if it's in the wrong place, I don't know where to out it and I'm not thinking straight.* I am 18M, Girlfriend (referred as GF) is 18F and the duration is four years. I need help. Please, I know this will be long but I need help. I need someone to help me understand what's wrong with me. GF and I had sex for the first time last night. Growing up with today's media I was expecting it to be amazing. During it was as expected; however it was after that I wasn't feeling great. I had to run to the bathroom to be sick as I was sick with worry and guilt incase she got pregnant. I'm not ready to be a dad, I'm only 18. I'm now petrified of sex and pregnancy. We both used birth control and she keeps reassuring me that it's fine but I can't shake the thought. I'm terrified. I'm heavily considering becoming celibate. **Why am I so scared?** Due to these previously mentioned fears I've relapsed into my introvert state. I'm hiding under my bed covers crying and physically shaking instead of going to a party tonight. I haven't cried like this for years. **What's wrong with me? TL;DR:
I'm begging for help. Why am I so scared of sex and why am I relapsing into my introvert self?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [19 M] with my almost girlfriend [19 F], I will be seeing her this weekend for the first time in a month and I need some advice POST: So I've been friends with this girl since fall of last year and at the beginning of the summer we went on one date. It went well and we have maintained contact through texting since she is 3 hours away until the end of July. We have had multiple conversations about our relationship and we both agree that we want to be together at some point. I will be visiting her at her place over the weekend, where she says that she has planned everything out and that it's a surprise. Any advice/suggestions to make the most out of the weekend? We both haven't been in a romantic relationship before and I don't want it to be too awkward. TL;DR:
Seeing my long distance friend/girlfriend this weekend and want advice on how to make the most out of my time with her.
SUBREDDIT: r/dating_advice TITLE: Need advice, first two dates went bad, but she doesn't think so? POST: Hey all, 26m here, I started dating a 25f off about 3 weeks ago. For our first date we met for coffee and yogurt and it lasted about 4 hours. Some would think that means it went well for such a long coffee date but it was mostly me talking and asking questions. Let me explain further, I would consider myself an extravert who gets uncomfortable at any silences in the conversation so my defense for that is to just keep talking no matter what. So pretty much it was me talking and asking her a billion questions about herself, the whole time she seems relatively shy and soft spoken and relatively not looking like she was having a good time. After about 4 hours I literally ran out of things to say and she had already told me she wasn't hungry for dinner so I said I had to get dinner with a friend and excused myself and we said a quick good bye with a hug. I honestly thought I would never hear from her again but she texted me a positive message that she had a good time and that we had set a record with a 4 hour coffee date. So I set a second one. Second date came around, pretty much the same thing but it was dinner this time. I tried not to talk so much and let her talk about pets etc. One thing I noticed was we never actually talked about any relationship stuff ( probably a bad sign? ) Anyways we hugged and said goodbye once more and this time for real I thought I would never hear from her again. Then it happens, she texts me for a 3rd date and even seems disappointed when I can't make it, I try to reschedule. I know she's not in it for the free food since she insists on buying me the desserts, am I just being pessimistic about things? How can I even transition things to talk about relationship stuff? I find her attractive and guess we can talk for a while, I think I'm just turned off because she doesn't seem very motivated despite her actions. TL;DR:
I went on 2 dates with a girl, thought it went pretty bad but she keeps texting me she had a great time and wants to setup future dates. What do I do?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [29 F] seeing porn on my boyfriend's [29 M] computer POST: My boyfriend and I have been serious for a few months now. I know he loves me and we spend a lot of time together (despite being long distance). I am currently visiting him and use his computer often. I keep noticing he has folders of tons of naked celebrities and it often bothers me. He's deleted a bunch already (found them in the trash as I was editing photos I took and needed to go back and find them). I keep finding a ton of folders on his computer and some are very recent (within the last month). I have even noticed one's of celebrities I have mentioned that he didn't even know who they were. I know it shouldn't bother me, but it does. We have a healthy sexual relationship, as well as a healthy and happy relationship in general. He has pics of me which I happily surprised him with. A couple of months ago, I noticed him looking at the pictures of random female celebrities while I was in another room and it bothered me a lot. He could tell something was wrong so I finally told him and he felt guilty about it. Last month, he found some guy had written to me on an app offering to send me a video and got upset about it. It feels the same way to me when I go on his computer and see hundreds upon hundreds of pictures (and videos) and naked celebrities and porn videos. Am I overreacting or is this normal? I know guys look at porn but I hate the fact he probably looks at it while I am asleep at his house. The last time I found them in the trash, he didn't act that upset that I had found them but thought I was snooping the time before. It's kind of obvious when he has folders named celebrity or lots of videos with xnxx in the title. TL;DR:
Boyfriend has porn/celebrity pictures/videos on computer. Am I overreacting or should I be upset?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My[16] gf[16] (3 months) hanging with guy friend[17] one on one POST: I've kind of accepted its going to happen now. She's going to spend more and more time with him than me, it'll happen. I already broke up with her over it and said some pretty bad stuff about her in my rage and then felt bad and reached out to her and got back together. One thing, he's older than me and has a car. They've known eachother for years and even though she says nothings going to happen, ever her mom says nothing going to happen, the time will come where she has to choose and it won't be me. She says she loves me unconditionally, no matter what I say about her but I know if i hungout with another girl shit would hit the fan. I know what i should do, make the decision easy for her but i also know that i couldn't do that to her again. She hangs out with him one on one and swears that they're only friends, she swears by it, so does her mom. So i'm left here thinking when is that going to escalate and thinking maybe i'm really not good enough for her if she needs another guy in her life and maybe i'm not. TL;DR:
gf hanging with a guy friend shes known for years. Even her mom says that theyre just friends, but i know itll escalate if they habgout more.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My ex [19 F] broke up with me [21 M] when I confessed my demons. Am I hopeless? POST: I just came out of a 8 month relationship. We met in the summer and were in love within weeks. We were crazy about each other. We spent everyday together, exuded love, fairy tale etc. Then she moved back to Florida to go to school and I was stuck in Washington, where we first met. We tried skype "dates" and visiting one another. Despite this, the relationship began to deteriorate. I started getting more distant and detached from her. I was honest and told her that I felt like I wanted to seek out other girls even though I loved her. She told me I had to question which I valued more - our relationship or my sexual pleasure. I realized how much she loved me and how honest we were together and decided that I wouldn't trade this relationship for anything. So we dealt with it. Fast forward 2 months. We get into a fight over skype date / friend prioritization. She was speaking with a couple of male friends instead of speaking to me, which really pissed me off because I had sacrificed a specific time to speak to her. I questioned her commitment and she tried it to twist it on me and I essentially told her I wouldn't take her crap and told her to go f herself. Two days later I calm down and apologize to her. Now I'm in complete love with this woman and begin telling her how much she means to me and how stupid I am and I start telling her my darkest, deepest secrets. Our emotions were high and since we were on the net I couldn't sexually "eject" into her so I spilled out my emotions. I wanted her to know everything. One of my darkest secrets is that I abused my mother. I abused my father. I abused my grandparents. I'm sorry for my actions but we are all dealt a hand so don't be quick to judge. Well after expelling my demons I get a phone call 4 days later. She's crying and telling me she loves me but she can't be with me anymore. I'm emotionless. Frozen. TL;DR:
Confessed my demons, gf breaks up but tells me she still loves me. What's up? Did I make the wrong move? I still love her. Am I just a scumbag?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, help me save a cat's life. POST: So right now my in-laws have 3 cats; a mother and two daughters. The daughters are fine but the mother is having and causing some serious issues. First; she has some sort of skin disorder which is causing her to bald in a few areas and get numerous areas of skin irritation which open up from time to time. They don't have the money to take her to the vet any time soon (a long story...) and it makes it so we cannot really pet her without risk of touching a rashy, oozy area. Second; she seems to be having mild seizures from time to time (my mother-in-law has had pets with seizures before and she shows the same symptoms) so we are also concerned about her quality of life in that area. Lastly; she poops and pees everywhere but the litter box. She mainly confines herself to a room that's not used very much, but she's so bad about it that the floor and the carpet are completely ruined and need to be taken up. She has apparently done this for a long time and nothing has worked to shake her of this behavior. My mother-in-law really loves the cat, but is starting to feel like the only option may be to euthanize the cat which she really doesn't want to do. I've considered finding a farm around her where she could run around poop and pee anywhere, but she's getting older and I don't think she's much of a mouser (the main reason I'm told a farm would consider taking a cat in). Also while she goes outside all the time, she's mainly an indoor cat and is a people person (when she gets to know them) so I'm worried she'll suffer emotionally from being put in a strange place. The pound is out since they'd just put her down anyway and we don't know anyone else who would or could take her in. So TL;DR:
cat is ruining the floors, has mild health problems, and there seems to be no options for my in-laws to turn to. Reddit, what should they do?
SUBREDDIT: r/BreakUps TITLE: M[24] having dreams of high school girlfriend F[24] for the last 5 years. POST: So I do not even know if this is the correct subreddit to be posting in because my case is sort of a question but here goes. Since I graduated high school I have been through different relationships, but I keep on constantly having dreams of my high school girlfriend for the last 5 years at least. Now we have met a couple of times since we graduated high school but nothing out of the casual really happened with exceptions of us both bringing up memories of our relationship. I met her again yesterday after 2 years not seeing her at all or even talking to her, but I have only broken up from another girl 2 weeks ago. I am not sure but I believe there was some kind of attraction from both of us. I will see her again after tommorow, should I tell her about my dreams, or wait and give it some time to see if she is actually interested to be with me before I bring up anything? (Which is what I am doing now) TL;DR:
I have been having dreams about my high school girlfriend for the last 5 years. Should I try a get together with her again?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, what conversations have completely changed your perspective on life for better or worse? POST: The freshman girl who sits next to me in my WRD class had a long break between classes, so I invited her to grab breakfast with me before my 11 o'clock. We started talking about her background and where all she had lived and whatnot (she started a conversation with me the moment I sat down in class on the very first day. More than just "hi", but actually talking), and she mentioned that she was independent, meaning she had to pay for school by herself. As the conversation got deeper, she told me that her father had died just days before her 14th birthday, and that her mother became so depressed and bedridden that she was no longer able to care for them. She spent a lot of time in foster care, and was ultimately given back to her mother because her foster parents would semi-starve her and her little brother. Once she was back into her home and her regular high school in the south, she said that it was extremely hard adjusting because everyone looked down on her because she was poor and disabled (she's hearing impaired, also). She goes into this big talk about how she's afraid of girls, and especially rich girls because rich girls "not only flaunt their money and act like they're better than everyone else, but they make [her] realize all of the things [she] doesn't have". As she started talking about rich girls, I realized that her idea of rich was not someone who had millions. They were families like my own. Definitely average, if not barely a bit above. So here I am, absolutely floored at how open she was, and how thankful I am to be in my situation. I'm trying to hide that I do live a very comfortable life, and all of the sudden it dawns on me that I'm supposed to be one of the girls that scares her so badly, and that has hurt her in the past. So timidly, I ask why she felt comfortable talking to me immediately despite being unaware of my situation and my personality. Her answer? **"well... you smiled at me". TL;DR:
Girl who has lived an extremely difficult life is open and comfortable with me, a girl who is supposed to be someone she's afraid of, all because of a smile.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [18f] found out my best friend [18f] was using me to get at a guy [18m]. I have a chance to make her life I take it? POST: Within the past year, I've joined a new friend group. This was mainly due to 3 people, who I'll call M, S, and C. M is/was my best friend who introduced me to S and C. S is her crush/obsession and one of my close friends, and C is my boyfriend of 8 months. While I love the whole group, they are extremely clique-y and there is a clear hierarchy. S and C are best friends and at the top. They are the leaders who everyone else pretty much follows. Since I'm dating C, I have a lot of "power," you could say. Yes, it's stupid, but it's high school and this is just how it is. M is near the bottom because of her obsessive crush on S. Seriously, this crush is out of control and he has told her repeatedly that he doesn't like her. I began to notice that she was always using me to hang out with S. Since he's my boyfriend's best friend, I'm often with him. So I got her into multiple parties/hangouts with S. A while back, S went on vacation for a week and M ignored me the whole week. Long story short, I found out recently that she's only been friends with me to get to S. I'm very upset by this. I loved this girl like a sister and she's been using me this whole time. I know if I tell S and C about this, they will be angry and will probably refuse to hang out with her anymore, leading the rest of the group to cut back on time with her. I know this will happen because I (accidentally) turned everyone against her this way a few months ago. Once again, I know this is very immature and stupid, but that's the way the group works. I'm so pissed. I can't believe she did this to me. I want to show her that she shouldn't have messed with me. I know I'm a total bitch but I don't really care. I'm beyond mad and I want revenge. TL;DR:
My "best friend" has only been friends with me to get to the uninterested guy she has an obsessive crush on. I know I can turn the whole friend group against her if I want to. Should I do it?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: How to cut my [25f] losses and move on when I'm in love with him [27m] and he is happy with me? POST: I (25F) met this guy (27M) 8 months ago online. We live in different continents. We went from PMing to emailing to Skyping nearly everyday. We decided to be exclusive about a month in. About 3-4 months in, we had a discussion about working towards something more serious and real, and he said he didn't want to commit to something he isn't 100% sure that it'd work out (because of the distance). He also said he has very strong feelings for me and could totally see himself falling in love with me, but he isn't yet. I was very much in love with him at that point and was getting way too attached and invested to not have any kind of security. I thought long and hard about whether to continue this or not. In the end, I decided to just enjoy what we have for what it is. Fast forward to now-- we are generally very happy with each other. He says his feelings for me have gotten stronger. He adds that with all the things going on in his life right now, he can't even think beyond next week, much less how a long-distance relationship would work out. This has also made planning a visit difficult. We have tentative plans to meet in the summer, but it's not very certain. As far as eventually ending up in the same place, it would have to be him moving to my country, and I'm not sure if I can see him doing that. So we've been just continuing this... thing. I am really, really happy with him, but I am also starting to feel pessimistic about where we are headed. This is difficult me to grasp because I'm a very confident and persevering person who finds very few things in life daunting. I told him about how I feel, and he said he doesn't want to give up on what we have or what we could be. OK... well, I feel like I will end up getting hurt. At the same time, we are so happy with each other that it's very hard for me to just walk away from this. What to do? TL;DR:
Fell in love with a guy [27m] I [25f] met online, feel uncertain about the future, and think I should perhaps move on even though things are really good with him at the moment.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 M] with my Girlfriend [21 F] 3 years, she seems to be avoiding me POST: So this started a couple weeks ago. It seems like every we have talked for the last couple of weeks, she has been avoiding talking about seeing each other. The other night we had plans to go to the movies and maybe a drive, and then when she got home she says she fell asleep and I didn't get a text until the next afternoon.I wanted to see her before we both go back to school on Saturday as we only will be able to see each other every month or so. I text her and we talk for a good 20 minutes, and then I ask when she is free and if she would like to go out, and then I hear nothing until the next day. I feel like I'm going crazy. TL;DR:
My girlfriend of 3 years seems to be avoiding me by not answering any text messages about hanging out or giving me any information.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [23F] want to contact my ex-boss[45?F] for a career opportunity. It's been more than 2 years. How should I approach this? POST: In April 2012, I landed an Quality Assurance internship at a pharmaceutical company and I worked there until September 2012, when I had to leave for university. My boss was the branch director of the QA department and I had several supervisors while I transitioned through the different QA departments. My boss was really nice and everyone else was a pleasure to work with as well. We had a good relationship and I made a good effort to establish a pleasant relationship with everyone else I met too. I had very good work-ethic and most days I completed all the assignments so quickly that they usually ran out of tasks to assign me. When it was time for me to leave the position, my boss treated me and the other supervisors to a very nice lunch. On my last day, I wrote her a letter expressing my gratitude and appreciation of the internship and gifted her with several gourmet/unique chocolate bars I brought back from my recent trip to Seattle. I'm about to finish up my bachelors degree in pharmaceutical sciences with an expected graduation in March 2015. I'm really worried about finding a job and my self-esteem regarding such is rather low. I was hoping to contact my old boss for career opportunities but I haven't spoken to her since I left (over 2 years now). I've gained a lot more experience (mostly as administration assistant, and IT related things) along with hopefully a bachelor's degree. I was hoping for any sort of position within the company (whether QA or QC). I know we ended on a high note, but how would I open up that relationship to gain a career opportunity either within that company? Or possibly ask her for other company leads? TL;DR:
I had a good relationship with a boss from 2 years ago. Haven't spoken to her since. How would I reopen that relationship in order to ask her about career opportunities?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: (27F) my husband's (28M) friends talking shit behind his back. Don't want him to get hurt.... POST: Husband and I have been together for 10 years. Mutual friend circle for 10-12 years, some of them are childhood friends (20-25 years friendship...) My husband is a little bit weird in public. To be honest, he is: - 25% selfish and boasting - 75% social awkward penguin. The selfish and boasting part is fine with me. He is working on it and I try to help him just like he helps me work on my issues. But, a lot of times he will say very awkward things in public. He will sound like a jerk or he will seem to want all the attention to himself. He sure likes to talk, but he sometimes doesn't know when to step down and let somebody else shine. Again, he is working on it and i KNOW he doesn't want to be a douche. He is just socially awkward... So about a week ago, I was on microphone playing an online game with our friends. Husband was not on the mic and our friends started talking shit about him, saying that he was sometimes a jerk and that he tried to hard to get everybody's attention. I couldn't say anything because my husband was sitting right next to me and I didn't want him to know what was happening. Yesterday, his oldest friend told me my husband was sometimes very weird and that people didn't like his behavior. I couldn't ask for more explanation because my husband walked into the room. Should I talk to him about it? I don't want him to get hurt, he is really a good guy, but people misunderstand him. I know if I talk to him about it he will be 1- really mad at all our friends 2- self esteem will drop at a lowest level than you can imagine What should I do? TL;DR:
I have a socially awkward husband and people misunderstand him. His friends are talking behind his back and I don't know if I should tell him about it.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [Advice] Brother [17M] is a strain on me [23F] and I want to move out POST: My brother and I have never been a pair of siblings who argue all day and throw shit at each other. We've always mutually really respected and trusted one another. When he went through a period of depression that was brought on by a fear of everything from parasites to brain tumours I was the only one he could communicate with. I started full time employment recently at a huge company. I'm so proud of myself and I love my job! However, I have to go to work every day with tears threatening to break through my eyes because of how tired I am. The reason I get so tired is because my brother stays up till 3am everyday playing League of Legend and talking loudly on Skype. Every night I beg him, yell at him, plead with him to just keep quiet, or shut up, or just atleast try to turn the volume does. In his defence, he does. For a whole two minutes. Then it's back to square one. Every night we argue and every night he gets so pissed off at me that the next day when I say something as small as "why did you leave all the cheese out" he'll get pissed off at me. I don't know what to do, i've asked him nicely, even made a deal with him that he'll get off skype at 11.00pm but he always pushes the boundaries which resorts to me unplugging the internet. My mum tries to help me on this but he only pretends to listen so that we shut up so that he can get back to what he's doing. My last resort will be to move out. Last time i moved out he got really depressed and started self harming, but I can't take being tired all day and then being denied sleep any longer. I'm being a pushover I know this, but it's only because I've seen how easily he disconnects from life and Skype and gaming has been keeping him happy for over a year now. TL;DR:
brother stays up all night playing games and being loud which resorts to me being tired all day and then denied sleep at night. Should I leave home?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Why does society group us in everything we do instead of accepting our individuality? POST: Have to be Mac or PC, Canon or Nikon, if you believe in welfare you are a hardcore liberal, if you like chic fil a you are a conservative homophobe. The list goes on and on. Why can't people have different views as different individuals without being clumped in a group? It goes further than stereotypes. I think as a society we need to stop judging groups as a whole and start focusing on individual mindsets that people have in certain situations. A bit of a rant but I am interested to hear your thoughts on how this could be possible and why it would or wouldn't work. TL;DR:
People have situational thoughts, however society makes them choose in a more broad sense in an attempt to group them with others. Is this right? Can people change that mentality?
SUBREDDIT: r/travel TITLE: Caution while filling out comment cards... POST: While travelling to Ubud, Bali recently, my girlfriend and I dined at what seemed to be a reputable looking establishment. After the meal - which was great - the waiter asked if we would fill out a comment card. He also asked that we leave an email address, so the manager could thank us. Given the service, we were happy to oblige. Fast forward a week later, I receive four emails from TripAdvisor, thanking me for leaving reviews of various restaurants/hotels around Ubud... one of which was the restaurant we dined at. I've got no doubt it was that restaurant who created a fake profile and reviews from me, because the review correctly listed what we ate. I've since contacted TripAdvisor and asked them to bring them down. The thing is - had they asked me to write a review, I would have happily done so. But this rubbish shouldn't go on. TL;DR:
left my email on a comment card, restaurant created a fake TripAdvisor profile in my name and wrote favourable reviews for them and their friends.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Loving GF has serious issues with the fear of dying or getting raped. How to help her? POST: Hi everyone, This girl I've been seeing is absolutely wonderful in every way. She's one of the most important things in my life, and thankfully she feels the same. We've dated once previously (about 2 years ago) but we've gotten back together and are going strong. She's 21, I'm 23. We initially went out for about 9 months and now we've been dating since last summer. So in total, a little more than 13 months. We watched Dexter when we first started going out back in 2010, and she couldn't get past the first five minutes of it. She proceeded to break down and start sobbing to me about how much she was afraid of dying and of getting raped. Naturally I was concerned, and asked her point blank if she had ever been assaulted, attacked or raped. She responded with no. Since that point, we've been able to discuss openly her fear, but only in that it is just that: a fear. Nothing that she's said has lead me to believe that a family member might have assaulted her (although I know that those things can be buried deep in someone's psyche), nor has she been attacked or assaulted in her more recent years. As of now, it has not impacted her life to any extreme degree. We don't watch shows or movies that might deal with these issues (ie. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) and I make sure that she feels safe when we're together intimately. However on top of her stress (esp during finals week or when she has a lot on her plate) of her daily life, she'll describe to me how fearful she is of dying young. I'll jaywalk and she will REFUSE to, even if there aren't cars for miles around. It's nothing that bothers me too much, but I'm afraid that these issues now will develop into greater roadblocks for her independence later on in life. I just want to be a supportive boyfriend. If all I can do is suggest counseling, I'll do it, but I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced something like this before and what they did about it. TL;DR:
GF is super paranoid about the threat/fear of dying and rape. Afraid it will get worse with time. Help?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [27 M] Girlfriend [26 F] of 6 years doesn't want me to live with other girls. POST: **The Situation:** We are currently unmarried and living together, but she is starting a PHD program in the fall (about 1.5 hrs away) and I am staying behind because of work. We'll be living apart for about a year, after which point her class schedule will become much more flexible and we will probably move back in together somewhere in between my work and her school. # **The Problem:** I've been apartment hunting for about a month and haven't been having much luck. Real estate in my area is extremely high, so I can't afford to live on my own. Unfortunately, most of the places that I've looked at have one (or more) of the following problems: 1) Roommate is a weirdo. 2) Apartment is in terrible condition/in an unsafe area. 3) Roommate is a female (or at least one of the roommates are). # Now, I grew up with sisters, so I don't mind living with girls. I've always found it easier to get along with girls as they tend to be more respectful about common areas, cleaning, and what not. However, my girlfriend is absolutely opposed to me living with a member of the opposite sex. We've been fighting about this for days, and she keeps saying it isn't "pure" and making similarly arbitrary value statements, but she cannot seem to produce even a single logical justification for her stance. She assures me that she trusts me and knows I would never do anything to jeopardize our relationship, but I just can't think of any other reason for her opposition. Even if it is a trust issue, I still don't think she has a leg to stand on. This is my apartment, that I will be paying for myself, so I should be allowed to live with whoever I want. Besides, she specifically asked me not to propose until after her first year of school, so it's not my fault that we're living separately. # # TL;DR:
Does anyone see anything inherently wrong about living with a member of the opposite sex? How do I convince my girlfriend to be OK with me living with a girl?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: How would you make friends in a school where you know nobody? POST: About a year or two ago my father got laid off of his old job and he got a job opportunity but it was about 2 and a half hours away from where I lived. He took the job and life went on but he had missed my family so much that he did frequent visits on the weekends and sometimes on the weekdays. My sister recently moved to college and my parents DESPERATELY wanted to sell our old house and buy a new one close to where my dad worked. I willingly didn't think that much of it and I decided to move and enroll in a new school for the family. During summertime I did not think this was a big deal. Now that school has started I start questioning how big of a mistake I have made, its the first few days of school and nobody and I mean NOBODY looks like they could have any of the same common interests as I do, everyone dresses differently, they look COMPLETELY different from the people in my old school, and nobody cares that I am the new kid with nobody I know at all, and on top of all that I AM ONE OF THE MOST SHYEST PERSON YOU COULD EVER MEET. In classes I don't mind having friends at all because there's very little social interaction going on, but in the mornings and during lunch I look absolutely ridiculous. I have never been in a position where I know absolutely nobody except for when I got put in pre-kindergarten but that's when everyone was testing out the waters. Right now everyone has their own groups/cliques. I have no idea how to meet people in this certain situation and I really don't want the next couple years of my life to be like this. Please help. TL;DR:
I attend a new school with nobody I know at all and I have no friends currently and I am EXTREMELY shy. How can I change this?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me 25 F with my 25 M pretty sure my almost nonexistent sex life is due to my weight [UPDATE] POST: Original post We ended up having a long talk about our relationship. We realized we both don't prioritize each other anymore; we've fallen into a lazy "watch tv together till we fall asleep" routine. I told him I can tell he is not as excited about me anymore and why was that. He said he didn't know, he said things had just changed. It ended with me crying and admitting it was a few factors: 1. I have been depressed for almost six months now due to my lack of money and job situation, and failure to find a job, and also struggling in my industry. It makes me feel crappy and I always unload on him, and my depression brings him down despite his always being supportive of me 2. I no longer take care of myself physically because I feel disgusting about my weight, and let my hair/nails/hygiene also go because I figure "what's the point" 3. I am overweight and not trying to fix it I told him I really wanted to fix these things and he said he would support me in whatever i chose. We had an honest talk today and he said he thought I should talk to a nutritionist who could help me with my food issues as well as dealing with how to eat well for PCOS. I actually saw a nutritionist years ago and have 100s of emails of diet plans and such between us so I think I am going to use those only due to my financial situation right now. I ran 6 miles yesterday and I ate an egg white omelette for brunch today, which doesn't sound like much, but the ability not to shove my face at a meal out when there were choices like french toast and cheesy egg scrambles... it's a big step for me. I am also going to try to "seduce" him even though I am bigger-- I am going to put a ton of effort into my hair/makeup/looks and dress sexy for him so he can feel like I want him and am confident despite my weight, even if I am faking it, at least until I really do start to feel confident again. TL;DR:
We had a serious talk and it seems many of our issues stem from depression and I am going to work hard to fix it and he supports me.
SUBREDDIT: r/askwomenadvice TITLE: 23M Is there certain things I should just out right avoid doing? POST: 23 year old Male from a major Aussie city. been single for a long time. never had sex. not hideous but aware of the fact I'm objectively fat and kind of short. I often find myself not knowing how to talk to girls. I can have a conversation with them but I find that i never know how to steer it in a direction of finding out if there is interest from their end. Oh people often call me creepy. The only time I had a tinder hook up, I felt it went fine there was a connection I thought, however girl after 2 weeks deletes me. I happen to bump into her by happen-stance in public, give her the "hello we have met previously, however we are not friendly and this is my acknowledging you are here but also allowing you to ignore me if you choose to" nod. she saw me her facial expression changed to one that i have only seen on people when they have trodden in shit and walked in the opposite direction. I guess what I'm asking is can anyone tell me of "safe conversation" points that will not let conversation die but also will allow them to know that i am interested in pursuing something further. TL;DR:
Is there things i should out right just not do, and things that are safe to discuss for a fat moderately socially awkward 23 year old
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I[23M] just found out my good friend [29F] was hooking up with her best friend's[28F] ex [27M] for at least a year behind her back POST: So I found out today my good friend Brittany[29F] who I have/had (I don't know anymore) feelings for was hooking up with her best friend[28F] Jen's ex Mike[28M] for at least a year behind Jen's back. All 3 of them have been best friends for years and this is a world changing discovery for me. Brittany and Mike for the most part just seemed like best friends, but looking back there are obvious signs that this was happening that I missed. Mike apparently called things off in a moment of clarity somewhat recently when he realized what he's been doing. I'm really good friends with all 3 of them and I know it would tear Jen apart to know that this happened. Since I've known all 3 of them Jen occasionally gets jealous when Mike starts to see other girls, and the fact that her best friend was hooking up with him would probably break their friendship apart. I realize my feelings for Brittany may complicate matters but I'm really torn on how to proceed. Let them continue to act like nothings happened between them? or let Jen know because this is something that feels extremely dirty and wrong. This is also leading me to question my feelings for Brittany because I thought I knew her, and this is something so contradictory to the person I thought I knew that I don't know how to feel anymore. TL;DR:
Girl I like was hooking up with her best friends ex for at least a year behind her back. Tell her best friend or just ignore it?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 F] caught my boyfriend [26 M] of 1 year, looking at disturbing porn on my computer. POST: I understand that sometime's guys just look at porn. I get that, I get that everyone masturbates. It's human, we all do it. But my boyfriend was looking at Granny porn and midget porn on my computer and I can't get it out of my head. I am totally disgusted and I don't know what to think. I can't have sex with him now without thinking that he's thinking about an old lady, or imaging me as a midget or something. I don't know what to think. I'm so grossed out.. He should have at LEAST cleared my browsing history or something. Am I over reacting? TL;DR:
My boyfriend was looking at midget and granny porn on my computer, I can't look at him the same..
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: [M]18, first date with [F]18 soon, she's going on holiday POST: So to start with, I am a very insecure person when it comes to dating. I've never had the guts to ask someone to go out on a date with me, while I did have an easy time making new friends. (Anxiety?) As we were on our graduation day, and our entire class was together for one of the final times, I decided that asking out my crush would be something that had to be done. After some awkwardness and shyness on both our parts, we made plans to set a date in the future. The thing is, she is leaving in a week give or take for her holiday, and wont be returning until next month. So right now I'm pretty anxious of the coming period. While in person I can be very talkative, I am an absolute sucker at texting. What am I supposed to do this coming month? TL;DR:
first time ever asked out girl for first date, she said yes, leaves for holiday for a month, and I suck at texting, no first date yet
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My girlfriend [23F] decided to semi-formally break up with me [23M] last night due to mental health issues. How should I proceed? POST: Crosspost from /r/askmen: Hi everyone, For the past 3 or so months my girlfriend has been complaining about her depression creeping back in... She has been lethargic, sleeping all day, no interest in activities, and basically emotionally numb. We have been together for about a year now (23) and we were together in highschool for some time (16). Well, I sensed something was wrong and we began discussing everything in detail yesterday. While there were a few problems with our relationship, the biggest issue is her mental health. Anyways, after our 3 hour long discussion, it basically came down to a few simple truths. With her current mental state, she is unable to put in the 110% effort into the relationship that I am able to give. She just doesn't have it in her. She expressed that she needs her time to be alone, and find ways to get back to her self. These things include, personal development, special books that she reads, as well as hopefully medication and therapy. She doesn't believe it is fair to stay together when she would be a very subpar partner. So, I come to you guys today to ask what you would do - I love this girl with my entire heart, and deep down I believe she is the one for me. She feels the same, but admittedly, her emotions are a bit damped from her depression. We left off at a point where she said she still wants to hang out, and talk, but needs much more personal and alone time. Nonetheless, officially single. What would you do if you wanted to support your girlfriend through these times, but realize that many things might not be reciprocated? Would you continue to hang out or stop everything cold turkey? I am a wreck right now and looking for any advice. Thanks. TL;DR:
girlfriend needs time alone to use the tools she has at her disposal to overcome depression. I am in a weird limbo stage of wanting to support her, but also needing to take care of myself. What do I do?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, can you help me? POST: I never thought it would be this way. Struggling more everyday to force myself out of bed to do the same thing I did yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. I thought living would be more than this, more than just a groundhog day lifestyle, Where everyday blends together. I thought I would be doing what I love everyday, and somehow getting paid for it. Unfortunately the reality of the situation is that people don't seem to pay much for that, for people to live their dreams. At least not here in America. In America, our country is more concerned with political party warfare than it is in fixing it's problems and stimulating the economy. Its more about re election and less about concern for the people that elected the representative in the first place. And I cannot represent such a governmental system. I need help reddit, I need help to break free from this lifestyle, from this redundant routine I've found myself stuck in. I don't care where I need to go, what I need to do. I must escape, I must live my dreams, I must truly be free. Help me reddit, where do I start? How do I accomplish this? Where do I go? Is there a better way? Have you found it? If so, how. Please reddit I'm becoming desperate, and depressed. I cannot waste my life away this way. I cannot and will not. TL;DR:
I'm tired of this 9-5 schedule and the United stated governmental system, and I need a way to better myself and escape both of these things. Please help me I don't know where to start.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: my gf broke up with me [24/m] and [24/f] to do some 'soul-searching' to be more comfortable with her identity as a person; anyone have experience with this kind of situation? POST: Hello reddit, First I'll just explain the situation. So I've been with my gf for just over 4 years and while we've always really enjoyed each other's company, it's been relatively turbulent and had plenty of ups and downs. However, she recently realised that she's been unhappy because she's not comfortable with who she is as a person. As a person, she likes reality TV, make up, fashion, and most typical girl stuff, but she wishes she had more depth/complexity to her, especially when she compares herself to her more motivated/driven friends. We're both medical students so she's not dumb, she just enjoys girly things and feels guilty about it or something. She said even though our relationship wasn't perfect, a dysfunctional relationship was a perfect distraction for her to avoid thinking about her personal problems. After a bit of talking, we decided it wouldn't work if we got back together right away as she would still be doubting her decision and having second thoughts, so we thought it would be best to part ways for now. We had a tearful goodbye and I'm pretty sure we both still have strong feelings for each other, so my fingers are crossed that we might get back together in the future but I'm not holding my breath. TL;DR:
dysfunctional relationship but we loved each other, she realised she was clinging to our dysfunction in order to avoid personal issues that have been haunting her, we broke up.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [22 F] with my 2 year bf [27 M] duration, having trouble being positive, trusting and letting things go POST: Hi everyone! I'm typically very bubbly, but I'm having trouble right now being positive and letting things go with with my boyfriend. We've been fighting more than we ever have in the last few weeks, and I know part of it is that I'm holding resentment for slip ups he's made in the past. I'm not 100% sure I trust him, but I know he will not put up with my insecurities much longer. I want to change, I'm just finding it very hard. Every fight we get into I'm having hard time not putting everything back on him for the things he's done in past, even though I have faults of my own. I'm just having trouble looking past things. I know we both love each other, and we both want to work on it, but I'm still so hurt over certain things and he's pretty sick of tending to my wounds. How do I let go? How do I bring things up if he refuses to talk about them? How do I not let certain things eat away at the whole relationship? TL;DR:
How do I move past things in a relationship? Or at least healthily deal with things in a way that isn't detrimental to our relationship?
SUBREDDIT: r/personalfinance TITLE: Window to lower interest rate? POST: This is a unique situation, so bear with me. 6 months ago, I put my boyfriend as an authorized user on my 12 year old credit card. He obtained DACA status a few years ago and has never had anything more than a bank account. With DACA comes an SS number so he can apply for credit cards, etc. Of course he had no credit, so I recommended he become an AU on my card first before he attempts to establish his credit. He finally needed a new car, so we went to the dealer and purchased a decent used car for about 12k. He was about to put a few thousand down, but I cosigned on his car loan to finance the rest (we've been together quite awhile, and yes I understand the risk.) The interest rate came back around 4.9%. My credit is great but since he had zero credit history, the rate went up a bit. Here's the catch. He previously was unable to get his credit report or sign up for credit karma due to having no credit, but today he tried it and he succeeded, and sure enough, the AU card was on his credit showing 12 years of history and a credit score of 775. The car loan was not on his credit report yet, so it is not related. He purchased the car 11 days ago. Is there any chance, now that he has established credit, that we can obtain a lower rate? I've read about a 14 day window, but I'm not sure that's accurate. Also, am I way off the mark? And if I'm not, would it even be worth the hassle? Thank you in advance! TL;DR:
Boyfriend had no credit a few days ago, got a car loan. Has established credit since then (unrelated to the loan) Can we get a lower interest rate?
SUBREDDIT: r/needadvice TITLE: How do I approach my new roommate POST: Hello I am a 30 female that just moved in with a 30ish year old female, her 14 son and her 35 year old boyfriend. When I saw the house, she said it was never this dirty and that it's as worse as it get. I moved in 5 days later...and it looked the same... My room was not vaccumed, the bed sheets were covered in hair (had to wash them that night), the furniture has sticky stuff on it, the mattress has gross stains and the downstairs bathroom (which was given to me) is full of their hair products, towels and hair. Today is my 3rd day here. I have asked for cleaning supplies 3 times. I have asked her to move her bras, underwear and filing cabinet out of my room, and she just says she'll do it later today...but it's been 2 days already (plus 5 day she had to clean before I moved in) There is also no space for my food in the main fridge and the 2nd fridge is filthy. She seems like the type of girl who can go into bitch status really fast. I am a pretty blunt, assertive person, and I don't want to make this worse than it is. Rent is $600. I gave her $400. My boyfriend said to tell her I will give her the other $200 once the bathroom and my room is clean. (I also vacuumed yeserday). HELP!!! I really don't want to start argueing with my roommate the first week! She is an adult and should know better than to hand over a dirty house. TL;DR:
Moved into a dirty apartment and don't want to piss off my new roommate who seems a little stressed/aggressive.
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Girlfriend's father is a destructive drunk -- anything she can do? POST: Here's the story... my girlfriend's dad is a businessman, but has in the past year or so become a drunk of epic proportions. He's not abusive, but he is useless and destructive to the family and business. He spends recklessly, cannot take care of himself (most recently he shit his pants and bed) and causes my girlfriend endless emotional and psychological distress. His wife will not leave him out of loyalty and their finances are all intertwined. He spends a ton of money on things they don't need (toilet in the backyard, why not!) and leaves the bills up to his wife and his oldest daughter (my girlfriend). The question is, what can she do? She's all for her mom kicking him out, but she won't. Is there any kind of legal action she could take to prove he's out of his mind and could take control of things? Any advice is greatly appreciated... TL;DR:
Girlfriend's dad is a drunk who can't take care of himself but is destroying the family, can she legally take any action?
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU telling a girl how I feel about her. POST: This happened a couple days ago and i heard that this is a way to forget about the whole thing and using a throw away in worst case... Now the full story: There is this girl I've fallen stupidly in love with. I'd almost do anything for her... so on her birthday we had a little heart to heart over skype because she was busy with her family earlier. So sometime during that heart to heart we ended up getting to the topic of people we like/liked during that time i ended up telling her i liked her (my fuck up, she was already seeing someone.) She was stunned by it and didn't reply for a while when she did she ended up just saying she though as much... but I know now i ruined her birthday because she was finally able to see some old high school friends again and spend the day with all the friends. TL;DR:
i told a girl (who is going out with someone) I've been crushing on for a while years how i feel about her on her birthday... to then make her birthday the worst day ever...
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [21 F] with my boyfriend [20 M] of three years, not really feeling like a priority. Am I just selfish? POST: So my boyfriend isn't a natural romantic and he's a tad on the selfish side, I think due to being an only child. I'm always trying to put him as first priority on my list. If I'm out and about, I'm always looking for things he may like or things I can do to make him happy. The little things, you know? He doesn't do anything like that for me. He's only got me flowers once the entire three years we've been together. He can't think of a gift to get me out of his own creativity for things like birthdays. I just have to tell him what I want, which usually is just a thoughthful gift not really a thing. He's always asking for massages and I do full body easily an hour long massage and if I'm lucky enough for him to turn the favor it's just him poking my shoulder for three minutes. Now we've talked about it, and everything goes great for maybe a day. Then it's back to normal. And other than this, our relationship is in great condition. Is there anything I can do? Or do I just need to accept this is how it is. TL;DR:
Boyfriend of three years doesn't do little things for me like I do for him and is exhausting to not get any return.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My boyfriend (M26) has fallen out of love with me (F23) after experiencing me grieve my father's death. Please help. POST: We've been together for almost two years, and I've moved in with him for the summer. Our relationship was wonderful until my father died very unexpectedly about ~7 months ago. My family was and has been devastated. I (naturally) became depressed - and my boyfriend couldn't understand how this loss could affect my life so deeply. He has never lost anyone or anything. I lost interest in things I used to love doing, and gained about 10 pounds. This seems normal after a family death for many people, but this was a very strange and confusing problem for my boyfriend. He came clean last night and admitted that he isn't in love with me anymore, not like he was before my father's death. He fell for the happy, ambitious girl he met two years ago. I quickly decided to move back in with my mom for a week to give him time to think about whether or not he truly wants to be with me. I'm leaving this morning. We are truly on the brink of breaking up. I'm absolutely heartbroken. I'm so in love with him, and I never in a million years thought my loss would make him lose feelings for me. I can be sad and hard to be with at times, but if he were in my position, I would have loved him even more - made sure he knew I'd always be there. TL;DR:
Missing my dad has changed me, and now my boyfriend isn't in love with me anymore because of it. I still love him and hope more than anything he will come to his senses.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Girlfriend [21 F] of 5 months, decided she needed space from me [20 M] and I'm not sure how to take it? POST: Me and my girlfriend have been a pretty close couple for the past 5 months, we would always talk and have something interesting to talk about. However, recently she has been really distant in replying and during phone calls. She would usually ring me as well but not really focus on the conversation, often leading to awkward silences. Eventually she hung up on me. So after all this distance, I thought I'd finally go out on a limb and ask her if everything was alright. She said it was fine, but I asked if she was positive and that's when she got annoyed. Of course she never told me that she was annoyed, until I got it out of her, and she said I annoyed her by asking if she was okay and if there was a reason she was distant. I sucked up my pride and apologised from the bottom of my heart. She then replies "that's all you can do for now, but I think I just need space for myself, I'll probably contact you soon, later". I replied by saying i hope we can discuss this as a mature couple but ill give you your space. She didn't reply. Also literally two days ago she called me saying how much she missed me and how she cannot wait to see me (I study in another city, but live in the same city as her generally). She's always made sure she let's me know how her day went etc usually. And she's shown me to her family and we get on. I really don't know what to make of this. TL;DR:
Girlfriend abruptly asked for space after a little misunderstanding, although she was so happy with the relationship two days ago.... any help what she could possibly mean? Breakup or actual space?
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by leasing an amazing apartment POST: On August 1, I finally chose the university I want to transfer to. However, because I waited so long to make my decision, I was kinda shit outta luck for housing. After looking around a lot, my Dad helped me finagle a one bed, one bath, fully furnished apartment with a kitchenette in this hotel-esque building (complete with 24/7 gym, a pool, a movie theater, free printing in a private study room, and a private parking spot) that's a few minutes walk away from both the bars AND my classes. Seems great, right? But I fucked up. I signed the lease yesterday. Today, some ridiculously hot girl messaged me asking if I was still looking for a place and offered a room in her two bed, two bath apartment in the same building. TL;DR:
I'm living in a sick apartment in a great building. I could be living in an equally sick apartment in the same building with a stupidly hot girl.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My ex [21F] has broken up with me [22M] over 6 months ago and I'm still trying to get back together. POST: So me and my ex had dated for almost a year (except for a week we were apart cause I had broken up with her but then got back together) when she broke up with me because she loved me more than I her. And she found this out when I was blacked out and told her I didn't love her which at the time I did not because I had feelings for someone else. But was not planning on telling her because I still was happy with her. I was fine at first when we broke for about two weeks until I finally realized what happened and wanted to try and get back again but my friends wanted me to wait to make sure it was her that I missed and not the relationship. So I waited about a month and half until I got to see her and told her I still loved her and wanted to get back together. She thought about it over the weekend then decided not to. I also told her then why I wasn't sure wether or not I loved her before was because I had feelings for someone else. I thought it would have gotten better once the summer started or its been a half year side we've been together but it's not gotten much better. So do I still have a chance and should try to get back with her? Or is it hopeless? TL;DR:
My ex broke up with me 6 months ago because she loved me more and I lost her trust. Should I still try to get back with her?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Am I [19M] being unreasonable with my girlfriend? [19F] POST: So my girlfriend told me that she doesn't find herself attractive. I chalked it up to girlish lack of self-confidence and being self-aware and stuff. A lot of girls have that. But she also said that she likes it when other guys find her attractive. I got a little bit upset because it sounds like she is searching for validation from other guys and me, not just me. Was I wrong to get upset? I can understand if I am just being immature dumb, but I am worried that I'm actually dealing with a bigger problem. We have been happily dating for almost 5 months. TL;DR:
My girlfriend seems to need to know that other people, other than myself, find her attractive. Am I wrong to be upset.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [19 M] seem to have trouble with one on one interactions with my friends [18-20] but not in a group of 3 or more POST: I was talking with one of my friends and he said that when he's alone with me, it's sometimes awkward because I don't do much and just sit there sometimes. I don't catch myself when I'm doing it and I don't do it consciously, but looking back on it, I sometimes do this with my other friends as well. However, when I'm with at least 2 of my friends, it's not awkward at all and I'm talking for a bit of the time. There are times thought where I can talk up a storm when I'm alone with someone and the conversation keeps flowing naturally. I don't know what exactly is the cause of it, but it may be that I'm not a good conversationalist and my friend said it may do with intimidation or intimacy. Not sure if this is normal. Not too sure what it could be, but I know it has something to do with me most likley. TL;DR:
Not good with one on one interactions, but perfectly fine with small groups and don't know what may be the cause.
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by making my mom pee herself POST: My mom boiled a lot of hot water, and I wanted some for tea. So I poured it into my mug and she tossed some loose tea leaves in for me. After a few minutes, I tried to drink it but leaves kept getting in my mouth, so I looked everywhere for a strainer. Jackpot! I finally found one in a teapot ([like this] Eyes on the prize, I took it out, happy to finally have found a strainer. This is where I apparently completely forgot how they work. Without thinking, I held it over the sink and poured my entire mug of tea into it. My mom was watching. My sister was watching. We stared at what I did for a bit, I think in disbelief, then broke into an insane cacophony of laughter and tears. In between my family laughing and making fun of me, my mom shrieked, "I PEED MY PANTS!" We all thought she was joking but... a nice puddle was forming in the hallway. Even worse, my sister was nearby and got it on her socks. So yeah, just when our laughter couldn't get louder, now we were practically roaring at this point. And instead of helping her wipe it up, I of course rushed here to post. I can still hear my mom cackling downstairs. She's wheezing sometime along the lines of "You... you have a degree!!" TL;DR:
I forgot how strainers work and poured out all my tea. My mom peed herself with laughter. Suddenly not in the mood to drink tea.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My (26F) ex (29M) of a decade long relationship that ended horribly contacted me after 4 years, we are meeting tonight to 'catch up', and I am uncontrollably anxious, shaking and dry vomiting. What's wrong?? POST: My heart is pounding and I am taking small fast breaths. I am shaking uncontrollably and feel weak in my limbs. I dry vomited on and off all day. I am familiar with this anxious feeling but never so bad.. We ended horribly. He cheated on me and never apologised, he always one-upped me if I ever said I was upset, he was depressed but never sought help and decided to wallow and blame the world, and in the end he decided to go overseas to study for a five year degree and leaving me behind without involving me in the decision process of him going away. And when I broke up with him, he blamed it on me "cheating" on him and the distance - not everything that happened. Needless to say this enrages me and I used to shake with anger when I think of all this.. But I've calmed down for a while now, but this time, it's all coming back to me and my body is reacting so strongly it's scaring me. Is there anything I should look into???? Please note: I have made all the necessary preparations in meeting him again (what I want out of it, what to say, managing expectations, having a friend be nearby in case shit goes bad) this is only about my physical reaction to all this because I don't know how to deal with it or why it is happening. TL;DR:
I feel extremely sick in anticipation meeting my ex of a decade long unhealthy relationship that ended with him blaming everything on me. What is wrong with me I feel so sick.
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by cooking and drinking. POST: So this happened a few days ago, whilst enjoying a lovely week of spring break. Me and a few friends were invited to stay at a beach house owned by an in-law for a couple days to have some fun. Keep in mind, this in-law is in her early 20's, single, and a typical party-goer, so there was a lot of irresponsibility waiting for us at this house. We arrived pretty late to the beach house and were immediately offered drinks, so being most courteous guests, we accepted. As we continue to drink, our host decides to cook up some juicy steaks in the oven. This is where things go south. Our host joins us again with the steaks in the oven and the drinking resumes. About 10 minutes later, I smell something burning and alert our host. She heads to the kitchen and opens up the oven, only to be met with five flaming steaks. She starts freaking out, leaving the oven open as flames creep out, and cries for help. Being the hero I thought I was, I leaped into action. (LPT: When you think you're a hero when you're drunk, you're not.) I told our host to step aside as I grabbed the retractable sink hose and let the rains pour down. The hot and oily flaming steaks became very, very angry. Now with the flames twice as high (almost to the exhaust fan above), my other, more sober, friend runs over and hunts for a fire extinguisher. Meanwhile, our host whom had just purchased this oven, tries to save the oven by putting a mitt on and removing the now charred flaming steaks, which caused oil to splash out and catch a kitchen mat on fire. With all hope almost lost, our more sober friend finally finds an extinguisher and puts the flaming items to rest. Explaining to the pizza guy why the house smelled like a fire scene was interesting... TL;DR:
Tried cooking steaks while drunk, steaks caught fire in oven, don't use water to put out a grease fire.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [26 F] with my date[25 M] 2 months. Kicked me out when I had no where else to go. POST: weve been dating for two months and we're friends before that. Things moved very quickly and we are both in very stressful times in our lives. Whenever we are together, things are perfect, but we don't talk much in between and I feel like I'm the one to initiate things. I was without housing for two days (between apartments) so I stayed with him. We've spent entire weekends together so it wasn't strange. On Friday he had to work REALLY late and it ruined our fun plans. He was pissed about work and didn't really want to be around anyone, but I still needed to stay w him. He later got a phone call and had to go back to work. He said I couldn't stay w him because he was too pissed. I stayed with a friend that night. He said he would call today but he didn't. When we were talking, our conversation devolved to a 'where are we' conversation. He is traveling soon and says he feels bad leaving but that he doesn't want it to get too serious because travel would be more stressful. I know this sounds... Manipulative, but I trust him to tell the truth and be emotionally honest. Part of me wants to forgive him. We are both incredibly stressed and I put too much on him by staying w him without a back up(but we've never had a problem before) At least for now I don't want to talk to him until he apologizes, but my resolution will weaken as time goes on. I don't want to be taken advantage of, but I don't want to push too soon when we are both under so much stress, we have a promising relationship in my opinion. Am I crazy for not dumping him immediately after last night? It doesn't bother me that he didn't call today. I want him to call when he has his shit (work, housing etc) figured out. But what if he doesn't call? Also: I moved into my new apartment today. While he was supposed to help me move, he wasn't here and my wonderful friends helped me out in a bind. TL;DR:
Date kicked me out after a bad day at work. I was staying w him for 2 nights (not unusual focus) while I was between apartments. I am very forgiving but I question if I am giving too much.
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: What's wrong with my dogs eye?! I need your help Reddit! POST: Yes, he obviously needs to go to the vet however its after 12am and if I get a general idea of what it might be, maybe I could get this treated with over the counter meds and save a ton of money that I really don't have. The pic is of my German Shepherd/Sheltie mix Zeus. The apparent eye infection seemed to come from nowhere. He was fine yesterday and then suddenly there it was when I came home from work today. Zeus keeps rubbing it on the carpet, peoples hands, scratches it with his paws, pretty much anything that'll scratch it for him so obviously it itches. Its also squinted, watering, there's some kind of discharge (greyish greenish in color), and its red and crusted around the edges with inflammation. I tried to get the pics as close up as I could. Does anyone know what this is? Any recommendations on meds that would help? I'm a young recent college graduate, married, have a young son and a VERY dependent family so taking him to the vet would mean we don't eat for a couple of days, no gas to put in the car, etc so I'm reeeeally hoping you Reddit geniuses can help me figure out whats wrong with my best buddy's eye and get it treated with meds accordingly. TL;DR:
Dog's eye is infected and I'd like to cut out the middleman (the vet) by consulting with Reddit geniuses to diagnose & treat my dog so can eat. Lol.
SUBREDDIT: r/travel TITLE: Potential trip to Southeast Asia, but I have some questions POST: So, first a little background: I'm going to be a junior in college in the US. This upcoming spring, I will be studying abroad in Buenos Aires. I am really excited, but due to the opposite seasons, I don't actually start my program until the end of February. I really wasn't sure what I was going to do for all that time, but now I'm thinking I want to backpack in Southeast Asia for about a month starting in early January. Obviously because I'm a college student (and because I'm going abroad) I want to save as much money as possible, so I have a few questions: 1. Is this a good time to go to Southeast Asia? 2. Where would the cheapest flights fly into? Bangkok? 3. Where should I go when I'm there? As of right now, I want to go to Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, but I'm really open to suggestions as my knowledge of the area is relatively limited. TL;DR:
I want to go backpacking for ~a month in SE Asia, but I'm not sure if January's a great time to go, and what sort of expenses I can expect at that time of year.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationship_advice TITLE: Dont know what to do now. POST: Please help. So to give you guys a brief rundown on my problem. I dated this girl for about a year and a half. She was absolutley perfect to me, she was everything i could possibly want in a woman and much more. I had never been so happy in my entire life in the days i spent with her. One day when i was on vacation i would text her here and there, and at one point i was talking about the birthday present i was going to buy her. She then texts me that its over and we need to break up. At this point im freaking out and trying not to throw up because she was the most important thing to me and she suddenly is being very aggresive and cruel in the stuff shes saying to me. So we breakup, fastfoward to now its been practically a whole year since we ended it, and she has gone totally NC with me for that time. I only just recently contacted her the other day trying to reconnect and figure out what happend. I love this girl, i know i love her as i feel this gut wrenching pain everyday when i think about her and when i wish we were together. We had plans to be married and have kids and all this shit and she just threw it all away.... i told her how i felt the other day and she simply replied with "i dont want to talk about this". How do i get rid of this pain inside me, that constantly ruins my day and puts me in a state of despair. I truly felt like ive lost a part of me. TL;DR:
dated the girl of my dreams, she breaks up with me, feel constant emptyness like im missing a part of who i am
SUBREDDIT: r/tifu TITLE: TIFU by going into my kitchen, badly. POST: So today, I walk into my kitchen you know, normal stuff to do. Oh no, nothing was normal. Today, Mothra rose from my lightbulb. All day I had a torturous heat in my house. I had a *PANIC ATTACK* I started hyper ventilating and the heat was actually being torturous at this point. I run back to my brother in law in the living room. I ask him to come kill the moth, we go to the kitchen. I think it's this little outlying cable colored black. He tells me it isn't a moth and goes back. a few seconds I'm in the kitchen and think a folded up floor tile I've never noticed, is a moth. Wrong again, *obviously*. Sister in law comes around into the kitchen and tada that mother fucker shows up like he just got done edging in his room. I call my brother in law to come and kill it, he swings his mighty shoe of constitution and it starts flying. Good time to pass out my body said, and with that I wake up 10 seconds later with his smug faces telling me to clean it up. I go and get the some paper to pick it up with and this, this was beautiful in an estrange sort of hollywood way. ***A FUCKING WORM, A BIG FAT WORM KAMIKAZE'S OFF THE MICROWAVE PERFECTLY WITH A 9 SCORE 5 SPIN LANDING RIGHT INTO MY HAIR.*** I get scared start backing off, screaming like Jason Statham's knuckles as they punch a crook's face, into a chair where yet again I pass out for a few seconds. to wake up to my brother in law looking at me in shame. The face off a pill popper finds out he's addicted to sugar pills. I get up go into the bathroom and start sulking into a bath. No clothe removal either. TL;DR:
Mothra is a threat to the US, worms, they think they're lucky... punks. And I'm shamed for life....
SUBREDDIT: r/Parenting TITLE: Drooling at nearly 2 years old... POST: My little boy is exactly 21 months old today. He's developmentally sound. Great language skills, great fine/gross motor skills and really cheery. The issue is that he's been drooling at a constant clip since he was 3 months old. When he's teething or sick, we expect it. My boy drool's constantly, though. When he's perfectly healthy, he's drooling. My wife compares him to a snail that leaves a trail wherever he goes. We talked to our ped about this at a recent visit, and he recommended we see a speech therapist. We took booger man to one for a checkup. She confirmed what we believed when it comes to his development: he's ahead of where he should be in almost every facet. In fact, she said that based on the amount of drooling he does, she was stunned that he's moving along as well as he is. Her explanation for the drooling is that my son as slightly low facial muscle tone. We've been given exercises and daily massaging instructions in order to tighten these muscles up. We've just started the process. TL;DR:
21 month old drools constantly. Doctor recommended facial massage and exercises to resolve issue. Anyone have any experience with this?
SUBREDDIT: r/loseit TITLE: Does the sweating ever stop / acne and weight loss POST: I have a couple questions involving sweat and skincare - maybe TMI buuuuut I'm more curious than self conscious. When I started losing I was 265 pounds at age 20, now I'm about 205 at 21 (Yay!). I was always a sweaty dude, but I chalked that up to being obese. As I lose though I don't notice any difference in the amount I sweat. After a shower it only takes me about an hour to feel sweaty and gross again. It's not life threatening but I find my wardrobe is limited by what does and does not show sweat stains, which is a shame cause I look killer in light blue. This was one of my main motivators for losing weight and I'm wondering if anyone has had similar experiences or perhaps this is something I should be asking my doctor about. SECONDLY... skin care. Oh my GOD do I have bad skin. My back is covered in acne, I've tried everything under the sun but acutane... My chest breaks out too, and I have black spots between my thighs from where they used to rub. My skin is extremely sensitive and I find just laying in bed the wrong way for an hour can give me sores. Has anyone noticed an improvement in their skin as they lost weight? Could this be directly related to the buckets I sweat? I've been to a dermatologist and they just call everything acne and want to fast track me to acutane which I'm uncomfortable with. Any advice or success tales would be appreciated! TL;DR:
My body is a hot mess of sweat and acne and I'm wondering if losing weight will make me less of a mess.
SUBREDDIT: r/Advice TITLE: How do I get over a girl that's been stuck on my mind for the past 4-6 months? POST: Hi reddit, so it kills me to admit this, but I started to like this girl that lived on my floor at the school I used to go to. She was definitely attractive, but she kinda grew on me. A very distinct personality that I am somehow really attracted to. Now to the problem.. I got kicked out of school and am suspended right before winter break. So I haven't see her in person for a while, but I used to snapchat her a lot. She kinda slowed down on the snapchatting recently, idk why but she just has. I'm almost positive that she doesn't feel the same way and that she thinks of my as a friend, but for some reason I think about her everyday and can't stop. I keep telling myself "fuck it. there's no way anymore." but I just can't. I've been really depressed and feeling really down lately because of my suspension from school and the legal issues that followed with that. And the lack of seeing my friends and going to community college sucks. So can anyone help me out? TL;DR:
I miss my friends and this girl a lot because i was suspended from my school and can't stop thinking about her because i can't see her.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [20 M] with my Girlfriend [19F] of nearly 2 years, in need of advice to save relationship POST: Hi Reddit, I'm in need of your help. Me and my girlfriend have been in a relationship for nearly 2 years, but for a while now things have been going downhill. we used to be very lovey dovey (or how you say it) but the last couple of months things have gotten weird. when we are together the conversation just seems to fall silent a lot more often. It's awkward. And now we had a talk about possibly breaking up. In that talk we decided to try for a little longer, try to have more fun together. I know it sounds forced, but we really wanna try. But after just 3 days it was weird again. I just don't know what to say. I just can't think of a conversation topic. how sad is that. I just don't know what to do or say. I can't even text her because i can't think of anything after hi... so now i'm starting to think that, maybe, i'm just not that fun anymore after a relationship of 2 years. Maybe I've reached my expiration date. I hope anyone has got advice. TL;DR:
Relationship of 2 years turned awkward and silent. Nearing break-up. Don't know how to have a conversation with my girlfriend anymore. It's pathetic.
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: How would you deal with telling your boss you are uncomfortable with prayer in the workplace? POST: Hey reddit, I am hoping this does not violate the rules of AskReddit, since I am not looking for legal advice. If it comes to that, I would honestly just drop the issue. Background: The director of our division is a great guy with an open door policy and has been known to correct people who have been found to make sexist or classist remarks. However, as he loves to tell everyone, his priority in life is God. I am fine with his beliefs, since they normally do not affect the way he runs our workplace. We had a fall festival recently where he insisted on leading us in a group prayer. This was rather awkward, but it was mostly focused on giving thanks, so my coworker and I didn't push it. Today, for the Holiday party, he told us all to bow our heads since he'd designated a coworker to lead us in a blessing, consisting of, "We would all like to thank our Lord Baby Jesus," etc. And this time, we noticed we were not the only ones to NOT bow our heads... This situation is uncomfortable. Even more importantly, we work for a state agency. Giving a public prayer is ILLEGAL. But, hoping we could help him understand our concern, I have set up a meeting with him, myself, and my coworker. So, basically, I am looking for suggestions from those who have attempted to address touchy subjects at work. I am reluctant to back away, but I understand if y'all think that is our best bet. Thank you all for any help. TL;DR:
The big boss made a very specific prayer at our state agency's party, and told everyone to join. How do we tell him this isn't okay?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [34 M] falling out of love with my wife [34 F] of 15 years, confused and discontent, considering leaving but not sure what to do. POST: So I got married very young before I knew who I was and what I wanted out of life. On top of that I spent my twenties in a religion that told me what I should think and who I should be. Here I am in my 30's now, and over the last few years I have changed probably more than any other time in my life. I have really begun the process of forming my own ideas about who I am, what I believe, what I like and don't like, what I want out of life, and what I want my home to feel like. In the process I've realized that I don't like alot of things about the person I married. I feel like I have very little in common with her. I mean, she has many admirable qualities, but I find myself not connecting with her at a meaningful level that you would find in a friendship based marriage. I have kids and we have a home, but I am seriously considering leaving. I feel so fake sometimes, like I live in an artificial life that I never wanted, but somehow signed up for. What do I do? I know I can't change her, and why should she have to? If we aren't compatible as the people we authentically are, doesn't that justify the end of a relationship? TL;DR:
Married before I knew who I was or what I wanted out of life, married to a woman who is not compatible with who I am today. Does this justify ending the relationship?
SUBREDDIT: r/AskReddit TITLE: Reddit, can you give me any anti-racism videos / sites to show my little brother? POST: My little brother has just sent me a message asking if I think he's wrong for supporting the BNP - a far-right fascist political party who want to "to protect and preserve the racial and cultural integrity of the British people". Although he's 18 and I fully respect that he can do and think as he wishes, he's got some difficulties (aspergers, tourettes, autism, aspergers, and a few more). I told him I don't think it's right and asked him why he supports them, and he said 'because most polictal parties are scared of pakistanis, indians, polish etc and won't refuse them anything because there terrified of being branded racist. its gone so far politicians wont even say the word black cus there scared of pakis calling them racist. nick clegg is against a multiethnic society and isnt scared of saying he wants a whiter britain with less foreigners which is something i love about them' He's told me he's been watching the BNP's promo videos and has been reading up on them. He tends to fixate on things due to his conditions, and speaks without thinking. He's trying to get into the Police Force and I'm scared that he'll say something stupid to them, or to someone who isn't aware of his difficulties and might take serious issue with his views. He's been bullied quite badly before, both physically and mentally, and I'm so terrified that it'll get worse for him. I'm torn between letting him have his freedom and his own life and being a protective sister. I'm currently living in Scotland and he's in England, so I can't talk to him about it any way other than through email until tomorrow evening when I can call him. I want to show him something in the meantime that'll make him realize that racism is pointless, hurtful and unecessary. That way I won't tell him outright that I think he's wrong, I can just tell him to look at things in a different way. Can anyone help me? TL;DR:
My brother (who has learning difficulties) has become obsessed with the BNP and I'm worried about him. I need to show him something to change his mind.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [29M] telling my Crush[28F] of 4 years I want to date, but does not reciprocate, how do I move on from this? POST: We've been friends for about 4 years, I finally got the courage to tell how I felt about her last week. I told her as long as I have feelings for her, I couldn't keep being friends. It hurts me too much to see her date DBAGS after DBAGS. She said she was unsure she wanted to date, so I gave her a week to think about it. I talked to her the day before we are supposed to meet and she said she don't even remember us making plans together, nor has she even addressed my proposal. She hasn't answered my calls or text since. I of course take this as a complete NO, so I sent her a goodbye text. I told her I couldn't be friends with her anymore and her actions means she doesn't want to date. What did I do wrong, was I too forward? How do I move on from this situation? It is hurting me so much right now even as I type this. A little more information, I have tried to move on these last 4 years. I started dating this other girl for a few months. I stopped dating her because my crush was going through personal issues and it brought me back closer to her so I didn't have the willpower to date this new girl anymore because I realized I loved my crush. TL;DR:
Told my long time crush I had feelings for her, she doesn't reciprocate. How do I move on from this?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [26 F] with my ex [33 M] of 6 months. We just broke up, I need to try to be single for awhile. POST: Hopefully this won't turn into a novel. My now-ex "John" and I had a very intense relationship for 6 months. In love after 6 weeks, we talked about marriage and kids, etc etc. I truly, honestly thought we were on the same page. I love(d?) him deeply. We broke up for about a month in March (things were "too intense") and I went no-contact. I began to get over him, got a second job, started taking a college class, and honestly tried to move on. In late April, John was convinced he had made a mistake and he wanted to be with me. He made a big show of commitment and I totally bought it. Anyway, it was all for naught. After the last three weeks of him being distant, inattentive, and non-communicative, I reached my wits end. We broke up last night (over text, childish I know). Basically I said "Figure out what you want, I'm out." And he said "I'm not the man you deserve, it's not you it's me" blah blah blah. Now for the actual problem: I've never really been single. I've been a serial monogomist essentially since I was 16. That's 10 years of ALWAYS having someone to call when I'm sad, drunk, horny, whatever. During my month-long break with John, I started to see a man named Kyle. Kyle and I were just getting to know each other, nothing too serious, but I broke it off when John came back. Now that John is gone again, I have this instinct to run back to Kyle just so I'm not alone. I am fully aware that's a shitty thing to do and it's not the path I should take. TL;DR: do I be single? I'm heartbroken, I feel like everyone around me is in a relationship and I'm afraid I'll make bad decisions just to not think about John.
SUBREDDIT: r/self TITLE: I let a drunk dude get his ass kicked last night. Didn't help or anything. Still trying to figure this out in my head. POST: I was taking the bus home from work last night. I was at the back, surrounded by 5 or 6 Somalian dudes. We get to the station, and we're all getting off. I let the Somalian dudes leave ahead of me. All but two of them were off the bus when this drunk white kid, maybe in his early 20s, starts yelling at these dudes. It was racial shit, but the dude was clearly a level of drunk that I haven't seen since college. I look at the Somalian dudes, and by the looks on their faces I could tell shit was about to go down. They get in the drunk dudes face. One of the dudes says to the other, "Hey, let this guy off first" and they move out of the way to let me exit the bus. I walk past and get off the bus. Once I'm far enough away I turn around to see the two guys teaming up on the drunk guy. Now, I feel horrible for not helping, but a number of justifications went through my head as they let me off the bus: * maybe a dude that calls out 'nigger' on a bus full of black people deserves a lesson such as this. * It's Midnight at a bus station, minimal security, and if I had stepped in to help this random drunk dude, I was likely to be facing 6 guys; not great odds. * This was the major reason that kind of makes me a little bit sick. I just kept thinking it was an inconvenient time for me to help someone. I was tired, had a long day and just wanted to get home to my girlfriend. I remember thinking, "I'll help the next time this happens". Anyways, I feel shitty about it, but there were 20 other people that didn't step in either, so at least I'm not the only shitty person in this world. I've always thought I'd help out in these kinds of situations. I guess I've watched Die Hard too much. Thanks for listening. TL;DR:
I let a drunk guy get his ass kicked on a bus because I didn't feel like helping him and now I feel slightly guilty about it.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I [17F] Walked in on my half-brother and half-sister [20F-19M] having sex. What to do? POST: OK. They're not blood related together. My mom had a son and dad had a daughter when they met. I came after that. So they're both my half-siblings but step-siblings to each other. We all grew up together obviously. I didn't even know until 8-9 that we weren't all from the same parents. So two days ago parents were at work, I was supposed to be at a friend's house after school. She was sick though, I came back home and found them having sex in the kitchen. It was very shocking and I screamed. They jumped on me and made me swear not to tell anyone anything but I don't know what to do. I haven't told anyone. This morning my brother gave me a new phone. My sister also told me that when I get my drivings license she will allow me to use her car whenever I want. I think they're being too nice and it's obvious what the reasons are. I don't know what to do. Should I tell my parents? TL;DR:
Walked in on my brother and sister having sex. They made me promise not to tell anyone and are going out of their way to be nice to me. I don't know if I should tell my parents.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: My [25 M] wife [26 F] always wants to watch the same movies POST: My wife says that I don't spend enough time with her on the couch watching TV. I am usually at my desk on the computer or grading papers (I'm a teacher). I'm always cooped up at my desk because she constantly wants to watch the same movies over and over. She's watching Saw right now. Which is a good movie... but the only problem is that she watched it two months ago and we've both seen it at least 7 times. I'm not sure about anyone else, but watching a movie tons of times kind of kills it for me (even if it's an excellent movie). I don't mind watching the same movie once a year, but anymore than that, no... There are plenty of new releases always out and I have hundreds of movies on my NAS to pick from, but she rarely wants to watch anything she hasn't already seen plenty of times. Every time I suggest renting something from RedBox, she says "meh, I'm not in the mood for that kind of movie" and "let's just watch something else". Her suggestions are movies that we've seen a handful of times. My suggestions were for action, drama, comedy, and just about every other genre on the planet. Just 30 minutes ago, I suggested that we watch some of the horror movies that were on the front page yesterday and let her look through the post. She shot all of them down. Another annoying thing is that when she watches movies, she doesn't even really pay attention. She's too busy sitting there playing games on her iPad (like right now). Am I being unreasonable here, or would this annoy anyone else? TL;DR:
My wife is complaining that I never sit on the couch with her when she watches TV. The only issue is that she only wants to watch movies we've seen tons of times.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: I[23/F] struggling with my [24/M] boyfriend meeting each others parents. POST: Previous boyfriends meeting my parents was never a big deal to me. Same as me meeting there's it usually just happened and I never thought much of it. However, my somewhat new relationship with my boyfriend is a whole other story. I really like him, and our relationship has been really good and I am incredibly happy with him. However, he has sort of made it known he wants to meet my family. He has also suggested I go to his house on Christmas and meet his family. But I don't know if I am ready as for some unknown reason it seems like a big deal to me. Maybe because I really like him and am worried he won't like my parents or his won't like mine, and then the relationship will somehow end. Has anyone else struggled with meeting parents before? How do I get over this, so he can meet my parents? TL;DR:
Boyfriend has suggested we meet each others parents and I always seem to freak out and get paranoid. HELP!?!?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Boy who didn't take his chances to get laid POST: Hey! So I've been dating this girl for some weeks. We're both 22. We kissed and made out on the first date, and this has repeated itself on every date since. On the two last dates the making out has led up to the point were we should removes our clothes and have sex. But I'm a virgin and haven't managed to man up to take the step (even though I know it's "my job" to lead here). This is because I don't want to perform terrible. So after our last date she asked me if I wanted to wait until I was married before I have sex. She told med that I send so many mixed signals. I said no and felt that I had to explain myself. I told that standard phrase about waiting until I meet someone that means something to me, and that she does mean something for me (she really does). She replied that she understands and don't want to push me into something I'm not comfortable with (I feel so much more comfortable about sex now that she knows). She said she got caught off guard with this whole situation. I haven't talked to her since, it's been like four days now, we used to talk everyday. Do you think I've been too much of a wimp here or do I still have a chance with this girl? I wanna wait some time before contacting her again, or see if she reaches out to me first. TL;DR:
Boy dates girl. He doesn't take his chance to have sex with her, because he's a virgin. Got confronted, told about his virginity. Is this a too big turn off for most girls?
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [24F] with my boyfriend [24 M] 1 year, in a never-ending fight. What can I do so he finally forgives me? POST: My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over a year. We get along great and we really 'click' - we can talk for hours and we are never bored with each other. In recent months, we had several ups and downs, but we always managed to resolve things. Until he found out that during one of the 'downs' I blabbed to mutual friends about our problems and some of his issues (depression mostly). And he simply can't forgive me for it. I have apologised a million times, I've done plenty of little deeds and gestures to show him how sorry I am (cooked his favourite foods, planned activities, bought a holiday for us that we went on, cut contact with these friends), but nothing seems to work. It has been 5 weeks now, and we can go happily through a week, and then he ignores me the next week, because he is still upset about things. Well - as you probably guessed - it is one of those weeks when he's ignoring me, and I just don't know what to do anymore. Part of me thinks of just ignoring him back and 'giving him space' (he admits that he is one of those people who always want what they can't have, so absence, in his case, does make the heart grow fonder), but that's not really my style. So instead I am also thinking about maybe making him his favourite foods and picking him up from work to surprise him with a picnic? What are your thoughts on this? Also, how do I 'reel him back in' not just when it comes to our relationship, but his general outlook on life? He now feels that he is all alone, has no friends, has a horrible girlfriend, hates his job, etc. etc. etc. - ALL BAD. But I know that it is not true, I know that his friends love him, and if he'd just drop them a text, they'd be right back on track with their friendship, literally nobody cares about what I said (they knew all these things already anyway, they know him after all). Any other fun activities, making amends deeds or something anyone can think of? TL;DR:
Negative and depressed boyfriend let's one incident ruin our relationship and can't seem to get over it, no matter how hard I try. Does anyone have any suggestions what else I can do? Maybe I overlooked something.
SUBREDDIT: r/relationships TITLE: Me [31 M] with my GF [30 F] on and off 3 years, it is her son's birthday and her baby's dad will be there, I have never met him, am I wrong for not wanting to go? POST: Brief synopsis.... Our relationship has been rocky.... She has a son, it is his birthday and she wants me to be there. I say awesome, I'm there. I have only met her family on one other occasion so it is a little uncomfortable for me but I have hung out with her son on several occasions. Her baby's dad recently escaped from jail and has been seeing their son a lot more often, I objected to this and told her how irresponsible it was and she said she was not going to deprive her son of a father. Now she mentions that he will be at the bday party too so I told her I would not be comfortable with being there given everything that has happened... Am I in the wrong here? How should I approach this? I don't even agree with him being able to see her son because he is a wanted man. I need advice. TL;DR:
GF's ex who recently escaped from jail will be at their baby's bday party and I am not okay with that. Advice?