Iam pater umbrosis Tirynthius arcibus ornum depulerat magnoque iugi stridore revulsam terga super fulvi porrexerat horrida monstri litora curva petens; alio nam calle reversum credit Hylan captaque dapes auxisse ferina.
By now had the Tirynthian sire laid an ash tree low upon the shady heights, tearing it up while the mountain groaned aloud, and laying it on the tawny monsters rough hide was making for the curving shore; for he deems that Hylas has returned by another path and increased the banquet with the flesh of his captured quarry.
dico enim vobis quia nisi abundaverit iustitia vestra plus quam scribarum et Pharisaeorum non intrabitis in regnum caelorum
For I tell you, that unless your justice abound more than that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
instaurat mensas pacemque reducit, et iam sideream noctem demittit Olympo.
He renews the banquet and brings back harmony, and at last sends starry night down from Olympus.
Romam venitur, res cognita est, petitur puer, quod domini voluntate fuerit liber, in libertatem.
When they reached Rome, the case was taken to court and a claim was made for the slaves liberty, on the ground that his master had voluntarily freed him.
Nam si digna poena pro factis eorum reperitur, novom consilium adprobo; sin magnitudo sceleris omnium ingenia exuperat, eis utendum censeo quae legibus conparata sunt.
For if a punishment commensurate with their deeds is discovered, I approve a departure from precedent; but if the enormity of their villainy surpasses all mens ingenuity, I advise applying such penalties as have been established by law.
Quid? Eundem in septemviratu nonne destituisti?
Well? Did you not also let him down in the matter of the Board of Seven?
nec iam religio divom nec numina magni pendebantur enim: praesens dolor exsuperabat.
For indeed now neither the worship of the gods nor their power was much regarded: the present grief was too great.
Sic instinctis animis, occasionem belli movendi captabant.
When their minds had been thus aroused, the Lacedaemonians sought for an opportunity of beginning war.
At gravida arcanis Cymes anus attigit ore postquam sacrificum delibavitque cruorem, in decus egregiae vultus intenta iuventae aetherea fruerer cum luce, haud segniter, inquit, Cymaeo populis vox nostra sonabat in antro.
But when the ancient dame of Cyme, that depository of hidden things, had tasted with her lips the blood of the victims, she gazed on the goodly face of the young hero: While yet I enjoyed the light of heaven, she said, my voice was not silent but rang out to the nations from the cave of Cyme.
Fecerunt autem ita: et aperientes sepulcrum, invenerunt corpus totum quasi adhuc viveret integrum, et flexilibus artuum compagibus multo dormienti quam mortuo similius: set et vestimenta omnia quibus indutum erat, non solum intemerata, verum etiam prisca novitate et claritudine miranda parebant.
And so they did: and opening the tomb they found the body all whole as if it were still alive, and the joints of the limbs supple, much liker a sleeping body than a dead; moreover, the clothes that were about him appeared not only without blemish, but also marvellous fresh and bright as when they were first made.
Arce oppidi, ubi signa et scuta erant, praesidium hostium, portae ante clausae fuga prohibebant.
A garrison of the enemy cut them off from the citadel of the town, where their standards and shields were; the city gates, which had been closed beforehand, cut them off from flight.
Caedi autem ita oportet, uti incidatur arboris crassitudo ad mediam medullam, et relinquatur, uti per eam exsiccescat stillando sucus.
Now it ought to be cut so that the thickness of the tree is cut to the middle of the pith, and left, that the sap may dry out by dripping.
caementa remitto, et quae saxa Paros secat et quae Punica rupis, quae viridis Lacedaemon habet maculosaque Synna; nativum nemo scopuli mihi dedicet ostrum.
I seek no quarried stones, neither the rock that Paros or the Punic cliff cuts, nor that which green Lacedaemon or stained Synna possesses; let no man consecrate natural red stone to me.
De Hunnorum et Alanorum, aliarumque Scythiae Asiaticae gentium sedibus et moribus.
Of the homes and customs of the Huns, the Halani, and other nations of Asiatic Scythia.
errabundus enim tarde venit ac perit ante, paulatim facilis distractus in aeris auras, ex alto primum quia vix emittitur ex re (nam penitus fluere atque recedere rebus odores significat quod fracta magis redolere videntur omnia, quod contrita, quod igni conlabefacta); deinde videre licet maioribus esse creatum principiis quam vox, quoniam per saxea saepta non penetrat, qua vox volgo sonitusque feruntur.
For it wanders about and comes slowly, and is ready gradually to die away too soon, being dispersed abroad into the breezes of the air: first because it is emitted with difficulty from the depths of each thing; for since all things seem to smell stronger when broken, when ground up, when disintegrated in fire, this means that odour comes flowing released out of the depths of things; again it may be seen that smell is made of larger elements than voice, since it does not penetrate through stone walls, through which voice and sound commonly do pass.
usque ad alteram diem expletionis ebdomadae septimae id est quinquaginta dies et sic offeretis sacrificium novum Domino
Even unto the morrow after the seventh week be expired, that is to say, fifty days: and so you shall offer a new sacrifice to the Lord.
digna dea est sedes, nitidis nec sordet ab astris.
The dwelling deserves the goddess, nor seems it mean after the bright stars.
Quem illi recipere se negaverunt, sicut quondam Caudini fecerant, dicentes publicam violationem fidei non debere unius lui sanguine.
The Numantines, however, refused to receive him, following the example of the Samnites at an earlier day at Caudium,a saying that a national breach of faith should not be atoned for by the blood of one man.
Cum invenisset non posse nisi transmarinis subvectionibus: Dinocrates, inquit, adtendo egregiam formae conpositionem et ea delector.
When he found this could not be done, except by sea transport, he said: I note, Dinocrates, the unusual formation of your plan, and am pleased with it,
et ait Deus ad Abraham Sarra uxor tua pariet tibi filium vocabisque nomen eius Isaac et constituam pactum meum illi in foedus sempiternum et semini eius post eum
And God said to Abraham: Sara thy wife shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name Isaac, and I will establish my covenant with him for a perpetual covenant, and with his seed after him.
nunc igitur, quoniam certissima corpora quaedam sunt, quae conservant naturam semper eandem, quorum abitu aut aditu mutatoque ordine mutant naturam res et convertunt corpora sese, scire licet non esse haec ignea corpora rerum.
Now therefore, since there are certain most definite bodies which preserve their nature always the same, by the going and coming of which and their changed order things change their nature and bodies transform themselves, we may be sure that these elements of things are not made of fire.
Qui praesint esse oportere, qui litteris atque aliqua sint humanitate imbuti, frugi, aetate maiore quam operarios, quos dixi.
They ought to have men over them who know how to read and write and have some little education, who are dependable and older than the hands whom I have mentioned;
haud igitur dubiumst quin voces verbaque constent corporeis e principiis, ut laedere possint.
There is therefore no doubt that voices and words to be able to hurt consist of bodily elements.
clamorem Inachidae, quantum non litora, tollunt, non nemora.
The sons of Inachus raise a shout, no shore or forest the like.
Armenii quadraginta milia miserant peditum, additis septem milibus equitum.
The Armenians had sent 40,000 foot-soldiers, besides 7000 cavalry.
inde egressi venerunt contra Phiahiroth quae respicit Beelsephon et castrametati sunt ante Magdolum
Departing from thence they came over against Phihahiroth, which looketh towards Beelsephon, and they camped before Magdalum.
Alexandrum iracundia sua propemodum caelo deripuit: nam quid obstitit quominus illuc adsurgeret nisi Lysimachus leoni obiectus et Clitus hasta traiectus et Callisthenes mori iussus, quibus tres maximas victorias totidem amicorum iniustis caedibus victas reddidit?
Alexanders irascibility almost snatched him from heaven. For what stood in the way of his ascending thither except for Lysimachus exposed to a lion and Clitus transfixed by a spear and Callisthenes ordered to die? Thereby he turned three great victories into defeats with an equal number of unjustified slayings of his friends.
noli praevaricari in amicum pecunia differenti neque fratrem carissimum auro spreveris
Do not transgress against thy friend deferring money, nor despise thy dear brother for the sake of gold.
hic quoque brumalem per partes quinque relinquit, et, quantum a nostro sublimis cardine gyrus, distat ab adverso tantundem proximus illi.
Likewise it leaves the winter circle five degrees behind, and is as distant from the opposite pole, which it adjoins, as is the northern circle from our pole.
Aliis ergo deditionem, aliis pugnam experiri placebat.
In consequence some favoured surrender, others the trial of battle.
pars comitum biiugo curru, pars cetera dorso fertur equi; nec non Veneris iam foedera passae reginam cingunt, sed virgine densior ala est.
Some of her companions drove two-horse chariots, while others rode on horseback; and some of the princesss escort had already submitted to the bond of wedlock, but the maidens of the troop outnumbered these.
Contentum propriis sapientem vivere rebus nec cupere alterius fabula nostra monet, indignata cito ne stet Fortuna recursu atque eadem minuat quae dedit ante rota.
Our fable counsels a man if he be wise to live contented with his own property and not to covet what belongs to another, lest Fortune be angry and run quickly back to a standstill, and the same wheel that once bestowed favours end in lessening them.
portitor has horrendus aquas et flumina servat terribili squalore Charon, cui plurima mento canities inculta iacet, stant lumina flamma, sordidus ex umeris nodo dependet amictus.
A grim ferryman guards these waters and streams, terrible in his squalor'Charon, on whose chin lies a mass of unkempt, hoary hair; his eyes are staring orbs of flame; his squalid garb hangs by a knot from his shoulders.
ubi multa sunt somnia plurimae vanitates et sermones innumeri tu vero Deum time
Where there are many dreams, there are many vanities, and words without number: but do thou fear God.
Dum haec ad Ruspinam fiunt, legati ex Acylla, civitate libera et immuni, ad Caesarem veniunt seque paratos quaecumque imperasset et libenti animo facturos pollicentur;
While these events were taking place at Ruspina, there came to Caesar envoys from Acylla, an independent state immune from taxes. They assured him that they would readily and gladly do whatever he might bid:
Saepe ego multa tuae levitatis dura timebam, hac tamen excepta, Cynthia, perfidia.
Never such treachery as this I dreaded oft much hardship from your fickleness, Cynthia, but never such treachery as this.
nec quia mille annos vivit Gangeticus ales, vincit centum oculos, regie pavo, tuos.
nor, because he lives a thousand years, does the bird of Ganges surpass the kingly peacock with his hundred eyes.
ecce venit hora et iam venit ut dispergamini unusquisque in propria et me solum relinquatis et non sum solus quia Pater mecum est
Behold, the hour cometh, and it is now come, that you shall be scattered every man to his own and shall leave me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me.
fuimus Troes, fuit Ilium et ingens gloria Teucrorum; ferus omnia Iuppiter Argos transtulit; incensa Danai dominantur in urbe.
We Trojans are no more, Ilium is no more, nor the great glory of the Teucrians; in wrath Jupiter has taken all away to Argos; our city is aflame, and in it the Greeks are lords.
illius aras urbe super celsique vident caelamina templi.
High over the city they see his altars and the carvings of his towering shrine.
Tuam securitatem non mora nuntiorum, non litterarum tarditas differt.
Your own tranquillity is not interrupted either by belated messages or slow delivery of letters;
Ac, si quid forte ex consulatus fastigio fuerit deminutum, nostra haec erit culpa non saeculi.
Moreover, if the high dignity of the consulate should chance to be diminished, the fault will not be found in the times we live in but in ourselves.
Hic praefecturam praetorio non tunc primitus nanctus, eamque multis atque utinam probabilibus modis, in longum proferre gestiens, non ut prosapiae suae claritudo monebat, plus adulationi quam verecundiae dedit.
Probus had then, not for the first time, attained the rank of praetorian prefect, and in his longing to prolong his tenure of office in many ways (I only wish that they had been justifiable), he relied more on flattery than on worth otherwise than the glory of his stock admonished him.
Et primo lucis exordio, cum essent hostes iam in contuitu, visi tunc primitus corusci galeis et horrentes indutibus rigidis, milites in procinctum impetu veloci tendentes, eos involavere fortissime.
At daybreak the enemy were already in sight, and we then saw them for the first time in their gleaming helmets and bristling with stiff coats of mail; but our soldiers rushed to battle at quick step, and fell upon them most valiantly.
Cur ergo alii possint, si vos non potestis? cur non possitis, si alii possunt? Alia nos, opinor, natura; Cynopaene aut Sciapodes? Alii ordines dentium, alii ad incestam libidinem nervi? Qui ista credis de homine, potes et facere.
Then how can others do it, if you cannot? Why cant you, if others can? Oh, we have another nature, I suppose! Dog-headed men, perhaps, or Sciapods?a A different arrangement of teeth, other muscles for incestuous lust? You, sir, who believe this of any man, you can do it just as easily as believe it.
et iterum dicit laetamini gentes cum plebe eius
And again he saith: rejoice ye Gentiles, with his people.
quis vidit eum et enarrabit et quis magnificabit eum sicut est ab initio
Who shall see him, and declare him? and who shall magnify him as he is from the beginning?
quin tu aliquid saltem potius, quorum indiget usus, viminibus mollique paras detexere iunco? invenies alium, si te hic fastidit, Alexin.
Nay, why not at least set about plaiting some thing your need calls for, with twigs and pliant rushes? You will find another Alexis, if this one scorns you.
itaque ut relicta sensit sibi membra sine viro, etiam recente terrae sola sanguine maculans niveis citata cepit manibus leve typanum, typanum tuum, Cybebe, tua, Mater, initia.
So when she felt her limbs to have lost their manhood, still with fresh blood dabbling the surface of the ground, swiftly with snowy hands she seized the light timbrel, thy timbrel, Cybele, thy mysteries, Mother,
Et de causis ac generibus pestilentiae.
Remarks on the causes and varieties of plagues.
sit autem sermo vester est est non non quod autem his abundantius est a malo est
But let your speech be yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil.
dixit ergo iterum eis Iesus ego vado et quaeretis me et in peccato vestro moriemini quo ego vado vos non potestis venire
Again therefore Jesus said to them: I go: and you shall seek me. And you shall die in your sin. Whither I go, you cannot come.
inde transierunt in montem Ephraim cumque venissent ad domum Micha
From thence they passed into mount Ephraim. And when they were come to the house of Michas,
Neque tamen Catilinae furor minuebatur sed in dies plura agitare, arma per Italiam locis opportunis parare, pecuniam sua aut amicorum fide sumptam mutuam Faesulas ad Manlium quendam portare, qui postea princeps fuit belli faciundi.
And yet Catilines frenzy was not lessened; rather, he increased his activity every day, made ready arms at strategic points throughout Italy, conveyed money borrowed on his own credit or that of his friends to Faesulae, to a certain Manlius, who afterward was the first to launch the war.
Planities inter utraque castra intercedebat circiter milia passuum V, ut auxilia Pompei duabus defenderentur rebus, oppido et excelsi loci natura.
Between the two camps ran a plain, extending for some five miles, so that there were two factors which made for the protection of Pompeius troops'the town, and the lofty nature of the ground.
hircus autem caprarum magnus factus est nimis cumque crevisset fractum est cornu magnum et orta sunt cornua quattuor subter illud per quattuor ventos caeli
And the he goat became exceeding great: and when he was grown, the great horn was broken, and there came up four horns under it towards the four winds of heaven.
Reperio in commentariis senatus Cerialem Anicium consulem designa-tum pro sententia dixisse, ut templum divo Neroni quam maturrime publica pecunia poneretur.
I find in the records of the senate that Anicius Cerialis, consul designate, gave it as his opinion that a temple should be built to Nero the Divine, as early as possible and out of public funds.
Sed in eiusmodi enim, si utique, inrisui iudicandum est, non gladiis et ignibus et crucibus et bestiis, de qua iniquitate saevitiae non modo caecum hoc vulgus exsultat et insultat, sed et quidam vestrum, quibus favor vulgi de iniquitate captatur, gloriantur.
In error of this sort, if there is to be sentence passed, the fit sentence is laughter'not sword and fire, not cross and beast! And it is in savagery and injustice of that sort that this blind rabble exults and triumphs over us'and not they alone, but some among you, who make use of this injustice to win the favour of the rabble, boast of it.
dicebant enim non in die festo ne forte tumultus fieret populi
But they said: Not on the festival day, lest there should be a tumult among the people.
nec praetergressi sunt de mandatis regis tam sacerdotes quam Levitae ex omnibus quae praeceperat et in custodiis thesaurorum
And the priests and Levites departed not from the king's commandments, as to any thing that he had commanded, and as to the keeping of the treasures.
cumque audisset rebellasse Zamri et occidisse regem fecit sibi regem omnis Israhel Amri qui erat princeps militiae super Israhel in die illa in castris
And when they heard that Zambri had rebelled, and slain the king, all Israel made Amri their king, who was general over Israel in the camp that day.
Titum Labienum duabus cum legionibus et equitatu in Sequanos proficisci iubet: huic Marcum Sempronium Rutilum attribuit.
he orders Titus Labienus to march into the Sequani with two legions and the cavalry, and to him he attaches Marcus Sempronius Rutilus;
ego misi vos metere quod vos non laborastis alii laboraverunt et vos in laborem eorum introistis
I have sent you to reap that in which you did not labour. Others have laboured: and you have entered into their labours.
recogitate enim eum qui talem sustinuit a peccatoribus adversum semet ipsos contradictionem ut ne fatigemini animis vestris deficientes
For think diligently upon him that endured such opposition from sinners against himself that you be not wearied, fainting in your minds.
nullus hominum sit in tabernaculo quando pontifex ingreditur sanctuarium ut roget pro se et pro domo sua et pro universo coetu Israhel donec egrediatur
Let no man be in the tabernacle when the high priest goeth into the sanctuary, to pray for himself and his house, and for the whole congregation of Israel, until he come out.
Ut vero certaminibus finem vespera dedit incedens, partesque discesserunt ad otium breve, imperator in varia sese consilia diducens et versans, cum excidio Phaenichae diutius imminere, necessariae rationes urgerent, quod munimentum velut insolubile claustrum, hostium excursibus erat obiectum, et serum repelleret tempus: certaturus leviter ibi statuit immorari, alimentis destituendos forsitan cedere existimans Persas.
But when the coming of evening put an end to the fighting, and both sides withdrew for a brief rest, the emperor, divided between various plans and pondering them'since pressing reasons urged a longer attempt to destroy Phaenicha, a fortress opposed as an almost unsurmountable barrier to the enemys inroads; but the lateness of the season dissuaded him'finally decided to stay there, and to carry on light skirmishes, thinking that perhaps the Persians would yield through lack of supplies.
quorum agreste illud et sordidius plaustrum tempestive capax cuiuslibet fulgentissimi triumphalis currus vel aequaverit gloriam vel antecesserit.
Their rustic, rather grimy cart, so opportunely capacious, might equal or surpass the glory of the most effulgent of triumphal chariots.
post haec percussit cor suum David eo quod abscidisset oram clamydis Saul
After which David's heart struck him, because he had cut off the hem of Saul's robe.
incipe Maenalios mecum, mea tibia, versus.
Begin with me, my flute, a song of Maenalus!
Hinc inopia rei nummariae, commoto simul omnium aere alieno, et quia tot damnatis bonisque eorum divenditis signatum argentum fisco vel aerario attinebatur.
The result was a dearth of money: for not only were all debts called in simultaneously; but after so many convictions and sales of forfeited estates, the cash which had been realized was locked in the treasury or the imperial exchequer.
praedica verbum insta oportune inportune argue obsecra increpa in omni patientia et doctrina
Preach the word: be instant in season, out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine.
incubuit foliis quotiens levis eurus acutis, Dindyma Gargarico respondent cantica luco.
So oft as the light eastern breeze leans on the shrill-voiced leaves, strains of Dindymus respond to the grove of Gargara.
Appius vero luminibus captus est.
As for Appius, he was struck blind.
Interea, voces Iovis atque oracula portans, emensis aderat Garamantum laetus harenis Bostar et ut viso stimulabat corda Tonante: maxime Belide, patriis qui moenibus arces servitium dextra, Libycas penetravimus aras.
Meanwhile Bostarb arrived, bearing the oracular response of Jupiter. He came with joy, after traversing the deserts of the Garamantes, and encouraged Hannibal, as if he had seen the Thunder-god with his own eyes: Mighty son of Belus, whose right arm defends your native walls from slavery, we made our way to the shrine of Libya.
in scutulatis ducetur ad regem virgines sequentur eam amicae eius ducentur illuc
circumamicta varietatibus adducentur regi virgines post eam proximae eius adferentur tibi
Musca in temone sedit et mulam increpans Quam tarda es inquit non vis citius progredi? vide ne dolone collum conpungam tibi.
A fly sat on the tongue of a wagon and railed at a mule, saying: How slow you are, go faster, wont you? Take care lest I puncture your neck with my sting.
Quaero igitur, si Lysiades citatus iudex non responderit excuseturque Areopagites esse nec debere eodem tempore Romae et Athenis res iudicare, accipietne excusationem is qui quaestioni praeerit Graeculi iudicis, modo palliati, modo togati?
So I put this question: suppose Lysiades does not respond to a summons for jury service and pleads as an excuse that he is a member of the Areopagus and cannot properly try cases in Rome and Athens at the same time, will the president of the court accept the excuse of a little Greek juryman, who wears Greek garb one day and the garb of a Roman citizen the next?
Ac primo quidem armis suis tecti exceperant, sed iam nec retinere arma lubrica rigentes manus poterant nec ipsi destinare in quam regionem obverterent corpora, cum undique tempestatis violentia maior quam vitabatur occurreret.
At first indeed they had received the hail successfully on the cover afforded by their shields, but finally their stiffened hands could no longer hold their slippery weapons, nor could they themselves determine in what direction to turn their bodies, since on every side greater violence of the storm met them than that which they were trying to avoid.
Quid enim aliud est fatum quam quod de unoquoque nostrum deus fatus est? Qui cum possit praescire materiam, pro meritis et qualitatibus singulorum etiam fata determinat.
What does Fate mean, but Gods pronouncementupon each one of us? With full foreknowledge of the factors contained, God determines his pronouncements in accordance with individual deserts and qualities.
Quibus foraminibus proxime in verticulis conlocati aerei delphini pendentia habent catenis cymbala ex ore infra foramina modiolorum calata.
Adjoining the openings and placed on pins are bronze dolphins with valves hanging by chains from their mouths and secured below the openings of the cylinders.
iam satis huc pepulisse deas; cur tenditis ultra in famulas saevire Iovis, quas, fulmina quamquam aegidaque ille gerens, magnas sibi legit in iras? nunc quoque Agenoreis idem decedere tectis imperat; adgnoscunt monitus iussaeque recedunt.
It is enough to have chased the goddesses so far; why strive ye farther in rage against the ministers of Jove, whom, though he wield the thunderbolt and the aegis, he has chosen to work his mighty wrath? Now also hath that same Jove commanded them to depart from the dwellings of Agenors son; they hearken to his prompting, and withdraw upon his word.
et nunc hic sumus orantes pro vobis
And now here we are praying for you.
Maiores vostri parandi iuris et maiestatis constituendae gratia bis per secessionem armati Aventinum occupavere.
Your forefathers, for the sake of gaining legal rights and establishing their sovereignty, twice seceded and took armed possession of the Aventine;
quia pro eo quod moechata esset aversatrix Israhel dimisissem eam et dedissem ei libellum repudii et non timuit praevaricatrix Iuda soror eius sed abiit et fornicata est etiam ipsa
That because the rebellious Israel had played the harlot, I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce: yet her treacherous sister Juda was not afraid, but went and played the harlot also herself.
et posito metu nuptias Poppaeae ob eius modi terrores dilatas maturare parat Octaviamque coniugem amoliri, quamvis modeste ageret, nomine patris et studiis populi gravem.
And laying aside his anxieties, he prepared to accelerate the marriage with Poppaea'till then postponed through suchlike terrors'and also to remove his wife Octavia; who, unassuming as her behaviour might be, was intolerable as the daughter of her father and the favourite of the people.
sed semper fuistis rebelles a die qua nosse vos coepi
But were always rebellious from the day that I began to know you.
et dixit Domine si inveni gratiam in oculis tuis ne transeas servum tuum
And he said: Lord, if I have found favour in thy sight, pass not away from thy servant:
tamquam in morte mali cum primis hoc sit eorum, quod sitis exurat miseros atque arida torrat, aut aliae cuius desiderium insideat rei.
As if after death their chief trouble will be to be miserably consumed and parched by a burning thirst, a craving possess them for some other thing!
relinque proximo tuo nocenti te et tunc deprecanti tibi peccata solventur
Forgive thy neighbour if he hath hurt thee: and then shall thy sins be forgiven to thee when thou prayest.
exclamat paribus frater vicinus in armis Icarus ulciscique parat lacrimabile fatum.
His brother, Icarus, armed alike and standing near him, cried aloud and sought to avenge that pitiable death.
His ego praeceptis milites hortabor, neque illos arte colam, me opulenter, neque gloriam meam laborem illorum faciam.
With such guiding principles as these, I shall encourage my soldiers; I shall not treat them stingily and myself lavishly, nor convert their toil into my personal glory.
Num imbecillum ac sine viribus aestimandum est, quod omnibus rebus constat esse praestantius?
we are not to think that to be feeble and lacking in vigour which it is agreed is more excellent than all else?
igitur affatu secundo vel potius benedictione donatus ipse quoque rependo alterum salve, obsequia combinans numeris aequata, non meritis.
And so, having been presented with a second communication, or rather benediction, I too in my turn repay you with a second greeting, thus making a pair of homages on each side, equal in number but not in merit.
ecce omnes mulieres quae remanserunt in domo regis Iuda educentur ad principes regis Babylonis et ipsae dicent seduxerunt te et praevaluerunt adversum te viri pacifici tui demerserunt in caeno et lubrico pedes tuos et recesserunt a te
Behold all the women that are left in the house of the king of Juda, shall be brought out to the princes of the king of Babylon: and they shall say: Thy men of peace have deceived thee, and have prevailed against thee, they have plunged thy feet in the mire, and in a slippery place and they have departed from thee.
et misit ad eum Athenovium unum de amicis suis ut tractaret cum ipso dicens vos tenetis Ioppen et Gazaram et arcem quae est in Hierusalem civitates regni mei
And he sent to him Athenobius, one of his friends, to treat with him, saying: You hold Joppe and Gazara, and the castle that is in Jerusalem, which are cities of my kingdom:
Hunc vitae finem sortitus est ille quem modo contumelia affici putabant, nisi regem regum et deorum consanguineum salutarent; magnoque denuo experimento comprobatum est neminem magis patere Fortunae quam qui, plurimis eius beneficiis ornatus, iugum eius tota cervice receperit.
Such was the end of life allotted to that king whom shortly before men thought to be insulted unless they addressed him as king of kings and kinsman of the gods; and once more it was proved by a striking example, that no one is more exposed to Fortunes changes than one who, having been honoured by very many of her favours, has bowed his neck wholly under her yoke.
at tibi consta intrepidus, nec te clamor plagaeque sonantes, nec matutinis agitet formido sub horis.
But to yourself be true, mocking at fear, and let no outcry, nor sound of stripes, nor dread, make you quake as the morning hours come on.
sed dicam vobis, vos porro dicite multis milibus et facite haec charta loquatur anus, versibus ut nostris etiam post funera vivat, notescatque magis mortuus atque magis, nec tenuem texens sublimis aranea telam in deserto Alli nomine opus faciat.
But to you I will tell it; do you hand on the tale to many thousands, and let the paper speak this in its old age, so that he may continue to live on in my verses even after his death, and indeed, when dead, become more and more renowned; and let not the spider who weaves her thin web aloft spread her work over the neglected name of Allius.
ubi est habitaculum leonum et pascua catulorum leonum ad quam ivit leo ut ingrederetur illuc catulus leonis et non est qui exterreat
Where is now the dwelling of the lions, and the feeding place of the young lions, to which the lion went, to enter in thither, the young lion, and there was none to make them afraid?
Frustra tunc Aegyptus nubila optavit caelumque respexit, cum ipse fecunditatis parens contractior et exilior isdem ubertatem eius angustiis quibus abundantiam suam cohibuisset.
All in vain the native Egyptian prayed for rain-clouds and watched the heavens, now that the author of productiveness had shrunk and dwindled and confined the fertile regions within the narrow limits of its own fullness.