module enigma_top (input i_Clk, // Main Clock input i_UART_RX, // UART RX Data output o_UART_TX, // UART TX Data output o_LED_1, output o_LED_2, output o_LED_3, output o_LED_4, // Segment1 is upper digit, Segment2 is lower digit output o_Segment1_A, output o_Segment1_B, output o_Segment1_C, output o_Segment1_D, output o_Segment1_E, output o_Segment1_F, output o_Segment1_G, // output o_Segment2_A, output o_Segment2_B, output o_Segment2_C, output o_Segment2_D, output o_Segment2_E, output o_Segment2_F, output o_Segment2_G ); wire w_RX_DV; wire [7:0] w_RX_Byte; wire w_TX_Active, w_TX_Serial; wire o_ready; wire o_valid; wire [7:0] outputData; // 25,000,000 / 115,200 = 217 uart_rx #(.CLKS_PER_BIT(217)) UART_RX_Inst (.i_Clock(i_Clk), .i_Rx_Serial(i_UART_RX), .o_Rx_DV(w_RX_DV), .o_Rx_Byte(w_RX_Byte)); state_machine st(.i_clock(i_Clk),.i_ready(w_RX_DV),.i_inputData(w_RX_Byte),.o_ready(o_ready),.o_outputData(outputData),.o_valid(o_valid)); uart_tx #(.CLKS_PER_BIT(217)) UART_TX_Inst (.i_Clock(i_Clk), .i_Tx_DV(o_ready), .i_Tx_Byte(outputData), .o_Tx_Active(w_TX_Active), .o_Tx_Serial(w_TX_Serial), .o_Tx_Done()); // Drive UART line high when transmitter is not active assign o_UART_TX = w_TX_Active ? w_TX_Serial : 1'b1; hex_to_7seg upper_digit (.i_Clk(i_Clk), .i_Value(outputData[7:4]), .o_Segment_A(o_Segment1_A), .o_Segment_B(o_Segment1_B), .o_Segment_C(o_Segment1_C), .o_Segment_D(o_Segment1_D), .o_Segment_E(o_Segment1_E), .o_Segment_F(o_Segment1_F), .o_Segment_G(o_Segment1_G)); hex_to_7seg lower_digit (.i_Clk(i_Clk), .i_Value(outputData[3:0]), .o_Segment_A(o_Segment2_A), .o_Segment_B(o_Segment2_B), .o_Segment_C(o_Segment2_C), .o_Segment_D(o_Segment2_D), .o_Segment_E(o_Segment2_E), .o_Segment_F(o_Segment2_F), .o_Segment_G(o_Segment2_G)); assign o_LED_1 = 1'b0; assign o_LED_2 = 1'b0; assign o_LED_3 = o_valid; assign o_LED_4 = 1'b0; endmodule
module test(); reg i_ready = 0; reg [7:0] inputData; reg r_Clock = 0; wire o_ready; wire [7:0] outputData; integer i; state_machine st(.i_clock(r_Clock),.i_ready(i_ready),.i_inputData(inputData),.o_ready(o_ready),.o_outputData(outputData)); always #(5) r_Clock <= !r_Clock; always @(posedge o_ready) begin $display("data is [%c]",outputData); end initial begin $dumpfile("enigma.vcd"); $dumpvars(0,test); inputData = "A"; for (i = 0; i < 20; i = i + 1) begin #10 i_ready = 1; #30 i_ready = 0; end #260 $finish; end endmodule
module rotorEncode #(parameter REVERSE = 0) (code, rotor_type, val); input [4:0] code; output reg [4:0] val; input [2:0] rotor_type; parameter MEM_INIT_FILE = "rotors.mem"; reg [4:0] rotor_data[0:415]; initial if (MEM_INIT_FILE != "") $readmemh(MEM_INIT_FILE, rotor_data); always @* val = rotor_data[((REVERSE) ? 208 : 0) + rotor_type*26 + code]; endmodule
module hex_to_7seg ( input i_Clk, input [3:0] i_Value, output o_Segment_A, output o_Segment_B, output o_Segment_C, output o_Segment_D, output o_Segment_E, output o_Segment_F, output o_Segment_G ); reg [6:0] out = 7'b0000000; always @(posedge i_Clk) begin case (i_Value) 4'b0000 : out <= 7'b0000001; 4'b0001 : out <= 7'b1001111; 4'b0010 : out <= 7'b0010010; 4'b0011 : out <= 7'b0000110; 4'b0100 : out <= 7'b1001100; 4'b0101 : out <= 7'b0100100; 4'b0110 : out <= 7'b0100000; 4'b0111 : out <= 7'b0001111; 4'b1000 : out <= 7'b0000000; 4'b1001 : out <= 7'b0000100; 4'b1010 : out <= 7'b0001000; 4'b1011 : out <= 7'b1100000; 4'b1100 : out <= 7'b0110001; 4'b1101 : out <= 7'b1000010; 4'b1110 : out <= 7'b0110000; 4'b1111 : out <= 7'b0111000; endcase end assign o_Segment_A = out[6]; assign o_Segment_B = out[5]; assign o_Segment_C = out[4]; assign o_Segment_D = out[3]; assign o_Segment_E = out[2]; assign o_Segment_F = out[1]; assign o_Segment_G = out[0]; endmodule
module decodeASCII(code, ascii); input [4:0] code; output [7:0] ascii; assign ascii = 8'h41 + code; endmodule
module uart_rx ( input i_Clock, input i_Rx_Serial, output o_Rx_DV, output [7:0] o_Rx_Byte ); parameter CLKS_PER_BIT = 87; parameter s_IDLE = 3'b000; parameter s_RX_START_BIT = 3'b001; parameter s_RX_DATA_BITS = 3'b010; parameter s_RX_STOP_BIT = 3'b011; parameter s_CLEANUP = 3'b100; reg r_Rx_Data_R = 1'b1; reg r_Rx_Data = 1'b1; reg [7:0] r_Clock_Count = 0; reg [2:0] r_Bit_Index = 0; //8 bits total reg [7:0] r_Rx_Byte = 0; reg r_Rx_DV = 0; reg [2:0] r_SM_Main = 0; // Purpose: Double-register the incoming data. // This allows it to be used in the UART RX Clock Domain. // (It removes problems caused by metastability) always @(posedge i_Clock) begin r_Rx_Data_R <= i_Rx_Serial; r_Rx_Data <= r_Rx_Data_R; end // Purpose: Control RX state machine always @(posedge i_Clock) begin case (r_SM_Main) s_IDLE : begin r_Rx_DV <= 1'b0; r_Clock_Count <= 0; r_Bit_Index <= 0; if (r_Rx_Data == 1'b0) // Start bit detected r_SM_Main <= s_RX_START_BIT; else r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE; end // Check middle of start bit to make sure it's still low s_RX_START_BIT : begin if (r_Clock_Count == (CLKS_PER_BIT-1)/2) begin if (r_Rx_Data == 1'b0) begin r_Clock_Count <= 0; // reset counter, found the middle r_SM_Main <= s_RX_DATA_BITS; end else r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE; end else begin r_Clock_Count <= r_Clock_Count + 1; r_SM_Main <= s_RX_START_BIT; end end // case: s_RX_START_BIT // Wait CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles to sample serial data s_RX_DATA_BITS : begin if (r_Clock_Count < CLKS_PER_BIT-1) begin r_Clock_Count <= r_Clock_Count + 1; r_SM_Main <= s_RX_DATA_BITS; end else begin r_Clock_Count <= 0; r_Rx_Byte[r_Bit_Index] <= r_Rx_Data; // Check if we have received all bits if (r_Bit_Index < 7) begin r_Bit_Index <= r_Bit_Index + 1; r_SM_Main <= s_RX_DATA_BITS; end else begin r_Bit_Index <= 0; r_SM_Main <= s_RX_STOP_BIT; end end end // case: s_RX_DATA_BITS // Receive Stop bit. Stop bit = 1 s_RX_STOP_BIT : begin // Wait CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for Stop bit to finish if (r_Clock_Count < CLKS_PER_BIT-1) begin r_Clock_Count <= r_Clock_Count + 1; r_SM_Main <= s_RX_STOP_BIT; end else begin r_Rx_DV <= 1'b1; r_Clock_Count <= 0; r_SM_Main <= s_CLEANUP; end end // case: s_RX_STOP_BIT // Stay here 1 clock s_CLEANUP : begin r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE; r_Rx_DV <= 1'b0; end default : r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE; endcase end assign o_Rx_DV = r_Rx_DV; assign o_Rx_Byte = r_Rx_Byte; endmodule // uart_rx
module encodeASCII(ascii, code, valid); input [7:0] ascii; output [4:0] code; output valid; assign valid = ((ascii < 8'h41 || ascii > 8'h5A) && (ascii < 8'h61 || ascii > 8'h7A)) ? 0 : 1; assign code = (ascii > 8'h5A) ? ascii - 8'h61 : ascii - 8'h41; endmodule
module rotor ( input clock, output reg [4:0] rotor1, output reg [4:0] rotor2, output reg [4:0] rotor3, input reset, input rotate, input [2:0] rotor_type_2, input [2:0] rotor_type_3, input [4:0] rotor_start_1, input [4:0] rotor_start_2, input [4:0] rotor_start_3 ); wire knock1; wire knock2; reg prev_rotate = 1'b0; reg prev_knock1 = 1'b0; reg prev_knock2 = 1'b0; checkKnockpoints checker3(.position(rotor3), .knockpoint(knock1), .rotor_type(rotor_type_3)); checkKnockpoints checker2(.position(rotor2), .knockpoint(knock2), .rotor_type(rotor_type_2)); always @(posedge clock) begin if (reset) begin rotor1 <= rotor_start_1; rotor2 <= rotor_start_2; rotor3 <= rotor_start_3; prev_rotate <= 0; prev_knock1 <= 0; prev_knock2 <= 0; end else begin if ((prev_rotate==0) && (rotate==1)) rotor3 <= (rotor3 == 25) ? 0 : rotor3 + 1; if ((prev_knock1==0) && (knock1==1)) rotor2 <= (rotor2 == 25) ? 0 : rotor2 + 1; if ((prev_knock2==0) && (knock2==1)) rotor1 <= (rotor1 == 25) ? 0 : rotor1 + 1; prev_rotate <= rotate; prev_knock1 <= knock1; prev_knock2 <= knock2; end end endmodule
module state_machine( input i_clock, input i_ready, input [7:0] i_inputData, output reg o_ready, output reg [7:0] o_outputData, output reg o_valid ); reg [2:0] rotor_type_3 = 3'b010; reg [2:0] rotor_type_2 = 3'b001; reg [2:0] rotor_type_1 = 3'b000; reg [4:0] rotor_start_3 = 5'b00000; reg [4:0] rotor_start_2 = 5'b00000; reg [4:0] rotor_start_1 = 5'b00000; reg [4:0] ring_position_3 = 5'b00000; reg [4:0] ring_position_2 = 5'b00000; reg [4:0] ring_position_1 = 5'b00000; reg reflector_type = 1'b0; wire [4:0] rotor1; wire [4:0] rotor2; wire [4:0] rotor3; reg reset = 1'b1; reg rotate = 1'b0; wire [4:0] value0; wire [4:0] value1; wire [4:0] value2; wire [4:0] value3; wire [4:0] value4; wire [4:0] value5; wire [4:0] value6; wire [4:0] value7; wire [4:0] value8; parameter STATE_RESET = 2'b00; parameter STATE_IDLE = 2'b01; parameter STATE_ENCODE = 2'b10; parameter STATE_CHECKKEY= 2'b11; reg [1:0] state = STATE_RESET; wire [4:0] inputCode; wire valid; wire [7:0] final_ascii; encodeASCII encode(.ascii(i_inputData), .code(inputCode), .valid(valid)); rotor rotorcontrol(.clock(i_clock),.rotor1(rotor1),.rotor2(rotor2),.rotor3(rotor3),.reset(reset),.rotate(rotate), .rotor_type_2(rotor_type_2),.rotor_type_3(rotor_type_3), .rotor_start_1(rotor_start_1),.rotor_start_2(rotor_start_2),.rotor_start_3(rotor_start_3) ); plugboardEncode plugboard(.code(inputCode),.val(value0)); encode #(.REVERSE(0)) rot3Encode(.inputValue(value0),.rotor(rotor3),.outputValue(value1),.rotor_type(rotor_type_3),.ring_position(ring_position_3)); encode #(.REVERSE(0)) rot2Encode(.inputValue(value1),.rotor(rotor2),.outputValue(value2),.rotor_type(rotor_type_2),.ring_position(ring_position_2)); encode #(.REVERSE(0)) rot1Encode(.inputValue(value2),.rotor(rotor1),.outputValue(value3),.rotor_type(rotor_type_1),.ring_position(ring_position_1)); reflectorEncode reflector(.code(value3),.val(value4),.reflector_type(reflector_type)); encode #(.REVERSE(1)) rot1EncodeRev(.inputValue(value4),.rotor(rotor1),.outputValue(value5),.rotor_type(rotor_type_1),.ring_position(ring_position_1)); encode #(.REVERSE(1)) rot2EncodeRev(.inputValue(value5),.rotor(rotor2),.outputValue(value6),.rotor_type(rotor_type_2),.ring_position(ring_position_2)); encode #(.REVERSE(1)) rot3EncodeRev(.inputValue(value6),.rotor(rotor3),.outputValue(value7),.rotor_type(rotor_type_3),.ring_position(ring_position_3)); plugboardEncode plugboard2(.code(value7),.val(value8)); decodeASCII decode(.code(value8), .ascii(final_ascii)); always @(posedge i_clock) begin case (state) STATE_RESET : begin reset <= 1'b0; state <= STATE_IDLE; o_ready <= 1'b0; o_outputData <= 8'b00000000; o_valid <= 1'b0; rotate <= 1'b1; end STATE_IDLE : begin o_ready <= 1'b0; state <= i_ready ? STATE_CHECKKEY : STATE_IDLE; o_valid <= valid; rotate <= 1'b0; end STATE_CHECKKEY : begin o_ready <= 1'b0; rotate <= 1'b0; if (valid) begin state <= STATE_ENCODE; end else begin case(i_inputData) 8'd27: begin reset <= 1'b1; state <= STATE_RESET; o_ready <= 1'b1; o_outputData <= 8'd10; end 8'd13: begin state <= STATE_IDLE; o_ready <= 1'b1; o_outputData <= 8'd13; end default: state <= STATE_IDLE; endcase end o_valid <= valid; end STATE_ENCODE : begin rotate <= 1'b1; o_ready <= 1'b1; o_outputData <= final_ascii; state <= STATE_IDLE; end endcase end endmodule
module reflectorEncode (code, val, reflector_type); input [4:0] code; output reg [4:0] val; input reflector_type; always @* begin if (reflector_type == 1'b0) begin // Reflector B case (code) 0 : val = "Y" - 8'h41; 1 : val = "R" - 8'h41; 2 : val = "U" - 8'h41; 3 : val = "H" - 8'h41; 4 : val = "Q" - 8'h41; 5 : val = "S" - 8'h41; 6 : val = "L" - 8'h41; 7 : val = "D" - 8'h41; 8 : val = "P" - 8'h41; 9 : val = "X" - 8'h41; 10: val = "N" - 8'h41; 11: val = "G" - 8'h41; 12: val = "O" - 8'h41; 13: val = "K" - 8'h41; 14: val = "M" - 8'h41; 15: val = "I" - 8'h41; 16: val = "E" - 8'h41; 17: val = "B" - 8'h41; 18: val = "F" - 8'h41; 19: val = "Z" - 8'h41; 20: val = "C" - 8'h41; 21: val = "W" - 8'h41; 22: val = "V" - 8'h41; 23: val = "J" - 8'h41; 24: val = "A" - 8'h41; 25: val = "T" - 8'h41; endcase end else begin // Reflector C case (code) 0 : val = "F" - 8'h41; 1 : val = "V" - 8'h41; 2 : val = "P" - 8'h41; 3 : val = "J" - 8'h41; 4 : val = "I" - 8'h41; 5 : val = "A" - 8'h41; 6 : val = "O" - 8'h41; 7 : val = "Y" - 8'h41; 8 : val = "E" - 8'h41; 9 : val = "D" - 8'h41; 10: val = "R" - 8'h41; 11: val = "Z" - 8'h41; 12: val = "X" - 8'h41; 13: val = "W" - 8'h41; 14: val = "G" - 8'h41; 15: val = "C" - 8'h41; 16: val = "T" - 8'h41; 17: val = "K" - 8'h41; 18: val = "U" - 8'h41; 19: val = "Q" - 8'h41; 20: val = "S" - 8'h41; 21: val = "B" - 8'h41; 22: val = "N" - 8'h41; 23: val = "M" - 8'h41; 24: val = "H" - 8'h41; 25: val = "L" - 8'h41; endcase end end endmodule
module plugboardEncode(input [4:0] code, output [4:0] val); assign val = code; endmodule
module checkKnockpoints (position, knockpoint, rotor_type); input [4:0] position; output reg knockpoint; input [2:0] rotor_type; always @* begin knockpoint = 0; case(rotor_type) 0 : if (position==16+1) knockpoint = 1; 1 : if (position== 4+1) knockpoint = 1; 2 : if (position==21+1) knockpoint = 1; 3 : if (position== 9+1) knockpoint = 1; //4 : if (position==25+1) knockpoint = 1; 4 : if (position==0) knockpoint = 1; 5 : if (position==12+1) knockpoint = 1; else if(position==0) knockpoint = 1; 6 : if (position==12+1) knockpoint = 1; else if(position==0) knockpoint = 1; 7 : if (position==12+1) knockpoint = 1; else if(position==0) knockpoint = 1; endcase end endmodule
module uart_tx ( input i_Clock, input i_Tx_DV, input [7:0] i_Tx_Byte, output o_Tx_Active, output reg o_Tx_Serial, output o_Tx_Done ); parameter CLKS_PER_BIT = 87; parameter s_IDLE = 3'b000; parameter s_TX_START_BIT = 3'b001; parameter s_TX_DATA_BITS = 3'b010; parameter s_TX_STOP_BIT = 3'b011; parameter s_CLEANUP = 3'b100; reg [2:0] r_SM_Main = 3'b000; reg [7:0] r_Clock_Count = 8'b00000000; reg [2:0] r_Bit_Index = 3'b000; reg [7:0] r_Tx_Data = 8'b00000000; reg r_Tx_Done = 0; reg r_Tx_Active = 0; always @(posedge i_Clock) begin case (r_SM_Main) s_IDLE : begin o_Tx_Serial <= 1'b1; // Drive Line High for Idle r_Tx_Done <= 1'b0; r_Clock_Count <= 8'b00000000; r_Bit_Index <= 3'b000; if (i_Tx_DV == 1'b1) begin r_Tx_Active <= 1'b1; r_Tx_Data <= i_Tx_Byte; r_SM_Main <= s_TX_START_BIT; end else r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE; end // case: s_IDLE // Send out Start Bit. Start bit = 0 s_TX_START_BIT : begin o_Tx_Serial <= 1'b0; // Wait CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for start bit to finish if (r_Clock_Count < CLKS_PER_BIT-1) begin r_Clock_Count <= r_Clock_Count + 1; r_SM_Main <= s_TX_START_BIT; end else begin r_Clock_Count <= 0; r_SM_Main <= s_TX_DATA_BITS; end end // case: s_TX_START_BIT // Wait CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for data bits to finish s_TX_DATA_BITS : begin o_Tx_Serial <= r_Tx_Data[r_Bit_Index]; if (r_Clock_Count < CLKS_PER_BIT-1) begin r_Clock_Count <= r_Clock_Count + 1; r_SM_Main <= s_TX_DATA_BITS; end else begin r_Clock_Count <= 0; // Check if we have sent out all bits if (r_Bit_Index < 7) begin r_Bit_Index <= r_Bit_Index + 1; r_SM_Main <= s_TX_DATA_BITS; end else begin r_Bit_Index <= 0; r_SM_Main <= s_TX_STOP_BIT; end end end // case: s_TX_DATA_BITS // Send out Stop bit. Stop bit = 1 s_TX_STOP_BIT : begin o_Tx_Serial <= 1'b1; // Wait CLKS_PER_BIT-1 clock cycles for Stop bit to finish if (r_Clock_Count < CLKS_PER_BIT-1) begin r_Clock_Count <= r_Clock_Count + 1; r_SM_Main <= s_TX_STOP_BIT; end else begin r_Tx_Done <= 1'b1; r_Clock_Count <= 0; r_SM_Main <= s_CLEANUP; r_Tx_Active <= 1'b0; end end // case: s_Tx_STOP_BIT // Stay here 1 clock s_CLEANUP : begin r_Tx_Done <= 1'b1; r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE; end default : r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE; endcase end assign o_Tx_Active = r_Tx_Active; assign o_Tx_Done = r_Tx_Done; endmodule
module calculate_val #( parameter INPUT = 1 ) ( input [4:0] value, input [4:0] rotor, output reg [4:0] out, input [4:0] ring_position ); reg signed [6:0] val = 7'b0000000; always @* begin if (INPUT==1) val = value - ring_position + rotor; else val = value + ring_position - rotor; if (val < 0 ) val = val + 7'd26; if (val > 7'd25) val = val - 7'd26; out = val[4:0]; end endmodule
module encode #( parameter REVERSE = 0 ) ( input [4:0] inputValue, input [4:0] rotor, output [4:0] outputValue, input [2:0] rotor_type, input [4:0] ring_position ); wire [4:0] calculated_input; wire [4:0] outval; calculate_val #(.INPUT(1)) cinput(.value(inputValue),.rotor(rotor),.out(calculated_input),.ring_position(ring_position)); rotorEncode #(.REVERSE(REVERSE)) rotEncode(.code(calculated_input),.val(outval),.rotor_type(rotor_type)); calculate_val #(.INPUT(0)) coutput(.value(outval),.rotor(rotor),.out(outputValue),.ring_position(ring_position)); endmodule
module i2c_sender_verilog( input clk, inout siod, output sioc, output taken, input send, input [7:0] id, input [7:0] rega, input [7:0] value); reg unsigned [7:0] divider = 8'b00000001; reg [31:0] busy_sr = {32{1'b0}}; reg [31:0] data_sr = {32{1'b1}}; reg sioc_temp; reg taken_temp; reg siod_temp; assign siod = siod_temp; assign sioc = sioc_temp; assign taken = taken_temp; always@(busy_sr,data_sr[31]) begin if(busy_sr[11:10] == 2'b10 || busy_sr[20:19] == 2'b10 || busy_sr[29:28] == 2'b10) begin siod_temp <= 1'bZ; end else begin siod_temp <= data_sr[31]; end end always@(posedge clk) begin taken_temp <= 1'b0; if(busy_sr[31] == 0) begin sioc_temp <= 1; if(send == 1) begin if(divider == 8'b000000000) begin data_sr <= 3'b100 & id & 1'b0 & rega & 1'b0 & value & 1'b0 & 2'b01; busy_sr <= 3'b111 & 9'b111111111 & & 9'b111111111 & 9'b111111111 & 2'b11; taken_temp <= 1'b1; end else begin divider <= divider + 1; end end end else begin if(busy_sr[31:29] == 3'b111 && busy_sr[2:0] == 3'b111) begin sioc_temp <= 1; end else if(busy_sr[31:29] == 3'b111 && busy_sr[2:0] == 3'b110) begin sioc_temp = 1; end else if (busy_sr[31:29] == 3'b111 && busy_sr[2:0] == 3'b100) begin sioc_temp = 0; end else if (busy_sr[31:29] == 3'b111 && busy_sr[2:0] == 3'b111 && (divider[7:6] == 2'b01 || divider[7:6] == 2'b10 || divider[7:6] == 2'b11)) begin sioc_temp = 1; end else if (busy_sr[31:29] == 3'b111 && busy_sr[2:0] == 3'b111 && divider[7:6] == 2'b00) begin sioc_temp = 0; end else if (busy_sr[31:29] == 3'b100 && busy_sr[2:0] == 3'b000) begin sioc_temp = 1; end else if(busy_sr[31:29] == 3'b000 && busy_sr[2:0] == 3'b000) begin sioc_temp = 1; end else begin if(divider[7:6] == 2'b00 || divider[7:6] == 2'b11) begin sioc_temp = 0; end else if (divider[7:6] == 2'b01 || divider[7:6] == 2'b10) begin sioc_temp = 1; end end if(divider == 8'b11111111) begin busy_sr = busy_sr[30:0] & 1'b0; data_sr = data_sr[30:0] & 1'b1; divider <= {8{1'b0}}; end else begin divider <= divider + 1; end end end endmodule
module debounce(input clk, input i, output o); reg unsigned [23:0] c; reg out_temp; always @(posedge clk)begin if(i == 1)begin if(c==24'hFFFFFF)begin out_temp <= 1'b1; end else begin out_temp <= 1'b0; end c <= c+1'b1; end else begin c <= {24{1'b0}}; out_temp <= 1'b0; end end assign o = out_temp; endmodule
module ov7670_registers_verilog(input clk, input resend, input advance, output [15:0] command, output finished); reg [15:0] sreg; reg finished_temp; reg [7:0] address = {8{1'b0}}; assign command = sreg; assign finished = finished_temp; always@(sreg) begin if(sreg == 16'b1111111111111111) begin finished_temp <= 1; end else begin finished_temp <= 0; end end always@(posedge clk) begin if(resend == 1) begin address <= {8{1'b0}}; end else if(advance == 1) begin address <= address+1; end case (address) 0 : sreg <= 4'h1280; 1 : sreg <= 4'h1280; 2 : sreg <= 4'h1204; 3 : sreg <= 4'h1100; 4 : sreg <= 4'h0C00; 5 : sreg <= 4'h3E00; 6 : sreg <= 4'h8C00; 7 : sreg <= 4'h0400; 8 : sreg <= 4'h4010; 9 : sreg <= 4'h3A04; 10 : sreg <= 4'h1438; 11 : sreg <= 4'h4FB3; 12 : sreg <= 4'h50B3; 13 : sreg <= 4'h5100; 14 : sreg <= 4'h523D; 15 : sreg <= 4'h53A7; 16 : sreg <= 4'h54E4; 17 : sreg <= 4'h589E; 18 : sreg <= 4'h3DC0; 19 : sreg <= 4'h1100; 20 : sreg <= 4'h1711; 21 : sreg <= 4'h1861; 22 : sreg <= 4'h32A4; 23 : sreg <= 4'h1903; 24 : sreg <= 4'h1A7B; 25 : sreg <= 4'h030A; 26 : sreg <= 4'h0E61; 27 : sreg <= 4'h0F4B; 28 : sreg <= 4'h1602; 29 : sreg <= 4'h1E37; 30 : sreg <= 4'h2102; 31 : sreg <= 4'h2291; 32 : sreg <= 4'h2907; 33 : sreg <= 4'h330B; 34 : sreg <= 4'h350B; 35 : sreg <= 4'h371B; 36 : sreg <= 4'h3871; 37 : sreg <= 4'h392A; 38 : sreg <= 4'h3C78; 39 : sreg <= 4'h4D40; 39 : sreg <= 4'h4D40; 40 : sreg <= 4'h4E20; 41 : sreg <= 4'h6900; 42 : sreg <= 4'h7410; 43 : sreg <= 4'h7410; 44 : sreg <= 4'h8D4F; 45 : sreg <= 4'h8E00; 46 : sreg <= 4'h8F00; 47 : sreg <= 4'h9000; 48 : sreg <= 4'h9100; 49 : sreg <= 4'h9600; 50 : sreg <= 4'h9A00; 51 : sreg <= 4'hB084; 52 : sreg <= 4'hB10C; 53 : sreg <= 4'hB20E; 54 : sreg <= 4'hB382; 55 : sreg <= 4'hB80A; default : sreg <= 4'hFFFF; endcase end endmodule
module vga(input clk25, output [3:0] vga_red, output [3:0] vga_green, output [3:0] vga_blue, output vga_hsync, output vga_vsync, output [18:0] frame_addr, input [11:0] frame_pixel); parameter hRez = 640; parameter hStartSync = 640+16; parameter hEndSync = 640+16+96; parameter hMaxCount = 800; parameter vRez = 480; parameter vStartSync = 480+10; parameter vEndSync = 480+10+2; parameter vMaxCount = 480+10+2+33; parameter hsync_active = 0; parameter vsync_active = 0; reg unsigned [9:0] hCounter = {10{1'b0}}; reg unsigned [9:0] vCounter = {10{1'b0}}; reg unsigned [18:0] address = {19{1'b0}}; reg unsigned [18:0] address_temp = {19{1'b0}}; reg blank = 1; reg [3:0] vga_red_temp; reg [3:0] vga_blue_temp; reg [3:0] vga_green_temp; reg vga_hsync_temp; reg vga_vsync_temp; always @(posedge clk25) begin if (hCounter == hMaxCount-1) begin hCounter <= {10{1'b0}}; if(vCounter == vMaxCount-1) begin vCounter <= {10{1'b0}}; end else begin vCounter <= vCounter+1; end end else begin hCounter <= hCounter+1; end if(blank == 0) begin vga_red_temp <= frame_pixel[11:8]; vga_green_temp <= frame_pixel[7:4]; vga_blue_temp <= frame_pixel[3:0]; end else begin vga_red_temp <= {4{1'b0}}; vga_green_temp <= {4{1'b0}}; vga_blue_temp <= {4{1'b0}}; end if(vCounter >= vRez) begin address <= {19{1'b0}}; blank <= 1; end else begin if(hCounter < 640) begin blank <= 0; address <= address+1'b1; end else begin blank <= 1; end end if(hCounter > hStartSync && hCounter <= hEndSync) begin vga_hsync_temp <= hsync_active; end else begin vga_hsync_temp <= !hsync_active; end if(vCounter >= vStartSync && vCounter < vEndSync) begin vga_vsync_temp <= vsync_active; end else begin vga_vsync_temp <= !vsync_active; end end assign frame_addr = address; assign vga_red = vga_red_temp; assign vga_blue = vga_blue_temp; assign vga_green = vga_green_temp; assign vga_hsync = vga_hsync_temp; assign vga_vsync = vga_vsync_temp; endmodule
module ov7670_controller_verilog(input clk, input resend, output config_finished, output sioc, inout siod, output reset, output pwdn, output xclk); reg sys_clk = 0; wire [15:0] command; wire finished = 0; wire taken = 0; reg send; reg [7:0] camera_address = 2'h42; assign config_finished = finished; assign reset = 1; assign pwdn = 0; assign xclk = sys_clk; always@(finished) begin send = ~finished; end always@(posedge clk) begin sys_clk = ~sys_clk; end ov7670_registers_verilog orv(.clk(clk),.advance(taken), .command(command), .finished(finished), .resend(resend)); i2c_sender_verilog isv(.clk(clk), .taken(taken), .siod(siod), .sioc(sioc), .send(send), .id(camera_address), .rega(command[15:8]), .value(command[7:0])); endmodule
module ov7670_capture_verilog(input pclk, input vsync, input href, input [7:0] d, output [18:0] addr, output [11:0] dout, output we); reg [15:0] d_latch = {16{1'b0}}; reg [18:0] address = {19{1'b0}}; reg unsigned [18:0] address_next = {19{1'b0}}; reg [1:0] wr_hold = {2{1'b0}}; reg [11:0] dout_temp; reg we_temp; assign addr = address; assign dout = dout_temp; assign we = we_temp; always@ (posedge pclk) begin if(vsync == 1) begin address <= {19{1'b0}}; address_next <= {19{1'b0}}; wr_hold <= {2{1'b0}}; end else begin dout_temp <= {d_latch[15:12],d_latch[10:7],d_latch[4:1]}; address <= address_next; we_temp <= wr_hold[1]; wr_hold <= {wr_hold[0], (href && !wr_hold[0])}; d_latch <= {d_latch [7:0], d}; if(wr_hold[1] == 1) begin address_next <= address_next+1; end end end endmodule
module clocking_verilog(input clk_in, output clk_out); wire clk_in; reg clk_out; always @ (posedge clk_in) begin clk_out <= !clk_out ; end endmodule
module OV7670_top_verilog(input clk100, output OV7670_SIOC, inout OV7670_SIOD, output OV7670_RESET, output OV7670_PWDN, input OV7670_VSYNC, input OV7670_HREF, input OV7670_PCLK, output OV7670_XCLK, input [7:0] OV7670_D, output [7:0] LED, output [3:0] vga_red, output [3:0] vga_green, output [3:0] vga_blue, output vga_hsync, output vga_vsync, input btn); wire [18:0] frame_addr; wire [11:0] frame_pixel; wire [18:0] capture_addr; wire [11:0] capture_data; wire capture_we; wire resend; wire config_finished; reg clk_feedback; reg clk50u; wire clk50; reg clk25u; wire clk25; reg buffered_pclk; assign LED = 8'b00000000 & config_finished; debounce db1(.clk(clk50),.i(btn),.o(resend)); vga vg1(.clk25(clk25),.vga_red(vga_red),.vga_green(vga_green),.vga_blue(vga_blue),.vga_hsync(vga_hsync),.vga_vsync(vga_vsync),.frame_addr(frame_addr),.frame_pixel(frame_pixel)); frame_buffer fb1(.clka(OV7670_PCLK),.wea(capture_we),.addra(capture_addr),.dina(capture_data),.clkb(clk50),.addrb(frame_addr),.doutb(frame_pixel)); ov7670_capture_verilog cap1(.pclk(OV7670_PCLK),.vsync(OV7670_VSYNC),.href(OV7670_HREF),.d(OV7670_D),.addr(capture_addr),.dout(capture_data),.we(capture_we)); ov7670_controller_verilog con1(.clk(clk50),.sioc(OV7670_SIOC),.resend(resend),.config_finished(config_finished),.siod(OV7670_SIOD),.pwdn(OV7670_PWDN),.reset(OV7670_RESET),.xclk(OV7670_XCLK)); clocking_verilog clk1(.clk_in(clk100),.clk_out(clk50)); clocking_verilog clk2(.clk_in(clk50),.clk_out(clk25)); endmodule
module AXI4_Interconnect(clk, rst, M1_ACLK, M1_ARESET, Master_1_Set, Master_1_Release, M1_ARID, M1_ARADDR, M1_ARBURST, M1_ARVALID, M1_ARREADY, M1_ARLEN, M1_ARSIZE, // Read Address Channel M1_RID, M1_RDATA, M1_RLAST, M1_RVALID, M1_RREADY, M1_RRESP, // Read Data Channel M1_AWID, M1_AWADDR, M1_AWBURST, M1_AWVALID, M1_AWREADY, M1_AWLEN, M1_AWSIZE, // Write Address Channel M1_WID, M1_WDATA, M1_WLAST, M1_WVALID, M1_WREADY, // Write Data Channel M1_BID, M1_BRESP, M1_BVALID, M1_BREADY, // Write Response Channel M2_ACLK, M2_ARESET, Master_2_Set, Master_2_Release, M2_ARID, M2_ARADDR, M2_ARBURST, M2_ARVALID, M2_ARREADY, M2_ARLEN, M2_ARSIZE, // Read Address Channel M2_RID, M2_RDATA, M2_RLAST, M2_RVALID, M2_RREADY, M2_RRESP, // Read Data Channel M2_AWID, M2_AWADDR, M2_AWBURST, M2_AWVALID, M2_AWREADY, M2_AWLEN, M2_AWSIZE, // Write Address Channel M2_WID, M2_WDATA, M2_WLAST, M2_WVALID, M2_WREADY, // Write Data Channel M2_BID, M2_BRESP, M2_BVALID, M2_BREADY, // Write Response Channel S_ACLK, S_ARESET, S_ARID, S_ARADDR, S_ARBURST, S_ARVALID, S_ARREADY, S_ARLEN, S_ARSIZE, // Read Address Channel S_RID, S_RDATA, S_RLAST, S_RVALID, S_RREADY, S_RRESP, // Read Data Channel S_AWID, S_AWADDR, S_AWBURST, S_AWVALID, S_AWREADY, S_AWLEN, S_AWSIZE, // Write Address Channel S_WID, S_WDATA, S_WLAST, S_WVALID, S_WREADY, // Write Data Channel S_BID, S_BRESP, S_BVALID, S_BREADY); // Write Response Channel parameter memWidth = 8; parameter memDepth = 32; parameter addressLength = 5; // Calculated by taking (log2) of "memDepth" input clk; input rst; /////////// Interconnect's Circular Arbitration Ports /////////// output [0:0] Master_1_Set; input [0:0] Master_1_Release; output [0:0] Master_2_Set; input [0:0] Master_2_Release; /////////// Master 1 Ports /////////// output M1_ACLK; output M1_ARESET; input [3:0] M1_ARID; input [addressLength-1:0] M1_ARADDR; // Read Address Channel input [1:0] M1_ARBURST; input [0:0] M1_ARVALID; output [0:0] M1_ARREADY; input [7:0] M1_ARLEN; input [2:0] M1_ARSIZE; output [3:0] M1_RID; output [memWidth-1:0] M1_RDATA; // Read Data Channel output [0:0] M1_RLAST; output [0:0] M1_RVALID; input [0:0] M1_RREADY; output [1:0] M1_RRESP; input [3:0] M1_AWID; input [addressLength-1:0] M1_AWADDR; // Write Address Channel input [1:0] M1_AWBURST; input [0:0] M1_AWVALID; output [0:0] M1_AWREADY; input [7:0] M1_AWLEN; input [2:0] M1_AWSIZE; input [3:0] M1_WID; input [memWidth-1:0] M1_WDATA; // Write Data Channel input [0:0] M1_WVALID; output [0:0] M1_WREADY; input [0:0] M1_WLAST; output [3:0] M1_BID; output [1:0] M1_BRESP; // Write Response Channel output [0:0] M1_BVALID; input [0:0] M1_BREADY; /////////// Master 2 Ports /////////// output M2_ACLK; output M2_ARESET; input [3:0] M2_ARID; input [addressLength-1:0] M2_ARADDR; // Read Address Channel input [1:0] M2_ARBURST; input [0:0] M2_ARVALID; output [0:0] M2_ARREADY; input [7:0] M2_ARLEN; input [2:0] M2_ARSIZE; output [3:0] M2_RID; output [memWidth-1:0] M2_RDATA; // Read Data Channel output [0:0] M2_RLAST; output [0:0] M2_RVALID; input [0:0] M2_RREADY; output [1:0] M2_RRESP; input [3:0] M2_AWID; input [addressLength-1:0] M2_AWADDR; // Write Address Channel input [1:0] M2_AWBURST; input [0:0] M2_AWVALID; output [0:0] M2_AWREADY; input [7:0] M2_AWLEN; input [2:0] M2_AWSIZE; input [3:0] M2_WID; input [memWidth-1:0] M2_WDATA; // Write Data Channel input [0:0] M2_WVALID; output [0:0] M2_WREADY; input [0:0] M2_WLAST; output [3:0] M2_BID; output [1:0] M2_BRESP; // Write Response Channel output [0:0] M2_BVALID; input [0:0] M2_BREADY; // Slave Wires output S_ACLK; output S_ARESET; output [3:0] S_ARID; output [addressLength-1:0] S_ARADDR; // Read Address Channel output [1:0] S_ARBURST; output [0:0] S_ARVALID; input [0:0] S_ARREADY; output [7:0] S_ARLEN; output [2:0] S_ARSIZE; input [3:0] S_RID; input [memWidth-1:0] S_RDATA; // Read Data Channel input [0:0] S_RLAST; input [0:0] S_RVALID; output [0:0] S_RREADY; input [1:0] S_RRESP; output [3:0] S_AWID; output [addressLength-1:0] S_AWADDR; // Write Address Channel output [1:0] S_AWBURST; output [0:0] S_AWVALID; input [0:0] S_AWREADY; output [7:0] S_AWLEN; output [2:0] S_AWSIZE; output [3:0] S_WID; output [memWidth-1:0] S_WDATA; // Write Data Channel output [0:0] S_WVALID; input [0:0] S_WREADY; output [0:0] S_WLAST; input [3:0] S_BID; input [1:0] S_BRESP; // Write Response Channel input [0:0] S_BVALID; output [0:0] S_BREADY; /////////// Round Robin Arbitration Signals & Logic /////////// localparam totalMasters = 3; // For two Masters (not using '0' index for Masters, hence actual Masters + 1). reg [(totalMasters-1):0] masterIndex = 3'bZ; // Keeps track of all the Masters. reg [(totalMasters-1):0] currentMaster = 3'bZ; // Master that currently has the access to the slave. reg [0:0] setMastersAccess [0:(totalMasters-1)]; // Array of outgoing signals (one for each Master). reg [0:0] releaseMastersAccess [0:(totalMasters-1)]; // Array of incoming signals (one from each Master). reg [(totalMasters-1):0] Master_1 = 3'b001; // Master 1 ID reg [(totalMasters-1):0] Master_2 = 3'b010; // Master 2 ID //reg [(totalMasters-1):0] Master_3 = 3'b011; // Master 3 ID //reg [(totalMasters-1):0] Master_4 = 3'b100; // Master 4 ID //reg [(totalMasters-1):0] Master_5 = 3'b101; // Master 5 ID assign Master_1_Set = setMastersAccess[1]; // Sending the access signals to Master 1. assign Master_2_Set = setMastersAccess[2]; // Sending the access signals to Master 2. always @ (posedge clk) begin if (rst != 1'b0) begin releaseMastersAccess[1] <= Master_1_Release; // Reading release signals from Master 1. releaseMastersAccess[2] <= Master_2_Release; // Reading release signals from Master 2. end end always @ (posedge clk) begin if (rst == 1'b0) // Setting all output signals to low on reset (active low) begin setMastersAccess[1] <= 1'bZ; setMastersAccess[2] <= 1'bZ; masterIndex <= 1; // Prioritizing Master 1 to have first access to the Slave when starting. currentMaster <= Master_1; // Doesn't need to be set now to grant priority. It just removes clashes //currentMaster <= 3'bZ; // in the signals when simulating. The wavedform will look clean. end end always @ (posedge clk) begin if (rst != 1'b0) begin if (releaseMastersAccess[masterIndex] == 1'b0) begin setMastersAccess[masterIndex] <= 1'b1; // Signal the Master that its their turn. currentMaster <= masterIndex; // Allow the interconnection between the Master and the Slave end else if (releaseMastersAccess[masterIndex] == 1'b1) // If the current Master no longer needs the access, begin // then grant access to the next Master. setMastersAccess[masterIndex] <= 1'b0; // Signal the current Master that their turn is // indeed over. //currentMaster <= 3'bZ; // Remove the interconnection between the Master and the Slave if (masterIndex < (totalMasters - 1)) begin masterIndex <= masterIndex + 1; // Move onto the next Master... currentMaster <= masterIndex + 1; end else begin masterIndex <= 1; currentMaster <= 1; end end end end /////////// Master and Slave's Clock & Reset are always Assigned/Enabled /////////// assign S_ACLK = clk; assign S_ARESET = rst; assign M1_ACLK = clk; assign M1_ARESET = rst; assign M2_ACLK = clk; assign M2_ARESET = rst; /////////// Master 1 and Master 2's Connection to Slave /////////// /////////// Read Address Channel /////////// assign S_ARID = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_ARID : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_ARID : 4'bZ; assign S_ARADDR = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_ARADDR : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_ARADDR : 5'bZ; assign S_ARBURST = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_ARBURST : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_ARBURST : 2'bZ; assign S_ARVALID = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_ARVALID : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_ARVALID : 1'bZ; assign S_ARLEN = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_ARLEN : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_ARLEN : 8'bZ; assign S_ARSIZE = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_ARSIZE : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_ARSIZE : 3'bZ; assign M1_ARREADY = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? S_ARREADY : 1'bZ; assign M2_ARREADY = (currentMaster == Master_2) ? S_ARREADY : 1'bZ; /////////// Read Data Channel /////////// assign M1_RID = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? S_RID : 4'bZ; assign M1_RDATA = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? S_RDATA : 8'bZ; assign M1_RLAST = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? S_RLAST : 1'bZ; assign M1_RVALID = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? S_RVALID : 1'bZ; assign M1_RRESP = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? S_RRESP : 2'bZ; assign M2_RID = (currentMaster == Master_2) ? S_RID : 4'bZ; assign M2_RDATA = (currentMaster == Master_2) ? S_RDATA : 8'bZ; assign M2_RLAST = (currentMaster == Master_2) ? S_RLAST : 1'bZ; assign M2_RVALID = (currentMaster == Master_2) ? S_RVALID : 1'bZ; assign M2_RRESP = (currentMaster == Master_2) ? S_RRESP : 2'bZ; assign S_RREADY = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_RREADY : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_RREADY : 1'bZ; /////////// Write Address Channel /////////// assign S_AWID = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_AWID : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_AWID : 4'bZ; assign S_AWADDR = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_AWADDR : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_AWADDR : 5'bZ; assign S_AWBURST = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_AWBURST : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_AWBURST : 2'bZ; assign S_AWVALID = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_AWVALID : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_AWVALID : 1'bZ; assign S_AWLEN = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_AWLEN : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_AWLEN : 8'bZ; assign S_AWSIZE = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_AWSIZE : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_AWSIZE : 3'bZ; assign M1_AWREADY = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? S_AWREADY : 1'bZ; assign M2_AWREADY = (currentMaster == Master_2) ? S_AWREADY : 1'bZ; /////////// Write Data Channel /////////// assign S_WID = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_WID : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_WID : 4'bZ; assign S_WDATA = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_WDATA : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_WDATA : 8'bZ; assign S_WVALID = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_WVALID : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_WVALID : 1'bZ; assign S_WLAST = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_WLAST : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_WLAST : 1'bZ; assign M1_WREADY = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? S_WREADY : 1'bZ; assign M2_WREADY = (currentMaster == Master_2) ? S_WREADY : 1'bZ; /////////// Write Response Channel /////////// assign M1_BID = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? S_BID : 4'bZ; assign M1_BRESP = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? S_BRESP : 2'bZ; assign M1_BVALID = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? S_BVALID : 1'bZ; assign M2_BID = (currentMaster == Master_2) ? S_BID : 4'bZ; assign M2_BRESP = (currentMaster == Master_2) ? S_BRESP : 2'bZ; assign M2_BVALID = (currentMaster == Master_2) ? S_BVALID : 1'bZ; assign S_BREADY = (currentMaster == Master_1) ? M1_BREADY : (currentMaster == Master_2) ? M2_BREADY : 1'bZ; endmodule
module AXI4_BRAM_Controller(ACLK, ARESET, ARID, ARADDR, ARBURST, ARVALID, ARREADY, ARLEN, ARSIZE, // Read Address Channel RID, RDATA, RLAST, RVALID, RREADY, RRESP, // Read Data Channel AWID, AWADDR, AWBURST, AWVALID, AWREADY, AWLEN, AWSIZE, // Write Address Channel WID, WDATA, WLAST, WVALID, WREADY, // Write Data Channel BID, BRESP, BVALID, BREADY); // Write Response Channel parameter memWidth = 8; parameter memDepth = 32; parameter addressLength = 5; // Calculated by taking (log2) of "memDepth" parameter readAddressStart = 0; parameter readAddressEnd = 9; input ACLK; input ARESET; input [3:0] ARID; input [addressLength-1:0] ARADDR; // Read Address Channel input [1:0] ARBURST; input [0:0] ARVALID; output reg [0:0] ARREADY; input [7:0] ARLEN; // ARLEN contains the number of beats minus one. Slave uses this information to generate response data beats matching ARLEN + 1 input [2:0] ARSIZE; output reg [3:0] RID; output reg [memWidth-1:0] RDATA; // Read Data Channel output reg [0:0] RLAST; output reg [0:0] RVALID; input [0:0] RREADY; output reg [1:0] RRESP; input [3:0] AWID; input [addressLength-1:0] AWADDR; // Write Address Channel input [1:0] AWBURST; input [0:0] AWVALID; output reg [0:0] AWREADY; input [7:0] AWLEN; input [2:0] AWSIZE; input [3:0] WID; input [memWidth-1:0] WDATA; // Write Data Channel input [0:0] WVALID; output reg [0:0] WREADY; input [0:0] WLAST; output reg [3:0] BID; output reg [1:0] BRESP; // Write Response Channel output reg [0:0] BVALID; input [0:0] BREADY; /* Handshake Logic Data Transfer Logic Etc..... */ reg [0:0] readEnable = 1'bZ; reg [0:0] writeEnable = 1'bZ; reg [addressLength-1:0] readAddressBRAM; reg [addressLength-1:0] writeAddressBRAM; reg [3:0] readTransactionID = 4'bZ; reg [0:0] readAddressChannelEnabled = 1'bZ; reg [0:0] readChannelEnabled = 1'bZ; reg [3:0] writeTransactionID = 4'bZ; reg [0:0] writeAddressChannelEnabled = 1'bZ; reg [0:0] writeChannelEnabled = 1'bZ; reg [0:0] writeResponseChannelEnabled = 1'bZ; reg [2:0] readBurstTypeState = 3'bZ; reg [2:0] writeBurstTypeState = 3'bZ; reg [1:0] readStatusRRESP = 2'bZ; reg [1:0] writeStatusBRESP = 2'bZ; reg [0:0] firstTimeInitBRAMAddress = 1'bZ; reg [memWidth-1:0] BRAM [0:memDepth-1]; // BRAM used for storing the data. initial begin//"../" $readmemh("../initMem.txt", BRAM, readAddressStart, readAddressEnd); // Initialize the BRAM. end generate // Maps all the elements of the above array to a wire. Only possible way to dump the genvar index; // values of array into a VCD file. for(index=0; index<10; index=index+1) begin: register wire [7:0] wireOfBRAM; assign wireOfBRAM = BRAM[index]; end endgenerate always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if (ARESET != 1'b0) begin if (readEnable == 1'b1) begin RDATA <= BRAM[readAddressBRAM]; // Read from the BRAM end else begin RDATA <= 8'bZ; end if (writeEnable == 1'b1) begin BRAM[writeAddressBRAM] <= WDATA; // Write to the BRAM end end end always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if (ARESET == 1'b0) // Setting all output signals to low on reset (active low) begin ARREADY <= 1'bZ; RVALID <= 1'bZ; BVALID <= 1'bZ; RID <= 4'bZ; RDATA <= 8'bZ; RLAST <= 1'bZ; RVALID <= 1'bZ; RRESP <= 2'bZ; AWREADY <= 1'bZ; WREADY <= 1'bZ; BID <= 4'bZ; BRESP <= 2'bZ; BVALID <= 1'bZ; readEnable <= 1'b0; writeEnable <= 1'b0; readAddressBRAM <= 5'bZ; writeAddressBRAM <= 5'bZ; readTransactionID <= 4'bz; writeTransactionID <= 4'bz; readAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; writeAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; end end always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if (ARESET != 1'b0) begin if (readAddressChannelEnabled == 1'b1) begin ARREADY <= 1'b1; RID <= 4'bZ; RRESP <= 2'bZ; RLAST <= 1'b0; if ((ARVALID == 1'b1) && (ARSIZE == 3'b000)) // Size of '0' means the size of each Beat is 1 Byte or 8 bits. begin readTransactionID <= ARID; readAddressBRAM <= ARADDR; readBurstTypeState <= ARBURST; readEnable <= 1'b1; RVALID <= 1'b1; RLAST <= 1'b0; readAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b0; readChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; end end end end always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if (ARESET != 1'b0) begin if (readChannelEnabled == 1'b1) begin ARREADY <= 1'b0; RID <= readTransactionID; RRESP <= 2'b00; // OKAY Response case (readBurstTypeState) // Switching through the three Burst types. 2'b00: // FIXED Burst Type begin if (RREADY == 1'b1) begin readAddressBRAM <= ARADDR; RLAST <= 1'b0; end end 2'b01: // INCREMENT Burst Type begin if (RREADY == 1'b1) begin readAddressBRAM <= readAddressBRAM + 1; if (readAddressBRAM >= ARADDR + ARLEN) begin readAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; RVALID <= 1'b0; RLAST <= 1'b1; readEnable <= 1'b0; readAddressBRAM <= 5'bZ; readChannelEnabled <= 1'b0; end end end 2'b10: // WRAP Burst Type begin if (RREADY == 1'b1) begin readAddressBRAM <= readAddressBRAM + 1; if (readAddressBRAM >= ARADDR + ARLEN) begin readAddressBRAM <= ARADDR; end end end endcase end end end always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if (ARESET != 1'b0) begin if (writeAddressChannelEnabled == 1'b1) begin AWREADY <= 1'b1; BID <= 4'bZ; BVALID <= 1'b0; BRESP <= 2'bZ; if ((AWVALID == 1'b1) && (AWSIZE == 3'b000)) begin firstTimeInitBRAMAddress <= 1'b1; WREADY <= 1'b1; writeTransactionID <= AWID; writeBurstTypeState <= AWBURST; writeEnable <= 1'b1; writeAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b0; writeChannelEnabled = 1'b1; AWREADY <= 1'b0; end end end end always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if (ARESET != 1'b0) begin if (writeChannelEnabled == 1'b1) begin if ((firstTimeInitBRAMAddress == 1'b1) && (WVALID == 1'b1)) begin writeAddressBRAM <= AWADDR; firstTimeInitBRAMAddress <= 1'b0; end case (writeBurstTypeState) 2'b00: // FIXED Burst Type begin writeAddressBRAM <= AWADDR; end 2'b01: // INCREMENT Burst Type begin if ((WVALID == 1'b1) && (WID == writeTransactionID)) begin if (writeAddressBRAM < AWADDR + AWLEN) begin writeAddressBRAM <= writeAddressBRAM + 1; end end if (writeAddressBRAM >= AWADDR + AWLEN) begin writeResponseChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; writeStatusBRESP <= 2'b00; // Write Response = Okay/Successfull //writeStatusBRESP <= 2'b10; // Write Response = Slave Error WREADY <= 1'b0; writeEnable <= 1'b0; writeAddressBRAM <= 5'bZ; writeChannelEnabled <= 1'b0; end end 2'b10: // WRAP Burst Type begin if ((WVALID == 1'b1) && (WID == writeTransactionID)) begin if (writeAddressBRAM < AWADDR + AWLEN) begin writeAddressBRAM <= writeAddressBRAM + 1; end end if (writeAddressBRAM >= AWADDR + AWLEN) begin writeAddressBRAM <= AWADDR; end end endcase end end end always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if (ARESET != 1'b0) begin if (writeResponseChannelEnabled == 1'b1) begin BID <= writeTransactionID; BVALID <= 1'b1; if (BREADY == 1'b1) begin writeAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; BRESP <= writeStatusBRESP; writeResponseChannelEnabled <= 1'b0; end end end end endmodule
module AXI4_Poly_Add(ACLK, ARESET, SET_ACCESS, RELEASE_ACCESS, ARID, ARADDR, ARBURST, ARVALID, ARREADY, ARLEN, ARSIZE, // Read Address Channel RID, RDATA, RLAST, RVALID, RREADY, RRESP, // Read Data Channel AWID, AWADDR, AWBURST, AWVALID, AWREADY, AWLEN, AWSIZE, // Write Address Channel WID, WDATA, WLAST, WVALID, WREADY, // Write Data Channel BID, BRESP, BVALID, BREADY); // Write Response Channel parameter memWidth = 8; parameter memDepth = 32; parameter addressLength = 5; // Calculated by taking (log2) of "memDepth" input ACLK; input ARESET; input [0:0] SET_ACCESS; output reg [0:0] RELEASE_ACCESS = 1'bZ; output reg [3:0] ARID; output reg [addressLength-1:0] ARADDR; // Read Address Channel output reg [1:0] ARBURST; output reg [0:0] ARVALID; input [0:0] ARREADY; output reg [7:0] ARLEN; output reg [2:0] ARSIZE; input [3:0] RID; input [memWidth-1:0] RDATA; // Read Data Channel input [0:0] RLAST; input [0:0] RVALID; output reg [0:0] RREADY; input [1:0] RRESP; output reg [3:0] AWID; output reg [addressLength-1:0] AWADDR; // Write Address Channel output reg [1:0] AWBURST; output reg [0:0] AWVALID; input [0:0] AWREADY; output reg [7:0] AWLEN; output reg [2:0] AWSIZE; output reg [3:0] WID; output reg [memWidth-1:0] WDATA; // Write Data Channel output reg [0:0] WVALID; input [0:0] WREADY; output reg [0:0] WLAST; input [3:0] BID; input [1:0] BRESP; // Write Response Channel input [0:0] BVALID; output reg [0:0] BREADY; /* Handshake Logic Data Transfer Logic Etc..... */ /* Will read co-efficients of a polynomial from the BRAM, add a scalar quantity to each of the co-efficients, then write back the new co-efficients into the BRAM. */ reg [7:0] coefficientsPoly [0:3]; reg [addressLength-1:0] readAddressARRAY; reg [addressLength-1:0] writeAddressARRAY; reg [3:0] readTransactionID = 4'bZ; reg [0:0] readAddressChannelEnabled = 1'bZ; reg [0:0] readChannelEnabled = 1'bZ; reg [3:0] writeTransactionID = 4'bZ; reg [0:0] writeAddressChannelEnabled = 1'bZ; reg [0:0] writeChannelEnabled = 1'bZ; reg [0:0] writeResponseChannelEnabled = 1'bZ; reg [0:0] performOperations = 1'bZ; reg [1:0] writeStatusBRESP = 1'bZ; reg [0:0] resetReleaseAccess = 1'bZ; reg [0:0] doReadAddressStall = 1'bZ; reg [0:0] doWriteDataStall = 1'bZ; integer delayReadCyclesCounter = 0; integer delayWriteCyclesCounter = 0; reg [0:0] firstTimeInitArrayAddress = 1'bZ; integer arrayIndex = 0; // For iterating through the array when modifying it arithmetically. generate // Maps all the elements of the above array to a wire. Only possible way to dump the genvar index; // values of array into a VCD file. for(index=0; index<4; index=index+1) begin: register wire [7:0] wireOfPoly; assign wireOfPoly = coefficientsPoly[index]; end endgenerate always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if (ARESET == 1'b0)// || (RELEASE_ACCESS == 1'b1)) // Setting all output signals to low on reset (active low) begin ARID <= 4'bZ; ARADDR <= 5'bZ; ARBURST <= 2'bZ; ARVALID <= 1'bZ; ARLEN <= 8'bZ; ARSIZE <= 3'bZ; RREADY <= 1'bZ; coefficientsPoly[0] <= 8'bZ; coefficientsPoly[1] <= 8'bZ; coefficientsPoly[2] <= 8'bZ; coefficientsPoly[3] <= 8'bZ; AWID <= 4'bZ; AWADDR <= 5'bZ; AWBURST <= 2'bZ; AWVALID <= 1'bZ; AWLEN <= 8'bZ; AWSIZE <= 3'bZ; WID <= 4'bZ; WDATA <= 8'bZ; WVALID <= 1'bZ; WLAST <= 1'bZ; BREADY <= 1'bZ; readAddressARRAY <= 5'bZ; writeAddressARRAY <= 5'bZ; readTransactionID <= 4'b0000; // Starting with ARID of zero and incrementing it after each whole transaction. writeTransactionID <= 4'b0000; // Starting with AWID of zero and incrementing it after each whole transaction. doReadAddressStall <= 1'b1; // Enable this to start with Read Transaction. RELEASE_ACCESS <= 1'b0; //writeAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; // Enable this to start with Write Transaction. end end always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if ((ARESET != 1'b0) && (SET_ACCESS == 1'b1)) begin if (doReadAddressStall == 1'b1) // Stalling for 1 clock cycles before starting the read address transaction. begin //if (delayReadCyclesCounter >= 1) // Don't need the Delays when using Interconnect Arbitration. //begin // readAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; // delayReadCyclesCounter <= 0; // doReadAddressStall <= 1'b0; //end //else //begin // delayReadCyclesCounter <= delayReadCyclesCounter + 1; //end readAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; BREADY <= 1'b0; doReadAddressStall <= 1'b0; end end end always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if ((ARESET != 1'b0) && (SET_ACCESS == 1'b1)) begin if (doWriteDataStall == 1'b1) // Stalling for 1 clock cycle before starting the write data transaction. begin //if (delayWriteCyclesCounter >= 1) // Don't need the Delays when using Interconnect Arbitration. //begin // doWriteDataStall <= 1'b0; // delayWriteCyclesCounter <= 0; //end //else //begin // delayWriteCyclesCounter <= delayWriteCyclesCounter + 1; //end AWVALID <= 1'b0; WID <= writeTransactionID; WVALID <= 1'b1; WLAST <= 1'b0; writeAddressARRAY <= 0; writeChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; doWriteDataStall <= 1'b0; end end end always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if ((ARESET != 1'b0) && (SET_ACCESS == 1'b1)) begin if (readAddressChannelEnabled == 1'b1) begin ARID <= readTransactionID; ARADDR <= 5'b00000; ARLEN <= 8'b00000011; // ARLEN + 1 Beats in a single burst requested. ARSIZE <= 3'b000; // Size of each Beat = 1 Byte. There are specific codes for each size. ARBURST <= 2'b01; // 00 -> FIXED, 01 -> INCREMENT, 10 -> WRAP. ARVALID <= 1'b1; if (ARREADY == 1'b1) begin firstTimeInitArrayAddress <= 1'b1; RREADY <= 1'b1; readChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; readAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b0; end end end end always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if ((ARESET != 1'b0) && (SET_ACCESS == 1'b1)) begin if (readChannelEnabled == 1'b1) begin ARVALID <= 1'b0; if ((firstTimeInitArrayAddress == 1'b1) && (RVALID == 1'b1)) begin readAddressARRAY <= 0; firstTimeInitArrayAddress <= 1'b0; end coefficientsPoly[readAddressARRAY] <= RDATA; // Store the incoming data from the Slave. case (ARBURST) 2'b00: // FIXED Burst Type begin readAddressARRAY <= readAddressARRAY; end 2'b01: // INCREMENT Burst Type begin if ((RVALID == 1'b1) && (RRESP == 2'b00) && (RID == readTransactionID)) begin if (readAddressARRAY < ARLEN) begin readAddressARRAY <= readAddressARRAY + 1; end end if (readAddressARRAY >= ARLEN) begin //readAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; // Enable this for multiple seperate read transactions. performOperations <= 1'b1; ARID <= 4'bZ; ARADDR <= 5'bZ; ARLEN <= 8'bZ; ARSIZE <= 3'bZ; ARBURST <= 2'bZ; RREADY <= 1'b0; readAddressARRAY <= 5'bZ; readChannelEnabled <= 1'b0; readTransactionID <= readTransactionID + 1; end end 2'b10: // WRAP Burst Type begin if ((RVALID == 1'b1) && (RRESP == 2'b00) && (RID == readTransactionID)) begin if (readAddressARRAY < ARLEN) begin readAddressARRAY <= readAddressARRAY + 1; end end if (readAddressARRAY >= ARLEN) begin readAddressARRAY <= 0; end end endcase end end end always @ (posedge ACLK) // I was working on write channel and streamlining it... begin if ((ARESET != 1'b0) && (SET_ACCESS == 1'b1)) begin if (writeAddressChannelEnabled == 1'b1) begin AWID <= writeTransactionID; AWADDR <= 5'b00000; AWLEN <= 8'b00000011; // AWLEN + 1 Beats in a single burst requested. AWSIZE <= 3'b000; // Size of each Beat = 1 Byte. There are specific codes for each size. AWBURST <= 2'b01; // 00 -> FIXED, 01 -> INCREMENT, 10 -> WRAP. AWVALID <= 1'b1; WLAST <= 1'b0; if (AWREADY == 1'b1) begin doWriteDataStall <= 1'b1; writeAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b0; end end end end always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if ((ARESET != 1'b0) && (SET_ACCESS == 1'b1)) begin if (writeChannelEnabled == 1'b1) begin AWVALID <= 1'b0; WDATA <= coefficientsPoly[writeAddressARRAY]; case (AWBURST) 2'b00: // FIXED Burst Type begin readAddressARRAY <= readAddressARRAY; end 2'b01: // INCREMENT Burst Type begin if (WREADY == 1'b1) begin writeAddressARRAY <= writeAddressARRAY + 1; if (writeAddressARRAY >= AWLEN) begin writeResponseChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; WLAST <= 1'b1; WVALID <= 1'b0; writeAddressARRAY <= 5'bZ; writeChannelEnabled <= 1'b0; end end end 2'b10: // WRAP Burst Type begin if (WREADY == 1'b1) begin writeAddressARRAY <= writeAddressARRAY + 1; if (writeAddressARRAY >= AWLEN) begin writeAddressARRAY <= 0; end end end endcase end end end always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if ((ARESET != 1'b0) && (SET_ACCESS == 1'b1)) begin if (writeResponseChannelEnabled == 1'b1) begin AWID <= 4'bZ; AWADDR <= 5'bZ; AWLEN <= 8'bZ; AWSIZE <= 3'bZ; AWBURST <= 2'bZ; WID <= 4'bZ; WDATA <= 8'bZ; WLAST <= 1'b0; BREADY <= 1'b1; if ((BVALID == 1'b1) && (BID == writeTransactionID)) begin //writeAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; // For repeated Write Transactions. doReadAddressStall <= 1'b1; // (Default) For Read -> Write Transactions and so on. writeStatusBRESP <= BRESP; WDATA <= 8'bZ; writeTransactionID <= writeTransactionID + 1; RELEASE_ACCESS <= 1'b1; // Signal the Interconnect for the end of Slave Access turn. resetReleaseAccess <= 1'b1; // Lower the Release signal again for the next Slave Access turn. writeResponseChannelEnabled <= 1'b0; end end end end always @ (posedge ACLK) begin if (ARESET != 1'b0) begin if (resetReleaseAccess == 1'b1) begin RELEASE_ACCESS <= 1'b0; resetReleaseAccess <= 1'b0; end end end always @ (posedge ACLK) // Custom Mathematical Operation on the Polynomial's Coefficients begin if ((performOperations == 1'b1) && (SET_ACCESS == 1'b1)) begin for (arrayIndex=0; arrayIndex<4; arrayIndex=arrayIndex+1) begin coefficientsPoly[arrayIndex] <= coefficientsPoly[arrayIndex] + 2; end writeAddressChannelEnabled <= 1'b1; performOperations <= 1'b0; end end endmodule
module usbserial_tbx ( input pin_clk, inout pin_usb_p, inout pin_usb_n, output pin_pu, output pin_led, output [3:0] debug ); wire clk_48mhz; wire clk_locked; // Use an icepll generated pll pll pll48( .clock_in(pin_clk), .clock_out(clk_48mhz), .locked( clk_locked ) ); // LED reg [22:0] ledCounter; always @(posedge clk_48mhz) begin ledCounter <= ledCounter + 1; end assign pin_led = ledCounter[ 22 ]; // Generate reset signal reg [5:0] reset_cnt = 0; wire reset = ~reset_cnt[5]; always @(posedge clk_48mhz) if ( clk_locked ) reset_cnt <= reset_cnt + reset; // uart pipeline in wire [7:0] uart_in_data; wire uart_in_valid; wire uart_in_ready; // assign debug = { uart_in_valid, uart_in_ready, reset, clk_48mhz }; wire usb_p_tx; wire usb_n_tx; wire usb_p_rx; wire usb_n_rx; wire usb_tx_en; // usb uart - this instanciates the entire USB device. usb_uart uart ( .clk_48mhz (clk_48mhz), .reset (reset), // pins .pin_usb_p( pin_usb_p ), .pin_usb_n( pin_usb_n ), // uart pipeline in .uart_in_data( uart_in_data ), .uart_in_valid( uart_in_valid ), .uart_in_ready( uart_in_ready ), .uart_out_data( uart_in_data ), .uart_out_valid( uart_in_valid ), .uart_out_ready( uart_in_ready ) //.debug( debug ) ); // USB Host Detect Pull Up assign pin_pu = 1'b1; endmodule
module MUXF7_L ( input wire I0, I1, input wire S, output wire LO ); assign LO = (S) ? I1 : I0; endmodule
module LUT6_D #( parameter [63:0] INIT = 64'h0000000000000000 ) ( input wire I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, output wire LO, output wire O ); wire [5:0] _w_idx = { I5, I4, I3, I2, I1, I0 }; assign LO = INIT[_w_idx]; assign O = INIT[_w_idx]; endmodule
module SRLC16E #( parameter [15:0] INIT = 16'h0, parameter [0:0] IS_CLK_INVERTED = 1'b0 ) ( // Clock input wire CLK, // Clock enable input wire CE, // Bit output position input wire A0, A1, A2, A3, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire Q, // Cascading data out output wire Q15 ); // 32-bit shift register reg [15:0] _r_srl; // Bit position wire [3:0] _w_addr = { A3, A2, A1, A0 }; // Power-up value initial begin _r_srl = INIT; end // Shifter logic generate if (IS_CLK_INVERTED) begin : GEN_CLK_NEG always @(negedge CLK) begin : SHIFTER_16B if (CE) begin _r_srl <= { _r_srl[14:0], D }; end end end else begin : GEN_CLK_POS always @(posedge CLK) begin : SHIFTER_16B if (CE) begin _r_srl <= { _r_srl[14:0], D }; end end end endgenerate // Data out assign Q = _r_srl[_w_addr]; // Cascading data out assign Q15 = _r_srl[15]; endmodule
module FDCE #( parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] IS_D_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] IS_CLR_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0 ) ( // Clock input wire C, // Clock enable input wire CE, // Asynchronous clear input wire CLR, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire Q ); reg _r_Q; wire _w_CLR = CLR ^ IS_CLR_INVERTED; wire _w_D = D ^ IS_D_INVERTED; initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_Q = INIT[0]; end generate if (IS_C_INVERTED) begin : GEN_CLK_NEG always @(negedge C or posedge _w_CLR) begin if (_w_CLR) begin _r_Q <= 1'b0; end else if (CE) begin _r_Q <= _w_D; end end end else begin : GEN_CLK_POS always @(posedge C or posedge _w_CLR) begin if (_w_CLR) begin _r_Q <= 1'b0; end else if (CE) begin _r_Q <= _w_D; end end end endgenerate assign Q = _r_Q; endmodule
module LUT2 #( parameter [3:0] INIT = 4'b0000 ) ( input wire I0, I1, output wire O ); wire [1:0] _w_idx = { I1, I0 }; assign O = INIT[_w_idx]; endmodule
module MUXF7 ( input wire I0, I1, input wire S, output wire O ); assign O = (S) ? I1 : I0; endmodule
module RAM32X1S #( parameter [31:0] INIT = 32'h0, parameter [0:0] IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0 ) ( // Write clock input wire WCLK, // Write enable input wire WE, // Read / Write address input wire A0, input wire A1, input wire A2, input wire A3, input wire A4, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire O ); // Read / Write address wire [4:0] _w_A = { A4, A3, A2, A1, A0 }; // 32 x 1-bit Select RAM reg [31:0] _r_mem; // Power-up value initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_mem = INIT; end // Synchronous memory write generate if (IS_WCLK_INVERTED) begin : GEN_WCLK_NEG always @(negedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem[_w_A] <= D; end end end else begin : GEN_WCLK_POS always @(posedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem[_w_A] <= D; end end end endgenerate // Asynchronous memory read assign O = _r_mem[_w_A]; endmodule
module RAM64M #( parameter [63:0] INIT_A = 64'h0, parameter [63:0] INIT_B = 64'h0, parameter [63:0] INIT_C = 64'h0, parameter [63:0] INIT_D = 64'h0, parameter [0:0] IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0 ) ( // Write clock input wire WCLK, // Write enable input wire WE, // Port A input wire [5:0] ADDRA, input wire DIA, output wire DOA, // Port B input wire [5:0] ADDRB, input wire DIB, output wire DOB, // Port C input wire [5:0] ADDRC, input wire DIC, output wire DOC, // Port D input wire [5:0] ADDRD, input wire DID, output wire DOD ); // 64 x 4-bit Select RAM reg [63:0] _r_mem_a; reg [63:0] _r_mem_b; reg [63:0] _r_mem_c; reg [63:0] _r_mem_d; // Power-up value initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_mem_a = INIT_A; _r_mem_b = INIT_B; _r_mem_c = INIT_C; _r_mem_d = INIT_D; end // Synchronous memory write generate if (IS_WCLK_INVERTED) begin : GEN_WCLK_NEG always @(negedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem_a[ADDRD] <= DIA; _r_mem_b[ADDRD] <= DIB; _r_mem_c[ADDRD] <= DIC; _r_mem_d[ADDRD] <= DID; end end end else begin : GEN_WCLK_POS always @(posedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem_a[ADDRD] <= DIA; _r_mem_b[ADDRD] <= DIB; _r_mem_c[ADDRD] <= DIC; _r_mem_d[ADDRD] <= DID; end end end endgenerate // Asynchronous memory read assign DOA = _r_mem_a[ADDRA]; assign DOB = _r_mem_b[ADDRB]; assign DOC = _r_mem_c[ADDRC]; assign DOD = _r_mem_d[ADDRD]; endmodule
module LUT1 #( parameter [1:0] INIT = 2'b00 ) ( input wire I0, output wire O ); assign O = INIT[I0]; endmodule
module RAM32X1D #( parameter [31:0] INIT = 32'h0, parameter [0:0] IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0 ) ( // Write clock input wire WCLK, // Write enable input wire WE, // Read / Write address input wire A0, input wire A1, input wire A2, input wire A3, input wire A4, // Read address input wire DPRA0, input wire DPRA1, input wire DPRA2, input wire DPRA3, input wire DPRA4, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire SPO, output wire DPO ); // Read / Write address wire [4:0] _w_A = { A4, A3, A2, A1, A0 }; // Read address wire [4:0] _w_DPRA = { DPRA4, DPRA3, DPRA2, DPRA1, DPRA0 }; // 32 x 1-bit Select RAM reg [31:0] _r_mem; // Power-up value initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_mem = INIT; end // Synchronous memory write generate if (IS_WCLK_INVERTED) begin : GEN_WCLK_NEG always @(negedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem[_w_A] <= D; end end end else begin : GEN_WCLK_POS always @(posedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem[_w_A] <= D; end end end endgenerate // Asynchronous memory read assign SPO = _r_mem[_w_A]; assign DPO = _r_mem[_w_DPRA]; endmodule
module BUFG ( input I, output O /* verilator clocker */ ); assign O = I; endmodule
module RAM128X1D #( parameter [127:0] INIT = 128'h0, parameter [0:0] IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0 ) ( // Write clock input wire WCLK, // Write enable input wire WE, // Read / Write address input wire [6:0] A, // Read address input wire [6:0] DPRA, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire SPO, output wire DPO ); // 128 x 1-bit Select RAM reg [127:0] _r_mem; // Power-up value initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_mem = INIT; end // Synchronous memory write generate if (IS_WCLK_INVERTED) begin : GEN_WCLK_NEG always @(negedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem[A] <= D; end end end else begin : GEN_WCLK_POS always @(posedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem[A] <= D; end end end endgenerate // Asynchronous memory read assign SPO = _r_mem[A]; assign DPO = _r_mem[DPRA]; endmodule
module LUT4 #( parameter [15:0] INIT = 16'h0000 ) ( input wire I0, I1, I2, I3, output wire O ); wire [3:0] _w_idx = { I3, I2, I1, I0 }; assign O = INIT[_w_idx]; endmodule
module MUXF9 ( input wire I0, I1, input wire S, output wire O ); assign O = (S) ? I1 : I0; endmodule
module RAM512X1S #( parameter [511:0] INIT = 512'h0, parameter [0:0] IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0 ) ( // Write clock input wire WCLK, // Write enable input wire WE, // Read / Write address input wire [8:0] A, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire O ); // 512 x 1-bit Select RAM reg [511:0] _r_mem; // Power-up value initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_mem = INIT; end // Synchronous memory write generate if (IS_WCLK_INVERTED) begin : GEN_WCLK_NEG always @(negedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem[A] <= D; end end end else begin : GEN_WCLK_POS always @(posedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem[A] <= D; end end end endgenerate // Asynchronous memory read assign O = _r_mem[A]; endmodule
module LUT6_2 #( parameter [63:0] INIT = 64'h0000000000000000 ) ( input wire I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, output wire O5, output wire O6 ); wire [5:0] _w_idx_5 = { 1'b0, I4, I3, I2, I1, I0 }; wire [5:0] _w_idx_6 = { I5, I4, I3, I2, I1, I0 }; assign O5 = INIT[_w_idx_5]; assign O6 = INIT[_w_idx_6]; endmodule
module RAM64X1S #( parameter [63:0] INIT = 64'h0, parameter [0:0] IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0 ) ( // Write clock input wire WCLK, // Write enable input wire WE, // Read / Write address input wire A0, input wire A1, input wire A2, input wire A3, input wire A4, input wire A5, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire O ); // Read / Write address wire [5:0] _w_A = { A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0 }; // 64 x 1-bit Select RAM reg [63:0] _r_mem; // Power-up value initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_mem = INIT; end // Synchronous memory write generate if (IS_WCLK_INVERTED) begin : GEN_WCLK_NEG always @(negedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem[_w_A] <= D; end end end else begin : GEN_WCLK_POS always @(posedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem[_w_A] <= D; end end end endgenerate // Asynchronous memory read assign O = _r_mem[_w_A]; endmodule
module GND ( output wire G ); assign G = 1'b0; endmodule
module MUXF8_L ( input wire I0, I1, input wire S, output wire LO ); assign LO = (S) ? I1 : I0; endmodule
module RAM64X1D #( parameter [63:0] INIT = 64'h0, parameter [0:0] IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0 ) ( // Write clock input wire WCLK, // Write enable input wire WE, // Read / Write address input wire A0, input wire A1, input wire A2, input wire A3, input wire A4, input wire A5, // Read address input wire DPRA0, input wire DPRA1, input wire DPRA2, input wire DPRA3, input wire DPRA4, input wire DPRA5, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire SPO, output wire DPO ); // Read / Write address wire [5:0] _w_A = { A5, A4, A3, A2, A1, A0 }; // Read address wire [5:0] _w_DPRA = { DPRA5, DPRA4, DPRA3, DPRA2, DPRA1, DPRA0 }; // 64 x 1-bit Select RAM reg [63:0] _r_mem; // Power-up value initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_mem = INIT; end // Synchronous memory write generate if (IS_WCLK_INVERTED) begin : GEN_WCLK_NEG always @(negedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem[_w_A] <= D; end end end else begin : GEN_WCLK_POS always @(posedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem[_w_A] <= D; end end end endgenerate // Asynchronous memory read assign SPO = _r_mem[_w_A]; assign DPO = _r_mem[_w_DPRA]; endmodule
module ODDRE1 #( parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] IS_D1_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] IS_D2_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter SIM_DEVICE = "ULTRASCALE", parameter [0:0] SRVAL = 1'b0 ) ( input C, input D1, input D2, input SR, output Q ); wire w_CLK = C ^ IS_C_INVERTED; wire w_D1 = D1 ^ IS_D1_INVERTED; wire w_D2 = D2 ^ IS_D2_INVERTED; wire w_SR; reg [2:0] r_SR_cdc; reg r_Q_p; reg r_D2_p; reg r_Q_n; generate /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */ if ((SIM_DEVICE == "EVEREST") || (SIM_DEVICE == "EVEREST_ES1") || (SIM_DEVICE == "EVEREST_ES2")) begin /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */ assign w_SR = SR; end else begin always @(posedge w_CLK) begin r_SR_cdc <= { r_SR_cdc[1:0], SR }; end assign w_SR = |{ SR, r_SR_cdc }; end endgenerate always @(posedge w_CLK) begin if (w_SR) begin r_Q_p <= SRVAL ^ r_Q_n; r_D2_p <= SRVAL; end else begin r_Q_p <= w_D1 ^ r_Q_n; r_D2_p <= w_D2; end end always @(negedge w_CLK) begin if (w_SR) begin r_Q_n <= SRVAL ^ r_Q_p; end else begin r_Q_n <= r_D2_p ^ r_Q_p; end end assign Q = r_Q_p ^ r_Q_n; endmodule
module LUT5_L #( parameter [31:0] INIT = 32'h00000000 ) ( input wire I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, output wire LO ); wire [4:0] _w_idx = { I4, I3, I2, I1, I0 }; assign LO = INIT[_w_idx]; endmodule
module LDCE #( parameter INIT = 1'b0 ) ( // Asynchronous clear input wire CLR, // Latch input wire G, // Latch enable input wire GE, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire Q ); reg _r_Q; initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_Q = INIT[0]; end always @(CLR or G or GE or D) begin : LATCH if (CLR) begin _r_Q = 1'b0; end else if (G & GE) begin _r_Q = D; end end assign Q = _r_Q; endmodule
module RAM32M16 #( parameter [63:0] INIT_A = 64'h0, parameter [63:0] INIT_B = 64'h0, parameter [63:0] INIT_C = 64'h0, parameter [63:0] INIT_D = 64'h0, parameter [63:0] INIT_E = 64'h0, parameter [63:0] INIT_F = 64'h0, parameter [63:0] INIT_G = 64'h0, parameter [63:0] INIT_H = 64'h0, parameter [0:0] IS_WCLK_INVERTED = 1'b0 ) ( // Write clock input wire WCLK, // Write enable input wire WE, // Port A input wire [4:0] ADDRA, input wire [1:0] DIA, output wire [1:0] DOA, // Port B input wire [4:0] ADDRB, input wire [1:0] DIB, output wire [1:0] DOB, // Port C input wire [4:0] ADDRC, input wire [1:0] DIC, output wire [1:0] DOC, // Port D input wire [4:0] ADDRD, input wire [1:0] DID, output wire [1:0] DOD, // Port E input wire [4:0] ADDRE, input wire [1:0] DIE, output wire [1:0] DOE, // Port F input wire [4:0] ADDRF, input wire [1:0] DIF, output wire [1:0] DOF, // Port G input wire [4:0] ADDRG, input wire [1:0] DIG, output wire [1:0] DOG, // Port H input wire [4:0] ADDRH, input wire [1:0] DIH, output wire [1:0] DOH ); // 64 x 8-bit Select RAM reg [63:0] _r_mem_a; reg [63:0] _r_mem_b; reg [63:0] _r_mem_c; reg [63:0] _r_mem_d; reg [63:0] _r_mem_e; reg [63:0] _r_mem_f; reg [63:0] _r_mem_g; reg [63:0] _r_mem_h; // Power-up value initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_mem_a = INIT_A; _r_mem_b = INIT_B; _r_mem_c = INIT_C; _r_mem_d = INIT_D; _r_mem_e = INIT_E; _r_mem_f = INIT_F; _r_mem_g = INIT_G; _r_mem_h = INIT_H; end // Synchronous memory write generate if (IS_WCLK_INVERTED) begin : GEN_WCLK_NEG always @(negedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem_a[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIA; _r_mem_b[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIB; _r_mem_c[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIC; _r_mem_d[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DID; _r_mem_e[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIE; _r_mem_f[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIF; _r_mem_g[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIG; _r_mem_h[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIH; end end end else begin : GEN_WCLK_POS always @(posedge WCLK) begin : MEM_WRITE if (WE) begin _r_mem_a[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIA; _r_mem_b[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIB; _r_mem_c[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIC; _r_mem_d[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DID; _r_mem_e[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIE; _r_mem_f[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIF; _r_mem_g[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIG; _r_mem_h[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2] <= DIH; end end end endgenerate // Asynchronous memory read assign DOA = _r_mem_a[{ ADDRA, 1'b0 } +: 2]; assign DOB = _r_mem_b[{ ADDRB, 1'b0 } +: 2]; assign DOC = _r_mem_c[{ ADDRC, 1'b0 } +: 2]; assign DOD = _r_mem_d[{ ADDRD, 1'b0 } +: 2]; assign DOE = _r_mem_e[{ ADDRE, 1'b0 } +: 2]; assign DOF = _r_mem_f[{ ADDRF, 1'b0 } +: 2]; assign DOG = _r_mem_g[{ ADDRG, 1'b0 } +: 2]; assign DOH = _r_mem_h[{ ADDRH, 1'b0 } +: 2]; endmodule
module LDPE #( parameter INIT = 1'b0 ) ( // Asynchronous preset input wire PRE, // Latch input wire G, // Latch enable input wire GE, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire Q ); reg _r_Q; initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_Q = INIT[0]; end always @(PRE or G or GE or D) begin : LATCH if (PRE) begin _r_Q = 1'b1; end else if (G & GE) begin _r_Q = D; end end assign Q = _r_Q; endmodule
module BUFGCE_DIV #( parameter integer BUFGCE_DIVIDE = 1, parameter CE_TYPE = "SYNC", parameter HARDSYNC_CLR = "FALSE", parameter [0:0] IS_CE_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] IS_CLR_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] IS_I_INVERTED = 1'b0 ) ( input I, input CE, input CLR, output reg O /* verilator clocker */ ); wire w_CLK = I ^ IS_I_INVERTED; wire w_CE; wire w_CLR; wire [2:0] w_DIV = BUFGCE_DIVIDE[2:0] - 3'd1; reg [2:0] r_CE_cdc; reg [2:0] r_CLR_cdc; reg [2:0] r_clk_div; initial begin r_CE_cdc = 3'b000; r_CLR_cdc = 3'b000; r_clk_div = 3'd0; end always @(negedge w_CLK) begin if (HARDSYNC_CLR == "FALSE") begin r_CLR_cdc <= 3'b0; end else begin r_CLR_cdc <= {r_CLR_cdc[1:0], CLR ^ IS_CLR_INVERTED }; end end assign w_CLR = (HARDSYNC_CLR == "FALSE") ? CLR ^ IS_CLR_INVERTED : (HARDSYNC_CLR == "TRUE") ? r_CLR_cdc[2] : 1'b0; always @(posedge w_CLR or negedge w_CLK) begin if (w_CLR) begin r_CE_cdc <= 3'b000; end else begin r_CE_cdc <= { r_CE_cdc[1:0], CE ^ IS_CE_INVERTED }; end end assign w_CE = (CE_TYPE == "SYNC") ? r_CE_cdc[0] : (CE_TYPE == "HARDSYNC") ? r_CE_cdc[2] : 1'b0; always @(posedge I) begin if (w_CLR) begin r_clk_div <= (w_DIV[2:1] == 2'b10) ? 3'd1 : 3'd0; end else if (w_CE | O) begin if (w_DIV[2:1] == 2'b10) begin r_clk_div <= (r_clk_div == (w_DIV + 3'd1)) ? 3'd1 : r_clk_div + 3'd1; end else begin r_clk_div <= (r_clk_div == w_DIV) ? 3'd0 : r_clk_div + 3'd1; end end end always @(*) begin casez (w_DIV) 3'b000 : O = I & w_CE; 3'b001 : O = r_clk_div[0]; 3'b01? : O = r_clk_div[1]; 3'b1?? : O = r_clk_div[2]; endcase end endmodule
module MUXF7_D ( input wire I0, I1, input wire S, output wire LO, output wire O ); assign LO = (S) ? I1 : I0; assign O = (S) ? I1 : I0; endmodule
module IBUFDS_GTE3 #( parameter [0:0] REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH = 1'b0, parameter [1:0] REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL = 2'b00, parameter [1:0] REFCLK_ICNTL_RX = 2'b00 ) ( // Clock input input I, input IB, // Clock enable input CEB, // Clock outputs output O /* verilator clocker */, output reg ODIV2 /* verilator clocker */ ); reg r_IDIV2; initial begin r_IDIV2 = 1'b0; end always @ (posedge I) begin r_IDIV2 <= (CEB) ? 1'b0 : ~r_IDIV2; end always @(*) begin case (REFCLK_HROW_CK_SEL) 2'b00 : ODIV2 = (REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH | CEB) ? 1'b0 : I; 2'b01 : ODIV2 = r_IDIV2; default : ODIV2 = 1'b0; endcase end assign O = (REFCLK_EN_TX_PATH | CEB) ? 1'b0 : I; endmodule
module SRLC32E #( parameter [31:0] INIT = 32'h0, parameter [0:0] IS_CLK_INVERTED = 1'b0 ) ( // Clock input wire CLK, // Clock enable input wire CE, // Bit output position input wire [4:0] A, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire Q, // Cascading data out output wire Q31 ); // 32-bit shift register reg [31:0] _r_srl; // Power-up value initial begin _r_srl = INIT; end // Shifter logic generate if (IS_CLK_INVERTED) begin : GEN_CLK_NEG always @(negedge CLK) begin : SHIFTER_32B if (CE) begin _r_srl <= { _r_srl[30:0], D }; end end end else begin : GEN_CLK_POS always @(posedge CLK) begin : SHIFTER_32B if (CE) begin _r_srl <= { _r_srl[30:0], D }; end end end endgenerate // Data out assign Q = _r_srl[A]; // Cascading data out assign Q31 = _r_srl[31]; endmodule
module VCC ( output wire P ); assign P = 1'b1; endmodule
module CFGLUT5 #( parameter [31:0] INIT = 32'h00000000, parameter [0:0] IS_CLK_INVERTED = 1'b0 ) ( // Clock input wire CLK, // Clock enable input wire CE, // LUT inputs input wire I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, // LUT configuration data input input wire CDI, // LUT configuration data output output wire CDO, // LUT4 output output wire O5, // LUT5 output output wire O6 ); reg [31:0] _r_sreg; initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_sreg = INIT; end generate if (IS_CLK_INVERTED) begin : GEN_CLK_NEG always @(negedge CLK) begin if (CE) begin _r_sreg <= { _r_sreg[30:0], CDI }; end end end else begin : GEN_CLK_POS always @(posedge CLK) begin if (CE) begin _r_sreg <= { _r_sreg[30:0], CDI }; end end end endgenerate assign O6 = _r_sreg[{ I4, I3, I2, I1, I0 }]; assign O5 = _r_sreg[{ 1'b0, I3, I2, I1, I0 }]; assign CDO = _r_sreg[31]; endmodule
module MUXF8 ( input wire I0, I1, input wire S, output wire O ); assign O = (S) ? I1 : I0; endmodule
module FDSE #( parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] IS_D_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] IS_S_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b1 ) ( // Clock input wire C, // Clock enable input wire CE, // Synchronous set input wire S, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire Q ); reg _r_Q; wire _w_D = D ^ IS_D_INVERTED; wire _w_S = S ^ IS_S_INVERTED; initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_Q = INIT[0]; end generate if (IS_C_INVERTED) begin : GEN_CLK_NEG always @(negedge C) begin if (_w_S) begin _r_Q <= 1'b1; end else if (CE) begin _r_Q <= _w_D; end end end else begin : GEN_CLK_POS always @(posedge C) begin if (_w_S) begin _r_Q <= 1'b1; end else if (CE) begin _r_Q <= _w_D; end end end endgenerate assign Q = _r_Q; endmodule
module MUXF8_D ( input wire I0, I1, input wire S, output wire LO, output wire O ); assign LO = (S) ? I1 : I0; assign O = (S) ? I1 : I0; endmodule
module LUT3 #( parameter [7:0] INIT = 8'b00000000 ) ( input wire I0, I1, I2, output wire O ); wire [2:0] _w_idx = { I2, I1, I0 }; assign O = INIT[_w_idx]; endmodule
module LUT5 #( parameter [31:0] INIT = 32'h00000000 ) ( input wire I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, output wire O ); wire [4:0] _w_idx = { I4, I3, I2, I1, I0 }; assign O = INIT[_w_idx]; endmodule
module BUFG_GT ( input I, input [2:0] DIV, input CE, input CEMASK, input CLR, input CLRMASK, output O /* verilator clocker */ ); reg [1:0] r_CE_cdc; wire w_CE_msk; reg r_CE_msk; reg [1:0] r_CLR_cdc; wire w_CLR_msk; reg [2:0] r_clk_div; /* verilator lint_off MULTIDRIVEN */ reg r_O; /* verilator lint_on MULTIDRIVEN */ initial begin r_CE_cdc = 2'b00; r_CE_msk = 1'b0; r_CLR_cdc = 2'b00; r_clk_div = 3'd0; end always @(posedge I) begin r_CE_cdc <= { r_CE_cdc[0], CE }; end assign w_CE_msk = r_CE_cdc[1] | CEMASK; always @(negedge I) begin if (w_CLR_msk) begin r_CE_msk <= 1'b0; end else begin r_CE_msk <= w_CE_msk; end end always @(posedge CLR or posedge I) begin if (CLR) begin r_CLR_cdc <= 2'b11; end else begin r_CLR_cdc <= { r_CLR_cdc[0], 1'b0 }; end end assign w_CLR_msk = r_CLR_cdc[1] & ~CLRMASK; always @(posedge I) begin if (w_CLR_msk) begin r_clk_div <= (DIV[2:1] == 2'b10) ? 3'd1 : 3'd0; end else if (r_CE_msk | O) begin if (DIV[2:1] == 2'b10) begin r_clk_div <= (r_clk_div == (DIV + 3'd1)) ? 3'd1 : r_clk_div + 3'd1; end else begin r_clk_div <= (r_clk_div == DIV) ? 3'd0 : r_clk_div + 3'd1; end end end always @(posedge I) begin casez (DIV) 3'b000 : r_O <= r_CE_msk; 3'b001 : r_O <= r_clk_div[0]; 3'b01? : r_O <= r_clk_div[1]; 3'b1?? : r_O <= r_clk_div[2]; endcase end always @(negedge I) begin if (DIV == 3'b000) begin r_O <= 1'b0; end end assign O = r_O; endmodule
module IBUFDS #( parameter CAPACITANCE = "DONT_CARE", parameter DIFF_TERM = "FALSE", parameter DQS_BIAS = "FALSE", parameter IBUF_DELAY_VALUE = "0", parameter IBUF_LOW_PWR = "TRUE", parameter IFD_DELAY_VALUE = "AUTO", parameter IOSTANDARD = "DEFAULT" ) ( // Clock input input I, input IB, // Clock outputs output O /* verilator clocker */ ); assign O = I; endmodule
module CARRY8 #( parameter CARRY_TYPE = "SINGLE_CY8" // "SINGLE_CY8", "DUAL_CY4" ) ( // Carry cascade input input wire CI, // Second carry input (in DUAL_CY4 mode) input wire CI_TOP, // Carry MUX data input input wire [7:0] DI, // Carry MUX select line input wire [7:0] S, // Carry out of each stage of the chain output wire [7:0] CO, // Carry chain XOR general data out output wire [7:0] O ); wire _w_CO0 = (S[0]) ? CI : DI[0]; wire _w_CO1 = (S[1]) ? _w_CO0 : DI[1]; wire _w_CO2 = (S[2]) ? _w_CO1 : DI[2]; wire _w_CO3 = (S[3]) ? _w_CO2 : DI[3]; wire _w_CI = (CARRY_TYPE == "DUAL_CY4") ? CI_TOP : _w_CO3; wire _w_CO4 = (S[4]) ? _w_CI : DI[4]; wire _w_CO5 = (S[5]) ? _w_CO4 : DI[5]; wire _w_CO6 = (S[6]) ? _w_CO5 : DI[6]; wire _w_CO7 = (S[7]) ? _w_CO6 : DI[7]; assign CO = { _w_CO7, _w_CO6, _w_CO5, _w_CO4, _w_CO3, _w_CO2, _w_CO1, _w_CO0 }; assign O = S ^ { _w_CO6, _w_CO5, _w_CO4, _w_CI, _w_CO2, _w_CO1, _w_CO0, CI }; endmodule
module FDRE #( parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] IS_D_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] IS_R_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0 ) ( // Clock input wire C, // Clock enable input wire CE, // Synchronous reset input wire R, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire Q ); reg _r_Q; wire _w_D = D ^ IS_D_INVERTED; wire _w_R = R ^ IS_R_INVERTED; initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_Q = INIT[0]; end generate if (IS_C_INVERTED) begin : GEN_CLK_NEG always @(negedge C) begin if (_w_R) begin _r_Q <= 1'b0; end else if (CE) begin _r_Q <= _w_D; end end end else begin : GEN_CLK_POS always @(posedge C) begin if (_w_R) begin _r_Q <= 1'b0; end else if (CE) begin _r_Q <= _w_D; end end end endgenerate assign Q = _r_Q; endmodule
module FDPE #( parameter [0:0] IS_C_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] IS_D_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] IS_PRE_INVERTED = 1'b0, parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0 ) ( // Clock input wire C, // Clock enable input wire CE, // Asynchronous preset input wire PRE, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire Q ); reg _r_Q; wire _w_PRE = PRE ^ IS_PRE_INVERTED; wire _w_D = D ^ IS_D_INVERTED; initial begin : INIT_STATE _r_Q = INIT[0]; end generate if (IS_C_INVERTED) begin : GEN_CLK_NEG always @(negedge C or posedge _w_PRE) begin if (_w_PRE) begin _r_Q <= 1'b1; end else if (CE) begin _r_Q <= _w_D; end end end else begin : GEN_CLK_POS always @(posedge C or posedge _w_PRE) begin if (_w_PRE) begin _r_Q <= 1'b1; end else if (CE) begin _r_Q <= _w_D; end end end endgenerate assign Q = _r_Q; endmodule
module SRL16E #( parameter [15:0] INIT = 16'h0, parameter [0:0] IS_CLK_INVERTED = 1'b0 ) ( // Clock input wire CLK, // Clock enable input wire CE, // Bit output position input wire A0, A1, A2, A3, // Data in input wire D, // Data out output wire Q ); wire [3:0] _w_addr = { A3, A2, A1, A0 }; // 16-bit shift register reg [15:0] _r_srl; // Power-up value initial begin _r_srl = INIT; end // Shifter logic generate if (IS_CLK_INVERTED) begin : GEN_CLK_NEG always @(negedge CLK) begin : SHIFTER_16B if (CE) begin _r_srl <= { _r_srl[14:0], D }; end end end else begin : GEN_CLK_POS always @(posedge CLK) begin : SHIFTER_16B if (CE) begin _r_srl <= { _r_srl[14:0], D }; end end end endgenerate // Data out assign Q = _r_srl[_w_addr]; endmodule
module LUT5_D #( parameter [31:0] INIT = 32'h00000000 ) ( input wire I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, output wire LO, output wire O ); wire [4:0] _w_idx = { I4, I3, I2, I1, I0 }; assign LO = INIT[_w_idx]; assign O = INIT[_w_idx]; endmodule
module CARRY4 ( // Carry cascade input input wire CI, // input wire CYINIT, // Carry MUX data input input wire [3:0] DI, // Carry MUX select line input wire [3:0] S, // Carry out of each stage of the chain output wire [3:0] CO, // Carry chain XOR general data out output wire [3:0] O ); wire _w_CO0 = S[0] ? CI | CYINIT : DI[0]; wire _w_CO1 = S[1] ? _w_CO0 : DI[1]; wire _w_CO2 = S[2] ? _w_CO1 : DI[2]; wire _w_CO3 = S[3] ? _w_CO2 : DI[3]; assign CO = { _w_CO3, _w_CO2, _w_CO1, _w_CO0 }; assign O = S ^ { _w_CO2, _w_CO1, _w_CO0, CI | CYINIT }; endmodule
module mult_pipe2 #( parameter SIZE = 16, parameter LVL = 2 ) ( a, b, clk, pdt) ; /* * parameter 'SIZE' is the width of multiplier/multiplicand;.Application Notes 10-5 * parameter '' is the intended number of stages of the * pipelined multiplier; * which is typically the smallest integer greater than or equal * to base 2 logarithm of 'SIZE' */ input [SIZE-1 : 0] a; input [SIZE-1 : 0] b; input clk; output wire [2*SIZE-1 : 0] pdt; reg [SIZE-1 : 0] a_int, b_int; reg [2*SIZE-1 : 0] pdt_int [LVL-1 : 0]; integer i; assign pdt = pdt_int [LVL-1]; always @ (posedge clk) begin // registering input of the multiplier a_int <= a; b_int <= b; for(i=1; i <LVL ; i = i + 1) pdt_int[i] <= pdt_int [i-1]; pdt_int[0] <= a_int * b_int; end // always @ (posedge clk) endmodule // pipelined_multiplier
module psum_spad(clk, addr, we, data_port); // 24 * 16bit input clk; input [4:0] addr; input we; // write enable signal, 0: Read; 1: Write inout [15:0] data_port; reg [15:0] data_out; reg [15:0] mem [23:0]; // 24 * 16bit assign data_port = !we ? data_out : 16'bz; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (we) mem[addr] <= data_port; else begin data_out <= mem[addr]; end end endmodule
module dual_clock_fifo #( parameter ADDR_WIDTH = 3, parameter DATA_WIDTH = 16 ) ( input wire wr_rst_i, input wire wr_clk_i, input wire wr_en_i, input wire [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] wr_data_i, input wire rd_rst_i, input wire rd_clk_i, input wire rd_en_i, output reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] rd_data_o, output reg full_o, output reg empty_o ); reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] wr_addr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] wr_addr_gray; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] wr_addr_gray_rd; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] wr_addr_gray_rd_r; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rd_addr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rd_addr_gray; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rd_addr_gray_wr; reg [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] rd_addr_gray_wr_r; function [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] gray_conv; input [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] in; begin gray_conv = {in[ADDR_WIDTH-1], in[ADDR_WIDTH-2:0] ^ in[ADDR_WIDTH-1:1]}; end endfunction always @(posedge wr_clk_i) begin if (wr_rst_i) begin wr_addr <= 0; wr_addr_gray <= 0; end else if (wr_en_i) begin wr_addr <= wr_addr + 1'b1; wr_addr_gray <= gray_conv(wr_addr + 1'b1); end end // synchronize read address to write clock domain always @(posedge wr_clk_i) begin rd_addr_gray_wr <= rd_addr_gray; rd_addr_gray_wr_r <= rd_addr_gray_wr; end always @(posedge wr_clk_i) if (wr_rst_i) full_o <= 0; else if (wr_en_i) full_o <= gray_conv(wr_addr + 2) == rd_addr_gray_wr_r; else full_o <= full_o & (gray_conv(wr_addr + 1'b1) == rd_addr_gray_wr_r); always @(posedge rd_clk_i) begin if (rd_rst_i) begin rd_addr <= 0; rd_addr_gray <= 0; end else if (rd_en_i) begin rd_addr <= rd_addr + 1'b1; rd_addr_gray <= gray_conv(rd_addr + 1'b1); end end // synchronize write address to read clock domain always @(posedge rd_clk_i) begin wr_addr_gray_rd <= wr_addr_gray; wr_addr_gray_rd_r <= wr_addr_gray_rd; end always @(posedge rd_clk_i) if (rd_rst_i) empty_o <= 1'b1; else if (rd_en_i) empty_o <= gray_conv(rd_addr + 1) == wr_addr_gray_rd_r; else empty_o <= empty_o & (gray_conv(rd_addr) == wr_addr_gray_rd_r); // generate dual clocked memory reg [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] mem[(1<<ADDR_WIDTH)-1:0]; always @(posedge rd_clk_i) if (rd_en_i) rd_data_o <= mem[rd_addr]; always @(posedge wr_clk_i) if (wr_en_i) mem[wr_addr] <= wr_data_i; endmodule
module clacc_mem (ipf_valid, ipf_data, ipf_addr, clk); input ipf_valid; input [13:0] ipf_addr; input [7:0] ipf_data; input clk; reg [7:0] ipf_M [0:16383]; integer i; initial begin for (i=0; i<=16383; i=i+1) ipf_M[i] = 0; end always@(negedge clk) if (ipf_valid) ipf_M[ ipf_addr ] <= ipf_data; endmodule
module counter_5to3(x, y); input [4:0] x; output [2:0] y; assign y[2:0] = (x[4:0] == 5'b00000) ? 3'b000 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b00001) ? 3'b001 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b00010) ? 3'b001 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b00100) ? 3'b001 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b01000) ? 3'b001 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b10000) ? 3'b001 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b00011) ? 3'b010 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b00110) ? 3'b010 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b01100) ? 3'b010 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b11000) ? 3'b010 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b00101) ? 3'b010 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b01010) ? 3'b010 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b10100) ? 3'b010 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b01001) ? 3'b010 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b10010) ? 3'b010 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b10001) ? 3'b010 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b11100) ? 3'b011 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b11001) ? 3'b011 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b10011) ? 3'b011 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b00111) ? 3'b011 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b11010) ? 3'b011 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b10101) ? 3'b011 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b01011) ? 3'b011 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b10110) ? 3'b011 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b01101) ? 3'b011 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b01110) ? 3'b011 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b01111) ? 3'b100 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b10111) ? 3'b100 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b11011) ? 3'b100 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b11101) ? 3'b100 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b11110) ? 3'b100 : ( x[4:0] == 5'b11111) ? 3'b101 : 3'b111; endmodule
module bs_mult_slice(clk, xy, pin, cin, rin, x, y, pout, cout, rout, lastbit); input clk; input xy, pin, cin, rin, x, y, lastbit; output pout, cout, rout; wire [2:0] cout_int; reg cout; reg rout; wire a, b; reg pin_delay; reg x_delay; reg y_delay; reg cout1_delay; assign a = x_delay & y; assign b = x & y_delay; assign pout = (rin == 1'b1) ? xy : cout_int[0]; counter_5to3 I0(.x({a, b, pin_delay, cin, cout1_delay}), .y(cout_int)); always @ (posedge clk) begin if(lastbit) begin x_delay <= 1'b0; y_delay <= 1'b0; pin_delay <= 1'b0; cout1_delay <= 1'b0; cout <= 1'b0; rout <= 1'b0; end else begin if(rin) begin x_delay <= x; y_delay <= y; end pin_delay <= pin; cout1_delay <= cout_int[1]; cout <= cout_int[2]; rout <= rin; end end endmodule
module filter_spad(clk, addr, we, data_port); // 224 * 16bit input clk; input [7:0] addr; input we; // write enable signal, 0: Read; 1: Write inout [15:0] data_port; reg [15:0] data_out; reg [15:0] mem [223:0]; // 12 * 16bit assign data_port = !we ? data_out : 16'bz; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (we) mem[addr] <= data_port; else begin data_out <= mem[addr]; end end endmodule
module ifmap_spad(clk, addr, we, data_port); // 12 * 16bit input clk; input [3:0] addr; input we; // write enable signal, 0: Read; 1: Write inout [15:0] data_port; reg [15:0] data_out; reg [15:0] mem [11:0]; // 12 * 16bit assign data_port = !we ? data_out : 16'bz; always @ (posedge clk) begin if (we) mem[addr] <= data_port; else begin data_out <= mem[addr]; end end endmodule
module bs_adder(x, y, clk, z, rst); input x, y, clk, rst; output reg z; reg cin_int; wire sum_int; fa I0(.x(x), .y(y), .cin(cin_int), .cout(cout_int), .sum(sum_int)); always @ (posedge clk) begin if(rst) begin cin_int <= 1'b0; z <= 1'b0; end else begin cin_int <= cout_int; z <= sum_int; end end endmodule
module bs_mult(clk, x, y, p, firstbit, lastbit); input clk; input x, y, firstbit, lastbit; output p; assign xy = x & y; wire [29:0] pout; wire [30:0] rout; wire [30:0] cout; bs_mult_slice I0(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[0]), .cin(1'b0), .rin(firstbit), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(p), .cout(cout[0]), .rout(rout[0]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I1(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[1]), .cin(cout[0]), .rin(rout[0]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[0]), .cout(cout[1]), .rout(rout[1]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I2(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[2]), .cin(cout[1]), .rin(rout[1]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[1]), .cout(cout[2]), .rout(rout[2]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I3(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[3]), .cin(cout[2]), .rin(rout[2]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[2]), .cout(cout[3]), .rout(rout[3]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I4(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[4]), .cin(cout[3]), .rin(rout[3]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[3]), .cout(cout[4]), .rout(rout[4]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I5(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[5]), .cin(cout[4]), .rin(rout[4]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[4]), .cout(cout[5]), .rout(rout[5]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I6(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[6]), .cin(cout[5]), .rin(rout[5]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[5]), .cout(cout[6]), .rout(rout[6]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I7(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[7]), .cin(cout[6]), .rin(rout[6]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[6]), .cout(cout[7]), .rout(rout[7]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I8(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[8]), .cin(cout[7]), .rin(rout[7]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[7]), .cout(cout[8]), .rout(rout[8]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I9(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[9]), .cin(cout[8]), .rin(rout[8]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[8]), .cout(cout[9]), .rout(rout[9]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I10(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[10]), .cin(cout[9]), .rin(rout[9]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[9]), .cout(cout[10]), .rout(rout[10]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I11(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[11]), .cin(cout[10]), .rin(rout[10]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[10]), .cout(cout[11]), .rout(rout[11]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I12(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[12]), .cin(cout[11]), .rin(rout[11]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[11]), .cout(cout[12]), .rout(rout[12]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I13(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[13]), .cin(cout[12]), .rin(rout[12]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[12]), .cout(cout[13]), .rout(rout[13]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I14(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[14]), .cin(cout[13]), .rin(rout[13]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[13]), .cout(cout[14]), .rout(rout[14]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I15(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[15]), .cin(cout[14]), .rin(rout[14]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[14]), .cout(cout[15]), .rout(rout[15]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I16(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[16]), .cin(cout[15]), .rin(rout[15]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[15]), .cout(cout[16]), .rout(rout[16]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I17(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[17]), .cin(cout[16]), .rin(rout[16]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[16]), .cout(cout[17]), .rout(rout[17]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I18(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[18]), .cin(cout[17]), .rin(rout[17]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[17]), .cout(cout[18]), .rout(rout[18]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I19(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[19]), .cin(cout[18]), .rin(rout[18]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[18]), .cout(cout[19]), .rout(rout[19]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I20(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[20]), .cin(cout[19]), .rin(rout[19]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[19]), .cout(cout[20]), .rout(rout[20]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I21(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[21]), .cin(cout[20]), .rin(rout[20]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[20]), .cout(cout[21]), .rout(rout[21]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I22(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[22]), .cin(cout[21]), .rin(rout[21]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[21]), .cout(cout[22]), .rout(rout[22]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I23(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[23]), .cin(cout[22]), .rin(rout[22]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[22]), .cout(cout[23]), .rout(rout[23]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I24(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[24]), .cin(cout[23]), .rin(rout[23]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[23]), .cout(cout[24]), .rout(rout[24]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I25(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[25]), .cin(cout[24]), .rin(rout[24]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[24]), .cout(cout[25]), .rout(rout[25]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I26(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[26]), .cin(cout[25]), .rin(rout[25]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[25]), .cout(cout[26]), .rout(rout[26]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I27(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[27]), .cin(cout[26]), .rin(rout[26]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[26]), .cout(cout[27]), .rout(rout[27]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I28(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[28]), .cin(cout[27]), .rin(rout[27]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[27]), .cout(cout[28]), .rout(rout[28]), .lastbit(lastbit)); bs_mult_slice I29(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pout[29]), .cin(cout[28]), .rin(rout[28]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[28]), .cout(cout[29]), .rout(rout[29]), .lastbit(lastbit)); wire pin_last = (rout[30] == 1)? xy : cout[30] ; bs_mult_slice I30(.clk(clk), .xy(xy), .pin(pin_last), .cin(cout[29]), .rin(rout[29]), .x(x), .y(y), .pout(pout[29]), .cout(cout[30]), .rout(rout[30]), .lastbit(lastbit)); endmodule
module ha(x, y, cout, sum); input x, y; output cout, sum; assign sum = x ^ y; assign cout = x & y; endmodule
module fa(x, y, cin, cout, sum); input x, y, cin; output cout, sum; wire cout_int, cout_int2; wire sum_int; ha I0(.x(x), .y(y), .cout(cout_int), .sum(sum_int)); ha I1(.x(sum_int), .y(cin), .cout(cout_int2), .sum(sum)); assign cout = cout_int | cout_int2; endmodule
module multiplier( input_a, input_b, input_a_stb, input_b_stb, output_z_ack, clk, rst, output_z, output_z_stb, input_a_ack, input_b_ack); input clk; input rst; input [31:0] input_a; input input_a_stb; output input_a_ack; input [31:0] input_b; input input_b_stb; output input_b_ack; output reg [31:0] output_z; output output_z_stb; input output_z_ack; reg s_output_z_stb; // reg [31:0] output_z; reg s_input_a_ack; reg s_input_b_ack; reg [3:0] state; parameter get_a = 4'd0, get_b = 4'd1, unpack = 4'd2, special_cases = 4'd3, normalise_a = 4'd4, normalise_b = 4'd5, multiply_0 = 4'd6, multiply_1 = 4'd7, normalise_1 = 4'd8, normalise_2 = 4'd9, round = 4'd10, pack = 4'd11, put_z = 4'd12; reg [31:0] a, b, z; reg [23:0] a_m, b_m, z_m; reg [9:0] a_e, b_e, z_e; reg a_s, b_s, z_s; reg guard, round_bit, sticky; reg [49:0] product; always @(posedge clk) begin case(state) get_a: begin s_input_a_ack <= 1; if (s_input_a_ack && input_a_stb) begin a <= input_a; s_input_a_ack <= 0; state <= get_b; end end get_b: begin s_input_b_ack <= 1; if (s_input_b_ack && input_b_stb) begin b <= input_b; s_input_b_ack <= 0; state <= unpack; end end unpack: begin a_m <= a[22 : 0]; b_m <= b[22 : 0]; a_e <= a[30 : 23] - 127; b_e <= b[30 : 23] - 127; a_s <= a[31]; b_s <= b[31]; state <= special_cases; end special_cases: begin //if a is NaN or b is NaN return NaN if ((a_e == 128 && a_m != 0) || (b_e == 128 && b_m != 0)) begin z[31] <= 1; z[30:23] <= 255; z[22] <= 1; z[21:0] <= 0; state <= put_z; //if a is inf return inf end else if (a_e == 128) begin z[31] <= a_s ^ b_s; z[30:23] <= 255; z[22:0] <= 0; //if b is zero return NaN if (($signed(b_e) == -127) && (b_m == 0)) begin z[31] <= 1; z[30:23] <= 255; z[22] <= 1; z[21:0] <= 0; end state <= put_z; //if b is inf return inf end else if (b_e == 128) begin z[31] <= a_s ^ b_s; z[30:23] <= 255; z[22:0] <= 0; //if a is zero return NaN if (($signed(a_e) == -127) && (a_m == 0)) begin z[31] <= 1; z[30:23] <= 255; z[22] <= 1; z[21:0] <= 0; end state <= put_z; //if a is zero return zero end else if (($signed(a_e) == -127) && (a_m == 0)) begin z[31] <= a_s ^ b_s; z[30:23] <= 0; z[22:0] <= 0; state <= put_z; //if b is zero return zero end else if (($signed(b_e) == -127) && (b_m == 0)) begin z[31] <= a_s ^ b_s; z[30:23] <= 0; z[22:0] <= 0; state <= put_z; end else begin //Denormalised Number if ($signed(a_e) == -127) begin a_e <= -126; end else begin a_m[23] <= 1; end //Denormalised Number if ($signed(b_e) == -127) begin b_e <= -126; end else begin b_m[23] <= 1; end state <= normalise_a; end end normalise_a: begin if (a_m[23]) begin state <= normalise_b; end else begin a_m <= a_m << 1; a_e <= a_e - 1; end end normalise_b: begin if (b_m[23]) begin state <= multiply_0; end else begin b_m <= b_m << 1; b_e <= b_e - 1; end end multiply_0: begin z_s <= a_s ^ b_s; z_e <= a_e + b_e + 1; product <= a_m * b_m * 4; state <= multiply_1; end multiply_1: begin z_m <= product[49:26]; guard <= product[25]; round_bit <= product[24]; sticky <= (product[23:0] != 0); state <= normalise_1; end normalise_1: begin if (z_m[23] == 0) begin z_e <= z_e - 1; z_m <= z_m << 1; z_m[0] <= guard; guard <= round_bit; round_bit <= 0; end else begin state <= normalise_2; end end normalise_2: begin if ($signed(z_e) < -126) begin z_e <= z_e + 1; z_m <= z_m >> 1; guard <= z_m[0]; round_bit <= guard; sticky <= sticky | round_bit; end else begin state <= round; end end round: begin if (guard && (round_bit | sticky | z_m[0])) begin z_m <= z_m + 1; if (z_m == 24'hffffff) begin z_e <=z_e + 1; end end state <= pack; end pack: begin z[22 : 0] <= z_m[22:0]; z[30 : 23] <= z_e[7:0] + 127; z[31] <= z_s; if ($signed(z_e) == -126 && z_m[23] == 0) begin z[30 : 23] <= 0; end //if overflow occurs, return inf if ($signed(z_e) > 127) begin z[22 : 0] <= 0; z[30 : 23] <= 255; z[31] <= z_s; end state <= put_z; end put_z: begin s_output_z_stb <= 1; output_z <= z; if (s_output_z_stb && output_z_ack) begin s_output_z_stb <= 0; state <= get_a; end end endcase if (rst == 1) begin state <= get_a; s_input_a_ack <= 0; s_input_b_ack <= 0; s_output_z_stb <= 0; output_z <= 0; a <= 0; b <= 0; z <= 0; a_m <= 0; b_m <= 0; z_m <= 0; a_e <= 0; b_e <= 0; z_m <= 0; end end assign input_a_ack = s_input_a_ack; assign input_b_ack = s_input_b_ack; assign output_z_stb = s_output_z_stb; // assign output_z = output_z; endmodule
module adder( input_a, input_b, input_a_stb, input_b_stb, output_z_ack, clk, rst, output_z, output_z_stb, input_a_ack, input_b_ack); input clk; input rst; input [31:0] input_a; input input_a_stb; output input_a_ack; input [31:0] input_b; input input_b_stb; output input_b_ack; output reg [31:0] output_z; output output_z_stb; input output_z_ack; reg s_output_z_stb; // reg [31:0] output_z; reg s_input_a_ack; reg s_input_b_ack; reg [3:0] state; parameter get_a = 4'd0, get_b = 4'd1, unpack = 4'd2, special_cases = 4'd3, align = 4'd4, add_0 = 4'd5, add_1 = 4'd6, normalise_1 = 4'd7, normalise_2 = 4'd8, round = 4'd9, pack = 4'd10, put_z = 4'd11; reg [31:0] a, b, z; reg [26:0] a_m, b_m; reg [23:0] z_m; reg [9:0] a_e, b_e, z_e; reg a_s, b_s, z_s; reg guard, round_bit, sticky; reg [27:0] sum; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if (rst == 1) begin state <= get_a; s_input_a_ack <= 0; s_input_b_ack <= 0; s_output_z_stb <= 0; output_z <= 0; a <= 0; b <= 0; z <= 0; a_m <= 0; b_m <= 0; z_m <= 0; a_e <= 0; b_e <= 0; z_m <= 0; end else begin case(state) get_a: begin s_input_a_ack <= 1; if (s_input_a_ack && input_a_stb) begin a <= input_a; s_input_a_ack <= 0; state <= get_b; end end get_b: begin s_input_b_ack <= 1; if (s_input_b_ack && input_b_stb) begin b <= input_b; s_input_b_ack <= 0; state <= unpack; end end unpack: begin a_m <= {a[22 : 0], 3'd0}; b_m <= {b[22 : 0], 3'd0}; a_e <= a[30 : 23] - 127; b_e <= b[30 : 23] - 127; a_s <= a[31]; b_s <= b[31]; state <= special_cases; end special_cases: begin //if a is NaN or b is NaN return NaN if ((a_e == 128 && a_m != 0) || (b_e == 128 && b_m != 0)) begin z[31] <= 1; z[30:23] <= 255; z[22] <= 1; z[21:0] <= 0; state <= put_z; //if a is inf return inf end else if (a_e == 128) begin z[31] <= a_s; z[30:23] <= 255; z[22:0] <= 0; //if a is inf and signs don't match return nan if ((b_e == 128) && (a_s != b_s)) begin z[31] <= b_s; z[30:23] <= 255; z[22] <= 1; z[21:0] <= 0; end state <= put_z; //if b is inf return inf end else if (b_e == 128) begin z[31] <= b_s; z[30:23] <= 255; z[22:0] <= 0; state <= put_z; //if a is zero return b end else if ((($signed(a_e) == -127) && (a_m == 0)) && (($signed(b_e) == -127) && (b_m == 0))) begin z[31] <= a_s & b_s; z[30:23] <= b_e[7:0] + 127; z[22:0] <= b_m[26:3]; state <= put_z; //if a is zero return b end else if (($signed(a_e) == -127) && (a_m == 0)) begin z[31] <= b_s; z[30:23] <= b_e[7:0] + 127; z[22:0] <= b_m[26:3]; state <= put_z; //if b is zero return a end else if (($signed(b_e) == -127) && (b_m == 0)) begin z[31] <= a_s; z[30:23] <= a_e[7:0] + 127; z[22:0] <= a_m[26:3]; state <= put_z; end else begin //Denormalised Number if ($signed(a_e) == -127) begin a_e <= -126; end else begin a_m[26] <= 1; end //Denormalised Number if ($signed(b_e) == -127) begin b_e <= -126; end else begin b_m[26] <= 1; end state <= align; end end align: begin if ($signed(a_e) > $signed(b_e)) begin b_e <= b_e + 1; b_m <= b_m >> 1; b_m[0] <= b_m[0] | b_m[1]; end else if ($signed(a_e) < $signed(b_e)) begin a_e <= a_e + 1; a_m <= a_m >> 1; a_m[0] <= a_m[0] | a_m[1]; end else begin state <= add_0; end end add_0: begin z_e <= a_e; if (a_s == b_s) begin sum <= a_m + b_m; z_s <= a_s; end else begin if (a_m >= b_m) begin sum <= a_m - b_m; z_s <= a_s; end else begin sum <= b_m - a_m; z_s <= b_s; end end state <= add_1; end add_1: begin if (sum[27]) begin z_m <= sum[27:4]; guard <= sum[3]; round_bit <= sum[2]; sticky <= sum[1] | sum[0]; z_e <= z_e + 1; end else begin z_m <= sum[26:3]; guard <= sum[2]; round_bit <= sum[1]; sticky <= sum[0]; end state <= normalise_1; end normalise_1: begin if (z_m[23] == 0 && $signed(z_e) > -126) begin z_e <= z_e - 1; z_m <= z_m << 1; z_m[0] <= guard; guard <= round_bit; round_bit <= 0; end else begin state <= normalise_2; end end normalise_2: begin if ($signed(z_e) < -126) begin z_e <= z_e + 1; z_m <= z_m >> 1; guard <= z_m[0]; round_bit <= guard; sticky <= sticky | round_bit; end else begin state <= round; end end round: begin if (guard && (round_bit | sticky | z_m[0])) begin z_m <= z_m + 1; if (z_m == 24'hffffff) begin z_e <=z_e + 1; end end state <= pack; end pack: begin z[22 : 0] <= z_m[22:0]; z[30 : 23] <= z_e[7:0] + 127; z[31] <= z_s; if ($signed(z_e) == -126 && z_m[23] == 0) begin z[30 : 23] <= 0; end //if overflow occurs, return inf if ($signed(z_e) > 127) begin z[22 : 0] <= 0; z[30 : 23] <= 255; z[31] <= z_s; end state <= put_z; end put_z: begin s_output_z_stb <= 1; output_z <= z; if (s_output_z_stb && output_z_ack) begin s_output_z_stb <= 0; state <= get_a; end end endcase end end assign input_a_ack = s_input_a_ack; assign input_b_ack = s_input_b_ack; assign output_z_stb = s_output_z_stb; // assign output_z = output_z; endmodule
module exponential ( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire Str, input wire [`DATALENGTH-1:0] Datain, output reg Ack, output reg [`DATALENGTH-1:0] DataOut ); wire [`DATALENGTH-1:0] one, oversix, half; //reg [`DATALENGTH-1:0] T0R,T1R,T2R,TsR,TdR,TcR, DoR; reg [`DATALENGTH-1:0] Count; reg [`DATALENGTH-1:0] T0; wire [`DATALENGTH-1:0] T1,T2,Ts,Td,Tc,To,Tsh; wire wa_add_1,wb_add_1,wz_add_1; wire wa_add_2,wb_add_2,wz_add_2; wire wa_add_3,wb_add_3,wz_add_3; wire wa_mul_1,wb_mul_1,wz_mul_1; wire wa_mul_2,wb_mul_2,wz_mul_2; wire wa_sh_1,wb_sh_1,wz_sh_1; wire wa_div_1,wb_div_1,wz_div_1; assign one = 32'h3f800000; assign oversix = 32'h3e2aaaab ; assign half = 32'h3f000000; adder A1 ( one, T0, Str, Str, Str, Clock, Reset, T1, wz_add_1, wa_add_1, wb_add_1); multiplier Ms ( T0, T0, wa_add_1, wb_add_1, wz_add_1, Clock, Reset, Ts, wz_mul_1, wa_mul_1, wb_mul_1); multiplier Msh ( half, Ts, wa_mul_1, wb_mul_1, wz_mul_1, Clock, Reset, Tsh, wz_sh_1, wa_sh_1, wb_sh_1); adder A2 ( T1, Tsh, wa_sh_1, wb_sh_1, wz_sh_1, Clock, Reset, T2, wz_add_2, wa_add_2, wb_add_2); multiplier Mc ( Ts, Ts, wa_add_2, wb_add_2, wz_add_2, Clock, Reset, Tc, wz_mul_2, wa_mul_2, wb_mul_2); multiplier Dm ( Tc, oversix, wa_mul_2, wb_mul_2, wz_mul_2, Clock, Reset, Td, wz_div_1, wa_div_1, wb_div_1 ); adder A3 ( Td, T2, wa_div_1, wb_div_1, wz_div_1, Clock, Reset, To, wz_add_3, wa_add_3, wb_add_3); integer i; always @(posedge Clock or negedge Reset) begin if(Reset) begin T0 <= 0; DataOut <= 0; Ack <= 0; Count <= 0; // T1 <= 0; // T2 <= 0; // Ts <= 0; // Tc <= 0; // Td <= 0; end else begin if (Str) begin T0 <= Datain; DataOut <= To; if (Count == 140) Ack <= 1; Count <= Count +1; end else T0 <= 32'hz; // T1R <= T1; // TsR <= Ts; // T2R <= T2; // TcR <= Tc; // T1 <= T0 + 1 ; // Ts <= T0 * T0; // T2 <= T1 + (Ts >> 2); // Tc <= Ts* T0; // DataOut <= T2 + (Tc /6); end end endmodule
module adder_tb(); reg clk; reg rst; reg [31:0] input_a; reg [31:0] input_b; reg input_a_stb; reg input_b_stb; reg output_z_ack; wire input_a_ack; wire input_b_ack; wire output_z_stb; wire [31:0] output_z; initial begin clk = 1; rst = 1; input_a_stb = 0; input_b_stb = 0; output_z_ack = 0; #10 rst = 0; //////////////////////////// input_a_stb = 1; input_b_stb = 1; output_z_ack = 1; // #5 input_a = 32'h3f800000; input_b = 32'h3f800000; #32 // input_a_stb = 0; // input_b_stb = 0; // output_z_ack = 0; // #10 //////////////////////////// // input_a_stb = 0; // input_b_stb = 0; // output_z_ack = 0; // //////////////////////////// // #10 // input_a_stb = 1; // input_b_stb = 1; // output_z_ack = 1; // #5 input_a = 32'h3f000000; input_b = 32'h3f000000; #32 input_a = 32'h3f000000; input_b = 32'hbf000000; end adder DUT ( input_a, input_b, input_a_stb, input_b_stb, output_z_ack, clk, rst, output_z, output_z_stb, input_a_ack, input_b_ack); always #1 clk = ~clk; endmodule // adder_tb
module exponential_tb (); reg Clock; reg Reset; reg Str; reg [`DATALENGTH-1:0] Datain; wire [`DATALENGTH-1:0] DataOut; wire Ack; exponential DUT (Clock, Reset,Str, Datain ,Ack, DataOut); initial begin Clock = 0; Reset = 1; Str = 0; #10 Reset = 0; Str = 1; Datain = 32'h3f800000; #50 $finish; end always #1 Clock = ~Clock; endmodule
module softmax( input wire Clock, input wire Reset, input wire Start, input wire [`DATALENGTH-1:0] Datain, input wire [`INPUTMAX:0] N, output reg [`DATALENGTH-1:0] Dataout ); integer m; // reg [`DATALENGTH-1:0] Dataout; reg [`DATALENGTH-1:0] InputBuffer[2**`INPUTMAX - 1:0]; reg [`DATALENGTH-1:0] DivBuffer[2**`INPUTMAX - 1:0]; reg [`DATALENGTH-1:0] OutputBuffer[2**`INPUTMAX -1 :0]; reg [`DATALENGTH-1:0] Acc; reg [`DATALENGTH-1:0] Arg; wire [`DATALENGTH-1:0] Acc_w; reg [3:0]Str; wire [`DATALENGTH-1:0] InputBuffer_w[2**`INPUTMAX -1 :0]; wire [`DATALENGTH-1:0] OutputBuffer_w[2**`INPUTMAX -1 :0]; wire [3:0]Ack; reg Str_Add_a; reg Str_Add_b; reg Str_Add_z; wire Ack_add1; wire Ack_add2; wire Ack_add3; reg Ack_div1; reg Ack_div2; reg Ack_div3; wire [3:0]Ack_div_a; wire [3:0]Ack_div_b; wire [3:0]Ack_div_z; reg [`INPUTMAX:0] Counter; reg [`INPUTMAX:0] C,C_add; reg [2:0] NextState; genvar i; generate for (i = 0; i <= 2**`INPUTMAX -1; i = i +1) begin exponential exp ( Clock, Reset, Str[i], InputBuffer[i], Ack[i], InputBuffer_w[i] ) ; end endgenerate // genvar j; // generate // for (j = 0; j < `NUMBER; j= j+1) begin adder add ( Arg, Acc, Str_Add_a, Str_Add_b, Str_Add_z, Clock, Reset, Acc_w, Ack_add3, Ack_add1, Ack_add2 ) ; // end // endgenerate genvar k; generate for (k = 0; k <= 2**`INPUTMAX -1; k= k+1) begin divider div ( DivBuffer[k], Acc, Ack_div1, Ack_div2, Ack_div3, Clock, Reset, OutputBuffer_w[k], Ack_div_z[k], Ack_div_a[k], Ack_div_a[k] ) ; end endgenerate always @(posedge Clock or negedge Reset) begin if (Reset) begin // reset for (m = 0; m <= 2**`INPUTMAX -1;m = m+1)begin InputBuffer[m] <= 0; OutputBuffer[m] <= 0; DivBuffer[m] <= 0; end Counter <= 0; C <= 0; Arg <= 0; C_add <= 0; Dataout <= 0; Acc <= 0; Str <= 0; Ack_div1 <=0; Ack_div2 <=0; Ack_div3 <=0; Str_Add_a <= 0; Str_Add_b <= 0; Str_Add_z <= 0; NextState <= `IDLE; end else begin case(NextState) `IDLE: begin if (Start) NextState <= `INPUTSTREAM; else NextState <= `IDLE; end `INPUTSTREAM: begin if (Counter <= N) begin InputBuffer[Counter] <= Datain; Counter <= Counter + 1; NextState <= `INPUTSTREAM; end else begin NextState <= `EXP; Str <= 4'b1111; end end `EXP: begin if(Ack == 4'b1111)begin for (m = 0; m <= N;m = m+1) DivBuffer[m] <= InputBuffer_w[m]; NextState <= `ADD; Str_Add_a <= 1 ; Str_Add_b <= 1 ; Str_Add_z <= 1 ; end else begin NextState <= `EXP; end end `ADD: begin if (Ack_add2 || Ack_add1 || Ack_add3) begin C_add <= C_add + 1; end if (C < 2**`INPUTMAX+1 ) begin Arg <= DivBuffer[C]; if (C_add == 4) begin Acc <= Acc_w; C <= C+1; C_add <= 0; end NextState <= `ADD; end else begin Str_Add_a <= 1 ; Str_Add_b <= 1 ; Str_Add_z <= 1 ; NextState <= `DIV; end end `DIV: begin Ack_div1 <= 1; Ack_div2 <= 1; Ack_div3 <= 1; if (Ack_div_z == 4'b1111) begin for (m = 0; m < N;m = m+1)begin OutputBuffer[m] <= OutputBuffer_w[m]; end NextState <= `OUTPUTSTREAM; end else NextState <= `DIV; end `OUTPUTSTREAM: begin Counter <= Counter - 1; if (Counter != 0) begin Dataout <= OutputBuffer[Counter]; NextState <= `OUTPUTSTREAM; end else begin NextState <= `IDLE; end end default: begin NextState <= `IDLE; end endcase end end endmodule
module softmax_tb( ); reg Clock; reg Reset; reg Start; reg [`DATALENGTH-1:0] Datain; reg [`INPUTMAX-1:0] N; wire [`DATALENGTH-1:0] Dataout; softmax DUT (Clock, Reset, Start, Datain,N, Dataout); initial begin Clock = 1; Reset = 1; N = 3; #10 Start = 1; Reset = 0; Datain = 32'h3f800000; #2 Datain = 32'h3f800000; #2 Datain = 32'h3f800000; #2 Datain = 32'h3f800000; Start = 0; #2000 $finish; end always #1 Clock = ~Clock; endmodule
module core(clk, rst); // Top-level entity(except core-tb) input clk, rst; wire write_r, read_r, PC_en, ac_ena, ram_ena, rom_ena; wire ram_write, ram_read, rom_read, ad_sel; wire [1:0] fetch; wire [7:0] data, addr; wire [7:0] accum_out, alu_out; wire [7:0] ir_ad, pc_ad; wire [4:0] reg_ad; wire [2:0] ins; ram RAM1(.data(data), .addr(addr), .ena(ram_ena), .read(ram_read), .write(ram_write)); //module ram(data, addr, ena, read, write); rom ROM1(.data(data), .addr(addr), .ena(rom_ena), .read(rom_read)); //module rom(data, addr, read, ena); addr_mux MUX1(.addr(addr), .sel(ad_sel), .ir_ad(ir_ad), .pc_ad(pc_ad)); //module addr_mux(addr, sel, ir_ad, pc_ad); counter PC1(.pc_addr(pc_ad), .clock(clk), .rst(rst), .en(PC_en)); //module counter(pc_addr, clock, rst, en); accum ACCUM1(.out(accum_out), .in(alu_out), .ena(ac_ena), .clk(clk), .rst(rst)); //module accum( in, out, ena, clk, rst); alu ALU1(.alu_out(alu_out), .alu_in(data), .accum(accum_out), .op(ins)); // module alu(alu_out, alu_in, accum, op); reg_32 REG1(.in(alu_out), .data(data), .write(write_r), .read(read_r), .addr({ins,reg_ad}), .clk(clk)); //module reg_32(in, data, write, read, addr, clk); //reg_32 REG1(.in(alu_out), .data(data), .write(write_r), .read(read_r), .addr(reg_ad), .clk(clk)); //module reg_32(in, data, write, read, addr, clk); ins_reg IR1(.data(data), .fetch(fetch), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .ins(ins), .ad1(reg_ad), .ad2(ir_ad)); //module ins_reg(data, fetch, clk, rst, ins, ad1, ad2); //module machine(ins, clk, rst, write_r, read_r, PC_en, fetch, ac_ena, ram_ena, rom_ena,ram_write, ram_read, rom_read, ad_sel); controller CONTROLLER1(.ins(ins), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .write_r(write_r), .read_r(read_r), .PC_en(PC_en), .fetch(fetch), .ac_ena(ac_ena), .ram_ena(ram_ena), .rom_ena(rom_ena), .ram_write(ram_write), .ram_read(ram_read), .rom_read(rom_read), .ad_sel(ad_sel) ); endmodule
module reg_32(in, data, write, read, addr, clk); input write, read, clk; input [7:0] in; input [7:0] addr; //!Warning: addr should be reduced to 5 bits width, not 8 bits width. //input [4:0] addr; output [7:0] data; reg [7:0] R[31:0]; //32Byte wire [4:0] r_addr; assign r_addr = addr[4:0]; assign data = (read)? R[r_addr]:8'hzz; //read enable always @(posedge clk) begin //write, clk posedge if(write) R[r_addr] <= in; end endmodule
module machine(ins, clk, rst, write_r, read_r, PC_en, fetch, ac_ena, ram_ena, rom_ena,ram_write, ram_read, rom_read, ad_sel); input clk, rst; // clock, reset input [2:0] ins; // instructions, 3 bits, 8 types // Enable signals output reg write_r, read_r, PC_en, ac_ena, ram_ena, rom_ena; // ROM: where instructions are storaged. Read only. // RAM: where data is storaged, readable and writable. output reg ram_write, ram_read, rom_read, ad_sel; output reg [1:0] fetch; // 01: to fetch from RAM/ROM; 10: to fetch from REG // State code(current state) reg [3:0] state; // current state reg [3:0] next_state; // next state // instruction code parameter NOP=3'b000, // no operation LDO=3'b001, // load ROM to register LDA=3'b010, // load RAM to register STO=3'b011, // Store intermediate results to accumulator PRE=3'b100, // Prefetch Data from Address ADD=3'b101, // Adds the contents of the memory address or integer to the accumulator LDM=3'b110, // Load Multiple HLT=3'b111; // Halt // state code parameter Sidle=4'hf, S0=4'd0, S1=4'd1, S2=4'd2, S3=4'd3, S4=4'd4, S5=4'd5, S6=4'd6, S7=4'd7, S8=4'd8, S9=4'd9, S10=4'd10, S11=4'd11, S12=4'd12; //PART A: D flip latch; State register always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if(!rst) state<=Sidle; //current_state <= Sidle; else state<=next_state; //current_state <= next_state; end //PART B: Next-state combinational logic always @* begin case(state) S1: begin if (ins==NOP) next_state=S0; else if (ins==HLT) next_state=S2; else if (ins==PRE | ins==ADD) next_state=S9; else if (ins==LDM) next_state=S11; else next_state=S3; end S4: begin if (ins==LDA | ins==LDO) next_state=S5; //else if (ins==STO) next_state=S7; else next_state=S7; // ---Note: there are only 3 long instrucions. So, all the cases included. if (counter_A==2*b11) end Sidle: next_state=S0; S0: next_state=S1; S2: next_state=S2; S3: next_state=S4; S5: next_state=S6; S6: next_state=S0; S7: next_state=S8; S8: next_state=S0; S9: next_state=S10; S10: next_state=S0; S11: next_state=S12; S12: next_state=S0; default: next_state=Sidle; endcase // assign style // TODO end // another style //PART C: Output combinational logic always@* begin case(state) // --Note: for each statement, we concentrate on the current state, not next_state // because it is combinational logic. Sidle: begin write_r=1'b0; read_r=1'b0; PC_en=1'b0; //** not so sure, log: change 1 to 0 ac_ena=1'b0; ram_ena=1'b0; rom_ena=1'b0; ram_write=1'b0; ram_read=1'b0; rom_read=1'b0; ad_sel=1'b0; fetch=2'b00; end S0: begin // load IR write_r=0; read_r=0; PC_en=0; ac_ena=0; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=1; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=1; ad_sel=0; fetch=2'b01; //write_r, read_r, PC_en, ac_ena, ram_ena, rom_ena; //ram_write, ram_read, rom_read, ad_sel; // fetch=2'b01; // fetch ins+reg_addr from ROM // rom_read=1; // rom_ena=1; end S1: begin write_r=0; read_r=0; PC_en=1; //PC+1 ac_ena=0; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=0; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=0; ad_sel=0; fetch=2'b00; // // PC_en=1; // ad_sel=0; // **not so sure, sel=0, select pc_addr(where next ins located) end S2: begin write_r=0; read_r=0; PC_en=0; ac_ena=0; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=0; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=0; ad_sel=0; fetch=2'b00; end S3: begin write_r=0; read_r=0; PC_en=0; ac_ena=0; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=1; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=1; ad_sel=0; fetch=2'b01; // fetch=2'b01; // rom_read=1; // rom_ena=1; end S4: begin write_r=0; read_r=0; PC_en=1; ac_ena=0; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=0; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=0; ad_sel=0; fetch=2'b00; // PC_en=1; // ad_sel=0; end S5: begin if (ins==LDO) begin write_r=1; read_r=0; PC_en=0; ac_ena=0; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=1; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=1; ad_sel=1; // ! Attention, don't forget fetch=2'b00; end else // ins==LDA begin write_r=1; read_r=0; PC_en=0; ac_ena=0; ram_ena=1; rom_ena=0; ram_write=0; ram_read=1; rom_read=0; ad_sel=1; fetch=2'b00; end // write_r=1; // ram_ena=1; end S6: begin // same as s5 if (ins==LDO) begin write_r=1; read_r=0; PC_en=0; ac_ena=0; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=1; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=1; ad_sel=1; fetch=2'b00; end else begin write_r=1; read_r=0; PC_en=0; ac_ena=0; ram_ena=1; rom_ena=0; ram_write=0; ram_read=1; rom_read=0; ad_sel=1; fetch=2'b00; end end S7: begin // STO, reg->ram. step1. read REG write_r=0; read_r=1; PC_en=0; ac_ena=0; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=0; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=0; ad_sel=0; fetch=2'b01; //read_r=1; end S8: begin // STO, step2, write RAM write_r=0; read_r=0; PC_en=0; ac_ena=0; ram_ena=1; rom_ena=0; ram_write=1; ram_read=0; rom_read=0; ad_sel=1; fetch=2'b10; //fetch=2'b10, ram_ena=1, ram_write=1, ad_sel=1; // ram_ena=1; // ram_write=1; end S9: begin if (ins==PRE) // REG->ACCUM begin write_r=0; read_r=1; PC_en=0; ac_ena=0; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=0; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=0; ad_sel=0; fetch=2'b01; end else // ins==ADD, same as PRE begin write_r=0; read_r=1; PC_en=0; ac_ena=0; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=0; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=0; ad_sel=0; fetch=2'b01; end end S10: begin write_r=0; read_r=0; PC_en=0; ac_ena=1; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=0; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=0; ad_sel=0; fetch=2'b01; //ac_ena=1; end S11: begin // LDM, step1, write reg write_r=1; read_r=0; PC_en=0; ac_ena=1; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=0; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=0; ad_sel=0; fetch=2'b00; //write_r=1; end S12: begin // same as s11 write_r=1; read_r=0; PC_en=0; ac_ena=1; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=0; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=0; ad_sel=0; fetch=2'b00; end default: begin write_r=0; read_r=0; PC_en=0; ac_ena=0; ram_ena=0; rom_ena=0; ram_write=0; ram_read=0; rom_read=0; ad_sel=0; fetch=2'b00; end endcase end endmodule
module ram(data, addr, ena, read, write); input ena, read, write; input [7:0] addr; inout [7:0] data; reg [7:0] ram[255:0]; assign data = (read&&ena)? ram[addr]:8'hzz; // read data from RAM always @(posedge write) begin // write data to RAM ram[addr] <= data; end endmodule
module counter(pc_addr, clock, rst, en); input clock, rst, en; output reg [7:0] pc_addr; always @(posedge clock or negedge rst) begin if(!rst) begin pc_addr <= 8'd0; end else begin if(en) pc_addr <= pc_addr+1; else pc_addr <= pc_addr; end end endmodule
module rom(data, addr, read, ena); input read, ena; input [7:0] addr; output [7:0] data; reg [7:0] memory[255:0]; // note: Decimal number in the bracket initial begin memory[0] = 8'b000_00000; //NOP // [ins] [target_reg_addr] [from_rom_addr] memory[1] = 8'b001_00001; //LDO s1 memory[2] = 8'b010_00001; //rom(65) //rom[65] -> reg[1] memory[3] = 8'b001_00010; //LDO s2 memory[4] = 8'b010_00010; //rom(66) memory[5] = 8'b001_00011; //LDO s3 memory[6] = 8'b010_00011; //rom(67) memory[7] = 8'b100_00001; //PRE s1 memory[8] = 8'b101_00010; //ADD s2 memory[9] = 8'b110_00001; //LDM s1 memory[10] = 8'b011_00001; //STO s1 memory[11] = 8'b000_00001; //ram(1) memory[12] = 8'b010_00010; //LDA s2 memory[13] = 8'b000_00001; //ram(1) memory[14] = 8'b100_00011; //PRE s3 memory[15] = 8'b101_00010; //ADD s2 memory[16] = 8'b110_00011; //LDM s3 memory[17] = 8'b011_00011; //STO s3 memory[18] = 8'b000_00010; //ram(2) memory[19] = 8'b111_00000; //HLT memory[65] = 8'b001_00101; //37 memory[66] = 8'b010_11001; //89 memory[67] = 8'b001_10101; //53 end assign data = (read&&ena)? memory[addr]:8'hzz; endmodule
module accum( in, out, ena, clk, rst); // a register, to storage result after computing input clk,rst,ena; input [7:0] in; output reg [7:0] out; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if(!rst) out <= 8'd0; else begin if(ena) out <= in; else out <= out; end end endmodule
module core_tb_00 ; reg rst ; reg clk ; core DUT ( .rst (rst ) , .clk (clk ) ); // "Clock Pattern" : dutyCycle = 50 // Start Time = 0 ps, End Time = 10 ns, Period = 100 ps initial begin clk = 1'b0 ; # 150 ; // 50 ps, single loop till start period. repeat(99) begin clk = 1'b1 ; #50 clk = 1'b0 ; #50 ; // 9950 ps, repeat pattern in loop. end clk = 1'b1 ; # 50 ; // dumped values till 10 ns end // "Constant Pattern" // Start Time = 0 ps, End Time = 10 ns, Period = 0 ps initial begin rst = 1'b0 ; # 100; rst=1'b1; # 9000 ; // dumped values till 10 ns end initial #20000 $stop; endmodule
module ins_reg(data, fetch, clk, rst, ins, ad1, ad2); // instruction register input clk, rst; input [1:0] fetch; input [7:0] data; output [2:0] ins; output [4:0] ad1; output [7:0] ad2; reg [7:0] ins_p1, ins_p2; reg [2:0] state; assign ins = ins_p1[7:5]; //hign 3 bits, instructions assign ad1 = ins_p1[4:0]; //low 5 bits, register address assign ad2 = ins_p2; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst) begin if(!rst) begin ins_p1 <= 8'd0; ins_p2 <= 8'd0; end else begin if(fetch==2'b01) begin //fetch==2'b01 operation1, to fetch data from REG ins_p1 <= data; ins_p2 <= ins_p2; end else if(fetch==2'b10) begin //fetch==2'b10 operation2, to fetch data from RAM/ROM ins_p1 <= ins_p1; ins_p2 <= data; end else begin ins_p1 <= ins_p1; ins_p2 <= ins_p2; end end end endmodule
module addr_mux(addr, sel, ir_ad, pc_ad); // Address multiplexer // to choose address of instruction register or address of program counter input [7:0] ir_ad, pc_ad; input sel; output [7:0] addr; assign addr = (sel)? ir_ad:pc_ad; endmodule