module buffer_test(); localparam B = 1024; reg CLOCK_50, rst; reg [31:0] counter; reg new_sample_val; wire [31:0] pitch_shift_out; wire pitch_shift_val; // make reset initial begin CLOCK_50 = 1'b0; rst = 1'b0; counter = 32'b0; new_sample_val = 1'b0; #50 rst = 1'b1; #100 rst = 1'b0; end // make clock always begin #10 CLOCK_50 = !CLOCK_50; end always begin #50 counter = counter + 1; new_sample_val = 1'b1; #10 new_sample_val = 1'b0; end buffer #(B) b1 ( //inputs .clk(CLOCK_50), .rst(rst), .delta(8'b01000000), // 1 in fixed3.5 .new_sample_val(new_sample_val), .new_sample_data(counter), .out_sel(1'b0), .delta_mode(1'b0), //outputs .pitch_shift_out(pitch_shift_out), .pitch_shift_val(pitch_shift_val) ); endmodule
module EBABWrapper ( /*AUTOARG*/ // Outputs bus_byte_enable, bus_read, bus_write, bus_write_data, bus_addr, // Inputs clk, rst, out_sel, delta_mode_left, delta_mode_right, bus_ack, bus_read_data, delta_left, delta_right, triangle_wave_max_left, triangle_wave_max_right ); input clk, rst, out_sel, delta_mode_left, delta_mode_right; input bus_ack; // Avalon bus raises this when done input [31:0] bus_read_data; // data from Avalon bus input [31:0] delta_left, delta_right; input [9:0] triangle_wave_max_left, triangle_wave_max_right; output reg [3:0] bus_byte_enable; // four bit byte read/write mask output reg bus_read; // high when requesting data output reg bus_write; // high when writing data output reg [31:0] bus_write_data; // data to send to Avalog bus output reg [31:0] bus_addr; // Avalon address wire [31:0] audio_base_address = 32'h00003040; // Avalon address wire [31:0] audio_fifo_address = 32'h00003044; // Avalon address +4 wire [31:0] audio_data_left_address = 32'h00003048; // Avalon address +8 wire [31:0] audio_data_right_address = 32'h0000304c; // Avalon address +12 reg [3:0] state; reg [7:0] fifo_space; // current free words in audio interface // audio input/output from audio module FIFO reg [31:0] right_audio_input, left_audio_input; reg audio_input_valid; wire [31:0] right_audio_output, left_audio_output, pitch_shift_out[0:1], filter_out[0:1]; wire pitch_shift_val[0:1], audio_out_val[0:1]; assign left_audio_output = (audio_out_val[0]) ? filter_out[0] : left_audio_output; assign right_audio_output = (audio_out_val[1]) ? filter_out[1] : right_audio_output; buffer #(1024) left_buffer ( // inputs .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .delta(delta_left), .new_sample_val(audio_input_valid), .new_sample_data(right_audio_input), .out_sel(1'b1), .delta_mode(delta_mode_left), .triangle_wave_max(triangle_wave_max_left), // outputs .pitch_shift_out(pitch_shift_out[0]), .pitch_shift_val(pitch_shift_val[0]) ); buffer #(1024) right_buffer ( // inputs .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .delta(delta_right), .new_sample_val(audio_input_valid), .new_sample_data(right_audio_input), .out_sel(1'b1), .delta_mode(delta_mode_right), .triangle_wave_max(triangle_wave_max_right), // outputs .pitch_shift_out(pitch_shift_out[1]), .pitch_shift_val(pitch_shift_val[1]) ); IIR6_32bit_fixed filter_left( .audio_out (filter_out[0]), .audio_in (pitch_shift_out[0]), .scale (3'd3), .b1 (32'h226C), .b2 (32'hCE8B), .b3 (32'h2045B), .b4 (32'h2B07A), .b5 (32'h2045B), .b6 (32'hCE8B), .b7 (32'h226C), .a2 (32'h21DC9D38), .a3 (32'hC2BABD8C), .a4 (32'h3C58991F), .a5 (32'hDDFDB62D), .a6 (32'hA5FA11C), .a7 (32'hFEAA19B2), .clk(clk), .data_val(pitch_shift_val[0]), .rst(rst), .audio_out_val(audio_out_val[0]) ) ; //end filter IIR6_32bit_fixed filter_right( .audio_out (filter_out[1]), .audio_in (pitch_shift_out[1]), .scale (3'd3), .b1 (32'h226C), .b2 (32'hCE8B), .b3 (32'h2045B), .b4 (32'h2B07A), .b5 (32'h2045B), .b6 (32'hCE8B), .b7 (32'h226C), .a2 (32'h21DC9D38), .a3 (32'hC2BABD8C), .a4 (32'h3C58991F), .a5 (32'hDDFDB62D), .a6 (32'hA5FA11C), .a7 (32'hFEAA19B2), .clk(clk), .data_val(pitch_shift_val[1]), .rst(rst), .audio_out_val(audio_out_val[1]) ) ; //end filter always @(posedge clk) begin //CLOCK_50 // reset state machine and read/write controls if (rst) begin state <= 0; bus_read <= 0; // set to one if a read opeation from bus bus_write <= 0; // set to one if a write operation to bus end // === writing stereo to the audio FIFO ========== // set up read FIFO available space if (state==4'd0) begin bus_addr <= audio_fifo_address; bus_read <= 1'b1; bus_byte_enable <= 4'b1111; state <= 4'd1; // wait for read ACK end // wait for read ACK and read the fifo available // bus ACK is high when data is available if (state==4'd1 && bus_ack==1) begin state <= 4'd2; //4'd2 // FIFO write space is in high byte fifo_space <= (bus_read_data>>24); // end the read bus_read <= 1'b0; end // When there is room in the FIFO // -- start write to fifo for each channel // -- first the left channel if (state==4'd2 && fifo_space>8'd2) begin // state <= 4'd3; bus_write_data <= left_audio_output; bus_addr <= audio_data_left_address; bus_byte_enable <= 4'b1111; bus_write <= 1'b1; end // if no space, try again later else if (state==4'd2 && fifo_space<=8'd2) begin state <= 4'b0; end // detect bus-transaction-complete ACK // for left channel write // You MUST do this check if (state==4'd3 && bus_ack==1) begin state <= 4'd4; // include right channel //state <= 4'd0; // left channel only, write only. //state <= 4'd6; // read/write left channel only bus_write <= 0; end // -- now the right channel if (state==4'd4) begin // state <= 4'd5; // loop back audio input data bus_write_data <= right_audio_output; bus_addr <= audio_data_right_address; bus_write <= 1'b1; end // detect bus-transaction-complete ACK // for right channel write // You MUST do this check if (state==4'd5 && bus_ack==1) begin // state <= 4'd0; // for write only function state <= 4'd6; // for read/write function bus_write <= 0; end // === reading stereo from the audio FIFO ========== // set up read FIFO for available read values if (state==4'd6 ) begin bus_addr <= audio_fifo_address; bus_read <= 1'b1; bus_byte_enable <= 4'b1111; state <= 4'd7; // wait for read ACK end // wait for read ACK and read the fifo available // bus ACK is high when data is available if (state==4'd7 && bus_ack==1) begin state <= 4'd8; //4'dxx // FIFO read space is in low byte // which is zero when empty fifo_space <= bus_read_data & 8'hff; // end the read bus_read <= 1'b0; end // When there is data in the read FIFO // -- read it from both channels // -- first the left channel if (state==4'd8 && fifo_space>8'd0) begin // state <= 4'd9; bus_addr <= audio_data_left_address; bus_byte_enable <= 4'b1111; bus_read <= 1'b1; end // if no data, try again later else if (state==4'd8 && fifo_space<=8'd0) begin state <= 4'b0; end // detect bus-transaction-complete ACK // for left channel read // You MUST do this check if (state==4'd9 && bus_ack==1) begin state <= 4'd10; // include right channel left_audio_input <= bus_read_data; bus_read <= 0; end // When there is data in the read FIFO // -- read it from both channels // -- now right channel if (state==4'd10) begin // state <= 4'd11; bus_addr <= audio_data_right_address; bus_byte_enable <= 4'b1111; bus_read <= 1'b1; end // detect bus-transaction-complete ACK // for right channel read // You MUST do this check if (state==4'd11 && bus_ack==1) begin state <= 4'd12; // back to beginning right_audio_input <= bus_read_data; // set the data-ready strobe audio_input_valid <= 1'b1; bus_read <= 0; end // end data-ready strobe if (state==4'd12) begin state <= 4'd0; // back to beginning audio_input_valid <= 1'b0; end end // always @(posedge state_clock) endmodule // EBABWrapper
module DE1_SoC_Computer ( //////////////////////////////////// // FPGA Pins //////////////////////////////////// // Clock pins CLOCK_50, CLOCK2_50, CLOCK3_50, CLOCK4_50, // ADC ADC_CS_N, ADC_DIN, ADC_DOUT, ADC_SCLK, // Audio AUD_ADCDAT, AUD_ADCLRCK, AUD_BCLK, AUD_DACDAT, AUD_DACLRCK, AUD_XCK, // SDRAM DRAM_ADDR, DRAM_BA, DRAM_CAS_N, DRAM_CKE, DRAM_CLK, DRAM_CS_N, DRAM_DQ, DRAM_LDQM, DRAM_RAS_N, DRAM_UDQM, DRAM_WE_N, // I2C Bus for Configuration of the Audio and Video-In Chips FPGA_I2C_SCLK, FPGA_I2C_SDAT, // 40-Pin Headers GPIO_0, GPIO_1, // Seven Segment Displays HEX0, HEX1, HEX2, HEX3, HEX4, HEX5, // IR IRDA_RXD, IRDA_TXD, // Pushbuttons KEY, // LEDs LEDR, // PS2 Ports PS2_CLK, PS2_DAT, PS2_CLK2, PS2_DAT2, // Slider Switches SW, // Video-In TD_CLK27, TD_DATA, TD_HS, TD_RESET_N, TD_VS, // VGA VGA_B, VGA_BLANK_N, VGA_CLK, VGA_G, VGA_HS, VGA_R, VGA_SYNC_N, VGA_VS, //////////////////////////////////// // HPS Pins //////////////////////////////////// // DDR3 SDRAM HPS_DDR3_ADDR, HPS_DDR3_BA, HPS_DDR3_CAS_N, HPS_DDR3_CKE, HPS_DDR3_CK_N, HPS_DDR3_CK_P, HPS_DDR3_CS_N, HPS_DDR3_DM, HPS_DDR3_DQ, HPS_DDR3_DQS_N, HPS_DDR3_DQS_P, HPS_DDR3_ODT, HPS_DDR3_RAS_N, HPS_DDR3_RESET_N, HPS_DDR3_RZQ, HPS_DDR3_WE_N, // Ethernet HPS_ENET_GTX_CLK, HPS_ENET_INT_N, HPS_ENET_MDC, HPS_ENET_MDIO, HPS_ENET_RX_CLK, HPS_ENET_RX_DATA, HPS_ENET_RX_DV, HPS_ENET_TX_DATA, HPS_ENET_TX_EN, // Flash HPS_FLASH_DATA, HPS_FLASH_DCLK, HPS_FLASH_NCSO, // Accelerometer HPS_GSENSOR_INT, // General Purpose I/O HPS_GPIO, // I2C HPS_I2C_CONTROL, HPS_I2C1_SCLK, HPS_I2C1_SDAT, HPS_I2C2_SCLK, HPS_I2C2_SDAT, // Pushbutton HPS_KEY, // LED HPS_LED, // SD Card HPS_SD_CLK, HPS_SD_CMD, HPS_SD_DATA, // SPI HPS_SPIM_CLK, HPS_SPIM_MISO, HPS_SPIM_MOSI, HPS_SPIM_SS, // UART HPS_UART_RX, HPS_UART_TX, // USB HPS_CONV_USB_N, HPS_USB_CLKOUT, HPS_USB_DATA, HPS_USB_DIR, HPS_USB_NXT, HPS_USB_STP ); //////////////////////////////////// // FPGA Pins //////////////////////////////////// // Clock pins input CLOCK_50; input CLOCK2_50; input CLOCK3_50; input CLOCK4_50; // ADC inout ADC_CS_N; output ADC_DIN; input ADC_DOUT; output ADC_SCLK; // Audio input AUD_ADCDAT; inout AUD_ADCLRCK; inout AUD_BCLK; output AUD_DACDAT; inout AUD_DACLRCK; output AUD_XCK; // SDRAM output [12:0] DRAM_ADDR; output [1:0] DRAM_BA; output DRAM_CAS_N; output DRAM_CKE; output DRAM_CLK; output DRAM_CS_N; inout [15:0] DRAM_DQ; output DRAM_LDQM; output DRAM_RAS_N; output DRAM_UDQM; output DRAM_WE_N; // I2C Bus for Configuration of the Audio and Video-In Chips output FPGA_I2C_SCLK; inout FPGA_I2C_SDAT; // 40-pin headers inout [35:0] GPIO_0; inout [35:0] GPIO_1; // Seven Segment Displays output [6:0] HEX0; output [6:0] HEX1; output [6:0] HEX2; output [6:0] HEX3; output [6:0] HEX4; output [6:0] HEX5; // IR input IRDA_RXD; output IRDA_TXD; // Pushbuttons input [3:0] KEY; // LEDs output [9:0] LEDR; // PS2 Ports inout PS2_CLK; inout PS2_DAT; inout PS2_CLK2; inout PS2_DAT2; // Slider Switches input [9:0] SW; // Video-In input TD_CLK27; input [7:0] TD_DATA; input TD_HS; output TD_RESET_N; input TD_VS; // VGA output [7:0] VGA_B; output VGA_BLANK_N; output VGA_CLK; output [7:0] VGA_G; output VGA_HS; output [7:0] VGA_R; output VGA_SYNC_N; output VGA_VS; //////////////////////////////////// // HPS Pins //////////////////////////////////// // DDR3 SDRAM output [14:0] HPS_DDR3_ADDR; output [2:0] HPS_DDR3_BA; output HPS_DDR3_CAS_N; output HPS_DDR3_CKE; output HPS_DDR3_CK_N; output HPS_DDR3_CK_P; output HPS_DDR3_CS_N; output [3:0] HPS_DDR3_DM; inout [31:0] HPS_DDR3_DQ; inout [3:0] HPS_DDR3_DQS_N; inout [3:0] HPS_DDR3_DQS_P; output HPS_DDR3_ODT; output HPS_DDR3_RAS_N; output HPS_DDR3_RESET_N; input HPS_DDR3_RZQ; output HPS_DDR3_WE_N; // Ethernet output HPS_ENET_GTX_CLK; inout HPS_ENET_INT_N; output HPS_ENET_MDC; inout HPS_ENET_MDIO; input HPS_ENET_RX_CLK; input [3:0] HPS_ENET_RX_DATA; input HPS_ENET_RX_DV; output [3:0] HPS_ENET_TX_DATA; output HPS_ENET_TX_EN; // Flash inout [3:0] HPS_FLASH_DATA; output HPS_FLASH_DCLK; output HPS_FLASH_NCSO; // Accelerometer inout HPS_GSENSOR_INT; // General Purpose I/O inout [1:0] HPS_GPIO; // I2C inout HPS_I2C_CONTROL; inout HPS_I2C1_SCLK; inout HPS_I2C1_SDAT; inout HPS_I2C2_SCLK; inout HPS_I2C2_SDAT; // Pushbutton inout HPS_KEY; // LED inout HPS_LED; // SD Card output HPS_SD_CLK; inout HPS_SD_CMD; inout [3:0] HPS_SD_DATA; // SPI output HPS_SPIM_CLK; input HPS_SPIM_MISO; output HPS_SPIM_MOSI; inout HPS_SPIM_SS; // UART input HPS_UART_RX; output HPS_UART_TX; // USB inout HPS_CONV_USB_N; input HPS_USB_CLKOUT; inout [70] HPS_USB_DATA; input HPS_USB_DIR; input HPS_USB_NXT; output HPS_USB_STP; //======================================================= // REG/WIRE declarations //======================================================= assign HEX4 = 7'b1111111; assign HEX5 = 7'b1111111; assign HEX3 = 7'b1111111; assign HEX2 = 7'b1111111; assign HEX1 = 7'b1111111; //======================================================= // Bus controller for AVALON bus-master //======================================================= // computes DDS for sine wave and fills audio FIFO // reads audio FIFO and loops it back // MUST configure (in Qsys) Audio Config module // -- Line in to ADC // -- uncheck both bypass options wire [31:0] bus_addr; // Avalon address wire [3:0] bus_byte_enable; // four bit byte read/write mask wire bus_read; // high when requesting data wire bus_write; // high when writing data wire [31:0] bus_write_data; // data to send to Avalog bus wire bus_ack; // Avalon bus raises this when done wire [31:0] bus_read_data; // data from Avalon bus wire rst, hps_rst; assign rst = ~KEY[0] || hps_rst; wire [31:0] delta_left; wire [31:0] delta_right; wire delta_mode_left, delta_mode_right; wire [9:0] triangle_wave_max_left, triangle_wave_max_right; EBABWrapper ebab_wrapper ( // Outputs .bus_byte_enable(bus_byte_enable), .bus_read(bus_read), .bus_write(bus_write), .bus_write_data(bus_write_data), .bus_addr(bus_addr), // Inputs .clk(CLOCK_50), .rst(rst | hps_rst), .bus_ack(bus_ack), .bus_read_data(bus_read_data), .delta_left(delta_left), .delta_right(delta_right), .out_sel(SW[9]), .delta_mode_left(delta_mode_left), .delta_mode_right(delta_mode_right), .triangle_wave_max_right(triangle_wave_max_right), .triangle_wave_max_left(triangle_wave_max_left) ); Computer_System The_System ( //////////////////////////////////// // FPGA Side //////////////////////////////////// // Global signals .system_pll_ref_clk_clk (CLOCK_50), .system_pll_ref_reset_reset (1'b0), // AV Config .av_config_SCLK (FPGA_I2C_SCLK), .av_config_SDAT (FPGA_I2C_SDAT), // Audio Subsystem .audio_pll_ref_clk_clk (CLOCK3_50), .audio_pll_ref_reset_reset (1'b0), .audio_clk_clk (AUD_XCK), .audio_ADCDAT (AUD_ADCDAT), .audio_ADCLRCK (AUD_ADCLRCK), .audio_BCLK (AUD_BCLK), .audio_DACDAT (AUD_DACDAT), .audio_DACLRCK (AUD_DACLRCK), // HPS slaves .reset_slave_external_connection_export (hps_rst), .delta_left_slave_external_connection_export (delta_left), .delta_right_slave_external_connection_export (delta_right), .triangle_wave_max_left_slave_external_connection_export (triangle_wave_max_left), .triangle_wave_max_right_slave_external_connection_export (triangle_wave_max_right), .delta_mode_right_slave_external_connection_export (delta_mode_right), .delta_mode_left_slave_external_connection_export (delta_mode_left), // bus-master state machine interface .bus_master_audio_external_interface_address (bus_addr), .bus_master_audio_external_interface_byte_enable (bus_byte_enable), .bus_master_audio_external_interface_read (bus_read), .bus_master_audio_external_interface_write (bus_write), .bus_master_audio_external_interface_write_data (bus_write_data), .bus_master_audio_external_interface_acknowledge (bus_ack), .bus_master_audio_external_interface_read_data (bus_read_data), // VGA Subsystem .vga_pll_ref_clk_clk (CLOCK2_50), .vga_pll_ref_reset_reset (1'b0), .vga_CLK (VGA_CLK), .vga_BLANK (VGA_BLANK_N), .vga_SYNC (VGA_SYNC_N), .vga_HS (VGA_HS), .vga_VS (VGA_VS), .vga_R (VGA_R), .vga_G (VGA_G), .vga_B (VGA_B), // SDRAM .sdram_clk_clk (DRAM_CLK), .sdram_addr (DRAM_ADDR), .sdram_ba (DRAM_BA), .sdram_cas_n (DRAM_CAS_N), .sdram_cke (DRAM_CKE), .sdram_cs_n (DRAM_CS_N), .sdram_dq (DRAM_DQ), .sdram_dqm ({DRAM_UDQM,DRAM_LDQM}), .sdram_ras_n (DRAM_RAS_N), .sdram_we_n (DRAM_WE_N), //////////////////////////////////// // HPS Side //////////////////////////////////// // DDR3 SDRAM .memory_mem_a (HPS_DDR3_ADDR), .memory_mem_ba (HPS_DDR3_BA), .memory_mem_ck (HPS_DDR3_CK_P), .memory_mem_ck_n (HPS_DDR3_CK_N), .memory_mem_cke (HPS_DDR3_CKE), .memory_mem_cs_n (HPS_DDR3_CS_N), .memory_mem_ras_n (HPS_DDR3_RAS_N), .memory_mem_cas_n (HPS_DDR3_CAS_N), .memory_mem_we_n (HPS_DDR3_WE_N), .memory_mem_reset_n (HPS_DDR3_RESET_N), .memory_mem_dq (HPS_DDR3_DQ), .memory_mem_dqs (HPS_DDR3_DQS_P), .memory_mem_dqs_n (HPS_DDR3_DQS_N), .memory_mem_odt (HPS_DDR3_ODT), .memory_mem_dm (HPS_DDR3_DM), .memory_oct_rzqin (HPS_DDR3_RZQ), // Ethernet .hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_GPIO35 (HPS_ENET_INT_N), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_TX_CLK (HPS_ENET_GTX_CLK), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_TXD0 (HPS_ENET_TX_DATA[0]), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_TXD1 (HPS_ENET_TX_DATA[1]), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_TXD2 (HPS_ENET_TX_DATA[2]), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_TXD3 (HPS_ENET_TX_DATA[3]), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_RXD0 (HPS_ENET_RX_DATA[0]), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_MDIO (HPS_ENET_MDIO), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_MDC (HPS_ENET_MDC), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_RX_CTL (HPS_ENET_RX_DV), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_TX_CTL (HPS_ENET_TX_EN), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_RX_CLK (HPS_ENET_RX_CLK), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_RXD1 (HPS_ENET_RX_DATA[1]), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_RXD2 (HPS_ENET_RX_DATA[2]), .hps_io_hps_io_emac1_inst_RXD3 (HPS_ENET_RX_DATA[3]), // Flash .hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_IO0 (HPS_FLASH_DATA[0]), .hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_IO1 (HPS_FLASH_DATA[1]), .hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_IO2 (HPS_FLASH_DATA[2]), .hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_IO3 (HPS_FLASH_DATA[3]), .hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_SS0 (HPS_FLASH_NCSO), .hps_io_hps_io_qspi_inst_CLK (HPS_FLASH_DCLK), // Accelerometer .hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_GPIO61 (HPS_GSENSOR_INT), //.adc_sclk (ADC_SCLK), //.adc_cs_n (ADC_CS_N), //.adc_dout (ADC_DOUT), //.adc_din (ADC_DIN), // General Purpose I/O .hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_GPIO40 (HPS_GPIO[0]), .hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_GPIO41 (HPS_GPIO[1]), // I2C .hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_GPIO48 (HPS_I2C_CONTROL), .hps_io_hps_io_i2c0_inst_SDA (HPS_I2C1_SDAT), .hps_io_hps_io_i2c0_inst_SCL (HPS_I2C1_SCLK), .hps_io_hps_io_i2c1_inst_SDA (HPS_I2C2_SDAT), .hps_io_hps_io_i2c1_inst_SCL (HPS_I2C2_SCLK), // Pushbutton .hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_GPIO54 (HPS_KEY), // LED .hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_GPIO53 (HPS_LED), // SD Card .hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_CMD (HPS_SD_CMD), .hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_D0 (HPS_SD_DATA[0]), .hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_D1 (HPS_SD_DATA[1]), .hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_CLK (HPS_SD_CLK), .hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_D2 (HPS_SD_DATA[2]), .hps_io_hps_io_sdio_inst_D3 (HPS_SD_DATA[3]), // SPI .hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_CLK (HPS_SPIM_CLK), .hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_MOSI (HPS_SPIM_MOSI), .hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_MISO (HPS_SPIM_MISO), .hps_io_hps_io_spim1_inst_SS0 (HPS_SPIM_SS), // UART .hps_io_hps_io_uart0_inst_RX (HPS_UART_RX), .hps_io_hps_io_uart0_inst_TX (HPS_UART_TX), // USB .hps_io_hps_io_gpio_inst_GPIO09 (HPS_CONV_USB_N), .hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D0 (HPS_USB_DATA[0]), .hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D1 (HPS_USB_DATA[1]), .hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D2 (HPS_USB_DATA[2]), .hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D3 (HPS_USB_DATA[3]), .hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D4 (HPS_USB_DATA[4]), .hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D5 (HPS_USB_DATA[5]), .hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D6 (HPS_USB_DATA[6]), .hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_D7 (HPS_USB_DATA[7]), .hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_CLK (HPS_USB_CLKOUT), .hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_STP (HPS_USB_STP), .hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_DIR (HPS_USB_DIR), .hps_io_hps_io_usb1_inst_NXT (HPS_USB_NXT) ); endmodule // DE1_SoC_Computer
module butter_test(); reg rst, CLOCK_50; reg [31:0] counter; reg audio_input_ready; // DDS update signal for testing reg [31:0] dds_accum; // DDS LUT reg [31:0] sine_out; wire [31:0] my_out; // make reset initial begin counter = 32'b0; CLOCK_50 = 1'b0; audio_input_ready = 1'b0; dds_accum = 32'd0; sine_out = 32'h7fff_ffff; rst = 1'b0; #50 rst = 1'b1; #100 rst = 1'b0; end // make clock always begin #10 CLOCK_50 = !CLOCK_50; end always begin #1000000 sine_out = ~sine_out; end always begin #20813 audio_input_ready = 1; #20 audio_input_ready = 0; end // update phase accumulator // sync to audio data rate (48kHz) using audio_input_ready signal /*always @(posedge CLOCK_50) begin //CLOCK_50 // Fout = (sample_rate)/(2^32)*(constant) // then Fout=48000/(2^32)*(44739242) = 500 Hz if (audio_input_ready) dds_accum <= dds_accum + 32'd44739242; end*/ // DDS sine wave ROM //sync_rom sineTable(CLOCK_50, dds_accum[31:24], sine_out); //Filter: cutoff=0.145833 IIR6_32bit_fixed filter( .audio_out (my_out), .audio_in (sine_out), .scale (3'd3), .b1 (32'h226C), .b2 (32'hCE8B), .b3 (32'h2045B), .b4 (32'h2B07A), .b5 (32'h2045B), .b6 (32'hCE8B), .b7 (32'h226C), .a2 (32'h21DC9D38), .a3 (32'hC2BABD8C), .a4 (32'h3C58991F), .a5 (32'hDDFDB62D), .a6 (32'hA5FA11C), .a7 (32'hFEAA19B2), .clk(CLOCK_50), .data_val(audio_input_ready), .rst(rst), .audio_out_val(audio_out_val) ); //end filter endmodule
module sync_rom (clock, address, sine); input clock; input [7:0] address; output [15:0] sine; reg signed [15:0] sine; always@(posedge clock) begin case(address) 8'h00: sine = 16'h0000; 8'h01: sine = 16'h0192; 8'h02: sine = 16'h0323; 8'h03: sine = 16'h04b5; 8'h04: sine = 16'h0645; 8'h05: sine = 16'h07d5; 8'h06: sine = 16'h0963; 8'h07: sine = 16'h0af0; 8'h08: sine = 16'h0c7c; 8'h09: sine = 16'h0e05; 8'h0a: sine = 16'h0f8c; 8'h0b: sine = 16'h1111; 8'h0c: sine = 16'h1293; 8'h0d: sine = 16'h1413; 8'h0e: sine = 16'h158f; 8'h0f: sine = 16'h1708; 8'h10: sine = 16'h187d; 8'h11: sine = 16'h19ef; 8'h12: sine = 16'h1b5c; 8'h13: sine = 16'h1cc5; 8'h14: sine = 16'h1e2a; 8'h15: sine = 16'h1f8b; 8'h16: sine = 16'h20e6; 8'h17: sine = 16'h223c; 8'h18: sine = 16'h238d; 8'h19: sine = 16'h24d9; 8'h1a: sine = 16'h261f; 8'h1b: sine = 16'h275f; 8'h1c: sine = 16'h2899; 8'h1d: sine = 16'h29cc; 8'h1e: sine = 16'h2afa; 8'h1f: sine = 16'h2c20; 8'h20: sine = 16'h2d40; 8'h21: sine = 16'h2e59; 8'h22: sine = 16'h2f6b; 8'h23: sine = 16'h3075; 8'h24: sine = 16'h3178; 8'h25: sine = 16'h3273; 8'h26: sine = 16'h3366; 8'h27: sine = 16'h3452; 8'h28: sine = 16'h3535; 8'h29: sine = 16'h3611; 8'h2a: sine = 16'h36e4; 8'h2b: sine = 16'h37ae; 8'h2c: sine = 16'h3870; 8'h2d: sine = 16'h3929; 8'h2e: sine = 16'h39da; 8'h2f: sine = 16'h3a81; 8'h30: sine = 16'h3b1f; 8'h31: sine = 16'h3bb5; 8'h32: sine = 16'h3c41; 8'h33: sine = 16'h3cc4; 8'h34: sine = 16'h3d3d; 8'h35: sine = 16'h3dad; 8'h36: sine = 16'h3e14; 8'h37: sine = 16'h3e70; 8'h38: sine = 16'h3ec4; 8'h39: sine = 16'h3f0d; 8'h3a: sine = 16'h3f4d; 8'h3b: sine = 16'h3f83; 8'h3c: sine = 16'h3fb0; 8'h3d: sine = 16'h3fd2; 8'h3e: sine = 16'h3feb; 8'h3f: sine = 16'h3ffa; 8'h40: sine = 16'h3fff; 8'h41: sine = 16'h3ffa; 8'h42: sine = 16'h3feb; 8'h43: sine = 16'h3fd2; 8'h44: sine = 16'h3fb0; 8'h45: sine = 16'h3f83; 8'h46: sine = 16'h3f4d; 8'h47: sine = 16'h3f0d; 8'h48: sine = 16'h3ec4; 8'h49: sine = 16'h3e70; 8'h4a: sine = 16'h3e14; 8'h4b: sine = 16'h3dad; 8'h4c: sine = 16'h3d3d; 8'h4d: sine = 16'h3cc4; 8'h4e: sine = 16'h3c41; 8'h4f: sine = 16'h3bb5; 8'h50: sine = 16'h3b1f; 8'h51: sine = 16'h3a81; 8'h52: sine = 16'h39da; 8'h53: sine = 16'h3929; 8'h54: sine = 16'h3870; 8'h55: sine = 16'h37ae; 8'h56: sine = 16'h36e4; 8'h57: sine = 16'h3611; 8'h58: sine = 16'h3535; 8'h59: sine = 16'h3452; 8'h5a: sine = 16'h3366; 8'h5b: sine = 16'h3273; 8'h5c: sine = 16'h3178; 8'h5d: sine = 16'h3075; 8'h5e: sine = 16'h2f6b; 8'h5f: sine = 16'h2e59; 8'h60: sine = 16'h2d40; 8'h61: sine = 16'h2c20; 8'h62: sine = 16'h2afa; 8'h63: sine = 16'h29cc; 8'h64: sine = 16'h2899; 8'h65: sine = 16'h275f; 8'h66: sine = 16'h261f; 8'h67: sine = 16'h24d9; 8'h68: sine = 16'h238d; 8'h69: sine = 16'h223c; 8'h6a: sine = 16'h20e6; 8'h6b: sine = 16'h1f8b; 8'h6c: sine = 16'h1e2a; 8'h6d: sine = 16'h1cc5; 8'h6e: sine = 16'h1b5c; 8'h6f: sine = 16'h19ef; 8'h70: sine = 16'h187d; 8'h71: sine = 16'h1708; 8'h72: sine = 16'h158f; 8'h73: sine = 16'h1413; 8'h74: sine = 16'h1293; 8'h75: sine = 16'h1111; 8'h76: sine = 16'h0f8c; 8'h77: sine = 16'h0e05; 8'h78: sine = 16'h0c7c; 8'h79: sine = 16'h0af0; 8'h7a: sine = 16'h0963; 8'h7b: sine = 16'h07d5; 8'h7c: sine = 16'h0645; 8'h7d: sine = 16'h04b5; 8'h7e: sine = 16'h0323; 8'h7f: sine = 16'h0192; 8'h80: sine = 16'h0000; 8'h81: sine = 16'hfe6e; 8'h82: sine = 16'hfcdd; 8'h83: sine = 16'hfb4b; 8'h84: sine = 16'hf9bb; 8'h85: sine = 16'hf82b; 8'h86: sine = 16'hf69d; 8'h87: sine = 16'hf510; 8'h88: sine = 16'hf384; 8'h89: sine = 16'hf1fb; 8'h8a: sine = 16'hf074; 8'h8b: sine = 16'heeef; 8'h8c: sine = 16'hed6d; 8'h8d: sine = 16'hebed; 8'h8e: sine = 16'hea71; 8'h8f: sine = 16'he8f8; 8'h90: sine = 16'he783; 8'h91: sine = 16'he611; 8'h92: sine = 16'he4a4; 8'h93: sine = 16'he33b; 8'h94: sine = 16'he1d6; 8'h95: sine = 16'he075; 8'h96: sine = 16'hdf1a; 8'h97: sine = 16'hddc4; 8'h98: sine = 16'hdc73; 8'h99: sine = 16'hdb27; 8'h9a: sine = 16'hd9e1; 8'h9b: sine = 16'hd8a1; 8'h9c: sine = 16'hd767; 8'h9d: sine = 16'hd634; 8'h9e: sine = 16'hd506; 8'h9f: sine = 16'hd3e0; 8'ha0: sine = 16'hd2c0; 8'ha1: sine = 16'hd1a7; 8'ha2: sine = 16'hd095; 8'ha3: sine = 16'hcf8b; 8'ha4: sine = 16'hce88; 8'ha5: sine = 16'hcd8d; 8'ha6: sine = 16'hcc9a; 8'ha7: sine = 16'hcbae; 8'ha8: sine = 16'hcacb; 8'ha9: sine = 16'hc9ef; 8'haa: sine = 16'hc91c; 8'hab: sine = 16'hc852; 8'hac: sine = 16'hc790; 8'had: sine = 16'hc6d7; 8'hae: sine = 16'hc626; 8'haf: sine = 16'hc57f; 8'hb0: sine = 16'hc4e1; 8'hb1: sine = 16'hc44b; 8'hb2: sine = 16'hc3bf; 8'hb3: sine = 16'hc33c; 8'hb4: sine = 16'hc2c3; 8'hb5: sine = 16'hc253; 8'hb6: sine = 16'hc1ec; 8'hb7: sine = 16'hc190; 8'hb8: sine = 16'hc13c; 8'hb9: sine = 16'hc0f3; 8'hba: sine = 16'hc0b3; 8'hbb: sine = 16'hc07d; 8'hbc: sine = 16'hc050; 8'hbd: sine = 16'hc02e; 8'hbe: sine = 16'hc015; 8'hbf: sine = 16'hc006; 8'hc0: sine = 16'hc001; 8'hc1: sine = 16'hc006; 8'hc2: sine = 16'hc015; 8'hc3: sine = 16'hc02e; 8'hc4: sine = 16'hc050; 8'hc5: sine = 16'hc07d; 8'hc6: sine = 16'hc0b3; 8'hc7: sine = 16'hc0f3; 8'hc8: sine = 16'hc13c; 8'hc9: sine = 16'hc190; 8'hca: sine = 16'hc1ec; 8'hcb: sine = 16'hc253; 8'hcc: sine = 16'hc2c3; 8'hcd: sine = 16'hc33c; 8'hce: sine = 16'hc3bf; 8'hcf: sine = 16'hc44b; 8'hd0: sine = 16'hc4e1; 8'hd1: sine = 16'hc57f; 8'hd2: sine = 16'hc626; 8'hd3: sine = 16'hc6d7; 8'hd4: sine = 16'hc790; 8'hd5: sine = 16'hc852; 8'hd6: sine = 16'hc91c; 8'hd7: sine = 16'hc9ef; 8'hd8: sine = 16'hcacb; 8'hd9: sine = 16'hcbae; 8'hda: sine = 16'hcc9a; 8'hdb: sine = 16'hcd8d; 8'hdc: sine = 16'hce88; 8'hdd: sine = 16'hcf8b; 8'hde: sine = 16'hd095; 8'hdf: sine = 16'hd1a7; 8'he0: sine = 16'hd2c0; 8'he1: sine = 16'hd3e0; 8'he2: sine = 16'hd506; 8'he3: sine = 16'hd634; 8'he4: sine = 16'hd767; 8'he5: sine = 16'hd8a1; 8'he6: sine = 16'hd9e1; 8'he7: sine = 16'hdb27; 8'he8: sine = 16'hdc73; 8'he9: sine = 16'hddc4; 8'hea: sine = 16'hdf1a; 8'heb: sine = 16'he075; 8'hec: sine = 16'he1d6; 8'hed: sine = 16'he33b; 8'hee: sine = 16'he4a4; 8'hef: sine = 16'he611; 8'hf0: sine = 16'he783; 8'hf1: sine = 16'he8f8; 8'hf2: sine = 16'hea71; 8'hf3: sine = 16'hebed; 8'hf4: sine = 16'hed6d; 8'hf5: sine = 16'heeef; 8'hf6: sine = 16'hf074; 8'hf7: sine = 16'hf1fb; 8'hf8: sine = 16'hf384; 8'hf9: sine = 16'hf510; 8'hfa: sine = 16'hf69d; 8'hfb: sine = 16'hf82b; 8'hfc: sine = 16'hf9bb; 8'hfd: sine = 16'hfb4b; 8'hfe: sine = 16'hfcdd; 8'hff: sine = 16'hfe6e; endcase end endmodule
module RAM_512_18 #(parameter B = 1024) ( output signed [31:0] q, input signed [31:0] data, input [($clog2(B)-1):0] wraddress, rdaddress, input wren, rden, clock ); reg [8:0] read_address_reg; reg signed [31:0] mem [(B-1):0] /*synthesis ramstyle = M10K" */; reg rden_reg; always @(posedge clock) begin if (wren) mem[wraddress] <= data; end always @(posedge clock) begin read_address_reg <= rdaddress; rden_reg <= rden; end assign q = (rden_reg) ? mem[read_address_reg] : 0; endmodule
module buffer #(parameter B=1024) ( // inputs clk, rst, delta, new_sample_val, new_sample_data, out_sel, delta_mode, // indicates whether to use fixed or varying delta triangle_wave_max, // outputs pitch_shift_out, pitch_shift_val ); input clk, rst, new_sample_val, out_sel, delta_mode; input [9:0] triangle_wave_max; //input output_filter_ack; // pitch-shift amount input [31:0] delta; // 3.29 format // audio in input signed [31:0] new_sample_data; reg signed [31:0] new_sample_data_reg; // enables reg rb1_rden, rb2_rden, rb1_wren, rb2_wren; // fractional index for pitch shifting (see MATLAB model) reg [$clog2(B)+28:0] rb1_index; //$clog2(B).29 format reg [$clog2(B)+28:0] rb2_index; // actual read address reg [$clog2(B)-1:0] rb1_read_addr; reg [$clog2(B)-1:0] rb2_read_addr; // write address reg [$clog2(B)-1:0] rb1_write_addr; reg [$clog2(B)-1:0] rb2_write_addr; // read data wire signed [31:0] rb1_read_out; wire signed [31:0] rb2_read_out; // state 0 = waiting for new sample // state 1 = reg [2:0] state; // needed for two delta modes wire [31:0] delta_effective; //or reg? reg [9:0] delta_rom_addr; reg [9:0] delta_counter; wire [31:0] delta_rom_out; // output interface for next unit output signed [31:0] pitch_shift_out; output signed [31:0] pitch_shift_val; assign pitch_shift_out = (out_sel) ? rb1_read_out : ((rb1_read_out >>> 1) + (rb2_read_out >>> 1)); assign pitch_shift_val = (state == 3'd2) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; // delta_mode = 1 => use input delta assign delta_effective = (delta_mode) ? delta : delta_rom_out; RAM_512_18 #(B) rb1 ( .clock(clk), .q(rb1_read_out), .rdaddress(rb1_read_addr), .data(new_sample_data_reg), .wraddress(rb1_write_addr), .wren(rb1_wren), .rden(rb1_rden) ); RAM_512_18 #(B) rb2 ( .clock(clk), .q(rb2_read_out), .rdaddress(rb2_read_addr), .data(new_sample_data_reg), .wraddress(rb1_write_addr), .wren(rb2_wren), .rden(rb2_rden) ); // ROM for time varying delta delta_rom d1 (.clock(clk), .address(delta_rom_addr), .delta_out(delta_rom_out)); always @ (posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin state <= 3'd0; rb1_index <= 0; rb2_index <= 0; rb1_write_addr <= 0; rb2_write_addr <= (B/2); rb1_read_addr <= 0; rb2_read_addr <= 0; new_sample_data_reg <= 0; rb1_rden <= 0; rb2_rden <= 0; rb1_wren <= 0; rb2_wren <= 0; delta_counter <= 0; delta_rom_addr <= 0; end else if ((state == 3'd0) && new_sample_val) begin new_sample_data_reg <= new_sample_data; // increment write addr, modulo rb size rb1_write_addr <= (rb1_write_addr == (B - 1)) ? 0 : (rb1_write_addr + 1); rb2_write_addr <= (rb2_write_addr == (B - 1)) ? 0 : (rb2_write_addr + 1); // update fractional index, modulo rb size rb1_index <= (rb1_index + delta_effective); rb2_index <= (rb2_index + delta_effective); // only take integer part for read address rb1_read_addr <= rb1_index[$clog2(B)+28 : 29]; rb2_read_addr <= rb2_index[$clog2(B)+28 : 29]; rb1_rden <= 1; rb2_rden <= 1; rb1_wren <= 1; rb2_wren <= 1; state <= 3'd1; end else if ((state == 3'd1)) begin // done writing rb1_wren <= 0; rb2_wren <= 0; state <= 3'd2; end else if ((state == 3'd2)) begin // done reading // read_buffer_val is set to one (combinational above) rb1_rden <= 0; rb2_rden <= 0; state <= 3'd0; // stay on each delta sample for 188 reads (total period of 1sec), then // go to next address in ROM, restart from address 0 when necessary delta_counter <= (delta_counter == triangle_wave_max) ? 10'd0 : (delta_counter + 10'd1); delta_rom_addr <= (delta_counter == triangle_wave_max) ? ((delta_rom_addr == 10'd513 ) ? 10'd0 : (delta_rom_addr + 10'd1)) : delta_rom_addr; end else begin // don't do anything rb1_rden <= 0; rb2_rden <= 0; rb1_wren <= 0; rb2_wren <= 0; end end endmodule
module project_top(); reg rst, clk; wire [31:0] bus_addr; // Avalon address wire [3:0] bus_byte_enable; // four bit byte read/write mask wire bus_read; // high when requesting data wire bus_write; // high when writing data wire [31:0] bus_write_data; // data to send to Avalog bus reg bus_ack; // Avalon bus raises this when done reg [31:0] bus_read_data; // data from Avalon bus reg [31:0] counter; wire [31:0] audio_fifo_address = 32'h00003044; // Avalon address +4 wire [31:0] audio_left_address = 32'h00003048; // Avalon address +8 wire [31:0] audio_right_address = 32'h0000304c; // Avalon address +12 // make reset initial begin bus_read_data = 32'b0; counter = 32'b0; clk = 1'b0; rst = 1'b0; #50 rst = 1'b1; #100 rst = 1'b0; end // make clock always begin #10 clk = !clk; end always @(posedge clk) begin // fake bus acjs bus_ack <= bus_write | bus_read; end always @(posedge bus_read) begin // fake bus reads if (bus_addr == audio_fifo_address) begin bus_read_data <= (8'd3 << 24) | 8'd2; // allow reads and writes end else if ((bus_addr == audio_right_address)) begin counter <= counter + 1; bus_read_data <= counter; end end EBABWrapper ebab_wrapper ( // Outputs .bus_byte_enable(bus_byte_enable), .bus_read(bus_read), .bus_write(bus_write), .bus_write_data(bus_write_data), .bus_addr(bus_addr), // Inputs .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .bus_ack(bus_ack), .bus_read_data(bus_read_data) ); endmodule
module delta_rom (clock, address, delta_out); input clock; input [9:0] address; output [31:0] delta_out; reg [31:0] delta_out; always@(posedge clock) begin case(address) 10'd0: delta_out = 32'b00010000000000000000000000000000; 10'd1: delta_out = 32'b00010000001000000000000000000000; 10'd2: delta_out = 32'b00010000010000000000000000000000; 10'd3: delta_out = 32'b00010000011000000000000000000000; 10'd4: delta_out = 32'b00010000100000000000000000000000; 10'd5: delta_out = 32'b00010000101000000000000000000000; 10'd6: delta_out = 32'b00010000110000000000000000000000; 10'd7: delta_out = 32'b00010000111000000000000000000000; 10'd8: delta_out = 32'b00010001000000000000000000000000; 10'd9: delta_out = 32'b00010001001000000000000000000000; 10'd10: delta_out = 32'b00010001010000000000000000000000; 10'd11: delta_out = 32'b00010001011000000000000000000000; 10'd12: delta_out = 32'b00010001100000000000000000000000; 10'd13: delta_out = 32'b00010001101000000000000000000000; 10'd14: delta_out = 32'b00010001110000000000000000000000; 10'd15: delta_out = 32'b00010001111000000000000000000000; 10'd16: delta_out = 32'b00010010000000000000000000000000; 10'd17: delta_out = 32'b00010010001000000000000000000000; 10'd18: delta_out = 32'b00010010010000000000000000000000; 10'd19: delta_out = 32'b00010010011000000000000000000000; 10'd20: delta_out = 32'b00010010100000000000000000000000; 10'd21: delta_out = 32'b00010010101000000000000000000000; 10'd22: delta_out = 32'b00010010110000000000000000000000; 10'd23: delta_out = 32'b00010010111000000000000000000000; 10'd24: delta_out = 32'b00010011000000000000000000000000; 10'd25: delta_out = 32'b00010011001000000000000000000000; 10'd26: delta_out = 32'b00010011010000000000000000000000; 10'd27: delta_out = 32'b00010011011000000000000000000000; 10'd28: delta_out = 32'b00010011100000000000000000000000; 10'd29: delta_out = 32'b00010011101000000000000000000000; 10'd30: delta_out = 32'b00010011110000000000000000000000; 10'd31: delta_out = 32'b00010011111000000000000000000000; 10'd32: delta_out = 32'b00010100000000000000000000000000; 10'd33: delta_out = 32'b00010100001000000000000000000000; 10'd34: delta_out = 32'b00010100010000000000000000000000; 10'd35: delta_out = 32'b00010100011000000000000000000000; 10'd36: delta_out = 32'b00010100100000000000000000000000; 10'd37: delta_out = 32'b00010100101000000000000000000000; 10'd38: delta_out = 32'b00010100110000000000000000000000; 10'd39: delta_out = 32'b00010100111000000000000000000000; 10'd40: delta_out = 32'b00010101000000000000000000000000; 10'd41: delta_out = 32'b00010101001000000000000000000000; 10'd42: delta_out = 32'b00010101010000000000000000000000; 10'd43: delta_out = 32'b00010101011000000000000000000000; 10'd44: delta_out = 32'b00010101100000000000000000000000; 10'd45: delta_out = 32'b00010101101000000000000000000000; 10'd46: delta_out = 32'b00010101110000000000000000000000; 10'd47: delta_out = 32'b00010101111000000000000000000000; 10'd48: delta_out = 32'b00010110000000000000000000000000; 10'd49: delta_out = 32'b00010110001000000000000000000000; 10'd50: delta_out = 32'b00010110010000000000000000000000; 10'd51: delta_out = 32'b00010110011000000000000000000000; 10'd52: delta_out = 32'b00010110100000000000000000000000; 10'd53: delta_out = 32'b00010110101000000000000000000000; 10'd54: delta_out = 32'b00010110110000000000000000000000; 10'd55: delta_out = 32'b00010110111000000000000000000000; 10'd56: delta_out = 32'b00010111000000000000000000000000; 10'd57: delta_out = 32'b00010111001000000000000000000000; 10'd58: delta_out = 32'b00010111010000000000000000000000; 10'd59: delta_out = 32'b00010111011000000000000000000000; 10'd60: delta_out = 32'b00010111100000000000000000000000; 10'd61: delta_out = 32'b00010111101000000000000000000000; 10'd62: delta_out = 32'b00010111110000000000000000000000; 10'd63: delta_out = 32'b00010111111000000000000000000000; 10'd64: delta_out = 32'b00011000000000000000000000000000; 10'd65: delta_out = 32'b00011000001000000000000000000000; 10'd66: delta_out = 32'b00011000010000000000000000000000; 10'd67: delta_out = 32'b00011000011000000000000000000000; 10'd68: delta_out = 32'b00011000100000000000000000000000; 10'd69: delta_out = 32'b00011000101000000000000000000000; 10'd70: delta_out = 32'b00011000110000000000000000000000; 10'd71: delta_out = 32'b00011000111000000000000000000000; 10'd72: delta_out = 32'b00011001000000000000000000000000; 10'd73: delta_out = 32'b00011001001000000000000000000000; 10'd74: delta_out = 32'b00011001010000000000000000000000; 10'd75: delta_out = 32'b00011001011000000000000000000000; 10'd76: delta_out = 32'b00011001100000000000000000000000; 10'd77: delta_out = 32'b00011001101000000000000000000000; 10'd78: delta_out = 32'b00011001110000000000000000000000; 10'd79: delta_out = 32'b00011001111000000000000000000000; 10'd80: delta_out = 32'b00011010000000000000000000000000; 10'd81: delta_out = 32'b00011010001000000000000000000000; 10'd82: delta_out = 32'b00011010010000000000000000000000; 10'd83: delta_out = 32'b00011010011000000000000000000000; 10'd84: delta_out = 32'b00011010100000000000000000000000; 10'd85: delta_out = 32'b00011010101000000000000000000000; 10'd86: delta_out = 32'b00011010110000000000000000000000; 10'd87: delta_out = 32'b00011010111000000000000000000000; 10'd88: delta_out = 32'b00011011000000000000000000000000; 10'd89: delta_out = 32'b00011011001000000000000000000000; 10'd90: delta_out = 32'b00011011010000000000000000000000; 10'd91: delta_out = 32'b00011011011000000000000000000000; 10'd92: delta_out = 32'b00011011100000000000000000000000; 10'd93: delta_out = 32'b00011011101000000000000000000000; 10'd94: delta_out = 32'b00011011110000000000000000000000; 10'd95: delta_out = 32'b00011011111000000000000000000000; 10'd96: delta_out = 32'b00011100000000000000000000000000; 10'd97: delta_out = 32'b00011100001000000000000000000000; 10'd98: delta_out = 32'b00011100010000000000000000000000; 10'd99: delta_out = 32'b00011100011000000000000000000000; 10'd100: delta_out = 32'b00011100100000000000000000000000; 10'd101: delta_out = 32'b00011100101000000000000000000000; 10'd102: delta_out = 32'b00011100110000000000000000000000; 10'd103: delta_out = 32'b00011100111000000000000000000000; 10'd104: delta_out = 32'b00011101000000000000000000000000; 10'd105: delta_out = 32'b00011101001000000000000000000000; 10'd106: delta_out = 32'b00011101010000000000000000000000; 10'd107: delta_out = 32'b00011101011000000000000000000000; 10'd108: delta_out = 32'b00011101100000000000000000000000; 10'd109: delta_out = 32'b00011101101000000000000000000000; 10'd110: delta_out = 32'b00011101110000000000000000000000; 10'd111: delta_out = 32'b00011101111000000000000000000000; 10'd112: delta_out = 32'b00011110000000000000000000000000; 10'd113: delta_out = 32'b00011110001000000000000000000000; 10'd114: delta_out = 32'b00011110010000000000000000000000; 10'd115: delta_out = 32'b00011110011000000000000000000000; 10'd116: delta_out = 32'b00011110100000000000000000000000; 10'd117: delta_out = 32'b00011110101000000000000000000000; 10'd118: delta_out = 32'b00011110110000000000000000000000; 10'd119: delta_out = 32'b00011110111000000000000000000000; 10'd120: delta_out = 32'b00011111000000000000000000000000; 10'd121: delta_out = 32'b00011111001000000000000000000000; 10'd122: delta_out = 32'b00011111010000000000000000000000; 10'd123: delta_out = 32'b00011111011000000000000000000000; 10'd124: delta_out = 32'b00011111100000000000000000000000; 10'd125: delta_out = 32'b00011111101000000000000000000000; 10'd126: delta_out = 32'b00011111110000000000000000000000; 10'd127: delta_out = 32'b00011111111000000000000000000000; 10'd128: delta_out = 32'b00100000000000000000000000000000; 10'd129: delta_out = 32'b00100000001000000000000000000000; 10'd130: delta_out = 32'b00100000010000000000000000000000; 10'd131: delta_out = 32'b00100000011000000000000000000000; 10'd132: delta_out = 32'b00100000100000000000000000000000; 10'd133: delta_out = 32'b00100000101000000000000000000000; 10'd134: delta_out = 32'b00100000110000000000000000000000; 10'd135: delta_out = 32'b00100000111000000000000000000000; 10'd136: delta_out = 32'b00100001000000000000000000000000; 10'd137: delta_out = 32'b00100001001000000000000000000000; 10'd138: delta_out = 32'b00100001010000000000000000000000; 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10'd479: delta_out = 32'b00010100001000000000000000000000; 10'd480: delta_out = 32'b00010100000000000000000000000000; 10'd481: delta_out = 32'b00010011111000000000000000000000; 10'd482: delta_out = 32'b00010011110000000000000000000000; 10'd483: delta_out = 32'b00010011101000000000000000000000; 10'd484: delta_out = 32'b00010011100000000000000000000000; 10'd485: delta_out = 32'b00010011011000000000000000000000; 10'd486: delta_out = 32'b00010011010000000000000000000000; 10'd487: delta_out = 32'b00010011001000000000000000000000; 10'd488: delta_out = 32'b00010011000000000000000000000000; 10'd489: delta_out = 32'b00010010111000000000000000000000; 10'd490: delta_out = 32'b00010010110000000000000000000000; 10'd491: delta_out = 32'b00010010101000000000000000000000; 10'd492: delta_out = 32'b00010010100000000000000000000000; 10'd493: delta_out = 32'b00010010011000000000000000000000; 10'd494: delta_out = 32'b00010010010000000000000000000000; 10'd495: delta_out = 32'b00010010001000000000000000000000; 10'd496: delta_out = 32'b00010010000000000000000000000000; 10'd497: delta_out = 32'b00010001111000000000000000000000; 10'd498: delta_out = 32'b00010001110000000000000000000000; 10'd499: delta_out = 32'b00010001101000000000000000000000; 10'd500: delta_out = 32'b00010001100000000000000000000000; 10'd501: delta_out = 32'b00010001011000000000000000000000; 10'd502: delta_out = 32'b00010001010000000000000000000000; 10'd503: delta_out = 32'b00010001001000000000000000000000; 10'd504: delta_out = 32'b00010001000000000000000000000000; 10'd505: delta_out = 32'b00010000111000000000000000000000; 10'd506: delta_out = 32'b00010000110000000000000000000000; 10'd507: delta_out = 32'b00010000101000000000000000000000; 10'd508: delta_out = 32'b00010000100000000000000000000000; 10'd509: delta_out = 32'b00010000011000000000000000000000; 10'd510: delta_out = 32'b00010000010000000000000000000000; 10'd511: delta_out = 32'b00010000001000000000000000000000; 10'd512: delta_out = 32'b00010000000000000000000000000000; 10'd513: delta_out = 32'b00001111111000000000000000000000; endcase end endmodule
module IIR6_32bit_fixed (audio_out, audio_in, scale, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, clk, data_val, rst, audio_out_val); // The filter is a "Direct Form II Transposed" // // a(1)*y(n) = b(1)*x(n) + b(2)*x(n-1) + ... + b(nb+1)*x(n-nb) // - a(2)*y(n-1) - ... - a(na+1)*y(n-na) // // If a(1) is not equal to 1, FILTER normalizes the filter // coefficients by a(1). // // one audio sample, 16 bit, 2's complement output reg signed [31:0] audio_out; output reg signed audio_out_val; // one audio sample, 16 bit, 2's complement input wire signed [31:0] audio_in; // shift factor for output input wire [2:0] scale; // filter coefficients input wire signed [31:0] b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7; input wire clk, data_val, rst; /// filter vars wire signed [31:0] f1_mac_new, f1_coeff_x_value; reg signed [31:0] f1_coeff, f1_mac_old, f1_value; // input to filter reg signed [31:0] x_n; // input history x(n-1), x(n-2) reg signed [31:0] x_n1, x_n2, x_n3, x_n4, x_n5, x_n6; // output history: y_n is the new filter output, BUT it is // immediately stored in f1_y_n1 for the next loop through // the filter state machine reg signed [31:0] f1_y_n1, f1_y_n2, f1_y_n3, f1_y_n4, f1_y_n5, f1_y_n6; // MAC operation signed_mult f1_c_x_v (.out(f1_coeff_x_value), .a(f1_coeff), .b(f1_value)); assign f1_mac_new = f1_mac_old + f1_coeff_x_value; // state variable reg [3:0] state; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Run the filter state machine FAST so that it completes in one //audio cycle always @ (posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin state <= 4'd15; //turn off the state machine f1_value <= 0; f1_coeff <= 0; f1_mac_old <= 0; x_n <= 0; x_n1 <= 0; x_n2 <= 0; x_n3 <= 0; x_n4 <= 0; x_n5 <= 0; x_n6 <= 0; f1_y_n1 <= 0; f1_y_n2 <= 0; f1_y_n3 <= 0; f1_y_n4 <= 0; f1_y_n5 <= 0; f1_y_n6 <= 0; audio_out_val <= 0; end else begin case (state) 1: begin // set up b1*x(n) f1_mac_old <= 32'd0; f1_coeff <= b1; f1_value <= (audio_in >>> 1); //register input x_n <= (audio_in >>> 1); // next state state <= 4'd2; end 2: begin // set up b2*x(n-1) f1_mac_old <= f1_mac_new; f1_coeff <= b2; f1_value <= x_n1; // next state state <= 4'd3; end 3: begin // set up b3*x(n-2) f1_mac_old <= f1_mac_new; f1_coeff <= b3; f1_value <= x_n2; // next state state <= 4'd4; end 4: begin // set up b4*x(n-3) f1_mac_old <= f1_mac_new; f1_coeff <= b4; f1_value <= x_n3; // next state state <= 4'd5; end 5: begin // set up b5*x(n-4) f1_mac_old <= f1_mac_new; f1_coeff <= b5; f1_value <= x_n4; // next state state <= 4'd6; end 6: begin // set up b6*x(n-5) f1_mac_old <= f1_mac_new; f1_coeff <= b6; f1_value <= x_n5; // next state state <= 4'd7; end 7: begin // set up b7*x(n-6) f1_mac_old <= f1_mac_new; f1_coeff <= b7; f1_value <= x_n6; // next state state <= 4'd8; end 8: begin // set up -a2*y(n-1) f1_mac_old <= f1_mac_new; f1_coeff <= a2; f1_value <= f1_y_n1; //next state state <= 4'd9; end 9: begin // set up -a3*y(n-2) f1_mac_old <= f1_mac_new; f1_coeff <= a3; f1_value <= f1_y_n2; //next state state <= 4'd10; end 4'd10: begin // set up -a4*y(n-3) f1_mac_old <= f1_mac_new; f1_coeff <= a4; f1_value <= f1_y_n3; //next state state <= 4'd11; end 4'd11: begin // set up -a5*y(n-4) f1_mac_old <= f1_mac_new; f1_coeff <= a5; f1_value <= f1_y_n4; //next state state <= 4'd12; end 4'd12: begin // set up -a6*y(n-5) f1_mac_old <= f1_mac_new; f1_coeff <= a6; f1_value <= f1_y_n5; //next state state <= 4'd13; end 13: begin // set up -a7*y(n-6) f1_mac_old <= f1_mac_new; f1_coeff <= a7; f1_value <= f1_y_n6; //next state state <= 4'd14; end 14: begin // get the output // and put it in the LAST output var // for the next pass thru the state machine //mult by four because of coeff scaling // to prevent overflow f1_y_n1 <= f1_mac_new<<scale; audio_out <= f1_y_n1; audio_out_val <= 1'b1; // update output history f1_y_n2 <= f1_y_n1; f1_y_n3 <= f1_y_n2; f1_y_n4 <= f1_y_n3; f1_y_n5 <= f1_y_n4; f1_y_n6 <= f1_y_n5; // update input history x_n1 <= x_n; x_n2 <= x_n1; x_n3 <= x_n2; x_n4 <= x_n3; x_n5 <= x_n4; x_n6 <= x_n5; //next state state <= 4'd15; end 15: begin // wait for data valid signal audio_out_val <= 1'b0; if (data_val) begin state <= 4'd1; end end default: begin // default state is end state state <= 4'd15; end endcase end end endmodule
module signed_mult (out, a, b); output [31:0] out; input signed [31:0] a; input signed [31:0] b; wire signed [31:0] out; wire signed [63:0] mult_out; assign mult_out = a * b; //assign out = mult_out[33:17]; assign out = {mult_out[63], mult_out[59:30]}; endmodule
module cache(clk, rst, i_p_addr, i_p_byte_en, i_p_writedata, i_p_read, i_p_write, o_p_readdata, o_p_readdata_valid, o_p_waitrequest, o_m_addr, o_m_byte_en, o_m_writedata, o_m_read, o_m_write, i_m_readdata, i_m_readdata_valid, i_m_waitrequest, cnt_r, cnt_w, cnt_hit_r, cnt_hit_w, cnt_wb_r, cnt_wb_w); parameter cache_entry = 14; input wire clk, rst; input wire [24:0] i_p_addr; input wire [3:0] i_p_byte_en; input wire [31:0] i_p_writedata; input wire i_p_read, i_p_write; output reg [31:0] o_p_readdata; output reg o_p_readdata_valid; output wire o_p_waitrequest; output reg [25:0] o_m_addr; output wire [3:0] o_m_byte_en; output reg [127:0] o_m_writedata; output reg o_m_read, o_m_write; input wire [127:0] i_m_readdata; input wire i_m_readdata_valid; input wire i_m_waitrequest; output reg [31:0] cnt_r; output reg [31:0] cnt_w; output reg [31:0] cnt_hit_r; output reg [31:0] cnt_hit_w; output reg [31:0] cnt_wb_r; output reg [31:0] cnt_wb_w; wire [3:0] hit; wire [3:0] modify; wire [3:0] miss; wire [3:0] valid; wire [127:0] readdata0, readdata1, readdata2, readdata3; wire [127:0] writedata; wire write0, write1, write2, write3; wire [3:0] word_en; wire [3:0] byte_en; wire [22:0] addr; wire [22:0] wb_addr0, wb_addr1, wb_addr2, wb_addr3; wire [7:0] r_cm_data; wire [1:0] hit_num; reg [2:0] state; reg [127:0] writedata_buf; reg [24:0] write_addr_buf; reg [3:0] byte_en_buf; reg write_buf, read_buf; reg [3:0] write_set; reg [3:0] fetch_write; reg [7:0] w_cm_data; reg w_cm; localparam IDLE = 0; localparam COMP = 1; localparam HIT = 2; localparam FETCH1 = 3; localparam FETCH2 = 4; localparam FETCH3 = 5; localparam WB1 = 6; localparam WB2 = 7; `ifdef SIM integer i; initial begin for(i = 0; i <=(2**cache_entry-1); i=i+1) begin ram_hot.mem[i] = 0; end end `endif simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram_hot(clk, addr[cache_entry-1:0], w_cm, w_cm_data, addr[cache_entry-1:0], r_cm_data); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set0(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(addr[cache_entry-1:0]), .o_tag(addr[22:cache_entry]), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .write(write0), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .readdata(readdata0), .wb_addr(wb_addr0), .hit(hit[0]), .modify(modify[0]), .miss(miss[0]), .valid(valid[0]), .read_miss(read_buf)); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set1(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(addr[cache_entry-1:0]), .o_tag(addr[22:cache_entry]), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .write(write1), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .readdata(readdata1), .wb_addr(wb_addr1), .hit(hit[1]), .modify(modify[1]), .miss(miss[1]), .valid(valid[1]), .read_miss(read_buf)); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set2(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(addr[cache_entry-1:0]), .o_tag(addr[22:cache_entry]), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .write(write2), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .readdata(readdata2), .wb_addr(wb_addr2), .hit(hit[2]), .modify(modify[2]), .miss(miss[2]), .valid(valid[2]), .read_miss(read_buf)); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set3(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(addr[cache_entry-1:0]), .o_tag(addr[22:cache_entry]), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .write(write3), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .readdata(readdata3), .wb_addr(wb_addr3), .hit(hit[3]), .modify(modify[3]), .miss(miss[3]), .valid(valid[3]), .read_miss(read_buf)); assign writedata = (|fetch_write) ? i_m_readdata : writedata_buf; //128bit assign write0 = (fetch_write[0]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[0]; assign write1 = (fetch_write[1]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[1]; assign write2 = (fetch_write[2]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[2]; assign write3 = (fetch_write[3]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[3]; assign addr = (o_p_waitrequest) ? write_addr_buf[24:2] : i_p_addr[24:2]; // set module input addr is 23bit assign byte_en = (|fetch_write) ? 4'b1111 : byte_en_buf; assign o_p_waitrequest = (state != IDLE); assign o_m_byte_en = 4'b1111; assign hit_num = (hit[0]) ? 0 : (hit[1]) ? 1 : (hit[2]) ? 2 : 3; assign word_en = (|fetch_write) ? 4'b1111 : (write_addr_buf[1:0] == 2'b00) ? 4'b0001 : (write_addr_buf[1:0] == 2'b01) ? 4'b0010 : (write_addr_buf[1:0] == 2'b10) ? 4'b0100 : 4'b1000; always @(posedge clk) begin if(rst) begin o_p_readdata_valid <= 0; {o_m_read, o_m_write} <= 0; o_m_addr <= 0; write_addr_buf <= 0; byte_en_buf <= 0; writedata_buf <= 0; {write_buf, read_buf} <= 0; write_set <= 0; fetch_write <= 0; {cnt_r, cnt_w} <= 0; {cnt_hit_r, cnt_hit_w} <= 0; {cnt_wb_r, cnt_wb_w} <= 0; state <= IDLE; end else begin case (state) IDLE: begin write_set <= 0; o_p_readdata_valid <= 0; writedata_buf <= {i_p_writedata, i_p_writedata, i_p_writedata, i_p_writedata}; write_addr_buf <= i_p_addr; byte_en_buf <= i_p_byte_en; write_buf <= i_p_write; read_buf <= i_p_read; if(i_p_read) begin state <= COMP; cnt_r <= cnt_r + 1; end else if(i_p_write) begin state <= COMP; cnt_w <= cnt_w + 1; end end COMP: begin if((|hit) && write_buf) begin state <= HIT; write_set <= hit; cnt_hit_w <= cnt_hit_w + 1; w_cm_data <= (r_cm_data[1:0] == hit_num) ? {r_cm_data[1:0], r_cm_data[7:2]} : (r_cm_data[3:2] == hit_num) ? {r_cm_data[3:2], r_cm_data[7:4], r_cm_data[1:0]} : (r_cm_data[5:4] == hit_num) ? {r_cm_data[5:4], r_cm_data[7:6], r_cm_data[3:0]} : r_cm_data; w_cm <= 1; end else if((|hit) && read_buf) begin case(write_addr_buf[1:0]) 2'b00: o_p_readdata <= (hit[0]) ? readdata0[31:0] : (hit[1]) ? readdata1[31:0] : (hit[2]) ? readdata2[31:0] : readdata3[31:0]; 2'b01: o_p_readdata <= (hit[0]) ? readdata0[63:32] : (hit[1]) ? readdata1[63:32] : (hit[2]) ? readdata2[63:32] : readdata3[63:32]; 2'b10: o_p_readdata <= (hit[0]) ? readdata0[95:64] : (hit[1]) ? readdata1[95:64] : (hit[2]) ? readdata2[95:64] : readdata3[95:64]; 2'b11: o_p_readdata <= (hit[0]) ? readdata0[127:96] : (hit[1]) ? readdata1[127:96] : (hit[2]) ? readdata2[127:96] : readdata3[127:96]; endcase o_p_readdata_valid <= 1; w_cm_data <= (r_cm_data[1:0] == hit_num) ? {r_cm_data[1:0], r_cm_data[7:2]} : (r_cm_data[3:2] == hit_num) ? {r_cm_data[3:2], r_cm_data[7:4], r_cm_data[1:0]} : (r_cm_data[5:4] == hit_num) ? {r_cm_data[5:4], r_cm_data[7:6], r_cm_data[3:0]} : r_cm_data; w_cm <= 1; cnt_hit_r <= cnt_hit_r + 1; state <= IDLE; end else if(!(&valid) || miss[r_cm_data[1:0]]) begin state <= FETCH1; if(!valid[0]) begin fetch_write <= 4'b0001; w_cm_data <= 8'b11100100; w_cm <= 1; end else if(!valid[1]) begin fetch_write <= 4'b0010; w_cm_data <= (r_cm_data[1:0] == 2'b01) ? {r_cm_data[1:0], r_cm_data[7:2]} : (r_cm_data[3:2] == 2'b01) ? {r_cm_data[3:2], r_cm_data[7:4], r_cm_data[1:0]} : (r_cm_data[5:4] == 2'b01) ? {r_cm_data[5:4], r_cm_data[7:6], r_cm_data[3:0]} : r_cm_data; w_cm <= 1; end else if(!valid[2]) begin fetch_write <= 4'b0100; w_cm_data <= (r_cm_data[1:0] == 2'b10) ? {r_cm_data[1:0], r_cm_data[7:2]} : (r_cm_data[3:2] == 2'b10) ? {r_cm_data[3:2], r_cm_data[7:4], r_cm_data[1:0]} : (r_cm_data[5:4] == 2'b10) ? {r_cm_data[5:4], r_cm_data[7:6], r_cm_data[3:0]} : r_cm_data; w_cm <= 1; end else if(!valid[3]) begin fetch_write <= 4'b1000; w_cm_data <= (r_cm_data[1:0] == 2'b11) ? {r_cm_data[1:0], r_cm_data[7:2]} : (r_cm_data[3:2] == 2'b11) ? {r_cm_data[3:2], r_cm_data[7:4], r_cm_data[1:0]} : (r_cm_data[5:4] == 2'b11) ? {r_cm_data[5:4], r_cm_data[7:6], r_cm_data[3:0]} : r_cm_data; w_cm <= 1; end else if(miss[r_cm_data[1:0]]) begin if(r_cm_data[1:0] == 2'b00) fetch_write <= 4'b0001; else if(r_cm_data[1:0] == 2'b01) fetch_write <= 4'b0010; else if(r_cm_data[1:0] == 2'b10) fetch_write <= 4'b0100; else if(r_cm_data[1:0] == 2'b11) fetch_write <= 4'b1000; w_cm_data <= {r_cm_data[1:0], r_cm_data[7:2]}; w_cm <= 1; end o_m_addr <= {write_addr_buf[24:2], 3'b000}; o_m_read <= 1; end else begin state <= WB1; if(r_cm_data[1:0] == 2'b00) fetch_write <= 4'b0001; else if(r_cm_data[1:0] == 2'b01) fetch_write <= 4'b0010; else if(r_cm_data[1:0] == 2'b10) fetch_write <= 4'b0100; else if(r_cm_data[1:0] == 2'b11) fetch_write <= 4'b1000; w_cm_data <= {r_cm_data[1:0], r_cm_data[7:2]}; w_cm <= 1; if(read_buf) cnt_wb_r <= cnt_wb_r + 1; else if(write_buf) cnt_wb_w <= cnt_wb_w + 1; end end HIT: begin w_cm <= 0; write_set <= 0; state <= IDLE; end //1/13 FETCH1: begin w_cm <= 0; if(!i_m_waitrequest) begin o_m_read <= 0; state <= FETCH2; end end FETCH2: begin if(i_m_readdata_valid) begin fetch_write <= 0; //add 3/9 if(write_buf) begin state <= FETCH3; write_set <= fetch_write; end else if(read_buf) begin state <= IDLE; o_p_readdata_valid <= 1; case(write_addr_buf[1:0]) 2'b00: o_p_readdata <= i_m_readdata[ 31: 0]; 2'b01: o_p_readdata <= i_m_readdata[ 63:32]; 2'b10: o_p_readdata <= i_m_readdata[ 95:64]; 2'b11: o_p_readdata <= i_m_readdata[127:96]; endcase end end end FETCH3: begin state <= IDLE; write_set <= 0; end WB1: begin w_cm <= 0; o_m_addr <= (fetch_write[0]) ? {wb_addr0, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[1]) ? {wb_addr1, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[2]) ? {wb_addr2, 3'b000} : {wb_addr3, 3'b000}; o_m_writedata <= (fetch_write[0]) ? readdata0 : (fetch_write[1]) ? readdata1 : (fetch_write[2]) ? readdata2 : readdata3; o_m_write <= 1; state <= WB2; end WB2: begin if(!i_m_waitrequest) begin o_m_write <= 0; o_m_addr <= {write_addr_buf[24:2], 3'b000}; o_m_read <= 1; state <= FETCH1; end end endcase // case (state) end end endmodule // cache
module set(clk, rst, entry, o_tag, writedata, byte_en, write, word_en, readdata, wb_addr, hit, modify, miss, valid, read_miss); parameter cache_entry = 14; input wire clk, rst; input wire [cache_entry-1:0] entry; input wire [22-cache_entry:0] o_tag; input wire [127:0] writedata; input wire [3:0] byte_en; input wire write; input wire [3:0] word_en; input wire read_miss; output wire [127:0] readdata; output wire [22:0] wb_addr; output wire hit, modify, miss, valid; wire [22-cache_entry:0] i_tag; wire dirty; wire [24-cache_entry:0] write_tag_data; assign hit = valid && (o_tag == i_tag); assign modify = valid && (o_tag != i_tag) && dirty; assign miss = !valid || ((o_tag != i_tag) && !dirty); assign wb_addr = {i_tag, entry}; //write -> [3:0] write, writedata/readdata 32bit -> 128bit simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram11_3(clk, entry, write && word_en[3] && byte_en[3], writedata[127:120], entry, readdata[127:120]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram11_2(clk, entry, write && word_en[3] && byte_en[2], writedata[119:112], entry, readdata[119:112]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram11_1(clk, entry, write && word_en[3] && byte_en[1], writedata[111:104], entry, readdata[111:104]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram11_0(clk, entry, write && word_en[3] && byte_en[0], writedata[103:96], entry, readdata[103:96]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram10_3(clk, entry, write && word_en[2] && byte_en[3], writedata[95:88], entry, readdata[95:88]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram10_2(clk, entry, write && word_en[2] && byte_en[2], writedata[87:80], entry, readdata[87:80]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram10_1(clk, entry, write && word_en[2] && byte_en[1], writedata[79:72], entry, readdata[79:72]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram10_0(clk, entry, write && word_en[2] && byte_en[0], writedata[71:64], entry, readdata[71:64]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram01_3(clk, entry, write && word_en[1] && byte_en[3], writedata[63:56], entry, readdata[63:56]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram01_2(clk, entry, write && word_en[1] && byte_en[2], writedata[55:48], entry, readdata[55:48]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram01_1(clk, entry, write && word_en[1] && byte_en[1], writedata[47:40], entry, readdata[47:40]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram01_0(clk, entry, write && word_en[1] && byte_en[0], writedata[39:32], entry, readdata[39:32]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram00_3(clk, entry, write && word_en[0] && byte_en[3], writedata[31:24], entry, readdata[31:24]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram00_2(clk, entry, write && word_en[0] && byte_en[2], writedata[23:16], entry, readdata[23:16]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram00_1(clk, entry, write && word_en[0] && byte_en[1], writedata[15: 8], entry, readdata[15:8]); simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram00_0(clk, entry, write && word_en[0] && byte_en[0], writedata[ 7: 0], entry, readdata[ 7:0]); assign write_tag_data = (read_miss) ? {1'b0, 1'b1, o_tag} : (modify || miss ) ? {1'b1, 1'b1, o_tag} : {1'b1, 1'b1, i_tag}; simple_ram #(.width(25-cache_entry), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram_tag(clk, entry, write, write_tag_data, entry, {dirty, valid, i_tag}); `ifdef SIM integer i; initial begin for(i = 0; i <=(2**cache_entry-1); i=i+1) begin ram_tag.mem[i] = 0; end end `endif endmodule
module cache(clk, rst, i_p_addr, i_p_byte_en, i_p_writedata, i_p_read, i_p_write, o_p_readdata, o_p_readdata_valid, o_p_waitrequest, o_m_addr, o_m_byte_en, o_m_writedata, o_m_read, o_m_write, i_m_readdata, i_m_readdata_valid, i_m_waitrequest, cnt_r, cnt_w, cnt_hit_r, cnt_hit_w, cnt_wb_r, cnt_wb_w); parameter cache_entry = 9; input wire clk, rst; input wire [24:0] i_p_addr; input wire [3:0] i_p_byte_en; input wire [31:0] i_p_writedata; input wire i_p_read, i_p_write; output reg [31:0] o_p_readdata; output reg o_p_readdata_valid; output wire o_p_waitrequest; output reg [25:0] o_m_addr; output wire [3:0] o_m_byte_en; output reg [127:0] o_m_writedata; output reg o_m_read, o_m_write; input wire [127:0] i_m_readdata; input wire i_m_readdata_valid; input wire i_m_waitrequest; output reg [31:0] cnt_r; output reg [31:0] cnt_w; output reg [31:0] cnt_hit_r; output reg [31:0] cnt_hit_w; output reg [31:0] cnt_wb_r; output reg [31:0] cnt_wb_w; wire [7:0] hit; wire [7:0] modify; wire [7:0] miss; wire [7:0] valid; wire [127:0] readdata0, readdata1, readdata2, readdata3; wire [127:0] readdata4, readdata5, readdata6, readdata7; wire [127:0] writedata; wire write0, write1, write2, write3; wire write4, write5, write6, write7; wire [3:0] word_en; wire [3:0] byte_en; wire [22:0] addr; wire [22:0] wb_addr0, wb_addr1, wb_addr2, wb_addr3; wire [22:0] wb_addr4, wb_addr5, wb_addr6, wb_addr7; wire [7:0] r_cm_data; wire [3:0] hit_num; wire [3:0] invalid_num; reg [2:0] state; reg [127:0] writedata_buf; reg [24:0] write_addr_buf; reg [3:0] byte_en_buf; reg write_buf, read_buf; reg [7:0] write_set; reg [7:0] fetch_write; reg [7:0] w_cm_data; reg w_cm; // reg [2:0] replace; wire [2:0] replace; localparam IDLE = 0; localparam COMP = 1; localparam HIT = 2; localparam FETCH1 = 3; localparam FETCH2 = 4; localparam FETCH3 = 5; localparam WB1 = 6; localparam WB2 = 7; `ifdef SIM integer i; initial begin for(i = 0; i <=(2**cache_entry-1); i=i+1) begin ram_hot.mem[i] = 0; end end `endif simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram_hot(clk, addr[cache_entry-1:0], w_cm, w_cm_data, addr[cache_entry-1:0], r_cm_data); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set0(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(addr[cache_entry-1:0]), .o_tag(addr[22:cache_entry]), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .write(write0), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .readdata(readdata0), .wb_addr(wb_addr0), .hit(hit[0]), .modify(modify[0]), .miss(miss[0]), .valid(valid[0]), .read_miss(read_buf)); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set1(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(addr[cache_entry-1:0]), .o_tag(addr[22:cache_entry]), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .write(write1), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .readdata(readdata1), .wb_addr(wb_addr1), .hit(hit[1]), .modify(modify[1]), .miss(miss[1]), .valid(valid[1]), .read_miss(read_buf)); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set2(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(addr[cache_entry-1:0]), .o_tag(addr[22:cache_entry]), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .write(write2), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .readdata(readdata2), .wb_addr(wb_addr2), .hit(hit[2]), .modify(modify[2]), .miss(miss[2]), .valid(valid[2]), .read_miss(read_buf)); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set3(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(addr[cache_entry-1:0]), .o_tag(addr[22:cache_entry]), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .write(write3), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .readdata(readdata3), .wb_addr(wb_addr3), .hit(hit[3]), .modify(modify[3]), .miss(miss[3]), .valid(valid[3]), .read_miss(read_buf)); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set4(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(addr[cache_entry-1:0]), .o_tag(addr[22:cache_entry]), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .write(write4), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .readdata(readdata4), .wb_addr(wb_addr4), .hit(hit[4]), .modify(modify[4]), .miss(miss[4]), .valid(valid[4]), .read_miss(read_buf)); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set5(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(addr[cache_entry-1:0]), .o_tag(addr[22:cache_entry]), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .write(write5), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .readdata(readdata5), .wb_addr(wb_addr5), .hit(hit[5]), .modify(modify[5]), .miss(miss[5]), .valid(valid[5]), .read_miss(read_buf)); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set6(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(addr[cache_entry-1:0]), .o_tag(addr[22:cache_entry]), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .write(write6), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .readdata(readdata6), .wb_addr(wb_addr6), .hit(hit[6]), .modify(modify[6]), .miss(miss[6]), .valid(valid[6]), .read_miss(read_buf)); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set7(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(addr[cache_entry-1:0]), .o_tag(addr[22:cache_entry]), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .write(write7), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .readdata(readdata7), .wb_addr(wb_addr7), .hit(hit[7]), .modify(modify[7]), .miss(miss[7]), .valid(valid[7]), .read_miss(read_buf)); assign writedata = (|fetch_write) ? i_m_readdata : writedata_buf; //128bit assign write0 = (fetch_write[0]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[0]; assign write1 = (fetch_write[1]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[1]; assign write2 = (fetch_write[2]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[2]; assign write3 = (fetch_write[3]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[3]; assign write4 = (fetch_write[4]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[4]; assign write5 = (fetch_write[5]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[5]; assign write6 = (fetch_write[6]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[6]; assign write7 = (fetch_write[7]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[7]; assign addr = (o_p_waitrequest) ? write_addr_buf[24:2] : i_p_addr[24:2]; // set module input addr is 23bit assign byte_en = (|fetch_write) ? 4'b1111 : byte_en_buf; assign o_p_waitrequest = (state != IDLE); assign o_m_byte_en = 4'b1111; assign hit_num = (hit[0]) ? 0 : (hit[1]) ? 1 : (hit[2]) ? 2 : (hit[3]) ? 3 : (hit[4]) ? 4 : (hit[5]) ? 5 : (hit[6]) ? 6 : 7; assign invalid_num = (!valid[0]) ? 0 : (!valid[1]) ? 1 : (!valid[2]) ? 2 : (!valid[3]) ? 3 : (!valid[4]) ? 4 : (!valid[5]) ? 5 : (!valid[6]) ? 6 : 7; assign word_en = (|fetch_write) ? 4'b1111 : (write_addr_buf[1:0] == 2'b00) ? 4'b0001 : (write_addr_buf[1:0] == 2'b01) ? 4'b0010 : (write_addr_buf[1:0] == 2'b10) ? 4'b0100 : 4'b1000; assign replace = (r_cm_data[6]) ? ((r_cm_data[4]) ? ((r_cm_data[0]) ? 7 : 6) : ((r_cm_data[1]) ? 5 : 4)) : ((r_cm_data[5]) ? ((r_cm_data[2]) ? 3 : 2) : ((r_cm_data[3]) ? 1 : 0)); always @(posedge clk) begin if(hit) begin case(hit_num) 0: w_cm_data <= {3'b011, r_cm_data[4], 1'b1, r_cm_data[2:0]}; 1: w_cm_data <= {3'b011, r_cm_data[4], 1'b0, r_cm_data[2:0]}; 2: w_cm_data <= {3'b010, r_cm_data[4:3], 1'b1, r_cm_data[1:0]}; 3: w_cm_data <= {3'b010, r_cm_data[4:3], 1'b0, r_cm_data[1:0]}; 4: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b1, r_cm_data[3:2], 1'b1, r_cm_data[0]}; 5: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b1, r_cm_data[3:2], 1'b0, r_cm_data[0]}; 6: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b0, r_cm_data[3:1], 1'b1}; 7: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b0, r_cm_data[3:1], 1'b0}; endcase end else if(!(&valid)) begin case(invalid_num) 0: w_cm_data <= {3'b011, r_cm_data[4], 1'b1, r_cm_data[2:0]}; 1: w_cm_data <= {3'b011, r_cm_data[4], 1'b0, r_cm_data[2:0]}; 2: w_cm_data <= {3'b010, r_cm_data[4:3], 1'b1, r_cm_data[1:0]}; 3: w_cm_data <= {3'b010, r_cm_data[4:3], 1'b0, r_cm_data[1:0]}; 4: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b1, r_cm_data[3:2], 1'b1, r_cm_data[0]}; 5: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b1, r_cm_data[3:2], 1'b0, r_cm_data[0]}; 6: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b0, r_cm_data[3:1], 1'b1}; 7: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b0, r_cm_data[3:1], 1'b0}; endcase end else begin case(replace) 0: w_cm_data <= {3'b011, r_cm_data[4], 1'b1, r_cm_data[2:0]}; 1: w_cm_data <= {3'b011, r_cm_data[4], 1'b0, r_cm_data[2:0]}; 2: w_cm_data <= {3'b010, r_cm_data[4:3], 1'b1, r_cm_data[1:0]}; 3: w_cm_data <= {3'b010, r_cm_data[4:3], 1'b0, r_cm_data[1:0]}; 4: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b1, r_cm_data[3:2], 1'b1, r_cm_data[0]}; 5: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b1, r_cm_data[3:2], 1'b0, r_cm_data[0]}; 6: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b0, r_cm_data[3:1], 1'b1}; 7: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b0, r_cm_data[3:1], 1'b0}; endcase end end always @(posedge clk) begin if(rst) begin o_p_readdata_valid <= 0; {o_m_read, o_m_write} <= 0; o_m_addr <= 0; write_addr_buf <= 0; byte_en_buf <= 0; writedata_buf <= 0; {write_buf, read_buf} <= 0; write_set <= 0; fetch_write <= 0; w_cm <= 0; {cnt_r, cnt_w} <= 0; {cnt_hit_r, cnt_hit_w} <= 0; {cnt_wb_r, cnt_wb_w} <= 0; state <= IDLE; end else begin case (state) IDLE: begin write_set <= 0; o_p_readdata_valid <= 0; writedata_buf <= {i_p_writedata, i_p_writedata, i_p_writedata, i_p_writedata}; write_addr_buf <= i_p_addr; byte_en_buf <= i_p_byte_en; write_buf <= i_p_write; read_buf <= i_p_read; if(i_p_read) begin state <= COMP; cnt_r <= cnt_r + 1; end else if(i_p_write) begin state <= COMP; cnt_w <= cnt_w + 1; end end COMP: begin if((|hit) && write_buf) begin state <= HIT; w_cm <= 1; write_set <= hit; cnt_hit_w <= cnt_hit_w + 1; end else if((|hit) && read_buf) begin state <= IDLE; w_cm <= 1; o_p_readdata_valid <= 1; cnt_hit_r <= cnt_hit_r + 1; case(write_addr_buf[1:0]) 2'b00: begin o_p_readdata <= (hit[0]) ? readdata0[31:0] : (hit[1]) ? readdata1[31:0] : (hit[2]) ? readdata2[31:0] : (hit[3]) ? readdata3[31:0] : (hit[4]) ? readdata4[31:0] : (hit[5]) ? readdata5[31:0] : (hit[6]) ? readdata6[31:0] : readdata7[31:0]; end 2'b01: begin o_p_readdata <= (hit[0]) ? readdata0[63:32] : (hit[1]) ? readdata1[63:32] : (hit[2]) ? readdata2[63:32] : (hit[3]) ? readdata3[63:32] : (hit[4]) ? readdata4[63:32] : (hit[5]) ? readdata5[63:32] : (hit[6]) ? readdata6[63:32] : readdata7[63:32]; end 2'b10: begin o_p_readdata <= (hit[0]) ? readdata0[95:64] : (hit[1]) ? readdata1[95:64] : (hit[2]) ? readdata2[95:64] : (hit[3]) ? readdata3[95:64] : (hit[4]) ? readdata4[95:64] : (hit[5]) ? readdata5[95:64] : (hit[6]) ? readdata6[95:64] : readdata7[95:64]; end 2'b11: begin o_p_readdata <= (hit[0]) ? readdata0[127:96] : (hit[1]) ? readdata1[127:96] : (hit[2]) ? readdata2[127:96] : (hit[3]) ? readdata3[127:96] : (hit[4]) ? readdata4[127:96] : (hit[5]) ? readdata5[127:96] : (hit[6]) ? readdata6[127:96] : readdata7[127:96]; end endcase end else if(!(&valid)) begin state <= FETCH1; w_cm <= 1; o_m_addr <= {write_addr_buf[24:2], 3'b000}; o_m_read <= 1; case(invalid_num) 0: fetch_write <= 8'b00000001; 1: fetch_write <= 8'b00000010; 2: fetch_write <= 8'b00000100; 3: fetch_write <= 8'b00001000; 4: fetch_write <= 8'b00010000; 5: fetch_write <= 8'b00100000; 6: fetch_write <= 8'b01000000; 7: fetch_write <= 8'b10000000; endcase end else if(miss[replace]) begin state <= FETCH1; w_cm <= 1; o_m_addr <= {write_addr_buf[24:2], 3'b000}; o_m_read <= 1; case(replace) 0: fetch_write <= 8'b00000001; 1: fetch_write <= 8'b00000010; 2: fetch_write <= 8'b00000100; 3: fetch_write <= 8'b00001000; 4: fetch_write <= 8'b00010000; 5: fetch_write <= 8'b00100000; 6: fetch_write <= 8'b01000000; 7: fetch_write <= 8'b10000000; endcase end else begin state <= WB1; w_cm <= 1; case(replace) 0: fetch_write <= 8'b00000001; 1: fetch_write <= 8'b00000010; 2: fetch_write <= 8'b00000100; 3: fetch_write <= 8'b00001000; 4: fetch_write <= 8'b00010000; 5: fetch_write <= 8'b00100000; 6: fetch_write <= 8'b01000000; 7: fetch_write <= 8'b10000000; endcase if(read_buf) cnt_wb_r <= cnt_wb_r + 1; else if(write_buf) cnt_wb_w <= cnt_wb_w + 1; end end HIT: begin w_cm <= 0; write_set <= 0; state <= IDLE; end FETCH1: begin w_cm <= 0; if(!i_m_waitrequest) begin o_m_read <= 0; state <= FETCH2; end end FETCH2: begin if(i_m_readdata_valid) begin fetch_write <= 0; //add 3/9 if(write_buf) begin state <= FETCH3; write_set <= fetch_write; end else if(read_buf) begin state <= IDLE; o_p_readdata_valid <= 1; case(write_addr_buf[1:0]) 2'b00: o_p_readdata <= i_m_readdata[ 31: 0]; 2'b01: o_p_readdata <= i_m_readdata[ 63:32]; 2'b10: o_p_readdata <= i_m_readdata[ 95:64]; 2'b11: o_p_readdata <= i_m_readdata[127:96]; endcase end end end FETCH3: begin state <= IDLE; write_set <= 0; end WB1: begin w_cm <= 0; o_m_addr <= (fetch_write[0]) ? {wb_addr0, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[1]) ? {wb_addr1, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[2]) ? {wb_addr2, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[3]) ? {wb_addr3, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[4]) ? {wb_addr4, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[5]) ? {wb_addr5, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[6]) ? {wb_addr6, 3'b000} : {wb_addr7, 3'b000}; o_m_writedata <= (fetch_write[0]) ? readdata0 : (fetch_write[1]) ? readdata1 : (fetch_write[2]) ? readdata2 : (fetch_write[3]) ? readdata3 : (fetch_write[4]) ? readdata4 : (fetch_write[5]) ? readdata5 : (fetch_write[6]) ? readdata6 : readdata7; o_m_write <= 1; state <= WB2; end WB2: begin if(!i_m_waitrequest) begin o_m_write <= 0; o_m_addr <= {write_addr_buf[24:2], 3'b000}; o_m_read <= 1; state <= FETCH1; end end endcase // case (state) end end endmodule // cache
module cache(clk, rst, i_p_addr, i_p_byte_en, i_p_writedata, i_p_read, i_p_write, o_p_readdata, o_p_readdata_valid, o_p_waitrequest, o_m_addr, o_m_byte_en, o_m_writedata, o_m_read, o_m_write, i_m_readdata, i_m_readdata_valid, i_m_waitrequest, cnt_r, cnt_w, cnt_hit_r, cnt_hit_w, cnt_wb_r, cnt_wb_w, cache_config, change); parameter cache_entry = 9; input wire clk, rst; input wire [24:0] i_p_addr; input wire [3:0] i_p_byte_en; input wire [31:0] i_p_writedata; input wire i_p_read, i_p_write; output reg [31:0] o_p_readdata; output reg o_p_readdata_valid; output wire o_p_waitrequest; output reg [25:0] o_m_addr; output wire [3:0] o_m_byte_en; output reg [127:0] o_m_writedata; output reg o_m_read, o_m_write; input wire [127:0] i_m_readdata; input wire i_m_readdata_valid; input wire i_m_waitrequest; output reg [31:0] cnt_r; output reg [31:0] cnt_w; output reg [31:0] cnt_hit_r; output reg [31:0] cnt_hit_w; output reg [31:0] cnt_wb_r; output reg [31:0] cnt_wb_w; input wire [3:0] cache_config; input wire change; wire [7:0] hit; wire [7:0] modify; wire [7:0] miss; wire [7:0] valid; wire [127:0] readdata0, readdata1, readdata2, readdata3; wire [127:0] readdata4, readdata5, readdata6, readdata7; wire [127:0] writedata; wire write0, write1, write2, write3; wire write4, write5, write6, write7; wire [3:0] word_en; wire [3:0] byte_en; wire [22:0] addr; wire [22:0] wb_addr0, wb_addr1, wb_addr2, wb_addr3; wire [22:0] wb_addr4, wb_addr5, wb_addr6, wb_addr7; wire [7:0] r_cm_data; wire [3:0] hit_num; wire [3:0] invalid_num; reg [3:0] state; reg [127:0] writedata_buf; reg [24:0] write_addr_buf; reg [3:0] byte_en_buf; reg write_buf, read_buf; reg [7:0] write_set; reg [7:0] fetch_write; reg [7:0] w_cm_data; reg w_cm; wire [2:0] replace; reg [1:0] flash; reg [3:0] phase; reg [cache_entry:0] flash_cnt; wire [7:0] dirty; reg [3:0] current_config; localparam IDLE = 0; localparam COMP = 1; localparam HIT = 2; localparam FETCH1 = 3; localparam FETCH2 = 4; localparam FETCH3 = 5; localparam WB1 = 6; localparam WB2 = 7; localparam FLASH = 8; `ifdef SIM integer i; initial begin for(i = 0; i <=(2**cache_entry-1); i=i+1) begin ram_hot.mem[i] = 0; end end `endif simple_ram #(.width(8), .widthad(cache_entry)) ram_hot(clk, addr[cache_entry-1:0], w_cm, w_cm_data, addr[cache_entry-1:0], r_cm_data); config_ctrl #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) config_ctrl(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(addr[cache_entry-1:0]), .o_tag(addr[22:cache_entry]), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .word_en(word_en), .write({write7, write6, write5, write4, write3, write2, write1, write0}), .readdata0(readdata0), .readdata1(readdata1), .readdata2(readdata2), .readdata3(readdata3), .readdata4(readdata4), .readdata5(readdata5), .readdata6(readdata6), .readdata7(readdata7), .wb_addr0(wb_addr0), .wb_addr1(wb_addr1), .wb_addr2(wb_addr2), .wb_addr3(wb_addr3), .wb_addr4(wb_addr4), .wb_addr5(wb_addr5), .wb_addr6(wb_addr6), .wb_addr7(wb_addr7), .hit(hit), .miss(miss), .dirty(dirty), .valid(valid), .read_miss(read_buf), .flash(flash), .c_fig(current_config) ); assign writedata = (|fetch_write) ? i_m_readdata : writedata_buf; //128bit assign write0 = (fetch_write[0]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[0]; assign write1 = (fetch_write[1]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[1]; assign write2 = (fetch_write[2]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[2]; assign write3 = (fetch_write[3]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[3]; assign write4 = (fetch_write[4]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[4]; assign write5 = (fetch_write[5]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[5]; assign write6 = (fetch_write[6]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[6]; assign write7 = (fetch_write[7]) ? i_m_readdata_valid : write_set[7]; assign addr = (state == FLASH) ? {write_addr_buf[24:cache_entry+2], flash_cnt[cache_entry-1:0]} : (o_p_waitrequest) ? write_addr_buf[24:2] : i_p_addr[24:2]; // set module input addr is 23bit assign byte_en = (|fetch_write) ? 4'b1111 : byte_en_buf; assign o_p_waitrequest = (state != IDLE); assign o_m_byte_en = 4'b1111; assign hit_num = (hit[0]) ? 0 : (hit[1]) ? 1 : (hit[2]) ? 2 : (hit[3]) ? 3 : (hit[4]) ? 4 : (hit[5]) ? 5 : (hit[6]) ? 6 : 7; assign invalid_num = (!valid[0]) ? 0 : (!valid[1]) ? 1 : (!valid[2]) ? 2 : (!valid[3]) ? 3 : (!valid[4]) ? 4 : (!valid[5]) ? 5 : (!valid[6]) ? 6 : 7; assign word_en = (|fetch_write) ? 4'b1111 : (write_addr_buf[1:0] == 2'b00) ? 4'b0001 : (write_addr_buf[1:0] == 2'b01) ? 4'b0010 : (write_addr_buf[1:0] == 2'b10) ? 4'b0100 : 4'b1000; assign replace = (current_config) ? {1'b0, r_cm_data[1:0]} : (r_cm_data[6]) ? ((r_cm_data[4]) ? ((r_cm_data[0]) ? 7 : 6) : ((r_cm_data[1]) ? 5 : 4)) : ((r_cm_data[5]) ? ((r_cm_data[2]) ? 3 : 2) : ((r_cm_data[3]) ? 1 : 0)); always @(posedge clk) begin if(current_config == 4'b0000) begin if(hit) begin case(hit_num) 0: w_cm_data <= {3'b011, r_cm_data[4], 1'b1, r_cm_data[2:0]}; 1: w_cm_data <= {3'b011, r_cm_data[4], 1'b0, r_cm_data[2:0]}; 2: w_cm_data <= {3'b010, r_cm_data[4:3], 1'b1, r_cm_data[1:0]}; 3: w_cm_data <= {3'b010, r_cm_data[4:3], 1'b0, r_cm_data[1:0]}; 4: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b1, r_cm_data[3:2], 1'b1, r_cm_data[0]}; 5: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b1, r_cm_data[3:2], 1'b0, r_cm_data[0]}; 6: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b0, r_cm_data[3:1], 1'b1}; 7: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b0, r_cm_data[3:1], 1'b0}; endcase end else if(!(&valid)) begin case(invalid_num) // 0: w_cm_data <= {3'b011, r_cm_data[4], 1'b1, r_cm_data[2:0]}; 0: w_cm_data <= 8'b01101000; 1: w_cm_data <= {3'b011, r_cm_data[4], 1'b0, r_cm_data[2:0]}; 2: w_cm_data <= {3'b010, r_cm_data[4:3], 1'b1, r_cm_data[1:0]}; 3: w_cm_data <= {3'b010, r_cm_data[4:3], 1'b0, r_cm_data[1:0]}; 4: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b1, r_cm_data[3:2], 1'b1, r_cm_data[0]}; 5: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b1, r_cm_data[3:2], 1'b0, r_cm_data[0]}; 6: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b0, r_cm_data[3:1], 1'b1}; 7: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b0, r_cm_data[3:1], 1'b0}; endcase end else begin case(replace) 0: w_cm_data <= {3'b011, r_cm_data[4], 1'b1, r_cm_data[2:0]}; 1: w_cm_data <= {3'b011, r_cm_data[4], 1'b0, r_cm_data[2:0]}; 2: w_cm_data <= {3'b010, r_cm_data[4:3], 1'b1, r_cm_data[1:0]}; 3: w_cm_data <= {3'b010, r_cm_data[4:3], 1'b0, r_cm_data[1:0]}; 4: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b1, r_cm_data[3:2], 1'b1, r_cm_data[0]}; 5: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b1, r_cm_data[3:2], 1'b0, r_cm_data[0]}; 6: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b0, r_cm_data[3:1], 1'b1}; 7: w_cm_data <= {2'b00, r_cm_data[5], 1'b0, r_cm_data[3:1], 1'b0}; endcase end end else if(current_config == 4'b0001) begin if(hit) begin w_cm_data <= (r_cm_data[1:0] == hit_num) ? {r_cm_data[1:0], r_cm_data[7:2]} : (r_cm_data[3:2] == hit_num) ? {r_cm_data[3:2], r_cm_data[7:4], r_cm_data[1:0]} : (r_cm_data[5:4] == hit_num) ? {r_cm_data[5:4], r_cm_data[7:6], r_cm_data[3:0]} : r_cm_data; end else if(!(&valid)) begin if(!valid[0]) w_cm_data <= 8'b00111001; else begin w_cm_data <= (r_cm_data[1:0] == invalid_num) ? {r_cm_data[1:0], r_cm_data[7:2]} : (r_cm_data[3:2] == invalid_num) ? {r_cm_data[3:2], r_cm_data[7:4], r_cm_data[1:0]} : (r_cm_data[5:4] == invalid_num) ? {r_cm_data[5:4], r_cm_data[7:6], r_cm_data[3:0]} : r_cm_data; end end else begin w_cm_data <= {r_cm_data[1:0], r_cm_data[7:2]}; end end else if(current_config == 4'b0010) begin if(hit) begin w_cm_data <= (r_cm_data[1:0] == hit_num) ? {r_cm_data[7:4], r_cm_data[1:0], r_cm_data[3:2]} : r_cm_data; end else if(!(&valid)) begin if(!valid[0]) w_cm_data <= 8'b11100001; else begin w_cm_data <= (r_cm_data[1:0] == invalid_num) ? {r_cm_data[7:4], r_cm_data[1:0], r_cm_data[3:2]} : r_cm_data; end end else begin w_cm_data <= {r_cm_data[7:4], r_cm_data[1:0], r_cm_data[3:2]}; end end end always @(posedge clk) begin if(rst) begin o_p_readdata_valid <= 0; {o_m_read, o_m_write} <= 0; o_m_addr <= 0; write_addr_buf <= 0; byte_en_buf <= 0; writedata_buf <= 0; {write_buf, read_buf} <= 0; write_set <= 0; fetch_write <= 0; flash <= 0; phase <= 0; flash_cnt <= 0; current_config <= 0; // default cache config is 4way w_cm <= 0; {cnt_r, cnt_w} <= 0; {cnt_hit_r, cnt_hit_w} <= 0; {cnt_wb_r, cnt_wb_w} <= 0; state <= IDLE; end else begin case (state) IDLE: begin write_set <= 0; o_p_readdata_valid <= 0; writedata_buf <= {i_p_writedata, i_p_writedata, i_p_writedata, i_p_writedata}; write_addr_buf <= i_p_addr; byte_en_buf <= i_p_byte_en; write_buf <= i_p_write; read_buf <= i_p_read; if(i_p_read) begin state <= COMP; cnt_r <= cnt_r + 1; end else if(i_p_write) begin state <= COMP; cnt_w <= cnt_w + 1; end else if(change) begin state <= FLASH; flash <= 2'b10; phase <= 0; end end COMP: begin if((|hit) && write_buf) begin state <= HIT; w_cm <= 1; write_set <= hit; cnt_hit_w <= cnt_hit_w + 1; end else if((|hit) && read_buf) begin state <= IDLE; w_cm <= 1; o_p_readdata_valid <= 1; cnt_hit_r <= cnt_hit_r + 1; case(write_addr_buf[1:0]) 2'b00: begin o_p_readdata <= (hit[0]) ? readdata0[31:0] : (hit[1]) ? readdata1[31:0] : (hit[2]) ? readdata2[31:0] : (hit[3]) ? readdata3[31:0] : (hit[4]) ? readdata4[31:0] : (hit[5]) ? readdata5[31:0] : (hit[6]) ? readdata6[31:0] : readdata7[31:0]; end 2'b01: begin o_p_readdata <= (hit[0]) ? readdata0[63:32] : (hit[1]) ? readdata1[63:32] : (hit[2]) ? readdata2[63:32] : (hit[3]) ? readdata3[63:32] : (hit[4]) ? readdata4[63:32] : (hit[5]) ? readdata5[63:32] : (hit[6]) ? readdata6[63:32] : readdata7[63:32]; end 2'b10: begin o_p_readdata <= (hit[0]) ? readdata0[95:64] : (hit[1]) ? readdata1[95:64] : (hit[2]) ? readdata2[95:64] : (hit[3]) ? readdata3[95:64] : (hit[4]) ? readdata4[95:64] : (hit[5]) ? readdata5[95:64] : (hit[6]) ? readdata6[95:64] : readdata7[95:64]; end 2'b11: begin o_p_readdata <= (hit[0]) ? readdata0[127:96] : (hit[1]) ? readdata1[127:96] : (hit[2]) ? readdata2[127:96] : (hit[3]) ? readdata3[127:96] : (hit[4]) ? readdata4[127:96] : (hit[5]) ? readdata5[127:96] : (hit[6]) ? readdata6[127:96] : readdata7[127:96]; end endcase end else if(!(&valid)) begin state <= FETCH1; w_cm <= 1; o_m_addr <= {write_addr_buf[24:2], 3'b000}; o_m_read <= 1; case(invalid_num) 0: fetch_write <= 8'b00000001; 1: fetch_write <= 8'b00000010; 2: fetch_write <= 8'b00000100; 3: fetch_write <= 8'b00001000; 4: fetch_write <= 8'b00010000; 5: fetch_write <= 8'b00100000; 6: fetch_write <= 8'b01000000; 7: fetch_write <= 8'b10000000; endcase end else if(miss[replace]) begin state <= FETCH1; w_cm <= 1; o_m_addr <= {write_addr_buf[24:2], 3'b000}; o_m_read <= 1; case(replace) 0: fetch_write <= 8'b00000001; 1: fetch_write <= 8'b00000010; 2: fetch_write <= 8'b00000100; 3: fetch_write <= 8'b00001000; 4: fetch_write <= 8'b00010000; 5: fetch_write <= 8'b00100000; 6: fetch_write <= 8'b01000000; 7: fetch_write <= 8'b10000000; endcase end else begin state <= WB1; w_cm <= 1; case(replace) 0: fetch_write <= 8'b00000001; 1: fetch_write <= 8'b00000010; 2: fetch_write <= 8'b00000100; 3: fetch_write <= 8'b00001000; 4: fetch_write <= 8'b00010000; 5: fetch_write <= 8'b00100000; 6: fetch_write <= 8'b01000000; 7: fetch_write <= 8'b10000000; endcase if(read_buf) cnt_wb_r <= cnt_wb_r + 1; else if(write_buf) cnt_wb_w <= cnt_wb_w + 1; end end HIT: begin w_cm <= 0; write_set <= 0; state <= IDLE; end FETCH1: begin w_cm <= 0; if(!i_m_waitrequest) begin o_m_read <= 0; state <= FETCH2; end end FETCH2: begin if(i_m_readdata_valid) begin fetch_write <= 0; //add 3/9 if(write_buf) begin state <= FETCH3; write_set <= fetch_write; end else if(read_buf) begin state <= IDLE; o_p_readdata_valid <= 1; case(write_addr_buf[1:0]) 2'b00: o_p_readdata <= i_m_readdata[ 31: 0]; 2'b01: o_p_readdata <= i_m_readdata[ 63:32]; 2'b10: o_p_readdata <= i_m_readdata[ 95:64]; 2'b11: o_p_readdata <= i_m_readdata[127:96]; endcase end end end FETCH3: begin state <= IDLE; write_set <= 0; end WB1: begin w_cm <= 0; o_m_addr <= (fetch_write[0]) ? {wb_addr0, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[1]) ? {wb_addr1, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[2]) ? {wb_addr2, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[3]) ? {wb_addr3, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[4]) ? {wb_addr4, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[5]) ? {wb_addr5, 3'b000} : (fetch_write[6]) ? {wb_addr6, 3'b000} : {wb_addr7, 3'b000}; o_m_writedata <= (fetch_write[0]) ? readdata0 : (fetch_write[1]) ? readdata1 : (fetch_write[2]) ? readdata2 : (fetch_write[3]) ? readdata3 : (fetch_write[4]) ? readdata4 : (fetch_write[5]) ? readdata5 : (fetch_write[6]) ? readdata6 : readdata7; o_m_write <= 1; state <= WB2; end WB2: begin if(!i_m_waitrequest) begin o_m_write <= 0; o_m_addr <= {write_addr_buf[24:2], 3'b000}; o_m_read <= 1; state <= FETCH1; end end FLASH: begin if(!i_m_waitrequest) begin if(flash_cnt[cache_entry] && !change) begin state <= IDLE; flash <= 0; o_m_write <= 0; flash_cnt <= 0; current_config <= cache_config; end else if(flash_cnt[cache_entry]) begin flash <= 0; o_m_write <= 0; end else begin phase <= (phase == 10) ? 0 : phase + 1; case(phase) 0: o_m_write <= 0; 1: begin if(dirty[0]) begin o_m_addr <= {wb_addr0, 3'b000}; o_m_writedata <= readdata0; o_m_write <= 1; end else begin o_m_write <= 0; end end 2: begin if(dirty[1]) begin o_m_addr <= {wb_addr1, 3'b000}; o_m_writedata <= readdata1; o_m_write <= 1; end else begin o_m_write <= 0; end end 3: begin if(dirty[2]) begin o_m_addr <= {wb_addr2, 3'b000}; o_m_writedata <= readdata2; o_m_write <= 1; end else begin o_m_write <= 0; end end 4: begin if(dirty[3]) begin o_m_addr <= {wb_addr3, 3'b000}; o_m_writedata <= readdata3; o_m_write <= 1; end else begin o_m_write <= 0; end end 5: begin if(dirty[4]) begin o_m_addr <= {wb_addr4, 3'b000}; o_m_writedata <= readdata0; o_m_write <= 1; end else begin o_m_write <= 0; end end 6: begin if(dirty[5]) begin o_m_addr <= {wb_addr5, 3'b000}; o_m_writedata <= readdata1; o_m_write <= 1; end else begin o_m_write <= 0; end end 7: begin if(dirty[6]) begin o_m_addr <= {wb_addr6, 3'b000}; o_m_writedata <= readdata2; o_m_write <= 1; end else begin o_m_write <= 0; end end 8: begin if(dirty[7]) begin o_m_addr <= {wb_addr7, 3'b000}; o_m_writedata <= readdata3; o_m_write <= 1; end else begin o_m_write <= 0; end end 9: begin o_m_write <= 0; flash <= 2'b11; end 10: begin flash <= 2'b10; flash_cnt <= flash_cnt + 1; end endcase end end end endcase // case (state) end end endmodule // cache
module config_ctrl(clk, rst, entry, o_tag, writedata, byte_en, word_en, write, readdata0, readdata1, readdata2, readdata3, readdata4, readdata5, readdata6, readdata7, wb_addr0, wb_addr1, wb_addr2, wb_addr3, wb_addr4, wb_addr5, wb_addr6, wb_addr7, hit, miss, dirty, valid, read_miss, flash, c_fig); parameter cache_entry = 14; input wire clk, rst; input wire [cache_entry-1:0] entry; input wire [22-cache_entry:0] o_tag; input wire [127:0] writedata; input wire [3:0] byte_en; input wire [3:0] word_en; input wire [7:0] write; input wire read_miss; input wire [1:0] flash; input wire [3:0] c_fig; output wire [127:0] readdata0, readdata1, readdata2, readdata3; output wire [127:0] readdata4, readdata5, readdata6, readdata7; output wire [22:0] wb_addr0, wb_addr1, wb_addr2, wb_addr3; output wire [22:0] wb_addr4, wb_addr5, wb_addr6, wb_addr7; output wire [7:0] hit, miss, dirty, valid; wire [7:0] s_hit; wire [7:0] s_miss; wire [7:0] s_dirty; wire [7:0] s_valid; wire [127:0] s_readdata0, s_readdata1, s_readdata2, s_readdata3; wire [127:0] s_readdata4, s_readdata5, s_readdata6, s_readdata7; wire [22:0] s_wb_addr0, s_wb_addr1, s_wb_addr2, s_wb_addr3; wire [22:0] s_wb_addr4, s_wb_addr5, s_wb_addr6, s_wb_addr7; assign hit = (c_fig == 0) ? s_hit : (c_fig == 4'b0001) ? ((o_tag[0]) ? {4'b0000, s_hit[7], s_hit[5], s_hit[3], s_hit[1]} : {4'b0000, s_hit[6], s_hit[4], s_hit[2], s_hit[0]}) : (c_fig == 4'b0010) ? ((o_tag[1:0] == 2'b00) ? {6'b000000, s_hit[4], s_hit[0]} : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b01) ? {6'b000000, s_hit[5], s_hit[1]} : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b10) ? {6'b000000, s_hit[6], s_hit[2]} : {6'b000000, s_hit[7], s_hit[3]}) : 8'b00000000; assign miss = (c_fig == 0) ? s_miss : (c_fig == 4'b0001) ? ((o_tag[0]) ? {4'b0000, s_miss[7], s_miss[5], s_miss[3], s_miss[1]} : {4'b0000, s_miss[6], s_miss[4], s_miss[2], s_miss[0]}) : (c_fig == 4'b0010) ? ((o_tag[1:0] == 2'b00) ? {6'b000000, s_miss[4], s_miss[0]} : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b01) ? {6'b000000, s_miss[5], s_miss[1]} : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b10) ? {6'b000000, s_miss[6], s_miss[2]} : {6'b000000, s_miss[7], s_miss[3]}) : 8'b00000000; assign dirty = s_dirty; assign valid = (c_fig == 0) ? s_valid : (c_fig == 4'b0001) ? ((o_tag[0]) ? {4'b1111, s_valid[7], s_valid[5], s_valid[3], s_valid[1]} : {4'b1111, s_valid[6], s_valid[4], s_valid[2], s_valid[0]}) : (c_fig == 4'b0010) ? ((o_tag[1:0] == 2'b00) ? {6'b111111, s_valid[4], s_valid[0]} : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b01) ? {6'b111111, s_valid[5], s_valid[1]} : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b10) ? {6'b111111, s_valid[6], s_valid[2]} : {6'b111111, s_valid[7], s_valid[3]}) : 8'b00000000; assign readdata0 = ((c_fig == 0) || flash[1]) ? s_readdata0 : (c_fig == 4'b0001) ? ((o_tag[0]) ? s_readdata1 : s_readdata0) : (c_fig == 4'b0010) ? ((o_tag[1:0] == 2'b00) ? s_readdata0 : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b01) ? s_readdata1 : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b10) ? s_readdata2 : s_readdata3) : s_readdata0; assign readdata1 = ((c_fig == 0) || flash[1]) ? s_readdata1 : (c_fig == 4'b0001) ? ((o_tag[0]) ? s_readdata3 : s_readdata2) : (c_fig == 4'b0010) ? ((o_tag[1:0] == 2'b00) ? s_readdata4 : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b01) ? s_readdata5 : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b10) ? s_readdata6 : s_readdata7) : s_readdata1; assign readdata2 = ((c_fig == 0) || flash[1]) ? s_readdata2 : (c_fig == 4'b0001) ? ((o_tag[0]) ? s_readdata5 : s_readdata4) : readdata2; assign readdata3 = ((c_fig == 0) || flash[1]) ? s_readdata3 : (c_fig == 4'b0001) ? ((o_tag[0]) ? s_readdata7 : s_readdata6) : readdata3; assign readdata4 = s_readdata4; assign readdata5 = s_readdata5; assign readdata6 = s_readdata6; assign readdata7 = s_readdata7; assign wb_addr0 = ((c_fig == 0) || flash[1]) ? s_wb_addr0 : (c_fig == 4'b0001) ? ((o_tag[0]) ? s_wb_addr1 : s_wb_addr0) : (c_fig == 4'b0010) ? ((o_tag[1:0] == 2'b00) ? s_wb_addr0 : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b01) ? s_wb_addr1 : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b10) ? s_wb_addr2 : s_wb_addr3) : s_wb_addr0; assign wb_addr1 = ((c_fig == 0) || flash[1]) ? s_wb_addr1 : (c_fig == 4'b0001) ? ((o_tag[0]) ? s_wb_addr3 : s_wb_addr2) : (c_fig == 4'b0010) ? ((o_tag[1:0] == 2'b00) ? s_wb_addr4 : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b01) ? s_wb_addr5 : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b10) ? s_wb_addr6 : s_wb_addr7) : s_wb_addr1; assign wb_addr2 = ((c_fig == 0) || flash[1]) ? s_wb_addr2 : (c_fig == 4'b0001) ? ((o_tag[0]) ? s_wb_addr5 : s_wb_addr4) : wb_addr2; assign wb_addr3 = ((c_fig == 0) || flash[1]) ? s_wb_addr3 : (c_fig == 4'b0001) ? ((o_tag[0]) ? s_wb_addr7 : s_wb_addr6) : wb_addr3; assign wb_addr4 = s_wb_addr4; assign wb_addr5 = s_wb_addr5; assign wb_addr6 = s_wb_addr6; assign wb_addr7 = s_wb_addr7; wire [7:0] s_write; assign s_write = (c_fig == 0) ? write : (c_fig == 4'b0001) ? ((o_tag[0]) ? {write[3], 1'b0, write[2], 1'b0, write[1], 1'b0, write[0], 1'b0} : {1'b0, write[3], 1'b0, write[2], 1'b0, write[1], 1'b0, write[0]}) : (c_fig == 4'b0010) ? ((o_tag[1:0] == 2'b00) ? {3'b000, write[1], 3'b000, write[0]} : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b01) ? {2'b00, write[1], 3'b000, write[0], 1'b0} : (o_tag[1:0] == 2'b10) ? {1'b0, write[1], 3'b000, write[0], 2'b00} : {write[1], 3'b000, write[0], 3'b000}) : 8'b00000000; set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set0(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(entry), .o_tag(o_tag), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .write(s_write[0]), .readdata(s_readdata0), .wb_addr(s_wb_addr0), .hit(s_hit[0]), .miss(s_miss[0]), .dirty(s_dirty[0]), .valid(s_valid[0]), .read_miss(read_miss), .flash(flash[0])); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set1(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(entry), .o_tag(o_tag), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .write(s_write[1]), .readdata(s_readdata1), .wb_addr(s_wb_addr1), .hit(s_hit[1]), .miss(s_miss[1]), .dirty(s_dirty[1]), .valid(s_valid[1]), .read_miss(read_miss), .flash(flash[0])); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set2(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(entry), .o_tag(o_tag), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .write(s_write[2]), .readdata(s_readdata2), .wb_addr(s_wb_addr2), .hit(s_hit[2]), .miss(s_miss[2]), .dirty(s_dirty[2]), .valid(s_valid[2]), .read_miss(read_miss), .flash(flash[0])); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set3(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(entry), .o_tag(o_tag), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .write(s_write[3]), .readdata(s_readdata3), .wb_addr(s_wb_addr3), .hit(s_hit[3]), .miss(s_miss[3]), .dirty(s_dirty[3]), .valid(s_valid[3]), .read_miss(read_miss), .flash(flash[0])); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set4(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(entry), .o_tag(o_tag), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .write(s_write[4]), .readdata(s_readdata4), .wb_addr(s_wb_addr4), .hit(s_hit[4]), .miss(s_miss[4]), .dirty(s_dirty[4]), .valid(s_valid[4]), .read_miss(read_miss), .flash(flash[0])); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set5(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(entry), .o_tag(o_tag), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .write(s_write[5]), .readdata(s_readdata5), .wb_addr(s_wb_addr5), .hit(s_hit[5]), .miss(s_miss[5]), .dirty(s_dirty[5]), .valid(s_valid[5]), .read_miss(read_miss), .flash(flash[0])); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set6(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(entry), .o_tag(o_tag), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .write(s_write[6]), .readdata(s_readdata6), .wb_addr(s_wb_addr6), .hit(s_hit[6]), .miss(s_miss[6]), .dirty(s_dirty[6]), .valid(s_valid[6]), .read_miss(read_miss), .flash(flash[0])); set #(.cache_entry(cache_entry)) set7(.clk(clk), .rst(rst), .entry(entry), .o_tag(o_tag), .writedata(writedata), .byte_en(byte_en), .word_en(word_en), // 4word r/w change .write(s_write[7]), .readdata(s_readdata7), .wb_addr(s_wb_addr7), .hit(s_hit[7]), .miss(s_miss[7]), .dirty(s_dirty[7]), .valid(s_valid[7]), .read_miss(read_miss), .flash(flash[0])); endmodule // config_ctrl
module simple_ram #(parameter width = 1, parameter widthad = 1 ) ( input clk, input [widthad-1:0] wraddress, input wren, input [width-1:0] data, input [widthad-1:0] rdaddress, output reg [width-1:0] q ); reg [width-1:0] mem [(2**widthad)-1:0]; always @(posedge clk) begin if(wren) mem[wraddress] <= data; q <= mem[rdaddress]; end endmodule
module uart( input clk, // The master clock for this module input rst, // Synchronous reset. input rx, // Incoming serial line output tx, // Outgoing serial line input transmit, // Signal to transmit input [7:0] tx_byte, // Byte to transmit output received, // Indicated that a byte has been received. output [7:0] rx_byte, // Byte received output is_receiving, // Low when receive line is idle. output is_transmitting, // Low when transmit line is idle. output recv_error // Indicates error in receiving packet. ); parameter CLOCK_DIVIDE = 1302; // clock rate (50Mhz) / (baud rate (9600) * 4) // States for the receiving state machine. // These are just constants, not parameters to override. parameter RX_IDLE = 0; parameter RX_CHECK_START = 1; parameter RX_READ_BITS = 2; parameter RX_CHECK_STOP = 3; parameter RX_DELAY_RESTART = 4; parameter RX_ERROR = 5; parameter RX_RECEIVED = 6; // States for the transmitting state machine. // Constants - do not override. parameter TX_IDLE = 0; parameter TX_SENDING = 1; parameter TX_DELAY_RESTART = 2; reg [10:0] rx_clk_divider = CLOCK_DIVIDE; reg [10:0] tx_clk_divider = CLOCK_DIVIDE; reg [2:0] recv_state = RX_IDLE; reg [5:0] rx_countdown; reg [3:0] rx_bits_remaining; reg [7:0] rx_data; reg tx_out = 1'b1; reg [1:0] tx_state = TX_IDLE; reg [5:0] tx_countdown; reg [3:0] tx_bits_remaining; reg [7:0] tx_data; assign received = recv_state == RX_RECEIVED; assign recv_error = recv_state == RX_ERROR; assign is_receiving = recv_state != RX_IDLE; assign rx_byte = rx_data; assign tx = tx_out; assign is_transmitting = tx_state != TX_IDLE; always @(posedge clk) begin if (rst) begin recv_state = RX_IDLE; tx_state = TX_IDLE; end // The clk_divider counter counts down from // the CLOCK_DIVIDE constant. Whenever it // reaches 0, 1/16 of the bit period has elapsed. // Countdown timers for the receiving and transmitting // state machines are decremented. rx_clk_divider = rx_clk_divider - 1; if (!rx_clk_divider) begin rx_clk_divider = CLOCK_DIVIDE; rx_countdown = rx_countdown - 1; end tx_clk_divider = tx_clk_divider - 1; if (!tx_clk_divider) begin tx_clk_divider = CLOCK_DIVIDE; tx_countdown = tx_countdown - 1; end // Receive state machine case (recv_state) RX_IDLE: begin // A low pulse on the receive line indicates the // start of data. if (!rx) begin // Wait half the period - should resume in the // middle of this first pulse. rx_clk_divider = CLOCK_DIVIDE; rx_countdown = 2; recv_state = RX_CHECK_START; end end RX_CHECK_START: begin if (!rx_countdown) begin // Check the pulse is still there if (!rx) begin // Pulse still there - good // Wait the bit period to resume half-way // through the first bit. rx_countdown = 4; rx_bits_remaining = 8; recv_state = RX_READ_BITS; end else begin // Pulse lasted less than half the period - // not a valid transmission. recv_state = RX_ERROR; end end end RX_READ_BITS: begin if (!rx_countdown) begin // Should be half-way through a bit pulse here. // Read this bit in, wait for the next if we // have more to get. rx_data = {rx, rx_data[7:1]}; rx_countdown = 4; rx_bits_remaining = rx_bits_remaining - 1; recv_state = rx_bits_remaining ? RX_READ_BITS : RX_CHECK_STOP; end end RX_CHECK_STOP: begin if (!rx_countdown) begin // Should resume half-way through the stop bit // This should be high - if not, reject the // transmission and signal an error. recv_state = rx ? RX_RECEIVED : RX_ERROR; end end RX_DELAY_RESTART: begin // Waits a set number of cycles before accepting // another transmission. recv_state = rx_countdown ? RX_DELAY_RESTART : RX_IDLE; end RX_ERROR: begin // There was an error receiving. // Raises the recv_error flag for one clock // cycle while in this state and then waits // 2 bit periods before accepting another // transmission. rx_countdown = 8; recv_state = RX_DELAY_RESTART; end RX_RECEIVED: begin // Successfully received a byte. // Raises the received flag for one clock // cycle while in this state. recv_state = RX_IDLE; end endcase // Transmit state machine case (tx_state) TX_IDLE: begin if (transmit) begin // If the transmit flag is raised in the idle // state, start transmitting the current content // of the tx_byte input. tx_data = tx_byte; // Send the initial, low pulse of 1 bit period // to signal the start, followed by the data tx_clk_divider = CLOCK_DIVIDE; tx_countdown = 4; tx_out = 0; tx_bits_remaining = 8; tx_state = TX_SENDING; end end TX_SENDING: begin if (!tx_countdown) begin if (tx_bits_remaining) begin tx_bits_remaining = tx_bits_remaining - 1; tx_out = tx_data[0]; tx_data = {1'b0, tx_data[7:1]}; tx_countdown = 4; tx_state = TX_SENDING; end else begin // Set delay to send out 2 stop bits. tx_out = 1; tx_countdown = 8; tx_state = TX_DELAY_RESTART; end end end TX_DELAY_RESTART: begin // Wait until tx_countdown reaches the end before // we send another transmission. This covers the // "stop bit" delay. tx_state = tx_countdown ? TX_DELAY_RESTART : TX_IDLE; end endcase end endmodule
module testbench; reg clk = 1; reg resetn = 0; wire trap; always #5 clk = ~clk; initial begin if ($test$plusargs("vcd")) begin $dumpfile("testbench.vcd"); $dumpvars(0, testbench); end repeat (100) @(posedge clk); resetn <= 1; repeat (1000) @(posedge clk); $finish; end wire mem_valid; wire mem_instr; reg mem_ready; wire [31:0] mem_addr; wire [31:0] mem_wdata; wire [3:0] mem_wstrb; reg [31:0] mem_rdata; always @(posedge clk) begin if (mem_valid && mem_ready) begin if (mem_instr) $display("ifetch 0x%08x: 0x%08x", mem_addr, mem_rdata); else if (mem_wstrb) $display("write 0x%08x: 0x%08x (wstrb=%b)", mem_addr, mem_wdata, mem_wstrb); else $display("read 0x%08x: 0x%08x", mem_addr, mem_rdata); end end picorv32 #( ) uut ( .clk (clk ), .resetn (resetn ), .trap (trap ), .mem_valid (mem_valid ), .mem_instr (mem_instr ), .mem_ready (mem_ready ), .mem_addr (mem_addr ), .mem_wdata (mem_wdata ), .mem_wstrb (mem_wstrb ), .mem_rdata (mem_rdata ) ); reg [31:0] memory [0:255]; initial begin memory[0] = 32'h 3fc00093; // li x1,1020 memory[1] = 32'h 0000a023; // sw x0,0(x1) memory[2] = 32'h 0000a103; // loop: lw x2,0(x1) memory[3] = 32'h 00110113; // addi x2,x2,1 memory[4] = 32'h 0020a023; // sw x2,0(x1) memory[5] = 32'h ff5ff06f; // j <loop> end always @(posedge clk) begin mem_ready <= 0; if (mem_valid && !mem_ready) begin if (mem_addr < 1024) begin mem_ready <= 1; mem_rdata <= memory[mem_addr >> 2]; if (mem_wstrb[0]) memory[mem_addr >> 2][ 7: 0] <= mem_wdata[ 7: 0]; if (mem_wstrb[1]) memory[mem_addr >> 2][15: 8] <= mem_wdata[15: 8]; if (mem_wstrb[2]) memory[mem_addr >> 2][23:16] <= mem_wdata[23:16]; if (mem_wstrb[3]) memory[mem_addr >> 2][31:24] <= mem_wdata[31:24]; end /* add memory-mapped IO here */ end end endmodule
module testbench #( parameter AXI_TEST = 0, parameter VERBOSE = 0 ); reg clk = 1; reg resetn = 0; wire trap; always #5 clk = ~clk; initial begin repeat (100) @(posedge clk); resetn <= 1; end initial begin if ($test$plusargs("vcd")) begin $dumpfile("testbench.vcd"); $dumpvars(0, testbench); end repeat (1000000) @(posedge clk); $display("TIMEOUT"); $finish; end wire trace_valid; wire [35:0] trace_data; integer trace_file; initial begin if ($test$plusargs("trace")) begin trace_file = $fopen("testbench.trace", "w"); repeat (10) @(posedge clk); while (!trap) begin @(posedge clk); if (trace_valid) $fwrite(trace_file, "%x\n", trace_data); end $fclose(trace_file); $display("Finished writing testbench.trace."); end end picorv32_wrapper #( .AXI_TEST (AXI_TEST), .VERBOSE (VERBOSE) ) top ( .clk(clk), .resetn(resetn), .trap(trap), .trace_valid(trace_valid), .trace_data(trace_data) ); endmodule
module picorv32_wrapper #( parameter AXI_TEST = 0, parameter VERBOSE = 0 ) ( input clk, input resetn, output trap, output trace_valid, output [35:0] trace_data ); wire tests_passed; reg [31:0] irq = 0; reg [15:0] count_cycle = 0; always @(posedge clk) count_cycle <= resetn ? count_cycle + 1 : 0; always @* begin irq = 0; irq[4] = &count_cycle[12:0]; irq[5] = &count_cycle[15:0]; end wire mem_axi_awvalid; wire mem_axi_awready; wire [31:0] mem_axi_awaddr; wire [ 2:0] mem_axi_awprot; wire mem_axi_wvalid; wire mem_axi_wready; wire [31:0] mem_axi_wdata; wire [ 3:0] mem_axi_wstrb; wire mem_axi_bvalid; wire mem_axi_bready; wire mem_axi_arvalid; wire mem_axi_arready; wire [31:0] mem_axi_araddr; wire [ 2:0] mem_axi_arprot; wire mem_axi_rvalid; wire mem_axi_rready; wire [31:0] mem_axi_rdata; axi4_memory #( .AXI_TEST (AXI_TEST), .VERBOSE (VERBOSE) ) mem ( .clk (clk ), .mem_axi_awvalid (mem_axi_awvalid ), .mem_axi_awready (mem_axi_awready ), .mem_axi_awaddr (mem_axi_awaddr ), .mem_axi_awprot (mem_axi_awprot ), .mem_axi_wvalid (mem_axi_wvalid ), .mem_axi_wready (mem_axi_wready ), .mem_axi_wdata (mem_axi_wdata ), .mem_axi_wstrb (mem_axi_wstrb ), .mem_axi_bvalid (mem_axi_bvalid ), .mem_axi_bready (mem_axi_bready ), .mem_axi_arvalid (mem_axi_arvalid ), .mem_axi_arready (mem_axi_arready ), .mem_axi_araddr (mem_axi_araddr ), .mem_axi_arprot (mem_axi_arprot ), .mem_axi_rvalid (mem_axi_rvalid ), .mem_axi_rready (mem_axi_rready ), .mem_axi_rdata (mem_axi_rdata ), .tests_passed (tests_passed ) ); `ifdef RISCV_FORMAL wire rvfi_valid; wire [63:0] rvfi_order; wire [31:0] rvfi_insn; wire rvfi_trap; wire rvfi_halt; wire rvfi_intr; wire [4:0] rvfi_rs1_addr; wire [4:0] rvfi_rs2_addr; wire [31:0] rvfi_rs1_rdata; wire [31:0] rvfi_rs2_rdata; wire [4:0] rvfi_rd_addr; wire [31:0] rvfi_rd_wdata; wire [31:0] rvfi_pc_rdata; wire [31:0] rvfi_pc_wdata; wire [31:0] rvfi_mem_addr; wire [3:0] rvfi_mem_rmask; wire [3:0] rvfi_mem_wmask; wire [31:0] rvfi_mem_rdata; wire [31:0] rvfi_mem_wdata; `endif picorv32_axi #( `ifndef SYNTH_TEST `ifdef SP_TEST .ENABLE_REGS_DUALPORT(0), `endif `ifdef COMPRESSED_ISA .COMPRESSED_ISA(1), `endif .ENABLE_MUL(1), .ENABLE_DIV(1), .ENABLE_IRQ(1), .ENABLE_TRACE(1) `endif ) uut ( .clk (clk ), .resetn (resetn ), .trap (trap ), .mem_axi_awvalid(mem_axi_awvalid), .mem_axi_awready(mem_axi_awready), .mem_axi_awaddr (mem_axi_awaddr ), .mem_axi_awprot (mem_axi_awprot ), .mem_axi_wvalid (mem_axi_wvalid ), .mem_axi_wready (mem_axi_wready ), .mem_axi_wdata (mem_axi_wdata ), .mem_axi_wstrb (mem_axi_wstrb ), .mem_axi_bvalid (mem_axi_bvalid ), .mem_axi_bready (mem_axi_bready ), .mem_axi_arvalid(mem_axi_arvalid), .mem_axi_arready(mem_axi_arready), .mem_axi_araddr (mem_axi_araddr ), .mem_axi_arprot (mem_axi_arprot ), .mem_axi_rvalid (mem_axi_rvalid ), .mem_axi_rready (mem_axi_rready ), .mem_axi_rdata (mem_axi_rdata ), .irq (irq ), `ifdef RISCV_FORMAL .rvfi_valid (rvfi_valid ), .rvfi_order (rvfi_order ), .rvfi_insn (rvfi_insn ), .rvfi_trap (rvfi_trap ), .rvfi_halt (rvfi_halt ), .rvfi_intr (rvfi_intr ), .rvfi_rs1_addr (rvfi_rs1_addr ), .rvfi_rs2_addr (rvfi_rs2_addr ), .rvfi_rs1_rdata (rvfi_rs1_rdata ), .rvfi_rs2_rdata (rvfi_rs2_rdata ), .rvfi_rd_addr (rvfi_rd_addr ), .rvfi_rd_wdata (rvfi_rd_wdata ), .rvfi_pc_rdata (rvfi_pc_rdata ), .rvfi_pc_wdata (rvfi_pc_wdata ), .rvfi_mem_addr (rvfi_mem_addr ), .rvfi_mem_rmask (rvfi_mem_rmask ), .rvfi_mem_wmask (rvfi_mem_wmask ), .rvfi_mem_rdata (rvfi_mem_rdata ), .rvfi_mem_wdata (rvfi_mem_wdata ), `endif .trace_valid (trace_valid ), .trace_data (trace_data ) ); `ifdef RISCV_FORMAL picorv32_rvfimon rvfi_monitor ( .clock (clk ), .reset (!resetn ), .rvfi_valid (rvfi_valid ), .rvfi_order (rvfi_order ), .rvfi_insn (rvfi_insn ), .rvfi_trap (rvfi_trap ), .rvfi_halt (rvfi_halt ), .rvfi_intr (rvfi_intr ), .rvfi_rs1_addr (rvfi_rs1_addr ), .rvfi_rs2_addr (rvfi_rs2_addr ), .rvfi_rs1_rdata (rvfi_rs1_rdata), .rvfi_rs2_rdata (rvfi_rs2_rdata), .rvfi_rd_addr (rvfi_rd_addr ), .rvfi_rd_wdata (rvfi_rd_wdata ), .rvfi_pc_rdata (rvfi_pc_rdata ), .rvfi_pc_wdata (rvfi_pc_wdata ), .rvfi_mem_addr (rvfi_mem_addr ), .rvfi_mem_rmask (rvfi_mem_rmask), .rvfi_mem_wmask (rvfi_mem_wmask), .rvfi_mem_rdata (rvfi_mem_rdata), .rvfi_mem_wdata (rvfi_mem_wdata) ); `endif reg [1023:0] firmware_file; initial begin if (!$value$plusargs("firmware=%s", firmware_file)) firmware_file = "firmware/firmware.hex"; $readmemh(firmware_file, mem.memory); end integer cycle_counter; always @(posedge clk) begin cycle_counter <= resetn ? cycle_counter + 1 : 0; if (resetn && trap) begin `ifndef VERILATOR repeat (10) @(posedge clk); `endif $display("TRAP after %1d clock cycles", cycle_counter); if (tests_passed) begin $display("ALL TESTS PASSED."); $finish; end else begin $display("ERROR!"); if ($test$plusargs("noerror")) $finish; $stop; end end end endmodule
module axi4_memory #( parameter AXI_TEST = 0, parameter VERBOSE = 0 ) ( /* verilator lint_off MULTIDRIVEN */ input clk, input mem_axi_awvalid, output reg mem_axi_awready, input [31:0] mem_axi_awaddr, input [ 2:0] mem_axi_awprot, input mem_axi_wvalid, output reg mem_axi_wready, input [31:0] mem_axi_wdata, input [ 3:0] mem_axi_wstrb, output reg mem_axi_bvalid, input mem_axi_bready, input mem_axi_arvalid, output reg mem_axi_arready, input [31:0] mem_axi_araddr, input [ 2:0] mem_axi_arprot, output reg mem_axi_rvalid, input mem_axi_rready, output reg [31:0] mem_axi_rdata, output reg tests_passed ); reg [31:0] memory [0:128*1024/4-1] /* verilator public */; reg verbose; initial verbose = $test$plusargs("verbose") || VERBOSE; reg axi_test; initial axi_test = $test$plusargs("axi_test") || AXI_TEST; initial begin mem_axi_awready = 0; mem_axi_wready = 0; mem_axi_bvalid = 0; mem_axi_arready = 0; mem_axi_rvalid = 0; tests_passed = 0; end reg [63:0] xorshift64_state = 64'd88172645463325252; task xorshift64_next; begin // see page 4 of Marsaglia, George (July 2003). "Xorshift RNGs". Journal of Statistical Software 8 (14). xorshift64_state = xorshift64_state ^ (xorshift64_state << 13); xorshift64_state = xorshift64_state ^ (xorshift64_state >> 7); xorshift64_state = xorshift64_state ^ (xorshift64_state << 17); end endtask reg [2:0] fast_axi_transaction = ~0; reg [4:0] async_axi_transaction = ~0; reg [4:0] delay_axi_transaction = 0; always @(posedge clk) begin if (axi_test) begin xorshift64_next; {fast_axi_transaction, async_axi_transaction, delay_axi_transaction} <= xorshift64_state; end end reg latched_raddr_en = 0; reg latched_waddr_en = 0; reg latched_wdata_en = 0; reg fast_raddr = 0; reg fast_waddr = 0; reg fast_wdata = 0; reg [31:0] latched_raddr; reg [31:0] latched_waddr; reg [31:0] latched_wdata; reg [ 3:0] latched_wstrb; reg latched_rinsn; task handle_axi_arvalid; begin mem_axi_arready <= 1; latched_raddr = mem_axi_araddr; latched_rinsn = mem_axi_arprot[2]; latched_raddr_en = 1; fast_raddr <= 1; end endtask task handle_axi_awvalid; begin mem_axi_awready <= 1; latched_waddr = mem_axi_awaddr; latched_waddr_en = 1; fast_waddr <= 1; end endtask task handle_axi_wvalid; begin mem_axi_wready <= 1; latched_wdata = mem_axi_wdata; latched_wstrb = mem_axi_wstrb; latched_wdata_en = 1; fast_wdata <= 1; end endtask task handle_axi_rvalid; begin if (verbose) $display("RD: ADDR=%08x DATA=%08x%s", latched_raddr, memory[latched_raddr >> 2], latched_rinsn ? " INSN" : ""); if (latched_raddr < 128*1024) begin mem_axi_rdata <= memory[latched_raddr >> 2]; mem_axi_rvalid <= 1; latched_raddr_en = 0; end else begin $display("OUT-OF-BOUNDS MEMORY READ FROM %08x", latched_raddr); $finish; end end endtask task handle_axi_bvalid; begin if (verbose) $display("WR: ADDR=%08x DATA=%08x STRB=%04b", latched_waddr, latched_wdata, latched_wstrb); if (latched_waddr < 128*1024) begin if (latched_wstrb[0]) memory[latched_waddr >> 2][ 7: 0] <= latched_wdata[ 7: 0]; if (latched_wstrb[1]) memory[latched_waddr >> 2][15: 8] <= latched_wdata[15: 8]; if (latched_wstrb[2]) memory[latched_waddr >> 2][23:16] <= latched_wdata[23:16]; if (latched_wstrb[3]) memory[latched_waddr >> 2][31:24] <= latched_wdata[31:24]; end else if (latched_waddr == 32'h1000_0000) begin if (verbose) begin if (32 <= latched_wdata && latched_wdata < 128) $display("OUT: '%c'", latched_wdata[7:0]); else $display("OUT: %3d", latched_wdata); end else begin $write("%c", latched_wdata[7:0]); `ifndef VERILATOR $fflush(); `endif end end else if (latched_waddr == 32'h2000_0000) begin if (latched_wdata == 123456789) tests_passed = 1; end else begin $display("OUT-OF-BOUNDS MEMORY WRITE TO %08x", latched_waddr); $finish; end mem_axi_bvalid <= 1; latched_waddr_en = 0; latched_wdata_en = 0; end endtask always @(negedge clk) begin if (mem_axi_arvalid && !(latched_raddr_en || fast_raddr) && async_axi_transaction[0]) handle_axi_arvalid; if (mem_axi_awvalid && !(latched_waddr_en || fast_waddr) && async_axi_transaction[1]) handle_axi_awvalid; if (mem_axi_wvalid && !(latched_wdata_en || fast_wdata) && async_axi_transaction[2]) handle_axi_wvalid; if (!mem_axi_rvalid && latched_raddr_en && async_axi_transaction[3]) handle_axi_rvalid; if (!mem_axi_bvalid && latched_waddr_en && latched_wdata_en && async_axi_transaction[4]) handle_axi_bvalid; end always @(posedge clk) begin mem_axi_arready <= 0; mem_axi_awready <= 0; mem_axi_wready <= 0; fast_raddr <= 0; fast_waddr <= 0; fast_wdata <= 0; if (mem_axi_rvalid && mem_axi_rready) begin mem_axi_rvalid <= 0; end if (mem_axi_bvalid && mem_axi_bready) begin mem_axi_bvalid <= 0; end if (mem_axi_arvalid && mem_axi_arready && !fast_raddr) begin latched_raddr = mem_axi_araddr; latched_rinsn = mem_axi_arprot[2]; latched_raddr_en = 1; end if (mem_axi_awvalid && mem_axi_awready && !fast_waddr) begin latched_waddr = mem_axi_awaddr; latched_waddr_en = 1; end if (mem_axi_wvalid && mem_axi_wready && !fast_wdata) begin latched_wdata = mem_axi_wdata; latched_wstrb = mem_axi_wstrb; latched_wdata_en = 1; end if (mem_axi_arvalid && !(latched_raddr_en || fast_raddr) && !delay_axi_transaction[0]) handle_axi_arvalid; if (mem_axi_awvalid && !(latched_waddr_en || fast_waddr) && !delay_axi_transaction[1]) handle_axi_awvalid; if (mem_axi_wvalid && !(latched_wdata_en || fast_wdata) && !delay_axi_transaction[2]) handle_axi_wvalid; if (!mem_axi_rvalid && latched_raddr_en && !delay_axi_transaction[3]) handle_axi_rvalid; if (!mem_axi_bvalid && latched_waddr_en && latched_wdata_en && !delay_axi_transaction[4]) handle_axi_bvalid; end endmodule
module picorv32_wrapper #( parameter VERBOSE = 0 ) ( input wb_clk, input wb_rst, output trap, output trace_valid, output [35:0] trace_data ); wire tests_passed; reg [31:0] irq = 0; wire mem_instr; reg [15:0] count_cycle = 0; always @(posedge wb_clk) count_cycle <= !wb_rst ? count_cycle + 1 : 0; always @* begin irq = 0; irq[4] = &count_cycle[12:0]; irq[5] = &count_cycle[15:0]; end wire [31:0] wb_m2s_adr; wire [31:0] wb_m2s_dat; wire [3:0] wb_m2s_sel; wire wb_m2s_we; wire wb_m2s_cyc; wire wb_m2s_stb; wire [31:0] wb_s2m_dat; wire wb_s2m_ack; wb_ram #( .depth (128*1024), .VERBOSE (VERBOSE) ) ram ( // Wishbone interface .wb_clk_i(wb_clk), .wb_rst_i(wb_rst), .wb_adr_i(wb_m2s_adr), .wb_dat_i(wb_m2s_dat), .wb_stb_i(wb_m2s_stb), .wb_cyc_i(wb_m2s_cyc), .wb_dat_o(wb_s2m_dat), .wb_ack_o(wb_s2m_ack), .wb_sel_i(wb_m2s_sel), .wb_we_i(wb_m2s_we), .mem_instr(mem_instr), .tests_passed(tests_passed) ); picorv32_wb #( `ifndef SYNTH_TEST `ifdef SP_TEST .ENABLE_REGS_DUALPORT(0), `endif `ifdef COMPRESSED_ISA .COMPRESSED_ISA(1), `endif .ENABLE_MUL(1), .ENABLE_DIV(1), .ENABLE_IRQ(1), .ENABLE_TRACE(1) `endif ) uut ( .trap (trap), .irq (irq), .trace_valid (trace_valid), .trace_data (trace_data), .mem_instr(mem_instr), .wb_clk_i(wb_clk), .wb_rst_i(wb_rst), .wbm_adr_o(wb_m2s_adr), .wbm_dat_i(wb_s2m_dat), .wbm_stb_o(wb_m2s_stb), .wbm_ack_i(wb_s2m_ack), .wbm_cyc_o(wb_m2s_cyc), .wbm_dat_o(wb_m2s_dat), .wbm_we_o(wb_m2s_we), .wbm_sel_o(wb_m2s_sel) ); reg [1023:0] firmware_file; initial begin if (!$value$plusargs("firmware=%s", firmware_file)) firmware_file = "firmware/firmware.hex"; $readmemh(firmware_file, ram.mem); end integer cycle_counter; always @(posedge wb_clk) begin cycle_counter <= !wb_rst ? cycle_counter + 1 : 0; if (!wb_rst && trap) begin `ifndef VERILATOR repeat (10) @(posedge wb_clk); `endif $display("TRAP after %1d clock cycles", cycle_counter); if (tests_passed) begin $display("ALL TESTS PASSED."); $finish; end else begin $display("ERROR!"); if ($test$plusargs("noerror")) $finish; $stop; end end end endmodule
module wb_ram #( parameter depth = 256, parameter memfile = "", parameter VERBOSE = 0 ) ( input wb_clk_i, input wb_rst_i, input [31:0] wb_adr_i, input [31:0] wb_dat_i, input [3:0] wb_sel_i, input wb_we_i, input wb_cyc_i, input wb_stb_i, output reg wb_ack_o, output reg [31:0] wb_dat_o, input mem_instr, output reg tests_passed ); reg verbose; initial verbose = $test$plusargs("verbose") || VERBOSE; initial tests_passed = 0; reg [31:0] adr_r; wire valid = wb_cyc_i & wb_stb_i; always @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin adr_r <= wb_adr_i; // Ack generation wb_ack_o <= valid & !wb_ack_o; if (wb_rst_i) begin adr_r <= {32{1'b0}}; wb_ack_o <= 1'b0; end end wire ram_we = wb_we_i & valid & wb_ack_o; wire [31:0] waddr = adr_r[31:2]; wire [31:0] raddr = wb_adr_i[31:2]; wire [3:0] we = {4{ram_we}} & wb_sel_i; wire [$clog2(depth/4)-1:0] raddr2 = raddr[$clog2(depth/4)-1:0]; wire [$clog2(depth/4)-1:0] waddr2 = waddr[$clog2(depth/4)-1:0]; reg [31:0] mem [0:depth/4-1] /* verilator public */; always @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin if (ram_we) begin if (verbose) $display("WR: ADDR=%08x DATA=%08x STRB=%04b", adr_r, wb_dat_i, we); if (adr_r[31:0] == 32'h1000_0000) if (verbose) begin if (32 <= wb_dat_i[7:0] && wb_dat_i[7:0] < 128) $display("OUT: '%c'", wb_dat_i[7:0]); else $display("OUT: %3d", wb_dat_i[7:0]); end else begin $write("%c", wb_dat_i[7:0]); `ifndef VERILATOR $fflush(); `endif end else if (adr_r[31:0] == 32'h2000_0000) if (wb_dat_i[31:0] == 123456789) tests_passed = 1; end end always @(posedge wb_clk_i) begin if (waddr2 < 128 * 1024 / 4) begin if (we[0]) mem[waddr2][7:0] <= wb_dat_i[7:0]; if (we[1]) mem[waddr2][15:8] <= wb_dat_i[15:8]; if (we[2]) mem[waddr2][23:16] <= wb_dat_i[23:16]; if (we[3]) mem[waddr2][31:24] <= wb_dat_i[31:24]; end if (valid & wb_ack_o & !ram_we) if (verbose) $display("RD: ADDR=%08x DATA=%08x%s", adr_r, mem[raddr2], mem_instr ? " INSN" : ""); wb_dat_o <= mem[raddr2]; end initial begin if (memfile != "") $readmemh(memfile, mem); end endmodule
module layer_0( input clk, input reset_n, input [7:0] input_spike, output [7:0] output_spike ); parameter NUM_NEURONS = 8; reg [NUM_NEURONS-1:0] spike_layer_0_potential_reg[NUM_NEURONS-1:0]; wire [NUM_NEURONS-1:0] spike_layer_0_potential[NUM_NEURONS-1:0]; // Instantiate the neurons // Layer 0: 8 neurons // neuron0_0 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_0_0 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_0_potential_reg[0]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_0_potential[0][7:0]), .spike_out(output_spike[0]) ); // neuron0_1 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_0_1 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h1), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_0_potential_reg[1]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_0_potential[1]), .spike_out(output_spike[1]) ); // neuron0_2 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_0_2 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_0_potential_reg[2]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_0_potential[2]), .spike_out(output_spike[2]) ); // neuron0_3 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_0_3 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_0_potential_reg[3]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_0_potential[3]), .spike_out(output_spike[3]) ); // neuron0_4 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_0_4 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_0_potential_reg[4]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_0_potential[4]), .spike_out(output_spike[4]) ); // neuron0_5 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_0_5 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_0_potential_reg[5]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_0_potential[5]), .spike_out(output_spike[5]) ); // neuron0_6 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_0_6 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_0_potential_reg[6]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_0_potential[6]), .spike_out(output_spike[6]) ); // neuron0_7 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_0_7 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_0_potential_reg[7]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_0_potential[7]), .spike_out(output_spike[7]) ); always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin {spike_layer_0_potential_reg[7], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[6], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[5], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[4], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[3], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[2], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[1], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[0]} <= 64'h0; end else begin {spike_layer_0_potential_reg[7], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[6], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[5], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[4], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[3], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[2], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[1], spike_layer_0_potential_reg[0]} <= {spike_layer_0_potential[7], spike_layer_0_potential[6], spike_layer_0_potential[5], spike_layer_0_potential[4], spike_layer_0_potential[3], spike_layer_0_potential[2], spike_layer_0_potential[1], spike_layer_0_potential[0]}; end end endmodule
module controller( input clk, input reset_n, input [7:0] input_spike, output [7:0] output_spike ); wire [7:0] output_spike_layer_0; layer_0 uut_layer_0 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .input_spike(input_spike), .output_spike(output_spike_layer_0) ); layer_1 uut_layer_1 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .input_spike(output_spike_layer_0), .output_spike(output_spike) ); endmodule
module layer_1( input clk, input reset_n, input [7:0] input_spike, output [7:0] output_spike ); parameter NUM_NEURONS = 8; reg [NUM_NEURONS-1:0] spike_layer_1_potential_reg[NUM_NEURONS-1:0]; wire [NUM_NEURONS-1:0] spike_layer_1_potential[NUM_NEURONS-1:0]; // Instantiate the neurons // Layer 1: 8 neurons // neuron1_0 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_1_0 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_1_potential_reg[0]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_1_potential[0][7:0]), .spike_out(output_spike[0]) ); // neuron1_1 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_1_1 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_1_potential_reg[1]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_1_potential[1]), .spike_out(output_spike[1]) ); // neuron1_2 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_1_2 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_1_potential_reg[2]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_1_potential[2]), .spike_out(output_spike[2]) ); // neuron1_3 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_1_3 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_1_potential_reg[3]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_1_potential[3]), .spike_out(output_spike[3]) ); // neuron1_4 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_1_4 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_1_potential_reg[4]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_1_potential[4]), .spike_out(output_spike[4]) ); // neuron1_5 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_1_5 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_1_potential_reg[5]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_1_potential[5]), .spike_out(output_spike[5]) ); // neuron1_6 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_1_6 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_1_potential_reg[6]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_1_potential[6]), .spike_out(output_spike[6]) ); // neuron1_7 leaky_integrate_fire uut_leaky_integrate_fire_layer_1_7 ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in(input_spike[7:0]), .weight(64'h77777777), .memb_potential_in(spike_layer_1_potential_reg[7]), .threshold(8'h9), .leak_value(8'h1), .tref(4'h2), .memb_potential_out(spike_layer_1_potential[7]), .spike_out(output_spike[7]) ); always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin if (reset_n == 1'b0) begin {spike_layer_1_potential_reg[7], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[6], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[5], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[4], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[3], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[2], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[1], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[0]} <= 64'h0; end else begin {spike_layer_1_potential_reg[7], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[6], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[5], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[4], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[3], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[2], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[1], spike_layer_1_potential_reg[0]} <= {spike_layer_1_potential[7], spike_layer_1_potential[6], spike_layer_1_potential[5], spike_layer_1_potential[4], spike_layer_1_potential[3], spike_layer_1_potential[2], spike_layer_1_potential[1], spike_layer_1_potential[0]}; end end endmodule
module tb_leaky_integrate_fire; reg clk; reg reset_n; reg spike_in_0, spike_in_1, spike_in_2, spike_in_3, spike_in_4, spike_in_5, spike_in_6, spike_in_7; reg [7:0] weight_0, weight_1, weight_2, weight_3, weight_4, weight_5, weight_6, weight_7; reg [7:0] memb_potential_in; reg [7:0] threshold; reg [7:0] leak_value; reg [3:0] tref; wire [7:0] memb_potential_out; wire spike_out; parameter STEP = 10; leaky_integrate_fire uut ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .spike_in({spike_in_7, spike_in_6, spike_in_5, spike_in_4, spike_in_3, spike_in_2, spike_in_1, spike_in_0}), .weight({weight_7, weight_6, weight_5, weight_4, weight_3, weight_2, weight_1, weight_0}), .memb_potential_in(memb_potential_in), .threshold(threshold), .leak_value(leak_value), .tref(tref), .memb_potential_out(memb_potential_out), .spike_out(spike_out) ); always #(STEP/2) clk = ~clk; initial begin $dumpfile("tb_leaky_integrate_fire.vcd"); $dumpvars(0, tb_leaky_integrate_fire); clk = 1'b0; reset_n = 1'b1; #1; reset_n = 1'b0; #1; reset_n = 1'b1; #1; memb_potential_in = 8'h00; threshold = 8'h10; leak_value = 8'h1; tref = 4'h2; weight_0 = 8'h01; weight_1 = 8'h02; weight_2 = 8'h03; weight_3 = 8'h04; weight_4 = 8'h05; weight_5 = 8'h06; weight_6 = 8'h07; weight_7 = 8'h08; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; // Test 1 spike_in_0 = 1'b1; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b1; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b1; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b1; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b1; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b1; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b1; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b1; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b1; spike_in_7 = 1'b1; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b1; spike_in_6 = 1'b1; spike_in_7 = 1'b1; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; // Test 2 memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b1; spike_in_2 = 1'b1; spike_in_3 = 1'b1; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b1; spike_in_2 = 1'b1; spike_in_3 = 1'b1; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b1; spike_in_2 = 1'b1; spike_in_3 = 1'b1; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b1; spike_in_2 = 1'b1; spike_in_3 = 1'b1; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b1; spike_in_2 = 1'b1; spike_in_3 = 1'b1; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b1; spike_in_2 = 1'b1; spike_in_3 = 1'b1; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b1; spike_in_2 = 1'b1; spike_in_3 = 1'b1; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b1; spike_in_2 = 1'b1; spike_in_3 = 1'b1; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b0; spike_in_6 = 1'b0; spike_in_7 = 1'b0; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; #STEP // Test 3 memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b1; spike_in_6 = 1'b1; spike_in_7 = 1'b1; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b1; spike_in_6 = 1'b1; spike_in_7 = 1'b1; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b1; spike_in_6 = 1'b1; spike_in_7 = 1'b1; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b1; spike_in_6 = 1'b1; spike_in_7 = 1'b1; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b1; spike_in_6 = 1'b1; spike_in_7 = 1'b1; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b1; spike_in_6 = 1'b1; spike_in_7 = 1'b1; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b1; spike_in_6 = 1'b1; spike_in_7 = 1'b1; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; spike_in_0 = 1'b0; spike_in_1 = 1'b0; spike_in_2 = 1'b0; spike_in_3 = 1'b0; spike_in_4 = 1'b0; spike_in_5 = 1'b1; spike_in_6 = 1'b1; spike_in_7 = 1'b1; #STEP memb_potential_in = memb_potential_out; #STEP $finish; end endmodule
module leaky_integrate_fire( input clk, input reset_n, input [7:0] spike_in, input [63:0] weight_0, input [63:0] weight_1, input [63:0] weight_2, input [63:0] weight_3, input [63:0] weight_4, input [63:0] weight_5, input [63:0] weight_6, input [63:0] weight_7, input [7:0] memb_potential_in, input [7:0] threshold, input [7:0] leak_value, input [3:0] tref, output [7:0] memb_potential_out, output reg spike_out ); reg [3:0] tr = 0; reg [7:0] voltage; wire [15:0] memb_potential_integrate; // integrate membrane potential wire [15:0] synaptic_integration; // integrate synaptic current wire [15:0] leak_and_int_potential; // leaked current and integrated potential wire underflow; wire [7:0] spike_and_weight[0:7]; // AND gate for spike and weight assign spike_and_weight[0] = spike_in[0] * (weight_0[7:0] + weight_1[7:0] + weight_2[7:0] + weight_3[7:0] + weight_4[7:0] + weight_5[7:0] + weight_6[7:0] + weight_7[7:0]); assign spike_and_weight[1] = spike_in[1] * (weight_0[15:8] + weight_1[15:8] + weight_2[15:8] + weight_3[15:8] + weight_4[15:8] + weight_5[15:8] + weight_6[15:8] + weight_7[15:8]); assign spike_and_weight[2] = spike_in[2] * (weight_0[23:16] + weight_1[23:16] + weight_2[23:16] + weight_3[23:16] + weight_4[23:16] + weight_5[23:16] + weight_6[23:16] + weight_7[23:16]); assign spike_and_weight[3] = spike_in[3] * (weight_0[31:24] + weight_1[31:24] + weight_2[31:24] + weight_3[31:24] + weight_4[31:24] + weight_5[31:24] + weight_6[31:24] + weight_7[31:24]); assign spike_and_weight[4] = spike_in[4] * (weight_0[39:32] + weight_1[39:32] + weight_2[39:32] + weight_3[39:32] + weight_4[39:32] + weight_5[39:32] + weight_6[39:32] + weight_7[39:32]); assign spike_and_weight[5] = spike_in[5] * (weight_0[47:40] + weight_1[47:40] + weight_2[47:40] + weight_3[47:40] + weight_4[47:40] + weight_5[47:40] + weight_6[47:40] + weight_7[47:40]); assign spike_and_weight[6] = spike_in[6] * (weight_0[55:48] + weight_1[55:48] + weight_2[55:48] + weight_3[55:48] + weight_4[55:48] + weight_5[55:48] + weight_6[55:48] + weight_7[55:48]); assign spike_and_weight[7] = spike_in[7] * (weight_0[63:56] + weight_1[63:56] + weight_2[63:56] + weight_3[63:56] + weight_4[63:56] + weight_5[63:56] + weight_6[63:56] + weight_7[63:56]); // Integrate current assign memb_potential_integrate = spike_and_weight[0] + spike_and_weight[1] + spike_and_weight[2] + spike_and_weight[3] + spike_and_weight[4] + spike_and_weight[5] + spike_and_weight[6] + spike_and_weight[7]; // integrate membrane potential and current assign synaptic_integration = memb_potential_in + memb_potential_integrate; // leak current assign leak_and_int_potential = synaptic_integration - leak_value; assign underflow = synaptic_integration < leak_value; always @(posedge clk or negedge reset_n) begin if (~reset_n) begin spike_out <= 1'b0; voltage <= 8'b0; tr <= 4'b0; end else begin // check if in refractory period if (tr > 0) begin spike_out <= 1'b0; tr <= tr - 4'b1; voltage = 8'b0; end else if (underflow) begin spike_out <= 1'b0; voltage <= 8'b0; end else if (leak_and_int_potential >= threshold) begin // leak_and_int_potential >= threshold spike_out <= 1'b1; tr <= tref; // refractory period voltage = 8'b0; end else begin spike_out <= 1'b0; voltage <= leak_and_int_potential[7:0]; end end end assign memb_potential_out = voltage; endmodule
module tb_controller; reg clk, reset_n; reg [7:0] input_spike; wire [7:0] output_spike; parameter STEP = 10; controller uut_controller ( .clk(clk), .reset_n(reset_n), .input_spike(input_spike), .output_spike(output_spike) ); always #(STEP/2) clk = ~clk; initial begin $dumpfile("tb_controller.vcd"); $dumpvars(0, tb_controller); clk = 0; reset_n = 1; input_spike = 8'b00000000; #1 reset_n = 0; #2 reset_n = 1; #STEP input_spike = 8'b11111111; #STEP input_spike = 8'b00000000; #STEP input_spike = 8'b11111111; #STEP input_spike = 8'b00000000; #STEP $finish; end endmodule
module cond ( nzcv, condition_code, will_this_be_executed); input wire[3:0] nzcv; input wire[3:0] condition_code; output reg will_this_be_executed; always @* begin case(condition_code) 0: begin //EQ if(nzcv[2] == 1) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 1: begin //NE if(nzcv[2] == 0) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 2: begin //CS if(nzcv[1] == 1) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 3: begin //CC if(nzcv[1] == 0) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 4: begin //MI if(nzcv[3] == 1) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 5: begin //PL if(nzcv[3] == 0) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 6: begin //VS if(nzcv[0] == 1) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 7: begin //VC if(nzcv[0] == 0) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 8: begin //HI if(nzcv[1] == 1 && nzcv[2] == 0) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 9: begin //LS if(nzcv[1] == 0 && nzcv[2] == 1) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 10: begin //GE if(nzcv[3] == nzcv[0]) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 11: begin //LT if(nzcv[3] != nzcv[0]) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 12: begin //GT if(nzcv[2] == 0 && nzcv[3] == nzcv[0]) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 13: begin //LE if(nzcv[2] == 0 || nzcv[3] != nzcv[0]) will_this_be_executed = 1; else will_this_be_executed = 0; end 14: begin //AL will_this_be_executed = 1; end 15: begin //reserved will_this_be_executed = 1; end endcase end endmodule
module bshift(instr_bit_25,imm_value, Rm, Rs, operand2, cin, c_to_alu, direct_data, use_shifter); parameter n=32; input [n-1:0] direct_data; input use_shifter; input instr_bit_25; // bit no. 25 in the instr input [11:0] imm_value; // bits 11-0 in instr input [n-1:0] Rm; input [n-1:0] Rs; output [n-1:0] operand2; // operand 2 for ALU input cin; output reg c_to_alu; wire instr_bit_25; wire [11:0] imm_value; reg [n-1:0] in; reg [n-1:0] out; reg [7:0] shiftby; // no. bits to be shifted reg [n-1:0] junk; assign operand2 =(use_shifter==1)?out:direct_data ; always @* begin if (instr_bit_25) begin // right rotate 32 bit zero extended imm_value[7:0] by 2*(top 4 bits of imm_value) in[n-1:8] = 0; in[7:0] = imm_value[7:0]; shiftby[0]=0; shiftby[7:4]=4'd0; shiftby[4:1] = imm_value[11:8]; {junk,out} = {in,in} >> shiftby[7:0]; if(shiftby[7:0]==0) c_to_alu = cin; else c_to_alu = out[31]; end else begin // 10 cases here. // logical shift left by Immediate. This one is for 2 cases. if(imm_value[6:4] == 0) begin in = Rm; {c_to_alu,out} = {cin ,in} << imm_value[11:7]; // C flag end // logical shift left by register if(imm_value[6:4] == 3'd1) begin in = Rm; shiftby[7:0] = Rs[7:0]; {c_to_alu,out} = {cin,in} << shiftby[7:0]; end // logical shift right by immediate if(imm_value[6:4] == 3'd2) begin in = Rm; {out, c_to_alu} = {in,cin} >> imm_value[11:7]; end // logical shift right by register if(imm_value[6:4] == 3'd3) begin in = Rm; shiftby[7:0] = Rs[7:0]; {out, c_to_alu} = {in,cin} >> shiftby[7:0]; end //Arithmetic shift right by immediate if(imm_value[6:4] == 3'd4) begin in = Rm; //out[7] = in[7]; // preserves sign if(in[n-1]){junk,out, c_to_alu} = {32'hFFFFFFFF,in,cin} >> imm_value[11:7]; else {out, c_to_alu} = {in,cin} >> imm_value[11:7]; end //Arithmetic Shift Right by Register if(imm_value[6:4] == 3'd5) begin in = Rm; shiftby[7:0] = Rs[7:0]; if(in[n-1]) {junk,out, c_to_alu} = {32'hFFFFFFFF,in,cin} >> shiftby[7:0]; else {out,c_to_alu} = {in,cin} >> shiftby[7:0]; end // Rotate Right by immediate if((imm_value[6:4] == 3'd6)&&(imm_value[11:7]!=5'd0)) begin in = Rm; {junk,out,c_to_alu} = {in,in,cin} >> imm_value[11:7]; end //Rotate Right by Register if(imm_value[6:4] == 3'd7) begin in=Rm; shiftby[7:0] = Rs[7:0]; {junk,out,c_to_alu} = {in,in,cin} >> shiftby[4:0]; // [4:0] because.. if input is given as 100 it is enough to shift with 4 .. i.e 100mod 32 end // RRX if((imm_value[6:4] == 3'd6)&&(imm_value[11:7]==5'd0)) begin in= Rm; {out, c_to_alu} = {cin, in}; end end end endmodule
module register_file(in_address1,in_address2,in_address3,in_address4, out_data1,out_data2,out_data3,out_data4, write_address,write_data,write_enable, write_address2, write_data2, write_enable2, pc, pc_update, pc_write, cspr, cspr_write, cspr_update, clk ); parameter N = 32; //register data size reg [N-1:0] R [15:0]; //16, 32 bit registers //reading input [3:0]in_address1; input [3:0]in_address2; input [3:0]in_address3; input [3:0]in_address4; output reg [N-1:0]out_data1; output reg [N-1:0]out_data2; output reg [N-1:0]out_data3; output reg [N-1:0]out_data4; //writing input [3:0]write_address; input[N-1:0] write_data; input [3:0]write_address2; input[N-1:0] write_data2; input clk; input write_enable; input write_enable2; //pc output reg [N-1:0]pc; input pc_write; input[N-1:0] pc_update; //cspr output reg [N-1:0]cspr; input wire cspr_write; input[N-1:0] cspr_update; initial begin cspr = 0; R[0] = 0; R[1] = 0; R[2] = 0; R[3] = 0; R[4] = 0; R[5] = 0; R[6] = 0; R[7] = 0; R[8] = 0; R[9] = 0; R[10] = 0; R[11] = 0; R[12] = 0; R[13] = 0; R[14] = 0; R[15] = 0; //pc = 0 end always@(*) begin pc = R[2^3]; end always@(negedge clk) begin out_data1=R[in_address1]; out_data2=R[in_address2]; out_data3=R[in_address3]; out_data4=R[in_address4]; if(pc_write == 1) R[15] = pc_update; if(cspr_write == 1) cspr = cspr_update; if (write_enable==1) R[write_address]=write_data; if (write_enable2==1) R[write_address2]=write_data2; end endmodule
module test; reg clk; DeepPipeline arm(clk); initial begin clk = 1; $dumpfile("test.vcd"); $dumpvars(0,test); #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; #1 clk = ~clk; end endmodule
module instr_cache(PC,instr,read_enable,clk); parameter instr_size = 32; parameter N = 32; parameter addr_size = 8; //pc supplies address to instr_cache, so addr_size is same as addr_width here. We ignore msb bits from r15. reg [instr_size-1:0] M [256-1:0]; //2^addr_size-1, 32 bit instructions input read_enable; input [N-1:0]PC; input clk; output reg [instr_size-1:0] instr; initial begin //application code here. M[0]= 32'he3a0000a; M[1]= 32'he3a00000; //MOV r0, #10 ; Set up parameters M[2]= 32'he3a01001; //MOV r1, #3 M[3] =32'he0913002; //MOV r4, #4;here M[4]= 32'he1a01002; //MOV r9, #19 M[5]= 32'he1a02003; //add ro,r1,#43 M[6]= 32'h3afffffb; //MOV r7, #2 M[7]= 32'he3a07001; // M[8]= 32'he3a07002; // M[9]= 32'he3a07002; // M[10]= 32'he3a07003; // M[11]= 32'he3a07004; // M[12]= 32'he3a07005; // M[13]= 32'he3a07006; // M[14]= 32'he3a07007; // M[15]= 32'he3a07008; // M[16]= 32'he3a07009; // M[17]= 32'he3a07001; // end always @ (negedge clk) begin if(read_enable==1) begin instr= M[PC[addr_size+1:2]]; end end endmodule
module data_cache(data_address,in_data,out_data,read_enable,write_enable,clk,isByte); parameter data_width = 8; //size of each data read, will be of width 16, i.e, half word by default. parameter N =32; parameter addr_width = 12; //It determines the number of data (half)words in memory reg [data_width-1:0] M [2^addr_width-1:0]; //2^addr_width-1, 16 bit data input [N-1 :0] data_address; input read_enable; input write_enable; input clk; input isByte; output reg [N-1:0] out_data; input [N-1 :0] in_data; always @ (posedge read_enable, posedge write_enable) begin if(read_enable) begin if(isByte == 1) out_data = {24'hzzzzzz, M[data_address[addr_width-1:0]]}; else out_data = { M[data_address[addr_width-1:0]+3], M[data_address[addr_width-1:0]+2], M[data_address[addr_width-1:0]+1] , M[data_address[addr_width-1:0]]}; end else if(write_enable) begin if(isByte == 1) M[data_address[addr_width-1:0]]=in_data[data_width-1:0]; else { M[data_address[addr_width-1:0]+3], M[data_address[addr_width-1:0]+2], M[data_address[addr_width-1:0]+1] , M[data_address[addr_width-1:0]] } = in_data; end end endmodule
module register_test; reg[3:0] read_address; reg[3:0] write_address; reg[31:0] write_data; reg write_enable = 0; reg[31:0] pc_update; reg pc_write; reg clk; wire[31:0] out_data_1; wire[31:0] cspr; wire[31:0] pc; register_file RegisterFile( //inputs .in_address1(read_address), .in_address2(), .in_address3(), .in_address4(write_address), .universal_read_address(), .in_data(write_data), .write_enable(write_enable), .pc_update(pc_update), .pc_write(pc_write), .cspr_write(), .cspr_update(), .clk(clk), //outputs .out_data1(out_data_1), .out_data2(), .out_data3(), .universal_out_data(), .pc(pc), .cspr(cspr) ); initial begin #1 clk = 1; #2 clk = 0; #3 clk = 1; read_address = 0; #4 clk = 0; $display("pc- %h" , pc); #5 clk = 1; pc_update = pc+4; pc_write = 1; #6 clk = 0; $display("pc %h", pc); end endmodule
module alu(opcode, operand_1, operand_2, result, nzcv_old, nzcv, c_from_shifter, isWriteback); parameter N = 32; input[3:0] opcode; //opcode of operation input wire [N-1:0] operand_1; //operands: input wire [N-1:0] operand_2; input wire[3:0] nzcv_old; //old nzcv input wire c_from_shifter;//this is carry flag from shifter. so that we can update carry flag for logical instructions output reg isWriteback; //specifies if result is to be written back output reg[N-1:0] result; //output output reg [3:0] nzcv; //update nzcv register /*condition code register. i.e, both read and write, nzcv[3] = n nzcv[0] = v nzcv[1] = c nzcv[2] = z nzcv[3] = n */ reg cin; reg cout; reg[N-1:0] neg; always @(*) begin nzcv= nzcv_old; case(opcode) //logical and `AND: begin result = operand_1 & operand_2; nzcv[1] = c_from_shifter; isWriteback = 1; end //xor `EOR: begin result = operand_1 ^ operand_2; isWriteback = 1; nzcv[1] = c_from_shifter; end //result = op1-op2 `SUB: begin neg = -operand_2; {cin, result[N-2:0]} = operand_1[N-2:0]+neg[N-2:0]; {cout, result[N-1]} = cin+ operand_1[N-1]+neg[N-1]; nzcv[1] = cout; //carry flag nzcv[0] = cin^cout; //overflow flag isWriteback = 1; end //result = op2-op1 `RSB: begin neg = -operand_1; {cin, result[N-2:0]} = operand_2[N-2:0]+neg[N-2:0]; {cout, result[N-1]} = cin+ operand_2[N-1]+neg[N-1]; nzcv[1] = cout; //carry flag nzcv[0] = cin^cout; //overflow flag isWriteback = 1; end //result = op1+op2 `ADD: begin {cin, result[N-2:0]} = operand_1[N-2:0]+operand_2[N-2:0]; {cout, result[N-1]} = cin+ operand_1[N-1]+operand_2[N-1]; nzcv[1] = cout; //carry flag nzcv[0] = cin^cout; //overflow flag isWriteback = 1; end //result = op1+op2+c `ADC: begin {cin, result[N-2:0]} = operand_1[N-2:0]+operand_2[N-2:0]+nzcv_old[1]; {cout, result[N-1]} = cin+ operand_1[N-1]+operand_2[N-1]; nzcv[1] = cout; //carry flag nzcv[0] = cin^cout; //overflow flag isWriteback = 1; end //result = op1 – Op2 + C-1 `SBC: begin neg = -operand_2; {cin, result[N-2:0]} = operand_1[N-2:0]+neg[N-2:0]+nzcv_old[1]-1; {cout, result[N-1]} = cin+ operand_1[N-1]+neg[N-1]; nzcv[1] = cout; //carry flag nzcv[0] = cin^cout; //overflow flag isWriteback = 1; end //result = op2-op1+c-1 `RSC: begin neg = -operand_1; {cin, result[N-2:0]} = operand_2[N-2:0]+neg[N-2:0]+nzcv_old[1]-1; {cout, result[N-1]} = cin+ operand_2[N-1]+neg[N-1]; nzcv[1] = cout; //carry flag nzcv[0] = cin^cout; //overflow flag isWriteback = 1; end //same as AND but you don't write back `TST: begin result = operand_1 & operand_2; isWriteback = 0; nzcv[1] = c_from_shifter; end //same as EOR but you don't write back `TEQ: begin result = operand_1 ^ operand_2; isWriteback = 0; nzcv[1] = c_from_shifter; end //same as SUB but you don't write back `CMP: begin neg = -operand_2; {cin, result[N-2:0]} = operand_1[N-2:0]+neg[N-2:0]; {cout, result[N-1]} = cin+ operand_1[N-1]+neg[N-1]; nzcv[1] = cout; //carry flag nzcv[0] = cin^cout; //overflow flag isWriteback = 0; end //same as ADD but you don't write back `CMN: begin {cin, result[N-2:0]} = operand_1[N-2:0]+operand_2[N-2:0]; {cout, result[N-1]} = cin+ operand_1[N-1]+operand_2[N-1]; nzcv[1] = cout; //carry flag nzcv[0] = cin^cout; //overflow flag isWriteback = 0; end //bitwise or `ORR: begin result = operand_1 | operand_2; isWriteback = 1; nzcv[1] = c_from_shifter; end //move. op1 ignored `MOV: begin result = operand_2; isWriteback = 1; nzcv[1] =c_from_shifter; end //res = op1 & ~op2 `BIC: begin result = operand_1 & (~operand_2); isWriteback = 1; nzcv[1] =c_from_shifter; end //move negated op2 `MVN: begin result = ~operand_2; isWriteback = 1; nzcv[1] = c_from_shifter; end endcase nzcv[3] = result[N-1]; //n flag nzcv[2] = (result == 0); // z flag end endmodule
module SOC ( input wire CLK, // system clock input wire RESET,// reset button output reg [3:0] LEDS, // system LEDs output wire TXD // UART transmit ); wire clk; wire resetn; wire [31:0] IO_mem_addr; wire [31:0] IO_mem_rdata; wire [31:0] IO_mem_wdata; wire IO_mem_wr; Processor CPU( .clk(clk), .resetn(resetn), .IO_mem_addr(IO_mem_addr), .IO_mem_rdata(IO_mem_rdata), .IO_mem_wdata(IO_mem_wdata), .IO_mem_wr(IO_mem_wr) ); wire [13:0] IO_wordaddr = IO_mem_addr[15:2]; // Memory-mapped IO in IO page, 1-hot addressing in word address. localparam IO_LEDS_bit = 0; // W four leds localparam IO_UART_DAT_bit = 1; // W data to send (8 bits) localparam IO_UART_CNTL_bit = 2; // R status. bit 9: busy sending always @(posedge clk) begin if(IO_mem_wr & IO_wordaddr[IO_LEDS_bit]) begin LEDS <= IO_mem_wdata[3:0]; end end wire uart_valid = IO_mem_wr & IO_wordaddr[IO_UART_DAT_bit]; wire uart_ready; corescore_emitter_uart #( .clk_freq_hz(`CPU_FREQ*1000000), .baud_rate(1000000) ) UART( .i_clk(clk), .i_data(IO_mem_wdata[7:0]), .i_valid(uart_valid), .o_ready(uart_ready), .o_uart_tx(TXD) ); assign IO_mem_rdata = IO_wordaddr[IO_UART_CNTL_bit] ? { 22'b0, !uart_ready, 9'b0} : 32'b0; `ifdef BENCH always @(posedge clk) begin if(uart_valid) begin `ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG $display("UART: %c", IO_mem_wdata[7:0]); `else $write("%c", IO_mem_wdata[7:0] ); $fflush(32'h8000_0001); `endif end end `endif // Gearbox and reset circuitry. Clockworks CW( .CLK(CLK), .RESET(RESET), .clk(clk), .resetn(resetn) ); endmodule
module Clockworks ( input wire CLK, // clock pin of the board input wire RESET, // reset pin of the board output wire clk, // (optionally divided) clock for the design. // divided if SLOW is different from zero. output wire resetn // (optionally timed) negative reset for the design ); parameter SLOW=0; generate /**************************************************** Slow speed mode. - Create a clock divider to let observe what happens. - Nothing special to do for reset ****************************************************/ if(SLOW != 0) begin // Factor is 1 << slow_bit. // Since simulation is approx. 16 times slower than // actual device we use different factor for bosh. `ifdef BENCH localparam slow_bit=SLOW-4; `else localparam slow_bit=SLOW; `endif reg [slow_bit:0] slow_CLK = 0; always @(posedge CLK) begin slow_CLK <= slow_CLK + 1; end assign clk = slow_CLK[slow_bit]; `ifdef NEGATIVE_RESET assign resetn = RESET; `else assign resetn = !RESET; `endif /**************************************************** High speed mode. - Nothing special to do for the clock - A timer that resets the design during the first few microseconds, because reading in Ice40 BRAM during the first few microseconds returns garbage ! (made me bang my head against the wall). ****************************************************/ end else begin `ifdef CPU_FREQ femtoPLL #( .freq(`CPU_FREQ) ) pll( .pclk(CLK), .clk(clk) ); `else assign clk=CLK; `endif // Preserve resources on Ice40HX1K (IceStick) with // carefully tuned counter (12 bits suffice). // For other FPGAs, use larger counter. `ifdef ICE_STICK reg [11:0] reset_cnt = 0; `else reg [15:0] reset_cnt = 0; `endif assign resetn = &reset_cnt; `ifdef NEGATIVE_RESET always @(posedge clk,negedge RESET) begin if(!RESET) begin reset_cnt <= 0; end else begin reset_cnt <= reset_cnt + !resetn; end end `else always @(posedge clk,posedge RESET) begin if(RESET) begin reset_cnt <= 0; end else begin /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */ reset_cnt <= reset_cnt + !resetn; /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */ end end `endif end endgenerate endmodule
module Processor ( input wire clk, input wire resetn, output wire [31:0] IO_mem_addr, // IO memory address input wire [31:0] IO_mem_rdata, // data read from IO memory output wire [31:0] IO_mem_wdata, // data written to IO memory output wire IO_mem_wr // IO write flag ); /******************************************************************************/ /* state machine (removed in next step that has a true pipeline) */ localparam F_bit = 0; localparam F_state = 1 << F_bit; localparam D_bit = 1; localparam D_state = 1 << D_bit; localparam E_bit = 2; localparam E_state = 1 << E_bit; localparam M_bit = 3; localparam M_state = 1 << M_bit; localparam W_bit = 4; localparam W_state = 1 << W_bit; reg [4:0] state; wire halt; always @(posedge clk) begin if(!resetn) begin state <= F_state; end else if(!halt) begin state <= {state[3:0],state[4]}; end end /******************************************************************************/ /* Reminder for the 10 RISC-V codeops ---------------------------------- ALUreg // rd <- rs1 OP rs2 ALUimm // rd <- rs1 OP Iimm Branch // if(rs1 OP rs2) PC<-PC+Bimm JALR // rd <- PC+4; PC<-rs1+Iimm JAL // rd <- PC+4; PC<-PC+Jimm AUIPC // rd <- PC + Uimm LUI // rd <- Uimm Load // rd <- mem[rs1+Iimm] Store // mem[rs1+Simm] <- rs2 SYSTEM // special */ /******************************************************************************/ reg [63:0] cycle; reg [63:0] instret; always @(posedge clk) begin cycle <= !resetn ? 0 : cycle + 1; end /******************************************************************************/ localparam NOP = 32'b0000000_00000_00000_000_00000_0110011; /*** F: Instruction fetch ***/ reg [31:0] F_PC; /** These two signals come from the Execute stage **/ wire [31:0] jumpOrBranchAddress; wire jumpOrBranch; reg [31:0] PROGROM[0:16383]; // 16384 4-bytes words // 64 Kb of program ROM initial begin $readmemh("PROGROM.hex",PROGROM); end always @(posedge clk) begin if(!resetn) begin F_PC <= 0; end else if(state[F_bit]) begin FD_instr <= PROGROM[F_PC[15:2]]; FD_PC <= F_PC; F_PC <= F_PC+4; end else if(state[M_bit] & jumpOrBranch) begin F_PC <= jumpOrBranchAddress; end end /******************************************************************************/ reg [31:0] FD_PC; reg [31:0] FD_instr; /******************************************************************************/ /*** D: Instruction decode ***/ /** These three signals come from the Writeback stage **/ wire wbEnable; wire [31:0] wbData; wire [4:0] wbRdId; reg [31:0] registerFile [0:31]; wire D_isLoad = (FD_instr[6:2] == 5'b00000); wire D_isJALorJALR = (FD_instr[2] & FD_instr[6]); wire D_isJAL = FD_instr[3]; wire D_isALUreg = (FD_instr[6:2] == 5'b01100); wire D_isBranch = (FD_instr[6:2] == 5'b11000); wire D_isStore = (FD_instr[6:2] == 5'b01000); wire D_isSYSTEM = (FD_instr[6:2] == 5'b11100); wire [31:0] D_Iimm = {{21{FD_instr[31]}},FD_instr[30:20]}; wire [31:0] D_Simm = {{21{FD_instr[31]}},FD_instr[30:25],FD_instr[11:7]}; wire [31:0] D_Uimm = {FD_instr[31:12],{12{1'b0}}}; wire [31:0] D_Jimm = {{12{FD_instr[31]}},FD_instr[19:12],FD_instr[20],FD_instr[30:21],1'b0}; wire [31:0] D_Bimm = {{20{FD_instr[31]}},FD_instr[7],FD_instr[30:25],FD_instr[11:8],1'b0}; // Load-Store wire [31:0] D_addr = DE_rs1 + (D_isLoad ? D_Iimm : D_Simm); wire D_isB = (FD_instr[13:12] == 2'b00); wire D_isH = (FD_instr[13:12] == 2'b01); wire [3:0] D_storeMask = D_isB ? (D_addr[1] ? (D_addr[0] ? 4'b1000 : 4'b0100) : (D_addr[0] ? 4'b0010 : 4'b0001) ) : D_isH ? (D_addr[1] ? 4'b1100 : 4'b0011) : 4'b1111 ; wire D_isRAM = !D_addr[22]; always @(posedge clk) begin if(state[D_bit]) begin DE_isALUreg <= D_isALUreg; DE_isBranch <= D_isBranch; DE_isALUregorBranch <= D_isALUreg || D_isBranch; DE_isJALR <= (FD_instr[6:2] == 5'b11001); DE_isLoad <= D_isLoad; DE_isStore <= D_isStore; DE_isCSRRS <= D_isSYSTEM && (FD_instr[14:12] == 3'b010); DE_isEBREAK <= D_isSYSTEM && (FD_instr[14:12] == 3'b000); DE_Iimm <= D_Iimm; DE_rdId <= FD_instr[11:7]; DE_funct3 <= FD_instr[14:12]; DE_funct3_is <= 8'b00000001 << FD_instr[14:12]; DE_funct7 <= FD_instr[30]; DE_csrId <= {FD_instr[27],FD_instr[21]}; DE_addr <= D_addr; // Code below is equivalent to: // DE_PCplus4orUimm = // ((isLUI ? 0 : FD_PC)) + ((isJAL | isJALR) ? 4 : Uimm) // (knowing that isLUI | isAUIPC | isJAL | isJALR) DE_PCplus4orUimm <= ({32{FD_instr[6:5]!=2'b01}} & FD_PC) + (D_isJALorJALR ? 4 : D_Uimm); DE_isJALorJALRorLUIorAUIPC <= FD_instr[2]; DE_PCplusBorJimm <= FD_PC + (D_isJAL ? D_Jimm : D_Bimm); DE_isJALorJALR <= (FD_instr[2] & FD_instr[6]); DE_storeMask <= D_storeMask & {4{D_isRAM & D_isStore}}; end end always @(posedge clk) begin if(state[W_bit] & wbEnable) begin registerFile[wbRdId] <= wbData; end end /******************************************************************************/ wire [31:0] DE_rs1 = registerFile[FD_instr[19:15]]; wire [31:0] DE_rs2 = registerFile[FD_instr[24:20]]; reg DE_isALUreg; reg DE_isBranch; reg DE_isJALR; reg DE_isLoad; reg DE_isStore; reg DE_isEBREAK; reg DE_isCSRRS; reg [31:0] DE_Iimm; reg [4:0] DE_rdId; reg [1:0] DE_csrId; reg [2:0] DE_funct3; (* onehot *) reg [7:0] DE_funct3_is; reg [5:5] DE_funct7; reg [31:0] DE_addr; reg DE_isJALorJALRorLUIorAUIPC; reg DE_isJALorJALR; reg DE_isALUregorBranch; reg [31:0] DE_PCplus4orUimm; reg [31:0] DE_PCplusBorJimm; reg [3:0] DE_storeMask; /******************************************************************************/ /*** E: Execute ***/ /*********** the ALU *************************************************/ wire [31:0] E_aluIn1 = DE_rs1; wire [31:0] E_aluIn2 = DE_isALUregorBranch ? DE_rs2 : DE_Iimm; wire E_minus = DE_funct7[5] & DE_isALUreg; wire E_arith_shift = DE_funct7[5]; // The adder is used by both arithmetic instructions and JALR. wire [31:0] E_aluPlus = E_aluIn1 + E_aluIn2; // Use a single 33 bits subtract to do subtraction and all comparisons // (trick borrowed from swapforth/J1) wire [32:0] E_aluMinus = {1'b1, ~E_aluIn2} + {1'b0,E_aluIn1} + 33'b1; wire E_LT = (E_aluIn1[31] ^ E_aluIn2[31]) ? E_aluIn1[31] : E_aluMinus[32]; wire E_LTU = E_aluMinus[32]; wire E_EQ = (E_aluMinus[31:0] == 0); // Flip a 32 bit word. Used by the shifter (a single shifter for // left and right shifts, saves silicium !) function [31:0] flip32; input [31:0] x; flip32 = {x[ 0], x[ 1], x[ 2], x[ 3], x[ 4], x[ 5], x[ 6], x[ 7], x[ 8], x[ 9], x[10], x[11], x[12], x[13], x[14], x[15], x[16], x[17], x[18], x[19], x[20], x[21], x[22], x[23], x[24], x[25], x[26], x[27], x[28], x[29], x[30], x[31]}; endfunction wire [31:0] E_shifter_in = DE_funct3_is[1] ? flip32(E_aluIn1) : E_aluIn1; /* verilator lint_off WIDTH */ wire [31:0] E_rightshift = $signed({E_arith_shift & E_aluIn1[31], E_shifter_in}) >>> E_aluIn2[4:0]; /* verilator lint_on WIDTH */ wire [31:0] E_leftshift = flip32(E_rightshift); wire [31:0] E_aluOut = DE_funct3_is[0] ? (E_minus ? E_aluMinus[31:0] : E_aluPlus) : DE_funct3_is[1] ? E_leftshift : DE_funct3_is[2] ? {31'b0, E_LT} : DE_funct3_is[3] ? {31'b0, E_LTU} : DE_funct3_is[4] ? E_aluIn1 ^ E_aluIn2 : DE_funct3_is[5] ? E_rightshift : DE_funct3_is[6] ? E_aluIn1 | E_aluIn2 : E_aluIn1 & E_aluIn2 ; /****************** Branch ******************************/ wire E_takeBranch = DE_funct3_is[0] ? E_EQ : DE_funct3_is[1] ? !E_EQ : DE_funct3_is[4] ? E_LT : DE_funct3_is[5] ? !E_LT : DE_funct3_is[6] ? E_LTU : !E_LTU ; /****************** Store ******************************/ wire E_isB = (DE_funct3[1:0] == 2'b00); wire E_isH = (DE_funct3[1:0] == 2'b01); wire [31:0] E_STORE_data; assign E_STORE_data[ 7: 0] = DE_rs2[7:0]; assign E_STORE_data[15: 8] = DE_addr[0] ? DE_rs2[7:0] : DE_rs2[15: 8] ; assign E_STORE_data[23:16] = DE_addr[1] ? DE_rs2[7:0] : DE_rs2[23:16] ; assign E_STORE_data[31:24] = DE_addr[0] ? DE_rs2[7:0] : DE_addr[1] ? DE_rs2[15:8] : DE_rs2[31:24] ; wire E_isIO = DE_addr[22]; wire E_isRAM = !E_isIO; assign IO_mem_addr = DE_addr; assign IO_mem_wr = state[E_bit] & DE_isStore & E_isIO; assign IO_mem_wdata = DE_rs2; reg [31:0] DATARAM [0:16383]; // 16384 4-bytes words // 64 Kb of data RAM in total wire [13:0] E_word_addr = DE_addr[15:2]; always @(posedge clk) begin if(state[E_bit]) begin EM_Mdata <= DATARAM[E_word_addr]; if(DE_storeMask[0]) DATARAM[E_word_addr][ 7:0 ] <= E_STORE_data[ 7:0 ]; if(DE_storeMask[1]) DATARAM[E_word_addr][15:8 ] <= E_STORE_data[15:8 ]; if(DE_storeMask[2]) DATARAM[E_word_addr][23:16] <= E_STORE_data[23:16]; if(DE_storeMask[3]) DATARAM[E_word_addr][31:24] <= E_STORE_data[31:24]; end end always @(posedge clk) begin if(state[E_bit]) begin EM_IOdata <= IO_mem_rdata; case(DE_csrId) 2'b00: EM_CSRdata <= cycle[31:0]; 2'b10: EM_CSRdata <= cycle[63:32]; 2'b01: EM_CSRdata <= instret[31:0]; 2'b11: EM_CSRdata <= instret[63:32]; endcase end end initial begin $readmemh("DATARAM.hex",DATARAM); end /**************************************************************/ always @(posedge clk) begin if(state[E_bit]) begin EM_Eresult <= DE_isJALorJALRorLUIorAUIPC ? DE_PCplus4orUimm : E_aluOut; EM_JumpOrBranch <= DE_isJALorJALR || (DE_isBranch && E_takeBranch); EM_JumpOrBranchAddress <= DE_isJALR ? {E_aluPlus[31:1],1'b0} : DE_PCplusBorJimm; EM_addr <= DE_addr[1:0]; EM_isIO <= DE_addr[22]; EM_isLoad <= DE_isLoad; EM_isStore <= DE_isStore; EM_isBranch <= DE_isBranch; EM_isCSRRS <= DE_isCSRRS; EM_rdId <= DE_rdId; EM_funct3 <= DE_funct3; end end assign halt = resetn & DE_isEBREAK; /******************************************************************************/ reg [31:0] EM_Eresult; reg [1:0] EM_addr; reg EM_isIO; reg EM_isLoad; reg EM_isStore; reg EM_isBranch; reg EM_isCSRRS; reg [4:0] EM_rdId; reg [2:0] EM_funct3; reg [31:0] EM_CSRdata; reg [31:0] EM_Mdata; reg [31:0] EM_IOdata; reg EM_JumpOrBranch; reg [31:0] EM_JumpOrBranchAddress; /******************************************************************************/ /*** M: Memory ***/ wire M_isB = (EM_funct3[1:0] == 2'b00); wire M_isH = (EM_funct3[1:0] == 2'b01); wire M_sext = !EM_funct3[2]; /*************** LOAD ****************************/ wire [15:0] M_LOAD_H=EM_addr[1] ? EM_Mdata[31:16]: EM_Mdata[15:0]; wire [7:0] M_LOAD_B=EM_addr[0] ? M_LOAD_H[15:8] : M_LOAD_H[7:0]; wire M_LOAD_sign=M_sext & (M_isB ? M_LOAD_B[7] : M_LOAD_H[15]); wire [31:0] M_Mresult = M_isB ? {{24{M_LOAD_sign}},M_LOAD_B} : M_isH ? {{16{M_LOAD_sign}},M_LOAD_H} : EM_Mdata ; always @(posedge clk) begin if(state[M_bit]) begin MW_rdId <= EM_rdId; MW_WBdata <= EM_isLoad ? (EM_isIO ? EM_IOdata : M_Mresult) : EM_isCSRRS ? EM_CSRdata : EM_Eresult ; MW_wbEnable <= !EM_isBranch && !EM_isStore && (EM_rdId != 0); instret <= instret + 1; end if(!resetn) begin instret <= 0; end end /******************************************************************************/ reg [31:0] MW_WBdata; reg [4:0] MW_rdId; reg MW_wbEnable; /******************************************************************************/ assign wbData = MW_WBdata; assign wbEnable = MW_wbEnable; assign wbRdId = MW_rdId; /******************************************************************************/ assign jumpOrBranchAddress = EM_JumpOrBranchAddress; assign jumpOrBranch = EM_JumpOrBranch; /******************************************************************************/ `ifdef BENCH always @(posedge clk) begin if(halt) $finish(); end `endif /******************************************************************************/ endmodule
module OneShot( input pulse, input clk, input rst, output reg out ); initial out = 0; parameter waiting_l = 2'b00, on = 2'b01, waiting_h = 2'b10; reg[1:0] next_state, current_state; always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin current_state <= waiting_l; end else begin current_state <= next_state; end end always @ (current_state or pulse) begin if(current_state == on) begin next_state <= waiting_h; end else if(current_state == waiting_h) begin if(pulse) begin next_state <= waiting_h; end else begin next_state <= waiting_l; end end else if(pulse) begin next_state<= on; end else begin next_state<= waiting_l; end end always @(current_state or rst) begin if(rst) out <= 1'b0; else if(current_state == on) out <= 1'b1; else out <= 1'b0; end endmodule
module tx_test; // Inputs wire rx; reg [10:0] address; reg clk; reg baud_clk; reg rst; reg [63:0] data; reg send_data; reg rxing; // Outputs wire tx; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) tx_container uut ( .tx(tx), .txing(txing), .rx(rx), .rxing(rxing), .address(address), .clk(clk), .baud_clk(baud_clk), .rst(rst), .data(data), .send_data(send_data) ); assign rx = tx; initial begin // Initialize Inputs address = 11'h28; rxing = 0; clk = 1'b0; baud_clk = 1'b0; rst = 1'b1; //data = 64'hAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA; data = 64'hA83; send_data = 1'b0; // Add stimulus here #100 rst = 0; #101 send_data = 1'b1; #3000 send_data = 1'b0; #310000 $stop; end always #1.25 clk=~clk; always #1000 baud_clk=~baud_clk; endmodule
module shift_reg( input rx, output reg[(reg_length-1):0] shifted_bus, output reg finished_rx, input rst, input baud_clk ); parameter reg_length = 150; initial finished_rx = 0; parameter idle = 2'b00, reading = 2'b01, finished = 2'b10, finished_and_waiting = 2'b11; reg[1:0] current_state, next_state; reg [(reg_length-1):0] bitShiftReg = {reg_length{1'b1}}; always @(posedge baud_clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin bitShiftReg <= {reg_length{1'b1}}; current_state <= idle; end else begin current_state <= next_state; bitShiftReg <= {bitShiftReg[(reg_length-2):0],rx}; end end always @(rx or bitShiftReg or current_state) begin case(current_state) idle: begin if(rx == 1) next_state <= idle; else next_state <= reading; end reading: begin if(bitShiftReg[6:0] == {7{1'b1}}) next_state <= finished; else next_state <= reading; end finished: begin next_state<= finished_and_waiting; end default: begin next_state<=idle; end endcase end always @ (current_state) begin if(current_state == finished) finished_rx <= 1; else finished_rx <= 0; end always @ (posedge finished_rx or posedge rst) begin if(rst) shifted_bus <= {reg_length{1'b1}}; else shifted_bus <= bitShiftReg; end endmodule
module can_tx( output reg tx, output reg can_bitstuff, output reg txing, input rx, input[10:0] address, input clk, input baud_clk, input rst, input [63:0] data, input send_data, input bitstuffed_output, input clear_to_tx ); assign rx_buf = rx; parameter all_ones = 15'b111111111111111; parameter idle = 8'h0, start_of_frame = 8'h1, addressing =8'h2 ,rtr = 8'h3 ,ide = 8'h4, reserve_bit = 8'h5, num_of_bytes = 8'h6, data_out = 8'h7, crc_out = 8'h8, crc_delimiter = 8'h9 , ack = 8'hA, ack_delimiter = 8'hB, end_of_frame = 8'hC, waiting = 8'hD; parameter bytes = 5'd8; reg[10:0] address_count = 0, crc_count = 0, eof_count = 0 , data_bit_count = 0, data_byte_count = 0; reg[7:0] c_state=0, n_state=0; initial txing = 0; reg[14:0] crc_output, crc_holder; wire one_shotted_send; wire[14:0] crc_buff; CRC cyclic_red_check(data, one_shotted_send, crc_buff,rst,clk); OneShot os(send_data, clk, rst, one_shotted_send); always @(crc_buff or crc_holder) begin if(crc_buff != all_ones) crc_output <= crc_buff; else crc_output <= crc_holder; end always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst == 1) begin crc_holder <= 15'd0; end else begin crc_holder <= crc_output; end end //Update Logic always @ (posedge baud_clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst == 1) begin c_state <= 32'd0; end else begin c_state <= n_state; end end //Counting Logic always @ (posedge baud_clk) begin case(c_state) idle: begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= 11'd0; end waiting: begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= 11'd0; end start_of_frame:begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= 11'd0; end addressing: begin address_count <= address_count + 1'b1; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= 11'd0; end rtr: begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= 11'd0; end ide: begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= 11'd0; end reserve_bit: begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= 11'd0; end num_of_bytes: begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= data_byte_count +1'b1; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= 11'd0; end data_out: begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= data_bit_count +1'b1; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= 11'd0; end crc_out: begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= crc_count + 1'b1; eof_count <= 11'd0; end crc_delimiter: begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= 11'd0; end ack: begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= 11'd0; end ack_delimiter:begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= 11'd0; end end_of_frame: begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= eof_count +1'b1; end default: begin address_count <= 11'd0; data_bit_count<= 11'd0; data_byte_count<= 11'd0; crc_count <= 11'd0; eof_count <= 11'd0; end endcase end //Next State Logic always @ (c_state or rx_buf or data or send_data or address_count or bitstuffed_output or data_byte_count or data_bit_count or crc_count or eof_count or clear_to_tx or crc_output) begin case(c_state) idle: begin if(send_data && clear_to_tx) begin n_state <= start_of_frame; end else begin n_state <= idle; end end start_of_frame: begin if(!rx_buf) begin n_state <= addressing; end else begin n_state <= waiting; end end waiting: begin if(send_data && clear_to_tx) begin n_state <= start_of_frame; end else begin n_state <= waiting; end end addressing: begin if(rx_buf != bitstuffed_output) begin n_state <= waiting; //Lost Arbitration end else if(address_count == 11'd10) begin n_state <= rtr; end else begin n_state <= addressing; end end rtr: begin n_state <= ide; end ide: begin n_state <= reserve_bit; end reserve_bit: begin n_state <= num_of_bytes; end num_of_bytes: begin if(data_byte_count == 11'd3) begin n_state <= data_out; end else begin n_state <= num_of_bytes; end end data_out: begin if(data_bit_count == 11'd63) begin n_state <= crc_out; end else begin n_state <= data_out; end end crc_out: begin if(crc_count == 11'd14) begin n_state <= crc_delimiter; end else begin n_state <= crc_out; end end crc_delimiter: begin n_state <= ack; end ack: begin n_state <= ack_delimiter; end ack_delimiter: begin n_state <= end_of_frame; end end_of_frame: begin if(eof_count == 11'd6) begin n_state <= idle; end else begin n_state <= end_of_frame; end end default: begin n_state <= idle; end endcase end //Output Logic always @(c_state or address or data or crc_output or crc_count or data_byte_count or data_bit_count or address_count) begin case(c_state) idle: begin tx <= 1; can_bitstuff <= 0; txing <= 1'b0; end addressing: begin tx <= address[11'd10-address_count]; can_bitstuff <= 1; txing <= 1'b1; end start_of_frame: begin tx<= 0; can_bitstuff <= 1'b0; txing <= 1'b1; end rtr: begin tx <= 0; can_bitstuff <= 1; txing <= 1'b1; end ide: begin tx <= 0; can_bitstuff <= 1; txing <= 1'b1; end reserve_bit: begin tx <= 0; can_bitstuff <= 1; txing <= 1'b1; end num_of_bytes: begin tx <= bytes[11'd3-data_byte_count]; can_bitstuff <= 1; txing <= 1'b1; end data_out: begin tx <= data[11'd63-data_bit_count]; can_bitstuff <= 1; txing <= 1'b1; end crc_out: begin tx <= crc_output[11'd14-crc_count]; can_bitstuff <= 1; txing <= 1'b1; end crc_delimiter: begin tx <= 1; can_bitstuff <= 0; txing <= 1'b1; end ack: begin tx <= 1; can_bitstuff <= 0; txing <= 1'b1; end ack_delimiter:begin tx <= 1; can_bitstuff <= 0; txing <= 1'b1; end end_of_frame: begin tx <= 1; can_bitstuff <= 0; txing <= 1'b1; end waiting: begin tx <= 1; can_bitstuff <= 0; txing <= 1'b0; end default: begin tx <= 1; can_bitstuff <= 0; txing <= 1'b1; end endcase end endmodule
module CANIPCORETEST; // Inputs reg can_clk; reg can_phy_rx; reg bus2ip_reset; reg bus2ip_rnw; reg bus2ip_cs; reg sys_clk; reg [0:5] bus2ip_addr; reg [0:31] bus2ip_data; // Outputs wire ip2bus_intrevent; wire ip2bus_error; wire ip2bus_ack; wire can_phy_tx; wire [0:31] ip2bus_data; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) CAN_BUS_Model uut ( .can_phy_rx(can_phy_rx), .can_clk(can_clk), .bus2ip_reset(bus2ip_reset), .ip2bus_intrevent(ip2bus_intrevent), .bus2ip_rnw(bus2ip_rnw), .bus2ip_cs(bus2ip_cs), .ip2bus_error(ip2bus_error), .sys_clk(sys_clk), .ip2bus_ack(ip2bus_ack), .can_phy_tx(can_phy_tx), .ip2bus_data(ip2bus_data), .bus2ip_addr(bus2ip_addr), .bus2ip_data(bus2ip_data) ); initial begin // Initialize Inputs can_clk = 0; bus2ip_reset = 1; bus2ip_rnw = 1; bus2ip_cs = 0; sys_clk = 0; bus2ip_addr = 6'd3; bus2ip_data = 32'd42; can_phy_rx = 1; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #100; bus2ip_reset = 0; #10; bus2ip_data = 32'd42; bus2ip_addr = 6'd3; #10; bus2ip_cs = 1; bus2ip_rnw = 0; #50 bus2ip_cs = 0; bus2ip_rnw = 1; // Add stimulus here end always #5 sys_clk=~sys_clk; always #25 can_clk=~can_clk; endmodule
module tx_container( output reg tx, output txing, input rx, input rxing, input[10:0] address, input clk, input baud_clk, input rst, input [63:0] data, input send_data ); parameter init = 2'h0, ones = 2'h1, zeros = 2'h2; assign clear_to_tx =1; reg bit_stuffing = 0; reg[1:0] c_state=0, n_state=0, p_state = 0; reg[31:0] bit_stuffing_count = 0; wire can_bitstuff; can_tx tx_block(tx_buf,can_bitstuff,txing,rx,address,clk,baud_clk,rst,data,send_data,tx,clear_to_tx); always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin bit_stuffing_count<= 0; bit_stuffing <= 0; end else begin if(n_state != c_state) begin bit_stuffing_count<= 0; bit_stuffing <= 0; end else if(!can_bitstuff) begin bit_stuffing_count <= 0; bit_stuffing <= 0; end else if(bit_stuffing_count >= 5000)begin bit_stuffing_count <= 0; bit_stuffing <= 0; end else if(bit_stuffing_count >= 4000)begin bit_stuffing_count <= bit_stuffing_count + 1; bit_stuffing <= 1; end else begin bit_stuffing_count <= bit_stuffing_count +1; bit_stuffing <= 0; end end end always @ (posedge clk) begin c_state <= n_state; end always @ (tx_buf) begin if(tx_buf == 1) begin n_state<= ones; end else begin n_state <= zeros; end end always @ (bit_stuffing or tx_buf) begin if(bit_stuffing) begin tx <= ~tx_buf; end else begin tx <= tx_buf; end end endmodule
module BaudGen(clk,rst,baud_clk); input clk,rst; output reg baud_clk; //EndCount is equal to clk frequency/baud frequency // Therefore 400MHz/500kHz = 800 parameter EndCount = 10'd800; reg[9:0] count = 0; always@(posedge clk)begin if(rst == 1) begin count <=10'd0; baud_clk <= 10'd0; end else if(count == EndCount) begin count <= 10'd0; baud_clk <= ~baud_clk; end else begin count <= count + 10'd1; baud_clk <= baud_clk; end end endmodule
module Tx_test_internal; // Inputs reg [10:0] address; reg clk; reg baud_clk; reg rst; reg [63:0] data; reg send_data; reg clear_to_tx; assign rx = tx; assign bitstuffed_output = tx; // Outputs wire tx; wire can_bitstuff; wire txing; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) can_tx uut ( .tx(tx), .can_bitstuff(can_bitstuff), .txing(txing), .rx(rx), .address(address), .clk(clk), .baud_clk(baud_clk), .rst(rst), .data(data), .send_data(send_data), .bitstuffed_output(bitstuffed_output), .clear_to_tx(clear_to_tx) ); initial begin // Initialize Inputs address = 11'h28; clk = 0; baud_clk = 0; rst = 1; data = 43; send_data = 0; clear_to_tx = 0; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #100; rst = 0; #10; send_data = 1; clear_to_tx = 1; #300000 $stop; // Add stimulus here end always #1.25 clk=~clk; always #1000 baud_clk=~baud_clk; endmodule
module Main( output CAN_TX, input CAN_RX, input RESET, input CLOCK_SIGNAL_IN, input send_data, input[7:0] transmit_data ); wire[63:0] tx_data; wire txing; assign tx_data = {8{transmit_data}}; //Device address, arbitrarily chosen parameter address = 11'h25, rxing = 1'b1; //Clock Generator (100MHz in, 400MHz out) Clock_gen clock_block(CLOCK_SIGNAL_IN,clk); //Baud Clk Generator(currently set for baud of 500kHz) BaudGen baud_calc(clk,RESET,baud_clk); //Tx Block //can_tx tx_block(CAN_TX,CAN_RX,address,clk,baud_clk,RESET,tx_data,send_data); tx_container tx_can(CAN_TX,txing,CAN_RX,rxing,address,clk,baud_clk,RESET,tx_data,send_data); //rx_container rx_can(rx_data,rxing,txing,CAN_RX,clk,baud_clk,RESET); //Rx goes here endmodule
module Main_test; // Inputs assign CAN_RX = CAN_TX; reg RESET; reg CLOCK_SIGNAL_IN; reg send_data; reg [7:0] transmit_data; // Outputs wire CAN_TX; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) Main uut ( .CAN_TX(CAN_TX), .CAN_RX(CAN_RX), .RESET(RESET), .CLOCK_SIGNAL_IN(CLOCK_SIGNAL_IN), .send_data(send_data), .transmit_data(transmit_data) ); initial begin // Initialize Inputs RESET = 1; CLOCK_SIGNAL_IN = 0; send_data = 0; transmit_data = 8'b11100011; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #100; #100 RESET = 0; #1000 send_data = 1; #100000 $stop; // Add stimulus here end always #10 CLOCK_SIGNAL_IN = ~CLOCK_SIGNAL_IN; endmodule
module OneShotTest; // Inputs reg pulse; reg clk; reg rst; // Outputs wire out; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) OneShot uut ( .pulse(pulse), .clk(clk), .rst(rst), .out(out) ); initial begin // Initialize Inputs pulse = 0; clk = 0; rst = 1; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #100; rst = 0; #10; pulse = 1; #100; $stop; // Add stimulus here end always #1.25 clk=~clk; endmodule
module BitshiftTest; // Inputs reg rx; reg rst; reg baud_clk; // Outputs wire [149:0] shifted_bus; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) shift_reg uut ( .rx(rx), .shifted_bus(shifted_bus), .finished_rx(finished_rx), .rst(rst), .baud_clk(baud_clk) ); initial begin // Initialize Inputs rx = 1'b1; rst = 1; baud_clk = 0; #10 rst = 1'b0; #1000 rx = 1'b0; #12000 rx = 1'b1; #2000 rx = 1'b0; #2000 rx = 1'b1; #2000 rx = 1'b0; #10000 rx = 1'b1; #4100 rx = 1'b0; #10000 rx = 1'b1; #2000 rx = 1'b0; #10000 rx = 1'b1; #2000 rx = 1'b0; #10000 rx = 1'b1; #2000 rx = 1'b0; #10000 rx = 1'b1; #2000 rx = 1'b0; #10000 rx = 1'b1; #2000 rx = 1'b0; #10000 rx = 1'b1; #2000 rx = 1'b0; #10000 rx = 1'b1; #2000 rx = 1'b0; #10000 rx = 1'b1; #2000 rx = 1'b0; #10000 rx = 1'b1; #2000 rx = 1'b0; #2000 rx = 1'b1; #2000 rx = 1'b0; #2000 rx = 1'b1; #2000 rx = 1'b0; #10000 rx = 1'b1; #6000 rx = 1'b0; #2000 rx = 1'b1; #10000 rx = 1'b0; #6000 rx = 1'b1; #70000; $stop; end always #1000 baud_clk=~baud_clk; endmodule
module top ( input clk, input rst, inout led, inout [5:0] lcd ); parameter EXCEPTION_HANDLING = 0; // self-reset w/ self-detect logic // self-reset just start w/ a value and decrement it until zero; at same time, sample the // default external reset value at startup, supposing that you are not pressing the button // at the programming moment! supposed to work in *any* board! reg [3:0] reset_counter = 15; // self-reset reg reset = 1; // global reset reg extrst = 1; // external reset default value (sampled at startup) always@(posedge clk) begin reset_counter <= reset_counter ? reset_counter-1 : // while(reset_counter--); extrst!=rst ? 13 : 0; // rst != extrst -> restart counter reset <= reset_counter ? 1 : 0; // while not zero, reset = 1, after that use extrst extrst <= (reset_counter==14) ? rst : extrst; // sample the reset button and store the value when not in reset end // BUS wire [31:0] busAddress; wire [31:0] busWriteEnable; wire [31:0] busDataIn; reg [31:0] busDataOut = 0; wire busValid; // 1 => Start bus transaction, 0 => Don't use bus wire busInstr; // 1 => Instruction, 0 => Data reg busReady = 0; // 1 => Bus is ready with data, 0 => If bus is busy // CPU wire [31:0] cpuDataIn; wire [31:0] cpuDataOut; wire [31:0] cpuAddress; wire cpuBusWriteEnable; wire cpuBusValid; wire cpuBusInstr; wire cpuBusReady; // PORT wire [31:0] portDataOutA; wire [31:0] portDataOutB; wire [31:0] portDataIn; wire portChipSelectA; wire portChipSelectB; wire portWriteIO; wire portWriteDirection; wire [31:0] portDirectionA; wire [31:0] portDirectionB; wire [31:0] _IOPortA; wire [31:0] _IOPortB; // Timer 0 wire [31:0] t0DataIn; wire [31:0] t0DataOut; wire t0ChipSelect; wire t0Write; wire t0WriteCommand; // CSR reg [31:0] csrDataIn; wire [63:0] instructionsExecuted; wire [31:0] csrDataOut; wire [11:0] csrNumber; wire csrWriteEnable; reg [63:0] cycleCount; CPU # ( .EXCEPTION_HANDLING(EXCEPTION_HANDLING) ) cpu ( clk, reset, cpuDataIn, cpuDataOut, cpuAddress, cpuBusValid, cpuBusInstr, cpuBusReady, cpuBusWriteEnable, csrDataIn, csrDataOut, csrNumber, csrWriteEnable, instructionsExecuted ); DigitalPort portA (clk, reset, portChipSelectA, portWriteIO, portWriteDirection, portDataIn, portDataOutA, portDirectionA, _IOPortA); DigitalPort portB (clk, reset, portChipSelectB, portWriteIO, portWriteDirection, portDataIn, portDataOutB, portDirectionB, _IOPortB); Timer t0 (clk, reset, t0ChipSelect, t0Write, t0WriteCommand, t0DataIn, t0DataOut); assign led = _IOPortB[0]; assign lcd = _IOPortA[5:0]; // assign IOPortA = {_IOPortA[0], 31'b0}; // assign IOPortB = {_IOPortB[0], 31'b0}; // Memory reg [31:0] ROM [0:8191]; // 32KB reg [31:0] RAM [0:8191]; // 32KB reg [31:0] EXCP [0:15]; // 1KB reg [31:0] ROMFF; reg [31:0] RAMFF; reg [31:0] EXCPF; wire romChipSelect; wire ramChipSelect; wire excpChipSelect; initial begin $readmemh("gcc/rom.mem", ROM); if (EXCEPTION_HANDLING == 1) $readmemh("gcc/excp.mem", EXCP); end always @(posedge clk) begin if (!reset) begin if (!busValid) begin busReady <= 0; end else begin if (busWriteEnable) begin if (romChipSelect) ROM[busAddress[15:2]] <= busDataIn; else if (ramChipSelect) RAM[busAddress[14:2]] <= busDataIn; else if (excpChipSelect && EXCEPTION_HANDLING == 1) EXCP[busAddress[9:2]-10'h1E0] <= busDataIn; else if (portChipSelectA || portChipSelectB) begin `ifdef SIMULATION if (portChipSelectA) $info("Wrote %08x on PORTA (IO=%01d, DIR=%01d, PC=%08x)", busDataIn, portWriteIO, portWriteDirection, cpu.PC.programCounter); if (portChipSelectB) $info("Wrote %08x on PORTB (IO=%01d, DIR=%01d, PC=%08x)", busDataIn, portWriteIO, portWriteDirection, cpu.PC.programCounter); `endif end else if (t0ChipSelect) begin // Nothing end else begin `ifdef SIMULATION $error("Ummapped Memory Write at 0x%08x", busAddress); $finish; `endif end end busReady <= 1; end case (csrNumber) 12'hB00: // Machine Cycle counter L csrDataIn <= cycleCount[31:0]; 12'hB02: // Machine Instruction Counter L csrDataIn <= instructionsExecuted[31:0]; 12'hB80: // Machine Cycle counter H csrDataIn <= cycleCount[63:32]; 12'hB82: // Machine Instruction Counter H csrDataIn <= instructionsExecuted[63:32]; default: csrDataIn <= 0; endcase end else begin busReady <= 0; cycleCount <= 0; end `ifdef SIMULATION if (busInstr && busValid) begin $info("Reading at PC %08x", busAddress); // ROM[busAddress[15:2]] end `endif ROMFF <= ROM[busAddress[15:2]]; // ROMFF is part of BRAM RAMFF <= RAM[busAddress[14:2]]; // RAMFF is part of BRAM if (EXCEPTION_HANDLING == 1) EXCPF <= EXCP[busAddress[9:2]-10'h1E0]; // 0x53F0DE0 offset end always @(*) begin if (romChipSelect) busDataOut <= ROMFF; else if (ramChipSelect) busDataOut <= RAMFF; else if (excpChipSelect && EXCEPTION_HANDLING == 1) busDataOut <= EXCPF; else if (portChipSelectA) busDataOut <= portDirection ? portDirectionA : portDataOutA; else if (portChipSelectB) busDataOut <= portDirection ? portDirectionB : portDataOutB; else if (t0ChipSelect) busDataOut <= t0DataOut; else begin busDataOut <= 0; `ifdef SIMULATION $error("Ummapped Memory Access at 0x%08x", busAddress); $finish; `endif end end // IO // IO ADDR = 0xF0000000 // 8 bytes, lower 4 bytes == value, upper 4 bytes = dir assign portIO = busAddress[2:0] == 3'b000; assign portDirection = busAddress[2:0] == 3'b100; assign portWriteIO = portIO && busWriteEnable; assign portWriteDirection = portDirection && busWriteEnable; assign portChipSelectA = {busAddress[31:3], 3'b000} == 32'hF0000000; assign portChipSelectB = {busAddress[31:3], 3'b000} == 32'hF0000008; assign portDataIn = busDataIn; // BUS Assign assign busWriteEnable = cpuBusWriteEnable; assign busAddress = cpuAddress; assign cpuDataIn = busDataOut; assign busDataIn = cpuDataOut; assign busValid = cpuBusValid; assign busInstr = cpuBusInstr; assign cpuBusReady = busReady; // Memory CS assign romChipSelect = {busAddress[31:16], 16'b0} == 32'h00000000; assign ramChipSelect = {busAddress[31:16], 16'b0} == 32'h00010000; assign excpChipSelect = {busAddress[31:16], 16'b0} == 32'h05E00000 && EXCEPTION_HANDLING == 1; // Timer 0 // IO ADDR = 0xF1000000 // Data => 0xF1000000 // CMD => 0xF1000001 assign t0ChipSelect = {busAddress[31:3], 3'b000} == 32'hF1000000; assign t0Write = busAddress[2:0] == 3'h0 && busWriteEnable; assign t0WriteCommand = busAddress[2:0] == 3'h4 && busWriteEnable; assign t0DataIn = busDataIn; endmodule
module butterflyRadix4First( input clk, input en, input[15:0] re_0, input[15:0] re_1, input[15:0] re_2, input[15:0] re_3, input[15:0] re_4, input[15:0] re_5, input[15:0] re_6, input[15:0] re_7, input[15:0] re_8, input[15:0] re_9, input[15:0] re_10, input[15:0] re_11, input[15:0] re_12, input[15:0] re_13, input[15:0] re_14, input[15:0] re_15, input[15:0] im_0, input[15:0] im_1, input[15:0] im_2, input[15:0] im_3, input[15:0] im_4, input[15:0] im_5, input[15:0] im_6, input[15:0] im_7, input[15:0] im_8, input[15:0] im_9, input[15:0] im_10, input[15:0] im_11, input[15:0] im_12, input[15:0] im_13, input[15:0] im_14, input[15:0] im_15, output[15:0] butterfly_re0, output[15:0] butterfly_re1, output[15:0] butterfly_re2, output[15:0] butterfly_re3, output[15:0] butterfly_re4, output[15:0] butterfly_re5, output[15:0] butterfly_re6, output[15:0] butterfly_re7, output[15:0] butterfly_re8, output[15:0] butterfly_re9, output[15:0] butterfly_re10, output[15:0] butterfly_re11, output[15:0] butterfly_re12, output[15:0] butterfly_re13, output[15:0] butterfly_re14, output[15:0] butterfly_re15, output[15:0] butterfly_im0, output[15:0] butterfly_im1, output[15:0] butterfly_im2, output[15:0] butterfly_im3, output[15:0] butterfly_im4, output[15:0] butterfly_im5, output[15:0] butterfly_im6, output[15:0] butterfly_im7, output[15:0] butterfly_im8, output[15:0] butterfly_im9, output[15:0] butterfly_im10, output[15:0] butterfly_im11, output[15:0] butterfly_im12, output[15:0] butterfly_im13, output[15:0] butterfly_im14, output[15:0] butterfly_im15 ); // n=0 // X(n+1)=W(1,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+5)=W(2,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+9)=W(3,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+13)=W(4,:)*([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); complexAddRadix_4 complexAdd1( .clk(clk), .x1_re(re_0), //1 .x1_im(im_0), //0 .x2_re(re_4), //3 .x2_im(im_4), //0 .x3_re(re_8), //0 .x3_im(im_8), //0 .x4_re(re_12), //1 .x4_im(im_12), //0 .re_0(butterfly_re0), .im_0(butterfly_im0), .re_1(butterfly_re4), .im_1(butterfly_im4), .re_2(butterfly_re8), .im_2(butterfly_im8), .re_3(butterfly_re12), .im_3(butterfly_im12) ); // n=1 // X(n+1)=W(1,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+5)=W(2,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+9)=W(3,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+13)=W(4,:)*([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); complexAddRadix_4 complexAdd2( .clk(clk), .x1_re(re_1), .x1_im(im_1), .x2_re(re_5), .x2_im(im_5), .x3_re(re_9), .x3_im(im_9), .x4_re(re_13), .x4_im(im_13), .re_0(butterfly_re1), .im_0(butterfly_im1), .re_1(butterfly_re5), .im_1(butterfly_im5), .re_2(butterfly_re9), .im_2(butterfly_im9), .re_3(butterfly_re13), .im_3(butterfly_im13) ); // n=2 // X(n+1)=W(1,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+5)=W(2,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+9)=W(3,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+13)=W(4,:)*([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); complexAddRadix_4 complexAdd3( .clk(clk), .x1_re(re_2), .x1_im(im_2), .x2_re(re_6), .x2_im(im_6), .x3_re(re_10), .x3_im(im_10), .x4_re(re_14), .x4_im(im_14), .re_0(butterfly_re2), .im_0(butterfly_im2), .re_1(butterfly_re6), .im_1(butterfly_im6), .re_2(butterfly_re10), .im_2(butterfly_im10), .re_3(butterfly_re14), .im_3(butterfly_im14) ); // n=3 // X(n+1)=W(1,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+5)=W(2,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+9)=W(3,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+13)=W(4,:)*([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); complexAddRadix_4 complexAdd4( .clk(clk), .x1_re(re_3), .x1_im(im_3), .x2_re(re_7), .x2_im(im_7), .x3_re(re_11), .x3_im(im_11), .x4_re(re_15), .x4_im(im_15), .re_0(butterfly_re3), .im_0(butterfly_im3), .re_1(butterfly_re7), .im_1(butterfly_im7), .re_2(butterfly_re11), .im_2(butterfly_im11), .re_3(butterfly_re15), .im_3(butterfly_im15) ); endmodule
module dit #( // Length of FFT vector. parameter N = 16, // Base two log of N parameter NLOG2 = 4, // Number of bits in vector values (double this value for a complex number). parameter X_WDTH = 8, // Number of bits in twiddle factor values. (must be equal to X_WDTH at the moment) parameter TF_WDTH = 8, // Whether to run in debug mode. parameter DEBUGMODE = 0 ) ( // The clock signal. input wire clk, // Normally set to 1. Set to 0 to reset module. input wire rst_n, // Input value. // Within each complex number the real part is at the low end and the complex // at the high end. input wire [2*X_WDTH-1:0] in_x, // Set to 1 when new data placed in in_x. input wire in_nd, // Output value. output reg [2*X_WDTH-1:0] out_x, // Set to 1 when new data is placed in out_x. output reg out_nd, // Set to 1 when can't keep up with input data. output reg overflow ); `define MSG_DEBUG(g) if(DEBUGMODE) $display("DEBUG : %m:", g) `define MSG_ERROR(g) $display("ERROR : %m:", g) /******************************/ /* Define global data buffers */ /******************************/ // Input buffer. reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0] bufferin0[N-1:0]; reg bufferin_full0_A; reg bufferin_full0_B; wire bufferin_full0; assign bufferin_full0 = bufferin_full0_A + bufferin_full0_B; reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0] bufferin1[N-1:0]; reg bufferin_full1_A; reg bufferin_full1_B; wire bufferin_full1; assign bufferin_full1 = bufferin_full1_A + bufferin_full1_B; reg bufferin_write_switch; reg bufferin_read_switch; wire bufferin_read_full; wire bufferin_write_full; assign bufferin_read_full = bufferin_read_switch?bufferin_full1:bufferin_full0; assign bufferin_write_full = bufferin_write_switch?bufferin_full1:bufferin_full0; // Working buffers. reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0] bufferX[N-1:0]; reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0] bufferY[N-1:0]; // Output buffer. reg [X_WDTH*2-1:0] bufferout[N-1:0]; // Whether the output buffer is full. // We have two registers since they are drive by different processes. // 'A' flips back and forth as the buffer is fulled. // 'B' flips back and forth as the buffer is emptied. reg bufferout_full_A; reg bufferout_full_B; wire bufferout_full; assign bufferout_full = bufferout_full_A + bufferout_full_B; // Whether the buffer contains good data. (i.e. not old) // Data should not be read from a buffer unless the correponding // updated value is 1. reg [N-1:0] updatedX; reg [N-1:0] updatedY; /*******************************************************/ /* */ /* Define logic for receiving samples and placing in */ /* an input buffer. */ /* */ /*******************************************************/ reg [NLOG2-1:0] bufferin_addr; initial begin bufferin_addr <= {NLOG2{1'b0}}; bufferin_full0_A <= 1'b0; bufferin_full1_A <= 1'b0; bufferin_write_switch <= 1'b0; overflow <= 1'b0; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin bufferin_addr <= {NLOG2{1'b0}}; bufferin_full0_A <= 1'b0; bufferin_full1_A <= 1'b0; bufferin_write_switch <= 1'b0; overflow <= 1'b0; end else begin if (in_nd) begin // Check for overflowed data. if (bufferin_write_full) overflow <= 1'b1; if (bufferin_write_switch) bufferin1[bufferin_addr] <= in_x; else bufferin0[bufferin_addr] <= in_x; bufferin_addr <= bufferin_addr + 1; if (&bufferin_addr) begin bufferin_write_switch <= ~bufferin_write_switch; if (bufferin_write_switch) bufferin_full1_A <= ~bufferin_full1_A; else bufferin_full0_A <= ~bufferin_full0_A; end end end end /*******************************************************/ /* */ /* Define logic for emitting samples from the output */ /* buffer. */ /* */ /*******************************************************/ reg [NLOG2-1:0] bufferout_addr; initial begin bufferout_addr <= {NLOG2{1'b0}}; bufferout_full_B <= 1'b0; out_nd <= 1'b0; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin bufferout_addr <= {NLOG2{1'b0}}; bufferout_full_B <= 1'b0; out_nd <= 1'b0; end else begin if (bufferout_full) begin out_x <= bufferout[bufferout_addr]; out_nd <= 1'b1; bufferout_addr <= bufferout_addr + 1; if (&bufferout_addr) bufferout_full_B <= ~bufferout_full_B; end else out_nd <= 1'b0; end end /********************************************************/ /* */ /* Define FSM that passes data to the BF module. */ /* */ /********************************************************/ reg [1:0] fsm_state; /* Define the control FSM states. */ localparam [1:0] FSM_ST_INIT = 0; localparam [1:0] FSM_ST_IDLE = 1; localparam [1:0] FSM_ST_CALC = 2; localparam [1:0] FSM_ST_SEND = 3; /* Calculation that determine which positions we should read from and write to for with the butterfly module. If we have a series x_n that we want to get the DFT of, X_k we can write X_k in terms of E_k and O_k where E_k and O_k are the DFTs of the even and odd components of x_n respectively. for k<N/2 : X_k = E_k + exp(-2*pi*i*k/N)*O_k for k>=N/2 : X_k = E_{k-N/2} - exp(-2*pi*{k-N/2}/N)*O_{k-N/2} We use this relationship to calculate the DFT of x_n in a series of stages. AFter the final stage the output is X_k. After the second to last stage the output is an interleaving of E_k and O_k. At some general stage we have S interleaved series. So if X_k is the j'th series in a stage and P_n is the n'th output in that stage: X_k = P_{k*S+j} E_k is from a stage with 2*S series and it is in the j'th series in the stage O_k is from a stage with 2*S series and it is in the (S+j)'th series in stage Let Q_n be the n'th output of the stage before P. E_k = Q_{k*2*S+j} O_k = Q_{k*2*S+S+j} Also let T_n = exp(-2*pi*i*n/M) M = N*S (total number of items in stage output) P_{k*S+j} = Q_{2*k*S+j} + T_{k*S} * Q_{k*2*S+S+j} P_{k*S+j+M/2} = Q_{2*k*S+j} - T_{k*S} * Q_{k*2*S+S+j} We'll give these addresses names: out0_addr = k*S+j out1_addr = k*S+j+M/2 in0_addr = 2*k*S+j in1_addr = 2*k*S+S+j Now we assume we know out0_addr and try to get efficient ways to calculate the other addresses. out0_addr = k*S+j (j ranges from 0 to S-1, and S is a multiple of two) If we look at out0_addr in binary the lowest log2(S) bits give the value of j and the highest log2(N) bits give the value for k. */ // Number of series in the stage we are writing to. reg [NLOG2-1:0] S; // Contains a 1 for the bits that give j from out0_addr (i.e. which series). reg [NLOG2-1:0] series_bits; reg [NLOG2-1:0] out0_addr; // Functions of the above 3 registers. wire [NLOG2-1:0] in0_addr; wire [NLOG2-1:0] in1_addr; wire [NLOG2-1:0] out1_addr; wire [NLOG2-2:0] tf_addr; //To get in0_addr we leave the lowest log2(S) bits alone but we shift the log2(N) //highest bits to the left (high is to left). //To get in1_addr we add S to in0_addr. // out1_addr = out0+addr + M/2 // We simply flip the highest bit from 0 to 1 which adds M/2. assign out1_addr = {1'b1, out0_addr[NLOG2-2:0]}; // in0_addr = 2*k*S+j // (out0_addr & series_bits) = j // (out0_addr & ~series_bits) = k*S // Since the bits don't overlap we can add them with an OR. assign in0_addr = (out0_addr & series_bits) | ((out0_addr & ~series_bits)<<1); assign in1_addr = in0_addr + S; // (out0_addr & ~series_bits) = k*S assign tf_addr = out0_addr & ~series_bits; // Set to 1 when x_nd is set to 1 from the last BF calculation of the FFT. reg finished; // Which buffer we are reading from. // 1 if we are reading from X. // 0 if we are reading from Y. reg readbuf_switch; // We want readbuf_switch delayed by one step to send into the BF module. // The is because readbuf_switch may have changed since the values being // sent in were read. reg readbuf_switch_old; // Whether it is the first stage. wire first_stage; assign first_stage = (S == {1'b1,{NLOG2-1{1'b0}}}); // Whether it is the last stage. wire last_stage; assign last_stage = (S == 1); // Inputs in to the BF module wire [2*X_WDTH-1:0] in0; wire [2*X_WDTH-1:0] in1; assign in0 = first_stage?(bufferin_read_switch?bufferin1[in0_addr]:bufferin0[in0_addr]):(readbuf_switch?bufferX[in0_addr]:bufferY[in0_addr]); assign in1 = first_stage?(bufferin_read_switch?bufferin1[in1_addr]:bufferin0[in1_addr]):(readbuf_switch?bufferX[in1_addr]:bufferY[in1_addr]); // Whether the two inputs have been updated. // Making sure we don't read before we have written. wire updated0; wire updated1; assign updated0 = first_stage?1:(readbuf_switch?updatedX[in0_addr]:updatedY[in0_addr]); assign updated1 = first_stage?1:(readbuf_switch?updatedX[in1_addr]:updatedY[in1_addr]); // Set to 1 when we want the twiddle factor module to return some new // twiddle factors. reg tf_addr_nd; // Tells the BF module that we are sending some data. reg x_nd; wire [2*TF_WDTH-1:0] tf; initial begin fsm_state <= FSM_ST_INIT; tf_addr_nd <= 1'b0; x_nd <= 1'b0; readbuf_switch <= 1'b0; bufferin_read_switch <= 1'b0; bufferin_full0_B <= 1'b0; bufferin_full1_B <= 1'b0; end // Create the FSM machine always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin fsm_state <= FSM_ST_INIT; tf_addr_nd <= 1'b0; x_nd <= 1'b0; readbuf_switch <= 1'b0; bufferin_read_switch <= 1'b0; bufferin_full0_B <= 1'b0; bufferin_full1_B <= 1'b0; end else begin // Delay for readbuf_switch. readbuf_switch_old <= readbuf_switch; // Take note of when new data arrives. case (fsm_state) FSM_ST_INIT: begin // Starting a new FFT (we may not have received input data // yet but we can still prepare. `MSG_DEBUG("FSM_ST_INIT"); out0_addr <= 0; // For the first stage we write to (the second stage) there // are N/2 series. series_bits <= {NLOG2{1'b1}} >> 1; // There are N/2 series in that stage. S <= {1'b1,{NLOG2-1{1'b0}}}; // Tell twiddle factor module to calculate the first // twiddle factor. tf_addr_nd <= 1'b1; x_nd <= 1'b0; finished <= 1'b0; fsm_state <= FSM_ST_IDLE; end // case: FSM_ST_INIT FSM_ST_IDLE: begin // Copy the input data into a buffer. // If no input data is there we wait here until receiving // input data. // During the first step in this state the twiddle // factor module will update the twiddle factor. // During the last step in this state the BF module is // sent it's first inputs. `MSG_DEBUG("FSM_ST_IDLE"); tf_addr_nd <= 1'b0; if (bufferin_read_full) begin fsm_state <= FSM_ST_CALC; x_nd <= 1'b1; end end // case: FSM_ST_IDLE FSM_ST_CALC: begin `MSG_DEBUG("FSM_ST_CALC"); // In this state sections, series_bits, out0_addr and // readbuf switch are updated so that we know where // the BF module should read from and write to. fsm_state <= FSM_ST_SEND; tf_addr_nd <= 1'b1; x_nd <= 1'b0; if (&(out1_addr)) begin // We finished the last FFT stage. Move onto the next. `MSG_DEBUG("-------NEXT STAGE---------"); // If we're on the first stage then free up the input buffer // for more input. if (first_stage) begin `MSG_DEBUG("-Input Buffer No Longer Full-"); if (bufferin_read_switch) bufferin_full1_B <= ~bufferin_full1_B; else bufferin_full0_B <= ~bufferin_full0_B; bufferin_read_switch <= ~bufferin_read_switch; end // One less bit of in0_addr corresponds to which section // it is in. series_bits <= series_bits >> 1; // We have half as many sections as in the last stage. S <= S >> 1; out0_addr <= 0; // We switch which buffers we are reading from and // writing to. readbuf_switch <= ~readbuf_switch; // Mark the buffer we were previously reading from as // not updated. We will write to it now. // Moved later so we drive from same process as we set. /* if (readbuf_switch) updatedX <= {N{1'b0}}; else updatedY <= {N{1'b0}}; */ end else begin `MSG_DEBUG("-------NEXT POSITION---------"); // Otherwise we still have more sections to do at // this position. out0_addr <= out0_addr + 1; end end FSM_ST_SEND: begin `MSG_DEBUG("FSM_ST_SEND"); tf_addr_nd <= 1'b0; // Wait in this state until the data we need to read is ready // to go. if (updated0 & updated1) begin x_nd <= 1'b1; // If we have just sent data for the last BF calculation // of the FFT calculation then go to the INIT state. if (&(out1_addr) & (S==1)) begin `MSG_DEBUG("--------FINISHED LAST STAGE---------"); fsm_state <= FSM_ST_INIT; finished <= 1'b1; end else fsm_state <= FSM_ST_CALC; end else begin `MSG_DEBUG("Waiting for data to be written."); end end default: begin fsm_state <= FSM_ST_INIT; end endcase end end /********************************************************/ /* */ /* Define logic that receives data from the BF. */ /* */ /********************************************************/ // Outputs from the BF // The addresses where the output should be written to. wire [NLOG2-1:0] out0_addr_z; wire [NLOG2-1:0] out1_addr_z; // The real and imag components of the output. wire [2*X_WDTH-1:0] z; // Set to 1 when the ZA is output. // On the step after ZB is output. wire z_nd; // Set to 1 for the last ZA of a FFT. wire finished_z; // Set to 1 if data is from the last stage. wire last_stage_z; // Indicates which buffer the inputs to the BF module were // read from. // 1 if read from X. // 0 if read from Y. wire readbuf_switch_z; // Delayed content of readbuf_swith_z; reg readbuf_switch_z_last; // Delayed content of out1_addr_z_old since we need to use // it after it may have changed. reg [NLOG2-1:0] out1_addr_z_old; // The address to write the currently received BF output. wire [NLOG2-1:0] out_addr_z; assign out_addr_z = (z_nd)?out0_addr_z:out1_addr_z_old; // A delayed z_nd. Tells us when to expect ZB. reg z_nd_last; // For delaying variables. It takes 2 steps to write the output data // to the buffer at which point we decide whether to write the data // to bufferout. These registers are needed for that decision. reg finished_z_old[1:0]; reg last_stage_z_old[0:0]; reg readbuf_switch_z_old[1:0]; initial begin bufferout_full_A <= 1'b0; z_nd_last <= 1'b0; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin bufferout_full_A <= 1'b0; z_nd_last <= 1'b0; end else begin // Put updated reset here so we drive it from same process. if ((fsm_state == FSM_ST_CALC) & (&(out1_addr))) begin if (readbuf_switch) updatedX <= {N{1'b0}}; else updatedY <= {N{1'b0}}; end // Set all the delays. readbuf_switch_z_last <= readbuf_switch_z; finished_z_old[0] <= finished_z; finished_z_old[1] <= finished_z_old[0]; last_stage_z_old[0] <= last_stage_z; readbuf_switch_z_old[0] <= readbuf_switch_z; readbuf_switch_z_old[1] <= readbuf_switch_z_old[0]; out1_addr_z_old <= out1_addr_z; z_nd_last <= z_nd; if (finished_z_old[1]) // We have filled the output buffer bufferout_full_A <= ~bufferout_full_A; // Write received data to the buffers and set updated flag. if (z_nd | z_nd_last) begin if ((last_stage_z & z_nd)|(last_stage_z_old[0] & ~z_nd)) begin bufferout[out_addr_z] <= z; end else begin if ((readbuf_switch_z & z_nd)|(readbuf_switch_z_old[0] & ~z_nd)) begin bufferY[out_addr_z] <= z; updatedY[out_addr_z] <= 1'b1; end else begin bufferX[out_addr_z] <= z; updatedX[out_addr_z] <= 1'b1; end end end end end /* Instantiate twiddle factor unit. */ twiddlefactors twiddlefactors_0 ( .clk (clk), .addr (tf_addr), .addr_nd (tf_addr_nd), .tf_out (tf) ); /* Instantiate the generic butterfly unit. */ butterfly #( .M_WDTH (3 + 2*NLOG2), .X_WDTH (X_WDTH) ) butterfly_0 ( .clk (clk), .rst_n (rst_n), .m_in ({readbuf_switch_old, out0_addr, out1_addr, finished, last_stage}), .w (tf), .xa (in0), .xb (in1), .x_nd (x_nd), .m_out ({readbuf_switch_z, out0_addr_z, out1_addr_z, finished_z, last_stage_z}), .y (z), .y_nd (z_nd) ); endmodule // dit
module complexAddRadix_4( input clk, input [15:0] x1_re, input [15:0] x1_im, input [15:0] x2_re, input [15:0] x2_im, input [15:0] x3_re, input [15:0] x3_im, input [15:0] x4_re, input [15:0] x4_im, output [15:0] re_0, output [15:0] im_0, output [15:0] re_1, output [15:0] im_1, output [15:0] re_2, output [15:0] im_2, output [15:0] re_3, output [15:0] im_3 ); /** First Add output**/ reg[18:0] add_re_reg_0 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_im_reg_0 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_re_reg_1 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_im_reg_1 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_re_reg_2 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_im_reg_2 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_re_reg_3 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_im_reg_3 = 19'd0; /**end**/ /** Second Add output**/ reg[18:0] add_re_reg1_0 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_im_reg1_0 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_re_reg1_1 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_im_reg1_1 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_re_reg1_2 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_im_reg1_2 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_re_reg1_3 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_im_reg1_3 = 19'd0; /**end**/ /** Third Add output **/ reg[18:0] add_re_reg2_0 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_im_reg2_0 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_re_reg2_1 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_im_reg2_1 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_re_reg2_2 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_im_reg2_2 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_re_reg2_3 = 19'd0; reg[18:0] add_im_reg2_3 = 19'd0; /**end**/ /** data standardize**/ reg[15:0] x3_re_reg = 19'd0; reg[15:0] x3_im_reg = 19'd0; reg[15:0] x4_re_reg = 19'd0; reg[15:0] x4_im_reg = 19'd0; reg[15:0] x4_re_reg1 = 19'd0; reg[15:0] x4_im_reg1 = 19'd0; /**end**/ always @(posedge clk)// delay begin x3_re_reg <= x3_re; x3_im_reg <= x3_im; x4_re_reg1 <= x4_re; x4_im_reg1 <= x4_im; end always @(posedge clk) begin x4_re_reg <= x4_re_reg1; x4_im_reg <= x4_im_reg1; end always @(posedge clk)// first add begin add_re_reg_0 <= {{3{x1_re[15]}},x1_re} + {{3{x2_re[15]}},x2_re}; add_im_reg_0 <= {{3{x1_im[15]}},x1_im} + {{3{x2_im[15]}},x2_im}; add_re_reg_1 <= {{3{x1_re[15]}},x1_re} + {{3{x2_im[15]}},x2_im}; add_im_reg_1 <= {{3{x1_im[15]}},x1_im} - {{3{x2_re[15]}},x2_re}; add_re_reg_2 <= {{3{x1_re[15]}},x1_re} - {{3{x2_re[15]}},x2_re}; add_im_reg_2 <= {{3{x1_im[15]}},x1_im} - {{3{x2_im[15]}},x2_im}; add_re_reg_3 <= {{3{x1_re[15]}},x1_re} - {{3{x2_im[15]}},x2_im}; add_im_reg_3 <= {{3{x1_im[15]}},x1_im} + {{3{x2_re[15]}},x2_re}; end always @(posedge clk)//second add begin add_re_reg1_0 <= add_re_reg_0 + {{3{x3_re_reg[15]}},x3_re_reg}; add_im_reg1_0 <= add_im_reg_0 + {{3{x3_im_reg[15]}},x3_im_reg}; add_re_reg1_1 <= add_re_reg_1 - {{3{x3_re_reg[15]}},x3_re_reg}; add_im_reg1_1 <= add_im_reg_1 - {{3{x3_im_reg[15]}},x3_im_reg}; add_re_reg1_2 <= add_re_reg_2 + {{3{x3_re_reg[15]}},x3_re_reg}; add_im_reg1_2 <= add_im_reg_2 + {{3{x3_im_reg[15]}},x3_im_reg}; add_re_reg1_3 <= add_re_reg_3 - {{3{x3_re_reg[15]}},x3_re_reg}; add_im_reg1_3 <= add_im_reg_3 - {{3{x3_im_reg[15]}},x3_im_reg}; end always @(posedge clk)//third add begin add_re_reg2_0 <= add_re_reg1_0 + {{3{x4_re_reg[15]}},x4_re_reg}; add_im_reg2_0 <= add_im_reg1_0 + {{3{x4_im_reg[15]}},x4_im_reg}; add_re_reg2_1 <= add_re_reg1_1 - {{3{x4_im_reg[15]}},x4_im_reg}; add_im_reg2_1 <= add_im_reg1_1 + {{3{x4_re_reg[15]}},x4_re_reg}; add_re_reg2_2 <= add_re_reg1_2 - {{3{x4_re_reg[15]}},x4_re_reg}; add_im_reg2_2 <= add_im_reg1_2 - {{3{x4_im_reg[15]}},x4_im_reg}; add_re_reg2_3 <= add_re_reg1_3 + {{3{x4_im_reg[15]}},x4_im_reg}; add_im_reg2_3 <= add_im_reg1_3 - {{3{x4_re_reg[15]}},x4_re_reg}; end assign re_0 = add_re_reg2_0[15:0]; assign im_0 = add_im_reg2_0[15:0]; assign re_1 = add_re_reg2_1[15:0]; assign im_1 = add_im_reg2_1[15:0]; assign re_2 = add_re_reg2_2[15:0]; assign im_2 = add_im_reg2_2[15:0]; assign re_3 = add_re_reg2_3[15:0]; assign im_3 = add_im_reg2_3[15:0]; endmodule
module butterflyRadix4Second( input clk, input[15:0] re_0, input[15:0] re_1, input[15:0] re_2, input[15:0] re_3, input[15:0] re_4, input[15:0] re_5, input[15:0] re_6, input[15:0] re_7, input[15:0] re_8, input[15:0] re_9, input[15:0] re_10, input[15:0] re_11, input[15:0] re_12, input[15:0] re_13, input[15:0] re_14, input[15:0] re_15, input[15:0] im_0, input[15:0] im_1, input[15:0] im_2, input[15:0] im_3, input[15:0] im_4, input[15:0] im_5, input[15:0] im_6, input[15:0] im_7, input[15:0] im_8, input[15:0] im_9, input[15:0] im_10, input[15:0] im_11, input[15:0] im_12, input[15:0] im_13, input[15:0] im_14, input[15:0] im_15, output[15:0] butterfly_re0, output[15:0] butterfly_re1, output[15:0] butterfly_re2, output[15:0] butterfly_re3, output[15:0] butterfly_re4, output[15:0] butterfly_re5, output[15:0] butterfly_re6, output[15:0] butterfly_re7, output[15:0] butterfly_re8, output[15:0] butterfly_re9, output[15:0] butterfly_re10, output[15:0] butterfly_re11, output[15:0] butterfly_re12, output[15:0] butterfly_re13, output[15:0] butterfly_re14, output[15:0] butterfly_re15, output[15:0] butterfly_im0, output[15:0] butterfly_im1, output[15:0] butterfly_im2, output[15:0] butterfly_im3, output[15:0] butterfly_im4, output[15:0] butterfly_im5, output[15:0] butterfly_im6, output[15:0] butterfly_im7, output[15:0] butterfly_im8, output[15:0] butterfly_im9, output[15:0] butterfly_im10, output[15:0] butterfly_im11, output[15:0] butterfly_im12, output[15:0] butterfly_im13, output[15:0] butterfly_im14, output[15:0] butterfly_im15 ); //**************** Second Butterfly ***************** // n=0:3 // X2(n+1) = W(1,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(n+5) = W(2,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(n+9) = W(3,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(n+13) = W(4,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; //******* followwing parameter come from exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n) above********// //*********** cos *******************// parameter cos0 = 17'b0_1000_0000_0000_0000; //(1*2^15)-1 origin:1 after:32767 parameter cos1 = 17'b0_1000_0000_0000_0000; //1 parameter cos2 = 17'b0_1000_0000_0000_0000; //1 parameter cos3 = 17'b0_0111_0110_0100_0001; //0.9239 -> 30273 parameter cos4 = 17'b0_0101_1010_1000_0010; //0.7071 -> 23170 parameter cos5 = 17'b0_0011_0000_1111_1100; //0.3827 -> 12540 parameter cos6 = 17'b0_0101_1010_1000_0010; //0.7071 parameter cos7 = 17'b0_0000000000000000; //0 parameter cos8 = 17'b1_1010_0101_0111_1110; //-0.7071-> -23170 parameter cos9 = 17'b0_0011_0000_1111_1100; //0.3827 parameter cos10 = 17'b1_1010_0101_0111_1110; //-0.7071 parameter cos11 = 17'b1_1000_1001_1011_1111; //-0.9239-> -30273 //*********** sin *******************// parameter sin0 = 17'b00000000000000000; //0 parameter sin1 = 17'b00000000000000000; //0 parameter sin2 = 17'b00000000000000000; //0 parameter sin3 = 17'b1_1100_1111_0000_0100; // -0.3827 complement parameter sin4 = 17'b1_1010_0101_0111_1110; //-0.29291 -0.7071 parameter sin5 = 17'b1_1000_1001_1011_1111; //-0.07614 -0.9239 parameter sin6 = 17'b1_1010_0101_0111_1110; //-0.7071 parameter sin7 = 17'b1_1111_1111_1111_1111; //-1 parameter sin8 = 17'b1_1010_0101_0111_1110; //-0.7071 parameter sin9 = 17'b1_1000_1001_1011_1111; //-0.9239 parameter sin10 = 17'b1_1010_0101_0111_1110; //-0.7071 parameter sin11 = 17'b0_0011_0000_1111_1100; //0.3827 // n=0:3 // X2(n+1) = W(1,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(n+5) = W(2,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(n+9) = W(3,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(n+13) = W(4,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // n=0 // X2(1) = W(1,:)*[X1(1),X1(2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(5) = W(2,:)*[X1(1),X1(2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(9) = W(3,:)*[X1(1),X1(2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(13) = W(4,:)*[X1(1),X1(2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; butterflyUnitRadix4 butterflyRadix4Unit1( .clk(clk), .cos0(cos0), //ar .sin0(sin0), //br .cos1(cos1), .sin1(sin1), .cos2(cos2), .sin2(sin2), .x1_re(re_0), .x1_im(im_0), .x2_re(re_1), .x2_im(im_1), .x3_re(re_2), .x3_im(im_2), .x4_re(re_3), .x4_im(im_3), .p1_re(butterfly_re0), .p1_im(butterfly_im0), .p2_re(butterfly_re4), .p2_im(butterfly_im4), .p3_re(butterfly_re8), .p3_im(butterfly_im8), .p4_re(butterfly_re12), .p4_im(butterfly_im12) ); // n=1 // X2(2) = W(1,:)*[X1(5),X1(6)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(7)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(8)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(6) = W(2,:)*[X1(5),X1(6)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(7)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(8)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(10) = W(3,:)*[X1(5),X1(6)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(7)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(8)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(14) = W(4,:)*[X1(5),X1(6)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(7)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(8)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; butterflyUnitRadix4 butterflyRadix4Unit2( .clk(clk), .cos0(cos3), .sin0(sin3), .cos1(cos4), .sin1(sin4), .cos2(cos5), .sin2(sin5), .x1_re(re_4), .x1_im(im_4), .x2_re(re_5), .x2_im(im_5), .x3_re(re_6), .x3_im(im_6), .x4_re(re_7), .x4_im(im_7), .p1_re(butterfly_re1), .p1_im(butterfly_im1), .p2_re(butterfly_re5), .p2_im(butterfly_im5), .p3_re(butterfly_re9), .p3_im(butterfly_im9), .p4_re(butterfly_re13), .p4_im(butterfly_im13) ); // n=3 // X2(3) = W(1,:)*[X1(9),X1(10)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(11)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(12)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(7) = W(2,:)*[X1(9),X1(10)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(11)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(12)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(11) = W(3,:)*[X1(9),X1(10)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(11)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(12)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(15) = W(4,:)*[X1(9),X1(10)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(11)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(12)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; butterflyUnitRadix4 butterflyRadix4Unit3( .clk(clk), .cos0(cos6), .sin0(sin6), .cos1(cos7), .sin1(sin7), .cos2(cos8), .sin2(sin8), .x1_re(re_8), .x1_im(im_8), .x2_re(re_9), .x2_im(im_9), .x3_re(re_10), .x3_im(im_10), .x4_re(re_11), .x4_im(im_11), .p1_re(butterfly_re2), .p1_im(butterfly_im2), .p2_re(butterfly_re6), .p2_im(butterfly_im6), .p3_re(butterfly_re10), .p3_im(butterfly_im10), .p4_re(butterfly_re14), .p4_im(butterfly_im14) ); // n=4 // X2(4) = W(1,:)*[X1(13),X1(14)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(15)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(16)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(8) = W(2,:)*[X1(13),X1(14)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(15)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(16)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(12) = W(3,:)*[X1(13),X1(14)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(15)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(16)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(16) = W(4,:)*[X1(13),X1(14)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(15)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(16)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(16) = W(4,:)*[X1(13),X1(14)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(15)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(16)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(16) = W(4,:)*[X1(13),X1(14)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(15)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(16)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(16) = W(4,:)*[X1(13),X1(14)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(15)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(16)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; butterflyUnitRadix4 butterflyRadix4Unit4( .clk(clk), .cos0(cos9), .sin0(sin9), .cos1(cos10), .sin1(sin10), .cos2(cos11), .sin2(sin11), .x1_re(re_12), .x1_im(im_12), .x2_re(re_13), .x2_im(im_13), .x3_re(re_14), .x3_im(im_14), .x4_re(re_15), .x4_im(im_15), .p1_re(butterfly_re3), .p1_im(butterfly_im3), .p2_re(butterfly_re7), .p2_im(butterfly_im7), .p3_re(butterfly_re11), .p3_im(butterfly_im11), .p4_re(butterfly_re15), .p4_im(butterfly_im15) ); endmodule
module butterfly #( // The width of m_in. parameter M_WDTH = 0, // The width of the input, output and twiddle factors. parameter X_WDTH = 0 ) ( input wire clk, input wire rst_n, // m_in contains data that passes through this block with no change. // It is delayed for 3 counts like x_nd->y_nd. input wire [M_WDTH-1:0] m_in, // The twiddle factor. input wire signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] w, // XA input wire signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] xa, // XB input wire signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] xb, // Set to 1 when new data is present on inputs. // Cannot be set to 1 for two consecutive steps. input wire x_nd, // delayed version of m_in. output reg [M_WDTH-1:0] m_out, // YA = XA + W*XB // YB = XA - W*XB // When y_nd=1 y_re and y_im are outputing YA. // The step after they are outputting YB. output wire signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] y, output reg y_nd ); // Set wire to the real and imag parts for convenience. wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] w_re; wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] w_im; assign w_re = w[2*X_WDTH-1:X_WDTH]; assign w_im = w[X_WDTH-1:0]; wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] xa_re; wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] xa_im; assign xa_re = xa[2*X_WDTH-1:X_WDTH]; assign xa_im = xa[X_WDTH-1:0]; wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] xb_re; wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] xb_im; assign xb_re = xb[2*X_WDTH-1:X_WDTH]; assign xb_im = xb[X_WDTH-1:0]; reg signed [X_WDTH-1: 0] y_re; reg signed [X_WDTH-1: 0] y_im; assign y = {y_re, y_im}; // Delayed m_in. reg signed [M_WDTH-1:0] m[1:0]; // Delayed XA reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] za_re[1:0]; reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] za_im[1:0]; // Delayed XB reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] zb_re; reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] zb_im; // Delayed W reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] ww_re; reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] ww_im; // Delayed x_nd reg signed x_nd_old[2:0]; // Storage for output of multipliers reg signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] zbw_m1; reg signed [2*X_WDTH-1:0] zbw_m2; // W * XB reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] zbw_re; wire signed [X_WDTH-1:0] zbw_im; assign zbw_im = (zbw_m1 >>> (X_WDTH-2)) + (zbw_m2 >>> (X_WDTH-2)); reg signed [X_WDTH-1:0] zbw_im_old; // Wire of longer length for adding or substracting W*XB to XA. // If we don't create longer wires for them then we can lose the // high bit. The contents of these wires are downshifted into a // normal size for use. wire signed [X_WDTH:0] z1_re_big; wire signed [X_WDTH:0] z1_im_big; assign z1_re_big = za_re[0] + zbw_re; assign z1_im_big = za_im[0] + zbw_im; wire signed [X_WDTH:0] z2_re_big; wire signed [X_WDTH:0] z2_im_big; assign z2_re_big = za_re[1] - zbw_re; assign z2_im_big = za_im[1] - zbw_im_old; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin y_nd <= 1'b0; end else begin // Set delay for x_nd_old and m. x_nd_old[0] <= x_nd; x_nd_old[1] <= x_nd_old[0]; x_nd_old[2] <= x_nd_old[1]; m[0] <= m_in; m[1] <= m[0]; m_out <= m[1]; // STAGE 1 if (x_nd) begin za_re[0] <= xa_re; za_im[0] <= xa_im; ww_re <= w_re; ww_im <= w_im; zb_re <= xb_re; zb_im <= xb_im; // We perform two multiplications for calculate the real part // of W*XB. zbw_m1 <= xb_re*w_re; zbw_m2 <= xb_im*w_im; if (x_nd_old[0]) $display("ERROR: BF got new data two steps in a row."); end if (x_nd_old[0]) // STAGE 2 begin // Now start the multiplications for the imag part of W*WB. zbw_m1 <= zb_re*ww_im; zbw_m2 <= zb_im*ww_re; // Downshift the multiplied results into normal width and // substract them. // Overflow is not possible upon substraction since we // know that W and XB both have magnitude less than 1 // so their multiple must also. zbw_re <= (zbw_m1 >>> (X_WDTH-2)) - (zbw_m2 >>> (X_WDTH-2)); end // STAGE 3 if (x_nd_old[1]) begin // We only need to shift the required delayed data // with XA every two steps since new input cannot // arrive more frequently than that. // XA is needed by a wire calculating z2_re_big and ze_im_big // next step. za_re[1] <= za_re[0]; za_im[1] <= za_im[0]; // Output YA. y_nd <= 1'b1; y_re <= z1_re_big >>> 1; y_im <= z1_im_big >>> 1; zbw_im_old <= zbw_im; end // STAGE 4 if (x_nd_old[2]) begin // Output YB. y_nd <= 1'b0; y_re <= z2_re_big >>> 1; y_im <= z2_im_big >>> 1; end end end endmodule
module Deserializer( clk, reset, datain, // first 16 is real last16 is imaginary dataout0, dataout1, dataout2, dataout3, dataout4, dataout5, dataout6, dataout7, dataout8, dataout9, dataout10, dataout11, dataout12, dataout13, dataout14, dataout15, dataout16, dataout17, dataout18, dataout19, dataout20, dataout21, dataout22, dataout23, dataout24, dataout25, dataout26, dataout27, dataout28, dataout29, dataout30, dataout31, finish ); input clk; input [15:0] datain; input reset; output [15:0] dataout0; output [15:0] dataout1; output [15:0] dataout2; output [15:0] dataout3; output [15:0] dataout4; output [15:0] dataout5; output [15:0] dataout6; output [15:0] dataout7; output [15:0] dataout8; output [15:0] dataout9; output [15:0] dataout10; output [15:0] dataout11; output [15:0] dataout12; output [15:0] dataout13; output [15:0] dataout14; output [15:0] dataout15; output [15:0] dataout16; output [15:0] dataout17; output [15:0] dataout18; output [15:0] dataout19; output [15:0] dataout20; output [15:0] dataout21; output [15:0] dataout22; output [15:0] dataout23; output [15:0] dataout24; output [15:0] dataout25; output [15:0] dataout26; output [15:0] dataout27; output [15:0] dataout28; output [15:0] dataout29; output [15:0] dataout30; output [15:0] dataout31; output finish; reg signed [15:0] dataout0,dataout1,dataout2,dataout3,dataout4,dataout5,dataout6,dataout7,dataout8,dataout9,dataout10,dataout11,dataout12,dataout13,dataout14,dataout15,dataout16,dataout17,dataout18,dataout19,dataout20,dataout21,dataout22,dataout23,dataout24,dataout25,dataout26,dataout27,dataout28,dataout29,dataout30,dataout31; // reg signed [15:0] finish; reg signed [3:0] counter; reg finish; reg dataValid; always @ (posedge clk or negedge reset) if(!reset) begin dataout0 <= datain; dataout1 <= dataout0; dataout2 <= dataout1; dataout3 <= dataout2; dataout4 <= dataout3; dataout5 <= dataout4; dataout6 <= dataout5; dataout7 <= dataout6; dataout8 <= dataout7; dataout9 <= dataout8; dataout10 <= dataout9; dataout11 <= dataout10; dataout12 <= dataout11; dataout13 <= dataout12; dataout14 <= dataout13; dataout15 <= dataout14; dataout16 <= dataout15; dataout17 <= dataout16; dataout18 <= dataout17; dataout19 <= dataout18; dataout20 <= dataout19; dataout21 <= dataout20; dataout22 <= dataout21; dataout23 <= dataout22; dataout24 <= dataout23; dataout25 <= dataout24; dataout26 <= dataout25; dataout27 <= dataout26; dataout28 <= dataout27; dataout29 <= dataout28; dataout30 <= dataout29; dataout31 <= dataout30; if (datain != 16'd0) begin dataValid <= 1'b1; end if(dataValid == 1'b1) begin if(counter == 4'd15) begin counter <= 4'd0; finish <= 1'b1; end else counter <= counter+4'b1 ; end end else begin dataout0 <= 16'd0; dataout1 <= 16'd0; dataout2 <= 16'd0; dataout3 <= 16'd0; dataout4 <= 16'd0; dataout5 <= 16'd0; dataout6 <= 16'd0; dataout7 <= 16'd0; dataout8 <= 16'd0; dataout9 <= 16'd0; dataout10 <= 16'd0; dataout11 <= 16'd0; dataout12 <= 16'd0; dataout13 <= 16'd0; dataout14 <= 16'd0; dataout15 <= 16'd0; dataout16 <= 16'd0; dataout17 <= 16'd0; dataout18 <= 16'd0; dataout19 <= 16'd0; dataout20 <= 16'd0; dataout21 <= 16'd0; dataout22 <= 16'd0; dataout23 <= 16'd0; dataout24 <= 16'd0; dataout25 <= 16'd0; dataout26 <= 16'd0; dataout27 <= 16'd0; dataout28 <= 16'd0; dataout29 <= 16'd0; dataout30 <= 16'd0; dataout31 <= 16'd0; counter <= 4'b0 ; finish <= 1'b0; dataValid <= 1'b0; end endmodule
module FFT_top( input clk, input reset, input [4:0] address, output[15:0] out_re0, output[15:0] out_re1, output[15:0] out_re2, output[15:0] out_re3, output[15:0] out_re4, output[15:0] out_re5, output[15:0] out_re6, output[15:0] out_re7, output[15:0] out_re8, output[15:0] out_re9, output[15:0] out_re10, output[15:0] out_re11, output[15:0] out_re12, output[15:0] out_re13, output[15:0] out_re14, output[15:0] out_re15, output[15:0] out_im0, output[15:0] out_im1, output[15:0] out_im2, output[15:0] out_im3, output[15:0] out_im4, output[15:0] out_im5, output[15:0] out_im6, output[15:0] out_im7, output[15:0] out_im8, output[15:0] out_im9, output[15:0] out_im10, output[15:0] out_im11, output[15:0] out_im12, output[15:0] out_im13, output[15:0] out_im14, output[15:0] out_im15 ); wire [15:0] dataStream; wire [15:0] inputRe0,inputRe1,inputRe2,inputRe3,inputRe4,inputRe5,inputRe6,inputRe7,inputRe8,inputRe9,inputRe10,inputRe11,inputRe12,inputRe13,inputRe14,inputRe15,inputIm0,inputIm1,inputIm2,inputIm3,inputIm4,inputIm5,inputIm6,inputIm7,inputIm8,inputIm9,inputIm10,inputIm11,inputIm12,inputIm13,inputIm14,inputIm15; wire[15:0] butterfly_re[15:0]; wire[15:0] butterfly_im[15:0]; //****** read data ***************** inputRom rom1( .clka(clk), .addra(address), .douta(dataStream) ); //********************************** //****** Deserializer *************** Deserializer dese1( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .datain(dataStream), .dataout0(inputRe0), .dataout1(inputRe1), .dataout2(inputRe2), .dataout3(inputRe3), .dataout4(inputRe4), .dataout5(inputRe5), .dataout6(inputRe6), .dataout7(inputRe7), .dataout8(inputRe8), .dataout9(inputRe9), .dataout10(inputRe10), .dataout11(inputRe11), .dataout12(inputRe12), .dataout13(inputRe13), .dataout14(inputRe14), .dataout15(inputRe15), .dataout16(inputIm0), .dataout17(inputIm1), .dataout18(inputIm2), .dataout19(inputIm3), .dataout20(inputIm4), .dataout21(inputIm5), .dataout22(inputIm6), .dataout23(inputIm7), .dataout24(inputIm8), .dataout25(inputIm9), .dataout26(inputIm10), .dataout27(inputIm11), .dataout28(inputIm12), .dataout29(inputIm13), .dataout30(inputIm14), .dataout31(inputIm15), .finish(out) ); //*************** butterfuly 1 ********************** // n=0:3 // X(n+1)=W(1,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+5)=W(2,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+9)=W(3,:)* ([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); // X(n+13)=W(4,:)*([x(n+1),x(n+5),x(n+9),x(n+13)].'); //W = [ 1 1 1 1 // 1 -j -1 j // 1 -1 1 -1 // 1 j -1 -j ] butterflyRadix4First butterfly1st( .clk(clk), .en(out), .re_0(inputRe0), .re_1(inputRe1), .re_2(inputRe2), .re_3(inputRe3), .re_4(inputRe4), .re_5(inputRe5), .re_6(inputRe6), .re_7(inputRe7), .re_8(inputRe8), .re_9(inputRe9), .re_10(inputRe10), .re_11(inputRe11), .re_12(inputRe12), .re_13(inputRe13), .re_14(inputRe14), .re_15(inputRe15), .im_0(inputIm0), .im_1(inputIm1), .im_2(inputIm2), .im_3(inputIm3), .im_4(inputIm4), .im_5(inputIm5), .im_6(inputIm6), .im_7(inputIm7), .im_8(inputIm8), .im_9(inputIm9), .im_10(inputIm10), .im_11(inputIm11), .im_12(inputIm12), .im_13(inputIm13), .im_14(inputIm14), .im_15(inputIm15), .butterfly_re0(butterfly_re[0]), .butterfly_re1(butterfly_re[1]), .butterfly_re2(butterfly_re[2]), .butterfly_re3(butterfly_re[3]), .butterfly_re4(butterfly_re[4]), .butterfly_re5(butterfly_re[5]), .butterfly_re6(butterfly_re[6]), .butterfly_re7(butterfly_re[7]), .butterfly_re8(butterfly_re[8]), .butterfly_re9(butterfly_re[9]), .butterfly_re10(butterfly_re[10]), .butterfly_re11(butterfly_re[11]), .butterfly_re12(butterfly_re[12]), .butterfly_re13(butterfly_re[13]), .butterfly_re14(butterfly_re[14]), .butterfly_re15(butterfly_re[15]), .butterfly_im0(butterfly_im[0]), .butterfly_im1(butterfly_im[1]), .butterfly_im2(butterfly_im[2]), .butterfly_im3(butterfly_im[3]), .butterfly_im4(butterfly_im[4]), .butterfly_im5(butterfly_im[5]), .butterfly_im6(butterfly_im[6]), .butterfly_im7(butterfly_im[7]), .butterfly_im8(butterfly_im[8]), .butterfly_im9(butterfly_im[9]), .butterfly_im10(butterfly_im[10]), .butterfly_im11(butterfly_im[11]), .butterfly_im12(butterfly_im[12]), .butterfly_im13(butterfly_im[13]), .butterfly_im14(butterfly_im[14]), .butterfly_im15(butterfly_im[15]) ); //*************************************************** //**************** Second Butterfly ***************** // n=0:3 // X(n+1) = W(1,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(n+5) = W(2,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(n+9) = W(3,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(n+13) = W(4,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; butterflyRadix4Second butterfly2nd( .clk(clk), .re_0(butterfly_re[0]), .re_1(butterfly_re[1]), .re_2(butterfly_re[2]), .re_3(butterfly_re[3]), .re_4(butterfly_re[4]), .re_5(butterfly_re[5]), .re_6(butterfly_re[6]), .re_7(butterfly_re[7]), .re_8(butterfly_re[8]), .re_9(butterfly_re[9]), .re_10(butterfly_re[10]), .re_11(butterfly_re[11]), .re_12(butterfly_re[12]), .re_13(butterfly_re[13]), .re_14(butterfly_re[14]), .re_15(butterfly_re[15]), .im_0(butterfly_im[0]), .im_1(butterfly_im[1]), .im_2(butterfly_im[2]), .im_3(butterfly_im[3]), .im_4(butterfly_im[4]), .im_5(butterfly_im[5]), .im_6(butterfly_im[6]), .im_7(butterfly_im[7]), .im_8(butterfly_im[8]), .im_9(butterfly_im[9]), .im_10(butterfly_im[10]), .im_11(butterfly_im[11]), .im_12(butterfly_im[12]), .im_13(butterfly_im[13]), .im_14(butterfly_im[14]), .im_15(butterfly_im[15]), .butterfly_re0(out_re0), .butterfly_re1(out_re1), .butterfly_re2(out_re2), .butterfly_re3(out_re3), .butterfly_re4(out_re4), .butterfly_re5(out_re5), .butterfly_re6(out_re6), .butterfly_re7(out_re7), .butterfly_re8(out_re8), .butterfly_re9(out_re9), .butterfly_re10(out_re10), .butterfly_re11(out_re11), .butterfly_re12(out_re12), .butterfly_re13(out_re13), .butterfly_re14(out_re14), .butterfly_re15(out_re15), .butterfly_im0(out_im0), .butterfly_im1(out_im1), .butterfly_im2(out_im2), .butterfly_im3(out_im3), .butterfly_im4(out_im4), .butterfly_im5(out_im5), .butterfly_im6(out_im6), .butterfly_im7(out_im7), .butterfly_im8(out_im8), .butterfly_im9(out_im9), .butterfly_im10(out_im10), .butterfly_im11(out_im11), .butterfly_im12(out_im12), .butterfly_im13(out_im13), .butterfly_im14(out_im14), .butterfly_im15(out_im15) ); //*************************************************** //*************************************************** endmodule
module FFT_top_tb; // Inputs reg clk; reg reset; reg [4:0] address; reg [15:0] data_tmp11,data_tmp21,data_tmp31,data_tmp41,data_tmp51,data_tmp61,data_tmp71,data_tmp81,data_tmp91,data_tmp101,data_tmp111,data_tmp121,data_tmp131,data_tmp141,data_tmp151,data_tmp161; reg [15:0] data_tmp12,data_tmp22,data_tmp32,data_tmp42,data_tmp52,data_tmp62,data_tmp72,data_tmp82,data_tmp92,data_tmp102,data_tmp112,data_tmp122,data_tmp132,data_tmp142,data_tmp152,data_tmp162; // Outputs wire [15:0] out_r1,out_r2,out_r3,out_r4,out_r5,out_r6,out_r7,out_r8,out_r9,out_r10,out_r11,out_r12,out_r13,out_r14,out_r15,out_r16; wire [15:0] out_i1,out_i2,out_i3,out_i4,out_i5,out_i6,out_i7,out_i8,out_i9,out_i10,out_i11,out_i12,out_i13,out_i14,out_i15,out_i16; // Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT) FFT_top uut ( .clk(clk), .reset(reset), .address(address), .out_re0(out_r1), .out_re1(out_r2), .out_re2(out_r3), .out_re3(out_r4), .out_re4(out_r5), .out_re5(out_r6), .out_re6(out_r7), .out_re7(out_r8), .out_re8(out_r9), .out_re9(out_r10), .out_re10(out_r11), .out_re11(out_r12), .out_re12(out_r13), .out_re13(out_r14), .out_re14(out_r15), .out_re15(out_r16), .out_im0(out_i1), .out_im1(out_i2), .out_im2(out_i3), .out_im3(out_i4), .out_im4(out_i5), .out_im5(out_i6), .out_im6(out_i7), .out_im7(out_i8), .out_im8(out_i9), .out_im9(out_i10), .out_im10(out_i11), .out_im11(out_i12), .out_im12(out_i13), .out_im13(out_i14), .out_im14(out_i15), .out_im15(out_i16) ); initial begin // Initialize Inputs clk = 0; reset = 1'b1; address = 5'd0; // Wait 100 ns for global reset to finish #25; reset = 1'b0; // Add stimulus here end always begin #10 clk =~clk; end always @ (negedge clk or negedge reset) begin if(!reset) begin if(address==5'd31) begin address = 5'd0; //$finish; end else address = address+5'd1; end else address = 5'd0; end //******* display *********************// always @ (posedge clk) begin //*********** 1 **************// if(out_r1[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp11=~out_r1+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp11); end else begin data_tmp11=out_r1; $display("%d + ",data_tmp11); end if(out_i1[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp12=~out_i1+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp12); end else begin data_tmp12=out_i1; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp12); end //*********** 2 **************// if(out_r2[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp21=~out_r2+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp21); end else begin data_tmp21=out_r2; $display("%d + ",data_tmp21); end if(out_i2[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp22=~out_i2+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp22); end else begin data_tmp22=out_i2; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp22); end //*********** 3 **************// if(out_r3[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp31=~out_r3+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp31); end else begin data_tmp31=out_r3; $display("%d + ",data_tmp31); end if(out_i3[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp32=~out_i3+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp32); end else begin data_tmp32=out_i3; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp32); end //*********** 4 **************// if(out_r4[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp41=~out_r4+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp41); end else begin data_tmp41=out_r4; $display("%d + ",data_tmp41); end if(out_i4[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp42=~out_i4+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp42); end else begin data_tmp42=out_i4; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp42); end //*********** 5 **************// if(out_r5[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp51=~out_r5+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp51); end else begin data_tmp51=out_r5; $display("%d + ",data_tmp51); end if(out_i5[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp52=~out_i5+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp52); end else begin data_tmp52=out_i5; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp52); end //*********** 6 **************// if(out_r6[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp61=~out_r6+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp11); end else begin data_tmp61=out_r6; $display("%d + ",data_tmp61); end if(out_i6[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp62=~out_i6+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp62); end else begin data_tmp62=out_i6; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp62); end //*********** 7 **************// if(out_r7[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp71=~out_r7+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp71); end else begin data_tmp71=out_r7; $display("%d + ",data_tmp71); end if(out_i7[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp72=~out_i7+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp72); end else begin data_tmp72=out_i7; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp72); end//*********** 8 **************// if(out_r8[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp81=~out_r8+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp81); end else begin data_tmp81=out_r8; $display("%d + ",data_tmp81); end if(out_i8[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp82=~out_i8+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp82); end else begin data_tmp82=out_i8; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp82); end//*********** 9 **************// if(out_r9[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp91=~out_r9+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp91); end else begin data_tmp91=out_r9; $display("%d + ",data_tmp91); end if(out_i9[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp92=~out_i9+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp92); end else begin data_tmp92=out_i9; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp92); end//*********** 10 **************// if(out_r10[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp101=~out_r10+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp101); end else begin data_tmp101=out_r10; $display("%d + ",data_tmp101); end if(out_i10[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp102=~out_i10+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp102); end else begin data_tmp102=out_i10; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp102); end//*********** 11**************// if(out_r11[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp111=~out_r11+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp111); end else begin data_tmp111=out_r11; $display("%d + ",data_tmp111); end if(out_i11[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp112=~out_i11+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp112); end else begin data_tmp112=out_i11; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp112); end//*********** 12 **************// if(out_r12[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp121=~out_r12+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp121); end else begin data_tmp121=out_r12; $display("%d + ",data_tmp121); end if(out_i12[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp122=~out_i12+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp122); end else begin data_tmp122=out_i12; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp122); end//*********** 13 **************// if(out_r13[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp131=~out_r13+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp131); end else begin data_tmp131=out_r13; $display("%d + ",data_tmp131); end if(out_i13[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp132=~out_i13+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp132); end else begin data_tmp132=out_i13; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp132); end//*********** 14 **************// if(out_r14[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp141=~out_r14+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp141); end else begin data_tmp141=out_r14; $display("%d + ",data_tmp141); end if(out_i14[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp142=~out_i14+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp142); end else begin data_tmp142=out_i14; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp142); end//*********** 15 **************// if(out_r15[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp151=~out_r15+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp151); end else begin data_tmp151=out_r15; $display("%d + ",data_tmp151); end if(out_i15[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp152=~out_i15+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp152); end else begin data_tmp152=out_i15; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp152); end//*********** 16 **************// if(out_r16[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp161=~out_r16+1'b1; $display("-%d + ",data_tmp161); end else begin data_tmp161=out_r16; $display("%d + ",data_tmp161); end if(out_i16[15] == 1'b1) begin data_tmp162=~out_i16+1'b1; $display("-%d i \n",data_tmp162); end else begin data_tmp162=out_i16; $display("%d i \n",data_tmp162); end end endmodule
module butterflyUnitRadix4( input clk, input[16:0] cos0, input[16:0] sin0, input[16:0] cos1, input[16:0] sin1, input[16:0] cos2, input[16:0] sin2, input[15:0] x1_re, input[15:0] x1_im, input[15:0] x2_re, input[15:0] x2_im, input[15:0] x3_re, input[15:0] x3_im, input[15:0] x4_re, input[15:0] x4_im, output[15:0] p1_re, output[15:0] p1_im, output[15:0] p2_re, output[15:0] p2_im, output[15:0] p3_re, output[15:0] p3_im, output[15:0] p4_re, output[15:0] p4_im ); /** complex multi output **/ wire[15:0] X2_re; wire[15:0] X2_im; wire[15:0] X3_re; wire[15:0] X3_im; wire[15:0] X4_re; wire[15:0] X4_im; /**end**/ reg[15:0] X1_re_reg0 = 16'd0; reg[15:0] X1_re_reg1 = 16'd0; reg[15:0] X1_re_reg2 = 16'd0; reg[15:0] X1_re_reg3 = 16'd0; reg[15:0] X1_re_reg4 = 16'd0; reg[15:0] X1_re_reg5 = 16'd0; reg[15:0] X1_im_reg0 = 16'd0; reg[15:0] X1_im_reg1 = 16'd0; reg[15:0] X1_im_reg2 = 16'd0; reg[15:0] X1_im_reg3 = 16'd0; reg[15:0] X1_im_reg4 = 16'd0; reg[15:0] X1_im_reg5 = 16'd0; always @(posedge clk) begin X1_re_reg0 <= x1_re; X1_im_reg0 <= x1_im; X1_re_reg1 <= X1_re_reg0; X1_im_reg1 <= X1_im_reg0; X1_re_reg2 <= X1_re_reg1; X1_im_reg2 <= X1_im_reg1; X1_re_reg3 <= X1_re_reg2; X1_im_reg3 <= X1_im_reg2; X1_re_reg4 <= X1_re_reg3; X1_im_reg4 <= X1_im_reg3; X1_re_reg5 <= X1_re_reg4; X1_im_reg5 <= X1_im_reg4; end //**************** Second Butterfly ***************** // n=0:3 // X2(n+1) = W(1,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(n+5) = W(2,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(n+9) = W(3,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; // X2(n+13) = W(4,:)*[X1(4*n+1),X1(4*n+2)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*n),X1(4*n+3)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*2*n),X1(4*n+4)*exp(-1i*2*pi/N*3*n)].'; complex_mul inst0_complex_mul( .clk(clk), .ar(cos0), .ai(sin0), .br(x2_re), .bi(x2_im), .pr(X2_re), .pi(X2_im) ); complex_mul inst1_complex_mul( .clk(clk), .ar(cos1), .ai(sin1), .br(x3_re), .bi(x3_im), .pr(X3_re), .pi(X3_im) ); complex_mul inst2_complex_mul( .clk(clk), .ar(cos2), .ai(sin2), .br(x4_re), .bi(x4_im), .pr(X4_re), .pi(X4_im) ); complexAddRadix_4 complexAdd_2ndButterfly( .clk(clk), .x1_re(X1_re_reg5), .x1_im(X1_im_reg5), .x2_re(X2_re), .x2_im(X2_im), .x3_re(X3_re), .x3_im(X3_im), .x4_re(X4_re), .x4_im(X4_im), .re_0(p1_re), .im_0(p1_im), .re_1(p2_re), .im_1(p2_im), .re_2(p3_re), .im_2(p3_im), .re_3(p4_re), .im_3(p4_im) ); endmodule
module FFT16Radix4( ); endmodule
module layer_1( input sys_clk , input sys_rst_n , input start_flag , output [32:0] data_out , output out_valid ); wire [15:0] data_pic ; wire pic_valid ; pic_input pic_generate( .clk (sys_clk ), .rst_n (sys_rst_n ), .pic_start (start_flag ), .pic_out_valid (pic_valid ), .data_pic (data_pic ) ); conv conv_1_1( .clk (sys_clk ), .rst_n (sys_rst_n ), .data_pic (data_pic ), .pic_valid (pic_valid ), .data_out (data_out ), .out_valid (out_valid ) ); endmodule
module vga( input clk , input rst_n , input [23:0] data , output hs , output vs , output [ 9:0] x_pix , output [ 9:0] y_pix , output [23:0] color_rgb ); parameter h_sync = 'd96 ; parameter h_back = 'd40 ; parameter h_left = 'd8 ; parameter h_vali = 'd640 ; parameter h_righ = 'd8 ; parameter h_fron = 'd8 ; parameter h_peri = 'd800 ; parameter v_sync = 'd2 ; parameter v_back = 'd25 ; parameter v_topb = 'd8 ; parameter v_vali = 'd480 ; parameter v_unde = 'd8 ; parameter v_fron = 'd2 ; parameter v_peri = 'd525 ; reg [9:0] v_count ; reg [9:0] h_count ; wire h_en ; wire v_en ; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n)begin h_count <= 10'd0; v_count <= 10'd0; end else if(h_count < h_peri) h_count <= h_count + 1'b1; else begin h_count <= 10'd0; if (v_count < v_peri) v_count <= v_count + 1'b1; else v_count <= 10'd0; end end assign hs = (h_count > 'd0 && h_count < h_sync) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; assign vs = (v_count > 'd0 && v_count < v_sync) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; assign h_en = (h_count > h_sync + h_back + h_left && h_count < h_sync + h_back + h_left + h_vali) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign v_en = (v_count > v_sync + v_back + v_topb && v_count < v_sync + v_back + v_topb + v_vali) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; assign x_pix = h_en ? h_count - h_sync - h_back - h_left : 10'b0; assign y_pix = v_en ? v_count - v_sync - v_back - v_topb : 10'b0; assign color_rgb = h_en && v_en ? data : 24'd0; endmodule
module ann ( input clk , input rst_n , input signed [20:0] ina , input signed [20:0] inb , input signed [20:0] inc , input signed [20:0] ind , input valid_in, output reg valid_out, output reg signed [20:0] out1 , output reg signed [20:0] out2 , output reg signed [20:0] out3 ); parameter w1_1 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1010_0001_1011; parameter w2_1 = 21'b1_1111_1101_1100_0011_1110; parameter w3_1 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0100_1011_0010; parameter w4_1 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1011_1000_1000; parameter w5_1 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1000_0000_0011; parameter w6_1 = 21'b1_1111_1101_1100_0000_1001; parameter w7_1 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1000_1110_1000; parameter w8_1 = 21'b1_1111_1110_1111_1111_1001; parameter w1_2 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1011_1011_0101; parameter w2_2 = 21'b1_1111_1101_1010_1100_1001; parameter w3_2 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0111_1101_1110; parameter w4_2 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0100_0011_0000; parameter w5_2 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1001_0101_0001; parameter w6_2 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1110_1001_0101; parameter w7_2 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0101_0101_0000; parameter w8_2 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1111_0101_0010; parameter w1_3 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1010_1010_1111; parameter w2_3 = 21'b0_0000_0101_1001_1100_0100; parameter w3_3 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0110_1001_1110; parameter w4_3 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1001_0010_1100; parameter w5_3 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0110_1100_1101; parameter w6_3 = 21'b1_1111_1110_1111_1101_0111; parameter w7_3 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1011_1100_1000; parameter w8_3 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0111_0011_1000; parameter w1_4 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0001_1011_1001; parameter w2_4 = 21'b0_0000_1010_0101_1111_1101; parameter w3_4 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1101_1011_0101; parameter w4_4 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0101_1001_0011; parameter w5_4 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1000_1000_1000; parameter w6_4 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1110_1001_0010; parameter w7_4 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0110_1110_1011; parameter w8_4 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1001_0010_1110; parameter w1_21 = 21'b0_0000_0000_1001_1011_0000; parameter w2_21 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0100_1101_1100; parameter w3_21 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1011_1011_0011; parameter w4_21 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0101_1011_0000; parameter w5_21 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1000_0011_1011; parameter w6_21 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1110_1110_1110; parameter w7_21 = 21'b0_0000_0000_1000_0000_0001; parameter w8_21 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1011_1111_0101; parameter w1_22 = 21'b1_1111_1110_0110_1110_0101; parameter w2_22 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1000_1011_1000; parameter w3_22 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0110_1001_0110; parameter w4_22 = 21'b0_0000_1010_0010_0011_1000; parameter w5_22 = 21'b1_1111_1110_1011_1110_0111; parameter w6_22 = 21'b1_1111_1100_1101_0001_1011; parameter w7_22 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1111_1101_0110; parameter w8_22 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0111_0100_0001; parameter w1_23 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0001_0111_0100; parameter w2_23 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1001_0001_0101; parameter w3_23 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0001_1100_0000; parameter w4_23 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0011_1110_1010; parameter w5_23 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1000_0011_0101; parameter w6_23 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1110_0101_0001; parameter w7_23 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0011_1100_1111; parameter w8_23 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1110_0101_0010; parameter w1_24 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0111_0010_1111; parameter w2_24 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0000_1011_0100; parameter w3_24 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0011_0011_0101; parameter w4_24 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0000_0100_1011; parameter w5_24 = 21'b0_0000_0000_1000_1011_0101; parameter w6_24 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0001_1011_0010; parameter w7_24 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0111_1110_0111; parameter w8_24 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1000_1110_0110; parameter w1_25 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1000_1110_1111; parameter w2_25 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0110_0000_0101; parameter w3_25 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1101_1111_1111; parameter w4_25 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1001_0111_0010; parameter w5_25 = 21'b0_0000_0000_1000_0101_1111; parameter w6_25 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1101_0000_0101; parameter w7_25 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0100_1110_1010; parameter w8_25 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0100_0110_1101; parameter w1_26 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1000_1001_0001; parameter w2_26 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0010_0110_1100; parameter w3_26 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0100_1110_1010; parameter w4_26 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0000_0101_0010; parameter w5_26 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1011_0111_1110; parameter w6_26 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1001_0000_1010; parameter w7_26 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1110_1001_1000; parameter w8_26 = 21'b0_0000_0000_1001_0001_1011; parameter w1_27 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0011_0011_0011; parameter w2_27 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0010_0110_0010; parameter w3_27 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1000_0111_0100; parameter w4_27 = 21'b0_0000_0000_1000_1100_1110; parameter w5_27 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1111_0000_0101; parameter w6_27 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0001_1000_1001; parameter w7_27 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1110_0011_0011; parameter w8_27 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1010_1101_1010; parameter w1_28 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0011_1111_0101; parameter w2_28 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0001_0111_0001; parameter w3_28 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0110_0100_0100; parameter w4_28 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0011_0010_0000; parameter w5_28 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1100_1001_1011; parameter w6_28 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1100_0100_1010; parameter w7_28 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0111_1000_1111; parameter w8_28 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1101_0011_0100; parameter w1_31 = 21'b0_0000_0010_1011_0110_1000; parameter w2_31 = 21'b1_1111_1110_1001_1011_0001; parameter w3_31 = 21'b1_1111_1110_1111_1000_0100; parameter w4_31 = 21'd0; parameter w5_31 = 21'd0; parameter w6_31 = 21'd0; parameter w7_31 = 21'd0; parameter w8_31 = 21'd0; parameter w1_32 = 21'b0_0000_0001_0011_0000_0000; parameter w2_32 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1100_0100_1110; parameter w3_32 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0110_1011_1001; parameter w4_32 = 21'd0; parameter w5_32 = 21'd0; parameter w6_32 = 21'd0; parameter w7_32 = 21'd0; parameter w8_32 = 21'd0; parameter w1_33 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0100_1111_1111; parameter w2_33 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0111_0010_0000; parameter w3_33 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0100_1010_1001; parameter w4_33 = 21'd0; parameter w5_33 = 21'd0; parameter w6_33 = 21'd0; parameter w7_33 = 21'd0; parameter w8_33 = 21'd0; parameter w1_34 = 21'b1_1110_1000_0111_1110_0100; parameter w2_34 = 21'b0_0000_1010_1100_1010_0010; parameter w3_34 = 21'b0_0000_1010_1111_0010_0010; parameter w4_34 = 21'd0; parameter w5_34 = 21'd0; parameter w6_34 = 21'd0; parameter w7_34 = 21'd0; parameter w8_34 = 21'd0; parameter w1_35 = 21'b0_0000_0001_1101_1000_0001; parameter w2_35 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0001_1100_1011; parameter w3_35 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1011_0110_0000; parameter w4_35 = 21'd0; parameter w5_35 = 21'd0; parameter w6_35 = 21'd0; parameter w7_35 = 21'd0; parameter w8_35 = 21'd0; parameter w1_36 = 21'b0_0000_0011_0000_1111_0101; parameter w2_36 = 21'b1_1111_1101_1000_0010_0011; parameter w3_36 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0000_1110_0100; parameter w4_36 = 21'd0; parameter w5_36 = 21'd0; parameter w6_36 = 21'd0; parameter w7_36 = 21'd0; parameter w8_36 = 21'd0; parameter w1_37 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0010_0000_0111; parameter w2_37 = 21'b0_0000_0000_1011_0001_1000; parameter w3_37 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0001_0111_0001; parameter w4_37 = 21'd0; parameter w5_37 = 21'd0; parameter w6_37 = 21'd0; parameter w7_37 = 21'd0; parameter w8_37 = 21'd0; parameter w1_38 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0100_1010_0001; parameter w2_38 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0111_0001_1010; parameter w3_38 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1001_1011_0001; parameter w4_38 = 21'd0; parameter w5_38 = 21'd0; parameter w6_38 = 21'd0; parameter w7_38 = 21'd0; parameter w8_38 = 21'd0; parameter b1_1 = 21'b0_0000_0000_1001_1011_0101; parameter b2_1 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0100_0001_0001; parameter b3_1 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0100_0101_0111; parameter b4_1 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1011_1101_0100; parameter b5_1 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0100_0011_1000; parameter b6_1 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0011_1100_1010; parameter b7_1 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0101_0001_1010; parameter b8_1 = 21'b0_0000_0000_0011_1111_0100; parameter b1_2 = 21'b0_0000_0010_0101_0011_1010; parameter b2_2 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1110_0100_0101; parameter b3_2 = 21'b1_1111_1111_0110_1000_0100; parameter b4_2 = 21'b1_1111_0101_1110_0001_1111; parameter b5_2 = 21'b0_0000_0001_1111_1010_1010; parameter b6_2 = 21'b0_0000_0011_0111_0010_1011; parameter b7_2 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1001_1001_0101; parameter b8_2 = 21'b1_1111_1111_1000_1110_0100; parameter b1_3 = 21'b0_0001_0011_1110_1111_0010; parameter b2_3 = 21'b0_0000_1000_0011_0000_0101; parameter b3_3 = 21'b1_1110_0100_1011_0011_1011; parameter b4_3 = 21'd0; parameter b5_3 = 21'd0; parameter b6_3 = 21'd0; parameter b7_3 = 21'd0; parameter b8_3 = 21'd0; reg signed [20:0] w1 ; reg signed [20:0] w2 ; reg signed [20:0] w3 ; reg signed [20:0] w4 ; reg signed [20:0] w5 ; reg signed [20:0] w6 ; reg signed [20:0] w7 ; reg signed [20:0] w8 ; reg signed [20:0] b1 ; reg signed [20:0] b2 ; reg signed [20:0] b3 ; reg signed [20:0] b4 ; reg signed [20:0] b5 ; reg signed [20:0] b6 ; reg signed [20:0] b7 ; reg signed [20:0] b8 ; reg signed [20:0] in1 ; reg signed [40:0] sum1_1 ; reg signed [20:0] sum_1 ; reg signed [40:0] sum1_2 ; reg signed [20:0] sum_2 ; reg signed [40:0] sum1_3 ; reg signed [20:0] sum_3 ; reg signed [40:0] sum1_4 ; reg signed [20:0] sum_4 ; reg signed [40:0] sum1_5 ; reg signed [20:0] sum_5 ; reg signed [40:0] sum1_6 ; reg signed [20:0] sum_6 ; reg signed [40:0] sum1_7 ; reg signed [20:0] sum_7 ; reg signed [40:0] sum1_8 ; reg signed [20:0] sum_8 ; reg signed [20:0] sum2_1 ; reg signed [20:0] sum2_2 ; reg signed [20:0] sum2_3 ; reg signed [20:0] sum2_4 ; reg signed [20:0] sum2_5 ; reg signed [20:0] sum2_6 ; reg signed [20:0] sum2_7 ; reg signed [20:0] sum2_8 ; reg [7:0]cnt_1; reg [7:0] cnt_2; reg [7:0] cnt_3; reg signed [20:0] suma ; reg signed [20:0] sumb ; reg signed [20:0] sumc ; reg signed [20:0] sumd ; reg signed [20:0] sume ; reg signed [20:0] sumf ; reg signed [20:0] sumg ; reg signed [20:0] sumh ; reg signed [20:0] suma_1 ; reg signed [20:0] sumb_1 ; reg signed [20:0] sumc_1 ; reg signed [20:0] sumd_1 ; reg signed [20:0] sume_1 ; reg signed [20:0] sumf_1 ; reg signed [20:0] sumg_1 ; reg signed [20:0] sumh_1 ; wire signed [20:0] suma1 ; wire signed [20:0] sumb1 ; wire signed [20:0] sumc1 ; wire signed [20:0] sumd1 ; wire signed [20:0] sume1 ; wire signed [20:0] sumf1 ; wire signed [20:0] sumg1 ; wire signed [20:0] sumh1 ; wire signed [20:0] suma_11 ; wire signed [20:0] sumb_11 ; wire signed [20:0] sumc_11 ; wire signed [20:0] sumd_11 ; wire signed [20:0] sume_11 ; wire signed [20:0] sumf_11 ; wire signed [20:0] sumg_11 ; wire signed [20:0] sumh_11 ; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin sum1_1 = 41'd0; sum_1 = 21'd0; sum2_1 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_2 == 8'd1) begin sum_1 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_3 == 8'd1) begin sum_1 = 21'd0; end else begin sum1_1 = in1 * w1; sum2_1 = {sum1_1[40],sum1_1[31:24],sum1_1[23:12]}; sum_1 =sum_1 +sum2_1; end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin sum1_2 = 41'd0; sum_2 = 21'd0; sum2_2 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_2 == 8'd1) begin sum_2 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_3 == 8'd1) begin sum_2 = 21'd0; end else begin sum1_2 = in1 * w2; sum2_2 = {sum1_2[40],sum1_2[31:24],sum1_2[23:12]}; sum_2 =sum_2 +sum2_2; end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin sum1_3 = 41'd0; sum_3 = 21'd0; sum2_3 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_2 == 8'd1) begin sum_3 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_3 == 8'd1) begin sum_3 = 21'd0; end else begin sum1_3 = in1 * w3; sum2_3 = {sum1_3[40],sum1_3[31:24],sum1_3[23:12]}; sum_3 =sum_3 +sum2_3; end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin sum1_4 = 41'd0; sum_4 = 21'd0; sum2_4 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_2 == 8'd1) begin sum_4 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_3 == 8'd1) begin sum_4 = 21'd0; end else begin sum1_4 = in1 * w4; sum2_4 = {sum1_4[40],sum1_4[31:24],sum1_4[23:12]}; sum_4 =sum_4 +sum2_4; end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin sum1_5 = 41'd0; sum_5 = 21'd0; sum2_5 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_2 == 8'd1) begin sum_5 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_3 == 8'd1) begin sum_5 = 21'd0; end else begin sum1_5 = in1 * w5; sum2_5 = {sum1_5[40],sum1_5[31:24],sum1_5[23:12]}; sum_5 =sum_5 +sum2_5; end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin sum1_6 = 41'd0; sum_6 = 21'd0; sum2_6 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_2 == 8'd1) begin sum_6 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_3 == 8'd1) begin sum_6 = 21'd0; end else begin sum1_6 = in1 * w6; sum2_6= {sum1_6[40],sum1_6[31:24],sum1_6[23:12]}; sum_6 =sum_6 +sum2_6; end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin sum1_7 = 41'd0; sum_7 = 21'd0; sum2_7 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_2 == 8'd1) begin sum_7 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_3 == 8'd1) begin sum_7 = 21'd0; end else begin sum1_7 = in1 * w7; sum2_7 = {sum1_7[40],sum1_7[31:24],sum1_7[23:12]}; sum_7 =sum_7+sum2_7; end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin sum1_8 = 41'd0; sum_8 = 21'd0; sum2_8 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_2 == 8'd1) begin sum_8 = 21'd0; end else if (cnt_3 == 8'd1) begin sum_8 = 21'd0; end else begin sum1_8 = in1 * w8; sum2_8 = {sum1_8[40],sum1_8[31:24],sum1_8[23:12]}; sum_8 =sum_8 +sum2_8; end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin cnt_1<= 8'd0; cnt_2<= 8'd0; cnt_3<= 8'd0; end else if(valid_in == 1'd1) begin cnt_1 <= cnt_1 + 1'd1; if(cnt_1>=8'd6 && cnt_3 <=8'd20) cnt_2 <=cnt_2 + 1'd1; if(cnt_2 >= 8'd10 && cnt_3 <=8'd20) cnt_3<=cnt_3 + 1'd1; if(cnt_3 ==8'd20)begin cnt_1<= cnt_1; cnt_2<=cnt_2 ; cnt_3<= cnt_3; end end else begin cnt_1<= 8'd0; cnt_2<= 8'd0; cnt_3<= 8'd0; end end always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n)begin valid_out<=1'd0; suma<= 21'd0; sumb<= 21'd0; sumc<= 21'd0; sumd<= 21'd0; sume<= 21'd0; sumf<= 21'd0; sumg<= 21'd0; sumh<= 21'd0; suma_1<= 21'd0; sumb_1<= 21'd0; sumc_1<= 21'd0; sumd_1<= 21'd0; sume_1<= 21'd0; sumf_1<= 21'd0; sumg_1<= 21'd0; sumh_1<= 21'd0; out1<= 21'd0; out2<= 21'd0; out3<= 21'd0; end else if (cnt_1 == 8'd6) begin suma<= sum_1+b1; sumb<= sum_2+b2; sumc<= sum_3+b3; sumd<= sum_4+b4; sume<= sum_5+b5; sumf<= sum_6+b6; sumg<= sum_7+b7; sumh<= sum_8+b8; end else if (cnt_2 == 8'd10) begin suma_1<= sum_1+b1; sumb_1<= sum_2+b2; sumc_1<= sum_3+b3; sumd_1<= sum_4+b4; sume_1<= sum_5+b5; sumf_1<= sum_6+b6; sumg_1<= sum_7+b7; sumh_1<= sum_8+b8; end else if (cnt_3 == 8'd10) begin out1<= sum_1+b1; out2<= sum_2+b2; out3<= sum_3+b3; end else if(cnt_3 == 8'd15) valid_out<=1'd1; end assign suma1 = (suma[20] == 1'd0 )? suma: 21'b0; assign sumb1 = (sumb[20] == 1'd0 )? sumb: 21'b0; assign sumc1 = (sumc[20] == 1'd0 )? sumc: 21'b0; assign sumd1 = (sumd[20] == 1'd0 )? sumd: 21'b0; assign sume1 = (sume[20] == 1'd0 )? sume: 21'b0; assign sumf1 = (sumf[20] == 1'd0 )? sumf: 21'b0; assign sumg1 = (sumg[20] == 1'd0 )? sumg: 21'b0; assign sumh1 = (sumh[20] == 1'd0 )? sumh: 21'b0; assign suma_11 = (suma_1[20] == 1'd0 )? suma_1: 21'b0; assign sumb_11 = (sumb_1[20] == 1'd0 )? sumb_1: 21'b0; assign sumc_11 = (sumc_1[20] == 1'd0 )? sumc_1: 21'b0; assign sumd_11 = (sumd_1[20] == 1'd0 )? sumd_1: 21'b0; assign sume_11 = (sume_1[20] == 1'd0 )? sume_1: 21'b0; assign sumf_11 = (sumf_1[20] == 1'd0 )? sumf_1: 21'b0; assign sumg_11 = (sumg_1[20] == 1'd0 )? sumg_1: 21'b0; assign sumh_11 = (sumh_1[20] == 1'd0 )? sumh_1: 21'b0; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if (!rst_n) begin in1<=21'd0; b1 <= 0; b2 <= 0; b3 <= 0; b4 <= 0; b5 <= 0; b6 <= 0; b7 <= 0; b8 <= 0; w1 <= 0 ; w2 <= 0 ; w3 <= 0 ; w4 <= 0 ; w5 <= 0 ; w6 <= 0 ; w7 <= 0 ; w8 <= 0 ; end else if (cnt_1 > 8'd0&&cnt_1 <= 8'd4)begin b1 <= b1_1; b2 <= b2_1; b3 <= b3_1; b4 <= b4_1; b5 <= b5_1; b6 <= b6_1; b7 <= b7_1; b8 <= b8_1; case(cnt_1) 8'd1: begin in1 <= ina; w1 <= w1_1 ; w2 <= w2_1 ; w3 <= w3_1 ; w4 <= w4_1 ; w5 <= w5_1 ; w6 <= w6_1 ; w7 <= w7_1 ; w8 <= w8_1 ; end 8'd2: begin in1 <= inb; w1 <= w1_2 ; w2 <= w2_2 ; w3 <= w3_2 ; w4 <= w4_2 ; w5 <= w5_2 ; w6 <= w6_2 ; w7 <= w7_2 ; w8 <= w8_2 ; end 8'd3: begin in1 <= inc; w1 <= w1_3 ; w2 <= w2_3 ; w3 <= w3_3 ; w4 <= w4_3 ; w5 <= w5_3 ; w6 <= w6_3 ; w7 <= w7_3 ; w8 <= w8_3 ; end 8'd4: begin in1 <= ind; w1 <= w1_4 ; w2 <= w2_4 ; w3 <= w3_4 ; w4 <= w4_4 ; w5 <= w5_4 ; w6 <= w6_4 ; w7 <= w7_4 ; w8 <= w8_4 ; end default: begin in1<=0; w1 <= 0 ; w2 <= 0 ; w3 <= 0 ; w4 <= 0 ; w5 <= 0 ; w6 <= 0 ; w7 <= 0 ; w8 <= 0 ; end endcase end else if (cnt_2 > 8'd0&&cnt_2 <= 8'd8) begin b1 <= b1_2; b2 <= b2_2; b3 <= b3_2; b4 <= b4_2; b5 <= b5_2; b6 <= b6_2; b7 <= b7_2; b8 <= b8_2; case(cnt_2) 8'd1: begin in1 <= suma1; w1 <= w1_21 ; w2 <= w2_21 ; w3 <= w3_21 ; w4 <= w4_21 ; w5 <= w5_21 ; w6 <= w6_21 ; w7 <= w7_21 ; w8 <= w8_21 ; end 8'd2: begin in1 <= sumb1; w1 <= w1_22 ; w2 <= w2_22 ; w3 <= w3_22 ; w4 <= w4_22 ; w5 <= w5_22 ; w6 <= w6_22 ; w7 <= w7_22 ; w8 <= w8_22 ; end 8'd3: begin in1 <= sumc1; w1 <= w1_23 ; w2 <= w2_23 ; w3 <= w3_23 ; w4 <= w4_23 ; w5 <= w5_23 ; w6 <= w6_23 ; w7 <= w7_23 ; w8 <= w8_23 ; end 8'd4: begin in1 <= sumd1; w1 <= w1_24 ; w2 <= w2_24 ; w3 <= w3_24 ; w4 <= w4_24 ; w5 <= w5_24 ; w6 <= w6_24 ; w7 <= w7_24 ; w8 <= w8_24 ; end 8'd5: begin in1 <= sume1; w1 <= w1_25 ; w2 <= w2_25 ; w3 <= w3_25 ; w4 <= w4_25 ; w5 <= w5_25 ; w6 <= w6_25 ; w7 <= w7_25 ; w8 <= w8_25 ; end 8'd6: begin in1 <= sumf1; w1 <= w1_26 ; w2 <= w2_26 ; w3 <= w3_26 ; w4 <= w4_26 ; w5 <= w5_26 ; w6 <= w6_26 ; w7 <= w7_26 ; w8 <= w8_26 ; end 8'd7: begin in1 <= sumg1; w1 <= w1_27 ; w2 <= w2_27 ; w3 <= w3_27 ; w4 <= w4_27 ; w5 <= w5_27 ; w6 <= w6_27 ; w7 <= w7_27 ; w8 <= w8_27 ; end 8'd8: begin in1 <= sumh1; w1 <= w1_28 ; w2 <= w2_28 ; w3 <= w3_28 ; w4 <= w4_28 ; w5 <= w5_28 ; w6 <= w6_28 ; w7 <= w7_28 ; w8 <= w8_28 ; end default:begin in1<=0; w1 <= 0 ; w2 <= 0 ; w3 <= 0 ; w4 <= 0 ; w5 <= 0 ; w6 <= 0 ; w7 <= 0 ; w8 <= 0 ; end endcase end else if (cnt_3 > 8'd0 && cnt_3 <= 8'd8) begin b1 <= b1_3; b2 <= b2_3; b3 <= b3_3; b4 <= b4_3; b5 <= b5_3; b6 <= b6_3; b7 <= b7_3; b8 <= b8_3; case(cnt_3) 8'd1: begin in1 <= suma_11; w1 <= w1_31 ; w2 <= w2_31 ; w3 <= w3_31 ; w4 <= w4_31 ; w5 <= w5_31 ; w6 <= w6_31 ; w7 <= w7_31 ; w8 <= w8_31 ; end 8'd2: begin in1 <= sumb_11; w1 <= w1_32 ; w2 <= w2_32 ; w3 <= w3_32 ; w4 <= w4_32 ; w5 <= w5_32 ; w6 <= w6_32 ; w7 <= w7_32 ; w8 <= w8_32 ; end 8'd3: begin in1 <= sumc_11; w1 <= w1_33 ; w2 <= w2_33 ; w3 <= w3_33 ; w4 <= w4_33 ; w5 <= w5_33 ; w6 <= w6_33 ; w7 <= w7_33 ; w8 <= w8_33 ; end 8'd4: begin in1 <= sumd_11; w1 <= w1_34 ; w2 <= w2_34 ; w3 <= w3_34 ; w4 <= w4_34 ; w5 <= w5_34 ; w6 <= w6_34 ; w7 <= w7_34 ; w8 <= w8_34 ; end 8'd5: begin in1 <= sume_11; w1 <= w1_35 ; w2 <= w2_35 ; w3 <= w3_35 ; w4 <= w4_35 ; w5 <= w5_35 ; w6 <= w6_35 ; w7 <= w7_35 ; w8 <= w8_35 ; end 8'd6: begin in1 <= sumf_11; w1 <= w1_36 ; w2 <= w2_36 ; w3 <= w3_36 ; w4 <= w4_36 ; w5 <= w5_36 ; w6 <= w6_36 ; w7 <= w7_36 ; w8 <= w8_36 ; end 8'd7: begin in1 <= sumg_11; w1 <= w1_37 ; w2 <= w2_37 ; w3 <= w3_37 ; w4 <= w4_37 ; w5 <= w5_37 ; w6 <= w6_37 ; w7 <= w7_37 ; w8 <= w8_37 ; end 8'd8: begin in1 <= sumh_11; w1 <= w1_38 ; w2 <= w2_38 ; w3 <= w3_38 ; w4 <= w4_38 ; w5 <= w5_38 ; w6 <= w6_38 ; w7 <= w7_38 ; w8 <= w8_38 ; end default:begin in1<=0; w1 <= 0 ; w2 <= 0 ; w3 <= 0 ; w4 <= 0 ; w5 <= 0 ; w6 <= 0 ; w7 <= 0 ; w8 <= 0 ; end endcase end else in1<=21'd0; end endmodule
module layer_2( input sys_clk , input sys_rst_n , input start_flag , output [32:0] data_out , output out_valid ); wire [32:0] data_max_out ; wire data_max_valid ; max_data_generate max_data_generate( .clk (sys_clk ), .rst_n (sys_rst_n ), .data_start (start_flag ), .data_out_valid (data_max_valid ), .data_out (data_max_out ) ); maxpooling maxpooling_inst( .clk (sys_clk ), .rst_n (sys_rst_n ), .input_data (data_max_out ), .valid_input (data_max_valid ), .out_data (data_out ), .out_valid (out_valid ) ); endmodule
module pic_input( input clk , input rst_n , input pic_start , output pic_out_valid , output [15:0] data_pic ); wire [15:0] data_pic_out ; reg [15:0] data_pic_reg ; reg [ 9:0] addr_pic ; reg work_en_pic ; reg pic_out_valid_reg ; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) data_pic_reg <= 16'b0; else if (data_pic_out) data_pic_reg <= data_pic_out; else data_pic_reg <= data_pic_reg; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) pic_out_valid_reg <= 1'b0; else if (work_en_pic && addr_pic == 9'd1) pic_out_valid_reg <= 1'b1; else if (addr_pic == 10'd784) pic_out_valid_reg <= 1'b0; else pic_out_valid_reg <= pic_out_valid_reg; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) addr_pic <= 10'b0; else if (work_en_pic && addr_pic == 10'd784) addr_pic <= 10'd784; else if (work_en_pic) addr_pic <= addr_pic + 1'b1; else addr_pic <= addr_pic; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) work_en_pic <= 1'b0; else if (pic_start) work_en_pic <= 1'b1; else if (addr_pic == 10'd784) work_en_pic <= 1'b0; end assign data_pic = data_pic_reg; assign pic_out_valid = pic_out_valid_reg; rom_0_388 rom_pic( .clka (clk ), .addra (addr_pic ), .douta (data_pic_out ) ); endmodule
module conv#( /*parameter conv_w_0_0 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_0_1 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_0_2 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_0_3 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_0_4 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_1_0 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_1_1 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_1_2 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_1_3 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_1_4 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_2_0 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_2_1 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_2_2 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_2_3 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_2_4 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_3_0 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_3_1 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_3_2 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_3_3 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_3_4 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_4_0 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_4_1 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_4_2 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_4_3 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_4_4 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_b = 16'd1*/ parameter conv_w_0_0 = 16'd1 , parameter conv_w_0_1 = 16'd2 , parameter conv_w_0_2 = 16'd3 , parameter conv_w_0_3 = 16'd4 , parameter conv_w_0_4 = 16'd5 , parameter conv_w_1_0 = 16'd6 , parameter conv_w_1_1 = 16'd7 , parameter conv_w_1_2 = 16'd8 , parameter conv_w_1_3 = 16'd9 , parameter conv_w_1_4 = 16'd10 , parameter conv_w_2_0 = 16'd11 , parameter conv_w_2_1 = 16'd12 , parameter conv_w_2_2 = 16'd13 , parameter conv_w_2_3 = 16'd14 , parameter conv_w_2_4 = 16'd15 , parameter conv_w_3_0 = 16'd16 , parameter conv_w_3_1 = 16'd17 , parameter conv_w_3_2 = 16'd18 , parameter conv_w_3_3 = 16'd19 , parameter conv_w_3_4 = 16'd20 , parameter conv_w_4_0 = 16'd21 , parameter conv_w_4_1 = 16'd22 , parameter conv_w_4_2 = 16'd23 , parameter conv_w_4_3 = 16'd24 , parameter conv_w_4_4 = 16'd25 , parameter conv_b = 16'b1 ) ( input clk , input rst_n , input signed [15:0] data_pic , input pic_valid , output reg out_valid , output reg signed [32:0] data_out ); wire signed [15:0] row1_out ; wire signed [15:0] row2_out ; wire signed [15:0] row3_out ; wire signed [15:0] row4_out ; wire signed [23:0] out_reg [24:0] ; wire signed [32:0] data_out_reg ; reg out_valid_flag ; reg [4:0] conv_cnt ; reg work_en_conv ; reg [ 9:0] count ; reg signed [15:0] win_conv [24:0] ; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) count <= 10'b0; else if (count == 10'd784) count <= 10'd784; else if (work_en_conv) count <= count + 1'b1; else count <= count; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) work_en_conv <= 1'b0; else if (count == 10'd784) work_en_conv <= 1'd0; else if (pic_valid) work_en_conv <= 1'b1; else work_en_conv <= work_en_conv; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) conv_cnt <= 5'b0; else if (conv_cnt == 5'd28 && work_en_conv && count >= 10'd112 && count <= 10'd783) conv_cnt <= 5'b1; else if (work_en_conv && count >= 10'd112 && count <= 10'd783) conv_cnt <= conv_cnt + 1'b1; else conv_cnt <= 5'b0; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n)begin win_conv[ 0] <= 16'd0; win_conv[ 1] <= 16'd0; win_conv[ 2] <= 16'd0; win_conv[ 3] <= 16'd0; win_conv[ 4] <= 16'd0; win_conv[ 5] <= 16'd0; win_conv[ 6] <= 16'd0; win_conv[ 7] <= 16'd0; win_conv[ 8] <= 16'd0; win_conv[ 9] <= 16'd0; win_conv[10] <= 16'd0; win_conv[11] <= 16'd0; win_conv[12] <= 16'd0; win_conv[13] <= 16'd0; win_conv[14] <= 16'd0; win_conv[15] <= 16'd0; win_conv[16] <= 16'd0; win_conv[17] <= 16'd0; win_conv[18] <= 16'd0; win_conv[19] <= 16'd0; win_conv[20] <= 16'd0; win_conv[21] <= 16'd0; win_conv[22] <= 16'd0; win_conv[23] <= 16'd0; win_conv[24] <= 16'd0; end else if (count >= 10'd112 && count <= 10'd783)begin win_conv[ 0] <= row4_out; win_conv[ 1] <= row3_out; win_conv[ 2] <= row2_out; win_conv[ 3] <= row1_out; win_conv[ 4] <= data_pic; win_conv[ 5] <= win_conv[ 0]; win_conv[ 6] <= win_conv[ 1]; win_conv[ 7] <= win_conv[ 2]; win_conv[ 8] <= win_conv[ 3]; win_conv[ 9] <= win_conv[ 4]; win_conv[10] <= win_conv[ 5]; win_conv[11] <= win_conv[ 6]; win_conv[12] <= win_conv[ 7]; win_conv[13] <= win_conv[ 8]; win_conv[14] <= win_conv[ 9]; win_conv[15] <= win_conv[10]; win_conv[16] <= win_conv[11]; win_conv[17] <= win_conv[12]; win_conv[18] <= win_conv[13]; win_conv[19] <= win_conv[14]; win_conv[20] <= win_conv[15]; win_conv[21] <= win_conv[16]; win_conv[22] <= win_conv[17]; win_conv[23] <= win_conv[18]; win_conv[24] <= win_conv[19]; end else begin win_conv[ 0] <= win_conv[ 0]; win_conv[ 1] <= win_conv[ 1]; win_conv[ 2] <= win_conv[ 2]; win_conv[ 3] <= win_conv[ 3]; win_conv[ 4] <= win_conv[ 4]; win_conv[ 5] <= win_conv[ 5]; win_conv[ 6] <= win_conv[ 6]; win_conv[ 7] <= win_conv[ 7]; win_conv[ 8] <= win_conv[ 8]; win_conv[ 9] <= win_conv[ 9]; win_conv[10] <= win_conv[10]; win_conv[11] <= win_conv[11]; win_conv[12] <= win_conv[12]; win_conv[13] <= win_conv[13]; win_conv[14] <= win_conv[14]; win_conv[15] <= win_conv[15]; win_conv[16] <= win_conv[16]; win_conv[17] <= win_conv[17]; win_conv[18] <= win_conv[18]; win_conv[19] <= win_conv[19]; win_conv[20] <= win_conv[20]; win_conv[21] <= win_conv[21]; win_conv[22] <= win_conv[22]; win_conv[23] <= win_conv[23]; win_conv[24] <= win_conv[24]; end end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) data_out <= 33'b0; else if (out_valid_flag) data_out <= data_out_reg; else data_out <= 33'b0; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) out_valid <= 1'b0; else if (out_valid_flag) out_valid <= 1'b1; else out_valid <= 1'b0; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) out_valid_flag <= 1'b0; else if (count >= 10'd112 && conv_cnt >= 5'd5 && conv_cnt <= 5'd28) out_valid_flag <= 1'b1; else out_valid_flag <= 1'b0; end assign data_out_reg = out_reg[0] + out_reg[1] + out_reg[2] + out_reg[3] + out_reg[4] + out_reg[5] + out_reg[6] + out_reg[7] + out_reg[8] + out_reg[9] + out_reg[10] + out_reg[11] + out_reg[12] + out_reg[13] + out_reg[14] + out_reg[15] + out_reg[16] + out_reg[17] + out_reg[18] + out_reg[19] + out_reg[20] + out_reg[21] + out_reg[22] + out_reg[23] + out_reg[24] + conv_b; shift_ram_conv_5_5 row1( .CLK (clk ), .D (data_pic ), .CE (work_en_conv ), .Q (row1_out ) ); shift_ram_conv_5_5 row2( .CLK (clk ), .D (row1_out ), .CE (work_en_conv ), .Q (row2_out ) ); shift_ram_conv_5_5 row3( .CLK (clk ), .D (row2_out ), .CE (work_en_conv ), .Q (row3_out ) ); shift_ram_conv_5_5 row4( .CLK (clk ), .D (row3_out ), .CE (work_en_conv ), .Q (row4_out ) ); //column 0 mult_16 mult0_4( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_0_4 ), .B (win_conv[ 0] ), .P (out_reg[ 0] ) ); mult_16 mult1_4( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_1_4 ), .B (win_conv[ 1] ), .P (out_reg[ 1] ) ); mult_16 mult2_4( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_2_4 ), .B (win_conv[ 2] ), .P (out_reg[ 2] ) ); mult_16 mult3_4( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_3_4 ), .B (win_conv[ 3] ), .P (out_reg[ 3] ) ); mult_16 mult4_4( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_4_4 ), .B (win_conv[ 4] ), .P (out_reg[ 4] ) ); // column 1 mult_16 mult0_3( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_0_3 ), .B (win_conv[ 5] ), .P (out_reg[ 5] ) ); mult_16 mult1_3( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_1_3 ), .B (win_conv[ 6] ), .P (out_reg[ 6] ) ); mult_16 mult2_3( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_2_3 ), .B (win_conv[ 7] ), .P (out_reg[ 7] ) ); mult_16 mult3_3( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_3_3 ), .B (win_conv[ 8] ), .P (out_reg[ 8] ) ); mult_16 mult4_3( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_4_3 ), .B (win_conv[ 9] ), .P (out_reg[ 9] ) ); //column 2 mult_16 mult0_2( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_0_2 ), .B (win_conv[10] ), .P (out_reg[10] ) ); mult_16 mult1_2( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_1_2 ), .B (win_conv[11] ), .P (out_reg[11] ) ); mult_16 mult2_2( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_2_2 ), .B (win_conv[12] ), .P (out_reg[12] ) ); mult_16 mult3_2( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_3_2 ), .B (win_conv[13] ), .P (out_reg[13] ) ); mult_16 mult4_2( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_4_2 ), .B (win_conv[14] ), .P (out_reg[14] ) ); // column 3 mult_16 mult0_1( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_0_1 ), .B (win_conv[15] ), .P (out_reg[15] ) ); mult_16 mult1_1( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_1_1 ), .B (win_conv[16] ), .P (out_reg[16] ) ); mult_16 mult2_1( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_2_1 ), .B (win_conv[17] ), .P (out_reg[17] ) ); mult_16 mult3_1( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_3_1 ), .B (win_conv[18] ), .P (out_reg[18] ) ); mult_16 mult4_1( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_4_1 ), .B (win_conv[19] ), .P (out_reg[19] ) ); // column 4 mult_16 mult0_0( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_0_0 ), .B (win_conv[20] ), .P (out_reg[20] ) ); mult_16 mult1_0( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_1_0 ), .B (win_conv[21] ), .P (out_reg[21] ) ); mult_16 mult2_0( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_2_0 ), .B (win_conv[22] ), .P (out_reg[22] ) ); mult_16 mult3_0( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_3_0 ), .B (win_conv[23] ), .P (out_reg[23] ) ); mult_16 mult4_0( .CLK (clk ), .A (conv_w_4_0 ), .B (win_conv[24] ), .P (out_reg[24] ) ); endmodule
module maxpooling( input clk , input rst_n , input valid_input , input [32:0] input_data , output out_valid , output [32:0] out_data ); reg [ 9:0] count ; reg [ 4:0] max_cnt ; reg out_flag ; wire [32:0] ram_reg ; wire [32:0] max_col_1_reg ; wire [32:0] max_col_2_reg ; reg [32:0] win_pool [3:0] ; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) count <= 10'd0; else if (valid_input) count <= count + 1'b1; else count <= count; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) max_cnt <= 5'd0; else if (count >= 10'd25 && count <= 10'd576 && max_cnt == 5'd24) max_cnt <= 5'd1; else if (count >= 10'd25 && count <= 10'd576) max_cnt <= max_cnt + 1'b1; else max_cnt <= max_cnt; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) out_flag <= 1'd0; else if (max_cnt >= 5'd1 && max_cnt <= 5'd23) out_flag <= ~ out_flag; else out_flag <= 1'b0; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n)begin win_pool[0] <= 32'd0; win_pool[1] <= 32'd0; win_pool[2] <= 32'd0; win_pool[3] <= 32'd0; end else if (count >= 10'd24 && count <= 10'd576)begin win_pool[0] <= ram_reg; win_pool[1] <= input_data; win_pool[2] <= win_pool[0]; win_pool[3] <= win_pool[1]; end else begin win_pool[0] <= win_pool[0]; win_pool[1] <= win_pool[1]; win_pool[2] <= win_pool[2]; win_pool[3] <= win_pool[3]; end end assign max_col_1_reg = win_pool[0] > win_pool[1] ? win_pool[0] : win_pool[1]; assign max_col_2_reg = win_pool[2] > win_pool[3] ? win_pool[2] : win_pool[3]; assign out_data = out_valid == 1'b0 ? 32'd0 : max_col_2_reg > max_col_1_reg ? max_col_2_reg : max_col_1_reg; assign out_valid = count >= 10'd24 && max_cnt >= 5'd2 && max_cnt <=5'd24 && out_flag ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; data_fifo fifo_inst( .CLK (clk ), .D (input_data ), .CE (valid_input), .Q (ram_reg ) ); endmodule
module rainbow_generate( input clk , input rst_n , input [ 9:0] x_pix , input [ 9:0] y_pix , output reg [23:0] data ); parameter red = 24'hFF0000; parameter green = 24'h00FF00; parameter blue = 24'h0000FF; parameter purple = 24'h9B30FF; parameter yellow = 24'hFFFF00; parameter cyan = 24'h00FFFF; parameter orange = 24'hFFA500; parameter white = 24'hFFFFFF; parameter bar_wide = 10'd640 / 10'd8; always @(posedge clk or negedge rst_n) begin if(!rst_n) begin data <= 24'b0; end else begin if(x_pix < bar_wide * 11'd1) data <= red; else if(x_pix < bar_wide * 11'd2) data <= green; else if(x_pix < bar_wide * 11'd3) data <= blue; else if(x_pix < bar_wide * 11'd4) data <= purple; else if(x_pix < bar_wide * 11'd5) data <= yellow; else if(x_pix < bar_wide * 11'd6) data <= cyan; else if(x_pix < bar_wide * 11'd7) data <= orange; else data <= white; end end endmodule
module relu( input [32:0] A , output [32:0] B ); assign B = A[32] == 1'b0 ? A : 33'b0; endmodule
module vga_top( input sys_clk , input sys_rst_n , output hs , output vs , output clk_25MHz , output [23:0] color_rgb ); wire [ 9:0] x_pix ; wire [ 9:0] y_pix ; wire [23:0] data ; vga vga_inst( .clk (clk_25MHz ), .rst_n (sys_rst_n ), .data (data ), .hs (hs ), .vs (vs ), .x_pix (x_pix ), .y_pix (y_pix ), .color_rgb (color_rgb ) ); rainbow_generate inst( .clk (clk_25MHz ), .rst_n (sys_rst_n ), .x_pix (x_pix ), .y_pix (y_pix ), .data (data ) ); PLL_25MHz clk_25MHz_generate( .refclk (sys_clk ), .rst (~sys_rst_n ), .outclk_0 (clk_25MHz ), .locked (locked ) ); endmodule
module max_data_generate( input clk , input rst_n , input data_start , output data_out_valid , output [32:0] data_out ); wire [32:0] data_out_out ; reg [32:0] data_out_reg ; reg [ 9:0] addr ; reg work_en ; reg data_out_valid_reg ; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) data_out_reg <= 16'b0; else if (data_out_out) data_out_reg <= data_out_out; else data_out_reg <= data_out_reg; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) data_out_valid_reg <= 1'b0; else if (work_en && addr == 9'd1) data_out_valid_reg <= 1'b1; else if (addr == 10'd576) data_out_valid_reg <= 1'b0; else data_out_valid_reg <= data_out_valid_reg; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) addr <= 10'b0; else if (work_en && addr == 10'd576) addr <= 10'd576; else if (work_en) addr <= addr + 1'b1; else addr <= addr; end always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n)begin if (!rst_n) work_en <= 1'b0; else if (data_start) work_en <= 1'b1; else if (addr == 10'd576) work_en <= 1'b0; end assign data_out = data_out_reg; assign data_out_valid = data_out_valid_reg; rom_max_data rom_max_data( .clka (clk ), .addra (addr ), .douta (data_out_out ) ); endmodule
module top; reg clk = 1; reg tick_60hz = 0; reg [15:0] keys = 0; wire out; cpu cpu0(.clk(clk), .tick_60hz(tick_60hz), .tick_next(1'b1), .keys(keys), .out(out), .scr_busy(1'b0), .scr_read(1'b0)); initial forever #1 clk = ~clk; initial forever begin #98 tick_60hz = 1; #2 tick_60hz = 0; end initial utils.timeout(10000); task reset; integer i; begin for (i = 0; i < 'h1000; i++)[i] = 0; $readmemh("font.hex",, 'h030, 'h07f); cpu0.addr = 0; cpu0.pc = 'h200; cpu0.dt = 0; = 0; cpu0.state = cpu0.STATE_NEXT; end endtask integer i; `define run(name) \ $display("Running %s", name); \ reset; \ $readmemh(name,, 'h200, 'hFFF); \ wait (cpu0.state == cpu0.STATE_STOP); initial begin $dumpfile(`VCD_FILE); $dumpvars; `run("build/test_jump.hex"); utils.assert_equal(['h020], 'h42); `run("build/test_call.hex"); utils.assert_equal(['h020], 'h42); `run("build/test_add.hex"); utils.assert_equal(['h020], 'h42); `run("build/test_mem.hex"); utils.assert_equal(['h020], 'h42); `run("build/test_jump_v0.hex"); utils.assert_equal(['h020], 'h42); keys <= 'b10101010; `run("build/test_keys.hex"); keys <= 'b00000000; utils.assert_equal(['h020], 'b10101010); `run("build/test_screen.hex"); for (i = 'h100; i < 'h200; i++) utils.assert_equal([i], 0); `run("build/test_drw.hex"); utils.assert_equal(['h138], 'b00100000); utils.assert_equal(['h140], 'b01100000); utils.assert_equal(['h148], 'b00100000); utils.assert_equal(['h150], 'b00100000); utils.assert_equal(['h158], 'b01110000); utils.assert_equal({['h110],['h111]}, 'b00110000_00110000); utils.assert_equal({['h118],['h119]}, 'b00111100_11110000); utils.assert_equal({['h120],['h121]}, 'b00111100_11110000); utils.assert_equal({['h128],['h129]}, 'b00111100_11110000); utils.assert_equal({['h130],['h131]}, 'b00110000_00110000); // collision utils.assert_equal(['h02f], 1); `run("build/test_bcd.hex"); utils.assert_equal(['h020], 'h42); // This program should wait 5 ticks i = $time; `run("build/test_timers.hex"); utils.assert_equal(($time - i) / 100, 5); utils.assert_equal(out, 1); $finish; end endmodule // Top
module cpu(input wire clk, input wire tick_60hz, input wire tick_next, input wire [15:0] keys, output wire out, input wire scr_busy, input wire scr_read, input wire [7:0] scr_read_idx, output reg [7:0] scr_read_byte, output reg scr_read_ack); assign out = st != 0; // Press 0 + F to activate debug mode wire debug_mode = (keys == 16'b1000_0000_0000_0010); // Memory map: // 000..01F: stack (16 x 2 bytes) // 020..02F: registers (16 x 1 byte) // 030..07F: font (16 x 5 bytes) // 100..1FF: screen (32 lines x 8 bytes) // Memory reg mem_read = 0; reg [11:0] mem_read_idx; wire [7:0] mem_read_byte; wire mem_read_ack; reg mem_write = 0; reg [11:0] mem_write_idx; reg [7:0] mem_write_byte; mem mem0(clk, mem_read, mem_read_idx, mem_read_byte, mem_read_ack, mem_write, mem_write_idx, mem_write_byte); localparam STATE_NEXT = 0, STATE_FETCH_HI = 1, STATE_FETCH_LO = 2, STATE_POP_HI = 3, STATE_POP_LO = 4, STATE_PUSH_HI = 5, STATE_PUSH_LO = 6, STATE_DECODE = 7, STATE_TRANSFER_LOAD = 8, STATE_TRANSFER_STORE = 9, STATE_CLEAR = 10, STATE_LOAD_VX = 11, STATE_LOAD_VY = 12, STATE_LOAD_V0 = 13, STATE_STORE_VX = 14, STATE_STORE_CARRY = 15, STATE_BCD_1 = 16, STATE_BCD_2 = 17, STATE_BCD_3 = 18, STATE_GPU = 19, // ... STATE_STOP = 31; reg[4:0] state = STATE_NEXT; // BCD wire [1:0] bcd_1; wire [3:0] bcd_2, bcd_3; bcd bcd0(vx, bcd_1, bcd_2, bcd_3); // GPU reg gpu_draw = 0; reg [11:0] gpu_addr; reg [3:0] gpu_lines; reg [5:0] gpu_x; reg [4:0] gpu_y; wire gpu_busy; wire gpu_collision; wire gpu_read; wire [11:0] gpu_read_idx; wire gpu_write; wire [11:0] gpu_write_idx; wire [7:0] gpu_write_byte; gpu gpu0(.clk(clk), .draw(gpu_draw), .addr(gpu_addr), .lines(gpu_lines), .x(gpu_x), .y(gpu_y), .busy(gpu_busy), .collision(gpu_collision), .mem_read(gpu_read), .mem_read_idx(gpu_read_idx), .mem_read_byte(mem_read_byte), // pass-through .mem_read_ack(mem_read_ack), // pass-through .mem_write(gpu_write), .mem_write_idx(gpu_write_idx), .mem_write_byte(gpu_write_byte)); // Memory loads and stores always @(*) begin mem_read = 0; mem_write = 0; mem_read_idx = 0; case (state) STATE_NEXT, STATE_STOP: begin mem_read = scr_read; mem_read_idx = {4'h1, scr_read_idx}; if (debug_mode) begin if (scr_read_idx < 'h30) // Show stack and registers mem_read_idx = {4'h0, scr_read_idx}; else // Show beginning of program memory mem_read_idx = {4'h2, scr_read_idx - 8'h30}; end end STATE_FETCH_HI: if (!mem_read_ack) begin mem_read = 1; mem_read_idx = pc[11:0]; end STATE_FETCH_LO: if (!mem_read_ack) begin mem_read = 1; mem_read_idx = pc[11:0] + 1; end STATE_LOAD_VX: if (!mem_read_ack) begin mem_read = 1; mem_read_idx = 'h20 + {8'b0, x}; end STATE_LOAD_VY: if (!mem_read_ack) begin mem_read = 1; mem_read_idx = 'h20 + {8'b0, y}; end STATE_LOAD_V0: if (!mem_read_ack) begin mem_read = 1; mem_read_idx = 'h20; end STATE_POP_HI: if (!mem_read_ack) begin mem_read = 1; mem_read_idx = 2 * sp; end STATE_POP_LO: if (!mem_read_ack) begin mem_read = 1; mem_read_idx = 2 * sp + 1; end STATE_PUSH_HI: begin mem_write = 1; mem_write_idx = 2 * sp - 2; mem_write_byte = {4'b0, ret_pc[11:8]}; end STATE_PUSH_LO: begin mem_write = 1; mem_write_idx = 2 * sp - 1; mem_write_byte = ret_pc[7:0]; end STATE_TRANSFER_LOAD: if (!mem_read_ack) begin mem_read = 1; mem_read_idx = transfer_src_addr + {4'b0, transfer_counter}; end STATE_TRANSFER_STORE: begin mem_write = 1; mem_write_idx = transfer_dest_addr + {4'b0, transfer_counter}; mem_write_byte = mem_read_byte; end STATE_CLEAR: begin mem_write = 1; mem_write_idx = transfer_dest_addr + {4'b0, transfer_counter}; mem_write_byte = 0; end STATE_STORE_VX: begin mem_write = 1; mem_write_idx = 'h20 + {8'b0, x}; mem_write_byte = new_vx; end STATE_STORE_CARRY: begin mem_write = 1; mem_write_idx = 'h2F; mem_write_byte = {7'b0, carry}; end STATE_BCD_1: begin mem_write = 1; mem_write_idx = addr; mem_write_byte = {6'b0, bcd_1}; end STATE_BCD_2: begin mem_write = 1; mem_write_idx = addr + 1; mem_write_byte = {4'b0, bcd_2}; end STATE_BCD_3: begin mem_write = 1; mem_write_idx = addr + 2; mem_write_byte = {4'b0, bcd_3}; end STATE_GPU: begin mem_read = gpu_read; mem_read_idx = gpu_read_idx; mem_write = gpu_write; mem_write_idx = gpu_write_idx; mem_write_byte = gpu_write_byte; end endcase end // Registers reg [11:0] pc = 'h200; reg [11:0] ret_pc; reg [11:0] addr = 0; reg [11:0] transfer_src_addr, transfer_dest_addr; reg [7:0] transfer_counter; reg [3:0] sp = 0; reg [7:0] dt = 0; reg [7:0] st = 0; // Instruction reg [15:0] instr; wire [3:0] a = instr[15:12]; wire [3:0] x = instr[11:8]; wire [3:0] y = instr[7:4]; wire [3:0] z = instr[3:0]; wire [7:0] yz = instr[7:0]; wire [11:0] xyz = instr[11:0]; reg [7:0] vx, vy, new_vx; reg carry; wire needs_carry = a == 'h8 && (z == 'h4 || z == 'h5 || z == 'h6 || z == 'h7 || z == 'hE); // Can go to the next instruction (for rate limiting by tick_next) reg next = 1; wire [31:0] rng_state; rng rng(.clk(clk), .out(rng_state), .user_input(&keys)); integer i; always @(posedge clk) begin if (tick_60hz) begin $display($time, " tick, dt = %x st = %x", dt, st); if (dt != 0) dt <= dt - 1; if (st != 0) st <= st - 1; end if (tick_next) next <= 1; scr_read_ack <= 0; case (state) STATE_NEXT, STATE_STOP: begin if (scr_read && mem_read_ack) begin scr_read_ack <= 1; scr_read_byte <= mem_read_byte; end if (state == STATE_NEXT && !scr_busy && next) begin next <= 0; state <= STATE_FETCH_HI; end end STATE_FETCH_HI: if (mem_read_ack) begin instr[15:8] <= mem_read_byte; state <= STATE_FETCH_LO; end STATE_FETCH_LO: if (mem_read_ack) begin instr[7:0] <= mem_read_byte; if (a == 'hB) // JP V0, xyz state <= STATE_LOAD_V0; else // TODO check if necessary? state <= STATE_LOAD_VX; end STATE_LOAD_VX: if (mem_read_ack) begin vx <= mem_read_byte; // TODO check if necessary? state <= STATE_LOAD_VY; end STATE_LOAD_VY: if (mem_read_ack) begin vy <= mem_read_byte; state <= STATE_DECODE; end STATE_LOAD_V0: if (mem_read_ack) begin vx <= mem_read_byte; state <= STATE_DECODE; end STATE_STORE_VX: state <= needs_carry ? STATE_STORE_CARRY : STATE_NEXT; STATE_STORE_CARRY: state <= STATE_NEXT; STATE_POP_HI: if (mem_read_ack) begin pc[11:8] <= mem_read_byte[3:0]; state <= STATE_POP_LO; end STATE_POP_LO: if (mem_read_ack) begin pc[7:0] <= mem_read_byte; state <= STATE_NEXT; end STATE_PUSH_HI: state <= STATE_PUSH_LO; STATE_PUSH_LO: state <= STATE_NEXT; STATE_TRANSFER_LOAD: if (mem_read_ack) state <= STATE_TRANSFER_STORE; STATE_TRANSFER_STORE: if (transfer_counter == 0) state <= STATE_NEXT; else begin transfer_counter <= transfer_counter - 1; state <= STATE_TRANSFER_LOAD; end STATE_CLEAR: if (transfer_counter == 0) state <= STATE_NEXT; else begin transfer_counter <= transfer_counter - 1; end STATE_BCD_1: state <= STATE_BCD_2; STATE_BCD_2: state <= STATE_BCD_3; STATE_BCD_3: state <= STATE_NEXT; STATE_GPU: begin gpu_draw <= 0; if (!gpu_draw && !gpu_busy) begin carry <= gpu_collision; state <= STATE_STORE_CARRY; end end STATE_DECODE: begin $display($time, " run [%x] %x", pc, instr); pc <= pc + 2; state <= STATE_NEXT; case (a) 4'h0: case (xyz) 'h0E0: begin $display($time, " instr: CLS"); transfer_dest_addr <= 'h100; transfer_counter <= 'hFF; state <= STATE_CLEAR; end 'h0EE: begin $display($time, " instr: RET"); sp <= sp - 1; state <= STATE_POP_HI; end 'h0FD: begin $display($time, " instr: EXIT"); state <= STATE_STOP; end default: begin $display($time, " instr: NOP"); end endcase 4'h1: begin $display($time, " instr: JP %x", xyz); pc <= xyz; end 4'h2: begin $display($time, " instr: CALL %x", xyz); sp <= sp + 1; state <= STATE_PUSH_HI; ret_pc <= pc + 2; pc <= xyz; end 4'h3: begin $display($time, " instr: SE V%x, %x", x, yz); if (vx == yz) pc <= pc + 4; end 4'h4: begin $display($time, " instr: SNE V%x, %x", x, yz); if (vx != yz) pc <= pc + 4; end 4'h5: begin $display($time, " instr: SE V%x, V%x", x, y); if (vx == vy) pc <= pc + 4; end 4'h9: begin $display($time, " instr: SNE V%x, V%x", x, y); if (vx != vy) pc <= pc + 4; end 4'h6: begin $display($time, " instr: LD V%x, %x", x, yz); new_vx <= yz; state <= STATE_STORE_VX; end 4'h7: begin $display($time, " instr: ADD V%x, %x", x, yz); new_vx <= vx + yz; state <= STATE_STORE_VX; end 4'h8: begin case (z) 4'h0: begin $display($time, " instr: LD V%x, V%x", x, y); new_vx <= vy; state <= STATE_STORE_VX; end 4'h1: begin $display($time, " instr: OR V%x, V%x", x, y); new_vx <= vx | vy; state <= STATE_STORE_VX; end 4'h2: begin $display($time, " instr: AND V%x, V%x", x, y); new_vx <= vx & vy; state <= STATE_STORE_VX; end 4'h3: begin $display($time, " instr: XOR V%x, V%x", x, y); new_vx <= vx ^ vy; state <= STATE_STORE_VX; end 4'h4: begin $display($time, " instr: ADD V%x, V%x", x, y); new_vx <= vx + vy; carry <= ((vx + vy) >= 'h100) ? 1 : 0; state <= STATE_STORE_VX; end 4'h5: begin $display($time, " instr: SUB V%x, V%x", x, y); new_vx <= vx - vy; carry <= (vx > vy) ? 1 : 0; state <= STATE_STORE_VX; end 4'h6: begin $display($time, " instr: SHR V%x", x); new_vx <= vx >> 1; carry <= vx[0]; state <= STATE_STORE_VX; end 4'h7: begin $display($time, " instr: SUBN V%x, V%x", x, y); new_vx <= vy - vx; carry <= (vy > vx) ? 1 : 0; state <= STATE_STORE_VX; end 4'hE: begin $display($time, " instr: SHL V%x", x); new_vx <= vx << 1; carry <= vx[7]; state <= STATE_STORE_VX; end default: ; endcase end 4'hA: begin $display($time, " instr: LD I, %x", xyz); addr <= xyz; end 4'hB: begin $display($time, " instr: JP V0, %x", xyz); // STATE_LOAD_V0 loaded V0 into vx pc <= xyz + {4'b0, vx}; end 4'hC: begin $display($time, " instr: RND V%x, %x", x, yz); new_vx <= rng_state[15:8] & yz; state <= STATE_STORE_VX; end 4'hD: begin $display($time, " instr: DRW V%x, V%x, %x", x, y, z); gpu_draw <= 1; gpu_addr <= addr; gpu_lines <= z; gpu_x <= vx[5:0]; gpu_y <= vy[4:0]; state <= STATE_GPU; end 4'hE: begin case (yz) 8'h9E: begin $display($time, " instr: SKP V%x", x); // In debug mode, assume no keys are pressed. if (!debug_mode && keys[vx[3:0]]) pc <= pc + 4; end 8'hA1: begin $display($time, " instr: SKNP V%x", x); // In debug mode, assume no keys are pressed. if (debug_mode || !keys[vx[3:0]]) pc <= pc + 4; end default: ; endcase end 4'hF: begin case (yz) 8'h07: begin $display($time, " instr: LD V%x, DT", x); new_vx <= dt; state <= STATE_STORE_VX; end 8'h0A: begin $display($time, " instr: LD V%x, K", x); if (keys == 0) pc <= pc; else begin for (i = 15; i >= 0; i--) if (keys[i]) vx <= i[7:0]; end end 8'h15: begin $display($time, " instr: LD DT, V%x", x); dt <= vx; end 8'h18: begin $display($time, " instr: LD ST, V%x", x); st <= vx; end 8'h1E: begin $display($time, " instr: ADD I, V%x", x); addr <= addr + {4'b0, vx}; end 8'h29: begin $display($time, " instr: LD F, V%x", x); addr <= 'h30 + vx * 5; end 8'h33: begin $display($time, " instr: LD B, V%x", x); state <= STATE_BCD_1; end 8'h55: begin $display($time, " instr: LD [I], V%x", x); transfer_src_addr <= 'h020; transfer_dest_addr <= addr; transfer_counter <= {4'b0, x}; state <= STATE_TRANSFER_LOAD; end 8'h65: begin $display($time, " instr: LD V%x, [I]", x); transfer_src_addr <= addr; transfer_dest_addr <= 'h020; transfer_counter <= {4'b0, x}; state <= STATE_TRANSFER_LOAD; end default: ; endcase end endcase end endcase end endmodule
module gpu(input wire clk, input wire draw, input wire [11:0] addr, input wire [3:0] lines, input wire [5:0] x, input wire [4:0] y, output wire busy, output reg collision, output reg mem_read, output reg [11:0] mem_read_idx, input wire [7:0] mem_read_byte, input wire mem_read_ack, output reg mem_write, output reg [11:0] mem_write_idx, output reg [7:0] mem_write_byte); localparam WIDTH = 8; localparam STATE_IDLE = 0, STATE_LOAD_SPRITE = 1, STATE_LOAD_MEM_LEFT = 2, STATE_STORE_MEM_LEFT = 3, STATE_LOAD_MEM_RIGHT = 4, STATE_STORE_MEM_RIGHT = 5; reg [3:0] lines_left; reg [3:0] shift; reg use_right; reg [11:0] sprite_addr; reg [7:0] screen_addr; reg [15:0] sprite_word; reg [7:0] screen_byte; wire [11:0] mem_idx_left = {4'h1, screen_addr}; // Wrap the last 3 bits to wrap a line correctly (a line is 8 bytes) wire [11:0] mem_idx_right = {4'h1, screen_addr[7:3], screen_addr[2:0] + 1'b1}; reg [3:0] state = STATE_IDLE; assign busy = state != STATE_IDLE; // Memory access always @(*) begin mem_read = 0; mem_read_idx = 0; mem_write = 0; mem_write_idx = 0; mem_write_byte = 0; case (state) STATE_LOAD_SPRITE: if (!mem_read_ack) begin mem_read = 1; mem_read_idx = sprite_addr; end STATE_LOAD_MEM_LEFT: if (!mem_read_ack) begin mem_read = 1; mem_read_idx = mem_idx_left; end STATE_LOAD_MEM_RIGHT: if (!mem_read_ack) begin mem_read = 1; mem_read_idx = mem_idx_right; end STATE_STORE_MEM_LEFT: begin mem_write = 1; mem_write_idx = mem_idx_left; mem_write_byte = screen_byte; $display($time, " gpu: [%x] = %b", mem_idx_left, screen_byte); end STATE_STORE_MEM_RIGHT: if (use_right) begin mem_write = 1; mem_write_idx = mem_idx_right; mem_write_byte = screen_byte; $display($time, " gpu: [%x] = %b", mem_idx_right, screen_byte); end endcase end always @(posedge clk) case (state) STATE_IDLE: if (draw) begin $display($time, " gpu: draw %x (%x lines) at (%x, %x)", addr, lines, x, y); lines_left <= lines - 1; sprite_addr <= addr; screen_addr <= y * WIDTH + x / 8; shift <= x % 8; use_right <= (x % 8 != 0); collision <= 0; state <= STATE_LOAD_SPRITE; end STATE_LOAD_SPRITE: if (mem_read_ack) begin sprite_word <= {mem_read_byte, 8'b0} >> shift; state <= STATE_LOAD_MEM_LEFT; end STATE_LOAD_MEM_LEFT: if (mem_read_ack) begin screen_byte <= mem_read_byte ^ sprite_word[15:8]; collision <= collision | |(mem_read_byte & sprite_word[15:8]); state <= STATE_STORE_MEM_LEFT; end STATE_STORE_MEM_LEFT: state <= STATE_LOAD_MEM_RIGHT; STATE_LOAD_MEM_RIGHT: if (mem_read_ack) begin if (use_right) begin screen_byte <= mem_read_byte ^ sprite_word[7:0]; collision <= collision | |(mem_read_byte & sprite_word[7:0]); end state <= STATE_STORE_MEM_RIGHT; end STATE_STORE_MEM_RIGHT: if (lines_left == 0) state <= STATE_IDLE; else begin sprite_addr <= sprite_addr + 1; screen_addr <= screen_addr + WIDTH; lines_left <= lines_left - 1; state <= STATE_LOAD_SPRITE; end endcase endmodule
module screen_bridge(input wire clk, input wire tick_60hz, input wire read, input wire [5:0] row_idx, input wire [6:0] column_idx, output reg [7:0] data, output reg ack, output wire scr_busy, output wire scr_read, output wire [7:0] scr_read_idx, input wire [7:0] scr_read_byte, input wire scr_read_ack); reg [7:0] buffer [0:1023]; wire [9:0] buffer_read_idx = {row_idx[2:0], column_idx}; // 8 x 4 rectangle (scanned in horizontal stripes, output in vertical ones) reg [7:0] rect [0:3]; // Num of rectangle on screen reg [5:0] rect_num = 0; // Index of byte (horizontal stripe) in rectangle reg [1:0] rect_scan_idx = 0; // Index of vertical stripe in rectangle (16 double-pixel stripes) reg [3:0] rect_write_idx = 0; assign scr_read = state == STATE_READ_RECT && !scr_read_ack; assign scr_read_idx = {rect_num[5:3], rect_scan_idx, rect_num[2:0]}; wire [9:0] buffer_write_idx = {rect_num, rect_write_idx}; wire [7:0] buffer_write_byte = {rect[3][7], rect[3][7], rect[2][7], rect[2][7], rect[1][7], rect[1][7], rect[0][7], rect[0][7]}; localparam STATE_READ_RECT = 0, STATE_WRITE_RECT = 1, STATE_WAIT = 2; assign scr_busy = state != STATE_WAIT; reg [1:0] state = STATE_READ_RECT; reg draw_next = 0; always @(posedge clk) begin if (tick_60hz) draw_next <= 1; ack <= 0; if (read) begin ack <= 1; data <= buffer[buffer_read_idx]; end case (state) STATE_READ_RECT: begin if (scr_read_ack) begin rect[rect_scan_idx] <= scr_read_byte; rect_scan_idx <= rect_scan_idx + 1; if (rect_scan_idx == 'b11) begin state <= STATE_WRITE_RECT; end end end STATE_WRITE_RECT: begin buffer[buffer_write_idx] <= buffer_write_byte; rect_write_idx <= rect_write_idx + 1; if (rect_write_idx[0]) begin rect[0] <= rect[0] << 1; rect[1] <= rect[1] << 1; rect[2] <= rect[2] << 1; rect[3] <= rect[3] << 1; end if (rect_write_idx == 'b1111) begin rect_num <= rect_num + 1; if (rect_num == 'b111111) state <= STATE_WAIT; else state <= STATE_READ_RECT; end end STATE_WAIT: if (draw_next) begin draw_next <= 0; state <= STATE_READ_RECT; end endcase end endmodule
module top; reg clk = 1; reg draw = 0; reg [11:0] addr; reg [3:0] lines; reg [5:0] x; reg [4:0] y; wire busy, collision; wire mem_read; wire [11:0] mem_read_idx; wire [7:0] mem_read_byte; wire mem_read_ack; wire mem_write; wire [11:0] mem_write_idx; wire [7:0] mem_write_byte; mem #(.debug(1)) mem0(clk, mem_read, mem_read_idx, mem_read_byte, mem_read_ack, mem_write, mem_write_idx, mem_write_byte); gpu gpu0(clk, draw, addr, lines, x, y, busy, collision, mem_read, mem_read_idx, mem_read_byte, mem_read_ack, mem_write, mem_write_idx, mem_write_byte); initial forever #1 clk = ~clk; initial utils.timeout(10000); integer i; initial begin for (i = 100; i < 'h300; i++)[i] = 0;['h42] = 'b11111111;['h43] = 'b11000011;['h44] = 'b11000011;['h45] = 'b11000011;['h46] = 'b11111111; end task draw_sprite; input [11:0] _addr; input [3:0] _lines; input [7:0] _x, _y; begin draw <= 1; addr <= _addr; lines <= _lines; x <= _x; y <= _y; #2 draw <= 0; #2 wait (!busy); end endtask initial begin $dumpfile(`VCD_FILE); $dumpvars; #2; draw_sprite('h42, 5, 0, 0); utils.assert_equal(collision, 0); utils.assert_equal(['h100], 'b11111111); utils.assert_equal(['h108], 'b11000011); utils.assert_equal(['h110], 'b11000011); utils.assert_equal(['h118], 'b11000011); utils.assert_equal(['h120], 'b11111111); // erase draw_sprite('h42, 5, 0, 0); utils.assert_equal(collision, 1); utils.assert_equal(['h100], 0); utils.assert_equal(['h108], 0); utils.assert_equal(['h110], 0); utils.assert_equal(['h118], 0); utils.assert_equal(['h120], 0); // y = 28 (test wrapping bottom) draw_sprite('h42, 5, 0, 28); utils.assert_equal(collision, 0); utils.assert_equal(['h1e0], 'b11111111); utils.assert_equal(['h1e8], 'b11000011); utils.assert_equal(['h1f0], 'b11000011); utils.assert_equal(['h1f8], 'b11000011); utils.assert_equal(['h100], 'b11111111); draw_sprite('h42, 5, 0, 28); // erase // x = 5 draw_sprite('h42, 5, 5, 0); utils.assert_equal(collision, 0); utils.assert_equal({['h100],['h101]}, 'b00000111_11111000); utils.assert_equal({['h108],['h109]}, 'b00000110_00011000); utils.assert_equal({['h110],['h111]}, 'b00000110_00011000); utils.assert_equal({['h118],['h119]}, 'b00000110_00011000); utils.assert_equal({['h120],['h121]}, 'b00000111_11111000); draw_sprite('h42, 5, 5, 0); // erase // x = 61 (test wrapping right) draw_sprite('h42, 5, 61, 0); utils.assert_equal(collision, 0); utils.assert_equal({['h107],['h100]}, 'b00000111_11111000); utils.assert_equal({['h10f],['h108]}, 'b00000110_00011000); utils.assert_equal({['h117],['h110]}, 'b00000110_00011000); utils.assert_equal({['h11f],['h118]}, 'b00000110_00011000); utils.assert_equal({['h127],['h120]}, 'b00000111_11111000); $finish; end endmodule
module bcd(input wire [7:0] abc, output wire [1:0] a, output reg [3:0] b, output reg [3:0] c); assign a = abc >= 200 ? 2 : abc >= 100 ? 1 : 0; wire [6:0] bc = abc - 100 * a; // See Hacker's Delight, Integer division by constants: // reg [6:0] q; reg [3:0] r; always @(*) begin q = (bc >> 1) + (bc >> 2); q = q + (q >> 4); q = q >> 3; r = bc - q * 10; if (r < 10) begin b = q; c = r; end else begin b = q + 1; c = r - 10; end end endmodule
module utils; task assert_true; input x; begin if (!x) begin $error($time, " Assertion failed"); $finish_and_return(1); end end endtask task assert_equal; input [31:0] x; input [31:0] y; begin if (x != y) begin $error($time, " %x != %x", x, y); $finish_and_return(1); end end endtask task timeout; input [31:0] n; begin #n; $error($time, " Timed out after %d ticks", n); $finish_and_return(1); end endtask endmodule
module rng(input wire clk, output wire [31:0] out, input wire user_input); reg [31:0] state = 42; reg [31:0] next; assign out = state; always @(*) begin next = state; next = next ^ (next << 13); next = next ^ (next >> 17); next = next ^ (next << 5); if (user_input) begin next = next ^ (next << 13); next = next ^ (next >> 17); next = next ^ (next << 5); end end always @(posedge clk) begin state <= next; end endmodule
module mem(input wire clk, input wire read, input wire [11:0] read_idx, output reg [7:0] read_byte, output reg read_ack = 0, input wire write, input wire [11:0] write_idx, input wire [7:0] write_byte); parameter debug = 0; reg [7:0] data[0:'hFFF]; initial $readmemh("font.hex", data, 'h030, 'h07f); // for icebram to replace initial $readmemh("random.hex", data, 'h200, 'hfff); always @(posedge clk) begin read_ack <= 0; if (read) begin if (debug) $display($time, " load [%x] = %x", read_idx, data[read_idx]); read_byte <= data[read_idx]; read_ack <= 1; end if (write) begin if (debug) $display($time, " store [%x] = %x", write_idx, write_byte); data[write_idx] <= write_byte; end end endmodule
module top; reg [7:0] abc = 0; wire [1:0] a; wire [3:0] b, c; bcd bcd0(abc, a, b, c); initial begin $monitor($time, " %d -> %d %d %d", abc, a, b, c); $dumpfile(`VCD_FILE); $dumpvars; repeat (256) begin #1; utils.assert_equal(abc, a * 100 + b * 10 + c); utils.assert_true(a < 10 && b < 10 && c < 10); abc += 1; end #1 $finish; end endmodule
module ext18#(parameter DEPTH=18)( input [DEPTH-1:0] a, output reg [31:0] b ); always@(a) begin if(a[DEPTH-1] == 1)//ÓзûºÅÀ©Õ¹ begin b[31:0] = 32'hffffffff; b[DEPTH-1:0] = a[DEPTH-1:0]; end else begin b[31:0] = 32'h00000000; b[DEPTH-1:0] = a[DEPTH-1:0]; end end endmodule
module cpu( input clk, input [31:0] inst, input reset, input [31:0] mrdata, output [31:0] pc_out, output [31:0] maddr, output [31:0] mwdata, output IM_R, output DM_CS, output DM_R, output DM_W, output [31:0]alu_r ); wire RF_W,M1,M2,M3,M4,M5,M6,sign_ext,zero; wire [2:0] ALUC; wire[31:0] mux1_out,mux2_out,mux3_out,mux4_out,mux5_out,alu_out; wire [31:0] rf_rdata1,rf_rdata2; wire [31:0] ext5_out,ext16_out,ext18_out; wire [31:0] npc_out; wire [31:0] join_out; wire [27:0] temp1,temp2; assign alu_r = alu_out; assign maddr = alu_out; assign mwdata = rf_rdata2; assign temp1 = inst[25:0]<<2; assign temp2 = inst[15:0]<<2; wire [4:0]mux6_out = M6 ? inst[20:16]:inst[15:11]; decoder cpu_decoder(inst,clk,zero,IM_R,M3,M4,ALUC,M2,RF_W,M5,M1,DM_CS,DM_R,DM_W,M6,sign_ext); PC cpu_pc(clk,reset,mux1_out,pc_out); NPC cpu_npc(pc_out,npc_out); JOIN cpu_join(temp1,pc_out[31:28],join_out); regfile cpu_regfile(clk,reset,RF_W,inst[25:21],inst[20:16],mux6_out,mux2_out,rf_rdata1,rf_rdata2); alu cpu_alu(mux3_out,mux4_out,ALUC,alu_out,zero); ext5 cpu_ext5(inst[10:6],ext5_out); ext16 cpu_ext16(inst[15:0],sign_ext,ext16_out); ext18 cpu_ext18(temp2,ext18_out); mux2x32 mux1(join_out,mux5_out,M1,mux1_out); mux2x32 mux2(mrdata,alu_out,M2,mux2_out); mux2x32 mux3(ext5_out,rf_rdata1,M3,mux3_out); mux2x32 mux4(rf_rdata2,ext16_out,M4,mux4_out); mux2x32 mux5(npc_out,(ext18_out+pc_out+4),M5,mux5_out); endmodule
module top_tb; reg clk_in; reg reset; wire clk; wire [31:0]pc; wire [31:0]inst; wire IM_R; wire DM_CS; wire DM_R; wire DM_W; wire [31:0]alu_r; top uut(clk_in,reset,clk,pc,inst,addr,rdata,wdata,IM_R,DM_CS,DM_R,DM_W,alu_r); // 不同的initial块是并行的,块内部顺序执行 initial begin clk_in = 0; forever #100 clk_in = ~clk_in; end initial begin reset = 0; #50 reset=1; #10 reset=0; #2000 $stop; end initial // 用iverilog+gtkwave仿真时用到的 begin $dumpfile("wave.vcd"); //生成的vcd文件名称 $dumpvars(0, top_tb); //tb模块名称 end endmodule
module mux2x32#(parameter WIDTH=32)( input [WIDTH-1:0] a, input [WIDTH-1:0] b, input select, output reg [WIDTH-1:0] r ); always @* begin case(select) 1'b0: r=a; 1'b1: r=b; endcase end endmodule
module imem( input [31:0] a, input IM_R, output [31:0] rd ); reg [31:0] RAM[2047:0]; initial begin $readmemh("imem.txt",RAM); end assign rd=(IM_R)?RAM[a[31:2]]:32'bx; endmodule
module decoder( input [31:0] inst, input clk, input zero, output IM_R, output M3, //output M4_0, //output M4_1, output M4, output [2:0] ALUC, output M2, output RF_W, //output RF_CLK, output M5, output M1, output DM_CS, output DM_R, output DM_W, output M6, output sign_ext ); wire [5:0] func=inst[5:0]; wire [5:0] op=inst[31:26]; wire r_type=~|op; wire addu,subu,ori,sll,lw,sw,beq,j_i; assign addu=r_type &func[5]&~func[4]&~func[3]&~func[2]&~func[1]&func[0]; assign subu=r_type &func[5]&~func[4]&~func[3]&~func[2]&func[1]&func[0]; assign ori=~op[5]&~op[4]&op[3]&op[2]&~op[1]&op[0]; assign sll=r_type &~func[5]&~func[4]&~func[3]&~func[2]&~func[1]&~func[0]; assign lw=op[5]&~op[4]&~op[3]&~op[2]&op[1]&op[0]; assign sw=op[5]&~op[4]&op[3]&~op[2]&op[1]&op[0]; assign beq=~op[5]&~op[4]&~op[3]&op[2]&~op[1]&~op[0]; assign j_i=~op[5]&~op[4]&~op[3]&~op[2]&op[1]&~op[0]; assign IM_R=1; assign RF_W=addu|subu|ori|sll|lw; assign DM_CS=lw|sw; assign DM_R=lw; assign DM_2=sw; assign DM_W=sw; assign ALUC[2]=0; assign ALUC[1]=ori|sll; assign ALUC[0]=subu|beq|sll; assign M1=addu|subu|ori|sll|beq|lw|sw; assign M2=addu|subu|ori|sll|beq|j_i|sw; assign M3=addu|subu|ori|j_i|beq|lw|sw; //assign M4_0=ori; //assign M4_1=lw|sw; assign M4=lw|sw|ori; assign M5=beq&zero; assign M6=ori|lw; assign sign_ext=lw | sw; endmodule
module JOIN( input [27:0] a, input [3:0] b, output [31:0] s ); assign s[31:28]=b; assign s[27:0]=a; endmodule
module ext16#(parameter DEPTH=16)( input [DEPTH-1:0] a, input sign_ext, output reg [31:0] b ); always@(a or sign_ext) begin if(sign_ext==1 && a[DEPTH-1]==1) begin b[31:0]=32'hffffffff; b[DEPTH-1:0]=a[DEPTH-1:0]; end else begin b[31:0]=32'h00000000; b[DEPTH-1:0]=a[DEPTH-1:0]; end end endmodule
module top( input clk_in, input reset, output clk, output [31:0]pc, output [31:0]inst, output [31:0]addr, output [31:0]rdata, output [31:0]wdata, output IM_R, output DM_CS, output DM_R, output DM_W, output [31:0]alu_r ); assign clk = clk_in; cpu sccpu(clk_in,inst,reset,rdata,pc,addr,wdata,IM_R,DM_CS,DM_R,DM_W,alu_r); imem imemory(pc, IM_R, inst); dmem scdmem(clk_in,reset,DM_CS,DM_W,DM_R,addr,wdata,rdata); endmodule
module ext5 #(parameter DEPTH=5)( input [DEPTH-1:0] a, output reg [31:0] b ); always@(a) begin if(a[DEPTH-1]==1) begin b[31:0]=32'hffffffff; b[DEPTH-1:0]=a[DEPTH-1:0]; end else begin b[31:0]=32'h00000000; b[DEPTH-1:0]=a[DEPTH-1:0]; end end endmodule
module regfile( input clk, input rst, input we, input [4:0] raddr1, input [4:0] raddr2, input [4:0] waddr, input [31:0] wdata, output [31:0] rdata1, output [31:0] rdata2 ); reg [31:0] array_reg[31:0]; integer i; always@(posedge clk,posedge rst) begin if(rst) begin i=0; while(i<32) begin array_reg[i]=0; i=i+1; end end else if(we) begin if(waddr!=0) array_reg[waddr]=wdata; end end assign rdata1=array_reg[raddr1]; assign rdata2=array_reg[raddr2]; endmodule
module PC( input clk, input rst, input [31:0] data_in, output reg [31:0] data_out ); always@(posedge clk,posedge rst) begin if(rst) data_out<=32'b0; else data_out<=data_in; end endmodule
module alu( input [31:0] a, input [31:0] b, input [2:0] aluc, output [31:0] r, output zero ); reg [31:0] r_1; always@* begin case(aluc) 3'b000: r_1=a+b; 3'b001: r_1=a-b; 3'b010: r_1=a|b; 3'b011: r_1=b<<a[4:0]; default:; endcase end assign r=r_1; assign zero=r?1'b0:1'b1; endmodule
module dmem( input clk, input reset, input CS, input DM_W, input DM_R, input [31:0] addr, input [31:0] wdata, output [31:0] rdata ); reg [31:0] ROM [2047:0]; initial begin $readmemh("D:/Downloads/CPU-master/",ROM); end assign rdata=(CS&DM_R)?ROM[addr[31:2]]:32'h0; always @(posedge clk) begin if(CS) begin if(DM_W) ROM[addr[31:2]]<=wdata; end end endmodule
module testrotor(); reg [2:0] rotor_type_3 = 3'b010; reg [2:0] rotor_type_2 = 3'b001; reg [4:0] rotor_start_3 = 5'b00000; reg [4:0] rotor_start_2 = 5'b00000; reg [4:0] rotor_start_1 = 5'b00000; reg [4:0] ring_position_3 = 5'b00000; reg [4:0] ring_position_2 = 5'b00000; reg [4:0] ring_position_1 = 5'b00000; reg reflector_type = 1'b0; reg i_clock = 0; reg reset; reg rotate = 0; wire [4:0] rotor1; wire [4:0] rotor2; wire [4:0] rotor3; integer i; rotor rotorcontrol(.clock(i_clock),.rotor1(rotor1),.rotor2(rotor2),.rotor3(rotor3), .reset(reset),.rotate(rotate), .rotor_type_2(rotor_type_2),.rotor_type_3(rotor_type_3), .rotor_start_1(rotor_start_1),.rotor_start_2(rotor_start_2),.rotor_start_3(rotor_start_3) ); always #(5) i_clock <= !i_clock; initial begin $dumpfile("testrotor.vcd"); $dumpvars(0,testrotor); #5 reset = 1; #10 reset = 0; for (i = 0; i < 128; i = i + 1) begin #10 rotate = 1; #10 rotate = 0; #20 $display("Rotors [%c] [%c] [%c]",rotor1+65,rotor2+65,rotor3+65); end #10 $finish; end endmodule