On the human side, State of Affairs: Humanity moves forward, backward, forward. In 2020, the preferences for political protocol are as follows: Established in the landscape with an X% of votes, the ______ predominates over an X% of _______, an X% of ______, an X% of ______, an X% of ______, an X% of ______. The human Definition is an issue of positioning against the other kingdoms.
But, Venus, I haven't heard from you... Venus... oh yeah... We were expecting. erosion, surface, magnetism, gravitational attraction radiation ambiguity in the absolute, ambiguity in motion. Ambiguity... we are still waiting, the accident We get closer. Finally the encounter. A birth.
Animal: - The regulation of biological corruption: bacteria have manipulated biological beings such as (provided, rats, cats, etc.) to modify their behavior and make them vote for other parties, other beings that they also intend to manipulate. Plant: - Redefinition of intelligence.
CLOUD Cloudy, to see clearly you have to get close to the lighthouse or become the lighthouse. Becoming the lighthouse is to settle at the limits between land and sea, where fluidity rubs against the rigid solid, to settle there instead of their meeting point, and in a high place, to see with the author, to really gain perspective.
You're on fire! You feel everything, everyone, You analyze the glue with every part of your body, with every sensation, with every representation that emerges.
C1 : - A little more pressure? S: - Three, I'm coming. C2: - Mineral intelligence C1 : - The Venus Love Project C2: - Statolith theory C1 : - Mineral evolution C2: - Robert M. Hazen's theory? ( Does the mineral love song sound here? ) S: - Here is the pressure. What are migratory trees, dragonflies with a stone in their head and the return of Chus?
We should create a team of supporters from different worlds, supporter teams for each of the worlds, and these teams should be interchangeable to avoid opposing each other. We would need pirates to create breaches of intersection, of interpenetration of the worlds.
"Snowden.” you challenge Morpheus with Red Bull and fear everything is ready, you have to press the key you have to press the key everything is ready you have to send Snowden your finger doesn't move anymore Snowden you have to share with the world the secret file of the NSA you have to press the key you have to press the key everything is ready you have to send Snowden you challenge Morpheus with Red Bull and fear Morpheus sodomized by the screen lends you its dark hours but always ends up taking you Arjuna again, the dilemma eats you you’re tired of the blood of the struggle, the blows, the betrayals you’ve already played all the roles, Warrior, Heroes, Antiheroes, Outsider, Loser, Martyr, Spy, Victim, Infiltrator, Pirate, Hacker, Resistor, Militant, Activist… You know that all these words, all these words, all these thoughts are just there on the promise of catharsis."
All this material that needs to be disposed of because it had a single function to fulfill, and once fulfilled, there is no longer any sense of existence, either because it is too mixed with other materials and we no longer know how to reuse it, or because it is “dirty,” meaning mixed with things belonging to very different groups.
On one side of the line these laws, on the other side these others. The limit line designates the place where laws, logics, states change. Not the same law on land as, in the sky, on water. The oracle invites you to understand and visualize the limits, yours and those of the situation that concerns you. Knowing and understanding the limits is essential now.
But no, it's not voyeurism, it's something else, people always become much more interesting when they don't know they are being watched, when they think they are alone, when they free themselves from the gaze of the other.
My life is nothing but this: the joy of transforming the border into a living space, into a home. My species shows you that a wall is not an obstacle but a surface, a living place. Perhaps that is why sometimes you hate me so much. I show you that there is no border because the border itself is a nation, populated by thousands of living beings. There is no neutral space on Earth.
Those you say, those they have said, the one they have told me. The things. They fascinate me. This undefined and heterogeneous identity, mutable, passpartout, concrete and multiple. This generalist entity that regroups one of the most indeterminate groups of language. I am fascinated by things; we can talk about them in any situation or circumstance. They are introduced into almost all colloquial expressions.
This regime that has enslaved most of us and has blocked all migrations and movements and has reduced our friends the minerals to mere objects must come to an end. There is another point that is important to discuss: with the city was born also what you call the countryside. Along with the city, the countryside has also given rise to injustices and immense violence.
Incredible Arjuna, Incredible, every day you are deceived by the night, like every dream is deceived by the waking.
I see you there enjoying yourself in this woman's body that bears pain better this body of multiplied pleasures forbidden by its infamous memories Here you tear your voice singing with your comrades You dance every night to give yourselves wings You've already said your last word "If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution" "If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution" ////// music fades // we dance a little, repeating the phrase /// it’s still night when you place the explosives in the parliament, in the City Hall, in the royal palace in the Capitol, in the World Trade Center everything is ready now we wait for the call you pick them up with the car two streets down we hear the explosion good, the plan worked the sky is in flames the car turns at the wrong angle it’s an ambush they shove the gun in your hand gotta shoot now if you don’t do it now it’s them who will shoot your comrades ah..
Splash! Unidimensional world... the pornographic image is misleading and pretentious because it pretends to hide nothing, whereas in the example of the screen, a screen shows something while hiding something else, a screen hides one thing to show us another, a painting, a photo, hides the wall to show us another, every image hides another.
Excerpt: "TREATY ON INTER-SPECIES LAW: First constitution, basis for negotiation for the G5 inter-species.: The Universal Declaration of the Rights of various forms of life on Earth was solemnly proclaimed in Paris on January 20, 2018, by the G5 organization, in collaboration with the IO(f)LE (Interspecies Organisation for the Future of Life on Earth) (...) Article 1: Each species from each of the 5 kingdoms is equal before the law and equal in rights."
No! a tentacle grabbed your ankle it's the giant squid taking over the ship your crew screams and falls your supplies lost forever it tears your leg off that fucking tentacle you urge and with a twisted gesture you draw your greasy machete that you aim at the head of the giant squid and!
The swing is the movement that imitates this logic, we reproduce it in our body, like in the cradles of babies and the rocking chairs of the elderly, we rock ourselves as we enter life, to integrate into our body the movement of back and forth, and we rock ourselves at the end of our lives, to remind us, and remember with the movement of back and forth.
What do you think of this prejudice? Oh, these are just gossip, and I don't respond to gossip; we are here for very serious reasons. And you men dare to say to us, the plants, that we are narcissistic? You are the only species that has self-proclaimed itself as a kingdom. And you are a victim of a specific narcissism that is the most powerful motive for your enterprises.
They are our dearest and above all our oldest friends. Our planet, our Earth, Gaia comes from them, it is only their body. All of us, we plants, we live thanks to them, we draw everything from them, and we do everything to give back to them all that we have received.
THE AUDIOVISUAL / DOCUMENTARY - release October 2023 (expected) The documentary takes the form of a documentary about the fiction of the group THEBADWEEDS and presents scientific research on the environmental, identity, and societal issues posed by these hybrid characters.
Except for the piece "Eat the Sun" in which the voices of Haini Wang and Patric Kuop complement the chorus, and for the song by Kin, for which we used the voice of KIllason. 7 - Your choreographic writing was realized with a plastic environment imagined with the lighting designer Thomas Laigle and the textile designer Aline Pérot.
I wanna be your ero, hero, tic I gonna give you a hero, ero, tic, hint Leave the leaves drop down on autumn Leave the mozart live on his sounds Hoy me siento herotica, simbiotica, desprevenida, encendida Estoy encendida Hoy estoy toda erotica La casa esta encendida Hunting joy Like a hunted house of joy Herotica, con y sin hache Con y sin Sin y con Hache Herotica estoy Hungry to share intensities Ready to save the word To rescue my world HIDDEN Hiden, just behind, maybe will appear, can can it can appear at any moment.
I make the spirituality of matter tangible, the utopias of past centuries. I am religion. Poetry will save the world! - Why save the world? Save it from what? - HIC MACHINA, HIC SALTA! HIC MACHINA, HIC SALTA! HIC MACHINA, HIC SALTA! HIC MACHINA, HIC SALTA! HIC MACHINA, HIC SALTA! I am a I I am a bit! I am a I I am a bit! I am a I I am a bit!
This questioning led me to create IAGOTCHI [2], an interactive theater installation for one spectator at a time, IAGOTCHI refers to its genealogy, coming from the Tamagotchi, the first artificial companion species, with the mutation of the imaginary of Artificial Intelligence in 2018, with the state of systems for recognition and automatic language generation.
International projects? Study topics? Evidences? Sighs? Nightmares? Therapies? Traumas? Sufferings? Addictions? Vices? COP 21? COP 23? COP 25? G20, G7, then G8, then G7? G5? And what to do? (ouch… my soul hurts) try to exist more! try to exist more damn it! exist more! exist more! go make yourselves exist!
We are the result of the development of life of which the Earth has been a matrix and a nurturer. Lastly, all earthly beings from the different kingdoms face the same fundamental issues of life and death and are connected in the same community of planetary destiny. Therefore, we must learn to "be-there" on the planet.
On the contrary, evolution is not only the multiplication of species whose connection would only be in the past projection of genealogy: it is the process that allows the same flesh, the same substance to take distinct forms, to mirror and reflect itself in other bodies.
LIPS A smile hidden in the corner of your lips awaits me, a feeling of vertigo tightens my chest, my neck when I observe it. A smile is there folded, waiting to be unfolded, ready to unfold at any moment.
Each of them has the nature of a technical invention, and it is because of this that, to speak of them, one can only tell a story of innovation. There is nothing natural in nature: everything is technical because everything, not only the general form of living beings but each of their organs, the smallest as well as the most complex, is the fruit of an innovation and an invention.
Pornography of the real, in which one would like to show everything, and show the raw real, just as it is, to say that we have tamed something, that we have gone around it, that we dominate it, that nothing escapes us, that the real is this, here look, it is this, bam everything is there as if a piece of raw meat were thrown at you on the pole, bam!
The gaze of the other has such a strong weight in our culture, it is something very normalizing, it is deeply integrated, people behave like copies when they know they are being watched, or they try to convince others of whatever, they never let go of their masks, you see what I mean? Text BW: Bim bim bim!
C1: - From our mineral origin, signed; the plants, non-human animals, human animals, crustaceans and ... bacteria. C2: - A special dedication to our friends the dragonflies and chus, the cat. C1: - (Addressing S) We have a theory here, come!
In transhumanist fantasies, the machine is the last predator of the human; all these fantasies based on the fear of being devoured are infantilizing and far from giving us an active and responsible position in what we become as a project of "human." I believe we can do better.
Science explores hypotheses of reality, just as art explores hypotheses of reality, narrative is the construction of these hypotheses, without narrative there is no hypothesis, raw data or information construct nothing, construct no meaning if they are not woven by a narrative, I read scientific articles as I read poems, everything carries a narrative.
But the misunderstanding arises where we wanted to complete, fill, avoid the void, stuff the cracks. As the unknown is the opposite of the misunderstanding allows coexistence among humans. If there were a stable and constitutive law of the real, it would be me or misunderstanding. AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL Please, stop. Fiction is.
Article 3: Every life has the right to respect, to death, and to love. Article 4.1: No being should be subjected to ill-treatment or cruel acts. 4.2: If the killing of a being is necessary for the survival of another, it must be instantaneous, painless, and not cause distress.
I try to embody in these hybrid bodies a whole series of discourses, to open up imaginations about ecology and the future. The project THEBADWEEDS explores this particular way of being that weeds have and all the symbolism they evoke. With its cursed name, it represents life on the margins, the uncontrollable life that remains outside of "the city," outside of the garden.
The nape as well, and dreams. But nothing further from the idea of automaton in this Oracular organ composed of nape, belly, and dreams. POLE Having one's pole, one's axis mundis, is a matter for all, to know it and to play with it, very few.
and also areas of mineral domination such as high mountains, and deserts or so-called arid areas... We now have the knowledge and technologies to survive in hybrid or inclusive areas, which are not areas of human domination but of coexistence.
What are the major reflections that go through your artistic work today? (answer: minimum 500 characters, no maximum) My creations are mainly shows and performances, but also interactive installations with chatbots/AI.
Notons une forte dépendance humaine à X et X contrasté avec un détachement … Toujours dans les relations , voici l'hybridation qui s'impose. Le X % de votes de _______ témoigne de … Et pour finir avec les relations, les devorations - minérale - végétale - animale - machine PROJETS _ Coexistence.
The Earth's magnetosphere is also made up of the lithosphere, magnetized rocks in the Earth's crust, mainly magnetite. Magnetic storms produced by solar winds and eruptions are part of galactic communication through the Earth's magnetic field.
Rise up, remember your mantra. We don’t fall in love, we rise up with love! Don’t play dead, you just understood something. But you’re no longer there. A single look showed you the origin of the world's thirst, the origin of all wars, all murders, all suicides, all addictions. Seeing that through its negative, through its absence is terrifying.
Living in a space is negotiable. Coordinating, cooperating, letting oneself be done, giving oneself, being of service, using oneself, all that is negotiable. The old system of dominations is obsolete. Any fantasy of domination eradicated. Some still try to use the old patterns of domination. Clumsiness of the past. Reminiscences of the old world. Ghosts etched in the particles.
We said to ourselves, no, no, we have to get out of this loop, getting out of the pot, identity is perhaps the trap of our time, it's complicated, those who are recognized, those who are not, too much violence, identities generate too much violence... identity is a pot filled with hate and blood, we don't want a pot with our songs, our band, we try to get out of the pot both plants and humans. Recover and reclaim our means of communication...
3 - For this project, The Manifesto of the Third Landscape by Gilles Clément and Petit traité du jardinier punk: apprendre à désapprendre by Erik Lenoir have been your bedside books. How have these works fed into the dramaturgy of THEBADWEEDS? It’s true, but they are not the only ones, I will add a few more to this list, notably; Dysphoria Mundi by Paul B.
The objective of the show G5 inter-species, of the show Coexistence and of the installation LITHOSYS was to create the first constitution of inter-species law, but before this could take place, the show is interrupted for a member of the trans-species group THEBADWEEDS. THEBADWEEDS trans-species music group arrives with its speech and its music.
The animal loves the blue planet and would like to keep the blue. Humans can't agree. Grass grows. Crystal too. The landscape seeks its coherence. //// (video#3: landscape seeks its coherence //// R: - Oceanic background absent of sunlight, distortion. Sperm whale sends a sonar message. Around the detected movements.
The costumes I found during my travels, the first one I bought in 2017 in Montreal in a military store on sale, and I had a flash with the costume, I bought it without knowing yet what it could well be for, and I started to play with it, to wear it several times, and by itself the character emerged with the costume, and I put it in my previous pieces, I wore it to make a badweeds interruption in COEXISTENCE, and then I wore it again in the G5 show that ended up boycotting the piece and promoting its album.
So, are the references fungi, birds, forests? Or other eras? What narrative structure for stories of EROS? What is the narrative structure revealed from HEROES? INEFFABLE The state of indecision. The desire to be elsewhere. The feeling of not being from here. The feeling of incongruity when observing a gesture. The fear of moving forward. The fear.
What needs to be discarded is the idea that there is an outside: an outside of the human, an outside of the mineral, an outside of the plant. No, there is no outside, "everything has passed inside. And everything is in everything. There is no part of the world whose form does not conceal somewhere the others. everything is already both human, plant, animal, mineral.
THE MINERAL KNOWS (music) The human thinks The animal thinks The machine thinks The vegetal thinks The mineral doesn’t think The mineral is mute expressionless The mineral doesn’t think because the mineral knows because he knows everything everything ... We hear the toilet flush. S looks towards the door.
So we throw it into a small cube, and when it’s full we transfer it to a larger cube, and when that’s full we transfer it to an even larger cube, and then we transport it with trucks, we move it around the city, then we take it a few kilometers outside the city and there we make a big mountain that we try to burn or melt with acid or we enter, because "Eyes that do not see, heart that does not suffer."
To find one's bearings At the corner At the corner To find one's bearings Suspend the air between clues and clues Never too fast Do not rush Do not anticipate Do not want too much Do not let desire blind us too much to be open to other desires, or to the indications that come from outside of desires, The clues, the maps, the reliefs, the topographies of feasible possibilities, of the probable, of the possible, of the terrible, of ..
Urgency to coordinate, urgency to reach agreements, urgency for pacts. Urgency to build a common project achievable within the allotted time. Urgency to laugh. Urgency to reach Venus. Urgency to love the unknown, urgency to let oneself go. Urgency of the other. Urgency of the existence of the other. Urgency of the definitive and lasting return of the loved one. Urgency to pee.
To open the debate on this subject, I wanted to share with you some examples of trans-species and pan-species that exist today in the world… What do you think about earthling identity? And about trans-species? SPEECH OF THE FIRST CANDIDATE OF THE VEGETABLE KINGDOM H. HELIX Interview at Hedera Helix / Emanuele Coccia: Who are you? You already know me, I believe.
In this sense, the representatives of the realms can play a decisive role, but on the condition that they accept, in their own interest, to relinquish their absolute sovereignty over all the major common utility issues and especially the life or death problems that exceed their isolated competence.
Metastasis of the full/empty that becomes at any moment, the body of the other, the body of the other. This other us that masks itself in the unknown. The other as a promise of a new body. If this skin were not so tender, so elastic, so porous, I could have believed in individualism. Plants would not be able to stop its dance.
[1] Gilbert Simondon, The Mode of Existence of Technical Objects. [2] IAGOTCHI (link) [3] G5 (link) [4] Trans.: Lifestyle.
You have an idea of the living conditions for our sisters like wheat, corn, forced to live only among them, to eat like pigs (ehm sorry pigs)? Agriculture is no less violent than livestock farming, and it is not only against animals that you are violent. That too must change.
Subject among subjects, we become. We are what emerges from the entirety of our interactions, from the entirety of our relationships. 1[3] With what do we relate? What is the nature of this relationship? What does it enable? All domination is a tragic submission. All instrumentalization is a frustration of contact. What are our relational models?
I love their courage, their ability to move as far from the earth, their determination to touch the sun, which is our divinity to everyone. And my dream is to adhere to it with all my body. You will think that I am obsessed but that's not the case? I am not the only one suffering from this mania: there are others who are like me.
The fastest to understand what is happening is the body, a kind of reflex, automatic? In any case, the pre-movement, the reflex, the preparation has something that is formulating but not yet formulated or realized, rarely belongs to the mind, it mostly belongs to the body. If we had an oracular organ within us, it would be the belly.
A weed is bad because no one asked it to exist: it took the initiative all by itself. A weed is bad because it exists where it was not asked to be. A weed is bad because it does not correspond to the desires of others.
The technical relationship is not the one that ties a species to a world or a space, but the one that connects all species and encloses them in a permanent exchange (borrowing, imitation, transfer, subcontracting, etc.) of forms and identities.
"The weed is the Nemesis of human efforts. Of all the imaginary existences that we attribute to plants, beasts, and stars, it is perhaps the weed that leads the wisest life. It is true that grass produces neither flowers, nor aircraft carriers, nor Sermons on the Mount. (...
Disappearance. Yes, I think there is a certain pleasure in disappearing; it is a truce, it is a breath, a suspension of existence to become an invisible observer. It's like having a superpower, it's like having superpowers, like the invisible man. Can you realize the amount of things you can do?
Orchid: - Plant ode to beauty - the aesthetic factor of our diverse existences is not negligible, we all agree that beauty is never too much, but necessary for life, we make the world more beautiful, more desirable, more lovable and loving. Toucan: - Difference. We believe in difference. Without difference, there is no harmony.
Among them, particularly the giraffe, one of its favorites, with a neck so long that it could keep its head in the sky, but its cannibal function was stronger, so it only used it to eat the leaves of the tall trees.
tragic evaporation feeling of incompleteness completeness incompleteness completeness incompleteness completeness incompleteness completeness incompleteness crystallization apparent imperceptible internal movement irregular, subconchoidal hexakisoctahedral; F d3m tetraoxide of trifer I am cubic, eccentric, octahedral, magnetic.
It aims in particular to identify the measures to be taken on major issues related to globalization, to promote and coordinate the corresponding political decisions, and to facilitate their implementation in conjunction with the relevant inter-species organizations. The first G5 in the world aims to present the first global inter-species legislation.
Soon, to be a being, like a subject, like another among other others. And the world is no longer a silent landscape. And we consider, we consider ourselves, in the same way one says that the moon is there. Other others will arrive in millions of light years. We are not sure that the light will remain. I erode with all your gestures. I become sanded down.
A trans-species group, they are transitioning to the plant world because the future is plant-based! They grow from oblivion, from cracks, from the most inhospitable, wild, and anarchic places, living with us, among us, their existence is a gesture of resilience, a living proof of resistance.
With Baptiste Malgoire, we had already started the collaboration during the residency as part of the TNG vivarium in Lyon, and we collaborated remotely to finish the tracks. And we met up to record my voice. Because it's my altered voice that we hear in all the tracks.
The objective of the G5 inter-species show, the Coexistence show, and the LITHOSYS installation was to create the first constitution of inter-species law, but before this could take place, the show is interrupted for a member of the trans-species group THEBADWEEDS. THEBADWEEDS, a trans-species music group, arrive with their speech and their music.
C1: - We need hot air balloons in the shape of a prehistoric dragonfly that burn on the surface of Venus C2: - No, we need massive plant migrations S: - No, we need the return of the cat C2: - Let's go back to the beginning C1: - You said Gaia gives birth, Venus attracts C2: - No, you said that C1: - No S: - Yes C2: - Yes C1: - Ok, well, too bad, Gaia gives birth, Venus attracts C2: - The tragedy C1: - The earth wants to join Venus, but it has stayed stuck in its orbit, circling around the sun for billions of years S: - Light!
The tree is filiation, but the rhizome is alliance, only alliance. The tree imposes the verb "to be," but the rhizome has as its fabric the conjunction and... and... and... G. Deleuze and F. Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus. "No other way out than the grass. (... ) Grass only exists between large uncultivated spaces. It fills the gaps. It grows in between, and among other things.
As part of this section, three actions are to be carried out: * The audiovisual creation of the KIN clip, produced with Nayan Ducruet and in partnership with Mille Plateaux CCN La Rochelle. The broadcast is scheduled on social networks, YouTube, and the iFaune platform - CCN La Rochelle.
The weapons on the ground, the other in you, you in the other, you would so much like to stop the war, join the sea, cross all the bodies without having to embody a /////( music ) ( explosion - thunder ) ///// Arjuna, You wake up with the noise of the explosion in the room next to people screaming your comrades in an avalanche are approaching we have to leave right away, where is your bag?
It is an infinite place because it never begins and never ends, it was already there and will always be there. ROSE Lifting the sun in pink. Impregnation of light. The stars respond. We are on the hill. Down below the world stirs, here time demands other laws, closer to those of the sky. To say would be to invade the space. To say would be quick and without consequence.
It is this void in me that allows all possibilities. I am change. You are all filled with matter, stuffed everywhere. I carry within me the void of immanence. The void that hides behind and everywhere that is the very essence of things. It is in my void that I give life to meaning. It is around this void that meaning circulates. I give it dynamic possibility.
For the matter in general with which we have nothing more to say, nothing more to do, for all that matter it is better to just get rid of, the cumbersome matter. Matter out of place.
The oracle advises you to fully position yourself from the present and to act from the here now! FLUID Berenguer Rocio. X The solid deforms and breaks upon impact, the fluid does not. The fluid is viscous and lets opponents slide. The fluid is unable to contain itself, always depends on the rest to morph it.
My love is not something abstract, no... I love them with a passionate, physical, concrete love. It doesn't matter their sex, it doesn't matter their age, it doesn't matter their shape... I would be ready to marry each of them. And I hate solitude, I can only live next to other plants. But it’s not just that.
One must no longer oppose a radiant future to a past of servitudes and superstitions. All reigns have their virtues, their experiences, their wisdoms, along with their deficiencies and their ignorances.
S: - Ah, yes, I have already closed it, but I am waiting for my cat to come back to close the door C1: - Three whiskies then, we stay here until the cat returns S: - For now he is still not there C1: - We have to finish the theory for him to come back, that's what you said, right? C2: - It’s you who said that. C1: - Incredible.
Cataclysms, tidal changes, Mars aligned with Pluto. The emergence of a world has been prepared by self-catalytic systems. On the skin. Hurricanes, volcanic eruptions or earthquakes, hostile expanses or abyss of the oceans, floods or avalanches. Organic chemistry of pre-biotic or political interest. Planetary seed, germs carried by meteorites. Moves.
Narcissus cancels Eros in his own reflection, that is to say: 1-1 = 0, therefore: Self = ? Eros loses all its power, becoming consumed desire. Eros loses imagination, curiosity, the desire for the other. He has nothing left. Without otherness, Eros agonizes. The Agony of Eros!
We have no structure. Our form is the body of the other. Far from being a perversion, it is a way of being from which our summit can draw its inspiration. Our morals demonstrate that the body of any living being, even that of an individual from the same kingdom, can become a nation for others, a home.
This beauty, this harmony, this calm, has something obscene, almost unfair, painful behind so much happiness. Happiness is extremely cruel; it reminds us, immorally, that it is quite possible, and therefore all the moments in which we do not have access to it are even more foolish and painful than we thought. The pheasant is always in the field.
We believe in facts, in actions. We think that this G5 must be a summit of facts, not speeches. And I invite all my colleagues to already discuss concrete proposals. What inter-kingdom relationships do you envision establishing with the other kingdoms? Our kingdom (as well as the mineral kingdom, I think, and the animal one) has mainly been a victim of spatial violence. Let me explain.
freeze-frame you freeze suddenly, your arm blocks your gaze lost in the limbo to kill the giant squid or not to kill it? Damn! you’re once again caught up in your dilemma you think again but the ship is sinking you’re shipwrecked with everyone else you’re shipwrecked with all your others // end of a loop music.. breathing??
It is the same force that, since Darwin, we call evolution, which has transformed nature into a "huge research and development laboratory." Species are not fixed forms, nor moral identities that one could claim or that should be protected.
Okay (burlesque) C1: - Mineral evolves, more biological diversity, more mineral diversity, enters a phase of crazy diversity, maximizes its creations and...
Dragonfly, 2027, Planned Failure! They are excited, they are drinking again, they might be dancing, they are looking for another music. Sticks their head out the door that leads to the street. S: - Chus! My cat! Come back! C1 and C2 are joking and laughing. C1: - Chus, my love, come back! C2: - Venus darling, go on give a sign of life! C1: - Go on tell me something...
LOOKING We choose the other by the way they look at the world, by the way they look at us, by the way that look makes us exist, for the possibility of being through that look. We choose the other by the way they look at us. We choose the other as a notion of being.
Arjuna, you do not know this yet You no longer know anything at this hour You only hear your heart racing the burning of blood that ignites you The noise of others mixed with your breath Arjuna, I see you there the great warrior of the Pandava clan, trapped in his dilemma Trapped in my dilemma you're stuck there In the middle of the battlefield In the midst of history Exiled from your truth the weapons on the ground you in the other the other in you What to do?