delete a column `column_name` without having to reassign from pandas data frame `df`
df.drop('column_name', axis=1, inplace=True)
disable abbreviation in argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(allow_abbrev=False)
extract dictionary values by key 'Feature3' from data frame `df`
feature3 = [d.get('Feature3') for d in df.dic]
get data of column 'A' and column 'B' in dataframe `df` where column 'A' is equal to 'foo'
df.loc[gb.groups['foo'], ('A', 'B')]
print '[1, 2, 3]'
print('[%s, %s, %s]' % (1, 2, 3))
Display `1 2 3` as a list of string
print('[{0}, {1}, {2}]'.format(1, 2, 3))
get values from a dictionary `my_dict` whose key contains the string `Date`
[v for k, v in list(my_dict.items()) if 'Date' in k]
Python date string formatting
drop a single subcolumn 'a' in column 'col1' from a dataframe `df`
df.drop(('col1', 'a'), axis=1)
dropping all columns named 'a' from a multiindex 'df', across all level.
df.drop('a', level=1, axis=1)
build dictionary with keys of dictionary `_container` as keys and values of returned value of function `_value` with correlating key as parameter
{_key: _value(_key) for _key in _container}
lick on the text button 'sectionselectall' using selenium pytho
mbine two dictionaries `d ` and `d1`, concatenate string values with identical `keys`
dict((k, d.get(k, '') + d1.get(k, '')) for k in keys)
generate unique equal hash for equal dictionaries `a` and `b`
hash(pformat(a)) == hash(pformat(b))
vert nested list of lists `[['tom', 'cat'], ['jerry', 'mouse'], ['spark', 'dog']]` into a list of tuple
list(map(tuple, [['tom', 'cat'], ['jerry', 'mouse'], ['spark', 'dog']]))
m the column `positions` along the other columns `stock`, `same1`, `same2` in a pandas data frame `df`
df.groupby(['stock', 'same1', 'same2'], as_index=False)['positions'].sum()
Summing across rows of Pandas Dataframe
df.groupby(['stock', 'same1', 'same2'])['positions'].sum().reset_index()
hange string `s` to upper case
plit a string `s` by ';' and convert to a dictionary
dict(item.split('=') for item in s.split(';'))
Add header `('Cookie', 'cookiename=cookie value')` to mechanize browser `br`
br.addheaders = [('Cookie', 'cookiename=cookie value')]
et data in column 'value' of dataframe `df` equal to first element of each l
df['value'] = df['value'].str[0]
get element at index 0 of each list in column 'value' of dataframe `df`
df['value'] = df['value'].str.get(0)
emove square bracket '[]' from pandas dataframe `df` column 'value'
df['value'] = df['value'].str.strip('[]')
Get a string with string formatting from dictionary `d`
""", """.join(['{}_{}'.format(k, v) for k, v in d.items()])
Sum of sums of each list, in a list of lists named 'lists'.
sum(sum(x) for x in lists)
Check whether a numpy array `a` contains a given row `[1, 2]`
any(np.equal(a, [1, 2]).all(1))
heck if all elements in list `mylist` are the same
len(set(mylist)) == 1
plit a string `s` at line breaks `\r\n`
[map(int, x.split('\t')) for x in s.rstrip().split('\r\n')]
a dictionary `a` by values that are list type
t = sorted(list(a.items()), key=lambda x: x[1])
Search for string 'blabla' in txt file 'example.txt'
if ('blabla' in open('example.txt').read()): pass
Search for string 'blabla' in txt file 'example.txt'
f = open('example.txt') s = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) if (s.find('blabla') != (-1)): pass
Search for string `blabla` in txt file 'example.txt'
datafile = file('example.txt') found = False for line in datafile: if (blabla in line): return True return False
ert string `string1` after each character of `string2`
string2.replace('', string1)[len(string1):-len(string1)]
getting every possible combination of two elements in a l
list(itertools.combinations([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], 2))
get a utf8 string literal representation of byte string `x`
"""x = {}""".format(x.decode('utf8')).encode('utf8')
heck if `x` is an integer
isinstance(x, int)
heck if `x` is an integer
(type(x) == int)
play the wav file 'sound.wav'
winsound.PlaySound('sound.wav', winsound.SND_FILENAME)
eate a list containing the `n` next values of generator `it`
[next(it) for _ in range(n)]
get list of n next values of a generator `it`
list(itertools.islice(it, 0, n, 1))
mpare two lists in python `a` and `b` and return matche
w can I compare two lists in python and return matche
[i for i, j in zip(a, b) if i == j]
vert list `data` into a string of its eleme
print(''.join(map(str, data)))
h regex pattern '\\$[09]+[^\\$]*$' on string '$1 off delicious $5 ham.'
re.match('\\$[0-9]+[^\\$]*$', '$1 off delicious $5 ham.')
mport a nested module `` within `b` within `a` with importlib
importlib.import_module('.c', 'a.b')
mport a module 'a.b.c' with importlib.import_module in python 2
Convert array `a` to numpy array
a = np.array(a)
Find all `div` tags whose classes has the value `comment` in a beautiful soup object `soup`
soup.find_all('div', class_=re.compile('comment-'))
equence of empty lists of length `n`
[[] for _ in range(n)]
eate dictionary from list of variables 'foo' and 'bar' already defined
dict((k, globals()[k]) for k in ('foo', 'bar'))
get two random records from model 'MyModel' in Django
Print a dictionary `{'user': {'name': 'Markus'}}` with string formatting
"""Hello {user[name]}""".format(**{'user': {'name': 'Markus'}})
eate a dictionary `list_dict` containing each tuple in list `tuple_list` as values and the tuple's first element as the corresponding key
list_dict = {t[0]: t for t in tuple_list}
Generate a random integer between 0 and 9
randint(0, 9)
Generate a random integer between `a` and `b`
random.randint(a, b)
Generate random integers between 0 and 9
print((random.randint(0, 9)))
everse a string `a` by 2 characters at a time
"""""".join(reversed([a[i:i + 2] for i in range(0, len(a), 2)]))
ansform time series `df` into a pivot table aggregated by column 'Close' using column `` as index and values of column `df.index.time` as colum
pd.pivot_table(df,, columns=df.index.time, values='Close')
heck if the third element of all the lists in a list items is equal to zero.
any(item[2] == 0 for item in items)
Find all the lists from a lists of list 'items' if third element in all sublists is '0'
[x for x in items if x[2] == 0]
dictionary of dictionaries `dic` according to the key 'Fisher'
sorted(list(dic.items()), key=lambda x: x[1]['Fisher'], reverse=True)
plot a data logarithmically in y ax
plt.yscale('log', nonposy='clip')
extract digits in a simple way from a python string
map(int, re.findall('\\d+', s))
list the contents of a directory '/home/username/www/'
list all the contents of the directory 'path'.
erge a pandas data frame `distancesDF` and column `dates` in pandas data frame `datesDF` into single
pd.concat([distancesDF, datesDF.dates], axis=1)
get value of first index of each element in list `a`
[x[0] for x in a]
python how to get every first element in 2 dimensional list `a`
[i[0] for i in a]
emove line breaks from string `textblock` using regex
re.sub('(?<=[a-z])\\r?\\n', ' ', textblock)
Open gzipcompressed file encoded as utf8 'file.gz' in text mode'file.gz', 'rt', encoding='utf-8')
est if either of strings `a` or `b` are members of the set of strings, `['b', 'a', 'foo', 'bar']`
set(['a', 'b']).issubset(['b', 'a', 'foo', 'bar'])
Check if all the values in a list `['a', 'b']` are present in another list `['b', 'a', 'foo', 'bar']`
all(x in ['b', 'a', 'foo', 'bar'] for x in ['a', 'b'])
Remove characters !@#$ from a string `line`
line.translate(None, '!@#$')
Remove characters !@#$ from a string `line`
line = re.sub('[!@#$]', '', line)
Remove string 1 from string `string`
string.replace('1', '')
Remove character `char` from a string `a`
a = a.replace(char, '')
Remove characters in `b` from a string `a`
a = a.replace(char, '')
Remove characters in '!@#$' from a string `line`
line = line.translate(string.maketrans('', ''), '!@#$')
binarize the values in columns of list `order` in a pandas data frame
pd.concat([df, pd.get_dummies(df, '', '').astype(int)], axis=1)[order]
e integer 3, 4, 1 and 2 in a l
[3, 4, 1, 2]
define global variable `something` with value `bob`
globals()['something'] = 'bob'
ert spaces before capital letters in string `text`
re.sub('([a-z](?=[A-Z])|[A-Z](?=[A-Z][a-z]))', '\\1 ', text)
print unicode string `ex\xe1mple` in uppercase
get last element of string splitted by '\\' from list of strings `list_dirs`
[l.split('\\')[-1] for l in list_dirs]
mbine two sequences into a dictionary
dict(zip(keys, values))
mize the time format in python logging
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s;%(levelname)s;%(message)s')
Replace comma with dot in a string `original_string` using regex
new_string = re.sub('"(\\d+),(\\d+)"', '\\1.\\2', original_string)
all a function `otherfunc` inside a bash script `` using subproce' otherfunc')
Can a python script execute a function inside a bash script?
subprocess.Popen(['bash', '-c', '.; go'])
emove multiple spaces in a string `foo`
""" """.join(foo.split())
vert decimal 8 to a list of its binary value
vert decimal integer 8 to a list of its binary values as eleme
[int(x) for x in list('{0:0b}'.format(8))]
vert decimal `8` to binary l
[int(x) for x in bin(8)[2:]]
get keyvalue pairs in dictionary `my_dictionary` for all keys in list `my_list` in the order they appear in `my_list`
dict(zip(my_list, map(my_dictionary.get, my_list)))
artesian product of `x` and `y` array points into single array of 2d po
numpy.dstack(numpy.meshgrid(x, y)).reshape(-1, 2)
elenium wait for driver `driver` 60 seconds before throwing a NoSuchElementExceptions exceptio
elenium webdriver switch to frame 'frameName'
format current date to pattern '{%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S}'
time.strftime('{%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}')
list `['14:10:01', '03:12:08']`
sorted(['14:10:01', '03:12:08'])
find all occurrences of regex pattern '(?:\\w+(?:\\s+\\w+)*,\\s)+(?:\\w+(?:\\s\\w+)*)' in string `x`
re.findall('(?:\\w+(?:\\s+\\w+)*,\\s)+(?:\\w+(?:\\s\\w+)*)', x)