dict | comment_posts
list |
"author": "Tiikeri101",
"content": "My anxiety keeps telling me over and over and over: I'm stupid, I'm terrible at my job, everyone hates me. \n\nWhat are your ways of breaking free from the cycle? \n",
"date": "1435799922",
"thread_id": "25405",
"title": "Breaking the mantra? ",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Breakingthemantra_25405/"
} | [
"author": "Pickle68",
"content": "<p>@Tiiker101 </p>\n<p>Now you are talking my language. This is the world I come from. Let me sort this out.</p>\n<p>I would like to talk to you about the first two items, \"I'm stupid\" and \"I am terrible at my job.\" You know, it's could be true. Not everyone is smart. Statistically, half of everyone is of below average intelligence. Truth, right?</p>\n<p>Second, you are terrible at your job. I can see that being the case. If a brick layer has a go at being a car mechanic, or an interior decorator tries to lay concrete, well, both are going to be terrible at their jobs. No shame in that. It's not where their skill lies.</p>\n<p>But the third. Oh, the \"Everyone hates me.\" Now, that's the one that is the problem. You see, society has us looking at stuff like career, body shape and image, money, intelligence, employment position, sexual skills and attraction. The list goes on.</p>\n<p>Now, who really is comfortable being judged by that criteria? Who is comfortable judging others that way? I am not.</p>\n<p>The fix is to see how you treat others or, more importantly, how you SHOULD treat others. The reality is you can be as dumb as a stump and the worst person at your job. It might get you fired, but it shouldn't get you hated. Besides, the currency of looks, job skill, or intellingence really isn't all that important anyway.</p>\n<p><span>My nephew is autistic. He is not very intellingent. He knows this. He also knows that whatever job he takes, he is not very fast and may not be the best at it.</span></p>\n<p><span>But this kid loves. OMG, does he know how to love. The big bearhug that you get from his 6'5\" 280Lb frame is almost painful, but it's pure love. He doesn't care how smart someone is, or sexy, or tall, or fat, or thin. He just gives love as it is the currency he deals in. And yet, here we are, judging ourselves based on intellingence and job performance.</span></p>\n<p><span>People will reflect energy. If you have no love for yourself because, as you say, you are stupid or bad at your job, ,well, who would love you if you don't love yourself? You see?</span></p>\n<p><span>The reality is, just by existing, you are worthy of love and compassion. Hate is the devil's work.</span></p>\n<p><span>I rambled a bit here but I hope it helped. You take care, and I know if we ever talk, I will find something in you to like and enjoy conversing with.</span><span></span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "283932",
"thread_id": "25405",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Breakingthemantra_25405/"
"author": "Tiikeri101",
"content": "<p>@pickle68,</p>\n<p>Thank you. Thank you for your thoughtful reply, thank you for making me cry, andthank you for reinvigorating my faith in humanity. On my best days, i am all about helping, giving love andcompassion, looking for the beauty in life and in people, making peoples' days a little brighter however I can. On bad days- too many, really- it's the mantra. What I get from your post is a reminder that perspective is everything, and anxiety really messes with my perspective.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "284230",
"thread_id": "25405",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Breakingthemantra_25405/"
"author": "Pickle68",
"content": "<p>Hugs to you. You are much wiser than you think. Stronger as well.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "284897",
"thread_id": "25405",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Breakingthemantra_25405/"
] |
"author": "VznCatt",
"content": "I think people should just know it involves this:\n\n-them asking you the same question at least 10 times\n-them saying sorry at least 3 times a day\n-you promising them its okay\n-ordering food for them\n-making phone calls for them\n-repeating the same directions 3 times, then just going with them\n-texts as soon as you leave\n-sweaty palms\n-constant reassuring\n-them constantly changing their mind\n-checking to make sure something is done correctly over and over (ie writing an address/phone number)\n-ALWAYS BEING EARLY\n-NEVER BEING LATE\n-“yes, its at 4:30”\n-directions never being clear enough\n-ANSWERING THE SAME QUESTION MULTIPLE TIMES\n-THEM BEING NERVOUS FOR SEEMINGLY SIMPLE TASKS\n",
"date": "1435331598",
"thread_id": "25130",
"title": "Dating someone with anxiety ",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Datingsomeonewithanxiety_25130/"
} | [
"author": "possiblybroken",
"content": "<p></p>\n<p>Dating someone with anxiety disorder. His fear of being all by himself has pushed him to cheat on me countless of times. Whenever we are together, it's absolutely perfect; affectionate, romantic, cares genuinely about me, cooks and cleans and so good in bed! But as soon as I stepped out of the house or having to leave town for work, he would be on dating apps looking for people to talk to. For the past 3 months, I've barely left his side, so he has never been on any of the dating sites. And then, as soon as he stepped his foot back home for the summer break, he activated his tinder account. Although I am hurt, and possibility lying to myself by covering his disloyalty with this story, my baby is struggling with anxiety and he can't be alone.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "275897",
"thread_id": "25130",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Datingsomeonewithanxiety_25130/"
"author": "gentlepenguin01",
"content": "<p>Really sorry if this seems out of line but I feel like you deserve better than someone constantly cheating on you- for whatever reason they may have. Take care of yourself too x.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "283874",
"thread_id": "25130",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Datingsomeonewithanxiety_25130/"
"author": "LonelyLake",
"content": "<p>It depends on which kind of anxiety disorder I guess.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "275915",
"thread_id": "25130",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Datingsomeonewithanxiety_25130/"
"author": "TransAm85",
"content": "<p>You're describing my husband .. He was diagnosed w/generalized anxiety about 5 years ago, but he never went back to that doctor and won't take medication. His medication is Miller Lite. He's a perfectionist, needs constant reassurance that I love him and will never leave, needs me w/him 24/7, and HATES being late! He is a wonderful person, but I wish he would stop being so stubborn and get help from a doctor b/c he is just a heart attack away .. all that beer and anxiety combined is not good.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "276158",
"thread_id": "25130",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Datingsomeonewithanxiety_25130/"
"author": "theVert",
"content": "<p>I've always just thought that was normal behavior, but then I found out I had anxiety a few years back. Still amazes me how much I've been affected by it without realizing.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "276210",
"thread_id": "25130",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Datingsomeonewithanxiety_25130/"
"author": "allthebells",
"content": "<p>I haven't been to the dentist in years because I'm afraid of both making the phone call to set up the appointment, and getting all kinds of grief for not having gone in for a visit in years. One of my fillings fell out about a month ago and I still haven't gotten the courage to even make the call. Anxiety reallysucks.</p>\n<p>I know it may sound silly to be afraid of these things, but ifyou're with someone with anxiety, offering to make a simple phone call or reply to an emai<span>l for them can save them a panic attack.</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "276262",
"thread_id": "25130",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Datingsomeonewithanxiety_25130/"
"author": "gentlepenguin01",
"content": "<p>I really hope you can get someone to make that dental appointment for you. Your health is important after all. If you're also anxious while at the dentist and you manage to get someone to sort out the appointment for you then maybe you can ask them to look around for dentist who particularly treat with people who are anxious with dental treatment.</p>\n<p>One thing I found really helpful is that some practices have an online appointment system! So much easier making an appointment that way... Although they make call to confirm.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "283870",
"thread_id": "25130",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Datingsomeonewithanxiety_25130/"
"author": "starryRiver83",
"content": "<p>I just wish more people understood this and didn't just degrade someone and class them as 'needy/ dependent' in the belittling sense. Too many people are easy to get rid of their girlfriend or boyfriend for no good reason other than the fact that they seem to lack true understanding of anxiety. I'm really glad you wrote this post.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "276293",
"thread_id": "25130",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Datingsomeonewithanxiety_25130/"
"author": "gentlepenguin01",
"content": "<p>WhileI wouldn't say every single bullet point described myself I just couldn't help but laugh at this one: \"yes, its at 4:30\" because I asked if it was at 4:30pm three times today and I guess the fact that the idea is true but also that the <em>timing</em>is also accurate kinda hit the needle on the head with that one.<img title=\"cheeky\" alt=\"cheeky\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"http://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/tongue_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>\n<p>Luckily I've got social anxiety to keep me from continuouslyprodding to make sure of things.<img title=\"yes\" alt=\"yes\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"http://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"><img title=\"angel\" alt=\"angel\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"http://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "283864",
"thread_id": "25130",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Datingsomeonewithanxiety_25130/"
] |
"author": "GermanZebraCupcake",
"content": "Today, I broke my fast for Ramadan at a big community-wide dinner, instead of at home with my husband. There were soooo many people and honestly, it sometimes triggers me a bit that the room is not only wall-to-wall full of people but also, I struggle with the language barrier. I feel stressed that I can't make friends due to language barriers, cultural barriers, and then social anxiety on top of that. I just wanted to cry. I tried hiding in the hallway where people weren't hanging out in (as much) but the feeling wouldn't go away. (Usually I can calm myself by taking a few minutes alone.) I ended up having this embarrassing melt-down where I cried a lot in front of everybody. \n\nWhat happened was more like: I went to the bathroom to cry to myself and an Arabic-speaking lady came out and saw I was crying. Bless her heart, she wanted to help me but she couldn't really talk to me. So she went to all of the women and declared that there was a crying woman who needed help in the bathroom. So EVERYBODY AND THEIR AUNTIE CAME INTO THE BATHROOM, and asking me if I'm okay...if I'm hurt, and I'm trying to explain that I'm just emotional but they don't understand and it's just making me cry more. lol \n\nIt was a rough day. XD Thankfully, I'm back at home now. Maybe the next community-wide dinner will go better. I'm just really embarrassed. lol \n",
"date": "1435480043",
"thread_id": "25223",
"title": "Today was difficult.",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Todaywasdifficult_25223/"
} | [
"author": "placidDrum2075",
"content": "<p>So sorry about this,I know how embarassing can be cry in front of everybody... My social anxiety is very strong in these days and make me even more difficult to stay among people. Yesterday I went to a wedding and I felt unconfortable and sooo stressed all the time I was there. Then I discovered all of my friends were invited to the party after the wedding,but I wasn't. So I cried. In the middle of the crowd. Luckily almost nobody noticed but I felt so ashamed....</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "277952",
"thread_id": "25223",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Todaywasdifficult_25223/"
"author": "gentlepenguin01",
"content": "<p>One thing I found that really doesn't help with social anxiety is a language barrier to boot. I mean sometimes it's hard enough to convince yourself that all is good when you /do/ and can express yourself in a language you understand fully. So with a language barrier, it's like yet another blockade.</p>\n<p>Is there anyone you can talk to about this? i.e. your husband that you mentioned or someone who's part of that group who you don't have that language barrier with? Sometimes it's easier to stick to someone you feel most comfortable around and sit by the exit. But even the best of times can be overwhelming and all we can do is accept what had happened I guess... (easier said than done for people who re-hash events over and over in our heads XD).</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "283857",
"thread_id": "25223",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Todaywasdifficult_25223/"
] |
"author": "Tiikeri101",
"content": "I think the worst part of social anxiety is actually the day or so after a trigger event when you (or maybe just me?) mentally replay and rehash every single comment, thought, and action... I can't seem to break the cycle of beating myself up! (This time is not so bad, though. That's a relief.) \n",
"date": "1435117529",
"thread_id": "24965",
"title": "The worst part is after",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Theworstpartisafter_24965/"
} | [
"author": "theVert",
"content": "<p>I do the same thing, sometimes even a week later. If anyone has any advice, please share.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "276209",
"thread_id": "24965",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Theworstpartisafter_24965/"
"author": "Miracle",
"content": "<p>I don't have social anxiety so it is likely the extent to which I do this is much reduced, however I wanted to reach out none the less. I often run over conversations many times, and think what I could have said and what would have been better to say ect. It can seem very annoying and stressful and make you think that it has the effect of reducing your self esteem, I used to be sure of this. Then I considered that prehaps it works like dreaming and allows you to evaluate the situation in order to have a better response next time unconsciously, now I may well be wrong, but seeing it from that perspective and reducing the level of stress I felt over something that was uncontrollable, did help a little.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "276229",
"thread_id": "24965",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Theworstpartisafter_24965/"
"author": "Tiikeri101",
"content": "<p>That's an interesting way to look at it, thanks, Miracle! I'm not sure how much it will help, but I will give it a try.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "276445",
"thread_id": "24965",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Theworstpartisafter_24965/"
"author": "Andrea50",
"content": "<p>This is basically me. After social situations I feel no good becasue I feel left out , hated, or sad that I'm so scared. One thing though is that I've made it through , and social anxiety has affected my life greatly.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "277731",
"thread_id": "24965",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Theworstpartisafter_24965/"
"author": "z3nmaster",
"content": "<p>I get that quite frequently, I've even been known to think about situation that have occurred months ago that have no relevance to anything that's happening in the present.</p>\n<p>Usually, I try to focus of the future and the present, or if I must think about the past then experience where I did well. I feel like a lot of anxiety is based on the fact we get locked onto the negative aspects of ourselves. Try and actively recall the things that you're good at and what you like about yourself, so you can prepare for future events.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "283494",
"thread_id": "24965",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Theworstpartisafter_24965/"
] |
"author": "LillyIris35",
"content": "Does anyone else have this? I think technically Panic attacks and Anxiety attacks are the same thing, but I find I can differentiate in myself. Panic attacks happen suddenly for me, and are often about medical issues and seem to come out of no where. Anxiety attacks tend to happen for me when I think about life or something triggering happens. Both can end the same way but most of the time they have different symptoms.\n\nPanick attacks for me can include: Feeling im going to die, Feelings of dread, need to take deep breaths and lots of crying, heart palpitations\n\nAnxiety attacks: intense crying, loss of breath, Intense depression, manic behaviour and shaking.\n\nMaybe its because im also bipolar? Does anyone else have distinct kinds of attacks?\n",
"date": "1435397843",
"thread_id": "25181",
"title": "Panic attacks that differ",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattacksthatdiffer_25181/"
} | [
"author": "quietbody9854",
"content": "<p>i suffer from panic disorder and there is definitely a difference between the two attacks. panic attacks, like you said, usually come out of nowhere with no known or single trigger. panic attacks include intense feelings of terror and dread, physiological responses like palpitations, sweating, hyperventilating, inability to breathe, loss of feeling in limbs, numbness, lightheadedness etc. Anxiety attacks on the other hand are usually caused from over complicating and thinking of things or situations so they have a more defined trigger. Anxiety attacks are more psychological like feeling of fear and uneasiness, uncomfortable but still being in touch with their surroundings. It isnt uncommon to experience both instead of one or the other so dont worry.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "278260",
"thread_id": "25181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattacksthatdiffer_25181/"
"author": "LillyIris35",
"content": "<p>thank you! I've never had an answer to that, all my friends who suffer similarly only have one or the other apparently. This was really helpful.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "279186",
"thread_id": "25181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattacksthatdiffer_25181/"
"author": "tonyodido",
"content": "<p>I can totally relate with the different symptoms thing, though both may occur quite randomly for me</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "280801",
"thread_id": "25181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattacksthatdiffer_25181/"
"author": "Batman94",
"content": "<p>It wouldn't be bipolar. That should just be moods, and things should not keep changing suddenly with that. Normally a depressed or manic/hypomanic mood will last months at least.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "282822",
"thread_id": "25181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattacksthatdiffer_25181/"
"author": "z3nmaster",
"content": "<p>That's almost identical to the symptoms that I get for both panic attacks and anxiety attacks! Usually, I can get triggered by other people quite easily and I tend to get really bad muscle contrations; sometimes to the point where I collapse. With anxiety attacks, I overthink a lot of normal situations and all my thoughts overlap one another and it's makes me feel like I'm going vomit as well.</p>\n<p>If you can tell which one it is early on, you can always correctly prepare for them <3 Stay strong :D</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "283487",
"thread_id": "25181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattacksthatdiffer_25181/"
] |
"author": "MetalheadMoMo6",
"content": "Some of the things that make me uncomfortable are things that only seem to cause discomfort to people who have had past traumas. I have not experienced any traumas related to this, but for some reason these things still bother me. For some reason, most men make me uncomfortable and I don't know why. Also, I can't wear anything that shows my figure. I can't wear anything without sleeves. I can't wear shorts. I can't wear anything that reveals even a little skin. I don't understand why these things would bother me so much. Can unease about these things be from something else?\n",
"date": "1435339165",
"thread_id": "25136",
"title": "Why would these things bother me?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Whywouldthesethingsbotherme_25136/"
} | [
"author": "TransAm85",
"content": "<p>Were you sexually abused as a child? Did you do something extreme w/a man that now makes you uncomfortable around men and being yourself? I used to escort for a short period of time and after I started getting serious w/my now husband, I couldn't dress like I used to, completely changed my style of dressing in fact, and sometimes he asks me why I don't dress \"sexy\" anymore. Well .. it reminds me of that horrible period of my life. I forgot the last time I wore a skirt and some stilettos, but I just feel awkward now dressing like that. I don't even feel comfortable wearing lingerie to bed. I just wear an old t-shirt. But, somehow you have to let go of w/e is bothering you .. hiding behind all those clothes? Wearing a mask doesn't take away the pain, I learned that a long time ago. Show off your beauty. That first step will make you feel a lot better. :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "276147",
"thread_id": "25136",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Whywouldthesethingsbotherme_25136/"
"author": "MetalheadMoMo6",
"content": "<p>Nothing bad happened like that thankfully. But I guess I am afraid of turning out like the people I went to high school with. They didn't give one hoot about modesty and keeping hearts in one piece.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "276338",
"thread_id": "25136",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Whywouldthesethingsbotherme_25136/"
] |
"author": "maybemonday244",
"content": "Hi everyone - I'm Maddie. I've been struggling with anxiety for years. I have recently been able to find some respite with mindfulness and counseling; however, at my most recent therapy appointment, the option of medication was brought up to ponder. \n\nFor those of you who have been medicated for anxiety, what is your experience? I am hesitant to go along with the recommendation for meds, but I am curious about the pros and cons of this as well. \n\nThoughts?\n\n \n",
"date": "1435282758",
"thread_id": "25099",
"title": "Medication: Pros and Cons",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/MedicationProsandCons_25099/"
} | [
"author": "affectionateDime175",
"content": "<p>Medication changed my life in all of the best ways. I have an as needed prescription for [edit: medication name removed]that I've been taking for about three years. I take it when I feel like I need it, and only when I feel like I need it. For me....it's like being able to breathe again. I take it when I know I'm going to be in a situation that makes me anxious, or when I'm beginning to panic and it allows me to think and behave rationally, even without erasing what I'm feeling (it just makes itmore manageble). Sometimes I don't use it for months, and sometimes my life is full of stress and I'm using it every couple of days. But I love that I control how and when. That said, if I take too much I do get a \"high\" from it, so that may be a concern for you. It can leave you feeling groggy and sedated, though I don't have that problem with it.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Do you have any idea what type of anxiety med you'd be considering? I only have experience with anti-depressants and as-needed anxiety, but I can help with questions you have about those.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "275285",
"thread_id": "25099",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/MedicationProsandCons_25099/"
"author": "maybemonday244",
"content": "<p>I would be looking for an as-needed anxiety medication, so this is really helpful to know! Have you experienced any negative side effects because of either the anxiety or depression meds?</p>\n<p>Thank you!<img title=\"smiley\" alt=\"smiley\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "275354",
"thread_id": "25099",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/MedicationProsandCons_25099/"
"author": "affectionateDime175",
"content": "<p>The anti-depressants I'm on now aren't giving me any negative side effects (though I had to try a couple before I found the one that works best for me). I have zero negative effects from the anti-anxiety meds other than the \"high\" feeling if I take too much. I would advise not driving or doing anything that could be dangerous until you know how your body reacts to it just in case it makes you extra drowsy. You should talk to your doctor about it, but what I did first was put myself in a situation that I knew would make me anxious (large crowds lots of noise, etc) and then I took it for the first time. It let me do a \"dry run\" of the medication. I had a lot of test anxiety, and the best time to find out the medication didn't work well for me would not have been in the middle of a test.</p>\n<p>The effects of the anti-anxiety meds don't last very long (maybe an hour for me?) so if you do experience something negative it should pass pretty quickly.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "275920",
"thread_id": "25099",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/MedicationProsandCons_25099/"
"author": "maybemonday244",
"content": "<p>Thanks so much, this helps a lot.<img title=\"laugh\" alt=\"laugh\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "276217",
"thread_id": "25099",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/MedicationProsandCons_25099/"
] |
"author": "sensibleSkies8816",
"content": "I suffer with anxiety badly. Counselling isn't working, and anti depressants make me gain weight which adds to the problem. I don't know what else to do 😞\n",
"date": "1425306769",
"thread_id": "18946",
"title": "Anxiety",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_18946/"
} | [
"author": "Koohii",
"content": "<p>I know how you feel ;[ anxiety sucks.</p>\n<p>Although one piece of advice I do have (which I'm sure you heard before, too, as a fellow anxiety sufferer) is that regular exercise helps relieve some of that built up tension, which will in turn also improve sleep.</p>\n<p>Start with small changes and progressively work your way into a routine. I started by walking instead of taking the bus to my uni.</p>\n<p>Best of luck. Hang in there <3</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "160853",
"thread_id": "18946",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_18946/"
"author": "sensibleSkies8816",
"content": "<p>Thank you for your reply! I actually started swimming a couple of days ago. I really hope this helps! Thanks for your positivity x</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "160858",
"thread_id": "18946",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_18946/"
"author": "Roadie",
"content": "<p>That's good advice, @Koohii</p>\n<p>My routine is to get out at lunchtime every day for a walk. It makes a big difference. You are 100% correct!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "162617",
"thread_id": "18946",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_18946/"
"author": "PsychGradStudent",
"content": "<p>I have read somewhere online that proper nutrition also plays a huge role in anxiety outcome. However, if you're sometimes like myself when having an episode of anxiety/panic, I lose all appetite, I still try to ensure I have proper intake of vitamins :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "185844",
"thread_id": "18946",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_18946/"
"author": "RoohPooh77",
"content": "<p>I've been there foe over 2-3 weeks I might eat a snack once a day I just don't Want it but I take a vitamin live off monsters and Phone. It took me forever to get to 128lbs now I'm barely 112 constant migraines. Can't sleep don't really Want to do anything but sit alone listen to music. I still do my housework and do the mommy things but nit like OCD cleaning that I do. Everyone I go to be bathroom I look at myself and literally ask myself WTF is wrong with u this ain't u....sounds dumb but chew your own ass be your cheerleader u be surprise tell yourself you love u.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "185876",
"thread_id": "18946",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_18946/"
"author": "heartheavy1983",
"content": "<p>My therapist taught me a tapping exercise... it a series of taps on pressure points around the face and head. It's a temporary relief but it kind of resets the brain to get u out of that anxiety funk</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "185849",
"thread_id": "18946",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_18946/"
"author": "goodBeing9390",
"content": "<p>I know how you feel. I suffer from anxiety disorder. I recently got off my anxiety pills and I have been having panic attacks. What helps me is breathing. Some therapist taught me this long ago. Take a moment and breath in slowly for 6 seconds and out for 8 seconds. If you can, lay down, Repeat for a couple minutes. It helps to calm you down because when your anxious, your breathing is abnormal. Doing this breathing calms you down. Another thing I do is take a pen and paper and just jot down everything that's flying through my mind. This helps me so much because as soon as I'm done my mind is clear. Good luck! Remember that your life won't always be this way and think positive thoughts.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "185889",
"thread_id": "18946",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_18946/"
"author": "Mara1259",
"content": "<p>i understand your problem and i'm so sorry. i also deal with various mental illness diagnoses and i am not getting any better with my anxiety and panic attacks because i refuse to take any medication with a possible of weight gain. i think things will eventually get better though, i'm working on getting over the weight thing so i can try something else. i think its working, i know it's a difficult situation but i would recommend trying the same.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "220409",
"thread_id": "18946",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_18946/"
"author": "anxietytools1",
"content": "<p>Hi all! I've been reading through some of the posts online and wanted to suggest a treatment option using Cognitive Behavioral Therapythat I thought might be helpful. It's an online webinar that includes 9 different techniques to help better manage anxiety! See the website below and use promo code: ANXIETY to get 10% off.www.anxietywebinar.com</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "226140",
"thread_id": "18946",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_18946/"
"author": "LavenderBlues",
"content": "<p>I have no desire to speak to anyone. I try to minimize the conversation at work, but obviously it's proven to be dooming the effiency of my task and I've even bawled my eyes out during a work meeting with my boss and a supervisor while talking about what I did for work last week. Even though I'm embarrassed to my core, I have no urge to change and I'm not planning to try therapy sessions since I have experienced it before. I'm always alone and I don't feel lonely or bored at all. I just wish I could motivate myself enough to get through each day at work because I still need to pay rent,. My job is the main reason for my depression and anxiety but I can't change it before the end of this year because of the fact my hands are tied to my boss, so I'm just miserable and I put on a mask everyday to \"survive\". I'm 29 and I lost hope for making new friends or finding a soulmate. I feel like I'm going to end up poor andalone with no family and friends left when I'm older.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "274243",
"thread_id": "18946",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_18946/"
"author": "nicktendogame",
"content": "<p>I am in this exact position and I just don't know what to do to change it. I've actually tried to go to a meetup group to attempt and make some new friends, but it all seems the same. Everything is just 'social'. No real connection, everyone concerned for themselves and I find it very cold. My only best friend basically ignored me now that she's got a boyfriend. It's just so hard to hold out hope. No one would care if I disappeared except for my parents and they're not getting any younger. I can't keep depending on them at 30 yrsold, but they're also all I've got.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "274253",
"thread_id": "18946",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_18946/"
"author": "LavenderBlues",
"content": "<p>@nicktendogame,<br><br>Ah, I can relate to this. I depend on my parents as well and I stay at their house on the weekends. The thing is both of them are getting weaker and weaker and my mother is the only one with the job, and she wants to stop working and just rest but since my father can't work due to his lung problem, she works so hard even with her arthritis. I'm supposed to be the one providing for my family since my brother can't either. But I barely make a living for myself. I've tried meeting people in person via online dating sites and writing courses, but like you said, there was never a genuine connection. My only 'so-called' friend is the one I'd had since I was a teenager, but she's being critical and struggling to fight her own depression and it's wearing me out to the point of me considering ending my friendship with her. I still keep her but my patience is running out. I feel like I could never trust another person to stay by my side, it feels like every one leaves.<span></span></p>\n<p>I'm sorry to hear your friend is being distant because of her boyfriend. In my experience they seek you out the moment they break up with them. I've learned my lesson from my own experience of having a bf and not being able to keep the friend at that time. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in this sitation, in this life.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "274271",
"thread_id": "18946",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxiety_18946/"
] |
"author": "convivialTiger54",
"content": "I feel constantly on edge and I don't know why. I don' t have a reason for it, it's like one day i just woke up sad and paranoid. And now I'm always waiting for people to point out anything and everthing I've done wrong. I feel like im waiting to be told off by my boss, waiting for my friends to realise they don't like me, waiting for people to realise that I have insulted them etc etc. I didn't used to be this way, and now i find myself struggling to sleep before work, suffering diarrhoea, and feeling physically sick. I don't know what to do, and im too embarrassed to bring it up to any of my friends or colleagues. \n",
"date": "1425760134",
"thread_id": "19216",
"title": "Wound up all the time",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
} | [
"author": "Echo419",
"content": "<p>Has anything happened recently? </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "165414",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "convivialTiger54",
"content": "<p>No, nothing. I have a stressful job but thats not a new thing, i've been there a year. But recently I just feel like im drowing all the time.</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "166148",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "Roadie",
"content": "<p>Hi there @convivialTiger54</p>\n<p>You are not alone in this feeling. I've felt that way myself often in the last ten years or so. Have you felt this way prior to this job?</p>\n<p>Postscript: I removed the second instance of this thread :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "172415",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "convivialTiger54",
"content": "<p>Thanks for the reply. I can't really pinpoint when it started, I've never been massively outgoing, but it does seem to have really blown up recently. I've been at my job for a year and a half, and I've always had days that were worse than others, but in the past few months i feel like I just can't escape feeling almost permanently terrified :(</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "201939",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "anxietyrob",
"content": "<p>I know exactly how you feel, ive always been a little anxious but nothing untoward, then 18 months ago BANG, it was like an explosion, i got anxious about becominganxious, i still do. Im not a \"talker\" for fear of being laughed at, but things got that bad i was signed off work for 6 weeks and now i go to weekly therapy. So don't do what i did, speak to somebody before you explode.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "172675",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "Roadie",
"content": "<p>Good advice, anxietyrob :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "172821",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "mndrz2010",
"content": "<p>I totally know what you mean. I've had to take a leaveof work because of my anxiety blow up right when I was going somewhere in my job. It sucks feeling like you have no control.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "177667",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "anxietyrob",
"content": "<p>how do you deal with this? i had the same issue, iused to be fine, now im a nervous wreck, im on tablets and go to see a therapist but cant see any light at the end of this tunnel?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "180398",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "mndrz2010",
"content": "<p>I wish I had a better answer for you but unfortunately I have no idea. I'm still going through it, and I'm still out of work. With my new founded free timeI'm currently doing research and working on some holistic and lifestyle changes to see if that helps along with going back on medication, both of which take time. I'm realizing that there is no quick fix to get me back to where I was. I don't know your whole story but in my case I had a similar incident happen a few years backthat was a result ofme taking on too much stressover a very short period of time. I wasn't giving myself enough time to adjust to these new levels of anxiety I was experiencing along the way and it ended byblowing up in my face. Anxiety can be your body's way of telling you that you need to slow down or step away. It's just hard knowing if what your feeling is legit or just your brain playing tricks.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "180417",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "anxietyrob",
"content": "<p>Thanks for the reply, seems like we are pretty similar with similarexperience. Works full on usually for me, we moved house last year, have two kids under 7 and a 14 year old.</p>\n<p>So life is pretty hectic, i'm in my 30s and it worries that ive got a long time left feeling this frustrated towards my anxiety. I should be care free (so to speak) but worry about the smallest things.</p>\n<p>The medication doesnt seem to help me, (it probably does but i dontthink it does!) What meds were you on, i was on citalapram but that made my anxiety worse, 6 months of hell. I like you need to look into a lifestyle change i think,morefresh air and less stress</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "180495",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "mndrz2010",
"content": "<p>I totally understand you feeling frustrated with all this, anxiety is overwhelming especially when you realize this is something you're gonna have to deal with over time. I've dealt with anxiety my whole life and was officially diagnosed when I was 17 with severe anxiety and OCD. Knowing that this was something I was gonna have to deal with for the rest of my life itleft me feeling so discouraged. Thankfully I have an amazing family whose been behind me from the start.For years I was on high dosages ofProzac (specifically for the ocd and my age), xanax (as needed), and Lamictal (treats seizures). I was maxed out on the prozac and lamictal before theyreached theirtherapuetic levels and xanax makes me exhausted. I hated being so young taking so many meds and the side effects were too many to count. About a year ago I decided to stop taking them and was functioning welluntil this happened. Now that I'm 23 I have more options when it comes to meds but I'm trying to stay away from as many as I can. I'm currently just taking xanax as needed and lower doses of Lamictal but I can tell they're not at therapuetic levels so I'll probably end up on more. It's all about findingbalance. I just wish I could find mine faster lol</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "180581",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "mndrz2010",
"content": "<p>Medication is tricky which is why you need to have a great doctor.I have an awesomePsychiatrist who I trust completelybut you have to be careful because their job is to write you a prescription. It's up to you to decide if you're gonna take it or not. Knowledge is power so knowing what it is your taking, why you're taking it, the side effects, and how you should be responding to it is really important. From my personal experienceI don't see medication as the problem solver, and if Idid I wouldbe so disappointed, I see it as a tool to use to help cope.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "180597",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "convivialTiger54",
"content": "<p>Hey, thanks for replying! What was your incentive to get signed off? I don't feel yet like I need to be signed off, but also I don't feel able to explain my feelings to my doctor. I recently was at the GP with a seperate complaint, and when he asked me if i felt stressed or unwell I automatically answered no, despite wanting to launch into a story about how I'm just scared all the time...</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "201940",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "Echo419",
"content": "<p>Sorry i havent posted, ive been dealing with life sadly, but anywho, its your anxieties kicking in, is your mind continously active? Such as your mind wanders and wont stop going a billion times an hour?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "176631",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "anxietyrob",
"content": "<p>I've just been told there is a visit required with work next week, its a 6 hr drive there and back or an hour flight there and back.</p>\n<p>Ive justgone in to anxiety overload, and its not even been confirmed that its me who's going! How do we stop these feeling!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "180397",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "braveBunny4914",
"content": "<p>I know how you feel on that one I the same still waiting for my partner to leave to dont know why I think like that think mine could be fact I was adopted so might have fear of being abandoned </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "180419",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "convivialTiger54",
"content": "<p>Thank you for all your replies! So glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. I'm not keen to go my GP so I'm trying to deal with it on my own. I'm not getting very far, but I'm intimidated by the thought of going to the doctors! Recently I've made a good friend at work so I at least have a bit of a support system there, but I know she's planning on leaving soon and I just don't want to be reliant on another person to live my day to day life?! I haven't told her that she's basically the only reason I'm surviving at work, I feel like that's too much pressure to put on one person - especially if it's someone whose just a work friend!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "201938",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "Kristen1993",
"content": "<p>Never beembarrassed, you can't help what you feel. I can understand feeling anxious about tellingpeople, but this community at least isfilled with veryempathetic people here to help. I myself one dayexperienced something similar where I just woke up and felt like someone had flipped a switch and I could no longer express emotion and just viewed myself asworthless.Therapy can really help, have you tried seeing a therapist or counselor? Or if you are a littleapprehensive to the idea, have you thoughtpfmaybe going to a supportgroup or even looking for some online?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "211153",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
"author": "convivialTiger54",
"content": "<p>Im really unsure of whats available to me in this area, last time I was at the doctor (for something that I think is unrelated) he really made me feel like I was wasting his time for going, and now im nervous to go back. I myself work for the NHS and I am more than aware how stretched thin they are, I would be horrified to find out I was just wasting resources. Thats why I came here, hoping to find some comfort without bothering anyone - everyone here chooses to be.</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "274108",
"thread_id": "19216",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Woundupallthetime_19216/"
] |
"author": "aleximin",
"content": "I am terrified of three things. Bees, injections, and falling. They all suck and make various things more difficult for me. Still, I'm not sure if I want to get over those fears. If I stop avoiding situations or places where there might be bees, what if I get stung? What if I get injected with something bad by accident or something goes wrong, because I wasn't obsessive and scared enough? What if I fall and hurt myself because I ran on grass or walked in the rain or tripped over? Recovery is terrifying.\n",
"date": "1435026914",
"thread_id": "24916",
"title": "How do you get over phobias when you don't want to?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Howdoyougetoverphobiaswhenyoudontwantto_24916/"
} | [
"author": "Yulecat",
"content": "<p>One thing I learned about overcoming fears is to just do it. I was afraid of needles, but for medical reasons I had to get injections. Luckily I'd didn't feel a thing and it gets better and better. I was also afraid of spiders. I now own a tarantula and I'm not afraid of spiders anymore. \n\nTake your time to overcome it. And when you face it. Take a deep breath and let it happen. If you fall? You get back up on your feet. :) </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "272383",
"thread_id": "24916",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Howdoyougetoverphobiaswhenyoudontwantto_24916/"
] |
"author": "starlobster",
"content": "Hello, I'm not sure if this is even the right place to ask this. After a period of depression, I have ostracized myself from some of the friends in my life. Now that I'm better, I still have a great fear of trying to reach out to them. Every time I think of trying to reconnect with them, or at least see how they are doing, I get caught up and can't do it. The fact of this is weighing more and more.\n\nAny good advice?\n",
"date": "1434954301",
"thread_id": "24857",
"title": "Overcoming fear",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Overcomingfear_24857/"
} | [
"author": "JessalynJay",
"content": "<p>I went through the exacts same thing. During winter I dropped to the lowest point of my life. I cut everyone out. It got to the point where'd I only say one to no words at all to the people I considered the closest. Now, in my case, it didn't go back to normal. After reaching out to them it felt good, but I always had a sense of a barrier between us. Just don't expect for everything to go back to normal, and maybe along the way, stop and think, do I really want to be friends with this person again? Or do I just want to go back to the way I was? Cause' after December I realized I was more mature, and I didnt really fit in with them anymore. Just keep a clear mind, and think before taking any actions. (:</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "271043",
"thread_id": "24857",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Overcomingfear_24857/"
] |
"author": "dancingthroughlife16",
"content": "I've always been a quiet person who never had a lot to say, and my social anxiety has always made me feel ridiculous on the rare occasions when I do speak. Over the past year, however, the physical act of speaking has become difficult for me. It's like my vocal chords just don't want to work at all. Even if I do have something to say and I'm not nervous about saying it, I just can't get the words out. Does anyone else find it physically difficult to speak, even if you aren't feeling particularly anxious? What can I do about it?\n",
"date": "1433626143",
"thread_id": "24165",
"title": "Struggling to Speak",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrugglingtoSpeak_24165/"
} | [
"author": "zebra98",
"content": "<p>I felt the same way when i was in 7th grade. One thing that helped me was to consantly remind myself: whats the worst thing that can happen? Nothing! They won't bite me. They wont hit me! So what IF they might laugh, Atleast i finally said something.\nAnd after pushing myself to atleast say something, i then tried to start a conversation etc. Etc. \nIdk if it helped or not. \nOne thing that helped me to acctually start talking was that i knew that if i woudnt start talking i would have lost the only people that wanted to be with me. \nI hope this helped a little bit. Dont give up!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "253518",
"thread_id": "24165",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrugglingtoSpeak_24165/"
"author": "purpleBranch8023",
"content": "<p>i have this problem, but it's because i have selectivemutism. i am literally not physicallyable to talk in some situations<br>i think it's a childhood disorder (that can continue into adolescence and when you're an adult), soi don't knowif it's possible to get it if you've only been experiencing this lately? i'm not sure, though, and it's nice to know if it turns out you actually do have it</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "269420",
"thread_id": "24165",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrugglingtoSpeak_24165/"
"author": "CallMeBlessed",
"content": "<p>I struggle with social anxiety. I find it difficult to have the simplest conversation with people. I am trying to over come it, but it is still very hard for me. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "269469",
"thread_id": "24165",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrugglingtoSpeak_24165/"
"author": "Sarbear84",
"content": "<p>I also struggle with the same thing. When I talk to people and feel confident that everything will come out right, it seems that my mind moves a lot faster than my mouth and I end up stuttering and losing track of my thoughts. That usually causes me to become extremely anxious and it all goes downhill from there. However, I've found that if I pretend that nothing happened and that I didn't stutter or slur my words, that other people won't even notice it or won't even care. I also try to laugh it off in themore embarassing situations. I hope this helps in any way:)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "269519",
"thread_id": "24165",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrugglingtoSpeak_24165/"
"author": "RaduM1989",
"content": "<p>Hi, I've been having this problem lately too, with my friends. I didn't bother me as much, but now I put a lot of pressure on myself to have something to say and that really doesn't help. Compassion and silence as a part of conversation, arenice when i remind myself of those 2 things. Being at ease with who I am helps to relieve the pressure. Thank's for sharing guys :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "270112",
"thread_id": "24165",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrugglingtoSpeak_24165/"
] |
"author": "Lightyourlife",
"content": "I have a phobia of darkness. I kind of need help for that. I start having a panic attack whenever I am in somewhere dark.\n",
"date": "1434360005",
"thread_id": "24519",
"title": "Darkness",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Darkness_24519/"
} | [
"author": "MichaelaS",
"content": "",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "268371",
"thread_id": "24519",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Darkness_24519/"
] |
"author": "ShyFish16",
"content": "I am the shyest person you will ever meet. And I'm not entirely sure why. A lot of people think I do it on purpose, to get attention. Yeah,.... I'm trying to do the opposite. :) I'm a waitress, and have no problem at all talking to complete strangers, which is weird. I have a few friends and can usually talk to them pretty well if we are alone. But if we are in or near a large crowd of people , I just freeze up. I can't say a word and I feel like all eyes are on me. It's almost like stage fright,except it's all the time. If I absolutely HAVE to say something to someone in a crowd or with a group of people, I purposely don't make eye-contact. Because if I do, I just lose my nerve and say nothing. This is mainly because when I talk to a group of people, I don't know who to look at. Do you look at everyone as you talk, or just one person? This always makes me even more nervous to think about while I'm also trying to sort of ,almost, have a conversation, and then I just space out while I'm thinking about how this should all be done. And then it's over, and I have no clue what we even talked about. I know I probably sound like I'm coming from planet Mars, trying to learn \"human ways of social interaction\" but I'm just a normal Earthling like the rest of you. Any advice is much appreciated, thank you.\n",
"date": "1434307348",
"thread_id": "24484",
"title": "Shy-ness to the Extreme",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ShynesstotheExtreme_24484/"
} | [
"author": "StressedGirl",
"content": "<p>Hi, I think you may have Social Phobia/Asperger's Syndrome/Autism (Autism Spectrum Disorder) (ASD). Look in to it. Does your heart race when you have to interact with other people? Do you know what to say or do you get so freaked out you are just like 'Oh, no, hell, I can't do this). Btw, I have Asperger's Syndrome.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "262237",
"thread_id": "24484",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ShynesstotheExtreme_24484/"
"author": "ShyFish16",
"content": "<p>Thankyou, I will look into that. I've never heard of it before, and I'm going to look it up right now. I'm sorry to know you have this, but thanks for reaching out to me and sharing this information. This could really solve a lot of problems if I had a name for it. Thanks again. :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "262305",
"thread_id": "24484",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ShynesstotheExtreme_24484/"
"author": "lipsofdust",
"content": "<p>I have some of your characteristics. I don't like to speak in public, people say I speak very low. For me is very difficult to eat in public, in my first job I didn't eat for like one week until I adapted myself to the change. \n\nI can't make eye contact also, I get distracted and lose completely the conversation. \n\nI think you might have social anxiety disorder. IF exist something that's bothering your daily life seriously then you should ask for help. But if you are more like me, if you think you could manage it maybe it's just your personality...I am introvert since always so I guess I will be fine...good luck!\n\n</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "262312",
"thread_id": "24484",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ShynesstotheExtreme_24484/"
"author": "ShyFish16",
"content": "<p>Thankyoufor your advice. :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "262318",
"thread_id": "24484",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ShynesstotheExtreme_24484/"
"author": "LavenderBlues",
"content": "<p>I also have most of the characteristics of an Aspie that Iread online, but I'm not officially diagnosed as one.Make sure you seek a professional to get a proper diagnosisbefore you pin yourself down to a limitation of your true potentials.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "262526",
"thread_id": "24484",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ShynesstotheExtreme_24484/"
"author": "sparrowmedicine13",
"content": "<p>You really don't sound like you're coming from planet Mars at all! I can completely understand how frustrated you must feel due to all of this. Have you tried researching into selective mutism at all? It may not be exactly what you're having to deal with, but it's a good place to start and has extreme likenesses to other things, like autism for example, which it can often be misdiagnosed as. I hope you're feeling better soon! </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "262319",
"thread_id": "24484",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ShynesstotheExtreme_24484/"
"author": "ShyFish16",
"content": "<p>I will look it up. Thank you for reassuring me I am , in fact, not from Mars. :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "262324",
"thread_id": "24484",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ShynesstotheExtreme_24484/"
] |
"author": "Estelle1313",
"content": "Hi. So im now sixteen and yeah I have a couple of good friends, and sometimes we actually manage to plan to do somethig after school time, but they are mostly introverts so. Im shy so its hard for me to get new friends, and I have all these negative thoughts about my self hanging over me as a shadow. \n\nI feel everyone else is so much freely them self, and Im still stuck in my shell. I want to break free but how? When I always think of what other thinks about me, and all my dad has to say to that its not think about it. Thanks dad, as I havent tried that.\n\n \n\nI just walk alone, and feel shitty, fat and miserable. Im not good at literally anything. Sports, I get hit so much I cant count (with a ball), and singing (I like it, but not any good or bad), art (im normal i would say). And I love taking photography but, Im not good at it. \n\nSo Im now as usual stuck and hiding in my bedroom, with my curtains in front of my window (so its like cave). \n\nAnd I listen to sad music and relatable quotes and just cry. Its so fun to be a teenage wohoo... (Im sarcastic).\n\nSorry I wasted your time reading this. But thanks anyway.\n",
"date": "1433189050",
"thread_id": "23914",
"title": "So lonely ",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Solonely_23914/"
} | [
"author": "misplacedsoul",
"content": "<p>Hi, the best thing I can say is for you to be who you are. Be proud of yourself ...u will be surprised with who supports you.\n </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "247296",
"thread_id": "23914",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Solonely_23914/"
"author": "powerfulGlobe3617",
"content": "<p>The best thing that I have learned along this journey of life was to love and embrace myself. In a world where everyone is trying to be different they are all the same... As a teen I felt the same way I had a lot of self esteem issues it actually wasn't even until the fast 5 years that I learned to be comfortable being me and I feel great. I think often of how much time I waisted waiting to come out of my shell, but know that everything works in its own divinetiming. Do something that you have never done before each day.. no matter how big or how small.. do something that is true to you each day.. baby steps and before you know it that will just be your way of living.. being you. I hope you find what you are looking for girl.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "255687",
"thread_id": "23914",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Solonely_23914/"
"author": "ShyFish16",
"content": "<p>I felt the same way for several years. I will be turning sixteen pretty soon, and feel this way sometimes. One day I decided, my dad doesn't understand me, and that's ok. I learned to be more independent. Now I, have a job as a waitress, play soccer, volunteer at the local food pantry, and do anythingto occupy my time. The key is to stay busy. I have also joined Taekwondo. Then when I start having negative thoughts about myself, I go kick around a soccer ball or run. Anything to stay preoccupied. Hope this helps. :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "262327",
"thread_id": "23914",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Solonely_23914/"
"author": "lipsofdust",
"content": "<p>Well I pass pretty much all my day stuck in a bedroom also, trying to feel less tortured by my mind, so I definitely know what you are passing through.\n\nI have been feeling for years that I was good in nothing, I still think a bit, but what it matters is what you love, you won't be good if you don't practice.\n\nAbout feeling miserable fat and ugly...good luck with what! I still am a deeply sad person with no self respect so if you find out how to get rid of negativity tell me please. But still, my sincere compliments, good luck.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "262384",
"thread_id": "23914",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Solonely_23914/"
] |
"author": "dollygrl",
"content": "Anxiety has taken over my life..\n\nI dropped out of school 2 years ago because of my overwhelming anxiety.\n\nI've lost the few friends i actually had\n\ni stopped going out to places\n\ni do nothing and i'm not living\n\nI feel stuck and it's been like this for so long.. \n",
"date": "1425551803",
"thread_id": "19104",
"title": "Stuck",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Stuck_19104/"
} | [
"author": "PLJosh",
"content": "<p>It's been such a similar situation for me as well for a few years now. It gets to the point that I don't want to leave the house because I want to avoid people even though at the same time I wish I wouldn't.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163497",
"thread_id": "19104",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Stuck_19104/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>Feeling trapped in your home is an awful place to be & I know from experience the anxiety about getting out there only gets worse the longer you don't. Common interest groups/event help because the fun/passion takes away from the anxiety. & sometimes I go out w/ a hood & sunglasses when I feel that way. At least I get out & it usually does help me feel better, usually not right away but after a while. Hope this helps</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163727",
"thread_id": "19104",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Stuck_19104/"
"author": "fabfantasy17",
"content": "<p>Staying stucked from where u did not belong is like hell....:-( ...</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163728",
"thread_id": "19104",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Stuck_19104/"
"author": "callMeFriend",
"content": "<p>Love can convert hell to heaven.. just need a right mindset</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "261628",
"thread_id": "19104",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Stuck_19104/"
"author": "fabfantasy17",
"content": "<p>Staying stucked from where u did not belong is like hell....:-( ...</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163729",
"thread_id": "19104",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Stuck_19104/"
"author": "callMeFriend",
"content": "<p>Wish you find all the happiness of your life pretty soon and have no regrets about your past.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "261633",
"thread_id": "19104",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Stuck_19104/"
"author": "callMeFriend",
"content": "<p>(Edited for sharing personal information)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "261782",
"thread_id": "19104",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Stuck_19104/"
"author": "callMeFriend",
"content": "<p>Thought more about this and I felt heaven & Hell are nothing just our imagination... Real heaven is where we are.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "262023",
"thread_id": "19104",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Stuck_19104/"
"author": "bery786",
"content": "<p>I can totally understand this. I have been suffering from anxiety too. May you feel better soon :) good luck :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163737",
"thread_id": "19104",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Stuck_19104/"
"author": "callMeFriend",
"content": "<p>May your wish come true.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "262024",
"thread_id": "19104",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Stuck_19104/"
] |
"author": "iloverunning",
"content": "I'm terrified of driving out onto the streets. I'm afraid that I would make a bad mistake that I would regret. I tend to zone out often and get overwhelmed easily, and I fear that that would happen to me while I'm driving. \n\nThe first time I drove, I wasn't too terrified although I was a little nervous that I would crash into something. At that time, I was only making circles around my parking lot at a slow speed, not enough to be frightening. I have a similar fear when I am biking. I'm scared of biking to places (unless I'm in a large, open area with little to no cars around), because I'm afraid that I would crash or fall. \n\nMy fears have gotten to the point where I am in college and still do not have a driver's license. Did anyone have a similar fear and was able to overcome it? If so, how? Thanks in advance. \n",
"date": "1433141787",
"thread_id": "23891",
"title": "Fear of driving",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
} | [
"author": "GentleMom",
"content": "<p>I did! I lived in big cities and didn't learn to drive until I was 30...i didn't think I ever would. I practiced a lot on Sunday mornings. And listened to Car Talk... Took on little challenges. You can get tips on driving in traffic. I also gave myself permission to stop (safely) or not to turn until I found a protected turn or arrow. Having nice places to go was motivating too. Haven't gotten the nerve up to drive in Manhattan but I have in other major American cities, including LA, Philadelphia, and Chicago. My first city was San Francisco! You can do it! You can! </p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "246574",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
"author": "GentleMom",
"content": "<p>Re zoning...I have inattentive ADD...so I have to be vigilant and get enough sleep too</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "246576",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
"author": "iloverunning",
"content": "<p>I'll take your ideas into account, thanks GentleMom!And wow, driving in SF can definitely be pretty hectic.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "246590",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
"author": "GentleMom",
"content": "<p>Especially when you're stopped at a light on a steep Hill! Had to learn how not to roll backward when I took my foot off the brake when the light turned green.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "248946",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
"author": "iloverunning",
"content": "<p>That's why I usually just takeBART and walkthe rest of the way. It's much less scarier (and easier to find parking)!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "248987",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
"author": "GentleMom",
"content": "<p>oh SF is tricky -- I recommend getting some lessons or taking a class to help you maneuver around cable cars and BART trains above ground etc. it's not you--it really is challenging. Also I got a lot out of the book the Zen of Driving and now There are multiple books and blogs and posts with that title and wonderful suggestions. there are lots of nuances to SF driving but you can do it. have a great driver friend make sure your mirrors and seat are in the best place for maximum visibility. and give yourself big props for even tiny trips. I learned in Santa Rosa...in the FLAT part in 1989 when it was smaller. I practiced early Sunday morning in residential areas. I would break for sticks and shadows. go challenge by challenge. e.g., early Sunday morning in the south or east bay...early Sunday on a highway. make a list in challenge order up to...? bay bridge at rush hour in the rain? I am your huge cheerleader (hm, maybe I put that wrong...a short big fan of yours.) feel free to PM me any time. I have been in your...sweaty nervous driving shoes...and now have driven 1800 mile solo trips, in Chicago at rush hour, PA turnpike in a post midnight thunderstorm. and am still here. you could also make it a game...get x point per 15 mins of driving, 2x for a bridge, 2x for a highway, x extra for night and rush hour and give yourself a reward for...10,?50, 100 x... you can do it! oh, I was also severely nearsighted. and really short. have fixed half of that LOL. make sure your glasses are good</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "251103",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
"author": "GentleMom",
"content": "<p>I actually got my license at...36, I think.</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "260440",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
"author": "TaylorAnn64",
"content": "<p>@iloverunning I used to be terrified of driving as well! I had a lot of anxiety every time I got behind the wheel. The way I overcame it was just more practice. I suggest trying to practice driving at times and places where there are less cars around, and gradually work your way up to more difficult situations! It may take time, but you can do it :) good luck!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "248965",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
"author": "DiplomaticShade6349",
"content": "<p>Im 25 and I still dont have my liscence Ive praticed a tiny bit when my mom is here. but with how short i am...its hard to find someone, let alone a car that i can see over the dashboard to pratice in.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "258196",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
"author": "GentleMom",
"content": "<p>Hi from another short person! There are lots of articles on the web re which cars to get if you are short and how to further modify them. (Check Car and Driver Magazine's website and AAA).Pedal adapters can be added, as well as things to make your seat higher; I had a friend who was maybe 4' 4\" and had some work on her car to make it easier to drive. </p>\n<p><span>I learned to drive in a Corolla but it's in my Honda Odyssey minivan that I've really felt comfortable, able to see really well in traffic. When I rent cars, I always check to make sure I've got a car with good visibility. Good luck!</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "260439",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
"author": "DiplomaticShade6349",
"content": "<p>thanks! still trying to find a car to practice in with someone, cant afford a car yet.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "260659",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
"author": "MindGames",
"content": "<p>I'm petrified of driving. I have had a license for 4 years but I hardly go anywhere in my car. Just to work and few other familiar places. I tried all sorts of things to help myself (cbt, special driving lessons) but with little improvement. I am now on medication for generalized anxiety and that seems to help with the fear of driving but I am still quite avoidant of it. :(</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "260957",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
"author": "GentleMom",
"content": "<p>what helped me...wanting to go somewhere more than I was afraid to drive. Having the desire to get someplace be greater than my fear...a specific place. and willingness to drive at off hours or on streets not highways and only turn on where I felt safe and going to a parking lot of a store and resting there midway to shake out my nerves. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "261319",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
"author": "GentleMom",
"content": "<p>and thinking about the people I knew who drove even though they had mental or physical disabilities or were over 85 or weren't smart or were usually timid about other things. and I respected how long it took to become comfortable.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "261333",
"thread_id": "23891",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofdriving_23891/"
] |
"author": "upton",
"content": "Hi there, \n\nI always knew that i had some extent of anxiety but recently I get to the point where I feel really faint, loss of vision, feeling completely numb all over and cold sweat. It sounds really silly because it's always at work and then I feel anxious that someone can tell that this is happening so then I become even more anxious and start to feel like i'm going to collapse?\n\nIs this just anxiety or more? I have been to the doctors but they just tell me that it's 'down to circumstance' ... whatever that means.\n\nI'm about to start a new job and i'm terrified that this will start happening again.\n\nOften i'll shake my leg or move my hands about just to make sure that i'm still alert....\n\n \n\nAnyone shed some light on this?\n",
"date": "1433965269",
"thread_id": "24342",
"title": "Am I going to pass out?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmIgoingtopassout_24342/"
} | [
"author": "pandapsychosis",
"content": "<p>This happens to me alot, usually without any real reason. I don't think there's much of anything you can do about it. If the light headedness gets too severe ask your supervisor or boss, etc. If you can go to the bathroom or to sit. I've never actually passed out. For me it's usually just a small anxiety attack that goes away if I relax or think of something else. \nI hope this helps, even if it's just a little bit.\nGood luck with your new job! :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "258565",
"thread_id": "24342",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmIgoingtopassout_24342/"
"author": "TrueAries",
"content": "<p>Dumb question but did they check your blood pressure? I have had light headedness when I had realty lore blood pressure. Otherwise I agree with the visualization. Take yourself to a calm and happy place if you can sit and close your eyes a second. Hope this helps and good luck!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "258596",
"thread_id": "24342",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmIgoingtopassout_24342/"
"author": "InsolitusEdgar",
"content": "<p>Anxiety can manifest itself in many, many ways. It's a subjective disease, I can tell you that. All of your symptoms are down to anxiety, because your mind is turning against itself. You are not going to pass out from a panic attack or anxiety. That is where it manifests. You believe you are going to pass out, and so your anxiety kicks itself up 1000% and every little tic is blown up and exaggerated.</p>\n<p>I want you to try something and keep tryng this. Whenever you start to get those feelings, the numbness, the tingling, the vision, I want you to drink some water, slowly breathe out your nose, and think about something else--I want you to completely just focus on something else, anything, and focus on those thoughts alone. If you do not acknowledge your anxiety, you will slowly learn to cope with it. If you feed your thoughts, you will feel your symptoms so much more.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "260745",
"thread_id": "24342",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmIgoingtopassout_24342/"
] |
"author": "mearemoi",
"content": "Hi! I'm new here, so sorry if I'm asking in the wrong place, but here goes nothing.\n\nI get short bursts of complete dread/fear that last less than a minute. Everytime it happens, my heart beats really fast and my stomach drops and it gets hard to breathe. Sometimes I feel like the world is falling apart. I call them panic attacks, but I'm not sure if they're considered that because they last at most 30 seconds. \n\nAlso, when would it consider being panic disorder? I get them regularly, at least 3 times a week, but they don't interfere with my life a lot (they just make me feel horrible for a few seconds).\n",
"date": "1434068786",
"thread_id": "24394",
"title": "Can panic attacks only last a few seconds?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Canpanicattacksonlylastafewseconds_24394/"
} | [
"author": "fastfallnight",
"content": "<p>Strictly speaking, no. Panic attacks by definition reach their peak within five to ten minutes, have a specific set of symptoms and cause significant distress and/or impairment. It sounds like what you're describing is the autonomic response to an emotional stimuli. Basically, what you're noticing is a wave of intense emotion that passes very quickly.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "259586",
"thread_id": "24394",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Canpanicattacksonlylastafewseconds_24394/"
"author": "dreamforward",
"content": "<p>thank you. i have had similar experiences and i learned something from this. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "259795",
"thread_id": "24394",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Canpanicattacksonlylastafewseconds_24394/"
] |
"author": "Roadie",
"content": "Links to Forum Threads that share coping methods\nSelf Soothing Techniques [http://www.7cups.com/forum/AnxietySupportCommunity_53/AnxietyQA_218/SelfSoothingTechniques_658/]\n\nCoping Methods [http://www.7cups.com/forum/AnxietySupportCommunity_53/AnxietyQA_218/CopingMethods_17373/]\n\nEating healthy food to help reduce anxiety [http://www.7cups.com/forum/AnxietySupportCommunity_53/AnxietyQA_218/EathealthyFoodhelpsreducinganxiety_1266/]\n\nPink's Awesome List of Links and Distractions [http://www.7cups.com/forum/AnxietySupportCommunity_53/SocialAnxietySupportSharing_247/PinksAmazinglyAwesomeListofLinksandDistractions_21135/]\n\nMethods for calming down, relaxing, and feeling [http://www.7cups.com/forum/AnxietySupportCommunity_53/SocialAnxietySupportSharing_247/MethodsforCalmingDownRelaxationFeelingBetterPleaseShare_18674/]better [http://www.7cups.com/forum/AnxietySupportCommunity_53/SocialAnxietySupportSharing_247/MethodsforCalmingDownRelaxationFeelingBetterPleaseShare_18674/]\n\nAnxiety Coping Methods [https://www.7cups.com/forum/GetSupport_28/NeedSomeExtraSupportTodayLetUsKnowWellBeThinkingofYou_110/AnxietyCopingMethods_22535/]\n",
"date": "1430383440",
"thread_id": "21971",
"title": "Anxiety Coping Methods",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyCopingMethods_21971/"
} | [
"author": "DallyMack",
"content": "<p><span>I recently </span><span>made a big move with</span><span> my anxiety and started a blog to help my family further understand what I go through on a daily basis. I have had some great feedback from not only my </span><span>family and friends, but complete strangers. Maybe you all could find some comfort in it, and I would welcome shares and stories from yourselves at anytime.</span></p>\n<p>http://scatterbrainrants.weebly.com</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "222259",
"thread_id": "21971",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyCopingMethods_21971/"
"author": "Roadie",
"content": "<p>@DallyMack</p>\n<p>This is really great. Thank you! :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "233023",
"thread_id": "21971",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyCopingMethods_21971/"
"author": "GeekGirlM",
"content": "<p>Great blog! Thank you for putting it out there. <img alt=\"smiley\" title=\"smiley\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "259380",
"thread_id": "21971",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyCopingMethods_21971/"
] |
"author": "Ivoryrose8311",
"content": "After today's ridiculous amount of anxiety here's some tips. \n\nDon't tell the person to think positive. Don't you think if that was the magic key to everything that there wouldn't be a thing called anxiety. Don't you think I've not tried that?! \n\nDo give the person space. Let them be. Met them get air. Don't talk. Quiet is their friend. Let them breathe. \n\ndont figit. Don't get too close unless they say otherwise. Don't make stressful situations more stressful. \n\n \n",
"date": "1433217293",
"thread_id": "23945",
"title": "What not to do with someone with anxiety. ",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whatnottodowithsomeonewithanxiety_23945/"
} | [
"author": "rubberSeal222",
"content": "<p>I agree with this so much. I've had my struggles with anxiety throughout my life and it is not easy for me to calm down in a second when I have so many anxious thoughts in my head.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "247901",
"thread_id": "23945",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whatnottodowithsomeonewithanxiety_23945/"
"author": "CatPlum24",
"content": "<p>This is great! Thank you for posting some ideas. I suffer from bad anxiety and I'm still trying to figure out what calms me down best</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "248246",
"thread_id": "23945",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whatnottodowithsomeonewithanxiety_23945/"
"author": "kaksjrmwmtm",
"content": "<p>My husband and I botth suffer wth anxity now. The hardest thing we both have done other than watching our son take his last breath is watch the other one suffer in any way. These tips are helpful. but how do you sit by and watch a loved one suffer when you yourself know the pain</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "248254",
"thread_id": "23945",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whatnottodowithsomeonewithanxiety_23945/"
"author": "LunaLlama9",
"content": "<p>Yes, thank you so much. The worst is \"Just calm down\". If it was that easy, I wouldn't be so anxious.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>It's a little thing, but thank you so much.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "258465",
"thread_id": "23945",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whatnottodowithsomeonewithanxiety_23945/"
] |
"author": "bassdude",
"content": "So I find that most panic attacks that me and my friends often happen at night while messaging them. But how do you calm someone down from a panic attack through text?\n",
"date": "1433872889",
"thread_id": "24290",
"title": "Panic attack help through text message",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattackhelpthroughtextmessage_24290/"
} | [
"author": "thistooshallpass25",
"content": "<p>This actually happened to me recently. My friend left a group thing early, and I texted her a littlebit after to see if she was ok. She said she was in her car having a panic attack. I couldn't get to her, so it was just through text, so it was short texts.I keep just talking to her and I told her how I manage my panic attacks. She said she would try what I told her, and then texted back a several minuteslater. She said she was better, good to drive,and thank you. I was quite relieved to see that she was texting like normal. I just tried to stay the friend like I was as if I was in person with her.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "257198",
"thread_id": "24290",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattackhelpthroughtextmessage_24290/"
"author": "Eme",
"content": "<p>Hi! It's awesome that you are wanting to help your friends calm down through a panic attack!</p>\n<p>Grounding is the application of a technique to center yourself in the physical reality around you instead of the irrational panic and dread you are experiencing. Grounding can come in a lot of ways. Here is a good PDF to read so you can maybe relay some of this information the next time you are faced with this situation!</p>\n<p>https://www.e-tmf.org/downloads/Grounding_Techniques.pdf</p>\n<p>Distraction is another technique people can use to help draw the focus away from the panic, so some people find it beneficial to receive several short text messages in a short time frame so they are forced to step away from their emotions to read and decipher each text.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "257225",
"thread_id": "24290",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattackhelpthroughtextmessage_24290/"
"author": "Pickle68",
"content": "<p>Eme hit it on the head. Ask them to breathe and focus on their current surroundings, an \"in the moment\" observation and ensure they know that they are allowed to take time to wind down. There is no rush. Just close your eyes and breathe. I know it seems quite odd to advise someone to close their eyes while you are texting, but I have had members do this, close eyes, breathe, slow down all thoughts, heart rate, etc..they are gone for up to 5 minutes..then they come back and say \"Wow, all better now. That worked!\"</p>\n<p>Good luck!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "257250",
"thread_id": "24290",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattackhelpthroughtextmessage_24290/"
"author": "bunniesgomoo",
"content": "<p><span>Hiya; it's very lovely that you want to help your friends when they experience a panic attack. A lot of the times, I find that getting someone to focus on their breathing can be very helpful. Trying to avert their attention to slowing down their breathing by taking deep breaths is great.</span></p>\n<p><span>It's also really helpful on some ocassions to distract them by asking them about unrelated topics such as what they've done that day, what they plan on doing etc.</span></p>\n<p><span>My friends often try to get me to focus on physical components and aspects in my surroundings. So they'll ask me to describe what I can see, what certain objects feel like and what stands out to me.</span></p>\n<p><span>I hope this helps :)</span></p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "257251",
"thread_id": "24290",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattackhelpthroughtextmessage_24290/"
] |
"author": "Hydrangea03",
"content": "my mom doesn't know that i have a really bad social anxiety. i tried to explain but she'd say that it was just me being really shy and anti social. she didn't agree with those personalities of mine and told me to get over my social anxiety (which, she thought did not exist on me) and to change.\n\ni have problems on making friends. i would always have panic attacks when someone new wanted to talk to me. that makes me anti social. my mom would always be mad at me because i am suffering on this. \n\ni also have trouble on talking to strangers like, purchasing things, asking for help, and ordering foods. my mom just won't understand and she kept forcing me to do things that made me feel REALLY anxious and scared and panic.\n\nit hurts badly to have a mother that just can't accept my sufferings. it depresses me so much.\n\nhow do you get over social anxiety? please help me..\n",
"date": "1433512079",
"thread_id": "24110",
"title": "how do you get over social anxiety?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/howdoyougetoversocialanxiety_24110/"
} | [
"author": "yFrank",
"content": "<p>Hello there. I am sorry to hear this, and I tell you that right at this very moment I'm saying a little prayer for you.</p>\n<p>You should know that what you're going through is not easy -- and I know you know -- and that you will need a strong support system to get through it. Getting through is not overnight but a process. Definitely, your family should be the first one to know and understand your situation.</p>\n<p>Your mom probably has her own way of attacking your issue, and she could be trying to be show you she doesn't tolerate your feelings/emotions, which could be a natural reaction. But you have to talk it out with her, and if you have done it, then try once more. Don't give up on her as she could be the same.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252303",
"thread_id": "24110",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/howdoyougetoversocialanxiety_24110/"
"author": "Pickle68",
"content": "<p>I feel your pain. I was told from a very young age that I wasn't worthy of much consideration and that I was a bad person so my social anxiety came from that abuse. I cannot answer for you in that light, but that's my story shortened.</p>\n<p>The one thing that has helped me a great deal in social anxiety is that I imagine what I would do if the roles were reversed and \"I\" walked up and asked for help. We feel we are being an inconvenience at a store, for example, but in reality, if we could help someone, we would? I am at a department store working and someone comes up and says \"Excuse me, can you help me find this?\" I would jump at the chance to help someone. So what are we afraid of? That kind of thinking helped me.</p>\n<p>I have learned that there is no acceptable reason to be rude to someone. I mean, there just isn't. Now I have my triggers, and I think we all do, and if we are triggered and say something mean or wrong, well, that's our problem and we need to apologize and move on. But in general interaction, the goal is to understand that most people will react in a kind and considerate manner if you do the same.</p>\n<p>Now all of that being said, learning to love yourself and know that what you offer the world has value, that's the biggest challenge of all. It can take many years, decades even, to learn how to do this. We always get troubled by trying to be a Jim or a Jane when all we really need to do is be ourselves. Unfortunately, we have a society that tells us we are not good enough, not big enough, small enough smart enough, pretty or handsome enough. We believe it and if we are parents, we pass this belief on to our children. It causes all sorts of anxiety, social.</p>\n<p>The important lesson in all of this? Most people, to some extent, have social anxiety from being told, in some way, we are not good enough. Maybe in some way you can confirm to the person you are speaking to that they are good enough and worthy, they light up and you can feed off of it. I think that's a beautifulthing when it happens.</p>\n<p>I wish you luck. Take care!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252309",
"thread_id": "24110",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/howdoyougetoversocialanxiety_24110/"
"author": "AtYourService",
"content": "<p>I'm sorry your mother is unable to offer you empathy. It must be rough feeling like your problem is being trivialised that way.</p>\n<p>The usual way therapists work on social anxiety is through a combination of thought-challenging and exposure. For the first, the example someone else has offered here of thinking of how you would react if you were on the other side of the interaction might be helpful in seeing how your fears aren't entirely realistic. For the second, it would involve coming up with a list of things you have trouble doing and ranking them from easiest to hardest, and then pushing yourself to try them one by one starting at the easiest.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252606",
"thread_id": "24110",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/howdoyougetoversocialanxiety_24110/"
] |
"author": "Jack",
"content": "Disclaimer: These are my own opinion and views. They may not reflect those of the medical profession or 7 Cups of Tea as a site. I understand these experiences of mental illness will vary per person and this is simply my own opinion and experiences. This is not to be used for diagnosis, only for education, support and insight into the illness.\n\nI am fully aware that all forms of anxiety may display similar symptoms and may be described in similar ways, I’m simply going to attempt to explain how it feels to have them and how they differentiate.\n\n \n\nTypes of Anxiety:\n\n1) Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)\n\n2) Panic Disorder (PD)\n\n3) Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)\n\n4) Phobia\n\n5) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)\n\n6) Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)\n\nI’m going to be writing about each of these in turn, giving my best possible description of each as well as symptoms. I have not experienced all of these forms of anxiety by any means, however for 9 years I have had; GAD, OCD and SAD so I will try to add my own opinion and experiences in those specifically.\n\nGeneralized Anxiety Disorder\n\nGAD is the most common form of an anxiety disorder. This form of anxiety is a constant form of anxiety that affects day to day activities, hobbies and lifestyle.\n\nSymptoms include, but are not limited to:\n\n1) Excessive worry about everyday issues\n\n2) Difficulty getting rid of these concerns\n\n3) Recognition that worries are out of proportion to the situation\n\n4) Physical symptoms like fatigue, headaches, muscle aches, irritability, nausea, and lightheadedness\n\n5) Generally lacking confidence\n\nThis is an anxiety disorder I have had for such a long time and it can cause a lot of issues, especially with being able to function daily. You always seem to feel nearing unable to cope and as a result of all the anxiety you can struggle to sleep which results in extreme tiredness, you’re likely to be very restless and irritable, you may also get muscle tension as well as major concentration problems. \n\nIt’s a very hard condition to live with simply because, it’s daily. There are no “on and off” times, it’s a constant state of being in which you’re always anxious about everything, even things that to most people would seem insignificant and it’s hard for people to understand that, in my experience most people try to be supportive but after four or five times, they tend to get annoyed that you’re being “so silly”, but it’s simply not that easy to stop being anxious.\n\nIf anyone reading this does suffer from GAD, I’m awfully sorry to hear that and I hope you reach out for help and support, we’re always here for you!\n\nPanic Disorders\n\nI have not experienced a Panic Disorder personally and I am aware most anxiety disorders contain panic attacks, however from my understanding this is much worse than the odd panic attack, speaking from the perspective of everyone I’ve met with a PD.\n\nSufferers of PD are in a constant suffering, from ongoing and quite frequent panic attacks, as well as a complete and total fear of the next attack happening. These attacks usually last for 15-30 minutes and do not usually have any obvious trigger or cause. It’s severely hard for people with a PD because it’s near impossible to tell when the next attack will occur and sometimes even the memory of a previous attack can trigger another panic attack.\n\n \n\nSymptoms include, but are not limited to:\n\n1) Chest pain or a pounding heartbeat\n\n2) Feelings of dread\n\n3) Problems breathing\n\n4) Dizziness\n\n5) Excessive sweating\n\n6) Nausea\n\n7) Shakiness\n\n8) Fear of impending death or lack of control\n\nI’m not fully aware of the personal experience of suffering a PD however I am aware that it’s a very serious condition, that can be extremely overwhelming to anyone suffering from a PD as the fear of it happening is always there, which can then lead to an attack actually happening, resulting in further fear. It’s an extremely vicious cycle and I can only hope that anyone suffering with a PD, will reach out for the appropriate help, I understand it’s extremely hard but it’s so worth it.\n\nObsessive-Compulsive Disorder\n\nOCD is an awful condition to be living with, in many aspects it takes over a section of your life and it can be extremely stressful to the individual affected as other people can be very judgmental to the “abnormal” habits they display, or at least that’s what I’ve found in my experience of it.\n\nSymptoms include, but are not limited to:\n\n1) Fear of ‘contamination’ after touching things and/or people\n\n2) Concerns over ‘trivial matters’ such as locking the door repeatedly, checking the stove a lot or turning lights on/off multiple times\n\n3) An intense desire and need to ensure things are lined up properly or facing the ‘right’ way\n\n4) Frequent hand washing\n\n5) Frequent hair pulling, sometimes leading to hair loss\n\n6) Counting steps to ensure the ‘right’ amount of steps is taken from location to location\n\nOCD is a terrible affliction to suffer as it interferes with all aspects of life and activities, in which people want to stop the behaviours but simply can’t do it. Personally speaking, I have found it can cause insane amount of troubles, such as repeatedly turning a light on or off for a few hundred times before it felt ‘right’.\n\nI know some people say “Oh I’m OCD” whenever they simply move a pen around but that’s not the case, it’s an awful affliction in which it feels physically wrong for things to not be ‘right’, it irritates you beyond belief if even small things are out of place or if things just don’t “feel” right. It’s so much more than the small things, it’s a constant issue which impacts your ability to adequately function in day-to-day life, which can lead into a panic attack in extreme circumstances.\n\nPhobia\n\nPhobias are quite common and it’s important to note, although similar, a fear and a phobia are vastly different in terms of how it affects a person. A phobia is, indeed, an acute fear, but the difference between a fear and a phobia is not just the acuteness of it; it is also that a phobia is blown out of proportion in the person's mind to the extent that it can become paralyzing, but at the very least, it is an unreasonably intense fear.\n\nSymptoms can include, but are not limited to:\n\n1) Intense fear and/or dread\n\n2) Knowledge these fears are irrational and aren’t associated with actual danger\n\n3) Automatic reactions that can consume the person’s thoughts\n\n4) Going extremely out of the way to avoid situations that may involve any form of fear\n\n5) Physical reactions, such as a fast heartbeat, urge to flee or shortness of breath\n\nThere are phobias that can be caused by just about anything, and it’s important to note that you should try to support people suffering with a Phobia. It may seem simple and easy to some of us, but to the person suffering, whatever their phobia is, it’s going to see extremely overwhelming, painful and might cause extreme panic. Try to remain supportive and look out for those suffering to keep their discomfort to a minimum.\n\nPost-Traumatic Stress Disorder\n\nPTSD is a horrible condition to have to fight on a daily basis. Most of us at some point in our lives will have experienced some form of traumatic event or experience, which is obviously extremely horrific to go through and can be very upsetting for you at the time. With PTSD, they constantly relive those horrific experiences in a way that feels very real, frightening and can invoke physical reactions when they do remember the event, just try to imagine how it would feel, reliving that horrific moment time and time again, it would be really hard! That’s what PTSD sort of feels like, I can’t describe it too well having never experienced it but that’s my general understanding.\n\nThe symptoms include, but are not limited to:\n\n1) Reliving the event. These symptoms include having flashbacks, nightmares, and memories of the event that upset you. You may also have intense feelings, often with physical reactions, when remembering the event.\n\n2) Avoidance. You avoid places, situations, people, or anything that might remind you of the event. You start to forget important details of the trauma. Another symptom is that you start separating yourself from your friends and family and you stop caring about anything.\n\n3) Increased emotional arousal and anxiety. This group of symptoms contains issues like sleep problems, lack of concentration, and frequent angry outbursts. You may also feel like you are on alert and tense all of the time.\n\nTry to understand, for the person affected, this is like reliving the event that occurred. It’s very real and very traumatizing to the person affected.\n\nSocial Anxiety Disorder\n\nMost people naturally feel a bit anxious going into a new social setting or environment however SAD is extreme fear of being judged or viewed negatively by others which prevents you from engaging socially, at all in a lot of circumstances. It’s very difficult for people with this anxiety disorder to be able to cope, even just a little bit, with social settings and it can feel extremely overwhelming for them, even in small scale situations.\n\nSymptoms include, but are not limited to:\n\n1) Extreme discomfort in social situations\n\n2) Extreme effort to avoid social situations\n\n3) Extreme fear of being judged by other people\n\n4) Physical symptoms including; Rapid heartbeat, blushing, sweating and muscle tension\n\nHaving experienced this one personally, it’s horrible. It takes away often, the ability to be able to communicate and socialise with people in most circumstances and can prevent the person doing things that they love doing or really want to try/do.\n\nIt can cause intense loneliness, if the person is unable to socialize properly which can lead to further negative self-opinion, which only fuels the anxiety further. It’s a horrible cycle to be trapped in, it’s not just being a bit afraid at the new social situation.\n\nWhat can be done?\n\nOkay, hopefully all of that made sense! Hopefully now you can see the difference between being anxious and an anxiety disorder, they differ vastly and anxiety has much more dire and severe consequences than just being a bit anxious every now and then.\n\nThe good news is that there are therapy and treatments available to help those suffering with any of the above anxiety disorders, you’re not alone in this struggle and you can and you will get through this.\n\nSo, how can we support those struggling with anxiety? Try to be supportive. Don’t tell them to ‘get over it’ or that ‘just try’, because that won’t help them. They come here to vent and to be listener too, so do just that - listen. Try to understand how it feels for them to be feeling that way, support them and encourage them.\n\nAdditionally, professional help can really help. Most patients find significant relief from their symptoms after treatment begins. There’s always hope no matter how hard things feel right now, please stay strong.\n\nTreatment Options\n\nSome treatment options available include, but are not limited to:\n\n1) Cognitive Therapy - This therapy focuses on changing patterns and beliefs that are associated with, and triggering, anxiety.\n\n2) Behavior Therapy - This therapy largely involves gradual exposure to that anxiety/fear triggering events in small steps that you can handle, which ultimately desensitizes you from the issue(s) making it easier to handle.\n\n3) Medication - There is medication available if a doctor has diagnosed the anxiety disorder, which can help in the short-term while you look into other treatments\n\n4) Other - Things such as breathing techniques and relaxation methods are also known to help with anxiety related issues, you can find a list of these online or from a doctor\n\nI’m always here if you need to talk to someone, lots of care\n\n- Baubs\n\n@EtaAlpha Thanks for the support and proof reading, I appreciate you and everything you did to help! (Especially with editing)\n",
"date": "1433168991",
"thread_id": "23901",
"title": "Anxiety Disorders",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyDisorders_23901/"
} | [
"author": "Jack",
"content": "<p>@ZaraSmiles @EtaAlpha @sweetBlueberry19 @Emma @ciaraaa @ShiningLightRose @Niko @Chrissy @Pinkbluebells @Sarah @MaddyIsHere@ZachGrandinetti @Dreamz @Lyra @MayaRainbow2 @scarlet25 @PeacefulCharlie @Ace13 @michaelahelps @Fairy @Lynnie @Riggers</p>\n<p>If you know of anyone else interested in the post, let me know or tag them! (:</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "246886",
"thread_id": "23901",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyDisorders_23901/"
"author": "PeacefulCharlie",
"content": "<p>This is great! I loved reading this and I loved reading your depression one too. Well done for spending the time to do this. Please tag me if you do anymore <img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" title=\"smiley\" alt=\"smiley\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>\n<p>@InfiniteSusana I don't think I saw you tagged so I thought I would tag you as you're on the anxiety support team, I thought you'd like to have a read :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "246922",
"thread_id": "23901",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyDisorders_23901/"
"author": "Jack",
"content": "<p>@PeacefulCharlie</p>\n<p>Glad you liked it. I might write more of these in the future!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "246962",
"thread_id": "23901",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyDisorders_23901/"
"author": "InfiniteSusana",
"content": "<p>Thanks for tagging me!</p>\n<p>This was an awesome post and thought it was quite interesting.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "247095",
"thread_id": "23901",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyDisorders_23901/"
"author": "happysoulalways96",
"content": "<p>Thanks for posting this.... Very helpful!!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "246981",
"thread_id": "23901",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyDisorders_23901/"
"author": "Jack",
"content": "<p>Glad you liked it! (:</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "246988",
"thread_id": "23901",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyDisorders_23901/"
"author": "Lynnie",
"content": "<p>Very nice! :) Thank you for posting and for the tag!<br>@MelAllYouNeedIsLove I think you'd like to read this</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "247088",
"thread_id": "23901",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyDisorders_23901/"
"author": "Mel",
"content": "<p>Thanks for the tag, Lynnie! Pretty interesting thread! </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "247293",
"thread_id": "23901",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyDisorders_23901/"
"author": "InfiniteSusana",
"content": "<p>This was SUPER helpful! I have GAD and it sure does suck but is manageable :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "247360",
"thread_id": "23901",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyDisorders_23901/"
"author": "GermanZebraCupcake",
"content": "<p>This is very informative. I have GAD as well, so it's great to read up on it again. Like sometimes I just can't put my feelings into words and this will help me help others hopefully do the same. Thank you again! :D</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "247761",
"thread_id": "23901",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyDisorders_23901/"
"author": "Jack",
"content": "<p>@Tuscany</p>\n<p>You're more than welcome!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "248224",
"thread_id": "23901",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyDisorders_23901/"
"author": "MichaelaS",
"content": "<p>Amazing work yet again,@Baubs!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252493",
"thread_id": "23901",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyDisorders_23901/"
] |
"author": "flowerr09",
"content": "I can't concentrate in school because of my anxiety. I'll be sitting there doing my work and I'll start to have these thoughts like, \"they must think I'm stupid\" and \"if I did this, would they think this?\" Stuff like that. It's awful and it's messing with my concentration and I can't focus on my school work like I'm supposed to because I'm too busy worrying about what other people think. Anyone else feel like this??\n",
"date": "1433518198",
"thread_id": "24113",
"title": "Anyone else feel this way?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anyoneelsefeelthisway_24113/"
} | [
"author": "flowerr09",
"content": "<p>I'm adding on to this post- does anyone feel like they need a person's undivided attention to feel happy? I get attention at home but it's not enough, it seems. It's like... I NEED attention to keep me going. Make me happy. But not the kind of attention where everybody is staring at you, wondering if you're gonna do something. I just feel so lost in this.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252137",
"thread_id": "24113",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anyoneelsefeelthisway_24113/"
"author": "placidNectarine4124",
"content": "<p>I'm the same way. Like I don't want to have the spotlight on me, but if my friends don't pay attention to me for more than 5 seconds and I feel neglected. So neglected to the point I get really upset and I tend to take it out on them.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252227",
"thread_id": "24113",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anyoneelsefeelthisway_24113/"
"author": "flowerr09",
"content": "<p>Same. That's exactly how it is for me. I'm so glad I'm not alone in this.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252244",
"thread_id": "24113",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anyoneelsefeelthisway_24113/"
"author": "saphire1234",
"content": "<p>I honestly feel like this most of the time. It's so difficult. I sit there in class over thinking, and feeling like I don't fit in with the other people. I feel like they all fit in with each other , but think that I am weird. It interferes with my daily life because I am constantly thinking of everything that these other people could be thinking about me. I am not my outgoing usual self around other peers in class.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252160",
"thread_id": "24113",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anyoneelsefeelthisway_24113/"
"author": "flowerr09",
"content": "<p>Story of my life! I used to be outgoing and wild but I can't do it around my friends otherwise they might think I'm weird. It's a horrible thing, anxiety.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252246",
"thread_id": "24113",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anyoneelsefeelthisway_24113/"
"author": "placidNectarine4124",
"content": "<p>Same, and I'm scared to make plans because I feel like they'll judge me for them and hate me.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252257",
"thread_id": "24113",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anyoneelsefeelthisway_24113/"
"author": "sacredanon",
"content": "<p>Yes I do feel like that all the time! You are not alone</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252249",
"thread_id": "24113",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anyoneelsefeelthisway_24113/"
"author": "TransAm85",
"content": "<p>Honey, I used to be like that A LOT. Idk how old you are, but back in high school and my early 20's, I was always worried about what other people thought. Even when I'd go to parties/bars and get wasted, I'd act even stupider just for attention! I could never hold a stable relationship b/c I loved the attention from guys .. I had a hard time concentrating/paying attention in college unless it was really interesting b/c I was more worried about going out and partying! So stupid .. Unfortunately I screwed up college. But, if you keep thinking negative things about yourself and worried about others opinions, it isn't going to help you. You will just continue in a circle. Do those ppl pay your bills? Do those ppl buy your food? Do they pay your insurance? No .. so screw them! What I really always liked was cars, but I was embarrassed to go to school for auto technician b/c I am a girl. Guys think women cannot fix cars. Well, I got over that. I fix cars for a living and love it! So, don't worry about those people. You are a wonderful person and have a lot to offer this world. F**k the haters ;)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252478",
"thread_id": "24113",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anyoneelsefeelthisway_24113/"
"author": "tidyEast8259",
"content": "<p>I constantly worry if people think that I'm doing enough work </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252485",
"thread_id": "24113",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anyoneelsefeelthisway_24113/"
"author": "TransAm85",
"content": "<p>Oh yea, that was another thing too that used to bother me. What it all boils down to is when you were young. My mother used to criticize me all the time as a kid like nothing I ever did was enough or good enough. So I always thought the rest of the world would think I'm lazy and dumb. She pushed me a lot but in a mean way. Things that happen when your a kid mold you as an adult. Such as, I am also not emotional. We didn't express feelings in my family. Do you understand? But don't worry what others think. As long as you think you have worked the hardest you can, then that is enough.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "252489",
"thread_id": "24113",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Anyoneelsefeelthisway_24113/"
] |
"author": "Lodoe1945",
"content": "Hey, friends,\n\nI've kinda got this strange problem that's developed over the years and I would give anything to figure out how to make it stop. When I go out in public, or any place that I don't consider private, I get this odd feeling. I'm sure many of you have been to a tall building, a high water-slide or rollercoaster, or hiked on top of high hills. Well, imagine that feeling you get when you look down, and you see everything below you. That feeling of your body pushing forward, your palms sweaty, afraid of falling. That sudden nausea that comes with the idea of falling onto the ground.\nThat's the kind of anxiety I feel when I'm in public. I get a strange sense of tunnel vision, somewhat, and I suddenly feel everything in my body pushing forward as if I'm going to fall over...but nothing ever happens. I don't stumble and I don't get sick. (Despite the insane amount of nausea I feel from it)\nAnd again, I only get this feeling when I'm out in public, especially in places where my sense are overwhelmed, like the mall or my university for example.\n\nHas anyone else experienced this?\nAnd does anyone know a good way to calm it?\nIt's honestly caused me to stop riding elevators, buses, going to the mall or the store. Sometimes I would avoid going to classes last semester even.\nI also have an incredibly paranoid fear of vomiting, especially in public.\n\nSo, if any of you have any words to add or advice to give just let me know!\nThank you, everyone!\n",
"date": "1432584923",
"thread_id": "23522",
"title": "Strange Depersonalization ",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrangeDepersonalization_23522/"
} | [
"author": "None",
"content": "<p>I cannot say that I<em>know</em> this feeling. I do know that I dislike crowds, especially outside of a 'controlled' environment. (I hate being around when people are drinking, or there are the stereotypical male 'chest beating'.)</p>\n<p>I would not however suggest you avoid being out in public because it causes you such intense emotions. I don't think that is the answer.</p>\n<p>While you are in a 'safe'environment, try just to breathe deeply. Try to focus your attention on the breath without trying to change it. Notice the sensation of the breath entering and leaving your body. As your mind wanders, as it will, gently nudge it back to the sensations of your breath. Once you are able to do this, even for a few seconds, try it to 'break up' your intense feelings when in public.</p>\n<p>By<strong>no</strong> means will this be a 'cure'! The feelings you describe are quite intense and therefore serious. You may wish to talk with someone who, unlike me, actually knows what they're talking about! I could give a guess at a couple of possible different 'names' for how you are suffering; but that wouldn't really help you at all would it?</p>\n<p>Be kind to yourself. Be patient with yourself. Look for assistance if you feel you need it. Be courageous.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "238233",
"thread_id": "23522",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrangeDepersonalization_23522/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>Does distraction help? Maybe you could get absorbed in a game on your phone & listen to music or something to trick your body into forgetting where you are</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "241158",
"thread_id": "23522",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrangeDepersonalization_23522/"
"author": "AtYourService",
"content": "<p>What you describe sounds very much like adrenaline. And my own strategy back when my anxiety sometimes snuck up on me in public was to start listening to music that I'm very familiar with on my mp3 player, as a combination of a) something else to focus on besides the discomfort, b) something predictable and enjoyable for me</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "241430",
"thread_id": "23522",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrangeDepersonalization_23522/"
"author": "Mike511",
"content": "<p>One of the best ways to calm down is to take deep breaths from the diaphragm. No one will be able to notice you're<span>trying to relax either.</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "242521",
"thread_id": "23522",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrangeDepersonalization_23522/"
"author": "enlightenedRiver18",
"content": "<p>I get depersonalization episodes, and have done for quite a while now. Everything feels unreal, basically. People don't look familiar, everything feels flat etc. What I find useful is to try to be mindful- and concentrate on the moment you're in, to ground you. Some people suggest taking deep breaths and focusing on 4 things you hear, 3 things you feel, 2 things you smell, and maybe 1 you taste. This will hopefully help you feel more real.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "244686",
"thread_id": "23522",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrangeDepersonalization_23522/"
"author": "politePineapple2995",
"content": "<p>Yes! Wow, I have experienced this exact feeling...I used to get it out in public places, usually crowded, on warmer days. It would cause me to have a panic attack. Whenever I start getting this feeling now, which is rarely, I try to calm myself by reminding myself that I am okay, I'm not going to die or throw up or pass out, I take deep breaths, think of things outside of that exact moment, general things, like what I'm going to do later that day or about a television show or an experiencein the pastor anything really as long as it causes me to not focus on that tunnel vision. Usually, the feeling begins lessening in intensitypretty quickly and disappears entirely. While it's going away, you just have to sit it out and think of other things while reminding yourself that you're fine. That works for me, anyway. Hope I could be of some help!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "251788",
"thread_id": "23522",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrangeDepersonalization_23522/"
"author": "politePineapple2995",
"content": "<p>Also you can try what enlightened river suggested^^ Grounding yourself in the moment helps as well, as long as you take in everything one thing at a time (sights, smells, etc.) and focus on it. I have actually done this before and it's very effective.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "251793",
"thread_id": "23522",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StrangeDepersonalization_23522/"
] |
"author": "Julie777",
"content": "my husband has never even come close to cheating on me but I have such a huge fear of anybody breaking up my family. We have 2 little girls and it would kill me if some random girl got in between that. The worst part is that I get sick to my stomach when there is a female within a hundred feet of him who isn't hideous looking . I t seems like we can't go anywhere without me crying cause I think he might have seen a pretty girl in the corner of his eye. I'm miserable.\n",
"date": "1433435304",
"thread_id": "24075",
"title": "Fear of husband cheating on me.",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofhusbandcheatingonme_24075/"
} | [
"author": "VC",
"content": "<p>Hi, I'm sorry your feeling this way. I also have 2 girls and would be devastated if my family was torn apart by anyone as well. It sounds like it's really effecting you. When we are anxious or fearful about something it's usually because we overthink and dread the worst and non-likely outcomes of a situation. Try to rationalise the situation. What usually happens on a certain outcome? Has it happened before? Is it really likely to happen? Can you change the outcome or do anything to make it a positive one? I find rationalising helps with lots of situations. As you said your husband hasn't even come close to cheating so I guess researching why you feel so insecure in the first place could also help you and him understand why you feel like this.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "251227",
"thread_id": "24075",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofhusbandcheatingonme_24075/"
"author": "Julie777",
"content": "<p>Thanks so much. That really helped and are great points. Hopefully I can try and ask myself those questions when I start to worry. I was raised in such a strict religion where everything was bad and if a man looks at a woman he is listing which is adultery. It's just scarey because everything I have been taught tells me that men only want one thing.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "251285",
"thread_id": "24075",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofhusbandcheatingonme_24075/"
"author": "VC",
"content": "<p>I'm glad you found some points helpful 😊 Feel free to message me if you would like to chat more or if you browse listeners you can use key words like 'relationship support' or you can pick a category such as family stress, managing emotions, anxiety etc... Then you can specifically select a listener who you feel you can connect well with. You can do this by: https://www.7cups.com/BrowseListeners/</p>\n<p>All the best!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "251387",
"thread_id": "24075",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearofhusbandcheatingonme_24075/"
] |
"author": "flowerr09",
"content": "I really hate the fact that I always overthink everything that I do, and especially what other people do. Like if I'm in class and someone who I usually talk to in that class isn't here, I think, \"Is it because of me? Are they gone because I freaked them out?\" I don't know why. Maybe I'm just overanalyzing it, as usual. But I hate when I do it! I feel like I can't even keep a regular conversation with anyone because I'm afraid I'll say something to freak them out, so I just drop out of the conversation or just stay quiet. I just wish I didn't do it. Am I alone in this, or......?\n",
"date": "1432264987",
"thread_id": "23314",
"title": "Does anyone else do this?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Doesanyoneelsedothis_23314/"
} | [
"author": "Marissa1398",
"content": "<p>I'm the same! Except I'll have an exchange or conversation with someone and then 10 minutes later what was maybe just a simple exchange about weather, in my mind, I've turned into me making a fool out of myself and annoying the other person.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "234074",
"thread_id": "23314",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Doesanyoneelsedothis_23314/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>Story of my life. Whenever someone seems frustrated or stressed out I assume it's because of me. & yea I keep thinking about all the ways anything I said could've possibly offended someone or made me look stupid</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "241161",
"thread_id": "23314",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Doesanyoneelsedothis_23314/"
"author": "Popsicle1990",
"content": "<p>It is one of the tricky beasts of anxiety, mine is normally not social but i would sometimes come away from talking to some one and be like...what the hell just came out of my mouth?! It sounds silly but sometimes you have to just own it, every conversation you have that you made some one laugh or they didnt make a comment is a bonus! small steps.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "234877",
"thread_id": "23314",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Doesanyoneelsedothis_23314/"
"author": "Seaway",
"content": "<p>@flowerr09,</p>\n<p>You are not alone. I'm overly sensitive and the way you describe what you are feeling is like me. I feel like I am stuck in loops of negative though processes and can't get out of it.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "235001",
"thread_id": "23314",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Doesanyoneelsedothis_23314/"
"author": "decembernight0608",
"content": "<p>Over thinking is my life! I let little things get to me so quick that I start to get physically sick. I wish over thinking wasn't a thing.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "241168",
"thread_id": "23314",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Doesanyoneelsedothis_23314/"
"author": "iloverunning",
"content": "<p>I too tend tooveranalyzeother people's actions, so I definitely know what you mean. Not only that, but I also overthinkmy own actions, and even thoughts if I have a lot of time to think to myself. I'm just terrified of being judged for being different, and for not knowing what to do at the right time.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "248046",
"thread_id": "23314",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Doesanyoneelsedothis_23314/"
"author": "AliceDevlarr",
"content": "<p>I often find my self thinking what if? \nLike what if he talked to me \nWhat if I get a good grade it starts out small and then it turns in to what if I die tonight </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "248104",
"thread_id": "23314",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Doesanyoneelsedothis_23314/"
"author": "niicst",
"content": "<p>Same! You're not the only one, i overthink a lot and there's definalty adventages for overthinking too!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "250409",
"thread_id": "23314",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Doesanyoneelsedothis_23314/"
"author": "flowerr09",
"content": "<p>Like what?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "250471",
"thread_id": "23314",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Doesanyoneelsedothis_23314/"
] |
"author": "LEDave",
"content": "Hello\n\nI'm new to this website/support forums in general. I suffer from a range of anxiety issues but mainly in the form of social. I cannot speak in public, private, on the phone through e-mail or live chats and forums I am only just beginning to scratch the surface of. I find the whole concept incredibly terrifying, I come from a town where admitting any kind of mental health issue is seen as a weakness and is something to be ridiculed and I have been brought up in an environment (outside of my family) where there is so much stigma related around mental health that nobody will talk about it. So to come onto a website full of people I don't know and talk about these Issues I feel extremely exposed and uncomfortable but at this point I feel it necessary to talk to someone somewhere about this.\n\nDoes anyone else here get that crippling anxiety in where it takes you say, 8 hours to reply to an e-mail/facebook message because you can't bring yourself to press send? If so, have you found anyway of making these kind of interactions easier on yourself?\n\nI completely understand that everyone experiences anxiety and social situations in different ways, but I'm interested in atleast opening up a dialogue about this stuff.\n",
"date": "1428425572",
"thread_id": "20748",
"title": "Social Anxiety in all forms of communication.",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SocialAnxietyinallformsofcommunication_20748/"
} | [
"author": "niicst",
"content": "<p>Whenever i feel like i can't do something because of my social anxiety, i'll tell myself that it's okay and everything will be okay. you will never know what may happen if you do it! give yourself 20 secs of bravery. hope it works :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "250415",
"thread_id": "20748",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SocialAnxietyinallformsofcommunication_20748/"
] |
"author": "bluecinnamon",
"content": "I'm not sure where to put this, as it could fall into the caregiver, ADHD or anxiety categories, so maybe I'll post it in all of them.\nAnyway, my eight year old son has anxiety and ADHD. I was really struggling to get him to go to school last year, though I didn't blame him for not wanting to go, as his teacher was scary. I used to have to physically drag him, kicking and screaming, until I figured that was just wearing both of us out, and destroying the trust between us. Since then, we've moved and his in a wonderful new school with a teacher that he likes, and he's been diagnosed with ADHD and started on medication, which also seems to have improved things. Things were going really well...\nThe past month or so, he started to refuse to go to school. Any reasons he would give me, I would find reasonable solutions for, and he would come up with some other excuse. He says he will only go if I get him certain toys and expensive electronics, which is clearly out of the question. Smaller incentives don't seem to motivate him, and taking away privileges just causes him to go into a violent rage, or crumple into an unresponsive ball. Once he actually gets to school, he's usually fine, but I can't seem to get him there. Physically forcing him just isn't an option anymore. I've tried calmly explaining to him the importance of going to school. I empathise with how it makes you feel trapped to go and do the same boring thing everyday when all you can think about is what you'd rather be doing. I just can't figure out how to get to the bottom of this.\n",
"date": "1433349840",
"thread_id": "24022",
"title": "Child refusing to go to school",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Childrefusingtogotoschool_24022/"
} | [
"author": "Rebeccajoannemo",
"content": "<p>Okay... So I am no expert, however, I do personally have ADHD and anxiety (and other things including slightly dyslexic) I have always found it very very difficult to go to school... And indeed I remember my mother trying everything. Forcing me... Dragging me... Trying to explain... And nothing really helped... It's still tough for me... And it was especially hard to know that school was important but feel as if I couldn't go.<br>I have tried all sorts of different schools and stuff, I'm now in year 10 and Homeschooling... However for most people homeschooling is really not an option. I believe you have tried so much... But I truly encourage you to praise the tiny improvements... It's almost like teaching a kid to say please and thank you or even training a dog... I do not know your son but I can try to tell you things the best I know them...<br>It also may be a form of panic... That could explain why he's usually fine once he gets into class... It may help to be able to have the teacher or one(some) of his friends from class come and walk in with him... That way he might feel more wanted and accepted by the class even before he gets inside...<br>I'm not sure... But whatever you do.. DONT PUT YOURSELF DOWN IF IT DOESNT WORK! You'll only wear yourself out... Also notice little improvements and praise him for them...<br>I hope I helped...<br>I'd love to help in any way I can...<br></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "249799",
"thread_id": "24022",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Childrefusingtogotoschool_24022/"
"author": "UrgenceKitDeSurvie",
"content": "<p>When I was a child I didn't want to go to school, it started when I was about 8 and continued until I left school at 16, so I can relate to how your son may be feeling. But I can also understand how incredibly upsetting and stressful it must be for you, i look back and realise how much it upset my mum that I wouldnt go to school.<span>Like your son I was always fine when I got to school, but as a child I suffered with anxiety when I was separated from my mother, which I think is partly why I didn't want to go to school. Perhaps he doesn't want to be separated from you. My issues stemmed from my father dying when I was 6, making me extra dependant on my mum. Perhaps your son has become equally dependant on you for some reason? Either way, you're doing nothing wrong and I really do have a deep well of compassion for you. I would suggest breaking down the morning routine into smaller chunks of time. For example why don't you make a chart with your son outlining the steps of getting ready for school, like 1. Get washed 2. Get dressed 3. Eat breakfast. Let him pick which order the list goes in and that way he might feel more in control and perhaps less overwhelmed. It makes going to school seem less intimidating, as he's not focussing on the end goal of school, but instead focussing on all the little steps in between. I would also suggest making a star chart next to the list, and sticking a star sticker next to each task as he checks it off in the morning so he feels a sense of achievement.</span></p>\n<p><span>If all that fails try telling him that if he goes to school and decides he wants to come home that he can, as he's usually fine when he gets to school it may help. As a child I felt trapped in school, knowing I had the option to get out if I really needed to would have made it easier to attend regularly I think.</span></p>\n<p>i must stress that I'm no expert and only have personal experience is go by and you obviously must do what feels right for you and your son. I really hope I've helped and I wish you lots of luck. Mothers deserve medals.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "250406",
"thread_id": "24022",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Childrefusingtogotoschool_24022/"
] |
"author": "Lionsladybug",
"content": "I woke up at 3AM with this panic attack and it feels like I'm spiraling down an endless pit. I've got so much that needs to be done, but I'm just too sick to do any of it. I'm emotionally and physically just dying here without a hope left in sight. I don't have any finances to help support myself or my 3 furkids. The Money my partner makes is barely enough to support her cigarette habit. I'm scared because we have had to pawn everything including my engagement ring & all of her music equipment.We have nothing and soon we wont have our car because we won't be able to pay the title loan on it. We haven't even got it registered like we should have, but then we wouldn't have had the money for her cigarettes. This month will be my 3rd month see a psychiatrist and I'm hoping that will help with my social security case.\n",
"date": "1433328051",
"thread_id": "24014",
"title": "Spiral ",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Spiral_24014/"
} | [
"author": "NeonCake2",
"content": "<p>I know how it feels just to spiral, but remember to hold on, you're gonna make it through the storm</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "249534",
"thread_id": "24014",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Spiral_24014/"
] |
"author": "iloverunning",
"content": "Whenever I'm talking to someone, I have no idea how to look at them. I would touch my hair constantly because... what else would I do with my hands? I don't know how to look at someone without staring at them (instead, I constantly glance away), and I don't know what kind of facial expression I should hold while I'm listening to them speak. People probably think that I'm either nervous (I panic whenever I feel awkward) or just not listening to them carefully enough. \n\nIs anyone else like this? How do you deal with social awkwardness? \n",
"date": "1433291453",
"thread_id": "23987",
"title": "Awkwardness in social situations",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Awkwardnessinsocialsituations_23987/"
} | [
"author": "Roadie",
"content": "<p>Yes, I cope with similar challenges. What I do is focus intently on their words and force myself to ignore my inner dialogue. The point is that by focusing so much on ourselves, we miss what the other person is saying.</p>\n<p>Externalization rather than internalization is important</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "249042",
"thread_id": "23987",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Awkwardnessinsocialsituations_23987/"
"author": "CatPlum24",
"content": "<p>I have really bad social anxiety so I constantly have to remind myself to make eye contact or I wont look at anyone at all. Right eye, left eye, and back and forth slowly. I read in a book about communication that its helpful to practice \"sticky eyes\". You look into the persons eyes as they talk and if you need to look away, look away so so slowly as if your gaze is attached to their eyes by a rubber band. When you notice your gaze straying, snap it back to the eyes. It makes it look like youre listening. Some nodding also helps and asking questions is good too. Im still working on it</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "249046",
"thread_id": "23987",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Awkwardnessinsocialsituations_23987/"
] |
"author": "Ferox",
"content": "First of all, this is actually very difficult to write about because I'm embarassed putting it on here even though I know there are people that have a similar problem in the world. \n\nSo all through my teenage life I had very occasionally had 'stomach upset' to put it nicely, which would stop me from wanting to go to school or college etc, and I was worried about getting a job for more social related worries / natural worries like not knowing what to do etc.\n\nThen 2 years ago I had to go for interview training at a bank HQ and I just freaked out, had a stomach upset in a sort of classroom situation (in the bathroom but it was sort've like a mobile office so I was extremely uncomfortable) and started having heart palpitations and hyperventilating. I know now that it was an anxiety attack but at the time I didn't know. I then started a job where it started happening every week, so I ended up getting let go because I missed too many days.\n\nAnyway, to cut a long story short this is 2 years later and after being let go I started struggling to go outside at all, like even to the corner shops or into town to go shopping, and I'm basically still in that position. I think in the first year I managed to go out and socialise maybe once a week or two, and I've had a couple of jobs for very short amounts of time (just because of what they were not because of the anxiety).\n\nIt seems so ridiculous but I like can't cope with the idea of not being around toilets 24/7, that I have access to in private, luckily I do freelancing but I need my life back.\n\nAnyone have any advice? \n\n \n",
"date": "1432039149",
"thread_id": "23133",
"title": "Weird Fear",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/WeirdFear_23133/"
} | [
"author": "Pandas4ever",
"content": "<p>You may want to seek advice from a health professional about that. Although it's natural to be afraid of something. I don't really like public toilets either. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "230650",
"thread_id": "23133",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/WeirdFear_23133/"
"author": "Ferox",
"content": "<p>I did go and see doctors, twice.</p>\n<p>The first one put me on anti depressants which didn't really work.</p>\n<p>A year later I went to a different Doctor and he put me on propanolol and anti depressants, again they didn't really work if anything it made it more difficult. Especially as they'd only prescribe me them in 1 month doses and because I got too anxious to go I ended up going off of them because I physically didn't feel like I could get there.</p>\n<p>I've been off everything for about 4/5 months and I feel better about going to the shops, I've been a bit further than the corner shop once or twice but not often.</p>\n<p>I did explain to the Doctor that I felt my movements were causing my anxiety but he didn't give me anything for that or refer me or anything.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "230689",
"thread_id": "23133",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/WeirdFear_23133/"
"author": "AshleyLawrence",
"content": "<p>You could have a minor phobia or something. I agree check out a doctor who knows about that kind of stuff. Maybe not a general physician b/c they will give you anti depressants ;) but if you go to someone who does cognitive behavioral therapy that could be totally helpful. Good luck :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "231332",
"thread_id": "23133",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/WeirdFear_23133/"
"author": "ChelseythecalmHero89",
"content": "<p>I have a fear, like deathly fear of Balloons.... It is horrible, my parents have told me that I have ever since I was a baby and now I am 21 and it is just bad. I hate the loud noise they make when they pop or when someone puts their hands against them, its just awful. Does anyone else have this fear?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "243928",
"thread_id": "23133",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/WeirdFear_23133/"
"author": "anxietyrob",
"content": "<p>I have been dealing withthese issues myself... always had mild panic attacks, nothing to worry about then nearly a year ago BOOM, i had a massive one. Had 6 weeks off work..</p>\n<p>I don't believe tablets are the answer... I took citalapram, it made me worse, i now take amatryptaline, personally i don't think that helps either.</p>\n<p>I pay private to see a therapist once a week, we have worked through my fears by looking at distraction techniques, countering the early effect of panic attacks and dealing with my Phobias head on (Blood is mine) .</p>\n<p>Its not the miracle cure, but i'mstarting to improve, my advise is self help, do so research read up but above all try and hit it head on..</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "248311",
"thread_id": "23133",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/WeirdFear_23133/"
] |
"author": "brittsnowuh24",
"content": "Hi all! I have exams tomorrow and I've barely studied for the one that I actually need to pass and I'm super nervous. I had a panic attack today as well as a mental breakdown and I've been trying to unwind and calm myself for the last three hours and haven't had time to study. Also, I've had a ton of friends ganging up on me and treating me very poorly, so I'm just a little down about that. I have zero friends except for ones on the internet and it's sad that I have no one by my side. ): Some nice thoughts and such would be helpful. Much love, Britt <3\n\n \n\n \n",
"date": "1433216824",
"thread_id": "23944",
"title": "Anxiety and Sadness",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AnxietyandSadness_23944/"
} | [
"author": "Nettle",
"content": "<p>Hey Britt! I'm sorry you're stressed about exams, but I wish you the best! I'm sure you will do great and remember that your grades don't define you. If you ever need someone to talk to we are all here for you </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "247888",
"thread_id": "23944",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AnxietyandSadness_23944/"
"author": "brittsnowuh24",
"content": "<p>Thank you so much! You're a sweetie <3</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "247893",
"thread_id": "23944",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AnxietyandSadness_23944/"
] |
"author": "itsfranziskaaaa",
"content": "so i was asked to go to a dance with a boy i like, but i cant my anxiety is stopping me, but i really really like him is there anything i can do? i dont want to be trapped by my social anxiety\n",
"date": "1433042440",
"thread_id": "23841",
"title": "i wanna go out",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/iwannagoout_23841/"
} | [
"author": "emperorstevee",
"content": "<p>Go for it, it will turn out better than you expect, you'll get lost in anxiety, and then the fact that you haven't done things with people will make you less social and then easier for your anxiety to tell you not to do other things.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "247884",
"thread_id": "23841",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/iwannagoout_23841/"
] |
"author": "Brynneandhercats",
"content": "I have pretty bad anxiety towards a lot of things in general. Recently it has been heightened when I am away from my significant other. I often create situations where I tell myself that they are dead. I don't want to seem needy I just really care for them. I also always have this stone at the bottom of my gut that tries to tell me the relationship is going to be over soon. Sometimes I think I should just end the relationship so I can get back to normal, I care about them too much though.\n",
"date": "1433186702",
"thread_id": "23910",
"title": "My relationship making my anxiety worse",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Myrelationshipmakingmyanxietyworse_23910/"
} | [
"author": "Hndsworld",
"content": "<p>I had hard relationships recently and i feel sad most of the time.I am a person who has a soul but i am daring guys who are acting bad to me at the end.I have heartbrokes and i want someone who is going to make me happy:(</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "247278",
"thread_id": "23910",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Myrelationshipmakingmyanxietyworse_23910/"
"author": "Brynneandhercats",
"content": "<p>When I'm with them I'm very happy. It's when I'm away that I worry. I feel like I might seem needy some times so I try to stay some distance away. It gets a little much though when I start looking at the obituaries. (Yeah I've done that before, it's embarrassing)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "247370",
"thread_id": "23910",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Myrelationshipmakingmyanxietyworse_23910/"
] |
"author": "Otaku108",
"content": "I have a really bad fear on confrontation and have extreme social anxiety. I'm not sure of what the phobia tearm for this is, but i deffenitly have it. \nI have anxiety attacks when i have public conversations or when i am questioned about something i say in public. Mostly, i try to keep my conversations with people i trust, one-on-one.. some of the people though, don't understand or get that, and continue the conversation loudly, for others to hear.. and usually, it may be a personal subject i don't want others to hear.. it usually ends up in embarrassment and humiliation and utter breakdowns for myself.. people don't understand until i'm already a blubbering fit and then its too late and i already have people staring and wondering what is wrong with me, which only makes it worse.\n\nI have learned to just keep quiet and only talk to the one or two people that understand my fear.. \n\nI cannot keep eye contact with people when talking. i also cannot stand when more than one person talks at once at me or i stress out and usually end up hyperventilating and screaming..And most of the time, people find this rude or out right obnoxious and personal.. i don't mean it to be direct to anyone, but it's the only way i can handle myself.\n\nI didn't mean to make this very long, but i somehow did...\n\ndoes anyone else have these problems? I just hope i'm not the only one with this kind of problem..\n",
"date": "1430791609",
"thread_id": "22320",
"title": "Social Phobia, Fear of Confrontation, Social Anxity, etc.",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/SocialPhobiaFearofConfrontationSocialAnxityetc_22320/"
} | [
"author": "intelligentPlace8346",
"content": "<p>I have something like that. Its a little different though. I wont even speak if im in a large group. It makes me physically uncomfortable and all i want is to find a way to leave. I also prefer one on one conversations. I find them easier. When more than one person starts to talk to me i usually end up the odd one out somehow. It frusturates me that people just bring other people into a private conversation. So youre not alone in how you feel at all.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "214095",
"thread_id": "22320",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/SocialPhobiaFearofConfrontationSocialAnxityetc_22320/"
"author": "WinterHoodies679",
"content": "<p>I am the same way and it's the reason why I am a loner. Too socially awkward. The only place I feel comfortable talking to strangers and making conversation is at work But outside of that I am a wreck.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "229209",
"thread_id": "22320",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/SocialPhobiaFearofConfrontationSocialAnxityetc_22320/"
"author": "Poptartweekend19",
"content": "<p>I'm kind of like that but I wouldn't say it's that extreme for me .<br>Like sometimes when I'm in public and I start to feel people staring at me I start crying, not really crying but more of tearing up I would say.<br>I also cannot make eye contact while talking to someone, I start to feel anxious.<br>Sometimes, when people look at me I feel like it's a staring contest and I feel like I can't breathe then I start to hyperventilate to calm myself down .<br>When I'm around a group I start to feel very uncomfortable and I cannot stand still I'll end up scratching myself as a distraction but it doesn't help...<br><br></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "229217",
"thread_id": "22320",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/SocialPhobiaFearofConfrontationSocialAnxityetc_22320/"
"author": "surprisedmouse",
"content": "<p>I kinda feel the same. I avoid going out because I'm scared of even simple things like going to the shop or taking the bus. I hate making eye contact with people- I start thinking 'I've been looking into their eyes for too long, I'd better look somewhere else' or 'if I don't make eye contact they'll think I'm weird.'I freak out about so many little things like that, just walking paststrangersmakes my heart race and I start hyperventilating and feel like I could faint.</p>\n<p>Maybe not exactly the same but I understand exactly how you feel. You're not alone.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "243719",
"thread_id": "22320",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/SocialPhobiaFearofConfrontationSocialAnxityetc_22320/"
] |
"author": "ThatGirlLiz",
"content": "Hi everyone.\n\nI am currently working on an article about anxiety/cyberbullying and I want to post some stories in it. The articly is basically about what Highschool (or whatever school you are in) does to you, popularity, anxiety, bullying, but also about Social Media.\nIf you want to, you can share your story with me, and I will use it.\nAll the names will change, its completely anonymous.\n\nThanks!\nLiz\n",
"date": "1432847401",
"thread_id": "23723",
"title": "Feel free to share your story♥",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Feelfreetoshareyourstory_23723/"
} | [
"author": "TransAm85",
"content": "<p>Reading your post made me think about how sorry I feel for these kids today. I graduated in 2003. I used dial up internet and had a pager. We used to play outside, we never sat all day and night online. We'd go to the drive in movie theaters. We roller bladed. We traded Pokemon cards and Beanie Babies. lol I mean .. this generation is so sad and that's why there's so many more kids w/problems. I have had epilepsy since I was 15, but I never let that get in my way as an excuse to sulk and be depressed. Teens/young adults today need to look past sex, drugs, and money! I am a mechanic. I love cars. I also like gardening. I like to cook, but all I really cook is Mexican or Italian food b/c my husband is Mexican and Italian. My point is .. your computer or cell phone is not the answer to living. Facebook is stupid. I used Myspace when it first came out! Expand your horizons. Let those other kids live on Facebook and their cell phones. That's why they're so pale. They don't get out in the sun! :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "242386",
"thread_id": "23723",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Feelfreetoshareyourstory_23723/"
] |
"author": "notAWatermelon",
"content": "For the past 2-3 years of my life I have been noticing some very disturbing changes in my emotions and habits. I have not sought professional help so I am still trying to figure out exactly what is going on with me and is it one thing, or several, and what to do.\n\nI used to be very capable of dealing with unknown and unexpected situations, ever since a child I had been an adventurer, taking things as a challenge rather than experiencing anxiety or mental breakdowns before anything less habitual. But in the last years a tendency has established that is starting to scare me very much - I started having problems dealing with the most simple things, I have totally unreasonable fears and inability to handle daily situations. For example, I start procrastinating things like, booking my summer vacation flight, or checking/reading mail. It follows more or less this pattern: I realize there is something I have to do, usually there is quite some time before it's become \"urgent\", so I start procrastinating and procrastinating, always making up excuses and reasons to delay doing it - even when it is nothing difficult or unpleasant - until the \"deadline\" is so close that the fear of things going wrong (no places left on the flight for example, price too high, etc) is no longer unfounded, at which point I experience frequent anxiety and inability to take care of the matter, often with physical symptoms such as increased heartbeat, sweating, nightmares. It's as if there are two \"me\" - one that refuses to do anything at all, and the other one that gets sick worried things can and will go wrong but can't do anything without the first one. Lately the only way I can get myself to do anything is by first emotionally accepting that the worst has happen and will happen, coming to terms with it and devising some alternative plan. Only then do I calm down enough to actually do what has to be done and more often than not it turns out I had no reason to worry and everything is alright anyway.\n\nCould someone please tell me what this is, what is happening to me? I don't even know where to start... \n",
"date": "1431463965",
"thread_id": "22857",
"title": "Procrastination, anxiety, panic...",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Procrastinationanxietypanic_22857/"
} | [
"author": "thisisit99",
"content": "<p>I have the same thing--I wish I could offer words of advice but for me it was at least comforting to read that someone else has had the same experience. Checking my email is terrifying, I owe my grocery store 80 euros in fees because my credit card got overcharged 6 eurosthere a couple months ago and I haven't goneto the bank to transfer money to them, and the last three years of college have been horrible night after horrible night of not finishing my work on time. Every time i have an essay due I wait until the last possible moment to throw together something sub-par. It's like, I know that I should do these things and that they won't be that hard and that my life would be so much easier/better if I did them, but I Just. Can't. Seem. To. Do. Them.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "230191",
"thread_id": "22857",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Procrastinationanxietypanic_22857/"
"author": "notAWatermelon",
"content": "<p>I can't quite say when my problems first started, but they most certainly got worse during my master studies. I know for sure that doing everything late, or not doing it at all, was a reaction out of fear that I might try to do it, and fail. But if I waited to the last moment, had little time and had to work under stress, I would have those two excuses for a bad grade. While starting on time, working regularly, doing my best AND still getting a bad grade would have been too hard to swallow. But then this pattern moved to many other aspects of my life, where there are no grades, no chance to fail, just trivial things that need to be taken care of. And funny enough, the only aspect where I still get \"grades\" -my work - I have absolutely no problems doing normally just like everybody else and dealing with criticism, etc. Could it be that underlying all this it is some...fear, low self-esteem?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "235339",
"thread_id": "22857",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Procrastinationanxietypanic_22857/"
"author": "magpie23",
"content": "<p>Hi, that's something that I deal with on a daily basis. We may have different life experiences so the exact 'problem' and 'solution' may not apply, but I'm hoping that by sharing with you, you'll find some direction.</p>\n<p>I'm competitive. I've always been set high standards as a kid, and that's something I've brought with me as I got older.</p>\n<p>Now that I'm in a working environment ('out in the real world' so to speak), where there's no structure for me to follow in terms of rewards and points system (example: test scores, positive feedback from teachers and peers), I've taken to judging my own work/life/general wellbeing.</p>\n<p>Sometimes I procrastinate on stuff because I know I can't get it 'perfect', and so I'll dilly-dally till either 1.there's no time to do it or 2.i have no choice but to do it.</p>\n<p>Sometimes the stressful event makes me go into a sort-of 'fight or flight' mode, where I really give it 100% effort in whatever time I have left, and succeeding gives me a thrill and a feeling of accomplishment.</p>\n<p>Sometimes I don't do something because I'm afraid of the consequences if I don't do it well.</p>\n<p>Sometimes I procrastinate because in my heart, I know what I don't want to do it, but I have to and so I push it out till the last minute, and if I don't do it properly, it's just validation of what I felt.</p>\n<p>Generally how I cope with procrastination when I notice myself doing it, is to list down everything I need to do, and force myself to strike everything off the list. Either by completing the task, or by deciding that the task is unnecessary and just not do it.</p>\n<p>I think over time, I've come to appreciate the relief of not having the cloud of 'stuff i need to do' hovering over my head.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "239221",
"thread_id": "22857",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Procrastinationanxietypanic_22857/"
] |
"author": "breakfastblend",
"content": "While I do have in-person social anxieties, I wanted to specifically talk about online social anxiety. I understand the rationale behind the in-person stuff, but I don't get why communicating online makes me so anxious! I got this app because I know I need a place to talk out my anxiety/depression issues, but even writing this post makes me nervous! 😖 Does anyone else have these types of social anxieties? \n",
"date": "1428643470",
"thread_id": "20897",
"title": "Online Social Anxiety ",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/OnlineSocialAnxiety_20897/"
} | [
"author": "kayelillian",
"content": "<p>Yeah I definitely do. I dealt with depression and self harm last year and it's left me in this state where I'm still dealing with depression and social anxiety</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "194752",
"thread_id": "20897",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/OnlineSocialAnxiety_20897/"
"author": "Roadie",
"content": "<p>Hi @breakfastblend</p>\n<p>I'm really active in the forums here for the very same reason. I get really anxious in the chatroom settings. I find it incredibly difficult to get involved (even being a listener!) so I stick to these situations.</p>\n<p>Most definitely understand you.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "195688",
"thread_id": "20897",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/OnlineSocialAnxiety_20897/"
"author": "Ophie",
"content": "<p>I do as well! Not as much in one-on-one conversations, but more so with group chats... you're not alone hehe.<img title=\"yes\" alt=\"yes\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"http://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "197276",
"thread_id": "20897",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/OnlineSocialAnxiety_20897/"
"author": "Ophie",
"content": "<p>I find that what has really helped with my social anxiety is by interacting with more people, and by doing this, the nervousness gets smaller and smaller. 7 Cups of Tea is amazing because it gives you the chance to talk with more people and grow close to overcoming social anxiety by speaking with more and more people... and the listeners are very supportive and friendly.<img title=\"angel\" alt=\"angel\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"http://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "197279",
"thread_id": "20897",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/OnlineSocialAnxiety_20897/"
"author": "LostInTheStars",
"content": "<p>You said it perfectly. I got the app to try and get some extra support for the hard time I'm going through yet I was too anxious to post anything until I read this. I'm glad I'm not the only one.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "197384",
"thread_id": "20897",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/OnlineSocialAnxiety_20897/"
"author": "bluesocks",
"content": "<p>I get really anxious online too, unless I know people or am one on one. I am still not sure if that is a bad thing, but it does leave me feeling a bit sad at the lost opportunities to make friends </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "197431",
"thread_id": "20897",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/OnlineSocialAnxiety_20897/"
"author": "breakfastblend",
"content": "<p>It's nice to know I'm not alone in this! :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "197972",
"thread_id": "20897",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/OnlineSocialAnxiety_20897/"
"author": "HotCuppa",
"content": "<p>I live in a different country from my friends and family, so online communication is really important. Unfortunately I find it really painful and a big source of anxiety. Email is difficult, butfacebook is the worst. Whenever I log on to it to catch up with my friends lives, I am terrified that someone will see me online and try to chat with me.</p>\n<p>My inability to stay connected to my friends and family has left we with guilt and depression.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "199021",
"thread_id": "20897",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/OnlineSocialAnxiety_20897/"
"author": "Seaway",
"content": "<p>@breakfastblend,</p>\n<p>Online is easier for me and most people. But I do have Online Social anxiety. Talking to a person is okay, talking in a group setting such as chat rooms is a problem for me most often than not. I get very anxious when I notice any kind of neglect or see people talk to each other and feel unable to get involved.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "235031",
"thread_id": "20897",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/OnlineSocialAnxiety_20897/"
"author": "independentHemlock16",
"content": "<p>I can talk to people in person if i dontcare about them. LIke at work i would talk to hundreds of people a week without much issue. But, if i see a person i want to talk to i get too nervous. I stutter, shake, my heart races, and i just dont talk to them in the end because its too much.</p>\n<p><span>The same thing happens online as well. I cant talk to someone if im interested in knowing them. I made a facebook to try to talk to some people i knew from school, but then im too nervous to message them. I see people ive met different places and i just dontadd them because im afraid they will just laugh at me or worse just ignore my friend request.</span></p>\n<p><span>If i do get the courage to talk to someone and they seem to be okay with talking to me it gets even worse. I keep thinking how im going to mess it up and even after 2 years of knowing someone im still afraid they dont like me and its some kind of game to them. They are just waiting for the perfect time to hurt me. Just when I finally trust them they will do whatever will hurt me the most at the time.</span></p>\n<p>Its lead to me being lonely and depressed which makes it harder to talk to people. Why would they want to be my friend? Imjust a loser. If people wanted to be friends with losers then i wouldnt be in this situation to begin with.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "236618",
"thread_id": "20897",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/OnlineSocialAnxiety_20897/"
"author": "Coldundercovers",
"content": "<p>Try talking to animals :) they hardly (or never) betray your loyalty to them. Large breeds of any species are more loyal, understanding and patient. Hope things go well for you, and you find peace and calm within yourself.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "236620",
"thread_id": "20897",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/OnlineSocialAnxiety_20897/"
"author": "tealYard9464",
"content": "<p>Forgiveness is giving up all hope of a better past!!! Forgive, accept, love yourself!!!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "236656",
"thread_id": "20897",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/OnlineSocialAnxiety_20897/"
] |
"author": "navySkies4330",
"content": "I recently finally told my doctor about all of my symptoms and I am now taking the medication Prozac. I have only been taking it for two days and the only things I am experiencing are a little sickness, cold chills, dizziness, and being really sleepy. I have heard some people say it takes a long time or a short time for me to actually reap the benefits of the medicine. It is just kinda discouraging to have to hold on so long. \n",
"date": "1431531816",
"thread_id": "22895",
"title": "New Medication. Advice and support?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/NewMedicationAdviceandsupport_22895/"
} | [
"author": "kintala",
"content": "<p><span>Hi NavySkies,</span></p>\n<p><span>Don't be discouraged. Sometimes it takes a while for medication to get into your system and start working. I know that it's frustrating, but just take it one step at a time. That can be a little less overwhelming than thinking about the big picture! Cheers!</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "224585",
"thread_id": "22895",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/NewMedicationAdviceandsupport_22895/"
"author": "JessiSkii",
"content": "<p>If it takes longer speak to your doctor on how the medication is making you feel with the dizziness and such. Medication do take time to work and as you said its only been two days. I know its hard to wait for it to fully work but our bodies just takes time to take in the medication and get use to what it suppose to help you with. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "224675",
"thread_id": "22895",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/NewMedicationAdviceandsupport_22895/"
"author": "None",
"content": "<p>Do keep in touch with your doctor's office, but different meds take time to give you a leg up. I've never been on Prozac, but I do know that the side effects of the meds I<em>have</em> been on haven't lasted more than a few weeks.</p>\n<p>I may stand alone, and you (and others may disagree), and I'll apologize up front for overstepping my bounds, but<em>I</em> believe that medication is usually just a leg up. For me, it took the edge off, but was no panacea.</p>\n<p>When I finally fell apart, after suffering silently for<strong>way</strong> too many years (self-medicating, but surprisinglystill functional) against medical advice, I remained an outpatient. I was seeing a psychiatrist<strong>at</strong>a major teaching hospital for two one hour sessions / week. That went on for almost two years.</p>\n<p>During that time, I<em>completely</em> gave up any substance (including daily coffee) which could be addictive.</p>\n<p>I journaled every single day. (Not in a public blog or anything like that.)</p>\n<p>I also began studying meditation and Buddhism (which I was very interested in since I was about 13 years old)<strong>very</strong> seriously, going to four hours of instruction and public meditation classes / week.</p>\n<p>I had been in<em>so</em> much pain for so very long I guess I just threw everything at the wall to see what stuck.</p>\n<p>I had a very high pressure job in Manhattan when September 11th happened and that was the proverbial 'last straw'. Much of what I remember was laying on the floor and watching MTV (that was when they still had music) and listening to REM's 'Everybody Hurts' and falling apart.</p>\n<p>I guess what<em>really</em> pushed me was the fear of being in the hospital. Actually, it wasn't<em>my</em>fear, but the \"how will I tell family & friends\" type of BS. Now, years later, I'd see it as a welcome 'vacation' from the normal every day stressors. If someone has something to say, they are not significant in my life. It seems cut and dry, but sometimes you have to put your own safety and well being ahead of others. (When you fly, they always tell you that if the oxygen masks come down, put yours on<strong>before</strong> your child's! You are not helpful if you are passed out.)</p>\n<p>Try and show yourself the loving kindness, understanding, and patience you would show another. Give yourself time. Seek out help.</p>\n<p>I won't say \"good luck\". (I always hated that English expression; it has<strong>nothing</strong> to do with luck.</p>\n<p>Be kind. Be brave. Be courageous. Be strong.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "225241",
"thread_id": "22895",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/NewMedicationAdviceandsupport_22895/"
"author": "maxh",
"content": "<p>It may indeed be that Prozac isn't the medication that's appropriate for you, but unfortunately it does take some time for your medication levels to reach a steady state. During this time it is especially important to be diligent in keeping to your schedule.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "235814",
"thread_id": "22895",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/NewMedicationAdviceandsupport_22895/"
] |
"author": "estonekc",
"content": "Hello, I'm been taken off meds and now.",
"date": "1432320967",
"thread_id": "23361",
"title": "[Medication name]",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Medicationname_23361/"
} | [
"author": "myfreedom1",
"content": "<p>You need to find a new doctor. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "235782",
"thread_id": "23361",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Medicationname_23361/"
"author": "Cadence",
"content": "<p>I agree with @myfreedom1. Being taken off of that medication entirely can cause really adverse effects, and definitely needs to be weaned off. Is there anyone else you can see for your medical needs? If the withdrawal symptoms are getting too bad, I urge you to perhaps go to an Emergency Care facility; it can actually send you into shock if nothing is done about it.</p>\n<p>I'm sorry you've had to go through this; I wouldn't wish it on anyone.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "235792",
"thread_id": "23361",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Medicationname_23361/"
] |
"author": "zachc",
"content": "I have a total lack of ability to make eye contact with people, especially women. I am an extremely shy and awkward individual, and i don't know what to do. I think its why i am single, i haven't been able to make any emotional contact with any women, including my friends that are women. Its so bad, i can't even make eye contact with family members. It seems that i am really lacking the minimum social contact. Any help?\n",
"date": "1429578240",
"thread_id": "21499",
"title": "Lack of Eye Contact",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/LackofEyeContact_21499/"
} | [
"author": "Jenna",
"content": "<p>Hey, @zachc I've noticed with a lot who suffer with social anxiety have a big problem with eye contact with many different individuals like you displayed you have with women and family members. So, please know you're not alone and not the only one who struggles with this. Are these family members female as well, or just your family in general?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "203449",
"thread_id": "21499",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/LackofEyeContact_21499/"
"author": "zachc",
"content": "<p>Hi Jenna</p>\n<p>Yes for both members of my family and females, considering i have never had a girlfriend, i am now trying to discover if i am ugly, or if i am doing some body language, and eye contact makes the most sense right now.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "203453",
"thread_id": "21499",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/LackofEyeContact_21499/"
"author": "igetcha",
"content": "<p>I really don't think you're ugly. I mean I've never been on a date & I'm gorgeous hahaha. Anyway everyone who thinks they're ugly isn't. We're way too hard on ourselves. I feel yaabout the eye contact. I'm the same way. I've realized it's ok to not make eye contact all the time long as you do at least some of the time. I stare off into space a lot or if I'm doing something at the same time I look at that, glance at the surroundings. I trry to make enough eye contact so people don't think I'm distracted. There are other ways of expressing interest too like nodding, saying mhm or I see or I feel ya or asking questions that show you're paying attention. And a smile goes a long way to keep people from thinking your lack of eye contact means you don't like them</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207207",
"thread_id": "21499",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/LackofEyeContact_21499/"
"author": "squib",
"content": "<p>I had a lot of trouble with that myself. I actually quit one therapist when he asked me what was so interesting about my shoes - I found that an insulting way to bring this up!</p>\n<p>I got better through CBT focused on progressively harder, regular, systematic exposures. I kept all sorts of records of my thoughts and feelings as I did things that forced more and more engagement. My therapist was very important in this. One of my thoughts was always that my making eye contact was something others would find repulsive. I also found it particularly difficult to make eye contact with women, and even more so if I found them attractive at all. My therapist was about my age and the kind of woman I'd habitually flee from because I would be too intimidated to talk to looking at her. Over a long period of time we worked myself away from staring at the books in her office and the plants. I had to do things like say hi to people on the street. The point is... this can be something you learn. Good luck!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "203479",
"thread_id": "21499",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/LackofEyeContact_21499/"
"author": "igetcha",
"content": "<p>That's interesting about the people finding it repulsive. I feel intimidated by eye contact & I guess I sometimes don't make eye contact out of courtesy that they might feel the same way in an awkward situation. I do that w/ a lotta things. Like after presentations I figured people would prefer you asking them questions separately instead of in front of everyone but most people disagree & said some people even get offended when no one asks questions in the group setting. I try to read people to get a feel but it never occurred to me before that people might actually like it. 1 day after I gave a presentation & someone asked a tough questions I was like \"oh my gosh what have I been doing to other people this whole time\" & then I stopped asking questions in groups until people told me most people don't feel like I do. This kid said his nerdy \"antisocial\" interviewers not making eye contact made him uncomfortable & he had a hard time gaging how it was going. I'd take that over the typical mind games type interview any day. But it surprised me that the most stressful part for someone else would be the complete opposite as for me. Now I wonder if being around me stresses people out. I hope not. I have friends & I can connect w/ people so I doubt it. Anyway it's weird how it's tricky to tell what people actually want & whether your considerateness is actually doing more harm than good</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207213",
"thread_id": "21499",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/LackofEyeContact_21499/"
"author": "Seaway",
"content": "<p>@zachc,</p>\n<p>Yeah, same. To everyone regardless of genders for me. One of the main reasons is because I am slightly cross eyed. Meaning one of my pupils can wander off at random times. It makes me not confident enough to maintain eye contact for fear of being found out and people will be uncomfortable with me. Then again, without eye contact, it makes me feel lacking and weak.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "235009",
"thread_id": "21499",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/LackofEyeContact_21499/"
] |
"author": "GermanZebraCupcake",
"content": "Hi guys, \n\nI'm sure I'm not the only one who does this but sometimes I will be totally fine and then I have the worst conversation. What's worse is, like, instead of just leaving it behind me, the conversation will play over and over in my head for the rest of the day. It used to help if I talked about it but now, it doesn't. How do you brush off a bad conversation?\n",
"date": "1432333386",
"thread_id": "23375",
"title": "Recurring Thoughts on One Sentence",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/RecurringThoughtsonOneSentence_23375/"
} | [
"author": "PositiveEnergy27",
"content": "<p>I have noticed that I tend to have the same problem at times and I really struggled with it. After venting to some people and talking to friends, I have been trying to <strong>focus more on the facts</strong> of a conversation rather than letting my imagination become a reality to me. It might not sound easy but with practice, you'll feel a lot better and a lot more in control of this situation<img title=\"smiley\" alt=\"smiley\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "234932",
"thread_id": "23375",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/RecurringThoughtsonOneSentence_23375/"
] |
"author": "KelBe",
"content": "No matter how hard I try to get help from anyone, I just cant. I know I have bad anxiety in general but it is even worse when talking to people or even being in public. I struggle to keep any friends since I am always so scared to talk to them. I just want to be able to get help but I'm just so scared to get any help. I just hope someone here will be able to give me a few tips or ways to deal with this.",
"date": "1431926261",
"thread_id": "23075",
"title": "Anxiety Is Taking Me Over! Now I Need Help Badly.",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyIsTakingMeOverNowINeedHelpBadly_23075/"
} | [
"author": "intellectualPineapple5362",
"content": "<p>(I'm so sorry that its taken me so long to reply, I have tried a few times but my phone messed but so now I'm at my PC!!)</p>\n<p>Hi, I'm sorry to hear that you are suffering with anxiety, and social anxiety can be so draining, I know myself from first hand experience. Please take comfort in the fact you aren't alone in this, so many people feel this way (myself included) and are willing and happy to help you. Unfortunately I don't have any brilliant advice but I can tell you how I managemy own anxiety.</p>\n<p>1. I know my own limits, I don't force myself into situations which I know are going to problematic for me, I find the easiest ways to do things. eg/ write an email instead of call on the phone. If I have an important call to make then I write down things I need to say and plan ahead, this way I can not forget things as I tend to stumble over words and babble when I'm anxious.</p>\n<p>2. I set myself little goals, whether it to go for a walk or to drink in a new coffee shop, these things boost my confidence and exercise is proven to make you feel better so I try my best with that.</p>\n<p>3. I try to reach out to someone everyday, even if its a quick \"hi\" sent on facebook or a text to my mum or a friend.</p>\n<p>4. I am honest with my friends, i tell them \"today Im anxious and i can't really speak in fear of making it worse, I'll call you tomorrow\" etc, real friends will be more understanding than you think.</p>\n<p>5. I wear headphones in public, sometimes I listen to calming music or nature sounds, though other timesmy ipod isnt turned on. I feel like this gives me a little bit of control, people are less likely to try to talk to me in public if they think I cant hear them.</p>\n<p>6. I visit my doctor regularly and make sure to tell them if my anxiety has been unmanageable, this keeps me on the right medication at all times to give me that extra help I need.</p>\n<p>I hope some of these things can help you, I am happy to talk any time you need some reassurance. good luck. xx</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "229228",
"thread_id": "23075",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyIsTakingMeOverNowINeedHelpBadly_23075/"
"author": "KelBe",
"content": "<p>I do quite a few of the things you suggested, and yes quite a few of my friends and my family know that I can't do extreme things. I found having things done before and having information about some situations helps a ton. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "229342",
"thread_id": "23075",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyIsTakingMeOverNowINeedHelpBadly_23075/"
"author": "intellectualPineapple5362",
"content": "<p>Being able to prepare for situations is a god send! I wish you a lot of luck and I hope you feel better soon!! You are trying to get better and you can do it!!! :D </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "229345",
"thread_id": "23075",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyIsTakingMeOverNowINeedHelpBadly_23075/"
"author": "KelBe",
"content": "<p>Thanks so much for the environment. After the surgery I had a few weeks ago I have been so anxious and just couldn't help it.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "229346",
"thread_id": "23075",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyIsTakingMeOverNowINeedHelpBadly_23075/"
"author": "intellectualPineapple5362",
"content": "<p>Hey its no problem! I know you can do this, reaching for help is a step towards recovery. ;) </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "229353",
"thread_id": "23075",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyIsTakingMeOverNowINeedHelpBadly_23075/"
"author": "KelBe",
"content": "<p>Due to the anxiety and the amount of pain I'm in I can not really sleep. I have school in 4 hours and only have had 2 hours of sleep.\n</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "229357",
"thread_id": "23075",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyIsTakingMeOverNowINeedHelpBadly_23075/"
"author": "intellectualPineapple5362",
"content": "<p>I know its hard but try and relax and get comfortable, listen to some music or read something. Going to school on no sleep would suck. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "229364",
"thread_id": "23075",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyIsTakingMeOverNowINeedHelpBadly_23075/"
"author": "KelBe",
"content": "<p>I am at school with no sleep but I have someone to help me some today since I haven't had pain pills and I'm hurting a lot.\n</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "229458",
"thread_id": "23075",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyIsTakingMeOverNowINeedHelpBadly_23075/"
"author": "adaptablePlace2400",
"content": "<p>The first thing you need to do is understand that if you let this anxiety control your life than you will miss out on greater things that you yourself know you are capable of.\nJust take life 1 step at a time.\nThen just ignore that anxiety and tell yourself that it is not the controler of your existence.\nIt took me a while too but i did it.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "229243",
"thread_id": "23075",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyIsTakingMeOverNowINeedHelpBadly_23075/"
"author": "KelBe",
"content": "<p>As I have been fighting with the anxiety I am learning to do everything in a certain way for school </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "229344",
"thread_id": "23075",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyIsTakingMeOverNowINeedHelpBadly_23075/"
] |
"author": "Laura",
"content": "Ask the community here. \n",
"date": "1418235557",
"thread_id": "11130",
"title": "Is my phobia real? Why Am I so freaked out?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/IsmyphobiarealWhyAmIsofreakedout_11130/"
} | [
"author": "amplified1622",
"content": "<p>I just got my license earlier this year and I'm a good driver. But when I get around anything besides the basics. Such as around mailmen, police cars, construction, and big intersections I start freaking out. I start thinking what people driving around me are thinking. I also just start freaking out because I don't do well in tense situations that I'm not sure I'm 100% sure on. I don't know how to handle this. It's becoming scary.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "98513",
"thread_id": "11130",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/IsmyphobiarealWhyAmIsofreakedout_11130/"
"author": "honeyfredrik",
"content": "<p>Same here! I'm not a bad driver at all but I've never really driven because of the exact same fear.<br></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "226800",
"thread_id": "11130",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/IsmyphobiarealWhyAmIsofreakedout_11130/"
"author": "LonelyLake",
"content": "<p>Don't worry you are a begginer, It's normal! Driving is very stressing, specially when you are starting. It used to happen to me at first too but it will improve with practice!. Keep on driving!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "226813",
"thread_id": "11130",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/IsmyphobiarealWhyAmIsofreakedout_11130/"
] |
"author": "porge448",
"content": "I have to have a spinal tap done really soon and i have the worst phobia of needles ever. someone help. i dont want it done.",
"date": "1431497049",
"thread_id": "22883",
"title": "phobia of needles",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/phobiaofneedles_22883/"
} | [
"author": "AffyAvo",
"content": "<p>I have to do IVs on myself and I struggled with this for a while.</p>\n<p>One thing that helped me was focusing on something relaxing, then thinking about doing the IV and going back to the relaxing thoughts when my stress level started going up. I progressed with this to watching someone use the same medication that I need online, as well people injecting drugs (faster videos, so I didn't have to skip over the long prep). I then did this holding a needle with the cap on and imagining doing the IV, and continued this when I actually had to do it.</p>\n<p>Since you're not doing this yourself though - you don't need to get to the point where you have to watch it!</p>\n<p>When you arrive, don't be shy about letting people know your needs. If you want to know every single little step tell them this ahead of time. If thinking about something completely different helps you, tell them so, so they aren't giving you details that will make it worse. Maybe quiet so you can put your focus where you want it is what you want, or you might want a nurse talking to you about a specific topic.</p>\n<p>Think about possible aids as well. I'm not sure what they will allow. Many health care settings restrict scents, but you might be able to bring a scented lip balm that you find soothing and open the lid during the procedure. Ask about music if that's something that will help you.</p>\n<p>You can also ask about a medication that can help you relax. I don't know if this will be allowed, but it doesn't hurt to find out! Do this ahead of time, as some take a period of time to start working and they may ask you to try it out ahead of time to see if you react poorly or not.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "224306",
"thread_id": "22883",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/phobiaofneedles_22883/"
"author": "AffyAvo",
"content": "<p>Oh another thing that helps me is planning something fun after. It doesn't have to be big, especially if you think you're going to be feeling raw after.</p>\n<p>An edible treat, a movie at home, a book, a planned phonecall with a friend so you know they are free are some quieter ones.</p>\n<p>A shopping trip, a good meal at a restaurant are more outgoing ones if you think that's something that will help.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "224308",
"thread_id": "22883",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/phobiaofneedles_22883/"
"author": "porge448",
"content": "<p>Thank you. I was able to listen to music but i am really hating the hospital. i have to stay in the hospital for quite sometime and this scares me. Needles are gonna be something i need to get used to but i dont think i will be able to get used to them so easily.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "225447",
"thread_id": "22883",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/phobiaofneedles_22883/"
"author": "AffyAvo",
"content": "<p>I'm glad you were allowed to listen to music. A hospital isn't the most relaxing place, but do what you can to make it more comfortable - a pillow from home, pictures, whatever types of distractions you enjoy, etc.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "226265",
"thread_id": "22883",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/phobiaofneedles_22883/"
"author": "porge448",
"content": "<p>yeah im trying to but they monitor everything. Which means i cant do anything. Which makes me feel horrible.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "226395",
"thread_id": "22883",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/phobiaofneedles_22883/"
"author": "Timafre",
"content": "<p>The doctors that will be doing it are specially trained to do that. You have nothing to worry about. Don't think about it as much as you can.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "226399",
"thread_id": "22883",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/phobiaofneedles_22883/"
] |
"author": "Dreamz",
"content": "Do you suffer from anxiety? or Panic Attacks? Share your coping methods here for other to read and try! Anxiety is a horrible mental illness. It is something some of us suffer from on a daily basis (including me) Most people are looking for the help and support they need. and sometimes they check the forums. So this forum is for listeners and members and whoever needs these coping methods. Share your anxiety story and your coping methods here! :)",
"date": "1431051302",
"thread_id": "22535",
"title": "Anxiety Coping Methods",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/AnxietyCopingMethods_22535/"
} | [
"author": "PoorWayfairingStranger",
"content": "<p>I had to go to a therapist for the better half of a year, and although she wasn'tan amazing helper, she did teach me a couple of coping techniques for anxiety.</p>\n<p>1. There are pressure points at the tips of your fingers and in the skin in between your fingers, if you gently press into the pads of your fingers one by one, and count to ten before releasing them. Do this on all of your fingers and press into your palm for twenty seconds. continue on for your other hand. if you need a more severe result then repeat this on the skin in between your fingers.</p>\n<p>2. carry an object that isintricate with you and trace your fingers over the design breathing in and out during the process. start at the bottom right hand corner and start up, then retrace it going backwards.</p>\n<p>These may not help for you, but they are keeping me calm when i need it.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "221748",
"thread_id": "22535",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/AnxietyCopingMethods_22535/"
"author": "cherishedJoy15",
"content": "<p>Thanks for the great tips :)</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "221911",
"thread_id": "22535",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/AnxietyCopingMethods_22535/"
"author": "NeuroticOwl",
"content": "<p>I learned the first through self help and my therapist taught me the second.\n\n1) Breathe in, counting to four in your head. Make sure your stomach expands as you breathe in - you can put your hand there to feel. Hold your breath for four seconds, then slowly breathe out. Do this for like four breaths to calm down.\n\n2) Imagine in as vivid detail as you can - sight, sound, smell, taste, touch - a place where you feel safe and calm. Fully immerse yourself in it for a few minutes, perhaps with your eyes closed and breathing deeply (you can combine it with the deep breathing in tip 1). Then, slowly bring your awareness back to your immediate surroundings while still \"pulling\" the feeling of safety from your mental \"safe place\" with you. Then open your eyes when ready.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "221952",
"thread_id": "22535",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/AnxietyCopingMethods_22535/"
"author": "Idontreallyknow",
"content": "<p>I've had anxiety all my life but I didn't really start to see it as a problem till 4th grade. I would feel panicky and worried about what others were thinking of me constantly. It wasn't I'll last year that I opened up about it andstarted to find ways to cope with it. Now when I feel anxious I take a deep breath and I do whatever it is that scares me. I try to ask question in stores more and every once in awhile I will order my own food. I always feel so proud of myself after wards. A few weeks ago I went into a fast food restaurant and ordered food alone. I felt like I was gonna throw up but I was very proud after ward. So my best advice is to take little steps and try once in awhile to do the things that scare you, because it really boosts your confidence.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "222118",
"thread_id": "22535",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/AnxietyCopingMethods_22535/"
] |
"author": "Olive12",
"content": "Hi everyone, \n\nI get nervous when it comes to eating in front of people. I can't eat around anyone at school, and some of the times my family.\n\nAnyway next week I have school camp (three days two night) and my anxiety food problems have never been worst. In the previous year I could manage it enough for the teachers not to get suspicious but this year I'm having serious doubts.\n\nAny advice?\n",
"date": "1429955417",
"thread_id": "21709",
"title": "In need of some advice. Please ",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
} | [
"author": "nikii",
"content": "<p>Why can't you eat around them? Are they bother you or what's wrong?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "206710",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "Olive12",
"content": "<p>Because I'm so scared of them judging me by what I eat and how I eat. It's easier to skip meals than to eat in front of them and then spend the rest of the day overthinking it.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "206713",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "nikii",
"content": "<p>Have someone ever judge you for this before?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "206716",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "magda1991",
"content": "<p>I understand what you mean....you want to look good or normal....not s if you'rejust gulping down everything .. just relax and enjoy your food, start up aconversationor sit near an eventful place that will take away any unwanted attention. Just have fun..they won't judge you everyone has their own way of doing things</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "206717",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "NateandOdin311",
"content": "<p>Everyone eats. You should not worry about eating in front of people, in a way people might judge you more for not eating in front of them. You're a beautiful person!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "206719",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>Anyone who judges people for how they eat needs to rethink their priorities. & if they're that kinda person they'll be too busy judging everyone else to even remember their judgments about 1 person. Anyway they're wasting their time & you shouldn't have to. You said it's a school camp. I'm a college student & all through school & college I've drank straight out of a 2 liter soda bottle, crunched chips up & ate em w/ yogurt ect. No one cares. Even people who say something are usually just joking & don't care. There's no right way to eat. I've turned a lotta people onto my unique eating habits ;)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207154",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "SheKnowsHope",
"content": "<p>Hello Olive</p>\n<p>You mentioned that you're anxious about eating in front of others because you think they are judging what you eat and how you eat.</p>\n<p>What makes you feel this way?Has anyone criticized what you ate, and how you ate before, or have you witnessed someone doing it to someone else and it made you conscious of your own eating habits?</p>\n<p>You also said that it is easier to skip meals than to spend the day over-thinkinga meal you had in front of someone.</p>\n<p>How often do you skip meals. When do you eat through out the day.</p>\n<p>What do you think would help you cope with this anxiety better?</p>\n<p>Have you considered seeing a professional in your area about this?</p>\n<p>If you would like to discuss this further you can contact me anytime. Wishing you the best</p>\n<p>-Crys</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "206750",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "Olive12",
"content": "<p>Hi Crys,</p>\n<p>Well since I was very young I have been really fussy. And occasionally people would make small comments and side comments about what I eat. This might be some of the reasons why I'm so anxious about eating in front of people maybe. Then in year 8 (I'm in year 11) I started skipping school lunches because my friend group back then hated me and I wasn't comfortable in front of them and skipping meals made me feel like I had a little control. Now whenever I eat in front of anyone (even family) I hate the feeling of food in my mouth and I hate the anxious thoughts that follow.</p>\n<p>I pretty much always eat breakfast.It's very veryrare I eat at school and if I do then it's something very small that somebody gave to me. I sometimes skip dinner (probably once or twice a week). On the weekends I usually eat whenever but sometimes I might skip a meal depending on what I'm doing.</p>\n<p>Honestly, I have no idea how to deal with this problem. And I have considered seeing a professional about a lot of things but I don't think I ever will.</p>\n<p>Thank you,</p>\n<p>Olivia</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "206778",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "SheKnowsHope",
"content": "<p>I see, It sounds like your \"friends\" during that time made you uncomfortable and self-consious about yourself. And you felt like changingwhere you ate gave you something you could control.</p>\n<p>Is it possible you can message me, and we can work on some solutions together.</p>\n<p>If you'd like.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "206893",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "Olive12",
"content": "<p>Hi Crys,</p>\n<p>I tried messaging you but because I'm only a teen it wouldn't let me.</p>\n<p>Olivia</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207049",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "SheKnowsHope",
"content": "<p>I understand, it sounds like you are aware that this anxiety is a problem, and that you'd like to make it better.</p>\n<p>What steps would you be willing to take, to reduce your anxiety of eating around others?</p>\n<p>More importantly, what kind of thoughts/perceptions do you associate with eating and control, would you address about yourself(as I would assume it has a lot more to do than simply eating but how you feel about yourself in general) ?</p>\n<p>Feel free to correct me if I am wrong.</p>\n<p>(I'm sorry you weren't able to connect with me by the way)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207124",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "Olive12",
"content": "<p>I honestly have no idea where I could go to get professional help orwhat steps are invovled.</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207277",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "SheKnowsHope",
"content": "<p>You mentioned you were a teen? I imagine there are counseling service available at your school. And if you aren't comfortable with that, you can ask them to reccomendoutside counseling/therapy.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207619",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "hawaiianbaby",
"content": "<p>I get nervous when I eat as well! Usually what I do is goon Twitter and scroll through my feed or watch a video or basically play on my phone!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207127",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "hawaiianbaby",
"content": "<p>I get nervous when I eat as well! Usually what I do is goon Twitter and scroll through my feed or watch a video or basically play on my phone!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207128",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "diplomaticShade2167",
"content": "<p>I no how u feel.. u would always pack some of my own food & snack on then when I need 2.. & when U have 2 all sit together & eat just have a lil bit of food when mates are and eat later.. Hope i have been some sort of help.. GOOD LUCK.. ☺..</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207131",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "Shanna",
"content": "<p>Hey @Olive12</p>\n<p>I really understand where you're coming from--I struggled with this for a long time and still have various issues surrounding food, but it's definitely possible to overcome it. I'd be happy to talk more about this with you sometime if you'd like, feel free to shoot me a message (I'm an adult listener, but I listen to teens too)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207172",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "tori16",
"content": "<p>Hey there,</p>\n<p>I have an issue. I am also so nervous around people and very awkward. I get nervous to make phone calls unless it is completely silence and even then i can barely understand the person while pressing the up volume button on my phone. I get anxious when i dont have anyone i know around me, i hate being alone, and i cant stand when a person leaves me or tells me to do something by myself. I can't stand to be around people and i get very scared. how can i get over this fear of being alone? someone please help thank you.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207825",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "tori16",
"content": "<p>Hey there,</p>\n<p>I have an issue. I am also so nervous around people and very awkward. I get nervous to make phone calls unless it is completely silence and even then i can barely understand the person while pressing the up volume button on my phone. I get anxious when i dont have anyone i know around me, i hate being alone, and i cant stand when a person leaves me or tells me to do something by myself. I can't stand to be around people and i get very scared. how can i get over this fear of being alone? someone please help thank you.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207826",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
"author": "inlovewblacknwhite",
"content": "<p>I have the same problem as you. Like literally everything you mentioned. I get really anxious around new people especially guys. I can't go out alone because I'm afraid what people will say . But the thing is the you won't see the person on the other line again. Maybe once or twice but that's it. In the beginning I couldn't make any phone calls to strangers because I was afraid that it would be awkward but everything comes with practice. I started making the phone calls for takeout or customer service and it really helped. Also , if you're afraid to be around new people don't worry about it. Everyone in the room is in the same situation as you. If you say something they don't like then hey move on to the next person. That person isn't your only option. You could start off complimenting someone on what they wear or what appeals to you . GOOD LUCK 😊😊😊</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "221217",
"thread_id": "21709",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/InneedofsomeadvicePlease_21709/"
] |
"author": "TheHood",
"content": "Hello all. I have been dealing with anxiety / panic attacks most of my life. I'm now 29 and I have a 4 1/2 year old. I love her to death and know that I'm a good father. But sometimes when she starts throwing tantrums and screaming, my anxiety starts to escalate quickly and I get very stressed out. I don't know how to deal with it. Anybody else experience the same? Any tips, tricks, and advice is welcome and appreciated. Thanks!\n",
"date": "1427317689",
"thread_id": "20111",
"title": "How To Deal With Children...",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/HowToDealWithChildren_20111/"
} | [
"author": "caringStar",
"content": "<p>May i ask if you are a single dad? Because i have a 3years daughter, she is amazing but when i feel stress, it s really hard for me to handle this, so i go with her for a walk or in a park, so that she can run, express herself, and i can try to calm me down in the same time...</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "220697",
"thread_id": "20111",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/HowToDealWithChildren_20111/"
] |
"author": "aquaSummer8891",
"content": "Hello Anxiety forum. \n\nThanks for taking the time to read this if you choose to do so. \n\nIt hasn't been until recently that I've learned about myself that anxiety has always - and may always be a part of my life. In high school I was incredibly depressed and anxious and I was generally misreable until a couple years into college. I honestly thought that it was something that I'd outgrown, because it was more or less under the radar for a little bit. \n\nAfter school I moved across the country to go live in San Francisco and got insanely lucky to work as a designer as a startup. I felt so blessed and I still do. But every day for three years now has become increasingly difficult. \n\nI can't shed my fears. They're a burden that I carry around with me constantly. I want so desperately to enjoy my life out here, but I feel constantly plagued. As a result I haven't really made any serious friendships out here. Work feels immensely difficult and even toxic at times. I'm constantly afraid and wondering where and what I should be doing with my life. And, the worst part about it is that I've been afraid to talk to anyone about it, it feels like something I should be able to deal with. \n",
"date": "1430448914",
"thread_id": "22027",
"title": "how to address this?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/howtoaddressthis_22027/"
} | [
"author": "lovingchimera",
"content": "<p>Have you found a counselor in your area? A therapist can definitely help you turn your life around and assist with overcoming these issues. Life may not feel amazing right this moment but with some perspective you will see life in a whole new light</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "211413",
"thread_id": "22027",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/howtoaddressthis_22027/"
"author": "aquaSummer8891",
"content": "<p>It's sad but ironic that every time i've thought about getting help i get anxious about doing so. I've been anxious about the idea of this being my personality for so long that I've always pushed it aside. I don't want to have to deal with the idea that this is me and always will be. Meanwhile the more stressed I get, the more I think about everything and the more destructive I become to myself. I guess I will have to keep trying. Thank you so much :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "211791",
"thread_id": "22027",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/howtoaddressthis_22027/"
"author": "Neeria",
"content": "<p>The thing is that anxiety is not a part of you. Anxiety is a way of feeling that can be changed like anything else. When you feel sad you do something to cheer-up, right? When you are stressed, you try to relax. Here it's the same: the \"medicine\" to make anxiety fade, in this case, is someone with whom you can talk and that will help you to understand from where this anxiety comes from. It may seem obvious to you why you are anxious, but trust me, you don't know what your mind can hide. A professionist will make you understand which are the hidden triggers that build up your anxiety and will help you to understand how you can fight them back, or how you can deal with them, or even how you can destroy them. it's not something unchangeable, really.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "217387",
"thread_id": "22027",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/howtoaddressthis_22027/"
"author": "MarnieB",
"content": "<p>These feelings are more common than you think so you are not alone! I've been dealing with panic disorder since I was a little kid and didn't get proper help for it until a few years ago. When things are bad the depression and anxiety double up and it's not at allmanagableon my own. Everyone's journey is different but what worked for me is finally getting the medication to help deal with my panic attacks and finding an awesome therapist. I know how debilitating this can be so hope you find what works for you. Best of luck to you!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "211421",
"thread_id": "22027",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/howtoaddressthis_22027/"
"author": "awkwardgiraffeheals",
"content": "<p>I understand your fears so much. I never knew that my uncomfortable feelings were anxiety, even when they were debilitating and troubling. I really think you should get help though, even if it's just one session where you figure out with a professional how to cope with it, and then continue those techniques</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "217363",
"thread_id": "22027",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/howtoaddressthis_22027/"
"author": "Neeria",
"content": "<p>Hi aqua, I read what you said about looking for a counselor/therapist.The thing is that anxiety is not a part of you. Anxiety is a way of feeling that can be changed like anything else. When you feel sad you do something to cheer-up, right? When you are stressed, you try to relax. Here it's the same: the \"medicine\" to make anxiety fade, in this case, is someone with whom you can talk and that will help you to understand from where this anxiety comes from. It may seem obvious to you why you are anxious, but trust me, you don't know what your mind can hide. A professionist will make you understand which are the hidden triggers that build up your anxiety and will help you to understand how you can fight them back, or how you can deal with them, or even how you can destroy them. it's not something unchangeable, really.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "217397",
"thread_id": "22027",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/howtoaddressthis_22027/"
"author": "Neeria",
"content": "<p>Apparentlyphone messed up with the posting. It made me believe that my answer was not posted, so that I should write a whole new message instead of replying under yours. Sorry for messing up >.></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "217406",
"thread_id": "22027",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/howtoaddressthis_22027/"
"author": "April1967",
"content": "<p>You are in a WONDERFUL city for feeling & healing, there are many wonderful resources to blow off steam and air your fears with no judgment. a CoDa meeting is a wonderful place to just get some respite without commitment. Especially when it comes to fears and feeling plagued. If you have never heard of it, I will post a link. You have the</p>\n<p>There is a wonderful holistic healing center therehttp://www.sfsu.edu/~ihhs/</p>\n<p>and Coda as well, http://coda.org/</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "220330",
"thread_id": "22027",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/howtoaddressthis_22027/"
] |
"author": "toughNectarine2707",
"content": " \n\nWhile searching through the Self help guides section, under the subject of loneliness, I have discovered the attachment anxiety guide and for me,that was really helpful in understanding what I deal with. They explain the three different types of attachment anxiety. I have, what is called, Attachment avoidance. These are the characteristics. \n\nCharacteristics of attachment avoidance include:\n\nStruggling with the small talk needed to start new relationships, but being able to relate when there is a clear task or topic of discussion\nDifficulty asking for and receiving help from others, particularly emotional help to calm down when upset\nFeeling excessive pride when competent and unwarranted shame following failure\nWanting to share oneself with others but not knowing how\nRushing to problem-solve and give solutions before accurately understanding what the other person’s experience and problem is\nThinking of relationships with parents as generally good, but being unable to remember sufficient details to accurately reflect the complexity of one’s history\nWithdrawing from others in times of need due to feeling it burdensome or irritating if others want to help-inadvertently hurting those who want to help\nFocusing excessively on proving that one is correct in times of conflict\nEnding relationships too quickly\nTrying to solve loneliness by focusing excessively upon work, tasks, goals, and material success\nFeeling lonely due to one’s difficulty being vulnerable with others.\n\nI fix just about all of the listed things. Now, that I know that there is a name for it, a proper name, I don't feel so alone, like I am the only one experiencing what I am. \n\nI use to just say that I am an introvert, anti-social (out of text), shy, quiet, or a loner. Not that those things aren't true, but those thing do not properly explain my characteristic and are easily misunderstood. \n\nNow I know more about the type of social anxiety that I have. When I was younger, I was slightly nervous and gittery while talking to others and socializing, but as I got older, I am not like that. I won't say anything. If I am standing in a group, I will maybe say a few words, but that's it. I avoid talking and sharing my thoughts and feeling with others out of the fear that it won't be valued or respected. I detach myself very easily from people, including my own family and friends. Especially if they did hurt me. \n\nAnd through this, my past is starting to unravel things that contributed to this anxiety. Things that I knew where there and I honestly would find myself thinking of them often, but for some reason I could not connect their significance or relevance to my struggles today. I have Anxiety, depression and loneliness, which has led me to dark avenues like poor self image and insecurity about my body and my intelligence. It sounds crazy to have all of these things, but to now see that they are all in one; that they are connected together, really is a huge breakthrough for me. \n\nI highly recommend doing the self-help guides, hey have been the most beneficial thing for me on this site. \n\n \n",
"date": "1429281295",
"thread_id": "21356",
"title": "Attachment Anxety ",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AttachmentAnxety_21356/"
} | [
"author": "None",
"content": "<p>@toughNectarine2707Thank you for this wonderful informative post, and for sharing how you feel. Those self-help guides are really great and I am glad that you found them useful and recommend them to others.</p>\n<p>In particular, Attachment theory is really interesting and useful approach to explain causes of some psychological problems that we all face, although there have been some theorists who find some aspects of it problematic. I like how it both gives a possibleexplanation ofthe cause of our problems and helps us stop blaming ourselves for our suffering, andalso gives us hope and knowledge to work to improve and help ourselves understand and solve some of the issues that are consequences of a particular attachment style. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "201052",
"thread_id": "21356",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AttachmentAnxety_21356/"
"author": "Brackenridge23",
"content": "<p>I'm really glad to have read this, I feel like this relates very closely to me too soI'm going to go and find this guide as I'm very intrigued to understand more about how and why I feel the way I do! Thanks for posting this.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "202236",
"thread_id": "21356",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AttachmentAnxety_21356/"
"author": "Sbk3",
"content": "<p>I am glad I found this. I can relate a it actually. Social anxiety has always been the hardest for me, and lately I've been trying to re evaluate how I handle situations because of it. For me knowing more about the label makes me feel better.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "203367",
"thread_id": "21356",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AttachmentAnxety_21356/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>Thanks for posting. I think I might have ambivalent attachment (attachment avoidance & anxiety.) I have a hard time knowing who to trust. I tend to trust people who say they wanna help people & make the world a better palce & accepting people in general because I feel like they'd understand where I'm coming from but a lotta people say stuff like that & then hurt me once I open up. I have a hard time communicating & I often feel it's easier to just not. I avoid people in my professional life mostly outta fear of messing up or being judged. In my personal life I don't really care. I like to live in the moment. I have very few friends I've gotten super close to. Besides them I don't really get too close to anyone. But I still have needs & sometimes I over share the moment someone seems understanding. But then if I didn't I wouldn't have found my best friends. People find relationships w/ me too complicated & unpredictable. I've never been on a date. I don't really understand how people make those connections & find who's ight for them. I try to be a different person in professional settings because I feel like the real me is inadequate. When I start a new job I spend the whole time panicking about getting fired. I try to act cool @ work & just vent to friends. I've made a couple work friends but only after I get to the point where I feel like everyone hates me or thinks I'm crazy anyway & I start focusing on future career options & decide I might as well make friends because I have no potential for anything else at said job. When I feel like I do have potential to get somewhere I don't let people know anything about my personal life. Sometimes when things don't work out I look back & wish I woulda connected w/ people more instead of \"sacrificing those potential connections for a successful career.\" I feel like a freak, like people would run if they knew my whole story. I had some challenges growing up & I feel like the 1st 12 yrs of my life are off limits to talk about. My consolations is that those yrs make up a smaller & smaller chunk of my life as I get older. I finally have enough new stuff to talk about lol. Anyway I feel like a train wreak & like I need to convince people I'm someone else & then I feel bad for lying. Even though I don't outright lie. It just fels like lying when I say anything good about myself. I feel like the world doesn't want anything I have to offer & they'd rather have it from someone else who's more socially acceptable or whatever. I've been doing more stuff to help people & most of it is anonymously or I just don't tell anyone. I feel more comfortable that way. I like being some invisible random person who doesn't depend on anyone else & I'm not responsible for anyone else. Basically I want my life to not affect anyone. It's freeing. I'm kind of a rebel & I have some out there interests & I don't want it to cause problems for anyone else. I wanna be free to do what I want w/o hurting anyone else by being me. But then I also wanna help people so there's a conflict. I know I'd feel like my life has more purpose if I did more to make an impact but most days I just wanna survive. I just wanna get through the day & support myself w/o hurting anyone. Sometimes I find the thought that there aren't many people out there who'd miss me if I just randomly ran away relieving & freeing. Other days I find it sad. But then I tell myself it's a good thing. Sometimes I wish I knew what dating feels like but I know it'd be betterr for everyone involved if I didn't. I keep telling myself someday this will all be better & I can live a normal life but idk how true that is. I used to be at peace w/ the whole invisible thing. Now that I'm trying for more I just keep messing things up for me & everyone else. I wanna learn & grow but I have such a hard time asking for help. I feel like such a burden on everyone & when I finally realize I need to & I feel like I'm crying out for help people can't even tell. I honestly don't feel comfortable asking anyone for anything w/o paying them. & I'm broke lol. I need a job but hahaha that requires tons of asking. Until recently I used to feel like people felt annoyed being around me & secretly wished I'd leave. Now I know my friends don't but I still feel like that about most people-like if I'm not constantly putting my needs aside to practically serve them there's no reason they'd want me there. I feel like everyone is just naturally better than me & I'm broken & messed up & if people knew they'd leave. Idk how to get past this</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "208314",
"thread_id": "21356",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AttachmentAnxety_21356/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>Sorry about that whole rant. Basically I just don't really understand how people connect. I tend to attract manipulative people. I don't understand how to find regular like-minded people. I always think someone's my friend too soon &then realize they're not or keep doubting someone for months when they've actually been a great friend. I don't know what's normal for opening up to people</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "208322",
"thread_id": "21356",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AttachmentAnxety_21356/"
"author": "courageousCircle5442",
"content": "<p>After reading the original post in this thread, I realized I had done the same thing as you did. However, I believe I have attachment anxiety. I have many of the \"symptoms\" included in the list, and have never really thought I could have a certain \"type\" of anxiety.</p>\n<p>I've always been very shy,however I have developed more confidence over the years enabling me to have a close group of friends that continues to grow. I feel able to talk with others from outside that group quite happily, as long as I have someone there to make me feel more comfortable. I tend to get very attached to some people. I'm sure others do this too, of course, as that is human nature. However, I feel as though I struggle to let go of people more than others do. I stay in relationships that aren't worth it any more too long and cause more harm than good. I also constantly worry that people will dislike me for something I say and/do and I struggle to forgive myself if I do anything I class as wrong.</p>\n<p>Recently, one of the main things I worry about is my best friend finding out I have attachment anxiety. I know that people say, if they are your best friend and they really care about you then they will be there for you and wont judge you. However, we have had a complicated relationship recently as we were in a romantic relationship not long ago. We now support each other in things like these and he's been a great help as he knows more about me than anyone else. I worry that if he finds out he will worry that I'll be too \"clingy\" or \"overprotective\" if he helps. The title of \"attachment anxiety\" does not help with that and I'm not sure whether I should talk to him about it or just leave it.</p>\n<p>As well as this, I have begun to get bad thoughts about one of my other closest friends. I feel jealous of them and that they are better than me in most ways. I don't want to lose her as a friend and I worry that if I continue to feel this way then I will do so without meaning to, or wont enjoy her company as a friend any more, yet she has never done anything wrong. These feelings make me feel like such a bad person, because as I said, she hasn't done anything wrong.</p>\n<p>If someone could help me, I would thoroughly appreciate it as I'm not quite sure how to handle these feelings.Thank you for reading this, sorry it seems a little long :P</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "219462",
"thread_id": "21356",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AttachmentAnxety_21356/"
"author": "courageousCircle5442",
"content": "<p>I'd just like to add that when I enter relationships I tend to lose trust of the person, even if I trusted them in the first place. I think this is due to the attachment anxiety, but I don't know what to do because it makes them feel as though they've done wrong to make me feel this way yet they haven't.</p>\n<p>Again, thank you for reading, I would appreciate any advice.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "219464",
"thread_id": "21356",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AttachmentAnxety_21356/"
] |
"author": "eviesweet",
"content": "I'm confused. In my worst days, going out with a friend meant an anxiety attack, i'd almost faint if someone looked at me, keep quiet and not reply when someone talked to me. Panic sending a message and physically not being able to send a text to a classmate. I'd arrive school super early so I would walk in the hallways with them empty and hide in my corner near my classroom. That changed with university, but now thinking about talking to my new friends and classmates after classes (i'm giving up university because of mental health like depression and generalized anxiety) end makes me panic and freeze, because i'm so scared they'll think i'm weird or annoying and judge me and talk about me behind my back. It's freaking me out. Would you count this as social anxiety still? (I was diagnosed in 2013) What can I do? In everything else i'm better and i was happy, but now... Besides I have a presentation and i'm scared... oral presentations were a big trigger, and i haven't done on in a year. I don't know what to do. Help?\n",
"date": "1431110261",
"thread_id": "22649",
"title": "Is the anxiety gone or still here?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Istheanxietygoneorstillhere_22649/"
} | [
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>Sounds like you're doing better but you're still anxious. College friends are usually pretty chill. Plus they're already your friends so you know they like you. I hate presentations too. I use a lotta slides w/ a lotta pics & write most of it out on the slides or note cards so there's other stuff for me & the audience to focus on. Vids are good too, stuff to pass around, handouts, any kind of visual. Most people don't pay attention anyway btw</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "218771",
"thread_id": "22649",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Istheanxietygoneorstillhere_22649/"
"author": "eviesweet",
"content": "<p>Thank you for replying. Actually they're pretty nice, first people to not call me weirdo for going early to study and can actually talk about studying and new things during lunch time because that's normal for us. It's just that since a little girl, summer comes and no one cares. Most times.</p>\n<p>Myprofessor doesn't like notes or too much text on slides. She could take points for taking a piece of paper with me. But i'll try that, thanks.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "218828",
"thread_id": "22649",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Istheanxietygoneorstillhere_22649/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>They sound awesome. There's a lot more diversity @ colleges & less conformity so you end up w/ people w/ a similar normal to your normal. It's a lot easier to be yourself. Glad you found cool friends like that. I understand about summer. For me that changed in college. We couldn't physically meet a lot-did about once w/ e@ of my best friends-but we texted a ton. I felt a lot less alone. A lotta people feel outta place during the summer in college. They're outta touch w/ home friends & usually not close to college friends so most college students make more of an effort to keep in touch w/ college friends than in high school. College friends are also much more genuine. I've kept in touch w/ like 2 people from high school. 1's in another country but we make it work. I keep in touch pretty regularly w/ 4college friends & somewhat w/ more.</p>\n<p>Ugh I hate classes like that. Could you still use visuals? I once put 1 big img & 2 small on every slide & had a 5 min vid. & you could always jot some notes on your palm. They can't punish you for \"tats\" lol</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "219056",
"thread_id": "22649",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Istheanxietygoneorstillhere_22649/"
] |
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "Hey peeps. So I'm really passionate about my field, wanna help people, but I also wanna work someplace I can focus w/o worrying about my impression. Idk whether to go for a big company where I'm invisible or a small place where people know e@ other. Ik small places you usually get to be more creative & make more of an impact on products. I think differently, I'm super weird, my likability varies a lot haha. I can't tell when people like me or hate me. I assume people hate me for the tiniest reasons but sometimes I miss when they're actually mad. Ik thinking differently can be good but I'm really self conscious about it. I have a lot to learn. I'm 20 & I'm not ready to make my lasting impression yet. Maybe I wanna be someplace I can hide until I'm ready\n",
"date": "1431119872",
"thread_id": "22653",
"title": "where to work",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/wheretowork_22653/"
} | [
"author": "Riggers",
"content": "<p>Well, I think thats a descision only you yourself can make, What sort of industry do you feel like you could express yourself in ? its no good hiding away, Youre gonna wanna flourish otherwise you will definately not be enjoying Mondays :D</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "218901",
"thread_id": "22653",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/wheretowork_22653/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>I wannawork in tech, preferably something healthcare related where I could work on products that really empower people & improve their quality of life. Yea I really do wanna make an impact. I do think it's an industry where I'd flourish. I'm just worried. I've taken all the baby steps I can & now I'm running out. I think about buying time but ik at some point I gotta rip the bandage off. But every time I take 1 step forward I fall flat on my face. My self esteem is in the toilet. I'm usually pretty friendly in regular situations but now just being around people in general makes me feel bad about myself by comparison. I don't really care about comparison. I just wanna make an impact. But when my mom honestly worries I'll end up in her basement despite being an academically strong college junior I worry too. I see people who don't even try getting good jobs & making it look easy. I keep getting caught somewhere along the 6 interview process. I think I might have a better shot w/ smaller companies because of the less intense interview process. But it's harder to hide mistakes. I have a list of companies I find awesome & inspiring but ik I'm not in the right mindset. I don't wanna contact them when I feel like this. Also whenever I tell myself today ima contact em I get so much anxiety about saying the wrong thing. After getting rejected by over 40 companies (I think I applied too high) I have so much more anxiety about the whole process. Yea of course imabomb the interviews if I'm having attacks the whole time. I actually got super far in the process despite that which I'm proud of but ik a personal best isn't gonnapay my rent. I need to actually land & hold a job. Also I have a hard time focusing around people who know me. People who don't know me & probably never will I can zone out. Tryna be normal knocks my productivity to like 20%. People have asked if I have ADD. I used to be able to focus just a yr ago though. & I still can somewhat when it's crunch time. Ik it's the anxiety. But it's always there in professional settings so it looks like my regular personality. I'm super chill w/ my friends & meeting new people around campus but for professional situations I feel like my personality just doesn't cut it. Plus my nerves annoy people. I usually wanna meet up w/ friends but w/ professional situatios I get so anxious I just wanna be outta there. I miss big lecture hall classes. I used to go to school to learn & have fun, not to make an impression. I'm not ready to make an impression. I can't focus on my education when I'm trynamake 1. & people have been messing w/ me a lot & ruining my rep anyway, making me look bad to profs. Ik I'll still have a lot to learn after I graduate. I even considered going to grad school 1st to solve that problem but ikit's hard to get a job outta grad school w/o a couple yrsof experience. I'm a mess & I'm not ready to put myself out there. I still feel like an awkward teenager & act like 1 too. I'm socially inept & it can be cute in social situations but no one wants it @ work. I used to be the designated crazy mental entertainment person in old friend groups but now I have better friends. I was always the kid who got invited places to carry everyone else's stuff & entertain them w/ my awkwardness. I'm usually the fun casual friend, not the serious 1 except w/ my closest friends. Ik that personality wouldn't work @ a work setting. Idk how to develop the skills I need. People say experience but I'm not ready for the jobs to get said experience. I have the know-how but I act like an alien lol. That's why I was thinking maybe a job where I could hide initially. But I agree that doesn't really align w/ my end dream of making an impact. Sorry to write a novel</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "219046",
"thread_id": "22653",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/wheretowork_22653/"
] |
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "I know I shouldn't care but it bugs me how I'm 20 & I've never been on a date. I'm proud to be single by choice & have the self-respect to wait for someone worth dating but it bugs me how I'm always in the friend zone w/ decent guys & only creeps & stalkers like me. I don't wanna lower my standards because I know there are guys out there who are good enough for me. They just don't see me as relationship material. I have social anxiety & borderline autism & my confidence is in the toilet lol. I'm ok w/ not going on a date now. I'm willing to wait. I have some awesome friends & family & I live in a really cool city. But I just wanna know it can happen for me. I keep tying to convince myself dating is a waste of time & an emotional roller coaster I don't need (& it usually is) but I see other people in relationships & want that kind of special companionship. My job search isn't going great & I realize this 100% career girl lifestyle is lonely & depressing & worse for my self-esteem than a bf who calls you ugly lol. My career is still really important to me but it's not as fulfilling as it's talked up to be. I wanna feel like more than a piece of paper. I wanna feel loved for me. I wanna feel good enough for once & have a part of my life where I don't need to hide my quirks & insecurities. Right now that's my friends but we're all busy, some are graduating soon ect. I wish I had someone as eager as I am w/ them. I'm supper needy & attached w/ my friends & they say don't worry about it but I do feel like they still think it's annoying & they're just there for me because they're good friends & know I'm lonely. I have some friends who we're mutually super close almost like a relationship but then when something big happens in their lives or they start an actual relationship they have less time for me. They still make time but I still don't get to spend as much time w/ friends as I'd like. I know most people spend more time w/ friends they also do professional or student org stuff w/ but there's kinda this vibe that no one wants to be there & I can't let lose around people I know from situations where there are stakes outside my social life. I'm tying to tell myself I'm just going through a rough patch & I don't really care about boys but I know I'm kidding myself. I want an important part of my life where I'm loved for me & not just seen as an investment. I've been bullies & hurt a lot my whole life so I never thought I'd willingly want to get to close to anyone but now that I have some really supportive friends & I know what that feels like my whole reason for putting 100% into my career & telling myself I don't want a relationship is gone. But now I feel unlovable. I happy w/ my looks, my brains ect & I can't help thinking the only issue is that I have autism & social anxiety. I'm working only the anxiety which is mostly about being self-conscious about my autism. I know it's not all bad & there are a lotta positives too but I am frustrated that my awkwardness might end me up alone forever. I really don't wanna be alone after college. My friends are the highlight of my week & I have a hard time making friends at work because I can't let my guard down. I get depressed if I go more than a couple wks w/ no social interaction & work doesn't count because the anxiety about getting fired is so exhausting the only thing that gets me through is thinking about hanging out w/ friends lol. I know my friends & fam will always be a text away but it sucks that they'll have their own lives after college & I won't\n",
"date": "1427913010",
"thread_id": "20416",
"title": "Undateable",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Undateable_20416/"
} | [
"author": "GhostIntheNorth",
"content": "<p>Hi<br><br>It's kind of funny, I'm a 20 year old guy withthe same issue. I haven't hooked up with anybody in my two years of college so far.. and I feel like the main reasons are because of my social anxiety and total lackof self-esteem/confidence. A lot of the things you posted really resonate with me. I wish I could tell you it gets better, and that one day when you're doing what you love maybe the right person will come along.. but we'resame boat. Sometimes it's just good to know you're not alone, even when it doesn't feel like it. I totally understand what you were saying about how you just want to feel loved. I think in the end love is all wereally need tofeel. Sometimes seeing your friends that are inintimate relationships can bring you downand make you feel like you'll always be alone. It can beso overwhelming. Do you everthinkthe right person might be walking past you but you're too shy to try and start a conversation, and that thought only makes you even more depressed? Idk. And I'm sure you know what it's like.. when you try and reach out to the people you trust most to talk about this stuff, but sometimes it's just too consistent or heavy that you don't want them to feel as low as you. I just hate knowing that I have an endless capacity to love, but nosignificant other toexpress it towards. We're around so many people every day, but somehow I find a way to belittle myself and never initiate a conversation. Sometimes I feel like I am going to be alone the rest of my life too. There's like a million other things I want to say and sorry if I am rambling about myself so much, I just want you to know you're not alone. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "187000",
"thread_id": "20416",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Undateable_20416/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>I feel ya. It didn't bug me when I was single by choice because therre wasn't really anyone I was interested in anyway but then the perfect guy came along. I thought maybe my standards were unrealistic but this guy's so amazing he makes my standards look ike crap. I thought he was hitting on me. Then he told me about his gf. I tried to shake off the feeling but I couldn't just ignore how he's the perfect guy. No one else gets me like him. He has a different perspective on the wold than everyone else. He makes me so happy. She broke up w/ him after treating him awful. I gave him space but started hitting casually. He asked if I saw him as more than a friend, saying he couldn't date a close friend w/o it being gross & he didn't wanna ruin our friendship. I told him all that hitting was just kidding. He tells me about all the girls he likes. Now he's happy in a relationship. She sounds nice so I'm happy for him but I kind of wish she was a jerk so I could have a reason to think she's not right for him lol. I'm trying to be a good friend but I can't help jokingly prying for info on her & their relationship. That's not how I usually am but I just wanna know what she's doing right so I could know what I'm doing wrong. He crushes on girls who are confident leaders-not me lol. What sucks is how his ex was a total brat who couldn't get over how he didn't wanna give up his whole career & life for her. When they broke up for once I felt confident like I was a total step up from her even w/ all my insecurities. But after that relationship he was all \"I'd never date someone unstable like that again.\" I do think he's taking his assumptions too far but it's working for him. He's got a great relationship now. I don't wanna ruin their relationship or anything. I want him to be happy. Just wish I could stop crushing & wishing it was me</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "187059",
"thread_id": "20416",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Undateable_20416/"
"author": "Biglife",
"content": "<p>I started an account just to see this type of stuff. \nI'll tell you dear, I'm very confident and in college. I'm the class clown and popular wherever I go at school. The thing is I still have trouble with romantic stuff with girls. It's a very hard thing I've found.\nI'm sure someone older has told you that you'll meet that special someone, it just takes time. I hear that all the time too. \nI wonder sometimes if this time that I'm alone is meant for me to learn something about myself that those in relationships aren't learning. Maybe there isn't some higher natural order to this whole relationship thing. It's scary to think that there isn't some supernatural matchmaker in the sky making sure we don't die alone. Or maybe that there's something that people like us are doing wrong that those in relationships just have a natural knack for.\nMy heart is searching, scavenging and scouring for that feeling of a meaningful relationship. And it hurts to keep going. It can sometimes feel like being stranded in a dessert and you wonder how long it will be until you find the end of your suffering, either by dehydration or by finding that oasis. \nWell, don't worry. There's nothing wrong with your heart love.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "187010",
"thread_id": "20416",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Undateable_20416/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>Yea there are perks to being single. More individuality/freedom. I'm really independent & I know what other people my age are doing shouldn't define what I do but it's hard not to feel alone when everyone around me is moving on in their life. I feel like they're all moving somewhere & I'm just stagnant. It's mostly because my job search isn't going well. My career used to be the awesome thing I had instead of a relationship but now that sucks too. I have some awesome friends but I doubt I mean as much to them as they mean to me. But then I'm probably wrong. I just feel kindabad about myself in general, like people would have no reason to wanna be around me & they must be faking-even though I know it's not true. It always comes as a surprise when people honestly wanna be around me</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "187062",
"thread_id": "20416",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Undateable_20416/"
"author": "Hufflepuff21",
"content": "<p>I've been through a lot of what you're describing. I'm 23 and I didn't have my first relationship until I was 21. I don't know how bad your autism situation is, but I do have mild anxiety issues and extreme social awkwardness. I don't know how much else to tell you except you're not alone, and there are plenty of guys out there for you to date (even though some of them will turn out to be jerks anyway). Being friend-zoned sucks, I spent three years of high school in the friend zone and I know it is hard to just approach people who you haven't already established trust with, but maybe you can meet people while you're doing stuff with your friends. You've still got a lot of time to figure this stuff out, you'll be okay :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "200679",
"thread_id": "20416",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Undateable_20416/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>lol I honestly can't tell when someone's hitting on me lol</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "218767",
"thread_id": "20416",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Undateable_20416/"
"author": "calmWriter5026",
"content": "<p>So, I'm only 17. But I feel like everyone around me thinks I'm weird and 'undateable'... I have never even been able to hold a friend relationship with a guy. Now, (and I know this isn't how it is, but anxiety takes over a subject and that's the end of that...) I'm afraid that when I go to college, I'll be even more unwanted. That no one wants a 20 year old girl that has never even had a first kiss..! What should I do?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "210183",
"thread_id": "20416",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Undateable_20416/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>College is a lot more diverse & open than high school. There's not 1 kind of cool. & I don't think guys think of how many guys you've kissed before when they kiss you anyway. At least I hope not. It'd kinda kill the mood lol</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "218763",
"thread_id": "20416",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Undateable_20416/"
] |
"author": "benevolentRainfall1984",
"content": "Mindfulness therapy is an excellent tool to help stop racing thoughts and panic attacks. \n\nAdditionally, youtube is an excellent resource for videos which can help you! with smart phones its easy to connect to the web so just do a search on youtube for terms such as 'mindfulness' or 'guided meditaion'\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6p_yaNFSYao\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=mindfulness+meditation+guided\n\n \n\nHope this helps! Listening with earphones is the most effective way to benefit from such tools, whilst 'delta waves' have also been found to slow the mind down by linking with brain waves so this is another excellent search term to use on youtube\n",
"date": "1431044703",
"thread_id": "22489",
"title": "IS anxiety getting the better of you? Panic attacks frightening you? READ HERE!!",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/ISanxietygettingthebetterofyouPanicattacksfrighteningyouREADHERE_22489/"
} | [] |
"author": "NobodySingsAlong",
"content": "I feel like my problems aren't nearly at a magnitude as others', and so I guess I feel weird talking about them, as if I'm not suffering enough to ask for help. I want to talk to a listener, but I feel almost guilty every time I go to talk to one, so I don't. There are other people who are going through more and worse than me who need someone to listen more than I do. But that's not the only reason... Gah. I don't even know what the problem is. I get so nervous when talking to people. My brain shuts off, and I find it really hard to come up with a response. I listen so intently, and I analyze everything that's been said, but when it's my turn to talk I clam up. I turn situations awkward faster than I can blink. It makes it so hard to get a job. I don't even know if I want a job. They always end up depressing me, and I come up with an excuse to quit. If I could live in the woods, that'd be great, but I don't think it would solve my problem .__.\n",
"date": "1430969926",
"thread_id": "22451",
"title": "mm..",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/mm_22451/"
} | [
"author": "NobodySingsAlong",
"content": "<p>Even in the group chats, I usually sit by without saying anything. I try to follow the conversation and pitch in where I can, but usually I delete my responses before I hit enter. I drift in and out of the various chatrooms, lurking but never interacting, and it feels so lonely.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "216307",
"thread_id": "22451",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/mm_22451/"
"author": "Ethan159",
"content": "<p>Does anyone want to talk with me 1on1? I've been looking for the right person, but I can't find anyone</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "216340",
"thread_id": "22451",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/mm_22451/"
"author": "toughGlobe9243",
"content": "<p>you put my thoughts into words. I cant tell you how many times I re-typed this out before i decided to send it. I feel like there are so many other people out there that have it so much worse, my issues are insignificant in comparison. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "216470",
"thread_id": "22451",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/mm_22451/"
"author": "nightFlower81",
"content": "<p>No problem can be too big or too small enough to not talk about. If it matters to you, then it matters to me. I went through a time just like that, and I realized that I was able to heal faster by just sharing my story. Please don't ever feel discouraged to contact a listener. That is what Listeners are here for. HUGS for you!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "217234",
"thread_id": "22451",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/mm_22451/"
"author": "awkwardgiraffeheals",
"content": "<p>omg, I feel exactly the same way. I talk on group chats, but even when someone talks back to me, I feel like they don't really care. how do we get past this?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "217358",
"thread_id": "22451",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/mm_22451/"
] |
"author": "junesprout",
"content": "I've struggled with agoraphobia for about 6 years now, though I'm sure I would have gotten it under control (even a little bit) if I had known what was wrong in the beginning. Every single time I was in a car, or a building that wasn't my own house, I became nauseous, and would have to get outside ASAP. I never threw up though. Only in the past year or so did I realize that, yes, I have agoraphobia, but it is mostly fueled by my fear of throwing up. I didn't even identify my fear of throwing up until the past couple of years. What I've figured out is this: I have digestive troubles that, along with my anxiety of throwing up, make me nervous and nauseous. This is worsened when my agoraphobia comes in to play. However, I am now on anti-anxiety medication, and am currently working on the medical side of my digestive issues. What I want to know is, does anyone else have this same problem? And if you do, what do you do to cope? I feel like I'm so alone in this, and that I've spend the last several years missing out on fun activities (and struggling through university) all because of this.\n",
"date": "1430790145",
"thread_id": "22317",
"title": "Agoraphobia/Fear of Throwing Up",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/AgoraphobiaFearofThrowingUp_22317/"
} | [
"author": "princesspeach98",
"content": "<p>Hi there dear! I can't say that I have the same problem but I can say that I'm really proud of you for addressing the problem and reaching out. I know that this has to take a tole on you and causes you to struggle. Don't get down about it when it doesn't always work out. It's all about small steps and working through it. I know you can do it. :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "214163",
"thread_id": "22317",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/AgoraphobiaFearofThrowingUp_22317/"
] |
"author": "junesprout",
"content": "I've struggled with agoraphobia for about 6 years now, though I'm sure I would have gotten it under control (even a little bit) if I had known what was wrong in the beginning. Every single time I was in a car, or a building that wasn't my own house, I became nauseous, and would have to get outside ASAP. I never threw up though. Only in the past year or so did I realize that, yes, I have agoraphobia, but it is mostly fueled by my fear of throwing up. I didn't even identify my fear of throwing up until the past couple of years. What I've figured out is this: I have digestive troubles that, along with my anxiety of throwing up, make me nervous and nauseous. This is worsened when my agoraphobia comes in to play. However, I am now on anti-anxiety medication, and am currently working on the medical side of my digestive issues. What I want to know is, does anyone else have this same problem? And if you do, what do you do to cope? I feel like I'm so alone in this, and that I've spend the last several years missing out on fun activities (and struggling through university) all because of this.\n",
"date": "1430790243",
"thread_id": "22318",
"title": "Agoraphobia/Fear of Throwing Up",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/AgoraphobiaFearofThrowingUp_22318/"
} | [
"author": "EnchantedPepper",
"content": "<p>Hi there Tranquility Queen.</p>\n<p>I've had exactly the same problem as you. From a young child going to nursery and primary school, I would be sick in the playground before my mum left. When I went to secondary school, everything just changed. I stopped being sick and I coped a lot better.</p>\n<p>It was never treated for me as a child so I never knew why I was the way I was.</p>\n<p>Then in 2008, it started happening again. Slowly but surely it was sneaking in. This feeling of sickness. It started with nausea, then as weeks went on I started being sick before work. Then more weeks passed and was being sick before work and when I got to work. And so on until on 23rdApril 2009 I couldn't take anymore and I had a breakdown. Everything changed for me that day. I forgot how to function (or so it felt). I went to bed and didn't get up for 3 weeks apartfrom using thetoilet. And I didn't leave the house again until September 2009. I went to see a psychiatrist where I was told I'd had a breakdown. I was admitted to hospital for six weeks.</p>\n<p>It's been a tough few years but I've never given up, even though I've wanted to.</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "214092",
"thread_id": "22318",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/AgoraphobiaFearofThrowingUp_22318/"
"author": "EnchantedPepper",
"content": "<p>In answer to your question how to cope. Well I'm on anti-anxiety medications too. They're really useful. I use something called positive affirmations which work amazingly for me. Take a small piece of card and write down a positive affirmation (use google if you can't think of your own) keep them with you when you go out. One of mine says \"this too will pass\" it's a great one for me when I begin to feel nauseous. It reminds me that I've been here before and I got through it. Another technique I use is breathing. Take a breath in over four seconds, hold it in for sevenseconds then breathe out over eight seconds. It may take a couple of times to work but it works well to calm me when I feel panic coming on. Even though I still have bad days where I need to leavebecause I feel sick, it's been over four years since I was actually sick outside. Use your support network, tell people how you're feeling, if you're with somebody and the panic starts, tell them how you feel. Even if they don't know how to help, they can just hold your hand and be with you. I wish you all the luck in the world. Keep going. You will get there<img title=\"heart\" alt=\"heart\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"http://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "214097",
"thread_id": "22318",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/AgoraphobiaFearofThrowingUp_22318/"
] |
"author": "Sbk3",
"content": "Hi,\n\nI have had my ups and downs with social anxiety, and it tends to make it hard for me to get closer to people, especially large groups of people. I also have been finding that I always seem to attract people who are having a rough time and going through their own struggles of anxiety and depression themselves. While this can be relatable, it can also be hard to live with all of them at school.\n\nAt least half of my friends in my social group at school have depression and are up and down a lot, and for me that can be hard because: 1, I want to help everyone get better since I am taking many steps to do better myself, and 2, I find that sometimes their moods can be contagious. So even though I try to take distance when I think necessary, I feel as though I am missing out on building friendships. But I have also decided that they may not be the best friendships for me since they are constantly negative in their conversations and are not at a point to recognize their struggles and create change. \n\nSo I guess what I am asking is does anyone else with social anxiety find they have these kind of problems? And if so what kind of advice to you have for making friends? I have been expanding my horizons a bit and am involved in many activities on campus and have met many people that are better off, I just feel kind of stuck in the middle of keeping these friendships and trying to move forward. I also don't know if I would find the same problems around other people, and if I would pull away from any other friendships like this. \n",
"date": "1430349114",
"thread_id": "21932",
"title": "Socail Anxiety and Stable Friendships",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SocailAnxietyandStableFriendships_21932/"
} | [
"author": "willingPlace7137",
"content": "<p>That is an awesome question. You have described me so well. If nothing else it makes me feel less crazy. I would suggest that you keep trying and don't give up. I am guessing that you are young. I am in my early forties...don't have friends and don't know how to make friends. i spent my life gravitating towards those who need help to find myself alone again once they are in better shape. Always looking for somehow to meet people but feeling inadequate in everyway.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "210375",
"thread_id": "21932",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SocailAnxietyandStableFriendships_21932/"
"author": "Sbk3",
"content": "<p>Thanks it's nice to know I'm not alone. I have a boyfriend so that's awesome, I just have a hard time with much more. I always want to fix people, and my girlfriends like to gossip but I have never found it to be super fulfilling so then I feel less close to them.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "210382",
"thread_id": "21932",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SocailAnxietyandStableFriendships_21932/"
] |
"author": "mandipandii92",
"content": "I recently found the courage to finally end a toxic relationship with my now ex bf. He ended up causing a scene at my job yesterday in front of coworkers because he wanted me to give him another chance. No matter how many times I said no he kept persisting. I said a final no and he ripped out the pin pad at my register, phones on display, and other items as he walked out. When I got home I had a text message that he posted pictures of me online and there they were! I didn't feel anything. But now I have such anxiety with leaving my house and going to work hoping I don't loose my job or coworkers seeing the photos. I feel lost.",
"date": "1430327007",
"thread_id": "21912",
"title": "Need Some Insight",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/NeedSomeInsight_21912/"
} | [
"author": "AphroditBri",
"content": "<p>Im glad to hear you got out of that relationship, it doesn't sound like it was very healthy. If I were you I would go to the local police station and talk to them about it because it sounds like you feel threatened by him and that is not okay. Plus, I'm pretty sure it's illegal to post inappropriate pics of someone online without their consent. I hope it all works out, stay strong❤️</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "210149",
"thread_id": "21912",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/NeedSomeInsight_21912/"
] |
"author": "urushiharahanzo",
"content": "Monophobia is the fear of being alone or loneliness. I'm scared that my friends will leave me and talk about me behind my back, only to make everyone else hate me. I don't want to be rejected. I try so hard to be normal.\n\nIt's hard to go on group trips with friends and family because they make me anxious and cause me to panic. I don't want them to feel like I don't care about them, though! I just don't have enough energy or will to go with them. I'm afraid they will never want me around again...\n",
"date": "1430100292",
"thread_id": "21780",
"title": "Monophobia",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Monophobia_21780/"
} | [
"author": "TacoCat2014",
"content": "<p>if your friends are able to go around feeling people you are horrible, then you don't want them as a friend. Buthe honestly, they wouldn't do that to you. And Hey! You do by need to be normal just be yourself. no matter what you would not be rejected. You Jane got this. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207881",
"thread_id": "21780",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Monophobia_21780/"
"author": "urushiharahanzo",
"content": "<p>Thank you for your support! ❤️</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207884",
"thread_id": "21780",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Monophobia_21780/"
] |
"author": "BruisedSoul22",
"content": "Not for any specific reason, I just feel so overwhelmed. I had a my first Dr appt today, so I should be feeling some relief. I'm not. I'm on the verge of crying everytime I turn around today. My boss is looking at me like I'm crazy. And to be honest, I feel kind of crazy. Anyone else feel this way today, or ever? Any suggestions?\n",
"date": "1429732836",
"thread_id": "21582",
"title": "Its been a tough day.",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
} | [
"author": "BruisedSoul22",
"content": "<p>This is the 3rd post I've made in these forums, and no one ever replies. Its kind of discouraging actually. That's probably just me taking things too close to heart though.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "204829",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
"author": "simplysweet",
"content": "<p>Hi sweety- I'll reply to your post right now! :) <3</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "205122",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
"author": "EscapistCulture2570",
"content": "<p>Oh that stinks but don't stop caring it's okay. I'm here</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207201",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
"author": "hawaiianbaby",
"content": "<p>Hi I care <3</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207203",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
"author": "simplysweet",
"content": "<p>I have for sure felt that way when I was overstressed.. What made me want to cry everytimeI took a step one direction was the fact that I had to cover it up from everyone. I absolutely hated life, but what I did was wrong. I held in my emotions so much and it was really unhealthy for me. So I cried! Haha, and it released all the toxins out of me!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "205123",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
"author": "igetcha",
"content": "<p>Yea covering it up is so stressful. If people judge you, it's their problem not yours. I used to be so obsessed w/ conforming to other people's ideas of normal but then I realized judgmental people are like that because of their own issues & it has nothing to do w/ you</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207199",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
"author": "simplysweet",
"content": "<p><span>actually such a good way to put it- It's so important to not care what other people think.</span></p>\n<p>\"Those who mind, don't matter. Those who matter, don't mind.\"</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207218",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
"author": "simplysweet",
"content": "<p>By the way, you're not crazy. Or maybe you are.. but so is everyone else in the world thenbecause everyone has felt this way:)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "205124",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
"author": "BruisedSoul22",
"content": "<p>Thank you so much for replying! Sometimes, I just need to be reassured that I'm not the only person in the world that feels this way.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "205434",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
"author": "remnantshadow",
"content": "<p>You most definitely aren't the only one. I've had days like that too. It get's better. *hugs*</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "205542",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
"author": "igetcha",
"content": "<p>I feelya. Had a similar situation recently. Is the boss or job stressing you out? There are people out there who can make anyone feel crazy so don't take it personally if he/she makes you feel that way. I'd love to chat sometime. Things have been uphill for me for the most part and hopefully I can give you some tips/inspiration-& of course be here for you to vent :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207198",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
"author": "hawaiianbaby",
"content": "<p>Today has been tough. Missing out on my junior year prom because I wanted to avoid any panic attacks. Although it's just junior year prom it would've been fun just to go with friends but sadly I've been in bed all day. I had rehearsals for a church ceremony and had major anxieties because this girl and the guy I liked were behind me and I felt like they were staring and judging me. And to top it off my dad was just simply mean today</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207205",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
"author": "Sherl",
"content": "<p>Hi do you wanna talk about it? You are right it makes a nit more difficult if someone in our family is a bit mean to us. Why again did you not join your prom?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207250",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
"author": "Sherl",
"content": "<p>I don't understand why I just woke up and feel sad. I would remember some stuff that makes me sad. And what makes it tougher is when I can't reach out my family. Support inside the family is important right? Need inspiration today, thanks.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "207209",
"thread_id": "21582",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Itsbeenatoughday_21582/"
] |
"author": "BruisedSoul22",
"content": "I'm having a rough time in my life right now, just started meds for anxiety and depression yesterday. Today at work I got so worked up I passed out... Twice. I'm set up with a psychiatrist that ill start seeing soon. So to summarize, I'm struggling hard with myself at this point. Welll....After leaving the hospital, I come home to my girlfriend (who has lupus) telling me she has to have surgery to have a lyphmnoide removed because with the recent symptoms she's had, they think it could be cancerous. Normal people get scared about things like this, they try cope and try to be positive. People with anxiety dont cope as well. I can't stop stressing and worrying about it. Picturing worst case scenarios and how broken I'd be without her. We've been together 4 years, and I love her more than anything in this world.",
"date": "1429844539",
"thread_id": "21658",
"title": "Received some pretty awful news.",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Receivedsomeprettyawfulnews_21658/"
} | [
"author": "sarrahh",
"content": "<p>Hello! I'm so sorry to hear that. I've been taking a lot of heavy anti anxiety and depression meds for a while and just upped my dose, so I know how you feel. My BF just broke up with me because he was cheating on me with my best friend while I was in a psych ward. He told me I was a freak and that he couldn't love a loser. That was last week. It's fought right now but I found out a few days ago that I am weight restored and healthy and that, despite all the pain, is what matters. I hope you feel better soon x</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "205885",
"thread_id": "21658",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Receivedsomeprettyawfulnews_21658/"
] |
"author": "Longtermdaydreamer12",
"content": "My anxiety has been getting worse and worse by the day.\n\nI dont know what to do or how to handle it. I am in a constant state of panic and am always on the verge of tears. It gets worse when i have to work in a group or present something to a class in school. I'm always scared of messing up so as a result i procrastinate and avoid school work as long as possible. I mean hey if i dont do it i cant mess up. Im also a perfectionist so everything has to be to my liking or else it isnt good enough\n\nMy perfectionism applies most towards my art though. You see i am trying to pursue art as a career but am constantly worried i am not good enough. Even if people say that i can get a career in art no problem or even say stuff like you have a lot of talent and potential i cant believe them. I think that everything i do isnt good enough and i sometime even think that im not even worth it......\n\nThen today in school i was panicking really badly and had no idea how to handle it. So i became a bit self destructive. I didnt use my asthma inhaler and then i ate even if i wasnt hungry because i wanted to be sent back home. I just didnt want tol be there. So i ate and ate hoping to throw up but when it didnt work i tried to force myself to throw up. It still didnt work though. So i was forced to go through the day in a panicked state of mind.\n\nNow everything is hard though. I have no motivation nor energy for anything. I havent even drawn all day and drawing is my only passion and my only escape. I also have homework and a test tomorrow that i havent studied for but i just have no energy.\n\nI just want this to end.\n\nIm tired of living in constant fear.😢\n\n \n",
"date": "1428625050",
"thread_id": "20883",
"title": "I need help",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Ineedhelp_20883/"
} | [
"author": "tearroses",
"content": "<p><3 hey wanna talk ?</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "194530",
"thread_id": "20883",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Ineedhelp_20883/"
"author": "Roxas",
"content": "<p>I don't know if I can do anything to help, but if you let me try I'll do my best! Listen, just by posting this you've taken a huge step forward!! Actually stating that you're suffering and accepting that something needs to change is huge. Talkin to others about it will help too. Keep reaching out for support and you'll find someone to help you! I'm here too if you want to chat. I'm proud of you for openin up and posting this, that's more than I could do at the time haha</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "194640",
"thread_id": "20883",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Ineedhelp_20883/"
"author": "diligentWheel4635",
"content": "<p>when i like someone i try to impress them. i shut myself so that they don't see my faultsand if i do make mistakes , i get embarassed. i can't stop thinking about the incident and comprehend the person's opinion about me. i want to get out of it.i want to be free. whenever i head out my mind starts to tell me that people are ready to see me with huge glasses. i get scared. the worst part is when you can't react to the incident that makes you feel embarassed. i want to stop people's opinion shaking me.</p>\n<p>i want to stop it. but i can't.</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "204605",
"thread_id": "20883",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Ineedhelp_20883/"
"author": "remnantshadow",
"content": "<p>I'm sorry you have been feeling like this lately. Anxiety can be really tough to conquer. Anxiety isn't you, it may dwell with you, but it isn't you. So punishing yourself for it doesn't help. No matter how miserable you feel it doesn't make it better.</p>\n<p>That panicky feeling can be overcome, even if it feels like a wave trying to drown you. And sometimes perfectionism with anxiety creates an inner berating voice lying to us about how worthless we are etc. Don't listen to it.</p>\n<p>There's several things you can try. You can try a mantra, listening to your favorite song, or just staring at a beautiful piece of art for a few moments. The key is to let that wave of anxiety wash away after a few moments of focus on something else.</p>\n<p>It's ok to not have energy to do something. Some times we have to step back and take care of ourselves. I know that test is important but you are so much more important than any test could ever be.<br></p>\n<p>*hugs*</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "205541",
"thread_id": "20883",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Ineedhelp_20883/"
] |
"author": "AshAsh1234",
"content": "Hi everyone, I was just wondering how u can accept urself and make a closer bond with urself and completely stop caring what other think...I miss thinking about my life",
"date": "1428481474",
"thread_id": "20793",
"title": "how to start caring about ur own feelings, opinion and life.",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/howtostartcaringabouturownfeelingsopinionandlife_20793/"
} | [
"author": "MichaelaS",
"content": "<p><span style=\"color:#4B0082;\">Overcoming anxiety is more possible than you think! What people think of you is just a thought that I consider to be a 'block'. I overcome my own anxieties in </span><a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/forum/7CupsofTeaPodcast_75/PODCASTListenerCorner_308/PODCASTMichaelaActresswithAnxiety_20648/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\"><span style=\"color:#4B0082;\">my podcast</span></a><span style=\"color:#4B0082;\">, so you can maybe start by watching that! :)</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "193499",
"thread_id": "20793",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/howtostartcaringabouturownfeelingsopinionandlife_20793/"
"author": "Tbigbro278",
"content": "<p>I feel the same as you. I care so much of what others think that I dont get close to people and I truly dislike myself. Id love to talk to you more about this!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "194971",
"thread_id": "20793",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/howtostartcaringabouturownfeelingsopinionandlife_20793/"
"author": "helpfulOrange4461",
"content": "<p>I feel the same way. I am 22 and have like no friends. I'm super awkward. I do things all the time and later ask myself why?!! Why was I so stupid Why did I do that? I do stuff that I don't even know Why I did it and never let myself live it down.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "200708",
"thread_id": "20793",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/howtostartcaringabouturownfeelingsopinionandlife_20793/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>Living in the moment helps. Maybe each day think of something you wanna do & make sure you do it. It's easy to let other people's wants take over your life if you don't make yours a priority 1st& making them a priority means knowing what they are</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "200699",
"thread_id": "20793",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/howtostartcaringabouturownfeelingsopinionandlife_20793/"
"author": "communicativeSea6668",
"content": "<p>Your strategy is a bigpart of what's getting me though the day, Double. The accomplishment of getting just one thing done ... something that's important to me ... is something I can hold onto and build on, even on the days when I'm bushwhacked by unreasonable demands. Thanks for making me feel that I'm on the right track.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "200713",
"thread_id": "20793",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/howtostartcaringabouturownfeelingsopinionandlife_20793/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>Thanks so much. That really means a lot. I try to live by this too</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "202081",
"thread_id": "20793",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/howtostartcaringabouturownfeelingsopinionandlife_20793/"
"author": "istace52",
"content": "<p></p>\n<p>I found this on Internet, it helped my parents understand what I go through, and I think it should be shared with everyone's family and friends</p>\n<p>http://distractify.com/joe-white/finally-this-illustration-explains-anxiety-perfectly-for-those-who-dont-understand-it/</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "202088",
"thread_id": "20793",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/howtostartcaringabouturownfeelingsopinionandlife_20793/"
] |
"author": "pirate89RAWR",
"content": "Hello all,\n\nOne of my least favorite symptoms of panic attacks is the feeling of being \"out of it\" or watching life from an outside view. I have a lot of trouble shaking that feeling -- always have. \n\nDo any of you very helpful people have some suggestions for me?\n\nI just want to feel normal sometime...\n\n \n\n-- Ang\n",
"date": "1428622030",
"thread_id": "20873",
"title": "Feeling detatched and \"out of it\"",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Feelingdetatchedandoutofit_20873/"
} | [
"author": "Batty",
"content": "<p>@pirate89RAWRHello! I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles. Dealing with anxiety is never easy. I haven't personally experienced it so I don't really know how to help you feel less detatched but a friend once shared with me one of her methods for coping with panic attacks so I'd like to share it with you. I really hope this can help you:This method consist in imagining a place you like and you feel comfortable in. Normally the best ones are the natural ones, empty and with lots of space. It's better if it?s sunny but not too hot. Also you have to leave your breathing going slower and slower, imagine the sound of the waves crashing if it?s a beach or the sound of the wind between the trees if it?s a forest, the birds singing. Also the smell of the flowers and imagine yourself touching the floor and everything. Try to concentrate on the details and imagine it really well. If it?s a room please imagine huge windows everywhere so it doesn?t stress you.<br><br>Cheers, wish you all the best<img title=\"heart\" alt=\"heart\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "194507",
"thread_id": "20873",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Feelingdetatchedandoutofit_20873/"
"author": "carefulStrings2989",
"content": "<p>before my 10th boards i was scared. it got to me .i had sleepless nights and was even put on medication just so that i could get some sleep. i fell sick and even had to miss an exam. then i realized what a negative effect this was having, not only on me but also on my family. this realization made me change and i have been happier and healthiersince.</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "195636",
"thread_id": "20873",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Feelingdetatchedandoutofit_20873/"
"author": "carefulStrings2989",
"content": "<p>before my 10th boards i was scared. it got to me .i had sleepless nights and was even put on medication just so that i could get some sleep. i fell sick and even had to miss an exam. then i realized what a negative effect this was having, not only on me but also on my family. this realization made me change and i have been happier and healthiersince.</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "195638",
"thread_id": "20873",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Feelingdetatchedandoutofit_20873/"
"author": "compassionateSky1794",
"content": "<p>I totally know what you mean! I get this too, both during and independent of panic attacks. My therapy lady said that this is common and, as long as you are not put in danger, is perfectly safe as long as it doesn't last more than a few minutes maximum. However, this doesn't ease the scariness of the situation!!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "201736",
"thread_id": "20873",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Feelingdetatchedandoutofit_20873/"
] |
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "I'm conflicted how I feel about leadership. I hate attention. Small friend groups are fun but I hate when there's a whole bunch of people looking at me. But I've been singing at open mic's lately & sometimes when a lotta people are there it's still fun because everyone's super chill & supportive. Anyway I have a lotta ideas & it's cool to think about making them happen but I always reconsider any idea I can't pull off alone, even if it's not a ton of work & not too hard to do. I don't like the attention that comes w/ leadership. Also the responsibility & pressure sucks. I prefer momentary attention over attention every time a group meets up. Basically idk if I wanna start initiatives & do leadership stuff or just stay out of it\n",
"date": "1428813788",
"thread_id": "21043",
"title": "idea person who wants to change the world but hates attention",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ideapersonwhowantstochangetheworldbuthatesattention_21043/"
} | [
"author": "skinstars",
"content": "<p>hi I have the same issue! I'm doing it anywaysand trying to get out of my comfort zone no matter how anxious I get because I really don't want it to get worse and stop me from doing things like leadership. I think you should do the same, my anxiety isn't severe but it's definitely there, I don't know if you're in the same situation but take a chance on something!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "197202",
"thread_id": "21043",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ideapersonwhowantstochangetheworldbuthatesattention_21043/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>That's what I've been trying to do but then I start something which leads to way more stressful situations I didn't think about before & I can't back out & it's rough for everyone. I know I gotta take challenges to learn but right now I'm mostly crashing & burning & dragging people down w/ me haha</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "200673",
"thread_id": "21043",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ideapersonwhowantstochangetheworldbuthatesattention_21043/"
] |
"author": "outsidemike",
"content": "just wondering if i am the only in here who gets so anxious about talking to other people that even trying to start an anonymouse chat with a listener gets my heart beating faster, and then i usually chicken out.\n\nI've always been able to to do forum posts for some reason though\n",
"date": "1425748344",
"thread_id": "19208",
"title": "im so stupid",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
} | [
"author": "lovingMaple3998",
"content": "<p>i get anxious talking to known people. I prefer forum posts too for some reason but i don't mind talking to some (not all) listeners. A little uncomfortable but i still feel better.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "165200",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "Katiewashere88",
"content": "<p>I get really scared talkin to new people..</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "165202",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "raisinmyremedy",
"content": "<p>I feel that because forum posts aren't \"live\" per se, it's a lot easier to be able to convey our emotions and feelings in knowing that we might be talking to oblivion, or the fact that the people who do reply to our forum posts can relate in some sort of way :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "165278",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "imaginativenervousegirl",
"content": "<p>I always feel anxious and scared when talking to people or when talking in front of the classroom. Sometimes, it's hard tobreathe but i need to stop it because I don't want people judging me and telling me I'm dramatic or I'm over reacting.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "165517",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "pinkbow214",
"content": "<p>I get this way in my class. Our grade is scored on participation only. This class makes me nervous just thinking about it. I go in there shaking and heart racing for the entire 2 hour duration of the class. Most the time, I don't say much because I get so nervous with the thought of talking in front of the class, then I get mad at myself becauseI know it's affecting my grade. It seems like I'm the only one in my class that has this problem, so it's really embarrassing for me. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "183636",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "Givenwings9",
"content": "<p>I get more anxious when I've picked someone specifically. If its just the random generator I don't mind so much.</p>\n<p>The members need that generator option I think, I don't realy like browsing and finding a listner. Please put the anonymous generator feature on members accounts too!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "186511",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "JoyandLove211",
"content": "<p>I always get nervous when talking, and if I do, I feel like whatever I say is so stupid. It doesn't help if I am trying to talk and someone talks over me. Feeling ignored just makes the anxiety worse. <img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" title=\"frown\" alt=\"frown\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/confused_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "188306",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "KJR12",
"content": "<p>Talking to new people, talking to people I know, or even just doing common day activities or laying in bed I get so anxious and go into attacks. I can't do anything without having that anxiety there. It's like a monster consuming me.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "188311",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "sickofthinking",
"content": "<p>I've just read all yr posts, and I feel exactly the same and have done for years. Feel very uncomfortable in social situations. I understand very much how yr feeling</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "188340",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "Bellei",
"content": "<p>It's called SOCIAL ANXIETY DISORDER.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "188347",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "grinned",
"content": "<p>Exactly the same situation!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "189733",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "grinned",
"content": "<p>Wow, I meant for this to be a reply, sigh</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "189734",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "grinned",
"content": "<p>I feel exactly the same</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "189736",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "satansmum",
"content": "<p>Yeah, I'm getting better at it though. Group chats are somewhat easier for me, and I think that's because all the attention isn't focused on me. Still, sometimes when people don't respond to me on group support, I get the anxious thoughts again.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "190504",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "LEDave",
"content": "<p>I literally found this website around an hour or so ago and have already begun to chicken out of the live listener chat. I find it extremely difficult to talk in public, in private, on the phone, via e-mail, via text, via text chat (e.g. facebook) and the Idea of talking to a listener is terrifying however using a forum doesn't seem to phase me for some reason. It is a really strange phenomenon.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "192340",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "LEDave",
"content": "<p>I literally found this website around an hour or so ago and have already begun to chicken out of the live listener chat. I find it extremely difficult to talk in public, in private, on the phone, via e-mail, via text, via text chat (e.g. facebook) and the Idea of talking to a listener is terrifying however using a forum doesn't seem to phase me for some reason. It is a really strange phenomenon.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "192348",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "Tbigbro278",
"content": "<p>Im not alone! Other people are like me, which is somewhat of a relief. But having social anxiety in college is really difficult. Its the weekend and while everyone is relaxing and getting ready to have fun, I am having anxiety attacks about being alone. My inability to make friends is all I think about throughout the day. Anxiety is effecting my schoolwork too. I isolate myself from other people on campus because I always assume Im not worth their time or they dont like me or wish I wasnt there. Im just so tired of living my life this way, but I cant seem to shake it.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "194981",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "KIMMYCOLE",
"content": "<p>I know what you mean. I have huge anxiety. I take online college courses just to avoid going up to campus as much as possible.. My career counselor told me that is hurting me more than helping me as a college student. It sucks. I've grown more confidence and have taken a huge step to take on campus courses next semester. Having social anxiety is horrible. I can't go to restaurants or try new things. I literally need someone shielding me or standing in front of me! I have zero confidence. I walk into a room and freeze. Get so nervous.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "195042",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "Ophie",
"content": "<p>I know how you feel. I've actually logged on to 7 Cups as a guest a few times in the past as myself when I was feeling anxious, and I also was afraid of having an anonymous chat with a listener. I think one thing that comes with being anxious is that we realize the person on the other end of the chat is an actual human being as well with real thoughts and real emotions, and maybe we're scared that they may judge us or don't like us. That's always what bothered me, anyway :p.</p>\n<p>But it's definitely not stupid to feel this way at all. It's normal. And the best thing is that the listeners here on 7cups are less likely to judge you because they've a.) been through similar experiences, b.) have friends or family who have, or c.) are just friendly people.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "195103",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "diz",
"content": "<p>Me too! It's hard to start a conversation because I get so anxious and start to wonder am I feeling bad enough to bother them....</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "195216",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "delphin",
"content": "<p>\"am I feeling bad enough to bother them\" - that is exactly how I feel.<br><br>It helped me to be honest about that feeling with the listeners - they will reassure you that they are there for you, and that you are not being a bother.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "195228",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "Givenwings9",
"content": "<p><span>Remember that </span><span>listeners are hear to listen to you. You are not a bother or a bore, they've signed up or signed in to </span><span>willingly listen to your problems :).. So don't be </span><span>afraid.</span></p>\n<p>The only part I find worrying, as i said, is actually specifically choosing someone, but then I again they're online for a reason, to listen to us.. sooo I shouldnt be worried but it is a little bit<img title=\"blush\" alt=\"blush\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/embarrassed_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "200329",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
"author": "elfenpixie",
"content": "<p>Knowing that you are going to talk to someone, with the intentions to tell them your problems, worries or stresses is bound to make anybody anxious.</p>\n<p>The fact you just did the part where you got in the que is a step and very corageous!!</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>~Elfen</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "200565",
"thread_id": "19208",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/imsostupid_19208/"
] |
"author": "foreverwanderlust",
"content": "Hi everyone, I am a second year undergrad student and have an upcoming group interview for a temporary summer job, in which I have to help working a Health Wellness Intervention Kick-Off Event concentrating on the health of social workers. I have NEVER experienced a group interview before, and as a person who HATES participating in class discussion (and that certain aspect of my grade suffering as a result), I'm freaking out really bad.\n\nI generally do better when I know more about the situation I'm walking in. I write flashcards to prepare for incoming questions, I google directions well in advance, and plan my interview outfit the weekend before, I research the job and the interviewer heavily and create a document that'll help me organize my thoughts. Yes, I overprepare for everything.\n\nSadly, I do not know anything about this interview, other than it's a group one. I don't know how many people will be in the room with me, but the email I received cc'd three other people, who were all masters/doctorate students. So either they're all interviewing me or they're my competition.\n\nDoes anyone have any tips to overcome this situation? Or how to make myself competitive even though I get way too uncomfortable in social situations?\n",
"date": "1428101392",
"thread_id": "20520",
"title": "Help! Upcoming GROUP Interview & struggling w/ social anxiety",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HelpUpcomingGROUPInterviewstrugglingwsocialanxiety_20520/"
} | [
"author": "TheoreticallyINTP",
"content": "<p>Breath. Think of it this way, youwill probably be better prepared than the others. People with anxiety tend to be better prepared because \"they think too much.\"People without anxiety don't thinktoo much. More thinkingis not a bad thing: if you aren't happy with the results you got the first time, you'll reflect, and be better prepared next time. From what my instructor's have told me, most students don't put asmuch effort into getting better; therefore, they don't make as much progress as people who think more--not saying that they don't get better--we just tend to progress faster.With that said, if you can, be open with them about the fact that you struggle with anxiety. It shows that you will communicate whatever struggles you have rather than seem like you don't care, and instructors, almost always can relate,will see that your studies are important to you, and behappy to help in any way they can--give you more time, set up a time to sit and help you with your work, or refer you to someone who can. Seriously, beingopen about your anxietyshows honesty, determination, andresilience..In just going there, you're facing your fears. That's admirable--remember that!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "188505",
"thread_id": "20520",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HelpUpcomingGROUPInterviewstrugglingwsocialanxiety_20520/"
"author": "TheoreticallyINTP",
"content": "<p>School, interview, group interview.. Be open, if you can! .... I had an anxiety attack during a session I taught at a place I volunteer for, asked for advice, and ended up being offered an internship opportunity I didn't even know was available. They said it showed how much I care,and how hard I'm willing to work.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "188516",
"thread_id": "20520",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HelpUpcomingGROUPInterviewstrugglingwsocialanxiety_20520/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>Uhhh jealous! Can I have your life lol. I'm really glad that worked out forr you & I really wish that kinda thing would happen for more people. I've mostly had the opposite experience (discrimination, bullying ect.) I've typically been advised to wait until afterr the interview to mention stuff like that. I've been told an interview is different from a regular conversation because the topic is why you want the job & why you'd be a good fit & employers typically respond better to a general conversation if it's afterr the interview process. That's just what I've been told though. I really hope you're right. Lol maybe I can move to your planet. Hope they have a chill immigration policy jaja</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "190459",
"thread_id": "20520",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HelpUpcomingGROUPInterviewstrugglingwsocialanxiety_20520/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>Think of it this way. Being in a group means all the attention's not on you. You have other people whose behavior you can mimic when you get stuck & if you get stuck you can let others answer 1st. It's a lot harder to catch individual people off guard when there's a group. I had a group interview for a campus job & they hired all the candidates. They're not necessarily competition. It was nice having other people there w/ me instead of just me & the interviewers. We (us students) chatted before & after. It felt a lot more chill than 1-1. Going in thinking of people as competition stresses you out. Thinking of them as potential buddies, coworkers ect is a much more positive outlook & a much more realistic one too for campus jobs. You're applying for a campus job, not to be president. You don't have to be better than the other people. You just gotta be you. I would guess that those doctoral students might be other workers there who might be interviewing you but there's a good chance they won't be. People like to forward emails about decisions like hiring people to other people in the company so everyone can be on the same page. Don't quote me on this though. I could be wrong. I'm just a junior lol. Btw I have SA too & group interviews have been the least stressful for me because you're not in it alone. Even if groups make you uncomfortable, having a group to blend into means a lot less people looking at you at any given time :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "190454",
"thread_id": "20520",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HelpUpcomingGROUPInterviewstrugglingwsocialanxiety_20520/"
"author": "foreverwanderlust",
"content": "<p>Thank you all so much for your great advice. They were all really helpful, especially when trying to change my outlook on things by trying not to stress about things too much. I ended up getting the job, and am excited to be able to work in my hometown this summer before my junior year. :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "199185",
"thread_id": "20520",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HelpUpcomingGROUPInterviewstrugglingwsocialanxiety_20520/"
"author": "Roadie",
"content": "<p>I had something similar today. I also suffer from social anxiety and I was democratically voted to be the spokesperson. When I heard the other groups present, it made me incredibly anxious because many of them had senior managers who were used to presenting in front of people.</p>\n<p>For me, when I'm up there, I'm actually less anxious. Why? Because I need to project my voice, which slows down my speech, controls my breathing, and gets it out there.</p>\n<p>One thing that I would say is that you are not alone in feeling anxious about this situation. Don't fall into the trap of thinking that 'your competition' is going to be so well prepared, relaxed, and ready to perform. They're going to be feeling 'exactly' like you are and will think of you in the same manner that you think of them. I find that focusing on my own performance works well. Just being organised with a few keywords on things to present. I don't have any more than keywords as that's when I personally get into a pickle. Letting the presentation organically progress , taking it slowly, and breathing slowly are always beneficial for me getitng through.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "199195",
"thread_id": "20520",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HelpUpcomingGROUPInterviewstrugglingwsocialanxiety_20520/"
] |
"author": "Tbigbro278",
"content": "I am an 18, soon to be 19 year old freshman at a small private catholic college. I suffer from severe social anxiety and truly can't handle it anymore. I see a therapist, but it is so bad I am always depressed and feel like killing myself constantly. I am just so sick of feeling this way. I wake up every morning wanting to be gone, feeling like nobody would care if I was alive or not. I tend to willingly do things on my own out of fear of others. To other people, Im sure it seems like I don't want to talk or be bothered, but the truth is a sense of belongingness is ALL I think about, dream about. I just want to feel like I have friends. In high school I had my small group of friends that were really close since elementary school. Now that I am away at college I find myself wanting to escape everyone. Whether I am at school, or home for the weekend, I just feel so depressed. I get heart palpitations, my hands sweat profusely, and I literally hate almost everything about myself. I have a girlfriend at school, but I feel like she, along with everyone I meet, secretly doesn't like me. I feel this way because I don't even like myself. I suffer from constant panic attacks and to everyone around me I am the quiet kid. I have no interests, because managing my anxiety has become my most prominent hobby. This is getting progressively worse by the day and I just can't handle it. The weird thing is I'm not sure what has psychologically caused this. I really have hit a breaking point.\n",
"date": "1428697763",
"thread_id": "20940",
"title": "Done with it- Anxiety in College",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DonewithitAnxietyinCollege_20940/"
} | [
"author": "powerfulMango1608",
"content": "<p>Hey, what you're going through sounds really tough and I understand how hard posting this must have been for you, so well done.<br>I'm in my first year at university and whilst I don't suffer from social anxiety I know what it's like to not be happy whilst away from home at college/university. I also have anxiety attacks/panic attacks (I have no idea what to call them, my counsellor and Dr have called them various things) so I know how much of an affect they can have on your life.<br>Feeling so isolated is horrible, I really think that it's one of the worst feelings you can experience. But I want you to know that you're not so alone. I know that we don't know each other and whilst I'm from the UK and you're (I'm guessing) from the US I care. After I post this message you'll be on my mind, because I see how you're having a tough time right now and I want you to be ok.<br>I'm not sure how things work where you are but is it possible that you can change colleges after you've completed this first year? You could consider living at home and commuting to your nearest college if that was possible? Either way, a change of environment might help as your anxiety may be associated with that place?<br>In regards to your girlfriend, how long have you guys been together? Have you spoken to her about the way you feel? What sorts of things did you used to enjoy before you started feeling this way?<br>For now, one thing I would suggest is to take the time to look after yourself. Make yourself something nice to eat, have a bath, go for a walk, listen to music. Taking some time out of your day to look after yourself is so important. It might sound trivial but you can't ignore its importance.<br>Take care,<br>Laura<br></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "195277",
"thread_id": "20940",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DonewithitAnxietyinCollege_20940/"
"author": "igetcha",
"content": "<p>I'm so sorry you feel this way. I've been there not too long ago. Just a new environment and not having the friends you've been around for years can cause anxiety. I get socialwithdrawlwhen I don't see a friendI'm used to seeing a lot in a while. You mentioned going home for the weekend. Could you meet up w/ old friends then? Also, texting/calling/skypingold friends helps a ton. I'm in college too and some of my closest friends don't go to my school anymore but I feel closer to them than ever because of how much we text. Keeping in touch with the people you used to spend time with, people who make you feel loved, helps a ton w/ the confidence thing. I can relate to the thinking people secretly don't like you and it absolutely comes from not liking yourself. It's projecting your feelings onto them. I get nervous about little things I did and I assume other people are frustrated w/me for it when I'm the only one who's frustrated w/ me. I try to look at how people act towards me objectively-just what they actually do, without any ideas about how I think they should feel mixed in. I totally understand about anxiety taking over you life. I have days when I justwannastay in all day too, but that just makes it worse. Getting a change of scenery stimulates your mind and helps you get away from those depressing and anxious thoughts. A physical change of perspective can lead to a mental one. Common interest groups are a great way to make friends since there's an automatic conversation starter & you know you have something in common w/ the people there. There's usually something going on & it's totally of to just watch sometimes & not be talking the whole time. Takes off a lotta pressure. I know getting to that 1st meeting can be tough but it can be very rewarding. I started hanging out w/ a music group & it's an easy way to get social interaction w/o all the pressure of making plans to meet w/ people & keep in touch on you. Orgs are also a great place for baby steps since you're likely to run into some of the same people multiple times & have that continuity w/o having to set it up. Maybe go to some meetings/events w/ your gf. It'd take off some of the pressure of meeting new people and be a fun way to mix things up in your relationship. And she does not dislike you. The fact that she's w/ you means she likes you. I know I'd never date someone I didn't like. That would just be torturing myself. The only reason to date someone is if they make you happy. She clearly sees something in you & it makes her happy. I can tell you're a really sweet, caring person just from this little blurb & I'm sure she & other people around you can too. Your high school friends clearly can too. I know it's hard to believe someone you find special likes you. But the fact that you admire someone that much is more than enough to make someone feel the same way about you. She clearly loves how well you treat her & how loved you make her feel. There's no objective comparison system for people. No one is betterthan everyone else. There are no unlovable people. Lovability comes from the connections you make w/ people. If talking to someone makes you nervous, even just a smile can make someone's day. Better yet, a hi. You are amazing in your own way. You have your own unique perspectives, experiences, skills, and talents & the world needs them. I know it can be hard to see at this point in our lives when we're still figuring things out but you are worth it and things will get better. Take it from someone who's been there. All it takes is a couple special people to make you feel loved and you even already have some :) Try not to think too much about the future & just focus on something fun you can do each day, whether it's hanging out w/ your gf, keeping in touch w/ old friends, going to an event or club meeting, or even doing something fun alone like exploring a new part of your campus or city or picking up a hobby. College is a great opportunity to try new things. You have access to so much awesome stuff. And if social interactions are nerve racking for you, doing something cool alone is also a great way to boostt your confidence & self-love. When I get stressed out I draw or write music & then I look at the finished project & realize I just created something awesome & I feel good about myself.I know it's hard but please, please, please, please, please don't hurt yourself. You'd be giving up so many amazing moments. I know it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel and you know for yourself that you didn't have this much anxiety before & how great you feel w/o it. You used to feel that way before and you willagain. Transitions can be hard but they don't last forever. Baby steps can make a world of difference. It's been a few months since my last relapse & right now I feel amazing. I've picked up some new hobbies, got a lot closer w/ old friends & made some new ones. I've also learned to stop worrying about whether I'm good enough & just enjoy all the little things in life. The world is beautiful. We just get too busy w/ our internal dialogue to see it. For the panic attacks, they go away a lot faster if you can get to a quiet place and ride it out w/o paying much attention to it, trying to tell yourself you're not having those physical sensations, or focusing on how awful it is. It's just your body's response to something. Let your body respond. Holding it in makes it worse & so does focusing on it. Your body is doing your mind a favor, releasing the tension associated w/ triggers so your mind doesn't have to. You mentioned not knowing why you feel this way. That's totally ok. Your physical symptoms are controlled by the primitive part of your brain. It responds to anything that in some weird way shape or fform reminds you of something stressful. It unleashes those feelings so theemotional & cognitive part of your brain doesn't have to waste it's energy stressing & you can live your life. It is possible to be too in tune or overwhelmed by your body. It's totally ok to just lett your body do its thing so your mind can be free to choose how to spend its energy. For me, closing my eyes, putting my head down, wearing sunglasses, wearing headphones or covering my ears (you can make it look like you're messing w/ your hair so it doesn't look rude) all help. If you can get alone for a bit, turning the lights off & lying down helps too. Drinking water helps & eating unless you feel nauseous. Distractions are great-music, TV, having your fav site open on your laptop in class, having something to fidget w/. Exercise helps a ton too. It realeases a lotta the nevous energy physically & clears your head. I care about you & I really wanna help you feel better. Message me anytime, even if I'm not online & I'll get back. I'm here for you. And if you ever feel like hurting yourself, the people at1 (800) 273-8255 or www.suicide.org can help. And I'm here for you too. You are awesome in your own awesome way. Don't you ever forget that :) I'd love to chat sometime :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "197633",
"thread_id": "20940",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DonewithitAnxietyinCollege_20940/"
] |
"author": "proactivePlum5677",
"content": "I've always had anxiety and depression, but this year has to be the worst year of my life. i've missed weeks of school because just the thought of it would give me panic attacks, and sometimes, when i tried to go to school, i would freak out before i even got to the bus stop. I know the whole thing is very irrational, and ive tried to overcome it, but so far i haven't had much luck. my anxiety is out of control, and i hate it. the only thing i have to hold on to, is that next year i'm moving to a different school, and it will be my chance for a fresh start. I'm very excited, and have signed up for classes I would have been to scared to take before. just thinking about next year makes me happier. but when it comes to the present, i'm a wreck, and i can't seem to save myself. \n",
"date": "1428710983",
"thread_id": "20954",
"title": "I'm too scared for school",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Imtooscaredforschool_20954/"
} | [
"author": "igetcha",
"content": "<p>I feel ya. I'm sensing there's something specific about your current school that makes you nervous. I've been in those situations before and I'd like to help. I'd love to chat w/ you sometime. Message me :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "197592",
"thread_id": "20954",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Imtooscaredforschool_20954/"
] |
"author": "willowtree94",
"content": "Let's see, what can I pull out about my life... I'm 21 years old, currently studying at university. I heard about this site a long while ago, but only just came to it the other day after a little meltdown after getting a less-than-great grade (by my standards) on a paper the other day. My whole future felt like it was coming down around me which in retrospect was a pretty big overreaction - anxiety in a nutshell... Anyway, I was Googling ways to find people to talk to, as I was alone at the time and tired of feeling anxious, and found my way here. Still not actually spoken to anyone yet, but small steps, right?! That meltdown about the paper is pretty much me to be honest. My standards and pressure I put on myself are far too high and cause me a lot of anxiety. And when I actually feel anxiety I have a tendency to rely on others to pull me out instead of trying to do it myself, or I avoid the things that cause it :| Especially through my girlfriend. I put upon her far too much with my issues and although she's incredibly helpful and kind, I definitely need to expand my support system. I think I've been on an upwards path since being diagnosed with anxiety (when I was about 17). I've managed to do things I never thought I could. However, there's still a long way to go... I really want to get to a stage where I stop fearing my anxiety, and learn to live with being uncomfortable sometimes. In any case, I'm feeling surprisingly optimistic today, but who knows how long that'll last! :)",
"date": "1428855797",
"thread_id": "21072",
"title": "Anxiety, perfectionism and worry, oh my! ",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxietyperfectionismandworryohmy_21072/"
} | [
"author": "willowtree94",
"content": "<p>(apologies for the apparent lack of paragraphs, at least as far as I can see - my mobile obviously doesn't appreciate them!) </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "196899",
"thread_id": "21072",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxietyperfectionismandworryohmy_21072/"
] |
"author": "nightflowerw",
"content": "When I was a teenager I realized that I suffered from anxiety. It wasn't necessarily social, I had friends and I loved to be involved in clubs and activities. When I would perform on stage I would usually run to the bathroom, and have to talk myself up to be able to go out on stage. When I would go to take a test, my mind would go blank and even though I would study and know the material I would \"freak out\" and I would have to take major deep breaths and give myself a mental peptalk in order to start the exam. I WAS ALWAYS ABLE TO MANAGE. ANXIETY NEVER GOT THE BEST OF ME!\n\nAs a young adult, I started to notice my anxiety getting worse. I sought out therapy while I was in college and started to learn coping techniques. I managed for a few years, but then the stress of adulthood took a toll and I broke. \n\nDaily panic attacks would wipe me out physically and emotionally. My husband, my biggest support, would help me through. It would get so bad that I would blank out, short out, whatever you want to call it. I knew that there was a much bigger problem. I decided to put myself in the hospital. That was just a first step. It was a difficult step because at that point in my life I was completely house bound. I was too afraid to go out. \n\nI underwent years of therapy, little by little my confidence was building. I started going shopping, my husband would take me a night when I felt the most comfortable. As my confidence was built I would start going earlier and earlier until I could go during the day. I always had a plan. I understood that if I had a panic attack I always had a way out. I was never trapped, and that I would be ok. THAT'S RIGHT...YOU WILL ALWAYS BE OK.\n\nI was finally able to manage myself well, slowly but surely I regained my independence and I didn't ever want to look back. I asked to be weaned off the medication, and I found that I had the tools to handle whatever came my way.\n\nFast forward to 7 months ago....\n\nI had no idea that stress that builds up, and has no outlet can cause such a reoccurance of panic and anxiety. It hit me one night while out to dinner with the family. I thought I was dying, I called for an ambulance, scared and confused I thought that there was something physically wrong with me.\n\nCome to find out...Panic Attack.\n\nI felt the biggest surge of discouragement ever. I had the tools to cope right? Well I did, but that didn't seem to make it any easier. I was given a physical, a good once or twice over by my doctor and was told that I am physically healthy and that my panic was rearing it's ugly head. I was prescribed medication and I had to figure this out. I sought out therapy again, and it has been a dreadfully slow process, so I started to look online to see how to manage.\n\nIt has been about a month now, and I finally have come to the realization that EVERYTHING WILL BE ALL RIGHT! I no longer wake up and immediately panic, IT GETS EASIER. I remind myself that God is with me and he will help carry my burdens. It is only a matter of time before I can live panic free. LIVE WITH HOPE. LIVE WITH FAITH.\n\nI really pray that by sharing my story I can help YOU feel the comfort of knowing that THIS TOO SHALL PASS.\n\nHugs and Love,\n\nNight\n",
"date": "1425496707",
"thread_id": "19076",
"title": "Everything will be all right!",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Everythingwillbeallright_19076/"
} | [
"author": "MichaelaS",
"content": "<p><span style=\"color:#000080;\">Such an inspiring post! Thank you for sharing!</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "195999",
"thread_id": "19076",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Everythingwillbeallright_19076/"
"author": "happybunny",
"content": "<p>Thank You for sharing your story! Hope helps me too and I have more hope whenever I hear people say from their personal experience that things DO CHANGE. Thank You.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "196044",
"thread_id": "19076",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Everythingwillbeallright_19076/"
] |
"author": "ZiZi95",
"content": "Hello...I'm new to this site and I'm not really sure what I'm doing. I just feel so stressed lately. Does anyone else have experience in dealing with the stress of being in a Long Distance Relationship?\n\nIt's really hard on me lately...we both have experience/ongoing issues with depression and suicidal thoughts. And I am currently struggling with anxiety and panic attacks because I feel like I can't help him from so far away (7,000 miles apart) and I'm terrified he is going to hurt himself. \n\nI honestly don't know how to support him...this is my first ever relationship even though I am 20 years old and I am absolutely awful and managing my own feelings and communicating effectively. I'm scared that I am not good enough to help him and make him happy. \n",
"date": "1427424887",
"thread_id": "20185",
"title": "Long Distance Relationships",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/LongDistanceRelationships_20185/"
} | [
"author": "LostPrincess310",
"content": "<p>Just be their for him,just listen to his problem you don't need to tell him anything unless u want to </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "181908",
"thread_id": "20185",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/LongDistanceRelationships_20185/"
"author": "mugasi053",
"content": "<p>I know how you feel. I'm also in a LDR. Just always be honest with him. Always let him know how much you care. It makes sense that you are scared of not being good enough for him, but just remember, you both care for each other and that is already good enough.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "181955",
"thread_id": "20185",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/LongDistanceRelationships_20185/"
"author": "QuietAsAShadow",
"content": "<p>First, it's awesome that you have come here to 7 Cups of Tea for resources and help in dealing with your situation.</p>\n<p><br>I know long distance relationships. I was in one for a couple of years. (We have now been married for 7 years.)<br><br>Remember that it's great that you want to support him, but that is all you can do. Be a listening ear. Whatever he is actually going through is not in your control. Just being there is awesome.<br><br>You may want to try this exercise about managing emotions: https://www.7cups.com/help-managing-emotions/<br><br>Of course, you can always suggest that he become a member of 7 Cups of Tea and talk with a listener when you aren't available to be there for him.<br><br>Taking care of yourself is important.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "181988",
"thread_id": "20185",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/LongDistanceRelationships_20185/"
"author": "Laughterologist",
"content": "<p>Hi zizi, this must be really hard for you, i myself is in a LDR too. But in your case, we must make sure of his safety and maybe suggest that he should consult a therapist for that matter. Hope that helps</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "181989",
"thread_id": "20185",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/LongDistanceRelationships_20185/"
"author": "Kaylei72",
"content": "<p>Zizi,I am also in a long distance relationship. I struggle from anxiety and depression which makes it very hard on me. The most you can do for him is just let him know you ARE here for him always! You can always tell him to try and see a therapist if he isnt already. They can help to calm the brain along with medication.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "194701",
"thread_id": "20185",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/LongDistanceRelationships_20185/"
] |
"author": "gregariousNickel1440",
"content": "Hi Guys\n\nI've had anxiety in the past, maybe fifteen years ago, and now it's creeping back...\n\nHad a massive attack a few nights ago, heart racing for six hours, vomitting and crying...\n\nAnyone had a panic attack lasting so long??\n",
"date": "1428411979",
"thread_id": "20736",
"title": "Hi All...",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/HiAll_20736/"
} | [
"author": "LonelyLake",
"content": "<p>Hey welcome to the forum! It looks like you are going through a challenging time. I never had such a long panic attack, it sounds more like you are experiencing acute stress or something like that. Panic attacks don't usually last that long!. Are you feeling better?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "192125",
"thread_id": "20736",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/HiAll_20736/"
"author": "humorousWillow5345",
"content": "<p>I am so sorry to hear that your attack lasted so long. I had one recently and luckily had a friend talk me through it. It lasted about 2 hours and then i ended up just crashing and falling asleep :(</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "193419",
"thread_id": "20736",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/HiAll_20736/"
] |
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "I have constantly worry about bombing interviews, networking ect & when I'm working I literally constantly worry about getting fired. I have a hard time telling when people are happy w/ me & when they're disappointed. It usually comes as a shock to me when they're disappointed so I try to be attentive to signs but now I see everything as a sign. I've literally been convinced everyone in my life hated me or was annoyed w/ me at some point. Any tips?\n",
"date": "1427939466",
"thread_id": "20447",
"title": "Social feedback tips?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Socialfeedbacktips_20447/"
} | [
"author": "TheoreticallyINTP",
"content": "<p>What type of jobs have you worked at, and what type of job would you like?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "187861",
"thread_id": "20447",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Socialfeedbacktips_20447/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>I'm looking for tech internships. I've worked a variety of past jobs. Most went well. The paranoia about getting fired is because of a couple incidents where something went wrong & my bosses talked to me about it & I assumed I was gonnaget fired</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "188509",
"thread_id": "20447",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Socialfeedbacktips_20447/"
"author": "TheoreticallyINTP",
"content": "<p>Sometimes it's a matter of finding what you like to do in order to feel confident about your work, if that makes sense. Or, maybe you'd be better off being your own boss. Check online for career interest profiling. O*Net has a good interest to career matching questionnaireon their page.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "187869",
"thread_id": "20447",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Socialfeedbacktips_20447/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>I'd love to be my own boss. I just also need a regular job until I can support myself just from my tbd business. But my crap social skills make that a struggle too. I was wondering if I was kidding myself thinking I could start a business but I made up my mind that I'm gonna try</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "188510",
"thread_id": "20447",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Socialfeedbacktips_20447/"
"author": "grinned",
"content": "<p>Going to school with social anxiety is SO HARD. I want to talk to people but I can't, I can't walk into classes late, ill hold onto an apple core for 45 minutes just so I don't have to walk in from of everyone, I'm so afraid someone will try to speak to me, I get so nervous around people, so nervous</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "189717",
"thread_id": "20447",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Socialfeedbacktips_20447/"
"author": "satansmum",
"content": "<p>That's so true it hurts. I'm constantly worried about what people think about me, i can't walk down the hallways without being positive that everyone's staring at me, its so horrible. Presentations aren't even possible with social anxiety, even on good days! I've started skipping a lot of school because of it, and I was a straight a student.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "190498",
"thread_id": "20447",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Socialfeedbacktips_20447/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>I feel ya. In some ways the crowds are a blessing in disguise though. I went to a k-12 for middle school. I was 1 of 4 middle schoolers & most of the students were little kids. People were literally always staring at me, always all up in my business. I switched schools for high school because I wanted a bigger class. Suddenly barely anyone was looking at me. I was 1 kid in a huge crowd. People were minding their own business. I had other people to copy if I was stuck about how to act in a situation. & most convosw/ strangers at school are super quick anyway. People are usually just like \"hey\" or \"nice shoes\" & you can just say hey or even just nod. I know it can be anxiety-provoking at the time but looking back is was a great baby step to ease into the real world</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "190963",
"thread_id": "20447",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Socialfeedbacktips_20447/"
"author": "satansmum",
"content": "<p>Yeah, its just the idea that's scary, right? Just keep thinking about how it will all be fine in the end kinda helps.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "196948",
"thread_id": "20447",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Socialfeedbacktips_20447/"
] |
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "Any tips on telling which gut feelings are real & which are just anxiety?\n",
"date": "1425703356",
"thread_id": "19181",
"title": "How much is real?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howmuchisreal_19181/"
} | [
"author": "Teo22",
"content": "<p>I feel like a gut feeling is something that you have based on what you know, and anxiety is more of what MIGHT be/unknown.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "164867",
"thread_id": "19181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howmuchisreal_19181/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>That's a really good point. Sometimes though like if I'm confused about how someone's acting I think of crazy possibilities</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "167073",
"thread_id": "19181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howmuchisreal_19181/"
"author": "QuietAsAShadow",
"content": "<p>I like to start with \"grounding\" myself. I focus on physical objects around me that I know are real. Like taking a moment to really feel the ground under my feet. Or putting my hands by my sides while sitting a feeling the chair, the fabric or wood, and concentrate on how that feels. Generally, that brings me into a place where I have a bit of a grasp on reality and can start to see what is a legitimate concern for me at the moment.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "181990",
"thread_id": "19181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howmuchisreal_19181/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>I have been told I need to focus on the moment more. I'll try that</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "184234",
"thread_id": "19181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howmuchisreal_19181/"
"author": "nina50",
"content": "<p>i have learned to separate the what if feelings from actual feelings that need to be addressed</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "183562",
"thread_id": "19181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howmuchisreal_19181/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>That's a really good point. I'm working on that. I feel like I need to address every what-if so I'd be prepared if the situation arises & it takes over my life sometimes</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "184239",
"thread_id": "19181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howmuchisreal_19181/"
"author": "funnyStrawberries5996",
"content": "<p>This is always my challenge with my BPD ...which is why I prefer to become numb instead and try tone neutral to everything at home it's always safer that way since I'm always accused of being overly sensitive as it is ..</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "183599",
"thread_id": "19181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howmuchisreal_19181/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>I used to do that too but it got to the point where I felt depressed & made some choices I wouldn't have made if I'd aknowledgedmy emotions. Egconvincing myself I'm overreacting to being stalked or played. I'm working on learning to aknowledge my emotions w/o letting them run my life</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "184237",
"thread_id": "19181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howmuchisreal_19181/"
"author": "nina50",
"content": "<p>my social anxiety is so bad that i only leave the house when it it totally necessary and i always feel as though everyone is watching and laughing at me because i look awkward and out of place</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "184513",
"thread_id": "19181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howmuchisreal_19181/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>It's hard to get past that feeling. Are there any places you feel more comfortable or any people you feel more comfortable with?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "185870",
"thread_id": "19181",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howmuchisreal_19181/"
] |
"author": "Amandizz06",
"content": "In 40 minutes I have to go down to the dining room to eat lunch , but I have social anxiety so I can't handle walking in there and not alone especially! But I know that I have to eat but I don't have the courage to! Please help me\n",
"date": "1426586146",
"thread_id": "19717",
"title": "Dealing with social anxiety",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Dealingwithsocialanxiety_19717/"
} | [
"author": "hechen011",
"content": "<p>Ah I'm sorry you're going through this :( That sounds like such an awful tension. I do not have social anxiety myself, but these situations are slightly stressful for me as well, as I am constantly concerning myself with what people think of me! What helps me is if I bring my phone, so I look like I am talking to somebody (you could even really be talking to somebody!) or my laptop, or a book to read, so I look preoccupied and like I'm doing something better than being with somebody :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "173589",
"thread_id": "19717",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Dealingwithsocialanxiety_19717/"
"author": "squib",
"content": "<p>How are you doing now? I've felt the same way and fled/avoided many situations. I found what helped in the long run really involved pushing myself to the point of discomfort but not failure. Be patient with yourself but challenge yourself too. It's hard but it will be worth it. And other people will be glad to have you with them!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "183684",
"thread_id": "19717",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Dealingwithsocialanxiety_19717/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>I know the feeling. It helps if you take something to do eg I scroll through emails, fbect on my phone when I'm alone. I keep my mind occupied by doing something & being alone doesn't bother me. I used to feel weird about this when I started college but then I realized a lot of people eat alone. Finding people to eat w/ every single time is ridiculous when you all have different schedules. Eating doesn't have to be social. It's just something we do to survive like breathing</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "184242",
"thread_id": "19717",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Dealingwithsocialanxiety_19717/"
"author": "Zaz",
"content": "<p>I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a hard time with your anxiety. I've dealt with social anxiety myself so I understand how difficult it can be. One thing that I've found that works to help social anxiety get much better, is just to really push yourself out of your comfort zone. Confidence is something that has to be built up over time, and if you don't force yourself into those situations, it's very difficult to gain the confidence you need to feel less anxious. I know that may seem like an impossible thing for you to do right now but that's what has worked for me and a lot of other people around me who have social anxiety. Good luck with feeling better! :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "184262",
"thread_id": "19717",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Dealingwithsocialanxiety_19717/"
] |
"author": "pinkbow214",
"content": "I seriously do not have the motivation to work or go to school anymore. I used to be so active, I'd talk to people all the time, but I feel like something happened overnight one day and somehow I just don't feel like doing anything. I'm tired, I have no days off, my school is so stressful, and I don't know how to get out of this funk. I literally go to work and stare at my screen, close the office door, and not do anything. What's wrong with me. My friend thinks it's depression. It makes me feel bad at the end of the day that I didn't accomplish anything or have the drive to accomplish things. I wake up sad and go to bed sad. Anybody know what is causing this? Is this normal? \n",
"date": "1427651744",
"thread_id": "20284",
"title": "Burnt Out from Work and School",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/BurntOutfromWorkandSchool_20284/"
} | [
"author": "Tinkiwipsy",
"content": "<p>Hey, i know how it feels to be tired of school and work. I also have the same problem as you, its mostly the pressure that your facing during those times. Just try to get some good rest and reward yourself with something. It may help a little! :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "183675",
"thread_id": "20284",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/BurntOutfromWorkandSchool_20284/"
] |
"author": "exuberantRaspberries9350",
"content": "Ever since I was little, I've always been reluctant to hang out with friends. My first sleepover ended in me crying in the middle of the night and my mum having to come pick me up. Now, whenever I make plans to hang out after school, talk to someone on the phone, just to see someone in between classes, I get a sick feeling in my stomach just thinking about it. I often cancel or avoid these plans, and then feel awful about that. I just made plans to hang out with a friend, but now I just really want to cancel. On one hand, I want to be normal, but on the other hand I'm really scared.\n",
"date": "1426002390",
"thread_id": "19363",
"title": "Spending time with people",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Spendingtimewithpeople_19363/"
} | [
"author": "MattyBoi",
"content": "<p>Hey you sound like you are really young. I was just like you, when I was 2nd grade, I only had like 1 friend. I grew up to be pretty awkward, who had very little to no friends. Then I realized in high school that friends are really important...it was kind of late to realize that, because I was already a senior and graduating in like 2 months(I used to be \"who needs friends\" kind of person). Sometimes I would literally cry (of course I act like I yawned cry) when people talked to me and I felt that they are comfortable around me. You know...just keep trying, also remember that you need some friends in your life and you don't want to regret that moment (right now) the person you are talking to might beyour best friend10 years from now.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "168052",
"thread_id": "19363",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Spendingtimewithpeople_19363/"
"author": "Roadie",
"content": "<p>Hi @MattyBoi</p>\n<p>So to paraphrase, you're saying that they should try and push through their anxiety? :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "173467",
"thread_id": "19363",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Spendingtimewithpeople_19363/"
] |
"author": "peggycarter",
"content": "does anyone have any tips on how to combat anxiety? i'm having a lot of trouble trying to tame it. so i'm up for any weird remedies. or regular ones. \n",
"date": "1425721236",
"thread_id": "19188",
"title": "anxiety",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/anxiety_19188/"
} | [
"author": "Roadie",
"content": "<p>Hi @peggycarter</p>\n<p>There is the self help guide at the top (http://www.7cups.com/anxiety-help/) that has some information, however equally there is a really good group of members and listeners that post in the Anxiety forums here.</p>\n<p>One such forum that I absolutely love as a resource can be found here (http://www.7cups.com/forum/AnxietySupportCommunity_53/SocialAnxietySupportSharing_247/MethodsforCalmingDownRelaxationFeelingBetterPleaseShare_18674/)</p>\n<p>But be sure to look at some of the other threads. There are a lot of people who suffer from anxiety - both listener and member alike - that's a really good place to start :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "164951",
"thread_id": "19188",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/anxiety_19188/"
"author": "Mike511",
"content": "<p>Exercising, like running or weightlifting, can help as a therapy forstress, anxiety, or depression. I do both. Not only will this distract you from what you are worried/thinking about, but you also feel great afterwards. Exercise is often associated with only physical health, but it does wonders for mental health as well. It builds confidence and a sense of accomplishment. There is also the added bonus of looking better which will make you feel better about your body too. Hope this helped.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "172991",
"thread_id": "19188",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/anxiety_19188/"
"author": "xangelix",
"content": "<p>Just close your eyes and take deep, slow breaths. Know that everything is going to be okay. Nothing will harm you. If you can, take a hot/warm bath then go to sleep. Or read a book. Or do some yoga. It also helps to talk to a friend or adult, maybe someone online about it.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "173001",
"thread_id": "19188",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/anxiety_19188/"
"author": "Regnkongen",
"content": "<p>I agree with Mike, for a good overall solution try exercise. I used to take Tae Kwon Do and I miss is severely. It's a great outlet for stress and anxiety, put it all into the workout. It helps clear your mind and exhausts your body, which will help you sleep... which also is a great help for anxiety.</p>\n<p>In specific situations, I think deep breathing can help... some minor meditation-like mental exercises... visualizing the problem being solved ( by some realistic solution, by the gods, by superman, anything :) ) Sometimes I just scream a lot ( in the car mostly, when no-one else is around! )</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "173091",
"thread_id": "19188",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/anxiety_19188/"
"author": "convivialSpruce7494",
"content": "<p>I suggest this book in helping you deal with anxiety :<a href=\"http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/the_book.html\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/the_book.html</a>. I read it myself and it helped me look at anxiety in a way I had never really thought about before. It really helped me feel a lot better relatively. I hope it helps, even if just a little! :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "173208",
"thread_id": "19188",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/anxiety_19188/"
] |
"author": "Swiftuou5",
"content": "I always find this helps when I suffer from a panic attack or feel panicked. \n\nFollow this simple rule:\n\nTake a deep breath in for 6 seconds\n\nHold it for 7\n\nBreath out for 8 seconds\n\nContinue until you feel calmer, hope this helps anyone :)\n\nIf anyone else has any suggestions on how to help cope with panic attacks please add to this. :)\n",
"date": "1426200563",
"thread_id": "19501",
"title": "Helping to cope with panic attacks",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Helpingtocopewithpanicattacks_19501/"
} | [
"author": "BlueKitten3949",
"content": "<p>Thx for the advice friend. (Anyone with a problem is a friend of mine, hope you get better somehow) :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "169380",
"thread_id": "19501",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Helpingtocopewithpanicattacks_19501/"
"author": "Swiftuou5",
"content": "<p>Thx for the advice friend. (Anyone with a problem is a friend of mine, hope you get better somehow) :)</p>\n<p>You're welcome, any advice should be known to all. Guess I made a new friend then? ;)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "169382",
"thread_id": "19501",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Helpingtocopewithpanicattacks_19501/"
"author": "BlueKitten3949",
"content": "<p>Totally buddies now!!!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "169394",
"thread_id": "19501",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Helpingtocopewithpanicattacks_19501/"
"author": "Swiftuou5",
"content": "<p>Buddies for ever!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "172720",
"thread_id": "19501",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Helpingtocopewithpanicattacks_19501/"
] |
"author": "independentAcai8904",
"content": "Hi! I have overplucked my eyebrows and i feel really sad and depressed because of it. I have plucked alot from both of them and they look, uneven, unatural, and i'm embarrased to go out or to talk with anyone i know about it. I cry alot and i stay for myself, what can i do? I'm a guy so i can't use makeup either. This is horrible, i don't know what to do with my life. How long does it take for eyebrows to grow back? Can i do anything to make them grow back faster?\n",
"date": "1424625951",
"thread_id": "18549",
"title": "I have overplucked my eyebrows! Please help",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
} | [
"author": "Stacie",
"content": "<p>Take a deep breath your going to be fine :) Eyebrows generally do grow back at a faster rate than say your hair on your head. There are vitamins that say they can grow your hair back faster but honestly it will just take a little bit of time. You could try an eye pencil and gently fill them in until they have grown back enough</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "153883",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "independentAcai8904",
"content": "<p>Thank you for answering. I'm afraid to use any makeup because i'm a guy and i'm afraid people will notice. Im seriously thinking about quitting my job and avoiding school, and to just stay at home until they come back. I feel so sad, and i wish i never touched them. :(</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "153888",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "Stacie",
"content": "<p>Some of the eyepencils you can get, if you apply them with a light hand it will be harder to detect that you have any makeup on at all. I know it seems at the moment like the worst thing ever but you can get through this. Your eyebrows will be back in no time :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "153892",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "communicativePlum99",
"content": "<p>Ahh, I did this when I first started plucking!</p>\n<p>Most eyebrow pencils have a little hard brush on the end, I find that if you use those to smudge out the pencil lines it can look more natural and create hair-like lines, so it's really not noticeable at all.You could experiment with it at home and keep some makeup-wipes from the pharmacy as well to get rid of it if you don't like the look.</p>\n<p>I know there's a lot of external pressure to be masculine, I'm sorry you have that to contend with. (sucks cause guys look amazing with makeup on, ahah :P)I hope you don't avoid your job or school because of that pressure, but also I hope you don't feel bad if you do.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155601",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "Flourish",
"content": "<p>@independentAcai8904 - Sorry that happened to you. The speed of your eyebrow hair growth depends on several factors. Though because those hairs don't have a long life span it does grow faster than the hair in some other parts of the body. Since you don't use makeup,If you are not allergic to nuts you can try applying castor oil to them whenever you are at home. I haven't found a scientific research to prove if it truly works or not but a lot of people use that remedy to thicken their eyebrows, do your own research on that of course and never let anything get into your eyes. There are also serums that some companies made and claim it helps grow longer brows etc...or thicker but...I don't know if it works or it is just a marketing scam plus it's super expensive. Try doing some research though you'll surely find something. I am not sure how bad it looks like but I hope it grows fast.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "153891",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "Oldlady528",
"content": "<p>That was a nice response.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155502",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "Flourish",
"content": "<p>Thanks @Oldlady528</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155588",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "kylieeelovesyu",
"content": "<p>the same happened to me! :/ i filled them out so it looks more even, and over time i grows back haha :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "154281",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "luna2490",
"content": "<p>do you do this because of stress? also fish oil is a natural herb that helps hair and nail growth</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "154305",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "ThatWallflower",
"content": "<p>You can buy eyebrow serum for fifty dollars to grow them fast</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "154313",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "ThatWallflower",
"content": "<p>Two tubes for fifty dollars. Sometimes you can buy a drugstore one for about fifteen dollars.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "154314",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "Oldlady528",
"content": "<p>I have done this as a teenager too, and I bet many people have done this. Just get a brow pencil that matches your color and color them in.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155500",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "ZachTheListener",
"content": "<p>Pencil those bad boys in</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "161431",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "AlwaysUpFromHere",
"content": "<p>Lol this is perfect.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "161799",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "reliableEast3736",
"content": "<p>Are you making fun of someone? Why did you lol, this is perfect? This could be real.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "161805",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "ZachTheListener",
"content": "<p>Chances are this is real and the only the this person can do is come to terms with what's happened. Deal with it head on and face the music. It's one of those things that is a honest mistake. Next time, don't pluck your eye brows get them waxed. Until they grow in just pencil them if you really have a issue with it then pencil them in.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "161820",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "reliableEast3736",
"content": "<p>Sometimes people can do this from stress as well. I just was not sure.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "161838",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "modestJar909",
"content": "<p>Heyy hav u seen some growth till now?\n</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "167502",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "arthritisfighter",
"content": "<p>Don't panic. It's going to be okay. Your eyebrow hair can grow in within the next 3-4 weeks and let them grow out a little and perhaps get them threaded, waxed or plucked by a professional. I would highly recommend as I get mine done now as I had the same experience as you and over plucked them! Best thing to do is to let them grow back. It's going to be okay.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "167512",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
"author": "PrincessCriesAlot",
"content": "<p>Don't worry they will eventually grow back but until then check out some YouTube tutorials on filling in eyebrows. Eyebrows are fascinating! Did you know some people use brown cream liner to fill in their eyebrows? I like to use a brown eyebrow pencil called \"browmakers\" by covergirl.\n\nBefore putting the pencil directly on the skin/brow area I first use some makeup powder. I do this because it helps the pencil have something to cling to as I'm drawing them on. Just as little tip from me because I have recently over plucked my brows as well :)\n\nMy technique may or may not work for you but there are plenty of great videos to choose from online. \n\n& even if you decide not to fill them in you're still beautiful! You're still you :) & they will grow back :)\n\nWe are here for you & we are rooting for your brows!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "167516",
"thread_id": "18549",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/IhaveoverpluckedmyeyebrowsPleasehelp_18549/"
] |
"author": "independentAcai8904",
"content": "Hi! I'm a guy and i have operplucked my eyebrows and now they look awful. I'm afraid of meeting people i know or go to school and work because of this, so i'm staying at home and i feel very sad.\n\nDo any of you have any suggestions to what i can do to get on with my life? What should i do now?\n",
"date": "1424627156",
"thread_id": "18550",
"title": "Afraid to go to school and work.",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Afraidtogotoschoolandwork_18550/"
} | [
"author": "Findmyway55",
"content": "<p>Go to the store and buy an eyebrow pencil the closest to your brow color. Lightly pencil in more fuller brows. Then wait until the hairs grow back. No one should notice, especially on a guy. Do it delicately and it should look natural . Ladies do this all the time, myself included. You'll be gone, just watch that plucking in the future! (((Hugs))))</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "153983",
"thread_id": "18550",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Afraidtogotoschoolandwork_18550/"
"author": "Alessandro98",
"content": "<p>First you should try whatFindmyway55suggested to you, sounds like a pretty goodidea. Otherwise if it wont work, you'll have to face your fear and leave your house, sounds hard but believe its the best you can do! Its the same with all anxiety disorders, I can tell myself because I have social anxiety, and there are a lot of things that a very hard for me, buti'lljust have to it,thatsthe only thing that will help. If you will stay at home, and don't leave the houseit will getharder day by day finally to go toschool or work!</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "153997",
"thread_id": "18550",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Afraidtogotoschoolandwork_18550/"
"author": "modestJar909",
"content": "<p>Hey hav u seen some growth till now?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "167503",
"thread_id": "18550",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Afraidtogotoschoolandwork_18550/"
"author": "arthritisfighter",
"content": "<p>Use eyebrow pencil to fill in the gaps. Having your hair down too can take the look away from your eyebrows (personal experience).</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "167514",
"thread_id": "18550",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Afraidtogotoschoolandwork_18550/"
] |
"author": "synfulsong",
"content": "Yeah, I have issues that keep me wanting to stay inside. Like, all the time. I hate leaving my house. It causes panic attacks, from mild to debilitating. \n\nLately, I've been having to go out a lot more, simply for doctors and blood work and all the happy good fun bloody stuff. :P It's getting easier, but it leaves me so emotionally drained, that I tend to want to do everything all at once while I'm out, so I can simply collapse once I get home.\n\nThing is, I'm a mom. On disability. So, everyone thinks that I can never sleep unless my son's asleep, except for the people who really know me and see what I'm going through.\n\nIt's so difficult sometimes that I'm not sure what's worse: the emotional drain of being outside the house for so long, or the emotional drain of having to constantly remind myself that I am doing my best, my son is happy and healthy, and that those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. \n\nIn the end, it doesn't even matter. I do what I have to do to get my stuff done in a timely manner, and then I do what I have to do to stay mentally safe. It's working well for me for the most part.\n\nBut today, I guess I'm so worn out from the past three weeks of constant running then collapsing then running then collapsing that....I don't want to run anymore. But my check came in today, and all the bills I can pay online are paid, but I still have to buy groceries (I live in a small town that doesn't do grocery delivery), take my mom cell phone shopping and get her and my prescriptions refilled, take my son on a slushy run if he got green at school, and just a lot of running.\n\nMama and my roommate both think I'm trying to get out of going because I'm still not ready to go yet, but in fact, I'm just waiting for my son to get home so that we can knock it all out in one block of several hours of being out. \n\nSorry for the wall of text, but I just wanted to let others with agoraphobia and/or anthropophobia know that it is a pain and a hassle, but it doesn't end or control or destroy your life. You just have to find a way that works for you. \n\n<3 Cheers!\n",
"date": "1425405314",
"thread_id": "19019",
"title": "Agoraphobia and Anthropophobia Butt Kicking Contest",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/AgoraphobiaandAnthropophobiaButtKickingContest_19019/"
} | [
"author": "hechen011",
"content": "<p>I'm sorry that you struggle with agoraphobia, but it sounds like you are doing a great job of accepting it and trying to work with it and being incredibly responsible by taking your son into consideration as well. This all seems very admirable, best of luck to you! I know working and coping with any disorder can be an uphill battle. <3</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "166692",
"thread_id": "19019",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/AgoraphobiaandAnthropophobiaButtKickingContest_19019/"
] |
"author": "xlibbyx",
"content": "One of my panic triggers is sleepiness. Anyone else? Every night I start to doze off and then promptly panic- shaking, hyperventilating, sweating, abdominal distress, fear of dying, etc- waking myself (and my husband) back up. Sometimes it happens a few time before I'm finally able to fall asleep. Deep breathing helps reduce some of the physical symptoms and my husband provides deep pressure therapy for me. But my mind is still racing even after it passes, exacerbated by any body aches I might have. I worry I won't wake up. Suggestions??\n",
"date": "1419963817",
"thread_id": "15554",
"title": "Panic Attack Trigger- Sleepiness",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
} | [
"author": "xlibbyx",
"content": "<p>Am I the only one? I feel really alone in this. Even my web searches turn up empty.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "115218",
"thread_id": "15554",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
"author": "toughPlane43",
"content": "<p>It happens to me sometimes, don't worry, you are not alone :) . When this happens I play rain sounds. It is really calming. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "140278",
"thread_id": "15554",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
"author": "MrsHeather",
"content": "<p>A lot of my panic attacks happen at home when I'm relaxed or winding down from the day or the week. For me, mine happen a lot at home because I think I'm bottling up all my stress and worries from the previous day or throughout the week and then BAM it all comes out at home. No, you're not alone I've been coping with this happening to me for the past 5 years.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163659",
"thread_id": "15554",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
"author": "limeBeechwood5092",
"content": "<p>How to over come panic attacks its killing me and i think i just need someone to talk to</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "166213",
"thread_id": "15554",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
"author": "MrsHeather",
"content": "<p>One thing I've learned is <em>not</em> to fight it. If you have a panic attack and you fight it, it will be worse and last longer. If you choose not to fight it, it will still come, but it won't be as bad and pass quicker.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "166263",
"thread_id": "15554",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
"author": "limeBeechwood5092",
"content": "<p>I been having panic attacks for a month now it started at my job i had got a sharp pain in my head and started to feel dizzy faint weak in legs and so on i went to the hospital 3 time and they did ct ekg blood work everytime im fine so they called it panic attacks </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "166215",
"thread_id": "15554",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
"author": "MrsHeather",
"content": "<p>There's this <em>amazing</em> book I swear by. \"The Anxiety & Phobia Workbook\" by Edmund J. Bourne, PhD. It's really helped me a lot when I was dealing with my anxiety when it was at it's worst. I highly recommend it. You can probably get it at your local library or download it as an e-book. But it's one of those books that are worth owning if you can.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "166267",
"thread_id": "15554",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
"author": "limeBeechwood5092",
"content": "<p>Can you talk</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "166220",
"thread_id": "15554",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
"author": "MrsHeather",
"content": "<p>I don't know if we can talk as I am just a regular member and not a listener. I don't know if there's a private way that we can chat, but we can talk on this thread if you want.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "166270",
"thread_id": "15554",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
"author": "MrsHeather",
"content": "<p>I don't know if we can talk as I am just a regular member and not a listener. I don't know if there's a private way that we can chat, but we can talk on this thread if you want.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "166271",
"thread_id": "15554",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
"author": "limeBeechwood5092",
"content": "<p>How to get to sleep without panic attacks </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "166285",
"thread_id": "15554",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
"author": "MrsHeather",
"content": "<p>I'll listen to relaxing music, or nature sounds (like rain or a thunderstorm) on my ipod. If that doesn't help, I'll take a bath before bed with lot of candles lit and lots of bubbles (make it like a mini spa treat). Or I'll do some light reading to get my mind off of it. Sometimes making something (like sewing or crafts or drawing) helps get rid of all that built up negative energy.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "166288",
"thread_id": "15554",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
"author": "MrsHeather",
"content": "<p>If what I mentioned above doesn't help, I would honestly said do a 1-on-1 chat with a listener to help you unwind, vent or relax. That should help to lessen some of the worry, stress and anxiety enough for you to fall asleep. It's worked for me in the past. I think it could work for you. <img alt=\"smiley\" title=\"smiley\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "166299",
"thread_id": "15554",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackTriggerSleepiness_15554/"
] |
"author": "KeepYourHeadUp1",
"content": "I'm sure so many people here are very talented, don't let people's judgements stop you being yourself and exposing those talents. You are amazing at what you do, only your opinion matters.\n",
"date": "1422192603",
"thread_id": "17029",
"title": "Being Yourself - Only your opinion matters",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/BeingYourselfOnlyyouropinionmatters_17029/"
} | [
"author": "electricLove3",
"content": "<p>Thank you so much for this gentle reminder and kind message! I think most of us get so weighed down with comparing ourselves and absorbing others' opinions that we can lose sight of how important our opinion is. We are in control of how we feel about ourselves. Our thoughts and feelings influence our behavior, and we only give power to others' views if we allow it. We are brilliant and wonderful with so many beautiful gifts to share with the world, and as long as we remind ourselves of this, we have the power to positively shape the future!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "146151",
"thread_id": "17029",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/BeingYourselfOnlyyouropinionmatters_17029/"
"author": "KeepYourHeadUp1",
"content": "<p>You're welcome and you are so very true :)<3</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163743",
"thread_id": "17029",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/BeingYourselfOnlyyouropinionmatters_17029/"
"author": "EverlastingLove96",
"content": "<p>It is so hard for me to be myself. I just want everyone to like me and do what they want me to do. But I feel like I am loosing myself in the process.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "146515",
"thread_id": "17029",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/BeingYourselfOnlyyouropinionmatters_17029/"
"author": "KeepYourHeadUp1",
"content": "<p>I'm sorry to hear that, just be yourself. Never lose yourself, no matter what way you have to adjust to please others. And it's true, there are different approaches to different people, but we should never stop our true, beautiful essence from getting out. If you ever want to talk, let me know.Stay strong, I believe in you <3</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163805",
"thread_id": "17029",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/BeingYourselfOnlyyouropinionmatters_17029/"
] |
"author": "Kendyy124",
"content": "I did not have enough expeirence in my early years of being very social with others, my parents missed putting me in those situations. Now when I am around people my age, I find myself not knowing what to say or how to talk to them. I often wonder why people are social since in my lenses, I don't know how to maintain the connection.\n",
"date": "1424026192",
"thread_id": "18228",
"title": "Socially Delayed",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SociallyDelayed_18228/"
} | [
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>I used to feel the same way. When I started high school I felt like I literally didn't know how teens acted. But it does get more natural the more you get out there or even be around people & see how they interact, even if you're not a part of the conversation. It also helps to go to places & events for stuff you enjoy so you'll have a common interest to connect over. Also, you'd be doing something so there'd be less pressure to talk constantly & fill the silences</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163432",
"thread_id": "18228",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SociallyDelayed_18228/"
"author": "Oneday0",
"content": "<p>All my socializing experiences are around m family and close friends. \nIn my early years my family was very protective and didn't let us play outside the house. And that the reason why I feel very close to my family members and do not accept people easily \nWhen needing someone new I have to get use to them and I can't really function well around them. To the point were I would consider them part of \"family\" after some time which is missed up and not healthy.\nb/c these pp do not consider me as part of thir families and wouldn't care as if I were part of them and in the end I would feel sad deprived and used \n</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163459",
"thread_id": "18228",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SociallyDelayed_18228/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>I'm like that about deep stuff too. I used to bee like that about everything but I've been putting myself out there more talking to people at college & going to events for people w/ common interests & now I feel way more comfortable starting casual conversations w/ people. But for deep stuff I only feel comfortable telling people when we're super close & then I get way too attached to them. I can be emotionally needy because of SA & I feel like most people don't understand. But I'm realizing a lot of people feel like this in some form & it's not that uncommon, which helps. I'm trying to open up more to people I'm not super comfortable with. I still don't tell everyone everything & I don't think that's smart anyway but I'm trying to be more open about if something comes up in the conversation or there's something specific on my mind</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163722",
"thread_id": "18228",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SociallyDelayed_18228/"
] |
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "I have a hard time being myself at interviews & starting a new job because I'm pretty shy about talking about myself & I feel so awkward talking myself up. I have a self-deprecating sense of humor & it eases the tension in awkward situations. But sometimes people tell me to stop or they get offended by me bashing myself & things get more awkward. I have borderline autism & social anxiety & sometimes I feel like the only thing more awkward than joking about an awkward situation is not saying anything & letting it just be awkward. I'm the weird, crazy friend & I'm ok w/ that but idk if that would fly at a job. Plus, calling myself a crazy idiot all the time doesn't show people my skills & talents, but I feel so uncomfortable intentionally showing people. It feels so fake, like I'm pretending to be someone I'm not. Everyone tells me I need to get over my low self-esteem & be confident & promote myself but I feel like that would mean changing who I am and I'm totally ok w/ who I am now. The issue is it's probably not something people would want in a professional setting in the tech industry. I'm simple & down-to-earth & I don't like faking. I'm passionate & i like helping people but I don't like \"playing the game.\" I know these are all qualities people would appreciate in some situations but idk about my field. I feel like employers want a certain personality when they spring for a college degree. I'm a junior in college btw. I find my field fascinating & I don't wanna have to give it up but I also don't wanna have to give up my personality & be someone else. Sorry to write a novel lol\n",
"date": "1425545028",
"thread_id": "19099",
"title": "job search/starting a new job",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/jobsearchstartinganewjob_19099/"
} | [
"author": "daebabyyy",
"content": "<p>Yeah it sucks to have social anxiety and depression I even can't talk to my family properly I feel like I'm a stranger I just finished high school and now the thought of interviews for scholarships and pre-unientrance make me wanna die. Great result doesn't mean anything if you have this mental illness. This is not a way to live but way to die</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163455",
"thread_id": "19099",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/jobsearchstartinganewjob_19099/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>I'm so sorry you feel that way. I know it sounds like a lame cliche but this is really from experience. The applying/interviewing part was by far the most stressful for me. Actually starting college was a transition that took some getting used to but overall there was much more good than bad: more freedom, more mature & diverse friends, more cool stuff to do, classes that actually interest me. I know it can be overwhelming but depression and anxiety don't define you. You're way too awesome to be defined by 1 thing like that. Depression or anxiety is just 1 emotion. I know what it feels like when it drowns out everything else but you really can & will feel better & you're already on the right path moving forward with your life & seeking out things that will get you past this stage. It's hard & I'm proud of you, really. I felt pretty down at that phase too & I got through it by doing little things that made me happy & focusing on the little pleasures. Still how I get through the day sometimes. I make time to hang out w/ friends (or go places to meet people back when I didn't know anyone at school) & go to open mic's & campus events & stuff. I know the application phase sucks but college environments make it relatively easy to overcome depression (usually in bits & pieces, not overnight, but every time you feel a little better it feels great) because there's so much to do & it's a lot easier to meet people & bond over common interests. I used to have the hardest time going up to someone & starting a conversation but the chill college environment made it so much easier I barely feel anxious about it anymore. You are awesome in your own awesome way & your unique experiences, talents, skills, & qualities give you a unique perspective & ability to make an impact. Stay strong. The world needs you. But more importantly, you need you. I'm here for you & I really care. We can keep talking here or if you wanna talk in private I'd love to chat with you on my listener account. My listener name is igetcha. Message me anytime & I'll get back to you. Keep up the good work. It WILL pay off</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163714",
"thread_id": "19099",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/jobsearchstartinganewjob_19099/"
] |
"author": "Jessica80",
"content": "I am a very self-conscious person. I do everything by the internet or at home. Why? Because I have a really bad case of social anxiety. Slowly, but surely I am working to do more things in a public setting, but it is just not that easy for me.\n\nWhen I was a teen or even a young child I did not think twice about going someone by myself, but one even freaked me out that happened to me during my teen years. I went to the mall by myself and there was this older guy following me. He wasn't just going in the same direction as me, he followed me through the mall. I went down, actually ran down, an exit, across the parking lot into the grocery store, calling my mother. When he saw that I was on the phone he took off in the other direction. I do believe this was the start of my social anxiety. \n\nI know not everyone has ill intentions, but that really shook me up. I wondered if I did not know what to do when I thought someone, remember stranger danger day from school, if I would be here right now. Who knows what that guy intended? \n",
"date": "1424038899",
"thread_id": "18237",
"title": "Stop Staring at Me",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StopStaringatMe_18237/"
} | [
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I've had similar experiences & it is really scary. I keep pepper spray in my purse which helps. & you knew how to deal w/ the situation. You called your mom & the guy knew to ran away. You don't have to limit yourself out of fear. You aren't doing anything wrong. & if you ever end up in a situation like that again you can call 911. I'm serious. My dad called to ask for police patrol once when some kids were playing pranks w/ our doorbell. You deserve to feel safe. Stay strong & don't let some jerk who probably doesn't even remember you ruin your life</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163434",
"thread_id": "18237",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/StopStaringatMe_18237/"
] |
"author": "emmeshys",
"content": "I never tell people when I'm feeling down because I'm scared they'll get mad at me for being \"weak\", thinking I'm stupid, or just getting bored of my problems. And I have a lot of problems. Almost one every day. I don't even know if someone want's to talk to me.\nThey have to talk to me first, because I'm to scared to start a conversation.\nIt just scares me a lot.\n",
"date": "1424053062",
"thread_id": "18246",
"title": "to scared to tell",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/toscaredtotell_18246/"
} | [
"author": "whyme11",
"content": "<p>Dont be scared because you dont tell them. Some people that you tell wouldnt know how to feel because they dont understand about or know personally how these things make someone feel. You can talk to listeners on this site and tell them how you feel. They are good at making you feel better and they understand the things we go through.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "148301",
"thread_id": "18246",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/toscaredtotell_18246/"
"author": "emmeshys",
"content": "<p>thank you <: I hope to find a way to break out of my shell<br>And I believe this website could help</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "148657",
"thread_id": "18246",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/toscaredtotell_18246/"
"author": "doublelife",
"content": "<p>I know it's hard to talk about & some people get it & some don't. You'd be amazed how understanding some people are though. I've only told close friends mostly but sometimes it comes up naturally in the conversation. You don't have to tell everyone everything. A lot of the time I just tell people bits and pieces like being nervous about a presentation or starting a new job</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "163431",
"thread_id": "18246",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/toscaredtotell_18246/"
] |
"author": "LovePom",
"content": "I have a band concert tonight and I have two parts that are similar to solos. I feel so overwhelmed and my heart won't stop beating really fast. I almost lost it in band practice. I don't know how to keep from worrying so much. I feel like I'm going to ruin the whole performance and everyone will be mad and they'll make fun of me. It won't be the first time something like this happened >.<\n\nI just want to disappear so badly right now! :(\n",
"date": "1425336783",
"thread_id": "18977",
"title": "Anxiety Attack",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyAttack_18977/"
} | [
"author": "aquaWater8983",
"content": "<p>Don't worry u will be just fine just breathe and say I can do this if u miss a cord than just keep playing if kids laugh at u then let it flow off it shoulders every one gets nervous its ok to mess up don't worry u will perform very good and good luck</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "161306",
"thread_id": "18977",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyAttack_18977/"
"author": "LittlePenny",
"content": "<p>Before hand, or whenever you're feeling anxious, take some deep breaths. When I was in orchestra, if I messed up, I'd just play it off, ya know? I'm sure you'll do great, but if something happens, you can always try to make a joke of it, when people see you laugh at yourself for a simple mistake, they have a harder time holding it against you. If that makes sense.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "161314",
"thread_id": "18977",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyAttack_18977/"
"author": "LovePom",
"content": "<p>Thanks guys! I actually did excellent! It was really tough before I got there. I was shaking and breathing in a very strange way, but when I took yalls advice, I felt confident! Thank you<img width=\"20\" height=\"20\" title=\"heart\" alt=\"heart\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "161412",
"thread_id": "18977",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyAttack_18977/"
"author": "aquaWater8983",
"content": "<p>Great news made my night now I can rest knowing u did great ... My kids were the same way and in the end they were happy they followed through with concert just means ur strong and can overcome anything life throws in ur path</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "161515",
"thread_id": "18977",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyAttack_18977/"
"author": "LittlePenny",
"content": "<p>I am so happy to hear that! And congrats! And as Aquawater said, this shows that when things get tough, you have the strength to get through it! :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "162229",
"thread_id": "18977",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyAttack_18977/"
"author": "Bellaballerina101699",
"content": "<p>Omg. I'm freaking out! Im in high school and today my wallet was stollen! I have so much important info in it tht is so hard to replace! I want to scream and cry and idk what in the world to do. I reported it to the school, but I didn't hear anything from them. This sucks! It had this weeks lunch money in it too! Raaaaawr!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "162248",
"thread_id": "18977",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyAttack_18977/"
] |
"author": "Koohii",
"content": "School -> anxiety -> insomnia -> depression -> wanting to cut -> repeat.\n\nIt's the worst feeling.. To be so exhausted but unable to sleep.. It's only getting worse each passing day and I don't know what to do. \n",
"date": "1425368348",
"thread_id": "19006",
"title": "This cycle is killing me.",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Thiscycleiskillingme_19006/"
} | [
"author": "Tanuj",
"content": "<p>You know , to break a cycle always go for the weakest link.</p>\n<p>These cycles we go through , it's a cause-and-effect situation , right? , so try and identify the causes , ask yourself some questions....</p>\n<p>What is it at schoolthatscausing you anxiety?</p>\n<p>What are the ways using which you can handle your anxiety better?</p>\n<p>If you think getting some sleep might help the entire situation then it is possible to find a way to get some sleep?</p>\n<p>Sometimes anxiety is caused because of our point of view in a situation , try changing your perspective about the situation that's making you anxious...</p>\n<p>Am i making sense?</p>\n<p>I hope it gets better soon :)</p>\n<p>Take care!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "161622",
"thread_id": "19006",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Thiscycleiskillingme_19006/"
] |
"author": "SLJ",
"content": "Hey everyone,\n\nMy life is pretty good, I do a lot of things that I enjoy doing and I'm generally pretty happy,\nbut I do have social anxiety. I don't have any friends and I don't know any people that I trust enough to befriend. When I go outside or I go to the store or whatever it makes me feel really paranoid when theres a lot of people around me. I'm afraid to run into people I know or to interact with anyone. It makes me feel awkward and I just want to go back home as quickly as I can. I can feel it getting worse because I'm now wondering how I'm ever going to have a social life. I don't ever really miss having friends but it freaks me out that I don't have them, because no one is really there for me and that makes me feel a little scared and lonely sometimes. I guess I'm really isolated and I don't know how to deal with it or if I should break through and how\n",
"date": "1424978707",
"thread_id": "18764",
"title": "isolation",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/isolation_18764/"
} | [
"author": "None",
"content": "<p>I know what you mean. Over the last few years I have also felt very lonely. I have feel like I have lost a lot of friends and don?t have the social life I use too. Now when I go out I don?t feel confident in myself.<br>You say you do a lot of things? Are they hobbies? If so, you sound like quite a confident person. I suppose it is about taking it one step at a time. Keep exercising your tongue by trying to talk to everyone and everyone, even it is just to say hello.<br>I thought the same as you, I thought that I didn?t need friends, but trust me, it gets awfully lonely. Don?t make the same mistake I did. Get out there and take it one step at a time.<br></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157804",
"thread_id": "18764",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/isolation_18764/"
"author": "sashacass",
"content": "<p>I have social anxiety too and I get most of my social interaction on the internet. I would like to make friends but I am scared of having to go to social/activity clubs by myself and don't have the confidence to talk to strangers much. Plus I also get nervous taking the bus in the dark, which puts me right off going to evening events as I'd then have no choice but to get the bus in the dark. It's bad enough coming home from work on winter evenings!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "160422",
"thread_id": "18764",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/isolation_18764/"
"author": "LovePom",
"content": "<p>I feel the same way. My mom and friends are always trying to take me places, but I reject it b/c I feel scared to go somewhere in public. I hate it b/c I really can't even stand to be anywhere with people. I don't even like being in a room with my family. I'm just that paranoid. I really think you should talk to a professional about this so he/she can try to help you in anyway possible. It may take a while getting used to being around others, but Iknow that it's not possible. ^^</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "160435",
"thread_id": "18764",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/isolation_18764/"
] |
"author": "Ashley139",
"content": "Hello everyone and all, I hope you are well :)\n\nOkay, I'd like to issue a disclaimer before I start, not all of these tips are going to work for everyone. They are not my ideas but rather from this site (but Ill try summarising them here as well) http://www.realsimple.com/health/mind-mood/emotional-health/ten-ways-to-cope-with-anxiety. They are very outlandish and odd techniques that claim to work, but I offer them as suggestions if you are looking for more ideas on how to cope. (It also doesn't mention anxiety disorders so take care and heed caution, you hear? :) )\n\n1. Repeat your worry until you’re bored silly. \n\nBasically just repeat the worrying thought repeatedly until the thought is boring. Thoughts that promote anxiety tend to be emotionally invoking and you can't be invoked emotionally if youre bored by something! \n\n2. Make it worse.\n\nNow I was worried when I saw this (ironically...) but the mechanism looks much more helpful than the title suggests. This suggests that if you exaggerate the worry you are feeling and then apply your logical mind to what youve said; you realise it isn't as big as it first seems. (The article has some great examples). \n\n3. Don’t fight the craziness.\n\nReplace the word craziness with creativity and you might get the idea. Sometimes we imagine scenarios that we then worry about. Similar when you want to scream at the next person who speaks to you but then worry you will do that and hurt them? You shouldn't be afraid of these thoughts. Our minds are such creative tools that can potentially imagine every possible outcome. The thoughts that can worry us about what we might say or do are simply our minds entertaining themselves. Think of it like imagining yourself in a movie universe. You dont worry about that happening but our minds just wonder what would happen if such a thing would happen. Embrace your creativity!\n\n4. Turn your anxiety into a movie.\n\nSimilarly, if you have worriesome thoughts, you could instead try to imagine it as a movie you are seeing in a theatre starring YOU! If a thought doesn't go away just imagine it as a piece of fiction you wrote. It has no real basis in truth but you have filled the gaps with people and situations you recognise.\n\n5. Set aside worry time.\n\nAnxiiety is usually caused by a sudden event or thought. Giving it attentioon can ruin the next hour or day; and ignoring it can lead to unpleasant emotions and distraction. So why not have a worry time. It's a short period when you can sit down, maybe write down everything that is causing you trouble and walk yourself through them. Even just worry uncontrollably if you need; but at the end of that period it is gone again until the next day.\n\nThere are 5 more but they look like the advice that most sites offer and dont wish to bore you! I would suggest you read the article above and do more research into the ideas :) Also I apologise if they have been previously suggested o the forum.\n\nTake Care and Stay Strong Everyone ^_^\n",
"date": "1425037521",
"thread_id": "18803",
"title": "Cliched Anxiety Coping Mechanisms Not Working?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/ClichedAnxietyCopingMechanismsNotWorking_18803/"
} | [
"author": "Troubleshooter",
"content": "<p>Thanks! </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "158436",
"thread_id": "18803",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/ClichedAnxietyCopingMechanismsNotWorking_18803/"
] |
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "Hey everyone! This is a place for you to share how you are doing with your anxiety. Update daily or as often as you can.\n",
"date": "1424812965",
"thread_id": "18666",
"title": "How Are You Feeling?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/"
} | [
"author": "littleWalker2285",
"content": "<p>I'm gonna die one day from my anxiety</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155874",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Hi @littleWalker2285 I can see you are having a hard time, you aren't alone. Things will get better, i know the feeling of constant fear and self-consciousness is horrible. I believe in you though, keep living</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155911",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "SillySally",
"content": "<p>Feeling super stressed about the test we're having tomorrow at school. Feels like I'm gonnafail. Really hope it's not a test where I'll have to speak or discuss with someone. I always fail at those kind of tests.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155879",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>I hate those! I know how you feel, I have to present tomorrow in front of the entire class. I think you will do just fine, remember to take a deep breath and relax before and while you're taking it. Good luck @SillySally</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155914",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "SillySally",
"content": "<p>Thanks @musicmaniac and you are gonna do fine yourself</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156288",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "courtneyalexis",
"content": "<p>i feel nervous to wake up for school tomorrow when i know i have a bad day ahead of me.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155953",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Hey Courtney, try to think positively. It may not be the greatest day but it's going to happen. Just try and get it over with or maybe do something to turn it around. @courtneyalexis</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155967",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "courtneyalexis",
"content": "<p>thank you, this really helped. it's just hard when you have nothing to look forward to.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155972",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>No problem. I know it's hard but you can make it through tomorrow,I believe in you. @courtneyalexis</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155979",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "creativeLion138",
"content": "<p>Struggling with the loss of my old social worker moving away - still see her about every two months but when you get as close to your social worker as I did ! You find it hard to let go ! She was the best most amazing inspiring social worker ive ever met ! And it's hard getting to know my new social worker . On top of that figuring out what I want to do when I leave school in nearly 2 months now and arrgumentsat home . Very STRESSFULL!! Keep considering wheither I should cut or not ! Ive been 2 weeks clean ! Yes ! But its soo difficult ! Stay strong all love creativelion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156030",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Hey lion! That must be really hard for you, I'm sorry for your loss. Please try not to self-harm! You're doing so good! Don't break that streak. Loss is hard, but try to give your new social worker a chance. She may be just as good. @creativelion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156034",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "creativeLion138",
"content": "<p>Hello music , trust me she won't be the same ! People keep saying that maybe our relationship will be better but it won't cause it's not my old social worker ! No one could ever be her ! She was a one in a million & it broke my heart too see her go ! I didn't just love her my parents and sisters also did :) she was the only one who trully listened to our familey who understood ! She was amazing ! I can't say that it's been easy not to SelfHarm cause it hasn't ! It's been better but as tensions between me and my mum etc.) grow I wanna do it more !</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156044",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Stay strong. I'm again really sorry for your loss. It may not be the same, but she can probably still help you. It wont be the same, i get that, and that really sucks. Howevee i do believe that it will be okay. She wont be like your old social worker, but she could still be likeable. I hope it all works out well for you. @creativelion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156076",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "creativeLion138",
"content": "<p>Hey music! Don't be sorry these things happen and we just need to learn to cope and move on in life ! I knew that I couldn't hold on to her forever but wheither I move on or not will be another story for me ! I actually seen my social worker recently and she isn't as bad as I thought but yea won't be the same ! ThankYou for all your lovely support its ever so kind of you ! Hope your okay ? Here whenever you may need me ! With love @creativelion138</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156387",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Thank you Lion! I'm glad she wasn't as bad as you thought. I'm here for you anytime as well @creativeLion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156405",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "Everyoneissad",
"content": "<p>You know...I helevery1 ,and i say everytime its gonnabe OK! i swear.</p>\n<p>But i feel more upsed.I just wanna die.I feel if i die im gonnahave a happy death.</p>\n<p>and no one wanna help me..and i cry everytime for bed..like life is so bad..but iknow it isnt..that life i beautiful,but not right now.but when..?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156066",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Hey @everyoneissad I know life is hard and may be really bad for you right now but your life is worth living. Things will get better, maybe not tonight or tomorrow but they will eventually. You just have to keep living and making the most of it okay? You can do it.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156080",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "JustFloating",
"content": "<p>I am sad too</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156118",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "a1dot",
"content": "<p>I just got two \"listeners\" ending the session while I talking! I never said anything rude T.T , I know I sound like a lost case to them and it's pointless to waste their time on me, I know I deserved it, I just feel worse cause I came here for comfort or to feel less lonely and I know I'm pathetic and depressed and suicidal but I don't want to be ignored like this, I have enough people around me to do that ;-; I'm sorry for anyone who read this \n</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156113",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "JustFloating",
"content": "<p>I feel as though I'm a lost case too:/</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156120",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>@a1dot I care. You are not alone. You are not a lost cause. You did not deserve that. Leave a review for them, I'm sorry that happened. There are some really amazing listeners on this app sometimes it just takes time to find the right one. You are not pathetic, i promise. I won't ignore you. Please please please try another listener. I want you alive and on this earth and no matter what anyone says you are loved and wanted and people do care. I promise. You may not realize it, but they do.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156164",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "None",
"content": "",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156125",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "a1dot",
"content": "<p>Tbh I feel so done, I'm too tired of everything, I don't even feel like reaching for help anymore,iI just want to die right now, I'm so sorry</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156130",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "None",
"content": "",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156125",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "a1dot",
"content": "<p>Tbh I feel so done, I'm too tired of everything, I don't even feel like reaching for help anymore,iI just want to die right now, I'm so sorry</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156131",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "JustFloating",
"content": "<p></p>\n<p>I'm 23 own a home, 3 dogs, been in a 5 year loyal relationship and im feeling lonely, sad, unwanted, overwhelmed, and as though I'd like to crawl in a dark hole and be done.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156127",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Hey @JustFloating You are not alone. I understand exactly how you are feeling. Please don't give up yet though, we are all here for you. Have you tried talking to your loved one? I'm sure they deeply care about you and want you around. Don't give up on life just yet, you're young. Things will get better.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156162",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "Kuballa",
"content": "<p>I am way too angry all the time. I punch things I yell at people because I am so fustrated with life. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156129",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Hi @Kuballa Anger is a difficult emotion. I get it, sometiems it's best to just get counseling for that. I've done it, it helped me a ton. You just build up all that anger and explode right? Yelling and punching things won't solve the problem though. Maybe try looking up some healthier ways to let out your anger and calm down.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156167",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "ctysinger510",
"content": "<p>I feel like I love him so much but lately he feels a million miles away when he's right next to me and we haven't been on the same page for a couple weeks. I can't wait to marry him, I don't know what's going on with us. 😔</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156161",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>@ctysinger510 Congrats on your engagement! Sorry ifI misunderstood that. You could try sitting down and telling him exactly what you posted here if you want, let him know how you are feeling</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156169",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "benjaivo13",
"content": "<p>Just found out I have no current ability to have kids... Fml...</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156392",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "creativeLion138",
"content": "<p>Iam so sorry to hear this darling ! I hope your ok ? Remember if you can't have kids im sure that you'll always be very welcome to adopt kids and still have a happy successfull fulfilling future ! You deserve the best ! And im just so sorry that you had to go through this ! It must be very difficult ! Sending my love and hugs @creativelion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156394",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "benjaivo13",
"content": "<p>I did not expect a reply this quick, thanks and yeah, I'm considering adoption, thanks for your support!!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156396",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "creativeLion138",
"content": "<p>Ha I hope that's okay , your very welcome darling and I hope the adoption process goes well , wishing all the best for you ! @creativelion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156415",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "CaralineI",
"content": "<p>i really hate when imhaving a bad day with my anxiety and someone tells me to calm down. i know i need to calm down. my brain knows that my anxiety and irrational thoughts are silly but my body is not in sync and its frustrating and causes the anxiety to increase. i just want to function right.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157748",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>I know how you feel @CaralineI Its like you cant control what your feeling. You cant just calm down because you have anxiety and that makes you feel anxious and shaky and not okay. I wish i could function right too</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157833",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "benjaivo13",
"content": "<p>Out of the 18 years on this planet and I have never heard my dad say \"I love you\"...</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157758",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>That's sad. @benjaivo13 I'm sorry, that must be really hard for you</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157835",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "purpleSummer29",
"content": "<p>Im 14 and yesterday my parents said that they should divorce 10 years ago.... \nAnd im allready depressed and cut myself but my family still dont know.. And im trying to enter în a good, art highschool but with those fights of my parents i cant learn for tests... Noi im thinking my life pretty sucks </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157844",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Aw @purpleSummer29 I am so sorry about your parents, my friend is going through the same thing. Make sure they know how you feel about it and maybe tell them you're struggling to study because of their fighting. Please try not to harm yourself. I know it's hard, we are here for you.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157872",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "creativeLion138",
"content": "<p>I'm 15 and can sort of relate to what your going through . Their is a lot of stress in my familey more recently now as me and my mum get into arguments ! Or me and my sister I considered running away recently cause I feel like Iam to blame for all of the stress ! I also selfharm and relapsed today ! I'm not happy with myself but im ok with it ! I know I can be strong and fight on and I know you all can too <3 even you honey ! Hope your ok with love @creativelion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157904",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=1"
"author": "littleWalker2285",
"content": "<p>I'm gonna die one day from my anxiety</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155874",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Hi @littleWalker2285 I can see you are having a hard time, you aren't alone. Things will get better, i know the feeling of constant fear and self-consciousness is horrible. I believe in you though, keep living</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155911",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "SillySally",
"content": "<p>Feeling super stressed about the test we're having tomorrow at school. Feels like I'm gonnafail. Really hope it's not a test where I'll have to speak or discuss with someone. I always fail at those kind of tests.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155879",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>I hate those! I know how you feel, I have to present tomorrow in front of the entire class. I think you will do just fine, remember to take a deep breath and relax before and while you're taking it. Good luck @SillySally</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155914",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "SillySally",
"content": "<p>Thanks @musicmaniac and you are gonna do fine yourself</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156288",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "courtneyalexis",
"content": "<p>i feel nervous to wake up for school tomorrow when i know i have a bad day ahead of me.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155953",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Hey Courtney, try to think positively. It may not be the greatest day but it's going to happen. Just try and get it over with or maybe do something to turn it around. @courtneyalexis</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155967",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "courtneyalexis",
"content": "<p>thank you, this really helped. it's just hard when you have nothing to look forward to.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155972",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>No problem. I know it's hard but you can make it through tomorrow,I believe in you. @courtneyalexis</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "155979",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "creativeLion138",
"content": "<p>Struggling with the loss of my old social worker moving away - still see her about every two months but when you get as close to your social worker as I did ! You find it hard to let go ! She was the best most amazing inspiring social worker ive ever met ! And it's hard getting to know my new social worker . On top of that figuring out what I want to do when I leave school in nearly 2 months now and arrgumentsat home . Very STRESSFULL!! Keep considering wheither I should cut or not ! Ive been 2 weeks clean ! Yes ! But its soo difficult ! Stay strong all love creativelion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156030",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Hey lion! That must be really hard for you, I'm sorry for your loss. Please try not to self-harm! You're doing so good! Don't break that streak. Loss is hard, but try to give your new social worker a chance. She may be just as good. @creativelion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156034",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "creativeLion138",
"content": "<p>Hello music , trust me she won't be the same ! People keep saying that maybe our relationship will be better but it won't cause it's not my old social worker ! No one could ever be her ! She was a one in a million & it broke my heart too see her go ! I didn't just love her my parents and sisters also did :) she was the only one who trully listened to our familey who understood ! She was amazing ! I can't say that it's been easy not to SelfHarm cause it hasn't ! It's been better but as tensions between me and my mum etc.) grow I wanna do it more !</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156044",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Stay strong. I'm again really sorry for your loss. It may not be the same, but she can probably still help you. It wont be the same, i get that, and that really sucks. Howevee i do believe that it will be okay. She wont be like your old social worker, but she could still be likeable. I hope it all works out well for you. @creativelion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156076",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "creativeLion138",
"content": "<p>Hey music! Don't be sorry these things happen and we just need to learn to cope and move on in life ! I knew that I couldn't hold on to her forever but wheither I move on or not will be another story for me ! I actually seen my social worker recently and she isn't as bad as I thought but yea won't be the same ! ThankYou for all your lovely support its ever so kind of you ! Hope your okay ? Here whenever you may need me ! With love @creativelion138</p>\n<p></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156387",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Thank you Lion! I'm glad she wasn't as bad as you thought. I'm here for you anytime as well @creativeLion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156405",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "Everyoneissad",
"content": "<p>You know...I helevery1 ,and i say everytime its gonnabe OK! i swear.</p>\n<p>But i feel more upsed.I just wanna die.I feel if i die im gonnahave a happy death.</p>\n<p>and no one wanna help me..and i cry everytime for bed..like life is so bad..but iknow it isnt..that life i beautiful,but not right now.but when..?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156066",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Hey @everyoneissad I know life is hard and may be really bad for you right now but your life is worth living. Things will get better, maybe not tonight or tomorrow but they will eventually. You just have to keep living and making the most of it okay? You can do it.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156080",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "JustFloating",
"content": "<p>I am sad too</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156118",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "a1dot",
"content": "<p>I just got two \"listeners\" ending the session while I talking! I never said anything rude T.T , I know I sound like a lost case to them and it's pointless to waste their time on me, I know I deserved it, I just feel worse cause I came here for comfort or to feel less lonely and I know I'm pathetic and depressed and suicidal but I don't want to be ignored like this, I have enough people around me to do that ;-; I'm sorry for anyone who read this \n</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156113",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "JustFloating",
"content": "<p>I feel as though I'm a lost case too:/</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156120",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>@a1dot I care. You are not alone. You are not a lost cause. You did not deserve that. Leave a review for them, I'm sorry that happened. There are some really amazing listeners on this app sometimes it just takes time to find the right one. You are not pathetic, i promise. I won't ignore you. Please please please try another listener. I want you alive and on this earth and no matter what anyone says you are loved and wanted and people do care. I promise. You may not realize it, but they do.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156164",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "None",
"content": "",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156125",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "a1dot",
"content": "<p>Tbh I feel so done, I'm too tired of everything, I don't even feel like reaching for help anymore,iI just want to die right now, I'm so sorry</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156130",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "None",
"content": "",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156125",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "a1dot",
"content": "<p>Tbh I feel so done, I'm too tired of everything, I don't even feel like reaching for help anymore,iI just want to die right now, I'm so sorry</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156131",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "JustFloating",
"content": "<p></p>\n<p>I'm 23 own a home, 3 dogs, been in a 5 year loyal relationship and im feeling lonely, sad, unwanted, overwhelmed, and as though I'd like to crawl in a dark hole and be done.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156127",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Hey @JustFloating You are not alone. I understand exactly how you are feeling. Please don't give up yet though, we are all here for you. Have you tried talking to your loved one? I'm sure they deeply care about you and want you around. Don't give up on life just yet, you're young. Things will get better.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156162",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "Kuballa",
"content": "<p>I am way too angry all the time. I punch things I yell at people because I am so fustrated with life. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156129",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Hi @Kuballa Anger is a difficult emotion. I get it, sometiems it's best to just get counseling for that. I've done it, it helped me a ton. You just build up all that anger and explode right? Yelling and punching things won't solve the problem though. Maybe try looking up some healthier ways to let out your anger and calm down.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156167",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "ctysinger510",
"content": "<p>I feel like I love him so much but lately he feels a million miles away when he's right next to me and we haven't been on the same page for a couple weeks. I can't wait to marry him, I don't know what's going on with us. 😔</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156161",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>@ctysinger510 Congrats on your engagement! Sorry ifI misunderstood that. You could try sitting down and telling him exactly what you posted here if you want, let him know how you are feeling</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156169",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "benjaivo13",
"content": "<p>Just found out I have no current ability to have kids... Fml...</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156392",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "creativeLion138",
"content": "<p>Iam so sorry to hear this darling ! I hope your ok ? Remember if you can't have kids im sure that you'll always be very welcome to adopt kids and still have a happy successfull fulfilling future ! You deserve the best ! And im just so sorry that you had to go through this ! It must be very difficult ! Sending my love and hugs @creativelion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156394",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "benjaivo13",
"content": "<p>I did not expect a reply this quick, thanks and yeah, I'm considering adoption, thanks for your support!!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156396",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "creativeLion138",
"content": "<p>Ha I hope that's okay , your very welcome darling and I hope the adoption process goes well , wishing all the best for you ! @creativelion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156415",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "CaralineI",
"content": "<p>i really hate when imhaving a bad day with my anxiety and someone tells me to calm down. i know i need to calm down. my brain knows that my anxiety and irrational thoughts are silly but my body is not in sync and its frustrating and causes the anxiety to increase. i just want to function right.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157748",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>I know how you feel @CaralineI Its like you cant control what your feeling. You cant just calm down because you have anxiety and that makes you feel anxious and shaky and not okay. I wish i could function right too</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157833",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "benjaivo13",
"content": "<p>Out of the 18 years on this planet and I have never heard my dad say \"I love you\"...</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157758",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>That's sad. @benjaivo13 I'm sorry, that must be really hard for you</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157835",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "purpleSummer29",
"content": "<p>Im 14 and yesterday my parents said that they should divorce 10 years ago.... \nAnd im allready depressed and cut myself but my family still dont know.. And im trying to enter în a good, art highschool but with those fights of my parents i cant learn for tests... Noi im thinking my life pretty sucks </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157844",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "musicmaniac",
"content": "<p>Aw @purpleSummer29 I am so sorry about your parents, my friend is going through the same thing. Make sure they know how you feel about it and maybe tell them you're struggling to study because of their fighting. Please try not to harm yourself. I know it's hard, we are here for you.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157872",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
"author": "creativeLion138",
"content": "<p>I'm 15 and can sort of relate to what your going through . Their is a lot of stress in my familey more recently now as me and my mum get into arguments ! Or me and my sister I considered running away recently cause I feel like Iam to blame for all of the stress ! I also selfharm and relapsed today ! I'm not happy with myself but im ok with it ! I know I can be strong and fight on and I know you all can too <3 even you honey ! Hope your ok with love @creativelion138</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157904",
"thread_id": "18666",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowAreYouFeeling_18666/?p=0"
] |
"author": "Lexi9715",
"content": "I have a tumor in my brain and I'm getting another MRI I'm scared that if it grew or still the same size !! I'm worried panic attacks anxiety attack and scared . I need support . ",
"date": "1424893952",
"thread_id": "18710",
"title": "Benign cyst tumor in my brain ",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Benigncysttumorinmybrain_18710/"
} | [
"author": "AshleyLawrence",
"content": "<p>Anxiety is very difficult and very common. It may feel like it will never end but it will and you will be able to breathe :) concentrate on breathing and repeat \"I am stronger than this.\"</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156808",
"thread_id": "18710",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Benigncysttumorinmybrain_18710/"
"author": "Lexi9715",
"content": "",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156829",
"thread_id": "18710",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Benigncysttumorinmybrain_18710/"
"author": "izza",
"content": "<p>It can be a scary time Lexi , not knowing what could happen does leave a lot of room for \"what if..*negative thoughts* \" . But you need to ask yourself \"does this negative thinking really help me?\" The answer is no, See yes it is inevitable to have these thoughts initially and sadly that is something we cant control, but we can control is our mind set and our approach to difficult situations. Thebest thing you cold do right now is to think positive (yes this is easier said than done) look at the outcomes in a positive perspective and i promise you it really does help keep the fears and anxiety to a minimum. Stay strong and take care</p>\n<p>-Izza</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156865",
"thread_id": "18710",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Benigncysttumorinmybrain_18710/"
"author": "Roadie",
"content": "<p>I like that @izza and I agree with what you're saying wholeheartedly :)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "157282",
"thread_id": "18710",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Benigncysttumorinmybrain_18710/"
] |
"author": "EroclMTB",
"content": "Right now I am dealing with my girlfriend of only 2 and half months. Things were good for awhile as they usually are in the beginning. About 2 weeks ago she made a comment \" if you hurt me I will punch throat you. emjoi sumbals of fist, hammer, gun\" It through me back and scared me. I did confront her about it and she told me she was kind of kidding at first. As I couldn't get over it, she told me she was really kidding and asked if I thought she would really do that. I said I don't know. Now that , that is out of the way ( although i still have thoughts about it) Now it is her neediness that is starting to effect me, I am not so sure I can meet her needs. I spent the whole day Sunday fixing her tub and installed a new hot water heater and then saw her sunday night, and again monday night doing errands when she was getting ready to leave, apparently I wasn't giving her kisses she liked and telling her \" love ya\" instead of \" I love you\" We took about half hour before she actually left. It gives me anxiety to tell her how I feel anymore, which I know isn't safe nor the right thing to do. I just feel like I am stuck lately. \n\nI know my issues are expressing how I feel and confritations at times. I was getting better till the last ex closed up on me when I tried to talk to her about things. Now i am afraid again and afraid of hurting her. I am scared and so anxious about it all.\n",
"date": "1424888513",
"thread_id": "18707",
"title": "major anxiety",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/majoranxiety_18707/"
} | [
"author": "TransAm85",
"content": "<p>Yea your girlfriend is a nutcase. Women who act co dependant like that have had serious issues when they were young, so it effects their relationships also. I have serious relationship problems b/c I had a narcissistic mother. I'm married, but I'm cold and have a hard time showing feelings. But I'm not a scary one like that! Wow .. lol</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156734",
"thread_id": "18707",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/majoranxiety_18707/"
"author": "EroclMTB",
"content": "<p>See I used to be co-dependant myself, and have really learned to do things on my own. Once in awhile it is nice to have someone around to share things with, because it can get lonely but not a reason to cling to someone. I have this anxiety because I'm scared to even talk to her or break up.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156748",
"thread_id": "18707",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/majoranxiety_18707/"
"author": "niceGrapefruit6690",
"content": "<p>Co dependency oh dear.. That is always hard to deal with..but tolerating it is worse. Got to tell her.. And man up, if need be break up for your happiness. :/ </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156756",
"thread_id": "18707",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/majoranxiety_18707/"
"author": "EroclMTB",
"content": "<p>See I used to be co-dependant myself, and have really learned to do things on my own. Once in awhile it is nice to have someone around to share things with, because it can get lonely but not a reason to cling to someone. I have this anxiety because I'm scared to even talk to her or break up.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156794",
"thread_id": "18707",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/majoranxiety_18707/"
"author": "niceGrapefruit6690",
"content": "<p>Listen to your gut. And loving someone always puts a risk of being hurt. I don't get why she said that.. Obviously wants control in the relationship.. But not effective. Confront or move on! :/ nobody wants to be in an unhealthy relationship.. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "156751",
"thread_id": "18707",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/majoranxiety_18707/"
] |
"author": "bittybeth223",
"content": "I have a panic disorder and since I have started college it has gotten steadily worse. I'm a junior and at this point I am afraid to go to class on Tuesday and Thursday. I don't know why I had one negative feeling in that class and I now I get scared every time I think about going. I just want to end it all at this point. I see people who are happy and go there and I am scared just thinking about leaving my front door. I started medicine at the beginning of the semester that just made me want to sleep. I would sleep all day and lost all emotion or feeling for anything. I ended up alienating myself from my friends because I no longer felt emotional toward anybody. I ended it cold turkey so I could focus and wake up but now my symptoms are worse than ever. I just am afraid of people now. I get scared at the thought of being surrounded by them. A few months ago I loved people and hated being alone. I had to withdraw from 2 of my classes and now taking only 10 hours. Yet I am still too scared to even check my email because I know it will just be bad news and I don't think I can handle that. I used to bypass that by going directly to my professors rather than emailing them but now I'm too afraid to leave. I had friends who would help but now they eye me suspiciously like I'm crazy. Now I have become a recluse please what do I do?! \n\n \n",
"date": "1424375854",
"thread_id": "18430",
"title": "I'm scared to leave my apartment ",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Imscaredtoleavemyapartment_18430/"
} | [
"author": "luvtorun",
"content": "<p>I have panic disorder and I experienced something similar for a bit also my junior year. It's better to email your professors than nothing at all so I think it's great you are doing what you can and professors try to work with you on that:). Most do anyways. I think it's good to try to build a support system. See if ur campus has a center for students with disabilities and if ur campus provide free counseling. If its hard to get out see if ur first session can be done over the phone or if they offer online counseling. Prolly think about seeing a doc or psychiatrist bc meds r tricky and should be checked out. If something makes you that tired make sure you let your fox know bcthere r many diff things that could cause it. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "152794",
"thread_id": "18430",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Imscaredtoleavemyapartment_18430/"
"author": "luvtorun",
"content": "<p>try not to worry about what others r thinking. Put uriPod on if you need to go somewhere and can't stop the anxious thought. Guided imagery really helps... And pushing yourself to talk to someone while ur in panic mode can actually keep you calm. Just meeting a friend for 5 to 10 min on campus or a friendly hello to the local barista guy can make you feel at ease:). You will get back to yourself again. It may take a bit of time and extra effort but you can do it! 7cups is here to support you:)</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "152800",
"thread_id": "18430",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Imscaredtoleavemyapartment_18430/"
"author": "MichaelaS",
"content": "<p>I would highly encourage you to speak to your doctor about how you feel. While I know you are terribly afraid of people, your doctor at least will be here to help you and can be someone to confide in. I would trust him or her to put you on a better medicine and get everything adjusted, Best of luck to you!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "152991",
"thread_id": "18430",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Imscaredtoleavemyapartment_18430/"
] |
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