{ "author": "creativeBirch7465", "content": "Hi everyone,", "date": "1443214370", "thread_id": "30121", "title": "Too Scared to Speak", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/TooScaredtoSpeak_30121/" }
[ { "author": "TransAm85", "content": "<p>Wow .. this is a very interesting story and my heart goes out to you. I can relate to parts of it, but not so far as to where I cannot speak. I am a very hostile around men, due to my father's abuse to my mother, so I developed a tendency to speak when spoken to by a man, service them, and be faithful. It is quite twisted I must admit. I went to Catholic schools my entire life as well and my teachers would use a belt or the broom! I remember Sister Rita spanking me before going to detention </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "398770", "thread_id": "30121", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/TooScaredtoSpeak_30121/" } ]
{ "author": "meneak74", "content": "Hi I am a 30 year old anxious, depressive, agoraphobe. I am getting married in two weeks and I couldnt be happier or more excited about it. On the other hand, I am scared to death of all the people I will have to deal with on that day. Yes, I will know a good majority of them, but the thought of all those people in one space and I am the main focus freaks me out.", "date": "1443147016", "thread_id": "30084", "title": "An Agoraphobe's Nightmare", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnAgoraphobesNightmare_30084/" }
[ { "author": "professionalPerspective60", "content": "<p>💒💐💒💐💒💐💒💐💒💐💐💐💐💐💒💐</p>\n<p>First of all YOUR GETTING MARRIED!!! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "398288", "thread_id": "30084", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnAgoraphobesNightmare_30084/" } ]
{ "author": "Elinxs27", "content": "Anyone else have this and if so, is there a name for it? I do things even unconsciously because I'm afraid of being thought weird or stupid. I say and do things at the wrong time sometimes so I've grown to feel afraid of being myself kind of if that makes any sense\n", "date": "1442962948", "thread_id": "29989", "title": "fear of rejection?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/fearofrejection_29989/" }
[ { "author": "orangekitty", "content": "<p>I definitely have that as well. It's very difficult for me to speak or express myself as I'm scared of being rejected. (I also have relationship-based ocd).</p>\n<p>What has kind of helped me (encouraged by my therapist) is thinking of reasons why I am worth listening to and that I am valid and worthy of love and all that stuff. It helped me somewhat, and hopefully it will help you :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "395658", "thread_id": "29989", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/fearofrejection_29989/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>I have pathological fear of rejection and abandonment, it all comes from BPD for me. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "397423", "thread_id": "29989", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/fearofrejection_29989/" } ]
{ "author": "Samantharenee", "content": "I have suffered from a fear of storms since I was a kid, but I could always manage it. However, this past year, it has become severe. It has gotten to the point where I couldn't go outside if there was even one dark cloud, any sort of wind on a bright and sunny day made me anxious. If a storm did roll through, I would break down crying, hide, and hyperventilate. I finally went to a doctor which is a huge step for me because I have a fear of them as well and was put on Zoloft. Its kind of helping, but I still have a fear of it!\n", "date": "1441379117", "thread_id": "28844", "title": "Severe Phobia of Storms", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/SeverePhobiaofStorms_28844/" }
[ { "author": "None", "content": "<p>It will be better for couple weeks. How do you feel now ?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "387496", "thread_id": "28844", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/SeverePhobiaofStorms_28844/" }, { "author": "affectionateBeechwood3335", "content": "<p>how's it going? i too have developed an intense fear of storms and get crazy anxious if the sky goes grey. i dread thunder etc and because storms happen in the middle of the night that makes thing so much worst as i live on my own and can hardely </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "397042", "thread_id": "28844", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/SeverePhobiaofStorms_28844/" } ]
{ "author": "calibeachgrl13", "content": "I live near the beach so I find it ironic that I am afraid of the ocean. I am afraid of drowning and tsunamis.", "date": "1443031481", "thread_id": "30019", "title": "Fear on drowning ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearondrowning_30019/" }
[ { "author": "DHawks", "content": "<p><strong><span style=\"color:#4B0082;\">@calibeachgrl13</span></strong><span style=\"color:#696969;\">, it isn't ironic, infact it could be a valid explanation, you've seen how powerful the ocean can be and that's why you're afraid.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"color:#696969;\">Maybe that isn't the reason, maybe you're just scared of it and that's okay as well, we all have our fears and you owning upto yours gives you more power.</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"color:#4B0082;\">Pssh, I'm </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "396370", "thread_id": "30019", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearondrowning_30019/" }, { "author": "Neverbloom", "content": "<p>I can sympathize with you; I have a fear of drowning and a fear of water in general. I hate being in deeper water if it's not my idea. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "396391", "thread_id": "30019", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Fearondrowning_30019/" } ]
{ "author": "maroonballoon", "content": "I used to be easy going. I laughed when I failed a test, and I smiled when I didn't win a medal. Don't get me wrong.", "date": "1442934356", "thread_id": "29976", "title": "Fear of Failure ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/FearofFailure_29976/" }
[ { "author": "None", "content": "<p>How do you feel in general ? People who don't feel well feel pressure from every aspect of their life, even the littlest one, so I can understand what you're talking about. How long you've been feeling like everyone expects from you very much ?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "395333", "thread_id": "29976", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/FearofFailure_29976/" }, { "author": "braveOak6100", "content": "<p>Everyday I feel like I am failing someone and they all expect me to be doing twice </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "395356", "thread_id": "29976", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/FearofFailure_29976/" }, { "author": "Manga30", "content": "<p>I'm sorry you feel this way. I understand exactly how it feels. You give 110 % all the time but people want 120% and dont ever stop to ask how your doing? If you have a bad day then everyone gets hurt and upset because your not caring for them. They just expect theyre </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "395387", "thread_id": "29976", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/FearofFailure_29976/" }, { "author": "TransAm85", "content": "<p>I understand you completely. But you are still young, so you have time to learn that worrying about other people's input/opinion really won't matter in your future. I used to care so much what other people/friends thought when I was your age and it does put a lot of stress on a person. But .. when you turn 18 and get your own apartment and are going to college, will those people be paying your rent and phone bill? No. So don't worry about them. Put your all into school and your hobbies b/c that is what's going to make you succeed. Spending all day on Facebook isn't going to help. I know you have many goals. So .. go for it! :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "395575", "thread_id": "29976", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/FearofFailure_29976/" } ]
{ "author": "brightfox7", "content": "I had been in discussion over a business matter with someone. She felt like the project wasn't progressing as she hoped and decided to close it down. I had worked on things to her specifications, so she offered me a partial payment. I sent an email last weekend saying I'd submit paperwork and invoice on Monday but never did. I had received additional bad news and it sent me into a pretty bad anxiety and depression spiral for about five days. I finally began to feel better yesterday but then the guilt and the fear of what to say to her and how not to burn a professional bridge with this started attacking me.\n\nHow should I approach sending this paperwork in/invoice? How much do I say? Do I say I received bad news and was handling a private matter and apologize profusely for being late to respond?\n", "date": "1442787001", "thread_id": "29890", "title": "Advice on handling this situation?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Adviceonhandlingthissituation_29890/" }
[ { "author": "affableStrawberries3601", "content": "<p>Sorry to hear this happened. I would keep it short and simple and say you've just been caught up with work over the past few days. I don't think you need to mention the bad news. Are you a freelancer? I am and I've definitely sent invoices late and it's never seemed to be a bother to anyone, no complaints, etc. I've also been on the other side - waiting to receive invoices from freelancers and would never be annoyed if they sent one in after a few days</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "393730", "thread_id": "29890", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Adviceonhandlingthissituation_29890/" } ]
{ "author": "diligentOrange3226", "content": "A very bad day, so far. Can't stop crying. Feeling overwhelmed. Just want to crawl into my hole and pull it in behind me. Make it stop. Please make it stop.\n", "date": "1442685306", "thread_id": "29833", "title": "bad dayM", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/baddayM_29833/" }
[ { "author": "kyleaustindunn", "content": "<p>Same.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "392489", "thread_id": "29833", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/baddayM_29833/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>can feel ya guys :(</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "392514", "thread_id": "29833", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/baddayM_29833/" }, { "author": "DHawks", "content": "<p><span style=\"color:#696969;\">*sneaks into the room and gives</span> <span style=\"color:#4B0082;\"><strong>@diligentOrange3226</strong></span>, <strong><span style=\"color:#4B0082;\">@Soullessbitch123</span></strong> <span style=\"color:#696969;\">and</span> <span style=\"color:#4B0082;\"><strong>@FuturePsychologist2</strong></span> <span style=\"color:#696969;\">a group hug*</span></p>\n<p><span style=\"color:#696969;\">Bad </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "392539", "thread_id": "29833", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/baddayM_29833/" } ]
{ "author": "Dzejvi", "content": "Hello, my GAD sufferers ! :) I suffer from this, so I wanna hear your experience with it. \nHow do you deal with it ? What are your symptoms ?\n\nIf you cured it, tell us about it.\nI cured it but now I feel like it's coming back and I can't control it. But okay, I accept that, I have a problem - so what, let's go to solve it.\n\nI just wanna hear your experience, dear people.\n\nLots of love,\nElizabeth \n \n", "date": "1415396536", "thread_id": "7373", "title": "F41.1 - GAD - Generalized anxiety disorder", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/F411GADGeneralizedanxietydisorder_7373/" }
[ { "author": "Kristynsmama", "content": "<p>I have GAD really bad. I function pretty well despite my anxiety. I clench my jaws really bad as a result. I have to take medicine to help with my anxiety.</p>\n<p>medicine, deep breathing, meditation, yoga, and acupuncture have all helped.</p>\n<p>~Angel</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "78110", "thread_id": "7373", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/F411GADGeneralizedanxietydisorder_7373/" }, { "author": "Nbvx", "content": "<p>Hi!! I have GAD and it manifests in a lot of ways - stress, crying, I used to even scratch myself raw in my sleep. It was pretty intense, but I found that exercising helps. I also tried to find some creative outlets to see if I could get tangible results from my anxiety. I started doing arts and crafts and making resources for myself to anchor my mind back down when I am panicking. I made a \"panic box\" (a decorated shoe box) full of anchors - photos of loved ones, comfort items, etc. They help a lot. Reading and writing and journaling (by hand) helps too. If it's getting very very bad I try to go to the beach or to a very vast and expansive place in nature to remind me that I am a teeny tiny part of something beautiful and big. It's fun!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "78528", "thread_id": "7373", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/F411GADGeneralizedanxietydisorder_7373/" }, { "author": "magique", "content": "<p>I've never done this before, so please bear with me. I've been diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder since I was 9, and medicated about then too. It's been 11 years and sometimes it feels like there's been no help at all. My parents are my rock. I can call them whenever and just talk about what I'm feeling and they are there for me and don't judge me. But that's about it when it comes to support. I've tried friends, but they there's always something. Sometimes they understand but they are </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "390907", "thread_id": "7373", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/F411GADGeneralizedanxietydisorder_7373/" } ]
{ "author": "stydia", "content": "I refuse to use public restrooms. The toilets are always disgusting no matter where I go. Blood and other excretions are always smeared on the walls, toilets AND door handles and there are large insects stuck to the walls and they're every shade of disgusting. This often means I hold it for several hours, dehydrating myself so I don't wet myself or create an emergency where I have to use one. I often have to go straight to work from school, so I don't know how I'm going to function with my new life schedule anymore and I'm having difficulty adjusting to apocalyptic proportions.\n", "date": "1442256861", "thread_id": "29568", "title": "Public restrooms", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Publicrestrooms_29568/" }
[ { "author": "snofdrop", "content": "<p>Similar to you I suffer from hating small spaces and public toilets are the main culprit, they send me into panic attacks and I have to hold it in too, over the years I've got used to it but I'm not finding it easy with being at uni all day.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "387865", "thread_id": "29568", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Publicrestrooms_29568/" }, { "author": "stydia", "content": "<p>I'm in community college and it's rapidly destroying me. The anxiety I get from simply the concept of school shuts down my parasympathetic nervous system and I find myself having digestive issues (at the risk of TMI: constipation-chronic or functional, etc.) and just being in the social setting terrifies me to a point where I want to burst into tears or scream. Is it that bad for you?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "387865,nil" ], "post_id": "387878", "thread_id": "29568", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Publicrestrooms_29568/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>This sounds like a serious thing. Are you afraid only from public restrooms or from any small place such as elevator for example..? </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "388995", "thread_id": "29568", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Publicrestrooms_29568/" }, { "author": "stydia", "content": "<p>Elevators are fine. I just have an intense, phobic dread of public restrooms because of their condition and the lack of sterility. It's quite nauseating. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "388995,nil" ], "post_id": "389330", "thread_id": "29568", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Publicrestrooms_29568/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>Then it does sound like a phobia, because it's seriously ruining your daily life. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "389330,388995,nil" ], "post_id": "389567", "thread_id": "29568", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Publicrestrooms_29568/" } ]
{ "author": "Lotusflowers", "content": "", "date": "1442354281", "thread_id": "29619", "title": "Anxiety explained ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/Anxietyexplained_29619/" }
[ { "author": "Raylen", "content": "<p>@Lotusflowers</p>\n<p>Woaah that's a great post, thanks for writing this thread ! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "389076", "thread_id": "29619", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/Anxietyexplained_29619/" }, { "author": "Lotusflowers", "content": "<p>You're very welcome! Hopefully it's helpful and easy to read/understand as well. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "389076,nil" ], "post_id": "389085", "thread_id": "29619", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/Anxietyexplained_29619/" } ]
{ "author": "MandyCandy0512", "content": "Feeling really anxious right now. Can't stop thinking about everything that's happened and having a hard time dealing with now. Really can't focus on work and am afraid to go home. I can feel an anxiety attack coming on. I don't think I can handle this.\n", "date": "1441291059", "thread_id": "28796", "title": "How I'm Feeling", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowImFeeling_28796/" }
[ { "author": "HisBestFriend1030", "content": "<p>Hey there! I reached out to ya! maybe I can be your listener. We need to set a chat time :). Hang in there. We al have our bad days but it'll get better. I felt similar when it came to the work issue so maybe I can help calm you. :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "375468", "thread_id": "28796", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowImFeeling_28796/" }, { "author": "Raylen", "content": "<p>Mandy I'm sorry that you're feeling that way maybe you should try your coping mechanisms for attacks ? If you don't have any you can use one of mine, they helps me a lot when I'm anxious, here they are : </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "375473", "thread_id": "28796", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowImFeeling_28796/" }, { "author": "AdVictoriam", "content": "<p>@MandyCandy0512</p>\n<p>Here's my go-to guided mindfulness video. It's only 5 minutes long and it's <em>immensely </em></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "375665", "thread_id": "28796", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowImFeeling_28796/" }, { "author": "heartsNcupcakes", "content": "<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "375872", "thread_id": "28796", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowImFeeling_28796/" }, { "author": "MandyCandy0512", "content": "<p>Thanks. I really appreciate that.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "375872,nil" ], "post_id": "376662", "thread_id": "28796", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowImFeeling_28796/" }, { "author": "Izzyrecoversforever", "content": "<p>Hey please message me if you need anything at all. I have struggled with the same things in the past and I always use meditation as guide through my anxiety. I would try using a meditation app. YOU ARE AMAZING. DON'T FORGET IT.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "382121", "thread_id": "28796", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowImFeeling_28796/" }, { "author": "Chiaroscuro1", "content": "<p>I've slowly been withdrawing more and more. Stopped going out of the house, then started just staying in my room. So today i thought - maybe it won't be as bad as i think. Let me give it a try, and i went to the mall with my sister. It wasn't too busy and we didn't have a lot to do. But i feel like i've now just remembered why i don't go outside and won't try it again anytime soon.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "387618", "thread_id": "28796", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowImFeeling_28796/" }, { "author": "MandyCandy0512", "content": "<p>Posted by <a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/@Chiaroscuro1\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\"><strong>@Chiaroscuro1</strong></a> - it's not easy getting up everyday. I so badly want to go home and hide in a corner. Really don't want to be around people right now. How are you today?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "387618,nil" ], "post_id": "388572", "thread_id": "28796", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowImFeeling_28796/" }, { "author": "Chiaroscuro1", "content": "<p>I hear you. Fortunately i don't have to go anywhere. My therapist asked me to just get dressed everyday. So i got dressed. But i'm in my room. I thought I'd try another step forward and wait for my mom to eat with her instead of alone. But she coudn't eat with me. Other appointment. So i've been in my room all day. Makes me feel better. I've tried to join some of the chatrooms, take part. I thought that should also count as a kind of \"going out\". What do you do when you don't want to b around people but you have to be? How do you cope with it?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "388572,387618,nil" ], "post_id": "388585", "thread_id": "28796", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/HowImFeeling_28796/" } ]
{ "author": "Mikmar11", "content": "I used to be terrified of any kind of social interaction - from group work in school, to casual chit-chat with one of my classmates. I've been getting over that fear recently.\n\nHowever one thing that I can't seem to triumph is my fear of crowds. If it's an oral presentation, I can usually manage because I know that I have to do it. But if whether or not I stand out is my choice, and my choice alone? I avoid it like the plague.\n\nI don't like standing out in any way shape or form. Speaking in public, making loud sudden noises (accidently dropping something) , and especially dancing.\n\nI always feel as though I need to keep my head down, as to remain invisible to everyone around me. It's as if I'm in an exam room, and I will fail \"the test\" by simply looking at anybody around me.\n\nI guess deep down, I just have this fear of being judged. and I mean, it really shouldn't matter in classes of 30+ people. It's not really possible to be liked by everybody.\n", "date": "1429609517", "thread_id": "21519", "title": "Agoraphobia", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Agoraphobia_21519/" }
[ { "author": "okomglolwtf", "content": "<p>i had this</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "203740", "thread_id": "21519", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Agoraphobia_21519/" }, { "author": "junesprout", "content": "<p>I struggle with this too. What I found that helped me was to remind myself that most people are so inside their own heads (thinking, planning), or absorbed by who they're with that they hardly even notice other people. I found this to be especially true in public settings such as restaurants or malls.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "214072", "thread_id": "21519", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Agoraphobia_21519/" }, { "author": "Mikmar", "content": "<p>That mentality has helped me get over my fear of presenting a concept to a room of people. In a school setting, most of the listeners are bored students who couldn't care less about what you have to say. and so I don't really think much of them anymore.However,I still tend to avoid groups of friends. (again, in a class setting) . I feel like an intruder. Someone who is unwelcome amongst their circle.</p>\n<p>I'm sure that it's just a bit of irrational thinking on my part, but I can never really be sure. Most people will be nice, regardless of what they truly think of you. It's that lack of understanding that really frightens me. I want people to be straight up with me - I can take some criticism. Though, it appears that itis unconventional to do that.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "214072,nil" ], "post_id": "214793", "thread_id": "21519", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Agoraphobia_21519/" }, { "author": "uglyPandaMan", "content": "<p>I have this as well. Started with depression and then this and avpd..</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "307224", "thread_id": "21519", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Agoraphobia_21519/" }, { "author": "stydia", "content": "<p>I feel the same way. I'm 21 and my mother is beginning to call me a \"hermit\" because I'm most comfortable and functional at home and it's dehumanizing.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "387864", "thread_id": "21519", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Agoraphobia_21519/" } ]
{ "author": "AutumnSunset23", "content": "Taking Steps to Manage Stress:\n1. Track your stressors. Keep a journal for a week or two to identify which situations create the most stress and how you respond to them. ...\n2. Develop healthy responses. ...\n3.Establish boundaries. ...\n4.Take time to recharge. ...\n5.Learn how to relax. ...\n6.Talk to your supervisor/advisor/counselor. ...\n7. Get further support (from friends, family, coworkers, others in school, or from a counseling center/therapy)\n\nDealing with School Stress:\n\nhttp://powertochange.com/students/academics/managestress/\n\nhttp://campusmindworks.org/students/self_care/managing_stress.asp\n\nhttp://psychcentral.com/lib/the-stressed-out-college-student/\n\nDealing with Work Stress:\n\nhttp://www.apa.org/helpcenter/work-stress.aspx\n\nhttp://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/stress-at-work.htm\n\nhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/jennagoudreau/2013/03/20/12-ways-to-eliminate-stress-at-work/\n", "date": "1441818812", "thread_id": "29323", "title": "Managing Stress at Work/School", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ManagingStressatWorkSchool_29323/" }
[ { "author": "helpfulOwl7658", "content": "<p>What would you </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "383806", "thread_id": "29323", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ManagingStressatWorkSchool_29323/" }, { "author": "TranquilSkye30", "content": "<p>@helpfulOwl7658</p>\n<p>Hey! I can definitely see how that would become frustrating. Have you thought about mentioning it to your boss/manager? Maybe let them know that you don't think you need him to be there to train you, that you got it now!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "383806,nil" ], "post_id": "385295", "thread_id": "29323", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ManagingStressatWorkSchool_29323/" }, { "author": "stydia", "content": "<p>What happens when so much pressure is forced on you by external sources and other individuals that you cannot take time to relax/destress/heal yourself or breathe?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "387853", "thread_id": "29323", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/ManagingStressatWorkSchool_29323/" } ]
{ "author": "conscientiousTurtle7794", "content": "So I've never had an anxiety attack exactly. For me it's generally more of an all the time, constantly strung-out thing that makes it really hard to focus on or finish anything. I pace and fidget *a lot*, I chew my lip, I rarely get hungry, and I procrastinate something awful. But I was thinking - I've heard people talk about trying to think of their depression as a separate entity, and I was wondering if that might work for anxiety too.\n\nI guess in a way depression/anxiety could be like a form of expression in itself, proving the point that there is something wrong/missing in your life - but you can't quite articulate what that thing is without explaining your whole life story in excruciating detail. The search for that missing piece becomes a part of your identity and self-expression, and the more you try and think of a \"solution\" the more apparent that absence becomes, as do the symptoms.\n\nSo how do you separate the anxiety from your sense of identity?\n", "date": "1441500145", "thread_id": "29090", "title": "Not Letting the Anxiety Define You", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/NotLettingtheAnxietyDefineYou_29090/" }
[ { "author": "Lemontime20", "content": "<p>Hmm that's interesting, I never thought about it that way. Maybe if people thought about it like that it might reduce the anxiety since it seems people feel really low about feeling anxiety and that low self esteem feeds more anxiety so it's an ongoing cycle. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "383074", "thread_id": "29090", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/NotLettingtheAnxietyDefineYou_29090/" }, { "author": "inventiveEyes40", "content": "<p>This is my entire life in 1 paragraph </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "383109", "thread_id": "29090", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/NotLettingtheAnxietyDefineYou_29090/" }, { "author": "TheSeer", "content": "<p>Lovely thread &lt;3<br><br><br>\nThis is certainly a topic I'll be thinking over for quite some time, but my unfiltered answer would be...<br><br>\nWell, I have a natural disdain for labels and I try to look at them from a distance, realizing that they inform me about portions about myself and serve to EXPLAIN behavior rather than dictate it.<br><br>\nThe more I think about all the lovely little nuances that make me ME, the less anxious I feel, the more grounded. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "384520", "thread_id": "29090", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/NotLettingtheAnxietyDefineYou_29090/" }, { "author": "conscientiousTurtle7794", "content": "<p>This is probably going to sound pretty negative at first, but please bear with me:</p>\n<p>From the time everyone's little, we all know to cry, pout, throw a fit, or panic whenever it seems like there's no answers or everything's out of our control. I don't think that's something anyone outgrows any more than crying out in pain from an actual physical blow.</p>\n<p>On the other hand, those behaviors can become self-destructive and all-consuming without some way to tell the difference between those who can't help versus those who won't. For different people, that's probably going to mean something different.</p>\n<p><em>For people with anxiety, I think having some sort or structure or a way to mark progress helps a lot. </em>You can't progress at anxiety without finding new ways to hold yourself back from something else.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "386194", "thread_id": "29090", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/NotLettingtheAnxietyDefineYou_29090/" } ]
{ "author": "fangirl01", "content": "I'm scared of plenty of things like spiders, clowns, flying, death, being alone, getting kidnapped, and the dark. But one of my worst fears is the ocean.\n\nAbout a year or two ago I started having nightmares. It was always a different surrounding, and a different scenario, but it had the same outcome. I would be at a beach. I would be playing in the sand, or eating, or walking in the water. Then a tsunami would hit.\n\nIn my first dream I was playing in the sand with two other little girls. Then someone screamed \"TSUNAMI!\" Everyone around me ran. I tried to run but it was like my feet were glued to the ground. I looked up and saw a humongous tidal wave. It was about to crash, but I woke up. In another one, me, my mom, and my brother escaped. But we couldn't find my dad. And one of the worst ones I had was where there was a mountain directly behind the beach so we had nowhere to run.\n\nThese dreams have effected my reality. Now I am deathly afraid of the ocean. But we take a trip to the beach each year. These dreams had effected me so much that I actually asked my parents if I could just stay at the house while they went to the beach. My mom asked me to research tsunamis first, saying that sometimes knowing more about your fear can make it go away. I looked up facts about them, but it made me feel worse. I read about the height, how fast they could travel, etc. I knew that tsunamis were rare but they still freaked me out. And one of the worst things I read was that a tsunami was a series of tidal waves, each bigger and worst than the former. I had thought it was just one tidal wave.\n\nI told my mom about how it was worse and I didn't have to go to the beach, I could just stay at the beach house while they went. For most of the trip, I was fine. But if I were near the ocean, I would get nervous and shaky. I would always check to make sure there wasn't some tidal wave about to hit.\n", "date": "1441364233", "thread_id": "28839", "title": "Dreams", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Dreams_28839/" }
[ { "author": "limegreenCar9781", "content": "<p>I think I </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "376544", "thread_id": "28839", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Dreams_28839/" }, { "author": "Wanderer4", "content": "<p>I have the same kind of dreams over and over. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "376572", "thread_id": "28839", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Dreams_28839/" }, { "author": "Pandette", "content": "<p>Dreams can be really interesting. I know two people who are close to me that have dreams which inevitably come true. Example, my cousin had a dream I was getting yelled at in the kitchen by my mother for not wanting to cook (Indian family). Well, it happened, I was wearing the same outfit as was my mother and it was in the exact same spot. Weird, huh? </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "376729", "thread_id": "28839", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Dreams_28839/" }, { "author": "LoneWolfAshes96", "content": "<p>I often dream flashbacks. The weirdest dream I had recently was someone bringing a wolf pup to me and telling me its my son. He could talk and shift back and forth between human and wolf. It was very weird</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "376732", "thread_id": "28839", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Dreams_28839/" }, { "author": "NotAMarilyn", "content": "<p>I often have dreams relating to whatever it is I am worrying about and in those dreams I end up being confronted with my fears, no matter how big or small they are. It's always a bit upsetting when in my dreams I manage to overcome my worries and then I wake up and they all come rushing back.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "385892", "thread_id": "28839", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Dreams_28839/" } ]
{ "author": "Jlawson118", "content": "My anxiety only started off with the odd stomach problem last summer and now it's just spread out, getting worse and affecting me mentally as well as", "date": "1441139771", "thread_id": "28669", "title": "I need professional help..", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Ineedprofessionalhelp_28669/" }
[ { "author": "Lotusflowers", "content": "<p>Of course looking for help is scary. You're accepting that there is something wrong, and that on itself is a big step to take. But it's a very important one as well. Maybe you can talk about it with someone you really trust in your family? Or write it down in a letter, to make it easier (not face-to-face).</p>\n<p>Therapy is very different for everybody. Mostly CBT is used for anxiety treatment. This is Cognitive Behavioural </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "385741", "thread_id": "28669", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Ineedprofessionalhelp_28669/" } ]
{ "author": "Faces123", "content": "I wasn't too sure which forum", "date": "1439754615", "thread_id": "27839", "title": "Potential agoraphobia? Social anxiety in public? How do I deal with this?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/PotentialagoraphobiaSocialanxietyinpublicHowdoIdealwiththis_27839/" }
[ { "author": "Chiaroscuro1", "content": "<p>Hi @Feces.You already show a lot of insight in your situation and are clearly willing to work on the problem if only you could find a little help, the right kind. It is also clear to me that you are experiencing intense emotions and are feeling trapped in them. I'm sorry that you find yourself in this situation and that it is hurting you so deeply.</p>\n<p>It sounds to me that you have already tried to discuss it with a listener on 7 cups. Unfortunately not all listeners have equal experience or many might just not have a personality you click with. I wonder if you would feel up to trying a few more listeners before you totally give up on that idea.</p>\n<p>I hear that you understand that there is a clear connection between your anger and your agoraphobia. I would say that means you have to look at them together. I understand that in many situations you have reason to be angry, but unfortunately we can't change other people or what they do. We can only work on ourselves - and I heard that you are willing. If your anger seems ever present and you get violently angry in certain situations, it could mean that your \"anger bucket\" is very full anyway and that it doesn't take much for it to spill over. Underneath your obvious anger might be other repressed things that cause you anger and it will be great if you could name those things and work on them. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "385118", "thread_id": "27839", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/PotentialagoraphobiaSocialanxietyinpublicHowdoIdealwiththis_27839/" }, { "author": "peacefulSoul8", "content": "<p>Hey there, thanks for being so open and honest:) I can help you with this, message me sometime</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "385188", "thread_id": "27839", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/PotentialagoraphobiaSocialanxietyinpublicHowdoIdealwiththis_27839/" } ]
{ "author": "Tiikeri101", "content": "I am not stupid/ useless/ irrelevant/ boring/ unloved. I am awesome, just...undercover.", "date": "1441068021", "thread_id": "28578", "title": "Trying to convince myself....", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Tryingtoconvincemyself_28578/" }
[ { "author": "Lemontime20", "content": "<p>I would like this 1000 times if I could! Learning to love yourself is a journey worth embarking on, keep up the good work! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "371525", "thread_id": "28578", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Tryingtoconvincemyself_28578/" }, { "author": "AlyssaBelle", "content": "<p>Beautifully said! I love that. I'm going to tell myself that too whenever I need to remember it. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "385128", "thread_id": "28578", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Tryingtoconvincemyself_28578/" } ]
{ "author": "Jlawson118", "content": "It wasn't a full on attack but I had my phone stolen a few nights ago and it's shaken me up really.", "date": "1441908255", "thread_id": "29364", "title": "Anxious After Nearly Getting Mugged:", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/AnxiousAfterNearlyGettingMugged_29364/" }
[ { "author": "Samantharenee", "content": "<p>Just reading that gave me anxiety, I've been suffering from it almost my whole life. Last year, I went to a place called Charlotte, and almost everything that gives me bad anxiety happened. It was storming really bad, We were in a horrible place (to me anyways, as I've grown up in a retirement community). My friend and I had broken down in the middle of town, a homeless guy guided us to the nearest gas station, he took us down a bunch of allies too, a bunch of men were staring at me, making comments, etc, and then we finally got back to our car and put water in it and tried to get back to our hotel, but wound up catching on fire on the side of the highway. We then had to sit in the back of a cop car and they had to take us back. We had no money, no vehicle, everything burned up. I kept thinking the homeless guy leading us, was leading us into a trap. He even tried to steal from the gas station we were at, we had to buy him beer, which he drank out in public. It was terrifying. Even the cops told us we weren't in a great place and were surprised nothing happened to us. Needless to say, at least we got back home alive. Dirty and exhausted, but alive. We were 3 hours away from home. I still have anxiety about traveling more than 30min away because of it. Which is sad, because traveling was one of my passions. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "384696", "thread_id": "29364", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/AnxiousAfterNearlyGettingMugged_29364/" }, { "author": "Jlawson118", "content": "<p>I'm so sorry to hear that! That must have been traumatic for you! I'm probably not going to be able to trust homeless people now. I never have done before. I live in Leeds in the UK and the city isn't really a big one, but it has a large community and is quite a popular place, but there is quite a high population of homeless people in the city center. You can't turn a corner without somebody begging you for money, and I have always ignored them yet I feel bad, but you never know really.</p>\n<p>But when I was in Dublin, we walked past a homeless person on a bridge where I pulled my phone out to take a photo of the bridge and water all lit up at night, but as I pulled my phone out, a coin flipped out too, right in front of the homeless person and I just picked it back up and put it in my pocket. I felt awful about doing that, it was like I was rubbing it in their face and everything but I was sticking to stories I'd heard in the past about how most homeless people are faking it and have big posh cars parked around the corner..</p>\n<p>That is why, when I was later sat outside the bar further away, that I was feeling sorry for this other homeless man. He was an old man and had a dog. There was just something about him that made me feel for him so I threw him a few coins and watching him put it to his heart made me feel all warm and cozy inside. Like I'd helped. And then later he got up to walk his dog around the corner, the same corner the thief came from. And I never even linked the two together until it was too late, but it's looking likely that after helping the guy, he possibly arranged and helped with the whole attack.</p>\n<p>See I'm quite similar to you really. I've grown up in kind of a retirement environment. I live in a small village kind of in a little bit of </p>", "parent_ids": [ "384696,nil" ], "post_id": "384805", "thread_id": "29364", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/AnxiousAfterNearlyGettingMugged_29364/" }, { "author": "Samantharenee", "content": "<p>You're reasoning that it could have been worse. I do the same thing with my situation, all the what if's, etc. It's terrifying. What if that homeless guy did lead us into a trap? What if I hadnt freaked out, would we have not caught on fire? The whole point of the trip was because it was my birthday soon and my partner wanted to do something special for me. We lost so much and it made me feel so guilty. We lost our vehicle, our money, my anxiety got worse. It was pretty painful. But after a lot of work, we are getting back onto our feet. I've gotten help for my anxiety. Your story truly helps me. I will always have the what if's, but I can't change what happened. It happened and I can either dwell or become stronger. So far I am doing both:p</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "384852", "thread_id": "29364", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/AnxiousAfterNearlyGettingMugged_29364/" }, { "author": "Jlawson118", "content": "<p>I'm really happy to hear that you got through it and that sharing my story made you feel better too. I always do tell people that the past is the past an learn from it to move on forwards. Yet I can't always seem to get that through to myself hahaha</p>", "parent_ids": [ "384852,nil" ], "post_id": "384861", "thread_id": "29364", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/AnxiousAfterNearlyGettingMugged_29364/" } ]
{ "author": "Anushka1", "content": "During exams, do you feel like you ‘go blank", "date": "1441143352", "thread_id": "28674", "title": "Test Anxiety and how to cope with it", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TestAnxietyandhowtocopewithit_28674/" }
[ { "author": "yzzil", "content": "<p>Really nice post!!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "372973", "thread_id": "28674", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TestAnxietyandhowtocopewithit_28674/" }, { "author": "Anushka1", "content": "<p>Thank you @yzzil for taking the time to read it &lt;3 </p>", "parent_ids": [ "372973,nil" ], "post_id": "372980", "thread_id": "28674", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TestAnxietyandhowtocopewithit_28674/" }, { "author": "SipOfMindfulness", "content": "<p>awesome post! lots of good information and it can even be applied </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "373504", "thread_id": "28674", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TestAnxietyandhowtocopewithit_28674/" }, { "author": "Anushka1", "content": "<p>@SipOfMindfulness That is such a good point! I didn't think of it that way haha. I'll put it in there:) </p>", "parent_ids": [ "373504,nil" ], "post_id": "373535", "thread_id": "28674", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TestAnxietyandhowtocopewithit_28674/" }, { "author": "Anushka1", "content": "<p>*bump!*</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "377549", "thread_id": "28674", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TestAnxietyandhowtocopewithit_28674/" }, { "author": "Raylen", "content": "<p>A very helpful post, I'll be sure to use on my next exam ! Thank you very much ❤</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "377601", "thread_id": "28674", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TestAnxietyandhowtocopewithit_28674/" }, { "author": "afandishun009", "content": "<p>simply awesome Thanks Anu!!<img alt=\"smiley\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor4.5.2/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png\" style=\"width:23px;max-width:100%;max-height:23px;\" title=\"smiley\"></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "384511", "thread_id": "28674", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TestAnxietyandhowtocopewithit_28674/" } ]
{ "author": "Tiikeri101", "content": "A supervisor I have to work with doesn't really like me or have any respect for my position.", "date": "1441759273", "thread_id": "29287", "title": "boss doesn't like me", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/bossdoesntlikeme_29287/" }
[ { "author": "Tiikeri101", "content": "<p>He's a nice guy, I don't hold it against him at all. It's just the way it is, so I'll suck it up and deal. I just need some strategies to help. :) </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "382070", "thread_id": "29287", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/bossdoesntlikeme_29287/" }, { "author": "Mikaelaaa", "content": "<p>Hi there i'm sorry to hear that you're feeling this way. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "383745", "thread_id": "29287", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/bossdoesntlikeme_29287/" } ]
{ "author": "Alania1989", "content": "I have this massive fear of making phone calls. Like I can call my significant other or my grandmother, but everyone else it just freaks me out.\nEven calling off for work takes a lot of effort on my part to keep it together so I don't wind up with a no call no show.", "date": "1440693872", "thread_id": "28332", "title": "It's a stupid phobia but...", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Itsastupidphobiabut_28332/" }
[ { "author": "ValentineLove", "content": "<p>I have a really hard time when making phone calls as well! It's really hard for me to know the right things to say and I'm always afraid I'll not be able to make sense when I talk. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "365605", "thread_id": "28332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Itsastupidphobiabut_28332/" }, { "author": "Alania1989", "content": "<p>What scares me the most about it is I'm like imagining their thoughts about me, which 99% of the time are probably untrue but I'm always worried that they are judging me. Especially if I stumble over my words. I sometimes blank on when my birthday is or what my phone number is when I'm on those sorts of phone calls which makes those fears of being judged and thought of as a stupid idiot who can't even remember their own birthday even worse. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "365605,nil" ], "post_id": "365613", "thread_id": "28332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Itsastupidphobiabut_28332/" }, { "author": "ValentineLove", "content": "<p>I'm the same way! I'm always afraid I'll stutter or that I'm wasting their time and I always think about what they're thinking as they talk to me. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "365613,365605,nil" ], "post_id": "365637", "thread_id": "28332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Itsastupidphobiabut_28332/" }, { "author": "Alania1989", "content": "<p>I will have to try those! Thanks. :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "365637,365613,365605,nil" ], "post_id": "367444", "thread_id": "28332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Itsastupidphobiabut_28332/" }, { "author": "dbettis1", "content": "<p>I have the same problem! It gives me such anxiety! My first job required me to take phone orders and it was so difficult for me! Once I did get used to it, I had a customer criticize my voice and it made me feel even more scared and self conscious </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "365638", "thread_id": "28332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Itsastupidphobiabut_28332/" }, { "author": "Alania1989", "content": "<p>I think the reason why I have such a hard problem with making phone calls now, is when I was younger I was doing a community service project where I was making a brochure of all these things youth could do in the area. Which meant calling businesses to get their permission to list them. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "365638,nil" ], "post_id": "367448", "thread_id": "28332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Itsastupidphobiabut_28332/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>None of phobias are stupid, every fear is there for its own reason. I had the same problem, but as you can see I wrote \"I had\", so I solved it, it's possible, don't worry about that. Do you have more fears about social situations or this is like the only one ? </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "366435", "thread_id": "28332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Itsastupidphobiabut_28332/" }, { "author": "Alania1989", "content": "<p>I get social anxiety when I'm around a group of people. Especially if I don't have that like one friend I can pretty much attach myself too. I go to hockey games with some friends from college but, I always feel so awkward and out of place with them which then makes me start to feel a bit panicky partway through the game. :(</p>", "parent_ids": [ "366435,nil" ], "post_id": "367450", "thread_id": "28332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Itsastupidphobiabut_28332/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>It does sound like a social phobia. What do you plan to do about it ? </p>", "parent_ids": [ "367450,366435,nil" ], "post_id": "382891", "thread_id": "28332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Itsastupidphobiabut_28332/" }, { "author": "alexaners7734", "content": "<p><a href=\"/@Alania1989\"><strong><u>@Alania1989</u></strong></a>, <a href=\"/@ValentineLove\"><strong><u>@ValentineLove</u></strong></a>, <a href=\"/@dbettis1\"><strong><u>@dbettis1</u></strong></a></p>\n<p>thank you for putting my feeling into words.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "382853", "thread_id": "28332", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Itsastupidphobiabut_28332/" } ]
{ "author": "Tiikeri101", "content": "Today I decided that if someone is going to be contemptuous of me (and my job)", "date": "1441421921", "thread_id": "28875", "title": "Today I decided...", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/TodayIdecided_28875/" }
[ { "author": "promqueen", "content": "<p>Today I decided to get my GED so that I can start college already! It's not going to be easy , but it's going to be worth it !</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "377335", "thread_id": "28875", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/TodayIdecided_28875/" } ]
{ "author": "Orangesonata", "content": "Hello. I've been dealing with bad social anxiety and depression for a while now. I have always been somwhat of a loner and a pessimist, however things seem to be getting worse as i can no longer enjoy things", "date": "1441355065", "thread_id": "28837", "title": "How to talk to someone", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howtotalktosomeone_28837/" }
[ { "author": "EbbandFlow", "content": "<p>Writing stuff down and printing it / bring going it in to the doctor is what helped me the most so far. It circumvented my mind blanking, by writing it down whenever I could think, and then all I had to do was shakily hand over reaper to the doctor, or eventually read off the paper. Mood tracking apps help me a lot also, like Moodtrack, Flow, or the journal right here on 7 cups. If you have anyone you really trust that you can bring to the doctors, </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "376475", "thread_id": "28837", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howtotalktosomeone_28837/" }, { "author": "Orangesonata", "content": "<p>Thank you, that might be a good idea considering I love writing. I have tried writing down my feelings before, but quickly gave up out of fear that someone might </p>", "parent_ids": [ "376475,nil" ], "post_id": "376498", "thread_id": "28837", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howtotalktosomeone_28837/" } ]
{ "author": "EbbandFlow", "content": "How do you tell when not wanting to go to something is a healthy part of just being an introvert, and when it's something you should push through because it's", "date": "1441333110", "thread_id": "28824", "title": "Line between introversion and social anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Linebetweenintroversionandsocialanxiety_28824/" }
[ { "author": "Poorsarah", "content": "<p>Now I'm not a professional but in my opinion, social anxiety prevents you from doing things you actually WANT to do but are to afraid of getting embarrassed, talking to people, etc. Being an introvert means you genuinely just don't want to go out for reasons like you want to relax by yourself and things like that. You should also consider that the two things may overlap sometimes haha. I'm so proud of you for working on loving yourself and beating your anxiety! And I hope you figure everything out :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "376224", "thread_id": "28824", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Linebetweenintroversionandsocialanxiety_28824/" }, { "author": "AdVictoriam", "content": "<p>@EbbandFlow</p>\n<p>GoodTherapy has a pretty nice <a href=\"http://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/is-it-introversion-or-social-anxiety-0929145\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">article</a> on this! ^-^</p>\n<p>Introversion is feeling drained from interactions with others. You don't mind / dread going out, but it's tiring to you. At the end of the day you want to go back and relax by yourself :)</p>\n<p>Social anxiety on the other hand is being fixated by the social interactions. It's more second-guessing and questioning and not being comfortable with interacting with others at all. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "376305", "thread_id": "28824", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Linebetweenintroversionandsocialanxiety_28824/" }, { "author": "Clouder", "content": "<p>What a fantastic article, <a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/@AdVictoriam\" title=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\"><strong>@AdVictoriam</strong></a>. Thanks for sharing! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "376305,nil" ], "post_id": "376476", "thread_id": "28824", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Linebetweenintroversionandsocialanxiety_28824/" }, { "author": "EbbandFlow", "content": "<p>This is such a great article, thanks so much! That actually cleared that up really well for me :) </p>", "parent_ids": [ "376305,nil" ], "post_id": "376482", "thread_id": "28824", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Linebetweenintroversionandsocialanxiety_28824/" } ]
{ "author": "NahoSaenokiSpirit", "content": "Hello, I'm Naho... And I want to shut my mouth forever. I wish I could just stitch it up because I absolutely hate every word that comes out of my mouth. I constantly feel either judged or ignored when I speak. I think this could go under the social anxiety", "date": "1441332616", "thread_id": "28823", "title": "Want to be Silent", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/WanttobeSilent_28823/" }
[ { "author": "Hollywoodglitter", "content": "<p>If you want to speak to me I won't judge you. I know the what your feeling and I hate feeling that way </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "376187", "thread_id": "28823", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/WanttobeSilent_28823/" }, { "author": "AdVictoriam", "content": "<p>Hi </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "376307", "thread_id": "28823", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/WanttobeSilent_28823/" } ]
{ "author": "Hamm099091", "content": "Hello, I'm new with forum threads. But anyway, I am scared and nervous about the thought of physical intimacy and being in a relationship with someone, sometimes to the point of being disgusted by it. I have never been in one, and aren't considering one, but the thought of being in a relationship scares me and makes me nervous (and on rare occasions I am uninterested in it). And I start to feel very uncomfortable when I think of being physically involved with someone and having them touch me (like an embrace, hug, or kiss), and the thought of talking and spending time with them kind of makes me nervous, I even feel a bit", "date": "1441245226", "thread_id": "28771", "title": "Scared, Nervous, and Uncomfortable(!) about intimacy and relationships?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/ScaredNervousandUncomfortableaboutintimacyandrelationships_28771/" }
[ { "author": "ShineBrighter84", "content": "<p>Hi, I'm also new with forum threads so we can learn together. I'm not sure how old you are but I'm 30 and I avoided dating A LOT throughout my teens and 20s. I was scared to let a guy get that close to me because I was scared of getting my heart broken. It took me 30 years to realize that I was breaking my own heart by not letting my guard down when I actually did date. I would force myself every few years to meet a guy because I thought I could get over my insecurities but things never made it past the 1st or 2nd date, and then I'd be alone again for a few years and give up. I was scared and nervous to be in a relationship too. It's scary when you've never been in one before. I kept putting off dating but then as I got closer to 30, I realized that if I want a husband and a family one day...I needed to get out there and meet guys. I knew it wouldn't be easy and I went on some very bad dates with all types of guys...a lot of them were jerks looking for one thing and they tried to say what I wanted to hear but I saw through them and their lines. I met some nice guys but there was just no connection. I wasn't looking for a one night stand, I wanted to find someone I had a connection with to be in a relationship with. I have high anxiety which makes it frightening to even want to meet people. It's scary to think about spending time with someone because you have to talk to get to know each other and they're going to see you on a deeper level....but that's not a bad thing as scary as it sounds. Everyone has their quirks and insecurities, it's what makes us human, and a lot of times it's what attracts people to each other.<br><br>\nI have feared getting emotionally attached because my self esteem isn't the greatest. I always felt like there was prettier, smarter girls, why would this guy want me? But I met the greatest guy last winter who totally turned my world upside down. I felt like it was too good to be true but he really is a nice, good guy who has never made me feel insecure. Of course when I met him I wondered why he would want me but I told myself to be strong and give it a chance...see where this goes. I just had this feeling that I hadn't had before. I'm so thankful I trusted that feeling because I can't imagine my life without him. Things haven't always been perfect, I almost lost him in the Spring because I wouldn't let my guard down (I was so used to having it up). I had fallen in love with him sometime between meeting him and Spring but I didn't tell him because we were taking things slow. I ended up telling him when we talked and I figured what did I have to lose? It didn't scare him away, he didn't say it back but I didn't want him to because it would have just been to be polite. I want to hear it when he actually feels it. We talked and decided that communication needed to be a priority in order for things to work. Ever since then we have had great communication and things just seem to run much more smoothly. We even see each other more despite busy schedules.<br><br>\nYou have to take a risk and give people a chance because you never know when they can be the right one. It's ok to be scared, just take things slow and don't rush...if someone can't respect them, show them the door because they aren't worth another second of your time. The right person will understand you and respect you. There is happiness out there waiting for you.<br><br>\nI have never had as much fun in my life as I do with this guy even if we're doing nothing at all. Just seeing each other makes my day. It was worth all the obstacles i went through to find him and I'm glad I never gave up because for the first time in my life, I truly see a future. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "375148", "thread_id": "28771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/ScaredNervousandUncomfortableaboutintimacyandrelationships_28771/" }, { "author": "Hamm099091", "content": "<p>thank you for your post, and your advice :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "375148,nil" ], "post_id": "376022", "thread_id": "28771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/ScaredNervousandUncomfortableaboutintimacyandrelationships_28771/" }, { "author": "AdVictoriam", "content": "<p>@Hamm099091</p>\n<p>It's perfectly okay to not want to be physically intimate with someone! Not everyone is :)</p>\n<p>The nervousness towards the emotional aspect of having a relationship is a bit curious. Do you have the same reactions towards friends or is this exclusively towards romantic relationships?</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "375150", "thread_id": "28771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/ScaredNervousandUncomfortableaboutintimacyandrelationships_28771/" }, { "author": "Hamm099091", "content": "<p>Thanks for the forum link </p>", "parent_ids": [ "375150,nil" ], "post_id": "376019", "thread_id": "28771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/ScaredNervousandUncomfortableaboutintimacyandrelationships_28771/" } ]
{ "author": "SagittarianPanda", "content": "I'm in a really awkward position right now, and I feel like I could break down at any given moment.\nFor the last 3 months, I've been suffering from anxiety attacks on a regular basis. Some have been much worse than others. Today, I finally went back to school, thinking it would be a fun experience.", "date": "1441312573", "thread_id": "28815", "title": "School has had a huge impact on my anxiety! Help!", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SchoolhashadahugeimpactonmyanxietyHelp_28815/" }
[ { "author": "LonelyJinx", "content": "<p>My anxiety decided to attack me when I first started college. I went to the Health &amp; Wellness Center of my school and they refered me to a counselor. Maybe you should try going to someone who can help you make sense of it and learn how to take control of it.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "375885", "thread_id": "28815", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SchoolhashadahugeimpactonmyanxietyHelp_28815/" }, { "author": "SagittarianPanda", "content": "<p>Thank you very much. I hadn't really thought about that.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "375885,nil" ], "post_id": "375891", "thread_id": "28815", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SchoolhashadahugeimpactonmyanxietyHelp_28815/" } ]
{ "author": "communicativeKiwi8917", "content": "Hello,\nI have this odd fear that my own parents are going to kidnap me. I have always had high tensions with my family because they all have some form of addiction abuse, which growing up made my dad have a short fuse. I don't think that it helps that he has shown up places complete out of blue..", "date": "1441310738", "thread_id": "28813", "title": "Odd Anxiety : Fear of Kidnapping?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/OddAnxietyFearofKidnapping_28813/" }
[ { "author": "LoneWolfAshes96", "content": "<p>That's a rational fear. I have a similar fear. Its linked to paranoia of course but I constantly think someone will break into my house when I am gone and rig everything, capture me and torture me then kill me. Like that movie the collector. Actually last night someone tried to break into our house and we all had to call the cops. The police were already searching the area for a suspicious suspect prior too out 911 call. But if you struggle with this, I suggest meditating and seeing a therapist. Also if it helps to be around people you know to feel safer do that too.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "375874", "thread_id": "28813", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/OddAnxietyFearofKidnapping_28813/" } ]
{ "author": "stydia", "content": "I go to community college, not by choice but because my mum forces me to and it feels like too much. I'm taking a full load of courses, I don't know how I'm going to survive the semester with the excessive amount of work in each of them, I can't drive because I'm unemployed and therefore have no way to purchase insurance so my mum and dad have to drive me places like a teenager (I'm 21 and still living with them) and so they have to dump me off way earlier than I have to be there and make me wait there for hours after my classes are over because they work and we don't have any other family to take care of me so I have to be totally dependent on them... and I'm more of an introverted type, social situations make me nervous but mostly I feel like I can't handle the responsibility of giving up the very little personal time I get and giving myself over to the demands of academia. Yesterday was the second day of the fall semester and I cried three times in art class because I'm already feeling crushed by its weight and I'm just so sick of it all. I wish I could just stay home and keep applying for jobs but my mum lacks compassion and empathy and calls me names like \"hermit\", etc. because I'm more comfortable at home than school or anywhere and she can be a bit ableist sometimes. And when I'm in class, I feel like I can't reach the level everyone else is and I feel like howling and screaming or breaking glass or throwing something because I have so much compressed anxiety that's starting to affect me physically with my parasympathetic nervous system freezing/shutting down because of too much tension and my mum wants me medicated because she thinks that's a quick fix to my issues and she just doesn't get it. She was the perfect little Mary Sue with straight-A's and I'm not and she doesn't understand that the education system isn't the piece of cake it was in the 70's. I hate it so much and it's becoming toxic to my mental health. I'm sorry if this sounded really negative, but school is driving me crazy. I don't know what I can do, but I'm sick of it and I've had enough. If I could, I would quit school but my family has deemed it mandatory. High school graduation isn't good enough for someone like me, so there's no escape.\n", "date": "1441208609", "thread_id": "28737", "title": "School is compromising my mental health?!? (negative attitude warning)", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Schooliscompromisingmymentalhealthnegativeattitudewarning_28737/" }
[ { "author": "FlowpireXxXx", "content": "<p><strong>Hey there! I know exactly how you feel. No matter what any college you go too is stressful, you'r spending money on it, going into debt for it, and putting in more hours and effort than ever because in college we're supposed to be aiding our careers. It's 100% understandable why you feel the way that you do! First of all what are you going to college for? Do you know what you want to do? Do you feel like what you're going to school for is worth it? If not you really should think about that. I wasted a year in community college stressing out and I ended up failing classes and wasting time and then after that I took some time out and realizes I wanted to a Cosmo! Not a nurse! I had really no passion for nursing which made it really hard for me to motive myself in school. If you feel like you're putting too much on yourself drop some of those classes! take what you want/need...and take care of yourself. Better to take a couple classes and ace them than take a full load and fail, trust me I know from experience. as far as your ride situation what about public transportation? I take the bus it sucks but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Maybe bring something to do while you're waiting in your free time. And honestly I'm having social issues in school as well, just take that one day at a time. It takes time to build up connections with others. And remember it's your life,your body, your mind... You're 21 you have every right to take some ignititive and make some choices even if your family doesn't agree if you feel it's best for you </strong></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "374331", "thread_id": "28737", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Schooliscompromisingmymentalhealthnegativeattitudewarning_28737/" }, { "author": "stydia", "content": "<p>I wish I could do that, but I cannot take initiative. My mum infantilizes me, she's in control of everything, what I wear, what and when I eat and what time I go to sleep. I have no personal control over myself and at school, I don't really care about making social connections. I'm there to get my education the hell over with and get through the day so I can go home and not be at school until the next day. I can't drop classes because I need the full load for financial aid and healthcare benefits... and even if I didn't, my mum wouldn't allow me to drop anything. I'm majoring in English and I want to be a writer for a television series. But the anxiety created by school has exceeded apocalyptic proportions and I feel that something as little as my dad turning the light on at 6 a.m. and pacing around and reading the newspaper nearby or hearing my family's voices when I wake up is just too much because I can't relax.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "374331,nil" ], "post_id": "374369", "thread_id": "28737", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Schooliscompromisingmymentalhealthnegativeattitudewarning_28737/" } ]
{ "author": "enjoyiableEars96", "content": "What are your strategies to coping with anxiety?\n", "date": "1441150321", "thread_id": "28682", "title": "Anxiety Strategy", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyStrategy_28682/" }
[ { "author": "independentDog1818", "content": "<p>I have it, I went to my local doctors and they are referring me to a health clinic, hopefully then can help </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "373169", "thread_id": "28682", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyStrategy_28682/" }, { "author": "heartsNcupcakes", "content": "<p>Mindfullness<br>\nAcceptance<br>\nGratitude<br>\nPatience<br>\nDeep breathing practices<br>\nYoga<br>\nMusic<br>\n7 Cups<br>\nTumblr<br>\nStumbleUpon<br>\n​A little anxiety bag for all my personal needs.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "373466", "thread_id": "28682", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyStrategy_28682/" }, { "author": "inventiveCamp6825", "content": "<p>Breathing</p>\n<p>Meditation</p>\n<p>Showers</p>\n<p>Quietness</p>\n<p>Music</p>\n<p>Talking it out</p>\n<p>Writing it out</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "373644", "thread_id": "28682", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyStrategy_28682/" }, { "author": "Faeriequeen13", "content": "<p>i do lots of breathing exercises when im anxious</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "373718", "thread_id": "28682", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyStrategy_28682/" }, { "author": "Faeriequeen13", "content": "<p>or i drink tea<img alt=\"smiley\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor4.5.2/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png\" style=\"width:23px;max-width:100%;max-height:23px;\" title=\"smiley\"></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "373719", "thread_id": "28682", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyStrategy_28682/" }, { "author": "Faeriequeen13", "content": "<p>Meditation can help calm you down too</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "373722", "thread_id": "28682", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyStrategy_28682/" }, { "author": "Faeriequeen13", "content": "<p>you can get meditation apps that tell you how to do it if youre unsure. its called guided meditation and my favourite app for it is called Calm. they have different lengths too so you can meditate for 2 minutes up to 30</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "373726", "thread_id": "28682", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyStrategy_28682/" }, { "author": "yzzil", "content": "<p>Started Calm 4 days ago. I like it. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "373726,nil" ], "post_id": "373894", "thread_id": "28682", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyStrategy_28682/" }, { "author": "Raylen", "content": "<p>This is my personal list of strategies to cope with anxiety : </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "373839", "thread_id": "28682", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyStrategy_28682/" }, { "author": "heartsNcupcakes", "content": "<p>Awesome coping skills/suggestions you've all developed. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "373891", "thread_id": "28682", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyStrategy_28682/" }, { "author": "yzzil", "content": "<p>As they say, practice makes… not perfect but improvement. 😊</p>", "parent_ids": [ "373891,nil" ], "post_id": "373895", "thread_id": "28682", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyStrategy_28682/" } ]
{ "author": "GoldenGrapefruit77", "content": "So I'm going on holiday soon and my anxiety had started taking its toll- what if I lose something, what if I dont understand the language, what if what if what if... It's really starting to stress me out, does anyone have any tips on coping with this?\n", "date": "1441179165", "thread_id": "28698", "title": "Holiday Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/HolidayAnxiety_28698/" }
[ { "author": "Raylen", "content": "<p>Anxiety can be overwhelming and stressing but you shouldn't let it ruin your holiday, those are my favourites mechanisms to deal with anxiety and they help me a lot when I feel anxious: </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "373827", "thread_id": "28698", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/HolidayAnxiety_28698/" } ]
{ "author": "HopeFromHeaven", "content": "I don't want to tell my dad. He wouldn't understand, and he doesn't like me. I only trust my mother or my grandma enough to tell them.. but I'm still, for some reason, not sure.\n\nI have panic attacks when:\n\nThere's a thunderstorm, because I'm scared of a tornado. My stomach tends to clench and my breathing quickens. I can't calm myself down and my voice shakes.\n\nI'm in the car or on a road trip, because I was in a car crash 2 years ago. My head hurts and my stomach hurts, and if the car goes over a bump or lurches, I won't calm down for hours.\n\nWhen my parents start to argue or fight, because I'm anxious that the outcome will be deadly. As usual, my stomach clenches and I start to just worry in general.\n\nWhen a family member is gone from the house longer. I can get very emotional, my stomach clenches, and my breathing quickens.\n\nIf death or something that can cause death is brought up / mentioned, I REALLY start to freak out. All of the above reactions happen.\n\nSo anyway... should I tell my mom or my grandma? I need help... I just don't know what to say.\n", "date": "1441077636", "thread_id": "28611", "title": "I'm thirteen and I keep having panic attacks, but I don't know if i should tell my mom?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/ImthirteenandIkeephavingpanicattacksbutIdontknowifishouldtellmymom_28611/" }
[ { "author": "BouncyFish", "content": "<p>I'm sorry this may not be the most helpful thing in the world but I just want you to know that I have this exact same thing going on with me. I'm 13 too and I've been having panic attacks since I was 7. They've been getting very serious recently because I've been bullied quite a bit through my life and I've never told anyone. I'm losing friends because of my crippling social anxiety. I </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "371842", "thread_id": "28611", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/ImthirteenandIkeephavingpanicattacksbutIdontknowifishouldtellmymom_28611/" }, { "author": "pluckyPomegranate8371", "content": "<p>Hey guys, I just wanted to let you both know that I've been through e exact same thing. Since I was little I've seen my mom go </p>", "parent_ids": [ "371842,nil" ], "post_id": "371895", "thread_id": "28611", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/ImthirteenandIkeephavingpanicattacksbutIdontknowifishouldtellmymom_28611/" }, { "author": "BouncyFish", "content": "<p>Thank you so much :) I will be sure to use your suggestions, I'm sure they will help me. I'm glad that we are not alone and can all come together to help each other.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "371895,371842,nil" ], "post_id": "371901", "thread_id": "28611", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/ImthirteenandIkeephavingpanicattacksbutIdontknowifishouldtellmymom_28611/" }, { "author": "HopeFromHeaven", "content": "<p>Thank you Plucky... I don't want to tell my mom or grandma because I'm just not sure how they'll react. I've dropped hints I have attacks, such as telling my mom, \"When the tornado siren goes off I feel like I can't breath\" or whatever. It's nice to know someone cares, many thanks for replying!</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "371895,371842,nil" ], "post_id": "373420", "thread_id": "28611", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/ImthirteenandIkeephavingpanicattacksbutIdontknowifishouldtellmymom_28611/" }, { "author": "HopeFromHeaven", "content": "<p>I'm so sorry Bouncy... I wish you all the best. And I'd love to talk to you. I hope this doesn't sound selfish, but I'm glad I'm not alone. :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "371842,nil" ], "post_id": "373418", "thread_id": "28611", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/ImthirteenandIkeephavingpanicattacksbutIdontknowifishouldtellmymom_28611/" }, { "author": "BouncyFish", "content": "<p>That doesn't sound selfish at all, I'm glad I'm not alone too! I would love to talk some time and good luck.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "373418,371842,nil" ], "post_id": "373432", "thread_id": "28611", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/ImthirteenandIkeephavingpanicattacksbutIdontknowifishouldtellmymom_28611/" }, { "author": "Axerxus", "content": "<p>Take a deep breath. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "373435", "thread_id": "28611", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/ImthirteenandIkeephavingpanicattacksbutIdontknowifishouldtellmymom_28611/" } ]
{ "author": "Roadie", "content": "Hi there!\n\nI realise that there is a difference between introversion and social anxiety however this doesn't quite fit naturally in the forums so I felt that I'd be more likely to reach the target audience here than anywhere else :/\n\nWhile perusing my Facebook feed, I came across a link to a site called Quiet Revolution: Unlocking the Power of Introverts [http://www.quietrev.com/]. It's actually a really good site with plenty of articles on all manner of topics. Alas :)\n", "date": "1440277764", "thread_id": "28084", "title": "New site for Introverts", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/NewsiteforIntroverts_28084/" }
[ { "author": "remnantshadow", "content": "<p>Thank you for sharing this! :) There's also <a href=\"http://www.introvertdear.com\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">introvertdear.com </a></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "364238", "thread_id": "28084", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/NewsiteforIntroverts_28084/" }, { "author": "Celaeno", "content": "<p>@Roadie and @remnantshadow, thank you both for the links! So far I found a <a href=\"http://introvertdear.com/2015/08/10/introvert-quote-30/\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">Sophia Dembling's quote</a>, which I liked:</p>\n<p>I'd very much like to take a closer look at these resources, thank you once again ^^</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "364438", "thread_id": "28084", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/NewsiteforIntroverts_28084/" }, { "author": "remnantshadow", "content": "<p>No problem! Hope you enjoy them as much as I have! :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "364438,nil" ], "post_id": "365576", "thread_id": "28084", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/NewsiteforIntroverts_28084/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>These sites you posted are wonderful :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "364898", "thread_id": "28084", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/NewsiteforIntroverts_28084/" }, { "author": "HisBestFriend1030", "content": "<p>Nice post! lots of places have different definitions </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "369982", "thread_id": "28084", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/NewsiteforIntroverts_28084/" } ]
{ "author": "BouncyFish", "content": "This is going to sound really stupid but I've had panic attacks since I was 7 and I haven't told people yet. When I was younger I was bullied, stressed, and depressed but I didn't tell because I didn't want to be thought of as a failure. As all of this built up, I had my first panic attack at age 7. For an entire summer I did nothing and all I ate was soup and lettuce (I know, I was weird). I didn't know what it was at the time and my parents thought it was mono. They got a bit better for a few years but I was always shy and stressed from then on. Then it came back when I transitioned from elementary school to middle school. I was separated from all of my friends and so I was lonely for the beginning of the year. I had gone from a super friendly kid to being terrified to talk to people. I continued to be bullied and stress over everything but I never let my parents know because I didn't want to seem useless. I found some friends who I still have now an they were the first people I knew who were educated on this stuff. One of my friends, Claire, had depression and anxiety and taught me all about those things. I learned about self harm, eating disorders, and panic attacks. After being educated on anxiety disorders I began to think about it. All of my problems related to anxiety and panic attacks so I confronted Claire. She accused me of making fun of her problems and being an attention hog. I was truly hurt by her because I thought friends were supposed to support each other. After that I believed that I was being rude and that I should keep my problems to myself. I stayed this way for 6 months and school, bullies, and socialization made my panic attacks worse. Now, I wake up crying on a weekly basis, I'm mocked by my own parents for being antisocial, and I'm more anxious than ever. Everything I've heard says that I should tell my parents so I can see a doctor but no one seems to understand that the only thing more stressful to me than hiding my anxiety is actually having to tell my parents. I have spent my whole life worried about making my parents proud and seeming like the perfect child and I'm afraid that if I tell them they will think I am a disgrace or a waste of their time. After all, why would they spend so much time on raising a child if she ended up broken anyway? I'm just looking for suggestions on if I should tell, how I should, or just things to help me deal with my anxiety...\n", "date": "1440885553", "thread_id": "28439", "title": "My secret panic attacks...", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Mysecretpanicattacks_28439/" }
[ { "author": "Poorsarah", "content": "<p>You are not broken, first of all. I just had my first panic attack a week ago and I thought I was gonna die so I can't imagine living with this for so long. Perhaps you're not yet ready to tell your parents about your disorder but there are many other things you can do to help yourself. Look for resources online or possibly a school counselor. You've already taken a first step by posting your story here! Anxiety is not something that will just go away on its own and it's very serious. You're not broken because you have a mental disorder that many other people suffer with as well. I'm already proud of you for reaching out on here! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "368446", "thread_id": "28439", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Mysecretpanicattacks_28439/" }, { "author": "BouncyFish", "content": "<p>Thank you so much, that was so nice of you! I'm so glad that there are amazing people like you in the world, this made me feel much better about myself. I hope your panic attacks can get better too, keep it up buddy :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "368446,nil" ], "post_id": "368461", "thread_id": "28439", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Mysecretpanicattacks_28439/" }, { "author": "Clouder", "content": "<p>Hey there </p>", "parent_ids": [ "368461,368446,nil" ], "post_id": "368858", "thread_id": "28439", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Mysecretpanicattacks_28439/" }, { "author": "BouncyFish", "content": "<p>Oh my gosh, thank you so much! This was no helpful and nice of you, you're awesome! Thank </p>", "parent_ids": [ "368858,368461,368446,nil" ], "post_id": "368862", "thread_id": "28439", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Mysecretpanicattacks_28439/" } ]
{ "author": "courteousBirch5308", "content": "I feel afraid all the time.  My biggest phobia is getting really sick with something, like cancer, so every twinge I feel or change I see with me, my mind automatically goes there.  I feel like I go and get things \"checked out\" too often .. and I need to stop worrying.  I take care of myself and have a good job, and a good relationship.  The latest one is a spot I have on my face that I'm scared is skin cancer ... I need something to shake this feeling I have all the time ...\n", "date": "1432265536", "thread_id": "23317", "title": "I feel ridiculous ... ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Ifeelridiculous_23317/" }
[ { "author": "peachBalloon899", "content": "<p>Maybe, every time you looked in the mirror, drip yourself a comment\n</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "234048", "thread_id": "23317", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Ifeelridiculous_23317/" }, { "author": "peachBalloon899", "content": "<p>Drop*</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "234049", "thread_id": "23317", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Ifeelridiculous_23317/" }, { "author": "negima52", "content": "<p>I don't know of this will help but I found that mindful meditation (there are free online courses) is great for anxiety. You just start 5 min a day and keep at it and you'll find your self calmer. The other thing to try, maybe close your eyes and think to your self that for the most part it's out of your control and repeat this in some quite privat time in the dark that you are ok with the unknown, ok with letting go, ok with losing control, ok with not knowing everything about every minute change(or use wherever is bothering you, just make sure you get d at the core reason) . Repeat it like a mantra in the dark for 30 min for a week, see of it helps. It has helped me on occasion called my worries. But that's just me....good luck\nP.S. When you do this remain calm and still</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "234133", "thread_id": "23317", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Ifeelridiculous_23317/" }, { "author": "Hunter808", "content": "<p>i suffer with the very same things. i know how awful this is, i've been going through a really rough patch the last six months and it's been hell. Unfortunately the more you worry the worse you feel and the more this fuels health anxiety. Hopefully you can get through it, sometimes it's just nice to know other people exactly the same as you.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "234246", "thread_id": "23317", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Ifeelridiculous_23317/" }, { "author": "Zanefame", "content": "<p>I'm going through the same thing. I'm constantly looking over my skin, feeling anxious. I try to avoid googling symptoms if I can. Just the word Cancer is a trigger for me. I notice every new speck and freckle. I constantly worry that I have skin cancer. I have no insurance, so I'm hesitant to go have it check out. But I'm scared to death. I feel like I'm just being crazy. It's such a difficult thing to go through. I myself, don't handle it very well. I obsesse. Sometimes I even have to wear long sleeves and jeans even in the summer. I hide from the sun and I can't enjoy outdoor activities the way I used to. I'm just too afraid. It's greatly impacting my life and I feel like there is nothing I can do about it. It is comforting though to know that it isn't just me who feels this way.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "240903", "thread_id": "23317", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Ifeelridiculous_23317/" }, { "author": "diligentTalker3422", "content": "<p>Im like you, ivenever know of anyone like me, I cant stand illnesses and ive even fainted over the thought of them, cancer, epilepsy, even the common cold ect</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "266208", "thread_id": "23317", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Ifeelridiculous_23317/" }, { "author": "courteousBirch5308", "content": "<p>I wasn't really expecting so many responses. I'm so happy you guys posted. I felt like I was the only one who did this and was so anxious about this sort of thing. I've tried meditation already from aps online and it works sometimes. However , it seems to just bury the worry and it comes a few days later in a huge wave of panic.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "275388", "thread_id": "23317", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Ifeelridiculous_23317/" }, { "author": "HisBestFriend1030", "content": "<p>When people look up their symptoms especially on WEBMD they automatically think \"OMG!!! I have cancer\" but as long as you feel ok and get checked regularly that would give you somewhat of a peaceful mind about it. I do this whenever I freak myself out I make an appointment, even though the Dr. looks at me like \"Why did you waste my time\" haha. I also worry about death and my family it's like I obsess over it. So you with cancer sounds like how I feel about the death issue. I hope everything is OK!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "368178", "thread_id": "23317", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Ifeelridiculous_23317/" } ]
{ "author": "Jlawson118", "content": "The quote of the title says it all really, and I've said it to somebody in the past but this has actually really just hit me listening to a song from my past and that in just short of two months time it'll mark three years since an event.\n\nI'm a 19 year old male, and I know I am still young but I kind of sit here and feel like I've wasted so many years of my life so far. Years and time that I'm never going to get back. I've spent this getting bullied through school and not really having much of a social life within this time and it's affecting me now.\nI recently got into a relationship in June with a girl who means a lot to me already, yet because of being hurt in the past, I've already spent the last two months worrying and being insecure, and that's still something I'm worried about instead of just doing what people tell me to do and that's to just enjoy it whilst I can. I can't see into the future of me and her but I just know in so many years whether we're still going strong or I'm single again or with somebody else, I know I'll hold regrets for worrying too much and again 'Wasting time'", "date": "1440783237", "thread_id": "28389", "title": "Time is going by so quickly and I don't feel I can keep up..", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/TimeisgoingbysoquicklyandIdontfeelIcankeepup_28389/" }
[ { "author": "imatalker3", "content": "<p>I am only 2 weeks into my freshman year of high school and I sometimes get so sad at how quickly the years before me have passed so quickly. If those years flew by so soon I am scared of whizzing my way through the rest. I want to cherish life and not worry about death and how I won't be on earth forever but it is so hard at times. Everything is going by so fast and I wish it could all just slow down a bit. Before I know it my life will </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "367363", "thread_id": "28389", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/TimeisgoingbysoquicklyandIdontfeelIcankeepup_28389/" }, { "author": "Jlawson118", "content": "<p>You've honestly just taken the words right out of my mouth. Thanks for sharing! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "367363,nil" ], "post_id": "367847", "thread_id": "28389", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/TimeisgoingbysoquicklyandIdontfeelIcankeepup_28389/" } ]
{ "author": "Rache22", "content": "My business is being liquidated I am being investigated maybe be forced into bankruptcy and lose house, my 15 year old daughter had a colonectomy/ileostomy 3 weeks ago, my son has Aspergers and has discovered drugs, my nan died and my marriage is falling apart and funnily enough I", "date": "1440796277", "thread_id": "28400", "title": "Can't cope", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Cantcope_28400/" }
[ { "author": "Rache22", "content": "<p>was ment to say How do I cope?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "367236", "thread_id": "28400", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Cantcope_28400/" }, { "author": "braveSugar7964", "content": "<p>Oh wow. That's a hell of </p>", "parent_ids": [ "367236,nil" ], "post_id": "367293", "thread_id": "28400", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Cantcope_28400/" }, { "author": "TheRoseKnows", "content": "<p>Are u religious at all?</p>\n<p>Just curious so I know what to say and what not to say.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "367236,nil" ], "post_id": "367294", "thread_id": "28400", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Cantcope_28400/" }, { "author": "lightGlobe8412", "content": "<p>Sometimes I can't cope with the problems I have so I go to my besties </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "367745", "thread_id": "28400", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Cantcope_28400/" } ]
{ "author": "palmaviolets", "content": "When I am in the dark, especially when I am in a room with only one escape door, I imagine things that seem to be coming from the darkness and are trying to reach out at me and pull me to them. I have had to move my bed to the farthest corner from my door in my bedroom, because I often imagine a creature opening the door and eating me whole/mutilating me beyond recognition/trapping me in some weird dark other dimension. I will get panic attacks so bad that I will be frozen, or \"glued\" to the inner corner of my bed that is against the wall, and unable to move whatsoever until it is light again. I know this is not normal, and wondering what I can do? Night lights do not help, for the shadows they cast frighten me as well, and I am unable to sleep with lights on. The panic attacks do not happen every night, although I am still afraid every night. They get so bad that I get dizzy and end up just passing out until the morning or sometimes afternoon.\n", "date": "1440624951", "thread_id": "28270", "title": "Fear Of The Dark", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/FearOfTheDark_28270/" }
[ { "author": "lightGlobe8412", "content": "<p>I am scared of the dark but I think the positive side there's nothing it's just a shadow that the light shines at that makes it look creepy but by miring there's nothing I just use a rain app to sleep and now I'm not scared of the dark anymore. ^_^</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "364508", "thread_id": "28270", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/FearOfTheDark_28270/" }, { "author": "plur", "content": "<p>I get scared of the dark too. I always think I'll see ghosts or the door will randomly shut and that I'll go crazy. This always happens at night when it's dark but during the day I'm okay.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "364850", "thread_id": "28270", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/FearOfTheDark_28270/" } ]
{ "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "                     ---Recognizing unrealistic thinking---\n\nSufferers of social anxiety tend to overestimate the degree of danger in a situation causing them to have unrealistic and/or irrational thoughts. It's important that you are able to recognize these thoughts and replace them with more rational and realistic thoughts. Examples of unrealistic/irrational thoughts: \n\n\"No one will like me!\"\n\n\"I'm going to say something stupid!\"\n\n\"I'll do something foolish and other people will laugh!\"\n\nExercise #1 for recognizing unrealistic thinking: Ask yourself what it is that you are afraid will happen, it may be something you're afraid you might do (e.g \"I'll embarrass myself\", \"I'll have nothing to say\", \"I'll blush.\") or something you're afraid someone else will do/think (e.g \"Nobody will like me\", \"what if someone notices that I'm anxious.\") To become more aware of these specific fears, compile them into a list (digital or written) as you identify them. Repeat this exercise for about a week or so (or longer if you wish.)\n\nExercise #2 for recognizing unrealistic thinking: Question yourself about your unrealistic thoughts. It can be helpful to ask yourself whether your thoughts are based on facts and whether they are helpful. If they aren’t, try and identify more accurate and helpful\nthoughts. Examples of questions to ask yourself to help examine thoughts: \nAm I 100% sure that _____________ will happen?\nHow many times has ______________ actually happened? \nWhat is the evidence that supports my thought? What is the evidence that does not support my thought?\nIs _______________ really SO important that my whole future depends on it?\nDoes _________________’s opinion reflect everyone else’s?\nAm I responsible for the entire conversation? \nWhat is the worst realistic thing that could happen? \nWhat can I do to cope/handle this situation? \nWhat is another way of looking at this situation? \nWhat would I say to my best friend if he/she was having this thought? \n(Look in the posts to this thread for examples of these filled out.)\n\nExercise #3 for recognizing unrealistic thinking: Sometimes it can be helpful to examine the truthfulness of your thoughts or beliefs. For example, how bad would it be if others saw you blush/shake, or how terrible would it be if you did say something stupid? We often predict that it would be horrible if these things happened, and that we would be unable to cope. However, we need to test this out! Purposely try to shake, and see how others react. Plan to say something foolish or ask an obvious question and see what happens! Be careful not to assume that others are reacting negatively – look at the facts! What did they do or say? Was it as bad as you thought?\n", "date": "1436412414", "thread_id": "25816", "title": "Social Anxiety Exercises", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/SocialAnxietyExercises_25816/" }
[ { "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "<p>What am I afraid will happen if I go to the party? I?ll say something stupid.<br>Am I 100% certain that I?ll say something stupid at the party? No, not 100% certain.<br>How many times have I said something stupid at a party? A few times, but not every time.<br>What is the evidence that supports my thoughts? Once, I made a joke that no one laughed at. Another time, I made a comment about a movie that didn?t make sense. And another time, I asked an obvious question and someone started laughing.<br>What is the evidence that does not support my thoughts? I have gone to parties in the past and did not say anything stupid. I have had a few good conversations at parties. The last time I went to a party, someone said I was funny.<br>Is not saying something stupid so important my whole future depends on it? Well, it would be embarrassing, but no, my whole future does not depend on it.<br>What is the worst realistic thing that could happen? I do say something stupid and people laugh.<br>What could I do to cope? I guess I could try and crack a joke about it. Or, I could excuse myself and go get some fresh air.<br>Is there another way of looking at this situation? Everyone says stupid things once in a while.<br>What would I say to a friend who had this thought? It?s not the end of the world. We all say silly things and most of the time people don?t remember exactly what you said.<br><br>No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. Also, it?s unrealistic to think everyone will like us. Do you like everyone? Anxiety is often a private experience that others don?t notice. Even if they do, it doesn?t mean that they will think less of you. Haven?t you ever seen someone else anxious? It?s normal. It?s okay to be imperfect and to feel anxious. It?s part of being human! Rather than fighting these things, try working on accepting them.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "292570", "thread_id": "25816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/SocialAnxietyExercises_25816/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>I am sort of a recluse, so I guess I have no reason to reply. But since when did that stop anyone from giving their two cents? ;)</p>\n<p>We tend to be so worried about what others will think of us: how we look, what we say... I believe that most of the people you meet wouldn't notice if you wore your underwear on your head! Their only concern is what people think of<em>them</em> . People don't even tend to listen to what you are saying; they are merely waiting for a pause and their turn to speak.</p>\n<p>Social anxiety<strong>is</strong> real and in no way do I try and make light of it. We just have to stop giving power over to people who we really don't care about or respect. Seen from this light, it seems silly. Seen from the other side, it seems terrifying.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "292570,nil" ], "post_id": "292641", "thread_id": "25816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/SocialAnxietyExercises_25816/" }, { "author": "discreetCircle4308", "content": "<p>I'm giving these exercises a shot, I avoid social situation at all cost and this school semester I decided to take a class on campus instead of online to challenge myself and get myself back out there. Communication public speaking probably shouldn't have been my first choice of class for my first class I've taken in a while on campus but oh well.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "292864", "thread_id": "25816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/SocialAnxietyExercises_25816/" }, { "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "<p>It's good that you're challenging yourself! Of course public speaking is a hard thing for everyone, but I'm sure that taking a class and having practice will definitely help a lot.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "292864,nil" ], "post_id": "293127", "thread_id": "25816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/SocialAnxietyExercises_25816/" }, { "author": "Anggi", "content": "<p>Thank you for sharing these exercises! they're really helpful and I can offer them as suggestions to try </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "363788", "thread_id": "25816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/SocialAnxietyExercises_25816/" }, { "author": "lightGlobe8412", "content": "<p>Wow, I love important informations I'll look into it thank u.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "363811", "thread_id": "25816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/SocialAnxietyExercises_25816/" } ]
{ "author": "Lotusflowers", "content": "As it helps me a lot, I thought I might as well share this breathing exercise.", "date": "1440237623", "thread_id": "28070", "title": "Little breathing trick to calm down", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/Littlebreathingtricktocalmdown_28070/" }
[ { "author": "Anggi", "content": "<p>Thank you for sharing! this is really helpful :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "363782", "thread_id": "28070", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/Littlebreathingtricktocalmdown_28070/" } ]
{ "author": "shanejcd", "content": "I am 43 years old and I have never has a panic attack until a week ago. My wife had to take me to the emergency room because I was scared I was having a stroke or something. I woke up at 4am and when I opened my eyes I was in the middle of an extreme dizzy spell and thought i was going to pass out. Within the next 30 minutes I had two more near fainting episodes and hot flashes. I was so scared something was bad wrong that is why we went to the ER. After being seen in the ER the doctor said he thought it was a panic attack. i had never even heard of this before. (panic attack).....now", "date": "1438394861", "thread_id": "27056", "title": "Panic attack??", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattack_27056/" }
[ { "author": "KoiFish", "content": "<p>I've had a few panic attacks that were medication-induced. I woke up in the middle of the night just as you did and started feeling terrible. I started developing a fear of being out in public in case i had a panic attack. I couldnt even go to the grocery store. I learned that there were things that I could do at home to help me. I started watching yoga videos on YouTube that ask questions to ponder while doing the half hour follow-along yoga. So questions like \"What do you think of tattoos?\" just to keep your mind busy while your body uses that extra energy. I still haven't found what to do in public to help me. Everyone has a way to cope that is different. Some people can talk themselves through it. I personally can't so I find moving my body helps. It's a vicious cycle of feeling symptoms and then thinking that you're having a stroke (or in my case dying) that in turn keeps the symptoms going. If you can intervene and redirect one of them it can cut the attack off short. This is just how i cope with it. Hope that helps and that you get input from other members. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "332320", "thread_id": "27056", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattack_27056/" }, { "author": "KoiFish", "content": "<p>I should clarify, when I feel the panic attack come on I immediately turn on the computer and watch a yoga video and follow along. I've tried taking a shower after having a panic attack but that made it worse. Something about the water I didn't like too much, but the yoga was nice and slow. It was almost like a moving meditation that also helped my breathing. Otherwise I had never done yoga or even considered it to be \"exercise\". It saved my life.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "332320,nil" ], "post_id": "332322", "thread_id": "27056", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattack_27056/" }, { "author": "IndecisiveTangerine", "content": "<p>I have found yoga to be very relaxing. I don't really know what to do when panic attacks happen as I have never had one in a situation where I could do anything about it, but of it works for you keep it up :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "332322,332320,nil" ], "post_id": "332348", "thread_id": "27056", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattack_27056/" }, { "author": "shanejcd", "content": "<p>Thank you for sharing. It helps me to read about others experiences. After reading much about panic attacks I feel that my situation may be a bit different. My attacks are produced simply with thoughts. I am not having trouble with crowds or any phobias......my attacks just come out of the blue..like while watching tv or working on the computer. My attacks also do not involve any breathing problems. (feeling like I am dying) like you said is exactly what I have. I just used the term stroke because I couldnt find the right word to describe the fear. It feels like I am being turned off if that makes sense.....dizzyness and like the walls are closing in (very scary) and I have hot flash and sweat about my head neck and shoulders. It is obvious to me though that my attacks are provoked by my thoughts.......if I start thinking about it..((It happens)). What bothers me so bad is I am 43 and I have never had this and within a week it has taken over my life. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "332320,nil" ], "post_id": "332572", "thread_id": "27056", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattack_27056/" }, { "author": "conscientiousMap728", "content": "<p>I have very similar symptoms, they occur completely out of the blue. When they first started I thought I was incredibly ill, so I went to the doctors just to be told that it was stress. Not very helpful when you have that horrible feeling of dread and impending doom.</p>\n<p>I lose my breath when they happen as well. I get funny looks when i get them at work.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "332572,332320,nil" ], "post_id": "332998", "thread_id": "27056", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattack_27056/" }, { "author": "tatania328", "content": "<p>Shane, I am right there with you. I'm not even sure how to explain the feelings of an anxiety attack. I get the hot flash feelings as well and I have fainted once because my throat just kinda </p>", "parent_ids": [ "332572,332320,nil" ], "post_id": "354713", "thread_id": "27056", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattack_27056/" }, { "author": "shanejcd", "content": "<p>Well, here it is 130am and I </p>", "parent_ids": [ "354713,332572,332320,nil" ], "post_id": "362772", "thread_id": "27056", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Panicattack_27056/" } ]
{ "author": "eyeballer123", "content": "hi! i have been dealing with panic and anxiety for years. i have thought about trying medication. but the side affects kinda", "date": "1438393302", "thread_id": "27055", "title": "panic attack and anxiety medication?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/panicattackandanxietymedication_27055/" }
[ { "author": "IndecisiveTangerine", "content": "<p>I feel the same way about taking anti-depressants. But I'm getting to the point of wtf, can't be worse then how things are now...</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "332371", "thread_id": "27055", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/panicattackandanxietymedication_27055/" }, { "author": "mimameid", "content": "<p>In my experience with this, usually doctors first place you on the lowest dosage of antidepressant and then adjust as needed if you feel worse after taking it. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "332604", "thread_id": "27055", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/panicattackandanxietymedication_27055/" }, { "author": "Mikaelaaa", "content": "<p>I'm not sure what kind of medications you are on. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "349638", "thread_id": "27055", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/panicattackandanxietymedication_27055/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>I have panic disorder and I take two medications for it. It will help, just wait, talk to a psychiatrist and be honest, and I hope you'll get the right medication. Side effects aren't that scary. Don't worry. Good luck </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "349646", "thread_id": "27055", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/panicattackandanxietymedication_27055/" }, { "author": "hisuikohaku", "content": "<p>I have a panic disorder and have had very mixed experiences with medication. That's why finding a good doctor is </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "352983", "thread_id": "27055", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/panicattackandanxietymedication_27055/" }, { "author": "tatania328", "content": "<p>Yes, medication can definitely be iffy and it all kind of depends on your body in regards to how well it would work. I've been on two different medications in the past </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "354690", "thread_id": "27055", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/panicattackandanxietymedication_27055/" }, { "author": "luv2listen", "content": "<p>I have tried 3 meds for my panic attacks. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "356196", "thread_id": "27055", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/panicattackandanxietymedication_27055/" }, { "author": "luv2listen", "content": "<p>In regards to my earlier post, i feel its my responsibility to tell you, by no means I am a doctor. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "356207", "thread_id": "27055", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/panicattackandanxietymedication_27055/" }, { "author": "mythicalcreature", "content": "<p>I've been taking anxiety medication for about 6 months now and I can honestly say I haven't experienced any side effects, I didn't even know they were working until people started saying I seemed happier and braver. I suggest them!! Or there's the Bach remedies, everyone I have spoken to swears by them</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "356225", "thread_id": "27055", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/panicattackandanxietymedication_27055/" }, { "author": "Lotusflowers", "content": "<p>I've been taking medication for several months now and I have never experienced any side effects worth mentioning. It really changed my life in a good way, I can go out now and I feel al lot better about myself :) </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "360708", "thread_id": "27055", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/panicattackandanxietymedication_27055/" } ]
{ "author": "igetcha", "content": "Hi. Thought it'd be fun to start thread on how to be successful professionally when you're shy. I'm starting my career & everyone's telling me networking is huge & you gotta be in the limelight all the time. I'm hoping there's some other way. I find being in the limelight really draining & distracting & I'm sure I'm not the only 1. Ik everyone can work to be better but everyone has a different idea of better. I'm sick of being told there's something wrong w/ my personality & I need to change to be someone else. I don't wanna have to fake my whole life. Anyone else figured out if there's another way to get stuff done?\n", "date": "1439618224", "thread_id": "27771", "title": "being successful when you're shy", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }
[ { "author": "Nahhhhh", "content": "<p>Hello, I have depression, anxeity, and Im extremely extremely shy, or was. I used to be scared to even call the pizza guy, or talk to a friend. I can honestly tell you, if you dont let this get in the way YOU CAN BE SUCCESSFUL. My depression and anxeity isnt light, its severe. Maybe not as much as some but it was awful. Ive cut for about 6 years, and being shy, and successful is hard. Its not just something you wake up to, and you dont have to change... but you do have to be determined to grow. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "351662", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "igetcha", "content": "<p>Wow this is really inspiring. Thanks for sharing :) I'm 20 too &amp; presentations give me so much anxiety argh. I could never do that many so often. That's really ballsy of you to take risks like that @ your job. That's 1 thing I'm terrified of. I'm so worried about ppl finding out I have anxiety. Hiding it takes so much effort &amp; I just wanna get away &amp; can't wait to go home when I have anxiety. It used to be that way the rest of the day but now I can usually calm myself down &amp; at least move on somewhat. I'm trying to step outta my comfort zone doing things I enjoy so it'd be rewarding &amp; not extra miserable on top of the anxiety lol. I might work towards that sometime haha. I do try to focus on what I wanna do in the future. Sometimes it's hard to figure it out &amp; know what I actually want &amp; what's the anxiety talking lol</p>", "parent_ids": [ "351662,nil" ], "post_id": "352795", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "Clouder", "content": "<p>This is a great topic @igetcha and I love the ideas<span style=\"font-size:12.2399997711182px;\"> </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "351673", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "igetcha", "content": "<p>That's a really good point about not having to be the life of the party. I used to feel the need to &amp; it was exhausting. I tried in class &amp; it distracted from learning. I prefer 1-1 for talking. I like listening in groups but don't really say much. I network w/ ppl I'm genuinely interested in too. It's so much easier &amp; less awkward. Sometimes idk if I make ppl uncomfortable tho. Like if they think I'm being too friendly or crossing a line. I find it so hard to ask for someone's card or ask them for someone else's card. I love email &amp; linkedin. Makes life so much easier. I get the whole dress code, proffesional </p>", "parent_ids": [ "351673,nil" ], "post_id": "352806", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "Clouder", "content": "<p>It's good to know a bit more about your situation, </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "352867", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "igetcha", "content": "<p><span>Yea I feel ya. I usually don't share specifics. I usually say I'm totally fine but if I don't look totally fine sometimes ppl don't trust me even for other stuff. Idk if maybe it's better to just say I'm a lil nervous if they ask. I hate having to give those perpetual apologies. Eventually ppl start thinking I'm </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "352867,nil" ], "post_id": "353827", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "poiisonoak", "content": "<p>I went to school for interior design and cringed everytime we had a group project assigned. Somehow I managed to get through my schooling on my technical and artistic skills, but couldn't even present my senior thesis because I had a panic attack in the middle of the copy store beforehand. Anyways, it has been a year since I graduated and I met with a recruiter in California who told me I have a very flat energy level and will have a very hard time getting my foot in the door even though I have the skills needed for jobs. Now I just feel completely defeated and have no idea what to do with myself. I work at a grocery store, which obviously does not provide enough money for therapy after student loans have been paid. Social Anxiety sucks... the world just isnt made for us. <img alt=\"sad\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor4.5.2/plugins/smiley/images/sad_smile.png\" style=\"width:23px;max-width:100%;max-height:23px;\" title=\"sad\"></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "353558", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "igetcha", "content": "<p>I'm so sorry that recruiter told you that. I've gotten such mixed opinions from career counselors &amp; profs. 1 person said he liked how I was mellow &amp; not all over the place &amp; another person said she like ppl w/ enthusiastic energy &amp; she said even if you're not naturally enthusiastic what really matters is that you get more enthusiastic than your baseline when you're talking about stuff you're passionate about. That's 1 person's opinion, not the whole world's. I've heard all kinds of similar stuff from ppl &amp; gotten OCD about it. Not good. Some ppl even say stuff like that to mess w/ you. I went to a college interview a couple yrs ago. 1 of my 1st interviews ever. The guy called me a slacker. I'm anything but a slacker. I'm a nervous wreck. I got obsessed w/ tryna not look like a slacker. A yr later I found that school purposefully messes w/ ppl's heads/ I later ran into someone who offered me a job but then kept postponing when I'd start to like months away. So far away I realized it's not gonna happen. Well I lost interest anyway since he was so manipulative. He could tell I was nervous &amp; he'd tell me all kinds of stuff about my personality-mostly phrased as compliments but phrased in a way to get a certain response. Eg \"but you're the leader, right?\" That's the tip of the iceberg. But that guy is another story. The point is he had another agenda. Still not sure what &amp; not sure I wanna know. I just know he's the messed up 1 in this situation. Did you hear about Brian Williams &amp; Lester Holt? Brian was more pizazzy but he lied on camera during his news segment &amp; lost his job &amp; Lester got it. You don't have to be the pizazzy person. What matters is you got skills &amp; you're not a jerk. Ik it's a lot easier said than done. I obsess about this stuff all the time. HEaring about it from someone else helps put it in perspective. Sure there might be some formula to get to the top of the pyramid but there's not 1 right way to be. You seem like a hard working, skilled, good person which is better than most ppl ik. I wasted way too much time &amp; energy selling out &amp; got so outta touch w/ the real me I could be convinced almost anything &amp; my standards were going down. I realized it;d gotten too far &amp; I couldn't expect ppl to like me for me if I was acting like someone else. I was ashamed &amp; I didn't wanna </p>", "parent_ids": [ "353558,nil" ], "post_id": "353850", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "Clouder", "content": "<p><span>Congratulations on graduating despite your anxiety, </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "353558,nil" ], "post_id": "354088", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "igetcha", "content": "<p>Do you guys think it's possible to be successful w/o projecting yourself a certain way? I've been trying way too hard &amp; it was distracting from actually being productive. I'm naturally not very confident especially when I'm new to everything w/ the fast learning curve in college. I love learning. I just never feel like I know enough. I'm pretty down-to-earth deep down &amp; I don't like faking but idk if I can be successful this way. I just wanna focus on learning &amp; staying outta trouble, not making a ridiculously awesome impression everywhere.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "357323", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "Clouder", "content": "<p>Learning and staying out of trouble is a great start on making an awesome impression, <a href=\"https://www.7cups.com/@igetcha\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\"><strong>@igetcha</strong></a>. It seems like these worries are causing you a great deal of stress. Sometimes the best response to a question is to set the question aside, rather than to try answering it. For example, when the question \"Do I need to fake being outgoing to be successful?\" arises, you might say to yourself, \"Some parts of being successful are out of my control. I choose to focus on </p>", "parent_ids": [ "357323,nil" ], "post_id": "357643", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "igetcha", "content": "<p>Yea that's true. I think I just need to figure out when it's actually important &amp; when it's not. It's also not even so much about being outgoing-that too but mostly about having to act like I have everything together. I'd rather just be blatantly honest always. It'd be a huge load off my chest &amp; I wouldn't keep attracting all these ppl who only like me for the fake me. I just dunno if it's practical</p>", "parent_ids": [ "357643,357323,nil" ], "post_id": "358548", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "Roadie", "content": "<p>The points mentioned above are all very good. Pushing past your comfort zone, especially, is very important.</p>\n<p>Something I'd like to add here however relates to shyness and introversion in general. They each have natural advantages to them.</p>\n<p>I'm incredibly shy in real life and socially anxious. The combination of the two makes me more studious, which gives me more insight than my contemporaries who are more busy talking to see the angles. If you're shy, that's an advantage that you have over your more outgoing contemporaries.</p>\n<p>Keep an open mind to your advantages as well as your challenges.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "358724", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "igetcha", "content": "<p>Yea that's so true. I've been so busy lately trying to succeed like someone else &amp; it's been distracting. All that talking makes you miss stuff haha. I need to succeed like me. I like being around ppl having discussions w/o having to do much talking myself. You get to hear everything w/o being busy coming up w/ a response. I need to work on prioritizing when to do what. I've always also kinda had a tendency that if my ideas aren't really going anywhere w/ ppl I kinda just go w/ whatever they want &amp; sit back. I need to get better @ contributing bits &amp; pieces in a way that's not stepping on anyone's toes. I usually just let go of my idea if I think there's even a chance it'd be stepping on someone's toes</p>", "parent_ids": [ "358724,nil" ], "post_id": "358871", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "Clouder", "content": "<p>\"I've been so busy lately trying to succeed like someone else... I need to succeed like me.\"</p>\n<p>@igetcha </p>", "parent_ids": [ "358871,358724,nil" ], "post_id": "359104", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "Roadie", "content": "<p>@igetcha</p>\n<p>It's a bit of a trap to go with what other people are saying. Remember that being shy, you probably observe things that others don't. People need to hear that voice and those ideas.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "358871,358724,nil" ], "post_id": "359105", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "igetcha", "content": "<p>Yea I do &amp; I don't like the attention that comes w/ bringing it up. Some things are worth it though. I love all things anonymous eg 7 cups lol because I can give my input &amp; help people w/o getting much attention</p>", "parent_ids": [ "359105,358871,358724,nil" ], "post_id": "359851", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" }, { "author": "mohani", "content": "<p>Water is considered as the first most consumed beverage all around the world. After water, tea is considered as the most consumed beverage in the world. Tea provides number of health benefits to the human body. Tea provides number ofhealth benefits because of flavonoid content present in it. Studies have proved that green tea in India </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "358889", "thread_id": "27771", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/beingsuccessfulwhenyoureshy_27771/" } ]
{ "author": "NovelSolutions", "content": "Mindfulness-based therapy\n\nResearch: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20350028\n\nExposure Response Prevention for OCD\n\nResearch: https://books.google.com/books?id=tCQbJTsUPz4C&pg=PA202&lpg=PA202&dq=erp+effect+size&source=bl&ots=ZKstj5dQSF&sig=7OXdliXpEztuLFmzXy-DIv55H80&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAGoVChMIj6yT69CexwIVhZYeCh0x7gOD#v=onepage&q=erp%20effect%20size&f=false\n", "date": "1439213909", "thread_id": "27523", "title": "Effective Treatments for Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/EffectiveTreatmentsforAnxiety_27523/" }
[ { "author": "Lotusflowers", "content": "<p>Thank you for sharing. :)<br><br>\nAlso effective is CBT, of course. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "359590", "thread_id": "27523", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/EffectiveTreatmentsforAnxiety_27523/" } ]
{ "author": "indigoWillow9496", "content": "i wish", "date": "1440206449", "thread_id": "28054", "title": "wish i was different", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/wishiwasdifferent_28054/" }
[ { "author": "Faithjs67", "content": "<p>I can relate to you. I feel like I have no friends. It's a struggle for me to make friends. I wish I would like my life better</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "359355", "thread_id": "28054", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/wishiwasdifferent_28054/" }, { "author": "darknessGirl", "content": "<p>hey i feel like you too,make friends would be very difficult</p>", "parent_ids": [ "359355,nil" ], "post_id": "359367", "thread_id": "28054", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/wishiwasdifferent_28054/" }, { "author": "darknessGirl", "content": "<p>seriously i would like to be a different person ,a sociable,good person,a person who don </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "359370", "thread_id": "28054", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/wishiwasdifferent_28054/" }, { "author": "KoiFish", "content": "<p>Some days are worse than others as far as comparing myself to what my life \"should\" be like, but I've found a really good Listener who constantly reminds me that I can make small changes and progress toward the person I want to be.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "359498", "thread_id": "28054", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/wishiwasdifferent_28054/" } ]
{ "author": "EmilyEarwig", "content": "Hello, so like four years ago I met this guy on Tumblr", "date": "1440177853", "thread_id": "28039", "title": "Online Stalker", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/OnlineStalker_28039/" }
[ { "author": "Highlandqueen01", "content": "<p>Hi @<a href=\"https://app.7cups.com/@EmilyEarwig\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">EmilyEarwig</a> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "359012", "thread_id": "28039", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/OnlineStalker_28039/" }, { "author": "EmilyEarwig", "content": "<p>OMG That sounds scary! I can block messages on Tumblr but he can still go on my profile and stuff or maybe use another account. I just hate the feeling I'm being watched. Maybe I'll just keep myself from posting </p>", "parent_ids": [ "359012,nil" ], "post_id": "359412", "thread_id": "28039", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/OnlineStalker_28039/" }, { "author": "RainOrShine", "content": "<p>I am so sorry you are going through this. Cons of the internet world.</p>\n<p>Anyhow, I think you should block all of his known accounts. Check your security settings on all your social media accounts and set it to what you deem necessary. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "359016", "thread_id": "28039", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/OnlineStalker_28039/" }, { "author": "EmilyEarwig", "content": "<p>I have told him to leave me alone. I told him that two years ago. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "359016,nil" ], "post_id": "359410", "thread_id": "28039", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/OnlineStalker_28039/" } ]
{ "author": "teddygrahams", "content": "I was looking around for an app that could help me with my anxiety and panic attacks and I found one that so far is really nice. It's called Pacifica and is great for anyone that needs to calm down or write down some notes about your day. Just wanted to share it so others could enjoy it too :)\n", "date": "1439943542", "thread_id": "27928", "title": "App that might help", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Appthatmighthelp_27928/" }
[ { "author": "thoughtfulBirch4050", "content": "<p>Can you get this app on android. And. is it free?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "356668", "thread_id": "27928", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Appthatmighthelp_27928/" }, { "author": "Lyra", "content": "<p><strong>@teddygrahams </strong></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "356681", "thread_id": "27928", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Appthatmighthelp_27928/" } ]
{ "author": "HoldOnPainEnds523", "content": "for me i got to music and probably video games im curious on what everone else uses \n", "date": "1432620623", "thread_id": "23555", "title": "how do you deal with your panic attacks ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }
[ { "author": "sensitiveSkies8443", "content": "<p>I try to watch happy things like steven universe or animals trying to be cute (it helps to stop thinking for a bit), doodle randomness like swirls or squiggles (to know that everything you do would be ok), or hear relaxing or smooth (sleepy) classical music (just to ease the pain of a panic attack and to calm my heart down)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "238872", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "DesertBreeze", "content": "<p>When I get one, I try to distract myself by getting up and walking around. If I do sit down, I call my dogs and they will come and sit with me for attention. When I am active or giving them attention it really helps relieve them.</p>\n<p>Now, I put a lot of work into setting myself up to not have one. I cannot always control being exposed to my triggers, but they do not always trigger me anymore.I make sure I work out (heavy cardio) everyday for at least an hour (endorphins help) and I have given up caffeine (a food trigger). This seems to have made a big difference for me. :)</p>\n<p>Breeze</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "257593", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "yellowGrapes8131", "content": "<p>One thing that has helped me with the anxiety and panic attacks is meditation, after a session I feel very positive and it is awesome. Would recommendeveryone learn how to do it.</p>\n<p>If you want to learn how to do it you can read this http://anxiousreview.com/learnmeditation/</p>\n<p>Hope I helped :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "276122", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "GermanZebraCupcake", "content": "<p>One thing that has helped me is not only medication but meditation. The art of being mindful and aware of my surroundings on a deep level. It keeps my head level.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "276122,nil" ], "post_id": "276804", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "QuietQueer", "content": "<p>One thing that has really helped me is takina vitamin B complex. It really helps control stress/anxiety, I find myself to be a lot calmer.. I'm not sure if it's just me but I thought I'd let everyone know about it just in case it helps them!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "276824", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "JoyfulJenna", "content": "<p>When I am having a panic attack I take deep breaths</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "277100", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "Jaykay100", "content": "<p>I use basic grounding Techneques for example, when I feel I am being triggered I remind myself that I am safe where I am and this will basis. As the panic sets in I could go my breathing to try and keep it steady. It usually helps me in moments of crisis. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "277141", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "quietbody9854", "content": "<p>seeing as i deal with at least two attacks a day, im not very good at controlling them still. what i find works most effective for me is to repeat a mantra over and over like even something as simple as \"breathe in and out\" or \"its fine. you are fine.\" I also like to listen to soft classical music, breathing gifs on sites like tumblr and to 'waltz breathing technique' which is just breathing in and out evenly to a simple waltz step tempo</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "278247", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "eyeballer123", "content": "<p>well as silly as i sounds i have a pen that double clicks. i take into situations that i think i may be stressed or panniced</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "288731", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "PixelStar", "content": "<p>I just go to the nearest bathroom and sit there and try to calm down telling myself that I just needed to poop.... Its true! It works at least for me. And taking long walks too.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "288860", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "MakeMeADay", "content": "<p>When I have panic attacks, I have a really hard time getting a full breath and swallowing. I don't find paper bags helpful, because for me it just reminds me that I am trying to breathe, instead of remembering that it is an involuntary bodily action. My body knows it needs to breath and swallow to stay alive. My anxiety is trying to convince me I have to be in control of it. So I find, for me, distraction is the best policy. I will post on social media and ask people to post stupid pictures of cats or dumb jokes. You wouldn't believe how much people love posting stupid cat pictures and dumb jokes. It seems silly, but that's the point. Even when the impetus for a panic attack is happening or true or seems real, there still is silly and happy and goofy and funny and all the other positive emotions inside of you. Reach out and let other people help you draw them out.</p>\n<p>It's like breathing into a paper bag full of giggle gas. :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "298771", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "GothTanya1", "content": "<p>When I have panic attacks feels like I can't breathe</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "301843", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "Poland02", "content": "<p>When you have a panic attack you should go outside and find five things. Then think about what they look like or sounds like. You could also Google </p>", "parent_ids": [ "301843,nil" ], "post_id": "317694", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "Averice", "content": "<p>I had to first realize that I wasn't going to die from a panic attack. Then I realized that they usually lasted at most for thirty minutes. That's because I was waiting for them to pass at that point, instead of freaking out getting myself worked up more and more. Then I practiced slow breaths until they passed and every time I practiced this I hot them less and less. I used to get them several times a day, but it's been fifteen years since I got over them and I haven't had one since. They are scary, but they won't kill you. I'm proof of that lol Hang in there and God bless. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "319501", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" }, { "author": "luv2listen", "content": "<p>The best way to cope with anxiety attacks is learning how to calm yourself down. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "356164", "thread_id": "23555", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/howdoyoudealwithyourpanicattacks_23555/" } ]
{ "author": "Sherlock37", "content": "I've been having way more trouble with anxiety than usual. For the past two weeks I've had constant anxiety attacks that can be triggered by just about anything. My brother has autism and several other issues and he loves to break the rules, slam religion, shout curses on people, god etc. But mostly he does it to me. For example, if he runs into the kitchen and eats dinner for the whole family that I cooked and I tell my mom and get angry. They gang up on me. My brother will say things like \"Your not human your the devils daughter! I hope you get pregnant again and again and they all die! I'm hope you die and I'll bring you back over and over!\" Then my mom will start yelling at me for starting his fit and tell me to stop tormenting him etc. Suddenly I'm the bad guy. I'm the scapegoat. It sucks. This happens at least a few times a week at it's worst. The rest of the time, everyone is angelic. My brother says he loves me, gives hugs, and he means it. But it's those times when everything suddenly explodes that gets me.", "date": "1439763598", "thread_id": "27846", "title": "Anxiety Just Won't Quit", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyJustWontQuit_27846/" }
[ { "author": "igetcha", "content": "<p>That's awful you've been dealing w/ all this @ the same time. That was a good move quitting that job. 24 hr shifts isn't normal or healthy. There are tons of better jobs out there where ppl treat you better. I've also heard about free support groups &amp; even free counseling &amp; this site is awesome. That's really rough w/ your family. Does your brother show any signs when he's irritable? Maybe your mom doesn't scold him cuz she's afraid of his meltdowns. Have you talked to her about it at all? Maybe bringing up that he's in an irritable mood before he has a meltdown might help alert her too so she won't snap at you &amp; blame you. Also, there might be ways to calm your brother down before he has </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "353863", "thread_id": "27846", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyJustWontQuit_27846/" }, { "author": "Sherlock37", "content": "<p>Actually my brother seems to only start up a fit when I'm involved or they (my brother or mom) assume I'm involved. It doesn't matter if it involves my brother directly </p>", "parent_ids": [ "353863,nil" ], "post_id": "354444", "thread_id": "27846", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyJustWontQuit_27846/" }, { "author": "Sherlock37", "content": "<p><span>He doesn't show any signs until he starts yelling. He can be completely placid and watching t.v. with us and then it just hits. </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "353863,nil" ], "post_id": "354445", "thread_id": "27846", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyJustWontQuit_27846/" }, { "author": "igetcha", "content": "<p>Hmm have you talked to your mom about how he only starts up when you're involved? If it's really only when you're involved it sounds like he's playing you both. Maybe talking to your mom about it could help break the cycle. Sometimes ppl can get blindsided when they're acomodating someone &amp; forget that ppl w/ challenges can intentionally misbehave too.</p>\n<p>That's awesome about the boot camp. I'm a programmer &amp; it's a pretty good market. &amp; tech is everywhere so you could probably find something that combines tech &amp; your other interests</p>", "parent_ids": [ "354445,353863,nil" ], "post_id": "354729", "thread_id": "27846", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyJustWontQuit_27846/" }, { "author": "Tumb13weed", "content": "<p>Looks like your anxiety is triggered particularly when you're verbally attacked, when you don't deserve it and/or the attacker is someone you're taking care of. The root certainly lies with your family life. Remember this though: things said under influence of illness, medication and strong negative emotions (anger, jealousy) do not really count. Your brother certainly didn't mean the hurtful things he said.</p>\n<p>You're doing your bit to help your family and make the world a little better. No reason why you should think you're a walking curse. You are having a tough time; I understand. If it gets too much, you can always get help. There are people on this site itself who can lend a ear, even if you wish to merely vent out.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "354120", "thread_id": "27846", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyJustWontQuit_27846/" }, { "author": "Sherlock37", "content": "<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "354120,nil" ], "post_id": "354452", "thread_id": "27846", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyJustWontQuit_27846/" }, { "author": "igetcha", "content": "<p>That's awful that they don't believe it. I can relate to my parents not knowing half the stuff that gos on in my life lol. One way to get them to understand the current problem is to break it down for them-a few instances of what you actually did &amp; what your brother said that wasn't right. You could tell them your mom ganging up on you just makes the problem way worse when it was un-called-for anyway &amp; it's escalating a problem that's not helping anyone. Ask wouldn't she rather not escalate these arguments &amp; have a more peaceful fam. Anyone can relate to unecesarry stress regardless of if they have anxiety</p>", "parent_ids": [ "354452,354120,nil" ], "post_id": "354732", "thread_id": "27846", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietyJustWontQuit_27846/" } ]
{ "author": "Awkwardkit", "content": "Hi, I was wondering if any listeners would mind roleplaying a scenario with me about talking to my parents about my anxiety? Thanks", "date": "1439259603", "thread_id": "27553", "title": "Talking about it.", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Talkingaboutit_27553/" }
[ { "author": "GlenM", "content": "<p>Great idea! </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "345941", "thread_id": "27553", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Talkingaboutit_27553/" }, { "author": "KoiFish", "content": "<p>@Awkwardkit that is a wonderful idea! I'm not a Listener, but I hope you find one who can help you communicate with your parents about anxiety.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "346037", "thread_id": "27553", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Talkingaboutit_27553/" }, { "author": "Mikaelaaa", "content": "<p>Hey @awkwardkit! - i'd be more than happy to. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "351390", "thread_id": "27553", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Talkingaboutit_27553/" }, { "author": "igetcha", "content": "<p>@Awkwardkit </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "353871", "thread_id": "27553", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Talkingaboutit_27553/" } ]
{ "author": "Farrelly", "content": "Today is the day I open up briefly about myself, and what has lead me to become a listener here. And Possible my goal which maybe some of you can help me out with it. So here goes nothing.\n\nI am about 17 now and getting my mind set on what I want to do in the future, university, which undergrades, and masters late; fun I know.\n\nBut last year I tried to end my life due to my twist path battling with: Anxiety, which lead to harsh relationships, I thought when i got out of it I may be good. But God has a silly way of irony, which meant 1 year after my mother passed a way a sudden death. I didnt't have a real father just an alcoholic mess, so when mommy died I was shipped to live with some new family. I was in a bad circle of friends a this point and found my self addicted to some pain killers (KICKED THAT HABIT ! YAAY) but while in this circle and planing my moms funeral I was raped by a friend of mine .\n\nThe family I am living with didn't get why the next school year I started smoking, stopped going out and started my road to self harm. I was suffering from PTSD and clinical depression. So after enduring that pain for a year I was placed into hospitalization cause I took something to far.\n\n(Happy part coming soon I promise)\n\nIn hospitialization I had a not so lovely experience, but found most children there were from my town, and when we were discharged we had to fend back in the world alone. They wondered why most kids go back 2 times. I was lucky enough to get to know social worker in town, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, and a nurse. But here is where I need your help.\n", "date": "1439649335", "thread_id": "27791", "title": "My Work Towards A Happier Ending, A Plot Twist in My World (TRIGGER WARNING) ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/MyWorkTowardsAHappierEndingAPlotTwistinMyWorldTRIGGERWARNING_27791/" }
[ { "author": "Lucym88", "content": "<p>Hey there, thanks for sharing your story. I'm sorry for what you went through, though it sounds like you are on a happy, positive path which is great :D Good luck!</p>\n<p>Take care.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "351957", "thread_id": "27791", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/MyWorkTowardsAHappierEndingAPlotTwistinMyWorldTRIGGERWARNING_27791/" } ]
{ "author": "TheDarkSide", "content": "So I have anxiety, depression and OCD. I feel like its getting worse as I get older. I usually don't leave my house because I'm not comfortable around people and I don't have anywhere to go unless I go to school and also I don't have friends. I've been bullied since the moment I started school to the day I dropped out. (I've recently signed up for online schooling.) So for the last few months I haven't left my house because I don't feel right. I don't know how to explain it but I just don't feel like myself anymore. I feel more nervous and I always feel sick. I've been to the doctors and they told me that nothing is wrong with me but I feel like there is something wrong with me. I've spent a lot of time on Google trying to fix myself but I can't find anything. I would go see a therapist but I don't have a lot of money. I don't really have anyone to talk to about my problems. I've tried talking to my mom but she doesn't understand me and I feel like she's given up on me because every time I try to tell her how I feel she kinda throws her hands up in the air and sighs like she's exhausted or annoyed. I really hate being mentally ill. By the way I'm not on any medications because the doctor doesn't think I need them. So anyways I'm just wondering has anyone else gone through something like this where they don't feel like their normal self? And how did you fix yourself? Also how does everyone else cope with thier aniexty, depression and OCD? I usually just do yoga to calm myself or listen to music.", "date": "1439367209", "thread_id": "27629", "title": "I don't feel like my noraml self", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontfeellikemynoramlself_27629/" }
[ { "author": "Airun98", "content": "<p>Hi. I feel the same as you. I have been suffering from anxiety since february. When I first had anxiety, I didnt know anything about that so I worried and worried and that caused panic attacks. I know how you feel, this is like the worst thing that has happened in my life and I am too fed up of this. I was worst the first months, then, I received help from a therapist but it hasn't helped so much because although I improved, I am worse again. Right now. Yesterday I had a panic attack and it just feels like I'm going to die. Although I'm as bad as you my advice is: try to keep your mind busy. Don't think about it over and over again. That is the worst thing you can do. And I know it is impossible for you!! But try, be positive, and of course, keep yourself busy doing something. Do you have any hobbies? I do. I really like drawing, and that helps a lot when I want to relax. But yeah, I hope that you get better. By the way, it's nice to know that I'm not the unique person who feels like that in the world!! \nRegards. :P</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "348035", "thread_id": "27629", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontfeellikemynoramlself_27629/" }, { "author": "TheDarkSide", "content": "<p>I don't know if these count as hobbies but I like to read and play video games.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "348035,nil" ], "post_id": "348951", "thread_id": "27629", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontfeellikemynoramlself_27629/" }, { "author": "TheDarkSide", "content": "<p>By the way thanks, I hope you get better too :) I'm hoping that one day I won't be mentally ill or at least have some kind of control over it. I have a bit of control over my depression, its just mainly my anxiety and OCD that bother me. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "348035,nil" ], "post_id": "348959", "thread_id": "27629", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontfeellikemynoramlself_27629/" }, { "author": "Silent31", "content": "<p>I don't feel like myself. I am no longer care free. I'm tired of lies and being disappointed by family and in my relationships. Disappointed in myself for not staying strong. My goal was to start over and I did, but another lie and disappointment has me falling apart again. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "348164", "thread_id": "27629", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontfeellikemynoramlself_27629/" }, { "author": "TheDarkSide", "content": "<p>I've been disappointed by so many people that I've started to just expect that everyones </p>", "parent_ids": [ "348164,nil" ], "post_id": "348963", "thread_id": "27629", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontfeellikemynoramlself_27629/" }, { "author": "Clouder", "content": "<p>Hi<span style=\"font-size:12.2399997711182px;\"> </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "351358", "thread_id": "27629", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontfeellikemynoramlself_27629/" } ]
{ "author": "summerlovingirl", "content": "I started having panic attacks a couple of months ago.", "date": "1439555000", "thread_id": "27735", "title": "Panic Attacks and feeling so overwhelmed", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttacksandfeelingsooverwhelmed_27735/" }
[ { "author": "toughBlueberry1938", "content": "<p><span>Hi, may I ask what is it that trigger your panic attacks? It's really important to divert yourself from particular stressors. Your health is a priority. It's a great step that you're seeking help here and are aware. I can relate to it somehow because </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "350618", "thread_id": "27735", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttacksandfeelingsooverwhelmed_27735/" }, { "author": "summerlovingirl", "content": "<p>I had to deal with some particularly stressful situations this year. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "350618,nil" ], "post_id": "350633", "thread_id": "27735", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttacksandfeelingsooverwhelmed_27735/" }, { "author": "toughBlueberry1938", "content": "<p><span>I understand what you're going through. It's not at all silly, sometimes rejection can really bring you down. Or we can say that having a heartbreak can really damage a person. But it's good that you are aware of what caused the problem </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "350633,350618,nil" ], "post_id": "350666", "thread_id": "27735", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttacksandfeelingsooverwhelmed_27735/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>There is hope, I have panic disorder and I'm on medications for it and my panic attacks are prevented, now I'm in remission. So what I want to tell you - get help, get medications, listen to your doctor and everything will be alright.<br><br><em><strong>xoxo</strong></em></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "350652", "thread_id": "27735", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttacksandfeelingsooverwhelmed_27735/" }, { "author": "summerlovingirl", "content": "<p>@alexlove </p>", "parent_ids": [ "350652,nil" ], "post_id": "350681", "thread_id": "27735", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttacksandfeelingsooverwhelmed_27735/" } ]
{ "author": "sensitivePlace5457", "content": "Okay, I used to have panic attacks all the time, but I haven't gotten one in about 7 years. I pretty much always know what I want and how to get it. I usually am very confident and have no issues making choices or changes, I actually usually welcome change, especially big change.. So I am having a super hard time understanding why it's the exact opposite this time!\n\nHere's what happened:\nI have been living in this place for almost two years now. I have a boyfriend, that I live with, but I'm not sure i'm all that into. I don't have a job, haven't for about 8 months. I have no money and no inkling that they may change. So I decided to move back to the place I lived before, where my family is, I have a guaranteed job, and friends. I tried to start driving the other day and had an epic panic attack that last pretty much the first hour of my drive. So, I pulled off the highway and came back. I felt better. But now I'm still here and nothing has changed for the better and nothing probably will.", "date": "1439491564", "thread_id": "27698", "title": "I need to know the reason.", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Ineedtoknowthereason_27698/" }
[ { "author": "RiverAngel", "content": "<p>I have no real answer. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "349513", "thread_id": "27698", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Ineedtoknowthereason_27698/" }, { "author": "sensitivePlace5457", "content": "<p>I've never had a panic attack when moving before. EVER. This is usually my favorite thing to do. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "349513,nil" ], "post_id": "349529", "thread_id": "27698", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Ineedtoknowthereason_27698/" } ]
{ "author": "livsdaisies", "content": "I have social anxiety and therefore nearly all my panic attacks are in public,", "date": "1437248713", "thread_id": "26351", "title": "Panic Attacks in Public", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttacksinPublic_26351/" }
[ { "author": "Sharkboom1234", "content": "<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "307169", "thread_id": "26351", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttacksinPublic_26351/" }, { "author": "conscientiousMap728", "content": "<p>I suffer a lot when i'm </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "333006", "thread_id": "26351", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttacksinPublic_26351/" }, { "author": "Mandy39", "content": "<p>omg im the same, i always have them around people, be it in public or at home with my family. when these occur if im in public i just wanna go home</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "349448", "thread_id": "26351", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttacksinPublic_26351/" } ]
{ "author": "ZombieKid", "content": "im not a person who gets anxious very easily, but school starts tomorrow after nd I can feel my whole body shaking. I don't wanna eat anything and think I might pass out. If I tell my parents they'll think Im just trying to get out of going, but I'm really scared because the first day of school has never been that intimidating to me. I guess I was just hoping that someone could give me some advice on how to calm myself down and get back to myself. Any answers are extremely appreciated. Thanks for everything!\n", "date": "1439339784", "thread_id": "27599", "title": "Help with school anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Helpwithschoolanxiety_27599/" }
[ { "author": "Katdlr1013", "content": "<p>Hey zombieKid, I understand your pain. I have social anxiety and I go to a small high school...but a very outspoken one. I know that if you have confidence, and simply find people who understand, it'll be okay. Above all, find a teacher who understands. :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "347198", "thread_id": "27599", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Helpwithschoolanxiety_27599/" }, { "author": "welcometofreakshow", "content": "<p>Tbh first days always sucks. I was just like you when i was at school. Felling worried about new term always in panic. But i wad exited too about it. New school yesr also means new people too! Just try to be yourself and let people to know you better. You can always find people who share you with same interests.\n</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "347212", "thread_id": "27599", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Helpwithschoolanxiety_27599/" } ]
{ "author": "NovelSolutions", "content": "1. Challenge negative thoughts\n\n2. Learn relaxation techniques like breath control\n\n3. Face your fears in a challenge ladder\n\n4. Build stronger relationships\n\n5. Healthy lifestyle\n\n6. CBT\n", "date": "1439213539", "thread_id": "27522", "title": "Social Anxiety Guide", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SocialAnxietyGuide_27522/" }
[ { "author": "pluckyTiger4064", "content": "<p>Hi I want to post something a new thread, how can I do that</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "345200", "thread_id": "27522", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SocialAnxietyGuide_27522/" }, { "author": "NovelSolutions", "content": "<p>Click create a new thread (the green button) on the top right quadrant of the page.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "345200,nil" ], "post_id": "346496", "thread_id": "27522", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/SocialAnxietyGuide_27522/" } ]
{ "author": "doublelife", "content": "So I was talking to someone & they started semi choking. They looked fine but stopped talking. I feel awful that I originally thought it was because of something I said. I can't believe I'm so selfish. I don't even know how to do anything about it\n", "date": "1439258299", "thread_id": "27552", "title": "Sick of being selfish", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Sickofbeingselfish_27552/" }
[ { "author": "None", "content": "<p>My question is, how the fuck are you being selfish? You didn't know they were joking. That's not selfish. Selfish is not wanting to give a homeless person an extra burger you have because maybe you'll eat it and you know you want. Stop fucking with yourself and saying your things you aren't. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "346241", "thread_id": "27552", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Sickofbeingselfish_27552/" }, { "author": "nikkinami", "content": "<p>Don't beat yourself up over it! :) What you just described isn't being selfish. You didn't know they were choking, after all. That would be like me bumping into someone in accident and thinking I was being arrogant. I promise, you aren't selfish. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "346245", "thread_id": "27552", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Sickofbeingselfish_27552/" } ]
{ "author": "AndrewPayn", "content": "Hello.\n", "date": "1439070929", "thread_id": "27459", "title": "Need Some Advice", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/NeedSomeAdvice_27459/" }
[ { "author": "Lucym88", "content": "<p>Hello Andrew,</p>\n<p>Thanks for sharing and reaching out. I'm so sorry you are going through this.</p>\n<p>Perhaps you could make an appointment and the night before write everything down? Try to explain that you are too anxious to talk about it but have written everything that you have been feeling and whats been going on. Then they might suggest coping strategies.</p>\n<p>Hope that helps.</p>\n<p>Take care.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "343171", "thread_id": "27459", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/NeedSomeAdvice_27459/" }, { "author": "AndrewPayn", "content": "<p>Hello,</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "343171,nil" ], "post_id": "343178", "thread_id": "27459", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/NeedSomeAdvice_27459/" }, { "author": "MaeWe", "content": "<p>Hi Andrew! \nI know exactly what you are feeling, the anxiety can be so crippling it causes you to shut down. I was diagnosed with dysthymia, major depressive disorder, and severe social anxiety. Sometimes, having both depression and anxiety can cause many many issues in our everyday lives that people without wouldn't be able to comprehend. When I first went to get help for my problems, I didn't talk. I was to anxious and scared that I would get judged or that I was a cliche. But, these trained professionals are used to people not being able to talk because of things like this, especially since you'd be going in for your anxiety. Just let them do all of the talking the first couple times so that you can see how it will work and get more confortable with your surroundings. I promise, after you are there for many visits, the talking will become natural! \nI'm sorry for your troubles, friend!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "343305", "thread_id": "27459", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/NeedSomeAdvice_27459/" }, { "author": "anxietyrob", "content": "<p>I wrote everything down over the course of a week, then went to see the GP. I felt ridiculous saying some of the things that troubled me, like nobody else would get it, that i was the only one who had these feelings and anxiety.... He quietly sat there and let me speak then said some works that comforted me \"this is fairly common your not alone!\" Because i felt alone, i felt like i was going mad and nobody especially me didnt know why</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "345213", "thread_id": "27459", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/NeedSomeAdvice_27459/" } ]
{ "author": "triskelewithwings67", "content": "So today I bought my plan tickets to fly back home next month. I have never flown or had to fly any where so I never even realized I had this problem. I started to panic when I had to pick my seat. The middle of the row wouldn't work because I would start to feel trapped the aisle seat didn't sound good because I couldn't take getting bumped into and all of that. The window seat seemed like the best idea. Then I started thinking about how close I would be to \"the edge\" so to say and started freaking out more. I did end up going with the window but not after taking like 10 minutes to panic about how I was pretty sure I was going to die and I almost just canceled everything. But I'm going back for my father's funeral thing which I don't really want to go to so that could be part of it....", "date": "1438991834", "thread_id": "27422", "title": "Filght anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/Filghtanxiety_27422/" }
[ { "author": "StillWaters11", "content": "<p>I'll be honest, I don't know much about specifically flight anxiety personally, but I do fly a lot (and I mean my whole life seems to be flying) and I know many people with flight anxiety. First off I'd like to say that I think you made a good choice in the window seat. I think it has more room than other seats and I take comfort in imagining the wall as part of my own personal bubble or cacoon. Secondly, if your afraid of the idea of the 'edge' of the plane keep the window closed from the minute you sit down at the gate. No one will be bothered by it and it is yours to control. My next big advice would to bring something to do with you on the plane. Many people don't think of this no matter how short or long the flight is but it is very important. Make sure it is something you can carry with you and don't have to put in the overhead bin. It can be your favorite book, a drawing pad, </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "342072", "thread_id": "27422", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/Filghtanxiety_27422/" }, { "author": "Heyitsmichaella", "content": "<p>I would say keep your mind off of it if you can but obviously that's hard to do when it's anxiety. but like make all the reasons you will be safe on the plane ex. there are more car crashes than plane crashes </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "342151", "thread_id": "27422", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/Filghtanxiety_27422/" } ]
{ "author": "harveygirl4619", "content": " \n\nI do, thanks to my ex who has been and is still harassing/stalking/threatening me. It is so hard to get a restraining order here :/ Anyway, I can barely leave the house and am on guard all the time. I carry my pepper spray and flashlight stun gun everywhere with me in the house. This just sucks and I have no friends and  get so bored and feel so crazy and restless. Anyway, just wanted to vent and also see who else goes through similar problems and is bored as hell lol\n", "date": "1435497427", "thread_id": "25229", "title": "Agoraphobics?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Agoraphobics_25229/" }
[ { "author": "LifetimeDrifter", "content": "<p>I have a diagnosis of agoraphobia. But like most phobics we are all different.<br>I avoid shopping (Hurray for next day delivery online) , talking to anyone in a public place is tricky and asking a question is one big NO NO. Parties and social gatherings are also all situations to avoid. Birthdays/Christmas/Easter - all times of year I try to escape.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "307050", "thread_id": "25229", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Agoraphobics_25229/" }, { "author": "uglyPandaMan", "content": "<p>Can relate.. This year I avoided the annual family gathering due to my agoraphobia. Feels kinda guilty lying to my parents to escape that event.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "307050,nil" ], "post_id": "307222", "thread_id": "25229", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Agoraphobics_25229/" }, { "author": "Lee", "content": "<p>@harveygirl4619</p>\n<p>Wow, that must be so tough! I'm so sorry for what you have to go through right now. You did not deserve this situation where you feel as though you need to fear your surroundings. I really hope things get better, and I'm wishing you strength.</p>\n<p>Lee.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "317378", "thread_id": "25229", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Agoraphobics_25229/" }, { "author": "Seraphina2", "content": "<p>I have agoraphobia and social anxiety (and other things...), I haven't went out of my house since Wednesday. I feel really bad because of this. But the only imagine it, I feel anxious and terrible afraid. I'm stupid for not give the first step, I know it :(</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "320456", "thread_id": "25229", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Agoraphobics_25229/" }, { "author": "uglyPandaMan", "content": "<p>Try one month. Nowadays, I only go out more less three times per month..</p>", "parent_ids": [ "320456,nil" ], "post_id": "320560", "thread_id": "25229", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Agoraphobics_25229/" }, { "author": "FruitPop180", "content": "<p>I'll be turning 15 in 2 days. I've been dealing with agoraphobia. I haven't ridden in a car or been more than half a mile away </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "338380", "thread_id": "25229", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Phobias_250/Agoraphobics_25229/" } ]
{ "author": "anxietyrob", "content": "I'm struggling with my Anxiety at the moment, i changed my meds 3 weeks ago and up'd the dose by 25mg (to 50mg), so this may be the underlying factor.\nMy work involves a bit of travel, usually there and back in a day with the occasional", "date": "1438591778", "thread_id": "27165", "title": "Fear of Anxiety attack = Making me Anxious ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/FearofAnxietyattackMakingmeAnxious_27165/" }
[ { "author": "DancingCreature22", "content": "<p>That sounds like a difficult situation! Have you thought about changing your medication? Not just in dosage, but the type you're taking. From personal experience, sometimes the medication just stops working. Our bodies have a way of getting used to it, so the effects aren't seen anymore, you know? It sounds like a lot of your anxiety comes from these work trips? What about these trips might make you anxious?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "338233", "thread_id": "27165", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/FearofAnxietyattackMakingmeAnxious_27165/" } ]
{ "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "Post in this thread about any time you've overcome your fears even just for a moment to do something! Post something you're proud of.\n", "date": "1437763787", "thread_id": "26661", "title": "Anxiety Success", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietySuccess_26661/" }
[ { "author": "starryRiver83", "content": "<p>That's great @KfindingSpeaceK! And always keep that in mind now whenever you have phone conversations... you've done it once, it went really well, you can do it again.</p>\n<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "319226", "thread_id": "26661", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietySuccess_26661/" }, { "author": "MummaIz", "content": "<p>I once used to have this job that was good enough, I was earning a bit of money etc. Anyways, my boss was horrible to me; always expecting me to do a whole days work in a 3 hour shift. When I didn't complete all the work she wanted me too, she would go off at me. One night when I was folding clothes (department store) so it was neat and perfect, I realised that I had barely done anything she asked me to. I got so stressed and anxious, and ended up having my first panic attack on the floor next to a pile of messy clothes. I was shaking and actually cried a little bit - but the worst part was the hyperventilating. It was my first one so I didn't know what to do or what was even going on, I thought I was dying.\n\nAnyways, one day my grandpa passed away and I had to go to his funeral. I put in a form to get time off work - my boss approved. So I went and everything was all good. But as I came back home, there was a letter for me saying that if I didn't explain why I wasn't at work then I was taking my employment into their hands. I knew from this moment on, that I couldn't deal with my boss or the shops working atmosphere. So I quickly wrote a letter of resignation. I wanted to just post it to the shop, but my Dad made me take it in and see her. So I did. I said I was quitting immediately. That was June 2014 and is haven't even stepped foot back in the shop since. \n\nMy mum was so angry that I quit, saying how that job would have allowed me to transfer to a different store in a different city when I moved. No matter how hard I tried to explain that I was extremely unhappy there, she didn't get it. So basically, I overcame my anxiety to actually quit. I had to tell her face to face that I was quitting - the lady who basically mentally abused me through work load. The feeling of relief afterwards was indescribable; pretty sure I slept for basically all of the next day! \n\nPS: Sorry for writing so much, I get carried away ahah..</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "319243", "thread_id": "26661", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietySuccess_26661/" }, { "author": "TranquilSkye30", "content": "<p>@Mummalz I've been in a similar situation. My boss treated me terribly and I was too anxious to talk to her and quit. But I did! I'm so glad you got out of that situation, and I'm sure it was a huge relief once it was all over!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "319243,nil" ], "post_id": "319529", "thread_id": "26661", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietySuccess_26661/" }, { "author": "mimameid", "content": "<p>Sometime last year I was incredibly anxious about breaking up with my first boyfriend. It ended up being a very emotionally abusive relationship and I was terrified of being alone, which is why it took me a long while to actually break up with him since we had been together for almost four years. it caused me so much anxiety and fear, but when I eventually did break up with him, I was so relieved, free from his manipulations and complaints </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "319531", "thread_id": "26661", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietySuccess_26661/" }, { "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "<p>I'm so proud of all of you, these are great achievements and things to be proud of you. You've overcome fears to do something you need to do.</p>\n<p><img title=\"heart\" alt=\"heart\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "319556", "thread_id": "26661", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietySuccess_26661/" }, { "author": "Brielle224", "content": "<p>Aww that is so great!! I am so happy to hear that &lt;3</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "319558", "thread_id": "26661", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietySuccess_26661/" }, { "author": "SkyUnicorn", "content": "<p>Today I went to the library and read for a while, then wandered around the shops, and went to a busy little cafe for lunch by myself. It might just sound like a normal day, but last year I couldn't even leave the house because my anxiety was so bad, I would never have been able to do everything I did today, especially not alone. It's an amazing feeling to realise that I'm slowly conquering the anxiety that's held me back for so long! :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "336814", "thread_id": "26661", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietySuccess_26661/" }, { "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "<p>Fantastic! Very great things to be proud of. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "336814,nil" ], "post_id": "336983", "thread_id": "26661", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietySuccess_26661/" }, { "author": "doublerainbow", "content": "<p>A couple months ago I had such bad social anxiety that I began to think others treated me different, I started to shut down, withdrawl, and even get panic attacks around my family. Today I can now have a conversation with my family without a panic attack, and I'm not afraid of being myself anymore. I still get a little anxious &amp; bit quiet but I'm working on that. I can finally make a phone call without without feeling like I'm dying. And I can finally go to stores, or any public place without horrible anxiety attacks.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "337007", "thread_id": "26661", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietySuccess_26661/" }, { "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "<p>I'm so proud of your progress! You're doing great, keep it up. :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "337007,nil" ], "post_id": "337054", "thread_id": "26661", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/AnxietySuccess_26661/" } ]
{ "author": "OracleSilver", "content": "I've been directed here to this site to help with what is a really small ridiculous thing to be anxious about, but I'm anxious and worried it's going to cause further problems.\n\nI've recently joined a gym, I'm Autistic with social anxiety so this is a big deal for me, especially as I seem to be one of the weakest and more unfit there, also the staff seem to be picking up on how anxious I am. I'm coping well, but a couple of situations have thrown me a little and are making me feel anxious about going to the gym...\n\nOne situation was today when I went to a new class.\n\nI was early but didn't see trainer so", "date": "1438029062", "thread_id": "26812", "title": "How do you deal with aftermath of awkward social situation?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howdoyoudealwithaftermathofawkwardsocialsituation_26812/" }
[ { "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "<p>Hi,</p>\n<p><span>I understand first-timers can be extremely difficult especially when they involve other people. I think anyone would have felt the same way you did about the situation. It's completely okay that this happened, if you plan to continue the class you can just plan ahead in the event that this does happen again. Ask yourself, \"What can I do to help me figure out what's going on in the class?\" You might think that you can ask someone else in the class or ask the teacher or just try to pick up on what's going on. Also, in situations like these it's important to try to notice when you're feeling anxious and use any methods that you know of to help relieve it and help you do whatever is it that you need to do. </span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "333527", "thread_id": "26812", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Howdoyoudealwithaftermathofawkwardsocialsituation_26812/" } ]
{ "author": "mimameid", "content": "So when I was very young, I used to have what felt like panic attacks when I was in the middle of dreaming. They used to be so severe that I would actually get up while half asleep and move around the house and muttering to myself, sometimes hyperventilating and picking up things. They were very strange, scary experiences that were usually triggered by me being chased by something in the dream, or when my thoughts race. I used to think they were just nightmares, but I didnt think they caused the dreamer to sleepwalk.\nThis doesnt happen to me anymore, but has anyone else experienced this?", "date": "1438441606", "thread_id": "27079", "title": "panic attacks while asleep", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/panicattackswhileasleep_27079/" }
[ { "author": "LetTheWindBlow", "content": "<p>I don't think I have panic attack in sleep,but I do have nights when the stress is strong that I have anxious sleeps. I'd be so tired and I go to bed I'd jolt awake white pounding heart and laboured breath, like I had a nightmare but I'd recall in that short time before losing memory about my dream that I wasn't having nightmares. I'd still be so tired but I couldn't calm down and stay anxious in bed for hours. Usually I just give up sleep.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "332786", "thread_id": "27079", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/panicattackswhileasleep_27079/" } ]
{ "author": "Seaway", "content": "What do you to to get over or be a little bit better at handling this? I'm not sure if a thread like this has been done or not.\n", "date": "1432342090", "thread_id": "23385", "title": "What helps with your social anxiety?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }
[ { "author": "politePineapple2995", "content": "<p>Challenging myself once a day, whether it be smiling at a stranger, making small talk at the cash register, anything really. Last year when my SA was really bad, my counselor would have me purposely place myself in awkward situations. I would call a store on the phone and stutter, mess up, forget what I was calling about, etc. I also would call restaurants claiming that I had an issue with one of their food items and would go on to complain about it...the issues I claimed to have were small and insignificant, normally I would be absolutely mortified to bring one of them up. But the placesall were very nice and told me I could come in andtell them my name, and they'd give me a free whatever I complained about. Doing little things like this and setting myself up for awkwardness/embarrassmenthelped me feel like I had more control over the situation and made me realize how much people don't care if you're awkward and are generally nice and tolerant...Of course I still feel the effects of SA on a daily basis, but these little \"exposures\" helped remind me to not worry so much about awkward/embarrassing encounters.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "251805", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }, { "author": "madman147", "content": "<p>It may sound childish but I have a peace of chain from a fan and I always keep it in my pocket and I just hold it/fiddle wirh it and that somewhat helps it in most situations I also just mess with change in my pocket or anything that feels normal like it always dose if that makes any sense </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "251809", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }, { "author": "iloverunning", "content": "<p>I battle my anxiety by just going out and exposing myself to different social situations. This may not sound helpful, but practice does really help you become comfortable with talking to people. Like politepineapple,I'd suggest challenging yourself each day. You don't have to start off by talking to a large group of people if that's not what you're comfortable with yet. You can contribute your opinion toa class/meeting/gathering at least once, or ask someone who you've been wanting to hang out with (but haven't gotten the courage to talk to) to grab lunch. Remember to give yourself positive praise at the end, because you got this! :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "251855", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }, { "author": "isebastianl", "content": "<p>By Knowing that I create my anxiety i have the power to overcome it, I have a choice in this matter by focusing in the present moment and not to worry about the future and accepting the past, contining to take small steps to get past my confort zone and become a new person</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "251861", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }, { "author": "Busybee333", "content": "<p>I've suffered anxiety since I was 17. Now 34. You can buy worry stones to keep in your pocket which helps as a good distraction for me. I have a big rose quartz heart crystal. My problems are worse if I'm in a crowded room and not near the door. I then convince myself I need the toilet and it gets very uncomfortable. It's all in my mind though. I usually book specific seats for cinema on the end of a row. And stay by the door at school performances I attend. Also training with work is a big trigger unless I catch the trainer at the beginning and just say confidently I might need to leave I suffer anxiety. Because at the end of the day it's nothing to be ashamed of. That usually eases my tension. I've had to leave shops because part way round I've made myself feel dizzy and breathless. It controls me to a point but I do what I can to ease it</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "251875", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }, { "author": "caprisun1011", "content": "<p>After really coming to the conclusion that I had social anxiety and deciding that I couldn't live my life in fear anymore, I decided that in order to get over my fear, I really had to put myself out there. I really tried to get more involved with school and tried REALLY REALLY hard to talk to more people. It was definitely a struggle and I still have my moments, but I realized living in fear of other people wasn't how I wanted to spend my life. I did little things like just saying hi to more people or smiling at more people in the hallways. I started getting out more like trying to go to the mall and just get myself out of the house. I know it's kind of silly, little things. But, it really made a big difference.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "266041", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }, { "author": "PaperTownsPaperPeople", "content": "<p>If I'm in a particularly awkward situation I put on a special playlist I have on my phone which I made just for tough situations.</p>\n<p></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "267846", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }, { "author": "Seaway", "content": "<p>@PaperTownsPaperPeople, what kind of music helps you?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "267846,nil" ], "post_id": "268368", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }, { "author": "epsilina", "content": "<p>Something an old therapist had me do when I was in a particularly anxious situation was to make three columns. The first column was to write out the situation that happened objectively. The second was to write down what I felt had happened. The third was to write down possible alternate solutions. So for example it might be like:</p>\n<p>Column 1: Friend did not call me when they said they would.</p>\n<p>Column 2: Friend hates me and doesn't actually want me around.</p>\n<p>Column 3: Friend fell asleep. Friend mixed up their days. Friend was having a bad or anxious day themselves and didn't feel capable. Friend's phone died.</p>\n<p>It doesn't always help, but it does help show how many other possible things could be true in a given situation, and that your worst assumption isn't the only possibility.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "317905", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }, { "author": "Lorena27", "content": "<p>Trying to be mindful and present and accept how I'm feeling really helps. If I'm feeling particularly anxious I'll try to become more aware of myself and how I'm feeling and then observe my surroundings. Some things I do to ground myself </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "319110", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }, { "author": "rowenaravenclaw", "content": "<p>Knowing that everyone has their own worries. More often than not they're too busy with their own worries to notice the little \"mistakes\" you made.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "319557", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }, { "author": "Lorena27", "content": "<p>Very true! And it's funny how with social anxiety one seems to want to avoid having attention on them but SA thinking is </p>", "parent_ids": [ "319557,nil" ], "post_id": "322580", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }, { "author": "SkyUnicorn", "content": "<p>Making sure I get enough sleep, eat regularly and healthily, drink a lot of water, staying clean... All basic stuff, but I find that I've neglected any of these, it can make my anxiety much worse. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "325114", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" }, { "author": "inventiveStrawberries5807", "content": "<p>I have SA and just started working as a beauty advisor in a store - which means my job is solely based on constant customer service. I have to say that I did <em>not </em>deal with my SA before getting started, so it was definitely an issue.</p>\n<p>Not only do I have to deal with register/cash/returns/answering the phone/paging managers (which is terrifying cause I have to hear my voice echo in the entire store)/making sure I don't screw up when doing any procedures/etc, I have to constantly be looking out for costumers on my department and actively engage with them. Specially because I'm new both at costumer service and at the beauty department, I'm still learning everything. So that plus my SA leads to a lot of stuttering and forgetting how to do things and messing up my pages etc.</p>\n<p>So I'm finding a few ways to not only make me more comfortable in my work place, but also when I mess up because of anxiety. 1) I need to make myself understand that I will mess up with some procedural thing - I am new, I don't know everything, and if I don't do it again, then it's ok. 2) If you stutter, make fun of yourself: \"Hello, do you have your card rewards - I mean balance ca- Ah, ok let's start that again haha Do you have a balance rewards card? Oh I got it this time\" and smile. People will understand and when you smile they get calmer and friendlier.</p>\n<p>So yeah, basically understand you will make a fool out of yourself because of your SA - but please try and smile about it, making fun of yourself, so you can teach your body to understand that it shouldn't be in a panic mode because of that situation.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "332087", "thread_id": "23385", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Whathelpswithyoursocialanxiety_23385/" } ]
{ "author": "LetItBe1", "content": "I know, it sounds crazy. But my biggest problem with anxiety is panic attacks and most of the time, thinking about one makes me have one. It's just strange. To have anxiety about anxiety. Please share if you have the same issue/know how to handle it. Thanks!\n", "date": "1422577483", "thread_id": "17418", "title": "Panic Attacks triggered by thinking about panic attacks.", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }
[ { "author": "modestZebra2079", "content": "<p>I don't think that is strange at all. It actually makes a lot of sense. You trigger the anxiety by contemplating how bad it is. I'm not sure what you could do to help ease it but I just wanted to let you know it's not strange and I am glad you brought it up. I think it's more common than you realize.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "135029", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "faithfulCoconut4751", "content": "<p>I can relate to what your saying and feeling. Walking or going into someplace cold helps me. At work I have a walk in freezer and it helps slow my breathing and cool.me down. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "135029,nil" ], "post_id": "135089", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "BlueRain92", "content": "<p>I'm going through this right now. I am in a constant state of panic and when I'm not I'm sobbing hysterically. One my favorite techniques is just breathing. When you breathe in through the nose and out the mouth it works wonders for your panic</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "135093", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "DesertDaughter64", "content": "<p>I used to explain to my friend that oddly enough I enjoyed cigarettes because they helped me breathe. Not condoning smoking. But I am saying that breathing exercises and even rolling back and forth in fetal position can help.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "135093,nil" ], "post_id": "288650", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "SingleDad", "content": "<p>Great point but this is not always the case. Thought creates all things indeed but sometimes episodes come out of nowhere and hit like an anvil dropped by ACME Corp.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "136886", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "Touchingskin", "content": "<p>It's insane how easy I can trigger myself in to a panic attack, just by thinking them or thinking about past anxiety attacks.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "139423", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "BlueRain92", "content": "<p>Hey my panic attacks are so bad I barely eat and I don't leave my bathroom in my house for hours when I get home from work it's actually getting to the point I can't work anymore I don't even want to leave the house</p>", "parent_ids": [ "139423,nil" ], "post_id": "139525", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "considerateScienceMonkey", "content": "<p>I totally understand :c it's a mixture of apathy and anxiety for me. I feel anxious and stressed out because I'm not focusing on my schoolwork, so I sometimes try (or don't, because I'm feeling apathetic and think \"it's not going to matter in the end, I'll fail\") and sometimes do end up studying. Doing anything else outside of my schoolwork makes me anxious and makes me panic sometimes. Even something like showering or making a meal for myself. :c</p>", "parent_ids": [ "139525,139423,nil" ], "post_id": "139717", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "littlebird231", "content": "<p>I get this too, I'll just think 'what if I had a panic attack?' and then I'm anxious about it for a while but pretty quickly it starts</p>", "parent_ids": [ "139423,nil" ], "post_id": "302047", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "iuliagabriela", "content": "<p>Well what you're experiencing (and I as well) is the textbook definition of the panic disorder. It's not strange at all to be scared of having a panic attack. However, i don't know how to help you on this because i can't manage to calm down between panic attacks either :(</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "164673", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "mistpete75", "content": "<p>I can sort of relate. I have ptsd. Nights are the worst. I generally start with feelings of uneasiness in the evening. A lot of times I end up having full blown panic attacks over night. I find reminding myself to breath, telling myself I'm in a safe place, doing anything to get my senses involved works. Working with playdoh is wonderful!\n\n</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "164738", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "limeBeechwood5092", "content": "<p>Its scary how i get weak legs lightheadedness faint feeling heart skips cant sleep at night numbness hands sweat and tingle </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "167177", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "gen2700", "content": "<p>ME TOO! How can I make it stop? Ahhhh it sucks. I just lay in bed at night and all I can think about is scenarios in my head of getting panic attacks or getting hurt or I think off all my anxiety which causes more anxiety and it sucks!!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "192846", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "mysteriousbenedictsociety", "content": "<p>I have the same thing. I find that the best thing to do is if possible go somewhere that you can be alone or with a few close people. I then try to even my breathing and ften close my eyes. I sometimes plug in earphones and play calming sounds (there are several apps with these). If you can't get away try using different calming techniques like 'Five Stages of the Sea' or counting or anything that helps you.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "285089", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "discreetFriend9124", "content": "<p>I am on the same boat as you, I have been battling anxiety and panic attacks since I was about 14, so almost 10 years! Sometimes I think it would be best to just give up and die but I know its not the correct answer. It has been almost a month since my last panic attack and I used to have them almost every day!</p>\n<p>There are a few exercises you can use to help control the panic and anxiety, they have helped out tremendously for me. They do not cure you by any means but it does help.</p>\n<p>Take a look at anxiousreview.com</p>\n<p>its a good read :) hope I was helpful and remember that you are not alone.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "288646", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "littlebird231", "content": "<p>I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has this, I honestly thought it was just me</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "302045", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "livsdaisies", "content": "<p>Thank god! I do this and I'm so happy to hear someone else experiences it. A couple of weeks back, I had really bad anxiety, about nothing </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "307016", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "shanejcd", "content": "<p>This is what is happening to me.......When I am not having an episode I think about it and then it happens. This all started a week ago and I am struggling trying to understand all this. my symptoms are near fainting with hot flashes and sometimes chest pain. Very scary feeling symptoms and when I even think about it , that causes it to start all over again. I am having 3-4 short episodes a day for the last week. I am 43 male</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "331996", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" }, { "author": "planti", "content": "<p>I understand completely! I try to take really deep breaths and focus on only breathing, and listening to the yoga station on pandora. ☺</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "332017", "thread_id": "17418", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/PanicAttackstriggeredbythinkingaboutpanicattacks_17418/" } ]
{ "author": "AlexIsAStraightGuy", "content": "Hi there. My name is Alex and I have anxiety", "date": "1438138828", "thread_id": "26889", "title": "Tips For Living With Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TipsForLivingWithAnxiety_26889/" }
[ { "author": "echandsketch", "content": "<p>Anxiety can be managed, in my case, by asking yourself if your fear is justified to interrupt your feedback loop, and if you feel an attack coming on, think of how likely the scenario you're worrying about is going to happen is. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "326687", "thread_id": "26889", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TipsForLivingWithAnxiety_26889/" }, { "author": "QuietPastelRain", "content": "<p>If you're into more spiritual beliefs, an onyx can really help you out there. If you're more into something that'll help more try buying a glitter bottle on etsy. They're pretty cheap and they have a super calming affect on others (especially kids, that's why it works so well)!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "326690", "thread_id": "26889", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TipsForLivingWithAnxiety_26889/" }, { "author": "Tallulahblue", "content": "<p>Maybe finding a safe place of sorts or an activity will help. I started reading a lot and taking walks when I was anxious. Knitting also helped a bit although quite frankly I'm not all that great at it. Or even a small ritual will help of sorts. For example sometimes I get overwhelmed so I go on me dates and I just treat myself in little ways. Like going out for lunch and then going to my favorite book store or whatever excites me that day.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "326981", "thread_id": "26889", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TipsForLivingWithAnxiety_26889/" }, { "author": "KoiFish", "content": "<p>I had several panic attacks while on an antidepressant. Not sure why but I thought it was killing me and that I was gonna die. I got through it by doing yoga on a YouTube channel called PsycheTruth. I kept my body busy and they also ask a question to ponder during the yoga session so I also kept my mind busy so I'd slowly calm down. I continue to do 20-30 min of yoga a day. It literally saved my life. I hope you find what works for you. Hang in there!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "326991", "thread_id": "26889", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TipsForLivingWithAnxiety_26889/" }, { "author": "GreenDuck2016", "content": "<p>When I'm having one of those days where all I do is worry and feel anxious I read or I do crating because I have to concentrate on that so it takes my mind off of whatever is making me feel anxious. As for panic attacks and such what I do is I breath in my noes out my mouth and remember the bright side or something good that is coming up. And I also have asthma so my inhaler comes in handy too when I can't breath </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "327347", "thread_id": "26889", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TipsForLivingWithAnxiety_26889/" }, { "author": "SofiaKatarina", "content": "<p>Do something that you like, go for a walk/run, and if you dont feel like you can control it you can go to a doctor/therapist and try CBT (Cognitive behavioral therapy). </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "329323", "thread_id": "26889", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TipsForLivingWithAnxiety_26889/" }, { "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "<p>Anxiety and panic attacks at home can be managed with the help of </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "331057", "thread_id": "26889", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/TipsForLivingWithAnxiety_26889/" } ]
{ "author": "Lacepaper", "content": "I'm already 22 and I have no idea how to date or sometimes even approach new people. The problem is that I have no idea how to flirt or even show my interest and when someone tries to flirt with me It always goes the same.. I take it as a joke or a sarcastic remark and brush it off. When I develop a crush I behave like I'm still 14 and try to avoid that person while secretly staring at them constantly. I have no idea how any of this works. I don't even know if someone even finds me attractive..\n\nOver my life awkwardness of my behavior has fluctuated. Sometimes I stay inside my room for weeks while some days I can meet many new people.\n", "date": "1438293223", "thread_id": "26990", "title": "Clueless", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Clueless_26990/" }
[ { "author": "TimidQ", "content": "<p>Im really shy and timid when it comes to meeting new people. Some days I'm just a blabber mouth and others I'll just give a simple smile. Honestly, I've learned to just do what I'm comfortable with. When I really feel comfortable with a guy that I'm interested in, I act like I would if we were old friends. It doesn't always work out the best but some days I am naturally flirty and that's when the cards seem to be in y favor. Just try being you. Find people who have the same interests and genuinely like you for you. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "330372", "thread_id": "26990", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Clueless_26990/" }, { "author": "Dreamer02", "content": "<p>I've got social anxiety. So when I say I don't like people. I really mean it. But since I realized it's not all me, I try to fight it. Recently, I've PM a stranger....and it was difficult, but we actually started talking and it was cool. After that first send, I'm golden. Looking back th that I actually laugh. I'm getting better. So here's to baby steps...</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "330482", "thread_id": "26990", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Clueless_26990/" } ]
{ "author": "quietCake6728", "content": "Does anyone else have severe anxiety at the gym? If so, how do you handle it?\n\nI have had more anxiety attacks at the gym than I would like to admit and to think, I go in order to help relieve me of my depression/anxiety:(\n", "date": "1437956826", "thread_id": "26758", "title": "Gym Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }
[ { "author": "Nonaroo", "content": "<p>For some reason I find that if I dress up real cute I feel better. I usually get cute but cheap gym wear and then I feel better about myself while I'm there.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "322627", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }, { "author": "ArielleirA", "content": "<p>Hey! I handle my anxiety at the gym by putting in my ear phones, listening to my favorite music, and focusing on the music. I don't look around the gym because if I do then my anxiety starts. I focus on my music, what I need to do, and the machines I need to get on. So, I pretty much tune out my surroundings. Hopefully this helps you in some way :) lol</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "322636", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }, { "author": "quietCake6728", "content": "<p>I do appreciate the ideas:)</p>\n<p>thank you so much!!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "322642", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }, { "author": "ArielleirA", "content": "<p>Your welcome :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "322642,nil" ], "post_id": "322645", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }, { "author": "Quinnriley", "content": "<p>I have a cordenation disorder that makes me very bad at sports/ gym. I have anxiety in gym because it's a lot harder for me than others and no one under stands </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "322732", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }, { "author": "straightforwardEuropeanBanana", "content": "<p>But its great that you attend the gym! I hate all sports (unfortunately)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "322732,nil" ], "post_id": "324035", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }, { "author": "Cal8075", "content": "<p>I used to have a lot of gym anxiety until I joined planet fitness, there are so many different people, and the ente place is relly relaxed and non-competitive. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "323007", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }, { "author": "KoiFish", "content": "<p>I was considering joining Planet Fitness because I need a 24-hour gym but I'm fearful that I'll be around unmotivated individuals who will eventually drain my energy. Plus I'm extremely self-conscious about men hitting me and the unwanted attention.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "323007,nil" ], "post_id": "323069", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }, { "author": "OracleSilver", "content": "<p>Oh, how strange - this is my first visit to the site, I came here due to anxiety with something that happened at the gym today, and this post was the first I saw.<br><br>I have to allow myself to give in to the </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "324033", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }, { "author": "quietCake6728", "content": "<p>You are my gym twin:(</p>", "parent_ids": [ "324033,nil" ], "post_id": "324067", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }, { "author": "straightforwardEuropeanBanana", "content": "<p>I didn't know it. THANKS!!!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "324037", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }, { "author": "Noca86", "content": "<p>I find putting in headphones and listening to music is best to allow you to focus on your workout. Even if someone were thinking about saying something mean to you or judge you, insults that fall on deaf ears end up making the person who is delivering them feel like a fool instead of you whom the insults were intended for. \n\nI say this even though it is unlikely that anyone is judging or going to insult you anyway. Most people are preoccupied with themselves, especially true at the gym, and don't really pay attention to you as much as your anxiety would have you believe otherwise.\n\n</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "324043", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }, { "author": "SkyUnicorn", "content": "<p>My doctor referred me to a gym specifically for people with mental health issues - I know this kind of thing isn't available everywhere (and isn't widely know about even in the areas the service is available), but I think it's worth asking about if going to regular gyms causes you a lot of anxiety. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "325091", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" }, { "author": "compassionategirl12", "content": "<p>i go late at night so not as many people are there!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "328149", "thread_id": "26758", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/GymAnxiety_26758/" } ]
{ "author": "OracleSilver", "content": "Hi folks, new here and thought I'd try this question here as I'm getting very little insight elsewhere. I've been for a mental health assessment via NHS, I suffer anxiety (largely via online communication, but as I'm Autistic and largely", "date": "1438027665", "thread_id": "26810", "title": "Does anyone know what 'Online CBT' involves? ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoesanyoneknowwhatOnlineCBTinvolves_26810/" }
[ { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>@KashaUK </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "325103", "thread_id": "26810", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoesanyoneknowwhatOnlineCBTinvolves_26810/" } ]
{ "author": "Sylexium", "content": "I'm not really positive I have social anxiety. In social situations I'm generally all right except I constantly worry about making a fool of myself. I tend to avoid dancing and anything that draws attention to me, but when I'm with a small group of people or with people I know, I'm perfectly fine. I'm also never able to start a social interaction. Someone needs to speak to me first or invite me someplace or something. Because of this, I'm normally just sitting around at home and barely have interactions with others except during work. It's been like this pretty much as long as I can remember. Any suggestions?\n", "date": "1437954068", "thread_id": "26755", "title": "More social avoidance, but as close as I can find", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/MoresocialavoidancebutascloseasIcanfind_26755/" }
[ { "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "323968", "thread_id": "26755", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/MoresocialavoidancebutascloseasIcanfind_26755/" }, { "author": "SkyUnicorn", "content": "<p>I'm the same when it comes to not wanting to be the one to suggest doing things, but I've started to practice by inviting close friends and family out for </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "325102", "thread_id": "26755", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/MoresocialavoidancebutascloseasIcanfind_26755/" } ]
{ "author": "SometimesMiracleshappen", "content": "Hello :)\n\nThanks for everyone who helps in advance! \n\nI've only been on this site a few days, and I only found out there is a thing called social anxiety a few weeks ago.I think I might have it, but I would really appreciate opinions :)\n\nI'm 15 years old and I'm a girl. I remember even since at Least 5 years ago I've been scared of talking to other people. I remember going to talk to a class member and not remembering what I wanted to say and blushing and stuttering and shaking. No used to really like me for a very long time and I was really weird, still am :) but it was different back then. I walk around school and I feel like everyone is staring at me. I keep thinking people don't like me, and over analyzing things I say:\" now they think I'm this, now they think I'm that\". I got really scared on a ride and freaked my friend out, and for the next few days I couldn't stop thinking about how embarrassing   it was and how she probably thinks I'm an idiot and why is she even my friend and stuff, and she had a few other male friends with us I didn't know and I kept thinking while being next to them how they probably think I'm weird and  annoying and things like that. And I always need to fix my hair and make sure I look the best that I can in public, but I still feel like it's not enough . And the sports teacher at school make girls put their hair up, and I absolutely hate doing that, and I feel like everyone's thinks about how bad I look and how everyone's looking. And I keep worrying for a long times about things I say to my friends and if they think bad things about me. And I blush all the time. Even now I'm worried the way I'm writing is stupid or anoyying. And I just moved to America and had to leave all my friends behind, and I'm not sure what I'm gonna do, I really can't talk to new people , especially at school, alone. Sorry this was so long and anoyying :) p.s I was wondering if anyone else has this thing with text messages. If someone writes a text a certain way, with no smiley or just in a certain way, or if you don't answer a while after a text or they don't answer , you start worrying that their are/will be mad at you? \n\n \n", "date": "1437098869", "thread_id": "26242", "title": "Do I have social anxiety or not? ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoIhavesocialanxietyornot_26242/" }
[ { "author": "independentHemlock16", "content": "<p>It sounds like you are having a lot of anxiety in connection with social situations.I feel this way as well. For me it started when I was a few years younger than you and has gotten better and worse at different times in my life. You are not alone. Manypeople struggle with these types of thoughts and feelings every day.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "304392", "thread_id": "26242", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoIhavesocialanxietyornot_26242/" }, { "author": "quickwittedWheel1155", "content": "<p>I'm in your exact situation battling social anxiety myself at one point I turned into a complete shut-in and i have finally gotten to the point where I've accepted things so if my you need help on anything particular I can help but I'm not a listener so I suppose u could just reply to me but I absolutely understand I'm even 15 atm so feel free to ask me because I've gotten to a place where I'm ok and I completely understand the continuous questions you ask yourself 24/7 </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "304417", "thread_id": "26242", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoIhavesocialanxietyornot_26242/" }, { "author": "SometimesMiracleshappen", "content": "<p>Maybe there is somewhere we could talk? I could use the advice :) I haven't been officially diagnosed yet.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "304417,nil" ], "post_id": "305307", "thread_id": "26242", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoIhavesocialanxietyornot_26242/" }, { "author": "SometimesMiracleshappen", "content": "<p>Have you got the app kik? It's a messenger app :) you don't need to put your phone in or anything :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "304417,nil" ], "post_id": "305320", "thread_id": "26242", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoIhavesocialanxietyornot_26242/" }, { "author": "SometimesMiracleshappen", "content": "<p>Maybe there is somewhere we could talk? I could use the advice :) I haven't been officially diagnosed yet.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "304417,nil" ], "post_id": "305337", "thread_id": "26242", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoIhavesocialanxietyornot_26242/" }, { "author": "SometimesMiracleshappen", "content": "<p>Maybe there is somewhere we could talk? I could use the advice :) I haven't been officially diagnosed yet.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "304417,nil" ], "post_id": "305347", "thread_id": "26242", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoIhavesocialanxietyornot_26242/" }, { "author": "SometimesMiracleshappen", "content": "<p>Maybe there is somewhere we could talk? I could use the advice :) I haven't been officially diagnosed yet.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "304417,nil" ], "post_id": "305402", "thread_id": "26242", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoIhavesocialanxietyornot_26242/" }, { "author": "SometimesMiracleshappen", "content": "<p>Maybe there is somewhere we could talk? I could use the advice :) I haven't been officially diagnosed yet.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "304417,nil" ], "post_id": "305431", "thread_id": "26242", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoIhavesocialanxietyornot_26242/" }, { "author": "SometimesMiracleshappen", "content": "<p>Maybe there is somewhere we could talk? I could use the advice :) I haven't been officially diagnosed yet.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "304417,nil" ], "post_id": "305436", "thread_id": "26242", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoIhavesocialanxietyornot_26242/" }, { "author": "SometimesMiracleshappen", "content": "<p>Maybe there is somewhere we could talk? I could use the advice :) I haven't been officially diagnosed yet.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "304417,nil" ], "post_id": "305458", "thread_id": "26242", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoIhavesocialanxietyornot_26242/" }, { "author": "SometimesMiracleshappen", "content": "<p>Maybe there is somewhere we could talk? I could use the advice :) I haven't been officially diagnosed yet.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "304417,nil" ], "post_id": "305545", "thread_id": "26242", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoIhavesocialanxietyornot_26242/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>@SometimesMiracleshappen It sounds like things are quite tough for you with levels of anxiety </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "323254", "thread_id": "26242", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/DoIhavesocialanxietyornot_26242/" } ]
{ "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "After a brief conversation with people in Anxiety support room discussing what we use to help with our anxiety - it become apparent they are so many different positive ways we use. So I thought it be useful for us to share them here!!\n\nFor me it is very much helping others/ volunteering as well as doing my crafts.  - \n", "date": "1435158201", "thread_id": "24999", "title": "What helps you with Anxiety ? ---", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }
[ { "author": "Jessica797", "content": "<p>I have always had issues with anxieties, mostly over my weight and looks, but my friend told me something quite recently, that if we see our inner beauty then it will come outwardly. He's such a wise man, far wiser by far than I certainly am.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "273706", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>@jessica197 Your friend does sound very wise indeed.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "273706,nil" ], "post_id": "275119", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "freebird22", "content": "<p>Thinking I need to get over it for MYSELF helps me.. everybody leaves eventually, but we'll always be with ourself.. and if we want to be happy we need to stop hating ourselves.. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "273713", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "BrittanyLove", "content": "<p>When my anxiety starts to kick in, i just take really long and deep breaths. It helps my body and mindrelax.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "273725", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>deep breathing is so important to get over anxiety/panic attacks someone once suggested to me to actually count to 9 as you breathe in and then 11 as you breathe out.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "273725,nil" ], "post_id": "275125", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>It seems being happy with oneself seems common theme for helping with our anxieties. Has anyone got any tips how they have achieved this?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "275121", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p><strong>Panic attacks:</strong> only medications and going to the emergency.<br><strong>Anxiety attacks:</strong> sitting on floor and crying.<br>Only anxiety: opening a window, drinking lots of water, trying to comfort myself as much as I can in that moment, literally nothing else matters than comforting myself, because I'm scared of puking up.<img title=\"frown\" alt=\"frown\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/confused_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"><br><strong>OCD: </strong>nothing. literally nothing. combination of medications and trying to realize that my impulses for doing something are because of my pathology, not because they are part of my personality.<br><strong>PTSD:</strong> ohhhh. again, nothing. just... nothing. sleeping maybe. but then nightmares come. buuuuuu.<br><strong>GAD:</strong> OMG DON'T ASK ME FOR THIS PLEASE<br><br>Idk what else is there actually...? But, for anxiety, meds, only meds,meds and meds. And then helping yourself in the way you feel you should help yourself, and not on the way someone told you on Internet how you should do it. Good luck. Find what's the most effective for you.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "275155", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "MostColorfulHello", "content": "<p><strong>great</strong> article written from a human perspective:<br><br><a href=\"http://www.bubakes.co.uk/blog/whats-going-on-in-there\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noreferrer noopener\">http://www.bubakes.co.uk/blog/whats-going-on-in-there</a><br><br><em>\"This is not an attempt to preach, to educate or to self promote. It is simply a step for me as I aim to do my bit to reduce the stigma around Mental Health.\"</em><br><br><img alt=\"heart\" title=\"heart\" height=\"20\" width=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "280048", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>Amazing article thank you so much for sharing this.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "280048,nil" ], "post_id": "301988", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "PaperGirl5", "content": "<p>Anxiety is a tough topic to tackle but I have always found that taking a minute to breathe in through my nose and out my mouth for ten seconds always clears my head. With anxiety, the tendency to become overwhelmed clouds almost any judgment and simply taking some time to breathe and allow yourself the chance to gather your thoughts-- does the trick.</p>\n<p>Hope this helps:)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "301738", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>@Papergirl5 A fellow listener once shared with me about counting to 11 breething out and 9 in--- it was so useful to me. Who would thought they were so much to breathing accurately when we do it every second of the day. Thank you for your contribution.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "301738,nil" ], "post_id": "301780", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>I just relised I already posted this further up the thread about the counting thing, haha . I do apologise</p>", "parent_ids": [ "301780,301738,nil" ], "post_id": "301987", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "compassionateTalker8689", "content": "<p>I`m new to this anxiety issue. I have neverfelt so afraid and fearful for my sanity. 2 weeks ago I ended up in the emergency room. Meds were the only thing could bring me back from the edge. I`m now back on antidepressants. they are helping a lot. I was also very sick during this time and I`m having difficulty getting well. This is a very scary place</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "305487", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p>It can be very scary, especially ifbreathing issues come into it. I hope that you can get some hints and tips from here to maybe help? Or have you found things that help you?</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>", "parent_ids": [ "305487,nil" ], "post_id": "305501", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "compassionateTalker8689", "content": "<p>thank you for support. I look foreward to following the dialoge </p>", "parent_ids": [ "305501,305487,nil" ], "post_id": "305963", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "frozenfire1003", "content": "<p>FOR ME :\n- excuse urself or turn around for a moment .. take a long deep breath .. air in ur nose exhale out through ur slightly closed lips .. (more like whistling ) 3 to 5 times before or during the anxiety attacks ..\n- then i consciously enlarge my self by emphasizing my chest and stick my hands at my waste or back my back packet .. ( so i can build up confidence wen i turn )\n- i occasionally practice my preferred MANTRA for that specific scenario 😅😅\n- and if talking urself through the mirror sounds crazy .. well guess what 😅😨\nits crazily effective anytym .. anywhere 😊😎\n- but first things first .. u have to identify whats causing ur anxiety .. the trigger point .. \n\nso that u can prevent singing my favorite song wen im at the middle of something with someone .. \ni was like .. im like STATUE THATS STUCK STARING AT U :) hahaha 😅\nu can dwell on it once or twice a week .. afterall .. crying released stress aand makes ur eyes see more better and clearer .. but dont make it a habit .. or else ul endup singing my song .. hehe .. be like ..\nlooking in the mirror singing ..\nTHIS WHY IM HOT .. THIS IS WHY .. THIS IS WHY IM HOT .. IM HOT AND UR NOT .. :) lets skip the flying .. hehe ..\nanyway .. all yah guysss ... and specially girlss 😘😙😎\ncheerup men .. there's a lot of beautiful thing to be thankful of .. everyday .. everywhere .. coz everyone deserverve a enlightened daay with a smile 😊\n\n hopeu find it funny yet usefull 😊\n\n</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "306000", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>@frozenfire1003 Finding exact </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "306414", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "<p>Listening to ambient music artists or instrumental music. Artists like Deuter, Secret Garden, Kitaro, Dean Evenson, etc. It's very calming. Deep breathing, mindfulness, and meditation also help bring me peace. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "321101", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>@KfindingSpeaceK </p>", "parent_ids": [ "321101,nil" ], "post_id": "321722", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "<p>I use different techniques for prevention of anxiety -- mostly mental thought exercises where I run what I think will happen during the event that causes me anxiety then I run a second version of what is realistically likely to happen. Often what I think will happen is impossible or unlikely. The things I said are usually used to stop or lower the effects of anxiety.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "321722,321101,nil" ], "post_id": "322525", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>@kfindingSpaceK It is great that you can use the methods as prevention and it works for you.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "322525,321722,321101,nil" ], "post_id": "323206", "thread_id": "24999", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/WhathelpsyouwithAnxiety_24999/" } ]
{ "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "As someone who had to get over not wanting to leave the house, or see anyone at all. The realities of social anxiety and what it can bring to us are not secret... the struggles are real.", "date": "1437220957", "thread_id": "26339", "title": "Understanding of Social Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/UnderstandingofSocialAnxiety_26339/" }
[ { "author": "Lorena27", "content": "<p>I have social anxiety and my main concerns are about looking anxious or foolish and because of that and feeling this way I fear making people uncomfortable and anxious as well. What has helped me personally has been acceptance and commitment therapy and mindfulness. These have helped me develop a new relationship with my thoughts and emotions. I've learned that my anxiety, thoughts, and emotions don't define who I am.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "306577", "thread_id": "26339", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/UnderstandingofSocialAnxiety_26339/" }, { "author": "LifetimeDrifter", "content": "<p>Living with </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "307040", "thread_id": "26339", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/UnderstandingofSocialAnxiety_26339/" }, { "author": "Alex1004", "content": "<p>There is a wide range of different kinds of anxiety out there, one which @fluffyunicorns84 mentioned would be social anxiety. There is many different kinds of social anxiety, all the different kinds can affect a person in a different way. No kind of social anxiety is the same for two people.</p>\n<p><span style=\"color:#FF0000;\">What causes anxiety disorders-</span></p>\n<p>The cause of anxiety disorders is currently unknown, anxiety disorders like other forms of mental health disorders are <span style=\"color:#FF0000;\"><strong>NOT</strong></span> a result of personal weakness. Scientists are carrying out their research into mental health problems in general and it is starting to become clear that many of these disorders are caused by a combination of factors including changes in the brain and environmental stresses.</p>\n<p>Anxiety disorders can be caused by a chemical imbalance in the human body. Studies have shown that severe or long lasting stress can change the balance of these chemicals in the human brain that help to control our moods. Other studies have shown that people with certain types of anxiety disorders have changes in certain brain structures that can control their memory or mood. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "307439", "thread_id": "26339", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/UnderstandingofSocialAnxiety_26339/" }, { "author": "uglyPandaMan", "content": "<p>This defines what I'm experiencing for these whole 2 years so well. Agoraphobia as well..</p>", "parent_ids": [ "307439,nil" ], "post_id": "320691", "thread_id": "26339", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/UnderstandingofSocialAnxiety_26339/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>Thank you for all your contributions, hopefully together we can provide a insight on what social anxiety is for us. Maybe we could also discuss positive ways on how we cope with it?</p>\n<p>@suzanne That is great over view of mutism thank you...</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "309236", "thread_id": "26339", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/UnderstandingofSocialAnxiety_26339/" }, { "author": "yellowCranberry6529", "content": "<p>Hi everyone. Currently, I'm scared of initiating conversations with my friends over text messaging. I feel like I will bother them, even though I'm fine with them initiating conversations with me. I'm terrified of initiating conversations with anyone over text and I don't remember the last time when I was the one to start. \n\nThere are time when I'm completely fine with being alone and sometimes I don't notice that I haven't talked to any of my friends until a long time has passed. For example, just today I noticed I haven't talked to any of my friends in at least a week, and some three weeks. I don't know if that's considered long or short in comparison to others.\n\nCan someone help me understand? I'm not sure if I have social anxiety or something else.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "309526", "thread_id": "26339", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/UnderstandingofSocialAnxiety_26339/" }, { "author": "Immadeofanxiety", "content": "<p>I think to much about my words and embarrassing myself, I'm afraid of myself and what others may feel about me... it's a constant battle and my words just never seem to come out, they always fail me and this all leads to loneliness and there's no worse feeling than the thought of being alone.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "309534", "thread_id": "26339", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/UnderstandingofSocialAnxiety_26339/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>@Immadeofanxiety By no means are we here to diagnose anyone, we are just speaking of our experiences from suffering ourselves. However it sounds like anxiety is affecting your everyday life, which in turn maybe means it is time to speak to professional about it?</p>\n<p>I am wondering if it would help you to connect to one of our listners and discuss it with them? I hope you get support you need, and we are here for you. Feel free ask more questions too if you want to. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "309534,nil" ], "post_id": "321709", "thread_id": "26339", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/UnderstandingofSocialAnxiety_26339/" } ]
{ "author": "Xemrys", "content": "Hello, I finished college just over a month ago and am taking a year out before going to university because, I don't really know what I want to do with my life at the moment - but that's a problem for another time... I need to start looking for a job soon but, I am terrified! I want to work and earn my own bread and butter for the first time in my life but, I suffer from social anxiety that makes it difficult to leave the house much less be around people for 8 hours a day. I am terrified of people. I don't know how to talk to anyone. I struggle to understand what's expected of me. I am scared of being told off or failing someone. Just to list a few of my worries... Does anyone have any advice to overcome these thoughts while job hunting and hopefully, when I eventually find work? Thanks.", "date": "1437648354", "thread_id": "26607", "title": "Fear of Getting a Job", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/FearofGettingaJob_26607/" }
[ { "author": "NeuroticOwl", "content": "<p>I can relate.I'm a working adult though. How I managed was to think of job interviews as tests to prepare for. I applied for jobs which didn't require dealing with people. I work in IT. Job interviews were hell but I forced myself because I needed to work. Sorry, I've no solid advice.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "315914", "thread_id": "26607", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/FearofGettingaJob_26607/" }, { "author": "BerryTea", "content": "<p>You can't be outside for more than 8 hours??? You should think about look for help (besides a little job) I mean. You are young. When you finish the university you will have a real job. And you will not find anything under 8 hours. (That's why I hate to work, LOL.) you need to start loosing that fear. Im a little bit antisocial. I hate when people talk to me, but I can stand it. If you really have a huge fear to speak, go and look for help. That's a real problem, you'll be fine. :) </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "316190", "thread_id": "26607", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/FearofGettingaJob_26607/" }, { "author": "Xemrys", "content": "<p>The average job is 9 -5, which is eight hours. :) I know better jobs are probably longer but, I just need a regular job for the year so the most I'll likely be working is 8 hours or so. I think I worded my post wrong though, I never meant that I can't be out for 8 hours at all. I can depending in why I am out, where I am and who I am with. I just struggle to go out in the first place. :c Thanks for your kind words though. :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "316190,nil" ], "post_id": "316842", "thread_id": "26607", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/FearofGettingaJob_26607/" }, { "author": "BerryTea", "content": "<p>Another thing... Is soooo good that you will take your time to think about it. I'v never skiped a year or anythig. I start the university just after finishing highschool. Now I'v finish everything and I hate what I do. I wish I'v studied something else... </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "316233", "thread_id": "26607", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/FearofGettingaJob_26607/" }, { "author": "PerfectlyImperfectt21", "content": "<p>I can completely relate to this! I'm sorry to hear how fearful you are. I currently am in university and have avoided getting a job as long as possible. Now I have just enough money to get me through the summer and relying on scholarships for the school year and a loan. It's horrible, I don't know how to get through it myself either. I am going to start therapy which will hopefully help me a little bit and maybe an anxiety med which I'm very debatable about. But until then I kind of wear a mask. I basically try and cover up all of my feelings and paste a smile on my face and repeat its going to be ok or it's going to get better with deep breaths. I think of how someone else would act in that situation and try and mimick that until I can finally get comfortable in my own skin and in the situation. I don't think that is all that great but it works for now .. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "316294", "thread_id": "26607", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/FearofGettingaJob_26607/" }, { "author": "Xemrys", "content": "<p>I am sorry that you're in a similar situation and I hope that therapy helps. Hope the summer goes okay for you too! \n\nI like your idea of deep breaths and telling yourself that it'll be okay. I'll that sometime. C: </p>", "parent_ids": [ "316294,nil" ], "post_id": "316843", "thread_id": "26607", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/FearofGettingaJob_26607/" }, { "author": "Clouder", "content": "<p>It's great that you've come here for support. This is an exciting and daunting time in life for anyone, even without adding social anxiety to the mix. I've taught a lot of first-year university students who didn't really know what they wanted to do, so I think it's an excellent idea to take some time out. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "318559", "thread_id": "26607", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/FearofGettingaJob_26607/" } ]
{ "author": "littlebird231", "content": "So sometimes when I have panic attacks I am 100% convinced my legs are going to fall off, it's really scary in the moment then thinking about it I feel completely insane. Does anyone else have this symptom?\n", "date": "1437008896", "thread_id": "26190", "title": "Am I Crazy?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmICrazy_26190/" }
[ { "author": "DarkEssense", "content": "<p>Yes, I have this problem. It happened when I had a breathing fit then proceeded to have a panic attack, don't worry you're not going insane hunny, my doctor says its just the feeling off panic that makes you feel really sick so your legs go all heavy or wobbly, nothing to worry about sweetie 💕</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "302075", "thread_id": "26190", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmICrazy_26190/" }, { "author": "xBrightnessindarknessx", "content": "<p>This happens to me all the time... It's super scary but it's normal. Just remember to find a place to sit down and take slow gentle breaths to relax yourself. Having a stress ball too helps with panic attacks. Just find one squeeze it as tight as you can and count to ten then let go and keep repeating. ❤️</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "302087", "thread_id": "26190", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmICrazy_26190/" }, { "author": "DarkEssense", "content": "<p>@xBrightnessindarknessx is completely correct, just elevate your legs so they are level with your chest and breathe deeply, it calms the mind and will allow blood to circulate to your legs quicker. As a first aid qualified cadet corporal you should trust me hun 💕</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "302110", "thread_id": "26190", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmICrazy_26190/" }, { "author": "littlebird231", "content": "<p>thank you guys so much it was really helpful</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "303823", "thread_id": "26190", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmICrazy_26190/" }, { "author": "fluffyUnicorns84", "content": "<p>In my experience this is completely normal and it is quite often with panic attacks that you feel something catasphoric is going to happen, even though in reality you are aware it seems silly. I am wondering whether you read out self help guide on panic attacks -- it may help you understand this a little more. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "305871", "thread_id": "26190", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmICrazy_26190/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>During panic attack, you literally don't know where you are, who you are and who are the people who are with you. I mean, with me, it's like that.<br>You're not crazy, and the symptom of having panic attacks is actually that person thinks that she's gone crazy!<br>So, you're not. Are you on any medication ?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "305882", "thread_id": "26190", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmICrazy_26190/" }, { "author": "littlebird231", "content": "<p>no, i usually just take rescue remedy, it takes the edge off a bit but it's not a cure</p>", "parent_ids": [ "305882,nil" ], "post_id": "307343", "thread_id": "26190", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmICrazy_26190/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>For me, medications work. Have you thought about going to a psychiatrist and getting that meds ? Panic attacks are serious and everyone who has them <strong><em>needs</em></strong> medications.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "307343,305882,nil" ], "post_id": "308295", "thread_id": "26190", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmICrazy_26190/" }, { "author": "littlebird231", "content": "<p>ive thought about it but idk</p>", "parent_ids": [ "308295,307343,305882,nil" ], "post_id": "309215", "thread_id": "26190", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmICrazy_26190/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>Go to the psychiatrist. For yourself. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "309215,308295,307343,305882,nil" ], "post_id": "309377", "thread_id": "26190", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmICrazy_26190/" }, { "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "<p>It's completely normal to feel this way. A common effect of panic attack is weak muscles/the feeling that body parts will fall off.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "317506", "thread_id": "26190", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/AmICrazy_26190/" } ]
{ "author": "1Marceline1", "content": "I haven't been diagnosed with Anxiety but I feel like I have it. I have read the symptoms and I match up to some of them. Every time I'm in public or around new people I get really nervous, my heart beat increases, I feel like everyone is watching and judging me, and my hands start to sweat. One time I was in a quiet", "date": "1437674780", "thread_id": "26621", "title": "Unsure If I Have Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/UnsureIfIHaveAnxiety_26621/" }
[ { "author": "Lee", "content": "<p>@1Marceline1</p>\n<p>It's totally possible if you identity with some of the symptoms, *however* the only way to know is by talking to your family physician/GP. Thank you so very much for sharing your story, and I can definitely relate to some of it. I wish you strength.</p>\n<p>Lee.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "317365", "thread_id": "26621", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/UnsureIfIHaveAnxiety_26621/" } ]
{ "author": "indigoHouse9598", "content": "Hie Everyone\n\nI ddnt know listening to myself was important until l came here, l really wasnt listening to myself, l have social anxiety issues, always seeking approval from others, and when lm in public l fear getting out of my cocoon, because lve always thought l wasnt pretty enough r wasnt pleasant enough.\n\nI always felt disliked by others, and l always felt the need to impress others so they would like me too. This has developed into one big blow in my relationships and personality and I WANT TO CHANGE.\n", "date": "1437463184", "thread_id": "26483", "title": "Listening to myself", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Listeningtomyself_26483/" }
[ { "author": "TranquilSkye30", "content": "<p>@indigoHouse9598<span style=\"color:#FFD700;\"> I can relate to everything that you're going through.</span> I have trouble coming out of my shell in public and often try to please others before myself, just to get them to like me. But I'm glad to see that you've realized listening to yourself is important, and, better yet, you want to change! If you ever need vent or talk about anything, <span style=\"color:#FF0000;\">don't hesitate to send me a message!</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "315328", "thread_id": "26483", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Listeningtomyself_26483/" }, { "author": "indigoHouse9598", "content": "<p> </p>", "parent_ids": [ "315328,nil" ], "post_id": "315763", "thread_id": "26483", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Listeningtomyself_26483/" } ]
{ "author": "Andrea50", "content": "So I am a 14 year old girl. Life isn't to great right now, and I already realize that I need help. My middle school years (6th", "date": "1437468846", "thread_id": "26487", "title": "I don't know what to do ", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" }
[ { "author": "Jessica797", "content": "<p>@Andrea50</p>\n<p>First of all I want to stress the fact that life even at its most difficult times, is a very precious thing, and I should know because I almost threw it away when I was young. I was sixteen, going to college and hoping that the bullying I endured at school would be behind me, but I was wrong. To cut a long story short, I was pushed to braking point and almost did something very foolish. I owe my mother my second chance to life and I realised that I was worth something. It took me two long years to fully recover, but I did, not by relying on others, but by my own strength of will. As for self harming, though I have never or will ever do so, I have hurt myself in a different way, but insulting my self. The wounds are not physically seen but they are there underneath the skin, and a spiteful word can be equally damaging. My parents may not be like in your case, divorced, but they have been on the verge throughout my childhood. My father is a very vindictive person and to be honest, a very childish person too, as is my sibling, my sister to be exact who also made my life a hell due to her bullying behaviour. My anxieties too have haunted me as well as my past, but what I've learned is that the past is the past, and there is nothing you can do about it apart from moving on, even as hard as it may seem. I was often alone through school and college, but sometimes the only real friend you need is yourself. I understand this is very upsetting for you, and very difficult, but you must understand that you are stronger than you think, you just have to dig a little deeper. If anyone has told you that you cannot do anything or achieve anything then they are liars! Please just know that as dark as it may seem, just as it was for me, you will one day look back on all this and know it was a life lesson, we are all tested, and you will become stronger from this. Just remember, life is a valuable gift, never waste it. Wishing you all the very best. Jessica x</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "311896", "thread_id": "26487", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" }, { "author": "Andrea50", "content": "<p>Wow... Thank you for the support </p>", "parent_ids": [ "311896,nil" ], "post_id": "311921", "thread_id": "26487", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" }, { "author": "Jessica797", "content": "<p>Any time. Just remember if I can find my strength so will you. Take care.😊</p>", "parent_ids": [ "311921,311896,nil" ], "post_id": "311936", "thread_id": "26487", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" }, { "author": "rowenaravenclaw", "content": "<p>I </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "312314", "thread_id": "26487", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" }, { "author": "Andrea50", "content": "<p>:)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "312314,nil" ], "post_id": "312427", "thread_id": "26487", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" }, { "author": "sadgirlll", "content": "<p>I don't know what to do with my life,I want to have future a happy future and I don't know what to do to have that</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "312657", "thread_id": "26487", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" }, { "author": "KfindingSpeaceK", "content": "<p>Hi Andrea50, it seems that you're hitting a pretty large rough patch in your life. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "312804", "thread_id": "26487", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" }, { "author": "Andrea50", "content": "<p>Thank you...</p>", "parent_ids": [ "312804,nil" ], "post_id": "312914", "thread_id": "26487", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" }, { "author": "blueMoon27", "content": "<p>So i think my marriage is over. Been with the same one an only guy since like forever. It appears that he doesn't even want to try to fix whatever the problem is or could be. He is just giving me excuses like; I talk back or I yell or I shut his ideas down. Which by the way I have never done the last one in my opinion I have always with any idea someone gives me I hear them out, give them the pros and the cons. I pointed that out to him and he agreed so I guess he just wanted me to keep quiet. I know I love him and I continued to try but he looked at me and said it was weird and he didn't know that's what I was trying to do. So I asked him if he didn't wish to work it out. He claimed he didn't understand. So I asked if he wanted to work out this relationship with me, yes or no. And he said he doesn't know. To which I said it's not nice to string people along if he doesn't want anything with me he should just let me move on and be with someone who does. The conversation just stopped after that cause now all I'm trying to do is hold the teats back. \n</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "312935", "thread_id": "26487", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" }, { "author": "Andrea50", "content": "<p>Umm okay?....I don't know much about marriage other than divorce since my parents divorced. I'm only 14...</p>", "parent_ids": [ "312935,nil" ], "post_id": "312945", "thread_id": "26487", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" }, { "author": "blueMoon27", "content": "<p>It's OK just thought to share at that moment. It was all giving me bad headaches so I just needed to get it out. \n</p>", "parent_ids": [ "312945,312935,nil" ], "post_id": "313750", "thread_id": "26487", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" }, { "author": "blueMoon27", "content": "<p>I know it won't help you much but I wish I could give you a hug. You don't deserve anything that's going on with you nor does your family. I hope it gets better, your strong and beautiful in every way and I hope you realise it. When your feeling down just post here and have a chat. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "313761", "thread_id": "26487", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" }, { "author": "Andrea50", "content": "<p>Okay... :(</p>", "parent_ids": [ "313761,nil" ], "post_id": "314793", "thread_id": "26487", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowwhattodo_26487/" } ]
{ "author": "MiraclesTakeTime", "content": "I have bad social anxiety especially when it comes to groups of people. Even family. At my", "date": "1437450719", "thread_id": "26475", "title": "Invisible", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Invisible_26475/" }
[ { "author": "Punpui", "content": "<p>When I'm in situations like those, I just keep quiet after trying to contribute. I mean I don't want to sound negative but if someone cares about you they'll notice the scream in your silence. My best friend noticed I was being quiet and she tugged at my shirt not long after. Don't think people don't notice anything, you're not some air particle for anyone to ever forget about you. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "311396", "thread_id": "26475", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Invisible_26475/" }, { "author": "MiraclesTakeTime", "content": "<p>But it's not like they care about me so much cuz I'm just the cousins girlfriend ya know. They aren't gonna \"hear the scream in my silence.\" Ya know? It's just annoying if I'm around people I don't know or they don't know me I'm always the odd one out. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "311396,nil" ], "post_id": "312277", "thread_id": "26475", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Invisible_26475/" } ]
{ "author": "dreamforward", "content": "this is mostly for customer service or other situations involving strangers. i am usually not that comfortable on the phone with friends anyway (bad signals i guess?? idk. im afraid of misreading them but i always am). it is especially unnerving to call customer service and the like. even if i know they will probably just read a script? that's sort of scarier idk. does anyone have any tips about how they deal with phone related situations that can't be avoid? like interviews, rescheduling, etc. how do you prepare yourself? or do you just try to find other ways out and what are good alternatives?", "date": "1437272766", "thread_id": "26379", "title": "phone calls", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/phonecalls_26379/" }
[ { "author": "Peac3AndLov3", "content": "<p>I work at a call center. Just keep the mentality that they have no way to locate you or ever meet you. I call people all day and sometimes get yelled at, cursed out etc. Just know they will never actually see or meet you in person or have any outside effect on your life</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "307639", "thread_id": "26379", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/phonecalls_26379/" } ]
{ "author": "Jakkob", "content": "If you're struggling to fall and stay asleep at night due to anxiety, try to take a couple of shorter naps during the daytime. Daytime often feels safer to people struggling with worry, stress, and racing thoughts. A couple of 1-hour naps can be really helpful, and getting some sleep is important to replenish your energy and help with your overall mood.\n", "date": "1435271901", "thread_id": "25091", "title": "When you can't sleep due to anxiety and racing thoughts?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/Whenyoucantsleepduetoanxietyandracingthoughts_25091/" }
[ { "author": "coolcucumber3", "content": "<p>Count</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "306077", "thread_id": "25091", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/Whenyoucantsleepduetoanxietyandracingthoughts_25091/" }, { "author": "plumPine45", "content": "<p>This is very true. Sometimes I find that when darkness sets in I have anxiety. It's probably because I don't have a car and can't walk around at night. </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "307323", "thread_id": "25091", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/Whenyoucantsleepduetoanxietyandracingthoughts_25091/" } ]
{ "author": "ThatOneGirl046", "content": "I just started to get panic attacks. And I know why. My father beat my mom in the front yard then charged after me. (My mom had a surgery of her stomach 5 weeks prior)I ran to my neighbors for shelter. My dad went to jail and now we have a no contact order. I can't be left at home by myself. I have panic attacks when II see black cars (that's what my dad's was). Its not a fun life, being afraid of the only person you're supposed to safe with the most.", "date": "1437033451", "thread_id": "26206", "title": "family", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/family_26206/" }
[ { "author": "Jessica797", "content": "<p>I'm so sorry for the ordeal that you have been through lately. As a sufferer in the past, I know too well the terrifying experience it is to try and overcome it. There is a site I know of that may help you, it's called anxietycoach.com, it's a stage by stage site that helps you with and facing the attack the best way possible. I've seenviolence first hand, so I know how scary it is to fear a loved one. I hope this will help you, and you and your mum are safe and well.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "302578", "thread_id": "26206", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/family_26206/" }, { "author": "AtYourService", "content": "<p>I'm so sorry to hear that that happened to you and your family :( Please don't hesitate to look at our guide for panic attacks or come talk to a Listener if you want some more support!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "305649", "thread_id": "26206", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/family_26206/" }, { "author": "tho", "content": "<p>mom i miss you</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "305666", "thread_id": "26206", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/family_26206/" } ]
{ "author": "Whatislife2015", "content": "So I was meant to be going on this 5 day school trip to Italy with my ex-best friend. We fell out and he got out of the trip and got a refund. The trip is next week so its too late for me to drop out of the trip. Everyone else on the trip is 1 or 2 years older than me and i dont know ANYBODY. Im really nervous and anxious about it. :(\n", "date": "1436383856", "thread_id": "25800", "title": "Alone on a school trip", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Aloneonaschooltrip_25800/" }
[ { "author": "MichaelaS", "content": "<p>Hi!</p>\n<p>I'm sorry to hear you had a falling out with your friend. It's never easy to go through that, but have no fear!</p>\n<p>I can relate to how you feel. This summer, I am going to a camp a few hours away, and I don't know anyone either! But the similarities of our situation don't have to stop there -- <strong>we can both overcome the anxiety!</strong></p>\n<p>I also try to exterminate the <span style=\"color:#FF0000;\">\"what if's\"</span> in my mind.</p>\n<p>Thoughts like that are toxic. Accepting the circumstance that you are in and allowing just the plain facts -- I am going on a trip to Italy without anyone I know -- resonate will be a good start.</p>\n<p>From there, you can take those negative <span style=\"color:#FF0000;\">\"what if's\"</span> and turn them to <span style=\"color:#800080;\">positives</span>!</p>\n<p>Keeping those kind of things on your mind will always be more reassuring than allowing the negative feelings to permeate.</p>\n<p>If you need any more assistance, my messages are <u>always</u> open!</p>\n<p>Have so much fun at this <span style=\"color:#DAA520;\">once-in-a-lifetime experience</span>!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "293363", "thread_id": "25800", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Aloneonaschooltrip_25800/" }, { "author": "AtYourService", "content": "<p>That's really rough, and I can totally see how you would be afraid of being alone and lonely while in an unfamiliar environment.</p>\n<p>My suggested next step here would involve borrowing a CBT exercise as follows:</p>\n<p>Step 1: Write down everything you can think of that you're afraid of with respect to this trip</p>\n<p>Step 2: For each of the things you wrote down, consider what you might do to handle it. For example, if you're afraid that the other people on the trip aren't interested in talking to you, maybe you can arrange to take some books with you to read/listen to. Or if you're not completely sure that they'll snub you, maybe you can brainstorm conversation openers for approaching them</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "305642", "thread_id": "25800", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Aloneonaschooltrip_25800/" } ]
{ "author": "EllieEms", "content": "Hello, so I'm a 21 year old college grad with a degree in Multimedia Arts.. However, I still don't have a defined art style. I feel like I didn't learn enough in uni. We had three sems per year and everything went by fast. My questions are:\n\n1. How can I develop it? Where do I start? Should I first be good at drawing the human figure and then make it more cartoon-y because I'm more interested in that and now realistic drawings.\n\nWe only had one freehand / traditional drawing class and the rest were digital (photography, video, illustration, etc). Being in the multimedia field didn't help because it made me interested in a lot of fields and styles. Now, I am not *SUPER good* at a specific medium, I'm like only *kinda good* at a lot of different media. It's giving me a lot of anxiety. It's all I think about, I think that I'm kinda panicking now because I will turn 22 soon and I've only had a small internship somewhere and I'm not sure if this is the best field for me to work in. Not sure if I even like it anymore. Taking art in college made me kinda lose my creativty in a way. We always had to think of what colors to use or something. We should always have a reason for something. It tired me out.\n\nSo, this is sorta all over the place, but I hope you kinda get what I'm trying to say.\n\nI posted here on the Anxiety board because it's been making me feel terribly worried and anxious. Also my first language isn't English so forgive me.\n\nHelp me please.\n", "date": "1437126358", "thread_id": "26259", "title": "A question for artists", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Aquestionforartists_26259/" }
[ { "author": "EllieEms", "content": "<p>...I'm more interested in that and NOT** realistic drawings.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "304469", "thread_id": "26259", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Aquestionforartists_26259/" }, { "author": "Harmoninja", "content": "<p>As a former student of art and music in college, I've had pretty much the same crappy feeling that this box is punching my creativity in and filling my head with unnecessary expectations. Many artists feel this way.. do you believe someone told piccaso or de Vinci how to become who they became? No way. Maybe someone have shared some techniques with them, but thier journey, like yours, is unique and has more influences than just college. It can actually be a great thing that you have such a diversity in your skills, even if you're not an authority in any of them. Be an authority of being exactly who you are, and always have some spot for personal and free expression where you don't censor too much. Skills learned will settle in with your spirit in time, it's good to challenge ourselves with new ideas and play by varying rules.. after all, it's play time.. i'll reccomend you not to worry about it so much, you're young! Have fun with art try to remember what you love about it.. also for a bit of inspiration, watch the off camera interview with Dave grohl.. certainly inspired me.\n\nbest wishes my friend :-)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "305035", "thread_id": "26259", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Aquestionforartists_26259/" } ]
{ "author": "winterpanda", "content": "What can happen during an attack are flashbacks, heavy breathing and crying. In flashbacks, you can see traumatized events, loved ones who have died. The heavy breathing include fast or slow, it doesn't always have to be fast. Usually when it's hard to breathe. Crying, can occur when you don't even know why, or it happens when you have to hold in a thought and when you are finally alone you let it all out and crying is all you can do. \n", "date": "1408818965", "thread_id": "4816", "title": "What happens during a panic attack", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }
[ { "author": "funme01", "content": "<p>Panic attacks can also take the form of a fight/flight response maybe? Someone panics because they think something is happening and then they respond in a way that does not make sense (just emotions, I'm not talking danger)and later regret it. I had this happen and then had an ocd type attack because I could not so far fix what I did in a flight response and confusion and misunderstanding. I didn't even know I had a real anxiety issue or what the other person's issue wasor I wouldn't have acted on it.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "47115", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "MrsHeather", "content": "<p>I'm copying this from one of my favorite books about anxiety,<strong> 'The Anxiety &amp; Phobia Workbook'</strong> by Edmund J. Bourne, PhD.<br><br>\"In a panic attack, your sympathetic nervous system sets off several different bodily reactions rapidly and intensely. First, it causes your adrenal glands to release large amounts of adrenaline. What you feel is a sudden 'jolt', often accompanied by a feeling of dread or terror. Within seconds, the excess adrenaline can cause 1) your heart to race, 2) your respiration to become rapid and shallow, 3) profuse sweating, 4) trembling and shaking, and 5) cold hands and feet.Your sympathetic nervous system also produces muscle contractions (the most extreme case of this is when an animal 'freezes' in fear), possibly leading you to experience strong contractions in your chest or throat along with a fear of not being able to breathe...\"<br><br>\"It is important to realize that the adrenaline released during panic tends to be reabsorbed by the liver and kidneys within a few minutes. If you can 'ride out' the bodily symptoms of panic without fighting them or telling yourself how horrible they are, they will tend to subside within a short time\".</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "163677", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "gen2700", "content": "<p>Okay, so is it a panic attack if someone is talking about something I have a lot of anxiety about such as a phobia and I become light headed and feel like throwing up and I absolutely can't get it out of my head. I also get really shaky and my heart races or sometimes if I'm laying in bed it's hard to breathe. But some of the things people say are parts of panic attacks I don't experience... so am I having panic attacks or what?!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "192848", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "Felicity34", "content": "<p>People have all sorts of different things happen to them when they have a panic attack. For me, it's immobilizing fear accompanied by rapid breathing, irregular heart beat, and intense feelings of panic. But other people may feel differently. Sometimes panic attacks have triggers and sometimes they don't. It really just depends on the person.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "193057", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "norahdavex", "content": "<p>I have all those reactions. Shallow breathing, tingly feeling, get immobilized, feel that I am going to die, helplessness, feel light headed and worrying too much and depressed.<img title=\"frown\" alt=\"frown\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/confused_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>", "parent_ids": [ "193057,nil" ], "post_id": "232449", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "Sala00samobojcow", "content": "<p>i feel ya. same things happen to me all the time. its so scary and frustrating.</p>\n<p>ill be praying you ya</p>", "parent_ids": [ "232449,193057,nil" ], "post_id": "238775", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "bluelaceagate", "content": "<p>This is all so true. Thanks for summing up what I can never communicate.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "193647", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "Isabelleileen", "content": "<p>How do you know when your having a panic attack? Because i never know when im having one or not and its just makes everything worse. Like my anixety and nervousess.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "197044", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "Annie", "content": "<p>Dear @IsabelleEileen, Other members have asked how to determine whether they're actually having a Panic Attack or \"just\" an episode of severe anxiety.</p>\n<p>For my purposes, I don't need to know theperfect diagnosis or be sure of the one and onlyaccurate label -- if a person is experiencing symptoms of severe anxiety and they're suffering, the ways to help themare basicallythe same as for a panic attack. The techniques to feel better are pretty muchthe same, I think.</p>\n<p>I guess what I mean is, I don't think it matters whether a person is havinga diagnosable Panic Attack or Generalized Anxiety Disorder or a temporary episode of severe anxietywhen they come to 7 Cups for help and support. The suffering is real, no matter the label.<img title=\"heart\" alt=\"heart\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\">And w<span>e're here to help a person experiencing anxiety or panic, regardless of whether</span><span>the precise</span><span>label is </span><span>known. I think that the self-guided courseshere at 7 Cupsregarding Anxiety and Panic Attacks areuseful for lots of visitors regardless of how a doctor might categorize their distress</span><span>. </span><img title=\"heart\" alt=\"heart\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" style=\"max-width:100%;\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif\"><span></span><img title=\"heart\" alt=\"heart\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" style=\"max-width:100%;\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif\"><span></span><img title=\"heart\" alt=\"heart\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" style=\"max-width:100%;\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif\"></p>", "parent_ids": [ "197044,nil" ], "post_id": "232415", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "Annie", "content": "<p>Sorry for the misspelling, @IsabellEileen.<img title=\"smiley\" alt=\"smiley\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>", "parent_ids": [ "232415,197044,nil" ], "post_id": "232522", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "moonlite103", "content": "<p>not fun</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "198118", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "NanoTheif", "content": "<p>I have quite a lot of triggers with my anxiety that can lead to panic attacks. For example if I get really embarrassed or feel like everyone is talking about me 9/10 I'll have a panic attack. Other triggers for me include if I get stressed out about something, thinking about the future, the past, I've even had one before becauseI wasn't well and I was supposed to go for blood tests and I didn't want to, So yeah there can be lots of different triggers.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "225089", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "norahdavex", "content": "<p>I have them for the same reason. Its usually people anxiety. I cannot cope with society or people in general and they get all too confusing for me so I get a panic attack.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "225089,nil" ], "post_id": "232450", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "ScarletLetters", "content": "<p></p>\n<p>Everyonce in a while I have this thing happen where I get really bad cramps and have to go to the bathroom where my digestive system decides to emptyitself, sometimes from both ends.Myheart pounds and I'm sweating, thinking it's the worst feeling in the world. ThenI have to lay on the floor for 15 or moreminutes until I feel strong enough to get up and go lay on the bed. Then I pretty much can't do anything for the rest of the day. I've gone to several doctors about it and they told me it was a panic attack. Does anyone experience things like this?</p>\n<p></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "231590", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "Annie", "content": "<p>Dear @ScarletLetters, I have chatted with guests and members who described physical symptoms very similar to the ones you describe. I hope some members willstop by here and share their experiences. In the meantime, you could visit the Anxiety Support chat room here at 7 Cups and ask this questionof the group. I've seen some really wonderful discussions in that chat room.<img title=\"heart\" alt=\"heart\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>", "parent_ids": [ "231590,nil" ], "post_id": "232423", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "estonekc", "content": "<p>I just found out to my disbelief that what I have been experiencing is panic attacks. I have burning, tingling, and numbness all over my body is pure anxiety attacks. I'm trying to control them. Its not easy but it will be ok.I was taking several meds for anxiety and now trying to learn how to deal with them now that i know.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "235608", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "PixelStar", "content": "<p>I used to get panic attacks often. First I didnt knew why, later I started to got them because I feared it could be low blood pressure, which I have from time to time and I have fainted before because of it.</p>\n<p>You sweat cold, you feel dizzy and you feel like you cannot breath correctly, your heart accelerates, your hands and feet get cold, start to see blurry and feel like you are just going to drop dead right there and you need to just run and look for help pronto! even though nothing is actually happening. Its the worst.</p>\n<p>I managed to control it just going to the nearest bathroom and telling myself it maybe was something I ate and wasnt good and I stayed there as long as I needed. It worked!</p>\n<p>I still get some kind of panic attack when Im with a big number of people of if I have to speak in a large group and everyone is watching. Is like a nightmare.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "288881", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" }, { "author": "DatCoolKid", "content": "<p>*Sigh* I've been there and I know it just sucks! I never knew those were panic attacks until I browsed the site. I still get those. Hope you get well<img title=\"yes\" alt=\"yes\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/thumbs_up.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>", "parent_ids": [ "288881,nil" ], "post_id": "298134", "thread_id": "4816", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/Whathappensduringapanicattack_4816/" } ]
{ "author": "Gizzymobaby", "content": "I'm 28. I had really bad anxiety and panic attacks when I was 17 to the age of 19-20... mostly centering around catastrophic \"what ifs\". With a lot of help from cbt therapy I managed to put it all behind me... till recently. I've been off work ill for 5 years with ME but that's now in remission and I start work again this week, so I think the stress from all that is what's set it off again. My problem is anything and everything can set it off, from something I'm watching on TV right down to smells, and everything inbetween. At the moment, new or unexpected smells seem to set it off the worst, which is something that never happened before... anyone any ideas on how to combat this or has anyone had experience with smells and anxiety before?", "date": "1433899554", "thread_id": "24300", "title": "Anxiety where everything and anything can set it off.", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxietywhereeverythingandanythingcansetitoff_24300/" }
[ { "author": "lipsticklycanthrope", "content": "<p>Hey, I can't really help, but I have experienced the thing with smells setting of my anxiety. Mine was really specific, though because 1) my nasal cavities or whatever are collapsed so I can only smell really strong smells and 2) of those smells only one would set me off. Pool water. There's a word for the stuff that pools smell like but for the life of me I can't remember what it is right now... Chloroplasts? No. Floride? No. I think it's Choloro-something. I digress. Mine comes from my PTSD, though. Long story short, the first time this guy tried to rape me I was in a pool and then the smell mademe anxious as hell. So - wow long explanation I did here - basically, yes I've experienced it. I got a handle on it by dealing with, you know, that other situation. I don't think that's applicable in your situation, though. But here's to knowing you're not alone!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "288179", "thread_id": "24300", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxietywhereeverythingandanythingcansetitoff_24300/" }, { "author": "discreetFriend9124", "content": "<p>I am on the same boat as you, I have been battling anxiety and panic attacks since I was about 14, so almost 10 years! Sometimes I think it would be best to just give up and die but I know its not the correct answer. It has been almost a month since my last panic attack and I used to have them almost every day!</p>\n<p>There are a few exercises you can use to help control the panic and anxiety, they have helped out tremendously for me. They do not cure you by any means but it does help.</p>\n<p>Take a look at anxiousreview.com</p>\n<p>its a good read :) hope I was helpful and remember that you are not alone.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "288641", "thread_id": "24300", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxietywhereeverythingandanythingcansetitoff_24300/" }, { "author": "GoldieLox98", "content": "<p>Wow, I've had this happen too! It happens to me a lot. Sometimes, even things like TV commercials can trigger upsetting memories or depressing thoughts. It's the strangest thing. I think it's because your brain is very active and constantly moving from one thought to another. I have the same kind of \"what ifs\" and it causes me a lot of distress. I usually try to get my mind off of it somehow, by calling a friend or drawing, etc. I just want you to know that you're not alone :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "297091", "thread_id": "24300", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxietywhereeverythingandanythingcansetitoff_24300/" }, { "author": "QuinnTheUnicat", "content": "<p>I'm Quinn. I often feel as though my anxiety'sgoing to hurt me, or put me in ahospital just because someone called me out in<span>class. I can get triggeredeasily- pretty much anything can and I haven't been able to narrow it down yet- and it's discouraging and tiring to deal with it. I just want to finally be able to deal with it, or for it to go away.</span></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "297454", "thread_id": "24300", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxietywhereeverythingandanythingcansetitoff_24300/" }, { "author": "PrincessKLS1983", "content": "<p>Hey I need help. Even though, I'm about to move to a small city from the small college town I live in now. I'm so anxious. I live off of SSDIalmost $1300 a month but before I can get a job it's still going to cost a lot for basics. My new rent is $555 per month. I'm still looking for a job and I'm still having memories of bad situations that went on in college. I'm a recent college graduate.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "297945", "thread_id": "24300", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Anxietywhereeverythingandanythingcansetitoff_24300/" } ]
{ "author": "MichaelaS", "content": "Sometimes when our anxious mind takes control over an otherwise grounded conscious, we feel that our lives are over. Trust me, I've been there! Often times we wonder, what can bring us back to normal? Why does everything make me so worried?\n\nDon't stress! Often times, the mind we fear the most is the antidote to our troubles! How is that possible? Positive self-talk! My mantra is to \"fake it 'til you make it\". These phrases repeated constantly, even if they don't seem to be credible, will become a truth within your anxious mind if you keep at it! Even if your mind is resisting, just fake it until you make it. \n\nThese phrases can be used as inspiration, affirmation, and coping skills. I've found they are great to have in my back pocket, and I hope sharing them to you will give you hope as well.\n\n\" I've gotten myself out of an anxious situation before. I've gotten calm before! I can get there again. \"\n\n\" While I can't control what's going on around me, I can control how I can react to it. I can react in a calm way this time, if I try hard! \"\n\n\" These kind of situations don't always last forever. I will find light at the end of the tunnel. \"\n\n\" If all else fails, I can always take a deep breath! \"\n\n\" Today is the day where I take control. Today is when I don't let my anxiety have the upper hand! \"\n\nFeel free to add anything else you think of. Let me know if any of these help you to get through the day, too!\n", "date": "1436660566", "thread_id": "25946", "title": "Anxiety Affirmations!", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyAffirmations_25946/" }
[ { "author": "Roadie", "content": "<p>I tackle anxiety in my life on a topic/subject/issue basis. I noticed myself today with anxious thoughts over a particular topic. What I said to myself was this.</p>\n<p>\"It won't be as bad as what you think. Take a breath and just let things happen\"</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "296547", "thread_id": "25946", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/AnxietyAffirmations_25946/" } ]
{ "author": "clementineTime723", "content": "Im currently 17, and proudly overcoming some hard life struggles. I was diagnosed with a really bad anxiety disorder in my sophmore year of high school. I had social anxiety, test anxiety and basically anything in between. Sometimes the anxiety would get so bad I would stop breathing and they had to send me to the hospital. Testing was especially hard for me, every single test I took, I failed. I tried countless things, I even once was aloud a whole day to complete a test, but I still failed it. I almost failed out of sophmore year, but I passed by. I switched schools, to an alternative learning system. It was much better, but shortly after I was diagnosed with depression, and multiple eating disorders. I was cutting and starving myself and I weighed just under 80 pounds. No one knew most of this, so i didn't have much people to talk to. Eventually I dragged myself Out of it just before I turned 16. I'm doing so much better now, but every so often that dark place comes back and I'm falling again. Some things, like the anxiety, I'm stuck with forever. But other things like the eating disorders, I can hopefully let go of soon. I want everyone to know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Life is shit, and its so hard but you will get through it. I'm a listener on this site, my name is ClementineTime723 feel free to find me and contact me any time.\n", "date": "1436326800", "thread_id": "25763", "title": "My life so far", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Mylifesofar_25763/" }
[ { "author": "Andrea50", "content": "<p>I'm just a 14 year old girl heading into my first year of highschool.... I feel like I'm going downhill.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "291047", "thread_id": "25763", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Mylifesofar_25763/" } ]
{ "author": "myfreedom1", "content": "I am so stressed over a job interview I have tomorrow.   My last job I worked at for almost 15 years and lost it due to family problems.  I have not worked for over 1 year and need this really bad.  I haven't been to a job interview in over 15 years.  Things are so different. \n", "date": "1434302574", "thread_id": "24481", "title": "High anxiety over job interview", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Highanxietyoverjobinterview_24481/" }
[ { "author": "Eme", "content": "<p>I just got through 3 rounds of job interviews for one job so I know how you feel! My anxiety was through the roof! Just try to force yourself to take deep breaths in the minute leading up to it, I'm sure you'll excel!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "262100", "thread_id": "24481", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Highanxietyoverjobinterview_24481/" }, { "author": "myfreedom1", "content": "<p>Good God! I hope I don't have to go through 3 rounds.<img title=\"frown\" alt=\"frown\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/confused_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>", "parent_ids": [ "262100,nil" ], "post_id": "262256", "thread_id": "24481", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Highanxietyoverjobinterview_24481/" }, { "author": "pandaxia", "content": "<p>Practice active relaxation! It really helps. Remember, they want to give you the job not stop you getting it. Good luck!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "262271", "thread_id": "24481", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Highanxietyoverjobinterview_24481/" }, { "author": "myfreedom1", "content": "<p>Thanks. I never thought of it that way.<img title=\"smiley\" alt=\"smiley\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>", "parent_ids": [ "262271,nil" ], "post_id": "263044", "thread_id": "24481", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Highanxietyoverjobinterview_24481/" }, { "author": "myfreedom1", "content": "<p>I did as you suggested and I got the job. Thank you.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "262271,nil" ], "post_id": "264345", "thread_id": "24481", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Highanxietyoverjobinterview_24481/" }, { "author": "yellowGrapes8131", "content": "<p><br>I have been dealing with panic attacks since I was in the 8th grade, I have developed anxiety and social anxiety as well within the last 3 years. Some days are worse that others and some days are better. However I have found a way to cope and control my anxiety and panic attacks at least to a certain extent. And although I am not 100 percent cured It has helped me out tremendously and I am starting to get ahold of myself.</p>\n<p>I hope this helps somebody out there out because it is something I have wished I could change for nearly 10 years.</p>\n<p>.Take a look at anxiousreview.com</p>\n<p>It is an excellent read and was very helpful to me :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "287029", "thread_id": "24481", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Highanxietyoverjobinterview_24481/" }, { "author": "pete1986", "content": "<p>I have had anxiety for the last 15 years and worked for 14 years at a company with my dad and brother. I recently lost my job and the thought of getting a new job petrifies me. I don't even know where to look as my anxiety is quite bad, the thought of an interview scares me but i just want to find a job that fits me and my anxiety. I am no good with new people and new surroundings. I was wondering if, firstly, anyone has any advice and, secondly, if there are any agencies or job sites for people in the UK, with anxiety so i am not feeling as bad. Its not as easy to find a new job as a normal person due to my stress, anxiety and nervousness.</p>\n<p>Any help would be great.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p>Thanks</p>\n<p>Pete</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "289888", "thread_id": "24481", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Highanxietyoverjobinterview_24481/" } ]
{ "author": "AutumnSunset23", "content": "Relaxation Links\n\nDeep Breathing Exercises:\nyoutube/8-_NNCrrdus [http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB8QtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D8-_NNCrrdus&ei=O6mdVZvKNMOt-QGK4q24BQ&usg=AFQjCNG7PTz52VsLiQ3WALz_LNRE83noHw&sig2=LrZxNXAOAm5rUJKz_Gm7wQ&bvm=bv.96952980,d.cWw] \n\nyoutube/jCSxggIjVwU [http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DjCSxggIjVwU&ei=KKmdVanCNYvg-QH-w7qIBQ&usg=AFQjCNGLUXL0J_O54iQFhNlv8gg4HyHihw&sig2=XAGLinAG2Z5eCFRaG00BLA&bvm=bv.96952980,d.cWw]\n\nDiaphragmatic Breathing\nyoutube [http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D_7ySGgAFAAo&ei=5qidVe3lJIz2-AH095HIBA&usg=AFQjCNF9vA13cG13V813IzQsQyBdrzVWwg&sig2=K84oiO9F27KtsFsOkC3XCg&bvm=bv.96952980,d.cWw]/_7ySGgAFAAo [http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D_7ySGgAFAAo&ei=5qidVe3lJIz2-AH095HIBA&usg=AFQjCNF9vA13cG13V813IzQsQyBdrzVWwg&sig2=K84oiO9F27KtsFsOkC3XCg&bvm=bv.96952980,d.cWw] \n\nGuided Imagery:\nyoutube/1iRd45dirYk [http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D1iRd45dirYk&ei=saidVc-gHIzf-QGPs4KIBQ&usg=AFQjCNEZkglWRHgxmO7eYtCGwuovL64XNA&sig2=U4nttY7PcKA1lE5Apq9gJw&bvm=bv.96952980,d.cWw]\n\nDeep Muscle Relaxation:\n youtube/ [http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DHFwCKKa--18&ei=hKidVajVJYXy-AHrrJmYBQ&usg=AFQjCNE3h3FwjjMNp9A83WpvER0xaqalrw&sig2=wS7EMAjXDdQbm2XWYGTWGw&bvm=bv.96952980,d.cWw]HFwCKKa--18  [http://www.google.co.nz/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB0QtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DHFwCKKa--18&ei=hKidVajVJYXy-AHrrJmYBQ&usg=AFQjCNE3h3FwjjMNp9A83WpvER0xaqalrw&sig2=wS7EMAjXDdQbm2XWYGTWGw&bvm=bv.96952980,d.cWw]\n \n\nGuided Meditations: \nwww.youtube.com/watch?v=qrx1vyvtRLY [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrx1vyvtRLY]\nwww.youtube.com/watch?v=ye8CF8A7r_4 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye8CF8A7r_4]\nwww.youtube.com/watch?v=WPni755-Krg [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPni755-Krg]\n\n Relaxing Sounds and Music: \nwww.youtube.com/watch?v=CvME_EylPXU [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvME_EylPXU]\n\nwww.youtube.com/watch?v=X7-H8_7Ck6k [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7-H8_7Ck6k]\n\nwww.youtube.com/watchv=MNJDn8VcZ9Q [http://www.youtube.com/watchv=MNJDn8VcZ9Q]\n\nwww.youtube.com/watchv=EeZHNmtBvDI  [http://www.youtube.com/watchv=EeZHNmtBvDI]\n\nNature sounds\n\nwww.youtube.com/watchv= [http://www.youtube.com/watchv=gmar4gh5nIw]gmar4gh5nIw [http://www.youtube.com/watchv=gmar4gh5nIw]\n \n\nThunderstorm/Rain: \nwww.youtube.com/watch?v= [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el93AooFrgg]el93AooFrgg  [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=el93AooFrgg]\n\nCALM.COM\n\nwww.calm.com  [http://www.calm.com]\n", "date": "1435994836", "thread_id": "25506", "title": "Excellent Links For Relaxation", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/ExcellentLinksForRelaxation_25506/" }
[ { "author": "SamRosen", "content": "<p>Thank you so much for these links. These will be helpful for me and 7 cups members/guests!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "285955", "thread_id": "25506", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/ExcellentLinksForRelaxation_25506/" }, { "author": "AutumnSunset23", "content": "<p>You're welcome. If you ever want to chat, message me sometime :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "285955,nil" ], "post_id": "286321", "thread_id": "25506", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/ExcellentLinksForRelaxation_25506/" }, { "author": "discreetFriend9124", "content": "<p>Thank you!</p>\n<p>also<span>I would highly recommend everybody learn how to meditate because ever since I have started I have never been happier. I have improved my life drastically. I have an overall sense of peace with myself and the world. My stress levels have gone to an all time low and It even helps me with my anxiety and panic attacks.</span></p>\n<p>If you want to learn how to meditate I suggest you read this story.</p>\n<p>http://anxiousreview.com/learnmeditation/</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "288644", "thread_id": "25506", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/ExcellentLinksForRelaxation_25506/" } ]
{ "author": "Ellesse", "content": "I had a panic attack out of the blue last night, and the shaking started off as normal, and then rapidly became uncontrollable. My entire bed was shaking and literally hitting the wall whilst my boyfriend and my mother were comforting me/holding me because I was shaking so badly. Usually I can somewhat snap out of the shaking, but it was..well..uncontrollable. I am so scared that it will happen again, I only have attacks like this every month or so. And they are never as bad as last nights. I was throwing up a lot also, which usually happens when I have an attack. I told my mum I felt like I was having a seizure, and she told me it was unlikely because I wouldn't be able to talk if I was having a seizure. But this morning she was asking around and looking into non epileptic seizures(often mistaken by doctors for anxiety symptoms) she said it's quite likely and that she would have to call an ambulance if I ever got in that state again. It was horrible for everyone to see, I resulted to taking a phenigan to knock me out, and I was going in and out of consciousness and slurring and what I was saying wasn't making any sense at all. I am going to see my doctor, but I'm pretty sure she will tell me it was anxiety. And I really can't deal with it again. Not many people have anxiety to the extent that I do, does anyone else shake uncontrollably all over to the point where it's like having a seizure? Or any other symptoms I mentioned? I feel so alone, nobody can relate to me. And something's telling me it's not anxiety.\n", "date": "1436201039", "thread_id": "25651", "title": "I need help:(", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Ineedhelp_25651/" }
[ { "author": "Hannah1121", "content": "<p>I have never had any symptoms quiet as severe as yours, but my cousin's son has. He was prone to panic attacks, and one day his shaking became so bad. It was almost violent. He was taken to the doctors, and they passed it off as just another anxiety/panic attack. After three or four months of it happening, a doctor finally said that he was experiencing seizures.</p>\n<p>If you feel like you are experiencing something that isn't because of your anxiety, then you need to stick by that feeling. Always trust your gut.</p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>\n<p></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "288353", "thread_id": "25651", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/Ineedhelp_25651/" } ]
{ "author": "honestNest6496", "content": "I am scared to talk to people. I know I need to talk about my problems but I'm actually scared to click on a listener and talk. Is that anxiety? This is horrible!\n", "date": "1434372872", "thread_id": "24529", "title": "I don't know if this is anxiety or somthing else", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowifthisisanxietyorsomthingelse_24529/" }
[ { "author": "PurpleLycheeTheListener", "content": "<p>Hi honest :) . From what you have described, it does sound like anxiety. Are you able to identify how you feel and the thoughts you have in these situations?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "263082", "thread_id": "24529", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowifthisisanxietyorsomthingelse_24529/" }, { "author": "Attackonhetalia", "content": "<p>Hey, I have the same problem as you. I have social anxiety and I'm also afraid to click on listener and talk. I know how hard it is to talk to people when you have anxiety and I wish you good luck. I hope you can start to feel better.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "263108", "thread_id": "24529", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowifthisisanxietyorsomthingelse_24529/" }, { "author": "Pickle68", "content": "<p>@honestNest6496</p>\n<p>You just took a HUGE step by posting this out here. The fear you have, of judgement, of someone not understanding you. It is real, but you were brave to post your message here.</p>\n<p>I hope that the same bravery that you needed to post here can also have you contact a listener. Take care, and again, great job!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "263115", "thread_id": "24529", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowifthisisanxietyorsomthingelse_24529/" }, { "author": "yellowGrapes8131", "content": "<p><br>I have been dealing with panic attacks since I was in the 8th grade, I have developed anxiety and social anxiety as well within the last 3 years. Some days are worse that others and some days are better. However I have found a way to cope and control my anxiety and panic attacks at least to a certain extent. And although I am not 100 percent cured It has helped me out tremendously and I am starting to get ahold of myself.</p>\n<p>I hope this helps somebody out there out because it is something I have wished I could change for nearly 10 years.</p>\n<p>Take a look at anxiousreview.com</p>\n<p>It is an excellent read and was very helpful to me :)</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "287030", "thread_id": "24529", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowifthisisanxietyorsomthingelse_24529/" }, { "author": "None", "content": "<p>You gave us really small details about your problem so we can't think about thatare you anxious or not.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "287796", "thread_id": "24529", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowifthisisanxietyorsomthingelse_24529/" }, { "author": "Hannah1121", "content": "<p>I use to deal with the same problem as you. I was so nervous and afraid. I was afraid I would bother or annoy the listener and that they would judge me. I'm a listener now, and I can safely say that we want to listen to you. We are here for you. We understand your anxiety, and we will do our best to help you feel comfortable. If you want to talk to someone, feel free to message me.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "288141", "thread_id": "24529", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/Idontknowifthisisanxietyorsomthingelse_24529/" } ]
{ "author": "TravelPhotog88", "content": "That pretty much describes me.  I've been fighting social anxiety for as long as I can remember.  It's very lonely and really brings you down.\n", "date": "1435504474", "thread_id": "25236", "title": "Me, myself, and I...", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/MemyselfandI_25236/" }
[ { "author": "Annie", "content": "<p>@travelPhotog88, social anxiety is very real, and can definitely get in the way of living a full life. The anxiety makes it hard to make friends, and we all need friends! I hope you'll consider chatting with some of our listeners one-to-one. The fact that it's anonymous might make it easier to share. We're here for you.<img title=\"heart\" alt=\"heart\" width=\"20\" height=\"20\" src=\"https://www.7cups.com/js/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/heart.gif\" style=\"max-width:100%;\"></p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "285902", "thread_id": "25236", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/MemyselfandI_25236/" }, { "author": "Hemanthraj", "content": "<p>Yes even same problem for me anxiety makes our lives suck to its core the main thing is our social life suffers the most and our not understanding people, if under medication don't miss ur tablets </p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "286383", "thread_id": "25236", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/SocialAnxiety_247/MemyselfandI_25236/" } ]
{ "author": "sp31337", "content": "I have problems acknowledging and processing negative feelings. This has led me into anxiety and depression. The depression is almost gone now. I have been saying yes to things when I really wanted to say no. My father did the same thing, and I really want to get through this and become a better person (for myself and others).\n\nTwo recent events are probably toughest ones;\nThe first is a struggle with my wife and an episode with her last year. She developed feelings for another man. Says they are more \"soulmate\" feelings, and that she needs to know he is OK. She says there has been no infidelity, and I believe her, at least the rational me does. She did have some contact with him, also after we agreed that was not OK. As far as I know she has not had any contact with him since September last year other than saying hi at the store (we live in the same area). We have been married for 6 years, and she is starting to struggle with her feelings towards me. She wants more time alone, and I crave attention, affection and acknowledgement to help with my problems. We have three children, a 15 year old boy that is hers from a previous relationship, a 4 year old boy and a 3 month old baby girl.\nThe second event is my father passing two years ago from cancer. I did not grieve him until Christmas 2014, and this went on through the new year and until February/March. I feel like the bulk of that is something I'm done processing, but I still miss him. He was the one person I could always talk to, at least about any practical issues.\n\nI have good days and bad days, varying from almost feeling like my old self, to days where I feel anxious, stressed and depressed. I've tried using different techniques, but when I feel better I stop and usually go on to new methods. I use mindfulness to a certain degree, but I need to really learn it properly and use it more regularly. I use tapping (tft/eft) from time to time, but that only helps me in the moment, not in the long run. When I feel down I speak to myself and say things like \"I am a good and kind person\", \"I love myself and my family\" and \"I can manage anything I wish\". I read TIFU's and look at funny/stupid images on Reddit to distract me and raise my spirit.\nI fret over daily chores, especially paying bills. I have pretty good income, but the money just runs out. I work as a consultant and get paid based on the hours I work. I fear I must look for a new job with a steady paycheck.\n\nI have been seeing a psychologist for the past 6 months, but had my last session for a while on monday. I'm unsure if she can help me any more, and I may seek help somewhere else.\n\nWhat can I do on my own to get better? How should my wife and I work to better our relationship?\n\n \n", "date": "1433403574", "thread_id": "24060", "title": "How do I move forward from here?", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/HowdoImoveforwardfromhere_24060/" }
[ { "author": "learningtotrust1029", "content": "<p>This is a hard question, if you should stay. I am going through something similar myself right now. My husband cheated, I found out. We want to try to make it work but I don't know if I can. The issues of trust are just so huge. \n\nYour post was a month ago; how are you doing now?</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "285206", "thread_id": "24060", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/ShareYourStory_667/HowdoImoveforwardfromhere_24060/" } ]
{ "author": "candyapple", "content": "This is a simple exercise to help release anxiety and muscle tension:\n\n1. Take a deep breath in, and hold it.\n\n2. Tense up all your muscles as hard as possible. Clench your fists. Scrunch up your face. Make yourself as tense as you can.\n\n3. Suddenly let yourself bend forward like you are a loose rag-doll. Drop your arms down. Let go of your tension. Flop forward loosely.\n\n4. At the same time as you flop forward, release your breath suddenly saying \"Haaaaa\" in a loud voice.\n\n5. Repeat 3 to 5 times, after which you should feel significant improvement.\n", "date": "1434713478", "thread_id": "24726", "title": "Simple Exercise to help with Anxiety", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/SimpleExercisetohelpwithAnxiety_24726/" }
[ { "author": "Sciasciamelila", "content": "<p>I will add this to my anxiety tool kit. Thx u!</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "268107", "thread_id": "24726", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/SimpleExercisetohelpwithAnxiety_24726/" }, { "author": "MichaelaS", "content": "<p>Thank you for sharing!! Very nice techniques, I'm all about de-stressing exercises like that.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "270382", "thread_id": "24726", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/SimpleExercisetohelpwithAnxiety_24726/" }, { "author": "Batman94", "content": "<p>This actually gave me a different idea, but one I like. How about actual exercise? Like push ups or something like that? I guess it might get your heart going though...but it would certainly be a distractor.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "285117", "thread_id": "24726", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/SimpleExercisetohelpwithAnxiety_24726/" } ]
{ "author": "mysteriousbenedictsociety", "content": "I have anxiety and panic attacks and it was just mild. Recently it has been getting worse so I feel like I should tell my parents but I don't know how. I don't think they really know much about it so I don't know how to tell them.\n", "date": "1435960992", "thread_id": "25491", "title": "Telling Parents", "topic": "anxiety", "url": "/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/TellingParents_25491/" }
[ { "author": "Alwaysdreamin", "content": "<p>Telling your parents may seem hard but I would hope they would be supportive and helpful. It is probably the case where they may have noticed differences in your behavior anyway but are waiting for you to talk with them. You could always just talk with them about it. People usually feel more comfortable talking about something while they are doing an activity but this is not necessary.It might also help tohave some printed materialsabout panic attacks so they can read and understand how to cope with them when they happen. Having information is always helpful and it makes people feel comfortable as well. Just make sure you use a reputable site when getting your information. I wish you the best and if you ever want to chat, please leave me a message and we can talk about this some more. Good luck. I hope this helps a little.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "285102", "thread_id": "25491", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/TellingParents_25491/" }, { "author": "mysteriousbenedictsociety", "content": "<p>Thank you that was really helpful. I will plan out some stuff and wait until its just me and them and then sit down and explain it to them.</p>\n<p></p>", "parent_ids": [ "285102,nil" ], "post_id": "285114", "thread_id": "25491", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/TellingParents_25491/" }, { "author": "MissDune", "content": "<p>Two years ago I told my parents how I was feeling, and they tried to help me so hard even they didn't know anything about my problems. They talked with my teachers, they made me go to therapy... \nIf you are bad, the best thing you can do is ask for help, and you have to allow them to give you help. I know it's hard, for me is impossible to accept help, but you can, I know. You are strong enought, sure. Good luck.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "nil" ], "post_id": "285111", "thread_id": "25491", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/TellingParents_25491/" }, { "author": "mysteriousbenedictsociety", "content": "<p>Thank you. I will do it.</p>", "parent_ids": [ "285111,nil" ], "post_id": "285115", "thread_id": "25491", "url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/PanicAttacks_49/TellingParents_25491/" } ]