dict | comment_posts
list |
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "Hello everyone, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week. \n\nA couple of weeks ago we discussed: How does fear affect our decision-making process? [https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/IntroductionsWelcomesIcebreakers_2558/WeeklyPrompt16Howdoesfearaffectourdecisionmakingprocess_312379/] [https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt12Doyoufeelpressuretoconstantlyachieveandexcelatworkduetoanxiety_308224/] [https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt11Doyouthinktherearecertainpersonalitytypesthataremorepronetofeelingmisunderstoodordismissed_307445/]Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts for discussion. I enjoyed them. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you. [https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/IntroductionsWelcomesIcebreakers_2558/WeeklyPrompt16Howdoesfearaffectourdecisionmakingprocess_312379/]\n\nThis week's prompt: Are there any particular thoughts or worries that frequently occupy your mind? How do you manage these intrusive thoughts?\n\nThis week I want us to reflect and explore this topic that can help us understand and explore intrusive thoughts. Let's get started and all thoughts are welcomed! \n\n-------------------------\n\nJoin us in the Anxiety Support Chat every Monday and Tuesday! [https://www.7cups.com/connect/groupChatrooms.php]\n\n5 tips to overcome fear! [https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/Resources_412/OvercomingFear5tipstotackleit_312069/]\n\n",
"date": "1694603195",
"thread_id": "313011",
"title": "Weekly Prompt #17: Are there any particular thoughts or worries that frequently occupy your mind?",
"topic": "anxiety",
"url": "/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/"
} | [
"author": "Tinywhisper11",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver biggest thought is what if my owners find me. Also I feel very ashamed of my past, and guilty. Feelings and emotions are something I still can't work out by myself. Yet it's kinda embarrassing to talk to people about things</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3359924",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "Tinywhisper11",
"content": "<p>@Tinywhisper11 I have no idea how to manage my thoughts and feelings</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3359925",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Tinywhisper11 <span>Thank you for opening up, tiny. It seems you are experiencing quite a bit of shame and embarrassment around your past and managing your emotions. It can be difficult navigating emotions and not always knowing how to process them. </span>Please know that having these difficult feelings is common and nothing to be ashamed of. What is most important for you right now in moving forward? We are all here with you to support <3 </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3359933",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "Tinywhisper11",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver moving forward. I want to get back into my arts and crafts. I haven't been able to do it lately. Just no inspiration or motivation. Art makes me happy</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3359944",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Tinywhisper11 <span>Good to hear that art is really important to you and brings you a lot of joy. Not having inspiration or motivation to create lately must feel discouraging. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360728",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "coco128",
"content": "<p>Such a great reply!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360453",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "AnimalLover1125",
"content": "<p>I love you so much tiny. I’m always here for you. You’re so incredibly strong. You have no idea how much I admire you. Love you oodles </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360150",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "akay06",
"content": "<p>It will happen again, and I’ll wind up in the hospital again. I was raped and beaten by a supervisor in my early 20s, which landed me in the hospital for emergency surgery and permanently disfigured. It's my biggest fear, and the thought of protecting my safety, counting the exits never goes away.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3359936",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@akay06 <span>I'm so sorry to hear about the trauma you've endured. Feeling afraid and having to constantly be on guard are understandable after such a violation of trust and safety. Please know that you're not alone in your struggle. We are all here with you, kay <3</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360729",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "AnimalLover1125",
"content": "<p>The fear of failure plays a huge role in my life. I didn’t make the best decision throughout my young years and that caused a lot of heart ache for my family and myself. Loosing everything I have to my addiction scares me, failing at school scares me, old people,places, and things scare me. Loosing any of my family members to cancer again scares me. Fear is one thing I need to check in on with myself daily about. What is causing or driving this fear and how can I overcome it in this difficult moment. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360148",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "coco128",
"content": "<p>Thank you for sharing. You are so strong!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360454",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@AnimalLover1125 Thank you for opening up, Animallover <3 <span>It sounds like fear is weighing heavily on you through no fault of your own. Facing so much loss and uncertainty would challenge anyone. Maybe focusing on those strengths could help ease your fears now. </span>What strengths have helped you cope with difficulties in the past?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360730",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "FeureVox",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver There are a few thoughts. No matter how old or far I have gone, it never left my mind. They stay there. They are aggravated.<br></p>\n<p>1. Hurting my loved ones</p>\n<p>2. Unable or failing to meet the expectations</p>\n<p>3. Never being enough</p>\n<p>I am still not strong enough to deal with them, even now.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360158",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@FeureVox I am sorry to hear that Feure. <span>Those thoughts you mentioned sound difficult to carry. Reflecting on past hurts or not meeting expectations can stir up painful emotions. You're taking a courageous step in opening up about this. While the thoughts may not leave fully, please know you have all of us here to listen to and support you. </span>How have you been coping with those feelings so far? </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360732",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "tealLion9329",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver my hate to say ex cause it sounds degrading but his weird need to get reactions out of me if he does anything with someone else and how he doesn't realize that he's contradicting himself because if I were to give a reaction he'd call me confusing or that I'm not supposed to talk in that way. so in my mind I say none of what you're doing makes sense because you already have told me that my feelings aren't true. So why do u need a reaction ?. 🤷♀️</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360439",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "tealLion9329",
"content": "<p>@tealLion9329 doesn't make sense I mean..these need edit buttons lol</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360442",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@tealLion9329 Thank you for opening up with us, lion <3 <span>It seems this situation has left you feeling confused and unsure of how to respond. Your feelings are understandable. You don't deserve to be in a relationship where your feelings aren't respected. </span>What thoughts are currently going through your mind as you try to make sense of it all? </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360735",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "tealLion9329",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver well its definitely confirming how alone of a person I am and I don't like that. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360746",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@tealLion9329 <span>It's understandable to feel alone sometimes. Please know you have all of us here with you. You are not alone here. <3 Sending hugs, if okay</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360749",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "coco128",
"content": "<p>I worry a lot about things that I am nervous about in the future, such as school. I manage these thoughts by remembering everything will work out and that these anxieties will pass.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360452",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@coco128 I hear you, coco. <span>It's understandable to feel worried about future uncertainties. Remembering that this too shall pass and that you have overcome difficulties before shows your strength and resilience. You've got this. </span>What helps you manage those anxious thoughts in a caring way? </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360737",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ComfyDitto",
"content": "<p>@coco128</p>\n<p>I understand you too. Academic pressure is common. </p>\n<p>However, I'm glad that you are able to have a positive mindset where you trust in yourself. I know that you are capable and will succeed. Don't lose hope! Things happen for a reason and I know you will end up in great places. </p>\n<p>If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here as well. </p>\n<p><br></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3368216",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "AutiBoy",
"content": "<p><span class=\"ql-size-large\">How I manage my thoughts</span></p>\n<p>I manage my thoughts by journaling and writing not real stories using my emotions, thoughts and what's nothing me. I take a breath tell myself thinking and laugh it off. I sometimes text a friend a rant just to get it out. I have mental health books to work through my thoughts and anxiety in general. I got them off Etsy. Meditate 3x a day and Journal at least 3x a day. Keep as busy as possible not necessarily active but doing something. Music can help with the voices which make my thoughts worce. Aframatons and mantras. Positive quotes.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><span class=\"ql-size-large\">Common thoughts</span></p>\n<p>I have a lot of thoughts. I think about someone who hurt me in the past a lot. I think about whether he did it again as I was not allowed to tell as it was a family matter and dealt with in the family. I think about what could go wrong and about what others think way too much. I think of my health the most. I overthink everything even overthinking about overthinking when I am overthinking. Honestly, sometimes I take a breath and just laugh at the silliness.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3361945",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@AutiBoy <span>Thank you for sharing about your thoughts and strategies for managing them. It sounds like you've found creative ways to process what's on your mind through journaling, meditating, and keeping busy. I can understand how overthinking at times can lead to worries. It is good to be dedicated to your well-being.</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3363796",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "compassionateWatermelon6923",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver</p>\n<p>I have a lot of thoughts about being a bad friend or school grades.</p>\n<p> </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3364670",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@compassionateWatermelon6923 <span>Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. It sounds like you have a lot on your mind. What kinds of feelings are coming up for you regarding school and friendship? We are all here with you to listen to and to support. You are not alone in this. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3364918",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "compassionateWatermelon6923",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver</p>\n<p>Grades and friends that have moved away :(</p>\n<p> </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3365034",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "crimsonGrapefruit8587",
"content": "<p>@compassionateWatermelon6923 i think people around us come and serve their purpose in our life like guests on a show and they leave u learn something they came into ur life to show u smth and to give a message and u make friends with new ones and learn other stuff i feel like im a collective of every person i met about school grades rather than caring about a test care about how to study for it do what u could and thats that if u got a bad grade then god sees u better in smth else for an instance i have been aiming for medical school ever since i walked then i didn't get the grades for it and i regreted everything for so long but now when i think ab it i just know i was gonna be one miserable person because i just cannot physically nor mentally go thru such a stress and i hope u have a great day love .sending hugs</p>\n<p><br></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3375840",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "Disneywoman",
"content": "<p>I did not see this thread before. But my big worry that shows up a lot on an on-and-off again basis is afraid of what will happen if something 'happens' to my parents since I live with them. We don't have any plan but for the fact my sister is suppose to be my caregiver (Despite being over 18) but I really don't like that idea much due to my experience back when I was 9 and she was 17. Of course now that apperently, if something \"happened\" to my parents- I can contact my province's Support Services and they cou;d \"help\" me somehow (not clear how) about it.</p>\n<p>And sometimes I get really upset about the fact I have no partner (litereally still on Boyfriend 0) when I really, really, really want to have children and I want to have them by being pregant. I want children to continue on my family line, I want children to teach them the stories taught to me about ou ancestors ( loayist, another Mayflower, escaped from the Potato famine) so they can tell their children, or can tell their grandchildren, etc. </p>\n<p><span> I know there's sperm donors but I want to experience some non-familial love but the more romantic love before I go w/ sperm donors. I know dating's hard and I can face rejection but that's part of life regardless friends, work, (or lack therof), etc. </span><span>The closet thing I got to \"love\" would be the infatuation (on my part) aka crushes one when I was in elementary and one in high school.</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3370325",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Disneywoman <span>It sounds like you're feeling quite worried about the future and what might happen if anything were to happen to your parents. That's understandable - it's natural to feel concerned about caring for yourself without them. I hear you want to have children of your own to carry on family traditions as well. You also mentioned wanting romantic love and companionship. While dating can be challenging, focusing on surrounding yourself with caring people in your life seems important for your well-being. You have so much to offer the world.</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3370376",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "Disneywoman",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver which is kind of a problem because most of my \"high school\" girlfriends are all married and/or have children now beside being all over our province. My only \"friends\" are like peers like the elderly blind friend I mentioned or the person who got killed last week from my day-program.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3370738",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Disneywoman <span>It sounds like you're experiencing feelings of loneliness without friends from your high school days in your life now. You mentioned your elderly blind friend and peers from your day program - it seems connecting with others is important to you. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3371321",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "Disneywoman",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver</p>\n<p>I know this sounds silly- but I figured if I can get a long-time boyfriend.. I could have an alterative Plan B to having to move in with my sister/have her move in with me if something happened to the parents (of course if I ended up with a sperm donor, I would try to see if I could get one that has children around and we could schedule playdates with the half-siblings-and that depending on where the half-siblings parents live-I could maybe move in with them-don't think it would be feasible for them to move into this house when it has only 3 bedrooms- in the event of something happening to the parents. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Of course the only problem with first scenario (boyfriend) is that with workers of the disablity income the Provincal disablity income \"guidelines\" aren't in accordance with my country's Family Act, so that let's say I moved in w/ my boyfriend- and we been in the same apartment for 3 months-the Provincal Disablity income people will automatically assume we're common law which means my disablity check would get dinged big. The country's federal Family Act is 3 years. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>There's problem with the 2nd scenario of course and that's the issue of having to redo all the paperwork for disablity income and Development Supports if I moved to another town to move in with what is basically with my child's step-mother/or Dad)</p>\n<p> </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3371000",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Disneywoman It is not silly, Disney. <span>Thank you for sharing your concerns with me. It sounds like you're thinking through some difficult options as you consider your future living situation and ensuring your support needs are met. What feelings come up as you think about each possibility? </span></p>\n<p><span>Please know you have all of us here and you doing great opening up with us and sharing your experiences and emotions. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3371322",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "Disneywoman",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver once I'm done other stuff for today (had a long day went to a shooting range w/ dad)- I might make a thread maybe in Austim section of the forum of some other issues I have with my Dad/sister- But one of the stories might fit better over in this (anxiety) section instead..because there's some anxiety in that partciular story. </p>\n<p>For the first situation-if I could get a long time boyfriend the problem is related to being what I can only call \"dinged\" aka punished by living with a partner full time for 3 months because my province's disablity income \"family rules\" isn't in accordance's with the Country's \"Family Act\" so that if the Disablity income workers would try to clackback my monthly check because I was living with a partner.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>The 2nd idea is general a bad idea in one way-I never lived anywhere but this town for 33 years so to start over in another town is sort of not a good idea, considering the fact that I'm like Harry Potter in this town- I can walk down any street in town and someone will say \"Hi Disney!\" even if I don't know them. </p>\n<p><br></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3371584",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Disneywoman <span>It is understandable that current living situation brings up a lot of difficult feelings and concerns. Moving forward while also feeling secure can be challenging. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3372507",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "Disneywoman",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver just thought of something extra if I had a long-term boyfriend that in the summer that he and I and my Dad could play baseball together (and maybe any children we had when they're old enough) just like my Mom and my sister did- we (Dad/I) don't use hardballs but tennis balls-still hurt like heck though- but the baseball plan would have to be pre-planned if we wanted at the moment fictional boyfriend to play with us. And also if I had a long term boyfriend so that I could invite him over to be in the pool with me. I wouldn't do anything um \"fun\" in the pool with him (you know what I mean by \"fun\" right? not the toy playing kind of fun) but it would be nice to have company in the pool because all of the summer I was by myself in the pool basically except for the one time when it was so hot Dad would come in. And its kind of lonely.. in the pool by myself espcially when Mom and Dad are inside most of the time.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3380901",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "NerdyArtiste",
"content": "<p>I feel like the same worries come back to me and stress me out alot. It comes from external avenues as well as internal, so I manage them in a sort of combat mode.</p>\n<p>Sometimes my thoughts/worries are straight up wrong and I have to combat them with thoughts of 'hey that isn't true because of...' And that seems to help quite a bit.</p>\n<p>The stress coming from external places I just get hung up on earlier.. mixes with the depression i'm sure. But I'm working on improving my self-image.</p>\n<p>Hope you have a good day if you've read this far.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3371018",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@NerdyArtiste <span>Thank you for sharing about the worries and stresses you experience. It can feel overwhelming to have thoughts coming at us from both external and internal places. I'm glad to hear you've found reflection on your thoughts helps provide some relief. You seem determined in your efforts, and that strength will serve you well. Please continue being gentle with yourself as you face each new day. </span>How have you been working on improving your self-image during this time?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3371323",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "bubbleSpruce7816",
"content": "<p>I get anxious when i have to do things alone sometimes. </p>\n<p>And i’m so scared of losing a loved one.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3372419",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=0"
"author": "Tinywhisper11",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver biggest thought is what if my owners find me. Also I feel very ashamed of my past, and guilty. Feelings and emotions are something I still can't work out by myself. Yet it's kinda embarrassing to talk to people about things</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3359924",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "Tinywhisper11",
"content": "<p>@Tinywhisper11 I have no idea how to manage my thoughts and feelings</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3359925",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Tinywhisper11 <span>Thank you for opening up, tiny. It seems you are experiencing quite a bit of shame and embarrassment around your past and managing your emotions. It can be difficult navigating emotions and not always knowing how to process them. </span>Please know that having these difficult feelings is common and nothing to be ashamed of. What is most important for you right now in moving forward? We are all here with you to support <3 </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3359933",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "Tinywhisper11",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver moving forward. I want to get back into my arts and crafts. I haven't been able to do it lately. Just no inspiration or motivation. Art makes me happy</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3359944",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Tinywhisper11 <span>Good to hear that art is really important to you and brings you a lot of joy. Not having inspiration or motivation to create lately must feel discouraging. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360728",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "coco128",
"content": "<p>Such a great reply!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360453",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "AnimalLover1125",
"content": "<p>I love you so much tiny. I’m always here for you. You’re so incredibly strong. You have no idea how much I admire you. Love you oodles </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360150",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "akay06",
"content": "<p>It will happen again, and I’ll wind up in the hospital again. I was raped and beaten by a supervisor in my early 20s, which landed me in the hospital for emergency surgery and permanently disfigured. It's my biggest fear, and the thought of protecting my safety, counting the exits never goes away.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3359936",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@akay06 <span>I'm so sorry to hear about the trauma you've endured. Feeling afraid and having to constantly be on guard are understandable after such a violation of trust and safety. Please know that you're not alone in your struggle. We are all here with you, kay <3</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360729",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "AnimalLover1125",
"content": "<p>The fear of failure plays a huge role in my life. I didn’t make the best decision throughout my young years and that caused a lot of heart ache for my family and myself. Loosing everything I have to my addiction scares me, failing at school scares me, old people,places, and things scare me. Loosing any of my family members to cancer again scares me. Fear is one thing I need to check in on with myself daily about. What is causing or driving this fear and how can I overcome it in this difficult moment. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360148",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "coco128",
"content": "<p>Thank you for sharing. You are so strong!</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360454",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@AnimalLover1125 Thank you for opening up, Animallover <3 <span>It sounds like fear is weighing heavily on you through no fault of your own. Facing so much loss and uncertainty would challenge anyone. Maybe focusing on those strengths could help ease your fears now. </span>What strengths have helped you cope with difficulties in the past?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360730",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "FeureVox",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver There are a few thoughts. No matter how old or far I have gone, it never left my mind. They stay there. They are aggravated.<br></p>\n<p>1. Hurting my loved ones</p>\n<p>2. Unable or failing to meet the expectations</p>\n<p>3. Never being enough</p>\n<p>I am still not strong enough to deal with them, even now.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360158",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@FeureVox I am sorry to hear that Feure. <span>Those thoughts you mentioned sound difficult to carry. Reflecting on past hurts or not meeting expectations can stir up painful emotions. You're taking a courageous step in opening up about this. While the thoughts may not leave fully, please know you have all of us here to listen to and support you. </span>How have you been coping with those feelings so far? </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360732",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "tealLion9329",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver my hate to say ex cause it sounds degrading but his weird need to get reactions out of me if he does anything with someone else and how he doesn't realize that he's contradicting himself because if I were to give a reaction he'd call me confusing or that I'm not supposed to talk in that way. so in my mind I say none of what you're doing makes sense because you already have told me that my feelings aren't true. So why do u need a reaction ?. 🤷♀️</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360439",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "tealLion9329",
"content": "<p>@tealLion9329 doesn't make sense I mean..these need edit buttons lol</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360442",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@tealLion9329 Thank you for opening up with us, lion <3 <span>It seems this situation has left you feeling confused and unsure of how to respond. Your feelings are understandable. You don't deserve to be in a relationship where your feelings aren't respected. </span>What thoughts are currently going through your mind as you try to make sense of it all? </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360735",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "tealLion9329",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver well its definitely confirming how alone of a person I am and I don't like that. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360746",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@tealLion9329 <span>It's understandable to feel alone sometimes. Please know you have all of us here with you. You are not alone here. <3 Sending hugs, if okay</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360749",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "coco128",
"content": "<p>I worry a lot about things that I am nervous about in the future, such as school. I manage these thoughts by remembering everything will work out and that these anxieties will pass.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360452",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@coco128 I hear you, coco. <span>It's understandable to feel worried about future uncertainties. Remembering that this too shall pass and that you have overcome difficulties before shows your strength and resilience. You've got this. </span>What helps you manage those anxious thoughts in a caring way? </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3360737",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ComfyDitto",
"content": "<p>@coco128</p>\n<p>I understand you too. Academic pressure is common. </p>\n<p>However, I'm glad that you are able to have a positive mindset where you trust in yourself. I know that you are capable and will succeed. Don't lose hope! Things happen for a reason and I know you will end up in great places. </p>\n<p>If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here as well. </p>\n<p><br></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3368216",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "AutiBoy",
"content": "<p><span class=\"ql-size-large\">How I manage my thoughts</span></p>\n<p>I manage my thoughts by journaling and writing not real stories using my emotions, thoughts and what's nothing me. I take a breath tell myself thinking and laugh it off. I sometimes text a friend a rant just to get it out. I have mental health books to work through my thoughts and anxiety in general. I got them off Etsy. Meditate 3x a day and Journal at least 3x a day. Keep as busy as possible not necessarily active but doing something. Music can help with the voices which make my thoughts worce. Aframatons and mantras. Positive quotes.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p><span class=\"ql-size-large\">Common thoughts</span></p>\n<p>I have a lot of thoughts. I think about someone who hurt me in the past a lot. I think about whether he did it again as I was not allowed to tell as it was a family matter and dealt with in the family. I think about what could go wrong and about what others think way too much. I think of my health the most. I overthink everything even overthinking about overthinking when I am overthinking. Honestly, sometimes I take a breath and just laugh at the silliness.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3361945",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@AutiBoy <span>Thank you for sharing about your thoughts and strategies for managing them. It sounds like you've found creative ways to process what's on your mind through journaling, meditating, and keeping busy. I can understand how overthinking at times can lead to worries. It is good to be dedicated to your well-being.</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3363796",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "compassionateWatermelon6923",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver</p>\n<p>I have a lot of thoughts about being a bad friend or school grades.</p>\n<p> </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3364670",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@compassionateWatermelon6923 <span>Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. It sounds like you have a lot on your mind. What kinds of feelings are coming up for you regarding school and friendship? We are all here with you to listen to and to support. You are not alone in this. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3364918",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "compassionateWatermelon6923",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver</p>\n<p>Grades and friends that have moved away :(</p>\n<p> </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3365034",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "crimsonGrapefruit8587",
"content": "<p>@compassionateWatermelon6923 i think people around us come and serve their purpose in our life like guests on a show and they leave u learn something they came into ur life to show u smth and to give a message and u make friends with new ones and learn other stuff i feel like im a collective of every person i met about school grades rather than caring about a test care about how to study for it do what u could and thats that if u got a bad grade then god sees u better in smth else for an instance i have been aiming for medical school ever since i walked then i didn't get the grades for it and i regreted everything for so long but now when i think ab it i just know i was gonna be one miserable person because i just cannot physically nor mentally go thru such a stress and i hope u have a great day love .sending hugs</p>\n<p><br></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3375840",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "Disneywoman",
"content": "<p>I did not see this thread before. But my big worry that shows up a lot on an on-and-off again basis is afraid of what will happen if something 'happens' to my parents since I live with them. We don't have any plan but for the fact my sister is suppose to be my caregiver (Despite being over 18) but I really don't like that idea much due to my experience back when I was 9 and she was 17. Of course now that apperently, if something \"happened\" to my parents- I can contact my province's Support Services and they cou;d \"help\" me somehow (not clear how) about it.</p>\n<p>And sometimes I get really upset about the fact I have no partner (litereally still on Boyfriend 0) when I really, really, really want to have children and I want to have them by being pregant. I want children to continue on my family line, I want children to teach them the stories taught to me about ou ancestors ( loayist, another Mayflower, escaped from the Potato famine) so they can tell their children, or can tell their grandchildren, etc. </p>\n<p><span> I know there's sperm donors but I want to experience some non-familial love but the more romantic love before I go w/ sperm donors. I know dating's hard and I can face rejection but that's part of life regardless friends, work, (or lack therof), etc. </span><span>The closet thing I got to \"love\" would be the infatuation (on my part) aka crushes one when I was in elementary and one in high school.</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3370325",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Disneywoman <span>It sounds like you're feeling quite worried about the future and what might happen if anything were to happen to your parents. That's understandable - it's natural to feel concerned about caring for yourself without them. I hear you want to have children of your own to carry on family traditions as well. You also mentioned wanting romantic love and companionship. While dating can be challenging, focusing on surrounding yourself with caring people in your life seems important for your well-being. You have so much to offer the world.</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3370376",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "Disneywoman",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver which is kind of a problem because most of my \"high school\" girlfriends are all married and/or have children now beside being all over our province. My only \"friends\" are like peers like the elderly blind friend I mentioned or the person who got killed last week from my day-program.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3370738",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Disneywoman <span>It sounds like you're experiencing feelings of loneliness without friends from your high school days in your life now. You mentioned your elderly blind friend and peers from your day program - it seems connecting with others is important to you. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3371321",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "Disneywoman",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver</p>\n<p>I know this sounds silly- but I figured if I can get a long-time boyfriend.. I could have an alterative Plan B to having to move in with my sister/have her move in with me if something happened to the parents (of course if I ended up with a sperm donor, I would try to see if I could get one that has children around and we could schedule playdates with the half-siblings-and that depending on where the half-siblings parents live-I could maybe move in with them-don't think it would be feasible for them to move into this house when it has only 3 bedrooms- in the event of something happening to the parents. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Of course the only problem with first scenario (boyfriend) is that with workers of the disablity income the Provincal disablity income \"guidelines\" aren't in accordance with my country's Family Act, so that let's say I moved in w/ my boyfriend- and we been in the same apartment for 3 months-the Provincal Disablity income people will automatically assume we're common law which means my disablity check would get dinged big. The country's federal Family Act is 3 years. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>There's problem with the 2nd scenario of course and that's the issue of having to redo all the paperwork for disablity income and Development Supports if I moved to another town to move in with what is basically with my child's step-mother/or Dad)</p>\n<p> </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3371000",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Disneywoman It is not silly, Disney. <span>Thank you for sharing your concerns with me. It sounds like you're thinking through some difficult options as you consider your future living situation and ensuring your support needs are met. What feelings come up as you think about each possibility? </span></p>\n<p><span>Please know you have all of us here and you doing great opening up with us and sharing your experiences and emotions. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3371322",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "Disneywoman",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver once I'm done other stuff for today (had a long day went to a shooting range w/ dad)- I might make a thread maybe in Austim section of the forum of some other issues I have with my Dad/sister- But one of the stories might fit better over in this (anxiety) section instead..because there's some anxiety in that partciular story. </p>\n<p>For the first situation-if I could get a long time boyfriend the problem is related to being what I can only call \"dinged\" aka punished by living with a partner full time for 3 months because my province's disablity income \"family rules\" isn't in accordance's with the Country's \"Family Act\" so that if the Disablity income workers would try to clackback my monthly check because I was living with a partner.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>The 2nd idea is general a bad idea in one way-I never lived anywhere but this town for 33 years so to start over in another town is sort of not a good idea, considering the fact that I'm like Harry Potter in this town- I can walk down any street in town and someone will say \"Hi Disney!\" even if I don't know them. </p>\n<p><br></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3371584",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Disneywoman <span>It is understandable that current living situation brings up a lot of difficult feelings and concerns. Moving forward while also feeling secure can be challenging. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3372507",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "Disneywoman",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver just thought of something extra if I had a long-term boyfriend that in the summer that he and I and my Dad could play baseball together (and maybe any children we had when they're old enough) just like my Mom and my sister did- we (Dad/I) don't use hardballs but tennis balls-still hurt like heck though- but the baseball plan would have to be pre-planned if we wanted at the moment fictional boyfriend to play with us. And also if I had a long term boyfriend so that I could invite him over to be in the pool with me. I wouldn't do anything um \"fun\" in the pool with him (you know what I mean by \"fun\" right? not the toy playing kind of fun) but it would be nice to have company in the pool because all of the summer I was by myself in the pool basically except for the one time when it was so hot Dad would come in. And its kind of lonely.. in the pool by myself espcially when Mom and Dad are inside most of the time.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3380901",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "NerdyArtiste",
"content": "<p>I feel like the same worries come back to me and stress me out alot. It comes from external avenues as well as internal, so I manage them in a sort of combat mode.</p>\n<p>Sometimes my thoughts/worries are straight up wrong and I have to combat them with thoughts of 'hey that isn't true because of...' And that seems to help quite a bit.</p>\n<p>The stress coming from external places I just get hung up on earlier.. mixes with the depression i'm sure. But I'm working on improving my self-image.</p>\n<p>Hope you have a good day if you've read this far.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3371018",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@NerdyArtiste <span>Thank you for sharing about the worries and stresses you experience. It can feel overwhelming to have thoughts coming at us from both external and internal places. I'm glad to hear you've found reflection on your thoughts helps provide some relief. You seem determined in your efforts, and that strength will serve you well. Please continue being gentle with yourself as you face each new day. </span>How have you been working on improving your self-image during this time?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3371323",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "bubbleSpruce7816",
"content": "<p>I get anxious when i have to do things alone sometimes. </p>\n<p>And i’m so scared of losing a loved one.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3372419",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=1"
"author": "None",
"content": "",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3372419",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@bubbleSpruce7816 <span>It's understandable to feel anxious when facing challenges alone and to feel scared about losing loved ones. You're not alone in experiencing difficult emotions. What thoughts tend to come up for you when you feel that way? </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3372508",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "helpfulPrune3049",
"content": "<p>My own shortcomings. People. Driving. Parenting. Family issues. Health issues. Obligations. The combination of all of these and trying to improve myself, restart a career and a path to achievement, and no time for all of it.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3375408",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@helpfulPrune3049 <span>It sounds like you're experiencing a heavy load of responsibilities and goals right now. Reflecting on all the things you mentioned, how are you currently feeling about it all? You aren't alone in facing difficulties, and I'm glad you chose to share here.</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3375806",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "helpfulPrune3049",
"content": "<p>Thank you for saying that. Although I don’t like to complain, I have to say, I feel a crushing feeling from the moment I wake up. I’m having a hard time managing, and I try to give myself encouraging and positive thoughts, but I end up burnt out. I have no one to talk to as to not bother anyone, so I get lonely as well.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3375895",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@helpfulPrune3049 <span>I understand this feeling of being crushed from the moment you wake up can feel overwhelming. It shows strength that you try to give yourself encouraging thoughts, though it's difficult to not feel burnt out without support.</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3378438",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "crimsonGrapefruit8587",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver it's really silly actually but just consumes me like crazy i just find every single thing i utter from my mouth is the stupidest thing ever and sometimes i don't even know what the *** i just said so i weird people out , a bad guess is that i think too much i read tons of books about the importance of words and how influential it is and how attractive people talk and i really wanna sound funny and smart MY BIGGEST fear is being a boring person so i try to come up with something smart to say so i end up saying something weird and unfunny so i tried just saying whatever comes to my mind with no filters and it's even weirder and unfunny and unmature im surronded my attractive minds so i feel the constant insecurity about my personality i am not the friendliest i have been an introvert for a good minute so i forgot how to be socially smart like i see live examples of women not so pretty but well spoken and fun they own whatever room they go into and i feel jealous that im boring i'd rather stay silent than saying anything at all then i complain that i have no one around but i do have people i just can't connect with them properly i just wanna attract people and make them attach to me and love my company and miss me lots when im not there i wanna have a great mind and well spoken personality i wanna be funny and smart </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3375831",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "helpfulPrune3049",
"content": "<p>I feel like every single person has their own charm, and their own crowd that would appreciate them as they are. Pleasing others is very stressful, so it’s the best thing to appreciate all the wonderful things about yourself and just project that into the world. That way you’ll attract people that would love you for who you are.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3375899",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "crimsonGrapefruit8587",
"content": "<p>@helpfulPrune3049 it's just im surrounded with such attractive ppl so i feel the competition in me to seek for a better version of myself but unfortunately some qualities i can't have them or i don't know how to learn such qualities so i always feel there's hope for me to make myself the image i drew for myself </p>\n<p><br></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3376197",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "helpfulPrune3049",
"content": "<p>If you don’t mind me asking, what qualities do you hope to have? Some qualities eventually just come with interaction, when you feel more comfortable.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3376276",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "crimsonGrapefruit8587",
"content": "<p>@helpfulPrune3049 i want to be a better conversationalist i want to find stuff to say without saying off putting uninteresting stuff to say to just continue the convo completely weirding out whoever im talking to i want to be funny i want to get what i want through talking alot of women in my family and friends use it to get some people to do for them stuff without feeling pressured to do so i want to make meaningful conversation that brings out the hidden in people so that they comfortable enough to be around me and trust me to say whatever </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3386927",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@crimsonGrapefruit8587 <span>It sounds like you are putting a lot of pressure on yourself to be the perfect conversationalist. Comparing ourselves to others can often lead to feelings of insecurity. You are not alone in wanting to connect meaningfully with others. What are some things you appreciate about yourself as a person?</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3378440",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "Archer468",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver I really hope this doesn't get taken for more than what it is...<br><br>I have great deep desire that never goes away about wanting to be a little boy instead of a teen.<br>It's near obsessive, it hurts (makes me feel deeply sad no matter what's going on in my life).<br><br>I manage it by... well... honestly I cannot manage it, I can only suppress it (which is not only difficult but also not sustainable), one easy thing is distractions but it's short-term... and another thing is that it used to be a lot worse, I used to cry like every week just due to the thoughts, now I don't but I'm in this continual state of subconscious/unconscious emptiness.<br><br><br>P.S: Quiet a bit anxious about this comment... 😓</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3379170",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Archer468 <span>Thank you for sharing your feelings with us, Archer. It sounds like this desire causes you a lot of deep sadness that is difficult to manage. What helps you feel seen and understood during these times? Please know we are all here with you and it is okay to feel anxious. You are not alone. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3379805",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "Archer468",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver Thank you, that's true, it does cause sadness... what makes me feel seen? well, fortunately just expressing myself which I think I'm already doing, what's more important is not getting harshly judged by other people.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3380130",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "Lillypad176",
"content": "<p>@Archer468 <br>me too</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3389397",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "SilverRailey",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver AI.</p>\n<p><br></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3379436",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@SilverRailey Can you please share more? silver</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3379806",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "SilverRailey",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver well, as ELON MASK said \"AI is far more dangerous\". and look what people can do now with AI, WHAT ABOUT 5 years or 10 years from now, how scary will it be??</p>\n<p>that's why m worried more about AI than WWW3.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3380324",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@SilverRailey <span>I hear your concerns about how AI may continue developing and the impact it could have. Your worries about the future are understandable. What in particular fuels your thoughts on this? However you feel is okay. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3380531",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "Lillypad176",
"content": "<p>@SilverRailey <br>that is pretty concerning</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3387639",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "Lillypad176",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver <br>I play the \"what if\" game all the time.<br></p>\n<p>what if I could have saved her</p>\n<p>what if the few friends I have are not really my friends?</p>\n<p>what if I never get passed my adhd, depression, and anxiety?</p>\n<p>what if I am the reason so many people around me have passed away?</p>\n<p>what if I lose my mind to the point that I wake up strapped down to a bed or in a straitjacket?</p>\n<p>what if my one friend passes away today?</p>\n<p>what if my mom doesn't make it home?</p>\n<p>what if my boyfriend gets hurt too badly?</p>\n<p>what if my mother is already gone and I never get to find peace?</p>\n<p>or what if she tries to take me against my will?</p>\n<p>what if I'm not strong enough to fight my way out?</p>\n<p>what if everyone is gone and I end up alone?</p>\n<p>what if I lose myself, and nobody can help me?</p>\n<p><br>If only I could stop these thoughts. but they just keep coming, so I try to drown them out. but they just get louder.<br>Other times I manage to not think about it, but later feel guilty, because I should be worried about my family, how dare I ignore that, I'm terrible for not worrying about the ones who I love. how can I even say I love them if I don't worry. <br>then I play the \"blame game\":</p>\n<p>It is my fault they are gone.</p>\n<p>I don't deserve them</p>\n<p>I am not worth the love they give me</p>\n<p>why do they care about me? they should be running away, before something bad happens to them too. and when it does, it will be myself at fault once more, for not warning them, for not pushing them away.<br><span>But I can't push them away, I need them. I have nothing else.<br></span><span>God, why am I so selfish??? how can I say I love them when I only seem to have my own needs in mind.</span></p>\n<p><span>I hate the back and forth battle.</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3387637",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Lillypad176 <span>Thank you for sharing so openly. It sounds like you are experiencing a lot of difficult thoughts and emotions. You care deeply for your loved ones and it is understandable to worry, yet blaming oneself often does more harm than good. How can you show self-compassion during this challenging time?</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3388796",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "Lillypad176",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver <br>thats what ive been trying to figure out</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3389396",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@Lillypad176 that is okay. We will figure out together. You are not alone in this. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3390485",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "RhysThe3rd",
"content": "<p>It's 'I will never found love again'. As to how i manage them often time i just suppress them by working on stuff. Cause sometime i just feel powerless to stop it. Nothing seems to work. So i'm forced to used some extreme measures to ground myself or risk it becoming a bigger problem 😔. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3389468",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@RhysThe3rd <span>It sounds like feelings of loneliness and being powerless are weighing heavily on you. Those emotions can be so difficult to face alone. Want to share more about it?</span></p>\n<p><span><br></span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3390486",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "RhysThe3rd",
"content": "<p>Yeah, i've spent most of my time running from the thought. I do this by focusing on my studies. I went as far burning myself out so that i never had the time to let the thought resurface.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>It's just been very difficult. To live a paradox of not wanting for this thought to resurface but at the same time feeding it by holding it as a core believe. I isolate myself whenever i feel this negative emotion. There's simply no one to call for help. I'm all by myself.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>Yesterday i had a tantrum because i let my personal problem interfere with my responsibilities. I just wanna give up. I feel as if i'll just play this game of running away forever. But my body won't let me. I always hesitated, which only fueled my frustration. So i screamed, some things were smashed, wardrobe were punched. The thought that i'll have to wake up another day and experience this again just.... So that's where the extreme grounding technique comes in.</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3390547",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@RhysThe3rd <span>It sounds like you have been struggling with difficult thoughts and emotions for some time now. I can understand how isolating yourself and burning yourself out in your studies was a way to cope, but it doesn't seem to have brought much relief or peace. You must feel exhausted. </span>What has it been like to carry this burden alone for so long?</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3391362",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "RhysThe3rd",
"content": "<p>It was very challenging. Every day feels like a three front war. Sometimes i won the battle sometime i capitulate. I often feel like i have no one to talk to. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3391365",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@RhysThe3rd <span>It sounds like you are experiencing a lot each day that can feel overwhelming. Having challenges without feeling supported can make it even harder. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3391769",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "KiwiFresh",
"content": "<p>Rats, rat bait stations and anything that might have been touched by a rat cripples me. I have a family friend who fell into a coma and passed away suddenly became he came to contact with rat urine. </p>\n<p>Ever since, I go out of way to avoid those deadly creatures. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3391820",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@KiwiFresh <span>I understand this must be very difficult for you. Having such a frightening experience could understandably make anyone avoid rats and anything related. You must feel very alone in dealing with this. Just know that you are not alone, and that with time and support these feelings may lessen. </span>How does living with that fear affect your daily life? </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3392294",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "KiwiFresh",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver I developed OCD in compulsive washing of things that I fear to be contamined by rats. Avoiding places where rats are known to be at and going out at night. An invisible prison that no other will understand. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3392497",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@KiwiFresh <span>I understand this must feel very isolating. Your fear of contamination and avoidance sounds like it takes a toll. You mentioned feeling imprisoned - is there anything that brings you a sense of freedom or relief, even if just for a moment? Please know we are all here for you Kiwi. </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3392533",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "KiwiFresh",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver Well, staying at home helps. But I can't do that always. There are after office drinks with colleagues, dinner sessions with friends. Sadly, I have been making excuses and turned them down over years for fear of encountering rats. Social life get affected much but this is the dark secret which I have no one in real life to turn to. </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3392624",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@KiwiFresh hmm,i get that. <span>It must feel difficult to have kept this fear secret for so long and have let opportunities for social connection pass by. How has it impacted your sense of well-being over the years? </span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3393815",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "SystemFireSkye",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver</p>\n<p>My thoughts are that ima relying to much on my family and not not being self sufficient. Idk I don't really have a coping strategy I jus over think alot lol</p>\n<p> </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3395612",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "ASilentObserver",
"content": "<p>@SystemFireSkye Hi Skye, good to see you! Hope you are taking easy on yourself. Thank you for opening up with me. <span>It sounds like relying too much on family and overthinking are weighing on you. If I can ask you, what's fueling those thoughts? We are all here with you to listen to and to support</span></p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3395956",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "SystemFireSkye",
"content": "<p>@ASilentObserver</p>\n<p>HIya obs it's great to see you. As for my thoughts I sometimes wonder if I should be more...self sufficient, I guess. I bounce back and forth between thinking I'm treated and act to much like a child and thinking that maybe it is for the best. </p>\n<p> </p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3396129",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
"author": "mish3l",
"content": "<p>Currently the main repeating thought in my head are the flashbacks I'm getting from my sexual abuse when I was about 8 or 9. My classmate was abusing me during the classes and then following me after school. Nobody knew until a few months ago. </p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>The flashbacks happen when my husband touches me and it feels like my past abuse is happening in the present and I get severe anxiety and panic attacks.</p>\n<p><br></p>\n<p>I live in constant worry and fear that I will never be able to enjoy my intimate life again. I feel like a broken toy sometimes, damaged goods. But I have hope, my husband is supporting me a lot and yesterday after a long time I finally had no panic attack 💪🙏</p>",
"parent_ids": [
"post_id": "3395891",
"thread_id": "313011",
"url": "https://www.7cups.com/forum/anxiety/General_2428/WeeklyPrompt17Arethereanyparticularthoughtsorworriesthatfrequentlyoccupyyourmind_313011/?p=2"
] |
{"author":"ASilentObserver","content":"Hello everyone, I hope you are all being easy on yourself thi(...TRUNCATED) | [{"author":"None","content":"","parent_ids":["nil"],"post_id":"3381510","thread_id":"313806","url":"(...TRUNCATED) |
{"author":"ASilentObserver","content":"Welcome everyone, I hope you are all being easy on yourself t(...TRUNCATED) | [{"author":"Disneywoman","content":"<p>Can I say in a sense I do both?</p>\n<p>When Dad bothers me ((...TRUNCATED) |
{"author":"purplecashew2005","content":"Lately it feels like I've moved way backwards. For a while(...TRUNCATED) | [{"author":"SJMal","content":"<p>@purplecashew2005, </p>\n<p>Our Wellbeing exists on a continuum and(...TRUNCATED) |
{"author":"unassumingCar1350","content":"I feel good today! I have no anxiety and I'm motivated to g(...TRUNCATED) | [{"author":"JaseByTheSea","content":"<p>That’s great to hear I hope you have a lovely day. </p>","(...TRUNCATED) |
{"author":"meowcat1216","content":"I get jealous and anxious and its an overwhelming feeling for me.(...TRUNCATED) | [{"author":"Rubi19","content":"<p>@meowcat1216, </p>\n<p>What causes you to feel insecure and/or je(...TRUNCATED) |
{"author":"charmingButton18","content":"Lately as I have started to explore and research more about (...TRUNCATED) | [{"author":"OldSerendipityBoat","content":"<p>@charmingButton18</p>\n<p>True, you have reached the c(...TRUNCATED) |
{"author":"compassionateCar7091","content":"I have no anxiety today which is a relief, I hate anxiet(...TRUNCATED) | [{"author":"OrangeGlow17","content":"<p>Hey there, @compassionateCar7091. It's great to hear that yo(...TRUNCATED) |
{"author":"meowcat1216","content":"I was wondering if controlled breathing is the permanent solution(...TRUNCATED) | [{"author":"toughTiger6481","content":"<p>@meowcat1216</p>\n<p>Breathing exercises are temporary rel(...TRUNCATED) |
{"author":"KiwiFresh","content":"Hello everyone, Kiwi here. I found 7 cups from google and hope to f(...TRUNCATED) | [{"author":"Tinywhisper11","content":"<p>@KiwiFresh awww sweetie gives you a giant tiny hug ❤ I ha(...TRUNCATED) |
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