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《左传·昭公·昭公十九年》 | 楚国仅仅是为了保持自己的完整,以维持它的世代而已。 | 其仅自完也,以持其世而已。 | The State of Chu is only seeking to maintain its own integrity in order to sustain its generations. |
《三国志·魏书·钟繇华歆王朗传》 | 他的儿子华表继承爵位。 | 子表嗣。 | His son Hua Biao inherited the title. |
《史记·三十世家·赵世家》 | 四年,朝拜周天子。 | 四年,朝天子。 | In the fourth year, he paid homage to the Emperor of Zhou. |
《史记·七十列传·郦生陆贾列传》 | 等到他被平原君成功地救出之后,才感到特别吃惊。 | 及其成功出之,乃大惊。 | After he was successfully rescued by the Lord of Pingyuan, he was really surprised. |
《金史·列传·卷四十五》 | 高汝砺上奏说 :古时没有专卖法,从汉以来才设置盐、铁、酒榷,都将收入交公,以助经费开支。 | 汝砺上言曰: 古无榷法,自汉以来始置盐铁酒榷均输官,以佐经费。 | “Even the lowest level of people have to pay taxes on their vehicles, boats, and houses. All methods of levying taxes have been exhausted, but I have never heard of a monopoly on oil.” |
《吕氏春秋·纪·孟冬纪》 | 所以,忽而翻转过去加以反对,忽而翻转过来表示赞同。 | 故反以相非,反以相是。 | Therefore, they sometimes reverse their views and oppose something, and sometimes reverse their views and agree with something. |
《北史·列传·卷八十四》 | 杨统一名杨德。 | 统一名德。 | Yang Tong changed his name to Yang De. |
《太平广记·卷二百七十七·梦二》 | 吴王杨行密攻克豫章之后,徐善的妹妹被一个军官掳去。 | 杨吴之克豫章,善之妹为一军校所虏。 | After Yang Xingmi, the king of Wu, had captured Yu Zhang, Xu Xien's younger sister was seized by an officer. |
《魏书·帝纪·卷十一》 | 辛卯,诏令因以前普遍解除各行台,现在阿至罗相继降附,又任命齐献亘逗为大行台,依据形势裁断事务。 | 辛卯,诏以前普解诸行台,今阿至罗相度降款,复以齐献武王为大行台,随机裁处。 | On Xin Mao, an imperial edict ordered the dissolution of all of the Offices of Vice-Roy, and now the Ahzilu had surrendered one after the other and Qi Xianyu was appointed as the Grand Office of Vice-Roy, to make judgments according to circumstances. |
《明史·本纪·卷二》 | 这月,赈太平、宁国、宜兴、钱塘各县水灾。 | 是月,振太平、宁国及宜兴、钱塘诸县水灾。 | This month, aid is provided to the counties of Zhenping, Ningguo, Yixing, and Qiantang for their flood disasters. |
《魏书·列传·卷十二》 | 起初征召为相州别驾、中书侍郎,逐渐升迁到秘书监,赐爵为贝丘侯,加授龙骧将军。 | 初徵相州别驾、中书侍郎,稍迁秘书监,赐爵贝丘侯,加龙骧将军。 | He was first recruited as a staff officer for Xiangzhou and a consultant for the Central Secretariat. He was gradually promoted to the position of director of the Secretariat and was given the title of Marquis of Beqiu, and later, a general of the Guards Cavalry. |
《三国志·魏书·张乐于张徐传》 | 后来于禁和臧霸等人进攻梅成,张辽、张郃等人奉命讨伐陈兰。 | 后与臧霸等攻梅成,张辽、张郃等讨陈兰。 | Later, Yu Jin and Zang Ba attacked Mei Cheng, and Zhang Liao, Zhang He and other men were ordered to attack Chen Lan. |
《资治通鉴·汉纪·汉纪五十四》 | 于禁到达以后,先安营扎寨,没有立即去拜见曹操。 | 禁既至,先立营垒,不时谒操。 | When Yu Jin arrived, he set up camp first and did not immediately go to meet Cao Cao. |
《搜神后记·卷六》 | 他曾经有一次到别人家里去参加殡礼,主人家治办殓棺的事还没有完成,送殡的人全都进入厅堂中侍奉主人去了,而安丰侯王戎却躺在自己的车里。 | 尝赴人家殡殓。主人治棺未竟,送者悉入厅事上。安丰作车中卧。 | He once went to someone's house to attend a funeral, the owner's family hadn't finished preparing the coffin, the mourners all entered the hall to serve the owner, but Anfeng Hou Wang Rong lay in his car. |
《明史·志·卷三十九》 | 追思创业艰难,君臣携手扫陈四方豪杰。 | 长想创业艰难,君臣曾共扫四方豪杰。 | In memory of the development of difficulties, the sovereign and his courtiers worked together to sweep all heroes from all directions. |
《宋史·列传·卷一百四十七》 | 不久如数偿还。吕游问回来后,果然弹劾李焘专权,皇上只令他把情况写清楚,不治他的罪。 | 盖国家一切之政,不得已而为之。 | It was repaid soon as it was promised. When Lu You asked about the reimbursement after his return, Li Tao indeed impeached the excessive authority of Li Tao, but the emperor only ordered him to write a report of the matter, and did not convict him. |
《搜神记·卷七》 | 晋元康三年闰二月,洛阳太极殿前的六只大钟都流泪,到五刻时才停止。 | 晋元康三年闰二月,殿前六钟皆出涕,五刻乃止。 | In the leap February of the third year of Jin Yuankang, the six big bells in front of the great palace of Luoyang shed tears, and it didn't stop until the 5th hour. |
《隋书·列传·卷四十》 | 这一年他死在任上。谥为 宣 。 | 其年卒官。谥曰宣。 | He died this year during his service. He was posthumously titled with the word Xuan. |
《太平广记·卷四百四十八·狐二》 | 雀燬龟冰,健驰御屈。 | 雀燬龟冰,健驰御屈。 | Sparrows burn turtles into ice, vigorous gallop and control. |
《新唐书·本纪·卷四·则天皇后 中宗》 | 一月 初十,夏官侍郎娄师德加同凤阁鸾台平章事。 | 一月庚子,夏官侍郎娄师德同凤阁鸾台平章事。 | On the tenth day of the first month, Lou Shide, the deputy minister of Xia guan, became the chief adviser of Fengge Luantai. |
《资治通鉴·隋纪·隋纪五》 | 薛世雄孤军越过沙漠,伊吾人开始以为隋军不可能来,所以都没有做防备,当听说薛世雄军已崐越过沙漠,大为恐惧,于是请求投降。 | 世雄孤军度碛,伊吾初谓隋军不能至,皆不设备;闻世雄军已度碛,大惧,请降。 | Xue Shixiong led his army alone across the desert. The Yiwu people initially thought that the Sui army would not be able to come, so they did not make any defenses. When they heard that Xue Shixiong's army had crossed the desert, they were greatly frightened, so they asked to surrender. |
《周书·本纪·卷二》 | 贤臣接受了,也并不认为应当感激。 | 贤臣受之,亦不以为德也。 | The worthy official would accept, and also not consider it something for which he should be grateful. |
《水经注·卷三十四》 | 此外,赤帝的女儿也住在这里,就是宋玉所说的天帝的小女儿,名叫瑶姬。她还没有出嫁就死了,葬在巫山的南面,精魂化成草,结成灵芝。 | 又帝女居焉。宋玉所谓天帝之季女,名曰瑶姬,未行而亡,封于巫山之阳。 | In addition, the daughter of the Red Emperor also resided here, this is what Song Yu referred to as the youngest daughter of the God of Heaven, her name was Yao Ji. She died before getting married, was buried on the south of Wushan, her spirit became a plant and grew into Lingzhi. |
《容斋随笔·卷十三·孙膑减灶》 | 孙膑战胜庞涓这件事,军事家们都认为是出奇制胜的计谋,我偏偏对此有些疑问。史书记载: 齐军开进魏国领土挖了十万个炉灶,第二天五万个,第三天两万个。 | 孙膑胜庞涓之事,兵家以为奇谋,予独有疑焉,云: 齐军入魏地为十万灶,明日为五万灶,又明日为二万灶。 | Military strategists all believe that Sun Bin’s victory over Pang Juan was a strategy of winning by surprise, but I have some doubts about it. Historical records show that: The Qi army advanced into the territory of the Wei State and dug 100,000 stoves, 50,000 the next day, and 20,000 the third day. |
《旧五代史·其它·僭伪列传一》 | 十二年八月,吴王命徐温出任镇守润州,以他的儿子徐知训主持政事,加封徐温为镇海军辖区内水陆马步军都指挥使,兼任宁国军节度使,宣州、歙州、池州观察使。 | 十二年八月,温出镇润州,以其子知训知政事,加温镇海军管内水陵马步军都军使,兼宁国军节度、宣歙池等州观察使。 | In the eighth month of the twelfth year, the King of Wu ordered Xu Wen to command Runzhou and his son Xu Zhixun to manage the affairs of state. Xu Wen was granted the fake position of Commander of all Horse and Foot Water Troops in the Zhenhai Circuit and concurrently served as Ningguo Circuit Inspector, Xuanzhou, Shezhou, and Chizhou Inspector. |
《魏书·列传·卷六十八》 | 尔朱荣任他为行台郎中,行职上党郡。 | 荣以为行台郎中,行上党郡。 | Erzhu Rong appointed him as governor of Shangdang County under the Xingtai commandery. |
《逸周书·附·序》 | 武王释放箕子之后,使商的百姓臣服于王,因此作了《箕子》。武王执掌天下,考论德行任用人才,给以地位官职,因此作了《考德》。 | □□□□□□□□□□□武王既释箕子囚,俾民辟宁之以王,作《箕子》。武王秉天下,论德施□,而□位以官,作《考德》。 | After King Wu released Ji Zi, he caused the people of Shang to submit to the king, and therefore produced "Ji Zi". King Wu took charge of the world, tested virtue to employ talents, and gave them position and office, and therefore produced "Kao De". |
《汉书·传·循吏传》 | 我大汉朝除弊通变,制定法令,以便劝民从善,防盗禁奸,其条文详备,不可增改。 | 汉家承敝通变,造起律令,所以劝善禁奸,条贯详备,不可复加。 | Our great Han Dynasty changes and eliminates evils, and establishes laws in order to encourage the people to do good, prevent theft and prohibit rebelliousness. The detailed articles in these laws cannot be added to or changed. |
《资治通鉴·唐纪·唐纪五十七》 | 夏季,四月,丙寅,唐宪宗下诏,命各道节度使、都团练使、都防御使、经略使等所统辖的支郡兵马,一律归各州刺史统辖。 | 夏,四月,丙寅,诏诸道节度、都团练、都防御、经略等使所统支郡兵马,并令刺史领之。 | In the fourth month of summer, in Pingyin, Emperor Xianzong of Tang issued an edict ordering all the branch prefecture soldiers and horses under the command of the military governors, governors of the military districts, governors of the defense forces, and governors of the military regions to be transferred to the command of the governors of the various states. |
《南齐书·列传·卷四十六》 | 萧惠基的弟弟萧惠休,永明四年任广州刺史。罢官时,倾尽资财奉献给朝廷。 | 弟惠休,永明四年为广州刺史,罢任,献奉倾资。 | Xiao Huiji's younger brother, Xiao Huixiu, was the Inspector of Guangzhou for four years in Yongming. When he left office, he donated all of his assets to the imperial court. |
《金史·列传·卷三十六》 | 四月再次诏仆散揆在汴京行省事,节制各军。 | 四月,复诏仆散揆行省事于汴,制诸军。 | In April, Pusai Kui was again ordered to take charge of provincial affairs in Bianjing and control all the troops. |
《资治通鉴·汉纪·汉纪十四》 | 冬季,十一月,汉武帝征调三辅地区的骑兵对上林苑进行大搜查,并下令关闭长安城门进行搜索,十一天后解除戒严。 | 冬,十一月,发三辅骑士大搜上林,闭长安城门索;十一日乃解。 | In winter, November, Emperor Wu of Han dispatched cavalry from the Sanfu region to conduct a large-scale search of the Shanglin Park and ordered the closure of the gates of Chang'an for search, and the martial law was lifted after eleven days. |
《汉书·传·景十三王传》 | 元帝初元三年又立刘旦之弟刘宗,这就是孝王,在位五年薨。 | 元帝初元三年复立旦弟宗,是为孝王,五年薨。 | In the third year of Emperor Yuan's reign, Liu Dan's younger brother Liu Zong was established as the King of Filial Piety. He died after reigning for five years. |
《宋史·本纪·卷五》 | 五月二十日,发给退休官员一半的棒禄。 | 五月甲午,给致仕官半奉。 | On the 20th of May, retired officials were given half of their salaries. |
《商君书·去强》 | 能用法律来治国,国家就强盛。专靠政令来治国,国家就衰弱。 | 以治法者,强;以治政者,削。 | A country will prosper when it is governed by laws. A country will decline when it is governed solely by decrees. |
《宋书·志·卷三十一》 | 这是金不从革而产生的变异。 | 此金不从革而为变也。 | This is a transformation caused by gold not following its natural course. |
《陈书·列传·卷二》 | 石头城北连接岗峦,城墙不很高峻,安都穿着盔甲携带长刀,军人抬起他扔进女墙内,士兵们也随之进入,进逼僧辩的卧室。 | 石头城北接岗阜,雉堞不甚危峻,安都被甲带长刀,军人捧之投于女垣内,众随而入,进逼僧辩卧室。 | The north of Shicheng City is connected to the hills, and the city wall is not very steep. An Du wears armor and carries a long sword. The soldiers lifted him and threw him into the parapet, and the soldiers followed suit, approaching Seng Bian's bedroom. |
《宋史·本纪·卷十四》 | 十九日,设置交子务。 | 壬子,置交子务。 | On the 19th day, an agency for issuing paper money (jiaozi) was established. |
《明史·列传·卷一百一十六》 | 有长远考虑的人每每以河西不保而担心。 | 远虑者每以河西不保为虞。 | People with foresight are always worried that the west of the river cannot be kept. |
《太平广记·卷一百三十三· 报应》 | 有一次遇到鹿,鹿因怕人而逃走,而鹿子却被章邵抓获,邵当即打死,丢弃在树林中。 | 因逢鹿,避人而去,鹿子为邵之所获。 | One time he encountered a deer, which fled in fear. Shao, however, seized the baby deer. He killed it on the spot and threw it aside in the forest. |
《魏书·列传·卷四》 | 高祖时,授任他为使持节、安北将军、抚冥镇都大将,改任都督柔玄、抚冥、怀荒三镇诸军事、镇北将军、柔玄镇大将。 | 高祖时,除使持节、安北将军、抚冥镇都大将,转都督柔玄、抚冥、怀荒三镇诸军事、镇北将军、柔玄镇大将。 | During the reign of the Founding Emperor, he was placed in charge of enfeoffment with a staff and appointed General of Pacifying the North, Military Commander in Command of Fumingzhen, and changed title to Military Governor of Rouxuan, General of Pacifying the North, Commander of Rouxuanzhen and Military Commander in Command of Rouxuan, Fuming and Huaihuang Regions. |
《周书·本纪·卷一》 | 请求前去观察齐神武的为人。 | 太祖请往观之。 | Asked to go and observe the character of the Godly Warrior of Qi. |
《太平广记·卷二十·神仙二十》 | 父母想念儿子是可以理解的,但乡亲们不该为我建庙,怕这庙宇被妖魔鬼怪窃据后作威作福祸害乡亲们,所以请乡亲们把庙拆除了吧。 | 虽父母忆念,又不宜作此祠庙,恐物所凭,妄作威福,以害于人,请为毁之。 | It is understandable that you miss your son, but fellow villagers should not build a temple for me, lest the temple be occupied by demons and evil spirits, who would then use the temple to do evil and harm the fellow villagers. Therefore, please ask the fellow villagers to dismantle the temple. |
《新五代史·列传·唐臣传第十二》 | 郭崇韬说: 古时候任命将领,凿开凶门而出。 | 崇韬曰: 古者命将,凿凶门而出。 | Guo Chongtao said: In ancient times, when a general was appointed, he would go out through the fierce gate. |
《晋书·列传·第二章》 | 无法表达我们忧国至诚之心。 | 不胜忧国喁喁至诚。 | Unable to express our sincere feelings of being concerned about the country. |
《资治通鉴·晋纪·晋纪一》 | 十一月,吴国丁奉、诸葛靓从芍陂出兵,攻打合肥,遭到安东将军、汝阴王司马骏的抵抗,吴兵退却。 | 十一月,吴丁奉、诸葛靓出芍陂,攻合肥,安东将军汝阴王骏拒却之。 | In November, Ding Feng and Zhuge Liang of Wu State marched out from Shaopo to attack Hefei, but were resisted by General of the Eastern March, Prince of Ru'yin, Sima Jun, and the Wu army retreated. |
《元史·列传·卷九十五》 | 于是,又恢复征东行省,任命阔里吉思为高丽行省平章政事。 | 遂复立征东行省,命阔里吉思为高丽行省平章政事。 | And so, the Dongxing Province was re-established and Kuoriji was appointed Pingzhang of Politics for the Goryeo Province. |
《太平广记·卷二百四十一·谄佞三》 | 听说,当地的军民都非常希望我去视察,以安定疆界。 | 军民颇闻望幸,用安疆场。 | I heard that the local military and civilians all hope that I will go on an inspection tour to stabilize the border. |
《明史·志·卷三十七》 | 引导大乐二人,持着指挥奏乐的戏竹,引导大乐工陈列在宫廷台阶的西面,文、武二舞乐工陈列在宫廷台阶的东面,四方夷乐工陈列在四方夷人舞的北面,都面朝北方。 | 此大乐二人,执戏竹,引大乐工陈列于丹陛之西,文武二舞乐工列于丹陛之东,四夷乐工列于四夷舞之北,俱北向。 | Two guides leading the grand music holding bamboo pieces for conducting orchestras led orchestra musicians to line up on the west side of the palace steps, while musicians from the civil and martial dances and musicians playing ethnic music lined up on the east side of the palace steps as well as musicians from the four national minorities lined up on the north side of the dance stage for ethnic minorities. They all faced the north. |
《汉书·传·匈奴传下》 | 假如是因为单于刚刚即位,想亲近汉朝,到汉朝来朝拜,而不知道汉朝的态度如何,对自己是好是坏,暗地裹派伊邪莫演来假投降,看看将来的吉凶如何,如果我们接受了投降的人,那便破坏了善行,于德有亏,使单于自己疏远我们,不亲近我们边塞上的官吏;或者是有人使反问之计,想藉此在我们之间制造嫌隙,如果我们接受了投降的人,就正好中了他的计策,使匈奴人能够指责我们做得不对,责备我们理亏。 | 假令单于初立,欲委身中国,未知利害,私使伊邪莫演诈降以卜吉凶,受之亏德沮善,令单于自疏,不亲边吏;或者设为反间,欲因而生隙,受之适合其策,使得归曲而直责。 | If it is because the Chanyu has just ascended to the throne, he wants to get close to the Han Dynasty, and came to pay homage to the Han Dynasty, but he does not know how the Han Dynasty feels about it, whether it is good or bad for him, and secretly sent Yizhamo to falsely surrender, just to see what the future fortune will be. If we accept the surrenderer, it will destroy good deeds, damage virtue, and alienate the Chanyu from us and he will not get close to our officials on the border; or someone used a counter-question strategy, trying to create a rift between us. If we accept the surrenderer, we will fall into his trap and the Huns will be able to accuse us of doing wrong and blaming us for being at fault. |
《搜神记·卷十一》 | 康王说: 你们夫妻俩爱个没完,如果你们能让两个坟墓合在一起,那么我就不再阻拦你们了。 | 王曰: 尔夫妇相爱不已,若能使冢合,则吾弗阻也。 | King Kang said: “You love each other so much, if you can let the two graves become one, then I will no longer stand in your way.” |
《旧唐书·列传·卷七十五》 | 到收复京城后,柳浑还叫旧名柳载,他于是上奏说: 先前我的名字被叛贼污蔑,我不愿再叫过去的名字,况且过去的名字字形中有戈字,现在息兵罢战,请求改叫柳浑。 | 及克复,浑尚名载,乃上言: 顷为狂贼点秽,臣实耻称旧名,矧字或带戈,时当偃武,请改名浑。 | After retaking the capital, Liu Hun still used his old name of Liu Zai, so he submitted a memorial saying: "Previously, my name was defamed by the rebels. I do not want to be called by my old name anymore. Moreover, the old name includes the word "ge" (戈), which represents a weapon. Now that the war has ended, I request to change my name to Liu Hun." |
《徐霞客游记·滇游日记九》 | 石将军西边有座朝北的庙,这是石鱼庙。 | 其西有庙北向,是为石鱼庙。 | To the west of General Shi there is a temple facing north, which is the Shiyu Temple. |
《旧唐书·列传·卷一百五十》 | 李猪儿由于成了阉人,安禄山很宠爱他,最受信任和重用。 | 禄山颇宠之,最见信用。 | Because Li Zhu'er had become a eunuch, An Lushan doted on him and trusted and valued him most. |
《明史·本纪·卷十四》 | 成化十八年正月十三日,大祭天地于南郊。 | 十八年春正月壬午,太祀天地于南郊。 | On January 13, the 18th year of Chenghua, there was a grand ceremony to worship Heaven and Earth in the southern suburbs. |
《魏书·列传·卷十三》 | 长孙稚打败宝夤的将领侯终德,实夤出逃,雍州平定。 | 稚克宝夤将侯终德,宝夤出走,雍州平。 | Changsun Zhi defeated Baoxin's general Hou Zhongde, Baoxin fled, and Yong Province was pacified. |
《北齐书·列传·卷四十三》 | 武平初,任骠骑将军、义州刺史,不久因年老多病回家。 | 武平初,除骠骑将军、义州刺史,寻以老疾还乡。 | At the beginning of Wuping, he served as General of Biaoqi and Cishi of Yizhou, but soon returned home due to old age and illness. |
《太平广记·卷一百八十八·权倖》 | 皇帝每次有事派宦官去他家里,他受命之后,稍不如意,必然要随意凌辱宦官,而后把宦官撵走。 | 帝常优容之,每遣中官问讯。毛仲受命之后,稍不如意,必恣其凌辱,而后遣还。 | Emperor always sent eunuchs to his house when he had something to do, after receiving the orders, if he was a little bit unhappy, he would definitely humiliate the eunuchs and then chase the eunuchs away. |
《明史·列传·卷一百六十九》 | 郡吏为此人叩头说情,九思坚决不允,于是人人敬畏。 | 郡吏为叩头请,不许,于是人人惴恐。 | The district official begged for mercy for this person, but Jiusi firmly refused, and as a result the people all respected him. |
《南齐书·列传·卷四十六》 | 浦阳亩韭违以及挝擅等四处埭堰,请求都让我去统领代管,这样一年便可以额外增收四百多万。 | 浦阳南北津及柳浦四埭,乞为官领摄,一年格外长四百许万。 | I request to manage the Pu Yangmu, Weiye and Woshan dams of the dam, so that I can increase the collection by more than 4 million each year. |
《北齐书·列传·卷三十九》 | 死在州刺史位上。 | 卒于州。 | He died in the position of governor. |
《南史·本纪·卷八》 | 改封萧大款为临川郡王,萧大成为桂阳郡王,萧大封为汝南郡王。 | 改封大款爲临川郡王,大成爲桂阳郡王,大封爲汝南郡王。 | Xiao Dakuang is renamed to King of Linchuan, Xiao Dacheng to King of Guiyang, and Xiao Dafeng to King of Runan. |
《明史·列传·卷一百二十八》 | 当初,袁崇焕上朝,曾跟钱龙锡谈论边防事务。 | 初,袁崇焕入朝,尝与钱龙锡语边事。 | In the beginning, when Yuan Chonghuan arrived at court, he talked about border defense matters with Qian Longxi. |
《辽史·本纪·卷十八》 | 初五,到蒲河淀。 | 壬寅,如蒲河淀。 | On the 5th, the emperor arrived at Puyudian. |
《明史·列传·卷三十七》 | 又有个小吏把一本精微文书弄污损了,小吏叩头请求将他处死。 | 又有污精微文书者,吏叩头请死。 | Another petty official smudged a refined document. The petty official kowtowed and begged to be put to death. |
《北史·本记·卷一》 | 天下的人我都可以和他们一起立国,全在进行安抚罢了,何必害怕没有人! | 四海之人皆可与为国,在吾所以抚之耳,何恤乎无人! | I can establish a kingdom with all people in the world. All I need to do is pacify them. Why should I be afraid of not having people? |
《礼记·祭统》 | 所以君子的祭祀,一定要自己竭尽诚心,这样才能使外部动作也端重起来。 | 是故君子之祭也,必身自尽也,所以明重也。 | Therefore, when a gentleman makes a sacrifice, he must exhaust his own sincerity, so that his outward actions become serious too. |
《明史·志·卷三十九》 | 奇妙珍品特异出产,登山渡海长途跋涉,捧表来称臣。 | 奇珍异产,梯山航海,奉表称臣。 | They have brought wondrous and strange works of art as tribute, and we have crossed land and sea to travel a vast distance, bearing a sacrificial document to pay homage to our feudal lord. |
《宋史·志·卷二》 | 太白星凌犯太微垣,是战争,大臣自相残杀;占据太微垣,有战争、丧事;太白星与镇星一起侵犯太微垣中央,王者厌恶这种情况;进入右掖门,从端门出去,贵人争权夺势;白天看到太微垣,国家有战争、丧事。 | 太白犯入太微,为兵,大臣相杀;留守,有兵、丧;与填星犯太微中,王者恶之;入右掖门,从端门出,贵人夺势;昼见太微,国有兵、丧。 | When the planet Venus invades the Purple Forbidden Enclosure, it means that wars will occur and the courtiers will kill each other; when the planet Venus occupies the Purple Forbidden Enclosure, wars and state funerals will occur; when the planet Venus and the planet Jupiter invade the center of the Purple Forbidden Enclosure together, the leaders hate this situation; when the planet Venus enters the Right Wing Gate and goes out from the Front Gate, the nobles will fight for power and profit; when the planet Venus is seen in the Purple Forbidden Enclosure during the day, the country will be at war or suffering from state funerals. |
《史记·十二本纪·秦始皇本纪》 | 开始记载闰月。 | 初志闰月。 | He began to record intercalary months. |
《金史·本纪·卷十四》 | 进升颜盏天泽一级官,将校有功的都加以奖赏。 | 进天泽一官,将校有功者命就迁赏。 | Promoted Yan Zantian one level and rewarded the meritorious generals and commanders. |
《北史·列传·卷六十六》 | 陈稜将军队分作五路,直取其都城,乘胜追击败军,至其栅栏,大破敌军,将渴刺兜斩首,活捉其子岛槌,俘虏男女数千人而归。 | 分为五军,趣其都邑,乘胜逐北,至其栅,破之,斩渴刺兜,获其子岛槌,虏男女数千而归。 | Chen Ling divided his army into five routes, went straight to the capital, pursued the defeated army, reached its fence, defeated the enemy, beheaded Qisiduo, captured his son Daocui alive, and took thousands of men and women as prisoners. |
《资治通鉴·梁纪·梁纪一》 | 二月,戊子,梁朝将军姜庆真乘北魏任城王元澄在外,袭击寿阳城,占据了寿阳城的外城。 | 二月,戊子,将军姜庆真乘魏任城王澄在外,袭寿阳,据其外郭。 | In February, Wu Zi, general Jiang Qing Zhen of Liang took the opportunity of Yuan Cheng Wang Yuan Cheng of Northern Wei being outside and attacked Shouyang city, taking Shouyang's outer city. |
《逸周书·卷八·祭公解》 | 祭公行叩拜大礼,说: 天子!谋父我的病已不会好。我的身子还在这里,我的魂魄已经在天上。 | 祭公拜手稽首曰: 天子,谋复疾,维不瘳,朕身尚在兹,朕魄在于天。 | Duke of Ceremonies performed a kowtow and said: “Your Majesty, my illness cannot be cured. My body is still here, but my spirit is in Heaven.” |
《资治通鉴·魏纪·魏纪八》 | 司马师虽然提拔了李丰,但李丰心里更为看重夏侯玄。 | 师虽擢用丰,丰私心常在玄。 | Although Sima Shi promoted Li Feng, Li Feng valued Xiahou Xuan more in his heart. |
《资治通鉴·唐纪·唐纪七十二》 | 朱玫因为田令孜在唐僖宗身边,到头来还是没有把他除掉,就对萧遘说: 六年来皇上流离迁徙,中原一带的将领士卒出入于刀箭之中,老百姓供给军粮,交战中阵亡和饥饿致死的人,十分已去了七八,才得以收复京师。 | 硃玫以田令孜在天子左右,终不可去,言于萧遘曰: 主上播迁六年,中原将士冒矢石,百姓供馈饷,战死饿死,什减七八,仅得复京城。 | Zhu Mei, because Tian Lingzi was by the emperor Tang Xizong’s side he could not eliminate him and said to Xiao Gou: For six years the emperor has been in exile and generals and soldiers in the Central Plains have been fighting in battles, civilians have provided military rations, and those who died in battle or from starvation account for seventy to eighty percent, but they could not restore the capital city. |
《史记·八书·乐书》 | 皇上听了默默无言,心中不悦。 | 上默然不说。 | The emperor listened in silence, feeling unhappy. |
《太平广记·卷三百零二·神十二》 | 于是梓桐神备酒为庭训赶考饯行。 | 于是神置酒饯之。 | So the God of Zhitong prepared wine to send Tingxun off on his journey to take the imperial examination. |
《太平广记·卷四百二十三·龙六》 | 祭奠完了,就在池边摆下酒宴,让神赐福游客。 | 三奠迨终,乃张筵于湫上,以神胙客。 | When the sacrifice was over, they set up a feast beside the pond, asking God to bless the visitors. |
《资治通鉴·唐纪·唐纪四十》 | 有时,马处理事情不合理,段秀实就据理力争。 | 璘处事或不中理,秀实力争之。 | Sometimes when Ma was being unreasonable, Duan Xiushi argued with him. |
《百战奇略·第九卷·饵战》 | 曹操这时下达命令说: 可以马上出击了。 | 乃皆上马。 | Cao Cao gave an order by then: The army can go to battle immediately. |
《三国志·魏书·王毋丘诸葛邓钟传》 | 黄初年中,利城郡反叛,杀害了太守徐箕,推举唐咨为首领。 | 黄初中,利城郡反,杀太守徐箕,推咨为主。 | During the middle of the Huangchu period, Licheng rebelled and killed the prefect Xu Ji and recommended Tang Zi as their leader. |
《太平广记·卷四百一十八·龙一》 | 有一天他忽然遇上一群鹿,就去追赶。 | 忽遇群鹿,乃遂之。 | One day, he suddenly met a herd of deer and chased them. |
《金史·本纪·卷十五》 | 初十,制定赃官论罪用银为标准。 | 壬申,定赃吏计罪以银为则。 | On the tenth, formulate the standard for determining the crime of corrupt officials using silver. |
《魏书·列传·卷三十八》 | 家中的人劝止他,说: 你父亲的罪到底是轻是重还未可知。 | 家人止之,曰: 轻重未可知。 | His family members discouraged him, saying: "It's not yet known whether your father's crime was serious or not." |
《宋史·列传·卷五十二》 | 当时宰相张齐贤、李沆意见不合,王禹翶在他们中间的议论能决定轻重。 | 时宰相张齐贤、李沆不协,意禹偁议论轻重其间。 | The Prime Minister Zhang Qixian and Li Hang had different opinions. The opinions that Wang Yufu put forwards during the discussion between them could determine the pros and cons. |
《资治通鉴·汉纪·汉纪三》 | 于是,就根据鄂千秋已有的食邑,加封他为安平侯。 | 于是因鄂千秋故所食邑,封为安平侯。 | So, based on E Qianqiu's existing fiefdom, he was given the title of Marquis of Anping. |
《南史·列传·卷三十三》 | 他听说孔熙先有诚心,便秘密地前来结交。 | 闻熙先有诚,密相结纳。 | He heard that Kong Xixian was sincere, and came secretly to make friends. |
《北史·列传·卷二十四》 | 以后,他的文名越来越大。 | 其后才名益著。 | Later, his reputation became greater and greater. |
《晋书·志·第六章》 | 午,七百二十九分之五百一十二。 | 午,七百二十九分之五百一十二。 | Wu, five hundred twelve seven hundred twenty-ninths. |
《明史·列传·卷一百三十二》 | 当李选侍移宫的时候,杨涟就对各大臣说: 李选侍不移宫,不能表示尊敬天子。 | 当选侍之移宫也,涟即言于诸大臣曰: 选侍不移宫,非所以尊天子。 | When Li Xuan-shi relocated, Yang Lian said to the ministers: If Li Xuan-shi does not relocate, it will be impossible to show respect to the Emperor. |
《新唐书·列传·卷一》 | 说罢悲泣咽哽。 | 流泪呜咽。 | After they spoke, they wept and sobbed. |
《辽史·本纪·卷十二》 | 六年春正月初二,至华林、天柱。 | 六年春正月庚申,如华林、天柱。 | On the 2nd of the first month of spring in the 6th year, he went to Hualin and Tianzhu. |
《太平广记·卷三十·神仙三十》 | 和尚这才知道道士是一位异人。 | 僧始知其异人。 | Only then did the monk realize that the Taoist priest was an extraordinary person. |
《世说新语·排调》 | 郗嘉宾说: 全身干巴巴的比起全身都是假的,哪样好? | 郗答曰: 举体无余润,何如举体非真者? | Xi Jiachen said: "Which is better, a whole body that is dry or a whole body that is fake?" |
《资治通鉴·唐纪·唐纪三十六》 | 丙子,招讨党项使王仲升杀了党项酋长拓跋戎德,传头颅到京师。 | 丙子,招讨党项使王仲升斩党项酋长拓跋戎德,传首。 | On Bing-zi day, Inspector of the Party Xiang people, Wang Zhongsheng, killed the Party Xiang leader Tuo Bajiangde and sent his head to the capital. |
《新唐书·本纪·卷四·则天皇后 中宗》 | 弘道元年十二月,高宗逝世,遗诏皇太子李哲继位,难以裁决的军国大事,同时由天后决定取舍进退。 | 弘道元年十二月,高宗崩,遗诏皇太子即皇帝位,军国大务不决者,兼取天后进止。 | In December of the first year of Hongdao, Emperor Gaozong died. According to the edict, Crown Prince Li Zhe succeeded the throne, and the matters of military and state were decided by the Empress Dowager. |
《资治通鉴·后梁纪·后梁纪四》 | 王建于是停止了水灌江陵的计划。 | 蜀主乃止。 | Wang Jian subsequently stopped his plan to flood Jiangling. |
《魏书·帝纪·卷十二》 | 十一月丙子,任命骠骑大将军、仪同三司万俟普为太尉。 | 十有一月丙子,以骠骑大将军、仪同三司万俟普为太尉。 | On Bingshen in the 11th month, Wanchi Pu, the Grand General of Chariots and Cavalry and Minister of State, was appointed as the Grand Tutor. |
《百战奇略·第三卷·势战》 | 晋武帝听后,就批准了杜预的建议。 | 帝乃许之。 | After hearing this, Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty approved Du Yu's suggestion. |