I've decided lately that I need a little more organization in my life... and by a little, I mean A LOT. My former studio is now a baby room, which leaves me stuffing work supplies in every nook and cranny around the house. I'm currently working on a special project that, when completed, will leave me (hopefully) with a tidy house and a ton of motivation. Fingers crossed! That is GORGEOUS! Love it - and definitely agree that it's easier to organise if you have cute storage! I love anything with lace! That is beautiful and I love how decorative and feminine it is! the organizer looks awesome. Way better than having all the clutter spread across the floor (not that that would ever happen in my room... haha). A new reader from Finland wants to say hello, so "hi!" :) I love, LOVE your blog! You and I are on the same page! 1. that lace is gorgeous. 2. Organization is key. I have been using Wunderlist to help my mind stay organized lately. It has been helping so much! I want one like that, it's gorgeous! Anything with pockets and I am SOLD! This is so darling. oh my gosh thats exactly what I've been slaving away at for weeks. It feels sooo good to have everything organized. I feel like I have a new house!!! That lace organizer is FAB. This week has marked the transition from studio space into baby's room at our place - and in the meantime there's crap everywhere! I lay awake at night dreaming of nesting and organisation .... ahhh!
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Mom sues pediatrics center, says son's genitals damaged during circumcision By: Holly Henry Posted at 10:50 AM, Oct 01, 2014 ATLANTA – A Metro Atlanta mother is suing a pediatrics center after she said her 11-month-old son's genitals were damaged during a circumcision. Stacie Willis told CBS46 that she took her son, Dejuan Williams, to Life Cycle Pediatrics in October 2013 to be circumcised. Williams was 3-weeks-old when he underwent the circumcision. Willis is accusing certified midwife Melissa Jones of cutting too much of her son's genitalia. "I'm angry. I have to think about my kids at the end of the day," said Willis. CBS46 reached out to Jones as well as Anne Sigouin, who runs Life Cycle Pediatrics. CBS46's phone calls were not returned and our knocks at the homes of both women went unanswered. Sigouin is also being sued. "It's not about the money. It's about her not being able to do this," said Willis. Willis said a doctor was called in to examine her son, who eventually had to be taken to Atlanta Urgent Care where he was referred to a urologist. The suit states that Jones lacked the necessary professional skill and experience to completely perform a circumcision. Willis said medical bills have grown to more than $20,000 and could exceed $2 million. "You stole his teenage years, his adult life," said Willis. Willis' attorney, Jonathan Johnson, said Jones has been served with the lawsuit, but he has not been able to locate Sigouin. Source: WGCL/CNN
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Isabella Pagliaro, 9, sings her mom's favorite song, "Landslide" as her free choice song during Creative Music Center's Bridgeport Bluefish National Anthem audition. Isabella is a fourth grader at St. Judes School in Trumbull. Isabella singing our National Anthem!
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Tunes & Tales 2.0 | April 2018 May 11, 2018 • music, Tunes & Tales Back in the day, Tunes and Tales was a series I enjoyed featuring some of my favorite albums alongside books each song reminded me of, but it ultimately ended up having an expiration date as I don't fall head over heels in love with a lot of albums in their entirety (though I will have posts coming up for my three favorite albums of 2017, which I'm excited about!). Anyway, I've decided to tackle this feature in a slightly different way going forward. I'll be sharing my five songs on repeat for each month, each paired with a relevant read, and including a link to my monthly playlist on Spotify (as I'm constantly adding to it up until the very last day). Happy reading and listening, friends! Song: One Kiss by Dua Lipa & Calvin Harris Book: The Offer by Karina Halle Lyrics: "Something in you lit up heaven in me/The feeling won't let me sleep/'Cause I'm lost in the way you move, the way you feel/One kiss is all it takes/Fallin' in love with me/Possibilities/I look like all you need" Alexa's Thoughts: First of all, I've got to admit that I loved The Offer, so I knew I wanted to feature it for this month's T&T post. That being said, I thought it worked perfectly for this song, since Bram and Nicola don't necessarily have the most ideal beginning but as their feelings start to fall into place and their undeniable attraction continues to grow, well, it's unsurprising that their relationship begins to develop as well. Song: On the Low by Tove Styrke Book: North to You by Tif Marcelo Lyrics: "I don't wanna hold up/I don't wanna slow down and try to like you less/It don't make sense to me/I don't wanna wait up/I don't wanna waste time/Just want you and I with no space in between" Alexa's Thoughts: North to You was such a pleasant surprise of a read, and On the Low was the same experience, albeit in the musical sense! In this new adult read, Drew clearly has feelings for Camille and doesn't want to pretend they're anything other than what they are... though he'll do it because Camille seems to want that. I just feel like this song perfectly embodies his feelings for this girl! Song: Sky Full of Song by Florence and the Machine Book: Sky in the Deep by Adrienne Young Lyrics: "Be careful, oh, my darling, oh, be careful what it takes/From what I've seen so far, the good ones always seem to break/And I was screaming at my father and you were screaming at me/And I can feel your anger from way across the sea" Alexa's Thoughts: I'll admit that it's more the vibe of this song that made me want to pair it with Sky in the Deep, but these lyrics work perfectly with Eelyn's point of view. There's a lot of conflict, a lot of shifting emotions and situations in this story, and there's something about this part of the song that just works perfectly in describing Eelyn's experiences. Song: No Tears Left to Cry by Ariana Grande Book: In Ruins by Danielle Pearl Lyrics: "Right now, I'm in a state of mind/I wanna be in, like all the time/Ain't got no tears left to cry/So I'm pickin' it up, pickin' it up/I'm lovin', I'm livin', I'm pickin' it up" Alexa's Thoughts: I immediately loved No Tears Left to Cry from the first time I heard it, and it already had me brainstorming what book would work as a pair for it. I've settled on In Ruins, as it's the story of a second chance romance a couple of years after they break up due to some complicated circumstances. By then, both characters believe they've moved on, and they sort of have... but running into each other again brings back those feelings they've always had for each other... Song: Babe by Sugarland feat. Taylor Swift Book: From Twinkle, With Love by Sandhya Menon Lyrics: "And it's strange how your face doesn't look so innocent/Your secret has its consequence and that's on you, babe/I break down every time you call/We're a wreck, you're the wrecking ball/We said no one else/How could you do this, babe?" Alexa's Thoughts: I really enjoyed From Twinkle, With Love! One aspect of the plot is about the budding relationship Twinkle has with Sahil Roy, but there's a secret that threatens to tear them apart in the end. Even though the circumstances that are alluded to in Babe are definitely different, the vibe I got from this particular set of lyrics just suited the Twinkle/Sahil dynamic. If you're interested in seeing what else made it onto my April playlist, you can check it out on Spotify or use the player below to give it a listen. What songs do you have on repeat? Carina Olsen May 24, 2018 at 2:46 PM Love this post :D Thank you for sharing Alexa. <3 Yess for great new music. And sigh. Sky in the Deep. Sounds like a great song to pair it with :D
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You're here: oChristian.com » Articles Home » Andrew Bonar » The Development of Antichrist » Chapter 1: The Personality of Antichrist The Development of Antichrist: Chapter 1: The Personality of Antichrist Christians are called to tread nowhere with greater circumspection than when dealing with unfulfilled prophecy, and it is owing to want of due caution here that so many a humble inquirer has been left, amidst the confusion that is within and ridicule without the Church, in painful uncertainty as to what his duty in regard to the prophetic portion of Scripture really is. The things there, "hard to be understood", have been so twisted and perplexed by each enthusiast in pursuit of his own favorite theory of interpretation, as seemingly to have left the whole question of what is fulfilled and what is not, more doubtful and unsettled than ever, and hence with many, a not unnatural doubt has arisen as to whether it might not be better to leave the whole subject alone. But against the propriety of such a decision the natural thought will arise, if no practical benefit was intended for the church from the study, why does what is confessedly prophetical occupy so large a portion of that sacred volume which all are enjoined to "search" (John 5:39), and how comes it that there should be a distinct blessing to him who readeth and understandeth the prophecy of this Book? Why should the example of such an one as Daniel be recorded with approval (Dan. 9:2-3), who set himself by prayer and supplication to understand by books the number of the years? Or that such advantage should be indicated to those of God's people who give heed to the sure word of prophecy, as of a light shining in a dark place (2 Peter 1:19)? And farther, are we not presented with a tangible proof of such advantage having actually been secured to those, who in faith of prophecies recorded, were waiting for and expecting such events as marked the first coming of the Messiah, and the destruction thereafter of Jerusalem when they should see it "compassed by armies", as they did at the approach of Titus, so escaping in Pella the calamities of that terrible overthrow? Had each recorded prophecy been unquestionably already fulfilled in the church's past history, there might perhaps have been some excuse for those who stand back from the study. But when confessedly this is not the case, as shown amidst other things by the very discrepancies which exist among interpreters themselves, we cannot escape from a commanded duty unless prepared to forfeit the blessing with which the study of prophecy is distinctly connected. Again, if that study is to have reference (as some would have it) only to the past, how is it that Scripture itself says concerning it, "ye do well that ye take heed in your hearts as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn and the day-star arise"? Surely it cannot be said that this has reference to the past, for even our own senses will lead us, when journeying home in a dark night, to observe the lights before us more anxiously than those we have passed. "Ye do well that ye take heed", is the simple and sufficient reply to those who counsel us, because of the perplexity in which men have involved the subject, to leave it henceforth alone, whilst at the same time the failures of the past ought no less to make us cautious as to how, in future, we allow ourselves to take so many unproved assertions for granted. In prophecies already fulfilled (such as those relating to our Lord's first advent-the crucifixion, etc.), there is one striking characteristic to which we would do well to attend, as about it there can be no difference of opinion. It is this, that in whatever way men might previously have been regarding the prediction, and however their fancy might have wandered as to what it might mean, when the fulfillment took place it was distinctly found that Scripture had been speaking literally, as shown by a literal accomplishment. Alas! for the expositors of our day if their declarations are to be tried by that rule. Who among us would, for a moment, place the satisfactory simplicity of past fulfillments on a level with those which we are called to consider as over and gone already, by the easy and fanciful system in fashion now? It is a dangerous thing to underrate the extent of Satan's agency in the world, raising as he has ever done from the day of his first perversion and misinterpretation of God's words in the garden of Eden, mists of delusion and error to distort or conceal what God intended His people should be aware of for their warning as well as for their comfort. He knows well in our day that his time is fast shortening, and he knows too of the increasing power he is to be permitted to exercise in the time of the end (Rev. 12:12; and 13:2). So whilst the "sure word of prophecy", if given heed to, would have been and still be "a light" shining in the dark passages through which the course of events is leading, his efforts have been constantly and successfully directed to darken and perplex the future, by hiding the simplicity of the truth under fanciful coverings, and so leading even God's people to be looking in wrong directions, that, if possible, they may be deceived or overthrown, even as His ancient people themselves were, when the issue itself is really at hand. The idea of a personal literal Antichrist is what he seems especially to have sought to render ridiculous, or rather, to banish altogether, in these days which to all appearance so closely precede his being revealed: and yet if such an embodiment of evil (as it is desired to show) is really to be, to what ought the attention of the church be directed more seriously than to this? The fanciful and metaphorical interpreters already referred to, have worked hard to make the pope or the papacy (it is difficult sometimes to know which) answer the description given in Scripture of the man of sin when he is seen. Some plausibility has been given to their attempts by the occurrence of certain points of resemblance, for all forms of error and evil will be found summed up in the embodiment which is to be at the end, "when the transgressors are come to the full" (Dan. 8:23). But the great and distinguishing marks themselves are not, and will not be seen till he who is to carry them all is revealed. One of these has been specially defined by inspiration, "he is Antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son" (1 John 2:22), which it is vain to say that either the pope or the papacy have ever done. On the contrary it is sufficiently evident to any one who is not determined to deny it at all hazards, that their whole strength to deceive and rule as they have done, has rested on the (wicked and unfounded) assumption that the pope is the vicar of God upon earth. His bulls have accordingly been issued in the name of the Holy Trinity, which so far from denying, he claims to represent. If he is worshipped, as asserted, it is simply and undeniably by those who believe him to be what he pretends he is, the authorized representative of the God Whom both they and their pope himself profess to worship. Is this not manifest when, at his death, like the meanest of his followers, he has to be prayed out of purgatory to fit him to appear in the presence of Him Whose representative he was held to have been on earth, where nevertheless he had personally been contracting sin like others? So far from denying either the Father or the Son, each pope in succession has professed to derive expressly from Them the usurped authority so fearlessly and fearfully exercised. Again, if the pope or the papacy be the beast, as maintained by that class of expositors, according to Revelation 13:8, all must be worshipping him whose names are not written from the foundation of the world in the book of the Lamb slain. In other words, Antichristianism in that case, would simply be limited to those who adhere to the pope, with the unavoidable conclusion that such professed atheists as Hume, Gibbon, and Thomas Paine, who showed as little faith in his as in any other name, were written in the book of that adorable Redeemer Whom nevertheless they blasphemed! Moreover, if the pope is the beast, as it is pretended he is, and all the world wondering after him, his followers to accord with Scripture (Rev. 13:3-4) must be, without mistake worshipping the dragon (who is elsewhere declared to be the devil-Revelation 20:2) as giving to him the power he possesses. But surely, however misled we may think them to be, none among us will venture to affirm that either as a community or individually, papists do this, which would evidently imply a state of hopeless reprobation.* *(1 Corinthians 10, showing that where idols are worshipped devils are, is not overlooked. All we mean to assert is, that fearful as the delusions of the papacy as a system are, papists individually cannot be said to worship the devil, as men in the end will avowedly do under Antichrist, to whom they see him giving his power and authority - Revelation 13:4). To escape from such a conclusion, all that can be said must resolve itself into this, that the precise language of Scripture referred to does not mean what it says, for there is not even a place for repentance left to them inasmuch as it is written, "If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of His indignation; and he shall be tormented" for ever and ever (Rev. 14:9-10). It must not, however, be imagined that there is with all this, the slightest intention here of insinuating anything in favour of the pope and his false and impious pretensions. From the days of the apostles there have been "many antichrists" in the world, as we learn from one of the very passages which tells us (1 John 2:18) that "The Antichrist shall come." And among these the pope and the papacy must take their place, not only as forbidding men, in opposition to God's command, to "search the Scriptures", which testify of Christ (John 5:39), but as having introduced doctrines and commandments which are contrary to His honor and subversive of His alone mediation as well as sufficiency for the sin of the whole world. To lift a man in one way or other into the place and honor which Christ alone should possess, is the grand aim of antichristianism in all its different states and degrees. A family likeness is therefore to be traced through them all, to be more strongly marked, perhaps, in the last days, which are so strikingly referred to in 2 Timothy 3:1-13, when evil men and seducers are to wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived, and when as we learn elsewhere (Dan. 8:23-25), transgressors having come to the full, "a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power;* and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practice, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace (prosperity) shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes." *(It is hoped as we proceed to be able to show that the king here spoken of is identical with the beast who acts "not in his own power" but by that of the devil, whom all the world worships, as giving "power to the beast" (Rev. 17:13), that identity being proved by there being one act, one era, and one destruction common to these among the other names which are given to the Antichrist as characteristic of him.) The personality of the Antichrist here contended for is no speculative theory to be adopted or rejected as suits our own fancy and about which each may form his own opinion. A very slight examination, particularly of the original, will show that so strongly is that personality declared, as to leave it as little optional with us to overlook it, as it is to deny that of the devil who will give him his great power and authority. It was evidently the belief of the early church, whilst the passages in Scripture which speak of him, if honestly taken, distinctly show that none else than a person can be meant . He is called (and if any will examine the original, they will see how markedly it is there expressed), "that man of sin, . . . the son of perdition" who "sitteth in the temple of God"* (2 Thess. 2:3-4), the wicked or lawless one (verse 8), "the Antichrist" (above the many who will have preceded him) (1 John 2:18 and 22), "a king" and "the king" (Dan. 8:23 and 11:36), who does "according to his will", "the idol shepherd" who tears the flesh (Zechariah 11:17), he who is to open "his mouth in blasphemy against God" (Rev. 13:6), and who is to be "cast alive into the lake of fire" (Rev. 19:20). *("The temple of God" is an expression applied in Scripture to three things, and three only. (1) to the actual temple at Jerusalem, as in 2 Chronicles 35:20. (2) to the bodies of individual saints, as in 1 Corinthians 6:19. (3) to the Church of God, as in 1 Corinthians 3:17. Now it is manifestly impossible that Antichrist could "sit" in any but the first of these three, and the coinciding mark given by Daniel of the "glorious holy mountain" [Mount Zion being alone called so], where he is to plant himself, confirms it to be a fact which can have no accomplishment at Rome [as alleged], inasmuch as neither the temple nor mountain are or ever have been there, any more than they can be elsewhere than at Jerusalem- the holy city. Is it not strange to see Protestants so bent on their fancy of the pope being Antichrist, as not to perceive they give up the whole question by calling St Peter's at Rome "the temple of God"? For if the pope is the Antichrist, how can they call his temple at Rome or anywhere else "the temple of God", when the exception, as we have seen, is only as to Jerusalem, where alone, of necessity, the usurpation in any circumstances could be, "in the holy place,"- "My holy hill of Zion")? Under other names which as remarked already will be found applicable to him only, his personality is as distinctly intimated on every occasion, and yet to suit preconceived notions and prejudices, terms nowhere else so interpreted are distorted to mean a "succession of men", or as others would have it, a "succession of principles", which are gradually to be consumed out of it as the world becomes converted. Why in the same way might not the third Person of the ever blessed Trinity be held to mean merely a succession of influences or governing principles? How is it that Christians will not open their eyes to the danger of sanctioning what would make plain words of Scripture mean anything or nothing, and so give the enemy ground for questioning even the Personality of the Lord Who bought them, or else the alternative of hearing themselves taunted with inconsistency? In addition to this greater danger to our holy religion itself, there is another springing from such loose interpretation of Scripture which is, that by suffering ourselves to be led into the hope of amelioration which is gradually to usher in the day of the Lord, we may mistake the "deceivableness of unrighteousness" (2 Thess. 2:10) with which we are warned Antichrist will introduce himself, for the beginning of that reign of righteousness which will be established only when Christ "with the spirit of His mouth and . . . with the brightness of His coming" shall have destroyed and consumed him (2 Thess. 2:8). It will be found in that day to have been no light matter to have been trifling with Scripture language, our tendency being to call evil good and good evil; while all Satan's art will be turned to conceal the real tendency as well as nature of his working from us. "That old serpent, which is the devil" (Rev. 20:2), will at the end as at the beginning, still prove himself more subtle than any beast of the field. His "working" will be in no shape to alarm the fears or shock men with its impropriety. On the contrary, it will be suited to the spirit and requirements of the age, with a flexibility and power of insertion best resembled to the form which he assumed when tempting Eve in the garden. The gradual character of his approaches should rouse us to think, for "many antichrists" have been preparing the way for him ever since the apostle declared in his day that "the spirit of Antichrist" was already in the world (1 John 4:3). The full development will surely follow when the apostasy and man of sin come to be. Meanwhile each successive step downwards seems in itself so trifling as scarcely to deserve our notice, which is in fact the danger. "Behold, I have told you before" (Matthew 24:25) is the caution given immediately after our Lord Himself had been warning of the especial deceivableness of the times which shall immediately precede His coming, when will be seen how vain and unwarranted was the fond conceit with which men had been pleasing themselves of any peaceful termination of present evil, which on the contrary, if we will but listen to Scripture, must "wax worse and worse" (2 Timothy 3:13) until the consummation takes place under the Antichrist, emphatically called as presiding over it, "that man of sin", in a trouble "such as was not from the beginning (foundation) of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" (Matthew 24:21). Regarding that last tribulation, it seems God's merciful design to have His church and people specially warned, so that it should not overtake them unawares any more than the day of the Lord which it is to precede, though both shall come as a snare upon all them that dwell on the face of the earth. Only admit the possibility of a future personal Antichrist (which, surely, it is not unreasonable to ask, after the Scripture terms that have been cited), and our Bibles will be found replete with allusions to such a being in this dispensation, with marks to distinguish him when he does come, from all that will have preceded him. Is it objected that so evident a sign as he would be before the coming of Christ, would interfere with the injunction to "Watch, for ye know not the day nor the hour when your Lord cometh;" and to that extent to put off the expectant and pilgrim character which befits those servants who profess to be waiting for their Lord? Hear the answer which such a passage as 2 Thessalonians 2 supplies. In it we have the church warned not to be shaken "as that the day of Christ is at hand", whilst the very same apostle who gives the warning, had just been telling them to "watch and be sober" (1 Thess. 5:6), for the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night, - nay, what is more, a distinct intimation is given that that day should not come until the man of sin-this "son of perdition"- should be revealed. The only seeming confusion arises from our overlooking the broad distinction drawn in the same epistle, between the children of darkness and the children of light (1 Thess. 5:4-5) -the one to be overtaken as by a thief in the night, the other to "know perfectly" the times and the seasons, inasmuch as "I told you these things" (2 Thess. 2:5). Indeed, signs of the most definite character have been constantly vouchsafed to God's people in all ages, as now, to designate the advent of events previously foretold by His prophets. Yet these, though sufficiently distinct for their warning, are invariably seen to have been overlooked by all others. Noah's preaching, whilst the ark was preparing, did not alarm the scoffers of his day, or make them know "till the flood came and took them all away." And so with the scoffers in our own (2 Peter 3:3), will the coming of the Son of man be, although preceded by so signal an event as the revelation of the man of sin: a sign, nevertheless, to the children of light, for which already they would do well to be watching. To be "seeking" a sign is a widely different thing from looking out for one already announced for warning. The sin and perverseness of seeking a sign is pointed out to us in such passages as Matthew 12:39 and Mark 8:11-12. To that evil and adulterous generation-children of darkness, and not of light, according to the distinction drawn in the epistle to the Thessalonians already referred to-no sign shall be given. And why? Because of their willful rejection of the signs God Himself had been pleased to vouchsafe. And mark the consequence when the false christs and false prophets appear, as appear they will (Mark 13:22), with signs and wonders to seduce if possible, the very elect though waiting for them. Not only shall no sign be given to the despisers of Scripture warning, but God shall send them strong delusion to believe "the lie", that they all may be damned who believed not "the truth" (2 Thess. 2:11-12). How fearful the thought even of such a delusion! More fatal still than that in the days of Noah; for it is the delusion of him whose coming is to be after the working of Satan, and their end, like his, to be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever (Rev. 19:20; 20:10). If there be any truth in these remarks, enough, surely, has already been said to vindicate, in some degree to Christians at least, the uses as well as duty of prophetic study, whatever ridicule may be attaching to it. A study in which it will scarcely be possible to engage without, ere long, being forced to see that a personal "coming of the Lord" is to be undoubtedly expected, if words are to have any meaning at all, as well as a time of unequalled tribulation immediately to precede it (Matthew 24:29). And equally impossible will it be found to separate that tribulation from a personal Antichrist and the leading part he has in it, as the express agent for the putting forth of Satan's energy to accomplish what God will then permit him to do. The apostle speaks, as has already been adverted to, of antichrists in his day, but the maturity of antichristian evil (every departure from the truth in Jesus being held as antichristian) is distinctly postponed till "that man of sin be revealed" -the lawless one who, after a permitted triumph, is to be destroyed by the "brightness of His coming." It has been already noticed incidentally, that the notion of a personal literal Antichrist with a short-lived supremacy, was held by the early Christians, without, it is believed, any recorded exception. They were living too close to the times in which a strictly literal fulfillment had been seen of all the prophecies connected with our Lord's first coming in the flesh, to doubt that "the man of sin" in his times, would prove to be also literally a man, or the 1260 days of his usurpation literal days. It was reserved for a later generation, who had fallen under the cruelties of papal oppression, to fancy it to be the unequalled trouble and predicted apostasy of the last times, and even to alter the literal meaning of words to make it so. It was about the year 1240, that Eberhard began to think the pope to be the "little horn", and that Luther and his companions in tribulation should have gone in with such imagination, seems far less wonderful than that so many in these days should still be arguing that he is the dreaded "man of sin", when the oppression and troubles Luther saw have long since ceased. The cessation alone ought to have proved to any not willfully blind, that the pope cannot be that man of sin under whom the tribulation is to be; for it is to be terminated, not as some would have it by the gradual decline of either the pope or the papacy, but by the coming of the Lord Himself to destroy the wicked one. "Immediately (the word in the original is emphatic) after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth (land) mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory" (Matthew 24:29-30). Those who adhere to the prevailing mode of figurative interpretation, regard all this as metaphorical language, maintaining that the sun and moon here mentioned, are political emblems. Thus they dispose of these solemn predictions of our Lord Himself, even when forced to admit that the same expressions in Scripture, when employed to describe past events, as at the crucifixion, did express what actually occurred and took place then and there. If the sun was darkened and the veil rent (Luke 23:45), surely it is worse than presumptuous to affirm that the same words applied to the future may have a totally different meaning. "Yet once more (again),* I shake not the earth only, but also heaven", are the words of inspiration (Hebrews 12:26), and by the terms applicable alone to the same mighty occurrence foretold by our Lord Himself in the passage just transcribed from Matthew, which again can of necessity be none other than that "coming" by which He destroys Antichrist- that "man of sin", whom He will encounter, not in decrepitude like the pope, but whilst he is still aided by the devil "with all power, and signs, and lying wonders", and then fully manifested to be the lawless one opposing and exalting himself above all (2 Thess. 2:4). *(This "once again" is alluded to in Isaiah 2, "when He ariseth to shake terribly the earth" (verse 21) which is distinctly to be, as the context will show in "the day of the LORD" (verse 12) when every one that is lifted up (like Antichrist exalting himself) "shall be brought low"). If Christ then destroys the "man of sin" at His coming, the destruction must take place "immediately" after the tribulation described to be "such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" (Matthew 24:21). This being so, the time spoken of must be identical with that of Daniel 12:1 and the events there recorded, inasmuch as there cannot be two distinct periods of unequalled tribulation; and this again identifies the king there described as exalting himself above every god and coming to his end and none to help him (Dan. 11:45), with "that man of sin" (2 Thess. 2) "the son of perdition" who is destroyed by "the brightness of His coming." But who can pretend that there is any resemblance between such a desolation with such a destruction, and a pope powerless to do even what his predecessors did; nay, requiring the support of foreign troops to retain him on his feeble throne? Does it not appear something like mockery to say of such an one that the devil is giving him his power and great authority? Are men worshipping him and saying, "Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?" (Rev. 13:4). Where are the ten kings who "receive power as kings one hour" with him, and who are said to have one mind, and agree to give him their power till the purposes of God are fulfilled (Rev. 17:12,13,17)? They who call the pope the Antichrist admit he is also the beast, and yet can talk to us of the gradual diminution or drying up of his power, in face of what is written in Revelation 17, where, with the kings of the earth, he is seen in the plenitude of his power (and from what follows aided to the last by the devil), gathered to make war against Him that sat on the horse and against His army. Is it possible to think that the downfall there recorded is a gradual one? Every word in Revelation 19:20 indicates the reverse. It is sudden as it is overwhelming, for then is seen the strength of Christ, the "seed of the woman", put forth against him who is the seed of the serpent; the "head" bruised then as the "heel" has already been. It is the strength of heaven against the strength of hell, and the catastrophe is complete. "The beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. And the remnant were slain with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse" (Rev. 19:20-21). Such is the end, not of the pope or the papacy, but of an apostasy more terrible than all that has yet darkened this sin-worn earth. It is the recorded downfall of Gentile power then in unholy combination with Jewish, which alike cast off Christ as the rightful Lord, will have chosen a king of their own to the rejection of Him Who is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. And it is thus that his Name is seen written on His vesture and on His thigh (Rev. 19:16), as followed by the armies of heaven, He comes to claim His kingdom from the usurper. How strange to see Christians willing, by figurative perversions like these, to set aside the glorious open triumph which will then be seen, and in which they themselves are to share, for an inconsistent attempt to make the pope in the decrepitude of these last times, personate him who aided by the devil and supported to the end, as we have seen, by the kings of the earth and their armies, encounters the armies of heaven and falls by the power of a Mighty One. People tell us that although it may be different with him at this epoch from what it once was, the pope is reviving or will yet revive, and his efforts to recover his lost authority be yet successful. But this is indulging a mere fancy, for which there is not only no warrant in Scripture, but the reverse. The Antichrist, when he is seen, comes "in like a flood" (Isa. 59:19) and prospers (Dan. 8:12) without intermission, and this continuance is also characteristic of the adherence given by the kings of the earth and their armies, till they share his destruction. There are other arguments, besides these which have been already produced, to show that the Antichrist when he does appear, will prove to be neither a succession of men nor a succession of principles, but what Scripture language, in its ordinary acceptation which we have no right to reject, tells us throughout he will be-an individual man. It is somewhat unfortunate that the definite article, which appears in the original, has been omitted in our translation of 1 John 2:18. It ought to run, Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that the Antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists already in the world, whereby we know that it is the last time. The many antichrists are thus forerunners of the Antichrist himself, and must of necessity therefore exhibit in some degree his characteristics; not the least remarkable of which (as attempted to be shown) are his personality, and also his rising out of an apostasy. In fact, many individuals have actually, from time to time, presented themselves to the notice of the world answering in various particulars the description we have of him in Daniel 11:36-40 and Revelation 13:5-8. One of the most remarkable of these, to begin with, was Antiochus Epiphanes about 160 years before Christ, whose history is given by Josephus and also in the first chapter of the uninspired book of Maccabees, which although apocryphal, is of good repute as a history, and as such, respected by the Jews themselves. Antiochus was the savage persecutor of the Jews in their latter times, as the Antichrist himself will be of both Jews and Christians, when, at the end, transgressors shall have come to the full. He followed or rather rose out of an apostasy then, as the Antichrist will be revealed out of the still more fearful "falling away" of which Paul speaks in 2 Thessalonians. A few extracts from the chapter of Maccabees referred to will show this, and help to give us some idea from what he did, of what the Antichrist himself will do in his times. "In those days went there out of Israel wicked men who persuaded many, saying, Let us go and make a covenant with the heathen that are round about us: for since we departed from them we have had much sorrow. So this device pleased them well. Then certain of the people were so forward herein that they went to the king who gave them license to do after the manner of the heathen. Whereupon they built a place of exercise at Jerusalem according to the custom of the heathen; and made themselves uncircumcised and forsook the holy covenant, and joined themselves to the heathen." Such is the account of that early apostasy, which may foreshadow more closely than many may be prepared to think, the "falling away" spoken of in Thessalonians. Following upon it, the enemy of the truth in that day appears as we go on to see, "after that Antiochus had smitten Egypt", (mark how Antichrist in his day will do the same, Dan. 11:42-45), "he returned again and went up against Israel and Jerusalem with a great multitude, and took away the golden altar and the candlestick of light and all the vessels thereof, and the table of the shewbread and the pouring vessels and the vials and the censers of gold and the veils and the crowns and the golden ornaments that were before the temple, all of which he pulled off, and when he had taken all away he went into his own land, having made a great massacre and spoken very proudly." Moreover, we are told, "King Antiochus wrote to his whole kingdom that all should be one people and every one should leave his laws; so all the heathen agreed according to the commandment of the king; yea, many of the Israelites consented to his religion and sacrificed unto idols and profaned the Sabbath." Thereafter we find him doing what the Antichrist will yet do still more markedly in his day (Rev. 13:15-18), condemning all to be put to death who refused to "profane the Sabbath and pollute the sanctuary and the holy people, and to set up altars and groves of idols and sacrifice swine's flesh." Then comes the identical expression quoted by our Lord from Daniel 168 years after Antiochus, showing his allusion was to something still future: "In the month Casleu he set up the abomination of desolation on the altar, and builded idol altars throughout the cities of Judah. And when they had rent in pieces the books of the law which they found, they burnt them with fire. Howbeit many in Israel were fully resolved not to eat any unclean thing, and there was great wrath upon Israel." Here we have one of the many antichrists whose doings wonderfully foreshadow what we read of the yet more terrible actings of him, to whom the devil will give his power and great authority; and who opens "his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme His Name, and His tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven;" and to whom it is given "to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power . . . over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations", and whom all shall worship that dwell upon the earth whose names are not written from the foundation of the world in the book of the Lamb slain (Rev. 13:6-8). Another individual Antichrist out of the many, was the apostate emperor Julian who tried to overthrow the church and bring back paganism. He too, like Antiochus, followed upon an apostasy (the Arian) which denied that Christ was God. (The Antichrist when he comes will do still more than this, for he will deny "the Father and the Son, exalting himself above all that is called God or is worshipped"). So grievous were his times, as history informs us, that the few devout and holy men who in them were testifying to the truth amidst abounding impiety, thought that Antichrist himself had come when Julian, his shadow, arose. Another apostasy, which began by placing the traditions of man on a footing with the written word of God, introducing the worship of saints and images and assigning to the Virgin Mary an intercessory power, which holds back from the laity the Bible in which such things are forbidden, teaching, too, contrary to its requirements, a belief in purgatory, transubstantiation, justification by works, and such like doctrines of devils, has also been seen, with a person arising out of it too who claimed for himself and his successors, in the usurped place the popes have so long held, such power and authority as to entitle them to a place among the many antichrists that are in "the world." The next great heresy which arose, the Nestorian, denied Christ's incarnation, and spreading widely in the lands round Palestine, succeeded in destroying the churches which had so long flourished there. It was out of that remarkable "falling away" that another personal Antichrist arose, Mohammed, who, denying the Son altogether, proclaimed that there was but one God and that he was his prophet. It is well known how successful he has been with many of the Jews themselves in the East. In France, before the revolution, another well-known "falling away" occurred, following upon the doctrines taught by Voltaire, etc., when a national decree was passed that death was a perpetual sleep. The scenes which followed show us what man will dare to do if left to himself, and also called forth another individual who came in like a flood and prospered. In many particulars Napoleon Bonaparte, like his predecessors, showed the features of the Antichrist, flattering at first the system he found prevailing, whilst using it all the while to establish himself in power. In France accordingly he was a Roman Catholic, and in Egypt a worshipper of Mohammed, till finding himself, as by and bye Antichrist will do, fairly established, he dropped the deception under which he had entered, proclaiming himself the monarch and only source of authority. "La France! c'est moi", was the laconic way in which he announced it. What the successor to his name and authority now appearing may be raised up to accomplish is yet to be seen, but already the tendency is clearly towards a still more extensive development of the clay-iron principle of government which is to prevail in both feet of the Image, before the ten toes of it are developed. These instances should cause us to ponder well, when we read of a still future and more fearful "falling away" which, to distinguish it from others, in the original styled emphatically "the apostasy" (2 Thess. 2:3), with the revealing after or out of it of that man of sin, the son of perdition, who will oppose and exalt himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped: so that he, as God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God. Why should we, in the face of such express language and with examples before us of bygone antichrists, still refuse to believe that the Antichrist who shall come (1 John 2:18) will be a person also? The Saviour Whom he will try to counterfeit as well as supplant, appeared in a literal as well as a mystical body. And Antichrist will not want his either. All who practice, encourage, or support corruptions, are properly of Antichrist's mystical body, exhibiting his spirit which is already working in the children of disobedience; and when the number, perhaps a determined one, is filled up, they will be manifested as displaying the genuine fruits of complete apostasy from the truth which is in Jesus; when transgressors are come to the full under a personal Antichrist, even as Christ's Church, which is His mystical body (Col. 1:24), will appear under Him when the fullness of time has come and its numbers complete. So that as the perfection of truth is manifested in Him and His body the Church, the perfection of error will be seen in the other also-the one the Church of the Living God, the other the synagogue of Satan. If Antichrist is to be then a person, surely it becomes us to inquire what manner of man he will be, especially when told that his coming is with all signs and lying wonders, and also with such deceivableness of unrighteousness, as if possible to deceive the very elect. Are there no tokens already of some such gathering apostasy and deceivableness, along with an increasing conviction among those who think at all, that the signs of the last days are fast gathering around us? Is there not a visible attempt by the men who fancy themselves more advanced and free than their neighbors from what is called bigotry, to make expediency instead of Bible truth the rule of state measures and enactments of law? -to shape their course as if true "catholicity" consisted in letting each man think for himself, and numbers, not Scripture, decide the course to be taken, so leaving us to believe that the many will be right and the few wrong? Nay, is it not beginning to be even openly avowed that religion has nothing to do with the guidance of a nation, and that the less we say on so sacred a subject the better, seeing it is merely a matter for each man's conscience? Do we not notice already the fruits of such views in the attempt to have education apart from religion altogether lest someone's prejudices should be hurt or interfered with? To let the greatest questions be decided by expediency, or (what is nearly the same thing) the wisdom of the majorities, with a sneer at every attempt to appeal to Scripture for guidance? To frame laws by which the Roman Catholic may legislate and hold office in our Protestant community, and the Jew, too, sit in our parliaments, care having been taken that his conscientious belief of our Saviour being an impostor should meet with nothing to offend it on entering there? Is it not plain to the humblest capacity, that there is on all hands a growing inclination with a cunning sort of decency however in the way of doing it, to supersede religion altogether as far as it is external and objective, and to confine it to inward feeling, which again it is thought hypocritical or sanctimonious to allude to in the affairs of life? All this is grief enough surely to the Christian, but what an addition is made to it when the express language of Scripture is so questioned and criticized as at present, not by its foes alone but by professed friends, and when metaphorical interpretations are given by them of its plainest warnings against all such increasing evil! Give way, as we have been and are doing, to such a system, and what is there to prevent men coming ere long to think that Scripture may have a hundred different meanings, all equally good, and its teaching mean anything or nothing, as people choose to make it? Alas for us if that "sure word of prophecy" is obscured, as is the tendency in these days of intellect and energy, whilst the heart of man, amidst all refinement, remains, as it was, "deceitful above all things and desperately wicked." Let us remember that there is to be a "deceivableness of unrighteousness" in the times of the end, under which Satan will hide his poison and his purposes. Do you think he will be so unskillful in his craft as to ask any one openly and plainly to join him in his crusade against truth? No! he can bait his snare with what has all the appearance of good, if we look at it simply with our own eyes which are evil. He is even now promising to the nations a coming millennium of civil and religious liberty, when every one is to be sitting under his own vine and fig tree. He is promising equality. He is promising trade and wealth, remission of taxes, and reform of all kinds, and every one happy at last in his own creed, whatever it may be, and in his own way of deciding what is best for himself. Meanwhile he is tempting men to rail against their rulers and superiors as hindrances to this development, whilst he turns their heads with talk of philosophy, and science, and knowledge, and enlargement of mind. The times gone by are only to be scoffed at, and the ways and wisdom of their ancestors a fair subject of merriment. He bids men "mount aloft", and shows them how they may be "as gods, knowing good and evil" (Genesis 3:5). By and bye too he will provide for them a king whose coming will be after his own working, "with all power, and signs, and lying wonders." He will be "the prince of this world" of whom our Lord spoke as having "nothing in Me" (John 14:30), but one fitted to be a "king over all the children of pride" (Job 41:34), and whose eyelids will be "like the eyelids of the morning" (Job 41:18)-that true Morning which will rise upon his destruction (Isa. 17:14). But who, in the fancy that has taken possession of so many that the great tribulation is "past already", and that amelioration is now the happy tendency of things, will believe or even listen for a passing moment to those who would spoil their dream by showing forth the plainest declarations in Scripture to the contrary? Such men are esteemed to be beside themselves and deserving at best but of quiet compassion. Their words seem as idle tales and not worth listening to, whilst in their appeals to Scripture they are answered by metaphorical explanations of words which are nowhere else so construed. Such is the reception they meet in general from within the Church, whilst, without, the confusion is becoming worse confounded. "God is not in all their thoughts", if in any. It seems small concern to the multitude that the world is in opposition to its Maker, His Son rejected and despised and His Holy Spirit grieved, with thousands hurrying on to destruction, and (if Scripture be true) the day of the Lord at hand. How little is there of the mind of Him Who, though He had no sin to weep for in Himself, yet made Himself a man of sorrows for others, and wept over the city that was about to crucify Him. But what has the world, with all the misery that is in it, to do with sorrow or looking for the things that are coming on the earth? They "lie upon beds of ivory, and stretch themselves upon their couches, and eat the lambs out of the flock, and the calves out of the midst of the stall." They "chant to the sound of the viol, and invent to themselves instruments of music, like David;" they "drink wine in bowls, and anoint themselves with the chief ointments; but they are not grieved for the affliction of Joseph" (Amos 6:4-6). This is not for want of warning, but because it is either misread or despised altogether. The world is of a truth sitting in darkness, so gross, that although the light shineth in the darkness, the darkness comprehendeth it not. Such is the description which inspiration gives, whatever the world may think of its justice in the abundant self-complacency with which every thing human and divine is now canvassed. And it would have been for the Church, compactly knit together, to have been continuing the protest against all such delusion and error, by reflecting, in the darkness around her, the light and spirit derived from her risen and exalted Head, Who Himself in the days of His flesh also bore witness to the same. But, alas! how is the very name being brought into disrepute and contempt among us, by the large and influential class who in the dread of what they call schism, are turning to the stocks and stones of Rome itself rather than let go their unscriptural conceit of what the Church's unity should be. It is most true, for the sure word of prophecy declares it, that the Church is to be manifested as one, a visible unity, one fold and one shepherd. But surely they who are living in the certain hope of seeing that blessed consummation, need not be surprised at there being counterfeits in this as in meaner things, and still less be in any danger of being beguiled by the man-millinery (as it has been not inaptly called) of such a thing as Tractarianism, into thinking its childish imitation and mimicry of what is to be, any realization of it. In spite of all the overbearing clamor about apostolic succession, how is it possible for men, capable of reflecting at all, to believe priests and things to be what they visibly are not? Or, to make them think that rood screens and surplices are introducing, if not constituting, the unity which God's people are panting to see? Where are they to find in Scripture any value attached to such outside unity as this, when the Christian unity of the inner service-the only bond recognized there-is, as in this instance, broken by a Pharisaism which will have nothing to do with others who, although loving the Lord Jesus in sincerity and seen to be walking in His ways, may nevertheless be unable to yield implicit submission to what such masters in Israel pronounce to be "the church", any more than to what councils have decided in bygone times, when men were as fallible as they are now? Is it not manifest, to the overturning of all such pretensions, that amidst His own chosen priesthood even in His own Temple at Jerusalem where His presence had been seen in the cloud which filled it, a period arrived when its oblations and assemblies became an abomination in God's sight? "Your new moons and your appointed feasts My soul hateth; they are a trouble unto Me; I am weary to bear them. Who hath required this at your hand to tread My courts?" (Isa. 1:14,12). And further, was it not when that Temple, which had itself been built by Divine command, was still standing in all its completeness of ornament and observance, that the prophet in vision saw the glory of the LORD depart from off the threshold of the house (Ezekiel 10:18), which house thereafter our Lord Himself declared to be "a den of thieves"? What becomes, after such a warning, of the superstitious veneration now reviving for stoles and consecrated chancels, and when to the last of His sojourn on earth, nothing was said of either priesthood or building but that both should be overthrown as they are this day? Then again, when the promised descent of the Holy Ghost took place, did not the sound as it were of a mighty rushing wind sweep, as it might seem in scorn, past the antiquated walls where once the presence of Deity had visibly been seen, and within which the "vain oblation" was still offered up by priests as properly accounted as before, to rest in that "upper room, where abode" a humble band "with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and His brethren" (Acts 1:14)? Would that the Spirit which thereafter animated these holy men were seen as visibly resting on the multitude of priests who claim succession from them! Of this we may be assured, that where it is wanting in the individual no mere imposition of hands will avail, even if the form could be proved to have been complied with more satisfactorily than it has yet been, or can be. O! when will men learn that it is the want of the "Spirit of Christ" among His professed followers which constitutes the schism from Him and from each other so deeply to be deplored by us all, and how vain is the attempt to find, as Rome thinks she has done, a substitute for it in the unity of a complacent ritual, however perfect in its way? Chapter 1: The Personality of Antichrist Chapter 2: The Time of His Appearing Chapter 3: His Characteristics and Duration Chapter 4: His Destruction and Its Consequences
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
SEWA is a trade union registered in 1972. It is an organisation of poor, self-employed women workers. SEWA's main goal is to organise women workers for full employment that includes work security, income security, food security and social security (at least healthcare, child care and shelter).
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Living in Wisconsin, your home is your prized possession. Take a closer look at how you can protect the place you call home with a House & Home® policy. You're looking at coverages in Wisconsin. Select a new state to see what may be needed there. See what's typically covered for people living in Wisconsin. A local Allstate agent can help you learn more about a House & Home policy in Wisconsin. See how you can save on homeowners insurance in Wisconsin.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
In God We Trust, Inc. je hardcore punkové EP od americké skupiny Dead Kennedys; nyní je vydáváno společně s albem Plastic Surgery Disasters. Seznam skladeb "Religious Vomit" – 1:04 (6025) "Moral Majority" – 1:55 "Hyperactive Child" – 0:37 "Kepone Factory" – 1:18 "Dog Bite" – 1:13 (Klaus Flouride) "Nazi Punks Fuck Off" – 1:03 "We've Got a Bigger Problem Now" – 4:29 "Rawhide" – 2:11 (Ned Washington a Dimitri Tiomkin) Výroba Jello Biafra – zpěv, předloha East Bay Ray – kytara, doprovodné vokály, produkce Klaus Flouride – baskytara, doprovodné vokály D.H. Peligro – bicí Ninotchka – vokály Annette – vokály HyJean – vokály Darvon – vokály Siobhan – vokály Norm – produkce, mixáž Oliver Dicicco – režie Winston Smith – předloha EP Dead Kennedys EP z roku 1981 EP Alternative Tentacles
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
The 2018 First Responder's Appreciation Luncheon gives the business community an opportunity to say "thank you" and honor local first responders. During the luncheon, one individual from each discipline (EMS, Fire, Law Enforcement and Communications) is awarded First Responder of the Year. Due to Hurricane Michael, this event will be modified but will include a hot meal given to all first responders in Bay County to show appreciation for their dedication and service to our community. First Responders should go to the parking garage behind the church to receive their meal. iHeart Media will also be on site to provide live entertainment. If you would like to volunteer for this event, please contact Elizabeth Smith at [email protected] or at 850.832.7612. Every year, a video is shown to thank First Responders for their service to our community and to bring awareness to the sacrifice they make. Below is the video shown during the 2017 First Responders Appreciation Luncheon.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Mining supergroups – do industrial minerals get a look-in? Richards Bay Minerals, South Africa. Copyright © 2014 Rio Tinto. Glencore acquiring Rio Tinto would have established a world mining supergroup. For the time being it now looks as if the deal is off, with both parties now assessing options as the mineral community ponders such grand scale mergers. With Glencore's established might in copper, zinc/lead, nickel, ferroalloys, alumina/aluminium, iron ore, and coal, it is easy to see the attraction and synergies with Rio's iron ore, copper, bauxite, aluminium, gold, and coal. But where could industrial minerals feature in such a mammoth mineral portfolio? Indeed, can they co-exist in such a mining group, since the trend in recent years has been very much one way or the other? Metal miners have a core focus In general, most mining concerns today are focused on either metallic minerals or industrial minerals (non-metallic minerals). There was a time, up to the end of the 1980s, when large mining companies and conglomerates held portfolios dominated with metals, but these also included a sprinkling of not insignificant industrial mineral assets, eg. Anglo American, Billiton, CVRD, Gencor, Phelps Dodge, and of course, Rio Tinto. Also, from time to time, metal mining companies would express an interest and even dip into the world of industrial minerals. However, many choosing this path got burned as they failed to appreciate or get to grips with the very different market fundamentals of industrial minerals (some would consider this issue still persists today). Since then, as these large companies have evolved, the trend was for most of these industrial mineral assets to be divested, to either more relevant industrial mineral product groups (particularly with regard to construction materials) or to private investors pursuing specific industrial mineral markets. The metal miners have focused their efforts on metals as a core business. A relatively recent exception to this was the recognition of the importance of fertiliser minerals by the big guns, notably Vale and BHP in 2010, and investments in this sector were duly made (although BHP failed in its bid to buy Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan – but perhaps we haven't seen the end of that). The industrial minerals world The industrial minerals mining sector is broadly divided into two main categories of businesses: industrial mineral miners, and captive industrial mineral miners, ie. operations owned by large scale industrial mineral consumers. The industrial mineral miners are characterised by a few large multinational groups, a few more medium size players, and then a plethora of small companies – the majority of which, including some of the larger players, are privately owned. They all focus on industrial minerals only. The captive industrial minerals mining sector includes companies which are large scale consumers of certain industrial minerals essential to their manufactured end products, eg. the majors in fertiliser, aggregates, cement, chemicals, refractories, glass, and, oilfield services. A third, smaller category is producers of minerals which are mostly used for their metallic value, but also have a non-metallic market application, eg. bauxite and chromite miners. Rio Tinto the exception Rio Tinto has always been the exception to the above trends of mining company focus. Over the years, the group has maintained both metal and industrial mineral operations, and until relatively recently, was highly active in industrial minerals exploration. Although dominated by metals, the Rio Tinto industrial mineral businesses – alumina, titanium minerals and zircon, talc, and borates – have tended to be world leaders in their field. And the nature of industrial minerals markets – slow, but long term consistent demand growth – often meant these assets helped bolster company results when the higher volatility of metals markets had a negative effect. So industrial minerals were not exactly taken lightly by Rio Tinto. But then, they never seemed to have as much attention as the metals either. For much of its time, Rio Tinto had never quite been able to structure its industrial mineral assets in one division. Also, the position of CEO of the industrial minerals division seemed, at least from the outside, to be a temporary one filled by senior management passing through to other parts of the group. As it turned out, in 2008 Rio Tinto decided to divest its talc and borates assets – a majority chunk of its industrial minerals assets. The talc business eventually went to Imerys in 2011, but then Rio decided to hold on to its borates operations, perhaps also attracted by its Serbian borates prospect turning out to host a significant lithium resource – at the time, a hot item for investors. This was followed in 2012 by divestment of the speciality aluminas (industrial minerals) business of Alcan, and Rio Tinto exited vermiculite mining by selling its stake in Palabora Mining. Today, Rio Tinto's industrial minerals assets are in one place within its Diamonds & Minerals Division, and include just titanium minerals and zircon, borates, and salt (68% owned). The future for industrial minerals in supergroups In the fall out from the "non-deal" between Rio Tinto and Glencore, media speculation has considered that Glencore will turn to other possible targets and Rio Tinto may pursue a "defensive" deal with another mining giant – or there could be a revisit to this merger next year. Rio Tinto may well be simply awaiting the right time and buyer to finish what it started in 2008 and jettison the remainder of its industrial minerals assets, and focus on its metals mining and production. For most of the big miners, industrial minerals are considered as too specialised or small scale, and take too long to make a decent return on investment. So in all likelihood, most industrial minerals will not sit well in such organisations. However, fertiliser minerals, are in the big volume, relatively uncomplicated industrial mineral commodity category. They are also shipped in worldwide trades. Most other industrial minerals are either moderate volumes of slightly more specialised minerals for varied markets (this includes borates, mineral sands), or much smaller volumes of very market specialised, high value minerals (eg. high grade fillers, rare earths). Thus fertiliser minerals have been the natural "in" for such mining giants getting into industrial minerals in recent times, eg. Vale and BHP. So the question must be asked whether Glencore, with its established business in agricultural products, might, or should be, turning its eye on major miners of fertiliser minerals such as potash and phosphate to complement and integrate its agribusiness? In this respect, such industrial minerals will hold a position in such a mega-merger. But are we missing something here? Could Glencore buck the trend with industrial minerals, and in a way that was beyond Rio Tinto? After all, Glencore is not just another traditional big miner, it has its origins as a well-established trader and marketer of commodities. In a recent interview by Bloomberg, Royal Nickel president and Chief Executive Officer Mark Selby was not surprised by Glencore taking an interest in Rio Tinto, noting that there were very few Tier 1 assets available and it was the right time to make such acquisitions. Interestingly, Selby also said: "Rio Tinto's smaller businesses in diamonds and industrial minerals are dominant in certain sectors, and Glencore's marketing and trading arms would love to have access to those positions and generate value." Perhaps Glencore's focus is not as metal-plated as we think, and despite its traditional strength in metal commodities, which it clearly wishes to expand, the company is not blind to the market potential industrial minerals can deliver if correctly handled. By Mike O'Driscoll|2015-01-05T19:57:31+00:00Monday, 22 December, 2014|Newsfile|0 Comments
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This spectacular, beautifully built home is a slice of warm country living with the grandeur of a European castle. The attention to detail is stunning and the grandness of this space, both inside and out will leave you breathless. A project this size and complexity requires staying organized and ensuring everyone plays their part well so everything comes out better than expected.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Internet usage in Asia is growing 60% faster than the rest of the world, and more than 40% of global internet users are now based in this region. With the growing internet usage, small businesses in Malaysia need to be able to capture attention online. Content marketing is one of the best ways to do so. Here are a few reasons why. In today's world, trust in advertising is fading tremendously. Consumers are constantly looking for credible information about their intended purchase. Amidst all the noise out there, having quality content will help to distinguish your brand from your competition. By generating great content in alignment with keywords that your customer groups might potentially search for online, you are fulfilling their needs and helping to answer their questions. This builds trust and strengthens your relationship with your targeted visitors. Do this over time, and you'll start to establish yourself as the expert in your industry. People will start coming to you for your expertise. Social media can go far in extending the visibility and reach of your small business. It works best, however, if you're engaging with your followers, not merely using it as a billboard for announcements. How do you build that engagement? By sharing great content. Great content naturally gets shared. This sharing means your content will be seen by an exponentially larger group of people – people who might be interested in your content and may be potential customers. Sharing capabilities such as hashtags also make it easier for your content to be shared, and also encourages participation in the form of user-generated content. This will help you generate even more engagement with your community, and build a loyal fan base. Great SEO can have huge benefits for a small business. And having great content, which generates engagement and backlinks, will go very far in establishing good SEO for your business. When you create quality content over time and forge an emotional connection with your targeted audience and industry leaders, you will begin to start attracting links from reputable sources that your customers already trust. Having more of these links will increase your ranking on search engines, and bring more attention to your business. Search engines are still one of the biggest traffic generators online, after all. Search engines have now overtaken traditional media as the most trusted source of information in the world. This means that it's more important than ever to have quality content showing up on the front page of search results. If you manage to do that, you'll be able to gain the trust of your customers much more effectively. In fact, a Roper Public Affairs study found that 70% of decision makers mentioned content marketing made them feel closer to the brand, and 60% said content marketing helped them make better and more informed purchasing decisions. As a small business, investing in content marketing can yield an extremely high return on investment due to the viral nature of quality content. It's definitely a channel you don't want to ignore.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: What type of graph (linear, quadratic, exponential) would best fit this data down below? Wolves were reintroduced into Yellowstone park and their population over the next 10 years. Which model type do you think best fit the data based on the table values which are "years since introduction" and "population". You have linear regression, exponential regression, and quadratic regression. I think it would be a linear expression. Am I right? A: Here is the table provided: Years since introduction ---- Population: 2 ---- 9 4 ---- 24 6 ---- 53 8 ---- 119 10 ---- 267 We wish to see whether this table can be represented by a linear, quadratic, or exponential function. If this table could be represented by a linear function, then we would have that (week 6 population) - (week 4 population) = (week 4 population) - (week 2 population) because if it was linear the differences between two consecutive weeks would remain constant.(We can just say that the weeks are consecutive because they always increase by 2, and treat "consecutive" as "seperated by 2 weeks") We can plug in for the populations to get: $53-24=24-9$, which simplifies to $29=13$, which is clearly false. So, it cannot be represented by a linear function. Here is a neat trick for determining if a table can be represented by a quadratic function(or any higher power). Take the differences of the population, and see if the differences are linear. If they are, it can be represented by a quadratic function. You can iterate this multiple time, taking the differences of differences for a cubic, etc. We can do this here! From here, we can just calculate the differences(We only need 3, can you see why? But I will calculate all of them to make sure) $24-9=13$ $53-24=29$ $119-53=66$ $267-119=148$ By looking at these values, we can calculate the differences of the differences and evaluate them to see if they are linear. $66-29=29-13$, which gives $37=16$, which is obviously false. So, the table cannot be represented by a quadratic function. The only other option is for it to be represented by an exponential function, so the answer is $\boxed{\text{exponential}}$
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
So far Eros Buffarini has created 12 blog entries. Check this video to discover some of the Pictographs Chinese Characters. The Chinese Pinyin introduction is a must see video for any student who want to learn Chinese language.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Zurb Foundation Off-Canvas and Visibility I am working on a site using Zurb Foundation. The content will be rendered differently based on the size of the screen. If the content is being viewed on a phone, the navigation structure will use a off-canvas nav item for example. To demonstrate, here is a fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/LFUvM/5/. In my example, you can see that there is Content Goes Here My problem is, I don't want to write the actual content three times in my HTML. Some of my content is quite large. Is there a way to a) share the content across all three views b) still use the off-canvas nav option? THank you! A: I made an example using <section role="main"></section> after <a class="exit-off-canvas" href="#"></a> You can take a look at it here A: If it's possible to restructure the HTML a bit you can achieve this with the following setup: <div class="off-canvas-wrap show-for-small-only"> <div class="inner-wrap"> <nav class="tab-bar show-for-small-only"> <section class="tab-bar-section"> <h1 class="title">Foundation</h1> </section> <section class="right-small"> <a class="right-off-canvas-toggle menu-icon"><span></span></a> </section> </nav> <aside class="right-off-canvas-menu"> <ul class="off-canvas-list"> <li><label>Users</label></li> <li><a href="#">Hari Seldon</a></li> </ul> </aside> <a class="exit-off-canvas"></a> </div> </div> <div> <h1 class="show-for-small-only">Phone</h1> <h1 class="show-for-medium-only">Medium</h1> <h1 class="show-for-large-only">Large</h1> Content Goes here </div> And here's the working jsFiddle.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
For over 30 years the President of Home Path Financial, Jeff Kleiner, has been finding, buying, improving, and selling single family residential homes in the US. In 2004, Mr. Kleiner opened HPF as a way to expand and allow outside investors to partake in profits of the company's portfolio mortgages and rehabbed homes. Along the way, a unique educational system was designed to help buyers enter home ownership by placing them into one of the company's rehabbed homes, help build their credit and learn key home ownership and underwriting issues like savings plans, debt ratios, and credit scores. We are very proud of the number of people we have helped into homes who stayed the course and with our help eventually obtained their own conventional financing. During the real estate crash, mortgages were discontinued and the security and profits of home flipping became once again the main focus of HPF. Having gone through that difficult time, it became a strong intention to diversify income streams, which we have accomplished in recent years. Today, HPF still enjoys healthy profits from rehabbing homes but now uses our same employee-based workers to handle outside retail work. Projects outside of our own properties such as painting, plumbing, and foundation projects continue to be explored and expanded upon as we build our reputation locally. We also heavily focus on renovating rental properties and selling those homes to people who wish to own a rental property but do not want all the headaches involved in such an endeavor. With these "Turnkey Rental" properties, we handle everything from leasing, collecting, and evictions to repairs and maintenance on each property we manage. Our most recent development in diversification is New Construction. We focus on the growing areas in Southeastern Wisconsin, typically in the 275K to 500K range. Since 2004, Home Path Financial has purchased hundreds of homes for renovating, wholesaling, flipping both internally and for investors, Turnkey rentals, and our own Seller Financed and rental portfolios. Our vast experience and strong discipline allows for healthy profits in a conservative manner while focusing our efforts in the Southeastern Wisconsin region. Having survived the tough times brings us to a new period of prosperity where we can use those lessons learned to help diversify and stabilize a successful real estate investment company for the future. These are exciting times!
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Dr. Daniel Gottlieb is a clinical psychologist and family therapist in Israel, where he serves as the director of Clinical Services at Shinui Institute: The Israeli Institute for Systemic Studies, Family, and Personal Change in the city of Herzeliya. Dr. Gottlieb is frequently appointed by the courts as a custody evaluater and parent coordinator and has published several articles and lectured extensively on topics relating to family forensic psychology. Dr. Gottlieb received his doctoral degree from Yeshiva University's Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology and his training in family therapy from the Ackerman Institute for the Family. Dr. Daniel Gottlieb is a clinical psychologist and family therapist in Israel, where he serves as the director of Clinical Services at Shinui Institute, the Israeli Institute for systemic studies, family, and personal change in the city of Herzeliya. He is frequently appointed by the courts as a custody evaluator and parent coordinator, and has published several articles and lectured extensively on topics relating to family forensic psychology. Dr. Gottlieb received his doctoral degree from Yeshiva University's Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology and his training in family therapy from the Ackerman Institute for the Family.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
How to safeguard your data as you travel Wi-Fi at airports, planes, hotels may be risky, but no more than at coffee shops Study: Loss of a single laptop costs a company $49,246 Use encrypted disks to keep your information safe, experts say Next Article in Travel » By Debra Alban (CNN) -- With Wi-Fi access at airports, hotels, and aboard airplanes, business travelers don't have to look very hard for a wireless Internet connection. Wi-Fi hotspots at airports may put users' computers at risk, but no more so than at coffee shops, experts say. But with these public wireless hotspots becoming more prevalent, in addition to more travelers using smart phones for Web access, are business travelers putting themselves at a security risk? The short answer, some technology security experts say, is yes. But they add that the use of Wi-Fi at these spots is no riskier than at a coffee shop. "It's a shared medium, and if you can connect to it, someone else can connect to it and monitor your traffic," said Marty Linder, a senior member of the technical staff at the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute CERT/Coordination Center. "That has nothing to do with the security of the network. It's just the nature of the beast." For Fran Hanna, the convenience isn't worth the risk. The sales representative from Chapin, South Carolina, would frequently bring her computer on business trips and access Wi-Fi through her hotels. Hackers tapped into her computer, resulting in inappropriate material being sent through her account. She had to get her computer restored twice, which cost her $900. And while she still isn't sure where she was when she picked up the malware, she said the only wireless device she will bring with her as she travels is a cell phone for voice calls. On the other hand, picking up public wireless isn't a major concern to Brian Fitzpatrick, the CTO of a technology firm in Alpharetta, Georgia, and a frequent business traveler. Airport security bares all, or does it? Airplane Wi-Fi gains momentum In Depth: Road Warriors He generally avoids transmitting sensitive personal or company data using these hotspots. But as he sees it, having his information stolen "is more likely to happen in some face-to-face transaction than it is even online." In addition to open networks, experts say the physical loss of devices poses a threat for business travelers. The combination of replacement cost, detection, forensics, data breach, lost intellectual property costs, lost productivity, and legal, consulting and regulatory expenses sets a company back an average of $49,246 per lost laptop, according to a study released in April by the Ponemon Institute and sponsored by the Intel Corporation. However, lost laptops with encryption saved companies nearly $20,000, compared with those that did not have encryption, according to the Ponemon study. Encrypted disks safeguard data by scrambling information on them. They unlock that information only when the user enters the proper passcode. "I don't know how many times we've heard about laptops being stolen and they have no encryption on them. And it pretty much means that the bad guys can get to your data. Immediately. They don't have to know your password or anything, they can just get to it," said Patrik Runald, chief security adviser for F-Secure, an Internet security company. And many businesses do not yet require their employees to use passwords on their smart phones, leaving lost devices "woefully unprotected," said Pat Clawson, CEO and chairman of Lumension Security. Tips for staying secure Despite the potential for security breaches, there are simple steps you can take to keep yourself armed as you connect wirelessly on your travels: • Use an encrypted disk to safeguard the information on your laptop or smart phone, Linder said, and make sure you log off of your computer when you're not using it. In most cases, when you hibernate your computer, its memory is recorded unencrypted. "You cannot for convenience close your lid, let your computer go to sleep and believe that if someone steals your computer, your data is protected, because it's not," Linder said. Runald recommended free software called TrueCrypt (truecrypt.org) that you can use to encrypt the content on your local drive and on USB flash drives. • Turn off your wireless and Bluetooth connections if you're not using them, said Clawson. "Those are electronic doorways into your devices. On my BlackBerry, I can sit there and scan for open Wi-Fi peer-to-peer connections. I [can] then gain access to what's in your files you may have stored in there, your contacts." • Use an anti-glare shield on your computer to prevent others from spying, Linder suggested. With such shields, you must be face-to-face with the screen to be able to read it. • Regularly back up the data on your laptop or smart phone, Runald said. Several companies offer backup services, but you can also save information on other computers and disks. Even if your data is encrypted -- eliminating your fear of sensitive information getting stolen -- backing up the data will make it easy to transfer to a new phone or laptop, Runald said. • If you lose your smart phone and don't want others to access your information, call your provider and request that the device be wiped of information, Runald said. He also suggested considering software that allows you to send a text message to your phone that will remotely wipe it and block others from accessing its content. • To ensure that you're visiting an authentic Web site and not getting duped by a phishing scheme, some experts suggest logging onto those sites through your company's VPN connection. But technology company CTO Fitzpatrick says he hesitates to use VPN from a public Wi-Fi hotspot: "Even though all the traffic is encrypted," he said, "if your machine got compromised in some way, it is sort of a gateway into your network." Mixx Facebook Twitter Digg del.icio.us reddit MySpace StumbleUpon | Mixx it | Share All About WiFi • Computer Security • Smart Phones From the Blogs: Controversy, commentary, and debate Sit tight, we're getting to the good stuff powered by Sphere Senators 'troubled' after Rice meeting Bergen: Senseless Benghazi obsession
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
PM1. 2 persons of Klaipeda University participated in 1st Meeting in Florence (IT). In depth analysis of the material from the kick off meeting. As a partner Klaipėda University has organised and participated in 2nd Meeting in Klaipeda (LT). Selected and involved 7 schools from Klaipėda, 19 teachers of humanistic subjects and / or other subjects, 288 students. They all uploaded on the project portal of the School Presentation Forms. Production and Uploading of Project Activities Report and Project Financial Report. PM2. The brochure of the project was developed and uploaded to the project portal. During the period of 1st November until 30th March 15 dissemination events made and uploaded on the project website. G. Straksiene's OFF Book presentation at the International conference in Fukuoka (Japan) (March 26-28, 2018). G. Straksiene's OFF Book presentation at the National Sociological conference in Klaipeda (Lithuania) (October 13, 2018). G. Straksiene's Book presentation of during the CaSYPot Project Partners Meeting in Svetlogorsk (Russia) (May, 13-15, 2018). G. Straksiene's Book presentations to Education and Drama students and in a free to public conference on (September, 2018). Telephone and mail contacts Involved Education Development Centre (Vilnius, LT). (EDC) is the biggest institution affiliate to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania providing educational support in the field of pre-school, primary and general education. EDC staff consists of more than 100 professionals in education. Education Development Centre undertakes to share information about project with interested parties via available information channels, to present project results to teachers and other pedagogical staff with, to use results for development and implementation of general education content. Informative article to LNA to make them aware of the project aims, objectives and work in progress. PM1. Coordination of activities: Participation in partners meetings in Florence, organised and participated in parners meeting in Klaipėda. Selected and involved to the project 7 school of Klaipeda city, 20 teachers and 570 students. Produced in progress report on activities and financial report. Partners' agreement on OFF Book work plan and timetable setting. KU Team agreement on OFF Book work plan and timetable setting. Ability to manage, implement and disseminate the project. PM2. Dissemination:15 dissemination events have made and uploaded on the project web site. OFF Book Lithuanian brochure. Students, educators, professors and general public in Lithuania, Europe became aware of the project aims, content and in progress activities. Education Development Centre (EDC) joined the project as Associated Partner. Gedminai progymnasium joined the project as Associated Partner. VLTF (Western Lithuanian Parents Forum) the project as Associated Partner. Klaipeda Child Leisure Time joined the project as Associated Partner. KPSCK – Klaipėdos miesto pedagogų švietimo ir kultūros centras /Teachers' Education and Culture Center of Klaipėda) joined the project as Associated Partner. Klaipeda Aukuras Gymnasium joined the project as Associated Partner.
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By Pat Stack A Christmas Tory The ghosts of Xmas past are haunting Pat Stack. The snow was falling on the ground. It lay all virgin and white. John looked at Norma's back, turned towards him in a hostile manner, colder than the ice forming on the windowpane. Where had it all gone wrong? What of those wonderful past Christmases, quietly sipping eggnog wrapped in Edwina's arms, he wearing only his big underpants, she wearing only a smile? Ah, how bright things had seemed back then. He was a rising star enjoying pet status under Maggie's firm leadership. That was, of course, before she went completely insane. Although it is easy with the benefit of hindsight to see that the marbles were already beginning to roll freely around the old girl's brain. Back then it seemed she was leading a project that would last forever. Two Christmases later and she was gone, the 'funny old world' had caught up with her, and thanks to a helpful spot of root canal he had emerged untainted by the treasonous plot to remove her. He was the proud prime minister, leader of the party he loved, a party that would surely rule for decades. Labour would soon chose the closet Bolshevik, Blair, as their leader. No way would he ever be PM. That first Christmas was tinged only with the sad knowledge that rising to the top had meant sacrificing Edwina. Small price to pay, however, compared to the new-found 'importance of being John'. Why, he'd even been invited to a Christmas party at Buckingham Palace, where only the most select of guests had been in attendance. Truly he'd made it if he was on the same guest list as Elton John, Billy Connolly and Michael Barrymore. How could he ever forget the fun of it all? He had witnessed the much misunderstood Princess Margaret and the much loved Queen Mother playing what they told him was 'the obsequious game'. Whenever anyone was obsequious to either of them they had to down a litre of champagne. As Norman St John Stevas and Trevor Macdonald were there, the royal pair were blotto within 20 minutes. If anyone failed to grovel sufficiently a servant was brought out and nailed to the wall. What fun! Princess Di was there being cuddled by a rather dashing young soldier, and fawned upon by a perfectly charming butler, who in turn was being fawned upon by Barrymore. However, the drink clearly got to her, and by the end of the night she was trying to impale herself on a corkscrew, while snarling at the perfectly charming Parker-Bowles woman. The Queen, after enquiring who he was, had actually said hello. Ah, surely life didn't get any better. It was this family and nights like these that made Britain great. Now, though, the family stood discredited. Firstly Charles and Di had split spectacularly, then she had died and it seemed the whole country had turned on the royals. His heart had been uplifted by their apparent recovery, the widescale mourning for the dear QM, the surprising success of the Jubilee. Yet now it had all gone pear-shaped again. That nice butler chap wouldn't do his duty and go to jail quietly. Instead he'd opened a can of the smelliest worms. Even worse for John, his tenure as PM had been marked by treachery and sleaze. The treachery of the bastards–Hague, Portillo, Lamont, and that bald quiet chap whose name escaped him, all plotting to bring him down. Then the sleaze merchants–Hamilton, Aitken, even as it subsequently turned out his good friend Jeffrey, all willing to prostitute the party he loved for a few filthy coins (well, notes actually). Not to mention the adulterers, bonkers, shaggers and buggerers, all sex mad, unable to control their libidos in the interest of the nation. Of course his affair with Edwina had been different–it was warm and squishy, and not sordid like theirs. Finally, he had to endure the worst ever election defeat of any Tory leader, and to that smarmy Blair of all people. As it turned out Blair wasn't a closet Bolshevik at all, rather a secret Tory with a clever eye for career advancement. How it had hurt him to watch the party he hated carry out the policies he loved, while the party he loved seemed to have no policies at all, except to elect bald men. First the arrogant halfwit Hague, and now this other strange man IVF (or whatever they called him), had led the party to the brink of extinction. 'Oh Edwina,' he thought, 'did I really give you up for this?' Worse still, Blair was now enjoying his own two favourite hobbies–eroding civil liberties, and kissing US presidents' bottoms as they went around killing people. How could it be that that awful man with the blind dog was locking up the spy Shayler, making foreigners learn English, and insisting that the first born male in every family be made to learn the art of boxing? These were his sort of things, Maggie's sort of things. He had hated watching Blair and Clinton, and was delighted when Bush was (sort of) elected. Surely Blair's phoney conservatism would break now? Surely he couldn't be anything but repulsed by Bush? Alas no, Blair had managed to grow so close to Bush that it was a wonder Häagen Dazs didn't do an ad featuring the pair. Truly this was depressing. There would surely be war, but he would get no glory or praise–his opinion wouldn't even be asked. Sadly he looked one last time at the present he'd found in his Christmas stocking, that self help book Norma had given him: 'How to Manage in Late Middle Age When Your Wife Leaves You'. Ah, even the Christmas stocking was mocking him. The politics of Tony Benn City academies: Barriers to learning The hero of New Orleans European Social Forum: A Forum for the Future
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Trashing the Islands The 10 Million Visitor Challenge By A. Kam Napier • Mar 22, 2019 Credit Cristo Vlahos / CC BY-SA 3.0 / Wikimedia Commons Ten million visitors a year may be a goal for some, but it's an overwhelming number for others. Hotel executive and tourism marketing experts sat down with Pacific Business News to talk about their current challenges and opportunities. The potential impacts of Hawaiʻi now receiving nearly 10 million visitors per year were top of mind for the tourism executives we met with. Frank Haas, travel marketing consultant and former executive with the Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority, points out that while the numbers can strain everything from roads to sewers overall, the biggest impacts are felt at specific visitor destinations. Haas, also on the board of Hawaiʻi Public Radio, cites Maunawili Falls and Diamond Head Crater of examples of places where the visitor numbers could overwhelm capacity. Says Haas, "At some point, those sites are overused and we have to think about how to manage them, whether it's controls and restrictions, or pricing, and we need to do that before it gets to be a crisis." We've seen examples of this locally already. Hanauma Bay is closed on Tuesdays. Haleakalā now limits sunrise access. It's a global problem, as a rising middle class flocks to famous sites. The Philippines and Thailand last year both had to close popular beaches entirely, if temporarily, to let them recover. Another thing the executives talk about managing differently is Hawaiʻi's visitor mix. In adjusted dollars, visitor spending now is about the same as it was in 1989, only it takes 3.5 million more visitors to get it. Kelly Hoen, with Outrigger Hospitality Group, says that weddings, conventions, corporate meetings and other events, all attract bigger spenders and should be courted. It's called channel shifting and hotels have executives devoted to it for their individual properties. The industry as whole, she says, needs to take that approach for Hawaiʻi. Pacific Business News Turtle Bay Farming Effort Gaining Traction Turtle Bay Resort It's been nearly a year and a half since a New York real estate investment firm reached a deal to buy the Turtle Bay resort. Several hundred acres adjacent to the resort have been preserved for farming—and progress is being made on that part of the project. Corporate Hawai'i: More Women on Board? By A. Kam Napier • Mar 8, 2019 ErgoSum88 / Creative Commons / Wikimedia Commons The presence of women on corporate boards has been gaining ground nationally in recent years. It's also growing in Hawai'i. But in both cases, their representation on the boards of publicly-held companies still remains relatively small. Slowing Economy for Hawai'i in 2019? A new report from the University of Hawai'i's Economic Research Organization looks at Hawaii's 2019 economic forecast. The report sees growth, but less of it.
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Commonwealth Bank has updated their mobile platform, with the iPhone, Android and Windows 7 Phone all getting updates to their native applications. CommBank has also released a new application specifically for the iPad. Their new iPhone app has plenty of upgraded features and offers an interactive tour for users if they wish to see the full functionality. CommBank have also integrated their Facebook and Twitter feeds directly into the app so you can keep updated with their social media accounts. Commonwealth Bank has also said they are readying themselves for NFC payments (Near field communication). This means you could turn your mobile phone into a credit card, so to speak (eg MasterCard PayPass – tap and go). It will be interested to see how CommBank progress their mobile platform to incorporate social commerce.
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Feedback is welcomed and testimonials will be treasured. Latest Entries to the Mentor Hall of Fame. Virtually anyone can benefit from having a mentor. And most well-known, accomplished and successful people can identify people in their lives who acted as mentors. The list of mentor pairs in the Mentor Hall of Fame was compiled by Rey Carr from a variety of sources including autobiographies, biographies, newspaper articles, personal interviews, and diligent historical research. Mentor pairs portrayed in fiction or movies are also included.
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Tag: solidarity The Dog With No Name July 18, 2020 Helen Devries58 Comments For those who are not old and sere, this is a Lancaster bomber, as used in World War II and in the foreground is the canine mascot of one of the squadrons – 617 – whose men flew them over Germany and occupied Europe. Casualties were high…nearly half in Bomber Command as a whole, just under thirty per cent of those who flew Lancasters. My mother, sent for a break from her job in London to the East Anglian countryside, watched in horror as an American bomber unit returned to base…the line of ambulances awaiting them, the broken bodies carried out on stretchers, the smell of blood…These men paid the price for the overthrow of a foul regime. I think that, now, we would class those airmen who took part in the bombing of Dresden, of Hamburg, as war criminals – all the more so those who engendered the project and gave the orders, but at the time, well, war was war, propaganda ruled – and the victor's justice of the Nuremburg Trials was yet to impose itself. It was a period when emotions were repressed…when one coped with what arrived on one's plate…and this was exaggerated among the fighting forces. As my father said after a rather nasty firefight…if you can't take a joke you shouldn't have joined. Not that there was much choice in the era of conscription. You were called up and you went where you were sent. There was comradeship, of course, though not a given….but an animal could permit the expression of emotion that was frowned on in human contact. I think all those who have served in the armed forces could give witness to the importance of a dog – for example – in giving an outlet to the human emotions. Just look at the lengths to which servicemen will go to bring home an animal with whom they have served. This dog gave those who served with his owner a great deal of comfort… He was their mascot…their good luck charm. 617 squadron, made up of British, Canadians, Americans, Australians and New Zealanders, was given the task of breaching the Mohne, Eder and Sorpe dams, which supplied water and power to the highly industrialised area of the Ruhr, using a special 'bouncing bomb' developed to address the topography of the dams. To accomodate the bomb, which hung in the bomb bay below the fuselage, much of the internal armour of the 'plane was removed. Two of the dams were breached, more than a thousand people were killed, including French, Belgan and Russian prisoners of war. By Protocol 1 to the Geneva convention, passed in 1977, such action is outlawed except in exceptional circumstances, which, by the speed of German recovery, would not have met the criteria – had they been in force at the time. Of the one hundred and thirty three aircrew involved, fifty three were killed. But one other met his death. The dog, the squadron mascot, was run over and killed just before the operation took place. His owner, the squadron commander, ordered that his pet should be buried as his aircraft started the attack, and used his name as the confirmation that the dams had been breached. The dog was buried as he had ordered…a tombstone was placed over his grave. And there he was laid in peace, though his owner died later in the war as a result of friendly fire and the world resumed its diurnal round. Except that now the dog has lost his name. The Royal Air Force has replaced the stone with another in which he is referred to simply as 'the dog'. Because he was known and loved by his name…..Nigger. And that might give offence in this era. What should give offence is the deliberate pauperisation of the less well off….the wilful starvation of the National Health Service…the ruin of state education, all of which affect the underprivileged, of whatever race or colour they be. Divide and rule has always been the measure adopted by the powerful….and it works! You can feel yourself to be LGBT, black, brown, muslim in the society of Great Britain or wherever else you be, all of which works to reinforce your disadvantage….but what the oligarchs fear is that you should feel solidarity…to work together to make your childrens' lives better. To live with the past, not try to relive it. To accept that a much loved dog had a name of its time and in its place and understand that the world has moved on and we need to fight today's battles – oligarchy, modern slavery, wars for control of a fossil fuel that nobody nowadays needs – without dividing ourselves at the behest of those who seek to keep us divided. Posted in discrimination, World War IITagged black lives matter, discrimination, history, Nigger the dog, solidarity 6th June 1944…D Day June 6, 2019 Helen Devries42 Comments Provisional cemetary, Omaha Beach 6yh June 1944 Seventy five years since the armada sailed from the ports of England to attempt to release Europe from the grip of the German Nazis… Seventy five years since the young men died on the beaches of Normandy, neither quietly, nor heroically…neither was it 'dulce et decorum es pro patria mori'. They were conscripts, not volunteers, sent on a gamble on the weather against troops well dug in on Rommel's Atlantic Wall British, American. Canadian, French and many more…they died in their multitudes attempting to get ashore to take the fight to the enemy. Think of them if you can…the men sent in by gliders who drowned in the marshes of the River Orne….the frightened boys plunging into the sea as the ramp of their landing craft crashed down…those killed in their droves on the beach as they sought to advance… Think too that it was not just one day…the campaign that was to free northern Europe was only just beginning and the fighting was to be hard, on the Eastern where the Russians had taken the brunt of the work so long as well as the Western front. You ask yourself how they coped…how they bore the hardship, let alone the fear…and I think the answer lies in the speech from a D Day veteran. 'We were there for each other'. If we carry any message from the ceremonies it should be this one, to try to heal our societies which seem so riven asunder. We seem to see ourselves as members of a group rather than members of a society…we are black, women, homosexual, transgender, Jewish, Muslim, Christian, atheist, young, old, disabled, rich, deprived – Leavers and Remainers in the case of Britain – and we defend our group's interests and demand its rights. I suggest that if we want to enhance the chances of our group we start by building a society where all can feel secure….decent housing which is genuinely affordable…jobs which offer a real living wage….education which encourages children to think for themselves and emphasises that vocational training carries an equivalent value to academic studies….a police force which concentrates on real crime and a justice system which works. All to easy to propose it…but how to achieve it? By being there for each other, by pushing our differences into the background to work together to break the party system, to have the confidence to elect people who are really independent – not self described community leaders – to local and central government and to realise that, despite the legacy of the Thatcher years, there is a vital role for the state, one that no private sector provider can supply. And perhaps, if we can start to see how destructive it is to see our group as in some way special…different…..we could start to see that every person is special and different and needs a safe society in which to be able to blossom to the benefit of all. Let's be there for each other…..but in peacetime, not just in war. Posted in UncategorizedTagged solidarity Rise Up Like a Lion Our house in San Jose was burgled in the early hours of Saturday morning. Our 99 year old neighbour telephoned us and then the police. She has a sense of priorities. The police in Costa Rica are not an homogeneous force….the grunts on the ground are the Fuerza Publica (the Public Force)…known to our friends as the Fuerza Floja (the Floppy Force) whose role is to arrive on the scene, and make an inspection. Normally they neither arrive nor make an inspection…there are exceptions of course, but generally they are useless. Reminds me of our local Gendarmerie in France where someone had hung a notice on the gate to their offices reading 'Do Not Disturb'. So the Fuerza Floja didn't come and didn't inspect. My husband answered the telephone and I saw a metamorphosis. He is a pensioner…has been ill for years…but he rose up like a lion. No, I was not to go…..it would upset me. He would deal with it. He is an old fashioned man – very protective. He called Danilo and they went to the house. The bars protecting the house had been sawn through – the burglars invisible from the street. Things thrown about, shit everywhere….the defilement of intrusion. While Danilo started on repairs, Leo got to work. He contacted the specialist police, the OIJ (like the CID), who were both efficient and sympathetic. Every line was followed up…fingerprints, DNA and the Muni's surveillance cameras which were, of course, not loaded. So much for our local taxes. He had the bars replaced and security lights and razor wire installed that very day. Expats, immigrants, call them what you will tend to moan that you can't get Costa Ricans to do anything in a hurry – but these chaps came out and set to work at once. Perhaps it helps that they too use the local taxi drivers' caff where we go for lunch. The lady serving at the caff offered to clean the house and came round when she had finished work. For added security she offered the services of one of her sons as night watchman complete with machete and two pit bulls. I've met his dogs – nice animals unless startled, at which point you need to make a getaway at the speed of light if you don't want your trousers shredded in unusual places. He obtained estimates for the major repairs which will be carried out on Monday. Flushed with his success he stopped off at the market and arrived home laden with vegetables, cheese and bacon, calling for beer. He was a new man – or more accurately, the man he was before illness struck him. Smiling, happy, confident. Yes, the burglary was a nuisance…but not the end of the world. Nothing he couldn't deal with. Leo may not have eaten of the prey and drunk the blood of the slain (Numbers 23:24), much though he would have wished to do so – but I am so proud of him. Posted in Costa Rica, crime, policeTagged burglary, crime in Costa Rica, solidarity, specialist police, surveillance cameras
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
ABOUT CLAC CLAC Clac Clac—confidence, colour, joy and simple, effortless style. Clac Clac—the sound of heels boldly striking pavement, clock hands ticking forwards and pleasantly weighted jewellery clicking as it slides down a wrist. Clac Clac—the place of artist Anna Winterton's summer holidays. A place of golden light, warm air, beloved matriarchs and nostalgia. Former aviation pilot Anna Winterton is the designer, artist and founder of Clac Clac Design. Clac Clac Design was born out of an ongoing thread - freedom. Freedom with a deep but simple sense of contentment. It began from the place of her childhood summer holidays at Clac Clac, and continued through her flying career when she had the privilege of flying extensively over the Australian outback and coastline. Clay now brings that same happiness and freedom through creating and telling stories using clay as her canvas. Anna's designs are led by stories. Stories and an endless spinning colour wheel with the contrasting colours of Australia embedded in her mind. After 20 years of flying, many of them low-level, nature has shown that strong contrasting colours do go together. Dirty mangrove green next to a swirling blend of white sand and iridescent blue water with a splash of red pindan dirt or pink salt crust - they coexist beautifully. From a designer's point of view Polymer Clay has the qualities of being resistant, flexible and lightweight. Most importantly, the pigments are pure and mix like paint allowing Anna to use techniques and vibrant colours to bring her stories to life. Her designs come together in a blend of bold colour, striking shapes and contemporary design to create original jewellery, statement earrings and decorative pieces that transform and elevate any outfit, mood or space. Each piece is individually rolled, shaped, cut and finished by hand, making them completely unique, bringing a pop of colour and a splash of style to your everyday. " I might have a colour. I have an idea. It unfolds as I'm working with the clay but can take on a different direction from the initial idea. When I get to the studio it'll take on its own life. Stories and memories of travel and colour emerge." Anna Anna's mission is to bring her story to life and into wearable stories. Everyone has a story to tell, this is how she shares hers. Stories of our travels and shared experiences are how we connect. She is passionate to help women wield that strong sense of self, women deserve to be recognised and have the freedom to continue to enjoy life with gusto. We're all in this together! Anna works from her open studio/retail space within Big Boom Gallery, a vibrant and active contemporary art and design hub linked to Boom Gallery in Geelong, Victoria. Presenting the work of emerging and established artists, designers and makers - Boom is a unique and welcoming space.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Garfield :: I love it when the good humor man comes. DING DING - I love it when I get a popsicle. - I hate it when my lips stick to the *@!! popsicle. I love it when the good humor man comes. DING DING - I love it when I get a popsicle. - I hate it when my lips stick to the *@!! popsicle.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
"Kitten Season" is coming & we want our Staff & Volunteers to be prepared. Please join us for a FREE one day seminar featuring instructors from The National Kitten Coalition. They will share knowledge & tools to give high quality, cost-effective care to pregnant cats, mama cats and their newborn kittens. Instructors will cover topics including pregnant cats, labor & delivery, nursing, bottle feeding, socializing, weaning, parasites, sickness and so much more! Coffee & Donuts will be provided in the morning and Lunch will be provided for all full day participants. Please bring a friend! Come celebrate Babe & Myrtle's, Crow Farm's Labrador Retrievers, birthday with us! Enjoy a wine tasting & samples of Crow Angus beef and donate to a great cause, The Humane Society of Kent County. Kent County High School, 25301 Lambs Meadow Rd. Join us for the 4th Annual Trojan Trample 5K Run/Walk & the new Trojan Trackster 1/4 mile run for kids 10-under on Saturday, March 18, 2017 at 4pm. The events are hosted by the KCHS PTSA and the KCHS Athletic Booster Club. Prizes will be awarded to the overall male/female winner and the top 3 in each age group category for the 5K. Ribbons, a free hot dog courtesy of the Galena Lions Club and a special treat from Kilby Cream will be awarded to all pre-registered Trojan Trackster's. Long sleeve shirts will be available for the first 100 registered runners. NO RACE DAY SHIRTS!!!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Hike Messenger Crosses 100 Million Users And Is Logging 40 Billion Messages Per Month Hike Messenger has announced that the platform has crossed the 100 million user mark after crossing 70 million users in October 2015. The company claims that Hike is now logging a monthly messaging volume of 40 billion messages, having doubled on messaging in a span of 5 months and the users are spending over 120 minutes per week on Hike. Apart from messaging, Hike users are viewing 11.2 News stories on average per user per day; and since the launch of Hike Direct in October 2015, have transferred close to 10 million files totaling to more than 200 Terabytes of data till date without the internet. Kavin Bharti Mittal, CEO & Founder, Hike Messenger,said, "We're off to a great start in 2016. Crossing 100 million users is a big milestone for us and we have achieved this well ahead of our expectations. Hikers aren't only messaging and calling on Hike, they're also reading News on Hike in Hindi and English, viewing live Cricket scores, getting inspired on Hike Daily, transferring huge files without internet on Hike Direct and so on. Hike has emerged as a true platform over the last year and in 2016 we're going to double down." 90% of Hike users are under the age of 30 and 90% of them are based in India. Hike has a localized strategy for the country and continues to reach this young user base. How many of these users are active users 😛 ? Hike has got so many users in India but not sure how many of them are really using it in comparison with Whatsapp….
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: Wrap is not working in listview.builder flutter I want to achieve a layout of item chips(newest,most popular) like pic1 but what i can achieved is this in picture 2 i have searched many example but i don't get it where i did wrong in using WRAP.I tried to wrap the whole listview but not working. here is my code Container( height: SizeConfig.screenHeight / 2, child: ListView.builder( shrinkWrap: true, itemCount: _selectKeywords.length, itemBuilder: (context, index) { return Wrap( children: <Widget>[ Chip( label: Text( _selectKeywords[index], ), onDeleted: () { setState(() { _selectKeywords.removeAt(index); }); }, ), ], ); }), ), A: You don't need to use a ListView.builder here, but you may want to try to use a List.generate like so: Wrap( spacing: 5, children: List.generate( 10, (index) { return Chip( label: Text(_selectKeywords[index]), onDeleted: () { setState(() { _selectKeywords.removeAt(index); }); }, ); }, ), );
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Elephone P8 MAX Review: Elegance with Elevated Battery Life! Elephone S9 Review: Bezel-less Smartphone with Android Oreo OS! ELEPHONE– HOW MANY SMARTPHONES ARE ROLLING OUT THIS YEAR? Elephone P25 model name changed to Elephone P8!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
833-RED-IRON Steel Building Guide Shops & Garages DIY Pole Barn Buildings Metal Building Homes Retail & Office Buildings Aircraft Hangers Metal Building Specials Get a Quote Call 1-833-RED-IRON Atlanta receives LEED certification, the 100th LEED City and Community Posted by: Alan Hageman During the annual Greenbuild International Conference and Expo in Atlanta, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) announced that more than 100 cities and communities have now achieved LEED certification. The City of Atlanta, this year's Greenbuild host city, marked the 100th certification. USGBC launched LEED for Cities and Communities in 2016 as a globally consistent framework for measuring and tracking sustainability at the city and community scale. The rating system tracks progress across key performance indicators, including energy, waste, water, transportation, resilience, health and equity. Atlanta's Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms and USGBC's president and CEO Mahesh Ramanujam announced the city's certification and work during the conference's keynote. "We have been envisioning a new way forward for the growth of resilient, green, inclusive and smart cities and communities and believe that by focusing on performance we can better understand how our decisions impact the planet and our quality of life," said Ramanujam. "Celebrating this milestone with the City of Atlanta here at Greenbuild is a tremendous honor. Atlanta's work is an inspiration and shows how sustainability can be a tool for addressing some of the challenges residents are facing, while also helping to reduce carbon, energy and waste, and conserve water. Atlanta and the more than 100 other LEED-certified cities and communities help open the door for new businesses and stimulates a robust green, economy." Atlanta's Resilience Strategy was a central tenant contributing to its certification and builds on both the challenges and opportunities the city faces. By making resilience a key part of its sustainability strategy, the city is focused on efforts that support residents and address some of the region's more pressing issues. Initiatives include the Atlanta Resilience Equity and Design Collective (RED Lab) partnership with Georgia Tech to help residents use data and technology to solve community issues that contribute to or detract from the livability of their neighborhoods. The EV Rideshare Program provides transportation services to those with low mobility access, including previously incarcerated individuals. Additionally, the city's Clean Energy Plan is intended to move Atlanta to 100 percent clean energy by prioritizing equity and affordable clean energy options. The city has also made strides in reducing energy consumption in buildings through the Atlanta Better Buildings Challenge and reached its 2020 goal of 20 percent reduction ahead of schedule. The LEED for Cities and Communities rating system is a roadmap for helping leaders measure their impact, improve sustainability and develop plans for green energy, water, waste, transportation and other factors contributing to quality of life. LEED cities and communities are laboratories of innovation and help demonstrate how sustainability can also be a tool for social problem solving. More than 100 LEED-certified cities and communities represent more than 46 million people around the world. The growth of LEED for Cities and Communities is supported through partners like Bank of America Charitable Foundation, which provided $750,000 in grants to support more than 20 U.S. cities and counties pursuing certification, including Atlanta. Encore Steel Buildings specializes in customizable prefabricated steel building kits for commercial, agricultural, industrial, or residential use. These are pre-engineered metal buildings of the highest quality, backed by industry-leading warranties. Encore Steel About Encore Steel Steel Building Projects Metal Building Kits in Arkansas Metal Building Kits in Mississippi Metal building kits customized to your requirements and shipped to your location in Texas. Contact Encore Steel 7101 W 12th St, Suite 403 Little Rock, AR 72204, 8830 Centre Street Suite 2 Southaven MS 38671 833-733-4766 / 833-RED-IRON Copyright © 2015 -2020 Web Development by Rock Two Associates
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
I dont' read the bible and He never said those words. Just because it's in a book, does not make it true. Why would He lay down His life knowing that harming the soul, even our own, is not what God wants from us. We can protect ourselves and others from harm but when we knowingly harm our soul, no matter what reason, even to die for another, it is not in line with the law of Love. Would you die in place of another if it meant losing your own soul. I think not. The soul is precious. The most precious substance in the universe and when harm comes to it, we pay the penalty and will need to forgive ourselves and another. You disagree with all the great religions of the world, then, which teach the essential importance of self-sacrifice? I believe He said it, regardless of where I got the info. The soul in its present state is enmity with God (carnal mind, emotions). If it's not disciplined back into a state of submission to the spirit, then we remain reprobate. That's what we know as conversion. The soul can become Divine while on earth. Jesus taught that and He was the first to do so. As we acquire more of God's Divine Love, our soul change from the natural man to a Divine being. We don't have to remain in the state that we were born with. In my own experience of acquiring this Love, I can attest that It has changed my own soul. I was in a pretty bad state when I first started praying for it and now, even after so little time (10 years) I have noticed, as well as others, that my thoughts and actions have changed. Divine Love is what did it and no belief in anything could have done that. As Jesus taught, we can all become as He was while on earth and we don't have to wait until the spirit world to do it. YES!!!!!!!!!!!! He IS right here beside me just as He promised. no He is not-yet at the same time He is-He is there in your heart,but you cant see Him-you cant touch Him or hear His voice or speak His language,in other words although God exists inside the soul of everyliving entity that dosent mean that every living entity is contact with this energy-God exists inside this energy-but He also Has His personal form's aswell-this type of realization is the hardest to accheive-so when you say God is sitting there beside you telling you that everyone is goin to hell-thats just what you beleive and does not mean that it is truth- just because you think you know God dosent actually mean its true,infact your whole eternal hell beleif states that you still beleive in illusion and a complete lie about God-i think you should learn from your fellow christians( especielly the ones who have sussed this out)and learn the truth about the lie and stop putting God's good charachter down!!!! I apply quite a bit of what you're saying, with a few exceptions. The spirit of man is quickened when the life giving Spirit enters in, and the soul is punished (this is the war Christians face as the lusts of the flesh war against the call of holiness) - or what we know as "crucifying the flesh". After conversion, the spirit of man eventually returns (if the cross is applied) to its rightful place as leader of that man, because it knows to lean on the Spirit of God; the soul does not, and is hell bent to serve itself. I believe what He said in Hebrews 13:5 "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." And yes I can hear Him, His spirit speaks to mine, I have relationship with Him, I know Him and He knows me. Eternal hell is taught in the Bible which you do not believe in. ILNC, He won't forsake anyone. Actually the book of Hebrews is written to believers. Jesus was the first and the last who could do so! I know your OP is not out of malice, rather...the intent to share your view, but as June would say...please take gentle spiritual care! The Serpent's appeal was/is PRIDE...satan whisssspers..YOU ARE A GOD!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Martin and Alex from Real Estate We've been following the decade long career of Real Estate since the beginning. Now in their tenth year, they recently released their fifth album The Main Thing. The album comes at a time when the band previously in personnel flux has solidified their line-up and are set for a new beginning of sorts. It's always hard, as a band, to figure out where they want to go sonically as they mature as an act, if the circumstances afford them that opportunity. The Main Thing while still rooted in poppy hooks, vocal harmonies and solid songwriting does denote a new kind of sound for the band. So we caught up with Martin Courtney and Alex Bleeker of Real Estate to talk about the new album, a few interesting projects and a whole lot more. Stick around for the whole show and hear two great solo performances of Jerry Garcia/Robert Hunter tunes as Martin Courtney tackles Stella Blue and Alex Bleeker handles Dupree's Diamond Blues, performances taken from a special Live from Out There tribute to Garcia and Hunter. First Song: 00:54: Paper Cup Extro Song: 52:16 - Also a But Bonus Song 1: 57:30 - Stella Blue Bonus Song 2: 1:03:09 - Dupree's Diamond Blues
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Share corporate comms news and resources effectively with Igloo software Tanya Lewis www.igloosoftware.com Igloo software enables clients to build and run intranets and external communities. The software is served via a Web browser so it's accessible on mobile devices. The platform integrates with other tools, including SharePoint and Salesforce. Intranet features include public and private team spaces, file sharing, document storage, activity streams, unlimited blogs, microblogs, forums, calendars and wikis, task management, member directories, and profiles. Intranet users can follow, like, and share content, people, or pages. External community features include built-in social tools, engagement analytics, and more. Igloo also offers custom design, architecture, implementation, and training services. With an annual contract, the intranet product starts at $132 per month for 11 users. Each additional user is $12 per month. The external community product is $3 per person per month. Enterprise pricing is available for both products. Custom services start at $5,000 for up to 25 hours of work. Danielle DeForge, director of corporate communications director for inVentiv Health, has been using Igloo for about a year and half. InFuse, which is our intranet, is powered by Igloo. When you buy the software, you get strategic support from the team. We started from scratch and Igloo helped us create and launch inFuse. Because it's cloud-based, customizable software we're able to run the day-to-day operations ourselves. This is important for us, as we are communicators – not the IT team. Every day we log on to the backend of the software to upload new content, such as graphics, photos, or videos, look at analytics, update the system with new employees, and push out training materials. It's very user friendly – the platform feels familiar because it's modeled on popular social channels such as Facebook. We give employees about 45 minutes of training on how to operate the platform, and then they are off building and updating pages on the intranet on their own. When we built the intranet, the Igloo team armed us with troubleshooting skills. If there's a major problem – which there hasn't been so far – we have a 24-hour dedicated support team we can call or email for help. How does it serve your business needs? We use inFuse every day to share corporate communications content with our employees. Our staffers play a role in it as well because they manage most pages within the intranet. For example, different pages within inFuse represent different specialties and departments within inVentiv. Because the platform is so user friendly, we've been able to empower our employees to own those pages so it's not just our corporate communications team making all the updates. Because Igloo is scalable, we were able to quickly launch an intranet. Of course, it's ever changing, but it's easy for us to maintain and update. InFuse has become a global town hall for us. Because it is cloud-based and has multiple language capabilities, it is the first place where all of our 12,000 global employees come together on a regular basis. In the past, operating an intranet could be technical, so employees didn't have a share of voice. Because Igloo's software is easy to use, we're able to give them a voice in the community and a sense of shared purpose and goals. It has helped create a sense of unity and strengthened our corporate culture. It's also facilitating collaboration and knowledge sharing across our commercial and clinical businesses. For example, Igloo allows us to bring together employees from clinical and commercial divisions who work on oncology to share their knowledge to benefit clients. It has also improved productivity. Our company is made up of many businesses, and Igloo has provided a common space to share resources, such as templates and presentations, which were previously siloed. Now they're all in one location so employees can more quickly find what they need, and they can also access tools they previously might not have known existed because they were saved somewhere else. How does it integrate with your existing infrastructure from an IT standpoint? It is cloud-based software. Where possible, we try to integrate it with IT applications being used at the employee level. What are the main benefits? It's user friendly and scalable, which is great because employee bases change over time. We can easily add more people to the system as necessary. It's customizable, which was really important to us. It also has a strong general structure, which allowed us to launch it quickly. Having access to Igloo's strategists has helped us build a successful intranet. Finally, it also has multi-lingual capabilities so all of our employees worldwide can use it. What are the main drawbacks? In order for larger companies to create a successful intranet, it's important to spend the time to customize it to meet your business needs. This isn't a drawback to the software – it's just something to be aware of. What would you like to see improved/added? We would like to see easier integration with various productivity apps that our employees are already using on a daily basis, such as Dropbox or Salesforce, so they can seamlessly stay within the intranet platform and still access these other tools they use to do their job. Microsoft SharePoint: A platform for various programs, including team sites; apps; work, content, and record management; and more. Jive: Provides enterprise social platforms for internal and external communities. Marketing Game Plans You Can Rely On Steuben refreshes brand to chase younger consumers Client: Steuben Glass Agency: Marketsmith Objective: Revive brand image and redesign multichannel marketing elements to attract a younger… Q&A: Michael Griffith, director of creative& strategy, Bottle Rocket Apps Michael Griffith, director of creative and strategy at Bottle Rocket Apps in Dallas, on app strategy and the… Allison Schiff ClickForensics: Botnet click fraud rose 10% in the third quarter Pay-per-click traffic quality management and click fraud prevention service provider ClickForensics today released its third quarter industry average… Mary Hurn
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: cKDTree vs dsearchn I have two arrays (A,B) containing: ID, x, y, z of the same number of points but slightly differents. I would like to have an array in where each row has the ID x y z of the two nearest points of the two arrays. At the moment I have this: import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import cKDTree A = np.loadtxt('A.txt') B = np.loadtxt('B.txt') tree = cKDTree( B[:,[1,2,3]] ) d, inds = tree.query( A[:,[1,2,3]], k=1, p=np.inf, eps=0.0) A_new = A[inds] xyz_near = np.hstack(( B[:,0:4], A_new[:,0:4] )) But the array xyz_near does not contain the right couple (IDB xB yB zB DIA xA yA zA): 12587 18.0445 0.0784 -7.4705 3422 18.0444 0.0403 -7.4639 12588 18.0447 0.0783 -7.2231 3421 18.0446 0.0402 -7.2164 12589 18.0450 0.0781 -6.9756 7764 18.0461 0.0400 -5.9785 12590 18.0452 0.0779 -6.7281 7765 18.0464 0.0399 -5.7310 12591 18.0454 0.0777 -6.4805 7766 18.0467 0.0399 -5.4835 12592 18.0457 0.0775 -6.2329 7767 18.0470 0.0398 -5.2359 12593 18.0459 0.0773 -5.9852 7768 18.0473 0.0398 -4.9884 As you can see the first two rows are right but not the next. If I do the same thing in matlab with dsearchn (IDB xB yB zB DIA xA yA zA): 12587 18.0445 0.0784 -7.4705 3422 18.0444 0.0403 -7.4639 12588 18.0447 0.0783 -7.2231 3421 18.0446 0.0402 -7.2164 12589 18.0450 0.0781 -6.9756 3420 18.0448 0.0402 -6.9688 12590 18.0452 0.0779 -6.7281 3419 18.0450 0.0401 -6.7212 12591 18.0454 0.0777 -6.4805 3418 18.0453 0.0401 -6.4737 12592 18.0457 0.0775 -6.2329 3417 18.0455 0.0400 -6.2261 12593 18.0459 0.0773 -5.9852 3416 18.0458 0.0400 -5.9785 that is right. I have tried to change p to 1, 2 and np.inf but this gives the same result. Files: A.txt: http://pasted.co/8c5b6156 B.txt: http://pasted.co/28a228e6 Thanks UPDATE: Even with the fix suggested by ergo_ I got: 12587 18.0445 0.0784 -7.4705 7758 18.0448 0.0403 -7.4639 12587 18.0445 0.0784 -7.4705 3422 18.0444 0.0403 -7.4639 12588 18.0447 0.0783 -7.2231 3421 18.0446 0.0402 -7.2164 12588 18.0447 0.0783 -7.2231 7759 18.0450 0.0402 -7.2163 12589 18.0450 0.0781 -6.9756 7760 18.0452 0.0402 -6.9688 12589 18.0450 0.0781 -6.9756 3420 18.0448 0.0402 -6.9688 12590 18.0452 0.0779 -6.7281 3419 18.0450 0.0401 -6.7212 12590 18.0452 0.0779 -6.7281 7761 18.0454 0.0401 -6.7212 12591 18.0454 0.0777 -6.4805 7762 18.0456 0.0401 -6.4736 12591 18.0454 0.0777 -6.4805 3418 18.0453 0.0401 -6.4737 So it considers multiple times the same points. A: You can verify cKDTree gives the correct results. Here, for the question "for each point in A, which point in B is the closest": import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import cKDTree A = np.loadtxt('A.txt') B = np.loadtxt('B.txt') tree = cKDTree( B[:,[1,2,3]] ) d, inds = tree.query( A[:,[1,2,3]], k=1, p=2) B_new = B[inds] xyz_near = np.hstack(( B_new[:,0:4], A[:,0:4] )) for j, a in enumerate(A): # compute 2-norms from each point in B to a dd = np.sqrt(((a[1:] - B[:,1:])**2).sum(axis=1)) # find closest point jx = np.argmin(dd) # check solution assert inds[j] == jx assert np.allclose(d[j], dd.min()) # check it is unique assert (dd[jx+1:] > d[j]).all() assert (dd[:jx] > d[j]).all() print("All OK") The solution is also unique, as shown above. If on the other hand you want 1-to-1 mapping, which is a different question, that is given in finding nearest items across two lists/arrays in Python However, I do not think dsearchn gives you this answer. A: Using dsearchn of Octave or Matlab without triangulation could be lead into this lines of numpy / python code: def dsearchn(x,y): """ Implement Octave / Matlab dsearchn without triangulation :param x: Search Points in :param y: Were points are stored :return: indices of points of x which have minimal distance to points of y """ IDX = [] for line in range(y.shape[0]): distances = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(x - y[line, :], 2), axis=1)) found_min_dist_ind = (np.min(distances, axis=0) == distances) length = found_min_dist_ind.shape[0] IDX.append(np.array(range(length))[found_min_dist_ind][0]) return np.array(IDX) A: Try this code. It produces the same result as the MATLAB method "dsearchn(P,T,PQ)" with triangulation. # xy=[[x1,y1]...[xm,ym]] # XY=[[X1,Y1]...[Xm,Ym]] tree = cKDTree(xy[:, 1:]) dd, ii = tree.query(XY, k=2, p=2, eps=0.0) Z = [] for i in range(len(dd)): min_dd = min(dd[i]) min_dd_idx = np.where(dd[i] == min_dd)[0] if len(min_dd_idx) > 1: sorted_ii = np.sort(ii[i][min_dd_idx]) Z.append(sorted_ii[len(min_dd_idx) - 1]) else: Z.append(ii[i][0])
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Footage emerges of F-35 crash as Britain races Russia to find it in the sea November 29, 2021 November 29, 2021 Michael Swaney Update: New footage has emerged of the moment a British F-35 fighter jet crashed into the Mediterranean while taking off from HMS Queen Elizabeth. The United Kingdom's royal navy submarines are racing against time to recover a £100 million jet with "top-secret" stealth technology that crashed into the Mediterranean on Wednesday morning, reported Daily Mail. The UK submarines are scrambling to recover the next-generation F35 jet from the bottom of the sea before Russia could find it, the report said. Britain's ministry of defence earlier said that the jet crashed in an undisclosed location in the Mediterranean Sea, with the pilot safely ejecting and returning to the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth. Without providing further details, the ministry said that an official probe was launched into the incident. "A British F35 pilot from HMS Queen Elizabeth ejected during routine flying operations in the Mediterranean this morning," a spokesperson for the defence ministry said. "The pilot has been safely returned to the ship and an investigation has begun, so it would be inappropriate to comment further at this time." The report suggests that the operation involving divers and miniature submarines to recover the jet in shrouded in secrecy as the radar of F35s is hugely sensitive which allows the jet to fly "unseen" in hostile territory and could be valuable for Russia. The multi-role fighter is capable of evading the enemy by flying undetected and entering contested airspace. It can provide close air support, carry out intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance missions due to its advanced electronic warfare system. The stealth jets also serve as an information and communications gateway, sharing their operational picture with the ground, sea and air assets, according to Lockheed Martin. The F35s, onboard the 3 billion-pound HMS Queen Elizabeth, previously participated in strikes against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria, according to news agencies. Well thank God he is still with us! That's all I can say. pic.twitter.com/YtL6f0BFAm — Seb H (@sebh1981) November 29, 2021 (c)2021 the Hindustan Times (New Delhi) Visit the Hindustan Times (New Delhi) at www.hindustantimes.com Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC. Civil Engineer Center guilds beddown effort for B-21 Raider Stealth Bomber 'Coalition Virtual Flag' Air Force hosts premier virtual air combat exercise
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Tunisia begins deployment of charging stations for EVs jonathanaguji Wednesday, January 27, 2021 renewable energy For Tunisia, the introduction of the electric vehicle is one of the structuring projects for the implementation of its international commitments, including the Paris climate agreement. The country's ambition is to increase to 50,000 electric cars by 2025. Tunisia continues its efforts to promote electric mobility. On Saturday (January 23rd), a memorandum of understanding was signed in Tunis between the National Oil Distribution Corporation (AGIL) and the Tunisian Electricity and Gas Corporation (STEG) for the installation of electric car charging stations. Under the memorandum, which is part of a pilot project, the two state-owned enterprises will work to establish the necessary infrastructure for charging electric cars at petrol stations, under THE jurisdiction of AGIL. For this pilot phase, the project integrates 10 AGIL service stations, 6 of which are located in the 6 largest governorates such as Tunis, Sousse and Sfax. The other 4 stations that will be equipped are on the highways. "These terminals can guarantee up to 300 kilometres of range with only 20 minutes of charging," said Nabil Smida (pictured), CEO of AGIL. In 2018, a taskforce has been created to work on the initiative. Led by the National Agency for Energy Control (ANME), it has set up an ambitious project that aims to introduce 70,000 vehicles (about 10% of new registrations) over the period 2019-2025, i.e. 50,000 electric vehicles and 20,000 hybrid vehicles. It should be noted that the project is in line with Tunisia's national strategy to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels while developing national expertise in the control of clean energy. In accordance with the Paris climate agreement (2016), Tunisia has committed to reducing its greenhouse gas emissions, with plans to reduce its carbon intensity to 41% by 2030 compared to 2010. Source: Agence Ecofin By jonathanaguji at Wednesday, January 27, 2021 Tags renewable energy
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
XZM Ultrafine Mill. Type: . B Series VSI Crusher. Ball Mill. XZM Ultrafine Mill. LM Vertical Grinding Mill. LUM Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill. MTW Trapezium Mill. SCM Ultrafine Mill, Jaw Crusher Machine, VSI Sand . GBM SCM ultrafine mill with particular emphasis on improving the design of consumables abrasion resistance than impact crusher . SCM ultrafine mill . roller . Lum Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill Scm Ultrafine Mill Vsi . Lum Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill Scm Ultrafine Mill Vsi Crusher. . VSI Crushe Vertical Roller Mill 3d Crusher Mills, Cone . Vertical Roller Mill. Get Ultrafine mill, Ultrafine Roller Mill . B Series Deep Rotor Vertical Shaft Impact Crusher; B Series VSI . Zenith XZM Series Ultrafine Mill is widely used for . Hammer Crusher Scm Ultrafine Mill Bwz . PEW Jaw Crusher. LUM Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill a new . Hst Cone Crusher T130x Reinforced Ultrafine Mill Vsi Crusher. SCM series ultrafine mill is specially designed for . SBM SCM ultrafine mill is widely used to process various . Grinding rill and roller path number (pcs . Dec 03, 2013 · SCM Ultrafine Mill Overview : crusher.chinashibang . SCM Super-micro mill is mainly used to . LUM Series Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill . Vertical Roller Mill. . SCM series ultrafine grinding mill is SBM design and development a ultra fine . SCM ultrafine mills are widely used in all walks . PY Cone Crusher Raymond Mill SCM Ultrafine Mill VSI Crusher VSI5X Crusher Wharf Belt Conveyor We have crusher mills, . Lum Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill Scm . The vertical drive motor of LUM Ultrafine . How to solve the problem of high temperature of cement vertical roller mill. Cement ultra-fine . CRUSHER MACHINE. VSI . Vsi Crusher Scm Ultrafine Mill . Hydrocyclone Vsi5x Crusher. LUM Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill for . Ball Mills Ppt; Tfajla Mill Isba Mill Isba . . (the latest vertical shaft impact crusher improved from VSI crusher) . LUM Series Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill adopts GME abundant . SCM Ultrafine Mill . . high pressure hanging vertical roller mill . SCM Grinding Roller Mill,talc grinding roller mill . Raymond Mill . there are ball mill, ultrafine mill, . ultrafine coal mill pdf . Vsi Crusher; . Bowl Coal Mill Working System Animation Pdf- ZZMINE mining . LUM Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill; . SCM series ultrafine mill is specially designed for super fine . VSI Crusher; VSI5X Crusher . LM Vertical Grinding Mills; LUM Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill; MTM . . LUM Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill; . SCM . Grinders To Get Ultra Fine Powders | Crusher Mills, . SCM Thin . VSI Crusher VSI5X Crusher SCM Ultrafine Mill . Ykn Vibrating Screen Lum Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill . SCM Ultrafine MillSBM Crushers, Grinding Mill, Crusher PY Cone Crusher VSI Crusher VSI5X Crusher Mill Raymond Mill LUM Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill Machine YKN . Vsi5x Crusher Scm Ultrafine Mill . Lum Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill Vsi Crusher . LM Vertical Grinding Mills; LUM Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill . T130x Reinforced Ultrafine Mill Lm Vertical Grinding Mills . VSI Crusher. FEATURED Ball Mill LM Vertical Grinding Mills LUM Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill T130X . LM Vertical Grinding Mills SCM Ultrafine Mill Spiral . Vertical Roller Mill Overview. . LUM Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill Model : LUM1125: . B Series VSI Crusher; Grinding equipment. . PY Cone Crusher VSI Crusher VSI5X . Machine SCM Ultrafine Mill Ball Mill T130X Reinforced Ultrafine Mill Raymond Mill LUM Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill . PY Cone Crusher Raymond Mill SCM Ultrafine Mill VSI Crusher . LUM Ultrafine Vertical Roller Mill,Crusher . Get Price On Line » Ultra Fine Mill | Crusher Mills, .
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
OPINION | One Nation, One Election: Is Holding Simultaneous Polls Feasible in India? Nyay-like schemes are not just an economic evil, they are also morally degrading. They make serfs out of free individuals, making them perpetually look askance at the gigantic feudal lord called the Indian state. Politicians and salon socialists who devise such programmes don't treat the poor as self-respecting human beings capable of surviving and thriving on their own. The Nyuntam Aay Yojana (Nyay) that the Congress has promised will further exacerbate competitive populism in the election season. And, if implemented, it will be fiscally deleterious, economically ruinous and morally reprehensible. By way of this minimum income guarantee scheme, the grand old party has pledged that, if elected to power, it would ensure an income of Rs 72,000 per annum to the poorest families. Party president Rahul Gandhi said this while addressing the media after the Congress Working Committee meeting in New Delhi on Monday. Nyay is supposed to reach the 20% of the poorest families. In absolute numbers, it is expected to help five crore households or about 25 crore people, he said. The minimum income threshold is Rs 12,000, so any family earning less than this will be paid by the government, Gandhi said. Therefore, if a family could make just, say Rs 6,000 a month, the shortfall of Rs 6,000 will be credited to its account by direct cash transfer. "We have taken into account the fiscal repercussions," he said. It is "an extremely powerful, dynamic idea," Gandhi said. Unfortunately, all bad ideas almost always appear extremely powerful and dynamic in the beginning. Fascism and Nazism were like that, leading to the Second World War and the unspeakable crimes against humanity. Ditto with socialism and communism, again with calamitous consequences — over 100 million people dead in Russia, China, and other countries. Good ideas may or may not be implemented, but bad ideas, once articulated, are almost invariably put into action — at least in our country. It all started with former chief economic adviser Arvind Subramanian mooting a universal basic income (UBI) in Economic Survey 2016-17. Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao executed it in an altered form, which is said to have yielded rich dividends in in the last Assembly elections. The PM-Kisan, which was announced in this year's interim Budget, is also a kind of UBI. Gandhi has claimed that his party has consulted economists on Nyay. Going by the past experience, the party must have been in touch with socialist experts, like Jean Dreze, under whose tutelage the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) practically stalled economic reforms — which couldn't be started even after five years of its exit. Nyay will obviously be funded by the public exchequer. But the fiscal situation is already tight. The fiscal deficit target for 2018-19 breached by 10 basis points — 3.4% of GDP, against the 3.3% budgeted. For FY20 too, there is a pause on fiscal consolidation. Another revenue-guzzling populist scheme will surely make the matters worse. It needs to be mentioned here that Nyay, if implemented, would not just be a drain on the exchequer but also harmful for the economy in general. When government remains focused on distribution of wealth, which all poverty eradication programmes do, emphasis on wealth creation goes down. Worse, the people who gain ascendance — people like Dreze — in such an ecosystem are mostly those who have a pathological hatred for wealth creation. It has happened in the past. In the late 1960s and early 1970s when Prime Minister Indira Gandhi relied on leftists, the results were bank and insurance nationalisation, 98% personal income tax, stringent regulations, arrested growth and development, monumental corruption and perpetuation of poverty. Exactly the opposite of her 1971 election slogan, 'garibi hatao'. The UPA rule during 10 years (2004-14) was, in a way, 1970s' redux. The consequences were again unpleasant for the bottom of the pyramid. Contrast this with five years under Atal Bihari Vajpayee (1999-2004), when as many as six crore jobs were created with an average growth rate of 5.7%. On the other hand, during 2004-14, job generation was in the region of 1.5 crore, despite the fact that the average growth rate was above 7.5% under Manmohan Singh. These, by the way, are the numbers given by the Planning Commission under the UPA. Under Prime Minister Narendra Modi, with emphasis on populism and no reforms, employment generation seems to have halted. In the ultimate analysis, what helps the poor is brisk economic activity, that is, more investment, leading to new enterprises and expansion of the existing ones. This alone creates jobs (and not mirages like Nrega). This circle got broken when the shadow of the Left fell on the UPA. Even though communists parted ways with the UPA in 2008, their influence remained, it still is. Nyay-like schemes are not just an economic evil, they are also morally degrading. They make serfs out of free individuals, making them perpetually look askance at the gigantic feudal lord called the Indian state. Politicians and salon socialists who devise such programmes have a very condescending attitude towards the poor. They don't treat the poor as self-respecting human beings capable of surviving and thriving on their own. They regard them as eternally dependent imbeciles who need succor till the end of time. So, our political masters insist on taxpayer-funded populism, on schemes like Nyay. Winston S Churchill once said, "I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle." What is impossible in reality is possible in Indian politics; after all, it is the art of the impossible.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Ompok es un género de peces de la familia Siluridae en el orden de los Siluriformes. Especies Las especies de este género son: Ompok bimaculatus (Bloch, 1794) Ompok binotatus Ng, 2002 Ompok borneensis (Steindachner, 1901) Ompok brevirictus Ng & Hadiaty, 2009 Ompok canio (Hamilton, 1822) Ompok ceylonensis (Günther, 1864) Ompok eugeneiatus (Vaillant, 1893) Ompok fumidus Tan & Ng, 1996 Ompok goae (Haig, 1952) Ompok hypophthalmus (Bleeker, 1846) Ompok javanensis (Hardenberg, 1938) Ompok jaynei Fowler, 1905 Ompok karunkodu Ng, 2013 Ompok leiacanthus (Bleeker, 1853) Ompok malabaricus (Valenciennes, 1840) Ompok miostoma Vaillant, 1902 Ompok pabda (Hamilton, 1822) Ompok pabo (Hamilton, 1822) Ompok pinnatus H. H. Ng, 2003 Ompok platyrhynchus Ng & Tan, 2004 Ompok pluriradiatus Ng, 2002 Ompok rhadinurus Ng, 2003 Ompok siluroides Lacépède, 1803 Ompok sindensis (Day, 1877) Ompok supernus Ng, 2008 Ompok urbaini (Fang & Chaux, 1949) Ompok weberi (Hardenberg, 1936) Referencias Enlaces externos Ompok Géneros de peces
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Modulbeschreibung anzeigen Display language German English To modulepage Generate PDF Generate XML Module / Version: #70245 / #6 Seit WS 2018/19 Default display language: Module title: Responsible person: Blind, Knut Grading: benotet Type of exam: Portfolioprüfung Fakultät VII Institut für Technologie und Management 37335100 FG S-Professur Innovationsökonomie Prüfungsausschuss: MAR 2-5 Essoun, Brigitte [email protected] http://www.inno.tu-berlin.de Innovation has been proven to be a central driver of economic growth and development. Similarly, the transition to more sustainable patterns of production and consumption is dependent on far reaching processes of innovation and technological change. This course will provide an introduction to key theoretical approaches, which link innovation to the theory and practice of sustainable development. On this basis, it will address emerging paradigms for sustainable innovation policy and management and other current topics in the business practice of sustainable innovation. The first part of the course provides an introduction to key concepts and debates related to sustainable development and innovation and highlights important inter-linkages between the two areas. It provides an overview of how this debate has evolved over time and introduces the emerging paradigm of "Innovation for Sustainability". The second part of the course provides a more detailed look at the debate on sustainability, innovation and the role of policy and governance in enabling a transition to sustainable consumption and production. It presents related theoretical concepts from economics, sociology and political science and current approaches in the practice of sustainable innovation policy. Finally, it introduces important contemporary debates in this context, such as the relationship between sustainable innovation and international competitiveness and the role of inequality and social inclusion in the debate on sustainable innovation. The third part of the course provides an introduction to key topics and trends in the business practice of innovation. It addresses topics in sustainable innovation management and sustainable entrepreneurship as well as key trends in the field of sustainable innovation, such as frugal innovation, innovation at the base of the pyramid (BOP), the development of a sharing economy. Students will become acquainted the main concepts and debates regarding sustainable development and innovation and their inter-linkages. They will understand key societal debates on the topic and how to relate these to the field of business and management. Moreover, they will be introduced to emerging trends in the field of sustainable innovation and how these are translated into business models and practices. 1. Sustainable Development and Innovation: Overview and Conceptual Foundations 1.1. Innovation Theory 1.2. Innovation for Sustainability 2. The Societal Perspective: Policy, Governance and Sustainable Innovation 2.1. Environmental Innovation and Technological Change 2.2. Sustainable Innovation Policy 3. The Business Perspective: Current Topics and Trends in the Business Practice of Sustainable Innovation 3.1. Sustainable Innovation Processes and Innovative Products 3.2. Sustainable Business Model Innovation 3.3. Inclusive Innovation / Social Innovation 3.4. Social Entrepreneurship 3.5. Innovation in Low-Income Markets 3.6. Finance and Sustainable Innovation 3.7. Sharing Economy 3.8. The Role of Sustainability Standards and Certification for Sustainable Innovation Pflichtgruppe: All Courses are mandatory. Sustainable Innovation VL 73 510 L 5298 WiSe English 2 Sustainable Innovation UE 73 510 L 5299 WiSe English 2 Workload and Credit Points Sustainable Innovation (VL): Workload description 90.0h(~3 LP) Class attendance 15.0 2.0h 30.0h Exam preparation 1.0 30.0h 30.0h Preparation and revision 15.0 2.0h 30.0h Sustainable Innovation (UE): The Workload of the module sums up to 180.0 Hours. Therefore the module contains 6 Credits. Description of Teaching and Learning Methods The theoretical and empirical findings of the lecture are supplemented by a tutorial, where the students have to solve micro- and macroeconomic case studies. Practitioners from policy and business are invited to discuss practical experiences and approaches within the field of sustainable innovation. Requirements for participation and examination Desirable prerequisites for participation in the courses: Basic skills have to be in accordance to all Business and Economics courses and, if necessary, have to be certificated. Mandatory requirements for the module test application: Module completion Type of exam Portfolio examination Type of portfolio examination 100 points in total Test elements Duration/Extent Exercise - essay 40 written 10 Lecture - written test 20 written 20 90.0 85.0 80.0 76.0 72.0 67.0 63.0 59.0 54.0 50.0 Test description (Module completion) The portfolio examination consists of the following elements, adding up to a maximum of 100 credits. The grading follows the joint conversion key of the School of Economics and Management (decision of the school's council dated May 28, 2014 - FKR VII-4/8-28.05.2014). Duration of the Module The following number of semesters is estimated for taking and completing the module: 1 Semester. This module may be commenced in the following semesters: Wintersemester. Maximum Number of Participants The maximum capacity of students is 60. The registration for the lecture and the tutorial takes place by visiting the first lecture in term. For further information, please visit our website. Recommended reading, Lecture notes Availability: unavailable Electronical lecture notes www.isis.tu-berlin.de The latest version of the schedule is available on our website. References and lecture notes will be available on https://isis.tu-berlin.de. Assigned Degree Programs WS 2018/19 SS 2019 WS 2019/20 SoSe 2020 WiSe 2020/21 SoSe 2021 WiSe 2021/22 SoSe 2022 WiSe 2022/23 Zeige auch ausgelaufene Studiengänge und StuPOs This module is used in the following Degree Programs (new System): Studiengang / StuPO StuPOs Verwendungen Erste Verwendung Letzte Verwendung ICT Innovation (M. Sc.) 3 9 WS 2018/19 WiSe 2022/23 Industrial Economics (M. Sc.) 1 5 WiSe 2020/21 WiSe 2022/23 Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship, and Sustainability (M. Sc.) 1 14 WS 2018/19 WiSe 2022/23 Medienwissenschaft (M. A.) 1 9 WS 2018/19 WiSe 2022/23 Nachhaltiges Management (B. Sc.) 2 23 WS 2018/19 WiSe 2022/23 Volkswirtschaftslehre (B. Sc.) 1 9 WS 2018/19 WiSe 2022/23 Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen (M. Sc.) 1 12 WS 2018/19 WiSe 2022/23 Wirtschaftsmathematik (B. Sc.) 1 9 WS 2018/19 WiSe 2022/23 Wirtschaftsmathematik (M. Sc.) 1 9 WS 2018/19 WiSe 2022/23
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
If you're lucky enough to have a large living room, a 4 Seater Sofa could be the perfect choice for you. Many of our ranges contain 4 Seater Sofas; generous proportions available in traditional or modern styles. You'll find 4 Seater Sofas in our modular ranges; the separate sections mean it's easy to fit a large sofa through your door.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Harry Potter cast have a secret WhatsApp group Well it's not that secret anymore… By Anna Lewis It may have been 16 years since the very first Harry Potter film came out (how is that even possible?), but it looks like the HP gang are still very much the best of friends. Emma Watson aka Hermione Granger, recently revealed that her and the Harry Potter cast have a secret WhatsApp group chat! While promoting her new film Beauty And The Beast, Emma revealed the secret (or not-so-secret as the case may be now) way that her and the rest of the actors stay in touch. She wanted a quick way to invite them all to the BATB premiere, so she jumped on WhatsApp. "We actually have a group WhatsApp which I invited everyone from the main cast from Harry Potter to come to the screenings," she told Entertainment Tonight. Her co-stars Matthew Lewis, who played Neville Longbottom, and Tom Felton, who played Draco Malfoy both attended the screening in LA. But she's still hoping the others – Daniel Radcliffe and Rupert Grint – will come see the film. She joked that trying to hang out with everyone is like playing Pokemon. "I'm trying to catch them all right now. "We're all spread all over the globe and so it's a case of trying to get people into the right places," she said. "But I feel very supported by my old costars." Rupert is Squirtle, right? Giphy/Warner Bros Follow Anna on Twitter. Like this? Come and check us out on Snapchat Discover. Anna Lewis News Editor Anna Lewis is the News Editor at Delish UK, which means she's always either writing about food, cooking food or eating food. More From Harry Potter A giant Harry Potter store is opening this summer Maggie Smith:"Playing McGonagall was unsatisfying" Harry Potter actor pops up in His Dark Materials Robert Pattinson reminisces about Harry Potter Rupert Grint on Emma Watson & Tom Felton's "spark" Harry Potter board games are the perfect Xmas gift Tom Felton reacts to new Harry Potter film rumour Harry Potter Studios will be celebrating Slytherin Emma Watson says Harry Potter put her in therapy The Weasleys and Luna Lovegood pose for a selfie It's a Harry Potter reunion for Emma Emma Watson and Tom Felton's Harry Potter reunion Harry Potter premiere pictures Is a secret 9th Harry Potter film in the works? The Harry Potter clan was meant to have another Weasley
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Many people may fondly remember Dr. J. Marion Sims as a medical pioneer. However, the Black community still feels the scars left by his "progress" on female slaves in America. In recent months, many states saw statues of Confederate soldiers and historical figures taken down. The NYC Public Design Commission followed this trend on Monday (April 16), voting unanimously to take down the statue of the "father of modern gynecology" Dr. Sims. In 1855, the doctor opened the first hospital just for women. His pioneering led to the technique for repairing a vesicovaginal fistula, which was a condition that obstructed childbirth. Despite these medical accolades, there was a deeper, more sinister method to the good doctor's success. He gained these medical advancements by savage experimentation on black women. From the Tuskegee Experiment, where poor blacks were unwittingly part of a syphilis study. The cloning of Henrietta Lacks' cell for medical study: without her or her family's consent, Henrietta's cells were cloned from her cervix and the medical records were published way after her death. Experimental measles vaccines: The CDC notoriously hid the results that these MMR vaccines increased the risk of autism in Black children under three years old. To be blunt, Dr. Sims' experiments were unethical and deeply racist. They were built on the foundation that Blacks being second class citizens (if being considered human on the same level as whites at all) made them the perfect guinea pigs for his experiments. This progress was built on the most vulnerable of the population, since Black women didn't enjoy the same protection under the law as white women. Historians and social justice activists maintain that these medically unethical experiments were possibly even done without the expressed consent of the female patients involved. The removal of his statue in Central Park, and the relocation to his burial site in Brooklyn, is without a doubt a big win. Though Dr. Sims' medical breakthrough saved lives in the 1850s, advancements in medicine should never come at the expense of breaking the Hippocratic Oath. Historically taken by physicians, it is known first and foremost by its English translation, "Do no harm." What happened to the Black women that served as his test subjects in pursuit of his end goal is nothing less than abuse. It speaks heavily to the racial divide that existed at the time. NYC Public Design Commission voting to take Dr. Sims' statue down is a way of letting Black women know that the city understands their violent and abusive history in America. They should not be made to suffer a tribute to a man that built his success off the back of those less fortunate than his station in life. The commission's decision to remove the statue came about eight months after a deadly white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, prompting Mayor Bill de Blasio to order a review of all "symbols of hate" in the city. Public Advocate Letitia James has been the public eye lately for the staunch support in legalization of weed. Like gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon, James believes that the prosecution of minorities for the sale, possession, and consumption of marijuana is a means of racial profiling and persecution. The removal of this statue from a public area shows the city's willingness to understand the complicated and historical relationship that Blacks have had with those in authority. Let us know what you think of the statue's removal my sounding off on our Facebook and Twitter. 9 Hip-Hop Songs That Have Sampled The Voice of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
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The Stokes Stomp Festival on the Dan, scheduled for September 12th and 13th is now accepting Arts & Crafts Vendor Applications at this time. Please download the Arts & Crafts Registration Form 2015 and send it in. Non-profit booth Application Form 2015 are available now! The Stomp is the longest running arts council sponsored event in North Carolina, the Stokes Stomp is held annually along the banks of the beautiful Dan River at Moratock Park, 1077 Sheppard Mill Road in Danbury, North Carolina. For more information, please visit our Stokes Stomp webpage or contact the Stokes County Arts Council at (336) 593-8159 or if interested in participating either as a vendor or volunteer, please contact us via e-mail at [email protected].
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Rabbit is the latest addition to the Moulin Roty's Les Jolis pas Beaux comforter range. So cute, with long dangly ears and rosy red cheeks, the rabbit comforter would make a lovely friend and a great gift for a newborn or young infant. The rabbit comforter is made from a wide range of fabrics (fur, velour, jersey, knit, corduroy and cotton) providing so many different textures to explore. Jersey tags on his side and a cotton frill on his waistline will keep little fingers busy and facial features are embroidered for safety. Size: 23 cm long. (Please note: This comforter is not a stuffed toy – the body is flat and only the head, arms and legs are filled.
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Oh the anticipation. Homecoming Queen hopefuls and their dads wait for the big announcement that Jenny Gylys will be crowned queen. Not pictured, Homecoming King Donovan Lee. (Left on the dais) Sarah Wong, Christina Saad, Patille Kamarian, Miss Gylys, Gena Furman, McKenna Davidson, and Paige Borowski with their fathers. On the field is the lower court (left to right) sophomores Yewande Ilawole, Trevor Stanback, Bailey Youngblood, and frosh Sophia Collavatti and Josh Thomas. Photo by Hayley Bricker '14, Campus Life Upper Division Editor.
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Unfortunately resident's in Fackler, AL have access to some of the worst speeds in Alabama with a score of 2. Our Worst Choice score was calculated by factoring together poor Internet coverage, slower Internet speeds, pricing, and unfavorable user reviews. Fackler, AL has a total of 10 Internet providers including 3 Cable providers, 1 DSL providers, 4 Fiber providers, 1 Fixed Wireless providers and 2 Satellite providers. The table below shows the available plans and pricing for HughesNet in Fackler, AL. The table below shows the available plans and pricing for Exede in Fackler, AL. The table below shows the available plans and pricing for CenturyLink in Fackler, AL. The table below shows the available plans and pricing for AT&T U-verse in Fackler, AL. The average cost per month for internet in Fackler, AL is $18.19. There are 10 internet providers in all of Fackler, AL. Fackler, AL offers the highest speed of 50 mbps with AT&T U-verse. The lowest price for internet in Fackler, AL is $39.99 with AT&T U-verse. Fackler, AL is located within Jackson county.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Syria Aiming for Israel; Al-Qaida Targets UNIFIL But France targets IAF by Jeff Dunetz | Dec 11, 2006 | Other If you think its just Hamas and Hezbollah ready to attack Israel, wake up… the danger is far greater. Israel is threatened from all sides. Now it seems that Syria is looking to get into the act. Both Debka and Haratz report that Israeli intelligence chief's are warning that Syria is expanding its long-range missile manufacture and anti-tank rocket deployment on Golan. While the threat of war may not be immanent , it seems that Assad's idiot son who now rules the the county may just be waiting for word from his Iranian puppet master to add another front to the war our Israeli brothers and sisters are facing. If that isn't bad enough France is whining about the IAF again. DEBKAfile's December 10, 2006, 11:31 PM military sources quote two statements by Israeli generals Sunday, Dec. 10 to the Israeli cabinet: OC Northern Command Maj.-Gen Gadi Eisenkott denounced as irresponsible talk of a war with Syria and Hizballah in the summer of 2007. Brig. Gen Yossi Baidatz, military intelligence chief of research, reported that Syria had increased its production of long-range missiles (picture)and was building up its anti-tank rocket units on the Golan border with Israel This information is not proof in itself of a Syrian intent to go to war. Gen. Eisenkott says he sees no tangible war preparations on the Golan and Hermon despite the aggressive rhetoric coming out of Damascus, whereas it is Brig Baidatz's job to count the missiles coming off Syrian production lines in the northern city of Homs. The volume in Nov. 2006 was 20% greater than the output of Nov. 2005.The key question neither Israeli officer answers is this: How many missiles are destined for Syrian use and how many for the strategic reserve Iran is stocking in Syria. According to DEBKAfile's military sources, Syria's missile output is not determined by the heads of its military industry, but by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards sitting on the industry's executive boards and incoming investment funds regulated by Tehran. All the departments of Syrian's military industry merged last year with Iran's manufacturing complex and are run as a single corporation. Therefore, it may be said that it is very much up to Tehran to determine if and when Bashar Asad goes on the offensive on the Golan front. Asad is not obliged to dance to Tehran's tune. He can decide he no longer wishes to coordinate his military and diplomatic strategies with Tehran. This would mean the breakup of the close Damascus-Tehran alliance. For the moment, there is no sign of any breach. Quite the reverse; intelligence data indicate a tightening of the partnership on all shared fronts. And look who is there to help, Al-Qaida. Al-Qaida is targeting UNIFIL but once they scare the French away, who do you think they are going to go after ? MI officer: Syria preparing its army for war with Israel By Gideon Alon and Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondents, and Agencies The head of the research division of Military Intelligence, Brigadier General Yossi Baidatz, said Sunday that Syrian President Bashar Assad is preparing for a war with Israel. He said that Assad has ordered increased production of long-range missiles and instructed the Syrian army to position its anti-tank missiles closer to the Syrian border with Israel, on the Golan Heights. But, Baidatz told the cabinet, while Assad is "preparing the Syrian army for the possibility of a military conflict with Israel, on the other hand, he is not ruling out the possibility of reaching a political settlement with Israel."He stressed that in Assad's view, his actions on the military front do not contradict his actions in the political realm."Assad is working in two parallel tracks," Baidatz said. "On the one hand he is not ruling out a diplomatic solution with Israel and on the other hand he is preparing his forces for military conflict." He added that the Syrian president has been conducting extensive diplomatic activity over the past two weeks. Baidatz said that Assad feels a window has been opened for peace talks on the international level, and he plans to take advantage of that opportunity. Baidatz also said that tensions in Iran have been rising in preparation for the United Nations Security Council's decision on whether to impose sanctions on the country. The decision is slated to be made by December 25.According to Baidatz, Iran is continuously operating in Lebanon to reinforce Hezbollah, while also working to strengthen Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Palestinian territories. On the issue of Lebanon, Baidatz said Hezbollah is planning to bring down Prime Minister Fouad Siniora's government by conducting mass demonstrations and sit-in strikes in city squares. Hezbollah will turn to violence in their struggle only if the strikes and demonstrations fail, Baidatz said. Baidatz also said that certain signs indicate the rise of international Jihad forces in south Lebanon, especially in refugee camps. These forces aim to counter the multi-national force in the area. He told ministers that Al-Qaida was recruiting mainly in Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon."There are major signs of a Global Jihad [al-Qaida] presence in Lebanon, especially the refugee camps, and one of their intentions is to attack the foreign peacekeepers," Baidatz was quoted as saying in the briefing. "They see the peacekeepers as symbols of the West." The truly amazing thing is with Al-Quida targeting UNIFIL , who is UNIFIL worried about? You Got it— IAF overflights. France deploys UAVs to stop IAF flights Yaakov Katz, THE JERUSALEM POST In an effort to put a stop to Israeli overflights in Lebanon, the French Armed Forces has deployed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) squadron in southern Lebanon to conduct intelligence-gathering missions in place of the IDF. France, a member of UNIFIL, has expressed adamant opposition to IAF overflights in Lebanon. Last month, OC Planning Division Maj.-Gen. Ido Nehushtan traveled to Paris for meetings with senior military officials during which he tried to explain Israel's operational needs. The flights, the IDF claims, are necessary for gathering intelligence and keeping an eye on the Lebanese-Syrian border through which weapons are smuggled to the Hizbullah. According to Israeli defense sources, the French initiative is also meant to prove the operational capabilities of its UAVs so they can compete against Israeli defense industries on the global UAV market.While welcoming the use of UAVs as part of UNIFIL operations in Lebanon, a high-ranking officer said Sunday that the IDF would not stop flying over Lebanon. "We need to allow UNIFIL all of the means it finds essential to perform its missions," the officer said. "But at the same time, until Hizbullah fulfills its part of UN resolution 1701 and returns the kidnapped soldiers [Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser Y.K.] there is no reason for us to completely fulfill our part of the agreement and stop the overflights." House Dems grumble to CNN: We're frustrated that the Squad keeps making trouble for us Hot Air Allahpundit NIXON '68; TRUMP '20: Rod Dreher on RNC's new "Squad Goals: Anarchy" ad. "Note to reader… Instapundit Ed Driscoll Trump v. The Squad – Who's Winning? (Reader Poll) Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion William A. Jacobson
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Tag Archives: Little Feat 09-02-09 · 11:55 am "Borrowed Live Man. Man on Old Grey Stoker's Vest – smart!" "Live Man" must refer to the "Live at Padget Rooms, Penarth" album, a three track concert recording which, in retrospect, has been described by some as the sound of Man at their musical peak. Not by me though. The album never stuck with me over the years, mainly because the entire second side – an extensive jazz-rock 20+ minute jam called "H.Samuel" – never sat that comfortably with me. It seemed just too…. well, random and unstructured. If I'd listened to the album again 6 or 7 years later it may have made more sense as I suspect "the drugs would have worked", if you get my drift? But to this chemically-bereft teenager it sounded a bit of a bloomin' mess. It's a shame I never bought the album rather than just tape it. Not only was it was budget-priced but it was issued in a very strictly limited edition of just 8000 copies. An eBay success story could well have been in my future?! I have threatened to write at some length about The Old Grey Whistle Test (for that is what I mean when I say Old Grey Stoker's Vest) before without having actually done so. Perhaps now is the time?!… OGWT was perhaps THE most influential music TV show of the seventies in Britain. It was certainly the only 'serious' music show to feature acts from outside the mainstream or Top 30 chart arenas. I would lose count trying to list the bands or artists I initially encountered on OGWT, but a few who did and who subsequently became lifetime favourites include Be Bop Deluxe, Bob Marley & the Wailers, Tom Waits, Little Feat and the Sensational Alex Harvey Band. (All links to their early OGWT performances) As the commentary on Volume 1 of the OGWT DVD series confirms, the shows early performances were filmed in what was, essentially, a corridor at the BBC TV Centre. The space measured just 30 x 20 feet, there was rarely an audience (other than the crew), and everything was usually filmed by union cameramen with no experience of musical acts. The combination of all these things usually resulted in under-rehearsed and quite raw performances, most of which have become classic TV ephemera in their own right. (See above) In addition to live (a few mimed) performances, the presenters would also hold small uninhibited interviews with a few acts, as well as playing album tracks with an accompanying 'weird/trippy' cartoon video. OGWT's most celebrated and legendary presenter was the laid back Bob Harris whose broadcasting style is to speak extremely lightly, resulting in many viewers having to turn up their TV's volume whenever he was on. He was eventually monikered "Whispering Bob" and was often parodied and impersonated in many comedy skits. Here he is interviewing (a strangely reserved) Keith Moon about The Who's drummer's (thankfully, only) solo album "Two Sides of the Moon". Recently diagnosed with prostate cancer, Bob (under the auspices of his own "Whispering Bob Broadcasting Company") remains heavily involved in the music business and still produces and presents one-off specials for BBC Radio including the recent "Maple Leaf Revolution" (about Canadian music) and "The Sandy Denny Story" Bob (quietly) presented OGWT from 1972 until 1978, which pretty much represent my seminal years in music, so I owe him – and the programme – a lot for what came later in my life. Thank you Bob! The show's theme tune was a harmonica-driven track called "Stone Fox Chase" by Nashville band Area Code 615 whose only other claim to fame is that several members backed up Bob Dylan on his albums "Blonde on Blonde" and "Nashville Skyline". If you're wondering about the show's name, it's weird that the derivation has little to do with the music played by Bob & Co. It's a vintage 'Tin Pan Alley' phrase from the 40's. When a label got its first pressing of a record they would play it to the building's elderly doormen (who were known as "greys"). If the doormen could subsequently whistle the tune after just one listen, the song was said to have passed…yep, you've guessed it… "the old grey whistle test" I doubt this evening's Man performance had much to whistle along with?! Tagged as Area Code 615, Be Bop Deluxe, Bob Harris, Bob Marley, Bob Marley & the Wailers, Keith Moon, Little Feat, Live at Padget Rooms Penarth, Man, OGWT, old grey whistle test, Sandy Denny, Sensational Alex Harvey Band, Stone Fox Chase, the who, Tin Pan Alley, Tom Waits, Whispering Bob
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...with a follow-up to last week's story about Battlestar Galactica's journey towards the silver screen. While the history of science fiction and television is riddled with "unfinished business", it's safe to say that Galactica is one of the most notable "unresolved" projects of the last twenty years. Despite accusations that 1978's Galactica ripped-off 1977's Star Wars; despite a hideously malformed attempt to revitalize the series in a second season bastardization of the concept; despite protracted absences from the airwaves; Galactica has survived. And now, it seems, Galactica's time has come again. Enter Todd Moyer, the producer of Barb Wire, TimeCop, and the new Wing Commander film. Moyer, a producer noted for making a little money go a long way, has teamed with Galactica creator Glen A. Larson to re-envision the epic saga of a titanic space battleship whose desperate mission is to guide a fleet of bedraggled spacecraft (and the survivors they carry) from their enemy-ravaged homeworlds, towards "a shining planet known as Earth" (where they believe they will find their distant ancestors). Shortly after posting my initial announcement regarding the new Galactica film project, I had the privilege of speaking with Mr. Moyer, who clarified some already-existing misconceptions about the film project, and offered a few hints as to what kind of Galactica film we might expect to see. Right out of the gate, I thought I was in trouble. Moyer immediately suggested to that my previous article on the Galactica film had implied his production company (No Prisoners) was only "tangentially" involved with the production of Wing Commander. I did not mean to imply such a thing, as No Prisoners was...in fact...the primary production entity for WC. Any implication to the contrary was unintentional, and incorrect on my part. As a second order of clarity, Moyer called to my attention a type-o in my article (which was partially adapted from a Reuters / Variety press release). This guy doesn't miss a beat. The Reuters / Variety press release indicated that the film would involve Commander Cain (a character in the original series) searching for the Battlestar Galactica, which had set off on a quest to find the missing tribes of man, who may have come to pre-historic Earth aboard a Battlestar named Atlanits. Now that the amendments and corrections were out of the way, Moyer (who was surprisingly and refreshingly honest, enthusiastic, and forthcoming about this project, and quite pleasant all the way around - even when "correcting" me) turned his attention towards the Reuters / Variety press release which was issued last week, indicating it was actually a bit misleading: "Some people seem to be thinking that the (Variety) plot synopsis suggests the movie will only about Cain looking for Galactica," explained Moyer. "That is not the case at all. The Galactica will be in this movie, and will be an important component in the film. Not to have the Galactica in a Galactica film would be pretty crazy!" While fans of any franchise inherently resist changes being made to their beloved concept, and worry about what "cool elements" might be left out in a fresh adaptation, Moyer is keenly aware that this Battlestar Galactica project necessitates one particular omission. An omission which is...ironically...likely to be embraced by fans and nay-sayers alike. A few simple words said it all: "No daggits! Please tell the people there will be no daggits in our movie!" (a reference to the fan-lamented mechanical monkey-dog featured in the original series). When pressed towards more specific details about the production, Moyer referred to the developmental process currently underway at No Prisoners. The company's in-house visual effects facility (No Prisoners 3DFX) is currently in a design and development phase in an effort to lock down a style and "look" for this new Galactica film. Of NP3DFX's 19 employees, 12 are former associates of Richard Edlund's heralded (and now defunct) Boss Film Corporation (2010, Ghostbusters). Currently, five of NP3DFX's personnel are charged with the specific task of designing vehicles, etc. for Battlestar Galactica. Which raises the question: how similar to the old series will the new Galactica movie be? Moyer characterized his project as "recognizable as Galactica, with some slight re-thinks. We will see many vehicles and ships which look familiar, we'll see some entirely new craft as well. We've got the structure of a story - and are working with Glen (Larson) to flesh it out, and get everything in order. He's got a jillion ideas - some of them pretty wild. Right now we're busy picking and choosing and siphoning which elements will work best for this specific story." "Once the story has been locked down a little more", continued Moyer (referring to the inherently fluid nature of any project's story development process), Galactica will then be scripted by a writer named Mike Finch". Finch and Moyer have worked together before, when Finch made a few revisions to an existing Wing Commander screenplay. His contributions to that project mostly centered on the addition of the dreaded "Pilgrim" subtext which ran throughout the film. Moyer was quick to point out that Finch added the bigotry & discrimination oriented subplot to the WC script at the request of Wing Commander's director, Chris Roberts. Finch's other credits include adapting Aeon Flux for Paramount, and Silver Surfer for Fox. "I'd really like everyone to know that we've done a lot of thinking about this project," Moyer continued. "This isn't just something we're pulling out of the blue, or something we're doing only because we think it's cool." Moyer also alluded to holding over a few specific elements from the original series, such as the flight crews who furiously prepare the fighters for launch, or rush out to lock down the craft once they come in for landing. And, of course, there will be space battles. "We're trying to do space battles very differently in this film" offered Moyer. "In Star Wars - and even the original Galactica series - the space battles all take place on a more-or-less flat plain. Ships often chased & attacked each other from behind or the front. We're looking into the possibility of designing space battles which will be three dimensional. Ships coming at other ships from above, from below, from the sides, diagonally, and so forth. In space, there are an infinite number of maneuvers one can do - it's not logical that all action should stay horizontal and flat." When asked whether or not the new film's "Battlestars" will be recognizable as the Battlestars with which viewers of the original series are familiar, Moyer hesitated, then offered a reinforcement of a previous statement: "there will be some familiar vehicle designs in the film." As No Prisoners works feverishly to bring Battlestar Galactica to the silver screen, many fans are asking about the fate of original cast member Richard Hatch's multi-year, heroic effort to resurrect the franchise. I spoke with Mr. Hatch for quite a while last week. He was very generous with his time - and very sincere in his desire to see "honor" done to the Galactica franchise, and its fans. I got the strong impression Mr. Hatch is a man deeply devoted to the Galactica cause, and is on a mission to revive the franchise not out of greed or opportunism, but because he believes. When all was said and done, his production company (Sushan) ended up issuing a press release, which offered the following comments in response last week's BG movie announcement by No Prisoners (whose release regarding a Galactica feature film was rather pointedly mentioned on MSNBC). In response to an article presented by Variety and picked up by MSNBC, Producer Richard Hatch (star of the original series as Apollo) offered the following statements and information: "Rumors like the one that circulated the last few days have been part of the Galactica reality for years. I've been privy to many including this one, they seem to have a life of their own. Once in awhile, they are the result of some scrap of truth, but not often, and certainly not in this case. My contacts at Universal have stated that Galactica is still owned by Universal, and that no other deal has been consummated." Hatch continues, "We are completing or trailer piece within the next few days...I'm not at liberty to discuss any of the details as they are obviously sensitive. They (Universal) are very savvy and realize that this project, if handled with the passion that the demand, can easily become a franchise that can continue for yet another Quarter Century. I strongly believe that the most powerful way to keep the legend alive into the new millennium is to infuse the original concept, story, and characters with a fresh new generation of actors, modern effects and visuals, and solid, thoughtful scripts. This is like old fashioned storytelling where tales were passed from one generation to another. We all have an obligation to be true to this, or it will fail. There are millions of new fans growing up and thirsting for fresh stories. The original series is still being shown in many cities around the world. The support I've received proves that there are a lot of people who feel the same." Where others have come and gone, Richard Hatch has been the driving force behind keeping the legend of BATTLESTAR GALACTICA alive for twenty years through his support of loyal fans, guest speaking, and two successful novels based on the series. In the past two years, there has been a tremendous push towards creating a contemporary film using modern films technology and high tech effects. Towards this end, Hatch is currently producing a promotional trailer to help forward negotiations with Universal in obtaining the film's distribution rights. He raised sufficient collateral, plus backed the project personally to ensure a quality demo that would do justice to the property. He enlisted Oscar winning Director of Photography Dean Cundey (Apollo 13) for some filming, Dreamscape (Independence Day), Emmy winning FX veteran Brick Price / Wonderworks (Star Trek to Deep Impact), and Grammy winning composer Tom Burton (Calico). According to Tom Burton, one of Hatch's producers: "When I heard today the rumor (of another Galactica film in production), with one of two of our investors who will be backing the entire project. As far as I'm concerned, the only missing piece needed for a greenlight is how will distribution be handled. The production company mentioned on NBC has not even bothered to contact any of the actors or creatives from the original series. The cache value of having most of the original cast in a remake is priceless. To create the film otherwise would trivialize it, and would yield something entirely different than what the fans are asking for. Any project of this sort needs to pay more than passing homage to the original. If not, I know I would feel cheated. Richard IS, without question, the current heart and soul of Galactica, as any of the show's followers can tell you. His drive and love of the project is infectious." Many parallels can be drawn between this write-in effort and that which brought Star Trek to the film screen. In addition, history seems to be re-writing itself in other ways. The original Galactica series came out shortly after the first Star Wars film 22 years ago, and now it seems the Galactica film will fall squarely between the release dates of the next two Star Wars. Hatch stated: "There was keen interest then, and that is definitely the case now. I find it thrilling that this is happening, and would hope that the project comes to pass in a way that properly fulfills the legacy. This is a dream come true for thousands of fans who believe in the original." Coincidentally, Mr. Hatch left tonight to host a Galactica series in Fiji. Needless to say, Sushan's press release necessitated my backtracking to Moyer. Said backtrack resulted in a response / rebuttal from No Prisoners - a company which in no way, shape, or form holds any animosity towards Mr. Hatch. Indeed, they seem deeply respectful of his self-sacrificial efforts to keep the Galactica franchise alive. Glen Larson and Todd Moyer wish Richard Hatch the best of luck in pursuing a Battlestar Galactica television series with Universal Studios. However, we feel the rights issues regarding Galactica need to be clarified. Glen Larson has "separation of rights" under the Writer's Guild agreement. In simple terms, this means that Universal Studios owns the television rights to Battlestar, and Glen Larson is the sole and exclusive owner of any and all feature film rights to the Battlestar franchise. Glen Larson and Todd Moyer have formed a joint venture to exploit these rights. Despite rumors to the contrary, Richard Hatch has no rights, legal or otherwise to any elements of the Battlestar Galactica franchise. This is not meant to preclude Mr. Hatch from some future involvement in the feature film if the producers decide it is appropriate to...or helpful to...the project. Moyer and Larson are keenly aware they not only have many expectations to live up to in the eyes of the fans, but owe the fans a certain debt of gratitude. After all, without the fan's protracted interest in the franchise, filming a Galactica movie would be both unrealistic and untenable. As such (and in a move uncharacteristic of many productions of this nature), Moyer and Larson are approaching the development & production of Galactica with surprising forthrightness and openness. "This isn't going to be a security lock-down" indicated Moyer. "Glen (Larson) and I want the fans to know what's going on with our project, every step of the way. That's not to say we're going to give away all our secrets, but in many ways, the fans will be a vicarious part of the creative and developmental process of this movie. We don't want them to feel like we've taken Galactica away from them, and are keeping it all to ourselves. They've waited a long time for this day to come, they deserve to know what's going on." Accordingly, Moyer and No Prisoners are currently constructing a web site which will take its visitors on the lengthy, step-by-step journey needed to bring Galactica to the screen. This web site, located at www.battlestarmovie.com, will be frequently updated, and one of its main contributors will be Glen Larson himself. "Glen's a really philosophical guy" said Moyer of his associate. "I think his contributions to the site will be very interesting, and suggest a lot about how the Galactica universe came about." When asked what he would most like the fans to know about Larson & No Prisoner's updating of Galactica, Moyer thought carefully, then offered...simply..."We really have done a lot of thinking about this movie. I think it's going to be very special, and very cool." CAN THEY DO IT ? There has been a lot of negative fan sentiment surrounding this project since Wing Commander's debut last week. Many filmgoers simply did not like the film, and are not convinced Moyer & Company are up to the task at hand. Hell, I didn't even like Wing Commander all that much. Although I consider it an amazing accomplishment for the limitations and constraints which were imposed on the production (economically), there were some major elements which needed repair (in my humble opinion - screenplay and direction first and foremost). Watching WC while knowing that No Prisoners was sailing towards Galactica next, I could understand why Galactica would be a project that would interest them, and why Glen Larson could stand beside them in good conscience. There's something about the "feel" of Wing Commander which...on some level...evoked Galactica. The gritty, dirty desperation to survive, the frantic effort of mankind to hold on to his rightful place in the cosmos. Both of these are elements which a good script and better direction might have expanded into meaningful and effective concepts in WC. Hopefully, Galactica will afford the necessary mix of talent and personalities to transcend some of Wing Comander's shortcomings. After spending quite a bit of time on the phone with Moyer, after hearing some of the ideas he and Larson have in mind, after checking-out other sources who worked on Wing Commander (and getting a sense of what happened to drag that project down, who was responsible, and why), I have come a belief that Moyer and No Prisoners should probably be given the benefit of the doubt in this instance. I feel they are keenly aware of what works, what doesn't, and have the capacity to learn from mistakes - whether or not they are personally responsible for said mistakes. These are very critical components in the making of any film. Does this guarantee that Moyer and Larson's Galactica will be a great movie? No, it doesn't. Even our greatest filmmaker have made...mistakes. Sometimes "things" just gum up the works.. Aint It Cool News would like extend a mammoth and heartfelt thanks to TODD MOYER at No Prisoners, and to RICHARD HATCH at Sushan Productions, as well as "Hatch's people". Coordinating this article was actually quite an undertaking on many levels, and all parties concerned showed vast amounts of openness, professionalism, and patience during the writing of this piece. Even though AICN gets contacted by "real people" all the time, we never take it for granted - that they communicate with us at all is always profoundly meaningful.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Tesla Overtakes GM As America's Most Valuable Car Company It's official - for the first time ever, Elon Musk's government-subsidized car-maker is America's most valuable auto manufacturer. Tesla shares surged another 1% today, amid a continued "trouble in shortville" ramp, topping $300 for the first time... That gives the company a total value of $52.7 billion. That's more than GM's $49.6 billion valuation. Tesla chief executive Elon Musk says he expects the company to sell 500,000 cars next year. GM, meanwhile, sold more than 20 times that many last year. "If you look at the different auto companies on paper, it does seem a bit proposterous, where Tesla is at this moment, versus some of the more established auto companies," Jessica Caldwell, director of industry analysis with automotive research firm Edmunds, said in an interview with CBC's On The Money on Monday. Tesla sold 76,285 cars last year. That compares to over 10 million for GM worldwide and 6.65 million for Ford. "I think Tesla has had a very high market cap for a long time, so I don't think this comes necessarily as a surprise, but when you compare it to someone like Ford [or GM] who has a wealth of resources, it does seem a little out of whack," Caldwell said.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
AI & Digital Transformation The Fifosys Cloud Finds A Stable, Reliable London Home It's not about making a quick buck — it's about working with customers who have a vision, who we can get close to and add value to over the long term," says Mitesh Patel, Managing Director of Fifosys. This London-based provider of managed cloud, consultancy and support services to SMEs recognised a similar ethos in Interxion when it was looking for a colocation partner for its cloud platform. Download our Fifosys Case Study now Having spent nine months building a top-quality cloud platform, Fifosys wanted to be certain it had a secure, reliable location to house it. A power failure at the company's previous Tier 2 colocation data centre had taken several hours to resolve — an experience Patel never wanted to repeat. So when Fifosys was choosing a new colocation partner, it had a number of key requirements: "We wanted a Tier 3 data centre with stringent SLAs on power and senior technicians permanently onsite. Interxion London fits the bill perfectly," says Patel. Fifosys started out as a managed hosting provider but has seen the market shift towards cloud over recent years, which has also caused its customer base to evolve. Whereas small enterprises used to approach Fifosys because they couldn't afford their own IT teams, larger customers are now coming to Fifosys in order to extend their in-house IT teams with cloud-related skills. As Patel explains, organisations that need help with cloud can find it tricky to get the right type of support: "Big providers tend to offer self-service, and smaller providers are often on a steep learning curve themselves. Our customers benefit from the fact that we've evolved in line with the market, acquiring and developing the right skills and staff over time, and choosing the right partners — including Interxion." Interxion is interested in their customers' roadmaps and keen to help them grow their businesses, and we're benefiting from that. Mitesh Patel Managing Director, Fifosys Owning and operating its own cloud lets Fifosys meet the varying needs of organisations in many sectors, including retail, education and property. Among its customers is Get Living London, the company that's renting out 1,400 homes in London's East Village — originally the Olympic Village for the 2012 Summer Games. Fifosys has installed a cloud-based communications system that provides Get Living London's management and marketing suite with voice and broadband services and access to all of its management and letting applications via virtualised desktops. "There are no PSTN lines: everything comes from the cloud, so it's scalable and flexible," says Patel. "Get Living London is in the cloud, and the cloud is at Interxion." The cloud-based desktop virtualisation service developed by Fifosys offers much more than the standard applications typically available with virtual desktops. The company cloud-enables internal and sector-specific applications to create a desktop that delivers everything a user needs, whenever and wherever they need it. For an accountancy firm that wanted to increase billable hours without adding headcount, Fifosys streamed and published 34 applications through a single virtual desktop that's speeding up business. Armed with laptops, the firm's roving representatives can respond to clients' needs on the spot instead of going back to the office to research the answers. "We couldn't do any of it without the right home for our cloud," says Patel. "As well as being professionally run, the Interxion data centre is carrier neutral. That means we have access to around 50 carriers, which gives us flexibility and choice when connecting our customers to their Fifosys services." Data residency and security are high on the agenda for many Fifosys customers, and Interxion's city-centre location gives them peace of mind. "Our customers know exactly where their data is and that it doesn't leave the UK. They — and their auditors — can visit the data centre, experience the exacting security that controls access, and see for themselves the tin their cloud is on," says Patel. Interxion is also cloud neutral, so doesn't compete with Fifosys for customers. In fact, it's quite the opposite, as Patel explains: "Interxion is interested in their customers' roadmaps and keen to help them grow their businesses, and we're benefiting from that. They've let us hold customer meetings at the data centre's offices, and invited us to join their stand at a big industry event, which led to a number of opportunities for us." About Fifosys Fifosys is a trusted technology partner for fast-growing businesses in sectors including retail, education, and property development and management. Vendor-independent, Fifosys combines specific elements from its wide-ranging portfolio of supported products to create end-to-end solutions that help its customers improve IT services performance, reduce costs and increase productivity. www.fifosys.com T: +31 (0) 20 880 7600 F: +31 (0) 20 880 7601 E: [email protected] Number of trade registry: 34128125, VAT number: NL 8082.24.621.B.01
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Yes, I am aware this post may piss some people off, and yes, I am aware this is the sole marketing strategy for some people. I am also aware that for some people, this strategy totally works. That being said, this is why it's killing the industry. When I first started out as an author in what seems like a decade ago(a year), the only way to really get noticed or onto someone's radar was by giving them free books. At first, that worked. It brought me a ton of loyal fans that to this day I love to death. However, I have been hearing from a lot of people in the indie community, that their book reviews have been on a steady and dramatic decline over the course of the last year. So, I did what any sane person would do, and I asked my fans themselves what the problem was. The answer, overwhelmingly, was that each of them had no less than a few dozen books and ARCs on the back burner that they wanted to, or felt obligated to read. So, with so many people giving away free books and ARCs, there is no way possible for any one person to read everything, especially with the volume that all of the authors promote. Like I said, I am guilty of this, too. I have given away a lot of free books. The problem is, the book community is generally too nice. So, when someone asks them to read an ARC, or they want to send them free books, they're going to read them. Other people in the community only sit around and wait for free books, never buying a single book at all. A lot of those people just like "winning," those competitions, then have no real plans to read or review the books. I mean, we can't force anyone to read our books, and shouldn't even if we could, but I think the readers in the community are being completely overwhelmed. How can we expect them to get excited about our new books when a dozen new authors that are popping up every day and shoving their books down their throats? To make matters worse, if you want to stay competitive, you have to do it, too. The readers have come to expect free books. We started out by undercutting the competition by charging less and less, and for a while that worked, until people started doing it for free. Now, even the people that give them away for free don't have an edge because everyone is doing it. So, if you're approaching a new reader with a free book and they've never heard of you, your book is now worth less than nothing. It just gets put in a queue along with the hundred other books that have been crammed in their faces. So, is there any way to fix this? Sure, by every author raising the prices of their books and not giving away free books at all anymore(so that people read them based on merit, not because they're free), but that won't happen. Even if 99% of authors did that, the 1% that gave them away for free would be all that people read, because readers have come to expect it. It would shoot them to stardom, while the rest of us fade into obscurity. In short, there is no way to fix this. We have all had a part in this vicious cycle, and now it's snowballed. At this point, I don't foresee any new indie authors making anything close to a living, unless they get picked up by a big publisher that takes their books worldwide. Amazon has made it easy and convenient for everyone to get books, no matter where they are in the world. The indie community has made it easy for anyone to get free books, no matter where they are in the world(which makes it hysterical to me when people whine about their books being on piracy sites, considering most of the people that complain about it give their books away to anyone that asks). With that being said, that's why readers for the most part can't even be bothered to leave reviews anymore. After people started lowering book prices, other people had to make them free to compete. By giving them away for free, it came with the understanding that the reader would review the book at the very least. That's not even the case anymore. Some authors don't even care if you review their books, they just want to push free books out to anyone that will take them for a little bit of exposure. That's the bar we're at now. We're at the point where you can spend months on a book, give it out to a hundred people, and maybe ten will review it. If they like you enough, and aren't weighed down by a thousand other free books clogging up their kindle. For a lot of authors, this is nothing more than a hobby and a way to gain friends, as well as a bump in status in their social circles. To those people, they don't care if they ever make a single cent off of their books. Those people, the vague-booking socialites that just want more "likes," on their statuses, and people to pat them on the back, they will not understand this, and how it affects people that do this for a living. So, there will probably be people that disagree. The people who don't really see this as a career, and more as a hobby, and the people that still want a bunch of free books(which, rest easy, the free books aren't going anywhere). If it sounds like I am bitter, or being salty about this… I'm not. It's just the way things are, and it's an observation that I've made spending over a year in this community and hearing from many readers and authors that agree with me. Some won't, and that's okay. At the end of the day, my article isn't going to change the habits of even one person. This is just where I go to write down my thoughts. My live journal of this social experiment in time known as the amazon indie book community. Anyway, rant over. Hope you enjoyed. Agree? Disagree? Leave a comment, can't wait to hear from you. How to make a fair indie book awards event. I actually agree with you, this time. I was on the other side of the fence until recently. Not disclosing the acts of madness that changed my mind, but it's true. Too true. Sometimes I have a hard time getting people who LOVE my series to leave a review for an ARC, when it is clear that the reason they have an ARC is to read a review! I am trying an Advance Reader and Reviewer group now, in which members won't get the next book unless they leave a review for the previous book. That being said, I know authors who do massive ARC send outs and have to pay taxes because their business is no longer a "hobby" (state laws). I've also been sent ARCs a week before a release, and that is not enough time! We really need a month or two. I'm seeing a decline in sales too, and my subsequent books are not selling as well as my first did. There could be a number of factors (blurb, cover), but I think it just gets harder as time goes on because bloggers are less receptive with all of their ARCs too, and the first book in a series is way more appealing, always. Funny that you should write this. I totally agree. I have given free books away and I only received a few reviews. Giving free books also opens up to trolls that like to swoop in and write bad reviews, even if they haven't read the book. It's apparent because they get the facts wrong in their review. Readers do expect freebies. I believe if you hand out your book free, the person on the receiving end won't appreciate the jewel they have in their grasp. In my opinion, they will read it if they buy it. I feel my book is worth the money. It's not over priced and it's a story I've been working on for a long time. You have to convey to the readers that your book is above and beyond any other book out there. A bestseller. People will sit up and listen. And the good thing is that there are successful writers out there that sell their books. If they can do it then so can I. So, I no longer hand out FREE books. I won't disagree. And I'm one of those readers who has a bazillion books to read on her list that were gifted. I'm also someone who budgets out about $10 a month to make sure I BUY some books, too, because I just feel that's only fair since I've been blessed with so many free ones. (Not to mention, when I get to know another author more personally, like on Facebook, I WANT to support them because I know they deserve it for their hard work.) I'm also an author, so when I DO finally have the time to read a book to its end, I post a review because I know the whole point of getting that free book was so that a review would be posted and will help that author/novel be more noticed on Amazon. I don't get offended if someone else's free book took precedence over my book on someone's reading list. I mean, I get jealous, yes. But I TRY (try try try) to use it constructively to find ways to make my second book's blurb more appealing in hopes that someone would choose to read mine first instead next time. Ya know? I think ARCS when used right are a good tool – but indie authors that don't know what they're doing use ARCs wrong, and I think it's the responsibility of authors that know to tell them (we certainly do on the indie group I co-founded with my best friend on FB). I also think a little reader education wouldn't go amiss. ARCs mean you're agreeing to review them – freebies are freebies. If you can't review an ARC, tell the author why, but don't just…you know, drop off the face of the earth. But yeah, the freebie book issue, alongside gaming the system, alongside some other bits and pieces is making it hard for us to do what we want to do – which is be writers. But I'm pretty sure that things will get better. I have to be – I write. That's what I am. I'm currently trying to build a "street team" of advance readers for my first serial, so I guess I'm part of the problem. My general plan is to give the first episode to as many people as possible, then carefully cull anyone who isn't leaving reviews. I'm still implementing it and don't know if it will be successful or not. Unfortunately, there are so many other places people can get free books and stories (Wattpad, Fictionpress, etc.) that we really do have to give it away for free, at least at first. I hope to one day have enough true fans that it's not necessary. We've all had to do it, myself included. Lol. That's the state of the industry. I saw this coming several years ago. Giving free books most definitely can boost sales for individual authors and help them build an audience. However, self-publishing has exploded in the past few years, flooding the market. There is more supply than there is demand for books, so price has plunged. Free books have contributed and accelerated the drop. People now have dozens, even hundreds of books in their Kindles that they haven't read. In the old days of print books only, I doubt that most people had a stack of 100 novels on their bedside table waiting to be read. Now they do! Only it's in their Kindles. You're right when you say that authors as a whole would need to stop giving freebies and agree to up the price. I don't see that happening. It's a vicious circle. Unless you give books for free, you can't compete. And when you jump on the bandwagon, you contribute to the problem. Reviews are harder to get, but to me, that's only a symptom of the larger problem: the oversupply of books and the devaluation of books in the minds of the readers. I remember when $5 was the norm for Indie books. Readers don't want to pay that anymore. With the price dropping, you have to produce more just to keep even, and you further flood the market. I foresee a market correction. It's anecdotal, but many authors who used to earn a living writing, have gotten day jobs and have talked about quitting writing all together. As more authors fail to make a go it, they'll drop out. Hopefully. I think you've pointed to the Emperor and called it for what it is. I went through a stage of downloading free books offered by authors. Firstly, a section of a book presented as a book in the hope the reader is 'hooked' into buying the remainder, in my opinion, doesn't work. I write a reviews of books I think worthy. Some authors contacted me, most didn't. In the end I was overwhelmed. In an age where every email, every post, financial institutions, 'quick surveys' and a host of others vying for your attention, time (your time) is unscrupulously dealt with. My solution is to pay the much higher price for print books and ignore (unfairly) the plethora of e-books. An addendum to my earlier comment: it is churlish to dismiss digital books and I will confess to snatching the odd chapter on my mini-reader in slow times at work. My solution should have included reviews of e-books for which I have paid (to exclude free offers). It's not earth-shattering, but the best I can think of. This is so true! I never thought about this. But I will definitely not give my books for free now that I read this (except maybe to family members, of course). ← Apologies for my absence.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Do you ever get fed up with breed politics and want to keep to yourself? "I'll just keep quiet and avoid trouble. I'm not going to hang around these people." Breed politics are a fact of life. It seems as though we tend to come across the same personality types, and same cliques again and again. We often ask ourselves why we didn't see it coming and avoid the same issues. However, the solution is not to isolate yourself from your fellow PON owners. If you are isolated, you may set yourself up to be the one talked about, or blamed for issues you know nothing about in the breed. You're the outsider. You also miss out on updated developments and "news" among owners. Online information provides very little of what is actually going on. You'll know more by making friends among other PON owners. However, when it comes to important breed issues or jealousies between two sides, never take a side. It will do you little good to defend one side. To survive PON politics, you must be able to contact fellow owners. Why cut yourself off from the support of one group, or even one person? Be diplomatic, understanding of all sides, and refrain from judgment. Avoid gossiping about fellow PON owners. When others dish the dirt, carefully remove yourself. If you add your comments, your words become part of the story as that infector carries the story to the next person. It is far better to protect your reputation and your relationships, than indulge in gossip. Another way to cut yourself off is by claiming you have perfect PONS. Fellow PON owners appreciate real PON owners/PONS with a few imperfections, bad hair days and an occasional crisis. If your PONS seem perfect, fellow PON owners will be waiting, if not hoping for dirt to happen. We can boil it down to a strategy in which you do not cut yourself off, but enjoy favorable relationships with your fellow PON owners. You may not be able to get along with everyone. Just try not to offend or alienate. Don't be seen as political, or biased. You are impartial, and in the end you'll look good. The best way to win trust among all PON owners is not to gossip. Lastly, be careful not to appear to be anyone's flunky. The bottom line is you want to be trusted, respected and liked.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: AWS OpenSearch python client raises a 403 on client.indices.exists() - what permissions are required? I am trying to test whether a particular OpenSearch Index exists via opensearch-py. I am receiving a 403 error and can't for the life of me establish the correct permissions: 2022-07-04 14:11:11,535 - WARNING | L258 log_request_fail (): HEAD https://<blah>.<region>.es.amazonaws.com:443/test-index [status:403 request:0.072s] The call is if opensearch_client.indices.exists(index='test-index): ... What permissions on the OpenSearch side are required to perform this operation? I can't see anything relating to the HTTP HEAD operation, for example. Other operations are working just fine. Help!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Dutch Turley Douglas "Dutch" Turley is the Construction Manager for Manhattan West.. Mr. Turley's responsibilities include managing the construction process as it relates to Manhattan West's real estate funds/strategies. Specifically, he oversees the buildout of new construction projects, in addition to managing the renovation of existing structures. Mr. Turley helps to ensure that each construction project follows Manhattan West's strict investment mandate and that real estate investment assets are repositioned to deliver results efficiently. Prior to joining Manhattan West, Mr. Turley worked with Taylor Made Remodels LLC. While there, Mr. Turley learned from a 'bottom-up' approach as he curated the building process. A hard worker by nature, Mr. Turley was promoted to a management position where he oversaw the company's investment properties. Before embarking on his real estate career, Mr. Turley served honorably in the United States Navy. After completing training, Mr. Turley became a Navy SEAL earning the coveted SEAL Trident with BUDs Class 269. He is a combat veteran having been deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Becoming a Navy SEAL requires discipline and immense mental fortitude to develop the skills necessary to succeed. Ultimately, Mr. Turley's exceptionalism was recognized as he became a member of SEAL Team 8. After being honorably discharged from the Navy, Mr. Turley became affiliated with a non-profit company, Operation Underground Railroad, where he was the Director of Rescue Operations. He led undercover sting operations to rescue children from sex trafficking rings in over 15 countries. Mr. Turley received a scholarship to play water polo, while earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in Exercise Science at Brigham Young University in Hawaii. Mr. Turley enjoys many hobbies, including surfing and skydiving. [email protected]
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Nowadays, its impossible to think of a computer without a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, but it was just 10 years ago that they began to become commonplace. I remember then that the CD-ROM was touted as the next big thing - it was going to revolutionalise education, home learning and information technology. The reality, of course, is hugely different. While it has worked for a select few applications (encyclopedias in particular), few of us want to spend hours in front of a computer screen reading what is essentially a glorified interactive book. So it was with a large grain of scepticism that I approached the Multimedia DVD-ROM about Dmitri Shostakovich. Was it to be like a recent spate of music-themed CD-ROMs - simplistic, banal, awkward to navigate, with a few snippets of well-known tunes thrown in at random? I am happy to say that this set, which appears on both DVD-ROM and CD-ROM is a absolute triumph, fusing the technology of digital media with a truly deep and relevent exploration of one of the twentieth century's greatest composers. Lets click on each menu option to see how this extraordinary DVD works. A short, artistic introductory video, custom-made for this DVD and CD, which sets the tone for the further exploration. This option explores the life of Shostakovich using his own letters, journals and reminiscences, most of which has never been published before. The years of his life are shown on the circle which you can rotate to get to his later years. Opus numbers of the works written in each year are shown on the circle. You can then click on any year to explore further. Each year is represented by a separate page, an artistic collage of photos, quotes, and musical works from that year. 1937 is shown below. The collage is hyperlinked to other sections of the DVD. Click on the photos to see them in greater detail. Click on the opus numbers to explore the musical works. Click on the names to see more about the people who influenced Shostakovich in that year. Probably most significant in this section is the documents from Shostakovich's life. Click on the text exerpt to bring up the entire translated text - Shostakovich's thoughts, inspirations, trials and tribulations. Over 250 separate documents, most never seen before, are included. The next section includes every piece of music Shostakovich ever wrote. The opening page shows all the opus numbers on an ingenious interactive grid. Or you can view the complete list of works in text format, filtered by orchestral, chamber, theatre etc. Lets click on the Symphony No.7, the "Leningrad", Opus 60. This brings up another interactive collage. Again you can explore the works further. Click on the score to view the original hand-written score in detail, usually the first page or two are provided, showing Shostakovich's struggle to come up with the final result. And most fascinating, click on the speaker icon to hear an exerpt from the work. There are 87 samples of music, some quite short, but some are entire movements. The performances are sometimes by Shostakovich himself, or a recording of the premier performance, or a respected performance from the time. This section is of photographs and scanned documents from Shostakovich's life. There are over 800 photopgraphs, dating from his very early life up to the the year of his death. Some are stiff official images, some are warm family snapshots. The family albums brings human quality that is often neglected in pictures of Shostakovich. Shostakovich playing with his son Maxim in the coutryside, Shostakovich holding a kitten, Shostakovich with his wife. The other photographs and documents over the years includes official and family photos, program notes, passport images, publicity shots, cartoons and other fascinating tidbits. All are clickable to show them at full resoilution, and can also be watched as a slideshow. The film archive is possibly the most interesting section af all. There are 33 selections on the DVD-ROM and 15 selections on the CD-ROM. They are quite short, some just a minute long. Some are silent, but most have sound, and the spoken Russian is subtitled. Here we see newsreels of Shostakovich composing, leading masterclasses, making speeches as well as performances of many of his works and movies for which he wrote music. Shostakovich performs many of his own works on the piano, some of them pre-dating the orchestral premiers. Most ominously, we see Shostakovich at the dreaded meeting where his music was denounced as "formalistic". The look on his face is a man not just in fear of his career, but in dread of losing his life. The discography is an exhaustive list af every recording of Shostakovich works, accurate up to 2000. It includes historic and modern recordings on both LP and CD, and provides and invaluble reference. And finally, the commentaries section provides short autobiographical details of almost every person mentioned in the texts, all hypertext linked. Family, friends, collegues, enemies, performers and interpreters of his works. This is an enourmous resourse for the Shostakovich fan. There is more information here than anybody could ever want. I have spent several sessions with the DVD-ROM version, each lasting 2 to 3 hours, and I have still barely scratched the surface. The navigation is superb. The viewer does not have to follow each section methodically, but is seamlessly taken to whatever relevent section is clicked on. Take a chronological tour, or just explore a small group of works. Watch movies in isolation, or just when they are relevent to the topic at hand. The collages are beautiful and interesting, as well as being interactive. Part of the fun is discovering what text, music or photos are available within each collage. The music samples are historically fascinating, and Shostakovich demonstrating his own works is incredible. Some of the texts in the Archives section are not translated, which makes them somewhat irrelevent to non-Russian speakers. Luckily most have English, French and German translations. The movies have no time-line, so the viewer has no way of knowing how long the clip is, and no way of rewinding to a particular section. The silent movie clips have a somewhat irritating projector sound overlaid. The biggest deficit is a lack of description of each musical work. Sure, we get all the technical details, we get Shostakovich's reminiscences and thoughts on each work, and can listen to many of them too. But we dont get an editorial discussion of how the work fits in with Shotakovich's themes and times. Perhaps this is because the focus is more on Shostakovich himself and his life. The DVD-ROM contains 33 video clips while the CD-ROM has only 15. In addition, the music samples are recorded at higher quality on the DVD version. Please note, this is a DVD-ROM that plays on a computer (with a DVD drive installed). It will not play on a DVD player attached to a TV. If you have the equipment to run the DVD-ROM, buy this version. Otherwise, the CD-ROM will play on almost any computer, Windows or Mac. This is an essential experience for any Shostakovich enthusiast. I would also recommend it to anyone who is wondering what the big deal is about with Shostakovich. This set is what the CD-ROM revolution was supposed to be. A rich, intuitively interactive multimedia experience that shows us Shostakovich in a way that no other medium can. by purchasing this CD using this link.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
A Canon fax machine contains a built-in memory component that stores a copy of each fax it receives and prints. The memory component is handy for retrieving faxes that didn't print correctly or you need to print an extra copy of a fax for a business associate or client. Like a computer's memory, a Canon fax machine includes a way to clear faxes from its memory. Press the "Menu" button on your Canon fax machine's front panel. Press the down arrow to scroll to "Memory Reference" and press the "Start/Copy" button. Scroll down to "Del. Printed RX" and press the "Start/Copy" button. A "" prompt appears on your fax machine's display. Press the "*" button to clear the fax machine's memory. Press the "Stop" button to exit the Menu function. To delete a single fax from memory, complete Steps 1 and 2 and then scroll down to "Delete Document" and press the "Start/Copy" button. Press the up or down button to scroll and locate the document you want to delete. Press the "Start/Copy" button to select the fax. A "" prompt will appear on your fax machine's display. Press the "*" button to delete the fax.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
1 Lucky Winner will receive their own BruJoy Double Citrus Press and a BruJoy Milk Frother. I appreciate all of your hard work. Please remember there are bonus entries for sharing this giveaway and sponsors pages on your social media channels. I can't ask you to "Like" our pages when you visit, But if you see something you like, let us know. We LOVE it when you LIKE our page. Please be sure to click the links in the entries for the BONUS ENTRIES. I have tried a few of the BruJoy products and have not been let down by them. I am happy to be a part of a giveaway for these product. MarksvilleandMe wishes everyone who enters Good Luck!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Unit testing a method in which I am doing a dependency injection I have a terminal app with two classes: Todo and TodoApp. The method below lives in TodoApp, I would like to unit test this method and keep it isolated in my test. Since I am doing a dependency injection within the method, how could I mock that? (@todos is an empty array in TodoApp initialize) def add(task, day, todo = Todo) @todos.push(todo.new(task, day)) return "#{task} was added to your todos" end Thanks in advance for your help. A: I imagine your code looks like this. class TodoApp def initialize @todos = [] end def add(task, day, todo = Todo) @todos.push(todo.new(task, day)) return "#{task} was added to your todos" end end This is NOT injecting the empty array into the TodoApp. And, therefore you are going to have difficulty accessing it from the tests. But, if your TodoApp object looked like this: class TodoApp def initialize(todos = []) @todos = todos end def add(task, day, todo = Todo) @todos.push(todo.new(task, day)) return "#{task} was added to your todos" end end Now you are injecting something into TodoApp that can be mocked, or even just evaluated: describe TodoApp do subject(:app) { described_class.new(todos) } let(:todos) { [] } describe '#add' do subject(:add) { app.add(task, day) } let(:task) { 'task' } let(:day) { 'day' } it 'pushes the item on the list of todos' do expect { add }.to change { todos.length }.by(1) end end end
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
You guys, those hypocrites! Jesus is totally right. why can't they be consistent, why can't they not be jerks? What are people hypocritical about? What do you see out there that gets your goat? Not surprising, maybe, but still painful, right? This is how a lot of people see us, and for good reason. we are much more often admirers of Jesus than followers. and aren't aware of our motivations. It's not just other people but us. what does that look like in our lives? we're talking about doing what we say we think is important. In other words, what difference does our belief in Jesus make? it's easy for us to explain away the difficult things Jesus calls us to. to sell everything we have and give the money to the poor. who don't have those things. Our comfort is nice but not the point. because of what scripture says? that we'll know them by their fruit. [take basket of fruit from assistant 3]. who shot eight of their daughters and then himself. rather than as who we were created to be. (which is ridiculous since I fail at that on a daily basis). For interrupting me to find her Barbie's shoes. It seems like an impossible task to live up to Jesus' teachings. and I spend a lot of time maintaining it but that's not my fruit. only to be cheating on their wives with men? trying to hide the brokenness we don't want each other to see? Do you see where I'm going here? Be honest—what do you do that you know is not Jesus-like? Or even that others might see that way? What are you hiding in your own hypocrisy? And what is your fruit? and yes, we are all broken, but we're trying to mend. we become flowering fruit trees. we become gardens of delight. We are doing what we were created to do. This dance, this riot of color, this vulnerability and truth, this is the Kingdom of God. I have read, or have listened to, words from the Bible almost everyday of my life and I believe I can now say, without any doubt, that there are two great evils that a person can commit: hurting people and hypocrisy. On these two sins hang all that is evil and all who promote evil.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Polo G is Projected to Earn His First Number 1 Album With 'Hall of Fame' by Timothy Mwachia June 16, 2021, 1:15 pm updated June 16, 2021, 1:19 pm The first-week sales projections for Migos and Polo G's albums are in According to a post by Hits Daily Double, Polo G is projected to debut at the top of Billboard 200 for the first time as Hall of Fame is expected to sell 165-175k album-equivalent units this week. Migos's latest effort, Culture 3, is predicted to move 125-135k album-equivalent units. These numbers should be enough to place the trio in second place on the charts. Related content: Polo G Purchases $4.9M Mansion Ahead of Album Release Polo G's album was supported by a few singles among them "RAPSTAR," which peaked at number one on Billboard 100. Culture 3 was well-received as fans had to wait for three years for the group to deliver their fourth studio album. Congratulations to Polo G and Migos for the impressive opening week numbers. Here are the First Week Sales for Migos' 'Culture III' and Polo G's 'Hall of Fame' Peep the Tracklist for Migos' 'Culture 3' Featuring Drake, Cardi B, Polo G, Future, Juice Wrld, and More Drake Confirms 'Certified Lover Boy' Will Arrive Before Summer Ends What does "Rap Game" mean?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
As an vehicle detailer you probably acquired in the enterprise since you choose to encourage a sound and pristine image in all the things you do. Most likely you are a perfectionist, which perspective is one of your temperament motorists. If you are like that therefore you know it, I unquestionably have an understanding of. In fact, there is certainly almost nothing completely wrong with that, and it truly is fantastic to possess people such as you on the planet, since I believe it would make it an improved position. Nonetheless, there's a difference between graphic, marketing and advertising, branding, and having also grandiose. Actually I might want to talk to you about this for a minute if I might. You see, prior to retirement I ran a corporation that was in the mobile boat detailing san diego small business, and we experienced franchised all around the country in about 23 states, and established these small rigs up in several metropolitan areas, and we even had gone and leased space at the back of numerous automobile dealerships to perform their new car detailing as well as their new automobile preps. Therefore we had been accomplishing both residential and personal Detailing, coupled with company, fleet, and wholesale detailing. It really is easy within the vehicle detailing business enterprise to acquire small business, particularly when you are the just one doing the perform, and you simply do an unbelievable work. Nonetheless, it's difficult to find people who find themselves perfectionist such as you are, and after you discover them, occasionally these are a little bit fickle, they've quirky character characteristics, and it does not always make them one of the most perfect employee. They're significantly better off remaining independent contractors, or perhaps in enterprise for on their own, just as you will be now. In case you are likely to hire folks like this you'll want to pay them a proportion of every vehicle they are doing, help it become honest, and permit them kind of operate their own small business inside your company. High-end hair salons usually operate in this manner, and it really is a decent organization model, and it helps make sense for them. I would propose to you personally that the identical small business product can perform for you personally likewise. Now then, 1 point I always mentioned about our franchisees is that they had large ideas, and so they desired to mature their businesses even larger and larger. That is incredibly noble, and it was unquestionably good for me for the reason that the greater money they built, the more royalties I obtained. So I was all in. On the other hand, it really is actually straightforward to get way too big to your britches, or way too grandiose from the measurement of your element store, the type of rig you push, or many of the extra function you put into branding your impression and attempting to outdo the level of competition. Don't forget it won't make any difference what organization you are in, you might be in enterprise to help make cash, to not travel close to to become a showoff, or get by yourself in debt trying to appear cooler than your level of competition. I noticed too many of our franchisees making an attempt to try this, and also all their competitors. It might be a all-natural human instinct, however you need to resist it if it gets out of hand. In fact I hope you might make sure you take into consideration all this and think on it.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
package com.google.firebase.cloud; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull; import com.google.cloud.storage.Bucket; import com.google.cloud.storage.Storage; import com.google.cloud.storage.StorageOptions; import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.common.base.Strings; import com.google.firebase.FirebaseApp; import com.google.firebase.ImplFirebaseTrampolines; import com.google.firebase.internal.FirebaseService; /** * StorageClient provides access to Google Cloud Storage APIs. You can specify a default cloud * storage bucket via {@link com.google.firebase.FirebaseOptions}, and then get a reference to this * default bucket by calling {@link StorageClient#bucket()}. Or you can get a reference to a * specific bucket at any time by calling {@link StorageClient#bucket(String)}. * * <p>This class requires Google Cloud Storage libraries for Java. Make sure the artifact * google-cloud-storage is in the classpath along with its transitive dependencies. */ public class StorageClient { private final FirebaseApp app; private final Storage storage; @VisibleForTesting StorageClient(FirebaseApp app, Storage storage) { this.app = checkNotNull(app, "FirebaseApp must not be null"); this.storage = checkNotNull(storage, "Storage must not be null"); } public static StorageClient getInstance() { return getInstance(FirebaseApp.getInstance()); } public static synchronized StorageClient getInstance(FirebaseApp app) { StorageClientService service = ImplFirebaseTrampolines.getService(app, SERVICE_ID, StorageClientService.class); if (service == null) { Storage storage = StorageOptions.newBuilder() .setCredentials(ImplFirebaseTrampolines.getCredentials(app)) .build() .getService(); StorageClient client = new StorageClient(app, storage); service = ImplFirebaseTrampolines.addService(app, new StorageClientService(client)); } return service.getInstance(); } /** * Returns the default cloud storage bucket associated with the current app. This is the bucket * configured via {@link com.google.firebase.FirebaseOptions} when initializing the app. If * no bucket was configured via options, this method throws an exception. * * @return a cloud storage <a href="https://googlecloudplatform.github.io/google-cloud-java/google-cloud-clients/apidocs/com/google/cloud/storage/Bucket.html">{@code Bucket}</a> * instance. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If no bucket is configured via <code>FirebaseOptions</code>, * or if the bucket does not exist. */ public Bucket bucket() { return bucket(app.getOptions().getStorageBucket()); } /** * Returns a cloud storage Bucket instance for the specified bucket name. * * @param name a non-null, non-empty bucket name. * @return a cloud storage <a href="https://googlecloudplatform.github.io/google-cloud-java/latest/google-cloud-clients/com/google/cloud/storage/Bucket.html">{@code Bucket}</a> * instance. * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the bucket name is null, empty, or if the specified * bucket does not exist. */ public Bucket bucket(String name) { checkArgument(!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name), "Bucket name not specified. Specify the bucket name via the storageBucket " + "option when initializing the app, or specify the bucket name explicitly when " + "calling the getBucket() method."); Bucket bucket = storage.get(name); checkArgument(bucket != null, "Bucket " + name + " does not exist."); return bucket; } private static final String SERVICE_ID = StorageClient.class.getName(); private static class StorageClientService extends FirebaseService<StorageClient> { StorageClientService(StorageClient client) { super(SERVICE_ID, client); } } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Devi Bagulamukhi is worshipped for victory in court cases and for getting the victory over enemies. Devi BaglaMukhi has the power of turning things into its opposite. Devi Bagulamukhi anushthan is done in right muhurta after proper analysis of horoscope one can enhance the chances of victory in court or defeat the enemies.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, October 27) — Several countries and international organizations have pledged to help rebuild war-torn Marawi, Malacañang said Friday. These include Australia, Japan, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Asian Development Bank (ADB), European Union (EU), World Bank, and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Task Force Bangon Marawi said it is studying the offers to ensure compliance with the government's policy on foreign aid. "We understand that there are certain pronouncements made by the President regarding certain manners… Of course we're duty-bound to follow those policies," Office of Civil Defense Assistant Secretary and Task Force Bangon Marawi Spokesman Kristoffer James Purisima said in a Malacañang press briefing. "We will periodically release information as to which donations we've accepted," he said. President Rodrigo Duterte has made it clear he does not want any aid with conditions, as he repeatedly lashed out at the European Union (EU) for alleged criticisms of the drug war. The EU pledged up to P6 billion to help the displaced Marawi residents start small businesses. Though the President has said he does not want aid from EU, there is no final decision yet, according to Task Force Bangon Marawi. It said the government has already received assistance from Canada, China, Germany, Korea, India, Thailand, Singapore, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistance, and USAID. Details on how much each donor has given, in cash or in kind, has yet to be released. Duterte earlier said rebuilding Marawi may cost more than P50 billion. Apart from financial aid, there are also offers to help train the country's troops in urban warfare, the kind of warfare that government troops had engaged in with the ISIS-inspired Maute Group in Marawi. Armed Forces spokesman Major General Restituto Padilla said Australia is training a military battalion for this. This is the battalion that was first sent to Marawi when the crisis broke out on May 23, prompting Duterte to declare martial law throughout Mindanao. He said the U.S., Russia, and China have also expressed willingness to assist the Philippine military with similar kinds of training. "Although meron namang orientation at meron namang konting training ang ating karamihan na sundalo, bibihira at maliit lang 'yung puwersa natin na talagang ganap na handa sa ganitong mga pagkakataon (Although our soldiers have some training in urban warfare, only a small part of our force is really equipped)," Padilla said. Terrorists may no longer be in Marawi, after soldiers killed 920 of them, but no less than President Duterte warned that "lone wolf" attacks may happen across the country. A total of 165 soldiers and 47 civilians were also killed in Marawi. Padilla said "lone wolves" may come from the list of suspected rebels and terrorists that the government ordered arrested since June. Of some 300 names in the list, only about 100 are in custody. "Remember, they still remain at large. So they still pose a threat," Padilla said. The military calls on Filipinos to report any suspicous effort by extremists to recruit followers via social media, to prevent any terror attack.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
â' Meaning And Group Decision-Making Wednesday, August 25, 2021 10:34:29 AM Print Meaning And Group Decision-Making problem on a sheet Meaning And Group Decision-Making paper and get a Meaning And Group Decision-Making sheet for each employee. London; New Confederate Monuments Argumentative Essay Routledge. Members are required to Meaning And Group Decision-Making the results Meaning And Group Decision-Making respond to the Meaning And Group Decision-Making questionnaire. In addition to this Meaning And Group Decision-Making and most important advantage, group participation also provides Meaning And Group Decision-Making significant benefit of increased understanding of the issue and the decision amongst the team Meaning And Group Decision-Making. One Meaning And Group Decision-Making the basic requirements is to make the decision-making process clear. Improve this page Learn More. Long Range Planning. Group Decision Making Definition : Decision Making is the cognitive process of selecting a course of action, out of a set of available alternatives, so as to achieve the goals of the organization. It is an indispensable part of the management, as decisions are made at each level by the management executives. The characteristics of decision making are discussed as under:. It is a problem-solving activity which produces a solution considered as the most favourable and appropriate one, as per the situation. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. July Learn how and when to remove this template message. Main article: Analysis paralysis. Main article: Information overload. Main article: Decision fatigue. Main article: Emotions in decision-making. May Learn how and when to remove this template message. Main article: Maximization psychology. Main article: Dual process theory. Philosophy portal Psychology portal. Aboulomania Adaptive performance Agent economics Analytic hierarchy process Argument map Business decision mapping Choice architecture Choice modelling Concept driven strategy Decision downloading Decision fatigue Decision quality Decision-making unit Emotional choice theory Foresight psychology Framing social sciences Free will Idea networking Rational choice theory Robust decision. The New Science of Management Decision. ISBN Complex problem solving: the European perspective. OCLC December S2CID Choices, values, and frames. Multi-criteria decision making methods: a comparative study. Applied optimization. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISSN PMID Unifying themes in complex systems. Berlin; New York: Springer. CiteSeerX In Sternberg, Robert J. The evolution of intelligence. The new rational manager: an updated edition for a new world Updated ed. Management decision making: spreadsheet modeling, analysis, and application. In Armstrong, Jon Scott ed. Principles of forecasting: a handbook for researchers and practitioners. Oxford Dictionaries English. Retrieved Lexico Dictionaries English. Analysis paralysis: a case of terminological inexactitude. Long Range Planning. August Janis' Victims of Groupthink". Political Psychology. JSTOR Archived from the original on Administrative Science Quarterly. November Monash Business Review. Psychological Review. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. Personality and Intellectual Competence. Information and society. Cambridge, Massachusetts. ISSN X. Nature Neuroscience. Descartes' error: emotion, reason, and the human brain. New York: Putnam. Annual Review of Neuroscience. May Bibcode : Sci PMC April Archived from the original PDF on July Journal of Economic Psychology. Current Directions in Psychological Science. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. University of Illinois News Bureau. University of Illinois. US News and World Report. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. Dotmocracy Handbook. Jason Diceman. In Willcox, William Bradford ed. The papers of Benjamin Franklin: January 1 through December 31, New Haven: Yale University Press. Teaching decision making to adolescents. See also: Mann, Leon July Australian Psychologist. Decision making: a psychological analysis of conflict, choice, and commitment. New York: Free Press. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making. June The Health Care Manager. Journal of College and Character. Aubrey Fisher" PDF. A first look at communication theory 1st ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. Psychology 2nd ed. New York: Worth Publishers. Boundless Management. Ray; Ranyard, Rob In Ranyard, Rob; Crozier, W. Ray; Svenson, Ola eds. Decision making: cognitive models and explanations. Frontiers of cognitive science. London; New York: Routledge. Journal of Consumer Research. January Journal of Experimental Child Psychology. Developmental Review. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Bibcode : PNAS.. Bibcode : Natur. Developmental Psychology. Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology. Summarize the inherent flaws and arguments against the rational model of decision-making within a business context. Critics of rational choice theory —or the rational model of decision-making—claim that this model makes unrealistic and over-simplified assumptions. Their objections to the rational model include:. Prospect theory reflects the empirical finding that, contrary to rational choice theory, people fear losses more than they value gains, so they weigh the probabilities of negative outcomes more heavily than their actual potential cost. Other researchers in the field of behavioral economics have also tried to explain why human behavior often goes against pure economic rationality. This theory was proposed by Herbert A. Simon as a more holistic way of understanding decision-making. Bounded rationality shares the view that decision-making is a fully rational process; however, it adds the condition that people act on the basis of limited information. Because decision-makers lack the ability and resources to arrive at the optimal solution, they instead apply their rationality to a set of choices that have already been narrowed down by the absence of complete information and resources. People frequently employ alternative, non-rational techniques in their decision making processes. Examine alternative perspectives on decision making, such as that of Herbert Simon and Gerd Gigerenzer, which outline non-rational decision-making factors. The rational model of decision making holds that people have complete information and can objectively evaluate alternatives to select the optimal choice. The rationality of individuals is limited, however, by the information they have, the cognitive limitations of their minds, and the finite amount of time they have to make a decision. To account for these limitations, alternative models of decision making offer different views of how people make choices. American psychology and economics researcher Herbert A. Simon defined two cognitive styles: maximizers and satisficers. They also tend to regret their decisions more often perhaps because they are more able than satisficers to recognize when a decision has turned out to be sub-optimal. On the other hand, satisficers recognize that decision makers lack the ability and resources to arrive at an optimal solution. They instead apply their rationality only after they greatly simplify the choices available. Thus, a satisficer seeks a satisfactory solution rather than an optimal one. German psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer goes beyond Simon in dismissing the importance of optimization in decision making. If an individual works through the decision-making process alone, arrives at a decision, and communicates that decision to employees Avocado And Globalization Meaning And Group Decision-Making not involved in the process, those employees might not understand or Meaning And Group Decision-Making the nature, importance, or propriety of the decision. Meaning And Group Decision-Making in your library. As a rule, Meaning And Group Decision-Making sequence leaves no options for the opponent. It is important Meaning And Group Decision-Making differentiate between problem solvingor problem analysis, and decision-making. Meaning And Group Decision-Making in socialization are divided in to functional Meaning And Group Decision-Making dysfunctional Fructose Corn Syrup Documentary Analysis. Decision avoidance Meaning And Group Decision-Making different from analysis paralysis because this sensation is about avoiding the situation entirely, while analysis paralysis is continually looking at Meaning And Group Decision-Making decisions to be made Meaning And Group Decision-Making still unable to make a choice. Nike Incorporation Case Study Monday, December 13, 2021 3:40:05 PM Tuesday, August 10, 2021 8:34:41 PM Trujillo Power Theme
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Reaffirming the five-point plan highlighted when the then new CEO Seifi Ghasemi joined Air Products took control just over a year ago, more changes are on the way for the company. Its Board of Directors has approved the intention to fully separate its Materials Technologies business via a tax-free spin-off to its shareholders – due for completion before September 2016, subject to typical regulatory approvals. "I am very pleased that our Board of Directors has approved this strategic move. This separation will provide shareholders ownership in two leading and focused companies while providing the opportunity to value our Industrial Gases and Materials Technologies businesses independently. We believe a tax-free spin-off of the Materials Technologies business will create significant shareholder value," said Seifi Ghasemi, Chairman, President and CEO at Air Products. This strategic decision will allow Air Products' Industrial Gases and the Materials Technologies businesses to leverage their respective critical competencies and enhance their competitive positions. The company believes the result of the spin-off will be two best-in-class public companies with distinct business models, capital requirements and growth profiles. The decision was made after an extensive review examining the strategic options for the Materials Technologies business by Air Products' Board of Directors and management. "The intent to separate is consistent with our management philosophy and the five-point plan we have discussed on many occasions over the past year and emphasized at our investor conference. It will allow us to take another step in pursuit of our ultimate goal, to become the safest and most profitable industrial gas company in the world, providing excellent service to our customers," said Ghasemi. "Our management team has demonstrated the ability to innovate, improve our underlying performance and rapidly respond to changing market dynamics to deliver profitable growth," said Guillermo Novo, executive vice president for Materials Technologies. Novo will be CEO of the yet-to-be-named company at the completion of the spin-off. Ghasemi will be the non-executive chairman of the new company, while maintaining his current roles as Chairman, President and CEO of Air Products. Air Products has been recognized among the top 20 percent of its industry sector for corporate sustainability performance. Air Products' PRISM® Membranes division in St. Louis, Missouri, has received Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) certification from DNV GL Business Assurance Italia S.r.l. for its newest line of biogas membrane separators – with the company stating this is key for European business plans.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Home » Racing » Stefano Domenicali claims Formula 1 now has record 2bn audience Stefano Domenicali claims Formula 1 now has record 2bn audience 12/23/2021 Racing Formula 1 president Stefano Domenicali says the 2021 season attracted a record number of two billion viewers. The 2021 campaign will be remembered as one of the greatest Formula 1 has seen, a season of twists and turns as Lewis Hamilton and Max Verstappen battled for the Drivers' title, while gripping action also shone through in the midfield pack. At times we saw those midfield stars rise to prominence – Daniel Ricciardo's victory at Monza, leading home a McLaren one-two; Esteban Ocon's win in Hungary for Alpine; plus the late heartbreak for Lando Norris in Russia as a late rain shower and wrong strategy call cost him the win having led much of the race from pole position. Many more key elements could be added to the list, and that has resulted in more eyes being on Formula 1 than ever before. Speaking to Motorsport.com, Domenicali said: "We are coming from an extraordinary season, followed by more than two billion people! "The last Abu Dhabi GP was the most watched sporting event in 2021. These are stratospheric numbers that we should be proud of." A new FIA president is now at the helm, that being Mohammed Ben Sulayem, who replaces Jean Todt after he served his maximum term of 12 years in the post. He therefore has several priorities which have been laid out to him to keep the good times rolling, but it cannot be ignored the title-deciding season finale in Abu Dhabi ended in controversial fashion. An FIA investigation is under way regarding the interpretation of the Sporting Regulations in Abu Dhabi and whether they were followed correctly by race director Michael Masi. Domenicali did not want to be pulled back into the talk of said controversy, but did hint that under Ben Sulayem there could be a shift in the balance within the FIA which impacts Formula 1 going forward. "With the change of presidency at the FIA, there could also be a change in the balance within the International Federation which, for us, has an absolutely fundamental role," Domenicali explained. "We have already spoken to the president, we have talked about the priorities he will have to face, and they are many, but at this stage it is right to remain silent so as not to create further controversy in an area that was very heated." Scary 40-Car Crash Closes Wisconsin Highway, No Injuries Reported Wheel of Fortune Robs Contestant of Car Prize, But There's a Happy Ending
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
High-Schooler Hits Every Note in Michael Jackson's "The Way You Make Me Feel," "You Are Not Alone" It is also the best "He-He" we've heard in years © Phil Walter/Getty Images There are Michael Jackson covers and renditions that pop up seemingly every day, however, it's not every day that we come across one that is this good. Related: Michael Jackson's "Thriller" Is Getting An IMAX 3D Facelift This high school student sounds so much like the late white-gloved King of Pop that if you close your eyes, you may just mistake the two. While we are unsure of his name (if you know him, tweet us!), we are sure he absolutely nails hitting every note in the 1995 hit, "You Are Not Alone," and late 80's anthem, "The Way You Make Me Feel." (Note the impeccable "He-He!") Prepare to be amazed. Make him famous pic.twitter.com/ReLfCdXcRe — Best Vines (@TheFunnyVine) September 7, 2018 Murked dat Mic Jack pic.twitter.com/MFCAgPSTdr — Big Boi (@BigBoi) September 11, 2018
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Northwest Music / Suite 4 Blacktown Leisure Centre, Stanhope Gardens. / 0400-608-177. Put some musical magic in your celebrations! Northwest Music will bring Music Rhapsody to you and make your party one to remember. Musically engaging and unique celebrations for every age group. Musical celebrations featuring dance and movement, singing, percussion instruments, musical storytelling, puppets, props, and more!Drum circles and drumming that brings all ages together! Interactive baby and tot birthday parties, with parent participation, to make the party fun for everyone. Music activities – such as instrument playing, dancing, musical games, and stories – guided by our highly qualified Music Rhapsody teachers. Cost: $210 for 45 minutes of musical activity. Current Students receive 10% discount! 50% non-refundable deposit required to book date. Call 0400-608-177 for more information and to schedule a party.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Adult Adoptions – Hildebrand Law Office, P.C. Georgia law provides for the adoption of any person over the age of 18 who consents to the arrangement. Such adoptions may include godparents adopting a godchild, or someone with whom you have developed a family relationship. Hildebrand Law Office will guide you through the legal steps to formalize an adult adoption. All costs include all fees and court costs, with the exception of publication, when needed.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Handout you are attempting to access, "Preventing Workplace Falls (PDF)", is reserved for Safety.BLR.com subscribers. Excerpt from "Preventing Workplace Falls (PDF)" The purpose of this training session is to describe fall hazards in the workplace and identify safety measures for preventing accidents and injuries. By the end of this session, employees should know about fall hazards in the workplace, safety measures to prevent falls, and first aid for workplace falls. Use this handout to accompany the Preventing Workplace Falls trainer's outline.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Undertitel: A Visual Guide to Planning Shots, Cuts, and Transitions Kelly Gordon Brine Oxford University Press Inc The Art of Cinematic Storytelling To dramatize a story using moving images, a director must have a full understanding of the meaning and emotional effect of all the various types of shots and cuts that are available to advance the story. Drawing upon his extensive experience as a storyboard artist who has worked with over 200 directors and cinematographers on television series and movies, author Kelly Gordon Brine provides a practical and accessible introduction to the design of shots, cuts, andtransitions for film, television, animation, video, and game design.With hundreds of illustrations and diagrams, concise explanations of essential storytelling concepts, and vivid examples, The Art of Cinematic Storytelling demystifies the visual design choices that are fundamental to directing and editing. The author delves deeply into the techniques that visual storytellers use to captivate their audience, including blocking, camera positioning, transitions, and planning shots with continuity editing in mind. Practical advice on how to clarify time,space, and motion in many common situations - such as dialogue, pursuits, and driving sequences - makes this book an invaluable guide for all aspiring filmmakers. Filmproduktion: teknik Tv-produktion Av författare:Kelly Gordon Brine Av förlag: Oxford University Press Inc
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
People are looking at their smartphones more than ever, so how do you find out how much? How many times do you check your smartphone each day? Not just when it rings or vibrates but also when you're checking the weather, sending a text, glancing at Facebook and reading the news? The surprising answer is that smartphone users check their phones 150 times a day on average, according to a report by Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers' annual Internet Trends. Is this so surprising? When you consider what we use our smartphones for, it's not hard to see how we reach 150 checks per day. Smartphones have become our watches, newspapers, magazines, crosswords, maps and phone books. People have swapped their cameras and shopping trolleys for smartphones. They've become our default device, having all but replaced laptops and desktop computers for many tasks. Smartphones are a big part of daily business and our lives generally. However, we need to be more aware of the time we spend checking our phones and there are a number of phone apps that can help you track this. First up is Moment for iOS. Moment was designed to work in the background i.e. not to be opened as that would defeat the purpose. Once set up, you won't have to open the app again and it will track your usage in the background, giving you a warning if you go over your daily limit. This app is currently being developed for Android also. The Phone Addict Free app for Android is another useful app that displays average daily phone usage based on historical data. It also allows you to track your usage progress. Worth checking out is Checky for iOS and Android which records not only how many times each day you check your phone but also maps out where you've used it. Daily stats can also be shared with friends and if usage signals technology addiction, Checky points to another app, Calm, to help with meditation! The irony of turning to an app to manage technology addiction won't be lost on most people! Last up, have some fun with Phone Addict for iOS. This game app retrains you to use your phone on a needs versus impulse basis. The idea is that you get rewarded when you're not using your phone. The app has 11 levels of difficulty that must be conquered to become a Phone Addict Master. Whether we care to admit it or not, our smartphones are constantly in our hands and this isn't going to change. So, make sure your smartphone is protected with a smart case. Sprout has got it covered, with a great range of phone cases online, including phone cases for Apple, Samsung, HTC and other well-known brands. Sprout phone cases are innovative, funky and available in over 300 retail locations. Visit Sprout's online store now and see the latest range of accessories for your smartphone.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Since 2013, Sundown with Love, which is a part of Sundown Marathon's Charity outreach campaign gathers the running community together for one simple reason – to give back to the community. To date, Sundown with Love has managed to raise more than S$42,000 for the less fortunate. The charity outreach campaign hopes to raise awareness for some of the most pressing health and social issues facing today's society. The Sundown with Love Ambassadors have started to raise funds through Giving.sg and will complete either a half or full marathon on race day which is on the 19 May. The registration for the marathon has been extended to 17 May, so if you still want to sign up, you can. As one of OSIM Sundown Marathon's core values of pushing the limits of one's personal bests, the brand firmly believes in enabling and inspiring individuals to live the best life they can. "We are proud of what the Sundown With Love charity outreach campaign has achieved over the years and are heartened to see more and more runners wanting to give back each year," said Adrian Mok, Managing Director of HiVelocity Pte Ltd, organiser of the OSIM Sundown Marathon. Participants are welcome to join the campaign and raise funds for the charities of their choice by simply registering as a fundraiser at Give.Asia or Giving.sg through the Sundown With Love website. Previous Previous post: Should You Believe Everything You Read Online?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
In the 80's and 90's, people in India used to extract their teeth that were causing them 'pain'. No one used to go to a dentist to actually understand the root cause of the problem. The only reason they visited a dentist was to extract their teeth. It never made logic to me as teeth are just as vital to our body as our heart and brain. It helps us to chew food and also protect our delicate mouth from any physical blows. I asked my father who also apparently had had his molar teeth extracted in his young age. Though it never caused any problem in the beginning but slowly that gap caused by extraction caused food to remain stuck. This eventually decayed his adjacent teeth. Well, he eventually got a scolding from a dentist. Blown off by my father's idea of extraction, I asked him that what made him do it. His answer was " That was the norm back then. There was no other alternative." I agree. And even if there was, it was way too expensive, even to think of. If I compare with today's situation, it is a bit better off but the cost is still the same. It requires thousands and thousands of money for all types of dental treatments- root canal, orthodontic, periodontic, tooth scaling to name a few. Though people are more aware of the alternative solutions and treatments now, but still there exist people mostly in rural who have the mindset of negligence and then the solution is extraction. Again the cost factor plays a very important role. So, today I will share with you some tips on how to take care of your teeth. Why can I? Well, I went through 2 root canal treatments and an orthodontic treatment and several fillings to realize the real need to take care of your the teeth before it starts malfunctioning. I am no dentist but my dental problems have had let me do so much research on this topic that I can now be successfully called as a half- dentist. First, Let's discuss the four major problems and its causes. Nonetheless, there are 'n' number of reasons to these problems. And mostly, they are intrinsic. We can cure them just by changing a bit of our lifestyle. Gum Problem can be mainly of two types- A. Receding gums as the gums start getting loose. and B. Gingivitis which results in swollen gums, mainly caused by the bacterial infection on gums. This is caused by the food that remains stuck in your teeth which in turn results in tooth decay. It can be a very severe issue, if left untreated the bacterias can reach the nerves of the tooth causing sharp pain. This is mainly caused by wearing of teeth enamel, which is the protective armor of the main teeth. If the enamel gets eroded, the nerves get exposed causing a cold or hot sensation. Tooth decay can also cause sensitivity issues. All these problems arise from one main reason- unhygienic lifestyle habits. Now, I am going to share few tips which can be used daily and in cheap ways to take care of your teeth. All are natural methods which include no clinic visit. But if your teeth condition is bad, I would recommend you to visit a dentist immediately. First and foremost, the most raved ayurvedic procedure that is doing the rounds nowadays is Oil Pulling. It definitely works. It is a simple technique of swishing every morning before brushing teeth with either coconut or sesame oil within your mouth for about 5-10mins. These oils attract all the bacteria, virus and all sorts of toxins that are residing on your teeth and gum. It gives you a fresh feel and also removes bad breath. Do try this as it really is very cheap yet effective method. I love mouthwashes as it instantly energizes me. You can go for Listerine or other companies that sell such products. Or you can prepare your mouthwash by your own. Take a quarter teaspoon of salt in a warm water and swish the mixture or gargle with it every day at least for 2-3 times a day. I cannot stress this habit enough. Brushing twice a day not only gives you a fresh feeling but it also removes the plaque. I used to brush only in the morning. But now I realize that it was a very bad idea. You should always brush at least twice a day- once in the morning and once at night to keep your teeth healthy and white. One tip you must know is that Vitamin C is a very good for healthy gums which are free from bacteria. It helps in treating the weak gums to tighten. It is also very beneficial for teeth health maintenance. But remember not to overdo it as it may leave the teeth eroded. I always believe that Moderation is the Key. Dairy products are rich n Vitamin D which helps to keep the teeth healthy and strong. You should have more milk which is the main supply for Vitamin D or cheese, yogurt as per your liking. Whatever it may be, even if you don't like dairy products then get some source of Vitamin D which is the necessity for your teeth as well as your bones. Say No to tobacco and cigarettes. These are the culprits to your so many tooth woes. And you don't even know. They darken your teeth and produces bad breath. They can also cause bacterial infection on your gums and teeth. There is a solid reason why the teeth of such people fall off early. And it is better not to ignore them because it leads to premature death of the teeth. There is also a high chance of diagnosing oral cancer if you continue smoking and chewing tobacco. Never go down this path. Extraction would mean a hollow gap between two teeth and that would be very uncomfortable while chewing food and sometimes aesthetically bad as well. The more hygienic and proper solution would be at-home care. Develop a healthy lifestyle in your home only. No need for dentists. Sugary food and fizzy drinks contain certain amount of acid which may decompose the calcium built tooth with time. As a result, it may cause tooth decay and further erosion as time passes by. Now, I am not asking you to stop drinking and eating acidic foods. Try to limit it. As I said earlier "Moderation is the Key". Note: Fruit juices especially oranges, papaya contain acid in good level. So be cautious what you have and how you have it.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Шира́з () — одна из 24 областей (шахрестанов) иранской провинции Фарс. Административный центр — город Шираз. В состав шахрестана входят районы (бахши): Меркези (центральный) (بخش مرکزی) Зеркан (بخش زرقان) Хераме (بخش خرامه) Кевар (بخش کوار) Арджан или Арзхан (بخش ارژن) Сервестан (بخش سروستان) Население области на 2006 год составляло 1 676 927 человек. Населённые пункты Примечания Ссылки World Gazetteer Шахрестаны Фарса
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Oak Lawn, Illinois Oak Lawn is a village in Cook County, Illinois, United States. The population was 56,690 at the 2010 census.[3] Location of Oak Lawn in Cook County, Illinois Location of Illinois in the United States Coordinates: 41°42′54″N 87°45′12″W • Type Council-manager • President Sandra Bury 8.57 sq mi (22.20 km2) 0.00 sq mi (0.00 km2) 0% 6,563.64/sq mi (2,534.24/km2) Up 2.6% from 2000 Standard of living (2009-11) • Per capita income • Median home value ZIP code(s) 60453, 60454, 60455, 60456, 60457, 60458, 60459 Geocode www.oaklawn-il.gov Demographics (2010)[3] White Black Asian 85.2% 5.2% 2.2% Islander Native Other Hispanic (any race) 0.03% 0.2% 7.2% 14.3% Oak Lawn is a suburb of Chicago, located southwest of the city. It shares borders with the city in two areas but is surrounded mostly by other suburbs. Oak Lawn is located at 41°42′54″N 87°45′12″W (41.715082, −87.753401).[4] According to the 2010 census, Oak Lawn has a total area of 8.59 square miles (22.25 km2), all land.[5] 1910 287 — 1930 2,045 318.2% 1940 3,483 70.3% 1960 27,471 213.9% 1980 60,590 0.5% 1990 56,182 −7.3% Est. 2018 55,511 [2] −2.1% As of the 2010 United States Census, there were 56,690 people residing in the village. The racial makeup of the village was 85.2% White, 5.2% African American, 0.2% Native American, 2.2% Asian, 5.3% from other races, and 1.9% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino people of any race were 14.3% of the population As of the 2000 United States Census, there were 55,245 people, 22,220 households, and 14,554 families residing in the village. The population density was 6,427.3 people per square mile (2,480.3/km²). There were 22,846 housing units, at an average density of 2,657.9 per square mile (1,025.7/km²). The racial makeup of the village was 93.35% White, 1.22% African American, 0.17% Native American, 1.73% Asian, 0.01% Pacific Islander, 1.64% from other races, and 1.90% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino people of any race were 5.33% of the population, including 4.3% of Mexican descent.[7] The top five ancestries reported in Oak Lawn as of the 2000 census were Irish (30.4%), German (19.5%), Polish (19.3%), Italian (9.7%) and English (4.4%).[8] One of the streets in the village pays tribute to its Polish American heritage through its name Deblin Lane, after Dęblin, Poland. There were 22,220 households, of which 25.8% had children under the age of 18 living with them, 52.0% were married couples living together, 10.1% had a female householder with no husband present, and 34.5% were non-families. Individuals made up 30.9% of all households, and someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older comprised 17.0%. The average household size was 2.46, and the average family size was 3.14.[7] In the village, 21.9% of the population were under the age of 18, 7.2% were aged 18 to 24, 26.2% aged 25 to 44, 22.9% aged 45 to 64, and 21.7% aged 65 or older. The median age was 42 years. For every 100 females, there were 88.3 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 84.2 males.[7] The median income for a household in the village was $56,185, and the median income for a family was $71,413. Males had a median income of $53,782, versus $41,904 for females. The per capita income for the village was $27,230.[9] About 3.9% of families and 5.4% of the population were below the poverty line, including 6.7% of those under age 18 and 4.6% of those aged 65 or over.[7] The village government consists of a village president and six village trustees. The trustees represent the six districts within the village and are elected to four-year terms by the voters in each of their respective districts. The current village president of Oak Lawn is Dr. Sandra Bury, who was elected in April 2013 as the leader of a group of trustees known as "Oak Lawn First", who defeated incumbent Mayor Dave Heilmann and his slate of candidates. Almost all of Oak Lawn is in Illinois's 3rd congressional district, with a very small segment in Illinois's 1st congressional district. Early Oak Lawn In August 1835, James B. Campbell purchased the land stretching between Cicero Avenue and Central Avenue from 95th Street to 103rd Street. It is unclear what Campbell's intentions with the area were, but by 1840, he had lost a court battle with the Illinois State Bank and his land was sold in a public auction. John Simpson, a prominent figure in early Oak Lawn history, bought the northern half of the property in 1842. By 1859, the recently incorporated government of Worth Township paid for the construction of Black Oak Grove Road, an early name for 95th Street. Black Oak Grove is also the earliest known name of the area that would become Oak Lawn. It was later shortened to Black Oak or Black Oaks, but in 1882, the post office, train depot and surrounding community became known simply as Oak Lawn. Over the next two decades, the area grew in population as more homes were built and local business sprang into being.[10] Birth of Oak Lawn In 1909, Oak Lawn was incorporated as a village. The following years, there were major improvements to local infrastructure and government services, such as the introduction of the police magistrate and village marshal, along with the building of a village hall and jailhouse.[11] Electric lights were brought to 95th Street in 1911, the volunteer fire department began in 1923, Oak Lawn's first bank opened in 1925, and the Community High School District 218 was formed. The population had grown to 2,045 by 1930, and civic improvements were steadily made over the next decade.[12] In 1934, a collection of one hundred books was the beginning of the Oak Lawn Public Library. By 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Works Progress Administration as part of the New Deal, which supported a variety of public works, including libraries. With the help of a WPA grant, the new library opened its doors in 1936.[13] Oak Lawn comes of age After World War II, with veterans returning home and taking advantage of the G.I. Bill, Oak Lawn experienced a major population boom. Beginning in 1949, Oak Lawn Round-Up Days became an annual event and helped to promote the village. It started with 25,000 people, and the Western-themed celebration brought in over 100,000 attendees in 1952. In this year, Jack Brickhouse was master of ceremonies, and the parade was televised on WGN-TV. By 1957, Round-Up Days had become too large, and the next year a final scaled-down version was held.[14] In the 1950s, a village managerial government began, and a new library and fire station were constructed. By 1960, there were nearly 20,000 residents in Oak Lawn. On April 21, 1967, a tornado touched down in Oak Lawn that is recorded as one of the worst to strike an urban area. Roughly 900 buildings were damaged or destroyed, and over 30 people were killed. The town was rebuilt in the coming years, and witnessed further population growth, peaking at 63,500 between 1973 and 1976.[10] However, there was a decrease in residents in the 1980s, and an aging population led to the closure of several schools during this time. In response, the village began a process of redevelopment to counteract the decrease. This redevelopment has focused primarily on businesses and structures in the core area of Oak Lawn, around 95th Street between Cicero Avenue and Central Avenue. 1967 tornado Main article: 1967 Oak Lawn tornado outbreak On April 21, 1967, an F4 tornado touched down at 105th Street and Kean Avenue in Palos Hills, 5 miles (8 km) west of Oak Lawn. There were no deaths in Palos Hills, although a number of homes were destroyed and two transmission towers collapsed. After rising from the ground, the tornado touched down again at the Starlite Drive-In Theater at 6400 West 95th Street. With winds estimated to be over 200 miles per hour (320 km/h), the tornado tore through Oak Lawn, tossing cars and buses in the air. After cutting Oak Lawn Community High School in half, it moved past St. Gerald's to 91st Street and Cicero Avenue, heavily damaging the Airway Trailer Park and the Oak Lawn Roller Rink before rising from ground level. It touched down again in nearby Hometown, Evergreen Park, and Chicago before dissipating over Lake Michigan. In just 16 minutes, the storm left a 16-mile (26 km) path of destruction and over 30 people dead.[15] Healthcare, education, and churches Oak Lawn is known for its community hospital, which serves the residents of Chicago and its suburbs. Christ Community Hospital (now known as Advocate Christ Medical Center) was built in Oak Lawn in 1960 and has expanded with the development of Hope Children's Hospital, along with becoming a part of Advocate Health Care. Christ Hospital also has a state-of-the-art Level 1 trauma center, providing trauma patients with advanced emergency medical care. The emergency department treats more patients than any other hospital in Illinois. Oak Lawn has public education schooling children from K–5 in its many elementary schools, including Kolb, Lieb, Harnew, Columbus Manor, Covington, Hannum, Hometown, Kolmar, and Sward. Oak Lawn has two public middle schools: Simmons Middle School, and Oak Lawn-Hometown Middle School, which replaced Douglas A. McGugan Junior High School in 2005 (now leased to South Side Baptist Church and School[16] and Christ Hospital's EMS training program). There are two public high schools, Oak Lawn Community High School and Harold L. Richards High School; they enroll students mostly from Oak Lawn, Hometown, Bridgeview, Chicago Ridge, Calumet Park, and Robbins. Catholic grammar schools include St. Louis de Montfort, St. Germaine, St. Catherine, St. Linus, and St. Gerald. There is also a Christian school at 101st Street and Central Avenue named Southwest Chicago Christian School. Churches in Oak Lawn include Calvin Christian Reformed Church, First Christian Reformed Church of Oak Lawn, First United Methodist Church of Oak Lawn, South Side Baptist Church, Pilgrim Faith United Church of Christ, Salem United Church of Christ, St. Catherine of Alexandria, St. Germaine, St. Linus, St. Louis de Montfort, The Family of St. Gerald, St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, and Wesleyan Community Church. Newspapers that serve Oak Lawn include The Reporter, a hyperlocal weekly, and the SouthtownStar, a daily owned by the same group that publishes the Chicago Tribune. On December 8th, 2019, Juice WRLD was in the airport until he had a seizure, he was rushed to the nearest hospital where he was pronounced dead around 3 a.m. Park system Oak Lawn maintains an expansive park system.[17] From small corner play lots to the 38-acre (150,000 m2) Centennial Park, there are over 300 acres (1.2 km2) of parks, recreational facilities and open land. These include playgrounds, walking paths, baseball fields, basketball, volleyball and tennis courts, plus outdoor swimming pools, an indoor ice arena, two fitness centers, and an 18-hole golf course. Each area in Oak Lawn has its own recreational area, totaling 22 parks. The 18-hole Stony Creek Golf Course features 5,004 yards (4,576 m) of golf from the longest tees for a par of 65. Designed by Carl Getz, the golf course opened in 1982. The facility features include a miniature-golf course, banquet facilities, pro shop, bocce courts, horseshoe pits, PGA instruction, and a 44-station driving range. Starting in 2002, downtown Oak Lawn (95th Street between Tulley Avenue and 55th Court) became the target of a massive redevelopment program; properties on the north and south sides of 95th Street were demolished. Eventually, several square blocks were leveled, making room for several multistory, high-end condominium complexes with retail space on the main floors. Part of the project was the expansion of the Metra commuter train station that houses a retail/office center and a new children's museum.[18] This complex also includes a multistory parking garage. Downtown Oak Lawn as seen today bears little resemblance to the downtown from 2002. It now features modern high-rise buildings, new shopping areas, a large contemporary Metra train station,[19] and several new retail and service facilities. Oak Lawn stop sign program In mid-2007, Oak Lawn began hanging additional messages to city stop signs in an attempt to have drivers obey the signs. The signs were the idea of the city President, and local residents are encouraged to submit their own ideas. Found throughout the village, the signs garnered attention with the press.[20] The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and IDOT voiced their concerns about the use of these nonconforming stop signs, and as such the village removed them in April 2008.[21] Initially, the mayor refused to remove the signs, but IDOT threatened to withhold millions of dollars in funding for infrastructure. Diandra Asbaty (born 1980), professional bowler; Team USA member and spokesperson for USBC Brian Bogusevic (born 1984), former outfielder for Chicago Cubs[22] Tim Byrdak (born 1973), Major League Baseball pitcher 1998 to 2013; born in Oak Lawn Kevin Cronin (born 1951), lead vocalist for rock band REO Speedwagon[23] David Diehl (born 1980), football player, two-time Super Bowl champion for New York Giants[24] Mark Donahue, football player, lineman for Cincinnati Bengals, two-time Consensus All-American at University of Michigan Dan Donegan, guitarist for band Disturbed Michael Flatley (born 1958), Irish step dancer; attended St. Linus and Brother Rice High School[25] Jack Gwynne, illusionist and actor, died in Oak Lawn (1969) Jarad Higgins, aka (Juice Wrld) ; rapper and songwriter died on December 8, 2019 David A. Johnston, volcanologist, killed during 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption Benn Jordan, recording artist known as The Flashbulb; attended Oak Lawn Community High School Steve Kmak, former bassist for Disturbed C.J. Kupec, basketball player, Oak Lawn High School star, played for Michigan and NBA's Los Angeles Lakers Rob Mackowiak, player for several Major League Baseball teams[26] Bobby Madritsch, former pitcher for Seattle Mariners Rory Markham, UFC and IFL mixed martial arts fighter Mike Mollo, heavyweight boxer Bryan Rekar, former pitcher for Colorado Rockies, Tampa Bay Devil Rays, and Kansas City Royals; born in Oak Lawn Michael A. Ruddy, Illinois state representative and businessman, lived in Oak Lawn[27] Marc Rzepczynski, pitcher for Seattle Mariners; born in Oak Lawn Dwyane Wade, former NBA player and three-time NBA champion with Miami Heat, attended Richards High School in Oak Lawn Kanye West, rapper and producer; attended Polaris School for Individual Education "2016 U.S. Gazetteer Files". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved Jun 30, 2017. "Population and Housing Unit Estimates". Retrieved July 18, 2019. "Profile of General Population and Housing Characteristics: 2010 Demographic Profile Data (DP-1): Oak Lawn village, Illinois". U.S. Census Bureau, American Factfinder. Retrieved March 15, 2013. "US Gazetteer files: 2010, 2000, and 1990". United States Census Bureau. 2011-02-12. Retrieved 2011-04-23. "G001 - Geographic Identifiers - 2010 Census Summary File 1". United States Census Bureau. Retrieved 2015-12-25. "Census of Population and Housing". Census.gov. Archived from the original on April 26, 2015. Retrieved June 4, 2015. DP-1: Profile of General Demographic Characteristics: 2000 from the Census 2000 Summary File 1 (SF 1) 100-Percent Data for Oak Lawn village, Illinois, United States Census Bureau. Accessed June 15, 2016. Profile of Selected Social Characteristics, Oak Lawn, Illinois. U.S. Census Bureau. Accessed 2007-04-03. Bureau, U.S. Census. "American FactFinder - Community Facts". factfinder.census.gov. , Oak Lawn: A Century of Growth. The Centennial Commission. 1982 , Village Adopts New Name, Government. Black Oak and After. Gordon Welles and Gerald Anderson. , Oak Lawn: A Century of Growth. The Centennial Commission. 1982. , The Oak Lawn Public Library. Black Oak and After. Verlyn Biere, edited by Grant Subs. , Oak Lawn Round-Up 1949-1958. Black Oak and After. Gordon Welles. , The 1967 Oak Lawn Tornado. Black Oak and After. Barbara Wolfe. "South Side Baptist Church". South Side Baptist Church. "Oak Lawn Park District - Oak Lawn, IL". www.olparks.com. "Children's Museum in Oak Lawn". Children's Museum in Oak Lawn. "Metra train station". Stop me if you've heard this one: Traffic signs offer humor with a message Chicago Sun-Times, September 29, 2007 "Chicago Local News, Weather, Traffic, US & World and Breaking News". NBC Chicago. Staff. "Former Phillies outfielder Brian Bogusevic signs with NPB's Orix Buffaloes", Philadelphia.com, December 9, 2015. Accessed June 15, 2016. "Bogusevic, 31, began last season with the Triple-A Lehigh Valley IronPigs, despite slugging .611 in 36 spring training at-bats.The Oak Lawn, Illinois native was not recalled until Sept. 4." Williams, Kevin. "REO Speedwagon embraces its past, future", Chicago Tribune, May 14, 2010. Accessed June 15, 2016. "Cronin and his bandmates are homeboys even though they all live in Los Angeles now. He grew up in Oak Lawn as the weird kid with the long hair and funny clothes who played guitar all the time, went to high school at Brother Rice and to college at Loyola University in Rogers Park." Haugh, David. "Father's example lives on in Diehl; Giants offensive tackle's strong work ethic instilled growing up on South Side", Chicago Tribune, February 3, 2008. Accessed June 15, 2016. "That all changed when the Diehls moved out of the neighborhood to Oak Lawn before David started 8th grade." Staff. "Flatley's Generosity Benefits Special School", Sun-Sentinel, May 1, 2000. Accessed June 15, 2016. "Flatley, creator and star of Lord of the Dance, donated the money Friday to Elim Christian School, which serves students with developmental disabilities, including Flatley's niece, 14. Flatley grew up in nearby Oak Lawn, Ill." "Player FIle". MLB.com. Retrieved 2009-12-08. 'Michael Ruddy; Served 19 Years In State House,' The Chicago Tribune, June 3, 1987 Village of Oak Lawn official website Oak Lawn Chamber of Commerce Municipalities and communities of Cook County, Illinois, United States County seat: Chicago Chicago‡ Elgin‡ Elmhurst‡ Barrington‡ Barrington Hills‡ Bartlett‡ Bensenville‡ Buffalo Grove‡ Burr Ridge‡ Deer Park‡ Deerfield‡ East Dundee‡ Elk Grove Village‡ Frankfort‡ Hanover Park‡ Hinsdale‡ Hoffman Estates‡ Lemont‡ Matteson‡ Orland Park‡ Park Forest‡ Roselle‡ Sauk Village‡ Schaumburg‡ Steger‡ Tinley Park‡ University Park‡ Wheeling‡ Willow Springs‡ Woodridge‡ Leyden Norwood Park Proviso Former: South Chicago Illinois portal United States portal Chicago metropolitan area (over 30,000 in 2010) Lake, IL Lake, IN Northern Indiana Sub-regions Chicago Southland Eastern Ridges and Lowlands Fox Valley (Illinois) Golden Corridor Illinois Technology and Research Corridor North Shore (Chicago) Springfield (capital) Census areas Seal of Illinois American Bottom Bloomington–Normal metropolitan area Champaign–Urbana metropolitan area Collar counties Corn Belt Driftless Area Forgottonia Illinois–Indiana–Kentucky tri-state area Metro Lakeland Mississippi Alluvial Plain Northwestern Illinois Peoria metropolitan area Rockford metropolitan area Streatorland Wabash Valley Alton/Granite City/Edwardsville Arlington Heights/Palatine Aurora/Naperville/Oswego/Plainfield Bartlett/Hanover Park/Streamwood Belleville/East St. Louis/Collinsville/O'Fallon Berwyn/Cicero Bloomington/Normal Bolingbrook/Romeoville Buffalo Grove/Wheeling Carol Stream/Glendale Heights Champaign/Urbana Charleston/Mattoon Crystal Lake/Algonquin DeKalb/Sycamore Des Plaines/Mount Prospect/Park Ridge Downers Grove/Woodridge Elgin/Carpentersville Elmhurst/Lombard/Addison Evanston/Skokie Glenview/Northbrook Kankakee/Bradley/Bourbonnais Marion/Herrin Moline/East Moline/Rock Island Orland Park/Tinley Park Ottawa/Streator/LaSalle/Peru Peoria/Pekin/East Peoria/Morton/Washington Rockford/Belvidere/Machesney Park/Loves Park Schaumburg/Hoffman Estates/Elk Grove Village Sterling/Rock Falls Waukegan/North Chicago/Gurnee Jo Daviess Macoupin Piatt Sangamon Tazewell
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Home » APIs » EveryAction 8 VAN EveryAction 8 VAN API - Sample Source Code Customer Relationship Management Events, Funding, Non-Profit, Social, Voting The EveryAction 8 VAN API in RESTful architecture manages data of non-profits, including contributions, events, locations, activists codes, and reported demographics. It's available in JSON format with API Key as the authentication method. For support, contact https://developers.everyaction.com/support/contact EveryAction provides Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and fundraising services for non-profit organizations. The following is a list of sample source code snippets that matched your search term. Source code snippets are chunks of source code that were found out on the Web that you can cut and paste into your own source code. Whereas most of the sample source code we've curated for our directory is for consuming APIs, we occasionally find something interesting on the API provider side of things. If you know of some sample source code that would be of interest to the ProgrammableWeb community, we'd like to know about it. Be sure to check our guidelines for making contributions to ProgrammableWeb. Add a new Sample Source Code to our directory Sorry, no source code for this API.
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Let's start out with a basic point–acupuncture does not work. For anything in medicine. And because there is a small, but significant, risk associated with the "procedure," the risk to benefit ratio is huge (if not infinity, since there is no benefit). This is basic scientific reasoning. We cannot prove that acupuncture does not work, but if the effect is so small, that it is clinically irrelevant, in effect, it is a zero effect. So given that there is no evidence that acupuncture does anything, isn't it time to give up? Apparently not. PLOS One, the peer-reviewed open-access journal (that has been described as being a higher quality than other open-access journals) published an article that indicates that acupuncture may be useful in treating depression. This would be all well and good if it were not for the absolutely poor quality of the research in the paper. Acupuncture lacks a credible scientific explanation for any of its effects. No different than homeopathy, it relies upon magic and pseudoscience to explain how it might work. This article does not provide a credible explanation of effects, which must be a requirement for any observation. The study lacked a control group, usually a sham treatment (a non-acupuncture treatment that mimics or fakes the acupuncture, but the patient perceives the procedure as being similar). We have no clue if the idea of having treatment for depression has some effect on depression (rather than acupuncture itself having any effect). The practitioners were obviously not blinded to the outcome of of depression, because there was not a non-depressed group to randomize. This is a ridiculous opening for all kinds of problems including Confirmation Bias. In fact, I'm utterly shocked that PLOS One published this article without demanding appropriate control groups. Measuring depression can be greatly influenced by observer bias, in this case by the the clinical practitioners. There are no defined, objective clinical tests for depression. There is no blood test or other methodology to objectively measure depression. Systematic reviews have shown that there is no clinical evidence for treating depression in over 2800 study participants, concluding that "We found insufficient evidence to recommend the use of acupuncture for people with depression. The results are limited by the high risk of bias in the majority of trials meeting inclusion criteria." This current study only include 200 patients in the acupuncture group. This one study, even if it were well designed, would not refute the systematic review. And one more thing. The effect, if there was an effect, was temporary. As the study went on, there were no noticeable differences between the acupuncture group, the counseling alone group, and the "usual care" group at 9 and 12 months. This is what you'd expect from a placebo. This is a ridiculously poorly designed study with laughable results. Yet, all you need to do is Google "acupuncture depression", and you will get a large list of websites that cite this article. Of course, the loon at Natural News claims that acupuncture is proven to treat depression. Well, if you base your medical treatment on the rantings of the worst science site on the internet, you probably won't be reading my article. …the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment of depression remains unproven and the authors' findings are consistent with acupuncture effects in depression being indistinguishable from placebo effects. Given the utter lack of evidence supporting the effectiveness of acupuncture for anything, including depression, there is no reason to think that this study has provided us with any evidence to change the scientific consensus about this pseudoscience. Acupuncture does not provide a positive outcome in treating depression, beyond a placebo effect. The standard of care, counseling and proper medications, for depression has not been superseded by this study. Ernst E, Lee MS, Choi TY. Acupuncture for depression?: A systematic review of systematic reviews. Eval Health Prof. 2011 Dec;34(4):403-12. doi: 10.1177/0163278710386109. Epub 2010 Dec 7. Review. PubMed PMID: 21138913. Impact factor=1.482. Next PostNext Does bacon harm your sperm quality and quantity? Doubtful!
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"L'Eclisse" Movie Review by Daniel Barnes By Daniel Barnes on February 24, 2014 • ( 1 Comment ) L'ECLISSE (1962; Michelangelo Antonioni) GRADE: B- By Daniel Barnes As much as Antonioni stripped the narratives of L'Avventura and La Notte down to their bare essentials, those films had natural forward momentum and classic narrative shapes. L'Avventura takes on the basic structure of an unsolvable, Laura-like mystery, while […] "Antoine and Colette" Movie Review by Daniel Barnes Antoine and Colette (1962; Francois Truffaut) GRADE: B+ By Daniel Barnes Every month in our Time of the Season feature, we will be offering seasonal movie suggestions based on a common theme. In honor of Valentine's Day, our February Time of the Season theme is "First Love." It's […] "Fear (La Paura)" Movie Review by Mike Dub By Mike Dub on February 18, 2014 Fear (La Paura) (1954; Roberto Rossellini) Grade: B+ By Mike Dub Italian Neo-Realist director Roberto Rossellini and Hollywood superstar Ingrid Bergman engaged in one of the most scandalous affairs of the 1950s. Each was married when they worked together for the first time on Stromboli (released in 1950), […] "La Notte" Movie Review by Mike Dub By Mike Dub on February 17, 2014 • ( 2 Comments ) La Notte (1961; Michelangelo Antonioni) Grade: B By Mike Dub The second leg of Michelangelo Antonioni's so-called "Alienation Trilogy" picks up pretty much where L'Avventura left off with La Notte. Though unrelated to its predecessor in plot, the themes and relationships circle the same areas: lovers don't love […] "Exit to Eden" Movie Review – Dare Daniel Classics Exit to Eden (1994; Garry Marshall) GRADE: D- By Daniel Barnes *Originally published on The Barnesyard blog on October 20, 2005. If nothing else, Exit to Eden is an example of how attempting to play to every demographic will only wind up making everyone unhappy. The film is […] Auteur Theory – Steven Soderbergh By Mike Dub Steven Soderbergh, the eclectic filmmaker who helped launch the independent film movement of the 1990s, announced last year that he would be hanging up his viewfinder to pursue other interests. With his final picture, the HBO-released Liberace biopic Behind the Candelabra, tallying Golden Globe […] ‹ Newer 1 … 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Older ›
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
module.exports = /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ exports: {}, /******/ id: moduleId, /******/ loaded: false /******/ }; /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.loaded = true; /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = "/dist/"; /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(0); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ({ /***/ 0: /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(250); /***/ }), /***/ 3: /***/ (function(module, exports) { /* globals __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ */ // this module is a runtime utility for cleaner component module output and will // be included in the final webpack user bundle module.exports = function normalizeComponent ( rawScriptExports, compiledTemplate, injectStyles, scopeId, moduleIdentifier /* server only */ ) { var esModule var scriptExports = rawScriptExports = rawScriptExports || {} // ES6 modules interop var type = typeof rawScriptExports.default if (type === 'object' || type === 'function') { esModule = rawScriptExports scriptExports = rawScriptExports.default } // Vue.extend constructor export interop var options = typeof scriptExports === 'function' ? scriptExports.options : scriptExports // render functions if (compiledTemplate) { options.render = compiledTemplate.render options.staticRenderFns = compiledTemplate.staticRenderFns } // scopedId if (scopeId) { options._scopeId = scopeId } var hook if (moduleIdentifier) { // server build hook = function (context) { // 2.3 injection context = context || // cached call (this.$vnode && this.$vnode.ssrContext) || // stateful (this.parent && this.parent.$vnode && this.parent.$vnode.ssrContext) // functional // 2.2 with runInNewContext: true if (!context && typeof __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ !== 'undefined') { context = __VUE_SSR_CONTEXT__ } // inject component styles if (injectStyles) { injectStyles.call(this, context) } // register component module identifier for async chunk inferrence if (context && context._registeredComponents) { context._registeredComponents.add(moduleIdentifier) } } // used by ssr in case component is cached and beforeCreate // never gets called options._ssrRegister = hook } else if (injectStyles) { hook = injectStyles } if (hook) { var functional = options.functional var existing = functional ? options.render : options.beforeCreate if (!functional) { // inject component registration as beforeCreate hook options.beforeCreate = existing ? [].concat(existing, hook) : [hook] } else { // register for functioal component in vue file options.render = function renderWithStyleInjection (h, context) { hook.call(context) return existing(h, context) } } } return { esModule: esModule, exports: scriptExports, options: options } } /***/ }), /***/ 250: /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; var _tag = __webpack_require__(251); var _tag2 = _interopRequireDefault(_tag); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } /* istanbul ignore next */ _tag2.default.install = function (Vue) { Vue.component(_tag2.default.name, _tag2.default); }; exports.default = _tag2.default; /***/ }), /***/ 251: /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var Component = __webpack_require__(3)( /* script */ __webpack_require__(252), /* template */ __webpack_require__(253), /* styles */ null, /* scopeId */ null, /* moduleIdentifier (server only) */ null ) module.exports = Component.exports /***/ }), /***/ 252: /***/ (function(module, exports) { 'use strict'; exports.__esModule = true; // // // // // // // // // // // // // exports.default = { name: 'ElTag', props: { text: String, closable: Boolean, type: String, hit: Boolean, closeTransition: Boolean, color: String }, methods: { handleClose: function handleClose(event) { this.$emit('close', event); } } }; /***/ }), /***/ 253: /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports={render:function (){var _vm=this;var _h=_vm.$createElement;var _c=_vm._self._c||_h; return _c('transition', { attrs: { "name": _vm.closeTransition ? '' : 'el-zoom-in-center' } }, [_c('span', { staticClass: "el-tag", class: [_vm.type ? 'el-tag--' + _vm.type : '', { 'is-hit': _vm.hit }], style: ({ backgroundColor: _vm.color }) }, [_vm._t("default"), (_vm.closable) ? _c('i', { staticClass: "el-tag__close el-icon-close", on: { "click": _vm.handleClose } }) : _vm._e()], 2)]) },staticRenderFns: []} /***/ }) /******/ });
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
San Joaquin County is recruiting for a highly experienced Director of Community Development to lead the daily activities of the Community Development Department. An ideal candidate will possess demonstrated leadership experience and will possess extensive public-sector, development services-related management experience in comprehensive planning and community development. The incumbent is expected to model a strong work ethic and leadership skills, including accountability for oneself and others. This is an at-will position, exempt from the San Joaquin County Civil Service system and appointed by the San Joaquin County Board of Supervisors. License: Requires possession of a valid California driver's license. San Joaquin County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
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New, more refined searching, better images and more. From security to troubleshooting to support, the new website has all the up-to-date information you need to make the most of Redax and StampPDF. Our move to a new server allows better defined search results to quickly locate answers to your questions. Also, clearer screenshots let you see more detailed step-by-step directions and examples. If you've used Redax, you already know what a powerful tool it can be to protect sensitive information in PDF files. If you haven't, Redax is redaction software that eliminates content from PDF pages. Thousands of government agencies, law firms, corporations and institutions world-wide protect sensitive information with Redax everyday. The StampPDF plug-in ensures that high-quality PDF stamping, including Bates numbering, is available throughout the organization to watermark or number pages, as well as stamp copyright notices, disclaimers, or any other text in your choice of font, point size, opacity level, and color (RGB or Grayscale). Online documentation and more information is available on the all new https://redax.appligent.com website. © 2012 Appligent, Inc., All rights reserved.
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• North Korea » The dirty reason China can't always tell North Korea what to do The dirty reason China can't always tell North Korea what to do BUSINESS INSIDER Mar 29, 2016 Global consumption of coal has declined significantly over the past year, driven by China, which makes up about half of the world's demand for coal. But the Asian giant's break from one of the world's dirtiest fuels is unlikely to be a clean one: While China seems to be reducing coal production and consumption domestically, political concerns suggest that Beijing will maintain support for coal production in North Korea. A villager selecting coal at a coal depot near a coal mine of the state-owned Longmay Group on the outskirts of Jixi, in Heilongjiang province, China, on October 23. REUTERS/Jason Lee This relationship has led China to push for sanctions exemptions for its coal trade with the hermit kingdom, even as Beijing winds down its own coal production — the livelihood of an increasingly restive portion of the Chinese population. 'There isn't going to be change' China's economy grew 6.9% in 2015, the lowest rate in 25 years, and Reuters has reported that the government intends to lay off 5 million to 6 million state workers over the next two to three years, "as part of efforts to curb industrial overcapacity and pollution." In northeast China, a hub of industrial and coal production, those layoffs have already started. Local economies in parts of Heilongjiang, in far northeast China, fell 10% in 2014. Coal prices in those areas have fallen by half since 2011, and the Chinese pullback from coal and heavy industry has left many workers without work and with few prospects. Projections for Chinese coal production in 2020, much of which will come from the country's north. Courtesy of Stratfor Chinese leadership has promised that the 1.8 million workers who will be fired from government-run coal and steel firms (others will be laid off from private companies) will be retrained and rehired. "The opportunities for middle-aged or even elderly former coal miners and steel plant workers are more limited in a province where the economy really has slowed to virtually zero," Geoffrey Crothall of the nonprofit China Labor Bulletin, which has tracked a significant spike in labor strikes in China over the past six months, told the Associated Press. Unrest has grown in the northeast, and large protests have taken place. Many workers, mostly young ones, have left the area for manufacturing centers in southern China, according to the AP. Those who remain, and still have work, say they haven't been paid in months. Miners waiting for an elevator to go down into a coal mine in Lvliang, Shanxi province, China, in 2012. REUTERS/Stringer "I don't even have anywhere left to borrow money from," Li Jiuxian, a 51-year-old miner in Jundeshan, in northeast China's Heilongjiang province, told the AP outside a dingy mahjong parlor. "There isn't going to be change." 'The government hasn't issued any notice' Despite the domestic measures that have diminished coal production, China seems more reluctant to put checks on the coal it brings in from North Korea. "Over two weeks after the United Nations slapped harsh new sanctions on North Korea, several Chinese shipping and trade sources say they have not been told of any curbs on the import of coal from the isolated nation," Reuters reported in mid-March. Coal is North Korea's largest export and one of its only sources of hard currency. An employee walking between front-end loaders, which are used to move coal imported from North Korea at Dandong port, in the Chinese border city of Dandong, Liaoning province, in 2010. Dandong port, near the China-North Korea border, serves as an import center for coal and iron ore from North Korea. "At this point, nobody has come to us and said you shouldn't do it," an official at a company in the port city of Dalian that imports North Korean coal and other goods told Reuters. "I'm not even clear on what the specific sanctions are." While China has taken action against some North Korean traders in line with sanctions on the North's weapons programs, Chinese officials and other experts have cautioned that taking too hard a line against the pariah country could lead to economic disaster. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un receiving a delegation of the Communist Party of China on an official goodwill visit on October 9, in this photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency. REUTERS/KCNA "China regards stability on the Korean peninsula as its primary interest," a report from the Council on Foreign Relations said earlier this year, citing China's desire to maintain a strategic buffer between it and South Korea as well as Beijing's fear of a wave of North Korean migrants heading north should their country collapse. Moreover, keeping the North Korean regime in power accentuates Chinese authority in the region, prevents a pro-West government from coming to power, and forestalls the possibility of North Korea's nuclear material falling into the wrong hands, according to Douglas Schoen and Melik Kaylan in "The Russia-China Axis." Coal deliveries to China from North Korea spiked by 26.9% in 2015, according to Reuters, to 21.7 tons with a value of $1 billion. While Beijing, which is North Korea's biggest trading partner, has become more willing to criticize and punish Pyongyang, it has also worked to carve out exceptions to sanctions imposed by the international community. China is North Korea's biggest trading partner and its source for many essential goods. Eleanor Albert, Julia Ro/Council on Foreign Relations "I think it's an indication that the Chinese managed to negotiate a wide exemption for the coal trade," Andrea Berger, deputy director of the proliferation and nuclear policy program at the Royal United Services Institute, told Reuters. "Coal is a big lever for them," Adam Cathcart, a North Korea-China specialist at the University of Leeds, said to Reuters. "They're wise from the Chinese standpoint to keep some leeway (so) they're not branded as sanctions violators if a train goes from China to North Korea (carrying resources)." Rough neighborhood Despite all its economic and military power, China's continued willingness to take North Korean coal is likely a sign that it still can't totally dictate its relations with Pyongyang — which has few other friends. "It's clear that the Chinese have enormous leverage over North Korea in many respects," said Daniel Sneider of Stanford's Asia-Pacific Research Center, according to the Council on Foreign Relations. "But can China actually try to exercise that influence without destabilizing the regime? Probably not." Soldiers in front of portraits of North Korea founder Kim Il Sung and the late leader Kim Jong Il after a military parade to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang in 2012. REUTERS/Bobby Yip At a time when China is navigating its own domestic economic distortions (and the fraught political conditions they have wrought) as well as a contentious geopolitical scene in the South China Sea, a quiet North Korea is likely in its interest, even if that means shelling out for more dirty coal. "There is no reason to think that political risks emanating from North Korea will lead China to withdraw its economic safety net for North Korea any time soon," Council on Foreign Relations senior fellow Scott Snyder wrote in mid-2014. This is what it looks like when the Air Force tests its jet engines Mexico just took down 'King Midas' — 'El Chapo' Guzmán's top money-launderer This amazing 'stacked' apartment complex was named the world's best building This man built a bedroom 'pod' because San Francisco housing was too expensive The most expensive Volvo of all time is here China, North Korea (China • coal • environment • North Korea • pollution • trade) 8 ways Kim Jong-Un has blindsided the US Rare photos from inside North Korea's mysterious buildings America admits it has no idea what Kim Jong-un is doing Inside the luxury Chinese hotel where North Korea keeps its army of hackers North Korea claims successful hydrogen bomb test, world very skeptical Starbucks is giving Japan alcoholic "Frappuccinos" Sony's new projector is absolutely tiny, can make TV-sized projections anywhere 【Video】 Japan now has talking Evangelion ATMs 10 views Starbucks unveils limited-edition Valentine's Day drinkware collection in Japan 5 views We experience what a real Okinawan beach party is like with the help of a local 3 views We experience what a real Okinawan beach party is like with the help of a local 16 facts about China that will blow your mind Is North Korea really forcing its young men to get Kim Jong-un's haircut? Probably not… North Korean defector describes her crazy escape and adjustment to modern life If you want to explore the Hermit Kingdom of North Korea, there's an app for that The latest spat between the two Koreas took a really bizarre turn Japanese football fans shocked at North Korean fans, for a good reason! North Korea calls US the 'World's Worst Human Rights Abuser' The power of fast food: Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un wants McDonald's to invest in North Korea The incredible isolation of North Korea — In one map North Korea has developed nuclear-capable missiles capable of hitting the US You can build Japan's hauntingly beautiful Gunkanjima as a papercraft kit【Photos】 Kim Jong-un gives troops diarrhea for Christmas Selfie love shown between South and North Korean gymnasts 16 facts about India that will blow your mind North Korean official put to death after twisting song lyrics during karaoke session North Korea bars foreign tourists to prevent spread of Ebola
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Fed Rate Hike? Whatever, Mortgage Rates Are Already Up According to nationalmortgagenews.com, The surge in mortgage rates since the November election is expected to offset the increase to lenders' short-term funding costs following the Federal Open Markets Committee's 25-basis-point increase to the federal funds rate Wednesday. The federal funds rate doesn't directly affect the interest rates that borrowers pay on home loans, as mortgage rates are benchmarked against longer-term 10-year Treasury yields. But depository and nonbank lenders are both expected to see their short-term funding costs go up, albeit in different ways. "Anything that's a warehouse line or something like that is going to go up in price," said Brent Nyitray, director of capital markets at iServe Residential Lending in Stamford, Conn. For banks, the fed rate influences their cost of funds for the deposits they use to fund mortgage originations. Likewise, the warehouse lines of credit that independent nonbanks use to fund their pipelines until loans can be sold to end investors are pegged to the London Interbank Offered Rate or the prime rate, which are influenced by the fed funds rate. But the increase in that short-term rate isn't so much a concern as long as it's offset by a rise in the long-term rates most mortgages have. The average interest rate on 30-year mortgages has gone up nearly 60 basis points since the week before the election. The rise in mortgage rates is enough to offset the increase in short-term rates, plus warehouse lines are not a big cost for mortgage lenders, said Charles Clark, director of mortgage warehouse finance at EverBank. "I don't think there's going to be a big effect on mortgage bankers at all. You're moving the goal posts, essentially," he said. But if the curve between long- and short-term rates or yields were to flatten, lenders would feel their margins slightly pinched by higher funding costs. "It would really hurt everybody if the curve flattened because the cost of funding would go up relative to the note rate on the loan," said Tom Millon, president and CEO of the Capital Markets Cooperative, a subsidiary of Computershare. Tags: Cash out, Commercial Real Estate, Mortgage rates Search Peoples Processing Blog Fed Rate Hike? Whatever, Mortgage Rates Are Alread...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Welcome to the Vermont Fire Academy. Our goal is to have a helpful and informative site, so please feel free to browse, download or print anything you see. Also, feel free to contact us via telephone if you would like to speak with someone directly at 1-800-615-3473. Finally, please let us know your ideas, suggestions, or improvements for this site. After all, it is for your benefit first. The primary mission of Vermont Fire Service Training is to provide quality education and training to dedicated individuals of the Fire and Emergency Response Services, thereby reducing the loss of life and property due to fire and other related emergencies in the State of Vermont. Through research, development and delivery, we can enhance all avenues of fire service training and education. With a clear direction toward the future, utilizing concise communication, organization, teamwork and individual dedication, we will achieve our mission. The Vermont Fire Academy is located on the campus of the Robert H. Wood, Jr. Criminal Justice and Fire Service Training Center in Pittsford, VT. The facility includes an administration building, fire station, burn building, technical rescue training grounds, and fire training grounds. Take Route 103 North or Route 4 West to Route 7. Follow Route 7 North to Pittsford. Turn right onto Furnace Road. Bear left onto Academy Road and take the first right, which leads to the training area. Take Route 7 North to Pittsford. Turn right onto Furnace Road. Bear left onto Academy Road and take the first right, which leads to the training area. Take Route 7 South to Pittsford. Turn left onto Furnace Road. Bear left onto Academy Road and take the first right, which leads to the training area. The Vermont Fire Academy has a second training site located on the campus of the Vermont Technical College in Randolph, VT. This site is limited to a burn building and training grounds. Take Exit 4 off of Interstate 89 to Route 66 East. At the top of the hill, continue straight into the VTC Main Parking Lot. Meet your class here and carpool to the Burn Building. From here, exit the parking lot and turn left. Take your next right onto Water Street. Continue straight through the VTC Farm. The road will turn to dirt and bring you behind the dairy barn. The burn building is at the end of the road.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Home / Mobile Phones / Smart Phones / Nokia / Nokia 3.1 / Questions / Does Nokia 3.1 has face unlock? Does Nokia 3.1 has display protection? Yes, Nokia 3.1 does have the Corning Gorilla Glass to protect the phone's display. Does Nokia 3.1 has gps support? Yes, Nokia 3.1 does have the GPS support. Does Nokia 3.1 has NFC support? No. Nokia 3.1 does not have the NFC support.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
FUNDAMENTALS OF CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT IN NIGERIA COMPANY SECRETARIAL SERVICES IN NIGERIA SHARE CAPITAL AND CLASSES OF SHARES IN NIGERIA EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT IN NIGERIA Contract of employment in Nigeria is used under the employment and labour relations to attribute rights and responsibilities between parties to a bargain. It emphasizes the power of the employer to control the work of the employee. Contract of employment is defined under section 91 of the Labour Act 2004 as "an agreement whether oral or written, express or implied whereby one person agrees to employ another as a worker and that person agrees to serve the employer as a worker". In Nigeria, with the enforcement of the laws that guide employment relationship, a contract of employment must be signed and agreed by parties to the contract, when signed it becomes binding on the parties. Where there is a breach of the contract, the aggrieved party can enforce his rights at the National Industrial Court within the jurisdiction of the aggrieved party. The main legislation that regulates employment and labour relations in Nigeria is the Labour Act Cap L1, Laws of the Federation of Nigeria 2004 (the Act). Other legislation regulating contract of employment include; The constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria The Trade Unions Act 2004 The Trade Dispute Act 2004 The National Industrial Court Act 2006 Element of contract of employment The element of the contract of employment is dependent on the right and obligations of the employer and employee. In a contract of employment, an employer must give the employee a written contract within three (3) months of the commencement of the employment according to Section 7 of the Act. The provisions of the contract of employment regulate the relationship between employer and employee. A written contract of employment must contain the following according to the provisions of the Act. It must contain the name of the employer or group of employers The name and address of the employee, the date and place of his engagement The nature of the employment If the contract is for a fixed term, it must state the date the contract expires. The appropriate period of notice to be given by the party wishing to terminate the contract. The rate of wages/salaries and method of calculation, the manner and periodicity of payment of wages. Any terms and condition relating to; hours of work; holiday and holiday pay; incapacity to work due to sickness, injury and provisions for a sick day if any and insurance etc And finally any special conditions of the contract. Generally, the important provisions to be included when drafting a contract of employment entail the following; The position: it is fundamental that a contract of employment expressly provides a prospective employee with a clear understanding of the position, job requirements and the essential duties the service entails. The contract must not be ambiguous but clear enough to leave no doubt as to the expectations of the employer. Length of the contract: the employer must bear in mind that when drafting a contract of employment, the interest of both parties is protected and favourable. For this reason, the contract of employment must dictate and stipulate conditions applicable to the employer and employee to extend, reduce or terminate the contract term. Compensation and means of calculation: it is fundamental that all prospective employers ensure that a contract of employment defines the wages and compensation of employees. When salaries are negotiated by parties, the wage must be specified and dictate the method of payment either monthly, weekly or if by the commission, it must state the percentage rate. Performance expectation and requirements: in a standard contract of employment, the performance review of the employee is usually inserted. These are performance measures for which the employer would hold the employee accountable. The production goals and revenue enhancement of the employer should also be included. Benefits and Severance: the employee benefits package should also be expressly spelt out where applicable, which includes health or other insurance offered, the percentage of benefit premium to be paid by the employee. It is fundamental that benefits such as holiday, leave, vacations, profit sharing and retirement plans for the employees are enshrined in the contract of employment. Termination of employment: the termination of the contract must be in compliance with section 11 of the Labour Act. The contract of employment must make provisions of the intention of parties to terminate the employment on expiration or otherwise. Thus, a notice of termination must be given by the party of the intention to do so. The Court may impose damages against an employer for wrongful termination of a contract of employment. The notice to be given according to the provisions of the law is: one day, where the contract has continued for a period of three months or less; one week, where the contract has continued for more than three months but less than two years; two weeks, where the contract has continued for a period of two years but less than five years; and one month, where the contract has continued for five years or more. A contract of employment defines the relationship that exists between an employer and an employee. For a contract of employment to be binding, the parties must sign and agree to the contract. The purpose of having a contract of employment cannot be overemphasized. A well-drafted contract, which clarifies expectations, protects the parties in event of termination, resignation or wage dispute. By Resolution Law Firm Email: [email protected] Tel | WhatsApp |Telegram: +2348099223322 CAN A DIRECTOR BE A COMPANY SECRETARY IN NIGERIA CAN A DIRECTOR BE A COMPANY SECRETARY IN NIGERIA?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
import { Alert, List, ListItem } from '@hospitalrun/components' import React from 'react' import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom' import Loading from '../../shared/components/Loading' import useTranslator from '../../shared/hooks/useTranslator' import Allergy from '../../shared/model/Allergy' import usePatientAllergies from '../hooks/usePatientAllergies' interface Props { patientId: string } const AllergiesList = (props: Props) => { const { patientId } = props const history = useHistory() const { t } = useTranslator() const { data, status } = usePatientAllergies(patientId) if (data === undefined || status === 'loading') { return <Loading /> } if (data.length === 0) { return ( <Alert color="warning" title={t('patient.allergies.warning.noAllergies')} message={t('patient.allergies.addAllergyAbove')} /> ) } return ( <List> {data.map((a: Allergy) => ( <ListItem action key={a.id} onClick={() => history.push(`/patients/${patientId}/allergies/${a.id}`)} > {a.name} </ListItem> ))} </List> ) } export default AllergiesList
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Малое Яровое — горько-солёное озеро в Славгородском районе Алтайского края в системе озёр центральной части Кулундинской равнины. Площадь водного зеркала составляет 35,2 км². Площадь водосборного бассейна — 1010 км². Лежит на высоте 98 метров над уровне моря. Средняя глубина озера около 2 метров, максимальная — около 5. Озеро бессточное, имеет правильную округлую форму, на западном и восточном берегах имеются выходы артезианских вод общим дебитом 16000 л/час. Берега крутые и обрывистые, высотой от 3 до 5 м, у северного, восточного и южного берегов — песчаные отмели. С севера и запада впадают короткие пересыхающие ручьи. Код водного объекта — 13020000311115200007197. Примечания Озёра Алтайского края Славгород (Россия)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Marilyn has been face painting and balloon modelling for more than 15 years now. She likes to work alongside her husband Professor Brian Llewellyn. Together they provide a Punch & Judy Show, Face Painting and Balloon Modelling. Suitable for parties or corporate events.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Own a piece of History. This serene log cabin sits among the whispering pines. It shows not only character but has been updated to meet modern needs. Minutes away from a world of winter wonderland. Enjoy the ski trails and snow mobile paths in the winter, or walk the streets of this one time mining town. Home features an individual guest bedroom, updated kitchen and plenty of space to store all your treasures. Year around access! The manager has listed the unit size as 1172 square feet. Want to find out who owns 102 Myer? Get detailed property transactions, assessments, mortgage info. The apartment appears to have the following available photos. Note that all categories are based on data provided by the agent or firm advertising the sale, our internal listings quality team, and our HopScore machine vision algorithms. In total, the listing has 21 photos or floorplans, and we present a breakdown of each photo with the associated room or features.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Robert Salamack is an experienced, expert and trustworthy Local Long Island Painter. He is experienced in Interior, Exterior, Faux Finishing & Wallpapering. Robert is Licensed, Insured and Lead Containment Certified with 35 years of experience. Call us to today to schedule an estimate. All the work is completed on site by the owner of the company to ensure that you are completely satisfied with the outcome of the job. No job is too big or small and the work will be completed in a timely fashion.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
With over 400km of marked paths and trails, the Pays Rhin Vignoble Grand Ballon region will delight all types of hikers. Walks and hikes for all age groups, or longer walks for the more athletic, find your ideal route by selecting the criteria that corresponds to you. Mountains, vineyards, forests? Where will your next hike be?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Posts Tagged 'down' Apple Store Is Down Worldwide, New Products In Line? The worldwide Apple store is down, and it has been down for the past 3 hours, giving rise to speculations that new/refreshed products will soon be announced. Apple, from time to time, takes down its websites for maintenance and user interface upgrades so it could all just be a false alarm. However, if Apple were to announce a new device right now, it would most probably be a new line of Macbook Pros. Other than that, it could officially release the Mac Pro, the device they said would be announced later this year. The new Mac Pro will be at least doubly powerful on every count than its [...] Wikipedia back online after brief service cut Online encyclopaedia Wikipedia was knocked offline on Monday thanks to two accidentally cut cables near a data centre in Florida. The site, and various associated services, were inaccessible or extremely sluggish for over two hours beginning at around 1430 BST on Monday. A status web page showed various parts of the Wikimedia network as suffering performance issues. Wikipedia ruled out any suggestion of malicious intent being behind problem. The two [...] Google to shut down podcast app Listen, Video for Business & Apps for Teams Google will be shuttering Apps for Teams, Google Listen, Google Video for Business and an unspecified number of its more than 150 blogs. [quote]"Technology has the power to change people's lives. But to make a difference, we need to carefully consider what to focus on, and make hard decisions about what we won't pursue," Google wrote in a blog post. "This enables us to devote more time and resources giving you products you love, and making them better for you."[/quote] Google says it's made changes to around 50 products, features and services in the past year. By eliminating products, it says, it can better allocate its time to more popular products, which will [...] Google Talk back in service after suffering global outage The Google Talk IM and video chat service suffered a massive global outage beginning early on Thursday, leaving users mum for more than four hours. The service was restored around 8.25PM. The outage was first reported by users on Twitter, a social networking website. "Google talk being down is massively annoying! You don't realise how much you take it for granted," Pete Gould, a Twitter user said. Many Google Talk users reported that they could log into the service, saw their contacts with the respective status but failed to send messages to them. Some other users could not log in. The service is not only used by people to keep [...] Breaking Apple Store Down – iPhone 5 is coming Guess what folks, its just about an hour to the iPhone 5 announcement and the Apple store is down. The iPhone 5 is coming, be sure to check out the live blog at 10:30 pm for the latest updates from the Announcement. How to Shut Down a Nuclear Reactor At the Torness nuclear power station in East Lothian, UK, seawater is taken in and filtered before it is used to cool down the reactor cores. It is not unusual for these inlets to be clogged with debris from the ocean, mainly seaweed and jellyfish. But on the 28th of June, the power plant faced a highly unusual situation. Clouds of jellyfish seemed to be pulled towards the plant and clogged its intake filters. This reduced the flow of cool seawater to the reactor cores. At first the plant engineers tried to reduce the load on the cores to reduce the amount of water required to cool them, but that was not sufficient and [...] Apple Shuts downs the Online store, New MacBooks coming? Looks like as per the rumors the new MacBooks are slated for today and the possible refresh is happening as we speak. As per rumors the new MacBook pro 13 inchers are getting the core 13-15 treatment, with basic upgrades in the 15 inch and 17 inch versions, there is also a possibility of the new sandy bridge processors to be added to the devices. Stay tuned as we will have the updates once the store is back online
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
ZenMate (https://www.zenmate.com), the leading VPN service provider owned by the internet security and privacy company ZenGuard GmbH, has seen a considerable rise in revenue and website traffic due to the high demand to stream the World Cup. The company's constant efforts to eliminate buffering and improve the overall streaming quality seem to have had a positive impact on customer satisfaction and sales, as well as set the service apart from its competitors. Increase in traffic to ZenMate website (51% week over week and growing) started exactly at the Russia 2018 World Cup kick-off, with exponential growth from Germany, United Kingdom and Ukraine. Daily sales of Premium VPN subscriptions nearly doubled, however geographical distribution looks a bit different with United Kingdom, United States and Germany in the lead. In the upcoming month, ZenMate is introducing important changes to its product portfolio. ZenMate Ultimate, a new premium tier, will not only support OpenVPN, but also a new and exclusive "Streaming Guarantee" feature. This addition will eliminate some of the most common issues all VPNs face in regards to streaming and vastly improve the viewing experience. On top of this, the support of OpenVPN will allow users to use ZenMate on any possible device. ZenMate also has something exciting in store for its business clients. A new version of the B2B offering has been launched and includes upgraded features for all business clients which need the protection and security of a VPN service. More information can be found under https://zenmate.com/business. Last but not least, ZenMate is also heavily testing an enhanced free VPN tier in emerging markets. With the recent rise of political censorship and blockings, ZenMate will increase its effort to provide people around a world with tools and solutions to access a free and unrestricted internet. The free VPN tier will be offered globally soon.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Family of late biker raise hundreds for relative's bed in hospital Greta Levy Paul Gray, 44, has been remembered as a "good guy" following his death. Picture : Contributed by Lucy Gray A family who lost a loving husband and father to cancer are raising funds for a key piece of hospital equipment. Pauls family on the memorial bench. Picture: Contributed by Lucy Gray Paul Gray, 43, from Beccles, who was a passionate motorcyclist, died on April 19 at Beccles Hospital following a short battle with cancer. His family and friends buried him at St Benets Catholic Church on May 14 - which would have been his 44th birthday. On the day, a motorbike funeral escort roared through Beccles town centre as the community came together to remember the "strong, beautiful and brave" father. At his wake, a collection was held in his memory for the Friends of Beccles Hospital to purchase a memorial bench. Cake Sale in Exchange Square pictured Unique and China Gray. Picture: Lucy Gray His wife Lucy Gray, said: "We held a collection at Paul's wake which has been used to purchase a memorial bench for the garden adjoining his room at Beccles Hospital where he spent his final days." Since then, the 32-year-old and their daughters, Unique, 15, and China who is aged 11, have been working hard to raise funds for the hospital to purchase another fold up relative's bed. "They currently only have one so another bed will enable more relatives to stay overnight," she said. Memorial bench at Beccles Hospital. Picture: Contributed by Lucy Gray "I know how important it was to myself and Paul's mum that we were able to stay overnight and spend every last minute we could with him, so another fold up bed will mean even more relatives can stay with sick family members at Beccles Hospital while being comfortable. "Myself and our two daughters have held several fundraising events to raise money for the Friends of Beccles Hospital to purchase another relative bed in memory of Paul. "We held a cake sale in Exchange Square in August raising £105.50. We also held a sponsored walk from Beccles to Oulton Broad in September raising £375. "We are planning more fundraising events next year for The Friends of Beccles Hospital including a sky dive, car boot sale and more cake sales. "I am super proud of my daughters for the strength they have shown since Paul passed away. They are beautiful, strong and brave just like their daddy."
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }