PITTSBURGH -- Hundreds of riders took the challenge of the 34th annual Dirty Dozen, a bicycle race that traverses 13 of Pittsburgh's steepest hills, on Saturday. In addition to the bicyclists, hundreds of supporters cheered on the racers at each hill. Some racers took breaks, too, offering each other drinks from their flasks and snacks while cheering on fellow participants. Danny Chew, Tom Chew and Bob Gottlieb came up with the idea in 1983 to show off the city's toughest hills. Five cyclists participated that year. It has since grown to more than 300 riders. Danny Chew, however, was absent for the first time this year after breaking his neck and becoming partially paralyzed in a bicycle accident Sept. 4. He cannot feel below mid-chest and is undergoing therapy at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, where he is expected to stay until Dec. 5. Still, Chew participated in the race via a live video feed at the starting line to inspire riders. Proceeds from this year's Dirty Dozen will benefit Chew. His nephew also started an online crowdfunding campaign to assist with medical expenses. The route is nearly 50 miles and traverses 13 hills around the city. It was broken up into heats, taking most riders at least five hours to complete. Results can be viewed online.
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A 'Rambo' Reboot Is Coming & This New Direction Is Just What The Franchise Needs By Emily Lackey Get your war paint ready, everyone. A Rambo reboot is in the works, and it might be the first in a long line of follow-ups to the '80s classic. Except this time, the movie won't be starring Sylvester Stallone, the actor who played the title character in all four of the Rambo movies released: First Blood, Rambo: First Blood Part II, Rambo III, and Rambo. Instead, according to The Hollywood Reporter a younger, new actor would be playing Rambo. But before we all start trying to reconcile a world in which John Rambo is played by anyone other than Stallone, I think we can all take comfort in this one great fact: The production company is reportedly going to treat Rambo as a character like James Bond. In other words, a character that will be played by different people over the years. So does that mean we can expect multiple Rambo films to be made and released in the coming years? If this report is right, Rambo could be getting one major revival, and really the timing couldn't be better. For as much as an action movie as Rambo is — all four of them — at the heart of each of the stories is an examination into the lives of veterans during the Vietnam War. How timely, then, that a new one is about to be made. As the U.S. withdraws troops even more slowly from the Middle East than originally promised, a movie set in today's world could point out the equally important issues facing the men and women returning from war. I'm just hoping that the writers of this film don't slip head first into the action movie genre and forget what this movie was originally and truly about. But with the potential for multiple movies to be made for and about John Rambo, there's a good chance that there will be plenty of opportunities for the writers, directors, and actors to get it right. And if the character continues to be played by the latest "it boy" in Hollywood, then even better. Image: Orion Pictures (2)
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Archive of published articles (Versions of record) Rhifyn Arbennig / Special Issue Editors and Editorial Board Imprint - Data Protection - Licenses Drowning Little Girls A History of Female Infanticide in China Tom Wilkinson-Gamble BA Modern and Contemporary History [email protected] Female infanticide, along with foot binding, is one of the most infamous and darkest aspects of Chinese culture. The practice is ancient and its exact origins still remain unknown. Though the practice cannot be condoned, there remains some 'method in the madness'. Up until the early parts of the 20th century, Chinese society was almost exclusively agrarian. This meant that most people's livelihoods were dependent upon being able to do farm work, or living with someone who could. Since men, stereotypically, are considered more suitable for manual labour than women, Chinese society developed a preference for male babies. This preference of boys over girls is strongly ingrained in Confucian culture. Since women were not expected to do anywhere near the same amount of work that men did, girls were considered a burden and another 'mouth to feed' until they were married off to a, hopefully, well-off family. In ancient Chinese history, this preference manifested itself as the phenomenon of female infanticide that we are familiar with today. With regards to religion, China's three primary faiths (Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism) all differ on their stance towards female infanticide. Because Confucian culture is predominantly patriarchal, Confucianists are more tolerant of the practice. They are in direct conflict with the Taoists who are firmly anti-infanticide as they believe that the murder of anyone, including little girls, would be to contradict 'the way'. The Buddhists, however, are torn, primarily because of their belief in a notion of re-incarnation. On one hand, they believe that the little girl would be re-incarnated elsewhere and so there's no fear of wasting a life. On the other hand, they also acknowledge that taking a life, innocent or otherwise, would bring them negative karma. Since the arrival of Christian missionaries in China in the 1500s, knowledge of female infanticide has spread to the West. The early 17th century Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci witnessed the practice during his time in China and reportedly saw newborn girls drowned in local rivers. Later, in the 19th century, French Jesuit Gabriel Palatre and the Annales de la Sainte-Enfance reported similar sightings across both the south-western and the south-eastern provinces. After the Xinhai Revolution of 1911, both the KMT (Kuomintang) and CCP (Chinese Communist Party) governments have worked to try and reduce the prevalence of the practice. Despite a considerable decline in the 20th century, a modern incarnation of female infanticide resurfaced in the 1980s with the introduction of the one-child policy. Due to the continued prevalence of male babies being favoured over female ones, the one-child policy sparked a rise in the amount of gender selective abortions. Couples would abort the baby before it went to full term and then try again for a boy. In response to this emerging phenomenon, the policy was reformed in 1984; couples whose first born child was a daughter would be allowed to have a second. One of the more disturbing ways the one-child policy was enforced was forced abortions. In June of 2012, a woman from Shaanxi province was forced to have an abortion after being unable to pay the ¥40,000 fine for violating the policy. After explaining to the authorities that she and her husband would be unable to pay the fine, Feng Jianmei claims she was forced into signing an agreement to have an abortion. Witnesses claim that she was removed from her home with a pillowcase over her head by four masked men. The next day, Feng was injected with an abortifacient to induce a stillbirth. A week later, Feng's family posted to the blogging website Sina Weibo an extremely graphic image of Feng in a hospital gown lying next to the stillborn corpse of her daughter. The image rapidly spread across Chinese social and sparked outrage amongst the public. In response to this incident, two officials from the National Population and Family Planning Commission were fired and five others were disciplined. The one-child policy has had a disastrous effect on China's population statistics; there are between 10 and 15 million 'missing women' which has led to an extremely uneven gender ratio in the general population. The lack of women has caused some serious sociological problems in Chinese society. Less women means fewer potential wives, which has fueled a rise in gender-related violence as well as an increase in sex trafficking and prostitution. This, in turn, increases the risk of HIV and AIDS. There is a theory, however, that the demographic problems may not actually be as bad as they appear to be. It is possible that, particularly in the rural parts of the country, the births of girls may actually have happened but were not officially recorded in fear of violating the one-child policy. These are the hēiháizi or 'black child'. These are people who are not registered in the hùkǒu, the system of household registration. This means that those 30-35 million girls do actually exist but exist as hēiháizi and therefore are unknown to the government. In the last 25 years, a series of documentaries have been produced about female infanticide, the one-child policy and their impact on Chinese society. The Dying Rooms (1995) and its follow-up film Return to the Dying Rooms (1996), both detail the lives of children who were abandoned by their parents as a result of the one-child policy. The filmmakers claim that the unwanted girls were left to die of neglect, allowing the parents another chance at producing a boy. Sixteen months after the first documentary was released, two members of the production team claimed that the film was 'wholly exaggerated' and was made 'almost completely without substance'. Over 15 years later, another documentary titled It's a Girl: The Three Deadliest Words in the World (2012) was still examining the sociological effect of female infanticide in both India and China. Labels: China, East Asia, Issue_1_2, Women Papers can be submitted by email directly to the editors or by email to [email protected]. Instructions for Authors. Bangor University School of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences Rhifyn/Issue 1/1 and Rhifyn Arbennig/Special Issue... Croeso/ Welcome Croeso A Little Gay History of Bangor Queering the Tudor Hunt LGBTQ+ in Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities Drug F***ed Bisexual Erasure… Homosexuality and Britain's Stuart Monarchs, 1603-... The Mystery of Llywelyn ap Gruffudd A Brief History of the LGBT Community in Wales Gods of the Past Is wearing 'Black Hairstyles' truly Cultural Appro... A Letter to Women Kind Pendroni…Rhywedd a'r Troubles yng Ngogledd Iwerddo... The Golden Lotus Anne Lister 1884 Rhifyn Arbennig / Special Issue 1 Tobias Heron, Headhunting in Iron Age Europe (free download) Tobias Heron, Headhunting in the Iron Age; ISBN: 978-3-752950-91-5 Croeso bawb i ail rifyn 1884 ! Nôl ym mis Chwefror dathlodd Prifysgol Bangor fis hanes LGBTQ+. Er mwyn nodi'r achlysur pwysig hwn fe... Rhifyn/Issue 1/2 available in print 'The Man Behind the Digital Curtain' Investigating Social Support and Heteronormativity in an Online Lesbian Community Charlotte Jones PhD Sociology and Social Policy so... Daryl Leeworthy Research Fellow at Swansea University Dr Leeworthy delivered a version of this paper in a research seminar to mark LG... Welcome to the first edition of the new publication 1884, which is being led by students and edited by members of the School of History, ... Caernarfon Castle Early Middle Ages Female agency Heteronormativity History of Bangor Irish Republican Army (IRA) Issue_1_1 Lesbian identity Llewelyn ap Gruffudd Llywelyn ap Gruffudd Moralist Neo-Pagan Owain Glyndwr Provisional IRA Publication Notice R.S. Thomas Special_issues Stuarts Ulster Volunteer Force Unlawful Games Act Welsh Princes 1884 is hosted by RK Publications
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Home » Blog » Brooke De Lench » Texas Youth Football and Cheer Program: Ten Ways It Is Walking The Talk On Safety Brooke de Lench View my profile » Let's Celebrate Mother's Day By Recognizing Critical Role of Sports Moms Lost in Translation: The Perils of Tweeting About Concussions Brooke de Lench's blog Texas Youth Football and Cheer Program: Ten Ways It Is Walking The Talk On Safety Submitted by Brooke de Lench on Sat, 08/15/2015 - 14:19. | comments Automatic External Defibrillators (AEDs) Cardiac Safety Cheerleading/Spirit Concussion Recognition & Evaluation Concussion Safety Football (Tackle) Heat Illness Safety Heat Stroke - Treatment Preparticipation Physical Evaluations & Exams (Sports Physicals) Preventing Concussions Program Safety Sports-Related Concussions & Subconcussive Injuries Participation in youth sports in general, and in youth football in particular, is on the decline in some parts of the nation. One of the biggest factors driving the decline is a concern about injuries. Lots of youth sports programs say they want to improve safety, but how many are actually making the effort to implement best health and safety practices? I can't speak for every program, but I know one that is definitely walking the talk: the youth tackle and flag football and cheer program in Grand Prairie, Texas, where I spent the first week of August in 100 degree heat (the first thing I did when I arrived was to buy a pallet of water at a local big box store!) working with a group of leading experts I invited in to help educate and train 2,500 young tackle, flag and cheer athletes, parents, coaches, and administrators in the program on ways to make football and cheer safer as part of our MomsTEAM Institute of Youth Sports Safety's SmartTeamsTM | UNICEF International Safeguards of Children in Sports project. What are some of the ways to make youth football safer? Here are ten specific steps I encouraged the Grand Prairie program, as an independent youth football program not affiliated with USA Football or Pop Warner, to take to provide a safer and more enjoyable experience for its players: Adopt and periodically practice a comprehensive Emergency Action Plan: As I emphasized in my meetings with the Grand Prairie board, one of the most important steps it could take to protect the safety of athletes, spectators, coaches, and officials in case of a medical (serious head, neck or spine injury, heat stroke\ or weather emergency (e.g. lightning, excessive heat) was to develop, implement, and practice an emergency action plan (EAP). To emphasize the point, we ran a mock emergency drill my last day in Texas. Because many youth sports programs, such as Grand Prairie, lack the resources of school-based programs to pay a certified athletic trainer to be at games and practices, I emphasized the need for Grand Prairie to look for volunteers such as school nurses, RN's, LPN's, EMTs, or nurse practitioners or medical doctors (either parents with kids in the program or from the community) to help fill the gap. Strongly encourage parents to make sure their child has a pre-participation physical evaluation. In his presentation to the Grand Prairie parents, Dr. Jim McDonald, a pediatric sports medicine medical doctor at Nationwide Children's Hospital and Ohio State, encouraged them to make sure their child had a pre-participation physical examination, including the taking of detailed cardiac and concussion histories, even though a PPE is usually not required for participation in community-based sports. Experts agree that a PPE is the primary means of identifying athletes at risk of sports injury and initiating preventative measures. Teaches proper tackling and limit player-to-player contact during practices. As I did in 2012 while I was working with the high school football program in Newcastle, Oklahoma during the filming of my PBS documentary, The Smartest Team: Making High School Football Safer, I flew in Coach Bobby Hosea, the inventor of a revolutionary heads-free tackle training system now being used at all levels of the game, to teach safe tackling to the Grand Prairie players. To the naysayers who believe teaching kids to tackle without using their heads, or that sensible limits on full-contact practices at the youth level, can't make the game safer, a new study in the Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine shows that they can significantly reduce the number of concussions, not just in practices (where, in contrast to other levels of football, most concussions occur at the youth level), but also in games. Makes sure that all helmets fit properly, and that used helmets have been properly reconditioned. An important part of my week in Grand Prairie, as was the case in 2012 in Newcastle, was a helmet fitting session in which an expert made sure that every player in the Grand Prairie youth football program started the pre-season with a properly fitted helmet and reminded coaches to check helmet fit periodically during the season. I also made sure that all helmets were reconditioned prior to the season in accordance with the helmet manufacturers' recommendations, and also supplied thirty of the younger, smaller players with brand new, lightweight helmets to evaluate (citing a lack of data, the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment ("Nocsae") said in June 2015 that it had no current plans to issue a separate performance standard for youth football helmets; look for a future blog on that subject). Requires safety training. Most youth sports coaches are parent volunteers with little or no safety training. To fill that safety gap, I arranged for an instructor from the local chapter of the Red Cross to hold training sessions for Grand Prairie parents and coaches in first-aid, CPR and the use of an AED. Mandates comprehensive concussion education. As I discussed in a previous blog, state laws requiring concussion education do not always cover community- based and independent sports programs. I encouraged parents and coaches to take the free 30-minute online CDC Heads Up Concussion training courses, which MomsTeam Institute has endorsed. As a longtime advocate for mandatory concussion education meetings before every sports season, I walked the talk by flying in from Chicago a top sports concussion neuropsychologist. Dr Elizabeth Pieroth, to talk to the Grand Prairie parents and coaches about concussions, not just knowing the signs and symptoms but the importance of creating an environment in which players feel safe in reporting concussion symptoms to increase the likelihood that they will be immediately removed from games and practices. Has adopted conservative return to play guidelines. As required by law in every state for school-based sports, independent and community-based programs should require players to obtain written clearance by a medical professional with concussion training and expertise before returning to play. Many experts recommend that, because their brains are still developing, younger players should be held out of play longer than older athletes, some suggesting a minimum of three weeks after a concussion before returning to sports. Regularly inspects practice and game facilities. All programs should designate a parent or coach to regularly inspect practice and game facilities to make sure they are safe, including the cleaning of locker rooms to minimize the risk of communicable diseases (such as community-acquired MRSA. Athletes, parents, and officials should be encouraged to immediately report any unsafe conditions. Conducts detailed background checks of all volunteers and paid staff. It is every parent's nightmare that their child might be a victim of a sexual predator while participating in youth sports. Unfortunately sexual abuse of young players has occurred in youth sports leagues of all kinds, as well as with individual coaches in individual youth sports. Performing background checks on all volunteers is a powerful tool for protecting each player in your league. This safety measure is so important it needs to be required in all youth sports leagues. Follows the International Safeguards for Children in Sport. Adopted at the Beyond Sport summit in South Africa in 2014, the Safeguards are designed to help create a safe sporting environment for children wherever they participate and at whatever level, provide a benchmark to assist youth sports organizations and sports stakeholders to make informed decisions about safety, promote best practices and challenge practices that are harmful to children, and provide clarity on safeguarding children to all involved in sport. As the head of a pioneer organization designated by UNICEF UK to help implement the Safeguards in the U.S, I will be working with the Board of Directors of the Grand Prairie youth football and cheer program on an ongoing basis to implement the holistic and process-oriented approach to youth sport safety the Safeguards recommend. I firmly believe that the best way to protect our children in sports is for an independent non-profit serving the interests of all youth sports stakeholders, not any special interest or group, to develop a program, such as we are doing with SmartTeamsTM, free to incorporate best practice recommendations from a wide variety of sources, including UNICEF, leading medical societies, and governmental agencies such as the CDC, adapted, where appropriate, for use by youth sports programs that lack the resources of school-based programs. If more sports programs, like Grand Prairie, were to implement these kinds of safety measures, I am convinced that the safety concerns of parents would be assuaged and the decline in youth sports participation could be stemmed, even reversed. During the next few weeks I will have more to say about youth sports best safety practices and what weare doing with SmartTeams , but, in the meantime, remember that to play safe, we need to be smart! Brooke de Lench is Founding Executive Director of MomsTEAM Institute, Inc., Director of Smart Teams Play Safe, Publisher of MomsTEAM.com, author of Home Team Advantage: The Critical Role of Mothers in Youth Sports (HarperCollins), and Producer/Director/Creator of the PBS documentary, "The Smartest Team: Making High School Football Safer." Brooke is also a founding member of the UN International Safeguards of Children in Sports coalition. She can be reached by email [email protected], and you can follow her on Twitter @brookedelench. and email her at [email protected] Note: This blog was first published on Huffington Post Contributing Bloggers Home Team Advantage Founder & Publisher of MomsTeam.com Minor League Mom Pamela Carey Parenting elite athletes Protecting Young Football Players Bobby Hosea Ex Pro Football Player Keeping Kids Safe Debbie Lantz Eric Laudano, M.H.S., A.T.C. Mother Behind the Hay Bales Lorrie Miller, Ph.D. Two time Olympian Erin Mirabella Represented the United States at the 2000 and 2004 Olympic Games in track cycling. TheTeenDoc: Sports and Your Teen Kemi Oguntala, MD Courageous Coaching Hal Tearse Coaching and Youth Hockey Meredith Rainey Valmon Two-time Olympian who specialized in the 800 meters. See more of our bloggers: See our bloggers' biographies
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When we founded our company Wickelkinder in 2002, it was important to us that we inspire parents to wear their children and to offer sensible, beautiful products for this. We are mums and dads, too, and know from experience just how important protection and comfort are – just as important as being able to keep your mind and hands free to master the challenges you face as a parent every day. In all these years, we have continually further developed manduca baby carriers and baby slings in their ergonomics, comfort and style. Today, manduca is the leader in the baby carrier and baby sling market. An international brand with big plans and high ambitions. It's therefore only logical that we have now bundled all of our Wickelkinder power into the manduca brand, which has grown so splendidly – and will continue to grow under this name. Naturally, our proven Wickelkinder service remains just as high as ever. Our high standard of supporting families is something we are also staying true to with our bundled market leadership. Sustainability, organic materials and fair production continue to take priority. With the fusion of Wickelkinder and manduca under a single strong name, we are now raising this child together with the aim of ensuring a great future. At manduca, you can find everything centred round wearing your baby. But there are also some things which we think are particularly practical and pleasant – and these also make it into the manduca family. Like handy jackets for when carrying your baby, soft baby booties, happy baby feet warmers or gym sessions with carrying help. So you can enjoy your life as a parent even more. Sustainability takes top priority at manduca® – and has been continually important to us since our very first collection.
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Q: Adding namespaced attribute to django-crispy-form field I was trying to add a namespaced attribute (x-bind:attr) to a crispy form field but I couldn't find a solution that works. I know that attributes with a dash are handled by using an underscore, I tried to do the same by replacing double underscore with the double colon but it didn't work and no replacement is made. class ChildFormSetHelperUpdate(FormHelper): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.form_tag = False self.include_media = False self.layout = Layout( Div(Field('model', x_bind__disable="disableInput"), css_class='col-md-6'), ) self.render_required_fields = True``` A: You can achieve this by passing the keyword argument in a dictionary, and expanding that into the kwargs for Field using the ** unpacking operator: Field('model', **{"x-bind:disable": "disableInput"}) This gets around the fact that you can't use dashes and colons in Python variable names. The attribute will be rendered as: <input ... x-bind:disable="disableInput">
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Archive - March 2016 Murder of an RTI activist The brutal murder of Vinayak Baliga who was an RTI activist and a contractor by profession has shocked the people of Mangalore. This carried out by what appears to be a professional gang has left his aged parents and his sisters... Well this may look like a betrayal of the class to which I belong but if it is be it so. There is a limit to which one can tolerate hypocrisy and this class has gone far beyond that. The latest in this is the venom spewed against... The repression of criticism by the State While the developed world is becoming more liberal and tolerant towards dissent and freedom of expression is being a fundamental right, we are becoming a more and more repressive state. It is also that the ruling combines are... Moral and Virtuous People Don't Need God Or Mindless Religion A Rationalist At The Registrar's Office Keeping The Spotlight On Introduction to Instrumental Rationality
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General Heinz Guderian's revolutionary strategic vision and his skill in armored combat brough Germany its initial victories during World War II. Combining Guderian's land offensive with Luftwaffe attacks, the Nazi Blitzkrieg decimated the defenses of Poland, Norway, France— and, very nearly, Russia —at the war's outset. But in 1941, when Guderian advised that ground forces should take a step back, Hitler dismissed him. In these pages, the outspoken general shares his candid point of view on what would have led Germany to victory, and what ensured that it didn't. In addition to providing a rare inside look at key members of the Nazi party, Guderian reveals in detail how he developed the Panzer tank forces and orchestrated their various campaigns, from the break through at Sedan to his drive to the Channel coast that virtually decided the Battle of France. Panzer Leaderbecame a bestseller within one year of its original publication in 1952 and has since been recognized as a classic account of the greatest conflict of our time.
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Layoffs at tech giants impact recruiting practices. Many are wondering how recruiting for positions in the technology sector will change. By most accounts, tech sector hiring is projected to impact Silicon Valley's current workforce and recent graduates. Late last year, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced mass layoffs at Facebook parent company Meta, with 13% of the global workforce being shown the door. Twitter CEO Elon Musk followed suit by laying off 50% of the social media giant's workforce. With nearly 4,000 employees at Twitter out of a job, some of them not even a day away from being asked back, it's clear that confusion will rule the Northern California tech scene. The trend continues in 2023, with Amazon reportedly laying off nearly 18,000 workers. As Spotify cuts its global workforce by 6%, concerns center on getting the bottom line of the carnage. Spotify CEO Daniel Ek has officially announced the Swedish tech giant's market leader Askew's valuation. "In hindsight, I was very excited to invest ahead of our revenue growth," Eck shared. LinkedIn farewell posts are now a common place to share unfulfilled dreams and reconciliations for alternative, never-believed-to-be-thought-out future paths. Yahoo Finance caught up with Dan Ives, technology analyst and Wedbush Securities managing director, about the effects of the slowdown in tech. "One's loss is another's gain. Highly skilled developers and software engineers won't be unemployed for long, and the companies that hire them will likely be at the forefront of new fields like artificial intelligence, electric vehicles, cloud storage, and cybersecurity. I think it's changing the positioning of technology. Wanting to learn more about the next steps in talent recruiting, this reporter spoke with Hudson Brooke, CEO and founder of AloHire, a boutique technology recruiting firm based in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Brock shared the current challenges facing the tech sector, which many call Silicon Valley home as it leans toward ground-shaking practices. "Some big platforms are so focused on their immediate need for growth and expansion that they rarely think about how their repetitive and flawed hiring practices will affect the lives of their employees down the road. Bad hires always lead to bad firings. That's something tech companies need to change," said Brock. Rod Berger: Before we get into why the tech sector is unstable for current and future workers, let's discuss a central principle of your organization – allocentrism. Hudson BrookAllocentrism is the opposite of egocentrism, which in this context is an unhealthy focus on yourself or your company. 'Alo' means 'other', so allocentrism, in short, is.Another centrality Contrary to selfishness. Allocentrism in a company can be seen as a strong focus on employees when it comes to hiring or serving your customers and clients. It is building a company culture that considers the implications of every corporate decision on the lives and outcomes of important relationships such as customers and employees. This is the main directive behind our company, hence the name Allohire. Burger: Can you share a little about Allohire, your background and how you came up with Allocentrism? Brock: The concept came to me from observing how corporations operate and from both sides of the table through years of hiring practices. He founded AlloHire to bring allocentrism to talent acquisition because he saw a lot of self-centeredness in how companies, especially tech companies, hire. This selfishness constantly affects the long-term impact of their employers. Hudson Brooke's boutique recruiting firm looks set to change the narrative for its growing talent pool. … [+] In technology. Hudson Brook We are a boutique recruitment agency that partners with mission-driven organizations to produce high-impact employees. Over the past two years, we have grown this agency from a startup in my basement to a multi-million dollar business headquartered in downtown Chattanooga. Our rapid success is proof that our ideas are catching on. We've partnered with over 30 companies, including industry leaders like Chick-fil-A, Very, The Optimism Company, Principle Studios, Waypoint TV, Softgiving and Reliance Partners. We use our unique relationship-focused strategy to efficiently recruit both candidates and companies. Burger: The tech world is facing a problematic hiring freeze. Some argue it's like job cuts. How does allocentrism affect this situation and can it change what many see as inevitable and negative change? A Fortune analyst recently warned that 15% to 20% of Big Tech employees could be laid off in the next six months. What is your view on this prediction? Brock: It's time to look forward to the future of technology and how it will change. The mistakes have already been made. For example, Twitter and Meta in 2011. The sudden increase in employment in 2020 has been heavily criticized. After just two years, they fired almost all of those new hires. Mark Zuckerberg recently came out to take responsibility for the firing. He admits that the immediate hire was ill-advised. Many hired on the assumption that the depressed online activity and ad spending of the mid-Covid era would continue post-pandemic, but there was no evidence that this would be the case. When companies treat hiring as a stopgap, there is bound to be a negative impact on long-term productivity. However, when you think about how the hiring decisions you make today will affect employees in a few years, you make more careful decisions. Most companies hire to fill vacancies without thinking that this gap may exist in the near future and if their employees are flexible to enter other positions in the company. They hire to meet their needs rather than the needs of the candidate, who may be aiming to get the job. The ease with which tech companies can turn over employees is one of the reasons for the great slowdown in that space today. Burger: Does this theory of allocentrism also apply to candidates? How would you advise new college graduates looking for their dream job to apply the concept to themselves? Brock: We focus on developing authentic relationships between colleagues and future colleagues. We live at the ultimate job search site, dedicated to serving as personal agents for both candidates and hiring managers. First, we apply the concept of allocentrism to ourselves and our services as agency, and then we encourage others to do the same. Potential employees can apply the same concept by focusing more on what the company wants from them. This goes beyond researching the company before the interview. It is a mindset that prepares the candidate to benefit the company greatly. Balanced thinking shows how the candidate answers questions, the details they bring up about the company, and their understanding of how their strengths can further strengthen the company's position. Our approach to candidates and hiring organizations makes it easy for Cubans to produce near-perfect hires because of another center in the hiring process. Our approach to work makes us seamless across the recruiting matrix, a long overdue problem. The strike in the tech space has spread to companies like Airbnb and Roku. In the year Reports of continued declines in 2023 reinforce the position of experts like Hudson Brooke that the recruiting system is broken and in need of overhaul. Time will tell if substance is married to sustainable employment practices in Silicon Valley. Hudson believes prioritizing relationship-building strategies is key to the sector's long-term human capital investments. In his words, "everyone has a reason to be high in real relationships." Interviews were edited for clarity. Gov. Tony Evers has pledged $500 million in statewide funding for mental health, shared revenue and PFAS remediation. In the year In 1843 LLC Tombstone Company agreed with the Attorney General of Pennsylvania
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We have used the period between last summer and the winter to begin the initial phase of the planned renovation of the hotel's sanitary facilities. The sauna has a new floor, shower and sink. The toilets adjacent to the reception area and next to the sauna have been fully renovated. Everything has been given a sleeker, fresher new look so that we can be ready for the years ahead. Most of the ground floor has also been given a fresh coat of paint. In each of the coming three mid-seasons, we will renovate the bathrooms and toilets of all the rooms on one floor. Once that is completed, lovely new carpet will be installed in the hallways and the walls will be repainted. Lastly, the reception area will be entirely redesigned.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
I told myself when I got to 100 followers on my blog, I'd do some sort of giveaway. Well, I'm at 99 followers and 121 subscribers to my feed! I do believe that balances out, doesn't it? I've had this sculpture stashed away for a while. In high school (ages ago, cough), I did a series of Pagan gods and goddesses in clay. This was one of the smaller goddesses I made. She was intended to be a generic Triple Goddess, but I've personally always called her Diana. She has been fired once in the kiln. So if you don't care for her unfinished, a coat of primer and paint would work to add color to her. Or, if you have a kiln or know a place that does firing, you have the chance to glaze her! All you have to do in order to win her is be a follower of my blog and comment below. If you don't have an email in your profile or a blog that I can track you down on, please be sure to leave some way I can contact you. This giveaway will end on July 13th, so there's a small window to get signed up! I'll be drawing a random number to pick the winner. < Previous Social Anxiety and the Art of Avoidance. wow! that is a gorgeous statue. And congrats on getting over 100 followers!!!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
If some day you lose access to your Outlook account, you'll be glad that you exported its contents, retaining the means with which to contact your friends, family and business connections.... 8/08/2016 · Can't edit Outlook 2016 contact card This is nuts and getting very frustrated. Surface Pro 4, Outlook 2016. Outlook contacts show normally, in people view, when I double click a contact or click the "edit" link option in the view pane. Actually editing does not seem to be an option. The "save" button is inoperable, but cancel works. Outlook allows you to create a personalized signature for the messages/emails that you send/forward/reply. In this personalised signature, you can add text, image, electronic business card…... If some day you lose access to your Outlook account, you'll be glad that you exported its contents, retaining the means with which to contact your friends, family and business connections. I'm using Office 2016. I have all my contacts filed as business names but as I meet my customers and gather their information I want to add an field for buyer's name (cell phone & email if... In Outlook 2013 (and 2016), the default behavior when you double click on an address in a message or contact is a contact card opens. When the Legacy GAL key is enabled, the address properties dialog (or the contact for the person) opens. 8/08/2016 · Can't edit Outlook 2016 contact card This is nuts and getting very frustrated. Surface Pro 4, Outlook 2016. Outlook contacts show normally, in people view, when I double click a contact or click the "edit" link option in the view pane. Actually editing does not seem to be an option. The "save" button is inoperable, but cancel works. 13/05/2018 · In this tutorial we will discuss and show you how you can create custom pre-made templates in Outlook 2016 and how you can use them. Create Email Template In Outlook 2016/2013 - A Step By I am trying to figure out how to make company custom template in Outlook 2016. I also searched online but I did not find any appropriate method. 9/07/2016 · The one that I do not see, and want to ask here if it can be done, is to set your contacts in the Business Card view in Mac Outlook 2016 as you can in the Windows version. All I seem to be able to display is a list of the contacts in one pane, and the details in a larger pane. Das Ende der dicken Brieftaschen ist erreicht… Denn obgleich Visitenkarten in Papierform weiterhin ihre Berechtigung haben, so unübersichtlicher wurde es in der Vergangenheit auch in unserer Brieftasche wenn wir mal wieder die nächste Karte darin untergebracht haben.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Du Wenxiang (Chinese: 杜文翔; born 31 October 1991 in Shandong) is a Chinese football player who currently plays for China League Two side Zibo Cuju. Club career Du Wenxiang was promoted to Chongqing Lifan's first team squad in 2010. On 16 October 2010, he made his debut for Chongqing Lifan in the 2010 Chinese Super League against Jiangsu Sainty, coming on as a substitute for José Filho Duarte in the 83rd minute. On 17 February 2013, Du was loaned to China League One side Beijing BIT until 31 December 2013. He transferred to Dalian Transcendence in March 2014. After two seasons he would gain promotion with the club. On 18 January 2017, Du moved to League Two side Sichuan Longfor. He would establish himself as a regular within the team and go on to win 2018 China League Two division title with the club. Career statistics Statistics accurate as of match played 31 December 2020. Honours Club Sichuan Longfor China League Two: 2018 References External links 1991 births Living people Chinese footballers Footballers from Shandong Chongqing Liangjiang Athletic F.C. players Dalian Transcendence F.C. players Sichuan Longfor F.C. players Chinese Super League players China League One players Association football forwards
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
To roll or not to roll, that is the question.You have been working long and hard for many years now. You could be at the same employer or perhaps you have worked for several different ones over the years. While working you made it a point to take advantage of the 401k because of the match they were giving you. Now that you have left your employer (career change or possible retirement), you have an important choice to make. You can either leave the money with your previous employer in the 401k plan or you can do what's called a 401k rollover. The former seems like the easy option but let me give you some reasons why you want consider rolling over to your own personal Individual Retirement Account (IRA). First things first, what can you rollover? Any old retirement plans are fair game. That would include any old 401k's, SEP IRA's, Simple IRA's, 403b's, or 457 plans. Basically, if you no longer work there, you should be able to roll it over. One word of caution: be careful if you are with an employer that uses an annuity product for their retirement plan. I had a client who was trying to rollover her Simple IRA when she changed jobs. Since her employer used an insurance company for the plan, she had an annuity and was faced with a 5% surrender charge to transfer it even though she didn't work there. For her that was a $4,000 tab that she wasn't too thrilled about. If you had a choice between a world class buffet or a menu with 3 choices, what would you choose? Personally, I'm going with the buffet (in moderation of course). With a 401k you are mostly limited to mutual funds. On top of that, you may only have 8 mutual funds to choose from. I have seen 401k's with as little as 8 up to 40 choices.That may seem like enough, but when you roll over your 401k to an IRA you have now opened the doors to hundreds of other mutual fund companies and thousands of other choices. But it doesn't stop there. You can also invest into individual stocks, bonds, Etf's, annuities, CD's, and on and on and on. Up until recently, any non-spouse beneficiary on a employer retirement plan was forced to cash out over a 5 year period upon inheriting.Thanks to the Pension Protection Act that has changed…..kind of. An "inherited IRA" has to be open and the money has to be rolled into that for it to work. So why not take the safe route and roll it into an IRA? What a Stretch IRA does is allows your beneficiaries to take smaller portions out based on your life expectancy. That it turns means that the bulk of the money will still grow tax deferred and stretch out what you pass on to your kids. I have had clients with up to six different 401k plans. He was getting 6 separate statements and was having trouble trying to keep track of them all. Why not consolidate into one IRA to make sure that all the investments are working together and complimenting each other? Also, at age 70 ½ the IRS steps in and starts making you take out a percentage each year in the form of Required Minimum Distributions.This figure would have to be done on each retirement plan and if for some reason you miss it, the IRS imposes a pretty hefty penalty (50% of the amount that was required to be withdrawn). Rolling over your retirement plan can be a simple process. Make your life simple and consolidate your retirement accounts today. Jeff Rose, is an Illinois Certified Financial Planner who authors the blogs Good Financial Cents and Soldier of Finance. He is a father of 3 awesome boys, husband to the coolest chick on the planet, In-N-Out Burger junkie and Crossfit addict. I see pros and cons with the auto-rollover feature. Pro's is that it's done for you. Cons in that 1. Typically fees with mutual funds are cheaper in your 401k. 2. How do they decide how to invest your money? Congrats on having multiple buckets of retirement income! You laid out the pros and cons very nicely. They are an important part of the retirement plans for most of the people I talk to. One thing not mentioned was rolling over into an IRA while you're still employed. The company you work for must allow it, but it gives you more investment options. I can't imagine having 6 different 401k's. I prefer it simple… Great tips. Will keep that in mind when I have to roll over my retirement fund when I leave my employer.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
GTA 5 is a real phenomenon that changed our industry forever and drove the undecided to games-as-services. GTA Online has achieved an exorbitant success, and fans of the classic Grand Theft Auto had to arouse their hidden emotions for the online gameplay, because Rockstar abandoned all story additions. Years after the first release, the adventure of three gangsters hit the PS5 and XSX | S, confirming my fears – GTA V Expanded & Enhanced is the best console edition of the hit, which does not bring relevant news to IP GTA 5 gratuit. Do you remember what you did on September 17, 2013? I will never forget the release day of GTA 5, because instead of waiting for a courier, I went from store to store in search of a free copy of the game that I had been waiting for many months. I don't even remember which store broke down and collected the pre-order without having the right number of Grand Theft Auto 5 units, but I know how irritating I was driving around three nearby cities in search of production. I do not remember the 2014 debut on PS4, because I reached for the PlayStation Store version and played it only a few days after the premiere, and I downloaded the PC edition, but turned on only after I improved the equipment. But I know that every time Rockstar's production came back, offering us something new – the modest sense of freshness made me willing to beat my position on three platforms and it was with this attitude that I downloaded the position on PS5. As it turns out … Developers this time focused on general cargo. Last year, Rockstar served players a real disaster in the form of GTA: The Trilogy The Definitive Edition, so when I reached for the reviewed GTA 5, I didn't really know what to expect. Fortunately, the creators did not give their work to amateur destroyers this time, so the production could return without major errors and unforgivable problems. The studio, however, did not deal with the expansion of the adventure and spent almost all its processing capacity on modestly improving the experience. The latest GTA 5 for PS5 and XSX offers three game modes – performance (1440p / 60fps), fidelity (4K / 30fps) and RT performance (1440p / 60fps). I will not hide that the first option was by far the most interesting proposition for me, because I wanted to play Grand Theft Auto 5 on the console at 60 frames per second. It is not perfect, because the production only "targets" this magical barrier and we cannot even dream of a constant 60fps, but for me it is the best option for the game. In the most "hot" moments, i.e. larger shootouts with explosions and more spectacular actions, the fluidity can drop to about 50 frames. The situation is worse in RT performance, because even though the graphics are slightly improved here, I recorded even 35-40 fps, which, to be honest, is unacceptable to me. I definitely prefer to run around the city in more fluidity – after all, we've been waiting for these 60 frames on consoles for years. It's not perfect, of course, but I have the impression that the fidelity mode has a nice effect on the experience … Here it is definitely worth mentioning that Rockstar did its homework and improved 60 frames compared to the PC gameplay – if you had the opportunity to spend a few hours with this title on personal computers, you may have noticed that the character's movements are not smooth enough. Now the developers have refined the animation, which is noticeable from the very first hour at the console. During the tests, I also turned on the game in 4K at 30 fps and even in this situation we cannot talk about constant fluidity, because you can still take care of the destruction in which the PlayStation 5 is slightly choking and provides the game at 20-25 fps. Much depends on what happens on the screen, however I'm not sure if a sharper image and a higher density of grass will tempt players to abandon more fluidity. At least for me it does not make much sense – if you reach for the new GTA 5, it is for these 60 frames. It is hard not to get the impression that the iconic Grand Theft Auto no longer defends itself with the frame, which is especially visible in, for example, character models that do not look perfect in 2022. Games that can delight characters are appearing on the market systematically, and GTA 5 visually is simply a production from the previous generation – this is why, if you already play, at least 60 fps. The greatest graphic purists will probably mention higher resolution or slightly paint-smeared explosions, but honestly? You have to really try to spot the differences from PS5 and PS4. Rockstar did not decide to make a big improvement to the graphics, did not rebuild the hero models or even deal with improving the world … It is still a production that originally debuted a few years ago and although it is not an ugly item, it does not shine anymore. The experience will be completely different if you last saw Grand Theft Auto 5 on PS3 or XOne, but unfortunately I even had the opportunity to play GTA 5 on PlayStation 5 due to backward compatibility and … I was hoping for more. The situation is not even saved by the widely commented RT mode, because ray tracing in the reviewed GTA 5 is used only for shadows cast by the sun. In rooms, we cannot count on this effect and nobody will talk about a game-diver in this case. A big problem with GTA 5 on previous consoles was loading – fortunately Sony and Microsoft used SSD disks when designing new devices, thanks to which we can start the game much faster. Now we enter the action after only 20 seconds (from the menu to the story) or 55 seconds (from the menu to GTA Online), which is a really good result considering that the same actions could take up to 2-3 minutes. But let's face it – this is already a standard. PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S provide faster loading, so Rockstar had to take advantage of the hardware. The creators have not forgotten about DualSense, so during the game, phone calls come out of the loudspeaker, during the action we can feel various vibrations, and in addition, adaptive triggers were remembered during driving and shooting. However, this is not the best experience a PS5 pad can offer. Still unsurpassed patterns are Sony productions, because in this case we literally feel the gameplay – in GTA 5 there were some minor improvements. It's hard for me not to get the impression that the reviewed GTA 5 for PS5 and XSX | S is really missing something new. Rockstar has decided to prepare an interesting introduction to GTA Online, so if you do not import characters from the previous generation, you can choose one of the professions and get $ 4 million to start, but the whole introduction is a tiny addition that some may not even notice. The developers, of course, focus on the freshmen and focus on GTA Online – in terms of the story, we cannot count on even a slight expansion of the gam . Peoples also searching for wpit18 GTA 5 still doesn't disappoint, but … Franklin, Michael and Trevor return in 60 frames and with minor improvements to the setting, but when you turn on the reviewed GTA 5 in an interesting way you can feel how a lot has changed over the past few years. Rockstar has created the great Los Santos, which is not that impressive today – it's still a great city with a ton of attractions, but since the game's premiere on PS3 and X360, a lot of great productions have made their debut on the market that have equaled or even surpassed the Rockstar hit. 60 fps reduces clunky controls, but we still feel during the game that the characters do not move like, for example, Aloy in the latest Horizon. The story does not disappoint again and can be chained to the screen for a good 30 hours, but you must be aware that the developers have not expanded the story since 2013. For years, we have dreamed of story additions, but all Rockstar's potential has been spent on expanding GTA Online. It is a pity that the creators did not take the opportunity and did not surprise us by providing at least a few hours long story that would make the undecided to play and maybe even whet the appetite for GTA 6. And don't get me wrong, because Michael's story still gives food for thought, and Trevor can amuse, however, for for many players it will be an adventure they got to know years ago. Is it worth reaching for GTA 5? GTA 5 is the best and the most unnecessary version of the production, because although we have 60 frames per second and faster loading here, I have the impression at every step that we should get something better. It's just that even Rockstar should take better care of its hit. It's hard to underestimate the story and the great world full of attractions, but Grand Theft Auto 5 will be the most fun for players who still haven't met this adventure … And you may be surprised, but there are still people who have resisted GTA 5 for years. People also searched for WPC2029 and WPC2025
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Oscar De La Hoya: 'I was raped at 13' Legendary boxer Oscar De La Hoya opens up being raped at a young age. By Shakiel Mahjouri Sep 2, 2021, 6:00pm EDT Share All sharing options for: Oscar De La Hoya: 'I was raped at 13' Photo by Amy Sussman/Getty Images Oscar De La Hoya opens up about a deeply traumatic experience in his life. De La Hoya, 48, is an Olympic gold medalist boxer who captured 11 world boxing titles in six weight classes, including the lineal championship in three weight classes. "The Golden Boy" peeled back the curtain on a terrible moment in his adolescence. Belfort Mocks 'Low-Level' Woodley "I was raped at 13, from a woman, an older woman. Thirteen, lost my virginity over being, you know, being raped, basically," De La Hoya told the LA Times. "I was in Hawaii, I think, at some tournament. She was over 35. "You suppress everything," he continued. "You're living this life, the Golden Boy, but, oh sh*t, wait, that's still there. Like I never, like, thought about it, I never processed it, I never really thought how my feelings are… until one day it just comes out, and you don't know how to deal with it." Jake Paul Challenges Tim Tebow To Box The all-time great boxer said the emotional baggage had weighed on him for a long time, and he finally felt compelled to speak publicly about it. De La Hoya (39-6 in boxing) is currently preparing for a one-fight comeback against former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Light Heavyweight champion Vitor Belfort (26-14 in MMA, 1-0 in boxing). The two will headline a Triller boxing match taking place on Sept. 11. Click here for more of the latest news. Next Up In Boxing News & Results from Bloody Elbow Tyson Fury vs. Dillian Whyte purse bid won with $41 million offer from Bad Left Hook Colbert and Gutierrez looking to stake big claim in 130 lb division from Bloody Elbow Katie Taylor vs. Amanda Serrano official for April 30th from Bloody Elbow Show Money 44 (Part 1): Boxing Mgr Kurt Emhoff, N'Gannou's Contract Situation, Fight Contracts, & More from Bad Left Hook Estrada out, Chocolatito vs Martinez official for Mar. 5 from Bad Left Hook Who is boxing's second-best featherweight right now?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
A: Well, there is no specific or recommended time to take your tablets, or supplements. However, if you are taking a number of them, it is best to space them out during the course of the day. It is, of course, better, nay important, to take supplements after a meal, because they will be best absorbed in combination with other foods and nutrients. It is often easy to wash them with water — or, a small amount of orange juice if you wish to have some fresh taste linger in your mouth for a while. Supplements — especially, anti-oxidants — work best when they are taken together.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This course is for music producers who want to improve their music theory knowledge and pick up modern piano tips and tricks. We are huge believers of the power of musicianship. So, we decided to open a full course that is designed especially with the modern producer in mind. You don't have to play 500 years old classical pieces to develop piano skills for the studio. This course takes a modern approach in teaching you how to play with techniques for modern styles. In this course, you will learn how to play the keys, in the studio while working on your productions, and/or collaborating with other musicians, whether you have little to no piano experience. Music Theory Skills: Scales, Chords, Intervals, Extended Chords, Voicing, How-to Write and Play Melodies, Chord Progressions, and Basslines. Right-Hand Skills: Major and Minor Scales, Exotic Scales, Developing Melodies, Soloing and Improvising. Left-Hand Skills: Left Hand Bass, Inversion, Ghost Notes, Shell Voicing, Funk Techniques. Both Hand Skills: Comping Techniques, Advanced Voicing, Styling Chords for EDM, Hip-Hop, Trap, RnB, and House. In order to give you the most amount of attention, but still keep the benefits of learning in a classroom with other musicians, we limit the class to 6 students. The classroom will be equipped with large MIDI keyboard on each desk. This allows us to have class jams and to learn while we make music together. Students will have access to a multitude of keyboards to experience. In-class personal station with a semi-weighted high quality MIDI keyboard. Class meets Sundays for two hours.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
In this POWERFUL, GROUND BREAKING workshop, Laura Lassiter will explain a new paradigm that provides an opportunity to understand and evolve with your animal companion through animal communication when participating in competitive events. This workshop IS THE MISSING LINK that will enhance and compliment any current training methods and classes that are being implemented. Workshop will begin promptly at 10:00 am. There will be plenty of time for breaks for the dogs and participants. Fruit, vegetable trays and water will be provided for lunch. A personalized workbook, name tags, along with a Certificate of Completion will be included in the class. Laura has taught these techniques and methods for years; however, this is the first time she is offering this information to the public. Participants and animals will be transformed during the process of the workshop. Real-time results can be measured and observed. This is a safe environment to learn and practice the various skills demonstrated throughout the workshop. It's a day of fun, interactive exercises and filled with surprises that the animals have for us. This class is a prerequisite for Level 2 and Level 3. Deadline for registration of workshop is August 16th, 2016.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Windows 95, now 15 years old! by Tarun · Published August 25, 2010 Some moments are culturally defining. They pave the way for a generation of consumers. People of my parents generation still remember the Beatles appearance on the Ed Sullivan Show. I recall long lines to see the movie "Jaws," which gave A-movie status to scary B-movies. Many young adults of this generation will recall iPhone's June 2007 launch. Some moments define us. So it was this day 15 years ago. Windows 95 launched to long lines at midnight on Aug. 24, 1995. Microsoft had the right product at the right time. The planets aligned just so. Windows 95 was by no means the best PC operating system of its day. But it was good enough, usable enough, cheap enough and marketed well enough — and the personal computer was mature enough for the mass market. Windows 95 made geeks cool, too. Suddenly the seemingly unhippest of all people, Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates, was a rock star and business genius. Microsoft left IBM at the OS/2 altar — abandoning the 32-bit operating system the companies codeveloped — and shacked up with pseudo-32-bit Windows 95. A decade-and-a-half later, OS/2 is all but forgotten, while Windows defines the very essence of personal computing. Other product and marketing decisions would prove crucial: Pricing: Windows 95 sold for under 100 bucks as an upgrade to anyone with a powerful enough PC running DOS/3.11. Compatibility: Microsoft ensured that Windows 95 would be largely backward compatible with customers' existing DOS software and PC hardware. PC owners could get a new computer, so to speak, for the price of a new operating system. Marketing: The fast-flashing television commercials suited the MTV-video generation of the day, and they were aspirational. Your life would be better for buying Windows 95. Then there was the Rolling Stones' "Start Me Up" theme song. Networking: Windows 95 fully supported TCP/IP out of the box — no expensive third-party add-ons required. Businesses could easily network PCs and consumers could get online. Multimedia: Windows 95 users could listen to music or watch videos on their PCs. To showcase Windows 95's multimedia capabilities, Microsoft included two music videos–Weezer's "Buddy Holly" and Eddie Brickell's "Good Times"–on the operating system disc. Little touches like these show how well Microsoft synced Windows 95 product development and marketing. The music videos catered to a younger audience and they demonstrated the multimedia features' benefits. Yes, people could watch videos on Windows 3.1, but the experience was better on its successor. Windows 95 made Microsoft a household name; it did for household awareness what DOS' and Windows 3.1's success did for businesses. Microsoft smartly simultaneously released Office 95 with the new Windows. Businesses bought the software duo by the millions of copies. From Windows 95's release, Microsoft's 15 year-old applications business really started flying. I often wonder how close Windows 95 came to being a train wreck. In October 1994 — the month OS/2 Warp launched — I flew to Seattle; I was there to write a profile about a company using Lotus Notes. My local, Maryland Egghead Software store prominently displayed OS/2 — right as customers walked through the door. The Seattle Egghead had similarly large display for Microsoft Bob, the-too-cute-to-sell graphical user interface for Windows 3.11. Bob turned out to be a magnanimous marketing and product disaster for Microsoft. Yet less than a year later, the company managed to get most things right with Windows 95. I say "most things," because Gates was too obsessed with chasing AOL and CompuServe when the burgeoning World Wide Web mattered much more. I beta tested Windows 95 and MSN. I used OS/2 before running the first Windows 95 beta. I first surfed the Web using the Mosaic browser IBM shipped with OS/2. While Windows 95 shipped with Internet Explorer 1.0, Microsoft's main focus was MSN, which debuted with the operating system. MSN was an online client built into Windows 95. There was no Web browser access like there is today. If I fault Microsoft for anything with MSN 1.0 it would be trying to do too much. The original MSN was a heavy client that labored under the slow dial-up connections of the day. It was simply too slow to offer a really good user experience, disappointing many launch partners. Windows 95 launched a short-lived time of innocent success, when good marketing and right timing turned a mere operating system upgrade into a phenomenon. During late-Windows 95 beta testing, Gates penned the "Internet Tidal Wave" memo; suddenly, he got the Web. Within a year, Microsoft aggressively pushed down an obsessive and dangerous path: Attempting to snuff out Netscape's browser for the perceived threat posed to Windows. The European and US antitrust cases that followed chaffed away the business decision-making, product innovation and marketing knack that helped make Windows 95's launch a defining cultural moment for PCs and computing operating systems. Fifteen years later, Microsoft has got its Windows mojo back. There weren't massive lines around the block for Windows 7's launch, but that doesn't make the product any less culturally defining. Windows 7 is a spirited and reliable operating system that Microsoft brought to market with clever advertising. There is a massive Windows XP install base — on order of 80 percent of all Windows users — ready to go 7. In the strange way of Microsoft counting 95 comes before 7. Happy Birthday Windows 95! Source: Betanews Tags: microsoftwindows Next story Firefox 3.6.9 Previous story Mozilla launches Firefox 4 beta 4, rolls in Sync, Panorama tab manager
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Thanks to @stevebridger for alerting me to this. Coca-Cola are putting $5million into the Clinton Initiative over the next three years and it looks and feels like little more than a profile raising initiative. Watch the interview with Muhtar Kent, Coca-Cola's CEO and Chairman, and make a judgement for yourself (don't be put off by the intro advertisement!). I watched it and I am not at all inspired. In my humble opinion, Coca-Cola have to get out of the 'selling more Coca-Cola' box if they are to sell more Coca-Cola AND aspire to helping pull Africa out of grinding poverty. Let me explain. Growing Coca-Cola's dominance of the fizzy drinks market in Africa will definitely create more jobs. And if they do it sensitively, which they have committed to do, this process will help alleviate poverty and increase equality. However, in my opinion, what is being sold as a huge development initiative is essentially 'business as usual'. Not only that, my suspicion that there is a limit to the amount of fizzy drink people can consume and the growth of Coca-Cola will be at the expense of other soda producers. So while jobs are being gained in Coca-Cola they will be being lost elsewhere. I don't know what others think but ColaLife is what Coca-Cola needs to make it truly stand out as a leader. A commitment to ColaLife alongside the 'business as usual' approach would get Coca-Cola into markets of consumers with a social conscience that do not consume Coca-Cola at the moment on principle. ColaLife, implemented properly, would also completely transform Coca-Cola's image and consumers' attitude towards it. I'm going to have a look and see what strings are attached (if any) to the $5million donation to the Clinton Initiative because ColaLife could make extremely productive use of some of this.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Missionare Spenden Sie hier Klicken Sie, um zu spenden Comboni - Sachbücher Comboni Familie Heiligsprechung Multimediale Angebote Comboni Missionare Familia Comboniana (News) Gerechtigkeit, Frieden (JPIC) Missionsgedanken Nachrichten (Comboni Press) Tausend Leben für die Mission Institutioneller Bereich 2018: Jahr der Lebensform 2019: Jahr der interkulturellen Vielfalt 2020: Jahr der Dienstbarkeiten Ausbildungssekretariat Finanzsekretariat Generalrat Interkapitulare 2012 Kapitel 2003 Missionssekretariat Comboni, an diesem Tag Liturgie des Tages Abonnieren Sie den Newsletter, um informiert zu bleiben Italienisch Englisch Französisch Spanisch Polnisch Portugiesisch Deutsch Ich akzeptiere die Verarbeitung meiner Daten - Privacy Policy Predigten Jahreskreis C 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year C IV Domenica di Pasqua – Anno B 3rd Sunday of Easter – Year B "I have no peace." It's a confidence that, at a time of particular discomfort, more than one has shown us. Perhaps the friend who had an abortion, or a spouse who was involved in an unmanageable emotional bond or a neighbor tormented by a desire to take revenge for a wrong suffered and did not succeed, or a street girl humiliated and exploited. I come to offer you Peace Gospel reflection – Luke 10: 1-12.17-20 Fernando Armellini "I have no peace." It's a confidence that, at a time of particular discomfort, more than one has shown us. Perhaps the friend who had an abortion, or a spouse who was involved in an unmanageable emotional bond or a neighbor tormented by a desire to take revenge for a wrong suffered and did not succeed, or a street girl humiliated and exploited. "I have no peace" those responsible for crimes, wars, traders of tools of death if they were not stunned by power and money, would shout. "I have no peace" those engaging in immoral activity, those who commit injustices, but go on with the mind clouded by success, money, and lies of flatterers, would repeat. This is the world into which Jesus sends his disciples not to condemn, to curse against corruption and bad morals or to threaten divine punishment, but to announce the peace that everyone—many unconsciously—are desperately seeking. Considering the reality we live in, it really takes a great faith to imagine that it is possible to build a world where peace reigns. It is easier to believe that God exists than to keep hope in universal peace. Yet this is the mission entrusted to the disciples. Christians have tried to build peace, but not always with the means suggested by the Master who wanted them to be "lambs among wolves." Sometimes they preferred to resort to force, imposition, and intolerance. They are also cloaked in power, like the kings of this world. They have not always walked—poor, meek, defenseless—alongside people in need of peace. Not always walk like Francis of Assisi has done it—to have his name written in heaven. "The Lord appointed seventy-two other disciples and sent them two and two ahead of him to every town and places where he himself was to go" (v. 1). Today's Gospel thus begins. This information is rather surprising because, earlier, Jesus had already sent the twelve disciples to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick, urging them not to take anything with them, "neither staff, nor bag, no bread, no money, and don't even take a spare tunic … " (Lk 9:1-6). Who are these seventy-two that appear suddenly and will no longer be remembered later? Theirs is a strange mission also because it is hard to imagine Jesus going after as many as 36 pairs responsible to prepare the ground for him. It is the story of an apostolic initiative undertaken by Jesus and reinterpreted by the evangelist as a catechesis he intends to give to his community. We are in Asia Minor in the second half of the first century. Despite difficulties and persecution, Christians continue to engage themselves in the announcement of the Gospel. However, there were many questions that arise: Does God reveal his Gospelthrough visions, dreams, and apparitions or is there a need for someone to proclaim it? Is the message of salvation for all, or is it reserved for a privileged few? What methods do we use to convince people to accept it? How to present ourselves to people and what have we to tell them? Are words enough or are signs necessary? What to do if we are refused? Will our work be crowned with success? To these questions, Luke responds by narrating the sending of disciples on a mission. He is not giving a chronicler's report, but a theological text in which literary devices are used. The number seventy-two is certainly symbolic. Referring to the list that is found in Genesis 10, the ancients had established that the peoples of the world were seventy or seventy-two. On the Feast of Tabernacles, seventy bulls were sacrificed in the temple in Jerusalem to implore God for the conversion of each of the pagan nations. In the communities of Luke, Christians of pagan origin need to overcome the inferiority complex that some felt towards the children of Abraham, to end all forms of discriminations they themselves introduce according to ethnic origin, cultural traditions, social position, temperament, character, customs, the lifestyle of everyone. Saying that Jesus sent seventy-two disciples (v. 1), the evangelist wants to say that salvation is not a privilege reserved for just some, but is for all, without exception. The messengers are sent in pairs. This indicates that the Gospel is not left to the inventiveness of the individual, but is the work of a community. Who speaks in the name of Christ does not act independently, he or she is in communion with the brothers and sisters in the faith. The first missionaries—Peter and John (Acts 8:14), Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13:1)—did not only go two by two, but they were also "sent" and felt to represent their community. The purpose of the missioning: to prepare the city and the villages for the coming of the Lord. Jesus arrives after his messengers, not before. The task given to each apostle is not to represent himself, but to dispose the minds and hearts of the people to accept Christ in their lives. To fulfill this mission, the disciple must prepare himself. Jesus suggests the way to do it: "Pray the Lord of the harvest" (v. 2). Prayer is not intended to persuade God to send laborers into His harvest (this obviously would not make sense) but is intended to transform the disciple into an apostle. It gives him balance, good disposition, inner peace; frees him from pride, presumption. It enables him to overcome opposition, disappointments, and failures; it reveals to him, moment by moment, the will of the "Lord of the harvest." The wolf is a symbol of violence, arrogance. The lamb indicates gentleness, weakness, and frailty. It can escape from the aggression of the wolf only if the minister intervenes in its defense. The rabbis said that the people of Israel were a lamb surrounded by seventy wolves (the Gentiles) who wanted to devour it. Jesus applies this comparison to his disciples: he says that they have to behave like lambs (v. 3). It is, therefore, necessary that they be vigilant so that the feelings of wolves may not arise in their hearts: anger, greed, and resentment, the desire to dominate and bully. These feelings lead in fact to the actions of the wolves: the abuse of power, aggression, violence, insults, and lies. The history of the Church confirms that, when Christians are transformed into wolves, they have always failed their mission. Briefly, "behaving like wolves" can give results, but it is a fleeting success. Jesus saved the world by behaving like sheep, not a wolf. The choice of means for the mission is in keeping with the image of the weak and helpless lamb (v. 4). Jesus states them in a negative way: no purse, no bag, no sandals. To impose itself, a political movement or ideology needs effective tools: money, weapons, and support of influential people. The apostle must resist the temptation to resort to such means to spread the Gospel and to build the Kingdom of God. The Church loses credibility when she wants to compete with the political and economic powers. One who cannot give up these human securities, who has not the courage to put his trust only in the power of the Word that he announces and in the protection of the Shepherd, will not be recognized as a witness of the Kingdom, composed only of "lambs." Along the way, the disciples must not greet anyone (v. 4). This is not, obviously, a provision to be taken literally, but of an indication that underlines the urgency of the mission. When one thinks that the right time to speak of Christ has arrived, from where one must start? The messages that non-believers seem to have better understood from Christians are those relating to certain moral demands: inadmissibility of divorce, obligation to attend Mass on holy days of obligation, respect and submission to the hierarchy of the Church, God's punishments for those who do not observe the Commandments … Must the conversation start from these issues? Not at all! The Gospel is good news. Here are the words with which the disciple presents himself: I have come to announce peace; bringing peace to you, to your family, to your home (v. 5). This is a proclamation that gives comfort, inspires awe, hope, and joy! If among the listeners there will be a "man of peace," if there is someone willing to open his heart to Christ, peace, and the fullness of life and good will come down on him (v. 6). To express his gratitude, one who has heard the announcement could invite the missionary in his home and offer him his bread (v. 7). The apostle—Jesus recommends—accepts the invitation, does not broach his claims, is content with frugal food that is set before him and adapts himself to the traditions and customs of your host, without looking askance at his habits and traditions; not afraid of being contaminated because of the food, because no food and no creature is impure (v. 8). This statement was of great interest in Luke's time when many were hesitant to share meals with the Gentiles (Gal 2:11-14; Acts 11:2-3; 1 Cor 10:27). In what does the work of evangelization consist? Is the announcement sufficient or must this be confirmed by signs? The words—says Jesus—must be accompanied by concrete gestures of charity: care for the sick, assistance to the poor (v. 9). Where no change is noticed, any change in the condition of people and society, the Kingdom of God has not yet come. The Gospel can be welcomed, but also refused. How to behave oneself in dealing with the opposition? Jesus clarifies thus: the missionaries are to go to the public square and in front of all the people, shake the dust from their feet. Sodom and Gomorrah will be treated with less severity than that city (vv. 10-12). These are hard words to understand and even more to accept. Taken literally they contradict the rest of the Gospel. Just think of the reaction of Jesus towards James and John who wanted to call down fire from heaven upon the Samaritans (Lk 9:55). God does not get angry, seek revenge, or punish whoever does not accept his Word. He is only goodness and mercy and loves always. Jesus uses here the language and imagery of his people. He speaks of God's punishment to show the disastrous consequences the rejection of the Gospel entails. Who does not accept his word becomes responsible for his own unhappiness; he is devoid of peace. It is meaningful that the threatening scene of the judgment pronounced by the missionaries over the city ends in every case with a word of salvation: "Know that the Kingdom of God has come to you." Having fulfilled their mission, the seventy-two return with joy and refer to Jesus the results. He responds: "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven" (v. 18). When the Bible speaks of Satan it does not mean the despicable and ugly being that is still portrayed in some paintings. It refers to the forces of evil: hatred, violence, injustice, pride, love of money, the unruly passions … . Saying that Satan fell from heaven, Jesus proclaims the unstoppable victory of good. With the proclamation of the Gospel, the kingdom of evil began to collapse. Then he continues: "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions, and to overcome all the power of the enemy so that nothing will harm you" (v. 19). Here is another biblical image. Like Satan, the serpent and the scorpion are symbols of evil (cf. Gen 3:15; Ps 91:13). Jesus does not promise that his envoys will not encounter oppositions and difficulty. There will be dangerous animals, but they will be "trampled" by the disciple. The Master's words suggest the idea of an easy, amazing victory (like lightning); they seem to reduce the long march that leads humanity to the kingdom of God to a comfortable stroll. The reality—we experience it every day—is not so simple nor so cheerful. Evil reacts in a tough and violent way. It's enough to think how much it costs, for example, winning a vice, overcoming a bad habit and how the smart, the powerful and the corrupt ones continue to triumph in the world. But Jesus, looking at the end result, notes that evil has already lost its force. These words echo a conviction of pessimism, a denial of who does nothing but complain and dejectedly repeats that the world is getting worse. Whoever has put his trust in Christ and in his Word has his name written in heaven, that is, has become part of the Kingdom of God (v. 20). This is the reason for the joy he feels and announces to everyone. Although realistically he admits that the successes are limited and difficult and that the road is still long, he rejoices because he already foresees the goal. Italian missionary and biblical scholar https://sundaycommentaries.wordpress.com
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Navarra foi uma freguesia portuguesa do município de Braga, com 2,23 km² de área e 460 habitantes (2011). Densidade: 206,3 hab/km². Foi extinta em 2013, no âmbito de uma reforma administrativa nacional, tendo sido agregada à freguesia de Santa Lucrécia de Algeriz, para formar uma nova freguesia denominada União das Freguesias de Santa Lucrécia de Algeriz e Navarra com a sede em Santa Lucrécia de Algeriz. População História A freguesia de Navarra surge referenciada a primeira vez no chamado Censual do Bispo D. Pedro, elaborado aquando da restauração da Arquidiocese de Braga pelo rei dom Garcia II da Galiza. Nesse Censual, a freguesia de Navarra aparece na realidade dividida em duas freguesias que eram "S. Laurentio de Nogaria" e "S. Xrina de Nogaria", respetivamente na sua forma atual São Lourenço e Santa Cristina de Navarra (a Capela ainda existente quase certamente deriva deste facto, isto é, existir uma paróquia com orago de Santa Cristina junto a Crespos). Assim, o toponímico original seria Nogaria, relacionado com a planta Nogueira, aliás como ainda existe no nome de um arruamento que herdou por sua vez o nome do antigo lugar. Apesar da similaridade entre Nogaria e Navarra, não se pode ter a certeza se se trata de uma evolução do patronímico ou de uma troca de nome visto ser díficil de explicar em termos linguísticos a troca de um som "v" para um "g". De qualquer forma, logo nas Inquirições de 1220 no reinado de Afonso II, a paróquia surge já unida com o nome de "S Laurentio de Navaira", ou seja, já muito perto da forma atual do nome. Tendo havido troca de nome ou não entre por volta de 1080, altura da publicação do Censual e 1220 é quase impossível de saber, se bem que pode-se ter toda a certeza que de facto se trata da mesma freguesia. Já em 1540 quando principiam os registos paroquiais desta paróquia de São Lourenço de Navarra, esta surge com a designação atual, que se irá manter até aos dias de hoje. Quanto a mais fatores de nota ao longo da história desta freguesia, pode-se mencionar o incêndio que destruiu a residência paroquial em 5 de Março de 1808 e que destruiu quase 70 anos de registos paroquiais e de administração da paróquia. No entanto milagrosamente, conseguiram salvar-se todos os registos anteriores a 1720 e ainda os da Confraria do Santíssimo Sacramento que ao contrário dos registos paroquiais estão ligeiramente chamuscados e evidenciam o incêndio que ocorreu. Famílias e Pessoas Ilustres No que diz respeito à presença de famílias ilustres na freguesias de Navarra, podem-se apontar os seguintes casos: Os Sepúlvedas, uma família de proprietários rurais com origem incerta mas que já estava presente na freguesia no início do século XVI como demonstram os registos paroquiais. O primeiro membro da família era um tal João de Sepúlveda que o "LIVRO DAS GERAÇÕES NOBRES DESTE REINO DE PORTUGAL" presente na Torre do Tombo faz parente do navegador João de Sepúlveda mas sem os conectar por laços familiares. O ramo primogénito depressa se misturou com a restante aristocracia do Minho. Os restantes ramos prosperaram como uma pequena aristocracia rural detentora de terras. Assim, encontram-se ainda na posse da família a Quintas da Covela (século XVII, conseguida por casamento) e a Quinta do Penedo (do século XVI e propriedade original da família). Também será membro desta família por casamento com Amélia Soares Vieira Senhora da Quinta do Penedo, o Dr. Domingos Soares, conhecido médico e benfeitor bracarense. Os Fernandes (ou Gonçalves) que apesar de descenderem da maior nobreza minhota do século XVIII (descendem dos Senhores de Cavaleiros da Casa do Arco em Guimarães), por serem ilegítimos desta pouco herdaram. Os membros principais foram dois irmãos: o mais velho chamado Tomé José Gonçalves que herdou as poucas propriedades da família mas que conseguiu um bom casamento com uma senhora de Ferreiros, Amares. E o mais novo de nome Manuel José Fernandes que com 13 anos de idade em 1869 partiu para Belém do Pará no Brasil e lá fez grande fortuna, sendo já imensamente rico por volta dos 35 anos de idade altura em que regressa à terra natal e constrói a Casa do Passadiço, testemunho da sua enorme riqueza. Os Senhores do Palácio dos Biscaínhos que eram donos da Quinta de Jós que usavam como Quinta de fim-de-semana. Esta foi comprada por Constantino Ribeiro do Lago (1619-1686), membro de uma família de grandes mercadores cristãos-velhos bracarenses, à qual pertencia também o Beato Miguel de Carvalho, devendo datar desta data a construção da Casa que ainda hoje existe se bem que em lastimáveis condições de conservação. Estes foram os donos da Quinta até meados do século XX. O último membro da família a possuí-la foi António Pereira da Silva de Sousa e Menezes, irmão inteiro do 3º Conde de Bertiandos, por tal facto, este era conhecido pelos populares como Visconde ou Dom António, este fez da Quinta sua morada a tempo inteiro e lá vivia com a sua esposa e duas filhas. Os Pinheiros que apenas vieram para esta freguesia no final do século XIX na pessoa de Albino Duarte Pinheiro (1879-1955) que casou com uma senhora da família dos Fernandes acima citada e que comprou inúmeras propriedades rurais. Este Albino Duarte Pinheiro era descendente direto dos Pinheiros de Almeida do Solar das Bouças em Prozelo, família que talvez representasse (mas sem certeza). O seu filho, também nomeado Albino Duarte Pinheiro (1908-1988) foi um conhecido benfeitor, responsável em conjunto com sua esposa Beatriz de Jesus Fialho pela doação dos terrenos para a construção do Campo de Jogos de Navarra. Localização Está situada a norte do concelho de Braga. É delimitada pelas localidades de Adaúfe, Crespos e Santa Lucrécia de Algeriz e pelo rio Cávado. É constituida por 28 arruamentos: Assento, Burgo, Costa, Nogueira, Pardieiros, Poça, Souto, Sapateiro, Manuel Carvalho, Fonte Covelo, Marginal,Padre Alberto Sepulveda, Manuel Jose Fernandes, Albino Duarte Pinheiro, Passadiço, Nossa Sra de Lurdes, Av Dr.Domingos Soares,Trav Dr. Domingos Soares, Trav da Costa, Trav de Nogueira, Trav Nossa Sra de Lurdes, Trav Do Passadiço, Trav Poça, Caminho da Veiga, Caminho do Burgo, Caminho da Fontebeita, Caminho de Vilar, Largo de Santa Cristina. Património Igreja Matriz (benzida em 1786) Capela Santa Cristina (datada de 1698 remodelada em 2003) Quinta do Passadiço (final do século XIX) Quinta de Jós (século XVII) provavelmente alterada no século XVIII e XIX Festas e Romarias São Lourenço (10 de Agosto) Santa Cristina (24 de Julho) Antigas freguesias de Braga Paróquias de Portugal com orago de São Lourenço
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
A LARGE CHINESE ARMORIAL EXPORT BLUE AND WHITE PORCELAIN 'VAN DER DOES - STEIN VAN GOLLENESSE' CHARGER Qianlong period, circa 1755 Blue and white porcelain painted with a double coat of arms beneath a crown to the centre, the rim with three peony sprays between bands of diaper pattern, in the centre, two coats-of-arms. Diam. 38.4 cm On the left are those of Van der Does. They had been born this way by ennobled by King William I since the beginning of the 16th century. The arms on the right are those of the (van) Stein van Gollenesse family. Julius (van) Stein van Gollenesse (1691-1755) was the first to bear these arms in Colombo in 1748. His daughter, Anthonia Dorothea, who married Gerard van der Does, bore these arms on a seal of 1766. This armorial service was made for Gerard van der Does (Gouda 1732 - Batavia 1758) and Anthonia Dorothea (van) Stein van Gollenesse (Batavia 1740 - Zwolle 1774) on the occasion of their marriage in Batavia on 25 July 1755. Gerard van der Does belongs to an ancient and prominent family, originally from Croisilles (France) but settled in Holland since about 1320. The family owned the manor house Ter Does near Leiderdorp. In the 15th and 16th centuries, members of the Van der Does family belonged to the patriciate of Delft and Leiden. Later branches with several family members occupied prominent positions in Gouda, Dordrecht, Amsterdam, Gorinchem and 's Hertogenbosch. In 1815 this branch was ennobled in the Netherlands. Gerard's father, Adriaan (1686-1749), councillor and alderman in Gouda, and his wife Catharina de Grande (1688-1774) married in 1712 and belonged to the wealthiest inhabitants of Gouda. They had ten children of which Gerard was the youngest. Gerard joined the VOC before 1754 as a junior merchant, then became "Tweede in de Groote Winkel" (second shop keeper), merchant and "Eerste Suppoost van het Comptoir-Generaal". In 1755 he was appointed alderman of Batavia, but his career was a short one, he died three years later.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
__revision__ = "$Id$" import os, sys # Add the build directory to the front of sys.path from distutils.util import get_platform s = "build/lib.%s-%.3s" % (get_platform(), sys.version) s = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), s) sys.path.insert(0, s) s = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'test') sys.path.insert(0, s) from Crypto.Util import test args = sys.argv[1:] quiet = "--quiet" in args if quiet: args.remove('--quiet') if not quiet: print('\nStream Ciphers:') print('===============') if args: test.TestStreamModules(args, verbose= not quiet) else: test.TestStreamModules(verbose= not quiet) if not quiet: print('\nBlock Ciphers:') print('==============') if args: test.TestBlockModules(args, verbose= not quiet) else: test.TestBlockModules(verbose= not quiet)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Collection of easy pieces by great authors revised and fingered. For this first volume dedicated to the Masters of Classical Guitar, I chose Dionisio Aguado. I collected 10 simple passages from the classical composer of the early 1800s.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
When there is a diem in front of you that absolutely must be carped, reach for a cup of Starbucks English Breakfast Tea. This finely balanced blend contains bold, malty teas from India and bright, flavourful teas from Sri Lanka. One sip and you'll find it to be more flavourful than your typical breakfast tea. It may also help you find your car keys, but no promises. Although Starbucks is most famous for its coffee, the store also sold tea and spices when it first opened in 1971.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Keras model.fit() showing loss as nan I am trying to train my model for Instrument Detection. The output is displaying as loss: nan from the first epoch. I tried to change the loss function, activation function, and add some regularisation like Dropout, but it didn't affect the result. Here is the code: from keras.utils import to_categorical from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers import Dense, Conv2D, Flatten, Dropout from keras.optimizers import Adam import pickle import os import numpy as np from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split def one_hot_encoding(target): Instruments = ['vio', 'pia', 'tru', 'flu'] enc_tar = np.zeros([len(target), 4]) for i in range(len(target)): enc_tar[i][Instruments.index(target[i])] = 1 return enc_tar def create_model_cnn(inp_shape): classifier = Sequential() classifier.add(Conv2D(25, kernel_size = 3, activation = 'relu', input_shape = inp_shape)) classifier.add(Conv2D(10, kernel_size = 3, activation = 'relu')) classifier.add(Flatten()) classifier.add(Dense(4, activation = 'softmax')) adam = Adam(0.001) classifier.compile(optimizer = adam, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy']) return classifier def create_model_mlp(inp_shape): classifier = Sequential() classifier.add(Dense(22, activation = 'softsign', input_shape = (42,))) classifier.add(Dropout(0.25)) classifier.add(Dense(10, activation = 'softsign')) classifier.add(Dropout(0.25)) classifier.add(Dense(4, activation = 'softmax')) adam = Adam(0.0001) classifier.compile(optimizer = adam, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy', metrics = ['accuracy']) return classifier def get_weights(classifier): return classifier.get_weights() def set_weights(classifier, weights): classifier.set_weights(weights) return classifier def train_model(classifier, data, target, epoch = 40): classifier.fit(data, target, epochs = epoch, validation_split=0.4, batch_size = 32, verbose = 1) return classifier def predict(classifier, data): return classifier.predict(data) if __name__ == '__main__': #Get the data and the target [data, target] = pickle.load(open('../input/music-features/feat_targ.pickle', 'rb')) #if 'model.pickle' not in os.listdir(): #Generate the classifiers cnn_classifier = create_model_cnn((6, 7, 1)) mlp_classifier = create_model_mlp((42)) # else: # #Load the existing model (from a pickle dump) # classifier = pickle.load(open('model.pickle', 'rb')) tr_data, tst_data, tr_target, tst_target = train_test_split(data, target) tr_data_lin = np.array(tr_data) tr_data = tr_data_lin.reshape((tr_data_lin.shape[0], 6, 7, 1)) tst_data_lin = np.array(tst_data) tst_data = tst_data_lin.reshape((tst_data_lin.shape[0], 6, 7, 1)) enc_target = one_hot_encoding(tr_target) #print(tr_data, enc_target) # train_model(cnn_classifier, tr_data, enc_target) train_model(mlp_classifier, tr_data_lin, enc_target) # pickle.dump([cnn_classifier, mlp_classifier], open('model.pickle', 'wb')) The training data and the test data are from the pickle file where the shape is (15000, 42).
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Бурајда () је град у Саудијској Арабији у провинцији Ел Казим. Према процени из 2004. у граду је живело 378.422 становника. Становништво Према попису, у граду је 2004. живело 378.422 становника. Референце Спољашње везе Градови у Саудијској Арабији Википројект географија/Насеља у Саудијској Арабији
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Abd al-Malik al-Muzaffar – pierwotnie zwany Sajf ad-Daula, później al-Muzaffar (zmarł 20 października 1008) - syn Almanzora i faktyczny władca Kalifatu Kordoby od 1002 do swojej śmierci. Podobnie jak jego ojciec i poprzednik, Almanzor, był faktyczną siłą stojącą za Kalifem Kordoby. Siedmioletnie rządy Al-Muzaffara były okresem pokoju i dobrobytu. Późniejsi historycy porównywali je do satibu al-arusa, pierwszych siedmiu dni małżeństwa, i wspominali je jako złoty wiek, zanim fitna andaluzyjska (wojny domowe) rozpoczęła się w 1009 r. Głównymi źródłami wiedzy o rządach al-Muzaffara są dzieła Zachira Ibn Bassama, Bajana Ibn Izariego i Ibn al-Chajba. 10 sierpnia 1002 r., zaledwie kilka dni po śmierci ojca, Abd al-Malik został mianowany przez kalifa Hiszama II na urząd hadżiba (kogoś w rodzaju wezyra lub pierwszego ministra). Obniżył podatki nałożone na obywateli Kordoby o jedną szóstą. Usunął także etnicznych arabskich arystokratów z administracji. Był w stanie łatwo poradzić sobie z kilkoma konspiracjami przeciwko niemu. Z wojskowego punktu widzenia Abd al-Malik dokładnie przestrzegał polityki ojca. Kierował kampanią letnią (sa'ifa) lub zimową (szatija) przeciwko jednej z chrześcijańskich potęg leżących poza marszami (tughur) w każdym roku swojego rządu. W 1003 roku zaatakował południową Francję (dziś Katalonia), niszcząc okolicę wokół Barcelony i burząc 35 fortec. W 1005 roku zaatakował Kastylię. W 1006 roku zaatakował Nawarrę, prawdopodobnie zamierzając zająć Pampelunę, do której się zbliżył, ale nie zdobył. W 1007 roku ponownie zaatakował Kastylię w kampanii zwanej "zwycięskim nalotem" (Ghazat an-Nasr). Siłą zabrał Clunię i wyniósł ogromny łup. To osiągnięcie przyniosło mu zaszczytny tytuł, dzięki któremu znany jest jako "zwycięzca" (al-Muzaffar), zastępujący "miecz dynastii" (sajf ad-daula). Zimą 1007–1008 przechwycił zamek San Martin. Zmarł na dusznicę bolesną, przygotowując swoją następną kampanię przeciwko Kastylii. Jego następcą został jego brat Abd ar-Rahman Sanchuelo. Przypisy Bibliografia Lévi-Provençal, Évariste (1993). "al-Muẓaffar". In Bosworth, C. E.; van Donzel, E.; Heinrichs, W. P. & Pellat, Ch. (eds.). The Encyclopaedia of Islam, New Edition, Volume VII: Mif–Naz. Leiden: E. J. Brill. pp. 815–816 Urodzeni w X wieku Zmarli w 1008 Władcy Al-Andalus Arabowie
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Andy Nyman and Jenna Russell join Imelda Staunton in Hello Dolly! at the Adelphi Theatre ANDY Nyman and Jenna Russell are to join the cast of Hello, Dolly! One of the most iconic musicals of all time, it opens at the Adelphi Theatre for a strictly limited 30-week season on August 27, 2020, following preview performances from August 11. With an unforgettable score by the legendary Jerry Herman, this brand new production is headlined by Imelda Staunton, as she reunites with director Dominic Cooke, following the critically acclaimed production of Follies at the National Theatre. Andy Nyman – who will play Horace Vandergelder – is a multi-award winning actor, writer and director. Most recently he won unanimous acclaim for his memorable portrayal of Tevye in the celebrated production of Fiddler On The Roof at the Menier Chocolate Factory and its subsequent transfer to the Playhouse Theatre. Nyman's acting credits include the Royal Court production of Hangmen and the West End hit Ghost Stories, which he also created and starred in the film adaptation. His various TV roles include Winston Churchill in Peaky Blinders and he has frequently collaborated with illusionist Derren Brown, co-writing and co-directing four of his stage shows. Olivier Award winner Jenna Russell will play Irene Molloy. Russell recently starred in the UK premiere of The Bridges of Madison County. She won an Olivier Award for Best Actress in a Musical in 2006 for her performance in Sunday In The Park With George at the Menier Chocolate Factory (a performance she later reprised on Broadway) and was nominated for her work in the Menier's 2012 revival of Merrily We Roll Along. She also appeared in the acclaimed, London premiere production of Fun Home at the Young Vic. Multi Olivier and BAFTA Award-winning Imelda Staunton plays meddlesome socialite turned matchmaker Dolly Levi, as she travels to Yonkers, New York to find a match for the miserly, unmarried 'half-a-millionaire' Horace Vandergelder. But everything changes when she decides that the next match she needs to make is for herself. Further casting for the production will be announced in due course. Tickets are now on sale at hellodollyldn.com/.
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Look and Listen for Large hail, heavy rain, strong winds, frequent intense lightning Bulge with a rotary motion at the base of the thunderstorm cloud Loud roar like the sound of a jet or train. Seek Safe Shelter A basement is best. Otherwise choose ground-floor center rooms surrounded by other rooms. Never choose upstairs locations because tornado wind speeds increase with height above the ground. If you live in the City of Crookston and live in a mobile home of a home without a basement, the City will provide safe shelter in the basement of City Hall. Choose rooms on the north and east sides of your shelter if no interior rooms are available. Stay near the innermost walls. Avoid rooms on the south and west, because tornados usually travel from southwest to northeast. Choose a small closet or bathroom, because small rooms are less susceptible to collapse. Take shelter within the bathtub if there are no glass tub enclosures or large mirrors nearby. How to Protect Yourself and Your Family Stay calm. Seek shelter immediately! Keep a portable TV/radio and flashlight in your shelter. Wear shoes to protect your feet from broken glass and other debris left by the storm. Protect head and chest- crouch, face to floor, hands behind head. Cover yourself with blankets, pillows or coats. Hide under sturdy furniture. Avoid candles, gas lanterns, and oil lamps. In schools and offices: seek designated shelter in interior rooms or hallway's on ground floor, or lowest floor possible. Avoid auditoriums and gymnasiums. In shopping malls, seek the smaller interior shops on the ground floor. In shopping centers, avoid large open rooms as well as the south and west walls. Evacuate mobile homes and vehicles! Seek shelter in substantial structure, ditch or culvert. What is a tornado? A tornado is the most violent atmospheric storm. A tornado is defined as a violently rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most violent tornadoes are capable of tremendous destruction with wind speeds of 250 mph or more. Damage paths can be in excess of one mile wide and 50 miles long. According to the National Weather Service, although tornadoes occur in many parts of the world, these destructive forces of nature are found most frequently in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains during the spring and summer months. But Cleveland County has had them to touch down in our area in the past. In an average year, 800 tornadoes are reported nationwide, resulting in 80 deaths and more than 1,500 injuries. Safe Places You Can Go According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, basements and interior rooms are the safest places to be during a tornado. A good rule of thumb is to put as many walls and floors as possible between you and the tornado. Once you find a safe place, take shelter underneath a sturdy bench, table, or the stairwell. Crouch down and place your head between your knees, using your arms to cover your head. On the other hand, the least safe place to be is in a car. If you are in a car, abandon it immediately and find a ditch to lie in. Most tornado deaths occur in cars. And never try to outrun a tornado; it may be moving faster than you think! If you do find yourself in a tornado's path, go to the basement. If there is no basement, go to an interior room on the lowest floor, such as a bathroom or closet. If possible, cover yourself with a blanket or mattress to protect yourself from flying debris. Remember to stay away from exterior walls or glass-enclosed places and windows. A Warning Versus a Watch A tornado watch is issued when conditions are favorable for producing a tornado. When a tornado watch is issued, keep an eye on the weather and go over the tornado safety plan with your family. If weather conditions worsen, seek shelter. A tornado warning is issued when a tornado has been spotted. In the case of a tornado warning, seek shelter immediately. Tornado Danger Signs When a tornado is approaching, a dark, often greenish sky, a wall cloud and large hail may appear. A loud roar similar to that of a freight train may be heard. An approaching cloud of debris can mark the location of a tornado even if a funnel is not visible. Before a tornado hits, the wind may die down and the air may become very still. This is the calm before the storm. Tornadoes generally occur near the trailing edge of a thunderstorm and it is not uncommon to see clear, sunlit skies behind a tornado. Be Prepared Before the Storm Hits By the time a tornado is heading toward you, it is usually too late to make a plan. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, you should: Conduct tornado drills each tornado season. Designate an area in the home as a shelter, and practice having everyone in the family go there in response to a tornado threat. Ask an out-of-state relative or friend to serve as the "family contact." After a disaster, it's often easier to call long distance. Make sure everyone in the family knows the name, address, and phone number of the contact person. This will help should the family be separated during the storm. Preparing a Tornado Safety Kit Have your disaster supply kit ready and on hand. After a Tornado Help injured or trapped people. Give first aid when appropriate. Don't try to move the seriously injured unless they are in immediate danger of further injury. Call for help. Turn on a radio or television to get the latest emergency information. Stay out of damaged buildings. Return home only when authorities say it is safe. Use the telephone only for emergency calls. Clean up spilled medicines, bleaches, or gasoline or other flammable liquids immediately. Leave the building if you smell gas or chemical fumes. Take pictures of the damage, both to the house and its contents, for insurance purposes. Remember to help your neighbors who may require special assistance-infants, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
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Ball State University is one of the most accessible universities in Indiana, with over 1,006 students registered with Disability Services. When meeting with Courtney Jarrett, the Director of Disability Services, she stated that over 90% of those disabilities are non-apparent. Autism is one of those non-apparent disabilities. One in every sixty-eight children is born with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control. Autism affects the way people interpret their surroundings because it changes how their senses take in their environment. Museums are wonderful for children and people of all ages to learn, but it can be an overwhelming environment for those with autism spectrum disorders. To become more familiar with Autism Spectrum Disorder I interviewed Shireen Kanakri, Courtney Jarrett, Ashley Hill, and Brianna Gunning. Kanakri is an Interior Design professor that focuses on creating spaces for those with autism, Jarrett is the Director of Disability Services at Ball State University, Hill is a Behavioral Therapist that works with children diagnosed with autism, and Gunning is a student with autism. Gunning also went on a tour with me throughout the David Owsley Museum of Art, citing how she felt in each room. I read Designing for Autism Spectrum Disordersand "A Different Mind: Developing Museum Programs for Children with Autism" and did other online research. My research was targeted towards making DOMA more accessible for those with autism and more enjoyable for families that have members with autism. The three issues that I decided to address in DOMA are the areas in the museum that can cause sensory overload, the lack of a tactile learning experience, and the inability of those with autism to enjoy the museum like the rest of the visitors. All the design solutions feature a dark purple color and simple language. The dark purple has been proven through Kanakri's research at the Autism Research Lab to be the most calming color for those with autism. To address the potential areas in the museum that can cause sensory overload in those with autism, I created a sensory map brochure for parents or adults with autism to pick up at the front desk. This brochure features maps of DOMA with different areas highlighted based on a certain specification. For example, areas that are dimmer are highlighted while the brighter areas stay the color of the brochure. This allows parents or those with autism to plan their DOMA trip by choosing exhibitions and galleries that wouldn't cause sensory overload. To address the inability of those with autism to enjoy the museum like the rest of the visitors, I created an optical passport. The definition of a passport is, "anything that guarantees admission and acceptance". The passport would make families with members who have autism feel like they are being encouraged to come rather than just being accommodated for. It includes prompts for each gallery and takes the family throughout the entire museum. This allows the person with autism to interact with the art, keeps their attention focused on the artwork, and reminds them not to touch the artwork with gentle reminders throughout the booklet. To address the lack of a tactile experience when going throughout the museum, I created an app. This allows a multi-level, tactile learning experience for those with autism. It features all information on the DOMA website, every piece in the current collection, and the sensory maps in case they were unable to get one from the front desk. The app also allows the downloader to choose between more or less text when clicking between the artworks.
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Mar. 21, 2019 - Recently, I came across a series of detailed graphs showing drug shortage statistics that provides a snapshot of the ongoing epidemic of drug shortages from 2001 to 2018. These statistics were compiled by the University of Utah Drug Information Service and published by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP). The seven graphs revealed the rate of new shortages is increasing. Long-term active and ongoing shortages are not being resolved. There are also inadequate supplies of basic drugs, which has a serious negative impact on patient care and pharmacy operations. Mar. 6, 2019 - Welcome to Part 3 of our blog series examining the drug shortage crisis. Part 1 covered the rapid increase in prices and the types of drugs most commonly affected. Part 2 delved deeper into the impact on hospital systems' ability to manage drug spending and shortages. Here in Part 3, we're looking closer at drug shortage impact on clinical staffing and the effect on patient care. Feb. 21, 2019 - Welcome to part two of a three-part blog series about the drug shortage crisis. Part one covered the rapid increase in prices and the types of drugs most commonly affected. Here in Part two we're delving deeper into the impact on hospital systems' ability to manage drug spending and shortages. These posts are inspired by insights from the January 2019 report, "Recent Trends in Hospital Drug Spending and Manufacturer Shortages," which was issued jointly with the American Hospital Association, Federation of American Hospitals and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. Feb. 8, 2019 - We're all familiar with skyrocketing prescription drug prices and the challenges posed by drug shortages. Thanks to a new report, we now have a better understanding of the extent of the problem. The Drug Shortage Epidemic: How Bad Is It, Really? Jan. 25, 2018 - The drug shortage crisis continues with no end in sight. The number and duration of prescription drug shortages is growing, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Annals of Internal Medicine also reported that prescription drug shortages cause an estimated $230 million in additional costs annually due to rising prices of drugs under shortage and the higher costs of substitutes. However, there are real consequences beyond the hard-dollar costs.
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In the coming months, we will be launching a new contemporary worship service at our Trinity Campus. In order to build a service that fits the needs of our community, we would like to enlist the assistance of our congregation to help define exactly what those needs are, as well as be the hands and feet that actually build the service. Please consider the information below and prayerfully consider whether you are called to this work. Q: I have heard that this service will be in the evening – is that accurate? The time of the service will be determined by the launch team in collaboration with the other ministries of our church. The initial groundwork suggests that a Sunday evening service fills a need not currently being met in the community. Q: What commitment will this entail? There will be meetings for sure. Exactly how often is not known, but you should prepare for a meeting every couple of weeks. Eventually, you will begin worshiping together prior to the launch. Part of the "work" here is communal fellowship, worship, and prayer – developing a worship community before the launch is important, so beginning to worship together is a crucial step. When the new worship service is launched, we hope that you would strongly consider making that worship service a regular place of worship. Q: I don't know anything about creating a worship service – can I really help? You know much more than you realize! Consider your own worship experience. When have you felt moved by the Holy Spirit? When have you felt bored? When have you said, "I wish we could ______." Those experiences and thoughts are exactly what we are looking for to help build a service that meets a currently unmet need in our community. Q: Can I continue to attend my current worship service as well? Of course – for now, you are just participating in meetings and building community. Even after the service launches, you may want to attend more than one service. The intent here is to provide options and meet the needs of the community, not to drive our congregation to a particular service. Visit our I'm New Section to get to know us.
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Workplace Medical Emergency Procedures By: Jackie Lohrey KatarzynaBialasiewicz/iStock/Getty Images What to Do in Case of an Earthquake in a Warehouse The best way to protect your business and your employees is to expect the unexpected. This includes anticipating and planning for situations that may require on-site emergency medical care. Although it's unlikely you'll be able to anticipate every possible emergency scenario, you can assemble and provide training for an on-site response team to address the events most likely to occur. A good place to start is by reviewing Occupational Safety and Health Administration standards that apply to medical emergencies and standards of medical care. OSHA Standards of Care The type of medical emergency determines how quickly response team personnel must react. OSHA medical and first aid standard 29 CFR 1910.151 says that for a life-threatening emergency such as cardiac arrest, choking or profuse bleeding, on-site life support services must begin within the first three to four minutes and continue until professional help arrives. With a non-life-threatening emergency, teams must provide first aid services within 15 minutes. Emergency response teams should receive first aid and cardio pulmonary resuscitation training. If you have older employees or any with known heart conditions, it's a good idea to purchase and provide automated external defibrillator training Check-Call-Care Regardless of the type of emergency, medical procedures focus on three basic steps, which the American Red Cross identifies as Check-Call-Care. The first step is to secure the scene and check the injured person. For example, you might turn off malfunctioning machinery, find and turn off the source of a gas leak or secure items that appear ready to fall. Next, check the injured person. Starting at the person's head, look for any cuts, bleeding or bruises. Feel his forehead for temperature, check his skin color and note whether the person is sweating. Check the limbs and torso for injuries and listen for signals of pain. Watch for changes in consciousness and look for signs of breathing trouble. If the situation is serious or life-threatening, the next step is to call emergency 911. Then, begin providing emergency life-support and/or first aid services. Treat non-life-threatening injuries such as minor cuts or burns with common first aid procedures. For example, cover open wounds with a sterile dressing and apply direct pressure to control or stop the bleeding. Treat minor burns with cold running water and a loose, sterile dressing. For serious emergencies, such as choking, response teams should know how -- and when -- to administer back-blows and perform the Heimlich maneuver, which is a series of abdominal thrusts. CPR is a combination of chest compressions and rescue breaths that help oxygenate and keep blood circulating to vital organs. When giving CPR, the standard is to repeat a cycle of 30 compressions and two rescue breaths until help arrives or defibrillation begins. The American Red Cross Cardiac Chain of Survival outlines a sequence of steps to follow if an employee suffers sudden cardiac arrest. Early intervention includes calling emergency 911, administering CPR and, if available, using an automated external defibrillator before medical assistance arrives. Making sure emergency response teams understand the Chain of Survival is critical because as the Red Cross notes, for every one-minute delay in starting emergency procedures, the chance of the person surviving decreases by 10 percent. U.S. Department of Labor Occupational Safety and health Administration: How to Plan and Workplace Emergencies and Evacuations General Insurance Services: Is Your Workplace Prepared for a Medical Emergency? American Red Cross: Quiz - Save a Co-Worker's Life American Red Cross: Adult First Aid/CPR/AED Mayo Clinic: Choking: First Aid American Red Cross: Refresher 3: Using an AED to Better the Odds Based in Green Bay, Wisc., Jackie Lohrey has been writing professionally since 2009. In addition to writing web content and training manuals for small business clients and nonprofit organizations, including ERA Realtors and the Bay Area Humane Society, Lohrey also works as a finance data analyst for a global business outsourcing company.
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Hit the road with Enterprise Rent-A-Car and enjoy low rates, convenient airport terminal locations and unbeatable customer service, with economy, compact and SUV vehicles available. While Enterprise is new to New Zealand, they have been growing across the globe since 1957. Today, Enterprise is part of the largest car rental company in the world, with more than 1.5 million cars in service. Enterprise Rent-A-Car Enterprise Rent-A-Car Queenstown, Sir Henry Wigley Drive, Central Queenstown, Queenstown, 9349, New Zealand.
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Windows Phone (WP) is a group of suspended portable working frameworks created by Microsoft for cell phones as the substitution successor to Windows Mobile and Zune. Windows Phone includes another UI got from Metro plan dialect. In contrast to Windows Mobile, it is fundamentally gone for the shopper advertise as opposed to the endeavor showcase. It was first propelled in October 2010 with Windows Phone 7.Windows Phone 8.1 is the most recent open arrival of the working framework, discharged to assembling on April 14, 2014. Windows Phone was prevailing by Windows 10 Mobile in 2015; it accentuates a bigger measure of incorporation and unification with its PC partner—including another, bound together application biological system, alongside a development of its degree to incorporate little screened tablets. On October 8, 2017, Joe Belfiore declared that chip away at Windows 10 Mobile was attracting to a nearby because of absence of market entrance and resultant absence of enthusiasm from application designers. In January 2019, Microsoft reported that help for Windows 10 Mobile would finish on December 10, 2019, and that Windows 10 Mobile clients ought to move to iOS or Android telephones. Windows Phone (WP) is a group of discontinued mobile working systems developed by Microsoft for smartphones as the substitution successor to Windows Mobile and Zune.Windows Phone includes another UI determined from Metro structure dialect. In contrast to Windows Mobile, it is essentially gone for the purchaser advertise as opposed to the enterprisemarket. It was first propelled in October 2010 with Windows Phone 7. Windows Phone 8.1 is the most recent open arrival of the working framework, discharged to assembling on April 14, 2014. Windows Phone was succeeded by Windows 10 Mobile in 2015; it underlines a bigger measure of combination and unification with its PC partner—including another, brought together application biological community, alongside a development of its degree to incorporate little screened tablets. On October 8, 2017, Joe Belfiore announced that take a shot at Windows 10 Mobile was attracting to a nearby because of absence of market infiltration and resultant absence of enthusiasm from application designers. In January 2019, Microsoft reported that help for Windows 10 Mobile would finish on December 10, 2019, and that Windows 10 Mobile clients ought to relocate to iOS or Androidphones. Work on a major Windows Mobile update may have started as ahead of schedule as 2004 under the codename "Photon", however work moved gradually and the task was eventually cancelled. In 2008, Microsoft rearranged the Windows Mobile gathering and began deal with another versatile working system. The item was to be discharged in 2009 as Windows Phone, yet a few deferrals provoked Microsoft to create Windows Mobile 6.5 as a between time discharge. The most recent adaptation of Windows Phone, Windows Phone 8.1, entered End of Support Status on July 11, 2017; Meaning it won't get any framework refreshes, neither highlights nor security refreshes, except if client moves up to Windows 10 Mobile, which – the overhaul was qualified for chosen models of gadgets running Windows Phone. Windows 10 Mobile was announced, on October 8 2017, that it never again get framework highlights refreshes, however it would keep on getting security refreshes. On February 11, 2011, at a press occasion in London, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Nokia CEO Stephen Elop announced an organization between their organizations in which Windows Phone would turn into the essential cell phone working framework for Nokia, replacing Symbian.The occasion concentrated to a great extent on setting up "another worldwide portable biological community", proposing rivalry with Android and iOS with the words "It is presently a three steed race". Elop expressed the explanation behind picking Windows Phone over Android, saying: "the absolute most essential word is 'separation'. Entering the Android environment late, we realized we would experience serious difficulties differentiating." While Nokia would have had all the more long haul innovative control with Android (note that MeeGo as utilized by Nokia takes after Android more than it does Windows Phone 7 as both Android and MeeGo depend on the Linux kernel), Elop appreciated recognition with his past organization where he had been a best official. The first Nokia Lumia Windows Phones, the Lumia 800 and Lumia 710, were declared in October 2011 at Nokia World 2011. At the Consumer Electronics Show in 2012 Nokia reported the Lumia 900, highlighting a 4.3-inch AMOLED ClearBlack show, a 1.4 GHz processor and 16 GB of storage. The Lumia 900 was one of the main Windows Phones to help LTE and was discharged on AT&T on April 8. An worldwide form propelled in Q2 2012, with a UK dispatch in May 2012. The Lumia 610 was the first Nokia Windows Phone to run the Tango Variant (Windows Phone 7.5 Refresh) and was gone for developing markets. On September 2, 2013, Microsoft declared a deal to get Nokia's cell phone division out and out, holding previous CEO Stephen Elop as the leader of Microsoft's gadgets operation. Microsoft administrators uncovered that the securing was made on the grounds that Nokia was driving the advancement of the Windows Phone stage to all the more likely match their products. The merger was finished after administrative endorsement in every real market in April 2014. Subsequently, Nokia's equipment division turned into an auxiliary of Microsoft working under the name Microsoft Mobile. In February 2014, Nokia released the Nokia X arrangement of cell phones, (later suspended) utilizing a variant of Android forked from the Android Open Source Project. The working framework was changed; Google's product was excluded for contending applications and administrations from Microsoft and Nokia, with a UI is very adjusted to look like Windows Phone.
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Today we are thrilled to announce, alongside our friends at Google, a new project between Google and Puppet to make it easy to manage Google Cloud Platform (GCP) services with Puppet. To learn more, register for the webinar with me and Nelson Araujo from Google on 13 September 2017. The initial release includes five open source Puppet Approved modules for managing GCP services, using the Puppet DSL. All are available from the Puppet Forge. There is also one additional helper module that provides a single unified authentication mechanism for all modules that is available here, and will be a dependency for all the other published modules. We are looking forward to releasing more modules over the next several months. These modules are dynamically built using a code-generation tool developed by Google to generate Puppet types and providers from API specifications. The modules released today allow GCP users to integrate management of their cloud resources into the same infrastructure-as-code workflows and practices they use when managing applications deployed to these resources. Install the GCP modules from the Puppet Forge. Get a service account with privileges on the GCP resources you want to manage, and generate/download a Key ID. Ensure you have enabled the GCP APIs for the services you intend to use. All the new GCP modules are available on the Puppet Forge and GitHub, or you can also use the Google-provided meta module to install them all at once. Since we are getting started using "puppet apply," once all the system prerequisites are installed you won't need administrative privileges. There are two Ruby gems that the modules need to function, "googleauth" and "google-api-client." These can be easily installed into your Puppet installation using the "puppet resource" command which provides a CLI-driven interface to leveraging Puppet. To enable a high level of flexibility and portability, and to remove the need to store your personal credentials somewhere, all the authentication and authorization to GCP services can be done through service account credentials. A service account comes with the ability to enable only the minimal number of permissions required to get the appropriate amount of work done, thereby limiting the risk associated with unauthorized action. Go here to learn more about service accounts, and how to create and enable them. Then look at how to assign the appropriate roles to the account and create/download keys to be used for authentication to GCP by Puppet. Also make sure you have enabled the APIs for each of the GCP services you intend to use. All code examples from here on out are for the purpose of this getting started to be in the same init.pp file. This is the first required resource that you must define and it will directly leverage the service account you set up in the previous section. In this example I download the key file I created in the previous section to my home directory and renamed it "engine-only.json" just for my own personal reference because I assigned this service account permissions for only Google Compute Engine. The resource title is the more important part since that title will be referenced by further defined resources. Those resources will look up this resource and use the authentication information defined. In case you were wondering, you can define multiple of these with different names and credential pairs so that different resources or app teams can authenticate safely to appropriate projects and services. At this point all the prerequisites are out of the way so we can get to defining some actual GCP infrastructure. All of the available resources can be viewed here in aggregate. We'll go ahead and do something everyone is familiar with for the blog post today: launching a number of Ubuntu virtual machines upon some persistent disks. You can find the entire example in an easy-to-download Gist on GitHub. Before defining the actual virtual machines, make Puppet aware of the default VPC, region, and zone you want to operate in by defining a gcompute_network, gcompute_region, gcompute_machine_type, and gcompute_zone resources. Now five virtual machines are a quick and easy gcompute_disk and gcompute_instance resource plus a loop. The above two resources show the creation of ten 50GB disks in us-west1-c, derived from the Ubuntu LTS image, and then each disk is attached to a corresponding instance that is leveraging the default VPC for connectivity. If you wish to have your defined infrastructure continually enforced by Puppet you can also add this code to a production Puppet Enterprise installation and have an agent periodically or on demand validate that all named instance have been created. Now that you've given it a try, you're ready to dive head first into integrating the management and definition of your cloud resources into your organization's infrastructure-as-code practices. These modules are aimed squarely at reducing the friction associated with building fluid, portable infrastructure so that everyone can reap the rewards of migrating their applications to and across the cloud. We here at Puppet are looking forward to continuing to work with Google on this project and excited to see the continued progress as we march forward with broader GCP coverage. I personally am also looking forward to the imminent release of the technology Google developed that generates these modules from the GCP API specifications. If you have questions about this effort, please visit the Puppet on GCP Discussions forum. Register for the webinar on 13 September. Read Google's blog post about this announcement. Check out the GCP modules in the Forge. Read more about managing Google technology with Puppet.
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The Havana House Venue Hire near The Havana House The Havana House, 23 Westow Hill, Crystal Palace, London SE19 1TQ All The Best Venue Hire Gallery Road, SE21 | 35 minutes walk from The Havana House Designed by London architect Sir John Soane in 1811, Dulwich Picture Gallery is the world's first purpose-built art gallery and holds one of the most... More Creekside, Deptford, SE8 | 4.8 miles from The Havana House Tate Modern architects Herzog & de Meuron went for a shimmering, plastic-clad building when tasked with designing the Laban building, a place where excellence in... More The Battersea Barge Riverside Walk, Nine Elms Lane, Nine Elms Lane, Vauxhall, Battersea, London SW8 | 4.9 miles from The Havana House In the shadow of the Battersea Power Station, the Battersea Barge is a unique venue that's open daily for food, drink... More Many Hands London > Business Block F, The Biscuit Factory, 100 Clements Road, SE16 | 5.2 miles from The Havana House Home to 150 unique studios varying in size, Many Hands is a creative hub housing work space for... More The Biscuit Factory Drummond Road, Southwark, London SE16 | 5.2 miles from The Havana House Peek Frean & Co made biscuits here in Bermondsey for 123 years, from 1866 until 1989 when the factory closed. Home to baked goods like... More Millbank, Westminster, London SW1P | 5.3 miles from The Havana House Conference facilities can accomodate up to 1550 people.... More Atmosphere Venues 29th Floor Millbank Tower, 21-24 Millbank, Westminster, London SW1P | 5.3 miles from The Havana House Book in at this collection of contemporary venue spaces located in Westminster's Millbank Tower, an 118-metre... More Skyloft 21-24 Millbank, Millbank Tower, Westminster, London SW1P | 5.3 miles from The Havana House At the top of Westminster's iconic Millbank Tower, Skyloft offers an event space with a view. You can see the Houses of Parliament and the... More Old Royal Naval College Greenwich Foundation for the Old Royal Naval College, 2, Cutty Sark Gardens, Greenwich, SE10 | 5.4 miles from The Havana House The Old Royal Naval College was built on the site of the Tudor Palace in Greenwich in which Henry VIII and Elizabeth I were born.... More Lambeth Road, Southwark, London SE1 | 5.4 miles from The Havana House This museum of 20th-century warfare offers a thoughtful look at what day-to-day life was like for both citizens and soldiers in the two world wars.... More The Paperworks 48-50 Newington Causeway, Elephant and Castle, London SE1 | 5.5 miles from The Havana House Flanked by a railway line and large warehouse buildings, The Paperworks is an atmospheric venue that's available to hire for events, from large-scale events and... More Royal Horticultural Halls and Conference Centre 80 Vincent Square, Westminster, London SW1P | 5.6 miles from The Havana House The architecturally unique Royal Horticultural Halls boasts two halls and a conference centre. Lindley Hall overlooking leafy Vincent Square is a popular venue for corporate... More Emmanuel Centre 9-23 Marsham Street, Westminster, London SW1P | 5.6 miles from The Havana House Located in the heart of Westminster, the Emmanuel Centre is a distinctive Grade II listed building designed by renowned architect, Sir Herbert Baker. Originally built... More Located in the heart of Westminster, the Emmanuel Centre is a distinctive Grade II listed building designed by renowned architect, Sir Herbert Baker. The Centre... More London > Business > Conference Facilities 66 Royal Hospital Road, Chelsea, Chelsea, London SW3 | 5.7 miles from The Havana House The largest fruiting olive tree in Britain and the world's northern-most outdoor grapefruit tree call the historic Chelsea Physic Gardens home. Hidden behind towering brick... More Royal Hospital Road, Chelsea, Chelsea, London SW3 | 5.7 miles from The Havana House With ten, widely different and uniquely versatile rooms, the National Army Museum can help you hold your event, your way. Plan your party in Victorian... More Royal Hospital Chelsea Royal Hospital Road, Chelsea, London SW3 | 5.7 miles from The Havana House Built by Sir Christopher Wren 1682-1692, the Grade I-listed Royal Hospital Chelsea was intended by King Charles II to be a home for soldiers who... More Westminster Cathedral Hall Ambrosden Avenue, Westminster, London SW1P | 5.7 miles from The Havana House Part of Westminster Cathedral and designed by the same architect, John Francis Bentley, Westminster Cathedral Hall is a lovely 20th century hall originally... More Victoria Street, Westminster, London SW1P | 5.8 miles from The Havana House Conference facilities can accommodate for up to 1100 people.... More Royal Horticultural Halls London > Business > Exhibition Centres City Hall, The Queen's Walk, Bankside, London SE1 | 5.9 miles from The Havana House 44 Elizabeth St, Belgravia, Victoria, London SW1W | 5.9 miles from The Havana House Central Hall Westminster Storey's Gate, Westminster, London SW1H | 5.9 miles from The Havana House Combining its dual functions as an event / conference venue and a Methodist church, the imposing Central Hall Westminster also offers visitors (curious about exploring... More First Protocol Event Management London > Business > Event Organisers 27 Wootton Street, South Bank, London SE1 | 5.9 miles from The Havana House First Protocol is a leading international events agency operating globally from offices in London, New York, Los Angeles and Singapore. They specialise in the design... More Central London's largest conference and events venue has welcomed an array of illustrious speakers through the ages - including Gandhi, Churchill and the Prince of... More The Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre Broad Sanctuary, Westminster, London SW1P | 5.9 miles from The Havana House Seven floors of purpose-built meeting space in the heart of Westminster, the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre (QEIICC) is a well known permanent conference space... More London County Hall Riverside Building, Westminster Bridge Road, South Bank, London SE1 | 5.9 miles from The Havana House Churchill Museum and Cabinet War Rooms King Charles Street, Westminster, London SW1A | 6 miles from The Havana House Near The Havana House All London hotels From cheap budget hotels to luxury 5 star hotels see our special offers for The Havana House hotels, including Hilton London Kensington Hotel from 58% off. Hotels near Congress Centrum Koelnmesse East, Germany Hotels near ICS International Congress Center Stuttgart, Germany Hotels Gift Card
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
What does alimony have to do with "The Baby Mama Syndrome"? Next to nothing. Only married people getting a divorce can get alimony. On the other hand, Florida legislators keep trying to pass alimony "reform," a code word for changing the law to the disadvantage of people who need protection or help. The proponents of "alimony reform" combine it with a provision that would require a judge to "presume" that parents, whether they're married to each other or not, are entitled to 50-50 time-sharing of their children. In other words, the judge would be told by the law to assume that each parent is entitled to have the child half the time. You cannot know what I know after years of resolving custody disputes and still think a presumption of 50-50 child time-sharing is a good idea. The legal meaning of "presumption" is critical to understanding the problem. If the judge is required by the law to "presume" something, in this case that 50-50 time-sharing should be ordered, someone has to prove that the presumption is wrong or it controls the decision. If no one proves that 50-50 child time-sharing is wrong in a particular case, under the proposed law the judge should set up a custody arrangement that has the child spend time equally with both parents. At present, a judge has to decide what's best for the children, not base a time-sharing decision on the presumed rights of one or both parents. Consider some common situations in which the presumption would be bad. First, a woman flees an abusive baby daddy with their child and he takes her to court demanding 50-50 custody and time-sharing. Neither of them has an attorney, which is more often than not the case. They get to court and he glares at her or flashes signs or does something else to show her she's about to get another beating. She clams up, says nothing about why he shouldn't have the child half the time. Here's another typical situation. When unmarried (or married) parents have a custody dispute, the man is often making enough money to hire a lawyer but the woman, who has been a stay-at-home mom, is working at minimum wage at Wendy's for 30 hours a week, has no benefits, and is having trouble paying for child care and rent. The lawyer knows how to navigate the legal system and confronts the mother in court with a demand for 50-50 custody. She probably doesn't bring witnesses and the lawyer has a bunch of them. She doesn't know how to cross examine them. She may have gotten written statements from friends or relatives, but they can't be introduced into evidence because they're hearsay. So the lawyer presents uncontested testimony that the man should have the child half the time, and the judge orders it because that's what the judge is supposed to do under the proposed law. To be clear, the father may in fact be the best parent or the two parents may be equally good or equally inadequate. The point is that a parent without a lawyer is at a disadvantage, and when the judge is required to assume something unless that parent proves otherwise, the unrepresented parent (male or female) may have no chance of a fair result. Does anyone really think every parent is entitled to a 50-50 presumption of custody and time-sharing? How about the fathers who seldom see their kids and have never supported them but ask for custody because the Department of Revenue sues for child support to repay the government benefits the mother has received for their child? Or what about the woman who daily exposes her child to violence against the present wife or girlfriend of the baby daddy? Completely apart from the inadequacies of the parent, the lack of a consistent home may itself be bad for the child. These domestic violence and financial situations will exist whether the law is changed or not. But under the present law, the judge has to make a finding that the custody and time-sharing arrangement is in the best interest of the child, and is not required to assume they are both entitled to the child half the time unless one or the other parent proves that 50-50 custody/time-sharing is a bad idea in their case. These proposed laws about alimony and custody/time-sharing are not designed for the children, just for one of the parents. When a judge makes a life-altering decision affecting children, the judge should be guided by what's best for the kids, not what's best for the parents. Judge Robert "Bob" Doyel retired in 2010 after nearly 16 years as a Florida judge, primarily in family court in the 10th Judicial Circuit of Florida. He has served on the Florida Supreme Court Steering Committee on Families and Children and as chair of domestic violence subcommittees. Column courtesy of Context Florida.
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Turning out to be a private trainer can be a fulfilling practical experience. If you have a enthusiasm for health and fitness and delight in supporting others, then a vocation as a private trainer might be right for you. Having said that there a couple of issues to take into account just before you choose up your whistle and stopwatch. one. Do you search the section? Even though it&#39s not important to search like a health and fitness design to be a private trainer, it is crucial to be in very good bodily condition. It can be challenging for a potential shopper to trust in your ability to instruct and motivate him or her to attain their overall health and wellness ambitions if they really feel you are not eager to are living by your exact same concepts and beliefs. You have to be a role design for you clientele. 2. Are you a men and women particular person? As a private trainer you will function with men and women from varying back rounds and differing personalities. It is crucial that you are in a position to listen and regulate to each individual of your clientele&#39 needs and thoughts. 3. Do you like to train? Most of your time as a trainer will consist of instructing most of the time you are with your clientele. It&#39s important that you are in a position to connect proficiently and that you have the persistence to do so. As you put together to turn out to be a private trainer, observe educating with good friends and spouse and children and question for constructive comments on your ability to disseminate info with clarity and relieve. four. Can you take care of the several hours? Individual trainers typically get started functioning early in the early morning and total their sessions late in the night. Considering that most men and women teach just before they go to function and after they get off, your schedule could fluctuate substantially. Typically your day will get started around five or six am with a couple of several hours crack around ten or 11 am relying on how fast paced you are and no matter whether or not you&#39re functioning for a fitness center or executing it independently, then sessions resume in the afternoon around 4pm and can very last until eventually 7 or 8 pm. Irrespective of the particular schedule, as a private trainer you will need to be versatile. five. Will you focus? The Overall health and Conditioning Field is just one of the fastest increasing industries in the United States. Mainly because of this there is a ton of competitiveness among private trainers. To support your self standout you might want to decide on a specialty or specialized niche. By concentrating on a specialty, you can placement your self as the "pro" in your neighborhood and perhaps demand far more for your services. six. Are you eager to fork out your dues? Being a private trainer can be a worthwhile vocation, nevertheless the amount of money you make will count on geographic place, your practical experience, and instruction and how nicely you market place your self. It might be wise to commence at a neighborhood overall health club or fitness center to gain knowledge from far more seasoned trainers. ← Cease Being a Sufferer of the Genuine Estate Agency Revolving Door – Get a Private Brand name Now!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This entry was posted in As Per Whatever and tagged blackberry, life, omgwtfbbq, school, video, Work on November 9, 2008 by Jared Smith. I like it, almost makes me want to go and buy one, na!!!! I don't understand why we fight with our brother.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
SU Engineering students challenged to think wider Author: Frieda le Roux It's not every day that engineering students are challenged with concepts more at home in Social Sciences. But with the Eng. Curriculum of the SU it is the case with a specially developed module, namely Complementary Studies. And what initially sounds strange is exactly in line with Stellenbosch University's (SU) goal to give students an education and exposure that is as wide as possible – and relevant in our society with its unique challenges. When Dr Leslie van Rooi, Senior Director of Social Impact and Transformation, and Monica du Toit, Head of the Transformation Office, take their place in front of the class, it is to challenge the engineering students to think even wider than what their lecturers expect from them. The course aims to make students more aware of their role in the wider society – as involved citizens but also as trained engineers who can make a difference with their unique skills. "In our discussions in class we grapple with the realities on campus and in social media and it is challenging, especially at the start, but we do get to new possibilities," says Monica. "I like the fact that engineers in essence are 'doers'." She says the students have again convinced her that one of our country's greatest assets lies in its engineering students – especially when it comes to the much needed changes in our society. "They have skills to live close to the experiences of regular people while, at the same time, think innovatively about solutions." For their final assignment the students were divided into groups and asked to tackle different social challenges by looking at it afresh. In this way one group decided to use 'big data' to get access to information that will help universal access for the users of buildings and amenities. With a special app named Enable, users can indicate places where they have difficulties with access. The information on the app, which makes use of GPS coordinates, is in the public domain where all – from building owner to architect, engineer and others with disabilities – can access it and learn from it. Another group thought about the way engineers can help in creating better integrated communities. And, they found, engineers do not always think of the bigger issue but would rather solve a specific problem as cost-effectively and efficiently as possible. But during their discussions as part of the Complimentary Studies course they realised that the focus – also for engineers – should always include the human aspect and shouldn't only be about technical skills. Prof Anton Basson, Vice-dean: Teaching & Quality Assurance says students in the Faculty of Engineering are exposed to contemporary societal issues in their third and fourth years. "These modules, which all engineering students must do, expose our graduates to the complex social issues that they will encounter when they enter engineering practice. Our graduates often fulfil leadership roles and these modules raise their awareness of the complexities of gender, racial, access and social responsibilities that challenge leaders." Leslie, who has been presenting the course for four years, says it is part of the University's goals to equip students with a complete set of skills. "For the University it is important to equip students with skills and the possibility to make an impact on the various levels of our society. This specially developed curricular module gives all engineering students the opportunity to do exactly that." The Faculty of Engineering, together with the Engineering Council of SA, gives the necessary guidance in this regard. Engineering; Social Impact
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Continuing to push into what we believe is the likely future of journalism, the Garden Grove Journal has redesigned and re-launched its website at www.ggjournal.com. While it retains many of the popular features of its previous version, it also adds several new items which we hope will be of interest and benefit to our readers. The new format will allow you to search within it to look for keywords, topics or names. It will enable us to archive portable document file (PDF) copies of back issues for your perusal. It will allow for faster and more extensive display of news and photographs. In the new version, the Journal's website will automatically generate Twitter "tweets" when the site is updated. It is also mobile-phone compatible; if you, for instance, own an iPhone, you can load our web address and choose between the regular home page view, and a special "mobile" interface, like you might see for USA Today or The Associated Press. This means you will be able to get news of the Garden Grove-Stanton-Westminster area throughout the day via Twitter, Facebook and our website, on your computer or phone. And, of course, you can read it all with a cup of coffee and the print version. We are especially excited about our new site, powered by Word Press (as are papers such as Los Angeles Times and Wall Street Journal) because unlike the recent version, it now generates links that will allow search engines like Google and Yahoo to connect to us and give our journalism the widest possible audience. The site has only been live since Sunday evening, and already web traffic to www.ggjournal.com is up over 40 percent. We're still adding content and tweaking it, but we think our newest Internet effort is our best yet. Check it out and let us know what you think.
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In this remarkable exploration of the Catholic world, the preeminent Catholic theologian George Weigel offers a luminous collection of letters to young Catholics, not-so-young Catholics, and curious souls who wonder what it means to be a Catholic today. Weigel takes readers on an epistolary tour of Catholic landmarks—from Chartres Cathedral to St. Marys Church in Greenville, South Carolina; from the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem to G.K. Chestertons favorite pub in Oxford; and from the grave of a modern martyr in Warsaw to the Sistine Chapel. Weaving together insights from history, literature, theology, and music, Weigel illuminates the beliefs that have shaped Catholicism from its birth. Revised and updated with several new essays, Letters to a Young Catholic will inspire not only the young generation of Catholics, but also the faithful, doubtful, and searchers of every age. George Weigel, a Catholic theologian and one of Americas leading public intellectuals, is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, where he holds the William E. Simon Chair in Catholic Studies. Weigel was educated at St. Marys Seminary College in Baltimore and at the University of St. Michaels College in Toronto. He has been an assistant professor of theology at St. Thomas Seminary School of Theology in Kenmore, a scholar-in-residence at the World Without War Council of Greater Seattle, and a fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington, D.C. From 1989 until 1996, Weigel was president of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. The author of numerous books on Catholicism and faith, Weigel lives with his wife in North Bethesda, Maryland.
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The College of Southern Maryland Hawks couldn't stop the 3-point shots from the Louisburg College Hurricanes from raining down on them as the Hurricanes defeated the Hawks on January 5 by a score of 80-71. Coming into this game, Louisburg ranked in the top five in several major offensive categories in Division II NJCAA women's basketball according to njcaa.org. They ranked first in 3-point percentage (50.7 percent), second in field-goal percentage (53.1 percent), second in field goals made per game (35.2), second in fewest turnovers per game (5.7), and fifth in points per game (88.8). In Saturday's game, the Hawks held the Hurricanes under most of those marks except for 3-point shooting, as Louisburg went 12-22 from beyond the arc (54.5 percent). "Louisburg's a tough team," CSM head coach Ardell Jackson said. "They got shooters, they got girls that can hit shots, so you give them credit for hitting the big shots. I think our girls did a good job of putting a hand up and making them take tough threes, and they just knocked down some really tough threes tonight." Five Hurricanes players scored in double digits. Sophomore guard Ameera McClain led the Hurricanes in scoring with 19 points, going 7-15 from the floor and 5-8 from behind the 3-point line. Sophomore guard Harmony Davidson added 15 points on her 6-10 shooting performance. Freshman guard Caleah Smith posted a double-double off the bench with 14 points and 10 rebounds as she went 4-6 from 3-point range. Sophomore guard Jennifer Nanosi led the Hawks in scoring with 27 points, shooting 8-17 from the floor and 6-10 from behind the 3-point line. Freshman point guard Amaya Yancey and sophomore guard Saundra Downs both received double-doubles for their work in Saturday's game; Yancey scored 17 points and made 11 assists while Downs had 13 points and 10 rebounds. Downs also had six steals in the game. Sophomore center Alexandra Allen was a big defensive presence for the Hawks, as she contributed eight points, nine rebounds, and five blocks. "This was a good test for our team, to see where we were," coach Jackson said. "This was a great game for me as a coach and for the team, but also I just love coaching this game. These girls really played with their heart and soul and put it all out there tonight." CSM did not play any games or in any holiday tournaments over the holiday break like some other schools, which did not allow them to keep their momentum from before the break going. However, they did win the night before this game against Prince George's Community College by a score of 63-45. "It's just getting back that groove, getting back that rhythm, and once we get the rhythm back, I think we'll be fine," coach Jackson said. CSM's record after this loss now stands at 8-5 overall and 4-2 in the conference. The Hawks are now 7th in the conference standings.
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Home Business Elon Musk Puts His Own Politics on Display on Election Day Elon Musk Puts His Own Politics on Display on Election Day Elon Musk put himself and his politics center stage on Twitter on Election Day. The world's richest man began Tuesday by tweeting to his 115 million followers that they should vote Republican in the midterm elections. He said he was not motivated by criticism that he had faced from Democrats over his $44 billion purchase of Twitter, which he completed last month, and his other business dealings. "While it's true that I've been under unfair & misleading attack for some time by leading Democrats, my motivation here is for centrist governance, which matches the interests of most Americans," Mr. Musk said. His posts about politics and the midterms followed several tweets on Monday, when Mr. Musk urged his followers to vote Republican because "shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties." His remarks were immediately cheered by those on the right and criticized by the left. Mr. Musk later added that he was an independent and was open to voting for Democrats in the future. Mr. Musk has defied corporate convention throughout his career, but rarely has an executive with such a powerful role over political speech so overtly outlined his views heading into an election. Many mainstream internet companies have typically tried projecting apolitical stances. Jack Dorsey, a former Twitter chief executive, and Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Meta, have previously discussed preferences for candidates or given millions of dollars to political initiatives. But they had not pushed people to vote a certain way like Mr. Musk, who pinned one of his messages supporting Republicans to the top of his Twitter feed. It is impossible to tell how many of Mr. Musk's followers will take his advice. "With a recommendation of how Twitter users should vote, the billionaire owner of a social media platform placing his thumbs on the scales of a major election creates its own risks," Edward P. Perez, a board member with the OSET Institute, a nonpartisan election security organization, tweeted on Tuesday. Mr. Perez previously helped oversee work at Twitter on civic processes. More on Elon Musk's Twitter Takeover Mr. Musk's behavior raises more questions about how Twitter will balance his desire for the platform to be a hub for unfettered free speech versus the need to counter misinformation and hate. The social media service is under heavy scrutiny for how it will fare in combating falsehoods about voting, election results and more in the midterms. That is especially the case since Mr. Musk laid off roughly half of Twitter's employees, or about 3,700 people, on Friday, leading critics to wonder how the site could function effectively. Mr. Musk, who tweeted a link to a baseless story about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband last month before deleting it, did not respond to a request for comment. Twitter, which laid off most of its communications department, also did not respond to a request for comment. In a report on Monday, researchers at the Fletcher School at Tufts University said "the quality of the conversation has decayed" on Twitter since Mr. Musk's takeover, as more extremists and misinformation peddlers tested the platform's boundaries. And in a report released on Saturday by the Election Integrity Partnership, which includes the Stanford Internet Observatory and the University of Washington's Center for an Informed Public, researchers found the presence and influence of misinformation on Twitter to be pervasive. Researchers looked at 34 major accounts that spread misleading claims about the 2020 election in the past and discovered "hundreds of false, misleading or unsubstantiated stories that sowed doubt in election procedures or results." While seven of the accounts were permanently suspended from Twitter, they have largely been able to continue posting on other platforms, with their posts often re-emerging on Twitter via screenshots, the researchers said. Common Cause, a pro-democracy advocacy group, said this week that it had flagged several tweets pushing false narratives, such as that election results not announced on Tuesday night are a sign of fraud. The group said "it has taken Twitter much longer than normal to adjudicate" whether the posts violated their policies, a process that usually takes less than three hours but was unresolved after more than three days. On Tuesday, several major conservative accounts on Twitter continued to amplify the misconception that tallying delays were evidence of malfeasance, while also fueling other rumors about technical difficulties around the vote in Arizona and elsewhere. Some Twitter executives have tried to assuage concerns about the platform in the midterms. Yoel Roth, the company's head of trust and safety, who helps oversee content moderation, tweeted last week that about 15 percent of his organization was laid off, versus about 50 percent companywide. "Our efforts on election integrity — including harmful misinformation that can suppress the vote and combating state-backed information operations — remain a top priority," Mr. Roth wrote. Mr. Musk has said that he planned to form a council that would make content moderation decisions. He has also said several times that Twitter has not changed its content rules, though he said on Sunday that he would permanently suspend any account "engaging in impersonation without clearly specifying 'parody'" after several people changed their display names and profile photos to match his. How we get live results on election night. We report vote totals provided by The Associated Press, which collects results from states, counties and townships through a network of websites and more than 4,000 on-the-ground correspondents. To estimate how many votes remain to be counted, our team of data journalists and software engineers gathers vote tallies directly from the websites of election officials and compares these with our turnout expectations. Concerns that falsehoods and hate speech could proliferate on Twitter under Mr. Musk have spooked advertisers. A spokesman for the German insurance company Allianz said on Monday that it would halt its advertising on Twitter for now, joining General Mills, Volkswagen Group and others that have pulled back from the social network. Mr. Musk has been vocal about his politics in the past. A onetime supporter of President Barack Obama, he more recently has clashed with and mocked President Biden and his administration. Last year, after Mr. Musk's SpaceX rocket company launched four civilians into space on a historic private mission, one Twitter user asked why the president had not acknowledged the accomplishment. "He's still sleeping," Mr. Musk wrote, an apparent riff off a common Republican insult of Mr. Biden. Onstage at a tech conference in September 2021, Mr. Musk also called Mr. Biden's White House "not the friendliest administration" after Tesla, his electric automaker, was not invited to a meeting among car executives to discuss the production of electric vehicles. Mr. Musk later said in the interview that the Biden administration was "controlled by the unions." (Tesla's workers are not unionized and the company has resisted organizing efforts.) Mr. Musk has also posted that he believes that the Democratic Party is controlled by "the far left" and has clashed on Twitter with progressive lawmakers like Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. In a tweet in May, Mr. Musk said he had previously voted for Democrats "because they were (mostly) the kindness party." But since then, he added, "they have become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them and will vote Republican." His political messages on Monday and Tuesday drew a firestorm. Democrats, including David Axelrod, who was chief strategist to Mr. Obama, criticized the billionaire for his voting approach to "shared power" among the branches of government. On the other side, Republicans, including candidates running for House seats in the midterms, used it as a rallying cry. On Tuesday, Mr. Musk oscillated between posts about politics and the social network itself. "Twitter is the worst!" he tweeted. "But also the best." Chipotle Beefs Up Hiring Ahead of 'Burrito Season' Chipotle Mexican Grill, the fast-casual food chain, said on Thursday that it plans to hire…
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
On Episode 12 of The WeCOACH Podcast, Megan Kahn has the privilege of sitting down with former coach and administrator, and gender equity advocate, Marlene Bjornsrud. Marlene's career has spanned more than 40-years in college, professional and non-profit settings, including working closely with Brandi Chastain and Julie Foudy to being a part of the launch of the Japanese Women Coaches Academy. Listen in as we dive into her career journey and how now, even in retirement, her deep-rooted passion for making a difference in sport and living out her purpose continues to fuel her. o Launch of the first-ever Japanese Women Coaches Academy.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Photography maxalt mlt manufacturer coupon The majority of these are newly registered voters - and party agents are having to intervene to get electoral officials to check with the electoral commission's national command centre to see if the names are on the constituency register. I stay at home and look after the children bromocriptine prolactin bodybuilding The country's drug-fueled guerrilla war has driven nearly 5 million Colombians off their land. That gives Colombia one of the world's largest populations of internally displaced people, who are estimated to have left behind about 15 million acres — roughly the area of Maryland and Massachusetts combined. Led by university professors and supported, in the words of one pollster, by "grumpy old men", the AfD is mopping up right-wing protest votes and some of the millions who could not be bothered to cast ballots in 2009. 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Space Exploration Technologies, or SpaceX, holds a $1.6 billion contract with NASA to provide 12 cargo flights to the station for delivery of more than 44,000 pounds of equipment and supplies. A separate $396 million contract covered initial test and demonstration flights. "This is a slap in the face to those that believe in justice in this country," said Al Sharpton, the Baptist minister and civil rights activist who help draw attention to the Martin case after police initially released Mr Zimmerman without charge, causing an outcry. Could I have , please? growmax led NIMES, France (AFP) - French police have arrested a suspected member of the infamous Pink Panther gang of international jewel thieves who had been on the run since escaping from a Swiss prison in May. I live in London bestdrugscorner.com "Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg made an unambiguous pitch for voters to put the Lib Dems back in coalition government after the next election. There weren't many concrete policy pledges - the message was that as junior partners to Labour, they could stop the economy being messed up, and as junior partners to the Conservatives, they could force them to govern in a 'fairer' way. Though analysts have been arguing that U.S. banks are ripefor consolidation as low interest rates persist after the 2008financial crisis, the pace of consolidation has beendisappointing, in part due to heightened regulatory scrutiny. I work for a publishers her harmony side effects The traditional publishing models have been supported against open access efforts. However, they are not without flaws as was highlighted in a paper in 2004 that the stem cells were obtained by cloning. However this claim was found to b untrue later. I like watching football nitropumpxl and magnum plus reviews Stora Enso, rather than NewPage, will fund the settlement,avoiding the risk that a bankruptcy judge may reduce the payout,lawyers for the purchasers said. 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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Travel experts Lonely Planet have revealed the best places to see in the New Year, which include Las Palmas, Hangzhou and New Orleans. Compiled by the largest travel guide book publisher in the world, the list covers seven of the hottest destinations, ranging from glitzy rooftop parties in Australia to the wild carnivals on the streets in the Bahamas. The list of the hottest destinations starts off with Matera, Italy, which is expected to become the European Capital of Culture in 2019. A range of open-air celebrations and festivals, as well as some draw-dropping scenery, make this the perfect place to see in the New Year. There is also the Presepe Narrante Di Matera, a live nativity scene spread over three miles, which features 150 costumed performers. Next on the list is New Orleans, USA, as live music and its party atmosphere in Jackson Square bring a unique flavour to the celebrations. Additionally, the St Louis Cathedral serves as the ideal backdrop for an impressive firework display over the Mississippi River. Unsurprisingly, there are two Australian cities that made the list – Sydney and Melbourne – who both offer exciting new year experiences. Sydney is widely seen as the golden child for New Year's Eve in Australia, due to the assets located on Sydney Harbour, whilst the arrival of midnight introduces an eruption of pyrotechnics from no less than seven barges dotted along the harbour. As for Melbourne, any one of the city's renowned rooftop bars makes the perfect destination to take in some fireworks and catch some picturesque views. Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, also featured on the list, where travellers can converge with locals on the marvellous city beach Playa de las Canteras to see fireworks light up the sky. Nassau, the Bahamas, is in a class of its own for New Year's Eve parties in the Caribbean, according to the travel experts at Lonely Planet. Junkanoo is the Bahamas' biggest, flashiest street carnival, and while it takes place multiple times a year, the largest celebrations happen on Boxing Day and New Year's Day. Hangzhou, China, finishes the list, with its idyllic scenery seen as the perfect setting for those looking for a peaceful way to see in 2017.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Keep a straight grid and reduce Category indicator. Home › Forums › WordPress Theme › CityBook – Directory & Listing WordPress Theme › Keep a straight grid and reduce Category indicator. When an item in the list belongs to several categories, they overlap each other. How can this be changed so that it appears with small or at least compacted icons as they appear in the images on the map. (Attached image). I also need that the elements of the list have a fixed height so that they do not get disordered and stay aligned in a straight grid. Mantener una parrilla recta y reducir indicador de Categoría. Cuando un elemento de la lista pertenece a varias categorías se solapan unas con otras. Cómo se puede cambiar esto para que aparezca con iconos pequeños o al menos compactados como aparecen en las imágenes sobre el mapa. (Adjunto imagen). También necesito que los elementos del listado tengan un alto fijo para que no se desordenen y se mantengan alineadas en un grid recto.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Rediff.com » Business » How Eureka Forbes remains relevant 25 years on How Eureka Forbes remains relevant 25 years on By Arundhuti Dasgupta July 10, 2017 08:31 IST The company behind brands like Aquaguard focuses on technology to differentiate brand, rethinks communication strategy. Arundhuti Dasgupta reports. IMAGE: Among other things, Eureka Forbes has for the first time used a celebrity endorser in actress Madhuri Dixit for Aquaguard. The oldest water purifier brand is gearing up to protect its legacy and market share. Marzin Shroff, chief executive officer of the Shapoorji Pallonji group-owned Eureka Forbes, says the company is engaging closely with the brand as customers change and competition grows in the market place. "The face of the customer is changing and we need to ask: What are they really looking at?" he says. The company has spent over ₹100 crore on the brand; on technological upgrades, on the complete product offering, on service and communication. Shroff says that there are three defining elements of the brand: technology, product and service. The expectation is that a combination of the three will help differentiate Aquaguard, Eureka Forbes' flagship brand, which accounted for 70 per cent of the turnover of ₹3,041 crore for the year ended March 2017. Eureka Forbes started out as a direct sales company in 1992 and launched its retail business 13 years ago. Over the years, it has seen its near-monopoly status disrupted by a growing number of multinational and home grown labels. With over a dozen major brands in the market, to stay relevant and fight off the challengers, an overhaul has become imperative. Leverage the trust Shroff believes Aquaguard's biggest asset is customer trust. "If you look at our trust score, it is 1.8 times the second largest brand in the market, and we have a brand recall that Coke and Pepsi would be envious of," says Shroff, quoting internal studies and surveys by external agencies. The brand is the market leader (67 per cent market share according to the last survey the company commissioned), and "We enter a kitchen every one second somewhere in the country," says Shroff. It has 15 million customers in 1,500 cities and towns. The challenge is to ensure that trust and loyalty scores do not dip now that customers have more choice. Also the company needs to get new customers to connect with the brand. "The brand has to leverage the trust, but do a differentiated strategy," Shroff says. And that is where the 'water-plus' positioning comes into play. "Pure, safe is the generic value [of the brand], and then we add levels around it. Temperature, flavour, minerals, we have to keep reinventing ourselves," Shroff adds. Service expectations The challenge today is keeping the core service promise despite changing customer expectations. The brand is still associated with the Eurochamp say experts, the sales person who hawked the product door-to-door when the company first set up shop. However, the message is getting diluted because of a range of reasons they say. Shroff says that service and the service professional is integral to the brand. The company has over 18,000 retail outlets, 1,800 service centres and over 5,000-strong direct sales network. Even today the majority of our products sell directly he says. But the customer's expectation over service today is very different. The home that used to be open 24x7 is hardly open for a few hours in the week. Shroff explains, "Our technicians do not live in town; they also need to go home. So, the challenge is to meet customer expectations and be a humane employer at the same time." The company is tapping into technology to untangle the customer-service relationship. "The backend technology is being geared up to help technicians deliver more efficiently. Almost 7-8 per cent of the turnover goes into developing robust IT solutions so that the brand's service proposition is not diluted," says Shashank Sinha, associate vice-president, marketing of Eureka Forbes. Get the tech edge The company says it spends close to 3-4 per cent of the turnover on research and development of new technology. Its latest technological breakthrough is called Biotron. "Biotron declusters the water molecule that lets the cells in the body absorb the nutrients in water faster," says Shroff. It provides innumerable benefits to the customer and Shroff aDDS, "We have applied for a global patent, and only after we were convinced about its effects that we have announced it." Biotron is the differentiated value proposition that gave rise to the concept of the #farakdikhtahai (the difference is visible) campaign Sinha says. He adds that the company has also developed a range of water-saving technologies although it has not really spoken about these in the past. Several global alliances have also been struck to provide cheap, clean water to people in small towns and remote regions. Reach out to the young Eureka Forbes has traditionally been a media-shy company, both Shroff and Sinha say. But they see the need to change. It is important for the brand to be seen and heard more often today, they say. The company is also trying to build a younger brand, says Shroff. To reach out to millennial customers, the brand is pushing itself into youth festivals and concerts. Its campaigns drive home the trust legacy of the brand, while spelling out the difference with respect to other brands in the market. Communication had to change as clean water moved from being a push to a pull product, says Sinha. Earlier the brand had tagged itself as a 'pani ka doctor' (water doctor). Knowledge gave the brand its expert positioning, but now everyone is on the same plank, says Sinha. The company has for the first time used a celebrity endorser in actress Madhuri Dixit for its new campaign. Many question this, saying that it ends up looking like rival Kent that has Hema Malini as its ambassador, instead of being different. Sinha says that changing customers call for changing strategy. "Also Madhuri is the Unicef ambassador for children and embodies the values of the brand." How Dabur, Lakme and Rooh Afza were started Arundhuti Dasgupta Mumbai Related News: Eureka Forbes, Marzin Shroff, Shashank Sinha, Biotron, Madhuri Dixit Success recipe of Tata, Wipro and Cipla Battle over water: HUL, Eureka Forbes cross swords
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { serializationCheckMetaReducer } from '../../src/meta-reducers'; describe('serializationCheckMetaReducer:', () => { class AComponent {} Object.defineProperty(AComponent, 'ɵcmp', {}); const serializables: Record<string, any> = { aNumber: { value: 4 }, aBoolean: { value: true }, aString: { value: 'foobar' }, anArray: { value: [1, 2, 3] }, anObject: { value: {} }, aNested: { value: { aNumber: 7, anArray: ['n', 'g', 'r', 'x'] } }, aNull: { value: null }, anUndefined: { value: undefined }, aComponent: AComponent, // components should not throw (because these are ignored) }; const unSerializables: Record<string, any> = { date: { value: new Date() }, map: { value: new Map() }, set: { value: new Set() }, class: { value: new (class {})() }, function: { value: () => {} }, }; describe('serializable:', () => { Object.keys(serializables).forEach((key) => { it(`action with ${key} should not throw`, () => { expect(() => invokeActionReducer({ type: 'valid', payload: serializables[key] }) ).not.toThrow(); }); it(`state with ${key} should not throw`, () => { expect(() => invokeStateReducer(serializables[key])).not.toThrow(); }); }); }); describe('unserializable:', () => { Object.keys(unSerializables).forEach((key) => { it(`action with ${key} should throw`, () => { expect(() => invokeActionReducer({ type: 'valid', payload: unSerializables[key] }) ).toThrow(); }); it(`state with ${key} should throw`, () => { expect(() => invokeStateReducer(unSerializables[key])).toThrow(); }); }); }); describe('actions: ', () => { it('should not throw if check is off', () => { expect(() => invokeActionReducer({ type: 'valid', payload: unSerializables }, false) ); }); it('should log the path that is not serializable', () => { expect(() => invokeActionReducer({ type: 'valid', payload: { foo: { bar: unSerializables['date'] } }, }) ).toThrowError( `Detected unserializable action at "payload.foo.bar.value". https://ngrx.io/guide/store/configuration/runtime-checks#strictactionserializability` ); }); }); describe('state: ', () => { it('should not throw if check is off', () => { expect(() => invokeStateReducer(unSerializables, false)).not.toThrow(); }); it('should log the path that is not serializable', () => { expect(() => invokeStateReducer({ foo: { bar: unSerializables['date'] }, }) ).toThrowError(/Detected unserializable state at "foo.bar.value"/); }); it('should throw if state is null', () => { expect(() => invokeStateReducer(null)).toThrowError( `Detected unserializable state at "root". https://ngrx.io/guide/store/configuration/runtime-checks#strictstateserializability` ); }); it('should throw if state is undefined', () => { expect(() => invokeStateReducer(undefined)).toThrowError( /Detected unserializable state at "root"/ ); }); }); function invokeActionReducer(action: any, checkIsOn = true) { serializationCheckMetaReducer((state) => state, { action: () => checkIsOn, state: () => false, })(undefined, action); } function invokeStateReducer(nextState?: any, checkIsOn = true) { serializationCheckMetaReducer(() => nextState, { state: () => checkIsOn, action: () => false, })(undefined, { type: 'invokeReducer', }); } });
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
ATMORE, AL - Construction of the hotel tower can be seen by motorists passing by on Interstate 65 as workers set the exterior glass 16 floors high. The new Wind Creek Casino is on schedule to open in January and the luxury hotel will follow in February. When finished the exterior will feature stone and copper finishes with Indian motifs, while the interior will look and feel like Las Vegas. The Poarch Creek Tribe would like install Class III gaming, such as blackjack, roulette, craps, and other table games, however, the Alabama governors have historically fought to prevent any gambling beyond Class II gaming which is allowed on reservations by federal law. Class II gaming allows players to play against other players, not against the house. It includes electronic bingo games which can appear nearly indistinguishable from Class III slot machines. The 16-story hotel includes upscale suites at the top which will cost several hundred dollars per night. Luxury suites over the gaming area will cost $2,000 to $3,000 a night and will overlook the lake or the amphitheater. When the casino and hotel are completed, the present Poarch Creek Entertainment Center will be replaced by a 5-acre lake and pool and a golf course. Later, when the casino and hotel are financially successful, the tribe plans to double the casino' size and build two more hotel towers.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Emma and Simon O'Neal Home is a fine example of an Ocracoke "story and a jump" style architecture. This frame house features a steep gabled roof with an open hipped porch and turned posts and cedar shake covering. The O'Neal home has its original staircase, wooden two over two sash windows, the original corbelled chimney and interior bead board walls and ceilings. It sits on a large lot consisting of 8,963 square foot with an abundance of native vegetation. The house is one and a half stories and features 3 bedrooms, a living room, plus the kitchen and bath rear addition and has 1,056 sq. ft. of living space. This historic home has been in the O'Neal/Gaskins family for over 100 years. The Gaskins sisters have memories of the lighthouse beaming into their bedroom window and spending many a summer evenings sitting on the front porch. The home was originally built for their grandparents at the time of their marriage. The land was given to them by Emma's family, who were Styrons. Back in the 20's to the 60's many of the island homes were built facing the roads with porches, socially, when you walked down the sandy lanes you could wave or stop in to talk to someone. The older homes still represent this style, you will recognize them as being very close to the road with the porch and front of house facing the road. As newer and more homes have been built, they are geared towards rentals featuring a reverse floor plan (living and dining on the upper levels with the views) and bedrooms on the lower levels, houses built to withstand the strong Winter and Summer winds and facing inward for more privacy. Below are some examples of homes during the early 70's from the Henry Raup Collection, this was before the big boom in construction and real estate on the island.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
A high-achieving scientist with a troubled personal life, Henry Richter found a faith that transformed him by Sophia Lee Post Date: June 24, 2016 - Issue Date: July 09, 2016 (NASA) President Eisenhower, in his White House office, with the nose cone of Explorer 1. Explorer 1 diagram Richter in 1959 News coverage of Sputnik included this photo of Henry Richter (right) and Robert Legg as they tracked the Soviet satellite. Developers of Explorer 1 celebrate with a model of the satellite shortly after its launch. Richter lectures at the 50th anniversary celebration of the Explorer 1 launch. Richter and Beverly at their residential community in Escondido, Calif. Henry Richter heard it first—a thunderous roar as the long, white rocket lifted up, up, up into the night sky, interrupting the darkness with flares and flashes. Moments later, Explorer 1, the first earth satellite of the United States, was successfully in orbit. It was Jan. 31, 1958, at 10:48 p.m. in Cape Canaveral, Fla. Richter, then a lanky 30-year-old, was sitting in the control room, watching history happen through green-tinted, bulletproof glass. As project manager at the then-obscure Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif., he and his team helped develop Explorer 1 and choose its scientific instrumentation, which led to the discovery of the Van Allen radiation belt. That night at the launch area, Richter's job was to update the Pentagon via teletype. In the Pentagon's war room paced an anxious group of three scientists, the Army secretary, and the Army vice chief of staff. President Eisenhower was on a golfing trip in Georgia, his evening of bridge forgotten as he stuck close to the telephone for news. So it was with great excitement that Richter waited for the first telltale singsongy tones from the satellite's signal as it passed California. But at the expected arrival time, he heard nothing. "We were just waiting ... chewing our fingernails," said the 88-year-old Richter, 58 years later. "And then one … two … three … four … five … six … seven … eight minutes—and we had it! We had a very nervous eight minutes when it was supposed to show up but was late." Eisenhower, too, breathed a sigh of relief: "That's wonderful. I sure feel a lot better now." Miles north in rainy Washington, D.C., journalists packed into the auditorium of the National Academy of Sciences. There, the three key developers of Explorer 1 spontaneously lifted a model of the satellite over their heads—a moment captured as one of the most iconic photographs of the Space Age. As for Richter, he was so "numb" from all the tension and frenetic activities leading up to that pinnacle that he barely remembers returning to his motel. It was a glorious day for America, but not a victory. That laurel went to the Soviet Union, which launched Sputnik, the first-ever man-made satellite to circle the earth. Sputnik spun into orbit on Oct. 4, 1957, then Sputnik 2 a month later, this time carrying a female mongrel named Laika. Aghast at this public gauntlet-tossing from its Cold War enemy, the United States plunged into the space race. But insiders like Richter knew Explorer 1 had been ready to launch more than a year before Sputnik. So despite celebrating the success of Explorer 1, Richter also felt regrets: "We could have been first." Richter lived through a politically charged, boundary-pushing era of scientific accomplishments. He witnessed the creation of NASA. He watched JPL transform from a little-known group in a barrackslike structure developing missiles for the Army into a prestigious NASA-affiliated agency working on spacecraft in a top-notch facility. He helped develop the Ranger, Mariner, and Surveyor spacecraft and send Apollo to the moon. He managed the planning for JPL's Deep Space Network, a worldwide network of deep-space communication facilities that still track spacecraft today. Yet, yesterday's success was never enough. As the two superpowers raced for global superiority, so too was Richter charging to show the world that he was somebody great. He calls himself a "proverbial workaholic" and an "absentee father" during his younger years, at one point commuting twice a week between JPL and the Pentagon. In 1960, Richter left JPL, disgusted by the federal government's constant interference. His other career ventures also left him disappointed and unfulfilled. Meanwhile, his family was falling apart: His first wife, Marilyn, frequently broke down into all-night weeping episodes, terrified that she was condemned to hell. The doctors later diagnosed her with schizoid personality disorder, but Richter also blamed her religion and resolved always to avoid those "kooky born-again-type Christians." After 22 years of unhappy marriage, Richter divorced his wife, leaving him alone with five teenagers. By then, he was ready to confess that Henry Richter was a false idol. The 50th anniversary of Explorer 1 in 2008 was supposed to be the capstone of Richter's career. As one of the only surviving managers of the Explorer 1 team, he was the star of the three-day fanfare in Pasadena. Later, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics invited him to its annual black-tie awards ceremony, where he joined other former JPL directors onstage to receive the Achievement Award. But throughout that flurry of celebration and honor, his heart was heavy. His second son, David, a retired Pasadena police lieutenant, was missing. Months later, someone found David's body under a bridge. Apparently, he had shot himself. Richter is a stoic man who states the facts and little else, but his second and current wife, Beverly, told me that was the lowest period of his life. She said only faith—which Richter by then had—brought them through it: "We were very precise in our prayers. We believed in God of our hope. We knew that our God is able to sustain us and carry us through." HENRY L. RICHTER was born on June 14, 1927, in Long Beach, Calif. Both of his parents were painters who met in Chicago—he an instructor, she a student. They married, moved west to warmer pastures, and taught art at a local high school. Richter remembers his father taking him along on sketching trips to the mountains and deserts. While Henry Sr. drew, Henry Jr. prowled around experimenting on rocks. Richter's fascination with science began in third grade, when his aunt gave him a Gilbert chemistry set. From then on, he mowed lawns and did odd jobs to spiff up his chemistry tools, which grew into a breakfast- room-turned-laboratory stacked with 100 different chemicals and various glassware. In fifth grade, Richter took a summer high-school chemistry course. The next year, he became a lab assistant in that chemistry class, an earnest squirt among high-schoolers who shaved. The local newspaper did a feature on him titled "Ambitious Local Lad." And ambitious, he was. After a short stint serving in the U.S. Navy during World War II, Richter married pretty, curly-haired Marilyn and earned a B.S. and Ph.D. in chemistry, physics, and electrical engineering at the California Institute of Technology. He entered his first job at JPL as a senior research engineer and within four months rose to chief of the satellite development team. It was a horrifying day for Americans when the Soviets successfully launched Sputnik, but a much-awaited opportunity for Richter. While he was holed up in an office basement, tracking the audio from Sputnik on reel-to-reel recorders, the American public was panicking: What's that beeping thing above our heads? What kind of crazy, new-tech Soviet weapon is next? Every major newspaper featured Sputnik, and nothing Eisenhower said could assuage public apprehension. Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy had been preparing a satellite program called Project Vanguard, even though the Army/JPL already had a rocket system ready by then. In 1955, the two military branches vied for the honor of sending America's first satellite into space. Ultimately, politics pushed Washington to bet on Vanguard: The Army's rocket derived from a ballistic missile designed by Wernher von Braun, a controversial ex-Nazi German engineer, whereas the Navy's Vanguard would create fresh rockets intended for peaceful science. Eisenhower wanted America's first satellite to appear civilian, not militaristic. FOLLOWING SPUTNIK, Washington hustled Vanguard to conduct its first satellite launch months ahead of schedule. Then on Dec. 6, 1957, the Navy's rocket exploded into smoke and fire mere seconds after its launch. "Kaputnik," "Puffnik," and "Flopnik" were among the labels in newspapers comparing the Vanguard satellite to Sputnik. Richter felt embarrassed for his country, but also cheered, "Whoopee! Now's our chance!" Nearly two months later, Explorer 1 redeemed America's dignity with its successful launch. After that, Richter wore the attire of a man who had made it. The house he built in western Pasadena expanded to a three-story "Spanish castle." After JPL he became vice president of a high-tech research company, then a senior research geophysicist at UCLA, then headed his own electronics manufacturing business that eventually flopped. He also began dating his former secretary, Beverly Ott. Beverly was a small-town girl from Nebraska who graduated from Biola University. A 44-year-old single mother of three, she struggled to make ends meet ever since her first husband, a pastor, abandoned his family for a woman who sang in the church choir. Richter knew her story, which was why the bright-faced, ocean-eyed woman so impressed him: "There was just something very peaceful about her life. And then I found out she's one of those strange creatures who call themselves 'Christians.'" For years, Richter was a model cultural Christian. He was chairman of the official board at a Methodist church, but considered the gospel "a bunch of nonsense." He attended church simply because it boosted his reputation as a respectable American. But Beverly was different. This woman, who had every right to be bitter, instead talked joyfully about "a true God who loves and sustains us." His curiosity piqued, Richter blew dust from his Bible—and for the first time in his life, the living, breathing Word spoke to him. Then one day, while driving to work, Richter suddenly felt an "overwhelming presence of Jesus." He cried out, "Lord, if You want me, I want You." That was Oct. 4, 1969. The same evening, Beverly dragged him to a Billy Graham Crusade at Anaheim Stadium. When Graham made the altar call, Richter jumped to his feet and sprinted down the field to profess faith in Christ. "I just knew that my life was changed at that moment," Richter recalled. "I was washed clean." So when Richter proposed to Beverly, she said yes. Even so, she had concerns, thinking, "I hope, I hope, I hope this guy is a true Christian." Forty-six years later, the ivory-haired Mrs. Richter told me, "I took a risk, and it worked out wonderful for 46 years." She then placed a wrinkled, soft hand over her husband's own mottled one, and the couple exchanged a beam. Today Richter, 88, and his wife, 90, live in a residential community for seniors in Escondido, Calif. His father's paintings adorn their modest one-story home, including an oil painting of a 7-year-old Henry in overalls, button nose buried in a giant book. Scientific journals and papers cover the coffee table and office desk. Among them is his latest book project on why the universe is too marvelous to be a cosmological accident. Richter, now a young-earth creationist, said the more he studied science, the more he questioned the Darwinist teachings he had once accepted. His involvement with NASA and the Institute for Creation Research further clinched his conviction in a perfect, wise Creator who fine-tuned creation. Mere fascination lifted into awe. Hunger for self-credit crumbled into gratitude and humility as he realized: "I'm not the center of the universe. It's not important for me to prove that I'm a success anymore. There's greater things in life to do." Those greater things include roasting chicken and crimping dough to make Mom's cherry pie for his wife. He also prays for the souls of his three remaining children (the oldest son died of a heart attack), 11 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren, and three great-great-grandchildren. He grieves that only a few profess Christ, but rejoices in the ones who do. His last breath, he says, would be to "tell my children how my life has changed by meeting Jesus." Sophia Lee Sophia is a features reporter for WORLD Magazine. She graduated from the University of Southern California with degrees in print journalism and East Asian language and culture. She lives in Los Angeles with her cat, Shalom. Follow Sophia on Twitter @SophiaLeeHyun. Rugged pioneers settled a desolate landscape in the plains of north Texas nearly two centuries ago. So, it seems fitting for a group of Christians who fled an arid spiritual landscape more than a ... Moments before astronaut Neil Armstrong steered a lunar module onto the surface of the moon, Charlie Duke wondered if he might have to abort one of the most spectacular missions of the 20th century. ... William Peck 1958 Posted: Tue, 06/28/2016 10:27 pm very good, Sophia. Reminds of of October Sky (Rocket Boys), another great story of ingenuity and grit. Deb O Posted: Wed, 06/29/2016 07:05 pm Excellent biography ... kept me captivated from the first paragraph and what an ending! This makes me want to read his next book. Posted: Fri, 07/01/2016 01:06 am A great article about a great man, who lived by faith and overcame the dysfunction caused by his years before faith. The grace of God is abundant to those who believe. Even today there are those who live by faith at NASA. Here is one to notice for his life of faith he lived: http://www.cyfairfunerals.com/m/?p=memorial&id=1816874 Lowell W Another great story Sophia. I hope he gets that book finished soon. It sounds interesting. Show all 4 comments
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
RIT is weird. This fact has become established as part of our school's reputation. We have eclectic students who span a wide variety of majors in the arts and sciences. Some of our programs, like Packaging Science, are so rare that there are few others like them in the country. We were ranked the Geekiest Campus in America by ThinkGeek in 2014. Weird is basically our norm. But in all that is weird and wonderful at RIT, some things can go overlooked. How does one find unique classes to help fuel the weirdness in the vast sea of courses offered? What doobscure classes look like? At RIT, students are admitted and placed directly into classes for their major. These majors are varied and odd in themselves — a conglomeration of humanities, technologies and arts. To get a reading on the unusual classes within your own major, it is recommended that you talk to your advisor, or even older students within your program. If you look on a campus-wide level, however, there are general education, perspective and activity courses that students can take. These can even be paired up in a way to create a unique immersion or minor (for example, you can do your immersion in Social Inequalities). Often, when you search for prospective classes on the Student Information System (SIS), you will receive a message that says "Your search will return over 50 classes, would you like to continue?" with a foreboding question mark to deter unsuspecting students. These are the types of classes that are not generally recommended by your major. They are not required; they may not even be regularly offered. These are the classes that you need to actively search for, while staying attuned to all of the weirdness that RIT offers. How do I find one of these classes? A group of RIT students recently developed Tiger Center, which is intended to take the place of the Student Information System (SIS). SIS is still available for students; it just comes down to personal preference on which site you choose to search for classes. During her second year, Bockhahn took Introduction to Wilderness Survival with only about eight other students that had also discovered the class. She found the class after combing through SIS and then using the Computer Science House's Schedule Maker to find that it fit with her schedule. To find a strange class that can fulfill a perspective requirement, you can enter the perspective you are trying to fill into Tiger Center's advanced search. Comb through the classes to find one that piques your interest. Congratulations, you're now enrolled in Harmonica & the Blues. Why should I take an obscure class? While the general classes you take for your major are important, indulging in some of RIT's uniqueness will make the college experience more interesting, and will help break up anything potentially mundane. Every field offers something useful, and expanding your horizons will help you see how to apply a variety of skills to what you truly want to do within your major. It offers the opportunity to be social with other people outside of your major, and get a greater view of how other people perceive different subjects. Applying what you learn within your major to other areas of concentration helps to build a greater understanding. "I felt like I could apply skills from my past, as well as my academic work to the course. That course definitely made that semester rank as one of my favorites thus far," Bockhahn reflected. What kinds of class should I take? There is so much of the weird and wonderful at RIT, so discovering what may be the best fit for you will require some searching to learn more. Thinking about how it relates to classes that could apply to your major is also important. Bockhahn's major has a strong focus on creating a more environmentally responsible world, so for her, Introduction to Wilderness Survival was very important. "We were taught to respect the forest, about medicinal and edible plants and different survival skills for different weather conditions," she said. For example, if you are a student in the College of Computing, taking a class such as Dangerous Texts would expand your knowledge of censorship and free speech, and you could apply those lessons learned to the digital age. Or, if you need to brush up on your handyman skills as an Engineering student, taking a class such as Welding and Fabrication could be extremely helpful. If you are new to the area and just want to learn more about Rochester, take The City in History (Rochester). Or maybe you are any student from any major just looking to live out a lifelong fantasy, and decide to take Ninja Training to help fulfill that dream.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
'Lopezhouse have been quietly making impressive musical statements ever since they sauntered onto the global stage in 2015 with their Mude Tod debut EP for Claude Von Stroke's Dirtybird. Having released tracks on Solomun's Diynamic and John Digweed's Bedrock, Lopezhouse continue their relationship with Exploited. 'December Sun' is an epic dancefloor journey through space and time. 'San Pedro Feat. Angela' feels like the soundtrack to a Tarentino or David Lynch movie. Comes with a music video by Xavier Damase. Plus featuring a remix by Zombies in Miami from the Correspondant Crew. Droog/Culprit: Love December Sun. It's the standout for me. Zombies In Miami Remix works too. Peter Kruder: December Sun is great. Will play that. Massimiliano Pagliara: Nice tunes. ZIM Remix is my fave!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Ideas Journal Events News Video Idea by Ankita Trivedi, Ishita Jain, Thomas Mical Living Midnight Narrative Outfit (LMNO) https://www.livingmidnight-narrativeoutfit.com , India Living Midnight Narrative Outfit (INDIA) is a women-owned narrative-based design and research think tank co-located in Ahmedabad and Delhi. LMNO works with speculative narratives to produce multimedia outcomes that form imaginary worlds, scenarios, characters, and concepts that are intended to educate and produce wonder. They transform story-telling into powerful visual, textual, spatial, and animated formats. Call for ideas 2021 Erospheres What forms of love are available to built-environments? "What kind of future do we need that we can't imagine because we are programmed to solve this economically?" File under # Environment New alliances In this speculative world, all forms of being in the world are guided by the forms of love that are available in an era. In order to transform the ways of engaging in the world, forms of love and forms of care that are available need to transform as well. We enter this narrative where the modes of being in the world that privilege politics over science, productivity over accountability, the short-term over the long term, direct and economic impacts over holistic impacts and general apathy towards others and their futures are being questioned and made redundant. This reign of excess accumulation is being replaced by a love for multiplicities. Love for multiplicities produces a world in which differences have a space to play out. What is messy does not need to be hidden, or cleaned up under such love ethics. Differences don't need to be managed and controlled, but rather understood, and celebrated. This world is created by the character Neoros - a cybernetic starfish. This pataphysical parody speculates that all forms of being in the world are guided by the forms of love that are available in an era. In order to transform the ways of engaging in the world, forms of love and forms of care that are available need to transform as well. It sets the search for answers within a speculative world where the available dimension of love is negotiated by the collective L.O.V.E. that deploys a range of scientific-poetic affects - Erospheres into the world. This world equates the everyday processes happening in the household, the community, and the planetary scale simultaneously. It acknowledges the axis of care that passes from the individual through its communities that form the city, to the world across planetary changes resulting from individual action. It situates conversations outside the vocabulary produced by the neo-liberal market, and replaces it with an ethos of caring, in favour of a deep movement towards collective mitigation. The Council of Confabulators deploys Erospheres to modulate the forms of love that are available in specific space-time. The Erosphere that was deployed was the market. This created waves of the free-market economy that permeated all modes of thinking, including climate change and its records. The Council is in session to dethrone Captain Capitalism. Each Erosphere spawns newer relationships through modulated forms of love that currently determine built ecologies. These relationships include structural mechanisms, institutional relationships, participation rights, access to knowledge and data within the built environment, and allowing critical readings from erstwhile stakeholders. The Mechanosphere - like in a climate change expo is set up as a parody - brings about the absurdity that gets generated when the conversations about growth, development and well-being are wrapped in only economic vocabulary. This parody will highlight the need to talk about nurture versus control. Post-economic development should reach the last person standing through vertical, diagonal and spiral paths. Well-being must be claimed as rightfully ours, and not something that has to be given. View other ideas
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Security labels are a broad term that encompass a range of technologies, stocks and techniques to achieve different outcomes. Our security options include security cuts on the face stock to prevent tampering, tamper seals, void stock, RFID enabled devices, customised QR codes for stock identification and holographic foil options to avoid counterfeiting of products. Don't compromise your reputation. Protect your home delivery with tamper evident stickers. Due to the confidential nature of most security options please contact us for the latest technologies or your desired outcome so we can suggest which options may work best.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Do shadows have mass? It sounds like a joke but I just want to know if shadows have mass, since shadows are formed when there is blocking of light. It forms a black pattern with no energy therefore it has no mass. A: A shadow is a lack of light. Therefore, a shadow has no mass, for a shadow is not an object or energy. Shadows can go faster than light in certain cases because they are not objects. In the same way, a vacuum has no mass. A: Shadow is not a matter; so it does not have mass. The simple characteristics of matter are: They have mass and take up space.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
05/07/2019 - Australian Parliament to probe press freedom after raids - Miami Herald 03/07/2019 - Joint media statement on meeting with the Attorney-General and Communications Minister - ABC 14/06/2019 - Australian media owners and journalists unite to call for laws to protect a free press - AdNews 11/06/2019 - Legal options after ABC raided by Australian federal police - RNZ 10/06/2019 - A Media Watch feature report on police raids targeting News Corp and ABC journalists. - ABC 06/06/2019 - Unprecedented police raid on ABC - Public Media Alliance 06/06/2019 - What do the AFP raids on the media mean for journalists and their sources? - ABC 04/06/2016 - Australian journalist's home raided over spying report - BBC 10/05/2019 - Australian journalists need more protection against assaults: report - The Sydney Morning Herald 03/06/2016 - Aunty denies bowing to Adani - ABC 26/05/2019 - 'Designed to deceive': how do we ensure truth in political advertising? - The Guardian 04/2019 - There are forces at work out to destroy public broadcasting - The Advertiser 30/04/2019 - A matter of (mis)trust: why this election is posing problems for the media - The Conversation 23/04/2019 - Ethnic media are essential for new migrants and should be better funded - The Conversation 19/04/2019 - 'Uncharted territory': WeChat's new role in Australian public life raises difficult questions - ABC 15/04/2019 - George Pell case: Australian media defend 'contempt' allegations - BBC 11/04/2019 - ABC Brisbane staff threatened in video, told to hide work IDs - Brisbane Times 09/04/2019 - NZ shooter videos media probe continues - Nine News 04/04/2019 - Australia passes social media law penalising platforms for violent content - ABC 03/04/2019 - Forty years in public broadcasting — what has and hasn't changed - ABC News 01/04/2019 - Political interference experienced at ABC, Senate committee says in calling for overhaul - ABC 19/03/2019 - Muslim Sky News Australia staffer quits and says channel instils fear - Guardian 25/03/2019 -New Zealand shootings prompt new laws making it illegal to leave violent video on social media platforms - ABC 26/02/2019 - Up to 100 journalists accused of breaking Pell suppression order face possible jail terms - The Guardian 18/02/2019 - TV industry calls for Facebook news feed transparency and journalism tax breaks - The Guardian 11/02/2019 - 'It is understood': How oblique sourcing is hurting Australian media - The Sydney Morning Herald 10/02/2019 - Regulation needed to save Australian journalism from Facebook and Google, watchdog says - The Guardian 20/01/2019 - Instagram spreads political misinformation and Australian elections are vulnerable - ABC 16/01/2019 - Facebook yet to decide which political advertising rules it will roll out in Australia for the federal election - ABC 06/12/2018 -Australia set to spy on WhatsApp messages with encryption law - The Business Times 03/12/2018 - Challenges for the ABC - Public Media Alliance 04/12/2018 - Proposed Encryption Bill threat to journalism in Australia - International Federation of Journalists 22/10/2018 - What is defamation and where do we draw the line in Australia? - SBS News 13/11/2018 - Independence concerns grow for Australia's public broadcaster - International Federationof Journalists 30/08/2018 - Starter's gun goes off on new phase of media concentration as Nine-Fairfax lead the way - The Conversation 26/07/2018 - Nine and Fairfax merger harms media plurality - International Federation of Journalists 25/07/2018 - 'Unprecedented hostility': Murdoch, the government, and an ABC under attack - The Guardian 23/07/2018 - Oz voice in the Asia–Pacific (part 3): foreign policy and media revolutions - The Strategist 13/07/2018 - Why the ABC, and the public that trusts it, must stand firm against threats to its editorial independence - The Conversation 21/06/2018 - China takes up Australia's former radio space in Pacific - Radio New Zealand 13/06/2018 - Australia's government must guard against foreign interference, but not by curbing our rights - Human Rights Watch 31/05/2018 - Why do we need public broadcasting? - ABC 09/05/2018 - New laws put Australia's press freedom at risk - Lawyers Weekly 05/02/2018 - Stories like The Cabinet Files could land Australian journalists in jail if espionage laws are changed - ABC News 25/01/2018 - Australia must amend security bill to protect journalists and sources - Reporters Without Borders 23/01/2018 - Journalists 'at risk of jail time' under new foreign interference laws - ABC News 19/11/2017 - Manus Island: Australia pulling the media strings - Al Jazeera 28/04/2017 - Federal police admit to accessing journalist's metadata without a warrant - The Guardian 27/04/2017 - We Don't Have The Power To Defend Ourselves Against The Government's Misinformation - Huffington Post 20/04/2016 - World Press Freedom Index: Australia's Press Freedom ranked 25th - ABC
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Blog February 2017: a fabulous month! February 2017: a fabulous month! York LGBT History Month 2017 is over – and what a month it was! Thank you very much to all the event organisers who helped put together a diverse programme of nearly 50 events! Here are some photos of highlights from the month. If you have any more to share, please email us – and it's not too late to leave feedback on the month if you wish. On Friday 3rd February we welcomed our biggest audience ever to our launch night, kindly hosted by York St John University, and enjoyed a fantastic quiz from Chris Howell of York Museums Trust followed by live music from Wayne, Pete and Michaela! On Sunday 5th February friends and local people got together for tea and cake at the beautiful Barley Hall. On Tuesday 7th February, Waterstones York celebrated Alan Bennett with film and rainbow snacks. On Saturday 11th February we welcomed a fantastic lineup of speakers from across the country as part of the third National Festival of LGBT History, hosted by York Explore. And that night, HLGBT Arts hosted the Lydia Shaw & Tina Mammoser exhibition, with music from Lip-Sync Lollapalooza! On Sunday 12th February we collected local LGBT history at York Castle Museum, learned about '50 years of love and pride' with York LGBT Forum, and enjoyed Behind The Lines's new theatre show Deep in the Heart of Me. On Sunday 19th February Riah Holm led a fantastic queer t-shirt workshop at Yorkshire Mesmac. On Monday 20th February YUSU LGBTQ hosted a talk by Sophie Jorgensen-Rideout on 'Tackling Heteronormative Archaeology' (pictured is what happens when you Google "gay archaeology"). That week, York Hospital had this 'Values, Identity and Participation' exhibition in its main reception. And on Thursday 23rd February, we celebrated a fantastic month with our 'Do Us Proud' gig at The Basement. A stunning lineup of local LGBT performers – Jaime Bolzern, JJ Langley, Jess Gardham and Waifs & Strays – played to a packed crowd!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Reality & game shows For Love Alone 201517 minutes "Are women still becoming religious sisters? Is there anyone responding to the call? Are 21st Century women still interested in pursuing a radical Gospel life in the Church? What contribution does a religious sister make in the world? FOR LOVE ALONE opens its audience to the lives of modern women who have responded to a personal call to follow Jesus Christ with the gift of their own lives. This inspiring journey showcases the stories of Sisters from multiple communities from their first hearing of the call to their daily lives now – praying, accompanying the poor, tending the sick, comforting the elderly, teaching the young, and protecting the most vulnerable. From the creators of FISHERS OF MEN and the award-winning THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE, this film reveals the joys discovered by women who live FOR LOVE ALONE – for the love of the Lord and His people." Religious Sisters from communities of the CMSWR Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious English [Stereo]
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Starter-kits from iesy contain everything you need for a quick start to application evaluation and development. Depending on requirement, our evaluation carrier boards/eval kits for Qseven, SMARC and COM Express are fully configured with module, storage media, power supply, cables and board support packages (BSP). Tell us how we can help you. To achieve a quick start with COM Express, Qseven or SMARC, congatec offers evaluation carrier boards which route all signals to standard interface connectors. These eval carrier boards support you during development and can be extended with adapters and add-on cards if required. Starter-kits by Kontron are carefree packages for the most easy starting of development: In addition to the evaluation board for COMe, SMARC or Qseven modules, their eval-kits also contain numerous cables and accessories. Evaluation boards are highly recommended for development tests at all design-ins.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: The resource identified by this request is able to generate responses only with features incompatible with the "accept" directive I want to make a rest webservice call : @RestController @RequestMapping("stock") public class StockController { @Autowired private StockService stockService; @GetMapping(value = "/TOM", produces = "application/json") public JsonModel getByLocAndItm(@RequestParam(required=false) String LOC, @RequestParam(required=false) String ITM) { JsonModel jsonModel = new JsonModel(); List<com.java.oxalys.beans.Stock> stock = stockService.getByLocAndItm(LOC.split("|"), null); jsonModel.setDatas(stock); return jsonModel; } } service : @Service public class StockServiceImpl implements StockService { @Autowired private StockDao stockDao; @Override public List<com.java.oxalys.beans.Stock> getByLocAndItm(String[] locs, String[] itms) { return stockDao.getByLocAndItm(locs, itms); } } DAO : @Repository public class StockDaoImpl implements StockDao { @Override public List<Stock> getByLocAndItm(String[] locs, String[] itms) { List<Stock> ret = new ArrayList<Stock>(); String where = ""; String where_locs = "", sep_locs = ""; for(String loc : locs) { where_locs += sep_locs + " s.LOC_0 = '" + loc + "'"; sep_locs = " or "; } where_locs = "(" + where_locs + ")"; where = where_locs; Stock tmp = new Stock(); tmp.setLoc("eto"); tmp.setItmoxa(where); ret.add(tmp); return ret; } } At runtime with postman : localhost:8080/Oxalys_WS/stock/TOM?LOC=BOQSCM171L then I get error The resource identified by this request is able to generate responses only with features incompatible with the "accept" directive present in the request header So what is wrong ?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Who has the best chance to make the College Football Playoff? 51dESPN Stats & Info Brant Kuithe scores three TDs as Utah secures spot in Pac-12 championship (1:33) Utah TE Brant Kuithe makes two touchdown catches and runs for a third score versus Colorado as the Utes secure a date with Oregon in the Pac-12 championship game. (1:33) While the top three teams -- Ohio State, Clemson and LSU -- continue to dominate the Allstate Playoff Predictor, the story of Week 14 was the end of Alabama's College Football Playoff chances after its Iron Bowl loss to Auburn. Allstate Playoff Predictor How will Saturday's top games affect the College Football Playoff chase? What are the current odds for the top four? The Allstate Playoff Predictor has the answers. Check back every week as the odds are updated following that week's games. The Crimson Tide went from a 48% chance of making the top four to a 3% chance, and even that might be generous. This will be the first playoff without Alabama. Ohio State (96%), Clemson (90%) and LSU (88%) all seem like near-locks to make the playoff. Ohio State and LSU are likely in regardless of the outcome in the conference championship games, and Clemson is a huge favorite over Virginia. Georgia remains at fourth in the playoff predictor for now at 51%, but the Bulldogs will need a win over LSU in the SEC championship game to earn a spot in the top four. After Georgia comes Oklahoma, one of the biggest beneficiaries of Alabama's loss. The Sooners are up to a 35% chance of making the top four. The Allstate Playoff Predictor remains skeptical of Utah's chances (13%) despite the Utes heading into the Pac-12 title game with only one loss. Stay tuned, as things are sure to continue changing after the conference title games. Team (Record) Make Playoff Win Title Ohio State (12-0) 96% 38% Clemson (12-0) 90% 29% LSU (12-0) 88% 19% Georgia (11-1) 51% 7% Oklahoma (11-1) 35% 3% Utah (11-1) 13% 1% Baylor (11-1) 8% <1% Florida (9-2) 7% <1% Wisconsin (10-2) 5% <1% Alabama (10-2) 3% <1% Penn State (10-2) 2% <1% Oregon (10-2) 1% <1% Auburn (9-3) 1% <1% Notre Dame (10-2) <1% <1% Michigan (9-3) <1% <1%
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Going up around town tomorrow! Thank you Beth C. Ford for this beautiful poster design. Reading 7:00-9:00 with seating in the historic Hoover's dining room. Indigo Moor is the Poet Laureate of Sacramento. His third and most recent book of poetry, In the Room of Thirsts & Hungers, presents a series of "broken sonnets" mirroring the tragedies of Shakespeare's Othello and the actor and activist Paul Robeson.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Nicole Kidman is loving life right now. She's completely content living on her Nashville farm with her country music husband Keith Urban and her now 1-year-old daughter Sunday Rose. Nicole nabs the December/January cover of Ladies' Home Journal and discusses being a mother and her new happy life at home and out of the spotlight. Nicole knows that living in Nashville does cause her career to take a backseat, but she completely cool with that. Nicole already lived a whirlwind lifestyle and now she knows that she is much happier with a simpler way of living. Nicole and Keith are very much and love and very happy together in their Nashville home. However, Nicole prefers to keep her personal life private and believes that's how it is meant to be. Nicole's two older children, Isabella, 16, and and Conner, 14, mostly live in L.A. with their father, Tom Cruise. As a new mom of a 1-year-old it's no wonder Nicole is protective, especially since she feels more like a woman than ever right now. Every week she hosts a 10 a.m. baby group and said, "This is my way of having 10 kids." Nicole also confided that she would like to have another.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
I've played with RL friends before and it's been fine, in part because we already had a good, working (COMMUNICATIVE) relationship beforehand. The type of relationship you're describing makes me wonder if you were playing with RL "friends" or RL "acquantances". It's very hard in-game to "not take it personally" when a RL friend gives a critique, because your friendship IS personal. Hell I would perceive a critique from a RL friend differently than one from a random guildmate. As a relative noob to the game, the only experience I have had with this is watching my spouse play the game and playing the game with him as well. I believe playing the game with RL friends does lead to tension in RL, my spouse plays with a co-worker and as a result of a particularly nasty guild defection incident, RL work relations were strained. Which I thought was incredibly stupid at the time because let's not forget here, game = playtime, work = mortgage + other responsibilities. Both parties failed to leave the game frustrations in the game. That being said, I have also witness in-game friendships sour RL relationships and again, it's all about forgetting your place mentally. Pressure from within game friendships to prioritize raid over RL commitments and vice versa is rampant. I also believe that with Facebook, twitter and gchat, the lines between in-game friend and RL friend become blurred very easily. It's never really worked out for me either. My BF and I played for awhile with some of his RL friends…some of the nicest people and the worst players I've EVER met. As in, there was an enhancement shaman who spent most of his time at range and had strength, agility, and spirit gems all in the same gearset (in Wrath). But they got such a huge kick just out of being in a raid together (there were nearly enough of us for a 10-man group) and being in ICC that they didn't really care if nothing died. And nothing did. They were tons of fun to spend time with though! And then there was the time I server-hopped my tankadin to help out a raid group being led by a good friend's GF. I think that experience spawned the term "ticking drama bomb." And I met a mage who thought there was a SP cap. Spellpower is like cheese! You can never have enough! You don't hear people talking about a cheese cap, do you? Oh man. I could go on, but this is long enough already! Mostly works. Mostly everyone needs to be on the same level. Works even better if you can communicate with friends. Even if you have different goals about how to play the game. A true friend will understand if you want to do different activities (in game or out). If you're open and honest about it, they will understand. Trying to be coy or whatever, that's what messes things up. I definitely am more… matter-of-fact honest with online friends and they expect it and don't get offended. For example, if we run a group and I tell you to do XYZ differently, you'll be like… ok. No big deal. It's different with a RL friend. It's basically akin to saying "Yes, those jeans do make you look fat." Sure, there are some friends you can say that to, but there are a lot who would be offended. You're totally right in that it's SUPER important to very clearly define the game and RL relationships. My best friend and I both played in Wrath, and it was fine, except he has very little patience for wiping. So when I started raiding, he was curious and wanted to try it, but I KNEW he would get annoyed and bored after the first few wipes on Marrowgar or Deathwhisper or whatever. And he came along once, with the absolute promise that he would NOT just drop group and leave if he got tired of wiping, because it'd be screwing over the rest of the group. He stayed, he got some loot, and then agreed after that raiding probably isn't for him. Yeah, it is really stressful to run interference when your RL friends and Online friends are meeting. I kinda cringe a little for the sake of both sides. I got burned by playing with family. A major problem can be that if you have a position of authority in your guild, your friends/family might think that this gives them carte blanche to act however they want. Communication beforehand is certainly very key, but I was burned to the point where I would never ask anyone I knew from real life to join me in game ever again – unless it were some other server and a very alty thing. Not my guild though. Never again. It's about commonality. We look for guilds that share our interests and focusses within the game, don't we? Whether that be raiding, RP, achievement hunting, casual levelling, whatever. It's natural to want to play with people who have the same expectations and wants from the game as we have. Just because we like our RL friends in, ahem, RL doesn't necessarily mean we'll have anything in common in the game. The best way, I would imagine, to screw up a RL friendship is to play together online with differing goals; the frustration, resentment and issues with fire (and getting out of the same) are likely to impact on RL stuffs. I've had friends wanting to try WoW out, either out of curiosity or because their partner plays or whatever, and I've always been up front about my anti-socialness in game. It's my escape from RL, so I'd like RL to kindly GO AWAY whilst I'm in Azeroth. I've given server names, a character name and a few gold and bags, on occasion, but have been clear that I'm a grumpy old cow who won't be hand holding. Feel free to say 'hi' but don't expect that I'll level a character with you, boost you through instances or spend my game time playing with you. It sounds harsh and rude, but clarity upfront is the better way, in my 'umble opinion, anyway. My experience has been similar to yours really. I remember when my ex finally offered to try out WoW, I was so excited… but it turned out to be a disaster. Since he offered to try it for me, I assumed that we were going to play together, but he constantly levelled on his own when I wasn't around and I spent ages just trying to catch up. And when we finally did play together, it was just annoying as he was extremely flippant about everything in the game and hated interacting with my in-game friends. I was almost glad when he stopped playing again because he was just giving me headaches. I'm in a small but successful guild of RL friends, and we've managed to keep things pleasant with lots of cooperation and communication. We raid casually (once a week) with our eight (!) raiders, and although raiding has spawned a few bits of inter-member drama we've been able to deal with it without it souring the RL relationships. I think it also helps that we're all close to the same skill and commitment level. I can certainly see how there could be a problem if there's a wide disparity there. I've never played EXCEPT with RL friends or friends-of-RL-friends, and I couldn't imagine a more fun way to experience the game. Just different situations, I guess. Yeah, I've seen a group of 5 RL friends end up splintering into different guilds because they wanted to level at a different pace… the ones who were far ahead were impatient with the others. The ones left behind were peeved that the ones ahead did not wait for them. I have friends who play WoW and family who play WoW, but I seldom play "with" them for more than helping them out now and then. Most of them are on separate realms to me these days and we stay in contact through Real ID – which works out nicely for all of us I think. None of my friends are local though, and because we don't raid together there's no tension. The one friend I raid with I had actually lost contact with a few years prior, and then "found" again in WoW – and I do actually raid with her once a week on my alt Paladin, helping her guild out. I play with my husband, but that's different. We also raid with my brother, we make him off-tank. It's an interesting dynamic and I like it a lot. I have…. lots… of siblings, none of whom live near me, and my husband has siblings too. The Wow-playing brother is the only one I talk to on a regular basis. He comes to visit, we do stuff – Wow has given us a connection that isn't there with other family. Otherwise, nope, never played with friends. It can cause drama. I have an RL local friend now that I met in raid and sometimes balancing friendship and raid leading gets tricky. My RL friend introduced me to WoW, and then Hubby and hubby's friend played as well. We all played together. We joined guilds together. We had a MEGA awkward moment when the guild leader gkicked hubbys friend for not being a good player. We decided to stay, it didn't affect our friendship with our friend, but boy was it an awkward moment. I am still in the same guild now and the guild leader has changed and our friend came back (I think it was a personality issue). So that's one real doozy of a moment. So much easier to yell at guildies who aren't your RL friends. I posted earlier and my comment was deleted. Not sure why but here it goes again. There's no problem with playing with RL friends, as long as you aren't impatient and know how to work with them. Having the same goals helps too. If you help them learn from their mistakes instead of chastising them when they mess up, playing with RL friends can be tons of fun. If you can't get along with your RL friends on WoW, how are you going to get along with strangers? You have to make a bit of effort. If you have different in-game goals – of course it makes sense to go do your own thing. You don't always have to be playing side by side. I think the problem you are describing comes from trying to coerce someone to participate in something they aren't interested in.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Eating fugu, Japanese puffer fish, has been called the gastronomic equivalent of playing Russian roulette. A powerful poison is found in the fugu's ovaries, kidneys, skin, eyes, liver and intestines. It is one of the most toxic substances known, hundreds of times more poisonous than strychnine or cyanide and so deadly that just of trace of it can kill an adult man in minutes. Despite all this fugu is popular dish. Japanese eat 10,000 tons of fugu a year. There are 80,000 fugu chefs in Osaka alone. Fugu is considered a winter delicacy, typically eaten in December and January. Blowfish is also known as puffer fish and globefish. The fish of choice in Japan is torafugu, a species that is found in Japanese waters. The best fugu is said to come from Shimonoseki. Even though fugu is very poplar in Osaka, Tokyo is the nation's largest consumption center of the fish. The word "fugu" is made of two Chinese characters meaning "river" and "pig." The role of the Fugu chef is not to eliminate the toxin altogether, but to reduce it, to the extent that the diner experiences effects of mild intoxication, including waves of euphoria and tingling sensations. Strict fishing regulations are now in place to protect fugu populations from depletion. Most fugu are now harvested in the spring during the spawning season and then farmed in floating cages in the Pacific Ocean. The largest wholesale fugu market in Japan is in Shimonoseki. Fugu prices rise in autumn and peak in winter, the best season, because they fatten to survive the cold. Live fish arrive at a restaurant, surviving in a large tank, usually prominently displayed. Prepared fugu is also often available in grocery stores, which must display official license documents. Whole fish may not be sold to the general public. Since 1958, fugu chefs must earn a license to prepare and sell fugu to the public. This involves a two- or three-year apprenticeship. The licensing examination process consists of a written test, a fish-identification test, and a practical test, preparing and eating the fish. Only about 35 percent of the applicants pass. Small miscalculations result in failure or, in rare cases, death. A dish of fugu typically costs between ¥2,000 (approx. US$20) and ¥5,000 (approx. US$50); a full-course fugu meal (usually eight servings) can cost ¥10,000–20,000 (approx. US$100–200). The expense encourages chefs to slice the fish very carefully to obtain the largest possible amount of meat. The special knife, called "fugu hiki", is usually stored separately from other knives. Posted in Foodie FactsTagged blowfish, fugu, globefish, Japan, Japanese, poisonous, poisonous fish, puffer fish, torafugu Prev Today in Food History Next Today in Food History
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
OKLAHOMA CITY – Afterwards the afresh accommodated carnality admiral for the University Association at the University of Oklahoma, Jabar Shumate, appear Wednesday that he was affected out, the university is battlefront back, adage there's added to the story. Shumate accommodated beforehand this week. He said in his advertisement that he was "forced out," accustomed the best to abandon or be terminated. Shumate was assassin on as the aboriginal carnality admiral afterwards the 2015 aspersion involving the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity singing racist chants. Shumate served additionally as the Arch of Diversity, arch the school's Appointment of University Community, which was confused into the ousted fraternity's old house. In the announcement, Shumate said he abstruse that the academy would be reinstating SAE and affective the Appointment of University Association out of that house. "Of course, allotment of the acumen that this is accident is because Mr. Shumate fabricated it bright to the university that he didn`t ahead that that was a acute move," said Shumate's attorney, Lindsey Mulinix-Ewert. He said he will be because demography acknowledged activity adjoin the school, including an EEOC complaint and a bigotry lawsuit. So, if you would like have all these incredible shots about (involuntary resignation letter 8 Quick Tips Regarding Involuntary Resignation Letter), click on save button to store the images for your personal computer. These are prepared for transfer, if you'd prefer and want to own it, just click save symbol on the web page, and it'll be instantly down loaded to your laptop computer.} At last if you desire to obtain new and the latest photo related to (involuntary resignation letter 8 Quick Tips Regarding Involuntary Resignation Letter), please follow us on google plus or save this website, we try our best to give you regular up-date with fresh and new graphics. We do hope you love staying here. For many up-dates and latest information about (involuntary resignation letter 8 Quick Tips Regarding Involuntary Resignation Letter) pictures, please kindly follow us on tweets, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on bookmark area, We try to present you up grade regularly with fresh and new graphics, love your searching, and find the best for you. Thanks for visiting our site, articleabove (involuntary resignation letter 8 Quick Tips Regarding Involuntary Resignation Letter) published . At this time we're pleased to announce that we have discovered an awfullyinteresting contentto be pointed out, namely (involuntary resignation letter 8 Quick Tips Regarding Involuntary Resignation Letter) Many individuals attempting to find specifics of(involuntary resignation letter 8 Quick Tips Regarding Involuntary Resignation Letter) and certainly one of them is you, is not it?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Creator:Gray - C.P. Gray, Mapmaker, 130 Fulton Street, N.Y. Jaques - Herbert Jaques (1857-1916) Walker Lith. & Pub. Co., Boston 1917 Sieur de Monts National Monument Revised and corrected – adapted from the map dated June 1893, compiled for the Flora of Mount Desert Island. Description:Revised and corrected – adapted from the map dated June 1893, compiled for the Flora of Mount Desert Island.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Effects of di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) on female fertility and adipogenesis in C3H/N mice Environ Health Perspect. 2012 Aug;120(8):1123-9. doi: 10.1289/ehp.1104016. Epub 2012 May 15. Juliane-Susanne Schmidt 1 , Kristina Schaedlich, Nadia Fiandanese, Paola Pocar, Bernd Fischer 1 Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Martin Luther University Faculty of Medicine, Halle (Saale), Germany. [email protected] DOI: 10.1289/ehp.1104016 Background: Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) and its metabolites are known to affect lipid metabolism and adipogenesis, mainly by activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). Exposure to DEHP has been linked with testicular impairment and male subfertility. However, the effects of DEHP on female reproductive health and metabolism have not been studied in detail. Objective: We examined the effects of dietary DEHP exposure on metabolism and fertility in female mice. Methods: In two independent approaches, female C3H/N mice were exposed to DEHP (0.05, 5, or 500 mg/kg of body weight per day) via their diet for 8 weeks, and we recorded food intake, weight gain, and litter size. After exposure, liver, visceral fat, and plasma from F0 females (study I) and F0 dams and their F1 offspring (study II) were analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: In study I, DEHP-exposed F0 females (all dose groups) had a significant increase in body weight, food intake, and visceral adipose tissue compared with controls. In the 500-mg DEHP group, PPARα and PPARγ transcripts were significantly changed in liver tissue. In the same group, PPARγ mRNA was significantly reduced in liver but not in fat tissue. In addition, leptin and FABP4 (fatty acid binding protein 4) mRNA were increased in adipose tissue, whereas adiponectin was decreased. In study II, we detected a 100% abortion rate in F0 dams in the 500-mg group. F1 offspring exposed in utero and during lactation had an increase in visceral fat tissue and body weight. Conclusion: Fertility was impaired in mice exposed to high doses of DEHP, and body weight and visceral fat deposits were increased in mice exposed to environmentally relevant doses. Although F1 mice were exposed to DEHP only in utero and during lactation, we observed metabolic changes in the offspring of diet-exposed females. Adipogenesis / drug effects* Diethylhexyl Phthalate / toxicity* Fertility / drug effects* Mice, Inbred C3H Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors / metabolism Protein Isoforms / metabolism Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors Diethylhexyl Phthalate
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Vocabulary is such an important building block for all communication- oral and written. Improving multiple meaning vocabulary also gets your students using context clues to determine the meaning. These task cards can help you differentiate your teaching! Special needs students can use a lot of practice with specific words before they really grasp the full meaning, so my task cards include ways to use each set of 10 words in multiple ways. Your faster learners may be challenged by the critical thinking task cards. It's the same vocabulary with higher and lower level skills! Give it a try- it is free! Hop over to Looks Like Language and grab it here!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Piers Morgan's Life Stories Harry Redknapp discusses the many twists and turns of his life with Piers Morgan. Source: ITV Catch up Piers Morgan's Life Stories Catch up TV 15 June 2019 Most recent episodes of Piers Morgan's Life Stories Lord Sugar joins his 'frenemy' Piers Morgan for a look back at his remarkable career. Michael Barrymore opens up to Piers Morgan about his astronomical fall from grace. Piers Morgan talks to Sir Michael Parkinson about his life and career. Mel B exclusively reveals to Piers Morgan the secrets of her time as a Spice Girl. The star opens up about posing nude, drugs, and being the world's highest paid actor. Controversial comedian Jim Davidson reflects on his life and career. Pamela Anderson joins Piers to reflect on her career and turbulent personal life. Piers Morgan interviews Caitlyn Jenner - the world's most famous transgender woman. Kim Cattrall joins Piers Morgan to look back on her life and career. Most popular episodes of Piers Morgan's Life Stories
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Enterprise Energy Resources Ltd. is pleased to announce that it has entered into a definitive agreement (the "Agreement") with LNG Energy Ltd. whereby LNG will acquire, through a court-approved plan of arrangement (the "Arrangement") under the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia), all of the outstanding common shares of Enterprise (the "Enterprise Shares") for total consideration of approximately C$4.7 million (based on LNG's closing price on June 21, 2013) payable in shares of LNG. Under the Arrangement, each one Enterprise Share will be exchanged for five common shares ("Exchange Ratio") in the capital of LNG (each common LNG share being an "LNG Share"). The consideration to be paid by LNG represents a premium of approximately 66.7% over the closing price of the Enterprise Shares on June 21, 2013 (C$0.06) and a premium of approximately 11.1% to the 60-day volume-weighted average price (C$0.09). Geoff Carrington, President of Enterprise commented "The merger with Enterprise will provide our shareholders with an increased interest in oil and gas exploration properties in Papua New Guinea, together with interests in a suite of oil and gas exploration properties in Poland and Bulgaria. The properties and cash contributed by Enterprise will strengthen LNG's financial position and provide LNG with interests in oil and gas properties in Montana." In January 2013, Enterprise's 50% owned subsidiary, EERL (BVI) Holdings Ltd., acquired a 31.5% interest in Telemu No. 18 Limited ("Telemu"), a Papua New Guinea subsidiary of LNG. In April 2013, Telemu and other Papua New Guinea subsidiaries of LNG, entered into a farm-in agreement with subsidiaries of Heritage Oil Plc under which those subsidiaries acquired an 80% interest in PPL 319 and PRL 13, subject to fulfillment of work commitments under the farm-in agreement. Upon completion of the Arrangement, LNG will increase its net interest in PPL 319 from 13.7% to 16.85% and will continue to hold a 20% net interest in PRL 13. In connection with the Arrangement, LNG Exploration Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of LNG ("Subco"), will amalgamate with Enterprise and LNG will issue, at the Exchange Ratio noted above, an aggregate of approximately 238,633,975 LNG Shares to the former security holders of Enterprise. The Arrangement will be subject to, among other things, the favourable vote of 66 2/3% of the holders of the Enterprise Shares obtained at a special meeting of Enterprise shareholders to be called to approve the Arrangement. Enterprise expects the meeting will be held in mid-August 2013. The transaction is expected to close during August 2013, and is subject to the satisfaction or waiver of the conditions set out in the Arrangement Agreement, including receipt of court approval, the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange and the approval of Enterprise shareholders. The Agreement includes a commitment by Enterprise not to solicit alternative transactions, and Enterprise has agreed to pay a break fee of C$250,000 to LNG under certain circumstances. A full copy of the Arrangement Agreement will be filed by each of Enterprise and LNG under their respective profiles on SEDAR at www.sedar.com. In addition, a detailed description of the Arrangement Agreement will be included in the management information circular which will be mailed to Enterprise shareholders in advance of the proposed Enterprise Shareholders Meeting.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
On his fourth stop of the "Damn Tour" stopping off in Atlanta with D.R.A.M kicking off the show followed by Travis Scott who would have thought the crowd could possibly have any energy left by the time Kung Fu Kenny came to the stage? As you see in the above video the crowd had a lot left in the tank. The west coast Compton born rapper represented as expected leaving the crowd in a frenzy. We may have to fly to another city to catch Kendrick once more before his summer tour is over….
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Jussi Lehtonen (b. 1977) appeared to the jazz scene of Helsinki in 1997 as he started his studies at the Pop & Jazz Conservatory where he moved to the jazz department of Sibelius Academy in fall 2000. During the last years of 1990s Lehtonen played in many bands, such as altosaxophonist Janne Huttunen's Uncle Bop and Janne Huttunen's and guitarist Mikko Kosonen's The Homer. In 2001 Lehtonen recorded with the Kaisa Kulmala Trio and with pianist Tuomo Prättälä and bassist Lauri Porra in the Bonksters-band. The first recording for the drummer was though already in 1999 on guitarist Tuomo Dahlblom's debut album that was however released in 2002, in the same year as Helsinki Sessions by U-Street All Stars. Besides the busy U-Street All Stars band, Lehtonen has had time and energy to play also in other bands, for example in Kannaste-Ojajärvi Quartet and bassist Lasse Lindgren's Brotherhood. The first own project for the drummer was a nonet called In the Spirit of Jaco Pastorius that performed the music of the American bass legend Jaco Pastorius. Bassist Timo Hirvonen, who also played in the nonet, has performed with Lehtonen also in Jussi Lehtonen Quartet and High Five -group. Lehtonen has featured UMO Jazz Orchestra once in a while as well. Lehtonen, who masters creatively different jazzstyles, has became a really popular musician in recent years and he has recorded with both the young and the older generation of Finnish jazz, from Teemu Viinikainen to Eero Koivistoinen. In addition to the albums of U-Street All Stars, Lehtonen has composed music to i.a. the album of Kannaste-Ojajärvi Quartet. Besides performing, Lehtonen has since graduating been teaching jazzrhythmics and ensemble work in Sibelius Academy. Besides Lehtonen's own groups he has recently actively performed with i.a. Jukkis Uotila Band, Severi Pyysalo & The Mokners, Eero Koivistoinen Quartet, Mikko Karjalainen Fellowship and Koko Jazz Orchestra that Lehtonen formed together with Jussi Fredriksson and Timo Hirvonen. Lehtonen works also as the artistic leader of Koko Jazz Club. Lehtonen has performed also with many internationally known artists, such as Dave Liebman, Randy Brecker, Bob Mintzer, Tim Hagans, Jerry Bergonzi and Wayne Krantz.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Avaya Holdings (NYSE:AVYA) is up 3.9% after hours amid Bloomberg headlines that the company is planning an auction to sell itself. That comes after some unsolicited interest from bidders. Shares rose 3.1% and hit their highest point since March 25 during the regular session; after hours, they're quoting at $18.45, a height they haven't touched since mid-October.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Luvata São Paulo, located in São Paulo, Brazil, manufactures resistance welding electrodes and other welding consumables. As a full service provider, Luvata Sao Paulo serves all global automotive manufacturers in Brazil and South America. Luvata Sao Paulo also offers hoses and cables, tip dressing supplies, electronic weld checkers, robotic protection materials, weld optimization and parameterization services, robot optimization and weld system maintenance. Founded as Intermachinery in 1992 and acquired by Luvata in 2012, Luvata São Paulo has grown and prospered to become the leading resistance-welding electrode supplier in Brazil. We serve the automotive and welding industries throughout all of Brazil and South America. We have sister facilities in Delaware, Ohio USA; Welwyn Garden City, UK; and Suzhou, China to better serve our customers' needs worldwide. Many of our welding brochures are also available in other languages besides Brazilian Portuguese. Please visit the Document library. Take a quick look at what Luvata Sao Paulo has to offer.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Back in 2010 social media was at a tipping point. Facebook overtook Google's market share for the first time ever. A moral panic erupted around oversharing and privacy, particularly in light of Google admitting that its Street View cars "accidentally" collected 600GB worth of Wi-Fi data from homes. 13-year-old me began dabbling in the online space, posting cringeworthy statuses without much regard for the long-term consequences. "I don't know what your generation's fascination is with documenting your every thought, but I can assure you, they're not all diamonds," remarked the English teacher in Easy A, a coming-of-age film released in that same year. The internet had become a hub for private-lives-turned public, one that offers snoopers a cloak of invisibility. Thanks to tagging, geolocation and the power of 'lurking' (some might call it 'stalking'), you could find yourself down any rabbit hole, discovering everything from your best friend's ex-boyfriend's Ask.fm where he spread rumours about her, to the holiday itinerary of your crush's aunt when she visited Italy three summers ago. What goes online stays online forever, yet 'lurking' gave you a degree of empowerment; a sense of seizing back control because you were able to sift through data and comprehend it. But in 2018, my newsfeed rarely encounters those articulations of mundane existence. Social media no longer seems to be that frivolous public journal described in Easy A. While only four years ago I would have written in my blog daily and shared updates over Facebook and Twitter, nowadays that blog is full of unpublished posts, gathering digital dust in the backend. I agonise over making a comment on YouTube, deleting and rephrasing before discarding the draft altogether. When newsfeed content is too strange or controversial, but I still wish to share it, I often paste screenshots of it over Facebook Messenger rather than openly 'tagging' my friends. Such deliberations have become habit in an age when communication online can affect our reputation as much as interactions offline. For Via*, a student at the University of Sydney, this self-policing behaviour helps to keep her identity safe and contained. "Whatever we post always comes back to us, and that could have real life consequences, for example, in the workplace," she says. As many as 70 per cent of prospective employers conduct social media background checks on candidates, according to a CareerBuilder survey last year. While Via frequently shares posts that resonate with her political beliefs and personal values, a line is drawn when she deems the content "too personal". For instance, although she passionately advocates for LGBTQ+ issues on social media, she makes an effort not to showcase her own engagement in the queer community. "I'll find myself checking out LGBTQ+ events on Facebook like Unicorns or Girlthing and despite feeling genuinely interested in the event, I would avoid clicking on the public 'going' or 'interested' button and instead opt to 'save' it privately," she says. Via finds more 'closed' social platforms like Snapchat give her a greater sense of security and thus freedom to express facets of her identity that she herself is still figuring out. For university student and artist Lucy*, the opposite is true. The relative anonymity of 'open' platforms like Twitter has significantly reduced her fear of stepping out of lurkdom to post artworks online. "I feel too self-conscious [on Facebook] because it's like I'm baring myself to the world even though it's probably just a photo or a thought … For some reason it's the fact that people know me that make me hesitant to post," says Lucy. James, a USyd English student, similarly engages in self-censorship. Indeed, our paranoia doesn't come from nowhere: since 2010, data mining scandals have become not the exception but the norm, with Facebook at the centre of several. "I started getting ads for glasses on Facebook after my friend and I had a conversation about her glasses," says Lucy. This, for her, was a wake-up call that private messages themselves cannot escape the grips of algorithm-based targeted advertising; that 'lurking' keeps us invisible but not untraceable. 'Lurking', in other words, now carries connotations of disempowerment. It's no longer just a handy tool for the amateur detective. Rather, it's transformed into a necessity for those wanting to hide from the online panopticon—the infrastructures of visibility dictating the dimensions of our identity that will resurface eventually to haunt us.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This PC0002 rectangular baking stone is ideal for heating and re-heating homemade or frozen pizzas, or other baked goods. The handles on the wire frame allow you to safely transport the hot pizza stone from the oven to the table. This ceramic pizza stone requires no seasoning or conditioning.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Feeling like silk, the fabric of the SE Jersey is purpose built for those who love long hours on the roads. Super comfortable with a perfect amount of stretch to maintain a sleek fit on the bike, the SE Jersey by Velocio is also supportive and compressive. Like all the Velocio range, the fabrics of the SE Jersey is breathable, with wicking properties to maintain dryness. Their are even the added perforated fabrics located where we sweat the most. The colour options in this range are absolutely stunning. The design is classic and incredibly flattering. Inbuilt to the pockets is a secondary fabric that maintains the fabric structure. This means no sagging where you hold all your valuables in the rear pockets. Very smart. Overall a perfectly constructed technical garment preparing the rider for a great range of temperature changes in a single ride.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Spin-lattice relaxation time T1 for 31P was measured as a function of temperature at 28.2 MHz in a powder sample of Cs1-x (NH4) x H2PO4 (CADP) crystallized from a solution with a molar ratio x = 0.2. This crystal has the same structure as CsH2PO4 (CDP), which exhibits a low-temperature pseudo-one-dimensional ferroelectric phase transition at 159 K and a superionic transition at 504 K on heating. The measured temperature dependence is explained in terms of hydrogen bond dynamics. S.C. Meschia, A. Zidansek, D. Brandt, and V.H. Schmidt, "NMR spin-lattice relaxation study of Cs1‑x(NH4)xH2PO4," Ferroelectrics 202, 167-171 (1997).
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Friday 26th to Sunday 28th of October 2018. Join us for 12 hours of dedicated karate training that will take your karate to the next level. We will be covering principles of movement, kata technique and application, kumite drills and much more. Open to all GKR Karate Instructors and blue belt students and above (15 years plus).
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Mark Perry est un éditeur britannique de fanzine, également écrivain et musicien. En 1976, il lance le célèbre Sniffin' Glue (And Other Rock 'n' Roll Habits). Biographie Perry est un employé de banque quand, inspiré par The Ramones, il décide de créer le fanzine punk Sniffin' Glue (And Other Rock 'n' Roll Habits) en 1976. La publication s'arrête en août 1977 lorsqu'il lance son propre groupe, Alternative TV, formé avec Alex Fergusson. Entre-temps, au début de 1977 Perry forme le label « Step Forward » avec Miles Copeland. Ils sortent entre autres les premiers titres de The Fall, The Cortinas, Sham 69 et Chelsea. Période "Alternative TV" Alternative TV (ou "ATV") sort son premier single Love Lies Limp en tant que disque flexi offert avec le numéro 12 de Sniffin' Glue en 1977. Par la suite, le groupe édite les singles suivants chez Deptford Fun City records : How Much Longer / You Bastard (1977), Life After Life / Life After Dub (1978), Action Time Vision / Another Coke (1978). Ferguson quitte le groupe à cause d'une divergence de point de vue musical avant la sortie de leur premier album, The Image Has Cracked en 1978. Il y aura deux singles supplémentaires, The Force Is Blind / Lost In Room (1979) et Love Lies Limp / Life (1979), le dernier sort alors que le groupe est déjà complètement dissout. Un deuxième album a également vu le jour, Vibing Up The Senile Man en 1979. Solo En 1980, il réalise un album solo, Snappy Turns, toujours pour le label Deptford Fun City. Il sera suivi par le 45 tours Whole World's Down On Me, une reprise du titre de Ken Boothe, ce qui sera son dernier travail avec Deptford Fun City. You Cry Your Tears, un autre 45 tours, sort en 1980 chez le label NB. Perry collabore ensuite avec "The Good Missionaries", "The Reflection" et "The Door And The Window". Dans les années 1990, il fait partie de Baby Ice Dog. Alternative TV se reforme occasionnellement depuis pour jouer dans différents concerts, à la fois au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis. Notes et références Voir aussi Articles connexes Punk Do it yourself Liens externes Site de Mark Perry Sniffin' Glue: The Essential Punk Accessory de Danny Baker et Mark Perry, éditions Sanctuary Publishing, Ltd., le - Chanteur de punk rock Chanteur anglais Date de naissance non renseignée (XXe siècle)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
"Global trends make us look and behave the same, but we are all beautiful because we are different." It's this sentiment that led Romanian photographer Mihaela Noroc to quit her job, pack her camera and savings, and begin travelling the world to document the many faces of beauty that often escape western media. The 30-year-old wanted to photograph women from each country of the world to show that beauty is everywhere. That was two years ago. She's now has accumulated over 100 portraits of women from 60 countries, from Cuba to China, and over 200,000 fans who follow her work titled "The Atlas Of Beauty" on social media. On her adventures, she's met a Kichwa tribeswoman in the Amazon jungle of Ecuador and a member of the Minangkabau ethnic group in Indonesia, one of the largest groups in the world that lives with matriarchal rules. She's most recently travelled to North Korea where she discovered "women are not familiar with global trends, but this doesn't mean that they are not preoccupied with their look...they have a passion for high heels and usually wear classic outfits". This week she's in Nepal where she's photographed a buddhist nun and a passerby on the street with bright green eyes. Noroc says she sometimes only has 30 seconds to take a picture of an interesting woman she meets on the street. At other times she spends an hour with her subjects. It helps that she can speak five languages, she says. She tries to talk a lot whenever she's photographing the women to make them feel proud, special and unique. Fans and critics alike have asked why Noroc doesn't capture men on her travels. She says: "This is a personal project about women. I'm sure there are great photographers that can do a similar project about men, much better than me." "My goal is to continue and take photos of women from each country of the globe, showing that beauty is in our differences" she writes on Bored Panda. Follow The Atlas of Beauty on Facebook and Instagram.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
|} Die Bahnstrecke Ternopil–Schepetiwka ist eine Nebenbahn in der Ukraine. Sie verläuft von Ternopil, der Oblasthauptstadt der gleichnamigen Oblast nach über Laniwzi nach Schepetiwka, einem Eisenbahnknoten in der Oblast Chmelnyzkyj. Der Betrieb wird durch die Ukrainischen Bahnen, im Speziellen die Lwiwska Salisnyzja bis Laniwzi und danach die Piwdenno-Sachidna Salisnyzja geführt. Die gesamte Strecke ist eingleisig ausgeführt und nicht elektrifiziert. Geschichte Ein Teil der heutigen Bahnstrecke zwischen Ternopil und Sbarasch entstand als Lokalbahn Tarnopol–Zbaraż, die durch die k.k. Staatsbahnen betrieben wurde. Die Strecke lag im österreichisch-ungarischen Galizien und wurde am 25. November 1906 mit einer Länge von 25 Kilometern (eigenes Gleis 22,478 Kilometer) eröffnet, die Konzessionierung der Linie erfolgte bereits am 14. Juli 1903. Die restliche Bahnstrecke entstand während des Ersten Weltkriegs im Jahre 1916, sie wurde als fehlende Verbindung zwischen dem russischen Hinterland und dem damals von russischen Truppen besetzen Tarnopol unter Nutzung der bereits bestehenden Strecke nach Zbaraż errichtet. Nach dem Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges kam die Bahnstrecke zwischen Tarnopol und Łanowce unter polnische Herrschaft und wurde nun von den Polnischen Staatsbahnen (PKP) bedient, 1939 trug die Strecke Tarnopol – Zbaraż – Łanowce die Kursbuchnummer 422. Durch die Besetzung Ostpolens durch die Sowjetunion kurz nach dem Beginn des Zweiten Weltkrieges 1939 kam die Strecke in den Besitz der Sowjetischen Eisenbahnen, diese begannen sofort mit der Umspurung einzelner Strecken, dies wurde aber nach dem Überfall Deutschlands auf die Sowjetunion 1941 rückgängig gemacht und die Strecken der Ostbahn unterstellt. Die Strecke Tarnopol — Zbaraz bzw. bis 1943 Tarnopol — Krasnosielce bekam die Nummer 535b. Das Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges brachte die Angliederung Ostpolens an die Sowjetunion mit sich und unter der Führung der Sowjetischen Eisenbahnen wurden sämtliche normalspurigen Bahnen auf Breitspur umgespurt, seither ist die Bahnstrecke in Breitspur ausgeführt. Galerie Weblinks Streckendokumenation Ternopil–Laniwzi in Bildern (russisch) Streckendokumenation Laniwzi–Schepetiwka in Bildern (russisch) Geschichte der Eisenbahnen der Direktion Ternopil Einzelnachweise Bahnstrecke in der Ukraine Bahnstrecke TernopilSchepetiwka Bahnstrecke TernopilSchepetiwka
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Is there any way to make Truth questions constructive? These questions are basically examples of what C.SE calls "Truth Questions"; questions not about studying the topic of the religion, rather they're trying to find out and/or prove which interpretation/denomination is "more correct." In pretty much every case, these questions have attracted answers that are really nothing but apologetic, and a lot of argumentative comments that are really nothing but polemic: We are very clearly not a site for debate and apologetics, so when questions pretty much attract nothing but debate and apologetics, there's a good chance that these questions are fundamentally off-topic and/or unworkable under the Stack Exchange model. So the question lies: Is there any value whatsoever to these questions under the Stack Exchange model? Are they in any way making the Internet a better place? Is there any way we can make these things work? As of now, they are not making the Internet a better place, they're mostly just rehashing the exact same arguments that you can find all over the polemic sites and Islamic forums and chat rooms, and bringing them here does not seem to have improved the chance of them ever actually being resolved. The vast majority of answers to this class of question are pretty much the definition of opinion-based; they present exactly one side of the debate, and in most cases get heavily voted based on agreement/disagreement rather than because of any objective usefulness. Between the five threads mentioned in OP alone, there have been dozens of flags and deleted comments, and even 9 answers outright deleted (mostly for copy-paste/plagiarism or using answers for commentary). Not only are they attracting pretty much exactly the wrong sorts of users to post exactly the wrong sorts of answers and write exactly the wrong sorts of comments, I see no indication that they are in any way attracting actual experts. I consider these questions nothing but a waste of time, not only for the readers who are stuck reading exactly the same fallacious arguments which can be found all over the Internet, not only for the questioners who pretty much get no closer to finally finding "the right answer" to this (up to fourteen century old) debate, but also for the community (and especially the moderators) who end up having to actually clean up behind people who insist on arguing about every little detail. From what I see, these questions aren't being used to promote any actual academic study of Islam; they're mostly just being used as vehicles to promote particular points of view and garner easy reputation from others who just happen to agree with them. I'd disagree slightly with you. I believe they do make the Internet a better place. There is no good medium to compare conflicting opinions. As the person who asked that first question (which was deleted), I thought that they can work. Someone only needs to post evidence for both opinions from a neutral perspective. However, after being on this site for a few years, it doesn't work so well in practice. Except in the case of Sunni-Shia', I have not seen a case where someone posts two different views on the same topic. Even the experts rarely bring up different opinions; they will admit that there is a difference of opinion and yet not bring to light supporting evidence for it. People have evaluated the evidence on their own and dismiss one group of evidence. And some even close their eyes to the existence of an opposing opinion as if conflicting opinions on a topic invalidate their faith. And so these Truth questions generate a lot of heat. It does not work on Stack Exchange, because they do not get resolved. As someone who often asks these questions, it's often not fair to 'accept' an answer either, as it means dismissing the other opinion. While there is a demand for these, Stack Exchange is not the medium for it. I would agree to closing all such Truth questions. Truth questions.... Here is a small list of popular truth questions which I compiled(I felt are truth questions). If you have address about these in the comments just do so by #. Is directly invoking anyone other than Allah swt justifiable, or is it shirk? Is celebrating the "Mawlid day" Halal or Haram? As far as I've covered, these are some of them, which I felt are truth questions, on which people will always be fighting that I'm right or You're wrong. Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged discussion quality-control capital-t-truth . Why is IslamSE so silent…NOW..? Are questions asked specifically to promote a certain point of view allowed? What is a fallacy, and why is it so bad? Should dream interpretation questions be on-topic? What is the proper way to handle questions about non-mainstream Islamic sects? Are questions asking us to pass judgement on any particular group ever constructive? Is there any way to make the "radical Muslims" question suitable for this site? I read a thing does this mean…? What should be done about fatwa questions where the questioner doesn't specify any particular school, but the accepted answer is specific to one? Is there any value to keeping question 1998 around? Are questions like "how do I know Islam is true" a matter of preaching Truth? Are there any groups of Muslims excluded from Islam.SE?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Steven Derounian (Redirected from Steven Boghos Derounian) Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York's 3rd district January 3, 1963 – January 3, 1965 Frank J. Becker Lester L. Wolff from New York's 2nd district Leonard W. Hall James R. Grover, Jr. Steven Boghos Derounian (1918-04-06)April 6, 1918 April 17, 2007(2007-04-17) (aged 89) Emily Ann Kennard Derounian Fordham University Law School Steven Boghos Derounian (April 6, 1918 – April 17, 2007) was a Republican Congressman of Armenian-American descent. Derounian was born in Sofia, Bulgaria, to Armenian parents Boghos Derounian and Eliza Aprahamian. When he was three, his family left Bulgaria with his two other brothers (one of whom was the journalist Avedis Boghos Derounian, better known as John Roy Carlson) to the United States and settled in Mineola, New York. He attended the public schools and graduated from New York University in 1938 and from Fordham University Law School in 1942.[1] He was admitted to the New York bar in 1942 and began practice in Mineola the same year. Derounian entered the United States Army as a private in July 1942 and graduated from officers school as an Infantry officer and was assigned to the 327th Infantry. He served overseas from October 1944 to March 1946 and separated from the service as a captain in May 1946. He was awarded the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star with oak leaf. He was elected as a Republican to the Eighty-third and to the five succeeding Congresses (January 3, 1953 – January 3, 1965). A staunch conservative and Barry Goldwater supporter, Derounian was narrowly defeated in New York's Third Congressional District on Long Island during the LBJ landslide of 1964 Democrat Lester Wolff won 96,503 (50.7%) votes to Derounian's 93,883 (49.3%). In 1966 Derounian defeated future CIA Director William Casey in the Republican primary, but was again defeated by Rep. Wolff in November, though by an even more narrow tally of 81,959 (50.3%) to 81,122 (49.7%).[1][2] Thereafter, he served as justice of the New York Supreme Court, 1969-1981. He retired to Austin, Texas, saying "I think New York has gotten a little too crowded. Austin is an attractive, educational city." Derounian was additionally a professor of law at the University of Texas. As a Congressman, Derounian was part of the Congressional Subcommittee that investigated the 1950s Quiz show scandals. This event is presented in Robert Redford's 1994 film Quiz Show, where Derounian is shown harshly criticizing Charles Van Doren, after he admits to cheating on the TV game show Twenty-One. When his fellow Congressmen praise Van Doren for his statement, Derounian dissents saying: "Mr. Van Doren, I am happy that you made the statement, but I cannot agree with most of my colleagues who commended you for telling the truth, because I don't think an adult of your intelligence ought to be commended for telling the truth."[3] There is a similar anecdote from his youth, when Derounian was helping his father in his wholesale food store as a student. A customer once complained that the 20-year-old Derounian overweighed a shipment of cheese, and his father rebuked him. The young Derounian apologized, but his father shot back: "You made a mistake, and you're sorry. That's what every dishonest person says when he's caught. Sure, I know you didn't mean to do the wrong thing, but who else knows it? A reputation for honesty is one thing money can't buy. It can be preserved only by not making mistakes, not by making apologies. You remember that, boy, as long as you live."[citation needed] ^ a b Saxon, Wolfgang (April 20, 2007). "Steven B. Derounian, 89, Judge and Nassau Ex-Congressman, Dies". The New York Times. Retrieved May 24, 2010. ^ http://clerk.house.gov/member_info/electionInfo/1966election.pdf ^ "Text of Van Doren's Testimony at House Hearing on Fixed Television Quizzes; Subcommittee Is Told of Rehearsals and Coaching for the 'Twenty-one' Show". The New York Times. November 3, 1959. United States Congress. "Steven Derounian (id: D000266)". Biographical Directory of the United States Congress. Saxon, Wolfgang (2007-04-20). "Steven B. Derounian, 89, Judge and Nassau Ex-Congressman, Dies". New York Times. Retrieved 2008-08-08. Kelly, Lee (1994-11-05). "Austin man remembered for honesty in 'Quiz Show'". Austin American-Statesman. Leonard W. Hall Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York's 2nd congressional district Frank J. Becker Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York's 3rd congressional district SNAC: w6hq6413 US Congress: D000266 Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Steven_Derounian&oldid=892550166" American army personnel of World War II American people of Armenian descent Bulgarian emigrants to the United States Fordham University School of Law alumni Members of the United States House of Representatives from New York (state) New York (state) state court judges New York University alumni United States Army officers People from Sofia New York (state) Republicans Bulgarian Armenians People from Mineola, New York Republican Party members of the United States House of Representatives 20th-century American politicians Ethnic Armenian politicians 20th-century American judges Wikipedia articles with USCongress identifiers
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Pertussis, a vaccine preventable disease, is still responsible of significant morbidity and mortality around the world, mostly in newborns. The aim of the present study was (1) to introduce pertussis surveillance in the major pediatric hospital of Casablanca (2) to analyze the prevalence of pertussis among children under 14 years of age and their entourage in Casablanca, Morocco. This is a prospective and non-case controlled study, including children suspected of Pertussis admitted at the Abderrahim Harouchi Pediatric Hospital in Casablanca, from January 2013 to June 2015. Nasopharyngeal samples were obtained for Bordetella spp. culture and Real time PCR detection (RT-PCR) with specific primers of Bordetella spp., B. pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. holmesii. The detection of Bordetella spp. was also performed in some household contacts of the children suspected of pertussis. During the 2.5-years period, a total of 282 samples were collected from hospitalized children (156) and in some of their contacts (126). Among 156 samples from the children (from whom 57% were under 2 month of age), Bordetella DNA was detected in 61% (96/156) by RT-PCR. Among these positive samples, 91.7% (88/96) corresponded to B. pertussis DNA. Furthermore, in 39.5% (38/96) of the Bordetella positive samples, B. holmesii DNA was also detected. B. parapertussis DNA was detected in only one sample (1/156). Out of the 156 samples collected from the hospitalized children, only 48 were tested by culture, and 4 B. pertussis were isolated (8.3%). Among the 126 samples from the contacts of the children, mostly mothers (115 cases), Bordetella DNA was detected in 47% (59/126), 90% (53/59) being B. pertussis DNA. Moreover, B. holmesii DNA was also detected in 18.6% (11/59) of the Bordetella positive samples, and coexistence of B. pertussis and B. holmesii DNA in 36.5% (35/96). Two B. pertussis were isolated by culture performed on 43 samples of the contacts of the children (4.6%). This study highlights the circulation of B. pertussis but also of B. holmesii in Casablanca-Morocco with a high proportion of co-infections B. holmesii/B. pertussis in infants and their mothers, indicate that infection of non-vaccinated infants could be more associated with young parents. Moreover, the RT- PCR provides a sensitive and specific diagnosis of B. pertussis infections and distinguishes it from other Bordetella species, and is therefore suitable for implementation in the diagnostic laboratory. Bordetella pertussis is the agent of whooping cough (pertussis), an endemic illness responsible for significant morbidity and mortality, especially in infants and children Worldwide, there are an estimated 16 millions cases of pertussis, 95% of which occur in developing countries, resulting in about 195,000 child deaths per year .The epidemiology of pertussis, which is a cyclical disease, is varying from regions to regions because of differences in the type of vaccine used, type of vaccine strategy, and differences in surveillance or lack of surveillance. Pertussis vaccination has been introduced in almost all vaccination programs throughout the world and has reduced significantly the morbidity and the mortality related to the disease. In the context of high-coverage vaccination coverage, the reported cases are predominantly registered among children < 1 year-old with a high proportion among infants < 3 months-old (Ref). Adults are considered as the main reservoir of transmission of the disease to unvaccinated young children and several immunization strategies have been proposed in order to prevent cases among young children . In Morocco, Pertussis vaccination [pertussis whole cell vaccine (wP) in combination with diphtheria and tetanus toxoids (DTwP)] was introduced by the national immunization program (NIP) in the early 1980's to prevent pertussis, allowed the reduction of the incidence of the disease from almost 15,000 cases per year in 1980 to less than 100 cases per year by 2011 . Currently, in Morocco, the vaccination strategy includes a primary vaccination at 2, 3 and 4 months of age and two boosters at 18 months of age and 5 years of age. The vaccine is provided through UNICEF. The vaccine pertussis vaccine coverage exceeds 95% at the age of 24 months . Starting in January 2012, a significant increase in the number of cases was registered: during one month, in March 2012, eighty cases were identified and lab-confirmed in the locality of Sale, Morocco. Subsequently, numerous cases were reported across the country, and in August of the same year, another outbreak occurred in Casablanca with more than 130 clinically diagnosed cases hospitalized in the Abderrahim Harouchi children hospital . However, pertussis cannot be confirmed based only on a clinical diagnosis because of the different presentations of the disease in non-vaccinated newborns, partially vaccinated children and adolescents and adults whose immunity waned with time .Therefore, laboratory tests are needed for confirmation of the diagnosis in those patients showing suggestive clinical signs and symptoms, or those with a history of exposure to infected patients . Currently available B. pertussis diagnostic methods include direct diagnosis such as culture, and nucleic acid amplification assays and indirect diagnosis such as the detection of anti-pertussis toxin antibodies . Culture is specific and sensitive in infants and young children but less in adolescents and adults, coming late after the onset of cough as previously reported by Nakamura et al. 2011 . PCR assays are faster, highly sensitive, and their use in epidemiological surveillance has increased recently to measure the impact of the disease in the community, and to improve studies of vaccine efficacy. However, the routinely real time PCR (RT-PCR) used during the last decade, although very sensitive, is a Bordetella PCR. It is based on Insertion Sequence (IS) 481. This RT-PCR is very sensitive because the IS481 is present in multicopies on the chromosome of B. pertussis , however it is no more specific of B. pertussis since the target (IS481) is also harbored by the chromosome of B. holmesii and some B. bronchiseptica isolates . B. holmesii was first described as the agent of bacteremia in asplenic patients . Later on it was first detected in respiratory samples during pertussis outbreaks . It is not yet known whether B. holmesii is a real pathogen or an opportunistic bacterium . However, the recent increase of its detection in respiratory samples is mostly due to the use of the RT-PCR based on the IS481 target as shown in several studies [14–16]. Additional specific RT-PCRs are then needed to determine the nature of the Bordetella species responsible of pertussis. The aim of the present study was (1) to introduce pertussis surveillance in the major pediatric hospital of Casablanca (2) to analyze the prevalence of pertussis among children under 14 years of age and their entourage in Casablanca, Morocco. This is a prospective and non-case controlled study including all patients younger than 14 years of age admitted to the Abderrahim Harouchi Pediatric Hospital in Casablanca, Morocco, from January 2013 to June 2015and meet the case definition in accordance with the criteria defined by the WHO . Clinical and epidemiological features of each patient were recorded by a physician, including age, symptoms (coughing, paroxysms, respiratory distress, whoops, apnea, cyanosis, seizure, vomiting), days from the onset of symptoms, and time elapsed until the sample was collected and sent to the laboratory. Surveillance of pertussis has been extended to the household contacts to detect index cases and secondary cases and to prevent the spread of the disease. Duplicates of each sample are excluded from the analysis. Infants (< 12 months) were sampled by nasopharyngeal aspiration using a small catheter inserted through the nostril into the nasopharynx, and flushed with sterile saline. Older children (> 12 months) and adults were sampled by nasopharyngeal swabs which were then placed into a screw cap tube with transport medium (Amies Swab ref. – 300,281 provider DELTALAB). Nasopharyngeal samples obtained from hospitalized patients, and household contacts were sent to the microbiology laboratory at Ibn Rochd University Hospital in Casablanca at room temperature, accompanied by a fact sheet with all the clinical and socio-demographic indications. All samples were analyzed after an informed consent signed by the parents or caregivers of the children. The research of Bordetella was performed also in hospitalized childrens' contacts after their consent. The samples were cultured into a fresh Bordet Gengou agar or Regan Low medium (Difco Laboratories, Detroit, USA) prepared in our laboratory, which included 15% of defibrinated horse's blood and 40 mg/L of cephalexin (Selective supplement Bordetella, Oxoïd-Unipath, Dardilly, France). The growth media used for bacterial culture were validated using B. pertussis (CIP 8132), B. parapertussis (CIP 12822) and B. holmesii (CIP104394) reference strains. They were incubated at 35 ± 2 °C in a moist atmosphere and maintained for three to ten days under aerobic conditions. Colonies were identified based on characteristic morphology, Gram stain, catalase and oxidase testing and by using the API 20NE system (bioMérieux, Marcy L'Etoile, France). The colonies suspected to be Bordetella spp. were tested by molecular tools as described below. Nucleic acids were extracted from submitted specimens or bacterial suspensions using a commercial kit (High Pure Template Preparation Kit, Roche Applied Science, Mannheim, Germany) according to the manufacturer's instructions. The DNA was eluted into a 100-μL volume. The obtained DNA was assayed immediately or stored at −20 °C until use. Concerning the reference strains B. pertussis CIP 8132, B. parapertussis CIP 12822, and B. holmesii CIP 104394, genomic DNA was extracted using DNeasy Tissue Kit (QIAGEN, Hilden, Germany) according to the manufacturer's protocol.DNA were stored at −20 °C until required for analysis. Detection of Bordetella spp. and Bordetella parapertussis DNA was performed using Real time PCR (RT-PCR) assays and TaqMan® technology for the amplification of the insertion elements IS 481 (Bordetella spp), IS1001 (B. parapertussis)as described by Riffelmann et al. 2005 . Since IS 481 target is detecting B. pertussis as well as B. holmesii DNA, we performed, on all positive IS 481 samples, two other specific RT-PCR, one specific of B. pertussis (ptxA-Pr) and one specific of B. Holmesii (h-IS1001) in order to confirm the diagnosis of B. pertussis and/or B. holmesii [17, 18]. Negative no-template controls were included in each run. The DNA of B. pertussis (Tohama), B. parapertussis (12822) and B. holmesii (104394) were used as positive controls. DNA was amplified with the CFX96® thermal real-time PCR System (Biorad).Potential inhibitory activity was assessed by amplifying human gene sequences RnaseP. A positive result was defined as a cycle threshold (Ct) value below 38 cycles. Ct values of >38 or no detection (Ct value of zero) were considered negative. The RT- PCR assays were evaluated through an external quality control program managed by the Bordetella National Reference Centre - Institut Pasteur, Paris, France . Data entry was performed using WHONET 5.6 software. Analyzes were performed using Epi info (CDC, Atlanta, Georgia) and Microsoft Excel. Qualitative variable analysis was performed by nonparametric tests: The chi square test or Fisher's exact test. For quantitative variables the Student's test (T) was used. A difference is considered statistically significant if p-value <0.05. During thirty months of surveillance, a total of 282 nasopharyngeal samples were collected from patients with clinical suspicion of pertussis disease and some of their household contacts (156 infants/126 contacts) and were analyzed in the microbiology lab. The majority of patients 85% (132/156 infants) were admitted in the Pediatric Respiratory Diseases ward and 15% (24/156) were hospitalized in intensive care unit indicating the severity of the disease. The monthly distribution of pertussis cases was not homogeneous. The majority of cases were reported during two periods: 54% (84/156) of cases between April and June, 39% (61/156) of cases between September and November. Hospitalized children were below 5 years of age, with an average of 60 ± 10 days and 57% (89/156) were under 2 months of age. The average duration of hospitalization was 4 ± 1 days, and for cases hospitalized in intensive care, the average was 28 ± 7 days with the minimum duration to 21 days and the maximum to 35 days according to associated complications. Among the 126 contacts, 115 were children's mothers; four siblings aged 3 to 6 years and 7 grand-parents. As for the children's mothers the average age was 26 ± 4.77 years of age. Of the 282 samples collected from all cases, culture was performed only for 91 samples: 48 from hospitalized children and 43 from their contacts. B. pertussis was isolated in 8.3% (4/48) and 4.6% (2/43) of the samples, respectively. We collected only 6 B. pertussis isolates mainly because most of the time the patients were already treated with macrolides (39/48, i.e. 81.3%) or coming late after the beginning of the cough (27/48, i.e. 56.3%) or because the medium was not available or the laboratory is not working all days at the hospital. All samples were tested by RT-PCR (Fig. 1), B. parapertussis DNA was detected in only one sample from hospitalized children. IS481 RT-PCR was positive in 61.5% (96/156) of the samples from hospitalized children (Fig. 1a). Among these positive samples, B. pertussis DNA was specifically detected in 91.7% (88/96) samples, B. holmesii DNA was detected in 39.5%, (38/96) and the coexistence of B. pertussis and B. holmesii DNA being detected in 36.5% (35/96) samples while B. holmesii DNA alone was detected only in three samples (Table 1). In 3.1% (3/96) of the Bordetella positive samples it was not possible to determine the Bordetella species because of the very low amount of DNA. IS481RT-PCR was positive in 47% (59/126) of the samples from the household contacts. B. pertussis DNA was detected in 90% (53/59) of these positive samples, and B. holmesii DNA in 18.6% (11/59), always in samples where B. pertussis DNA was already detected. In 8.5% (5/59) of the samples it was not possible to determine the Bordetella species and they were classified as Bordetella spp. B. pertussis and B. holmesii DNA were detected in 11 samples from both mothers and siblings. However, B. holmesii DNA was also detected in 27 samples from hospitalized children but not in the samples of their mothers. Detection of B. holmesii DNA alone was found in one sample of the entourage. The common symptoms observed among the 96 confirmed patients were whoops 85.4% (82/96), cough 68.7% (66/96) and paroxysmal cough 45.8% (44/96), or cyanosis 34.3%(33/96), whereas apnea 6.25% (6/96) or post-tussive vomiting 8.3% (8/96) presented less frequently (Fig. 2). Our study showed that B. pertussis is also present in healthy people, or with atypical clinical symptoms. Indeed, it has to be noted that 25 confirmed mothers did not declare any clinical symptoms but were in contact to somebody coughing in their household. It is noteworthy that 89% (78/88) of the confirmed cases had received antibiotic treatment prior to completion of sampling. The administration of Macrolides family antibiotics (Clarithromycin or Azithromycin) was noted in 75% of them, 15% received other antibiotics (cefotaxime, ceftriaxone or cotrimoxazole association) and in 10% of cases, the administered antibiotic was not specified on the information sheet. The analysis of patients' vaccination status showed that among the 156 hospitalized children enrolled in the study, 61% (95/156) were unvaccinated and 57% (89/156) were infants less than two months of age and didn't receive any dose of vaccines according to the Moroccan vaccine strategy recommendation, the other children enrolled 6.3% (6/95) were non vaccinated and were overdue for their first vaccinations between 10 to 30 days. The partially vaccinated patients, 94.2% (49/52) because of their advanced age, they received only 1 to 2 doses. For other 5.8% (3/52) the vaccine recommendations were not followed without medical reasons, and especially for the fourth dose (Table 2). During this surveillance, we met children aged 22–38 months who caught whooping cough (n = 3) despite they have fulfilled their immunization schedule by vaccinating with 4 doses; other incompletely vaccinated (n = 22), with one or two doses were aged between 3 and 14 months. Following a significant increase of the number of pertussis cases recorded in many parts of the country from January 2012 (Epidemiological Bulletin, June 2012), we decided to establish a laboratory-based surveillance of pertussis, which discriminates among B. pertussis, B. parapertussis and B. holmesii. During 30 months of surveillance, 282 nasopharyngeal samples were collected from patients with clinical suspicions of pertussis disease (156 infants and126 contacts), were received in our laboratory and were analyzed by RT-PCR and Culture. The majority of patients 85% (132 /156 infants) were admitted in Pediatric Respiratory Diseases service and 15% were hospitalized in intensive care unit indicating the severity of the disease. Of the 91 samples cultured, 6 (6.5%) were positive for B. pertussis by biochemical characters identification, very low yield compared to that obtained by RT-PCR (155/282; 55%). Culture is the method of choice to isolate the bacteria. However, the chances to obtain positive cultures are high only during the first two weeks of cough and the sensitivity of the method is low as shown in previous studies . In the present study, we collected only 6 isolates for several reasons: (i) 89% were treated by Clarithromycin or Azithromycin therapy before sampling since several days; (ii) most of the contact patients already coughed since 14 days; (iii) sometime the lack of no fresh medium. All these reasons are causes of low sensitivity of the culture as shown in other studies [20, 21]. The treatment of choice in the hospital is macrolides and especially Clarithromycin or Azithromycin. The direct detection of bacterial DNA by PCR techniques especially RT- PCR is more sensitive than culture (up to 4 weeks after the start of coughing fit) and has the advantage of being faster. In our study the IS 481 RT-PCR confirmed the circulation of Bordetella spp. in the Moroccan population; it infects both unvaccinated infants, teens and adults. To specify Bordetella species in the samples, we made complementary RT-PCR such as RT-PCR Ptx-Pr, IS1001and h-IS1001. The bacterial DNA detected was mostly B. pertussis DNA (>90%) whereas B. parapertussis DNA was only detected in 0.3% of the samples. The proportion of B. parapertussis cases is much lower than in Tunisia where whooping cough was attributed to B. parapertussis in 7% of cases . RT-PCR h-IS1001 detected B. holmesii DNA in several samples of hospitalized infants (38/96).Surprisingly the large majority of the B. holmesii positive samples were also B. pertussis positive samples (35/96) indicating co-infection with both bacteria. Furthermore, both bacteria were detected in samples of 11 infants and their mothers suggesting transmission between the mother and the infant but in 27infant cases, the mothers were only infected by B. pertussis indicating that the mothers were not the contaminator of B. holmesii. The contaminator could have been another member of the household or another reservoir still not known such as animals or the environment. It was already described that the prevalence of B. holmesii can widely differ from one region to another even if the regions are geographically close and detected in all age group. This carriage of B. holmesii in infants is different from what was observed in France, Tunisia or US [15, 16, 22] but similar to what was found in Chile, Romania and Argentina [23–25]. In our study, we identified three patients infected with only B. holmesii; two children lived in slums and the third lived in an orphanage. This leads us to think that the origin of the infection can be animals or environment. Similarly, these children had forms of immunodeficiency (asplenia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), they had clinical symptoms compatible with whooping cough but the search for viral coinfection or mycoplasma was not searched. Misdiagnosis of B. holmesii respiratory infection as B. pertussis can lead to wrong diagnosis and this affects epidemiological analysis. For this reason it is important to use specific diagnosis even if a little bit less sensitive.In our study there was a high prevalence of co-infections with B. pertussis/B. holmesii, as observed in Romania . It is not the case in all recent studies. For example there was no detection in Tunisia , detection mainly in adults and in adolescents in France but no co-infection and in US with co-infection or not , detection in children in Chile and Argentina [23, 24]. The isolation or detection of B. holmesii is recent and deserves further studies, in particular on the clinical symptoms induced by this Bordetella species. It is difficult in our study to describe B. holmesii clinical symptoms since in most of the cases we observed co-infection with B. pertussis. B. holmesii DNA alone was detected only in three cases but the search for viral or mycoplasma infection was not searched and the clinical symptoms induced cannot be linked to B. holmesii only. Surveillance and awareness of this species need to be pursued in order to understand its epidemiology . It should be noted that the main objective of vaccine is not only to prevent pertussis in adults but to avoid the contamination of infants too young to be vaccinated by their relatives. This paradoxical resurgence of whooping cough is not due to solely a progressive loss of immunity in the time or a decrease in immunization coverage in some regions (deletion recall or non-compliance with recommendations), but also be due to lack of vigilance of parents who often slow to vaccinate their children on time, or introducing a new more sensitive laboratory diagnosis such as RT-PCR. Also, instead of thinking that to prevent infection in early childhood, through the application of booster vaccinations with their entourages (adolescent or adults), we should seek to achieve an early and timely vaccination. WHO propose to initiate at 6 weeks and no later than 8 weeks of age, and maintain high coverage (≥90%) with at least 3 doses . We have highlighted the circulation of Bordetella in patients hospitalized at the pediatric hospital by rapid diagnosis based mostly on RT- PCR. The results obtained within this study encourage us to expand it to other laboratories in Morocco in order to improve the biological diagnostic and surveillance of bordetelloses. In fact we found a high proportion of B. pertussis and B. holmesii co-infection, it is then important to continue the surveillance in order to have a better understanding of the Bordetella spp. circulating in Moroccan population and their role in the respiratory symptoms. Moreover, our study suggests that infection of non-vaccinated infants is associated with parents, hence the need to investigate around the index cases to detect contaminators and prevent contamination of young infants and disease spread by quick treatment. Furthermore, the RT- PCR provides a sensitive and specific diagnosis of B. pertussis infections and distinguishes it from other Bordetella species, and is therefore suitable for implementation in the diagnostic laboratory. We would like to acknowledge Dr. Sophie Guillot and colleagues of the French National Reference Center of Whooping Cough and Other Bordetelloses at the Institute Pasteur of Paris for provision of laboratory protocols and for providing reference strains. We also thank all the clinicians for sending samples for analysis. This work was supported by an unrestricted grant of SANOFI-PASTEUR laboratory. The authors conceived the study, and the study design was developed and agreed to by the authors without any input from the funding body. The funding body was not involved in and, had no influence over, study design, data collection, data analyses, interpretation of results, report writing or in the decision to submit the paper for publication. NE, KK, KZ, HB and NG conceived and designed the study. KK, BS, ZJ and AZ conducted the case surveillance and collected clinical data. ID and KK conducted the laboratory assays. NG, NE, ID and KK analyzed the data. NG, NE, KK, ID and KZ drafted the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. This study was approved by the Ethical committee for biomedical research of the University Mohammed V - Soussi, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dental Medicine of Rabat, Morocco N°77/16. The study was anonymous and all patients and household contacts, and their parents/guardians for minors below 18 years of age, were informed by their physicians about the nature of the study. Only patients who agreed to participate in this study signed the informed consent. The fact that samples will be stored for a certain period of time before testing was clearly indicated in the inform consent statement. World Health Organization. Immunizations, Vaccines and Biologicals: Pertussis. 2011. Accessed Nov 2016. [http://www.who.int/immunization/topics/pertussis/en].
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Forums › Bug report & Suggestion › Are you gonna di something for the bugs?! Are you gonna di something for the bugs?! Sorry I was super busy. I just check the forum. I sent an email to admin. I guess it will be solved on monday. View full version: Are you gonna di something for the bugs?!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
<?php namespace Brainwave\Session; use \Pimple\Container; use \Brainwave\Support\Str; use \Pimple\ServiceProviderInterface; use \Brainwave\Session\SessionManager; use \Brainwave\Session\SegmentFactory; use \Brainwave\Session\CsrfTokenFactory; /** * SessionServiceProvider * * @package Narrowspark/framework * @author Daniel Bannert * @since 0.8.0-dev * */ class SessionServiceProvider implements ServiceProviderInterface { public function register(Container $app) { $app['deleteCookie'] = null; $app['session'] = function ($app) { $session = new SessionManager( new SegmentFactory, new CsrfTokenFactory($app['crypt']), new Str, $_COOKIE, $app['deleteCookie'] ); $session->start(); return $session; }; } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Sexual Violence and the Risk of HIV Infection in Darfur (The following essay is posted on behalf of Selma Scheewe. The author based this essay on her Thesis titled "Sexual Violence and HIV/AIDS in Conflict-ridden Darfur", at the University of Groningen.) Sexual violence is a prominent aspect of many recent conflicts. In the media and the reports of humanitarian agencies, this sexual violence is often linked to the possible consequence of infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). In the case of Rwanda, HIV/AIDS has even been identified as a "weapon of war," which is transmitted to women intentionally by using rape. The importance of addressing the risk of HIV/AIDS transmission in conflict and other emergency settings is increasingly recognised by humanitarian organisations. However, the relationship between sexual violence in conflict settings and HIV infection has rarely been studied, even though a recent literature review concluded that conflicts are specific contexts which exacerbate vulnerabilities to HIV/AIDS as well as gender-based violence (GBV), and that anecdotal reports suggest a strong relationship between these factors. For example, as a consequence of the genocide in Rwanda there is a disproportionately large number of women infected with HIV/AIDS amongst rape survivors, these numbers together with anecdotal evidence suggests that their infection is a direct consequence of the sexual violence inflicted on them. This essay discusses the main factors that play a role in assessing the risk of HIV infection amongst victims of sexual violence in what is generally considered the largest humanitarian catastrophe of today; the conflict in Darfur. Sexual violence in Darfur "Janjaweed would pass their hands touching the heads and legs of women, if a woman has long hair and fat legs and silky skin she is immediately taken away to be raped. There was panic among all of us and we could not move. They took girls away for long hours and brought them back later. Girls were crying, we knew they raped them. Some of us were raped in front of the crowd"¦I was sitting with the others on the bare floor, very exhausted, thirsty and scared. Two of them came to me, I resisted them and told them I did not want them but they did not like that. They hit me and decided to rape me in front of others, one of them came to me from the back and started raping me"¦I could not move after that." Narrated by a Fur woman who at the time of the interview stayed in a camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in South Darfur. The UN's International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur concluded that rape and other forms of sexual violence are widespread and systematically used by the Janjaweed and Government soldiers, since the conflict started in 2003, next to other forms of violence such as killing of civilians, torture, enforced disappearances, destruction of villages and pillaging. Nevertheless, the actual figures of the numbers of rape occurring are impossible to establish. Women are at the risk of rape while facing an attack of enemy forces, while fleeing conflict, but also while living within the relatively protected boundaries of a refugee camp. In fact, many of the rapes occur while carrying out daily activities such as collecting firewood. The victims of rape in Darfur are generally women between 12 and 45 years old, belonging to "African" tribes, the Fur, the Massalit and the Zaghawa. Factors that increase the risk of HIV infection The risk of direct HIV transmission due to rape is affected by a range of physiological factors. When sexual intercourse is forced, abrasions and cuts are more likely to appear, increasing the risk of transmission. Reports show that sexually transmitted infections (STI) are common amongst the IDP population in Darfur, while there is strong evidence that STIs also increase the risk of HIV transmission. The practice of female circumcision is widespread in Darfur , increasing the risk for injury during sexual intercourse, and thus the risk of HIV infection. Moreover, women are biologically twice as likely as men to contract HIV during sexual intercourse , while this probability is even higher for young women and girls. Literature on the relation between sexual violence and HIV/AIDS in non-conflict settings suggests that there can be other factors associated with rape that increase vulnerability to HIV infection in the long run, such as behavioural change amongst victims after rape. Rape in Darfur is surrounded by shame and stigma, and many cases occurred where women were ostracised by their own families and communities. For unmarried women and girls, being raped severely limits her chances of finding a marriage partner, while married women, may be abandoned by their husbands. At the same time, there are various forms in which rape survivors may be supported by the community, and their acceptance by the community has slightly increased as the numbers of rape cases rose. The women who face social exclusion often also become economically vulnerable. Generally, poverty is associated with an enhanced risk of HIV infection, amongst other things because of the lack of access to health care. There are few livelihood strategies available to women alone. Data suggest from other refugee settings suggests that particularly 'single women' and girls who are unaccompanied engage in forms of transactional sex to survive. The demand for sexual services increases in conflicts especially through the presence of armed forces, and poses a high risk for HIV infection since it is often unprotected. HIV/AIDS prevalence in Darfur and the armed forces There are also factors that suggest that the risk of HIV infection in Darfur as a consequence of rape might be limited. The very little data available on HIV/AIDS in Darfur indicates that the prevalence is 'relatively low'; Sudan is considered to be in the early stages of a generalised HIV/AIDS epidemic. While this should be interpreted with caution, the situation is clearly different from Rwanda where it was already known that the HIV prevalence rates where relatively high in the population as a whole at the onset of the conflict. Moreover, HIV/AIDS can only be transmitted directly during rape if the perpetrator is HIV positive. Several studies indicate that infection rates among many military groups are often high, about two to five times higher than amongst the civilian population , while others stress that there are also protective factors and not enough is known about these patterns. In addition, there are too few indications of the HIV prevalence rates amongst the different military groups in Darfur to draw any conclusions on this. Nevertheless, it should be noted that in a time of mass rape and multiple assailants during rape, like is the case in Darfur , perpetrators may also become infected, and recently infected individuals are physiologically most infectious. Women's vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in conflict settings The risk of HIV infection for women who are raped should be interpreted in the larger context of HIV/AIDS transmission in conflict settings, and women's vulnerability in these settings. Many of the factors that are conducive of the transmission of HIV/AIDS are prominent in conflict situations such as population mobility, displacement and the breakdown of the health system (incl. unsafe blood transfusions). In addition, the conflict has led to a widespread destruction of livelihoods and increased poverty. Conflict also affects the social structures that under normal circumstances provide a supportive and protective network for community members. Female-headed households are common especially in IDP camps and are generally considered to be more economically vulnerable. These women may also be at an increased risk of HIV infection, for example by resorting to high-risk livelihood strategies. Implications for humanitarian intervention Considering the widespread use of sexual violence in Darfur and other recent conflicts, it is crucial that humanitarian organisations address the risk of HIV infection as a consequence of rape. Next to general awareness raising and HIV prevention campaigns, specific prevention strategies to address the short term and long term HIV risks for rape survivors are of major importance. In response to the risk of direct transmission of HIV through rape, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) is being provided by a number of humanitarian agencies in Darfur. PEP can prevent HIV infection if administered within 72 hours after the rape and if strictly taken for 28 subsequent days. However, in practice there are a number of factors that decrease the effectiveness of PEP, namely; late reporting due to lack of awareness and access to treatment, not finishing the long treatment regimen, and the relatively high expenses associated with PEP. Considering the long-term risk of HIV infection amongst rape survivors and the risk of infection amongst vulnerable (IDP) women, interventions aimed at strengthening social support mechanisms and creating livelihood opportunities for women are crucial. However, the humanitarian approach to HIV intervention in emergency settings has been criticised of having a too strong medical focus, with very little attention for social aspects. Within the humanitarian gender-based violence programs on the other hand, these aspects are more prominent but not explicitly linked to HIV/AIDS. Guidelines for example recommend strengthening or re-building of family and community support systems and strategies to achieve women's empowerment; such as offering literacy programs, vocational training, income generating activities and leadership training. Little information is available which shows to what extent these activities are successfully implemented in Darfur. For example, it has proven challenging to offer income generating activities for women in IDP camps that generates the same or higher returns than collecting and selling firewood. Women who have been raped during conflict are likely to be at an increased risk of being infected with HIV/AIDS. This risk depends amongst other things on the HIV prevalence in the region and specifically amongst perpetrators (armed forces), on physiological factors, and on the impact of sexual violence on women's lives and vulnerability to HIV/AIDS in conflict and post-conflict settings. So far, too little is known about these factors to draw any firm conclusions; much more solid empirical research is needed in this area. This knowledge can be used to determine the relative importance of different approaches to HIV prevention amongst rape survivors; aimed at preventing direct transmission or long term vulnerability. A better understanding of the relation between sexual violence and the risk of HIV infection can also contribute to the improved integration of HIV and gender-based violence interventions within humanitarian settings. Ultimately this will save women, already traumatised by the sexual violence inflicted on them, from the death sentence of HIV/AIDS. The following resources were used in this essay: United Nations General Assembly Special Session, Official Declaration (2001). Harvard School of Public Health, HIV/AIDS and Gender-Based Violence Literature Review, Program on International Health and Human Rights, Harvard School of Public Health (Boston, 2006). AVEGA-AGAHOZO 'Etudes sur les violences faites aux femmes au Rwanda' (1999). In: Amnesty International, Rwanda: "Marked for Death", Rape Survivors Living with HIV/AIDS in Rwanda (2005). Human Rights Watch (HRW), Sexual Violence and its Consequences among displaced persons in Darfur and Chad (2005). ICID, Report of the International Commission of Inquiry on Darfur to the United Nations Secretary-General, Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1564 of 18 September 2004 (Geneva, 2005) MSF, Crushing the Burden of Rape, Sexual Violence in Darfur (2005). WHO, Guidelines for the Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections (Geneva, 2003). United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention), Fact Sheet: Prevention and Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Diseases as an HIV Prevention Strategy. UNICEF, FGM/C Sudan country profile (2005). UNAIDS/UNICEF/WHO, Epidemiological Fact sheets on HIV/AIDS and STDs in Sudan (2004). Shattock, R. Sexual Trauma and the Female Genital Tract. In: Women, Sexual Violence and HIV, The Foundation for AIDS Research (2005). Holmes, M., 'Sexually Transmitted Infections in Female Rape Victims', AIDS Patient Care and STDs, Vol. 13, No. 12, (1999) pp. 703-708. Amnesty International, Rape as a weapon of war; sexual violence and its consequences (2004). UNFPA, The Effects of Conflict on the Health and Well-being, p. 32-35. Cohen, D. 'Poverty and HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa', UNDP, HIV and Development Program Issues Paper, No. 27 (1999). UNHCR, Guidelines on the Protection of Refugee Women (Geneva, 1991). Smith, A., 'HIV/AIDS and Emergencies; Analysis and Recommendations for Practice', Humanitarian Practice Network, Overseas Development Institute, (London, 2002) Martin, S., Boys Must Be Boys, Ending Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in UN Peacekeeping Missions, Refugees International (Washington DC, 2005), p. 3. World Health Organisation, HIV/AIDS Treatment Scale-up Plan for the Republic of Sudan 2005-2009 (draft for discussion) (2005). Kayirangwa, E. Hanson, J., Munyakazi1, L., and A Kabeja, 'Current trends in Rwanda's HIV/AIDS epidemic', Sexually Transmitted Infections, Vol. 82, Suppl. 1. (2006) pp. 27-31. UNAIDS, 'AIDS and the Military; UNAIDS Point of View', in: UNAIDS Best Practice Collection (1998) p. 3. Whiteside, A. De Waal, A. and T. Gebre-Tensae, 'AIDS, Security and the Military in Africa: a Sober Appraisal'. African Affairs, Vol. 105 no. 419 (2006) Mock, N. B., Duale, S., Brown, L. F., Mathys, E., Maonaigh, H. C. O. Abul-Husn, N. K.L., S. Elliott, 'Conflict and HIV: A framework for risk assessment to prevent HIV in conflictaffected settings in Africa', Emerging themes in Epidemiology, Vol. 1, No. 6 (2004). Young, H., Osman, A. M., Aklilu, Y., Dale, R. and B. Badri, Darfur 2005, Livelihoods under Siege, Final Report, Feinstein International Famine Center, Tufts University and Ahfad University for Women, Sudan (Medford/Omdurman 2005). MSF, Emergency medical response in Darfur, Sudan, 8 July 2004 http://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/news/2004/07-08-2004.cfm United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Guidelines for Prevention and Response Sexual and Gender-Based Violence against Refugees, Returnees and Internally Displaced Persons (Geneva, 2003). WCRWC, Finding Trees in the Desert: Firewood Collection and Alternatives in Darfur (2006) Where Next for Darfur's Peace Process? Tragedy in Darfur The Millennium Development Goals – What next, Mr Cameron? – By Myles Wickstead Niger's presidential run-off: same cast, different script? By Terfa Hemen Somalia food shortages worsened by NGO policy and anti-terrorism laws – By Mohamed Mubarak Somalia is still fragile, but fragile is progress By Muhammad Fraser-Rahim The Standoff between ICC and African Leaders Debate Revisited By Emmanuel Saffa Abdulai Zimbabwe Elections Scenarios: New ICG Report Cuts Through the Political Posturing By rethinkingzim Alex de Waal 13 August, 2007 at 17:20 Selma Scheewe's posting challenges us to think more precisely about the implications of sexual violence in conflict. To describe rape as a "weapon of war" is to use a metaphor—can sexual violence be more precisely located within the logic of war-fighting? Is it a strategy, a tactic, a corollary of war—or all of the above? Prior to the Darfur conflict, I have been involved in the study of rape and sexual violence in three different situations. The first was in north-east Kenya in 1992-3, where Somali refugees were exposed to an extraordinarily high risk of rape, primarily by ethnic Somali bandits and militiamen and also by Kenyan policemen and soldiers. The main focus of the study (African Rights, The Nightmare Continues) was to document the abuses, to push the Kenyan government and UNHCR into taking action to protect female refugees, punish police and army abusers, and provide care and support to rape survivors. In this regard we had some success. But why was there such an extraordinary explosion in sexual violence? The same was also happening inside Somalia as the state collapsed and the war spread. Was this a consequence of the breakdown of authority? Was it a tactic by militia to terrorize their adversaries? We didn't investigate. But, given the striking and growing parallels between Darfur and Somalia in the late 1980s, the similarities are worth investigating. The second case was Rwanda, most thoroughly investigated by my colleague Rakiya Omaar. To my knowledge this is the only documented case in which HIV infection was deliberately inflicted on a significant scale. Rape here was strategic in that it was part of the overall Hutu Power strategy of eliminating the Tutsis. The third case was the Nuba Mountains, where the Sudan government and its proxy militia mounted a campaign that was just as vicious as, and more ambitious than, any in Darfur. In documenting the human rights violations in the Nuba Mountains in 1995, we interviewed many survivors of rape. In this case, rape served multiple purposes. For the ideological agenda of eliminating the Nuba as a distinct group, rape bred a generation of children with Arab ancestry. We documented official exhortations to soldiers and militiamen to do precisely this, indicating that it was indeed a strategic goal. There is no comparable evidence for Darfur. When the jihad failed and as the eliminationist and transformationist agenda of the Sudan government faded after 1993, the Nuba war became more like Darfur today: a nasty fragmented counter-insurgency whose defining feature was lawlessness and the local frontier despotism of militia commanders with loyalties for sale. During this post-jihad period, the defining character of sexual violence was its instrumentality for the garrisons. The abduction of Nuba women by soldiers, who kept them as forced concubines and domestic servants in their garrisons, served the purpose of satisfying the sexual and household demands of those soldiers. Some women were raped dozens or hundreds of times under these circumstances. It is not clear to me whether we can identify patterns of sexual violence in Darfur today that allow for the imputation of purpose and motive. This needs investigation. Congo: Waiting for M24 or a real window of opportunity? – By Kris Berwouts Côte d'IvoirePolitics Côte d'Ivoire: The mutiny may be over, but the army's problems are not Situation is Critical! Bringing African writing back home – By Jeremy Weate
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The Tam Quan coconut plantation areas in Binh Dinh province is ranked the 2nd areas of coconut in Vietnam. It is about 13.000 hectares with over 2 millions coconut trees. The most coconut plantations are concentrated in Hoai Nhon, Phu Cat, Phu My district. With the natural, congruous condition, the coconut in Ninh Da ward is became a famous specialty. The coconut plantation areas is about 3000 trees and provides for the market about 6000pcs every year. Ca Mau province has approved the developmental plan to 2020 and the overview to 2030. According, in 2020, the coconut plantation areas will be 7000 hectares. Tay Ninh town is the economic – political – culture center of Tay Ninh province. Areas of gray soil in Tay Ninh are 338.833 hectares about 84.13% natural areas of province. The coconut plantation areas is about 100 hectares and provides for the market about 200000pcs every year. Ben Tre's coconut area is approximately 71.129 hectares, yielding around 576.9 million coconuts per year. Coconut plants is very important for economic of Ben Tre Province as the main means of existence for all farmer households. Recently, coconut processing industry in the province has been the rapid development and variety. With the scale large processing capacity, businesses need to consume raw coconuts, create more jobs with good income for local people, contribute to the revenue of the province. Luong Quoi Coconut Co., Ltd. oriented and committed to providing clean and high quality products with the best nutrient from coconut. Besides developing coconut cultivation area, in 2011, Luong Quoi Coconut Co., Ltd has embarked on the construction of organic coconut plantation for own. Until now, Luong Quoi's organic plantation is 2,065 hectares. - Prevention of the use chemical fertilizers. - Prevention of animal grazing in the farmland. - Fertilizer supplied to the coconut farm consists of organic microorganism fertilizers. We signed the contract to cultivate and buy organic coconut with coconut farmers. We regularly cooperates with local authorities to organize training courses on farming techniques as well as support fertilizers, bio-pesticides for farmer. Purchasing organic coconuts at prices 3-10% higher than the market. Farm households are provided with Farming Manual, Farming Log, and record activities in their coconut farm. ICS Department – Internal Control System (trained and certified by Control Union) shall inspect the Farming Log and coconut farms of farm household once a month to ensure the quality and yield of the coconut farm.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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