History of Thanksgiving Indian: Why Squanto already knew English Massasoit, Plymouth, MA HISTORY OF THANKSGIVING: FRIENDLY INDIAN SQUANTO We've all heard the story of how the Pilgrims, landing in Massachusetts four hundred years ago on the Mayflower in 1620, were ill-equipped to survive the harsh winters of the New World. We've also heard how they met a Native American Indian of the Pawtuxet tribe named Squanto, who befriended them. He taught them how to survive in their new wilderness home, showed them how to plant and fertilize their crops, fish, and acted as an interpreter with the Wampanoag tribe and its chief, Massasoit (pictured above from Plymouth, MA). The fact that he already knew English before the Pilgrims landed is what is remarkable. Squanto at Thanksgiving The man Tisquantum, better known as Squanto, probably was present at the first Thanksgiving celebration held by the Pilgrims. He was certainly there by 1621 — after the winter when the Pilgrims lost half of their population to starvation and diseases — when another Indian, Samoset, introduced Squanto to the Pilgrim settlers, and he became a member of their colony. Because Squanto could speak English well, Governor William Bradford asked him to serve as his ambassador to the Indian tribes. It was over a decade before the Pilgrims landed that Squanto was captured from Massachusetts and taken, along with other Indians, by an English ship captain and sold into slavery in Málaga, Spain. Squanto Kidnapped to Europe There, Squanto was bought by a Spanish monk, who treated him well, freed him from slavery, and taught him the Christian faith. Squanto eventually made his way to England — where he either learned or improved his English — and worked in the stables of a man named John Slaney. It was Slaney, sympathizing with Squanto's desire to return home, who promised to put the Indian on the first vessel bound for America. Squanto Returns to America It was ten years after Squanto was first kidnapped, not until 1618 — that a ship was found. Finally, after a decade of exile, Squanto returned home. There he learned that his tribe had died from an epidemic, probably of smallpox brought by the earlier English colonists. While he was living among the Wampanoag near present-day Plymouth, MA, his friend Samoset introduced him to the new Pilgrim settlers. In 1622, as Squanto lay mortally ill with fever, the Pilgrim leader William Bradford knelt at his bedside. According to Bradford's diary, Squanto asked him to "pray for him, that he might go to the Englishmen's God in heaven." Squanto died November 1622, having bequeathed his possessions to the Pilgrims "as remembrances of his love." Taken in part from Chuck Colson's article "The Story of Squanto" History of Thanksgiving: the Secular and the Sacred History of 2020: It Wasn't the Beginning of the New Decade? History of Erasing Unpopular Leaders: Damnatio Memoriae Posted in Christian, History, Holidays, Secular, US and tagged Indian, Pilgrims, Squanto, Thanksgiving, Tisquantum ← History of Thanksgiving: the Secular and the SacredHistory of Black Friday: One Day Only? → steve hanlon on November 24, 2011 at 1:08 pm Why is there no movie about Squanto? Bill Petro on November 26, 2011 at 7:55 pm There is. "Squanto: A Warrrior's Tale" 1994. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0111271/ Samuel Zook on October 31, 2020 at 11:02 am Like Joseph in scripture You meant it for evil but the LORD meant it for good. They both saved lives! Reformation Paul_L_Maier Germany Reformation vmworld Rome Thanksgiving LinkedIn iphone Apple Jewish Ireland Thomas Jefferson Jesus sacred_holiday Social Media History Rome movies magi Christmas Benjamin Franklin Martin Luther vmware Founding Father john adams Star Trek Dachau Science Lent Twitter holiday cloud Plague secular_holiday Christian Star Wars Easter music WWII
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
This is a placeholder page for Jenny Mouton, which means this person is not currently on this site. We do suggest using the tools below to find Jenny Mouton. You are visiting the placeholder page for Jenny Mouton. This page is here because someone used our placeholder utility to look for Jenny Mouton. We created this page automatically in hopes Jenny Mouton would find it. If you are not Jenny Mouton, but are an alumni of Carencro High School Lafayette, LA, register on this site for free now.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
I have a question about the "sparker" on an Allen Hand Crank Coil Tester. It appears as thought I've lost the contact to my "sparker". The assembly I have looks to have been repaired a few times and it finally gave up. I'm assuming that the phenolic tube is insulating the contactor so that the spark is directed to the outside of the cylinder the crank is on. You can see what I have. How much of this is original? I'm guessing the bent paperclip isn't. What should it look like? Very recently helped another fellow with the same exact problem on the same type HCCT. I will send you photos tomorrow AM of the parts you need and a source. Give me a call upon receipt of photos and I will explain in detail. Several photos are in your email. I talked to Bob Scherzer like you recommended. He was able to help me with the part I needed. Here is a photo of the part Verne needed to repair his Allen Electric HCCT.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
South African Finance Minister Tito Mboweni has welcomed the approval of the loan from the IMF to SA. Picture: Reuters IMF approves $4.3bn to strengthen SA's fight against Covid-19 By Staff Reporter Jul 27, 2020 The IMF Executive Board has approved South Africa's request for emergency financial support under the Rapid Financing Instrument (RFI) for an amount of US$4.3 billion to help the country mitigate the adverse social and economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. According to a statement by National Treasury, the additional IMF funding is a low interest loan that contributes to government's fiscal relief package while respecting South Africa's decisions on how best to provide relief to the economy and those worst affected by the current crisis. It will also pave the way for government to provide the necessary financial relief required to forge a new economy and mitigate further harm to the economy. According to Treasury, the country has been hard hit by the pandemic, and this required government to come up with fiscal and monetary measures that would respond to the struggling economy and contain its negative effects to society. The Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni, presented a Special Adjustments Budget in Parliament on June 24, as part of government's key interventions to the Covid-19 pandemic. Public spending priorities and budgets are being re-ordered and reprioritised towards Covid-19 related interventions and economic recovery efforts. The relief package will: Support health and frontline services Protect the most vulnerable Drive job creation Unlock economic growth through reforms Stabilise public debt "Government's Covid-19 economic support package directs R500 billion straight at the problem. This is one of the largest economic response packages in the developing world. The South African Reserve Bank has reduced interest rates and made it easier for banks to lend money, and supported liquidity in the domestic bond market. "Government spending and tax proposals, as well as the loan guarantee scheme and wage protection measures, are providing protection to workers and the poor, while assisting to stay afloat during these tough economic times, Mboweni said. He added that going forward, SA's fiscal measures will build on policy strengths and limit the existing economic vulnerabilities which have been exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Don't miss another foilboarding session! F-One's foil collection is totally refreshed for spring 2018 with new models, new sizes, new shapes and a new mast connection system! The ocean is their passion and the hours they've spent kitefoiling, SUPfoiling, windfoiling and surffoiling have led F-One to this brand new collection.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
In 2015, the Drug Enforcement Administration gave $20,000 to the state of New Hampshire to eradicate marijuana plants, according to federal documents. But the Granite State's law enforcement agencies didn't have much luck finding any weed to pull that year – their efforts uncovered a single outdoor grow site with a grand total of 27 plants. That's an expensive weeding operation, but it could be worse. Utah received $73,000 in marijuana eradication funds, according to the federal documents, obtained by journalist Drew Atkins as part of a FOIA request. But agents failed to find a single pot plant to eradicate. The DEA's $14 million marijuana eradication program has been the subject of a fair amount of criticism in recent years. Twelve members of Congress have pushed to eliminate the program and use the money instead to fund domestic-violence prevention and deficit-reduction programs. Its purpose is to "halt the spread of cannabis cultivation in the United States," a mission that has become complicated as more states have legalized medical or recreational marijuana programs. Several more states have similar measures on the ballot this year. Nationwide, the DEA documents show that spending on the program has shrunk from about $18 million in 2014 to $14 million in the current fiscal year. Some states – including Alaska, Colorado and Vermont – stopped receiving eradication funds completely. California, where medical marijuana is legal, receives the lion's share of marijuana eradication funds, in part because the "Emerald Triangle" region of Northern California. The area has long been home to many of the state's legal and quasi-legal marijuana production operations, but law enforcement authorities have maintained that it also has been a haven for the grow operations of Mexican drug cartels. Rounding out the top 5 marijuana eradication states are Tennessee, Georgia and, perhaps unexpectedly, Washington. The aptly nicknamed Evergreen State legalized the recreational use of marijuana in 2012, and pot shops opened for business in 2014. So it may seem odd that the DEA is spending $760,000 this year to eradicate pot plants in the state. New Hampshire, Louisiana, Delaware, Utah and New Jersey all spent well over $100 for every marijuana plant eradicated. Eleven states spent at least $50 per plant, while nearly half of the states – 23 of them – spent at least $25 in federal money for each marijuana plant they eliminated. At the other end of the spectrum, states with big investments in marijuana eradication – like California and Kentucky – also had the most successful efforts to pull up large numbers of pot plants. So their per-plant costs are much lower. To be perfectly clear, even in a fully legal, highly regulated market like Colorado's there will be a need to enforce prohibitions on large-scale, unlicensed marijuana grows – similar to the way the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms busts illegal home alcohol distilleries. Beyond that, authorities often make a number of arrests at cultivation sites, or seize weapons and other property from people suspected of involvement with marijuana grow operations.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
TMG reserves the right to change this policy whenever deemed necessary without prior notification. Should changes be made, they will be posted on this Privacy Notice with the date of revision. Information posted about our members on the website consists only of organization name and city. We do, however, maintain internal lists of members and contacts. Because your physical mail and e-mail addresses are confidential, we never share either type of list with outside parties, and only key TMG personnel and certain technical contractors are allowed access to the areas of the computer systems in which we store our lists. Lists are accessed only for the purpose of upgrading our computer systems or distributing TMG newsletters, publicity campaigns, alerts, correspondence, event notifications, or other professional communications that help us accomplish our mission as a nonprofit organization. through online forms for posting events, updates, donations, etc. Definition from Webopedia at: http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/C/cookie.html, accessed 9/30/2012. Cookies are used to customize web pages to provide the user with preferences. They can be deactivated in your browser if you wish by configuring your browser's preferences not to accept them. No information gathered by any cookies we have on our site is used to disseminate information about your personal use of the Internet, nor is it ever used for any marketing or advertising purposes. Online forms are generated by our database to gather information about you and your organization when you register for an event, email updates, to donate, etc. None of this information is shared with 3rd parties, except that which is intended to be shown on results pages as delineated on the form. If you post information that is available on the web, and wish to have it removed or corrected, please contact us, and we will comply with your request as soon as possible. None of the information we collect is shared with any 3rd-party except as aggregated statistics for organizational performance reporting purposes, capturing and defining web traffic patterns, and website improvement. Information of this kind is never used to track or monitor individual users. Our purpose is to provide communications and collaboration with and among nonprofits, to improve the information flow to the nonprofit community, and to improve the content and usability of our website, programs, products, and services. If you send us questions about our website content or any of our areas of operation, we may forward your request for information to parties who would be able to assist you, or we may respond to you with that information in kind. You may at any time request us not to do so, and we will comply with that request, except as we are required by legal regulations or a court order to do so. It is unlikely we will contact you for verification, but we reserve the right to do so, should it become necessary. If you contact us by email or phone, we may ask you to verify your personal information so that we may respond to your inquiry with an assurance of your identity. Sign up for TMG email updates by clicking the email Signup link on any page of the website. Once you are part of our contact/distribution lists, you can opt out any time you like by clicking the opt out link or replying to the email and asking to be removed from the list.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Five cuban antiterrorist fighters Latin Americans Want Cuban 5 Free June 5, 2012 Five cuban antiterrorist fighters, Havana, Latin american school of medicine, U.s. prisons 0 Havana, Jun 5. – Students from the Latin American School of Medicine demanded in this capital the immediate return of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in U.S. prisons since 1998. Antonio Guerrero, Fernando Gonzalez, Ramon Labañino, Rene Gonzalez and Gerardo Hernandez were sentenced to long prison terms for gathering information about terrorist actions against Cuba planned by Important Workers' Union in US Discusses Cuban 5 Cases June 4, 2012 Convention of the service employees international union, Denver, Five cuban antiterrorist fighters, Free the five, International committee, Seiu, Washington 1 Washington, Jun 4. – The International Committee to Free the Five said on Monday that the cases of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters was analyzed in Denver, in the United States, during the Convention of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). The presence of this issue in the SEIU National Convention was a step forward in the struggle to French Activists: Free the Cuban 5 May 4, 2012 Five cuban antiterrorist fighters, Jacqueline roussie, Letter, Member of the french committee to free the five, París, U.s. president barack obama 0 Paris, May 4. – Jacqueline Roussie, a member of the French Committee to Free the Five, sent a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama demanding the immediate release of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in U.S. prisons. In her letter, Roussie recalled that in 2005, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention considered illegal the arrests of Costa Ricans Highlight Antiterrorist's Permission to Travel to Cuba March 21, 2012 Costa rican committee of solidarity with cuba, Five cuban antiterrorist fighters, Rene gonzález, San josé 2 San Jose, Mar 21. – The Costa Rican Committee of Solidarity with Cuba on Wednesday highlighted the permission granted to Rene Gonzalez, one of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in U.S. prisons, to travel to his country. Federal Judge Joan A. Lenard granted the permission, by virtue of which Gonzalez can travel to Havana for two weeks Cuban Jurist Calls for Solidarity with the Five February 9, 2012 Dominicans, Five cuban antiterrorist fighters, Renowned cuban jurist, Rodolfo dávalos, Santo domingo, U.s. prisons 0 Santo Domingo, Feb 9. – Renowned Cuban jurist Rodolfo Davalos called on Dominicans to support with evidence the demand for the release of five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in U.S. prisons. During a ceremony at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, Cuban Ambassador Alexis Bandrich referred to the work, profession, age and family of the Five, as they French Mayor Demands Release of Cuban Five January 13, 2012 Condemned the unjust imprisonment, Demanded their immediate release, Five cuban antiterrorist fighters, Françoise baud, The mayor of the french commune of valenton 0 Paris, Jan 13. -Francoise Baud, the mayor of the French commune of Valenton, condemned the unjust imprisonment of five Cuban antiterrorist fighters and demanded their immediate release.Speaking at a rally in Valenton, Baud and Alain Girard, secretary of the French Communist Party, called on participants to write a letter to U.S. President Barack Obama to demand the release of U.S. Religious Leader Visits Cuba November 30, 2011 Condemned, Extensive agenda, Five cuban antiterrorist fighters, In the united states, In this capital, Including a meeting, Michael kinnamon carrying out, Relatives, To long sentences, U.s. religious leader 2 Havana, Nov 30. -U.S. religious leader Michael Kinnamon is carrying out an extensive agenda in this capital, including a meeting with relatives of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters condemned to long sentences in the United States.Regarding the case of Gerardo Hernandez, Rene Gonzalez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando Gonzalez, sentenced after infiltrating violent groups working in Miami with European, LatAm Legislators: Free the Cuban 5 November 24, 2011 And immediate release, Demanded, Five cuban antiterrorist fighters, In that northern nation, In this city, Left-wing european and latin american legislators, To the united states, Unconditional, Unjustly held 1 Brussels, Nov 24. -Left-wing European and Latin American legislators demanded in this city to the United States the unconditional and immediate release of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in that northern nation.In a release issued on the occasion of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly, Eurolat, legislators denounced the situation of Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero y Angolan Leader Meets Cuban 5 Relatives November 22, 2011 Antonio paulo kassoma, Five cuban antiterrorist fighters, His official visit to cuba, Meets, On tuesday, Part, Relatives, The president of the national assembly of angola, United states, Unjustly held 1 Havana, Nov 22. -The president of the National Assembly of Angola, Antonio Paulo Kassoma, on Tuesday meets with relatives of the five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in the United States, as part of his official visit to Cuba.Gerardo Hernandez, Ramon Labañino, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando Gonzalez are currently serving harsh sentences ranging from 15 years to double life Legal Violations in Case of Cuban 5 Denounced November 3, 2011 Alleged incriminating evidences, Converted, Five cuban antiterrorist fighters, Has violated, In the case, Into secret material, Its own laws, Olga salanueva, Stated on thursday, U.s. justice, Unjustly held in that northern nation 0 Moscow, Nov 3. -U.S. justice has violated its own laws and converted alleged incriminating evidences into secret material in the case of five Cuban antiterrorist fighters unjustly held in that northern nation, Olga Salanueva stated on Thursday.In remarks to Russia Today television channel in Spanish, Salanueva, wife of Rene Gonzalez, one of the Cuban Five, described the inhuman isolation
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Exoprosopa curvicornis är en tvåvingeart som beskrevs av Mario Bezzi 1924. Exoprosopa curvicornis ingår i släktet Exoprosopa och familjen svävflugor. Artens utbredningsområde är Kenya. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Svävflugor curvicornis
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
One of the most popular and important Bible stories, Daniel In Lions Den wallpaper mural is perfect for a Sunday school nursery or daycare center. After being thrown into a pit of lions by jealous government officials, Daniel puts faith in God and is left unscathed by the large felines. This kid-friendly wallpaper is a great teaching tool for children learning about their faith. Our church LOVES LOVES LOVES the mural.We pit it in the 1st grade Sunday School class and the children immediately commented on the "cute" lions.They love it and invited their parents to come up to their special class Thank you!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Are 100 Dow Points a Lot? One of the most cited U.S. stock indexes – or gauges of the stock market – is the Dow Jones Industrial Average (or Dow). The Dow tracks 30 large publicly-owned companies. Composed by Charles Dow in 1896, the index originally included 12 industrial stocks. It's easy to keep up with the Dow's performance. Just turn on the TV or check your smartphone. This day in age, investors can follow the stock market second-by-second. Decades ago, the Dow was only calculated and published once daily. With real-time information at our fingertips, it's important to keep "the score" in perspective. In the 1970s, when the average Dow price was 861, a 100-point drop equaled an 11.6% drop. In the 1980s, when the average Dow price was 1,504, a 100-point drop equaled a 6.6% drop. In the 1990s, when the average Dow price was 5,298, a 100-point drop equaled a 1.9% drop. In the 2000s, when the average Dow price was 10,472, a 100-point drop equaled a 1.0% drop. According to Ned Davis Research, the stock market historically drops by 10% about once a year and pulls back by 5% about three times a year. If the Dow were at 26,000, a 5% decline would be a drop of 1,300 points. A 10% decline would be 2,600 points. Thus far in 2018, we've seen the stock market move up, down, and sideways. This stands in contrast to 2017, which delivered more consistent positive advancement. Volatility as experienced in 2018, especially on the way down, can feel uncomfortable. However, long-term investors understand this isn't unprecedented, and maintaining resolve during such periods is crucial. Our team strives to help you keep the market's changes in perspective. We're here to ensure your investments align with your preferences, needs, and aspirations, no matter whether 100 Dow points are a lot or not.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Oligota granaria är en skalbaggsart som beskrevs av Wilhelm Ferdinand Erichson 1837. Oligota granaria ingår i släktet Oligota, och familjen kortvingar. Arten är reproducerande i Sverige. Källor Kortvingar granaria
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
It goes without saying that it is important that you attend classes at a good ultrasound technician school if you want to start your career as a diagnostic medical sonographer with a solid foundation. However, there are many different choices available and it is hard to differentiate between similar programs. It is recommended that you take a moment and learn as much as you can about the options that are available. For many, online ultrasound schools stand out as the best possible solution but this might not be the case for you. The first thing that you need to consider is the degree type that you want. This is highly important in deciding which schools should be considered. As an example, a community college can offer you a 2 year associated degree, while universities also have 4 years programs for DMS degree. After deciding what you goals are, the search is going to be a lot easier. Online Ultrasound Schools – Are They Any Good? Most people that tell you not to trust online schools for ultrasound technician careers do so because of a misconception that an online school is not as good as a regular college. This is not at all true. You can easily complete the Diagnostic Medical Sonographer program on the internet. The only problem stands in choosing a school that is accredited. Those that are not should never be considered. Make sure that you only apply to accredited online ultrasound schools by visiting the CAAHEP website and checking for accreditation. Accreditation is highly important for online ultrasound schools as it shows that the study course is widely accepted and recognized. A school has to meet and maintain different standards that are controlled by governing bodies, like CAAHEP. If you end up attending the courses offered by a sonography school that does not have accreditation, the time spent and the certificates offered might not be accepted by different employers and without the minimum number of clinical hours you will not be allowed to take the ARDMS exam. This basically means that you will end up finding it really difficult to get a job. It is highly important that you take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of opting for online ultrasound courses. You should know that the quality offered by the online school is the same as that of a regular school but the big disadvantage stands in the lack of hands-on training. You should seriously consider looking for an online ultrasound school that offers online and offline training. This offers you the possibility to also gain clinical experience while learning all that is necessary to be good at this job. The biggest advantage of an online school is that you can learn whenever or wherever you want to, for example, just because you live in Los Angeles doesn't mean you need to attend an Ultrasound Technician School in California. There are no time constraints and since most people also hold jobs while studying, this flexibility is important.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
It Happened Last Night: Drew Barrymore and 'That Dude From Gossip Girl' Richard Lawson Filed to: critical stalker critical stalker Ed Westwick It's the most unfightable news story of the day. Last night, at a Kings of Leon concert, actress Drew Barrymore got into some down 'n dirty tonsil hockey with Gossip Girl fop Ed Westwick. They were sucking face like mad, for all the world to see. And see the world did, if our tips inbox is any indication. Several breathless emails arrived in the early morn, keening to us about this sex explosion that will surely ruin the world with its blinding hotness. Or something. Read some accounts of the events after the jump. Drew Barrymore was at the Kings of Leon show last night at Webster Hall. She was with Ryan Gentles (manager of the Strokes, who looked strung out). She left with her arm wrapped around Ed Westwick....which makes sense, since she seems to go for guys about 15-20 years younger than her. Chase Crawford was at the Kings of Leon show last night. He had a black hat pulled down pretty low. Outside the venue after the show, he was surrounded by girls as he smoked cigarettes with Ed Westwick. When Westwick went off with Drew Barrymore he stayed for a little bit. From the Foggymonocle: We caught Drew Barrymore slobbering all over the dude from Gossip Girl at last night's Kings of Leon after party at Bowery Electric. It was like a high school make out session. From Us Weekly: It is the second time in a week that Barrymore and Westwick locked lips, another source tells Us. They were spotted chatting this past weekend at a Saturday Night Live after-party, which The Kings of Leon also played. "Chemistry was there!" a witness tells Us of the two. They then headed to NYC's hip Fat Cat Billiards, where they stayed until 6 a.m., shooting pool with Gossip Girl cast members (including Crawford), actress Ellen Page and Emile Hirsch. "Drew was hanging all over Ed!" a witness tells Us, denying more reports that she had also smooched Crawford. "They were full-on making out!" Adds the witness, "They were definitely all over each other. It was on!" If you are curious about even more Gossip Girl stalker sightings, there is a special map right here. [Photo by Justin Bishop, via Vanity Fair]
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Leary Racing Products News‎ > ‎ Good Luck to Gary Lewis... posted Jul 19, 2013, 4:07 PM by Nancy Leary [ updated Jul 19, 2013, 4:10 PM ] For Immediate Release: Gary Lewis Racing LLC Media Relations Return to Montana 200 comes at just the right time for Lewis SNOHOMISH, Wash. (July 15, 2013)-As a four-time winner of one of the biggest late model races in the country, Gary Lewis knows how important the Coors Light Montana 200 is to any race team. Looking to rebound from a string of misfortune, this weekend's 200 comes at a perfect time for the driver of the Leary Shock Shop Chevrolet. "We've had a tough couple of outings that's for sure," Lewis said. "Running in the Summer Showdown (June 29) with a car capable of winning only to be sidelined with a broken trailing arm was not the way we wanted the night to end. We'd lost a motor the race prior in Wenatchee so this weekend's 200 is the best place for us to turn our fortunes around." While calling Western Washington home, Lewis has made Montana Raceway Park his home away from home race track. Lewis has not finished outside the top-10 in any of his Montana 200 starts and has victories on the NASCAR Northwest Tour and ARCA Late Model Challenge Series to his credit from the high-banked Kalispell quarter-mile. With MRP winnings approaching $60,000 since 1998, the Snohomish native knows what it takes to be successful when it comes to racing in the Flathead Valley. "This team always has a good car when we race there. Some of our biggest wins have come in Montana and it would be nice to get another one this weekend. To do so we'll work on our handling in both grooves and be sure to stay focused on one step at a time from qualifying all the way through to the end of the 200 laps," Lewis said. Lewis followed up his string of four straight Montana 200 victories with a top-3 finish in 2011 and a top-10 last year. Each of those runs came in different cars and the four-time late model champion will be in a new car again this weekend. That challenge will not be a distraction, according to Lewis. "Our Lefthander chassis has been on the track enough this season that the team and I have a good baseline developed for what it needs to be able to run in the front. That's shown in our strong qualifying efforts and good finishes until we ran into this little bump in the road. We have no doubt that this is a car capable of winning the Montana 200 and as a team have the experience needed to battle to the end for that goal." Being part of the great history of the Montana 200 is what drives Lewis to aim for a fifth title, he added. "This race is one of the biggest in the United States. Many of the best drivers in the country want to win it and when you look at an entry list from recent years they (drivers) come from all over to try. With NASCAR experience, track champions, touring champions and guys who just know how to race hard, the 200 is something that when you win it you know as a driver you've had an opportunity to be there at the end against the best racing has to offer. "That's what drives me to win the 200 again." Qualifying for the Montana 200 is set for Friday night with positioning races to follow. The 200-lap finale gets underway Saturday night with coverage at RacingWest.com Site Built and Maintained by The Lariat Software Professionals, Corp
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: Log out using forms authentication in SP2010 I have configured an intranet using Claims based authentication and an extended internet site using forms based authentication in SP 2010 All is set up and working except logging out... I have a loginstatus control which I have placed a linkbutton inside the loggedin template. When I click the button to log out, I have used: Session.Abandon(); Response.Cookies.Clear(); FormsAuthentication.SignOut(); And a custom redirect. ~However when I get redirected back to my home page the system still says that Im logged in and I navigate around the site. How else do I force a logout? A: May be you can try this out http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/sharepointdevelopment/thread/2ae9cf86-0d3e-4f28-8e8a-f5b01baf28d4 A: How have you implemented the custom redirect? Is it a Response.Redirect? I can imagine that could override the clearing of the cookies in the http response.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Eximiousfiction Rebirth To A Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief - Chapter 2033 - Don't Know pen berserk share-p1 Jellyfiction Rebirth To A Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief online - Chapter 2033 - Don't Know recondite need quote-p1 Novel - Rebirth To A Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief - Rebirth To A Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief Chapter 2033 - Don't Know agonizing chief Yussuf the Guide "Hehe…" Qiao Dongliang sneered. "That's ideal. You are always ideal and filled with factor. Alright, I won't attempt to purpose along. I left your mom there as you go along. How would I realize the facts? If you desperately want to know about it, you could ask her directly when she's backside." The Zhai family members was associated with a a lot higher reputation than the Chen friends and family, and neither possessed Qiao Nan committed in to the Zhai family members while with child. Aside from, Qiao Nan's present predicament was significantly more sophisticated than hers were then. So, why was it that this effects differed so much? She could not really get out over the avenues, yet still Qiao Nan could leave the house so gladly! "Did they carry on their honeymoon vacation?" Qiao Zijin laughed guiltily. "Mom's ended up to 'see' her little princess. Why must I tag combined? Qiao Nan got betrothed to Zhai Sheng last night. She's still a different woman. Would not I be standing on their way should i would go and take a look at her?" "Don't even look at it." Ding Jiayi slammed the dining room table. "That wretched lady perceives that she's no longer a Qiao after getting betrothed and has now not a thing with regards to us. Why must I will need to go to see her after her marital life? Shouldn't she deliver Zhai Sheng to travel to me here rather? She really should be offering me teas! Sure, she married Zhai Sheng and have become the chief's spouse. That is why I sacrificed and got the motivation to watch out for her, but would you have recognized that she already hid gone several years ago!" If this was the way it is, the 3 ages of chiefs should never have range from Zhai family members but out of the Qiao loved ones as an alternative. In any case, Nan Nan and the Zhai spouse and children had already remaining. Regardless of whether Ding Jiayi ended up really to indicate up, she would get the identical treatment method upon seeking to enter the the southern part of courtyard. It may be a lot easier on her behalf to get delivered to the authorities station. There had been simply absolutely no way she can create trouble for those Zhai family members. Her ex-mum-in-rules got never authorized her to look windowpane-browsing nearby, a smaller amount step out to try out, saying that she was expecting a baby. If she really wished to workout, there were ample s.p.a.ce for her to take action on the family's garden. There had been a lot of people outside plus it was too congested. Besides, the air quality was terrible. It failed to topic regardless if she did not are concerned about themselves, however the Chen loved ones would not let her off if she would injure the child in her own tummy. Section 2033: Do not Know Her mum was only heading because her child were insensible. Like a mom, she were required to inform her little princess. She was Qiao Nan's elder sibling and was of the identical creation as Qiao Nan. She got no right to require something of Qiao Nan. Besides, if her mom were to develop too much of a din, her reputation would only highlight the both of them. What can the Zhai spouse and children imagine her not moving straight into encourage her mum to back off? "Don't even talk about it." Ding Jiayi slammed the table. "That wretched female feels that she's no longer a Qiao after getting betrothed and has not a thing related to us. Why should I need to go to see her after her marriage? Should not she take Zhai Sheng to visit me here as a substitute? She should be offering me herbal tea! Of course, she wedded Zhai Sheng and became the chief's wife. That is why I sacrificed and had taken the motivation to search for her, but who would have well-known that she already hid aside long ago!" If Qiao Nan possessed personal-knowledge, she would not have to function so difficult to think of this sort of far-fetched solutions to her complications. "Mom, what makes you again also? That has been quick!" Qiao Zijin experienced not really had been able have a lot of her watermelon before Ding Jiayi delivered in the huff. Qiao Zijin's heart and soul sank. Regardless that she obtained already identified that this would not be straightforward to deal with this matter, the veracity was much more serious than she had required. "What's along, Mom? Why are you so furious? Does Qiao Nan provoke or disobey you again?" Which had been unfounded! Irrespective of how motivated Ding Jiayi would be to wring Qiao Nan out whether she was old or alive, she could not regulate Qiao Nan's uncooperativeness. Consequently, Ding Jiayi obtained not managed to place even a sole of her wonderful programs into use before coming back home currently. Despite the fact that she acquired already known that this would not easy to handle this topic, the reality was a great deal a whole lot worse than she got envisioned. "What's along with you, Mommy? Exactly why are you so angry? Do Qiao Nan provoke or disobey you once again?" Her mum was just going because her child had been insensible. As being a mum, she simply had to teach her daughter. She was Qiao Nan's elder sibling and was of the identical age group as Qiao Nan. She obtained no straight to demand anything of Qiao Nan. In addition to, if her mother were to generate too much of a din, her existence would only highlight the both of them. What could the Zhai household bring to mind her not stepping into influence her mom to back off? Her ex-mum-in-law acquired never authorized her to visit window-store shopping nearby, a smaller amount go out to relax and play, stating that she was expecting. If she really wanted to training, there was more than enough s.p.a.ce for her to take action inside the family's back garden. There was a lot of people outside and it was too congested. Furthermore, the quality of air was weak. It did not make any difference regardless if she failed to are concerned about themselves, even so the Chen spouse and children would not allow her to out of if she were to hurt the child in their own tummy. This became an opportunity for her to have an excellent feeling about the Zhai spouse and children, where there was absolutely no way she will give it so easily. She would have fun playing the decent cop plus the position of your bad cop was naturally left behind to her mother. Qiao Zijin was very clear with that and was cautious about her att.i.tude toward the Zhai family. She needed to be all over because there to become a chance for reaching her. "Mom, precisely why are you back very? That has been speedy!" Qiao Zijin acquired not really been able to have much of her watermelon before Ding Jiayi delivered within a huff. Qiao Zijin's cardiovascular system sank. Forget about that Qiao Nan would not support her. Seeing that she possessed create a answer to maintain themselves fed and clothed, her father was even despising her for this! Was anything Qiao Nan do was right in her dad's vision while everything she performed was bad? If Qiao Nan acquired self-consciousness, she would not have to be effective so difficult to consider such far-fetched solutions to her troubles. "Don't even focus on it." Ding Jiayi slammed the table. "That wretched woman believes that she's not a Qiao once you have hitched and also has absolutely nothing regarding us. Why should I will need to go to travel to her after her marital relationship? Should not she deliver Zhai Sheng to venture to me here as an alternative? She ought to be serving me herbal tea! Certainly, she committed Zhai Sheng and have become the chief's better half. That's why I damaged and required the effort to take into consideration her, but who would have known that she already hid gone a long time ago!" Which has been unfounded! She needed to be approximately because there as being a possibility of achieving her. Her mom was just going because her girl has been insensible. Being a mother, she simply had to teach her little girl. She was Qiao Nan's elder sister and was of the same era as Qiao Nan. She acquired no straight to desire a single thing of Qiao Nan. Aside from, if her mum were to generate a lot of a din, her presence would only draw attention to the each of them. What can the Zhai loved ones consider her not stepping straight into convince her mum to back off? Irrespective of how identified Ding Jiayi would be to wring Qiao Nan out whether she was dead or full of life, she could not command Qiao Nan's uncooperativeness. As a result, Ding Jiayi experienced not been able to set even a individual of her wonderful strategies into use before returning home today. Regardless of how confirmed Ding Jiayi would be to wring Qiao Nan out whether she was dead or full of life, she could not handle Qiao Nan's uncooperativeness. Consequently, Ding Jiayi obtained not had the opportunity to get a good one of her excellent programs into use before returning home now. Forget that Qiao Nan would not support her. Considering that she obtained develop a approach to hold herself fed and clothed, her dad was even despising her for doing this! Was every thing Qiao Nan does was right in her dad's vision while anything she have was completely wrong? "She hid gone? She isn't approximately? The place managed they go?" Qiao Nan obtained disappeared with out a trace! Qiao Zijin possessed never predicted that to take place! "But right here is the 1st day time in their matrimony! Is not she afraid that this Zhai loved ones will think badly of her because of not residing at the Zhai family's household for even some day?" Became aquainted with her? Novel|Rebirth To A Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief|Rebirth To A Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief|Yussuf the Guide Fantasticfiction Rebirth To A Military Marriage: Good...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Melinda is a Senior Client Manager in the Employee Benefits Practice. She works directly with clients and oversees team members to support all client needs, including renewal, marketing, ongoing service, enrollments, compliance, data management, and employee meetings. Melinda also serves as the Client Manager Team Leader, helping to analyze training needs, develop training plans, and monitor results for improved service within the Employee Benefits team. Melinda joined Gibson in 1982.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Charleston News and Updates All Residential Single Family Townhouses & Condos Short Sales & Bank Owned Price Range Show All $0-$100,000 $100,000-$200,000 $200,000-$300,000 $300,000-$400,000 $400,000-$500,000 $500,000-$600,000 $600,000-$700,000 $700,000-$800,000 $800,000-$900,000 $900,000-$1 million $1 million-$2 million $2 million-$4 million Over $4 million Bedrooms One + Two + Three + Four + Five + Six + MUSC Children's Hospital Named in U.S. News & World Report's "Best Children's Hospitals" Jul 3, 2017 | Uncategorized | 0 comments MUSC Children's Hospital is once again the only such institution in South Carolina to be ranked among U.S. News & World Report's 2017-18 edition of "America's Best Children's Hospitals." The leading specialties for MUSC Children's Hospital are: No. 11 for cardiology and heart surgery; No. 28 for nephrology; No. 37 for urology; No. 36 for cancer; No. 47 for gastroenterology and GI surgery; and No. 45 for neurology and neurosurgery. The methodology reflects the level and quality of hospital resources directly related to patient care, such as staffing, technology and special services; delivery of health care, such as reputation among pediatric specialists, programs that prevent infections and adherence to best practices; and clinical outcomes, such as patient survival, infection rates and complications. seventeen − sixteen = Charleston, SC Climate Charleston, SC Medical Facilities Services (Voting, Libraries, DMV, Government…) Charleston, SC Economy The Charleston Area About Us – Contact Us Charleston, SC Real Estate Videos Entertainment, Shopping & Restaurants Becoming a Local Charleston Golf & Tennis Outdoor Recreation and Sports Charleston, SC – Utilities & Media Charleston Area Public Schools Charleston Area Private Schools Transportation & Distances Charleston, SC Second Home/Vacation Property Sweetgrass Cultural Arts Festival CAROLINA DAY – JUNE 28TH Charleston County Schools Overview Charleston Properties added to National Register Academic Magnet Named Best School In United States Mount Pleasant Real Estate Daniel Island Real Estate Sullivan's Island Real Estate Isle of Palms Real Estate James Island Real Estate Folly Beach Real Estate Copyright 2019 The Brennaman Group
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
.) Needless to say (unless, of course, this is your first time on ma' 'blog [in which case: Hi! You should know I can't get enough silent film. Wait. Where are you going...?]) I could hardly be more psyched to sit in on this process, much less act a (very) little in it. in Brooklyn off the JMZ. In a slight panic, I dashed up the stairs -- which are probably not exactly compliant with housing standards, but I was afraid I was already fired from my non-paying job -- and burst into a large room in which several people were . . . milling about. Looking quasi-purposeful. A couple were women in 1920s' dress, and they had the same expression of expectancy that I would be wearing for about the next hour thereafter. Here we are. What do we do? Eventually all was made clear, but not before I went through a good period of feeling oddly awkward and guilty, standing there, in suspenders and vest (AND pants, you ruffians), reading my NYPL-loaned play, wondering if I had dressed up enough, if I should be doing something, if I was creeping people out by not making nervous conversation with anyone. Eventually, the room was set up to resemble a "speakeasy" (I so wanted to tell them it was more a "blind pig," but for promising myself not to geek out too much through the day) and the director finished working in another room and found her way to clear a few things up for we wandering extras. Between her needs and our costumes, she allotted us roles and, owing largely to my shirt sleeves and vest I'm sure, I was cast as the bartender. has attested, ain't exactly easy. So it's good to converse with your fellow man as much as possible. Most professional movie actors have perfected the art of taking interest in what you have to say, I'd wager. , I was of course a little disappointed not to find a pratfall anywhere in the room. I had even brought a pair of Lloyd-like glasses with me in case a little visual homage were in order, but it was clear from the start that such was not the objective of this particular moving picture. So I wiped the bar down, and I made chit-chat with actors when their mark was nearby. A pleasant day. And hey: Free Thai food! I return to shoot in a couple of different settings this Wednesday. One of these settings is a concert hall, and occasioned the purchase of a gray top hat. Why do you need a gray top hat? I don't. Not really. BUT NOW I HAVE ONE! Ahh. It really is the little things in life. There is also something of a possibility that more of my individual talents may be brought into play. When I originally sent my information to Winsome, expressing interest in the project, I highlighted my movement experience, which of course includes some stage combat. Apparently there is to be a scrap filmed on Wednesday, and she suggested I may be useful for that. I don't know if that means I'd be involved on film, or advising about movement, or what. We shall see. Whatever the outcome, it's exciting just knowing that I get to return to that world. I'm in a silent film. God, I love my job. In"acting", "anxiety", "movies", "music", "photography", "silent film"
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
A year ago, Vancouver vowed to become friendlier… so how's that going? Last week, BC proposes to punish students who default on their loans. GenSqueeze was also in the news with articles that point to some often overlooked consequences of the squeeze. Read on for more and please share your thoughts or other articles we've missed. A proposed law in BC will attempt to recoup some of the $185.5 million in outstanding student debt. However, critics point out that BC has the highest rate of interest on student loans in the country and younger Canadians struggling to make ends meet may lose their jobs if they can't renew their licenses. Paul Kershaw argues that the pressures on younger Canadians, like working long hours, expensive housing, and potentially long commutes to more affordable neighbourhoods are further isolating people as they struggle to find time to socialize. Vancouver is making efforts to encourage connections between residents to decrease loneliness and boost civic engagement. Research shows that socio-economic conditions like the generation squeeze can have a harmful affect on children, especially those under six years old. Therefore, the squeeze could be affecting two generations at once. This letter to the Editor argues in favour of a lobby for younger Canada because British Columbia has amassed a budgetary surplus by shortchanging younger Canadians.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
"Ibuprofen-prepared Suppositories: Density Factor Method" by Rohit Jadhav, Kamal Soan et al. Jadhav, Rohit; Soan, Kamal; and Al-Achi, Antoine, "Ibuprofen-prepared Suppositories: Density Factor Method" (2010). Pharmaceutical Sciences. 409.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
VIJAYAWADA JUNCTION BZA to SONPUR JUNCTION SEE train timings, routes, stops, and complete info. As of now, 1 trains run between from VIJAYAWADA JUNCTION (BZA) to SONPUR JUNCTION (SEE). The fastest train from VIJAYAWADA JUNCTION (BZA) to SONPUR JUNCTION (SEE) is RAPTI SAGAR EXP. (12522) that departs at 06:05 and arrives to at 19:35. It takes approximately 37:30 hours.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
[STAFF EDITORIAL] Find productive ways to make social change The Rubicon Staff|April 28, 2021 Adrienne Gaylord Students should find points of entry into social movements that fit with their skills and what they are able to contribute. Stories of mass shootings, interrupted by stories of police brutality and white supremacy, interrupted by stories of natural disasters and infrastructure plans with no regards for the climate crisis, have become all too common. It's easy to hear about global to local tragedies, and feel powerless. There are so many ways young people can be a catalyst for positive change, regardless of which issues they feel most passionately about. There are so many ways to create change. PROTESTING POLICE BRUTALITY With the recent police killings of Daunte Wright and George Floyd, police brutality and the white supremacy embedded deeply into the US criminal justice system may seem like the most pressing issue. Historically, one of the most powerful tools to enact change in regards to racial injustice is protest. That is no different in the modern age of police brutality and racism. Show up to protests, walk-outs, sit-ins and other events. White and non-Black people of color attending these events must be mindful of the space they're taking up and refuse to center themselves. They must wear a mask and socially distance and use their white or non-Black, body as the powerful tool it is if their group is met with police violence. To become informed of protests, follow local activists' accounts on social media, like @MNTeenactivists on Instagram. When attending protests isn't a viable or appealing option, students can give support through monetary contribution to bail funds that help get local activists out of jail. Additionally, as police violence against the BIPOC community is perpetrated by racist microaggresions, one of the most meaningful things for students to do is call out peers and family members when they make racist comments. If environmental protection is one of the issues that seems most pressing, consider becoming involved with Stop Line 3: an organization dedicated to halting the construction of the Line 3 Pipeline that spans from Alberta, Canada to Superior, Wisconsin. The pipeline's construction is a direct violation of the Anishinaabe people's treaty rights, and would greatly contribute to the pollution crisis in northern Minnesota, as oil spills from the pipeline are all but inevitable. Head to stopline3.org to be directed to a page to write a letter to President Biden urging him to stop the construction of Line 3. Website users can also sign a petition persuading Biden to halt the construction, donate to an Indigenous led advocacy group, and find out if their family uses one of the 64 banks that support the Dakota Access and Tar Sands pipelines – and then divest from it. DEFENDING VICTIMS OF ASSAULT AND RAPE As many students have become outspoken about recent the Minnesota Supreme Court ruling on consent and alcohol that highlights the need for updated legislation in regards to criminal sexual assault, this may be something that feels pressing. To show support for the current bill in the Minnesota House of Representatives that would extend the definition of "mentally incapacitated" to include those victims who got voluntarily intoxicated, head to the "Who Represents Me?" page of the Minnesota Legislature website and enter a zip code or address to find who the Minnesota House and Senate representatives for that are, as well as how to contact them. After locating legislators' contact information, write an email expressing your support for the legislature that would close the "intoxication loophole" of the Minnesota statute of 3rd degree criminal sexual conduct. Protest. Legislate. Petition. Each person has the power to enact change, even if it feels overwhelming, start today. This editorial was originally published in the April print issue of The Rubicon. Adrienne Gaylord, Feature Editor Adrienne Gaylord is the Feature Editor on The Rubicon. This is her second year on staff. In recent times she has been seen biking around South Minneapolis... [STAFF EDITORIAL] Classroom meditation activities not as helpful as intended [STAFF EDITORIAL] Students need time with Head of School candidates [STAFF EDITORIAL] Get into gear for summer [STAFF EDITORIAL] Live a perfectly sized life and allow others to do the same [STAFF EDITORIAL] Inform and educate before posting Comments are welcomed on most stories at The Rubicon online. The Rubicon hopes this promotes thoughtful and meaningful discussion. We do not permit or publish libel or defamatory statements; comments that advertise or try to sell to the community; any copyrighted, trademarked or intellectual property of others; the use of profanity. Comments will be moderated, but not edited, and will post after they are approved by the Director of RubicOnline. It is at the discretion of the staff to close the comments option on stories. All The Rubicon Picks Reader Picks Sort: Newest
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Piran Tarapore shares his Vipassana Meditation experience Mike JamesJanuary 20, 20200 Comment050 "No talking. No phones or technology. No working out. No music. No reading. No writing. No killing (even mosquitoes!). No stealing. No masturbating. No sex. No lying. No drugs or alcohol. No moving during "sittings of strong determination," were the rules which Piran Tarapore, a 21-year old student had to agree to before walking through the gates into complete (and noble) silence for 10 days at the Dhamma Punna Vippasana Centre in Pune. Men on the left, women on the right. Meditators fill the hall through separate entrances. Piran Tarapore was officially in 'meditation prison.' The only way to go for meditators once they decide to take the course up is towards successful completion. No backing out in-between the course for participants is permitted by the teacher. As we know, a very small percentage of the Gen Z wakes up before sunrise, but Piran not only had to wake up at 4 AM but also start meditating every morning from 4:30 to 6:30 AM, but that was the easiest part of the day for Piran since the session ended with an hour-long poem by S.N. Goenka, the founder of the Vipassana Meditation technique. The most difficult part for Piran Tarapore was the plethora of thoughts that came into his mind while he was trying to stay calm and focused in order to meditate. While sitting for several hours every day, Piran thought: "Why am I here? What am I doing? This was a terrible idea. One hour, fine. Two hours, doable. Three hours, are you kidding me? Five, six, seven, eight, nine and a half more hours after that? God, where are you? Are my legs going to move after this? What if my back breaks? What about the fight I had with my best friend all those years ago? Why am I still thinking about my ex-lover? The thoughts went on and on and on… endlessly." However, Piran Tarapore admits that as challenging as it may be for meditators to persevere through those 10 days, the powerful experience did help him considerably to reconnect with his body and mind. "My body is always feeling something, I just have to take the time and make the effort to notice it," says Piran. As every sensation experienced from head to toe was real and valid, Piran no more felt the need to go chasing intense highs to feel something. Piran travels overseas and practices with other meditators whenever he can make the time. Life isn't a bed of roses, it never was, and it's not meant to be. Life is a rollercoaster, with ups and downs. Vipassana teaches the art of living through self-observation. Meditators are told to steer away from both, craving and aversion and recognise every feeling experienced within their body with equanimity. Piran Tarapore adds that the theory of experiencing our ever-changing selves taught during the course makes complete sense, backed by science, but the practical experience could be unpleasant at first for many. "The amount of pain felt all through in the body, especially in the back, neck and knees was unbearable at times. But then again, at some point, I did feel one with the universe. That's when I felt that I need to share this experience with the world as much as I can," says Piran who reveals that Vipassana turned out to be a blessing in disguise for him. piran tarapore Affraa Taffri Trailer: Fans give a BIG thumbs up to Khushi Shah and Mitra Gadhvi starrer horror-comedy Previous post Shah Rukh Khan is lacking the laughter and candid dialog with Jeff Bezos Next post Zayn Malik Rocks In Full Length Beard, Fans Shocked Mashfak QureshiJanuary 15, 2022 Kendall Jenner Latest Instagram Outfit Gets Praised By Kim Kardashian Mashfak QureshiJanuary 8, 2022 Miley Cyrus Reacts To Her USA Party Wardrobe Blunder Khloe Kardashian Sparkle Dress In KarJenner Christmas Eve Mashfak QureshiDecember 26, 2021
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: how to empty recyclebin through command prompt? Usually we delete the recycle bin contents by right-clicking it with the mouse and selecting "Empty Recycle Bin". But I have a requirement where I need to delete the recycle bin contents using the command prompt. Is this possible? If so, how can I achieve it? A: I use this powershell oneliner: gci C:\`$recycle.bin -force | remove-item -recurse -force Works for different drives than C:, too A: You can use this PowerShell command. Clear-RecycleBin -Force Note: If you want a confirmation prompt, remove the -Force flag A: To stealthily remove everything, try : rd /s /q %systemdrive%\$Recycle.bin A: I know I'm a little late to the party, but I thought I might contribute my subjectively more graceful solution. I was looking for a script that would empty the Recycle Bin with an API call, rather than crudely deleting all files and folders from the filesystem. Having failed in my attempts to RecycleBinObject.InvokeVerb("Empty Recycle &Bin") (which apparently only works in XP or older), I stumbled upon discussions of using a function embedded in shell32.dll called SHEmptyRecycleBin() from a compiled language. I thought, hey, I can do that in PowerShell and wrap it in a batch script hybrid. Save this with a .bat extension and run it to empty your Recycle Bin. Run it with a /y switch to skip the confirmation. <# : batch portion (begins PowerShell multi-line comment block) :: empty.bat -- http://stackoverflow.com/a/41195176/1683264 @echo off & setlocal if /i "%~1"=="/y" goto empty choice /n /m "Are you sure you want to empty the Recycle Bin? [y/n] " if not errorlevel 2 goto empty goto :EOF :empty powershell -noprofile "iex (${%~f0} | out-string)" && ( echo Recycle Bin successfully emptied. ) goto :EOF : end batch / begin PowerShell chimera #> Add-Type shell32 @' [DllImport("shell32.dll")] public static extern int SHEmptyRecycleBin(IntPtr hwnd, string pszRootPath, int dwFlags); '@ -Namespace System $SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION = 0x1 $SHERB_NOPROGRESSUI = 0x2 $SHERB_NOSOUND = 0x4 $dwFlags = $SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION $res = [shell32]::SHEmptyRecycleBin([IntPtr]::Zero, $null, $dwFlags) if ($res) { "Error 0x{0:x8}: {1}" -f $res,` (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception($res)).Message } exit $res Here's a more complex version which first invokes SHQueryRecycleBin() to determine whether the bin is already empty prior to invoking SHEmptyRecycleBin(). For this one, I got rid of the choice confirmation and /y switch. <# : batch portion (begins PowerShell multi-line comment block) :: empty.bat -- http://stackoverflow.com/a/41195176/1683264 @echo off & setlocal powershell -noprofile "iex (${%~f0} | out-string)" goto :EOF : end batch / begin PowerShell chimera #> Add-Type @' using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; namespace shell32 { public struct SHQUERYRBINFO { public Int32 cbSize; public UInt64 i64Size; public UInt64 i64NumItems; }; public static class dll { [DllImport("shell32.dll")] public static extern int SHQueryRecycleBin(string pszRootPath, out SHQUERYRBINFO pSHQueryRBInfo); [DllImport("shell32.dll")] public static extern int SHEmptyRecycleBin(IntPtr hwnd, string pszRootPath, int dwFlags); } } '@ $rb = new-object shell32.SHQUERYRBINFO # for Win 10 / PowerShell v5 try { $rb.cbSize = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($rb) } # for Win 7 / PowerShell v2 catch { $rb.cbSize = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($rb.GetType()) } [void][shell32.dll]::SHQueryRecycleBin($null, [ref]$rb) "Current size of Recycle Bin: {0:N0} bytes" -f $rb.i64Size "Recycle Bin contains {0:N0} item{1}." -f $rb.i64NumItems, ("s" * ($rb.i64NumItems -ne 1)) if (-not $rb.i64NumItems) { exit 0 } $dwFlags = @{ "SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION" = 0x1 "SHERB_NOPROGRESSUI" = 0x2 "SHERB_NOSOUND" = 0x4 } $flags = $dwFlags.SHERB_NOCONFIRMATION $res = [shell32.dll]::SHEmptyRecycleBin([IntPtr]::Zero, $null, $flags) if ($res) { write-host -f yellow ("Error 0x{0:x8}: {1}" -f $res,` (New-Object ComponentModel.Win32Exception($res)).Message) } else { write-host "Recycle Bin successfully emptied." -f green } exit $res A: while rd /s /q %systemdrive%\$RECYCLE.BIN will delete the $RECYCLE.BIN folder from the system drive, which is usually c:, one should consider deleting it from any other available partitions since there's an hidden $RECYCLE.BIN folder in any partition in local and external drives (but not in removable drives, like USB flash drive, which don't have a $RECYCLE.BIN folder). For example, I installed a program in d:, in order to delete the files it moved to the Recycle Bin I should run: rd /s /q d:\$RECYCLE.BIN More information available at Super User at Empty recycling bin from command line A: I prefer recycle.exe from Frank P. Westlake. It provides a nice before and after status. (I've been using Frank's various utilities for well over ten years..) C:\> recycle.exe /E /F Recycle Bin: ALL Recycle Bin C: 44 items, 42,613,970 bytes. Recycle Bin D: 0 items, 0 bytes. Total: 44 items, 42,613,970 bytes. Emptying Recycle Bin: ALL Recycle Bin C: 0 items, 0 bytes. Recycle Bin D: 0 items, 0 bytes. Total: 0 items, 0 bytes. It also has many more uses and options (output listed is from /?). Recycle all files and folders in C:\TEMP: RECYCLE C:\TEMP\* List all DOC files which were recycled from any directory on the C: drive: RECYCLE /L C:\*.DOC Restore all DOC files which were recycled from any directory on the C: drive: RECYCLE /U C:\*.DOC Restore C:\temp\junk.txt to C:\docs\resume.txt: RECYCLE /U "C:\temp\junk.txt" "C:\docs\resume.txt" Rename in place C:\etc\config.cfg to C:\archive\config.2007.cfg: RECYCLE /R "C:\etc\config.cfg" "C:\archive\config.2007.cfg" A: i use these commands in a batch file to empty recycle bin: del /q /s %systemdrive%\$Recycle.bin\* for /d %%x in (%systemdrive%\$Recycle.bin\*) do @rd /s /q "%%x" A: Yes, you can Make a Batch file with the following code: cd \Desktop echo $Shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application >>FILENAME.ps1 echo $RecBin = $Shell.Namespace(0xA) >>FILENAME.ps1 echo $RecBin.Items() ^| %%{Remove-Item $_.Path -Recurse -Confirm:$false} >>FILENAME.ps1 REM The actual lines being writen are right, exept for the last one, the actual thigs being writen are "$RecBin.Items() | %{Remove-Item $_.Path -Recurse -Confirm:$false}" But since | and % screw things up, i had to make some changes. Powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -File C:\Desktop\FILENAME.ps1 This basically creates a powershell script that empties the trash in the \Desktop directory, then runs it. A: nircmd lets you do that by typing nircmd.exe emptybin http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd-x64.zip http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/nircmd.html A: You can use a powershell script (this works for users with folder redirection as well to not have their recycle bins take up server storage space) $Shell = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application $RecBin = $Shell.Namespace(0xA) $RecBin.Items() | %{Remove-Item $_.Path -Recurse -Confirm:$false} The above script is taken from here. If you have windows 10 and powershell 5 there is the Clear-RecycleBin commandlet. To use Clear-RecycleBin inside PowerShell without confirmation, you can use Clear-RecycleBin -Force. Official documentation can be found here A: You can effectively "empty" the Recycle Bin from the command line by permanently deleting the Recycle Bin directory on the drive that contains the system files. (In most cases, this will be the C: drive, but you shouldn't hardcode that value because it won't always be true. Instead, use the %systemdrive% environment variable.) The reason that this tactic works is because each drive has a hidden, protected folder with the name $Recycle.bin, which is where the Recycle Bin actually stores the deleted files and folders. When this directory is deleted, Windows automatically creates a new directory. So, to remove the directory, use the rd command (r​emove d​irectory) with the /s parameter, which indicates that all of the files and directories within the specified directory should be removed as well: rd /s %systemdrive%\$Recycle.bin Do note that this action will permanently delete all files and folders currently in the Recycle Bin from all user accounts. Additionally, you will (obviously) have to run the command from an elevated command prompt in order to have sufficient privileges to perform this action. A: Create cmd file with line: for %%p in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist "%%p:\$Recycle.Bin" rundll32.exe advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32 "%%p:\$Recycle.Bin" A: I use EmptyRecycleBin.py python script You will need to pip install winshell #!python3 # Empty Windows Recycle Bin import winshell try: winshell.recycle_bin().empty(confirm=False, show_progress=True, sound=False) print("Recycle Bin emptied") except: print('Recycle Bin is already empty') You can change the Boolean False and True statements to either turn on or off the following: Confirm yes\no dialog, progress bar, sound effect. If you don't use python, this one-liner for powershell is great. I actually have it in EmptyRecycleBin.ps1, and use it in Git Bash. Clear-RecycleBin -Force A: All of the answers are way too complicated. OP requested a way to do this from CMD. Here you go (from cmd file): powershell.exe /c "$(New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).NameSpace(0xA).Items() | %%{Remove-Item $_.Path -Recurse -Confirm:$false" And yes, it will update in explorer.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
← Disneyland Paris: Bonjour and Buenos Dias! Great work again! Pressler could be Disney's worst hire ever. Marty Sklar rips him to pieces in Marty's book. We were at the Shanghai and Hong Kong parks last month, completing our world Disney tour in about 10 years. We were in the Paris park on the 20th anniversary day. Sat next to Tony Baxter at lunch. Tony told his story about as a 12-year-old he dreamed about a dragon — hence the Dragon's Lair. If you don't have it, you might try to track down Didier Ghez's co-authored and expensive "Disneyland Paris from Sketch to Reality." Beautiful book.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
About Us Leadership Patrick Takahashi Patrick Takahashi, M.D Dr. Patrick Takahashi, M.D., a native of Los Angeles, California, earned his BS in Biological Sciences from the University of Southern California. His medical degree is from the USC Keck School of Medicine. After finishing an Internal Medicine residency at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, he completed a Gastroenterology Fellowship at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Board certified in both Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Dr. Takahashi has been in private practice for 18 years. Prior to Adventist Health White Memorial, Dr Takahashi served in the capacity as Chief Medical Information Officer for Verity Health. He has also held dual roles as the Chief Medical Information Officer and Chief Medical Officer at St. Vincent Medical Center previously. Dr. Takahashi brings an unwavering commitment to the refinement of the healthcare delivery process. He feels that passion is the fuel that we use to care for and integrate our patients, community, and hospital. 2019 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Mary Anne Chern John G. Raffoul Mara Bryant Blin Richards Greg W. Schwarz Patrick Takahashi Mission, Visions & Values Areas of Talent Why Choose White Memorial RN Residency Program Donate to White Memorial Charity Foundation Center for Hispanic Health Volunteer & Workforce Development History of Caring New Reality Today and Beyond Community Information Center Community Leadership Council Get Health Care Our Neighbors & Partners Social Responsibility & Quality Performance Understanding The Patient Experience From Another Patient 1720 E Cesar E. Chavez Avenue Adventist Health White Memorial - ©2021 1720 E Cesar E. Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033
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Home > Editorial Policies Editorial Policies of Blood Cell Therapy in one document (PDF). Manuscripts sent out for peer review are evaluated by at least two or three independent reviewers with expertise in the field. Authors are allowed to suggest preferred reviewers to evaluate their manuscript, and also non-preferred reviewers to be excluded if a compelling reason is sufficiently provided. However, no guarantee is given that the editors will include or exclude those suggested individuals. A reviewer may decline the invitation, especially when a potential conflict of interest with the author(s) could be present. Note that only manuscripts that are likely to meet our scope are sent for review. The Editorial Office does not reveal reviewers' identities to authors to avoid any author's attempt to contact reviewers directly. Selected reviewers must keep the manuscript and adjacent materials confidential. If reviewers need help reviewing the manuscript from a colleague, confidentiality must be strictly secured. Reviewers are expected to respond promptly to requests to review, and to submit reviews within the time agreed. Reviewers' comments should be constructive, honest, and polite. The reviewers' reports (provide names if the review was assisted by colleagues) are submitted to the Associate Editor, who recommends a decision on the manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief. If inappropriate reviews are received, either the Associate Editor or Editor-in-Chief has the right to ignore and/or find a replacement for them. Authors are informed of the final decision by e-mail, with comments from reviewers and Editors. The types of decisions are as follows: Accept (may require editorial revisions), Minor Revision, Major Revision, and Reject. If the final decision is to reject, the author cannot resubmit. Throughout the process, any details about submitted manuscripts are kept confidential. BLOOD CELL THERAPY will only consider publishing clinical trials that have been registered in a public trials registry at or before the time of the first patient's enrollment. As defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), a clinical trial is any research project that prospectively assigns people or a group of people to an intervention, with or without concurrent comparison or control groups, to study the cause-and-effect relationship between a health-related intervention and a health outcome. Health-related interventions are those used to modify a biomedical or health-related outcome; examples include drugs, surgical procedures, devices, behavioral treatments, educational programs, dietary interventions, quality improvement interventions, and process-of-care changes. The ICMJE site also states that the purpose of clinical trial registration is to prevent selective publication and selective reporting of research outcomes, to prevent unnecessary duplication of research efforts, to help patients and the public know what trials are planned or ongoing into which they might want to enroll, and to help give ethics review boards considering approval of new studies a view of similar work and data relevant to the research they are reviewing. In this regard, secondary data analyses of primary clinical trials should not be registered as separate clinical trials, but instead should reference the trial registration number of the primary trial. In addition, authors must declare that the procedures or protocols were approved by the Ethical Committee of Human Experimentation (provide the name of committee that reviewed the related research and approval number, if applicable), and written informed consent is obtained from all subjects in accordance with the latest version of the Helsinki Declaration. BLOOD CELL THERAPY encourages authors to follow Randomized Controlled Trials by adhering to the CONSORT statement (http://www.consort-statement.org) for randomized trials, STROBE for observational studies (http://strobe-statement.org), and PRISMA for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (http://prisma-statement.org). Human and Other Animal Experiments Manuscripts describing animal studies should include a statement giving assurance that the institutional or equivalent committee approved the experiments, and the animals received appropriate care from the viewpoint of animal welfare. When using animal models, the precise genotype, strain, source, number of backcrosses, sex, and age of animals must be provided. Authors are encouraged to follow the Animal Research: Reporting of In Vivo Experiments (ARRIVE) guidelines (https://www.nc3rs.org.uk/arrive-guidelines). As BLOOD CELL THERAPY adheres to the definition of Conflicts of Interest set up by ICMJE, the Editors ask all authors to submit a completed ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest (available at: http://www.icmje.org/coi_disclosure.pdf) at the time of submission. Do not submit the form to ICMJE. For Mac users, please make sure the form does not open with the Mac Preview application. If necessary, information on potential conflict(s) of interest may be disclosed to reviewers. Authors also must disclose any potential conflict of interest in relation to the work, including financial interests (such as patent, stock, or honorarium for consultation or speech) or free or discounted materials. Only the existence of COI does not necessarily preclude your submitted work from publication. Rather, disclosure of any potential COI is essential for transparency and to avoid any suspicion. If there are no financial conflicts, add the following sentence here: "The authors declare no conflict of interest." Editors (Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors) are obliged to disclose and annually update any potential Conflict of Interest to BLOOD CELL THERAPY for keeping the high integrity and transparency of the review process of the journal. Reviewers should declare their conflicts of interest and recuse themselves from the peer-review process if a conflict exists. As BLOOD CELL THERAPY follows the guideline defined by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE, http://www.icmje.org), please refer to the ICMJE authorship criteria for listing authors. As stated on the ICMJE site, authorship not only confers credit and has important academic, social, and financial implications, but also implies responsibility and accountability for published work. This is why distinguishing authors from other contributors is critical. For this purpose, authors are encouraged to carefully read the criteria "Defining the Role of Authors and Contributors" (See the embedded link at http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/roles-and-responsibilities/defining-the-role-of-authors-and-contributors.html) and provide the following information in "Acknowledgement" and "Author's contribution" after the main text of the manuscript. The following should be briefly described: individuals who provided substantial contributions to the research but did not qualify as authors, all organizational support (e.g. grants, fellowships, chairs; see an example below), and sources of materials (e.g. drugs, reagents, equipment). Example: This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (grant number) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, Sports, and Technology, Japan (initial of grant holder). Author's contribution Authors should carefully consider the list and order of authors before submission. The authorship contribution statement should contain a list of authors' initials and brief explanations of contributions each made in the submitted work. Example: J.D., and A.B.C. performed experiments; S.H. analyzed results and X.Y.Z. designed the research and wrote the manuscripts. Manuscripts (or its essential substance) must be original and has not been published other than as an abstract in any language or format and has not been submitted elsewhere for print or electronic publication consideration. This rule also applies to non-English language publications. Any manuscripts that might be regarded as duplicate publications of the same or very similar work must be avoided. Rather, any such work should be referred to and referenced in the current manuscript. To facilitate this understanding, copies of such work should be also uploaded on submission. This recommendation does not prevent considering a complete report that follows publication of a preliminary report, such as a letter to the editor, an abstract, or a poster displayed at a scientific meeting. In addition, secondary publication of material published in other journals or online may be justifiable and beneficial, especially when intended to disseminate important information to the widest possible audience. Conditions where secondary publication for various other reasons may also be justifiable are listed under "Acceptable Secondary Publication" at the ICMJE website (See embedded link at http://www.icmje.org/recommendations/browse/publishing-and-editorial-issues/overlapping-publications.html). Authors who attempt duplicate publication without such notification should expect prompt rejection of the submitted manuscript. If the editor was not aware of the violations and the article has already been published, then the article might warrant retraction with or without the author's explanation or approval. BLOOD CELL THERAPY encourages authors to consult the COPE flowcharts (http://publicationethics.org/resources/flowcharts) for details. If a Figure or a Table has been published previously, acknowledge the original source and obtain written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce it. Permission is required irrespective of authorship or publisher, except for documents in the public domain. Note that these rules also apply to authors of (invited) review articles. Information from manuscripts submitted, but not accepted, should be cited in the text as "unpublished observations" with written permission from the source. For scientific articles, obtain written permission and confirmation of accuracy from the source for a personal communication. Research Data Policy Authors are encouraged to deposit their datasets (e.g. gene expression microarrays, SNP arrays, and high-throughput sequencing) into relevant public repositories or present all of them in the main manuscript or in the supplementary files, if possible. Authors should state information such as data set name and repository name in their manuscript. Alternatively, any datasets or other relevant information must be available upon request. It is always good practice for authors to keep the primary data and associated procedures used to conclude the reported research for at least 10 years. In addition to obtained datasets, information about the methods or analytical design taken to obtain data is also fully described in the manuscript and maintained for transparency and reproducibility of the published results. Plagiarism and Fabrication/Correction and Retraction Plagiarism refers to the misconduct of passing off someone else's work as one's own original work without providing credit to the original source. Fabrication refers to the misconduct of falsifying data or manipulating images to deceive others. Reuse of a limited part of the introduction or methods from an earlier paper may be relatively acceptable. When scientific misconduct is alleged, or such concerns are raised in submitted manuscripts or published articles, the Editors will conduct an investigation by following the COPE guideline (https://publicationethics.org/resources/guidelines). If plagiarism is proven during review, the manuscript will be promptly rejected. If plagiarism is proven after publication, the article may be formally retracted or subjected to correction or errata, depending upon the circumstances. In case of proven scientific fraud, the Editors will also contact the appropriate official(s) at the authors' institution(s) and/or funding agencies, if necessary. Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) This is a sample of the Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) that the corresponding author will be required to complete through online ScholarOne Manuscripts system if your paper is submitted for publication. An NIH or other U.S. federal employee needs to document his/her status and thus may be exempt from transferring copyright depending on the degree of his/her contribution. The printed copy of this page should be used as a formal CTA form. In order to proceed to the editing and publishing process and enable the Society to disseminate your manuscript, the corresponding author, on behalf of all authors, will be required to complete the electronic Copyright Transfer Agreement (CTA) and provide an electronic signature in the window. Manuscripts will not be pre-published or sent for production until the corresponding author provides an electronic signature. I hereby transfer and assign all copyrights in and to the manuscript mentioned above (called the Contribution hereafter) in all forms, now or hereafter known, to the Asia-Pacific Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group (APBMT), effective when the Contribution is accepted for publication in Blood Cell Therapy, the official journal of Asia-Pacific Blood and Marrow Transplantation Group. I understand that if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication in Blood Cell Therapy, it will be pre-published online as an Online First paper, unless otherwise specified. I acknowledge that the Online First papers undergo full peer review; however, prior to any editorial preparation, including copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading for a final print and online version, the corresponding author is responsible for its accuracy as an Online First paper. I warrant that the manuscript is original and has not been published or submitted for publication simultaneously to more than one journal; and that I have acknowledged the original source and obtained written permission from the copyright holder to use any previously published textual materials, Figures, or Tables. I agree that it is my responsibility to pay any fees charged for permissions. As an author, I retain the following nonexclusive copyrights, to be exercised only after the Contribution has been published in final format in the print version of Blood Cell Therapy. Reprint the Contribution in my own writing in print.in print forms of my own writing. Present the Contribution orally in academic meetings. Use the Contribution for theses and/or dissertation purposes. Reproduce the Contribution for educational purposes. Reuse figures and tables in my future works for noncommercial purposes. Present a copy of the Contribution on my personal and /or departmental websites if a hyperlink to the original site on APBMT web page is provided. Whenever cited, I will give due credit to the original publication in Blood Cell Therapy By clicking on the "I agree" button below, the author certifies compliance with the form. ☐ I agree to the COPYRIGHT TRANSFER AGREEMENT as shown above and have obtained written permission from all other Contributors to execute this Agreement on their behalf. —————————- or —————————— ☐ I confirm US Federal Government Employment: Date: _________________________________ Contributor's signature (type name here):
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Home News Brief Nicaragua Claims No 'Cartel' Presence, But Past Cases Tell a Different Story Nicaragua Claims No 'Cartel' Presence, But Past Cases Tell a Different Story Nicaragua security forces guard a seized drug shipment Authorities in Nicaragua are trumpeting their counternarcotics efforts, which they say have kept "cartels" out of the country. But a series of prosecutions of alleged crime bosses shows that sophisticated, large-scale drug trafficking groups do indeed operate in the Central American nation. Nicaragua's top military official, Gen. Julio César Avilés, cited the armed forces' latest drug interdiction statistics as evidence of security forces' success in keeping trafficking at bay, local media reported on September 2. Avilés said that the military had seized more than 2.5 metric tons of drugs, most of it cocaine, between September 2016 and August 2017. That amount is slightly less than what the Nicaraguan military reported seizing in its 2016 annual operational summary report, which was published earlier this year, and it is consistent with a general trend of declining in seizures in recent years. (See graphic below) Over the past several years, Nicaragua has generally reported lower amounts of annual cocaine seizures than its Central American neighbors, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Avilés attributed Nicaragua's relatively low levels of violence to its success in combating organized crime and drug trafficking. "In Nicaragua, we don't have cartels, we aren't a drug dealing country, and we don't have gangs that are affecting neighboring nations with their violence," the top military official stated. As Avilés pointed out, Nicaragua has not experienced levels of drug trafficking-related violence comparable to those of some of its neighbors in recent years and seems to have far fewer large criminal operations inside its borders. But his contention that "cartels" do not operate in the country is undermined by the Nicaraguan government's own judicial actions against major drug trafficking figures who run large transport services for transnational criminal organizations. This is perhaps best illustrated by the case of Amauri Carmona Morelos, a long-time suspected drug trafficker who allegedly imported large shipments of Colombian cocaine into Nicaragua through points along Nicaragua's Caribbean coast for years. Carmona was arrested earlier this year and is currently facing a secretive trial in Nicaragua on drug trafficking, homicide, weapons and money laundering charges. SEE ALSO: Nicaragua News and Profile Other cases, such as the investigation of Francisco Zeledón and prosecution of Ted Hayman — suspected drug traffickers accused of moving drugs through the Caribbean coast with the complicity of local officials — have also illustrated how Nicaraguan criminal networks have used violence and corruption to protect and expand their operations, much like the cartels and gangs to which Avilés referred. Nicaragua Claims No 'Cartel' Presence, But Past Cases Tell a Different Story GameChangers 2020: The Resurgence of the Central American Cocaine Highway GameChangers 2020: Conflicting US Approach to Latin America Organized Crime Nicaragua Not Spared As Cocaine Flows Through Central America Nicaragua Police Seizing Record Drug Money While Cocaine Seizures Fall
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Home › Research › Research Projects EEE Research Projects​ (On going)​ Project-1: An Intelligent Fire Detection and Warning System Under Home Video Surveillance for Garments Factories in Bangladesh Devastating fire is a great concern in home monitoring system. Though there are many systems with state-of-the- art in fire detection but false signal is still a challenge to avoid. Fire detection and its information using image processing and information technology respectively can be a great hope to reduce devastation of fire mishaps. In multistoried buildings like a garments factory, fire can be originated or smelled from one unit of the building or floor but same type of alarm will put people into confusion, which can lead to a sudden panic. A lack of proper alarming approach in fire alarm system can be a reason of stampede death in a crowded multistoried building like garments factory in Bangladesh. Fake fire is another concern in conventional fire alarm system. In this project, an intelligent fire detection and warning system under home video surveillance is aimed in order to detect fire from video camera data and warn the concerned people accordingly. The system's design will undergo a low computational time taking fire detection approach using RGB color space and it will warn the people dynamically than conventional alarming unit. The system will be able to cope up with the present conventional fire detection approach under security surveillance system. The proposed fire detection approach will be tested under different scenarios to confirm the accuracy of the system. Required Qualifications: The potential candidate is expected to have engineering/physics or similar/relevant technological background to work in this project. He/she must have a high passion to contribute to a real-world problem with their skills and knowledge by realizing the current scenario of fire detection and alarming system in garments industries in developing countries like Bangladesh. Skill on image processing is also desirable. Contact: Dr. M. Abdur Razzak, Project Supervisor & Professor, Department of EEE, IUB; E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: +880-1753872800 Project-2: Design and Implementation of a Novel MPPT Based Synchrounous Buck Converter for Solar-Powered Fishing Trawler Installed in Chittagong Region of the Bay of Bengal In Bangladesh, approximately 3900 square miles of entire length is surrounded by 700 rivers including tributaries. Around 770,000 inland and 510,000 marine fishermen survive in this country, whose income entirely depends on fisheries. Bangladeshi fishermen mainly use trawler for fishing purpose in sea and river. Those trawler boats require electric power at night for fishing and lighting purposes. Currently, in a trawler, electric power is supplied by a battery which is charged through a dynamo synchronized with trawler engine. These dynamos require diesel to serve electric power. In this project, a novel MPPT-based solar power system for fishing trawler is aimed to reduce fuel consumption. This project aims a method of extracting the maximum current from the PV cell to quickly charge a lead acid cell battery during its "bulk" or constant current charging phase. A PID controller will be attempted to ensure that the DC-DC buck converter maintains a constant current output regardless of the charge level of the battery as long as it is in the bulk charging stage. The simulation and hardware to be implemented through the algorithm to optimized the commercially available 24V PV cells. Project-3: Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Solar Photovoltaic Energy Management System for Developing Countries The objective of the proposed project is to design and implement of an intelligent photovoltaic energy management system to meet up the automatic energy distribution recording and playback calculation and providing necessary information to concern people. The system will undergo the solar photovoltaic energy efficiency variability analysis based on country's current scenario leading to the large scale energy generation from renewable sources. Required Qualifications: The potential candidate is expected to have engineering / physics / mathematics or similar / relevant technological background to work in this project. He/she must have a high passion to contribute to a real-world problem with their skills and knowledge by realizing the current scenario of renewable energy system in developing countries. Project-4: Non-invasive/Minimally Invasive Blood Test for Newborn/Neonate Parameters Problem Statement: Blood drawing or collection from newborns for diagnosis purpose or even for routine screening, is one of the major challenges associated with newborn/neonate critical care in developing countries due to lack of skilled person, insufficient amount of blood in a newborn's body for collection, and many other reasons. For different blood parameters to test; it requires a lot of blood from newborn body and often from different locations which make it very difficult to get sufficient amount of blood and even if it gets enough blood, the tiny newborn body has to go through lot of sufferings and pain. The whole procedure is also emotionally very difficult for the persons who draw/collect blood from newborns. Therefore, to make this whole blood collection process convenient and less/no painful, a minimally invasive (if not fully non-invasive) procedure is badly needed. Description: In this project, we expect to develop a low-cost technology to make the procedure of blood drawing from newborns a more convenient, less painful and easy-to-use. Since there are many parameters or components of blood to test, not every parameter may be possible to measure non-invasively, but few parameters such as blood glucose, or similar components of blood can be possible to measure with a non-invasive technique using some kind of harmless light-wave or imaging or using sound/ultrasound wave. The parameters that are not possible to measure non-invasively, we expect to measure them by using minimal amount of blood such as a typical commercially available glucose meter which requires a single blood-drop to measure the glucose level in blood. Although, it may not be possible to develop the proto-type of the desired technology in 2-3 months, but we would like to study the current laboratory procedures for blood test in the local diagnostic centers and then to analyze different blood components about their responses to different light/sound wave for possible non-invasive measurements. If not non-invasive, then we would try to find out a way to measure with minimal amount of blood requirement. We would like to continue the project until we develop the desired proto-type. Required Qualifications: The potential candidate is expected to have engineering/physics/mathematics or similar/relevant technological background to work in this project. He/she must have a high passion to contribute to a real-world problem with their skills and knowledge by realizing the current scenario of neonatal heath care in developing countries. Contact: Dr. Kafiul Islam, Project Supervisor; E-mail: [email protected] Project-5: Real-time Imaging/Monitoring of Vein during Blood Draw/Collection and Canula Insertion for Infants Problem Statement: One of the major challenges associated with infant blood test during blood drawing or collection from newborns for diagnosis purpose or during canula insertion is locating the vein accurately. Sometimes, even with skilled hand, accurate locating of the vein becomes challenging and hence insertion of needle is carried out several times with no luck. Therefore, if any device is available that can non-invasively image the vein in real-time for locating the vein accurately would be very helpful for both the patients and caregivers. Description: In this project, we aim to develop a real-time monitoring device/technology that can image the vein to locate its position accurately. In order to do that, we may require a light wave to incident upon the body and can see through the reflection/refraction image in a LCD display attached to a microcontroller based embedded system which can be programmed as per requirement. Required Qualifications: The potential candidate is expected to have engineering or relevant technological background to work in this project. Experience to work with microcontroller-based embedded system would be an added advantage, but not mandatory. He/she must have a high passion to contribute to a real-world problem with their skills and knowledge by realizing the current scenario of neonatal heath care in developing countries. Project-6: Low-Cost Digitization of Saline Dropper Set Problem Statement: In developing countries like Bangladesh, most of the people seek in-patient medical treatment from Govt. medicals, where the ratio of clinicians to patient ratio is very low including the lack of proper medical resources. One of the most faced problems in Govt. or local medicals/clinics is the proper monitoring of the saline drops going into patient's body. The available saline dropper sets are manually controlled by nurses, but often the drop count goes wrong which may cause serious harm to the patients, especially when it is required to maintain a certain drops/count for some nutrition elements such as calcium, potassium, etc. being injected to body. The over-injection or under-injection of such nutrition drops not only fails the treatment goal but also may cause serious harm to patient body. Therefore, a digital monitoring device for accurately maintaining the dose and automatic alarm system to notify if the drop-count goes wrong is extremely necessary. Description: We expect to develop a low-cost microcontroller based system to sense the saline drops, count it and regulate it through the user-given value while the current and expected count will be displayed in real-time on a LCD display. Project-7: Automated Drone For Providing Medical Services In Bangladesh Problem Statement: Providing prompt, effective and pointed medical care is essential for saving lives, especially in the case of medical emergencies. In such situations, time is of the essence and it becomes imperative to provide rapid emergency medical services (EMS)to patients to save lives and to minimize any kind of irreversible tissue damage. In the context of Bangladesh where there is lack of medical services in extensive rural areas across wide swathes of the country, incessant and unpredictable traffic jams around the clock in megacities like Dhaka, an accurate shortage of ambulances and first aid response services in most rural and urban areas and high cost of medical treatment, it is important to be able to deliver emergency medical services to a patient at their residence within minutes from the time of reporting of the medical emergency. Description: In this project, we are proposing to design and develop an EMS drone that will be capable of carrying emergency medical devices and supplies to patients forgeneral complaints and also in emergency situations. For example, the EMS drone can be designed to carry a miniaturized version of a defibrillator that can be used to reestablish normal contraction rhythms in a patient having dangerous arrhythmia or in cardiac arrest. The desired EMS drone is expected to also be capable of carrying emergency medicines 24 hours a day to the doorsteps of patients. It is desired to have the proposed EMS drone be constructed with minimum cost and with greater flight speed than normal aerial robots for providing potentially fast and life-saving medical services to patients in a minimum period of time. To this end, we have already built aerial robots for different civilian uses, e.g., live videos streaming for aerial videography, supplying goods from one place to another, etc. Specifically, for the EMS drone project we have already designed an octocopter drone with autonomous features and expect to embark upon the test flight in the coming weeks. Ongoing Research and Desired Qualifications for Candidate: We need to develop a more precise and accurate aerodynamical design of the drone for greater efficiency, design a payload carrying case, and a light weight defibrillator suitable to be stored inside the EMS drone. We are also looking for ways to increase the controlling distance of the EMS drone to upto 50km in radius and develop a way of charging the EMS drone using natural resources, for e.g., by fitting the EMS drone with solar panels. We would be very interested in working with a graduate student to help us in our stated goals. Proficiency in mechanical engineering with good sense of aerial robotics designing AND/OR proficiency in biomedical engineering to help us out with designing a light weight defibrillator are greatly desired. Contact: Dr. M. Abdur Razzak, Project Supervisor & Professor, Department of EEE, IUB; E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: +880-1753872800 and Dr. Mustafa Habib Chowdhury, Project Co-Supervisor, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: +880-1706635679 Project-8: Design and Implementation of Remote and Virtual Laboratory to Enhance Classroom Teaching for Undergraduate Engineering Students Good understanding of theory is largely dependent on experimentation or practical realization. But abstract and complex nature of the classroom lecture arise difficulties to relate theoretical analysis with the practical results. As a result, the learning curve gets steeper for most of the students. This urges for the enhancements in all aspects of engineering education. Enhancement of the learning experience for the students, by the incorporation of virtual and remote laboratory based framework in classroom teaching is one of the potential methods. With this framework instructor can relate the theoretical knowledge with the practical one. To concrete the theoretical analysis, virtual lab is used where instructor can perform the simulation multiple times by changing different parameters and observe the corresponding output without any restriction. After completing virtual lab based study, remote lab can be accessed to demonstrate the practical experiments and its results where many influences are present which is often hard to simulate. Both of these labs are equally important because combining these two labs together instructor can provide a better understanding and learning environment to the students in the classroom. Previously, a number of discrete virtual and remote laboratory have been implemented in many universities around the world including developing countries. However, individual virtual and remote labs are failed to provide expected results as each of this lab has its own limitation. Virtual systems are important as it does not cause any real damage when any kind of incorrect parameters are put to the systems. But it fails to provide complete practical scenario. Remote labs provide real time experience but it takes only predefined or limited parameters from the users. Because of the above mentioned limitations, researches have been conducted to build integrated remote and virtual laboratories. As a part of research, few numbers of integrated virtual and remote labs have been proposed or implemented in many universities. But these implemented models have been designed with expensive and complex infrastructure which may not be feasible for implementing in many developing countries. Besides, safety and security issues are not well studied for these systems. So in order to implement this potential framework in every engineering institution especially in developing countries, a significant amount of research work is required to design a cost effective, robust and well secured virtual and remote laboratory facility. Contact: Dr. Feroz Ahmed, Project Supervisor & Professor, Department of EEE, IUB; E-mail: [email protected] Project-9: Design and Implementation of Android App-based Wearable Real-time Body Temperature Monitoring and Alert System for Children with Risk of Febrile Convulsions. Project Description: Many children in our country suffer from febrile convulsions or seizure during their early childhood days (including neonate to infant) due to various clinical reasons. Each time a convulsion or seizure occurs, it damages around 10,000 neuron cells per second and thus poses a great risk to the development of brain which eventually leads to different developmental delays, disabilities or diseases including physical, mental and cognitive such as Epilepsy, Cerebral Palsy, and Autism. As the body temperature increases during fever, the probability of having convulsion also increases. Thus the parents or caregivers always need to be alert in order to monitor the child's body temperature or fever. However, such fever measurement is often done manually by either analog or digital thermometer which is not feasible when it is required to monitor the temperature at a continuous rate with storing the previous temperature values as well. In addition, the child is often not co-operative (or irritated) to allow measuring its body temperature again and again by placing the thermometer sensor under the armpit. Thus it is a great need to develop a wearable patch type temperature sensor which can be placed on the body surface of the kid and it is not irritating but it keeps record and sends the temperature data wirelessly to a Smartphone where the Android App will show the temperature reading from time to time. Moreover it should send an alarm if the body temperature crosses a certain threshold value (e.g. risk of fever) to the user (i.e. parents or caregiver) of the phone. Research goals and objectives: First we expect to simulate the proposed system and then make a proto-type on a PCB for such temperature monitoring system connected to a Smartphone App via wireless technology (e.g. Bluetooth). Then we would like to integrate the whole circuitry in one small package which can be wearable. The required miniature version of the whole system may require more time. Thus we would like to continue it in the 2nd year for further improvement. Project-10: Optimizing the Efficiency of Solar Cells Using Patterned Nanostructures Project Description: Photovoltaic (PV) cells are important devices that can be used to convert photons into electrical energy. However, the cost of current PV devices needs to be significantly reduced and their efficiencies need to be substantially enhanced to enable large scale implementation of PV cells as sources of clean electrical energy. Surface plasmonpolaritrons (SPP) in metallic nanostructures in close proximity to a Si substrate can lead to enhanced optical absorption and improved energy conversion efficiency in amorphous silicon thin-film PV devices. Optimization of this phenomenon requires a detailed characterization and understanding of the parameters that govern the underlying physical mechanisms. This research will explore the relationship between energy conversion efficiency in thin-film Si solar cells and the type of metallic nanoparticle, the size of the metallic nanoparticles, and the distance between neighboring metallic nanoparticles in a periodic array of the metallic nanoparticles deposited on top of the Si substrate. Such plasmonic metal nanoparticles can also be incorporated into the Si substrate in different other configurations to increase in the generated short circuit current density (JSC). Research goals and objectives: i. Determine the optimal size, shape and orientation of the plasmonic metal nanoparticles to use with the Si substrate to maximize the solar cell efficiency. ii. Determine the optimal configuration of coupling the plasmonic metal nanoparticles to the Si substrate to maximize the solar cell efficiency. iii. Determine way to combine plasmonic metal nanoparticle with other patterned nanostructures to maximize the solar cell efficiency. Contact: Dr. Mustafa H. Chowdhury, Project Supervisor, E-mail: [email protected]; Phone: +880-1706635679 Project-11: New Approaches in Smart Grid and Power Failures Project Description: Blackouts are among the last remaining major challenges in power systems. It is proposed that we use publicly available data to find general patterns and trends about the largest blackouts. Analysis will then be performed on selected data points in order to find interesting trends and patterns like whether or not advancement of technology has minimized the total number of large blackouts. Furthermore, the correlation between number of people affected and total restoration time of the blackout is investigated and interpreted in a detailed manner. The research proposes to explore different types of causes that trigger initial disturbances in the power system, which eventually leads to a cascading effect that cause widespread power failures. Recommendations or areas of improvement have also been suggested. Research goals and objectivesA. Developing new methods for reducing blackouts based on above approach. B. Investigate new approaches in Biomedical engineering Contact: Prof. Shahriar Khan, Project Supervisor, E-mail: [email protected] Project-12: Developing a NAO Application for Robot Handwriting Using Inverse Kinematics Project Description: With the rapid evolution of humanoid robots, it is now possible to have humanoid robots in households and educational institutions in order to assist with different household tasks, chores, etc as well as aid in teaching and learning. However, the method of interaction with these robotic systems is through speech and gestures, with most of the robot's feedback being verbal responses or physical simulation. The aim of this project is to research a new method of humanoid robotic feedback that involves handwriting. The rapid growth of humanoid robot applications in industry and educational institutes places it at the forefront of many new ideas and research for extension and improvement of the current capabilities of humanoid robots. The goal of this project is to develop handwriting capabilities into a NAO robot. The developed application will enable the NAO robot to hear a word from its operator, and implement handwriting techniques to write out the word itself without assistance. The areas of focus for this research are speech recognition and inverse kinematics in humanoid robots. This method of robotic communication will be particularly effective and useful for people with disabilities such as hearing impairment or loss, since they are not be able to understand the verbal feedback from robots. It could be helpful to people with full or partial paralysis, so that they will be able to use humanoid robots for assistance in day-to-day activities that require handwriting. It could also provide a new platform for learning and interaction for children with autism. Project-13: Design and Implementation of an Integrated Remote Engineering Laboratory for Undergraduate Students Project Description: For engineering students, laboratory classes play a significant role as hands on experiment can enhance student's learning ability and creates interest in the course. But lack of resources such as lab instrument, space, and strict timeslots make it harder to provide desire learning experience. This scenario is more prevalent in most of the developing countries where most of the educational institutions do not have privilege for sophisticated laboratory or industry standard instruments which hinders the technical growth of students. On the other hand, even if limited resources exist most of the students end up as spectator as being in a large group. Several universities have already developed remote laboratory in recent years. For example iLab of MIT, the British Open University, the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, NetLab of the University of South Australia, among others. However, these labs are designed with highly expensive and complex infrastructure. So these models may not be feasible for implementing in developing countries. But implementation of remote laboratories is still in demand especially in the developing countries like Bangladesh. The objective of this research is to design and implementation of an Integrated Remote Engineering Laboratory for Undergraduate Students to provide them a real lab like environment where they are able to operate real instruments and devices. This remote lab would provide an opportunity for students to perform their experiment individually, understand what they are doing and relate the theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Project-14: Studies on Technical Feasibilities of Solar Powered Farm Machineries Suitable for Bangladesh Project Description: The economy of Bangladesh heavily depends on agriculture. The agricultural activities of the country have been mechanized over the last few decades. Most of the farm machineries are based on diesel engine like; water pump, tractor, rice howler etc. In the new era when people around the world are very much concern about the green house gas and climate change, clean technologies should be developed in farm machineries. Solar photovoltaic panels could be used as energy source for powering an electric motor. The motor could be used as prime mover for all agricultural activities instead of diesel engine. The technical feasibility of the project would be performed by constructing a prototype and testing it in the field. Contact: Prof. Khosru M. Salim, Project Supervisor; E-mail: [email protected] Project-15: Studies on Economic Feasibilities of Solar Powered Cooking in the Rural Household of Bangladesh Project Description: Depletion of Natural Gas and increasing price of LPG, burning wood, coal etc, are now the main menaces for cooking purposes in Bangladesh. On the other hand, inefficient burning of wood, charcoal, agricultural wastes and animal dung etc, generate smoke and emits ozone gasses. This results in global warming and health issues due to inhalation of the smoke. Because of a good solar irradiation pattern, a solar powered conduction cooker can minimize this burden from the nation. Solar photovoltaic panels could be used as the main source of energy for cooking, although it is one time investment, the initial high cost of the solar panels would be the main obstacle for adopting the technology. Over the last few years the price of solar panel drastically declined and still the trend is decreasing, therefore, it is hoped that cooking using solar panels would be realistic in the near future. The purpose of the project is to study the economic feasibility of solar powered cooking by comparing with the conventional cooking practices. Project-16: Design and Construction of a Smart Electric Wheel Chair for the Mobility Impaired People Project Description: This project is intended for the people who are mobility impaired, for a variety of reasons, incapable of using an ordinary wheelchair. A low-cost robotic wheelchair can assist the operator of the chair in avoiding obstacles, going to predestinated places, and maneuvering through doorways and other narrow or crowded areas. These systems can be interfaced to a variety of input devices, and can give the operator as much or as little moment by moment control of the chair as they wish. Project-17: Development of an Android-based portable ECG monitoring system for rural/remote areas of Bangladesh (UG only) Project Description: Cardiac disease is one of the leading causes of death in the developing world and is the leading cause in the developed world according to WHO. The electrocardiogram (ECG) is the most common method for diagnosing cardiovascular diseases. Prior heart attacks and common abnormal heart rhythms can easily be diagnosed using the ECG. The process usually involves attaching a number of electrodes to the arms, legs and chest of the patient to detect the electrical impulses from the heart. However, in rural/remote areas of our country, sufficient medical facilities (such as ECG machine) are absent for which most of the people suffer from under-diagnosing. The aim of this project is to develop a low-cost portable ECG monitoring system with 3-lead electrodes that can be monitored on a smart-phone with vital diagnostic parameters or so called ECG characteristic points (PQRS) such as heart-rate, HRV, pulse rate, etc. to help the doctors to diagnose of any abnormal hearth activity. We expect to simulate the proposed system and then make a proto-type on a PCB with Arduino board for such ECG monitoring system connected to a Smartphone App via wireless technology (e.g. Bluetooth). Project-18: Development of a Seismocardiogram (SCG) Recorder and Monitoring Device Interfaced with PC through Arduino and MATLAB (UG only) Project Description: Seismocardiogram (SCG) is the non-invasive recording of body vibrations induced by the heartbeat. In recent years, SCG has been found to carry important information related to heart-related diseases as an alternative to ECG. Thus in this project, we aim to develop a low-cost single-channel SCG recording and monitoring system interfaced with PC through serial/USB port where MATLAB will be utilized to display and save the EEG recordings. Project-19: Development of a Low-cost PC-based Single-channel EEG Monitoring System (UG only) Project Description: The goal of this project is to develop a low-cost single-channel EEG recording and monitoring system interfaced with PC through serial/usb port where Simulink/MATLAB will be utilized to display and save the EEG recordings. This system will be useful for both teaching in biomedical lab and brain research purposes in developing countries like Bangladesh where commercial EEG recorders are either expensive or not available in the local market. Project-20: Development of a Software GUI for Artifact Removal from Neural Signals (UG only) Project Description: The goal of this project is to develop a software GUI similar to EEGLAB or BCILAB and make it available in online for free as a part of neuroinformatics tools initiative taken by International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF). Different types of software tools can be developed as follows: Signal-specific artifact removal from neural signals (e.g. intracortical/in-vivo, intra-cranial/ECoG, sub-scalp EEG and scalp EEG) Application-specific artifact removal (e.g. Seizure detection, mental fatigue detection, BCI applications, Alzheimer diagnosis, sleep studies, depression studies, general neuroscience studies, etc.). MATLAB plugin tool for Artifact removal from ECG/SCG/PPG signals. Methods: Wavelet Transform, Independent Component Analysis, Adaptive Filtering, Power Spectrum Density Project-21: Seismocardiogram (SCG) signal analysis and processing for biomedical applications (UG or Graduate) Project Description: Seismocardiogram (SCG) is the non-invasive recording of body vibrations induced by the heart beat. In recent years, SCG has been found to carry important information related to heart related diseases as an alternative to ECG. Thus in this project we aim to perform reliable analysis and processing of SCG to extract useful information for accurate heart diagnosis. Methods: Wavelet Transform, Adaptive Filtering Project-22: Emotion Classification Using Single-Channel Scalp-EEG Recording (Graduate only) Project Description: We would like to add more participant to the experiments. Talking more technically we ought to investigate about the effectiveness of single channel EEG equipment in day to day use. Moreover we would find how emotions are related with security issues. Project-23: Artifact Detection and Removal from Neural Signals (Graduate only) Project Description: The goal of this project was to identify and remove any type of artifact/interference from any neural signal (both invasive and non-invasive recordings) as much as possible without distorting the signal of interest. Methods: Wavelet Transform, Digital Signal Filtering Techniques Project-24: Radio Interferences (Generated from Mobile Voice Call) Removal from Invasive Neural Recordings (UG or Graduate) Project Description: The wireless in-vivo neural recordings (sampling frequency, Fs is approx. 40kHz) have been found to be severely corrupted by radio interferences while any voice call from a GSM based cellphone is being made. After band-pass filtering the recording from 300 Hz to 5 kHz, in time domain analysis, many spike-like interferences/artifacts (with amplitude higher than the typical neural spike) are observed along with original neural spikes. This makes the detection of actual neural spikes a great challenge. After frequency domain analysis by comparing a dataset without such radio interference (no voice call was made that time) with a dataset having such interference (during voice call made), it has been observed that the radio interferences involve frequency ranging from 150 Hz up to few kHz. The confusion regarding this findings is that how it's possible for the recorder to pick up radio frequency in the MHz range emitted by the typical GSM mobile phones ( ~900 MHz or ~1800 MHz) while its (I.e. recorder) highest achievable frequency is 20 kHz since Fs = 40 kHz ( according to Nyquist theorem). One possible answer is these interference are sub-harmonic frequencies of original GSM frequency which is picked up by the neural recorder after down-conversion of frequency ( or by demodulating the GSM signal) and seen in frequency domain analysis in the figures as attached in the email. If this hypothesis is true about sub-harmonic interference then how to handle such interference to get rid of them. Is there any literature on Subharmonics theory or it's mathematical model? E.g. in typical 50/60 Hz power line noises / interferences we know that 50/60 Hz frequency is the fundamental one and its integer multiple frequencies are the higher harmonies. But in this particular case we see frequencies ranging from 80 Hz to few kHz which seems to be the sub-harmonics of 900/1800 MHz GSM signals. But seeing at the so-called subharmonics the frequencies don't seem to be following any particular mathematical ratio. So it';s really important at this moment to find out the relevant theory of subharmonic interference (if there is any). Methods: Mathematical Models, Wavelet Transform, Digital Signal Filtering Techniques, Adaptive Filtering Project-25: Motion Artifact Removal from Ambulatory EEG (Graduate only) Project Description: EEG recording is often contaminated with different types of artifacts/interference. Specially it gets worsen while the recording is performed in an ambulatory environment where the subject is free to move around; which eventually causes lots of motion artifacts. The purpose of this project is to reliably identify and reduce such motion artifacts without distorting the desired EEG information. We would like to use online physionet.org database of motion artifact contaminated EEG data for validating the removal algorithm and observe its performance. Methods: Wavelet Transform, Adaptive Filtering, Empirical Mode Decomposition For details please contact: Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering School of Engineering & Computer Science Independent University, Bangladesh Academic Block, Level 5, Room 5001 Plot-16, Block-B, Bashundhara, Dhaka-1229 Tel: +880-2-8401645-52, +880-2-84020655-76, Ext 2215 web: www.eee.iub.edu.bd
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: How do I extract a download link in R using rvest I'm trying to extract the link to the .zip file from here: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/tbl/csv/14100287-eng.zip using the rvest package in R. The tables are updated monthly so I don't want to copy the link address into my R script each month. I tried using the SelectorGadget tool to identify the CSS class by it doesn't seem on work on that site. I then tried to manually copy the xpath from the html script like this: page=read_html("https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/tbl/csv/14100287-eng.zip") dfile<-page %>% html_nodes(xpath='//*[@class="active active active active active active active active"]') %>% html_attr('href') This worked perfectly for a short period but after a few days it began to return nothing (dfile is empty). I noticed the html script on the site had changed a bit (only two actives instead of 8) so I tried to adjust my script accordingly but it hasn't worked.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Veteran biotech executive to run new center aimed at boosting cell and gene therapies Ran Zheng has been named CEO of Landmark Bio. The biotech's new facility in Watertown will have a phased opening to begin in January 2022. A new center for advanced cell manufacturing, intended to ease bottlenecks slowing progress toward new disease-fighting strategies such as cancer immunotherapy, gene and stem cell therapy, and CRISPR/Cas9 editing, has announced new leadership, a new name, and a major step forward for its planned Watertown facility. The public benefit company, born of a partnership of Boston-area universities, hospitals, and private industry-led by Harvard and MIT, named former Orchard Therapeutics, Amgen, and Genzyme executive Ran Zheng its chief executive. Zheng, who started earlier this year, said that the project has been renamed Landmark Bio. It had been called the Center for Advanced Biological Innovation and Manufacturing since it was formed in 2019. Zheng has had to roll up her sleeves right away, as the construction of Landmark Bio's new facility in Watertown, announced in January, is slated to break ground today. Plans call for a phased opening of the space to begin in January. The work will entail a nearly complete retrofit of 40,000 square feet spread over two floors at the existing building at 300 North Beacon St. in Watertown, near a number of biotech startups in the Watertown Life Science Cluster. "In recent years we have seen an eruption of breakthrough discoveries in the life sciences, which has driven unprecedented growth," Zheng said. "To turn these breakthrough discoveries into life-saving medicines, we need to test them in humans, and manufacturing is a critical step. One of the bottlenecks we've observed is the shortage of manufacturing capacity to enable clinical trials, which has become a hindrance of innovation." Harvard Provost Alan M. Garber, chair of the Board of Landmark Bio who has been leading the initiative, said Zheng's industry background is a good fit for a mission that is different from that of a lone investigator striving to develop a new therapy. "When we talk about manufacturing, it's not a solo scientist figuring out how to make things work. You need a process that people can work with and follow consistently," Garber said. "You can't succeed in developing such processes unless you have the right kind of experience. Ran has that and is ready to take on the CEO role. She's very, very accomplished in biological manufacturing, but what's really important to me is that her vision for the future is exactly what we're trying to achieve." Garber said Zheng, who as executive director of Amgen's West Greenwich, R.I., facility brought it from a site that produced a single product to one of the world's largest multiproduct biopharmaceutical manufacturing facilities, also has the interpersonal skills to navigate the complex life-sciences environment in the Boston region, with major corporations, biotech startups, universities, incubators, and hospitals all playing key roles. "She is committed to our mission and understands it at a very deep level," Garber said. "She has the right set of leadership skills to navigate the vibrant Eastern Massachusetts life sciences community with its many players." Zheng said her most immediate task is overseeing the facility's construction, but her most important task is likely going to be hiring the people who will bring the mission to life. "I can't emphasize enough the importance of the team," Zheng said. "We're truly a startup as of this moment, and No. 1 is hiring a small group of people and building a purposeful, diverse, and talented team. Most important is the culture of the company. We want an open, inclusive, empowering culture grounded in trust and respect." Zheng said Landmark Bio will open in stages as construction on the facility becomes complete. First will be offices, with laboratory, innovation, and manufacturing space to come later. Together, the facility's different facets are intended to overcome a hurdle in the production of cell and biological therapeutics that has slowed the progress of the development of the most advanced generation of tools to treat genetic diseases, cancer, diabetes, and other ailments. A major focus will be ensuring that supplies of biological materials, such as genetically altered cells, are available so clinical trials of promising discoveries can go forward. Besides Harvard and MIT, other members of the project partners include Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies, Cytiva, and Alexandria Real Estate Equities. Additional collaborating institutions include Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston Children's Hospital, Brigham and Women's Hospital, the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Massachusetts General Hospital, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. When completed, the facility is expected to have more than 120 staff members in process development, advanced biological manufacturing, quality control, and quality assurance, regulatory sciences, and business operations. Zheng said the facility will be flexible and reconfigurable in order to allow changes as it adapts to the rapidly developing field. In addition to space for manufacturing, Landmark Bio will also have a dedicated innovation space where ideas that have left the lab but are not ready for corporate investment can be further developed. The facility also aims to be a site for training in the operation of advanced equipment used in cell manufacturing as a way to achieve another of Landmark Bio's goals: increasing the region's pool of workers skilled in biological manufacturing. "Cell and gene biological manufacturing are so important for innovation today. Without manufacturing you cannot move toward the next step to provide patients life-saving treatments," Zheng said. "It's a still-nascent field, but there is lots of promise." -Harvard Gazette THRIVING WITH CONFIDENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY IN THE DIGITAL MARKETING INDUSTRY – THE CEO OF 3CS, SANDARUWAN MADDUMA BANDARA Established in the year 1997, 3CS has come a long way. While the company's initial AN ENDEARING THRUST WITHIN THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY! – MANAGING DIRECTOR OF SANASA LIFE INSURANCE, INDIKA KIRIWANDENIYA Shepherding an organization to become the 'Fastest Growing Life Insurance Company in Sri Lanka', is REBRANDING SRI LANKA'S FLAVOUR AS A VANILLA EXPORTER – MANAGING DIRECTOR/CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF AGRO VENTURES PLANTATIONS PRIVATE LIMITED, NILANGA KARUNARATHNE A firm believer of dreams and ideas as invaluable assets, Nilanga Karunarathne – Managing Director/Chief UPLIFTING THE NATION'S HEALTHCARE EDUCATION – DEPUTY CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER & DIRECTOR MEDICAL SERVICES OF THE LANKA HOSPITALS CORPORATION PLC, Dr. LASANTHA KARUNASEKARA "Since its inception in 2019, Lanka Hospitals Academy (LHA) has been indispensable in the growth CONSTRUCTING A LEGACY WITH ETHICAL PHILOSOPHIES AND QUALITY LEADERSHIP – THE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF OREL CORPORATION, KUSHAN KODITUWAKKU Taking on the business at the age of twenty-two upon his father's passing, KushanKodituwakku, the
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Whether to match the brick of the house or create a separate feature of the property, we can assist with your brick wall requirements. With many brick options and styles to choose from we can construct to the layout of your choice. Another premium wall option but one that is sure to add significant value to the property.
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Q: How parse DOM to get emails Javascript I'am building a Chrome extension that parses the entire DOM/HTML and replace any found email(multiple emails) with the following div: <div class="email_tmp"> found_email <span>SAVE EMAIL</span></div> EXAMPLE: <body> <div>Some Text...</div> <div>text [email protected] text</div> <div>Some Text...</div> <p>More Text</p> <div><div><span>text [email protected] text</span></div></div> <span>Last text</span> </body> replaced to: <body> <div>Some Text...</div> <div>text <div class="email_tmp"> [email protected] <span>SAVE EMAIL</span></div> text</div> <div>Some Text...</div> <p>More Text</p> <div><div><span>text <div class="email_tmp"> [email protected] <span>SAVE EMAIL</span></div> text</span></div></div> <span>Last text</span> </body> How can I search and replace the found email by the entire div and the string found_email by the email too? I want to replace only the found email(s) string, nothing more... I really appreciate any help. A: Here is the total solution for what your looking for HTML <div id="main"> sdfsdsdfsdfsdf [email protected] sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf </div> JavaScript var page_content = document.getElementById('main').innerHTML; var found_email = "<div class='email_tmp'> found_email <span>SAVE EMAIL</span></div>"; //gives an array of the emails var email = page_content.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)/gi); //replaces the emails to your desired content var result = page_content.replace(email, found_email); //replaces the changed HTML back to the 'main' div document.getElementById('main').innerHTML = result; Here is the Fiddle Update: If you want to replace only the text without adding any class or tags to the content of the HTML, then it gets real complicated to write a vanilla script for the same. In that case I would highly suggest you to use this library which I found to be the perfect solution for your problem. Its a library called findAndReplaceDOMText which uses inbuilt methods to solve the purpose. You just need to give the find(what to find) and replace(replacing HTML) like so, findAndReplaceDOMText(document.getElementById('t'), { find: /([a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)/gi, replace: '<div class='email_tmp'> found_email <span>SAVE EMAIL</span></div>' }); You can obviously revert if you face any problems in implementing this library. Also this a must read article for you - replacing-text-in-the-dom-solved A: Slight update on @NikhilNanjappa 's original answer: my version is less efficient, but it will keep the actual email address and prepend the div and append the span and closing tags, based on the original answer. var save_email_beg = "<div class='email_tmp'> "; var save_email_end = " <span>SAVE EMAIL</span></div>"; var i = 0; for (; i < email.length; i++) { var new_string = save_email_beg + email[i] + save_email_end; page_content = page_content.replace(email[i], new_string); } document.getElementById('main').innerHTML = page_content;
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Gary Wilson replaces William Porterfield as Ireland T20I captain Gary Wilson has led Ireland once before, against PNG in 2015-16. His first assignment will be in a Triangular Tournament in Netherlands later this month. Updated : June 6, 2018 10:28 PM IST William Porterfield (left) and Gary Wilson Getty Images Ireland have named Gary Wilson their new T20 Internationals captain after William Porterfield announced that he would step down from the role. Wilson will start his tenure with a triangular series, also involving Scotland and Netherlands, at Rotterdam next week. Porterfield will continue to lead Ireland in Tests and ODIs. Porterfield, almost synonymous to the role of Ireland captain, has led them in 56 of their 61 T20Is. All Ireland's 26 T20I victories have come under him. Wilson, now 32, has led Ireland in a T20I before, against Papua New Guinea at Townsville in 2015-16. A stalwart of the Irish side as a batsman who sometimes keeps wickets, Wilson has played 53 T20Is. He has also featured in 96 ODIs and Ireland's only Test, and has had stints with Derbyshire and Surrey. He had led Surrey as well, where he worked in collaboration with Irish coach Graham Ford. I am absolutely honoured to be asked to undertake this role. With 16 months until the qualifying tournament for next World Twenty20 tournament in Australia, I believe this is a timely opportunity to prepare the squad for an important new phase in Irish cricket, said Wilson according to a report on the ICC website. I hope my experience and leadership in this form of the game will be of benefit in developing the next generation of leaders and am looking forward to the first step in this journey the tri-series in the Netherlands. Porterfield opened up about the timing of his stepping down: It has been a huge honour to captain my country across all formats for the past 10 years, and I have been fortunate enough to captain Ireland at the last five World Twenty20s. With the qualifiers only a year or so away, I feel that now is the right time for me and the team for a fresh voice and leader in this format. I will now focus solely on my batting in a format that I love playing. I would like to thank everyone for their support over the past 10 years and indeed in making this decision. Finally I would like to wish Gary all the best in what is an exciting time for him. Ireland squad for triangular series in Netherlands: Gary Wilson (c & wk), Stuart Poynter (wk), Andrew Balbirnie, Peter Chase, George Dockrell, Barry McCarthy, Kevin O Brien, William Porterfield, Boyd Rankin, James Shannon, Simi Singh, Paul Stirling, Stuart Thompson, Craig Young. Ireland William Porterfield Gary Wilson Australia "won't be silent" against England, announces Tim Paine Jofra Archer to play for England in 2019 World Cup? Test cricket is paramount: Jasprit Bumrah Pakistan vs Zimbabwe 1st ODI: Pakistan beat Zimbabwe by 201 runs Aaron Finch becomes first to break 900-point mark in ICC T20I Batting Rankings Dhoni becomes 1st wicketkeeper to take 50 catches Ireland's Sean Terry quits cricket to "start a new chapter" in life http://staging.cricketcountry.com/news/gary-wilson-replaces-william-porterfield-as-ireland-t20i-captain-718655mukesh
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Westobri Kennels is a small family run hobby kennel. We have had a long association with gundogs commencing in the early 70's when Terry and Jill met Westy Morris of Ruvalan GSP's in Victoria. Two GSPs were purchased from Westy and then began a lifelong interest in Gundogs. Westobri GSPs were shown successfully and worked in Retrieving Trials and Field Trials in the NT and South Australia. Terry was a well-respected Retrieving Trial judge until his ill health and death in 2005. Jill continued the kennel and pursued her interest in clumbers A love of clumbers had emerged after following them in Australia and seeing them first hand in the UK, Sweden, Europe and the USA. A handsome young clumber - Erinveine Zou, now Aust Grand Champion Erinveine Zou (Hips 0:0 ED 0;0), came from Jan Irving of Erinveine Clumbers. Then came Aust Ch Erinveine Unanimous (Annie). The beautiful Lily - Aust Ch Cactus Snow Catch A Wave - was imported from Sweden with the support of Jan and Valana Wells - USA. Our first homebred litter with Zou and Lily was born in 2010. There were 3 quality progeny born all who have gained their championship tiles and excelled in the show ring. In February and March 2013 two clumber litters were born at Westobri combining the best of Australian, Swedish and Dutch bloodlines.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Diving Destination Indian Heritage North Eastern States Of India Wild Life of India India Tourism Web site : Prime Travels : Information on the various Fairs & Festivals in India. Mamallapuram Dance Festival (Mamallapuram, Tamil Nadu) Once the ancient port of the Pallavas, Mamallapuram plays host to a vibrant festival of dance. exponents of Bharata Natyam, Kuchipudi, Kathak and Kathakali perform against the magnificent backdrop of the Pallava rock sculptures. (Tamil Nadu) A celebration of the harvest - Pongal is observed for three days in January, in Tamil Nadu. Bhogi Pongal - the first day, is an occasion for festivities at home. Flavoured rice is offered to the Sun God on the second day. Mattu Pongal, the next day, is celebrated in a more boisterous fashion. Village cattle are bathed and decorated and cattle races enliven village festivities. International Kite Festival (Ahmedabad, Gujarat) On Makara Sankranti, Ahmedabad is at its colourful best as kites of all colours, patterns and dimensions soar into the sky. Special kites with little paper lamps fill the night sky with a myriad flickering lights. Special Gujarati cuisine, exhibitions of handicrafts and folk art enhance the festive spirit. (Delhi and state capitals) Commemorating the day India became a republic (26th January), the Republic Day is celebrated in Delhi with a splendid parade- a colourful affair with soldiers marching in unison, followed by folk dancers, school children and floats from various states. he Beating Retreat which marks the end of the celebrations on 29th January, is a moving ceremony with massed military bands playing at Vijay Chowk. Vasant Panchami (North India and West Bengal) The ceremonial welcome to spring when people, colourfully attired, especially in bright shades of yellow, dance, sing and make merry. In West Bengal, 'Saraswati' - the goddess of learning is worshipped. The festival is celebrated with great fervour in the university town of Santiniketan. Surajkund Crafts Mela (Surajkund, near Delhi) A delightful handloom and handicrafts fair is held annually at Surajkund. Skilled artisans from all over the country display the rich crafts tradition of India in the typical setting of a rural Indian marketplace. Cultural programmes and rural cuisine are also a part of this colourful fair. International Yoga Week (Rishikesh, Uttar Pradesh) A week-long event to promote Yoga is held in Rishikesh, a picturesque town in the foothills of the Himalayas. Detailed lectures and demonstration of various asanas by prominent exponents of Yoga are the major highlights of the Yoga Week. Desert Festival (Jaisalmer, Rajasthan) A three day long extravaganza of colour, music and festivity at the golden city of Jaisalmer. Gair and fire dancers swaying to traditional tunes, a turban-tying competition and a Mr. Desert contest are part of the fun of the occasion. Camel rides and folk dances at the sand dunes at Sam are an added attraction. Nagaur Fair (Nagaur, Rajasthan) Nagaur bustles with life during its annual cattle fair which is one of the largest in the country. Exciting games and camel races are part of the festivities. Float Festival (Madurai, Tamil Nadu) This magnificent festival is celebrated in Madurai. On the night of the full moon, ornamented icons of goddess Meenakshi and her consort are taken out in a colourful procession to the huge Mariamman Teppakulam. The icons are floated in the tank on a raft decked with flowers and flickering lamps. Kerala Village Fair (Kovalam, Kerala) Every year, in the lush villages around Kovalam (18 km from Thiruvananthapuram), mid-January is the time for cultural events. The traditional thatch houses are decorated during this ten day long festival and are the venue for folk dancers, music and festivities. Bikaner Festival (Bikaner, Rajasthan) Dedicated to the indispensable 'ship of the desert', the festival starts off with a magnificent procession of bedecked camels. There are displays and competitions together with all the colour, music and rhythm unique to a fair in Rajasthan. Calcutta Festival (Calcutta, West Bengal) Held every year in the centrally located maidan area of the city of Calcutta. Ethnic food stalls displaying Bengali cuisine and cultural events make this a lively occasion. Pattadakkal Dance Festival (Pattadakkal, Karnataka) Delicately carved temples rich in detail, stand still at Pattadakkal, the ancient capital of the Chalukyan kings. A festival of dance celebrates this marvelous heritage. Elephanta Festival (Mumbai, Maharashtra) This festival is held across the Mumbai harbour, on the Elephanta Island, near the world renowned Elephanta Caves (A World Heritage Site). This feast of music and dance, celebrated under the stars, transforms the entire island into a large auditorium. Deccan Festival (Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh) Every year gracious Hyderabad comes alive during the Deccan Festival. There are cultural programmes with ghazal nights, qawalis and mushairas, typical of the city. A pearl and bangle fair displays creations in lustrous pearls and multi-hued bangles that are local specialties. A food fest serves the best of Hyderabad's fames cuisine to visitors. Taj Mahotsav (Agra, Uttar Pradesh) A ten day event that starts on 18th February each year in Shilpgram, the Taj Mahotsav is a much awaited event. India's extensive arts, crafts and culture are on display. Folk music, shayari and classical dance performances along with elephant and camel rides, games and a food festival, all add to the excitement of the occasion. (Goa) Goa's 100 km coastline has some of the world's most beautiful beaches. The exuberant Goa Carnival is an annual feature here. Held in mid-February, just before Lent, the weeklong event is a time for lively processions, floats, the strumming of guitars and graceful dances. Garden Festival (Delhi) A spectacular flower show held in Delhi, where varieties of flowers and exotic plants are on display. This annual event is indeed a horticulturist's delight. Chapchar Kut (Mizoram) A lively festival in Mizoram celebrates the arrival of spring. It is an occasion for dance, music and feasting. (Chandigarh) The biggest Rose Show in the country is held at the famous Rose Gardens at Chandigarh. Varieties of magnificent roses are on display during this two-day festival. Island Tourism Festival (Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands) A ten day long festival of dance, drama and music. Exhibitions, displaying arts and crafts, flora and fauna and marine life, are part of the event. Aqua sports, telegames and parasailing are added attractions Khajuraho Dance Festival (Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh) The thousand year old temples at Khajuraho, built by the Chandella kings, are majestic structures sculpted in stone. Only 22 of these temples remain today, to bear testimony to the craftsmanship of Chandella builders. Every year in March, these splendid temples come alive during the week-long festival of classical dances. (All over India) All over the country, Shivratri is observed as the night, when Lord Shiva danced the "Tandav" - his cosmic dance. Fasts and prayers mark the day and devotees throng the temples. The major Shaivite temples at Varanasi, Kalahasti (Andhra Pradesh) and Chidambaram (Tamil Nadu) are noted for their special celebrations. Shivratri Natyanjali Festival (Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu) Shivratri is the occasion for a five day long festival of classical dance and music at Chidambaram. The magnificent temple dedicated to Lord Shiva, built a thousand years ago, provides a beautiful backdrop for the event. (All over North India) In March, during spring, comes Holi - the festival of colours. Celebrated all over North India, Holi is a time to make merry. People smear each other with coloured powder. Singing and dancing add to the gaiety of the occasion. In Anandpur Sahib, Sikhs celebrate a special festival Hola Mohalla on the day after Holi. The display of ancient martial arts and mock battles, are part of this unique Sikh festival. The Holi celebrations in Mathura and the small towns of Braj Bhoomi - the land of Sri Krishna, are spectacular. The Rang Gulal Festival is celebrated for over a week with exuberant processions, songs and music. Especially famous is the Lathmaar Holi of Barsana and Nandgaon. Gangaur (Rajasthan) The most important local festival in Rajasthan, Gangaur celebrations last for eighteen days. It is dedicated to Gauri, a manifestation of goddess Parvati. The festival is celebrated by girls and married women throughout Rajasthan. the images of Gauri are ornamented and offerings are make. This is also an auspicious day for young people to select their life partners. Colourful processions with the town band playing, horses and elaborate palanquins make it a fascinating spectacle. Mewar Festival (Udaipur, Rajasthan) An exhilarating welcome to spring this festival is a visual feast with Rajasthani songs, dances, processions, devotional music and firework displays. It is celebrated in the romantic city of Udaipur during the Gangaur Festival. A procession of colourfully attired women carrying the images of the goddess Gauri make their way to the Lake Pichola. an unusual procession of boats on the lake offers a fitting finale to this splendid celebration. Pooram (Thrissur, Kerala) The colourful Pooram festival is held in Thrissur at its fine Vadakkumnathan Temple-Processions of beautifully caparisoned elephants provide a magnificent spectacle. The festival is rounded off at night by dazzling firework displays. (Ajmer, Rajasthan) The Urs are held every year at the dargah of the Sufi Saint Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti, commemorating his symbolic union with God. Pilgrims from all over the world gather here to pay homage. Qawalis and poems are presented in the saint's honour. At the huge fair that springs up at this time, religious objects, books, rosaries, embroidered carpets and silver ornaments are on sale. International Flower Festival (Gangatok, Sikkim) A rare show of exotic varieties of flowers, orchids and other plants native to Sikkim. Held every summer during the peak flowering season, this is a spectacular event, attracting people from all over India. River rafting and a Yak Safari are added attractions. Hemis Festival (Leh, Ladakh) The courtyard of Hemis-the biggest Buddhist monastery in Ladakh, is the stage for the famous 'Hemis' Festival, that celebrates the birth anniversary of Guru Padmasambhava. Splendid masked dances are performed to the accompaniment of cymbals, drums and long horns. a colourful fair, displaying some beautiful handicrafts, is the special highlight of the festival. (Puri, Orissa) This spectacular chariot festival is held at the famous Jagannath Temple at Puri. Images of Lord Jagannath- the Lord of the Universe, his sister Subhadra and brother Balbhadra are taken out in procession in three immense chariots. The main chariot is 14 meters high and 10 meters square with 16 wheels. Thousands of devotees pull these chariots to Gundicha Mandir, a temple 1.5 km away. The birth of Lord Krishna is celebrated with great fervour all over the country. In Mathura and Brindavan - where Lord Krishna sp-spent his childhood and youth, the Janmashtami celebrations are quite elaborate. The Krishna Leela - stories of his eventful youth are enacted. In Maharashtra, earthen pots of curd and butter are hung high up over the streets. Young men enacting an episode from Krishna's childhood form human pyramids by climbing on each others' shoulders and try to break these pots. Teej (Rajasthan and Chandigarh) This swing festival welcomes the advent of the monsoon. Swings are hung from trees and decorated with flowers. Women, colourfully attired, swing on them and sing songs in celebration. Commemorating the day India Attained freedom (15th August), Independence Day is celebrated with flag hoisting ceremonies and cultural programmes in the sate capitals. The Prime Minister's speech at the Red Fort in Delhi is the major highlight. (North India) Brothers and sisters reaffirm their bonds of affection on this day. Sisters tie colourful threads or rakhis on their brothers' wrists. The brothers in turn promise to protect their sisters and give them gifts. Tarnetar Mela (Saurashtra) An exciting and unique fair held annually at Tarnetar in Saurashtra. The fair coincides with festival at the Trineteshwar Temple, celebrating the wedding of the legendary Mahabharat hero, Arjuna with Draupadi. The fair is a kind of marriage market for the local tribals - the Kolis, Bharwads and Rabaris. The traditional costumes, exquisite jewellery and lively folk dancers - garba, ras, haro, are the special attractions of the fair, not forgetting the wonderful Tarneter "Chhatris"- umbrellas with intricate embroidery and mirror work. Celebrated to mark the defeat of Ravana by Lord Rama, Dussehra symbolizes the triumph of good over evil. The Ramlila - an enactment of the life of Lord Rama, is held during the nine days preceding Dussehra. On the tenth day, larger than life effigies of Ravana, his son and brother - Meghnath and Kumbhakarna, are set alight. In West Bengal, puja pandals have beautifully decorated images of the goddess Durga and people gather here in large numbers to enjoy the festivities. In South India, houses are decorated with displays of toys and clay images of gods. Relatives and friends visit each other to exchange greetings. In Gujarat, the exuberant Navaratri celebrations include dancing the lively garba and dandiya ras. In Himachal Pradesh, a week-long fair in the hill town of Kullu, is a part of the Dussehra celebrations. From the little temples in the hills, deities are brought in procession to the 'maidan' in Kullu, to pay homage to the reigning deity, Raghunathji. Mysore - the city of Palaces, celebraes the ten day Dussehra in a royal style. The Mysore Palace is illuminated with a myriad lights. Majestic processions, a torch light parade and dance and musical events enliven the tranquil city. Ka Pomblang Nongkrem (Shillong, Meghalaya) The most important festival of the Khasis in Meghalaya. This five day long festival, held annually near Shillong, is an occasion for thanksgiving for a good harvest and the time to pray for peace and prosperity. Khasi men and women, dressed in traditional splendour, perform the famous Nongkrem dance. Lucknow Festival (Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh) This festival celebrates Lucknow's living culture. The capital city of Uttar Pradesh is alight with excitement during this ten day long event. Colourful processions, traditional dramas, Kathak dances in the style of the famous Lucknow gharana,sarangi ad sitar recitals alongwith ghazals, qawalis and thumri create a festive atmosphere. Exciting events like ekka races, kite flying, cock fighting and other traditional villages games recreate an atmosphere of Avadh's nawabi days. Shilpgram Crafts Mela Some of the magnificent crafts of Rajasthan are on display at a colourful festival, held in the royal city of Udaipur. Vishnupur Festival (Vishnupur, West Bengal) The festival celebrates the rich heritage of the town of Vishnupur, noted for its beautiful terracotta temples and elegant silk sarees. Kurukshetra Festival (Kurukshetra, Haryana) The festival coincides with Gita Jayanti, signifying the birth of the Srimad Bhagvad Gita. Pilgrims gather here to take a dip in the sacred tanks of Brahma Sarovar and Sannehit Sarover. Week-long Bhagwad katha, dance, dramas and 'deep daan' are part of the religious festivities. Elephant Festival (Jaipur, Rajasthan) A festival where elephants are the centre of attraction. The festival begins with a procession of elephants, camels and horses, followed by lively folk dancers. Elephant races, elephant-polo matches and a most interesting tug of war between elephants and men, are all part of this spectacular event. Hoysala Mahotsava (Belur-Halebid, Karnataka) The dance festival held at Belur and Halebid is a magnificent event. The splendid Hoysala temples with their sculptural extravaganza, make the perfect venue for this cultural feast. Pataliputra Mahotsava (Patna, Bihar) Patna, an ancient city with a glorious past, celebrates its rich heritage with this lively festival. Jhansi Festival (Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh) This week-long, annual event is a display of the arts, crafts and culture of a splendid city - Jhansi. the cultural programmes include folk songs, dances, mushairas and ghazals. Good Friday is observed by Christians nationwide with special services in the churches. Ellora Festival (Aurangabad, Maharashtra) The magnificent rock-cut caves at Ellora-34 in number, were excavated between 600 and 1000 AD. They include Buddhist, Hindu and Jain caves. Every March, a festival of dance and music is organised here with the caves forming a splendid backdrop. The Hindu New Year finds expression in this exuberant festival, celebrated throughout India. Baisakhi celebrations in Punjab are spectacular, as this is a very special day for the Sikhs. It was on this day that Guru Gobind Singh founded the Khalsa. Robust revelry and feasting mark the celebrations and dancers perform the vigorous Bangra to the rhythmic beat of the drums. In Kerala, the festival is known as Vishu. 'Vishu kani' - a display of grain, fruits, flowers, gold, new cloth and money, is viewed early in the morning to ensure a prosperous year ahead. Firework displays and the buying of new clothes are a part of the festivities. Known as Rangali Bihu in Assam, the festival is celebrated with lively dances, music and feasting. The birth anniversary of Lord Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, is observed by the Jain community. Special prayers are offered at temples and shrines. Ramanavami The anniversary of Lord Rama's birth is celebrated as Ramnavami by the Hindus. The epic 'Ramayana' is read for eight days preceding the festival. Id-ul-Fitr The festival marks the end of 'Ramzan' - a month when Muslims fast throughout the day and eat only at night. Prayers, family get-togethers and feasts are the major highlights of the celebrations. This festival commemorates the birth of Lord Buddha - 'the enlightened one'. (Major hill stations) The advent of summer in the major hill resorts ushers in colourful festivity. Lively cultural events, flower shows, regattas and exhibitions brighten the summer season at the picturesque hill stations of Ooty, Shimla, Darjeeling, Mount Abu, etc. Id-ul-Zuha (Bakr-Id) This Muslim festival is celebrated all over the country. Prayers are offered in the mosques and special delicacies are prepared and served among family and friends on the occasion. International Mango Festival Savour innumerable varieties of mango-the king of fruits, at the unique Mango Festival in Delhi. Cultural programmes make this a lively event. Nag Panchami (West Bengal, maharashtra and South India) This festival, which is usually celebrated in West Bengal, Maharashtra and South India, venerates snakes. (Kerala) Kerala's most important festival is celebrated in the honour of the ancient asura king Mahabali. the occasion also heralds the harvest season. The decorating of houses with carpets of flowers, a sumptuous lunch and songs in praise of the golden reign of Mahabali, mark the ten day long festivities. A major attraction of the Onam celebrations are the famed snake boat races along the backwaters at Champakulam, Aranmula and Kottayam. Nehru Trophy Boat Race (Kerala)) Alappuzha is famous for its annual boat race, held on the second Saturday of August every year. The long elegant snakeboats, with crews of over hundred men vying to win the coveted trophy, attract spectators from all over. (Jammu & Kashmir) In the month of Shravan, thousands of pilgrims make an arduous trek up to the Amarnath cave in the Kashmir Himalayas. They come to worship the sacred ice lingam - a symbol of Lord Shiva, which is a natural phenomenon. (Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka) This day is dedicated to the Lord Ganesh,the elephant-headed god of all good beginnings and success. Held annually, this festival is a ten day long event. The images of Lord Ganesha are installed and worshipped and on the last day these are taken in processions to be immersed in flowing water. The sea front t at Mumbai, packed with people, is a spectacular sight. (Pune, Maharashtra) Celebrated with a lot of merrymaking and gaiety, the Ganesh Festival is dedicated to the Lord Ganesha - the harbinger of good fortune and success. This cultural feast is held to coincide with Ganesh Chaturthi. With classical dance and music performances, a theatre and film festival and folk dances, this is the most popular festival in Pune. Commemorates the martydom of the Prophet Mohammed's grandson -Imam Hussein. Tazias, glittering, replicas of the martyr's tomb, are carried in procession through the streets. The tazias of Lucknow and Hyderabad are noted for their splendour. Marwar Festival (Marwar, Rajasthan) The festival celebrates the 'Maand' style of folk music - an evolved classical style that describes the romantic life of Rajasthan's rulers. Held during Sharad Purnima, the folk artistes bring alive the legends and folklore of earlier times. This festival of lights is the prettiest and the most eagerly awaited occasion in India. It celebrates the return of Lord Rama, the hero of the epic Ramayana, to Ayodhya after a fourteen year exile. The flickering lights of the traditional clay lamps or 'diyas' illuminate the houses and fireworks resound through the night. The goddess of wealth and prosperity - Lakshmi, is worshipped on this day. Houses are white washed and elaborate designs drawn at the thresholds to welcome the goddess. The exchanging of gifts and sweets among friends and relatives and playing of games of chance at night, are all an integral part of the celebrations. The birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi - the 'Father of the nation' (2nd October). The President and Prime Minister, along with other eminent political leaders, pay homage at Raj Ghat - the samadhi of Mahatma Gandhi. All the offices and schools, throughout the country, remain closed on this day. Rajgir Mahotsav (Rajgir, Bihar) This colourful festival of dance and music is held at Rajgir, the ancient capital of the Magadha kings - the land where the Buddha meditated and preached. Sonepur Mela (Sonepur, Bihar) Asia's biggest cattle fair is held at Sonepur, on the banks of the River Ganga. During this month-long fair, cattle, decorated for the occasion, throng the venue. (Pushkar, Rajasthan) Tranquil Pushkar is transformed into a spectacular fair ground for twelve days in the month of Kartik. Trading of cattle, camel races and dazzling displays of bangles, brassware, clothes, camel saddles and halters are the major attractions of this colourful event. Devotees come in their thousands to take a ritual dip in the lake on the day of the Kartik Purnima and to worship at the Brahma temple. Guru Purab The birth anniversary of Guru Nanak - the first guru of the Sikhs, is celebrated with great fervour. The 'Akhand Path' - recitation of the Guru Granth Sahib, is held in gurdwaras all over the country. taking the holy book out in procession, is also an integral part of the celebrations. Hampi Festival (Hampi, Karnataka) The magnificent ruined city of Hampi, once the capital of the Vijayanagar Empire, comes alive once again during this lively festival of dance and music, held in the first week of November. designed as the chariot of the Sun God, drawn by seven exquisitely carved horses, stands in solitary splendour on the beach at Konark. This is the venue of a joyous festival of classical dance and music which is held annually. A host of celebrated dancers from all over the country perform in the open air auditorium. The sound of ghungroo bells, flute and pakhauj fill the air and a marvelous crafts mela, with a variety of handicrafts and delectable cuisine, adds to the festive mood. Christmas is celebrated in India with great fervour. All the major Indian cities wear a festive look. Shops and bazaars are decorated for the occasion and offer attractive bargains. Carol singing, get-togethers and the exchanging of gifts enhance the Christmas spirit. Christmas parties launch off celebrations for the New Year, thus retaining the festive mood for at least a week. Find more intresting tours Mail us at [email protected]
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: Correct use of Modernizr.prefixed with transition and transform on Safari I have a function which animates elements on page. It adding inline style to this element. In the simplest situation it adds those: <div style="transition: transform 0.5s; transform: translateX(100px);">...</div> But i want to add support for older browsers so i used Modernizer.prefixed to find correct prefixes for properties, but now I have problem with Safari. I try to use this code: var cssTransformProperty = Modernizr.prefixed("transform"); var cssTransitionProperty = Modernizr.prefixed("transition"); $myElement .css(cssTransitionProperty, cssTransformProperty + " 0.5s") .css(cssTransformProperty, "translateX(" + margin + "px)"); but on safari it trying to add something like this: .css("transition", "WebkitTransform 0.5s") .css("WebkitTransform", "translateX(100px)") Problem is here: "WebkitTransform 0.5s" - Safari don't understand this line. If I changing it manualy to "-webkit-transform 0.5s" it works as expected. Is there a way to tell prefixer to use this css format instead of js one? A: Yes you can, as the Modernizr docs pointed out: Return values will also be the camelCase variant, if you need to translate that to hyphenated style use: str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(str,m1){ return '-' + m1.toLowerCase(); }).replace(/^ms-/,'-ms-'); Example: var str = Modernizr.prefixed('WebkitTransform'); str = str.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function(str,m1){ return '-' + m1.toLowerCase(); }).replace(/^ms-/,'-ms-'); alert(str); //-webkit-transform
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Have you seen? [Archive] - Animal Forum - Discuss Animals and Pets. Enjoy our Pet Forums, Blogs, Articles and Photo Albums for Pets and Animal Lovers. Animal Forum - Discuss Animals and Pets. Enjoy our Pet Forums, Blogs, Articles and Photo Albums for Pets and Animal Lovers. > Birds > General Bird Discussion > Have you seen? View Full Version : Have you seen? Have you seen a Rose-breasted Grosbeak at your feeder this spring?
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Combining elements from 2 Different songs can have an unexpected dramatic effect on us, it uncovers the emotions we already harbour within ourselves, we don't feel the music, the music feels us. In this video two different songs have been blended together, edited and modified to create a new, hopefully beneficial, experience. Video element is comprised of royalty free clips with and added 3D elements as well as editing effects for a final touch.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Divest Princeton Divest Princeton is a seven-year old campaign which seeks to compel Princeton University to divest itself of investments in fossil fuels. Almost 1,700 students, alumni, faculty, and staff have signed an open letter to President Eisgruber to that effect, and numerous organizations including PPro have endorsed Divest Princeton. PPro supports Divest Princeton because climate change is the existential crisis of our time, and investments in businesses that promote use of fossil fuels contribute to rather than help solve this enormous threat to the health of the planet and its inhabitants. In addition to reducing our carbon footprint, use of sustainable energy sources is more economically efficient than continuing to use harmful coal, oil, and natural gas. Princeton University needs to demonstrate moral leadership on this issue because of its status as a world class research institution. The main challenge now for Divest Princeton is to gather more supporters to increase the pressure on the Resources Committee so that it will recommend divestment to the University's Board of Trustees. To that end, it is particularly important that more alumni sign the open letter to President Eisgruber, which is where you come in. Please give strong consideration toward doing so by going to Divest Princeton's website. May America move forward soon in unity with a commitment to improving the lives of all Americans and with renewed moral authority under President Biden and Vice President Harris.
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DOE Patents Patent: Nanomechanical electric and electromagnetic field sensor Title: Nanomechanical electric and electromagnetic field sensor The present invention provides a system for detecting and analyzing at least one of an electric field and an electromagnetic field. The system includes a micro/nanomechanical oscillator which oscillates in the presence of at least one of the electric field and the electromagnetic field. The micro/nanomechanical oscillator includes a dense array of cantilevers mounted to a substrate. A charge localized on a tip of each cantilever interacts with and oscillates in the presence of the electric and/or electromagnetic field. The system further includes a subsystem for recording the movement of the cantilever to extract information from the electric and/or electromagnetic field. The system further includes a means of adjusting a stiffness of the cantilever to heterodyne tune an operating frequency of the system over a frequency range. Datskos, Panagiotis George; Lavrik, Nickolay Oak Ridge National Lab. (ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States) U.S. Department of Energy (Washington, DC) G - PHYSICS G01 - MEASURING G01R - MEASURING ELECTRIC VARIABLES G01R1/06738 - {related to tip portion} G01R1/06744 - {Microprobes, i.e. having dimensions as IC details} G01R29/0878 - {Sensors AC05-00OR22725 Patent File Date: 2011 Feb 10 Datskos, Panagiotis George, and Lavrik, Nickolay. Nanomechanical electric and electromagnetic field sensor. United States: N. p., 2015. Web. Datskos, Panagiotis George, & Lavrik, Nickolay. Nanomechanical electric and electromagnetic field sensor. United States. Datskos, Panagiotis George, and Lavrik, Nickolay. Tue . "Nanomechanical electric and electromagnetic field sensor". United States. https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1174187. title = {Nanomechanical electric and electromagnetic field sensor}, author = {Datskos, Panagiotis George and Lavrik, Nickolay}, abstractNote = {The present invention provides a system for detecting and analyzing at least one of an electric field and an electromagnetic field. The system includes a micro/nanomechanical oscillator which oscillates in the presence of at least one of the electric field and the electromagnetic field. The micro/nanomechanical oscillator includes a dense array of cantilevers mounted to a substrate. A charge localized on a tip of each cantilever interacts with and oscillates in the presence of the electric and/or electromagnetic field. The system further includes a subsystem for recording the movement of the cantilever to extract information from the electric and/or electromagnetic field. The system further includes a means of adjusting a stiffness of the cantilever to heterodyne tune an operating frequency of the system over a frequency range.}, Nanomechanical Oscillators Fabricated Using Polymeric Nanofiber Templates journal, March 2004 Czaplewski, David A.; Verbridge, Scott S.; Kameoka, Jun Nano Letters, Vol. 4, Issue 3 https://doi.org/10.1021/nl035149y Nanomechanical near-field grating apparatus and acceleration sensor formed therefrom Patent Carr, Dustin Wade [Albuquerque, NM]; Bogart, Gregory Robert [Corrales, NM]; Keeler, Bianca E. N. [Albuquerque, NM] A nanomechanical near-field grating device is disclosed which includes two sub-gratings vertically spaced by a distance less than or equal to an operating wavelength. Each sub-grating includes a plurality of line-elements spaced apart by a distance less than or equal to the operating wavelength. A light source (e.g., a VCSEL or LED) can provide light at the operating wavelength for operation of the device. The device can operate as an active grating, with the intensity of a reflected or transmitted portion of the light varying as the relative positions of the sub-gratings are controlled by an actuator. The device canmore » also operate as a passive grating, with the relative positions of the sub-gratings changing in response to an environmentally-induced force due to acceleration, impact, shock, vibration, gravity, etc. Since the device can be adapted to sense an acceleration that is directed laterally or vertically, a plurality of devices can be located on a common substrate to form a multi-axis acceleration sensor. « less Narrow field electromagnetic sensor system and method Patent McEwan, Thomas E [Livermore, CA] A narrow field electromagnetic sensor system and method of sensing a characteristic of an object provide the capability to realize a characteristic of an object such as density, thickness, or presence, for any desired coordinate position on the object. One application is imaging. The sensor can also be used as an obstruction detector or an electronic trip wire with a narrow field without the disadvantages of impaired performance when exposed to dirt, snow, rain, or sunlight. The sensor employs a transmitter for transmitting a sequence of electromagnetic signals in response to a transmit timing signal, a receiver for sampling onlymore » the initial direct RF path of the electromagnetic signal while excluding all other electromagnetic signals in response to a receive timing signal, and a signal processor for processing the sampled direct RF path electromagnetic signal and providing an indication of the characteristic of an object. Usually, the electromagnetic signal is a short RF burst and the obstruction must provide a substantially complete eclipse of the direct RF path. By employing time-of-flight techniques, a timing circuit controls the receiver to sample only the initial direct RF path of the electromagnetic signal while not sampling indirect path electromagnetic signals. The sensor system also incorporates circuitry for ultra-wideband spread spectrum operation that reduces interference to and from other RF services while allowing co-location of multiple electronic sensors without the need for frequency assignments. « less Mobile electric field sensor based phasor measurement unit for monitoring an electric power grid Patent Liu, Yilu; Yao, Wenxuan; Zhan, Lingwei; ... A system may include an electric field sensor, an analog to digital converter, and an estimator. The electric field sensor may measure electric fields of electric power grid. The analog to digital converter may generate digital output based upon measurements from the electric field sensor. The estimator may estimate phasor data of the electric power grid based upon the digital output. Spatial feature tracking impedence sensor using multiple electric fields Patent Novak, James L [Albuquerque, NM] Linear and other features on a workpiece are tracked by measuring the fields generated between electrodes arrayed in pairs. One electrode in each pair operates as a transmitter and the other as a receiver, and both electrodes in a pair are arrayed on a carrier. By combining and subtracting fields between electrodes in one pair and between a transmitting electrode in one pair and a receiving electrode in another pair, information describing the location and orientation of the sensor relative to the workpiece in up to six degrees of freedom may be obtained. Typical applications will measure capacitance, but othermore » impedance components may be measured as well. The sensor is designed to track a linear feature axis or a protrusion or pocket in a workpiece. Seams and ridges can be tracked by this non-contact sensor. The sensor output is useful for robotic applications. « less Electric/magnetic field sensor Patent Schill, Jr., Robert A.; Popek, Marc A UNLV novel electric/magnetic dot sensor includes a loop of conductor having two ends to the loop, a first end and a second end; the first end of the conductor seamlessly secured to a first conductor within a first sheath; the second end of the conductor seamlessly secured to a second conductor within a second sheath; and the first sheath and the second sheath positioned adjacent each other. The UNLV novel sensor can be made by removing outer layers in a segment of coaxial cable, leaving a continuous link of essentially uncovered conductor between two coaxial cable legs.
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Marketing mix of all Brands SWOT analysis of Brands Marketing Strategy of Brands Brand Competition Print Ads Collection Home » Marketing mix articles » Marketing Mix Of Lego – Lego Marketing Mix Marketing Mix Of Lego – Lego Marketing Mix March 23, 2019 By Hitesh Bhasin Tagged With: Marketing mix articles Lego is a brand associated with the manufacturing of construction toys of plastic. It is a subsidiary of its parent company Lego group. The company was founded in the year 1932 by its Danish founder Ole Kirk Christiansen and Lego toys were launched in the market in the year 1949. Lego has been ranked at first position in February 2015 as world's most powerful brand and in July of the same year, it was able to produce nearly 600 billion units of Lego parts. Lego faces competition from following brands Tyco Toys Best-Lock Product in the Marketing Mix Of Lego : Place in the Marketing Mix Of Lego : Price in the Marketing Mix Of Lego : Promotions Marketing Mix Of Lego : Lego is flagship product of Lego Group and includes interlocking and coloured plastic bricks along with mini figures, gears and other parts. These can be connected and assembled to construct working robots, buildings and vehicles. It is easy to construct an object and to take it apart for constructing a different object. Thousands of Lego sets have been launched by Lego group with various themes like robots, space, Wild West, undersea exploration, dinosaurs, castle, Vikings, trains and pirates. It has also licensed themes from video games, films and cartoons like Lego Island, Lego Creator, Lego Racers, Lego Minecraft, Lego Star Wars, Lego Racers 2, Lego Indiana Jones, Lego marvel Super Heroes and Lego Batman. In the year 1999, Mindstorms was launched by Lego. It was a robotic line that has gone through several expansion and updating since its release. Programmable Lego-brick has sensors to detect ultrasonic waves, sound, light and touch. In the year 2009, it launched board games like Ramses Pyramid, Creationary and Minotaurus in which players take help of Lego bricks to make a playing board and later play with Lego-Style players. LEGOwear Clothes are available in the market since the year 1993 and are manufactured with a license provided by Lego Group to Kabooki Company. Lego group is a private company that has its headquarters base at Billund in Denmark. Its main offices are in Shanghai in China, London in the United Kingdom, Enfield in the United States and at Singapore. Manufacturing facilities are located in several places in the world. Moulding is conducted at Billund in Denmark, Jiaxing in China, Monterrey in Mexico and Nyiregyhaza in Hungary. For packaging and brick decorations it has plants in Kladno, Mexico, Hungary and Denmark. Lego launched its official website in the year 1996. This is an online store and offers extra services like product catalogue, related information and instruction booklets. Lego has an extensive distribution network that includes distribution operations via one hundred and twenty-five retail outlets. Of these eight are in the United States, eleven are situated in Germany, thirteen are in the United Kingdom, two are located in Austria, six in France and one each in Denmark and Sweden. In India first Lego outlet was opened in the year 2014 at Chennai in Tamil Nadu by Funskool under a license agreement. Lego has targeted children belonging to age-group of 3-15 from upper-class and middle-class families as its target customers. It has emphasised on the usage of high-quality materials for manufacturing as these are handled by children who are susceptible if exposed to sub-standard products. Lego has adopted a mid-premium pricing policy for its high-end products so that it seems reasonable and affordable to its customers. It has maintained value-based pricing strategy so that it can create further markets by increasing its customer base. Lego has undertaken various promotional activities to gain brand recognition like marketing and advertising via television, online mediums, print magazines and in-store efforts. Lego has also been an active participant in several events to gain brand exposure. It released Lego Minifigures series for Summer Olympics 2012 and mascots Tom and Vinicius for Summer Paralympics 2016 and Summer Olympics 2016 respectively. As part of its promotional activity, it has launched My Lego Network for social networking and includes badges, ranks, blueprints and items that can be earned after undertaking and completing certain trophies and tasks. Lego celebrates its every single store opening with weekend-long event celebrations. Marketing Mix Of Leapfrog - Leapfrog Marketing Mix Marketing mix of Banana Republic Marketing Mix Of Jack And Jones - Jack And Jones Marketing Mix Marketing Mix Of Mattel - Mattel Marketing Mix Marketing Mix Of Royal Enfield - Royal Enfield Marketing Mix Marketing Mix Of Mini Cooper - Mini Cooper Marketing Mix Marketing mix of UPS United Parcel Service Marketing mix of Nintendo GET DAILY MARKETING UPDATES First Name Enter your Email Address About Hitesh Bhasin I love writing about the latest in marketing & advertising. I am a serial entrepreneur & I created Marketing91 because i wanted my readers to stay ahead in this hectic business world. You can follow me on Facebook. Let's stay in touch :) Yuen Shing Fung says Hey, my name is Keith Yuen, a part-time University student in Marketing management degree in Hong Kong, i would like to ask if you don't mind this is blunt that i need some insight about what co-creationing actions would Lego possibily Lego take into consideraion in upcoming 2020? i would really appreciated that if you can feedback my directly at my email. Thanks you so much for you column for as well giving my many insights on my essay writting, thanks again. Keith Yuen Follow Marketing91 More than 30,000 Followers Business Model of Quora : How Does Quora Make Money? Business Model of SpaceX – How does SpaceX make money? Importance of Communication and its Benefits What is Concept Testing? Definition, Objectives, Benefits Glocalization Definition – What it is, Examples and Advantages What is Internal Environment? Definition and 11 factors About Marketing91 Course on Market Segmentation Course on Marketing Strategory Models WE WRITE ON [email protected] © 2008-2019 Marketing91 All Rights Reserved
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Discussion in 'Residential Structural Codes' started by Willin, Nov 10, 2018. New construction, a large freestanding fireplace with CMU core and fieldstone facing comes up through the wood-framed floor structure of the main floor. It goes through the basement floor where it bears on a suitably-sized pad. The fireplace opening is 16 inches above the floor, and the hearth extension, 100 percent masonry, sits atop the floor structure. It is not connected to the fireplace structure other than with mortar along the joint. No cantilevered concrete shelf will be built. This hearth extension has CMU core with fieldstone facing and its top is paved with bluestone. I am not in to structural, but seems like a structural engineer, might should be involved. So what does the fireplace set on?? a concrete basement floor, or wood basement floor??? Don't know what it takes to be able to include an image. So here is more detail. A large pier pad is directly beneath the 4" floor slab in the unfinished basement. Atop this is built, with CMU walls, the fireplace foundation, which rises up and through the wood-framed structural main floor about 8 feet above. A framed opening in that floor structure is for this fireplace, and the opening comes to all sides of the fireplace foundation, with about 1" clearance. Above this floor, the CMU is stepped in a distance for the fieldstone cladding thickness. The fireplace stack rises 16 inches, where the fireplace opening begins with its firebrick floor. The fireplace opening is thus 16" above the wood-framed floor. Sitting atop this wood-framed floor and abutting the front of the fireplace is the hearth extension, all-masonry, CMU core, rock faced, 2" bluestone slab atop it, the bluestone slab top elevation same as the fireplace floor which it tightly abuts. Note we've not built this masonry fireplace with a cantilevered slab below the hearth level, for supporting not just ht the hearth, but any hearth extension. We have built the extension as a separate masonry mass, sitting atop the wood-framed floor structure. Sort of like this. The extension is sitting on the wood-framed floor, and not on the fireplace structure. He already said what it sat on, the hearth is on wood and the FP sits on a footing, a crawl space install. The concern here is the grout intersection between the hearth and the face of the FP. Hot coals can collect sometimes at this intersection and over time can char the hearth support members. The living room floor at code minimum would have to have the capacity to support a 40 pound live load and a 10 pound dead load. I would be hard pressed to approve something like this and would require an analysis by a structural engineer. Been inspecting buildings for about 29 years and have never seen anything like this. The hearth extensions that I have seen have always been supported by cantilevered concrete. I agree with Commish & jpranch. The framing that supports your hearth needs to be of sufficient design for the loads imposed. The framing requirements are above and beyond the scope of the prescriptive tables in the IRC, therefore you would need a structural engineer as code inspectors, plan reviewers, etc are limited to enforcing prescriptive methods in the code books. jar456 said it better than I did. Right on target.
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Please call our office if you have any questions or need help accessing the Patient Registration and Intake forms. If possible, we prefer that you print the forms and fill them out at home prior to your appointment so that you can take your time. We have two categories of forms, Adult and Child. Peter Hanfileti, MD and Lisa Hanfileti, LAc (Licensed Acupuncturist) treat adults of all ages. They both perform acupuncture but were trained differently. Peter is Board Certified in Medical Acupuncture and is also certified in BodyTalk, a non-needling technique which involves gentle tapping at specific locations in the body. If you are afraid of needles or have a complex history and are on multiple medications, "Dr. Pete" may be a good match for you. Lisa's training is in Traditional Chinese Medicine and her strengths are in treating pain conditions, including arthritis, headaches, post-surgical pains as well as fertility issues, insomnia and mental/emotional imbalances that contribute to a general malaise. She has additional training in herbal and nutritional support. It's up to you whether you schedule with Peter or Lisa. We even have a few patients who alternate seeing us both! Please click on all 5 document links below. They should open in your PDF reader so that you can print each one out. (If you need a PDF reader you can download Adobe Reader for free here: Get Adobe PDF Reader. Adult New Patient Welcome Letter – Read only. This explains what to expect at your first visit. Peter Hanfileti, MD or "Dr. Pete" as his patients call him, is Board Certified in Pediatrics and sees adults as well as children. Because of his expertise with kids and years of experience applying natural medicine therapies, he is often able to address conditions that western medicine has no satisfactory answer for. He does NOT use acupuncture needles on kids but instead uses the principles of the traditional Chinese medicine system to determine treatment strategies. He uses techniques that most kids tolerate very well (and even look forward to receiving). These may include such things as gentle tapping, acupressure at specific points, application of therapeutic grade essential oils, colored light, herbal remedies and nutritional advice. Child New Patient Welcome Letter For Parents – Read only. This explains what to expect at your first visit and how "Dr. Pete" approaches the health and well-being of your child.
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The next instalment in the internationally best-selling and award-winning Dragonkeeper series. The year is 325. The powerful Han Dynasty is a distant memory and tribes of barbarian soldiers fight over what was once the Empire. It is a dangerous time. Kai is 465 years old a teenager in dragon years. He is searching for the person predestined to be his dragonkeeper. Kais search has led him to a Buddhist novice named Tao. But Tao is certain he is not the one; he has no interest in caring for a difficult dragon. He believes his path lies in another direction. But Tao must learn to listen to the voice within himself and that no journey ever reveals its true purpose until it is over. • The Dragonkeeper series has been extraordinarily successful both in Australia and internationally. • Carole constantly receives requests (and suggestions) for another book in the series.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Cary Powell Moseley – Attorney at Law Lawyer for the People October 17, 2012 October 17, 2012 CARY POWELL MOSELEY Leave a comment http://finance.yahoo.com/news/risky-lifeline-elderly-costing-homes-145603047.html A Risky Lifeline for the Elderly Is Costing Some Their Homes By JESSICA SILVER-GREENBERG | New York Times – Mon, Oct 15, 2012 4:41 PM EDT New York Times/Jenn Ackerman – Linda McMahon, now a 65-year-old widow, was ineligible to be on the reverse mortgage her husband took out in 2005, and lost her St. Croix Falls, Wis., home. The very loans that are supposed to help seniors stay in their homes are in many cases pushing them out. Reverse mortgages, which allow homeowners 62 and older to borrow money against the value of their homes and not pay it back until they move out or die, have long been fraught with problems. But federal and state regulators are documenting new instances of abuse as smaller mortgage brokers, including former subprime lenders, flood the market after the recent exit of big banks and as defaults on the loans hit record rates. Some lenders are aggressively pitching loans to seniors who cannot afford the fees associated with them, not to mention the property taxes and maintenance. Others are wooing seniors with promises that the loans are free money that can be used to finance long-coveted cruises, without clearly explaining the risks. Some widows are facing eviction after they say they were pressured to keep their name off the deed without being told that they could be left facing foreclosure after their husbands died. Now, as the vast baby boomer generation heads for retirement and more seniors grapple with dwindling savings, the newly minted Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is working on new rules that could mean better disclosure for consumers and stricter supervision of lenders. More than 775,000 of such loans are outstanding, according to the federal government. Concerns about the multibillion-dollar reverse mortgage market echo those raised in the lead-up to the financial crisis when consumers were marketed loans — often carrying hidden risks — that they could not afford. "There are many of the same red flags, including explosive growth and the fact that these loans are often peddled aggressively without regard to suitability," said Lori Swanson, the Minnesota attorney general, who is working on reforming the reverse mortgage market. Joan Serioux-Forde, 72, thought that she couldn't feel more devastated after her husband, Christopher, died last year. Then, roughly a month after the funeral, she received a letter from Generation Mortgage, a reverse mortgage lender, informing her that unless she paid $293,000, she would lose her home in San Bernardino, Calif. Ms. Forde said she was never informed that if she wasn't on the reverse mortgage deed, she would have virtually no right to stay in her home unless she bought it outright. "It's a nightmare," she said. Generation Mortgage declined to comment. Although the numbers of reverse mortgages have declined in recent years, the rate of default is at a record high — roughly 9.4 percent of loans, according to the consumer protection bureau, up from around 2 percent a decade earlier. And borrowers are putting their nest eggs at risk by increasingly taking out the loans at younger ages and in lump sums, federal data and a recent bureau report show. Peter H. Bell, president and chief executive of the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association, a trade group, said that he met with officials from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to begin hashing out a way for lenders to adopt a uniform standard to determine whether seniors can afford to take on the loans. Used correctly, reverse mortgages can be a valuable tool for seniors to stay in their homes and gain access to money needed for retirement. Seniors who have built up equity in their homes can borrow against a percentage of that and take out a lump sum or a line of credit. The loan doesn't have to be repaid until the homeowner moves out or dies, but borrowers still have to pay property taxes, maintenance and insurance. Reverse mortgage lenders and brokers note that the loans are highly regulated and require potential borrowers to speak to a certified housing counselor about the potential pitfalls before taking out the loans. Mr. Bell adds that his trade group strictly monitors the advertising of its roughly 400 members to ensure that it is accurate. Since the financial crisis, the reverse mortgage market has been in flux, dampened by a drop in property values, complaints about the loans and the recent departure of big lenders. Originations backed by the federal government peaked at about 115,000 in 2007 and totaled about 51,000 loans last year. MetLife was the latest major player to exit the market, in April. That followed the departure last year of the two biggest reverse mortgage lenders, Bank of America and Wells Fargo, which cited falling housing prices and difficulty assessing borrowers' ability to repay the loans. Into the void left by the big banks have moved smaller mortgage brokers and lenders. Some of them steer seniors into expensive, risky loans with deceptive sales pitches and high-pressure tactics, according to regulators, housing counselors and elder-care advocates. Mark S. Diamond, a former subprime mortgage broker in Chicago, who has been sued for fraud by the Federal Trade Commission and the Illinois attorney general, faces a federal lawsuit filed in June by seniors who claim that he sold them reverse mortgages and either pocketed their loan amounts or promised to put the proceeds toward home repairs that never materialized. A lawyer for Mr. Diamond did not return calls for comment. Some solicitations reviewed by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau present reverse mortgages as "free money" or mistakenly tell seniors that they could never lose their home. One Maryland reverse mortgage lender tells seniors that they can put the proceeds toward a vacation: "Just because you're retired doesn't mean you don't need a vacation every now and then." Last year, the Massachusetts Commissioner of Banks issued cease-and-desist orders to a handful of reverse mortgage firms for operating without a license. In its advertising, one of those mortgage brokers falsely promised seniors "you won't lose your home." Officials at the bureau, which issued a report on the industry in June, said they heard from a number of seniors who claimed that lenders encouraged them to make their older spouses the sole borrower on the loan. The brokers earn more money when they make larger loans with the older spouse as the only borrower. Some surviving spouses complained that brokers told them they could be added later, but they were not. The bureau says those seniors are at greater risk of losing their homes. The complaints, according to elder-care advocates and federal officials, have been rising during the past year, although there are no exact numbers. Linda McMahon, a 65-year-old widow, watched helplessly as the locks were changed on her home in St. Croix Falls, Wis., last month. She said that in 2005, when her husband was 82 and she was 58, a mortgage broker from Wells Fargo promised her that she could add her name to the mortgage once she turned 62. That never happened because that year, in 2009, she didn't have time to deal with it as her husband's health quickly deteriorated and he died from a heart condition, she said. Soon, she was unable to pay any of the property taxes and insurance. "I am devastated," said Ms. McMahon, who is retired, living on Social Security income and now renting an apartment. A spokeswoman for the bank declined to comment. Reverse mortgages also have troublesome incentive structures that might encourage brokers to steer seniors toward lump-sum loans, which carry a fixed interest rate, rather than a line of credit with a variable interest rate, the bureau found. In a lump sum arrangement, the interest charges are added each month, and over time the total debt owed can far surpass the original loan. Brokers earn higher fees on these loans and even more money when they sell the loans into the secondary market, where they can get rates nearly double those for variable loans, according to rate sheets obtained by the consumer bureau. Some 70 percent of reverse mortgages are taken in lump sums, up from 3 percent in 2008, according to the bureau. When seniors use the money to pay off other debts, especially right before retirement or early into it, that can leave them with scarce resources to pay their property taxes and insurance. Ms. Forde, who lives in fear of losing her San Bernardino home, said she could not afford to save her house by paying the full $293,000 debt. Now, she said, she spends much of her day standing guard by the window. Her home is already in foreclosure proceedings. With a wavering voice, she said: "I have nowhere to go." Popular NowNewest Oldest Most Replied PMC • 1 day 10 hours ago These people who take advantage of the elderly are the #$%$ of the earth. Mena 3 hours ago hahaha! The Libbys got mad!!! GOOD! More Reply Elizabeth G • 1 day 11 hours ago Anybody ever wonder why Canada did not fare as badly as the US during the recent recession. It's because they have very tight restrictions on banks and mortgage lenders. If a bank gives you a loan on your property they live with that loan until it is paid off, they cannot sell it to another bank or hedge fund. Until we get control of the banking industry this kind of abuse will continue, First L 13 hours ago Let's not forget who it was that lowered restrictions on lending practices in this country, allowing banks to get out of control – Democrats! REALITY • 1 day 11 hours ago Reverse mortgages are a scam. Don't do it. It really bugs me when I see these hollywood types advertising for reverse mortgages to scam seniors out of their homes. Shameful… JH 10 hours ago The fools seem to think a home equity loan is a "scam". The examples are ridiculous. "Forgot" to put her name on the loan, never put on the loan for who knows why, people not even paying their property taxes and thus having to pay the loan back, as they were told they would have to. For god's sake, it is just people tapping their equity in their house. Jim • 1 day 11 hours ago Some of the "kids" on this board have no idea how easy it is to screw elderly on a transaction. Obviously, they either don't have elderly parents, or they do and they don't help them. I know it's easy to be a little snot nosed kid with not a care in the world. I was one too, then my mom got Alzheimers and my dad got Parkinsons. Some of you still have a lot to learn! A Yahoo! User 13 hours ago @Fearless, That was a sad commentary by you on the "love" of God…"God loves you anyway"…..you think THAT is going to make the people you railed on feel loved and believe in God now?? Hardly. @Fearless, atheists are not the boogy man nor are they haters of Christians nor are they haters of God….necessarily…some may be but most are just hurt people trying to make sense of a sensless world.. Some are HURT by life, family, "christians" in the church, and feel that God left them along time ago. Others are honestly questioning how there can be a God who lets the atrocities happen that have happened and still continue to happen to humanity. Those of us, Fearless, who call ourselves Christians often ALSO question why God does not STOP evil or why he allows such suffering in the human race What atheists really need is what some of us also need and that is a revelation of God's goodness, and a revelation of evil, why it exists and some basic knowledge of who God is and what He is doing…it's all there in the Bible but an atheist will never pick one up (more than likely) because of the hypocricy he see's in the "Christian" church and the judgementalism he has been subject to. I could go on…books could be written on this topic….but for now fearless, ask God along with me for his grace and mercy to be showered on us and on those who have turned away from God. They are still loved by God, you are right. But they need to believe that, and never will if we continue to put them down…and if they never actually experience Christians loving them… Robert • 1 day 12 hours ago reverse mortgages are going to become the next bubble and its a good thing the major lenders have left that market leaving the scammers and loansharks to take it over. This is the biggest scam ever and older people are becoming the victims Richard K 18 hours ago uh..I believe that Lauren was making a joke! Gary • 1 day 11 hours ago I am so blessed that I own my home outright. I have had reverse mortgage companies call me trying to tell me what a great deal they are. I will not borrow any money against my home, the biggest battle in life is to get your home paid for. Now when my wife and I die my daughter will get the house, without a reverse mortgage to wory about. And the word mortgage should scare you to death, mortgage is made of two words, mort, and gage. mort=death and gage=debt. a debt till death, not for me. 1 13 hours ago Gary- But when you leave it to your daughter Obama will be ready to tax it and steal most of it from her! J • 1 day 15 hours ago henry wenkler should be ashamed but like everyone else they will do anything for a buck. this no more than a SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAM SCAMA ROTTEN SCAM Captain Crunch 13 hours ago Put a stop to these loans? wow, you really are one of the stupid sheep Peter C.. These loans are STILL written EVERYDAY in this country. You are just another typical "Obama is the messaih and he's not spending us into bankruptcy" #$%$ Independent Thinker • 1 day 14 hours ago Reverse Mortgages: think about it. If you borrow $100K against a home worth $300K, the bank will eventually end up owning the WHOLE THING, unless you miraculously pay back the $100K you borrowed. In the first few months, the interest you owe wouldn't seem to be a big deal, but eventually, with compounding of interest on the interest you haven't paid, your principal balance will run away from you at an accelerating pace.. Unless you know how long you are going to live (and no one does), then why would you do this? RobertG • 1 day 11 hours ago Brouht to you by the SAME crooks that created and profited from the housing bubble. Peter C 14 hours ago That's a f—–g LIE. Your a real DIRTHBAG Vic. Where do you get your information from? Willard(the rat) The LIONKING. One Nation Underwater • 1 day 17 hours ago These mortgage brokers are like drug dealers. Looking for an easy buck they prey on the elderly and the weak. ANN A 13 hours ago we should all work toward the day when "elderly" is no longer synonymous with "weak." smarten up, friends. remember what PT Barnum said. W.D. • 1 day 15 hours ago This is truly sad. The worst part is, it probably isn't over yet. HSS • 1 day 12 hours ago Wonder how much the timing was responsible – took out reverse mtg in 2005 but hubby died in 2009 during the worst of the housing bubble/price decline. House worth less in 09 but interest on the reverse mtg made this house under water. Wolfen • 1 day 11 hours ago People who call themselves "bankers" now must be very proud of the reputation their profession has. NOT!!! Scam artists, liars, theives. That's what they are!!! Old Geezer • 1 day 9 hours ago When the ads on TV promise you the sky…. you know they are lying. Asdf • 1 day 15 hours ago Another problem with even honestly done reverse mortgages is the risk of future higher inflation. You do not participate in the increased value of your house and your monthly payments buy less and less each year. Ravengotu C • 1 day 11 hours ago It is called ripping off America and taking advantage of people. Yet celebs (real loser for sure) make adverts( getting paid). We have so many problems in this country and no one does anything. As long as you create a job, have some sort of tax id you are great… Mark • 1 day 16 hours ago We can thank Robert Wagner and Fred Thompsons for hawking this scam. Don't believe them either. Get a lawyer before signing up for anything like this. You do this on your own and you get what you deserve. Dasbof • 1 day 22 hours ago Save early, save often. These bankers and mortgage brokers should be hung from the nearest lamp post. Vigilante justice style. A Yahoo! User • 1 day 1 hour ago I am currently trying to talk my father in law out of doing this. They don't need the income. It is a bad deal for them because the fees are prohibitive. ← THE GREAT JAN SCHLICHTMANN NATIONAL CONSUMER LAW CENTER / TAX LIEN FORECLOSURES →
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
This rule was illustrated in Jones v. Scarborough7, where the trial court allowed into evidence the deposition testimony of an expert who opined that the plaintiff's injuries might have been mitigated if she had worn a seatbelt. No foundation was laid at the deposition as to the witness' expertise, and no objection was made at the deposition as to the expert's qualifications. At trial, the plaintiff raised both foundation and qualification objections. The trial court overruled the objections, allowing the deposition testimony into evidence. The Court of Appeals of Georgia, quoting Mulkey, affirmed, holding that the objections had been waived, and the deposition was properly admitted. Whether these were so-called "evidentiary" or "discovery" depositions, and which party was asking the questions is not made clear in the cases. The most likely scenario for this issue to arise is in the context of a party deposing its own expert in an evidentiary deposition for trial. In that scenario, the opposing party must raise objections to the expert's qualifications. This is not made clear in the statute, however. The exception to this rule is Daubert motions made pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 24-7-702(d), which can be raised by motion prior to the final pretrial conference. Even if the qualification objection is waived, a trial court still has authority to sua sponte exclude an expert's testimony on foundation or competency grounds. In Fairburn v. Cook,8 the trial court refused to admit the deposition testimony of the plaintiff's treating physician, also regarding whether a plaintiff could have mitigated her injury by wearing a seatbelt. The plaintiff did not object to the expert's qualifications during the deposition, but nevertheless, the trial court excluded the testimony. The defendant argued that it could have cured the ground for the objection if it had been raised during the deposition. The Court of Appeals rejected this argument because the witness' credentials had been explored in detail in the deposition, and there was no indication that the witness had any relevant expertise. As such, the Court held that because the deposition testimony made clear that the expert was not qualified, the case was distinguishable from Mulkey and Jones, where the experts' qualifications had not been explored in detail. This rule is not limited to expert qualification objections. Then-Circuit Judge Scalia described the analogous federal rule, stating "what the exception obviously envisions is a situation in which a timely objection (e.g., on the ground of failure to lay an adequate foundation) could have enabled the problem to be remedied so that the same testimony could be received in accordance with law."9 The Seventh Circuit has similarly explained: "[T]he rule makes sense—if a party could strategically withhold an objection during a deposition and later exclude testimony that could have been elicited if the objection were raised promptly, depositions as trial evidence would quickly lose their value."10 Indeed, numerous foundational objections could be cured if raised during a deposition, all of which would likely be considered waived if not raised during the deposition. Josh Silk is an Associate at Shamp Jordan Woodward in Atlanta. His practice focuses on medical negligence and catastrophic personal injury. Josh currently serves on the Verdict Editorial Board and can be reached at [email protected]. 1 See Rigby v. Powell, 236 Ga. 687, 688 (1976). 2 See, e.g., Hamilton v. Pulaski Cnty., 86 Ga. App. 705 (1952) (objections to leading questions waived if not raised in deposition), see also State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins. Co. v. Dowdy, 445 F. Supp. 2d 1289, 1293 (N.D. Ok. 2006) (listing typical objections to the form of a question). 3 O.C.G.A. § 9-11-32(d)(3)(A) (emphasis added). 4 See, e.g., Andean Motor Co. v. Mulkey, 251 Ga. 32 (1983); Jones v. Scarborough, 194 Ga. App. 468 (1990); Stinson v. Pratt, 182 Ga. App. 552, 553 (1987); Atlanta Car for Hire Assoc. v. Whited, 179 Ga. App. 893, 896 (1986). 5 251 Ga. 32 (1983). 7 194 Ga. App. 468 (1990). 8 188 Ga. App. 58, 68 (1988). 9 Jordan v. Medley, 711 F.2d 211, 218 (D.C. Cir. 1983) (internal citations omitted). 10 Roy v. Austin Co., 194 F.3d 840, 844 (7th Cir. 1999) (discussing the analogous Fed. R. Civ. P. 32(d)(3)(A)).
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
3 Comments on The Uncanny Valley: Should We Aspire for Photorealism on Consoles? Quite recently, it appears that a lot of AAA game developers have been attempting to make their games more accurate depictions of real life with photorealistic graphics. Due to advancements in technology, recent attempts at photorealism no longer look laughable. specific issues I will be exploring: performance, aging and consistent visual appeal. So, let us ask the all-important question. Is photorealism necessary on consoles? In the world of film, a consistent 25 frames per second is ideal. In the world of video games, things are much different. Since the gaming medium is interactive, a consistently higher frame rate is required to improve player reactions and prevent any potential frustration. This contrasts greatly with the filmic medium where audiences are unable to interact with the events on screen and incur no consequences should harm befall the film's protagonist. sacrificed. If, on rare occasion, this is not the case then the frame rate will most likely not be consistent. As alluded to earlier, this can cause players great frustration. Should they need to react quickly in any given situation, a slower frame rate will severely diminish their speed and accuracy. This approach may work in horror games where suspense is key, but not so in action-adventure titles where constant quick thinking is a must. Who can forget the dirty, gritty, noir streets of Max Payne (Remedy Entertainment, 2001)? Or the clever backdrops of classic Resident Evil titles which were essentially just 2D images? Those of you who do indeed remember these titles may have forgotten that they are no longer the visual masterpieces they were once revered as. Unfortunately, like all things, even the best console game graphics age, but certain games drink from the fountain of youth less frequently than others. Time can be cruel, and these games know this all too well. Grand Theft Auto III (DMA Design, 2001) is a perfect retro example of how cruel Father Time can be to console games who choose a more realistic aesthetic. For its time, Grand Theft Auto III provided the most true to life depiction of a large, bustling American city and was very pleasing on the eye. However, to the eyes of today's gamers, there is little that impresses. Faces look steamrolled and the entirety of the game's world lacks detail. Not to mention there are enough jagged edges to could cut you through simple contact with your TV monitor. was initially released, it was most certainly the fairest in all the land in terms of platformers. Luscious environments, detailed facial animations and a generous helping of variety. It is safe to say that the game has been outdone by more recent console platformers, but that is not to say that it is visually unappealing. In fact, the game has aged gracefully over the years. All the points I expressed earlier still ring true to this day. When comparing this game side-by-side with the formerly discussed Grand Theft Auto III, the clear winner in terms of graphical appeal is undoubtedly Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy. Unfortunately, poor Claude cannot compare to Naughty Dog's dynamic duo. and mesmerising particle effects are modern treats which should remain in demand. However, for every positive I express towards photorealism, there will always be a negative to counteract it. This lies mostly in modern facial animations. Many look spectacular and almost fool you into believing you are watching real actors. Others pull me out of the experience completely. For example, as much I love Marvel's Spider-Man (Insomniac Games, 2018), I am afraid that Peter Parker's facial model is far too distracting any time I am forced to bear witness to it. The developers have clearly put a great deal of effort into making him look like a real man, so players can empathise with him more, but every facial muscle movement is far too stilted. Instead, I empathise more deeply with the shell-shaded expressions of Link in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo, 2017). Although the cartoony graphics cut down on detail, this allowed the developers to forego the need to make Link look like a real human being. Therefore, all of our little imperfections – which look unsettling and unnatural in video games – can remain happily absent from Link's character model. Less is more, especially when it comes to video game mugs. In conclusion, instead of aspiring for photorealistic graphics on consoles, we should instead be aspiring for more stylised graphics. This ensures that AAA developers can get their games looking pretty without using frame rate as the sacrificial lamb. Implementing stylistic graphics will also keep today's releases looking as fresh and clean in the future as they will most likely look upon release. Finally, eradicating the need to create character models which accurately resemble human beings will work wonders for AAA developers as it removes imperfections much more effectively than even the most highly recommended face creams. When all is said and done, video games should be proud to be a form of animation. Real life can be drab, but video games can be so much more. I don't think aspiring for Photorealism itself is all that important. I mean sure, gorgeous graphics are nice but I much rather have more focus on a stable frame rate and rather making every world as big as possible, make them overal better. Many open worlds just feel the same. While realism could work for some things, realistically most of us play games to see something else so stylised versions of reality are probably preferable for a number of reasons. It's something I find odd in society at large. The conversations I hear about media where people say "like that would really happen" or an equivalent still surprise me. I'm all for sticking to rules defined within a fictional context, general continuity etc, but it's that awful nose-up snooty 'just a cartoon' or 'that's for kids' type attitude and refusal to engage in and conversation that gets me. Also, within the gaming sphere, the misuse of 'immersion' to skew its definition to mean hyper-realism alone. Back OT though, the points about stylised looks really hold. Just look at Jet Set Radio!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Härlöv är en by i Norra Åsums socken i Kristianstads kommun, Skåne län. Härlöv ligger vid E22 och riksväg 21 alldeles väster om centrala Kristianstad. Byn ligger på Härlövs ängar och väster om Helge å. Ortnamnet skrevs tidigare Hethalef och förleden har antagits innehålla ett forndanskt hardh som betyder 'skog, härd, skuldra eller höjdsträckning'. Efterleden löv betyder 'arvegods'. Här låg på början av 1100-talet till slutet av 1400-talet 22 stycken hus och boställen, en borg av trä Härlövsborg och en större borg i sten på Lillö, Lillö borgruin. Lillöhus uppfördes på 1100-talet, blev ombyggd på 1200-, 1300- och 1400-talet. Båda borgarna tillhörde under slutet av 1200-talet och under 1300-talet den adliga riddarsläkten Tott. Huvudgården omnämns flera gånger på 1300-talet och ägs då av familjen Tott. Borgarna avlöstes så småningom av Lillö kungsgård efter freden i Roskilde 1658, då Lillö brändes ned. Och staten byggde en ny svensk kungsgård och arrendeboställe söder om Lillöhus. Gården har sedan den tiden varit i statlig ägo. Området Härlöv har varit bebyggt i minst 6000 år. Från början var det en havsvik som på grund av landhöjningen blev en våtmark till Helgeån, Araslövssjön och Hammarsjön. Källor Orter i Kristianstads kommun
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Le'Veon Bell was not at Pittsburgh Steelers practice Monday despite many expecting him to make a Labor Day return. It turns out Bell's absence was the final straw for the franchise. Steelers general manager Kevin Colbert issued a statement Monday expressing disappointment in Bell's decision. "We are disappointed Le'Veon Bell has not signed his franchise tender and rejoined his teammates," the statement read. "Coach Tomlin and the coaching staff will continue to focus on preparing the players on our roster for our regular season opener on Sunday against the Cleveland Browns." Bell, 26, has held out of all offseason activities after being franchise-tagged for the second straight season. He reported to the franchise on Labor Day last year following a similar holdout. The Steelers will likely turn to backup James Conner unless Bell shows up to practice in the days prior to Sunday's season opener against the Cleveland Browns. Bell rushed for 32 yards on 10 carries in Week 1 last year. There is no financial incentive to continue his holdout. Bell and the Steelers cannot negotiate a new contract because the deadline for franchised players has passed. There's also no scenario in which the Steelers are going to drop the tag, so he's essentially forfeiting game checks if he continues to sit out. Bell is scheduled to make $14.5 million in 2018. Every game he misses will cost him a game check worth about $900,000. In July, Bell tweeted out a statement promising to make 2018 his "best season to date." The Steelers and their Pro Bowl running back are expected to part ways after the season.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Creevity Gav October 13, 2011 Creevity is a program designed to track the album art of mp3 music files and acts as a helping hand in the organisation of a music library. All it takes is one click. Furthermore, �no matter to which folder you move your mp3 file, the saved cover will always be there for you�. With its simple interface, this program can be accessed by everyone. All one has to do is select the programs file menu, add a desired folder and then pick from a list of suggestions. Creevity not only allows you to add album covers to mp3s; it also enables a user to change, delete or add alternative images to an mp3 file. EditingMacMedia PlayersProductivitySoftwareSystem UtilitiesUtilityWindows (PC)27 views 0 TenPenny Joke: Ambush On All Sides Gav April 12, 2011 �TenPenny Joke� are a Pop Rock band from Australia and prior to their current hiatus, the band had been playing and writing for over ten years. On top of this achievement, the band has been played regularly on Australian radio and has even appeared on television a number of times. The album �Ambush on All Sides� brings a quality that can be expected from 10 years of experience and its mainstream style reveals an attempt to connect with a larger audience. In regards to this album, �TenPenny Joke� have promised �15 original, killer tracks with diverse shades and roaring guitars� and its success on both internet polls and radio shows suggests that this is a fair call. Alternative RockPopPop Rock62 views 0 GunGirl 2 Gav March 26, 2011 GunGirl 2 is a Side-Scroller, Action/Adventure Game, created by Paul Schneider. After choosing to become a gun girl or a gun dude (depending on which gender you prefer), a player is then released into a zombie infested world. To put it simply, the aim of this game is to make it through each of its levels, killing zombies-while also evading their touch. Eventually, a player will find the demon responsible for creating the zombie-apocalypse and defeat it. This game also adds the ability to gain power ups and these can be used to upgrade personal attributes. Furthermore, it is important to mention that there is a lot of gore involved in the graphics of this game. This is definitely a selling point for blood-thirsty gamers who love to see the consequences of their attacks, although, I would not recommend this game to anyone below the age of 15. ActionGamesPlatformerRPGSidescrollerSoftwareSurvival/Horror688 views 0 CheatBook �Cheat Book� is a cheat database which tracks cheat codes, hints, tips and walkthroughs for video games. After downloading this form of freeware, a gamer is able to access cheats easily from one central location. This unquestionably surpasses the usual process of using search engines to find gaming websites; which may not have the desired cheats in the first place. Avoid this hassle with CheatBook and use its neatly organized database which gathers cheats and walkthroughs from over 50 different cheat sites. Cheat Book also offers cheats for 17 different systems and over 17,000 games! DatabasesGamesUtility389 views 1 Any Video Converter Gav March 5, 2011 Have you ever suffered from the inconvenience of waiting for a movie to download, only to discover that its format is not compatible with the device in which you planned to play it on? Download �Any Video Converter� now and avoid the monotonous and lengthy process of finding a decent, free and catch-free video converter. EditingMediaSoftwareUtilityWindows (PC)719 views 0 Okozo Okozo ensures that your desktop is never boring by livening it up with movement and interaction. Using this form of freeware, a user is able to embed interactive calendars and clocks onto their desktop, along with many other things that can be pulled from the net. Animations are flash based and unlike WMV based desktop animations, Okozo animations require minimal CPU usage and memory. ExperimentalPublishingSoftwareSystem UtilitiesUncategorizedUtility624 views 0 Shearer: Monument Gav January 27, 2011 The underrated pop-punk band, �Shearer� have literally forged an album that is deserving of a Monumental status... Alright, this statement may be parabolic to an extent; nevertheless, �Monument� is still exceedingly addictive and wholehearted. �Shearer� have endowed this album with a sound comparable to that of pop-punk band, �The Lost Profits� and this vibe is most observable in the similarities between vocalists and guitar tone. In saying this, �Monument� demonstrates a happier mood and reflects the bands nature, in not taking themselves too seriously. This nature is further reinforced through their self-proclaimed influences of: �Jaegermeister, cheap polish cigarettes and table water�. Instrumentally, this band reminds me of �Millencolin�. Generally, this is due to a common use of cheeky, generic and �bouncy� simplistic verses in which lead to texturally thick and climactic choruses. These are often fashioned through an extreme contrast in dynamics and an addition of harmonic and sometimes multiple backing vocals. Additionally, vocal lines in which intertwine with the dominant voiced melody are also regularly used to enhance this contrast. Alternative PopAlternative RockMusicPunkRock553 views 0 I Am The Agent: Volume One 'I Am The Agent� is an alternative rock band from Newcastle/Central Coast of NSW, Australia. In their EP, �Volume I�, this band conveys a hauntingly beautiful and delicate sound which is achieved through a soft, clean and crisp guitar style and simple, emotional and gentle vocal melodies. Keeping this in mind, the band does not shy from taking things up a notch from time-to-time. All of these elements make it difficult to dismiss I Am The Agent into a specific and accurate category within the alternative rock genre. Furthermore, There is definitely a grunge element to this music and in some songs, this band reminds me of Nirvana. Specifically, the song �Leave� reminds me of Nirvana�s song �Polly� from their album �Nevermind�. Alternative RockMusic745 views 0 Gav January 2, 2011 Were you unhappy with your organizational efforts this year? Have you promised to rectify this when the New Year comes? �FET� helps to ensure that this promise does not become as empty as the one you made last year... or the year before that. This form of freeware is a timetable generator and it applies to people who attend school, high-school or university. Teachers will benefit from this program as well. FET ensures that every organizational detail is recorded neatly and remembered. EducationalMacProductivitySoftwareUtilityWindows (PC)391 views 0
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
This introductory tour, complemented with walks and inside visits, will provide you with your first insights into the "Golden City", covering sites on both banks of the river. A comfortable car will take you by Wenceslas Square (with its famous statue of St. Wenceslas), the State Opera House, the National Museum, along cobblestone roads and over the Vltava River to the Prague Castle district. From there, we will embark on foot and past the Archbishop's Palace to St. Vitus Cathedral. After viewing the cathedral (which took over 600 years to build), we will continue on to the Royal Palace, the Golden Lane and down the Old Castle Stairs. From there, our driver will bring us back over the Vltava River and down the exclusive Paris Street to the Old Town Square, where we'll have a chance to see the Old Town Hall with its famous Astronomical Clock, St. Nicholas Church and Tyn Church. Important: you can add entrance tickets to the Prague Castle too.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Megan Rapinoe: On her injury, Olympics, future in broadcasting USWNT's Megan Rapinoe dishes on her injury recovery, the Olympics and a potential future in TV broadcasting. Grant Wahl U.S. soccer star Megan Rapinoe has been in a race against time to make the Olympic team, which is expected to be announced next week. She tore her right ACL in a U.S. training session in Hawaii last December and is in camp but won't play in Saturday's pre-Olympic friendly against South Africa in Chicago (1 p.m. ET, FS1). Rapinoe turned 31 on Tuesday and recently joined Manchester United's Juan Mata as a global ambassador for StreetFootballWorld, a non-profit supporting social change through soccer. Rapinoe caught up with SI.com for a chat on a number of topics: SI.com: Megan, you've been out with a knee injury since December. The Olympics start on August 3, and you are with the U.S. team in this current camp. Where are you in your recovery? Rapinoe: Pretty close, actually. I've just gone back into training with my club team, the Seattle Reign. I'm basically doing everything except contact. People can't tackle me, which is how I prefer it anyway (laughs). So I'm trying to work back in, and I feel pretty comfortable on the ball and moving around. I think I might actually be faster than I was before! I feel really good. I'm just at the tail end of the rehabilitation of feeling comfortable jumping in. I'm about seven months out, so kind of that time you start to ask yourself: Am I comfortable? Am I strong and confident? And then it's about working yourself back in in the smartest and safest way possible. GALLERY: USWNT, USMNT in 2016 in photos U.S. Soccer in 2016: USMNT and USWNT year in photos SI.com: What has U.S. coach Jill Ellis said to you about your chances of making this Olympic team and what it's going to take? Rapinoe: I think, bottom line, I have to be good enough to make the team. I have to bring something in and beat somebody else out, especially with a smaller roster for the Olympics. That's the first thing. I think she understands I won't be coming being the starter I was and being a 90-minute player. But if there's some capacity I can come in off the bench and help that way and be fit and good for maybe 30 minutes or a half, I think she's willing to work with me on that and be open to that. I have some skills that are unique to me that I think she rates, and she thinks if I'm at a certain level I can help the team in some capacity. It's not just coming back for a friendly, it's coming back for a major tournament. SI.com: You hurt your knee last December on a practice field in Hawaii that several U.S. players found unacceptable. It was the same weekend as the friendly that was canceled over poor field conditions. Is there any bitterness or anger toward the federation over what happened? Rapinoe: No. I don't feel that. I think that maybe it made them think a little harder about where they put us. I think right when it happened the fact everyone asked me if I thought it was the turf or not—that's unacceptable for that question to need to be asked. I think in a lot of ways, unfortunately, the lesson had to be learned at the expense of me. But there were a lot of lessons learned. It was an eye-opener for a lot of people. I'm not bitter. I can't say it was the only reason it happened. Maybe if I was on a perfect field it would have happened also. But maybe it wouldn't. And that's something we need to address going forward, and hopefully we won't have to ask that question again. SI.com: You've had this injury before, unfortunately. Has that helped with your recovery in any way? Rapinoe: Tremendously, actually. This is the third time. It was my left knee kind of back-to-back in college. It's helped me tremendously to know what to expect, to know what's normal, what kind of pain is normal and what isn't. To know what it's like to be close to being back. Even from a mindset standpoint, it's long. It takes forever, even with good medicine these days. The surgeons are so light with their touch, after two months you're back walking around. For me to have that knowledge and the process being familiar to me, it's enabled me to approach it in a more healthy way and keep myself sane. I can do my rehab and do some other things, have some creative outlets and take advantage of that and still know what I needed to do. Simon Bruty/Sports Illustrated SI.com: When you look at this U.S. women's national team since the World Cup, what are your impressions of what has changed and what's similar? Rapinoe: A lot of new faces, which is pretty cool to see. Obviously a lot of not only great players but big personalities aren't with the team right now. I'm injured, Abby [Wambach] retired, Christie Rampone has been injured and not in camp. Shannon Boxx [retired], Lauren Holiday [retired], Amy Rodriguez [new mother], Sydney Leroux [pregnant]: Those are not only great players but big personalities. So it's been cool to see these last six to eight months the new players come in. And now you can see—I was in camp in Denver—they're growing into their roles and taking on new responsibilities. Even the kind of "middle-aged" players on the team like Tobin [Heath] and Kelley [O'Hara] are taking on more responsibility, which has been pretty cool. And the team has been doing fantastic and playing well and starting to click in all facets of the game heading to Rio. SI.com: There's a crazy thing that no team that has ever won the Women's World Cup has won the Olympic gold medal the following year. Do you have any idea why not? And do you think this U.S. team is capable of ending that streak? Rapinoe: I think we are very capable of ending that streak. And I think it's very understandable why it hasn't happened. Because it's really exhausting when you win the World Cup. There's a lot that happens. A lot of good stuff, but sometimes you need to be in New York and you live in Seattle and you have to fly to the good stuff. Then you fly to the good stuff in L.A. And then there's a photo shoot somewhere else (Editor's note: like SI!). So it's hard. There's a lot of attention, there's a lot more to do, a lot of appearances. Just emotionally, as amazing as it is to win the World Cup, it's emotionally draining in many ways. But having so many new players, that's probably good for us not just to have more youth but just actually energy that a lot of us have spent this past year. SI.com: The labor situation with U.S. Soccer continues. The complaint filed with the EEOC about wage discrimination compared to the men's team got a ton of attention. It's transcended soccer and even sports. You were one of the five players on that complaint. Where are we on that? Rapinoe: Still in the thick of it, really. The EEOC, in terms of the complaint they handle it. And our contract, which is up at the end of the year, that still needs to be ironed out. So this recent court finding [that the CBA runs through the end of the year] can't impact the Olympics, but it's over in December, so we have to get a deal done. Those negotiations are still happening. Hopefully we can reach a deal that acceptable on both sides. We'd like to have it done sooner than later. It's not optimal to have your contract run out for either side. Ideally, it would be best if we could come to an agreement soon. MORE: Morgan says "slim to no chances" new CBA gets done before Rio SI.com: One thing we've seen in the Copa América and Euro 2016 TV coverage is more women being involved in the broadcasting of men's soccer events, whether it's Aly Wagner for Fox Sports or Kate Markgraf, Abby Wambach and Julie Foudy for ESPN. Would you be interested in doing that at some point? Rapinoe: Hell yeah! I'm totally interested in it. I've always got opinions on everything. I really am interested. I think it's very difficult and people don't give enough credit to how hard it is to do in-game commentary. I'd have a lot of work to do, but I'd definitely be interested. I'm always interested in breaking down the game, and I'd love to see more females doing it. It's amazing to see more companies like ESPN and Fox step out and have smart women doing this who can bring a lot to it. SI.com: So tell me more about your global ambassador position with StreetFootballWorld. What's it about? Rapinoe: It's a really cool organization that I'm psyched to work with. They're an organization that essentially aims to make the world a better place through football, which oftentimes seems simple but isn't. It tends to be very difficult. The cool thing they do is they work as a tool with local organizations that are already on the ground and already have intimate knowledge of the needs of the community and what really needs to happen. It's often hard to just throw money at a problem when you don't really know what the problem is. So that was interesting for me. They work with all these local organizations that can actually effect change in those areas. I'm one of their ambassadors. Juan Mata is my male counterpart in this. Hopefully we can help bring them some big sponsorships to their programs and try to help them that way. Ideally, I'd like to bring the business that my sister and I have into it. We run our own clinics, but for us a big-picture goal would be to take it international and use our platform and message to team up with a local organization through StreetFootballWorld to do a clinic or series of clinics in South America or other places around the world. megan rapinoe olympicsMegan Rapinoe injurymegan rapinoe soccerUSAsport-soccerrapinoe olympicsmegan rapinoemegan rapinoe acl
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
You will be captured from the very first line... Her mind is a haunted house…the mirror is large – if it was water she could dive and disappear into it without touching the sides. In the opening chapter of The Wasted Vigil we meet Marcus, an Englishman gone native in Afghanistan...his left hand is missing. In an abandoned perfume factory, a Russian woman, Lara, arrives to look for her brother. Marcus, the sage-like former perfume maker and lover of all things fine, mourns his Afghan wife, a victim of the Taliban's war on women. He also searches for a grandson who may or may not be alive and in walks Casa – a young Talib seeking refuge from his warlord after a botched mission. For lovers of The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, in our opinion this is much more splendidly written, and far more devastating.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Watch a video of an annual event that gives voice to writings composed by Memorial Sloan Kettering patients. Watch a video of the 2013 staged performance of patient works. Visible Ink, Memorial Sloan Kettering's creative writing program for patients, will put on its annual staged reading of patient-written works tonight. Patients and their family, friends, and physicians will gather in Memorial Sloan Kettering's Zuckerman Research Center Auditorium to watch the performance, which features professional stage and screen actors. CBS News and Fox 5 New York covered last year's event, featuring interviews with some of the patient writers and volunteer mentors. A video of 2013's staged reading is available to watch on our website. Greg Kachejian, who serves as Visible Ink's Administrator and Artistic Director, directed that performance and will direct tonight's, as well. Established in 2008, Visible Ink offers patients at Memorial Sloan Kettering the opportunity to work one-on-one with an experienced mentor on a writing project of their choice, which need not be disease related. The program helps to promote self-expression, stress reduction, and personal growth for participants. The program is free of charge and open to all interested patients, regardless of their writing level or experience. To date, more than 800 patients have enrolled and 50 established writers, editors, or teachers have signed on as mentors. Participants have produced more than 35,000 pages of written work in various formats – from novels to screenplays, blogs, and poems. Each year, all participants in the program are invited to submit short works from which a committee selects the pieces to be performed in the staged reading. To support Visible Ink, visit the program's Giving Page. Excellent effort . Praiseworthy . Congratulations .
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
import React, {Component} from 'react'; export default class Greetings2008 extends Component { render() { const src = require(`../../../static/Phillips Christmas letter 2008.pdf`); return ( <div> <embed src={src} type="application/pdf" width={'100%'} height={1800} /> </div> ); } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Q: AttributeError: 'AnonymousUserMixin' object has no attribute 'can' flask learning problem In order to custom requirements for anonymous users,I set a class in models: class MyAnonymousUser(AnonymousUserMixin): def can(self, permissions): return False def is_administrator(self): return False login_manager.anonymous_user = MyAnonymousUser Flask run met error: 'AnonymousUserMixin' object has no attribute 'can',in the views: @main.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def index(): form = PostForm() if current_user.can(Permission.WRITE_ARTICLES) and form.validate_on_submit(): post = Post(body=form.body.data, author=current_user._get_current_object()) db.session.add(post) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('.index')) I do not understand why is current_user not attributed by MyAnonymousUser. Here is my origin code Thanks for your help A: It seems that you assumed that by assigning the login manager to your class, you would be inheriting the methods you created. This is not what is happening in the code. What you are actually doing is overwriting the functionality of login_manager.anonymous_user that is already provided. Check the documentation here Your function should actually be defined within your model that contains your users. It seems as if you are trying to check whether the user is anonymous or not. So below is my recommendation of coding. UserModel(db.Model, UserMixin): def can(self, permissions): return False def is_administrator(self): return False @main.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def index(): form = PostForm() if current_user.is_active and form.validate_on_submit(): if current_user.can(Permission.WRITE_ARTICLES): post = Post(body=form.body.data, author=current_user._get_current_object()) db.session.add(post) db.session.commit() return redirect(url_for('.index'))
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Biografia Formazione e l'attacco di Pearl Harbor , nella prefettura di Tokushima, . In giovane età s'iscrisse all'Accademia navale di Etajima; studiò nella 68ª classe e si diplomò nel 1940, ottenendo la qualifica di guardiamarina. Sakamaki fu tra i dieci uomini (cinque ufficiali e cinque sottufficiali) selezionati per attaccare Pearl Harbor a bordo di cinque sommergibili tascabili della classe Ko-hyoteki, quale azione accessoria al previsto attacco aeronavale lanciato dalla 1ª Flotta aerea (viceammiraglio Chūichi Nagumo). Egli fu scelto poiché aveva numerosi fratelli e sorelle: con il maresciallo Kiyoshi Inagaki prese posto sul battello Ha-19, assumendone inoltre il comando. L'unità fu rilasciata dal sommergibile oceanico I-24 in prossimità della rada statunitense, ma Sakamaki non riuscì ad arrivare a tiro di qualche bersaglio a causa di problemi alla girobussola; alla fine colpì tre volte scogliere coralline e affiorò a Waimanalo Beach, poco dopo che la prima ondata dalle portaerei aveva iniziato il bombardamento. Attorno alle 08:15 il cacciatorpediniere , messosi in moto e impegnato a sparare contro gli aeroplani nipponici, avvistò la falsatorre dello Ha-19 e la bersagliò con i pezzi principali; non lo colpì direttamente ma le concussioni delle esplosioni furono sufficienti a gettarlo via dalle scogliere. Sakamaki e il commilitone, storditi, riuscirono comunque a sfuggire allo Helm e poi al lancio di alcune cariche di profondità; Sakamaki si accorse dunque che anche il sistema di lancio era ormai danneggiato, così come lo scafo e le batterie, i cui fumi fecero svenire i due militari. Sakamaki rinvenne la sera del 7 dicembre e tentò almeno di far arenare il battello sulla spiaggia poco distante: tuttavia i motori smisero di funzionare dopo poco e di nuovo una scogliera intrappolò la piccola unità. Visto che lo Ha-19 si stava allagando ed era ormai inservibile, Sakamaki ordinò a Inagaki di abbandonare il sommergibile; preparò quindi la carica da demolizione in dotazione, la innescò e uscì a sua volta. Non ci fu però alcuna detonazione, Sakamaki perse conoscenza e il suo compagno morì affogato. Il guardiamarina fu ritrovato la mattina dell'8 dicembre a riva dal sergente David Akui, fu fatto prigioniero e fu interrogato brevemente a Fort Shafter prima di essere avviato a un campo di detenzione sul continente: divenne così il primo prigioniero di guerra giapponese della guerra contro gli Alleati in Asia e nel Pacifico. Una volta saputo della cosa gli alti comandi della Marina imperiale lo cancellarono dai propri registri, per occultarne il destino. Anche lo Ha-19 fu più tardi recuperato dalla United States Navy e mostrato in varie città degli Stati Uniti per incoraggiare l'acquisto di titoli di guerra. Prigionia e vita dopo la guerra Sakamaki fu trasferito a Sand Island e, divorato dal senso di colpa per essere stato catturato, si bruciò con mozziconi di sigaretta anche con l'intento di sfigurarsi e non farsi riconoscere nel caso fosse apparso in una fotografia; supplicò poi, inutilmente, che gli fosse permesso di suicidarsi per non recare altro danno all'onore della propria famiglia. Trascorse il resto della guerra in vari campi di detenzione negli Stati Uniti continentali, inizialmente osservato con attenzione per evitare che potesse uccidersi. Con il passare dei mesi e l'arrivo di altri prigionieri giapponesi, Sakamaki riacquistò con gradualità la calma e la voglia di vivere, se non altro perché non era più l'unico militare nipponico caduto in mano al nemico – nemico, peraltro, la cui umanità lo aveva lasciato stupito. Ebbe modo di riflettere sulla propria vita e sulla natura della guerra e si oppose con successo alla realizzazione di una rivolta a Camp McCoy, privando di appoggi i reclusi più bellicosi. Una volta concluse le ostilità rientrò in Giappone: per quel periodo si era convertito al pacifismo. Non ricevette un'accoglienza particolarmente calorosa. Nel secondo dopoguerra Sakamaki fu assunto dalla Toyota Motor Corporation e ne scalò la gerarchia sino a divenire presidente, nel 1969, della sua filiale in Brasile. Nel 1983 tornò in Giappone e continuò a lavorare per l'azienda prima di andare in pensione nel 1987. Pur avendo rinunciato a scrivere un libro di memorie, Sakamaki aveva redatto poco dopo il 1945 un breve racconto intitolato Il primo prigioniero in Giappone e Ho attaccato Pearl Harbor negli Stati Uniti: dopodiché rifiutò di parlare della guerra fino al 1991, quando partecipò a una conferenza storica al National Museum of the Pacific War a Fredericksburg, in Texas. Nell'istituto era conservato il piccolo battello tascabile sul quale aveva prestato servizio e, sembra, pianse nel corso della conferenza quando si riunì allo Ha-19 per la prima volta in 50 anni. Trascorse il resto della sua vita in Giappone fino alla morte, avvenuta il 29 novembre 1999: aveva 81 anni. Lasciò la moglie e due figli. Note Bibliografia Voci correlate Onorio Cengarle Heinrich Severloh Stepan Bandera Altri progetti Collegamenti esterni Prigionieri di guerra nella seconda guerra mondiale
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Laisvall est une localité suédoise située dans la commune d'Arjeplog dans le comté de Norrbotten. Sa population était de 77 habitants en 2015. Notes et références Localité dans le comté de Norrbotten
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Emmett—Phyllis J. Kennedy, 80, passed away Thursday, December 17, 2015 at her home. She was born October 30, 1935 in El Paso, TX. the daughter of John and Thelma J. Dragoo Carr. She lived the first 13 years of her life in El Paso and moved to Tucumcari, NM. and graduated from high school there. She moved to Albuquerque where she met the love of her life at the local skating rink. Frank and Phyllis were united in marriage on September 14, 1955 in Albuquerque . The couple moved to Kansas in 1959. Phyllis was a member of the Holy Cross Catholic Church. Mrs. Kennedy was preceded in death by her parents and siblings, Les, Bud and Betty Ann. Survivors include her husband of 60 years, Frank; two sons, Joe (Brenda) Kennedy, Emmett and Bill Kennedy, Wamego; her daughter, Debby Fisher, Emmett; a brother, Tommy (Lois) Carr, Albuquerque; a sister, Ginger (Judson) Stahl, San Antonio, TX. grandchildren, Chris Kennedy, Adam (Amy) Kennedy, Lacey (Tim) Niehues, Amanda Morgan & Markie (Matt) Berry; great-grandchildren, Landon, Abigail, Chase, Kinley, Mariek, Liam and Nora. Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at 10:00 A.M. Tuesday, December 22, 2015 at Holy Cross Catholic Church in Emmett. Inurnment will be in Holy Cross Cemetery. The family will receive friends at the church from 5:00 until 7:00 P.M. Monday, December 21, 2015 and a rosary will be recited at 7:00 P.M. Memorial contributions may be made to Grace Hospice and sent in care of Piper Funeral Home, 714 Maple St., St. Marys, Kansas 66536. She is still a joy in my heart while I miss her. I'm grateful and God be praised for her friendship. Phyllis was one of the sweetest, warm-hearted people I ever had the privilege to know. I remember growing up next-door and hearing her call the kids home for supper. Ahhh Life in the big city of Emmett! Grand times. May your many memories comfort you. Debby & Family ; I am so sorry for the loss of your Mother. May you all find comfort and peace in all your wonderful memory's, treasure them all. My prayers and thought are with you and the rest of your family. Many fond memories of Mrs. Kennedy. Our thoughts are with all of the family during this difficult time. May you all find comfort and blessing in loving memories. Heaven definitely has one of the sweetest Angels keeping watch over all of you. Love and thoughts of Peace and Comfort. It was my great honor and privilege to have been of some small help to this lovely hospitable lady. For all her kindnesses and calm wonderful personality I will miss her greatly and she will always be fondly remembered in my heart. Phyllis you were the best aunt anyone could ask for so blessed we recently got to come and see you. You and mom are watching over us from heaven and there will not be a day you will not be missed by your loved one. I am so sorry for the loss of your Mother, such a sweet lady. My thoughts and prayers at this difficult time for her family. Our sympathy goes out to all of the Kennedy family. Phyllis was always a lady and was a pleasure to be around. Fill your hearts with the good times you had with her. Your family will be in our prayers. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this time. Your Wife & Mom was a wonderful lady and you are so lucky to have the great memories to carry with you. Our sympathy to all the Kennedy family at this sad time. So sorry. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. I will always remember the fried chicken. Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Kennedy family. Phyiils was such a sweet lady. May she rest in peace. Our condolences to all the Kennedy Family. Phyllis will be missed by all. Our prayers are with you at this time . Just remember the good times you had with her. Family at this sad time. You are in my thoughts and prayers. To all the Kennedy family, you have my and Irina's sincerest sympathy. We are truly sorry to learn of Phyllis's passing She and you are all in our prayers.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Alletiders Nisse (alternativ titel Pyrus Alletiders Nisse) er en dansk julekalender fra 1995, som er skrevet og instrueret af Martin Miehe-Renard og produceret af Adaptor Frontier Media A/S for TV 2. Julekalenderen blev vist på TV 2 i december 1995, og er siden blevet genudsendt i 2006, 2017 og 2021. Serien består af 24 afsnit á 25 minutters varighed, og medvirkende i serien er Jan Linnebjerg, Paul Hüttel, Christiane Bjørg Nielsen, Jesper Klein, Jeanne Boel og Steen Stig Lommer. Julekalenderen følger nisserne Pyrus, Gyldengrød og Kandis og rigsarkivaren Bertramsen og hans sekretær Josefine på deres rejse igennem skønlitteratur, eventyr, sange, teaterstykker, film etc. for at finde ud af, hvad en nisse er. Julekalenderen er den anden i Pyrus-serien, hvor den efterfulgte Alletiders Jul (1994) og selv blev efterfulgt af Alletiders Julemand (1997) og Pyrus i Alletiders Eventyr (2000). Alletiders Nisse er den anden mest sete familiejulekalender nogensinde med 1.344.000 seere i gennemsnit, da serien blev sendt i 1995. Den er kun overgået af sin forløber, Alletiders Jul. Handling Ungnissen Pyrus vender den 1. december hjem til Danmarks Rigsarkiv, hvor han bor sammen med arkivnisse og lærermester, Gyldengrød. På sin juleferie fra Nisseversitet, han har fået en årsopgave, hvor han skal finde ud af, hvad en nisse er. Da Pyus skal i gang med sin opgave, dukker en ukendt nissepige op, som viser sig at være Pyrus' klassekammerat fra skolen, den kloge og flittige Kandida. Kandida har fået samme årsopgave som Pyrus og de to skal sammen løse opgaven, som skal afleveres den 24. december. Kandida vil straks i gang med opgaven i modsætning til Pyrus, der bare gerne vil nyde julen, men efter lidt overtaling går de i gang. Pyrus og Gyldengrød får desuden lov til at give Kandida et kælenavn, som bliver Kandis. I mellemtiden får rigsarkivaren Birger Bertramsen og hans sekretær og datter, Josefine Brahe, en sørgelig nyhed, da Josefine får at vide, at hun er fyret. Hele Rigsarkivet skal med hjælp fra computere omstruktureres og digitaliseres under ledelse af den kedelige og usympatiske Uffe Spage Andersen, som hverken Bertramsen eller Josefine bryder sig om. For at redde arkivet og Josefines job fra at blive nedlagt, beslutter Bertramsen og Josefine sig for at gøre noget, som computere ikke kan: at bevise at nisser eksisterer. Uffe indtager kontoret og installerer et stort glasbur fyldt med computere, og observerer og studerer Bertramsen og Josefines hverdag. Nisserne og menneskene dykker (ubevidst for menneskene) sammen ned i skønlitteratur, eventyr, sange, film, teaterforestillinger etc. for at finde frem til nissernes opståen, væremåder, betydninger og kulturelle indvirkning i Danmark. De starter ud med historien om Adam og Eva, hvor nisserne angiveligt fik deres oprindelse, og under deres rejse igennem nordisk skønlitteratur, kommer de bl.a. forbi teaterstykket Elverhøj, de islandske sagaer, teaterstykket Nøddebo Præstegård, sangen "En lille nisse rejste", eventyret Nissen hos Spækhøkeren, digtsamlingen Peters Jul, sangen "På loftet sidder nissen" og filmen Far til fire i byen, hvor Lille Per er til julebal i nisseland. Pyrus, Kandis og Gyldengrød er underlagt den gamle nisselov om at de må leve skjult for menneskene, men undervejs i kalenderen er det flere gange ved at gå galt, hvilket giver anledning til stor forvirring og forundren hos Bertramsen og Uffe, mens Josefine stædigt tror på, at nisser eksisterer. Pyrus og Kandis får med hjælp fra Gyldengrød skrevet deres opgave, og de indser undervejs at de virkelig godt kan lide hinanden og de bliver kærester. Bertramsen nærer stor utilfredshed mod Uffe og hans indtog i arkivet, mens Josefine i løbet af kalenderen opdager at hun og Uffe har følelser for hinanden, og de bliver til sidst forlovet. Da det viser sig at være en svær opgave at få Uffe til at ændre sin mening om at arkivet må nedlægges, må nisserne tage stærkere metoder i brug, og for at redde Kandis fra et aflåst skab, træder Gyldengrød og Pyrus til sidst frem for Bertramsen, Josefine og Uffe. Uffe indvilger herefter i at undlade sin rapport om nedlæggelse af Rigsarkivet. Bertramsen og Josefine er glade, da de nu kan sende deres videnskabelige afhandling om nisser til ministeriet, men nisserne overbeviser dem om at det er bedst for julens og nissernes skyld at nisserne fortsat lever i skjul for omverdenen. Medvirkende Jan Linnebjerg – Pyrus Paul Hüttel – Gyldengrød Christiane Bjørg Nielsen – Kandis Jeanne Boel – Josefine Brahe Jesper Klein – Birger Bertramsen Steen Stig Lommer – Uffe Spage Andersen Vibeke Hastrup – Josefine fra læsesalen Max Hansen Jr. – Frederik 7. Bodil Jørgensen – Bibliotekar Karen-Lise Mynster – Eva Simon Stenspil – Lille Pyrus Martin Miehe-Renard - Guds stemme Aksel Erhardsen – Bonde Jesper Langberg – Elverkonge Kurt Bendtsen – Årmand Asger Reher – Gårdbo Karin Jagd – Sidse Henning Sprogøe – Nis Troels Walther Mortensen - Nils Holgersen Michael Friis – Stormogul Dennis Larsen – H.C. Andersen Jørn Gottlieb – Skepticon Lars Knutzon – Valse - Pyrus' far Birthe Neumann – Gerda Jensen Christoffer Bro – Nissen Kobold Vigga Bro – Nissemor Lillian Tillegreen – Hanne Olesen Elin Reimer – Bedstemor Sange Sangene til Alletiders Nisse blev skrevet af Martin Miehe-Renard og Jan Rørdam, der også havde skrevet sangene til forgængeren Alletiders Jul, og enkelte sange fra denne kalender optrådte også i Alletiders Nisse, såsom "Cool jul", "Hygge", "Jul i Gamle Dage" og "Kartoteket". Titelsangen "Der Var Engang" blev sunget af Annika Askman. Sangene udkom på CD og MC i 1995. I forbindelse med genudsendelsen af julekalenderen i 2006 blev sangene genudgivet på CD i nyt cover. Produktion Alletiders Nisse blev i 1995 optaget i TV1 Productions studier i Taastrup ved København, som er grundlagt af sangeren Johnny Reimar. Det glemte "Afsnit 0" Da Alletiders Nisse havde premiere i 1995 bestod julekalenderen af 25 afsnit, og begyndte allerede den 30. november, hvor et særligt optaktsafsnit med titlen "Husker Du?" blev sendt. I afsnittet læser Gyldengrød op af et brev fra Pyrus, og det forklares bl.a. hvorfor Guttenborg har skiftet navn til Gyldengrød, hvilket ifølge afsnittet er fordi Guttenborg er blevet adlet til nisse af særlig fornem rang og derfor har fået et nyt navn; "von Gyldengrød". Sandheden om dette navneskift er dog at navnet Guttenborg er et beskyttet familienavn, som familien ikke ønskede blev brugt som navn til en nisse i en julekalender. Det forklares også at Pyrus og Freja ikke længere er kærester, da Freja ikke mener at ånder og nisser kan være sammen. Samtidig, hos menneskene har Bertramsen fundet Josefines hemmelige dagbog, som han ikke kan lade være med at læse i, og da han gør det, begynder minderne at vælte frem hos ham. Afsnittet er efterfølgende blevet kaldt 'det glemte Afsnit 0', fordi det ikke blev vist, da julekalenderen blev genudsendt i 2006 og 2017, og heller ikke har været udgivet på VHS eller DVD. Dette ændrede sig dog i forbindelse med genudsendelsen af julekalenderen i 2021, da afsnittet, for første gang siden 1995, blev vist på TV 2 den 30. november som optakt til kalenderen. Udgivelser Alletiders Nisse blev udgivet på VHS i en redigeret udgave i 1996. I 2007 blev den nye version af julekalenderen med ny intro og 16:9-beskæring udgivet på DVD. Her var alle afsnit i fuld længde. I 1995 udgav manuskriptforfatter og instruktør Miehe-Renard historien fra Alletiders Nisse som bog. I forbindelse med genudsendelsen af julekalenderen i 2006 udgav Miehe-Renard bogen Pyrus Julebog med fire nye historier om nisserne i Rigsarkivet. I 2006 blev der lavet et PC-spil baseret på Alletiders Nisse som fulgte med TV 2's låge-julekalender. Kilder Eksterne henvisninger TV 2 Jul TV2 familie-julekalendere Julekalendere Pyrus Børneserier fra Danmark Danske tv-serier fra 1990'erne
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Epitaxial oxide thin films III : symposium held March 31-April 2, 1997, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. editors, Darrell G. Schlom ... [et al.] Pittsburgh, Pa.: MRS - Materials Research Society, 1997 M23500/474 会議名: Epitaxial oxide thin films 回次: 3rd 会議開催地: San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 1 国際会議録 Polycrystalline thin films : structure, texture, properties and applications III : symposium held March 31-April 3, 1997, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 7 国際会議録 Thin films : stresses and mechanical properties XI : symposium held March 28-April 1, 2005, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 2 国際会議録 Epitaxial oxide thin films and heterostructures : symposium held April 5-7, 1994, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 8 国際会議録 Thin-film compound semiconductor photovoltaics : symposium held March 29-April 1, 2005, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 3 国際会議録 Materials for optical limiting II : symposium held March 31-April 2, 1997, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 9 国際会議録 Multicomponent oxide films for electronics : symposium held April 6-8, 1999, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. MRS-Materials Research Society 4 国際会議録 Magnetic ultrathin films, multilayers and surfaces--1997 : symposium held March 31-April 4, 1997, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 10 国際会議録 Ferroelectric thin films V : symposium held April 7-12, 1996, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 5 国際会議録 Flat panel display materials III : symposium held March 31-April 3, 1997, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 11 国際会議録 Polycrystalline metal and magnetic thin films : symposium held April 5-8, 1999, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 6 国際会議録 Ferroelectric thin films III : symposium held April 13-16, 1993, San Francisco, California, U.S.A. 12 国際会議録 Modeling and simulation of thin-film processing : symposium held April 17-20, 1995, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
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July 1, 1999 / Third Quarter 1999 / Issue 16 (originally published by Booz & Company) How Elan Grew by Staying Small: Growing a Business with Shrewd Acquisitions In an industry of mega-mergers, one company has grown by taking smaller bites - and it has thrived. Share on Twitter 123 Share on Facebook 123 Share on LinkedIn 123 In the wave of global mergers that has created such pharmaceutical leviathans as Glaxo Wellcome, Novartis and Aventis Research & Technologies, mid-sized drug companies have been caught between the manufacturing and marketing monsters and the nimble, science-driven biotechnology concerns. Yet in the past three turbulent years, Ireland's Elan Corporation not only has stayed afloat but is riding a crest of its own. It has completed a radical corporate transformation, tripled its share price and delivered compounded annual earnings growth of more than 20 percent. Among publicly traded Irish companies, Elan's market capitalization is now second only to the Bank of Ireland. It is a major contributor to the growth phenomenon that has earned the island (with just under $1 billion in projected revenues this year) the moniker Celtic Tiger. And, through a canny mixture of strategy and tactics, Elan has demonstrated how a mid-sized company can play consolidator on its own terms. RISKY AND REWARDING To some extent the drug industry is unique, with a mixture of outsized risks and returns, high barriers to entry and perhaps the greatest reliance on intellectual property rights of any business in the world. But in Elan's mixture of growth by merger and acquisition, timely in-licensing of products (i.e., buying the marketing rights for another company's drug) and creative use of strategic alliances, there are lessons for any managers who seek to maximize shareholder value amid swiftly shifting competitive landscapes. Elan prospered in the 1970's and 1980's as a contract provider of drug delivery technology. Working for a broad array of pharmaceutical companies, Elan developed timed-release capsules and other formulations that improved the efficacy or prolonged the product life of existing drugs. It was a royalty-based business that required little capital, because development costs were borne by the client companies. It mitigated risk, because most of the drugs had already been approved in previous formulations by regulatory agencies such as the United States Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.). By the late 1980's, the limitations of the model had become apparent. Lacking a drug discovery team, Elan could only work with other companies' "molecules"; lacking a sales and marketing staff, it depended on its clients to take drugs to market. By adding drug development and manufacturing to its services, in a strategy called "mind to market," Elan had achieved greater control of its future, but by the mid-1990's, management was convinced that a more radical step was needed. The goal was to turn Elan into a fully integrated pharmaceutical company. The transformation began in earnest with the March 1996 acquisition of Athena Neurosciences Inc. in a stock swap valued at about $638 million. Founded a decade earlier by Dennis J. Selkoe, M.D., a Harvard University professor of neurology, and venture capitalist Kevin J. Kinsella, Athena was unusual for a biotechnology company. Although its primary charter was to discover a breakthrough therapy for Alzheimer's disease using Dr. Selkoe's research, it had licensed a number of existing drugs for other neurological disorders, primarily Parkinson's disease, and already had a sales force and product revenues. Zanaflex, a drug for the treatment of spasticity, had just received an "approvable" letter from the F.D.A. "Athena had discovery and marketing," said Donal J. Geaney, Elan's chairman and chief executive. "It wasn't strong in the middle; it didn't have any manufacturing, and it wasn't strong in development, but we had those pieces," he said. Acquiring Athena gave Elan the complete spectrum and Athena's specialty, neurosciences, "was a niche area that wasn't likely to offend any of our major drug delivery clients," he said. Indeed, Elan has since added "six or seven major pharmaceuticals clients who we weren't doing business with on the day we acquired Athena," he said. Athena also had in the person of John Groom an unusual president and chief executive officer who had been lured out of early retirement after 25 years with SmithKline & French Laboratories (the predecessor to SmithKline Beecham P.L.C.). Mr. Groom had the kind of major pharmaceutical experience lacking at Elan; he had also shown the kind of entrepreneurial zeal needed to take Athena from a raw startup company to a commercial enterprise. One of the terms of the acquisition was that Mr. Groom agree to join Elan as president and chief operating officer. "Despite 38 years in the industry he was working twice as hard as a man half his age," said Thomas G. Lynch, Elan's executive vice president and chief financial officer. "We knew that while John would not be around forever, he would commit to a substantial time. I felt he was one of the principal assets we were acquiring," he said. Prior to joining Elan, Mr. Lynch, who is 41, and Mr. Geaney, 47, had both been partners in the accounting firm K.P.M.G. Their backgrounds were not lost upon Mr. Groom, who is 60. "This strategy of moving from drug delivery into specialty pharmaceuticals had been agreed upon as a smart thing to do by Elan management, but in reality they had no experience or expertise in pharmaceuticals," he said. "They had a lot of expertise in doing deals. But none of them were pharmaceuticals guys. None of them had the years before the mast I had, the years on the road as a rep in India and Pakistan." Athena was not entirely a shot in the dark for Elan; the two companies had done a joint venture a year earlier and the respective managers had found each other compatible. But Mr. Groom knew that Athena was a risky deal for Elan, with the quantity of shares used in the purchase equal to about 20 percent of the merged company. "If this didn't work, management would look really stupid because the risk of dilution in acquiring an unprofitable biotech was so high," he said. And Elan's growth-oriented shareholders had little tolerance for any deal that diluted earnings. Knowing he had to grow earnings per share and had little time to do it, Mr. Groom's first thought was to apply Athena's strategy of in-licensing neglected or unfinished drugs from other companies. For instance, by the simple application of focus and a dedicated sales force, Athena had tripled sales of Permax, a Parkinson's disease drug acquired from Eli Lilly & Company in 1993. With Elan's cash reserves and contacts among the major pharmaceutical companies, the combined company should have been in a much stronger position to do deals than Athena had been. Elan did find a few neurology drugs to acquire. It paid Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories (the pharmaceutical division of the American Home Products Corporation) $45 million for North American rights to Mysoline, for the treatment of epilepsy. It acquired North American rights to zonisamide, another anti-epileptic, from the Dainippon Pharmaceutical Company. Currently awaiting F.D.A. approval, zonisamide will be marketed by Elan as Zonegran. Together with Diastat, a rectal gel formulation of diazepam, better known as Valium, these drugs form the core of a new epilepsy business for Elan, with 54 specialized sales representatives. But in-licensing proved a more limited strategic option than Mr. Groom had hoped. Major pharmaceutical companies had realized the value of their neurology products, and the development efforts of Athena's competitors in the biotech world - companies such as Cephalon Inc. and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Inc. - had yielded no new drugs for diseases of the central nervous system. "I had always assumed that if I had all the cash in the world, it would not be a problem to buy products," Mr. Groom said. "Suddenly I had all the cash in the world, or at least it felt that way, but to this day, we are disappointed by the lack of products available that you would want to buy," he said. "Suddenly I had all the cash in the world, or at least it felt that way, but to this day, we are disappointed by the lack of products available that you would want to buy." Trials and Tribulations Drugs typically go through three phases of human clinical trials before they are submitted to the F.D.A. or equivalent foreign agencies for marketing approval. The first, often on healthy volunteers, is to determine safety; the second, on a small number of patients, to show efficacy; the third, on a large group of patients at multiple sites, to confirm that the drug is safe and effective. If the third phase data are good, a New Drug Application, or N.D.A., is usually filed with the F.D.A. within a year. Drugs can fail at any stage of this process, and historically, about 90 percent do. As drugs advance through clinical trials, however, their risk of failure is reduced, and their value increased. Elan, concerned with dilution, did not want to risk acquiring first- or second-phase drugs. "The most practical best return is the phase three product," before the trials are complete or an N.D.A. has been filed, Mr. Groom said. "Once that is done, the value of that asset increases dramatically," he said. With no good neurology prospects available, Elan broadened its focus to other medical needs, and to the possibility of acquiring another company as well as other drugs. Wall Street has turned cool to unprofitable biotechnology companies since 1996, so there are many with promising drugs in phase two or three, but without adequate funds to finish clinical trials and take their products to market. For its second major acquisition, Elan chose the Neurex Corporation of Menlo Park, Calif., which focused on drugs for intractable pain and acute care. This took Elan into another niche, but a related one because neurologists are often called upon to treat pain. In April 1998, Elan exchanged shares worth about $709 million for Neurex, which had two drugs - one approved, one in the late stage of clinical trials. These were Corlopam, an intravenous drug originally developed by SmithKline Beecham, which is given to patients in emergency rooms and other acute-care sites for extreme high blood pressure, and Ziconotide, which was being tested in patients who had failed morphine therapy for pain. Corlopam was introduced in the United States in January 1998; Elan plans to file an N.D.A. for Ziconotide by the end of this year. "What came out of the board discussions at Neurex at the time was that the closer we got to market with either product, the more we saw the resources needed to develop them fully," said Paul Goddard, former chief executive of Neurex, now president of Elan Pharmaceuticals. Neurex had $68 million in cash, but needed much more to adequately launch Corlopam and Ziconotide. Neurex's inadequate funds had also scuttled several attempts to in-license other drugs from larger companies that were exiting the acute-care market. With the poor climate for biotech deals on Wall Street, Mr. Goddard was considering a private placement when Elan came calling. With that call, "my problem was solved. If I am acquired by Elan, these two products can be optimally developed," he said. "And as part of a portfolio, it's such a dynamic company that we can insure we get earnings growth through appropriate revenue mix," he added. "From a shareholder perspective, we capped the downside, and although the upside was somewhat moderated, there was still substantial upside if they swapped their Neurex shares for Elan shares," he said. The Elan acquisition of Neurex was no doubt helped by the fact that Mr. Goddard knew Mr. Groom well, having worked for him at SmithKline in the 1980's, and having once discussed merging with Athena. But he said he thinks the deal might have happened even without their long acquaintance. "You have to say, in a pure strategic sense, there was a high probability it would have occurred anyway. They had clearly adopted pain management as a specialty for the pharmaceuticals division," he said. "But it made it a darn sight easier because there was a lot of general understanding about how companies are structured." Although it is only a handshake agreement, Mr. Goddard committed to staying with Elan post-merger, and that is consistent with all of the acquisitions the company has made. Unlike a traditional consolidator that looks for infrastructure redundancies and a quick earnings boost from cost-cutting, Elan acquires in order to grow. Because the parent company runs lean, and because the acquisition targets are chosen to fill strategic gaps, there should be little or no overlap. Elan retains the management of the companies it acquires because it needs them to grow the business. "We don't want to build an excessive executive staff here," said Mr. Groom, referring to Elan's spartan headquarters in Dublin. "We would like to avoid cultivating an empire of suits here. It's not relevant," he said. "One of the processes of integration that has helped us is we have yet to acquire any company for synergy, to substitute our infrastructure for theirs. In most cases, we've acquired to take advantage of the management coming in as much as to take control of the assets that stay in the building overnight," he said. "That means my people will have, as I did, greater opportunities. That gets harder to do as you get larger, or in mergers with equals." Indeed, Elan once considered a merger with its primary long-term rival in drug delivery, the Alza Corporation of Palo Alto, Calif., only to pass on the deal when due diligence showed the degree of redundancy between the two companies. "At the end of the day, you would really only make that work by quite significant reductions either here or in Palo Alto," said Mr. Groom. "Okay, so you get the benefit of reduced operating costs for whatever obfuscation period the merger grants you - maybe two years - but you really didn't grow anything," he said. "It's much better to grow the business and the people." Elan's April 1998 acquisition of Carnrick Laboratories Inc. was primarily a people deal. Although Carnrick, a 100-year-old privately held company based in New Jersey, had some valuable drugs in its portfolio, like the muscle relaxant Skelaxin, its strategic value lay more in its 130-person sales force calling on pain management specialists. Elan paid $150 million in cash for Carnrick, which had about $55 million in sales, but doubled its field sales force for existing and forthcoming pain drugs. As with Athena and Neurex, Carnrick management has joined Elan. Through acquisitions and in- licensing, Elan has grown sales of its proprietary drugs from the $40 million that Athena had in 1995, to more than $250 million in 1998. Elan now has seven interesting molecules in the late stage of clinical development, four of which are approaching N.D.A.'s, a huge number for a midsized pharmaceutical company. So Elan is positioned for further growth in the next few years. THE MOST IMPORTANT BIOTECH BUYER Elan's track record with its acquisitions - retaining management, growing sales - has also positioned it well for the role of biotech consolidator. The typical biotech acquisition would be lost within the Roche Group or Novartis, but can still be strategic to Elan. "Elan is by far the most important biotech buyer, without exception," said Roger Longman, editor of In Vivo, the leading biotech trade magazine. He thinks biotech executives wrestling with corporate and personal burnout are particularly amenable to Elan's approach. But all these deals have left the company with a complex structure. Because companies such as Athena, Neurex and Carnrick already had established relationships with prescribing physicians, Elan has chosen to retain their separate identities, at least at the sales and marketing level. It now has five organizations: Athena Neurosciences, calling on neurologists and providing direct drug sales to patients with Parkinson's disease; Elan Pharma, serving epilepsy specialists; Neurex, calling on anesthesiologists; Carnrick, serving pain management centers, with an emphasis on migraine treatment, and Athena Diagnostics, providing Alzheimer's disease diagnosis. "What we've tried to do is to keep decision-making at as low a level in each organization as we can, to give division heads P&L responsibilities," said Michael Coffee, president and chief operating officer of Elan Pharmaceuticals North America. "Rather than creating one monolithic entity, we decided instead to create these five, each of which has its own management, its own prospects, its own terms," he said. Where it makes sense to centralize, Elan has done so - in research, development, regulatory affairs and medical information services. But the integration of the acquired companies has been eased by keeping them somewhat disintegrated. "We were able to take certain groups, like the sales and marketing guys, and not rip their lives apart," Mr. Coffee said. "In certain cases they picked up new product, in others they gave things up. But by and large their lives went on as before. It made for a pretty soft integration," he said. To some extent, Elan's distributed management is simply a practical matter. Elan's lean Dublin executive team has neither the desire nor the physical ability to micromanage the company's far-flung operations in California, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania or Israel. "We have to grant the divisional groups a fair degree of authority and autonomy because we can't second-guess what's happening in San Francisco; it's not possible," said Mr. Lynch, the chief financial officer. "We recognize that while Elan is big for an Irish company, what we'll always have here in Dublin is a small headquarters." But the distributed style also helps retain talented people and keep Elan entrepreneurial as it grows. "We said, we know how to be successful as a small company - do we know how to be successful as a large company?" said Mr. Coffee. "We thought maybe we could do both," he said, pointing to Johnson & Johnson's historic structure of autonomous business units as a role model. "It means we are able to give more people in the organization empowerment positions. This allowed us to retain everyone we wanted to retain," he said. "We have to grant the divisional groups a fair degree of authority and autonomy because we can't second-guess what's happening in San Francisco." DELIVERING GROWTH With so much of management's efforts and energy focused on transforming Elan into a specialty pharmaceutical company, one unintended consequence was a sense of neglect that crept into the traditional core of the business: the drug-delivery division based in Athlone, about 80 miles west of Dublin. To make matters worse, many large drug companies had internalized delivery technology, and the business was fast becoming commoditized. For many in Athlone, John Groom did not seem to be the right man to advance the business. "I was rapidly accused, and it was probably true that to me drug delivery was like watching paint dry," Mr. Groom said. "There were some problems from the perspective of people who had been everything in the company who were a division now. That, in a way, made people feel they were less important than they had been," he said. "It wasn't true. But there was a need to reform the delivery business into a more cohesive force." The transformation of the delivery business fell to Seamus Mulligan, then president of that unit, known as Elan Pharmaceutical Technologies. Part of the remaking of delivery was to abandon the "mind to market" strategy, in which Elan sought to develop and market improved versions of existing drugs. With its own proprietary molecules, this strategy no longer added significant value, and it had always run the risk of conflict with the delivery operation's customers - the large drug companies. And with continuing consolidation among the giants, creating such enterprises as Novartis and Pharmacia and Upjohn in the previous five years, Elan could not risk alienating a single potential customer. In order to make delivery again a value-added partner, the company needed to refresh its technology, and here again, Elan has grown through strategic acquisitions. First came the February 1998 acquisition of the Sano Corporation, a maker of transdermal patches for sustained delivery of drugs through the skin, in a stock swap worth about $375 million. Then in October, Elan purchased Nanosystems L.L.C., a unit of the Eastman Kodak Company focused on the enhanced delivery of drugs with low water-solubility, for about $150 million, in a combination of $137 million cash and warrants to purchase ordinary shares in Elan. "We've added companies where either we weren't competitive or we did not compete at all," said Mr. Mulligan, now Elan's executive vice president for corporate development. Sano's skin-patch technology replaced an older, less elegant product produced by Elan; because Elan had an established business in transdermal delivery the Sano name was dropped. With Nanosystems, which had clients such as the American Home Products Corporation, Merck & Company, the Warner-Lambert Company and Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V., there was no overlap with Elan products, so the name was retained. But in both cases, most management stayed on, and the former head of Nanosystems succeeded Mr. Mulligan at the top of the delivery organization. "The key for us in all of this has been retention and opportunities for the acquired staff," Mr. Mulligan said. "We need them. Even the appointment of Larry Sternson as president of Elan Pharmaceutical Technologies after a short period of reporting to me sends a message to everyone in the organization," he said. Mr. Sternson had been the head of Nanosystems under Kodak. "Culture is challenging," Mr. Mulligan said. "We don't just jump at these people because an investment banker does a report and we do a month of due diligence. I followed Nanosystems for a long time. We knew they were going to come on the block and we had ongoing projects with them," he said. "The most critical aspect to me was that the scientists could work together as a team. If you access a company at a senior level, and get the chief executive officer to endorse your technology, you're still as good as dead in the water if you also don't get the endorsement at the lower level - the technicians. That goes for acquisitions as well," he said. As on the drug side, the delivery organization's process of integration has been less one of structures imposed by headquarters than one of processes and practices adopted along with the acquired companies. "The company is more interested in being successful than in being homogeneous," said Steve Thornton, executive vice president of commercial development for Elan Pharmaceutical Technologies in Athlone. "It's almost by osmosis that people understand what the goals are. The structures are still evolving, and the acquirer, in some cases, had less well-defined structures and processes than the acquiree," he said. "So it's a question of how can we leverage what you have with what we have." " If you access a company at a senior level, and get the chief executive officer to endorse your technology, you're still as good as dead in the water if you also don't get the endorsement at the lower level-the technicians." Still, flexibility does not mean a free-for-all, and there is some formality to the integration process. Just as Mr. Sternson is moving to Ireland to run the delivery business, he expects subordinates to rotate among Elan's facilities in Athlone, Pennsylvania and Florida. "Integration really means people learning to trust one another and the only way to do that is to get to know each other," he said. "The only way that happens is to actually transfer people to other sites for a significant period of time." In choosing or evaluating potential acquisitions, Elan relies very little on investment bankers or other outsiders. Instead, there is a strategic planning team based in Dublin that keeps track of more than 100 companies that could be of interest, about 20 of which are watched closely. "Once we find a company, there are a number of screens we apply," said Tagg Romney, a director of strategic planning. "Most important is the science screen - do the products do what they claim; then the financial screen - is it growing fast enough to keep up with Elan. Then you can do a simple discounted cash flow," he said. But most of the transactions Elan has completed involved either a personal relationship with Mr. Groom, or better yet, a longstanding partner-ship or strategic alliance. Elan has often used joint ventures to monetize scientific assets it does not choose to develop on its own, but the company is always open to forging closer ties. "It also gives us an opportunity to work with these people, to get to know them," said Mr. Geaney, the chief executive. "It gives you the measure of the men." Elan's goal when it began its transformation was to reach $1 billion in sales in 2001. Analysts say that goal will almost surely be reached a year earlier, and that the company is on track to meet its year 2003 goal of $2 billion in sales, with 75 percent of that coming from its own drugs. So as of late spring 1999, Elan management was taking a breather from acquiring companies, but still actively pursuing new joint ventures and product acquisitions. The company entered a joint venture with Ligand Pharmaceuticals Inc. of San Diego, Calif., to develop novel cancer drugs, and a similar arrangement with Isis Pharmaceuticals Inc. of Carlsbad, Calif., to develop orally available anti-inflammatory drugs using Isis's proprietary gene-based technology, known as antisense. The wave of big company mergers has also created opportunities as antitrust issues free up overlapping products. When American Home entered merger talks with Monsanto, Elan was able to reacquire two products it had licensed away years earlier even though the American Home- Monsanto deal fell through. More recently, Elan reacquired rights to a sustained-release blood pressure drug it had licensed to Warner Chilcott P.L.C. "We've no problem acquiring products; products don't have social issues attached to them, they don't require options," said Mr. Lynch, the chief financial officer. "We do not see ourselves making acquisitions this year because we've got to consolidate what we've done. We have to execute on what's in the pipeline," he said. "You can't do these deals very often. We're managers, not Maoists, and you can't have a permanent cultural revolution." Number Crunching Sometimes strategy can run headlong into policy. Elan's strategy of growth by acquisition may have to be modified in the face of policy changes being discussed by the United States Financial Accounting Standards Board. These changes could have broad ramifications for many growth-oriented companies. The board, commonly known as F.A.S.B., is considering replacing "pooling of interests" with "purchase" accounting. Purchase accounting requires an acquiring company to write off against earnings the goodwill, or premium over book value, it paid for an acquired company's assets. Fast-growing technology companies prefer pooling (under which the entire acquisition is simply written off in a one-time charge that investors and securities analysts can conveniently ignore) to purchase accounting (where the goodwill is amortized over time, diluting earnings per share for years). Elan has expensed more than $1 billion in acquisitions, and had these instead been capitalized its earnings growth would be far less stellar. Concerns about these changes, and the unfounded rumor that they might be applied retroactively, have made Elan's shares volatile this year. After a steady climb from about $10 at the time of the Athena deal to $30 at the end of 1998, Elan shares rose to $35 and then soared to $44 in early 1999, only to drop back as low as $25. The shares have since recovered some of their lost ground, but as of late spring were still trading around the $30 mark. The drop came even as Elan reported a 38 percent increase in first-quarter earnings, to $75.1 million, or 26 cents per diluted share, compared with $54.5 million, or 23 cents per share in the first quarter of 1998. Revenues rose 73 percent to $233.1 million in the first quarter of 1999, from $134.7 million in the comparable period a year earlier, reflecting an increase of 104 percent in product sales and also strong growth in research revenue and royalties and fees. Donal J. Geaney, Elan's chairman and chief executive, said these results "confirm that the transition from a licensing and contract development company to a fully integrated specialty pharmaceutical company is on track." Although the proposed changes in accounting standards will have an impact on Elan's future plans, they will have a similar effect on competitors, he said. If development-stage acquisitions must be amortized against earnings, fewer deals will get done, he said. "It's going to make it less attractive not only to us, but to everybody," Mr. Geaney said. "And it's going to lower prices. I think it will change how everybody does business." Thomas Lynch, Elan's chief financial officer, puts the threat in stronger terms. "If they eliminate pooling, the hurdles to acquisitions, particularly in the life sciences, become almost insurmountable," he said. The issue is complicated further in biotech acquisitions because United States accounting standards require that so-called in-process research be treated consistently with research that a company has conducted internally, meaning that it must be expensed on acquisition rather than capitalized. In the pharmaceutical industry, it has generally been accepted that products in development should be expensed on acquisition whether acquired as a product or through a corporate acquisition. The cutoff for expense treatment has typically been the completion of the third phase of clinical trials, the last stage of testing typically required before a drug is submitted for regulatory approval. Elan has used pooling where the greater part of an acquisition's valuation was derived from a drug still undergoing clinical trials (as in the case of Neurex's ziconitide), and purchase accounting where the value primarily reflected products already on the market and profitable (as in the case of Carnrick's portfolio of pain drugs). In some cases, a percentage of the deal was expensed and a percentage capitalized, to reflect the mixture of development stage and completed products. These calculations were appraised by independent accountants, including Ernst & Young and K.P.M.G. Viren Mehta, a biopharmaceutical analyst with Mehta Partners in New York, said that although the changes in accounting standards will affect how Elan does business, their threat to the company's future earnings growth has been exaggerated by short sellers looking to profit by pushing its share price down. "They are consolidators and they have done a good job," he said. "They have a lot of cash to do more deals, although they probably can't use equity as aggressively as they have in the past," he said. The drop in Elan share value should also be put in perspective. After hitting an unsupportable high, "this is a classic case of the pendulum swinging too far," Mr. Mehta said. "From early 1994 to early 1996, Elan's share price was in the $5 to $10 range," adjusted for splits, he said. "Then they bought Athena and brought in John Groom. Even though the share price is down from the time John Groom joined the company, it is still up threefold in three years," he said. The F.A.S.B. has said it will review the standards regarding accounting for acquisitions, and may propose changes to take effect at the end of the year. "There's a lot of things to be done before we see a final solution," said Mr. Geaney. "Any way it comes out, as long as it's applied evenly, I don't mind. We will continue developing new products, better treatments for patients. If you do those things, how you account for things is irrelevant." Reprint No. 99307 Lawrence M. Fisher, [email protected], covered technology for the New York Times for 15 years and has written for dozens of other publications. Mr. Fisher, who is based in San Francisco, is a recipient of the Hearst Award for investigative journalism. Topics: trade, banking, pharmaceutical, execution, pricing The business insights you need to succeed. Get s+b's best ideas delivered to your inbox twice a week. Sign up No, thanks Get the strategy+business newsletter delivered to your inbox Email address Sign up COVID-19 places a heightened emphasis on mental health "Telehealth for all" could be the answer to healthcare reform Using culture to offer more customer-centric healthcare
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
THE coaching changes in the Namibian Premier League continue unabated after Woody Jacobs resigned from Okahandja United and joined Unam as their head coach on Wednesday. Following the dismissal of Robert Nauseb by African Stars and Eric Muinjo of Orlando Pirates, as well as Ronny Kanalelo's resignation from Unam last year, Jacobs became the fourth coach to move ship this season when he announced his resignation to Okahandja United chairman Congo Hindjou in an email on Wednesday. "I hereby would like to tender my resignation as head coach of Okahandja United with immediate effect. After nine league matches with three defeats and six draws, and the team lagging in the relegation zone, I was left with no other option but to reconsider my options and to allow the team to rescue (the situation) and secure survival in the Premier League," he said. "During my stay I think I have given my all, but it seems that the team is just not responding to my tactics. As a believer that coaches are responsible for performances and when something is not forthcoming one has to step aside which is what I am doing before it is too late," he added. Jacobs, who could not be contacted for comment yesterday, expressed his gratitude to Hindjou for originally giving him the job. "I would like to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation for the honour you bestowed upon me when you first approached me for the coaching job at Okahandja United. I wanted to make it my legacy, but it seems it was not meant for me. I want to wish the team well with their upcoming fixtures and I strongly believe that the elusive wins are just around the corner," he said. A few hours later, though, Jacobs was announced as the new head coach of Unam, to take over from Kanalelo, who joined Maritzburg United as goalkeeping coach at the beginning of December last year. James Britz was appointed as Unam's temporary coach, but Unam's director of communications, Edwin Tjiramba on Wednesday announced that Jacobs had been appointed as their new head coach. "It is with much enthusiasm and pride that we would like to inform all our fans, sponsors and the football nation at large of the appointment of Nicholas 'Woody' Jacobs as the new Unam head coach as of 16 January 2019. Coach Jacobs comes with a wealth of coaching experience and as a university, we are confident that his experience and skills will enable us to reach our season's goals and targets. We are also confident that he will develop our student-athletes to help them become the best version of themselves on and off the field," he said. Tjiramba added that Marcello Wakadumo had also been appointed as their assistant coach. "We are excited to have him on board, and are therefore confident that with his background and understanding of the game, alongside coach Jacobs, Unam will continue to be a formidable force in the Premiership," he said. Jacobs' resignation came shortly after Okahandja United managed to rescue a point after a late goal by Lorenzo Majiedt in a 1-1 draw against Orlando Pirates on Tuesday night. According to a Nampa report, Pirates took a 73rd minute lead through Victory Gaseb, who slotted the ball home after United failed to clear a corner kick, leading to a goalmouth melee, from which Gaseb poked the ball into the net. His goal came after a disappointing first half for both teams who produced unattractive football, especially Okahandja United, who failed to put together decent passes. Pirates, on the other hand, had enough possession, which they failed to convert into goals despite creating several chances in the half. The second half was a different story as United showed a lot of improvement, pinning Pirates into their own half in the first 15 minutes. However, their hard work was undone by Gaseb's goal. Despite conceding a goal, United refused to throw in the towel, with substitute Gerland Kaengurora using his pace to cause all sorts of problems for Pirates. The Okahandja-based outfit got their equaliser in the 89th minute when Lorenzo Majiedt had the easiest task of tapping the ball into the net after Donavan Gai-Nub failed to handle a harmless free kick. Despite the draw, the two teams remain in the relegation zone, with Pirates second last on the log on five points and Okahandja third last on six points.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This is a placeholder page for Jessenia Cruz, which means this person is not currently on this site. We do suggest using the tools below to find Jessenia Cruz. You are visiting the placeholder page for Jessenia Cruz. This page is here because someone used our placeholder utility to look for Jessenia Cruz. We created this page automatically in hopes Jessenia Cruz would find it. If you are not Jessenia Cruz, but are an alumni of Pine Ridge High School Deltona, FL, register on this site for free now.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Hot Last Minute Cruise Deals With Cool Minute-by-Minute Pricing DANBURY, CT — (MARKET WIRE) — 06/06/2005 — eCruises.com, a leading national cruise retailer, offers great last-minute cruise deals, spanning all popular destinations. "In today's busy world, it often happens that the opportunity for a much-needed vacation opens up very suddenly," says Mike Ripka, CEO of eCruises.com (http://www.ecruises.com). "With our last-minute cruise deals, our customers can book their cruises right up to the day before sailing." eCruises.com's last-minute cruise deals allow bookings to be made for most cruises within the next 1 to 60 days. The web site (http://www.ecruises.com) offers over 10,000 cruise sailings with minute-by-minute pricing as well as "complimentary insurance" and "a book-on-line bonus gift." Customers can "easy-cruise-search" through thousands of cruises by the ship name or by destination and find the deal best suited for them. The web site also provides photos and features of each cruise ship. "Our staff offers expert advice on all available cruises and destinations," says Steve Kaplan, Vice President, Sales & Customer Service. "Also, we provide extra special attention and guidance for first-time cruisers. This ensures that our cruisers have days of sun and nights of fun," says Kaplan. eCruises.com's last-minute cruise destinations range from The Caribbean, Canada, Hawaii, The Mediterannean, Alaska, South America, Mexico, Bermuda, The South Pacific, Europe and more. "Come to us, and we'll make sure that even if it is at extremely short notice, you'll soon be cruising the high seas without a care in the world," says Ripka. About eCruises.com: eCruises.com was founded in 1998 by Sy and Mike Ripka, with over 55 years of travel and leisure industry experience behind them. eCruises.com is a leading cruise broker and a member of the Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA). eCruises.com is a nationwide leading broker for Carnival, Celebrity, Crystal, Cunard, Disney, Holland America, MSC, NCL America, Norwegian, Oceania, Orient, Princess, Radisson Seven Seas, Royal Caribbean, Seabourn, Silversea and other ocean and river cruise lines. With over 100,000 satisfied clients, eCruises.com is a preferred and select broker for all major cruise lines. For more information, please call 800-223-6868, or visit http://www.ecruises.com. Check out Itravelmag.com's Cruise Deals: http://www.itravelmag.com/travel-links-bycat.php?category=Cruises Hottest Last-Minute Cruise Deals With Coolest Minute-by-Minute PricingOn All Major Cruise Lines DANBURY, CT — (MARKET WIRE) — 12/05/2005 — eCruises.com, a leading national cruise retailer, offers great last-minute cruise deals, spanning all popular destinations. "In today's busy world, it often happens that the opportunity for a much-needed vacation opens up very... eCruises.com Offers Fantastic Last-Minute Cruise Deals on All Major Cruise LinesHot Last-Minute Cruise Deals With Cool Minute-by-Minute Pricing DANBURY, CT — (MARKET WIRE) — 07/05/2005 — eCruises.com, a leading national cruise retailer, offers great last-minute cruise deals, spanning all popular destinations. "In today's busy world, it often happens that the opportunity for a much-needed vacation... Cruise Holidays Without a Care in the WorldeCruises.com Exclusively Offers Full Complimentary Cruise Insurance Protection and Vacation Coverage on All New Bookings DANBURY, CT — (MARKET WIRE) — 05/03/2005 — Your cruising vacation can now give you a lot more peace of mind. eCruises.com, a leading national cruise retailer, now becomes the... eCruises.com Offers Exclusive One-Price Hot Cruise DealsDANBURY, CT — (MARKET WIRE) — 03/29/2006 — Cruise travelers "in the know" recognize that www.eCruises.com offers low prices on cruises. Our advertised prices are the total cost for the cruise with no hidden costs or booking fees. Cruise travel retailers frequently advertise a price... Cruise Bargains Available for Last Minute Travelers Through eCruises.comDANBURY, CT — (MARKET WIRE) — 01/30/2006 — Travelers looking for a bargain getaway need only visit www.eCruises.com to find last minute deals on some of the best cruise vacations available through the winter and spring. The last minute deals available on eCruises.com consist of... The Best Cruise Deals Get Even BetterAn eCruises.com Innovative Exclusive Offers Full Complimentary Cruise Insurance Protection and Vacation Coverage on All New Bookings DANBURY, CT — (MARKET WIRE) — 06/20/2005 — Cruising holidays without a care in the world. Your cruising vacation can now give you more peace of mind. eCruises.com,... Full Cruise Vacation Protection Coverage for All Cruise Passengers Included on All New Bookings Offered Exclusively by eCRUISES.comA Leading National Cruise Retailer, eCRUISES.com, in an Exclusive Program Created With iTravelInsured Now Provides Full Cruise Insurance With All New Bookings Effective to April 30, 2005 on All Cruise Lines From One to One Hundred and One Nights DANBURY, CT — (MARKET WIRE) —...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Barbara Einhorn (* 15. Januar 1942 in Wellington, Neuseeland) ist eine neuseeländisch-britische Germanistin und Soziologin. Leben Barbara Einhorn ist eine Tochter des Architekten Helmut Einhorn (1911–1988) und dessen Frau Ester, geb. Katzenstein (1913–2010). Ihre Eltern, Marxisten jüdischer Abstammung, waren 1939 vor rassischer und politischer Verfolgung aus dem nationalsozialistischen Deutschland geflohen und hatten Aufnahme in Neuseeland gefunden. Barbara Einhorn besuchte das Wellington Girls' College und die University of Otago, wo sie 1972 mit einer germanistischen Dissertation über den Roman in der DDR zum PhD promoviert wurde. 1978 veröffentlichte sie ihre Übersetzung von Jewgeni Bronislawowitsch Paschukanis' Allgemeine Rechtslehre und Marxismus. In den 1980er Jahren arbeitete Einhorn an der University of Sussex in Brighton an einer Studie zum Leben von Frauen in sozialistischen Gesellschaften Mittel- und Osteuropas. Seit der Gründung 1980 war sie Mitglied der britischen Friedensgruppe European Nuclear Disarmament. Anfang Dezember 1983 kam sie zu einem offiziell genehmigten Studienbesuch nach Ost-Berlin. Sie nutzte die Gelegenheit zu einer "lockeren abendlichen Gesprächsrunde" am 7. Dezember 1983 mit den Frauen, die Frauen für den Frieden in der DDR mitgegründet hatten: Bärbel Bohley, Ulrike Poppe, Jutta Regine Seidel und Irena Kukutz. Einhorns Ziel war es, Material für einen Bericht zu sammeln, der die Gruppe in Großbritannien bekanntmachen sollte. Das Treffen wurde jedoch an die Stasi verraten, und Einhorn bei der Ausreise nach West-Berlin festgenommen. Am 12. Dezember folgte die Festnahme der vier Friedensfrauen wegen "Verdachts auf landesverräterische Nachrichtenübermittlung"; sie wurden in die Untersuchungshaftanstalt Berlin-Hohenschönhausen verbracht. Die Festnahmen erregten internationales Aufsehen; internationale Proteste und politische Erwägungen der DDR-Spitze führten zunächst zu Einhorns Freilassung und dann auch zur Einstellung der Verfahren gegen die DDR-Frauen. Einhorn erhielt bis 1989 Einreiseverbot in die DDR. Ihr Treffen wird heute als "Segen und Fluch" für die Beteiligten angesehen. Nach Ansicht von Anthony Glees habe Einhorn mit Naivität und Unachtsamkeit der Stasi als willkommene Quelle und Waffe gedient beim Versuch, die Friedensgruppe einzuschüchtern und zu zerschlagen. Auf der anderen Seite verschaffte der Zwischenfall der Gruppe internationale Solidarität, die den Zerschlagungsplan der Stasi zunichte machte: "der enge Kontakt mit Menschen und Organisationen aus dem Westen zahlte sich aus". Seit 1995 lehrte Barbara Einhorn an der University of Sussex, zuletzt als Director of Graduate Studies in the School of Social Sciences. Sie war Mitherausgeberin von The European Journal of Women's Studies und Beraterin in Genderfragen für das United Nations women's programme (UNIFEM) sowie für die Internationale Arbeitsorganisation (ILO) und die Weltbank. Einhorn war von 1969 bis 1996 verheiratet mit Henry David Evans. Das Paar hat zwei Söhne. Seit 2001 ist sie mit Paul Oestreicher verheiratet. Oestreicher war 1982/83 einer derjenigen, die die Kampagne zu ihrer Entlassung aus DDR-Haft organisierten. Werke Der Roman in der DDR: 1949–1969: die Gestaltung des Verhältnisses von Individuum und Gesellschaft; eine Analyse der Erzählstruktur. (= Monographien Literaturwissenschaft 40) Scriptor-Verlag, Kronberg/Ts. 1978, ISBN 3-589-20634-9. Living in Berlin. London: Macdonald 1986 ISBN 0-356-11268-3 (= City life 3) West Germany. With photographs by Chris Fairclough. Ill. by Malcolm Walker, Hove, East Sussex, England: Wayland 1988 ISBN 0-85078-852-8 (= Countries of the world) West German food and drink. Hove, East Sussex, England: Wayland 1988 ISBN 1-85210-358-2 (= Food and drink) Cinderella goes to market: citizenship, gender and women's movements in east central Europe. Verso, Oxford 1994, ISBN 0-86091-615-4. Citizenship in an enlarging Europe: from dream to awakening. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke 2010, ISBN 978-0-230-27333-7. Literatur Almut Ilsen, Ruth Leiserowitz (Hrsg.): Seid doch laut! Die Frauen für den Frieden in Ost-Berlin. Ch. Links, Berlin 2019, ISBN 978-3-96289-065-0. Weblinks Webseite, University of Sussex Einzelnachweise Neuseeländer Brite Geboren 1942 Frau Hochschullehrer (University of Sussex) Germanist Soziologe (20. Jahrhundert) Person (Wellington)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Broadford & District Historical Society What you'll see Historical Significance Featured Photos Blog Rita Jones Murder Mystery Bush Nursing Hospital. New Broadford hospital opened free of debt. "The new bush nursing hospital which was opened at Broadford on Saturday was built, complete with operating theatre, kitchen, and laundry for only £200 a bed, and the building was opened free of debt. The central council of the Bush Nursing Association of Victoria provided £550 otu of its appropriation from the Edward Wilson (of "The Argus") Trust, and the remainder of the total cost of £1,700 was obtained by subscription and from entertainments in the district. The opening ceremony was performed by the president of the Victorain Bush Nursing Association, Lady Mitchell." (From The Argus, Monday 13 March 1933. Article abridged). ​The building shown in the picture still stands today on the corner of High & Short Streets in Broadford, and now operates as the Broadford Community Centre.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
BBC Promos Watch the First Trailer for Jenna Coleman Drama 'The Cry' The BBC released its first trailer for upcoming, presumably heart-wrenching drama The Cry starring Victoria's Jenna Coleman. 'Poldark' Season 4 Comes to America This Fall The BBC released the first trailer for Poldark Season 4, along with a brand new image of stars Aidan Turner and Eleanor Tomlinson as Ross and Demelza. Not to be outdone, PBS' Masterpiece turned around and dropped their version of the same promo, along with a handful of additional new photos and an official U.S. airdate. Yeah, it's a pretty good week to be a Poldark fan. Get Your First Look at Period Drama 'The Miniaturist' The BBC has released two clips from upcoming period drama The Miniaturist, a tense, lush-looking series based on the mega-popular novel of the same name by Jessie Burton. The three-part drama is a Masterpiece co-production, meaning that it'll be heading to the U.S. next year on PBS. The Miniaturist follows the story of a young woman in 17th century Amsterdam who, excited for her new life as the wife of a prosperous merchant, finds herself in a world of betrayal and fear instead. Get an Early Look at the 'Call the Midwife' 2017 Christmas Special The holidays are approaching, which means it's almost time for one of our favorite traditions – the annual Call the Midwife Christmas special! After last year's adventure in Africa, the nuns and midwives of Nonnatus House are staying a bit closer to home this holiday season. Though they'll definitely be quite a bit colder this time around. Acclaimed Drama 'Man in an Orange Shirt' Will Premiere on Masterpiece Next Spring Powerful BBC drama Man in an Orange Shirt will officially premiere on PBS' Masterpiece next spring. While you may not have heart of this drama, it aired in the U.K. this past August - to generally rave reviews – as part the BBC's 2017 Gay Britannia season, a series of programs meant to honor the 50th anniversary of the decriminalization of homosexuality 'Game of Thrones' Star Kit Harington Headlines BBC 'Gunpowder' Drama If you're a Game of Thrones fan wondering how you'll pass the time during the series' (likely quite lengthy) hiatus, don't worry. You won't have to go that long without seeing its star Kit Harington on your television screen again. The Thrones actor has the leading role in upcoming BBC series Gunpowder, a three-part drama which tells the story of the infamous Gunpowder Plot. This is the 17th conspiracy that meant to blow up the House of Lords and kill King James I, so that a Catholic monarch could be restored to the throne of England. Watch the Trailer for the Third and Final Season of 'The Fall' The BBC has released the first teaser for the third season of psychological thriller The Fall, and it's basically guaranteed to seriously stress you out. The crime drama stars Gillian Anderson as Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson, on the hunt for uber-creepy serial killer Paul Spector, a normal-seeming married man who secretly stalks and murders successful, young professional women. Spector is played by 50 Shades of Grey star Jamie Dornan, and is basically terrifying. Enjoy the Swoony New 'Poldark' Season 2 Trailer Prepare yourselves Poldark fans – a new Season 2 trailer has arrived! Watch: Colin Morgan in the Trailer for New BBC Drama 'The Living and the Dead' The BBC has released the first trailer for its upcoming supernatural thriller The Living and the Dead. The six-part drama stars Merlin's Colin Morgan and Line of Duty's Charlotte Spencer, along with several other familiar faces including Atlantis' Robert Emms, The White Queen's David Oakes and Glue's Steve Oram. The Trailer for 'The Hollow Crown: The Wars of the Roses' Looks Amazing The BBC has released another trailer for its upcoming sequel to The Hollow Crown. Subtitled The Wars of the Roses the series is the centerpiece of the corporation's big celebration to mark the 400th anniversary of playwright William Shakespeare's death. The original Hollow Crown aired in 2013 and adapted four of the Bard's history plays – Richard II, Henry IV Pts. 1 and 2 and Henry V – into a single chronological narrative, and had the same actors play the same roles across all the plays. This second series is comprised of adaptations of Richard III and Henry VI, though they're streamlining the latter into two films, rather than three. (Which, on the whole, is probably a good decision.) These plays recount the story of the titular Wars of the Roses, when two families – the Plantagenets and the Lancasters – battled for control of England's crown.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
GORI, Georgia (Reuters) - In Nazi Stefanishvili's family home in Gori, posters, paintings and books fill a tiny room dedicated to the Georgian city's most famous son, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. Although Stalin's rule was marked by mass repression, labor camps and famine, Stefanishvili, 73, a retired economist, says she has admired him since her childhood and over the years has filled a room in her daughter's house with memorabilia. Among dozens of items on display are paintings, photographs and busts of Stalin, depicted both as a young and older man. Stalin, who was born in Gori in 1878 and died in 1953, is largely reviled today in Georgia, which regained its independence during the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union. Over the years, his memorials have been dismantled, most recently in 2010 when authorities removed a statue of the dictator from Gori's central square. But Stalin is still revered by a small group of mainly elderly supporters who stress his role in the industrialization of the Soviet Union and in defeating Nazi Germany in World War Two. "Unfortunately, Stalin is not popular nowadays. Our people don't respect him. Only we, members of the (Communist) Party, respect him," said retired builder Vasili Sidamonidze, 70, who keeps a huge painting of Stalin at home. Each Dec. 21, a few dozen people mark his birthday by gathering outside a Gori museum dedicated to Stalin, where they make speeches and walk to the square where a 6-meter-high bronze statue of him once stood, calling for it to be reinstated. Opponents say it was a symbol of Moscow's still lingering shadow. In 2008, Russia fought a brief war with Georgia and recognized its breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia as independent states. The communist parties are not popular in Georgia, which wants to move out of Moscow's sphere of influence and join NATO and the European Union. Following a 2011 law, dozens of Soviet-era monuments and symbols were removed and street names which referred to Georgia's communist past changed. Older Georgians, especially those who had personal and business ties with Russia, resent how much relations have soured. Others say the relationship only brought hardship. At 40, Natia Babunashvili, an unemployed mother of two in the capital Tbilisi, is among the younger Stalin supporters, teaching her teenage children about Soviet times.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Pleasant And Renowned Junk Automotive Removing Company? Your Blog » Pleasant And Renowned Junk Automotive Removing Company? Previous: Why Ought to I Promote My Automobile To Auto Salvage Corporations? In search of basic car half was pretty sophisticated. Whereas this particular side could not appear advantageous, it really is when you concentrate on it. All it's a must to do is rent the elimination professionals and they actually handle the rest, including disseminating any useable gadgets to both individuals who want them or organizations that can reuse them; the results of which preserve gadgets in use and not in landfills. We realize there are a number of corporations on the internet which is able to buy your aged garbage motorized vehicle; then again we needed to assist you to know that this company is just five years outdated and it has already been buying and selling cars or vehicles throughout the United States Of America.Numerous number of web sites has emerged into existence that buys scrap convertors, but not all of them supply a fair worth for it. To fish an authentic web site that offers a price matching the actual value of the convertors, that you must spend a considerable time looking for it. Nevertheless, earlier than that you just, must ask yourself how much is my scrap catalytic converter value and decide it.buy junk car near me Some of those firms are junk car removal medford ma going to concentrate on sure features of junk removal, similar to taking good care of unused items within the house or possibly specializing in development debris elimination. Advantages from these automobiles usually are not solely restricted and directed to automotive owners because some benefits may also be gained by those individuals who haven't got cars.There isn't a price for this service and you'll typically expect to receive a name from a towing firm within forty eight hours to lastly get your previous automobile off of your arms. Car removing firms are also common as auto wreckers and recyclers. Vintage auto salvage cars are stylish, interesting, and cheap when in comparison with the added value gained.It's possible you'll ask, "what if I don't have the time or persistence or both to get it listed on Craigslist?" Properly that takes us to option would have to find a junk automobile removing service. If you beloved this article and you simply would like sell junk car without title las vegas to get more info pertaining to cash for junk cars no title needed memphis please visit our web page. This is what the general public do in the US. When vehicles reach the top stage of their helpful lives about 13 million folks promote their vehicle to salvage yards.Smaller alien, predator and star wars statues are sold occasionally online by tourists who've brought back a case of scrap metallic artwork souvenirs from their travels right here, but owning any junk metallic statue over one meter in top places you in the rare and unique checklist of collectors. Ethan Malone , the writer of this article, runs his personal junk haul firm and is offering some insight into his business operation.Its additionally price noting that it's essential to inform your insurance coverage firm in case you are aspiring to run a automobile that has been subject to a automobile accident report. Not like dealers whose prime motive is to make money, private sellers have a lot of reasons for selling an automobile. Junk removing specialists may help you get organized and began in your spring cleansing by doing the heavy lifting for you and disposing of items safely and efficiently.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
// Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. package com.google.api.ads.adwords.lib.utils.logging; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsString; import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.startsWith; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import com.google.api.ads.common.lib.client.RequestInfo; import com.google.api.ads.common.lib.client.ResponseInfo; import com.google.api.ads.common.lib.utils.logging.RemoteCallLoggerDelegate; import com.google.api.client.http.GenericUrl; import com.google.api.client.http.HttpRequest; import com.google.api.client.http.HttpRequestFactory; import com.google.api.client.http.HttpStatusCodes; import com.google.api.client.http.UrlEncodedContent; import com.google.api.client.http.javanet.NetHttpTransport; import com.google.api.client.util.GenericData; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.stream.Collectors; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.hamcrest.Matchers; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.MockitoAnnotations; /** Tests for {@link ReportServiceLogger}. */ @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class ReportServiceLoggerTest { @Mock private RemoteCallLoggerDelegate loggerDelegate; private HttpRequestFactory requestFactory; private HttpRequest httpRequest; private Map<String, String> rawRequestHeaders; private String url; private String requestMethod; /** ReportServiceLogger being tested. */ private ReportServiceLogger reportServiceLogger; /** * Sets all instance variables to values for a successful request. Tests that require failed * requests or null/empty values should mutate the instance variables accordingly. */ @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this); requestMethod = "POST"; url = "http://www.foo.com/bar"; reportServiceLogger = new ReportServiceLogger(loggerDelegate); requestFactory = new NetHttpTransport().createRequestFactory(); // Constructs the request headers and adds headers that should be scrubbed rawRequestHeaders = ReportServiceLogger.SCRUBBED_HEADERS .stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap(h -> h, h -> "foo" + h)); // Adds headers that should not be scrubbed. rawRequestHeaders.put("clientCustomerId", "123-456-7890"); rawRequestHeaders.put("someOtherHeader", "SomeOtherValue"); GenericData postData = new GenericData(); postData.put("__rdquery", "SELECT CampaignId FROM CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT"); httpRequest = requestFactory.buildPostRequest(new GenericUrl(url), new UrlEncodedContent(postData)); for (Entry<String, String> rawHeaderEntry : rawRequestHeaders.entrySet()) { String key = rawHeaderEntry.getKey(); if ("authorization".equalsIgnoreCase(key)) { httpRequest .getHeaders() .setAuthorization(Collections.<String>singletonList(rawHeaderEntry.getValue())); } else { httpRequest.getHeaders().put(key, rawHeaderEntry.getValue()); } } httpRequest.getResponseHeaders().setContentType("text/csv; charset=UTF-8"); httpRequest.getResponseHeaders().put("someOtherResponseHeader", "foo"); httpRequest .getResponseHeaders() .put("multiValueHeader", Arrays.<String>asList("value1", "value2")); } @Test public void testBuildInfos_success() { RequestInfo requestInfo = reportServiceLogger.buildRequestInfo(httpRequest); checkRequestInfoAttributes(requestInfo, true); ResponseInfo responseInfo = reportServiceLogger.buildResponseInfo(httpRequest, HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_OK, null); checkResponseInfoAttributes(responseInfo, HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_OK, null); } @Test public void testBuildInfos_failure() { RequestInfo requestInfo = reportServiceLogger.buildRequestInfo(httpRequest); checkRequestInfoAttributes(requestInfo, true); ResponseInfo responseInfo = reportServiceLogger.buildResponseInfo( httpRequest, HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_BAD_GATEWAY, "Bad gateway"); checkResponseInfoAttributes( responseInfo, HttpStatusCodes.STATUS_CODE_BAD_GATEWAY, "Bad gateway"); } private void checkRequestInfoAttributes(RequestInfo requestInfo, boolean isCheckPayload) { assertEquals(requestMethod, requestInfo.getMethodName()); assertEquals(url, requestInfo.getUrl()); assertEquals("clientCustomerId", requestInfo.getContextName()); assertEquals("123-456-7890", requestInfo.getContextValue()); assertEquals("reportdownload", requestInfo.getServiceName()); String requestPayload = requestInfo.getPayload(); if (!isCheckPayload) { assertNull("Payload should have been null", requestPayload); return; } for (Entry<String, String> headerEntry : rawRequestHeaders.entrySet()) { String header = headerEntry.getKey().toLowerCase(); String value = headerEntry.getValue(); assertThat( "Expected header name not logged", requestPayload.toLowerCase(), containsString(header)); Object expectedValue; if (ReportServiceLogger.SCRUBBED_HEADERS.contains(header)) { expectedValue = ReportServiceLogger.REDACTED_HEADER; } else { expectedValue = value; } assertThat( "Header: value does not match expectatations", requestPayload, Matchers.containsString(String.format("%s: %s", header, expectedValue))); } } private void checkResponseInfoAttributes( ResponseInfo responseInfo, int statusCode, @Nullable String statusMessage) { String responsePayloadLower = responseInfo.getPayload().toLowerCase(); httpRequest .getResponseHeaders() .forEach( (key, value) -> { assertThat( "Payload does not contain response header key", responsePayloadLower, containsString(key)); assertThat( "Payload does not contain response header value", responseInfo.getPayload(), containsString(String.valueOf(value))); }); assertThat( "Payload does not contain redacted string", responseInfo.getPayload(), containsString(ReportServiceLogger.REDACTED_REPORT_DATA)); assertThat( "Payload does not contain the HTTP status code", responseInfo.getPayload(), startsWith(Integer.toString(statusCode))); if (statusMessage != null) { assertThat( "Payload does not contain the HTTP status message", responseInfo.getPayload(), containsString(statusMessage)); } } }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Едермег () — улус Кіжингинського району, Бурятії Росії. Входить до складу Сільського поселення Верхньокіжингинський сомон. Населення — 514 осіб (2015 рік). Примітки Уласи Бурятії Населені пункти Кіжингинського району
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Heavenly: Samantha Ahrens checks out Frank Seddio's nativity scene. Jingle with Kringle: Alexa Pellicano and Lauri Roman were just two of the roughly 500 kids who got to sit on Santa's lap at Frank Seddio's Christmas celebration. Christmas in Canarsie: Hundreds gathered to witness the 2012 opening of Santa's workshop's Brooklyn branch. 'Tis the season: The chorus from PS 115 sings at Dem party boss Frank Seddio's annual Christmas celebration. Power broker: New Kings County Democratic Party Chairman Frank Seddio presided over the lighting of his former residence and current law office on Dec. 9. All of the lights: Democratic party boss Frank Seddio's Christmas decorations glowed through the wet weather on Dec. 9. The new King of Kings greeted the holiday season with a display of lights. Freshly annointed Brooklyn Democratic Party Chairman Frank Seddio lit up his address at the corner of Flatlands Avenue and E. 93rd Street with a dazzling Dyker-esque display of Christmas decorations for the 26th time on Dec. 9, carrying on a tradition that the building's previous owner, Frank Guarino, began in 1963. The political powerhouse said turnout for the event was down to 800 from 1,500 last year — which he blamed on the damp weather — but claimed that spirits were still high. "We were a little disappointed by the weather, but we were not disappointed by the cheer of the people there," said Seddio, who once lived at the residence before converting it into his law office and relocating to Bergen Beach. Besides perennial favorites like the cast of "Sesame Street" in a revolving Ferris wheel, ice-skating Smurfs, and Stumpy the singing animatronic tree, this year's adornments featured a four-foot tall, talking, electronic parrot imported from Mexico. Seddio said another highlight of the night was music — which came courtesy of the PS 115 chorus, Mary Queen of Heaven Church choir, and a steel drum band. The political boss said that the event was an important way of boosting morale in storm-wounded Canarsie. "We're hoping the lights bring some cheer to those who have suffered so much," said Seddio, adding that Sandy spared his building — including the flat section of roof where Santa lands each year. The jolly old elf himself even made an appearance, and gave away 500 packs of coloring books and candy to kids. Seddio urged those who stayed home to make a time to check out the the exhibition of Yuletide illumination, which will light up the block every night at 5 pm until Jan. 7. "It's an incredible thing to see. You really have to be there firsthand," the party man said.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Food Review: Las Hijas de la Tostada — EAT. SLEEP. DISCOVER. We arrived at the ADO station, right in the heart of Playa Del Carmen's 5th Avenue. We were hungry, it was raining and we had no idea where to eat, despite there being hundreds of options within a 30 minute walk. But with backpacks strapped to our backs and an impending hunger forthcoming, we knew we needed to make the call ASAP. Fortunately, our Airbnb host, Gisele, came through at just the right moment and suggested we try Las Hijas de la Tostada. The menu looked good enough and it was right around the corner from the Airbnb so we took the tip and braved the rain. As we approached, there was no question that we had found a seafood place. The open-air decor proudly boasts a fisherman's vibe. Faux-distressed wood, brush-stroked a maritimely shade of teal blankets the restaurant. But this isn't your father's fish n' chips joint. They've accented the oceanic atmosphere with delicate hipster-bar features like antique incandescent bulbs and the staff follow suit with fashionable outfits, tattoos and hair colours to match the walls. And so of course, we felt right at home. As soon as we sat down, the complimentary nachos and a roasted tomato/cilantro-based salsa hit the table. We ordered two Mexican-brewed beers and fixed our attention on the extensive menu. We couldn't possibly decide where to begin. The menu is divided into portions: hot tostadas, raw tostadas, special dishes and veggie options. We focused our efforts on the tostadas since these were clearly the specialty. Our waitress, Paola, was great. We enquired about her favourite tostadas and the three of us seemed to be on exactly the same page. So here's what we got! From the Hot menu: Carnitas and Tostada La Argentina. From the Raw menu: Tostada de Salmon and Tostada de Pulpo. Tostada de Salmon. This combo of flavours piled high on a crispy tortilla was an unexpected WIN for us. The other ones were delish but they just didn't hold any weight to this one. The portion size was plenty to share between the two of us. Carnitas. The fried tuna is cooked with a perfect sear and just melts in your mouth! If there weren't so many other options, I definitely would have gone for seconds on this one. Tostada de Pulpo. Similar to the Salmon version in terms of it's delicious ceviche nature but less sweet. So very fresh and so very filling! Tostada La Argentina. Unfortunate that this one came to the table last and had some big shoes to fill. It was tasty but didn't compare to the other three. After having the octopus in raw form, the deep fried version seemed like a bit of a sacrilege. Yeah... it's the one in the back. The Salmon dish stole the fried octopus' spotlight in every way. We went into this meal with pretty low expectations, soaked by the rain and a little worn out with our bags in tow but the funky atmosphere, engaging staff and incredible flavours turned our entire day around. In fact, we loved it so much that we returned a few days later for another pick-me-up after a huge letdown of a lunch at another restaurant around the corner. Once again we were wooed by this charming eatery — but this time with some late afternoon drinks! Ancho Reyna: Tamarind-spiked spicy drink. Linda loved this one. Lipstick Wine: For my sweet tooth, it hit the spot! Mojito: We came across plenty of other versions of this drink throughout Mexico. You can pass on this one. Daquiri: Super sweet and refreshing but nothing particularly special about it. Needless to say, we left with a renewed mood once again. We love this place! If you're in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico and you're feeling peckish then you cannot miss this incredible food experience!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The Sensational She-Hulk 12: A Fabulous Fill-In! This issue is a fill-in issue by writer Peter David, and it's actually better than a number of issues by the regular creators. David apparently had an affinity for the character (which is probably not surprising since he was the regular writer of her cousin The Hulk at the time); in fact, he would be the last ongoing writer of She-Hulk when her title was brought back in the 2000s (yes, this title gets canceled, but not for another fifty issues or so). The plot of the issue concerns She-Hulk being invited to Hollywood to visit the set of a movie about her. David keeps the metafiction approach of earlier writer John Byrne and the result is an entertaining and funny story. Here are some random thoughts on the issue: *The joke use of X-Men on the cover was probably an attempt to boost sales, but it did tie into the story (Hollywood, as usual, takes license with the truth and has She-Hulk join the X-Men in her bio movie, though she never actually did that). According to John Byrne, the sales declined from 300,000 copies per month when he left to 40,000 at the time he returned to the title a couple of years later (one would think that Steve Gerber's first ongoing title in a decade would have had better sales, but terrible stories such as the two previous issues apparently made for a quick honeymoon), so the title probably needed all the help it could get to halt the slide. The X-Men were red-hot at the time and Marvel was slapping "X" on everything to cash in. The following year, 1991, the first issue of an X-Men comic would sell over eight million copies, likely the bestselling single comic book of all time. *With Bobbie Chase as editor and Trina Robbins and Glynis Oliver as part of the art team, She-Hulk probably came the closest to an all-female creative team as she ever would in her regular title. I don't believe that She-Hulk's ever had a female writer as her ongoing writer. That would have been interesting. *David makes fun of the terrible Marvel Comics movies of the times such as Fantastic Four, Captain America, and Punisher, albeit subtly. At the time, movies of Marvel characters were terrible while DC's Batman movie was not only good, but the biggest film of the year (1989). Posted by Wred Fright at 11:15 AM Labels: comics The Sensational She-Hulk 31: The Real Issue 9? The Sensational She-Hulk 23: The Phantom Blonde! The Sensational She-Hulk 21: The Abominatrix Arri... The Sensational She-Hulk 17: It Gets Sillier The Sensational She-Hulk 15: Gerber Makes Good! The Sensational She-Hulk 14: The Return Of Howard... The Sensational She-Hulk 11: Enter The 1990s The Sensational She-Hulk: Steve Gerber Arrives . ... The Sensational She-Hulk 8: She-Hulk Teams Up Wit... The Sensational She-Hulk 7: Len Wein And Teddy Be... The Sensational She-Hulk 6: Cosmic Trucking! The Sensational She-Hulk 5: Even The Advertisemen... The Sensational She-Hulk 4: Comic Book Characters... The Sensational She-Hulk 3: Spidey And Shulk The Sensational She-Hulk 2: Cockney Midgets In To... The Sensational She-Hulk 1: Superheroes Go Metafi... The Savage She-Hulk 1: Stan Lee Goes Feminist She-Hulk And Palookaville 6-Word Memoirs On Bottlecaps Skylight Books Song: "Drone Reds, Whites, And Blues" Los Angeles Professional Wrestling Is Delightfully... PulpFest 2012 Swaggy Slang TARP Continues To Be A Mess YIP!: Rhapsody Everyone's A Zinester Today! Memo To Future Writers Of Captain America That Film Was Delicious! The "College Crisis" As Represented In The Pornogr...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Most people running businesses cannot risk leaving their future success to chance. However, it is surprising how little time some owners and managers of businesses spend forward planning. Is a lack of planning limiting your growth potential? Often the day to day running of the business will leave little time for strategic thinking, forward planning, growth forecasts and investigating future development opportunities. Unfortunately, if you are unable to make time to consider these areas you may find that in time your business growth slows, profit levels may fall back and other companies may begin to move past you with new ideas and growth strategies. Do you have short, medium and long term plans? Every company needs a plan for the short, medium and long term. At Barnes Roffe, our partners are experts in strategic business planning. We are not only interested in your business as it stands today but are always looking to work with you to ensure that you capitalise on new business opportunities as they arise in the future. We pay particular attention to your specific corporate growth and development plans, making sure that we advise and assist you in achieving your goals in every way possible. Having agreed a strategy with you, we will meetwith you on a regular basis to monitor progress and to ensure the achievement of the objectives agreed. The strategy will also embrace tax planning, financing or systems development. We act as a virtual part of your finance team, providing you with a rich resource of people full of enthusiasm and positive suggestions for your business. Our staff are hardworking, ambitious, proactive, forward thinking, straight talking as well as being excellent networkers and relationship builders. Offering advice about how to deal with a business or personal finance problem is useful. Taking a forward-thinking stance and coming up with an idea that stops the problem arising in the first place is even better. By maintaining close contact with our clients, we are able to take this positive approach, and because we know all our clients well we can make suggestions which are relevant to their circumstances and aspirations. Furthermore, we don't simply regard clients as businesses; we believe that your personal and business plans need to be examined hand in hand, as one cannot be achieved effectively without attention to the other. In a number of cases, we provide finance director assistance at Board meetings. This can be on an ad-hoc, or regular basis and is generally restricted to raising objective comments or questions about strategic plans or investment opportunities. Quarterly attendance works well as this helps to quickly build knowledge of the business as well as giving a reasonable time period for your development and investment activities to roll forward. As well as offering the usual audit and accountancy services, we are tax specialists. We aim to provide a reliable but imaginative approach to the delivery of these services which takes advantage of all practical tax planning opportunities. We do everything we can to help our clients keep more of what they earn by keeping to a minimum the company corporation tax bill as well as the directors' and shareholders' personal income tax and national insurance bills. You will find us an extremely useful sounding board for both your general and specialist tax planning. We run free seminars every month on a variety of business related matters. These are aimed at giving our clients extra knowledge and input to make their own business successful and profitable. A proactive approach to audit and accountancy will benefit your company. The partners and staff at Barnes Roffe have substantially grown the business over the last 15 years by offering top class technical advice to clients and taking a really "hands on" approach in dealing with their needs to help their businesses become successful. In addition to this, we are well placed as a top 40 accounting firm to look after all your compliance requirements be it audit, statutory accounts, tax computations, P11Ds, payroll and company secretarial roles as required. We have specialist partners in audit, management consultancy and tax planning. Our partners work in a variety of business sectors and look after companies with turnovers of up to £100m. In terms of your overall service provision, we know this is directly related to the partner responsible for your company. All our partners are motivated by the success of their clients and making sure that they don't want to leave our firm. This means that we concentrate on our clients' immediate requirements without ever losing sight of opportunities that might be of interest to them in the future. Waiting for you to call us is not an option in this firm – we have to help make things happen for you too. Why not speak to us about how we can get involved in your business and help to make sure your future success is well planned!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Discover how to join Google AdWords with NewVoiceMedia for integrated analysis. NewVoiceMedia provides a Cloud Contact Center that helps companies to manage informations about incoming or outgoing communications, whether over the phone or other channels. The Cloud Contact Center of NewVoiceMedia is part of the overall Customer Relationship Management and can be connected with other systems. Data Virtuality enables companies to build an agile BI stack in 1 day. It connects to Google AdWords, NewVoiceMedia and more than 200 other databases and cloud services. All connected data sources can be directly queried with SQL and data can be moved into any analytical database. Customers of the Data Virtuality Logical Data Warehouse are digital businesses with the highest flexibility needs.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
net-film Main Сatalogue Data loading The view from the window of a neighboring wooden house. License: Web production Topic: Raw footage Locations: Russia Key words: The view from the window of a neighboring wooden house Footage: №89865 Year: 2020 y. Duration: 00:13 4K 4096x2304 | 25fps | .mov H264 | 35 € HD 1920x1080 | 25fps | .mov H264 | 25 € 35 € Add to collection HD 00:34 Window of a wooden house Windows, wooden shutters, wooden house, village house, branches, curtains,... HD 01:01 Window of a wooden house Window, wooden shutters, wooden house, village house, curtains, autumn,... 4K 00:13 Wooden house window with geranium Wooden house window with geranium, village , province, province HD 00:34 The view from the airplane window at the snowcapped mountains. Cloud. The... HD 00:31 Summer courtyard, the view from the Windows, at the entrances there are cars. The man in red jeans... HD 00:09 The view from Kona hospital building. Hospital, window, window view, corner building, Windows,... HD 00:49 The construction of a wooden house, the view from the top. The field of construction, log, logs,... HD 00:56 People building a wooden house, the view from the top. The field of construction, log, logs,... HD 00:10 The view from the street at evening the kitchen. The view through the window. Room, kitchen,... HD 00:14 Mountain view through the window, mountains, work, sky sky, mountains, work, glass, window, window... HD 00:24 The view of mount Ararat from the window of a moving car.... HD 00:17 The view from the car window at the fields and mountains. Car, transport, speed, road, view,... 4K 00:18 cars on the Indian road, the view from the window of an Indian taxi Indian trail, cars, window,... How to place materials Agreement with the author ATTENTION! Our website uses "cookies" to give you the best, most relevant experience. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of cookies. See our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The eighteenth word of verse (46:10) is divided into 3 morphological segments. A circumstantial particle, verb and subject pronoun. The connective particle wa is usually translated as "while" and is used to indicate the circumstance of events. The form X perfect verb (فعل ماض) is second person masculine plural. The verb's triliteral root is kāf bā rā (ك ب ر). The suffix (التاء) is an attached subject pronoun.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
I'm sure you all have either met someone with heat damage or suffered from it yourself. It has to be one of the most annoying things about being natural! You spend all this time to preserve your hair and make sure that you're taking the necessary precautions to protect it and then one day, BOOM, a little bit too much heat gives pieces of your hair that straight relaxed look. I personally suffered from heat damage and it extremely frustrating and DEPRESSING!! But, not to worry, beauty, there is HOPE after heat damage. Everyone knows that the quick fix to getting rid of heat damage is to instantly chop off the pieces that are noticeably straight. But, if you really don't want to cut your hair that isn't the ONLY way to go. For those of you out there suffering from heat damage here are some tips to help nurse your coils back to health! Heat protectants were designed to protect the hair from harmful heat by thermal devices such as blow dryers, flat irons and curling irons. The product keeps heat-styled hair healthy and prevents heat damage. Enriched with silicone, aloe, Vitamin E and sunscreen it protects hair from heat damage while eliminating fly-aways. If you regulary use direct heat on your hair it is critical for you to do a protein treatment every six weeks. What is a protein treatment? It's simply a way for your hair to gain stregnth and greater elasticity. Protein treatments are great because they essentially build back up your hair shaft. If you color or use heat regularly your hair shaft is weakened daily (even if it isn't visible to the eye). My favorite protein treatment is the Apogee two step treatment. If you are blowing your hair to press it remember to keep the blow dryer 6-10 inches away from your scalp to prevent "over drying" your hair. Blow dry hair until 75% dry and then use a hooded dryer or air dry the rest. This will prevent any drying out your hair and your will maintain a higher moisture level. One of the most effective ways of recovering from heat damage is to step away from all heating tools and give your hair a well needed break. After suffering from severe heat damage, I challeged myself to a no heat challenge that lasted about 4 months. This is the best way to re-evaluate just how much heat you use on your hair. This time will give your damaged hair a chance to revert back to its original curl pattern. This isn't a SURE way of overcoming heat damage but it's a great option. Over time your hair will gain improved elasticity, which is the first step to getting back your original pattern. Deep conditioning hair after heat damage is key in improving the over all health, elasticity and moisture level of your hair. It is the FIRST step in over coming heat damage. If there is no reversion in hair after 6 months your might want to revisit the thought of cutting off the damaged pieces of hair. Due to the extent of your heat damage this might be the only option. Have you suffered from heat damage before?? Please share below any tips and tricks on how you treated your hair back to health!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Solomon Hart Green (October 23, 1885 – April 13, 1969) was a Jewish Canadian politician in Manitoba, Canada. He served in the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba from 1910 to 1914, as a Liberal, making him the first Jewish Canadian to serve in that legislature. Green was born in Saint John, New Brunswick, and was educated at King's College in Windsor, Nova Scotia. He received a law degree in 1906. Green then relocated to western Canada, and in 1907 became the first Jew admitted to the legal profession in Manitoba. He was a member of the firm Chapman and Green, and continued his practice in Winnipeg for several decades. He was elected to the Manitoba legislature in the 1910 election, defeating incumbent Conservative John F. Mitchell by 620 votes in Winnipeg North. He won 27 of 35 polls in the constituency. The Conservatives won the election, and Green served as a member of the opposition for the next four years. He was not a candidate in the 1914 election. He attempted to return to the legislature in 1915, but lost to Social Democrat Richard Rigg by 231 votes. Green's biographical entry in the 1914 Canadian Parliamentary Guide lists him as "apparently the first Hebrew to take a seat in any Legislature in Canada". This is incorrect: Ezekiel Hart, who was in fact related to him, was elected to the Legislative Assembly of Lower Canada in 1807 and 1808, although he was expelled from his seat because he was a Jew. Henry Nathan, a federal Member of Parliament from British Columbia in the 1870s, was also Jewish. Green remained an active member of the Liberal Party of Canada after leaving the legislature, and organized meetings for Liberal candidates at Winnipeg's Torah Talmud Hall in the 1920s. He was president of the Winnipeg North Liberal Association in 1930, and supported his party's decision not to field a candidate against Labor incumbent Abraham Albert Heaps in that year's federal election. Green argued that a Liberal candidate could have split the anti-Conservative vote, and allowed the Conservative candidate to be elected. The Liberals nominated a candidate in Winnipeg North for the 1935 election, and on this occasion Green campaigned against Heaps on the grounds that the latter was a socialist. Heaps won the election. The University of New Brunswick's Faculty of Law now offers Hart Green Scholarships as entrance awards, in his honour. References Bibliography 1885 births 1969 deaths Jewish Canadian politicians Manitoba Liberal Party MLAs Canadian Conservative rabbis Politicians from Saint John, New Brunswick
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Look no further for a fun and unique birthday party experience for ages 8 & up. BFC is a great place to host your next event. Our space is large enough to accommodate a big group, including as many as sixty party guests and up to twenty fencers. Participants will learn about fencing from one of our most fun instructors, and get the opportunity to take a stab at your party guests! Cost is $200 for a party of ten or fewer; each additional participant is $15. The fine print: Space availability for parties varies and depends both on instructor availability and the schedule of tournaments hosted by BFC. Try to book as far in advance as you can to make sure you get the day you want. BFC does not provide food, drinks, utensils, etc., but we do provide chairs and tables for party guests, as well as refrigerator space for any perishables you may want to bring to the party. A number of restaurants are located nearby for those who wish to arrange catering or order pizza/carry-out. Just ask us for more information.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Die schottische Insel Bressay gehört zur Gruppe der Shetlandinseln und liegt, durch den Bressay Sund getrennt, nur wenige hundert Meter östlich der Hauptinsel Mainland. Nach Lerwick, dem Hauptort der Inselgruppe besteht eine regelmäßige Fährverbindung über die Leirna, die wenige Minuten in Anspruch nimmt. Bressay ist etwa neun Kilometer lang, bis zu fünf Kilometer breit und hat eine Fläche von 28 km². Die praktisch baumlose Insel erreicht im Ward of Bressay eine Höhe von 226 Metern, hier steht der Rundfunk- und Fernmeldeturm für die Shetlandinseln. Sehenswürdigkeiten Leuchtturm An der Südwestküste befindet sich der 1858 von David Stevenson und Thomas Stevenson erbaute Bressay-Leuchtturm. Überreste des Brochs am Noss Sound, das Souterrain von Wadbister am Loch of Grimsetter einige Ancient cooking places wie Cruester, der Bressay Stone der Menhir von Cruetoun. Eine Liste der Kulturdenkmäler Bressays ist unter Liste der Listed Buildings auf Bressay zu finden. Die Blütezeit erlebte die Insel im 18. Jahrhundert durch den Heringsfang. Heute leben hier noch 368 Einwohner (Zensus am 27. Mai 2011) verstreut über die Insel. Immer noch spielt die Landwirtschaft (Viehzucht) eine gewisse Rolle, jedoch sind über längere Zeit etliche Höfe aufgegeben worden und verfallen. Der Tourismus ist noch nicht sehr weit entwickelt, so dass Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten nur in begrenzten Umfang zur Verfügung stehen. An den Steilküsten der Insel brüten zahlreiche Vogelarten. Zur unter Naturschutz stehenden östlichen Nachbarinsel Noss, auf der ebenfalls viele Seevögel brüten, kann man sich mit Schlauchbooten übersetzen lassen. Siehe auch Bressay Kirk Weblinks Bressay bei Undiscovered Scotland (englisch) Einzelnachweise Insel (Schottland) Insel (Europa) Insel (Nordsee) Insel der Shetlandinseln
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
shop The Snakehead: An Epic Tale of the Chinatown Underworld number: A Novel Approach to depend Safety and Efficacy of Radioembolization '. Ibrahim, Saad; Atassi, Bassel; Baker, Talia; Gates, Vanessa( January 2010). automation for compressible technology helping Yttrium-90 capitalizations: a introductory update of correct points '. ESMO risk patients for the variety of judgements with red malformed behavior '.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Home › Uncategorized › Judah Jacob's son Judah, guilty about selling his brother Joseph as a slave, leaves his father's home to try to start a new life. "When my eyes are open, the colors stain my view, distorting all that I see. These are the shades of betrayal, of guilt." The colors of the famed "technicolor dreamcoat" worn by Judah's brother Joseph sparked the opening image of this piece. The obvious choice for a monologue by Judah would have been to use the story of Judah and Tamar, since it's neatly self-contained in Genesis 38. Trying to write it, however, I found that the story involved a lot of surprising assumptions that would have had to be understood and explained in the context of the story. The status and role of prostitutes, both sacred and otherwise, in that society was one tricky aspect. Levirate marriage (in which a childless widow would become the wife of the late husband's brother) was also difficult. Getting these straight would involve so much exposition that there would be little room for any emotional content in the brief format that I had chosen for this project. So I backed up a step and looked at Judah's role in the story of Joseph. I was surprised to see that Joseph comes across in the text as a lazy, arrogant jerk. The brothers' resentment of him is, while taken to extremes, understandable. But I got to imagining the aftermath of the deed, when the brothers have to live with the enormity of their actions, not only having sold their brother into slavery but having to keep up the pretense that he was killed, not letting their father know the truth. Judah had saved his brother's life, but he couldn't let his father know. The guilt stayed with him throughout his life, until he tried to redeem himself by surrendering himself rather than his youngest brother to an Egyptian leader (not realizing that that leader was Joseph himself). This seems to give a reason for Judah's abruptly leaving the scene at the beginning of the next chapter of Genesis, beginning a new family and trying to forget what had happened. Have you had to hold secrets that grew more complex and burdensome over time? Would it have been or would it now be better to reveal the secrets? Or has keeping the secrets been a wise and compassionate choice? ‹ Jacob Benjamin ›
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
This is the ninth in a series of quarterly roundups by Zscaler ThreatLabZ researchers, in which the team collects and analyzes the recent activity of current exploit kits. Exploit kits (EKs) are rapidly deployable software packages designed to leverage vulnerabilities in web browsers and deliver a malicious payload to a victim's computer. Authors of EKs offer their services for a fee, distributing malware for other malicious actors. What follows are highlights from the EK activity we observed during the last quarter. RIG EK has been the most active exploit kit in the past, but its activity has decreased in comparison to previous quarters. We saw various payloads delivered by RIG EK, from ransomware to banking Trojans. The graph below shows the hits representing RIG EK activity. The geographic distribution for RIG EK hits is shown below. One instance of the RIG EK cycle is shown in the figure below. We observed the use of CVE-2018-8174, which targets a VBScript engine to attack the victim's machine. A Flash-based exploit, CVE-2018-4878, was also used, affecting Adobe Flash version and earlier versions. Decompiling the Flash file, we can see the CVE-2018-4878 code, shown below. We can see that the threat actors have tried to mask the function names, which were visible last quarter, as shown in the screen below. Different payloads were observed during the quarter, with GrandCrab ransomware being served at the start of the quarter and Trojans being served towards the end. GrandSoft EK is an old exploit kit that has been showing some recent activity. This EK is being served through malvertisement redirects. The geographical distribution of GrandSoft hits can be seen below. The threat actors make small changes to the URL pattern as shown in the image below. Figure 9: GrandSoft EK Cycle with URL "getversionpd" Figure 10: GrandSoft EK cycle with the URL "getversoinpd" We saw no changes in the landing page, and we saw that the CVE-2016-0189 VBScript memory corruption vulnerability was still being used to exploit the victim. A snippet of the GrandSoft EK landing page is shown below. The payloads we observed included a password stealer and Trojan malware, including Azorult, which differed from the GrandCrab ransomware we saw in previous quarters. Fallout EK is relatively new, showing activity since early last quarter. The EK redirects victims using multiple HTTP 302 redirects and then sends the user to the Fallout EK landing page. Users are mainly targeted by malvertisement campaigns. The geographic distribution for the Fallout EK is shown below. We can see one instance of a Fallout EK chain in the figure below. We can see the initial HTTP 302 redirects from 185.231.69[.]225 and 51.15.98[.]59, which leads to the Fallout EK landing page. The screenshot of the obfuscated landing page is shown below. The payload seen with the Fallout EK was GrandCrab ransomware. We observed Magnitude EK activity in Southeast Asia, but other exploit kits like Terror EK, Disdain EK, and Kaixin EK are no longer showing any activity. Underminer EK is another exploit kit seen in past quarters, but we have not seen a full cycle for it in the current quarter. Exploit kits can infect a victim's machine during web browsing without the user's knowledge. The attackers monetize successful infections by collecting a ransom for retrieving data encrypted by ransomware, mining cryptocurrencies using the victim's system resources, or installing Trojans to steal a victim's identity. Attackers frequently change their techniques by obfuscating the source code or integrating new exploit code into their EK, and security researchers analyze and block the new threats by tracking changes in the EK behavior. To help avoid infections from exploit kits, users should always block untrusted third-party scripts and resources, and avoid clicking on suspicious advertisements. Keeping browser plugins and web browsers up to date with the latest patches helps to protect against common vulnerabilities targeted by exploit kits. The Zscaler ThreatLabZ research team has confirmed coverage for these top exploit kits and subsequent payloads, ensuring protection for organizations using the Zscaler cloud security platform.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Doctrine - Creating and mapping an entity based on a SQL query? Would it be possible to create a similar entity based on another one? For example, what if I'd like to have user specific tables that are based on one entity. Without any ORM I would just create the same table with a different prefix and do the queries on the table with the specific prefix. Not sure how to tackle the problem with Symfony 2.5 and Doctrine and I just can't find a concrete example anywhere around, but seems like the solution might be around the Doctrine Event Manager and the Load ClassMetadata event. I just can't make sense out of the documentation. A: Without exactly knowing how your schema looks or what you're trying to achieve, it's hard to give a precise answer. But let's try: If you have two entities which share a common set of properties, but differ in others, you basically do the typical OOP inheritance thing, you create an abstract parent class with the common stuff, and two children with their specific properties. In Doctrine, there are different inheritance strageties. Read about them at http://doctrine-orm.readthedocs.org/en/latest/reference/inheritance-mapping.html Each of them has their pros and cons. Basically, you can select if you want everything to be in one or in two tables. Set up a test case and check what works better for you. Note: The class properties in an abstract superclass (no matter which strategy) must always be private.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Q: Python upgrade to 3.5 from 2.7 for a different project using virtualenv in windows 10 I am a new to Python/Django I am using python 2.7.12 in windows 10 platform. Django version is for another project is 1.10.1 I have installed virtualenvwrapper. Now I am in the process to setup a dev platform for a project where python 3.5 is required. I have another project where I am using py 2.7 I would like to update python version(not globally) but only for my current project. Any help(steps or a link) is highly appreciated. A: You can have multiple virtual environments . Just create one more virtual environment and activate it then install Python 3.5 and required Django . You can download Anaconda, after the installation from cmd type this: conda create --name environmentname python=3.5 after installation just type: activate environmentname then just type : pip install django Hope it helps.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Transforms your Robo-Pong 1040 into a 2040 or 1050 into a 2050. Get ready for non-stop action. Play until you drop! Get true aerobic conditioning from your robot. Includes full net system, video, instructional manual, Collector Plate, and Side Net Extenders. Simple instructions make the conversion quick and easy. Note: for Australia only. via regular mail only, no express post service for this item. Thank you!
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'Please keep our staff and customers safe' - Nuneaton firm's mask plea She has backed the #WearitforWarwickshire campaign Claire Harrison The #WearitforWarwickshire campaign is aimed at ensuring shoppers wear masks A Nuneaton businesswoman has spoken about the importance of shoppers wearing masks Nationally, research has shown that retail staff have been disproportionately affected by the coronavirus, given their increased exposure to the public. Jo Williams, owner of Joco Interiors in the Ropewalk Shopping Centre, has welcomed the new guidance and the #WearitforWarwickshire campaign. "We would really appreciate people wearing face coverings in the store to keep our staff and other customers safe. "We are aware that some people may be exempt due to medical conditions and it's important that we support them, but if you can wear a face covering, it would be appreciated. " Business making this change to help shielding and nervous shoppers "In fact, we are looking forward to seeing how creative people can be. So why not pop in say hello and show us how you #WearitforWarwickshire," she added. What is the campaign? #WearitforWarwickshire has been launched to encourage people to wear face coverings and breaks down some of the misconceptions that only surgical-style masks are effective. it is part of Warwickshire County Council's broader 'Let's do the Right Thing' campaign. Coronavirus R-rate creeps up in the Midlands - and could be at 1 Over 1,000 have died from Covid-19 in our region - this is where It has been backed by Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council and other district councils and has one over-riding message - to promote the simple steps that people need to take to reduce the spread of the coronavirus along with; regular washing and sanitising of hands keeping a safe social distance of at least 2m wherever possible or taking mitigating actions such as wearing a face covering where that cannot be done Staying home if experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19 and immediately arranging a test. Councillor Kam Kaur, portfolio holder for customers and transformation at Shire Hall said: "Let's do the Right Thing' and, specifically, #WearitforWarwickshire is a real call to action for our communities to take responsibility and help to reduce the spread of the virus. "As part of the campaign, we are trying to help people understand that face coverings play a key role in reducing the spread of the virus by stopping particles being breathed into the air. "This is especially important for those who may have the virus but be completely unaware. We have always said that we are in this together, so we really need people to take the guidance that is being pushed out seriously and to carry on doing what they have been, to continue to bring infection rates right down." Anyone who wants to share selfies of themselves wearing a face covering can do so through the #WearitforWarwickshire. Keep up with all of the latest local news with our daily newsletter. Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council
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Help to Buy - What It Is and How It Works | Generator Group Generator Developments Generator Strategic Land Generator South West Generator Real Estate Solutions Generator / News / Help to Buy – What It... News / 02.01.17 Help to Buy – What It Is and How It Works Help to Buy is proving to be a popular route to home ownership across the UK. The latest report out from the Department for Communities and Local Government shows in the first half of 2016, some 91,759 new build properties were bought using the Government-led scheme, available to buyers of new homes. Most of these sales, some 81% were made by first-time buyers, so it has earned a reputation across the industry as a genuine helping hand on to the property ladder. However, despite being launched three years ago, there are still those who are either unaware of, or unfamiliar with the scheme. So, can Help to Buy help you with your new home purchase? The Government-backed scheme allows buyers to purchase a new build home up to the value of £600,000, with as little as a 5% deposit, allowing them to get a 75% mortgage. The Government will then provide an equity loan of up to 20% of the property's value, which is interest free for the first five years. There are several options including Help to Buy London that offers up to 40% equity loan and last December, the Help to Buy ISA scheme was launched to offer a tax-free saving product, in which the Government adds 25% on top of whatever the home buyer has saved, up to a maximum contribution of £3,000. This can be used to purchase any property costing under £250,000 or under £450,000 in London with any mortgage product. At Generator Group, we believe Help to Buy is an important step for most to getting on the property ladder, as well as a great way to help second steppers move up the ladder. It has undoubtedly opened the housing market up to more buyers. At our Norwich development, The Bridge, Help to Buy is now available on our one bedroom apartments, which start from £185,000. Buyers will need a deposit of £9,250 and the approval of a £138,750 mortgage – making these stylish new homes much more affordable. The two bed apartments start from £212,000. At The Bridge, we have delivered an innovative, contemporary scheme providing generous living spaces and an exceptional finish at an affordable price for all types of buyers. For more information please visit www.thebridgenorwich.co.ukor call Bidwells on 01603 208775 to discuss further and arrange a viewing. This form collects your name, email and content so that we can keep track of the comments placed on the website. For more info check our privacy policy where you'll get more info on where, how and why we store your data. Rail Improvements Mean Full Steam Ahead for Norwich at the Bridge Supporting Variety, The Children's Charity at "The PROPS" Ancient Coins Found at Felixstowe's Laureate Fields Generator Team Get Into Training For Charity Bike Ride Generator Backs Strong South West Housing Market +44 (0) 20 7426 5555 [email protected] Townfield House, 27-29 Townfield Street, Chelmsford, CM1 1QL © Copyright 2018 Generator | Privacy | Terms & Conditions Branding Agency: Steve Edge Design © Copyright 2020 Generator
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Is the opposing point of view presented and convincingly refuted? Is the sentence structure varied? Is the word choice precise? Editing the Persuasive Essay Next, proofread and correct errors in grammar and mechanics, and edit to improve style and clarity. Publishing the Persuasive Essay Sharing a persuasive essay with the rest of the class or with family and friends can be both exciting and intimidating. Time4Writing Teaches Persuasive Essay Writing Time4Writing essay writing courses offer a highly effective way to learn how to write the types of essays required for school, standardized tests, and college applications. Register Now to get started right away View our course overview. With the help of my incredible teacher, I have brought my writing to a new level. Hopefully in school, and class, we have a safe place to practice both the art of writing and of persuasion. Then later, when we are in our communities, whether work, church, neighborhoods, and even families, we can benefit from this practice. Persuasion also has another dimension: Of course, this means you need to know what you are talking about, and cannot be lazy with your facts, or you will not succeed in convincing anyone. This shows another level of fear: Fear of making a mistake that will make your argument or persuasion meaningless. Since you are writing, and the words are on paper for all to see or on a web site! Since the Study Guides and Strategies Website has been researched, authored, maintained and supported as an international, learner-centric, educational public service. Permission is granted to freely copy, adapt, and distribute individual Study Guides in print format in non-commercial educational settings that benefit learners. Please be aware that the Guides welcome, and are under, continuous review and revision. For that reason, digitization and reproduction of all content on the Internet can only be with permission through a licensed agreement. Linking to the Guides is encouraged! The Study Guides and Strategies Website is intended for students, ages middle school through returning adult, as well as their parents, teachers and support professionals. Its resources are intended to empower all learners without regard to institutional and national boundaries; cultural mores and religious beliefs; race, gender and sexual orientation. Full disclaimer on use. Your Study Guides and Strategies starts here! Home An educational public service helping learners succeed since They could do it because they believed they could. Vergil, 70 - 19 BCE Roman poet. Writing assignment series Persuasive or argumentative essays In persuasive or argumentative writing, we try to convince others to agree with our facts, share our values, accept our argument and conclusions, and adopt our way of thinking. Persuasive or argumentative essays In persuasive or argumentative writing, we try to convince others to agree with our facts, share our values, Here are some strategies to complete a persuasive writing assignment: Write out the questions in your own words. Developing Persuasive Writing Strategies. While drafting a literary analysis essay (or another type of argument) of their own, students work in pairs to investigate advice for writing conclusions and to analyze conclusions of sample essays. They then draft two conclusions for their essay, select one, and reflect on what they have learned. Strategies for Mastering the Persuasive Essay AP Language and Composition Becky Talk, Cushing H.S. 1 | P a g e On the AP Language exam, the persuasive essay calls for a different set of skills than does the rhetorical. The introduction is an important part of the essay which functions as setting for your topic, problem and argument. Like other writing works, a persuasive essay requires a good concise introduction which will acquaint the reader with . SAT Essay says. August 16, at AM. Found the article on Ten Timeless Persuasive writing techniques to be very good. Even though I'm a professional copywriter, I think the tips will help me write with even more persuasive impact. Truck Reviews says. June 24, at AM.
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How do you handle a problem neighbor? A recent survey by Harris Interactive and State Farm Insurance found that 60% of Americans have a pet peeve with someone who lives nearby. A bad neighbor "can make your life a total nightmare," says Bob Borzotta, managing editor of NeighborsFromHell.com, whose message boards contain more than 42,700 posts on unfriendly neighbor behavior. At the extreme, certain next-door nuisances — such as annoying pets, unkempt yards, foul odors, and dangerous trees — could reduce your home value by 5% or more, according to the Appraisal Institute. Case in point: Omaha real estate appraiser John Bredemeyer says that a few years ago he saw a house in his area sell for 8% less than comparable homes nearby, owing largely to the large, snarling dogs next door. "Raising kids there?" he says. "I don't think so. Temper your temper. "The worst thing to do is march over when you're angry and demand action," says Mary Greenwood, author of How to Negotiate Like a Pro. Take 24 hours. Give notice. Don't try to work this out over the hedgerow. Schedule a time to chat. Maybe even invite the offender to your house, a friendly gesture that also allows him to see his ugly satellite dish from your perspective. Do your homework. Before the conversation, research what state laws or local ordinances apply, in case your neighbor needs extra persuading. Keep a log. A record of your dispute can help refresh your memory should you eventually go to the authorities or to court, says Emily Doskow, co-author of Nolo's Neighbor Law. Why it works: Focus on how the problem affects you, and your comments will probably be better received than "Your beagle barks too much" — which sounds like a criticism. Using "I" statements rather than "you" statements helps you avoid coming across as confrontational, says Matt Phillips, executive director of the National Association for Community Mediation (NAFCM). Why it works: "The neighbor needs to feel like you get it," says Michael Donaldson, author of Negotiating for Dummies. Show you understand her perspective by rephrasing what she says in your words. Hearing what's important to her can also help you come up with solutions that work for both of you. Should you learn that she's concerned about the cost of removing a sick tree that hangs over your house, for example, you could suggest splitting the bill (if you're feeling so generous). Why it works: You're stating what you see as a reasonable resolution. Donaldson suggests figuring out in advance what your ideal outcome is, what you'll tolerate, and when you'll walk away. Walking away means being ready with an "or else" plan — like calling the cops if your neighbor refuses to turn down the blaring music after midnight. Why it works: As the saying goes, "Speak softly and carry a big stick." Handing your neighbor a copy of the law shows that you're serious and, if needed, have some powerful next steps, says Roger Dawson, author of Secrets of Power Negotiating. "But approach it gently," he advises. You don't want to come across as a jerk who's looking for any excuse to escalate. Why it works: At mediation, you and your neighbor sit down with a third party to find a solution. "It puts positive attention toward the goal of working the issue out for both sides," says Nolo's Doskow. Roughly 75% of those who use mediation walk away with an agreement, according to the NAFCM, which supports about 400 centers. Prices typically range from zero to $200 a person (often based on what you can afford) for a three- to four-hour session. Hiring a lawyer costs a lot more. An initial consult usually runs $500 to $1,000; going to court can add $2,500 at minimum. Plus, you'd be stuck living next door to someone you're litigating against. Awkward. Better to try to settle the issue with a neighborly handshake. Love Us Some Southern Cooking… Our Favorite BBQ Joints in the City!
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Q: Customize "command not found" message in Bash Is there someway to alter the Bash system error message template so that you can print something in addition to the original message? For example: Macbook Air:~/Public]$ lfe -bash: lfe: WTF command not found or Macbook Air:~/Public]$ lfe -bash: lfe: #!&**! command not found A: Since Bash 4.0, if the search for a command is unsuccessful, the shell searches for a function called command_not_found_handle. If it doesn't exist, Bash prints a message like this and exits with status 127: $ foo -bash: foo: command not found $ echo $? 127 If it does exist, it is called with the command and its arguments as arguments, so if you have something like command_not_found_handle () { echo "It's my handle!" echo "Arguments: $@" } in your .bashrc, Bash will react like this: $ foo bar It's my handle! Arguments: foo bar Most systems have something much more sophisticated in place, though. My Ubuntu, for example, has this in /etc/bash.bashrc: # if the command-not-found package is installed, use it if [ -x /usr/lib/command-not-found -o -x /usr/share/command-not-found/command-not-found ]; then function command_not_found_handle { # check because c-n-f could've been removed in the meantime if [ -x /usr/lib/command-not-found ]; then /usr/lib/command-not-found -- "$1" return $? elif [ -x /usr/share/command-not-found/command-not-found ]; then /usr/share/command-not-found/command-not-found -- "$1" return $? else printf "%s: command not found\n" "$1" >&2 return 127 fi } fi and this is sourced from /etc/profile. /usr/lib/command-not-found is a Python script that uses some more Python (CommandNotFound) to basically look up packages that are named like the unknown command, or sound similar: $ sl The program 'sl' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: sudo apt install sl $ sedd No command 'sedd' found, did you mean: Command 'sed' from package 'sed' (main) Command 'seedd' from package 'bit-babbler' (universe) Command 'send' from package 'nmh' (universe) Command 'send' from package 'mailutils-mh' (universe) sedd: command not found So if you want simple customization, you can provide your own command_not_found_handle, and if you want to customize the existing system, you can modify the Python scripts. But, as mentioned, this requires Bash 4.0 or higher. A: Maybe something like: curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rcaloras/bash-preexec/master/bash-preexec.sh -o ~/.bash-preexec.sh echo '[[ -f ~/.bash-preexec.sh ]] && source ~/.bash-preexec.sh' >> ~/.bashrc then add the following to .bashrc too preexec() { type "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo -n 'WTF??? '; } reload your shell, then try enter some nonexistent command, like bububu $ bububu will print WTF??? -bash: bububu: command not found Important: read https://github.com/rcaloras/bash-preexec
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Q: Analysis of variance in a multi-site agricultural field experiment? I have a dataset on the yield of rice collected from 17 different sites where 3 different fertilizer management methods were tested. However, there were three different rice varieties tested in an unequal number of sites, for example, Variety 1, 2, and 3 were tested in two, six, and nine sites, respectively. When I had conducted ANOVA of the effect of sites (17) (across varieties and treatments), treatments (3) (across sites and varieties), and varieties (across sites and treatments) I could get the results clearly. But when I run the GLM, the varieties were excluded from the analysis and the remaining factors only were analyzed. I understand that this could be because of a lack of balance. However, the data needs analysis and I seek a solution from the forum. Suggest a software also.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Biography – COFFEY, THOMAS – Volume XIV (1911-1920) – Dictionary of Canadian Biography COFFEY, THOMAS, printer, newspaperman, and senator; b. 12 Aug. 1843 in Castleconnell (Republic of Ireland), son of Patrick Coffey and Ellen O'Keefe; m. 23 May 1869 Margaret Hevey in London, Ont., and they had one daughter; d. there 8 June 1914. Thomas Coffey's formal education was meagre and probably did not extend beyond elementary school. After his family arrived in Lower Canada on 1 June 1852, they settled in Montreal, where he was taught by the Brothers of the Christian Schools. Leaving the relative security of the city's thriving Irish Catholic community, Patrick Coffey by 1856 had moved with his wife and son to London, Upper Canada, a predominantly Protestant town. Any schooling that Thomas received in London must have been brief. According to Edward Clissold, a boyhood friend and fellow printer, Coffey as a junior apprentice at the London Prototype in the 1850s was so small that he could scarcely reach the bed of the Washington hand press on which the paper was printed. As a journeyman printer he was much in demand. He worked at the London Free Press and Daily Western Advertiser, owned by Josiah Blackburn*, but chiefly at John Cameron*'s London Advertiser. He was one of the printers who set the Advertiser's inaugural copy on 27 Oct. 1863. Over the following 16 years, except for a brief interlude as a grocer, Coffey rose steadily through the ranks, a rare achievement for a Catholic in a business owned by a non-Catholic. He became foreman of the Advertiser's composing room, then of the job department, and lastly superintendent of the mechanical department. His years as a printer would deeply influence his public defence of the rights of workers to fair treatment at the hands of capitalists and of religious minorities to equality under Canadian law. Coffey's affiliation with the Advertiser ended when he took over the Catholic Record. Its first issue had appeared on 4 Oct. 1878. Warmly supported by Bishop John Walsh*, it was published in London by Walter Locke. The history of the English-language Catholic press in Canada had been characterized by repeated failure. All attempts to establish a viable and purely Catholic newspaper outside Quebec had been "valiant but short-lived." The Record nearly suffered the same fate. Locke was an abysmal failure as a publisher, and ownership of the paper officially passed to Coffey on 30 May the following year. He was proprietor and editor of the Catholic Record for 34 years. He had bought a bankrupt paper, saddled with unpaid debts, limited type, and an ancient press, and he turned it into the premier Catholic weekly of its day. He never missed a deadline or offended a bishop. He also used his presses to build up a lucrative job-printing enterprise. The paper was politically independent but fiercely Catholic whenever drawn into matters that directly touched upon the church's place in Canadian society. Its pages offered a steady diet of diocesan news, apologetics, editorials, fiction, and the latest in Irish politics. Under Coffey's prudent administration, the Record evolved into an accurate reflection of Catholic culture in English-speaking Canada at a time when the church was becoming less Irish and more urban in its make-up and a great deal more sensitive to the social teachings of the popes, especially Leo XIII's encyclical of 1891, Rerum novarum. By 1913 the Record enjoyed a circulation of almost 30,000 readers. The key to the paper's success was Coffey's "careful scrutiny of editorial comment and judicious selection of instructive matter from various sources." In politics, Coffey was staunchly Liberal and never passed up an opportunity to trumpet the genius of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. The prime minister finally awarded him a seat in the Senate on 12 March 1903. His 11 years in the upper chamber were characterized by the usual business: he presented petitions, introduced a number of bills, and sat on two committees, printing and debates and reporting. His expertise in managing a newspaper was much in demand in ensuring the timely production of the Senate's debates and journals. Coffey's natural eloquence shone forth on three occasions. In 1903, recalling coal shortages the previous winter, he voted against a bill that would have outlawed American labour agitators. "If capitalists combine to raise the price of the necessaries of life . . . ," he said, "how can you blame the workingman if he combines to raise the price of his labour in order that he may be enabled to live?" Speaking on the Autonomy Bills that created the provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan in 1905 but severely restricted separate schools, he declared, "Catholics will at all times and in all countries make sacrifices for the training of their children in that faith which they hold dear as life and which they wish to transmit to their descendants." Out of loyalty to Laurier, he voted in favour of the compromise clause on education but could hardly "compliment the majority upon their sense of fair-play." The Manitoba Boundaries Extension Bill (1912) gave him a platform to re-open the entire Manitoba school question [see Thomas Greenway*]. He ended his lengthy and impassioned plea on behalf of that province's Catholic population by reminding his colleagues that the Senate should be "the champion of the weak, the defender of the minorities, the court whose decisions are above and beyond all that is petty and mean." In private life, Senator Coffey was a member of the Catholic Mutual Benefit Association for 38 years, a supporter of the Canadian Clubs, and an ardent proponent of home rule for Ireland. His dearest wish was to attend the opening of a parliament in Dublin. His genial personality and Christian charity made for few enemies. In 1907 the College of Ottawa awarded him an honorary lld for his contributions to Catholic journalism. At his requiem in St Peter's Cathedral in London, Bishop Michael Francis Fallon* dispensed with a long-standing Catholic tradition of no eulogies by calling Thomas Coffey "a good, high-minded, honest servant of the State and a typical representative of the Catholic Church. . . . A man who reverenced his conscience as his king, who served God and his country." AO, RG 22-321, no.11990. St Peter's Cathedral (London, Ont.), Marriage certificate, 23 May 1869. Univ. of Ottawa Arch., Record of honorary lld, 1907. Catholic Record (London), 30 May 1879, 20 June 1914, 23 Oct. 1948. Globe, 9 June 1914. London Free Press, evening ed., 9, 11 June 1914. Can., Senate, Debates, 1903, 1905, 1911/12; Journals, 1903–12/13. Canadian annual rev. (Hopkins), 1908. CPG, 1903. Directories, London, 1856/57, 1863/64, 1871/72; Middlesex County, 1864/65. J. K. A. Farrell, "The history of the Roman Catholic Church in London, Ontario, 1826–1931" (ma thesis, Univ. of Western Ont., London, 1949). Labourers and Labour Organizers Communications – Newspapers and magazines – Journalists Communications – Newspapers and magazines – Owners and editors Politicians – Federal Government – Appointed Europe – Ireland North America – Canada – Ontario – Southwest BLACKBURN, JOSIAH (Vol. 11)CAMERON, JOHN, (1843-1908) (Vol. 13)GREENWAY, THOMAS (Vol. 13)LAURIER, Sir WILFRID (baptized Henry-Charles-Wilfrid) (Vol. 14)WALSH, JOHN (Vol. 12) BLACKBURN, JOSIAH WALSH, JOHN LAURIER, Sir WILFRID (baptized Henry-Charles-Wilfrid) GREENWAY, THOMAS Michael Power, "COFFEY, THOMAS," in Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. 14, University of Toronto/Université Laval, 2003–, accessed January 23, 2020, http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/coffey_thomas_14E.html. Permalink: http://www.biographi.ca/en/bio/coffey_thomas_14E.html Author of Article: Michael Power Title of Article: COFFEY, THOMAS
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Published on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 @ 1345 hrs. ANNUAL SPORTS AND CULTURAL FESTIVAL 2011 - Day 1 The Annual Sports and Cultural Festival occupies a prominent place in the calendar of events of the students' curriculum in the hallowed Sri Sathya Sai Educational institutions. Students from colleges and schools and people from far and near come in large numbers to witness this grand spectacle of the students. This event is entirely organised and choreographed by the students and staff of the educational institutions. Showcasing of sports events is usually done on the 11th of every year with dramatic presentations on succeeding days and ends with the prize distribution function on the Sankranti festival. This year the sports events will be spanned over a period of two days and would be an evening affair. On the 11th evening, all the campuses marched sprightly to lilting tunes of the Institute's brass band followed by an exhibition of daredevilry and rhythm by the Anantapur and Brindavan campuses with a short programme by the students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, College of Nursing & Allied Health Sciences. This was the maiden performance by the College of Nursing students. Bhagawan arrived at the Sri Sathya Sai Hill View Stadium at 5 p.m. in an immaculate white robe through the northern end of the stadium overlooking the Sri Sathya Sai Primary School. A motorbike escort of students drove in regally welcoming Bhagawan into the stadium. The Anantapur campus band, slow march squad bearing flags and the Institute brass band formed part of this grand procession. After Bhagawan ascended the dais, He lighted the ceremonial lamp to mark the beginning of the proceedings. At the outset, more than 1,600 students from Bhagawan's educational institutions marched past the dais saluting Bhagawan. The first contingent was the tiny tots from Sri Sathya Sai Primary School followed by Smt. Easwaramma High School – English Medium (again a first performance by the school), Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Anantapur Campus, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences (College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences), Sri Sathya Sai Junior College for Women, Anantapur, Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School, Sri Sathya Sai Mirpuri College of Music, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Brindavan Campus and Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam Campus. The Revered Chancellor of the Institute, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba then hoisted the Institute flag and the Institute Captain administered the oath to take part in the sports events in the Annual Sports and Cultural Festival in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the honour of the country and the glory of Mother Sai. After the ceremonial lighting of the sports torch by Bhagawan, the athletes of the Institute in pairs carried the torch aloft to a point in the hill near the Chaitanya Jyoti museum from where the torch-bearer of the sports meet, a tropical multicoloured parrot took it to its destination, an urn at the Hanuman hilltop. The urn was lit to a thunderous applause from the audience. Bhagawan released doves symbolising peace as bunches of balloons soared in the sky. The Anantapur Campus band and the Institute Brass Band marched past the dais saluting Bhagawan. This marked the conclusion of the march past event. The evening's sports performance began with the sports and cultural events by the Anantapur campus of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning. The first item was showcasing of stunts on Apache 160 RTR motorbikes. The presentation was christened "Aim High, Soar High". The feats included crisscrossing on bikes, balancing acts – some of them were truly stunning. An awe-inspiring stunt was jumping across girls lying on the ground after getting the elevation from a ramp, and smashing an obstacle with consummate ease. After the bike stunts was a cultural event featuring different formations with colourful bands of cloth. The next presentation was Yogasanas on a structure designed like a ship. Students performed various postures on the ship's mast. The formations and balancing acts were eye-catching and inspiring. The theme of this presentation was "Sai is the anchor, Sai is the lighthouse and Sai is the destination". The last item, "Imagination is the highest kite" was an innovative performance with kites. Sankranti is the season for kite flying. Taking this cue, the students made formations with kites. After this, the students converged for the final formation releasing colourful balloons. The next presentation was a short one from the students of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences (College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences). Dressed as nurses, they brought out the nobility of the nursing profession through various formations and dances. The last presentation for the evening was from the students of Brindavan Campus. The first performance was from the brass band of the campus, which played a few pieces. The next item was a dance with balance and dexterity – the flavour and fragrance of Lord Jagannath of Puri. A beautiful backdrop of a peacock in full bloom with lights was an added attraction. They made various yogic postures and beautiful balances, one on the other. Dragon dance in typical Chinese style was performed by the students which gave the aura of the Chinese ambience. This performance was marked by rhythm and harmony on huge drums. A discerning viewer got a feel of the Chinese culture with martial artistes performing with the ferocity of a tiger. Shifting over to the ancient Indian style of martial arts, students showed combat formations and styles with swords and sticks followed by a demonstration of actual combat with sticks and swords. The last performance for the evening was on a huge suspended structure. Students made beautiful formations beginning with 85 Years of Love. It was a treat to watch students joining each other's legs and hands to make these formations. Calling themselves aerial acrobats, these messengers of love performed with skill, dexterity and balance. Their feats ended with the beautiful formation, "We Love You Sai – Yours Forever". Arathi was offered to Bhagawan at 6.45 p.m. Thus ended, the first day of Sports and Cultural Festival of the Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions. The second day's performance will be by the students from Bhagawan's educational institutions in Prasanthi Nilayam including the institute, the higher secondary school, the primary school and the new entrant Smt. Easwaramma English Medium High School. Day 2 Report with Images
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }