If look around on the internet, you will find some incredibly inspiring talks, by some wonderful people who are at the top of their field. I've complied my absolute favourite 14 inspiring must watch talks for you for to pour devour in your spare time that will give you plenty of food for thought. If you really listen carefully to the messages these inspiring must watch talks share, you will notice a common theme among most of them. All these incredible people are talking about their respective fields and yet each sharing a prolific common message. Take note of that message as it will totally change the way you think and what you do. The first one I've included is the most recent and will blow you away. It's by Jim Carey which he did earlier this year at the MUM university and his message is as poignant as I've ever seen. I found this discussion with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates which really has changed the way I think about business and entrepreneurs. It's just fascinating watching these two giants of the business world talk openly. Sir Ken Robinson is phenomenal at spreading his message and does it in a refreshing and uplifting way. A much loved and respected teacher. I've watched his talks several times and I always walk away with new insights. If you haven't seen this already, where have you been? This is probably Steve Jobs most famous address. A truly emotional and powerful message he shares through 3 very simple stories. Bill Gates, Harvard's most famous drop-out delivers his passionate speech about ending inequity in the world. Dan Pink has helped changed the way companies think about the the way in which they motivate their staff. The results and information here have already begun reshaping the way companies think about their staff. Jill, herself a brain scientist, ended up having a stroke but recounts her experience and how incredible it was, to learn first hand, about her brain inside out. A wonderful gem from Sir Ken Robinson, this time sharing his thoughts and passion and finding that which you love to do. When I first found this video it was my first glimpse of Warren Buffett and I had no idea about his type of character. He's very witty and charming. They both also talk about finding what you love to do and doing it. Education is much broader than we think it is. It doesn't just happen in the classroom. Anita's documented NDE absolutely fascinated her doctors because of the clarity which which she recollected events while she was in a coma. The message she brought back has now inspired hundreds of thousands of people. More and more respected scientists are talking about their NDEs. And following up from his talk from earlier – bringing on the learning revolution! Another of my favourite speakers, Dr John DeMartini speaking with unmatched clarity and power. I've been to see and met him on several occasions. His level of knowledge is truly unmatched. Tony Robbins is just incredible, even watching this today you begin to see why he was, and is, still so popular and why people continue to flock to see him. I hope you enjoyed all these inspiring much watch talks as much as I did. Have you got any you would add to the list? These are definitely 14 of the most inspirational talks on the net – well done for putting them together neatly in one place:-). And one day soon, YOUR talk will be #15! Thank you so much for the kind words my friend! – Hope you enjoy the videos in your tea break. Aisha Chaudhary – Happiness is an attitude! Wow thanks for those additions, two that I've never seen before! I'm off to watch them right now and will come back and share my thoughts! Hope you are keeping well my friend! Whilst these are definitely inspiring I cannot understand why you have not included Neil Gaimans commencement speech at University of the Arts Class of 2012 which must rate as one of the most intelligent, witty, moving and inspirational speeches of all time. Just listen to it and tell me I am wrong! I've not heard of that speech before but I will definitely watch it. I've heard of him before and I'm sure my company organised some tours for him recently. I'll watch it shortly and get back to you once I have – I always welcome discovering new inspiring talks/lectures. I just want to say thank you for introducing me to that video – I truly enjoyed it. Being a high school drop-out, I could totally relate to everything he said. I especially love everything he said about making mistakes, breaking rules, and make good art. Honestly from the bottom of my heart, thank you. For anyone else – here's the link to the video.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
It's a crisp Fall day. The sunlight is clear, and you're driving along a country road lined with farms and apple orchards. Where are you? Well, perhaps you're enjoying a travel nursing assignment in one of the country's most enticing locations for "leaf peeping." New England may be best-known for its spectacular displays of fall foliage, but you can also spy some great Autumn scenery in the Midwest and beyond. Here's just three of our favorite locations for enjoying some of the best Fall foliage ... and when the leaves are gone, you've got more great options: skiing (cross-country or downhill), cozy firesides, and -- hopefully ;) -- lots of cute sweaters. New Englanders are rightfully proud of the show that Mother Nature puts on every Fall. Driving, walking or biking through a glorious display of yellow, red and orange foliage is something that every traveler should try at least once. Lots of travelers recommend a Fall trip along the Old King's Highway in Massachusetts; it's full of historical sites, antique stores and art galleries. You may catch a little of the cranberry harvest, and if you find yourself in a town with a restaurant that stays open after the summer season, you must sample some of the local seafood. Nom! Leaf peeping in New York State peaks in October and lasts into early November; don't miss NY's beautiful Hudson River Valley and Finger Lakes regions. They'll knock your socks off! Travel a little further south as the season progresses, and you'll find that Long Island has some beautiful scenery, too. And if you want to enjoy Autumn in New York (just like the song says), a leisurely stroll through Central Park is mandatory. Fall foliage in Ohio is at it's most "peep-worthy" in mid to late October. The season can last until early November in the southern part of the state, depending on the whims of Mother Nature. You'll want to keep a special watch for the state's signature tree, the Buckeye. Travelers in Ohio recommend hiking in the Cuyahoga Valley National Park in the Fall ... and driving through Dublin or Ohio's Amish country will also treat you to some unforgettable views.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
In July 2017, Bloomberg reported that the anti-virus and security company Kaspersky Lab has been cooperating with the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB), the name of the Russian counterintelligence agency and successor of the KGB, since 2009. On September 13, 2017, the US federal government mandated that all software made by Kaspersky Lab be removed from government computer systems. Retailers such as Best Buy are also taking steps to remove Kaspersky Lab's products from their retail offerings. Kaspersky Lab issued a response, claiming that it has done nothing wrong and is merely a pawn in a political game between the US and Russia. Russia responded to the report by urging Russian companies to only use Russian software. A company should have a plan in place to quickly install a replacement if it discovers that software or hardware in its environment has been compromised. Often this means maintaining a list of alternative providers and, when possible, having a contact at those alternative providers in case a purchase needs to be made quickly. Prior to making a purchase, conduct a search of news and industry reports on the brand and product to find any stories that might raise a red flag. After making a purchase, set an online news alert with the product name and "spy," "spyware," "malware," "security issue" and similar terms in the search field (however, this doesn't work well for network security or anti-virus products, since nearly every news story about those products contain these terms). Subscribe to security sites, such as SecureList.com or KrebsOnSecurity.com, that track potential security issues affecting enterprises and consumers. In particularly egregious circumstances, unplug the software or hardware so it stops collecting and transmitting information, but first be aware of how that will impact your other systems. While there is no surefire way to identify a software or hardware vendor intent on stealing information, these steps can help mitigate damages by notifying companies of any known or suspected issues. In the end, staying current on security risks is one important factor in defending your company, and yourself, against cyber-mischief.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Chubby Cherub © 1986 Bandai. North American release. Game developed in Japan. See the original Famicom version for more information: "Obake no Q Tarou - Wan Wan Panic". A game where you'll chomp and chase all day! Chubby Cherub is a chivalrous little angel whose life is far from trouble-free. He gets bitten by dogs and pecked at by birds. Firecrackers are thrown at him and smoke puffs cover him from head to toe. And all because he wants to help people - and get some food to eat! Your skills can get Chubby Cherub out of trouble. In this fun-filled, fast-paced Game Pak, you and Chubby Cherub can go on endless adventures. And with you at the controls, Chubby Cherub can rescue his friend, perform his deeds, and make the day a cheerful one! Released in October 1986 in the USA.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Mergonemertes woodworthii är en djurart som tillhör fylumet slemmaskar, och som först beskrevs av Heinrich Bürger 1909. Mergonemertes woodworthii ingår i släktet Mergonemertes och familjen Planktonemertidae. Inga underarter finns listade i Catalogue of Life. Källor Slemmaskar woodworthii
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Explain that to the Aztecs in 1491 if you were a member of a weaker tribe. Needless to say: it was NOT just a 'White' thing being the dominant group in an area. Protesting in the streets is not a Middle Class cultural 'WASP' custom: if we ever felt the need to do so; such would signify that we are extremely angry and WILL prevail against a bunch of pro illegal rabble rousers. Its time now for them (sanctuary cities) to walk the walk! This is the problem with criticizing; it limits your actions. You mean time for them to put up or shut up? But it's so haaaard actually doing something. Distribute maps to sanctuary cities out in the desert, not maps to water or whatever else. There you have it! For those of you calling those of us against the new bill, " ignorant to the new law", here is the truth. How is that saying go..."And the truth shall set you free." I want to clarify, that I am not calling everyone for the law a racist, but to look deeper and see that there is more than meets the eye. Look at its foundation...please people. According to the huffington post they actually are not, they even criticized SPLC for going on a character assassination campaign. For example that Belgium part they met with, was not a racist part, it was a separatist party, which is why it was banned. The SPLC has been going on a crusade to ruin FAIR ever since they lost a case against FAIR. American citizens are required by law to have identification on them. So if your an illegal citizen go throught the proper channels and quit crying. If you want proper protection from the USA then become a citizen. Remember, the Constitution is for Americans only. I couldn't have said it any better myself ..
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Date formatting WPF datagrid I´ve got a special problem, that first seems very easy but I don´t know any solution. At the moment I programm a C#-WPF-Application that makes it possible to save bookings. A booking also has a date, which I take from a calender. I save the booking to my Sql-Express Database and the value of a date is "DD.MM.YYYY", the datatype is date. Now, I load the data into a datagrid in my application: public DataSet SaveDataToDataSet(DataSet dataset) { string connectionString = "Data Source=.\\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\\Users\\Harald\\Desktop\\Farmer´s Calc\\Programmierung\\WPF\\Finanz_WPF\\Finanz_WPF\\FarmersCalc.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"; string query = "select bezeichnung 'Bezeichnung', einausgaben 'Einnahmen-Ausgaben', kostenstelle 'Kostenstelle', datum 'Buchungsdatum', betrag 'Betrag', details 'Details' from Buchung"; using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand( query, connection); adapter.Fill(dataset); return dataset; } } Strangely, the date column in the DataGrid has the format "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS", but I only want "DD.MM.YYYY"! What I need to say is, that I don´t have Columns defined, I make it with AutoGenerateColumns=true. Does anybody know a solution for that? A: Check this out: Need to format dates in dynamically built WPF DataGrid It involves using string formatting in your Grid resources. There are answers in there that don't involve defining the columns... including handling it in the event for auto-generating columns. private void ResultsDataGrid_AutoGeneratingColumn(object sender, DataGridAutoGeneratingColumnEventArgs e) { if (e.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime)) { DataGridTextColumn dataGridTextColumn = e.Column as DataGridTextColumn; if (dataGridTextColumn != null) { dataGridTextColumn.Binding.StringFormat = "{0:d}"; } } } A: The "date" Sql type ends up being a DateTime in your dataset, which is why you're getting the time as well. You'll need to define columns and specify formatting on your datagrid. EDIT: I was mistaken about not being able to format this when auto generating columns. As the other answer here mentions, this question: Need to format dates in dynamically built WPF DataGrid addresses some ways to accomplish this.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Morgan Lewis Advises Airon in Ventilator Technology Licensing Agreement with GE Healthcare; Ford to Manufacture the Ventilators Dennis C. Gucciardo, Steven A. Navarro, David G. Glazer, Sameer V. Mohan, Ron N. Dreben, Sheila A. Armstrong, Dana S. Gross, Kathleen M. Sanzo, John P. Lavelle, Jr., Ariane Baczynski, Tara R. McElhiney NEW YORK, April 2, 2020: Helping to address a critical COVID-19 need, Morgan Lewis guided Airon Corp, a privately held company specializing in high-tech pneumatic life support products, in a collaboration with GE Healthcare, one of the world's largest healthcare companies. This licensing agreement will start generating production of necessary ventilators that will be manufactured by Ford Motor Company. Production of 50,000 ventilators is planned for the next 100 days and, after the initial 100-day period, the collaboration will generate 30,000 more units per month as needed. To make this all happen, the agreement provides for Airon to license its ventilator design to GE Healthcare. Ford will provide its manufacturing capabilities to GE Healthcare to produce the ventilators. Production of the ventilators is expected to take place at Ford's plant in Ypsilanti, Michigan. "It is incredible to bring Airon together with GE Healthcare and Ford, all three of which have blazed paths in their industries, to together directly save lives," said Morgan Lewis FDA partner Dennis Gucciardo. Corporate partner Steven Navarro added, "This unique agreement began over the weekend and proceeded with an incredible sense of urgency given the current situation. We are so proud to have helped bring this life-saving collaboration to fruition." In addition to Dennis and Steven, partners David Glazer, Sameer Mohan, Chris Halliday, Ron Dreben, Sheila Armstrong, Dana Gross, Kathy Sanzo, and John Lavelle, of counsel Arianne Baczynski, and associate Tara McElhiney advised Airon. For more, read Airon's announcement.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Topic: List of neoclassicistic pieces List of modernistic pieces List of populistic pieces List of jazz pieces List of impressionistic pieces Indeterminate music Neoclassicism (music) Postmodern music List of religious leaders in 1995 Minimalist music Atonality 20th century classical music Impressionist music Aleatoric music Museum of Mariemont 100 MORLANWELZ architecture picture The domain of Mariemont began in the 16 th century by Mary of Hongary, the regent then of the Nederlanden. It came in the posession of the family Warocqué,a dynasty of industrials, in the 19th century. In 1831 they ordered Tilman-François Suys to build a new neoclassistic castle somewhere else in the domain.The last one, Raoul Warocqué, collected an impressive amount of pieces of art, he gave them to the State in 1917, which converted it into a museum from 1921 on. www.belgiumview.com /belgiumview/tl3/view0001293.php4 (303 words) List of neoclassical pieces - Encyclopedia, History, Geography and Biography List of pieces which use serialism (see Serialism) More references to neoclassicist pieces can be found in the article Neoclassicism (music). List of neoclassical pieces, Incomplete music lists, Lists of pieces and Neoclassicism. www.arikah.net /encyclopedia/List_of_neoclassicistic_pieces (115 words) Discover the Wisdom of Mankind on HACKED BY TURK-SOPHİA List of neighborhoods of the District of Columbia by ward (en) List of neologisms and phrases on The Simpsons (en) List of Newfoundland and Labrador Census Divisions (en) www.blinkbits.com /wikifeeds/LI?from=32700 (523 words) Index (Site not responding. Last check: 2007-10-15) List of national parks of Bosnia and Herzegovina List of national parks of England and Wales List of national parks of the Republic of China www.freeglossary.com /i35j21.html (51 words) WikiMiki.net - Symphony No. 1 (Prokofiev) (Site not responding. Last check: 2007-10-15) Prokofiev set about composing the piece with the thought, "If 'Papa' Haydn were alive to day, how might he write a symphony?" The idea was partly inspired by his conducting studies at the Conservatory, in which the instructor, Teneev, prepared his students to conduct Haydn. Prokofiev wrote the symphony on holiday in the country, and he used this piece as an exercise in composing away from the piano (an accomplished pianist, it was understandable that he had developed a habit of composing at the keyboard); so this was another reason why he took Haydn as a model. His last performance was the premiere of the Seventh Symphony in 1952, a piece of a somewhat bittersweet character, for which Prokofiev was asked to substitute a cheerful ending. www.hiragana-gateway.com /hrgn/enc/aHR0cDovL2JyaWdhbnRpYS5jYS53aWtpbWlraS5uZXQvJy9kZS8nL2VuLycvZW4vJy9lbi8nL2VuLycvZW4vQ2VudGVyK2ZvcitTY2llbmNlK2luK3RoZStQdWJsaWMrSW50ZXJlc3Qn (2924 words) Neoclassicism sometimes rendered as Neo Classicism or Neo classicism is... Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky composed some of the best known neoclassical works— in his ballet "Pulcinella Pulcinella", for example, he used themes which he believed to be by Giovanni Pergolesi Giovanni Pergolesi (it later transpired that many of them were not, though they were by contemporaries). Paul Hindemith Paul Hindemith was another neoclassicist, as was Bohuslav Martinu Bohuslav Martinu, who revived the Baroque concerto grosso concerto grosso form. The arts do not always march in step, and "Neoclassicism" in English literature is associated with the "Augustan" writers of the early 18th century, all the heirs of John Dryden John Dryden and Milton Milton. www.biodatabase.de /Neoclassicism (683 words) Neoclassicism information - Search.com As for painting, Greek painting was utterly lost: neoclassicist painters imaginatively revived it, partly through bas-relief friezes, mosaics, and pottery painting and partly through the examples of painting and decoration of the High Renaissance of Raphael's generation, frescos in Nero's Domus Aurea, Pompeii and Herculaneum and through renewed admiration of Nicholas Poussin. This literary neo-classical movement rejected the extreme romanticism of (for example) dada, in favour of restraint, religion (specifically Christianity) and a reactionary political programme. Although the foundations for this movement in English literature were laid by T.E. Hulme, the most famous neoclassicists were T.S. Eliot and Wyndham Lewis. domainhelp.search.com /reference/Neoclassicism (1986 words) But the only way to be a 100% sure wether something is art or not, you should know everything about the artist, the situation he lives in, the situation in which he created the piece, what he felt, the ideas he tried to put in his work,... My latest exercise is to play the same piece for three different people and watch them all give it different labels. Of course, the rules are different for every style, and even for every piece of music, but this does not mean we can't say something is good art or less good art because we are all individuals and because we all like different music. www.ibiblio.org /emusic-l/back-issues/vol097/emusic-l.log9701e (18160 words) User:Hyacinth/List of articles created by me - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia List of famous gay, lesbian or bisexual composers List of solo piano pieces by composer: Y List of pieces which use the whole tone scale en.wikipedia.org /wiki/User:Hyacinth/List_of_articles_created_by_me (125 words) Wikipedia:Pages needing attention/Social Sciences and Philosophy - Wikipedia Coming of age - reads like a collection of trivia about different countries and cultures. Needs someone to write a broad overview, of anthropological thinking on "coming of age", different types of approaches to "coming of age", particular cultures which can serve as exemplars of these different approaches, some comment on major cultures of the world (some are listed, others aren't -- e.g. Australia and New Zealand are mentioned, but the US is not), etc. Unfortunately, I don't know much about this. en.wikilib.com /wiki/Wikipedia:Pages_needing_attention/Social_Sciences_and_Philosophy (1753 words) Shostakovitch Symphonies - Audio, equipment and music forums If anybody has been reading the posts on this list for the past few days, you'll find some of the most egregious mud-slinging I've had the pleasure of reading in ages. And, in the final analysis, this is what carries this performance to the head of the list. I was impressed by this piece of music and I decided to collect his works. www.4music.net /ubb/Forum7/HTML/000005.html (10285 words)
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
ScreenDaily is reporting that Canadian international sales agent Seville International will represent new Irish comedy drama The Last Right at the European Film Market in Berlin. The film is directed by Aoife Crehan based on her own script, which was highlighted on the 2016 Brit List. The Last Right sees a reluctant man drive a stranger's corpse across Ireland against the wishes of the police, finding love, and mending family relations along the way. Dutch actor Michiel Huisman (Game of Thrones) takes the lead alongside Irish actors Niamh Algar (Without Name), Michael McElhatton (Game of Thrones), Jim Norton (Jimmy's Hall), and Colm Meaney (Halal Daddy), and British actors Samuel Bottomley (Tyrannosaur) and Brian Cox (Churchill). The Last Right is produced by Paul Donovan for Deadpan Pictures, with Pippa Cross and Casey Herbert for the U.K.'s Crossday Productions and Bright Cold Day Films respectively. The film is supported by Screen Ireland Fís Éireann/Screen Ireland (FÉ/SI) is the national development agency for Irish filmmaking and the Irish film, television and animation industry..
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Vauxhall Insignia VXR facelift pictures: Frankfurt motor show 2013 Vauxhall's updated Insignia VXR SuperSport revealed at the Frankfurt motor show. Prices, details and show pictures here by: Matthew Hayward Vauxhall's new 170mph Insignia VXR SuperSport has been revealed at the Frankfurt motor show, along with the rest of the Insignia range. The VXR was first launched in 2009, and this updated model is the cheapest it has ever been, with prices starting from £29,745. Most obvious are the updated front and rear bumpers, including the much larger front grille with 'saber-tooth' detailing. The rear suspension has received the biggest change, with about 60 per cent of the components having been tweaked. Vauxhall's front HiPerStrut set-up remains unchanged. There is also a software update for the ESP, which is said to offer more precise handling, due to a reduction in understeer. This also includes new software for the adaptive ride system. Vauxhall also claims to have improved the overall refinement of the VXR. The new model sees power remain at 321bhp, retaining the unlimited 170mph top speed. Good news for customers is that the base price for the high-performance model has actually been dropped to £29,745 for the saloon, knocking £150 off the list price. The Sports Tourer model starts from £31,049, with deliveries expected later this year. The Insignia's top speed is impressive, although it is important to remember that although it officially outguns many of the German Autobahn stormers, they are electronically limited to 155mph. This isn't the fastest Vauxhall saloon ever though – the 377bhp Lotus Carlton still holds that honour, managing 176mph back in 1990. Other changes are slight, but the instruments now reach up to 170mph. The only other identifier to the car's increased performance is the blue Brembo lettering on the brake calipers. The new model is already available to order. Visit/toyota/gt-86/202104/toyota-gt86-vs-mazda-mx-5-vs-abarth-124-spider-lightweight-sports-car-shootout Toyota GT86 vs Mazda MX-5 vs Abarth 124 Spider – lightweight sports car shootout Three affordable sports cars from Japan and, er, Japan battle it out on the Yorkshire Dales Visit/subaru/202102/2020-subaru-levorg-sti-prototype-revealed-at-tokyo-auto-salon 2020 Subaru Levorg STI prototype revealed at Tokyo Auto Salon Proving there's still life in Subaru's STI performance sub-brand, the Levorg has benefited from some tweaks Visit/features/22907/hyundai-i30-fastback-n-versus-the-col-de-turini Hyundai i30 Fastback N versus the Col de Turini We take the Hyundai i30 Fastback N up the Col de Turini, a 31km stage of the Monte Carlo World Rally Championship
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Happy New Year and Thank You Well 2006 is nearly over and I have to say, personally, it's been an immensely enjoyable year. Can I just say thank you to everyone who reads this blog for giving me traffic that, quite frankly, I never imagined I would ever get. Whilst in the measuring stakes with the ruler I don't come close Iain and his 1.2 million uniques, I can't deny that I'm still astounded, and to be fair, shocked, with my rather more humble 110,000 uniques. Tonight I am, sad to say, on-call for my employer. Such is life working in the ISP industry that is 24/7/365. Having said this I am being paid well for it so I mustn't complain too much. This does of course mean that like so many others I won't be getting hammered though. Mixing root and alcohol just wouldn't be wise. Anyway, Happy New Year to everyone, and if I may, I'd like to raise a virtual glass to the end of the Labour Government in 2007. The sooner it happens the better off we'll all be. Posted by dizzy at 12/31/2006 04:59:00 pm 8 comments: Saddam Hussein's execution is truly Web 2.0? The other week, Time Magazine made "You" the person of the year in reference to growth of social networking, blogging and general user generated content. Yesterday, as anyone who wasn't under a rock will know, saw the execution of Saddam Hussein in Iraq for just one of his many crimes. The mainstream media outlets all reported that scenes from the pre-execution had been broadcast on Iraqi television, and, to my knowledge, few of the western mainstream oulets has carried that footage at all, instead simply reporting on it. Matt Drudge has linked to footage of not just the pre-execution but also, taken by a camera phone the execution itself. Not surprisingly (to me at least) the video is freely available for all to see on Google Video, and given that it was first leeched by someone on the Something Awful forums, it's undoubtedly also been grabbed, mirrored, and cross-posted to alt-binaries.gore and all the other Net sub-culture sites out there that enjoy that sort of thing. Now... we don't do public execution in the West, and yet the viral spread of Hussein's execution video (it's been viewed a lot) suggests that, at least in terms of sheer morbid curiosity, if such things are available to see people will view them. Saddam Hussein not only appears to have gone viral (at least in the interim), but his execution - as user-generated and distributed content - is truly "Web 2.0" too. Kind of creepy huh? Update: I've been watching the referrers and monitoring the search engines over the past hour or so and it looks like the viral nature of the full execution video has gone absolutely crazy. The search term "Saddam Hussein execution video" appears to be very popular right now. What does that say about us? Posted by dizzy at 12/31/2006 08:01:00 am 9 comments: Where does the web go in 2007? Interesting voting results here about the direction the Web is likely to take in 2007. The results were based on an original predictions article here. I'll be honest I'm not sure I agree with IPTV having the top slot. As much as TV services over IP will undoubtedly grow during 2007, I personally think the growth in AJAX based web applications is going to be the biggest trend. The growth of these browser based web services represents a significant threat to the likes of Microsoft in terms of the licensing model they currently use for Office. Application Service Providers are not particular new, but with the growth of ever higher bandwidth, and the development potential that AJAX provides, makes me think Microsoft will have to do something very special in 2007 to cope with the threat to their market dominance in the office software space. Posted by dizzy at 12/30/2006 09:43:00 am 1 comment: Six 2007 Predictions Technicially speaking this is a meme from Jeremy Jacobs, but given that it's a worthy topic anyway I'm not going to tag anyone specific and instead say everyone who has a blog and reads this ought to do it too. So here are my six predictions for 2007. There will be a General Election. Iran will find herself facing Osirak II. The "international community" will condemn Israel whilst secretly being happy she had the balls. US and UK troops will still be in Iraq by this time next year. Someone will face the possibility of a prison sentence over "Cash for Peerages" Blair will publish his memoirs and humiliate Brown on almost every page. Alastair Campbell will publish his diaries and humiliate Blair on almost every page. Now I invite others to make their predictions. Keeley Hazell named as a Hero of Year by Tory Party As people reading Iain's blog will have seen, the Conservative Party has just made an announcement about its Environmental "Heros and Zeros" of the year. Clearly the person most deserving on the list is Keeley Hazell. A local girl from Lewisham too. Her work for the environment in going green and offering us lots of helpful tips definitely deserves recognition. I wonder if she'll come out canvassing with us in South East London? Oh yes, there were some other minor celebrities on the list too like Former Vice-President Al Gore (why?) and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Adding to the linkage.... Just a quick note to say that if there is anyone out there who is linking to me but I am not linking to them please email me and it will be added. I've been rather slack recently so I have missed quite a few incoming links I think. Do let me know what category you'd like to go in. Livingstone makes accusation of corruption at Hammersmith and Fulham Council? The London mayor, Ken Livingstone, yesterday made a veiled accusation that Hammersmith and Fulham Council was corrupt. Hammersmith and Fulham had requested as part of their new building projects that there be a reduction in the number of new affordable homes built in a particular ward on the grounds that the overall number of affordable homes in the ward already far exceeded the 35% requirement for low rent affordable homes under the London Plan. However, in response to this, Mayor Livingstone rejected the proposal and implied that the Council was trying to buy votes in the ward as a part of an orchestrated act of corruption similar to that of Westminster Council in the 1980s. In his press statement on the the GLA website he said, "Hammersmith's actions have the stench of Shirley Porters regime at Westminster Council in the 1980s." The 35% requirement that Livingstone cites as his reason is important here. If Livingstone really cares about it that much why is he not acting in the same manner with Greenwich Council in South-East London who are also not meeting that requirement? Especially given that the per capita wealth in Greenwich is far lower than in Hammersmith and Fulham. You'd think that he would be all over Greenwich Council like a rash yet he isn't. This couldn't be because Hammersmith and Fulham is a Tory Council whilst Greenwich Council remains one of the last bastions of Labour strength in the capital could it? Is it right that the Mayor of London should behave with such blatant party political hypocrisy? What's more, is it befitting of his office to makes utterly unfounded implication of deliberate corruption at a time when the party he represents is under investigation by Scotland Yard for the very same? Doughty Street is TV 2.0? Have just been sent a link to an opinion article on the Register about 18 Doughty Street. The general thrust is that Doughty Street is some sort of horribly biased Tory spin machine. How exactly a station that is upfront about not being impartial is an insincere spin machine I'll never know. The article is also a little inaccurate, as to my knowledge Alex Story no longer works at Doughty Street and hasn't now for about a month. I still like The Register though. Blair is no longer the cat, he's become the cheese This morning's papers all appear to be carrying reports of how a number of senior Labour politicians, including the Labour Party Chairman, Hazel Blears and Home Secretary, John Reid, have been out campaigning in their local constituencies against Government NHS cuts which they, as members of Cabinet, are collectively responsible for. Now besides the rank hypocrisy of such actions, what exactly does this say about the authority of Blair over his Cabinet? To have Cabinet ministers openly rebelling against the impact of policies they're collectively responsible for suggests that discipline within the Blair cabinet is non-existent. They say that when the cats away the mice will play, but don't the actions of Blears, Reid et al suggest that far from being the cat, Blair has in fact become little more than a stale piece of cheese in the corner of the Cabinet room in Number 10? Clearly the Cabinet is in open revolt. Posted by dizzy at 12/29/2006 10:04:00 am No comments: Anything Vista does Linux does better Back in October I attended a conference in Portcullis House where Microsoft were showing off about Vista. Basically it was a sales presentation pointing out how brilliant Vista was, and all the funky new eye candy features it had. What struck me as I watched was how all the "new" features in Vista were things that Linux had been doing for years. For example, Vista allows you disable USB ports. Now, besides being able to do that in the BIOS of most systems anyway, the hot plug system under Linux as been able to do it for years with a simple line added to one config file. Microsoft then showed off it 3D desktop features. Again I found myself thinking that Linux, and OSX for that matter, had been doing what it was doing for some time, and what's more, they were doing it better, and the demos didn't crash. Thus I come to the compare and contrast between Microsoft Vista and Linux. The contrast between an expensive clunky proprietary operating system and a free, open source community driven operating system. Linux remains way ahead of the curve when it comes to eye candy (and incidentally I call it eye candy because that is all it is. No one is actually likely to use the features on either desktop for any functional reason). Here is Vista. Here is Linux Posted by dizzy at 12/29/2006 09:36:00 am 12 comments: A bet I might make.... Edwards vs Giuliani Government to formalise mobocracy in Magistrate sentencing When it comes to the Criminal Justice system this Government has undoubtedly been the most legislative-obsessed tinkerers in history. They've created literally hundreds of new crimes without the forethought that the prison population might expand, scrapped trial by jury in some cases, and passed umpteen Criminal Justice Acts in the process. The latest idiocy appears to be a plan for the formalisation of mobocracy in the Magistrate Courts. Effectively, the mob, sorry, the "community" will be given a say in sentencing. According to the Government, there will now be scope for something called "Community Impact Statements" in Magistrates Courts. This will let local people tell the court how the convicted person[s] has blighted their lives and community. They will then be allowed to put forward how they think the convicted should be sentenced. By all accounts, that suggests that the a Magistrate is no longer actually being a judge at all, the mob is. HM revenue and Customs wants people to quit smoking.... sort of Those nice people at HM Revenue and Customs have just put out a press release encouraging us all to give up smoking... well sort of. The message is simple, if you're a smoker you probably buy dodgy fags off the bloke who does the Calais run in the pub. This mean you fund organised crime, child labour, human trafficking and what's more the fags are probably fake anyway! Apparently, "up to 19% of cigarettes smoked in the UK are illicit". Saying "up to 98%" would be just as valid a statement mind. I bet there was a discussion over coffee by press officers about what arbitrary figure to slap in there. What's more, to dissuade all the tobacco smoking addicts to quit they warn us that counterfeit cigarettes have "80% more nicotine". Surely to your average smoker that's a good thing? * the illicit cigarette trade funds serious organised crime, including the drugs trade and people smuggling. Shifted blame guilt-tripping, nice! I wonder when they will start to argue that we should stop using gas supplied by Gazprom because it helps to maintain Russias oligarch mafia bosses reign of terrors in the Urals? * an illicit tobacco market allows low level criminality to gain a foothold in a community Actually, having less real police officers and ignoring low level crime due to increased priority for "hate crimes" and centrally driven targets does that. * the illicit cigarette market will undercut honest traders and can drive them out of business Translation: Our department gets less of your money. * the illicit cigarette market is wholly unregulated - smugglers don't care if their customers are children. Neither do many shopkeepers, and looking at certain African states neither do some of cigarette companies. How long is it before the Department of Health puts out a press release like this claiming that people who smoke smuggled ciggies are actually responsible for the cash shortage in the NHS? Let's not be under any illussion here, HMRC doesn't want people to quit smoking, it just wants us to quit smoking things that it isn't taxing. Posted by dizzy at 12/28/2006 01:50:00 pm No comments: Air travellers should complain about Brown's illegal airport tax Following from Iain Dale's story last week about Gordon Borwn's illegal airport tax, Iain has just posted saying that the airlines are now hoping that a large number of passengers complain about the levy in order that they have a formal pretext not to levy the charge. There is also, apparently, the possibility of airline passengers who have already been subjected to this extra £5 per head since the Pre-Budget Report making a claim back on the Government for not having legal power to take the money in the first place. I do hope that happens, hell hath no fury like a British taxpayer scorned! Posted by dizzy at 12/28/2006 01:35:00 pm 1 comment: DEFRA announces new black teapots amongst other things It may be the quiet Christmas period, but that doesn't stop the Government press machine reminding us how green it what's us to think it is. The latest announcement from DEFRA is that we're going to get a "comprehensive on-line guide to greener living on DirectGov". The guide has some choice bits in it. Apparently we should all keep ponds if possible - assuming of course we follow all the health 'n safety regulations about it. We shouldn't buy new monitors for our PCs, the environment is more important than that CRT refresh rate damaging your eyes. We should also only use wood from sustainable sources - our tax credit increases will pay for it (assuming they didn't make a mistake). We should consider using eBay - better not do it too much though or the taxman might consider you a business. We should all try and get gas ovens, even though they are relatively rare today and far more potentially lethal. We should buy the most expensive fridge freezers (again your tax credits will pay for this). Oh yes, and buy more fuel efficient cars, it's only £8000 on the road for a nice shiny new motor that will lose half its value when you drive it out of the showroom. What do you mean you can't afford it? Have you not heard of tick? It doesn't stop just with the guide though, the press release goes on to say that a "carbon calculator to help people find out how much carbon they emit annually from their actions is also being developed". What better way to tackle environmental issues than by spending development time and money on something that already exists in bucket loads out on the Interweb? Of course there is always a mildly amusing part in any Government press release. It's usually the part where the Government makes some claim about it's own self-righteousness which evidence shows to be utterly ludicrous. In this case it says that the "Government is also taking action to reduce its own emissions." Now, I invite you to take a walk around Westminster in the evening, and in particular past DEFRA, and you shall see an array of empty, yet thoroughly lit buildings. You will also see through windows desktop computers clearly left running, and the gentle hazy light being emitted from monitors on standby. Now, would anyone like a cup of tea? I made it in this Government approved black teapot. Speaker tutors Ministers on how to answer questions This little question made me chuckle. The subject of the question was the Constitutional Affairs Minister, Vera Baird MP. Mr. Desmond Swayne (New Forest, West) (Con):On a point of order, Mr Speaker. Is there nothing that can be done about lawyers who are somewhat used to being paid by the hour and, as a consequence, take an inordinate amount of time to ask a question and even longer to answer one? Mr. Speaker: I have been giving some tutoring to the Under-Secretary, because I know that she came from the courts to Parliament. I would not say that she took too long today; it is just that she is improving, and there could be more improvement. The thing is, is it appropriate for the Speaker to be providing tutoring for Ministers on how to answer questions? Home Office: Look into my eyes, not around the eyes! One of the big headlines from the Government's media grid today appears to be that 40 areas in England and Wales with the worst anti-social behaviour problems are to be targeted by the Home Office as "Respect Zones". This is not the same thing that was announced six months ago in June. In that case the forty worst areas were to be called "Respect Areas" which is clearly totally different. 3-2-1 you're back in the room! Lib Dem councillors say Ming must go OK, so this probably (definitely) will be my last post for a day or two, but I simply couldn't resist. This morning Broadcasting House on Radio 4 did a feature on the Liberal Democrats and there terrible scandal ridden year. During the feature a number of Liberal Democrat councillors were asked about how they would feel when Gordon Brown came along and all anyone talked about was Brown/Cameron. The response was certainly interesting, the general consensus was that Ming Campbell was not up to the job and would need to be replaced before the next General Election else it would not play out very well for the Lib Dems. So, that's rumblings from Lib Dems about the ability of their leader at Christmas. What is it they say about history? If the noise for a snap election next October grows, might we have yet another leadership contest? Happy Christmas from me This will be my last posting for a couple of days, so I just want to take the opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Christmas. For those I know personally that I've not sent a card too, Happy Christmas. Sadly I've always been rubbish when it comes to doing Christmas cards, don't know why, I just have. So if anyone thought I was snubbing them I wasn't. Anyways, Happy Christmas, eat, drink and be merry. Normal service will be resumed in a couple of days (comments may not get authorised until I get back). Windows Vista Content Protection system is like the Labour 1983 Manifesto If anyone is interested in what some of the features of Windows Vista includes, part of it is Content Protection, and, according to a New Zealand based academic, it quite possibly represents the "longest suicide note in history" by Microsoft. Peter Gutmann, of the Computing Science department at the University of Auckland has written a cost analysis of Vista's content protection system which certainly cuts to the chase in highlighting it's problem. Well worth a read, although it is quite technical. Religion is not the cause, it's a symptom It's an old cliche I know, but you will always here the line that religion has killed more people than anything and therefore it's a bad thing. In fact, in a few voxpops last night on Channel 4 it was said, and it is also said in this morning's Guardian. Perfectly timed around Christmas, they have commissioned a poll which has found that 82% of people in Britain think religion is a force for causing tension and division. The reason I'm posting about this is because this argument that religion causes tension, division and war is simply not true. The cause of tension, division and war, is mankind acting politically in the pursuit of maintaining some sort of power through ideology. Religion is merely a symptom of that root cause. One only has to look at Stalin or Mao, to realise that even without religion, man remains just as brutish (if not even more some might argue). It's actually an intellectual cop-out to simply blame religion for the world's ills. We find it much easier to search for organisations to blame, rather than taking a deeper look at the fundamental reality of man's condition. It's much more palatable to blame organisations that believe in a supernatural deity than to acknowledge that human nature is the real cause tension and division. Happy Christmas from Al Qaeda? It's almost becoming a ritual now, but every year I think, around about now, Al Qaeda release some sort of video taunting America and the West generally. This year is no different it seems. The Blotter is reporting that a video has been released in which the Al Qaeda number two, Ayman al Zawahri, gives a message directly to the US Democrats. Zawahri says, "[The Democrats] aren't the ones who won the midterm elections, nor are the Republicans the ones who lost. Rather, the Mujahideen -- the Muslim Ummah's vanguard in Afghanistan and Iraq -- are the ones who won, and the American forces and their Crusader allies are the ones who lost" Ayman al Zawahri goes on to say the Democrats should negotiate with bin Laden and not anyone else in the Islamic world. The Seven Best Things You Did This Year So Iain has tagged me in one of these blog memes. I must say, before I get on with the bloody thing, these are becoming very common. I may have to make a New Years resolution to only do two a year or something. I need to regain my BOFH reputation. Anyways, here are the seven best things I did this year. 1: Started this blog. 2: Discovered the johnson4leader domains. 3: Turned 600+ lines of bad code into less than 100 lines of elegant code. 4: Became "published" in the Little Red Book of New Labour Sleaze. 5: Stood for Council, lost, but had bloody good time winding Labour up in the process. 6: Read Homer 7: Appeared on 18 Doughty Street. I'm in a cheeky mood, so I think I will tag Ed Vaizey and Boris just to see if they'll do it, and also the man from Croydon, and that bloke in Prague. The Web "The Times" Loved 2006 Today, the Times Online has posted a listing under the title of "The web we loved" which is an arbitrary (and not comprehensive) list of the websites and blogs that they've enjoyed most during 2006. The list is split into six themes, Westminster, War, Religion, the Environment, You and Leaders. The Westminster section contains the obvious two, Guido and Iain, but also contains the Devil's Kitchen and yours truly. I'm not really sure what to say to be honest, its been a rather peculiar year for me, especially the growth of this site. Cheers. Do check out the rest of the list here. Does Brown think he's Cromwell? There's an interesting little exclusive over on Iain's blog about Gordon Brown's airport tax increases. Iain goes into much more detail than I shall, but to summarise it appears that Brown believes he has the legal authority akin to Lord Protector and can simply raise airport duty before the next Budget by decree. However, the rules state that he must pass a resolution in Parliament to do so. As Parliament has now risen it means that there is no legal requirement for the airlines to collect the extra duty, nor is there any obligation on travellers to do so. This isn't the first time that the Government has thought it has the power to do things which it can't. People may remember when Blair, in his rapid evening re-shuffle, scrap the office of Lord Chancellor. It was only later that same day that it was pointed out to him that he could not just scrap the position of Lord Chancellor on a whim because it would require amendments to literally hundreds of pieces of legislation first. Read more from Iain here. French Prime Minister questioned by Police Typical bloody French. They have to copy us on everything! See here for details London braces for Christmas terrorist attack? According to ABC News, London is preparing to face a terrorist attack over Christmas. Weird thing is that it's the middle of the night in the US, yet they're the only one talking about it that I can see. Lots more detail/speculation in the ABC link. Government website wide open to hacking? Yesterday, to very little fanfare, the Department for Constitutional Affairs launched a new website called The UK Statute Law Database. The site is basically a free online resource containing over 30,000 items of revised UK primary legislation, all searchable. When I first discovered the site I wondered why it went live with so little Government boasting. After all, it's a successful Government IT project, and they are few and far between. Then I discovered the awful truth. It is wise that they've not promoted it to much. The site is running on a Windows server using IIS 5.0. This is bad. This is very bad. IIS is now officially at 6.0 and whilst it remains utter rubbish as a web server it doesn't at least have quite the wealth of "how to hack IIS" guides as 5.0 does. I'd be surprised if it isn't attacked by scriptkiddies at some point, although in fairness it's likely to fall over before that if gets a sustained amount of traffic from lawyers etc. I should add too that this has really lightened up the day in my office. We're all rather amused that such a system could go live. The question on our lips is if the front-end is running IIS5.0 what the hell is the database running? *shudders* Update: I'm sure the ID cards database system will be very secure though. Update 2: It has just occurred to me that should this site be compromised I will be the first port of call for the Old Bill. For the record, I am not encouraging any criminality, I am highlighting the fact that the Government has launched a system that is inherently weak in terms of security, and it clearly needs to look at it's processes in relation to security review. Posted by dizzy at 12/21/2006 02:26:00 pm 15 comments: Pete Burns must be raking in the royalties To be honest it's becoming a little cliche for me to point out when the Government re-announces money, but what the hell, why should I change the habit of a lifetime? They haven't. The latest example is from Health Minister Lord Warner, who has "today announced 44.5 million in funding for four new community hospitals and health centres". Read on though and it becomes clear that this is money from an already allocated pot of 750 million. [insert reference to Dead or Alive tune here] Iran: We have manifest destiny on our side! The ever sane Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has calmly predicted the disappearance of Brtiain, the USA and Israel, comparing the group to the pharonic kings of Egypt. Ahmadinejad said, "The oppressive powers will disappear while the Iranian people will stay. Any power that is close to God will survive while the powers who are far from God will disappear like the pharaohs.... Today, it is the United States, Britain and the Zionist regime which are doomed to disappear as they have moved far away from the teachings of God," he said in a speech in the western town of Javanroud.... It is a divine promise." How quaint to appeal to a Jacksonite-style manifest destiny whilst simultaneously predicting the demise of the USA! Blogs: "Written by fools to be read by imbeciles." Have just read a thought provoking piece in the Wall Street Journal about blogs. The argument put forward is that we bloggers tend to have large ego and feelings of self-importance. I can't deny that I myself have often thought that too. The article asserts that the blogs are not threatening the mainstream media, but are instead riding along with it, "like remora fish on the bellies of sharks, picking at the scraps". He goes on to say "the blogs have enthusiastically endorsed Joseph Conrad's judgment of newspapering--"written by fools to be read by imbeciles"--they have also demonstrated a remarkable ecumenicalism in filling out that same role themselves." Harsh, but probably fair for the vast majority of blogs. I do think though that if you remove the noise it may not be quite a starkly put. After all, and certainly in the case of the UK, I'd say the the core actors within this theatre are clearly people who, IRL, were already working in the media, think tanks, and/or political parties. They are not ranting and raving loonies that make up the bulk of what passes for comment. They often break stories, and they certainly influence the political agenda within their respective parties. Having said all this though, clearly I'm a fool and you're an imbecile. Government to invest in sinking ships? The DTI has just announced that its going throw £278,000 at a project that will develop new "greener" biodegradable plastic. Apparently the stuff will be derived from plants and is lightweight and strong, making it suitable for car doors and boat hulls. Now, besides giving a whole new meaning to the phrase "running a car into the ground", why exactly would you want to make the hull of a boat out of biodegradable material? Forgive me if I'm being a little cynical here, but would you get in a boat if you knew the hull might spring a leak by design? workFRIENDLY is here to help Worried about browsing the Internet at work and getting caught by the boss? Never fear, workFRIENDLY is here. The workFRIENDLY website acts a web browser proxy server and automatically converts the web page you want to look at into a format that looks just like a Word document. Even better, if you press the "Boss Key" it will switch it to appear like a document about Time Management if the boss should come over to your desk. Click image for large version How many?! In 2005-06 the Department of Transport employed the services of 571 different consultancy firms. On the basis of my poor B grade GCSE Maths, I reckon that's approximtely 1.5 consultancy firms hired per day. No doubt much synergy was achieved as a result. Is there a row brewing between the Treasury and Transport? Are the Department of Transport and the Treasury at loggerheads over the issue of fuel duty versus road pricing? That certainly seems to be the implication in a response from Stephen Ladyman on the matter. The Tory MP, Anne McIntosh asked the Transport minister what assessment had been made on the "likely effect on congestion of increases in fuel duty". Stephen Ladyman's response was that responsibility for making such impact assesments was the Chancellors, but went on to say that "raising fuel duty would be significantly less efficient than road pricing as a means of reducing congestion". Given that Gordon Brown claimed his recent increase in fuel duty was about the environment and congestion it's certainly interesting that the Department of Transport is so willing to state that he's wrong. I wonder if Ladyman was speaking for wee Doogie in his answer? The EU, cars and carrots As some people may know, the EU is currently having a "consultation" about proposals to force all cars and vehicles to run with - at the very least - their sidelight on during the day. There are arguments in favour of this for those nations that get long period of darkness (in the North), but in many cases the idea is not, if you excuse the pun, a particularly bright one. The most vocal opponents in the UK happen to be motorcyclists who already ride with their lights on so they can be seen. If every vehicle on the road suddenly has it;s lights on, motorcyclists become lost in the mass of light, and it will likely increase the danger to them. There is also of course the issue of using more power, ergo carbon, with this proposal. Joined-up thinking and all that stuff. However, the reason for this post is to highlight, to the EU's credit, the fact that they do pretty much publish anything they receive in representation. Specifically I refer to the submission by Mr John Crippetts here, who said, Subject: Can't see in broad daylight? Try eating more carrots. Cars could have them feeding from the steering column for driver to nibble at when stopped in traffic jams. Meanwhile, if you can't think of how to fill the day, why not take the gravy train on a fact finding tour to Timbuktoo or somewhere far away rather than make up silly new laws. Mr Crippetts, I salute you. The real problem is it isn't actually "sensible" One of the big news story of the day is John Reid's u-turn on the ID card database. Essentially, he's decided that instead of starting with a fresh schema the ID cards will be based on multiple databases already in existence. According to John Reid, this is "lower risk, more efficient and faster". Now, I don't support the ID Card policy on principle, however, the argument that using already existing systems rather than starting afresh will be "lower risk, more efficient and faster" is, frankly, bollocks. Starting with "lower risk", what Reid is really saying is less risk of overrun in costs due to poor estimates at the outset. However, from a data integrity point of view, using already existing systems, which are known to hold inaccurate data, and are accessed and updated by separate groups under different protocols, is actually an increase in risk. There is more potential for information leakage, failures, and, most fundamentally, a wider net of loosely controlled human beings affecting data that could significantly impact on people's live if mistakes are made. Let's not be under any illusions here, mistakes will be made. I don't say this for political reasons I say it in operational terms. Large-scale databases, especially those that carry out masses of transactional queries and updates will always have problems. "Fixing" data is a necessary fact of operational life. Place that reality in the context of multiple databases under multiple theatres of control, and you have a very risky situation indeed. Especially when it is about a card that, if introduced, will apparently become the de facto point for all manner of access to services, and other general day-to-day living. The idea that such a system will also be more "efficient" is, to say the very least fanciful. I imagine that the argument is based on the notion of efficiency when related to data gathering. Why gather lots of data you already have in other databases that are already able to be easily queried? However, the problem of efficiency, again from an operational understand is highly questionable. Again, the disconnected management of these discreet systems to be used, means that multiple layers of bureaucracy will stifle operational administration. In Reid's proposal, when a mistake occurs which effect data integrity, the process for rectifying it will be wholly inefficient and laborious. The consequential impact on those who mistakes impact could potentially be massive. Take for example if the ID card becomes a requirement for receiving medical treatment. What happens when data integrity is lost for someone who can then no longer be managed through the pervasive all seeing system of the state? What happens, when due to a failure in one system, a person becomes effectively a non-person for a period whilst the bureaucracy grinds on between the different stakeholders to rectify that situation? Finally, one has to assume that when Reid claims the system will be "faster" he is only referring to the idea that they can get it all up and running within their given deadlines. However, there cannot be a serious argument that the system itself, once running will be faster when it will make multiple access and query requests to multiple databases in multiple locations across saturated bandwidth networks? Throw on top an overhead for encryption (which one assumes must be planned), and it's pretty clear that this system will be anything but faster than the original proposal. There is of course a little bit of political trickery and triangulation going on here as well though. After all, opposing the Reid U-turn proposals on the grounds that it will not be lower risk, efficient or faster than the original plan, suggests, consequentially, that one is supporting the original plan - this is not necessarily so. There is also something else we should note in Reid's comment though. He claimed that "[d]oing something sensible is not necessarily a U-turn". Putting aside the absurdity of this argument regarding the U-turn not being a U-turn, these proposals are not - it seems - actually sensible at all. The system that will be produced now, will - if it ever manages to become operational - be high risk, inefficient and slower. There is nothing sensible about Reid's statement, but then that doesn't surprise me in the slightest. He's a politician trying to talk about IT without having a clue about what the real implications are. Hat Tip: The Spine for the image Cross party support for Open Source grows Back in November, Liberal Democrat MP, John Pugh, put down an Early Day Motion (179), calling on the Government and the Department for Education and Skills to move away from expensive proprietary computer systems in schools towards Open Source solutions, and the motion has garnered significant cross party support. Importantly, what this means is that we might yet see Linux with OpenOffice.org and the multitude of free software available out there in schools instead of the insecure, overly bloated, and stupidly expensive Windows. Now, I wonder if there is any chance of convincing people like the Home Office that having thin client based Linux systems will make more sense than Windows Vista? Tux the Penguin looks better than the Windows logo too. I bet the value-add is poor on this IT system I never knew that it existed, but apparently there is an online pension planner and forecast service run by the Department of Work and Pensions (see here) . The scary thing about it is that, according to the Government, it has incurred a cost of £11.3 million "to date" to develop, set up and run. I wonder what its usage statistcs are? I bet the per usage cost ratio doesn't represent significant value-add. I don't deny I may be a tad cynical, but can you blame me given the fact that even Government minister's admit they are incompetent at IT? Office politics at its very best? Since the publication of the Downing Street memo last week there has been a lot of speculation about who wrote it. Iain and Guido think it was Philip Gould, who, let's be honest, has a history of writing and leaking such things. The official Downing Street line has been to dismiss the memo by saying it was not written by any of Blair's staff, or Labour Party-funded staff in his personal office. There has been no denial of the memo's existence or of it's validity. Whilst Downing Street's line is what led Iain and Guido to Gould, are there not a number of political appointees who work on the Civil Service side in Number 10? Wouldn't these be people who fall between the gaps of the very specific groups in the PMOS's official statement? It is pretty much an accepted truth these days that Gordon Brown will takeover from Blair as the next leader of the Labour Party - thereby becoming Prime Minister. It is also a well known fact that Brown very much has his own "team" in the Treasury that will inevitably move next door into Downing Street when the time comes. Could it therefore be that this memo emanated from those who fall through the cracks in the official line who known that they are about to lose their jobs? Was the memo actually a plea by those that know they have no future salary prospects in Downing Street for someone, anyone, to stand against Brown? Obviously the contents of the memo is astonishing, and in my mind quite an accurate reflection of how poor the Government actually is. But rather than it being by someone like Philip Gould, might it just be by a bunch of disgruntled employees who really are not looking forward to the hatchet man next door ruining their summer with compulsory redundancy? You'd think they'd all be in a Union for their own protection, wouldn't you? Does anyone in Government keep basic figures? The other week I asked what "disproportionate cost" actually was in relation to questions that go unanswered in Parliament. I have since discovered that basically, if the question will cost more than £700 to answer it is considered to be at "disproportionate cost". Now, besides that being an excellent way of avoiding answering politically sensitive questions, you have to wonder how they calculate when a question will actually cost more than £700. The reason I say that is because of two unanswered questions that seem so simple as to beggar belief that they will cost too much to answer. Both questions were put to the Ministry of Defence, the first asking which of the 10 consultancy fees charged to the MoD since May 1997 "were most expensive", and the second simply asking what how much was "spent on the Territorial Army in the last period for which figures are available; and what percentage that figure represents of total defence spending in that period." Both responses start with the line that the information is not held centrally. Can this really be true? Does the MoD really not have a single budget ledger listing the figures it spent on 10 different consultancy charges? Is it genuinely conceivable that the MoD, the central organisation, does not keep a record of how much money it allocated to non-regular Army provision? If it is true that these figures are not held centrally, then doesn't that imply a fundamental and serial failure in accountancy management in the Ministry of Defence? Wouldn't a call to the Treasury be able to access the figures for less than £700? If a business acted in this sort of way it would fall foul of all sorts of FSA rules wouldn't it? I can accept that sometimes there will be difficulties in answering some of the granular questions that are submitted about matters of accountancy. However, these two questions are brilliant examples of very non-granular questions that should be able to be answered quite quickly. Hell, the question about the Territorials only asked for the last set of figures available, it gave massive leeway for the failure to provide information and yet still the question wasn't answered. Given yesterdays news regarding body armour and the fact that the Secretary of State has to sign off things (and failed to do so), is it not fair to ask whether the MoD is fit for purpose when it comes to fiscal accountability? Or perhaps I'm being naive and that question should be asked of the entire Government? Misleading headlines in the Telegraph This morning I spotted a headline in the Telegraph which said, "The school nerd who liked to help vice girls". Imagine my surprise when I clicked on the link and discovered that it wasn't a biography piece about the former Liberal Prime Minister, William Gladstone. Little Red Book of New Labour Sleaze Second Edition Well it's been some month since the first edition of the Little Red book of New Labour Sleaze was published. As people who read Iain's site will know, there is now to be a second edition in the New year with the extra months added. I shall of course being offering a contribution for consideration. Government announces nearly £1bn cut in transport funding If I had to pinpoint something about the Government that I actually liked it would have to be the amusing and deliberately obfuscated press releases they put out. This morning is no exception, the Secretary of State for Transport, Douglas Alexander, has announced "the country will benefit from £1.25billion to improve local transport" in 2007/08. Now, whilst I cannot (yet) establish whether this is money that's already been announced, what is hidden away in the press release is the announcement that the amount of money the Government plans to spend in 2008/09 and 2010/11 will be cut. The final paragraph of the release states that "[i]ntegrated transport allocations totalling £1,769 million across the country for 2008/09 to 2010/11, subject only to next year's spending review, are also included in today's announcement." Crude maths I know, but that means the Department of Transport plans to spend £700 million less over the two years following 2007/08. You have to love obfuscation really. When they're not obviously re-announcing money, they're burying budget cuts in the detail. Has Blair told the Police porkies? As everyone following the story now knows, the line that Blair (and his supporters) have put out about the peerage nominations that are under the spotlight was that they were for "party services" not for services to the public. Many questioned that line at the time, Iain Dale for one, but over the weekend a couple of nomination forms have been leaked to the press and they suggest that the line is completely false. According to the report in the Independent on Sunday, the nomination forms show that they were put forward as a result of their public service, including making donations to City Academies. The implication here, if the nomination forms are genuine, is that Blair has misled, or possibly even lied, to the Police when he was questioned. How long will it be before the door to Number 10 gets another knock, this time for the benefit of the tape? Leading blogger confused by modern technology? "How do I work this thing again?";-) Hutton re-announces ten year old policy According to reports this morning, John Hutton is going to crackdown on the persistently jobless by withdrawing benefits. Essentially he says that he is going to go after the "can work, won't work" people. Please be aware though this is not the same policy that Frank Field advocated when he said Labour should "think the unthinkable" in the build-up to 1997. This is a completely different policy, just as the abolition of the CSA was a completely different policy to the one that has been talked about for years and never happened. It's coming to something when the Government - in need of grabbing the news agenda after the week that saw the Police at Downing Street, and the "shambles memo" - has to re-announce (again) a policy that it's serially failed to implement over the past nine year. The Alan Milburn Sycophant Society Just spoted a post on Ed Vaizey's blog about a fan site for Alan Milburn here. It's the soft-focus banner image that disturbs me most. This said, it's get worse when you change "milburn" for "blair" in the url. Dizzy: Time Person of the Year Yes that's right, I have been named Time Person of the Year, as has, Guido, Iain Dale, Croydonian, LonelyGirl15, Star Wars Kid, and everyone else. This year, Time magazine has recognised that the Person of the Year is "You". The Information Age is ours and we control it with our content, our networks, and our lives. YouTube, Blogger, MySpace, LiveJournal, Bebo, AIMPages have given the ability to the non-technical to easily and freely communicate their content to the world, and 2006 saw an explosion of it's usage worldwide. Congratulations to everyone I guess. Downing Street has a Hungarian moment A stunning memo from Downing Street in the Mail on Sunday has just been reported by Iain Dale that essentially shows the Government know they are rubbish, and they know we know they are rubbish. Read the full memo here. What a brilliant week this has been! I particularly like this bit from the memo, "The Government is seen as a shambles. It is not just Labour internal conflicts but a lack of grip and competence on key issues. Iraq is a potent and raw issue, so is the NHS, immigration and crime. We have lost control of the big issues and are not delivering" Oh happy days! David Taylor must be gutted I imagine the news that Senator Johnson has had a stroke must have hit David Taylor quite hard. As people may remember, when I discovered the "johnson4leader" domains had been registered by the Blairite spinner Taylor, he briefly redirected them to the Senator's website. Giving Taylor the benefit of the doubt, I guess he must be absolutely shocked and stunned that such a good friend of his would be struck by a stroke. I send my condolences. LabourHome has the right to remain silent I've just been over to have a look at LabourHome and thought I'd grab a screenshot because there doesn't appear to be a single posting about Blair police questioning session. Nor is there anything about Gordon Brown's alleged involvement, as reported by Channel 4 and denied by Brown last night. Perhaps they'll write something later today, or perhaps not. Durham University Estates Clampdown? Click Image for Larger VersionReminds me of a Spoldgyness Abounds song called "Student Wankers" IRC brought to life IRC in the Real World. Brilliant. Well worth watching even though it's ten minutes. The end is hilarious. When it comes to the punch, Dizzy beats Prescott The other day Guido pointed out normality had returned and he was more popular than the Downing Street website once more. I've just learnt that I (and quite a few other bloggers) are far more popular than the Deputy Prime Minister's website as well. In fact, his traffic is truly poor. According to a written answer from Prescott, his department's website has had only 2,771 unique visits since August, and a mere 6,836 page impressions. Update: Seeing as that very nice man Iain Dale has linked to me and boasted about his traffic, I thought I ought to boast a little too. Whilst I'm not a patch on the Blogfathers, I have had 37,752 unique visits and 49,656 page impressions since the August. You'll note that my unique to page impression ratio is far better than Iain's, hence I win. Hat Tip: Croydonian for the post title This is what happens when you have a liquid lunch Typical.. I go to the pub and the PM gets questioned by the Old Bill. The BBC is saying that Yates "expects to deliver a report to the CPS next month". What does that actually mean though? Would Yates bother presenting a report if he didn't think there was a case? Or is presenting a report standard practice.. especially given the high profile nature of the whole thing? More importantly, why is no one talking about the fact that the world's tallest man has saved a dolphin's life by using his long arms to reach into their stomachs and pull out dangerous plastic shards? Blair waves goodbye Just what you've always wanted. A Tony Blair watch, available on EBay for only £4.99 (+ £5.99 p+p). As the description says, It's a wind up watch, and as it ticks away the PRIME MINISTER TONY BLAIR majestically waves her[sic] hand. Perhaps Tony should get one to count the seconds before she leaves? Blunkett paid £100K for book serialisation According to the Register of Memebrs Interests recorded on December 11th, David blunkett recieved just over £100,000 for the serialisation of the Blunkett Tapes in the Guardian and Daily Mail. You've got to admit that's not bad considering everyone said they were rubbish, and sales are bearing that statement out to be true. I'm going to wait until I can get a copy at a car boot sale for 50p. Shouldn't be long. Social engineering and the newspapers There is a scandal brewing it seems about the roles newspapers are playing in being complicit with information law breaking. First revealed by Iain Dale (and to be fully revealed by the Information Commissioner today), it appears that a large number of national newspapers have been using an agency to obtain personal information on politicians, celebrities and whoever else they want dirt on. This however is no ordinary Magnum PI because the methods that are being used to get the information is anything but legal. According to following reports, in for example, the Daily Telegraph, some classic old school hacking techniques are coming into play. In the hacking world it's called social engineering, the extraction of information from someone without them realising they're doing it. For example, the person mentioned in the Telegraph story rang BT pretending to be another BT call centre agent who's system had crashed. He then asked the agent to give him details of a customer. Thankfully, and maybe unusually, the agent was quick enough to be suspicious of such a call. Based on what Iain posted and the other stuff in the media, it's probably very likely that information was not just gained through the use of social engineering though. At the very worst end of the scale we are talking about the potential of information leaks within Government agencies. Anyone who reads my blog regularly will know that information leak and the supposed argument about "safeguards" is not one I trust. This revelation from Iain via Michael Ashcroft initially merely strengthens my view on that point. There is though an important educational issue here. In the past I have written about banks which call people and request personal information for identification purposes. That practice remains commonplace today. The result is that people are all too easily manipulated into giving out information that they shouldn't. Ironically, we hear that there is a "trust issue" today between the public politicians, yet many of these breaches suggest that perhaps we are far too trusting. Iain's biggest point on this issue was that because the papers were being fingered as culpable parties in the practice it was unlikely they would print the the story. Whey print something that slags yourself off. It would appear that he is right on that matter, the only papers to print the story thus far are those not implicated, the Telegraph and the Guardian. There is deafening silence from the tabloids. What a surprise! Reid to ban Entartete Kunst? Just read an interesting article on the Register saying that John Reid has floated the idea of legislation designed to outlaw the possession of computer generated Entartete Kunst. Specifically the issue relates to the anomaly that it is illegal to distribute computer generated images of child abuse, but it is not illegal to possess them. The Register makes an interesting point though regarding whether such laws might extend into the area of role-playing games, they argue that, "[b]izarre as it is, on the much-hyped VR environment Second Life, some subscribers represent themselves as children, in the expectation of being abused." Something that springs to mind as another grey area would be Japanese hentai which, like it's less sexually explicit Anime cousin, has a tendency to portray it's characters as particularly child-like in appearance (although not in action in either case). I guess we shall just have to wait for the Home Office's consultation paper on the issue. Ringo Starr and Finkestein Bridge petitions Last week here I posted about Danny Finkelstein's call to sign a petition urging the Prime Minister to give Ringo Starr a knighthood. The Fink is reporting that his petition has now gone live so I thought I'd check my mail and see if my petition had gone live yet. The great news it has, here. I wonder if many people will sign it. DEFRA spending on management consultants Earlier on, Iain highlighted Tony Blair's lack of knowledge of his own e-petitions after he said he knew nothing about cuts to Waterways by DEFRA even though one of the most popular petitions on the Downing Street website is about precisely that subject. It should probably be no wonder that DEFRA has to cut the Waterways budget though. Not only is there the problem that it has totally balls up the single payment subsidy to farmers, but it was revealed in a written answer that since 2002 DEFRA has spent a staggering £169,146,043 on management consultants. Who needs canals when you've got consultants? Need a cash machine? Go to a poor area Apparently, a report is to be published today that will put forward details of an agreement between the Government, banks and cash machine operators to ensure that ATMs that are located in "low income areas" will not charge people to withdraw money. Thankfully I live in the poorest postal district in London, so this is great news for me. I do wonder about the increase in cars parked on the side of road as all those people deemed "rich" stop draw money out. Even though I will probably beneift from this plan, I have to admit I think it's rather silly. For example, pensioners who bought their homes in what was once a poor area and is now a rich area will find themselves punished. People on low income who decide to treat themselves to a day out may find themselves charged for cash withdrawal simply because of where they went out for the day. The claim is that it is about finanical inclusion, but the reality is that the so-called "rich" people will just find the ATMs that don't charge them and the banks and cash machine operators will find themselves having to claw back the operating costs through other means. Government accepts people will lose money in its pension scheme? According to a report in this morning's Times the Government's proposals for an automatic pension scheme unless one opts-out could result in people losing 85% of the money they save. Basically for every pound that these people put in they will get 15p back at retirement. Whilst the scheme claims to be voluntary, its the opt-out that is voluntary, thus for many people who do not follow the news daily and have employers who don't provide financial advice, it is likely that it will be too late before they find out they are quite literally giving thousands of pounds away to the Treasury. The most worrying thing though is that the report also quotes the Pension Reform Minister, James Purnell acknowledging that 10% of pensioner households in the scheme "may not see any benefit from saving" by 2050. The Government claim that 10% is "only a small group of people", but given the well-documented fact that the population is aging, that 10% will undoubtedly be a significant real number when the day comes. Of course, in the short term Brown wants the money, so presumably that makes it alright. Heffer blames drugs for the death of "tarts" Simon Heffer has come up with an interesting angle in today's Telegraph. Apparently the reason "people kill tarts" all stems from drugs, the "theory" (and I use that term loosely) goes like this. The vast majority of hookers are smackheads (I'm not sure if that is actually true), therefore if we put drug users in jail more then drug dealers will have no one to sell to, the Mr Big loses money, and there will be less hookers on drugs, therefore less hookers will be murdered by homicidal fruitcakes. Got it? Heffer is very clear about how this will work, [i]f drugs use is made more difficult, there will be fewer pushers. If there are fewer pushers then life will become harder for those further up the food chain.... there would still be tarts, and there would still be people who kill tarts. There would probably, though, be gratifyingly fewer of both. Now, forgive me for being naive here, but I was under the impression Heffer was a Thatcherite? So why has he ignored the power of the market in his argument I wonder? In his scenario the drug supply won't disappear, the price will just fall, and as the price falls, those "tarts" will get more smack for the shag as it were. What's more, what about the sex market? He may not like it, but it's not considered the oldest profession in the world for nothing. Isn't it all so tremendously postmodern? A piece screaming for moral clarity in today's world which then cites drugs, rather than the killer[s] as the real cause for the slaughter in Ipswich. Not only has Heffer failed to realise the power of the market when it comes to drugs and sex, he also seems to have conceded the cultural war is lost to the Left's view of blame shifting. He'll be saying he likes Polly Toynbee next! Headphones.. how much do think? Click the image to see how much Prezza mangles written word too? After his tooth-spitting incident as highlighted by Guido, I found this an interesting written answer by Prezza Mr. Hayes: To ask the Deputy Prime Minister which 10 consultancy fees charged to his Office since its establishment were the most expensive. The Deputy Prime Minister: Since its establishment, my Department has not let any consultancies. Que SERA sera? I've just come across an organisation called SERA that promotes "sustainable environmental policies within government and the Labour Party." From what I can tell its a Labour Party affiliated pressure group, presumably funded by Labour as I can't see the membership fees raking much in. Having said this, the amusing thing is that an explanation of the acronym SERA doesn't actually appear on the site. That couldn't be because it stands for "Socialist Environment and Resources Association" could it? How very un-New Labour sounding. I wonder if the Blairites' who are members demanded the name purge? "I'm Leaving" threads For anyone well versed in the realm of Internet discussion forums, the "I'm leaving" thread is a legendary phenomenon. At some point or other in an Online Community someone will decide they have enough, they may have been excessively flamed, they may have had a bad day in the real world, but the result is the thread where they announce to their peers that "that's it", "I've had enough", "I'm leaving". Those that known such threads will also know that people who say their leaving rarely do. They lurk for a while and then all of sudden re-appear. The "I'm leaving" thread is then thrown back in their face with the usual flamers and bile that comes with the Internet. Another rule of the Internet is never, under any circumstance, announce you're going (especially in advance if you are a Prime Minister). Such actions will inevitably come back to bite you, because, if you've spent a long time posting online, either on boards or blogs, you'll never leave, the pull is to great. Why am I posting about this? Well, it is with much regret that Bob Piper has just posted an "I'm Leaving" thread on his blog here. I do hope he's joking. True, the online virtual world has breached it's wall and spilt out into the real world for him, but as much as he may say the two events are not connected, he should not allow it to cloud his judgement. Bob, for all his left wing ideological faults, has provided a service to his readership but also to those of us on the other side of the fence to snipe at. It's part of the game and it's part of the fun of it all, and the UK political blogosphere will not be as rich a place for debate without him in my opinion. He also recently did a lot of work changing his blog's look and appeal, to leave now would be a waste. This is not to say he didn't make a misjudgement over the past few days. I think he did. However, that is no reason to announce a departure in my mind. His post is actually titled "Time to Reflect", he's right about that. He needs to reflect on his decision to post that he is leaving. The cynical Internet geek in me knows that he will be back, but that doesn't change my disappointment that he posted saying he was going. What are "other costs"? Last week I posted that the Department of Culture, Media and Sport had spent £14million in one year on TV advertising. Tory shadow culture minister, Hugo Swire, has asked the Department of Work and Pensions how much it spent on TV advertising in 2005-06. The DWP it seems is much cheaper than DCMS, having spent only £1,987,000 on television advertising for the Targeting Benefit Fraud campaign. However, that figure did come with some caveats. The figure represented media spend only, and did not include production costs, direct mailing, public relation and something mysteriously vague called "other costs". The figure was also net of VAT. When you add VAT to the figure it's just short of £2,335,000 million. My limited understanding of TV suggests that production costs would be considerable, and lord know how much you can lump in "other costs". I wonder what the total TV advertising spend across Government departments is in one financial year? Police officer calls for DNA to be taken from babies? I have to amdit I'd presumed this was happening already , but it seems not. However a leading murder detective, Commander Dave Johnston, has called for all babies DNA to be stored on the DNA database. We're all suspects in his world it seems. Christian Aid forces out Baroness Tonge? Baroness Jenny Tonge has made quite a name for herself in recent months, especially after she all but in essence said that the Jews controlled the world media and the Liberal Democrats. "The pro-Israeli lobby has got its grips on the Western world, its financial grips. I think they have probably got a certain grip on our party." Something that hasn't been wildly reported in the UK that I can see, is that last week she resigned as a trustee from the Christian Aid board at their AGM. There are also rumours that she may have been forced to resign precisely because Christian Aid no longer wanted her views associated with them. Full-time elected Councillors? Labour MP for Stoke on Trent, Robert Flello, has put down a question for Ruth Kelly asking her whether she has made an assessment "the merits of having full-time elected local councillors." What an absolutely horrible thought that is. I wonder what Flello's motivation is for such a question though? According to TheyWorkForYou he never rebels against the party in Parliament. Good this be a planted question in advance of some announcement about the so-called "double-devolution" plans for local authorities? After all, you wouldn't ask such a question unless you either believed in it, or you knew something about the answer already would you? The very idea of yet more professional full-time politicians should make anyone wince really. The best thing about councillors currently is that they are normal people with real world experience (most of the time (at least Tories anyway (usually)). If we started to have full-time elected councillor we would see the rise of the political class at a local level like we have in Westminster. I'm looking forward to seeing the response. As Guido has already mentioned, today saw the launch of WebCameron's new feature "Ask David". The idea behind it for the users of the site to vote for the questions from the Open Blog they most want David Cameron to answer via his video blog. As you'll notice, Guido has been particularly mischievous with his question. Rule #34 of Internet Flame Wars If you find yourself having to explain your joke it probably wasnt funny. You will lose. Retreat and fight another day. John Reid's kitemark is dangerous According to reports, John Reid is planning on introducing a Government Kitemark for software that is designed to protect children online. Currently there are many different applications out there which can be used to monitor usage of computers. Key stroke loggers, port blocking software, pixel blocking software, web browser locking etc, and the one's that the Government deems are good will carry a Kitemark symbol to let parents know they are good. The problem is that this is like a sticking plaster masking the issue. People will see this Kitemark and falsely assume that their children are now safe. You can just see it now, little Johnny has been groomed and abused by someone online, and his parents go on the news and say "we bought a Government Kitemark product and it didn't work". Frankly this policy, besides being clearly driven by headlines (you can't beat a good "Government crack down on Net pervs!" story in the tabloids), will not actually protect children. In fact, it is dangerous because it will lull parents into a false sense of security. This kind of software is only as good as the person that administers it, and, as technology changes, many will become obsolete very quickly. Many parents though will not be aware of such things because they "have a Kitemark product, so everything is OK". Bob Piper makes the Mail The Daily Mail is reporting that there have been calls to Tony Blair to expel Bob Piper from the Labour Party and that he's been reported to the Commission of Racial Equality. Not looking good for Bob it seems. Bob Piper makes the BBC It would appear that the story of Bob Piper and the "sort-it spoof" has now made the BBC. Grant Shapps MP, one of the Vice-Chairman of the Conservative Party is quoted as saying. "I assume and hope that they (the council) will immediately ask him to take it down and possibly take some disciplinary action themselves. If they do not then there's the option of taking it further.... I am sure the Commission for Racial Equality would be interested. It just shows a spectacular lack of judgement. I know that Bob Piper represents a reasonably diverse and ethnic area - what could he be thinking of to post this up on his blog?" A reasonable point made by Grant really. The leader of Sandwell Council is also quoted as saying "I think it overstepped the mark quite frankly and I will be taking measures to see Councillor Piper as soon as possible" For me the biggest issue is that if someone from the right had produced the same "satire" the reaction would've been total outrage from the Left with accusations of racism. There is something worrying with this intellectual position that many on the Left have which asserts they are not capable of racism because of their ideological purity. It's bollocks. Is there a future for the big site portals? Have just read a very interesting piece on edgeio which has noted what appears to be a flattening trend on the traffic to the big portals. Essentially, since 2002 there has been a gradual reduction in the competition between the dominant portals, suggesting, possibly, that web users are turning their backs on the "portal experience". I have to say I think the argument is compelling. The portals of the world are now established, and it is highly unlikely that any players would start spending large amounts of money to enter such space. The only genuine revenue streams in portals are ads, and most web users are starting to block such delivery.
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Anyone who remembers the tongue-firmly-in-cheek Black Metal band 'Permafrost' may already be familiar with 'Legacy of Emptiness', a Norwegian 3-man Symphonic Black Metal band comprising of Permafrost founders Eddie Risdal and Kjell-Ivar Aarli, with Øyvind Rosseland joining them on synths. It's evident from their latest album, 'Over The Past', that this is no 'Permafrost mk.2' and it's a far cry from the debut Legacy of Emptiness album, which was largely reworkings of early and unreleased songs. Dealing with, in their words, "accidents, cancer and other illnesses", has inspired an altogether more serious, personal beast this time around. It's often said that the best material is produced during the most difficult, troubling times and judging by the quality of this release, I'd agree that it certainly rings true here. The string synth intro of 'Reminisce', immediately draws me into the dark, foreboding world the band are presenting, along with a satisfyingly familiar 90s Melodic Black Metal sound that can be likened to Emperor and pre-00s Dimmu Borgir. Extreme vocals are delivered and with ferocity, yet delivered with careful enunciation to convey the lyrics with absolute clarity, making it a joy to listen to without straining or regularly reaching for the lyrics sheet. 'Despair' is hugely melodic, with an almost Gothic / Symphonic Metal tinge to it. The acoustic refrain mid-way through provides a brief lull, softening the mood, even if only for a moment. The track also ends on a gentle acoustic arpeggio. 'Angelmaker' begins with a music box and strings intro that leads into the slow, trudging first verse. The pace soon picks up, replacing the Doom-laden atmosphere with blast beats and layered, melodic synth sequences. This track embraces the beauty in the darkness perfectly by encompassing symphonic, melodic Black Metal, grandiose Funeral Doom and epic, soaring lead guitar refrains. 'Into The Eternal Pits of Nothingness' features a dark, ferocious opening, whilst soaring guitar solos momentarily lift the song from the gloomy pits before being dragged back down again. It's a sonic tug-of-war that never feels dominated by any one style throughout, making for an interesting trade-off … but by the end, the nothingness is inevitable. Narration sets the scene for 'Drawn by Nightmares', as doomy vocals dominate the majority of the track, however they appear a little dry and monotonous for my liking and I much prefer the harsh vocals and haunting melodies that accompany these particular sections. Also worth noting are the eerie piano melodies, which wouldn't be out of place in an 80s Lovecraftian horror film such as 'Hellraiser', or the surreal, chilling 'A Nightmare on Elm Street'. 'There Was A Man' conjures up memories of a familiar sound, somewhat akin to classic Dimmu Borgir. A wonderful melting pot of the majestic, atmospheric and the ferocious. This is one of the more intricate compositions of the album, with many musical passages developing as if telling their own story, woven together by well-crafted bridges and transitions. It's another brilliant intro to kick off 'Four Hundred Years'. This song refers to the "night of the four hundred years", a moment in Norway's history when the country was ruled by foreign kings and is also the inspiration for the cover artwork. This track's highlight is its epic, symphonic synth composition and relentless, driving pace, juxtaposed again gloomy, doom-laden instrumental passages. 'Transition', an instrumental piano and synth interlude, plays into the album's final track, entitled 'Evening Star'. Slightly mellower and toning down the gloomy atmosphere, this song leans towards a Blackened Death Metal sound. According to the band's Bandcamp page, this album has no specific concept, yet when listening through in its entirety, there appears to be a strong narrative. No song sounds alike and they all have their own identity, which keeps things fresh and interesting, rather than feeling repetitive and characterless. Yet, given their individuality, there is a sense that each track marks a chapter within the album and whether intentional or not, they seem to pull together to form a complete body of work instead of being a disjointed set of individual ideas. What you get here isn't exactly groundbreaking or trend-setting, but what is on offer is a solid, well-executed set of songs composed in the true vein of classic Atmospheric / Melodic Black Metal. Reservations about the clean vocals aside, 'Over The Past' is expressive, creative and well-composed, with plenty of memorable melodies and riffs to boot.
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Privacy, Accuracy, And Consistency Too: A Holistic Solution To Contingency Table Release Boaz Barak Kamalika Chaudhuri Cynthia Dwork Satyen Kale Frank McSherry Kunal Talwar Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD-SIGART Symposium on Principles of Database Systems | June 2007 Published by Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. Download BibTex The contingency table is a work horse of official statistics, the format of reported data for the US Census, Bureau of Labor Statistics, and the Internal Revenue Service. In many settings such as these privacy is not only ethically mandated, but frequently legally as well. Consequently there is an extensive and diverse literature dedicated to the problems of statistical disclosure control in contingency table release. However, all current techniques for reporting contingency tables fall short on at least one of privacy, accuracy, and consistency (among multiple released tables). We propose a solution that provides strong guarantees for all three desiderata simultaneously. Our approach can be viewed as a special case of a more general approach for producing synthetic data: Any privacy preserving mechanism for contingency table release begins with raw data and produces a (possibly inconsistent) privacy preserving set of marginals. From these tables alone – and hence without weakening privacy – we will find and output the "nearest" consistent set of marginals. Interestingly, this set is no farther than the tables of the raw data, and consequently the additional error introduced by the imposition of consistency is no more than the error introduced by the privacy mechanism itself. The privacy mechanism of [20] gives the strongest known privacy guarantees, with very little error. Combined with the techniques of the current paper, we therefore obtain excellent privacy, accuracy, and consistency among the tables. Moreover, our techniques are surprisingly efficient. Our techniques apply equally well to the logical cousin of the contingency table, the OLAP cube. Copyright © 2007 by the Association for Computing Machinery, Inc. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers, or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from Publications Dept, ACM Inc., fax +1 (212) 869-0481, or [email protected]. The definitive version of this paper can be found at ACM's Digital Library --http://www.acm.org/dl/. Database Privacy Microsoft Research Lab - Redmond
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NHS Hospital chiefs from various hospitals across the country are warning that this winter could be the toughest yet as a lack of funding means that many hospitals are unable to cope with demand. NHS Providers, which represent NHS chief executives, is calling for the urgent provision of £200 to £350 million in order for hospitals to be able to manage the forthcoming patient safety risk. They also state that despite last winter being acknowledged as the toughest on record for the NHS, hospitals are on a trajectory towards, at best a similar, but more likely worse, performance this coming winter. It goes without saying that the winter months are the busiest for the hospitals across the country and NHS England state that extra efforts have been put into place to avert the scenes experienced by hospitals around the country last year, whereby long waiting times, insufficient bed capacity and increased patient demand led the British Red Cross to declare a humanitarian crisis. In these circumstances where patient care may have been compromised it may be appropriate for them to seek compensation through a hospital negligence claim. This latest news comes as hospitals failed to meet waiting time targets over the summer. Just over 90% of A&E patients were treated or admitted within four hours – which is below the goal of 95%, meaning the targets have been missed for two years in a row. Bed shortage remains a key issue across the hospitals, leading the government to review this with particular emphasis on reducing the number of beds occupied by patients that are fit to leave but cannot be discharged by the hospital. It was hoped that these patients would only account for 3.5% of beds by the end of August, however, the figure remained at 5.2% by the end of June – showing a minimal reduction when compared to the end of 2016 whereby 5.6% of beds were occupied by such patients. Medical negligence solicitors, Blackwater Law are particularly concerned by these latest reports as they have experienced firsthand the devastating consequences that an overstretched health service can have on patient care. The grave situation that many hospitals may face themselves in this coming winter may lead to an increase in patients pursuing medical negligence claims due to substandard care.
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Alex Boye has over 100 Million views for his videos and here he Performs & Talks Life Story w/ Ebro in the Morning! alex boye lemonade.mp3, ... Jerry Wonda & Alex Boye perform LIVE + his life story mp3. ... Alex Boye - How the Book of Mormon Saved my Life mp3. Jerry Wonda & Alex Boye perform LIVE + his life story.. Go For The Face.. face.. Hot to go.. CHARGING Sean Kelso.. Reno Winter Bachata Festival 2014.. Jul 31, 2014 · Follow Alex Crawford's questions and answers live: Liam Boyall: Is Alex Crawford qualified WN.com. Arabic ... Ebola Crisis: Your Questions Answered Live. Jerry Wonda & Alex Boye perform LIVE + his life story MP3 [View More Mp3 Music] Terbaru. Jessie J talks having #1 song, loving to Dutty Wine and being crazy!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
We provide you with Fast Friendly Service in getting you what you need for Advertising, Branding, Corporate Identity or marketing needs. No More Shopping around you are at the right place. Let us supply you with a marketing tools based on your ideas. Give us a budget to work with and accomplish a marketing strategy for you by supplying the right product to you. We have been around since 2000 with hands on experience, manufacturing, designing and outsourcing World Wide. It is all about marketing that is where the real craft comes in. We Provide a Wide Range of services to make life Easier. Give us a Call. Let us assist you with your Marketing and Company needs!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Facebook With Harder Congressman Josh Harder will be attending Turlock Government Night. Updated: July 10, 2019, 9:33 a.m. On Thursday, July 11 at 6 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time, Representative Josh Harder (CA-10) will hold a Facebook Live Town Hall to give his constituents an opportunity to connect with him while he is in Washington for votes. The event will last approximately half an hour and be streamed live on Rep. Harder's Facebook page. Constituents of the 10th Congressional District can ask questions in advance on his page, [harder.house.gov/facebook-live-town-hall] on his website, or live during the event on Thursday, July 11. In addition to 11 in-person town halls, Rep. Harder has already held one Facebook Live town hall and one telephone town hall. "I keep up with folks at home however I can – whether that's in-person, over the phone, or online," said Rep. Harder. "I hope folks tune in on Thursday and ask some questions in advance." Slide Into Summer County Fair Savings Park Fete Fun Scheduled This Weekend In Escalon Full Line Up Of Entertaining Acts For Park Fete Fourth Play Due In Summer Series
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Workplace gift-giving should be fun and rewarding–here's how Most experts say a workplace gift exchange is a fun way to share the spirit of the season. Bringing the holidays into the office can be a rewarding morale-building exercise that can pay off well into the New Year if you observe some simple rules. Santa, Check Your Bag It's fine to share the holiday spirit, but be aware of pitfalls associated with office gift-giving By Buddy Nevins Originally published in the Oct/Nov 2010 issue of 850 Magazine Break out the Chia Pets. Dust off the college team mug. Dig the scented candle out of the closet. It's time for holiday gift-giving at the office. Office gift-giving is as much a part of the holidays as lights in the windows and mistletoe over the doors. But at some workplaces, the practice is frowned upon. Should your office play Santa or Scrooge? Most experts say a workplace gift exchange is a fun way to share the spirit of the season. Bringing the holidays into the office can be a rewarding morale-building exercise that can pay off well into the New Year. "Modest holiday gifts make employees feel their work is being recognized. This helps spur teamwork," said Betsy Bowers, associate vice president for internal auditing and management consulting at the University of West Florida in Pensacola. Workplace gift-giving takes many forms. There is the "white elephant" gift exchange, in which employees give a gift they have been given and don't want. There is the grab-bag exchange, in which employees draw a modest gift out of a bag. Some offices purchase a group gift for the boss. In others, the boss is given carefully chosen individual gifts. In short, there is no one gift-giving template that is perfect for every workplace. Bigger enterprises with many employees sometimes have more formalized rules, and some forgo celebrating the holidays as companywide policy. Big businesses, however, are often broken into smaller divisions or branch offices where holiday gift exchanges are allowed. That is because at a smaller workplace, employees feel more like "family," Bowers said. So every December, just before the holidays, Pensacola Association of Realtors Chief Executive Officer Chuck Michaels and his half-dozen employees take an hour or so to share the spirit of the season. Gathering in the office, staffers exchange small gifts costing less than $10 with co-workers whose names they had earlier pulled out of a hat. Michaels treats everyone to a ham and cheese platter. "It's a way to share the holidays together," he said. The Rules of Gift-Giving The gift-giving scene is repeated at workplaces throughout Northwest Florida and can be enjoyed anywhere, as long as a few rules are followed. The first rule is that workers shouldn't feel expected, much less be required, to give or get gifts. "I do not expect gifts for doing my job," said Lise Diez-Arguelles, an associate in business communication at Florida State University's College of Business in Tallahassee. Even if employers give gifts to employees, "employees should not feel they must reciprocate with gifts to their bosses," Bowers said. The second rule is that giving no gift is better than giving an inappropriate gift in the workplace. It is never right to give anything that could be interpreted as demeaning or discriminatory or that calls unnecessary attention to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Such gifts could violate federal discrimination laws, which prohibit a hostile work environment. Gifts that are off the table include: Those with a political or religious message. Holiday gifts that include a cross, a Star of David or other religious references should be avoided because they might offend a coworker. Politically themed gifts also might be upsetting to some, so leave those bobblehead dolls of the president at home. Intimate clothing and adult-oriented gifts. That X-rated gift that had your frat buddies roaring with laughter could get you fired. Please note that this includes not only obviously sexual material but also movies, artwork and books that some might consider racy. Watch out for explicit music CDs. Even though societal standards on language have relaxed, if the music has a parental warning, it is probably improper for the workplace. So leave Snoop Dogg's latest at home. Liquor. Unless the workplace is a bar, restaurant, liquor store or nightclub, forget about giving that 12-year-old bottle of Scotch. Anything that could be interpreted as romantic. Most flowers should be avoided because they can be misunderstood as sexual harassment. Perfume is also out, especially from a male administrator to a female employee. Items such as soap or body lotions. Those receiving them may believe the gift implies there is something amiss with their personal hygiene. Humorous items. Be very careful of these. Leave the whoopee cushions on the shelf. What seems funny in the store might just leave you looking like a jerk at work. Cash. Unless everybody at the workplace gets a bonus for the holidays, avoid monetary gifts. Never give your boss cash, as it could be construed as a bribe to get special treatment. It also must be remembered that the IRS considers "holiday gifts, other than cash, with a low market value" as a minor employment benefit that is non-taxable. But IRS Publication 15-B states that "cash and cash equivalent(s)," such as gift cards or use of a charge or credit card, "no matter how little, are never excludable." One variation on a cash gift is to make a donation to a charity in the employee's name. Jennifer Sadler, public relations manager for Navy Federal Credit Union, which has its largest call center in Pensacola and has several Northwest Florida locations, said her company provides opportunities for its hundreds of employees in Northwest Florida to give gifts to the United Way over the holidays. Despite the long list of forbidden holiday gifts, you and your colleagues can still enjoy the holidays. "If a boss gives holiday gifts, they should be for everybody," said FSU's Diez-Arguelles. Bosses shouldn't play favorites. Those gifts for all employees should be roughly the same. Nothing can destroy the atmosphere in a workplace faster than when employees believe they are not getting equal treatment. It is OK to give a classical music lover a CD of the opera while giving a rock 'n' roll fan a Paul McCartney album because the gifts are perceived as having the same value. But bosses shouldn't give one golf lover a free day at the country club while giving another a free pass to miniature golf, because they are not equivalent. Three inexpensive workplace gifts that employees can enjoy include plants suitable for the top of a desk, an isokinetic hand-exercise squeeze ball, or a computer mirror that attaches to the monitor. The Secret Santa One of the best ways for employees to give gifts to one another is through the "Secret Santa" or grab-bag system, and as with the Pensacola Association of Realtors, even the boss can participate. The grab bag requires everybody to spend roughly the same amount, eliminating feelings that one employee is getting preferential treatment over another. It also removes accusations that an employee is trying to win favors by giving the boss an especially lavish gift. Don't ever feel you have to give your boss a gift on holidays, university experts said. "Business etiquette rules do not require an employee to give a gift to your boss on any occasion," the University of West Florida's Bowers said. "No employee should feel obligated to remember the boss," agreed FSU's Diez-Arguelles. If an employee believes the boss should share in the holiday cheer, business consultant and About.com/Women in Business blogger Lahle Wolfe warns that "gifts should be given to honor an existing relationship, not with the intention of hoping to establish a new one. I am completely against giving holiday (or other gifts) at work to try and win your boss's favor or make up for poor performance on the job." Bowers believes a good, acceptable way to give a gift to the boss is by purchasing a group present. "A group gift gives everyone the opportunity to participate and not have any one employee 'show up' co-workers," she said. Appoint someone in the office to collect a modest amount of money from each employee. Don't pressure anyone into contributing, and don't tell the boss who contributed and who didn't, which would create divisions in the workplace. That would be the exact opposite of the unity that holiday gifts should help achieve. Once the money is collected, decide among yourselves on something appropriate, keeping in mind the gifts you should not give that are listed above. The reality is that employees can't impress with an expensive gift because your boss most likely makes more money. So the gift should be relatively inexpensive, but genuine and heartfelt. "Keep the gift simple and stay away from giving personal items," Bowers said. One potential idea is to chip in and take your boss to a nice holiday lunch. At some firms, the employees hold a potluck luncheon, treating their boss to home-cooked goodies. A large greeting card signed by everyone is a nice, harmless, inexpensive way of showing that the boss is appreciated. If the employees can't put together a group gift, you can give an individual present to the boss if you keep it simple. The gift should be given discreetly — maybe put it quietly on the boss's desk — to avoid embarrassing fellow workers who didn't buy anything. If a card is attached to the gift, avoid writing anything too personal. Avoid promising anything, like "I'll do a great job next year." And avoid any language that might seem like an attempt to butter up the boss, such as "You are the greatest boss in the world." Always remember that no matter what you give for the holidays, the greatest gift that you can give your boss and fellow employees is free — doing the best possible job all year long. Public Relations Agency unveils new name and brand Commemorating Progress Toward a Vision A Recap of Business, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Conference EntreCon® 2022 and a Look Towards 2023 10 ways to build trust through communication Dr. Cheri Rainey, Sound Bytes Winter 2022 Senior Employees Emma Witmer, Lazaro Aleman, Steve Bornhoft, Press Release, Courting the Choosy Marina Brown, Sign up to receive the latest 850 Business Magazine stories and updates directly to your inbox.
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Christion Abercrombie suffered a serious head injury late in the first half of Saturday's game at Vanderbilt. A GoFundMe page has been launched by Tennessee State to provide funds for the family of Christion Abercrombie, a Tigers football player who is hospitalized in critical condition after suffering a head injury in a game against Vanderbilt on Saturday. Members of Abercrombie's family have remained at Vanderbilt University Medical Center since Abercrombie underwent emergency surgery. The goal for the GoFundMe is $250,000. As of Thursday morning, a total of $45,439 had been raised. Abercrombie's medical expenses will be paid by insurance policies provided by TSU and the NCAA. Abercrombie is a sophomore middle linebacker from Atlanta. He transferred from Illinois after last season. Earlier Monday, two other GoFundeMe pages were launched by individuals — Fachon Reed, the sister of TSU coach Rod Reed, and Nashville resident Jake Waddell. Those accounts were taken down at TSU's request because of a potential violation of NCAA rules. The NCAA also told TSU any other crowd-funding attempts may put Abercrombie's eligibility in jeopardy. March 28, 2019, 11:35 p.m. March 28, 2019, 9:17 p.m. March 28, 2019, 2:17 p.m. March 28, 2019, 6 a.m. March 28, 2019, 11:21 p.m.
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Laine T. Wagenseller Partnership and Shareholder Litigation Real Estate Fraud Business Fraud and Business Litigation Lawyers Build a Better Future Experienced Attorneys. Proven Results Wagenseller Law Firm specializes in Real Estate Litigation and Business Litigation in Los Angeles and Southern California. When you are facing a lawsuit or litigation, look for attorneys who have the knowledge and experience to help you achieve your goals and fight for your interests in court. Our real estate and business litigation lawyers have extensive litigation and trial experience in a variety of real estate and business lawsuits. Provide clients with individualized attention and cost-effective legal services. We are focused on helping you resolve your legal issue. The trial lawyers at Wagenseller Law Firm have the extensive trial and litigation experience that you need to successfully prosecute or defend your lawsuit in trial. Our litigation attorneys will aggressively represent your interests. Mr. Wagenseller is an experienced trial attorney who has represented companies and individuals in jury trials, court trials, arbitrations and mediations throughout Southern California. " Our experienced trial attorneys handle all facets of business litigation in the Los Angeles Superior Court and neighboring jurisdictions." Founder | Laine T. Wagenseller Wagenseller Law Firm is a full service business and real estate litigation law firm. Partnership & Shareholder Litigation Helping our clients build a better future Family Real Estate Lawsuits Demand for Corporation Books and Records Corporate Dissolution Explained In This Issue: Can You Afford to Arbitrate? A Message from Laine; Ask, No Really, Just Ask; Cases We Have Handled… Featured Cases & Results Notary-on-the-Run, Inc. v. Ameriquest Mortgage Company and Town & Country Credit Corp. Mr. Wagenseller represented Notary-on-the-Run, Inc., a family-owned mobile notary service, in an action for damages related to allegedly unpaid invoices. They pursued a writ of attachment against the defendant mortgage lender and credit corporation, after which the case settled on favorable terms to our client. Ortiz v. Universal Bank, et al. Mr. Wagenseller represented the Bank and its officers in a breach of contract action against the Bank for a failed investment in a paging company in Baja California, Mexico. A two week jury trial ended in a defense verdict in favor of the Bank and its officers. Spring Mountain Homes, LLC v. Upland Bank Mr. Wagenseller represented a housing developer in a month-long arbitration of a breach of contract action against the developer's lender relating to a failed housing development in Riverside County. TrizecHahn Office Properties, et al. v. The Hobbs Group Mr. Wagenseller represented a large national insurance brokerage in a malpractice action arising out of a $30 million commercial property insurance portfolio. The case settled on favorable terms on the verge of trial. White v. American Bankers Insurance Group and Great Western Bank Mr. Wagenseller represented American Bankers in a fraud, unfair business practices and insurance bad faith action. The case settled on favorable terms. Universal Bank v. Moss Adams LLP, et al. Mr. Wagenseller represented the Bank in a fraud action against the accountants of a $3.3 million borrower for the intentional concealment of a tax audit in the company's financial statements. This matter was settled on favorable terms prior to trial. By helping our clients succeed, we are helping our community. We also believe in contributing to the non-profit organizations in our community that are committed to improving the lives of everyone around us. Contact Wagenseller Law Firm to schedule a talk today. 500 S. Grand Ave #1800, Los Angeles, CA 90071 © 2019 Wagenseller Law | Attorney Advertising | Privacy Policy Site design by ONE400
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Founded in 1998 by longtime island resident and family entertainer Gregg Russell and his wife Lindy, Hilton Head Heroes was born out of a desire to help very ill children and their families enjoy a vacation that would not ordinarily be possible. The families stay in the HERO House located in Sea Pines Resort and are given gift certificates to local restaurants, grocery stores, and island amenities. Most recently, the local charitable organization hosted The Richards Family—Joshua, Katie, Gage (8) and Bo (5) from Logan, Ohio. In October of this year Gage's cancer will officially have been in remission for two years.
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Latest session of UN women's commission focuses on equality in public life For the first time in its history, the Commission will be held almost entirely virtually due to the ongoing pandemic, with events organized by UN Women, which works to accelerate gender equality globally, in collaboration with other UN agencies, organizations and civil society. At @UN_CSW, we're spotlighting the need for inclusive and diverse feminist leadership as the key to sustained global development as the world continues to confront urgent challenges. #CSW65 #GenerationEquality #ActForEqual pic.twitter.com/AIXh6VlrkI — UN Women (@UN_Women) March 11, 2021 Cement women's leadership UN Women described this year's CSW as "a pivotal opportunity to change our societies and cement women's leadership as we recover from COVID-19." Despite women's increased engagement and representation at different levels, the agency said the world is still "far away" from achieving gender equality in public life, which has only worsened in the pandemic. "It is clear that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated challenges when it comes to women's rights, decision-making and equal participation in society", the agency said in a press release ahead of the CSW opening session. "Latest data reveals that there is seldom gender parity in decision-making on COVID-19 task teams and response efforts globally, yet in several countries where women hold leadership positions, the response to the pandemic has been particularly effective. When more women are in decision-making positions, more inclusive decisions are made, diverse voices are heard, and different solutions are created." Road to 'Generation Equality' The CSW runs from 15-26 March. It will focus on charting a global roadmap towards achieving full equality in public life. The official opening ceremony will be held in-person in the UN General Assembly Hall on Monday morning, followed by ministerial roundtables, which will be held online. More than 100 side events have been scheduled. Further information can be found at this special focus page, linked here. UN Women added that this year's CSW is "an important bridge" to the Generation Equality Forum, a global gathering for gender equality, organized by UN Women and co-hosted by the Governments of France and Mexico, in conjunction with youth and civil society. The Forum will kick-off in Mexico City from 29 to 31 March and culminate in Paris, from 30 June to 2 July.
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WCU News WCU Events Calendar Support WCU Advocate for WCU My Cat WCU at Biltmore Park WCU Social Media Angela Dills Dr. Angela Dills is the Gimelstob-Landry Distinguished Professor of Regional Economic Development at Western Carolina University. She received a B.A. from the University of Virginia and an M.A. and Ph.D. from Boston University. She previously held faculty positions at Clemson University, Mercer University, Wellesley College, and Providence College. Specializing in the economics of education, crime, and health, her research focuses on policy issues such as school choice, accountability, peer effects, college quality, and alcohol and drug prohibition. This research has appeared in journals such as the Journal of Health Economics, American Economic Review, Economic Inquiry, the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, and the Economics of Education Review. She lives in Franklin, NC with her economist-husband and three children. © 2008 - 2023 by Angela Dills and Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC
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Five large sterling silver picture frames, all for 8 x 10 photos, including two matching sterling frames by Reed & Barton, style X370, 12:" H x 9 3/4" W, still in original packaging and boxes, 13" L x 10 7/8" W x 1 1/2" D each box. The other three frames by The 925 Inc., Allesandro Co. and one with English sterling hallmarks, 11 3/4" x 9 3/4" to 13" x 10 3/4". Estate of Jane McKinnon, Lenoir City, TN. CONDITION: All items in very good condition. Some with very minor abrasions. No monograms.
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Walid Mosarsaa '16 recently attended the United Nations Association General Conference in New York City, representing Every Campus a Refuge (ECAR) as a Center for Principled Problem Solving fellow. He is also ECAR's volunteer and donations coordinator. Walid, a business administration major, presented on ECAR at the NGO Open House at Baruch College of the City University of New York. He also took part in a panel with organizational leaders working on sustainable development goals. At this venue, attendees told Walid they are inspired by ECAR and requested information about how to implement it on their campuses. "I think this was a very important event for ECAR to be a part of. It put us on the map and connected us with many amazing people, including diplomats and policymakers," Walid says. "Also, being at the U.N. gave the hundreds of college students and representatives in the audience an opportunity to see for themselves how they can tackle such an issue hands-on in their own communities instead of just talking about it." Walid also attended the conference at the General Assembly at the United Nations Headquarters, where he represented ECAR at sessions about migration and refugee issues. He met and was introduced to several notable figures, including Mr. Maher Nasser the Director of the Outreach Division at the U.N. Secretariat. He was also invited to lunch with Sana'a Hussein, UNA's Secretary, and a member of its Board of Directors, as well as Natalie Mosallam, the Chair of the Global Goals Program at the UNA, and the Lebanese Delegate to the U.N.'s ambassador program. "Now more than ever, campuses need to model loudly and clearly for their communities a deep commitment to compassion and hospitality in the face of fear-mongering and xenophobia. Joining the Every Campus A Refuge movement is one effective and tangible way institutions can do that while positively affecting the lives of the refugees they host and educating their students about this important global crisis," says Diya Abdo, an associate professor of English who founded ECAR as an initiative of the Center for Principled Problem Solving at Guilford. "Walid is an excellent ECAR spokesperson — a Palestinian refugee himself, he embodies the initiative's core value of centralizing refugee experiences and perspectives. His dynamic personality, his broad knowledge on refugee issues and concerns and his extensive work with ECAR and the refugees it hosts make him a perfect representative." There was also plenty of networking opportunities, where Walid met with representatives from other U.N. organizations, the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the State Department. The most notable moment for Walid was when he was called on to ask a question from the floor of the General Assembly and his image was projected onto the screens where nation leaders and presidents are typically projected. The UNA – United States is a United Nations Foundation program that seeks to connect the American people to the work the U.N. is doing. The conference brought chapters from across the United States to see how they can learn about as well as tackle firsthand development goals set by the U.N. regarding various issues, including refugees and migration. Guilford College is mourning the loss of alumnus and devoted supporter J. Howard Coble '53, who died Nov. 3 following an extended illness.
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Please advise our size guide (foot length) before you complete your order. If the slides get wet, simply shake it out and remove as much water as possible. Do not use a hair dryer or any direct heat on the fur. After it is dry, shake again to fluff the fur – do not comb or brush – simply smooth the fur with your hand.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
While the new Fonepad doesn't look too different from the Fonepad 7 FE170CG that was released in 2014, it brings important improvements when it comes to specs. The device is powered by a quad-core Intel Atom Z3530 processor clocked at 1.3 GHz, and sports a 7-inch IPS display with 800 x 1200 pixels. It obviously lets you make phone calls, supporting micro SIM cards, LTE, and 3G connectivity. Furthermore, the Fonepad 7 features a 2 MP front-facing camera, 5 MP rear camera, 2 GB of RAM, 8 GB or 16 GB of internal memory, 5 GB of cloud storage space (for life), and microSD card slot.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Home » News » Look forward to 2016 with One Traveller! Look forward to 2016 with One Traveller! As much of the country takes its summer holidays, we've had our noses to the grindstone putting together our brand new 2016 brochure... and we're really proud of it! Not only does the new catalogue showcase our fantastic range of escorted holidays for the mature single traveller, but we're introducing several new destinations in 2016. Our really big news is that we're offering cruises in our main programme for the first time. Our 2015 winter cruise sold out in only three weeks, so we're introducing four new cruises for 2016. We pride ourselves on the attention to detail we put into all our holidays and our new range of cruises is no exception. Our spring departures will take in the breath-taking scenery of Norway's fjords, while late-autumn sailings will cover Portugal, the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands. We know that big cruise ships can be intimidating places, so we've partnered with Fred. Olsen and will be on board their small, friendly ships – you won't be lost on board a floating tower block. Like everything else we do, our new cruises have been put together with mature single travellers in mind, including a dedicated Tour Manager, pre-dinner drinks parties each evening, an area for afternoon tea and a coach for excursions exclusively for One Traveller guests. Even though some cruise ships offer a "singles get-together" a few times on each cruise, One Traveller staff research shows that often its pot luck whether there are any other single passengers on board! One Traveller cruises also include a limousine service from front door to gangway, outside double cabins for single occupancy, all on-board drinks, meals and entertainment and excursions in each port. We're also offering UK breaks for the first time. When planning holidays, it's often easy to forget the amazing landscapes here on our own doorstep. Whizzing past countryside on the way to work or to visit family, we rarely get time to visit and appreciate our own national treasures. Our new selection of UK breaks will hopefully give our guests the chance to reacquaint themselves with our own great nation. Our Wye Valley holiday includes visits to Royal Bath, Tredegar House and Ross on Wye. Meanwhile, our Yorkshire holiday, based in York, includes excursions to Harewood House and Castle Howard. Our third UK holiday is all about the Cotswolds, one of the genuinely unspoiled parts of England. It's hard not to fall in love with the Cotswolds' combination of unique, rich history and natural beauty of limestone villages. As well as visits to Stratford-upon-Avon and Charlecote Park, our holiday also includes a stay in a 16th century manor house! Another new page in the One Traveller atlas is Puglia, the "heel" of Italy's boot. This area of the country is relatively undiscovered, yet is home to amazing food, stunning scenery and outstanding architecture. We base our holiday in two beautiful towns: Ostuni and Lecce, "the Florence of the south". We're really excited about one of our specially researched day trips: olive oil tasting and a home-produced meal at a working Pugliese farmhouse. We've also arranged dinner in a spectacular sea-facing cavern. For the first time, we're offering our guests the chance to spend time in Barcelona, Catalonia's buzzing capital. Where else in Europe combines Gaudi's unique architecture, the bars and restaurants of the tree-lined Las Ramblas, the amazing smells and tastes in La Boqueria market and a beach? Finally, we're so excited to be offering a tour of India. Visiting this incredible country is often described as "a life-changing experience", and we hope that our holiday will provide this for our guests. As well as the iconic Taj Mahal and "pink city" of Jaipur, our guests will get the chance to visit Mumbai, Delhi and many of India's national parks – including the chance to see Royal Bengal tigers. Back in the office, we're thrilled to introduce three new members of staff to our team. Our new Product Manager is Nicky, who recently moved to Norfolk from Northamptonshire. Appropriately enough, Nicky is well-travelled, and her holidaying highlights include St Petersburg, Mauritius and a trip to the Arctic Circle to see the midnight sun. Nicky has joined our research team, planning and developing new and exciting holidays to make sure our guests have nothing but the best holiday experience. Nicky is an experienced Tour Manager and has worked both on land and on cruises. We've also taken on two new Office bods to help us keep on top of all the new bookings we've been receiving! Amanda started with us as a temp at the end of last year and she was so good we asked her to stay. Amanda worked for years in London but is now thoroughly embracing the more relaxed Norfolk way of life... not that our busy office is always relaxed! Amanda is loving her role with us, especially the rewards and challenges that every day brings. Sue is our other new Office Administrator and would you believe she stumbled on One Traveller by chance? Sue is a stickler for detail – which we really appreciate! Sue's main role is to look after the administration that goes on in the office and she's keen to learn as much as possible about the travel industry. Of course, working for a family-run company such as One Traveller, Sue really gets a chance to demonstrate her dedication to providing a high level of satisfaction to all our guests. She enjoys listening to our guests' experiences of their travels and looks forward to helping them choose their next adventure. And while we're on the subject of new additions to the One Traveller family... one final piece of news. Ian, our MD, and his wife Emma (One Traveller's Company Secretary) are expecting their first baby in the autumn. From new arrivals to new departures, it's all going on at One Traveller! - 24th August 2015
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: Advanced CSS Tricks: How to align text paragraphs to a "baseline grid" using multiple columns layout? For years I have been struggling with this problem and now finally I will show you what I mean by showing a typical css multicolumn layout, where the text shift vertically around, instead of neatly being aligned to a horizontal baseline grid! Examine both code snippets below, you see that after a <br> break, the text no longer aligns to its original "baseline" grid and the lines become unreadably misaligned. In the first code snippet I try to inters only one <br> and tried to have it set to jump exactly two lines. In the second tryout I removed the p br{} and just inserted two <br><br>, which also results in misalignment of the paragraph text. HOW can we make all text in all columns align (via CSS only!) to the same baseline horiontal grid? Now I feel this has to do with the drop cap capital initial letter but have not found how/why to make it all look neat. The result needs only to work on the newest versions of the major browsers FireFox, Chrome, InternetExplorer and Safari. p br{ display: block; margin: 0 0 2em 0; } article { width: 1000px; height: 520px; background-color: #ECC; text-align: justify; word-spacing: -1pt; line-height: 30px; -webkit-column-count: 3; -moz-column-count: 3; column-count: 3; -webkit-column-gap: 12px; -moz-column-gap: 12px; column-gap: 12px; } p:first-of-type:first-letter { float: left; font-size: 60px; margin: 11px 7px -9px -4px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 60px; } p br { display: block; margin: 0 0 2em 0; } <article> <p> Om de temperatuur constant te houden, moet de verloren gegane energie weer toegevoegd worden. In een (ongeïsoleerde) doorsnee woning gaat 75% van het totale energieverbruik rechtstreeks naar verwarmen. De belangrijkste reden om goed te isoleren is energiebesparing en comfortverhoging. Het binnenoppervlak van een geïsoleerde woning voelt warmer aan dan dat van een ongeïsoleerde woning. Deze hogere temperatuur zorgt voor extra stralingswarmte.<br> Verwarmen en koelen kan ook op manieren dat het geen enkele energie meer nodig is. Een experiment in hoeverre dit mogelijk is vergt het uiterste van twee natuurlijke processen: isolatie en ventilatie. Op de meeste plaatsen in de wereld is de warmte van de zon en de inwendige warmteproductie (van elektrische apparaten) onvoldoende om het hele jaar door in de leefruimtes een aangename binnentemperatuur te bereiken: er is verwarming nodig. Indien de binnentemperatuur hoger is dan de buitentemperatuur ontstaat volgens de wetten van Fourier energietransport door de schil van een gebouw (muur, dak, vloer).<br> Om de temperatuur constant te houden, moet de verloren gegane energie weer toegevoegd worden. In een (ongeïsoleerde) doorsnee woning gaat 75% van het totale energieverbruik rechtstreeks naar verwarmen. De belangrijkste reden om goed te isoleren is energiebesparing en comfortverhoging. Het binnenoppervlak van een geïsoleerde woning voelt warmer aan dan dat van een ongeïsoleerde woning. Deze hogere temperatuur zorgt voor extra stralingswarmte.<br> Ook condenseert waterdamp minder snel op een warm oppervlak. De vacht of het verenkleed van dieren dient hetzelfde doel. De waterdamp migreert dan door de wand en de isolatie, om daarin te condenseren. Om die condensatie te voorkomen wordt dampdichte folie aangebracht, die de migratie van verse lucht ook belemmert, waardoor warmteverliezende ventilatieroosters moeten worden toegepast.</p> </article> article { width: 1000px; height: 520px; background-color: #ECC; text-align: justify; word-spacing: -1pt; line-height: 30px; -webkit-column-count: 3; -moz-column-count: 3; column-count: 3; -webkit-column-gap: 12px; -moz-column-gap: 12px; column-gap: 12px; } p:first-of-type:first-letter { float: left; font-size: 60px; margin: 11px 7px -9px -4px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 60px; } <article> <p> Om de temperatuur constant te houden, moet de verloren gegane energie weer toegevoegd worden. In een (ongeïsoleerde) doorsnee woning gaat 75% van het totale energieverbruik rechtstreeks naar verwarmen. De belangrijkste reden om goed te isoleren is energiebesparing en comfortverhoging. Het binnenoppervlak van een geïsoleerde woning voelt warmer aan dan dat van een ongeïsoleerde woning. Deze hogere temperatuur zorgt voor extra stralingswarmte. <br>Verwarmen en koelen kan ook op manieren dat het geen enkele energie meer nodig is. Een experiment in hoeverre dit mogelijk is vergt het uiterste van twee natuurlijke processen: isolatie en ventilatie. Op de meeste plaatsen in de wereld is de warmte van de zon en de inwendige warmteproductie (van elektrische apparaten) onvoldoende om het hele jaar door in de leefruimtes een aangename binnentemperatuur te bereiken: er is verwarming nodig. Indien de binnentemperatuur hoger is dan de buitentemperatuur ontstaat volgens de wetten van Fourier energietransport door de schil van een gebouw (muur, dak, vloer).<br> Om de temperatuur constant te houden, moet de verloren gegane energie weer toegevoegd worden. In een (ongeïsoleerde) doorsnee woning gaat 75% van het totale energieverbruik rechtstreeks naar verwarmen. De belangrijkste reden om goed te isoleren is energiebesparing en comfortverhoging. Het binnenoppervlak van een geïsoleerde woning voelt warmer aan dan dat van een ongeïsoleerde woning. Deze hogere temperatuur zorgt voor extra stralingswarmte.<br> Ook condenseert waterdamp minder snel op een warm oppervlak. De vacht of het verenkleed van dieren dient hetzelfde doel. De waterdamp migreert dan door de wand en de isolatie, om daarin te condenseren. Om die condensatie te voorkomen wordt dampdichte folie aangebracht, die de migratie van verse lucht ook belemmert, waardoor warmteverliezende ventilatieroosters moeten worden toegepast.</p> </article> A: Could be a little late for an answer, but nonetheless. By removing the default margin, the alignment of lines behaves like you want: p { margin:0; } See: https://jsfiddle.net/w5vs4j59/
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Q: Flexbox bug with .flex-video I am currently trying to achieve what I thought would be a simple task: * *A flex row with two automatically sized (flex: 0 0 auto;) child elements that are centered vertically and horizontally. *The children themselves are flex columns. *Inside one of the child elements, I am wanting to have a fluid YouTube video. Here is my initial code that I suspected would work: http://codepen.io/tatemz/pen/dMqKbb Okay, simple. That works well and I am happy. Now I build my .flex-video class: /* Taken from http://foundation.zurb.com/sites */ .flex-video { position: relative; height: 0; padding-bottom: 75%; margin-bottom: 1rem; overflow: hidden; } .flex-video iframe, .flex-video object, .flex-video embed, .flex-video video { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } .flex-video.widescreen { padding-bottom: 56.25%; } .flex-video.vimeo { padding-top: 0; } Now, when we put it all together and nest our .flex-video inside of one of our child flex columns, the layout breaks. It would appear that the parent flex column containing the .flex-video cannot calculate its dimensions. http://codepen.io/tatemz/pen/qZMKdz A: Is this what you're after? http://codepen.io/anon/pen/rLNedq?editors=1100 .child { flex: 0 0 50%; max-width: 200px; } I've just changed your flex basis to be 50% instead of auto, and I've moved the max-width declaration up a level. Though, when you say "automatically sized", it's not clear what size you're referring to. Do you want it to start out at the size from the width and height attributes and then adjust to fit the container? If so then setting the flex grow/shrink properties to 0 isn't going to work. If you clarify what exactly you're hoping to achieve, it'll be easier for someone to answer your question.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
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Advice on how to ensure "voluntary compliance" from your kids—no tear gas involved. Some of the best parenting advice I've ever gotten was from a website for prison guards. While researching a story on prison riots, I was browsing CorrectionsOne, a site for corrections professionals whose typical stories have titles like "Mass. man escapes jail wearing only boxer shorts" and "Alternative Uses for Batons" (sorry, that one's for sworn correctional officers only). There, amid the Taser ads and tales of prison gangs, I came across an article that changed the way I think about being a dad. If you've ever been a child or have your own, you undoubtedly recognize those as the greatest hits of the pissed-off parent. As the father of three kids under five, I've probably said some variation of each of these phrases dozens, if not hundreds, of times. You have just warned the subject that he is in trouble. "Come here" means to you, "Over here, you are under my authority." But to the subject it means, "Go away—quickly!" The words are not tactical for they have provided a warning and possibly precipitated a chase that would not have been necessary had you, instead, walked casually in his direction and once close said, "Excuse me. Could I chat with [you] momentarily?" Notice this question is polite, professional, and calm. As a parent, your job is to care, feed, and protect people who find themselves in a situation from which they can't escape. They're often not too happy about it. Reading Thompson's article made me realize two things: One, I needed to rethink how I talked to my children. Second, raising kids isn't totally unlike being a prison guard. Thankfully, as a parent, you don't have the recourse to violence that prison guards do. But when you screw up, things can devolve into a Stanford Prison Experiment-type situation: a feedback loop where everyone assumes oppositional roles that feed the tension and conflict. That's why, whenever my kids and I have a failure to communicate, I try to think of the advice contained in Thompson's list of seven things not to say to anyone. Its overall lesson is this: No matter how mad or frustrated you are, you can—and should—communicate in a way that conveys respect and empathy. While such courtesy may feel like a concession of authority, it is actually the best way to keep control of the situation. If you stay calm, your kids are more likely to cool down. (Bonus points if you acknowledge their feelings and explain the consequences of their behavior.) If you escalate, your kids are likely to get even more defensive or obstinate. And that will probably prompt you do something futile, like shouting "Be quiet!" or making elaborate threats you either have to follow through with or lose face. "Natural language"—what our gut tells us to say—"is disastrous," writes Thompson. Easier said than done, right? Admittedly, doing some Verbal Judo on your kids would probably a lot simpler if you looked and sounded like Doc "Rhino," a barrel-chested guy with a shaved head and a raspy voice caused by a bout of throat cancer. (Sadly, Thompson died unexpectedly last week at the age of 69.) But in my sporadic application of his strategies, I've been pleasantly surprised. My kids don't always react with "voluntary compliance," but I feel a lot better about how I'm treating them, even if inwardly I'm not feeling like the equanimous dad I aspire to be. Keep that in mind the next time you're ready to tell your kids to go the f*** to sleep.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Signet Jewelers Ltd. (NYSE:SIG) is the largest specialty retail jeweler in the US and UK. This article will reveal the business prospects of Signet Jewelers Ltd. (NYSE:SIG) through the lens of FAST Graphs – fundamentals analyzer software tool. Therefore, it is offered as the first step before a more comprehensive research effort. Our objective is to provide companies that have excellent historical records and appear reasonably priced based on past, present and future data and expectations. A quick glance at the historical earnings and price correlated FAST Graphs™ on Signet Jewelers Ltd. (NYSE:SIG) shows a picture of in-value based upon the historical earnings growth rate of 6.9% and a current P/E of 14.5. Analysts are forecasting the earnings growth to continue at about 11.7%, and when you look at the forecasting graph below, the stock appears undervalued (it's inside of the value corridor of the five orange lines – based on future growth). Performance Table Signet Jewelers Ltd. When presented separately like this, the additional rate of return a dividend paying stock produces for shareholders becomes undeniably evident. In addition to the 13.6% capital appreciation (green circle), long-term shareholders of Signet Jewelers Ltd., assuming an initial investment of $1,000, would have received an additional $899.20 in dividends (blue highlighting) that increased their total return from 13.6% to 14.8% per annum versus 2.7% in the S&P 500. The following graph plots the historical P/E ratio (the dark blue line) in conjunction with 10-year Treasury note interest. Notice that the current price earnings ratio on this quality company is as high as it has been since 1999. A further indication of valuation can be seen by examining a company's current P/S ratio relative to its historical P/S ratio. The current P/S ratio for Signet Jewelers Ltd. is 1.22 which is historically normal. The consensus of 11 leading analysts reporting to Capital IQ forecast Signet Jewelers Ltd.'s long-term earnings growth at 11.7% (orange circle). Signet Jewelers Ltd. has low long-term debt at 0% of capital (red circle). Signet Jewelers Ltd. is currently trading at a P/E of 14.5, which is inside the value corridor (defined by the five orange lines) of a maximum P/E of 18. If the earnings materialize as forecast, based upon forecasted earnings growth of 11.7%, Signet Jewelers Ltd.'s share price would $111.88 at the end of 2018 (brown circle on EYE Chart), which would represent a 13.1% annual rate of total return which includes dividends paid (yellow highlighting). Since all investments potentially compete with all other investments, it is useful to compare investing in any prospective company to that of a comparable investment in low risk Treasury bonds. Comparing an investment in Signet Jewelers Ltd. to an equal investment in 10-year Treasury bonds illustrates that Signet Jewelers Ltd.'s expected earnings would be 6.2 (purple circle) times that of the 10-year T-bond interest (see EYE chart below). This is the essence of the importance of proper valuation as a critical investing component.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
We provide superb, patient-centered care for adults across the continuum of health and aging, and interact with caregivers on a personal and clinical level. Allow us to walk you through your first "Welcome to Medicare" well visit at age 65, and continue your annual visits thereafter. If you need treatment for your diabetes or are interested in lifestyle change to improve your health, we are ready to treat you. If you are ill, we can accommodate you with an appointment that same day. What's more, we have evening hours to accommodate your busy schedule. Formerly known as Medical Center Partners in Primary Care, rest assured that you'll receive the same supportive medical care – all in a larger, improved office. Plan your visit to the Alantic Medical Group Internal Medicine at Hackettstown today.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Die Rutland and Whitehall Railroad war eine Eisenbahngesellschaft in Vermont (Vereinigte Staaten). Sie wurde am 9. November 1831 gegründet, begann jedoch zunächst nicht mit dem Bahnbau. Am 14. November 1848 wurde die Gründung erneut vollzogen und die Gesellschaft baute nun eine normalspurige Bahnstrecke, die die östliche Fortsetzung der in Bau befindlichen Washington Railroad in den Bundesstaat Vermont darstellte. Die Gesamtstrecke von Whitehall nach Castleton ging am 1. Oktober 1850 in Betrieb. Nur der in Vermont liegende 11 Kilometer lange Abschnitt der Strecke gehörte der Rutland&Whitehall. Beide Gesellschaften führten den Betrieb gemeinsam. Ab 1852 schloss in Castleton die Strecke der Rutland and Washington Railroad nach Rutland an. Die Washington Railroad, die ab 1855 als Saratoga and Whitehall Railroad firmierte, pachtete ab dem 1. Mai 1856 die Rutland&Whitehall und wurde ihrerseits am 1. April 1865 durch die Rensselaer and Saratoga Railroad gepachtet, die 1868 beide Gesellschaften endgültig kaufte und mit ihnen fusionierte. Später ging die Bahn an die Delaware and Hudson Railway, die sie jedoch im Dezember 1983 an die Clarendon and Pittsford Railroad verkaufte. Die Strecke wird auch heute noch im Personenverkehr betrieben, die Amtrak befährt sie mit dem Ethan Allen Express. Bahngesellschaft (Vermont) Gegründet 1831
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Tag Archives: sexual curiosity Liza, Liza, Skies are Grey Life's a beach. (2017) Coming of Age (Ocean) Mikey Madison, Sean H. Scully, Kristin Minter, Kwame Boateng, Valerie Rae Miller, Adele René, James Austin Kerr, John-Paul Lavoisier, Madison Iseman, Eric Henry, Samira Izadi, Kris Park, Shamar Sanders, Robert John Brewer, Nandini Minocha, James Liddell, Thomas Archer, Evelyn Lorena, Jessica Bues, Kathryn Jurbala. Directed by Terry Sanders Growing up is no easy task. It never has been. Growing up in 1966, for example; kids had a lot on their plate. The Vietnam war was raging, sexual revolution was in full swing, drugs were becoming a thing, the atomic bomb being dropped by the Soviets was a real worry and parents were becoming absorbed in their own issues, so much so that they didn't have time to think about their kids who were floundering in the surf without a life preserver in sight. Liza (Madison) is a sweet girl. She plays the cello in the school orchestra, and is interested in the social interests of the day – the war, racial injustice, and so on. Ever since her father inexplicably killed himself, she and her mother (Minter) have been distant. Mom is certain that Liza hates her; Liza doesn't hate her mother so much as is puzzled by her. Liza's been dating another sweet boy, Brett (Scully). Liza is also reaching her sexual awakening. She's still a virgin, but she doesn't want to remain that way. Curious and forthright, she feels the need to ask her cello teacher (René) about her experiences with men. Of course, being an awkward 15-year-old, she phrases it this way – "You've slept with a lot of men, haven't you?" Unfortunately for Liza, her mother doesn't approve of Brett and tries to set her up with an older guy who turns out to be a lot less nice than mom thinks. Mom's horrible boyfriend (Lavoisier) also makes an attempt to "seduce" Liza although most would call it an attempted rape. Worst of all, Brett who ha been living with his aunt, has been summoned by his father to live with him in New York which will mean the end of his nascent relationship with Liza. Determined to be "his first," she and Brett take a road trip on his Triumph motorcycle (another reason Mom is less than overjoyed about Liza's taste in boys) up the California coast, meeting up with creepy hotel clerks, happy hippies and redneck bikers most of whom have designs on Liza. Sanders won an Oscar producing a documentary; that's to the good. To the bad, he's an octogenarian trying to tell the story of a teenage girl's sexual coming of age. I don't think he got the memo that there are some stories to tell that old men probably don't have a clue about. I'm not saying that only teenage girls can make movies about teen girls discovering their sexuality but I think it helps if the filmmaker was a teen girl at some point. The micro budget for the film didn't allow for a real immersion into 1966 so there are mainly inserts of news footage, anti-war handbills posted on walls and shots of areas of Los Angeles that haven't changed much since that era. There are also a smattering of era jargon like "groovy" and "far out." The dialogue here is more than cringeworthy, it is basically unlistenable. Real human beings don't talk like this. Real human beings never talked like this. It doesn't help that the cast is obviously uncomfortable with the words they're speaking as their delivery of said dialogue is mega-stiff, as if the actors know that the words they're speaking are anything but authentic. I would feel for the cast except there is a real sense that none of them want to be there. The delivery is rushed, the body language between Brett and Liza is unconvincing and none of the performances stand out. From a writing standpoint it feels like a juvenile novel written by someone who can't remember what it is to be young. There are some sweet moments – as when Liza dances to the ad jingle for Virginia Slims cigarettes, singing along with the catchy tune – and then sneering to Brett "We've come a long way baby. Now we can get cancer too." It's one of the better lines of dialogue although it may be anachronistic; I am not sure the surgeon general's report on the link between cancer and cigarettes had come out by 1966. It may have but I can't be bothered to look it up as I normally would; I don't think enough of my readers are going to bother to see this. Needless to say, sweet moments like that are few and far between in the film. The movie is a mess unfortunately. The cast is young and earnest and I hope that they don't get discouraged by the film. There are plenty of good movies being made and hopefully some of them will find one to sink their teeth into; it's truly hard to make a determination of underlying talent when a movie is so magnificently fouled up from a writing and directing standpoint. However, I have to say that this is extraordinarily hard to sit through and I feel as if I should get some sort of medal for doing so. Feel free to check it out if you have a masochistic streak in you, but don't say I didn't warn you. For those with morbid curiosity, the film will be available on DVD on August 4th, 2020. REASONS TO GO: There is some sweetness in some of the scenes. REASONS TO STAY: The dialogue is absolutely dreadful. The acting is stiff and unrealistic and the actors are obviously sending strongly worded emails to their managers about choosing better projects. FAMILY VALUES: There is some nudity, a smattering of profanity, plenty of sexuality and a couple of scenes of attempted rape. TRIVIAL PURSUIT: The movie's title is taken from the 1929 George Gershwin song "Liza (All the Clouds'll Roll Away)" the best-known version of which was performed by Al Jolson. COMPARISON SHOPPING: Girl Flu NEXT: Turn it Around: The Story of East Bay Punk Posted in New Releases | Tagged 1960s, adult magazines, atomic bomb, bikers, California coast, cinema, Cinema365, coming of age, deflowering, dysfunctional relationships, Films, hippies, Kristin Minter, Kwame Boateng, Liza Liza Skies are Grey, Los Angeles, maid, Mikey Madison, movies, Ocean Releasing, Pacific Coast Highway, pornography, racial injustice, reviews, road trip, Sean H. Scully, sexual curiosity, single parent, sleazy motels, suicide, Triumph motorcycles, Vietnam war, Virginia Slim, virginity | Leave a reply Posted on June 6, 2014 by carlosdev The essence of joie de vivre. (2013) Romance (eOne) Gabrielle Marion-Rivard, Alexandre Landry, Melissa Desormeaux-Poulin, Vincent-Guillaume Otis, Benoit Gouin, Sebastien Ricard, Marie Gignac, Isabelle Vincent, Robert Charlebois, Veronique Beaudet, Bruce Dinsmore, Gregory Charles, Maxime Allard, Marc Primeau. Directed by Louise Archambault Navigating through entering adulthood and independence isn't easy, particularly when you have a number of complicated relationships. If you're developmentally challenged, it is so much more challenging. Gabrielle (Marion-Rivard) has Williams syndrome, a rare condition that creates learning difficulties but also an unusually cheerful demeanor and strong social and language skills (Marion-Rivard has the condition in real life). She lives in a group home in Montreal, supported by her sister Sophie (Desormeaux-Poulin) who takes her out shopping and for the occasional mani-pedi. Her mother (Vincent) has a very distant relationship with Gabrielle. Gabrielle, as is not unusual for someone with her condition, smiles all the time but she has two particular reasons to smile. The first is her participation in the Muses, a chorale of developmentally challenged adults that has actually become good enough to appear in concert with the legendary French-Canadian pop star Robert Charlebois (playing himself). She is a talented singer in her own right and is often tasked with performing solo parts for the chorale. The second, and most important reason for her smile is Martin (Landry), her boyfriend who lives in the same group home and also sings with the chorus. Gabrielle and Martin have begun to get sexually curious and when they are found half-clothed in Martin's room, Martin's over-protective mother (Gignac) yanks him from the home and forbids any contact with Gabrielle. Despite her Williams-derived cheerfulness, Gabrielle is devastated. She isn't aware that she did anything wrong and all she knows is there's an ache in her heart that only Martin can fill. She becomes a little testier than usual, insisting that she can be independent and live on her own in an apartment. When she tries to take the bus to go see Martin, she gets lost and confused, further frustrating her. To make matters worse, Sophie is getting ready to move overseas to be with her own boyfriend in Africa where she'll teach, a dream of hers. Archambault, to her credit, doesn't sugarcoat the issues in the movie. On the surface, the issues here facing Gabrielle are pretty much the same as have appeared in dozens of movies but given the circumstances, things are a little more tricky. We get to see the challenges people like Gabrielle and those of other developmental disabilities face every day. We get to see them as human beings. Marion-Rivard is so personable and likable it's hard not to get behind Gabrielle. It's also hard to tell where the actress leaves off and the character begins, given the Williams syndrome. Her elfin features (another byproduct of Williams) are adorable and her smile is genuine, coming straight from the heart directly to the lips. Who wouldn't fall in love with a girl like that? A lot of time is spent in the rehearsals and performances of the chorale (with Charlebois contributing his distinctive voice in the final third of the film). It illustrates the true healing power of music; no matter how down Gabrielle is about her situation, singing and participating in making music always brings her back up which is true for a lot of us. Incidentally, while the pop music of Charlebois is less well known in the States, I defy anyone to walk away from this movie without the final song performed at the concert, "Lindberg" with its distinctive chorus of airlines being ticked off followed by hand claps, stuck firmly in their heads. While there are some professional actors in the production, a lot of the roles are filled with actors with developmental challenges and non-actors alike. That gives the movie a raw, unrefined feeling that is a refreshing contrast to the usual Hollywood gloss – when you think about it, life is raw and unrefined too. It's those like Gabrielle – who carry a surfeit of innocence and cheer – that counterbalance the harshness and drama that most of the rest of us contribute to global karma. REASONS TO GO: Doesn't shy away from the tough questions. Marion-Rivard very personable. REASONS TO STAY: Occasionally steers towards the sentimental. FAMILY VALUES: There is some sexuality portrayed. TRIVIAL PURSUIT: This was Canada's official submission to the Academy for the 2013 Foreign Language Film Oscar. CRITICAL MASS: As of 6/6/14: Rotten Tomatoes: 100% positive reviews. Metacritic: 69/100. COMPARISON SHOPPING: Short Term 12 NEXT: Woman Power continues! Posted in New Releases | Tagged Alexandre Landry, Canadian cinema, chorale, cinema, concert, elfin, eOne, Films, Florida Film Festival, Florida Film Festival 2014, Gabrielle, Gabrielle Marion-Rivard, group home, Montreal, movies, Rehearsal, reviews, Robert Charlebois, romance, sexual curiosity, Williams syndrome | Leave a reply
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
bootstrap === [![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url] [![Build Status][travis-image]][travis-url] [![Coverage Status][codecov-image]][codecov-url] [![Dependencies][dependencies-image]][dependencies-url] > Bootstrap resampling utilities. ## Installation ``` bash $ npm install compute-bootstrap ``` ## Usage ``` javascript var bootstrap = require( 'compute-bootstrap' ); ``` #### bootstrap( x, stat, r[, opts] ) Given input data in form of a [`matrix`](https://github.com/dstructs/matrix) or [`array`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array) / [`typed array`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Typed_arrays), this function generates bootstrap replications for the statistic(s) of interest as specified by the given `stat` function. The `r` argument denotes the number of bootstrap replications that should be generated. For each replication, `stat` will be invoked with the respective bootstrap sample passed as the first argument. If you wish to use the bootstrap for multiple statistics at once, the supplied `stat` function should return an array holding the individual statistics. For each statistic, the function returns an object with three properties: * __original__: the statistic calculated for the original data set contained in `x` * __stdev__: the bootstrap estimate of the standard error of the statistic * __bias__: the difference between `original` and the bootstrap estimate of the mean for the statistic of interest, i.e. its sample mean calculated over all bootstrap replications ``` javascript var data, median = require( 'compute-median' ), variance = require( 'compute-variance' ), out; data = [ 3, 5, 8, 9, 1, 2, 12, 3, 22, 4, 8, 12, 15, 18, 12, 7, 6, 4, 2, 0, 0, 1, 3, 17, 5, 2, 19, 7, 17, 16 ]; out = bootstrap( data, median, 1000, { seed: 22 } ; /* { original: 6.5, stdev: 1.7594563611202991, bias: -0.15299999999999248 } */ out = bootstrap( data, function( d ) { return [ median( d ), variance( d ) ]; }, 1000, { seed: 22 } ); /* [ { original: 6.5, stdev: 1.7594563611202991, bias: -0.15299999999999248 }, { original: 41.58620689655172, stdev: 8.150566944052263, bias: -1.0566954022988782 } ] */ ``` The function accepts the following `options`: * __seed__: positive integer used as a seed to initialize the random number generator for creating the bootstrap replications. The [`object`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Object) returned by the `bootstrap` function (or the [`array`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array) elements in the case of multiple statistics) contains also non-enumerable properties `realizations`, `data` and `statFun`, which contain the realizations of the statistic for each bootstrap sample, the original data and the function used to calculate the statistic, respectively. The package exports a function to calculate confidence intervals, which is described next. #### .ci( out[, opts] ) With the `ci` function, one can construct confidence intervals. The `out` argument can be either a single output object or an [`array`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array) of output objects returned from `bootstrap`. ``` javascript var rNorm = require( 'distributions-normal-random' ), data = rNorm( 1000, { mu: 3, sigma: 2, seed: 7 } ), out, ci; out = bootstrap( data, median, 1000, { seed: 19 } ); // 95% CI for the median (using BCA method): ci = bootstrap.ci( out ) // returns [ ~2.735, ~3.030 ] ``` The function accepts the following `options`: * __type__: [`string`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/String) denoting the type of confidence interval to create. Possible values are `basic`, `bca`, `normal`, `percentile` and `studentized`. Default: `bca`. * __level__: [`number`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Number) specifying confidence level of the interval. Default: `0.95`. * __variance__: If `type` is `studentized`, it is required to provide an [`array`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array) of estimates for the variance of the statistic in question at each bootstrap replication. To calculate a confidence interval of a different type, use the `type` option: ``` javascript ci = bootstrap.ci( out, { type: 'percentile' } ); // returns [ ~2.735, ~3.030 ] ``` See the corresponding [Wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bootstrapping_%28statistics%29#Methods_for_bootstrap_confidence_intervals) for an explanation of the various types. To set the significance level to a different value than `0.95`, use the `level` option: ``` javascript bootstrap.ci( out, { level: 0.9 } ) // returns [ ~2.773, ~3.022 ] ``` If `type` is set to `studentized`, we need to supply a vector of variances for the `bootstrapped statistic at each bootstrap replication. ``` javascript var mean = require( 'compute-mean' ), variance = require( 'compute-variance' ); out = bootstrap( data, function( d ) { var n = d.length; return [ mean( d ), variance( d ) / n ] }, 500, { seed: 15 } ); bootstrap.ci( out[ 0 ], { type: 'studentized', variance: out[ 1 ].realizations }) // returns [ ~2.978, ~3.074 ] ``` ## Examples ``` javascript var bootstrap = require( 'compute-bootstrap' ), median = require( 'compute-median' ), variance = require( 'compute-variance' ), skewness = require( 'compute-skewness' ), rNorm = require( 'distributions-normal-random' ), data, out, ci; // Bootstrap for sample median: data = rNorm( 1000 ); out = bootstrap( data, median, 500 ); // Calculate different confidence intervals: ci = bootstrap.ci( out, { type: 'bca', level: 0.95 } ); ci = bootstrap.ci( out, { type: 'percentile', level: 0.95 } ); ci = bootstrap.ci( out, { type: 'basic', level: 0.95 } ); ci = bootstrap.ci( out, { type: 'normal', level: 0.95 }); // Bootstrap for multiple statistics at once: data = randomNormal( 1000 ); out = bootstrap( data, function( d ) { return [ skewness( d ), variance( d ) ]; }, 500 ); ``` To run the example code from the top-level application directory, ``` bash $ node ./examples/index.js ``` ## Tests ### Unit Unit tests use the [Mocha][mocha] test framework with [Chai][chai] assertions. To run the tests, execute the following command in the top-level application directory: ``` bash $ make test ``` All new feature development should have corresponding unit tests to validate correct functionality. ### Test Coverage This repository uses [Istanbul][istanbul] as its code coverage tool. To generate a test coverage report, execute the following command in the top-level application directory: ``` bash $ make test-cov ``` Istanbul creates a `./reports/coverage` directory. To access an HTML version of the report, ``` bash $ make view-cov ``` --- ## License [MIT license](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). ## Copyright Copyright © 2015. The [Compute.io](https://github.com/compute-io) Authors. [npm-image]: http://img.shields.io/npm/v/compute-bootstrap.svg [npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/compute-bootstrap [travis-image]: http://img.shields.io/travis/compute-io/bootstrap/master.svg [travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/compute-io/bootstrap [codecov-image]: https://img.shields.io/codecov/c/github/compute-io/bootstrap/master.svg [codecov-url]: https://codecov.io/github/compute-io/bootstrap?branch=master [dependencies-image]: http://img.shields.io/david/compute-io/bootstrap.svg [dependencies-url]: https://david-dm.org/compute-io/bootstrap [dev-dependencies-image]: http://img.shields.io/david/dev/compute-io/bootstrap.svg [dev-dependencies-url]: https://david-dm.org/dev/compute-io/bootstrap [github-issues-image]: http://img.shields.io/github/issues/compute-io/bootstrap.svg [github-issues-url]: https://github.com/compute-io/bootstrap/issues [mocha]: http://mochajs.org/ [chai]: http://chaijs.com [istanbul]: https://github.com/gotwarlost/istanbul
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
The saying 'what goes up, must come down' has never been truer.. Our movie opens with Nick Walker (Ryan Reynolds) rolling around on his bed with wife Julia, (no need to cover the kids eyes – theres no dry-humping) him promising her a happy, long-lasting life. But that's all about to change.. because Nick carries a secret: whilst on a drugs bust with colleague Bobby Hayes (Kevin Bacon) they both came into possession of a chest full of gold – which Nick buried in his back yard – but he's had a change of heart, and decides to turn the gold in. He tells Bobby this. However, later that day whilst on a Police raid at a local warehouse, Bobby backs Nick into a corner – up high on a walkway.. and guns him down. Nick dies instantly. Sort of.. First off, the entire movie is incredibly watchable. Its not brilliant, but its not dire either – R.I.P.D. is one of those films you can rent, leave running on a Sunday afternoon whilst you're hungover, and give yourself a jolly. I'd liken it to Men In Black – you know, two suited officers running through the streets, whilst laser-gunning down chubby monsters whose heads seem to be made of elastic. (its just not as shit as Men In Black) But the element that keeps this movie together, is the partnership. Reynolds & Bridges – A Match Made in Purgatory Jeff Bridges' character Roy is just superb, his Wild West personality is hilarious: Cowboy swagger, Texas accent and overall "I don't take no shit, boy" attitude had me LOL'ing throughout. Ryan Reynolds as Nick however, is cute and husky – speaks in a hushed tone and remains the complete straight-laced mirror opposite to his partner. The entire movie is carried by these two, and it was nice to have that young / old, mature / wacky mix. What a pairing. The Good, The Bad, and.. The Not So Good The only downside to this movie is the way in which the story matches Bridges' driving – speeding off in all directions. Its a good thing that the story unfolds immediately, however, 2-3 scenes seem to spiral off into nowhere – an example being Roy & Nick in their car – almost like the director needed a time-filler so filled it with the pair discussing how Roy's name is pronounced.. before stopping and suddenly having Roy play a concertina by a riverside!? Odd. When Nick died, he woke up – got pulled into the sky and was on his way to the afterlife. However, whilst ascending through the strange tunnel of light, he got pulled into the office of (so sarcastic it makes her LOL material) Mildred Proctor; director of the Boston R.I.P.D. (Rest In Peace Department) The R.I.P.D. specialise in capturing 'Deados' (spirits that failed to cross over, and return to Earth as vile phantoms disguised as everyday humans) She propositions Nick – continue to 'final judgement', or join the R.I.P.D. The story in itself is to be applauded. It touches on that classic question we've all asked at some stage: "what happens after we die?" – this aspect of the movie kept me intrigued, and the special effects as Nick leaves his world and his journey to the next one were fascinating. The moment Nick wakes up after his death, he walks through the place where he was killed – the warehouse and its siege setting. And its kind of beautiful. Everything that took place the second he died is frozen; the explosions of fire, cars flying through the air, people falling – its all solid. As Nick get pulled up into the afterlife, he passes an aircraft which is caught in suspension also. I revelled in this part of the movie. Non-movement special effects, the fascinating dynamic of something huge going down – but frozen momentarily. Lovely use of special effects there. So Nick & Roy have returned from death to chase down 'Deados' – but how do they appear to the general public?.. as a tall, busty blonde and a stumpy Chinese granddad of course. Members of the R.I.P.D. return to Earth in disguise, and these two couldn't be more of a funnier pairing. Played by James Hong and Marisa Miller, Nick & Roy are perceived by humans as Jerry Chen and Opal Pavlenko; the most unlikely couple you would ever see together. But they're bloody funny. I like this – two unknown actors (or who we have never seen in the movies) slapping the screen with some great hilarity. My only gripe is that they're just not in it enough.. yes, they are 'makeup' for our two heroes, but the director seriously needed to use them more. Marisa Miller especially; her dry yet super-foxy appearance was stunning. One scene sees Nick and Roy have an argument on a roadside – and the result?.. Nick picks Roy up and throws him in front of passing traffic. But obviously, to humans, this may appear rather strange.. Outer Space (d) What is it about Ryan Reynolds and his dashing appearance? I mean, he's no Gerard Butler, he's not as macho as Mark Wahlberg, but there's something about this man that is scorching. I can't figure out his eyes; at first I thought he was slightly Cantonese (yes go on, have a good laugh) but then I thought "perhaps they're just closer together than most people's" – whatever the deal is with his eye-spacing, he's bloody attractive. (might Twitter him, actually..) Overall, R.I.P.D is a hoot. Don't expect too much, and you won't be disappointed. At nearing £10.00 a ticket for cinema, I'd leave it and wait until its out on rental. This entry was posted on September 23, 2013 by rickysfilmreviews. https://wp.me/p3GmBW-p1
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Search - Urusei Yatsura: TV Series 27 on DVD Urusei Yatsura TV Series 27 Genres: Television, Anime & Manga, Animation In the 27th installment of the show that will have you craving more octopus balls, Ran seethes with anger (is anything new?) when she receives mysterious videos of her painful past in "Video Mail of Revenge." Sakura's sen... more »sual charms preoccupy Ataru as he narrates a story of love and lust in "Sakura on my Mind." Lum's vehicle crashes on Mendou's estate, sending the schoolboys into an uproar in "Scramble! Rescue Lum!" And Ataru, along with a few friends, takes on the entire Mendou army, in the thrilling conclusion, "Death Match: Ataru vs. Mendou's Army!"DVD Features: Japanese with English Subtitles Bonus Material Includes: Interactive Program Notes « less Sub-Genres: Classic TV, Anime & Manga, Animation Studio: ANIMEIGO Format: DVD - Color - Animated,Subtitled Languages: Japanese Urusei Yatsura - Movie 2 - Beautiful Dreamer Director: Mamoru Oshii Maison Ikkoku - Collector's Box Vol 3 Director: Tomomi Mochizuki UR 2004 5hr 0min Fushigi Yugi - The Mysterious Play Box Set 2 - Seiryu ep. 27-52 UR 2000 10hr 50min Maison Ikkoku Collector's Box Set Vol 2 If you have 1 to 26, why are you slowing now? M. J. Webber | Stoke-on-Trent, England | 09/09/2006 "Chances are that you won't be reading this unless you're already a fan of the series, so... Disc 27 contains the usual four episodes. The first two, "Video-mail of Revenge" and "Sakura on my Mind" are a little disappointing, being flash-back episodes cut from previous episodes. However the other two episodes, "Scramble! Rescue Lum!" and "Death Match: Ataru vs Mendou's Army" are a two-part story that makes TV27 one of the highpoints of the collection. Lum's UFO malfunctions and crashes on the Mendou estate - Lum is unhurt but suffers amnesia. Mendou sees the opportunity to rewrite the script with himself as Lum's "Darling", but Lum can't shake the feeling that there's someone else. Ataru, aided by the "Gang of Four" (Megane and co) storms the estate. Lecherous and unfaithful he may be, but as he says: he hates the way Lum tries to pin him down, but someone else taking Lum from him is worse! Much fun, and many explosions."
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
« Mencken, Schmencken Poetry » The Bombe Runs Again Posted by David Foster on February 19th, 2007 (All posts by David Foster) (cross-posted at Photon Courier) During WWII, the British used electomechanical devices called bombes to break the German Enigma code. The bombe in its earliest form was developed by the Poles, but was considerably enhanced by the British. (The name probably came from an ice cream dessert popular among the Polish mathematicians who did the original work) Following WWII, strict secrecy was maintained concerning the codebreaking activities, and all of the bombes were eventually destroyed. Now, a group of volunteers has reconstructed a working bombe–it may be seen at Bletchley Park, which was Britain's main codebreaking center during the war. The original British bombe, named "Victory," was delivered in March 1940. It was followed by a considerably improved model named "Agnus Dei"–Lamb of God, a strange name for what was, after all, basically a weapon. Additional improvements were made throughout the war, and by May 1945 there were more than 200 machines in service. Codebreaking, though, was by no means a purely mechanical function–it required considerable human insight and intuition. Few professional cryptanalysts were available, and those tasked with the work were mostly academics–there were many mathematicians, including the tragic genius Alan Turing, but also quite a few classicists. Bletchley also employed a large number of young women, most of whom performed operational and maintenance functions but some of whom served as cryptanalists. One of these was Mavis Lever, who was halfway through a degree in German when the war began: I was concentrating on German romantics and then I realized the German romantics would soon be overhead and I though well, I really ought to do something better for the war effort. I said I'd train as a nurse and their response was: "Oh no you don't. You use your German." So I thought, great. This is going to be an interesting job, Mata Hari, seducing Prussian officers. But I don't think either my legs or my German were good enough because they sent me to GC&CS. (GC & CS = Government Code and Cypher School) While analyzing one enemy message, Lever noticed that it did not contain a single instance of the letter "L"–significant because, due to a peculiarity of the Enigma machine's design, a letter could never be enciphered to itself. Following this observation, she was able to deduce that the operator must have been sending a test message, and lazily holding down the "L" key to generate a sequence of text. (Enigma advanced its coding wheels with each character, so "LLLLL" might be encoded as "JCXAT".) Using the assumption that the message contained all "L"s, it was possible to identify the wiring and settings of this particular Enigma machine and thence to break other traffic which had been enciphered on it. Enigma machines were used by the Italians as well as the Germans, and in early 1941 Lever and her associates broke a very long Italian naval message–the battle plan for a night attack on a British convoy. The decoded message allowed Admiral Cunningham to set a trap for the Italians at Cape Matapan, resulting in the sinking of three heavy cruisers and a destroyer, plus damage to the battleship Vittorio Veneto. Three thousand Italian sailors were killed, and the Italian Navy never really recovered from the encounter. The breaking of Enigma messages also contributed to the destruction of the Bismarck. Years after the war, Mavis Lever took her son to see the movie Sink the Bismarck: I saw it go down and suddenly I really did feel quite sick. I put my head down and my son said to me after a while: "It's all right Mummy, it's gone down." He didn't know. But I was thinking how awful it was that one's breaking of a message could send so many people to the bottom. But that was war and that was the way we had to play it. If we thought about it too much we should never have been able to cope. While it would be an overstatment to say that the decoding work won the war, it certainly shortened it considerably and saved many lives. Each bombe was powered by a 3/4 horsepower electric motor…trivial by comparison with the 8,000 hp of a heavy bomber or the 100,000+ horsepower of a major warship. Yet in their impact on the outcome of the war, the bombes counted as much as large numbers of the more conventional weapons. The Mavis Lever quotes are from Station X, by Michael Smith. The reconstructed bombe may be heard at work, here. And this site has much more information about Enigma, bombes, and Bletchley Park. This entry was posted on Monday, February 19th, 2007 at 10:06 am and is filed under History, Military Affairs. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed. 3 Responses to "The Bombe Runs Again" Lexington Green Says: An amazing technical feat, done under wartime pressure. If I get over to England again, I am going to go to Bletchley Park to pay my respects to the people who broke Enigma and saved thousands of Allied lives, and among other things, sent dozens of u-boats to the bottom of the Atlantic. Are we encouraging people to stick with their Arabic studies these days, in the same way Miss Lever was encouraged to stick with German? I don't think we are, but we ought to be. David Foster Says: Lex..wonder what would have happened if British universities in those days had been run by the kind of people who dominate much of British and American academia today? The German Studies department at her school would probably greeted the onset of the war by running seminars focused on the oppresson of Germany by the British and French. The causes of the war would have been identified as Churchill's belligerence and French lust for coal. The world was run by grown-ups then. At least the scientific community took the Nazis seriously. But don't forget that the British Leftists prior to WWII were anti-Hitler because they were pro-Stalin, not because they were pro-Britain. Once the Hitler-Stalin pact happened, in September of 1939, they were against the British war effort, since Hitler was now Uncle Joe's new buddy. Then when Hitler attacked Stalin, they all turned against Hitler again. So it was not really a very pretty picture back then, either.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: Sending and receiving data in Xml format via Ajax jquery I wont to send data from textarea with Ajax in XML format, and to receive data in XML format. I also wont to know how to catch data on server side(PHP) and how to send data to client. Client side code: 'str' is a variable with value from textarea function sendValue(str){ // Fire off AJAX request. $.ajax( { // Define AJAX properties. url: "transliterate.php", type: "post", data: { sendValue: str }, dataType: "json", // Define the success method. success: function(data){ data.returnValue = data.returnValue.replace(/\n/g,'<br/>'); $('#result_box').html(data.returnValue); if(data.returnValue.length <= 50) { $('#result_box').addClass('short_text'); }else{ $('#result_box').removeClass('short_text'); } }, // Define the error method. error: function( objAJAXRequest, strError ){ $( "#response" ).text( "Error! Type: " + strError ); } }); }; This is server-side code: <?php //Get Post Variables. The name is the same as //what was in the object that was sent in the jQuery if (isset($_POST['sendValue'])){ $value = $_POST['sendValue']; }else{ $value = ""; } //Because we want to use json, we have to place things in an array and encode it for json. //This will give us a nice javascript object on the front side. echo json_encode(array("returnValue"=>$value)); ?> This works for me when data type is json, but how can I do the same thing with XML? A: You could specify in your AJAX request that the response will be XML: dataType: "xml" Then the argument passed to your success callback will represent the DOM of this XML that you could manipulate directly. By the way it's considered good practice to specify the HTTP Content-Type response header on your server. So for example if you intend to rerun XML from your script make sure you have set the proper header: header('Content-Type: text/xml'); In this case you don't even need the dataType parameter for the AJAX request. jQuery will automatically deduce it from the Content-Type response header and parse the result that is passed to the success callback accordingly.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Juanda-Singapore Indonesia AirAsia passengers unfazed by tragedy Indonesians hold up candles during a candle light vigil for the victims of AirAsia flight QZ8501 at Surabaya. The Star/Asia News Network SURABAYA: The tragedy of Indonesia AirAsia Flight QZ8501 has not deterred passengers from flying to Singapore via the airline's early morning flight. Some of the people interviewed at the Juanda International Airport here, from where the ill-fated plane took off on Sunday, were nonchalant when asked if the air disaster had caused them any jitters. Latest updates on missing AirAsia flight QZ8501 At 4am yesterday, the airport's departure hall was already bustling with people rushing to check in for the flight with the QZ8501 call number. A family of four from here said though they were saddened to hear about the disaster, they were not jumpy over it. "In fact, we look forward to flying with AirAsia. We are not particularly worried," Sommy Suryadi said. The 35-year-old businessman, who was bound for the island republic to spend New Year with his wife and their two children, said the family had booked the flight two weeks ago. "Despite the tragedy, it never crossed our minds to cancel our flights. Whatever happens, it's all God's will," said his wife Larsana Winda, 35. A 24-year-old graduate Mejeko, who was also flying to Singapore for a holiday with her family, echoed Larsana's sentiments. "We booked our tickets two weeks ago. The incident has not unnerved us at all. All I need to say is, bismillah (in the name of God)," she said. A check showed that the flight from Juanda to Singapore Changi Airport was fully booked yesterday. Indonesia AirAsia flies from Surabaya to Singapore four times a week - Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday - at 5.20am. On Monday, Indonesia AirAsia said it had forwarded its suggestion to the headquarters to retire its flight code QZ8501 following the tragedy and was awaiting approval and coordination. Crew and passengers aboard missing flight QZ8501
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Let's say you are just starting out in link building, maybe as a freelance consultant or maybe just for your own websites. It's easy to start out link building, creating social profiles, blog commenting, etc. But after a bit, you may want to see the backlinks you have created or, especially if you are working for someone, have to send a report of them. If you are not yet ready, for whatever reason, to invest in a complicated SEO program and want to find a simpler way to record your link building efforts, here is one easy way to do it online. Want to keep track of all of your link building online so it is accessible where ever you go, with the simple click of a button? Why not simply bookmark them? Delicious is my choice of bookmarking for personal reference for several reasons. No matter what browser you are in, and without installing an extention that may slow your browser down, you can simply install the Delicious bookmarklet by dragging it to your bookmarks bar on your browser of choice. Whenever you're logged into your Delicious account, you can simply click on this bookmarklet on a page that you have gotten or requested a link on to save it in your bookmarks. Want to tag your bookmarks for a specific website or by topic, or maybe even note if it is pending or active? Just tag it! Also, after you have started tagging items, it will auto suggest favorite tags in the field, or you can select them from the Recommended, Popular, or All My Tags section below the Submit button. Tags are separated by spaces on Delicious, so you will need to combine phrases as one word or hyphenate them. If, for whatever reason, you do not want to share your link building history with the public, you can check the "Mark as Private" option to keep the bookmarks to yourself. This might come in handy if you are labeling your bookmarks with client or website names (I would not suggest doing that though – you can always use an abbreviation instead to make it less obvious). You can add notes to your bookmarks which are visible when you browse them. Might be a great place to add the date when you requested a link or other notes for future reference if you want to ask the same website for another link. Of course, if you are going to add any information that you or a site's webmaster may not want seen publicly, don't forget the privacy option. or in a cloud view. You can also use the search box to search your own bookmarks. This will search your bookmarks' names, tags, and notes for the phrase you specify. The great part of the search results is that you not only get results from your bookmarks, but you also get other people's results as well, which might help you find other sites to contact. If you're like me, you're a huge fan of backups, because you never know what could happen to a website – anything from a database wipeout or the website going out of service could mean the loss of all of your bookmarks! One of the best benefits of bookmarking your backlinks (if you can have them public) is you are actually doing something to help strengthen the page that your link is on. Bookmarking the page on a site like Delicious may also help it get re-visited by search bots faster, caching your link sooner than later. Have you ever needed a free way to record your link building efforts? What other online tools would you suggest for easy and free link recording?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Posted March 29th, 2007 by Mark & filed under Web Design. Mashups are all the rage at the moment. Take one piece of data and mash it into a completely different function. Here I take the Yahoo! Weather API and get the interface colours to dynamically change depending on the weather conditions in Bournemouth. Posted March 20th, 2007 by Mark & filed under Web Design. Posted September 17th, 2003 by Mark & filed under Web Design. Posted June 29th, 2003 by Mark & filed under Web Design.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Description: London.: Robert Hale, 1973. 1st Edition. Hardcover. 13.5 x 20.5 cm. Black boards with only a small amount of edge wear. Ex Library with no jacket. Front free end paper removed. Remains of sticker on inside front board along with a pen mark at the top. library stamps on title page and reverse also on the bottom of pages 174 and 175. Foxing to page block also library stamp to bottom page block. Contents are bright and tight. A very good reading copy indeed.. Fair . Keywords: Science Fiction . Fiction . Courtier. Silence. Australia. Melbourne.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Everywhere Stories: Short Fiction from a Small PlanetVolume III is now available for pre-order. Like the earlier volumes, this book includes 20 short stories by 20 writers set in 20 countries. Louise Farmer Smith's story is set in New York City, the United States. Louise Farmer Smith's short stories have received three Pushcart nominations, appeared in eight anthologies and many literary journals. A PEN/New England Discovery, Smith has published One Hundred Years of Marriage, a novel in stories, Cadillac, Oklahoma, a story collection, and The Woman Without a Voice, Oklahoma history, all from Upper Hand Press. She has taught English, trained as a family therapist, and worked in a congressman's Washington office. Her work has been supported by the Ragdale Foundation and the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts. She was a 2005 Bread Loaf Contributor. Comment on "The Apartment on Riverside Drive": Every writer needs an outrageous aunt, one who meddles in the family's business, tries to disrupt the parent's marriage and belittles the children's education. Though she makes it clear she is too good to live in her sister-in-law's house, still she hovers, threatening to move in. I was lucky to have such an aunt whose ghost, like smoke from a dying ego, has wafted through my fiction and, in an altered form, turned up in "The Apartment on Riverside Drive." ← Everywhere Stories Contributor Spotlight: Gail Tyson Book Review: Shelf Life of Happiness by Virginia Pye →
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Our team of consultants Advisor at your side Over 25 specialized consultants are at your disposal. Hannah Emken Hannah Emken, Junior Project Consultant Hannah joined our team in Munich in May 2022 as a Junior Project Consultant. Adrian Gander Adrian Gander, Project Consultant Adrian joined our team in Munich in 2022 as a Project Consultant. Jennifer Eder Jennifer Eder, Project Consultant Jennifer joins our team in Munich as Project Consultant since August 01, 2020. She is a qualified business woman for forwarding and logistics services. After 5 years of logistics in forwarding and industrial companies she changed her career and started her way in personnel consulting, with great success and gained know-how with focus on the pharmaceutical industry and other high-tech industries. She is specialized in the search and selection of specialists and executives, classical head hunting as well as executive search. Thomas Praschak Thomas Praschak, Project Consultant Thomas supports our team in Munich as a Project Consultant. He studied social sciences and was co-founder of an IT start-up and has been involved in various HR topics for several years now. In 2015 he joined PAPE and is successful in the search of specialists & executives within high-tech industries such as IT, Mechanical Engineering and Automotive. Melissa Schröder Melissa Schröder, Senior Project Consultant Melissa has many years of experience as a manager in the quality area of well-known consumer goods manufacturers. Beyond her chemistry background, she has a strong IT affinity and the highest solution-oriented quality standards for herself and her results. Melissa's friendly, winning personality, her great social intelligence and her persistence make her a true problem solver and always a valued discussion partner. Monika Huber, Assistance to the Management, Project Consultant Monika Huber, a graduate theologian, joined our team in May 2019. She is the first contact person for your concerns. Her diverse tasks include: Design of the website as well as the social media presence Scheduling and organization of meetings Marco Hainz Marco Hainz, Senior Partner Marco has many years of experience in sales and as a manager. After his industrial training in mechanical engineering, Marco completed a commercial apprenticeship in the chemical industry and then moved directly into sales for capital goods. Already during his extra-occupational studies to become a business economist, Marco took on his first management tasks. He successfully worked as a sales / regional and distribution manager for premium suppliers in the capital goods sector.As a certified business trainer, he is an expert in sales and management development.. Daniel Schröder Daniel Schröder, Senior Partner Daniel has been working for almost 15 years as an organizational developer in the areas of process management and management systems with great pleasure and commitment. In the course of his positions in manufacturing companies and trade, the graduate engineer and businessman has discovered his passion for recruiting and the long-term development of specialists and managers. His main focus is on quality/environment/energy & process management as well as regulatory affairs, operational assignments, occupational safety and supply chain management. Michael studied Economics & Management in the Business Administration course in Munich. The focus of the former trained chef was mostly on the development and management of gastronomic systems and concepts. He was responsible for up to 250 employees in management positions in various market segments and, during his 25-year career, accompanied transformation and change processes as well as HR, recruiting and personnel development issues. Dimitri has joined our team in 2019. The dutchman finished his studies in Arnhem, the Netherlands. He enjoyed over 20 years of experience in various international management positions in the fields of Sales & Marketing, Human Resources and General Management. Before joining Pape Consulting Group, he was part of the European Executive Board from a leading global Direct Sales company. Sarah Beumer Sarah Beumer, Senior Partner Sarah Beumer, a graduate in business administration with a focus on HR and labor law, is a senior partner at Pape and has been working in personnel consulting with great pleasure and passion since 2009. After a 10 year sales and management career with a renowned international personnel consultancy, Sarah has a very high level of expertise in the recruitment and placement of specialists and managers, both as permanent solutions and in interim management. Brigitte has an University Degree in Economics. With more than 20 years of experience in executive search at partner level of internationally significant consulting companies, she has successfully filled top leading and key positions in Germany and abroad for medium-sized companies, major corporations and global players. Furthermore she gained profound experience in the field of start-ups. For more than 3o years Andreas has been fascinated by how we can inspire people. He learned how to sell consulting and training services, discovered the power of words and enthusiasm and that sometimes it is necessary to fight for the decision he wanted the client to make. He has been a sales trainer for all kinds of sales representatives, partner manager for franchise partners, head of sales and head of business development in a company in the packaging industry but most of all he became more and more an inspirer and agent for change. As Headhunter and Managing Partner of Pape Consulting Group AG he is best called upon when it comes to filling sales-related key positions. Isabel-Christin Ennenbach successfully completed her studies in social and cultural sciences in 2006 with a focus on occupational and organisational psychology. Since then she has been working in personnel services and has been responsible for up to 180 employees in various management positions. Due to her many years of experience as Head of Personnel Marketing, HR Consultant and Coach, Isabel has a very strong network and can respond promptly and precisely to the needs of customers and applicants. Reinhard Potzner looks back to many years of management experience in Retail, Market Research, Commercial Services, Management Consulting, IT and Healthcare. As a Headhunter and Recruitment Consultant he is focused on Top-Management-Positions, Sales & Key Account Management, Marketing, CRM, BI and Market Research. Christoph Lehmkühler, Member of the extended management After studying economics and business administration, Christoph started his career in sales of consumer electronics, followed by positions as sales and marketing manager. He gained international experience as Managing Director Europe and has been working successfully as a personnel consultant since 2009. Eva joined us in 2014 and is focussed in fashion industry, supply chain and purchasing. Ulrike Zimmermann Ulrike Zimmermann, Member of the Supervisory Board and Coach Ulrike is co-founder of Pape Consulting Group AG, Shareholder, Director, and Member of the Supervisory Board Dr. Jürgen Rohrmeier, Chairman of Supervisory, Board Member, Headhunter, Coach Jürgen is an international HR Professional, Executive Search and Recruitment Consultant, University Lecturer and Coach with a holistic approach towards solutions around the human side of organizations. With a University degree in Business Administration plus further studies in Psychology and Adult Education, he worked in international HR positions for many years. He joined Pape in 2003 as Senior Partner. After having served as member of the Executive Board, he now is chairman of the Supervisory Board. Michael Kuchenbuch, Board Member Following his economics studies, Michael held international specialist and management positions in major companies in the HR, IT and Sales fields for 20 years. As a personnel consultant, he focuses on ICT, publishing and media, HR, sales, consulting and back office positions. Günter Reinhold Günter Reinhold, Board Member Günter Reinhold has a strong industrial background including several top management positions. Within PAPE he is concentrated on technical assignments. Christian Pape, CEO, Top Management Headhunter, Author, Coach Christian has a University Business Degree in Electronics, is founder and CEO of PAPE. He runs the company, is one of the most popular headhunter in Germany and acts as C-Level-Consultant. He published several bestseller books about recruiting, job & career. Would you like to become part of our team? Want a new job? Trust in diversity: We don't rely on just one method. We listen carefully and then suggest the most suitable search methodology. CEO and Board of Management
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Saskatoon Police are currently on scene of a multi-vehicle collision on Circle Drive at Valley Road which has restricted the flow of traffic. The two eastbound lanes are currently closed on Circle Drive however, motorists are able to continue traveling eastbound by exiting onto the Valley Road exit, then re-entering onto Circle Drive East. Motorists are reminded to give themselves extra time to reach their destinations and be aware of slippery conditions which now exist with the warmer weather.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
INSTITUTE OF PUBLIC HEALTH OF REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA Guardian of your health Sector for control and monitoring of communicable diseases Department for monitoring and surveillance of communicable diseases Department for tropical, quarantine diseases, STI, HIV/AIDS Department for oversight of immunization Department of planning and control of DDD Sector of Environmental Health Department of Health Food Safety Department of water safety and environment sanitation Department of Physiology and Nutrition Monitoring Department of Codex Alimentarius and the contact SPS-WTO Department of General Health eco-toxicology Department of Medicine of labor and assessment of health risks Department of sanitary inspections Sector for Promotion, analysis and monitoring of non-communicable diseases Department for health promotion and health education Departement for analysis of health systems, medical health standards and accreditation Department for monitoring of non-communicable diseases Departement for economics, planning and development in health Departement for reproductive, adolescent health and vulnerable groups Department for control and prevention of injuries and violence Department for Protection of patients with medical deontology Medicaments Control Sector for examination and control of medicaments Chemical-pharmaceutical department Department for microbiological testing of pharmaceuticals and cosmetics Department of biochemical tests Department of biological tests Departement of Cosmetology Logistics and law Sector for Logistics and financial legal matters Department for International Cooperation and Projects Department of Legal Affairs and normative activity Department for accounting and financial matters and analytics Department of Human Resources, Public Relations and Logistics Reference Laboratories Center for Reference Laboratories Laboratory for receipt of biological materials, the preparation of substrates and disposal of infectious waste Laboratory of Bacteriology and antimicrobial resistance Laboratory of Virology and Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory of Parasitology Laboratory for sanitary microbiology Laboratory for hematological-biochemical tests Laboratory for testing food quality Laboratory for testing water quality Laboratory for contaminants and eco-toxicology Laboratory testing of metals Laboratory testing for health safety of items for general use Laboratory for Radioecology Laboratory for ionizing radiation Laboratory for non-ionizing radiation Center for statistical processing of health data, publications and education Department for statistical processing and analysis of health data and keeping records Department of IT Management in Health and archiving of medical data Department for education, publications and information Sanitary inspections Medicine of labor Physiology and monitoring of nutrition HACCP course Мonthly newsletter Diseases reports Archives of Public Health Мorbidity SITUATION WITH INFLUENZA IN MACEDONIA, season 2018/2019 (week 10 up to 10.03.2019) During the 10th week of 2019, (04.03-10.03.2019) the Republic of Macedonia registered 2429 influenza cases/flu-like diseases(I=117.4/100.000). Compared with the number of registered cases in the last week, are decreased for 9.3% (n=2678) and decreased for 3.7 % compared with the cases of the last season.(n=2781). (chart1) The number of registered cases this week is 28.5% higher than the 10th week of the previous season (n = 1890), and compared to the number of week 10 of the typical epidemic curve (modeled from the last 8 seasons) there is an increase of 2.2. times (chart 1). The registered incidence this week is above the weekly limit of the seasonal (low) activity of the influenza virus, according to the MEM model for determining the intensity of seasonal influenza activity (Chart 1). During this week, 4 flu-related death were registered. It's about 2 people from Skopje and one from Tetovo and Ohrid. The age of the deceased ranges from 50-73 years. 2 people have chronic diseases / co-morbidity. In all cases, influenza A (H1pdm) virus has been confirmed. This week, the laboratory for virology of IPH received 84 influenza test materials, of which 55 (65.5%) were positive for the influenza virus – 44 Influenza A (H1) pdm (80%), 5 Influenza A (H3) and 6 Influenza A are non-subtyped. (chart 5) Chart 1. Levels of intensity and weekly distribution of influenza / influenza-like illness patients according to the expected epidemic curve 2010-2018, season 2017/2018 and season 2018/2019 This week most of the cases have been registered in a group 15-64 years (n=1553; 63.9%)and the highest incidence is registered in children 0-4 years, I=243.6/100 000. (chart 2). Chart 2. Weekly distribution of seasonal flu / influenza-like illnesses by age group – incidence of 100,000 inhabitants, season 2018/2019 This week were reported cases from 28 reporting units. Most of the cases have been registered in Skopje (n=650)and the highest incidence is registered in Kavadarci, I=601.8/100 000. (chart 1). Cumulatively 2 Regional Units registered very high and high activity. (RU Kavadarci and Strumica) (image 1) Image 1. Level of influenza activity according to the incidence of 100,000 inhabitants, 10 week 2019 In the 2018/2019 season, the total number of influenza cases is 17630 (I=852.0/100.000). Compared with the same period last season (n = 19210), there is a decrease in the total number of reported cases by 16.4%, and in relation to the model for the last 8 seasons (n ​​= 22970) a decrease of 26.8% . Cumulatively this season, most of the cases have been reported from Strumica(n=2138), Kavadarci n=1627, Skopje (n=2915), Bitola (n=1285) (chart 3; 1) The highest cumulative incidence of 3780.7/100.000 habitants was registered in Kavadarci and also high incidence over 1500,0/100 000h. was registered in Strumica, Debar and Sveti Nikole(chart 3;1) Chart 3. Distribution of cases of seasonal influenza per CPH / PE and incidence of 100,000 inhabitants, season 2018/2019 Regarding the distribution of the diseased by age groups, the cumulative number of cases was reported in the age group of 15-64 years – 11181 cases (63.4%), and the highest cumulative incidence of 1696.3 / 100.000 was registered in 0-4 years. (chart 1) Most of the cases are reported in February – 11076 (62.8%) (chart 4; 1) Chart 4. Distribution of cases of seasonal flu by month, season 2018/2019 From the beginning of the season, the laboratory for virology of IPH has received 628 samples, materials for laboratory diagnostics, of which 348 (55.4%) are positive for the presence of influenza virus, all are Influenza A: 275 (79%) are Influenza A(H1N1)pdm, 38 (10.9%) are Influenza A(H3), аnd 35 (10.1%) are Influenza А non-subtyped(chart 5) Chart 5. Weekly distribution of number and percentage of Influenza positive samples 2018/2019 Vaccination against seasonal influenza is the most effective protection against this disease, therefore the Public Health Institute recommends vaccination of the entire population, especially for people belonging to risk groups (according to WHO recommendations): According to the data from the Department of E-health, from the beginning of the vaccination, and as of the closing of this report, a total of 19992 persons (71.4%)were vaccinated. In terms of commercial vaccines, according to available data from CPH / RO, 19348 people were vaccinated. The largest number of vaccinated are over the age of 65 years – 10977 or 56.7%, From the category of health workers, 801 persons were vaccinated. From the total number of vaccinated patients, 14111 persons or 72.9% have a history of chronic diseases. According to the data a report on vaccine against seasonal influenza in (Private healthcare clinics) 50 people were vaccinated. 38.0% have a history of chronic disease. According to records presented in Flu News Europe (9th week/2019), the activity of influenza virus in Europe is the following: 41.8% samples were confirmed as positive.(from the sentinel surveillance tests in countries reporting to the TESSy system of the ECDC). So far, influenza type A is predominant with 99.6%, and most of the viruses are subtyped as A(H3N2) and A(H1N1)pdm09 On 21 February 2019, the WHO published recommendations for the composition of a vaccine against influenza that will be used in the 2019-2020 season of the Northern Hemisphere. The recommendation for the type of influenza B is unchanged, for type A (H1N1) pdm09 has been updated, and the decision for type A (H3N2) has been postponed until March 21, 2019. SITUATION WITH INFLUENZA IN MACEDONIA, season 2017/2018 (week 3, up to 21.01.2018) During the 3rd week of 2018 (15.01.2018 – 21.01.2018), the Republic of Macedonia registered 637… What are the risks of diabetes in children? A: The frequency of diabetes is rising around the world, and studies are showing children are… Workshop for strengthening the CAESAR network in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia A workshop for strengthening the national Central Asian and Eastern European Surveillance of Antimicrobial Resistance… INFORMATION on the situation of measles in the Republic of North Macedonia in 2018-2019, December 6, 2019 12/12/2019 SITUATION WITH INFLUENZA IN THE REPUBLIC OF NORTH MACEDONIA, SEASON 2019/2020 (week 48, up to 01.12.2019) 12/12/2019 December 3, International Day of Persons with Disabilities 12/03/2019 Overview of the epidemiological situation with HIV in North Macedonia and the results achieved under the 2019 HIV Population Protection Program (up to December 1) 12/02/2019 Select Category Announcements Campaigns Events GaleriesEn Informations Referential laboratories Uncategorized Videos INFORMATION on the situation of measles in the Republic of Macedonia in 2018-2019, until 08.03.2019→ ←INFORMATION on the situation of measles in the Republic of Macedonia in 2018-2019, until 15.03.2019 WHY Institute of Public Health is the best? aids Ebola exercise flu food health hiv infection simulation World Cancer Day world day Copyright © 2014 Институт за јавно здравје на Република Северна Македонија. Сите права се задржани.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The 13A then takes me to Norwich, from Wymondham, via every village in Norfolk. Then it's time to pass £10 over to Ladbrookes. Pick seven games. Both teams to score. Never won. Was denied £1500 once, thanks to Wigan having no idea where the goal was. Just before Midday its off to the Wig and Pen - a stones throw from the Law Courts and a scene, no doubt, of many "not guilty" celebrations. There will usually be a game on Sky that no one is interested in. Southampton v Everton say (feel free to insert West Brom v Bournemouth here). Can recommend the chilli chips with stilton (other pubs and bar food are available although not as good). Then it's time to follow the "vapours" to the ground – I have a hatred of vapouring – it can be like following the Flying Scotsman – it's the sheer arrogance of it that annoys me – to assume that the rest of us are keen to be engulfed in blackberry flavoured steam just so they can claim non smoker status. Anyway enough of that. After the game we head bag to the Law Courts where the jury retires to discuss why we failed to win at home... its been a busy year for them.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
A confluence of factors has caused investor sentiment to sour on emerging markets recently, including global trade tensions, a rising US dollar and idiosyncratic issues in Turkey and Argentina. While some of the headlines may seem disconcerting, they don't tell the whole story, according to our investment professionals who are on the ground in many of these regions. In addition, the chart below shows that the previous Fed tightening cycle from June 2003 to June 2007 had a limited impact on emerging-market currencies. "We're not only witnessing a shift in the geographic epicenter of GDP growth to the East, but even within emerging markets there has been a transformation in the drivers of growth. For instance, several years ago China overtook the United States and Japan in terms of total patents filed, and this is but one of many indicators of the shift towards innovation, technology and more broadly the 'new economy' that is taking place." – Manraj Sekhon, September 19, 2018. "In the last decade, China has shot past the United States to become a far more important export market for most large emerging economies—not least due to its burgeoning consumer market—and accordingly, trade growth now predominantly comes from intra-emerging-market demand. Rising protectionism in the West may further pivot focus towards regional agreements; indeed, China appears eager to replace US leadership in Asia in this area." – Manraj Sekhon, September 19, 2018. "Macroeconomic factors…have been primary contributors to market volatility this year. During such periods, EM equities generally face heightened risk aversion and indiscriminate selling, often at the expense of solid fundamentals. As long-term investors, we attempt to look past short-term market turbulence to identify long-term values." – Manraj Sekhon and Chetan Sehgal, Franklin Templeton Emerging Markets Equity, September 17, 2018.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
BANDAI PREPS 2ND 'DRAGON BALL CCG' RELEASE 'The Awakening' Due on Oct. 17th Posted by ICv2 on July 21, 2008 @ 11:00 pm CT Bandai Collectible Games has announced that The Awakening, the second release for its Dragon Ball Collectible Card Game will be released on October 17th. The Awakening is a boosters-only expansion that adds 100 new cards to the game and features all new artwork never released before in the United States. The new set features all the top Warriors from the Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z universes, but concentrates on "The Awakening" of new more powerful forms of those characters. Last weekend Bandai launched the new Dragon Ball CCG, which draws on all three Dragon Ball franchises (Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, and Dragon Ball GT) and has already been a hit in Asia and Europe (see "Bandai Announces 'Dragon Ball CCG'). Each 10-card The Awakening Booster Pack (MSRP $3.99) will include one Holographic foil card, one Gold-stamped rare card, two uncommon and six common cards. The series includes four Super-Rare Gold-Holographic foil inserts one of which will be found in an average of one out of eight booster packs. Each card in The Awakening series will carry a "1st Edition" mark. The more powerful forms of characters in The Awakening include Super Saiyan versions of Gohan and Vegeta, a 2nd form of Cell, a full power form of Frieza plus Androids 19 and 20.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Cooperative housing society realted. On 15 July 2015 2 Replies Jafer Short summary of the case: There is a society xxxx cooperative housing society (Hyderabad). I am very sure that they are not registered society under ap coop society act. These people are a group of 4 individuals acting as a society. They have in year 2008 received about 4 acres of land from Govt. on behalf of all the plot owners. (This land was regularized by ULC as it was taken over as surplus land earlier) While the actual total land of plot owners comes to only about 2 acers and remaining 2 acers were roads, and other common community usage. This society with evil intention have now made there own layout and are fooling other plot owners that they have rights to make their own layout and are asking us to accept our plots at different locations other than that in our registered documents. I have a copy of GO from govt., which says that have handed over so and so land to the society, also a xerox of rough sketch from govt that they have handed off so and so land to president of society. here govt never mentioned that society will have the rights to dissolve the previous registration of plots and reallocate as per the wish of society. further as the society is not registered atall, there is no further questions on there legal validity. The only thing we need from this society is 1. the original layout of whole 4 acers where our original plots were shown. 2. society has added several new plots on the left over land, also i want to question them how and where these plots came into existence. *** I need very urgent legal assistance to approach revelant depts. asking them to call for the following things from society. 1. The registration certificate of society (If at all it is registered) 2. On what grounds they took the said land from Govt. (if they took it on behalf of the plot owners, what action they have taken in last 8years to hand over the land to the said plot owners) 3, Original layout as on date of receieving this land from govt. 4. detailed report of no. of original plots and detailed report on leftover land. Adv.Maheshrao Jadhav hello Mr.Jafer, for the information bellow-- .....................you have to approch concern departments of Govt by way of applying u/p of right to information act [RIT] like to know status of one whose name is as a co-owner of premise in the document with registrar but second holder in co-op. soc.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. Henry David Thoreau MetalMusicGuide > Reviews > 5 Best Snare Drums for Metal 5 Best Snare Drums for Metal Yamaha Stage Custom All-Birch Shell Ten Lugs For More Precise Tuning 45 Degree Bearing Edges A good choice too Vangoa Snare 10 Sturdy Lugs 45° Roundover Bearing Edge On Each Side 6 Mm Poplar Shell DW Design Series Plated In Striking Black Nickel MAG Throw-Off Snd A True-Pitch Tuning System Rolled 1 Mm All-Brass Shell Tama S.L.P. 13-Ply/10 Mm Maple Shell Finish – Satin Tamo Ash W/Chrome Hardware Tamo Ash Outer Ply Pearl Snare Drum 6-Ply/5 Mm All Maple SST Shell CL Bridge Lug, Smooth SR700 Strainer Thin Matte Lacquer Finish Choose the Best Snare Drum for Metal Customer's Choice: the Best Rated Snare Drums for Metal 7 users answered this survey. Please help us improve this review! 42.86% of users selected Yamaha Stage Custom, 0% selected Vangoa Snare, 14.29% selected DW Design Series, 14.29% selected Tama S.L.P. and 28.57% selected Pearl Snare Drum. Every month we analyze your answers and change our rating. Best Snare Drums for Metal – Buyer's Guide Snare drum: wood or metal? Sizes of the snare drums Spiral snare Snare drum and lift-off mechanism Snare drum icons Interesting snare drum innovations Seamless steel shells Alternative snare drum concept Alternative Tuning System Useful Video: The best Snare Drums | Playing, Sound and Features Snare drums are a component of every drum kit and are one of the most important elements in the drum set due to their distinctive sound. But the so-called snare drum can also be played individually and is found in this form, mainly in marching bands. The shells of almost all percussion instruments are made of wood. Only the shells of snare drums are often made of metal. Of course, this affects the instrument's sound, so the material plays a big role when choosing a snare drum. So, if you are about to purchase a snare drum, you should know the different characteristics of the materials and different drum types. Tastes are different, so there is no universal tip for the purchase of a snare drum for metal. If you prefer a rather soft and warm sound, you should go for a snare with a shell made of wood. Wooden shells usually deliver a sound with more pronounced bass than metal shells. Among the most popular shells made of wood are probably the maple drums. They stand out with distinctive, low frequencies and offer a balance of mids and highs, resulting in a very clear sound. If you want to emphasize the treble particularly strongly, you should reach for a drum shell made of metal. Especially steel and aluminum sound very concise and have a high assertiveness. Who prefers a defined sound but still does not want to do without a harmonious relationship between lows, mids, and highs, look around at the brass snare drums. The drum set's centerpiece is the snare drum, which is distinguished from the rest of the drums in the drum set by the spiral carpet that rests against the lower head. Its diameter can range from 10 to 16 inches, with depth varying from 3 to 8 inches. The 14-inch diameter with a depth of 5 to 6.5 inches has become the standard. Whether a wooden or a metal snare is the better choice has occupied the drumming guild for decades and cannot be answered in a generalized way. In the lowest price range, metal snares usually sound somewhat better than their wooden counterparts in a direct comparison and offer the advantage that they can be "tamed" through the targeted head selection and damping measures if they sound too bright and aggressive. There is little difference in quality in the middle and higher price ranges, and whether you prefer wood or metal is purely a matter of taste. Wood shells generally sound warm and organic and blend ideally with the rest of the drums' sound in the drum set. Steel shells produce a treble-driven, incisive sound that can easily hold its own against loud guitars. Softer metals such as brass, bronze, or copper have proven to be an excellent middle ground, combining wood and steel contrasting properties optimally. When buying a snare drum, special attention should be paid to the mechanism for attaching and detaching the spiral carpet. The moving parts should function as smoothly and silently as possible. Although there are elaborate systems from various manufacturers that can be adjusted in tension on both sides, a well-functioning carpet lift-off that can be adjusted on one side is perfectly sufficient. In our big-boned snare guide, you can find everything else you need to know about snare drums. The material is not the only way to influence the sound of a snare drum. The shell depth also plays a role in choosing the right instrument. For very precise strokes, only small drums with the shallowest possible shell come into question. However, if you prefer to create a more voluminous sound and place increased value on a lot of pressure, you should make sure that the snare has a deep shell. The most commonly used sizes for snare drums are 14″ diameter, followed by 13″. However, special models in 10″, 12″, 15″, and 16″ are also available but are mostly used as a supplementary voice in the set – so-called add-on, side snares, or FX snare drums – and also mostly in special tunings. There are also ranges of shell depths from 3,5″ up to 8″ or as very special models in even greater depths. The standard sizes are 5″, 5.5″, and 6.5″ deep models offered by all manufacturers. Unlike most other drums, a snare does not consist of just a shell and a resonating head. The spiral carpet is responsible for the typical sound of a concert drum. It is stretched under the head and produces different sounds, depending on the type of covering. Due to this rather complicated construction, snare drums are not very affordable. Nevertheless, anyone who plans to play drums seriously should think about purchasing a high-quality snare drum early on. The snare drum is the most distinct voice in the drum set. The distinctive sound is determined by resonant sides that are set into vibration by a blow. Another special feature of the snare drum is the extremely thin resonant head, which makes it possible for the resonant sides to respond specifically to very soft notes and decisively shapes this typically crisp sound. The snare drumhead usually has spirals made of metal and is tensioned in its entirety. Depending on the tension, the response and the sound of the spirals vary. The tensioning device, the snare carpet lifter (also called snare strainer or throw off), can be a simple construction or a complex lifting construction. The simplest variant here is an on/off lever with tension adjustment on one side and a fixed stop on the drum's opposite side. The next principle involves tension adjustment on both sides. In both cases, the snare carpet rests centrally on the resonator head. Another possibility is to lead the snare drum beyond the edges of the shell. You can follow the on/off lever's principle on one side or use an elaborate parallel lift-off. In this case, a rod runs across the shell, which lowers or raises the lifting and fastening mechanism for the snare carpet on both sides simultaneously when the on/off lever is actuated. Among the most popular snare drum materials are brass and aluminum for metal shells. Their popularity is undoubtedly due to the "Supraphonic" snare drums still available today from the American manufacturer Ludwig: LM 400 and LM 402 with seamless aluminum shells and the "Black Beauty" snare drums LB 416 and LB417 with seamless drawn brass shells. These snare drum models can be found on countless recordings of a wide variety of musical styles, and almost every professional drummer owns one of these snare drums. For the sake of completeness, it should also be noted that the LM 400 and LM 402 snare drums also had a seamless brass shell until about the mid-1960s, but it was chrome-plated. It was not until around 1963 that the aluminum alloy was used for the less expensive "Acrolite" snare towers from Ludwig and subsequently also for the "Supraphonic" snare drums in a chrome-plated version. The fact that these snare drums can justifiably be called style-forming is also shown by the fact that today every well-known manufacturer offers snare drums made of these shell materials, sometimes with almost identical shell construction. Another snare drum construction icon is the Slingerland "Radio King," whose wooden shell is made from a single piece of maple using the "steam-bent" process. Seasoned maple wood was bent into a cylinder over steam and glued together. Besides, reinforcing rings of maple were glued into the boiler's edges, which were made in the same way. Well-preserved models are now part of the instrumentation of top drummers. They impress a wide tuning range, a rich punch in the attack, and a sometimes massive sustain. In the 1970s, the Sonor company began manufacturing snare drums with seamless drawn steel shells. This required special steel sheets that were elastic enough for the manufacturing process and gave the final product the appropriate rigidity. The Sonor Phonic snare drums, like the shells of the Ludwig Supraphonic snare drums, have a bead in the middle but a fundamentally brighter and somewhat richer overtone sound. The Japanese company Yamaha also produced snare drums with seamless drawn steel shells for the 9000 series. Remarkable was the equipment with a parallel lift-off for the snare carpet, which was not dissimilar to the design of Ludwig Super Sensitive Snare Drums (Supraphonic shell with parallel lift-off). Tama also presented snare drums with seamless drawn steel shells in the "Mastercraft" series. A double-sided adjustable snare carpet lift-off, which led the snare carpet beyond the rim of the shell – this principle is also often referred to as "Throw Off II" – as well as the equipment with cast tension hoops were the special features for these snare drums. The Pearl Free Floating Snare Drums saw the light of day around 1984 – and thus a concept that is still quite unique today. The basis here is a cast frame to which all hardware components (tuning pegs and snare carpet lift-off) are attached. A shell burr and snare bed are worked into the cast frame's underside, as the resonator head is attached to this frame. A shell is then placed from the top of the frame, which has no direct contact with the shell hardware (hardware), thus developing its resonance unhindered by other components of the instrument. The diameter of the Free Floating Snare Drums is 14″, for the shell depth variants between 3.5″ to 8″ are available, and one has a wide choice in the shell material. At the beginning of the "Free Floating" era, these were steel, brass, copper, and maple, while today, there are also birch, aluminum, phosphor bronze, and hybrid shells (e.g., maple/mahogany) to choose from. Tama introduced a special tuning system in the mid-1980s with the "Artwood" snare towers. This was operated from the batter head side, and one could tune the resonant head separately from there, or tune the batter and resonant heads simultaneously, or just the batter head. A principle that the American drummer, drum teacher, and manufacturer Billy Gladstone had already developed once in the 1930s. The further development was then used by Tama for the entire drum set and was used again in the "Starclassic Bubinga Onmi Tune" drums. If you are looking for a specific sound or a certain model, you will not be able to avoid buying a possibly very expensive instrument. But all others, for whom a good, versatile sound and practical functionality are primarily in the foreground, should read on now because I've picked out a few excellent suggestions for metal music. Which snare drum for metal do you personally play, and which snare drums should you definitely take a closer look at and especially play? What has been with you for years, and what would you never give up? Leave your comment and let us know which gems you have in your collection and why. veselovskiyv 25 September 2020 Previous Article 5 Best Drums for Metal Next Article 5 Best Headphones for Metal Music Fender American Professional Precision Bass Review Fender American Special Telecaster Review Fender Rumble 15 Review Fender Frontman 25R Review Email: [email protected] Copyright © 2023 All Rights Reserved by MetalMusicGuide MetalMusicGuide (metalmusicguide.com) is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Coventry City Centre Why you could soon be whizzing around Coventry in an electric taxi The city's cabbies are being offered the chance to switch to the clean machines in a bid to banish air pollution John Carlon Coventry's cabbies will be offered the chance to test-drive an electric taxi in a bid to get them to ditch their old petrol and diesel motors. Coventry City Council is working with electric taxi company Electric Blue to offer the switch and get taxi drivers to make the permanent move to battery power and help lower air pollution in the city. It comes as a charging point for electric vehicles was installed in Hales Street in the city centre . The trial is set to start this month, although the exact date is yet to be confirmed. This new EV charger has been spotted on Hales Street The charger company said a driver could save £3,000 a year by switching to an electric taxi. That is based on a driver doing 30-35,000 miles, and an EV being 10-12p more cost effective per mile. The Government has pledged an all-electric transition by 2040. Bigging up the benefits Alex Calnan, Electric Blue's Managing Director, said: "For many people, driving an EV is too much of an unknown and in the taxi space drivers just haven't been in an EV and so they don't know the benefits. "Following other successful trials in Watford and St Albans, we're offering Coventry taxi drivers an opportunity to step out of their petrol or diesel vehicle and try a fully-licenced EV taxi from Electric Blue for a couple of weeks to see if we can convert them into a new way of thinking." A Limited Edition TX4 made by the London Taxi Company The charging point The Hales Street charge point has an eVolt rapid 50kW Raption charger, featuring triple AC/DC outlets and locking plug holsters. It is suitable for charging all rapid-charge-enabled EVs. The construction of the Raption charger means that, in the unlikely event that one rectifier should fail, others remain operational so the taxi drivers will always have access to a charge. Are you buzzing for Coventry's electric powered taxis? Yes, lets hail a new era for pollution-free Coventry No, they will be a silent menace For drivers taking part in Electric Blue's Coventry scheme, training is provided beforehand so that they know how to operate the zero emissions Dynamo Taxi and the EV charge points. Electric Blue will also remain on hand to support the taxi driver throughout the trial. A new 'fuel pump' has appeared in Coventry city centre - this is why Mr Calnan added: "We want the drivers to trial an EV taxi with confidence so that we can persuade them that converting to electric is a sensible and financially sound option - an essential part of giving these drivers confidence is also giving them access to reliable charging technology, which is why we are partnering with eVolt. "We know that the reliability of the charging infrastructure is imperative for any EV driver, but even more so when we are trying to persuade taxi drivers to convert. "Their income is dependent on time on the road so they want to know that an EV charger is always going to be operational. eVolt has a fantastic track record and we have never experienced a technology failure with any eVolt charger." Coventry's electric cabs Take a ride in Cov's first electric cab Coventry to become centre of taxi making First electric taxi delivered Cov-made electric taxi gets green light
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The counter tops look great. I do however have one complaint. My wife and I drove down to your facility and picked out the granite that we wanted and clearly stated that we did not want any large natural characteristics major markings (natural) to show up in the largest piece on the order. There are a couple of markings (natural) that are in the center of the our largest counter top. This is something that we can live with however, if this would not have been such a major inconvenience to do so, I would have rejected the piece. We experienced a scheduling problem only two days before installation was to begin. We had to remove 5 cupboards in order to do the install and so our kitchen was totally tore up for a week longer than was expected. Otherwise, we had a great experience with you folks.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Losing It: A lifetime in pursuit of sporting excellence (eBOOK) Author:Simon Barnes Publisher:Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Categories:Humour, Sports Books, True Stories, Biography Overview:Losing It: A lifetime in pursuit of sporting excellence - To understand Anna Karenina, Mellors, Molly Bloom, Dante, Romeo, Juliet and Bridget Jones you must also have loved and lost and won. To understand sport in the greatest arenas of them all you too must have played and lost and won, known shame, hope, joy, horror and glory. Simon Barnes has taken part in seven summer Olympic Games, five World Cups and ten Ashes series. Well, not exactly taken part, but certainly he was there and writing hard. And always, behind every victory and every defeat he ever recorded, there was the reference of his own sporting career, in which the bitter beauties of failure were occasionally varied with the intoxication of success. At school he was - at least at first - the opposite of a rebel without a cause: he was a sporting fool in search of a game he could excel at, alas finding none. When he was nine he thought he would somehow be miraculously good at sport. Sadly he never was. But the sporting fool within him never died and in his late 20s he tried again - a second sporting career, in which the triumph of hope over experience was more or less a rout. The dream had only slightly modified: he now thought he would be somehow miraculously competent. So he co-founded a football team and at last found himself the first-choice goalkeeper. Then he co-founded a cricket team, on the grounds that by doing so he would always be sure of a game. And at the same time, he got horsiness and discovered he was actually quite good at riding in competition. All these adventures taught him about sport: why we do it, what is required to be very good at it. He learned about the relationship of physical and mental skills, about fear and courage and physical pain. He learned about funk, about Zen-like calm, about the team thing, about the "me" thing. His sporting failure has been a joyous and profoundly informative part of his life, and here he tells the story of it. This book is on page /2e7b5e0f27aa5a15196a5119e9ab7e5c/book/1603725640-9781472918789. It was written by the following authors: Simon Barnes. Book Losing It: A lifetime in pursuit of sporting excellence, which can be read online, published by the company: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC. Other books on similar topics can be found in sections: Humour, Sports Books, True Stories, Biography. The book was published on 2017-05-04 00:00:00. It has 304 pages and is published in Paperback format and weight 216 g. File for download Losing It: A lifetime in pursuit of sporting excellence has PDF format and is called losing-it-a-lifetime-in-pursuit-of-sporting-excellence.pdf. Other books you can download below. Our orenclub.biz site is not responsible for the content of PDF files. How to download book Losing It: A lifetime in pursuit of sporting excellence? Losing It?: The Psychology of Losing Weight and Never Finding it Again Losing Johanna Losing You Tonight Losing the Dead - Virago Modern Classics Losing the Girls: My Journey Through Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy and Beyond Losing Face Losing a Child - Pocket Losing the Plot: Crime, reality and fiction in postapartheid South African writing Losing the Last 5 kg: Simple steps to get the body you want now Losing My Mind: An Intimate Look at Life with Alzheimer's Losing It - Ringside Romance 4 Lifetime Journeys: Volume One Lifetime of Better Golf Lifetime of Memories: History, Stories, Photos, Poems, and Recipes Lifetime Fitness (Spiral bound) Lifetime Treasury of Tested Tennis Tips: Secrets of Winning Play Losing Afghanistan: An Obituary for the Intervention Losing Ground in the Employment Challenge: The Case of Paraguay Losing Dad, Paranoid Schizophrenia: A Family's Search for Hope Losing Our Edge: A Novel Losing Eden: Why Our Minds Need the Wild Losing Touch: A man without his body Losing it: ..and Gaining My Life Back One Pound at a Time Losing Summer Losing Logan Losing Site: Architecture, Memory and Place Losing Bash - Charon MC 9 Lifetime Data: Statistical Models And Methods - Series on Quality, Reliability and Engineering Statistics 11 Losing Your Pounds Of Pain: Breaking the Link Between Abuse, Stress and Overeating Losing My Virginity: The Autobiography Losing the Rat Race, Winning at Life Losing the Mother Tongue in the USA: Implications for Adult Latinxs in the 21st Century Losing the Boomer Blues Losing Mogadishu Losing the Temple and Recovering the Future: An Analysis of 4 Ezra Losing the Woman within Copyright © 2021 orenclub.biz
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Bengaluru (Karnataka) [India], March 16 (ANI): Resident Welfare Associations and several other organisations held a protest against the construction of an elevated corridor here on Saturday. However, Deputy Chief Minister G Parameshwara said that there is a difference in people's opinion. "People from the north of the city want this steel bridge and people from south Bengaluru do not want the bridge," Parmeshwara told reporters here. Stating that the construction of the elevated corridor is part of development, the Deputy Chief Minister said that some positive steps are needed to ease out traffic.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Posted inFeatured When Will Season 17 of 'Grey's Anatomy' be on Netflix? by Ines Nyström May 15, 2020 May 15, 2020 Gray's Anatomy – Shondaland Productions With the sixteenth season now accessible to stream on Netflix, it's time to debate after we can count on to see the upcoming seventeenth season of Gray's Anatomy on Netflix. Season after season, Gray's Anatomy continues to interrupt extra data. At 16 seasons, the sequence continues to be the longest-running scripted primetime carried by ABC, and in addition exceeds the likes of different extremely well-liked medical-drama sequence resembling ER, M*A*S*H, and Scrubs. When will season 17 of Gray's Anatomy be on Netflix US? When is filming anticipated to start? Will season 17 be the final season of Gray's Anatomy? Will season 17 be the longest season of Gray's Anatomy? Will Gray's Anatomy be leaving Netflix after season 17? Shonda Rhimes tasks to look ahead to on Netflix Extra of Shonda Rhimes on Netflix When will Season 17 of Gray's Anatomy be coming to different areas? Usually the discharge of the newest season of Gray's Anatomy is like clockwork, changing into accessible to stream on Netflix round Could. Sadly, a Could 2021 launch date for Netflix appears to be in peril, because of the continued menace of the coronavirus pandemic. Manufacturing for season 16 has already ended prematurely because of the hazard of the pandemic, marking the 21st episode because the season finale. Manufacturing for the seventeenth season would have anticipated to start someday this summer time, with a season premiere date scheduled for late September. Sadly, it's unclear if the pandemic will delay the beginning of manufacturing for Gray's Anatomy season 17. READ 'The Umbrella Academy' Season 2: Netflix Release Date and What We Know So Far ABC is prone to announce when manufacturing will start, or whether or not it's delayed, inside the subsequent month or two. Assuming that filming can begin in July, then we might be seeing the season get again to its common broadcast schedule in September. On the very earliest you'll be able to count on to see Gray's Anatomy season 17 on Netflix is Could or June 2021. Because it presently stands, Ellen Pompeo is just beneath contract for yet another season of Gray's Anatomy, in the end bringing the sequence to a crossroads of what it ought to do subsequent. ABC is eager for the sequence to be renewed for the eighteenth season, however this depends closely upon whether or not or not Pompeo will be concerned sooner or later of the sequence. ABC Leisure President Karey Burke had the next to say Gray's Anatomy will dwell so long as Ellen is concerned about taking part in Meredith Gray Burke's assertion closely means that if Pompeo doesn't wish to transcend season 17, then the following season might be the final Gray's Anatomy. A giant query on the minds of many followers is whether or not or not the seventeenth season will choose up the ultimate 4 episodes of season 16 that had been by no means produced. If the season is so as to add one other 4 episodes, and presuming that 24/25 episodes had been deliberate for season 16, that may take the full quantity of episodes to of least 28. READ 'The Chronicles of Narnia' on Netflix: What we know so far The quantity of episodes would have a major affect on the Netflix launch date as a result of so as to add 4 extra episodes would imply including 4 extra weeks to the published schedule. To counter the problem of 28 or 29 weeks of broadcast, the season premiere and finale might air two episodes on the identical evening. For as lengthy ABC continues to supply Gray's Anatomy, the sequence will stay on Netflix. That is because of the "legacy contract" that was made years in the past. As soon as the ultimate season of Gray's Anatomy is broadcast, and arrives on Netflix, solely then can we speculate on when Gray's Anatomy might depart Netflix. In July 2018, Netflix signed an unique output take care of Gray's Anatomy creator Shonda Rhimes. The deal features a complete of eight new reveals, written and produced by these working at Shondaland, Rhimes' manufacturing studio. The extremely anticipated adaptation of the novel Bridgerton is the primary mission coming to Netflix from Shonda Rhimes, with a second sequence, Inventing Anna, scheduled to reach someday in 2020. Shonda Rhimes is one of many gifted creators that Netflix has snapped as much as produce unique content material. At present, there are three additional sequence from Shondaland on Netflix: Tips on how to Get Away with Homicide (5 Seasons) Personal Observe (6 Seasons) Scandal (7 Seasons) 64th Annual Golden Globe Awards – Copyright. Getty Photographs Sky has been the house of Gray's Anatomy for a few years, so to observe the medical drama within the UK you have to a subscription to Sky TV. You should use the on-demand service to meet up with episodes, or just file these you don't wish to miss. READ 'Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj' Volume 6 Coming to Netflix in May 2020 Weekly Netflix Canada follows a really comparable schedule to that of the US, due to this fact as soon as we all know a US launch date a Canadian one will comply with after. Australian followers can catch the newest episodes of Gray's Anatomy on Seven's main channel. Are you wanting ahead to watching Gray's Anatomy season 17 on Netflix? Tell us within the feedback beneath! In "Featured" When will Season 6 of 'How to Get Away with Murder' be on Netflix? 'Grey's Anatomy': Ellen Pompeo & Kate Walsh Honor Meredith & Addison's 1st Face-Off 15 Years Later In "Entertainment" Tagged: Anatomy, Greys, Netflix, Season
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: Searching for a Regex to disable any "/" before the first letter I am actually got an Angular form which upload some files on a cloud, but those files could be in directories with subdirectories like "directory/subdirectory/filename" My form had some inputs, and I added a ng-pattern on a text input. I can't accept sentence with "/" at first character like /directory/subdirectory/filename I am searching for a regex to deny any "/" until the first letter of a directory name. So, correct way is: directory/blabla; and wrong way is: /directory/blabla; I tried [^/]* but it is detect all the '/' in my sentence. Any idea please ? A: This should do: ^[^\/]\S+$ The regex checks that the first character is not a '/', and then accepts every non-whitespace character till the end. Demo
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Q: Does the c# compiler optimizes Count properties? List<int> list = ... for(int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) { ... } So does the compiler know the list.Count does not have to be called each iteration? A: The C# compiler does not do any optimizations like this. The JIT compiler, however, optimizes this for arrays, I believe (which are not resizable), but not for lists. A List's count property can change within the loop structure, so it would be an incorrect optimization. A: It's worth noting, as nobody else has mentioned it, that there is no knowing from looking at a loop like this what the "Count" property will actually do, or what side effects it may have. Consider the following cases: * *A third party implementation of a property called "Count" could execute any code it wished to. e.g. return a Random number for all we know. With List we can be a bit more confident about how it will operate, but how is the JIT to tell these implementations apart? *Any method call within the loop could potentially alter the return value of Count (not just a straight "Add" directly on the collection, but a user method that is called in the loop might also party on the collection) *Any other thread that happens to be executing concurrently could also change the Count value. The JIT just can't "know" that Count is constant. However, the JIT compiler can make the code run much more efficiently by inlining the implementation of the Count property (as long as it is a trivial implementation). In your example it may well be inlined down to a simple test of a variable value, avoiding the overhead of a function call on each iteration, and thus making the final code nice and fast. (Note: I don't know if the JIT will do this, just that it could. I don't really care - see the last sentence of my answer to find out why) But even with inlining, the value may still be changed between iterations of the loop, so it would still need to be read from RAM for each comparison. If you were to copy Count into a local variable and the JIT could determine by looking at the code in the loop that the local variable will remain constant for the loop's lifetime, then it may be able to further optimise it (e.g. by holding the constant value in a register rather than having to read it from RAM on each iteration). So if you (as a programmer) know that Count will be constant for the lifetime of the loop, you may be able to help the JIT by caching Count in a local variable. This gives the JIT the best chance of optimising the loop. (But there are no guarantees that the JIT will actually apply this optimisation, so it may make no difference to the execution times to manually "optimise" this way. You also risk things going wrong if your assumption (that Count is constant) is incorrect. Or your code may break if another programmer edits the contents of the loop so that Count is no longer constant, and he doesn't spot your cleverness) So the moral of the story is: The JIT can make a pretty good stab at optimising this case by inlining. Even if it doesn't do this now, it may do it with the next C# version. You might not gain any advantage by manually "optmising" the code, and you risk changing its behaviour and thus breaking it, or at least making future maintenance of your code more risky, or possibly losing out on future JIT enhancements. So the best approach is to just write it the way you have, and optimise it when your profiler tells you that the loop is your performance bottleneck. Hence, IMHO it's interesting to consider/understand cases like this, but ultimately you don't actually need to know. A little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing. Just let the JIT do its thing, and then profile the result to see if it needs improving. A: If you take a look at the IL generated for Dan Tao's example you'll see a line like this at the condition of the loop: callvirt instance int32 [mscorlib]System.Collections.Generic.List`1<int32>::get_Count() This is undeniable proof that Count (i.e. get_Count()) is called for every iteration of the loop. A: Are you sure about that? List<int> list = new List<int> { 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i) { if (i < 100) { list.Add(i + 1); } } If the compiler cached the Count property above, the contents of list would be 0 and 1. If it did not, the contents would be the integers from 0 to 100. Now, that might seem like a contrived example to you; but what about this one? List<int> list = new List<int>(); int i = 0; while (list.Count <= 100) { list.Add(i++); } It may seem as if these two code snippets are completely different, but that's only because of the way we tend to think about for loops versus while loops. In either case, the value of a variable is checked on every iteration. And in either case, that value very well could change. Typically it's not safe to assume the compiler optimizes something when the behavior between "optimized" and "non-optimized" versions of the same code is actually different. A: For all the other commenters who say that the 'Count' property could change in a loop body: JIT optimizations let you take advantage of the actual code that's running, not the worst-case of what might happen. In general, the Count could change. But it doesn't in all code. So in the poster's example (which might not have any Count-changing), is it unreasonable for the JIT to detect that the code in the loop doesn't change whatever internal variable List uses to hold its length? If it detects that list.Count is constant, wouldn't it lift that variable access out of the loop body? I don't know if the JIT does this or not. But I am not so quick to brush this problem off as trivially "never." A: No, it doesn't. Because condition is calculated on each step. It can be more complex than just comparsion with count, and any boolean expression is allowed: for(int i = 0; new Random().NextDouble() < .5d; i++) Console.WriteLine(i); http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa664753(VS.71).aspx A: It depends on the particular implementation of Count; I've never noticed any performance issues with using the Count property on a List so I assume it's ok. In this case you can save yourself some typing with a foreach. List<int> list = new List<int>(){0}; foreach (int item in list) { // ... }
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
SACUA responds to Schlissel's appointment Print | E-mail | Letter to the editor By Andrew Almani, Daily Staff Reporter Members of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs met the appointment of Brown University Provost Mark Schlissel as the University's 14th president with optimism, though many highlighted an absence of faculty input on the Presidential Advisory Search Committee. Read our complete coverage by clicking below: SACUA — a nine-member faculty executive committee elected by the Senate Assembly — voiced disappointment in September about the lack of SACUA representatives on the presidential search committee. The committee, which was formed in July, comprised solely of the University's Board of Regents and eight faculty members, none of whom serve on SACUA. "Since SACUA had no involvement with the presidential search, we are not yet informed about the president-elect's unique qualifications," said Astronomy Prof. Sally Oey, a SACUA member. "We trust that he is an exceptional leader and we are excited to meet him and look forward to working with him." Physics Prof. Finn Larsen, another SACUA member, shared similar sentiments regarding the faculty's lack of prior information about the decision. "This announcement is as much news to me as it is to the general public," Larsen said. "In this situation I look forward to learn more about the new president and his vision for the University of Michigan." In February of 2012, SACUA passed a resolution urging the Board of Regents to ensure representatives from the assembly would have seats on the search committee. The board disregarded the resolution, as they announced the members of the committee in July of 2013 without appointing any assembly members. SACUA responded with another resolution over the summer expressing their "disappointment" with the regents' decision. However, Regent Andrea Fischer Newman (R), chair of the Board of Regents, spoke of faculty involvement in the search process during the board's special meeting Friday morning. "On July 18, 2013, the regents announced the appointment of a presidential advisory search committee ... that included the entire board of regents and a truly outstanding set of faculty members," Newman said. "I want to personally thank the faculty members of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee. This powerhouse group of distinguished faculty played a vital role in the selection process, and served as representatives of the faculty as a whole." In the beginning of his address Friday, Schlissel stressed the value of the University's faculty. "I look forward to working with more than the 3,000 outstanding faculty at the university and will be honored to be counted amongst their ranks," Schlissel said. "Faculty define the strength of the university and share responsibility for its governance." Despite SACUA's criticism of the search process, Dentistry Prof. Rex Holland, SACUA vice chair, expressed excitement about Schlissel's appointment. "I'm very impressed with President-elect Schlissel's credentials," Holland said. "I personally like his background in biological sciences. His speech was short but contained several very positive references to faculty governance. I have great confidence that President-elect Schlissel will be a splendid leader for a splendid institution."
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
I did indeed get to see this in the theater like I'd hoped. You know that scene in the book where the team is fighting their way through the Capitol, and one of the traps is the entire street opening into a trapdoor under their feet? I thought that was made for an action blockbuster. Why on earth would they leave it out? It was otherwise very faithful but unfortunately I was disappointed overall. The pacing was off, the climax was anticlimactic, and there weren't that many moments where you just watched and smiled and thought, "That was cool." Loved seeing Pollux again now that he's Foggy, though. Hee. I think I realized that the reason I don't care for horror movies is that it's too damn easy to make a scene scary. So we're down in the sewers, it's dark, we know we're about to be attacked by mutts, we know it's going to happen as soon as the quiet tension has stretched out long enough that the characters have stopped expecting it, and that there's going to be a loud sudden chord accompanying a sudden ugly monster. The natural human reaction is to flinch when it happens anyway. You can get the same effect with two colors and an air horn. Wanted more Tigris, too! I didn't think her modifications were all that bad. I thought she was pretty. Is that weird? Am I too cat person? Our theater just got these AM-AZ-ING reclining loveseats, straight out of a living room. Ticket prices didn't even increase! That might have been the most exciting thing about last night tbh. I haven't been to the movies in a while; is this something all the theaters are doing now? Have you watched anything from an amazing reclining loveseat?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Béla Kerékjártó (1 October 1898, in Budapest – 26 June 1946, in Gyöngyös) was a Hungarian mathematician who wrote numerous articles on topology. Kerékjártó earned his Ph.D. degree from the University of Budapest in 1920. He taught at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Szeged starting in 1922. In 1921 he introduced his program with a talk "On topological fundamentals of analysis and geometry" where he advocated that "complex analysis should be built with instruments of topology without metric elements such as length and area." Life and career In 1923, Kerékjártó published one of the first books on Topology, which was reviewed by Solomon Lefschetz in 1925. Hermann Weyl wrote that this book completely changed his views of the subject. In 1919 he published a theorem on periodic homeomorphisms of the disc and the sphere. A claim to priority to the result was made by L. E. J. Brouwer, and the subject was revisited by Samuel Eilenberg in 1934. A modern treatment of Kerékjártó's theorem has been presented by Adrian Constantin and Boris Kolev. Kerékjártó was appointed head of the Department of Geometry and Descriptive Geometry at the János Bolyai Mathematical Institute of the University of Szeged in 1925. In 1938 he returned to Budapest to teach at Eötvös Loránd University. Kerékjártó proved that the sphere is the only compact surface that admits a 3-transitive topological group in 1941. Books 1923: Vorlesungen über Topologie Bd.1 Flächentopologie, Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Springer Verlag 1955: Les Fondements de la Géométrie. Bd.1. La construction élémentaire de la géométrie euclidienne, Gauthier-Villars. 1966: Les Fondaments de la Géométrie Bd.2, Geometrie projective, Gauthiers-Villars. Articles 1919: "A torus periodikus transformitioirol", Math. Term. tad. Értesitiö 39:213–9. 1930: "Geometrische Theorie der zweigliedrigen kontinuierlichen Gruppen", Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 8:107–14. 1934: "Sur la character topologique des representationes conformes", Comptes rendus 198:317–20. 1934: "Über reguläre Abbildungen von Flächen auf sich", Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 7:65–85 & 206. 1934: "Topologische Characterisierung der linearen Abbildungen", Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 6:235–62, esp. 250. 1940: "Sur les inversions dans un groupe commutative", Comptes rendus 210:288. 1940: "Sur le group des homographies et des antihomographies d'une variable complexe", Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 13:68–82. 1941: "Sur les groups compact de transformations topologique des surfaces", Acta Mathematica 74:129–73. References External links 20th-century Hungarian mathematicians Topologists Academic staff of the University of Szeged Mathematicians from Budapest 1898 births 1946 deaths Austro-Hungarian mathematicians Eötvös Loránd University alumni Academic staff of Eötvös Loránd University
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Como tomar posse da bênção é um best-seller escrito pelo Missionário R. R. Soares, no ano de 1987. Composição do livro O livro basicamente se trata da doutrina da determinação, no nome de Jesus, com base na passagem de João 14:13 entre outras da Bíblia. Na obra, o autor adverte que "Certamente não podemos exigir que Deus faça algo por nós"; na verdade, orienta ao cristão que "Tudo o que tem a fazer é exigir que o mal saia da sua vida, determinando assim a bênção". Segundo R. R. Soares, ele iria iniciar a profissão médica. Antes de começar a se aprofundar nela, ele realizou a leitura de dois livros: O Nome de Jesus e Curai Enfermos e Expulsai Demônios. Após concluir a leitura, o Senhor Jesus Cristo lhe mudou o seu rumo: Ele chamou-o para a evangelização. Em 1987, ele, como conclusão das duas leituras, escreveu a obra com um misto de ambos, que há muitas pessoas foi-se proporcionada à libertação e solução dos problemas. Um livro e milhões de milagres Na revista Graça Show da Fé ano 10, número 15, o tema principal abordado nele, atende por: Um livro e milhões de milagres. Segundo testemunhos de leitores que adquiriram o livro postados nesta revista é que, devido a simplicidade e clareza dos vocábulos utilizados na literatura proporcionaram uma possibilidade maior de se assimilar o segredo que fez com que milhões de cristãos, por meio da fé e determinação, logrem a almejada vitória sobre as adversidades. O principal tema abordado Este livro ensina que, suplicar a bênção ao Senhor é desnecessário, pois Ele morreu na Cruz do Calvário, levando sobre Si, todas as nossas dores. Portanto, o ensinamento é que a determinação é o único meio de recebermos as bênçãos prometidas. Como Tomar Posse da Bênção do missionário R. R. Soares, é uma obra que tem por finalidade ajudar a todos a tomarem posse das bênçãos. O livro é destinado àqueles que não possuem nenhum conhecimento sobre a fé e que queiram tirar algum conhecimento. A forma como o livro trata com o leitor é inovadora e revela que a necessidade de todos não é a de sermões filosóficos e sim aprender a tomar posse da bênção. Sinopse do livro Descrição O objetivo desta obra é levar o leitor a conhecer o Senhor, amá-lO e servir-Lhe. Desfrutando de todas as bênçãos que Jesus providenciou em Sua morte no Calvário. Porque aquele que pede recebe; e o que busca encontra; e, ao que bate, se abre. Mateus 7.8 Pessoas pelo mundo inteiro têm sido abençoadas, pois aprenderam a determinar e descobriram que a bênção não é esmola, mas, sim, o pão dos filhos. E o banquete já está pronto: Preparas uma mesa perante mim na presença dos meus inimigos (Sl.23.5a). Capítulos Determinação A grande revelação É desnecessário pedir Com você também Esperando no Senhor Os anjos em ação Perguntas sem respostas Simples e descomplicado A sua ordem não falhará A benção não é esmola Fomos mal-ensinados Homens que determinaram Os cinco passos da vitória 1º passo - Ter fé em Deus 2º passo - Falar ao monte 3º passo - Não duvidar em seu coração 4º passo - Crer que será feito o que se diz 5º passo - Tudo o que disser que será feito A fé da sorte Uma mudança necessária Como tomar posse da bênção Ligações externas Livros religiosos Livros de 1987
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Corbin cruises with arm, bat in stellar outing PITTSBURGH -- Thursday has been the date circled in red for many Nationals fans, as they await the return of ace Max Scherzer. But the rest of Washington's rotation has flexed its collective muscle in the first three contests of a four-game series against the Pirates. That stretch of dominance PITTSBURGH -- Thursday has been the date circled in red for many Nationals fans, as they await the return of ace Max Scherzer. But the rest of Washington's rotation has flexed its collective muscle in the first three contests of a four-game series against the Pirates. That stretch of dominance continued Wednesday with the most shutdown start of all. Patrick Corbin pitched eight scoreless innings at PNC Park, and a six-run rally in the third inning was more than enough to propel the Nats to an 11-1 win. Corbin had a convincing case to come out for the ninth to try for a complete-game shutout -- something he stopped in the clubhouse prior to Wednesday's game to watch Lucas Giolito accomplish in the White Sox 4-0 victory over the Twins. Corbin was at just 93 pitches after the eighth, but he quickly received handshakes and appreciation as he trotted into the dugout at the end of the frame. "If the game was close, obviously, he stays in the game," manager Dave Martinez said. "But this is the time of year, with us scoring all those runs, to give him a little breather, give him a little break. He did everything he had to do for us. We scored a bunch of runs, and that's all it was." "It's a long season," Corbin said. "Save me some pitches and give someone else a little bit of work. I don't blame him." When Corbin has been at his best this year, his swing-and-miss stuff has typically been the reason. But Corbin struck out only four Bucs batters, though his devastating strike-three slider to Erik Gonzalez in the eighth was another flash of the most swing-and-miss-prone slider in the Majors this season (261). Instead, Corbin went with a more fastball-intensive selection of pitches. Though he's thrown his slider a higher percentage than either his two-seam fastball or four-seamer on the year, he threw 13 more two-seamers (43) than sliders (30) against the Pirates. "I know teams, when they face me and they know they're going to see a lot of sliders, some lay off, some don't," Corbin said. "You've just got to execute your fastball, command it to both sides of the plate and mix them there. You can get quicker outs and get ground balls and work deeper into ballgames." Corbin kept the ball low in the zone and exploited early swings by Pittsburgh. Catcher Yan Gomes said of the game plan: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." "You've got to understand that as the season goes on, guys are going to start making adjustments to what's working for him," Gomes said. "... If he's throwing it good, keeping the ball down, might as well keep doing that." "We couldn't get the ball in the air," Bucs manager Clint Hurdle said. "Just throttled us. On and off, forward and back, enough fastballs up. Just a really solid mix of pitches. We didn't have any answer." Everything is working for the Nationals' rotation in the short term. Washington's starters have combined to throw 18 1/3 scoreless frames against the Pirates in this series, though Joe Ross' start Monday was cut short by an injury after 3 1/3 innings. The 15 innings by Stephen Strasburg and Corbin on consecutive days will give Martinez a bounty of bullpen options on Thursday, when Scherzer is expected to have a limit of 75-80 pitches. Corbin took part in the blazing offense, too. He scored after reaching on a fielder's choice in the third, then knocked an RBI double to complete a three-run rally in the eighth. "I finally got into the mix, finally got a hit," Corbin said. "I've been thinking about that a lot." The Nats have scored double-digit runs in five of their past seven games. They continue to hit throughout the lineup, and that ability showed up Wednesday with Asdrubal Cabrera's three-run homer from the five-hole and Gomes' two doubles and two RBIs from the No. 8 spot. But Washington's paradigm is built on its starting pitching. Even with Scherzer and Strasburg, the Nationals went out and handed a six-year deal to Corbin, the hottest free-agent pitcher on the market this past offseason to reinforce that point. He's one of the key pieces they believe can lead them not only to the playoffs, but to winning the National League East. Have they gotten all they asked for from Corbin so far? "And more," Martinez said. "And more. Yeah, he's been tremendous." Patrick Corbin
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
How do you compare Pep Boys vs Safepro Auto Glass? Pep Boys has unethical business practices, performs unprofessional services, and has zero liability for their negligence when they destroy your vehicle. I wasn't going to review this shop but it finally got the better of me. I feel I have the "right". Pep Boys - Their mechanic does not know anything!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
J Strength Cond Res. 2013 Dec;27(12):3384-90. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3182915ebe. Neuromuscular responses during aquatic resistance exercise with different devices and depths. Colado JC1, Borreani S, Pinto SS, Tella V, Martin F, Flandez J, Kruel LF. 1Laboratory of Physical Activity and Health, Department of Physical Education and Sports, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain; 2Exercise Research Laboratory, Physical Education School, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil; and 3Austral University of Chile, Faculty of Pedagogy in Physical Education, Sports, and Recreation, Valdivia, Chile. Little research has been reported regarding the effects of using different devices and immersion depths during the performance of resistance exercises in a water environment. The purpose of this study was to compare muscular activation of upper extremity and core muscles during shoulder extensions performed at maximum velocity with different devices and at different depths. Volunteers (N = 24) young fit male university students performed 3 repetitions of shoulder extensions at maximum velocity using 4 different devices and at 2 different depths. The maximum amplitude of the electromyographic root mean square of the latissimus dorsi (LD), rectus abdominis, and erector lumbar spinae was recorded. Electromyographic signals were normalized to the maximum voluntary isometric contraction. No significant (p > 0.05) differences were found in the neuromuscular responses between the different devices used during the performance of shoulder extension at xiphoid process depth. Regarding the comparisons of muscle activity between the 2 depths analyzed in this study, only the LD showed a significantly (p ≤ 0.05) higher activity at the xiphoid process depth compared with that at the clavicle depth. Therefore, if maximum muscle activation of the extremities is required, the xiphoid depth is a better choice than clavicle depth, and the kind of device is not relevant. Regarding core muscles, neither the kind of device nor the immersion depth modifies muscle activation.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Trzęsienie ziemi w prowincji Mjanmie w 2011 roku – trzęsienie ziemi o magnitudzie 6,8 stopnia w skali Richtera, które nawiedziło Mjanmę 24 marca 2011 r. o godzinie 20:25:23 czasu miejscowego, z epicentrum na wschodzie stanu Szan i hipocentrum na głębokości 10 km. Były trzy wstrząsy wtórne: pierwszy o magnitudzie 4,8, drugi 5,4, a trzeci 5,0. Trzęsienie Do trzęsienia doszło w górzystym regionie na pograniczu Mjanmy, Tajlandii i Laosu. Wstrząsy te były odczuwalne na Półwyspie Indochińskim oraz w Chinach. Birmańskie radio podało, że w kraju zniszczone zostały co najmniej 244 domy, 14 klasztorów buddyjskich i dziewięć budynków rządowych. Zobacz też trzęsienia ziemi w 2011 Przypisy Trzęsienia ziemi w Chinach Trzęsienia ziemi w 2011 2011 w Mjanmie 2011 w Tajlandii 2011 w Chinach Trzęsienia ziemi w Mjanmie Trzęsienia ziemi w Tajlandii
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
In the aftermath of the Great Temporal Catastrophe, an apocalyptic event that brought an end to linear time, the company CTF (Collective Time Flow) developed a technology to extract crude time and process it into a quantifiable commodity, reinstating a new era of human history and civilization. We follow Larry Church, an unruly worker for CTF, stationed in an outpost at the edge of the Zone, the uncharted territories prone to temporal disturbances. and the repository of raw time reserves. Transgressing his mission order, in a attempt to garner some raw time for himself, he takes his chances and ventures beyond the grid. The film is a "dérive", a layered journey, that lets us take a glimpse into a world where time itself has become a coveted and dangerous, if merely fabulated, commodity. Investigating the "infrastructure" of the landscape of the Australian Arid Zone, focusing on an area stigmatized by recent human intervention, the film re-signifies it by means of a science fiction narrative about time, which resonates indirectly with Australia's colonial history & the omnipresence of the mining industry. Concluding a research around the archetypical outback landscape & its concealed histories, the film draws on a documentary approach by making use of the existing locations, structures & objects as "readymades" for a science fiction story. The film is a revised and finalized version, which was presented at the 18th Biennale of Sydney. It will be introduced & contextualized by Alexis Destoop. Presented in association with Flagey and City Sonics.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Cristiano Ronaldo is ready to play for Manchester United or Chelsea at a salary ?500 thousand per week Portugal forward in football and the Spanish «real» Cristiano Ronaldo is ready to play for the Manchester United or Chelsea at a salary ?500 thousand per week. About it speak English press. In the summer of 2013 Ronaldo was close to return to the «Manchester United», which appeared in the period 2003-2009. According to sources, in 2013 manual mancunians club was unable to meet the financial requirements of the player. At this time Ronaldo gets ?350 thousand per week. In MU are the highest paid forwards Wayne Rooney (?300 thousand) and rental Radamel Falcao (?390 thousand). first in the Spanish media has any information about the fact that Ronaldo wants to leave the team after the end of the season 2014/15. 29-year old player disappointed transfer policies «real». For example, it did not suit sale at Manchester United midfielder angel di Maria. Ronaldo moved to real Madrid in the Summer of 2009 ?93, 4 million During this time he became the champion of Spain (2012), winner of the Cup (2011, 2014) and super bowl (2012) countries, as well as a Champions League winner (2014) and the UEFA super Cup (2014) The former President of real Madrid : Cristiano Ronaldo has expressed interest in returning to Manchester United Manchester United rented player in football Radamel Falcao because of doubts in his age Vice President of Monaco : the chance for the emergence of sponsors With buying Falcao failed Media: player Khedira has not played in the game super Cup Europe because of the refusal to renew the contract Real Madrid announced the transfer of the player in football Manchester United Javier Hernandez Posted in News of football and tagged Madrid by admin420. Bookmark the permalink. « Coach of Mordovia : draw in the game of the Locomotive is an honest result The players of real Madrid lost to Atletico in the championship game of Spain »
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
NALMS Board of Directors Kellie Merrell (Region 1 – CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT) Contact Region 1 Director Kellie Merrell has worked as an Aquatic Ecologist for the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation monitoring the status and trends of Vermont's inland lakes for compliance with the Clean Water Act for the last 18 years. Data she collected in Vermont and Maine helped lead to the passage of the Vermont Shoreland Protection Act in 2014. She has been collecting littoral macroinvertebrate, sediment diatom, and macrophyte data sets with the goal of using them to determine aquatic life use support. Her current interest is in determining how to better utilize the anti-degradation aspects of the Clean Water Act to protect Vermont's highest quality lakes. Chris Doyle (Region 2 – NJ, NY, PR) Chris Doyle graduated from Rutgers University with a BS in Natural Resource Management. He has 25 years of experience as an aquatic biologist including 13 years of experience as a lake manager. Currently the Director of Biology at SOLitude Lake Management, he oversees field biologists conducting water quality and biological assessments in the Northeast. He has attended and presented at numerous lake management conferences since 2005, including NALMS, NYSFOLA, NJCOLA, NEAPMS, and NJISST. He became a Certified Lake Manager in 2008. He is a Past President of the Northeast Aquatic Plant Management Society and currently is the Editor. John McCoy (Region 3 – DE, DC, MD, PA, VA, WV) John McCoy has worked on water pollution remediation and watershed restoration for more than 30 years. He is currently the Watershed Manager for the Columbia Association in Columbia, Maryland. Previously he served for over a decade at Maryland Department of Natural Resources including serving as the Director of the Ecosystem Restoration Center from 2005 to 2010. John worked on watershed related projects ranging from small reforestation projects to large comprehensive watershed restoration programs. John managed the evaluation of the State's nonpoint source pollution control programs at the Maryland Department of the Environment and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene from 1985 to 1995. John holds degrees in Biology and Agronomy. He is also currently serving on Maryland's Patuxent River Commission and as a Trustee for the Middle Patuxent Environmental Trust. Erich Marzolf (Region 4 – AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN) Erich Marzolf is the Director of the Division of Water and Land Resources with St. Johns River Water Management District in northeast Florida. He manages data collection and restoration activities on lakes, rivers, wetlands, springs and estuaries and the 730,000 acres of land owned by the District. Erich has Ph.D. in Ecology from the University of California Davis where he studied subalpine lake ecology. Erich was a post-doctoral scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory where he studied stream metabolism and nutrient cycling. Erich served on the Board of the Florida Lake Management Society for eight years. Dendy Lofton (Region 5 – IL, IN, MI, MN, OH, WI) Dendy Lofton, Ph.D., CLM, is a limnologist and aquatic ecologist at LimnoTech with over ten years of experience in water resource monitoring, assessment, and management. She holds a Ph.D. in Environmental Science (Limnology) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where she studied carbon and nutrient cycling in shallow Arctic Alaskan lakes. Currently, she leads and supports water resource-related projects throughout the US, including Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Florida, Texas, and California. Dr. Lofton is the practice lead for LimnoTech's Lake Restoration and Management service area and is based in the Twin Cities, Minnesota. Victoria Chraibi (Region 6 – AR, LA, NM, OK, TX, Mexico and beyond) Victoria Chraibi, Ph.D. is an assistant professor of biological sciences at Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas. She teaches courses in limnology, aquatic ecology, phycology, and marine biology. She received an M.S. in water resources science from the University of Minnesota Duluth and a Ph.D. in earth and atmospheric sciences from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Her research focuses on paleolimnology, using diatom microfossils and other biological and geochemical proxies to reconstruct environmental conditions in a watershed over time. Past research has focused on Lake Memphrémagog, Lake Superior, and lakes in Yellowstone National Park; current research focuses on Texas streams and reservoirs. Victoria also specializes in science education and outreach; she has collaborated with aquariums, zoos, museums, state parks, and school organizations to develop and disseminate materials and lead activities about water resources and other scientific topics. She has been a member of NALMS since 2011. Michelle Balmer (Region 7 – IA, KS, MO, NE) Michelle Balmer is a limnologist with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) where she works to help administer the State's Lake Restoration Program. The Lake Restoration Program was created in 2006 and works to improve water quality and recreational opportunities at publicly-owned lakes around Iowa and currently has about 20 active restoration projects. Michelle started at the DNR in 2012 and coordinated the state's lake monitoring program before joining the Lake Restoration team in 2015. Michelle has an undergraduate degree in Biology and Anthropology as well as a Master of Science in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, both from Iowa State University. Steve Lundt (Region 8 – CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY) Steve Lundt's love for the outdoors and applied science led him to a B.S. degree from Pacific University (Forest Grove, Oregon) and an M.S. degree in Environmental Science from Indiana University. After acquiring a two-year degree in 1999 and becoming a member of NALMS, Steve traveled back to Oregon and worked on Oswego Lake for three years. While working for the Lake Oswego Corporation, Steve became a Certified Lake Manager and learned how to work for a board of directors. Then in 2002, Steve moved to Denver, Colorado to be a Water Quality Scientist for Metro Wastewater Reclamation District. For the past 15 years, Steve has been a member of CLRMA, chaired the NALMS Lakes Appreciation Month Committee, and has looked after Barr Lake. Eli Kersh (Region 9 – AZ, CA, HI, NV) Eli Kersh is a licensed Pest Control Advisor in California and has worked in the aquatic plant management industry as an applicator, a private consultant, and as a manufacturer's technical representative. He received his undergraduate degree from UC Santa Barbara in 2007 where he majored in Geographic Information Science. He returned to school in 2011 to obtain a master's degree with an emphasis in Lake Management and published his thesis "Controlling Eutrophication and Managing Vegetation in Emery Reservoir" in 2013. Eli has served as the President of the California Lake Management Society for the last three years and served on the Board of Directors for the California Weed Science Society, the premier authoritative source of information on weed biology and weed management in California. Mark Rosenkranz (Region 10 – AK, ID, OR, WA) Contact Region 10 Director Mark Rosenkranz has been working on lakes in Oregon for over 20 years, first as a graduate student at Portland State University where he received a Masters in Environmental Management followed by 16 years as a staff scientist for the Lake Oswego Corporation (LOC). His work at LOC is focused on invasive species management, watershed monitoring, and phosphorus control in an urban lake. As climate change intensifies storm events and leads to warmer summer weather it is going to be crucial to plan for how surface water quality will be impacted. Mark has been a member of NALMS since 2002 and served as President of the Oregon Lakes Association in 2004 and 2005. Kris Hadley (Region 11 – Canada – NB, NL, NS, ON, PE, QC) Dr. Kristopher Hadley is currently an Aquatic Scientist with Hutchinson Environmental Sciences Ltd., having joined the company as a NSERC Industrial Research and Development Fellow in October of 2013 after completing a post-doctoral fellowship at the Ontario Ministry of the Environment. Kris is a knowledgeable scientist whose research and consulting experience since 2001 has been focused on the Canadian Arctic, Alberta, and Ontario. Kris has a B.Sc. in Environmental Sciences from the University of Alberta and an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Biology from Queen's University. Colleen Prather (Region 12 – Canada – AB, BC, MB, NU, NT, SK, YT) Colleen Prather, Ph.D., P.Biol., is a water quality specialist with over 18 years of experience and is currently with Golder Associates Ltd. in Edmonton, Alberta. Colleen's work focuses on lake and stream water quality monitoring and environmental impact assessment to support environmental permitting and licensing for mining operations in the three northern territories of Canada (Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut), and monitoring and assessment to support permitting and compliance reporting for various industries in British Columbia and Alberta. Colleen's most recent involvement with NALMS was as the technical program co-chair for the 2016 conference held in Banff, Alberta. Liz Favot (Student Director) Contact NALMS' Student Director Liz Favot is a Ph.D. candidate in biology at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. Her research uses algal, invertebrate, and pigment indicators preserved in lake sediments to establish centuries of environmental history in lakes recently affected by cyanobacterial blooms. The aim of her research is to identify the causes of increasing bloom frequency and to suggest historically informed and evidence-based management targets. Liz is passionate about public outreach regarding science and water quality, demonstrated in her roles as a teacher, coordinator for the Canadian Association for Girls in Science, presenter for cottage, lake, and watershed associations, and "Meet the Researcher" events, and as a co-organizer of a graduate student conference. Kat Hartwig (At-Large Director) Contact NALMS' At-Large Director Kat Hartwig grew up on her family ranch in the Southern Rockies of British Columbia. She has been involved in international, national, and regional environmental advocacy issues relating to sustainable tourism, endangered species, corporate social responsibility, and water-based ecosystem health since 1983. Kat continues to advocate for land and water policy and protection mechanisms necessary to support biodiversity, protect source water, and build climate-resilient communities. In addition to serving on the NALMS Board of Directors, Kat is a board member for Keepers of the Water, Columbia Basin Water Stewardship Network, and Global Nature Fund. She facilitates cross-sector corporate, academic, government, and NGO collaborations for water stewardship. Kat lives with her family near the headwaters of the Columbia River. Are you interested in serving on the NALMS Board of Directors?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Check out this amazing 4 bedroom 2 bath home! The home features an open floor plan as well as a HUGE fenced in back yard and covered patio for friends, family, and pets alike! This home won't last long, so schedule your viewing today! Turn left on Collins Rd. coming from 295. Make a R on Jeremy David (Right before Shindler) home is in cul de sac. I am interested in viewing this rental. Please send me more information about 7601 JEREMY DAVID LN, Jacksonville FL. Thank you.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Sponsor message Halamid® the powerful disinfectant for the poultry farm. One disinfectant all around the farm. Safe & Effective against all major pathogens Learn more One disinfectant all around the farm. Safe & Effective against all major pathogens "Hens in trees": A visit with the Lakes Free Range Egg Company Organic Sustainability Market trends Markets & policy Poultry health Treatments and prevention Poultry welfare Broiler welfare Free range Production types Egg layers Chickens Types of poultry Genetics and breeding 14 June 2018, at 12:00am We visited the impressive Lakes Free Range Egg Company this week - we were impressed by more than just the views The Poultry Site had the opportunity to venture north for a visit with David Brass and his team at the Lakes Free Range Egg Company. Based in Stainton on the north-eastern edge of the Lake District National Park, the breath-taking views emphasise the accomplishment which David, together with his wife Helen, have achieved through dedicating themselves to building a business based on an approach combining animal health and welfare with sustainability. After a career in the Royal Air Force, David returned home to the family farm in 1989 where he and Helen raised dairy cattle and sheep. Their career in egg farming, however, began with Helen's 200 hens, which rapidly grew to a flock of 1,500 by the early '90s at which time they also began to pack their own eggs, later innovating as the first automated egg packer as well as the first to enrich their range by planting trees for the hens. Things really took off when they secured a last-minute contract with Morrisons to supply them with a stock of free range eggs. "It was a busy weekend," said David, "but we got it done." Since 2002, they've been supplying retailers who share their principles of welfare and total free range including McDonald's, Booths, Sainsbury's and Tesco. Their innovation in welfare and sustainability and their commitment to environmental preservation (achieving carbon neutrality in 2016 for their packing station) has led to their receipt of many awards - the most recent of these being the Queen's Award for Enterprise in Sustainable Development. Joining us on our visit to the Lakes Free Range was Chris Davies from the Farm Animal Initiative (FAI), who has worked closely with David and his team for several years. The 3Es in action "FAI are delighted to see one of our longstanding customers acknowledged by receiving this prestigious Queen's award," said Mr Davies. "The Lakes Free Range Egg Company are a business with sustainability at its very core and they have both innovated and invested in this area for a number of years. We are pleased to see all the efforts by the Brass family and team recognised in this way." We at The Poultry Site visited the Lakes to congratulate then on their achievement and to learn more about FAI's partnership with David and his team as they work to promote animal welfare, sustainable development and envrionmentally sound yet economically viable production. "What we're doing here is really unique," said Mr Brass, "and look, the hens know it." It was both humbling and inspiring to see the 3Es in action. Editor at The Poultry Site Ryan worked in conservation from 2008 to 2017, during which time he operated a rainbow trout hatchery and helped to maintain public and protected green spaces in Canada for the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. As editor of The Poultry Site, he now writes about challenges and opportunities in agriculture across the globe. Expertise in new Cobb Broiler Breeder Management Guide helps customers optimize flock performance The new Cobb Broiler Breeder Management Guide includes expanded, updated, and newly added technical expertise in broiler breeder production management to help customers succeed. The company's latest recommendations in th… To achieve the genetic potential of our broilers, it is important to provide them with everything they require, including the correct temperature and ventilation conditions along with a good feed and water management pro… The vital role the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) plays in nutrient absorption and the immune response is probably much more complex and dynamic than most of us realize. We do know, however, that maintaining good intestina…
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: React Native App - Open with the google assistant and execute a command I've been working on an app in react native - and have also build out an app in actions on google. What I want to do is allow the user to invoke a command - from my react native android app - using the google assistant. As an example: "okay google, use jons app to make a note" It would then open up the native android application - which would invoke a method to say "what is your note:" and at that point it would start speechrecognition - and when closed, take that and pass it on to dialogflow. The premise behind this is allowing someone to use my voice assistant without directly integrating it on their device. Perhaps this is a flawed idea, or its not supported. I found a sign up for this: https://developer.android.com/guide/actions/ Which I was surprised is not yet available. My question is simple - can i invoke explicit methods with a react native application from the google assistant?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Q: Installed WTP but Web -> dynamic web projects do no appear I installed WTP but in the web folder only appear "static web project". Why I dont have "dynamic web project". I restart, unistall, what else I can do? A: Well I find some kind of solution ... Seems that there are some other components that are required, the fact is that if you install full ** Web, XML, Java EE and OSGi Enterprise Development ** instead of only install WTP everything works well and "Dynamic Web Project" appear.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Q: script to fetch the list of deprecated api in the latest Java version I am trying to find out a way(script or Java) by which i can fetch the list of deprecated API (classes, interfaces, methods, fields,etc) of the latest Java Version ( or any given version) into a csv file. My output would be a csv file with something like /Interface/Method/Field | Deprecated reason/Remedy org.springframework.scheduling.timer.TimerTaskExecutionException | The Timer's main loop will simply stop if a TimerTask throws an exception. A: I think you can use 3rd party libraries Example: * *Apache Commons CSV *Open CSV *Flatpack *CSVeed
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
A-frame houses were built from mid Edo era to early Showa era in Shirakawa Village and Gokayama Region. The oldest houses were built 300 years ago. But many houses have disappeared, some settlements went under water by the construction of the dam from 1940's, and some settlements have lost by the fire. The number of A-frame houses were 300 in 1924, but decreased to 190 in 1961. Preserve movement has begun after 1965 by the inhabitants of Ogimachi. It was designated as National important cultural properties in 1976 and registered as world heritage in 1995. In 1997, foundation for preserving A-frame houses in Shirakawa-go was established and is doing activities to preserve the landscape. A-frame houses became well-known after famous German architect Bruno Taut (1889-1938) introduced them in his book 'Rediscoverly of beauty in Japan'. He lauded 'A-frame house is reasonable and logical from the view of architectonics' and also 'This landscape is not Japanese style. At least I have never seen it before. It seems to be rather Swiss or Swiss illusion'. By this appreciation, it has attracted world's attention. 'A-frame construction' is made by combining two side of the roofs in steep mountain shape on the beams. The roof is gabled and the surface is thatched. The weight of the roof is decentralized by the support called 'matakubi'. You can see this kind of construction in other region, but the characteristics of the house in Shirakawa is 'Gabled A-fram Construction', the shape looks as if you open the book face down. This form is to avoid the heavy snow piles up on the roof. The houses were built facing north-south to minimize the wind resistance as well as adjusting the amount of sunlight to make cool in summer and warm in winter. The difference of A-frame house from normal house is to utilize the attic as work place. From late Edo era to early Showa era, sericulture was the key industry in Shirakawa Village. So, they grew silkworms in the attic dividing the space to 2-4. The other characteristic is the shape of the roof. Generally the thatched folk residence has hipped or half-hipped roof, but the residence in Shirakawa has thatched gabled roof. It related to the sericulture. By bringing the wind and sunlight, it offers the suitable environment to cultivate silkworm. The beauty of A-frame comes from the life function. *There is a bus between Shirakawa-go and Gokayama but very few and reservation is required.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
For Writers & Illustrators A blog on race, diversity, education, and children's books. Raising Global Citizens: Jan Reynolds Author Study April 1, 2014 leeandlowbooks 4 Comments Today's world is smaller than ever, and as technology continues to advance it will only get smaller. Raising students for success means teaching them how to be global citizens, emphasizing cultural literacy and geoliteracy, and exposing them to people whose lives differ from theirs. For this, there's no better author than Jan Reynolds. Reynolds is a writer, photographer, and adventurer who has written over fourteen nonfiction books for children about her travels. Her work has appeared in numerous publications including National Geographic, The New York Times, and Outside Magazine. Reynolds is an avid skier, mountain climber, and adventurer who holds the record for women's high altitude skiing, was part of the first expedition to circumnavigate Mount Everest, and performed a solo crossing of the Himalayas. Throughout April, we'll be exploring how Jan's books can be used in the classroom to teach about the environment, geoliteracy, global citizenship, and nonfiction. Today, we wanted to share Jan's books and some of our favorite resources available to help teach them: image from Cycle of Rice, Cycle of Life Jan's Books: Vanishing Cultures: Sahara (North Africa) Vanishing Cultures: Mongolia (Mongolia) Vanishing Cultures: Himalaya (Nepal/Tibet) Vanishing Cultures: Frozen Land (Northwest Territories, Canada) Vanishing Cultures: Far North (Arctic Circle, Northern Europe) Vanishing Cultures: Amazon Basin (Amazon Basin, South America) Vanishing Cultures: Down Under (Australia) Celebrate! Connections Among Cultures Cycle of Rice, Cycle of Life: A Story of Sustainable Farming (Bali) Only the Mountains Do Not Move: A Maasai Story of Culture and Conservation (Kenya and Tanzania) image from Vanishing Cultures: Far North Lesson Plans and Classroom Guides: Classroom Guide for Vanishing Cultures series (including classroom guides for individual books) Classroom Guide for Only the Mountains Do Not Move Classroom Guide for Cycle of Rice, Cycle of Life Classroom Guide for Celebrate! Connections Among Cultures Jan Reynolds with Maasai family while working on Only the Mountains Do Not Move Interviews with Jan Reynolds: Jan Reynolds on Cultural Anthropology and Photography (Only the Mountains Do Not Move) Talking about Sustainability with Jan Reynolds (Cycle of Rice, Cycle of Life) Interview with Jan Reynolds on Celebrate! Connections Among Cultures map of some of the places explored in Jan Reynolds' Vanishing Cultures series Jan! From Here to There Maasai Life with Anthropologist Terry Mcabe Life in the Wild: Visit a Maasai Tribe in Kenya Explore Rice Farming on the Island of Bali: Parts I, II, and III Author Visits: Jan Reynolds visits schools around the world to share her books and experiences, and also does virtual Skype visits. For more information on her school visits or virtual visits, visit her website or contact us at [email protected]. Visit our Author Study Pinterest Page for more great activities and resources related to Jan's books, and stay tuned throughout April as we delve deeper into the books of Jan Reynolds and explore how they can be used to teach global citizenship, environmental stewardship, geoliteracy, and more. CCSSdiversity in the classroomenvironmentalismgeoliteracyglobal citizenshipinformational textJan Reynoldsnonfictionteaching resources Previous PostResources For Teaching About Wangari Maathai and Seeds Of ChangeNext PostA New Release That's Music to Our Ears: SUMMONING THE PHOENIX TWO LEE & LOW BOOKS TAKE HOME PURA BELPRÉ AWARDS AT THE 2023 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION'S YOUTH MEDIA AWARDS In "Awards" 10 Books by Black Authors for Black History Month 2023 In "Activities and Events" Press Release: RBmedia Announces Exclusive Audiobook Partnership with LEE & LOW BOOKS INC. 4 thoughts on "Raising Global Citizens: Jan Reynolds Author Study" Pingback: Beyond "Did you know…": Teaching Geo-Literacy Using the Vanishing Cultures Book Series « the open book Pingback: Where In The World: How One Class Used Google Maps to Explore the Vanishing Cultures Series « the open book Pingback: Happy Earth Day from Lee & Low Books! « the open book Pingback: Interview with Jan Reynolds, Who Circumnavigated Mount Everest « the open book Don't miss a post! 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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
It is time the long-held notion that the Bangalees are back benchers when it comes to scientific and technological breakthroughs were changed. After two Boses -Jagadish Chandra Bose and Satyendranath Bose -hardly any Bangalee has done any pioneering work of international recognition for a long period. Geneticist Maqsudul Alam appeared on the scene with his phenomenal probing mind for gene sequencing of a number of plants including papaya and jute. Not only did he help papaya farmers in Hawaii save their crop from pest attacks but also opened up the opportunity for diverse use of jute in Bangladesh. Zahid Hasan Tapas, a physicist of Bangladeshi origin, at Princeton University then made the whole world sit up by discovering the Weyl fermion particle, a massless wonder particle with the potential of revolutionising communications and information technology. Of the essentially two groups of particles, fermions are one and Weyl fermion is unique in that it has no mass. If fermions are the building block of matter, bosons are the force particles that hold them together. What an extraordinary coincidence that the names of two Bangalees have become inseparably associated with both particles! Satyendranath's with Boson and Zahid's with Weyl fermion. Now Zahid Hasan and his team at the Princeton have come up with yet another groundbreaking discovery. It is the topological kagome quantum magnet. Together with Weyl fermions, the newly discovered material force opens up unlimited possibility and if used properly, this can enhance capacity of computers, and electronics 100 times more. Medical science will also greatly benefit by its use. The Bangladeshi scientist has to his credit several other pioneering works apart from the two most outstanding now listed among the world's top 10 discoveries. This gifted scientist may be the next contender for the Nobel Prize from this country for his contribution to science. Late Dr Maqsudul Alam and Dr Zahid Hasan have done their research in the United States of America. In this context it is quite revealing that after standing first in Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examinations, he took admission to the University of Dhaka for studying mathmatics. He attended only four classes before leaving for the USA with scholarship. What made him take the decision to leave for study at the University of Texas, Austin in the USA is the frequent bloody clashes between student groups in those days. Thank God, this virtuoso of a scholar had the uncanny knowledge of the place where he could make use of his talent. One wonders, why students like him could not make similar marks! One of the reasons is a lack of the right kind of environment to foster the special kind of genius. This highlights the shortcomings of higher studies in this country. Academic pursuit sans experiment and research has never really helped build up a strong base for science and technology and no wonder the country's contribution to that field has ever remained constrained. But there is no reason for undermining the scientific talents here. And the good news is that the situation is undergoing a positive change -slowly but surely. The best example of this is the latest pioneering of a simple method by the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) for early cancer detection at a low cost. A team of researchers at the university has designed a device capable of detecting cancer within just five minutes and at a cost of only Tk 500. The device will subject blood samples to intense laser beams and analyse if the person concerned has cancer or not. This is for the first time in the world that nonlinear optics has been used for detection of cancer. Its import for the entire world is likely to be unimaginably vast. Early detection of cancer and at such a low cost means that people will subject themselves to this simple blood test to know if they carry the cancer germ in their body cells. Not only will this increase the chances of survival for patients but also reduce the cost of treatment. Clearly, the world will closely follow the development as a suitable detection device is readied. Leader of the research team Dr Yasmeen Haque expects it will get ready by next year. Then yet another scientific breakthrough has been achieved by a team of researchers from the Bangladesh Agricultural University. In collaboration with Dhaka University, research facilities in the US and Australia, the research was conducted to map the DNA and RNA of Hilsha fish. This scholarly work will have a far-reaching impact on production of this popular fish, especially in the area of its spawning. Right now a government ban on catching the fish is imposed on a traditional assumption that during a certain period flocks of Hilsha travel to sweet-water rivers from the Bay of Bengal for laying eggs. But it has no scientific basis. Genome sequencing is likely to give answers to many probes so necessary for allowing it to breed freely. These are scientific works of immense value. Add to this the effort by a Bangladesh researcher now engaged in developing small modular reactor in Australia. His works can change the way nuclear power plants are devised on acres of land. Again, a robot devised by Bangladesh students is set to be flying for the Mars on an American rocket, courtesy of National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the US. Clearly, inventive and probing minds from Bangladesh have started announcing their readiness to be in the endeavour of discovery and invention. Let this just be the beginning -more will hopefully follow.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Картофельный бунт в Яунбебри — крестьянские волнения в начале сентября 1841 года в связи с неудовлетворённостью прибалтийских крестьян своим положением. Картофельный бунт был наиболее ярким проявлением крестьянских антипомещичьих брожений, коснувшихся в начале 1840-х всех трёх Прибалтийских губерний. Предпосылки к волнениям Несмотря на формально состоявшуюся отмену крепостного права во всех Прибалтийских губерниях в 1817—1819 годах, положение многих крестьян до второй половины XIX века оставляло желать лучшего. Во многом на рост недовольства крестьян оказывали влияние тяжёлые условия барщинной аренды, которые безальтернативно диктовали крестьянам-батракам остзейские помещики. Также на настроение крестьян влияли частые неурожаи и болезни скота, которые очень часто наносили существенный ущерб крестьянским хозяйствам (в конце 1830-х годов в Видземе в результате сильнейшей эпидемии погибло более трети домашнего скота). При этом в период крепостничества помещики пытались оказать помощь принадлежавшим им крестьянам в случае катаклизмов, преследуя в первую очередь свою коммерческую выгоду. После отмены крепостного права помещики отказались от практики поддержки обособившихся крестьянских хозяйств, поскольку из бескорыстной помощи они не могли более извлечь выгоды. К тому же вместо того, чтобы отдать излишки зерна крестьянам, чаще всего богатые домовладельцы предпочитали использовать их в производстве спирта или отправляли на продажу в крупные губернские города, что также влияло на настроения формально независимого крестьянства. Поэтому к началу 1840-х годов по всем Лифляндской и Курляндской губерниям участились случаи вооружённых нападений на амбары зажиточных помещиков. В случае, если крестьянин осмеливался обращаться за помощью в губернские учреждения, чаще всего его отправляли помещику на суд, который применял по отношению к батраку-жалобщику никем не отменённое право домашнего наказания, которое могло быть очень жестоким. Также следует отметить, что именно в этот период наблюдался интенсивный переход латышских крестьян в православную веру, посредством которой многие безземельные батраки намеревались заручиться поддержкой губернских органов власти. В середине 1841 года среди крестьян Лифляндии стали активно распространяться слухи, что у каждого крестьянина и батрака будет возможность безвозмездно получить земельный надел в осваиваемых южных областях Российской империи. В большом количестве безземельные крестьяне-батраки отправились в Ригу с целью получить разрешение на переселение от губернской администрации. В начале лета 1841 года около трёх тысяч крестьян появились на улицах Риги в надежде получить заступничество лифляндского генерал-губернатора Матвея Палена, который, однако, не оправдал надежд прибывших крестьян, приказав вооружённым ротам арестовывать просителей и отправлять назад к помещикам, где их могло ожидать очень жестокое телесное наказание. Тем не менее всю середину 1841 года крестьяне продолжали по отдельности или группами прибывать в губернский центр с целью добиться права на переселение, а лифляндским чиновникам необходимо было изыскивать пути решения неожиданной проблемы. Пален издал указ об отправлении крестьян, появлявшихся в Рижском замке (резиденции генерал-губернатора) с жалобами о притеснениях и с изысканием права на заселение новых земель, обратно к помещикам, законодательно приравняв такое действие со стороны крестьян к акту неподчинения императору. Тогда же в Видземе с ведома Матвея Палена была отправлена вооружённая экспедиция по установлению порядка. 8 сентября 1841 года один из экспедиционных отрядов прибыл на неспокойное имение Яунбебри с целью арестовать одного из наиболее популярных в народе зачинщиков беспорядков — батрака Вилюма Прейса. Однако солдаты не ожидали настолько активного и хорошо организованного сопротивления и были поражены количеством крестьян, которых было много в имении, так как начинался сезон уборки картофеля и помещику требовались рабочие руки (отсюда и название этих крестьянских волнений). Батраки, снаряжённые на уборку картофеля, весь день оказывали сопротивление прибывшим военным силам, в ходе ожесточённого столкновения был ранен даже судебный исполнитель, прибывший вместе с экспедиционным отрядом в имение Яунбебри. Однако для полного усмирения восставших во главе с Вилюмом Прейсом потребовалось призвать дополнительные силы, в результате чего беспорядки были подавлены усилиями семи рот и отряда казаков, вооружённых пушками. В итоге после подавления «картофельных» волнений в общей сложности 108 крестьян по приговору, вынесенному местными судебными инстанциями, были подвергнуты телесным наказаниям. Их суровость впечатляет — всего, согласно сведениям, задокументированным в отчёте судебного надзора за исполнением наказаний, всем крестьянам было нанесено более 1000 ударов батогами. Часть крестьян погибла в ходе экзекуции, многие получили тяжёлые ранения. Наиболее ярые бунтовщики и вдохновители волнений были отправлены на каторгу или на вечные поселения в Сибирь. Остзейская помещичья верхушка, пользуясь своим колоссальным влиянием, в отместку за крестьянские беспорядки в Видземе, имевшие место осенью 1841 года, пролоббировала смещение со своего поста православного епископа Рижского и Митавского Иринарха, фактически выдвинув против него надуманные обвинения в идеологической подготовке антигосударственного восстания. В итоге Иринарх был переведён на другое место службы, а помещики пока торжествовали моральную победу. Изменения Тем не менее царское правительство и представлявшая его на месте губернская администрация осознало необходимость некоторых перемен, приступив к рассмотрению по существу бедственного правового положения латышских и эстонских крестьян. Император Николай I потребовал детального расследования причин крестьянских беспорядков в Яунбебри и во всей Видземе. В 1842 году по горячим следам были изданы дополнения к существующему закону о прибалтийских крестьянах. Тогда правительство несмотря на дипломатическое сопротивление прибалтийско-немецких землевладельцев пришло к выводу о том, что необходимо отказаться от практики заключения «свободных» договоров с батраками и остановиться на принципе определения размеров барщины в соответствии с количеством и качеством арендуемой земли. Продолжительность барщинного труда равнялась 12 часам. В 1845 году было издано новое положение о сроках действия письменно заключённого арендного договора между крестьянами и остзейскими помещиками (не дольше шести лет). Стоит отметить, что прибалтийские немцы сочли возможным игнорировать пункт о продолжительности барщинного труда и пункт о сроках договора об аренде возделываемого участка, что спровоцировало новые народные волнения, а также массовый переход латышских крестьян в православную веру. За два года в середине 1840-х годов более 20 000 латышских крестьян перешло в православие в качестве протестного действия, намереваясь посредством смены вероисповедания освободиться от диктата со стороны прибалтийско-немецких помещиков и лютеранских священников. Тем не менее лобби остзейских немцев в российском правительстве в те времена было очень сильно, поэтому вскоре были озвучены количественные ограничения на переход латышей и эстонцев в православную веру. В целях существенного улучшения положения прибалтийского наёмного крестьянства потребовалась смена мировоззрения самого остзейского дворянства: более прогрессивный документ под названием «Новый закон о крестьянах» был разработан к 1849 году помещиком Гамилькаром Фёлькерзамом, заинтересованным в установлении более плодотворной системы капиталистических отношений в Российской Прибалтике. Ссылки Крестьянские волнения 1841 года в Латвии. «Картофельный бунт» 8 сентября в истории Латвии XIX век в Латвии Крестьянские восстания Восстания в Латвии Восстания в Российской империи Восстания XIX века Конфликты 1841 года 1841 год Бебрская волость Айзкраукльский край
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
How Uruguay can go further at the World Cup? The tournament is coming to an end and the fans and experts are already trying to predict the final outcome. The team of Marcelo and his partners will be able to achieve their goals and do their best in the tournament. The team has already qualified for the World Championship for the first time in a long time. The previous time it was the team of Messi and Iniesta. This time the team will be strengthened by a lot of young players, which will allow them to perform better. However, the team has a long way to go. It is necessary to take into account the following factors: 1. Individual skills of the players. The main goal of the team is to win the gold medals. The players have to do their very best in every match. 2. Individual mistakes of the leaders. The leaders often make mistakes and do not always know what to do. 3. Lack of motivation. The fans expect a lot from the team, but they are not always able to demonstrate their maximum. All these factors will affect the final result of the tournament, but it is still too early to predict it. The best football results of the last season The football season in Spain has come to its end. The national team of Spain played a lot and managed to finish in the top-4. The best football result of this season was achieved by the team from Barcelona. At the end of the season, the Catalans managed to win three trophies, which is quite a good result. The following are the best football matches of the championship: * 1. 1-0 win against Real Madrid. * 2. 2-0 victory over Valencia. This was the first victory in the Champions League for the team and the first triumph in the Spanish Cup. In the last rounds, the players of the Catalonians managed to achieve a lot. They managed to beat Valencia and Barcelona. However, the victory in La Liga was not so successful for the Catalons. The Catalonias were only able to win one point. You can always follow the football results on the website of sports statistics. Here, you can find the latest information from the world of your favorite sports. How to follow the results of Spanish football? Now, it is easy to follow all the results from the Spanish championship. The website of the sports statistics is a great place where you can always find the results and information from around the world. One of the most popular championships in the world is the Spanish one. The Spanish football league has a lot to offer to its fans. The championship has a good level of competition, which allows the teams to demonstrate a high level of football. Among the most interesting matches of this championship, you should pay attention to the following: • La Liga. The current season of the Spanish league is one of the best in recent years. • Barcelona. The club has already won the most trophies of the previous season. It is also worth noting the fact that the Catalonian team managed to triumph in La liga. Now it is much easier to follow football results from around Spain. The results of matches are available on the sports website of professionals. Live football results today The season of Spanish La Liga has already ended. This means that the results are already available on a website of experts. You can always learn the latest news from the championship and find out the results today. Many people are interested in the live football results, because the tournament is becoming more and more popular. The number of fans is increasing, which has a positive effect on the results. Thanks to the Internet, it has become much easier for fans to follow their favorite football matches. The live football today are available to you on the platform of sports professionals. The information is updated in real time, which means that you will always be aware of the latest changes. What to expect from the Champions league final? This year, the Champions final will be held in London. The final of the Champions is one the most anticipated events in the football world. The match between Real Madrid and Manchester City is a good example of the confrontation between two teams. Both teams are considered as the main contenders for the title of the strongest team in the league. However it is clear that the performance of Real Madrid is much better than that of its rivals. Real Madrid has a number of advantages over its rivals: · Strong squad. The Royal Club has a large number of players who can play in any of the positions. · Excellent coaching staff. These are the reasons that the team can be considered as one of top five teams in the history of the game. Despite the fact, that the Royal Club is considered as a contender for the champion title, the main goal for the club is to enter the Champions club league. This is a competition for the best teams in Europe. If Real Madrid manages to win this tournament, it will be a great achievement for the Royal club. The Champions final is a chance for the fans to see their favorite team in action. Will Lionel Messi and the team Real Madrid win the Champions? In recent years, the performance and results of Real have significantly improved. The Madrid team has won the Champions in the past two years. Posted in football, news 7 + fifteen =
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
In Google Maps' version of Snake, you control a train picking up tourists in certain cities around the world, as well as collecting food and landmarks for extra points. If that's too much of a hassle to you, we've got you covered: just visit snake.googlemaps.com on your mobile or desktop browser. Your goal is to pick up passengers for your train, which you do by running those passengers over without hitting yourself or the side of the game board. Also, the game will remain on the Maps app for the rest of this week. Remember Snake? It's back - in Google Maps form! With the Snakes games, Google Maps will let you play it in different locations across the world, which will include Cairo, London, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Sydney and Tokyo. Its annual April Fools' Day joke involves turning Google Maps into a giant game of Snake. For now, you can open Maps, tap on the menu icon on the top left corner, then select "Play Snake". This isn't the first time Google Maps has treated us all to a gaming classic, last year, in honour of Mario Day on 10 March (or to put it another way: MAR10), it added Mario in his little Kart to help you find your way. Instead of animated snakes, the game represents different cities with buses and trains for users to choose from. Desktop users can try the same by heading over to the standalone website created for the game.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
99% of the Duluth Safari reviews are good or excellent! Many users said that it holds everything and more than they need. Several owners love its great interior for pockets for pens, business cards, ipod etc. Many users said that they like its full length zippered interior pocket for keeping more important items. A number of users said that its quality is evident and they're certain that it will last a lifetime. Many reviewers said that it's simple and reliable. Some owners said that for its quality is worth every penny. Some owners love its strong handles, zippers and canvas. Some reviewers said that its stitching is of high quality. Some said it's too expensive for the quality. The Duluth Safari ranks #1 compared with the other Duluth bags. The Duluth Safari ranks #51 compared with all the bags we have checked. Bag ID 33637. Images from Amazon Product Advertising API and shop datafeeds.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
A listing of all the countries played by Def Leppard on the 1999/2000 Euphoria tour. Arranged by date/first known performance. 9 countries played in all in support of 'Euphoria' in 1999/2000. One of these was played for the first time. View all dates in the 1999/2000/2001 tour section. United Arab Emirates was visited for the first time for two shows in 1999. Their first and only Middle Eastern shows. Wales played for the first time since 1987 on the Hysteria tour. Also the first time all four countries in the UK were played along with the Republic Of Ireland on the same tour since 1987.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Paul Rudd's Net Worth Proves He's Made a Lot of Money Playing Ant-Man His bank account is anything but ant-sized. Mike PontGetty Images Forbes' 2019 list of the highest-paid entertainers came out in July, and fans weren't surprised to see stars like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Jay-Z on the list. Recently, Forbes released its list of the world's highest-paid actors, and turns out 4 of the 10 actors on the list were from the Marvel stable of movies—including Paul Rudd, aka Ant-Man. Rudd was #9 on the list, and he's made a lot of money from his 20-year career. Here's what we know about Paul Rudd's net worth. Paul Rudd made $41 million between 2018 and 2019. In 2018 and 2019, Rudd reprised his role as Ant-Man in Ant-Man and the Wasp and Avengers: Endgame. Endgame was one of the biggest movies of the year, and it went on to become the highest-grossing film of all time. Rudd gets a percentage of profit from the Marvel movies that he stars in, and he's also credited as a writer on Ant-Man and the Wasp. Evangeline Lilly and Paul Rudd in Ant-Man and the Wasp. Paul Rudd's net worth is an estimated $70 million. Sites like Wealthy Gorilla and CelebWorth previously had Rudd's net worth at $30 million, but Celebrity Net Worth is the only one to factor in his recent payday, which takes him up to $70 million. Besides his roles in Marvel films, Rudd is also known for his parts in fan-favorite movies like Clueless and The 40-Year-Old Virgin. Rudd has also produced and co-written a number of films, including Ant-Man and Fun Mom Dinner. And for another fun fact, Rudd and fellow actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan co-own Samuel's Sweet Shop, a candy store in Rhinebeck, New York. What Is Jason Statham's Net Worth? Cillian Murphy's Most Successful Movie Made $1B How Much LeBron James Is Worth Now? What Is Prince Harry's Net Worth? What Is Jackie Chan's Net Worth? What Is Bradley Cooper's Net Worth?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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Yes it's a bit pricey, but such an amazing smell. I bought this because I suffer with dry skin, particularly under the eyes, but this face cream has changed all that. It's an absolute delight, it glides on smoothly, not greasy, and just disappears leaving this incredible scent that lasts for ages. I love it…stuff the price, it is sooooo worth it, and you do not need to apply loads. Will definitely be buying this again."
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Moore v. Kobach As announced on June 19, 2018, the ACLU of Kansas filed a class-action lawsuit against Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach on behalf of three individual plaintiffs, who had their constitutional rights to privacy violated by Sec. Kobach's office. In the case, Moore v. Kobach, lead plaintiff Scott Moore shared a name and birthdate with a different man from Naples, Florida, and Kobach's Crosscheck program proceeded to "match" them as the same person. Kobach then shuttled Moore's information to Florida officials via unencrypted emails, leaving Moore vulnerable to identity theft. Moore's personal information was exposed in 2013, but he only learned of the breach this year when he received a postcard and a one-year subscription to LifeLock, an identity theft protection company. Kobach has implemented the "Crosscheck" data matching program, purported to identify people registered to vote in more than one state, in a careless way that breaks the law and puts registered voters in Kansas at risk of identity theft and fraud. Outside analyses by data management professionals have found that Crosscheck's matching criteria yields false positives more than 99% of the time - however, Sec. Kobach continues to use this faulty data in his illegal experiment to reduce citizen participation in Kansas elections and to perpetuate the false narrative of voter fraud that courts have held as illegal (see Fish v. Kobach). Crosscheck is exclusively funded by Kansas taxpayers and therefore free of charge to participating states. Citing both data inaccuracy and privacy concerns, eight states across the country have opted out of the Crosscheck program. This case seeks remedy for the flagrant disregard with which Sec. Kobach has used Crosscheck to recklessly and routinely share personal, private information of thousands of Kansas voters in ways that are unsafe, unsecured, and cavalier. The action seeks to prohibit Koback from continuing to maintain, share, and release sensitive voter registration information to other states through the Crosscheck program. The action also seeks remedy for past disclosures, as Kobach's disclosure of the plaintiffs' private voter data is an unconstitutional violation of the Kansas Public Records Act, which prohibits government disclosure of social security numbers. The ACLU of Kansas calls on the Court to bring justice for Mr. Moore and the other plaintiffs and to also bring the state of Kansas closer to a truthful accounting of the enormous costs Crosscheck has on the privacy rights of citizens and on the institutions of our democracy itself. *UPDATE* On February 1, the Court denied the defense's motion to dismiss, concluding that precedent establishes that a constitutional right to privacy and that our clients' complaints indeed pose plausible claim for relief. pdfMoore v. Kobach - complaint pdfDef MTD.pdf pdfMoore Court Order - Denying MTD.pdf Colorado Withdraws from Crosscheck Illinois drops out of controversial Crosscheck anti-voter fraud... Illinois ends participation in multi-state voter database
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Native American tribes sue Wisconsin to stop planned gray wolf hunt By Leah Asmelash, CNN Published 6:11 PM EDT, Wed September 22, 2021 Gray wolves were taken off the endangered species list in January, a move which has been criticized by multiple Native leaders. Dawn Villella/AP Six Native American tribes are suing the state of Wisconsin, claiming that the state's planned wolf hunts go against their treaty-protected rights. The lawsuit, filed Tuesday by six Ojibwe tribes, comes months after the state's first legal wolf hunt in decades in February, considered a disaster by critics. That hunt occurred following the removal of wolves from the federal list of endangered species in January, with a hunting quota of 200 wolves. Because of treaty rights assigned to the Ojibwe tribes, the quota was divided between the state and the tribes, with 119 wolves allocated to Wisconsin for hunting, and 81 wolves to the tribes. But those numbers were quickly abandoned, after hunters who weren't affiliated with the tribes killed 218 wolves over the course of three days – almost 100 more than allowed. The hunt was initially supposed to last a full week. Now, the state is gearing up for its second wolf hunt of the year in November. And though the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources recommended a quota of just 130 wolves, the state's Natural Resources Board approved a hunt of 300 wolves, a representative for the department confirmed to CNN. The Department of National Resources said it was currently reviewing the lawsuit and did not have further comment at this time. "In our treaty rights, we're supposed to share with the state 50-50 in our resources and we're feeling that we're not getting our due diligence because of the slaughter of wolves in February," said John Johnson, Sr., the president of Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians, in a statement. "The out of state hunters are petitioning the courts just so they can hunt, not to protect the resources." CNN emailed the state's Department of Justice office for comment on the lawsuit, but did not immediately receive a response. Though the wolves are no longer an endangered species, as of April 2020 there were only as many as 1,057 in the state, according to the Department of Natural Resources. In Ojibwe traditions, though, humans and wolves are sacred companions – created to be a partner to man similar to how women were created in Christian traditions. "To the Anishinaabe (Ojibwe), the Ma'iingan are our brothers," said Marvin Defoe, Red Cliff Tribe's representative on the Voigt Inter-Tribal Task Force, in a statement. "The legends and stories tell us as brothers we walk hand in hand together. What happens to the Ma'iingan happens to humanity." Michael Isham, an executive administrator for the intertribal agency Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission, called the February wolf hunt, along with the planned November hunt, "reckless." "The DNR Natural Resources Board made clear that its decision to set the wolf quota at 300 has nothing to do with science or stewardship," he said in a statement last month. The situation in Wisconsin mirrors one happening across the country, as other tribes push for the protection of wolves and restoring them to the Endangered Species list once more. Earlier this month, multiple tribes from around the country wrote a letter to Interior Secretary Deb Haaland calling for gray wolves to be protected again, citing President Joe Biden's executive order signed in January, recommitting the Federal government to the Tribal Nations. "This would allow for the Biden Administration to not only show its commitment to Indian Country, but the proper time to correct a wrong birthed by the previous administration," the letter read. "The delisting of the gray wolf without tribal consultation is a stain that we are certain you don't want to preserve under your leadership."
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Fairy Tale Night fairytales – folktales – bedtime stories Find Tales & Stories Tales with Audio Tales by Region The art of african storytelling and oral traditions A Chinese Wonder Book American Fairy Tales Andersen's Fairy Tales Fairy Tales from Brazil Irish Fairy Tales Piccaninnies Shan Folk Lore Stories The Cat and the Mouse Told on the Pagoda How the tales came to be told Introduction to Popular Norse Folk Tales The birth of the fairytale The Life of Aesop Why fairytales are important – fairytalenight.com Youtube Playlist Europe, Italy PARSLEY aka Petrosinella (Stories from Pentamerone, 1637) by Giambattista Basile Posted by patrick on July 1, 2017 June 30, 2017 We all know the story of Rapunzel by the Brothers Grimm? If your answer is no, you should immediately read it here. However, it is more likely that you know Rapunzel. But do you also know Petrosinella (or Parsley)? It's said to be the original version of Rapunzel written by Italian Giambattista Basile. Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm clearly had Petrosinella in mind when writing their Hausmärchen. Without further ado: Enjoy! PARSLEY aka Petrosinella This is one of the stories which that good soul, my uncle's grandmother (whom Heaven take to glory), used to tell; and, unless I have put on my spectacles upside down, I fancy it will give you pleasure. There was, once upon a time, a woman named Pascadozzia, and one day, when she was standing at her window, which looked into the garden of an ogress, she saw such a fine bed of parsley that she almost fainted away with desire for some. So when the ogress went out she could not restrain herself any longer, but plucked a handful of it. The ogress came home and was going to cook her pottage when she found that some one had been stealing the parsley, and said, "Ill luck to me, but I'll catch this long-fingered rogue and make him repent it; I'll teach him to his cost that every one should eat off his own platter and not meddle with other folks' cups." The poor woman went again and again down into the garden, until one morning the ogress met her, and in a furious rage exclaimed, "Have I caught you at last, you thief, you rogue; prithee, do you pay the rent of the garden that you come in this impudent way and steal my plants? By my faith, I'll make you do penance without sending you to Rome." Poor Pascadozzia, in a terrible fright, began to make excuses, saying that neither from gluttony nor the craving of hunger had she been tempted by the devil to commit this fault, but from her fear lest her child should be born with a crop of parsley on its face. "Words are but wind," answered the ogress, "I am not to be caught with such prattle; you have closed the balance-sheet of life, unless you promise to give me the child, girl or boy, whichever it may be." The poor woman, in order to escape the peril in which she found herself, swore, with one hand upon the other, to keep the promise, and so the ogress let her go free. But when the baby came it was a little girl, so beautiful that she was a joy to look upon, who was named Parsley. The little girl grew from day to day until, when she was seven years old, her mother sent her to school, and every time she went along the street and met the ogress the old woman said to her, "Tell your mother to remember her promise." And she went on repeating this message so often that the poor mother, having no longer patience to listen to the refrain, said one day to Parsley, "If you meet the old woman as usual, and she reminds you of the hateful promise, answer her, Take it.'" When Parsley, who dreamt of no ill, met the ogress again, and heard her repeat the same words, she answered innocently as her mother had told her, whereupon the ogress, seizing her by her hair, carried her off to a wood which the horses of the Sun never entered, not having paid the toll to the pastures of those Shades. Then she put the poor girl into a tower which she caused to arise by her art, having neither gate nor ladder, but only a little window through which she ascended and descended by means of Parsley's hair, which was very long, just as sailors climb up and down the mast of a ship. Now it happened one day, when the ogress had left the tower, that Parsley put her head out of the little window and let loose her tresses in the sun, and the son of a Prince passing by saw those two golden banners which invited all souls to enlist under the standard of Beauty, and, beholding with amazement, in the midst of those gleaming waves, a face that enchanted all hearts, he fell desperately in love with such wonderful beauty; and, sending her a memorial of sighs, she decreed to receive him into favour. She told him her troubles, and implored him to rescue her. But a gossip of the ogress, who was for ever prying into things that did not concern her, and poking her nose into every corner, overheard the secret, and told the wicked woman to be on the look-out, for Parsley had been seen talking with a certain youth, and she had her suspicions. The ogress thanked the gossip for the information, and said that she would take good care to stop up the road. As to Parsley, it was, moreover, impossible for her to escape, as she had laid a spell upon her, so that unless she had in her hand the three gall-nuts which were in a rafter in the kitchen it would be labour lost to attempt to get away. Whilst they were thus talking together, Parsley, who stood with her ears wide open and had some suspicion of the gossip, overheard all that had passed. And when Night had spread out her black garments to keep them from the moth, and the Prince had come as they had appointed, she let fall her hair; he seized it with both hands, and cried, "Draw up." When he was drawn up she made him first climb on to the rafters and find the gall-nuts, knowing well what effect they would have, as she had been enchanted by the ogress. Then, having made a rope-ladder, they both descended to the ground, took to their heels, and ran off towards the city. But the gossip, happening to see them come out, set up a loud "Halloo," and began to shout and make such a noise that the ogress awoke, and, seeing that Parsley had run away, she descended by the same ladder, which was still fastened to the window, and set off after the couple, who, when they saw her coming at their heels faster than a horse let loose, gave themselves up for lost. But Parsley, recollecting the gall-nuts, quickly threw one of the ground, and lo, instantly a Corsican bulldog started up—O, mother, such a terrible beast!—which, with open jaws and barking loud, flew at the ogress as if to swallow her at a mouthful. But the old woman, who was more cunning and spiteful than ever, put her hand into her pocket, and pulling out a piece of bread gave it to the dog, which made him hang his tail and allay his fury. Then she turned to run after the fugitives again, but Parsley, seeing her approach, threw the second gall-nut on the ground, and lo, a fierce lion arose, who, lashing the earth with his tail, and shaking his mane and opening wide his jaws a yard apart, was just preparing to make a slaughter of the ogress, when, turning quickly back, she stripped the skin off an ass which was grazing in the middle of a meadow and ran at the lion, who, fancying it a real jackass, was so frightened that he bounded away as fast as he could. The ogress having leaped over this second ditch turned again to pursue the poor lovers, who, hearing the clatter of her heels, and seeing clouds of dust that rose up to the sky, knew that she was coming again. But the old woman, who was every moment in dread lest the lion should pursue her, had not taken off the ass's skin, and when Parsley now threw down the third gall-nut there sprang up a wolf, who, without giving the ogress time to play any new trick, gobbled her up just as she was in the shape of a jackass. So Parsley and the Prince, now freed from danger, went their way leisurely and quietly to the Prince's kingdom, where, with his father's free consent, they were married. Thus, after all these storms of fate, they experienced the truth that— "One hour in port, the sailor, freed from fears, Forgets the tempests of a hundred years." If you liked this story, leave me a comment down below. Join our Facebook community. And don't forget to Subscribe! You might also enjoy other stories by Giambattiste Basile or the aforementioned Rapunzel by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. Giambattista Basile Previous Post Rapunzel (Grimm's Kinder und Hausmärchen) by The Brothers Grimm Next Post THE LEAP-FROG by Hans Christian Andersen Pingback: Rapunzel (Grimm's Kinder und Hausmärchen) by The Brothers Grimm – Fairy Tale Night Stories by Origin Myanmar (former Burma) Czech Republic Bohemia Stories by Authors A. B. Mitford Aesop Albert Henry Wratislaw Andrew Lang Buddhist C. W. Peck Comtesse de Ségur Cornelius Mathews Elena Favilli Elphinstone Dayrell Elsie Spicer Eells Filmore Parker Francesca Cavallo Frank Baum Frank Hamilton Cushing German Giambattista Basile Hans Christian Andersen Hans Plöckinger Henry Altemus Iconique Psychology ISABEL MAUD PEACOCKE James A. Honey James Stephens JOHN MASEFIELD Josephine Preston Peabody L. Frank Baum Maive Stokes Mimosa Nikolai Gogol Norman Hinsdale Pitman P. C. WREN Parker Fillmore Phebe A. Curtiss REV. J. MACGOWAN Rev. Lal Behari Day Richard Wilhelm Sir George Webbe Dasent TED The Brothers Grimm Torgen Moe and P. Asbiörnson W. R. S. Ralston WILLIAM C. GRIGGS William Shakespeare Yei Theodora Ozaki Linklove The art of African Story Telling on malamusi.com Helene Munson's Medium page Fairytalenight Youtube Playlist Librivox – Free public domain audiobooks Help'n'Trade Find your favorite story! Rapunzel (Grimm's Kinder und Hausmärchen) by The Brothers Grimm There were once a man and a woman who had…
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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Charles Jensen is the author of the poetry collection Nanopedia and six chapbooks of poems, including the recent Story Problems and Breakup/ Breakdown. His first collection, The First Risk, was a finalist for the 2010 Lambda Literary Award. He is the recipient of the 2018 Zócalo Poetry Prize, a Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Prize, the 2007 Frank O'Hara Chapbook Award, the Red Mountain Review Chapbook Award, and an Artist's Project Grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts. His poetry has appeared in American Poetry Review, Crab Orchard Review, Field, The Journal, New England Review, and Prairie Schooner. He is the founding editor of the online poetry magazine LOCUSPOINT, which explores creative work on a city-by-city basis. He lives in Los Angeles and directs the Writers' Program at UCLA Extension, the largest continuing education creative writing program in the nation. Nanogram is my sporadic Tiny Letter email newsletter. Enter your email address at https://tinyletter.com/chasjens to sign up.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Interview: Ayron Hardy, former Jacksonville U. Dolphins/current Leicester Riders forward BallinEurope scored an exclusive interview with Ayron Hardy, a graduate of Jacksonville University currently in the midst of his rookie professional campaign with Leicester Riders. The former Dolphin racked up the accolades and trophies in his four years at JU, getting named to the Atlantic Sun Conference All-Freshman team in 2008 and the 2010 Pre-Season Atlantic All-Conference Team, plus a nod as the Atlantic Sun Conference Defensive Player of the Year in 2009. His senior year saw him average 12.2 points, 6.2 rebounds, 2.8 assists, 2.0 steals and 1.0 blocks per game. For the Riders in 2011-12, Hardy is enjoying an star-level year, including a ridiculous 20-point, 15-rebound, 13-assist, four-block performance against Sheffield Sharks. Hardy chatted with BiE's British basketball specialist Sam Chadwick about his toughest opponents, why he chose to test the waters of the British Basketball League and the internet-based voting which has him in the lead for league MVP. BallinEurope: You played at a solid college in the 'States and you had some tough opposition. Who is the best player you have had to go up against? Ayron Hardy: The toughest player I have played against is Evan Turner, who played for the Ohio St. Buckeyes and now plays for the Philadelphia 76ers. [Note: In the OSU-JU matchup, Turner finished with 17 points on 63% shooting from the field, adding eight rebounds, two assists, three steals and two blocks in just 36 minutes of action. The 17th-ranked Buckeyes went on to win 81-68.] You're now playing in the British Basketball League for Leicester Riders; what made you choose the BBL and more specifically what was it about Leicester that convinced you to sign there? One of the key reasons I signed here was because of the similar languages. It was an easy transition for my first year of international ball. You played alongside Lehmon Colbert in college, what's it like playing against him now you're a professional? Playing against him is always competitive and fun at the same time. I played against him in practice every day for three years so I'm kind of used to guarding him. I want to win and beat him and during the whole game we talk back and forth to each other. The season is almost over and the playoffs are coming into focus. What's your team goal this season? The team goal is to win the Championship. We missed out on other trophies this year so we have to get this one. [Note: The Riders currently sit in four place in the BBL and will likely play the Glasgow Rocks in the first round of the playoffs. The Riders lost out on aggregate points in the BBL Cup semifinals to the Newcastle Eagles, while they were eliminated in the group stages of the BBL Trophy despite an equal record with Milton Keynes Lions.] You have a lot of new faces at Leicester and on the court it looks like you all bond really well. Is there someone who took you under their wing as a mentor? Well, mostly the veteran guys did, like Barry Lamble and Yorick Williams and Drew Sullivan and also Robert Youngblood when he was on our team. At the beginning of the season people thought Andrew Sullivan would be the BBL MVP and lead this team to a championship – now it turns out he is supporting you in the BBL Fans' Race to MVP. What is it like having that kind of support from your team? I honestly don't feel like I could have accomplished any of this without my teammates and the blessing of God. They are the reason we have made it this far and why I'm even mentioned in the category. What's next for you personally? More BBL or is mainland Europe calling your name? I'm not sure yet, but I have all of my options open to the best opportunity for me. My main goal is still to play in the NBA. What has been the game of your career so far? The game of my career would have to be the triple-double against the Sheffield Sharks. Lastly, what advice would you give to younger guys trying to make it in the NCAA or professional basketball? The advice I would give younger guys would be keep God first and don't let anybody tell you that you can't do something … You just have to keep dreaming big like you never see obstacles that could stop you from achieving your goal and to believe in yourself. Apr 13, 2012 ballineurope Never mind the Bullock: Wild rumor has Asefa Estudiantes courting Lamar OdomBC Khimki Moscow region: In 15th anniversary year, on the verge of lucky three Watch out, the girls are coming! Notice: It seems you have Javascript disabled in your Browser. In order to submit a comment to this post, please copy this code and paste it along with your comment: 9bf8fb70f3471bf906db590fe226e0b9 7 years ago EuroLeague, Features, MoreAndrew Sullivan, Ayron Hardy, Barry Lamble, BBL, BBL Cup, BBL Trophy, Britain, British Basketball League, Drew Sullivan, Evan Turner, Glasgow Rocks, Jacksonville University, Lehmon Colbert, Leicester Riders, Milton Keynes Lions, Ohio State University, Philadelphia 76ers, Robert Youngblood, Sheffield Sharks, Yorick Williams
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Giorgio Chiellini: The Juventus 'gladiator' with four broken noses and two degrees relishing Real Madrid test Charlie Eccleshare The Telegraph 3 April 2018 As Heung-min Son watches the flight of Christian Eriksen's long diagonal pass fizz though the Wembley air, he glimpses an uninterrupted path to his team-mate Harry Kane. If he can get enough purchase on his attempted pass then Kane will have a tap-in, and Tottenham will surely level their Champions League tie against Juventus. Son catches the ball perfectly on the volley, but out of nowhere an obstacle arrives. In the time between Son looking at what was inside him and connecting with the ball, Giorgio Chiellini has charged back and slid in front of Kane to clear the ball away. Juventus goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon grabs Chiellini by the shoulders. The pair press their foreheads against each other for a split-second and roar at each other in celebration. It's the sort of celebration normally resolved for scoring a last-minute winner. Chiellini then fist bumps Andrea Barzagli's hand and claps, before quickly refocusing and telling his team-mates where they need to be to defend the resulting corner. READ MORE: Gossip - Man Utd set to hand De Gea massive pay rise READ MORE: Tottenham are on the verge of something big, says Lloris Fifty minutes later the Italian Chiellini is talking in perfect English to reporters, dissecting how Juventus won the game 2-1 to progress to the Champions League quarter-finals. He explains that Juventus preyed on Spurs' mental weaknesses, before paying an emotional tribute to the former Fiorentina captain Davide Astori who died just three days earlier. If ever an hour summed up a player and a man this was it. Bruising, highly effective and expressive on the pitch; gentle, generous and articulate off it. A month on from that Wembley win, Juventus are preparing for their next Champions League assignment - tonight's quarter-final first leg against Real Madrid at the Allianz Stadium. For Chiellini, this season could represent his best chance of finally getting his hands on that elusive Champions League trophy. Aged 33 and twice a losing finalist in the last three years, Chiellini knows time is running out if he is to win the competition. But some formidable foes stand in Chiellini and Juventus's way - most notably Cristiano Ronaldo, who scored twice in last year's Champions League final when Real thumped Juventus 4-1. If Juve are to exact revenge then Chiellini will almost certainly have to get the better of Ronaldo - the Champions League's greatest ever goalscorer - irrespective of whether manager Massimiliano Allegri decides to field three or four at the back. Chiellini is confident. "This year we are more determined than ever to achieve something important," he said on Sunday after Juve's 3-1 win over AC Milan. "To lose a final is painful, obviously, but it is very good to play them." No-one is owed anything in football, but it would feel like an injustice if Chiellini, arguably the finest defender of his generation and surely one of the game's brightest minds, ended his career without a Champions League medal. 'A reference point for everyone' If Chiellini is ever immortalised in a statue outside the Allianz Stadium, then for accuracy's sake it must surely include a bloody bandage over his head and a tissue stuffed ungainly up his nose. An unyieldingly physical defender, Chiellini has broken his nose four times and his constant scrapes and bruises make Terry Butcher and Steve Bruce look almost prissy by comparison. "I hope that my children take [my wife] Caroline's nose", Chiellini once joked. "It is still four nose breaks at the last count," he told the Daily Mail in an interview this year. "Until next week anyway! The problem is that if there is the tiniest chance of scoring a goal or stopping a goal, I can't help myself." A similarly all-action defender, former Juventus defender Moreno Torricelli told Telegraph Sport that: "Giorgio plays like an Italian-style Gladiator. He is a reference point for everyone. He never lets you down. His diligence is always right at the very top." Chiellini's manager at his first club Livorno Walter Mazzarri described the centre-back as "a force of nature", while in this country Chiellini's heroics against Tottenham drew gasps of admiration from fellow centre-backs. Bournemouth defender Steve Cook told Telegraph Sport that: "We don't see enough of that never say die attitude in this country. Some say it's going out the game. But for me it is something that can be copied." Jamie Carragher wrote that seeing Chiellini at his defiant best "made me jump out my seat and applaud the television screen". Chiellini's unflinching commitment is paired with a loyalty to Juventus that saw the defender stay in Turin even when the team were relegated to Serie B in 2006 following the Calciopoli match-fixing scandal. In total, Chiellini has spent 13 years at Juventus, winning six Serie A titles and making almost 500 appearances. Gregorio Sorgi, vice-president of the Londra Bianconera, the London Juventus Official Fan Club explains that Chiellini's fidelity and passion for Juve means there is a special bond between the player and supporters. 'The last of a glorious species' With the Azzurri failing to qualify for their first World Cup in 60 years, there is a feeling in Italy that the national team may need to evolve from the defence-first approach that has long been their calling card. Ever since Helenio Herrera's Inter team popularised the Catenaccio style in the 1960s, Italy has fetishised the art of defending. Part of the reason why Chiellini is so valued - even by some non-Juve fans - is because he offers a link to Italy's glorious past of World Cup-winning centre-backs like Claudio Gentile, Gaetano Scirea and more recently Fabio Cannavaro "Chiellini is a typical Italian defender," says Torricelli, who won the Champions League with Juventus in 1996. "Maybe one of the last of a glorious species." Chiellini though is dismissive of the idea that Italy should abandon their defensive principles. In fact he believes that such thinking is what has got the Azzurri into this mess in the first place: "Pep Guardiola spoiled and ruined the Italian defender," Chiellini said earlier this year. "He is a fantastic coach with a fantastic mind but Italian trainers have tried to copy him without the same knowledge and then in the last 10 years, we lost our identity. Chiellini is a typical Italian defender. Maybe one of the last of a glorious species Former Juventus defender Moreno Torricelli "We lost our identity of [Paolo] Maldini, [Franco] Baresi, Cannavaro, [Alessandro] Nesta, [Giuseppe] Bergomi, Gentile, Scirea... between 1984 and 1995, we have only [Leonardo] Bonucci. In 10 years, we didn't launch one good defender." Two of the key tenets of those Italian centre-backs of yore are an exemplary appreciation of the technical craft of defending, and a mastery - to varying degrees - of football's "dark arts". 'One of the all-time great Italian defenders' Let's start with the defensive skills. Strip away all the bandages and furious celebrations, and Chiellini is first and foremost a very accomplished defender. Standing at 6ft 3in with a powerful build, Chiellini also possesses a near super-human anticipation for where the ball is going to drop that makes him one of the best man-markers in the game. Mazzarri once said that Chiellini "can mark three players by himself." Chiellini admits: "I put stock in physical one-on-ones and winning individual duels." He also puts his success down to "concentration", which Chiellini believes is the single-most important quality for a defender. Toricelli puts him in the same bracket as Scirea and Gentile, and says he must be in the top 10 all-time great Italian defenders. But even those Juventus legends never managed six straight Serie A scudetti, as Chiellini did between 2012 and 2017 when he, Bonucci and Barzagli formed the fabled "BBC" back three upon which Juve's success was built. Chiellini said wistfully of the trio this year: "When we had [Leonardo] Bonucci, [Andrea] Barzagli, myself and Gigi Buffon at the back, what we had was special. It is not just technical...it is a feeling, emotion, a level of experience." Bonucci has now left, and at 36 Barzagli is used sparingly, but Chiellini remains the cornerstone of a defence that has conceded a staggeringly low four goals in 15 matches this year. Juventus will almost certainly win a seventh straight Serie A in May, and the paltry 16 goals they have conceded in 30 matches is a major reason why. It has also been striking how Chiellini has evolved this season, with the ball-playing Bonucci's departure to AC Milan forcing him to take on a more creative and less purely destructive role. That said, Chiellini is still the subject of light teasing from Juventus supporters for his relative lack of technical skills (it's surprising to learn that he played as a winger and central midfielder in his younger years). With Bonucci gone and Barzagli more peripheral, vice-captain Chiellini has also had to assume more responsibility this season. Perhaps Chiellini is preparing himself for the moment when Buffon does finally retire, and he will at last step forward Prince Charles-like from the role of heir-apparent to anointed leader. "I was never the best in my age group," Chiellini says of his ongoing development. "I was like the Ugly Duckling because I am not beautiful to see but I always improved. That is my best skill. I am 33 but I am having my best ever season. There is no secret; just passion and work." 'It's like being put in a cage with a gorilla' As well as a master of the art of defending, Chiellini is effective at playing right on the edge of what is legal. When Chelsea striker Alvaro Morata was asked last year about his toughest opponent, his response was instant: "Chiellini". "It's like being put in a cage with a gorilla and you have to steal his food," Morata said. "I think the few times I've managed to score against him it's been in the area. "It's impossible to win a duel with Chiellini if it's one-on-one in the box or he's holding you." Many other strikers would agree with the characterisation of Chiellini as a "gorilla" (which incidentally is how Chiellini illustrates himself on his official website). In one fiery Derby d'Italiabetween Juventus and Inter 11 years ago, Chiellini made it his mission to stop Zlatan Ibrahimovic at all costs. Over the course of a ferocious 90 minutes Chiellini shoved, eyeballed and trash-talked his more talented opponent into a subdued and goalless performance. There is a moment during the match that looks like something from a horror movie as Chiellini slowly emerges into shot with a haunted Zlatan looking on into the distance. When up against Napoli meanwhile, Chiellini made a habit of hauling Edinson Cavani to the floor by his flowing locks. One of these many running battles famously ended with Luis Suarez biting Chiellini at the 2014 World Cup. "I am the most aggressive one," Chiellini said two years ago of his role in the Juventus and Italian defence. "I go hunting for my opponents high up the field." Not for nothing did an old friend give Chiellini the nickname "King Kong" as a teenager (Chiellini has since taken ownership of the sobriquet by celebrating scoring goals by beating his chest). On the more sneaky side, Chiellini's habit of making the most of minimal contact means he infuriates many opposition supporters. He also has a knack for committing a clear offence but avoiding punishment by pulling an angelic face that resembles one of a child saying "nothing to see here" after making their younger brother cry. One Milan-based correspondent said Chiellini's ability to play on the very edge of what's acceptable is up there with the master of skulduggery Marco Materazzi. Chiellini admits: "On the field, I had to be this way to make it to the top level. I was not born with many technical skills. I had to improve and work. Hundreds of players have physical and technical talents but very few make it. You need that desire." Ronaldo, Karim Benzema and whoever else comes between Chiellini and his Champions League dream can expect similar treatment this week and next. 'Off the pitch I'm more serene, reflective' What makes Chiellini such a fascinating character is how opposite his on-pitch and off-pitch personas are. In fact the contrast between his rugged approach as a defender and sensitivity away from football make Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde look like kindred spirits. Those who were hearing Chiellini speak for the first time last month at Wembley may have struggled to compute who this supposed brute was revealing so gently and thoughtfully that he had "cried many times" at Astori's death. "Journalists who follow Italy and Juventus will all tell you that Chiellini is always available and polite - more so than his team-mates," says Simone Stenti, editor of Juventus TV. "No matter what the result, he always speaks well, which is not common for footballers. "He's very friendly, a smart guy. He definitely has as a future as a football manager. He is a very intelligent and sensitive. Very friendly. The opposite to what you see on the pitch." Numerous other Italian journalists and supporters contacted by Telegraph Sport reiterated that Chiellini is a different person on and off the pitch. In a 2016 interview with the Guardian, Chiellini explained the dual sides to his character, "I met Morata's mum the other day, we had a train journey together, and she said: 'When I saw you playing I never thought that you would turn out to be so calm and such a sweetie!' "That has always been my character – on the pitch I have a strong temperament, but off the pitch I'm more serene, reflective. I manage to separate out those two things." The dichotomy between Chiellini's two personas makes more sense when you look at his educational background. The son of an orthopaedic surgeon and an international navigation company's vice-president, Chiellini hoped as a youngster to study medicine. Realising that the demands of being a professional footballer would make this impossible, he read economics and commerce at under-graduate level instead. Chiellini was a model student, scoring 109 out of a possible 110 marks on his thesis – an analysis of Juventus's balance sheets. He has since been awarded a Masters degree in business administration from the University of Turin, graduating cum laude last year. His final thesis was titled: "The Business Model of Juventus Football Club in an International Context". Born and raised in Livorno, Chiellini also possesses a social conscience that is typical for someone from Italy's most left-wing city (Livorno was where the Italian Communist party was founded in 1921). Chiellini does a huge amount of community work, and runs a charity that he co-founded for children with multiple disabilities. In Livorno, he supports a theatre company that offers roles to disabled actors, and he once donated €100,000 (£87,582) to The Agency for Research on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). When last year Juan Mata launched his Common Goal charitable project which sees participants donate a portion of their salary to football charities, Chiellini was one of the first footballers to sign up. In his his e-mail expressing his interest, Chiellini wrote: "Hello. I'm Giorgio Chiellini, player of Juventus...I'm not interested in advertising, I want only to support a brilliant project. Sorry for my English. I try to make the best as possible!" Chiellini has also found the time to write two books - one on the Juventus and Italy great Scirea, and another more generally on defending called The Defender. On the Netflix documentary First Team: Juventus, young centre-back Daniele Rugani said fondly that if he were getting his team-mates Christmas presents, he would get Chiellini "a nice book. Because I often see him reading and I'm sure he'd appreciate it." 'The difference between winning and losing will be marginal' And on to tonight, where Juventus will look for a repeat of last year when they beat Barcelona 3-0 over two legs in the quarter-final. In both of those matches, Chiellini was masterful, as Juve did what was thought to be impossible and kept out Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez and Neymar for consecutive matches. Chiellini even found time to score in the first leg. Real - Champions League winners in three out of the last four seasons - will start as favourites but Juve know their opponents are vulnerable. "The difference between winning and losing will be marginal," Chiellini said on Monday. Deep down he is acutely aware that just like at Wembley, Chiellini could be the man to make that difference. 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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }