Her: Fair. But are you thirsty enough to satisfy my ego?
Nah but my gut tells me you don’t want a bitch boy anyway
Her: Guilty
They matched on Hinge. He messaged her first.
You better be a good little spoon
Her: Demands this early on haha can’t guarantee the ‘good’ part
Your confidence is a solid 2/10But I love the honesty
This message is supposed to tease the girl.
Her: Who said that had to mean worse? Haha
Okok I see you Shirley 👀You’re cute, what are you looking for on here?
The aim of this message is to understand her intentions for being on the dating app.
Her: Not sure maybe my soulmate, maybe my next story for the girls night haha Her: How about you?
Lmfao (laughing my fucking ass off)Good sex and if I fall in love that’s chill too
This is a very bold message that communicates his intentions for being on the app. It is fun and playful while also getting across his message.
Her: Isn’t that a goal in life? Haha
One can always dreamHaha shoot me your number if you’re down to split a bottle of wine sometime
They matched on Bumble so the girl must message first. This joins the conversation part way through the interaction.
Come have a drink and let’s see if we vibe
Her: How about tm (tomorrow)?
I have plans tomo (tomorrow)
Her: Lol okay where do you live
(his address)
Her: Are you a murderer lol Her: I have to ask
Yeah obviously 😂” This is a good way to respond to the ‘are you a murderer/ serial killer?’ questions. The sarcastic response communicates that he isn’t a murderer and that the question is ridiculous. Another good response to this question is “Don’t worry, no more murder was my new years resolution
This is a good way to respond to the ‘are you a murderer/ serial killer?’ questions. The sarcastic response communicates that he isn’t a murderer and that the question is ridiculous. Another good response to this question is “Don’t worry, no more murder was my new years resolution
I feel like making a lawyer your wifey is such a bad ideaBut damn you have me tempted
Observational openers like this are usually the most effective way to get a response from the girl.
Her: Hahaha well, I’m not practicing here in Canada, cause I can’t, so technically I’m not a lawyer anymore Her: So that’s not a problem I guess
Did you get banned or somethingI have a thing for girls who break the rules
This message adds a very light flirtatious element to the interaction.
Her: Haha no 😂 it’s because laws are completely different in Brazil and here Her: And I’m sorry to disappoint but I’m not one of those
I can’t imagine leaving Brazil for snowy Canada 😂But ur (you’re) cute, what are you looking for on here?
This message asks for her intentions for being on the dating app.
Her: Hahaha well, it wasn’t easy but the economy and marketplace are better here Her: I’m not looking for anything specific, just meeting people and seeing how it goes
Yeah I feel thatI’m looking to meet new people and have fun, just going with the flowShoot me your number and maybe we can have wine sometime
This message communicates what he is looking for on the dating app. This is a very tame way to communicate this message.
They matched on a dating app. This conversation takes place after he got her phone number.
Hey cutie
Her: Hi 🙂 Hunter? Her: Just working 🙃 How are you?
Aha yeah it’s meHow’s it going 🙂Wow absolutely love that for you NatCurrently trying to get a tan on my balcony so I’m not as pale as a ghost 😂
Her: That sounds nice Her: I’m working from home today so haven’t stepped foot outside yet
Are you one of those people who wears a suit on the top half and boxers on the bottom
This message keeps the conversation light, fun and engaging.
Her: I pretty much just stay in my bathrobe all day Her: and go to meetings like that Her: Unashamed haha
Haha damn that’s hot(Sent photo of the view from his balcony)I don’t think I’ll ever get sick of this view
Sending photos to girls can be very useful in an interaction. It can build comfort, create connection, make you seem more real than words on a screen. It can also be used to communicate your personality and/ or values. This example shows the girl something he has. From that photo she can infer that he has money if he is living in an apartment like that.
Her: wow yeah your really scored with that place Her: Wish I had a balcony too
Haha yeah it’s such a vibeWere you thinking of coming right after work ora bit later
Her: What time works for you? I’m good for any time after 5:30
Do you hate hockey with a burning passion?
Playful exaggeration can be a great way to communicate in a more fun/ flirty way. It is more engaging than platonic conversation.
Her: No I don’t hate it haha Her: I just don’t keep up with it
Hahaha okMy team is playing for the Stanley cup tonight, so I will probably stream the game. Want to come for like 8 and we can watch it together & have a drink?
Ketchup on eggs is eliteI’m willing to die on that hill
Observational openers like this, which comment on one of the girl’s photos are the most effective when it comes to response rate.
Her: Oh no!!! Not you too haha Her: Not sure we can be friends 😂 😂
It’s okay, I don’t kiss my friends (her name) 😉
The aim of this message is to introduce a flirtatious vive into the interaction early on.
Her: LOL so confident that you’re going to get a kiss already?? 🙃
Ahaha only if I like youSo bring your a-game 👀
These messages steal the frame and make it appear that he is the prize and the girl is chasing him.
Her: Haha I was going to say the same thing Her: This will be interesting 😜
Lmfao you’re cute, What are you looking for on here?
Her: Lol straight to it eh Her: Uhm honestly I’m not putting pressure on anything right now and kinda just going with the flow Her: If it just so happens to turn into something more then great, and if not then at least I had fun 🤷🏻‍♀️ Her: hbu??
Haha yeah I’m in the same boatKeeping things fun and going with the flow
Her: Cool glad we’re on the same page and didn’t scare you away haha
Looks like we’re not far tooYou should come over for a quick vibe check 💁‍♂️
Her: You probably do have more tatts than me but how bout you show me? 😉
Haha do you even have one?
This teases her about being innocent.
Her: No but you could probably talk me into it
Shame, I was looking forward to exploring your body looking for them 💁‍♂️
This message introduces a sexual frame without being too explicit.
Her: Doesn’t mean u can’t. Maybe u’ll find something u like
I love the confidenceWhat are you looking for on here (her name)?
This message is to establish if she is looking for something serious or casual on the dating app.
Her: I’m not sure tbh (to be honest). I think ideally a relationship but it depends on the person I guess. You?
I’m going to Asia in a few weeksAre you dead set on a relationship, or are you down to hang out this week?
They have had their first date. It went well. The student is trying to get a second date with the girl. You don’t need to constantly be texting back and forth. Keep it simple and organize logistics.
Come cuddle
Her: I wish Her: I’m busy tonight Her: You free tomorrow?
Wow how dare youBut we could probably make that work
Her: Oh yea? Her: Tomorrow night then?
Yeahh baby
They match on Hinge. He messages her first. Standard pick up line.
I can’t tell if you’re innocent or an absolute baddie
Her: 😂 Her: I already heard that phrase her Her: I think you have to improve your lines
Lmfoa nooo it was my favorite one 😅 💀Ok you send me your bets line then
Her: Hahaha
You can’t tell me to improve my lines then follow up with this ^
Her: I heard that you have two tongues in your mouth is it true?
Lmfao no why?
Her: So you want to have? 😏 Her: I don’t know if you kiss with tongue but I’m Brazilian I’m sorry 🤣 Her: Some people don’t like
I mean your mouth isn’t the only place I’m trying to put my tongue 😌
Her: Wow Her: HAHAHAHA Her: that one was good Her: You got me Her: Do you have instagram?
Aha you’re cute, shoot me your number if you’re down to chill sometime
Her: Howdy
I can’t tell if you’re innocent or and absolute baddie
Her: Lol how often have you used that on?
More than you could possibly imagine
This is a good way in which to respond when a girl asks how many times you use a certain line. Agreeing/ exaggerating in your response can deflect from the fact that you have used it many times.
Her: What are the stats on its success?
Do you want me to send my excel spreadsheet over?
This exaggeration keeps the interaction playful.
Her: That would probably be the most efficient way
Hmm I don’t think Bumble supports csv filesMight need your number instead
Her: Lol smooth
They match on Tinder and the aim is to set up a threesome.
Colgate or crest?
Her: Colgate? I suppose
hmmm true but I’d rather give you oral b
This play on words introduces a sexual component to the interaction early on.
Her: Ohhhhh lawd hahahah Her: I like that one it’s funny
Aha so glad you have a sense of humorYou’re hot, what are you looking for on here?
This message qualifies the girl which is okay to do from time to time. This message gets her intentions.
Her: Nothing serious! Just someone to waste a little time with I suppose, I just got out of a long long relationship so I’ve never even seen or expected to use tinder hahahaha but decided I’d give it a shot 🤷🏻‍♀️
Sounds like you’re ready for a hot girl summer eh 😉
This message keeps it light and fun while adding a flirtatious vibe to the interaction.
Her: Absolutely! Her: As my bio states I’m a certified milf, so I guess more of a hot mom summer 😉
Damn I love your energy
Her: Why thank you 😉
Okk so don’t be weirded out, but me and my girlfriend are looking for someone chill and open minded to just grab drinks, no expectations and just see where things go. Would you be totally opposed?
The phrase ‘would you be totally opposed?’ makes the girl reassess her view. If you ask her if she would like to do something she can say no very easily but to be totally opposed to something is a very different question and requires a more definitive stance. This is why it is effective because there are some thing women may not like to do but are not totally opposed to doing.
Her: Hmmmm it’s something I could be interested in
Aha yeah I feel like we’d have a pretty fun time, wanna shoot me your number and we can go from there?
They matched on Tinder. She mentioned that she didn’t like chocolate timbits in her bio so that is what he used to open her with.
What did chocolate timbits ever do to you 😤
Observational openers like this are usually the most effective way to get a response from the girl.
Her: It’s all about the sour cream glazed life 🙏
Not gonna lie so many dirty lines came to mind when you said sour cream glazed and it took every ounce of strength for me to keep this family friendly
This message allows the girl to open the interaction up to a more sexual and intimate thread of conversation. The student hasn’t told her any of the things that came up in his mind but she can either imagine what he said or give consent to talk about a more sexual topic.
Her: I mean missed opportunity I was kind of setting you up there sooo Her: Give me your best line
Glad you like it glazed cause I’m tyranny fill you like a Boston cream
Her: I love that. Not gonna lie was expecting something a little spicier but I’ll take it
Honestly you look super innocent but I’m kind of glad you’re not
This assumption based on her previous message continues the sexual and flirtatious vibe.
Her: Can’t give it all away with the pictures ya know Her: Gotta keep some of it a mystery 🥰
Lmoa love it, what are you looking for on her (her name)?
This message finds out her intentions for being on the dating app.
Her: Just going with the flow, no expectations just vibes you know. Hbu?
I feel ya! Nothing super serious honestly someone down to chill and have good sex once in a while would be pretty nice
When girls are vague with their answer about what they’re looking for on a dating app or when they say things like ‘going with the flow’ or ‘no expectations’ it usually means they just want to hook up. That is why making his answer more sexual works in this scenario.
Her: What are you doing this weekend?
Ideally you 👀What’s your number lmao
From the context of the previous messages, we know that this girl is okay with a sexual frame. That is why this message works and she doesn’t ghost.
Her: that’s crazy i was thinking the same thing!
I would so make out with youAs long as you can help me fix my daddy issues ofc
This message sets up a playful roleplay in the conversation which can be very useful when messaging as it can make conversation more fun, playful and engaging.
Her: Deal! After all i went into psych to fix my mommy issues without having to pay for therapy 😌
Is it bad that I think some therapist role play would be hot af?
This message opens up a sexual frame.
Her: Not at all, you’re just giving me practice for my future clients…in a way!
You’re cute, what are you looking for on here?
This message finds out her intentions for being on the dating app.
Her: Thank you i was thinking the same about you 🙃 Her: nothing too serious tbh, wbu?
Honestly same just looking for a fwb (friends with benefits) to have some casual fun this summer
In this message, he matches her energy in his reply to the same question. He can infer from her answer that she is looking for a hook up and he says he wants something similar in a fwb type situation.
Her: same same Her: Having yourself a hot girl summer? 🙃
Aha sure let’s call it that 😅You have a phone number?
I would so make out with you
Her: So does this make me the prey to your hunter?
Would you be into that?
Her: as long as we can take this hunting trip down to texas
Oh I’m intrigued
Her: That’s where I want to settle down 😭 Her: so you’re either in or i have to find me a new hunter
Lmao kind of a dream to have a lil ranch but also not looking to settle down rn so I’m torn
Her: yess. Couple acres Her: So I’ll see you at the airport monday morning
Not even gonna buy me a drink first?
Her: pffft how many tats do u have Her: I’m seeing none 🤔
Oh most definitely more than you
Her: gimme a number
I have big pieces it feels weird to count them lol
Her: i win lmao Her: very much so
Wanna betHmm what do I get when I beat you
Her: you won’t so i guess you can pick
Winner gets head if you’re so confident
They matched on Tinder. He messaged her first. She said she had ‘solid 8.5 cooking skills’.
Solid 8.5 indeed 👀
Her: Haha ;) what’s up? Any Father’s Day weekend plans?
You tryna call me daddy so we can celebrate it together?
Her: Ahaha exactly
Aha love thatYou’re cute, what are you looking for on here?
Her: Just looking for someone I vibe with no expectations! Hby?
Yeah I feel thatLooking to meet someone chill and have some fun this summer, possibly a fwb type scenario if it feels right
Her: I like that, I want someone that will go to a jays game with me but also cuddle
Aha yesss you’re speaking my language just please be a good cuddler 😉What’s your number?
Her: you’d be right about the tats, I have a needle phobia 🥴
Honestly so am I but somehow never stopped me 😂
Her: That’s impressive tbh
Shame that our tattoo tour is gonna be one sided though 😫
Her: I’m not complaining, I love learning about other peoples tattoos and the stories behind them Her: Too bad you’re gonna have to be a bit more creative to explore my body
Hmm I might just have to be thorough about itWow 10/10 texter over here 😂But at least you’re cute, what are you looking for on here?
Her: didn't really know how to respond 😅 Her: I’m not sure what I’m looking for, kinda just meeting new people, hbu?
Aha yeah I feel that, nothing super serious just looking to meet new people and have fun this summer 🙂
Her: That’s cute Her: Do I make the list of people you’re looking to meet?
Hmm that dependsAre you a red or white wine girl?
Her: Definitely red Her: White wine gives me a headache 😞
Good answer 😌Why don’t you shoot me your number and maybe we can split a bottle of red sometime
Her: Definitely have more tattoos than me
Haha you look like the innocent type who would never get one
Her: I have 8 😁
That was unexpectedAny other secret sides I should know about you? 👀
Her: I like to be unexpected Her: & that’s something you’ll just have to find out 🫣
Haha you’re cuteWHat are you looking for on here Nat?
Her: Why thank you Her: Pretty just open honestly, not looking to force or rush things what about yourself?
Yeah I feel that, keeping things casual and fun for now and going with the flow
Her: That’s the best way to go about it in my opinion 🤷🏻‍♀️
Where are you though? I just moved downtown
Her: I live in the (location) area where abouts did you move?
Ou nice I’m just at (location)We’re super close
Her: Ohh soo close I shop at loblaws there lol
Haha you wanna come do a quick vibe check in?
Her: I’m working tonight but I’m off tomorrow Friday & sat
Ok cool shoot me your number and we can get together 🙂
They met on Tinder. The conversation went well, a connection was made and a sexual frame was established. The interaction begins after he gets her number.
Let’s meet for a drink soon. I’m probably going to the clubs a bit later
Her: Sounds good, i’ve got some blackjack to fuck up
I’ve heard having rough passionate sex beforehand increases your luck 🤔 what do you reckon?
Her: mmm i totally agree 😌
With every orgasm your luck goes us by 2%
Her: see how high we can get that percentage 👀
Challenge accepted. Where you staying at the moment?
Her: (location)
Pretty close. Almost in chokable range
Her: gonna get me hot and bothered already 😩
Choking is just the start. There’s so many ways I can ruin you…
Her: mmm yes please
Like standing you up naked in my room, hands tied behind your back. As I tell you not to move a fucking inch. I run my finger down your body sensing your fear. I kiss your neck and pull your hair back as you moan. I run my fingers up your thighs as your pussy gets wetter and wetter. You try to break out of the tie so I bend you over and spank you leaving you with a nice big red handprint on your ass. I push you to your knees and you take my big hard cock deep in your throat like a good little girl. I pull you up, throw you on the bed and then… I should probably stop right now