3 values
1 value
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In the present study, we compared the prevalence of SOT versus LOS abnormalities in a cohort of 48 patients, the majority classified as having mild or moderate chronic TBI.
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To investigate the relationship between poverty and pre-hospital delays for patients with acute febrile illnesses, we recruited a cross-sectional, convenience sample of 527 acutely ill adults and children aged over 6 months, with a documented fever ≥38.0 °C and symptoms of up to 14 days' duration, presenting to a tertiary referral hospital in Chittagong, Bangladesh, over the course of one year from September 2011 to September 2012.
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Hypertension is a common global health problem including China.
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Around 2003, the carbapenem-resistant clade B4/H24RxC emerged when ST410 acquired an IncX3 plasmid carrying a blaOXA-181 carbapenemase gene.
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Methods: This study is a biometric analysis of dental casts of 149 young adults recruited from different orthodontic centers in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
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Gene-expression profiling is widely used to identify genes associated with such progression.
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["Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and is characterized by impairment in memory, behavioral changes, and gradual loss of autonomy. ", 'Since there is a long latent period prior to diagnosis, the aim of this study was to determine whether twenty single nucleotide polymorphisms identified in genome-wide association analyses of AD are associated with cognitive change in 8,320 white and 2,039 African-American middle-aged adults enrolled in the prospective Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study.
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Truck drivers are at increased risk of diet- and physical activity-related chronic diseases.
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Maximum voluntary ventilation, the ratio between forced expiratory volume and forced vital capacity, and diffusion capacity were measured 6 months following burn injury, and results were compared between burned subjects with and without oxandrolone administration.
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Both groups were comparable regarding baseline characteristics.
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Forty-seven smokers from one safety-net hospital were randomized to either a control group, in which they received a smoking cessation brochure and a list of smoking cessation resources, or a navigation group, in which they received the smoking cessation brochure, a list of smoking cessation resources, and patient navigation.
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However, the impact of trabectedin-related transaminase elevations on treatment outcomes is unclear.
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Twenty-five patients had positive IgG and/or IgM titers to C. trachomatis but negative antigen test results.
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Most patients suffering from cancer die of metastatic disease.
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ACE gene I/D polymorphism genotypes were determined using polymerase chain reaction using I and D allele-specific primers.
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There was no significant difference in NRS of pain intensity between the 2 groups.
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This community-based participatory research (CBPR) energy balance (diet and physical activity) intervention, conducted in Appalachian Kentucky among 900+ residents, employed a wait list control cluster randomized design.
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While these erythrocyte polymorphisms apparently have no effect on blood-stage malaria infection, their contribution to susceptibility to clinical malaria morbidity requires further study.
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A healthy diet prevents type 2 diabetes but is often difficult to adhere to.
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In summary, this study identifies novel putative melanoma susceptibility genes and provides a guide for further experimental validation of functional variants and disease-related genes.
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Two hundred and two chronic pain (CP) patients, all members of a Flemish national patients association, completed the questionnaires.
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During maximal exercise, subjects treated with oxandrolone had a significantly higher VEmax compared with untreated subjects (32.0\u2009±\u20098.7\u2009L/min vs 43.7\u2009±\u200913.6 with treatment, P = .02).
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The cardiac veins were finally evaluated in 48 subjects with three anatomic variations.
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Interestingly, the educational level of parents was found to be associated with having atopic dermatitis and having more severe condition.
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In the gene analysis, we identified 72 genes with a P < 2.5 √ó 10-6.
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This study replicated our prior findings that (a) cannabis users trying to change make many, and often rapid, transitions among use as usual, reduction, and abstinence; (b) reduction attempts are more common than abstinence attempts; (c) quit and reduction attempts are short-lived and few participants achieve long-term abstinence; (d) alcohol and drug use are not greater on abstinence days; and (e) few users seek treatment.
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Immune function is an energetically costly physiological activity that potentially diverts calories away from less immediately essential life tasks.
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of subsensory vibratory noise applied to the soles of the feet on gait variability in a population of elderly recurrent fallers compared to non-fallers and young controls.
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The frequency of the GYPCDeltaex3 allele was higher in the Wosera (0.463) than Liksul (0.176) (chi(2); P < 0.0001).
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However, the role of germline variation in mitotic pathways and risk of cancer is not well understood.
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Among individuals with hypertension, 55.5% were aware of their condition.
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Although young participants showed decreases in all variability measures, the results did not achieve statistical significance.
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A multiple choice and short response survey was distributed to truck drivers attending an Australian Truck Show.
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Before in-vivo calibration, the CDI without gas calibration was completely unreliable.
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The use of laparoscopy and the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) protocol allows clinicians to limit surgically induced trauma, thus improving recovery and reducing the number of complications.
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We conclude that multidimensional poverty is associated with greater pre-hospital delays and expenditure in this setting.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
These results support the importance of genital tract immunomodulation in HIV-1 transmission.
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We investigated body mass index (BMI) trajectories in the first 2 years of life in 1170 children from an Asian mother-offspring cohort in Singapore, and examined their predictors and associations with childhood cardio-metabolic risk measures at 5 years.
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Our findings on BMIz trajectories in the first 2 years suggest important ethnic-specific differences and impacts on later metabolic outcomes.
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Segments with attenuation artifacts were defined as those with less than 65% uptake but with strictly normal contractility at gated SPECT and no defect reversibility from stress images.
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The focus on prayer as a personal religious factor fits with the current religious landscape in Western-Europe where personal religious factors are more important than organizational dimensions of religion.
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The potential role of transesophageal echocardiography in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with intracardiac masses is discussed.
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Opioid requirement was different between the 2 groups on postoperative day (POD) 0 (12.4 vs 11.3\u200amg of morphine-equivalent dose), but not from POD 1 to POD 4.
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Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity was dramatically elevated (mean: 13.00±3.83 m/s).
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Exogenous TNF administration or local TNF expression was equally sufficient to cause free cholesterol-dependent apoptosis in podocytes by acting through a dual mechanism that required a reduction in ATP-binding cassette transporter A1-mediated (ABCA1-mediated) cholesterol efflux and reduced cholesterol esterification by sterol-O-acyltransferase 1 (SOAT1).
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Neonatal stress, in particular, has been linked to the etiology of mental health disorders as divergent as mood disorder, schizophrenia, and autism.
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Robot-assisted partial nephrectomy (RAPN) has emerged as an alternative to laparoscopic partial nephrectomy (LPN) for removal of renal tumors.
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Serum levels of leukocyte differential counts, C-reactive protein (CRP), and neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio (NLR) were compared between women with no placental inflammation and women with PIR.
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In addition to blood HIV-1 RNA level, cytokine profiles in the male genital tract are associated with HIV-1 RNA levels in semen.
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Using a prospective mixed-longitudinal design, we collected anthropometric and blood immune biomarker data from 261 Amazonian forager-horticulturalist Shuar children (age 4-11 y old).
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In Papua New Guinea (PNG), the Gerbich-negative phenotype is caused by an exon 3 deletion in the glycophorin C gene (GYPCDeltaex3) while heterozygosity for a 27-base pair deletion in the SLC4A1 gene (anion exchanger 1 or erythrocyte membrane protein, band 3), SLC4A1Delta27, results in Southeast Asian ovalocytosis.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The accumulated multidrug resistance in E.\xa0coli ST410 over the past two decades, together with its proven potential of transmission between patients, poses a high risk in clinical settings, and thus, E.\xa0coli ST410 should be considered a lineage with emerging "high-risk" clones, which should be monitored closely in the future.IMPORTANCE Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) is the main cause of urinary tract infections and septicemia.
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The sensitivity and specificity of the Xpert GBS were 80% and 100%, respectively, with regard to 20 cases of GBS colonization or infection.
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Replication tests in more generalizable samples and of longer duration are indicated.
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About 13% of asymptomatic relatives had an abnormal peripheral B-cell composition.
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Our objective was to compare gastrointestinal barrier function, mucosal inflammation, and transit in nonceliac IBS-D patients and assess association with HLA-DQ2/8 status.
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Most (80%) undertook less than moderate- and vigorous-intensity physical activity levels provided in national recommendations.
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The results showed that LogARR values were significantly higher (P < 0.001), and PRA and serum potassium values were significantly lower (P < 0.001) in primary aldosteronism patients.
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In this report, we review the echocardiographic findings, clinical history, and histopathologic findings in 21 patients with intracardiac masses who underwent transthoracic echocardiography, transesophageal echocardiography, or both, at our institution.
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Blood sampling was done at the beginning of bypass, and 30 minutes later.
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In this study, we evaluated the clinical usefulness of maternal serum inflammatory markers for prediction of PIR in women with impending preterm birth.
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Traditional induction therapy includes methotrexate or cyclophosphamide, however, pulmonary nodules generally respond slower than vasculitic components of disease.
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Groups were compared with respect to fertilization rates, embryo development, and reproductive outcome.
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Although predicted survival following the appearance of a cutaneous lesion was lower than for uninfected individuals, this was not significant.
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There has been a growing burden of anxiety among Nepalese adolescents.
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Results: The biker position was associated with lower heart-to-detector distances than the supine or sitting positions (both P < 0.001); lower cardiac motion amplitudes, assessed on panograms, than the supine position (P < 0.001); and fewer segments with attenuation artifacts than the supine position (on average, 1.10 ± 1.01 vs. 1.90 ± 1.74, P = 0.010) or the sitting position (0.75 ± 0.93 vs. 1.38 ± 1.60, P = 0.011).
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To enhance potential efficacy and effectiveness, interventionists increasingly respond to community priorities, employ comprehensive theoretical frameworks, invest heavily to ensure cultural fit, implement evidence-based programming, and deploy research gold standards.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Thus, with the clonal expansion over the past decades and increased antimicrobial resistance to last-resort treatment options, ST410 needs to be monitored prospectively.
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The consequence may be the damage of distant organs which lead to the worsening of condition of patients.
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The prevalence of tooth size discrepancy in all cases was 43.6% for anterior ratio and 24.8% for overall ratio. ', "The mean Bolton's anterior ratio in all malocclusion classes was 79.81%, whereas the mean Bolton's overall ratio was 92.21%. ", "There was no significant difference between males and females regarding Bolton's ratio.\xa0", 'Conclusion: The most prevalent arch form was narrow tapered, followed by narrow ovoid. ', "Males generally had larger dental arch measurements than females, and the prevalence of tooth size discrepancy was more in Bolton's anterior teeth ratio than in overall ratio."]
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However, few studies have investigated the link between reproductive factors and DNA methylation in humans.
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Sleep habits are associated with stroke in western populations, but this relation has been rarely investigated in China.
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We investigated potential associations between seminal plasma cytokine levels and viral concentration in the seminal plasma of HIV-1-infected men.
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General linear models were used to assess mean differences in 6-year change in test scores among individuals categorized by genotype after adjusting for age, gender, and years of education.
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Eating competence is an indicator of food acceptance, positive attitudes, internal regulation and contextual skills related to food and eating.
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The secondary endpoints were opioid requirement, opioid-related complications, and duration of hospital stay.
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Over 85% of survey respondents worked more than 9 hrs per day.
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Angiogenin protein was released by cultured synovial fibroblasts from OA and RA patients, and reached 1.18 ng/106 cells/day.
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Compared with the 1-2-week group, the 4-5-week and 6-week groups exhibited significantly lower infection rates (2/42, 4.8%, 4-5-week group; 0%, 0/33, 6-week group; vs. 41/95, 43.2%, 1-2-week group; p<0.001).
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The genes associated with melanoma risk were DEF8 (P = 1.09 √ó 10-57), DBNDD1 (P = 2.19 √ó 10-42), SPATA33 (P = 3.54 √ó 10-38) and MC1R (P = 1.04 √ó 10-36).
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Two geographically and ethnically distinct malaria endemic regions of PNG (the Wosera [East Sepik Province] and Liksul [Madang Province]) were studied to illustrate the distribution of two prominent deletion polymorphisms (GYPCDeltaex3 and SLC4A1Delta27) and to determine if the genetic load associated with SLC4A1Delta27 would constrain independent assortment of GYPCDeltaex3 heterozygous and homozygous genotypes.
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However, limping was more pronounced in the LA patients.
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This is almost double the proportion found in the general population.
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A total of 5,550 boys and 6,964 girls reported having been diagnosed with atopic dermatitis.
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Gestational age at birth appeared to be a confounding factor as TBSS-observed correlations weakened when it was included as a covariate; however, after controlling for gestational age at birth, ROI analyses still showed positive correlations (P ≤ .05, R = 0.35 to 0.48) between mean FA in many white matter ROIs and BSID cognitive, language, and motor scores.
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Whether white matter developmental variations in healthy newborns are also associated with changes in later neurodevelopment remains to be established.
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The odds ratio for breast cancer in the top third compared with the lowest third of the oestradiol concentration distribution was 5.03 (95% confidence interval 2.02-12.49, P for trend < 0.001).
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Genome-wide association study (GWAS)-identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are tag SNPs located in both transcribed and non-coding regulatory DNA regions, rather than representing causal or functional variants for disease.
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Concordance of Xpert GBS results versus culture was 92.3%.
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Among the 351 trial participants, 44% were female, 84% non-Hispanic white, mean age was 60.9\xa0years, and mean BP was 149/86\xa0mm Hg.
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The Xpert GBS real-time PCR assay was applied to gastric fluid samples from 143 newborns, and it detected group B streptococcus (GBS) within 1 h for 16 (11.2%) cases, while microscopic examination detected only 2 cases.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Until genomic data exist to provide a biological component to the definition of oligometastatic disease, a clinical diagnosis made on the basis of up to five extrapelvic lesions is reasonable for use.
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The geographic overlap between the prevalence of erythrocyte polymorphisms and malaria endemicity is thought to be an example of natural selection on human populations.
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This retrospective study examined 26 years of experience in a pediatric institution (1981-2007) in pain management as long as 6 months after limb-sparing surgery and reviewed the historical evolution of pain interventions.
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Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of ARR was tested to establish cutoff values and to assess sensitivity and specificity.
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Placebo or ketoconazole (KTCZ) was administered overnight to inhibit adrenal steroidogenesis during overnight 14-h intravenous infusions of saline or cortisol in a continuous versus pulsatile manner to test for feedback differences.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Considering the advantages and disadvantages of continuous remifentanil infusion, volatile anesthesia without opioid may be a good choice for minor surgeries, such as thyroidectomy.
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Choosing more donors for confirmatory HLA and KIR haplotype identification enriched the likelihood of finding KIR better or best donors.
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Carrying G allele (AG\u2009+\u2009GG) showed a significantly reduced colorectal cancer incidence compared with that of AA carriers (OR, 95% CI\u2009=\u20090.71, 0.55-0.91).
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The effect of grade 3/4 elevations in alanine aminotransferase (ALT) or aspartate aminotransferase (AST) during the first two cycles and at any time during trabectedin treatment on progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were analyzed.