3 values
1 value
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
The differences could be due to the use of different simpler visual method to describe the arch form, which include: ovoid, tapered and square.
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To confirm this, we conducted a sensitivity analysis excluding those with diagnosed hypertension and diabetes, and the results were largely unchanged (Table SI and Table S2).
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Interpretation of chlamydial antibody panels must be carried out carefully within the clinical context.
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Where possible we relied upon comparison with published pediatric normal control studies (such as PWVcf), which lends itself to confounding factors such as inter-rater reliability.
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Malignant tumours of the breast, prostate or lungs carry the highest risk of developing osseous metastases in contrast to intra-coelomic tumours, the spread of which tends to remain in the abdominal cavity [11].
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Thus, these findings provide new insights into the etiology of LC.
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Prospective, well-controlled trials are necessary and should aim to report outcomes in a consistent and systematic manner.
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In agreement with data from Hosaka et al. [20], angiogenin was not detected in supernatants from 24h fibroblast cultures.
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We randomized the patients to a specifi c approach that automatically included a specifi c team of surgeons with skills in that particular approach, thus avoiding bias due to a learning curve.
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Also SNPs near the DIO2 (deiodinase, iodothyronine, type II) gene and recently identified DOT1L gene was suggested to play a role in OA [7,22].
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In our study, arch dimensions, forms and Bolton ratios were assessed directly on models of patients seeking orthodontic treatment and who had different types of malocclusion, which makes the sample more representative of Jeddah’s population.
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In the most recent studies, which were conducted with larger homogeneous samples of highly selected transsexuals (i.e., those who were eligible for a standardized sex reassignment procedure) and/or using the MMPI-24,7,10,25, the results were consistent with ours and support the view that transsexualism is usually an isolated diagnosis5,7,8,10,25.
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However, any genes and polymorphisms don’t play roles in the development of disease independently.
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Afterward, several studies tried to detect any significant differences in Bolton’s ratios between both genders, and other studies measured the differences in Bolton’s ratios of various malocclusion groups 28-32.
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However, the absence of evidence in our data to support this phenotype reopens the possibility that haploinsufficiency of one of the other genes in the region is responsible for the observed GSV-associated obesity phenotype (although SH2B1 remains a strong candidate).
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On the other hand, several studies have reported that laparoscopic surgery may be more painful because of the greater abdominal wall injury than robotic surgery.
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Probably, cellular apoptosis occurs in all CRSs and involves different types of cells and, therefore, different tissues.
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In the current study, when emotion dysregulation and dispositional mindfulness together were regressed onto social anxiety, correlations with age and sex remained significant.
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The results of this study indicate that lutein/zeaxanthin affects miRNA processing by regulating DICER1, which appears to result in a lower CRC risk.
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Nevertheless several conclusions are possible.
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This suggests that older animals are slightly more likely than younger animals to have early stage infections (with no cutaneous lesions that have ulcerated through the skin), but are much more likely to have advanced stage TB.
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However, further validation in further independent data sets, with a greater sample size may increase the power sufficiently to detect possible associations between methylation of individual loci and age at menarche.
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These suggest that enhancing eating competence may contribute to weight loss and subsequently, improve the metabolic profile of an individual.
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In keeping with international studies, most patients followed a pattern of escalation from sources nearest the home, most accessible, and least expensive, toward greater professional expertise and more intensive management [33].
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Experiments in animals have identified reproducible effects of gender and/or sex steroids on the regulation of the hypothalamo-corticotrope-adrenal axis (4, 5, 37, 41, 42).
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Our data suggest that, in podocytes, irrespectively of the amount of esterified cholesterol that accumulates, cell injury is mainly caused by free cholesterol.
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However, one important limitation of our study was the lack of information on other early life exposures, therefore it was impossible to investigate whether such exposures confound the observed association between age at menarche and DNA methylation.
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Besides, atopic dermatitis' severity was also considered by including the information on the number of absent school days due to atopic dermatitis.
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Finally, longitudinal analyses may further clarify the relationship of age to the vasculopathy of HGPS in future studies.
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In addition, a high concentration of NO is associated with chronic inflammation and tumorigenesis.
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Data on prophylactic efficacy of different prophylactic strategies are conflicting and there is a lack of data investigating potential synergistic effects of prophylactic measures.
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This hypothesis was further supported by the evidence that NPM/ALK is able to activate an epigenetic STAT3-dependent pathway [21].
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In conclusion, our results uncover a novel mechanism where cholesterol-mediated podocyte injury is the result of increased endogenous TNF expression, thus possibly contributing to the development of FSGS and DKD.
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Considering expected rates around 50% in patients receiving no continuation treatment (Prien and Kupfer, 1986) on the one hand and a certain ‘therapeutic’ effect in the placebo group (Montgomery, 1999) on the other, our assumption appears to be well founded, but it will also be reassessed (and modified if required) during a blinded data review that is part of the trial’s biometrical concept.
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Notably, this mechanism was demonstrated in NPM/ALK-positive cell lines [19], suggesting that the impairment of the BIM pathway is an important step in lymphomagenesis.
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However, although there was no overlap with the variants identified in whites, there was nominal evidence for association of rs1476679 (ZCWPW1) with greater decline in verbal memory and of rs3865444 (CD33) with reduced decline in verbal fluency in the smaller sample of African-Americans.
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The optimal anamnestic response to HBV booster vaccination observed in non-seroprotected subjects further confirms the capability of the vaccine to create a strong immunological memory.
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For the Lasso method, the results emphasized the role of snorting/gasping in elevating stroke risk.
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Pure interface anomias, where object and word were both defined but not matched, were very rare.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Physicians entitled to sign forms B and C must be aware of the legal and financial responsibilities of certification and the consequences when pacemakers are heated.
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In summary, we report the first epidemiological study to comprehensively evaluate genetic variation in genes involved in mitotic regulatory pathways and breast cancer risk.
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As a result, participants may have received mechanical vibrations below 90% of their sensory threshold.
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The current study has produced novel results among Nepalese adolescents, with results that are a first step towards finding a way to reduce the incidence of social anxiety for this population.
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The first is the small amplitude of longitudinal cardiac motion.
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Our study thus contributes new knowledge, and has several strengths.
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This study demonstrates the ability of sub-sensory mechanical noise delivered to the soles of the feet through vibratory sandals to reduce stride, stance, and swing time variability in elderly fallers.
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DICER1 plays a role in a biogenesis pathway that is known to regulate the repression of mRNA translation and trigger mRNA degradation by binding to the 3′-untranslated region (UTR) of target mRNA.
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Death due to severe myelosuppression, rhabdomyolysis, acute renal failure, or respiratory failure attributed to treatment occurred infrequently10.
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Implications for nursing care to provide optimal pain management for children undergoing LSS emerge from the concept of a rational multimodal approach to include pharmacological, behavioral, and rehabilitation principles.
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Conversely, accurate calling of smaller GSVs spanning only a few probes remains problematic, despite ongoing improvements in methods for GSV detection [19], [33], [34].
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However, failed quit attempts predicted an increased, not decreased, probability of later quit attempts.
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In the present prospective randomized study conducted with the D.SPECT CZT camera, attenuation artifacts were shown to be strongly reduced in patients positioned in a semireclining bikerlike position comparatively to the more conventional sitting and supine positions.
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In this context, the investigations of the role for MCP-1 gene polymorphisms should be directed at wider range of SNPs and take into account haplotype combinations [12].
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The onset of analgesia occurs as early as the third day for most patients (McClain & Ennevor, 2000).
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Rodents are considered an important potential source of C. burnetii, and in one U.K. serosurvey, 34% of wild brown rats (Rattus norvegicus) had antibodies suggesting previous exposure to C. burnetii (20).
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It is also often viewed as a nonclinical dimension of the MMPI7.
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This is consistent with the literatüre (Aydin., 2004; Canbulat., 2006) and suggests that those participants actually did not have enough information about the benefits of BSE, which is why they are less likely to seek health care.
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Thus, one could speculate, that early postnatal stress effects may increase synaptic complexity in supragranular cortex but also confer vulnerability to subsequent adult experience such as behavioral testing.
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Thus, there is a danger that reported associations may include a large number of false positives.
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This study provided nominally significant or suggestive evidence for an influence of CR1 on immediate recall in African-Americans, and of CLU on paragraph delayed recall in whites using the Logical Memory subtests from the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised [Pedraza et al 2014].
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Since it is against the code of practice of crematoria staff to open sealed coffins, they depend on others to provide accurate information.
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Finally, use of contrast media results in additional study cost as well as potential side effects.
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Finally perhaps, initially alcohol and drug use declines but then increases with longer duration of abstinence.
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Caspase-3 is activated by the upstream caspase-8 and caspase-9, since it serves as a convergence point for different signalling pathways.
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In the study of Dinesh et al based on Indian population about the effect of NK2 homeobox 5 SNPs on CHD, NK2 homeobox 5 c.608A > G (p.E203G) and c.852G > A (p.N226D) polymorphisms were counted to be associated with CHD[citation].
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
In light of this limitation, we make the following recommendations for considering an aggressive treatment approach for men with known metastatic disease.
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A significant association was observed between education and QoL in our study: persons with higher education (e.g. those who finished University) were more likely to have good general QoL as well as better QoL scores in the physical, environment, and independence domains as compared to those with low education.
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The results of our study confirm a substantial variation in the cardiac venous anatomy.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
However, aldosterone-induced renal injury was reported, we should actively observe the dysfunction of paranephros in early stage of primary kidney disease included serum aldosterone, PRA, and imaging examination was necessary also.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Moreover serological screening, of all HCSs, and administration of booster HBV vaccine doses when needed, are preventive policies particularly meaningful in the current period when foreign students coming from countries with potential gaps in the immunization programs or coverage rates could increase the reservoir of young susceptible workers exposed to biological risks.
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In some cases, the benefits reflected in embryo quality and clinical outcome [24], in others improvements were found exclusively for pregnancy or implantation outcomes, but embryo quality was not affected [19], and in others, improvements in embryo quality [18,25].
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In addition, the routine placement of a warning label on the front of all the clinical notes of people with pacemakers and other implantable devices would alert the physician to the presence of potentially explosive material in the body.
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Consistent with this hypothesis, we have presented the preliminary results of the effects of a diet-intervention, randomized, controlled study of gluten exclusion on symptoms (bowel function), intestinal barrier functions (permeability and TJ expression), and morphology in IBS-D patients, and we have demonstrated deleterious effects of gluten, which were aggravated in HLA-DQ2/8-positive patients (33, 34).
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Our study was limited by the small number of children screened, and by the initial need to train personnel and to establish the optimal environment/setting for such screening at different locations.
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The trajectory patterns observed in our study are consistent with those reported in previous studies by Magee et al13 and Ventura et al15, which also identified four BMI trajectories in childhood using LCGMM.
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Our approach could also be useful during drug development consideration and may be directly applicable to population pharmacokinetic modeling and dose determination for investigational aminoglycosides, such as plazomicin (11,–13).
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Here, we showed for the first time the existence of a BIM epigenetic silencing mechanism in NPM/ALK+ ALCL.
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Higher reports of non-acceptance of emotions and lack of clarity were associated with increased social anxiety, as well as having less difficulty with emotional awareness.
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In some of the previous studies of this association, general QoL differed across both gender and age categories.7,9 Generally, older people are expected to have worse QoL due to the factors related to ageing (physical conditions, fears about the future); however, HIV-associated stress level did not differ by age.17 Further stratification of our sample by age showed a significant difference in ARV status: 85% of older patients and only 73% of younger individuals were receiving ARV treatment (p = 0.04).
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Pacemaker explosions can damage the cremator, breaking doors or brickwork.
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Similar considerations may apply to rs1476679 (ZCWPW1) and to rs3865444 (CD33) where addition of the minor allele was associated with greater 6-year decline on the DWRT and decreased scores at baseline on the WFT, respectively, in African-Americans but decreased susceptibility to AD [Lambert et al 2013], and to rs4147929 (ABCA7) and rs6656401 (CR1) where addition of the minor allele was associated with higher scores in whites on the DWRT and in African-Americans on the DSST but with increased risk of AD.
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However, the plethora of immunological abnormalities and their unequal distribution among different cohorts have made it challenging to uniformly identify subgroups in the CVID population 10,46–48.
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This study showed that surgical treatment for liver metastasis was an independent prognostic factor for CRC patients with liver metastasis (HR = 0.212; 95% CI = 0.056–0.808; P = 0.023) as patients who underwent resection for primary tumor together with surgical treatment for metastasis had a better survival than other hepatic metastatic patients (3 year OS, 70.8%, 43.8%, and 4.5%; P < 0.001; Table 2; Figure 3).
This is a weak advice
Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
As our short-term and long-term mouse models demonstrate efficacy of HPBCD and ABCA1 overexpression, it seems feasible to propose that HPBCD or drugs that increase ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux may represent a new class of drugs to treat patients affected by proteinuric glomerular disorders.
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Over the next twenty years it has become evident that the laparoscopic approach, although feasible, is associated with important drawbacks.
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These white matter regions surprisingly were not specifically in the major white matter pathways involved in these functions; for example, frontal or prefrontal white matter for cognition, superior longitudinal fasciculus for language, and cerebral peduncle and posterior limbs of internal capsule for motor functions.
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Finally, while the case-control design had the superiority of being cost effective, resource and time efficient, potentially subject bias could have been introduced by patient recall, and causal associations cannot be inferred given the nature of the cross sectional design.
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Furthermore, AFM had, on average, normal levels of cTfh cells, NK cells, and dendritic cells (total and subsets).
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The positive relation between maternal adiposity-related factors and child size has been reported in other populations39, 40, as well as in our own cohort27, 41.
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To our knowledge, MTHFR gene C677T mutation has never been investigated in OA in any ethnic group.
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The only comparable study we were able to find investigated associations between static (quiet stance) and dynamic balance tests (timed up and go, tandem gait, and the dynamic gait index) and DHI scores.37 Their findings showed even stronger associations between dynamic tests and DHI than between static tests and DHI in those with balance problems from multiple disorders including TBI.37 Our sample was restricted to TBI, and therefore provides higher generalizability to this specific disorder.
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Question: is this a 2) strong advice, 1) weak advice 0) no advice?
Subsequent hysterectomy within 1–2 weeks after conization should be avoided, except under special circumstances.
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A decrease of viability was observed also by Virzi et al. [17] in monocytes incubated with plasma of CRS Type 1 patients.
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In this study we founded high concentration of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines in CRS Type 5 plasma.
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For example, satellite and SINE repeats were found to be enriched with hypomethylated Differentially Methylated Regions (DMRs) whereas LINE was enriched with hypermethylated DMRs in malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumours compared to normal Schwann cells [30].
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Eysel and Peters [3] found that, even in spondylitis, a single ventral operation with ventral instrumentation is possible without increased complication rates.
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However, an important limitation of these examination methods is that amniocentesis, an invasive procedure, is unavoidable.
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Indeed, inspection of the original overall P-values for each GSV (Table 1: reproduced from or calculated according to the original reports; see Text S1) shows that even a moderate correction to the threshold for significance to account for these multiple tests would have excluded the majority of the reported loci.
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Several studies have suggested that only high doses of remifentanil infusion cause rapid opioid tolerance and/or hyperalgesia5,19,31.
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Currently, postoperative epidural analgesia uses bupivacaine 0.1% to 0.125% and fentanyl 3 to 5 mcg/ml for 3 to 5 days.