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Prevalence and evaluation strategies for viral contamination in food products: Risk to human health-a review.
Nowadays, viruses of foodborne origin such as norovirus and hepatitis A are considered major causes of foodborne gastrointestinal illness with widespread distribution worldwide. A number of foodborne outbreaks associated with food products of animal and non-animal origins, which often involve multiple cases of variety of food streams, have been reported. Although several viruses, including rotavirus, adenovirus, astrovirus, parvovirus, and other enteroviruses, significantly contribute to incidence of gastrointestinal diseases, systematic information on the role of food in transmitting such viruses is limited. Most of the outbreak cases caused by infected food handlers were the source of 53% of total outbreaks. Therefore, prevention and hygiene measures to reduce the frequency of foodborne virus outbreaks should focus on food workers and production site of food products. Pivotal strategies, such as proper investigation, surveillance, and reports on foodborne viral illnesses, are needed in order to develop more accurate measures to detect the presence and pathogenesis of viral infection with detailed descriptions. Moreover, molecular epidemiology and surveillance of food samples may help analysis of public health hazards associated with exposure to foodborne viruses. In this present review, we discuss different aspects of foodborne viral contamination and its impact on human health. This review also aims to improve understanding of foodborne viral infections as major causes of human illness as well as provide descriptions of their control and prevention strategies and rapid detection by advanced molecular techniques. Further, a brief description of methods available for the detection of viruses in food and related matrices is provided.
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Reflexiones sobre los riesgos ocupacionales en trabajadores de salud en tiempos pandémicos por COVID-19/ Reflections on occupational risks in health workers in pandemic times by COVID-19
Introducción: En las prácticas laborales de los trabajadores de la salud, los riesgos laborales se desarrollan principalmente en el entorno hospitalario, y estos profesionales están expuestos habitualmente a múltiples riesgos. Objetivo: Reflexionar sobre los riesgos laborales que involucran a los trabajadores de la salud en la pandemia del nuevo coronavirus (COVID-19). Métodos: Es un ensayo cualitativo teórico-reflexivo, basado en literatura nacional e internacional. La búsqueda de estudios fue posible debido a la elección de descriptores controlados: "Riesgos laborales", "Personal de salud", "Infecciones por coronavirus", "Coronavirus", y extensas bases de datos latinoamericanas e internacionales. Se han incluido las producciones publicadas en los últimos cinco años. Resultados: El escenario de la pandemia de COVID-19 causa incertidumbres a los trabajadores de la salud que trabajan en la primera línea para hacer frente al virus. Las características epidemiológicas del nuevo coronavirus y cómo actúa a largo plazo no se conocen por completo. Por lo tanto, los riesgos laborales en los que están involucrados los trabajadores se han exacerbado a veces, en vista del nivel de infectividad que tiene el virus, además de sus consecuencias para la salud física y mental de toda la sociedad. Conclusiones: Es esencial conocer y controlar los riesgos a los que están expuestos los trabajadores de la salud y, por lo tanto, establecer estrategias de prevención y minimización de enfermedades.(AU)
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Updated Information on the Epidemiology of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Infection and Guidance for the Public, Clinicians, and Public Health Authorities, 2012–2013
The Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) was first reported to cause human infection in September 2012. In July 2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) International Health Regulations Emergency Committee determined that MERS-CoV did not meet criteria for a "public health emergency of international concern," but was nevertheless of "serious and great concern". This report summarizes epidemiologic information and provides updates to CDC guidance about patient evaluation, case definitions, travel, and infection control as of September 20, 2013.
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Improvement of microlearning with help of learning analytics in enterprises
Modern organisation environment is characterised by constant change, which creates the need for the employees to constantly acquire new knowledge and learn new skills to retain a competitive advantage. Professional learning in such an environment needs to be adjusted to become fast-paced, chunk-sized and self-directed for relevancy and efficiency. COVID-19 pandemic has enhanced the problem, making traditional classroom training unavailable and the efficiency of self-directed learning hard to evaluate. Microlearning approach provides small sized development opportunities for employees without spending lots of time outside their actual work and the opportunity to apply the new knowledge almost immediately to work situations. Learning analytics helps evaluate the need and effectiveness of microlearning, it is useful in training situations that want to predict and manage the success of their students, but is harder to apply in professional environment because of how indicators for learning results translate to success in work situations. The paper describes the initial results of a case study of development and implementation of work-related microlearning modules and training tests and the use of learning analytics to predict the training results based on progress and to supply the managers with information for decision making. In this case participation in microlearning activities and positive attitude towards them was linked to increased test scores suggesting that it can be used for predicting employee success in work situations. © 2021 Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. All rights reserved.
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Short-Term Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on HIV Care Utilization, Service Delivery, and Continuity of HIV Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) in Haiti
INTRODUCTION: Our study describes changes in HIV care service delivery and continuity of HIV antiretroviral therapy (ART) for people living with HIV (PLHIV) during the 8 weeks before and after diagnosis of the first coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases in Haiti on March 19, 2020. METHODS: Using data from 96 out of 167 health facilities offering ART services, we compared four ART program indicators: (1) count of HIV visits; (2) proportion of ART dispenses in community-based settings (DAC); (3) proportion of multi-month dispensing of ART medications > 6 months (> 6 m MMD); and (4) proportion of timely ART refills. We used uncontrolled interrupted time series (ITS) models to estimate slope and level changes in each indicator with the arrival of COVID-19. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: From week 1 to week 16, the average number of HIV visits fell from 121.5 to 92.5 visits, the proportion of DAC rose from 22.7% to 36.7%, the proportion of > 6 m MMD rose from 29.4% to 48.4%, and the proportion of timely ART refills fell from 51.9% to 43.8%. The ITS models estimated abrupt increases of 36% in > 6 m MMD (p < 0.001) and 37% in DAC (p < 0.001) at the time of COVID-19 arrival, and no change after arrival of COVID-19. The was an abrupt decline of 18% in timely ART refills with the arrival of COVID-19 and a decline of 1% per week thereafter, both non-statistically significant changes. CONCLUSIONS: The sudden changes in HIV service utilization represent dramatic adaptations needed to mitigate primary and secondary effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on PLHIV. This study underscores the urgency of optimizing ART delivery models in Haiti and beyond, in order to maintain progress toward HIV epidemic control.
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E-health in China: challenges, initial directions, and experience.
China started to pay more attention to the construction of a regional and national health information network after the outbreak of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic in 2003. The construction of a public health system is considered the most important part of national medical reform, with information and computer technology serving as the key to deploying regional collaborative medical service, also known as e-health. In this paper, we analyze the difficulties in carrying out e-health projects in China, a discussion of ongoing projects, and a case presentation representing current progress.
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Study protocol for COVID-RV: a multicentre prospective observational cohort study of right ventricular dysfunction in ventilated patients with COVID-19
INTRODUCTION: COVID-19 can cause severe acute respiratory failure requiring management in intensive care unit with invasive ventilation and a 40% mortality rate. Cardiovascular manifestations are common and studies have shown an increase in right ventricular (RV) dysfunction associated with mortality. These studies, however, comprise heterogeneous patient groups with few requiring invasive ventilation. This study will investigate the prevalence and prognostic significance of RV dysfunction in ventilated patients with COVID-19 which may lead to targeted interventions to improve patient outcomes. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: This prospective multicentre observational cohort study will perform transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) in 150 patients with COVID-19 requiring invasive ventilation for more than 48 hours. RV dysfunction will be defined as TTE evidence of RV dilatation along with the presence of septal flattening. Baseline demographics, disease severity data and clinical information relating to proposed aetiological mechanisms of RV dysfunction (acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), disordered coagulation, direct myocardial injury and ventilation) will be collected and analysed.Primary outcome measures include the prevalence of RV dysfunction and its association with 30-day mortality. Exploratory outcome measures will investigate the association of the proposed aetiological mechanisms of RV dysfunction to the primary outcomes.Prevalence of RV dysfunction will be determined along with 95% Clopper-Pearson CIs and 30-day survival will be analysed using logistic regression adjusting for patient demographics, phase of disease and baseline severity of illness. The role of potential aetiological factors (ARDS, disordered coagulation, direct myocardial injury and ventilation) in relation to the primary outcomes will be analysed using logistic regression. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Approval was gained from Scotland A Research Ethics Committee (REC reference 20/SS/0059). Findings will be disseminated by various methods including webinars, international presentations and publication in peer-reviewed journals.
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SARS-CoV-2 Receptor ACE2 Is Enriched in a Subpopulation of Mouse Tongue Epithelial Cells in Nongustatory Papillae but Not in Taste Buds or Embryonic Oral Epithelium
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, evidence revealed that SARS-CoV-2 infection caused taste loss at a rate higher than that of influenza. ACE2, the entry receptor of SARS-CoV-2, has been identified in the oral epithelium; however, it is unclear at what developmental stage ACE2 expression emerges and whether ACE2 is expressed in taste buds. To identify the specific developmental stage, we analyzed RNA-Seq data from embryonic and newborn mouse oral tissue. We found that robust ACE2 expression was observed in the newborn oral epithelium. In contrast, only extremely low levels, if any, of ACE2 transcripts in the embryonic stage oral tissue were found (E12.5 and E14.5). Analyses of three public scRNA-seq data sets of adult mouse tongue epithelial cells showed that receptors for various viruses were enriched in distinct clusters of tongue epithelial cells. ACE2 was enriched in a subpopulation of epithelial cells in the basal region of nongustatory filiform papillae but not in the taste papillae or taste buds. Expression of ACE2 was detected in a small proportion of type III taste cells. Our results indicate that when applied across species, nongustatory papilla epithelial cells are the prime targets for SARS-CoV-2 infection in the tongue; thus, taste loss in COVID-19 patients is likely not caused by a direct infection of SARS-CoV-2 to taste bud cells. Additionally, fetuses at different stages of development may have distinct susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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Mutation of Gly-11 on the Dimer Interface Results in the Complete Crystallographic Dimer Dissociation of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 3C-like Protease: CRYSTAL STRUCTURE WITH MOLECULAR DYNAMICS SIMULATIONS
SARS-CoV 3C-like protease (3CL(pro)) is an attractive target for anti-severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) drug discovery, and its dimerization has been extensively proved to be indispensable for enzymatic activity. However, the reason why the dissociated monomer is inactive still remains unclear due to the absence of the monomer structure. In this study, we showed that mutation of the dimer-interface residue Gly-11 to alanine entirely abolished the activity of SARS-CoV 3CL(pro). Subsequently, we determined the crystal structure of this mutant and discovered a complete crystallographic dimer dissociation of SARS-CoV 3CL(pro). The mutation might shorten the α-helix A′ of domain I and cause a mis-oriented N-terminal finger that could not correctly squeeze into the pocket of another monomer during dimerization, thus destabilizing the dimer structure. Several structural features essential for catalysis and substrate recognition are severely impaired in the G11A monomer. Moreover, domain III rotates dramatically against the chymotrypsin fold compared with the dimer, from which we proposed a putative dimerization model for SARS-CoV 3CL(pro). As the first reported monomer structure for SARS-CoV 3CL(pro), the crystal structure of G11A mutant might provide insight into the dimerization mechanism of the protease and supply direct structural evidence for the incompetence of the dissociated monomer.
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Carer Empowerment Is Key to Reduce Dementia Care Inequalities in the Middle East
Dementia represents a significant problem in the Middle East. Sociocultural and political factors that shape conceptions of health and care tend to stifle research and the dissemination of knowledge throughout the Middle East. These socio-political challenges concerning engagement with individuals living with dementia and their carers include language barriers, stigmatization, logistical constraints, lack of informal support outside of hospitals, and over-dependence on clinicians for dementia information. There is an urgent need in the Middle East to increase care and support for adults with dementia and their carers, enhance research efforts and improve the dissemination of information related to dementia in the region. One possible way to do so is to begin to promote a knowledge-based culture throughout the Middle East. This can be achieved by aligning traditional deterministic and spiritual perspectives of mental health with more Western, scientific, and evidence-based models. We suggest employing practical, multidimensional approaches to deal with the stated challenges, both at individual and societal levels. Doing so will improve knowledge of dementia and allow health and social care systems in the Middle East to begin to address a growing problem.
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A Dynamic Bayesian Model for Identifying High-Mortality Risk in Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients
Introduction: As COVID-19 hospitalization rates remain high, there is an urgent need to identify prognostic factors to improve treatment. Our analysis quantifies the risk associated with dynamic clinical measurements taken throughout the course of hospitalization. Methods: We collected data for 553 PCR-positive hospitalized COVID-19 patients. We collected data on patient characteristics and laboratory values. We trained multivariate Markov prognostic models to identify high-risk patients at admission along with a dynamic measure of risk incorporating time-dependent changes in patients' laboratory values. Results: From the set of factors available upon admission, the Markov model determined that age >80 years, history of coronary artery disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease increased mortality risk. The lab values upon admission most associated with mortality included neutrophil percentage, RBC, RDW, protein levels, platelets count, albumin levels and MCHC. Incorporating dynamic changes in lab values throughout hospitalization lead to dramatic gains in the predictive accuracy of the model and indicated a catalogue of variables for determining high-risk patients. Conclusion: Our prognostic model highlights the nuance of determining risk for COVID-19 patients and indicates that, rather than a single variable, a range of factors (at different points in hospitalization) are needed for effective risk stratification.
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Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activity of advanced-practice nurses on a reference unit for inflammatory bowel disease
Objective To report the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the activity of nurses working on an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) unit and to identify reasons for telehealth care and its relationship to certain characteristics. Background The COVID-19 pandemic had led to an increase in demand for remote care in patients with inflammatory bowel disease who require monitoring and frequent access to health services. Design – methods A retrospective study of all activity (in person and by phone call or email) done on the unit during the acute phase of the pandemic at a reference hospital in Spain. Numbers of activities done by nurses, reasons for telehealth care and sociodemographic and clinical data were collected. Statistical analysis was performed using frequency, chi-squared and analysis of variance tests. Results A total of 1095 activities for 561 patients who received care were reported. Among them, 1042 (95.2%) were telemedicine activities, amounting to a 47.3% increase over the prior year. COVID-19-related activities numbered 588 (59.5%). Consultations due to disease flare-up numbered 134 (13.7%), representing a 145% increase compared to 2019. Significant differences were found between reasons for using telemedicine and diagnosis, occupational status, contact week and treatment. Conclusion The acute phase of the pandemic has changed the activity managed by the nursing staff on the unit. Identifying and analysing these changes has yielded valuable information to achieve more efficient management and better care quality for patients in special situations.
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p Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and its Synthetic Precursors: A Review
Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) is an extremely important drug used for the treatment of various ailments. WHO listed it as one of the essential drugs. The utility of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) as prophylaxis of COVID19, although debated, is well known. We have reviewed synthetic strategies for the industrial and academic synthesis of HCQ and its key intermediates like 4,7-dichloroquinoline (4,7DCQ) and 2-((4-aminopentyl)(ethyl)amino)ethan-1-ol 9 (aka hydroxy novaldiamine;HNDA). The review is expected to provide the right perspective of state-of-the-art knowledge in this field so that further developments are possible.
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How Nutrition can help to fight against COVID-19 Pandemic
Currently Covid-19 pandemic is a leading challenge across the globe. It is mandatory to attain and maintain good nutritional status to fight against virus. Nutritional status of individual is affected by several factors such as age, sex, health status, life style and medications. Nutritional status of individuals has been used as resilience towards destabilization during this COVID-19 pandemic. Optimal nutrition and dietary nutrient intake impact the immune system, therefore the only sustainable way to survive in current context is to strengthen the immune system. There is no evidence found that supplement can cure the immune system except Vit C, which is one of the best way to improve immune system. A proper diet can ensure that the body is in proper state to defeat the virus. However along with the dietary management guidelines the food safety management and good food practices is compulsory. This article explores the importance of nutrition to boost immunity and gives some professional and authentic dietary guidelines about nutrition and food safety to withstand COVID-19.
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Harnessing COVID-Driven Technical Innovations for Improved Multi-Disciplinary Cancer Care in the Post-COVID Era: The Virtual Patient Room
Emergence of the COVID-19 crisis has catalyzed rapid paradigm shifts throughout medicine Even after the initial wave of the virus subsides, a wholesale return to the prior status quo is not prudent As a specialty that values the proper application of new technology, radiation oncology should strive to be at the forefront of harnessing telehealth as an important tool to further optimize patient care We remain cognizant that telehealth cannot and should not be a comprehensive replacement for in-person patient visits because it is not a one for one replacement, dependent on the intention of the visit and patient preference However, we envision the opportunity for the virtual patient "room" where multidisciplinary care may take place from every specialty How we adapt is not an inevitability, but instead, an opportunity to shape the ideal image of our new normal through the choices that we make We have made great strides toward genuine multidisciplinary patient-centered care, but the continued use of telehealth and virtual visits can bring us closer to optimally arranging the spokes of the provider team members around the central hub of the patient as we progress down the road through treatment
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The effects of non-pharmaceutical interventions on SARS-CoV-2 transmission in different socioeconomic populations in Kuwait: a modeling study
BACKGROUND: Aggressive non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) may reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2. The extent to which these interventions are successful in stopping the spread have not been characterized in countries with distinct socioeconomic groups. We compared the effects of a partial lockdown on disease transmission among Kuwaitis (P1) and non-Kuwaitis (P2) living in Kuwait. METHODS: We fit a modified metapopulation SEIR transmission model to reported cases stratified by two groups to estimate the impact of a partial lockdown on the effective reproduction number ([Formula: see text]). We estimated the basic reproduction number ([Formula: see text]) for the transmission in each group and simulated the potential trajectories of an outbreak from the first recorded case of community transmission until 12 days after the partial lockdown. We estimated [Formula: see text] values of both groups before and after the partial curfew, simulated the effect of these values on the epidemic curves and explored a range of cross-transmission scenarios. RESULTS: We estimate [Formula: see text] at 1·08 (95% CI: 1·00-1·26) for P1 and 2·36 (2·03-2·71) for P2. On March 22nd, [Formula: see text] for P1 and P2 are estimated at 1·19 (1·04-1·34) and 1·75 (1·26-2·11) respectively. After the partial curfew had taken effect, [Formula: see text] for P1 dropped modestly to 1·05 (0·82-1·26) but almost doubled for P2 to 2·89 (2·30-3·70). Our simulated epidemic trajectories show that the partial curfew measure greatly reduced and delayed the height of the peak in P1, yet significantly elevated and hastened the peak in P2. Modest cross-transmission between P1 and P2 greatly elevated the height of the peak in P1 and brought it forward in time closer to the peak of P2. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate and quantify how the same lockdown intervention can accentuate disease transmission in some subpopulations while potentially controlling it in others. Any such control may further become compromised in the presence of cross-transmission between subpopulations. Future interventions and policies need to be sensitive to socioeconomic and health disparities.
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Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Based COVID-19 Therapy: Bioengineering Perspectives
The novel pathogenic severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) causes coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are currently utilized in clinics for pulmonary inflammatory diseases, including acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute lung injury. Given that MSCs offer a promising treatment against COVID-19, they are being used against COVID-19 in more than 70 clinical trials with promising findings. Genetically engineered MSCs offer promising therapeutic options in pulmonary diseases. However, their potential has not been explored yet. In this review, we provide perspectives on the functionally modified MSCs that can be developed and harnessed for COVID-19 therapy. Options to manage the SARS-CoV-2 infection and its variants using various bioengineering tools to increase the therapeutic efficacy of MSCs are highlighted.
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Reported COVID-19 Incidence in Wisconsin High School Athletes in Fall 2020
(STATE-XXX = Wisconsin). ABSTRACT: Objective: To describe the incidence of COVID-19 in STATE-XXX high school athletes, and to investigate the relationship of COVID-19 incidence with sport and face mask use.Design: Retrospective survey.Setting: High schools across STATE-XXX during September, 2020.Participants: Athletic directors representing 30,074 high school athletes with and without SARS-CoV-2.Independent Variables: COVID-19 rates among athletes, counties, and STATE-XXX, school instruction type (virtual vs in-person), sport type, face mask use.Main Outcome Measurements: Reported athlete case rates compared to their county's general population. Associations between COVID-19 incidence and sport type and face mask use, adjusting for each school's county incidence using multivariable negative binomial regression models.Results: COVID-19 incidence rates for 207 of 244 responding schools were 32.6 cases per 100,000 player-days. Reported case rates for athletes in each county were positively correlated with the county's general population case rates (ß=1.14±0.20, r=0.60, p<0.001). One case (0.5%) was attributed to sport contact by the reporting schools. No difference was identified between team and individual sports (incidence rate ratio (IRR)=1.03 [95% CI=0.49-2.2], p=0.93) or between non-contact and contact sports (IRR=0.53 [0.23-1.3], p=0.14). Outdoor sports had a lower incidence rate than indoor sports, although this did not reach statistical significance (IRR=0.52 [0.26-1.1], p=0.07). There were no significant associations between COVID-19 incidence and face mask use during play for those sports with greater than 50 schools reporting on face mask use (p>0.05 for all).Conclusions: Incidence of reported COVID-19 among high school athletes was related to county incidence and most cases were attributed to non-sport contact. A lower COVID-19 incidence in outdoor sports approached statistical significance. The lack of a significant benefit of face mask use may be due to relatively low rates of COVID-19 in STATE-XXX during September 2020. Further research is needed to better define COVID-19 transmission risk factors during adolescent sport participation.
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Therapeutic Antibodies Against Shiga Toxins: Trends and Perspectives
Shiga toxins (Stx) are AB(5)-type toxins, composed of five B subunits which bind to Gb(3) host cell receptors and an active A subunit, whose action on the ribosome leads to protein synthesis suppression. The two Stx types (Stx1 and Stx2) and their subtypes can be produced by Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli strains and some Shigella spp. These bacteria colonize the colon and induce diarrhea that may progress to hemorrhagic colitis and in the most severe cases, to hemolytic uremic syndrome, which could lead to death. Since the use of antibiotics in these infections is a topic of great controversy, the treatment remains supportive and there are no specific therapies to ameliorate the course. Therefore, there is an open window for Stx neutralization employing antibodies, which are versatile molecules. Indeed, polyclonal, monoclonal, and recombinant antibodies have been raised and tested in vitro and in vivo assays, showing differences in their neutralizing ability against deleterious effects of Stx. These molecules are in different phases of development for which we decide to present herein an updated report of these antibody molecules, their source, advantages, and disadvantages of the promising ones, as well as the challenges faced until reaching their applicability.
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Liver dysfunction as a respiratory prognostic factor in COVID-19 patients
Respiratory dysfunction is a main clinical symptom of COVID-19. Liver dysfunction is also frequently reported in patients with COVID-19 and considered to be related to a poor prognosis. However, the precise mechanisms behind these findings remain unclear. We investigated the clinical features and prognostic factors related to liver dysfunction in 26 COVID-19 pa-tients. The patients with liver dysfunction had markedly higher WBC, neutrophils, CRP, and frequency of oxygen administration and markedly lower PaO2/FIO2 ratios. The patients with liver dysfunction had longer mean hospital stays. In conclusion, liver dysfunction at hospital admission may be an important prognostic factor for respiratory failure in patients with COVID-19. We must administer intensive care to these patients earlier to inhibit severe disease progression.
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Codon arrangement modulates MHC-I peptides presentation: implications for a SARS-CoV-2 peptide-based vaccine
Among various vaccination strategies, peptide-based vaccines appear as excellent candidates because they are cheap to produce, are highly stable and harbor low toxicity. However, predicting which MHC-I Associated Peptide (MAP) will ultimately reach cell surface remains challenging, due to high false discovery rates. Previously, we demonstrated that synonymous codon arrangement (usage and placement) is predictive of, and modulates MAP presentation. Here, we apply CAMAP (Codon Arrangement MAP Predictor), the artificial neural network we used to unveil the role of codon arrangement in MAP presentation, to predict SARS-CoV MAPs. We report that experimentally identified SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 MAPs are associated with significantly higher CAMAP scores. Based on CAMAP scores and binding affinity, we identified 48 non-overlapping MAP candidates for a peptide-based vaccine, ensuring coverage for a high proportion of HLA haplotypes in the US population (>78%) and SARS-CoV-2 strains (detected in >98% of SARS-CoV-2 strains present in the GISAID database). Finally, we built an interactive web portal (https://www.epitopes.world) where researchers can freely explore CAMAP predictions for SARS-CoV-1/2 viruses. Collectively, we present an analysis framework that can be generalizable to empower the rapid identification of virus-specific MAPs, including in the context of an emergent virus, to help accelerate target identification for peptide-based vaccine designs that could be critical in safely attaining group immunity in the context of a global pandemic.
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Nanotechnologies in Delivery of DNA and mRNA Vaccines to the Nasal and Pulmonary Mucosa
Recent advancements in the field of in vitro transcribed mRNA (IVT-mRNA) vaccination have attracted considerable attention to such vaccination as a cutting-edge technique against infectious diseases including COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2. While numerous pathogens infect the host through the respiratory mucosa, conventional parenterally administered vaccines are unable to induce protective immunity at mucosal surfaces. Mucosal immunization enables the induction of both mucosal and systemic immunity, efficiently removing pathogens from the mucosa before an infection occurs. Although respiratory mucosal vaccination is highly appealing, successful nasal or pulmonary delivery of nucleic acid-based vaccines is challenging because of several physical and biological barriers at the airway mucosal site, such as a variety of protective enzymes and mucociliary clearance, which remove exogenously inhaled substances. Hence, advanced nanotechnologies enabling delivery of DNA and IVT-mRNA to the nasal and pulmonary mucosa are urgently needed. Ideal nanocarriers for nucleic acid vaccines should be able to efficiently load and protect genetic payloads, overcome physical and biological barriers at the airway mucosal site, facilitate transfection in targeted epithelial or antigen-presenting cells, and incorporate adjuvants. In this review, we discuss recent developments in nucleic acid delivery systems that target airway mucosa for vaccination purposes.
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Development and evaluation of an improved laparoscopic myomectomy adopting intracapsular rotary-cut procedures.
OBJECTIVES To develop and evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of Intracapsular Rotary-cut Procedure (IRCP) in laparoscopic myomectomy (LM). STUDY DESIGN It is a retrospective study conducted in Peking University Shenzhen Hospital (PUSH) in Shenzhen, China. A total of 96 patients who were treated with LM because of big and moderate size of myomas in PUSH from January 2013 and December 2015 were enrolled in this study. Among them 35 were managed with IRCP -integrated LM as the study group, while the other 61 were treated with normal LM as the control group. The core steps of IRCP include minimized uterine incision, rotary cuttings in the fibroid inside the pseudocapsule, and preserving the fibers and vessels of the fibroid pseudocapsule. The operation data and outcome variables of each patient in the two groups were collected and compared to evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of this new improved surgery procedure. RESULTS The ages, body mass indexes, main indication for myomectomy, and the diameters, numbers and types of the fibroids of patients in the two groups were similar. There is no significant difference in enucleation time and days of postoperative in-hospital staying between the two groups. In comparison with normal LM, application of IRCP significantly reduced the length of uterine incisions (P=0.000), the overall time of operations (P=0.001), and the time for uterine cavity suturing (P=0.000), and application of IRCP was also associated with less operation bleeding (P=0.003) and postoperative hemoglobin dropping (P=0.001). Five cases (8.2%) in the control group were referred to laparotomy, while no case was done so in the study group. No patient in the study group needed blood transfusion but six patients (9.8%) in the control group did. Follow-up to all the patients showed no uterine malignant tumor. CONCLUSIONS Our study provided strong supportive evidences showing that Intracapsular Rotary-cut Procedures is safe and practicable. The less uterine incision length, less surgery time, and less bleeding than the normal LM procedures all suggests that IRCP should be adopted in LM for facilitation to the operation procedures, minimization of operative invasiveness, and protection to patients' infertility.
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Millennial preferences in training messages: The role of teamwork and corporate social responsibility
BACKGROUND: As the last of the millennial generation is graduating and entering the work force, it has become imperative to devise new ways of engaging this group in safety initiatives. OBJECTIVE: This study seeks to investigate if messages aligned with particular identified millennial workplace culture preferences (i.e. teamwork and CSR) can more effectively engage millennial workers. METHODS: Thirty participants completed surveys to determine their predisposed attitudes of teamwork and CSR. They then viewed three versions of a safety presentation each addressing the same topic and information, but each with a different theme behind their safety message (i.e. control, teamwork, and CSR). RESULTS: The pooled teamwork and CSR data showed that these messages were favored in larger proportion than the control message. No statistically significant differences were found between the three messages when analyzed individually. CONCLUSIONS: ANOVA analyses showed a significant difference between the control presentation data and the pooled teamwork and CSR presentation data indicating that millennials prefer safety messages aligned with teamwork and social responsibility to a safety message with no extrinsic motivational theme.
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Comparison of Permacol™ and Strattice™ for the repair of abdominal wall defects.
BACKGROUND Incisional hernias repaired with mesh can be expected have a lower recurrence rate than with primary repair. Biologic implants have replaced synthetic meshes in certain complex settings. We compared two porcine-dermis derived implants--cross-linked Permacol™ biologic implant and non-cross linked Strattice-firm™ tissue matrix--in a ventral hernia animal model. Our hypothesis is that cross-linked biologic implants are remodeled differently and thus behave differently than non-cross-linked biologic implants. METHODS Eighty-nine, female Sprague-Dawley rats had a 3 × 3 cm full-thickness segment of the abdominal wall excised. A 3 × 3 cm biologic mesh, either Permacol™ or Strattice™, was secured and the skin was closed. At 1-, 3-, 6- and 12-month time intervals, rats in each group were sacrificed and the mesh was excised. The number of adhesions, surface area, mesh thickness and tensile strength were determined, and immunohistochemical analysis performed. RESULTS Permacol™ biologic implant maintained thickness while Strattice™ thickness decreased significantly starting at 3 months. Adhesion area and tenacity were not significantly different between Permacol™ and Strattice™ at all time points. The tensile strength of the Permacol™ biologic implant was greater than that of Strattice™ at 3, 6 and 12 months. Migration of host cells and neo-vascularization was observed in both implant groups. CONCLUSIONS Cross-linked materials may prove more durable in the remodeling process as suggested by the increased thinning and weakening observed in non-cross-linked biomesh.
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Pharmacokinetic modelling to estimate intracellular favipiravir ribofuranosyl-5′-triphosphate exposure to support posology for SARS-CoV-2
OBJECTIVES: Favipiravir has discrepant activity against SARS-CoV-2 in vitro, concerns about teratogenicity and pill burden, and an unknown optimal dose. This analysis used available data to simulate the intracellular pharmacokinetics of the favipiravir active metabolite [favipiravir ribofuranosyl-5′-triphosphate (FAVI-RTP)]. METHODS: Published in vitro data for intracellular production and elimination of FAVI-RTP in Madin–Darby canine kidney cells were fitted with a mathematical model describing the time course of intracellular FAVI-RTP as a function of favipiravir concentration. Parameter estimates were then combined with a published population pharmacokinetic model in Chinese patients to predict human intracellular FAVI-RTP. In vitro FAVI-RTP data were adequately described as a function of concentrations with an empirical model, noting simplification and consolidation of various processes and several assumptions. RESULTS: Parameter estimates from fittings to in vitro data predict a flatter dynamic range of peak to trough for intracellular FAVI-RTP (peak to trough ratio of ∼1 to 1) when driven by a predicted free plasma concentration profile, compared with the plasma profile of parent favipiravir (ratio of ∼2 to 1). This approach has important assumptions, but indicates that, despite rapid clearance of the parent from plasma, sufficient intracellular FAVI-RTP may be maintained across the dosing interval because of its long intracellular half-life. CONCLUSIONS: Population mean intracellular FAVI-RTP concentrations are estimated to be maintained above the Km for the SARS-CoV-2 polymerase for 9 days with a 1200 mg twice-daily regimen (following a 1600 mg twice-daily loading dose on day 1). Further evaluation of favipiravir as part of antiviral combinations for SARS-CoV-2 is warranted.
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The Development of Healthcare Jobs in the COVID-Pandemic—A New Economic Market
BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic commenced in China and has caused the death of numerous people globally. Despite the adverse effects, the outbreak has created room for job opportunities in healthcare, particularly the pharmaceutical domain. The main goal of this study is to examine how the current pandemic has triggered job creation in the healthcare domain and created a new economic market. METHODS: The study used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic and Meta-analyses for Scoping Review (PRISMA-ScR) to structure the manuscript and the subheadings to use. The source used to gather data is the PubMed database. RESULTS: The study exclusively included fourteen articles, five of which focused on the pharmaceutical sector, three focused on vaccine sales, three on vaccination centers, and three on testing centers. CONCLUSION: The COVID-19 pandemic has created job opportunities in the healthcare sector. Most jobs are in the pharmaceutical sector, vaccination, and testing centers. However, more comprehensive research on the topic is necessary to gather conclusive outcomes on whether these jobs will be relevant after the pandemic.
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The Dual Complexity of PTX3 in Health and Disease: A Balancing Act?
The humoral arm of innate immunity is complex and includes various molecules that serve as markers of inflammation with complementary characteristics, such as the short pentraxins C reactive protein (CRP), Serum Amyloid P (SAP) and the long pentraxin, PTX3. There is a growing amount of evidence — including mouse and human genetics — that suggests that PTX3 is essential in conferring host resistance against selected pathogens and moreover, that it plays a dual antagonistic role in the regulation of inflammation. Dissection of such a yin and yang role of pentraxins in immunity and inflammation is timely and significant as it may pave the way to achieve better clinical exploitation against various diseases.
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Envisioning opportunities and movement for the future of academic libraries
As we reflect on the experiences and lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic and illuminate gaps in library services, infrastructure, and community support, it is timely and critical to explore new opportunities and movements that may change the way libraries operate and respond to a disruptive landscape. This work proposes sociotechnical reconfiguration of academic libraries in support of human-computer, human-environment, and cyber-physical interactions for a smart and resilient future. The identified opportunities and movement range from addressing AI for social good in the library environment, to implementing smart assistants or digital agents for interactive information inquiry, and from leading social justice and diversity inclusion efforts, to participating in the social studies and equitable design of technology. © 2021 David Baker and Lucy Ellis Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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Measuring economies' pivotability on the global value chain under the perspective of inter-country input-output network
Under the dual background of trade disputes between China and the United States and the epidemic of 2019 novel coronavirus, the existing Global Value Chain (GVC) division and trading system are facing unprecedented impact. This paper reinforces the present studies on international trade by analyzing the fragments of GVC, which are made of numerous Inter-Country Input-Output (ICIO) relations. We first redefine the inter-country and inter-sector propagating process of intermediate goods, coming up with the concept of Strongest Relevance Path Length (SRPL) based on Revised Floyd-Warshall Algorithm (RFWA). Second, enlightened by betweenness centrality, we introduce Weighted Betweenness Centrality of Edge based on RFWA to measure the Value-Added Pivotability of Input-Output Relations, which brings forth pivotability at domestic, international, and global levels. The results show how much a given country can influence the world economic pattern by linking worldwide upstream and downstream industrial sectors, be it at home or abroad. Also, we can try to explain what is the cause of the phenomenon that the economic influence of nations is trading off and taking turns with all sorts of local or even global evens happening. © 2021 World Scientific Publishing Company.
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Dynamic mRNA and miRNA expression of the head during early development in bighead carp (Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)
BACKGROUND: Head of fish species, an exquisitely complex anatomical system, is important not only for studying fish evolution and development, but also for economic values. Currently, although some studies have been made on fish growth and body shapes, very limited information is available on the molecular mechanism of head development. RESULTS: In this study, RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) and small RNA sequencing (sRNA-Seq) technologies were used to conduct integrated analysis for the head of bighead carp at different development stages, including 1, 3, 5, 15 and 30 Dph (days post hatch). By RNA-Seq data, 26 pathways related to growth and bone formation were identified as the main physiological processes during early development. Coupling this to sRNA-Seq data, we picked out six key pathways that may be responsible for head development, namely ECM receptor interaction, TNF signaling pathway, osteoclast differentiation, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction and Jak-STAT signaling pathway. Totally, 114 important candidate genes from the six pathways were obtained. Then we found the top 20 key genes according to the degree value by cytohubba, which regulated cell growth, skeletal formation and blood homeostasis, such as pik3ca, pik3r1, egfr, vegfa, igf1 and itga2b. Finally, we also acquired 19 key miRNAs playing multiple roles in the perfection of various tissues in the head (such as brain, eye and mouth) and mineralization of head bone system, such as let-7e, miR-142a-5p, miR-144-3p, miR-23a-3p and miR-223. CONCLUSIONS: Results of this study will be informative for genetic mechanisms of head development and also provide potential candidate targets for the interaction regulation during early growth in bighead carp.
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Public transport trends in Australia during the COVID-19 pandemic: An investigation of the influence of bio-security concerns on trip behaviour
This paper draws on findings from an Australia-wide survey with data collected in three waves throughout 2020 to explore the impact of COVID-19 on public transport trends in metropolitan areas of Australia. Following consideration of the public transport sector response to the pandemic and the emerging literature context, we explore three principal questions: (i) How has weekly travel composition changed across the waves? (ii) How has level of concern with using public transport changed over the course of the pandemic given new bio-security concerns? and (iii) How has attitudes to risk been associated with the changes in PT use? A key finding is that concerns over bio-security issues around public transport are enduring, that concern about hygiene is significantly negatively related to public transport use and that those with higher concern about the hygiene of public transport also held higher concern about COVID-19 at work. Even as COVID-19 restrictions are eased, both concern about crowds and hygiene have a significant and negative correlation with public transport use. Concluding remarks are offered on what might need to happen for public transport patronage to start returning.
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EFL Students' Self-Regulated Learning Strategies during the Covid-19 Pandemic
In the current contexts of Vietnam, college students are taking entirely or partially online courses due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, students should develop and optimally employ self-regulated learning strategies for effective learning outcomes. Research also indicates that self-regulation among students is linked to the 21st century skills. With this in mind, the present study attempts to investigate the self-regulated learning strategies of English-as-a foreign-language (EFL) students from a local university in Vietnam. The study aims to identify EFL students' self-regulation level, correlation between their two cognition knowledge and cognition regulation, and the correlation between their self-regulation level and GPA. Data is collected via a survey questionnaire encompassing two core components of cognition knowledge and cognition regulation. The results show a high level of the involved students' self-regulation, a correlation between their cognition knowledge and cognition regulation, but a gap between their self-regulation level and GPA. On the obtained findings, pedagogical implications are addressed, and further research is suggested.
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Insertion/Deletion Polymorphism of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Gene in Kawasaki Disease
Polymorphism of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) gene is reported to be associated with ischemic heart disease, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. In this study, we investigated the relationship between Kawasaki disease and insertion/deletion polymorphism of ACE gene. Fifty five Kawasaki disease patients and 43 healthy children were enrolled. ACE genotype was evaluated from each of the subjects' DNA fragments through polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Frequencies of ACE genotypes (DD, ID, II) were 12.7%, 60.0%, 27.3% in Kawasaki group, and 41.9%, 30.2%, 27.9% in control group respectively, indicating low rate of DD and high rate of ID genotype among Kawasaki patients (p<0.01). Comparing allelic (I, D) frequencies, I allele was more prevalent in Kawasaki group than in control group (57.3% vs. 43.0%, p<0.05). In Kawasaki group, both genotype and allelic frequencies were not statistically different between those with coronary dilatations and those without. ACE gene I/D polymorphism is thought to be associated with Kawasaki disease but not with the development of coronary dilatations.
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Retrospective Evaluation of Progenitor Biological Bandage Use: A Complementary and Safe Therapeutic Management Option for Prevention of Hypertrophic Scarring in Pediatric Burn Care
Progenitor Biological Bandages (PBB) have been continuously applied clinically in the Lausanne Burn Center for over two decades. Vast translational experience and hindsight have been gathered, specifically for cutaneous healing promotion of donor-site grafts and second-degree pediatric burns. PBBs constitute combined Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, containing viable cultured allogeneic fetal dermal progenitor fibroblasts. Such constructs may partly favor repair and regeneration of functional cutaneous tissues by releasing cytokines and growth factors, potentially negating the need for subsequent skin grafting, while reducing the formation of hypertrophic scar tissues. This retrospective case-control study (2010–2018) of pediatric second-degree burn patients comprehensively compared two initial wound treatment options (i.e., PBBs versus Aquacel(®) Ag, applied during ten to twelve days post-trauma). Results confirmed clinical safety of PBBs with regard to morbidity, mortality, and overall complications. No difference was detected between groups for length of hospitalization or initial relative burn surface decreasing rates. Nevertheless, a trend was observed in younger patients treated with PBBs, requiring fewer corrective interventions or subsequent skin grafting. Importantly, significant improvements were observed in the PBB group regarding hypertrophic scarring (i.e., reduced number of scar complications and related corrective interventions). Such results establish evidence of clinical benefits yielded by the Swiss fetal progenitor cell transplantation program and favor further implementation of specific cell therapies in highly specialized regenerative medicine.
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A new logistic growth model applied to COVID-19 fatality data
Background: Recent work showed that the temporal growth of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) follows a sub-exponential power-law scaling whenever effective control interventions are in place. Taking this into consideration, we present a new phenomenological logistic model that is well-suited for such power-law epidemic growth. Methods: We empirically develop the logistic growth model using simple scaling arguments, known boundary conditions and a comparison with available data from four countries, Belgium, China, Denmark and Germany, where (arguably) effective containment measures were put in place during the first wave of the pandemic. A non-linear least-squares minimization algorithm is used to map the parameter space and make optimal predictions. Results: Unlike other logistic growth models, our presented model is shown to consistently make accurate predictions of peak heights, peak locations and cumulative saturation values for incomplete epidemic growth curves. We further show that the power-law growth model also works reasonably well when containment and lock down strategies are not as stringent as they were during the first wave of infections in 2020. On the basis of this agreement, the model was used to forecast COVID-19 fatalities for the third wave in South Africa, which is currently in progress. Conclusions: We anticipate that our presented model will be useful for a similar forecasting of COVID-19 induced infections/deaths in other regions as well as other cases of infectious disease outbreaks, particularly when power-law scaling is observed.
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Spinal cord injury in the United States Army Special Forces
OBJECTIVE: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is an area of key interest in military medicine but has not been studied among the US Army Special Forces (SF), the most elite group of US soldiers. SF soldiers make up a disproportionate 60% of all Special Operations casualties. The objective of this study was to better understand SCI incidence in the SF, its mechanisms of acquisition, and potential areas for intervention by addressing key issues pertaining to protective equipment and body armor use. METHODS: An electronic survey questionnaire was formulated with the close collaboration of US board-certified neurosurgeons from the Mount Sinai Hospital and Cleveland Clinic Departments of Neurosurgery, retired military personnel of the SF, and operational staff of the Green Beret Foundation. The survey was sent to approximately 6000 SF soldiers to understand SCI diagnosis and its associations with various health and military variables. RESULTS: The response rate was 8.2%. Among the 492 respondents, 94 (19.1%) self-reported an SCI diagnosis. An airborne operation was the most commonly attributed cause (54.8%). Moreover, 87.1% of SF soldiers reported wearing headgear at the time of injury, but only 36.6% reported wearing body armor, even though body armor use has significantly increased in post-9/11 SF soldiers compared with that in their pre-9/11 counterparts. SCI was significantly associated with traumatic brain injury, arthritis, low sperm count, low testosterone, erectile dysfunction, tinnitus, hyperacusis, sleep apnea, posttraumatic stress disorder, major depressive disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder. Only 16.5% of SF soldiers diagnosed with SCI had been rescued via medical evacuation (medevac) for treatment. CONCLUSIONS: A high number of SF soldiers self-reported an SCI diagnosis. Airborne operations landings were the leading cause of SCI, which coincided with warfare tactics employed during the Persian Gulf War, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and other conflicts. A majority of SCIs occurred while wearing headgear and no body armor, suggesting the need for improvements in protective equipment use and design. The low rate of medevac rescue for these injuries may suggest that medical rescue was not attainable at the time or that certain SCIs were deemed minor at the time of injury.
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Relationship between aneurysm occlusion and flow diverting device oversizing in a rabbit model.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Implanted, actual flow diverter pore density is thought to be strongly influenced by proper matching between the device size and parent artery diameter. The objective of this study was to characterize the correlation between device sizing, metal coverage, and the resultant occlusion of aneurysms following flow diverter treatment in a rabbit model. METHODS Rabbit saccular aneurysms were treated with flow diverters (iso-sized to proximal parent artery, 0.5 mm oversized, or 1.0 mm oversized, respectively, n=6 for each group). Eight weeks after implantation, the angiographic degree of aneurysm occlusion was graded (complete, near-complete, or incomplete). The ostium of the explanted aneurysm covered with the flow diverter struts was photographed. Based on gross anatomic findings, the metal coverage and pore density at the ostium of the aneurysm were calculated and correlated with the degree of aneurysm occlusion. RESULTS Angiographic results showed there were no statistically significant differences in aneurysm geometry and occlusion among groups. The mean parent artery diameter to flow diverter diameter ratio was higher in the 1.0 mm oversized group than in the other groups. Neither the percentage metal coverage nor the pore density showed statistically significant differences among groups. Aneurysm occlusion was inversely correlated with the ostium diameter, irrespective of the size of the device implanted. CONCLUSIONS Device sizing alone does not predict resultant pore density or metal coverage following flow diverter implantation in the rabbit aneurysm model. Aneurysm occlusion was not impacted by either metal coverage or pore density, but was inversely correlated with the diameter of the ostium.
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Occupation and COVID-19 mortality in England: a national linked data study of 14.3 million adults
Objective: To estimate occupational differences in COVID-19 mortality, and test whether these are confounded by factors, such as regional differences, ethnicity and education or due to non-workplace factors, such as deprivation or pre-pandemic health. Design: Retrospective cohort study Setting: People living in private households England Participants: 14,295,900 people aged 40-64 years (mean age 52 years, 51% female) who were alive on 24 January 2020, living in private households in England in 2019, were employed in 2011, and completed the 2011 census. Main outcome measures: COVID-19 related death, assessed between 24 January 2020 and 28 December 2020. We estimated age-standardised mortality rates per 100,000 person-years at risk (ASMR) stratified by sex and occupations. To estimate the effect of occupation due to work-related exposures, we used Cox proportional hazard models to adjust for confounding (region, ethnicity, education), as well as non-workplace factors that are related to occupation. Results: There is wide variation between occupations in COVID-19 mortality. Several occupations, particularly those involving contact with patients or the public, show three-fold or four-fold risks. These elevated risks were greatly attenuated after adjustment for confounding and mediating non-workplace factors. For example, the hazard ratio (HR) for men working as taxi and cab drivers or chauffeurs changed from 4.60 [95%CI 3.62-5.84] to 1.47 [1.14-1.89] after adjustment. More generally, the overall HR for men working in essential occupations compared with men in non-essential occupations changed from 1.45 [1.34 - 1.56] to 1.22 [1.13 - 1.32] after adjustment. For most occupations, confounding and other mediating factors explained about 70% to 80% of the age-adjusted hazard ratios. Conclusions Working conditions are likely to play a role in COVID-19 mortality, particularly in occupations involving contact with COVID-19 patients or the public. However, there is also a substantial contribution from non-workplace factors, including regional factors, socio-demographic factors, and pre-pandemic health.
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Variation of Genomic Sites Associated with Severe Covid-19 Across Populations: Global and National Patterns
BACKGROUND: Information about the distribution of clinically significant genetic markers in different populations may be helpful in elaborating personalized approaches to the clinical management of COVID-19 in the absence of consensus guidelines. AIM: Analyze frequencies and distribution patterns of two markers associated with severe COVID-19 (rs11385942 and rs657152) and look for potential correlations between these markers and deaths from COVID-19 among populations in Russia and across the world. METHODS: We genotyped 1883 samples from 91 ethnic groups pooled into 28 populations representing Russia and its neighbor states. We also compiled a dataset on 32 populations from other regions using genotypes extracted or imputed from the available databases. Geographic maps showing the frequency distribution of the analyzed markers were constructed using the obtained data. RESULTS: The cartographic analysis revealed that rs11385942 distribution follows the West Eurasian pattern: the marker is frequent among the populations of Europe, West Asia and South Asia but rare or absent in all other parts of the globe. Notably, the transition from high to low rs11385942 frequencies across Eurasia is not abrupt but follows the clinal variation pattern instead. The distribution of rs657152 is more homogeneous. The analysis of correlations between the frequencies of the studied markers and the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 in a population revealed that higher frequencies of both risk alleles correlated positively with mortality from this disease. For rs657152, the correlation was especially strong (r = 0.59, p = 0.02). These reasonable correlations were observed for the “Russian” dataset only: no such correlations were established for the “world” dataset. This could be attributed to the differences in methodology used to collect COVID-19 statistics in different countries. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that genetic differences between populations make a small yet tangible contribution to the heterogeneity of the pandemic worldwide.
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PEGylated Lipid Polymeric Nanoparticle–Encapsulated Acyclovir for In Vitro Controlled Release and Ex Vivo Gut Sac Permeation
Currently, pharmaceutical research is directed wide range for developing new drugs for oral administration to target disease. Acyclovir formulation is having common issues of short half-life and poor permeability, causing messy treatment which results in patient incompliance. The present study formulates a lipid polymeric hybrid nanoparticles for antiviral acyclovir (ACV) agent with Phospholipon® 90G (lecithin), chitosan, and polyethylene glycol (PEG) to improve controlled release of the drugs. The study focused on the encapsulation of the ACV in lipid polymeric particle and their sustained delivery. The formulation developed for the self-assembly of chitosan and lecithin to form a shell encapsulating acyclovir, followed by PEGylation. Optimisation was performed via Box-Behnken Design (BBD), forming nanoparticles with size of 187.7 ± 3.75 nm, 83.81 ± 1.93% drug-entrapped efficiency (EE), and + 37.7 ± 1.16 mV zeta potential. Scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy images displayed spherical nanoparticles formation. Encapsulation of ACV and complexity with other physical parameters are confirmed through analysis using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, and X-ray diffraction. Nanoparticle produced was capable of achieving 24-h sustained release in vitro on gastric and intestinal environments. Ex vivo study proved the improvement of acyclovir’s apparent permeability from 2 × 10(−6) to 6.46 × 10(−6) cm s(−1). Acyclovir new formulation was achieved to be stable up to 60 days for controlled release of the drugs. [Figure: see text]
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Emergency Department Response to SARS, Taiwan
How emergency departments of different levels and types cope with a large-scale contagious infectious disease is unclear. We retrospectively analyzed the response of 100 emergency departments regarding use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and implementation of infection control measures (ICMs) during the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak in Taiwan. Emergency department workers in large hospitals were more severely affected by the epidemic. Large hospitals or public hospitals were more likely to use respirators. Small hospitals implemented more restrictive ICMs. Most emergency departments provided PPE (80%) and implemented ICMs (66%) at late stages of the outbreak. Instructions to use PPE or ICMs more frequently originated by emergency department administrators. The difficulty of implementing ICMs was significantly negatively correlated with their effectiveness. Because ability to prepare for and respond to emerging infectious diseases varies among hospitals, grouping infectious patients in a centralized location in an early stage of infection may reduce the extent of epidemics.
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COVID-19 prevention and multiple sclerosis management: the SAFE pathway for the post-peak
BACKGROUND: We hereby report on our experience from Naples (South Italy), where the peak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has already passed. METHODS: Assuming that COVID-19 will be circulating until vaccination and/or herd immunity is achieved (possibly not earlier than 2021), we have developed a protocol for the long-term management of multiple sclerosis (MS). RESULTS: We have defined a pathway for the access to the MS Centre with logistic, preventative and clinical recommendations, and have also included 14-day self-isolation and COVID-19 testing before some disease modifying treatments. DISCUSSION: Overall, we believe our experience could be helpful for MS management in the upcoming months.
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Rapid and simple detection of Phytophthora cactorum in strawberry using a coupled recombinase polymerase amplification–lateral flow strip assay
Phytophthora cactorum is a devastating pathogen that infects a wide range of plants and causes Phytophthora rot disease, which has resulted in great economic losses in crop production. Therefore, the rapid and practicable detection of P. cactorum is important for disease monitoring and forecasting. In this study, we developed a lateral flow recombinase polymerase amplification (LF-RPA) assay for the sensitive visual detection of P. cactorum. Specific primers for P. cactorum were designed based on the ras-related protein gene Ypt1; all 10 P. cactorum isolates yielded positive detection results, whereas no cross-reaction occurred in related oomycete or fungal species. The detection limit for the LF-RPA assay was 100 fg of genomic DNA under optimized conditions. Combined with a simplified alkaline lysis method for plant DNA extraction, the LF-RPA assay successfully detected P. cactorum in naturally diseased strawberry samples without specialized equipment within 40 min. Thus, the LF-RPA assay developed in this study is a rapid, simple, and accurate method for the detection of P. cactorum, with the potential for further application in resource-limited laboratories. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1186/s42483-021-00089-8.
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Protocol of recommendations for the perioperative management of the surgical patient COVID-19: «Code PO COVID-19»
Currently, there is an undetermined number of surgical patients infected with coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) due to the fact that its spread has been carried out at an unprecedented speed, for which reason the surgical areas have had to be reinforced In the context of viral transmission risk procedures, the surgical team does not escape the high risk of contagion due to infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus The epidemiology of surgical pathologies will always have their prevalence, even in times of pandemic A non-systematic review of the recommendations for the perioperative management of the COVID-19 patient published to date was carried out in order to organize and integrate the information regarding the perioperative management of the COVID-19 surgical patient in order to systematize the same language adapted to the individual needs of each institution with the particularity of basing the management of this type of patients in 10 steps and thus safeguarding the integrity and protection of both health personnel and the patient himself © 2020, Colegio Mexicano de Anestesiologia A C All rights reserved
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Risk of hospital admission with covid-19 among teachers compared with healthcare workers and other adults of working age in Scotland, March 2020 to July 2021: population based case-control study
OBJECTIVE: To determine the risk of hospital admission with covid-19 and severe covid-19 among teachers and their household members, overall and compared with healthcare workers and adults of working age in the general population. DESIGN: Population based nested case-control study. SETTING: Scotland, March 2020 to July 2021, during defined periods of school closures and full openings in response to covid-19. PARTICIPANTS: All cases of covid-19 in adults aged 21 to 65 (n=132 420) and a random sample of controls matched on age, sex, and general practice (n=1 306 566). Adults were identified as actively teaching in a Scottish school by the General Teaching Council for Scotland, and their household members were identified through the unique property reference number. The comparator groups were adults identified as healthcare workers in Scotland, their household members, and the remaining general population of working age. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The primary outcome was hospital admission with covid-19, defined as having a positive test result for SARS-CoV-2 during hospital admission, being admitted to hospital within 28 days of a positive test result, or receiving a diagnosis of covid-19 on discharge from hospital. Severe covid-19 was defined as being admitted to intensive care or dying within 28 days of a positive test result or assigned covid-19 as a cause of death. RESULTS: Most teachers were young (mean age 42), were women (80%), and had no comorbidities (84%). The risk (cumulative incidence) of hospital admission with covid-19 was <1% for all adults of working age in the general population. Over the study period, in conditional logistic regression models adjusted for age, sex, general practice, race/ethnicity, deprivation, number of comorbidities, and number of adults in the household, teachers showed a lower risk of hospital admission with covid-19 (rate ratio 0.77, 95% confidence interval 0.64 to 0.92) and of severe covid-19 (0.56, 0.33 to 0.97) than the general population. In the first period when schools in Scotland reopened, in autumn 2020, the rate ratio for hospital admission in teachers was 1.20 (0.89 to 1.61) and for severe covid-19 was 0.45 (0.13 to 1.55). The corresponding findings for household members of teachers were 0.91 (0.67 to 1.23) and 0.73 (0.37 to 1.44), and for patient facing healthcare workers were 2.08 (1.73 to 2.50) and 2.26 (1.43 to 3.59). Similar risks were seen for teachers in the second period, when schools reopened in summer 2021. These values were higher than those seen in spring/summer 2020, when schools were mostly closed. CONCLUSION: Compared with adults of working age who are otherwise similar, teachers and their household members were not found to be at increased risk of hospital admission with covid-19 and were found to be at lower risk of severe covid-19. These findings should reassure those who are engaged in face-to-face teaching.
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Reducing the Burden of Care: Multidisciplinary Management of Late-Manifested Crouzon Syndrome-A Case Report
The therapy of patients with Crouzon syndrome involves a multidisciplinary team. In most cases, this therapy is extensive, time-consuming, and exhausting for the patient. This case report illustrates a temporally coordinated therapy plan that succeeds in reducing the burden of care. Showing typical extraoral characteristics of Crouzon syndrome, the patient had a frontal and left-sided crossbite, and impaction of the maxillary canines. Multidisciplinary therapy included the extraction of multiple teeth, midface distraction at Le Fort III level, and alignment of the impacted teeth. Before starting, during, and after completion of the treatment, the patient's oral health-related quality of life was assessed using COHIP-19. The combination of different treatment steps significantly reduced the duration of therapy. The therapy improved not only the patient's oro- and craniofacial function, but also the patient's facial appearance in a short treatment period. The patient's quality of life improved considerably during this time. In the treatment of severe craniofacial anomalies, the highest priority should be given to keeping the burden of care low. All measures should encourage young patients' appropriate psychosocial development despite extensive therapies, ensuring at the same time medically satisfactory treatment results.
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Imaging of Hepatitis B Virus Nucleic Acids: Current Advances and Challenges
Hepatitis B virus infections are the main reason for hepatocellular carcinoma development. Current treatment reduces the viral load but rarely leads to virus elimination. Despite its medical importance, little is known about infection dynamics on the cellular level not at least due to technical obstacles. Regardless of infections leading to extreme viral loads, which may reach 1010 virions per mL serum, hepatitis B viruses are of low abundance and productivity in individual cells. Imaging of the infections in cells is thus a particular challenge especially for cccDNA that exists only in a few copies. The review describes the significance of microscopical approaches on genome and transcript detection for understanding hepatitis B virus infections, implications for understanding treatment outcomes, and recent microscopical approaches, which have not been applied in HBV research.
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Characterizing the effective reproduction number during the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from Qatar’s experience
BACKGROUND: The effective reproduction number, R(t), is a tool to track and understand pandemic dynamics. This investigation of R(t) estimations was conducted to guide the national COVID-19 response in Qatar, from the onset of the pandemic until August 18, 2021. METHODS: Real-time “empirical” R(t)(Empirical) was estimated using five methods, including the Robert Koch Institute, Cislaghi, Systrom-Bettencourt and Ribeiro, Wallinga and Teunis, and Cori et al. methods. R(t) was also estimated using a transmission dynamics model (R(t)(Model-based)). Uncertainty and sensitivity analyses were conducted. Correlations between different R(t) estimates were assessed by calculating correlation coefficients, and agreements between these estimates were assessed through Bland-Altman plots. RESULTS: R(t)(Empirical) captured the evolution of the pandemic through three waves, public health response landmarks, effects of major social events, transient fluctuations coinciding with significant clusters of infection, and introduction and expansion of the Alpha (B.1.1.7) variant. The various estimation methods produced consistent and overall comparable R(t)(Empirical) estimates with generally large correlation coefficients. The Wallinga and Teunis method was the fastest at detecting changes in pandemic dynamics. R(t)(Empirical) estimates were consistent whether using time series of symptomatic PCR-confirmed cases, all PCR-confirmed cases, acute-care hospital admissions, or ICU-care hospital admissions, to proxy trends in true infection incidence. R(t)(Model-based) correlated strongly with R(t)(Empirical) and provided an average R(t)(Empirical). CONCLUSIONS: R(t) estimations were robust and generated consistent results regardless of the data source or the method of estimation. Findings affirmed an influential role for R(t) estimations in guiding national responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, even in resource-limited settings.
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Emotionally based school non-attendance: two successful returns to school following lockdown
Emotionally based school non-attendance (EBSNA) needs are complex, with a distinctive combination of risk factors affecting each individual. This study presents an exploration of the perceived facilitators to successful returns to school for two primary-aged children who had previously experienced anxiety around school attendance. The perspectives of parents, school staff, and educational psychologists were gathered using semi-structured interviews to identify effective support. A reflexive thematic analysis was conducted to generate themes. Findings demonstrate that the support in each case was highly individualised. Key facilitators considered to achieve this included: effective home-school communication;taking a functional approach;engaging other professional support;cultivating positive relationships;and practitioners regularly reflecting on their practice. The significant overlap between themes supports an interactionist, ecological model of early identification and intervention for EBSNA difficulties. Implications for practitioners include the need to ensure a reflective, individualised approach, and the importance of facilitating the home-school relationship.
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Predicting the treatment response of certolizumab for individual adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis: protocol for an individual participant data meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: A model that can predict treatment response for a patient with specific baseline characteristics would help decision-making in personalized medicine. The aim of the study is to develop such a model in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients who receive certolizumab (CTZ) plus methotrexate (MTX) therapy, using individual participant data meta-analysis (IPD-MA). METHODS: We will search Cochrane CENTRAL, PubMed, and Scopus as well as clinical trial registries, drug regulatory agency reports, and the pharmaceutical company websites from their inception onwards to obtain randomized controlled trials (RCTs) investigating CTZ plus MTX compared with MTX alone in treating RA. We will request the individual-level data of these trials from an independent platform (http://vivli.org). The primary outcome is efficacy defined as achieving either remission (based on ACR-EULAR Boolean or index-based remission definition) or low disease activity (based on either of the validated composite disease activity measures). The secondary outcomes include ACR50 (50% improvement based on ACR core set variables) and adverse events. We will use a two-stage approach to develop the prediction model. First, we will construct a risk model for the outcomes via logistic regression to estimate the baseline risk scores. We will include baseline demographic, clinical, and biochemical features as covariates for this model. Next, we will develop a meta-regression model for treatment effects, in which the stage 1 risk score will be used both as a prognostic factor and as an effect modifier. We will calculate the probability of having the outcome for a new patient based on the model, which will allow estimation of the absolute and relative treatment effect. We will use R for our analyses, except for the second stage which will be performed in a Bayesian setting using R2Jags. DISCUSSION: This is a study protocol for developing a model to predict treatment response for RA patients receiving CTZ plus MTX in comparison with MTX alone, using a two-stage approach based on IPD-MA. The study will use a new modeling approach, which aims at retaining the statistical power. The model may help clinicians individualize treatment for particular patients. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION: PROSPERO registration number pending (ID#157595).
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Increased plastic pollution due to Covid-19 pandemic: challenges and recommendations
Plastics have become a severe transboundary threat to natural ecosystems and human health, with studies predicting a twofold increase in the number of plastic debris (including micro and nano-sized plastics) by 2030. However, such predictions will likely be aggravated by the excessive use and consumption of single-use plastics (including personal protective equipment such as masks and gloves) due to COVID-19 pandemic. This review aimed to provide a comprehensive overview on the effects of COVID-19 on macroplastic pollution and its potential implications on the environment and human health considering short- and long-term scenarios; addressing the main challenges and discussing potential strategies to overcome them. It emphasises that future measures, involved in an emergent health crisis or not, should reflect a balance between public health and environmental safety as they are both undoubtedly connected. Although the use and consumption of plastics significantly improved our quality of life, it is crucial to shift towards sustainable alternatives, such as bio-based plastics. Plastics should remain in the top of the political agenda in Europe and across the world, not only to minimise plastic leakage and pollution, but to promote sustainable growth and to stimulate both green and blue- economies. Discussions on this topic, particularly considering the excessive use of plastic, should start soon with the involvement of the scientific community, plastic producers and politicians in order to be prepared for the near future.
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Prototyping Controlled Mathematical Languages in Jupyter Notebooks
The Grammatical Logical Framework (GLF) is a framework for prototyping the translation of natural language sentences into logic. The motivation behind GLF was to apply it to mathematical language, as the classical compositional approach to semantics construction seemed most suitable for a domain where high precision was mandatory—even at the price of limited coverage. In particular, software for formal mathematics (such as proof checkers) require formal input languages. These are typically difficult to understand and learn, raising the entry barrier for potential users. A solution is to design input languages that closely resemble natural language. Early results indicate that GLF can be a useful tool for quickly prototyping such languages. In this paper, we will explore how GLF can be used to prototype such languages and present a new Jupyter kernel that4 adds visual support for the development of GLF-based syntax/semantics interfaces.
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Risk assessment of public health emergencies concerned in the mainland of China, January 2020
Objective: To assess the risks of public health emergencies, both the indigenous ones and the imported ones, which might occur in the mainland of China in January 2020
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Identification of novel rheumatoid arthritis-associated MiRNA-204-5p from plasma exosomes
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease characterized by infiltration of immune cells in the synovium. However, the crosstalk of immune cells and synovial fibroblasts is still largely unknown. Here, global miRNA screening in plasma exosomes was carried out with a custom microarray (RA patients vs. healthy controls = 9:9). A total of 14 exosomal miRNAs were abnormally expressed in the RA patients. Then, downregulated expression of exosomal miR-204-5p was confirmed in both the replication (RA patients vs. healthy controls = 30:30) and validation groups (RA patients vs. healthy controls = 56:60). Similar to the findings obtained in humans, a decreased abundance of exosomal miR-204-5p was observed in mice with collagen-induced arthritis (CIA). Furthermore, Spearman correlation analysis indicated that plasma exosomal miR-204-5p expression was inversely correlated with disease parameters of RA patients, such as rheumatoid factor, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and C-reactive protein. In vitro, our data showed that human T lymphocytes released exosomes containing large amounts of miR-204-5p, which can be transferred into synovial fibroblasts, inhibiting cell proliferation. Overexpression of miR-204-5p in synovial fibroblasts suppressed synovial fibroblast activation by targeting genes related to cell proliferation and invasion. In vivo assays found that administration of lentiviruses expressing miR-204-5p markedly alleviated the disease progression of the mice with CIA. Collectively, this study identified a novel RA-associated plasma exosomal miRNA-204-5p that mediates the communication between immune cells and synovial fibroblasts and can be used as a potential biomarker for RA diagnosis and treatment.
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SETI and Democracy
There is a wide-ranging debate about the merits and demerits of searching for, and sending messages to, extraterrestrial intelligences (SETI and METI). There is however reasonable (but not universal) consensus that replying to a message from an extraterrestrial intelligence should not be done unilaterally, without consultation with wider society and the rest of the world. But how should this consultation actually work? In this paper we discuss various ways that decision making in such a scenario could be done democratically, and gain legitimacy. In particular we consider a scientist-led response, a politician-led response, deciding a response using a referendum, and finally using citizens' assemblies. We present the results of a survey of a representative survey of 2,000 people in the UK on how they thought a response should best be determined, and finally discuss parallels to how the public is responding to scientific expertise in the COVID-19 Pandemic
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COVID-19 in Wuhan: Sociodemographic Characteristics and Hospital Support Measures Associated with the Immediate Psychological Impact on Healthcare Workers
Background: The outbreak of COVID-19 has laid unprecedented threats and challenges to health workers (HWs) in Wuhan, China We aimed to assess the sociodemograp
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Consensus-Statement der Österreichischen Gesellschaften für Pneumologie und Rheumatologie zur Definition, Evaluation und Therapie von progredient fibrosierenden interstitiellen Lungenerkrankungen (pfILD)
Interstitielle Lungenerkrankungen (ILD) sind eine heterogene Gruppe von Pathologien, die zunehmend als relevanter Faktor pulmonaler Morbidität und Mortalität erkannt werden. Verschiedene ILD wie die idiopathische Lungenfibrose (IPF), aber auch durch Autoimmunprozesse oder durch exogene Noxen bedingte ILD können zu progredienter, meist irreversibler Lungenfibrose führen. Die antifibrotischen Substanzen Nintedanib und Pirfenidon können den Krankheitsverlauf bei IPF-Patienten günstig beeinflussen. Dagegen werden ILD, die auf entzündlichen Prozessen wie z. B. rheumatologischen Grunderkrankungen oder exogen-allergischer Alveolitis beruhen, bis dato klassischerweise immunsuppressiv therapiert. Immer wieder kommt es aber trotz einer solchen Behandlung zu progredienter Fibrosierung. Eine positive Wirkung antifibrotischer Medikation auf progredient fibrosierende (pf)ILD abseits der IPF konnte in rezenten Studien demonstriert werden, auch wenn der Stellenwert der Antifibrotika in solchen Situationen noch nicht vollständig geklärt ist. Dieses Consensus-Statement beruht auf einem virtuellen, multidisziplinären Expertenmeeting von Rheumatologen, Pneumologen und Radiologen und wurde durch die jeweiligen ILD-Arbeitskreise der Österreichischen Gesellschaften für Pneumologie sowie Rheumatologie (ÖGP und ÖGR) akkordiert. Ziel war es, den aktuellen Stand von klinischer Praxis und wissenschaftlicher Datenlage zu Definition, Evaluation und Therapie von pfILD darzustellen. Zusammenfassend sollen ILD-Patienten einer standardisierten Abklärung unterzogen, in einem multidisziplinären ILD-Board diskutiert und dementsprechend therapiert werden. Kern dieser Empfehlungen ist, auch Non-IPF-Patienten mit dokumentiert progredient fibrosierendem ILD-Verlauf antifibrotisch zu behandeln, insbesondere wenn Honigwabenzysten oder eine bereits ausgedehnte Erkrankung vorliegen. Patienten mit fibrotischer ILD, die auf Basis der ILD-Board-Empfehlung primär keiner oder ausschließlich einer immunsuppressiven Therapie unterzogen werden, sollten engmaschig hinsichtlich eines progredienten Verlaufes überwacht werden.
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Risk and protective factors associated with suicidal behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis amongst college students in Spain
The COVID-19 pandemic is expected to have increased suicidal behavior. The current study evaluates the patterns, risk and protective factors of suicidal behavior among college students in Spain (N = 517) one year after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Anxiety, alcohol use and cannabis use (risk factors), and social support and COVID-19 fear (protective factors), were associated with suicidal behavior. These were relatively high among students (22.8% indicated a suicide risk and 9.7% have planned suicide), making it essential to have suicide prevention strategies for university students during the COVID-19 pandemic. The implications for Social Work are discussed. [ FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Social Work in Mental Health is the property of Taylor & Francis Ltd and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full . (Copyright applies to all s.)
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Backward-Forward Sequence Generative Network for Multiple Lexical Constraints
Advancements in Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Networks have shown remarkable success in various Natural Language Generation (NLG) tasks. However, generating sequence from pre-specified lexical constraints is a new, challenging and less researched area in NLG. Lexical constraints take the form of words in the language model’s output to create fluent and meaningful sequences. Furthermore, most of the previous approaches cater this problem by allowing the inclusion of pre-specified lexical constraints during the decoding process, which increases the decoding complexity exponentially or linearly with the number of constraints. Moreover, some of the previous approaches can only deal with single constraint. Additionally, most of the previous approaches only deal with single constraints. In this paper, we propose a novel neural probabilistic architecture based on backward-forward language model and word embedding substitution method that can cater multiple lexical constraints for generating quality sequences. Experiments shows that our proposed architecture outperforms previous methods in terms of intrinsic evaluation.
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Experimental Veterinary SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine cross neutralization of the Delta (B.1.617.2) variant virus in cats
SARS-CoV-2 has exhibited varying pathogenesis in a variety of Mammalia family’s including Canidae, Mustelidae, Hominidae, Cervidae, Hyaenidae, and Felidae. Novel SARS-CoV-2 variants characterized by spike protein mutations have recently resulted in clinical and epidemiological concerns, as they potentially have increased infectious rates, increased transmission, or reduced neutralization by antibodies produced via vaccination. Many variants have been identified at this time, but the variant of continuing concern has been the Delta variant (B.1.617.2), due to its increased transmissibility and infectious rate. Felines vaccinated using an experimental SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-based veterinary vaccine mounted a robust immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Using a reporter virus particle system and feline serum, we have verified that vaccinated felines produce antibodies that neutralize the SARS-CoV-2 Wuhan strain and variant B.1.617.2 at comparable levels.
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Bioinformatic analysis of B and T cell epitopes from SARS-CoV-2 Spike, Membrane and Nucleocapsid proteins as a strategy to assess possible cross-reactivity between emerging variants, including Omicron, and other human coronaviruses
The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 produced a global health emergency since December 2019, that up to the end of January 2022 had caused the death of more than 5.6 million people worldwide. Despite emergence of new variants of concern, vaccination remains one of the most important tools to control the pandemic. All approved vaccines and most of the vaccine candidates use the spike protein of the virus as a target antigen to induce protective immune responses. Several variants of the virus present key mutations in this protein which render the virus, at different rates, to evade the neutralizing antibody response. Although experimental evidence suggests that cross-reactive responses between coronaviruses are present in the population, it is unknown which potential antigens shared between different coronaviruses could be responsible for these responses. This study provides predictions of new potential B and T cell epitopes within SARS-CoV-2 Spike (S), Membrane (M) and Nucleocapsid (N) proteins together with a review of the reported B epitopes of these proteins. We also analyse amino acid changes present in the epitopes of variants of concern (VOC) and variants being monitored (VBM), and how these might affect the immune response, as these changes may alter the peptides’ immunogenicity index and the antigen presentation by related HLA alleles. Finally, given these observations, we performed an identity analysis between the repertoire of potential epitopes of SARS-CoV-2 and other human coronaviruses to identify which are conserved among them. The results shown here together with the published experimental evidence, allow us to support the hypothesis that antibody and T cell cross-reactive responses to common coronaviruses epitopes, could contribute to broaden the protective response to SARS-CoV-2 and its variants. This evidence could help not only to understand cross-reactive responses among coronaviruses but also contribute to elucidate their role in immunity to SARS-CoV-2 induced by infection and/or vaccination. Finally, these findings could promote targeted analysis of antigen-specific immune responses and might orient and drive the rational development of new SARS-CoV-2 vaccines including candidates that ideally provide “universal” protection against other coronaviruses relevant to human health.
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Can sports cartoon watching in childhood promote adult physical activity and mental health? A pathway analysis in Chinese adults
Physical activity is essential to maintain physical and mental health. Unfortunately, insufficient physical activity has become a common phenomenon worldwide in the past decade, and the absence of interest in physical activity is assumed a reason. Therefore, strategies for fostering interests and promoting public engagement are in need. We conducted a questionnaire survey during September 2021 that involved 1202 adults to capture data on sports and relevant cartoon watching experiences during childhood; Intensity and frequency of physical activity, depression (PHQ-9), and anxiety (GAD-7) during adulthood. Structural equation modeling was employed to examine pathways between watching sports cartoon in childhood and physical activity and mental health in adulthood. The results suggest that childhood sports cartoon watching may have indirect and positive impacts on adult physical activity and, in turn, on mental health. Childhood sports experience is a critical mediator role linking childhood sports cartoon watching, adult physical activity, and adult mental health. In conclusion, watching sports cartoon may help cultivate sports interests and promote children's participation in sports, and the sports experiences may be a continuous and beneficial factor that connects childhood and adulthood. These findings indicate a framework to understand the durative positive impact of cartoons and maybe other children's film and television works.
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COVID‐19 dentistry‐related aspects: a literature overview
A new coronavirus (Sars‐CoV‐2) was detected in China at the end of 2019 and has since caused a worldwide pandemic. This virus is responsible for an acute respiratory syndrome (COVID‐19), distinguished by a potentially lethal interstitial bilateral pneumonia. Because Sars‐CoV‐2 is highly infective through airborne contamination, the high infection risk in the dental environment is a serious problem for both professional practitioners and patients. This literature overview provides a description of the clinical aspects of COVID‐19 and its transmission, while supplying valuable information regarding protection and prevention measures.
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Nursing Home Factors and Their Impact on COVID-19 Cases: A Study of Wisconsin State
COVID-19 has been devastating for Nursing Homes (NHs). The concentration of older adults with underlying chronic conditions inevitably made the setting highly vulnerable leading to high rates of mortality for residents. However, some nursing homes fared better than others. This study examines several quality measures and organizational factors to understand whether these factors are associated with COVID-19 cases in Wisconsin. We combined three datasets from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) – the Star Rating dataset, Provider Information dataset and COVID-19 Nursing Home dataset. Data used is from the period of Jan 1 – Oct 25, 2020 for the state of Wisconsin. The analysis includes 331 free-standing NHs with no missing values from the data sets. The variables used were self-reported information on nursing home ratings, staff shortage, staff reported hours, occupancy rate, number of beds and ownership. Of the 331 NHs examined, shortages were reported of 25.4%, 31.1%, 3.2% and 15.6% of licensed nurse staff (25.4%), nurse aides (31.1%), clinical staff, (3.2%) and other staff (15.6%) Additionally, there was a significant (p<.05) positive correlation between number of beds and COVID-19 cases, and there was no statistically significant association between occupancy rate and COVID-19 cases. NHs with better star ratings were also found to have less COVID-19 cases. Interestingly, private NHs had significantly higher COVID-19 cases than for-profit and government owned NHs, a finding that is congruent with other studies in this area. Recommendations for practice will be discussed.
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Pandemic Planning in Homeless Shelters: A Pilot Study of a Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Testing and Support Program to Mitigate the Risk of COVID-19 Outbreaks in Congregate Settings
We tested 104 residents and 141 staff for COVID-19 who failed daily symptom screening in homeless shelters in Hamilton, Canada. We detected one resident (1%), seven staff (5%) and one case of secondary spread. Shelter restructuring to allow physical distancing, testing and isolation can decrease outbreaks in shelters.
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Coronavirus Disease 2019–Related Stigma in China: A Descriptive Study
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) tremendously impacts the physical and mental health of humans worldwide. Consequently, studies on COVID-19 remain extensive. However, most of them were mainly focused on the pathological mechanisms and treatment methods from medical perspectives. Various reports have indicated that COVID-19 is closely related to stigma and discrimination, but little statistical information has been integrated quantitatively to describe the situation in China. Thus, this study investigated the COVID-19-related stigma of individuals. We collected the online survey data from 1,920 Chinese participants from October to December 2020. Findings showed that 306 (15.94%), 285 (14.84%), 265 (13.80%), and 100 (5.21%) participants endorsed stigma toward individuals in high-risk areas, recovered patients with COVID-19, families of recovered patients with COVID-19, and frontline healthcare providers, respectively. To understand the possible factors that could impact the COVID-19-related stigma, knowledge about COVID-19 was investigated. Generally, knowledge about COVID-19 was negatively associated with COVID-19-related stigma in general, while no significant relationship existed between the knowledge about COVID-19 and the COVID-19-related stigma in the groups who had held COVID-19-related stigma. Ultimately, individuals showed COVID-19-related stigma toward recovered patients and their families, individuals in high-risk areas, and frontline healthcare providers to some extent. The results of this study can provide reference to nations, governments, and organizations in addressing the stigma issues raised by the COVID-19 pandemic.
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SARS-CoV-2 specific virulence factors in COVID-19
Paucity of knowledge about SARS-CoV-2 specific virulence factors has greatly hampered therapeutic management of patients with COVID-19 Recently, a cluster of studies appeared, which presented empirical evidence for SARS-CoV-2 specific virulence factors that can explain key elements of COVID-19 pathology These studies unravel multiple structural and non-structural specifics of SARS-CoV-2, such as, a unique furin cleavage site, papain-like protease (SCoV2-PLpro), ORF3b and NSP proteins, and dynamic conformational changes in the structure of spike protein during host cell fusion, which give it edge in infectivity and virulence over previous coronaviruses causing pandemics Investigators provided robust evidence that SARS-CoV-2 specific virulence factors may have impact on viral infectivity and transmissibility, and disease severity as well as development of immunity against the infection including response to the vaccines In this article, we are presenting a summarized account of the newly reported studies This article is protected by copyright All rights reserved
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The effect of social inequality on the growth of COVID-19 death case
World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 has become a pandemic on March 11 2020, and counted as a dangerous disease including in Indonesia since it is causing immune drop after an infection that could emerge other diseases Therefore, many people, both poor or wealthy, are worried We formulate a modified Susceptible Infected Recovered compartmental model (SIR), where the Infected compartment could be dead because of the disease Assuming that the poor have less access to excellent health facilities, this population is more likely to have more diseases that can recur after being infected with COVID-19 From pandemic history, life expectancy and death rates are disproportionate between the wealthiest and most deprived populations It is based on previous pandemic cases that the life expectancy and death rates between the wealthy and poor communities are excessive We show the effect of social inequality on the growth of the COVID-19 death case using the SIR model for the COVID-19 outbreak considering that the reinfection of COVID-19 could happen in some cases knowing that immune could be waning between people that got recovered from the virus By numerical calculations and illustrating it in the graph, the results show that cases with high social inequality tend to have higher death rates and cases with low social inequality levels tend to have lower death rates Thus, social inequality could affect the death rate caused by COVID-19 cases © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing All rights reserved
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Estimated National and Regional Impact of COVID-19 on Elective Case Volume in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
BACKGROUND: In efforts to help alleviate the strain placed on healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic, The American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS) recommended suspending elective procedures on March 19, 2020. When this suspension was enacted, it was unknown when cases would resume. OBJECTIVES: This analysis aims to estimate the regional economic impact of the pandemic specifically with regards to elective, aesthetic surgical procedures. As knowledge regarding the effects of the pandemic has grown, the authors then evaluated the accuracy of our projected estimates when compared to actual events. METHODS: Using the ASPS 2018 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, regional case volume and surgeons’ fees were obtained for the top five aesthetic procedures. Models developed by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) were used to estimate the anticipated duration of suspension by using the date that no ventilators would be required to for COVID-19 patients. This duration was used to calculate the volume of cases that would not occur. RESULTS: These estimates predict up to 1.3 billion fewer dollars will be collected in surgeons’ fees, representing a 20% loss compared to 2018. The South Atlantic region is predicted to have the greatest number of OR days lost; However, the Mountain and Pacific regions are estimated to have the greatest loss in case volume and surgeons’ fees. CONCLUSIONS: The cumulative impact of the pandemic on life, society, and the economy is tremendous. This analysis may help guide surgeons’ responses during and after the crisis.
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337. SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load Does Not Predict Incident Venous Thromboembolism in COVID-19
BACKGROUND: The risk factors of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in COVID-19 warrant further study. We leveraged a cohort in the Military Health System (MHS) to identify clinical and virological predictors of incident deep venous thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), and other VTE within 90-days after COVID-19 onset. METHODS: PCR or serologically-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infected MHS beneficiaries were enrolled via nine military treatment facilities (MTF) through April 2021. Case characteristics were derived from interview and review of the electronic medical record (EMR) through one-year follow-up in outpatients and inpatients. qPCR was performed on upper respiratory swab specimens collected post-enrollment to estimate SARS-CoV-2 viral load. The frequency of incident DVT, PE, or other VTE by 90-days post-COVID-19 onset were ascertained by ICD-10 code. Correlates of 90-day VTE were determined through multivariate logistic regression, including age and sampling-time-adjusted log10-SARS-CoV-2 GE/reaction as a priori predictors in addition to other demographic and clinical covariates which were selected through stepwise regression. RESULTS: 1473 participants with SARS-CoV-2 infection were enrolled through April 2021. 21% of study participants were inpatients; the mean age was 41 years (SD = 17.0 years). The median Charlson Comorbidity Index score was 0 (IQR = 0 - 1, range = 0 - 13). 27 (1.8%) had a prior history of VTE. Mean maximum viral load observed was 1.65 x 10(7) genome equivalents/reaction. 36 (2.4%) of all SARS-CoV-2 cases (including inpatients and outpatients), 29 (9.5%) of COVID-19 inpatients, and 7 (0.6%) of outpatients received an ICD-10 diagnosis of any VTE within 90 days after COVID-19 onset. Logistic regression identified hospitalization (aOR = 11.1, p = 0.003) and prior VTE (aOR = 6.2 , p = 0.009) as independent predictors of VTE within 90 days of symptom onset. Neither age (aOR = 1.0, p = 0.50), other demographic covariates, other comorbidities, nor SARS-CoV-2 viral load (aOR = 1.1, p = 0.60) were associated with 90-day VTE. CONCLUSION: VTE was relatively frequent in this MHS cohort. SARS-CoV-2 viral load did not increase the odds of 90-day VTE. Rather, being hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2 and prior VTE history remained the strongest predictors of this complication. DISCLOSURES: Simon Pollett, MBBS, Astra Zeneca (Other Financial or Material Support, HJF, in support of USU IDCRP, funded under a CRADA to augment the conduct of an unrelated Phase III COVID-19 vaccine trial sponsored by AstraZeneca as part of USG response (unrelated work)) Ryan C. Maves, MD, EMD Serono (Advisor or Review Panel member)Heron Therapeutics (Advisor or Review Panel member) David A. Lindholm, MD, American Board of Internal Medicine (Individual(s) Involved: Self): Member of Auxiliary R&D Infectious Disease Item-Writer Task Force. No financial support received. No exam questions will be disclosed ., Other Financial or Material Support David Tribble, M.D., DrPH, Astra Zeneca (Other Financial or Material Support, HJF, in support of USU IDCRP, funded under a CRADA to augment the conduct of an unrelated Phase III COVID-19 vaccine trial sponsored by AstraZeneca as part of USG response (unrelated work))
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Investigation of Nasal/Oropharyngeal Microbial Community of COVID-19 Patients by 16S rDNA Sequencing
Since December 2019, SARS-CoV-2 infection has been still rapidly spreading, resulting in a pandemic, followed by an increasing number of cases in countries throughout the world. The severity of the disease depends on the patient's overall medical condition but no appropriate markers are available to establish the prognosis of the patients. We performed a 16S rRNA gene sequencing, revealing an altered composition of the nasal/oropharyngeal (NOP) microbiota in 21 patients affected by COVID-19, paucisymptomatic or in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), as compared to 10 controls negative for COVID-19 or eight affected by a different Human Coronavirus (HKU, NL63 and OC43). A significant decrease in Chao1 index was observed when patients affected by COVID-19 (in ICU) were compared to paucisymptomatic. Furthermore, patients who were in ICU, paucisymptomatic or affected by other Coronaviruses all displayed a decrease in the Chao1 index when compared to controls, while Shannon index significantly decreased only in patients under ICU as compared to controls and paucisymptomatic patients. At the phylum level, Deinococcus-Thermus was present only in controls as compared to SARS-CoV-2 patients admitted to ICU, paucisymptomatic or affected by other coronaviruses. Candidatus Saccharibacteria (formerly known as TM7) was strongly increased in negative controls and SARS-CoV-2 paucisymptomatic patients as compared to SARS-CoV-2 ICU patients. Other modifications were observed at a lower taxonomy level. Complete depletion of Bifidobacterium and Clostridium was exclusively observed in ICU SARS-CoV-2 patients, which was the only group characterized by the presence of Salmonella, Scardovia, Serratia and Pectobacteriaceae. In conclusion, our preliminary results showed that nasal/oropharyngeal microbiota profiles of patients affected with SARS-CoV-2 may provide valuable information in order to facilitate the stratification of patients and may open the way to new interventional strategies in order to ameliorate the outcome of the patients.
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A prospective prediction tool for understanding Crimean–Congo haemorrhagic fever dynamics in Turkey
OBJECTIVES: We aimed to develop a prospective prediction tool on Crimean–Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) to identify geographic regions at risk. The tool could support public health decision-makers in implementation of an effective control strategy in a timely manner. METHODS: We used monthly surveillance data between 2004 and 2015 to predict case counts between 2016 and 2017 prospectively. The Turkish nationwide surveillance data set collected by the Ministry of Health contained 10 411 confirmed CCHF cases. We collected potential explanatory covariates about climate, land use, and animal and human populations at risk to capture spatiotemporal transmission dynamics. We developed a structured Gaussian process algorithm and prospectively tested this tool predicting the future year's cases given past years' cases. RESULTS: We predicted the annual cases in 2016 and 2017 as 438 and 341, whereas the observed cases were 432 and 343, respectively. Pearson's correlation coefficient and normalized root mean squared error values for 2016 and 2017 predictions were (0.83; 0.58) and (0.87; 0.52), respectively. The most important covariates were found to be the number of settlements with fewer than 25 000 inhabitants, latitude, longitude and potential evapotranspiration (evaporation and transpiration). CONCLUSIONS: Main driving factors of CCHF dynamics were human population at risk in rural areas, geographical dependency and climate effect on ticks. Our model was able to prospectively predict the numbers of CCHF cases. Our proof-of-concept study also provided insight for understanding possible mechanisms of infectious diseases and found important directions for practice and policy to combat against emerging infectious diseases.
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Feasibility of FreeSurfer Processing for T1-Weighted Brain Images of 5-Year-Olds: Semiautomated Protocol of FinnBrain Neuroimaging Lab
Pediatric neuroimaging is a quickly developing field that still faces important methodological challenges. Pediatric images usually have more motion artifact than adult images. The artifact can cause visible errors in brain segmentation, and one way to address it is to manually edit the segmented images. Variability in editing and quality control protocols may complicate comparisons between studies. In this article, we describe in detail the semiautomated segmentation and quality control protocol of structural brain images that was used in FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study and relies on the well-established FreeSurfer v6.0 and ENIGMA (Enhancing Neuro Imaging Genetics through Meta Analysis) consortium tools. The participants were typically developing 5-year-olds [n = 134, 5.34 (SD 0.06) years, 62 girls]. Following a dichotomous quality rating scale for inclusion and exclusion of images, we explored the quality on a region of interest level to exclude all regions with major segmentation errors. The effects of manual edits on cortical thickness values were relatively minor: less than 2% in all regions. Supplementary Material cover registration and additional edit options in FreeSurfer and comparison to the computational anatomy toolbox (CAT12). Overall, we conclude that despite minor imperfections FreeSurfer can be reliably used to segment cortical metrics from T1-weighted images of 5-year-old children with appropriate quality assessment in place. However, custom templates may be needed to optimize the results for the subcortical areas. Through visual assessment on a level of individual regions of interest, our semiautomated segmentation protocol is hopefully helpful for investigators working with similar data sets, and for ensuring high quality pediatric neuroimaging data.
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Ultrasensitive Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Proteins Using the Thio-NAD Cycling Reaction: A Preliminary Study before Clinical Trials
To help control the global pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), we developed a diagnostic method targeting the spike protein of the virus that causes the infection, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). We applied an ultrasensitive method by combining a sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the thio-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (thio-NAD) cycling reaction to quantify spike S1 proteins. The limit of detection (LOD) was 2.62 × 10(−19) moles/assay for recombinant S1 proteins and 2.6 × 10(6) RNA copies/assay for ultraviolet B-inactivated viruses. We have already shown that the ultrasensitive ELISA for nucleocapsid proteins can detect ultraviolet B-inactivated viruses at the 10(4) RNA copies/assay level, whereas the nucleocapsid proteins of SARS-CoV-2 are difficult to distinguish from those in conventional coronaviruses and SARS-CoV. Thus, an antigen test for only the nucleocapsid proteins is insufficient for virus specificity. Therefore, the use of a combination of tests against both spike and nucleocapsid proteins is recommended to increase both the detection sensitivity and testing accuracy of the COVID-19 antigen test. Taken together, our present study, in which we incorporate S1 detection by combining the ultrasensitive ELISA for nucleocapsid proteins, offers an ultrasensitive, antigen-specific test for COVID-19.
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Clinical characteristics and outcomes of 85 intensive care patients with Covid-19 in South London: A single centre observational study
BackgroundIn March 2020, Covid-19 secondary to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) was declared a global pandemic MethodsThis retrospective observational study included patients with Covid-19, managed in a single intensive care unit (ICU) We collected data on patient characteristics, laboratory and radiological findings and ICU management Data are reported as median (interquartile range) Binary logistic regression modelling was used to identify variables at ICU admission associated with mortality Results85 patients (age 57 3 years [49 4?64 2], 75 3% male) were followed up for 34 days (26?40) The commonest comorbidities were hypertension (51 8%), obesity (48 7%), and type 2 diabetes (31 8%) Covid-19 presented with shortness of breath (89 4%), fever (82 4%), and cough (81 2%), first noted 8 days (6?10) prior to ICU admission PaO2/FiO2-ratios at ICU admission were 8 28?kPa (7 04?11 7) Bilateral infiltrates on chest X-ray, lymphopenia, and raised C-reactive protein and ferritin were typical 81 2% received invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) Acute kidney injury occurred in 62 4% with renal replacement therapy required in 20 0% By the end of the follow-up period, 44 7% had died, 30 6% had been discharged from hospital, 14 1% had been discharged from ICU but remained in hospital and 10 6% remained in ICU ICU length of stay was 14 days (9?23) Age was the only variable at admission which was associated with mortality PaO2/FiO2-ratio, driving pressure and peak ferritin and neutrophil count over the first 72-hours of IMV all correlated with mortality ConclusionsWe report the clinical characteristics, ICU practices and outcomes of a South London cohort with Covid-19, and have identified factors which correlate with mortality By sharing our insight, we hope to further understanding of this novel disease
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Compliance with Social Distancing: Theory and Empirical Evidence from Ontario during COVID-19
We study the factors associated with compliance with social-distancing regulations using a unique dataset on the behaviour of Ontarians during the COVID-19 pandemic To start, we build a simple theoretical model of social distancing in order to understand how some individual and community-level factors influence compliance We test our model’s predictions by designing and conducting a survey on Ontarians in which we elicit their degree of compliance with current distancing regulations as well as proposed regulations that impose different fine levels on violators or grant wage subsidies to encourage staying at home In line with the model’s predictions, we show that variables related to one’s risk of infection (e g , health status, age, necessity of working outside the home, regional COVID-19 cases) are significant predictors of compliance as are gender, political beliefs, risk and time preferences Furthermore, we demonstrate that fines and wage subsidies can be powerful policy tools for promoting full compliance with regulations
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Deep Learning-based Forgery Attack on Document Images
With the ongoing popularization of online services, the digital document images have been used in various applications. Meanwhile, there have emerged some deep learning-based text editing algorithms which alter the textual information of an image . In this work, we present a document forgery algorithm to edit practical document images. To achieve this goal, the limitations of existing text editing algorithms towards complicated characters and complex background are addressed by a set of network design strategies. First, the unnecessary confusion in the supervision data is avoided by disentangling the textual and background information in the source images. Second, to capture the structure of some complicated components, the text skeleton is provided as auxiliary information and the continuity in texture is considered explicitly in the loss function. Third, the forgery traces induced by the text editing operation are mitigated by some post-processing operations which consider the distortions from the print-and-scan channel. Quantitative comparisons of the proposed method and the exiting approach have shown the advantages of our design by reducing the about 2/3 reconstruction error measured in MSE, improving reconstruction quality measured in PSNR and in SSIM by 4 dB and 0.21, respectively. Qualitative experiments have confirmed that the reconstruction results of the proposed method are visually better than the existing approach. More importantly, we have demonstrated the performance of the proposed document forgery algorithm under a practical scenario where an attacker is able to alter the textual information in an identity document using only one sample in the target domain. The forged-and-recaptured samples created by the proposed text editing attack and recapturing operation have successfully fooled some existing document authentication systems.
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The impact of COVID-19 towards employee motivation and demotivation influence employee performance: A study of Sayurmoms
Indonesia as a developing country development is happening very rapidly and competing with each other in prioritizing quality. To maximize quality good human resource management is needed. In their growing stage there is a small business that is still developing called ‘Sayurmoms’. From the 10 months Objective Key Result (OKR) From July 2020 to May 2021. Sayurmoms only reach average at level 315% during COVID-19. The research objective in this research is to understand the employee motivation and demotivation during COVID-19 that influenced the employee performance on Sayurmoms. The research methodology approach will be qualitative research which is a way for examining and comprehending an individual or an organization impact on a social or human issue. In this case the individuals are the employees in Sayurmoms and the human problem is the motivation and demotivation during COVID-19. This study will employ qualitative phenomenology analysis in order for the researcher to gain a better understanding of the phenomenon from Sayurmoms’ employee’s point of view regarding the COVID-19 phenomenon that causes the employee to work from home and its impact on their motivation and demotivation with using in-depth interview for the data collection. This research plays a role in giving the solution for Sayurmoms in mitigating the employee demotivation and increasing employee motivation. Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic;Employee Motivation;Employee Demotivation;Employee Performance
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Therapeutic interventions in children and adolescents with patellar tendon related pain: a systematic review.
Objective Evaluate effectiveness and harms of interventions for patellar tendon related pain in children and adolescents. Design Systematic review and meta-analysis. Data sources Medline via Pubmed, Embase via OVID, CINAHL via Ebsco, SportDiscus up until 24 November 2017 were searched. Eligibility criteria for selecting studies Inclusion criteria were (1) controlled or randomised controlled clinical trials (RCTs), (2) participants with diagnosis of patellar tendon related disorder, (3) participants≤18 years of age at enrolment and (4) published in a peer-reviewed English or Scandinavian language journal. Results Of 530 studies identified, eight were included after screening, with three included in data synthesis. To be included in data synthesis, we required studies to have included (and have data available for) a minimum of 10 participants under 18 years. All studies were rated as being at high risk of bias. For adolescents with patellar tendinopathy, one RCT compared eccentric exercises to usual care and found no difference between groups. In adolescents with Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD), injection of local anaesthetic with dextrose proved superior to either usual care or local anaesthetic alone (three armed RCTs). In a retrospective case controlled study in adolescents with OSD, surgery provided no benefit over conservative management in terms of persistent symptoms and had a higher complication rate. Conclusion There is weak evidence to support the use of dextrose injection with local anaesthetic and no evidence to support the use of specific types of exercises to treat children/adolescents with OSD/patellar tendinopathy. Until further evidence arises, clinicians should include load modification and advise on a return to sport based on symptoms.
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First Food and Drug Administration Cleared Thin-Film Electrode for Intracranial Stimulation, Recording, and Monitoring of Brain Activity-Part 1: Biocompatibility Testing
Subdural strip and grid invasive electroencephalography electrodes are routinely used for surgical evaluation of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy (DRE). Although these electrodes have been in the United States market for decades (first FDA clearance 1985), their fabrication, materials, and properties have hardly changed. Existing commercially available electrodes are made of silicone, are thick (>0.5 mm), and do not optimally conform to brain convolutions. New thin-film polyimide electrodes (0.08 mm) have been manufactured to address these issues. While different thin-film electrodes are available for research use, to date, only one electrode is cleared by Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in clinical practice. This study describes the biocompatibility tests that led to this clearance. Biocompatibility was tested using standard methods according to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 10993. Electrodes and appropriate control materials were bent, folded, and placed in the appropriate extraction vehicles, or implanted. The extracts were used for in vitro and in vivo tests, to assess the effects of any potential extractable and leachable materials that may be toxic to the body. In vitro studies included cytotoxicity tested in L929 cell line, genotoxicity tested using mouse lymphoma assay (MLA) and Ames assay, and hemolysis tested in rabbit whole blood samples. The results indicated that the electrodes were non-cytotoxic, non-mutagenic, non-clastogenic, and non-hemolytic. In vivo studies included sensitization tested in guinea pigs, irritation tested in rabbits, acute systemic toxicity testing in mice, pyrogenicity tested in rabbits, and a prolonged 28-day subdural implant in sheep. The results indicated that the electrodes induced no sensitization and irritation, no weight loss, and no temperature increase. Histological examination of the sheep brain tissue showed no or minimal immune cell accumulation, necrosis, neovascularization, fibrosis, and astrocyte infiltration, with no differences from the control material. In summary, biocompatibility studies indicated that these new thin-film electrodes are appropriate for human use. As a result, the electrodes were cleared by the FDA for use in clinical practice [510(k) K192764], making it the first thin-film subdural electrode to progress from research to clinic. Its readiness as a commercial product ensures availability to all patients undergoing surgical evaluation for DRE.
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Corrigendum: Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Associated With COVID-19 Among Healthcare Workers in Hospitals: A Cross-Sectional Study in Saudi Arabia
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.643053.].
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Protocol for the process evaluation of a complex intervention delivered in schools to prevent adolescent depression: the Future Proofing Study
INTRODUCTION: Process evaluations provide insight into how interventions are delivered across varying contexts and why interventions work in some contexts and not in others. This manuscript outlines the protocol for a process evaluation embedded in a cluster randomised trial of a digital depression prevention intervention delivered to secondary school students (the Future Proofing Study). The purpose is to describe the methods that will be used to capture process evaluation data within this trial. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: Using a hybrid type 1 design, a mixed-methods approach will be used with data collected in the intervention arm of the Future Proofing Study. Data collection methods will include semistructured interviews with school staff and study facilitators, automatically collected intervention usage data and participant questionnaires (completed by school staff, school counsellors, study facilitators and students). Information will be collected about: (1) how the intervention was implemented in schools, including fidelity; (2) school contextual factors and their association with intervention reach, uptake and acceptability; (3) how school staff, study facilitators and students responded to delivering or completing the intervention. How these factors relate to trial effectiveness outcomes will also be assessed. Overall synthesis of the data will provide school cluster-level and individual-level process outcomes. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: Ethics approval was obtained from the University of New South Wales (NSW) Human Research Ethics Committee (HC180836; 21st January 2019) and the NSW Government State Education Research Applications Process (SERAP 2019201; 19th August 2019). Results will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals and discussed at conferences. Our process evaluation will contextualise the trial findings with respect to how the intervention may have worked in some schools but not in others. This evaluation will inform the development of a model for rolling out digital interventions for the prevention of mental illness in schools. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ANZCTRN12619000855123; https://www.anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?id=377664&isReview=true.
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Wide spectrum of clinical picture of COVID-19 in children - from mild to severe disease
INTRODUCTION: Children account for a relatively small proportion of laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections. In children, COVID-19 usually has a relatively mild course. However, in rare cases, severe disorders can be observed, and clinical manifestations may differ from adults. PURPOSE: The aim of this study is to analyse the frequency, clinical picture and outcome of COVID-19 in children based on the experience from the tertiary care centre and regional sanitary-epidemiological office. METHODS: We report a study regarding 106 cases of confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection cases in PCR from a nasopharyngeal swab (age range 1-month – 17-years). In all cases, history was taken. In children who required hospital admission, physical examination and laboratory test were performed according to clinical indications. RESULTS: Twelve of the patients required admission to the hospital. The most common symptoms were anosmia and dysgeusia (75%) and headaches (49%) in outpatients and fever in hospitalised children (75%). Three children from the hospitalised group developed a severe course with increased inflammatory indexes. The clinical picture was more severe in younger children from the hospitalised group. Treatment options were regarded individually in all cases. CONCLUSION: Our study is the first tour knowledge regarding the clinical course of COVID-19 in Polish children. In general, the clinical course of COVID-19 was mild with anosmia and dysgeusia as the most common symptoms. However, in hospitalised children, a severe progression of the disease and less typical signs as aplastic anaemia may be developed.
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Cellular immunotherapy for hematological malignancy: recent progress and future perspectives
Advancements in the field of cellular immunotherapy have accelerated in recent years and have changed the treatment landscape for a variety of hematologic malignancies. Cellular immunotherapy strategies exploit the patient's immune system to kill cancer cells. The successful use of CD19 chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cells in treating B-cell malignancies is the paradigm of this revolution, and numerous ongoing studies are investigating and extending this approach to other malignancies. However, resistance to CAR-T-cell therapy and non-durable efficacy have prevented CAR-T-cells from becoming the ultimate therapy. Because natural killer (NK) cells play an essential role in antitumor immunity, adoptively transferred allogeneic NK and CAR-modified NK cell therapy has been attempted in certain disease subgroups. Allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) is the oldest form of cellular immunotherapy and the only curative option for hematologic malignancies. Historically, the breadth of application of allo-HSCT has been limited by a lack of identical sibling donors (ISDs). However, great strides have recently been made in the success of haploidentical allografts worldwide, which enable everyone to have a donor. Haploidentical donors can achieve comparable outcomes to those of ISDs and even better outcomes in certain circumstances because of a stronger graft vs. tumor effect. Currently, novel strategies such as CAR-T or NK-based immunotherapy can be applied as a complement to allo-HSCT for curative effects, particularly in refractory cases. Here, we introduce the developments in cellular immunotherapy in hematology.
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Gastrointestinal dysfunction in the critically ill: a systematic scoping review and research agenda proposed by the Section of Metabolism, Endocrinology and Nutrition of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine
BACKGROUND: Gastrointestinal (GI) dysfunction is frequent in the critically ill but can be overlooked as a result of the lack of standardization of the diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. We aimed to develop a research agenda for GI dysfunction for future research. We systematically reviewed the current knowledge on a broad range of subtopics from a specific viewpoint of GI dysfunction, highlighting the remaining areas of uncertainty and suggesting future studies. METHODS: This systematic scoping review and research agenda was conducted following successive steps: (1) identify clinically important subtopics within the field of GI function which warrant further research; (2) systematically review the literature for each subtopic using PubMed, CENTRAL and Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; (3) summarize evidence for each subtopic; (4) identify areas of uncertainty; (5) formulate and refine study proposals that address these subtopics; and (6) prioritize study proposals via sequential voting rounds. RESULTS: Five major themes were identified: (1) monitoring, (2) associations between GI function and outcome, (3) GI function and nutrition, (4) management of GI dysfunction and (5) pathophysiological mechanisms. Searches on 17 subtopics were performed and evidence summarized. Several areas of uncertainty were identified, six of them needing consensus process. Study proposals ranked among the first ten included: prevention and management of diarrhoea; management of upper and lower feeding intolerance, including indications for post-pyloric feeding and opioid antagonists; acute gastrointestinal injury grading as a bedside tool; the role of intra-abdominal hypertension in the development and monitoring of GI dysfunction and in the development of non-occlusive mesenteric ischaemia; and the effect of proton pump inhibitors on the microbiome in critical illness. CONCLUSIONS: Current evidence on GI dysfunction is scarce, partially due to the lack of precise definitions. The use of core sets of monitoring and outcomes are required to improve the consistency of future studies. We propose several areas for consensus process and outline future study projects.
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Rehabilitation of patients with COVID-19
INTRODUCTION: In 2020, due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has become a pandemic. As of 11 August 2020, the cumulative number of confirmed cases worldwide had reached 19 million, with 700,000 reported deaths, indicating this pandemic's significant global impact. AREAS COVERED: We reviewed the application of rehabilitation therapy in the clinical treatment of COVID-19 patients. A systematic search was performed using PubMed, Springer, CNKI, and Wanfang Data of database up to 1 August 2020. The search terms included the English terms and their Chinese equivalents: 'COVID-19,' 'ARDS,' 'rehabilitation,' 'critically ill patients,' 'physiotherapy,' 'respiratory rehabilitation,' 'traditional Chinese medicine,' and 'psychotherapy.' EXPERT OPINION: Rehabilitation research concerning patients with COVID-19 remains ongoing. Rehabilitation guidance for such patients with COVID-19 is based on previous experience. However, as different patients have differing degrees of dysfunction, personalized plans need to be designed according to the patients' age, sex, lifestyle, hobbies, occupation, and physical conditions. The rapid development of remote devices that can monitor patients' real-time physical conditions post-discharge may encourage better adherence to rehabilitation training.
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The Impact of Pandemic Management on the Quality of Life of Slovak Dentists
Pandemic management increases the burden on healthcare workers to provide care and also affects their personal lives, with dentists being at particular risk. Therefore, we aim to describe the quality of life (QoL) and limitations experienced due to pandemic management-related measures (PanMan), as well as to assess the association of PanMan with QoL during the first lockdown after the coronavirus outbreak. We obtained data from 500 dentists (33.2% males, M/SD = 43.8) registered with the Slovak Chamber of Dentists using an online questionnaire. We categorized PanMan as the availability of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the ability to implement anti-pandemic measures, information overload, pandemic-related limitations and QoL in terms of their impact on family life and activities, housekeeping, relationships with relatives, financial situation and mental well-being. PanMan mainly affected financial situation, mental well-being and housekeeping. Factors contributing most towards the worsening of QoL were information overload (odds ratio/95% confidence interval, OR/CI: 5.79/2.64–12.71) and several pandemic-related limitations. These consisted of (OR/CI): a lack of PPE (5.17/2.48–10.77), infection risks in the work environment (3.06/1.57–5.95), obligatory safety measures (3.02/1.47–6.21), lack of staff (2.85/1.30–6.25) and client concerns (3.56/1.70–7.49). Pandemic management has led to a considerable worsening of dentists’ QoL.
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Automated Cardioailment Identification and Prevention by Hybrid Machine Learning Models.
Accurate prediction of cardiovascular disease is necessary and considered to be a difficult attempt to treat a patient effectively before a heart attack occurs. According to recent studies, heart disease is said to be one of the leading origins of death worldwide. Early identification of CHD can assist to reduce death rates. When it comes to prediction using traditional methodologies, the difficulty arises in the intricacy of the data and relationships. This research is aimed at applying recent machine learning technology to identify heart disease from past medical data to uncover correlations in data that can greatly improve the accuracy of prediction rates using various machine learning models. Models have been implemented using naive Bayes, random forest algorithms, and the combinations of two models such as naive Bayes and random forest methods. These methods offer numerous attributes associated with heart disease. This proposed system foresees the chance of rising heart disease. The proposed system uses 14 parameters such as age, sex, quick blood sugar, chest discomfort, and other medical parameters which are used in the proposed system. Our proposed systems find the probability of developing heart disease in percentages as well as the accuracy level (accuracy of 93%). Finally, this proposed method will support the doctors to analyze the heart patients competently.
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The Febrile Emergency Unit at Muniz Hospital facing COVID-19, HIV and tuberculosis
Febrile Emergency Units were annexed to tertiary hospitals to face the pandemic caused by SARS CoV-2 in Buenos Aires City. We performed a retrospective observational study in order to evaluate the profile of people consulting the Unit annexed to the Muniz Hospital, during the period comprising epidemiological weeks 28 to 42, 2020. The total number of consultations was 12 571;6801 (54.1%) patients were male, and the average age was 38 years. A total of 2499 (26.3 %) of 9501 swabs resulted positive for SARS-CoV-2 when analyzed by RT- PCR. The average age of confirmed COVID-19 patients was 37.9 years;1367 (54.7%) were male and 143 (5.7%) required hospitalization at the first consultation. As many as 6097 (48.5%) participants were beneficiaries of social security or prepaid medicine. Only 160 (1.3%) were HIV positive, with COVID-19 coinfection diagnosed in 39/160 (24.4%), of which 9 (23.1%) required hospitalization. Only 128 (1%) had tuberculosis (TB);TB/COVID-19 coinfection was diagnosed in 31 of them (24.2%), and 8/31 (25.8%) required hospitalization. The triple association HIV/TB /COVID-19 was reported in only 2 patients. Contrary to expectations, TB and HIV, the two main diseases treated in our hospital, were under-represented in this Emergency Unit, but the requirement of hospitalization for coinfected patients was quite frequent. This may be due to late consultation caused by mobility and assistance restrictions during quarantine. Interestingly, our data also indicate that the city's public sector had to absorb unsatisfied demand from the private sector and suburban population.
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Seize the day: opportunities and costs in the COVID-19 crisis
Non-technical summaryThe thesis of this paper is that the COVID-19 crisis creates opportunities for fundamental change towards a more sustainable economy, for two reasons: structural change in the economy and a change in public opinion The paper identifies how the COVID-19 crisis accelerates six processes of change that can be leveraged in policy making With a focus on the Netherlands, it argues for activist government policy because of the tipping-point nature of the economic system in the crisis Technical summaryStructural change in the economy and a change in public opinion during the COVID-19 crisis jointly imply that government choices regarding investments, regulation and taxes can now create stronger synergies of cleaner economic growth and employment creation with ecological, social and financial sustainability The paper details this for six areas, with examples taken from The Netherlands High levels of private and (in some countries) public debt may become so unsustainable that this prompts a restructuring of financing systems which are more productive and more in support of ecological goals In value chains, ICT systems and urban transport systems, forced changes such as more work from home, more cycling lanes and more local production may, once in place, be used as proof of concepts for permanently different infrastructures and organizations Aviation and energy became dependent on public support, which created financial leverage for enforcing change Social media summaryCOVID-19 creates opportunities for change towards sustainability as it accelerates six processes of change
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Kepatuhan mahasiswa kota padang dalam menggunakan masker di masa pandemi COVID-19
Pandemi COVID-19 telah menjangkit banyak negara. Jumlah orang yang positif COVID-19 terus mengalami peningkatan setiap hari. Sejumlah aturan protokol kesehatan telah ditetapkan sebagai langkah pencegahan penularan virus COVID-19. Salah satu aturan protokol COVID-19 tersebut, yaitu penggunaan masker ketika keluar rumah. Respons mahasiswa terhadap aturan ini sangat beragam. Namun, sekarang banyak mahasiswa yang telah memahami akan pentingnya menggunakan masker. Memakai masker merupakan bentuk perilaku kepatuhan terhadap aturan protokol kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan kepatuhan mahasiswa dalam menggunakan masker di masa pandemi COVID-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah studi deskriptif. Jumlah sampel dalam penelitian ini, yaitu 120 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa kota Padang memiliki tingkat kepatuhan memakai masker yang tinggi di masa pandemi.
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Reinventing How Pharmacy Educators Connect as a Community.
The onset of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has added a new layer of complexity to an already difficult period for academic pharmacy. The need to follow social-distancing guidelines has resulted in rapid adoption of technology-enabled communication strategies. While these technologies provide unprecedented ways in which we can connect as an academic community, we must consider their effectiveness in not only promoting exchange of information, but also creating inspiration within the community and supporting the level of interdependence required to tackle the difficult challenges that lie ahead. As the connecting body within the community of pharmacy education, it is incumbent on the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) to consider how we will adapt during this period of disruption. We must adopt new strategies that will allow our members to connect in new, meaningful ways, ways that stimulate ideas, new partnerships, and an overall sense of hope for our future.
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Bilateral Large Vessel Occlusion Causing Massive Ischemic Stroke in a COVID-19 Patient
The case of a 70-year-old male presenting an ischemic stroke related to COVID-19 infection is described. He was initially admitted to the hospital with respiratory insufficiency syndrome secondary to pneumonia caused by SARS Co2. In the next days, he developed rapid neurological deterioration characterized by drowsiness which progressed to deep coma. D-dimer was elevated. Brain CT scan showed bilateral massive ischemic stroke located in the anterior circulation, CT angiogram showed occlusion in the left internal carotid artery and the right middle cerebral artery. The deterioration of the patient continued and he subsequently died. Large vessel occlusion has been reported in COVID-19 patients, but this clinical presentation is usually unilateral. Cases of bilateral occlusion of large vessels have not been previously reported in COVID-19 patients. This report shows that bilateral massive stroke may occur in COVID-19 cases and it should be suspected in patients who show rapid neurological deterioration without focal deficits.
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COVID-19 and its economic impact on the agro-industrial complex
The world market has lost its status due to the closure of all borders, restrictive measures in the field of world trade. Before the COVID-19 crisis, manufacturers of goods had a good profit from their sales. But due to the closure of the borders and the inability to export their goods, the producer suffered losses, since he could not sell all the grown crops in his country. The pandemic has affected the delivery of goods in a logistics form. This problem has affected all types of transport for the transport of goods. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021.
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Novel Coronavirus Disease: A delicate balancing act between health and the economy
The emergence of the deadly novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) has resuscitated global attention on the state of health governance and well-being of citizens. Worldwide, countries are in dire dilemma of safeguarding the health of their citizens and equally salvaging economy, arising from the social distancing and lockdown strategies, which affects negatively the economic activities. This paper examines the intricate balance between health and the economy in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and the policy options needed to assist countries to implement strategies to protect the health of their citizens and promote economic recovery in this unprecedented global crisis situation. There is need for a coordinated public-private sector partnership in the recovery plan of each country, taking into account their contextual and country specific health system and economy, but not discarding the universal application thereof. Global, regional, national geo-political and public health collaboration is needed to save the world from COVID-19 catastrophic consequences.
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Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Parkinson’s Disease: a Single-Centered Qualitative Study
BACKGROUND: The public health measure restrictions across the world due to COVID-19 have inadvertently impacted the routines for people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and their care partners not only in terms of compromised neurological clinical care but also drastically changing the way of life to minimize the risk of becoming infected. This study explores initial PD patients’ lived experiences to observe how quality of life and health care has been affected at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and provide insight into the importance of patient engagement and virtual care. METHODS: Twenty-two virtual, in-depth semi-structured interviews with persons diagnosed with PD who usually attend a Movement Disorders specialty clinic in Calgary, Alberta, were completed between April 28 and May 13, 2020, and the care partners that wished to participate. Interviews were recorded and transcribed, after which transcripts were analyzed and coded into relevant themes using NVivo 12. RESULTS: Impacts from the public health measures and COVID-19 results into three main themes: (1) Impacts of COVID-19 on PD Clinical Care; (2) Activities of Daily Living; (3) Attitudes and Perceptions. Participants reported worsening in motor and nonmotor symptoms and had to accommodate to clinical care via virtual means which were associated with limitations and suggestions for improvement of remote care. CONCLUSION: This study provides a unique opportunity for researchers to better understand the lived experiences of PD patients in all aspects of their life suggesting that innovative means are needed for facilitating virtual health care medicine and increased social interaction.
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The Safety Conversation: developing a trustwide safety conference at CNWL during a pandemic
AimsThe COVID pandemic has had both a massive impact on clinical service delivery and the way that training and education is provided. CNWL is a large NHS provider and has approximately 7000 staff working across 150 locations, providing mental health and community health services. In response to the need to share learning across the organisation, a trustwide “Safety Conversation Day” took place to spotlight the work being done to promote safety and to act as a platform to share ideas and learning across the trust. This was the first ever virtual conference organised by the trust.MethodThe one-day conference included virtual posters and an all-day open access virtual conversation delivered via zoom. The day was divided into 6 safety themes: Safety tools;Safer Environments;Supporting and Involving Staff;Safer use of Medicines;See Think Act and Relational Security;and Prevention is Better than Cure. Frontline staff delivered 5-6 short presentations each hour highlighting new ways of working, quality improvement, local research etc.Staff were also encouraged to submit posters for the event, with webinars held on how to write a poster held prior to the safety conversation to promote engagement. Prizes were awarded for best posters in the different categories.A mentimeter survey was running throughout the day to get feedback from participants.ResultThis was the largest event of this kind held by the trust. 430 unique viewers logged in during the day to watch the presentations.Feedback was very positive on the mentimeter survey. 3 questions were asked on a likert scale of: Strongly Disagree – Strongly Agree (rated out of 5):– ‘I found the posters really useful': 4.5/5– ‘I found the presentations very useful': 4.6/5– ‘I will share what I've learnt about safety': 4.6/5Open space questions and word cloud responses also highlighted qualitative feedback with most frequent responses including ‘inspiring', ‘interesting and ‘stimulating’.174 posters were presented with good representation from all services and staff groups across the trust (18 on safer use of medicines, 15 on co-production, 52 on quality improvement, 50 on COVID and non-COVID safety, 16 on use of technology, 23 on supporting and involving staff). These posters have since been downloaded 4062 times.ConclusionThe first CNWL safety conference proved an excellent opportunity to celebrate achievements in patient safety in a very difficult year. It was very well-received and well-attended by staff, promoting maximal learning across the organisation.
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Coping with the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa: implications for an improved outbreak response
The third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has commenced. To avert increase in cases and avert preventable deaths, community engagement strategies such as the promotion of vaccination, voluntary testing and debunking of COVID-19-related rumors need to be undertaken.
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Obesity, inflammatory and thrombotic markers, and major clinical outcomes in critically ill patients with COVID-19 in the US
OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine whether obesity is independently associated with major adverse clinical outcomes and inflammatory and thrombotic markers in critically ill patients with COVID-19. METHODS: The primary outcome was in-hospital mortality in adults with COVID-19 admitted to intensive care units across the US. Secondary outcomes were acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), acute kidney injury requiring renal replacement therapy (AKI-RRT), thrombotic events, and seven blood markers of inflammation and thrombosis. Unadjusted and multivariable-adjusted models were used. RESULTS: Among the 4,908 study patients, mean (SD) age was 60.9 (14.7) years, 3,095 (62.8%) were male, and 2,552 (52.0%) had obesity. In multivariable models, BMI was not associated with mortality. Higher BMI beginning at 25 kg/m2 was associated with a greater risk of ARDS and AKI-RRT but not thrombosis. There was no clinically significant association between BMI and inflammatory or thrombotic markers. CONCLUSIONS: In critically ill patients with COVID-19, higher BMI was not associated with death or thrombotic events but was associated with a greater risk of ARDS and AKI-RRT. The lack of an association between BMI and circulating biomarkers calls into question the paradigm that obesity contributes to poor outcomes in critically ill patients with COVID-19 by upregulating systemic inflammatory and prothrombotic pathways.
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