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44,737 | h PRON31NOMSM anceps ADJ31NOMSXPOS fortun N11NOMSF diu ADVPOS decern V31PRESACTIVEINF0X prim N21ACCSM aus VPAR21NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL veni V61PRESACTIVEIND3S | Here first came Fortune, long in doubt, with courage to decide. | final_alignments\Statius_Thebaid_Book6.json |
56,761 | itaque ADVPOS fabrici N22GENSN edict VPAR31DATSMPERFPASSIVEPPL supplicatio N31NOMSF mart N33LOCSM es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S habit VPAR21NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL et CONJ a ADV laureat N11LOCPF milit N31LOCPM magn ADJ11NOMSFPOS cum ADVPOS anim N21GENPM laetiti N11NOMSF oblat VPAR32GENSMPERFPASSIVEPPL auxili N24GENSN testimoni N24NOMSN ei INTERJ es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S reddit VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL | So by Fabricius proclamation a thanksgiving to Mars was held and witness borne to his help by the laurelled soldiers with great joy. | final_alignments\Valerius_Memorable_Book1.json |
90,090 | nunc ADVPOS igitur CONJ consurg V31PRESACTIVEIMP2S dom N21GENSF n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S deus N21VOCSM in PREPABL requi N51ACCSF tu ADJ11ACCSFPOS tu PRON52NOMSC et CONJ arc N11NOMSF fortitudin N31GENSF tu ADJ11GENSFPOS sacerdot N31NOMPC t PRON52GENSC dom N21GENSF n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S deus N21VOCSM indu V31PRESPASSIVESUB3P salut N31LOCSF et CONJ sanct VPAR34GENSMPERFPASSIVEPPL t PRON52GENSC laet V11PRESPASSIVESUB3P in PREPABL bon N11LOCPF | Now therefore arise, O Lord God, into thy resting place, thou and the ark of thy strength: let thy priests, O Lord God, put on salvation, and thy saints rejoice in good things. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
32,398 | si CONJ pater N31NOMSM cred V31FUTACTIVEIND3S a ADV fili N25DATSM impress VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL cum ADVPOS t PRON52ABLSC vid V21PERFACTIVESUB3S nihil N99XXN metu V31FUTACTIVEIND3S | If his father believes that this was impressed by his son, he will fear nothing when he sees you. | final_alignments\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book7.json |
36,129 | val V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S | Farewell. | final_alignments\Sidonius_Letters_Book3.json |
50,512 | nam CONJ post ADVPOS condit VPAR31ACCSFPERFPASSIVEPPL urb N33ACCSF octingent NUM14ACCPMCARD et CONJ viginti NUM20XXXCARD pri ADJ00GENSNCOMP aev N21GENSM ann N21ACCPM mult N22GENSN auctor N31NOMPC rettul V32PERFACTIVEIND3P dum CONJ r N51NOMSF popul N21GENSM roman N21GENSM memor V11IMPFPASSIVEIND3P par N31LOCSC eloqu VPAR31NOMPNPRESPPL ac CONJ libert V11PRESACTIVEIMP2P postquam CONJ bellat VPAR11NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL apud PREPACC acti N11GENPFuncommon atque CONJ omn ADJ32ACCSCPOS potenti N11ACCSF ad ADVPOS un NUM11NOMSNCARD confer V32PRESPASSIVEINF0X pac N31GENSF interfu V51PERFACTIVEIND3S magn ADJ11NOMSFPOS ill PRON61NOMSF ingeni N22NOMPN cess V31PERFACTIVEIND3P simul ADVPOS verit VPAR21ACCPFPERFPPL plur N32LOCPN mod N21LOCPM infract ADJ11NOMSFPOS prim N21ACCSM insciti N11NOMSF r N51GENSF public ADJ11GENSFPOS ut CONJ alien ADJ11GENSFPOS mox ADVPOS libidin N31LOCSF adsent VPAR11GENSMFUTPPL aut CONJ rursus ADVPOS odi V41PRESACTIVEIND1S advers N21NOMSM domin VPAR11GENSXPRESACTIVEPPL | Many historians have treated of the earlier period of eight hundred and twenty years from the founding of Rome, and while dealing with the Republic they have written with equal eloquence and freedom. But after the battle of Actium, when the interests of peace required that all power should be concentrated in the hands of one man, writers of like ability disappeared; and at the same time historical truth was impaired in many ways: first, because men were ignorant of politics as being not any concern of theirs; later, because of their passionate desire to flatter; or again, because of their hatred of their masters. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Histories_Book1.json |
70,867 | donec CONJ redd V31PRESACTIVESUB3S homin N31LOCPM secund NUM12NOMSNORD act N41NOMSM su N21ACCPM et CONJ secund NUM12NOMSNORD oper N11NOMSF ad N11GENSM et CONJ secund NUM12NOMSNORD praesumption N31ACCSF ill PRON61GENSX | Till he have rendered to men according to their deeds: and according to the works of Adam, and according to his presumption, | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
86,757 | exalt V11FUTACTIVEIND1S t PRON52ABLSC dom N21GENSF n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S quoniam CONJ salvav V11PERFACTIVEIND2S m PRON51ABLSC et CONJ non ADV delectav V11PERFACTIVEIND2S inimic N21ACCPM me ADJ11ACCPMPOS sup V11PRESPASSIVESUB1S m PRON51ABLSC | exaltabo te Domine quoniam suscepisti me nec delectasti inimicos meos super me | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
20,671 | omn ADJ32NOMPCPOS ergo ADVPOS in PREPABL culp N11NOMSF | So we are all guilty. | final_alignments\Cicero_Philippic_2.json |
84,502 | postquam CONJ autem CONJ resurrex V31FUTPACTIVEIND1S praeced V31PRESACTIVESUB1S v PRON53NOMPC in PREPABL galilae N11ACCSF | But after I shall be risen again, I will go before you into Galilee. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
83,505 | et CONJ dix V31PERFACTIVEIND1S cum ADVPOS fec V31PLUPACTIVESUB3S h PRON31NOMSF omn ADJ32NOMPNPOS ad ADVPOS m PRON51ABLSC convert V31PRESACTIVEINF0X et CONJ non ADV es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S revers VPAR31NOMSFPERFPPL et CONJ vid V21PERFACTIVEIND3S praevaricatrix N31NOMSF soror N31NOMSF e PRON41GENSX iud N17VOCSM | And when she had done all these things, I said: Return to me, and she did not return. And her treacherous sister Juda saw, | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
5,975 | ver N21ACCSM qu PRON10NOMSN ego PRON51NOMSC hu PRON31DATSX eclog N11GENSF studios N21VOCSM patrocin V11PRESIND1S | But why am I at such pains to plead the cause of this eclogue? | final_alignments\Ausonius_Cupid.json |
38,502 | qu PRON10NOMSN reliqu N22NOMSN prisc ADJ11GENSMPOS mart N33GENSM t PRON52DATSC qu PRON10NOMPM d V11PRESACTIVEINF0X terg N22NOMPN m PRON51ABLSC revoc VPAR11ABLSXPRESACTIVEPPL pot V52PRESACTIVEIND2S fund V31IMPFACTIVEIND3S tal ADJ32NOMPNPOS poen N21NOMSM at CONJ lati ADJ11GENSFPOS s PRON54ABLXC nolan ADJ11NOMSFPOS ad ADVPOS moen N34NOMPN turm N11GENSF port VPAR11NOMPCPRESACTIVEPPL spoli N24NOMPN insign ADJ32DATSXPOS clamor N31LOCSM fer V32IMPFACTIVEIND3P | What is left of your former spirit, when you dare to tum your backs and neglect my call? Thus Hannibal spoke; but the Roman troops went back to the walls of Nola, shouting loud and bearing their spoil with them. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book12.json |
9,288 | tum ADVPOS subi V61FUTACTIVEIMP2S ini V61FUTACTIVEIMP2S ad ADVPOS temp N21NOMSM foed V11PRESPASSIVESUB2S cum ADVPOS pict ADJ11DATPXPOS qu PRON10ACCPM longi ADJ11NOMSNCOMP i V61FUTACTIVEIND1S bell VPAR11DATSMFUTPASSIVEPPL pepul V31PLUPACTIVEIND3P in PREPABL soci N24ACCPM arm N22NOMPN vert V31PRESACTIVEINF0X incipi V31PRESACTIVEIND3P | Then suddenly taking league for a season with the Redshanks, whom they had by now driven farther off by fighting, the strangers began to tum their force upon their allies. | final_alignments\Bede_Ecclesiastical_Book1.json |
92,813 | qu PRON10ACCSF cum ADVPOS vid V21IMPFACTIVESUB3S ies N43NOMSM vocav V11PERFACTIVEIND3S ad ADVPOS s PRON54ABLXC et CONJ a V71PRESACTIVEIND3S ill PRON61DATSX mulier N31NOMSF dimiss VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL es V51PRESACTIVEIND3P ab PREPABL infirmitat N31LOCSF tu ADJ11NOMSFPOS | Whom when Jesus saw, he called her unto him and said to her: Woman, thou art delivered from thy infirmity. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
93,610 | confit V21PRESIND2P domin N21DATSM quoniam CONJ bon N21NOMSM quoniam CONJ in PREPABL aetern ADJ11NOMSNPOS misericordi N11NOMSF e PRON41GENSX | Give ye glory to the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
57,294 | de PREPABL humil ADJ32DATSXPOS loc N21DATSM n V11PRESACTIVEIND2P qu PRON10NOMPM clar N26GENSM evas V31PERFACTIVEIND3P incunabul N22NOMPN tulli N25VOCSM Hostilii OTHER agrest ADJ32NOMSNPOS tuguri N22NOMSN cep V31PERFACTIVEIND3S e PRON42GENSX adulescent ADJ31NOMPNPOS in PREPABL pecor N32LOCSN pasc VPAR31DATSMFUTPASSIVEPPL fu V51PERFACTIVEIND3S occupat VPAR11NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL validi ADJ00NOMSCCOMP aetas N31NOMSF imperi N24NOMSN roman N21ACCSM rex V31PERFACTIVEIND3S et CONJ duplicav V11PERFACTIVEIND3S senect ADJ11NOMSMPOS excellentissi ADJ31DATPXSUPER ornament N22LOCPN decorat VPAR11NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL in PREPABL altissi ADJ11DATSMSUPER maiestat N31GENSF fastigi N24DATSN fuls V41PERFACTIVEIND3S | Of Those Born in a Humble Situation Who Became Illustrious A farmers hut held the cradle of Tullus Hostilius and his youth was passed in feeding a flock. His robuster years ruled the Roman domain and doubled it. His old age, decorated with the most splendid ornaments, shone at the highest pinnacle of majesty. | final_alignments\Valerius_Memorable_Book3.json |
37,601 | omn ADJ32GENPXPOS assens N41ABLSM pronuntiat VPAR11NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL pauc N22NOMPN nunc ADVPOS poss V52PRESACTIVEINF0X simil ADJ32NOMPNPOS dict V11PRESPASSIVEINF0X | The unanimous verdict was that few things like it can be written nowadays; | final_alignments\Sidonius_Letters_Book9.json |
32,279 | tortor N31NOMPM in PREPABL conspect N41ACCSM Philotae OTHER omn ADJ32NOMPNPOS crudelitat N31GENSF instrument N22NOMPN propon V31PRESACTIVEIND3P | The torturers laid out all their instruments of cruelty before the eyes of Philotas. | final_alignments\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book6.json |
94,651 | ego PRON51NOMSC qu PRON10ABLSM contra ADVPOS v PRON53NOMPC advers N21NOMSM inced V31PRESACTIVESUB1S et CONJ percuti V31PRESACTIVESUB1S v PRON53NOMPC sept NUM20XXXADVERB propter PREPACC peccat VPAR11NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL vestr ADJ12NOMSFPOS | I also will walk contrary to you, and will strike you seven times for your sins. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
95,510 | peccav V11PERFACTIVEIND1P iniqu ADJ11VOCSMPOS fec V31PERFACTIVEIND1P impi ADJ11VOCSMPOS eg V31PERFACTIVEIND1P et CONJ recess V31PERFACTIVEIND1P et CONJ declinav V11PERFACTIVEIND1P a ADV mand V31PRESACTIVESUB2P tu ADJ11DATPXPOS ac CONJ iudici N24LOCPN | We have sinned, we have committed iniquity, we have done wickedly, and have revolted: and we have gone aside from thy commandments, and thy judgments. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
17,083 | sc V41PRESACTIVEIND2S opti ADJ11NOMSFSUPER Phylli OTHER qu PRON10ACCSF numeros ADJ11NOMSFPOS me ADJ11DATPXPOS sicc V11PRESPASSIVESUB3S bucul N11NOMSF mulctr N11LOCPF et CONJ qu PRON10ACCSF mult N11NOMSF su N21ACCPM suspend V31PRESACTIVESUB3S ad ADVPOS uber N32NOMPN nat VPAR31ACCPMPERFPPL | You are aware, darling Phyllis, how many heifers are milked over my pails, and how many have calves clinging to their teats. | final_alignments\Calpernius_Siculus_Bucolics.json |
70,059 | ut CONJ cognosc V31PRESACTIVESUB3P t PRON52ABLSC sicut ADVPOS et CONJ n PRON53NOMPC agnov V31PERFACTIVEIND1P quoniam CONJ non ADV es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S deus N21VOCSM praeter PREPACC t PRON52ABLSC dom N21GENSF n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S | That they may know thee, as we also have known thee, that there is no God beside thee, O Lord. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
98,329 | despex V31PERFACTIVEIND2P omn ADJ32NOMSNPOS consili N24NOMSN me ADJ11NOMSNPOS et CONJ increpation N31NOMPF me ADJ11ACCPFPOS neglex V31PERFACTIVEIND2P | You have despised all my counsel, and have neglected my reprehensions. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
13,526 | eodem PRON42ABLSX igitur CONJ mod N21DATSM si CONJ qu PRON10NOMSN provid VPAR21NOMPNPRESACTIVEPPL praesens ADJ31NOMSXPOS vid V21PRESACTIVEIND3S i PRON41NOMSN ess VPAR31VOCSMPERFPASSIVEPPL necesse ADJ99XXXPOS es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S tametsi CONJ null ADJ13ACCSFPOS nat VPAR31GENSFFUTPPL hab V21PRESACTIVESUB3S necessitat N31ACCSF | Now in the same way, if providence sees anything as present, that must necessarily be, even if it possesses no necessity of its nature. | final_alignments\Boethius_Philosophy_Book5.json |
22,825 | qu PRON10ACCSF e PRON41ACCSM praecipu ADJ11VOCSMPOS dilex V31PERFACTIVEIND3S cicero N31NOMSM ut CONJ n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S frater N31NOMSM quidem ADVPOS ei INTERJ quint NUM20NOMSMORD cari ADJ11NOMSCCOMP aut CONJ i SUFFIX | And yet it was Cicero who loved him more than all others, so much so that not even his brother Quintus was dearer to the orator or more intimate. | final_alignments\Cornelius_Nepos_Atticus.json |
37,466 | val V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S | Farewell. | final_alignments\Sidonius_Letters_Book8.json |
35,706 | Sidonivs OTHER vincenti N25DATSM sv N21DATSM salvt N31ACCSF | Sidonius to his Friend Vincentius, Greeting | final_alignments\Sidonius_Letters_Book1.json |
55,381 | nec ADVPOS minus ADVCOMP effus VPAR31GENSMPERFPASSIVEPPL grandaev ADJ11NOMSNPOS ad ADVPOS litor N32NOMPN vulg N21NOMSN ut CONJ soci N11ACCPF vid V21PRESACTIVEINF0X man N41NOMSF d V11PRESACTIVEINF0X vers VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL retrorsus ADVPOS terg N22NOMPN met N41ABLSM | Nor less do the aged folk, pouring forth toward the shore, turn terror-struck to flight, when they behold the friendly band. | final_alignments\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book3.json |
62,099 | qu PRON10ACCSM d V11PRESACTIVEIND2S fin N33ACCSC rex N31NOMSM magn ADJ11VOCSMPOS labor N31GENPM n V11PRESPASSIVEIND1S potu V52PERFACTIVEIND3S medi N21LOCPM elaps VPAR31NOMSMPERFPPL Achivis OTHER Illyricos OTHER penetr V11PRESACTIVEINF0X sin N21NOMSM atque CONJ inti ADJ00NOMSFSUPER tut VPAR21NOMSMPERFPPL regn N22NOMPN liburn N21GENPM et CONJ font N33ACCSM super V11PRESACTIVEINF0X Timavi OTHER unde ADVPOS per PREPACC or N11NOMSF nov V11PRESACTIVESUB1S vast V11PRESACTIVEIND1S cum ADVPOS murmur N31LOCSM mont N33GENSM i V61PRESACTIVEIND3S mare ADJ31NOMSNPOS prorupt VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL et CONJ pelag N21DATSN prem V31PRESACTIVEIND3S arv N11NOMSF son VPAR11DATSXPRESACTIVEPPL | What end of their toils, great king, do you grant? Antenor could escape the Achaean host, thread safely the Illyrian gulfs and inmost realms of the Liburnians, and pass the springs of Timavus, whence through nine mouths, with a mountains mighty roar, it comes a bursting flood and buries the fields under its sounding sea. | final_alignments\Virgil_Aeneid_Book1.json |
26,586 | equester N31NOMSM ordo N31NOMSM stult N21ACCSM error N31ACCSM intelleg V31PRESACTIVEIND3S magn ADJ11DATSMPOS que CONJ ris SUPINE21ABLSN cantic N22NOMSN repet V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X iub V21PRESACTIVEIND3S | The knights saw his foolish mistake and with roars of laughter called for an encore. | final_alignments\Phaedrus_Fables_Book5.json |
53,445 | in PREPABL oracul N22LOCPN autem CONJ qu PRON10ABLSM ingeni N22DATSN ambiguitat N31NOMPF temper V11PRESACTIVESUB3P in PREPABL event VPAR34NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL sci V41PRESACTIVEIND3P Croesi OTHER sci V41PRESACTIVEIND3P Pyrrhi OTHER | In the matter of oracles how ingeniously they can fit ambiguity to event, a Croesus, a Pyrrhus knows. | final_alignments\Tertullian_Apology.json |
92,656 | sup V11PRESPASSIVESUB1S e PRON41ACCPM ver N21DATSM qu PRON10NOMPM ad ADVPOS vari ADJ11ACCPMPOS us N41NOMSM oner V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S port V11IMPFACTIVEIND3P esse V51IMPFACTIVEIND3P scrib N11GENSM et CONJ magistr N23GENSM de PREPABL levit N11LOCPM ianitor N31NOMPM | But over them that carried burdens for divers uses, were scribes, and masters of the number of the Levites, and porters. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
64,150 | ergo ADVPOS iter N32NOMSN incept N22NOMSN perag V31PRESACTIVEIND3P fluvi N24DATSM que CONJ propinqu V11PRESACTIVEIND3P | So they pursue the journey begun, and draw near to the river. | final_alignments\Virgil_Aeneid_Book6.json |
67,006 | at CONJ qu PRON10NOMPM metopas OTHER aequal ADJ32NOMPCPOS vol V62PRESACTIVEIND3P fac V31PRESACTIVEINF0X intercolumni N22NOMPN extre ADJ12NOMSFSUPER contrah V31PRESACTIVEIND3P triglyph N21GENSM dimidi N11NOMSF latitudi OTHER n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S | But those who wish to make the metopes equal contract the extreme intercolumniations by half the breadth of a triglyph. | final_alignments\Vitruvius_Architecture_Book_4.json |
85,923 | pari V41FUTACTIVEIND3S autem CONJ fili N25ACCSM et CONJ voc V11FUTACTIVEIND2S nomen N32NOMSN e PRON41GENSX ies N43ACCSM ips PRON62NOMSM enim CONJ salv ADJ11NOMSNPOS faci V31FUTACTIVEIND3S popul N21ACCSM su N21ACCSM a ADV pecc V11PRESACTIVEIND2P e PRON41GENPM | And she shall bring forth a son: and thou shalt call his name Jesus. For he shall save his people from their sins. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
48,364 | i V61PRESACTIVEIND2S medi N21NOMSM inter PREPACC Visurgim OTHER et CONJ coll N21LOCPM ut CONJ rip N11GENSF flumin N32GENSN ced V31PRESACTIVEIND3P aut CONJ promin VPAR21NOMPNPRESACTIVEPPL mont N33GENPM resist V31PRESACTIVEIND3P inaequaliter ADVPOS sinu V11PRESPASSIVEIND3S | Lying between the Weser and the hills, it winds irregularly along, with here a concession from the river and there an encroachment by some mountain-spur. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Annals_Book2.json |
51,320 | pauc N21GENSM veter ADJ12NOMSNPOS milit N31GENPM in PREPABL hibern N21LOCPM relict N22GENSN festin V11PRESACTIVEIND2P per PREPACC galli N11ACCPF dilect N41DATPM ut CONJ reman VPAR21GENPXPRESACTIVEPPL legion N31GENPF nomin N32NOMPN suppl V21IMPFPASSIVESUB3P | He had left only a few veterans in the winter quarters and was now hurrying forward levies in the Gallic provinces to fill up the empty ranks of the legions that were left behind. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Histories_Book2.json |
75,667 | propter PREPACC qu PRON10NOMSN vigil V11PRESACTIVEIMP2P memor ADJ31NOMPNPOS retin VPAR21NOMPCPRESACTIVEPPL quoniam CONJ per PREPACC trienn ADJ32GENPXPOS noct N33LOCSF et CONJ di N21VOCSM non ADV cessav V11PERFACTIVEIND1S cum ADVPOS lacrim N11LOCPF mon VPAR21NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL Two words vestr PRON53GENPC | Therefore watch, keeping in memory that for three years I ceased not with tears to admonish every one of you, night and day. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
53,753 | denique ADVPOS porrig V31PRESACTIVESUB3S man N41ACCSF iupiter N31NOMSM et CONJ accipi V31PRESACTIVESUB3S cum ADVPOS interim ADVPOS plus ADVCOMP nostr ADJ12NOMSFPOS misericordi N11NOMSF insum V31PRESACTIVEIND3S vicatim ADVPOS qu PRON10ACCSF vestr ADJ12NOMSFPOS religio N31NOMSF atim SUFFIX | Come, let Jupiter hold out his hand and receive! In the meantime our compassion spends more street by street than your religion temple by temple. | final_alignments\Tertullian_Apology.json |
88,936 | clamav V11PERFACTIVEIND3P rursum ADVPOS omn ADJ32NOMPCPOS dic VPAR31NOMPCPRESACTIVEPPL non ADV h PRON31ACCSM sed CONJ Barabba OTHER n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S esse V51IMPFACTIVEIND3S autem CONJ Barabbas OTHER latr V11PRESACTIVEIND1S | Then cried they all again, saying: Not this man, but Barabbas. Now Barabbas was a robber. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
80,899 | et CONJ cum ADVPOS adnuntiav V11PERFACTIVESUB2S popul N21DATSM hu PRON31DATSX omn ADJ32NOMPNPOS verb N22NOMPN h PRON31NOMSF et CONJ dix V31PERFACTIVESUB3P t PRON52DATSC quare ADVPOS locut VPAR31NOMSMPERFPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P domin N21NOMSM sup V11PRESPASSIVESUB1S n PRON53NOMPC omn ADJ32NOMSNPOS mal N21ACCSM grand ADJ32NOMSNPOS ist PRON61NOMSN qu PRON10NOMPF iniquitas N31NOMSF nostr ADJ12NOMSFPOS et CONJ qu PRON10NOMSN peccat VPAR11NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL nostr PRON53GENPC qu PRON10NOMSN peccav V11PERFACTIVEIND1P domin N21DATSM de N21DATSM nostr N23DATSM | And when thou shalt tell this people all these words, and they shall say to thee: Wherefore hath the Lord pronounced against us all this great evil? what is our iniquity? and what is our sin, that we have sinned against the Lord our God? | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
32,167 | Philota OTHER n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S armiger N23GENSM agmin N32LOCSN su N21DATSM teg V31IMPFACTIVEIND3P n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S ante ADVPOS conspic V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X poss V52IMPFACTIVESUB3S a ADV vulg N21DATSN qu PRON10ACCSF rex N31NOMSM allocut VPAR31NOMSMPERFPPL milit N31NOMPM es V73IMPFACTIVESUB3S | The men-at-arms covered Philotas with their troop, in order that he might not be seen by the general throng until the king had addressed the soldiers. | final_alignments\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book6.json |
79,004 | et CONJ fug V31PERFACTIVEIND3P omn ADJ32NOMPCPOS in PREPABL camp N21DATSM alienigen N11GENPM | So they all fled away into the land of the strangers. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
6,476 | quin ADVPOS t PRON52DATSC s V51PRESACTIVESUB1S iuven ADJ32NOMSCPOS tu PRON52NOMSC que CONJ puell N11NOMSF m PRON51DATSC | but I will be thy Lad still and thou wilt be my Lass. | final_alignments\Ausonius_Epigrams.json |
85,053 | inru V31PRESACTIVEIND3S itaque ADVPOS in PREPABL e V11PRESACTIVEIND1S spirit N41NOMSM domin N21GENSM descend V31PRESACTIVEIND3S que CONJ Ascalonem OTHER et CONJ percuss V31PERFACTIVEIND3S ibi ADVPOS triginta NUM20XXXCARD vir N23ACCPM qu PRON10GENPM ablat VPAR32ACCPFPERFPASSIVEPPL vest N33NOMPF ded V11PERFACTIVEIND3S h PRON31DATPX qu PRON10NOMPM problema N32NOMSN solv V31PLUPACTIVEIND3P irat VPAR11NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL que CONJ nimis ADVPOS ascend V31PRESACTIVEIND3S in PREPABL dom N21ACCSF patr N31GENSM su N21GENSM | And the Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he went down to Ascalon, and slew there thirty men whose garments he took away, and gave to them that had declared the riddle. And being exceeding angry, he went up to his father's house: | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
74,826 | qu PRON10NOMPM accep V31PERFACTIVEIND3S uxor N31NOMPF du NUM12ACCPFCARD nomen N32NOMSN un NUM11DATSXCARD ad N11ABLSM et CONJ nomen N32NOMSN alter ADJ14DATSXPOS sell N11NOMSF | Who took two wives: the name of the one was Ada, and the name of the other was Sella. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
2,796 | prudent ADJ31DATSXPOS que CONJ consili N24DATSN Malarichum OTHER ex PREPABL familiar ADJ32DATPXPOS negoti N24LOCPN ag VPAR31ACCSCPRESACTIVEPPL etiam CONJ tum ADVPOS in PREPABL itali N11NOMSF miss N11LOCPF insign ADJ32DATPXPOS iovin ADJ11DATSMPOS iuss V21PERFACTIVEIND3S succed V31PRESACTIVEINF0X arm N21GENPM magistr N23DATSM per PREPACC galli N11ACCPF gemin ADJ11NOMSFPOS utilitat N31LOCSF speculat VPAR11NOMSFPERFPPL ut CONJ et CONJ dux N31NOMSM merit VPAR21GENSMPERFPASSIVEPPL ideo ADVPOS que CONJ suspect N41NOMSM abi V61IMPFACTIVESUB3S e PREPABL medi N21DATSM et CONJ homo N31NOMSM inferi ADJ11GENSNCOMP sp N51GENSF ad ADVPOS sublimi ADJ11NOMPNCOMP provect ADJ11NOMSMPOS auctor N31GENSC su N21GENSM nut VPAR11ACCSCPRESACTIVEPPL adhuc ADVPOS stat VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL studi N24DATSN fund V11IMPFACTIVESUB3S ingent ADJ31DATSXPOS | And he took the prudent step of appointing Malarichus, who also was even then living in Italy in a private capacity, as successor to Jovinus, commander of the cavalry in Gaul, sending him the insignia of that rank. Thereby he aimed at a double advantage: first, in getting rid of a general of distinguished service and therefore an object of suspicion; and, second, the hope that a man of slight expectations, when raised to a high rank, might show great zeal in supporting the position of his benefactor, which was still uncertain. | final_alignments\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book25.json |
78,394 | redi V61PRESACTIVEIMP2S dom N21ACCSF tu ADJ11ACCSFPOS et CONJ narr V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S quant ADJ11NOMSFPOS t PRON52DATSC fec V31PERFACTIVEIND3S deus N21VOCSM et CONJ through (space);during(time);by,bymeansof; whole, entire;alltogether;all;universal; community/city/town/state; citizens;citizenrights/citizenship;naturalization praedic VPAR11ACCSNPRESACTIVEPPL quant ADJ11ABLSFPOS ille, illa,illudPRON[XXXAX] make/build/construct/create/cause/do; havebuilt/made;fashion;work(metal); Jesus; | Return to thy house and tell how great things God hath done to thee. And he went through the whole city, publishing how great things Jesus had done to him. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
62,479 | tum ADVPOS sup V11PRESPASSIVESUB1S abiect VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL posit VPAR31DATSMPERFPASSIVEPPL ped N31LOCSM nix VPAR31NOMSMPERFPPL et CONJ hast N11NOMSF pars N33NOMSF bell N22GENSN haud ADVPOS temn VPAR31NOMSFFUTPASSIVEPPL vir N21GENSN iac V21PRESACTIVEIND3S alt VPAR31NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL Orodes OTHER | Then, planting his foot on the fallen foe and straining at his spear, he cries, See, men! Low lies great Orodes'no mean portion of the war! | final_alignments\Virgil_Aeneid_Book10.json |
8,818 | ver N21ACCSM ubi ADVPOS mordac ADJ31DATSXPOS confec V31PERFACTIVEIND3S vulner V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S rostr N22DATSN tut VPAR21NOMSMPERFPPL in PREPABL anfract N41NOMSM cond V31PRESPASSIVEIND3S ind N21VOCSM su N21ACCPM | When its nibbling mouth finished biting, it thereupon hid safely in its winding hole. | final_alignments\Avianus_Fables.json |
90,582 | dix V31PERFACTIVEIND3S itaque ADVPOS ei INTERJ david N99XXM cui ADJ11NOMSMPOS es V73PRESACTIVEIND2S tu PRON52NOMSC vel ADVPOS unde ADVPOS qu PRON10ABLSM perg V31PRESACTIVEIND2S qu PRON10NOMPM a V71PRESACTIVEIND3S ei INTERJ puer N23NOMSM aegypti N21NOMSM ego PRON51NOMSC s V51PRESACTIVEIND1S serv N21NOMSM vir N21GENSN amalechit N11GENSM dereliqu V31PERFACTIVEIND3S autem CONJ m PRON51ABLSC domin N21NOMSM me ADJ11NOMSMPOS quia CONJ aegrot V11PRESACTIVEINF0X coep V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X nudius ADVPOS terti NUM13NOMSMORD | And David said to him: To whom dost thou belong; or whence dost thou come? and whither art thou going? He said: I am a young man of Egypt, the servant of an Amalecite: and my master left me, because I began to be sick three days ago. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
51,138 | certatim ADVPOS ut CONJ qu PRON10DATPX anim N21DATSM ignav ADJ11NOMSMPOS procax ADJ31NOMSXPOS or V31PRESACTIVEIMP2S anni N41ACCSM gall N21ACCSM et CONJ Suetonium OTHER paulin ADJ11NOMSNPOS et CONJ mar N34GENPN Celsumnam OTHER e PRON41ACCPM qu PRON10ABLSM otho N31NOMSM praefec V31PLUPACTIVEIND3S crimin N32LOCPN incess V31IMPFACTIVEIND3P | Blustering in speech to match their cowardice at heart, they vied with one another in bringing various charges against Annius Gallus and Suetonius Paulinus and Marius Celsus, for Otho had appointed the latter two also as generals. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Histories_Book2.json |
42 | et CONJ quoniam CONJ inedi N11NOMSF grav ADJ32DATSXPOS afflict V11IMPFPASSIVEIND3P loc N21ACCSM petiv V31PERFACTIVEIND3P pale N11ACCPF nomin N32LOCSN verg VPAR31ACCSCPRESACTIVEPPL in PREPABL mare ADJ31NOMSNPOS valid ADJ11DATSMPOS mur N21DATSM firmat VPAR11NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL ubi ADVPOS cond V31PRESPASSIVEIND3P nunc ADVPOS usque ADVPOS commeat VPAR11NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL distribu V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X milit N31LOCPM omn ADJ32NOMSNPOS lat VPAR32NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL Isauriae OTHER defend VPAR31DATPXPRESACTIVEPPL assuet VPAR31GENSMPERFPASSIVEPPL | And since they were distressed by severe hunger, they made for a place called Palaea, near the sea, which was protected by a strong wall. There supplies are regularly stored even to-day, for distribution to the troops that defend the whole frontier of Isauria. | final_alignments\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book14.json |
41,110 | at CONJ faci N51GENSF subit VPAR61NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL volit VPAR11GENPXPRESACTIVEPPLuncommon mont N33LOCPM alt VPAR31DATPXPERFPASSIVEPPL flamm N11GENPF qu PRON10DATPX tunc ADVPOS cecid V31PERFACTIVEIND3S custodi N11NOMSF sort N33LOCSF horr V21PRESACTIVEINF0X atque CONJ ips PRON62ACCPM null N21DATSM sparg VPAR31ABLSXPRESACTIVEPPL vag V11PRESINF0X cred V31PRESACTIVEINF0X et CONJ indomit ADJ11ACCPMPOS pasc V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X sub PREPABL coll N33LOCPM ign N33NOMPM | But the Roman sentries whose turn it was to be on guard were horror-struck by the sudden sight of flames moving about on the mountain-tops: they believed that no hand of man had sent forth fire, but that it spread of itself and flourished unrestrained beneath the hills. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book7.json |
46,471 | qu PRON10NOMSF haesitatio N31NOMSF n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S postre ADJ11DATSMSUPER e V11PRESACTIVEIND1S provect VPAR31NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P ut CONJ mandav V11PERFACTIVESUB3S provinci N11ACCPF qu PRON10ACCPM egred V31PRESINF0X urb N33LOCSF non ADV esse V51IMPFACTIVEIND3S pass VPAR31NOMSMFUTACTIVEPPL | In the end, this vacillation carried him so far that he gave provinces to men whom he was never to allow to leave Rome. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Annals_Book1.json |
42,769 | mox ADVPOS Nasamoniaco OTHER decus N32NOMSN admirabil ADJ32NOMSNPOS reg V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X possess VPAR21NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL fort N33LOCSF que CONJ de N21DATSM libav V11PERFACTIVEIND3S honor N31NOMPM semper ADVPOS atrox ADJ31NOMSXPOS dextr ADJ12NOMSFPOS periur ADJ11DATSMPOS que CONJ ens N33LOCSM superb ADJ11NOMSMPOS hannibal N31NOMSM | Presently the wondrous treasure became the property of the Nasamonian king. Hannibal, ever savage of hand and proud in treacherous sword, gave libation to the valiant god, who hated him | final_alignments\Statius_Silvae_Book4.json |
77,743 | cumque ADVPOS vid V21PLUPACTIVESUB3S deus N21VOCSM terr N11ACCSF ess VPAR31VOCSMPERFPASSIVEPPL corrupt VPAR31ACCSFPERFPASSIVEPPL omn ADJ32NOMSCPOS quippe ADVPOS car N21DATSM corrup V31PLUPACTIVEIND3S vi N11ACCSF su ADJ11ACCSFPOS sup V11PRESPASSIVESUB1S terr N11ACCSF | And when God had seen that the earth was corrupted (for all flesh had corrupted its way upon the earth,) | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
21,248 | disertissi ADJ00NOMSNSUPER cognov V31PERFACTIVEIND1S av N21ACCSM tu ADJ11NOMSNPOS at CONJ t PRON52ABLSC etiam CONJ aperti ADJ11ACCSCCOMP in PREPABL dic VPAR31DATSMFUTPASSIVEPPL | I knew your grandfather to be eloquent in speaking, but I know you to be even more open. | final_alignments\Cicero_Philippic_2.json |
94,506 | sin CONJ fallax ADJ31NOMSXPOS grati N11NOMSF et CONJ van ADJ11NOMSFPOS es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S pulchritudo N31NOMSF mulier N31NOMSF tim VPAR21NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL domin N21ACCSM ips PRON62NOMSF laud V11FUTPASSIVEIND3S | Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: the woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
28,185 | nam CONJ dum CONJ t PRON52ABLSC sequ V31PRESIND3S prim N21DATSM miser N23NOMSM excid V31PRESACTIVEIND3S aev N21DATSM et CONJ nov V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S longinqu ADJ11DATPXPOS pisc N33LOCPM esc N11NOMSF nat V11PRESACTIVEIND3S | For while pursuing you, the poor boy was lost in the prime of life and floats as novel food for distant fishes. | final_alignments\Propertius_Elegies_Book3.json |
84,390 | et CONJ tal ADJ32DATPXPOS mult N11LOCPF parabol N11LOCPF loqu V31IMPFIND3S e PRON41DATPX verb N22NOMSN prout CONJ pot V52IMPFACTIVEIND3P aud V41PRESACTIVEINF0X | And with many such parables, he spoke to them the word, according as they were able to hear. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
42,384 | quin ADVPOS mai ADJ11NOMSNCOMP loqu V31PRESSUB1S ips PRON62NOMSF t PRON52ABLSC latin N11LOCPF aene N22LOCPN vener V11FUTPASSIVEIND3S can VPAR31ACCSCPRESACTIVEPPL | Nay, a greater thing I shall utter: Aeneis herself shall do you reverence, as you sing to the men of Latium. | final_alignments\Statius_Silvae_Book2.json |
15,775 | magistrat N41NOMSM qu PRON10NOMPF vis VPAR21NOMPNPERFPASSIVEPPL sunt V51PRESACTIVEIND3P occult V11PRESACTIVEIND3P ess VPAR31VOCSMPERFPASSIVEPPL ex PREPABL us N41ABLSM iudicav V11PERFACTIVEIND3P multitudin N31LOCSF prod V31PRESACTIVEIND3P de PREPABL r N51GENSF public ADJ11NOMSFPOS nisi CONJ per PREPACC concili N24NOMSN loqu V31PRESINF0X non ADV conced V31PRESPASSIVEIND3S | The magistrates conceal those things which require to be kept unknown; and they disclose to the people whatever they determine to be expedient. It is not lawful to speak of the commonwealth, except in council. | final_alignments\Caesar_DBG_Book6.json |
43,196 | h PRON31NOMSF tum ADVPOS dir N11NOMSF lu V31FUTACTIVEIND2S nocturn ADJ11DATSMPOS squalid ADJ11NOMSFPOS pass SUPINE31ABLSN illab V31PRESINF0X thalam N21LOCPM anim N11ACCPF que CONJ a ADV stirp N31LOCSF recent ADJ31NOMPCPOS abrip V31PRESACTIVEINF0X altric N31GENPF gremi N22LOCPN mors SUPINE21ABLSN que CONJ cruent V11PRESACTIVEIND1S devesc V31PRESINF0X et CONJ mult N22NOMSN patri ADJ11DATSMPOS pinguesc V31PRESACTIVEINF0X luct N41ABLSM | This dreadful pest, moving by night, slides squalid into bedrooms and tears lives newly born from their mothers breasts, to devour them with bloody bite and feed fat on the lands mourning. | final_alignments\Statius_Thebaid_Book1.json |
77,736 | vid VPAR21NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL autem CONJ deus N21VOCSM qu PRON10NOMSN mult N11NOMSF maliti N11NOMSF homin N31GENPM es V73IMPFACTIVESUB3S in PREPABL terr N11NOMSF et CONJ cunct N11NOMSF cogitatio N31NOMSF cord N32GENSN intent VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL esset V51PRESACTIVEIND3P ad ADVPOS mal N21ACCSM omn ADJ32DATSXPOS tempor N32LOCSN | And God seeing that the wickedness of men was great on the earth, and that all the thought of their heart was bent upon evil at all times, | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
56,046 | advol V11PRESACTIVEIND3S ips PRON62NOMSF ac CONJ simul ADVPOS Haemonidae OTHER Gesandrum OTHER que CONJ omn ADJ32NOMSCPOS in PREPABL un NUM11NOMSNCARD i V61PRESACTIVEIND3S man N41NOMSF | Forward she flies, and the Haemonidae with her, and the whole band attack Gesander alone. | final_alignments\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book6.json |
82,536 | propter PREPACC iniquitat N31ACCSF avariti N11GENSF e PRON41GENSX irat VPAR11NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL sum V51PRESACTIVEIND3P et CONJ percuss V31PERFACTIVEIND1S e PRON41ACCSM abscond V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X et CONJ indignat VPAR11NOMSMPERFPPL sum V51PRESACTIVEIND3P et CONJ roving, wandering; in, on,at(space);inaccordancewith/regardto/thecaseof;within(time); vi N11ABLSF heart; mind/soul/spirit;intellect/judgment;sweetheart;souls/persons(pl.); su N21NOMPM | For the iniquity of his covetousness I was angry, and I struck him: I hid my face from thee, and was angry: and he went away wandering in his own heart. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
29,356 | numquid ADVPOS et CONJ intact ADJ11GENSFPOS post ADVPOS part VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL virgin N31GENSF ull ADJ13NOMSNPOS fas N99XXN t PRON52DATSC i V61FUTACTIVEIND1S super V51PRESACTIVEIND3S post ADVPOS part VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL virgin N31GENSF exquo OTHER corpor N32GENSN human N22GENSN nat VPAR31ACCSFFUTPPL pristin ADJ11NOMSFPOS origo N31NOMSF deseru V31PERFACTIVEIND3S carn N33ACCSF que CONJ nov ADJ11ACCSFPOS vis V62PRESACTIVEIND2S ardu N22NOMPN sev V31PERFACTIVEIND3S atque CONJ innupt VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL de N21ACCSM concep V31PERFACTIVEIND3S femin N32NOMPN christ N21ACCSM mortal ADJ32DATSXPOS de PREPABL matr N31LOCSF homin N31ACCSM sed CONJ cum ADVPOS patr N31LOCSM numen N32NOMSN | Well, since a virgin immaculate has borne a child, hast thou any claim remaining'since a virgin bore a child, since the day when mans body lost its primeval nature, and power from on high created a new flesh, and a woman unwedded conceived the God Christ, who is man in virtue of his mortal mother but God long with the Father? | final_alignments\Prudentius_Psychomachia.json |
33,160 | qu PRON10ACCSF glori N11ACCSF tu PRON52NOMSC parricid N11NOMSC inter PREPACC cyper N21VOCSC volu V62PERFACTIVEIND2S et CONJ Macedonas OTHER reg V31PRESACTIVEIMP2S adempt VPAR31DATSMPERFPASSIVEPPL devict VPAR31DATPXPERFPASSIVEPPL gent N33LOCPF ded V11PERFACTIVEIND3P | It is this glory, parricide that you are, that you wished to interrupt and to deliver the Macedonians to the conquered nations by killing their king! | final_alignments\Quintus_Curtius_Alexander_Book8.json |
37,880 | sic ADVPOS claus VPAR21NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL linqu VPAR31NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL arcan N21DATSM pector N32LOCSN bell N22NOMSN atque CONJ homin N31GENPM fin N33ACCSC gades N31NOMSF Calpen OTHER que CONJ secut VPAR31NOMSMPERFPPL dum CONJ fer V32PRESACTIVEIND3S hercul N33ACCPMArchaicuncommon Garamantica OTHER sign N22NOMPN column N11LOCPF occubu V11PERFACTIVEIND3S saev ADJ11DATSMPOS Tyrius OTHER certamin N32LOCSN duct V11PRESPASSIVEIND1S | So Hamilcar left his design of war concealed in his secret heart, and made for Calpe and Gades,a the limit of the world; but, while carrying the standards of Africa to the Pillars of Hercules, he fell in a hard-fought battle. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book1.json |
50,065 | exig V31PRESPASSIVEIND3S enim CONJ i V61FUTACTIVEIND1S ab PREPABL orator N31LOCSM etiam CONJ poetic ADJ11NOMSMPOS decor N31NOMSM non ADV or, orrather/else;either...or(aut...aut)(emphasizingone); aut OTHER veternus, veterniN(2nd)M[XXXDX]lesser daub; stain,pollute;soil;"smear"; but, butalso;yet;however,butinfact/truth;nottomention;yesbut; out of,from;byreasonof;accordingto;becauseof,asaresultof; ex OTHER and, andeven;also,even;(; vergili N25NOMPM and, andeven;also,even;(; lucan ADJ11GENSMPOS sacrarium, sacrari(i)N(2nd)N[XEXDX]lesser bring forward;advance;defer;discover;mention; | For the adornment of the poet is demanded nowadays also in the orator, an adornment not disfigured by the mouldiness of Accius or Pacuvius, but fresh from the sacred shrine of a Horace, a Virgil, a Lucan. | final_alignments\Tacitus_Dialogus.json |
7,246 | mal N21VOCSM vell V31PRESACTIVEIMP2S facultas N31NOMSF null ADJ13NOMSFPOS s V51PRESACTIVESUB3S ac CONJ bene ADVPOS poss V52PRESACTIVEINF0X ads V51PRESACTIVESUB3S tranquill N22NOMPN potestas N31NOMSF | Let me have no occasion to will ill and let the unruffled power to do well be with me. | final_alignments\Ausonius_Epistles.json |
62,551 | haud ADVPOS segn ADJ32NOMPCPOS ali N24GENSN crat V41PRESACTIVEIND2S et CONJ moll ADJ32NOMSNPOS feretr N22NOMSN arbute ADJ11DATPXPOS tex V31PRESACTIVEIND3P virg N11LOCPF et CONJ bim ADJ11GENSMPOS n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S quern ADJ11DATSMPOS exstruct VPAR31ACCPMPERFPASSIVEPPL que CONJ tor N21ACCPM obtent SUPINE31ABLSN frond N33GENSF inumbr V11PRESACTIVEIND3P | Others in haste plait the wicker frame of a soft bier with arbute shoots and oaken twigs, and shroud the high-piled couch with a leafy canopy. | final_alignments\Virgil_Aeneid_Book11.json |
12,632 | un NUM11NOMSMCARD enim CONJ r N51GENPF pater N31NOMSM es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S un NUM11NOMSMCARD cunct N11NOMSF ministr V11PRESACTIVEIND3S | There is one Father of all things, one who looks after all. | final_alignments\Boethius_Philosophy_Book3.json |
25,276 | alti ADJ11NOMSNCOMP h PRON31DATPX nihil N99XXN es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S h PRON31NOMSF s V51PRESACTIVEIND3P fastigi N24NOMPN mund N21GENSM public ADJ11NOMSFPOS nat VPAR31GENSFFUTPPL dom N21NOMSF h PRON31DATPX content VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL ten V21PRESPASSIVEIND3S fin N33LOCPC amplect VPAR31NOMSXPRESPPL pont N33GENPM terr N11ACCPF que CONJ iac VPAR21GENSXPRESACTIVEPPL | Higher than these is there nothing, for they are the roof of the universe; they are the limits within which the common abode of nature is content to be held, embracing the sea and lands that lie beneath. | final_alignments\Manilius_Astronomica_Book1.json |
3,139 | et CONJ quoniam CONJ asser V31IMPFACTIVEIND3S Athanaricus OTHER sub PREPABL tim VPAR21NOMSFFUTPASSIVEPPL exsecratio N31NOMSF n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S iur N32GENSN iur VPAR11GENSMFUTPASSIVEPPL s PRON54ABLXC ess VPAR31VOCSMPERFPASSIVEPPL obstrict VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL mand V31PRESACTIVESUB2P que CONJ prohibit VPAR21NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL patr N31GENSM n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S sol N22NOMSN calc V11IMPFACTIVESUB3S aliquando ADVPOS roman N21ACCSM et CONJ adig V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X non ADV pot V52IMPFACTIVEIND3S indecor ADJ11NOMSNPOS que CONJ esse V51IMPFACTIVEIND3S et CONJ vil ADJ32NOMSNPOS ad ADVPOS e PRON41ACCSM imperator N31ACCSM transi V61PRESACTIVEINF0X rect ADJ11VOCSMPOS nosc VPAR31DATPXPRESACTIVEPPL placu V21PERFACTIVEIND3S nav N33LOCPF remigi N24DATSN direct N21LOCPM in PREPABL medi N21ACCSM flumen N32NOMSN qu PRON10NOMPF veh V31IMPFACTIVEIND3P cum ADVPOS armiger N11LOCPF princip N31ACCSM gent N33GENSF que CONJ iudic N31ACCSM ind N21VOCSM cum ADVPOS su N21LOCPM foeder V11PRESPASSIVEINF0X ut CONJ statut VPAR31NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P pac V11PRESACTIVESUB1S | But since Athanaricus declared that he was bound by an oath accompanied by a fearful imprecation, and thus prevented by his fathers orders from ever setting foot on Roman soil, and since he could not be induced to do so, and it was unbecoming and degrading for the emperor to cross to him, it was decided by those of good judgment that ships should be rowed into mid-stream, one carrying the emperor with his guard, the other the Gothic ruler with his men, and that thus a treaty of peace should be struck, as had been agreed. | final_alignments\Ammianus_Marcellinus_Book27.json |
37,226 | et CONJ quia CONJ s PRON54DATXC maxi ADJ11ACCPFSUPER hum VPAR11GENSMFUTPASSIVEPPL funer N32GENSN part N33NOMPF ips PRON62NOMSM praeripu V31PERFACTIVEIND3S tot ADJ13NOMSNPOS apparat VPAR11NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL curr VPAR31GENSXPRESACTIVEPPL impendi N24GENSN qu PRON10NOMSN funer VPAR11DATSMFUTPASSIVEPPL sacerdot N31LOCSC compet V31IMPFACTIVESUB3S imperti VPAR34NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL saltim ADVPOS ad ADVPOS obsequi N24NOMSN qu PRON10NOMPF remans V21PERFACTIVEIND3P verb N22NOMPN confer V32PRESACTIVEIND1P nihil N99XXN ali ADJ15NOMSNPOS exarat VPAR11GENSMFUTACTIVEPPL stil N21GENSM scalp VPAR31GENSXPRESACTIVEPPL impress SUPINE31ABLSN qu PRON10ACCSF testimoni N24NOMSN mutu ADJ11GENSFPOS dilection N31GENSF | And since he has taken upon himself the main responsibility for the obsequies, making complete provision of the overmounting cost which befits the funeral of a priest, I gave as my tribute what at least is left to me'words, and the impress of my scratching style shall inscribe nothing but a testimony to our mutual love. | final_alignments\Sidonius_Letters_Book7.json |
86,872 | et CONJ praecep V31PERFACTIVEIND3S e PRON41DATPX n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S manifest ADJ11NOMSNPOS e PRON41ACCSM fac V31IMPFACTIVESUB3P | And he charged them that they should not make him known. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
43,314 | trax V31PLUPACTIVEIND3S insomn ADJ32NOMSCPOS cithar N11NOMSF lud N21DATSM que CONJ supre ADJ11NOMSFSUPER sider N32NOMPN i V61FUTACTIVEIND1S null N21ACCPM vis VPAR21NOMSMFUTACTIVEPPL Ialmenus OTHER ort VPAR34NOMSMPERFPPL Sidonium OTHER paean N37ACCSM can VPAR31NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL hu PRON31DATSX languid ADJ11NOMSFPOS cervix N31NOMSF in PREPABL laev ADJ11NOMSNPOS cog VPAR31ABLSXPRESACTIVEPPL de N21DATSM medi N24NOMPN que CONJ iac V21IMPFACTIVEIND3P coll N22NOMPN relict N22NOMPN lyr N11NOMSF ferr N22NOMSN per PREPACC pectus N32NOMSN Agylleus OTHER exig V31PRESACTIVEIND3S aptat VPAR11ACCSFPERFPASSIVEPPL que CONJ cav N11NOMSF testudin N31LOCSF dextr ADJ12ACCSFPOS percut V31PRESACTIVEIND3S et CONJ digit N21ACCPM inter PREPACC su N22NOMPN fil N22NOMPN trem VPAR31NOMPCPRESACTIVEPPL | Ialmenus had spent his last stars sleepless in music and sport, never to see another sunrise, singing a Sidonian song of victory. At the gods compulsion his head drooped leftward and his neck lay in abandon over the lyre. Agylleus drives his steel through the breast and strikes the right hand attached to the hollow tortoiseshell and the fingers trembling among their strings. | final_alignments\Statius_Thebaid_Book10.json |
96,792 | unde ADVPOS neque ADVPOS aestim VPAR11NOMSNFUTPASSIVEPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P neque ADVPOS dic VPAR31NOMSNFUTPASSIVEPPL esse V51PRESACTIVEIND3P ill PRON61ACCPM de N21ACCPM quando ADVPOS non ADV poss V52PRESACTIVESUB3P neque ADVPOS iudic N31GENPM iudic V11PRESACTIVEINF0X neque ADVPOS benefac V31PRESACTIVEINF0X homin N31LOCPM | Wherefore it is neither to be thought, nor to be said, that they are gods: since they are neither able to judge causes, nor to do any good to men. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
95,259 | ecce INTERJ ego PRON51NOMSC abscond V31PRESPASSIVESUB1S in PREPABL campestr ADJ33DATPXPOS desert VPAR31GENSMPERFPASSIVEPPL donec CONJ veni V41PRESACTIVESUB3S sermo N31NOMSM a ADV v PRON53DATPC indic VPAR11NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL m PRON51DATSC | Behold I will lie hid in the plains of the wilderness, till there come word from you to certify me. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
55,897 | ur V31PRESACTIVEIND3S et CONJ antiqu ADJ11GENSFPOS memor ADJ31ACCSCPOS vox N31NOMSF praesci ADJ11NOMSFPOS sort N33GENSF cur ADVPOS simul ADVPOS ac CONJ pers N17VOCSM n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S illinc ADVPOS s PRON54DATXC mov V21PERFACTIVESUB3S atque CONJ hinc ADVPOS Thessalicam OTHER fortun N11NOMSF rat N33ACCSF num ADV debit VPAR21NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL ist PRON61NOMSF fin V41PRESACTIVEIND2S ag V31PRESACTIVESUB3S saev ADJ11GENSFPOS que CONJ pet V31PRESACTIVESUB3P i V61FUTACTIVEIND1S veller N32NOMPN parc N11GENSF | Then too the forecast of an ancient oracle burns in his memory: why should Fortune have sent against him together from one quarter Perses and from the other the Thessalian bark? can doom be claiming its due, and are the stern Fates demanding the fleece already? | final_alignments\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book5.json |
14,905 | h PRON31DATPX r N51DATPF cognit ADJ11DATPXPOS explorator N31NOMPM centurion N31NOMPM que CONJ praemitt V31PRESACTIVEIND3S qu PRON10NOMPM loc N21ACCSM castr N11LOCPF idone ADJ11NOMSNPOS delig V31PRESACTIVESUB3P | Having learned these things, he sends forward scouts and centurions to choose a convenient place for the camp. | final_alignments\Caesar_DBG_Book2.json |
8,292 | qu PRON10NOMSN autem CONJ m PRON51DATSC deb V21PRESACTIVEIND2S gratissi ADJ11VOCSMSUPER imper V11FUTPASSIVEIMP2S | But what do you owe me, most gracious Emperor' | final_alignments\Ausonius_Thanksgiving.json |
66,026 | etiam CONJ que CONJ contra ADVPOS inferi ADJ11NOMPCCOMP turr N33GENPF divid VPAR31NOMSMFUTPASSIVEPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P mur N21NOMSM intervall N22LOCPN tam ADVPOS magn ADJ11DATPXPOS qu PRON10ACCSF esse V51FUTACTIVEIND3P turr N33NOMPF ut CONJ itiner N32NOMPN s V51PRESACTIVESUB3P interi ADJ00DATPXCOMP part N33LOCPF turr N33GENPF contignat VPAR11NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL neque ADVPOS e V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S ferr N22DATSN fix VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL | And also opposite the lower part of the towers, the wall is to be divided by intervals as wide as a tower; and these intervals opposite the interior parts of the towers shall be joined with planks. These, however, are not to be fixed with iron nails. | final_alignments\Vitruvius_Architecture_Book_1.json |
60,688 | itaque ADVPOS disced V31PRESACTIVEIND1P ego PRON51NOMSC et CONJ scrof N11NOMSF in PREPABL hort N21ACCPM ad ADVPOS vitul N11GENPFuncommon niger ADJ12NOMSMPOS turran ADJ11GENSMPOS noster N23NOMSM ill PRON61DATSX part N33ACCSF dom N21ACCSF part N33ACCSF ad ADVPOS Menatem OTHER | And so Scrofa and I set out to Vituluss place, and the others, my dear Turranius Niger, some for their homes and some to Menates. | final_alignments\Varro_Agriculture_Book2.json |
6,536 | uber N32NOMPN qu PRON10NOMSN puls VPAR31ACCPFPERFPASSIVEPPL frig VPAR31NOMPNPRESACTIVEPPL matr N31GENSF aen N11GENSF o INTERJ vitul N21VOCSM et CONJ suc N21ACCSM lact N32GENSN ab PREPABL aer N36LOCSC pet V31PRESACTIVEIND2S | Why thrustest thou at the cold udders of a brazen dam, O calf, and seekest milky liquid from bronze? | final_alignments\Ausonius_Epigrams.json |
56,391 | ergo ADVPOS ubi ADVPOS div N11NOMSF rat N33NOMPF host N33ACCSC que CONJ acced V31PRESACTIVEINF0X cern V31PRESACTIVEIND3S ips PRON62NOMSF subi V61PRESACTIVEIND3S terr N11ACCPF tempestat N31GENPF que CONJ refring V31PRESACTIVEIND3S vent VPAR34GENPMPERFPASSIVEPPL que CONJ dom N21ACCPF | So when the goddess perceives the hostile fleet advancing, she comes herself to earth, and unbars the dwelling of the winds and storms. | final_alignments\Valerius_Flaccus_Argonautica_Book8.json |
27,460 | t PRON52DATSC uxor N31NOMSF in PREPABL decus N32NOMSN et CONJ glori N11ACCSF ced V31PRESACTIVEIND3S qu PRON10NOMSN enim CONJ ill PRON61NOMSF sancti ADJ11NOMSNCOMP qu PRON10NOMSN antiqui ADJ11NOMSNCOMP | But your own wife contributes to your honour and glory, as a supreme model of the ancient virtues; | final_alignments\Pliny_Younger_Panegyricus.json |
76,820 | et CONJ audiv V41PERFACTIVEIND1S voc V11PRESACTIVESUB1S de PREPABL cael N21DATSM tamquam CONJ voc V11PRESACTIVESUB1S aqu N11GENPF mult N11GENPF et CONJ tamquam CONJ voc V11PRESACTIVESUB1S tonitr N41DATSM magn ADJ11GENSMPOS et CONJ voc V11PRESACTIVESUB1S qu PRON10ACCSF audiv V41PERFACTIVEIND1S sicut ADVPOS citharoed N21GENPM cithariz VPAR11GENPXPRESACTIVEPPL in PREPABL cithar N11LOCPF su N21LOCPM | And I heard a voice from heaven, as the noise of many waters and as the voice of great thunder. And the voice which I heard was as the voice of harpers, harping on their harps. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
14,467 | fratr N31LOCSM autem CONJ Ariobarzanis OTHER Ariarathi OTHER cum ADVPOS bene ADVPOS merit VPAR21NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL uter N33NOMSM e PRON41GENPM de PREPABL r N51GENSF public ADJ11NOMSFPOS es V73IMPFACTIVESUB3S n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S aut CONJ regn N22GENSN heredit V11PRESACTIVEIND2S Ariarathe OTHER n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S sollicit V11IMPFACTIVESUB3S aut CONJ her V21PRESACTIVEIND2S regn N22GENSN terr V21IMPFACTIVESUB3S Ariobarzane OTHER n V21PRESACTIVEIMP2S part N33ACCSF armeni N11GENSF minor N31GENSM concess V31PERFACTIVEIND3S e PRON41ACCSM que CONJ Ariobarzani OTHER attribu V31PRESACTIVEIND3S qu PRON10NOMPM sub PREPABL e PRON41GENSX imperi N24DATSN ac CONJ dicion N31LOCSF es V73IMPFACTIVESUB3S | As for Ariobarzanes and his brother Ariarathes, both of them had deserved well of the Republic; and so, to prevent Ariarathes from being tempted to claim his inheritance to the kingdom, or, as heir to it, from intimidating Ariobarzanes, Caesar granted him part of Lesser Armenia and allowed Ariobarzanes to treat him as his vassal. | final_alignments\Caesar_Alexandrian.json |
34,777 | igitur CONJ bell N22DATSN Iugurthino OTHER ex PREPABL punic ADJ11DATPXPOS oppid N22NOMPN et CONJ fin V41PRESACTIVEIND2S carthaginiens ADJ32GENPXPOS qu PRON10ACCPM nov ADJ11DATPXPOS habu V21PLUPACTIVEIND3P popul N21NOMSM roman N21NOMSM per PREPACC magistrat N41NOMSM administr V11IMPFACTIVEIND3S Gaetulorum OTHER magn ADJ11NOMSFPOS pars N33NOMSF et CONJ Numidae OTHER usque ADVPOS ad ADVPOS flumen N32NOMSN Muluccham OTHER sub PREPABL Iugurtha OTHER esse V51IMPFACTIVEIND3P maur N21LOCPM omn ADJ32DATPXPOS rex N31NOMSM Bocchus OTHER imperit V11IMPFACTIVEIND3S praeter PREPACC nomen N32NOMSN ceter ADJ11NOMSFPOS ignar ADJ11NOMSMPOS popul N21GENSM roman N21GENSM item ADVPOS que CONJ n PRON53DATPC neque ADVPOS bell N22DATSN neque ADVPOS pac N31LOCSF antea ADVPOS cognit N41NOMSM | Now at the time of the war with Jugurtha, the Roman people were governing through their officials most of the Punic towns, as well as the territory which until very recently had belonged to the Carthaginians. A large number of the Gaetulians, and the Numidians as far as the river Muluccha, were subject to Jugurtha. All the Moors were under the control of King Bocchus, who knew nothing of the Romans, except for their name, and was likewise a man unknown to us before that time either in peace or in war. | final_alignments\Sallust_Jugurtha.json |
24,237 | principi N24DATSN quoniam CONJ mitt V31PRESACTIVEIND3P in PREPABL r N51DATPF apert VPAR34DATPXPERFPASSIVEPPL corpor V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S r N51NOMSF mult N11GENSF part N33ACCSF diffus VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL solut ADJ11VOCSMPOS robor V11PRESACTIVEIMP2S ceu ADVPOS fum N21ACCSM mitt V31PRESACTIVEIND3P ign N33NOMPM que CONJ vapor N31ACCSM et CONJ part N33ACCSF context VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL mag N21LOCPM condens N22NOMPN que CONJ ut CONJ olim ADVPOS cum ADVPOS ter V31FUTACTIVEIND2P pon V31PRESACTIVEIND3P tunic N11ACCPF aestat N31LOCSF cicad N11GENSF et CONJ vitul N21GENSM cum ADVPOS membran N11ACCPF de PREPABL corpor N32LOCSN sum ADJ00DATSMSUPER nasc VPAR31NOMPCPRESPPL mitt V31PRESACTIVEIND3P et CONJ item ADVPOS cum ADVPOS lubric ADJ11NOMSFPOS serp VPAR31NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL exu V31PRESACTIVEIND3S in PREPABL spin N11LOCPF vest N33ACCSF nam CONJ saepe ADVPOS vid V21PRESACTIVEIND1P ill PRON61GENPM spoli N24LOCPN vepr N33NOMPM volit VPAR11DATPXPRESACTIVEPPL auct V11PRESACTIVEIND2S qu PRON10NOMPF quoniam CONJ fi V33PRESACTIVEIND3P tenu ADJ32NOMSCPOS qu PRON10ABLSM deb V21PRESACTIVEIND3S imago N31NOMSF ab PREPABL r N51DATPF mitt V31PRESPASSIVEINF0X sum ADJ00DATSMSUPER de PREPABL corpor N32LOCSN r N51GENPF | In the first place, since amongst visible things many throw off bodies, sometimes loosely diffused abroad, as wood throws off smoke and fire heat, sometimes more close-knit and condensed, as often when cicadas drop their neat coats in summer, and when calves at birth throw off the caul from their outermost surface, and also when the slippery serpent casts off his vesture amongst the thorns (for we often see the brambles enriched with their flying spoils): since these things happen, a thin image must also be thrown off from things, from the outermost surface of things. | final_alignments\Lucretius_De_Rerum_Natura_Book4.json |
86,321 | et CONJ quart NUM20NOMSMORD effud V31PERFACTIVEIND3S fial N11ACCSF su ADJ11ACCSFPOS in PREPABL sol N31ACCSM et CONJ dat VPAR11NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P ill PRON61DATSX aest N41ABLSM adfic V31PRESACTIVEINF0X homin N31NOMPM et CONJ ign V41PRESACTIVEIMP2S | And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun. And it was given unto him to afflict men with heat and fire. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |
27,478 | pot V52PRESACTIVEIND3S fortasse ADVPOS princeps N31NOMSM iniqu ADJ11VOCSMPOS pot V52PRESACTIVEIND3S tamen ADVPOS odi V41PRESACTIVEIND1S ess VPAR31VOCSMPERFPASSIVEPPL non ADV null N21LOCPM etiamsi CONJ ips PRON62NOMSM non ADV od V31PERFACTIVESUB3S am V11PRESPASSIVEINF0X nisi CONJ ips PRON62NOMSM am V11PRESACTIVESUB3S non ADV pot V52PRESACTIVEIND3S | It is possible for a prince to incur hatred (though perhaps unjustly) from many of his subjects, though he feels none himself; it is not possible for him to win affection unless he shows it too. | final_alignments\Pliny_Younger_Panegyricus.json |
38,350 | combib V31PRESACTIVESUB3S illaps VPAR31ACCPMPERFPPL duct V11PRESPASSIVEIND1S per PREPACC viscer N32NOMPN lux N41NOMSM nec ADVPOS pud V21PRESACTIVESUB3S pict ADJ11DATSMPOS fult VPAR34NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL iacu V21PERFACTIVEINF0X cubil N34LOCSN nec ADVPOS crin N33ACCSM assyri N21DATSM perfund V31PRESACTIVEINF0X pugn V11PRESACTIVESUB3S amom N22DATSN | Let the taste for luxury steal into Hannibals heart; let him drink it in, and not blush to rest his limbs on an embroidered couch, nor refuse to drench his locks with perfume of Assyria. | final_alignments\Silius_Italicus_Punica_Book11.json |
59,298 | i PRON42NOMSM signific V11PRESACTIVEINF0X cupi VPAR31NOMSXPRESACTIVEPPL quant ADJ11DATSMPOS inter PREPACC s PRON54ABLXC odi V41PRESACTIVEIND1S carthago N31NOMSF et CONJ rom N11NOMSF dissid V21IMPFACTIVESUB3P inflict VPAR31DATSMPERFPASSIVEPPL in PREPABL terr N11ACCSF ped N31LOCSM suscit V11FUTACTIVEIMP2S que CONJ pulver N31LOCSM tunc ADVPOS inter PREPACC e V11PRESACTIVEIND2S fin N33ACCSC for N21VOCSM bell N22GENSN dix V31PERFACTIVEIND3S cum ADVPOS alterutr ADJ14NOMSFPOS urbs N33NOMSF in PREPABL habit VPAR21NOMSNPERFPASSIVEPPL pulver N31GENSM es V73IMPFACTIVESUB3S redact VPAR31NOMSFPERFPASSIVEPPL | The same, wishing to signify the mutual hatred in the quarrel between Rome and Carthage, stamped his foot upon the ground, raising dust: the war between the cities, he said, would end only when one or the other had been reduced to that substance. | final_alignments\Valerius_Memorable_Book9.json |
16,029 | nec ADVPOS sol N22LOCPN biturig N31LOCPM commun ADJ32ACCSCPOS salut N31ACCSF committ VPAR31ACCSFFUTPASSIVEPPL cens V21PRESACTIVEIND3P qu PRON10NOMSN paene ADVPOS in PREPABL e V11PRESACTIVEIND1S si CONJ i PRON41NOMSN oppid N22NOMSN retinu V21PLUPACTIVESUB3P sum ADJ00ACCSFSUPER victori N11GENSF const V11PRESACTIVEINF0X intelleg V31IMPFACTIVEIND3P | and decide that the general safety should not be intrusted to the Bituriges alone, because they were aware that the glory of the victory must rest with the Bituriges, if they made good the defense of the town. | final_alignments\Caesar_DBG_Book7.json |
85,344 | et CONJ ort VPAR34NOMSNPERFPPL est V51PRESACTIVEIND3P bell N22NOMSN dur N22NOMSN sat ADJ11DATPXPOS in PREPABL di N21VOCSM ill PRON61NOMSF fugat VPAR11NOMSMPERFPASSIVEPPL que CONJ es V73PRESACTIVEIND3S n V11PRESPASSIVESUB1S et CONJ vir N21GENSN israhel N31NOMSM a ADV puer N11LOCPF david N99XXM | And there was a very fierce battle that day: and Abner was put to flight, with the men of Israel, by the servants of David. | final_alignments\Vulgate_Bible.json |