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https://ansbach-umgedacht.de/2018/02/staatsregierung-muss-die-buerger-schuetzen-nicht-den-fluglaerm/ | Laut den Flugbestimmungen des Bundes für die Flugplätze Ansbach-Katterbach und Illesheim dürfen die Kampfhubschrauber auf 3,04 Meter über Boden sinken, erinnert die BI. Die extremen Tiefflüge bedeuteten sowohl eine erhöhte Lärm- als auch eine vervielfachte Feinstaubbelastung im Nahbereich. „Sollte sich das Landesamt für Umweltschutz (LfU) weiterhin weigern, Erhebungen vor Ort durchzuführen, könnte dies zu einer konkreten Zusammenarbeit der Kommunen führen: in Form gemeinsamer Schadstoffmessungen", schlägt Etz langt ́s vor. Das Verhalten der Staatsregierung mit Blick auf Lebensqualität und Umweltschutz im Umfeld der US-Militärbasen verdeutliche erneut, dass auf eine grundsätzliche Lösung des Problems hingearbeitet werden müsse, so der BI-Vorstand: „Wir stehen für zivile Umnutzung und damit für neue Entwicklungschancen in unserer Region." | 2020-04-06T05:57:07 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406035448-20200406065948-00297.warc.wet.gz | de |
http://otv.odintv.ru/2020/03/12/ | Министр имущественных отношений Московской области Наталья Адигамова рассказала, что в феврале такие встречи прошли в трех городских округах — Пушкинском, Подольске и Щелково, но охватили садоводов и дачников 5 городских округов. В администрации городского округа Щелково собрались представители щелковских товариществ, а также СНТ Черноголовки и Звездного городка. В этих городских округах насчитывается порядка 1000 СНТ с 75 тысяч садоводов и дачников, однако количество незарегистрированной недвижимости все еще исчисляется тысячами домов и построек. | 2020-04-06T10:03:24 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406070848-20200406101348-00445.warc.wet.gz | ru |
http://www.chemicalprocessing.com/experts/liquid-filtration/ | Ernest Mayer, founder of E. Mayer Filtration Consulting, LLC, is a former senior consultant with DuPont, Wilmington, Del. He has specialized in solid/liquid separation since 1980, with a particular emphasis on environmental applications and filter media characterization. He also has taught many internal courses on solid/liquid separation and written more than 200 papers. He is chairman of the Users Committee of the American Filtration and Separations Society and winner of the society's 2005 Lifetime Achievement Award. | 2015-11-29T19:27:39 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205419-00223-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.hairextensionbuy.com/22-30-micro-loop-human-hair-extensions-mrhbwh2230.html | Micro loop hair extensions are one of the latest innovations of hair extensions, they are easy to use without the need for any heat or glue. With micro loop hair extensions there is no damage to your own hair and they are also unlikely to come out when washed. Our micro loop hair extensions are made from 100% finest remy human hair that has micro rings already attached and in place to add straight to the natural hair using the already attached loop tool used to pull the natural hair through the micro ring, all you need is the pliers to close the micro ring.Micro loop hair extensions are best for people who have thinning hair that makes clip in extensions not possible. People who have problems styling their short hair could also benefit from it. They can enjoy styling their hair extensions while waiting for their own locks to grow long enough to make styling possible.Micro loop hair extensions give a natural look because they attach to your own hair and fall in the same way. Our micro loop hair extensions are just like your own hair and can be colored, cut, washed, styled, curled or straightened as desired. 1 | 2016-10-27T15:00:09 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183841-00333-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://loviisalaara.com/2018/11/22/johdatus-itseohjautuviin-organisaatioihin/ | Ajatuksia Copenhagen Denmark Ei saa peittää France Gotland Graduation In English IT-Tukholma Itsensä johtaminen Juokseminen Jyväskylän yliopisto KTH The Royal Institute of Technology Lappi Lisbon Lofoten Islands Master Thesis Matkat Mediajohtaminen New York Norway Opiskelu Ruotsissa Opiskelu Suomessa Podcast Portugal Puerto Rico Ravintolat Ruotsin kieli Spain Stereotypiat Stockholm University Studies Suomi Tampere Tech Travel Tukholma Tukholma-vinkit Tukholman yliopisto Työt Ulkomailla asuminen Ulkona Vadstena Women in Tech Yrityskulttuuri | 2020-04-01T15:30:52 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200401130837-20200401160837-00221.warc.wet.gz | fi |
http://it.depositphotos.com/10478390/stock-photo-woman-with-a-clock.html | I Nostri Piani e i Prezzi Fotografie Vettoriali Editoriale Video Tutti i File Fotografie Vettoriali Video Applica Ricerca Avanzata 0 Password dimenticata? Non sei registrato? Crea un account! Accedi Registra un Account Accedi Puoi sempre trovare il tuo collaboratore preferito inserendo le iniziali del suo nome utente, nome completo o cognome (se queste informazioni compaiono sul suo profilo pubblico).Esempio:Se inserisci le lettere "and" o "rod" troverai il link al portfolio di Andres Rodriguez.and| andresrAndres Rodriguez | File Online: 32503orrod| andresrAndres Rodriguez | File Online: 32503Puoi escludere parole chiave, per restringere i risultati della tua ricerca.Usa virgole, punto e virgola o spazi per separare parole chiave multiple o frasi.Esempio:Se inserisci "cane" nel campo di ricerca e "palla" nel campo di esclusione, ti verranno mostrati i risultati che hanno la parola chiave "cane" ma non la parola chiave "palla".Esempio di inserimento di parole chiave multiple per l'esclusione:notte città nuvolenotte, città, nuvolenotte; città; nuvole Autore Escludi Categoria Tutte le categorie Altro Animali Architettura e Costruzioni Arte e Oggetti Artistici Astratto Bellezza e Fashion Business e Finanza Celebrità Cibo e Bevande Città Computer ed Elettronica Concetti Decorazione Educazione Fauna e Flora Gioielli e Gemme Illustrazioni Industrial Interni Luoghi Medicina e Salute Natura Oggetti Persone Professioni Religiose Scienza Segni e Simboli Shopping Sport Strumenti Tecnologia Texture e Sfondi Trasporti e Automobili Vacanze ed Eventi Varie Viaggi Vintage e Retro Orientamento Qualsiasi Quadrato Orizzontale Verticale Editoriale Solo Editoriale Escludi Editoriali Dimensione Immagine Qualsiasi M L XL Cancella tutto donna con un orologio - Immagine Stock donna con un orologio - isolato su uno sfondo bianco | 2015-04-19T10:57:50 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045718-00260-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | it |
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