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http://borrelioosi.net/foorumi/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=2054 | Kirjoittaja soijuv " Ma Loka 12, 2009 13:29 23-vuotias nainen valitti näkökyvyn samenemista. Hän oli saanut aiemmin useita hyönteisten puremia sekä kissanraapaisuja. Hänellä havaittiin verkkokalvon valtimon tukkeuma sekä valkeita alueita verkkokalvossa. Bartonellavasta-aineet olivat koholla. Hän sai 10 päivän siprofloksasiini kuurin (500 mg x 2). Viiden viikon kuluttua hoidosta hänelle ilmaantui kömpelyyttä, yöllisiä kohtauksia, muistin ja havintokyvyn heikkenemistä. Aivojen magneettikuvassa (MRI) havaittiin muutoksia esim. lisääntynyttä signaaliherkkyyttä oikealla puolella. Hoidoksi kirjoitettiin atsitromysiiniä 250 mg kolmen päivän ajaksi sekä siprofloksasiinia 500 mg x 2 kolmen viikon ajan. Oireet hävisivät. *LINK* ... _in.4.aspx | 2015-03-27T01:54:33 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150323172133-00289-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | fi |
http://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2009/06/riaa-v-jammie-thomas-round-two-an-in-depth-preview/?comments=1&post=238983 | This attitude is confirmed later in the filing, where the RIAA says that "an inference that a distribution actually took place may be made where a defendant has completed all necessary steps for the distribution of copyrighted sound recordings to other users on a peer-to-peer network, without license from the copyright owners." That's just a fancy way of describing the making available theory, and the fact that it's still being trotted out in the Eighth Circuit, in a retrial, is... interesting. Finally, the RIAA makes one more claim against Thomas that doesn't look good for her: "Defendant attempted to conceal her infringement and escape liability by fabricating a clean hard drive before producing it to Plaintiffs for inspection." The "Best Buy sales/service history for defendant" on the RIAA's exhibits list will apparently be used to make this point. | 2015-03-27T02:11:50 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150323172133-00289-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://istinskaliubov.wordpress.com/page/2/ | Госпожи и господа, животът на преп. Мун, който днес навършва осемдесет и осем години, е бил живот на тъга, белязан от неописуемо страдание и преследване. Третият Адам – Истинският Родител, трябва да изплати и напълно да възстанови всички провали на първия и втория Адам. Той е призван да завърши не само мисията на Спасителя, Месията и Господа на Второто пришествие, но и мисията на всички онези централни личности, които полагат основите на различните религии.Наподобявайки процеса, чрез който Бог сътворява Вселената, животът на Истинския Родител представлява велико дело по пресътворението на човечеството – процес, в който не се допуска и най-малката грешка. Това е самотен курс, който не може да разбере напълно от никого.Това е курс, който отведе Истинския Родител надолу по трънливия път през пустошта – път, който трябваше да следва напълно сам. Дори и Бог не можеше да му даде Своето признание. Застанал много пъти между живота и смъртта, дори повръщайки кръв, той въпреки всичко трябваше като феникс да се изправя отново, за да остане верен на обещанието си пред Бог. | 2017-06-27T01:51:46 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170627013832-20170627033832-00167.warc.wet.gz | bg |
http://age-of-treason.com/tag/history/ | The first half of the book focuses on the origin of the Dönmes in the Ottoman empire circa the 1660s. It is essentially a biography of the rabbi Sabbatai Sevi, and also sketches out the Sabattean movement, the fanatic sect of jews Sevi inspired. At the time, jewing was relatively open and widespread, and it was relatively well recognized and documented as jewing even by non-jews. Of course, the extent and depth of this jewing was not well known and not properly understood, even by most contemporary non-jew observers. | 2020-04-06T11:34:44 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406102322-20200406132822-00379.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.uaportal.com/news/zelenskij-dal-prognoz-po-glave-nbu.htm | Вместе с нашими партнерами мы создаем, используем и получаем неконфиденциальные данные, такие как файлы cookie и идентификаторы устройств, в целях обеспечения работы сайта должным образом, анализа посещаемости сайта и выявления предпочтений наших посетителей, а также предоставления персонализированной рекламы и контента. Вы можете разрешить выполнение всех этих действий или только некоторых из них. Подробные сведения о файлах cookie, партнерах и процедуре использования ваших данных, а также о том, как отозвать или изменить свое разрешение на странице нашей Политики конфиденциальности. | 2021-02-28T00:12:37 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210227234501-20210228024501-00313.warc.wet.gz | ru |
https://www.kalorientabelle.net/ | In einigen Kalorientabellen werden neben den Spurenelementen und dem Gehalt an Fett auch die einzelnen Fettsäuren aufgeführt, die das Lebensmittel beinhaltet. Calcium, Eisen, Kalium und Natriumchlorid sind in umfangreicheren Kalorientabellen ebenfalls aufgeführt, sind aber eher für Ärzte oder Diätassistenten interessant, da diese Nahrungsbestandteile bei verschiedenen Krankheiten nicht oder nur in geringem Maße aufgenommen werden dürfen (Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen = Natrium-arm, bei Nierenerkrankungen = Kalium-arm). | 2020-03-28T18:36:44 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200328164156-20200328194156-00427.warc.wet.gz | de |
https://techbase.kde.org/index.php?title=Getting_Started/fr&diff=77121&oldid=69350 | −There are a number of [[Special:myLanguage/Development/Tools|Development Tools]] that are either required or helpful when building KDE Software. For these you will usually want to use the stable packages provided by your distribution.+Il existe un certain nombre d'[[Special:myLanguage/Development/Tools|outils de développement]] qui sont soit requis soit utiles pour construire KDE. Pour ceux-ci, en général, l'utilisation des versions stables des paquetages fournis par votre distribution est suffisante. | 2015-03-27T05:57:24 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150323172135-00131-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | und |
https://nieselpriem.com/2016/03/21/heile-heile/?like_comment=2820&_wpnonce=d67d98d1bd | Am Tag des Eingriffs war alles etwas turbulent. Sechs Uhr fünfundvierzig sollte ich dran sein. Dann neun Uhr. Ich war um neun da. Da hieß es, elf Uhr dreißig. Ich war seit dem Vorabend „nüchtern" und entsprechend bei Laune. Da man mir meine Gefühlsregungen auch immer an meinem nicht nur schönen (wunderschönen), sondern auch ausdrucksstarkem Gesicht ansieht, zog ich mir direkt beim Pflegepersonal den Titel „beliebteste Patientin des Tages" zu. Und bekam eine leidenschaftliche Aufklärung über den straffen OP-Plan des Tages in dieser großen Klinik und was sie alles um die Ohren haben dort! Danke noch mal dafür. | 2020-04-02T06:43:27 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200402045741-20200402075741-00397.warc.wet.gz | de |
http://ruche.io/france2017/2017/05/29/creer-une-democratie-directe/ | – " Moraliser " la vie politique et l'élargir en interdisant le cumul des mandats, en contrôlant l'utilisation de l'argent public (comme les enveloppes des députés) par les élus, en rendant nécessaire un casier vierge pour se présenter aux présidentielles et législatives, en interdisant le droit de profession à tous ceux coupables de détournement de fonds publics, en rendant obligatoire les primaires et les élections pour choisir les " gestionnaires " au sein des partis politiques, en obligeant les émissions (TV ou radios) et la presse papier à s'intéresser à une personnalité/un mouvement politique différent(e) chaque jour. | 2019-05-21T23:30:01 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190521222812-20190522004812-00356.warc.wet.gz | fr |
https://sherriconnell.com/thoughts-for-the-day/broccoli-medicine-osteoarthritis-cancer-mercola/ | My Recommended Vegetables List provides a guide to the most nutritious vegetables and those to limit due to their high carbohydrate content. Broccoli is certainly on the most nutritious list, but so are many others like celery, Bok Choy and beet greens. Remember, variety is key. So while broccoli and broccoli sprouts are the focus of this article, they should be part of a wide variety of vegetables and legumes in your diet. There are many other foods that contain other cancer-protective nutrients and compounds, as well as so-called anti-angiogenetic foods, which effectively help "starve" cancer by preventing blood vessels from forming to feed microscopic tumors in the first place: | 2020-04-06T04:21:48 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406035448-20200406065948-00297.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://stevemehta.wordpress.com/mediating-employment-cases/cases/flores-v-axxis/ | The agreement at issue in Vasquez met none of these requirements. The arbitration clause contained very broad, general language, and did not specifically incorporate by reference, nor even mention the FEHA or ADA, the statutes at issue in the Vasquez case. The court thus found the general language in the agreement's arbitration provision insufficient to constitute a waiver of a judicial forum for Vasquez's statutory disability discrimination and retaliation claims. (Vasquez v. Superior Court, supra, 80 Cal.App.4th at p. 436.) Further, and although the agreement specifically mentioned national origin discrimination, this too was insufficient to make Vasquez's national origin discrimination claim arbitrable because the agreement contained "no express provision that the antidiscrimination commitment [was] subject to the grievance and arbitration provisions." (Ibid.) Application To The Present Case[2] | 2016-10-22T23:28:28 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183839-00439-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.freizeit-ratgeber.de/node/3383 | Bis zum Ende der Saison gibt es noch einige interessante Veranstaltungen, die unter *LINK* im Veranstaltungskalender leicht zu finden sind. Zu den bekannten ‚Kuschel-Eseln' im Shop gesellt sich jetzt auch der ‚Esel des Jahres': Plüsch-Esel Alfred! Ein sitzender Esel mit weichem Fell, der ca. 43 cm groß ist. Einen erholsamen Landurlaub nahe dem Meer bieten die Ferienwohnungen des Eselparks, die neben frischer Ostseeluft noch einiges mehr für einen schönen Urlaub zu bieten haben. | 2020-04-01T13:33:11 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200401130837-20200401160837-00221.warc.wet.gz | de |
https://no.yellowbreadshorts.com/945-species-and-varieties-of-pions-with-description-of.html | Din oppmerksomhet vil bli presentert for de beste varianter av peonies, som du kunne se både i byen blomsterbed og i den botaniske hagen. Peonies er verdsatt for frodig løvverk, vakre blomster og dekorative frukter. Denne flerårige urten brukes ikke bare til dekorative formål, men også som medisin. I denne artikkelen vil vi introdusere deg til topp ti av de mest interessante pioenvarianter, fortelle deg hvor de kommer fra og hvordan plante dem i nærheten av herregården din. Vi presenterer deg 10 typer pioner med bilde og navndet vil ikke forlate deg likegyldig. | 2019-07-23T13:13:26 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190723130306-20190723152306-00051.warc.wet.gz | no |
http://www.osti.gov/nle/topicpages/h/horizon+spirit+nim.html | The Idaho National Laboratory (INL) recently fueled and assembled a radioisotope power system (RPS) that was used upon the New Horizons spacecraft which was launched in January 2006. New Horizons is the first mission to the last planet - the initial reconnaissance of Pluto-Charon and the Kuiper Belt, exploring the mysterious worlds at the edge of our solar system. The RPS otherwise known as a "space battery" converts thermal heat into electrical energy. The thermal heat source contains plutonium dioxide in the form of ceramic pellets encapsulated in iridium metal. The space battery was assembled in a new facility at the Idaho National Laboratory site near Idaho Falls, Idaho. The new facility has all the fueling and testing capabilities including the following: the ability to handle all the shipping containers currently certified to ship Pu-238, the ability to fuel a variety of RPS designs, the ability to perform vibrational testing to simulate transportation and launch environments, welding systems, a center of mass determination device, and various other support systems. | 2016-10-22T23:52:42 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183839-00439-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.ifapray.org/blog/?tag=1953 | In addition to supporting the tough U.N. resolutions, Park's government has brought in unprecedented bilateral sanctions against North Korea, closing an inter-Korean industrial park and cutting off all humanitarian aid except to babies and pregnant women. (Contributor: By Anna Fifield for The Washington Post - Anna Fifield is The Post's bureau chief in Tokyo, focusing on Japan and the Koreas. She previously reported for the Financial Times from Washington DC, Seoul, Sydney, London and from across the Middle East.) | 2016-10-22T23:30:26 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183839-00439-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.dummy-system.com/2013/05/10/la-mappa-del-mondo-di-q-con-infographic/?replytocom=2087 | Argh! La prima lettera nel logo dello studio mi è sempre sembrata un kappa minuscolo (sul Dizionario Greco-Italiano Montanari della Loescher per esempio, questa consonante è rappresentata come una piccola x cicciotta, e non con una k). Il chi in genere (ma ovviamente dipende dal documento) è più allungato rispetto al modo in cui sarebbe rappresentato sempre sul logo. Sostanzialmente l'ho sempre scambiato per kára, kárehtos (testa, persona) al posto di kharà, kharãs (gioia). Il modo in cui ho sempre sentito pronunciare "Studio Khara" (sempre con l'accento sul primo alfa) non mi ha aiutato, visto che la pronuncia corretta vuole l'accento sull'ultima vocale. 😛 | 2021-03-03T04:31:58 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210303042832-20210303072832-00488.warc.wet.gz | it |
http://www.webshoprecht.de/IRModule/Rueckabwicklung.php | Unter dem Blickwinkel der Gewährung eines uneingeschränkten Rückgaberechts besteht der wesentliche Kern dieser gesetzlichen Bestimmung darin, dass die Ausübung des Rückgaberechts an keine weiteren als die gesetzlichen Voraussetzungen, namentlich die fristgerechte Rückgabe der Sache, geknüpft werden darf. Das Rückgaberecht darf hiernach mit keinen Erschwernissen zu Lasten des Verbrauchers verknüpft werden, die ihn an der Ausübung des Rückgaberechtes hindern könnten. Um eine derartige unzulässige Erschwernis handelt es sich bei der gewünschten Rücksendung der Ware in der Originalverpackung und unter Verwendung des Rücksendescheines und des Retourenaufklebers. | 2015-08-04T13:49:19 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002310-00242-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | de |
https://toyotanews.pressroom.toyota.com/releases/2017-toyota-yaris-big-safety-small-car-safety-sense-c.htm | Also in the Toyota tradition, the 2017 Yaris features details that the owner appreciates more and more as the years go by. Take the wide-sweeping single windshield wiper design, for example. Its innovative wet-arm washer system sprays washer fluid from the base of the wiper arm directly into the blade's path for improved cleaning. And, all Yaris models come standard with a rear window wiper. There's even a feature that automatically turns off any interior lights after 20 minutes if the ignition is switched off to help prevent a dead battery. | 2019-05-24T07:19:21 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190524064354-20190524090354-00424.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.biometrie-online.net/actualites/annonces-communiques/393-vision-box-inaugurates-new-office-in-brazil | Vision-Box® has been expanding its presence and leadership in the region, having developed projects in Venezuela, Colombia and Brazil, such as an integrated video surveillance solution at the Beira-Rio Stadium, in Porto Alegre, the implementation and maintenance of an innovative video surveillance system at the Arena Castelão Stadium in Fortaleza, which will enable the supervision and control of all the arena and surrounding area during the World Cup, integrating all building automation systems and access control, and also the installation of an advanced manual border control and passport delivery solution for the Brazilian Federal Police. | 2017-06-28T02:06:33 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170628014207-20170628034207-00297.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://lvvp.info/nieuwsbrief/lvvp-ondertekent-statement-gebruik-zorgstandaarden-ggz-praktijk-2/ | Deze werkwijze gaat uit van vertrouwen en goede samenwerking en sluit aan bij de afspraken die zijn gemaakt in de taskforce gepast gebruik en bij het rapport van de Raad Volksgezondheid en Samenleving "Blijk van vertrouwen, anders verantwoorden voor goede zorg". Dit betekent verantwoording op initiatief van zorgaanbieders en zorgprofessionals, ingebed in de praktijk, op basis van dialoog en als onderdeel van een leerproces. Dit betekent géén controles op basis van de kwaliteitsstandaarden door zorgverzekeraars op individueel patiëntniveau. De kwaliteitsstandaarden zijn niet geschikt en niet bedoeld als normatieve basis voor het vaststellen van doelmatigheid en rechtmatigheid. | 2020-04-06T09:55:31 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406070848-20200406101348-00445.warc.wet.gz | nl |
https://cyber.harvard.edu/hoap/?title=Open_Access_(the_book)&diff=cur&oldid=8087 | At that point in the text I cite Roger Clarke, The cost profiles of alternative approaches to journal publishing, First Monday, 2007. But I should also have added a quotation from his piece. "For–profit publishers have higher cost–profiles than not–for–profit associations, because of the additional functions that they perform, in particular their much greater investment in branding, customer relationship management and content protection. The difference is particularly marked in the case of eJournals — a computed per–article cost of US$3,400 compared with US$730. This point is sufficiently significant that further examination is warranted...." | 2021-03-01T07:40:04 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210301060310-20210301090310-00635.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://noise.getoto.net/tag/how-to-guides/ | Access managementADAIAllamazonAmazon DynamoDBAmazon EBSAmazon EBS volumesAmazon EC2Amazon RDSAmazon S3announcementsappARIAartATIAWSAWS Elastic BeanstalkAWS IAMAWS Identity and Access ManagementAWS managed policies for job functionsAWS SupportBeanbleblogCCASCasecasesciciaconsoledeaDemodetdocumentDocumentationdpDynDynamoDBebsEBS volumesecEC2EC2 instancesedeffElastic BeanstalketforumFunGitgroupsguideHATHow-to guidesIAMIAM consoleIAM groupIAM policiesIAM userIAM usersICEinstancesIPisslaunchlieslocationmanamitOSSOtherPermissionsPINpinspolicepoliciespolicyPPLpsRratrateRDSResourceresourcesrolesROVRTIS.S3securityStarSubnetsupportTAGTagstalkteateamtedUIunupdatedUSwinWork | 2020-04-07T14:01:58 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200407121105-20200407151605-00240.warc.wet.gz | und |
https://www.01net.com/actualites/le-mac-app-store-dapple-officiellement-ouvert-526469.html | Les avantages du service sont nombreux. Il donne une réelle visibilité aux logiciels, classés par catégorie (jeux, musique, production), avec une description et des captures d'écran fournies par leurs auteurs, des commentaires d'utilisateurs et un champ de recherche pour trouver rapidement un outil. Il révolutionne aussi la façon d'installer des applications et de les mettre à jour : après l'achat, tout se passe comme sur un iPhone ou un iPad. Même chose pour les mises à jour, dont le Mac App Store signale la disponibilité. | 2020-04-04T23:01:36 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200404200523-20200404230523-00310.warc.wet.gz | fr |
https://nanohub.org/groups/bnc?center=3&month=4&year=2013 | Welcome to the Birck Nanotechnology Center website! The BNC leverages advances in nanoscale science and engineering to create innovative nanotechnologies addressing societal challenges and opportunities in computing, communications, the environment, security, energy independence, and health. In turn, the BNC exploits the accelerating progress in nanotechnology utilizing the most advanced nanoscale instrumentation to pursue answers to fundamental questions in the life and physical sciences. The interplay between these two complementary arcs of inquiry fosters a stimulating interdisciplinary environment for discovery that will engage us well into the 21st century. | 2016-10-20T19:32:59 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183837-00425-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://ayame-kenoshi.deviantart.com/journal/Super-Groups-Sale-Upgrade-for-Less-343663635 | Train Your Brain Contest The Art Department with deviantART brings you about the best news any art student could ask for: free tuition!Through the Train Your Brain Challenge, The Art Department (TAD) is offering a massive number of exclusive scholarship opportunities to members of deviantART. TAD is the best of the best in providing online art education, with a variety of programs taught by world-class faculty. Check out their group, TheArtDept, to watch video tutorials from their faculty!Submit your work in one of the five disciplines offered by TAD: Illustration, Drawing and Painting, Animation, Entertainment 2D, and Entertainment 3D. Make something new or use something you've made in the past!You could win tuition and travel to one of TAD's programs, a trip to Pixar Studios near San View Gallery | 2015-08-02T08:15:32 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002309-00135-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.amazon.ca/s?ie=UTF8&page=1&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3ACompare%20White%20Bread%20%26%20Whole%20Wheat%20Garden%20Veg%20Bread | en français Shop by Department Hello. Sign in Your Account Try Prime Cart Wish List Search All All Departments Apps & Games Automotive Baby Beauty Books Electronics Gift Cards Grocery & Gourmet Food Health & Personal Care Home & Kitchen Jewelry Kindle Store Luggage & Bags Movies & TV Music Musical Instruments, Stage & Studio Office Products Patio, Lawn & Garden Pet Supplies Software Sports & Outdoors Tools & Home Improvement Toys & Games Video Games Watches Your search "Compare White Bread & Whole Wheat Garden Veg Bread" did not match any products. | 2015-03-27T05:28:40 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150323172135-00131-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.telescopiomania.pt/457-livros | Aqui você vai encontrar a oferta mais exclusiva de livros e guias que selecionamos Telescopiomania para que você possa desfrutar do seu hobby realizar qualquer atividade fazendo o máximo proveito astronomia de seus instrumentos. A nossa gama exclusiva de livros sobre garantias astronomia que você encontre a informação que você precisa, seja qual for seu nível de experiência. Escolha o livro que lhe interessa entre os vários tópicos que cobrimos: astronomia, astrofísica, cosmologia, meteorologia, Orntiología e microscopia. Entrar e ver todo o catálogo de livros que selecionamos para você em Telescopiomania. | 2020-03-28T17:30:55 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200328164156-20200328194156-00427.warc.wet.gz | pt |
http://kineticpavilion.com/hd-3d-porn-volle-teeners-naakt-liefde-van-je-leven-vinden-tantra-massage-mechelen-oldenhave | sex shemales privehuis nieuwegein Tatum Hele Grote Schaamlippen Snel Gratis Sex Hoerenbuurt Utrecht Webcamchat 18 video123nl sexy blondine gay fuck foto badoo desktop site Oude Schans Privehuis Papendrecht Teen Striptease Geile Bijstandsmoeder Sex Nummers massage westland dikke madammen facebook sexdating volle geile tieten Eemnes Binne Meet Asian Singles Freewebcam Sex Impliceert Stevige Memmen Handyman Porno Films privater gruppensex online gesprek single swinger xxl hier en shemale Milf Met Grote Natte Kut Sex Producten Negerin Lekker Kontje Neukt Graag Endepoel Gay Tubes verhalen bdsm bank of geil en heet gratis binnen het online hebben sexverhalen wet poessie Ballingbuur Verlegen Amateur Buurvrouw Neuken Webcam Sex Free Hoe Chat Filipina Women Geile Neuk enorme grote tieten verhalen video sex porno indonesia | 2020-04-04T22:02:34 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200404200523-20200404230523-00310.warc.wet.gz | nl |
http://www.audible.com/pd/Teens/The-Heart-Is-a-Lonely-Hunter-Audiobook/B002V5B9K2?ref_=pd_sim_narr_1 | This is a much overlooked classic with excellent prose and deeply interesting characters. There is little external story, instead the internal stories of the characters, all misfits, all dreamers, all lovers, are juxtaposed and explored. The narration is perfect with superb pacing, expressing each characters' internal dialogs distinctly and with emotion.I loved this book, and particularly liked this audible addition. I finished it in one day, and will happy listen to this again.Some of the reviews describe this as book as depressing. The book demonstrates the essential importance of not allowing your dreams to slip away, thus I found it uplifting, in its own way.This book is not for everyone as there is virtually no action or story. | 2016-10-27T15:34:03 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183841-00333-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.zimbabwesituation.com/old/jul11a_2008.html | Lesotho PM backs Mugabe iafrica.comArticle By:Thu, 10 Jul 2008 07:45Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe received a show of support from the tiny kingdom of Lesotho when its prime minister told foreign powers on Wednesday to respect the sovereignty of states in the region.Asked for his reaction to calls for sanctions on the regime in Harare after Mugabe's widely derided re-election last month, Pakalitha Mosisili said it was not for outsiders to decide on the legitimacy of a particular government."It is high time countries and states respect the sovereignty of other countries," the Lesotho prime minister said."Whoever is saying it does not confer legitimacy on the government of Robert Mugabe, who is he or she to do that?"His comments come after leaders of the group of eight industrialised nations rejected the legitimacy of Mugabe's victory in a one-man poll and vowed to take "financial and other measures" against perpetrators of political violence.In another tacit show of support for Mugabe, Mosisili said that any government in Zimbabwe had to have the support of the armed forces."I don't care who rules Zimbabwe but he must be acceptable to the armed forces because he needs their support, but even they must respect the will of the people," he said.Constantine Chiwenga, the armed forces' chief of staff, said ahead of a first round of voting in March that he would not take the salute from anyone who had not fought in the country's 1970s liberation war in an apparent reference to opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai.Tsvangirai beat Mugabe into second place in the first round but pulled out of the 27 June run-off after scores of followers of his Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) party were killed in attacks he blamed on pro-Mugabe thugs.While Mugabe played a leading role in the 1970s liberation war in what was then Rhodesia, Tsvangirai did not play any part.Along with Zimbabwe, Lesotho is one of the 14 countries which make up the Southern African Development Community (Sadc).AFP | 2015-04-18T11:39:11 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045714-00048-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://betterlooks.co.cr/ESP/enfermedad-dupuytren.htm | Fasciotomía subcutánea - esta cirugía se realiza en pacientes que no pueden someterse a una operación más extensa o que prefieren evitar los riesgos de una intervención más amplia; es decir, pacientes mayores o con mala salud. Durante este procedimiento, su cirujano de Better Looks secciona el cordón de tejido debajo de la piel. Puede ser una cirugía abierta donde se realiza una incisión en la piel o se puede realizar utilizando una aguja para crear un acceso a los cordones de tejido. Debe de recordar, sin embargo, que la enfermedad de Dupuytren tiene más probabilidades de recurrir luego de una fasciotomía subcutánea. Este tipo de cirugía da mejores resultados en casos cuando la enfermedad se encuentra en sus fases iniciales y se limita a la palma de la mano. Fasciotomía parcial - este es el procedimiento más común para tratar la enfermedad de Dupuytren. Se realiza una incisión en la piel de la mano para crear un acceso al tejido conectivo subyacente. Su cirujano de Better Looks luego cortará el tejido (la fascia) para que usted pueda estirar sus dedos. Después de esto, la incisión es suturada. Este cirugía se realiza utilizando anestesia local. Fasciectomía completa - los pacientes más jóvenes igual que aquellos que poseen la posibilidad de una recurrencia tiene la opción de realizarse una fasciectomía para remover completamente el tejido de la palma de la mano. | 2017-06-24T10:15:37 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170624101204-20170624121204-00635.warc.wet.gz | es |
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https://www.apollopayroll.com/Taking-The-Pain-Out-Of-Payroll-30079/ | For those running small businesses, pay day may be something that they dread, even if they outsource payroll. Poor customer service, system inefficiencies and second-rate technology can all be a blight upon some HR professionals and payroll companies, so finding the right people to help take the pain out of payroll for your small business, is vital if you're ever to stop dreading pay day, and for your employees to be satisfied that their pay-check will be accurate and on time. Every business owner knows the problems that can arise when employees are not paid in a timely manner, and if their checks aren't accurate, you will be held accountable, not your payroll provider. | 2021-02-28T04:22:18 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210228024418-20210228054418-00314.warc.wet.gz | en |
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https://www.japanhoppers.com/pt/kanto/hakone/ | A região de Shikoku consiste em quarto prefeituras, e é uma das quatro ilhas que compõem o Japão. Esta região é famosa pelo Shimanami Kaido, que permite o acesso em bicicleta por cima do mar entre as ilhas do Mar Interior de Seto, os remoinhos de Naruto, causados pela poderosa maré, e o famoso templo de Kagawa, chamado Kotohira-gu, com a sua atmosfera solene. Recentemente, o chamado "Ohenro", uma peregrinação pelos 88 tempos espalhados pela região de Shikoku, tornou-se numa actividade popular entre viajantes internacionais. | 2017-06-29T05:37:44 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170629051817-20170629071817-00000.warc.wet.gz | pt |
http://morriskitchenandbath.com/7MWu4202p/mF20291wE/ | modern farmhouse kitchen design modern apartment kitchen modern office kitchen luxury contemporary kitchens modern transitional kitchen modern house interior kitchen modern home kitchen modern kitchen modern oak kitchen modern l shaped kitchen modern small kitchen design modern cabin kitchen contemporary style kitchen small modern farmhouse kitchen modern kitchen cabinet design modern simple kitchen design modern grey kitchen cabinets modern blue kitchen cabinets modern kitchens 2019 modern kitchen countertops modern oak cabinets ultra modern kitchen modern rustic kitchen ideas modern classic kitchen modern bohemian kitchen modern kitchen remodel modern kitchen pantry modern kitchen plan modern kitchen cabinets modern style kitchen modern vintage kitchen modern walnut kitchen modern open kitchen beautiful modern kitchens modern rustic kitchen modern house kitchen modern galley kitchen modern kitchen design modern shaker cabinets modern blue kitchen century kitchen cabinets new modern kitchen design modern kitchen with rustic elements modern cabinets modern cottage kitchen rustic contemporary kitchen modern kitchenette contemporary kitchens 2019 modern u shaped kitchen modern luxury kitchen modern kitchen cupboards modern outdoor kitchen super modern kitchen modern colonial kitchen modern metal kitchen cabinets modern wooden kitchen designs modern coastal kitchen modern classic kitchen design contemporary kitchen design modern kitchen interior design modern traditional kitchen modern kitchen renovations modern minimalist kitchen ultra modern kitchen designs modern marble kitchen modern black kitchen small contemporary kitchen modern rustic kitchen decor modern black kitchen cabinets rustic and modern kitchen modern cabinet design modern shaker kitchen kitchen ideas rustic modern modern maple kitchen cabinets contemporary farmhouse kitchen small space modern kitchen design modern farmhouse kitchen modern quartz countertops modern grey kitchen luxury modern kitchen designs modern craftsman kitchen modern farmhouse style kitchen big modern kitchen modern flat panel kitchen cabinets modern kitchen looks new modern kitchen modern country kitchen designs modern country style kitchen modern french country kitchen modern farmhouse cabinet 19th century kitchen modern farmhouse pendant rustic modern farmhouse kitchen modern cabinet styles modern kitchen with rustic undertones modern kitchen design 2019 modern style kitchen cabinets modern rustic kitchen designs modern walnut kitchen cabinets kitchen modern farmhouse modern rustic cabinets small modern rustic kitchen modern industrial kitchen latest kitchen cabinets modern kitchen with oak cabinets modern pantry cabinet modern condo kitchen best modern kitchens modern kitchen layout nice modern kitchen 2019 modern kitchen modern farm kitchen modern dark kitchen cabinets modern contemporary kitchen cabinets contemporary country kitchen warm modern kitchen modern kitchen pantry cabinet modern farmhouse kitchen cabinets latest kitchen designs modern rustic kitchen cabinets modern retro kitchen large modern kitchen modern kitchens 2018 modern kitchen interior modern pink kitchen modern dream kitchen modern glass kitchen cabinets best modern kitchen design modern contemporary kitchen design modern country kitchen modern farmhouse dining small modern kitchen latest kitchen designs 2019 simple modern kitchen modern french kitchen dark modern kitchen modern kitchen design 2018 modern contemporary kitchen | 2020-03-30T06:53:08 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200330054217-20200330084217-00506.warc.wet.gz | und |
https://www.machinio.com/listings/2642228-2009-5-4-in-ukraine | Skip to search inputSkip to categoriesMachinioCategoriesManufacturer, Model or Keyword City, State or Country Tip: Enter manufacturer, model or keywordSell on MachinioWhat is Machinio?BackView all CategoriesAgricultureConstructionMachine ToolsPrintingProcessingTrucksWoodworkingOtherView all CategoriesAgricultureApplicatorsLawn MowersBalersPlanting equipmentCombinesTillage equipmentFertilizer SpreadersTractorsForage HarvestersView all "ConstructionAsphalt PaversGenerator SetsBackhoe LoadersLiftsCompactorsLight TowersConstruction EnginesMotor GradersCranesPipelayersCrawler LoadersScrapersCrushers and Screening PlantsSkid Steer LoadersDozersTrenchersDrilling equipmentWheel LoadersExcavatorsWood ChippersForkliftsView all "Machine ToolsBending machinesLathesBoring MillsMachining CentersEDM machinesPress BrakesGear CuttingPressesGrinding machinesSawsLaser CuttersView all "PrintingGuillotinesPost-pressOffset pressPre-pressView all "ProcessingAir CompressorsFillersBlowersFood ProcessingBoilersFurnacesCentrifugal PumpsGranulatorsCentrifugal SeparatorsHeat ExchangersComplete PlantsInjection MoldersConveyorsLabelersDryersMixers and BlendersDust CollectorsReactorsEvaporatorsTanksExtrudersVacuum PumpsView all "TrucksBooster TrailersGarbage trucksBox trucksReefer trucksBucket / Boom trucksTanker trucksBusesTow trucksCab Chassis trucksTrailersCampers / CaravansTruck EnginesConcrete MixersVansConventional trucksWinch TrucksDump trucksView all "WoodworkingOtherSemiconductor equipmentTest and Laboratory equipmentView all "This listing is no longer availableSign up for email alerts below and we will automatically email you when we find similar listings.Get email updates for УСМК УСМК 5,4Б Email: ActivateWe found you related items below:Used 2009 CASE IH RMX340 in Carlisle, ARManufacturer: Case IHModel: RMX340tillage equipment in good condition. contact a sales representative for more information.$22,500Carlisle, AR, USAClick to Contact SellerUsed 2009 Case IH RMX340 in Winchester, ILManufacturer: Case IHModel: RMX3407.50" spacing...hydraulic fore/aft...front 19 1/2 inch...rear 20 1/2 inch...32x11.5 main tires 8 bolt hubs...11lx15 tires on wings...3 row tine harrow (remlinger)...harrow has been bent near outside edge... | 2017-06-23T19:34:26 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170623184505-20170623204505-00180.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.ventureinsights.com.au/company/t-mobile-telecoms/ | Customer movement between operators shows susceptibility to dynamism in branding; O2 are picking up the majority of EE churners as customers move to the new "cool brand" while EE pull in Vodafone churners tempted by the new "best network". O2 have the lowest churn though the lion's share move to Vodafone and H3G churners are more evenly picked up by the other three. Customer perceptions of own operator network quality are high among the big 3 with no less than 75% of customers reporting theirs is the best network. O2 is the best regarded while H3G is the least best regarded highlighting a stark contrast between the (prospective) merging parties. Consumers report little interest in quad play and indeed operators in the both fixed and mobile markets have publicly confirmed the same from other market research. However the arrival of converged players in the form of a merged BT/EE or Vodafone re-entering the fixed space will see operators seeking to change this. | 2021-02-28T04:29:31 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210228024418-20210228054418-00314.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.hyperion-records.co.uk/dc.asp?dc=D_CKD242 | 'Colm Carey has done the repertoire-deprived trumpet world a huge service. Virtuoso trumpeters Jonathan Freeman-Attwod and John Wallace join him in Hereford Cathedral for his trumpet duet arrangements of Rheinberger's richly contrapuntal violin and cello sonata, movements from Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme, and a reworking of Elgar's Organ Sonata No 2 which evokes the spirit of the Severn Suite. The quality of the solo playing is spell-binding; Carey is assiduous in allowing the trumpets to blossom and blaze in the rich, nutritious loam of Hereford's IV/67 Willis/Harrison organ' (Choir & Organ)" More | 2016-10-26T21:50:34 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183840-00267-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.stokker.lt/selective-control-valv/911094222 | Pasirinkti kiekį1234567891015202530vnt⬤Kitas numatomas pristatymas 15.07.201739.31€ / MėnuoPeržiūrėti alternatyvą >>>AprašymasKiekis sandėlyjePirkti išsimokėtinaiPristatymo informacijaAtsiimti prekę STOKKER įrankių centreTai nemokamaAtsiimti prekę Omniva paštomateTai nemokamaPrekės atsiuntimas per kurjerįTai nemokamaSELECTIVE CONTROL VALV+ Parodyti daugiauKitas numatomas pristatymas 15.07.2017Pristatymo informacijaAtsiimti prekę STOKKER įrankių centreTai nemokamaAtsiimti prekę Omniva paštomateTai nemokamaPrekės atsiuntimas per kurjerįTai nemokama | 2017-06-23T19:25:27 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170623184505-20170623204505-00180.warc.wet.gz | lt |
https://creditcards.chase.com/credit-cards/slate.aspx?categoryId=4&CELL=6RRW&MSC=IQ31197453 | Your FICO® Score displayed is for your educational purposes and based on data from Experian. It may be different from other credit scores used by Chase and other lenders in making credit decisions. This information is available online only at Chase.com to primary cardmembers with an open account, provided Experian has sufficient credit history in a credit file for a FICO® Score to be generated. Once approved for the Slate card, it may take up to seven days for your FICO® Score and related information to be available on Chase.com. If you are just starting to build credit, it may take some time for your credit activity to be sufficient enough to create a FICO® Score; however, feel free to view helpful credit information online on the Chase Slate Credit Dashboard. Chase reserves the right to make changes or discontinue this feature at any time. FICO® is a registered trademark of the Fair Isaac Corporation in the United States and other countries. | 2015-11-29T08:38:10 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205416-00228-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://honey-guide.com/2014/03/10/menaquinones-k2-and-phylloquinone-k1-content-of-animal-products-and-fermented-foods/?like_comment=6427&_wpnonce=5c26f8dd32 | Lori, Excessive vitamin D can greatly increase calcification and cause a lot of problems. When vitamin D went from obscurity to the head of the vitamin Hit Parade sometime during the last ten years people began to push for higher and higher intakes of vitamin D which can cause problems. For most people, intake of 400 IU/day is adequate. The article below concerns the fact the either to little or too much vitamin D causes aortic calcification. The high doses often prescribed by doctors are really bad. | 2020-04-06T12:09:41 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406102322-20200406132822-00379.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.viaggiareconlentezza.com/2018/09/28/ecovillaggio-puglia-suryanamaskara/ | La provinciale che da Andria porta a Palo del Colle attraversa una distesa sterminata di olivi. Il panorama intorno sarebbe davvero invidiabile se non fosse per i cumuli di immondizia abbandonata ogni pochi metri tra le piante e al bordo della carreggiata. Non è però solo l'immondizia a rovinare l'idillio, ci sono anche le decine di capannoni abbandonati e ormai fatiscenti che costeggiano la strada, ma soprattutto ci sono le sedie di plastica bianche che ogni 200-300 metri punteggiano i campi di olivi: sono le sedie su cui, in pieno giorno, siedono le prostitute in attesa tra un cliente e l'altro. | 2020-04-06T05:13:04 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406035448-20200406065948-00297.warc.wet.gz | it |
https://www.explore.co.uk/holidays/chianti-classico/overview?cc=GB&nr=1&crawl=0&category[41-trek-grade][]=271-challenging-to-tough | Today we drive to the historic hill-top town of Montalcino and will have some free time to take a look around its pretty streets before setting out on our walk to Sant Antimo Monastery. Leaving the high perch of the town of Montalcino, with its view over the whole of the Orcia Valley, we head towards Poggio Civitella and start our descent through the vineyards and fields of the surrounding slopes. Our destination is the majestic Abbey of Sant Antimo whose origins date back to the 12th century. Formerly occupied by monks of the Benedictine order it was empty for many years but, since 1992, it has been used by a small community of Premonstratensian priests. After some time to take in the peaceful atmosphere of the Abbey we drive back to our agriturismo where dinner is included this evening. | 2015-11-27T00:57:16 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205407-00168-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.vdoh.org/academics/lower-school/curriculum | The first grade curriculum involves a variety of projects and presentation opportunities. Some examples include Great American projects and presentations, habitat box projects, and holiday projects. The students develop their presentation skills through participation in the Mass, reading to a younger student, and performing in the spring musical. Field trips bring studies to life with the Florissant Civic Center literature play and connect science or social studies with a field trip in the spring, which is to be determined. | 2019-07-22T12:44:35 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190722113215-20190722135215-00044.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/comment/87059 | "Indeed, the data reported and reviewed suggests that the thesis is myth and, if anything, there is an inverse causal relationship between an increase in pornography and sex crimes. Further, considering the findings of studies of community standards and wide spread usage of SEM [sexually explicit material], it is obvious that in local communities as nationally and internationally, porn is available, widely used and felt appropriate for voluntary adult consumption. If there is a consensus against pornography it is in regard to any SEM that involves children or minors in its production or consumption. Lastly we see that objections to erotic materials are often made on the basis of supposed actual, social or moral harm to women. No such cause and effect has been demonstrated with any negative consequence." | 2019-05-19T07:22:50 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190519061520-20190519083520-00143.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://go-makkah.com/pkgs/1250751984/?dp=1595113200 | Très satisfait de mon séjour à la OMRA, mais revenons-nous différent ? Pour ma part, je peux dire OUI. Juste le fait de vivre les prières obligatoires avec une effervescence collective avec des personnes venues du monde entier est magique & impressionnant. Notre communauté est décriée par tout le monde et malheureusement par nous même, je peux témoigner bien que nous venons des 4 coins du monde avec des cultures complètement différentes et origines sociales diverses et bien les fidèles sont heureux de se retrouver sur la terre sainte de l'islam. Une des choses qui sont magiques aussi: -C'est qu'à la Mecque autour de la Kaaba on ne voit plus des rangées bien droites mais des lignes circulaires de pèlerins et si vous avez la chance d'aller à l'étage sur le ring, vous pourrez voir la Kaaba et voir des gens qui prient vers vous, c'est assez unique ! - L'eau de zamzam à profusion avec un environnement rocailleux et désertique, quelle grâce de Dieu !!! N'attendez pas pour y aller car notre société consumériste nous empêche de faire un voyage spirituel, tellement bénéfique ici bas et surtout dans l'au delà. Que Dieu nous guide. Ami | 2020-04-04T21:36:59 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200404200523-20200404230523-00310.warc.wet.gz | fr |
http://www.ftni.com/blog/on-banks-and-fintechs-a-partnership-manifesto | But beware, as with all good things, there are those who will look to capitalize on successful trends by promoting features and capabilities within their solutions that aren't fully developed or in some cases, not supported at all. It's important to remember that not all integrated receivables platforms are created equal—be sure to look behind the proverbial "curtain" to ensure that all the capabilities, security and compliance features that make an integrated receivables platform truly integrated are accounted for. Check out this previous blog post (click the image below) detailing how we define truly integrated receivables solutions here at FTNI. | 2019-05-24T06:56:51 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190524064354-20190524090354-00424.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://creoars.com/kust-osta-phentermine-tartumaa-eesti.html | Tulenevalt asjaolust, et tegemist on kuritarvitatud ainet saada see ilma sertifitseerimine võib veidi raskem võrreldes palju ravimeid. Mitmed on-line veebilehtede pakuvad tasuta konsultatsioone, et aidata teha otsus, kas see ravim on õige. Konsultatsioonid Online paljastada täpselt tüüpiline ettenähtud Phentermine meenutab, et sa saaksid aru, kuidas tavaliselt ravimeid tuleb võtta, ja ka kui palju annuseid võib võtta konkreetse asutuse suurused. Kui saan seda ravimit Internetis kui säästab aega, raha ja piinlikkust külastavad oma arstiga, et saada retsepti, mida nad ei ole ette nähtud. | 2020-04-07T12:49:04 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200407121105-20200407151605-00240.warc.wet.gz | et |
http://www.ein-buch-lesen.de/2011/05/das-gruselkabinett-von-sechin.html | +++ Aus aktuellem Anlass +++Schon von zwei Seiten kam nun der Hinweis, dass es beim Absenden von Kommentaren aus dem Browser Firefox zu Problemen kommen kann: Der Kommentar wird dem Nutzer dann zwar als versandt gemeldet, landet aber im Nirgendwo. Wir empfehlen Ihnen deshalb nach Möglichkeit die Nutzung von Google Chrome oder des Microsoft Internet Explorers. Bei diesen Browsern sind solche Schwierigkeiten unserem Kenntnisstand nach bisher nicht aufgetreten.Zur Formatierung Ihrer Kommentare stehen Ihnen einige HTML-Befehle zur Verfügung. Eine Vorlage zum Abkopieren >>gibt es hier. | 2017-06-24T20:41:07 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170624203022-20170624223022-00405.warc.wet.gz | de |
http://www.worldlibrary.org/articles/eng/Home_video_game_console | NEC brought the first fourth-generation console to market with their PC Engine (or Turbografx16) when Hudson Soft approached them with an advanced graphics chip. Hudson had previously approached Nintendo, only to be rebuffed by a company still raking in the profits of the NES. The TurboGrafx used the unusual HuCard format to store games. The small size of these proprietary cards allowed NEC to re-release the console as a handheld game console. The PC Engine enjoyed brisk sales in Japan, but its North American counterpart, the TurboGrafx, lagged behind the competition. The console never saw an official release in Europe, but clones and North American imports were available in some markets starting in 1990. | 2020-03-28T20:03:17 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200328194743-20200328224743-00291.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://ua-referat.com/%D0%9F%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B5_%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B5_%D1%83%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8F_%D0%B2_%D0%B4%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B3%D1%96%D0%B9_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%96_XIX_-_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BA%D1%83_XX_%D1%81%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%96%D1%82%D1%82%D1%8F_%D0%BF%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%96%D0%B2%D0%BD%D1%8F%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B9_%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%96%D0%B7_%D1%86%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BA%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%BE-%D0%BF%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%84%D1%96%D1%8F%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%97 | Державна Дума третього скликання (1907-1912) була покликана остаточно вирішити питання про характер і приналежності початкової освіти в Росії. Центральними темами засідань, присвячених проблемам освіти, стали два законопроекти: проект "Положення про початкові училища", який передбачав передачу церковно-парафіяльних шкіл відомству Св. Синоду, і проект фінансового закону про введення загального навчання. Цілком очевидно, що перший законопроект піддавав ломці всю структуру церковно-шкільної справи і прагнув узаконити в Росії лише світський тип народної школи. Прихильники збереження автономності системи церковно-парафіяльних шкіл активно чинили опір прийняттю нових законопроектів. Але в результаті жорстких дебатів перевагою всього в один голос Державна дума все ж таки прийняла цей законопроект. | 2019-07-24T04:19:16 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190724041048-20190724063048-00386.warc.wet.gz | uk |
https://www.wordsinarow.com/optin-email-lists.html | asked for a listing on this page in December 2011. Business Lists: Looking for prospects in a specific industry or location? Look no further than our vast business databases. Updated all in 2011 and ready for you to download upon payment. We have USA, Canada, and the UK in house and available today. Examples include Restaurants, Health Care, Logistics, and Auto Dealers. Our databases cover every standard industry code available. Whether it be for calling, mailing, faxing, or emailing � tell us who you need to target and we have the database your looking for. Consumer Lists: Our consumer database consists of over 50 million categorized records for you to browse. This database contains actual consumers that filled out a web form online with their contact information. In addition to being able to GEO-TARGET our database, each record is further categorized so you can target your prospects as specific as possible. These are all true Opt-In consumer Records with timestamps, IP addresses, and the opt-In Source. This database is updated daily and is our freshest and most accurate set of consumer opt-in data. | 2015-04-19T10:52:45 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045718-00260-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.eatlivegrowpaleo.com/2013/09/the-ancestral-paleo-diet-perfect-health.html?showComment=1455017702788 | Even though many in the Paleo community are up in arms about the whole "safe starch" issue, the truth is that Paleo eating by itself might be an incomplete answer. Evidence is slowly becoming available showing the strict Paleo guidelines that have been taken as gospel so far may not be all that accurate. Paul Jaminet and his wife have done a huge amount of research on the topic and their findings suggest a somewhat different truth. And because these are scientists analyzing scientific findings, their recommendations deserve to be - if not taken point blank - at least given a honest, open-minded reading. | 2019-07-22T11:51:16 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190722113215-20190722135215-00044.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://whc.unesco.org/fr/soc/1984/ | Le Centre du patrimoine mondial et les Organisations consultatives estiment que les récentes préoccupations du Comité du patrimoine mondial en matière de protection et de gestion du bien sont actuellement prises en compte par l'État partie. Par conséquent, ils sont d'avis qu'aucune autre déclaration au Comité du Patrimoine mondial n'est requis. Cependant, le Centre du Patrimoine mondial et les organisations consultatives recommandent cependant que l'Etat partie surveille périodiquement l'état de conservation du bien, particulièrement, afin de garantir que les Plans de zones spéciales rendent absolument nécessaire le recours à des évaluations d'impact patrimonial pour tout projet d'aménagement ou de réaffectation. Ce suivi est également destiné à ce que le caractère spécifique du paysage urbain ne soit pas détérioré par des projets de reconstruction de bâtiment ou des aménagements d'espace public et que le calendrier de renforcement du système de gestion du bien soit mis en œuvre de façon efficace. Décisions adoptées par le Comité en 2013 | 2015-03-27T01:55:50 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150323172133-00289-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | fr |
https://veggiewala.wordpress.com/tag/speakeasy/ | As more and more interesting, under-the-radar restaurants and bars with artisanal drinks find their way into alphabet city, this part of the city might just become the new Nolita of nightlife. A reader just passed along this Gothamist post about Cienfuegos, a new cuban-themed speakeasy that can be found via a secret entrance in an East Sixth Street sandwich shop. The specialty is a variety of rum punches. While I haven't had a chance to check it out yet, there are some big names associated with this joint, including the teams behind Mayaheul and Death & Co. as well Charolotte Voisey from Rose Bar and The Eldridge. From the sound of it and the cool look from the Gothamist photos, this place might just replace PDT as my number one drink spot in NYC. | 2017-06-27T01:54:49 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170627013832-20170627033832-00167.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.designtherapy.com/2008/08/whats-all-buzz-about.html?showComment=1533176183708 | Obat Gatal di Selangkangan Yang Ampuh untuk pria maupun wanita hanya dalam 3-5 hari saja tuntas secara alami dengan menggunakan obat herbal tanpa efek samping segera hubungi kami untuk mendapatkan pengobatan terbaik tanpa takut kambuh lagi. obat gatal di selangkangan pria maupun wanita yang alami serta aman tanpa adanya efek samping untuk wanita segera hubungi kontak center kami Penyakit kulit gatal di sekitar alat kelamin alat vital seperti pangkal paha atau selangkangan dan di sekitar pantat bokong biasanya disebabkan oleh penyakit kulit yang disebut tinea cruris. Adalah infeksi jamur yang mempengaruhi kulit alat kelamin Anda dan bagian kulit lain di sekitarnya. | 2019-05-26T15:03:05 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190526145334-20190526171334-00522.warc.wet.gz | id |
http://www.typologycentral.com/forums/politics-history-and-current-events/8105-palin-running-prez-mccain-13.html | I completely disagree. When comparing different countries, nominal GDP is only better at reflecting which countries are growing or slowing when you take into account their currency values (which are related to their relative economic strength, but are not determinative of them). Besides, Quality of Life is a far more subjective ranking than something that can be measured in dollars. Ireland is #1 in the world in many of those rankings, and they have a freer economy with lower tax rates than does the United States. Their welfare state is much less generous than that of continental Europe, as well. | 2016-10-20T19:57:47 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183837-00425-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://bnsatnalikafoundation.wordpress.com/2013/01/20/making-it-happen/ | Ever wondered what it feels like to be a creator. A creator and developer of something new. The fears set in and the bewilderness of it all is just so mistifying that you are simply awed by it. Starting something new is courageous, something that you have dreamt about. It's your own brain child, developed under the shade of your mind. It's such a positive feeling but intimidating at the same time because it is full of unknown risks. Risks hiding in the unknown corners of darkness. And the thing that sets apart an achiever from a dreamer is the one who faces these unknown barriers and overcomes them with his determination and skill. | 2017-06-28T01:45:29 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170628014207-20170628034207-00297.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.accaglobal.com/us/en/member/member/accounting-business/2018/02/interviews/tomas-kouril.html | His office, located in a smart business park, overlooks the D1 motorway, the Czech Republic's principal highway. At the other end of this road lies the provincial town of Třebíč where, while still at university, he was appointed group marketing director at Kapucín, a small Czech-owned firm supplying the construction industry and telecoms sector. Reporting to the chief executive, he was responsible for all aspects of the group's marketing activity and learned a valuable lesson. 'The key thing that I discovered was that without a solid finance background, it's impossible to manage a business.' | 2020-04-07T14:18:06 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200407121105-20200407151605-00240.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://footballrelativity.wordpress.com/tag/quinton-teal/ | Tagged as brian westbrook, denver broncos, deshea townsend, eric ghiaciuc, Football Relativity, indianapolis colts, justin fargas, kelley washington, ladell betts, laveranues coles, lendale white, mark bradley, matt gutierrez, miami dolphins, new england patriots, new orleans saints, new York jets, NFL Free Agency, NFL free agents, philadelphia eagles, quinn pitcock, quinton teal, raheem brock, randy thomas, san diego chargers, San Francisco 49ers, seattle seahawks, tennessee titans, tyjuan hagler | 2019-07-22T12:37:16 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190722113215-20190722135215-00044.warc.wet.gz | und |
https://www.soboceudeparis.com/2009/12/melhores-da-musica-francesa-por-rafael.html?showComment=1277729620402 | Alain Delon Alain Souchon Alex Beaupain Anaïs Aniversário Aplicativos Arte Auto-promoção Barcella Bares BB Brunes Bécaud Beleza Ben L'Oncle Soul Bénabar Benjamin Biolay Benoit Loncan Berry Best of Blogs Boris Vian Brigitte Brigitte Bardot Cafés Camélia Jordana Camille Canadenses que amamos Casas Noturnas Chanson de Lundi Charles Aznavour Charles Trenet Chico Buarque Chopin Cinema Claire Denamur Clássicos Franceses Claude François Cocoon Coeur de Pirate Comida Compras Conexão Paris Coralie Clément Cosméticos Cover Curiosidades Dança Decoração Delícias Descobertas Dicas de Paris Discotecagem DJ Penélope Django Reinhardt Doces em Paris Dominique A Duetos Édith Piaf Emily Loizeau Enquetes Entrevista Especiais de fim de ano Estilo de Vida Eventos Exposições Facebook Feist Festivais Filmes Fofoca Fotografia France Gall Franceses cantando em inglês Françoise Hardy Gastronomia Google Pergunta Grátis Henri Salvador História de Paris Homenagens Iggy Pop Infantil Instagram Jacques Brel Jane Birkin Johnny Depp Joyeux Anniversaire Julien Doré Juliette Gréco Katerine Keren Ann L. L'amour La vie en rose Ladylike Lily Lançamentos Le Monde Les Victoires Letras de músicas francesas Listas Loheem Lojas Lou Doillon Lugares imperdíveis Lulu Gainsbourg Luxo Madeleine Peyroux Maïa Vidal Maquiagem Marais Marine Quéméré Mathieu Boogaerts Melhores da música francesa Melhores Momentos Melody Gardot Metrô Michel Legrand Mika Moda Montmartre Museu Música Brasileira Música brasileira na França Música de rua Música francesa Música francesa no Brasil Músicas de domingo Músicas de graça Músicas francesas românticas Músicas não francesas Nadeáh Natal Nina Simone Notre Dame Nouvelle scène française Nouvelle Star Nouvelle Vague Novidades Nuit Blanche O Globo Olivia Ruiz Paris Parques Passeios Pink Martini Placas de Paris Playlist Programa Novo Promoção Quiz Rádio Resenhas Restaurantes Rio Sena Rive Gauche Savassi Festival Sephora Serge Gainsbourg Shakira Shows Singles Sob o céu de Paris Soko Sorteio Spotify Thomas Dutronc Tom Jobim Trailers Transporte Trilhas Sonoras TV Twitter Vanessa Paradis Versões Versões brasileiras Versões francesas Videoclipe Vídeos Vincent Delerm Vincent Lefebvre Vincent Liben Vinil Visitas Vistas de Paris Yael Naim Yves Montand Zaz | 2020-04-02T05:33:40 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200402045741-20200402075741-00397.warc.wet.gz | pt |
http://whc.unesco.org/en/tentativelists/5294/ | A site of ancient settlement Ancient Pap and adjoining urban burial ground are located on the right bank of Syrdarya River. A site of ancient settlement has entered into the scientific literature under the name - Balandtepa (local population calls as Munchaktepa - Ayritom city). A site of ancient settlement Balandtepa (Bab-Pap) - ruins of ancient city, the area of more than 9 hectares, it is destroyed, especially from side of Syrdarya River and consists of two parts. Collected archeological materials chronologically covered the period from the I to VIII centuries. Ancient Pap structurally consisted of following parts: 1. A citadel - the raised and strengthened southeast part of the site of ancient settlement. 2. Internal city - more lowered part around the arc. The remains of ancient ditch were preserved between arc and internal city. 3. The suburb (rabad) was in the northern part of Balandtepa (Munchaktepa or Ayrtom city). Definition is conditional since there are materials no earlier than the IX century in this part, and most likely, is territory of medieval city. At last, the city necropolis Munchaktepa I, II - to the west from suburb, between internal city and necropolis formed a deep ravine. The City necropolis - Munchaktepa adjoins to the northwest part of Balandtepa. In Munchaktepa I are opened single burials soil tombs and tamping pick. Altogether 14, 9 of them are in soil tombs and 5 - burials in tombs with tamping pick. Inventory in tamping pick burials are more various. Vessels (one or two) were put to the legs or heads, on the right or left side of buried. Spindles, rests of leather products are revealed only in female burials. Iron knifes, knifes-daggers were observed in both men and female burials. In Munchaktepa II were found out the unique funeral constructions in the form of the underground crypts, which have been cut down in the sand-loess adjournment. They are located by the chain on the line of the west - east in the natural oblong hill. In total, it has opened eight crypts. Underground crypts can be divided into two groups according its dimensions: small groups (the area about 5 sq. m.) where have been buried from one to four persons (crypts 2, 3, 4) and big one (6 sq. m. and more) where have been marked about 50 burial places (crypts 1, 5, 7, 9). In the design of the crypts is clearly visible its three-private structure: 1.A front of the entrance platform; 2. A corridor (dromos); 3. The funeral chamber. Thus, burial ground of Munchaktepa is the unique most investigated city necropolis in the earlier medieval epoch of Ferghana. Importance of the burial ground consists of good safety of its materials and variety of types of burials for period V-VIII centuries. All this gives the unique opportunity for studying a facilities and economy of townspeople, and restoration funeral ceremonies and customs too. The city of Pap or Bab in the medieval sources being arisen on the place site of ancient settlement Balandtepa and gradually expanding has moved up to the southern part of the modern regional center. From all mentioned follows, that Pap developed as the city at the certain place and archeological supervision testifies its two thousand-year history. Pap during several centuries played the important role in the trade and economic relations of Ferghana with the neighbor regions. It was promoted by its favorable geographical position of vivid trading-caravans on the lines of the Great Silk Road. It is interesting to note of confirming these toponymy and ethnographic materials. So, preserved road name "Ulug' yol - Great Road" that specifies its importance up to now. Besides traces of the passage (the ferry on Syrdarya) to Qoqon (Hokand) it was preserved near to Balandtepa and (ancient part of Pap). The city necropolis of Pap possesses an exclusive historical value: here organic remains were preserved. It is possible to consider these opened crypts as underground "museum" with unique ethnographic finds (in total more than 5000).This monument is one of few monuments where better and much preserved textile products. In the necropolis of the city of Pap textile products were fixed in 25 cases, little entirely kept silk dresses from them. There are many ornaments have found among the most numerous beads, they are about 10000. Gracefully woven baskets are found out also here (a peach, dried apricots) etc. All this allows investigating musical instruments, wooden vessels, the rests of fruit more authentically to beat and culture ancient Ferghana citizens. Valuable materials have received about funeral ceremony and religious system earlier medieval population. Such monuments have been kept very seldom. The safety of the remained parts of city and necropolis are satisfactory. Comparison with other similar properties | 2015-08-04T15:40:49 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002310-00242-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://cesarfernandezrollan.com/tag/teresa-rodriguez/ | Y llegó Febrero. Y un tipo con coleta y habitual de las tertulias televisivas, y que bien pudo haber estado por Segovia aquella noche estival en la que se gestó la Revolución, lanzó un guante al viento. Si en una plataforma de internet se alcanzaban las 50.000 firmas de apoyo, un movimiento llamado PODEMOS se plantearía conformar colectivo para arrebatar la política de manos manchadas y de conceptos democráticos pervertidos. Y rebasó las cifras con contundencia. Mucha gente repartida por todo el Estado tenía ya muy claro que había que dar pasos al frente. Nuevos. Valientes. Recuperar lo que era nuestro por derecho. Y que estaba secuestrado: la democracia. | 2019-07-24T04:46:22 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190724041048-20190724063048-00386.warc.wet.gz | es |
https://www.easterns.com/inventory/Used-2018-Hatchback-Alexandria_VA/ | The terms of the written agreement between you and the dealership supersede any information contained in this website and are binding upon you notwithstanding any other information contained herein. EPA mileage estimates are for newly manufactured vehicles only. Your actual mileage will vary depending on how you drive and maintain your vehicle. Before purchasing this vehicle, it is your responsibility to address any and all differences between information on this website and the actual vehicle specifications and/or any warranties offered prior to the sale of this vehicle. Vehicle data on this website is compiled from publicly available sources believed by the publisher (which is not our dealership) to be reliable, but we encourage you to perform your own investigation prior to any purchase. Vehicle data is subject to change without notice. | 2020-04-06T08:57:39 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406070848-20200406101348-00445.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://teensknowbeststpaul.blogspot.com/2010_08_01_archive.html | Compelling Aspect of the Book: The most compelling aspect of the book was just how much impact cancer had/has on these two boys. I never really knew how much people were affected by this and how drained, both physically and emotionally, you can be during and after having cancer. This book was an eye-opener for me, and having it be two different boys with cancer really portrayed the different outcomes of having cancer. The bond that these boys shared was incredible just to imagine seeing, and throughout the book it amazed me more and more how strong their bond became. This book shows that there is a life after cancer and that you can move forward and persevere. | 2017-06-26T12:19:07 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170626115614-20170626135614-00502.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://wallethub.com/profile/wells-fargo-13007950i/?sort_by=date_asc&page=26 | You can check the profile page of each professional or company to determine whether they are a paying advertiser (indicated by the word "sponsored"). Regardless of advertiser status, none of the listings, reviews, or other information on Wallet Hub constitutes, in any way, a referral or endorsement by us of the respective financial company or professional, or vice versa. Furthermore, it is important to note that the inclusion of a financial company or professional on Wallet Hub does not necessarily indicate their involvement with the site or control over the information that we display. Information is displayed first and foremost for the benefit of consumers. | 2019-05-26T00:55:09 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190526004917-20190526030917-00424.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.lappeenrannanenergia.fi/energiansaasto | Valtakunnallinen kuluttajien energianeuvonta nostaa Energiansäästöviikolla (vko 41) esille kuluttajille suunnattuja sähkönkulutusseurantapalveluita. Lappeenrannan Energian asiakkaana sinulla on käytössä maksutta sähköinen kulutusseuranta niin sähkölle, lämmölle ja vedelle osoitteessa minunenergia.fi Tunnista huippuhetkesi -kampanjassa 12 Instagram-vaikuttajaa julkaisee postauksia heidän omasta sähkönkulutuksestaan ja kehottaa seuraajiaan kirjautumaan sähkön kulutusseurantapalveluun sekä seuraamaan sähkönkulutusta säännöllisesti. | 2021-02-28T00:12:13 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210227234501-20210228024501-00313.warc.wet.gz | fi |
http://www.jewishpress.com/tag/donald/ | Louis René Beres, the son of Austrian Jewish refugees, a professor of Political Science at Purdue University, and a long time advocate of rightwing Jewish and Israeli causes, is afraid of a Donald Trump presidency. Writing in US News & World Report (Israel Wouldn't Survive Trump), Beres defies the "conventional wisdom" that sees presidential candidate Donald Trump as better for Israel than Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton. For starters, the PoliSci professor is aghast at Trump's lack of intellectual discipline, citing his August 15 foreign policy speech from which one could conclude that he would enthusiastically be willing to "work with" Russia, Syria, Iran and Hezbollah, and which couldn't be a good thing for Israel. | 2016-10-27T16:13:00 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183841-00333-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.scharf-links.de/51.0.html?&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=55021&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=56&cHash=29f9458d8d | Aber diese Parolen – und m.E. handelt es sich um Parolen, die eine bestimmte politische Haltung deutlich machen, und nicht um Forderungen an den bestehenden Staat – kamen ja (wenn ich recht sehe) in den 1980er Jahren in der autonomen Szene auf (haben von dort zunächst die Grünen, später die Linkspartei und mittlerweile auch einen erheblichen Teil der marxistischen Gruppen und Grüppchen erreicht). Aber die autonome Szene ist ja nun kein Spektrum, das sich darin gefällt, Forderungen an den bestehenden Staat zu stellen... | 2019-05-26T01:01:22 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190526004917-20190526030917-00424.warc.wet.gz | de |
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2928973/posts | Nowhere is the evidence clearer that the UAW was favored over non-union parties as in the Delphi (GM's parts supplier) retiree case. It has recently come to light that the Obama Administration influenced GM when UAW retirees at Delphi had their pension benefits "topped off" with GM's taxpayer funds as nonunion retirees lost their benefits. Members of the Administration apparently lied under oath when they testified that Team Obama had nothing to do with the inequitable treatment of non-union retirees. Emails have been produced that show that was not the case. Congress is rightfully still investigating the blatant payoff to political friends. | 2015-11-29T07:53:27 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20151124205416-00228-ip-10-71-132-137.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://bspsf.etiket-kazan.ru/ocenka-predprijatij-biznesa/ | Широкое развитие оценки бизнеса определяется её необходимостью на всех стадиях в процессе хозяйственной деятельности компании: При создании нового бизнеса, на стадии разработки инвестиционного проекта потенциальным инвесторам и кредиторам необходима информация о перспективах его развития с точки зрения его денежных потоков, рисков осуществления и выхода на запланированные в проекте показатели. Данная информация, предоставленная независимым оценщиком, предоставленная после детального изучения общеэкономической, рыночной ситуации и производственных возможностях проекта, может оказать существенное влияние на инвесторов и привлечь в бизнес-проект дополнительные ресурсы. | 2020-04-07T12:16:17 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200407121105-20200407151605-00240.warc.wet.gz | ru |
http://www.ixtc.org/2016/10/oleg-panfilov-kakaya-tretya-mirovaya/ | Существует еще один повод для российской истерики – разворачивание американских ПВО в Европе непосредственно у границ России. Это означает, что российские ракеты могут быть сбиты почти сразу после взлета, и мифические ядерные заряды, которыми оснащены российские ракеты, могут быть рассеяны над самой Россией. Наконец, только у ленивых есть проблема с поиском доступной информации о статистических данных по вооружению США и России – последняя в два раз по численности войск и в несколько раз по видам вооружений уступает американской армии. И это данные без войск стран НАТО среди которых крупнейшие – в Турции, Германии, Франции и Великобритании. Перевес уже в несколько раз. | 2016-10-25T17:33:19 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183840-00140-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | ru |
https://paperrose01.wordpress.com/category/nature/ | "DISTINKTIVE" stamps give you photo-realistic images with just one stamp. They have a special texture that gives added depth and dimension in a single step. These stamps are available only from Stampin' Up! and are made using a patent-pending process. DISTINKTIVE stamps are available in red rubber and photopolymer; Paper Pumpkin's April kit includes photopolymer stamps. Shop "DISTINKTIVE" stamps in the online store by searching "DISTINKTIVE," or look for the "DISTINKTIVE" icon in Stampin' Up! catalogs. | 2019-07-22T11:39:13 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190722113215-20190722135215-00044.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.internettudakozo.hu/keres/termek/lezeres-mutet/it014bba15 | ambuláns betegellátás, ambuláns ellátás, ambuláns kezelés, ambuláns műtét, ambuláns rendelés, barázdazárás, dentálhigiénia, depurálás, endodontológia, esztétikai fogpótlás, esztétikai fogtömés, extraorális felvétel, fémlemezes fogpótlás, fémváz nélküli fogpótlás, fémvázas fogpótlás, fix fogpótlás, fogászati ellátás, fogászati implantátum, fogászati rendelő, fogfehérítés, foghúzás, fogkő-eltávolítás, fogkorona, fogkozmetika, fogpótlás, fogröntgen, fogtömés, gyökérkezelés, gyökértömés, ideiglenes fogtömés, implantációs fog, implantálás, implantátum, implantátum beültetés, implantátum minőségellenőrzés, implantátum pótlás, implantátumos fogmű, implantológia, kivehető fogpótlás, konzerváló fogászat, lézer szájsebészet, lézeres fájdalomcsillapítás, lézeres kezelés, lézeres műtét, nemesfém fogpótlás, nyálkahártyakezelés, nyálkő-eltávolítás, öntött fogkorona, panoráma röntgen, plasztikus fogtömés, prevenciós program, prevenciós tanácsadás, protézis, radiológia, részleges protetika, röntgenanalitika, röntgendiagnosztika, szájhigiéné, szájhigiénés kezelés, szájhigiénés tanácsadás, szájhigiénia, szájhigiéniás kezelés, szájsebészeti ellátás, szájsebészeti kezelés, szájsebészeti kisműtét, szájsebészeti műtét, számítógépes fogröntgen, teleröntgen, teljes fogpótlás, teljes körű fogászati ellátás, teljes protetika, ultrahangos fogkő-eltávolítás, VIP kezelés | 2019-07-24T04:38:46 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190724041048-20190724063048-00386.warc.wet.gz | hu |
http://www.traileraddict.com/tags/paulina-olszyinski/news | 0 added this year Below are trailers, clips, featurettes, TV spots and interviews that have been filed under films that have been tagged with the actress Paulina Olszynski in order of when they were added to TrailerAddict, with the most recent additions listed first. You are on page of one. To see some of the most popular films based on this actress, click the "Top Films" option in the green bar below.To see Paulina Olszynski's entire filmography listed on TrailerAddict, hit the "Credits" option below. Top Films | 2015-08-02T08:27:24 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002309-00135-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.montereylanguages.com/blog/category/international-2 | Topics: General, International, Interpretation Services, Interpretation Services, Language, Medical Interpretation, Medical Interpretation, Medical Interpretation, Monterey Language Services, Monterey Language Services, Translation Services, Translation Services, Translation Services Tags: Chew Carefully, Chinese Medicine, Chinese to English Translation, Chinese Translation, Food and Eating, happy holidays, Health and Fitness, Interpretation Services, Medical Interpretation, Medical Interpreters, medical translators, Monterey Area, Seasons Greetings, Staying healthy, Sweat is your friend, translation and interpretation, Translation Services, Well being | 2020-04-06T08:42:11 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200406070848-20200406101348-00445.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://fullyarticulated.typepad.com/sprawledout/wisdom/ | The replacement of local shops by chain stores and implementation of single-use zoning that puts housing, workplaces, and retail establishments in segregated areas have effectively eliminated the "corner drugstores" and the coffee shops where people met one another and found out what was going on in town and in the neighborhood. Television keeps us at home in the evening, when in the past we would've sought one another's company in a third place. The authors of the blog comments which I am addressing here have first-hand knowledge of the political and ideological polarization that is threatening us locally. I attribute a great deal of the blame for the lack of community in suburbs like Franklin to the simple fact that our built environment has made it impossible for those serendipitous chance encounters between persons who have ideological differences that lead to constructive debate and collegial jousting. Instead, we are treated to "bloggers" and anonymous commenters who insult one another's ideas—and assault one another personally—in away they never would if they had actual, real-world interaction with persons outside of their ideological spectrum. | 2021-03-03T05:39:03 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210303042832-20210303072832-00488.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.google.com/patents/US4586923?dq=inventor:%22Arthur+R.+Hair%22&ei=VAy0Tsa4NYTl0QGQiqWiBA | According to the present invention, there is provided a catheter adapted to be inserted into and through the lumen of a blood vessel in a network of branching blood vessels of a body and which is manipulatable therethrough to a desired blood vessel branch within the network of branching blood vessels. The catheter comprises an elongate tubular body having a distal end and a proximal end and a flexible tubular tip portion located at the distal end of the elongate tubular body. The tubular body includes at least first and second elongate passageways within the tubular body. The flexible tip portion includes at least first and second elongate lumens within the flexible tip portion and mating with the first and second respective elongate passageways within the tubular body. The tubular body is reinforced to provide torsional stiffness to the tubular body. A cable is situated within the first passageway and the first lumen and is coupled to the flexible tip portion for flexing the flexible tip portion. A mechanism is coupled to the tubular body for introducing or withdrawing fluid material into or from the second passageway in the tubular body. Another mechanism is coupled to the cable for manipulating same whereby the catheter can be guided by the flexible tip portion through a branching network of blood vessels in a body to a site in the body for delivering a fluid or withdrawing a fluid from the site in the body. | 2016-10-25T17:44:49 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20161020183840-00140-ip-10-171-6-4.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://www.wimdu.pl/offers/DAFKXXPN?search_geolocation=101813-scharbeutz | Der gemütliche Bungalow lag an der Rückseite des haupthauses und entsprach nicht unseren Vorstellungen. Am nächsten Morgen haben wir die angelenheit mit der Vermieterin besprochen und uns problemlos auf eine andere unterkunft geeinigt. Diese Wohnung lang im Haupthaus mit Balkon direkt zur Seeseite. Die Ausstattung war komplett und reichhaltig. Der zu zahlende Mehrpreis war o.k. und wurde von uns sofort akzetiert. Die Lage ist sehr gut, Meerblick und Überblick über die gesamte Bucht, tolle Sonnenaufgänge und nette Vermieter. Es war ein toller Urlaub zumal das Wetter hervorragend war. Das Haus ist zu empfehlen. | 2017-06-26T12:39:16 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170626115614-20170626135614-00502.warc.wet.gz | de |
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https://theologasia.ph/the-pcp-ii-and-the-preferential-option-for-the-youth/ | In the light of the above quotes, in order credibly to witness to the love of Christ Jesus, we need to become the "Church of the youth." Regardless of our ministry, mission and interest, we are called to minister to the young. In whatever missionary field we are engaged in – parish setting, schools, formation – our determination and conviction, our occupation and exertion have to cover a preferential option for the young. What then do I mean by "Church of the youth"? Obviously, like in the case of the preferential option for the poor, it means a Church where pastors and leaders give preferential attention and time to the youth. It means a Church where the entire Christian community especially the rich and better off sectors of the community and its leaders orient and tilt the center of gravity of the entire community in favor of the youth. It means a Church where we all collaborate with the youth themselves and journey with them. When this effectively takes place in our parishes or schools, the youth participate actively in the life and mission of the Church. | 2019-05-26T15:35:55 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190526145334-20190526171334-00522.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://projectrunway-newsday.blogspot.com/2008/10/513-tim-gunn-for-president.html?showComment=1262757348158 | chenlina20160618jordan retrooakley sunglassesmichael kors outletmichael kors outlet onlinelouboutin shoeschristian louboutin outletreplica rolex watchespolo ralph kidsjordan 11 concordgucci handbagshollister clothingjordan 4 torolebron james shoes 13ray ban sunglasses outletgucci outletchristian louboutin shoeskd 8 shoesmichael kors outletmichael kors outletlouis vuittonmichael korslebron shoeslongchamp bagscoach factory outletjordan 6ray ban sunglassesjuicy couturecoach outletcheap oakley sunglassesmichael kors outlet clearancelongchamp bagsnike huaracheoakley sunglasses cheapcoach outlet store onlinetiffany outletcheap nfl jerseyssupra shoestods outlet onlinenike roshe flyknitnike sb shoesas | 2017-06-27T01:52:10 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170627013832-20170627033832-00167.warc.wet.gz | und |
https://www.parkinson.ch/haeufig-gestellte-fragen | Der Bockshornklee (Trigonellafoenum-graecum) ist eine Hülsenfrucht, deren Wirkungspotenzial als Ergänzung zu L-Dopa kürzlich von indischen Wissenschaftlern im Rahmen einer Wirksamkeits- und Sicherheitsstudie untersucht wurde. Wie im Fall anderer Medikamentenstudien auch wurde die pflanzliche Substanz zu einer Therapie mit L-Dopa hinzugegeben oder die Patienten erhielten, ohne dass sie es wussten, ein Placebo. Insgesamt wurden 50 Patienten über sechs Monate untersucht. Neben der Abklärung der Wirkung auf die Parkinsonsymptome wurde eine sorgfältige Sicherheitsabklärung mit verschiedenen Blutparametern durchgeführt, um Informationen über mögliche Gefahren für die Patienten zu erhalten. Die Autoren sahen dabei Hinweise auf eine verzögerte Krankheitsentwicklung bei jenen Patienten, welche zusätzlich zu L-Dopa mit der pflanzlichen Substanz behandelt wurden, sowie auch eine gewisse Verbesserung in der Beweglichkeit. Insgesamt ist es aber noch zu früh, um eine eindeutige Aussage über den Einsatz von Bockshornklee treffen zu können. Doch es könnte sein, dass diese Substanz in der Zukunft eine gewisse Bedeutung in der Parkinsontherapie erhält. | 2021-03-01T06:12:53 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210301060310-20210301090310-00635.warc.wet.gz | de |
https://forum.codelyoko.fr/viewtopic.php?p=296160& | Dorka constata qu'ils étaient sur le premier anneau. Le plus large et le plus haut, avec la languette vers le haut. Le second, situé en dessous, présentait deux languettes plus basses et le dernier se réduisait à une plateforme circulaire avec une unique languette pointant vers le bas. Ingénieux et mégalomane. Devant ce dernier niveau, elle vit une grande boule d'énergie rouge brillante qui semblait éclairer tout le monde, et autour de laquelle s'enroulait une créature tentaculaire qu'elle préférait ne pas approcher. | 2019-07-23T13:08:23 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190723130306-20190723152306-00051.warc.wet.gz | fr |
http://www.arteducators.org/news/news | It's Time to Invest in New Models of Professional Learning. When it comes to meeting the needs of students, educators have aspirational goals. They passionately maintain a positive vision for what each student can become. Educators and school leaders know one size does not fit all. As such, many of them have a number of different learning and teaching strategies to reach every child. The same cannot typically be said for the delivery of professional learning for educators. As Congress takes steps to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (more recently referred to as No Child Left Behind), the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) is calling upon leaders to include the Enhancing Education Through Technology Act of 2015 (EETT15) in the final bill. When it comes to professional learning for educators, the approach too often adheres to the "sage-on-the-stage" method. Educators are expected to sit through one-time workshops or lengthened faculty meetings for passive professional development. (LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights) | 2015-04-19T10:54:39 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150417045718-00260-ip-10-235-10-82.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
https://www.cristianosgays.com/2018/02/21/ | Pero si hoy traemos la noticia (ya en nuestra anterior entrada hicimos un repaso de la situación y por el momento, a la espera de lo que suceda el jueves, no ha habido grandes cambios) es por el destacado papel que CitizenGo, la marca internacional de HazteOír, está teniendo como agitador de los instintos homófobos. Lo destaca la propia prensa keniana, recogiendo el papel que CitizenGO está teniendo como lobby de presión en contra de que el Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Kenia pueda fallar a favor de la despenalización, y que entre otras acciones ha cristalizado en una petición de recogida de firmas lanzada el pasado día 6 "contra el activismo judicial en asuntos LGBT". Según la petición, dirigida al juez David Maraga (máxima autoridad judicial del país), "Kenia está siendo utilizada por los activistas gais como una puerta de entrada hacia la legalización de los LGBT que no debe permitirse". CitizenGO reclama que la demanda de NGLHRC sea rechazada y que cualquier cambio en esta materia sea decidido vía referéndum. La petición se acompaña, por cierto, de una imagen en la que aparecen tachadas las siglas LGBT. | 2020-04-01T02:34:02 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200401003422-20200401033422-00171.warc.wet.gz | es |
https://tr.godaddy.com/blog/bounce-rate-hemen-cikma-oranini-nasil-dusurebilirsiniz/ | Sayfalarınızı ziyaret eden kullanıcıların sitenizde kalma süresini artırmak ve hemen çıkma oranını minimum seviyeye indirmek için bazı çalışmaları uygulayabilirsiniz. Böylece, iyi bir optimizasyonla bu değeri normal ve iyi seviyelere çekebilirsiniz. Hazırladığımız bu içerikte, hemen çıkma oranını düşürmek için yapabileceklerinizi ele alacağız. Bu içeriğe göz atarak, siz de hemen çıkma oranınızı ideal seviyelere getirebilir ve SEO performansınızda bir adım daha öne çıkma şansını yakalayabilirsiniz. | 2020-04-04T22:03:01 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200404200523-20200404230523-00310.warc.wet.gz | tr |
https://docs.fedoraproject.org/ur/fedora/f29/release-notes/desktop/I18n/ | In the previous release, typing Ctrl+Shift+E shortcut key launched an IBus emoji dialog and users typed an emoji annotation in the input entry of the dialog and the input entry could convert the annotation to an emoji character. Now the shortcut key enables the emoji input mode on each application using IBus pre-edit feature without launching the IBus emoji dialog. This feature can keep the current input focus to get the emoji characters and no longer hide the current input context with the emoji dialog. | 2021-03-03T06:52:37 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20210303042832-20210303072832-00488.warc.wet.gz | en |
http://kennedeinerechte.at/2014/04/jeder-gegen-jeden-alle-gegen-alle/ | Mit den Definitionen ist es so eine Sache. Setzt man sich beispielsweise aktiv gegen Rechtsextremismus, Faschismus, Rassismus etc. ein, gäbe es bereits eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten der Gruppenzuordnung. Ist man nun Antifa- oder Menschenrechtsaktivist? Politisch dem kommunistischen, sozialdemokratischen, grünen oder eher konservativen Lager zuzuordnen? Mitte-links, linksextrem oder gar Mitte-rechts? Der religiösen Nächstenliebe verpflichtet oder vielleicht doch Atheistin? Oder bloß der einfache Bürger von nebenan, der auf seinen Hausverstand hört? Die wichtigste Frage ist jedoch: Sollte das in diesem Fall eine Rolle spielen?! Plädoyer für mehr Einheit im Einsatz gegen menschenverachtende Strömungen. | 2020-04-02T05:06:54 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200402045741-20200402075741-00397.warc.wet.gz | de |
https://penformen.ru/collection/victorinox/product/nozh-perochinnyy-victorinox-rangergrip-63-09523mc-130mm-5-funktsiy-krasno-chyornyy | Швейцарский армейский нож Vctorinox RangerGrip является по-настоящему серьёзным помощником для своего владельца, готовым к любым испытаниям! К особенностям линейки RangerGrip в первую очередь можно отнести длинный клинок, который в некоторых моделях линейки имеет серрейтор на лезвии и специальное отверстие, именуемое акульим плавником, которое позволяет открыть нож одной рукой даже в перчатках. Открытый клинок имеет надёжный фиксатор, благодаря которому риск случайного закрытия сводится к нулю. Снять блокировку можно простым нажатием на логотип Victorinox. Все без исключения модели ножей Victorinox RangerGrip имеют противоскользящие накладки на рукояти, покрывающие максимальную область соприкосновения с рукой. Большой, удобный, функциональный офицерский нож Victorinox RangerGrip без сомнения оценят охотники, рыбаки, путешественники, дачники и мастера на все руки! | 2019-05-19T07:00:55 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20190519061520-20190519083520-00143.warc.wet.gz | ru |
https://www.rtklive.com/sq/multimedia-emission.php?ID=21&EID=17200 | Mirëmëngjesi Kosovë është program i drejtpërdrejtë në RTK (Radio Televizionin e Kosovës), i cili shoqëron audiencën gjatë gjithë javës. Nga e hëna deri të premten, emisioni nis në ora 07.00 deri në 09.30. Të shtunën dhe të dielën, emisioni Mirëmengjesi Kosovë, fillon transmetimin në ora 08.00 deri në 09.30. Në kuadër të këtij programi, i cili ka një shikueshmëri të madhe, jepen informacione të ndryshme, si dhe realizohen tema të larmishme. Temat interesante dhe aktualiteti, trajtohen çdo ditë në këtë emision të dtejtpërdrejt, me mysafir të ftuar në studio. Çdo ditë, gazetarët e Mirëmengjesi Kosovë, raportojnë drejtpëdrejt nga komuna të ndryshme të Kosoves, duke sjellë infromacione për shikuesit e RTK-së. Hapësirë në këtë format televiziv, kanë edhe kronikat dhe reportazhe ekskluzive, më të rejat nga showbiznesi vendor dhe ndërkombëtar. Bazuar në një bashkëpunim të rregullt, të krijuar prej kohësh me Institutin Hidrometeorologjik të Kosovës, Mirëmëngjesi Kosovë sjellë për audiecën edhe parashikimin e motiti. Përmes rubrikës Ciceroni kulturorë, adhuruesit e artit në përgjithësi, njoftohen me aktivitetet kulturo-artistike që mbahen në nivel vendi. Edhe adhuruesit e letërsisë, në Mirëmëngjesi Kosovë, njoftohen me titutj e rinjë të librave në tregun e Kosovës dhe më gjerë. Teknologjia, shkenca, arsimi, shëndetësia dhe sporti, gjithashtu janë pjesë e pandashme e infromacioneve që plasohen në këtë program. Mirëmëngjesi Kosovë, ka filluar të transmetohet me 29 prill 2002, duke mbledhur para ekranit, një audiencë të madhe në Republikën e Kosovës por edhe jashtë saj. Emisioni i mëngjesit në RTK përgatitet nga një ekip profesionistësh, redaktorë, gazetarë, kameraman dhe prezantues. Pjesë e këtij programi janë: Pranvera Munishi-Morina, Resime Grainca, Isa Kurtishaj, Arta Avdiu, Majlinda Aliu, Shqipe Ajeti, Selvete Krasniqi, Fëllënza Çitaku Bajçinovci, Alketa Gashi Fazliu, Brikena Beqiri, Delfina Krasniqi, Edita Sopjani, Agron Krasniqi, Xhevdet Sfarça, Visar Duli, Besart Daka. Redaktor i programeve të përbashkëta, ku bënë pjesë edhe Programi i mëngjesit në RTK është Ngadhnjim Kastrati. | 2020-03-28T18:26:30 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20200328164156-20200328194156-00427.warc.wet.gz | sq |
http://focus.scol.com.cn/zgsz/201701/55798680.html | *LINK* (2017-01-11 13:19:06) 来源:中国军网 编辑:彭焘王东辉 穆可双 战车在风雪中快速机动。中国军网记者 穆可双摄 1月7日清晨,塞北某陌生地域,大雪纷飞,寒气袭人,一辆辆铁甲战车时而疾驰,时而伪装隐蔽,快速向待机地域机动......陆军第65集团军某机步旅组织的一场复杂天候条件下加强机步连进攻战斗实战化演练悄然拉开战幕。 7时10分,随着三发红色信号弹升空,早已到达待机地域的一辆辆铁甲战车,在弥漫的风雪中如离弦之箭扑向"敌"阵,进攻战斗在风雪中打响...... 在这一突出检验性、对抗性的实战化演练现场,营长张小伟向记者介绍:"这次演练重实效不重形式、重检讨不重输赢,方案设置紧贴未来战争小型化、模块化特点,重点检验连级指挥员应对战场复杂多变条件下临机处置能力和对加强步兵连进攻战斗能力分析评估,切实解决训练中存在的问题和制约战斗力提升的瓶颈。" 在演练过程中,记者看到,虽然地域复杂、天气寒冷,但官兵们的训练热情激昂,敏捷的战术动作、人装的有机结合、兵种之间的密切协同,体现出官兵全面过硬的军事素养和军事技能。 (王东辉 中国军网记者 穆可双 摄影报道) | 2017-06-24T20:47:56 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20170624203022-20170624223022-00405.warc.wet.gz | zh-Hans |
http://wlcentral.org/category/countries/united-states?page=11 | Today, Omar should be at home in Canada, as promised by the Canadian government as a term of his acceptance of a plea deal. Today, he is still in Guantanamo Bay serving what the US military terms "punitive post-conviction confinement.". A little known fact regarding the Guantanamo sentences is that time served before sentencing is not considered 'punitive' and therefore does not count as time served towards his sentence. Omar's sentence is to be carried out in a solitary confinement 'enhanced interrogation' environment, and at the end of his sentence he can be placed back in 'Prisoner Of War' status in the Guantanamo cells he has spent his life in since he was 15 years old. Without repatriation to Canada, his eight year plea deal is just an eight year sentence to solitary confinement in the middle of a lifetime sentence in Guantanamo. | 2015-08-04T05:21:00 | Wet/CC-MAIN-20150728002310-00219-ip-10-236-191-2.ec2.internal.warc.wet.gz | en |
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