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This is a story of a 35 year old male who got hooked on bestiality. When computers first came out and it allowed you to connect to the Internet, I wanted to get one. I used to buy lesbian sex magazines and would masturbate while looking thru them. Pages of beautiful women making out, licking each others tits and pussies got me rock hard and I could have some satisfying cum sessions. Once I got a computer and got connected to the internet, one of the first things I did was a search of lesbian sex. All these sex websites popped up and I quickly connected to them and could now see all those things I was seeing in still photos actually happen in video. I again had some great cum sessions. I'm sure most everybody knows that when you surf the internet for sex videos and connect to one of the websites, you often get pop-ups from other websites trying to lure you to theirs. Well I started getting pop-ups from bestiality sites but was reluctant to go to them. Then I would get pop-ups of these sites already showing a video of someone being fucked by an animal (usually a dog). Curiosity got the best of me and I decided to see what it was all about so I clicked on one of the websites which took me to a bestiality site. There were a bunch of videos to choose from of different running times. I would click on one that looked of interest and usually it would be a dog fucking a woman. I realized though that the only ones that got me hard were the ones that showed the dog's penis actually making penetration when they mounted the woman. I would masturbate watching these videos and had some great cum sessions. Sometimes I paced myself, if the video was long, so I could cum 2-3 times. After a while I also started watching videos of women being fucked by horses. I was thinking like damn how do they get that horse cock in their cunt. Most videos showed the woman grabbing the horse's cock and slowly shoving it in to their cunts. That didn't really do it for me as I liked to see tham mounted like the dogs would do. I would leaf thru the images to see the few that showed the horse actually mounting the woman. Then I started to only watch those. I was blown away watching those horses rear up and drive those huge cocks into those cunts. I would get so hard it hurt. I then started getting pop-ups of male bestiality websites. Upon receiving the first one my curiosity was really piqued as I wondered what it would be like to get fucked by a dog. I started watching these videos of guys being mounted and fucked by defferent breeds of dogs. My cock was bursting and throbbing so I had to masturbate every time just to relieve the pressure. I then saw some videos of a horse actually mounting males and could not believe how those huge cocks could penetrate a tiny asshole. In only one video did I ever see the entire horse cock penetrate to the hilt. I saved that one and would masturbate to it all the time. I started to get an itch in my ass and would get hard just seeing a stray male dog go by. I actually live in a remote area and neighbors are at least a mile away. I have seen quite a few male stray dogs in the area and started thinking I needed to get fucked by one of them. I started to buy dry dog food and as I would pass a stray male dog in my area I would stop and give them a bowl of dry food. It got to the point that the 2-3 male dogs I was feeding already recognized my car and would come up to me when they saw me stop near them coming home from work. They all became friendly with me and I could pet them after they ate. Sometimes one would jump up on me as if to play and would knock me down. My cock would immediately get hard as I pictured him mounting me and giving me the fuck of my life. Since I was feeding them close to my house, the more playful dog would usually follow my car to the house and would hang around. I figured this would be the one I would try to get me to fuck me. He was a beautiful boxer. I came out of the house one Saturday and sure enough the boxer was lying outside on the grass. He came towards me and I noticed one of the other dogs I fed, a medium size mutt, ran towards us. I went back into the house and came back out with some dog treats. I tossed them and they both scarfed them up. The boxer came running up to me and playfully knocked me down. Of course I got hard. I had shorts on and my cock was throbbing. I decided to get on my hands and knees just to see what would happen. The boxer was playing around and I was trying to get him to go behind me. My cock leaked precum. I reached in my shorts and smeared a couple of fingers with the precum and put them up to the boxer. He sniffed at them. His ears perked and he started to lick my fingers. I pulled my shorts and underwear off and just stayed there on my hands and knees. The boxer put his snout on my crotch and I almost came as I leaked more precum. Again the boxer's ears perked as he looked at me with curiosity. I quickly spun around so my ass was facing his face. He slowly walked closer and licked my ass. My cock was throbbing and about to burst. Then his tongue found my asshole and I leaked more precum. After a minute of leaking I noticed his cock was showing from its sheath. Then suddenly he was on my back as he started humping and trying to get his cock into me. I tried to get in a position that he could find the mark and fuck me. I felt his cock all around til he suddenly found my hole and with a quick thrust drove his cock into me. I shot a load on the spot as he gripped me tighter and started to give me the fuck of my life. It hurt like hell but I didn't care. I had asked for it. I wanted it. I had seen enough videos of dogs fucking males that I knew he would want to get his knot into me. I wanted all of his cock in me so I was willing to submit. Pain aside it was feeling too great to care. I started pushing back to meet his thrusts. I felt him grip me tighter and knew he was going to try and work his knot in me. As I felt the knot at the entrance I pushed back as he pushed forward. Owwwwww...the knot went in and I shot another load as he started to fuck me harder. He then quit humping as I felt his cum shooting inside my ass. Oh what a great feeling. As he was emptying his load into me the mutt came up to us. I saw he had his cock peeking from its sheath. Hey you can fuck me next. I don't care if it hurts cause it feels too good to complain. The boxer shot cum for aboout 20 minutes until I felt him pull out with a plop. Cum came gushing out of my asshole running down my legs. He climbed off me and walked off. Before I could even catch my breath the mutt had mounted me and began humping away. He penetrated me right away. I guess my ass was wide open from the boxer's fuck. The mutt was fucking at a rapid pace and I started feeling good again as I felt his cock sliding in and out. As he gripped me tighter I knew he was going to shove his knot in me. I pushed back when I felt him lunge forward and he quickly got the knot in and started fucking me harder and faster. He then started squirting his cum into my asshole and I shot another load of cum. He stayed tied to me for about 15 minutes and then pulled out. Again cum leaked out of my ass. I quickly got up on wobbly legs and headed back inside the house to wash up. I was going to have a lot of fun from now on. I also knew I didn't need to see videos on the computer any more now that I had the real thing. But a horse - That's another thing. |
My name is Carlos. I'm 23 years old and just recently graduated from college. I was brought up on a farm so at an early age I was exposed to animals mating. My first such encounter was with our dogs. We had 2 male labradors named Mutt and Jeff. When I was 18 I saw Mutt mounted on a female dog that belonged to one of our neighbors. I was fascinated and as I watched I got a boner. I took my dick out and started playing with myself. Mutt really seemed to be enjoying himself and I was able to cum really quick. I was suddenly knocked down to my knees and when I looked back I saw it was Jeff. He jumped up on my back and began to hump me. It scared the hell out of me and as I tried to get him off me my dick got hard again. Jeff kept humping me as he gripped me around my waist. I felt something wet on my leg as Jeff climbed off me. I quickly got up. My dick was hard as a rock as I looked at Jeff licking his cock. He must've cum on my leg. I noticed how big his cock was which scared me that he tried to fuck me. I ran back to the house. I went up to my room and looked out the window. I noticed Jeff had mounted the same female dog and was fucking her. I took my dick out and started masturbating. I thought back to Jeff having mounted me and for some reason fantasized it was me Jeff was fucking outside. I quickly came. As the next couple of weeks passed I watched a stallion mate with one of our mares. I couldn't believe the size of his cock I saw hanging down. I masturbated as I watched that. I also saw our bull mounted on one of our cows. I masturbated while I watched that also. Mutt and Jeff fucked a couple of other female dogs that belonged to other neighbors. I masturbated every time I saw any of the animals mating. I began to wonder if all this was normal for a kid to get excited watching animals fuck. My dad and I took my cousins to the zoo one day. It was hot out and most of the animals stayed in the shade and weren't even visible. I was entertained watching some monkeys playing. At one point it looked like one of the monkeys was playing with himself. My dick got hard as I watched him. The monkey seemed to be looking right at me as he continued to play with himself. Some people that had young daughters walked away but I was mesmerized as my cock seeped cum in my pants. My dad was sitting on a bench when I realized I was the only person still there watching. All of a sudden another monkey came out and mounted the one playing with himself. He was actually fucking him in the ass. The speed with which the monkey was humping was unbelievable. My cock seeped more cum as I watched. I couldn't believe this monkey was actually letting the other one fuck his ass. I suddenly got an itch in my ass as I felt my cock release its cum. I was embarassed and walked over to where my dad was and told him I was ready to go home. I couldn't get that image of the monkey being fucked in the ass out of my mind. The next day Mutt was trying to mount a female dog but she wasn't allowing it. I had learned that they only allow it if they are in heat. Well if that is what it is called I started feeling like a bitch in heat as my ass began to tingle watching Mutt try to mount this dog. Images of Jeff mounting me when I was 18 also raced thru my mind. I began to masturbate with all these mixed feelings and images running thru my head. I had an intense orgasm that I didn't want to end. My dad said he needed to go into town and would be back in a few hours. I watched him drive away while Mutt and Jeff sat next to me. I decided to take a walk around the farm. The dogs followed me. I saw the bull trying to mount some of the cows with no luck. But it got my cock hard seeing him try. The stallion was also trying to mount one of the mares but she kept trotting away. My cock was hard so I took it out and just kept walking. The image of the monkey getting fucked in the ass came to me again. I was suddenly startled when I felt something on my dick. I looked down to see Jeff licking my cock which was seeping cum. It scared me as I fell back. When I tried to get up Mutt had mounted me and knocked me back down. He gripped me and began to hump me. Jeff was trying to get at my cock. I was scared but at the same time excited. My mind kept going back to the monkey getting fucked in the ass and I began to wonder what it would feel like as Mutt kept humping me. I felt him cum on my leg as he climbed off. I got up and Jeff quickly got to my dick and began to lick it. My cock was still seeping cum as I watched Jeff lick me. I suddenly came without warning as Jeff continued to lick me. Mutt climbed up on me and knocked me to the ground again. He gripped me around the waist and began to hump me as Jeff watched. I had just cum and couldn't believe my cock was getting hard again. When I felt Mutt cum on my leg again I quickly got up and started running back to the house with Jeff following me. Mutt stayed back licking his cock. I went into the house. Our dogs are allowed in the house but I left Jeff on the porch as I sorted out all that had just happened. My cock was hard again thinking about it all. I started playing with myself as I pictured Jeff mounting me and me actually letting him fuck my ass. I had the most intense orgasm of my life. I continued to masturbate watching the animals fuck. I also let Mutt and Jeff mount me now and then with my shorts on. I was almost getting up the courage to let one of them fuck me in the ass. I was afraid to do it though with my dad nearby in the house. Or even a neighbor stumbling by looking for their dogs that always roam around our farm. I was definitely getting an itch in the ass though. A couple of weeks later my dad woke me up to let me know he had to go into town and would be back in the evening. I said ok and drifted back to sleep. When I woke up I realized I had a wet dream of being fucked by the monkey at the zoo and my underwear was soaked with my cum. I remember it feeling so good and how incredible it felt as the monkey drilled me at an incredible pace. I woke up when I felt the monkey cumming inside my ass. I got out of bed and washed up. I then went to get a bowl of cereal and sat down on the sofa to eat my breakfast. Jeff climbed up on the sofa next to me. He was licking his cock which I could see was peeking out of its sheath. My cock got hard. Images of the monkeys at the zoo and the wet dream I just had got my ass tingling. Damn I so wanted to see what it would actually feel like. Just for the heck of it I took my shorts and underwear off and sat back down on the sofa. Jeff's ears perked up as he looked at me. My cock was rock hard and was seeping cum. Jeff put his head on my lap and began to lick it. I shot a load in about 30 seconds as Jeff kept licking. By then Mutt had come over also as if smelling a bitch in heat. Both their cocks were peeking out of their sheaths. I was scared and excited at the same time. I figured if I was going to find out what it feels like to get fucked in the ass it was now or never while my dad was gone. I still had a couple of hours before he was due back. I stood up to see what the dogs would do. Jeff walked up to me and started licking my cock again. Mutt walked behind me and climbed up on me trying to mount me. I allowed myself to fall forward on my hands and knees. Mutt then mounted me and started humping me. I could feel his cock against my ass as he tried to put it in me. I then felt him cum on my leg as he got off me. I was still scared and got up quickly. Mutt's cock was dangling down and it was huge. He also had a ball at the end of it. He walked behind me and climbed up again knocking me to my hands and knees again. Mutt gripped me and started humping again. The images of the monkeys and my wet dream were going thru my head when I suddenly felt Mutt drive his cock up my ass. He started fucking me as I cringed in pain. He fucked me fast for about 30 seconds when I suddenly felt something wet inside my ass. Mutt pulled out as I realized he had cum inside me. I quickly got up again. My asshole was hurting but my cock was hard as a rock and I realized it felt good when I felt Mutt cum inside me. Jeff suddenly climbed up on me and quickly mounted me as I landed on my hands and knees again. He quickly started humping me and I felt him enter me faster than Mutt was able to. As he started fucking me fast it wasn't hurting as much and it started to feel good as I felt his cock fucking me. Images of the monkeys came to me as Jeff continued to fuck me. My cock was leaking cum all over. I felt Jeff grip me tighter and I yelled in pain as I felt something else enter my ass. Jeff then really began to fuck me harder as I got over the initial pain and it started feeling good again. Jeff then quit humping as I felt him cum inside my ass. It felt good. I was surprised as Jeff continued to pour cum inside me. I tried to get up but realized I was stuck to Jeff. I panicked as I felt Jeff still cumming inside me. It still felt good feeling all that cum inside me but it scared me that I didn't know why I was stuck. After about 20 minutes Jeff pulled out of my ass. I felt cum run down my legs. I quickly got up but Mutt knocked me back down. I tried to get away but he was stronger than me and was able to mount me. He started humping and got his cock in me quickly. As he started fucking me my cock got hard again. It felt good and for some reason I started trying to meet Mutt's thrusts by pushing back as he fucked me. I suddenly felt Mutt grip me tighter as he lunged forward. I realized that Jeff had gotten his knot inside me and Mutt now was able to do the same thing. I wasn't as scared now as I felt the knot get bigger and Mutt fucked me harder. I felt Mutt cumming inside my ass which triggered my cum from my cock. I kept pushing back against Mutt as he kept cumming inside me. After about 20 minutes Mutt pulled out of me and I came again as the knot slipped out. Cum ran all down my legs. I quickly got up and went to wash up and clean the area before my dad got home. My ass was pretty sore but I realized I enjoyed getting fucked in the ass just as much as I did in the dream. |
Hi, I'm back with another story about my experiences. You might have read my first story about my dog Rocky. This story will be a lot different and it happened about 3 years later. Remember I said I had an affair, sort of, with another woman, Lacy? I'm not quite ready to tell Lacy's story yet, but she is a minor character in this story. Maybe I'll write about Lacy some other time. In fact, maybe the readers can give me some feedback as to whether they even want to hear it. Okay, let me set the scene. I'm out of college and living on my own in a medium sized town. I teach journalism at the local high school. That's what I said, I teach! This story will be about a young boy, Sammy, that I helped through the difficult stages of puberty. I got to know Sammy, or Sam as he preferred, because he had been my paperboy for about a year. This story starts when Sam was 11 years old. It was a crisp Saturday morning in late September and I had just got up and was on my first cup of coffee. I heard a small rap on my front door, as I peaked through the window, I saw Sammy standing there waiting to collect the paper bill. Sammy was a shy kid, cute and I liked him. I opened the door and said you must want some money. He nodded and I motioned for him to come in. I was dressed in gym shorts and a sleeveless t-shirt. I did feel Sammy was looking where maybe he shouldn't. Sit down Sammy and let me find my purse, I told him. When I returned, I ask if something was wrong. He just looked so sad. Nah, not really was his answer. Come on Sammy, we're buds, you can tell me. It's just the other kids tease me about being .... little. That's no big deal, you'll grow. Sammy looked down and said, not little like tall, just little. You know as he looked down. Ohhhhh, I said I get it. Sammy had turned a little red by this time. Look Sammy, that grows too. Just wait and you'll see. To tell the truth, I don't know who was more embarrassed, me or Sammy. I was also somewhat aroused. I'm going to tell you a story that might make you feel better. When I was your age, kids teased me about my big boobs. Sammy cocked his head and said, you don't have big boobs. There you go, maybe size isn't as important as we think, I said to him. Sammy just kind of grinned. This made me ask, so you've been looking at my boobs? Some, he replied, but not a lot. So what do you look at? Sammy hesitated then said, your butt. I giggled when I said sooooooooo, you're an ass man. Guess Sammy uttered softly. You want to rub my butt Sammy? His face was awestruck! Can I? Sure, just remember, there's nothing underneath. I turned and said go ahead, touch. Slowly and reluctantly, Sammy's hand reached out. He rubbed my shorts in small little circles. What's it feel like Sammy? Nice he said. Just nice? Real nice! What are you feeling? Sort of warm. What else? My peter is stiff, he said. That's a hard on, have you had one before now? Yeh, sometimes when I wake up, but it goes away when I pee. Any other time? A couple, mostly at night. What do you do? Well it feels good to rub it. Has anything happened when you rub it? I dont know what you mean,Sammy looked puzzled. Like anything come out? No, nothing like that. Sam, can I call you Sam since youre growing up? I like it better was his answer. Sam, maybe you better stop rubbing my butt. Immediately, there was a look of disappointment. Oh, you didn't do anything wrong. Stand up and look at me. Sam was dressed in bib overalls cut off at the knee and a white t-shirt. Can I see you Sam? You're looking at me now. No, can I see you underneath. I guess he answered slowly. I carefully pulled on strap from his shoulder, then the other. Sam was a skinny kid and the bibs fell to the floor. He wore little boxers with NFL logos all over. I smiled and said, what's your favorite team. Patriots I guess. I could tell he was still hard by the little tent. These too, I questioned. No answer, just a nod. By this time, I was hot and there was wetness in my shorts. Since they were white, I didn't think it would show. I placed a thumb under the waistband on each side and gently slid his boxers down. Like it was on a spring, his little dick sprang free. I almost expected to hear a boing! There in front of me was this little dick about 3" long. Sam was nearly bald with a few curly pubs on each side. Can I touch it, I ask? Guess was all Sam said. I had barely reached it and his hips went back. Did I hurt you? No I couldn't help it, sorry. I reached again placing it between my thumb and forefinger. I started slowly moving my fingers back and forth. Hurt, I ask? Nope, feels kind of good. I lowered Sam on to the couch and slid down in front of him. I gently placed his little dick in my mouth. I heard him gasp. By now my pussy is soaked and I am raging hot. I slid my lips up and down his penis until I had this gigantic orgasm. I know I must have scared the shit out of Sam! Once I had cum, I released sam's dick from my mouth. I knew he was too young to ejaculate. I raised up and gave him a peck on the cheek and said, Sam you just wait, someday a lot of girls will want your peter. Remember this is our secret, ok? Ok, I won't tell and thanks for everything. Sam spent a lot of time at my place after that. We fooled around some, but not a lot. Sam was about to turn 13 when I noticed a lowering of his voice. We were sitting on the couch watching tv one evening when I ask him if everything was all right. Sure, he answered as looked at me as if wondering the purpose of my question. Look Sam, we're buds and share everything. I know your body is changing. Just want to know if everything is ok. After a period of silence Sam ask, do you remember the first time when I was 11? Like it was yesterday was my answer. Can we do that again sometime? Now, I ask? Sure was sam's eager answer. Sam had on sweat pants and I reached over to find he was already hard. Bigger than before I whispered. Yea, a little. I think a lot! I slipped my hand in his loose pants and grasp his dick. It was longer and a lot thicker. Angie, that's me, can I tell you something? Sure, like I have always said, we're buds. I can cum now and I know what you were trying to find out before. No surprise, you're a man now. I slid onto my knees in front of Sam and worked his pants all the way off. His now very hairy dick waved in the air. I bent down and kissed the tip to hear him moan. Then I worked his hard dick all the way to the back of my throat . Sam was rything with each stroke. Oh god, oh god I heard him say. Angie,I'm goin ... Angie, I'm going, then my mouth was flooded with his cum. It tasted good, damned good! The great thing about youth is recovery. Within 5 minutes sam's dick was rock hard again. By now I'm so fucking hot I can't stand it. Take me Sam, take me and fuck me hard I gasp. Sam pushed me to the floor and burried his head in my wet pussy. Wet with my cum and his. His tongue flicked my clit until I thought I could stand no more. Breathlessly I said Sam you got to fuck me now before it's too late. Fuck me Sam I almost screamed. I felt the tip of his dick touch my cunt lips, then I felt him grind his hips on mine. His dick wasn't the biggest I had ever had, but he knew how to use it. Sam thrust and thrust until I screamed like a banchi. I cum almost as hard as I had done years before with Rocky. Then I felt Sam fill me. It seemed like a hot flood in my vagina! After we disembraced, I suggested a hot shower. It felt so good and I noticed Sam starting to get hard again. Sam, I can't do it again. Please don't be disappointed. Sam held me and kissed my lips. When we parted he said Angie, I will never be disappointed in you. As time went by, I saw Sam less. It seemed like no time that he had graduated high school and gone off to college. The paper route Sam once had was taken over by a 10 year old black girl who happened to be my neighbor. I had suspected that she was a precocious puberty girl which is really common among African American girls. Even though she was only 10, her tits looked as big as mine! I did see Sam one more time. He was home from college. He didn't know about Lacy until he walked in on us making out on the couch. At first he was embarrassed, but I can't go on, this seems like another great story! Give me your feedback. Tell me if you liked this story and if you want to know more about Lacy or Serena (the little black girl). Thanks for reading and for all feedback! By the way, Bruno is full grown and lives with me, Rocky still lives with my parents. |
Bradley stood at the large window, looking out at the beautiful view of the San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. He and Trina were having such a wonderful time in the City by the Bay, having arrived last Saturday from Dallas. They'd ridden the cable cars, gone to Fisherman's Wharf, and eaten some great meals. They'd also had a lot of sex. A real lot of sex. In the bed in their hotel room, in the shower in their hotel room, in front of the window of their hotel room right where Bradley now stood. In fact, just half an hour ago, as a freshly showered Trina sat on the little bathroom stool drying her hair, Bradley had crawled underneath it to skillfully lick her clit until she came. Trina had returned the favor by blowing Bradley as he stood against the bathroom counter. But now they had to get going to the main event of the trip, the wedding of one of Trina's very best friends. Bradley was dressed and ready to go to the ceremony - well, except for his tie that he'd need Trina to tie for him. "Trina, you almost ready?" Bradley called toward the bathroom. A moment later the door opened, and Trina emerged. She looked stunning, her beautiful face framed by her head of thick brown hair, her fine figure encased in, amazingly enough, a pretty good looking bridesmaid dress. "So what do you think of the dress? Trina asked. "Well frankly, the best thing I've seen you this trip was your Lingerie," Bradley answered. "But this dress is a close second. It really shows off your great ass." His tie tightly tied by Trina's expert fingers, Bradley piloted their Lamborghini though the heavy traffic toward the church. Dallas may not be as cosmopolitan as San Francisco, Bradley thought, but people back home sure drive better. They arrived at the church in plenty of time. Trina moved off to join the other bridesmaids in attending to the bride. The wedding began late, as usual. Bradley of course thought that Trina was much prettier than the bride, but at least the bride was the second best looking woman up there. Vows were exchanged, rings were exchanged, kisses were exchanged. And soon everyone had moved into the reception hall for the party. Bradley went straight for the bar, ordering a Beer for himself and a Martini for Trina. Trina stood in the reception line, shaking hands or receiving kisses on the cheek from people she either knew a little, or not at all. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Bradley approaching slowly, greeting the others in the wedding party. Damn he's great looking, Trina thought, feeling a little buzz in her clit as she flashed on a few of their sexual exploits this trip. Finally Bradley reached Trina, and presented her with her Martini. "You are so thoughtful," she said, taking a big gulp of it. Then she planted a nice long kiss on Bradley's lips. Holding him close, she whispered in his ear, "You look so hot in that tux. You are making my pussy really wet." Now Bradley needed a big gulp of his drink. The bride and groom moved out onto the floor for their first dance, and soon were joined by the wedding party. Trina and Bradley held each other especially tight, Trina's breasts pressed against Bradley's chest, their pelvises similarly joined. Trina ran her hand up the back of Bradley's neck and into his black hair, at the same time planting little kisses on his neck, then his earlobe. The sensations were beginning to get to Bradley, and he felt a familiar stirring down in his groin. Trina felt it as well. "Um, what's happening down there?" Trina whispered. "You keep kissing and rubbing me like that," Bradley said, "and it's gonna get embarrassing out here." "I'm not gonna be embarrassed," Trina said. "I love your nice hard cock. Just like I love your arms. You should show the world." "There's a minister here," Bradley replied. "Plus assorted grandparents, and children. Let's just keep my cock between us." "That sounds good, too," Trina said with a laugh. And then the music changed to a fast number, Trina and Bradley separating to dance to it. The decreased contact and increased exertion soon had Bradley's tumescence in retreat. But watching Bradley move around the dance floor was just making Trina even hotter, and her pussy even stickier. Next came the dinner, a decent meal, but nothing special. Frankly, Bradley would have rather had Sandwich. Trina was so caught up in all the excitement, she probably wouldn't have eaten if they'd served crab legs. No matter, at least the bar was open. Trina returned from a trip to it, and began to make casual conversation with the others at the table. As she took her first sip of her second drink, she casually rested her free hand on Bradley's thigh. Bradley's cock began to stir. After a couple sips, that hand had moved to Bradley's upper thigh. Now his cock began to grow. And as she polished off the drink, that hand moved right into his crotch. Bradley's cock was now rock hard. Bradley scooted in so the combination of the tablecloth and his napkin would shield what Trina was doing. Trina knew she was driving him crazy - and she loved it. Bradley was astounded at the way Trina could fondle him while still conversing with the others at the table. All he could manage was the occasional "uh-huh" or "hmm," since his concentration was certainly not at its best. His cock was pressed up against her hand, twitching as she alternately grasped it and released. He just picked at his dessert, a vanilla something or other. The band returned from its break, and began to play a hip-hop song. The other couples at the table got up to dance. "Um, did you want to dance too?" Bradley asked Trina. "Actually, I wanna fuck," Trina replied. "Great," said Bradley, deadpan. "You wanna lay down on the table, or you gonna sit on my lap?" Trina just smiled, and took Bradley by the hand. She led him away from the table - Bradley keeping his jacket pulled in front of his crotch - and out the door of the reception hall. They passed a few people out in the lobby area, older relatives mostly, who all smiled and said hello to the bridesmaid. Trina led Bradley down a hallway, but it ended at the kitchen - that wouldn't do. They backtracked, then went down another hallway, which made a sharp turn, then led to a closet door. Trina jiggled the handle. Locked. "I guess this is gonna have to do," she said to Bradley. "Right here, right now?" Bradley said, doubtfully. Trina backed up against the door, and slowly began to pull up her dress. She slid the red taffeta higher and higher, revealing her shins, then her knees, then her thighs, then finally the small triangle of fabric that covered her pussy. With her left hand holding up her skirt, Trina used her right to push that fabric aside, and reveal her wet, swollen pussy to Bradley. She plunged her middle finger deep into herself, then dragged it up through her slit, resting it beside her clit. She waited a moment for Bradley to look up from the sensuous view he was enjoying, and into her beautiful hazel eyes. "Does that answer your question?" she asked. Bradley quickly began to unbutton his pants, then pulled down his zipper. His hard cock was out in no time, Trina reaching for it, and pulling him up against her. Holding tight, she began to pump him in long, twisting strokes. Bradley reached though the collection of cool taffeta, and found Trina's exposed pussy, his two middle fingers instantly and easily plunging deep into her. He pulled up against Trina's pubic bone, on her g-spot, a shiver of pleasure going through her. Removing those finger, Bradley slid them up to surround Trina's clit, vibrating them ever so softly around her love button. Trina let out a loan moan, then mashed her mouth against Bradley's, their tongues playfully exploring each other's mouths. While still kissing, Trina maneuvered Bradley's cock toward herself, and positioned the head of it right against her pussy. Bradley could feel her warm wetness. Then Trina began to move Bradley's cock up and down her slit, the head sliding easily in her slickness, her pussy twitching every time it made contact with her clit. Then Trina broke the kiss, and looked deep into Bradley's brown eyes. She placed the head of his cock back at her opening, now even wetter. Simultaneously, they each pushed forward, and in an instant Bradley was deep inside her. A satisfied "ahhh" emanated from them both. Trina released her dress, and wrapped both her arms around Bradley's neck. Then she wrapped her legs around his waist, and just held on tight as they began to hump each other for all they were worth. Bradley felt like he had never been deeper inside Trina. He loved pulling back, then slowly plunging into her, his cock sliding past the edge of the panties she still wore, then pushing into her warm, soft flesh. Being totally supported by her man made Trina feel like she was floating on a cloud. A cloud of passion, as each thrust seemed to split her apart. Grinding together was putting plenty of friction on her clit, and waves of pleasure were radiating up through her torso, and down through her thighs. The tension was building in her, her moans were getting deeper and louder. "Come on baby, I'm almost there," she almost groaned. Bradley needed no more encouragement. He picked up the pace, stroking faster, and harder. And even deeper. Now Bradley was breathing hard, a sheen of sweat on his face. Trina's pussy began to involuntarily twitch, grasping Bradley's cock with every stroke. Her clit was buzzing, as it was stretched and pulled by their movements, and rubbed by Bradley's coarse pubic hair. Bradley's cock began to twitch now as well - he knew he was so close, but wanted to hold off just a tad longer. Until he knew Trina was coming. And then, when he heard that high pitched little "ehhh" she always let out, he knew. He could let it go. Because Trina was past the point of no return. Her moans were now their loudest, and deepest, as the tension flooded from her clit and pussy and built up throughout her entire torso. Bradley felt the come mass in his cock, and the tension spread into his torso and back. And then, with a simultaneous "aaaahhhhh" they both exploded, that tension releasing into wave after wave of pleasure. Bradley shot load after load of come into Trina, her pussy greedily clutching and releasing his cock, again and again as she was overcome with warmth and tranquility. Bradley was drained, and had to press Trina even more firmly against the door to keep them both upright. Trina just wrapped her legs around him more tightly, loving the feel of him deep inside her. Trina and Bradley smiled at each other, and kissed deeply. This had been quite a vacation, topped off with an incredible memory from the wedding. But they weren't the only ones taking home a memory, as they realized when the heard a rustle nearby. Glancing over, they saw an elderly couple, the groom's grandparents, looking at them. "How come you never did something like that to me?" Grandma said, flicking her hand on grandpa's shoulder. "Gimme a break." Grandpa replied. "We fucked like dogs plenty of times." As the two shuffled off, Trina and Bradley just chuckled, knowing that with the love they shared they could look forward to growing old together, just like those grandparents. |
Amber and Kate were chilling in the pool in their backyard. They were foster sisters getting to know each other. Amber: Kate, why do you wear shorts to the swimming pool? You know you can wear a bikini. Kate: I just don’t want anyone to see too much, you know? Amber: Well, I guess. What, afraid the boys will go wild? Kate: Actually, the girls. I’m packing. Amber: Wait, what do you mean? Kate: Well, this is what I mean. Kate stands up and lets her swim shorts stick to her body, revealing the outline of her giant futa dick. Amber: Oh my god, are you for real? Kate: Yeah. Amber: Does anyone else know? Kate: My parents, and a few others, but no one else here. Amber: My god, it’s huge! How big is it? Kate: 9 inches flaccid. Amber swallows. Amber: Erect? Kate: Varies. Max it’s ever gotten was 26 inches. But it dances between 18 and 24 inches a lot. Amber: Wow! It sounds like a blessing and a curse. Does it cause you any discomfort? Kate: It demands a lot of attention. Which, you know, feels good, but then I have trouble hiding all my cum, which is a lot, so... Amber (salivating): So like, how much cum? Kate: Bucketful's, just an ungodly amount. Enough to fill several mugs, easy. And not a small one either, like the ones you see at a German bar. Amber: Wow, how do you even have that much cum in you? Kate: Right, well, on top of being a futa, I also have overactive testicles. These swollen, massive things, like softballs, just constantly churning out more butter, you know. Kind of annoying really. You’ll just be sitting and the urge to jerk off overwhelms you, every day, multiple times a day. It would be ok if it wasn’t for the huge mess it leaves behind. Or having to hide my cock whenever it acts up. Amber: You don’t have a girlfriend do you? I bet she would love that! Kate: No, no girlfriend. I don’t think anyone but maybe like five porn stars could handle that. Amber: Are there any porn stars that you have a crush on? Kate: Amber, come on, they’re porn stars, they’re fine as hell. Amber: Hahahahahahaha! So wait, are you like, horny now? Kate (getting a little hard): I don’t know, like a little? Amber: Well, I could maybe help you out. You need a place for your cum don’t you? My stomach is empty... Kate’s erection is inching past her shorts down her leg. Amber salivates, her jaw unhinges. Kate: I think maybe we should go inside? Amber: Ok. Kate walks behind Amber, checking out her ass in that tiny bikini. They go inside to their room. Kate: Are you sure about this? Like, it can be a lot to handle. Amber: It’s ok, I want to help you. Kate: So were you thinking like a handjob or... Amber: How about this? Amber leans in for a kiss while pressing her full body against Kates. Feeling Kates erection go past her knee, touching her calf muscle. Her pussy gushes in wetness. They really wanted to fuck. Amber: Is a blowjob ok? I don’t have any condoms. Kate: They wouldn’t fit anyways. Yeah, a blowjob would be nice. Amber gets on her knees and pulls down Kates shorts. They were pointless anyways, it was hiding nothing. She grabs her dick with both hands, feeling the veins and the sheer weight of her member. Rubbing it back and forth slowly, then brings it up to her mouth. She scoots back a little so she could get to the head of the penis. Takes the head in her mouth and starts sucking. Kate wasn’t joking, this monster was barely manageable, getting the head in her mouth felt like eating a whole cheeseburger at once. Amber didn’t know how she was getting it down her throat, but she knew she would try. Kate: Oh my god that feels so good, I’m gonna cum, Amber, please swallow it. Amber holds the head of the cock on her tongue and creates a vacuum around the opening. Kate was masturbating her cock to completion. Then, like a garden hose, hot sticky cum floods her mouth, swelling her cheeks. Amber swallows, only to be met with an instant refill. She couldn’t let any spill, there would be nothing to catch it. Kate wasn’t holding back. She was offered her stomach, and she was gonna make sure she used up her whole stomach. Kate, grabbing Ambers hair, bucks her hips forward. Sending her cock down Ambers throat. They both moan as fluid continues to pour down Ambers throat. Kates convulsions can be felt from Ambers tongue, all the way down her throat, right before her stomach gets shot and catches fire. Again and again, her stomach is blasted with cum like a machine gun, punching the insides of her walls, over and over, filling her quickly and making her feel hot and heavy. Amber feels her stomach with her hand, her eyes roll over as she feels it inflate and protrude. She pulls the cock out of her throat into her mouth and catches more cum. She let her tongue feel the stream of semen as it passed through her mouth, swimming, being completely submerged. Amber relished the flavor, it tasted so good to her. Her throat undulates continuously as she was chugging down the biggest meal of her lifetime faster than she had ever eaten before. Amber reaches to massage Kates balls, and feels them pulse along with her orgasm. Kate grabs Ambers head again and drives her cock down Ambers throat, not stopping for anything. Amber, shocked, tries to pull away, but Kate was persistent and kept forcing her cock further down. Amber would cough if she had airflow. She quit resisting and let the cock have its way. Then she gives in, grabs Kates ass, and pulls herself to the hilt. Kates cock now fully erect and still cumming reaches inside Ambers stomach, pushes the back wall further inside her. Kates cock, straining to go deeper, keeps pushing until the entrance to the small intestine opens up and a full 8 inches disappears into her small intestine. Kate: Oh fuck I’m gonna cum again! Back to back orgasms. They were in ecstasy. Kates cock erupted with even more power than the first time. Ambers whole body is hot. She is sweating from the intense heat that fills her gut. Semen pours relentlessly down her small intestine as Kates cock enjoys the euphoria of her whole cock finally being taken, triggering a monumental orgasm. Ambers stomach continues to swell as her body changes shape to push past its normal holding capacity. Amber tightens her grip on Kates ass, refusing to come up for air until all of the cum is deposited in her body. They both watch in amazement how Ambers belly swells to a ridiculous size. Kate: Mmmm, this orgasm is much harder than the first. That was just a little one, this one is much harder. I hope you don’t mind, I’m going to be here a while. Amber: Mmmmmm....... Kates cock stiffens as a result of the humming, reaching its maximum 26 inches; its girth swelling Ambers already blocked passages. Kate fucks her throat slowly and deeply, until Amber brings it back up to her mouth to taste it again, catching her breath. Kate: This is the best, I can’t believe you’re taking it all. Every time I cum it makes a huge mess. Even when I use my bucket it just splashes out. Amber loved that, being Kates new bucket. Amber:Mmmmm hhhmmm hhhmmm Amber reaches up to grab Kates titties. They look into each others eyes, Kate strokes her hair. Every second Amber would jolt to Kates orgasm. The loss of oxygen heightens Ambers pleasure. The room is spinning and her sight is going dark. She thought she would die to her stomach ripping open. Her instinct to swallow kept her alive. Instead of fighting, her eagerness to contain Kates spillage relaxed her muscles, allowing cum to travel quickly down her digestive tract. She could feel a sharp pain jump from place to place along her gut as cum descended down her small intestine. Tens of trillions of sperm occupied Ambers digestive tract. Amber: Mmmmm... She wipes the sweat from her eyes and starts masturbating under her bikini. Kate is actively fucking Ambers small intestine, the tightness helps milk out a few extra splashes. Amber feels the urge to poop. Cum has traveled all the way to the large intestine. Her ass begins heating up, she can feel the pressure building but she holds it in. The thought of her insides being packed dense with semen helped her hold on as Kate's orgasm subsided into trembles. Every few seconds, another splash of semen entered her. The swelling was going down and Kate removed her cock. Amber: That was... Amber tried not to vomit. It came up in her cheeks, but she spilled none of it. The stomach acid has long been dissolved. She savored the taste before slowly drinking it back down. Amber: That was amazing. My belly is so full, just look at it!. Kate: I know. I told you I came a lot, but this is a first for me. Kate and Amber rub the protruding belly, like she was pregnant. Amber: People are gonna think I'm pregnant. Kate: Nah, they'll just think you're fat. Amber: Hey! --- Amber and Kate wake up together, Kates morning wood stands straight in the air, literally pitching a tent. Amber: Ha, looks like that thing is up before you are! Kate: What? Oh, yeah "cock a doodle do!" Amber: It's so swollen it looks like it hurts! Kate: Yeah, all night I was dreaming about you swallowing my cum. It went on for hours, I'm surprised I didn't cum. Amber: Well, you did. Kate: What? But where did... Oh... Amber: Thanks for breakfast! Kate: Wow, you truly are amazing, that dream was unreal. Do you think you're up for it again? Amber: I am down mentally, but physically... Amber flips open the blanket and reveals her fat swollen belly. Rubbing it like she's pregnant. Amber: I wont be able to eat for days. Kate: Well it wont go away until we do something. I can't walk outside like this. Amber: Oh my god I would love it if you did that. Kate: Well, maybe the backyard... But no, like, I neeeed to take care of this, now. Amber: Well I'm packed, but I don't think you've had breakfast yet. What do you say? Kate: What? I've never thought of that. That is crazy! Amber: How have you never done that? It can literally go right next to your head. Kate: Usually I see it as a burden, so I try to do it quickly and get it over with. Amber: Aww, that's so sad! I promise to make this more pleasurable for you, but now, I want to see you suck your own dick. Kate: I mean... really?! That's so weird. Amber: I think it would be hott. Kate: We'll I guess I could try. Kate grabs her dick and guides it into her mouth. Her jaw extends all the way and it begins to reach her throat. She backs out, wraps her tongue around it and sucks. Amber begins fingering herself. Amber: See? Not so bad, right? Kate: Not bad now, but I'm scared when I cum. Amber: Just take big long gulps as fast as you can, I think you can do it! Kate: Yeah, but what if some of it spills? It makes a huge mess. Amber: Hey, I managed to take two of your massive loads without spilling a drop, I think you can too! Here, just taste yourself, how can you say that's not delicious? Amber moves Kates cock back to her mouth, now oozing precum. Kate catches it on her tongue. Then wraps her lips around the head. Amber squeezes her urethra from base to tip while Kate swallows. Kate: Wow, it's really not bad. Amber: I know! I loved it. Kate: Maybe I can... Kate engulfed the head of her penis and stroked her shaft with her hands. Amber strokes near the base and fondles her balls. Kate takes more of her penis in, getting it further down her throat. Her veins start to protrude. Her cock hardens and grows. Kate has her hips off the mattress and is thrusting into her own mouth. Amber: That looks amazing. I can't wait to see you cum! Kate: Mmmm. Hmmmm! Mmmmmm. Amber feels Kates cock contract and the vibration from all the semen passing through her urethra. Amber: Wow, it's like holding a pipe with water gushing through it. Kate: Hmmmph! Kate's eyes are watering up, a little bit of cum shoots out of her nose, her throat undulates profusely. Amber: Aww, your cheeks are all puffed out, you look so cute! Kate squeezes and rubs her cock. Amber helps. Amber: Oh, you like that? Kate slowly starts bobbing her head, going deeper every repetition while holding her head down each time. Amber: Wow, I can see it move through your throat! Kate struggles to go deeper. Amber: Here, let me help you. Amber takes the back of Kates head and pushes down. Kate squeals and flails her arms. Amber: Come on, keep sucking, keep sucking! Kate's dick grew more euphoric the further she went down; increasing the intensity of her orgasm. At this point Kates stomach is full and ever expanding. The pressure Amber applied to her stomach made Kate want to throw up, but her cock was in the way. Kate was worried cum might leak out and she was flailing to help Amber keep her pinned down. Amber: Swallow it, swallow it... Oh my god your belly. You're really doing it! Kates cum had nowhere else to go but further down, straight into her guts. Still she swallowed. Amber puts more of her body weight on Kates head, finally reaching the hilt. Kates orgasm slowed due to the increase in volume. The feeling of having her entire cock taken in a warm embrace is too much. Kate is now fucking her own small intestine while continuing to cum. Amber: Oh my god, yeah swallow everything. Kates whole body twitches because of her orgasm. She holds herself with her nose buried in her balls. It doesn't matter, she isn't breathing anyways. There she sat, bending to the will of her cock. Drowning herself in cum. Amber could see she is slowing her pace. Amber: Remember not to spill a single drop! Amber places her hand on Kates urethra and squeezes up while Kate slowly removes her cock and swallows the last mouthful. Amber: Wow, look at your belly, how is that even possible? Kate: I must have a prostate the size of a basket ball or something. This shouldn't even be possible. Amber: Maybe it's just really dense down there. Amber picks up one of her testicles and weighs it with her hand. They were, quite heavy. Amber: I can't wait to fuck that thing. I'm going on birth control, so it'll be a month before it takes effect. Kate: A month? I can't wait that long. Amber: We have to, unless you want to have a baby. Pt3 soon, they will FUCK Venmo @xxxJasonSensationXXX Custom stories |
copyright: Lesley Tara, 2009 I am 38 and my partner, Claire, is 34. She is both a bit taller and slimmer than me, taking a 30C bra size to my 34D. She has light brown hair which is streaked with blonde highlights, bright eyes and laughing lips, long legs and an ass to die for – I swear she’s stolen it from some 18 year old! She is fit and feisty – we go to the gym fairly regularly, and she works out on the cycling and rowing machines, whilst I just swim. We have been together for nearly five years, and for the last three summers have taken our main holiday at a villa in the south of France, in an quiet country region a bit away from the usual tourist areas. This is the story of what happened one day, an amazing fuck that still gets me wet every time I think about the memory ... which is why I’ve decided to write it all down. The villa is great in lots of ways, and perfect in one particular respect – it’s completely private. The nearest small village is about two miles away, and no other dwelling is close to it. It is also on the top of a small ridge, and so it is not overlooked from anywhere else. At the back of the villa, the french windows of the master bedroom, living room and kitchen open onto a paved patio, beyond which is the well-kept lawn of a fairly large garden. All of this is surrounded on the other three sides by a brick wall about three metres high, and at the further end there is a row of cypress trees planted a few feet in from the wall, which tower above it and give a welcome area of shade when the patio gets too hot to sit out on. One morning in the middle of the first week, I was relaxing on a sun lounger on the patio, reading a novel (a C.J. Cherryh, actually), and wearing – more from habit than any need – a string-tied bikini top and bottom. Claire had taken the car into the village to get fresh bread and croissants, and I heard her come back and park in the garage. However, it was quite a few minutes before she appeared, carrying a large dark green canvas bag as well as the bakery goods. She dropped the latter off in the kitchen, and then came over to me in a mood of bubbling enthusiasm. ‘Babe, look what I found at the back of the garage,’ she said. I put my book down, and looked at the bag – which was not very informative. ‘Yes?’, I enquired. ‘It’s a croquet set!’ she answered, and proceeded to empty the contents out. There was a set of curved metal hoops, four clubs (I learned later they are actually called mallets), several balls, a centre peg and a wooden hammer; it all looked fairly new, and I guessed it had been acquired since our previous visit. ‘I don’t know, honey,’ I said rather doubtfully, ‘maybe one evening – it’s getting hot now’. She pursed her lips for a second, looking at me as if there was some joke which I hadn’t understood, and laughed. Then she leaned forward, cupping one of my breasts in her hand and squeezing gently, and gave me a brief kiss on the lips. ‘No – you’re hot, and I know what I want to do about it!’ she said, and there was that mischievous look in her eyes that always turns me on, not least because it is often the prelude to great sex – and so it proved. ‘OK,’ I said, not quite sure where this was going. It turned out to be going to the lawn, as she took me by the wrist and led me out into the middle of it. The day was warm, but the sun was not yet high enough to make it scorching, and there was a welcome light breeze. The lawn must have been tenderly cultivated since the Romans, for it was close-mown but still soft, springy and lushly green – like a wonderful thick carpet. It turned out that Claire’s idea of playing croquet was nothing like the usual rules. She instructed me to lie down, spread-eagled in a X-shape with my legs and arms apart. Then she took a metal hoop, placed it over my ankle, and knocked it in with the mallet. She had little difficulty sinking it into the soft ground, and was careful with the final strokes – but in a few seconds the cool metal was enclosing my ankle and my leg was firmly pinned to the ground. She did the same for the other ankle and then put two hoops in to hold each arm – one at the wrist and one at the elbow, so that I could raise my shoulders three or four inches off the ground, but otherwise had no freedom of movement at all. Now, I should tell you that we don’t often play games of restraint, at the most enjoying a bit of light bondage sometimes for a spicy change. But this being staked out on the grass under the summer sun was so dammed sexy, it was giving a new meaning to getting hot – and it was turning both of us on. I was writhing (as much as I could) in the hoops, not to get free but from sexual frustration – I couldn’t touch myself, of course, and my lover wasn’t yet doing her duty. Instead, she stood at my feet, looking up between my spread-open legs, with an expression of lustful glee. ‘Oh, yeah!’ she breathed softly, ‘I do like you like that!’ To look respectable for going to the village, she had put on a cotton wrap skirt in a colourful floral print, a really pretty short-length camisole top in white cheesecloth, and underneath a pink T-shirt bra and a matching rather skimpy pair of string panties. Now, as she admired my prone and pinioned form, she slipped a hand inside the wrap of the skirt, and was clearly giving some attention to her own pussy. What about mine?! ‘Hey!!’, I said, as I struggled a bit more. Then I relaxed and watched with pleasure, as she did a slow, sexy, teasing strip in front of me. First she kicked aside her flip-flops, then the straps of the cami top came down from her shoulders and she pulled it down over her hips, and despatched that as well. With some sinuous twirls, the tie of the wrap skirt was undone, and she held it open to show the underwear beneath. Finally, off came the bra and down came the panties, and my lover stood there in the nude, hands jauntily on her hips, looking very pleased with herself. Next she knelt between my spread legs, and spent a couple of minutes letting her hands roam over my body, concentrating first on my breasts and stomach, and then tracing her fingers deliciously up my inner thighs. This was so stimulating, and more so because I was imprisoned in the croquet hoops, and the wetness between my legs had little to do with the Mediterranean sunshine. Claire undid the halter string of my bikini top, pulled it downwards, and then removed it altogether. I gave a sigh of satisfaction as her mouth descended on my breasts – that girl really knows how to suck a tit, and mine were firm and pointy within seconds. Then she sat back on her haunches, and untied the string at each hip which held my bikini briefs in place. It was like unwrapping a birthday present, and I felt so exposed and aroused when she gently pulled the front fabric downwards to reveal my pussy. She fingered me for a moment, getting my juices flowing even more, eliciting from me the first in a series of moans. Now Claire moved on to what she had really had in mind all along, the idea that had swept her away the moment that she had found the croquet set. She swung round, lowering her ass and pussy onto my face for me to give her some eager oral attention. I was straining in my bonds to get my tongue into her vagina, seeking the prize of her clitoris, when I felt an amazing sensation in my cunt. I had assumed that Claire would go down on me, as 69 is just about our favourite way of making love. Instead, I was being penetrated by something hard and firm and – as I discovered with a squeal – also very long. It took a moment to register what was happening, and then I realised that Claire was fucking me with the handle of one of the croquet mallets! And it was an amazing feeling, as I sucked in her smell and the taste of mingled sweat and pussy juice, to have my lover sitting astride my captive body, and ramming this phallic pole in and out of my vagina, with deeper and longer strokes. ‘Oh, jeez, honey, yes!’ I moaned, muffled by having a face full of sweetly opened labia. A further thrust made me arch my back, as far as I could do so. I started to shriek (knowing that no one could hear us): ‘Oh, fuck! Give it to me! give it me good, give it me!! Do me, babe, now – NOW! – FUCK, YES, NOW!!! And I came massively, bone-shakingly, breathlessly, with a long shudder and tremor, my buttocks clenching, my hips thrusting, my back arching as much as the metal hoops would let me. I felt like the world was whirling around me, dizzy and a bit faint. ‘Fucking amazing,’ I thought, ‘and what an amazing fuck!’ I still had to finish her off, and she sat back further on my face, shifting her hands to my breasts, kneading and rubbing them. I gathered a bit of strength from somewhere, and applied myself to the task eagerly. Before long, she was rising up and down, hands spread out to keep from toppling over, her pussy wide open and her eyes squeezed shut. She shifted her hands suddenly to her own tits, and I knew she was about to come – she often pulls on her own nipples as she approaches orgasm. And so it was, and she climaxed with a series of deep rasping grunts, their rapidity and pitch increasing as she approached that golden moment of ecstasy and relief. Spent and satisfied, Claire rolled off me. For a moment she lay beside me on the grass, and then she kissed me softly on the lips. She rose to her feet and, before I could grasp what she was intending, she gave me a wave, blew me a kiss – and walked off into the house, leaving me pinned on the lawn, legs wide open and arms stretched above my head. I called out to her, but she disappeared into the kitchen, so I shifted to yelling. ‘Claire? Claire! let me go! – what’s going on, what are you doing? Claire?!! Claire, you cunt, you can’t leave me here like this!! Let me go – please!’ I shouted and pleaded for several minutes, wondering what she was up to. Then she came into my view again, having restored her bra and skirt (but not the panties). She had a bottle of beer in one hand, chilled from the fridge, and I watched in mounting disbelief as she took a long swig from it. ‘Don’t I get any?’, I asked, trying for a wheedling voice. ‘C’mon, babe, let me out of this – please?’ ‘Sure, you get some’, she said, and she held the bottle to my lips to let me take a mouthful. But then, she poured the remainder over my pussy, and lapped it up with her tongue. I’m really not into the food thing – and thank God, Claire isn’t either – as I’ve never found it to be erotic, but I must admit that her oral attentions to my cum-drenched, beer-soaked vagina were tantalisingly different from usual. I came again under her attentions, though not with the volcanic eruption of the first fuck with the mallet. As if she could read my thoughts, Claire picked up the mallet that had been the substitute dildo, and re-inserted it. I was thoroughly wet and loose now, and it sank in even further than before. Claire pistoned it in and out half a dozen times, until I climaxed again with something like a banshee wail. Then she left it in there, well inside me, and to my disbelief she got up and walked away. I shouted at her again and again to come and remove the mallet and hoops, but she just laughed and gave her impish smile – and then she sat on the swing chair, shaded by its awning, and flicked through a magazine. ‘I like the view as it is, sweetie,’ she shook her head, and teased: ‘maybe later ...’ I couldn’t believe it, the nerve of it. I had hugely enjoyed the amazing sex, and the erotic sensation of being staked down, submissive to my younger lover. But this was not so funny, and how long did she intend to leave me here anyway? I began to get a bit cross, which of course was exactly what Claire was intending to happen. Of course, the croquet hoops were not that firmly embedded into the soft earth, and once I realised it was down to me to get free, it really was not too difficult. The slowest part was getting the first wrist hoop pulled up enough to slip out of, and then the elbow one on the same arm. After that, the other arm and the ankles were quick and easy, and I slowly pulled the mallet handle out of my vagina – getting quite a delicious sensation as I did so. I was a bit stiff and had pins and needles as I got to my feet, naked and a bit cheesed off. I advanced up the lawn menacingly towards her chair, as she dropped her magazine and jumped to her feet. ‘It’s payback time, I’m gonna have you!’ I growled, admittedly hamming it up a bit – I wasn’t really that cross, but I didn’t mind her wondering for a minute or two. She gave a squeal that was half-alarmed and half-delighted, and scuttled behind a sun lounger. ‘Mmm, yes,’ she said with a wicked grin, ‘but, first – you gotta catch me!!’, and with that she took off at a run, barefoot, first down into the garden and then – as I raced after her – back up onto the patio, through the kitchen (dodging around the big oak table), through the sitting room, and into our bedroom. This was a dead end, but – of course – it was where she had always intended that I would catch her. I was aroused by the chase, but also still just a bit mad at her, so I was a bit firmer than I would ever normally be. I grabbed Claire and flung her face-down, with her top half on the bed and her ass sticking out over the edge, her knees and feet on the floor. I pulled the wrap skirt roughly open and up around her waist, exposing that sweet fantastic firm ass of hers. I was going to make it tremble with ecstasy – but first, lesson time! ‘You are a naughty, naughty girl!’ I said, as sternly as I could, but nearly breaking down into laughter. To cover that up, I gave her a firm smack on each butt – not really painful, but enough to sting and produce a very satisfactory yelp of protest. That only encouraged me to give one more to each cheek, as she squealed and wriggled. Then I put my hand on her back, swiftly undoing her bra, and ordered her in a no-nonsense tone of voice not to move. Quickly, I reached into the nearby dresser drawer and found my strap-on, and buckled it into place. Then I pushed her legs further apart and ran a finger along the length of her pussy cleft. As I thought, she was almost dripping wet, and her labia were already slightly parted. So, with no more ceremony or foreplay, I gripped her firmly above the hips, lined the knob of the plastic dildo up and plunged it into her, all the way home so that the backplate gave a firm smack against her buttocks. Claire gave a shriek of mingled shock and delight, raising her ass up off the bed to give me a better alignment for ramming it into her again. I was riding a wave of lust and excitement, and I lost all restraint, giving her a harder, faster fucking than we ever usually do (and doing her doggy-style is one of my favourites, her ass is just so neat). I was getting off on this as much as she was, and we were both nearly screaming, mounting rapidly to climax. It exploded way too soon, and I collapsed on top of her. We lay together on the rumpled sheets, out of breath, but laughing and kissing. After that, only one thing was possible – a long soak in the bath together, and another good thing about the villa is its positively sybaritic bathroom, which features a large oval whirlpool bath in white marble which has plenty of room for two. We played “croquet” a few more times during the holiday, although by agreement we didn’t again leave whoever was pinned down to get herself free. A couple of times, as a prelude, we actually played the proper game itself – it’s quite fun, on a good lawn like that – with the prize being that the winner got to stake out the loser. I hope, when we go next summer, the croquet set is still there ... If you enjoyed this, you might like my fiction stories as well ... |
Bradley stood at the large window, looking out at the beautiful view of the San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. He and Trina were having such a wonderful time in the City by the Bay, having arrived last Saturday from Dallas. They'd ridden the cable cars, gone to Fisherman's Wharf, and eaten some great meals. They'd also had a lot of sex. A real lot of sex. In the bed in their hotel room, in the shower in their hotel room, in front of the window of their hotel room right where Bradley now stood. In fact, just half an hour ago, as a freshly showered Trina sat on the little bathroom stool drying her hair, Bradley had crawled underneath it to skillfully lick her clit until she came. Trina had returned the favor by blowing Bradley as he stood against the bathroom counter. But now they had to get going to the main event of the trip, the wedding of one of Trina's very best friends. Bradley was dressed and ready to go to the ceremony - well, except for his tie that he'd need Trina to tie for him. "Trina, you almost ready?" Bradley called toward the bathroom. A moment later the door opened, and Trina emerged. She looked stunning, her beautiful face framed by her head of thick brown hair, her fine figure encased in, amazingly enough, a pretty good looking bridesmaid dress. "So what do you think of the dress? Trina asked. "Well frankly, the best thing I've seen you this trip was your Lingerie," Bradley answered. "But this dress is a close second. It really shows off your great ass." His tie tightly tied by Trina's expert fingers, Bradley piloted their Lamborghini though the heavy traffic toward the church. Dallas may not be as cosmopolitan as San Francisco, Bradley thought, but people back home sure drive better. They arrived at the church in plenty of time. Trina moved off to join the other bridesmaids in attending to the bride. The wedding began late, as usual. Bradley of course thought that Trina was much prettier than the bride, but at least the bride was the second best looking woman up there. Vows were exchanged, rings were exchanged, kisses were exchanged. And soon everyone had moved into the reception hall for the party. Bradley went straight for the bar, ordering a Beer for himself and a Martini for Trina. Trina stood in the reception line, shaking hands or receiving kisses on the cheek from people she either knew a little, or not at all. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Bradley approaching slowly, greeting the others in the wedding party. Damn he's great looking, Trina thought, feeling a little buzz in her clit as she flashed on a few of their sexual exploits this trip. Finally Bradley reached Trina, and presented her with her Martini. "You are so thoughtful," she said, taking a big gulp of it. Then she planted a nice long kiss on Bradley's lips. Holding him close, she whispered in his ear, "You look so hot in that tux. You are making my pussy really wet." Now Bradley needed a big gulp of his drink. The bride and groom moved out onto the floor for their first dance, and soon were joined by the wedding party. Trina and Bradley held each other especially tight, Trina's breasts pressed against Bradley's chest, their pelvises similarly joined. Trina ran her hand up the back of Bradley's neck and into his black hair, at the same time planting little kisses on his neck, then his earlobe. The sensations were beginning to get to Bradley, and he felt a familiar stirring down in his groin. Trina felt it as well. "Um, what's happening down there?" Trina whispered. "You keep kissing and rubbing me like that," Bradley said, "and it's gonna get embarrassing out here." "I'm not gonna be embarrassed," Trina said. "I love your nice hard cock. Just like I love your arms. You should show the world." "There's a minister here," Bradley replied. "Plus assorted grandparents, and children. Let's just keep my cock between us." "That sounds good, too," Trina said with a laugh. And then the music changed to a fast number, Trina and Bradley separating to dance to it. The decreased contact and increased exertion soon had Bradley's tumescence in retreat. But watching Bradley move around the dance floor was just making Trina even hotter, and her pussy even stickier. Next came the dinner, a decent meal, but nothing special. Frankly, Bradley would have rather had Sandwich. Trina was so caught up in all the excitement, she probably wouldn't have eaten if they'd served crab legs. No matter, at least the bar was open. Trina returned from a trip to it, and began to make casual conversation with the others at the table. As she took her first sip of her second drink, she casually rested her free hand on Bradley's thigh. Bradley's cock began to stir. After a couple sips, that hand had moved to Bradley's upper thigh. Now his cock began to grow. And as she polished off the drink, that hand moved right into his crotch. Bradley's cock was now rock hard. Bradley scooted in so the combination of the tablecloth and his napkin would shield what Trina was doing. Trina knew she was driving him crazy - and she loved it. Bradley was astounded at the way Trina could fondle him while still conversing with the others at the table. All he could manage was the occasional "uh-huh" or "hmm," since his concentration was certainly not at its best. His cock was pressed up against her hand, twitching as she alternately grasped it and released. He just picked at his dessert, a vanilla something or other. The band returned from its break, and began to play a hip-hop song. The other couples at the table got up to dance. "Um, did you want to dance too?" Bradley asked Trina. "Actually, I wanna fuck," Trina replied. "Great," said Bradley, deadpan. "You wanna lay down on the table, or you gonna sit on my lap?" Trina just smiled, and took Bradley by the hand. She led him away from the table - Bradley keeping his jacket pulled in front of his crotch - and out the door of the reception hall. They passed a few people out in the lobby area, older relatives mostly, who all smiled and said hello to the bridesmaid. Trina led Bradley down a hallway, but it ended at the kitchen - that wouldn't do. They backtracked, then went down another hallway, which made a sharp turn, then led to a closet door. Trina jiggled the handle. Locked. "I guess this is gonna have to do," she said to Bradley. "Right here, right now?" Bradley said, doubtfully. Trina backed up against the door, and slowly began to pull up her dress. She slid the red taffeta higher and higher, revealing her shins, then her knees, then her thighs, then finally the small triangle of fabric that covered her pussy. With her left hand holding up her skirt, Trina used her right to push that fabric aside, and reveal her wet, swollen pussy to Bradley. She plunged her middle finger deep into herself, then dragged it up through her slit, resting it beside her clit. She waited a moment for Bradley to look up from the sensuous view he was enjoying, and into her beautiful hazel eyes. "Does that answer your question?" she asked. Bradley quickly began to unbutton his pants, then pulled down his zipper. His hard cock was out in no time, Trina reaching for it, and pulling him up against her. Holding tight, she began to pump him in long, twisting strokes. Bradley reached though the collection of cool taffeta, and found Trina's exposed pussy, his two middle fingers instantly and easily plunging deep into her. He pulled up against Trina's pubic bone, on her g-spot, a shiver of pleasure going through her. Removing those finger, Bradley slid them up to surround Trina's clit, vibrating them ever so softly around her love button. Trina let out a loan moan, then mashed her mouth against Bradley's, their tongues playfully exploring each other's mouths. While still kissing, Trina maneuvered Bradley's cock toward herself, and positioned the head of it right against her pussy. Bradley could feel her warm wetness. Then Trina began to move Bradley's cock up and down her slit, the head sliding easily in her slickness, her pussy twitching every time it made contact with her clit. Then Trina broke the kiss, and looked deep into Bradley's brown eyes. She placed the head of his cock back at her opening, now even wetter. Simultaneously, they each pushed forward, and in an instant Bradley was deep inside her. A satisfied "ahhh" emanated from them both. Trina released her dress, and wrapped both her arms around Bradley's neck. Then she wrapped her legs around his waist, and just held on tight as they began to hump each other for all they were worth. Bradley felt like he had never been deeper inside Trina. He loved pulling back, then slowly plunging into her, his cock sliding past the edge of the panties she still wore, then pushing into her warm, soft flesh. Being totally supported by her man made Trina feel like she was floating on a cloud. A cloud of passion, as each thrust seemed to split her apart. Grinding together was putting plenty of friction on her clit, and waves of pleasure were radiating up through her torso, and down through her thighs. The tension was building in her, her moans were getting deeper and louder. "Come on baby, I'm almost there," she almost groaned. Bradley needed no more encouragement. He picked up the pace, stroking faster, and harder. And even deeper. Now Bradley was breathing hard, a sheen of sweat on his face. Trina's pussy began to involuntarily twitch, grasping Bradley's cock with every stroke. Her clit was buzzing, as it was stretched and pulled by their movements, and rubbed by Bradley's coarse pubic hair. Bradley's cock began to twitch now as well - he knew he was so close, but wanted to hold off just a tad longer. Until he knew Trina was coming. And then, when he heard that high pitched little "ehhh" she always let out, he knew. He could let it go. Because Trina was past the point of no return. Her moans were now their loudest, and deepest, as the tension flooded from her clit and pussy and built up throughout her entire torso. Bradley felt the come mass in his cock, and the tension spread into his torso and back. And then, with a simultaneous "aaaahhhhh" they both exploded, that tension releasing into wave after wave of pleasure. Bradley shot load after load of come into Trina, her pussy greedily clutching and releasing his cock, again and again as she was overcome with warmth and tranquility. Bradley was drained, and had to press Trina even more firmly against the door to keep them both upright. Trina just wrapped her legs around him more tightly, loving the feel of him deep inside her. Trina and Bradley smiled at each other, and kissed deeply. This had been quite a vacation, topped off with an incredible memory from the wedding. But they weren't the only ones taking home a memory, as they realized when the heard a rustle nearby. Glancing over, they saw an elderly couple, the groom's grandparents, looking at them. "How come you never did something like that to me?" Grandma said, flicking her hand on grandpa's shoulder. "Gimme a break." Grandpa replied. "We fucked like dogs plenty of times." As the two shuffled off, Trina and Bradley just chuckled, knowing that with the love they shared they could look forward to growing old together, just like those grandparents. |
Bradley stood at the large window, looking out at the beautiful view of the San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. He and Trina were having such a wonderful time in the City by the Bay, having arrived last Saturday from Dallas. They'd ridden the cable cars, gone to Fisherman's Wharf, and eaten some great meals. They'd also had a lot of sex. A real lot of sex. In the bed in their hotel room, in the shower in their hotel room, in front of the window of their hotel room right where Bradley now stood. In fact, just half an hour ago, as a freshly showered Trina sat on the little bathroom stool drying her hair, Bradley had crawled underneath it to skillfully lick her clit until she came. Trina had returned the favor by blowing Bradley as he stood against the bathroom counter. But now they had to get going to the main event of the trip, the wedding of one of Trina's very best friends. Bradley was dressed and ready to go to the ceremony - well, except for his tie that he'd need Trina to tie for him. "Trina, you almost ready?" Bradley called toward the bathroom. A moment later the door opened, and Trina emerged. She looked stunning, her beautiful face framed by her head of thick brown hair, her fine figure encased in, amazingly enough, a pretty good looking bridesmaid dress. "So what do you think of the dress? Trina asked. "Well frankly, the best thing I've seen you this trip was your Lingerie," Bradley answered. "But this dress is a close second. It really shows off your great ass." His tie tightly tied by Trina's expert fingers, Bradley piloted their Lamborghini though the heavy traffic toward the church. Dallas may not be as cosmopolitan as San Francisco, Bradley thought, but people back home sure drive better. They arrived at the church in plenty of time. Trina moved off to join the other bridesmaids in attending to the bride. The wedding began late, as usual. Bradley of course thought that Trina was much prettier than the bride, but at least the bride was the second best looking woman up there. Vows were exchanged, rings were exchanged, kisses were exchanged. And soon everyone had moved into the reception hall for the party. Bradley went straight for the bar, ordering a Beer for himself and a Martini for Trina. Trina stood in the reception line, shaking hands or receiving kisses on the cheek from people she either knew a little, or not at all. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Bradley approaching slowly, greeting the others in the wedding party. Damn he's great looking, Trina thought, feeling a little buzz in her clit as she flashed on a few of their sexual exploits this trip. Finally Bradley reached Trina, and presented her with her Martini. "You are so thoughtful," she said, taking a big gulp of it. Then she planted a nice long kiss on Bradley's lips. Holding him close, she whispered in his ear, "You look so hot in that tux. You are making my pussy really wet." Now Bradley needed a big gulp of his drink. The bride and groom moved out onto the floor for their first dance, and soon were joined by the wedding party. Trina and Bradley held each other especially tight, Trina's breasts pressed against Bradley's chest, their pelvises similarly joined. Trina ran her hand up the back of Bradley's neck and into his black hair, at the same time planting little kisses on his neck, then his earlobe. The sensations were beginning to get to Bradley, and he felt a familiar stirring down in his groin. Trina felt it as well. "Um, what's happening down there?" Trina whispered. "You keep kissing and rubbing me like that," Bradley said, "and it's gonna get embarrassing out here." "I'm not gonna be embarrassed," Trina said. "I love your nice hard cock. Just like I love your arms. You should show the world." "There's a minister here," Bradley replied. "Plus assorted grandparents, and children. Let's just keep my cock between us." "That sounds good, too," Trina said with a laugh. And then the music changed to a fast number, Trina and Bradley separating to dance to it. The decreased contact and increased exertion soon had Bradley's tumescence in retreat. But watching Bradley move around the dance floor was just making Trina even hotter, and her pussy even stickier. Next came the dinner, a decent meal, but nothing special. Frankly, Bradley would have rather had Sandwich. Trina was so caught up in all the excitement, she probably wouldn't have eaten if they'd served crab legs. No matter, at least the bar was open. Trina returned from a trip to it, and began to make casual conversation with the others at the table. As she took her first sip of her second drink, she casually rested her free hand on Bradley's thigh. Bradley's cock began to stir. After a couple sips, that hand had moved to Bradley's upper thigh. Now his cock began to grow. And as she polished off the drink, that hand moved right into his crotch. Bradley's cock was now rock hard. Bradley scooted in so the combination of the tablecloth and his napkin would shield what Trina was doing. Trina knew she was driving him crazy - and she loved it. Bradley was astounded at the way Trina could fondle him while still conversing with the others at the table. All he could manage was the occasional "uh-huh" or "hmm," since his concentration was certainly not at its best. His cock was pressed up against her hand, twitching as she alternately grasped it and released. He just picked at his dessert, a vanilla something or other. The band returned from its break, and began to play a hip-hop song. The other couples at the table got up to dance. "Um, did you want to dance too?" Bradley asked Trina. "Actually, I wanna fuck," Trina replied. "Great," said Bradley, deadpan. "You wanna lay down on the table, or you gonna sit on my lap?" Trina just smiled, and took Bradley by the hand. She led him away from the table - Bradley keeping his jacket pulled in front of his crotch - and out the door of the reception hall. They passed a few people out in the lobby area, older relatives mostly, who all smiled and said hello to the bridesmaid. Trina led Bradley down a hallway, but it ended at the kitchen - that wouldn't do. They backtracked, then went down another hallway, which made a sharp turn, then led to a closet door. Trina jiggled the handle. Locked. "I guess this is gonna have to do," she said to Bradley. "Right here, right now?" Bradley said, doubtfully. Trina backed up against the door, and slowly began to pull up her dress. She slid the red taffeta higher and higher, revealing her shins, then her knees, then her thighs, then finally the small triangle of fabric that covered her pussy. With her left hand holding up her skirt, Trina used her right to push that fabric aside, and reveal her wet, swollen pussy to Bradley. She plunged her middle finger deep into herself, then dragged it up through her slit, resting it beside her clit. She waited a moment for Bradley to look up from the sensuous view he was enjoying, and into her beautiful hazel eyes. "Does that answer your question?" she asked. Bradley quickly began to unbutton his pants, then pulled down his zipper. His hard cock was out in no time, Trina reaching for it, and pulling him up against her. Holding tight, she began to pump him in long, twisting strokes. Bradley reached though the collection of cool taffeta, and found Trina's exposed pussy, his two middle fingers instantly and easily plunging deep into her. He pulled up against Trina's pubic bone, on her g-spot, a shiver of pleasure going through her. Removing those finger, Bradley slid them up to surround Trina's clit, vibrating them ever so softly around her love button. Trina let out a loan moan, then mashed her mouth against Bradley's, their tongues playfully exploring each other's mouths. While still kissing, Trina maneuvered Bradley's cock toward herself, and positioned the head of it right against her pussy. Bradley could feel her warm wetness. Then Trina began to move Bradley's cock up and down her slit, the head sliding easily in her slickness, her pussy twitching every time it made contact with her clit. Then Trina broke the kiss, and looked deep into Bradley's brown eyes. She placed the head of his cock back at her opening, now even wetter. Simultaneously, they each pushed forward, and in an instant Bradley was deep inside her. A satisfied "ahhh" emanated from them both. Trina released her dress, and wrapped both her arms around Bradley's neck. Then she wrapped her legs around his waist, and just held on tight as they began to hump each other for all they were worth. Bradley felt like he had never been deeper inside Trina. He loved pulling back, then slowly plunging into her, his cock sliding past the edge of the panties she still wore, then pushing into her warm, soft flesh. Being totally supported by her man made Trina feel like she was floating on a cloud. A cloud of passion, as each thrust seemed to split her apart. Grinding together was putting plenty of friction on her clit, and waves of pleasure were radiating up through her torso, and down through her thighs. The tension was building in her, her moans were getting deeper and louder. "Come on baby, I'm almost there," she almost groaned. Bradley needed no more encouragement. He picked up the pace, stroking faster, and harder. And even deeper. Now Bradley was breathing hard, a sheen of sweat on his face. Trina's pussy began to involuntarily twitch, grasping Bradley's cock with every stroke. Her clit was buzzing, as it was stretched and pulled by their movements, and rubbed by Bradley's coarse pubic hair. Bradley's cock began to twitch now as well - he knew he was so close, but wanted to hold off just a tad longer. Until he knew Trina was coming. And then, when he heard that high pitched little "ehhh" she always let out, he knew. He could let it go. Because Trina was past the point of no return. Her moans were now their loudest, and deepest, as the tension flooded from her clit and pussy and built up throughout her entire torso. Bradley felt the come mass in his cock, and the tension spread into his torso and back. And then, with a simultaneous "aaaahhhhh" they both exploded, that tension releasing into wave after wave of pleasure. Bradley shot load after load of come into Trina, her pussy greedily clutching and releasing his cock, again and again as she was overcome with warmth and tranquility. Bradley was drained, and had to press Trina even more firmly against the door to keep them both upright. Trina just wrapped her legs around him more tightly, loving the feel of him deep inside her. Trina and Bradley smiled at each other, and kissed deeply. This had been quite a vacation, topped off with an incredible memory from the wedding. But they weren't the only ones taking home a memory, as they realized when the heard a rustle nearby. Glancing over, they saw an elderly couple, the groom's grandparents, looking at them. "How come you never did something like that to me?" Grandma said, flicking her hand on grandpa's shoulder. "Gimme a break." Grandpa replied. "We fucked like dogs plenty of times." As the two shuffled off, Trina and Bradley just chuckled, knowing that with the love they shared they could look forward to growing old together, just like those grandparents. |
Bradley stood at the large window, looking out at the beautiful view of the San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge. He and Trina were having such a wonderful time in the City by the Bay, having arrived last Saturday from Dallas. They'd ridden the cable cars, gone to Fisherman's Wharf, and eaten some great meals. They'd also had a lot of sex. A real lot of sex. In the bed in their hotel room, in the shower in their hotel room, in front of the window of their hotel room right where Bradley now stood. In fact, just half an hour ago, as a freshly showered Trina sat on the little bathroom stool drying her hair, Bradley had crawled underneath it to skillfully lick her clit until she came. Trina had returned the favor by blowing Bradley as he stood against the bathroom counter. But now they had to get going to the main event of the trip, the wedding of one of Trina's very best friends. Bradley was dressed and ready to go to the ceremony - well, except for his tie that he'd need Trina to tie for him. "Trina, you almost ready?" Bradley called toward the bathroom. A moment later the door opened, and Trina emerged. She looked stunning, her beautiful face framed by her head of thick brown hair, her fine figure encased in, amazingly enough, a pretty good looking bridesmaid dress. "So what do you think of the dress? Trina asked. "Well frankly, the best thing I've seen you this trip was your Lingerie," Bradley answered. "But this dress is a close second. It really shows off your great ass." His tie tightly tied by Trina's expert fingers, Bradley piloted their Lamborghini though the heavy traffic toward the church. Dallas may not be as cosmopolitan as San Francisco, Bradley thought, but people back home sure drive better. They arrived at the church in plenty of time. Trina moved off to join the other bridesmaids in attending to the bride. The wedding began late, as usual. Bradley of course thought that Trina was much prettier than the bride, but at least the bride was the second best looking woman up there. Vows were exchanged, rings were exchanged, kisses were exchanged. And soon everyone had moved into the reception hall for the party. Bradley went straight for the bar, ordering a Beer for himself and a Martini for Trina. Trina stood in the reception line, shaking hands or receiving kisses on the cheek from people she either knew a little, or not at all. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Bradley approaching slowly, greeting the others in the wedding party. Damn he's great looking, Trina thought, feeling a little buzz in her clit as she flashed on a few of their sexual exploits this trip. Finally Bradley reached Trina, and presented her with her Martini. "You are so thoughtful," she said, taking a big gulp of it. Then she planted a nice long kiss on Bradley's lips. Holding him close, she whispered in his ear, "You look so hot in that tux. You are making my pussy really wet." Now Bradley needed a big gulp of his drink. The bride and groom moved out onto the floor for their first dance, and soon were joined by the wedding party. Trina and Bradley held each other especially tight, Trina's breasts pressed against Bradley's chest, their pelvises similarly joined. Trina ran her hand up the back of Bradley's neck and into his black hair, at the same time planting little kisses on his neck, then his earlobe. The sensations were beginning to get to Bradley, and he felt a familiar stirring down in his groin. Trina felt it as well. "Um, what's happening down there?" Trina whispered. "You keep kissing and rubbing me like that," Bradley said, "and it's gonna get embarrassing out here." "I'm not gonna be embarrassed," Trina said. "I love your nice hard cock. Just like I love your arms. You should show the world." "There's a minister here," Bradley replied. "Plus assorted grandparents, and children. Let's just keep my cock between us." "That sounds good, too," Trina said with a laugh. And then the music changed to a fast number, Trina and Bradley separating to dance to it. The decreased contact and increased exertion soon had Bradley's tumescence in retreat. But watching Bradley move around the dance floor was just making Trina even hotter, and her pussy even stickier. Next came the dinner, a decent meal, but nothing special. Frankly, Bradley would have rather had Sandwich. Trina was so caught up in all the excitement, she probably wouldn't have eaten if they'd served crab legs. No matter, at least the bar was open. Trina returned from a trip to it, and began to make casual conversation with the others at the table. As she took her first sip of her second drink, she casually rested her free hand on Bradley's thigh. Bradley's cock began to stir. After a couple sips, that hand had moved to Bradley's upper thigh. Now his cock began to grow. And as she polished off the drink, that hand moved right into his crotch. Bradley's cock was now rock hard. Bradley scooted in so the combination of the tablecloth and his napkin would shield what Trina was doing. Trina knew she was driving him crazy - and she loved it. Bradley was astounded at the way Trina could fondle him while still conversing with the others at the table. All he could manage was the occasional "uh-huh" or "hmm," since his concentration was certainly not at its best. His cock was pressed up against her hand, twitching as she alternately grasped it and released. He just picked at his dessert, a vanilla something or other. The band returned from its break, and began to play a hip-hop song. The other couples at the table got up to dance. "Um, did you want to dance too?" Bradley asked Trina. "Actually, I wanna fuck," Trina replied. "Great," said Bradley, deadpan. "You wanna lay down on the table, or you gonna sit on my lap?" Trina just smiled, and took Bradley by the hand. She led him away from the table - Bradley keeping his jacket pulled in front of his crotch - and out the door of the reception hall. They passed a few people out in the lobby area, older relatives mostly, who all smiled and said hello to the bridesmaid. Trina led Bradley down a hallway, but it ended at the kitchen - that wouldn't do. They backtracked, then went down another hallway, which made a sharp turn, then led to a closet door. Trina jiggled the handle. Locked. "I guess this is gonna have to do," she said to Bradley. "Right here, right now?" Bradley said, doubtfully. Trina backed up against the door, and slowly began to pull up her dress. She slid the red taffeta higher and higher, revealing her shins, then her knees, then her thighs, then finally the small triangle of fabric that covered her pussy. With her left hand holding up her skirt, Trina used her right to push that fabric aside, and reveal her wet, swollen pussy to Bradley. She plunged her middle finger deep into herself, then dragged it up through her slit, resting it beside her clit. She waited a moment for Bradley to look up from the sensuous view he was enjoying, and into her beautiful hazel eyes. "Does that answer your question?" she asked. Bradley quickly began to unbutton his pants, then pulled down his zipper. His hard cock was out in no time, Trina reaching for it, and pulling him up against her. Holding tight, she began to pump him in long, twisting strokes. Bradley reached though the collection of cool taffeta, and found Trina's exposed pussy, his two middle fingers instantly and easily plunging deep into her. He pulled up against Trina's pubic bone, on her g-spot, a shiver of pleasure going through her. Removing those finger, Bradley slid them up to surround Trina's clit, vibrating them ever so softly around her love button. Trina let out a loan moan, then mashed her mouth against Bradley's, their tongues playfully exploring each other's mouths. While still kissing, Trina maneuvered Bradley's cock toward herself, and positioned the head of it right against her pussy. Bradley could feel her warm wetness. Then Trina began to move Bradley's cock up and down her slit, the head sliding easily in her slickness, her pussy twitching every time it made contact with her clit. Then Trina broke the kiss, and looked deep into Bradley's brown eyes. She placed the head of his cock back at her opening, now even wetter. Simultaneously, they each pushed forward, and in an instant Bradley was deep inside her. A satisfied "ahhh" emanated from them both. Trina released her dress, and wrapped both her arms around Bradley's neck. Then she wrapped her legs around his waist, and just held on tight as they began to hump each other for all they were worth. Bradley felt like he had never been deeper inside Trina. He loved pulling back, then slowly plunging into her, his cock sliding past the edge of the panties she still wore, then pushing into her warm, soft flesh. Being totally supported by her man made Trina feel like she was floating on a cloud. A cloud of passion, as each thrust seemed to split her apart. Grinding together was putting plenty of friction on her clit, and waves of pleasure were radiating up through her torso, and down through her thighs. The tension was building in her, her moans were getting deeper and louder. "Come on baby, I'm almost there," she almost groaned. Bradley needed no more encouragement. He picked up the pace, stroking faster, and harder. And even deeper. Now Bradley was breathing hard, a sheen of sweat on his face. Trina's pussy began to involuntarily twitch, grasping Bradley's cock with every stroke. Her clit was buzzing, as it was stretched and pulled by their movements, and rubbed by Bradley's coarse pubic hair. Bradley's cock began to twitch now as well - he knew he was so close, but wanted to hold off just a tad longer. Until he knew Trina was coming. And then, when he heard that high pitched little "ehhh" she always let out, he knew. He could let it go. Because Trina was past the point of no return. Her moans were now their loudest, and deepest, as the tension flooded from her clit and pussy and built up throughout her entire torso. Bradley felt the come mass in his cock, and the tension spread into his torso and back. And then, with a simultaneous "aaaahhhhh" they both exploded, that tension releasing into wave after wave of pleasure. Bradley shot load after load of come into Trina, her pussy greedily clutching and releasing his cock, again and again as she was overcome with warmth and tranquility. Bradley was drained, and had to press Trina even more firmly against the door to keep them both upright. Trina just wrapped her legs around him more tightly, loving the feel of him deep inside her. Trina and Bradley smiled at each other, and kissed deeply. This had been quite a vacation, topped off with an incredible memory from the wedding. But they weren't the only ones taking home a memory, as they realized when the heard a rustle nearby. Glancing over, they saw an elderly couple, the groom's grandparents, looking at them. "How come you never did something like that to me?" Grandma said, flicking her hand on grandpa's shoulder. "Gimme a break." Grandpa replied. "We fucked like dogs plenty of times." As the two shuffled off, Trina and Bradley just chuckled, knowing that with the love they shared they could look forward to growing old together, just like those grandparents. |
Amber and Kate were chilling in the pool in their backyard. They were foster sisters getting to know each other. Amber: Kate, why do you wear shorts to the swimming pool? You know you can wear a bikini. Kate: I just don’t want anyone to see too much, you know? Amber: Well, I guess. What, afraid the boys will go wild? Kate: Actually, the girls. I’m packing. Amber: Wait, what do you mean? Kate: Well, this is what I mean. Kate stands up and lets her swim shorts stick to her body, revealing the outline of her giant futa dick. Amber: Oh my god, are you for real? Kate: Yeah. Amber: Does anyone else know? Kate: My parents, and a few others, but no one else here. Amber: My god, it’s huge! How big is it? Kate: 9 inches flaccid. Amber swallows. Amber: Erect? Kate: Varies. Max it’s ever gotten was 26 inches. But it dances between 18 and 24 inches a lot. Amber: Wow! It sounds like a blessing and a curse. Does it cause you any discomfort? Kate: It demands a lot of attention. Which, you know, feels good, but then I have trouble hiding all my cum, which is a lot, so... Amber (salivating): So like, how much cum? Kate: Bucketful's, just an ungodly amount. Enough to fill several mugs, easy. And not a small one either, like the ones you see at a German bar. Amber: Wow, how do you even have that much cum in you? Kate: Right, well, on top of being a futa, I also have overactive testicles. These swollen, massive things, like softballs, just constantly churning out more butter, you know. Kind of annoying really. You’ll just be sitting and the urge to jerk off overwhelms you, every day, multiple times a day. It would be ok if it wasn’t for the huge mess it leaves behind. Or having to hide my cock whenever it acts up. Amber: You don’t have a girlfriend do you? I bet she would love that! Kate: No, no girlfriend. I don’t think anyone but maybe like five porn stars could handle that. Amber: Are there any porn stars that you have a crush on? Kate: Amber, come on, they’re porn stars, they’re fine as hell. Amber: Hahahahahahaha! So wait, are you like, horny now? Kate (getting a little hard): I don’t know, like a little? Amber: Well, I could maybe help you out. You need a place for your cum don’t you? My stomach is empty... Kate’s erection is inching past her shorts down her leg. Amber salivates, her jaw unhinges. Kate: I think maybe we should go inside? Amber: Ok. Kate walks behind Amber, checking out her ass in that tiny bikini. They go inside to their room. Kate: Are you sure about this? Like, it can be a lot to handle. Amber: It’s ok, I want to help you. Kate: So were you thinking like a handjob or... Amber: How about this? Amber leans in for a kiss while pressing her full body against Kates. Feeling Kates erection go past her knee, touching her calf muscle. Her pussy gushes in wetness. They really wanted to fuck. Amber: Is a blowjob ok? I don’t have any condoms. Kate: They wouldn’t fit anyways. Yeah, a blowjob would be nice. Amber gets on her knees and pulls down Kates shorts. They were pointless anyways, it was hiding nothing. She grabs her dick with both hands, feeling the veins and the sheer weight of her member. Rubbing it back and forth slowly, then brings it up to her mouth. She scoots back a little so she could get to the head of the penis. Takes the head in her mouth and starts sucking. Kate wasn’t joking, this monster was barely manageable, getting the head in her mouth felt like eating a whole cheeseburger at once. Amber didn’t know how she was getting it down her throat, but she knew she would try. Kate: Oh my god that feels so good, I’m gonna cum, Amber, please swallow it. Amber holds the head of the cock on her tongue and creates a vacuum around the opening. Kate was masturbating her cock to completion. Then, like a garden hose, hot sticky cum floods her mouth, swelling her cheeks. Amber swallows, only to be met with an instant refill. She couldn’t let any spill, there would be nothing to catch it. Kate wasn’t holding back. She was offered her stomach, and she was gonna make sure she used up her whole stomach. Kate, grabbing Ambers hair, bucks her hips forward. Sending her cock down Ambers throat. They both moan as fluid continues to pour down Ambers throat. Kates convulsions can be felt from Ambers tongue, all the way down her throat, right before her stomach gets shot and catches fire. Again and again, her stomach is blasted with cum like a machine gun, punching the insides of her walls, over and over, filling her quickly and making her feel hot and heavy. Amber feels her stomach with her hand, her eyes roll over as she feels it inflate and protrude. She pulls the cock out of her throat into her mouth and catches more cum. She let her tongue feel the stream of semen as it passed through her mouth, swimming, being completely submerged. Amber relished the flavor, it tasted so good to her. Her throat undulates continuously as she was chugging down the biggest meal of her lifetime faster than she had ever eaten before. Amber reaches to massage Kates balls, and feels them pulse along with her orgasm. Kate grabs Ambers head again and drives her cock down Ambers throat, not stopping for anything. Amber, shocked, tries to pull away, but Kate was persistent and kept forcing her cock further down. Amber would cough if she had airflow. She quit resisting and let the cock have its way. Then she gives in, grabs Kates ass, and pulls herself to the hilt. Kates cock now fully erect and still cumming reaches inside Ambers stomach, pushes the back wall further inside her. Kates cock, straining to go deeper, keeps pushing until the entrance to the small intestine opens up and a full 8 inches disappears into her small intestine. Kate: Oh fuck I’m gonna cum again! Back to back orgasms. They were in ecstasy. Kates cock erupted with even more power than the first time. Ambers whole body is hot. She is sweating from the intense heat that fills her gut. Semen pours relentlessly down her small intestine as Kates cock enjoys the euphoria of her whole cock finally being taken, triggering a monumental orgasm. Ambers stomach continues to swell as her body changes shape to push past its normal holding capacity. Amber tightens her grip on Kates ass, refusing to come up for air until all of the cum is deposited in her body. They both watch in amazement how Ambers belly swells to a ridiculous size. Kate: Mmmm, this orgasm is much harder than the first. That was just a little one, this one is much harder. I hope you don’t mind, I’m going to be here a while. Amber: Mmmmmm....... Kates cock stiffens as a result of the humming, reaching its maximum 26 inches; its girth swelling Ambers already blocked passages. Kate fucks her throat slowly and deeply, until Amber brings it back up to her mouth to taste it again, catching her breath. Kate: This is the best, I can’t believe you’re taking it all. Every time I cum it makes a huge mess. Even when I use my bucket it just splashes out. Amber loved that, being Kates new bucket. Amber:Mmmmm hhhmmm hhhmmm Amber reaches up to grab Kates titties. They look into each others eyes, Kate strokes her hair. Every second Amber would jolt to Kates orgasm. The loss of oxygen heightens Ambers pleasure. The room is spinning and her sight is going dark. She thought she would die to her stomach ripping open. Her instinct to swallow kept her alive. Instead of fighting, her eagerness to contain Kates spillage relaxed her muscles, allowing cum to travel quickly down her digestive tract. She could feel a sharp pain jump from place to place along her gut as cum descended down her small intestine. Tens of trillions of sperm occupied Ambers digestive tract. Amber: Mmmmm... She wipes the sweat from her eyes and starts masturbating under her bikini. Kate is actively fucking Ambers small intestine, the tightness helps milk out a few extra splashes. Amber feels the urge to poop. Cum has traveled all the way to the large intestine. Her ass begins heating up, she can feel the pressure building but she holds it in. The thought of her insides being packed dense with semen helped her hold on as Kate's orgasm subsided into trembles. Every few seconds, another splash of semen entered her. The swelling was going down and Kate removed her cock. Amber: That was... Amber tried not to vomit. It came up in her cheeks, but she spilled none of it. The stomach acid has long been dissolved. She savored the taste before slowly drinking it back down. Amber: That was amazing. My belly is so full, just look at it!. Kate: I know. I told you I came a lot, but this is a first for me. Kate and Amber rub the protruding belly, like she was pregnant. Amber: People are gonna think I'm pregnant. Kate: Nah, they'll just think you're fat. Amber: Hey! --- Amber and Kate wake up together, Kates morning wood stands straight in the air, literally pitching a tent. Amber: Ha, looks like that thing is up before you are! Kate: What? Oh, yeah "cock a doodle do!" Amber: It's so swollen it looks like it hurts! Kate: Yeah, all night I was dreaming about you swallowing my cum. It went on for hours, I'm surprised I didn't cum. Amber: Well, you did. Kate: What? But where did... Oh... Amber: Thanks for breakfast! Kate: Wow, you truly are amazing, that dream was unreal. Do you think you're up for it again? Amber: I am down mentally, but physically... Amber flips open the blanket and reveals her fat swollen belly. Rubbing it like she's pregnant. Amber: I wont be able to eat for days. Kate: Well it wont go away until we do something. I can't walk outside like this. Amber: Oh my god I would love it if you did that. Kate: Well, maybe the backyard... But no, like, I neeeed to take care of this, now. Amber: Well I'm packed, but I don't think you've had breakfast yet. What do you say? Kate: What? I've never thought of that. That is crazy! Amber: How have you never done that? It can literally go right next to your head. Kate: Usually I see it as a burden, so I try to do it quickly and get it over with. Amber: Aww, that's so sad! I promise to make this more pleasurable for you, but now, I want to see you suck your own dick. Kate: I mean... really?! That's so weird. Amber: I think it would be hott. Kate: We'll I guess I could try. Kate grabs her dick and guides it into her mouth. Her jaw extends all the way and it begins to reach her throat. She backs out, wraps her tongue around it and sucks. Amber begins fingering herself. Amber: See? Not so bad, right? Kate: Not bad now, but I'm scared when I cum. Amber: Just take big long gulps as fast as you can, I think you can do it! Kate: Yeah, but what if some of it spills? It makes a huge mess. Amber: Hey, I managed to take two of your massive loads without spilling a drop, I think you can too! Here, just taste yourself, how can you say that's not delicious? Amber moves Kates cock back to her mouth, now oozing precum. Kate catches it on her tongue. Then wraps her lips around the head. Amber squeezes her urethra from base to tip while Kate swallows. Kate: Wow, it's really not bad. Amber: I know! I loved it. Kate: Maybe I can... Kate engulfed the head of her penis and stroked her shaft with her hands. Amber strokes near the base and fondles her balls. Kate takes more of her penis in, getting it further down her throat. Her veins start to protrude. Her cock hardens and grows. Kate has her hips off the mattress and is thrusting into her own mouth. Amber: That looks amazing. I can't wait to see you cum! Kate: Mmmm. Hmmmm! Mmmmmm. Amber feels Kates cock contract and the vibration from all the semen passing through her urethra. Amber: Wow, it's like holding a pipe with water gushing through it. Kate: Hmmmph! Kate's eyes are watering up, a little bit of cum shoots out of her nose, her throat undulates profusely. Amber: Aww, your cheeks are all puffed out, you look so cute! Kate squeezes and rubs her cock. Amber helps. Amber: Oh, you like that? Kate slowly starts bobbing her head, going deeper every repetition while holding her head down each time. Amber: Wow, I can see it move through your throat! Kate struggles to go deeper. Amber: Here, let me help you. Amber takes the back of Kates head and pushes down. Kate squeals and flails her arms. Amber: Come on, keep sucking, keep sucking! Kate's dick grew more euphoric the further she went down; increasing the intensity of her orgasm. At this point Kates stomach is full and ever expanding. The pressure Amber applied to her stomach made Kate want to throw up, but her cock was in the way. Kate was worried cum might leak out and she was flailing to help Amber keep her pinned down. Amber: Swallow it, swallow it... Oh my god your belly. You're really doing it! Kates cum had nowhere else to go but further down, straight into her guts. Still she swallowed. Amber puts more of her body weight on Kates head, finally reaching the hilt. Kates orgasm slowed due to the increase in volume. The feeling of having her entire cock taken in a warm embrace is too much. Kate is now fucking her own small intestine while continuing to cum. Amber: Oh my god, yeah swallow everything. Kates whole body twitches because of her orgasm. She holds herself with her nose buried in her balls. It doesn't matter, she isn't breathing anyways. There she sat, bending to the will of her cock. Drowning herself in cum. Amber could see she is slowing her pace. Amber: Remember not to spill a single drop! Amber places her hand on Kates urethra and squeezes up while Kate slowly removes her cock and swallows the last mouthful. Amber: Wow, look at your belly, how is that even possible? Kate: I must have a prostate the size of a basket ball or something. This shouldn't even be possible. Amber: Maybe it's just really dense down there. Amber picks up one of her testicles and weighs it with her hand. They were, quite heavy. Amber: I can't wait to fuck that thing. I'm going on birth control, so it'll be a month before it takes effect. Kate: A month? I can't wait that long. Amber: We have to, unless you want to have a baby. Pt3 soon, they will FUCK Venmo @xxxJasonSensationXXX Custom stories |
Same characters from previous story "Being at a gas station CAN be fun". Me and my girlfriend Macy just got home after we had a VERY hot fuck at the gas station about an hour ago, and as you can imagine, we were a bit beat. She wanted to take a quick shower before bed, and of course I followed cause I wanted to see that sexy ass toned body of hers wet and against mine. As soon as we got into the bathroom, we straight up shed ourselves of the clothes we were wearing that day. I told her to take my shorts and underwear off. "Ok big dick" she answered. As soon as she got onto her knees and snatched my bottoms off, my cock was rock hard. I didn't have to say a word and she took my entire cock into her warm, moist, sexy mouth and started bobbing her head up and down and up and down and up and down. "Stop sucking my cock baby, I have a surprise for you when I feel the time is right" I said. We jumped in the shower, and of course I ate that SUPER tasty cunt of hers out, she came so much, I did my very best to swallow all of her juice. After 12 minutes of sexy showering with this sexy babe, we hit the sack. The next day arrived, when I woke up, Macy was gone, I already knew she was at work. Seeing I was throwing a party later, I had to get everything ready. I got my lazy ass (I admit it) out of our bed and showered, I saved the dick stroking for my lady when I surprised her. I walked downstairs and started pulling out all of the party supplies I knew would be used tonight, which included about 2-3 packs of Budlight Beer, a LOT of chips, all of seats you see at birthday parties, and everything else I could think of. Of course I made sure all the rooms were locked up so nothing of ours would come up missing after the party was said and done. About a few hours later, our good friends came over and just started partying like there was no tomorrow. In the middle of the party is where it started to suck, my friends were dancing with some hot chicks while I was just sitting there....IN MY OWN HOME! I got up from my chair, told a close friend I'd be right back, he asked "Where ya going bro?!" he also had to yell seeing how loud the party was, "I'm going to go get another pack of beer if you don't mind!" I yelled back. Out the door I went, got into my SUV and drove off and little frustrated. I sped down the highway, luckily there were no police, probably at the donut shop. I soon arrived at Macy's job, which was at Stater Bros. I shut off my car and proceeded to walk inside the grocery market, I said hi to a few people, seeing most of them knew me. I passed a few aisles (not sure how to spell that) until I found my gorgeous wife putting away new items on the shelf. It's hard not to stare at a more gorgeous woman who's wearing a sexy black mini skirt that says "SEXY" across the ass, along with a pink low cut skin tight t-shirt to show off those sexy A or B cup breasts of hers, the shoes didn't matter. Unlike most stores, this one let you dress in anything as long as it was appropriate, I always encouraged Macy to be sexy, not just around me. I walked quietly behind her and grabbed and gently squeezed her juicy ass, to my shock, she was wearing NO panties, so any guy could be fucking her up the ass right now, I'm gad that wasn't happening or they would be in a puddle of their own brain and blood. She squealed, but seeing I was the only one to ever do that to her, she raised her skirt to expose her sexy as fuck bare ass. I took my middle finger and gently pushed it into her soon to be fucked ass and began wiggling it around inside her fuckhole. "Mmmmmm baby, nice surpriiiiise" she moaned as I fingered her ass. She didn't even try her best to hold those sexy moans. I reached around with my free hand and began to rub her now wet pussy, and m m m m mmmm did it feel good! She reached behind her and grabbed my now hard cock and began rubbing it gently. She knew what I was wanting, and onto her knees she went and dropped my pants and boxers, it was only seconds before she had my rock hard meat inside her oh so wet willing mouth, sucking my hard cock up and down and uppppp and down, slowly each time she took my dick in and out of her mouth. I wanted to blow my load right then and there, but I held it in and knowing how long we've been married, she could sense my cum was boiling. She then got off of her knees and bent over and held onto the shelf, pointed that SEXY and yet JUICY ass of hers at my dick, I needed no instruction whatsoever and just jammed my cock deeeeeeep into her ass, neither of us wanted it slow, I began pounding my cock into her pussy from behind, damn did I feel so lucky to be able to fuck a hot babe like her any day I chose. She kept screaming my name out begging for more cock, I gave her even more of it, I never stopped seeing how horny we both were from the night before. As I continued pounding that love tunnel of hers, I spanked her ass telling her to beg for my cock. "Ohhh oh OHH FUCK MEEEE, FUCK Me like the slut I am to you, YEESSS YEs yes" she screamed as we fucked soo hard. I was surprised none of her co-workers came to see what the commotion was, they probably knew this day was coming anyway. I continued pounding the shit out of her slutty but yet lovely pussy. "Ohh fuck, I'm CUMMMMING" I grunted while I felt my cum about to shoot into her pussy. "Make a baby IN ME BABY!!!" she screamed in extreme pleasure. After more than 30 thrusts into her pussy she got onto her knees and began to furiously suck my cock dry after I blew my 7 loads of cum down her throat. Like a pro, she swallowed EVERY bit of it. I picked her up off her knees, put one of her feet on the shelf and one on the floor, go ton my knees and plunged my tongue deep into her cum filled pussy. I didn't like the taste of my own cum, but her pussy tasted SO FUCKING GOOD, I ignored the taste and kept on eating out that gorgeous pussy of hers. After 3 minutes of eating her pussy out, she came HARD, I barely was able to take it all. After we finished our hard fuck at her job, we got cleaned up, little did we know, we were fucking for over an hour, and hell yes it was worth every worth it. I kissed her good-bye and would see her when she got home. Later in her shift, she called me before she left and found out her co-workers taped our fuck. At first she was pissed, but she left it alone cause so many of her co-workers fantasized about fucking her shaved cunt, but they know they never will. |
Sierra Pt 2 On the way back to my apartment the conversation was just small talk, and a lot of heavy petting. I lived on the 2nd floor of my apartment building and allowed her to walk up the stairs first. As I followed her I couldn't help but watch her fat cock swing between her legs under her dress. I looked around before we hit the second flight of stairs and saw no one. As she stepped up to he sencond stair I grabbed her hips and stopped her. I pressed her lower back making her bend slightly forward. That beautiful dark chocolate ass popped out nicely right in front of my face. I slid both hands up her silky smooth legs and pushed her dress up revealing her sexy ass and cock. I bit her on her cheek and she responded with a gasp and giggle. She wiggled her ass at me and I just dove in tongue first. That tight little ring tightened up at first the relaxed for me after a few seconds. I took both cheeks in my hands and spread them as far as I could get them, tongue lashing her ring. Her moaning only increased as she reached back and grabbed the back of my head and pulled me even deeper into her ass. I could feel her legs begin to shake and begin to get weak. I reached under her for her fat cock and as I hoped it was hard as a rock, I stroked it a few times and she began to beg me to go into my apartment. I bit the other cheek one last time and we ran up the last few stairs to my apartment. We couldn't get into my apartment fast enough. As we entered my apartment I playfully reached out for her and she pushed me away and started backing up, playfully but sensually. She told me to relax and asked about a shower and getting ready for the rest of the night (I took that to mean a cleanse). I helped her get undressed as she did me, both of us were rock hard and wanted to take each other righ that moment. On our way to the shower, she looked at my cock and balls again with that inquisitive look, wondering why I was completely shaven. I told her that I started shaving while in the Army before we were deployed to the middle east for better hygeine, and then I just kept it that was because I liked it. As we entered the bathroom, I completely blanked on the fact that I had an 8 inch dildo with balls sunction cupped to the wall of the shower. Sierra wasn't the first person that I was with but she was the first person that I felt comfortable with, seeing that I am bi and not out of the closet. When she turned the light on in the bathroom, there it was an 8 inch dildo hanging off the wall. Sierra blurted out "oh wow, that answers some questions, and raises a few more." I could feel the blood flowing to my face and was speechless. She turned to me and giggled and just said that's nice but we can save it for later. I really couldn't say much and I just showed her where I kept my cleansing items, and to call me when she was ready to get in the shower. I stepped out of the bathroom and tried to catch my breath and calm my nerves. After about 10 minutes or so I heard the shower start and Sierra called me in. Still naked I stepped into the shower and again was completely speechless with how sexy she was. Her dark skin and curves just had me mesmorized. I leaned down to kiss her and wrapped my arms around her waist and we just kissed so deeply and passionately under the hot water. Both of our cocks were rubbing on each other as her breasts rubbed on my stomach. The anticipation of the night ahead was incredible. Our hands explored each others bodies as we kissed. I grabbed the soap and washcloth and began to wash both of us, not missing an inch of her body or mine. The soap made it slippery between us, it was just so erotic. I turned her around to face away from me, and pulled her to me. I slid my cock between her cheeks and ran my hands up her stomach to her beautiful breasts, cupping them and pinching her nipples between my fingers. She let out a moan and backed her ass even closer to me, and I heard her whisper between moans an "oh yes." I leaned down and kissed her neck and she reached up and held my head as I kissed her neck and with the other hand she reached back and grabbed my ass cheek pulling me even closer to her. The tip of my cock was rubbing on her ring as it slid between her thick cheeks. Thank God for whiskey dick and having already cum once at the beach or I would have been done right there. A coule minutes later the water started to get cold and we got out of the shower. As we entered my bedroom she asked for some music. I threw on some Stevie Ray Vaughn and turned it up, she gave me this look like she was expecting Marvin Gaye or similar. After a couple seconds of Voodoo Child I could see her starting to get the groove of the song. She was sitting on the edge of the bed and she pulled me closer taking the tip of my cock in her mouth. She had expert level oral skills. licking and sucking me from the taint to the head of my cock. After a few minutes I pulled her off my cock and stood her up and then told her to ger on her hands and knees on the edge of the bed. She complied and arched that back just right to fully exposed her tight little rosebud and she pushed her cock and balls back between her thighs. I smacked both cheeks making her whimper as I did it a second time she let a "oh fuck yes" whimper. I spanked her a few more times as I stroked her big cock making her breathing much more rapid as wells as the little yelps and moans. I then sunk my tongue deep into her rosebud with no warning and she let out this long deep moan. I licked my way down from her ass to her small balls and then pulled her big cock back a little licking it all the way down to that hard but spongy head. I took her big cock as far as could into my mouth and began swirling my tongue around and around, feeling every vein and muscle in her cock. I could feel her began to tighten up and I backed off, I wanted to prolong her orgasm as long as possible. So close to cumming she was begging me to fuck her, but I wasn't quite ready yet. I kneeled behind her and placed my cock along hers finally being able to judge the length and girth of it. I am 7 inches and decent thickness and she was atleast 2 inches longer and twice my thinkness, she was about 9 inches long and very thick. I rubbed our cocks together for a moment while pushed a finger into her tight hole with my other hand. By now she was pleading with me to put my cock in her. I gently placed the tip of my cock on her rosebud and began to rub it on her hole with a little pressure. she kept bucking her hips trying to get me into her, I enjoyed teasing her a little bit. I started to push into her with a little force now, opening her hole, and the I would back off. I did this over and over until the head of my cock slipped into her and she let out a loud moan. I popped my cock head in and out of her a few times making her beg some more, well she must have timed my rhythm just right because as I popped the head of my cock in she pushed back hard burying my cock deep into her ass. It was overwhelming for both of us for a minute. She was so tight, wet and hot wrapped around my cock. we just paused for a moment and adjusted to the feeling. After a moment of this I began sliding in and out of her tight hole. I didn't want to blow my load to fast so I maintained a moderate pace. With one hand I had her hip and the other I had her breast. She kept her back arched as much as she could and came up to her knees so she was kneeling in front of me. I cupped both of her breasts and pinched her nipples as she leaned back to kiss me. I pushed her back to bed and grabbed her wrists and pulled her upper body off the bed while I fucked her juicy tight ass as hard as I could. Both of us were making loud animalistic noises as we fucked. I laid her back down on her stomach and mounted her from the back with my legs on either side of her gorgeous ass. She arched her hips up to get maximum penetration. The feeling was amazing, her silky skin, the tightness and juicyness of her ass wrapped around my cock, and how much we were sweating. I was hooked on her only after a few hours of being together. I continued to ride her from the back for a short while longer but I wanted to see her beautiful face. I pulled out and rolled her over, she instinctively wrapped her legs aroundmy waist and I slid my cock back into her. When I did I cupped both of her breasts in my hands and began to pinch her nipples making her pleasure increase even more. I sucked each nipple and lightly ran my teath overt them, over and over. My cock buried deep inside of her and her cock squeezed between our bellies we kissed, our tongues dancing between one another. At this point it didn't feel like "fucking" anymore, it was romantic and erotic. As I was kissing her neck she whispered into my ear that she was close to cumming. I still wasn't ready but I wanted to please her as much as possible. I got on my knees between her legs and pushed her legs up and back giving me the most access to her, I pumped my cock as a hard and as fast as I could into her. She was wrything in pleasure and after a few minutes without even touching her cock she blew stream after stream of cum between her breasts and on her neck. Not letting up, I continued to punp into her as hard as I could. Her body just kept convulsing under me, and after a few minutes I felt that feeling of an imminent orgasm. I grabbed the back of her neck for leverage and pushed as far as I could into her, making her yelp and moan some more, and I unleashed deep into her ass until I couldn't move. It was probably one of the most intense orgasms of my young life. Both of us were out of breath, sweating and completely exhausted I have no idea how long we had sex but thankfully neither of had to work the next day. I couldn't move, my cock still inside of her as I kneeled before her. She was running her fingers through the cum on her chest. She took some of the cum onto her finger tips and held it up for me to taste. I sucked the cum off her fingers getting that slight saltiness but then a sweetness as well. She reached up to pull me down to her and my cock slid out of her ass. A moment later my own cum began to ooze out of her. I took a little onmy fingers and returned the favor and fed it to her. I don;t know what came over me at that moment but I leaned down began to lick the cum off her chest and neck before I pushed her legs back up to her chest and I began to lick my own cum from her ass. The ring of her ass was so sensitive that as I licked her she jerked involuntarily and begging me to stop. I stopped and lay down next to her and we just layed in each others arms until we passed out. Both of us covered in sweat and her covered in cum, we just passed out. A few hours later, daylight was peeking over the horizon and I had to pee. I snuck out of bed looking at this amazing person next to me and reminiscing our lustful activities only a few hours before. I wanted more of her. I went into the bathroomm and relieved myself and brushed my teeth. I then took a quick cleanse, I needed her in me this morning. I thought I was going to make it back into the bed with out being noticed but I guess not. She peeked at me with one eye and said good morning. I told her that there was a new toothbrush in the drawer and she got up to use the toilet and brush her teeth. While she was in there I reached into the night stand and grabbed my KY and lubed myself up. A few minutes later she crawled back into the bed and layed in my arms and we kissed and fondled each others bodies. I rolled slightly into her as she ran her hand down my back and over my ass cheek. I could feel her cock start to grow as she realised what I wanted. I reached between us and began massaging her balls and cock. I love to feel a cock grow in my hand or in my mouth. As I massaged her now hard cock she bagan to play with my ass cheeks and when she slid her fingers into my crack she felt me already lubed. She giggled and whispered into my ear that was a bad boy already lubed up for her. I told her that I had to have her in me before she left. She began circling my hole with one finger and then two fingers and then she slowly pushed both of them into my tight ass. It didn't take long before I was relaxed enough to fully enjoy it and then a third finger entered me and I was moaning almost uncontrollably. I needed her cock in me now. She kissed me and then slid her body over onto my back and her cock and breasts sliding over me felt amazing. She told me to lift my hips up and she slid a pillow under me, laying my cock backwards. With my hips elevated, she pressed her body back against mine. Her breasts on my back and her massive cock sliding between my cheeks, teasing my tight hole. I could feel the soft kisses on my back and neck as she teased me, it was erotic and sensual. After few minutes of teasing me I felt her reach between us and guide the massive head of her cock onto my hole. She hadn't even began to enter me yet and I could feel her size. I whispered almost begged for her to go slow at first. Even with her having 3 fingers in my ass moments before, the initial push from her stung. I gasped and held my breath for a moment and let the burning feeling subside and when she felt me relax she pushed again and this time she pushed all the way into me. All I could say was "oh shit" and gasped and moaned. She moved her legs from laying on me to straddling my ass and it felt like she pushed another inch into me. She stayed in that position for a moment before she started sliding in and out of my tight hole an inch at a time until I was was comfortable. I didn't realized I was doing it but I was moaning like crazy and she took this a sign to pick up the pace. She leaned up still straddling my legs while pushing my lower back down making my ass come up even more. I felt so incredibly full and each time she pulled back it was like an emptiness inside of me. She starting pumping me at a moderate pace making me moan and gasp for more. Every once in a while she would smack my ass cheek hard making it sting. She continued this pace and position for what seemed like forever but I was in heaven. I could feel her veiny cock as it found its way deep into my depths over and over and her balls slap mine each time she bottomed out inside of me. We weren't keeping track of time but we started as the sun came up and now the sun was streaming into my windows with out remorse now, and it felt like I was in for the long run, she had stamina. Just as I was thinking that, I felt her tighten her grip on my ass cheeks and felt her get just a little harder and her pace picked up and she buried he huge cock as far as it could go inside of me unleashing a huge load of cum in me. The noises coming from both of us were animalistic. As she started to cum inside of me I could feel my own load begin to build. She slowly slid in and out of my ass for a few more minutes as her cock softened. As she slid out of me, I quickly rolled around underneath her to take her cock in my mouth and taste us. She took the hint and leaned down to suck my cock. Our juices tasted amazing, her cum and my juices mixed together on her cock had me so close to blowing a massive load, but it was her amazing mouth, soft lips and skillful tongue that brought me over the edge. My hips were bucking uncontrollably as I unloaded stream after stream of cum into her mouth. She pulled her cock out of my mouth and turned around to lay back in my arms. We kissed again sharing each other's juices and within a few minutes both of us passed out again completely exhausted. A few hours later, I was awoken by some noise in my room. I didn't feel Sierra in the bed with me so I figured it was her going to the bathroom or something. When I lifted my head she had her back to me and she was poking around my dresser and closet. I asked her what she was doing and that startled her. She giggled and said that she was looking for any other toys I may have. That made me chuckle and I pointed her to the black box in the back of the closet. She was about to find out how many toys I actually had, lol. She picked up the box and brought it to the bed and opened it. When she opened it, her eyes got really big and the only thing she could say was wow. She just looked at me and pulled out my double ended dildo and told me that we were gonna have fun together. I told her I could handle anything else this morning and we both laughed. I got up from the bed and pulled her to me and kissed her. I pulled her into the shower and and we washed each other. I put on another bikini bottom as she put on one of my t-shirts for breakfast. I can't really call it breakfast becuase it was almost noon time, but it was breakfast for us. We talked over breakfast and discussed what was next. She just said she obviously liked me but lets take it day by day. When we finished breakfast she said she had to go home and run some errands. She came overot me and straddled me in my chair, her cock hanging down and rubbing on mine as we kissed some more. I loved kissing her. Her lips were so soft and moist it was amazing. A few minutes later she was dressed and out the door. Stay tuned for more.... |
A couple of months after my first tied up pegging handjob experience, I arrived home one evening to find a note waiting for me. Danni was visiting a friend and I had a few hours until she was due home but I had been left instructions for her arrival. My first instruction was to bathe and wash myself thoroughly. I was also instructed to shave my face and also trim my pubic hair. She had pointed out the week before that I needed a trim so I duly obliged, taking my time and leaving myself virtually bald. I picked out the clothes I had been instructed to dress in and went into the bedroom to prepare. Once again I pulled on my red topped stockings, these got me excited and I was glad to see Danni liked me wearing them too. I pulled up the suspended belt and topped off the look with another pair of lacy knickers. This time however, they were red to match the stockings. On each wrist I attached a rope, leaving a few feet spare hanging down. I tucked my erection into the knickers as best I could and then I sat and waited for Danni to come home. Five minutes later and the downstairs door opened and locked shut. I could hear her moving around downstairs and then I heard her climbing the stairs. Just like last time she whispered through the door. “Give me ten minutes baby” “Ready when you are” I called back. I heard her shower and then I could hear her getting her hair ready and finally I could hear the sound of clothes being put on. The door opened slowly and she entered and stood in front of me. This time she was wearing a red basque, red stockings and a pair of red high heels. To top it off she was wearing a pair of elbow length red lace gloves. I had never seen any of these items before so I presume she bought them specially for tonight. She was quite a sight. My Lady in Red. The only thing she was wearing that wasn’t red was also new to me, it was a brand new big thick black strap on dildo. “Stand up” Danni ordered. I did as I was told immediately. She looked me up and down and smiled. “I see you followed my instructions” she said. “Yes Madam” “Turn around” I turned around and she pulled the ropes dangling from my wrists tightly. She positioned my hands together and tied them tightly, pulling them hard to test them out. She spun me back round to face her. “If you’re a good boy then I’ve got a very special treat for you later” she said seductively. “And to show I’m not a bitch I’ll give you a little bonus”. She dropped down to her knees in front of me. My cock was bulging out of my knickers, desperate to get at her. She rubbed a hand across it, the lace giving her hand a lovely smooth feel. She took hold of it and squeezed a drop of precum out for her tongue. She always loved tasting my precum and often would play with my cock until she got loads of the sticky liquid on her lips. Then she parted her lips and took me into her warm mouth. She used her gloved hand to stroke the shaft and my balls while her tongue licked and sucked the tip, getting maximum precum for her greedy lips. She sucked me for several minutes, teasing the tip with her tongue until I was ready to blow my load. She sensed my growing enthusiasm and put a stop to her oral skills. “Just remember how good I suck your cock baby” she said to me, rising to her feet. “Now turn around and kneel on the edge of the bed with your ass sticking up for me” With a little assistance I was soon in place, bent over, head on the bed, ass in the air and my hands tied firmly behind my back ready for my girl to have her wicked way. I felt a cold liquid run down my ass crack. Then I felt a finger probing my exposed hole. Unlike when I was laid down, this position left my ass wide open and it was much easier for Danni to play with me. I felt one, then two fingers slide easily into me, they were fully withdrawn before I felt either three or four fingers replace them. It was hard to tell but my hole was being stretched in preparation for the new huge toy. After a few minutes of Danni’s sharp fingernails probing and prodding my prostate I could feel my cock twitching and straining. “Now my fingers have warmed you up. Are you ready for the next toy baby?” She asked me. Not that I was in a position to argue. I tensed myself ready for the huge black dildo to stretch my ass. She gave my ass a hard slap. “Relax baby, it’s not the big one yet” She held my hip with her left hand and pushed a toy into my hole. It was quite thin but getting thicker the deeper it went. Then it got very wide and it took a firm push from Danni to get it into place. It was wide but not very long, I had seen butt plugs before so knew what it was. I wasn’t expecting what came next tho. It started vibrating, Danni was trying its different functions, settling on a long deep vibration. She pushed it in as it vibrated and my ass instinctively pushed it back out matching her rhythm. I couldn’t push it out tho as it was too wide but it felt great stretching my hole. Leaving the new toy in place she pulled me up by my shoulders and reached a hand around me. She quickly found my erect cock and stroked it with her gloved hand. “Are you ready for your special treat?” she whispered in my ear. The toy was vibrating in my ass and her hands were squeezing my balls and stroking my shaft. When she said that I assumed she meant giving me a handjob while she fucked me with her new toy. So I replied. “Yes Madam” I had assumed wrong. She pushed me down onto the bed. “Don’t move” Danni said, leaving the bedroom. I got myself comfortable and waited patiently. I could hear her downstairs talking in on the phone. Then about ten minutes later I heard the outside door open and close. I heard two voices, one sounded male. I heard footsteps on the stairs and then the door opened and Danni walked in, followed by a guy I had never seen before. “This is Chris” said Danni. “We met online and I invited him to come along and watch you get fucked” I looked at her shocked and then looked at Chris. He was younger than myself and Danni, probably early thirties. He was well dressed and looked clean and tidy. He wasn’t bad looking and I could tell Danni fancied him by the way she was acting. Maybe she was planning on fucking him in front of me I thought. “Say hello” Danni snapped at me. “Hi” I said meekly. “Hi” Chris replied. “Great. Now we’re all friends” said Danni with a grin on her face. “Have you still got your toy in” she asked me. “Yes baby” I said. “It’s Madam, remember” she growled at me. “Yes Madam” I said quickly. The first time I didn’t say madam as I didn’t want to humiliate myself in front of Chris. Now I could tell this wouldn’t be a problem. Danni was going to use and abuse me anyway so my humiliation would be complete regardless. “Is it turned on” “No Madam” She looked angry. “You were gone for so long Madam” I pleaded. “Well you better get back in position so I can turn it back on” I quickly resumed my previous position, eager to please Danni and dampen my own punishment. I pushed my ass up towards her and waited for her to press the button. “Come and look Chris” she said. I sensed Chris moving behind me. “I like that” he said and then he stroked my right buttock. I tensed up trying to move away. “Don’t panic baby. He’s not going to fuck you. That ass is mine and only mine” I felt strangely assured that only my girlfriend was going to fuck my ass and relaxed. The toy was turned on again and it was pushed deep into my hole. After a couple of minutes Danni spoke. “Hand me that bottle please Chris. I need to lube my big black cock up” I felt Danni’s gloved hand on my back and the butt plug was pulled out of my ass in one go. The widest part stretched my hole and I felt my balls tingle as my cock woke up again. “Stand there Chris and you’ll get a great view” said Danni as she took up position behind me. “Don’t worry baby” she whispered to me. “It’s not that much bigger than the other one and I’ll be gentle” She pushed my head down gently and then she pulled up my hips and straightened my knees so my ass was as high as it would reach. She squirted some oil onto my hole and then I felt the tip of the new dildo nudge into it gently. She moved it around the entrance until it was in the right spot, and then she pushed her hips forward and took hold of my hips and pulled me back into her. The huge tip stretched my hole wider and wider and Danni forced herself harder into me until finally the head passed the barrier. It was quickly followed by several inches of the thick shaft causing me immediate pain. I cried out and tried to move forward but Danni pulled my hips back firmly, forcing another inch or two into me. “Shut up bitch” shouted Danni. “You’re going to take every inch” She pulled back slightly before pushing forward again. I tried to get away again due to the pain but Danni was having non of it. “Pass me that Chris. I need to stop this bitch escaping” She pulled the dildo out of me and pulled me up with my shoulders. She put a leather leash around my neck and attached a chain to it before she pushed my head back down onto the bed. She lined herself up again and as she forced the huge toy back into me, she pulled hard on the chain causing my neck and head to be pulled towards her. The large head slid in easier this time but Danni kept pulling the chain until it felt like she had forced it all into me. “Look at that Chris” Chris moved in behind me. “Only a few inches left” says Danni. “Do you think he can take it all?” She asked him. “You might have to really force it but I’m sure he can. Look how wide he’s stretched for you” Chris replied. Danni slapped my ass and set to work fucking me. Like last time she slid the shaft in and out slowly but I could tell she wasn’t trying to force it all in yet. She was still warming me up. She kept up this motion for several minutes, occasionally pulling the chain around my neck to show me she was still in charge. The next time she spoke she caught me by surprise and stepped things up a level. “Are you ready to join in Chris?” Danni said casually with about 6 inches of dildo in my ass. “I thought you’d never ask” said Chris from the side of me. I looked across at him as he started to undress. “You didn’t think he was just going to watch did you baby?” Danni laughed at me. She pulled the chain hard causing me to lift my head up off the bed. My neck was straining and the toy was sliding further into my ass as I looked back at Chris. He was stood in just his boxer shorts and his erection was causing a huge tent in them. “Show it him” she told Chris. Chris moved around the bed as my gaze followed him. My neck was still straining but Danni had taken hold of my hands and was pulling them easing the pressure on my neck. He stood at the far side of the bed and dropped his underwear. His cock sprang free. It was a good size, probably as big as my own but possible a little thicker. He climbed onto the bed and knelt in front of me. His big erect penis was a few inches from my face and pointing directly at me. I felt myself falling forward as Danni slowly released the tension on my leash. She was taking her time to aim my mouth perfectly, stopping with just an inch separating his hard cock and my lips. “Open your mouth bitch” Danni ordered. I licked my lips and opened my mouth. I had sucked a cock before and I must admit it had excited me. But this was a very different experience. I realised my own cock was also hard. I stuck out my tongue as Danni lowered my face onto Chris’s cock. I stopped and as soon as I did I clasped my lips around the shaft. I felt Danni push her hips forward and the dildo slid an inch further into me as my mouth was forced further onto Chris. She pulled the chain back at the same time as her hips and the dildo slid out until the tip stretched my entrance, I used my lips to coat Chris’s shaft with saliva as my mouth was pulled free. I took a deep breath and then Danni pulled the chain hard, the thick toy plunged deep into me causing me to shout out in pain. “Fill his mouth Chris” Danni shouted. Chris grabbed my head and pulled me down onto his cock. I opened my mouth and at least 6 inches of warm cock filled my mouth. He held my head still and pulled himself back before pushing his hips forward. I kept my tongue out and sucked as hard as I could as he fucked my face slowly. At my rear, Danni held my hips tightly and started fucking me at the same speed as Chris. The sensation was overpowering. I was being fucked by two big cocks and there was nothing I could do but take it. My cock was twitching as Danni fucked my prostate, the extra width of the new toy ensuring my prostate got rubbed and prodded with each stroke inward and out. I knew if my cock was touched then it would explode so I concentrated hard on sucking Chris. Danni was taking care of my ass and I was helpless to do anything there. She was good as her word tho and was being gentle, if not a little forceful. She was still pulling my leash hard, holding me in place for Chris to fuck my mouth. “Let me know when you’re ready to cum Chris” Danni said after a few minutes. “I won’t be long” he said. “This bitch knows how to suck” He pulled his cock out and wanked the shaft with a hard squeeze. He forced the tip past my lips. “Suck hard” he growled at me. I sucked the head as hard as I could while he wanked his shaft. “Oh fuck, that’s so hot” says Danni excitedly behind me. “I think I’m going to cum too”. She forced another inch into me with her next stroke and I could tell she was building up to a finale. The next minute blew my mind. Chris had the tip of his hard penis in my mouth. I was sucking furiously on the engorged head whilst licking the underside with my tongue. He had a handful of my hair in his left hand, pulling my head up and was using his right hand to wank his shaft with long fast strokes and he was starting to groan. Danni had her left hand on my left hip holding me in place. Her right hand was pulling the leash tight straining my neck. She was fucking my ass fast. And hard. She was bouncing off me and getting deeper and deeper with every hard thrust. Then I felt the fabric touch my buttocks. Now I knew she had forced at least 9 inches, maybe more, of thick black rubber as deep as she could into her lovers ass. I was in the middle of them being spit-roasted. I was rocked back and forth between two big cocks. My ass was hurting from the pounding and my mouth was aching from sucking hard but I kept going as good as I could. My cock was rock hard and throbbing and the tip of it was catching the fabric off the bed now and then bringing it closer to it’s own explosion. Chris went first. He grabbed my hair tighter and let out a groan and a spurt of hot cum hit the back of my throat. It caused me to choke but instead of letting me breathe, Chris forced his cock deep into my mouth. The next spurt hit the back of my tongue and I swallowed it before it chocked me causing my mouth to clamp firmly shut around Chris’s throbbing cock. As Chris was filling my mouth, Danni was filling my ass. The fabric of the strapon was hitting my ass cheeks with every stroke. The toy was smashing into the depths of my ass touching raw nerve endings. I was in a true mixture of pain and pleasure and Danni was moaning loudly as the action made her join Chris in cumming. It was all to much for me. I felt my balls tingle and I joined Chris in draining them. The difference being Chris was emptying his cum down my throat whereas I was spurting over our bedsheets. I swallowed as much of Chris’s cum as I could but soon it was dribbling out of my mouth. He held my head in place until he had finished and then slowly withdrew. My lips cleaned his shaft as he pulled it out and I swallowed the last bit of his cum as the last of my own cum dribbled out of my cock. Danni had stopped fucking me but she had left the dildo buried deep in me. All three of us were breathing deeply. Chris released his grip on my hair and stepped back. Danni let go of the leash and stepped back pulling the toy free of my ass. I flopped over onto my side and stretched out exhausted. After a few minutes Danni approached me and untied my wrists. “I didn’t know you had cum baby!” She said spotting the wet stain on the bed. “Wow. We all came together. Did you enjoy it baby” she asked excitedly I smiled at her. “That was amazing” “How about you Chris?” She asked our new friend. “That was pretty amazing. I’m glad I replied to your message” “I made a good choice” she said proudly. “Let’s go get a drink. That was thirsty work” I got up and put my pants on. Across the room Chris did the same. I went to put on a t-shirt but Danni stopped me. “The pants are enough” she said. “You too Chris. You can get dressed when I’ve finished with you both. And I won’t be finished until I’ve had two cocks inside me too. You can fight between each other over which hole you get to fuck” She smiled at us both and headed off downstairs. I looked at Chris and we nodded to each other. The night had just begun. Danni, our new friend Chris and myself went downstairs for a drink and a break. We had a cup of tea and chatted for a while. Chris told us a little about himself. He said he was single, bi-sexual and up for pretty much anything sexual. He had been in relationships with guys and girls but he preferred to be with girls and just fuck the guys! We were getting on pretty well and soon the sexual tension started to build again. Danni gave me a look. I had seen it plenty of times and I knew it meant she wanted my cock inside her sharpish! “Are you ready to help me pleasure my girl?” I asked Chris. “Absolutely” he replied. “Great. Let’s get back upstairs then. Ladies first” I gestured to Danni. I let Chris go next so he could watch Danni climb the stairs in front of him giving him a perfect view of her sexy ass. Danni jumped onto the bed eagerly. Chris and I stood at the bottom of the it and waited. “Come around to this side” she said pointing to her right. “I can see much better from here. And you both look like you’re ready to see me too”. She was watching out crotches closely as we moved to her side. I looked down and my cock was straining at the fabric of my pants. I glanced to my right and could see Chris was also forming a tent in his pants. “Nice and slowly” Danni purred. We both lowered our pants as Danni watched closely. Our cocks sprang free simultaneously and bounced up and down. We both glanced at each other’s. I had see plenty of Chris’s but he hadn’t seen mine. He smiled at me. Danni caught his look and she called out her next request. “Why don’t you get his cock nice and wet Chris? Get it ready for my pussy” We turned to face each other and Chris got on his knees. Danni slid across the mattress to get a close up view. She laid on her side about with her eyes wide open. Chris didn’t disappoint. He had obviously sucked plenty of cock before and his tongue was working my tip expertly. He was taking most of it deep and licking the shaft, coating it in his spit. “Is he good baby?” Danni asked me. “Oh yes hun. This boys done this before. And he likes it too” Chris nodded as he sucked my cock eagerly. “Don’t you make him cum yet Chris. He’s got to fuck my pussy” Chris took my cock out of his mouth just enough to say “ Just getting it wet for you Madam” before he carried on with his work. Danni sat up and turned around onto her knees. She backed up to the edge of the bed. “You need to make sure my pussy’s wet too Chris” He quickly turned his attention to Danni. He buried his face into her pussy and she let out a loud groan. I could see her push back into him as he lapped away at her hole. “Get a cock in me now” she shouted out. She was getting into a frenzy and my cock was itching to get into her. I stepped up and Chris moved out of the way but still making sure he could see close up. I lined up my rock hard cock and forced it all in straight away, not stopping till it was as deep as I had ever been. Danni let out a scream but this just spurred me on. I withdrew before slamming back into her. I did this five times before I felt her pussy squeeze around me and she came for the first time. I kept going hard as her juices flowed and it wasn’t long before she came again. I let the second one wash away before I resumed. “Why don’t you go and get your cock wet and then you can have a go” I said to Chris. He walked around the bed and took up the same position as he did earlier except with a different mouth to feed. He pulled up Danni’s head and pushed his cock into her mouth. Now it was her turn to be spit roasted and I took a little revenge on her by pounding her pussy until she came several more times. I beckoned Chris round and he took my place behind Danni. “You’ve seen what she likes” I told him. Chris took his turn on Danni, treating her pussy to an absolute pounding. He had more stamina than either of us and after a while Danni fell forward, free from Chris’s grip. “I need to change position. Get on top of me” she says pulling Chris onto her. He slid back into her and resumed his pounding. He didn’t have much finesse but he could go some and I could tell Danni was cumming plenty of times on his cock. “Let me have a go” I said to Chris eager to get back into the action. “Why don’t you both have a go?” Danni said. Chris and I looked at each other and nodded. “Sure” I said. “How do you want to do it?” “You lay down baby” she moved out of the way and I laid where she had been. Then she climbed on top of me and slid my cock into her. Her pussy was as wet as I had known it and she had a feverish look in her eyes. I pulled her in tight and pulled her knees up so her ass was in position. “Use some lube” I told Chris and as I slowly slid myself in and out of her pussy, he worked her hole with his fingers. Danni laid her head on my shoulder as Chris got her ass ready. I watched him rub lube on his cock before he lined himself up with her. I lifted Danni’s head and kissed her at same time as pushing my cock deep into her. Chris forced his head into her ass and I saw her face grimace. Chris held himself still allowing Danni’s hole to get used to a different big cock. I was still fucking her pussy slowly when Chris slid the rest of his shaft into her. Not only did Danni’s yelp but I could feel his cock rubbing against my own through the lining between her two holes. To be honest it only added to the pleasure. Danni’s face was still contorted but it was softening as Chris kept his cock deep but still. I carried on fucking her pussy and once Danni’s body had relaxed and she laid her head back on my shoulder, Chris started to match my slow rhythm. For about ten minutes we fucked Danni’s ass and pussy. We changed the speed and the force we applied. Her pussy squirted all over me time and time again. We were dripping with sweat but we were all enjoying it too much to care. After an age Danni cried out “I need you boys to fill my holes” she said desperately. She could take no more. “I’m about ready to cum anyway” said Chris, sweat dripping from his brow as he kept up the rhythmic fucking of Danni’s ass. “Then you bury it deep and keep it deep” I told Chris. I felt the head rub past mine and I started up properly. I slid my whole length in and out of her and as I did the tip rubbed against Chris’s shaft and the heads clashed together when I got deep inside her. After a few minutes I felt Danni’s pussy squeeze me tight as she came hard again on my cock. I felt her warm juices pass over my shaft and I heard the noise as she squirted and squirted till it was flooding out of her covering my cock and balls in hot liquid. Her body shook and she let out a loud moan and with a grunt I started cumming inside her wet pussy. Spurred on by us, Chris pounded her ass several times before he too began filling her hole. We were pulling and pushing and thrashing and moaning as Danni emptied herself onto me and Chris and I emptied out balls into her throbbing holes. Danni collapsed onto me and I felt Chris fall against the bed at my feet. We are all absolutely spent. We kept Chris’s number. We were definitely inviting him back. |
Introduction: Sarah gropped her perky 34B breasts, pushing them together to make them bigger. Sighing she gave up and had a quick check to the rest of her young 17 year old body. She had beautiful pale skin without any blemishes, nice long copper hair that almost fell to her well rounded ass. She was only 5ft tall and was the shortest girl in her grade but she knew what she lacked in height she made up in beauty. She had big innocent green eyes and a cute straight nose and small pouty lips that made her look oh so sexy. She was a shy girl and didn' have many friends in school though all of her teachers loved her especially miss Summers her 31 year old science teacher. Sarah bent over to examine her clean shaved pussy from behind. "hmmmm i think i might need to shave this week... what good is it if no one gets to see my pussy?" Sarah had been sexually active since she hit puberty when she was 12. She was still a virgin, but she enjoyed fooling around and trying out new toys she could stuff up her twat just to test herself. Lately she had taken a liking to a long beaded necklace.The balls rolled around her twat while she walked and brought her to a climax whenever she liked without anyone being the wiser. Lately though she had gotten bored of it and wanted to test something that would fill her more. Yesterday she had bought a large bag of golf balls. She ran excitedly to her secret hideout where all of her toys were hidden under one of her desks. She spread her legs and slowly pulled out the long beaded necklace from her soaking pussy where she had kept it during the night. "Now onto something bigger" Sarah couldnt wait to feel her pussy stretch, but she couldnt wait to finally get real meat either. "God i wanna get fucked sooo bad! The guys are stupid not to notice me." She opened the bag and wondered how many gold balls would fit in her pussy without bulging her flat stomach. Slowly, she pushed two golf balls inside her letting out a moan. Then put two more, her pussy was definetly full but sarah wanted to risk putting two more in just to push herself. She slowly put one to her cunt and pushed it slowly inside. As she did this another one of the balls was threatening to pop back out. "hmmm... no good..." Sarah loooked down at her ass and realised that maybe... she could put some in thhere too. She had watched plenty of pornos her grandfather left around his room and knew that all of her holes should be trained just in case, so she took one of the balls out of her pussy and slowly pushed it against her virgin asshole. Slowly, her small hole opened up, sarah let out a loud moan as the small ball entered her. "God this feels so much better than i thought it would. It feels weird but so good." Sarah decided that one ball in her ass wasn't nearly enough and pushe in a second, then a third and even managed to push a fourth ball up her hole. "oooooooo, i feel so full!" The balls in her pussy were being pushed aside by the ones that were entering her ass which made her feel even more full. Carefully, Sarah got up and to her relief, not one ball slipped from her cunt or ass. She slipped on a pair of panties that were slightly too small for her to make sure no ball would slip out unnoticed. She dressed up in her school uniform and headed towards the kitchen where her grandfather sat eating some toast. "Morning grampa!" She kissed him lightly on the lips and sat down for breakfast careful as to not let any ball fall out or a moan from her lips. "Morning sweety, you took too long getting dressed and now you're going to miss your bus." He scoweled at her in his special way teasing her as he did every morning, He pushed a bowl of cereal towards her. Sarah giggled and took a spoonfull of cereal. "grampa, tonight i have to stay at school for a science project. Can you still come pick me up at 7:00?" "Sure thing sweet pea, as long as you give me a kiss." "See you tonight grampa!" Sarah got up slowly and headed toward the bus stop, always walking carefully as to not spill any of her, "secrets". Chapter 1: As Sarah sat in her english class she regretted pushing her pussy and ass to such a limit. "Damn, why did i try to put some many balls up there?" She thought. She shifted uncomfertably in her seat wishing for the day to finally be over so she could empty her aching pussy and ass. When the bell finally rang, Sarah almost forgot bolted out of class until she remembered to be careful not to let any balls fall out. She went into the bathroom so to take out some of the balls and maybe hide them. She couldn't bear to hold them inside her any longuer. Slowly, Sarah pushed each ball out of her aching pussy then ass. She decided to put them in a ziplock bag in her purse. "That way ill clean them and reuse them later" She thought smiling as she headed towards the main school exit. "Sarah!" Sarah whirled around at the sound of miss Summers callng her name. "Damn the science project!" She had totally forgotten it was today."Oh well maybe i can act sick and go hoe. I really need to take a bath to make this damn aching go away!" She walked awkwardly to miss Summers and tried looking sick. "Oh, hi miss summers, I'm sorry I haven't been feeling well lately, can i do the project some other day?" Miss Summers smiled gently but answered, "I'm afraid you can't postpone it. I have other students in my class you know and each one needs a day under my supervision so they don't make any accidents for this lab. Come along I need to talk to you in my officce before we start the labaratory anyway." Miss summers was a new teacher at school that had only graduated last spring and so looked to be in her early twenties. "She's so pretty! and look at her breasts! they must be at least D cups." wondered Sarah longinly. "I wish my breasts were bigger." she thought. Miss Summers was actually only 22, she had taken classses all year around, even during summer so she could graduate as quickly as possible.When they reached miss Summers' office Sarah sat down in the chair infront of her desk while miss summers closed the door. "So Sarah tell me, what has you so distracted lately?" "Whaa...what? nothing.." Sarah answered wondering if her teacher knew her naughty secret. "Its boys isnt' it?" Miss summers said knowingly."Look Sarah your young and beautiful I'm sure you don't need to worry about them. They must be chasing you down!Is it because their so immature?" Sarah was so relieved that Miss Summers hadn't discovered her secret that she agreed at once. "They get s annoying sometimes you know, always trying to impress me with their stupid jokes." Sarah added. Miss Summers placed her hand on Sarah's thigh reassuringly. "Don't bother yourself with boys Sarah, your worth so much more. You've turned into a beautiful young woman in the past year. Trust me they don't deserve you." Miss summers stroked Sarahs thigh which made Sarah blush. Sarah closed her legs as a reflex suddenly shy. Stuttering Sarah added: "Don't worry miss Summers, I.. I don't pay attention to them. I'm t..too mature." Miss Summers kneeled infront of Sarah as if to see eye to eye with her, her hand slowly reaching toward Sarah's crotch. Sarah noticed that she was very horny indeed and realised that in her haste to take out the golf balls she forgot to put her panties back on! Her skirt was the only thing standing between miss summer's hand and her young untouched pussy. "You are very pretty Sarah, I've noticed since the very first day.You have a very delicate figure, and such beautful lips." As she said this miss Summers stole Sarah's very first kiss Slipping her tongue into her mouth and kissing her pationatly. Sarah was caught off guard and didn't know how to respond, yet her body was responding nicely. Her nipples grew hard and her pussy was soaking and hot.Miss Summers continued her passionate attack on Sarah's mouth while her hand found its way to Sarahs soaked pussy lips. "Oh... Sarah, you've been naughty have you? Don't tell me you lost your virginity to some idiot boy. That would just break my heart." Miss Summers looked angry, and a scared Sarah replied "No, no i swear! I was just practicing..." "Practicing how Sarah? With what?" Miss Summers noticed Sarah was trying to hide her purse behind her and grinned wickedly. "Oooo Sarah what's in you purse?" Miss summers snatched it away and dumped its contents on her desk. Sarah trembled from excitment and fear, she had never seen her beloved teacher act this way. Miss summers held up the bag filled with the golf balls and thrust it right in Sarah's face. "Sarah what are these? Did you stretch out that nice young cunt of yours with these hmmm? Do you like being stretched?" Sarah shook her head energetically, suddenly terrified of her teacher. "No mi.. miss Summers I don't." "You shouldn't lie to me Sarah," Miss Summers looked sad. "I thought you were a good little girl but it turns out your a little slut aren't you?" Sarah trembled but said nothing. Miss summers reached into the bag and took out one of the balls that had been in her pussy and licked it slwoly. "Mmmmmmmmmmm, Sarah you do have a lovely taste. But im very disapointed that you turned out to be such a slut. You need to be punished sweety..." "No... no please..." Sarah whimpered. She knew no one was left in school at this hour so no one would hear if she screamed. "When is your dear grandfather coming to pick you up Sarah?" Sarah only shook her head. Miss Summers slapped Sarah lightly on the cheek and kneeled infront of the terrified girl. "Sarah I want to know so he doesn't find you in a bad position. Do you want your grandfather to see you for the slut you are, hmm? Now If you don't answer sweety ill have to be rough with you and trully Sarah I don't want to hurt you. But I will If you don't answer my questions truthfully. Now when is your grandfather coming to pick you up?" Sarah just shook her head crying. Miss Summers sighed and grabbed Sarah by her hair and bent her over her desk screaming in pain. She grabbed both of Sarah's hands and pulled them to her back tying a tube from the lab around her wrists so Sarah would not move. Still keeping her bent over the desk, Miss Summers pushed Sarahs head against the desk painfully and whispered in her ear, "Sarah, one last time I ask, When is your grandfather coming?" "AT 7:00! please please just don't hurt me!" Sarah struggled against her once beloved teacher. "Excellent now i want you to stop struggling, this way itll be fun for the both of us alright?" Sarah went limp but continued to sob against the desk. "Good Sarah.Shhhhhh." Miss Summers pulled Sarah by her arms gently and sat her in the chair. She then proceeded to tie both of Sarah legs to the chair as well as her waist. Carefully, Miss Summers undressed Sarah and admired her beautiful young body. "Oh Sarah, I never thought you would be quite so pretty." Miss summers sat on the young adult's lap and kissed her once more. Gently probing Sarah's mouth with her tongue and caressing her breasts. Miss Summers then stripped herself and looked at Sarahs face as her big plump breasts came into view. "Mmmm Sarah d you like what you see?" "Ye..Yes." The young girl answered. Miss Summers smiled and opened a drawer in her desk. Still smiling she brought the contents of the drawer up to Sarah. Sarah's eyes widened in horror at the instruments that lay inside. "Now its time to start the project little Sarah." The End |
WARNING: This is my first story sorry im not the best writer in the world It was late one night, but it’s late every night, pretty close to Christmas I was home alone. I was watching TV when my cell phone went off. It was a girl from school I knew. Her name was Alexis, she was a little shorter than me, weighs 110, her hair is straight, long and black with a streak of blond, was a B size bra and a huge, round, firm ass. I was surprised she was texting me since we hated each other. She used me to get her ex mad, and then called it off with me. So I got her back and then I used her to get my ex mad and dumped her. It was official we hated each other every one in school knew. She texted me "Sorry, for everything I have ever done to you I really hope you take this apologie Goodbye." I knew she wanted me for some reason I replied "How do I know your telling the truth is it just cause I was cheated on a couple of days ago and you know I’m single or are you just playing me again?" She then replied "I know I have done bad stuff and I know you hate me but I really want a second chance I had a dream about you look come over to my house tonight please...." I had a bad feeling about this but I had to throw away those feelings. So I walked to Alexis' house (which unfortunately enough is two miles away and I had no car). The cold blinding darkness that engulfed me was enough to make me wanna turn around but I was lonely and I needed someone since I was recently cheated on. I got to her house and she texted me “Come through the window..." I started toward a screen window that went to her room I waited for a minute and then see a small Converse shoe fly threw the screen as it falls to the floor “Come in" Alexis whispered. I climbed through the window, immediately her scent hit my nose she smelt beautiful, she was wearing a bright green tank top that hugged her body and black loose athletic short shorts. She came close to me and whispered "Thanks for coming." She got so close I could feel her warmth. Her scent and warmth was now kind of turning me on. "So, what did you want?" I asked “Forgiveness and a second chance" she replied. I wondered what she meant by that we sat down and watched TV. There was so much tension I sat next to her. She was so warm I brushed my arm against her by accident she looked at me and I looked at her, our eyes connected and I moved closer and put my hand on her knee she then moved her head towards mine and gave me a kiss I moved her under me and I started kissing her I moved my tongue in and out of her mouth till she moved her tongue into mine we played with each others tongues for a while till I felt her little hand on my belt. She struggled trying to take it off. Now I was wishing I wasn’t wearing a belt. I took off my belt and she put her hand down my pants I moved back and was making out with her for a while then I moved my mouth towards her neck she immediately got turned on. I started kissing and sucking her neck I left her a hicky for everyone at school to see on Monday. I started moving her tank top off but she wouldn’t have that, she took her hand out of my pants and started to move her shirt back to its normal place. I started rubbing her leg up and down she didn’t seem to mind. I moved up her black short shorts to her underwear. I took off her shorts and started rubbing her pussy area I looked at her panties the wear black with a pink bow sewed on I also noticed a huge dark spot I felt it and it was wet and warm. She blushed and giggled. I then tried taking off her shirt this time and with a huge success got it off I had this cute girl wearing a black bra and panties under neath me. She giggled and then skillfully took my shirt off I was so horny, she could tell by the way my dick was sticking out. She wanted to let it free she unbuttoned my pants and pulled my black boxer briefs down. Blushing and smiling she held my dick in both of her hands she said "I didn’t know you were so big" and giggled then looked into my eyes and said "Can I .....lick it?" I replied "Do whatever you want with it." She giggled and licked the tip of my head my cold dick felt so good against her warm tongue she went from tip to base. She started stroking my balls with one hand and holding my dick with her other she started licking my dick and balls. I took off her panties and bra and my shirt. As soon as I took of her panties the sweet smell of her pussy filled my nose. She got down on her knees as I sat down on the couch she started sucking on my dick she started off slow and deep letting my dick go all the way to the back of her throat, she didn’t really have gag reflexes. The warmth of her mouth felt so good on my cock the way she got it wet with her saliva and worked her tongue was enough to make me moan. she then speed up I never seen some one move their head that fast. She sucked really hard and moved off my cock till she was off with a pop noise as her lips left my head. She stood up her knees where red and wet I noticed that a liquid was on her inner thighs and on two puddles on the floor. She was so wet and turned on. She then layer down on the couch "I'm ready for you" she quietly whispered. I put my cock into her tiny, wet pussy she let out a small moan and called my name. I put myself deeper into her as I felt her pussy get tighter around me. I watched as she squired and liquids flowed out of her pussy and onto my cock. I was too big for her I thought to myself she must of knew what I was thinking because she said "I don’t care if you tear me in half I want ALL of you in me." she said with a giggle. I then put more of myself in her. I could feel her tight pussy almost at the base of my dick. she was moaning and squirming around. I started to fuck her wet tiny pussy I could feel her lessening up I saw she could not lay still there was a puddle of wetness on her couch. I moved in and started sucking on her breast they were nice and hard it was cold I let the warmth of my mouth turn them back to soft lumps anyone would die for I felt her pussy getting used to my cock. I started moving my cock in and out of her pussy faster I moved my head back for a better thrusting position and I fucked her hard and deep. Her breast were bouncing up and down as I fucked her she then let out a huge squirt and got my chest wet. "whoops." she giggled she pushed me down and then hopped on top she started riding me. She rode me until she squirted again, then I was back on top I fucked her still she started screaming my name. I could feel myself about to orgasm so I pulled out and she quickly started sucking she was rubbing her pussy at the same time. I started moaning then I came in her mouth a little bit and she moved back and I ended up cumming all over her breast and her pubic patch. She scooped up some cum off her breast and put it in her mouth. ""Yum," she exclaimed "same time tomorrow ok?" I smiled and laughed as I put my clothes on and walked to the window, back into the cold. |
Salt of the Earth A flash of light, a deafening crack, and the loss of balance; they shocked Noah without warning. A bolt of lightning fell from a cloudless sky and struck the ground directly in front of him, spooking his horse and sending it rearing onto its hind legs with a fearful scream. He tried to calm the creature, but it was all he could do to keep from being thrown off. His vision was blurred from the light and he couldn’t tell up from down with the way he was being jerked around. He reassumed as much control as he could and pulled to the left with the reins. The horse, now given a direction to unleash its panic, galloped across the rocky stream Noah had been following. Noah’s instincts saved him, as moments later, five men emerged from the dense forest that flanked the right side of the path. Bandits, he had already encountered them multiple times since leaving Clive. Under different circumstances, he might have taken them on, but in this case, flight was the better option, not to mention his horse could get caught in the crossfire. One of the men, wearing a filthy robe, aimed his hand at Noah and shouted a spell. A golden hologram of floating runes appeared around his hand. Grape-sized spheres of light were fired from his hand like buckshot, and while most hit nothing but air, one struck Noah in the back. He jerked in pain, feeling like he had just been branded. Thunder magic, it was Noah’s first time experiencing it, and, in all likelihood, far from his last. His horse reached the opposite bank and he turned it to run parallel to the river. Noah’s vision returned and he dared a look back at the men. One of them was taking aim with a bow and arrow. Noah leaned to the side trying to make himself less of a target, but the arrow still drilled into his shoulder and prompted a hiss of pain. He sat up in the saddle, no longer stunned, though racked with pain and with an unusable arm. He reached around and felt his back, wincing when he found the place where the spell hit him. He wasn’t bleeding, so he could ignore the wound for now. As for the arrow, he couldn’t remove it while on the move like this. The horse’s fear drove it at a good pace and Noah steered it back and forth across the creek, maneuvering past fallen trees and boulders. Five miles from the scene, he finally allowed his horse to slow, now returning to the road. Bandits only seemed to chase their prey when they had horses, and even then, a commoner like Noah wouldn’t be worth the trouble. Regardless, he now kept a constant watch on the path behind him. It was rare for him to be caught in such a trap, as he could normally see an ambush coming from a mile away. Those guys had some skill to them, even if they lacked the follow-through to pursue him. The attack was just another reminder that this was a violent, unpredictable world, ruled by strength and magic. Minus the injuries of the lifestyle, Noah liked it this way. It gave him something he had never seen before and endless new possibilities to discover. As for the dangers, well, he had plenty of experience when it came to fighting and surviving. Getting hit with spells and arrows was not his idea of a good time, but at least it was more interesting than regular bullets. The day was getting late, it was time to set up camp. He directed his horse off the road and towards an upheaved slab of bedrock in the distance. He led it through the woods, its reins in one hand and his sword in the other. He reached the rocky crag with just a few hours of daylight left. Millions of years ago, the nearby mountain was born and caused the upheaval of the landscape, offering not a cave, so much as a giant stone lean-to. Either way, it was something solid over his head and nothing could sneak up on him from behind. The ground was littered with animal bones for him to rake out, both the remains of past inhabitants and their meals. Many animals had used this spot as their den, including goblins, but nothing seemed fresh enough to warrant concern. This was the safest time he could expect to get, and Noah’s wounds desperately needed attention. He washed his hands and his knife with some high-proof liquor he had bought a while ago for just this occasion, then went to work removing the arrow. It hadn’t pierced his shoulder all the way, so he couldn’t just snap off the end, nor could he simply rip it out without risking the arrowhead breaking off and being left in his shoulder. He had to dig it out with his knife, slowly, with blood streaming down his arm and the pain giving him spasms. Perhaps it was better to be hit with bullets rather than arrows after all. He eventually managed to remove the arrow and poured half of a healing potion onto the wound. These potions could mend flesh and bone with no less than miraculous speed, but they were dangerous if used too frequently. This was an injury he couldn’t afford to have in the wild and broke his abstinence streak. Next, he focused on his back, and used alcohol to clean what seemed to be a second-degree burn. He couldn’t see it, only feel the wound with his fingers. It was like a spoonful of black powder had been set off on his back. Thunder spells were no joke, just that one little hit had been like a jab from a cattle prod, and simply sanitizing the wound took up the last of his pain tolerance. He drew two small vials from within his ring, both filled with ointments but of different colors. The first syrupy layer would moisturize and soothe the area and the creamy second layer would keep it sterile. The last step was wrapping the bandages, helping to ease the throbbing in his back. Tired as he was, there was work to be done. He unloaded everything off the horse so that it could rest and feed on a sack of oats. A metal helmet had been repurposed to serve as a drinking bowl, though the horse had drunk plenty at the creek. With what light he still had, Noah gathered spruce boughs to use as bedding, as well as thorny bushes and bristle plants for protection. He established a barrier around his campsite for him and his mount. It wouldn’t stop a determined opponent, but it would hopefully be enough to hinder them, as well as help conceal the light of his campfire. While gathering firewood, he met his dinner. A lone stag was flitting between the trees nearby. It seemed aware of Noah and was trying to leave the area without drawing more attention. Its moves were calm, and the way it stepped, its hooves on the forest floor were soft. Noah took aim with his bow, staring at his prize with an arrow between them. It was crooked, a cheap piece of scrap with a full quiver more on his back. It was the best he could get in the last town. The string was released as the deer turned away from Noah, and the arrow slipped in under the ribcage and pierced a lung. The deer’s heart had stopped by the time Noah reached it. He worked fast, carving off the pieces that he wanted, as well as removing as much of the pelt as he could with the time he had. This had become second nature to him. Once he had collected everything he could, he dragged the carcass far from his campsite. Most of the deer was left behind, something that would have been considered offensive in a normal world, but was ignored in this one. After all, a magic circle would just pop out another one sometime soon. All animals not born through physical mating were instead conjured out of mana, keeping a fixed population for every species. One was considered lucky to be able to see a creature appear from the light, unless it ended up being a monster. Besides, that body would likely be gone within a day or two. With the disappearance of the sun, night overtook the forest, save for the shadow of the cliff, where transient sparks were glowing like stars. The striking of flint and steel finally brought forth flames from some birch bark shavings, and soon, a steady campfire was burning. He set up a tripod over the fire with three sticks and dangled a metal pot, about the size of a coffee can. It was full of water from the creek, filtered through a handmade life straw. As Noah waited for the water to come to a boil, he went to work preparing the meat. What wasn’t hung over the fire to be smoked was turned into stew, along with some dried vegetables bought in town and some herbs and mushrooms added for extra flavor. Most of the plants in this world had the same properties as their counterparts in other worlds, at least in these lands, so Noah often stopped to gather anything useful. Last, a lump of salt was dropped in, and a hearty stew was made, sided with some chunks of bread and cold pine needle tea. In this world, this was considered an adventurer’s roadside feast, while in most other lifetimes, this would be thought of as some homeless person’s back alley meal. It was worth the extra effort, at least, Noah believed it to be. It was best to enjoy the little things, to live in the now. He repeated that to himself obsessively, like a little hamster spinning its wheel in the back of his mind. The horse had settled nearby, but it had yet to fall asleep. Like Noah, it knew that sleep was dangerous in lands like these. Those who lived here had to be aware at all times, always ready for battle or escape. When the horse did lower its head and drift off, its ears remained pointed up, twitching from every noise within their range. Lying on his bedroll with his sword beside him, Noah waited out the night, half asleep. He kept his eyes on the fire, moving only to put on more wood. In the absence of technology, a man can stare into a fire for hours without getting bored. How many times had he done this already? How many evenings had he spent, simply staring into the fire while surrounded by dangers and unsure of the next day? Perhaps it was instinctive, a habit ingrained from the earliest members of the human race to huddle around a fire, to nourish their minds with its light and warmth when night fell. Perhaps it was just due to his experience, being well versed in such a scene. Even when he closed his eyes, Noah trained his ears on the fire, its crackles and snaps competing with the evening chorus. Everything seemed to come alive at night, from the clicking and crying of insects, to the howling of wolves in the distance. It was just another sound he had grown used to hearing when he slept, like the roar of traffic, the mountain winds, raining shells and automatic gunfire, the groaning of metal hulls in the sea, air, and space, the silence of burnt-out cities and atom bomb craters, the soft breathing of a woman at his side and maybe the snoring of a dog at his feet, the beeping of heart monitors either after his birth or before his death, and so many more. A crack, too loud to come from the flames, awoke him. He got to his feet with his sword in hand, despite his eyes not fully adjusting and blurred from sleep. Noah focused his gaze, spotting a humanoid figure standing on the other side of the thorn barrier. It had just stepped on a pinecone, one of many that Noah had laid out to alert him if any enemies came close. He moved around the fire but off to the side, not wanting this intruder to hide within his shadow. The creature was more muscular than a human, as well as taller and with longer limbs. It wore clothes made of animal hides and carried an axe. What stood out most, other than its missing lips and sharpened teeth, was the single great eye in the middle of its face, flanked by long, greasy hair. It stared at Noah with a rumble in its throat. “You just keep on walking,” Noah said with his sword raised. Would it attack from directly in front? Either leaping over or charging through the wall of thorns? That would be its fastest means of attack, and considering its stature, it was not an opponent that could be faced with a weakened defense. He’d have to fight it while focusing on technique over strength. It could also attack from the sides, perhaps try to find an opening in the defenses that it could exploit. It was a slower method with less chance of receiving injuries from the thorns, injuries that would distract it. It would also give Noah enough time to cast his magic. Numerous scenarios played through his head, but Noah’s heart was calm. He didn’t move a muscle, keeping a solid grip on his sword. Releasing one of his hands to activate a spell would likely provoke the creature, so he waited to see what it would do. It was analyzing him, trying to determine whether fighting Noah was worth the risk. Even for Noah, being stared down by that huge eye was a bit unnerving. It felt like a billboard projecting the creature’s blood lust, while Noah himself felt its gaze scrutinize everything, sinking into his flesh like radiation. There was no telling what information the creature was receiving. “I’d rather not kill you. After all, I’d have to drag your corpse away so it doesn’t draw animals. What do you say you spare us both the effort?” Whether or not the creature actually understood human language, it gave in and receded into the darkness of the woods without ever taking its eye off Noah. He waited a few minutes, scanning the area, and when all was peaceful, he returned to his bedroll. He put some more wood on the fire but did not go back to sleep. Getting a deep rest was hard out in the wilderness, especially when he was on his own. His internal clock was telling him that dawn was near, so it would be best to just wait it out. To pass the time, he decided to train his magic. He covered his left eye with his hand, and to anyone watching, Noah seemed to vanish into thin air. In reality, he had just made himself invisible. While he himself couldn’t see the difference, he could feel his mana wrapped around him, concealing his appearance, smell, and any noises her made. It felt like he was stretching his body, as if after a deep sleep, and every single cell was joining in. His veins felt enlarged, allowing more blood to run through his body and at a faster rate. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, but to expend mana was little different from using physical energy; it required effort and resulted in fatigue. Right now, Noah was trying to calm the mana in his body, except for his hand. He wanted to learn how to use this spell in a lighter fashion, in this case, only making certain parts of his body invisible. His mana would naturally stick to things and make them invisible as well, such as his clothes and weapons, and could likewise be retracted to return them to normal, but he couldn’t seem to control the mana within his body. ‘I can’t help but feel like I missed steps with my spells. If I had acquired magic at a younger age, I probably would have had to work my way up to making my whole body invisible.’ He gave up after thirty minutes, the halfway mark of his mana reserves. He had to conserve his strength and be ready to fight at any moment. The sky was starting to brighten, he might as well get ready to leave. Breakfast was the leftover stew, heated up over the fire. Reheated food was just as bad over a fire as in a microwave, but he ate it regardless. He packed his things and opened up the thorn barrier. It still wasn’t bright enough to return to the road, so he let his horse graze. It stepped out of the enclosure and he led it into the woods, then released it to nibble on whatever met its fancy. He walked a few feet back and conjured his bow and an arrow from his ring. The horse began shuffling around, giving everything a sniff. The forest choir hadn’t eased. If anything, the birds and crickets seemed emboldened by the sun. Noah cleared it from his mind, hearing only the steps of his horse on the forest floor and the flaring of its nostrils. His breath did not fog, but he felt a chill in the air, joined with the dew gathering on his face and hands. All was calm, all was quiet. Noah kept a constant vigil, turning his head like an owl. If anything was going to happen, it was bound to happen soon. Ah, there it was, the snap of a twig. A deer entered the scene. Noah took aim, and while he didn’t release, he never took his eyes off the creature either. For all he knew, it could turn into something grotesque or launch fireballs from its head. The horse and deer noticed each other, forming lasting eye contact around Noah as they both tried to identify their distant relatives. They soon looked away, each judging the other to not be a threat. Noah considered lowering his bow, but instinct told him to wait. Barely a moment later, the deer was knocked off its feet as a wolf slammed into it like a missile. Its fangs found the deer’s neck, silencing it before it could scream and spilling its blood upon the forest floor. The wolf pinned its prey down, biting it over and over with a crushing grip to ensure its death. Noah’s horse, noticing the fate of the deer, began to panic. Its frantic steps and voice drew the eyes of the wolf, forgetting about its meal and staring at an even bigger prize, only to find itself on the unfriendly end of an arrow. If it took a step forward, he’d shoot. He waited, hearing the fearful breaths of the horse behind him, and the restrained whiffs of the wolf as the smell of blood tickled its nose and riled it up. Moments passed, the rising sun casting its light upon the three actors. Cooler heads prevailed, and the wolf began dragging away its kill. Noah kept his bow drawn, only lowering it when all was silent. It was time to get going. He rode his horse out of the woods and back onto the road, sending it on a steady trot. The morning was more peaceful than he expected, no monsters or bandits lying in wait, or perhaps unwilling to test their luck. Up ahead, he spotted a group of adventures, heading in the same direction. Unlike bandits, which preyed on people, adventurers hunted for a living, as well as performing odd jobs. It wasn’t always easy to tell the difference in time, so he was hesitant to approach. They heard the heavy steps of his horse and looked back, then moved to the side to let him pass. It could just as easily be a trap, but decided to take a chance. “Excuse me, a moment of your time?” He rode up alongside, and the leader, a bearded man carrying a sword, turned to him. He was a dwarf, standing just four feet tall. Noah had seen them before in various towns, this offshoot of the human race hailing from the east. They were long-lived and their diminutive bodies made up for it with increased strength, at least for the males. The females were slenderer, dainty even. “What do you want?” It wasn’t spoken in anger, rather it was the natural response in these lands. Noah pulled a map out of his pack and unrolled it. “Is this road the fastest way to the capital?” Hand-drawn maps were rarely reliable, so it was best to get confirmation. He glanced at the other three members of the group. Only one of them was a woman, but she was armed and appeared healthy, so she likely wasn’t being abused. The state of female members was one of the details he’d use to determine risk. “I’ve been heading south from Clive. Should I keep going towards the mountain or go west?” The leader of the group tapped the mountain on the map. “That mountain is the territory of a dragon, you’d best avoid it at all costs. The western road will take you around, but you’ll pass through the lands of several lords and you’ll have to pay a toll each time. Your fastest option would be Took, here along the channel. You might be able to get a boat ride to the capital.” The channel he referred to was a narrow line of ocean, severing a huge chunk of land off the side of the continent. It was also used as the dividing line between Uther and the dwarf nation of Vandheim. “Took? Thanks.” He tossed the man a coin and rode off, looking for the next road to the east. Near midday, he broke out of the woods, the road momentarily sided by an open pasture of tall grass with the creek on the other side. Both he and his horse were in desperate need of a break, and when he climbed off the saddle and touched down on the ground, a groan of relief escaped him. Riding a horse all day was exhausting in its own regard, and anything that wasn’t numb was aching. He led the horse to the creek and let it drink to satisfaction. Noah refilled his canteen while keeping an eye out for anything lying in wait. Minus some cat-sized slimes scooting along the riverbank, he didn’t detect anything that could be a threat. His horse appeared sated, so he brought it back to the pasture so that it could graze. Before letting it go, he put his hand over his right eye, activating his second spell. Rather than making him invisible, it created an illusionary clone of himself, a holographic puppet. It was more than just a trick of the light, as the clone had its own smell, could project Noah’s voice, and even cast a shadow. He sent it off, running through the field like a frightened rabbit to draw the attention of anything lying in wait. It couldn’t make physical contact with anything, but it produced the sounds of physical actions, in this case, the breaking and swishing of grass. Each could only be maintained for an hour, leaving him with just enough strength to continue fighting, and that time was cut in half if he used them both at the same time. However, that was only if he didn’t actually separate from his clone. The toll got heavier and heavier as he increased the distance. For Noah, sending it off felt like swimming straight down, with the pressure increasing with each step, and his mana lasting only as long as he could hold his breath. It was best used only in quick bursts, sending it running out for several seconds and then bringing it back so he could steady himself and slow his mana depletion. Not too long ago, separating from his clone was easy, but he had become overdependent on mana potions during training, leaving a detrimental effect on his magic abilities. Hopefully, he could recover. As his horse ate, Noah piloted the clone through the tall grass. Near the middle of the field, a trapdoor made of earth and webbing was tossed aside, and a spider, half the size of a grown man, lunged out towards the clone. It simply passed through the illusion, and before it could figure out what had happened, the clone had run off, unhindered. Noah saw the rustling of the grass and heard its signature hiss. The giant forest arachnids, despite being fierce predators and just as terrifying as one might expect, usually stayed in their burrows until a potential meal entered their reach. He wisely kept his distance and made sure the horse stayed close. Both Noah and his mount enjoyed the chance to relax and eat. As the horse feasted on grass, Noah made short work of the smoked venison from the day before. He continued piloting his clone while he ate, not just to lure out enemies, but for training. He wanted to keep the motions looking as realistic as possible and was pushing the limits of how far he could send the clone. He couldn’t see through its eyes, so he had to keep it in view in order to best control it, like piloting an RC car. Now for his next exercise. While sitting on a fallen log and watching his horse, he cast and recast the spell over and over again, each time trying to manifest it only in portions. His goal was to figure out how to only cast partial illusions, such as make one arm invisible while creating a fake arm to use as a decoy. Unfortunately, he found the same problem with his invisibility training. The spells were either on at full power or completely dormant, and he could stop his mana no easier than he could stop the blood in his hand from flowing. As usual, he used up half his mana before calling it quits. It was time to move once more. Barely an hour since departing, he was forced to slow his horse. A boar was up ahead, loitering in the road with its tail swatting at flies. The beast was larger than an oil drum, with tusks that could possibly punch through armor. The scent of Noah and his horse reached the boar’s snout, pushing it into a state of agitation. It stomped its hooves while snorting and squealing, its beady eyes focused on Noah. “It’s always one thing or another.” Noah conjured his bow from within his ring grazed its back with a cheap arrow. The boar charged and deflected a second arrow with its tusk. It was close enough now that the horse decided to act on its own. It reared up on its hind legs, threatening to stomp on the boar if it came close. The boar ignored the warning, continuing to charge like a runaway train. A third arrow, planted in its shoulder, managed to throw it off balance and miss the horse. It tumbled across the ground, breaking the arrow lodged in its flesh. A fourth arrow, right through the eye, ended its life before it could make another attempt. Sitting atop his horse, Noah pondered for a few moments, looking at the body and then checking the position of the sun, and then sighed. “Nah, not worth the effort.” He cracked the reins and his horse carried him off. The hours passed without further attacks and he even spotted a road sign confirming he was on the path to Took. That was the end of his luck, as the weather was taking a turn and the sun was setting with no village in sight. He’d have to set up camp with the expectation of rain. He continued to ride, searching for a suitable place to bed-down, and the smell of smoke soon made him pull back on the horse’s reins, bringing it to a stop. He looked around in search of the source and spotted some fallen branches with fresh leaves. He moved them out of the way and revealed a path in the forest, formed by wagon wheels and horse hooves. He had yet to encounter bandits using wagons, so it must have led to a hidden farm. It was a risk, but the clouds overhead were starting to rumble, as if complaining of the weight of the rain they carried. Last time he got stuck out in the rain, it almost killed him. He led his horse onto the path and closed it behind him, then activated his invisibility. If someone was lying in wait, they wouldn’t attack a lone horse. He followed the path through the woods, coming out into a freshly logged area bordering a field of growing wheat. At the end of the path, a barn and farmhouse, with smoke wafting from the chimney. As Noah approached, a collared wolf began to bark. He activated his second spell as the door opened. His ethereal copy appeared around his invisible body, occupying the same space he did and making him appear normal. A tall bearded man stepped out with a bow and arrow. “That’s enough, Bar,” he said, bringing the wolf’s barking to a low growl. “Who are you?” Noah, still invisible, leaned down and away from the arrow’s most likely path and had his clone raise its hands. “My name is James, and I’m an adventurer on my way to Took. I was hoping you might grant me some shelter for the night.” James was a name picked at random. Since he was now on the road, Noah had reverted to an old habit of using a fake name whenever possible and changing it each time. He wasn’t aware of anyone looking for him, but it was best to cover his tracks all the same. “This isn’t an inn.” ‘In this case, it would be more like a B&B.’ “Listen, I can pay one silver coin now, and a second one tomorrow morning. I just need a roof to keep me out of the rain.” Two silver coins were as tantalizing as Noah expected, making the farmer pause and reconsider. “Toss me one of the coins.” Noah took it out and threw it, letting it land by the man’s feet. The light coming from within the cabin was just bright enough to illuminate the silver face on the coin. He eased his pull on his bow. “Very well, you can sleep in the barn tonight. Follow me.” The farmer retrieved a lantern from inside and led Noah to the barn. Noah helped him open the double doors, and inside lay two horses, a dozen goats, and several chickens, most already asleep. The smell of livestock was nothing compared to camping outside on a night like this. The walls were lined with tools and Noah had already spotted two hay bales that would make for a decent mattress. “Just don’t light any fires, and I’m locking the doors so that you don’t sneak off with anything.” “I understand, thank you.” He left Noah with the lantern and secured the barn doors with a heavy wooden beam. Before doing anything, Noah searched the barn for any peepholes or hiding spots for assailants. He could not rest his wings until he was sure he wasn’t in a spider’s web. Only when the barn was declared safe did Noah unpack and remove the horse’s saddle, letting it feed and drink from troughs in the corner. It was a warm night, so not being able to make a fire wasn’t a problem, and he even had a blanket sealed within his ring. He sat down on his makeshift bed and looked in disdain at the venison that was his dinner. After eating it for the past three meals, he now thought fondly of the boar he had killed earlier. Just a few bites in and he was stopped by the sound of the doors being opened. His sword was kept in reach for just this scenario. The farmer had returned. “My wife insists that I invite you to join my family for dinner.” Both his tone and expression were stony, but he appeared to be telling the truth. ‘I don’t want to let my horse and stuff out of my sight and I especially don’t want to experience yet another slasher movie death. On the other hand, homecooked food, hopefully not made of human flesh, and a chance to learn more about this culture. Besides, refusing might just piss him off and get me kicked out.’ “I’d love to.” They stepped out of the barn and Noah felt a fat raindrop hit his nose. It seemed he had made the right call to take refuge. He followed the farmer into his home, moments before the downpour. The house was made of stones gathered from plowing land and had a thatched roof with everything inside serving some purpose, no furniture or items that weren’t worth the space they took. The kitchen was built around the fireplace, which served as a barbeque grill, a stovetop, and an oven, and there was a ladder going up to a loft overhead where the beds were kept. Aside from the single table and set of chairs, the best craftsmanship could be found in the few chests and cupboards. There was an earthy smell in the air, from the bare soil just beneath the floorboards and the thatched roof overhead. The farmer’s wife was setting the table with the help of their son and daughter. They all wore clothes made of the same rough wool and linen and appeared healthy. Upon seeing Noah, she stopped and bowed her head with a smile. “Welcome to our home, you must be James. I’m Mary, you’ve met my husband Joshua, and these are our children, Thomas and Elizabeth. Welcome to our home.” Noah likewise bowed his head. “Thank you for your kindness.” “Please, take a seat.” Noah sat at the table, the young Thomas at his side and the two women across, with Joshua at the head. Dinner appeared to be rabbit meat, as well as bread, cheese, and nuts, and small bowls of spices that could be added. A cup of milk was poured from a pitcher and given to Noah. He watched everyone’s movements, as while they put food on their plates, no one had yet to begin eating. There was always the possibility of it being poisoned, but it was remote compared to the risk of breaking social etiquette. “Now, let us say grace,” Joshua grumbled. He and his family joined hands, and they even reached out to Noah. He accepted the invitation so as not to cause disruption, having seen this ritual performed by many travelers eating at inns. “We pray to thee, God of Light, Lord Lumendori, so that you may know our gratitude for the good fortune, health, and livelihood we enjoy by your mercy. Please continue to watch over us, and guide us on our paths. Amen.” “Amen,” his family replied. Noah glanced over to a shelf above the hearth, upon which a carved wooden totem had been laid and surrounded by candles. It depicted a rune that symbolized light. Lumendori was one of the polytheistic elementals, one of six main gods worshipped by the people of Uther. Noah had been studying its followers and listening in on conversations, gathering information on this faith and the rules it enforced, such as praying before meals. Of course, everyone cherry-picked the gospel in their own way, but it was still important to know how to blend in amongst them. Everyone began to dig in, too focused on their meal to speak. The rabbit meat was well-prepared, despite the primitive kitchen, and the bread was much softer and sweeter than the hardtack that adventurers carried. Both the milk and the cheese were sourced from the goats in the barn, giving them a strong smell, something he welcomed. After living on the road for the past week, Noah’s taste buds craved flavor. After a few minutes, Mary spoke up. “My husband says that you’re an adventurer on your way to Took, is that right?” “It is.” “We often get adventurers passing by this time of year, but this is the first time one has asked us for shelter. Took is full of them almost year-round, so usually, it’s the homes closer to the channel that offer room and board.” She seemed amused by the situation, or at least didn’t appear to be the kind of person who smiles when angry. “I hope I’m not intruding.” “Not at all.” “You’re not a noble, are you?” The question came from Thomas at his side. “Excuse me?” “Thomas,” his father growled. “Your ring.” The ring in question was on Noah’s right hand, originally belonging to an Utheric knight. It was imbued with magic, creating a pocket dimension he could use for storage. These rings were illegal to own by citizens, so the crest was covered by a black jewel that also served to double the power of the containment spell. “No, this is just something I came across in a goblin den. I’m a commoner.” “Good.” To the boy’s credit, it wasn’t loud enough to be called a child’s shout, but it drew the ire of his father. “Thomas, that’s enough. You will mind your tongue in front of guests.” “No, it’s fine. I know that things are difficult right now. I imagine the local lord just raised taxes again? The war with Handent is a drain on everyone.” “I heard that we suffered a great defeat a few months ago,” said Joshua. “Those savages amassed their own army with the beastmen and killed some big commander of ours and scattered his army into the wild. Those freed soldiers have been making their way back down south and turning to banditry in the process.” Considering how many times Noah had been ambushed on the road, he didn’t doubt it. “You heard that in Took?” “Yes, thanks to the traffic on the channel, we get a lot more news than most other towns.” “How do you folks usually stay safe out here?” Joshua rested his hand on his dog’s head, who was lying next to his chair. Noah had assumed it to be a domesticated wolf, but seeing it up close, he noticed subtle canine traits, such as the ears, bridge of the nose, and texture of its fur. “Bar keeps watch and starts barking if something approaches the house. Loud noise is usually all it takes to scare off a prowler, be it man or monster. Nothing in this forest hunts without taking their victim by surprise. Anything that keeps approaching, well, no one lives in these lands if they don’t know how to fight.” Noah’s mana was almost at its limit and it seemed safe enough to release his spells. His hair had been overdue for a trim even before coming to this world, and it now hung almost over his eyes, letting him cast and deactivate his spells with anyone else thinking he was just brushing it out of his face. He made eye contact with the daughter, Elizabeth. It was brief, she immediately looking back down at her plate. For rural young women like her, adventurers were something to be feared, ranked just below bandits as roaming predators. The only difference between them was what they hunted: monsters or humans. “Do you ever get soldiers patrolling this way? I thought they were supposed to help deal with the bandit problem.” Joshua shook his head and grumbled. “Not for a few years. They’ll ride around, sure, but they don’t do anything. They’re either new recruits or failures who couldn’t make it on the front line. I heard the bandits just bribe most of them to look the other way. All we can do is rely on ourselves. Of course, the adventurers help keep the bandit numbers in line, even if they don’t mean to.” “How many bandits have you killed?” Thomas asked. “I don’t keep track.” “Thomas, not one more word,” said Mary. “It is a sin to speak of bloodshed during meals.” She turned to Noah. “My apologies, he dreams of being an adventurer.” Joshua grunted. “You disapprove?” Noah asked. “In my opinion, adventuring is not an honorable life,” said Joshua. “They have no loyalties or ties, and they don’t kill monsters because they want to help people. They’re just eternal strangers. I’m sure you can understand why I’m hesitant to trust them.” “Indeed, I can. Is that the general feeling in these parts?” Noah spoke without the slightest hint of defense or humor, just curiosity. The more he could learn about a town before entering, the better. Whatever kind of response Joshua wanted, it was difficult to tell whether he was satisfied or not. “I’m not sure. Besides, Lumendori guides and protects us as long as we have faith.” “Lumendori is worshipped by the paladins, correct? Does that mean you can use light magic?” “While I have not been chosen to wield the holy light, I am given strength all the same. What about you? Whom do you follow?” A tricky question. Religious tolerance was hit-and-miss out here, as people either didn’t care or cared too much. “I await the day when my own path to God is made clear, but I do not believe it can come by following the directions of mortal men. I will find my faith when it chooses to be found.” The agnostic answer seemed to satisfy Joshua. “That is a very charming mantra,” said Mary. She turned to her daughter. “Elizabeth, you haven’t said anything yet.” “Hello,” the girl chimed. “Hello,” said Noah in response. Silence once more. “About how far are we from the town?” Noah then asked. “A little under half a day’s ride. It’s a big town, about a hundred buildings or so. Are you heading down the channel?” Joshua asked. “That’s right. Do you know of a way?” “From what I hear, merchants and passenger boats might hire adventurers for protection.” “Protection, huh?” Noah suppressed a grimace, hoping this next job wouldn’t be as exhausting as the last. He had more questions to ask, but everyone had finished eating and were clearing the table. Noah got to his feet and bowed his head. “Thank you for the wonderful meal.” “You are very welcome,” Mary replied happily. Lantern in hand, Joshua led Noah outside. The rain was pouring at full force, so they hustled over to the barn and Joshua handed over the lantern. “You can also use the horse blankets if you need to.” “Thank you.” The doors were closed, leaving Noah with the livestock. They were startled by his return and calmed when they heard the wooden beam returned to the barn doors, sealing them inside. He still wasn’t fully trusted, something Noah respected. This was a life where trust couldn’t be easily given out. He found the horse blankets and laid them atop his hay mattress, with his own traveling blanket covering him. He put out the lantern and gratefully laid his head back, using his horse’s oat bag as a pillow. He was quite content, as his fatigue silenced the issues and enhanced the benefits of his bed. On the road, this could be considered a luxurious evening. “Eternal strangers,” Noah said to himself. “I’ll have to remember that one.” ---------- The sound of thunder pulled Noah from his sleep and he automatically drew a knife out from under his pillow. The barn was dark as a coffin, even out of reach of the lightning outside. Wait, it was no longer raining. The thunder boomed a second time, and Noah recognized it as Bar’s warning. The wolfdog continued barking and Noah sat up, caught in a state of his alarm fighting against his exhaustion. Since arriving, he had reverted to the survival mindset of living without clocks, but right now, he’d be willing to pay good money to know the time. Bar must have been barking louder or longer than usual, as Noah heard the front door of the farmhouse open and Bar’s claws scratching the porch. Was Joshua just letting him out, or was he anticipating a fight? Noah had enough experience with dogs to know that they could spend half the night barking at nothing at all, but it was best not to take the risk. He’d have to hope for a deer and be ready for a bear. Outside, he heard Bar’s howling weaken as he zoomed into the distance, then, it didn’t stop, so much as it was stopped. “Well, that’s unfortunate.” Noah pulled his boots on and stood by the barn doors. They were still locked, but he could at least hear what was going on outside. Hopefully, Joshua could handle this on his own and Noah could get back to sleep. Until then, he was curious as to how this would play out. “Bar! Bar!” Joshua called out. Noah heard a sword being drawn, but no footsteps. Joshua wasn’t going after Bar, a good choice. Several silent seconds passed by and Joshua called again. Those seconds turned into minutes. Bar had yet to return or even resume barking, his fate almost guaranteed. Finally, “Whoever’s out there, either show yourselves or get off my land!” Joshua was answered by a flash of light, a thunder spell striking him in the chest with its luminance worming through the smallest cracks and gaps in the barn walls. Noah heard the cry of pain and the farmer fall to the ground. ‘That went about as well as expected.’ He found a crack to look through, so narrow that he could only see the light of their torches, five of them. He cast his invisibility and began chipping at the crack with his knife, widening it enough to see. “Oh look, he’s back on his feet! You’re getting weak, Cal!” one man said as he drew his sword. Noah looked over and saw Joshua standing, but it was a struggle. He appeared to be wearing metal armor, an incomplete set but with a chest plate strong enough to keep the spell from burning him. It didn’t protect him from electrocution, even if it was a nonlethal charge. Despite their flashiness, thunder spells appeared to simply be mana imitating lightning, or at least replicating it to some degree, meaning that it had different properties in how it dispersed and the impact it would cause, with a significant drop in power compared to its natural counterpart. Noah could see Joshua trembling as he gripped his sword, perhaps the result of his injuries, perhaps him imagining the handle to be the throat of whichever intruder killed his dog. What possessed him, fear or anger? Giving in to emotion would be a fatal mistake. “Marco, Phil, kill him. Cal, hang back, make sure nobody runs off. Jozef, you search the barn. I’m going to see what goodies are in the house.” The man who spoke appeared to the leader of the group, carrying an axe large enough to cleave a man in two. “You stay back!” Joshua roared. Two men approached him, one with a sword, the other carrying a length of chain. Joshua secured his footing as a blade was swung towards his throat. He parried, the resulting sparks looking like the stars above the clouds. Once, twice, three times more, swords collided. Joshua was putting up a good fight. Despite his injuries, he seemed to be getting faster, and his swordsmanship hinted as to the depths of his experience. A former adventurer perhaps, or maybe a retired soldier. He dodged the second man’s whipping chain and threw a small wooden mallet at him, a tool from inside the house. His aim was true, striking the man in the head, and while it wasn’t enough to take him down, he staggered back, covering the developing lump and howling in pain. The first man landed a lucky shot, trying to stab at Joshua and instead leaving a deep cut across his arm. He was too close to slash at, so Joshua instead struck him in the chin with the pommel of his sword. Before Joshua could deliver a finishing blow, his cohort lashed out with his chain. It wrapped around Joshua’s sword and he managed to keep hold of it. He tackled the man, sending them both to the ground. He pinned the man down, both of them fighting for control of the sword as it approached his throat. He was once again interrupted, this time by the leader. He strode over and kicked Joshua in the side of his face, hard enough to send him flying through the air, his jaw surely broken with severe head trauma. The leader’s leg, it was glowing with runes, the sign of a body-enhancement spell. “Monk magic,” Noah muttered. He had seen other adventurers using those techniques, usually only able to apply it to one or two limbs. “Quit screwing around! Is one farmer really too much for you guys to handle?!” the leader barked. He turned to another member, armed with a bow. “Jozef, quit gawking and open up that goddamn barn! You two come with me!” Joshua wasn’t getting up, so three bandits stormed into his house and the screaming began. They soon emerged, each dragging a member of the family, struggling to break free. “Oh, she’s a feisty one! I call dibs!” the man with the chain laughed, said chain wrapped around Elizabeth’s throat to try and stop her flailing. “Not a chance. I told you, virgins sell better. You want to get your wick wet, you’ll wait your turn for this one,” said the leader, holding Mary. “I’ll take the boy,” said the one known as Cal. Noah recognized the robe he was wearing. “Jozef, how’s that barn coming?” The archer, struggling to remove the wooden beam blocking the doors, finally had to put down his torch and use both hands to open the doors. There wasn’t any warning, not even a glimmer of the blade as it sliced the man’s neck open. Noah stepped out of the way to avoid the spraying blood and let the body fall to the ground. Seeing their comrade spontaneously drop dead, the remaining four bandits began shouting. “Who’s in there?!” the man with the chain shouted. ‘Right now? Nobody,’ thought Noah, approaching the bandits without even leaving footprints in the grass. “Phil, go check it out!” the leader barked, pulling Thomas from his hands. Before Phil could even complain, the top of his skull was lopped off, Noah’s sword striking at the indent between the nose and forehead. “What the hell is this?! What the hell is this?!” Marco, the chain user shouted. The answer came in the form of an invisible wire, wrapping around his throat from behind. The wire cut deep into his skin and the force of Noah’s pull left him gasping for air. He let go of Elizabeth as he was lifted off his feet, eyes bulging and mouth foaming. He clawed at the wire, now looking like a bloody smile, with his boss watching in horror. He threw Mary and Thomas aside and charged with his axe. All repercussions had been forgotten, as his swing sliced his cohort in half at the waist. “I’ll kill you! I don’t know who you are, but I’ll fucking kill you!” He began swinging wildly, trying to keep death at bay. He didn’t see the arrow, shot almost point-blank, nor did he feel it and punch through his skull. He fell to the ground and a second arrow was planted in his chest for good measure. So many bodies falling, each one drawing a cry of terror from Mary and her children. Cal, the last bandit, made the wise decision to flee, but Noah had already decided his fate. He took aim with his bow and shot the fleeing mage in the back, a nonlethal injury that sent him dropping to the ground. Noah released his spell, seemingly stepping out of the darkness in front of Mary, making she and her children yelp in surprise. He handed her two healing potions and spoke with a calm voice. “Joshua is over there. If he’s still alive, give him these. Get him inside and don’t come out until I tell you to.” He then merged with the night once more. He strode over to Cal, his heart barely even raised and his demeanor stoic, compared to the wounded mage, who was sobbing as he tried to crawl away. In his hand, he held a Kris—a dagger with a wavy blade, which would prove to be a very poor choice. Noah grabbed his arm, and the mage, feeling the invisible hand gripping him with a merciless force, screamed in terror and swung wildly with his dagger. “Lord Relampargoza, save me!” Relampargoza was the god of thunder, not that prayer would do him any good. A kick to the face put an end to the nonsense, and with the Kris in his other hand, Noah dragged the unconscious mage into the woods. Once away from the house, he dropped him facedown onto the ground with his arms stretched out in front of him on a tree log. What came next woke the man with a howl of agony. Noah stepped back and released his invisibility, not that the man could see him anyway, pinned down the way he was. The arrow in his back was no longer his greatest concern, it was now the dagger driven through his hands, pinning him to the log. The only way to free himself would be to lift his hands to reach the guard and dislodge the blade, like prying out a nail. Unfortunately, the way his arms were outstretched, one of his shoulders would probably dislocate if he tried to do it from that position, not to mention the curved, widening blade would enlarge the wounds. He’d have to create space and leverage by raising his upper body, but with the arrow in his back, he was far from flexible at the moment. He was shivering, on the verge of going into shock, and the ground against his face was turning into mud from his tears and snot. “This is a trick I learned in the military. Well, not THE military, rather A military. It’s really good at getting the subject’s attention, is it not?” “P-p-p-please, I’ll do what-what-whatever you want. Just let me go.” “You’re free to leave whenever you want, if you can.” “W-w-w-w-what d-d-do you w-want from me?” “I thought we could have a little chat. There are plenty of things I want to ask you, so first, I want you to explain everything you know about magic.” “Why are you doing this?” Noah calmly picked up a stick and banged it against the handle of the Kris, hammering it deeper into the log and making it vibrate like a tuning fork, all to draw out fresh cries of agony. “Funny thing about asking questions, it’s one of the quickest ways to get yourself noticed. People don’t like questions, especially when they’re asked by strangers. The absence of knowledge they consider common raises red flags, marking you as an outsider. So, when I need deeper information, rather than asking regular people the easy way, I ask bad people the hard way. The answers aren’t always reliable, so I have to do it to enough people for their overlapping answers to reveal the truth. You do a good job and I’ll pull out the knife for you and send you on your way. You might even live long enough to make it to Took and get help. You do a bad job and I’ll leave you to deal with that knife on your own. I suggest you consider how many beasts are going to be drawn by the smell of your blood and the sound of your whimpering. Normally I have a rule against stuff like this, but that’s the great thing about people like you. There aren’t many people who would condemn me for this, so I can justify it as punishing you for your crimes, rather than torturing you for information. And am I not merciful for giving you a chance to earn your life and freedom? Now, tell me everything you know about magic.” “Mana! It comes from mana! It’s the power of the soul and given to us by the gods! I can turn my mana into lightning.” “I am aware of that much.” “And runes! All magic is based on runes! They appear as spells are developed!” From what Noah had seen, that much was true. Whenever a magic-user cast a spell, magic circles would appear around them, consisting of runes. For warriors, it appeared around their weapons, while for everyone else, it appeared around their bodies or whatever they might be trying to manipulate. It was spontaneous, beyond their control, but there was an exception he had come across: himself. “And what are runes?” “The language of the gods! That’s what everyone says! They shape mana into magic!” “And how do they work? How are they used for things like tools and weapons?” “Fuck if I know!” Noah hammered the dagger, making Cal scream. “That answer is unhelpful. Tell me of every type of magic you know.” “Mages control the elements! Water, wind, fire, earth, and thunder! Paladins summon the holy light! Monks get super strong! Warriors enhance their weapons! Shamans control animal spirits to transform themselves! Druids control the trees!” “And alchemists?” “I don’t know shit about alchemists!” A third strike was made on the dagger, driving it deeper into the tree and widening Cal’s wounds. “I understand that you’re bleeding out and not in a very cooperative mood, but whether you live or die depends on how useful you are.” “I don’t know! I swear I don’t know!” the man wept. Noah was beginning to hear movement nearby. “Very well, then let’s change topics. Tell me about the bandits in this area. Are there any groups that I should know about? I suggest you don’t lie to me.” “I don’t know about other groups. They constantly form armies and then break up when the knights and soldiers ride in!” By now, the growl had reached both Noah and Cal. Wolves were closing in. Cal began to scream and pull at the knife, not that it did him any good. “Please, let me go!” “You haven’t told me anything specific or anything I don’t already know.” Noah stood up. “I’m far from impressed. I suppose I should get back to the farm.” “Wait, I did hear something! An ogre tribe is rumored to be passing through the area!” “Go on.” “Big, one-eyed monsters! They come from the north, bloodthirsty nomads that eat whatever cross their path! A tribe shows up in Uther every few years! They don’t speak our tongue and kill us on sight! They’re rabid beasts!” Noah recalled the previous night, the glaring cyclops. ‘If there is a tribe of those things in the area, then it would probably be best to get to Took as soon as possible.’ The wolves had fully circled and weren’t hiding their steps. “Please! Let me go!” “Well, I’d say you’ve earned a fighting chance.” Noah pulled the knife out and Cal held his hands to his face, as if seeing the wounds would somehow make the pain go away. Noah dropped the knife beside him. “I think you’re going to need this more than me.” He then disappeared into the darkness, and the wolves, while confused as to how one of their prey had suddenly vanished beyond the reach of their senses, were glad that one meal still awaited them. Once more, Cal’s screams echoed through the night, but by the time Noah reached the farmhouse, he had gone silent, and there was only the growls and yips of the wolves fighting over his corpse. It was always nice when loose ends solved themselves. Noah searched the bodies of the other bandits, taking anything of use or value, and then dragged them into the woods. The wolves would come after them next, so it was best they not be eaten right in front of the house. Finally, he did a quick sweep of the property in search of Bar, eventually finding the slain wolfdog. He had an arrow in his neck, a well-earned quick death. Noah summoned a glass bottle from within his ring and poured the purple liquid within on and around Bar. A pungent smell filled the air, like skunk mixed with rotting flesh, forcing Noah to retreat. The liquid was an experiment of his to try and find a good monster repellent by combining various ingredients found in the wilderness. Unfortunately, it only worked for a few hours and it was such a nasty stench that he couldn’t use it anywhere near himself without getting sick, so he chalked it up as a failure. Hopefully, it would keep the prowlers at bay until Bar could be buried. His business done, he stepped up onto the porch and knocked on the door. “Hey, it’s me.” There was movement inside and the door was opened. It was Mary, with the inside of the house lit with candles. “James,” she said, sounding like she was on the verge of fainting. “How are you folks doing? How’s Joshua?” He looked past Mary, seeing the farmer lying atop the dinner table with his children around him. It was slow, but he sat up. “He’s alive, thanks to you. How can we ever repay you?” “Well I’m going to go back to the barn to get a little more sleep while I can, I suggest you all do the same. After that, some breakfast would be lovely.” “I… uh… you… uh… consider it done,” she stammered. “Goodnight, then.” Noah returned to the barn and closed the doors behind him. His makeshift bed felt as soft and cozy as a foam mattress, despite the stench of horses and goats. He still didn’t know what time it was, but if there truly was a merciful god in this world, then the sunrise would be an eternity away. It felt like he heard the barn doors open just moments after he closed his eyes. He instinctively drew his knife and sat up to face the intruder, only to find Joshua. The sun was rising outside, an unwelcome sight. Oh well, a better night’s sleep wasn’t far off. “Good morning,” Noah said as he rubbed the tiredness from his eyes. Instead of replying, Joshua prostrated himself, bowing with his forehead pressed to the ground. “I do not deserve to be your host. I belittled your profession last night, and then you save not only my life, but the lives of my wife and children. I relied on someone I called a stranger because I was too weak to protect my family. This is a shame I will never live down.” Noah sighed and sat back down to put his boots on. “Don’t worry, you’re forgiven. While I can’t say I applaud your manners in insulting your guest, I’m not invested enough in adventuring to take anything personally. As for the incident last night, you fought remarkably well despite being wounded. Be proud of yourself.” He got back onto his feet. “By the way, I found Bar at the southern end of the field. I’m afraid he didn’t make it.” “Did… he suffer?” “No, he died well. I poured some monster repellent on him, so hopefully you can still bury him.” Joshua looked away, wiping some tears with his sleeve. “Come on, Mary is putting breakfast on the table.” They left the barn and returned to the farm house, where upon entering, Noah found Mary and her children bowing at almost perfect right angles. “You saved this family, and for that, we will be forever grateful.” Noah nodded. “Thank you.” They gathered around the table for breakfast and joined hands for grace. “Lord Lumendori, we thank you for the bright and beautiful day that awaits us, and we thank you for allowing us to cross paths with this young man beside us. We would not be here without him,” said Joshua. “Amen,” Mary and the kids replied. Even worse than the previous night, Thomas was excited and curious, bombarding Noah with questions, most of them about how he pulled off the fight from last night. Joshua and Mary reeled him in, but Noah was able to dodge and deceive the questions that got through. Breakfast was bread and eggs with some cheese, and Noah, wanting to get out on the road, ate fast. He then stood up and bowed his head. “It is time for me to be off. Thank you once again for the meals and shelter.” He returned to the barn and loaded up his horse with his few possessions, and as he turned to leave, found Joshua standing at the entrance, holding out the silver coin from last night. “I can’t let you leave without this, not after what you did for us.” Noah didn’t bother trying to refuse and accepted the coin. He had simply been hoping that Joshua would forget the second he promised him. He got onto his horse and departed for Took. Joshua and his family were good, honest people, yet as soon as Noah returned to the road, his mind discarded their names. Please comment! |
Drywall and wood chippings rained on the soldiers helmet, as the sound of far off artillery shook the dilapidated building. For a brief moment, the soldier froze under the doorway, not so much from the knowledge that the doorway was the most sturdy part of what was left of this building, as from primal instinct, some superstitious fear that any movement on his part, no matter how subtle, might somehow cause the building to buckle, and finally come crashing down. The blast sound echoed into the distance, and the soldier regained his composure. Tightening his grip on his gun, he stepped out into the rubble filled street. The city around him was dead, broken and beaten from weeks of continuous shelling. Where there were once businesses, homes, and people, now there were only skeletons. Skeletons of businesses, their windows broken by looters, their insides gutted by fire damage, bones of rebar jutting out of steel, wood, and concrete. Corpses of homes, once idyllic, peaceful sanctuaries from the outside world, now torn open and laid bare by the continuous bombing the city had sustained for the past several weeks. And the corpses. Rotting, bloated corpses, twisted in disgusting, impossible entanglements, some incomplete, most in pieces. A lot of the fragmentation bombs the army had shelled the city with didn't hit their targets precisely; rather they landed in close proximity to their targets. People who happened to be hiding in basements, or scampering through the streets scurrying for food, shelter, or anything else needed to survive. When the blasts "missed" them, the concussive force from the shells were enough to rip the life from them, rending their bodies like rag dolls, tossing and twisting them in morbid, impossible configurations. More than one body the soldier had seen, with torso rotated 180 degrees, or with a back broken in two like a splintered stick, the torso only connected to the legs by a string of torn muscle, skin, and nerves. As the soldier patrolled the lifeless, cratered street, he wondered exactly what the point of this whole exercise was. He looked around at the rubbish and bodies around him: it was mostly broken niceties which had no part in a war, things like broken furniture, damaged electronics, discarded toys. The bodies were mostly female; women and young girls who tried to escape the advance of the oncoming army by hiding in basements and shelters. The men and boys, for their part, had mostly come out to die on the front lines. To die and kill his comrades. He heard a loud bang, and a window in front of him broke. Instantly he spun around, pulling on the trigger of his rifle, unleashing a torrent of steel tipped rage into the mound of rubbish behind him. He held the trigger down until the percussion of exploding rounds quiet and the kicking of the rifle butt ceased. The street was deathly quiet, with not even the sound of the wind being heard. Reloading his rifle, the soldier advanced, searching for the whoever or whatever had lain in wait and fired at him. Even though most of the males had gone up to the front lines, there were still pockets of resistance in the city, young teenage boys, not officially old enough to go into the army, but still old enough to hold a gun, and pose a threat to invaders like him. He stepped over a small pile of rubble, and peered behind the large mound he had just fired into, gun at the ready. Lying on the ground, freshly bloodied, he saw three bodies, young boys, reduced to meat by the rounds from his rifle. He walked up to the closest one, and kicked him over onto his back. His eyes were frozen open, and he stared unmoving up into the gray sky. His bullet wounds were fresh, and still pouring blood: no doubt about it, this was the one who had tried to shoot at him. He checked the other two, kicking their mutilated bodies over. One of them had his hand tightly clenched around something. The soldier bent down, and pried his small hand open. Two rocks rolled out of the dead boy's palm. The soldier stood up, disgusted and angered by his new discovery. Rocks. These boys had gotten themselves filled full of steel and lead to throw rocks at him. Didn't they know, this war was over, their army had surrendered, almost all of their soldiers were dead. Why couldn't they just give up, and surrender, or at least stay hidden. Stupid animals, he thought to himself. He stood up, and fired a burst into the nearest boy. He heard a gasp, and then a scampering above him. He looked up, and saw pebbles falling from the ledge above. Quickly, he ran around to the side, hoping to be able to head off whoever it was who was now watching him. The ledge sloped down, and the soldier saw a pink and white flash scampering down the incline of the ledge. "Hey you, stop!" he shouted. He fired into the air, and for a moment, the figure stopped. The soldier lunged to catch up to it, but just as quickly as the figure froze, it began running again, its smallish figure ducking into another mound of rubbish. The soldier was angry now: before when he thought it was some teenage boys shooting at him, he had been angry enough. Somehow, the thought of being pestered and maligned by little kids incensed him, and made the anger which he had carried inside him this entire battle boil over: he didn't want to be here, shooting at nameless faceless vagrants who were just too greedy to be happy with their own land, and too stupid to know when to quit. It seemed that these animals would never leave him alone, whether he was minding his own business on his farm, or running recon missions in unoccupied territory. Now their home city was broken, defeated. Why didn't they just give up and admit defeat? He fired randomly into the pile of rubble, hoping partly to flush the quarry out, but also partly to kill it. He circled the pile methodically, every so often firing one or two bursts into the pile. After every shot, he heard scampering, as the quarry repositioned itself in the maze of fallen rebar, concrete, and building fragments. The soldier tripped and stumbled as he stepped over a broken brick. "Damnit," he swore, as he began firing full blast into the rubble. For a second, he was sure that he had his target. The drum of the bullets thundered into the rubble, and then ceased. The soldier pulled on his trigger, the gun clicking as it tried to fire from the empty magazine. After a few moments, he realized that he had emptied his magazine. For a brief moment he glance down, to retrieve another magazine. He heard a loud rustling, and he looked up to see the figure scampering out of its hiding place. He locked his new magazine into his rifle and ran off after it. Before the soldier could even get a good start, the figure had already cleared a good 15 yards, and had darted into an old gutted building which remained fairly intact as compared to the other buildings. Enraged, the soldier followed her, darting after her into the building. As he dashed through the doorway, he slipped, and fell, losing control of his balance and his gun. The rifle hit the ground, butt first, and went off, firing a sporadic burst above the fallen soldier's head. For a moment the soldier froze, believing he was being shot at. Anger quickly reoriented him, and he scrambled to his feet, angered even more by the humiliating spill that he had just taken, and the fact that he had nearly just killed himself. He grabbed his rifle, and took a quick inventory of where he was. This looked like an old security building, an apartment before the war. The hallway was filled with debris shaken loose from the ceiling from the recent shellings. The soldier hesitated for a moment: the hallway was lined with doors, doors to old, long uninhabited apartments. At least that's what he believed. It occurred to him that perhaps other mercenaries or occupants might still be in the apartments, and he didn't want to risk leaving his back exposed to a group of rooms which could contain anything. He looked at the girl as she ran down the hallway, her slim legs scampering over the debris and rubbish like a monkey. Anger filled him once again, and he began to pursue her down the hallway, his long legs easily navigating the cluttered hallway. When the girl got to the end of the hall, she tried to escape back out onto the street. She slammed against the exit door, but for some reason, the door wouldn't move. As the soldier closed in on her, she turned and darted up the stairwell to the second floor. The soldier slowed his pursuit now: his quarry was desperate, and running out of options. She couldn't go back down now, and unless she could fly, eventually she would run into a dead end. Briskly, he started up the stairs, slowing when he saw her, struggling to open the door to the next level. She was swearing and cursing in some unintelligible language. "TURN AROUND!!!" he shouted. The girl stopped, and slowly turned around as he ordered. Her knees were shaking, and wobbling as he approached her. The soldier was angry now, and undecided as to what exactly he should do. This girl was no longer a threat to him, but he was angry for having been made to chase her all this way through the street, through the building, up the staircase. He looked at her, her slight frame shivering with fear, her fists clenched in apprehension as she pondered what to do next. He knew what it was she was thinking, and what to expect next: as she screamed and charged him, he quickly backhanded her against the wall, sending her tiny frame flying awkwardly to the floor. From somewhere deep inside him, an unnatural, sadistic hate welled up, as he looked at the young girl who had just attacked him. He kicked her in the stomach, and she doubled over, curling into a ball to protect her vulnerable body. As she lay huddled there, crying, it occurred to him that they were the only two people in the building. As her soft sobs filled the hallway, he felt a perverse desire stirring with him, and his pants tighten, as his desire began to materialize in his mind. Reaching down, he lifted the girl up by one shoulder. Ah he picked her up, she began struggling, biting his sleeve and kicking at him. He quickly slapped her down to the floor again, and continued slapping her even as she fell to the ground. He smacked and punched her until she was curled up again, crying and shivering. "Stupid bitch," the soldier said as he hoisted his newly subdued prisoner to her feet. He grabbed her by her t-shirt, a dingy, torn white rag, and tossed her against the wall, handcuffing her hands behind her back. With his prisoner in front of him at gunpoint, the soldier searched for an apartment which was unlocked, abandoned, but relatively unlived in. Even though none of the apartments were habitated anymore, some of the apartments were in greater disrepair than others. In a few he had found dead bodies, killed in their homes and rotting in their unmarked, unheralded graves. Eventually he found what he was looking for, as he opened the door to an apartment which hadn't been moved into, or lived in by anyone beforehand, bare of everything except for some curtain rods. As he forced the prisoner inside, it occurred to him that maybe he could stay here, go AWOL in this building until his troop left: with the invading army gone, and most of the inhabitants captured or dead, he could make himself a nice living here in the building. His own private mansion, with his own private bitch. He shoved the girl to the floor, and smacked her again once for good measure. She spat on him, and he slapped her again. His penis was tingling now, as he looked at the helpless, frail figure laid sprawled on the ground before him. She was like a helpless doll lying there, a pale, frail helpless doll, his to do with whatever he pleased. He knelt on the ground beside her, and began slipping her torn shorts off. She began struggling, trying to roll away from him, but he grabbed her by her bound arms, and restrained her as he ripped the cloth from her legs. As she struggled, he felt the excitement building with him, as his newly captured prey struggled to escape the fate he had planned for her. Still holding her, he took out his knife, and slowly cut her panties off, revealing her tiny, bare pale ass. She began squirting bursts of urine onto the carpet, as she tried to clamp her legs together. The smell of her fear excited him, and as she urinated, he unbuckled his pants, and slid them down just enough to free his erect penis. It slapped against his stomach, free from its cage, and now eager to taste the juices of the prey which was subdued here before it. He pried apart her legs, slowly, savoring every moment of her resistance as he overpowered her, until at last the flower of her sex was vulnerable, spread bare to the world. He rubbed his stiff cock head against her pussy, already wet and moist from her reflexive urination. As he pushed, the feel of her tight pussy lips closing around the head of his penis sent electric thrills of pleasure throughout his body. Slowly, he plunged forward, slowly driving his hips forward until he could push no further. The girl struggled and tried to kick underneath the bulky soldiers driving weight, in a futile struggle to protect her innocence. In moaning sobs, she began cursing him in a foreign language as he cruelly violated her. The soldier found this arousing, her struggle and frantic resistance adding to the thrill he felt from raping this uppity little girl. He pulled on her long black hair, using it as a rein as he began to quicken his thrusts. He held her head closer to his chest, as he pressed her into the carpet, using all of his weight to rape her, to fuck her like a grown woman. Slowly, her struggling and crying gave way to stillness, and moaning sobs of pleasure, as the girl accepted her fate. Her hips began slowly rocking in time with his thrusts, as she began to give in to her desires. Tears still ran down her face, as her body betrayed her, and like an animal, she began to yield to the beast who was violating her, her body rewarding his cruel penetration and aching for more attention. Eventually, the soldier climaxed, propping himself up on his arms, as he pumped his load into her raw stretched vagina, his hips quivering as he forcefully inseminated his victim. When he was satisfied, he pulled himself out, his penis making a slurping sound as he withdrew from her vagina. The soldier pulled himself up, and sat back, admiring his handiwork. The girl lay there now, legs spread, still quivering from the exertion of trying to fight off her attacker, and then being fucked. She no longer tried to resist, but lay there silently, breathing slowly, exhausted from her own orgasms. Cum dripped out of her pussy, and soaked the floor below her. He thought she looked beautiful there, his property, exhausted, spent, filled with his own seed. He enjoyed the fucking, but even more, he enjoyed the thought that he owned this little girl now. Her pleasure and pain was his to give: he could fuck her whenever he pleased, however long he pleased. He felt a stirring in his loins again, and, eager to assert his newfound dominance over her, he slowly mounted her, methodically invading her stretched, raw pussy once again. The girl moaned as he entered her, but she did not resist: she was broken, and her pussy was now his to enjoy. All she could do was accept her newfound fate, and moan softly in forced, humiliating pleasure as he began to take her once again. |
incest fun 3 Over the next few months life at the Wochick house in Long Beach changed dramatically. Bertha had pretty much lost her role as mother and wife, and had become not much more than maid and whore. Joe and Susan slept together many nights, but when Susan was having sex with someone else she made her father sleep nude on the hard floor beside the king sized bed she now occupied. John Clapper was now using the Wochick home as a film and photo studio, making porn productions that could only be found on the dark web. Bertha had become a favorite of viewers, especially an hour long video of forty seven men jacking off onto her face and into her mouth. Frosted Like a Fuckiing Donut was the title of the video. When John had Bertha make a beastiality video with a german shepard he had trained, he had her fuck the dog in front of a paying audience. Joe, on the other hand, was the star of countless gay videos and pictures. The only pussy Joe was getting now was Susan’s, and that almost exclusively for photo shoots. It turned out that Joe was also willing to do wet films…letting men and women piss on him. Aside from all the students who used the Woicik home for sex. The boys, and some of the girls, enjoyed fucking Bertha while calling her mom or mommy. John also acted as a pimp and the home became his brothel. Two more students had earned their “A” for the class. Peggy Rich, a pretty little redhead with budding breasts, had seduced her father while her friend Dottie Wilson took secret pictures, and then Peggy had used the pictures to blackmail her father Phil into tricking Peggy’s mother Mabel into joining them. Afraid of what the photos might do to their family, Phil and Mabel gave in to their daughter and very quickly learned to love the results when they discovered that it meant access to all the high school pussy and cock they wanted. Mike Morton, on the other hand, only had his mother. His father had died five years before. It took some coaxing, but Mike had convinced his mother Doris to try smoking pot with him, and he had a joint of very powerful stuff…grass mixed with PCP. They not only fucked that night, but when Doris woke up the next morning she was still sucking on her son’s cock. While she was understandibly mortified, she couldn’t keep her eyes off her son’s prick as he walked around the house naked. He even stayed naked when his buddies came over and talked them into getting naked too. The boys even began jacking off in front of her, and she enjoyed it.. Two more times they smoked a joint together and both times they fucked. Finally, Mike mounted his mother when she didn’t have the excuse of marijuana, and she loved it. What finally turned her into a slut was the day Mike had her watch as he sucked off two of his buddies, and then told them; “You guys can fuck my mom if you want to. She’s a pretty good piece of ass.” Doris complied. It was Saturday night and John Clapper, ten kids from Wilson high school, along with Doris Morton, Phil and Mabel Rich, Gladys Ham (a horny fucking cunt) and her thirteen year old daughter Kathy and, of course the three Wochicks were all together. Booze and pot flowed free, with the parents there supplying both for the kids. They all watched as Bertha lay on the floor sucking off a German Shepard and Joe sucked one of the boy’s cock while John filmed the scene. Mike and his mother were kissing passionately on the couch, Peggy was fucking her father, Gladys was finger fucking Kathy and french kissing her, and Mabel was engaged in a sixty nine with the youngest girl in the group. “Suck that dog cock, you dumb, ugly piece of shit” Susan chanted. “Suck that big, pink prick you stupid fucking whore.” Susan sat in the recliner, nude and finger fucking herself. Some of the kids laughed at Susan’s abuse and joined in. “You’re just a dumb, dog fucking cunt” one boy said. “You’re a worthless piece of shit, Mrs. Wochick” another added. “You’re nothing but a two bit whore, Mrs. Wochick” Kathy yelled. “You’re a dumb, ugly, cock sucking whore.” “Mothers are for fucking!” one of the boys yelled. “Daughters are for fucking too” Phil Rich added laughing..."and for lickng their mother's pussy" Gladys chime in. One of the boys had gone to the kitchen and came back with two large carrots. He went over to Bertha and, as she continued to suck the dog’s prick, he shoved one carrot up her cunt, and the other one up her asshole. “After Rex cums in your mouth Mrs. Wochick, we’ll watch you eat these carrots.” Everyone laughed. Joe had sucked three boys to completion and a fourth was now fucking him in the ass. Two of the girls had shoved their hairy pussies in Susan’s face, and she had licked them both to orgasm. The dog began howling and spewing cum into Bertha’s mouth. She swallowed as quickly as possible, but some cum dripped down her chin. John captured it all on video and still pictures with a close-up of Bertha’s face as it happened. Mabel Rich got down on the floor and licked Bertha’s face clean, then pressed her lips hard against Bertha’s and the two women kissed passionately. John moved the camera to pick up Doris Morton as she serviced her son Mike. He was on his back on the floor and his mother was working her tongue from his asshole to his cock and back again. Doris’ ass was high in the air as she crouched over her son’s crotch. Now the dog was getting horny again and began licking Gladys Ham's ass and cunt raised in front of him. “Oh yes…I want to watch you fuck a dog, mom” Kathy panted. “I want to see dog cock up your fucking cunt mommy. I want you to be a whore you cock sucking bitch.” Gladys was probing her daughter's asshole with her tongue. Rex was showing his big, stiff pink cock so Susan got up and knelt beside the dog and, with her hand, guided the prick into Gladys Ham's waiting pussy. The dog was pounding pussy with his tongue handing down, so Susan wrapped her lips around the long, raspy tongue and sucked. “That’s it honey” Bertha said to her daughter. “You should let the doggy fuck you too. John should take pictures of you fucking the doggy. Your daddy and I would love that.” Rex came the second time with a whimper. The poor dog had spent two loads of cum and that was enough for him. Susan dropped down on Mrs. Ham’s pussy as the dog moved away, and she sucked the older woman’s dripping cunt. “Susan Marie Wochick, you are one of the filthiest fucking sluts at Woodrow Wilson High” one of the boys yelled. “Hell, she’s one of the filthiest fucking sluts in Long Beach” another chimed in. “Eat that dog cum you dirty little whore” Phil Rich said as he held a bottle of vodka to his daughter’s lips. The house smelled of cum and pussy and sweat as the party wound down. Mabel now sat on the floor, legs spread as her daughter slowly kissed her mom’s sopping pussy. “I want to bring my mother along to the next party” Mabel said. “I want Phil to fuck her cunt while Peggy sits on her fucking face, and I want everyone to watch her get it.” “Bring the old bitch” John said. “The more the merrier.” As everyone began gathering themselves to end the party, John told Joe and Bertha to go into the bathroom and lie down together in the bathtub. The rest of the party followed as the two obeyed. As Susan’s parents lay down side by side in the tub, John moved forward and began pissing on them while one of the boys took video. John began by aiming at their crotches, then moved the stream up their bodies until he was finishing on their faces. As John finished and moved aside, Phil Rich took his place and unloaded a heavy stream of piss directly onto their faces and into their mouths. One by one the boys all took their turns, and then the girls and mothers, standing on the edges of the tub, squatted over Joe and Bertha and pissed on them. When everyone had finished they filed out of the bathroom, leaving their hosts to wallow in piss, and left for home. It was the beginning of an incest club that would only grow in numbers. |
**this is a fantasy. yeah. a fantasy. uh huh.** i went to the walmart and was checking out the new DVDs and games. as i was standing there a kid came up and started playing a game. he was about 11 or 12. i am not always attracted to guys much younger than me, but this kid was fucking hot. looked like a little skater boy with his baggy shorts. he was quite a bit shorter than me, blonde with brown eyes. as i watched him he kept adjusting his crotch. i was getting hard. i wanted to approach him, but was scared because he was so young. he looked over and said "what's up." and i said hey. i moved closer to watch him play. he was so cute. i asked him if he knew where the restroom was. he pointed me in the direction. i started walking off and kept looking back, but he didn't return my look. i was so horny and thought that i would jack off and be on my way. i walked into the restroom and it was empty. i check the three stalls, but there were no glory holes or grafitti. i went to the urinal and started playing with my cock. after a few minutes i stopped because i was really horny to be with someone. i went back to the games and the kid was still there. he looked over when i got back. "did you find it?' he asked. i said i did. i put my hand in my pocket and started rubbing my cock...he was that fucking cute. he looked over and back to the game and then looked again when he realized what i was doing. "are you playing with it?" he asked. yeah, i said. i asked him if it bothered him. he said no. i asked if he would like to see it. he said yeah. so i said let's go back to the restroom. he said ok. i told him to walk behind me and come in after i did. we get into the restroom and stood at the urinal. i pulled out my dick and stood back so he could see it. i started jacking it and he was just watching. i could see he had a bit of a tent so i asked if i could touch it. he said sure and took it out. it was not bad sized for a 12 year old. he got nervous and started shaking. i asked if he was ok and he said sure. i asked if he wanted to try more. he said yeah. we went into the big stall against the wall. i asked him to take off his shorts. he did and he was so cute. he had a bit of a bush, but just a little bit of hair on his legs, almost none. i couldn't help myself and said i really wanted to be with him. i pulled him close and kissed him. i could tell he never had been kissed because he didn't know what to do and he was shaking. i asked if he ever been with a guy and he said no. i asked if he wanted me to stop. he said no. i had him stand in the corner so the toilet block view of his feet. i got on my knees and licked his cock and his dick started bobbing. i went down on him and he sighed as i went all the way down. "oh god, oh god" he kept saying. so i started going up and down on his cock. "oh god i'm cumming." and he shot in my mouth. it was sweet and i swallowed it. i got off of his dick, but it stayed hard. i asked if he wanted to try something hot. he said yeah. i asked him to turn around and bend over. he got a scared look. i said i wasn't going to fuck him, just rim him. but if he wanted to try fucking we could. he said ok. his ass was perfect. absolutely no hair on it or in his crack yet. he must have taken a shower because it smelled like soap. i spread his ass open and slowly licked around his hole. he shuddered and started saying "oh god, oh god" again. i got my tongue on his hole and started licked and sucking on it. i got my tongue up in it and started lick around it again. i slowly stuck my finger in his hole. i only got just the tip in and then he said "im cumming" and he stood up straight. when he was done i asked if i could keep rimming him. he said "yes." then i said can i try fucking him with my finger. he said yes. so i went back to rimming him until his hole was wet and started loosening up. i got my finger on his hole again and started circling it. then i slowly poked it and he backed up into it. half of my finger was up his tight ass. i wiggled it and he moaned. then i started sliding my finger in deeper and pull out and push back in into hole. he was shuddering again. i asked him if he liked it. he said he did. so i kept finger fucking him and then i reached around and started playing with his cock. it was still hard after cumming twice. then he asked if i liked his ass. i said i did and that i would like to stick my dick in. he said ok. i stood up and pulled down my jeans. my dick was so fucking hard and precum leaking. i told him it might hurt a little at first, but that i would go slow. he said ok. i told him to bend over and spread his ass withhis hands. i got right behind him and put the head of my dick up to his hole. i started to slowly push in and he said ooh. afetr a few tries i finally got my cock head in his hole and he made a surprised ooh sound. so i stopped and let him get used to it. then i slid a little more in and he said ooh again, so i stopped. then the restroom door opened and someone went to urinal to piss. i whisperd to be quiet and hold still. after a couple fo minutes the pisser was gone. my cock was still hard and still in his hole. i asked if he wanted to keep going. "oh yes, yes." so i slid a little more in and stopped. i reached around and rubbed his chest and slid my hand down to his cock. do you like my cock in you? he said yes. do you want me to keep going? yes. i said ok. i said i am going to fuck him now and that i wasn't going to be able to stop until i cum. he said ok. i asked if he was sure because it may hurt. "oh, please fuck me." i said ok. i grabbed his narrow hips and started in on his ass. oh it felt so fucking good. it was so tight. i started pumping in and out. the more i did i the better it felt. i could see he was both hurting and enjoying. little gasps of oh god, oh year and little whimpers of pain when i pushed all the way in. i coudln't handle it any more. and just started really fucking. then he said "oh, oh, oh no. i'm cumming." and that made em blow my load. i pushed my cock in as far as i could up his ass and shot my load. i stood there for a second to let my cock get soft and then i pulled out slowly. we cleaned up ourselves and went to wash hands. i told him that i enjoyd it and thanked him. he said he liked it too and that it felt like my cock was still in his ass. i told him that i would like to mess around again if we ever had the chance. he said yeah and that his mom came to walmart each wednesday night and he would look for me. |
Young, dumb and full of cum. That was me (Michael) as a teen. Part One....The Boys: My cousin Bill Powers and I enjoyed sucking each others pricks. We didn't visit often because he lived in Springfield and I lived in St. Louis, but when his parents visited us, or vice versa, Bill and I always shared a bed. Bill was a year older than me and his was the first cock I ever sucked to completion. He thanked me for letting him cum in my mouth and for swallowing. I loved sucking his cock and licking his balls. Bill even taught me to lick his asshole and told me that my older sister Kathy (Mary Kathleen) did that for him too. Bill had me French kiss him while I jacked him off. I've only french kissed two other men in my life and I enjoyed Bill the most. Over a period of eight or nine years I suppose I sucked Bill's cock a hundred times. My only regret is that I never got the chance to suck him off while my mother watched. I don't remember a time when I didn't want mommy-son incest with her, and to let her watch me suck cock would have been terrific. During those learning years my buddies Jon, Randy and David would jack of together while talking about fucking each others moms. Jon's mom Lillian, Randys mom Craela and David's mom Mabel were all very fuckable, as was my mother Gladys. For the first year or so all we did was jack off and talk about our moms tits and pussy. We had made it a point of honor to spy on our mom when she was taking a bath. Looking in the bathroom window at her. I must say that my mom had great firm tits and a pussy that was not really trimmed, but neatly coifed shall we say. I could picture mom on her knees with my buddies cocks in her mouth. I don't remember who came up with the idea, but soon we were jacking each other off and someone suggested we do rock-paper-scissors and the loser give at least one of the other guys a blow job while he talks dirty about the sucker's mother. We all agreed. Because I was the only one with older sisters (3) they and I would sometimes talk dirty about them. Our mothers and my sisters were called whores, cock suckers, fuck pigs, dog fuckers, dog suckers, sluts, and anything else we could think of. I actually think that at least Lillian and perhaps even my mom would have sucked all of us off if we'd just had the nerve to try. At any rate I sucked all my buddies off and swallowed their cum over the next few years. we all had 5-6" cocks...perfect fit for a mouth.: Jon described Lillian's ass, cunt and tits to us, David did the same for Mabel and Randy actually showed us some polaroids of Craela nude and spread that his father had taken. Soon we were beginning to date and we'd describe our girlfriend's tits and pussies to each other. Part sister Kathy. I've already written about my sister Kathy's cock sucking and fucking in other offerings...very very true tales. Kathy taught me to french kiss and we continued that for many years. She jacked me off and sucked me off and fucked me as teens. She had always been a slut for our male cousins in Cape Girardeau and she had a truly nasty mind. She'd tell me how she wanted to get fucked by daddy and let me watch while mom licked her pussy. Kathy and I would go to the movies together (dad would drop us off) and we'd make out during the movie...French kissing and feeling each other up. We wanted people to watch us and wished we could tell them we were brother and sister. I would tell Kathy about all the cocks I sucked and tell her about the boys I saw in the showers after PE in school. I told her about the cocks on the seniors and juniors even though they were a year or so older than her, and she would describe the girls she saw in the shower. She and her best friend Gail Walman licked each others cunts and Kathy would tell me all about it. Once, when Kathy and I thought we were in the house alone, she was naked and finger fucking herself on her bed while I sat in a chair next to her and jacked off. We didn't hear anything, but I thought I saw movement outside her door. After we both came I slipped on my jeans and we went downstairs where mom was sitting in the living room. Mom just looked at us and said she didn't know we were home..... She didn't say, but I always thought mom had seen us "masturbating". Part (Gladys). Ever since I could remember I thought of mom as a whore...a fucking slut. It's how I pictured her and how I wanted her to be. an easy piece of ass...the cock sucking cunt of Cape Girardeau. As a teen I jacked off onto mom's food quite a bit without her knowing (tuna salad, lunch meat sandwiches, etc...cum mixed with mayonnaise...and i'd watch the dumb fucking bitch eat it. Once, when I was 16, mom and I were the only ones up late, watching Jonnie Carson, and I got up the nerve to make a pitcher of lemonade and pissed in it. I made a glass for mom and added just another squirt of piss and stirred it with my dick and gave it to her. Mom drank it down and asked for a bit more...i added more piss. Mom loved it! she never knew...i don't think. I'd like to believe though that she did know. Mom was the oldest Neal child, and apparently the sluttiest according to one of her younger sisters Dorothy. She told one of my older sisters (Nancy) that mom would brag about all the dicks she was sucking even before she started dating boys with cars...and then she'd brag about fucking them. Of course I didn't learn that little tidbit until years later when Nancy told me about it. If I'd known it as a teen I probably would have shoved my cock down mom's fucking throat and raped her. If nothing else, mom was a creature of habit. She stayed up late every night to watch Jonnie Carson and after lunch she took a shower and then a two hour nap every afternoon and slept soundly. Her naps were almost on the living room couch in nothing but a tattered robe. One horny afternoon as mom napped, I sat directly across from her and looking at her fucking face and thinking about all the things my friends had said about her, I unzipped my jeans and pulled out me cock and began slowly stroking. the more I stroked the hornier I became until, at last my cock took over thinking for me. I pulled my jeans and underwear to my ankles and stared directly into mom's face as I jacked off...whispering sweet nothings such as, "mom, you fucking whore...wake up and suck my cock." By this time my prick was in total control. I walked back to the back bedroom and striped completely, then back to the living room and stood right in front of mom...not more than a foot from her face, and continued jacking off. I almost hoped she would wake up so I could jack off on her pretty face. It still wasn't enough. I carefully pulled the edge of her robe up and was delighted to see mom' sweet hairy cunt. It was all I could do to keep myself from putting my face on it and licking away. I imagined all the men that had fucked that cunt over the years...and all my buddies lined up ready to fuck her. I then lay down on the living room floor next to the couch and jacked. My cock really wanted the bitch to wake up. I could see her pussy and I could see her face and I whispered nasty things, like; "Mom, you two bit fucking whore...mommy, Gladys Sam___, you're a cum eating, cock sucking cunt..." I came and came hard, cumming on my belly and chest and hand. My cock turned control over me back to my teenage brain and I got up and left the room in a hurry. I got myself cleaned up and dressed just about the time my sister Kathy got home. I was in my room and she walked in, put a finger to her liips and signaled for me to follow her, so I did. Kathy led me back to the living room and pointed out mom's bare cunt...I had forgotten to put her robe back in place. I whispered to her that I had done that and jacked off Kathy then put her lips on mine and kissed me like a full view of mom if she woke, which she didn't. Kathy and I had a lot of sexual fun over our teen years and I managed to see mom naked many times...twice when Al and Randy were there. Those were fun years and the memories have never faded. Mom will always be my dream whore...cock sucking cunt...asshole licking, dog fucking cum bucket.. |
In 1975, I had my first sexual experience at the age of 10 years old. I was not raped , coerced or in any way forced into it. I wanted it. I sought it out and I enjoyed doing what I did. Here is my story... When I was 9 years old I started collecting beer cans. As an only child, my parents would allow me a lot of leeway to do what I wanted. I would go out into the fields and dumpsters to find cans to add to my collection. I got this idea to start going through the thrash on my block every week in hopes of finding something new. I was hitting the block every week looking for cans when I found this one house that had just been cleaned out. It was a jackpot! Not of beer cans, but of porno magazines. Most of these were Playboy, but I dug through and found some "other", more graphic magazines. I grabbed as many as I could and hid them in the garage until I could sneak them into the house... Even some of the non-Playboy mags I found rather boring. But there were two that I really liked: The first was "GIRLS WHO EAT CUM", which showed me many ways a girl (or in my case, a young boy) could offer oral sex to an eager cock and benefit with the man shooting white stuff all over their faces and in their mouth's. The second magazine was even more hard-core and was titled "BACK ALLEY", showing women getting fucked in the ass by some really big dicks. I spent many evenings alone in my upstairs bedroom, completely naked, jacking my little 9 year-old hairless cock and flipping through the magazines. I started practice-sucking frozen popsicles or bananas to test how far I could take a hot dick down my throat while messaging my tight virgin asshole. I got pretty good at "sucking a dick", but I just couldn’t push the soft banana up my tight young hole. I had since reached my 10th birthday and I still had not taken more than two of my small fingers up my ass, even with the help of an old jar of Vasoline I found in the linen closet. It wasn't 'til I was helping my mom make a salad that I had this fantastic idea of how to get my little ass fucked like the women in the magazine... That night I was able to hide an entire cucumber without much notice from my mom. I couldn't wait to "go read" so I could “fall asleep“. I climbed the stairs to my room and sat on the edge of the bed looking into the full-length mirror that hung on my closet door. I slowly undressed, opening my shirt and pulling it open to show off my little nipples. I looked in the mirror so I could watch this "other" boy slowly remove his clothes. I wanted to see how I looked to other people. At 10 years old, I was already an exhibitionist. I bent down and pulled off my shoes and socks. Sitting back again, I thought about getting naked and realized my little dick was already hard. I opened my pants and pushed them to the floor. I pulled my legs out and kicked them aside. The "other" 10 year old boy was showing his hard-on through his little briefs, licking his lips and doing poses. From my hiding place, I removed a knife, the jar of Vasoline and the cucumber. I took the knife and cut the very tip off, then whittled it down to a more rounded edge. I watched "the boy in the mirror" pull off his underwear and sit on the edge of the bed as his hairless young cock throbbed with anticipation. "He" moved the cucumber to his lips and started licking the tip and then the shaft like some man's huge dick. I closed my eyes and sucked the "cock" down my young throat, in and out. I stopped long enough to scoop out some Vasoline with my left hand and reach between my legs and rub it around my tight boy-hole, pushing the lubricant inside with my fingers. Another small scoop coated the cucumber. I bent over my bed and pushed my butt in the air, pulling my ass cheeks apart. I guided the tip of the "cock" to rest against my waiting hole and slowly pushed it inside. My little dick was pulsing with my heartbeat. I continued to push the cucumber into my hole with my right hand and grabbed my throbbing 10 year old hard-on. Before I realized it, I had 5" inside my ass. I eased the cucumber out an inch or so, then pushed it in again faster. My dick jumped and my asshole puckered. I started moving the cucumber in and out of my little ass, faster and deeper each time. I was thinking about one of the men in the magazine and how he was fucking me with his fat cock. Soon, I was pushing so much of the cucumber up my little boy-hole that could I barely hold onto it. I started pushing on the end of it when I realized that all 9 inches of it was already shoved inside of me. As I continued to jack myself, I thought about the man pounding his fat 9-inch dick into my little 10 year old ass while speaking dirty to me, then finally shooting multiple streams of cum until it begins to ooze out of my hole. Without any notice, an electric wave rushed through my young body and I thought I would pee right on the floor. It felt too good to care. Several quick spasms wracked by body as I pushed the cucumber out. I crawled over to where I had the magazine and flipped to the man I was fantasizing about then looked to the smiling boy in the mirror. I knew the answer to his quizzical look. The next time would be the real thing… CHAPTER 2 The next morning after my shower, I prepared for a hopeful encounter. I took the Vasoline and scooped out a healthy portion. Bending over, I applied a liberal amount to my young hole and worked the rest inside with my fingers. I grabbed a pair of cut-off shorts and pulled them on over my bare ass. I threw a t-shirt on and slipped into my flip-flops, telling my Mom I was going for a bike ride and that I’d be back in a few hours. As I approached the park, I took off my shirt and tied it around the handlebars of the bike. I continued on to the restrooms and propped my bike against the side. The strong smell of urine hit me as I walked in. The air was nice and cool on my bare chest and the relative darkness eased my nerves a bit. To the immediate right were two open stalls. A rusty old troth occupied the wall directly in front of the far stall. Finding myself alone, I entered the far stall and dropped my shorts to the cement floor. As I was virtually naked, my hairless little dick got hard, even before I started reading the graffiti on the walls. “SUCK MY BIG DICK…BE HERE AT 6:00” “EAT THE CUM OUT OF ME…” “LOOKING FOR BOY MODELS FOR $$$ - BE AT BENCHES” After 10 minutes I decided to get bold. I lifted one leg and then the other from the shorts that were pooled around my ankles and pushed them to the side. I sat back and stretched my legs out so I could see my entire nude body while lightly stroking my little dick. I heard voices coming from just outside the restroom. I stopped playing with myself and leaned forward until I thought it was safe again. Someone had come in but I didn't see them. He called to someone outside, but he spoke in Spanish, so I didn't understand. I heard someone else come in and they resumed their exchange. They didn't yet realize that I was in the stall until one of them walked over to take a piss. The young Hispanic wore the uniform of a probationary offender, ordered to do community service by the county. He opened the fly to his coveralls and pulled out his this huge dick. I couldn't believe how big it was! His fat uncut dick hung at least 6 inches down the outside of his jumper. He still had not noticed me because he was talking to his friend over his left shoulder. Just then he looked over and caught me staring at his beautiful brown cock. He paused a moment, taking in the sight of a naked 10 year old boy staring at his dick. He called over his shoulder to his partner, who then stepped in front of the open stall. He too just stood looking at me a moment before saying anything. His friend responded by grabbing his crotch and shaking it while looking at me. The partner just stood in front of me. He got a serious look on his face and said something I couldn't understand. When I didn't respond, he repeated it while reaching down to grab his crotch. He said something to the first guy over his shoulder and pulled down the zipper of his coveralls. He reached in and pulled out his already hard dick. Though not quite as big as his friends, his uncut cock was very pretty, a good 8“. He continued speaking to me in Spanish as he played with it. "You like?", he says. "Suck!" He said something to the first one who was now standing as look out. He entered the stall and held his cock so close to my face I could smell a light musky scent mixed with pee. Reaching up, I grabbed his cock and took it into mouth as deep as I could. I messaged his dick with my tongue as I pushed him down my throat. They exchanged a few words and the big-dicked Spanish guy came into the stall. “Suck” he said as he pushed his cock into my open mouth. I could only take an inch or two in my mouth before it became to fat. He didn’t seem to mind too much, because he kept rubbing his hands down the back of my neck and to my bare shoulders. While I was sucking on the one with the 10” cock, his friend had unzipped his jumper, letting it fall over his hips. He had his t-shirt off to show his beautiful smooth chest and numerous tattoos. Before I realized what I was doing, I had pulled his jumper and boxer shorts down and I was sucking on his uncut brown dick with every intention of having him shoot his load in my mouth. He was starting to moan and push his hips into my face. He was getting close. Just then, his friend said something to him and he pulled his jumper up. I thought they were going to leave, but the one with the big dick handed me my shorts and waived me to follow them. When I came out of the restroom, they were walking toward a white van and looked back just before sliding the door open. I crossed the field and hopped into the back. They shut the door behind and pulled the curtains to close off the view from outside. I wasted no time in kicking off my flip-flops and taking my shorts off again. Meanwhile, they were peeling off their jumpsuits and t-shirts. When they were down to just their boxers and socks, I slid between them and lay on my stomach with my head down by their feet. I felt warm hands touch my legs and move up to my waiting ass as I pulled the socks off of one of them and started licking between his toes. I had never thought of doing this before, but the masculine scent of his feet made my little dick super hard. After cleaning both their feet, I propped myself up to work on their cocks again. I started with the one who almost came in my mouth in the bathroom. While I was sucking him, I slowly moved my ass closer in toward the guy with the 10 inch dick. I wrapped my small hand around him and aimed him towards my boy-hole. It was still lubed up with Vasoline and I felt my ass open for him. I didn‘t know if I could handle a fat 10“ dick, so I rolled over and offered my ass to the other man and to suck his friend. I reached behind me and guided his smaller 8” cock to my ass. He was surprisingly gentle as he slowly pushed inside of me. I was able to grab his butt to help him gage how fast to go. I was so relaxed, his cock was pushed deep inside of me within moments. What surprised me more was how good his uncut cock felt moving against my prostate. Soon I was on my back with his dick moving in and out of my little-boy hole, his balls bouncing off my young butt cheeks. My little dick was raging hard as he built up the speed and impact of his thrusts. The grip he had on my ankles increased as he approached climax. He was fucking me unmercifully. “Fuck me harder! Fuck me and cum inside my ass!.” I ordered him. As if on cue, his face contorted into one of intense pleasure as he climaxed, shooting deep inside of me. He continued to fuck me until he was completely spent. He pulled out slowly and shifted over so his friend could have his turn at me. He lifted my legs up and slowly pushed his big cock inside. I had just been well fucked, so he was quickly able to push all the way up my 10 year old ass with little resistance. He shifted slightly and with his free hand he began to jack me in time with his thrusts. I was fast approaching that plateau, the point of what I felt would be my first real orgasm. He seemed to sense this too and started pounding my little ass until I saw stars as my load erupted onto my stomach. Moments later, I felt a stream of warm liquid shooting inside my ass, followed quickly by two slightly less powerful ones as he finished with me I asked if I could see them again or maybe call them, but they didn‘t seem to understand. It was a great experience for me anyhow, and one I endeavor to undertake again as often as I can! |
I was very young and had been having sex with my 44 year old neighbor for a few years. My Dad is no longer around so Fred often comes over when Mom is at work and his wife is busy, to help with my homework or watch a ball game with me. His wife thought he was very kind. He had started by sucking me off once, long ago when I was eight or nine, just reached up the leg of my shorts and pulled it out, even though it was very small. He licked it and started sucking on it and ever since that feeling I was addicted. I never thought anything could feel so good and almost turned to jelly when he had his mouth on my cock. He started fucking me in the last year too and learnt me how to suck his cock perfectly. Mom wasn’t suspicious of our relationship at all. I would suck him off during the TV game and had really gotten to like his big knob, especially when his cock got so hard and seemed to tense in my mouth before he came a warm spurt. We would go to outdoor sporting events too. People just thought I was his ten year old kid so it was never suspicious. Fred would suck me on the way and me him sometimes while he was driving but we were up high enough that other drivers couldn't see in. Except big rigs but Fred didn't care if they saw. He often fucked me in his truck before coming home. And usually sucked me off again because he knew I loved it so much and could easily get hard very often. I had gotten to love the feeling of being filled up with his big cock and sometimes I would cum just from his cock fucking. One night he said he was taking me to a special adult book place where they showed porn movies in booths. I was excited because I had never seen one. We arrived in a parking lot at the edge of town and Fred said they’d never let me in even with phony ID because I was still way too young. I thought I looked okay because I was tall for my age but still wasn’t nearly old enough. Fred said no ten year old would ever get into the porno store, never mind the booths. But he told me he could get me in anyway but I had to be really careful and do just what he told me to do. So he planned on going in, getting the tokens for the movies and going into the dark back room of the store, and he’d sneak open the rear door to let me in too. He said some guys came in that way all the time, and would even sneak in a woman too. I stood in the dark waiting nervously until the door creaked open and Fred quickly pulled me in. Fred whispered that we had to be careful and not draw attention to ourselves. In the darkened room I saw rows of doors for the booths, some with lights above showing them occupied, a few figures wandered between them but my eyes hadn't adjusted yet so was hard to see. Fred whisked me into a booth right away so no one saw me. The booth had sort of a lusty smell and I could hear the sounds of movies playing with men grunting and women crying out with orgasms. He said we’d have to go into separate booths side by side or we’d get reported so of course I agreed. I was very excited anticipating what would happen. He gave me a huge hand full of tokens and told me how they operate the videos. He said there would be a hole between the wall too that we could talk through and I could stick my cock through it too if I wanted him to suck me and he’d be doing the same thing. As a matter of fact, he said, he wanted to suck and fuck me through the hole several times tonight and he would suck me too as often as I wanted. I entered my booth and locked the door, stood there in total darkness. I had a little bit of fear but knew Fred was there. Heard Fred doing the same thing next door. I finally found the slot for tokens and began watching my first porn movies! Two women fucking one man. I had an instant erection as I clicked through the many channels of sexual activity every way there was. I wondered what it would be like to fuck a pussy and even saw one video where the guy was slobbering all over it as he licked like crazy! I heard Fred whispering to me through the hole. It was very hard to see anything even when the movie was playing. He said he wanted to fuck me a lot tonight and would take time outs to make it more fun. I put my cock into the hole, could still see the video screen and he sucked on me for a bit stopping soon because he knew I’d come quick from the video screen action. He placed his large cock through for me and I sucked it hard enjoying it even though I couldn’t see him. Then he pulled it out and placed two fingers through, asking me to suck them too. I did and he said it would be great tonight to fuck me with his cock and several fingers too, just to make it a little different. I was way too excited about this new idea and said sure. Fred knew that even if I came I would be ready to go again in minutes anyway! Sometimes when he sucked me, he just held my penis in his mouth when I came and I stayed hard. I expressed a worry about getting caught, but Uncle Fred said to just be cool and stay in my booth and let him know when I needed more tokens. He told me to take off all my clothes too. It was a weird exciting feeling and I liked it. I could only hear clicking when men put tokens in their machines, and doors opening and closing. I guessed there was lots of activity tonight. We watched the movies side by side for some time before Fred told me to suck him again. I stooped to the hole, feeling where it was in the darkness and felt his warm cock there, taking it into my mouth slowly, licking up the underside of his shaft first, like he liked, then letting his cockhead into my mouth and sucking steady. I heard him groan and murmur. He withdrew it after a bit and whispered he was going to squeeze it down to let me suck it up again. I had no idea what he meant until it came back through the hole, now not as hard or large. I sucked it again and in no time it grew hard and tense and he came in my mouth. I heard Fred murmuring again and he placed his cock through once more, now all large and hard again from my sucking. Fred told me to turn around and watch the porno with my ass against the hole, he wanted to start fucking me. I did, pressing my ass close. My own cock harder than ever from this new feeling and the porno, now with three guys all fucking and sucking too.. I felt his cock head there, and he gently pressing into me and started very slowly stroking. I loved that feeling of being stuffed with his cock a lot now. And was always ready and excited. I jerked back onto the cock and it was kind of thrilling sort of being alone in the booth with only Fred's cock sticking through the glory hole. It was then I noticed another hole in the opposite wall. And an eye there watching me. A finger came through, and then a tongue. I was afraid but didn’t dare move away from my side of the booth. A cock came through the other glory hole, hard and throbbing. I didn’t know what to do but had to reach out and grasp it. I was afraid the man would report me if I didn’t touch it for him. It was so hot in my hand. I had no idea who belonged to it but was totally afraid someone would see how young I was and maybe report me. I had visions of the cops arriving and arresting me. So I stretched across until I could get it into my mouth. It was large and vibrating as I sucked it and I could hear the guy moaning with pleasure on the other side of the wall. I sucked it while Fred’s cock was plunging into me. I came from just touching myself right there. Fred fucked me for a bit and pulled out, said through the hole to just keep my ass there because he wanted to finger fuck me too or use 3 or 4 fingers, but to just enjoy it. The guy at the other side came in my mouth with a huge grunt and lots of sperm. I was so excited by it I couldn’t imagine him telling on me now. I felt Fred’s slim finger go in too for a few minutes, then a little larger that must be two fingers. He stroked slowly at first, then faster until I heard him groan on the other side of the wall before he pulled them out. He said to stay right where I was for more fun. I was so afraid if Fred found out what I had done to the stranger in the other hole what he would do. Then a second eye peered at me until another nice cock came through, longer and slimmer than the first one. I sucked it too letting him press it deep into my throat. All I had to do was do it how Fred liked and I was sure other guys would love it too. The second man at the hole must have liked it a lot because he almost yelled out when he came. Then I heard him going out. Another voice came through asking me to put my cock through and let him suck me but Fred was fucking me steady now and I knew he was going to cum inside me any second. It was making my head spin with pleasure. I whispered I couldn't right now. Voices were coming from outside in the hallway and I wondered if anyone could hear us? Doors were clicking open and shut too. Now my cock was all hard again. I felt the single finger back there, then two and then again his cock entering me, now really swollen because he was so excited I guessed. Fred really fucked me hard this time, again groaning loudly before stopping and I could feel his huge cock pulsing its cum inside me. More voices and doors clicking. Then his cock again, smaller again sliding into me. I thought it felt smaller but assumed my ass was now stretched so pushed back and enjoyed the steady fucking. Fred came again inside me and hadn’t done that before. He was over excited too. A voice came from the opposite hole, followed by a business card and a ten dollar bill. The man said he was here every Tuesday night from 7 to 11 and I only needed 3 knocks at the rear door and I’d be let in if I wanted to come alone. I pocketed the card and the money. Fred was right, it was a great time letting him fuck me like that through the glory hole. Another mouth appeared at my other glory hole and said to stick my cock through just as Fred knocked softly at my door and said we had to go. I told Fred I was dressing but stuck my prick through the hole and a very warm mouth engulfed my whole cock, sucking it better than I had ever felt before. I came in only a minute. It made my knees weak from strong this orgasm was and I knew I was also instantly addicted to glory holes! When I finally slipped out I could now see several men standing in the darkness. As we made our way to the rear door, one guy said to another guy, don’t forget the Tuesday night knock, 3 raps and then 1 more and someone would open the lane door. Fred said it was the common signal and all the guys knew it. Somehow I knew the message was actually intended for me and wondered what would happen if I ever went back alone. Fred said on the way home the owner knew people were coming in the back door but thought it was mostly women or guys sneaking their wives in for stranger sucking, and tolerated that because more men came and spent money, hoping to get sucked off by a guy's wife. I finally got the idea that some of these men must have fucked me through that hole and wondered who and also who I had sucked off? Fred must have allowed it from his booth. It didn’t matter though, I knew right then where my Tuesday nights were now going to be spent. Even if it was a long bus ride, I was going to be knocking on that rear door next week. I still had a pocket full of tokens. End of part 1. |
Kate and I were only 14 years old. We went to school together, we slept together (with our clothes on, for now.), we ate together, and we grew up together. We considered ourselves a couple, of course. Doesnt that stuff always happen to people who grow up together? We kiss, we held hands, we cuddled. I was too romantic and perfect for her to not give me what I wanted, but I wasnt going to push her to do that anytime soon. I loved her and I couldnt lose her that way. She had this golden brown hair, with dark brown eyes. Her skin tone was a little paler than normal, only because it was winter, anyway. Her smile lit up the room with a radiant perfection. I never looked at her body intentionally before, and she never let me. -Monday- It was just another Monday. My alarm clock went off and I slammed my hand on it to make it shut the hell up. I hated waking up on weekdays when I knew I wasnt next to Kate.I checked my phone, knowing I had a text from the only person who bothered to say goodmorning to me in the first place. "Good morning, sweetie (: " I texted her back, of course, and slid out of my warm and cozy state, throwing my blankets back. I noticed my morning woodie, which only pissed me off because the first thing I did in the morning was put on my clothes. I locked my door so my sister wouldnt walk in, and sat back down on my bed. Sliding my boxers down, I watched my little member pop up and wish my good morning. I wrapped my hands around my little 6 inch cock, and jacked off for all I was worth. I usually try not to think about Kate while I did the deed, but the only way I ever got rid of it was thinking about fucking her. I slid my hands up and down my dick faster and faster until i felt my balls tighten. I exploded onto my tissue. I loved having orgasms. I loved that feeling with my tightening balls that made me feel as though I was a volcano bound to erupt. I slid on a new pair of boxers, got dressed, and went downstairs. Getting ready was the worst part of the day. ***** I walked into my house and ran upstairs, throwing my backpack on my bed. I peeked out my window and looked at Kate walking into hers. My phone started vibrating in my pocket, and for a second I liked it but I knew I had to take it out. Kate was calling. I slid my phone open and pressed it against my ear. "Hello?" "Hey, Jack. No ones home. Do you think you can come over? I'm really bored and I have no homework." "I dont have homework, either. Sure, Ill be over in a minute." "Okay." I hung up. Kate almost never called me over when no one was home, mostly because of what she thought I would want to do. I ran downstairs and told my mom where I was going, then walked across the street to Kate's house. She wasnt downstairs, so I pounded up the stairs and into her room. Her TV was on and she had a blanket covering her entire body. "Hey." She said, as I walked towards her bed to slid in the sheets next to her. "No," She said. "Stay over there." "Are you sick or something?" I asked. "No..." "Then what's wrong?" Kate sighed, and with one second she threw the blanket off her body. What I saw astonished me. My eyes nearly popped out of my head and my dick nearly ripped through my pants. Kate's eyes attracted to the bulge in my pants. Kate was completely naked. She was hot, I thought. She had about 32C's, which I previously knew from when I snuck out of her bed to look at one of her bras at 4am. Her pussy was pink and completely bare. Her little clitty poked out from the folds of her pussy, and her juices glistened from the light coming in from the window. "Please, Jack. I want to." "Why?" "Im horny as hell, Jack. Youre the only person I would want to do something like this with and-" "No, Kate. Were fourteen." I didnt want to tell her how much I wanted to fuck her little pussy. I couldnt. "Exactly. Were old enough to make our own descisions..." I thought about it for a second, then pulled off my shirt and my jeans. "Take off your boxers." I slid down my boxers, as demanded. She stared at my erect member with eyes that looked scared. "Its so big..." "Not really." "Its too big for my little pussy..." "I won't hurt you. I never will. Thats the last thing Ill do. I promise." I climbed onto the bed while she spread her legs apart. I pressed my lips against her ear. "I love you." I slowly slid my dick into her small little love tunnel. She screamed and grabbed onto my shoulders. "JACK! JACK THAT HURTS!!!" "I know Kate, calm down. Its okay.." She yelped. I felt her hymen breaking around the head of my cock. Blood trickled out from her little pussy and ran down my dick. I held her. "Baby, its okay..." Tears ran down her innocent face. "Look, Kate. Really, Look!" She looked down to see my balls buried in her ass. I was all the way in. I sat up and pulled her onto my lap. "Do it at your own pace, Kate.Its okay." She slid up and down my cock, slowly and thoroughly sucking every inch of my cock into her. She stopped crying and went faster and faster, She panted and moaned as she rocked back and forth on my lap, and after a few minutes plopped back and rested her head on the pillow. "Jack, please fuck me. Faster than ever. I want you..." I rolled down on top of her and started pushing my dick back and forth, faster and faster with every thrust. Her pussy was warm and soft, it was something my hands couldn't provide. I wanted her to be on my dick forever, I wanted to do this every day for the rest of my life. "Its so biiiigg... ohh JACK! faster! harder!" I thrusted into her as our thighs slapped against eachother. She screamed and panted. Her face was red and her little tits bounced up and down on her heaving chest. "Kate, Im gonna cum!" "I want it. All of it. Take your dick out and give it to me!" I slid my dick out of her little abused pussy and pushed it into her mouth, blasting string after string of cum down her throat. She swallowed most of it, and what ran down my dick was licked up by her warm little tongue. I hugged her. "Kate, we just-" "Lost our virginities." "Yeah." "I want to lose my virginity every day with you, Jack. I want you forever. Please. Promise me youll fuck me every day for the rest of our lives. I need it...." I stared at her with a hint of lust in my eyes, thinking about what she just said. Ive already spent every day of my life with her, for as long as I could remember. I held her hand and stared into her eyes. "I promise." |
He slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were crusty so he wiped the crud out of his eyes. He stood up to his full 5'11 height and stretched. The teen was 14 but tall and not skinny but muscular because of his high school football. His blue-green eyes were almost completely glazed over. He put on a white t-shirt when he heard a familiar girly voice"Evin,get your ass down here!" His eyes opened more and walked down the stairs slowly"wusup sis?!" he looked at his sister with blonde hair. He had always thought she was beautiful but the past two years now his 22 year old sister seemed even more beautiful but in a different way. His oldest sister was Crystal,the one he saw now. She was 5'5 with blonde hair with black tips. Her hair covered her left eye which hid one of her crystal blue eyes,that's where she got her name. She was always at the gym which meant she had a toned body. She had a large D cup and a big,round ass that all the guys even the Evin's friends would kill for. The jean short shorts and tight tank top she wore didn't help. She knew she had a good body but usually didn't like showing it off. She looked at him with those eyes "what are you doing asleep still? It's 11 in the morning. C'mon help me outside." Evin looked at her"but I just got uuuup" She smiled"tough titty said the kitty" she walked over to him and gave him a hug and squeezed him tighter than ever. He could feel her nipples poking into his chest and sighed deeply. She stepped back apparently happy with the reply she got from the hug."be out here in ten minutes,okay?" His face was red with embarrassment as he noticed she caught the sigh he mad"uh..uh...yeah I'll be out there" she walked out with what he noticed to be a huge swinging of her hips. Her hips always swung but not this much. He went up to his room with a hardon but didn't do anything except put on his cargo shorts,a different white t-shirt, and timberland boots. He came out and saw his sister working on lining the pool with new liner and hopped down into the empty pool. She jumped as she hurt him hit the ground "you scared me stupid!" she said as sha turned around". He laughed"sorry but a 173 pound boy ain't gonna land like a feather". She looked him up and down"I'm not sure if your a boy anymore"with a smirk. He looked at her with a confused far wondering what she meant but let it go and started lining the pool with her. At 2 they were both wet with sweat as the temperature was 99 in Miami at the moment. "I'm gonna go get us something to drink. What do you want?"crystal said as she got out of the pool. "I'll take some water". She walked away and he took off his shirt to try to cool down. After a few minutes she walked out with a glass of water and tea and saw him; she instantly froze as she examined his amazingly toned upper body. 'I need to see that for myself up close' she though as she thought of an idea. He was looking down In the pool at the progress they made. She walked up behind him and when he saw a shadow he turned around and bumped into her making the water and tea spill all over her. "I'm so sorry!" he said as she looked at herself surprised"what the hell Evin?!". He looked at her closely and saw nipples through the soaking wet material. He started to get hard and she noticed it. He stepped back and fell into the empty pool which was 8 feet deep. His vision went blurry as he faded away seeing Crystal by him. He woke up and noticed his head was throbbing. He groaned in pain and sat up. He looked around and noticed all the pink and girly things around him and saw the letters on the wall say CRYSTAL. He heard the door open and saw Crystal walk in with a robe on"hey sis" he said as he squinted his eyes in pain. "hey you okay"she sat on the edge of the queen sized bed. "I think so. What happened" "your stupid ass self stepped back and fell in the pool and blacked out"she smiled and thought to herself 'my plan worked'. "my head is killing me"he said as he held is head with one hand. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you or anything" she said as she lowered her head in a cute but sad way. "it's fine sis" his face started to get red as he remembered why he had backed up and now she was in a robe! He started to feel the feeling of his cock against his pants. She noticed it "come here let me see your head you giant". He crept to her shyly and She looked at it and saw a huge not"it doesn't look good". She moved his head and he looked her in her eyes. They stared at each other communicating in a way not many people do. They both knew what the other was thinking. Evin slowly moved his hand to her neck and slowly pulled her to him and for the first time felt a woman's lips. He'd felt girls lips plenty of times but a woman is completely different. Her lips were soft like feathers from heaven. He opened his eyes as he felt her warm tongue press against his lips. He parted his lips and pressed forward with his tongue so the that their tongues wrestled for dominance. She grabbed one of his hand and slowly put his hand in her robe. They both moaned as his hand firmly gripped her firm right breast. Her greats were firm and perfect globes. He felt her nipple and rubbed over it with his thumb. This got a moan from her. He instantly woke up from a loud knock on the door. It was only a dream...... |
It started out as another day for me. My name is Damon. I'm about 5'11 and 14 with a long buzz cut that is brown with blonde natural highlights in the front with blue eyes. I'm not skinny because I weigh 155 pounds but has a big natural chest and broad shoulder. I had an average sized gut but could see the two abs. I also had a lazy eye and wore glasses because I was near sighted. I got up at the regular time as always 5:30 in the morning,went in the other room,got my phone,put it on porn since no one ever got up with me and never is up, and watched it with my 8" hard as a rock. I heard a tap on my window and froze instantly. I felt a slow cold shiver go up my spine as I heard rustling of the bush by my window. I didn't move till I had to get dressed which I did. I wore baggy khaki pants with a blue collared shirt with blue shoes.I grabbed my bag, walked outside which was little lit ,And walked to the bush by my window. I didn't see anything at first but looked closer to see prints of what looked like dog feet but bigger than a dog. And there was only two prints then it faded into the grass. I looked around and saw nothing but I knew something was watching him but couldn't tell what it was. I shrugged it off"probably nothing" I said trying to reassure himself. I got on the bus and during the ride heard that people had been mauled and partially eaten. This got me wondering even more...the prints...maulings...I was trying to sum it all up but my friend named Tayla nudges me"hey Damon you okay?" I looked at her and smiled"I'm fine just thinking of a test I got today"trying to lie She must've bought "okay just don't forget to place the stuff on the stage" "since when have you cared?" "since I now have to be on that stage!"she moved her hand around. Tayla was a big girl with huge boobs(from a large C to large D). She had the best black ass a man could want and her lips were fat juicy. I would know this because we used to make out and grab each before I got a girlfriend. Damn I loved those days! When we made out I would grab her breasts under her shirt and flick my thumbs over her nipples till that were huge! And even rubbed her pussy through her skirt and panties a few times. I knew she liked it when she protested because she only got wetter, but she would never do anything more which only pissed me off. While on the bus I talked to everyone saying I was good friends with everyone, but there was one downside. Since I was in 9th grade the upper grade girls wouldn't talk to me. They thought I was inferior but as soon as they were horny they came to me. They always came. They knew I had a fat 8" cock that was always ready yet one thing made them always come to me....that I had more stamina than any other guy in school. I was living the life. On top of the sex life I had a great girlfriend. Her name was Emily and She had deep brunette hair with natural blonde tips that always smelled like roses. She turned all the guys heads because her face was always bright,sexy,and happy. Her chest had 32 C cup and for a 14 year old I'd say that is pretty good. Her ass was a little bit more on the small side but was muscular due to all of the sports she did. Her eyes were cinnamon brown which could melt anyone's heart when she did the puppy dog eyes and her skin was naturally tanned. She was 5'9 1/2 and did modeling sometimes. I walked up behind her and pulled her to me and kissed her neck"hey angel" She jumped and turned around and kissed me on the cheek"hey baby" "how did you sleep last night?"I said as we started to walk down the hall. She was wearing a tight shirtwith a mini jacket thing that girls wear with a black skirt. Our school made guys wear dress pants and a collared shirt whereas the girls had to wear decent clothes with A skirt that went below or to the knees. She said in her graceful voice"I didn't sleep to good. I had a nightmare again" I stopped"what was it about this time" She looked at me with a fake smile"it's nothing baby" "if it has to do with you it is now what was it about?"I made sure I had the sound of command in my voice. "you and me were together at a party in the woods...we heard a howel and everyone stopped dancing and looked around. We all saw glowing eyes in the woods and we all gathered in a circle as they closed in. Some of the things in the woods were standing on two legs and some on all fours. They slowly came into the light and looked like a werewolf like you see in movies. They all came at us and started to tear everyone to bloody pieces. You saw an opening and we both ran; as we were running we heard noises behind us and saw them chasing us. We kept running but one jumped from a tree and caught you. I stopped and watched you as you died..."she started to cry. I pulled her to me and embraced her in my arms."that's not all...when they stopped mauling you they stood by your body and you slowly got up and started laughing. You looked at me with blood red eyes and turned into one of those things!" she started to cry even harder. I held her even closer"nothing will ever happen angel. If anything does I'll be your guardian angel and if I'm not an angel then I'll be your guardian demon" She chuckled which brought my heart to ease a little"you better be or I'll bring you back to life and kill you myself". I smiled and kissed her forehead and wiped away her tears gently."I need to get to class baby"she said slowly. "okay angel I'll see you later"I let her go and watched her go. My mind went to thinking about school. I walked down the hall,got my books,and walked toward my class. Suddenly someone jerked me into the bathroom as I walked by it and locked the door and pushed me against the wall. I was startled and pushed the person away. "what's wrong? Don't want me now?"the female said It was Veronica,I call her Ver for short."Damn Veroniva! Least you could do is let me know a little ahead of time before you grab me and slam me against a wall" I rub the back of my hand where I can feel a bump now. "sorry. Maybe I should make it up to you"she unbuttons her blouse and exposes her B cup breasts. She wasnt wearing a bra. For a 11th grader she was only 5'4 and her breasts were small but she made up for in her ass which was huge. Her craziness in sex helped also."c'mon are you gonna fuck me or stand there lookin at me?" I said. "oh challenge accepted"She walked up to me swinging her hips. She slowly rubbed her small hand down his shirt and gripped the top of my pants as She smashed her lips into mine and forced her tongue into my mouth as their tongues fought for dominance over the other. With ease I won and moved from the wall and then pressed her against it. I lifted her up with one arm and grabbed her right breast with the other. I was able to cup her entire breast in his hand which made her moan through the kiss. I pulled away from her warm mouth and set her down to allow her to get what she really dick. She undid the Khaki pants and unzipped my pants to see his huge erection bulging through my boxers."yummy" she said as she pulled it out and licked the tip of my tool,as she did this it pulsed uncontrollably. She slowly put her lips around it engulfing the head which brought a moan from me. She looked up and had a smile and went farther down my rod till it was completely engulfed. It was like heaven,out of all the girls she could suck the best. She started to suck which made me want to cum right there but I stopped myself. Her left hand moved to her pussy which she started to play with and the right hand began to fondle my balls. I was loving it and grabbed her head and began to push in and out of her mouth syncing with her sucking movements. I could tell I was about to cum because of the feeling of my balls churning. Apparently she could tell as well as she started to suck harder and faster. I looked down as I heard more and more soft moans from her,she was fingering her self fast as hell which made me cum then. I yelled"I'm CUMMMING!!! Fuck!!!!" I blew my first rope of cum in her mouth which she swallowed with eased; rope after rope of thick,creamy cum filled her mouth but she swallowed it almost instantly. She stood up and licked her fingers as my cock was getting soft. I brought her up to my lips and kissed her gently tasting my own cum mixed with her taste of her own juices made it delicious. I lifted her up to the sink and sit her down and got on my knees and looked at her glistening slit which was practically gushing with juice...sweet,delicious juice. As you can imagine I dived right in licking the deepest recess which brought loud moans of pleasure from her. As I was licking I brought my fingers to her flit and started to play with it: pinching,pulling, and even flicking it which made her cry in pleasure"Oh my god!!!!! Ohhhhhhh". She pushed my head in as far as possible. As she said this her body tensed and squeezed my tongue. Juices flowed out which I drank as if I were a man who hadn't had water in weeks. She became limp but my cock was at full attention. She opened her eyes and saw I had lined it up to her entrance"yes please give me that fat cock!". I was more than obliged as I slid on fully to the hilt. Her arms and hands shot out and went behind her to brace herself against the mirror as she moaned loudly. I quickly set up a pace which her moans became simultaneous with. She pushed back matching my thrusts only making her moan more and more. Her body became tight as her pussy tightened around my cock and she moaned load to where it was almost a scream. This sent me over the top as I came again filling her pussy with hot cum which made her moan as the vibrations through her body lessened. This is where my reputation came. I pulled out with a pop and pulled her off the sink and made her bend over. My cock was already hard again as I looked at her ass. Since my cock was already lubricated with her juice I lined my dick up to her asshole."no! Not there. I've never been fucked up the ass. It'll hurt too much". "it'll get better. Trust me" since it was her first anal I went slow. I put the head in which made her tear up and wince in pain. Her ass muscle was squeezing my head to the point of almost pain but upmost pleasure. I slide my rod in a bit more till fully buried deep in it. Her winces became more of moans as it got deeper and her muscles relaxed which allowed me to move. I slowly moved in and out which made her moan more. I don't know if it was my imagination or not but it seemed like she was pushing back into my cock. I didn't care either way,I was fucking this ass whether she liked it or not. I got faster to where I was slamming hilt deep into her and her moans became louder than ever. I reached my hands under her to cup one breast in each hand as I fucked her. She moaned in approval as I fucked her ass. I was getting close to cumming after about 20 minutes of this. I grabbed her waist after letting go of her breasts as my breath became ragged which allowed me to slam harder and deeper. She moaned and moaned and moaned till I pushed harder than ever into her ass as I moaned and shot my thick load into her ass. She passed out due to the pain,pleasure,and cum. I picked her up and put her in a stall with her panties and skirt down around her ankles to make it look like she was going to the bathroom which also allowed the cum to ooze into the toilet. I picked up my pants and put them on and slowly went out the bathroom feeling better and proud of myself. I went through the rest of the day normally and got off my bus. The walk to my house was 1/2 mile and woods were between me and my house. I was walking the road as it was getting dark. I had the feeling from the morning that someone or something was watching me. I stopped and looked around till I was satisfied no one was watching. I started walking a little faster still feeling uneasy. I heard a howl from behind me which made me start running. I then heard something hitting concrete, through the running I looked back to see a huge wolf running towards me which made me run faster. I was almost home when the wolf jumped on me and made me fall to the ground with a shatter. I was out of breath as I looked around to see the large brown wolf. It looked like a wolf but it wasn't somehow. It charged at me,in the second I had I rolled out of the way and lifted myself up to start running. I took only a few steps and felt a sharp pain in my leg. The wolf had clamped on my leg which made me fall down. I rolled over and kicked the dog square in the nose which made it yell in pain but growl and jump on my body. It was tryin to bite my have but I was holding it away but it was able to clamp on mt shoulder when my hand slipped from the side of its face. I screamed in agony as I started to savagely punch the wolf. It didn't let go at all but started tearing. I looked to my side and saw a rock. I grabbed it quickly and hit it upside the head which caused blood to seep through its fur. It jumped back and was getting ready for another attack when I heard a howl. It hesitated but growled at me and ran into the woods. I quickly got up and ran home. My mom had to work double shifts so wouldn't be home till 3 I the morning. I was an only kid and I never knew my dad so I was home alone. I locked the door and grabbed the machete out of my room and checked all the doors and windows. Once I felt safe I took a shower screaming in as I felt the wound burning. Once out I bandaged it up,but it was getting hard to concentrate on things now. I set the house alarm and with my machete went to my bad and went to sleep. I had nightmares of what happened earlier that day. I awoke the next morning with a pain in my shoulder where the wolf bit me but other than that I felt fine. I walked in the bathroom and turned the light on. What I saw made me scream.... That's the first part. Depending on rating and views I'll keep it going. |
It started out as another day for me. My name is Damon. I'm about 5'11 and 14 with a long buzz cut that is brown with blonde natural highlights in the front with blue eyes. I'm not skinny because I weigh 155 pounds but has a big natural chest and broad shoulder. I had an average sized gut but could see the two abs. I also had a lazy eye and wore glasses because I was near sighted. I got up at the regular time as always 5:30 in the morning,went in the other room,got my phone,put it on porn since no one ever got up with me and never is up, and watched it with my 8" hard as a rock. I heard a tap on my window and froze instantly. I felt a slow cold shiver go up my spine as I heard rustling of the bush by my window. I didn't move till I had to get dressed which I did. I wore baggy khaki pants with a blue collared shirt with blue shoes.I grabbed my bag, walked outside which was little lit ,And walked to the bush by my window. I didn't see anything at first but looked closer to see prints of what looked like dog feet but bigger than a dog. And there was only two prints then it faded into the grass. I looked around and saw nothing but I knew something was watching him but couldn't tell what it was. I shrugged it off"probably nothing" I said trying to reassure himself. I got on the bus and during the ride heard that people had been mauled and partially eaten. This got me wondering even more...the prints...maulings...I was trying to sum it all up but my friend named Tayla nudges me"hey Damon you okay?" I looked at her and smiled"I'm fine just thinking of a test I got today"trying to lie She must've bought "okay just don't forget to place the stuff on the stage" "since when have you cared?" "since I now have to be on that stage!"she moved her hand around. Tayla was a big girl with huge boobs(from a large C to large D). She had the best black ass a man could want and her lips were fat juicy. I would know this because we used to make out and grab each before I got a girlfriend. Damn I loved those days! When we made out I would grab her breasts under her shirt and flick my thumbs over her nipples till that were huge! And even rubbed her pussy through her skirt and panties a few times. I knew she liked it when she protested because she only got wetter, but she would never do anything more which only pissed me off. While on the bus I talked to everyone saying I was good friends with everyone, but there was one downside. Since I was in 9th grade the upper grade girls wouldn't talk to me. They thought I was inferior but as soon as they were horny they came to me. They always came. They knew I had a fat 8" cock that was always ready yet one thing made them always come to me....that I had more stamina than any other guy in school. I was living the life. On top of the sex life I had a great girlfriend. Her name was Emily and She had deep brunette hair with natural blonde tips that always smelled like roses. She turned all the guys heads because her face was always bright,sexy,and happy. Her chest had 32 C cup and for a 14 year old I'd say that is pretty good. Her ass was a little bit more on the small side but was muscular due to all of the sports she did. Her eyes were cinnamon brown which could melt anyone's heart when she did the puppy dog eyes and her skin was naturally tanned. She was 5'9 1/2 and did modeling sometimes. I walked up behind her and pulled her to me and kissed her neck"hey angel" She jumped and turned around and kissed me on the cheek"hey baby" "how did you sleep last night?"I said as we started to walk down the hall. She was wearing a tight shirtwith a mini jacket thing that girls wear with a black skirt. Our school made guys wear dress pants and a collared shirt whereas the girls had to wear decent clothes with A skirt that went below or to the knees. She said in her graceful voice"I didn't sleep to good. I had a nightmare again" I stopped"what was it about this time" She looked at me with a fake smile"it's nothing baby" "if it has to do with you it is now what was it about?"I made sure I had the sound of command in my voice. "you and me were together at a party in the woods...we heard a howel and everyone stopped dancing and looked around. We all saw glowing eyes in the woods and we all gathered in a circle as they closed in. Some of the things in the woods were standing on two legs and some on all fours. They slowly came into the light and looked like a werewolf like you see in movies. They all came at us and started to tear everyone to bloody pieces. You saw an opening and we both ran; as we were running we heard noises behind us and saw them chasing us. We kept running but one jumped from a tree and caught you. I stopped and watched you as you died..."she started to cry. I pulled her to me and embraced her in my arms."that's not all...when they stopped mauling you they stood by your body and you slowly got up and started laughing. You looked at me with blood red eyes and turned into one of those things!" she started to cry even harder. I held her even closer"nothing will ever happen angel. If anything does I'll be your guardian angel and if I'm not an angel then I'll be your guardian demon" She chuckled which brought my heart to ease a little"you better be or I'll bring you back to life and kill you myself". I smiled and kissed her forehead and wiped away her tears gently."I need to get to class baby"she said slowly. "okay angel I'll see you later"I let her go and watched her go. My mind went to thinking about school. I walked down the hall,got my books,and walked toward my class. Suddenly someone jerked me into the bathroom as I walked by it and locked the door and pushed me against the wall. I was startled and pushed the person away. "what's wrong? Don't want me now?"the female said It was Veronica,I call her Ver for short."Damn Veroniva! Least you could do is let me know a little ahead of time before you grab me and slam me against a wall" I rub the back of my hand where I can feel a bump now. "sorry. Maybe I should make it up to you"she unbuttons her blouse and exposes her B cup breasts. She wasnt wearing a bra. For a 11th grader she was only 5'4 and her breasts were small but she made up for in her ass which was huge. Her craziness in sex helped also."c'mon are you gonna fuck me or stand there lookin at me?" I said. "oh challenge accepted"She walked up to me swinging her hips. She slowly rubbed her small hand down his shirt and gripped the top of my pants as She smashed her lips into mine and forced her tongue into my mouth as their tongues fought for dominance over the other. With ease I won and moved from the wall and then pressed her against it. I lifted her up with one arm and grabbed her right breast with the other. I was able to cup her entire breast in his hand which made her moan through the kiss. I pulled away from her warm mouth and set her down to allow her to get what she really dick. She undid the Khaki pants and unzipped my pants to see his huge erection bulging through my boxers."yummy" she said as she pulled it out and licked the tip of my tool,as she did this it pulsed uncontrollably. She slowly put her lips around it engulfing the head which brought a moan from me. She looked up and had a smile and went farther down my rod till it was completely engulfed. It was like heaven,out of all the girls she could suck the best. She started to suck which made me want to cum right there but I stopped myself. Her left hand moved to her pussy which she started to play with and the right hand began to fondle my balls. I was loving it and grabbed her head and began to push in and out of her mouth syncing with her sucking movements. I could tell I was about to cum because of the feeling of my balls churning. Apparently she could tell as well as she started to suck harder and faster. I looked down as I heard more and more soft moans from her,she was fingering her self fast as hell which made me cum then. I yelled"I'm CUMMMING!!! Fuck!!!!" I blew my first rope of cum in her mouth which she swallowed with eased; rope after rope of thick,creamy cum filled her mouth but she swallowed it almost instantly. She stood up and licked her fingers as my cock was getting soft. I brought her up to my lips and kissed her gently tasting my own cum mixed with her taste of her own juices made it delicious. I lifted her up to the sink and sit her down and got on my knees and looked at her glistening slit which was practically gushing with juice...sweet,delicious juice. As you can imagine I dived right in licking the deepest recess which brought loud moans of pleasure from her. As I was licking I brought my fingers to her flit and started to play with it: pinching,pulling, and even flicking it which made her cry in pleasure"Oh my god!!!!! Ohhhhhhh". She pushed my head in as far as possible. As she said this her body tensed and squeezed my tongue. Juices flowed out which I drank as if I were a man who hadn't had water in weeks. She became limp but my cock was at full attention. She opened her eyes and saw I had lined it up to her entrance"yes please give me that fat cock!". I was more than obliged as I slid on fully to the hilt. Her arms and hands shot out and went behind her to brace herself against the mirror as she moaned loudly. I quickly set up a pace which her moans became simultaneous with. She pushed back matching my thrusts only making her moan more and more. Her body became tight as her pussy tightened around my cock and she moaned load to where it was almost a scream. This sent me over the top as I came again filling her pussy with hot cum which made her moan as the vibrations through her body lessened. This is where my reputation came. I pulled out with a pop and pulled her off the sink and made her bend over. My cock was already hard again as I looked at her ass. Since my cock was already lubricated with her juice I lined my dick up to her asshole."no! Not there. I've never been fucked up the ass. It'll hurt too much". "it'll get better. Trust me" since it was her first anal I went slow. I put the head in which made her tear up and wince in pain. Her ass muscle was squeezing my head to the point of almost pain but upmost pleasure. I slide my rod in a bit more till fully buried deep in it. Her winces became more of moans as it got deeper and her muscles relaxed which allowed me to move. I slowly moved in and out which made her moan more. I don't know if it was my imagination or not but it seemed like she was pushing back into my cock. I didn't care either way,I was fucking this ass whether she liked it or not. I got faster to where I was slamming hilt deep into her and her moans became louder than ever. I reached my hands under her to cup one breast in each hand as I fucked her. She moaned in approval as I fucked her ass. I was getting close to cumming after about 20 minutes of this. I grabbed her waist after letting go of her breasts as my breath became ragged which allowed me to slam harder and deeper. She moaned and moaned and moaned till I pushed harder than ever into her ass as I moaned and shot my thick load into her ass. She passed out due to the pain,pleasure,and cum. I picked her up and put her in a stall with her panties and skirt down around her ankles to make it look like she was going to the bathroom which also allowed the cum to ooze into the toilet. I picked up my pants and put them on and slowly went out the bathroom feeling better and proud of myself. I went through the rest of the day normally and got off my bus. The walk to my house was 1/2 mile and woods were between me and my house. I was walking the road as it was getting dark. I had the feeling from the morning that someone or something was watching me. I stopped and looked around till I was satisfied no one was watching. I started walking a little faster still feeling uneasy. I heard a howl from behind me which made me start running. I then heard something hitting concrete, through the running I looked back to see a huge wolf running towards me which made me run faster. I was almost home when the wolf jumped on me and made me fall to the ground with a shatter. I was out of breath as I looked around to see the large brown wolf. It looked like a wolf but it wasn't somehow. It charged at me,in the second I had I rolled out of the way and lifted myself up to start running. I took only a few steps and felt a sharp pain in my leg. The wolf had clamped on my leg which made me fall down. I rolled over and kicked the dog square in the nose which made it yell in pain but growl and jump on my body. It was tryin to bite my have but I was holding it away but it was able to clamp on mt shoulder when my hand slipped from the side of its face. I screamed in agony as I started to savagely punch the wolf. It didn't let go at all but started tearing. I looked to my side and saw a rock. I grabbed it quickly and hit it upside the head which caused blood to seep through its fur. It jumped back and was getting ready for another attack when I heard a howl. It hesitated but growled at me and ran into the woods. I quickly got up and ran home. My mom had to work double shifts so wouldn't be home till 3 I the morning. I was an only kid and I never knew my dad so I was home alone. I locked the door and grabbed the machete out of my room and checked all the doors and windows. Once I felt safe I took a shower screaming in as I felt the wound burning. Once out I bandaged it up,but it was getting hard to concentrate on things now. I set the house alarm and with my machete went to my bad and went to sleep. I had nightmares of what happened earlier that day. I awoke the next morning with a pain in my shoulder where the wolf bit me but other than that I felt fine. I walked in the bathroom and turned the light on. What I saw made me scream.... That's the first part. Depending on rating and views I'll keep it going. |
(Names changed to protect identities) Maryssa and Bill have been friends for nearly 2 years, during those 2 years, Maryssa told Bill "Bill, I know this may sound odd coming from me, but we have been through a lot as friends, what I'm trying to say is, I am starting to consider you as my older brother." "Why would that sound odd, I have always looked at you as a sister" Bill replied. You may think that during those 2 years Maryssa and Bill have known each other were perfect, well your very wrong. Maryssa is the kind of person that lives on the "edge" but Bill never liked how she was acting around him and her attitude. He's tried several occasions to get her to slow her down so she wouldn't hurt herself or do something she'll later regret. She never listened to him, she kept going about her thing on a daily basis. Bill let it go for a while seeing she wasn't doing anything too risky to get herself in a tight corner. That is, until she started getting involved with drugs, and sex. In the beginning, Bill thought that if he got to convince her about the risks of the bad side of sex, she may just stop in her tracks, but boy was he wrong. The very first incident that happened between Bill and Maryssa was in an e-mail chat they were having. At times, Bill jerked-off to sex fantasies of him fucking Maryssa hard, and times where she would sucks his cock in public places. He never told her cause he feared it would mess their relationship up. During the chat they were having Bill started to get an urge to ask Maryssa to have cyber sex with him, but he knew deep inside she wouldn't do it with him. Instead of immediately starting it off with her, he slowly slipped it in their conversation. "Maryssa, do you believe in incest?" Bill asked, "What's incest?" Maryssa answered with another question, "Incest..incest is when a brother and sister have sex" Bill nervously answered. "Ook, why did you bring that up??" Maryssa asked, "Don't think of me any different, but I wanted to try that with you." "WTF, I hope you're kidding" Maryssa said in a semi-angry voice. Bill didn't know what to do, so he left that topic alone and after a half hour of boring chat, Bill started slipping sex into their conversation again. "Maryssa, have you ever sucked a guys.....well, dick?" Bill asked, "No, some guys have asked me to suck theirs but I never gave in" Maryssa answered. "Want to try to with me?" Bill asked Maryssa, "But that would be incest if I sucked your dick" Maryssa said. "It's only incest if I were to put my dick inside...your p-pussy" Bill nervously said. Bill didn't care if it was "considered" incest, he just wanted to have sex with her badly. "It's not like I am going to put it inside you and cu-cum" Bill said, "Yea, but it just wouldn't feel right." After 20 minutes of talking about it, Bill asked "So your saying if I were to jam my dick into your p-pussy and came inside you, that would be incest?", "I don't know!!" Maryssa said as she started to sound a little angry. To get things started, Bill said "Allow me to show you what I mean." Bill then jammed his dick into Maryssa's virtual pussy, Maryssa typed "Ow, that kinda hurt" but on the other end of the computer, she was enjoying the feeling Bill's dick inside her pussy - virtually that is. "It's starting to feel a bit better" Maryssa shyly said. "Should I start pushing my dick in and out of you?" Bill nervously but readily asked, Maryssa virtually winced at Bill which told him to keep fucking her. He began to push his dick in and out and in and out and in and out and in and out repeatedly, Maryssa playfully slapped him motioning him to go a bit faster, and that is what he start doing. On his end of the computer, Bill was really enjoying the feeling of having sex with his "sister" online, but after 20 minutes of doing it, Maryssa slowly stopped replying and Bill was getting tired of stroking his dick. After 5 minutes of waiting for her to reply, he gave up and e-mailed her saying "Sorry but, I'm getting impatient, I'm going to bed, night." Bill got up from his chair in a sad way and laid down until he finally fell asleep. A year later, Maryssa and Bill were talking in text messages and she randomly told him she sorta didn't like the taste of "white stuff." When Bill read that, it set him off, and he began to cuss the hell out of Maryssa, telling her she shouldn't have told him that and how badly she pissed him off, she said it was no big deal that she only gave him a blowjob and nothing else, but anger stepped in front of his loving emotions that he always had towards Maryssa since the day they met 2 years ago, but those memories were long gone in his life considering how pissed off he was towards Maryssa. He told her to fuck off, and he immediately stopped replying to her text messages. After 2 days of not talking, Maryssa texted Bill saying how sorry she was, but he wasn't budging, seeing it was text messaging, she didn't know his true emotions. Bill said "You want me back as a friend?" "Yea" Maryssa answered. "Give me a detailed blowjob, and you can!" Bill said angrily. "Fine!" Maryssa angrily agreed. "I want this blowjob to be public since you were able to give those 2 other guys public blowjobs," Bill continued "it shouldn't be hard for you to do it to me." Bill finished. "Fine, where do you wanna do this?" Maryssa asked. "At the mall in 10 minutes. Meet me in front of Barnes & Nobles" Bill negotiated. 14 Minutes later, Bill drove up in fron of the book store and saw Maryssa waiting, she was wearing tight, navy blue jeans, black UGG boots that most rich people wear (mainly the women), a purple matching top, and golden round earings. She saw Bill coming and stood up and said "Can we just get this over with!" Maryssa said in an angry voice. Bill complied but added "You will suck my dick, if you start resisting, I will jam my cock into that pussy right here, I don't care if people take pictures and post them everywhere!!" That made Maryssa's eyes shoot wide open and immdediately agreed. Without hesitation or instruction, Maryssa got onto her knees and began unzipping Bill's Dickies shorts, pulling them off his body along with his boxers, exposing his semi-erect 6 inch cock in public, right in front of her face. The size of his cock shocked Maryssa, but she didn't care, she just wanted this to end, but it wasn't until she gave Bill what he wanted. Maryssa grabbed Bill's dick into her hands and began slowly stroking his dick up and down and up and down and up and down, that caused Bill to moan silently, hearing that and people walking by watching her stroke him, Maryssa opened her mouth and leaned in sliding Bill's meat inside her mouth. The feeling of her warm wet mouth sent Bill over the edge, and caused him to grunt in pleasure. At first Maryssa didn't like what she was doing cause people were watching inside and outside the store as she sucked his cock up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down several times. She knew using her tongue would put him in pure ecstacy, so that's what she did. While bobbing her head up and down his cock, she started running her tongue deeply into his dick causing him to want to cum right there. He thought to himself 'Screw this, I'm gonna fuck this sexy ass girl.' With that, he pulled Maryssa up and told her to take her clothes off, she did as she was told and stripped out of her clothes exposing her very sexy body to the public and Bill, she had pale skin, blue-ish green eyes, dark brown hair, with a very smooth skin that you would die over when hugging or holding her, B-cup breasts, shaved pussy, and to top it off a not to small and not to bed but just the right sized ass. Bill sat down and pulled her onto his lap and jammed his cock deep inside her pussy, what he didn't know, was that she was still a virgin...or well not anymore. She ignored the pain seeing she knew he wasn't going to hold back the fucking she was going to recieve. Bill began to thrust his cock into her pussy, grunting in so much pleasure as well as hearing her moan and scream "I'm CUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGG, UHHH UH UH UH UHHH!!!!" At the same time, Bill and Maryssa came at the same time. Deep inside her, she feared of getting pregnant but she didn't care cause she just had her virginity taken. They both thought 'What's next?????' To Be Continued! |
Christy and Dill continue their sexual journey..... Best Friends Part 2 of 2 As Christy led Dill to the shower, Dill couldn't help but watch her beautiful smooth butt switch back and forth as she walked. With his free hand, he reached out and began rubbing and massaging her butt gently before they reached the shower. Christy said in a seductive voice "Save that until that dick is in me!" Christy turned the water on to the right temperature, not too hot and not too cold. Instead of grabbing Dill by the hand, she grabbed him by his beat and pulled him in, deep inside him, that hurt a bit on how hard she pulled him. When she turned around and saw a bit of pain on his face, Christy said"Aww, did I pull on it to hard?", "Yea, sort of" Dill answered, trying to keep the slight tears in. Christy felt so bad for hurting him, she got onto her knees and without saying a word, she took his dick into her warm welcoming mouth, closing her lips softly around his meat. That relieved the pain he was in, she knew he was loving it so she began to bob her head, up - down - up - down - up - down, she did this for several minutes until he felt better and was fully hard. Once she tasted how hard he was, she rose onto her feet and she told him "Fu*k me Dill, I've been waiting for this for so long!" Without a word to be spoken, Dill lifted Christy off of her feet and with one hard thrust, Dill was inside Christy's warm awaiting pussy, that thrust made Christy scream in so much pleasure. "AHHHHHHHHH, FU*K YEAAAAAAAAAAAA, FU*K ME HARD, BABY!!!" Christy screamed, that told Dill what had to be done. With his hands under her butt for support, he lifted her up and thrust his meat into her pussy hard, up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down, Christy as well as Dillian, was LOVING the pleasure given to each other. Christy wanted his dick another way, with that thought, she stopped bouncing off his dick, stood on her 2 feet and bent over with both hands on the shower wall, he legs spread wide (not to wide) apart, seeing the shower was a big walk-in. Dill didn't need to be told what to do, he got behind her, and plunged his fu*k meat into her hot a** and began to massively pump her fast and hard causing her boobs to bounce from impact, Christy grabbed her shaking boobs and began squeezing and pinching her erect nipples, see she was only a B-cup, should couldn't suck them like she wanted to. With her free hand and one on the wall, she reached down and began playing and rubbing her swollen clitoris, causing her to get even more pleasure. Dill was close to cumming, and Christy knew that cause she felt him twitch inside of her. She immediately took him out and told him to lay down. Dill did as he was told by his lovely new lover. When Dill was now laying on his back, Christy jerked him off a little bit and soon impaled onto his dick and begin to go up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down like there was not tomorrow. "OMG BABY, I'm CUMMMINGG!!!" Dill grunted from pleasure, "CUM IN MEEEEEEE, OOOOOOOHHHH YESSSS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH." With one final thrust, Dill unleashed several loads of cum deep inside Christy's womb. The couple laid there for several minutes trying to catch their breath. They soon finally got out, and dried off. Christy wanted to suck him off more but Dill was too drained to squeeze out more cum. They soon got dressed and went down to the movie room to watch a comedy movie. 2 Years later, the couple happily married with 2 beautiful children. THE END! =D |
April Showers It felt great to wake up in my old bed again. After nine months in the city, being back in the country was like seeing an old friend. I stretched the sleep from my body and looked at April lying next to me. Her folks were celebrating being empty nesters by taking a cruise, and she had accepted my invitation to spend the summer. April and I shared a room at school. We didn’t go out partying much, but after studying we’d usually have a few beers and talk, often about sex the way teens will. At eighteen she’s still a virgin and I don’t have a lot of experience myself. Not from lack of offers, I’m a tall redhead with a decent body, Amber goes for a punk look with spiky blonde hair and has a full figure that gets her plenty of attention. I’d had a few uninspired fucks, April had given a few hand jobs, but nothing more. Really, we just hadn’t found anyone that interested us that much. One night, out of nowhere, April stripped off her top and asked what I thought of her tits. Now, I hadn’t touched another girl’s tit since training bras and budding breasts were novelties, but I had been wanting to feel Aprils for a while. I thought mine were nice enough, but they just sort of sat there. Hers always looked like they were moving, even with a bra on. I moved closer and put both hands on her chest, running my fingers over her breasts and lifting them. They were wonderfully smooth and heavy, and her nipples grew to soft pebbles as I rubbed them. “They’re wonderful” I told her. “I see why boys like playing with tits so much. Yours are perfect, compared to them mine are just…you tell me what mine are” I said, removing my shirt and bra and laying back on the bed. In that moment I wanted nothing so much as to have April’s hands on me. She sat on my legs and pushed my hips down with her palms. Her hands slid up my sides, her thumbs caught the underside of my tits and pushed into my flesh as her fingers curled in and found my nipples. I was in heaven as she gently pulled and twisted me before declaring that my tits were worthy of a goddess. We were both surprised by what we had just done, but not embarrassed. After that we started fooling around on regular basis, but we called it ‘practicing for the real thing’. We even bought a penis shaped dildo and practiced blow jobs on it. Some nights we would examine and play with each other’s pussy for hours. April’s fingers sliding in and out of my cunt could bring me to orgasm in minutes. She liked it better when I used the dildo on her. I loved penetrating her, my head inches away watching the plastic stretch her open and disappear into her cunt. Not that we stopped going on dates though. I got fucked a few more times but the guys were awkward and not satisfying. April still didn’t find anyone worth losing her virginity to. When the school year ended, it was only natural that she agreed to spend the summer with me. Now, my house is pretty small. upstairs there were two small bedrooms with a bath in the middle that I shared with my younger brother Ken. Summers the place got baking hot, so Ken and I spent most our time up there naked. We were kids, playing games on the floor and wrestling on the beds and never thought about having clothes on. Even when we got older, we seldom wore anything upstairs in summer. April and I had arrived from school yesterday. Already settled in, we were in my room checking the web for summer jobs when we heard the toilet seat hitting the tank, followed a second later by the sound of Ken peeing into the bowl. April jumped up and peeked around the partially open door to the bathroom. A few seconds later she quietly closed the door and came back. “Sam, that was awesome! I was watching your brother in the mirror as he pissed! I couldn’t see everything because of the angle, but still!” “April, what’s the big deal, I’ve seen him pee hundreds of times. You’ve never seen a guy pissing before? “ “No, that’s why it was so cool. I wish I had a brother like yours. You know Ken’s a hunk, right?” I had never thought of Ken as being sexy, he was just my brother. Thinking about it, he was pretty tall, played a few sports and kept in shape. I guess you could call him a hunk. “Sam, you need to tell me everything! Have you seen him hard? Does he have a big dick?” So, I told her all about growing up with Ken. About the heat and playing together naked till bedtime. Sharing a bathroom and showering together. I told how I laughed the first time I caught him with a boner, jumping on his stomach and slapping his little pecker back and forth. How we didn’t bother to shut our bathroom doors until we were in our teens, and even them we would often forget. “And April, you’ll like this. In the shower I used to hold his dick while he peed, and I’ve seen him jerk off. At night I’d hear his bed start to squeak and go watch in the bathroom mirror so he couldn’t see me. I’d rub myself too, but he always came before I could finish. He did it with the light off so I couldn’t see that well, but I think he has a decent size cock” “Wow, you were so lucky. Do you think he’d let me watch him piss, you know, standing right next to him? “If you ask, he’ll probably let you. Hey, let’s have some fun with it. The folks are leaving tomorrow for the weekend. We’ll get him all worked up, then we’ll have him pee for us Friday night.” “Now, in this heat, we’d probably be almost naked if you weren’t here. I’ll go tell him he might see us in our underwear keeping cool, but not to get any ideas, OK?” “Sam, you have the craziest ideas sometimes. If I get to watch him piss, then I’m totally in. We’ll drive him crazy.” We took off our shirts and shorts, leaving us in plain cotton bras and panties. I walked through the bathroom and opened Kens connecting door so he could see me. Speaking loud enough for April to hear I told him: “It’s too hot up here for clothes, so April and I will be in our underwear. You better behave yourself and keep your pecker covered.” Back in my room I sat next to April on the bed. “Listen, I’ve seen the way he’s been checking you out. I know he’s dying for a look at your tits. In ten minutes, he’s going to find a reason to stick his head in here. When he does, we have to act cool. We’ll check out some more jobs for now and you’ll see if I’m right.” I was close, it was fifteen minutes when Ken looked in. “I’m going to get some iced tea, you interested?” April looked him up and down as he stood in the doorway, “We’d love some, thanks Ken.” Ken came back and put a tray with three glasses on the desk. He pointed at my laptop. “You’re job hunting too, any luck? April was being quite the flirt. She swiveled the desk chair to face him with her legs halfway open, the broad white front of her panties almost under his nose. “We found some that are worth checking out, but we’re still looking.” Ken acted like he wanted to hang around, but I said goodbye and pushed him towards the door. April watched his butt under his shorts as he walked out. “Did you see the way he was checking us out? I bet he had to leave before he got a wet spot. Do you think he’s a virgin?” “There’s an easy way to find out.” I yelled through the bathroom: “Hey Ken, April wants to know if you’re a virgin!” “None of your damn business!” “That’s OK, so is she!” I started thinking ‘Virgin Brother. Virgin friend’. Maybe I could change that, kill two birds with one stone as it may. Ken would be easy, and April seemed to like him. I figured if I got her horny enough, she’ll be happy to jump on his meat, and I wanted to make it happen. The thought of getting them together was getting me excited . We made it through the next day, and when my father got home he took a quick shower and the ‘rents took off with the usual warnings. “Act like adults, don’t make a mess, call if you need to.” Late that afternoon April and I were sitting in the kitchen having a beer when Ken joined us. We sat around having a couple, chatting about school and job hunting. After a while I asked Ken to excuse us and took April upstairs. In my bedroom I told April: “Time for the next phase. First thing is a change of underwear. We’ll need to strip.” A minute later we were looking at each other naked. Although I had seen her body many times asked her to turn around for me. She looked great. Nice tits, big nipples, a trimmed bush and a tight ass. “We’ll go back down in our underwear, but not that tighty-whitey stuff. Put these on.” I tossed her a set I bought while at school that were a bit big for me. The bottoms were yellow, low rise, and loose like boxers but short. The thin bra showed her nipples and pushed her breasts out. I donned a similar set in light blue. Our tits stuck out and our ass cheeks hung down. We looked great. Ken actually spit out his beer when he saw us. If we had been in heels he might have cum. We casually got fresh beers and sat down again. Over my beer I told Ken: “We intend to stay comfortable this weekend, and this is comfortable. You do whatever you want, but keep it covered. Dinner will be in fifteen minutes, now get out of here so we can cook. We had a hard time not laughing as we put together a tuna salad. “April, did you see the look on his face and that bulge in his shorts? I swear he never took his eyes off your tits. I thought about running my hand over your thigh, but I think he would have lost it.” Ken came back just as we were sitting down. He had changed from cargo shorts into light trunks, and his bulge was gone. I nudged April and pointed, “Looks like he’s either gotten used to seeing us like this or he took care of something upstairs.” “Don’t pay attention to your sister Ken, she’s teasing. We put these things on to give you a little thrill, and I think you’ve been very nice so far. Let’s just enjoy our meal” Between bites I asked April about growing up with an older sister. “Well, one thing that was nice was I could always go to her for advice. If I had a problem, chances were she had gone through the same thing already and could help me out. Of course, we had our fights, but I do miss our girl talks, and you’ll never be as close to anyone as the people you grew up with.” “I know what you mean. More than being brother and sister, or even boy/girl, Ken and I were best buds. There weren’t many other kids in the neighborhood, so we spent a lot of time together. I told you as kids we never wore clothes upstairs when it was hot and even showered together.” “That reminds me. Ken, yesterday you were taking a piss and April heard you. Actually, she got up and watched you.” April cut me off there. “Truth is Ken, I tried but I could only see a bit of you in the mirror. I’ve never seen a guy, you know, pee, and I was curious. I hope you don’t mind. Truth is, I really didn’t ‘see’ anything, and I’m still curious. Do you think I could watch you do it again?” I thought Ken would be shy, but I was wrong. He took a long swig of his beer and stood up. “How could I mind? I mean, Sam has seen me do it, so that’s no big deal. And now another, beautiful, girl wants to watch me peeing. But if I’m doing it as a favor for you, will you do something for me? Your breasts look so beautiful, after I pee, will you let me see them? I got up pulling April with me. “Sounds like a deal to me! Let’s do it in the downstairs shower, we can all fit.” In my excitement I just about dragged them into the parents’ bath. The entire floor was tiled, and an open shower took up the far wall. I closed the toilet and took a seat. “I’m going to stay here and make sure you two don’t get carried away. Plus, I really want to watch. Ken, you agreed to let April watch you pee. April, you’ll let Ken see your boobs?” “I’ll do better than that. Ken you can sit next to me tonight while we watch a movie. Anything with your hands above the waist will be OK.” Now that everything was agreed to, April knelt on a towel to get the best view. Ken faced the wall to slide his trunks off, I thought that was so cute. When he turned back around, his cock was standing straight up in front of April’s face. It was larger than I remembered, with a nice length and girth for his age. He seemed nervous but nodded at April, she nodded back, and he began the show. With two fingers and his thumb he pulled back his foreskin, revealing his glans, slick with pecum. April shouted: “Stop! I’ve never seen a guy do that before! Do it again!” Ken shrugged, bent his cock down, and using his forefingers he rolled his foreskin back and forth in front of April’s nose a few times. Satisfied, she sat back and told him to go for it. By now I was leaning forward watching with my legs spread. My hand dropped down to play with my clit through my panties. Ken explained, “I know if I pull it down, I won’t be able to pee, so I’ll have to go almost straight up. You may get wet so be ready.” He took his hand away and looking at down April, started peeing. Like from a hose, piss shot up to his chin and splashed down on his chest and stomach. I saw yellow drops of urine fall on April’s upturned face and tits, and I found myself wishing it was me. The smell his piss filled the air, mixing with the smell of my pussy. Pissing never takes that long, after about 15 seconds his pressure diminished and his dick deflated, warm piss traced a line down April’s body before the last drops hit the floor. She collected his wetness on her hands and held them to her face, stunned by the excitement that had gripped her. I helped April up and hugged her. “What did you think?” Was it everything you hoped for?” “And then some! I didn’t think it would feel so erotic. Ken, thank you so much. I think your foreskin is very cool, and I loved watching piss come from your dick, and I didn’t mind getting wet at all.” Ken rinsed himself down in the shower and slipped his shorts back on, April just patted herself off. I thought about going up and changing my panties but decided not to. I knew I would just get those wet too. We got fresh beers and picked out a movie. It was a rom-com, something Ken usually would complain about, but by then he didn’t care was the movie was. Come to think about it, neither did I. When we had our beers and the movie ready to play, April stood before Ken, hands on his hips. “Don’t just stand there. If you want to see them, you need to take this off.” Ken was able to figure out her bra, but it was fun to watch. It closed if the front, and he was trying not to touch her tits as he opened it. Slipping off the little piece of fabric and tossing it on a table, April rocked from side to side. I’d seen her do this before. At the right speed she could get her tits to swing like pendulums. Ken reached out to touch them, but she slapped at his hand. “You need to wait, I said during the movie!” We squeezed together in the center of the couch with Kens arms around our shoulders. I watched as he finally got to put his hand on April’s tit, his fingers lightly caressing her nipple. I felt it was time for me to get a little attention too, so I opened my top and moved Kens other hand down and cupped it over my tit. We stayed like that for the entire movie, April and I leaning against his chest and feeding him sips of beer. After the movie we gathered our clothes and went upstairs to bed. At Kens door we each gave him a quick good night kiss. I know he wanted more, but I thought it was enough for the first night and pulled April behind me down the hall. Naked in my bed, April and I wrapped our arms around each other and had a real kiss before dropping off, the kind I’m sure Ken had hoped for. April and I were up early puttered around in the kitchen enjoying our coffee and getting breakfast ready. “So, April, tell me, how do you feel about last night?” “You know, it was really sort of sweet. All the stuff we did in the shower was very cool, and we all got turned on, but there wasn’t any, you know, touching? And on the couch Ken wasn’t trying to paw at us like most guys would. So yeah, I’d say it was sweet. And Ken having a foreskin is cool. I’ve only seen a few cocks and they didn’t have one. I think I like your brother’s dick.” “Tell him you want to play with it, he won’t say no. And think about what we can do with him tonight. I have a couple of ideas already.” We had breakfast cooking when my brother dragged himself in and plopped his butt in a chair. He seemed disappointed to see us in shorts and shirts. I brought him coffee and kissed the top of his head. “What’s the matter, you thought we’d be prancing around naked? Two things: First, we really don’t want to see you walking around with a boner all day, got it? Second, cooking bacon nude is never a good idea.” After we ate, I told Ken April and I would be out shopping all morning and would be back after lunch. I suggested if he had nothing else to do the place could use some cleaning. “If this place is trashed when Mom and Dad get back, we might not have any more weekends to ourselves. It was a twenty-minute drive to the mall, and I took the opportunity to work on April, I wanted her thinking about tonight’s fun. “The folks will be back tomorrow, so we should think up something really good for tonight. I think we need to go further, at least watching Ken come. Do you have any ideas?” “How about playing Truth or Dare? There’s a few things I’d like to try, but I don’t want to go too far. What do you want? You didn’t get to ask for anything last night.” “True, but I had my fun, seeing how far you two would go with a little prodding. I’ll tell you, when I held Ken’s prick as a kid, it was just playing around. Now that we’re grown up watching him piss is a real turn on. I think you should hold it tonight while he pisses, you could work it into playing with his foreskin.” April shifted in her seat to look at me. “Oh, sounds like you’ve been using us for your pleasure. Well, tonight maybe I’ll be able to surprise you.” At the mall we got a couple of iced teas and cruised around. Mostly we window shopped and stopped in a few places to fill out a few job applications. We did each get a bikini, and at Victoria’s Secret I helped April pick out a few sets of frilly undies. At the food court we grabbed a bite and then started back. I stopped at a corner shopping center with a drugstore and bought a box of condoms. “Just in case.” Then I shocked April by adding: “Who knows, I might decide to take a ride myself.” There was a bake-it-yourself pizza place next door, so we went in to get a couple. An old friend from High school was working the counter and waved as we entered. “Sam, good to see you, how you been?” “Damn if it isn’t Tom, how the hell are you! When’d you get back in town?" Tom and I had gone out a few times when we were skinny little freshmen. I think you could say we’d both filled out nicely since then. "Last week, got my old job back here for the summer and they made me day manager. You’re looking fantastic Sam, who’s your friend?” “Sorry, I should have introduced you. Tom, this is April, she’s spending the summer with me while her folks go cruising. We need a couple of pizzas to get us through the weekend, I’m thinking two large specials and a Hawaiian.” Tom talked over his shoulder as he wrapped our order. “Are you two looking for work? We’re hiring.” “We’re looking, but we don’t want food service if we can avoid it. My brother Ken might be interested though. “He’ll be a senior next year, right? I’ve met him, he seems to have his act together. Have him call me if he’s interested.” I wrote my number on the back of the receipt and held it in front of his face. “I’ll tell him, and you’ll call me if you’re interested?” He smiled and pocketed the receipt “I’ll call you soon, maybe we could have dinner? Enjoy the pizza, and nice meeting you April.” It was after three when we got back, Ken wasn’t around, but he had done a good job cleaning. It was a beautiful afternoon, just right for sunbathing so after putting the food away Amber and I got into our bikinis. April was fascinated by the way I worked my fingers around the edge of my top, pushing more boob into it. “I saw this on the internet, it makes you look bigger, let me show you.” I stood behind her so she could watch in the mirror. “You pull out the top a little and push your skin under, start by your armpit and stop underneath the nipple.” I did her right one, in the mirror she almost looked lopsided. “See you just grew a cup size. Now you do the other one.” When done, she looked fantastic, the suit was stretched tight, and tons of cleavage showed. With a cooler of beer and some magazines we sat out back and soaked up the rays. Ken came in around four and said hello, then changed into trunks and joined us. I know he took the lounger across the patio so he could check us out. We didn’t mind, after all we were there to be seen. We asked if he liked our suits (he did), and told him of the job offer (he’ll call). April sat up and grabbed the sunscreen. “I want to get some sun on my back. Ken, would you put some of this on for me?” As if he might say no. She rolled over and rested her head in her arms. Ken knelt by her side and squeezed out some lotion onto her back. “Be a dear and undo my top, I don’t want to get a line.” I thought they might like a minute alone, so I went inside “for a pee and maybe get a snack”. Actually, I wanted to watch them from the kitchen window. April did want me to disappear, but not for the reason I thought. Without moving her head she started talking. “Ken, I found out that your sister is having fun with us. She’s trying to push us together so she can watch and get herself off. Not that I’m complaining, it’s a blast, and I do like you, but she needs to get hers. We’re going to play Truth or Dare tonight, so think up something good we can do to her. And when we go back in, let’s act all touchy – feely, it’ll play with her head.” We didn’t want to burn our first day, so we went in early to fix dinner. I sat with a beer and watched as they put a salad together to go with the pizza. I’ve never seen two people take so long on a salad, but it was fun to watch. They were bumping into each other, a hand would brush over a bum, they were hip to hip at the sink. I think I saw Ken squeeze a tit while April was looking for something in the bottom of the fridge. If they were trying to be subtle, they were doing a bad job of it. Once the salad was ready and the pizza in the oven, April and I decided it was time to get more comfortable. Upstairs we got out of the bikinis and put on the same type of loose bottoms we wore yesterday, and short tops that hung open at the bottom, our underboobs clearly visible. As we ate, I filled Ken in on our plan for the evening. “After dinner we’re going to watch a movie, of course you’re welcome to join us. Then we thought you’d like to play Truth or Dare, unless you’re chicken. If you do want to play, you’ll need to get out of those shorts and put on a pair of whitey-tighties. That’s the rule.” He ran upstairs to change while we cleared the table, and came back down looking slightly uncomfortable, his half hard cock squashed into his underwear. I told him to take the chair and April and I cuddled together on the couch. During the movie we gave my brother a little show. Just a few quick kisses, hands under our tops, not too much, but enough to keep him on edge. We were all pretty horny by the time the movie finished. I turned the lights on low, and we sat on the carpet cross-legged, our knees touching. Ken was still semi-hard, and each of us had a small wet spot fully exposed by our position. April said “Sam, Ken and I talked about it, and since you didn’t get to ask for anything last night you have to go first. What will it be, Truth or Dare?” This is not the way I expected the game to start but I couldn’t see a way out of it, so I said ‘Dare’. They whispered for such a long time I started wondering what they were up to. Finally, they decided on my dare. “Sam, your dare is to get completely naked and give Ken a blow job for one minute.” Ken stood and stepped out of his shorts, his dick standing almost straight up. There was no way I could back down, so I removed my top and stepped out of my bottoms. From my knees his cock was lined up with my mouth. April got her phone and after pushing a few buttons said “GO!” I leaned in and put my lips around my brother’s penis as lightly as I could and bobbed my head up and down. I didn’t suck and I didn’t use my tongue, the last thing I wanted then was his cum in my mouth. April stood to the side, holding her phone and called out the time. “30, 40, 50 , Done!’ It really hadn’t been too bad. My tongue was covered with precum, but that was it. I thought of taking a swig of beer to get rid of it, but then realized I liked it the way it was. Now it was Ken’s turn, and he picked truth. April and I came up with a good one for him. “Ken, after we went upstairs yesterday, we know you jerked off, don’t even think about denying it. We want you to describe what you did and what you were thinking about while you did it, in detail.” He took a long pull on his beer and started talking. “OK, after the movie when we got upstairs, I was thinking maybe April would, you know, join me in my room. Instead, all I got was a kiss, not even much of a kiss. So, I got on my bed, naked of course, and started thinking about everything we had just done. I held my dick like I usually do when I jerk off but just barely moved my hand on it.” “When we first got to the shower, I thought I’d be able to be really cool with the whole peeing thing. I mean, Sam’s seen me do it and it was no big deal. But when I turned around and saw April my knees got weak. None of my dates have ever even seen me naked, now two women were looking right at my dick.” I had to pee pretty bad because of the beer, and it can be hard to go with an erection, so I was really glad I didn’t freeze up. I watched both of you as I pissed. Sam, you had your legs spread and were rubbing yourself, and April, I was surprised at the way you were smiling as my piss splashed on you.” The whole thing was very cool, and the way you looked I started thinking tonight might be the night. And all the time I’m in bed thinking about this, my dick is dripping precum on my stomach. “Then we watched that movie. Can you imagine what it was like, sitting for an hour and a half, a tit in each hand? It was great, don’t get me wrong, but I kept hoping someone would play with my dick. It was hard almost the entire time, and I was getting blue balls.” “So, that’s the state I was in, alone in my room, slowly playing with my cock. I imagined April walking in, her tits swaying back and forth, and when she gets to the bed, she hooks her thumbs into her panties and starts pulling them down.” “That’s when I came. And the longer a guy is hard before he comes, the more he comes and the harder he comes. Last night it was really something.” I was touched the way he didn’t hold anything back. “Ken, you told that wonderfully. And sorry about the blue balls, one of us should have taken care of you. I wouldn’t mind giving my brother a hand job when he needed it.” “April, now it’s your turn, what will it be, Truth or Dare? “Truth” “Ken, let me handle this one, OK?” “April, earlier you told me something you’d like to do with Ken. Now you need to tell him.” “I’ll tell, but I’ve changed it a bit since then, and I’m going to change the rules. I’ll tell the truth, then both of you have to accept my dare – understand?” We agreed and she continued. “Ken, the other night when Sam said I was a virgin she wasn’t kidding. I’ve had opportunities, but never felt that close a connection with the guy, you know? Your sister and I are close, closer than you might imagine. And I like you, you’re sweet and funny and cute. I may climb into your bed one day, but for now I want to go a slow and get to know you more.” “So tonight, I want us to have some fun, and I promise, no blue balls. Yesterday, as I watched you pissing I got incredibly turned on, I think we all did. So this is my dare”: “I want us all to get in the shower naked. You’ll let me play with your dick and foreskin, then I’ll hold your penis while you pee. I liked it when I felt your pee on me, but tonight you’ll pee on your sister. Then when you’re done, Sam and I are going to pee on you.” A lot of this was a surprise to me, and Ken looked absolutely stunned. He shook his head to clear it, and standing, helped us to our feet. We lost no time getting to the bathroom. Ken stood naked in the center of the room and April and I knelt to examine him. He was fully erect, and he explained to April how the precum let his foreskin slide as she rolled it back and forth . When she was satisfied April asked me to sit against the wall with my brother standing over my feet. I got in position, but Ken had a problem. His poor cock was still pointing towards the ceiling, unfit for what we wanted. April shook her head and said, “This will never do.” Taking his cock in hand, she quickly jerked him off. In was only seconds before my brother’s head went back and I saw cum shooting high above my head before falling on my tits and stomach. As quickly as it began it was over. April licked at her fingers with the tip of her tongue, and I played with the mess on my stomach while Ken caught his breath. Finally, the main event. April stood slightly behind Ken and looked around his side. As soon she had a good grip on his penis he let loose. April directed his stream so it hit my cunt, I spread its lips and let his hot piss work magic on my clit. Then as she worked his piss further up my body my hands followed, mixing pee into his cum leaving me covered in a sticky mixture of both. Finally, my face. As my eyes, my nose, and especially my mouth were pissed on I pulled at my love button, triggering an orgasm that left me limp and gasping on the floor. They helped me to my feet and hugged and kissed me in turn. I’m not sure what I had in mind two days ago, but whatever it may have been, I knew this was better. Now it was Ken’s turn. His dick already hard again, he laid flat on his back as I straddled his crotch and April knelt by his head. Looking into each other’s eyes we released our bladders. Piss streamed from our cunts; the smell of it heavy in the air. I watched my brother rubbing my pee into his cock and balls as April’s warm piss washed over his face. When he opened his mouth and started swallowing her offering, I moved up and pressed her mouth to my cunt, she drank from me until I was dry. We were all stunned by the passion of the acts we had just gone through. After showering we slid naked onto the parent’s bed, the only one big enough for the three of us. I held April in my arms. “April, I really meant for tonight to be for you, and you haven’t had an orgasm yet. Let me fix that. There was one thing April and I had not done before, but I did it then. Sliding down I separated her legs. The cunt I had seen many times was opened to me. My lips touched her lips. My tongue dipped into her vagina, tasting her beauty. I sucked her clit in and rolled my tongue on it until she came, feeling her orgasm triggered one in me. Before we fell asleep April told me: “Sam, Ken and I know you started this because you wanted to watch us together, and it was fun, and we thank you. But we still think you owe us, so next time your parents leave for the weekend you are going to be our sex toy and more. What we want, you do. And do you know why? Because if you don’t, maybe the video I took of you sucking on your brother’s dick will get out. Sweet dreams. |
Salt of the Earth A flash of light, a deafening crack, and the loss of balance; they shocked Noah without warning. A bolt of lightning fell from a cloudless sky and struck the ground directly in front of him, spooking his horse and sending it rearing onto its hind legs with a fearful scream. He tried to calm the creature, but it was all he could do to keep from being thrown off. His vision was blurred from the light and he couldn’t tell up from down with the way he was being jerked around. He reassumed as much control as he could and pulled to the left with the reins. The horse, now given a direction to unleash its panic, galloped across the rocky stream Noah had been following. Noah’s instincts saved him, as moments later, five men emerged from the dense forest that flanked the right side of the path. Bandits, he had already encountered them multiple times since leaving Clive. Under different circumstances, he might have taken them on, but in this case, flight was the better option, not to mention his horse could get caught in the crossfire. One of the men, wearing a filthy robe, aimed his hand at Noah and shouted a spell. A golden hologram of floating runes appeared around his hand. Grape-sized spheres of light were fired from his hand like buckshot, and while most hit nothing but air, one struck Noah in the back. He jerked in pain, feeling like he had just been branded. Thunder magic, it was Noah’s first time experiencing it, and, in all likelihood, far from his last. His horse reached the opposite bank and he turned it to run parallel to the river. Noah’s vision returned and he dared a look back at the men. One of them was taking aim with a bow and arrow. Noah leaned to the side trying to make himself less of a target, but the arrow still drilled into his shoulder and prompted a hiss of pain. He sat up in the saddle, no longer stunned, though racked with pain and with an unusable arm. He reached around and felt his back, wincing when he found the place where the spell hit him. He wasn’t bleeding, so he could ignore the wound for now. As for the arrow, he couldn’t remove it while on the move like this. The horse’s fear drove it at a good pace and Noah steered it back and forth across the creek, maneuvering past fallen trees and boulders. Five miles from the scene, he finally allowed his horse to slow, now returning to the road. Bandits only seemed to chase their prey when they had horses, and even then, a commoner like Noah wouldn’t be worth the trouble. Regardless, he now kept a constant watch on the path behind him. It was rare for him to be caught in such a trap, as he could normally see an ambush coming from a mile away. Those guys had some skill to them, even if they lacked the follow-through to pursue him. The attack was just another reminder that this was a violent, unpredictable world, ruled by strength and magic. Minus the injuries of the lifestyle, Noah liked it this way. It gave him something he had never seen before and endless new possibilities to discover. As for the dangers, well, he had plenty of experience when it came to fighting and surviving. Getting hit with spells and arrows was not his idea of a good time, but at least it was more interesting than regular bullets. The day was getting late, it was time to set up camp. He directed his horse off the road and towards an upheaved slab of bedrock in the distance. He led it through the woods, its reins in one hand and his sword in the other. He reached the rocky crag with just a few hours of daylight left. Millions of years ago, the nearby mountain was born and caused the upheaval of the landscape, offering not a cave, so much as a giant stone lean-to. Either way, it was something solid over his head and nothing could sneak up on him from behind. The ground was littered with animal bones for him to rake out, both the remains of past inhabitants and their meals. Many animals had used this spot as their den, including goblins, but nothing seemed fresh enough to warrant concern. This was the safest time he could expect to get, and Noah’s wounds desperately needed attention. He washed his hands and his knife with some high-proof liquor he had bought a while ago for just this occasion, then went to work removing the arrow. It hadn’t pierced his shoulder all the way, so he couldn’t just snap off the end, nor could he simply rip it out without risking the arrowhead breaking off and being left in his shoulder. He had to dig it out with his knife, slowly, with blood streaming down his arm and the pain giving him spasms. Perhaps it was better to be hit with bullets rather than arrows after all. He eventually managed to remove the arrow and poured half of a healing potion onto the wound. These potions could mend flesh and bone with no less than miraculous speed, but they were dangerous if used too frequently. This was an injury he couldn’t afford to have in the wild and broke his abstinence streak. Next, he focused on his back, and used alcohol to clean what seemed to be a second-degree burn. He couldn’t see it, only feel the wound with his fingers. It was like a spoonful of black powder had been set off on his back. Thunder spells were no joke, just that one little hit had been like a jab from a cattle prod, and simply sanitizing the wound took up the last of his pain tolerance. He drew two small vials from within his ring, both filled with ointments but of different colors. The first syrupy layer would moisturize and soothe the area and the creamy second layer would keep it sterile. The last step was wrapping the bandages, helping to ease the throbbing in his back. Tired as he was, there was work to be done. He unloaded everything off the horse so that it could rest and feed on a sack of oats. A metal helmet had been repurposed to serve as a drinking bowl, though the horse had drunk plenty at the creek. With what light he still had, Noah gathered spruce boughs to use as bedding, as well as thorny bushes and bristle plants for protection. He established a barrier around his campsite for him and his mount. It wouldn’t stop a determined opponent, but it would hopefully be enough to hinder them, as well as help conceal the light of his campfire. While gathering firewood, he met his dinner. A lone stag was flitting between the trees nearby. It seemed aware of Noah and was trying to leave the area without drawing more attention. Its moves were calm, and the way it stepped, its hooves on the forest floor were soft. Noah took aim with his bow, staring at his prize with an arrow between them. It was crooked, a cheap piece of scrap with a full quiver more on his back. It was the best he could get in the last town. The string was released as the deer turned away from Noah, and the arrow slipped in under the ribcage and pierced a lung. The deer’s heart had stopped by the time Noah reached it. He worked fast, carving off the pieces that he wanted, as well as removing as much of the pelt as he could with the time he had. This had become second nature to him. Once he had collected everything he could, he dragged the carcass far from his campsite. Most of the deer was left behind, something that would have been considered offensive in a normal world, but was ignored in this one. After all, a magic circle would just pop out another one sometime soon. All animals not born through physical mating were instead conjured out of mana, keeping a fixed population for every species. One was considered lucky to be able to see a creature appear from the light, unless it ended up being a monster. Besides, that body would likely be gone within a day or two. With the disappearance of the sun, night overtook the forest, save for the shadow of the cliff, where transient sparks were glowing like stars. The striking of flint and steel finally brought forth flames from some birch bark shavings, and soon, a steady campfire was burning. He set up a tripod over the fire with three sticks and dangled a metal pot, about the size of a coffee can. It was full of water from the creek, filtered through a handmade life straw. As Noah waited for the water to come to a boil, he went to work preparing the meat. What wasn’t hung over the fire to be smoked was turned into stew, along with some dried vegetables bought in town and some herbs and mushrooms added for extra flavor. Most of the plants in this world had the same properties as their counterparts in other worlds, at least in these lands, so Noah often stopped to gather anything useful. Last, a lump of salt was dropped in, and a hearty stew was made, sided with some chunks of bread and cold pine needle tea. In this world, this was considered an adventurer’s roadside feast, while in most other lifetimes, this would be thought of as some homeless person’s back alley meal. It was worth the extra effort, at least, Noah believed it to be. It was best to enjoy the little things, to live in the now. He repeated that to himself obsessively, like a little hamster spinning its wheel in the back of his mind. The horse had settled nearby, but it had yet to fall asleep. Like Noah, it knew that sleep was dangerous in lands like these. Those who lived here had to be aware at all times, always ready for battle or escape. When the horse did lower its head and drift off, its ears remained pointed up, twitching from every noise within their range. Lying on his bedroll with his sword beside him, Noah waited out the night, half asleep. He kept his eyes on the fire, moving only to put on more wood. In the absence of technology, a man can stare into a fire for hours without getting bored. How many times had he done this already? How many evenings had he spent, simply staring into the fire while surrounded by dangers and unsure of the next day? Perhaps it was instinctive, a habit ingrained from the earliest members of the human race to huddle around a fire, to nourish their minds with its light and warmth when night fell. Perhaps it was just due to his experience, being well versed in such a scene. Even when he closed his eyes, Noah trained his ears on the fire, its crackles and snaps competing with the evening chorus. Everything seemed to come alive at night, from the clicking and crying of insects, to the howling of wolves in the distance. It was just another sound he had grown used to hearing when he slept, like the roar of traffic, the mountain winds, raining shells and automatic gunfire, the groaning of metal hulls in the sea, air, and space, the silence of burnt-out cities and atom bomb craters, the soft breathing of a woman at his side and maybe the snoring of a dog at his feet, the beeping of heart monitors either after his birth or before his death, and so many more. A crack, too loud to come from the flames, awoke him. He got to his feet with his sword in hand, despite his eyes not fully adjusting and blurred from sleep. Noah focused his gaze, spotting a humanoid figure standing on the other side of the thorn barrier. It had just stepped on a pinecone, one of many that Noah had laid out to alert him if any enemies came close. He moved around the fire but off to the side, not wanting this intruder to hide within his shadow. The creature was more muscular than a human, as well as taller and with longer limbs. It wore clothes made of animal hides and carried an axe. What stood out most, other than its missing lips and sharpened teeth, was the single great eye in the middle of its face, flanked by long, greasy hair. It stared at Noah with a rumble in its throat. “You just keep on walking,” Noah said with his sword raised. Would it attack from directly in front? Either leaping over or charging through the wall of thorns? That would be its fastest means of attack, and considering its stature, it was not an opponent that could be faced with a weakened defense. He’d have to fight it while focusing on technique over strength. It could also attack from the sides, perhaps try to find an opening in the defenses that it could exploit. It was a slower method with less chance of receiving injuries from the thorns, injuries that would distract it. It would also give Noah enough time to cast his magic. Numerous scenarios played through his head, but Noah’s heart was calm. He didn’t move a muscle, keeping a solid grip on his sword. Releasing one of his hands to activate a spell would likely provoke the creature, so he waited to see what it would do. It was analyzing him, trying to determine whether fighting Noah was worth the risk. Even for Noah, being stared down by that huge eye was a bit unnerving. It felt like a billboard projecting the creature’s blood lust, while Noah himself felt its gaze scrutinize everything, sinking into his flesh like radiation. There was no telling what information the creature was receiving. “I’d rather not kill you. After all, I’d have to drag your corpse away so it doesn’t draw animals. What do you say you spare us both the effort?” Whether or not the creature actually understood human language, it gave in and receded into the darkness of the woods without ever taking its eye off Noah. He waited a few minutes, scanning the area, and when all was peaceful, he returned to his bedroll. He put some more wood on the fire but did not go back to sleep. Getting a deep rest was hard out in the wilderness, especially when he was on his own. His internal clock was telling him that dawn was near, so it would be best to just wait it out. To pass the time, he decided to train his magic. He covered his left eye with his hand, and to anyone watching, Noah seemed to vanish into thin air. In reality, he had just made himself invisible. While he himself couldn’t see the difference, he could feel his mana wrapped around him, concealing his appearance, smell, and any noises her made. It felt like he was stretching his body, as if after a deep sleep, and every single cell was joining in. His veins felt enlarged, allowing more blood to run through his body and at a faster rate. It wasn’t an unpleasant feeling, but to expend mana was little different from using physical energy; it required effort and resulted in fatigue. Right now, Noah was trying to calm the mana in his body, except for his hand. He wanted to learn how to use this spell in a lighter fashion, in this case, only making certain parts of his body invisible. His mana would naturally stick to things and make them invisible as well, such as his clothes and weapons, and could likewise be retracted to return them to normal, but he couldn’t seem to control the mana within his body. ‘I can’t help but feel like I missed steps with my spells. If I had acquired magic at a younger age, I probably would have had to work my way up to making my whole body invisible.’ He gave up after thirty minutes, the halfway mark of his mana reserves. He had to conserve his strength and be ready to fight at any moment. The sky was starting to brighten, he might as well get ready to leave. Breakfast was the leftover stew, heated up over the fire. Reheated food was just as bad over a fire as in a microwave, but he ate it regardless. He packed his things and opened up the thorn barrier. It still wasn’t bright enough to return to the road, so he let his horse graze. It stepped out of the enclosure and he led it into the woods, then released it to nibble on whatever met its fancy. He walked a few feet back and conjured his bow and an arrow from his ring. The horse began shuffling around, giving everything a sniff. The forest choir hadn’t eased. If anything, the birds and crickets seemed emboldened by the sun. Noah cleared it from his mind, hearing only the steps of his horse on the forest floor and the flaring of its nostrils. His breath did not fog, but he felt a chill in the air, joined with the dew gathering on his face and hands. All was calm, all was quiet. Noah kept a constant vigil, turning his head like an owl. If anything was going to happen, it was bound to happen soon. Ah, there it was, the snap of a twig. A deer entered the scene. Noah took aim, and while he didn’t release, he never took his eyes off the creature either. For all he knew, it could turn into something grotesque or launch fireballs from its head. The horse and deer noticed each other, forming lasting eye contact around Noah as they both tried to identify their distant relatives. They soon looked away, each judging the other to not be a threat. Noah considered lowering his bow, but instinct told him to wait. Barely a moment later, the deer was knocked off its feet as a wolf slammed into it like a missile. Its fangs found the deer’s neck, silencing it before it could scream and spilling its blood upon the forest floor. The wolf pinned its prey down, biting it over and over with a crushing grip to ensure its death. Noah’s horse, noticing the fate of the deer, began to panic. Its frantic steps and voice drew the eyes of the wolf, forgetting about its meal and staring at an even bigger prize, only to find itself on the unfriendly end of an arrow. If it took a step forward, he’d shoot. He waited, hearing the fearful breaths of the horse behind him, and the restrained whiffs of the wolf as the smell of blood tickled its nose and riled it up. Moments passed, the rising sun casting its light upon the three actors. Cooler heads prevailed, and the wolf began dragging away its kill. Noah kept his bow drawn, only lowering it when all was silent. It was time to get going. He rode his horse out of the woods and back onto the road, sending it on a steady trot. The morning was more peaceful than he expected, no monsters or bandits lying in wait, or perhaps unwilling to test their luck. Up ahead, he spotted a group of adventures, heading in the same direction. Unlike bandits, which preyed on people, adventurers hunted for a living, as well as performing odd jobs. It wasn’t always easy to tell the difference in time, so he was hesitant to approach. They heard the heavy steps of his horse and looked back, then moved to the side to let him pass. It could just as easily be a trap, but decided to take a chance. “Excuse me, a moment of your time?” He rode up alongside, and the leader, a bearded man carrying a sword, turned to him. He was a dwarf, standing just four feet tall. Noah had seen them before in various towns, this offshoot of the human race hailing from the east. They were long-lived and their diminutive bodies made up for it with increased strength, at least for the males. The females were slenderer, dainty even. “What do you want?” It wasn’t spoken in anger, rather it was the natural response in these lands. Noah pulled a map out of his pack and unrolled it. “Is this road the fastest way to the capital?” Hand-drawn maps were rarely reliable, so it was best to get confirmation. He glanced at the other three members of the group. Only one of them was a woman, but she was armed and appeared healthy, so she likely wasn’t being abused. The state of female members was one of the details he’d use to determine risk. “I’ve been heading south from Clive. Should I keep going towards the mountain or go west?” The leader of the group tapped the mountain on the map. “That mountain is the territory of a dragon, you’d best avoid it at all costs. The western road will take you around, but you’ll pass through the lands of several lords and you’ll have to pay a toll each time. Your fastest option would be Took, here along the channel. You might be able to get a boat ride to the capital.” The channel he referred to was a narrow line of ocean, severing a huge chunk of land off the side of the continent. It was also used as the dividing line between Uther and the dwarf nation of Vandheim. “Took? Thanks.” He tossed the man a coin and rode off, looking for the next road to the east. Near midday, he broke out of the woods, the road momentarily sided by an open pasture of tall grass with the creek on the other side. Both he and his horse were in desperate need of a break, and when he climbed off the saddle and touched down on the ground, a groan of relief escaped him. Riding a horse all day was exhausting in its own regard, and anything that wasn’t numb was aching. He led the horse to the creek and let it drink to satisfaction. Noah refilled his canteen while keeping an eye out for anything lying in wait. Minus some cat-sized slimes scooting along the riverbank, he didn’t detect anything that could be a threat. His horse appeared sated, so he brought it back to the pasture so that it could graze. Before letting it go, he put his hand over his right eye, activating his second spell. Rather than making him invisible, it created an illusionary clone of himself, a holographic puppet. It was more than just a trick of the light, as the clone had its own smell, could project Noah’s voice, and even cast a shadow. He sent it off, running through the field like a frightened rabbit to draw the attention of anything lying in wait. It couldn’t make physical contact with anything, but it produced the sounds of physical actions, in this case, the breaking and swishing of grass. Each could only be maintained for an hour, leaving him with just enough strength to continue fighting, and that time was cut in half if he used them both at the same time. However, that was only if he didn’t actually separate from his clone. The toll got heavier and heavier as he increased the distance. For Noah, sending it off felt like swimming straight down, with the pressure increasing with each step, and his mana lasting only as long as he could hold his breath. It was best used only in quick bursts, sending it running out for several seconds and then bringing it back so he could steady himself and slow his mana depletion. Not too long ago, separating from his clone was easy, but he had become overdependent on mana potions during training, leaving a detrimental effect on his magic abilities. Hopefully, he could recover. As his horse ate, Noah piloted the clone through the tall grass. Near the middle of the field, a trapdoor made of earth and webbing was tossed aside, and a spider, half the size of a grown man, lunged out towards the clone. It simply passed through the illusion, and before it could figure out what had happened, the clone had run off, unhindered. Noah saw the rustling of the grass and heard its signature hiss. The giant forest arachnids, despite being fierce predators and just as terrifying as one might expect, usually stayed in their burrows until a potential meal entered their reach. He wisely kept his distance and made sure the horse stayed close. Both Noah and his mount enjoyed the chance to relax and eat. As the horse feasted on grass, Noah made short work of the smoked venison from the day before. He continued piloting his clone while he ate, not just to lure out enemies, but for training. He wanted to keep the motions looking as realistic as possible and was pushing the limits of how far he could send the clone. He couldn’t see through its eyes, so he had to keep it in view in order to best control it, like piloting an RC car. Now for his next exercise. While sitting on a fallen log and watching his horse, he cast and recast the spell over and over again, each time trying to manifest it only in portions. His goal was to figure out how to only cast partial illusions, such as make one arm invisible while creating a fake arm to use as a decoy. Unfortunately, he found the same problem with his invisibility training. The spells were either on at full power or completely dormant, and he could stop his mana no easier than he could stop the blood in his hand from flowing. As usual, he used up half his mana before calling it quits. It was time to move once more. Barely an hour since departing, he was forced to slow his horse. A boar was up ahead, loitering in the road with its tail swatting at flies. The beast was larger than an oil drum, with tusks that could possibly punch through armor. The scent of Noah and his horse reached the boar’s snout, pushing it into a state of agitation. It stomped its hooves while snorting and squealing, its beady eyes focused on Noah. “It’s always one thing or another.” Noah conjured his bow from within his ring grazed its back with a cheap arrow. The boar charged and deflected a second arrow with its tusk. It was close enough now that the horse decided to act on its own. It reared up on its hind legs, threatening to stomp on the boar if it came close. The boar ignored the warning, continuing to charge like a runaway train. A third arrow, planted in its shoulder, managed to throw it off balance and miss the horse. It tumbled across the ground, breaking the arrow lodged in its flesh. A fourth arrow, right through the eye, ended its life before it could make another attempt. Sitting atop his horse, Noah pondered for a few moments, looking at the body and then checking the position of the sun, and then sighed. “Nah, not worth the effort.” He cracked the reins and his horse carried him off. The hours passed without further attacks and he even spotted a road sign confirming he was on the path to Took. That was the end of his luck, as the weather was taking a turn and the sun was setting with no village in sight. He’d have to set up camp with the expectation of rain. He continued to ride, searching for a suitable place to bed-down, and the smell of smoke soon made him pull back on the horse’s reins, bringing it to a stop. He looked around in search of the source and spotted some fallen branches with fresh leaves. He moved them out of the way and revealed a path in the forest, formed by wagon wheels and horse hooves. He had yet to encounter bandits using wagons, so it must have led to a hidden farm. It was a risk, but the clouds overhead were starting to rumble, as if complaining of the weight of the rain they carried. Last time he got stuck out in the rain, it almost killed him. He led his horse onto the path and closed it behind him, then activated his invisibility. If someone was lying in wait, they wouldn’t attack a lone horse. He followed the path through the woods, coming out into a freshly logged area bordering a field of growing wheat. At the end of the path, a barn and farmhouse, with smoke wafting from the chimney. As Noah approached, a collared wolf began to bark. He activated his second spell as the door opened. His ethereal copy appeared around his invisible body, occupying the same space he did and making him appear normal. A tall bearded man stepped out with a bow and arrow. “That’s enough, Bar,” he said, bringing the wolf’s barking to a low growl. “Who are you?” Noah, still invisible, leaned down and away from the arrow’s most likely path and had his clone raise its hands. “My name is James, and I’m an adventurer on my way to Took. I was hoping you might grant me some shelter for the night.” James was a name picked at random. Since he was now on the road, Noah had reverted to an old habit of using a fake name whenever possible and changing it each time. He wasn’t aware of anyone looking for him, but it was best to cover his tracks all the same. “This isn’t an inn.” ‘In this case, it would be more like a B&B.’ “Listen, I can pay one silver coin now, and a second one tomorrow morning. I just need a roof to keep me out of the rain.” Two silver coins were as tantalizing as Noah expected, making the farmer pause and reconsider. “Toss me one of the coins.” Noah took it out and threw it, letting it land by the man’s feet. The light coming from within the cabin was just bright enough to illuminate the silver face on the coin. He eased his pull on his bow. “Very well, you can sleep in the barn tonight. Follow me.” The farmer retrieved a lantern from inside and led Noah to the barn. Noah helped him open the double doors, and inside lay two horses, a dozen goats, and several chickens, most already asleep. The smell of livestock was nothing compared to camping outside on a night like this. The walls were lined with tools and Noah had already spotted two hay bales that would make for a decent mattress. “Just don’t light any fires, and I’m locking the doors so that you don’t sneak off with anything.” “I understand, thank you.” He left Noah with the lantern and secured the barn doors with a heavy wooden beam. Before doing anything, Noah searched the barn for any peepholes or hiding spots for assailants. He could not rest his wings until he was sure he wasn’t in a spider’s web. Only when the barn was declared safe did Noah unpack and remove the horse’s saddle, letting it feed and drink from troughs in the corner. It was a warm night, so not being able to make a fire wasn’t a problem, and he even had a blanket sealed within his ring. He sat down on his makeshift bed and looked in disdain at the venison that was his dinner. After eating it for the past three meals, he now thought fondly of the boar he had killed earlier. Just a few bites in and he was stopped by the sound of the doors being opened. His sword was kept in reach for just this scenario. The farmer had returned. “My wife insists that I invite you to join my family for dinner.” Both his tone and expression were stony, but he appeared to be telling the truth. ‘I don’t want to let my horse and stuff out of my sight and I especially don’t want to experience yet another slasher movie death. On the other hand, homecooked food, hopefully not made of human flesh, and a chance to learn more about this culture. Besides, refusing might just piss him off and get me kicked out.’ “I’d love to.” They stepped out of the barn and Noah felt a fat raindrop hit his nose. It seemed he had made the right call to take refuge. He followed the farmer into his home, moments before the downpour. The house was made of stones gathered from plowing land and had a thatched roof with everything inside serving some purpose, no furniture or items that weren’t worth the space they took. The kitchen was built around the fireplace, which served as a barbeque grill, a stovetop, and an oven, and there was a ladder going up to a loft overhead where the beds were kept. Aside from the single table and set of chairs, the best craftsmanship could be found in the few chests and cupboards. There was an earthy smell in the air, from the bare soil just beneath the floorboards and the thatched roof overhead. The farmer’s wife was setting the table with the help of their son and daughter. They all wore clothes made of the same rough wool and linen and appeared healthy. Upon seeing Noah, she stopped and bowed her head with a smile. “Welcome to our home, you must be James. I’m Mary, you’ve met my husband Joshua, and these are our children, Thomas and Elizabeth. Welcome to our home.” Noah likewise bowed his head. “Thank you for your kindness.” “Please, take a seat.” Noah sat at the table, the young Thomas at his side and the two women across, with Joshua at the head. Dinner appeared to be rabbit meat, as well as bread, cheese, and nuts, and small bowls of spices that could be added. A cup of milk was poured from a pitcher and given to Noah. He watched everyone’s movements, as while they put food on their plates, no one had yet to begin eating. There was always the possibility of it being poisoned, but it was remote compared to the risk of breaking social etiquette. “Now, let us say grace,” Joshua grumbled. He and his family joined hands, and they even reached out to Noah. He accepted the invitation so as not to cause disruption, having seen this ritual performed by many travelers eating at inns. “We pray to thee, God of Light, Lord Lumendori, so that you may know our gratitude for the good fortune, health, and livelihood we enjoy by your mercy. Please continue to watch over us, and guide us on our paths. Amen.” “Amen,” his family replied. Noah glanced over to a shelf above the hearth, upon which a carved wooden totem had been laid and surrounded by candles. It depicted a rune that symbolized light. Lumendori was one of the polytheistic elementals, one of six main gods worshipped by the people of Uther. Noah had been studying its followers and listening in on conversations, gathering information on this faith and the rules it enforced, such as praying before meals. Of course, everyone cherry-picked the gospel in their own way, but it was still important to know how to blend in amongst them. Everyone began to dig in, too focused on their meal to speak. The rabbit meat was well-prepared, despite the primitive kitchen, and the bread was much softer and sweeter than the hardtack that adventurers carried. Both the milk and the cheese were sourced from the goats in the barn, giving them a strong smell, something he welcomed. After living on the road for the past week, Noah’s taste buds craved flavor. After a few minutes, Mary spoke up. “My husband says that you’re an adventurer on your way to Took, is that right?” “It is.” “We often get adventurers passing by this time of year, but this is the first time one has asked us for shelter. Took is full of them almost year-round, so usually, it’s the homes closer to the channel that offer room and board.” She seemed amused by the situation, or at least didn’t appear to be the kind of person who smiles when angry. “I hope I’m not intruding.” “Not at all.” “You’re not a noble, are you?” The question came from Thomas at his side. “Excuse me?” “Thomas,” his father growled. “Your ring.” The ring in question was on Noah’s right hand, originally belonging to an Utheric knight. It was imbued with magic, creating a pocket dimension he could use for storage. These rings were illegal to own by citizens, so the crest was covered by a black jewel that also served to double the power of the containment spell. “No, this is just something I came across in a goblin den. I’m a commoner.” “Good.” To the boy’s credit, it wasn’t loud enough to be called a child’s shout, but it drew the ire of his father. “Thomas, that’s enough. You will mind your tongue in front of guests.” “No, it’s fine. I know that things are difficult right now. I imagine the local lord just raised taxes again? The war with Handent is a drain on everyone.” “I heard that we suffered a great defeat a few months ago,” said Joshua. “Those savages amassed their own army with the beastmen and killed some big commander of ours and scattered his army into the wild. Those freed soldiers have been making their way back down south and turning to banditry in the process.” Considering how many times Noah had been ambushed on the road, he didn’t doubt it. “You heard that in Took?” “Yes, thanks to the traffic on the channel, we get a lot more news than most other towns.” “How do you folks usually stay safe out here?” Joshua rested his hand on his dog’s head, who was lying next to his chair. Noah had assumed it to be a domesticated wolf, but seeing it up close, he noticed subtle canine traits, such as the ears, bridge of the nose, and texture of its fur. “Bar keeps watch and starts barking if something approaches the house. Loud noise is usually all it takes to scare off a prowler, be it man or monster. Nothing in this forest hunts without taking their victim by surprise. Anything that keeps approaching, well, no one lives in these lands if they don’t know how to fight.” Noah’s mana was almost at its limit and it seemed safe enough to release his spells. His hair had been overdue for a trim even before coming to this world, and it now hung almost over his eyes, letting him cast and deactivate his spells with anyone else thinking he was just brushing it out of his face. He made eye contact with the daughter, Elizabeth. It was brief, she immediately looking back down at her plate. For rural young women like her, adventurers were something to be feared, ranked just below bandits as roaming predators. The only difference between them was what they hunted: monsters or humans. “Do you ever get soldiers patrolling this way? I thought they were supposed to help deal with the bandit problem.” Joshua shook his head and grumbled. “Not for a few years. They’ll ride around, sure, but they don’t do anything. They’re either new recruits or failures who couldn’t make it on the front line. I heard the bandits just bribe most of them to look the other way. All we can do is rely on ourselves. Of course, the adventurers help keep the bandit numbers in line, even if they don’t mean to.” “How many bandits have you killed?” Thomas asked. “I don’t keep track.” “Thomas, not one more word,” said Mary. “It is a sin to speak of bloodshed during meals.” She turned to Noah. “My apologies, he dreams of being an adventurer.” Joshua grunted. “You disapprove?” Noah asked. “In my opinion, adventuring is not an honorable life,” said Joshua. “They have no loyalties or ties, and they don’t kill monsters because they want to help people. They’re just eternal strangers. I’m sure you can understand why I’m hesitant to trust them.” “Indeed, I can. Is that the general feeling in these parts?” Noah spoke without the slightest hint of defense or humor, just curiosity. The more he could learn about a town before entering, the better. Whatever kind of response Joshua wanted, it was difficult to tell whether he was satisfied or not. “I’m not sure. Besides, Lumendori guides and protects us as long as we have faith.” “Lumendori is worshipped by the paladins, correct? Does that mean you can use light magic?” “While I have not been chosen to wield the holy light, I am given strength all the same. What about you? Whom do you follow?” A tricky question. Religious tolerance was hit-and-miss out here, as people either didn’t care or cared too much. “I await the day when my own path to God is made clear, but I do not believe it can come by following the directions of mortal men. I will find my faith when it chooses to be found.” The agnostic answer seemed to satisfy Joshua. “That is a very charming mantra,” said Mary. She turned to her daughter. “Elizabeth, you haven’t said anything yet.” “Hello,” the girl chimed. “Hello,” said Noah in response. Silence once more. “About how far are we from the town?” Noah then asked. “A little under half a day’s ride. It’s a big town, about a hundred buildings or so. Are you heading down the channel?” Joshua asked. “That’s right. Do you know of a way?” “From what I hear, merchants and passenger boats might hire adventurers for protection.” “Protection, huh?” Noah suppressed a grimace, hoping this next job wouldn’t be as exhausting as the last. He had more questions to ask, but everyone had finished eating and were clearing the table. Noah got to his feet and bowed his head. “Thank you for the wonderful meal.” “You are very welcome,” Mary replied happily. Lantern in hand, Joshua led Noah outside. The rain was pouring at full force, so they hustled over to the barn and Joshua handed over the lantern. “You can also use the horse blankets if you need to.” “Thank you.” The doors were closed, leaving Noah with the livestock. They were startled by his return and calmed when they heard the wooden beam returned to the barn doors, sealing them inside. He still wasn’t fully trusted, something Noah respected. This was a life where trust couldn’t be easily given out. He found the horse blankets and laid them atop his hay mattress, with his own traveling blanket covering him. He put out the lantern and gratefully laid his head back, using his horse’s oat bag as a pillow. He was quite content, as his fatigue silenced the issues and enhanced the benefits of his bed. On the road, this could be considered a luxurious evening. “Eternal strangers,” Noah said to himself. “I’ll have to remember that one.” ---------- The sound of thunder pulled Noah from his sleep and he automatically drew a knife out from under his pillow. The barn was dark as a coffin, even out of reach of the lightning outside. Wait, it was no longer raining. The thunder boomed a second time, and Noah recognized it as Bar’s warning. The wolfdog continued barking and Noah sat up, caught in a state of his alarm fighting against his exhaustion. Since arriving, he had reverted to the survival mindset of living without clocks, but right now, he’d be willing to pay good money to know the time. Bar must have been barking louder or longer than usual, as Noah heard the front door of the farmhouse open and Bar’s claws scratching the porch. Was Joshua just letting him out, or was he anticipating a fight? Noah had enough experience with dogs to know that they could spend half the night barking at nothing at all, but it was best not to take the risk. He’d have to hope for a deer and be ready for a bear. Outside, he heard Bar’s howling weaken as he zoomed into the distance, then, it didn’t stop, so much as it was stopped. “Well, that’s unfortunate.” Noah pulled his boots on and stood by the barn doors. They were still locked, but he could at least hear what was going on outside. Hopefully, Joshua could handle this on his own and Noah could get back to sleep. Until then, he was curious as to how this would play out. “Bar! Bar!” Joshua called out. Noah heard a sword being drawn, but no footsteps. Joshua wasn’t going after Bar, a good choice. Several silent seconds passed by and Joshua called again. Those seconds turned into minutes. Bar had yet to return or even resume barking, his fate almost guaranteed. Finally, “Whoever’s out there, either show yourselves or get off my land!” Joshua was answered by a flash of light, a thunder spell striking him in the chest with its luminance worming through the smallest cracks and gaps in the barn walls. Noah heard the cry of pain and the farmer fall to the ground. ‘That went about as well as expected.’ He found a crack to look through, so narrow that he could only see the light of their torches, five of them. He cast his invisibility and began chipping at the crack with his knife, widening it enough to see. “Oh look, he’s back on his feet! You’re getting weak, Cal!” one man said as he drew his sword. Noah looked over and saw Joshua standing, but it was a struggle. He appeared to be wearing metal armor, an incomplete set but with a chest plate strong enough to keep the spell from burning him. It didn’t protect him from electrocution, even if it was a nonlethal charge. Despite their flashiness, thunder spells appeared to simply be mana imitating lightning, or at least replicating it to some degree, meaning that it had different properties in how it dispersed and the impact it would cause, with a significant drop in power compared to its natural counterpart. Noah could see Joshua trembling as he gripped his sword, perhaps the result of his injuries, perhaps him imagining the handle to be the throat of whichever intruder killed his dog. What possessed him, fear or anger? Giving in to emotion would be a fatal mistake. “Marco, Phil, kill him. Cal, hang back, make sure nobody runs off. Jozef, you search the barn. I’m going to see what goodies are in the house.” The man who spoke appeared to the leader of the group, carrying an axe large enough to cleave a man in two. “You stay back!” Joshua roared. Two men approached him, one with a sword, the other carrying a length of chain. Joshua secured his footing as a blade was swung towards his throat. He parried, the resulting sparks looking like the stars above the clouds. Once, twice, three times more, swords collided. Joshua was putting up a good fight. Despite his injuries, he seemed to be getting faster, and his swordsmanship hinted as to the depths of his experience. A former adventurer perhaps, or maybe a retired soldier. He dodged the second man’s whipping chain and threw a small wooden mallet at him, a tool from inside the house. His aim was true, striking the man in the head, and while it wasn’t enough to take him down, he staggered back, covering the developing lump and howling in pain. The first man landed a lucky shot, trying to stab at Joshua and instead leaving a deep cut across his arm. He was too close to slash at, so Joshua instead struck him in the chin with the pommel of his sword. Before Joshua could deliver a finishing blow, his cohort lashed out with his chain. It wrapped around Joshua’s sword and he managed to keep hold of it. He tackled the man, sending them both to the ground. He pinned the man down, both of them fighting for control of the sword as it approached his throat. He was once again interrupted, this time by the leader. He strode over and kicked Joshua in the side of his face, hard enough to send him flying through the air, his jaw surely broken with severe head trauma. The leader’s leg, it was glowing with runes, the sign of a body-enhancement spell. “Monk magic,” Noah muttered. He had seen other adventurers using those techniques, usually only able to apply it to one or two limbs. “Quit screwing around! Is one farmer really too much for you guys to handle?!” the leader barked. He turned to another member, armed with a bow. “Jozef, quit gawking and open up that goddamn barn! You two come with me!” Joshua wasn’t getting up, so three bandits stormed into his house and the screaming began. They soon emerged, each dragging a member of the family, struggling to break free. “Oh, she’s a feisty one! I call dibs!” the man with the chain laughed, said chain wrapped around Elizabeth’s throat to try and stop her flailing. “Not a chance. I told you, virgins sell better. You want to get your wick wet, you’ll wait your turn for this one,” said the leader, holding Mary. “I’ll take the boy,” said the one known as Cal. Noah recognized the robe he was wearing. “Jozef, how’s that barn coming?” The archer, struggling to remove the wooden beam blocking the doors, finally had to put down his torch and use both hands to open the doors. There wasn’t any warning, not even a glimmer of the blade as it sliced the man’s neck open. Noah stepped out of the way to avoid the spraying blood and let the body fall to the ground. Seeing their comrade spontaneously drop dead, the remaining four bandits began shouting. “Who’s in there?!” the man with the chain shouted. ‘Right now? Nobody,’ thought Noah, approaching the bandits without even leaving footprints in the grass. “Phil, go check it out!” the leader barked, pulling Thomas from his hands. Before Phil could even complain, the top of his skull was lopped off, Noah’s sword striking at the indent between the nose and forehead. “What the hell is this?! What the hell is this?!” Marco, the chain user shouted. The answer came in the form of an invisible wire, wrapping around his throat from behind. The wire cut deep into his skin and the force of Noah’s pull left him gasping for air. He let go of Elizabeth as he was lifted off his feet, eyes bulging and mouth foaming. He clawed at the wire, now looking like a bloody smile, with his boss watching in horror. He threw Mary and Thomas aside and charged with his axe. All repercussions had been forgotten, as his swing sliced his cohort in half at the waist. “I’ll kill you! I don’t know who you are, but I’ll fucking kill you!” He began swinging wildly, trying to keep death at bay. He didn’t see the arrow, shot almost point-blank, nor did he feel it and punch through his skull. He fell to the ground and a second arrow was planted in his chest for good measure. So many bodies falling, each one drawing a cry of terror from Mary and her children. Cal, the last bandit, made the wise decision to flee, but Noah had already decided his fate. He took aim with his bow and shot the fleeing mage in the back, a nonlethal injury that sent him dropping to the ground. Noah released his spell, seemingly stepping out of the darkness in front of Mary, making she and her children yelp in surprise. He handed her two healing potions and spoke with a calm voice. “Joshua is over there. If he’s still alive, give him these. Get him inside and don’t come out until I tell you to.” He then merged with the night once more. He strode over to Cal, his heart barely even raised and his demeanor stoic, compared to the wounded mage, who was sobbing as he tried to crawl away. In his hand, he held a Kris—a dagger with a wavy blade, which would prove to be a very poor choice. Noah grabbed his arm, and the mage, feeling the invisible hand gripping him with a merciless force, screamed in terror and swung wildly with his dagger. “Lord Relampargoza, save me!” Relampargoza was the god of thunder, not that prayer would do him any good. A kick to the face put an end to the nonsense, and with the Kris in his other hand, Noah dragged the unconscious mage into the woods. Once away from the house, he dropped him facedown onto the ground with his arms stretched out in front of him on a tree log. What came next woke the man with a howl of agony. Noah stepped back and released his invisibility, not that the man could see him anyway, pinned down the way he was. The arrow in his back was no longer his greatest concern, it was now the dagger driven through his hands, pinning him to the log. The only way to free himself would be to lift his hands to reach the guard and dislodge the blade, like prying out a nail. Unfortunately, the way his arms were outstretched, one of his shoulders would probably dislocate if he tried to do it from that position, not to mention the curved, widening blade would enlarge the wounds. He’d have to create space and leverage by raising his upper body, but with the arrow in his back, he was far from flexible at the moment. He was shivering, on the verge of going into shock, and the ground against his face was turning into mud from his tears and snot. “This is a trick I learned in the military. Well, not THE military, rather A military. It’s really good at getting the subject’s attention, is it not?” “P-p-p-please, I’ll do what-what-whatever you want. Just let me go.” “You’re free to leave whenever you want, if you can.” “W-w-w-w-what d-d-do you w-want from me?” “I thought we could have a little chat. There are plenty of things I want to ask you, so first, I want you to explain everything you know about magic.” “Why are you doing this?” Noah calmly picked up a stick and banged it against the handle of the Kris, hammering it deeper into the log and making it vibrate like a tuning fork, all to draw out fresh cries of agony. “Funny thing about asking questions, it’s one of the quickest ways to get yourself noticed. People don’t like questions, especially when they’re asked by strangers. The absence of knowledge they consider common raises red flags, marking you as an outsider. So, when I need deeper information, rather than asking regular people the easy way, I ask bad people the hard way. The answers aren’t always reliable, so I have to do it to enough people for their overlapping answers to reveal the truth. You do a good job and I’ll pull out the knife for you and send you on your way. You might even live long enough to make it to Took and get help. You do a bad job and I’ll leave you to deal with that knife on your own. I suggest you consider how many beasts are going to be drawn by the smell of your blood and the sound of your whimpering. Normally I have a rule against stuff like this, but that’s the great thing about people like you. There aren’t many people who would condemn me for this, so I can justify it as punishing you for your crimes, rather than torturing you for information. And am I not merciful for giving you a chance to earn your life and freedom? Now, tell me everything you know about magic.” “Mana! It comes from mana! It’s the power of the soul and given to us by the gods! I can turn my mana into lightning.” “I am aware of that much.” “And runes! All magic is based on runes! They appear as spells are developed!” From what Noah had seen, that much was true. Whenever a magic-user cast a spell, magic circles would appear around them, consisting of runes. For warriors, it appeared around their weapons, while for everyone else, it appeared around their bodies or whatever they might be trying to manipulate. It was spontaneous, beyond their control, but there was an exception he had come across: himself. “And what are runes?” “The language of the gods! That’s what everyone says! They shape mana into magic!” “And how do they work? How are they used for things like tools and weapons?” “Fuck if I know!” Noah hammered the dagger, making Cal scream. “That answer is unhelpful. Tell me of every type of magic you know.” “Mages control the elements! Water, wind, fire, earth, and thunder! Paladins summon the holy light! Monks get super strong! Warriors enhance their weapons! Shamans control animal spirits to transform themselves! Druids control the trees!” “And alchemists?” “I don’t know shit about alchemists!” A third strike was made on the dagger, driving it deeper into the tree and widening Cal’s wounds. “I understand that you’re bleeding out and not in a very cooperative mood, but whether you live or die depends on how useful you are.” “I don’t know! I swear I don’t know!” the man wept. Noah was beginning to hear movement nearby. “Very well, then let’s change topics. Tell me about the bandits in this area. Are there any groups that I should know about? I suggest you don’t lie to me.” “I don’t know about other groups. They constantly form armies and then break up when the knights and soldiers ride in!” By now, the growl had reached both Noah and Cal. Wolves were closing in. Cal began to scream and pull at the knife, not that it did him any good. “Please, let me go!” “You haven’t told me anything specific or anything I don’t already know.” Noah stood up. “I’m far from impressed. I suppose I should get back to the farm.” “Wait, I did hear something! An ogre tribe is rumored to be passing through the area!” “Go on.” “Big, one-eyed monsters! They come from the north, bloodthirsty nomads that eat whatever cross their path! A tribe shows up in Uther every few years! They don’t speak our tongue and kill us on sight! They’re rabid beasts!” Noah recalled the previous night, the glaring cyclops. ‘If there is a tribe of those things in the area, then it would probably be best to get to Took as soon as possible.’ The wolves had fully circled and weren’t hiding their steps. “Please! Let me go!” “Well, I’d say you’ve earned a fighting chance.” Noah pulled the knife out and Cal held his hands to his face, as if seeing the wounds would somehow make the pain go away. Noah dropped the knife beside him. “I think you’re going to need this more than me.” He then disappeared into the darkness, and the wolves, while confused as to how one of their prey had suddenly vanished beyond the reach of their senses, were glad that one meal still awaited them. Once more, Cal’s screams echoed through the night, but by the time Noah reached the farmhouse, he had gone silent, and there was only the growls and yips of the wolves fighting over his corpse. It was always nice when loose ends solved themselves. Noah searched the bodies of the other bandits, taking anything of use or value, and then dragged them into the woods. The wolves would come after them next, so it was best they not be eaten right in front of the house. Finally, he did a quick sweep of the property in search of Bar, eventually finding the slain wolfdog. He had an arrow in his neck, a well-earned quick death. Noah summoned a glass bottle from within his ring and poured the purple liquid within on and around Bar. A pungent smell filled the air, like skunk mixed with rotting flesh, forcing Noah to retreat. The liquid was an experiment of his to try and find a good monster repellent by combining various ingredients found in the wilderness. Unfortunately, it only worked for a few hours and it was such a nasty stench that he couldn’t use it anywhere near himself without getting sick, so he chalked it up as a failure. Hopefully, it would keep the prowlers at bay until Bar could be buried. His business done, he stepped up onto the porch and knocked on the door. “Hey, it’s me.” There was movement inside and the door was opened. It was Mary, with the inside of the house lit with candles. “James,” she said, sounding like she was on the verge of fainting. “How are you folks doing? How’s Joshua?” He looked past Mary, seeing the farmer lying atop the dinner table with his children around him. It was slow, but he sat up. “He’s alive, thanks to you. How can we ever repay you?” “Well I’m going to go back to the barn to get a little more sleep while I can, I suggest you all do the same. After that, some breakfast would be lovely.” “I… uh… you… uh… consider it done,” she stammered. “Goodnight, then.” Noah returned to the barn and closed the doors behind him. His makeshift bed felt as soft and cozy as a foam mattress, despite the stench of horses and goats. He still didn’t know what time it was, but if there truly was a merciful god in this world, then the sunrise would be an eternity away. It felt like he heard the barn doors open just moments after he closed his eyes. He instinctively drew his knife and sat up to face the intruder, only to find Joshua. The sun was rising outside, an unwelcome sight. Oh well, a better night’s sleep wasn’t far off. “Good morning,” Noah said as he rubbed the tiredness from his eyes. Instead of replying, Joshua prostrated himself, bowing with his forehead pressed to the ground. “I do not deserve to be your host. I belittled your profession last night, and then you save not only my life, but the lives of my wife and children. I relied on someone I called a stranger because I was too weak to protect my family. This is a shame I will never live down.” Noah sighed and sat back down to put his boots on. “Don’t worry, you’re forgiven. While I can’t say I applaud your manners in insulting your guest, I’m not invested enough in adventuring to take anything personally. As for the incident last night, you fought remarkably well despite being wounded. Be proud of yourself.” He got back onto his feet. “By the way, I found Bar at the southern end of the field. I’m afraid he didn’t make it.” “Did… he suffer?” “No, he died well. I poured some monster repellent on him, so hopefully you can still bury him.” Joshua looked away, wiping some tears with his sleeve. “Come on, Mary is putting breakfast on the table.” They left the barn and returned to the farm house, where upon entering, Noah found Mary and her children bowing at almost perfect right angles. “You saved this family, and for that, we will be forever grateful.” Noah nodded. “Thank you.” They gathered around the table for breakfast and joined hands for grace. “Lord Lumendori, we thank you for the bright and beautiful day that awaits us, and we thank you for allowing us to cross paths with this young man beside us. We would not be here without him,” said Joshua. “Amen,” Mary and the kids replied. Even worse than the previous night, Thomas was excited and curious, bombarding Noah with questions, most of them about how he pulled off the fight from last night. Joshua and Mary reeled him in, but Noah was able to dodge and deceive the questions that got through. Breakfast was bread and eggs with some cheese, and Noah, wanting to get out on the road, ate fast. He then stood up and bowed his head. “It is time for me to be off. Thank you once again for the meals and shelter.” He returned to the barn and loaded up his horse with his few possessions, and as he turned to leave, found Joshua standing at the entrance, holding out the silver coin from last night. “I can’t let you leave without this, not after what you did for us.” Noah didn’t bother trying to refuse and accepted the coin. He had simply been hoping that Joshua would forget the second he promised him. He got onto his horse and departed for Took. Joshua and his family were good, honest people, yet as soon as Noah returned to the road, his mind discarded their names. Please comment! |
incest fun 3 Over the next few months life at the Wochick house in Long Beach changed dramatically. Bertha had pretty much lost her role as mother and wife, and had become not much more than maid and whore. Joe and Susan slept together many nights, but when Susan was having sex with someone else she made her father sleep nude on the hard floor beside the king sized bed she now occupied. John Clapper was now using the Wochick home as a film and photo studio, making porn productions that could only be found on the dark web. Bertha had become a favorite of viewers, especially an hour long video of forty seven men jacking off onto her face and into her mouth. Frosted Like a Fuckiing Donut was the title of the video. When John had Bertha make a beastiality video with a german shepard he had trained, he had her fuck the dog in front of a paying audience. Joe, on the other hand, was the star of countless gay videos and pictures. The only pussy Joe was getting now was Susan’s, and that almost exclusively for photo shoots. It turned out that Joe was also willing to do wet films…letting men and women piss on him. Aside from all the students who used the Woicik home for sex. The boys, and some of the girls, enjoyed fucking Bertha while calling her mom or mommy. John also acted as a pimp and the home became his brothel. Two more students had earned their “A” for the class. Peggy Rich, a pretty little redhead with budding breasts, had seduced her father while her friend Dottie Wilson took secret pictures, and then Peggy had used the pictures to blackmail her father Phil into tricking Peggy’s mother Mabel into joining them. Afraid of what the photos might do to their family, Phil and Mabel gave in to their daughter and very quickly learned to love the results when they discovered that it meant access to all the high school pussy and cock they wanted. Mike Morton, on the other hand, only had his mother. His father had died five years before. It took some coaxing, but Mike had convinced his mother Doris to try smoking pot with him, and he had a joint of very powerful stuff…grass mixed with PCP. They not only fucked that night, but when Doris woke up the next morning she was still sucking on her son’s cock. While she was understandibly mortified, she couldn’t keep her eyes off her son’s prick as he walked around the house naked. He even stayed naked when his buddies came over and talked them into getting naked too. The boys even began jacking off in front of her, and she enjoyed it.. Two more times they smoked a joint together and both times they fucked. Finally, Mike mounted his mother when she didn’t have the excuse of marijuana, and she loved it. What finally turned her into a slut was the day Mike had her watch as he sucked off two of his buddies, and then told them; “You guys can fuck my mom if you want to. She’s a pretty good piece of ass.” Doris complied. It was Saturday night and John Clapper, ten kids from Wilson high school, along with Doris Morton, Phil and Mabel Rich, Gladys Ham (a horny fucking cunt) and her thirteen year old daughter Kathy and, of course the three Wochicks were all together. Booze and pot flowed free, with the parents there supplying both for the kids. They all watched as Bertha lay on the floor sucking off a German Shepard and Joe sucked one of the boy’s cock while John filmed the scene. Mike and his mother were kissing passionately on the couch, Peggy was fucking her father, Gladys was finger fucking Kathy and french kissing her, and Mabel was engaged in a sixty nine with the youngest girl in the group. “Suck that dog cock, you dumb, ugly piece of shit” Susan chanted. “Suck that big, pink prick you stupid fucking whore.” Susan sat in the recliner, nude and finger fucking herself. Some of the kids laughed at Susan’s abuse and joined in. “You’re just a dumb, dog fucking cunt” one boy said. “You’re a worthless piece of shit, Mrs. Wochick” another added. “You’re nothing but a two bit whore, Mrs. Wochick” Kathy yelled. “You’re a dumb, ugly, cock sucking whore.” “Mothers are for fucking!” one of the boys yelled. “Daughters are for fucking too” Phil Rich added laughing..."and for lickng their mother's pussy" Gladys chime in. One of the boys had gone to the kitchen and came back with two large carrots. He went over to Bertha and, as she continued to suck the dog’s prick, he shoved one carrot up her cunt, and the other one up her asshole. “After Rex cums in your mouth Mrs. Wochick, we’ll watch you eat these carrots.” Everyone laughed. Joe had sucked three boys to completion and a fourth was now fucking him in the ass. Two of the girls had shoved their hairy pussies in Susan’s face, and she had licked them both to orgasm. The dog began howling and spewing cum into Bertha’s mouth. She swallowed as quickly as possible, but some cum dripped down her chin. John captured it all on video and still pictures with a close-up of Bertha’s face as it happened. Mabel Rich got down on the floor and licked Bertha’s face clean, then pressed her lips hard against Bertha’s and the two women kissed passionately. John moved the camera to pick up Doris Morton as she serviced her son Mike. He was on his back on the floor and his mother was working her tongue from his asshole to his cock and back again. Doris’ ass was high in the air as she crouched over her son’s crotch. Now the dog was getting horny again and began licking Gladys Ham's ass and cunt raised in front of him. “Oh yes…I want to watch you fuck a dog, mom” Kathy panted. “I want to see dog cock up your fucking cunt mommy. I want you to be a whore you cock sucking bitch.” Gladys was probing her daughter's asshole with her tongue. Rex was showing his big, stiff pink cock so Susan got up and knelt beside the dog and, with her hand, guided the prick into Gladys Ham's waiting pussy. The dog was pounding pussy with his tongue handing down, so Susan wrapped her lips around the long, raspy tongue and sucked. “That’s it honey” Bertha said to her daughter. “You should let the doggy fuck you too. John should take pictures of you fucking the doggy. Your daddy and I would love that.” Rex came the second time with a whimper. The poor dog had spent two loads of cum and that was enough for him. Susan dropped down on Mrs. Ham’s pussy as the dog moved away, and she sucked the older woman’s dripping cunt. “Susan Marie Wochick, you are one of the filthiest fucking sluts at Woodrow Wilson High” one of the boys yelled. “Hell, she’s one of the filthiest fucking sluts in Long Beach” another chimed in. “Eat that dog cum you dirty little whore” Phil Rich said as he held a bottle of vodka to his daughter’s lips. The house smelled of cum and pussy and sweat as the party wound down. Mabel now sat on the floor, legs spread as her daughter slowly kissed her mom’s sopping pussy. “I want to bring my mother along to the next party” Mabel said. “I want Phil to fuck her cunt while Peggy sits on her fucking face, and I want everyone to watch her get it.” “Bring the old bitch” John said. “The more the merrier.” As everyone began gathering themselves to end the party, John told Joe and Bertha to go into the bathroom and lie down together in the bathtub. The rest of the party followed as the two obeyed. As Susan’s parents lay down side by side in the tub, John moved forward and began pissing on them while one of the boys took video. John began by aiming at their crotches, then moved the stream up their bodies until he was finishing on their faces. As John finished and moved aside, Phil Rich took his place and unloaded a heavy stream of piss directly onto their faces and into their mouths. One by one the boys all took their turns, and then the girls and mothers, standing on the edges of the tub, squatted over Joe and Bertha and pissed on them. When everyone had finished they filed out of the bathroom, leaving their hosts to wallow in piss, and left for home. It was the beginning of an incest club that would only grow in numbers. |
Kate and I were only 14 years old. We went to school together, we slept together (with our clothes on, for now.), we ate together, and we grew up together. We considered ourselves a couple, of course. Doesnt that stuff always happen to people who grow up together? We kiss, we held hands, we cuddled. I was too romantic and perfect for her to not give me what I wanted, but I wasnt going to push her to do that anytime soon. I loved her and I couldnt lose her that way. She had this golden brown hair, with dark brown eyes. Her skin tone was a little paler than normal, only because it was winter, anyway. Her smile lit up the room with a radiant perfection. I never looked at her body intentionally before, and she never let me. -Monday- It was just another Monday. My alarm clock went off and I slammed my hand on it to make it shut the hell up. I hated waking up on weekdays when I knew I wasnt next to Kate.I checked my phone, knowing I had a text from the only person who bothered to say goodmorning to me in the first place. "Good morning, sweetie (: " I texted her back, of course, and slid out of my warm and cozy state, throwing my blankets back. I noticed my morning woodie, which only pissed me off because the first thing I did in the morning was put on my clothes. I locked my door so my sister wouldnt walk in, and sat back down on my bed. Sliding my boxers down, I watched my little member pop up and wish my good morning. I wrapped my hands around my little 6 inch cock, and jacked off for all I was worth. I usually try not to think about Kate while I did the deed, but the only way I ever got rid of it was thinking about fucking her. I slid my hands up and down my dick faster and faster until i felt my balls tighten. I exploded onto my tissue. I loved having orgasms. I loved that feeling with my tightening balls that made me feel as though I was a volcano bound to erupt. I slid on a new pair of boxers, got dressed, and went downstairs. Getting ready was the worst part of the day. ***** I walked into my house and ran upstairs, throwing my backpack on my bed. I peeked out my window and looked at Kate walking into hers. My phone started vibrating in my pocket, and for a second I liked it but I knew I had to take it out. Kate was calling. I slid my phone open and pressed it against my ear. "Hello?" "Hey, Jack. No ones home. Do you think you can come over? I'm really bored and I have no homework." "I dont have homework, either. Sure, Ill be over in a minute." "Okay." I hung up. Kate almost never called me over when no one was home, mostly because of what she thought I would want to do. I ran downstairs and told my mom where I was going, then walked across the street to Kate's house. She wasnt downstairs, so I pounded up the stairs and into her room. Her TV was on and she had a blanket covering her entire body. "Hey." She said, as I walked towards her bed to slid in the sheets next to her. "No," She said. "Stay over there." "Are you sick or something?" I asked. "No..." "Then what's wrong?" Kate sighed, and with one second she threw the blanket off her body. What I saw astonished me. My eyes nearly popped out of my head and my dick nearly ripped through my pants. Kate's eyes attracted to the bulge in my pants. Kate was completely naked. She was hot, I thought. She had about 32C's, which I previously knew from when I snuck out of her bed to look at one of her bras at 4am. Her pussy was pink and completely bare. Her little clitty poked out from the folds of her pussy, and her juices glistened from the light coming in from the window. "Please, Jack. I want to." "Why?" "Im horny as hell, Jack. Youre the only person I would want to do something like this with and-" "No, Kate. Were fourteen." I didnt want to tell her how much I wanted to fuck her little pussy. I couldnt. "Exactly. Were old enough to make our own descisions..." I thought about it for a second, then pulled off my shirt and my jeans. "Take off your boxers." I slid down my boxers, as demanded. She stared at my erect member with eyes that looked scared. "Its so big..." "Not really." "Its too big for my little pussy..." "I won't hurt you. I never will. Thats the last thing Ill do. I promise." I climbed onto the bed while she spread her legs apart. I pressed my lips against her ear. "I love you." I slowly slid my dick into her small little love tunnel. She screamed and grabbed onto my shoulders. "JACK! JACK THAT HURTS!!!" "I know Kate, calm down. Its okay.." She yelped. I felt her hymen breaking around the head of my cock. Blood trickled out from her little pussy and ran down my dick. I held her. "Baby, its okay..." Tears ran down her innocent face. "Look, Kate. Really, Look!" She looked down to see my balls buried in her ass. I was all the way in. I sat up and pulled her onto my lap. "Do it at your own pace, Kate.Its okay." She slid up and down my cock, slowly and thoroughly sucking every inch of my cock into her. She stopped crying and went faster and faster, She panted and moaned as she rocked back and forth on my lap, and after a few minutes plopped back and rested her head on the pillow. "Jack, please fuck me. Faster than ever. I want you..." I rolled down on top of her and started pushing my dick back and forth, faster and faster with every thrust. Her pussy was warm and soft, it was something my hands couldn't provide. I wanted her to be on my dick forever, I wanted to do this every day for the rest of my life. "Its so biiiigg... ohh JACK! faster! harder!" I thrusted into her as our thighs slapped against eachother. She screamed and panted. Her face was red and her little tits bounced up and down on her heaving chest. "Kate, Im gonna cum!" "I want it. All of it. Take your dick out and give it to me!" I slid my dick out of her little abused pussy and pushed it into her mouth, blasting string after string of cum down her throat. She swallowed most of it, and what ran down my dick was licked up by her warm little tongue. I hugged her. "Kate, we just-" "Lost our virginities." "Yeah." "I want to lose my virginity every day with you, Jack. I want you forever. Please. Promise me youll fuck me every day for the rest of our lives. I need it...." I stared at her with a hint of lust in my eyes, thinking about what she just said. Ive already spent every day of my life with her, for as long as I could remember. I held her hand and stared into her eyes. "I promise." |
It started out as another day for me. My name is Damon. I'm about 5'11 and 14 with a long buzz cut that is brown with blonde natural highlights in the front with blue eyes. I'm not skinny because I weigh 155 pounds but has a big natural chest and broad shoulder. I had an average sized gut but could see the two abs. I also had a lazy eye and wore glasses because I was near sighted. I got up at the regular time as always 5:30 in the morning,went in the other room,got my phone,put it on porn since no one ever got up with me and never is up, and watched it with my 8" hard as a rock. I heard a tap on my window and froze instantly. I felt a slow cold shiver go up my spine as I heard rustling of the bush by my window. I didn't move till I had to get dressed which I did. I wore baggy khaki pants with a blue collared shirt with blue shoes.I grabbed my bag, walked outside which was little lit ,And walked to the bush by my window. I didn't see anything at first but looked closer to see prints of what looked like dog feet but bigger than a dog. And there was only two prints then it faded into the grass. I looked around and saw nothing but I knew something was watching him but couldn't tell what it was. I shrugged it off"probably nothing" I said trying to reassure himself. I got on the bus and during the ride heard that people had been mauled and partially eaten. This got me wondering even more...the prints...maulings...I was trying to sum it all up but my friend named Tayla nudges me"hey Damon you okay?" I looked at her and smiled"I'm fine just thinking of a test I got today"trying to lie She must've bought "okay just don't forget to place the stuff on the stage" "since when have you cared?" "since I now have to be on that stage!"she moved her hand around. Tayla was a big girl with huge boobs(from a large C to large D). She had the best black ass a man could want and her lips were fat juicy. I would know this because we used to make out and grab each before I got a girlfriend. Damn I loved those days! When we made out I would grab her breasts under her shirt and flick my thumbs over her nipples till that were huge! And even rubbed her pussy through her skirt and panties a few times. I knew she liked it when she protested because she only got wetter, but she would never do anything more which only pissed me off. While on the bus I talked to everyone saying I was good friends with everyone, but there was one downside. Since I was in 9th grade the upper grade girls wouldn't talk to me. They thought I was inferior but as soon as they were horny they came to me. They always came. They knew I had a fat 8" cock that was always ready yet one thing made them always come to me....that I had more stamina than any other guy in school. I was living the life. On top of the sex life I had a great girlfriend. Her name was Emily and She had deep brunette hair with natural blonde tips that always smelled like roses. She turned all the guys heads because her face was always bright,sexy,and happy. Her chest had 32 C cup and for a 14 year old I'd say that is pretty good. Her ass was a little bit more on the small side but was muscular due to all of the sports she did. Her eyes were cinnamon brown which could melt anyone's heart when she did the puppy dog eyes and her skin was naturally tanned. She was 5'9 1/2 and did modeling sometimes. I walked up behind her and pulled her to me and kissed her neck"hey angel" She jumped and turned around and kissed me on the cheek"hey baby" "how did you sleep last night?"I said as we started to walk down the hall. She was wearing a tight shirtwith a mini jacket thing that girls wear with a black skirt. Our school made guys wear dress pants and a collared shirt whereas the girls had to wear decent clothes with A skirt that went below or to the knees. She said in her graceful voice"I didn't sleep to good. I had a nightmare again" I stopped"what was it about this time" She looked at me with a fake smile"it's nothing baby" "if it has to do with you it is now what was it about?"I made sure I had the sound of command in my voice. "you and me were together at a party in the woods...we heard a howel and everyone stopped dancing and looked around. We all saw glowing eyes in the woods and we all gathered in a circle as they closed in. Some of the things in the woods were standing on two legs and some on all fours. They slowly came into the light and looked like a werewolf like you see in movies. They all came at us and started to tear everyone to bloody pieces. You saw an opening and we both ran; as we were running we heard noises behind us and saw them chasing us. We kept running but one jumped from a tree and caught you. I stopped and watched you as you died..."she started to cry. I pulled her to me and embraced her in my arms."that's not all...when they stopped mauling you they stood by your body and you slowly got up and started laughing. You looked at me with blood red eyes and turned into one of those things!" she started to cry even harder. I held her even closer"nothing will ever happen angel. If anything does I'll be your guardian angel and if I'm not an angel then I'll be your guardian demon" She chuckled which brought my heart to ease a little"you better be or I'll bring you back to life and kill you myself". I smiled and kissed her forehead and wiped away her tears gently."I need to get to class baby"she said slowly. "okay angel I'll see you later"I let her go and watched her go. My mind went to thinking about school. I walked down the hall,got my books,and walked toward my class. Suddenly someone jerked me into the bathroom as I walked by it and locked the door and pushed me against the wall. I was startled and pushed the person away. "what's wrong? Don't want me now?"the female said It was Veronica,I call her Ver for short."Damn Veroniva! Least you could do is let me know a little ahead of time before you grab me and slam me against a wall" I rub the back of my hand where I can feel a bump now. "sorry. Maybe I should make it up to you"she unbuttons her blouse and exposes her B cup breasts. She wasnt wearing a bra. For a 11th grader she was only 5'4 and her breasts were small but she made up for in her ass which was huge. Her craziness in sex helped also."c'mon are you gonna fuck me or stand there lookin at me?" I said. "oh challenge accepted"She walked up to me swinging her hips. She slowly rubbed her small hand down his shirt and gripped the top of my pants as She smashed her lips into mine and forced her tongue into my mouth as their tongues fought for dominance over the other. With ease I won and moved from the wall and then pressed her against it. I lifted her up with one arm and grabbed her right breast with the other. I was able to cup her entire breast in his hand which made her moan through the kiss. I pulled away from her warm mouth and set her down to allow her to get what she really dick. She undid the Khaki pants and unzipped my pants to see his huge erection bulging through my boxers."yummy" she said as she pulled it out and licked the tip of my tool,as she did this it pulsed uncontrollably. She slowly put her lips around it engulfing the head which brought a moan from me. She looked up and had a smile and went farther down my rod till it was completely engulfed. It was like heaven,out of all the girls she could suck the best. She started to suck which made me want to cum right there but I stopped myself. Her left hand moved to her pussy which she started to play with and the right hand began to fondle my balls. I was loving it and grabbed her head and began to push in and out of her mouth syncing with her sucking movements. I could tell I was about to cum because of the feeling of my balls churning. Apparently she could tell as well as she started to suck harder and faster. I looked down as I heard more and more soft moans from her,she was fingering her self fast as hell which made me cum then. I yelled"I'm CUMMMING!!! Fuck!!!!" I blew my first rope of cum in her mouth which she swallowed with eased; rope after rope of thick,creamy cum filled her mouth but she swallowed it almost instantly. She stood up and licked her fingers as my cock was getting soft. I brought her up to my lips and kissed her gently tasting my own cum mixed with her taste of her own juices made it delicious. I lifted her up to the sink and sit her down and got on my knees and looked at her glistening slit which was practically gushing with juice...sweet,delicious juice. As you can imagine I dived right in licking the deepest recess which brought loud moans of pleasure from her. As I was licking I brought my fingers to her flit and started to play with it: pinching,pulling, and even flicking it which made her cry in pleasure"Oh my god!!!!! Ohhhhhhh". She pushed my head in as far as possible. As she said this her body tensed and squeezed my tongue. Juices flowed out which I drank as if I were a man who hadn't had water in weeks. She became limp but my cock was at full attention. She opened her eyes and saw I had lined it up to her entrance"yes please give me that fat cock!". I was more than obliged as I slid on fully to the hilt. Her arms and hands shot out and went behind her to brace herself against the mirror as she moaned loudly. I quickly set up a pace which her moans became simultaneous with. She pushed back matching my thrusts only making her moan more and more. Her body became tight as her pussy tightened around my cock and she moaned load to where it was almost a scream. This sent me over the top as I came again filling her pussy with hot cum which made her moan as the vibrations through her body lessened. This is where my reputation came. I pulled out with a pop and pulled her off the sink and made her bend over. My cock was already hard again as I looked at her ass. Since my cock was already lubricated with her juice I lined my dick up to her asshole."no! Not there. I've never been fucked up the ass. It'll hurt too much". "it'll get better. Trust me" since it was her first anal I went slow. I put the head in which made her tear up and wince in pain. Her ass muscle was squeezing my head to the point of almost pain but upmost pleasure. I slide my rod in a bit more till fully buried deep in it. Her winces became more of moans as it got deeper and her muscles relaxed which allowed me to move. I slowly moved in and out which made her moan more. I don't know if it was my imagination or not but it seemed like she was pushing back into my cock. I didn't care either way,I was fucking this ass whether she liked it or not. I got faster to where I was slamming hilt deep into her and her moans became louder than ever. I reached my hands under her to cup one breast in each hand as I fucked her. She moaned in approval as I fucked her ass. I was getting close to cumming after about 20 minutes of this. I grabbed her waist after letting go of her breasts as my breath became ragged which allowed me to slam harder and deeper. She moaned and moaned and moaned till I pushed harder than ever into her ass as I moaned and shot my thick load into her ass. She passed out due to the pain,pleasure,and cum. I picked her up and put her in a stall with her panties and skirt down around her ankles to make it look like she was going to the bathroom which also allowed the cum to ooze into the toilet. I picked up my pants and put them on and slowly went out the bathroom feeling better and proud of myself. I went through the rest of the day normally and got off my bus. The walk to my house was 1/2 mile and woods were between me and my house. I was walking the road as it was getting dark. I had the feeling from the morning that someone or something was watching me. I stopped and looked around till I was satisfied no one was watching. I started walking a little faster still feeling uneasy. I heard a howl from behind me which made me start running. I then heard something hitting concrete, through the running I looked back to see a huge wolf running towards me which made me run faster. I was almost home when the wolf jumped on me and made me fall to the ground with a shatter. I was out of breath as I looked around to see the large brown wolf. It looked like a wolf but it wasn't somehow. It charged at me,in the second I had I rolled out of the way and lifted myself up to start running. I took only a few steps and felt a sharp pain in my leg. The wolf had clamped on my leg which made me fall down. I rolled over and kicked the dog square in the nose which made it yell in pain but growl and jump on my body. It was tryin to bite my have but I was holding it away but it was able to clamp on mt shoulder when my hand slipped from the side of its face. I screamed in agony as I started to savagely punch the wolf. It didn't let go at all but started tearing. I looked to my side and saw a rock. I grabbed it quickly and hit it upside the head which caused blood to seep through its fur. It jumped back and was getting ready for another attack when I heard a howl. It hesitated but growled at me and ran into the woods. I quickly got up and ran home. My mom had to work double shifts so wouldn't be home till 3 I the morning. I was an only kid and I never knew my dad so I was home alone. I locked the door and grabbed the machete out of my room and checked all the doors and windows. Once I felt safe I took a shower screaming in as I felt the wound burning. Once out I bandaged it up,but it was getting hard to concentrate on things now. I set the house alarm and with my machete went to my bad and went to sleep. I had nightmares of what happened earlier that day. I awoke the next morning with a pain in my shoulder where the wolf bit me but other than that I felt fine. I walked in the bathroom and turned the light on. What I saw made me scream.... That's the first part. Depending on rating and views I'll keep it going. |
This complete story revolve around a lot of sexual themes that may be offensive to some readers. I don't mean to offend anyone so please read the themes and introductions before reading the chapters. If it doesn't sound like a story to get you horny and cumming, I won't be offended if you stop reading. Everyone else, ENJOY! HOUSESITTING DAY 0: The Day Before Chapter 6: Naughty Boys Don't Get To Cum Slap! Madison hit the girl with a smack across the face, sending a splash of cum spattering to the floor followed by the young cocksucker. Madison raised her arm back for another slap making the poor young girl recoil and lose her balance completely. She crumpled sideways onto her ass and whimpered with her head down and her eyes focused on the floor. "Bitch! That was my cum!" Madison yelled as she brought her hand up to her luscious, ruby red lips. Her hand was now also coated in cum from the slap, and she began to lick it clean. "Did you enjoy my boyfriend's hot cum?" The girl whimpered and shook her head. "Yeah you did, you little whore. I bet you love it dripping all over your sweet, lil’ face. Do you want some more?" Madison raised her hand and I'm sure the crumpled brunette was unsure if she was referring to my cum or another slap. In any case, she shook her head again with fear in her eyes. Madison snapped her arm out like a viper and grabbed hold of the girl's hair. Pulling her violently up, Madison hissed, "Don't fuckin' lie to me, slut. Everyone wants more of my boyfriend's delicious cum." Madison pulled the brunette by both her hair and the collar of her white shirt. The poor girl had started to cry as she was dragged across the dirty floor over to where I stood. I had no idea what Madison had in mind, and a part of me was concerned for the weak, little school slut. I put my hands up in surrender and tried to plead with my hot amazon girlfriend, "Madison, it wasn't her fault. It was all me. I made her suck me off." Madison just ignored me and continued to speak to the disheveled girl, "Here's some more cum, bitch. Why don't you suck Adam's cock clean?" With both hands, Madison forced the girl up and towards my crotch. I felt those amazing lips and that warm, wet mouth envelop my oozing manhood. I was completely flaccid by then but it still felt incredible having the young girl lick and suck my dick. "Yeah! Suck that limp cock! I bet you can take it all now." Madison pushed on the back of the girl's head and forced her all the way into my pubes. Even flaccid, it was a lot of meat for the girl to take in. After a couple seconds, the girl started to choke and cough on my dick, but Madison held her firmly. "Good little slut," she cooed with pleasure. Finally, Madison jerked the girl's head back off my cock and pulled the slutty girl in for a wet kiss. Madison had the occasional girl-on-girl craving and I always enjoyed the show. This time, I watched stunned as her tongue slid into the younger girl's mouth as she stood in dominance over the girl. They kissed for a full minute in the classic "Spiderman kiss pose" before Madison moved to licking my cum off the girl's furiously blushing face. I noticed smudges of Madison's dark red lipstick all around the girl's lips and some on her pink cheeks from Madison's licking. With a mouthful of gathered cum, Madison pulled the whimpering schoolgirl up for another sloppy, cummy kiss. I could feel my dick lightly twitching as the cum-saliva mixture flowed out of the corners of the girl's sweet lips. With all the cum emptied into the younger girl's mouth, Madison said, "Good girl. I bet you want even more." She grabbed a firm hold of her brunette locks again and started dragging her across the floor to where some cum had spattered from the slap. Madison pushed the girl hard to the floor. There was a big glob right under the girl's face and Madison commanded, "Lick it up." The floor wasn’t the cleanest and this made me even more eager to see the girl lick up the mess. "I said, lick it up," Madison grabbed the girl's head and pushed it down to the drops of semen. I watched a tear roll down the girl's rosy cheek as she slowly lapped at the creamy mess. "That a girl. Ooo, that's a very good girl. Make sure you get it all, you little whore." My beautiful girlfriend smiled wickedly as she stood and placed one of her heels on the girl's back. Again, the little girl whimpered and Madison said, "Dirty, filthy floor cum is what dirty, filthy, little sluts get when they steal my cum ." She lifted her heel and spun around so quickly that her purse spun out. She walked swiftly and coolly towards me before saying, "Pull your fucking pant up, babe. Let's get the fuck out of here." I did as she said and then she grabbed my arm and led me out into the hall. I glanced back over my shoulder to the sad sight of the little, messy girl, covered in cum, sobbing on the floor where she continued to lick up my cum. I felt really guilty, but on the other hand, she had made me cum so good all over her adorable little face. Plus, it was really hot seeing Madison completely dominate that little slut. *** Madison had hardly spoken on the way back to her house. The only time she had opened her mouth was to ominously tell me that my punishment would come later just before she got into my car. I also stayed quiet during the drive. Madison had given me permission to fuck whoever when she was busy but it's not like I couldn't have waited the few minutes for her to get out of class before blowing my load. We pulled up to her place. I paused in my seat while she got out. Noticing, she spun and bent to look in. "You coming?" "Do you want me to come?" I asked genuinely uncertain. She scowled, "Don't be an idiot. Of course I want you to come in. I have you for the whole afternoon before you have to give your sis a ride to that party," that wicked smile reappeared on her lips, "and you haven't been properly punished yet. And I just thought of the perfect discipline for you." She giggled and I really wasn't sure what to make of that. *** The incredibly sexy dominatrix licked her deep red lips and look at me with her beautiful, piercing eyes. With a wicked sneer, she commanded me, "Crawl over here and lick my fucking cunt." She snapped her immaculately manicured fingers and pointed a long, dark red nail down at her glistening snatch, "Now!" *** After Madison had led me into her room, she had ordered me to sit on the love-seat against the wall and wait for her to "get ready". Ten minutes later, she had flung open her closet door to reveal her new black clad self. She had on shiny black three inch pumps, fishnet stockings, sheer lace panties and bra, and the most seductive red lipstick I'd ever seen. She jabbed a finger towards the empty corner in her room, "Stand in the fucking corner for what you did, you bad boy!" She gave me a fierce look and I obediently did as I was told as she sat and lay back comfortably on the edge of her bed. That was when the command to lick her cunt had come. I got down and started to crawl between her spread legs. I was excited to taste her sweet pussy and she must have sensed my eagerness because she quickly ordered, "Stop! Start with my stilettos!" She raised a sexy leg adorned with black fishnets. Dangling her spiked shiny black heel inches from my face, she commanded sternly, "Make sure you give them a good licking before moving to my ankles." On all fours in a submissive position, I began licking her incredibly sexy 3-inch heels. I didn't mind. They were clean and I was enjoying this new control Madison was asserting over me. If this was my punishment, I was all for it. She watched with a wicked, luscious red smile across her face as my tongue slid along the shiny leather of her shoes. Drawing out the words as if speaking to a dog, Madison said, "Good boy." I took this as a sign to move up her ankle. I kissed and licked her ankle making her giggle a little. She quickly regained character and asserted her dominance by pulling sharply on my hair. "Don't neglect the other one," came her breathy whisper in my ear. She dangled her other leg back and forth in the air. I took the cue and shuffled over to her other leg and started kissing her ankle but she quickly pulled it away and I felt her hand slap my face. It wasn't all that hard but still stung. "Now, now pet. My right heel needs your attention first before you rush to my legs." She shoved her shoe in my face and ordered sternly, "Lick it!" I knew this was all part of the role and power Madison was playing so I smiled and said, "Yes, Mistress." She bit her lip with glee at my words. I had no idea this was such a fantasy of hers. I could see the excitement in her beautiful green eyes and I noticed her breath quickening as I dragged my tongue along the toe of her shoe. This carried on for a while with me alternating back and forth between Madison's sexy legs, giving each the same tongue treatment. Slowly I worked my way passed her ankles and up her calves. As I approached her knees leading to her wonderful thighs, my cock began to twitch in my pants. She had such sexy legs, and with them spread right in front of my face, I was dying to feel Madison tighten her thighs around my head while I tongued her snatch. With great fervour I got to work on her inner thighs. I lapped at the soft flesh as if it were my last meal. My breathing became heavier and I had the strong urge to pull out my cock and stroke it while I ate my way to Madison's sweet nectar. Madison sensed my desires and again tugged on my hair, lifting my eager tongue off her beautiful skin. "Don't you dare touch that cock! That cock is mine and maybe if your good, I'll let you touch it. Now lick my fucking pussy!" With her hand still gripping my hair, she forced my face between her thighs, smothering me with her dripping snatch. She still had her panties on but I could feel her wetness soaking through the lacy fabric. Holy shit! This was really turning her on. The pleasure she was clearly getting from this drove me on. I buried my face deep in her camel-toe and nibbled at her through her moist panties. The scent of her pussy drove me wild. Caught in the euphoria of her cunt in my face and her legs wrapped around my head, I licked and munched on her crotch with incredible desire. I was starting to wonder why we hadn't done this sooner. After a few minutes of being thoroughly smothered by her snatch, Madison opened her legs, releasing me, and commanded, "Ooo, be a good slave boy and take my panties off with your teeth." The pleasure was getting to her and I noticed she was getting less aggressive with her commands. I nipped at the black panties trying to get at the elastic to start pulling them off. Finally, I caught some in my teeth and slowly pulled the left side down. I looked into my amazing girlfriend's eyes before moving to the other side. Her face was the face of a kid on Christmas day. Her green eyes were lit up with passion and her deep red smile was spread from ear to ear. I felt warmth in my heart as I bit her elastic on the other side. A little over eager, I caught a bit of the skin on her hip. I felt her hand smack my head as she said, "Careful, fuck pet." As soon as I had her panties completely off and dropped to the floor, she lashed out with her hand and pulled me back into her wetness. Before I knew it, her juices were dripping down my face. I couldn't remember her ever being this wet before. Not being able to pleasure myself, I instead sated my lust by drinking in every drop of her pussy nectar. I felt her legs clamp around my hunger in climax as she moaned and howled at the ceiling. She was holding me deep in her cunt with both her hand and her incredible thighs as she arched her back, shook and cried out with her pleasure. Once her orgasm had subsided, she used a foot to push me away. One of her heels had fallen off and she used her stocking adorned foot to press me down on my back as she removed her other heel with her free hands. "Now, I want you to take off your clothes and lay on the bed, and don't you dare touch that cock!" She removed her foot from my chest and I quickly jump up onto my feet and tore off my clothes. By the time I was naked and lying on her warm bed, she was standing at the head of the bed bracing herself with her hands against the ceiling. Her legs were slightly spread with her pussy hovering over my face. Looking down at me she looked like a goddess. She still had on her fishnets and her black sheer bra but now her tits were pulled free of the cups and exposed. I saw her voluptuous chest rising and falling with her high state of arousal as she slowly started to shift and gyrate her hips, hypnotizing me with her naked, wet pussy. Her nipples were unbelievable hard as I watched her chest heaved. Her gorgeous, dark, wavy hair fell down around her shoulders as she stared down at me with those piercing green eyes. Her tongue flicked out of her mouth and licked her red lips. I thought she might explode with how revved up she was. Her voice was breathless as she told me, "I'm going to sit on your face, dirty boy. Do you want me to sit on your face?" She asked with a raise eyebrow. All I could do was nod. My cock was at full attention and the thought of Madison's ass on my face made it twitch. "Oooo, you are a dirty boy. Just look at your cock twitching. I bet you'd love to smell my little, puckered asshole, nasty boy." I nodded again and my cock gave another involuntary twitch. Madison fell to her knees and with agonizing slowness, lowered her pussy over my salivating mouth. I saw and felt her asshole press against my nose and I sniffed deep the scent of her forbidden hole. Her ass cheeks pressed against the sides of my face as she put her full weight on me. I moaned with desire and my cock twitched hard up at her. I could feel my cock throbbing in time with my pounding heartbeat. I reached up with my arms and grabbed hold of Madison's hips and forced her harder down on my face, burying my tongue in her dripping snatch and my nose in her wicked brown eye. Feeling her ass on my face, I fell into a blur of sensual passion. My head spun with the sweet taste of her cunt and the wild, dirty smell of her ass. *** Madison couldn't believe what sitting on Adam's face was doing to him. She stared in awe at his iron-hard dick pulsing and throbbing each time she pressed her ass into his face. "Dirty boy. You love sniffing my ass, don't you?" She wasn't sure what made her say it but she knew it was true and almost came at the dirtiness. She felt him moan his answer into her cunt. She couldn't remember ever being this turned on, and she also couldn't remember ever seeing Adam's cock so big and hard. It looked to be nearly nine inches as it continuously throbbed and twitched. Madison loved Adam's tongue. He was very skilled with it. This time things were different. Better! His cunnilingus was up to its usually incredible standards, but the extra sensation of his nose pressed into her asshole was adding so much to her arousal. In an attempt to focus, Madison leaned over and began to lightly tease and caress Adam's poor, raging cock, all the while grinding her ass in circles on his face. "Eat it! Eat my fucking cunt! Lick it nice and deep!" She hissed, "Do you like it when I tease your hard cock? How about your big, swollen balls?" She slid a hand down to cup and rub his large, purple balls. "I bet these are so full of cum. I bet you wanna cum really bad." "Mmmhmm," came the ass smothered response. "Too bad. I'm not gonna let you. Naughty boys don't get to cum. Naughty boys get my pussy and ass all over their faces." She rocked back hard on Adam's face and raise herself up so she was fully sitting on his wonderful face. Like this, she could really feel him munching on her vag and sensitive clit. She started to gyrate her hips and ass like she was at a rodeo and was rewarded by the wild feeling of his nose moving deeper in her asshole. Madison still couldn't believe how arousing it was to have Adam's nose pressed against her puckered ass. She suddenly wondered for the first time in her life what anal sex might feel like. Before she had always thought it was dirty, wrong and pointless when you had a nice pussy to fuck. Now, she wasn't so sure as she was secretly dying to feel even the slightest brush of Adam's tongue against her forbidden tunnel. Just the filthy, wrong thoughts of having her asshole tongued and eaten out was enough to send Madison into another shuddering, crashing climax. She shook almost violently as she felt her cum gush down Adam's chin and all down his strong chest. Her hips bucked forward, and then she felt it...The most amazing feeling ever... Adam's tongue circled around the rim of her anal cavity which kicked her way past her usual pleasure limit and into her first ever multiple orgasm. She convulsed on his face, forcing his tongue deeper into her dirtiest hole, as she spurted great gushes of female ejaculate all down Adam's chest to his twitching, throbbing beast. Like a feral beast herself, she screamed and howled, "Yes! Fuck yes! FUUUUUUUUCCCKK!" as more and more of her cum surged out of her quivering pussy, drenching her amazing boyfriend. Once she finally came down from the most powerful orgasm of her life, her eyes focused, and along with the incredible, sopping, dripping mess she had left all over her man-slave, she noticed creamy pre-cum leaking down Adam's wet, pulsing cock. She knew he hadn't cum yet as she would have clearly noticed a geyser of jizz erupting up at her out the tidal wave of her own, but he was seeping a good amount of pre-cum. It leaked down his stiff, engorged shaft in rivulets of milky spunk. She knew that just a couple strokes would finish him off but part of her was still pissed at him giving away his cum to that jailbait cumwhore. Madison reached out and gripped a firm fist on his cock and said, "Hey, remember? Naughty boys don't get to cum." He let out a strangled cry of pain and Madison couldn't help feeling a little bad at what she was doing to him. She got up off his face, released his throbbing, aching, purple cock and said, "Get dressed, I want to go shopping now." and then in a sickly sweet voice she said, "Don't worry, baby. I'll let you cum eventually. Just think of how good it'll feel when you finally get to blow your big, hot load." She leaned in and whispered the last part in his ear before sucking on his earlobe. *** During the last moments of Madison's domination of me, I was sure my cock would just go off on its own. A spontaneous eruption of release and bliss, but unfortunately, no such thing occurred. Instead, I was left twitching, throbbing, swollen and very frustrated. Madison had never teased me so bad, let alone deny me an orgasm. She was usually so hell bent on getting my hot load of cum for herself because she loved cum all over her, or in her mouth, or dripping from her pussy. But this time, she was willing to give up her insane addiction to cum just to torture me. And, to top it all off, she made me get up (sans release), drive her to the mall, and help her try on clothes. For the rest of the afternoon I followed Madison around with my balls completely blue and my cock permanently stiff. It would have been embarrassing having my cock so hard that it was impossible not to notice it, but I was so horny that I really didn't care who noticed my hard cock. It was occasionally amusing when a girl noticed my large bulge and either got embarrassed or got intrigued, but for the majority of the afternoon, Madison had definitely punished me and thoroughly. My cock was so incredibly sensitive that I was afraid of it going off in my jeans whenever I had to adjust it. Madison would have loved it if I went off in my pants, so I resisted and made sure that didn't happen. Madison took her sweet time at every clothing shop and knew I was getting impatient. I kept looking at my watch and I knew exactly what her evil plan was. She wanted to waste enough time so I'd have to drive my sister to the party with my big cock bulging in my pants for my sister to see. I sat back in the chair I was in, sighed and just tried to relax and enjoy the fashion show. At the time, I had no idea what Madison's relentless cock teasing would make me do to my sister later that day. END CHAPTER |
This complete story revolve around a lot of sexual themes that may be offensive to some readers. I don't mean to offend anyone so please read the themes and introductions before reading the chapters. If it doesn't sound like a story to get you horny and cumming, I won't be offended if you stop reading. Everyone else, ENJOY! HOUSESITTING DAY 0: The Day Before Chapter 4: Thank Me With Your Mouth / Dyking Out To my shock and surprise, Kaylie didn't fix her mascara or clean the cum and drool off her face and neck before we left Coach's office. She just pulled her flowery summer dress over her head. No Bra! No Panties! Fuck, I had no idea Kaylie was such slutty girl. She usually looked so sweet and innocent, but not that day. That day, she looked fucking sexy all spattered in cum and with her make-up running. Her dress only reached down to mid-thigh, so if she bent over or a strong wind came along, people would be able to see her little, bald pussy probably with ass cum dripping down her thighs. None of which matter, since the coach's cum slid freely down her face and dripped onto her naked collarbone as we walked through the halls to the exit. A wet, dark line was seeping through the middle of her dress from the first load she had taken on her belly. As we walked the halls, I heard some noise coming from one of the classrooms. I quickly glanced in as we passed and was surprised to see someone I knew. It was Lindsay, the geekiest girl from school. She had also been known as Geeky Lindsay or sometimes Freaky Lindsay, but there was definitely nothing freaky about her that day. First of all, she had to have lost at least 30 pounds. I could see how slim her waist was even under her long, voluminous lab coat. Her usually tangled, brunette hair was cut short to shoulder length, combed and straightened, and she'd streaked it with blonde which looked incredibly good on her. To top things off, she wore smaller, sexier glasses rather than the large, clunky pair she had worn back in school and even at a distance they did wonders to her blue eyes. I never even noticed she had blue eyes before. I couldn't believe the transformation. I was staring in at her with my mouth wide in astonishment when she looked up from the chemistry experiment she was performing. The pipette she was holding paused in mid-air when her eyes met mine. She smiled at the look on my face and gave a small, shy wave. I waved back, dumbfounded, and she giggled. She set the pipette down on the workbench and stepped back from her work to give me a little curtsy in her lab coat, "Hi, Adam," she said sweetly with a very genuine smile. I had always been nice to Lindsay even when other popular kids had treated her poorly. I couldn't help thinking that being nice to her all those years would potentially allow me access to that newly fit body of hers, specifically what was between her thighs. Before I could respond to her greeting, Kaylie yanked on my arm, pulling me out of the door frame and down the hall. A little reluctantly, I followed. We left the school by the side parking lot. I was still thinking about how amazing Lindsay had looked and was fantasizing about what I'd do to her, so I didn't even notice the four punk skaters by the door to the school. With the parking lot so empty during the summer months, it was a great open area to skate around. I only really noticed the gang when Kaylie smiled widely at them and said, "Good morning! Nice day out today." They all stood stunned as they all realized in turn what was all over Kaylie's face, and that's when I realized that one of them was actually a cute girl. Once we were five meters passed the group, I heard one of the boys whisper, "Holy shit! Did you see all that spunk on her face?" The girl spoke up with her cute voice and said, "Did you see that hot guy with her?" "Shut up, Brit. All you ever think about is boys." One of the boys scoffed. "Hey, you mentioned the girl, so I mentioned the guy. Besides," Her tone got more excited, "I bet it's his jizz all over her face. I bet he fucked her in the school." I looked back at the cute, little, short haired skater chick. She was kind of tomboyish with skater shoes and no makeup on but that didn't stop her natural beauty showing itself. She was wearing some short shorts and a tank top which showed the hint of some breasts growing underneath. When I caught her eye, she turned red, grinned crookedly and then looked away. When she made eye contact again, I pointed at her and gave her a half smile before sticking two fingers up in the air and mimicking cunnilingus with my tongue flicking between them. Her mouth fell open in shock but with a hint of excitement in her eyes as she blushed and turned away again. I secretly hoped she would still be there later when I came back to get Madison. I clicked the button on my fob as we got close to my car. "Thanks again for the ride," Kaylie said politely with a bubbly smile as she got in on the passenger's side. I got in on the driver's side and turned to her with a wolfish smile and said, "You can thank me with your mouth on the way. You gotta get me hard again before we get to Natalie's." I was still amazed at the cum she'd left all over her face in broad daylight. It was starting to dry and was getting all crusty and wrinkly on her skin. "Okay!" She beamed, "but you just came in my ass. A LOT! You filled me so full. See?" She lifted the hem of her dress to reveal the long streak of rich cum running out of her ass to her pink pussy lips and then down her inner thigh. Fuck, it looked sexy! "Are you sure you can even get hard again?" "Of course, baby. I've already cum three times today." I gave the punk girl one last glance before putting the car in reverse and pulling out. *** It was a short ride to Natalie's but I made sure to whip out my sloppy, slick schlong just as we exited the school lot and Kaylie was quick to sucked it with fast, wet, slurping bobs the entire time. I still couldn’t believe that Kaylie was blowing me after I’d been 8 inches deep in her ass. She was such a filthy whore and I absolutely loved it. She did such a good job on my knob that by the time we got to our destination I was nearly ready to go again. Nearly. "Wanna watch Natalie and me dyke out? We've been doing it for a while now." She explain matter-of-factly. "You bet I do!" I said with enthusiasm. "It was her idea. She's really good at going down on me. Oh, pull around to the back alley.” She hastily gestured at the street coming up. “There's more parking and the back door leads right downstairs to Natalie's room." She spoke quickly with excitement and her knees began to shake as she flashed me an adorable, crooked grin. Natalie was a very cute, blonde girl about the same size as Kaylie but with slightly larger breasts. I could barely contain my thrill at getting the chance at seeing another gorgeous, trim volleyball girl naked that day. I parked by the back gate as Kaylie had instructed and we both got out to head inside. Kaylie didn't even knock or ring the doorbell. She just opened the backdoor and ushered me inside. I felt like I was part of some secret club as she took me down the stairs and through a door which led into a big bedroom. "Hey, slut." Natalie said with a smile over her shoulder. She was watching some fashion show on TV. "Hey, bitch." Kaylie said affectionately back with that same adorable, crooked grin from the car. "Oh my gawd, Kay! Is that cum all over your face? Holy, look at your make-up. You're such a totally slut, not to mention a fucking mess, baby." Her mouth was open in shock but then she burst out giggling. When she finally noticed me, she blushed a deep red and said bashfully, "Hi, Adam. Bitch, you never told me you were bringing Adam Richards over. I probably look a mess." "Hey Natalie. You look radiant," I said with a smile. She blushed again. “Compared to me, she looks like a proper prude,” Kaylie giggled out while posing to model her cum-drenched face. "Hey Nat, wanna give Adam a show? I promised him he could watch us dyke out." "Oh my gawd, Kay!" Natalie said again and unbelievably blushed even deeper. "You told him about that! That's so embarrassing. By the way, whose cum is on your face? Is it Adam's?" She asked in a sing-song voice. "No, it's Coach's." Kaylie lifted her dress up past her waist, "Adam's cum is here. Wanna lick me clean?" Natalie smiled and bit her lower lip. "Of course I'll lick you clean if it's Adam's cum," she glanced a coy look up at me and said, "but I wouldn't mind some fresh cum of my own." I slid my pants back down until my semi-hard cock sprang free. She gasped at it's girth and I said, "Don't worry, babe. Why don't you start eating Kaylie's gaping ass and I'll see if I can make you a fresh batch." I grabbed my semi and started slowly massaging the thick shaft. "Ooo yeeaaahh, baby. Get your ass on my bed, you nasty, spunk whore." Kaylie giggled and eagerly tore off her dress. She hopped up onto Natalie's bed on all fours, and wiggled her sexy butt in her blonde best friend's face. Nat tore off her own shirt, showing off her nice tits in her lacy, baby blue bra. Sitting up, Natalie sprang up and attacked Kaylie, burying her face between her cheeks with a hunger I'd never seen before. My cock twitched and I knew it wouldn't be long before I had the fourth set of lips around my cock that day. Not bad for three hours work. Kaylie moaned and shuddered as Natalie's tongue began to lick up where the cum-trail ended and make its way up along Kaylie's smooth, sexy inner thigh. Natalie flicked her cummy tongue over the cute brunette's clit and up along her slit, then finished by darting into her asshole, all the while gathering up the dripping jizz that was trying to escape. She clamped her mouth over Kaylie's puckered hole and made a loud, slurping, sucking noise. With a pop, her mouth came off Kaylie's nasty hole. She turned to face me and stuck out her tongue to show me all the cum she'd trapped in there. Fuck, Natalie is just as filthy a slut as Kaylie! She let my load slide off her tongue before quickly slurping the stringy liquid back into her mouth. She did this a couple times and then tilted her head back to let my load slide down her throat. With her head still tilted back gulping down my spunk, using her deft fingers, she undid her bra and whipped it off with a sexy flourish, exposing her perky, nubile tits. It wasn't just her firm tits that had caught my horny, lust-filled eyes. She also had the most amazing tan-lines outlining what had clearly been a bikini top. The pattern of her tan-lines was much smaller than where her bra covered and I fantasized about the scanty bikini that had made it. My cock twitched again in my hand as her tight titties jiggled only slightly with her nubile firmness. Noticing my cock's movement, she flashed me a naughty smile. Her gorgeous, wide, green eyes stared at my growing member for a few moments before Kaylie's hand snapped back, roughly grabbing Natalie's hair, and forcing her face back deep between her cheeks. "Lick me, Bitch! I want to feel your tongue punching my asshole, you dirty ass-slut." Not being one to just sit back and watch, I got up and walked behind the blonde ass-eater and reached around her to undo her jeans. As one hand skillfully flicked her button open and pulled open the zipper, the other reached up to fondle one of her pert, swaying breasts and I pressed my growing member into her backside. Once her pants were open, that hand slid up her tight body to cup her other soft breast. I could hear her moaning into Kaylie's ass as I ground my pelvis against her ass and caressed her tits with my strong hands. Feeling the stiffness of her nipples, I couldn't resist giving each a light pinch and pull. "Mmmmm," came a drawn out, pleasure filled moan. "Kaylie and I are going to make you our pleasure bitch. We're going to use your hot, sexy body to please and tease us until we all get off," I whispered in her ear as she rimmed her best friend. My hands moved along Natalie's slim waist to her jeans as I spoke. "I'm not going to do anything that you don't want, but we're going to use and abuse you until we both cum and that's when I'm going to unload all over your face and mouth." I slowly slid her jeans down over her juicy ass to reveal her matching baby blue panties while kissing down her spine to her crack. Natalie finally freed herself to almost whine, "I wanna be your sex toy. Use me however you want to get yourself off." She gave a yelp of surprise when I effortlessly flipped her onto her back. I grabbed the waist of her jeans and ripped them off her smooth, hot flesh in one quick pull. "Oh my gawd, Kaylie. I'm so wet. I'm so wet for you both." Next to come off were those lacy panties. Lifting her butt up slightly, I slowly and sensuously slide her last article of clothing off her hot body before falling to my knees in front of her sweet, glistening, bald pussy. She had the same sexy tan-lines below as above, and I drooled at the sight of the tiny, pale patch of skin over her shaved muff. Kaylie by then was sitting on Natalie's face forcing her best friend to eat her cunt, so, I was able to take my time and slowly work my mouth and tongue around all her sweet, sensitive areas. I felt her moan and shudder with my oral probing and I exploited each of these areas to their full threshold, eventually leaving her shuddering and shaking under Kaylie's grinding hips. I knew she was climaxing when her hips began to gyrate and buck up off the mattress. Her thighs pressed around my head and I felt the amazingly erotic feel of her soft, warm feet sliding along my back with her sexy leg movements. After a few more minutes of divine pussy eating to give Natalie time to come down, I stood up to take a step back, stroke my growing cock, and admire Kaylie riding her friend's face. "Spin around, Kay. I wanna see you dirty bitches in a sixty-nine." She looked over her shoulders at me. Her beautiful doe eyes burned with desire as she bit her lip and moaned her approval. Kaylie swiveled her hips around so she was still sitting on Natalie's face but facing the other way. I caught a glimpse of the eager blonde's tongue flicking out to give Kaylie's pussy a deep massage before Kaylie dropped her upper body down and started lapping at Natalie's cunt like an animal. God, they were both so damn sexy writhing in each other's clutches as they ground their cunts into each other's willing mouths. "Oh yeah, eat those cunts! You sluts are getting me so fucking hard!" I was starting to feel like coach and wondered if he'd ever been in the exact same position as I was with Kaylie and Natalie. I watched in complete sexual awe as both girls grabbed tight holds onto one another's gorgeous asses and pulled their pussies harder against their hungry mouths. Through the sexy sounds of lapping tongues, I could hear increasingly more intense muffled moans escaping from between each pair of thighs. The fit girls writhed and bucked together. I walked around the moaning girl's to get a good look at what Natalie was doing and noticed that she had two fingers working Kaylie's asshole while she munched on her wet pussy. I was rock hard again and I stepped up to where Kaylie's mouth was furiously shaking back and forth between Natalie's bucking thighs. I nudged my re-stiffened dick forward and Kaylie eagerly made room for me to slide in between her tongue and Natalie's wet pussy lips. It felt incredible to have Kaylie's tongue running along the top of my shaft as Natalie's plump pussy lips ran along the underside. Natalie gasped and tensed in shock at the feel of my rod so close to penetrating her virgin slit. Not wanting to frighten her, I rubbed her spread thighs gently with my hands and said, "Don't worry, baby. I'm just gonna use your pussy lips to rub my hard shaft. I won't slide inside you unless you want me to." This seemed to calm her as I felt her body relax again under me. I resumed what I was doing, sliding my full eight inches along Natalie’s dripping labia as Kaylie lick and kissed along my throbbing shaft. Natalie was so fucking wet and it would have been so easy just to plunge right into her tight pussy, but I couldn't do that. Her first time had to be special and when she was ready. Instead, I just went through the motions as if I were fucking her. I grab hold of a smooth thigh in each hand as I pretended to fuck the hottie with deep, powerful strokes. My hips slapped her firm ass with each thrust and when Kaylie tilted her cute head sideways and wrapped her lips around the top of my thrusting shaft, it almost felt like I was fucking a wet pussy. Occasional, Kaylie would open her mouth and allow my thrusting shaft to slide deep into her throat and then she would comment on how tasty Natalie's pussy juice were coated on my dick. Both writhing, panting girls were sweaty and disheveled as I pumped my big rod between both sets of wet, hot lips and took in the incredible joy of our passionate and lusty threesome. As Natalie relaxed and started to really enjoy my hard cock, I felt her hips start to move and grind with my thrusting. I let go of her sexy legs and she wrapped them tightly around my rocking hips. Kaylie arched her body up (really making her tits stick out) and started riding Natalie's face. Kaylie's face was dripping with Natalie's sex as she licked her lips while gyrating. Her hands came up to caress her own perky tits as I watched the sweat slide down her collarbone and between her heaving cleavage. With my own hands free, I grabbed Kaylie around the back of her neck and pulled her in for a deep French kiss before running them along Natalie's wriggling body, caressing the soft, sweaty skin all the way up to her jiggling tits. I continued to french Kaylie with our hot, wet tongues swirling around each other’s while I grabbed hold of Natalie's perfectly round breasts and used them to thrust hard against the skinny girl's slick pussy. Natalie’s abs looked particular delicious as they flexed with my thrusting. Kaylie and I parted from one another, both panting with our desire and the pleasure we were deriving from our shared sex pet. I looked down at the young slut under us and took particular delicious pleasure from watching her abs as they flexed with my thrusting and her tight, toned figure showing some sexy definition under a fresh, sizzling sheen of perspiration. These chicks were so fit from volleyball and soccer. Fit to fuck as I liked to say. Kaylie was still grinding her hips back and forth on Natalie's face but now had one hand in the air for balance. She reminded me of a cowgirl trying to stay on a raging, bucking bull. A naked, very naughty cowgirl. Eventually, after an intense, shaking orgasm with her chest heaving and jiggling in such ways to nearly sent me over the edge, Kaylie excitedly said, "Oh Nat, I wanna grind our pussies together while Adam fucks your mouth." Kaylie hopped off Nat's face and I flipped the breathless blonde bitch around as easily as a fuckdoll and positioned her with her head hanging off the edge of the bed. She looked into my eyes as she immediately started licking the underside of my throbbing shaft. "It's so big! I'm not sure if I can fit it in my little mouth," she purred in an overly innocent voice. It was true. My pulsing cock looked huge twitching over her slutty face. I took a step forward and dangled my big balls in her face. "Why don't you start with these then." With eager lust, I felt her soft, warm tongue exploring my swollen testicles. By then, Kaylie was scissored in between Natalie's thigh and was inching closer to grind her wet cunt into Natalie's. I reached out and slid a finger along Natalie's velvety, moist hole just before Kaylie's closed over it. As Kaylie ground hard against Nat, she was pushing my finger harder against Natalie's clit. "Oh fuck!" Nat breathed on my balls as Kaylie ground against her, over and over again. Her tits jiggled and I suddenly had an idea. Moving my hips forward again, I slid my shaft down between Natalie's glorious cleavage. With my big hands, I wrapped her pert tits around my cock and started to fuck them. Her soft skin felt great against my throbbing shaft as I pumped her sweat slick tits. She surprised me by raising her head and running her warm, wet tongue along the sensitive spot between my ass and balls. I even felt the odd flick rimming my rectum. The whole scene was so incredibly erotic. The young girls rubbing pussies, with me tittie-fucking one of them while she basically ate my asshole. I knew I was getting close to cumming, so I looked up to distract myself away from my approaching orgasm. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Natalie's digital camera. I leaned over to her night stand and scooped it up. Priming it, I decided to take a few souvenir pictures. "Smile, Kaylie!" I said and she obediently leaned up to look into the camera. Her smile was sexy but she looked a little dazed and dreamy from the hot sex as the camera clicked. I stepped back and took aim with my throbbing meat at Natalie's open mouth. I slid my shaft three inch into her mouth before clicking off another photo with a bright flash. I thrust my twitching cock in and out of her mouth a couple more times. Distraction or not, that was it for me. I quickly pulled out to jerk a hot load onto Natalie's upside-down face. Great spits of jizz spattered her mouth and chin before it ran into her blonde locks. Some of my hot spunk hit her cheeks and ran into her eyes, gluing them shut. "Fuck, your cum's so fucking hot on my slutty face! Like burning hot. It feels so fucking good!" she yelled just before I aimed some burning hot spurts into her mouth. If Natalie had been wearing any eye make-up, it would have been running up her forehead just like Kaylie's. "Oh Nat, you look so beautiful," Kaylie panted through what looked like another orgasm of her own. She was firmly gripping one of Natalie's legs with both hands as she humped her cum glazed friend. I took some close-ups of Natalie's jizz coated face for her to admire when she could see again. My cock went flaccid a lot quicker this time and I used it to slap Natalie's "slutty face". "Yeah, smack that whore. She's been a bad fucking girl," Kaylie moaned through semi-clenched teeth as she finally relaxed her grip and fell back onto her elbows. Sensing that Natalie was extremely close, I bent forward and helped Kaylie bring the cum-blind girl to another climax by leaning over her hot body and licking her clit as Kaylie continued to grind hard into her. After her own orgasm, Kaylie looked completely exhausted, but she used her fitness training to push on a bit longer for her friend's benefit. It paid off as moments later, Natalie bucked hard under me, cried out in carnal pleasure, and then all three of us crumpled into a blissful, sweaty, cummy heap on her bed. *** Once we had regained our grasp on reality, we all squeezed into Natalie's small bathroom for a hot shower. Kaylie and I had to lead Natalie by the hand since she was still cum blinded. I made a lame joke about the girls having already had their hot showers to which they both burst out into shaking giggles. The coach's cum was now just a tight, dry film along the sexy curves of Kaylie's neckline and down her cleavage. It cracked and flaked off as she moved. The hot shower was wonderful with the three of us taking turned cleaning one another with our tongues. Both girls were really enjoying the hot water as it washed away the messy cum and their make-up. Again, I watched their wet, sexy bodies in complete awe. I couldn't resist pulling them in for some deep kiss tongue action. This led to all of us caressing, kissing and licking one another in a flurry of steamy, passionate "washing". The girls were eager to see if they could get my dick hard again, so they told me to just watch as they gave me another sexy "dyke out" show. They started with just sexy girl-on-girl kissing, but then they began to press their wet, hot bodies together. Their breasts were soapy as they squished and slide together with the girls' increasingly more passionate kissing, now with wet tongues pressing erotically together as the water ran over them. I watch as their tongues swirl and twisted together with their steamy, lesbian lust. Their soft, soapy skin slid along the other's body, and I drooled as Natalie reached down to grabbed Kaylie's gorgeous ass and pulled her hips hard against her own. They both moaned as their wet cunts collided with steam billowing around their sweet sex. Kaylie raised one leg and wrapped it around Natalie's slim waist as she pulled her lover harder into her while they closed their eyes, french kissed, and ground pussies together. I could feel the love and attraction between them as they fell into the each other's embrace. They fit together like perfect, passionate puzzle pieces. If I hadn't already cum four times that day, I would have been spurting like a fire hose all over them right there. Through their steamy lust, Kaylie and Natalie noticed that their making out wasn't getting me hard. Kaylie whispered something in Natalie's ear and then they both dropped down to their knees in the cramped shower. The slutty girls were so determined to get me stiff again as they started "washing" me below the waist with their small, excited hands and their eager, wet mouths. At one point, Natalie was bobbing her head on my soft penis while Kaylie was full-on licking my asshole. It felt unbelievably awesome and delightfully dirty but my cock wasn't getting up again in any hurry. Instead, I just relaxed and enjoyed the tonguing and sucking I was generously receiving. We spent a good half hour in the shower, wholly enjoying one another's bodies. The girls' favourite thing seemed to be touching and licking my hard chest and abs. My favourites were Kaylie's amazing ass and Natalie's tantalizingly tan-lined tits. Eventually, the water began to grow cold, and we were forced to retreat back to Natalie's warm, duvet-clad bed where we resumed our playing. After a while, and to both girls' joy and amazement, my cock stiffened again, but I was so exhausted by then that I just lay back on the bed and let the adorable girls take turns sucking me off. I knew it would be a very long time before I could cum again, so I closed my eyes and dozed as I enjoyed the hot mouths sliding up and down on my shaft. And that's when I heard Natalie's soft, slightly nervous voice say, "Umm, Adam? I think I want you inside me now. I think I'm ready." My eyes flew open and I sat bolt up, all tiredness gone. I looked into Natalie's sparkling green eyes and she sweetly whispered, "I want you to take me. I wanna feel your big dick inside my pussy." "Oh yay, Natalie." Kaylie said, overjoyed. "I want to watch him take your virginity." "Are you sure, Natalie?" I asked seriously. From in-between my legs where she had been blowing me moments before, she bite her lower lip and timidly looked away for a moment but then her big, green eyes came back to mine filled with determination. She gave a shaky, tight lipped nod and then said, "mmm-hmm, I want you to have my cherry. My pussy is all yours." My dick throbbed and grew another inch in her stroking hand in anticipation of taking the young beauty's precious innocence. She gasped and said in astonishment, "Wow, your dick is definitely excited and ready for my tight cherry. Ooo, it's throbbing in my hand." She gave the tip a big kiss before sliding me back into her mouth. "Fuck, baby. If you're ready, I would love to pop your cherry. Are you really sure you're ready?" I asked again. "God yes! I need you inside me." She was filled to the brim with lust and sexual tension as she vibrated and panted on the floor between my thighs. I watched as her own thighs opened and closed with anticipation and pure carnal desire. A feral look spread over her face and she growled, "Fuck, I want you so bad, Adam." I heard the urgent need in her voice and couldn't stop from saying those three words I loved so much, "Beg for it." I stared deep into the panting slut's green eyes. "Beg me to take your cherry, baby." "Please. Please Adam, I need you," she whined desperately. I couldn't believe the rush I got from the control I had over this sexy girl. I picked her up and threw her onto her bed. "Oh please. Take me, Adam. I want you deep inside me." Kaylie was watching intently with her mouth slightly open in anticipation of what I was going to do to her best friend. I firmly grabbed Natalie by her hips and pulled her to the edge of the bed. My big cock swayed back and forth over of her tight, virgin hole. Again, I couldn't help noticing how good her tan-lines looked. They were a constant reminder of her teeny tiny bikini. I grabbed hold of my pulsing rod and used the bulbous tip to tease Natalie's pussy. I was suddenly rock hard! I rubbed it along the glistening, dripping outer lips and slapped the thick meaty rod, wetly against her snatch. "Yes, I love it. Tease it. Oh Adam, I'm so wet for you." I grabbed a handful of Kaylie's dangling hair and gently pulled her face closer to Natalie's sweet slit. "Spit on her cunt, bitch. Get your virgin friend ready to take my big, hard dick." I was breathing hard as I stroked my meat. Like the obedient, little slut that she was, Kaylie moved over Natalie's quivering twat and spat a big gob of saliva all down her cute, bald slit. Using her tongue, she swirl the spit around the tight opening. Then Kaylie slid her tongue up Natalie's glistening pussy and started flicking her tongue over Natalie's sensitive clit. I gave a firm tug on her hair, jerking her head back ten inches, "Spit on it again, bitch. Get her fucking cunt nice and nasty for my throbbing cock." Both girls seemed to be enjoying my rough, commanding manner as they both panted with their extreme arousal. Again, Kaylie spat on Natalie's pussy, leaving a sticky trail down her chin. I step forward again and slapped my veiny rod against Natalie's spit lubed fuckhole. "Tell me what you need, baby," I hissed viciously down at her. She was breathing even harder with her uncontrollable desire now. "I need you. I need you deep inside me. Please. Oh, please. I want you to take my virginity. I need to feel you throbbing inside me. Please, take my pussy. Take it!" She was panting and completely desperate for my dick. That was just how I like my dirty fuck pets. I pulled back and took precise aim at her perfect, little, bald slit. I noticed that Kaylie now had the camera in her trembling hands and was clicking off countless pictures. My tip made contact with Natalie's opening and both her and Kaylie drew in a deep breath. I looked into Natalie's beautiful green eyes. "Here it comes, baby." Slowly, I pressed my massive, throbbing cock against her incredibly tight, saliva oozing opening. She clenched her teeth and made a slight sound of pain as I pushed only half an inch in. I felt her tight inner-vaginal lips part and fold around my massive member. I watched in awe as the blue veins of my rod pulsed along my shaft making it grow even bigger with the anticipation of Natalie's tight pussy lips. "Fuck girl, even with Kaylie's help, you're still so... fucking ... tight." "Oh my gawd, Natalie! This is so amazing!" Kaylie breathed, her face only inches away from our sex. I felt my cock make contact with Natalie's fragile hymen. I held one of her hands as her other was tightly clutched in one of Kaylie's. I got ready to drive my hips forward and break her sweet, virgin barrier, when all of a sudden... END CHAPTER |
Christy and Dill continue their sexual journey..... Best Friends Part 2 of 2 As Christy led Dill to the shower, Dill couldn't help but watch her beautiful smooth butt switch back and forth as she walked. With his free hand, he reached out and began rubbing and massaging her butt gently before they reached the shower. Christy said in a seductive voice "Save that until that dick is in me!" Christy turned the water on to the right temperature, not too hot and not too cold. Instead of grabbing Dill by the hand, she grabbed him by his beat and pulled him in, deep inside him, that hurt a bit on how hard she pulled him. When she turned around and saw a bit of pain on his face, Christy said"Aww, did I pull on it to hard?", "Yea, sort of" Dill answered, trying to keep the slight tears in. Christy felt so bad for hurting him, she got onto her knees and without saying a word, she took his dick into her warm welcoming mouth, closing her lips softly around his meat. That relieved the pain he was in, she knew he was loving it so she began to bob her head, up - down - up - down - up - down, she did this for several minutes until he felt better and was fully hard. Once she tasted how hard he was, she rose onto her feet and she told him "Fu*k me Dill, I've been waiting for this for so long!" Without a word to be spoken, Dill lifted Christy off of her feet and with one hard thrust, Dill was inside Christy's warm awaiting pussy, that thrust made Christy scream in so much pleasure. "AHHHHHHHHH, FU*K YEAAAAAAAAAAAA, FU*K ME HARD, BABY!!!" Christy screamed, that told Dill what had to be done. With his hands under her butt for support, he lifted her up and thrust his meat into her pussy hard, up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down, Christy as well as Dillian, was LOVING the pleasure given to each other. Christy wanted his dick another way, with that thought, she stopped bouncing off his dick, stood on her 2 feet and bent over with both hands on the shower wall, he legs spread wide (not to wide) apart, seeing the shower was a big walk-in. Dill didn't need to be told what to do, he got behind her, and plunged his fu*k meat into her hot a** and began to massively pump her fast and hard causing her boobs to bounce from impact, Christy grabbed her shaking boobs and began squeezing and pinching her erect nipples, see she was only a B-cup, should couldn't suck them like she wanted to. With her free hand and one on the wall, she reached down and began playing and rubbing her swollen clitoris, causing her to get even more pleasure. Dill was close to cumming, and Christy knew that cause she felt him twitch inside of her. She immediately took him out and told him to lay down. Dill did as he was told by his lovely new lover. When Dill was now laying on his back, Christy jerked him off a little bit and soon impaled onto his dick and begin to go up and down and up and down and up and down and up and down like there was not tomorrow. "OMG BABY, I'm CUMMMINGG!!!" Dill grunted from pleasure, "CUM IN MEEEEEEE, OOOOOOOHHHH YESSSS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH." With one final thrust, Dill unleashed several loads of cum deep inside Christy's womb. The couple laid there for several minutes trying to catch their breath. They soon finally got out, and dried off. Christy wanted to suck him off more but Dill was too drained to squeeze out more cum. They soon got dressed and went down to the movie room to watch a comedy movie. 2 Years later, the couple happily married with 2 beautiful children. THE END! =D |
This complete story revolve around a lot of sexual themes that may be offensive to some readers. I don't mean to offend anyone so please read the themes and introductions before reading the chapters. If it doesn't sound like a story to get you horny and cumming, I won't be offended if you stop reading. Everyone else, ENJOY! HOUSESITTING DAY 0: The Day Before Chapter 5: Summer School Sluts We heard the front door slam shut upstairs. "Natalie! We're home!" Lightning fast, I popped my cock out of Natalie's unbroken pussy. "FUCK! It's my parents!" Panic hit me hard as I figured I had about 20 seconds to get dress and bolt out whatever exit I could find. Suddenly, with my heart pounding against my chest, I remember the backdoor just at the top of the stairs. "Well, it's been fun, bitches," I said with a smile as I whipped my pants on. I heard Natalie whimper, probably from how close she had come to losing her virginity before her parents interrupted. If they had been only two seconds later, I'd have been through Natalie's hymen and stuffed balls deep inside her. I had left her shaking and panting, and once my cock had left her pussy, she slid her hand down to rub three finger where I'd left the void. I was shaking too from the tension of Natalie's virginity and the panic of nearly being caught fucking someone's daughter. Luckily, I had parked in the back alley like Kaylie had told me and my shoes were at the back door. I took the stairs three at a time, scoop up my shoes and bolted out the door just as I heard footsteps approaching the stairs down to Natalie's room. The screen door slammed behind me and out the alley gate I went. *** I was breathing hard from the panic I had felt and from the adrenaline coursing through me. With a jittery hand, I opened my car door and slide inside. A quick glance at the clock told me it was 11:30. Holy shit! It was already 11:30! Time flies when you’re fucking two hot, bisexual sluts. Never had a morning flown by so quickly. I couldn't believe it was already almost time to pick up Madison. I also couldn't believe that I'd almost taken little Natalie's virginity. There was no point in heading home just to turn back to get Madison at noon, so I put my car into gear, exhaled a deep breath and let rocks fly as I hit the gas. Like I had said earlier, it was a short trip between Natalie's house and the school, and with all the adrenaline coursing through me, I couldn't stop myself from driving extra fast, so I knew I'd be extra early to pick up Madison. Being early wouldn't be so bad. Maybe that skater chick would be there. There was something intriguing about that little tomboy. She was clearly developing into a sexy girl but her tomboy attitude seemed to render her oblivious to it. Also, there was Lindsay with her incredible new look. With how awkward Lindsay had always been in school, she'd probably never been with a guy in any intimate way. I had narrowly missed out on taking Natalie's cherry that day, and now I was thinking about taking another. Suddenly, I was really excited, both mentally and physically, and I punched the peddle to the floor. I pulled into the school parking lot with a slight pang of disappointment at the sight of a skater free parking area. No skater chick, but option two still had potential. I quickly parked. I was still a bit jittery and my cock was still raging hard from almost penetrating Natalie. I felt it straining against my jeans as I ran inside. I couldn't remember which classroom I'd seen Lindsay in, so I ran through the halls looking in on any open doors or windows. In my frantic search, I instead spotted a very bored looking brunette hottie sitting all alone in a classroom. Must be another summer school student , I thought, but there were no teachers in sight. I looked up and down the hall. I looked back into the classroom and my eyes caught an astonishing sight. The petite schoolgirl had shoulder length, brown hair which she wore down and was draped across her face as she was looking down while she doodled right on the desk with a purple pen. My eyes moved down to the movement under the desktop to find her plaid skirt hiked up with her other hand lightly rubbing the crotch of her white panties. Oh yes, she was wearing a short, schoolgirl skirt and she was masturbating at school. Needless to say, I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She had gorgeous, pouty lips, which were lipsticked a glossy pink. Staring at those shiny, pouty lips made my cock stir as I thought bad thoughts of her mouth wrapped around my shaft. As I watched her mouth, thinking about what a great blowjob she would give, I saw her tongue poke out with her concentration on her desk doodling and her hands dirty diddling. "Mmm," she moaned softly. She tilted her head and I caught sight of the rest of her very cute face underneath. She had what looked like blue eyes and an adorable little, button nose. Also, I noticed small dimples in her cheeks whenever her lip curled. I knew I had to go in, but I was struggling to think of a smooth way to do it. Eventually, I just decided to walk in and wing it. I knocked on the frame of the door before stepping into the classroom. Her eyes shot up and she straightened in her chair. However, when she caught sight of me, she relaxed back down. Clearly, I wasn't the person she was expecting, so I asked, "Who were you expecting?" "Umm, no one. Who the hell are you?" Her question was laced with attitude. "No one," I smirked, "Just waiting around for no reason. I couldn't help noticing you from the hall. You're very cute. I especially liked what you were doing underneath your desk." "What's it to you?" She snapped. "Nothing. I was just admiring a gorgeous sight." She smiled slightly at that. "So, is anyone coming back anytime soon to check on you?" "Not until noon. Why?" She looked at me suspiciously. I stepped up close to her desk, knowing full well that the bulge in my pants was only about a foot away from her sweet face. I looked into her pretty eyes. They were in fact blue. "I just figured I'd join in the fun," I began to rub my cock through my jeans. She smiled beautifully as she watch the show. I tried my luck even further, "Y' know, I was thinking you could help me out with a big problem I'm having." My eyes glanced down, indicating my crotch. Fuck subtlety, I didn't have much time. She took the bait. Her eyes fell back on my crotch and then went wide. Since I had started rubbing my bulge, it had grown to full capacity. A naughty smile crept across her face and she asked, "Is that all you?" She pointed a long, red fingernail casually at my package. "Why don't you open it up and find out for yourself?" I looked back into her eyes (she had such pretty eyes), and dared this already unbelievable day to get even better. She laughed and I was afraid that was all she would do, but then she raised a tentative hand up and rubbed her palm against the bulge that held my incredibly swollen cock. She gasped, "Oh, that is all you." Her blue eyes flicked up at me for a second before falling back onto her prize. Her other hand came up to join it's pair, and they both set to work undoing my pants, one working my belt while the other opened my fly. Her tongue slid out of her mouth like it had while she had been using both of her hands before. As it ran along her full, glossy upper lip, my cock gave a hard twitch which she clearly felt as she let out another short gasp. "Wow, I can tell it's really big. I can't wait to touch it." I couldn't help saying, "I can't believe you're actually doing this. Have you ever done this before?" "Done what? Sucked cock? Yeah, I've sucked a few dicks, but none as big as yours." As evidentially planned by the young girl, as she said "big", she pulled down my boxers and jeans and my big , bulbous beast sprang out at her. "Wow, none nearly as big as yours. Shit, I'm already getting wet," she moaned. "You are one sexy girl." She looked up with happy eyes and a wry smile, which made just one of her dimples stand out. "And incredibly adorable," I added. "I may be adorable, but I'm a very, bad girl ," she let the words slide sexily off her tongue, and then her lips were around my cock, leaving glossy lip marks all along the thick shaft. It was the second time a girl had left a trail of lip product on my cock that day. "Mmmm", she hummed in pleasure, and I couldn't help responding with a moan of my own. Her mouth drooled down my rod and she brought up a hand to stroke the base as she sucked and bobbed. Her mouth slid off my cock and she said, "Your cock tastes so good". I wanted to tell her it was a mixture of pussy, ass, and several girls' mouths, but I held my tongue. I did have that shower not too long before. "Usually I can take more in my mouth but you're sooo huge." Her hand never stopped stroking as she spoke. "It's okay, baby. You're doing so great. You have the perfect lips for sucking cock. They're so wet and juicy. Oh, work it, girl. Stroke my thick shaft." She slid out of her desk and down onto her knees before wrapping her luscious lips back around my dick. After a few minutes, I said, "Don't neglect my balls. Why don't you lick my big balls a bit while you stroke my cock?" Immediately, she did what I instructed. She was amazing. I couldn't believe my crazy luck. "I bet you're getting really wet. You can rub your pussy like you were before if you want. I'd love to see you cum all over you fingers with my big cock stuffed in your mouth." "Okay," she smiled wickedly. By then, most of her lip gloss had rubbed off on my junk. The little girl used a nimble hand to pull up her skirt and slide under the waist band of her cute white panties. I noticed right away the wet, see-through blotch over her crotch. In no time, I also noticed her panties moving around with her eager fingers buried deep in her snatch. "Oooo, it feels so good rubbing my pussy while I suck you off. I feel so naughty and dirty." "You are dirty. You're a very dirty girl. A dirty girl who needs my hot cum." "Yes, give me that cum. I want your cum so bad," she begged, working her cunt furiously. She devoured my cock down her throat and started bobbing her head with a fury equal to her masturbating. I could definitely feel my cum rising. I pulled my cock quickly from the nameless girl's mouth just as I felt the rush of cum. With a few jerks of my shaft, I brought myself blissfully over the edge. Great gouts of stringy cum shot out to smack the little girl in her adorable face. Her shocked expression was priceless as I emptied my balls all over her soft, pretty skin. She had her mouth open, breathing heavily, as more spurts erupted all over her. "Oh my God! It's so hot! I love how it runs down my face. I've never let anyone cum on me before." "You should more often. It definitely suits you. Now that's what I call a facial," I said as the last thick dribble rolled out of the tip and dripped onto her sexy, cum-smeared chin. Her face was such a beautiful sight. All the built up tension from almost fucking Natalie had set my balls to mass cum producing mode and I had really unloaded on her adorable face. Through the mess, I was admiring her luscious lips and her beautiful blue eyes. She was one amazing slut and I didn't even know her name. I hastily pulled out my phone and took a picture of her drenched face. "What the fuck? What was that? Did you just take a picture of me like this?" A bit of shock showed in her eyes. "Don't worry, baby. It's just for my own pleasure later. Some great jerk off material. How you look right now could keep me hard and cumming for days." Her stern look faded to a smile as she looked up at me affectionately. Suddenly, a familiar voice cried out, "What the fuck are you doing?!" It was Madison. She must have gotten out early from class. "I can't believe you just came all over this whore's face!" She yelled the word whore right at the little brunette. Seeing Madison's fury, the girl flinched and cowered making her look weak and almost pathetic. "Hey babe. Sorry, I got bored and this little sex-fiend was just so willing." I turned to her with a guilty frown. To my surprise, she walked past me and right up to the little, cum-covered brunette. The girl looked so sexy on her knees, panting and dripping hot cum with her head bowed down and her hand still lightly fingering her sopping wet pussy. And then... END CHAPTER |
My friend Tina told me this story. It is true. She has lots of stories and I hope to publish them soon. Here is Tina's story: My husband’s buddy owns a fishing camp in Northern Wisconsin that you can only get to by air. His buddy was recovering from back surgery and wasn’t able to open up the camp for the season or fly in customers who had already booked trips. So, hubby and I volunteered to fly in and get the camp ready for the season in order to help him out. This cottage is way up in the northern part of the state. It was for sale for a couple of years and we were thinking of buying it ourselves, but we had to pass on it. My husband and his buddy are pretty much the only pilots that land on that lake. Probably because they are the only ones crazy enough to try. Landings not bad but taking off is risky. It’s so small that we can’t have too much weight in the plane because we might not clear the trees. I close my eyes every time we take off especially with four other people on board. We planned to spend a couple of days cleaning the place up, and stocking the shelves, to get it ready for the season. When guests are paying hefty fees for a week of fishing, the place needs to be spotless and well stocked with food and drink. It was an amazing couple of days! I spent most of my time totally naked laying in the sun. There were no people for at least 50 miles. We had to drain gas out of the plane to run the generator, but we couldn’t spare much fuel. Hubby flew out a couple times to get more stuff, so I just stayed behind. If it wasn’t for being totally inaccessible in the winter, I would want to live here year-round. I love this place! While we were there, his buddy asked him to pick up his four customers and fly them back up to the camp for a week of fishing. I stayed back at the cabin while he was making the trip. Later that day, I was relaxing on the dock sunbathing naked, of course, and fell asleep. Not long after that I heard the plane as it returned while I was still laying on the dock. The plane flew right overhead, and I guess the customers were amazed with the view of me, laying naked on the dock. I saw them but never moved until they landed. They taxied almost all the way to the dock then I stood up and waved at them as I wrapped myself with a towel. I love flashing men. As they got off the plane one guy said, when my husband wasn’t close by, “thanks ! we loved the view from the air”. “Of course, I said, as I batted my eyes at him, you are welcome!” The plan was for hubby and me to return home that same day. We were to leave the fishermen there for the week. But, by the time they got the plane unloaded some unexpected bad weather had kicked in. We were pretty much grounded for the night and had to stay. I made everybody supper and we all sat around the campfire drinking and shooting the breeze. It was a blast. The next morning the weather was still crappy but not raining, so the four guys went out fishing in the boat. My husband and I stayed back at the cabin. The second they left we started tidying up the place and intended to make the beds. But we got sidetracked. We stripped down naked and we ended up fucking on every bed in the cabin instead of making them up. We were both really horny for some reason, maybe the scenery or remoteness, and the last spot we ended up fucking on was on top of the kitchen table. I was on my back with hubby on top of me. It was about noon and he was pounding away in my cunt. Just about the time I was close to an orgasm, the gents walked right in the cabin door. I was too close to climaxing so I grabbed my husband by the hips and wouldn’t let him pull out until I was finished! They all stood there with their tongues hanging out! I got up and pulled my dress over my head and apologized and told them that I hope they understood sometimes you have to finish what you start. They all laughed. We thought the weather was going to clear but it just got worse. No rain but lots of clouds and it was very windy. My husband and I were still planning to leave, but he said that due to the high wind we wouldn’t be able to clear the trees at the end of the lake. Right away the guys asked us to stay. They would love having us stick around. We decided to stay for the rest of the week since we’d soon have to come all the way back to get them anyway. Everyone thought it was a great idea. That night my husband was fishing on the dock, and they asked him if he would take them out in the boat and show them the good fishing spots. He jumped at that. He loves to fish! We all stayed up late that night and had drinks around the fire. It was a lovely evening of laughter and storytelling. The next morning, one guy was still in bed when they were ready to leave. The boat only held four safely, so they left him behind since my hubby was the fourth person. I was sitting outside when this gent woke up. He walked out on the deck totally naked thinking we had all left, I guess. I’m not sure if he knew I was still there or not! When I saw him come out I looked at him and said good morning! He turned to me and covered himself and apologized saying he didn’t know I was there. I told him not to worry I didn’t mind at all. The view looked pretty good to me from where I was sitting. I told him to sit down, and I’d get him a coffee and don’t get dressed on my account. He sat in the chair as I went inside. As I was making his coffee, I noticed he was fighting to not have an erection. I could see him through the sliding glass doors. He grabbed a towel that was there and put it on his lap before I went out. I delivered his coffee I noticed the sun was shining a bit so I told him I had to take advantage and work on my tan! I went inside and took off all my clothes. I grabbed a blanket and went back out on the deck where he was still trying to hide his hard on. I spread the blanket out and laid down. He was trying to make small talk but was failing badly so I thought I’d cut to the chase and patted the blanket. I told him there was plenty of room for us both to soak up some sun. He had a shocked look on his face but stood and came right over. As he was walking his hard on was impossible to hide! I was sitting up and when he got close, I grabbed his dick with my hand and popped it right into my mouth and pulled him down onto the blanket with me. He was large. His cock went right to the back of my throat. He held my head with both hands until I couldn’t take it anymore! I pulled off and flipped my body over his face and planted my pussy on his mouth. I went to go back down on his cock. I couldn’t believe the size of his dick. This guy could fuck! We fucked in about ten different positions for two hours! I didn’t think I was going to be able to make him cum. I had climaxed at least four times, so I was on a mission to get him off! When he finally orgasmed, I was sitting on him hunching away with his huge cock inside me. I felt like I was going to pass out! WOW It was amazing! A while later the others returned in the boat. I was making dinner and was only wearing my short sundress with nothing on underneath. As you can imagine all the eyes were watching me cook. I was making sure they were getting a peak! My husband was sitting out on the deck talking with one gent and the other three were inside talking with me. I knew they were getting excited, LOL I’m sure that the guy I fucked told the others what had happened that day when he was alone with me. And I am sure they didn’t believe him. I heard them calling him a bullshitter! When that fella went outside and sat down with my husband on the deck. I went over to the guys at the kitchen table and told them that tomorrow morning if you talk my husband into showing more hot spots that there were a few hot spots around here that I could show them! And maybe they should draw straws to see who stays back! That night, in bed, I told my husband what was happening. He said he figured something was going on because he had seen them whispering amongst themselves. He was cool with it and was going to play it any way I wanted! And play it I did!!! So, the next morning, three guests went with hubby out in the boat and the lucky guy who stayed behind, got lucky with me. We pretty much fucked all morning long. He was good too and we had an awesome morning of sex. I think I wore him out, because he went back to bed to recover. The fishermen came back and they all immediately asked him about his day. I don’t know what he said, but they all high fived him. I guess it was a good report. Same thing happened each day with another guest. They were all well pleased too. I felt very good about showing all of them a good time since there was not room in the boat for all of them together. I am sure they were very thankful it was a small boat. We stayed for the rest of the week. On the last night Everybody was pretty drunk. I went out into the living room wearing only a robe. I stood in front of the fireplace and dropped it to the ground. I asked if they thought they all could keep a woman happy with group attention. My husband reached over and pulled me down on his cock first, so the guys knew it was all good! Yes, they all did have me that night. It was kind of my husband’s idea because he wanted to let them know that he wasn’t stupid. They were thinking that they were banging me without him knowing! All the talking out in the boat and them not wanting to go back too early because they knew the Lucky Guy Of The Day was fucking his wife! Their faces all turned red, when my husband let them know that I had told him everything at night in bed while fucking him. The last day of the week came and it was time to load up all the men, clothes, fishing gear, and some ice chests of fresh caught fish. We all said our goodbyes and they each gave me a huge hug and some kisses too. They each whispered to me that they would never forget this week. It was the best fishing trip they’d ever been on. There was not enough room in the plane for me and my stuff with all the ice chests and men’s gear, so I stayed at the cabin to wait until hubby dropped them off and returned for me. I never mind being at the cabin alone. It is very peaceful, and I don’t have to wear clothes. LOL. A few hours later, I heard the familiar buzz of the airplane’s engines as it approached a landing near the cabin. I thought it would be fun to run out to the dock and great Hubby totally naked. I didn’t even take a towel with me. The plane pulled up to the dock and as the door opened I saw my grown daughter Shan and her sometimes sex partner girlfriend Amy. I am infatuated with Amy. She is very petite, with short, brown hair, a pixy smile, and these wonderful nipples that are perpetually hard and extended. Her tits are just right for her slim body. I don’t know why it is but I stay continually excited when Amy is around. I was so glad and surprised to see them that I completely forgot about being naked. “Mom”? Why are you undressed?” Shan asked. My hubby chimed in “Annie never wears clothes up here when the weather is warm enough”. “Well! Amy said, I guess we picked a great time for a surprise visit”! I told her “any time you girls are here is a great time”. We unloaded the plane, again, and hauled more food and drink, along with the girl’s luggage up to the cabin. Amy and Shan immediately changed into skimpy bikinis and went down to the edge of the lake. They found the water way too cold to swim in, so they just laid in the sun to warm up. My hubby kept staring at Amy, so I punched him in the arm. She’s too young for you, and besides, she and Shan have a “thing” going on”. “When did our daughter become a lesbian?” “She’s not, but she enjoys playing for both teams, if you know what I mean”, I winked. “Well, maybe the next few days will be even more fun than I anticipated”, hubby said. I punched him in the arm again. END Please vote and comment |
Introduction: Sarah gropped her perky 34B breasts, pushing them together to make them bigger. Sighing she gave up and had a quick check to the rest of her young 17 year old body. She had beautiful pale skin without any blemishes, nice long copper hair that almost fell to her well rounded ass. She was only 5ft tall and was the shortest girl in her grade but she knew what she lacked in height she made up in beauty. She had big innocent green eyes and a cute straight nose and small pouty lips that made her look oh so sexy. She was a shy girl and didn' have many friends in school though all of her teachers loved her especially miss Summers her 31 year old science teacher. Sarah bent over to examine her clean shaved pussy from behind. "hmmmm i think i might need to shave this week... what good is it if no one gets to see my pussy?" Sarah had been sexually active since she hit puberty when she was 12. She was still a virgin, but she enjoyed fooling around and trying out new toys she could stuff up her twat just to test herself. Lately she had taken a liking to a long beaded necklace.The balls rolled around her twat while she walked and brought her to a climax whenever she liked without anyone being the wiser. Lately though she had gotten bored of it and wanted to test something that would fill her more. Yesterday she had bought a large bag of golf balls. She ran excitedly to her secret hideout where all of her toys were hidden under one of her desks. She spread her legs and slowly pulled out the long beaded necklace from her soaking pussy where she had kept it during the night. "Now onto something bigger" Sarah couldnt wait to feel her pussy stretch, but she couldnt wait to finally get real meat either. "God i wanna get fucked sooo bad! The guys are stupid not to notice me." She opened the bag and wondered how many gold balls would fit in her pussy without bulging her flat stomach. Slowly, she pushed two golf balls inside her letting out a moan. Then put two more, her pussy was definetly full but sarah wanted to risk putting two more in just to push herself. She slowly put one to her cunt and pushed it slowly inside. As she did this another one of the balls was threatening to pop back out. "hmmm... no good..." Sarah loooked down at her ass and realised that maybe... she could put some in thhere too. She had watched plenty of pornos her grandfather left around his room and knew that all of her holes should be trained just in case, so she took one of the balls out of her pussy and slowly pushed it against her virgin asshole. Slowly, her small hole opened up, sarah let out a loud moan as the small ball entered her. "God this feels so much better than i thought it would. It feels weird but so good." Sarah decided that one ball in her ass wasn't nearly enough and pushe in a second, then a third and even managed to push a fourth ball up her hole. "oooooooo, i feel so full!" The balls in her pussy were being pushed aside by the ones that were entering her ass which made her feel even more full. Carefully, Sarah got up and to her relief, not one ball slipped from her cunt or ass. She slipped on a pair of panties that were slightly too small for her to make sure no ball would slip out unnoticed. She dressed up in her school uniform and headed towards the kitchen where her grandfather sat eating some toast. "Morning grampa!" She kissed him lightly on the lips and sat down for breakfast careful as to not let any ball fall out or a moan from her lips. "Morning sweety, you took too long getting dressed and now you're going to miss your bus." He scoweled at her in his special way teasing her as he did every morning, He pushed a bowl of cereal towards her. Sarah giggled and took a spoonfull of cereal. "grampa, tonight i have to stay at school for a science project. Can you still come pick me up at 7:00?" "Sure thing sweet pea, as long as you give me a kiss." "See you tonight grampa!" Sarah got up slowly and headed toward the bus stop, always walking carefully as to not spill any of her, "secrets". Chapter 1: As Sarah sat in her english class she regretted pushing her pussy and ass to such a limit. "Damn, why did i try to put some many balls up there?" She thought. She shifted uncomfertably in her seat wishing for the day to finally be over so she could empty her aching pussy and ass. When the bell finally rang, Sarah almost forgot bolted out of class until she remembered to be careful not to let any balls fall out. She went into the bathroom so to take out some of the balls and maybe hide them. She couldn't bear to hold them inside her any longuer. Slowly, Sarah pushed each ball out of her aching pussy then ass. She decided to put them in a ziplock bag in her purse. "That way ill clean them and reuse them later" She thought smiling as she headed towards the main school exit. "Sarah!" Sarah whirled around at the sound of miss Summers callng her name. "Damn the science project!" She had totally forgotten it was today."Oh well maybe i can act sick and go hoe. I really need to take a bath to make this damn aching go away!" She walked awkwardly to miss Summers and tried looking sick. "Oh, hi miss summers, I'm sorry I haven't been feeling well lately, can i do the project some other day?" Miss Summers smiled gently but answered, "I'm afraid you can't postpone it. I have other students in my class you know and each one needs a day under my supervision so they don't make any accidents for this lab. Come along I need to talk to you in my officce before we start the labaratory anyway." Miss summers was a new teacher at school that had only graduated last spring and so looked to be in her early twenties. "She's so pretty! and look at her breasts! they must be at least D cups." wondered Sarah longinly. "I wish my breasts were bigger." she thought. Miss Summers was actually only 22, she had taken classses all year around, even during summer so she could graduate as quickly as possible.When they reached miss Summers' office Sarah sat down in the chair infront of her desk while miss summers closed the door. "So Sarah tell me, what has you so distracted lately?" "Whaa...what? nothing.." Sarah answered wondering if her teacher knew her naughty secret. "Its boys isnt' it?" Miss summers said knowingly."Look Sarah your young and beautiful I'm sure you don't need to worry about them. They must be chasing you down!Is it because their so immature?" Sarah was so relieved that Miss Summers hadn't discovered her secret that she agreed at once. "They get s annoying sometimes you know, always trying to impress me with their stupid jokes." Sarah added. Miss Summers placed her hand on Sarah's thigh reassuringly. "Don't bother yourself with boys Sarah, your worth so much more. You've turned into a beautiful young woman in the past year. Trust me they don't deserve you." Miss summers stroked Sarahs thigh which made Sarah blush. Sarah closed her legs as a reflex suddenly shy. Stuttering Sarah added: "Don't worry miss Summers, I.. I don't pay attention to them. I'm t..too mature." Miss Summers kneeled infront of Sarah as if to see eye to eye with her, her hand slowly reaching toward Sarah's crotch. Sarah noticed that she was very horny indeed and realised that in her haste to take out the golf balls she forgot to put her panties back on! Her skirt was the only thing standing between miss summer's hand and her young untouched pussy. "You are very pretty Sarah, I've noticed since the very first day.You have a very delicate figure, and such beautful lips." As she said this miss Summers stole Sarah's very first kiss Slipping her tongue into her mouth and kissing her pationatly. Sarah was caught off guard and didn't know how to respond, yet her body was responding nicely. Her nipples grew hard and her pussy was soaking and hot.Miss Summers continued her passionate attack on Sarah's mouth while her hand found its way to Sarahs soaked pussy lips. "Oh... Sarah, you've been naughty have you? Don't tell me you lost your virginity to some idiot boy. That would just break my heart." Miss Summers looked angry, and a scared Sarah replied "No, no i swear! I was just practicing..." "Practicing how Sarah? With what?" Miss Summers noticed Sarah was trying to hide her purse behind her and grinned wickedly. "Oooo Sarah what's in you purse?" Miss summers snatched it away and dumped its contents on her desk. Sarah trembled from excitment and fear, she had never seen her beloved teacher act this way. Miss summers held up the bag filled with the golf balls and thrust it right in Sarah's face. "Sarah what are these? Did you stretch out that nice young cunt of yours with these hmmm? Do you like being stretched?" Sarah shook her head energetically, suddenly terrified of her teacher. "No mi.. miss Summers I don't." "You shouldn't lie to me Sarah," Miss Summers looked sad. "I thought you were a good little girl but it turns out your a little slut aren't you?" Sarah trembled but said nothing. Miss summers reached into the bag and took out one of the balls that had been in her pussy and licked it slwoly. "Mmmmmmmmmmm, Sarah you do have a lovely taste. But im very disapointed that you turned out to be such a slut. You need to be punished sweety..." "No... no please..." Sarah whimpered. She knew no one was left in school at this hour so no one would hear if she screamed. "When is your dear grandfather coming to pick you up Sarah?" Sarah only shook her head. Miss Summers slapped Sarah lightly on the cheek and kneeled infront of the terrified girl. "Sarah I want to know so he doesn't find you in a bad position. Do you want your grandfather to see you for the slut you are, hmm? Now If you don't answer sweety ill have to be rough with you and trully Sarah I don't want to hurt you. But I will If you don't answer my questions truthfully. Now when is your grandfather coming to pick you up?" Sarah just shook her head crying. Miss Summers sighed and grabbed Sarah by her hair and bent her over her desk screaming in pain. She grabbed both of Sarah's hands and pulled them to her back tying a tube from the lab around her wrists so Sarah would not move. Still keeping her bent over the desk, Miss Summers pushed Sarahs head against the desk painfully and whispered in her ear, "Sarah, one last time I ask, When is your grandfather coming?" "AT 7:00! please please just don't hurt me!" Sarah struggled against her once beloved teacher. "Excellent now i want you to stop struggling, this way itll be fun for the both of us alright?" Sarah went limp but continued to sob against the desk. "Good Sarah.Shhhhhh." Miss Summers pulled Sarah by her arms gently and sat her in the chair. She then proceeded to tie both of Sarah legs to the chair as well as her waist. Carefully, Miss Summers undressed Sarah and admired her beautiful young body. "Oh Sarah, I never thought you would be quite so pretty." Miss summers sat on the young adult's lap and kissed her once more. Gently probing Sarah's mouth with her tongue and caressing her breasts. Miss Summers then stripped herself and looked at Sarahs face as her big plump breasts came into view. "Mmmm Sarah d you like what you see?" "Ye..Yes." The young girl answered. Miss Summers smiled and opened a drawer in her desk. Still smiling she brought the contents of the drawer up to Sarah. Sarah's eyes widened in horror at the instruments that lay inside. "Now its time to start the project little Sarah." The End |
He slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were crusty so he wiped the crud out of his eyes. He stood up to his full 5'11 height and stretched. The teen was 14 but tall and not skinny but muscular because of his high school football. His blue-green eyes were almost completely glazed over. He put on a white t-shirt when he heard a familiar girly voice"Evin,get your ass down here!" His eyes opened more and walked down the stairs slowly"wusup sis?!" he looked at his sister with blonde hair. He had always thought she was beautiful but the past two years now his 22 year old sister seemed even more beautiful but in a different way. His oldest sister was Crystal,the one he saw now. She was 5'5 with blonde hair with black tips. Her hair covered her left eye which hid one of her crystal blue eyes,that's where she got her name. She was always at the gym which meant she had a toned body. She had a large D cup and a big,round ass that all the guys even the Evin's friends would kill for. The jean short shorts and tight tank top she wore didn't help. She knew she had a good body but usually didn't like showing it off. She looked at him with those eyes "what are you doing asleep still? It's 11 in the morning. C'mon help me outside." Evin looked at her"but I just got uuuup" She smiled"tough titty said the kitty" she walked over to him and gave him a hug and squeezed him tighter than ever. He could feel her nipples poking into his chest and sighed deeply. She stepped back apparently happy with the reply she got from the hug."be out here in ten minutes,okay?" His face was red with embarrassment as he noticed she caught the sigh he mad"uh..uh...yeah I'll be out there" she walked out with what he noticed to be a huge swinging of her hips. Her hips always swung but not this much. He went up to his room with a hardon but didn't do anything except put on his cargo shorts,a different white t-shirt, and timberland boots. He came out and saw his sister working on lining the pool with new liner and hopped down into the empty pool. She jumped as she hurt him hit the ground "you scared me stupid!" she said as sha turned around". He laughed"sorry but a 173 pound boy ain't gonna land like a feather". She looked him up and down"I'm not sure if your a boy anymore"with a smirk. He looked at her with a confused far wondering what she meant but let it go and started lining the pool with her. At 2 they were both wet with sweat as the temperature was 99 in Miami at the moment. "I'm gonna go get us something to drink. What do you want?"crystal said as she got out of the pool. "I'll take some water". She walked away and he took off his shirt to try to cool down. After a few minutes she walked out with a glass of water and tea and saw him; she instantly froze as she examined his amazingly toned upper body. 'I need to see that for myself up close' she though as she thought of an idea. He was looking down In the pool at the progress they made. She walked up behind him and when he saw a shadow he turned around and bumped into her making the water and tea spill all over her. "I'm so sorry!" he said as she looked at herself surprised"what the hell Evin?!". He looked at her closely and saw nipples through the soaking wet material. He started to get hard and she noticed it. He stepped back and fell into the empty pool which was 8 feet deep. His vision went blurry as he faded away seeing Crystal by him. He woke up and noticed his head was throbbing. He groaned in pain and sat up. He looked around and noticed all the pink and girly things around him and saw the letters on the wall say CRYSTAL. He heard the door open and saw Crystal walk in with a robe on"hey sis" he said as he squinted his eyes in pain. "hey you okay"she sat on the edge of the queen sized bed. "I think so. What happened" "your stupid ass self stepped back and fell in the pool and blacked out"she smiled and thought to herself 'my plan worked'. "my head is killing me"he said as he held is head with one hand. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you or anything" she said as she lowered her head in a cute but sad way. "it's fine sis" his face started to get red as he remembered why he had backed up and now she was in a robe! He started to feel the feeling of his cock against his pants. She noticed it "come here let me see your head you giant". He crept to her shyly and She looked at it and saw a huge not"it doesn't look good". She moved his head and he looked her in her eyes. They stared at each other communicating in a way not many people do. They both knew what the other was thinking. Evin slowly moved his hand to her neck and slowly pulled her to him and for the first time felt a woman's lips. He'd felt girls lips plenty of times but a woman is completely different. Her lips were soft like feathers from heaven. He opened his eyes as he felt her warm tongue press against his lips. He parted his lips and pressed forward with his tongue so the that their tongues wrestled for dominance. She grabbed one of his hand and slowly put his hand in her robe. They both moaned as his hand firmly gripped her firm right breast. Her greats were firm and perfect globes. He felt her nipple and rubbed over it with his thumb. This got a moan from her. He instantly woke up from a loud knock on the door. It was only a dream...... |
He slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were crusty so he wiped the crud out of his eyes. He stood up to his full 5'11 height and stretched. The teen was 14 but tall and not skinny but muscular because of his high school football. His blue-green eyes were almost completely glazed over. He put on a white t-shirt when he heard a familiar girly voice"Evin,get your ass down here!" His eyes opened more and walked down the stairs slowly"wusup sis?!" he looked at his sister with blonde hair. He had always thought she was beautiful but the past two years now his 22 year old sister seemed even more beautiful but in a different way. His oldest sister was Crystal,the one he saw now. She was 5'5 with blonde hair with black tips. Her hair covered her left eye which hid one of her crystal blue eyes,that's where she got her name. She was always at the gym which meant she had a toned body. She had a large D cup and a big,round ass that all the guys even the Evin's friends would kill for. The jean short shorts and tight tank top she wore didn't help. She knew she had a good body but usually didn't like showing it off. She looked at him with those eyes "what are you doing asleep still? It's 11 in the morning. C'mon help me outside." Evin looked at her"but I just got uuuup" She smiled"tough titty said the kitty" she walked over to him and gave him a hug and squeezed him tighter than ever. He could feel her nipples poking into his chest and sighed deeply. She stepped back apparently happy with the reply she got from the hug."be out here in ten minutes,okay?" His face was red with embarrassment as he noticed she caught the sigh he mad"uh..uh...yeah I'll be out there" she walked out with what he noticed to be a huge swinging of her hips. Her hips always swung but not this much. He went up to his room with a hardon but didn't do anything except put on his cargo shorts,a different white t-shirt, and timberland boots. He came out and saw his sister working on lining the pool with new liner and hopped down into the empty pool. She jumped as she hurt him hit the ground "you scared me stupid!" she said as sha turned around". He laughed"sorry but a 173 pound boy ain't gonna land like a feather". She looked him up and down"I'm not sure if your a boy anymore"with a smirk. He looked at her with a confused far wondering what she meant but let it go and started lining the pool with her. At 2 they were both wet with sweat as the temperature was 99 in Miami at the moment. "I'm gonna go get us something to drink. What do you want?"crystal said as she got out of the pool. "I'll take some water". She walked away and he took off his shirt to try to cool down. After a few minutes she walked out with a glass of water and tea and saw him; she instantly froze as she examined his amazingly toned upper body. 'I need to see that for myself up close' she though as she thought of an idea. He was looking down In the pool at the progress they made. She walked up behind him and when he saw a shadow he turned around and bumped into her making the water and tea spill all over her. "I'm so sorry!" he said as she looked at herself surprised"what the hell Evin?!". He looked at her closely and saw nipples through the soaking wet material. He started to get hard and she noticed it. He stepped back and fell into the empty pool which was 8 feet deep. His vision went blurry as he faded away seeing Crystal by him. He woke up and noticed his head was throbbing. He groaned in pain and sat up. He looked around and noticed all the pink and girly things around him and saw the letters on the wall say CRYSTAL. He heard the door open and saw Crystal walk in with a robe on"hey sis" he said as he squinted his eyes in pain. "hey you okay"she sat on the edge of the queen sized bed. "I think so. What happened" "your stupid ass self stepped back and fell in the pool and blacked out"she smiled and thought to herself 'my plan worked'. "my head is killing me"he said as he held is head with one hand. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you or anything" she said as she lowered her head in a cute but sad way. "it's fine sis" his face started to get red as he remembered why he had backed up and now she was in a robe! He started to feel the feeling of his cock against his pants. She noticed it "come here let me see your head you giant". He crept to her shyly and She looked at it and saw a huge not"it doesn't look good". She moved his head and he looked her in her eyes. They stared at each other communicating in a way not many people do. They both knew what the other was thinking. Evin slowly moved his hand to her neck and slowly pulled her to him and for the first time felt a woman's lips. He'd felt girls lips plenty of times but a woman is completely different. Her lips were soft like feathers from heaven. He opened his eyes as he felt her warm tongue press against his lips. He parted his lips and pressed forward with his tongue so the that their tongues wrestled for dominance. She grabbed one of his hand and slowly put his hand in her robe. They both moaned as his hand firmly gripped her firm right breast. Her greats were firm and perfect globes. He felt her nipple and rubbed over it with his thumb. This got a moan from her. He instantly woke up from a loud knock on the door. It was only a dream...... |
A couple of months after my first tied up pegging handjob experience, I arrived home one evening to find a note waiting for me. Danni was visiting a friend and I had a few hours until she was due home but I had been left instructions for her arrival. My first instruction was to bathe and wash myself thoroughly. I was also instructed to shave my face and also trim my pubic hair. She had pointed out the week before that I needed a trim so I duly obliged, taking my time and leaving myself virtually bald. I picked out the clothes I had been instructed to dress in and went into the bedroom to prepare. Once again I pulled on my red topped stockings, these got me excited and I was glad to see Danni liked me wearing them too. I pulled up the suspended belt and topped off the look with another pair of lacy knickers. This time however, they were red to match the stockings. On each wrist I attached a rope, leaving a few feet spare hanging down. I tucked my erection into the knickers as best I could and then I sat and waited for Danni to come home. Five minutes later and the downstairs door opened and locked shut. I could hear her moving around downstairs and then I heard her climbing the stairs. Just like last time she whispered through the door. “Give me ten minutes baby” “Ready when you are” I called back. I heard her shower and then I could hear her getting her hair ready and finally I could hear the sound of clothes being put on. The door opened slowly and she entered and stood in front of me. This time she was wearing a red basque, red stockings and a pair of red high heels. To top it off she was wearing a pair of elbow length red lace gloves. I had never seen any of these items before so I presume she bought them specially for tonight. She was quite a sight. My Lady in Red. The only thing she was wearing that wasn’t red was also new to me, it was a brand new big thick black strap on dildo. “Stand up” Danni ordered. I did as I was told immediately. She looked me up and down and smiled. “I see you followed my instructions” she said. “Yes Madam” “Turn around” I turned around and she pulled the ropes dangling from my wrists tightly. She positioned my hands together and tied them tightly, pulling them hard to test them out. She spun me back round to face her. “If you’re a good boy then I’ve got a very special treat for you later” she said seductively. “And to show I’m not a bitch I’ll give you a little bonus”. She dropped down to her knees in front of me. My cock was bulging out of my knickers, desperate to get at her. She rubbed a hand across it, the lace giving her hand a lovely smooth feel. She took hold of it and squeezed a drop of precum out for her tongue. She always loved tasting my precum and often would play with my cock until she got loads of the sticky liquid on her lips. Then she parted her lips and took me into her warm mouth. She used her gloved hand to stroke the shaft and my balls while her tongue licked and sucked the tip, getting maximum precum for her greedy lips. She sucked me for several minutes, teasing the tip with her tongue until I was ready to blow my load. She sensed my growing enthusiasm and put a stop to her oral skills. “Just remember how good I suck your cock baby” she said to me, rising to her feet. “Now turn around and kneel on the edge of the bed with your ass sticking up for me” With a little assistance I was soon in place, bent over, head on the bed, ass in the air and my hands tied firmly behind my back ready for my girl to have her wicked way. I felt a cold liquid run down my ass crack. Then I felt a finger probing my exposed hole. Unlike when I was laid down, this position left my ass wide open and it was much easier for Danni to play with me. I felt one, then two fingers slide easily into me, they were fully withdrawn before I felt either three or four fingers replace them. It was hard to tell but my hole was being stretched in preparation for the new huge toy. After a few minutes of Danni’s sharp fingernails probing and prodding my prostate I could feel my cock twitching and straining. “Now my fingers have warmed you up. Are you ready for the next toy baby?” She asked me. Not that I was in a position to argue. I tensed myself ready for the huge black dildo to stretch my ass. She gave my ass a hard slap. “Relax baby, it’s not the big one yet” She held my hip with her left hand and pushed a toy into my hole. It was quite thin but getting thicker the deeper it went. Then it got very wide and it took a firm push from Danni to get it into place. It was wide but not very long, I had seen butt plugs before so knew what it was. I wasn’t expecting what came next tho. It started vibrating, Danni was trying its different functions, settling on a long deep vibration. She pushed it in as it vibrated and my ass instinctively pushed it back out matching her rhythm. I couldn’t push it out tho as it was too wide but it felt great stretching my hole. Leaving the new toy in place she pulled me up by my shoulders and reached a hand around me. She quickly found my erect cock and stroked it with her gloved hand. “Are you ready for your special treat?” she whispered in my ear. The toy was vibrating in my ass and her hands were squeezing my balls and stroking my shaft. When she said that I assumed she meant giving me a handjob while she fucked me with her new toy. So I replied. “Yes Madam” I had assumed wrong. She pushed me down onto the bed. “Don’t move” Danni said, leaving the bedroom. I got myself comfortable and waited patiently. I could hear her downstairs talking in on the phone. Then about ten minutes later I heard the outside door open and close. I heard two voices, one sounded male. I heard footsteps on the stairs and then the door opened and Danni walked in, followed by a guy I had never seen before. “This is Chris” said Danni. “We met online and I invited him to come along and watch you get fucked” I looked at her shocked and then looked at Chris. He was younger than myself and Danni, probably early thirties. He was well dressed and looked clean and tidy. He wasn’t bad looking and I could tell Danni fancied him by the way she was acting. Maybe she was planning on fucking him in front of me I thought. “Say hello” Danni snapped at me. “Hi” I said meekly. “Hi” Chris replied. “Great. Now we’re all friends” said Danni with a grin on her face. “Have you still got your toy in” she asked me. “Yes baby” I said. “It’s Madam, remember” she growled at me. “Yes Madam” I said quickly. The first time I didn’t say madam as I didn’t want to humiliate myself in front of Chris. Now I could tell this wouldn’t be a problem. Danni was going to use and abuse me anyway so my humiliation would be complete regardless. “Is it turned on” “No Madam” She looked angry. “You were gone for so long Madam” I pleaded. “Well you better get back in position so I can turn it back on” I quickly resumed my previous position, eager to please Danni and dampen my own punishment. I pushed my ass up towards her and waited for her to press the button. “Come and look Chris” she said. I sensed Chris moving behind me. “I like that” he said and then he stroked my right buttock. I tensed up trying to move away. “Don’t panic baby. He’s not going to fuck you. That ass is mine and only mine” I felt strangely assured that only my girlfriend was going to fuck my ass and relaxed. The toy was turned on again and it was pushed deep into my hole. After a couple of minutes Danni spoke. “Hand me that bottle please Chris. I need to lube my big black cock up” I felt Danni’s gloved hand on my back and the butt plug was pulled out of my ass in one go. The widest part stretched my hole and I felt my balls tingle as my cock woke up again. “Stand there Chris and you’ll get a great view” said Danni as she took up position behind me. “Don’t worry baby” she whispered to me. “It’s not that much bigger than the other one and I’ll be gentle” She pushed my head down gently and then she pulled up my hips and straightened my knees so my ass was as high as it would reach. She squirted some oil onto my hole and then I felt the tip of the new dildo nudge into it gently. She moved it around the entrance until it was in the right spot, and then she pushed her hips forward and took hold of my hips and pulled me back into her. The huge tip stretched my hole wider and wider and Danni forced herself harder into me until finally the head passed the barrier. It was quickly followed by several inches of the thick shaft causing me immediate pain. I cried out and tried to move forward but Danni pulled my hips back firmly, forcing another inch or two into me. “Shut up bitch” shouted Danni. “You’re going to take every inch” She pulled back slightly before pushing forward again. I tried to get away again due to the pain but Danni was having non of it. “Pass me that Chris. I need to stop this bitch escaping” She pulled the dildo out of me and pulled me up with my shoulders. She put a leather leash around my neck and attached a chain to it before she pushed my head back down onto the bed. She lined herself up again and as she forced the huge toy back into me, she pulled hard on the chain causing my neck and head to be pulled towards her. The large head slid in easier this time but Danni kept pulling the chain until it felt like she had forced it all into me. “Look at that Chris” Chris moved in behind me. “Only a few inches left” says Danni. “Do you think he can take it all?” She asked him. “You might have to really force it but I’m sure he can. Look how wide he’s stretched for you” Chris replied. Danni slapped my ass and set to work fucking me. Like last time she slid the shaft in and out slowly but I could tell she wasn’t trying to force it all in yet. She was still warming me up. She kept up this motion for several minutes, occasionally pulling the chain around my neck to show me she was still in charge. The next time she spoke she caught me by surprise and stepped things up a level. “Are you ready to join in Chris?” Danni said casually with about 6 inches of dildo in my ass. “I thought you’d never ask” said Chris from the side of me. I looked across at him as he started to undress. “You didn’t think he was just going to watch did you baby?” Danni laughed at me. She pulled the chain hard causing me to lift my head up off the bed. My neck was straining and the toy was sliding further into my ass as I looked back at Chris. He was stood in just his boxer shorts and his erection was causing a huge tent in them. “Show it him” she told Chris. Chris moved around the bed as my gaze followed him. My neck was still straining but Danni had taken hold of my hands and was pulling them easing the pressure on my neck. He stood at the far side of the bed and dropped his underwear. His cock sprang free. It was a good size, probably as big as my own but possible a little thicker. He climbed onto the bed and knelt in front of me. His big erect penis was a few inches from my face and pointing directly at me. I felt myself falling forward as Danni slowly released the tension on my leash. She was taking her time to aim my mouth perfectly, stopping with just an inch separating his hard cock and my lips. “Open your mouth bitch” Danni ordered. I licked my lips and opened my mouth. I had sucked a cock before and I must admit it had excited me. But this was a very different experience. I realised my own cock was also hard. I stuck out my tongue as Danni lowered my face onto Chris’s cock. I stopped and as soon as I did I clasped my lips around the shaft. I felt Danni push her hips forward and the dildo slid an inch further into me as my mouth was forced further onto Chris. She pulled the chain back at the same time as her hips and the dildo slid out until the tip stretched my entrance, I used my lips to coat Chris’s shaft with saliva as my mouth was pulled free. I took a deep breath and then Danni pulled the chain hard, the thick toy plunged deep into me causing me to shout out in pain. “Fill his mouth Chris” Danni shouted. Chris grabbed my head and pulled me down onto his cock. I opened my mouth and at least 6 inches of warm cock filled my mouth. He held my head still and pulled himself back before pushing his hips forward. I kept my tongue out and sucked as hard as I could as he fucked my face slowly. At my rear, Danni held my hips tightly and started fucking me at the same speed as Chris. The sensation was overpowering. I was being fucked by two big cocks and there was nothing I could do but take it. My cock was twitching as Danni fucked my prostate, the extra width of the new toy ensuring my prostate got rubbed and prodded with each stroke inward and out. I knew if my cock was touched then it would explode so I concentrated hard on sucking Chris. Danni was taking care of my ass and I was helpless to do anything there. She was good as her word tho and was being gentle, if not a little forceful. She was still pulling my leash hard, holding me in place for Chris to fuck my mouth. “Let me know when you’re ready to cum Chris” Danni said after a few minutes. “I won’t be long” he said. “This bitch knows how to suck” He pulled his cock out and wanked the shaft with a hard squeeze. He forced the tip past my lips. “Suck hard” he growled at me. I sucked the head as hard as I could while he wanked his shaft. “Oh fuck, that’s so hot” says Danni excitedly behind me. “I think I’m going to cum too”. She forced another inch into me with her next stroke and I could tell she was building up to a finale. The next minute blew my mind. Chris had the tip of his hard penis in my mouth. I was sucking furiously on the engorged head whilst licking the underside with my tongue. He had a handful of my hair in his left hand, pulling my head up and was using his right hand to wank his shaft with long fast strokes and he was starting to groan. Danni had her left hand on my left hip holding me in place. Her right hand was pulling the leash tight straining my neck. She was fucking my ass fast. And hard. She was bouncing off me and getting deeper and deeper with every hard thrust. Then I felt the fabric touch my buttocks. Now I knew she had forced at least 9 inches, maybe more, of thick black rubber as deep as she could into her lovers ass. I was in the middle of them being spit-roasted. I was rocked back and forth between two big cocks. My ass was hurting from the pounding and my mouth was aching from sucking hard but I kept going as good as I could. My cock was rock hard and throbbing and the tip of it was catching the fabric off the bed now and then bringing it closer to it’s own explosion. Chris went first. He grabbed my hair tighter and let out a groan and a spurt of hot cum hit the back of my throat. It caused me to choke but instead of letting me breathe, Chris forced his cock deep into my mouth. The next spurt hit the back of my tongue and I swallowed it before it chocked me causing my mouth to clamp firmly shut around Chris’s throbbing cock. As Chris was filling my mouth, Danni was filling my ass. The fabric of the strapon was hitting my ass cheeks with every stroke. The toy was smashing into the depths of my ass touching raw nerve endings. I was in a true mixture of pain and pleasure and Danni was moaning loudly as the action made her join Chris in cumming. It was all to much for me. I felt my balls tingle and I joined Chris in draining them. The difference being Chris was emptying his cum down my throat whereas I was spurting over our bedsheets. I swallowed as much of Chris’s cum as I could but soon it was dribbling out of my mouth. He held my head in place until he had finished and then slowly withdrew. My lips cleaned his shaft as he pulled it out and I swallowed the last bit of his cum as the last of my own cum dribbled out of my cock. Danni had stopped fucking me but she had left the dildo buried deep in me. All three of us were breathing deeply. Chris released his grip on my hair and stepped back. Danni let go of the leash and stepped back pulling the toy free of my ass. I flopped over onto my side and stretched out exhausted. After a few minutes Danni approached me and untied my wrists. “I didn’t know you had cum baby!” She said spotting the wet stain on the bed. “Wow. We all came together. Did you enjoy it baby” she asked excitedly I smiled at her. “That was amazing” “How about you Chris?” She asked our new friend. “That was pretty amazing. I’m glad I replied to your message” “I made a good choice” she said proudly. “Let’s go get a drink. That was thirsty work” I got up and put my pants on. Across the room Chris did the same. I went to put on a t-shirt but Danni stopped me. “The pants are enough” she said. “You too Chris. You can get dressed when I’ve finished with you both. And I won’t be finished until I’ve had two cocks inside me too. You can fight between each other over which hole you get to fuck” She smiled at us both and headed off downstairs. I looked at Chris and we nodded to each other. The night had just begun. Danni, our new friend Chris and myself went downstairs for a drink and a break. We had a cup of tea and chatted for a while. Chris told us a little about himself. He said he was single, bi-sexual and up for pretty much anything sexual. He had been in relationships with guys and girls but he preferred to be with girls and just fuck the guys! We were getting on pretty well and soon the sexual tension started to build again. Danni gave me a look. I had seen it plenty of times and I knew it meant she wanted my cock inside her sharpish! “Are you ready to help me pleasure my girl?” I asked Chris. “Absolutely” he replied. “Great. Let’s get back upstairs then. Ladies first” I gestured to Danni. I let Chris go next so he could watch Danni climb the stairs in front of him giving him a perfect view of her sexy ass. Danni jumped onto the bed eagerly. Chris and I stood at the bottom of the it and waited. “Come around to this side” she said pointing to her right. “I can see much better from here. And you both look like you’re ready to see me too”. She was watching out crotches closely as we moved to her side. I looked down and my cock was straining at the fabric of my pants. I glanced to my right and could see Chris was also forming a tent in his pants. “Nice and slowly” Danni purred. We both lowered our pants as Danni watched closely. Our cocks sprang free simultaneously and bounced up and down. We both glanced at each other’s. I had see plenty of Chris’s but he hadn’t seen mine. He smiled at me. Danni caught his look and she called out her next request. “Why don’t you get his cock nice and wet Chris? Get it ready for my pussy” We turned to face each other and Chris got on his knees. Danni slid across the mattress to get a close up view. She laid on her side about with her eyes wide open. Chris didn’t disappoint. He had obviously sucked plenty of cock before and his tongue was working my tip expertly. He was taking most of it deep and licking the shaft, coating it in his spit. “Is he good baby?” Danni asked me. “Oh yes hun. This boys done this before. And he likes it too” Chris nodded as he sucked my cock eagerly. “Don’t you make him cum yet Chris. He’s got to fuck my pussy” Chris took my cock out of his mouth just enough to say “ Just getting it wet for you Madam” before he carried on with his work. Danni sat up and turned around onto her knees. She backed up to the edge of the bed. “You need to make sure my pussy’s wet too Chris” He quickly turned his attention to Danni. He buried his face into her pussy and she let out a loud groan. I could see her push back into him as he lapped away at her hole. “Get a cock in me now” she shouted out. She was getting into a frenzy and my cock was itching to get into her. I stepped up and Chris moved out of the way but still making sure he could see close up. I lined up my rock hard cock and forced it all in straight away, not stopping till it was as deep as I had ever been. Danni let out a scream but this just spurred me on. I withdrew before slamming back into her. I did this five times before I felt her pussy squeeze around me and she came for the first time. I kept going hard as her juices flowed and it wasn’t long before she came again. I let the second one wash away before I resumed. “Why don’t you go and get your cock wet and then you can have a go” I said to Chris. He walked around the bed and took up the same position as he did earlier except with a different mouth to feed. He pulled up Danni’s head and pushed his cock into her mouth. Now it was her turn to be spit roasted and I took a little revenge on her by pounding her pussy until she came several more times. I beckoned Chris round and he took my place behind Danni. “You’ve seen what she likes” I told him. Chris took his turn on Danni, treating her pussy to an absolute pounding. He had more stamina than either of us and after a while Danni fell forward, free from Chris’s grip. “I need to change position. Get on top of me” she says pulling Chris onto her. He slid back into her and resumed his pounding. He didn’t have much finesse but he could go some and I could tell Danni was cumming plenty of times on his cock. “Let me have a go” I said to Chris eager to get back into the action. “Why don’t you both have a go?” Danni said. Chris and I looked at each other and nodded. “Sure” I said. “How do you want to do it?” “You lay down baby” she moved out of the way and I laid where she had been. Then she climbed on top of me and slid my cock into her. Her pussy was as wet as I had known it and she had a feverish look in her eyes. I pulled her in tight and pulled her knees up so her ass was in position. “Use some lube” I told Chris and as I slowly slid myself in and out of her pussy, he worked her hole with his fingers. Danni laid her head on my shoulder as Chris got her ass ready. I watched him rub lube on his cock before he lined himself up with her. I lifted Danni’s head and kissed her at same time as pushing my cock deep into her. Chris forced his head into her ass and I saw her face grimace. Chris held himself still allowing Danni’s hole to get used to a different big cock. I was still fucking her pussy slowly when Chris slid the rest of his shaft into her. Not only did Danni’s yelp but I could feel his cock rubbing against my own through the lining between her two holes. To be honest it only added to the pleasure. Danni’s face was still contorted but it was softening as Chris kept his cock deep but still. I carried on fucking her pussy and once Danni’s body had relaxed and she laid her head back on my shoulder, Chris started to match my slow rhythm. For about ten minutes we fucked Danni’s ass and pussy. We changed the speed and the force we applied. Her pussy squirted all over me time and time again. We were dripping with sweat but we were all enjoying it too much to care. After an age Danni cried out “I need you boys to fill my holes” she said desperately. She could take no more. “I’m about ready to cum anyway” said Chris, sweat dripping from his brow as he kept up the rhythmic fucking of Danni’s ass. “Then you bury it deep and keep it deep” I told Chris. I felt the head rub past mine and I started up properly. I slid my whole length in and out of her and as I did the tip rubbed against Chris’s shaft and the heads clashed together when I got deep inside her. After a few minutes I felt Danni’s pussy squeeze me tight as she came hard again on my cock. I felt her warm juices pass over my shaft and I heard the noise as she squirted and squirted till it was flooding out of her covering my cock and balls in hot liquid. Her body shook and she let out a loud moan and with a grunt I started cumming inside her wet pussy. Spurred on by us, Chris pounded her ass several times before he too began filling her hole. We were pulling and pushing and thrashing and moaning as Danni emptied herself onto me and Chris and I emptied out balls into her throbbing holes. Danni collapsed onto me and I felt Chris fall against the bed at my feet. We are all absolutely spent. We kept Chris’s number. We were definitely inviting him back. |
At 8 pm I tied myself to the bed. It was a trick I had learnt a while ago and was well practiced. First I tied my ankles, quite loosely as I needed to be able to move my legs a little, and then I tied my left wrist. I used a special knot to pull the right one securely, however there was a trick to the knot that allowed me to release myself with a swift pull in case of ‘emergencies’. I pulled my limbs to check the ropes were secured and looked myself over. I was wearing a pair of black stockings no with red toes, red tops and a red line along the back seam. They were held in place with a suspender belt and to top it off I was wearing a pair of black lace knickers, which had been purchased for me by my girlfriend, Danni for such an occasion as tonight. At this moment however the knickers were not doing a very adequate job of keeping my penis inside them. I was rock hard, the excitement and anticipation had worked my untouched cock to its maximum length and it was free of its restraints. I thought of untying myself to cover my errant member but decided to leave it on show, leaving Danni under no confusion of my intent. At 8.10 precisely the back door opened and I heard Danni enter and lock the door. I had left her a note and I hoped she would follow the instructions. I got my answer within a minute or so. I heard her turn off the lounge lights and the kitchen light soon followed. I waited patiently, I felt a hand on the door and a nail scratch the wood lightly. “I need to shower baby” Danni whispered quietly through the door. “Give me ten minutes please” I stayed silent. I had anticipated this and had laid out a towel for her in the bathroom. I heard the sound of the shower start and I heard her undressing outside the bedroom door. A couple of minutes later the shower stopped and Danni went into the spare room. We used this room to store clothes and would often get ready in there. She had a table set up with hair and beauty products and soon I heard the hairdryer going. So far she was following all my instructions, however I had laid out an outfit for her and I was waiting to see if she was wearing all of it. As I lay there listening to Danni getting dressed for me, I imagined what was going to happen. Or at least what I hoped would happen. Pretty soon I was rock hard again, my cock once again bursting free of the ill equipped garments trying to hold it in. I smiled, it was just in time as I heard lights go off and footsteps outside the door. “Are you ready baby” whispered Danni. “Come and get me” I called back quietly. Danni entered the room, closed the door behind her and stepped forward. With three confident strides she was stood at the side of the bed level with my chest. I watched her closely all the way and what a sight she was. My cock agreed as I could tell it was pointing skyward, my eyes giving my brain all the right signals to pass on to my eager cock. I looked at her from her head to her legs and back up to her face. My eyes took in her unbelievable sexiness. She had combed and teased her hair into vibrant sexy strands of ice blonde. Her face, always without the unnecessary addition of makeup glowed in her own anticipation and desire. Her eyes sparkled as she took in the sight awaiting her too. Around her body was a basque I had purchased for her as a gift that year. It held and squeezed and pushed her body into an amazing shape, her breasts pushed out and her ass poking out at the bottom teasing the eyes. She too was wearing stockings but her thighs held them in place better than mine so she didn’t require a belt. Just as well as she only had one, which was around my waist this evening! However, her waist did not go unadorned. Instead she was wearing a device consisting of a few pieces of cord and a patch of fabric with buttons attached. There was also a rubber ring which was being held in place by a combination of the cord and the buttons. This ring in turn held something in place. And now it was about three feet from my face and pointing in my direction. It was a large purple dildo, purchased by the both of us previously, to be used on a unknown female visitor or a curious boyfriend, if either occasion ever arose. Danni had played with my ass before but never whilst I was being restrained. She was usually Sub but I know she had a Dom side too her and I was hoping tonight was going to bring it out. By the look of her, it was. She looked me up and down and a smile crept across her face. She sat on the bed at the side of me and stroked my face gently before she slowly moved her hands down my body stopping before she reached the fabric of my underwear. Her hand rested inches from my throbbing penis, another sign she was warming to her dominant role. She brought her hand back up to my face by dragging her long red nails hard into my skin causing me to jump up in pain. “Stay still bitch or I’ll do it so hard you’ll bleed” she snarled at me. Her smile had gone, she was taking this very seriously. “Sorry” I cried out hoping she would take mercy. “Sorry Madam, you sissy” she said as a hand roughly grabbed my balls, squeezing them enough to hurt. I suppressed a squeal of pain, knowing the punishment would be worse. “Sorry Madam” I said quickly praying Danni would release her grip. She eased her hands slightly, just enough to stop the discomfort. “Good boy” she smiled at me, her hands still holding my balls but gentler now. She played with them for a minute, her soft touch keeping my still untouched penis rock hard. “I see you’re very excited tonight. Did you think you were getting some pussy?” “Yes Madam” I replied “Well you thought wrong” she moved her grip from my balls to my cock and squeezed it tightly. “The only hole getting fucked tonight is yours baby. If you’re lucky I might let you cum” she moved her hand slowly down, pulling back my foreskin all the way. A drop of precum formed on the tip. She bent her head down slowly, stuck out her tongue and carefully licked the small drop. She moved her hand up and a larger drop formed, this one was also tasted and a smile told me she appreciated the sweetness of it. She stopped, released my cock and stood up. Next she climbed onto the bed in between my legs on her knees. On the side was a bottle of baby oil we used as lube and she poured a few drops onto her fingers and rubbed it around. Taking my cock in her left hand with a strong grip, Danni pushed her oily right fingers towards my bum, they slid easily past my buttocks and I felt sharp nails probing for a hole. Because I had kept my ankle restraints a little loose I was able to spread my legs slightly. This gave Danni a better view and avoided her nails digging into me. Now she could see I quickly felt the first finger enter my hole. This was soon joined by a second finger which helped my hole open further. Her left hand slowly worked my shaft as her right fingers worked my asshole. I was enjoying myself and let out a little groan. Danni squeezed my cock tightly and shoved her fingers as deep as she could into my ass. “You’re not supposed to be enjoying this you dirty slut” she growled at me. “I’m obviously being too nice aren’t I?” she asked, but it wasn’t a question she was waiting for an answer too. She grabbed the lube and poured some over her strap on dildo coating it and her hands with the oil my ass was going to need. I wasn’t an ass virgin but it was a big toy and I prayed Danni wouldn’t be too hard on me. She spread my ass cheeks with her hands and shuffled up closer to me. I felt the toy touch my buttocks, Danni took hold of it and lined it up at my hole without letting it enter. She positioned herself carefully until she was comfortable. She smiled at me and took hold of my cock with both hands, she stroked me up and down until it was coated in the smooth oil. “I’m going to fuck your ass now” Danni said calmly and clearly. “If you’re a good boy and take all of my cock until I’m satisfied then I might reward you by allowing you to cum tonight. Do you understand?” “Yes Madam” “Good boy” I felt her move the toy to the entrance, playing it around the rim before she forced the large purple head into my opening. The initial pain wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, and it quickly passed. I had closed my eyes, when I opened them Danni was looking closely at me. “Is that ok?” she mouthed silently to me. I nodded back. “How about now bitch” she said loudly as she pushed the rest of the toy deep into my ass. I closed my eyes again as the toy probed previously untouched areas inside my body. Once again the initial pain quickly passed. The grimace must have left my face as this time Danni didn’t wait for a reply. She pulled her hips back and then pushed forward again until the toy disappeared completely into my hole. This time there was no pain and Danni must have sensed this as she set about fucking my ass with long hard strokes. I could feel the toy sliding in and out easily and it was an amazing sensation. With each push of her hips I could feel the hard toy prodding my prostate, this along with her hand giving a firm grip on my cock meant I was still rock hard, this had not gone unnoticed by Danni. “I think someone likes my hard cock” she said smiling whilst forcing the toy all the way in again. She stopped and squeezed a drop of precum from my bell end, she wiped it up with a finger and sucked it clean. “No coming until I say so” “Yes Madam” “Good boy” she said sexily. Every time I heard her say it it made me a little harder and Danni knew it. She restarted her rhythmic fucking of my ass with long slow strokes, feeding my ass every inch of her big toy. She squirted more oil on her hands and smeared it all over my cock and balls. With a hard push she buried the dildo as deep as it would go. It made me tense up and grimace in pain. At the same she grabbed my balls, not too hard hard but a little uncomfortable. She took my stiff cock in her other hand and in time with her fucking she stroked my shaft with silky oily hands. The foreskin was pulled hard down and she was working the tip with her fingers like a magician. As she tapped at my prostate I could feel my balls tighten and felt the urge to cum. Danni recognised it and stopped immediately. My cock was throbbing in her hand but she kept it absolutely still. She pulled my balls a little, enough to get my attention anyway. “Don’t you dare cum boy” she growled at me. I shook my head and felt the urge wash over me. She restarted the fucking and wanking again. I closed my eyes and thought of anything but what was happening to me to try and delay my inevitable forthcoming ejaculation. “Open your eyes you dirty slut” Danni snarled at. “You have to watch while I fuck you” “Yes Madam” I replied obediently. I watched her face while she worked me over, she was concentrating hard on fucking my ass, her hand was sliding easily up and down my shaft and she was using my balls to pull herself onto me. A minute later and I felt the urge bubbling up again. I lifted my hips, giving Danni easier access and pushed myself onto her toy. She pulled herself into me using my cock to hold herself steady and then stopped, with it pressing deep into my ass. “Not yet” She waited thirty seconds and then carried on. A few minutes of good fucking and I was ready to blow again. But once again she stopped. I looked at her pleadingly. “Does somebody need to cum?” she asked. “Yes please Madam” I replied back, hopingly. She started up the fucking again but this time she was much slower. I could feel every inch of the rubber dildo entering me, I felt the base widen and then the soft fabric of the holding device pressed into my butt cheek. “All eight inches baby. And I bet you could take even more” she was smiling, enjoying looking down at her handiwork. She was still stroking my cock, it was as hard as I have ever seen it and ready to burst as soon as permitted. She pulled out till the large head probed my hole. Slowly she pushed it all the way in again, gyrating her hips when it was deep. I felt it press against my prostate again and my cock immediately reacted. I twitched right out of her hand, causing her to giggle. She ground her pelvis into me and my cock twitched violently once again. She pulled out again, squeezed my balls tightly and with a hard shove of her hips buried the toy deep into my pulsing ass. She kept it deep and ground into me hard. My cock bounced around untouched and free. I knew it was too late to stop this time, with a grunt I lifted myself slightly and pushed hard into Danni and her toy. I felt the first spurt of cum rush up my shaft as my prostate was prodded again, it went everywhere as my cock flailed around freely. I felt the second spurt on the way but Danni took hold of my cock just in time. She pulled down with her left hand, exposing my engorged head and wrapped her oily fingers around the tip. With the dildo still deep she shoved her hips forward, pressing into new untouched areas and causing both pain and pleasure. She worked her fingers up and down the top half of my cock whilst I emptied by aching balls all over my stomach and chest. At least 8 or 9 big drops of hot cum came charging out of my cock before I was finally spent. I felt myself relax but Danni was still wanking my shaft, and she was still fucking my ass. I felt the nerve endings on my penis start up and the discomfort started to build up. She had done this to me before but always took mercy on me and stopped when she could see I was in pain. This time she was carrying on, she was looking right at me as she firmly played with my cock. It wasn’t rock hard but it hadn’t gone away yet. The discomfort lasted about ten seconds and then it passed. She kept going, desperate to revive my erection. A squeeze of my balls and a forceful shove with her hips and I felt my cock tingle and I knew I was going to get hard again. I smiled at Danni and pushed myself onto her toy taking it all again. We started building a quick rhythm and pretty soon my was cock was fully erect. We fucked hard and fast for several minutes before I felt my balls tingle again. “Can I cum again please baby?” I pleaded “Oh yes” Danni purred back at me, excited by my ‘second coming’. With a final effort we upped the speed and her hand was a blur, squeezing my cock hard whilst wanking it furiously. I arched my back and the toy slid in and hit the spot, Danni’s fingers rubbed the magic spot at the same time and I came again. My cum squirted all over us both again, Danni slowed down until she had the last drop out of me. I went limp very quickly. “No third time” Danni joked looking at my shrivelled cock. “Another time Madam” I laughed back. I was exhausted and so was Danni. Sweat glistened off our bodies. Danni slowly withdrew the toy from my tender ass, she stopped when just the head was in and looked at me with a grin. “It doesn’t want to come out baby” she joked. I tensed my arms on the ropes and pulled myself away. The head popped out followed by a shriek from Danni. She jumped up and ran off to the bathroom. “Dirty sex!” I shouted after her laughing. I lay down and let my head stop spinning. What an amazing experience I thought to myself. After a minute or two I shouted to Danni. “Can you untie me please baby?!” The end (or more likely, Just the beginning!) |
Kate and I were only 14 years old. We went to school together, we slept together (with our clothes on, for now.), we ate together, and we grew up together. We considered ourselves a couple, of course. Doesnt that stuff always happen to people who grow up together? We kiss, we held hands, we cuddled. I was too romantic and perfect for her to not give me what I wanted, but I wasnt going to push her to do that anytime soon. I loved her and I couldnt lose her that way. She had this golden brown hair, with dark brown eyes. Her skin tone was a little paler than normal, only because it was winter, anyway. Her smile lit up the room with a radiant perfection. I never looked at her body intentionally before, and she never let me. -Monday- It was just another Monday. My alarm clock went off and I slammed my hand on it to make it shut the hell up. I hated waking up on weekdays when I knew I wasnt next to Kate.I checked my phone, knowing I had a text from the only person who bothered to say goodmorning to me in the first place. "Good morning, sweetie (: " I texted her back, of course, and slid out of my warm and cozy state, throwing my blankets back. I noticed my morning woodie, which only pissed me off because the first thing I did in the morning was put on my clothes. I locked my door so my sister wouldnt walk in, and sat back down on my bed. Sliding my boxers down, I watched my little member pop up and wish my good morning. I wrapped my hands around my little 6 inch cock, and jacked off for all I was worth. I usually try not to think about Kate while I did the deed, but the only way I ever got rid of it was thinking about fucking her. I slid my hands up and down my dick faster and faster until i felt my balls tighten. I exploded onto my tissue. I loved having orgasms. I loved that feeling with my tightening balls that made me feel as though I was a volcano bound to erupt. I slid on a new pair of boxers, got dressed, and went downstairs. Getting ready was the worst part of the day. ***** I walked into my house and ran upstairs, throwing my backpack on my bed. I peeked out my window and looked at Kate walking into hers. My phone started vibrating in my pocket, and for a second I liked it but I knew I had to take it out. Kate was calling. I slid my phone open and pressed it against my ear. "Hello?" "Hey, Jack. No ones home. Do you think you can come over? I'm really bored and I have no homework." "I dont have homework, either. Sure, Ill be over in a minute." "Okay." I hung up. Kate almost never called me over when no one was home, mostly because of what she thought I would want to do. I ran downstairs and told my mom where I was going, then walked across the street to Kate's house. She wasnt downstairs, so I pounded up the stairs and into her room. Her TV was on and she had a blanket covering her entire body. "Hey." She said, as I walked towards her bed to slid in the sheets next to her. "No," She said. "Stay over there." "Are you sick or something?" I asked. "No..." "Then what's wrong?" Kate sighed, and with one second she threw the blanket off her body. What I saw astonished me. My eyes nearly popped out of my head and my dick nearly ripped through my pants. Kate's eyes attracted to the bulge in my pants. Kate was completely naked. She was hot, I thought. She had about 32C's, which I previously knew from when I snuck out of her bed to look at one of her bras at 4am. Her pussy was pink and completely bare. Her little clitty poked out from the folds of her pussy, and her juices glistened from the light coming in from the window. "Please, Jack. I want to." "Why?" "Im horny as hell, Jack. Youre the only person I would want to do something like this with and-" "No, Kate. Were fourteen." I didnt want to tell her how much I wanted to fuck her little pussy. I couldnt. "Exactly. Were old enough to make our own descisions..." I thought about it for a second, then pulled off my shirt and my jeans. "Take off your boxers." I slid down my boxers, as demanded. She stared at my erect member with eyes that looked scared. "Its so big..." "Not really." "Its too big for my little pussy..." "I won't hurt you. I never will. Thats the last thing Ill do. I promise." I climbed onto the bed while she spread her legs apart. I pressed my lips against her ear. "I love you." I slowly slid my dick into her small little love tunnel. She screamed and grabbed onto my shoulders. "JACK! JACK THAT HURTS!!!" "I know Kate, calm down. Its okay.." She yelped. I felt her hymen breaking around the head of my cock. Blood trickled out from her little pussy and ran down my dick. I held her. "Baby, its okay..." Tears ran down her innocent face. "Look, Kate. Really, Look!" She looked down to see my balls buried in her ass. I was all the way in. I sat up and pulled her onto my lap. "Do it at your own pace, Kate.Its okay." She slid up and down my cock, slowly and thoroughly sucking every inch of my cock into her. She stopped crying and went faster and faster, She panted and moaned as she rocked back and forth on my lap, and after a few minutes plopped back and rested her head on the pillow. "Jack, please fuck me. Faster than ever. I want you..." I rolled down on top of her and started pushing my dick back and forth, faster and faster with every thrust. Her pussy was warm and soft, it was something my hands couldn't provide. I wanted her to be on my dick forever, I wanted to do this every day for the rest of my life. "Its so biiiigg... ohh JACK! faster! harder!" I thrusted into her as our thighs slapped against eachother. She screamed and panted. Her face was red and her little tits bounced up and down on her heaving chest. "Kate, Im gonna cum!" "I want it. All of it. Take your dick out and give it to me!" I slid my dick out of her little abused pussy and pushed it into her mouth, blasting string after string of cum down her throat. She swallowed most of it, and what ran down my dick was licked up by her warm little tongue. I hugged her. "Kate, we just-" "Lost our virginities." "Yeah." "I want to lose my virginity every day with you, Jack. I want you forever. Please. Promise me youll fuck me every day for the rest of our lives. I need it...." I stared at her with a hint of lust in my eyes, thinking about what she just said. Ive already spent every day of my life with her, for as long as I could remember. I held her hand and stared into her eyes. "I promise." |
This complete story revolve around a lot of sexual themes that may be offensive to some readers. I don't mean to offend anyone so please read the themes and introductions before reading the chapters. If it doesn't sound like a story to get you horny and cumming, I won't be offended if you stop reading. Everyone else, ENJOY! HOUSESITTING DAY 0: The Day Before Chapter 4: Thank Me With Your Mouth / Dyking Out To my shock and surprise, Kaylie didn't fix her mascara or clean the cum and drool off her face and neck before we left Coach's office. She just pulled her flowery summer dress over her head. No Bra! No Panties! Fuck, I had no idea Kaylie was such slutty girl. She usually looked so sweet and innocent, but not that day. That day, she looked fucking sexy all spattered in cum and with her make-up running. Her dress only reached down to mid-thigh, so if she bent over or a strong wind came along, people would be able to see her little, bald pussy probably with ass cum dripping down her thighs. None of which matter, since the coach's cum slid freely down her face and dripped onto her naked collarbone as we walked through the halls to the exit. A wet, dark line was seeping through the middle of her dress from the first load she had taken on her belly. As we walked the halls, I heard some noise coming from one of the classrooms. I quickly glanced in as we passed and was surprised to see someone I knew. It was Lindsay, the geekiest girl from school. She had also been known as Geeky Lindsay or sometimes Freaky Lindsay, but there was definitely nothing freaky about her that day. First of all, she had to have lost at least 30 pounds. I could see how slim her waist was even under her long, voluminous lab coat. Her usually tangled, brunette hair was cut short to shoulder length, combed and straightened, and she'd streaked it with blonde which looked incredibly good on her. To top things off, she wore smaller, sexier glasses rather than the large, clunky pair she had worn back in school and even at a distance they did wonders to her blue eyes. I never even noticed she had blue eyes before. I couldn't believe the transformation. I was staring in at her with my mouth wide in astonishment when she looked up from the chemistry experiment she was performing. The pipette she was holding paused in mid-air when her eyes met mine. She smiled at the look on my face and gave a small, shy wave. I waved back, dumbfounded, and she giggled. She set the pipette down on the workbench and stepped back from her work to give me a little curtsy in her lab coat, "Hi, Adam," she said sweetly with a very genuine smile. I had always been nice to Lindsay even when other popular kids had treated her poorly. I couldn't help thinking that being nice to her all those years would potentially allow me access to that newly fit body of hers, specifically what was between her thighs. Before I could respond to her greeting, Kaylie yanked on my arm, pulling me out of the door frame and down the hall. A little reluctantly, I followed. We left the school by the side parking lot. I was still thinking about how amazing Lindsay had looked and was fantasizing about what I'd do to her, so I didn't even notice the four punk skaters by the door to the school. With the parking lot so empty during the summer months, it was a great open area to skate around. I only really noticed the gang when Kaylie smiled widely at them and said, "Good morning! Nice day out today." They all stood stunned as they all realized in turn what was all over Kaylie's face, and that's when I realized that one of them was actually a cute girl. Once we were five meters passed the group, I heard one of the boys whisper, "Holy shit! Did you see all that spunk on her face?" The girl spoke up with her cute voice and said, "Did you see that hot guy with her?" "Shut up, Brit. All you ever think about is boys." One of the boys scoffed. "Hey, you mentioned the girl, so I mentioned the guy. Besides," Her tone got more excited, "I bet it's his jizz all over her face. I bet he fucked her in the school." I looked back at the cute, little, short haired skater chick. She was kind of tomboyish with skater shoes and no makeup on but that didn't stop her natural beauty showing itself. She was wearing some short shorts and a tank top which showed the hint of some breasts growing underneath. When I caught her eye, she turned red, grinned crookedly and then looked away. When she made eye contact again, I pointed at her and gave her a half smile before sticking two fingers up in the air and mimicking cunnilingus with my tongue flicking between them. Her mouth fell open in shock but with a hint of excitement in her eyes as she blushed and turned away again. I secretly hoped she would still be there later when I came back to get Madison. I clicked the button on my fob as we got close to my car. "Thanks again for the ride," Kaylie said politely with a bubbly smile as she got in on the passenger's side. I got in on the driver's side and turned to her with a wolfish smile and said, "You can thank me with your mouth on the way. You gotta get me hard again before we get to Natalie's." I was still amazed at the cum she'd left all over her face in broad daylight. It was starting to dry and was getting all crusty and wrinkly on her skin. "Okay!" She beamed, "but you just came in my ass. A LOT! You filled me so full. See?" She lifted the hem of her dress to reveal the long streak of rich cum running out of her ass to her pink pussy lips and then down her inner thigh. Fuck, it looked sexy! "Are you sure you can even get hard again?" "Of course, baby. I've already cum three times today." I gave the punk girl one last glance before putting the car in reverse and pulling out. *** It was a short ride to Natalie's but I made sure to whip out my sloppy, slick schlong just as we exited the school lot and Kaylie was quick to sucked it with fast, wet, slurping bobs the entire time. I still couldn’t believe that Kaylie was blowing me after I’d been 8 inches deep in her ass. She was such a filthy whore and I absolutely loved it. She did such a good job on my knob that by the time we got to our destination I was nearly ready to go again. Nearly. "Wanna watch Natalie and me dyke out? We've been doing it for a while now." She explain matter-of-factly. "You bet I do!" I said with enthusiasm. "It was her idea. She's really good at going down on me. Oh, pull around to the back alley.” She hastily gestured at the street coming up. “There's more parking and the back door leads right downstairs to Natalie's room." She spoke quickly with excitement and her knees began to shake as she flashed me an adorable, crooked grin. Natalie was a very cute, blonde girl about the same size as Kaylie but with slightly larger breasts. I could barely contain my thrill at getting the chance at seeing another gorgeous, trim volleyball girl naked that day. I parked by the back gate as Kaylie had instructed and we both got out to head inside. Kaylie didn't even knock or ring the doorbell. She just opened the backdoor and ushered me inside. I felt like I was part of some secret club as she took me down the stairs and through a door which led into a big bedroom. "Hey, slut." Natalie said with a smile over her shoulder. She was watching some fashion show on TV. "Hey, bitch." Kaylie said affectionately back with that same adorable, crooked grin from the car. "Oh my gawd, Kay! Is that cum all over your face? Holy, look at your make-up. You're such a totally slut, not to mention a fucking mess, baby." Her mouth was open in shock but then she burst out giggling. When she finally noticed me, she blushed a deep red and said bashfully, "Hi, Adam. Bitch, you never told me you were bringing Adam Richards over. I probably look a mess." "Hey Natalie. You look radiant," I said with a smile. She blushed again. “Compared to me, she looks like a proper prude,” Kaylie giggled out while posing to model her cum-drenched face. "Hey Nat, wanna give Adam a show? I promised him he could watch us dyke out." "Oh my gawd, Kay!" Natalie said again and unbelievably blushed even deeper. "You told him about that! That's so embarrassing. By the way, whose cum is on your face? Is it Adam's?" She asked in a sing-song voice. "No, it's Coach's." Kaylie lifted her dress up past her waist, "Adam's cum is here. Wanna lick me clean?" Natalie smiled and bit her lower lip. "Of course I'll lick you clean if it's Adam's cum," she glanced a coy look up at me and said, "but I wouldn't mind some fresh cum of my own." I slid my pants back down until my semi-hard cock sprang free. She gasped at it's girth and I said, "Don't worry, babe. Why don't you start eating Kaylie's gaping ass and I'll see if I can make you a fresh batch." I grabbed my semi and started slowly massaging the thick shaft. "Ooo yeeaaahh, baby. Get your ass on my bed, you nasty, spunk whore." Kaylie giggled and eagerly tore off her dress. She hopped up onto Natalie's bed on all fours, and wiggled her sexy butt in her blonde best friend's face. Nat tore off her own shirt, showing off her nice tits in her lacy, baby blue bra. Sitting up, Natalie sprang up and attacked Kaylie, burying her face between her cheeks with a hunger I'd never seen before. My cock twitched and I knew it wouldn't be long before I had the fourth set of lips around my cock that day. Not bad for three hours work. Kaylie moaned and shuddered as Natalie's tongue began to lick up where the cum-trail ended and make its way up along Kaylie's smooth, sexy inner thigh. Natalie flicked her cummy tongue over the cute brunette's clit and up along her slit, then finished by darting into her asshole, all the while gathering up the dripping jizz that was trying to escape. She clamped her mouth over Kaylie's puckered hole and made a loud, slurping, sucking noise. With a pop, her mouth came off Kaylie's nasty hole. She turned to face me and stuck out her tongue to show me all the cum she'd trapped in there. Fuck, Natalie is just as filthy a slut as Kaylie! She let my load slide off her tongue before quickly slurping the stringy liquid back into her mouth. She did this a couple times and then tilted her head back to let my load slide down her throat. With her head still tilted back gulping down my spunk, using her deft fingers, she undid her bra and whipped it off with a sexy flourish, exposing her perky, nubile tits. It wasn't just her firm tits that had caught my horny, lust-filled eyes. She also had the most amazing tan-lines outlining what had clearly been a bikini top. The pattern of her tan-lines was much smaller than where her bra covered and I fantasized about the scanty bikini that had made it. My cock twitched again in my hand as her tight titties jiggled only slightly with her nubile firmness. Noticing my cock's movement, she flashed me a naughty smile. Her gorgeous, wide, green eyes stared at my growing member for a few moments before Kaylie's hand snapped back, roughly grabbing Natalie's hair, and forcing her face back deep between her cheeks. "Lick me, Bitch! I want to feel your tongue punching my asshole, you dirty ass-slut." Not being one to just sit back and watch, I got up and walked behind the blonde ass-eater and reached around her to undo her jeans. As one hand skillfully flicked her button open and pulled open the zipper, the other reached up to fondle one of her pert, swaying breasts and I pressed my growing member into her backside. Once her pants were open, that hand slid up her tight body to cup her other soft breast. I could hear her moaning into Kaylie's ass as I ground my pelvis against her ass and caressed her tits with my strong hands. Feeling the stiffness of her nipples, I couldn't resist giving each a light pinch and pull. "Mmmmm," came a drawn out, pleasure filled moan. "Kaylie and I are going to make you our pleasure bitch. We're going to use your hot, sexy body to please and tease us until we all get off," I whispered in her ear as she rimmed her best friend. My hands moved along Natalie's slim waist to her jeans as I spoke. "I'm not going to do anything that you don't want, but we're going to use and abuse you until we both cum and that's when I'm going to unload all over your face and mouth." I slowly slid her jeans down over her juicy ass to reveal her matching baby blue panties while kissing down her spine to her crack. Natalie finally freed herself to almost whine, "I wanna be your sex toy. Use me however you want to get yourself off." She gave a yelp of surprise when I effortlessly flipped her onto her back. I grabbed the waist of her jeans and ripped them off her smooth, hot flesh in one quick pull. "Oh my gawd, Kaylie. I'm so wet. I'm so wet for you both." Next to come off were those lacy panties. Lifting her butt up slightly, I slowly and sensuously slide her last article of clothing off her hot body before falling to my knees in front of her sweet, glistening, bald pussy. She had the same sexy tan-lines below as above, and I drooled at the sight of the tiny, pale patch of skin over her shaved muff. Kaylie by then was sitting on Natalie's face forcing her best friend to eat her cunt, so, I was able to take my time and slowly work my mouth and tongue around all her sweet, sensitive areas. I felt her moan and shudder with my oral probing and I exploited each of these areas to their full threshold, eventually leaving her shuddering and shaking under Kaylie's grinding hips. I knew she was climaxing when her hips began to gyrate and buck up off the mattress. Her thighs pressed around my head and I felt the amazingly erotic feel of her soft, warm feet sliding along my back with her sexy leg movements. After a few more minutes of divine pussy eating to give Natalie time to come down, I stood up to take a step back, stroke my growing cock, and admire Kaylie riding her friend's face. "Spin around, Kay. I wanna see you dirty bitches in a sixty-nine." She looked over her shoulders at me. Her beautiful doe eyes burned with desire as she bit her lip and moaned her approval. Kaylie swiveled her hips around so she was still sitting on Natalie's face but facing the other way. I caught a glimpse of the eager blonde's tongue flicking out to give Kaylie's pussy a deep massage before Kaylie dropped her upper body down and started lapping at Natalie's cunt like an animal. God, they were both so damn sexy writhing in each other's clutches as they ground their cunts into each other's willing mouths. "Oh yeah, eat those cunts! You sluts are getting me so fucking hard!" I was starting to feel like coach and wondered if he'd ever been in the exact same position as I was with Kaylie and Natalie. I watched in complete sexual awe as both girls grabbed tight holds onto one another's gorgeous asses and pulled their pussies harder against their hungry mouths. Through the sexy sounds of lapping tongues, I could hear increasingly more intense muffled moans escaping from between each pair of thighs. The fit girls writhed and bucked together. I walked around the moaning girl's to get a good look at what Natalie was doing and noticed that she had two fingers working Kaylie's asshole while she munched on her wet pussy. I was rock hard again and I stepped up to where Kaylie's mouth was furiously shaking back and forth between Natalie's bucking thighs. I nudged my re-stiffened dick forward and Kaylie eagerly made room for me to slide in between her tongue and Natalie's wet pussy lips. It felt incredible to have Kaylie's tongue running along the top of my shaft as Natalie's plump pussy lips ran along the underside. Natalie gasped and tensed in shock at the feel of my rod so close to penetrating her virgin slit. Not wanting to frighten her, I rubbed her spread thighs gently with my hands and said, "Don't worry, baby. I'm just gonna use your pussy lips to rub my hard shaft. I won't slide inside you unless you want me to." This seemed to calm her as I felt her body relax again under me. I resumed what I was doing, sliding my full eight inches along Natalie’s dripping labia as Kaylie lick and kissed along my throbbing shaft. Natalie was so fucking wet and it would have been so easy just to plunge right into her tight pussy, but I couldn't do that. Her first time had to be special and when she was ready. Instead, I just went through the motions as if I were fucking her. I grab hold of a smooth thigh in each hand as I pretended to fuck the hottie with deep, powerful strokes. My hips slapped her firm ass with each thrust and when Kaylie tilted her cute head sideways and wrapped her lips around the top of my thrusting shaft, it almost felt like I was fucking a wet pussy. Occasional, Kaylie would open her mouth and allow my thrusting shaft to slide deep into her throat and then she would comment on how tasty Natalie's pussy juice were coated on my dick. Both writhing, panting girls were sweaty and disheveled as I pumped my big rod between both sets of wet, hot lips and took in the incredible joy of our passionate and lusty threesome. As Natalie relaxed and started to really enjoy my hard cock, I felt her hips start to move and grind with my thrusting. I let go of her sexy legs and she wrapped them tightly around my rocking hips. Kaylie arched her body up (really making her tits stick out) and started riding Natalie's face. Kaylie's face was dripping with Natalie's sex as she licked her lips while gyrating. Her hands came up to caress her own perky tits as I watched the sweat slide down her collarbone and between her heaving cleavage. With my own hands free, I grabbed Kaylie around the back of her neck and pulled her in for a deep French kiss before running them along Natalie's wriggling body, caressing the soft, sweaty skin all the way up to her jiggling tits. I continued to french Kaylie with our hot, wet tongues swirling around each other’s while I grabbed hold of Natalie's perfectly round breasts and used them to thrust hard against the skinny girl's slick pussy. Natalie’s abs looked particular delicious as they flexed with my thrusting. Kaylie and I parted from one another, both panting with our desire and the pleasure we were deriving from our shared sex pet. I looked down at the young slut under us and took particular delicious pleasure from watching her abs as they flexed with my thrusting and her tight, toned figure showing some sexy definition under a fresh, sizzling sheen of perspiration. These chicks were so fit from volleyball and soccer. Fit to fuck as I liked to say. Kaylie was still grinding her hips back and forth on Natalie's face but now had one hand in the air for balance. She reminded me of a cowgirl trying to stay on a raging, bucking bull. A naked, very naughty cowgirl. Eventually, after an intense, shaking orgasm with her chest heaving and jiggling in such ways to nearly sent me over the edge, Kaylie excitedly said, "Oh Nat, I wanna grind our pussies together while Adam fucks your mouth." Kaylie hopped off Nat's face and I flipped the breathless blonde bitch around as easily as a fuckdoll and positioned her with her head hanging off the edge of the bed. She looked into my eyes as she immediately started licking the underside of my throbbing shaft. "It's so big! I'm not sure if I can fit it in my little mouth," she purred in an overly innocent voice. It was true. My pulsing cock looked huge twitching over her slutty face. I took a step forward and dangled my big balls in her face. "Why don't you start with these then." With eager lust, I felt her soft, warm tongue exploring my swollen testicles. By then, Kaylie was scissored in between Natalie's thigh and was inching closer to grind her wet cunt into Natalie's. I reached out and slid a finger along Natalie's velvety, moist hole just before Kaylie's closed over it. As Kaylie ground hard against Nat, she was pushing my finger harder against Natalie's clit. "Oh fuck!" Nat breathed on my balls as Kaylie ground against her, over and over again. Her tits jiggled and I suddenly had an idea. Moving my hips forward again, I slid my shaft down between Natalie's glorious cleavage. With my big hands, I wrapped her pert tits around my cock and started to fuck them. Her soft skin felt great against my throbbing shaft as I pumped her sweat slick tits. She surprised me by raising her head and running her warm, wet tongue along the sensitive spot between my ass and balls. I even felt the odd flick rimming my rectum. The whole scene was so incredibly erotic. The young girls rubbing pussies, with me tittie-fucking one of them while she basically ate my asshole. I knew I was getting close to cumming, so I looked up to distract myself away from my approaching orgasm. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of Natalie's digital camera. I leaned over to her night stand and scooped it up. Priming it, I decided to take a few souvenir pictures. "Smile, Kaylie!" I said and she obediently leaned up to look into the camera. Her smile was sexy but she looked a little dazed and dreamy from the hot sex as the camera clicked. I stepped back and took aim with my throbbing meat at Natalie's open mouth. I slid my shaft three inch into her mouth before clicking off another photo with a bright flash. I thrust my twitching cock in and out of her mouth a couple more times. Distraction or not, that was it for me. I quickly pulled out to jerk a hot load onto Natalie's upside-down face. Great spits of jizz spattered her mouth and chin before it ran into her blonde locks. Some of my hot spunk hit her cheeks and ran into her eyes, gluing them shut. "Fuck, your cum's so fucking hot on my slutty face! Like burning hot. It feels so fucking good!" she yelled just before I aimed some burning hot spurts into her mouth. If Natalie had been wearing any eye make-up, it would have been running up her forehead just like Kaylie's. "Oh Nat, you look so beautiful," Kaylie panted through what looked like another orgasm of her own. She was firmly gripping one of Natalie's legs with both hands as she humped her cum glazed friend. I took some close-ups of Natalie's jizz coated face for her to admire when she could see again. My cock went flaccid a lot quicker this time and I used it to slap Natalie's "slutty face". "Yeah, smack that whore. She's been a bad fucking girl," Kaylie moaned through semi-clenched teeth as she finally relaxed her grip and fell back onto her elbows. Sensing that Natalie was extremely close, I bent forward and helped Kaylie bring the cum-blind girl to another climax by leaning over her hot body and licking her clit as Kaylie continued to grind hard into her. After her own orgasm, Kaylie looked completely exhausted, but she used her fitness training to push on a bit longer for her friend's benefit. It paid off as moments later, Natalie bucked hard under me, cried out in carnal pleasure, and then all three of us crumpled into a blissful, sweaty, cummy heap on her bed. *** Once we had regained our grasp on reality, we all squeezed into Natalie's small bathroom for a hot shower. Kaylie and I had to lead Natalie by the hand since she was still cum blinded. I made a lame joke about the girls having already had their hot showers to which they both burst out into shaking giggles. The coach's cum was now just a tight, dry film along the sexy curves of Kaylie's neckline and down her cleavage. It cracked and flaked off as she moved. The hot shower was wonderful with the three of us taking turned cleaning one another with our tongues. Both girls were really enjoying the hot water as it washed away the messy cum and their make-up. Again, I watched their wet, sexy bodies in complete awe. I couldn't resist pulling them in for some deep kiss tongue action. This led to all of us caressing, kissing and licking one another in a flurry of steamy, passionate "washing". The girls were eager to see if they could get my dick hard again, so they told me to just watch as they gave me another sexy "dyke out" show. They started with just sexy girl-on-girl kissing, but then they began to press their wet, hot bodies together. Their breasts were soapy as they squished and slide together with the girls' increasingly more passionate kissing, now with wet tongues pressing erotically together as the water ran over them. I watch as their tongues swirl and twisted together with their steamy, lesbian lust. Their soft, soapy skin slid along the other's body, and I drooled as Natalie reached down to grabbed Kaylie's gorgeous ass and pulled her hips hard against her own. They both moaned as their wet cunts collided with steam billowing around their sweet sex. Kaylie raised one leg and wrapped it around Natalie's slim waist as she pulled her lover harder into her while they closed their eyes, french kissed, and ground pussies together. I could feel the love and attraction between them as they fell into the each other's embrace. They fit together like perfect, passionate puzzle pieces. If I hadn't already cum four times that day, I would have been spurting like a fire hose all over them right there. Through their steamy lust, Kaylie and Natalie noticed that their making out wasn't getting me hard. Kaylie whispered something in Natalie's ear and then they both dropped down to their knees in the cramped shower. The slutty girls were so determined to get me stiff again as they started "washing" me below the waist with their small, excited hands and their eager, wet mouths. At one point, Natalie was bobbing her head on my soft penis while Kaylie was full-on licking my asshole. It felt unbelievably awesome and delightfully dirty but my cock wasn't getting up again in any hurry. Instead, I just relaxed and enjoyed the tonguing and sucking I was generously receiving. We spent a good half hour in the shower, wholly enjoying one another's bodies. The girls' favourite thing seemed to be touching and licking my hard chest and abs. My favourites were Kaylie's amazing ass and Natalie's tantalizingly tan-lined tits. Eventually, the water began to grow cold, and we were forced to retreat back to Natalie's warm, duvet-clad bed where we resumed our playing. After a while, and to both girls' joy and amazement, my cock stiffened again, but I was so exhausted by then that I just lay back on the bed and let the adorable girls take turns sucking me off. I knew it would be a very long time before I could cum again, so I closed my eyes and dozed as I enjoyed the hot mouths sliding up and down on my shaft. And that's when I heard Natalie's soft, slightly nervous voice say, "Umm, Adam? I think I want you inside me now. I think I'm ready." My eyes flew open and I sat bolt up, all tiredness gone. I looked into Natalie's sparkling green eyes and she sweetly whispered, "I want you to take me. I wanna feel your big dick inside my pussy." "Oh yay, Natalie." Kaylie said, overjoyed. "I want to watch him take your virginity." "Are you sure, Natalie?" I asked seriously. From in-between my legs where she had been blowing me moments before, she bite her lower lip and timidly looked away for a moment but then her big, green eyes came back to mine filled with determination. She gave a shaky, tight lipped nod and then said, "mmm-hmm, I want you to have my cherry. My pussy is all yours." My dick throbbed and grew another inch in her stroking hand in anticipation of taking the young beauty's precious innocence. She gasped and said in astonishment, "Wow, your dick is definitely excited and ready for my tight cherry. Ooo, it's throbbing in my hand." She gave the tip a big kiss before sliding me back into her mouth. "Fuck, baby. If you're ready, I would love to pop your cherry. Are you really sure you're ready?" I asked again. "God yes! I need you inside me." She was filled to the brim with lust and sexual tension as she vibrated and panted on the floor between my thighs. I watched as her own thighs opened and closed with anticipation and pure carnal desire. A feral look spread over her face and she growled, "Fuck, I want you so bad, Adam." I heard the urgent need in her voice and couldn't stop from saying those three words I loved so much, "Beg for it." I stared deep into the panting slut's green eyes. "Beg me to take your cherry, baby." "Please. Please Adam, I need you," she whined desperately. I couldn't believe the rush I got from the control I had over this sexy girl. I picked her up and threw her onto her bed. "Oh please. Take me, Adam. I want you deep inside me." Kaylie was watching intently with her mouth slightly open in anticipation of what I was going to do to her best friend. I firmly grabbed Natalie by her hips and pulled her to the edge of the bed. My big cock swayed back and forth over of her tight, virgin hole. Again, I couldn't help noticing how good her tan-lines looked. They were a constant reminder of her teeny tiny bikini. I grabbed hold of my pulsing rod and used the bulbous tip to tease Natalie's pussy. I was suddenly rock hard! I rubbed it along the glistening, dripping outer lips and slapped the thick meaty rod, wetly against her snatch. "Yes, I love it. Tease it. Oh Adam, I'm so wet for you." I grabbed a handful of Kaylie's dangling hair and gently pulled her face closer to Natalie's sweet slit. "Spit on her cunt, bitch. Get your virgin friend ready to take my big, hard dick." I was breathing hard as I stroked my meat. Like the obedient, little slut that she was, Kaylie moved over Natalie's quivering twat and spat a big gob of saliva all down her cute, bald slit. Using her tongue, she swirl the spit around the tight opening. Then Kaylie slid her tongue up Natalie's glistening pussy and started flicking her tongue over Natalie's sensitive clit. I gave a firm tug on her hair, jerking her head back ten inches, "Spit on it again, bitch. Get her fucking cunt nice and nasty for my throbbing cock." Both girls seemed to be enjoying my rough, commanding manner as they both panted with their extreme arousal. Again, Kaylie spat on Natalie's pussy, leaving a sticky trail down her chin. I step forward again and slapped my veiny rod against Natalie's spit lubed fuckhole. "Tell me what you need, baby," I hissed viciously down at her. She was breathing even harder with her uncontrollable desire now. "I need you. I need you deep inside me. Please. Oh, please. I want you to take my virginity. I need to feel you throbbing inside me. Please, take my pussy. Take it!" She was panting and completely desperate for my dick. That was just how I like my dirty fuck pets. I pulled back and took precise aim at her perfect, little, bald slit. I noticed that Kaylie now had the camera in her trembling hands and was clicking off countless pictures. My tip made contact with Natalie's opening and both her and Kaylie drew in a deep breath. I looked into Natalie's beautiful green eyes. "Here it comes, baby." Slowly, I pressed my massive, throbbing cock against her incredibly tight, saliva oozing opening. She clenched her teeth and made a slight sound of pain as I pushed only half an inch in. I felt her tight inner-vaginal lips part and fold around my massive member. I watched in awe as the blue veins of my rod pulsed along my shaft making it grow even bigger with the anticipation of Natalie's tight pussy lips. "Fuck girl, even with Kaylie's help, you're still so... fucking ... tight." "Oh my gawd, Natalie! This is so amazing!" Kaylie breathed, her face only inches away from our sex. I felt my cock make contact with Natalie's fragile hymen. I held one of her hands as her other was tightly clutched in one of Kaylie's. I got ready to drive my hips forward and break her sweet, virgin barrier, when all of a sudden... END CHAPTER |
Drywall and wood chippings rained on the soldiers helmet, as the sound of far off artillery shook the dilapidated building. For a brief moment, the soldier froze under the doorway, not so much from the knowledge that the doorway was the most sturdy part of what was left of this building, as from primal instinct, some superstitious fear that any movement on his part, no matter how subtle, might somehow cause the building to buckle, and finally come crashing down. The blast sound echoed into the distance, and the soldier regained his composure. Tightening his grip on his gun, he stepped out into the rubble filled street. The city around him was dead, broken and beaten from weeks of continuous shelling. Where there were once businesses, homes, and people, now there were only skeletons. Skeletons of businesses, their windows broken by looters, their insides gutted by fire damage, bones of rebar jutting out of steel, wood, and concrete. Corpses of homes, once idyllic, peaceful sanctuaries from the outside world, now torn open and laid bare by the continuous bombing the city had sustained for the past several weeks. And the corpses. Rotting, bloated corpses, twisted in disgusting, impossible entanglements, some incomplete, most in pieces. A lot of the fragmentation bombs the army had shelled the city with didn't hit their targets precisely; rather they landed in close proximity to their targets. People who happened to be hiding in basements, or scampering through the streets scurrying for food, shelter, or anything else needed to survive. When the blasts "missed" them, the concussive force from the shells were enough to rip the life from them, rending their bodies like rag dolls, tossing and twisting them in morbid, impossible configurations. More than one body the soldier had seen, with torso rotated 180 degrees, or with a back broken in two like a splintered stick, the torso only connected to the legs by a string of torn muscle, skin, and nerves. As the soldier patrolled the lifeless, cratered street, he wondered exactly what the point of this whole exercise was. He looked around at the rubbish and bodies around him: it was mostly broken niceties which had no part in a war, things like broken furniture, damaged electronics, discarded toys. The bodies were mostly female; women and young girls who tried to escape the advance of the oncoming army by hiding in basements and shelters. The men and boys, for their part, had mostly come out to die on the front lines. To die and kill his comrades. He heard a loud bang, and a window in front of him broke. Instantly he spun around, pulling on the trigger of his rifle, unleashing a torrent of steel tipped rage into the mound of rubbish behind him. He held the trigger down until the percussion of exploding rounds quiet and the kicking of the rifle butt ceased. The street was deathly quiet, with not even the sound of the wind being heard. Reloading his rifle, the soldier advanced, searching for the whoever or whatever had lain in wait and fired at him. Even though most of the males had gone up to the front lines, there were still pockets of resistance in the city, young teenage boys, not officially old enough to go into the army, but still old enough to hold a gun, and pose a threat to invaders like him. He stepped over a small pile of rubble, and peered behind the large mound he had just fired into, gun at the ready. Lying on the ground, freshly bloodied, he saw three bodies, young boys, reduced to meat by the rounds from his rifle. He walked up to the closest one, and kicked him over onto his back. His eyes were frozen open, and he stared unmoving up into the gray sky. His bullet wounds were fresh, and still pouring blood: no doubt about it, this was the one who had tried to shoot at him. He checked the other two, kicking their mutilated bodies over. One of them had his hand tightly clenched around something. The soldier bent down, and pried his small hand open. Two rocks rolled out of the dead boy's palm. The soldier stood up, disgusted and angered by his new discovery. Rocks. These boys had gotten themselves filled full of steel and lead to throw rocks at him. Didn't they know, this war was over, their army had surrendered, almost all of their soldiers were dead. Why couldn't they just give up, and surrender, or at least stay hidden. Stupid animals, he thought to himself. He stood up, and fired a burst into the nearest boy. He heard a gasp, and then a scampering above him. He looked up, and saw pebbles falling from the ledge above. Quickly, he ran around to the side, hoping to be able to head off whoever it was who was now watching him. The ledge sloped down, and the soldier saw a pink and white flash scampering down the incline of the ledge. "Hey you, stop!" he shouted. He fired into the air, and for a moment, the figure stopped. The soldier lunged to catch up to it, but just as quickly as the figure froze, it began running again, its smallish figure ducking into another mound of rubbish. The soldier was angry now: before when he thought it was some teenage boys shooting at him, he had been angry enough. Somehow, the thought of being pestered and maligned by little kids incensed him, and made the anger which he had carried inside him this entire battle boil over: he didn't want to be here, shooting at nameless faceless vagrants who were just too greedy to be happy with their own land, and too stupid to know when to quit. It seemed that these animals would never leave him alone, whether he was minding his own business on his farm, or running recon missions in unoccupied territory. Now their home city was broken, defeated. Why didn't they just give up and admit defeat? He fired randomly into the pile of rubble, hoping partly to flush the quarry out, but also partly to kill it. He circled the pile methodically, every so often firing one or two bursts into the pile. After every shot, he heard scampering, as the quarry repositioned itself in the maze of fallen rebar, concrete, and building fragments. The soldier tripped and stumbled as he stepped over a broken brick. "Damnit," he swore, as he began firing full blast into the rubble. For a second, he was sure that he had his target. The drum of the bullets thundered into the rubble, and then ceased. The soldier pulled on his trigger, the gun clicking as it tried to fire from the empty magazine. After a few moments, he realized that he had emptied his magazine. For a brief moment he glance down, to retrieve another magazine. He heard a loud rustling, and he looked up to see the figure scampering out of its hiding place. He locked his new magazine into his rifle and ran off after it. Before the soldier could even get a good start, the figure had already cleared a good 15 yards, and had darted into an old gutted building which remained fairly intact as compared to the other buildings. Enraged, the soldier followed her, darting after her into the building. As he dashed through the doorway, he slipped, and fell, losing control of his balance and his gun. The rifle hit the ground, butt first, and went off, firing a sporadic burst above the fallen soldier's head. For a moment the soldier froze, believing he was being shot at. Anger quickly reoriented him, and he scrambled to his feet, angered even more by the humiliating spill that he had just taken, and the fact that he had nearly just killed himself. He grabbed his rifle, and took a quick inventory of where he was. This looked like an old security building, an apartment before the war. The hallway was filled with debris shaken loose from the ceiling from the recent shellings. The soldier hesitated for a moment: the hallway was lined with doors, doors to old, long uninhabited apartments. At least that's what he believed. It occurred to him that perhaps other mercenaries or occupants might still be in the apartments, and he didn't want to risk leaving his back exposed to a group of rooms which could contain anything. He looked at the girl as she ran down the hallway, her slim legs scampering over the debris and rubbish like a monkey. Anger filled him once again, and he began to pursue her down the hallway, his long legs easily navigating the cluttered hallway. When the girl got to the end of the hall, she tried to escape back out onto the street. She slammed against the exit door, but for some reason, the door wouldn't move. As the soldier closed in on her, she turned and darted up the stairwell to the second floor. The soldier slowed his pursuit now: his quarry was desperate, and running out of options. She couldn't go back down now, and unless she could fly, eventually she would run into a dead end. Briskly, he started up the stairs, slowing when he saw her, struggling to open the door to the next level. She was swearing and cursing in some unintelligible language. "TURN AROUND!!!" he shouted. The girl stopped, and slowly turned around as he ordered. Her knees were shaking, and wobbling as he approached her. The soldier was angry now, and undecided as to what exactly he should do. This girl was no longer a threat to him, but he was angry for having been made to chase her all this way through the street, through the building, up the staircase. He looked at her, her slight frame shivering with fear, her fists clenched in apprehension as she pondered what to do next. He knew what it was she was thinking, and what to expect next: as she screamed and charged him, he quickly backhanded her against the wall, sending her tiny frame flying awkwardly to the floor. From somewhere deep inside him, an unnatural, sadistic hate welled up, as he looked at the young girl who had just attacked him. He kicked her in the stomach, and she doubled over, curling into a ball to protect her vulnerable body. As she lay huddled there, crying, it occurred to him that they were the only two people in the building. As her soft sobs filled the hallway, he felt a perverse desire stirring with him, and his pants tighten, as his desire began to materialize in his mind. Reaching down, he lifted the girl up by one shoulder. Ah he picked her up, she began struggling, biting his sleeve and kicking at him. He quickly slapped her down to the floor again, and continued slapping her even as she fell to the ground. He smacked and punched her until she was curled up again, crying and shivering. "Stupid bitch," the soldier said as he hoisted his newly subdued prisoner to her feet. He grabbed her by her t-shirt, a dingy, torn white rag, and tossed her against the wall, handcuffing her hands behind her back. With his prisoner in front of him at gunpoint, the soldier searched for an apartment which was unlocked, abandoned, but relatively unlived in. Even though none of the apartments were habitated anymore, some of the apartments were in greater disrepair than others. In a few he had found dead bodies, killed in their homes and rotting in their unmarked, unheralded graves. Eventually he found what he was looking for, as he opened the door to an apartment which hadn't been moved into, or lived in by anyone beforehand, bare of everything except for some curtain rods. As he forced the prisoner inside, it occurred to him that maybe he could stay here, go AWOL in this building until his troop left: with the invading army gone, and most of the inhabitants captured or dead, he could make himself a nice living here in the building. His own private mansion, with his own private bitch. He shoved the girl to the floor, and smacked her again once for good measure. She spat on him, and he slapped her again. His penis was tingling now, as he looked at the helpless, frail figure laid sprawled on the ground before him. She was like a helpless doll lying there, a pale, frail helpless doll, his to do with whatever he pleased. He knelt on the ground beside her, and began slipping her torn shorts off. She began struggling, trying to roll away from him, but he grabbed her by her bound arms, and restrained her as he ripped the cloth from her legs. As she struggled, he felt the excitement building with him, as his newly captured prey struggled to escape the fate he had planned for her. Still holding her, he took out his knife, and slowly cut her panties off, revealing her tiny, bare pale ass. She began squirting bursts of urine onto the carpet, as she tried to clamp her legs together. The smell of her fear excited him, and as she urinated, he unbuckled his pants, and slid them down just enough to free his erect penis. It slapped against his stomach, free from its cage, and now eager to taste the juices of the prey which was subdued here before it. He pried apart her legs, slowly, savoring every moment of her resistance as he overpowered her, until at last the flower of her sex was vulnerable, spread bare to the world. He rubbed his stiff cock head against her pussy, already wet and moist from her reflexive urination. As he pushed, the feel of her tight pussy lips closing around the head of his penis sent electric thrills of pleasure throughout his body. Slowly, he plunged forward, slowly driving his hips forward until he could push no further. The girl struggled and tried to kick underneath the bulky soldiers driving weight, in a futile struggle to protect her innocence. In moaning sobs, she began cursing him in a foreign language as he cruelly violated her. The soldier found this arousing, her struggle and frantic resistance adding to the thrill he felt from raping this uppity little girl. He pulled on her long black hair, using it as a rein as he began to quicken his thrusts. He held her head closer to his chest, as he pressed her into the carpet, using all of his weight to rape her, to fuck her like a grown woman. Slowly, her struggling and crying gave way to stillness, and moaning sobs of pleasure, as the girl accepted her fate. Her hips began slowly rocking in time with his thrusts, as she began to give in to her desires. Tears still ran down her face, as her body betrayed her, and like an animal, she began to yield to the beast who was violating her, her body rewarding his cruel penetration and aching for more attention. Eventually, the soldier climaxed, propping himself up on his arms, as he pumped his load into her raw stretched vagina, his hips quivering as he forcefully inseminated his victim. When he was satisfied, he pulled himself out, his penis making a slurping sound as he withdrew from her vagina. The soldier pulled himself up, and sat back, admiring his handiwork. The girl lay there now, legs spread, still quivering from the exertion of trying to fight off her attacker, and then being fucked. She no longer tried to resist, but lay there silently, breathing slowly, exhausted from her own orgasms. Cum dripped out of her pussy, and soaked the floor below her. He thought she looked beautiful there, his property, exhausted, spent, filled with his own seed. He enjoyed the fucking, but even more, he enjoyed the thought that he owned this little girl now. Her pleasure and pain was his to give: he could fuck her whenever he pleased, however long he pleased. He felt a stirring in his loins again, and, eager to assert his newfound dominance over her, he slowly mounted her, methodically invading her stretched, raw pussy once again. The girl moaned as he entered her, but she did not resist: she was broken, and her pussy was now his to enjoy. All she could do was accept her newfound fate, and moan softly in forced, humiliating pleasure as he began to take her once again. |
Note: This is just a fantasy, not true nor did it happen. It was in fact a recent fantasy. Enjoy! This all started when I first looked at my friend Lynn in a sexual way. The first time it was hard to picture us fucking, seeing it was on our table in our 3rd period. Nobody knows how good I am when it comes to picturing and feeling sex even though I'm not really doing it. Most sex fantasies I have tried having of her didn't work out so well seeing she always wore clothing that hid her beautiful curves. Let me describe Lynn for ya. She has very beautiful blonde hair that goes past her shoulders, Blue eyes that could send any guy she falls in love with to heaven, from a guess, her bbeautiful breasts are C cup, I can tell from the outlining of the shirts she wears, even though they barely reveal anything. Her ass is not too small, and not too big, picture a sexy blonde of your dreams' ass, I'm sur eyou could come up with what I'm saying. Her weight is near mine, but in a bit better shape than me, I'm just average, no I don't have muscles like most girls look for in a guy. Something I will mention is, she's Bisexual, didn't find that out until later in our relationship. As for me, I'm average in weight, i weigh about 145 pounds, my cock (haven't measured in a while) is a good 6' (inches), and I'm sure if any girl were to suck on it soo good, it gets more erect. Girls, you should get the idea. I don't have a 6 pack, if I did, I know I wouldn't feel like myself, I have brown eyes and short black hair, I never let it grow to it's full length. Back to the story. I have always lusted sexually over Lynn for a while now, we were at her hotel room. Her family invited me over for dinner, of course I took that opportunity just to be with this sexy blonde. Throughout the entire meal, seeing she was sitting next to me, I kept sneaking my hand over to her leg getting closer and closer to her zipper, she slapped my hand away each time and every time I got the zipper down a little further, she didn't bother pulling it back up. She must have wanted to feel my hand touching her probably already wet cunt. The 2nd to last try, I got my hand fully inside her panties, I grabbed her pussy, I looked at her at the corner of my eye and could tell from her expression she loved what I was doing. Trying not to make my arm seen moving, I started moving my fingers individually all around her now wet pussy. You know for sure that I wanted to just pull my cock out and fuck her right there on that dinner table, but I kept my composure. What I didn't expect, she got up to go text someone while standing outside, she was outside for 5 minutes and that told me she wanted me outside with her. I asked to be excused and was granted that. As soon as I got outside and the door closed, I turned around and I was attacked withfrench tongue kissing. I reached around her and grabbed her juicy ass and squeezed it tightly. I didn't care if we were to get caught. I slid my hands inside her pants and panties and just started massing her ass crack and hole, that sent her over the edge, causing her to moan loudly, it surprisingly didn't cause her parents to come outside and see what the noise was. I pulled my hands out and just forcefully pulled her pants and panties off her waist. 1 Whack on the ass made her give me a seductive look, that told me she loved being spanked. I told her rubbing her ass was making my cock rise, she didn't need to be asked, she immediately dropped to her knees, even without anything covering her pussy and ass, she unzipped my shorts pulling them down along with my boxers exposing my rock hard rod. Her eyes balled wide open but that didn't stop her, with one gulp, Lynn took my entire cock into her moist warm mouth, and it touched the back of her throat, causing her to gag, but she didn't pull away. The hottest sight you'll ever have with a gorgeous blonde like her is seeing and feeling her/them bobbing their head up and down on your cock, and boy it felt so damn good. I could feel her soft wet tounge swirling around my entire cock while her mouth slid up and down my cock, I wanted to cum right there cause that's just how good it felt. I told her I was close to cumming, and damnt, she got off her knees and started rubbing her clit and pussy together. I needed NO instruction whatsoever. I myself, got onto my knees spreading her fine white legs apart and dove my tongue deep into her wet wet pussy. As soon as she felt my tongue touch her G-spot, she covered her mouth to keep her pleasured scream in, when I heard that, I knew I hit the right spot. I continued tonguing that part inside her pussy walls, and trust me, SHE TASTES GOOD!! A few minutes of eating her pussy, she told me she wanted my big rock hard cock in her pussy RIGHT NOW! Even though I hate being yelled at, I obeyed and told her to lean against the wall with her ass sticking out. She bent over against the wall, I spread her sexy legs apart and began fingering her pussy roughly to get her ready for a hot fucking. When I felt that was enough, I lined my cock up with her pussy and without warning, I plunged my cock deeeeep inside her hot ass, seeing we both LOVED the feeling, I didn't need to be told, I started thrusting my cock in and out and in and out and in and out and INNNNNNNNNN and OUUUUUUUUUTT. Each thrust was harder than the last, and I'm guessing she loved rough sex. I continued pounding my cock into her sobbing pussy, and trust me, I felt her pussy juices dripped down my cock. I just kept on pounding her juicy ass, slapping every time I thrust my rod into her ass, she kept moaning "OHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKK YESS, Right THERE!!" To get us bothturned on more, I told herto beg formy cock."OOOOOOOOHHHHH Keep that big fucking cockin my THRIVES to be fucked hard baby!!!" I never told her to lower her tone cause I was lost in a LOAD of pleasure. After a bunch more thrusts, I felt my balls tightening up which obviously meant I was ready to cum. "I'M CUMMMMMING!!" I yelled as I continued pounding her ass with my cock. "Cum in my pussy baby.........cum for me....big cock!!" she replied. I didn't need to be told twice, after 5 more pounds, I shot several, and when I say several, I mean 8 shots of cum into her ass. When she felt that, she said "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, that's it baby, cum for me." I pulled my cock out, and told her to suck it dry. She dropped to her knees and took my cock into her wet warm moist sexy cock sucking mouth, bobbing her her up and down faster than the first sexy blowjob she gave me earlier. After 4 minutes of a hot blowjob, I came again hard into her mouth, and judging by the wet spot I felt under my toes, she came as well, and EXTREMELY hard. "That was the BEST fuck ever," she continued "I'm going to fuck you whenever I see an opportunity, I could give a shit if we're in class, I'm gonna ride that cock I love soooo much!" END XD Laides on XNXX: Want my cock? Just e-mail me at [email protected] |
This story can also be seen in the Forum. Names have been changed to protect identities. This is my first story, so please cut me some slack cause I know I can do better. Best Friends? For nearly 3 years, Christy and Dill (short for Dillian) have been best friends, they have been a lot together since they first met. Every time Christy was going through a hard time, nobody could help her out the best way than Dill could, he knew she could always count on him to have her back and to be there for her 24/7. But something Dill didn't know was that Christy secretly had a thing for him. That was kept a secret until she finally showed him how she truly felt when he invited her over to his house to have a movie night with him and 2 other friends. She looked at this as the perfect opportunity to finally show him. Friday finally came after a week of anticipation, Christy just couldn't wait. Before she went home, she walked up to Dill to and said "Hey Dill, thanks for inviting me to your movie night, I am so ready for it", "I know right, it took a while to finally convince my parents to let me do this." Dill replied. "So what movies are we gonna watch?" Christy asked, "You'll see when it comes" Dill answered. Christy wasn't mad when he said that because he tried to make a lot of things they did together as a surprise. School ended and Christy immediately raced home so she could pick out what she was going to wear as pajamas. She didn't want anything to boring, or anything to revealing. She packed a skin-tight white tank top that shows off her B-sized breasts, and her black sweat-pants her mom made for her to sleep in. Seeing she was planning on spending Saturday with Dill, she also packed a Pink-Plad mini skirt with a matching top that says "You Wish You Had Me." Hours later, it was time for her to head to Dill's house, but what she didn't know was that he was waiting in her driveway. "Oh my god, what are you doing here, I thought I would see you at your house?" Christy shockingly said, "A good friend always picks up his friend" Dill said sweetly. As Christy walked towards Dill's car, she thought 'I can't wait for this to finally happen!!'. 10 Minutes later, Dill and Christy arrived at his house, they didn't see any cars in front, he thought that was just odd. Dill helped Christy out of the car and brought her stuff to there where they read a note saying 'Sorry Dill, we couldn't make it, something important came up, maybe next time'. Inside, Dill was a bit pissed off, but yet happy cause he could spend some time with his best friend. An hour after getting settled in, Christy told Dill that she wanted to go put her jammies on so should could feel more comfortable. What Christy didn't know was that Dill quietly followed her into the bedroom, when she began taking off her pants and panties she was wearing that day, Dill couldn't stand it anymore, he walked right in and begin to kiss Christy's neck, it didn't surprise her cause she knew he would probably follow her. Christy moaned softly as Dill continued kissing her. When he stopped kissing Christy said "I've been wanting this for so long!", with that said, they continued making out, tongues wrestling passionately. Dill loved the taste of his friends sweet sweet lips, but he wanted a little more than lips. Dill gently pushed Christy on the guest bed and spread her legs. What a wonderful sight that was in front of him. Instead of just staring, he knelt between her smooth, soft legs and began to kiss and lick at her semi wet pussy. She moaned loudly feeling Dill's tongue lick her, but he wanted to give her maximum pleasure, so he plunged his tongue as far as he could go into her pussy, tasting every inch of her on the way. That drove Christy over the edge, causing her to scream in major pleasure. Her scream could have been heard by the police. Dill began to shake his head to send a vibrate feeling up and down her spine, she pulled his head closer to her cause it felt so good. Over and over she kept moaning "Ohhh, fu*k yessss, rightt thereee. Uhhhh", that told Dill he was hitting the right spot. Before he could make her squirt, she told him "I want that dick in my mouth!!". Dill didn't need further instruction, he shot up like a viper and stood at the foot of the bed. Christy got up and sat on the edge of the bed and began to unzip Dill's shorts, soon pulling them down along with his boxers. His 6' pecker jumped free in front of Christy's face, she licked her lips and took hold of his dick into her hand and began to softly and slowly stroke him, causing him to grunt a bit. Not wasting anymore time, Christy leaned forward, opening her mouth, taking as much of Dill's pecker into her mouth and closed her lips softly but tight around his dick and began to move her lips up and down and up and down and up and down, more than 20 times before bobbing her head on his meat. That pleasure made Dill moan and grunt "Ohhh Christy, suck my dick, ooohhhhhhh YESSSSS!." That told her she knew he was loving it. She took his dick out of her mouth and began licking the shaft of his dick up and down, tonguing the pee hole at the top of his dick, causing his dick to twitch which meant he was getting ready to shoot. She didn't want it in her mouth, she got off the bed and grabbed his hand and led him to the shower...... To Be Continued!! |
When I was 13, my mom met her new boyfriend. I didn’t like him much and mom knew it, but that didn’t stop her inviting him to move in with us after only a few months. At 32, he was younger than my mom, but he was a heavy drinker and had a beer gut. He was kind of ugly and he didn’t take care of himself very much. I didn’t really know why mom was with him, she was way out of his league, but she had three children and not a lot of men paid her any real attention. She’d been single since Dad had left and I guess she had her needs and Jim was the best she could do. I have to admit, I never any problems with him until I turned 16. I guess he was waiting for me to be legal before making any suggestions. On a number of occasions he put his hands up my school skirt and fondled my pussy through my knickers. I’d always managed to grab his hand and stop him pushing his fingers inside me. He’d squeeze my tits when no one as watching and this became a daily operation. Shortly before my 17th birthday he came up behind, pinned me to the sink and yanked my skirt up until it was round my waste. He managed to get his hands down the back of my knickers a push a finger into my pussy and I could feel his hard cock pressing against the side of my leg through his jeans. “When you going to let me fuck that teenage pussy,” he demanded. “Fuck off you pervert,” I cried. “Come on. You know you want it. I wanna fill that pussy with hot spunk,” he moaned and pushed a second finger into me. I tried to push him away from me, but he was much bigger than me. Then I heard a voice behind me. It was my little sister Katie. “What are you doing?” she shouted. Jim pulled his fingers out of me and stepped away. “I’m just helping your sister with the washing up,” he replied and walked out of the kitchen. She asked me if I was ok and I said I was and sent her to her room. She was only just 12 and I didn’t want her to be scarred. It actually worked out ok. After that Jim didn’t touch me again and I hoped he’d learnt his lesson. Almost three weeks later I was getting ready to go out to a club. It was a Friday night and my 17th birthday was on Sunday. My boyfriend, Mike, wanted to take me out to celebrate and his brother was going to get us into a club where he worked. My boyfriend was already 20, but they had to sneak me in though a side entrance so that I wouldn’t get carded. The night was going well, I’d had a few too drink and I was feeling a little bit drunk. My boyfriend and I had found a concealed corner and we started making out. I opened my legs a little and he pushed his hand up my skirt, moved my knickers to the side and pushed two fingers straight into my wet pussy. I started to moan and rub his hard on through his trousers. “Do it harder,” I begged and moaned.. He started banging his fingers into me as fast as he could, his knuckles hitting the inside of my legs with each thrust. My whole body started to shudder as I had an orgasm and I could feel my pussy juices running down my thighs. “When are you going to let me screw?” he asked. “You know I’m a virgin,” I replied. “I know,” he replied. “I want to be the first guy to cum in your cunt.” I smiled and kissed him. “Why don’t I suck you,” I said and dropped to my knees in front of him. I pulled the zip down on his trousers and pulled his hard cock out. A waked it up a down for a few seconds and then dropped my head into his lap. I took his cock into my mouth and started to suck on it and run my tongue delicately around the tip. I bobbed my head up and down taking his hard on deeper and deeper into my mouth. “Ahhh, yes baby. I going to cum. Let me fuck you pussy baby,” he cried out. “Let me cum in you.” I ignored him and wanked his dick harder into my mouth until he started to grunt and flood my mouth with spunk. I held it all in my mouth until he stopped coming and then swallowed it. I stood up while he put his cock away and I told him I was going off to the ladies. After washing my mouth out and went back to meet him. It was almost 2 o’clock and the music had stopped. I saw Mike talking to his brother as I came down the stairs. He was only a few meters away and I could hear them talk. His brother was telling him that they’d all been watching me giving him a blow job on the security monitors. “She’s a right little goer you got there bro,” His brother said. Mike smiled. “She must be a one hell of good fuck. A right little whore like that. Sucking you dry in a club.” “I don’t know. She won’t let me fuck her.” “You’re joking.” “No. She’s still a virgin. I’d doing anything to tap that and fill that pussy with hot cum.” “Bro. You’re letting the side down. You gotta get between those legs and fuck her raw for the boys.” They started to laugh and I continued down the stairs. “Shall we go,” I said. We left the bar and he drove me home. I didn’t say anything on the way home and I didn’t tell him I’d heard him talking to his brother. When we got to my mom’s he walked me to the door and kissed me, feeling up my tits a little. “When you going to let me do you?” he asked. “Mike,” I replied. “We’ve been together for six months,” he said. “We should be fucking by now.” I smiled. He was right. Up until today he hadn’t put any real pressure on me to fuck him. We’d done almost everything else and I wanted to. I think I was just a little scared how it would feel. “Ok,” I said. “It’s my birthday on Sunday. If you can find us a place to go, you can be my first.” “Can I come in you?” he asked. “I’m on the pill. You can fuck me and come in me as much as you want.” He kissed me one last time and ran to his car. I waved goodbye, smiled to myself and stepped into the house through the door. Someone grabbed my, turned my ran and slapped me across the face. I looked up into Jim’s eyes. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing,” I demanded. He squeezed my face to stop me talking and looked me in the eye. “I’ve been waiting a long time to fill that cunt with spunk. Do you really think I’m going to let that little bastard pop that virgin pussy?” He pushed me into the kitchen and kicked my legs out from under me. I fell to the ground and hi the back of my head on the floor. Jim climbed on top of me and forced my legs apart, pushing my skirt up around my waist. He put his had down and started pulling at my knickers until they ripped. “Please. I don’t want to,” I cried. “Shut up slut,” he replied. I begged him again not to hurt me, not to fuck me and he slapped me across the face. He yanked on my knickers one last time and pulled them free, wrapped them into a ball and forced them into my mouth. I realised then that he was only wearing a bath robe. He pulled it open and I felt his hard cock slap against my leg. He repositioned himself and I felt the tip of his dick brushing against my pussy lips. I knew then that he was going to screw me and take my virginity. I started to wish I’d let Mike fuck me at the club, but it was too late now. My virginity was going to be raped away from me and I’d remember it for the rest of my life. I was still wet from the fingering Mike gave me in the club and Jim slipped the first couple of inches into me easily. “You’re enjoying it aren’t you. I knew you were a little tart. You’re nice and wet for me.” He pushed harder against my hymen and I felt it rip. He kept pushing until he was all the way in and then pulled it out before ramming it back into me hard. I could feel tears pouring down my face and I tried to scream as he pumped me harder and harder, slamming his hips into me, his balls slapping between my legs. “That’s nice pussy,” he said. “Ahhh yes, that’s nice teenage pussy.” He kept repeating it over and over. He started fucking me harder. It hurt far more than I was expecting. “I knew you’d have a pussy made for fucking. That pussy belonged to a whore and a slut in its last life.” The more he spoke the more I cried. “Take my cock. Take every inch of my big fat cock in your sluty pussy,” he mumbled and then started groaning. A few seconds latter I felt him spunking inside me. I didn’t know I would feel it. It was hot and he spurted inside me five of six times. He slowly pulled is shrinking cock from my blood covered pussy and stood up. His dick was covered in a mixture of spunk, pussy juice and blood and it glistened in the light. “You’re a really good fuck darling,” he said. “Your virgin pussy just sucked every drop of cum from my balls.” I pulled the knickers from my mouth. “Why did you do that to me?” I cried. “I’m your step Dad. It’s my job to pop that virgin cherry and to be the first fill your pussy with cum. Why do you think I moved in with your Mother. Three Daughter. I’ll fuck you till you little sister turns 16 and then I’ll pop her teenage cunt as well. When little Jenny turns 16, she’ll get some cock as well.” You’re not my step Dad you dirty bastard. He left me in the kitchen and I just lay there with cum and blood dripping from my pussy. I don’t know how much time went past, but when I opened my eyes I found my sister standing there. “Katie,” I said. “Are you ok?” she asked I closed my legs painfully and sat up. “I’m sorry,” she said. “What for?” “I knew he was going to do it. I heard him talking on the phone to his poker buddies.” “What did he say exactly?” I cried and whipped the tears from my eyes. “He said, he was going to pop your virgin pussy and fill your cunt with cum. Then in a few weeks time he said he’d pop your virgin arse.” “Is that all he said,” I demanded. “No,” she shook her head. “He said that once he had you slut trained that he’d bring you to poker night and they could all take your pussy for a ride.” I closed my eyes and started to cry. Katie came up and put her arms around me. “Is he going to do it to me as well,” she asked. “Not until you’re 16. You’re safe for now,” I replied and hoped it was true. I lived in fear for the next few weeks. I stood Mike up on my birthday and we got into an argument. We broke up when I told him I didn’t want him touching me. What else could I say, ‘Sorry but my mom’s boyfriend raped me and filled my pussy with his cum.’ A week later I heard the door slam and I jumped up when I realised it was mom going out to do the shopping. I’d done everything I could not to be alone in the house with Jim since he raped me. I ran towards the door to ask mom if I could go with her, but I found Jim waiting for me. He grabbed me round the neck, forced me back into the living room and pushed me onto the sofa. He straddled me, knelt up and undid his belt. His cock sprang out in front of my face. “Suck it bitch,” he said. I kept my mouth closed. He looked at my. “Suck my cock or I’ll fuck your pussy.” I wrapped my lips around his shaft and sucked him the same way I sucked Mike in the club. It didn’t take very long and he sprayed the first tow squirts of spunk into my mouth and then pulled his dick out and spayed my face and neck so that his cum dribbled down between tits. When h finished he said, “Go get yourself cleaned up. Your Mother’s going away for work at the weekend. I’ll have to days and night to fuck that pussy. Then I’ll fuck you in the arse and make you cum.” I started to cry and went upstairs to get cleaned up. Then I started packing and I slipped out of the house in the dead of night. |
WARNING: This is my first story sorry im not the best writer in the world It was late one night, but it’s late every night, pretty close to Christmas I was home alone. I was watching TV when my cell phone went off. It was a girl from school I knew. Her name was Alexis, she was a little shorter than me, weighs 110, her hair is straight, long and black with a streak of blond, was a B size bra and a huge, round, firm ass. I was surprised she was texting me since we hated each other. She used me to get her ex mad, and then called it off with me. So I got her back and then I used her to get my ex mad and dumped her. It was official we hated each other every one in school knew. She texted me "Sorry, for everything I have ever done to you I really hope you take this apologie Goodbye." I knew she wanted me for some reason I replied "How do I know your telling the truth is it just cause I was cheated on a couple of days ago and you know I’m single or are you just playing me again?" She then replied "I know I have done bad stuff and I know you hate me but I really want a second chance I had a dream about you look come over to my house tonight please...." I had a bad feeling about this but I had to throw away those feelings. So I walked to Alexis' house (which unfortunately enough is two miles away and I had no car). The cold blinding darkness that engulfed me was enough to make me wanna turn around but I was lonely and I needed someone since I was recently cheated on. I got to her house and she texted me “Come through the window..." I started toward a screen window that went to her room I waited for a minute and then see a small Converse shoe fly threw the screen as it falls to the floor “Come in" Alexis whispered. I climbed through the window, immediately her scent hit my nose she smelt beautiful, she was wearing a bright green tank top that hugged her body and black loose athletic short shorts. She came close to me and whispered "Thanks for coming." She got so close I could feel her warmth. Her scent and warmth was now kind of turning me on. "So, what did you want?" I asked “Forgiveness and a second chance" she replied. I wondered what she meant by that we sat down and watched TV. There was so much tension I sat next to her. She was so warm I brushed my arm against her by accident she looked at me and I looked at her, our eyes connected and I moved closer and put my hand on her knee she then moved her head towards mine and gave me a kiss I moved her under me and I started kissing her I moved my tongue in and out of her mouth till she moved her tongue into mine we played with each others tongues for a while till I felt her little hand on my belt. She struggled trying to take it off. Now I was wishing I wasn’t wearing a belt. I took off my belt and she put her hand down my pants I moved back and was making out with her for a while then I moved my mouth towards her neck she immediately got turned on. I started kissing and sucking her neck I left her a hicky for everyone at school to see on Monday. I started moving her tank top off but she wouldn’t have that, she took her hand out of my pants and started to move her shirt back to its normal place. I started rubbing her leg up and down she didn’t seem to mind. I moved up her black short shorts to her underwear. I took off her shorts and started rubbing her pussy area I looked at her panties the wear black with a pink bow sewed on I also noticed a huge dark spot I felt it and it was wet and warm. She blushed and giggled. I then tried taking off her shirt this time and with a huge success got it off I had this cute girl wearing a black bra and panties under neath me. She giggled and then skillfully took my shirt off I was so horny, she could tell by the way my dick was sticking out. She wanted to let it free she unbuttoned my pants and pulled my black boxer briefs down. Blushing and smiling she held my dick in both of her hands she said "I didn’t know you were so big" and giggled then looked into my eyes and said "Can I .....lick it?" I replied "Do whatever you want with it." She giggled and licked the tip of my head my cold dick felt so good against her warm tongue she went from tip to base. She started stroking my balls with one hand and holding my dick with her other she started licking my dick and balls. I took off her panties and bra and my shirt. As soon as I took of her panties the sweet smell of her pussy filled my nose. She got down on her knees as I sat down on the couch she started sucking on my dick she started off slow and deep letting my dick go all the way to the back of her throat, she didn’t really have gag reflexes. The warmth of her mouth felt so good on my cock the way she got it wet with her saliva and worked her tongue was enough to make me moan. she then speed up I never seen some one move their head that fast. She sucked really hard and moved off my cock till she was off with a pop noise as her lips left my head. She stood up her knees where red and wet I noticed that a liquid was on her inner thighs and on two puddles on the floor. She was so wet and turned on. She then layer down on the couch "I'm ready for you" she quietly whispered. I put my cock into her tiny, wet pussy she let out a small moan and called my name. I put myself deeper into her as I felt her pussy get tighter around me. I watched as she squired and liquids flowed out of her pussy and onto my cock. I was too big for her I thought to myself she must of knew what I was thinking because she said "I don’t care if you tear me in half I want ALL of you in me." she said with a giggle. I then put more of myself in her. I could feel her tight pussy almost at the base of my dick. she was moaning and squirming around. I started to fuck her wet tiny pussy I could feel her lessening up I saw she could not lay still there was a puddle of wetness on her couch. I moved in and started sucking on her breast they were nice and hard it was cold I let the warmth of my mouth turn them back to soft lumps anyone would die for I felt her pussy getting used to my cock. I started moving my cock in and out of her pussy faster I moved my head back for a better thrusting position and I fucked her hard and deep. Her breast were bouncing up and down as I fucked her she then let out a huge squirt and got my chest wet. "whoops." she giggled she pushed me down and then hopped on top she started riding me. She rode me until she squirted again, then I was back on top I fucked her still she started screaming my name. I could feel myself about to orgasm so I pulled out and she quickly started sucking she was rubbing her pussy at the same time. I started moaning then I came in her mouth a little bit and she moved back and I ended up cumming all over her breast and her pubic patch. She scooped up some cum off her breast and put it in her mouth. ""Yum," she exclaimed "same time tomorrow ok?" I smiled and laughed as I put my clothes on and walked to the window, back into the cold. |
After watching a lot of porn, me and my friend thought it would be fun to try a double ended dildo on ourselves. We were most excited about trying doggy style. We mostly watched girls doing it but we thought we could try this on ourselves. This meant we would have to go shopping as we didn't own a double ended dildo. It was a good excuse to browse online sex shops. I trawled through web sites looking at all variations. Different sizes, shapes, colours. I knew I had to be realistic. We both had tight little ass holes. Some looked damn impressive. Long really thick translucent shafts. Looking at them thinking I'd be a slut for that. But there was no way I could get them inside me. At least not this year. We found a 12 inch PVC double ended dildo and got one in a nice blue colour. It was not any thicker than a normal cock but got a bit thicker towards the middle. It was textured towards the ends. And of course at each end was a bell end. My friend thought it would be a good idea to do it in the bath. I guess normally you would do it on the bed. But it might be nice to do it in the bath. So we ran the bath. I guess we don't want it too deep checking the temperature as it filled up. I did think about bubble bath for a second but then opted not to. We cleared all the bottles from round the bath. It must have been about 5 inches deep when we turned off the taps. We both striped and looked at each other. I normally like to wear a piece of lingerie when having fun but thought that would not be a good idea in the bath. He had the dildo in his hand. We both stepped into the bath. One leg first. It seemed a bit hot. I slowly put my other foot in and knelt down facing one end of the bath. We were both kneeling down in the bath facing away from each other. I twisted round to look at him. He had the dildo in his left hand. I guess we both have to go on all fours. So we did. I went down on my hands and knees. I turned my head round to see him. He was on all fours also. He sort of seemed a long way a way even though our bottoms were inches apart and our feet were touching. I'm not sure this would be quite as easy as I thought. He was at the tap end. I asked if he could add a bit more cold water. He turned on the tap. I waited there on all fours as the tap ran for about 30 seconds. He paddled the water round to mix it. I stared doing the same. Within a few seconds we were really just splashing water at each other. We were both laughing. He reached back with the dildo positioning it between us. I reached back to grab my end of it. We both could point the end of it at our holes. Then I was in a muddle. Do I pull it into me or do I have to push back. I can't pull it into me as I would pull it away from him. We both looked at each other. We both pushed towards each other but neither of us achieved any penetration. We reset our position. This time I grabbed my end of the dildo really tight. I pointed it on to my hole then we pushed back towards each other. As we pushed the dildo flexed a bit in the middle making penetration tricky. We could have used a 3rd person to help with this part. I would have to hold the dildo in just the right place. I held it about quarter of the way along and placed the tip against my entrance. This time when we pushed back the head started to nudge in slightly. I looked back to see how he was doing. I couldn't tell but it looked like he was still trying. He then looked back at me and nodded. We were both still holding each end of the dildo and I pushed back gently. This time there was no flex and I managed to get my end of the dildo in a little more. I dared take my hand away from the dildo. I pushed back a little more again slowly feeling the head slide in. "Are you in?" I asked. "Yes" he replied but only just. If we were going to ride this thing we would have to get it in much deeper. The only thing we could do was push back more. I dared move forward. We both looked round at each other. We were still holding onto the dildo as we tried to push back more. I slowly pushed. I felt it get a little deeper. I could feel myself being opened up. I could see the concentration on his face. I continued to push back. I only had to hold the dildo with my fore fingers now. The head and a little bit more was in. I felt like I still needed to get more in. This time I tried to push just a little bit harder. I got a little bit more in but the dildo felt like it was flexing also. "How much are you in?" I asked. "I'm not sure" he replied. I almost felt like I needed to take a quick breather this early on. I probably had over an inch in me so I told him to push whilst I remained still. Then I felt the dildo being slightly pushed against me as he pushed back. I remained still but also tried to remain relaxed. It wasn't an easy thing to do. He said he got it in a bit more. Then I took a turn at pushing whilst he held still. We repeated this a few times. The dildo seemed to be inside us quite a bit but I had no real idea how much. I looked back between our bottoms but it was hard to tell from this angle how far we had come. However, I was sure it was in far enough that we could ride it. I didn't have to hold it any more and I didn't need to look round to see how he was getting on. I just started to gently move my hips back and forth with more emphasis on the pushing back than the pulling forward. With this gentle rocking motion I could feel the sensation of the dildo on my anus. However, not only did my motion have an effect on the dildo inside me, his motion had an effect on the dildo inside me also. Randomly the dildo would get pushed or pulled in and out me caused by him. So it could be a bit jerky. Our rings could be tight on the dildo that rather than slide in and out we were pushing and pulling the whole thing. That was an extra dimension I didn't think about. I was concentrating on riding it and waiting for the whole thing to be moved one way or another. Then I really didn't know how much was in me. I certainly had no idea how much was in him. I rode it a bit more trying to push back harder. Then all of a sudden I felt his bum cheek touch mine. Ooooh, I wasn't expecting that. We both turned round to look at each other. There had been very slight contact between our bottoms. When looking back I could see we had come a long way. Between us we had consumed most of a 12 inch dildo. We were smiling even though being stretched. We both pushed back and our bottoms touched again. The curves of our ass cheeks were just touching and no more and it was a nice feeling. We started to rock slowly. For me this was getting exciting. I loved the feeling of our bottoms coming together. We continued to rock our hips. Each time I rocked back I anticipated our bottoms touching. The cheeks would squish against each other. I looked back underneath me. I could see my erect cock. I was excited. We were sharing this experience. I didn't care about being stretchered from the dildo. I just wanted to keep in contact with him. As our bottoms continued to kiss I began to stroke my cock. I held myself up with one arm. I was focussed on our bottoms kissing. I eagerly anticipated it on each stroke. Then the kisses began to be more frequent, we held each kiss a bit longer and then they became a little harder. They were now little slaps. Our bottoms would slap against each other. They were cute little slaps. They sounded cute. I continued to stroke my cock. I was soo turned on. The slaps continued to get a little bit harder. I was so focussed on our bottoms slapping that I was inadvertently getting a good ride on the dildo. My hip movement was increasing and as that increased our bottoms slapped together harder. Within a moment our bottoms were really slapping into each other. I would move my hips forward as much as I could along the dildo and thrust my bottom back until we slapped against each other were we would hold the flesh together before repeating. I was on the verge of cumming. The last few slaps were very hard. I could feel it hard deep within the flesh and I loved it. I stroked my cock faster and faster till I came into the bath water beneath me then I stooped. Impaled on a double ended dildo knee deep in bath water and very happy. Time to get out. |
Note: This is just a fantasy, not true nor did it happen. It was in fact a recent fantasy. Enjoy! This all started when I first looked at my friend Lynn in a sexual way. The first time it was hard to picture us fucking, seeing it was on our table in our 3rd period. Nobody knows how good I am when it comes to picturing and feeling sex even though I'm not really doing it. Most sex fantasies I have tried having of her didn't work out so well seeing she always wore clothing that hid her beautiful curves. Let me describe Lynn for ya. She has very beautiful blonde hair that goes past her shoulders, Blue eyes that could send any guy she falls in love with to heaven, from a guess, her bbeautiful breasts are C cup, I can tell from the outlining of the shirts she wears, even though they barely reveal anything. Her ass is not too small, and not too big, picture a sexy blonde of your dreams' ass, I'm sur eyou could come up with what I'm saying. Her weight is near mine, but in a bit better shape than me, I'm just average, no I don't have muscles like most girls look for in a guy. Something I will mention is, she's Bisexual, didn't find that out until later in our relationship. As for me, I'm average in weight, i weigh about 145 pounds, my cock (haven't measured in a while) is a good 6' (inches), and I'm sure if any girl were to suck on it soo good, it gets more erect. Girls, you should get the idea. I don't have a 6 pack, if I did, I know I wouldn't feel like myself, I have brown eyes and short black hair, I never let it grow to it's full length. Back to the story. I have always lusted sexually over Lynn for a while now, we were at her hotel room. Her family invited me over for dinner, of course I took that opportunity just to be with this sexy blonde. Throughout the entire meal, seeing she was sitting next to me, I kept sneaking my hand over to her leg getting closer and closer to her zipper, she slapped my hand away each time and every time I got the zipper down a little further, she didn't bother pulling it back up. She must have wanted to feel my hand touching her probably already wet cunt. The 2nd to last try, I got my hand fully inside her panties, I grabbed her pussy, I looked at her at the corner of my eye and could tell from her expression she loved what I was doing. Trying not to make my arm seen moving, I started moving my fingers individually all around her now wet pussy. You know for sure that I wanted to just pull my cock out and fuck her right there on that dinner table, but I kept my composure. What I didn't expect, she got up to go text someone while standing outside, she was outside for 5 minutes and that told me she wanted me outside with her. I asked to be excused and was granted that. As soon as I got outside and the door closed, I turned around and I was attacked withfrench tongue kissing. I reached around her and grabbed her juicy ass and squeezed it tightly. I didn't care if we were to get caught. I slid my hands inside her pants and panties and just started massing her ass crack and hole, that sent her over the edge, causing her to moan loudly, it surprisingly didn't cause her parents to come outside and see what the noise was. I pulled my hands out and just forcefully pulled her pants and panties off her waist. 1 Whack on the ass made her give me a seductive look, that told me she loved being spanked. I told her rubbing her ass was making my cock rise, she didn't need to be asked, she immediately dropped to her knees, even without anything covering her pussy and ass, she unzipped my shorts pulling them down along with my boxers exposing my rock hard rod. Her eyes balled wide open but that didn't stop her, with one gulp, Lynn took my entire cock into her moist warm mouth, and it touched the back of her throat, causing her to gag, but she didn't pull away. The hottest sight you'll ever have with a gorgeous blonde like her is seeing and feeling her/them bobbing their head up and down on your cock, and boy it felt so damn good. I could feel her soft wet tounge swirling around my entire cock while her mouth slid up and down my cock, I wanted to cum right there cause that's just how good it felt. I told her I was close to cumming, and damnt, she got off her knees and started rubbing her clit and pussy together. I needed NO instruction whatsoever. I myself, got onto my knees spreading her fine white legs apart and dove my tongue deep into her wet wet pussy. As soon as she felt my tongue touch her G-spot, she covered her mouth to keep her pleasured scream in, when I heard that, I knew I hit the right spot. I continued tonguing that part inside her pussy walls, and trust me, SHE TASTES GOOD!! A few minutes of eating her pussy, she told me she wanted my big rock hard cock in her pussy RIGHT NOW! Even though I hate being yelled at, I obeyed and told her to lean against the wall with her ass sticking out. She bent over against the wall, I spread her sexy legs apart and began fingering her pussy roughly to get her ready for a hot fucking. When I felt that was enough, I lined my cock up with her pussy and without warning, I plunged my cock deeeeep inside her hot ass, seeing we both LOVED the feeling, I didn't need to be told, I started thrusting my cock in and out and in and out and in and out and INNNNNNNNNN and OUUUUUUUUUTT. Each thrust was harder than the last, and I'm guessing she loved rough sex. I continued pounding my cock into her sobbing pussy, and trust me, I felt her pussy juices dripped down my cock. I just kept on pounding her juicy ass, slapping every time I thrust my rod into her ass, she kept moaning "OHHHHHHHHHH FUCKKKK YESS, Right THERE!!" To get us bothturned on more, I told herto beg formy cock."OOOOOOOOHHHHH Keep that big fucking cockin my THRIVES to be fucked hard baby!!!" I never told her to lower her tone cause I was lost in a LOAD of pleasure. After a bunch more thrusts, I felt my balls tightening up which obviously meant I was ready to cum. "I'M CUMMMMMING!!" I yelled as I continued pounding her ass with my cock. "Cum in my pussy baby.........cum for me....big cock!!" she replied. I didn't need to be told twice, after 5 more pounds, I shot several, and when I say several, I mean 8 shots of cum into her ass. When she felt that, she said "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, that's it baby, cum for me." I pulled my cock out, and told her to suck it dry. She dropped to her knees and took my cock into her wet warm moist sexy cock sucking mouth, bobbing her her up and down faster than the first sexy blowjob she gave me earlier. After 4 minutes of a hot blowjob, I came again hard into her mouth, and judging by the wet spot I felt under my toes, she came as well, and EXTREMELY hard. "That was the BEST fuck ever," she continued "I'm going to fuck you whenever I see an opportunity, I could give a shit if we're in class, I'm gonna ride that cock I love soooo much!" END XD Laides on XNXX: Want my cock? Just e-mail me at [email protected] |
At 8 pm I tied myself to the bed. It was a trick I had learnt a while ago and was well practiced. First I tied my ankles, quite loosely as I needed to be able to move my legs a little, and then I tied my left wrist. I used a special knot to pull the right one securely, however there was a trick to the knot that allowed me to release myself with a swift pull in case of ‘emergencies’. I pulled my limbs to check the ropes were secured and looked myself over. I was wearing a pair of black stockings no with red toes, red tops and a red line along the back seam. They were held in place with a suspender belt and to top it off I was wearing a pair of black lace knickers, which had been purchased for me by my girlfriend, Danni for such an occasion as tonight. At this moment however the knickers were not doing a very adequate job of keeping my penis inside them. I was rock hard, the excitement and anticipation had worked my untouched cock to its maximum length and it was free of its restraints. I thought of untying myself to cover my errant member but decided to leave it on show, leaving Danni under no confusion of my intent. At 8.10 precisely the back door opened and I heard Danni enter and lock the door. I had left her a note and I hoped she would follow the instructions. I got my answer within a minute or so. I heard her turn off the lounge lights and the kitchen light soon followed. I waited patiently, I felt a hand on the door and a nail scratch the wood lightly. “I need to shower baby” Danni whispered quietly through the door. “Give me ten minutes please” I stayed silent. I had anticipated this and had laid out a towel for her in the bathroom. I heard the sound of the shower start and I heard her undressing outside the bedroom door. A couple of minutes later the shower stopped and Danni went into the spare room. We used this room to store clothes and would often get ready in there. She had a table set up with hair and beauty products and soon I heard the hairdryer going. So far she was following all my instructions, however I had laid out an outfit for her and I was waiting to see if she was wearing all of it. As I lay there listening to Danni getting dressed for me, I imagined what was going to happen. Or at least what I hoped would happen. Pretty soon I was rock hard again, my cock once again bursting free of the ill equipped garments trying to hold it in. I smiled, it was just in time as I heard lights go off and footsteps outside the door. “Are you ready baby” whispered Danni. “Come and get me” I called back quietly. Danni entered the room, closed the door behind her and stepped forward. With three confident strides she was stood at the side of the bed level with my chest. I watched her closely all the way and what a sight she was. My cock agreed as I could tell it was pointing skyward, my eyes giving my brain all the right signals to pass on to my eager cock. I looked at her from her head to her legs and back up to her face. My eyes took in her unbelievable sexiness. She had combed and teased her hair into vibrant sexy strands of ice blonde. Her face, always without the unnecessary addition of makeup glowed in her own anticipation and desire. Her eyes sparkled as she took in the sight awaiting her too. Around her body was a basque I had purchased for her as a gift that year. It held and squeezed and pushed her body into an amazing shape, her breasts pushed out and her ass poking out at the bottom teasing the eyes. She too was wearing stockings but her thighs held them in place better than mine so she didn’t require a belt. Just as well as she only had one, which was around my waist this evening! However, her waist did not go unadorned. Instead she was wearing a device consisting of a few pieces of cord and a patch of fabric with buttons attached. There was also a rubber ring which was being held in place by a combination of the cord and the buttons. This ring in turn held something in place. And now it was about three feet from my face and pointing in my direction. It was a large purple dildo, purchased by the both of us previously, to be used on a unknown female visitor or a curious boyfriend, if either occasion ever arose. Danni had played with my ass before but never whilst I was being restrained. She was usually Sub but I know she had a Dom side too her and I was hoping tonight was going to bring it out. By the look of her, it was. She looked me up and down and a smile crept across her face. She sat on the bed at the side of me and stroked my face gently before she slowly moved her hands down my body stopping before she reached the fabric of my underwear. Her hand rested inches from my throbbing penis, another sign she was warming to her dominant role. She brought her hand back up to my face by dragging her long red nails hard into my skin causing me to jump up in pain. “Stay still bitch or I’ll do it so hard you’ll bleed” she snarled at me. Her smile had gone, she was taking this very seriously. “Sorry” I cried out hoping she would take mercy. “Sorry Madam, you sissy” she said as a hand roughly grabbed my balls, squeezing them enough to hurt. I suppressed a squeal of pain, knowing the punishment would be worse. “Sorry Madam” I said quickly praying Danni would release her grip. She eased her hands slightly, just enough to stop the discomfort. “Good boy” she smiled at me, her hands still holding my balls but gentler now. She played with them for a minute, her soft touch keeping my still untouched penis rock hard. “I see you’re very excited tonight. Did you think you were getting some pussy?” “Yes Madam” I replied “Well you thought wrong” she moved her grip from my balls to my cock and squeezed it tightly. “The only hole getting fucked tonight is yours baby. If you’re lucky I might let you cum” she moved her hand slowly down, pulling back my foreskin all the way. A drop of precum formed on the tip. She bent her head down slowly, stuck out her tongue and carefully licked the small drop. She moved her hand up and a larger drop formed, this one was also tasted and a smile told me she appreciated the sweetness of it. She stopped, released my cock and stood up. Next she climbed onto the bed in between my legs on her knees. On the side was a bottle of baby oil we used as lube and she poured a few drops onto her fingers and rubbed it around. Taking my cock in her left hand with a strong grip, Danni pushed her oily right fingers towards my bum, they slid easily past my buttocks and I felt sharp nails probing for a hole. Because I had kept my ankle restraints a little loose I was able to spread my legs slightly. This gave Danni a better view and avoided her nails digging into me. Now she could see I quickly felt the first finger enter my hole. This was soon joined by a second finger which helped my hole open further. Her left hand slowly worked my shaft as her right fingers worked my asshole. I was enjoying myself and let out a little groan. Danni squeezed my cock tightly and shoved her fingers as deep as she could into my ass. “You’re not supposed to be enjoying this you dirty slut” she growled at me. “I’m obviously being too nice aren’t I?” she asked, but it wasn’t a question she was waiting for an answer too. She grabbed the lube and poured some over her strap on dildo coating it and her hands with the oil my ass was going to need. I wasn’t an ass virgin but it was a big toy and I prayed Danni wouldn’t be too hard on me. She spread my ass cheeks with her hands and shuffled up closer to me. I felt the toy touch my buttocks, Danni took hold of it and lined it up at my hole without letting it enter. She positioned herself carefully until she was comfortable. She smiled at me and took hold of my cock with both hands, she stroked me up and down until it was coated in the smooth oil. “I’m going to fuck your ass now” Danni said calmly and clearly. “If you’re a good boy and take all of my cock until I’m satisfied then I might reward you by allowing you to cum tonight. Do you understand?” “Yes Madam” “Good boy” I felt her move the toy to the entrance, playing it around the rim before she forced the large purple head into my opening. The initial pain wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, and it quickly passed. I had closed my eyes, when I opened them Danni was looking closely at me. “Is that ok?” she mouthed silently to me. I nodded back. “How about now bitch” she said loudly as she pushed the rest of the toy deep into my ass. I closed my eyes again as the toy probed previously untouched areas inside my body. Once again the initial pain quickly passed. The grimace must have left my face as this time Danni didn’t wait for a reply. She pulled her hips back and then pushed forward again until the toy disappeared completely into my hole. This time there was no pain and Danni must have sensed this as she set about fucking my ass with long hard strokes. I could feel the toy sliding in and out easily and it was an amazing sensation. With each push of her hips I could feel the hard toy prodding my prostate, this along with her hand giving a firm grip on my cock meant I was still rock hard, this had not gone unnoticed by Danni. “I think someone likes my hard cock” she said smiling whilst forcing the toy all the way in again. She stopped and squeezed a drop of precum from my bell end, she wiped it up with a finger and sucked it clean. “No coming until I say so” “Yes Madam” “Good boy” she said sexily. Every time I heard her say it it made me a little harder and Danni knew it. She restarted her rhythmic fucking of my ass with long slow strokes, feeding my ass every inch of her big toy. She squirted more oil on her hands and smeared it all over my cock and balls. With a hard push she buried the dildo as deep as it would go. It made me tense up and grimace in pain. At the same she grabbed my balls, not too hard hard but a little uncomfortable. She took my stiff cock in her other hand and in time with her fucking she stroked my shaft with silky oily hands. The foreskin was pulled hard down and she was working the tip with her fingers like a magician. As she tapped at my prostate I could feel my balls tighten and felt the urge to cum. Danni recognised it and stopped immediately. My cock was throbbing in her hand but she kept it absolutely still. She pulled my balls a little, enough to get my attention anyway. “Don’t you dare cum boy” she growled at me. I shook my head and felt the urge wash over me. She restarted the fucking and wanking again. I closed my eyes and thought of anything but what was happening to me to try and delay my inevitable forthcoming ejaculation. “Open your eyes you dirty slut” Danni snarled at. “You have to watch while I fuck you” “Yes Madam” I replied obediently. I watched her face while she worked me over, she was concentrating hard on fucking my ass, her hand was sliding easily up and down my shaft and she was using my balls to pull herself onto me. A minute later and I felt the urge bubbling up again. I lifted my hips, giving Danni easier access and pushed myself onto her toy. She pulled herself into me using my cock to hold herself steady and then stopped, with it pressing deep into my ass. “Not yet” She waited thirty seconds and then carried on. A few minutes of good fucking and I was ready to blow again. But once again she stopped. I looked at her pleadingly. “Does somebody need to cum?” she asked. “Yes please Madam” I replied back, hopingly. She started up the fucking again but this time she was much slower. I could feel every inch of the rubber dildo entering me, I felt the base widen and then the soft fabric of the holding device pressed into my butt cheek. “All eight inches baby. And I bet you could take even more” she was smiling, enjoying looking down at her handiwork. She was still stroking my cock, it was as hard as I have ever seen it and ready to burst as soon as permitted. She pulled out till the large head probed my hole. Slowly she pushed it all the way in again, gyrating her hips when it was deep. I felt it press against my prostate again and my cock immediately reacted. I twitched right out of her hand, causing her to giggle. She ground her pelvis into me and my cock twitched violently once again. She pulled out again, squeezed my balls tightly and with a hard shove of her hips buried the toy deep into my pulsing ass. She kept it deep and ground into me hard. My cock bounced around untouched and free. I knew it was too late to stop this time, with a grunt I lifted myself slightly and pushed hard into Danni and her toy. I felt the first spurt of cum rush up my shaft as my prostate was prodded again, it went everywhere as my cock flailed around freely. I felt the second spurt on the way but Danni took hold of my cock just in time. She pulled down with her left hand, exposing my engorged head and wrapped her oily fingers around the tip. With the dildo still deep she shoved her hips forward, pressing into new untouched areas and causing both pain and pleasure. She worked her fingers up and down the top half of my cock whilst I emptied by aching balls all over my stomach and chest. At least 8 or 9 big drops of hot cum came charging out of my cock before I was finally spent. I felt myself relax but Danni was still wanking my shaft, and she was still fucking my ass. I felt the nerve endings on my penis start up and the discomfort started to build up. She had done this to me before but always took mercy on me and stopped when she could see I was in pain. This time she was carrying on, she was looking right at me as she firmly played with my cock. It wasn’t rock hard but it hadn’t gone away yet. The discomfort lasted about ten seconds and then it passed. She kept going, desperate to revive my erection. A squeeze of my balls and a forceful shove with her hips and I felt my cock tingle and I knew I was going to get hard again. I smiled at Danni and pushed myself onto her toy taking it all again. We started building a quick rhythm and pretty soon my was cock was fully erect. We fucked hard and fast for several minutes before I felt my balls tingle again. “Can I cum again please baby?” I pleaded “Oh yes” Danni purred back at me, excited by my ‘second coming’. With a final effort we upped the speed and her hand was a blur, squeezing my cock hard whilst wanking it furiously. I arched my back and the toy slid in and hit the spot, Danni’s fingers rubbed the magic spot at the same time and I came again. My cum squirted all over us both again, Danni slowed down until she had the last drop out of me. I went limp very quickly. “No third time” Danni joked looking at my shrivelled cock. “Another time Madam” I laughed back. I was exhausted and so was Danni. Sweat glistened off our bodies. Danni slowly withdrew the toy from my tender ass, she stopped when just the head was in and looked at me with a grin. “It doesn’t want to come out baby” she joked. I tensed my arms on the ropes and pulled myself away. The head popped out followed by a shriek from Danni. She jumped up and ran off to the bathroom. “Dirty sex!” I shouted after her laughing. I lay down and let my head stop spinning. What an amazing experience I thought to myself. After a minute or two I shouted to Danni. “Can you untie me please baby?!” The end (or more likely, Just the beginning!) |
When I was 13, my mom met her new boyfriend. I didn’t like him much and mom knew it, but that didn’t stop her inviting him to move in with us after only a few months. At 32, he was younger than my mom, but he was a heavy drinker and had a beer gut. He was kind of ugly and he didn’t take care of himself very much. I didn’t really know why mom was with him, she was way out of his league, but she had three children and not a lot of men paid her any real attention. She’d been single since Dad had left and I guess she had her needs and Jim was the best she could do. I have to admit, I never any problems with him until I turned 16. I guess he was waiting for me to be legal before making any suggestions. On a number of occasions he put his hands up my school skirt and fondled my pussy through my knickers. I’d always managed to grab his hand and stop him pushing his fingers inside me. He’d squeeze my tits when no one as watching and this became a daily operation. Shortly before my 17th birthday he came up behind, pinned me to the sink and yanked my skirt up until it was round my waste. He managed to get his hands down the back of my knickers a push a finger into my pussy and I could feel his hard cock pressing against the side of my leg through his jeans. “When you going to let me fuck that teenage pussy,” he demanded. “Fuck off you pervert,” I cried. “Come on. You know you want it. I wanna fill that pussy with hot spunk,” he moaned and pushed a second finger into me. I tried to push him away from me, but he was much bigger than me. Then I heard a voice behind me. It was my little sister Katie. “What are you doing?” she shouted. Jim pulled his fingers out of me and stepped away. “I’m just helping your sister with the washing up,” he replied and walked out of the kitchen. She asked me if I was ok and I said I was and sent her to her room. She was only just 12 and I didn’t want her to be scarred. It actually worked out ok. After that Jim didn’t touch me again and I hoped he’d learnt his lesson. Almost three weeks later I was getting ready to go out to a club. It was a Friday night and my 17th birthday was on Sunday. My boyfriend, Mike, wanted to take me out to celebrate and his brother was going to get us into a club where he worked. My boyfriend was already 20, but they had to sneak me in though a side entrance so that I wouldn’t get carded. The night was going well, I’d had a few too drink and I was feeling a little bit drunk. My boyfriend and I had found a concealed corner and we started making out. I opened my legs a little and he pushed his hand up my skirt, moved my knickers to the side and pushed two fingers straight into my wet pussy. I started to moan and rub his hard on through his trousers. “Do it harder,” I begged and moaned.. He started banging his fingers into me as fast as he could, his knuckles hitting the inside of my legs with each thrust. My whole body started to shudder as I had an orgasm and I could feel my pussy juices running down my thighs. “When are you going to let me screw?” he asked. “You know I’m a virgin,” I replied. “I know,” he replied. “I want to be the first guy to cum in your cunt.” I smiled and kissed him. “Why don’t I suck you,” I said and dropped to my knees in front of him. I pulled the zip down on his trousers and pulled his hard cock out. A waked it up a down for a few seconds and then dropped my head into his lap. I took his cock into my mouth and started to suck on it and run my tongue delicately around the tip. I bobbed my head up and down taking his hard on deeper and deeper into my mouth. “Ahhh, yes baby. I going to cum. Let me fuck you pussy baby,” he cried out. “Let me cum in you.” I ignored him and wanked his dick harder into my mouth until he started to grunt and flood my mouth with spunk. I held it all in my mouth until he stopped coming and then swallowed it. I stood up while he put his cock away and I told him I was going off to the ladies. After washing my mouth out and went back to meet him. It was almost 2 o’clock and the music had stopped. I saw Mike talking to his brother as I came down the stairs. He was only a few meters away and I could hear them talk. His brother was telling him that they’d all been watching me giving him a blow job on the security monitors. “She’s a right little goer you got there bro,” His brother said. Mike smiled. “She must be a one hell of good fuck. A right little whore like that. Sucking you dry in a club.” “I don’t know. She won’t let me fuck her.” “You’re joking.” “No. She’s still a virgin. I’d doing anything to tap that and fill that pussy with hot cum.” “Bro. You’re letting the side down. You gotta get between those legs and fuck her raw for the boys.” They started to laugh and I continued down the stairs. “Shall we go,” I said. We left the bar and he drove me home. I didn’t say anything on the way home and I didn’t tell him I’d heard him talking to his brother. When we got to my mom’s he walked me to the door and kissed me, feeling up my tits a little. “When you going to let me do you?” he asked. “Mike,” I replied. “We’ve been together for six months,” he said. “We should be fucking by now.” I smiled. He was right. Up until today he hadn’t put any real pressure on me to fuck him. We’d done almost everything else and I wanted to. I think I was just a little scared how it would feel. “Ok,” I said. “It’s my birthday on Sunday. If you can find us a place to go, you can be my first.” “Can I come in you?” he asked. “I’m on the pill. You can fuck me and come in me as much as you want.” He kissed me one last time and ran to his car. I waved goodbye, smiled to myself and stepped into the house through the door. Someone grabbed my, turned my ran and slapped me across the face. I looked up into Jim’s eyes. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing,” I demanded. He squeezed my face to stop me talking and looked me in the eye. “I’ve been waiting a long time to fill that cunt with spunk. Do you really think I’m going to let that little bastard pop that virgin pussy?” He pushed me into the kitchen and kicked my legs out from under me. I fell to the ground and hi the back of my head on the floor. Jim climbed on top of me and forced my legs apart, pushing my skirt up around my waist. He put his had down and started pulling at my knickers until they ripped. “Please. I don’t want to,” I cried. “Shut up slut,” he replied. I begged him again not to hurt me, not to fuck me and he slapped me across the face. He yanked on my knickers one last time and pulled them free, wrapped them into a ball and forced them into my mouth. I realised then that he was only wearing a bath robe. He pulled it open and I felt his hard cock slap against my leg. He repositioned himself and I felt the tip of his dick brushing against my pussy lips. I knew then that he was going to screw me and take my virginity. I started to wish I’d let Mike fuck me at the club, but it was too late now. My virginity was going to be raped away from me and I’d remember it for the rest of my life. I was still wet from the fingering Mike gave me in the club and Jim slipped the first couple of inches into me easily. “You’re enjoying it aren’t you. I knew you were a little tart. You’re nice and wet for me.” He pushed harder against my hymen and I felt it rip. He kept pushing until he was all the way in and then pulled it out before ramming it back into me hard. I could feel tears pouring down my face and I tried to scream as he pumped me harder and harder, slamming his hips into me, his balls slapping between my legs. “That’s nice pussy,” he said. “Ahhh yes, that’s nice teenage pussy.” He kept repeating it over and over. He started fucking me harder. It hurt far more than I was expecting. “I knew you’d have a pussy made for fucking. That pussy belonged to a whore and a slut in its last life.” The more he spoke the more I cried. “Take my cock. Take every inch of my big fat cock in your sluty pussy,” he mumbled and then started groaning. A few seconds latter I felt him spunking inside me. I didn’t know I would feel it. It was hot and he spurted inside me five of six times. He slowly pulled is shrinking cock from my blood covered pussy and stood up. His dick was covered in a mixture of spunk, pussy juice and blood and it glistened in the light. “You’re a really good fuck darling,” he said. “Your virgin pussy just sucked every drop of cum from my balls.” I pulled the knickers from my mouth. “Why did you do that to me?” I cried. “I’m your step Dad. It’s my job to pop that virgin cherry and to be the first fill your pussy with cum. Why do you think I moved in with your Mother. Three Daughter. I’ll fuck you till you little sister turns 16 and then I’ll pop her teenage cunt as well. When little Jenny turns 16, she’ll get some cock as well.” You’re not my step Dad you dirty bastard. He left me in the kitchen and I just lay there with cum and blood dripping from my pussy. I don’t know how much time went past, but when I opened my eyes I found my sister standing there. “Katie,” I said. “Are you ok?” she asked I closed my legs painfully and sat up. “I’m sorry,” she said. “What for?” “I knew he was going to do it. I heard him talking on the phone to his poker buddies.” “What did he say exactly?” I cried and whipped the tears from my eyes. “He said, he was going to pop your virgin pussy and fill your cunt with cum. Then in a few weeks time he said he’d pop your virgin arse.” “Is that all he said,” I demanded. “No,” she shook her head. “He said that once he had you slut trained that he’d bring you to poker night and they could all take your pussy for a ride.” I closed my eyes and started to cry. Katie came up and put her arms around me. “Is he going to do it to me as well,” she asked. “Not until you’re 16. You’re safe for now,” I replied and hoped it was true. I lived in fear for the next few weeks. I stood Mike up on my birthday and we got into an argument. We broke up when I told him I didn’t want him touching me. What else could I say, ‘Sorry but my mom’s boyfriend raped me and filled my pussy with his cum.’ A week later I heard the door slam and I jumped up when I realised it was mom going out to do the shopping. I’d done everything I could not to be alone in the house with Jim since he raped me. I ran towards the door to ask mom if I could go with her, but I found Jim waiting for me. He grabbed me round the neck, forced me back into the living room and pushed me onto the sofa. He straddled me, knelt up and undid his belt. His cock sprang out in front of my face. “Suck it bitch,” he said. I kept my mouth closed. He looked at my. “Suck my cock or I’ll fuck your pussy.” I wrapped my lips around his shaft and sucked him the same way I sucked Mike in the club. It didn’t take very long and he sprayed the first tow squirts of spunk into my mouth and then pulled his dick out and spayed my face and neck so that his cum dribbled down between tits. When h finished he said, “Go get yourself cleaned up. Your Mother’s going away for work at the weekend. I’ll have to days and night to fuck that pussy. Then I’ll fuck you in the arse and make you cum.” I started to cry and went upstairs to get cleaned up. Then I started packing and I slipped out of the house in the dead of night. |
After watching a lot of porn, me and my friend thought it would be fun to try a double ended dildo on ourselves. We were most excited about trying doggy style. We mostly watched girls doing it but we thought we could try this on ourselves. This meant we would have to go shopping as we didn't own a double ended dildo. It was a good excuse to browse online sex shops. I trawled through web sites looking at all variations. Different sizes, shapes, colours. I knew I had to be realistic. We both had tight little ass holes. Some looked damn impressive. Long really thick translucent shafts. Looking at them thinking I'd be a slut for that. But there was no way I could get them inside me. At least not this year. We found a 12 inch PVC double ended dildo and got one in a nice blue colour. It was not any thicker than a normal cock but got a bit thicker towards the middle. It was textured towards the ends. And of course at each end was a bell end. My friend thought it would be a good idea to do it in the bath. I guess normally you would do it on the bed. But it might be nice to do it in the bath. So we ran the bath. I guess we don't want it too deep checking the temperature as it filled up. I did think about bubble bath for a second but then opted not to. We cleared all the bottles from round the bath. It must have been about 5 inches deep when we turned off the taps. We both striped and looked at each other. I normally like to wear a piece of lingerie when having fun but thought that would not be a good idea in the bath. He had the dildo in his hand. We both stepped into the bath. One leg first. It seemed a bit hot. I slowly put my other foot in and knelt down facing one end of the bath. We were both kneeling down in the bath facing away from each other. I twisted round to look at him. He had the dildo in his left hand. I guess we both have to go on all fours. So we did. I went down on my hands and knees. I turned my head round to see him. He was on all fours also. He sort of seemed a long way a way even though our bottoms were inches apart and our feet were touching. I'm not sure this would be quite as easy as I thought. He was at the tap end. I asked if he could add a bit more cold water. He turned on the tap. I waited there on all fours as the tap ran for about 30 seconds. He paddled the water round to mix it. I stared doing the same. Within a few seconds we were really just splashing water at each other. We were both laughing. He reached back with the dildo positioning it between us. I reached back to grab my end of it. We both could point the end of it at our holes. Then I was in a muddle. Do I pull it into me or do I have to push back. I can't pull it into me as I would pull it away from him. We both looked at each other. We both pushed towards each other but neither of us achieved any penetration. We reset our position. This time I grabbed my end of the dildo really tight. I pointed it on to my hole then we pushed back towards each other. As we pushed the dildo flexed a bit in the middle making penetration tricky. We could have used a 3rd person to help with this part. I would have to hold the dildo in just the right place. I held it about quarter of the way along and placed the tip against my entrance. This time when we pushed back the head started to nudge in slightly. I looked back to see how he was doing. I couldn't tell but it looked like he was still trying. He then looked back at me and nodded. We were both still holding each end of the dildo and I pushed back gently. This time there was no flex and I managed to get my end of the dildo in a little more. I dared take my hand away from the dildo. I pushed back a little more again slowly feeling the head slide in. "Are you in?" I asked. "Yes" he replied but only just. If we were going to ride this thing we would have to get it in much deeper. The only thing we could do was push back more. I dared move forward. We both looked round at each other. We were still holding onto the dildo as we tried to push back more. I slowly pushed. I felt it get a little deeper. I could feel myself being opened up. I could see the concentration on his face. I continued to push back. I only had to hold the dildo with my fore fingers now. The head and a little bit more was in. I felt like I still needed to get more in. This time I tried to push just a little bit harder. I got a little bit more in but the dildo felt like it was flexing also. "How much are you in?" I asked. "I'm not sure" he replied. I almost felt like I needed to take a quick breather this early on. I probably had over an inch in me so I told him to push whilst I remained still. Then I felt the dildo being slightly pushed against me as he pushed back. I remained still but also tried to remain relaxed. It wasn't an easy thing to do. He said he got it in a bit more. Then I took a turn at pushing whilst he held still. We repeated this a few times. The dildo seemed to be inside us quite a bit but I had no real idea how much. I looked back between our bottoms but it was hard to tell from this angle how far we had come. However, I was sure it was in far enough that we could ride it. I didn't have to hold it any more and I didn't need to look round to see how he was getting on. I just started to gently move my hips back and forth with more emphasis on the pushing back than the pulling forward. With this gentle rocking motion I could feel the sensation of the dildo on my anus. However, not only did my motion have an effect on the dildo inside me, his motion had an effect on the dildo inside me also. Randomly the dildo would get pushed or pulled in and out me caused by him. So it could be a bit jerky. Our rings could be tight on the dildo that rather than slide in and out we were pushing and pulling the whole thing. That was an extra dimension I didn't think about. I was concentrating on riding it and waiting for the whole thing to be moved one way or another. Then I really didn't know how much was in me. I certainly had no idea how much was in him. I rode it a bit more trying to push back harder. Then all of a sudden I felt his bum cheek touch mine. Ooooh, I wasn't expecting that. We both turned round to look at each other. There had been very slight contact between our bottoms. When looking back I could see we had come a long way. Between us we had consumed most of a 12 inch dildo. We were smiling even though being stretched. We both pushed back and our bottoms touched again. The curves of our ass cheeks were just touching and no more and it was a nice feeling. We started to rock slowly. For me this was getting exciting. I loved the feeling of our bottoms coming together. We continued to rock our hips. Each time I rocked back I anticipated our bottoms touching. The cheeks would squish against each other. I looked back underneath me. I could see my erect cock. I was excited. We were sharing this experience. I didn't care about being stretchered from the dildo. I just wanted to keep in contact with him. As our bottoms continued to kiss I began to stroke my cock. I held myself up with one arm. I was focussed on our bottoms kissing. I eagerly anticipated it on each stroke. Then the kisses began to be more frequent, we held each kiss a bit longer and then they became a little harder. They were now little slaps. Our bottoms would slap against each other. They were cute little slaps. They sounded cute. I continued to stroke my cock. I was soo turned on. The slaps continued to get a little bit harder. I was so focussed on our bottoms slapping that I was inadvertently getting a good ride on the dildo. My hip movement was increasing and as that increased our bottoms slapped together harder. Within a moment our bottoms were really slapping into each other. I would move my hips forward as much as I could along the dildo and thrust my bottom back until we slapped against each other were we would hold the flesh together before repeating. I was on the verge of cumming. The last few slaps were very hard. I could feel it hard deep within the flesh and I loved it. I stroked my cock faster and faster till I came into the bath water beneath me then I stooped. Impaled on a double ended dildo knee deep in bath water and very happy. Time to get out. |
The Choice – Chapter One Lori fidgeted as she sat in the car waiting for her Choice to appear. Today was the culmination of 6 months of fantasizing and planning for the fulfillment of her desires. Ever since the fatal auto accident of her husband Bryan left her wealthy and free to follow her dreams, the beautiful blonde 32 year old mother of two had lived and planned for this day. And her incredibly beautiful 8 and 6 year old daughters, Michelle and Stephanie would soon join her in the life she so hoped would follow. As she sat there, Lori thought of the dark fantasies that has sapped her once active sex life with Bryan and filled her with lust and longing. Which path of submission would she follow, perhaps becoming a sexual slave to a large and sexually aggressive male dog and raising her daughters to belong to the world of bestiality? Or would she find an equally aggressive, old and ugly black dyke to serve as a sexual slave and train her daughters to lick and rim the skank as well. Though both of these choices excited her, it was the third of her fantasies that became The Choice. It hadn’t taken her long to hunt through the registry of offenders and find the object of her desire. Frank lived not far away in the city and fit her requirements perfectly. He was 60, 28 years older than she, with a pock marked face and a large mole on his forehead, unkempt and at 5 foot 8, 210 lbs. sloppily overweight with a soft, bulging belly. The registry showed he had been convicted of 2 counts of molestation, 1 count of indecent liberties and finally, a count of 1st degree rape. He had only been recently released from prison and his crimes had been the most recent of any of her finalists. She was sure those urges had not left him. Her plan was simple. Find a way to meet him, let him seduce her and force her to submit to his needs and then for the ultimate submission, let him molest and then train her sweet and innocent daughters to serve his perverted sexual appetite. As Lori looked up, she saw Frank approach on the street and enter his house. He wore a too small wife beater tee shirt that rode up over his belly fat to disclose white, pasty flesh and filthy jeans. It was time to act. Lori checked to make sure her cell phone battery was dead and got out of the car. She cut quite a figure in her cut off jean shorts that rolled up nearly to her tiny Veronica’s Secret white panties. She was bra less and the low cut tank top she wore revealed beautiful breasts that one would never guess suckled two children. They stood firm without a bra and hardened at the thought of what might come next. She had planned her story carefully. Looking for the address of a man she was interested in but unable to find it, her cell phone battery dead, she would have to knock at the door of a stranger and rely on their kindness to let her use the phone. Mounting the steps to Frank’s house, she prayed that he would answer the door. To her relief, the door opened on her second knock. Before she began her story, she could not help but see the look in his eyes as he sized up the stranger at his door. His eyes dropped involuntarily to the low opening of her tank top and stayed rested on the upper curve of her breasts. “I’m so sorry to disturb you but I’m looking for an address in this neighborhood and I can’t seem to find it. I have a phone number but I guess I forgot to charge my phone last night and wondered if you could help. I’d really, really appreciate it if I could come in and use your phone” she said softly. Frank asked to see the address and took the piece of paper from her hand, brushing against it with callused, dirty nailed fingers. The address was bogus so he could not help with that. “Of course,” he said, “the phone is in my bedroom” As Lori entered the house, and she was excited by the smell of mustiness and unwashed clothing. He led to her to the bedroom and to the unmade bed with sheets yellowed and smelling of pungent body odor. She dialed a number that she knew would not answer and let in ring for several minutes before hanging up. A she had practiced, Lori let out a long, sad sigh, sat down on the bed and put her head in her hands and began softly crying. “Why can’t anything turn out for me” she sobbed. “Ever since my husband died and left me and my two daughters on our own, I’ve just been so lost and lonely”. And now the one person who has shown any interest in me obviously gave me bogus information” “Doesn’t anyone want me?” Frank was startled but quickly realized how vulnerable this beautiful young woman was. He moved just in front of her and put his hand on her shoulder saying “It’s all right, I’m sure a beauty like you will find someone, if I was younger I’d break down the doors for you”. Lori stopped crying, stood, stepped forward and put her arms around Frank saying “Thank you, thank you so much. That’s the kindest thing that any man has said to me since I’ve been alone” Frank slowly put his arms around her letting his hands come to rest just above her shorts and below her tank top immediately turned on by the feel of her flesh. Lori could read his reaction as she pressed herself close against him and began to feel the hardening of his pants next to her crouch. She snuggled against him and softly said “It just feels so good to have someone hold me. Could we stay like this for a while longer, it just feels so right” Frank was so overcome by lust he could only grunt. Lori looked up into his face contorted in desire and saying “I can’t thank you enough” gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. So close now, Lori could smell the foul combination of cigarettes and alcohol. As soon as her lips left his, Frank, losing all sense of fear, brought his hand up behind her head forcing her lips hard against his. At the next moment he dropped his hands down to cup the cheeks of her ass and force her body hard against him. Lori acted startled and pretended to push away. As Frank forced her back against him, she acted as if she was succumbing to his strength and slowly brought her arms up to embrace him while softly sliding her tongue into his waiting mouth. “It’s been so long” she moaned, “It feels so right to be in your arms” “I, I want this so badly” she said kissing him fervently. Frank broke off their kiss and reached one hand down to undo the zipper of her shorts while holding her tightly by her hair. She moaned once more as he tightened his grip enjoying his hold over her and became even more excited as she winced in pain. The zipper down, he took hold of her shorts and pulled them down revealing the pure whiteness of her panties. He forced her back on to the filthy bed stained with semen from night after night of masturbating alone. Still holding her firmly by the hair, he slid her panties down as she moved her legs to help him. Emboldened by her reaction to his forcing her down, Frank suddenly let go of her hair and told her to take off her top. Lori met his gaze with a look of utter and complete submission and quickly pulled her tank top over her head. He reached out and grasped one breast in his hand, fingering the nipple roughly. Lori moaned once more, closed her eyes and reached out to rub his now bulging pants. Frank may have been 60 but his lifestyle of Viagra and child porn had enabled him to become as hard as men 20 years his junior. Seeing her lust, he reached down and unbuckled his belt, unzipped and pulled his pants off. His underwear was yellowed and piss stained and had obviously been worn for days. He pulled them off and as he freed his hard on and balls, Lori could smell the sweat of days without a shower. Lori’s look went straight to Frank’s crotch and she couldn’t take her eyes off the wrinkled and sweaty balls. Seeing this and understanding what was needed, Frank again grabbed Lori roughly by her hair, forced her face down to his balls and sneered “Lick my balls bitch” The last word he said with sharp emphasis and all the meanness of a man whose fantasy is overpowering and raping women and little girls. He turned Lori’s face to his and sneered into it saying “That’s what you want isn’t it, to be my bitch.” Lori closed her as eyes as if in shame and simply said “Yes, that is all I want, now and forever”. With that Frank forced her mouth down once again to his sweaty sack and she began hungrily licking and sucking his balls. Frank lay back, pulled up his knees and brought Lori’s face and tongue down to repeatedly lick his asshole, forcing her tongue as far into his anal cavity as possible. She formed her lips around the center of his anus and sucked as hard as she could to draw any juices out and into her mouth. After a moment Frank threw her roughly on her back and mounted her, thrusting in her as only a man who had not been with a woman in years can. In just a few moments, he groaned loudly as he came harder than ever in his life, shooting stream after stream of cum deep inside her. When he came Lori climaxed as well, once when he first came and a second time with an incredible shudder of her whole body as she felt him fill her with semen. When he was done, he lay beside her and simply said, “Clean up”. At that Lori obediently licked every drop of semen, sweat and her own juices from Frank’s penis and balls. She lay beside him, curled up tenderly next to him and simply said, “I love you, I’m yours completely and that includes these”. Leaning over to grab her purse, Lori took out the special pictures she took of her sweet little girls in their sexy thong panties blowing kisses as they unknowingly headed for a life of total subjugation at the hands of a convicted rapist and child molester. Frank leaned back with a smile on his face, excited in knowing for sure he had taken not only the beautiful young mother, but would steal the unspoiled beauty of her daughters as well, using them for as long and for whatever cruel and lustful purposes he wanted. At that same moment, a deep sigh and fulfilled smile came to Lori as she thought about her future of sharing a bed with Frank and helping him to rob her daughters of a normal life while training them to obey him completely. Lori was happy finally, she had made her Choice. End of Chapter One |
It was a beautiful day - the sun was high in the sky, the blue/purple tinge of heather scattered across the Scottish mountains added to the illusion of heat. As a driving instructor and examiner, I loved driving, and teaching people to drive - cars and motor bikes. I was out cruising, enjoying the drive and seeing the scenery all around me. The windows were down allowing a gentle breeze to blow through the car, keeping the temperature at a comfortable level. Ahead, I saw two small figures at the side of the road, thumbing a lift. I started to slow my Mercedes, a top of the range luxury model, having no qualms about picking up strangers and giving them a lift to some unknown destination. I became aware as I approached, that they were two young girls, about 12 - 14 years old was my guess, wearing light summer attire, one of them, the taller dark haired girl, a white blouse and short purple skirt which barely covered her bum. The other girl, with harvest gold hair, had a cropped top and a pair of very tight and short shorts. They looked absolutely delicious - good enough to eat I thought. As I drew alongside them and stopped, I opened the passenger door, "Hi girls, want a ride?" "Yes please," said the taller girl,"We were out for a walk but got tired in the heat." "Come on then, rest your weary legs in here. Going anywhere special?" The little blonde girl said, "No, we just wanted to get away from home. My parents were having a row so I text my friend Rosie here, and we decided to go out." OK, so Rosie was the dark haired one. I turned to her little blonde bombshell, "And you are ? Apart from being gorgeous that is." She blushed and said her name was Megan but her friends called her Megs. "You're gorgeous too, Rosie, please don't think I hadn't noticed." I said, running my eyes up and down her svelte figure, showing her developing body to perfection in that outfit. "Thank you." she said and blushed too. They were obviously not used to being given compliments. "Well come on in then, let's go and have some fun." They both giggled, and tried get into the front seat together. I suggested it might be more comfortable, and safer, if one sat in the back, they could change places after a while. Rosie pushed herself into the front and shut the door, forcing Megs to sit in the back. As the car pulled smoothly away, I saw Rosie's eyes scanning the interior, taking in the leather upholstery. the chrome touches on the controls. "Wow," she breathed,"This is a beautiful car. I love driving."I thanked her for complimenting on the car, I must admit I thought it was rather beautiful too. "You don't drive though, do you ? You're too young to have a licence." She giggled, "No, I'm only 14, but I'd like to drive." "You wont have a licence either, will you Megs - do you want to drive too ?" She gave a little girl laugh, "I like driving too but I'm only 13 and can't get a licence 'till I'm older. My dad wont let me even hold the steering wheel." "Would you like to try driving my car?" I asked, a plan already developing in my twisted mind. "Ooh yes please." came a duet of cries. I explained that I would need to find a quiet road so nobody would see us, as what we were going to do (in more ways than one!) was illegal, they were too young to drive, even as 'learners'. There was jumping up and down in excitement at the thought of driving a real car. Finding a little used quiet road was not difficult, there are loads Forestry Commission roads right across the country, snaking their way through vast forests of pine trees. Having found a flat and straight stretch, I got out and signalled for Rosie to take the drivers seat, which she did with alacrity. No matter how many adjustments I made to the seat, her feet could not reach the pedals. I pretended to mull over this problem; perhaps it had not been such a good idea after all ! "Couldn't I sit on your knees and you work the pedals.? BINGO, just as hoped for ! "Well if you're sure, I'm going to have to keep my knees together to get to the pedals, which means that you're going to have to sit with yours spread wide apart" She said that was OK, so I got in after readjusting the seat, and Rosie climbed onto my knees, legs spread wide and hanging down each side of mine. "Careful Rosie, your skirt's a bit tight, we don't want to tear it." I said, pulling it up round her waste, exposing little white cotton panties, right on top of my crutch. Oh the blood pressure ! I'm sure it must have doubled, seeing her so exposed; satin smooth legs ending in panties which showed the gentle swelling of her pudenda. My right hand rested on her thigh just at pantie line, feeling her warmth and softness. I explained how she was to steer while I worked the gear shift and pedals - and off we slowly took. As I pressed the gas pedal or the clutch, the movement caused her legs to move and spread. I gripped her groin a bit more firmly, all the time giving it soothing and reassuring caresses, hoping she wouldn't notice that my fingers were slowly edging towards the middle of her soft mound and moving up and down, stretching her pube in an upward motion. I knew that this in turn, was pulling her labia lips apart and her clit back. As we slowly progressed along the forestry track, I felt her start to wriggle on my lap. "Are you OK, Rosie?" I asked knowing full well why she was restless. "Oh yes, I like this." As she said this, she slid down my knees a bit, lying back further and spreading her thighs even further apart. Her steering suddenly became very erratic, not the nice gentle turning of the wheel, now a sudden jolting left or right. I brought the car to a stop and switched off the engine. "Can I sit up front and watch?" a little voice whispered in my ear. I nodded and Megs climbed over the seat and settled comfortably in the passenger seat, turning to face us. I continued to caress Rosie's inner thighs, running my fingers along the elastic line of her panties and across her mound. She had her eyes closed, her head resting on my shoulder, and her breathing was changing, from a normal slow easy action, to a more ragged and shorter panting. I slipped a middle finger between her thighs, running the length of her labia lips, and felt a warm damp patch. She arched her back slightly and took a sharp intake of breath. Megs was watching in fascination, one knee bent up with her foot on the seat, the other stretched out to the foot well. One hand was inside her shorts, the movement giving away that fact she was rubbing herself. Her eyes never left what I was doing with my hands on Rosie's crotch. I slid my left hand up Rosie's soft pliant body to her little breast, a beautiful handful, hard nipples like cones, pushing through her blouse. No bra, not even a trainer. I slowly unbuttoned her blouse and slipped my hand round her warm tits, her nipples poking into the palm of my hand. My right hand I slid under the elastic of those little white pants and discovered a sparse tangle of hair. Gently I ran my fingers through them, then pushed a finger down into her crack. It was wet and very hot, but oh so soft and tantalising. My prick was starting to push against my underpants and I could feel a slight dampness leaking from his tip. The more I ran my fingers round Rosie's virginal opening, tracing across her stiff little clit, feeling it protruding from the hood, the more she writhed and moaned. The writhing and squirming on my knee intensified and suddenly ended with tremendous shudderings and small crying noises. Rosie lay back, panting rapidly, her little face red, her nipples rock hard and erect, her cunt leaking love juice over my fingers and onto my lap. I held her tight and gave her a long kiss on the nape of her neck. She turned to face me, so I kissed her lips. Her eyes were glazed. "You did that beautifully," I whispered,"You're the best passenger I've ever had in the car." She smiled then nuzzled her face into my neck. We lay like that for many minutes, Rosie's breathing slowly returning to normal. Megs meanwhile, had loosened her shorts and was slowly rubbing between the legs. "Wouldn't you like me to do that ?" I asked, "You look kind of lonely over there." "Yes please," she replied, " I like the feeling. Rosie says you can cum doing it, but I never have." "Well, we must do something about that. Why don't I come over and see what I can do." I said, easing myself from under a sleepy Rosie and sliding across to the passenger seat. Rosie lay where she was, turning her loving eyes to watch. I sat Megs on my lap, straddling my thighs and facing me. This little blonde hunny looked so cute in her cropped top and unbuttoned white shorts, I could already feel my friend Dick starting to expand. Megs' shorts, already loose, made it easy to slip one hand down inside her little pants. Her soft smooth skin was a delight to the senses, her warm labia lips felt puffy and hot. My other hand slipped up under her top feeling soft round bumps that would soon be breasts. She already had buds, quite prominent, 'spikey' and full, with deep pink areola. As I pushed my middle finger between her cunny lips, she arched back and closed her eyes then leant forward putting her hands on the headrest. This brought her nipples within reach of my mouth and I flicked my tongue rapidly over her nipples which seemed to enlarge even more. My fingers were playing with her twat, spreading her lips and gently caressing her love bud clit. Her vaginal opening was damp and I could feel her heat on my crutch. I moved my hand from her pussy and slid it up under the leg of her shorts and under her pants, making it easier to caress her little cunt and clit but also allowing direct entry to her glory hole. She lay forward across me, leaning heavily on the headrest, thighs gripping mine, her gorgeous little nipples at my mouth and her cunt squirming against my fingers. I circled her wet entrance with my middle finger while tickling her clit with my index, feeling her lubrication increase as I stimulated the nerve endings that were located all round that area. Short panting noises started in my ear and her butt began to grind down on my fingers, pushing hard against them. I started pushing my middle finger into her delicious cunt opening, feeling her virginal tightness gripping. As I did, she bent backwards from the waist up, pushing her belly and pube forward and down down against me, forcing my finger even deeper inside. I could feel my prick tingling in anticipation and blood started to enlarge it, forcing it hard against my trousers. I took my hand away from her sopping twat and pulled her shorts and panties down to her thighs, exposing her soft rounded bum. I also unzipped myself and extracted my dick. It lined up perfectly with her hole. (What a coincidence !) Taking him in hand, I rubbed him round her entrance, using her juices to lubricate the glans, sweeping him backwards and forwards over her sensitive clit. Slowly I began to push his head in to her entrance. I could feel the resistance of a previously unopened cunt but, as I was not yet fully erect, I was able to insinuate his head into that beautiful little gap. The pressure gripping my prick was intense, nearly making me cum there and then. I had to grip and constrict it at the base to stop ejaculating. On entering her secret world, she had begun to push down harder against me, making small bouncing movements up and down. I realised that instinct had now taken over her control and continued to push my dick upward and toward its ultimate goal. I felt my penis swell to full erection, stretching her entrance so allowing easier penetration to a greater depth. She moaned, I immediately stopped pushing, fearing I might be hurting her. "Keep doing that," she panted, "That feel nice. I feel like I'm being filled up. Oh it feels good." Gently continuing to push my now hard member deeper into her and licking and running the edges of my teeth across her nipples, she began to make little grunting noises, bouncing her rosy rounded butt up and down on my lap. This was too much for my self control, I drove my shaft deep until I hit her cervix, making her cry out. I began to pump in and out of her wet and slippery hole, bouncing her up and down, until i felt my balls contract. Just at that moment, Megs started to whimper and make small whining noises, her head dropped to her chest with eyes screwed shut. She was bouncing hard up and down, so hard that I had to keep hold round her waist otherwise she would have bounced right off me. My prick blew its load of cum deep into her belly, shooting hard and thick, pulse after pulse after even more pulse of my sticky life juice shot up and splattered against her uterus entrance, round her rippling, milking me dry, vaginal walls, so much that it was running out of her twat and down my shaft and balls. I couldn't believe how much cum there was down there, it was as though I had someone else's share as well, it just came pumping out in torrents. Gradually though, things subsided; my cum stopped dribbling out and both our breathing returned to somewhat normal. I remained erect, buried deep in Meg's cunt ! A movement to my right drew my attention to Rosie who had been watching all the writhing. She climbed over, "Megs, I want to do that. My turn to feel what it's like." So saying, she literally pulled Megs up and off my stiff dick, pushing her down into the foot well,and straddled me herself. She had removed her blouse and pants, leaving only her purple skirt wrapped round her waist. As she sat down on top of my penis, I noticed the smearing of blood from Meg's pussy. Rosie either didn't notice or didn't care; I felt the soaking entrance of her canal engulf me - god, she must have been playing with herself the whole time Megs and I had been 'at it' ! It was great feeling her so wet, my dick slid in to her little cavern fairly easily. In fact it had gone full length, about 7 inches, into her without a blockage. So, perhaps she wasn't a virgin after all, as I had assumed. So much the better. I started to shaft her up and down, lifting her by her waist and allowing her to drop deeply onto my member. Faster and faster she rode me, my prick was being massaged by her rippling cunt, bringing me quickly to ejaculation. I didn't try to hold back this time - there was no need, Rosie was already creaming, juices running down my shaft to join those of Meg's. Her bouncing up and down, her soft whimpering and moaning as she climaxed, all combined to bring me to eruption - and erupt I did, shooting another load of cum into a ravenous cunny. Whoosh, whoosh - shooting deep into Rosie, her rippling muscles milking my juices from deep within me. When we neither of us had anything left to give, we collapsed in a heap in the passenger seat. I gently kissed Rosie's breasts and nipples, then lifted her off my now flaccid member. A flood of thick cum slowly oozed out of her cunt, dripping down onto the leather upholstery with little 'Tunk, Tunk' sounds. I have many times been back up that main road in the hope of meeting up again with little Rosie and Megs, but a year has passed without seeing them again. The stains on the upholstery are a constant, and warming reminder of things that were. However, another summer is now approaching - so, who knows ?! |
Jasmine showed the Colonel into the guest room, and let him look at the equipment in the draw and the items her father had placed in a box under the bed. She recognised many of the items, having learnt intimately how they were used and the sensations they caused. Some rekindled the sensations they had caused inside her at the time and, despite herself, she found her cunt moistening at the thought of them being used. "Your father is a very special man," the Colonel told her, as he held up a clip she had often felt close over her nipples, and on a couple of occasions had been used on her labia and clitoris hood. Her clitoris now throbbed at the memory. Despite having had her cunt scoured tender, Jasmine still found herself excited by the prospect of participating with the old man and licked her lips as she knelt beside him to show some of her favourite devices. "Oh, you darling," he chuckled as she showed him the set of moulded penises, the first smooth, the second with ridges along its length, the third with soft rubber protrusions that looked like needles but were soft and forgiving, and the last, looking just like the previous one but with each needle made from steel. "How perfectly delightful!" he gasped, turning the wheel at the base that altered how far each of the pins extended. He would be able to slide it smoothly in, then wind it in, forcing the needles into the flesh, or drive it in with the needles extended, scoring and ripping the flesh as he went. "What else have we here?" he asked breathlessly. There were restraints of leather, some soft and comfortable, others hard, or studded with metal spikes to force total compliance. Ropes too, some smooth some abrasive and toys that could be used to bring on pleasure as much as pain. Only the Floggers, crops, canes, belts and whips were made for one purpose only, and the Colonel caressed each one, wondering to what use they had put to. What little bottoms had felt the hard sweep of the paddle, he wondered. What position had the child been in, who had last received the crop across their pert little bottom. "Get me a little girl, a pretty one that is just developing," the Colonel told Jasmine, patting her hand urgently. Jasmine didn't dawdle, but walked briskly through the corridors to where the orphans were gathered, working at their small desks under the close scrutiny of their strict teacher Miss Evans. Excusing her interruption Jasmine looked at them all, comparing one young girl with another and pushing four towards the far wall where she could compare them more easily. They all looked pretty, but she dismissed one for having her hair shorn and another for having the largest bust of the three. That left two who both looked back at her timidly, neither knowing whether their choosing was for the better or the worse. Unable to decide, Jasmine briskly told them both to lift their skirts and waited, hands on her hips, while both girls timidly obeyed, their eyes going past her to glance at the other boys and girls who were now watching, the older boys with large grins on their faces as the girls were forced to bare their little cunts. Jasmine compared their pubic growth, and then had them turn so she could compare their bottoms. Finally, she knelt down and inserted a moistened finger into their little cunts and anuses, judging which was the tightest fit and which girl was the most timid. The decision made, she thanked Miss Evans and marched the nervous girl out of the classroom and down the corridors before pushing her into the guest room for the Colonel to admire. "Oh yes," he breathed. He still knelt beside the open box, moving items to explore ever deeper but had stopped when the girl had appeared, her expression rushing between nervousness, curiosity and timid excitement. "This is Betty who we believe is thirteen. Say hello to the Colonel," Jasmine said as she began to undo the buttons of the girl's shift. She could have just as easily pulled it off of her head, but slowly undoing the buttons always seemed to excite the men she found. Betty, a pretty blond girl, smiled timidly, her cheeks blooming as her bodice became loose. "Sir," she murmured, her breath quickening as she saw some of the items in the box. "The Colonel has just returned from India," Jasmine told her, drawing the girl's bodice away. Her little breasts sprouted from her chest, the skin as smooth as alabaster and as pale as milk. Her nipples, still childishly small, were at their peek, just waiting to stiffen. "My daddy died in India," Betty murmured, her eyes moistening as she remembered her mother getting the letter. She had only been four or five at the time, but remembered how things had got worse from then on. "Many a good man did," the Colonel acknowledged, as he sat on the bed and waiting for Jasmine to finish undoing the ties at the back of the girl's skirts. He knew how fiddly such things could be and took the opportunity to admire how sweetly her little breasts had begun to form. "Your father would have been proud of you, young lass," he told her, smiling as she blushed prettily, the flush of her skin creeping all the way down her upper chest, right to the rise of her smooth young breasts. Jasmine finally undid the knot of the tie and, loosened, the frock slid down the child's legs, pulling about her feet while she coyly squirmed, biting her lip as the Colonel looked upon her. "Oh my, what a treasure," the old man sobbed. His eyes devouring the pretty little cunt before him, young pubic hairs darkening upon her font, still straight and slender in youth, all pointing towards her smooth edged slit in which the curved sheaf of her clitoris was just in view. "Here, lay her down so I can see her better," he panted, quickly making room on the bed. Jasmine smiled encouragingly to the young girl and helped her step from her clothes and to the broad bed. There, she quickly moved the pillow into the centre of it, then bade the girl lie on her back across it. Betty obeyed, knowing from her years at the poorhouse and now at the sanatorium what disobedience would mean. She lay back with her loins raised high by the pillow beneath her and, when fingers touched her knees, she blushingly parted them. "Such a willing child!" marvelled the Colonel, watching the girl obediently spread her legs, spreading them until she had to reach down and hold her knees apart. "That's the training Sir," Jasmine smiled, then quickly blushed as she recalled how quickly she would turn up her skirts and bend when her father instructed. The feel of his fingers pulling her flesh apart around her anus made her flood with heat and she swallowed and ran her nails along the girl's inner thighs, quickening the child's pulse and bringing a glow to her puffy little slit. "She excites quickly," he observed, his excitement evident from the bulge in his breeches. "Most girls do," Jasmine admitted. "Convention prevents us from showing our true nature, father says," she told him, blushing as she openly admitted her own excitement. "Is she ready yet?" he asked, having eagerly watched Jasmine stroke the child's inner thighs, right up to their junction where her nubile young sex glowed with want. Jasmine reached for her vulva and drew the leaves apart. Betty gasped with the jolt of pleasure it sent swirling up her young body and she thrust her loins up, her eyes wide with the shock of delight while the two adults gazed adoringly into her exposed little cunt, admiring the gleaming wetness and brightly toned pink flesh within. "She's well and truly ready," Jasmine observed, licking her lips as she thought of the pleasure she would have, observing the old man take this young girl. "Good, but before that, I want you to warm that delicious little bottom of hers," he grinned. "As you wish Sir," Jasmine nodded, a new glow appearing to her skin as she considered this request. There was a stout chair in the corner, no doubt for holding children in various positions for treatment, but it suited the Colonel to draw it nearer the bed and sit on it to watch the proceedings. "Do I have to tie you down, or will you be a good girl and take the spanking bravely?" Jasmine asked Betty as she rose and rolled up the sleeve of her uniform. Betty swallowed and gazed meekly. "I'll be good," she promised, her voice quivering with the rising fear inside her. "Over you go then," Jasmine told her. "And be sure to present your bottom as you have been taught," she urged. "I think you'll find it more agreeable if you shed your restrictive clothing my dear," the Colonel told Jasmine, his eyes sparkling with excitement as young Betty turned onto her front and squirmed until her bottom was obscenely presented for the spanking. Jasmine's face burnt and her eyes fluttered with her heartbeat as she faced the old man and slowly undressed for him, one heavily starched garment after another. His eyes seemed to devour her, moving almost constantly as if in fear of missing some small part of her growing nakedness. She turned to let him see her pert bottom, knowing that its swell would be just as arousing to him as her breasts. The Colonel groaned as if to prove the point, then waited for her to turn and face him, adjusting his cock to allow room for it to stand erect inside of his breeches. Unused to such blatant male display, Jasmine blushed and licked her lips. Did he mean to have her also, she wondered, the thought making her spill with excitement. Overly tender, her sore cunt would react sharply to the steady thrusts of a male and her agony would bring on the most intense pleasure. She removed her clothes and stood naked, her thighs slowly creeping apart so he might have a better view of how tender her cunt remained from her father's punishment. "My word!" he gasped, his eyes widening as the fading but tender marks of the flower stems appeared, along the full length of her vulva. "Who?" he breathed, almost speechless. "My Father," she told him softly, thrusting her loins forward so he could better admire how the stems had scored her rounded flesh and passed within them too. "My punishment for masturbating wantonly," she explained, her heart fluttering in the hope he'd touch her. Just one touch would ignite her pleasure, just one little touch. "Definitely a man after my own heart!" he chuckled. "Don't let the child grow cold, spank that lovely bottom of hers!" he ordered. Naked, Jasmine turned back to the girl on the bed, smiling at her as she saw she'd been watching. Betty looked on Jasmine's nakedness and the older girl felt another thrill course through her. "Ready?" she asked. Betty nodded shyly; her eyes brimming with unshed tears. Jasmine smiled and took up a position beside the bed, her thighs well parted so nothing would be hidden from the Colonel, then bent forward to place her left hand on the small of the child's back, pushing it down to pronounce the lovely curves of her bottom. Ready, and feeling the Colonel's eyes slide down to her exposed cunt; Jasmine lifted her arm high and swept it down hard to land firmly and loudly on the child's left bottom cheek. "Count them, there's a good girl," the Colonel urged. "One," Betty murmured, her eyes sliding up Jasmine's parted thighs to gaze at her pubis and the small thatch of curls on it. Jasmine smiled and raised her hand for the second, bringing it down hard across the child's right bottom cheek, grinning at the way Betty jerked and gasped, then softly murmured the count. The child's bottom was tight and resilient, quickly stinging her palm and yet just as quickly turning a rosy red. Jasmine began to squeeze and stroke the cheeks between hand strikes, softly complementing the girl on having such a sweet little bottom, urging her to lift it much higher and let the Colonel see how lovely she was. As Betty panted and mewed, squirming with the sensations surging into her little bottom, Jasmine reached along her thighs and urged her to part them wider so that the Colonel could admire her little cunt and puckered anus. Her spanking continued, Jasmine's breath quickening with the effort as much as from the view she received each time her hand squeezed the child's bottom, pulling flesh from flesh so the little entrance to her cunt was exposed. "That's good," the Colonel remarked after nearly five minutes of the spanking had elapsed. "Let her sit up now," he urged. Weeping softly, Betty dragged herself up until she half sat on her thighs, her hands rubbing franticly at her sore bottom while tears slowly made little rivers down her cheeks. She looked delightful, gazing worriedly from Jasmine to the Colonel, her eyes dropping to their privates where the sight of the old man's bulging breeches brought a glow to her cheeks. "Now, what have we got to brighten those lovely little nipples?" the Colonel asked, his eyes fastened to the nubile beginnings of Betty's young breasts. Jasmine was quick to offer two solutions; the braided cloth flogger that would bring colour to the little developing cones, tenderising the skin and making the nipples swell, or a bunch of dried flower stems, the same type her father had used on her pudenda. The sharp but forgiving stems would score the skin and leave fine lines, dozens of them across both rising breasts. The raised nipples would take the most and caused a centre of fiery sensation the girl would not be able to escape. "Oh yes. Let me help you," the Colonel urged. He stood and shed his clothes, grinning as he revealed a wiry body of completely pale flesh with a slender but long cock that stood erect from between a field of greying pubic hair. He went across to Betty, still rubbing her bottom, and sitting behind her, caught her by her upper arms and pulled them back, presenting Jasmine with the perfect target for the bunch of flower stems. "Be brave!" He told the young girl, inhaling her youthful scent and bringing her bottom up against his cock. She whimpered, squeezing her bottom one moment, feeling his cock and panting hotly the next. All the while, her eyes stared at the naked young woman standing over her, a bunch of dead flower stems in her hand. Jasmine swept the stems across Betty's outthrust breasts and watched the sore and red lines appear while Betty squealed and squirmed, her eyes widening in shock at the pain that soared into her. "Now, now," urged the Colonel, his grip tightening on the girl. "Go on, grip my cock lass!" he urged. Betty did so, whimpering and shaking as she watched Jasmine draw her arm back. Then the plant stems had once more scraped across the swell of her two breasts, scoring the tender flesh, scrapping her tender nipples. She wept as the darts of flame punched into her nipples, her breasts feeling bloated and sore, and her sore bottom continuing to send a deep itching flame into her. "Go on, Go on!" the Colonel urged, pulling the girl against him so he could look over her shoulder and admire the fine score marks across both her little breasts. Jasmine needed little urging. She swept the stems down across Betty's breasts once more, grinning as her aim scored the underside and made Betty catch her breath and arch before a high-pitched scream escaped her. The Colonel grinned and held her against him. With her arms held, her lower body contorted to left and right, often up against his cock where the feel of her struggles served to heighten his pleasure. He nodded for Jasmine to continue so she didn't wait for the wailing girl to quieten, but struck again, aiming across the middle of the smoothly rising breasts, scoring deeply and bringing fresh wails and frantic attempts to escape. "Now two or three quick ones across her belly!" he urged. He put his hands around her body, one above her little breasts, the other low, holding her pelvis to close him and presenting the weeping girl's flattened belly to her. Jasmine licked her lips and bent her arm back. Dizzy with excitement, she swept the stems down and scored the lovely surface of Betty's belly. The Colonel looked euphoric as he fought to hold the squealing and struggling young girl and given the opportunity, Jasmine wielded the stems yet again; adding to the score marks that appeared on her otherwise smooth flesh. Betty hardly fought the last one, exhausted as she was. Her whole body hurt and she was only semi conscious as she was laid down on her back across the pillow and her thighs pulled wide apart again. With her eyesight made fuzzy by her weeping, she saw the figure of the Colonel rise above her, a look of delight on his face as he looked down at her struggling body. "No more," she whimpered, "please." The Colonel stared down at the child's lovely young body, her budding breasts made beautiful by the hundreds of lacerations that scored the tender flesh. He'd never seen nipples stiffen and darken so quickly and groaned with pleasure at seeing them. His left hand took both the girl's wrists and held them over her head against the bed, flattening the little cones and making her look much younger still. He fondled the child's torso with his right hand, tracing the many feint lacerations and groaning as Jasmine took his aching cock and steered it towards the girl's now open cunt. "Now!" He heard her urge and he looked down at the wet face of the young girl and thrust. Hot little cunt surrounded him, squeezing and burning, threatening to strangle his cock while her face mirrored a new type of pain. He never wanted to forget the look on her face and thrust again in an effort to extend it. He thrust himself deep into her cunt, and then rocked back and forth, groaning in delight over the contorted face of the agonised child. Jasmine gripped Betty's ankle and slid astride it, biting her lip as the girl's toes pressed into her sore vulva. She whimpered and, seeing the Colonel thrust harshly into the child for the second time, pushed herself downwards, welcoming the pain it brought sweeping up her body. "Yes, yes, yes, YES!" The Colonel cried, too excited to last long in the vice like sheaf of the young girl's cunt. Jasmine closed her eyes and bit her lip, shuddering on the explosion of her own pleasure and gasping afterwards as the growing pain forced her off the girl's toes. ****** The orphans looked nervously at each other as Doctor Croft entered Miss Evan's classroom with a thin and pale woman, who held a little bag tightly in front of her. Her pale blue eyes looked keenly at all of them. "Dear me," she whimpered. "So many to chose from!" she complained. "Is there any trait you're particularly interested in Miss Haigh?" asked the doctor with a comforting smile. "Well," she said, and licked her lips as she glanced around the classroom again. "Would you have any children that are related?" she asked. "A brother and sister perhaps?" she asked breathlessly. Samuel smiled and looked for the two children who he knew would be sitting together. "Eve? Edward? Stand up please" he called. The boy and girl stood up and face him, their faces unusually pale as they waited to discover what the doctor had in store for them. "Eve is nine, her brother is thirteen," he murmured, smiling at the look of adoration the woman was giving to these attractive orphans. "Oh, they'll do perfectly!" she beamed. Samuel pointed to the pair and led them off to the surgery. Lily had escorted the Reverend back to their private rooms and had arranged for Joseph to be taken to his bed and left there to recover, so the surgery was empty when they arrived. An antiseptic smell was all that remained of earlier activities as the doctor placed brother and sister against the far wall and had them stand together while he prepared the camera. Miss Haigh watched with great interest, moving constantly, filled with nervous tension as she waited in eager anticipation. The camera prepared, it flashed and it recorded brother and sister standing beside each other, the girl no taller than her brother's shoulder, their drab clothes leaving their arms and legs bare. Samuel removed the plate and replaced it with a new one, then turned to smile at the timid looking pair. "Remove your clothes," he ordered. Edward may have remembered a time when such requests were considered dirty and never to be obeyed, but Eve didn't. She proceeded to take off what few clothes she wore, her calm acceptance silently urging her elder brother to do the same. Soon they were both naked and being urged to stand straight and look ahead of them. The flash went off again, recording their likeness for posterity. "Side-on now please," Samuel called. The children turned in the same direction, Eve in front of Edward. "Edward, make your cock stiff," Samuel called. He blushed and looked from his naked sister's bottom to Miss Haigh who was watching everything avidly. His cock shrunk still further, and lay flaccid over his ball sack, making him tremble, as he feared a whipping for not obeying. "Eve, help your brother please," Samuel, asked. The girl blushed and turned to look at her brother, licking her lips as her attention dropped to the focus of everyone's attention. ""I don't know," she told him, blushing hotly. "Come now child," Miss Haigh said, interrupting Doctor Croft and rushing forward. She knelt between the pair of them and gently took the girl by her wrists, pulling her towards her elder brother and guiding her little hands around his shrunken little cock. "Pull gently with one hand, and stroke him with the other," she instructed. Eve nervously swallowed and darted a glance up at her open-mouthed brother, her fingers coming into contact with his privates. "That's a good girl!" Miss Haigh urged, her voice full of awe as the little girl did as she was told eager to avoid being punished herself and began to masturbate her brother's cock. With the accompaniment of a shocked gasp, the boy's cock began to lengthen and harden, drawn on by his younger sister's timid stroking, and all the while Miss Haigh was there to encourage and suggest. Only when the boy was fiercely erect did she step back and smile, allowing the sister to continue stroking the slender long stem, the flash of the camera ensuring the moment would be captured forever. "Now Edward, come and lie on the table," Samuel called, patting the adjustable surface and pulling the camera back to a new position. Edward got on the table and laid back, his erect cock now lying flat along his belly. Samuel lifted it and drew the foreskin right back, smiling as it made the boy gasp and jerk. "Tender, eh?" he asked, his nail sliding over the exposed tip. "Yes Sir," Edward nodded. "Perhaps it needs cleaning?" the doctor suggested. A squeeze behind the glands brought a drop of fluid to the tip and Edward swallowed a little nervously as his sister peered over his side to continued looking at what was being done to his cock. Miss Haigh watched too, and she became breathless with excitement, as the doctor picked up a long and slender tool and held it up for her to examine. A little thicker than fine wire, it was made of rubber and was quite flexible, but its surface had been roughened to become abrasive. "Lie perfectly still now Edward," Samuel cautioned him. Placing the pointed tip at the eye of his cock he slid it inwards and the boy gasped and tensed, his eyes wildly looking upwards at the doctor as the urethra cleaner travelled inwards, along the whole length of his hardened cock, leaving a small piece sticking out. "There!" Samuel exclaimed. Across from him, Eve peered over his loins to stare with big round eyes at his now rampant cock, with the stem of the cleaner sticking out from it. "Would you like to draw it out Eve?" he asked pleasantly. Eve licked her lips and looked between the smiling doctor and her brother's awfully rude cock. However, it gave her a pleasant tingle down below to look at it and think of him doing it with girls. It made her tingle even more to think she could hold it and actually draw the slender doctor's tool from it. She nodded and reached for her brother, her breath quickening as she felt the heat of it burn into her palm. With her other hand she took a hold of the tip of the medical tool and gently pulled. Edward let out a howl and gripped the edge of the table to either side of him as the roughened rubber began to act like barbs, gripping into his urethra and scraping along the tender inner walls. Miss Haigh stepped closer and took Edward's hands, cupping them in her own and pulling them to her chest while she gazed down at him lovingly. "Be brave!" she begged him, her breath shortening as she led his hands over her breasts and let him feel them through her clothes. Edward sobbed, excitement and dread flowing through him and battling in his gut. He softly squeezed the largest bust he'd ever squeezed and dreamt of his dead mother. Then the terrible burning engulfed him again as the rod was pulled outward by his little sister and his grip tightened as his body contorted in agony. "Yes, yes, bear with it!" Miss Haigh gasped, her legs weakening as the young boy in his agony mauled her breasts. "All the way out," Doctor Croft told Eve, stroking her hair lovingly. Glowing with the doctor's approval, Eve ignored Edward's contortions and pulled the rubber stem fully out, its departure letting Edward fall back onto the table, exhaustion overcoming him. "Well, that was excellent!" Samuel smiled. "Now, shall we have a look at you, while your brother recovers?" he asked the young girl. Eve blushed and looked at her brother, his cock still sticking up rampantly. "Will it hurt?" she asked. "Oh, not necessarily," he chuckled. He wheeled a second examination table over and helped little Eve to climb onto it before lifting the end at an angle and then attaching what looked like stirrups at the other. Miss Haigh pulled herself away from caressing and teasing Edward's cock into jerking and weeping pre-come, to come over and watch as Doctor Croft arranged little Eve on her back, her sweet little bottom now raised up by the platform at its end. He then took her thighs and raised them over her head, sliding the stirrups over each ankle to secure them above her. It left her bottom and cunt raised and exposed, its bright pink inner flesh peeking from half parted labia. "She's so exposed!" Miss Haigh breathed. Samuel rolled a stool to the foot of the table and invited Miss Haigh to sit on it, presenting her with the Eve's fully exposed cunt, anus and bottom now perfectly positioned for a detailed examination. "Glorious!" she breathed, her eyes drinking in the beauty of her the child's labia, widely parted bottom, fragrant young cunt and winking little anus. Doctor Croft retrieved two small leather belts, each about eight inches long and half an inch thick from which slender cords hung along its length, each about six inches long but adjustable, each with small clips at the end. He then attached them to each of her thighs and smiled down at her face as she watched with curiosity. Miss Haigh was watching also, waiting excitedly to see what was to occur. Her face shone above the glow of Eve's fat little vulva, her eyes sliding over it, from the stem of her clitoris down to the deep crevice of her little bottom where her anus timidly twitched. Samuel took the first clip and adjusted the strap that held it to the leather garter tightly fastened to Eve's upper thigh. Once adjusted, he took a gentle grip on the fatty lip of her sex and pushed the clip over it, releasing it onto the tender love lip. Eve gasped, her eyes widening as she felt the grip of the clip on her labia. And as she shook, absorbing the swelling pain, Samuel took the other fleshy wing and attached a clip from her other leg to it. Eve cried out and shook. A move of her slender young thighs and the clips pulled on her baby-like labia, drawing them outward and away from each other. Miss Haigh groaned, her eyes held by the exposed little mouth to the girl's little cunt. Her virginity had already been taken, yet the little passage was still that; little, the smoothly fleshed mouth gleaming pink. Samuel took hold of each quivering knee and slowly drew them further and further apart. The clips tightening on the soft flesh of Eve's young labia and stretched them apart. Eve whimpered and arched, trying to reduce the stretch but failing to do so. Miss Haigh leaned in to stare avidly at the painful distortion of such young flesh and the growing expanse of deep pink interior now spread for her pleasure. The doctor adjusted the leg harness to hold Eve's legs apart, then walked round to enjoy the view with Miss Haigh for a while. Then he produced a rubber tube, small and thin and dipped one end in grease before putting it to Eve's opened slit. Under Miss Haigh's close scrutiny, the doctor carefully probed Eve's sex flesh, the child's whimpering and squirming making it hard for him to find her little urethra. Once found though, the tube was slowly pushed home, Eve panting with a short quick breath as she felt it pushed into her. Pushed into her bladder, her rich urine slid past her defences and ran from the far end of the tube, slowly filling the jar the doctor had prepared. Amazed, Miss Haigh took a hold of the tube and gently drew it back and forth, watching Eve's bright flesh being drawn in and out with the tube as it clutched at it, the flow of urine slowing as the tube was drawn from her bladder, then growing again as it returned. Miss Haigh played until the flow of rich urine ceased, then let the doctor draw the tube out. He was left with half a jar of strongly scented water which he lifted, first to smell it, then to sip a small amount of it, swirling it around in his mouth before swallowing. "Would you like a try?" Samuel asked his guest politely. Miss Haigh looked at the rich liquid and then licked her lips as she considered the question. Violent emotions made her shake, but at last she quickly nodded and took the small jar. There was a moment of hesitation, a last chance for the left of her brain to battle with the right. She tipped the jar back, sipping the liquid and jerked by the flash of the camera. Then the strong flavour was filling her mouth, producing saliva and causing her swallow repeatedly. The taste remained with her, faintly metallic, faintly oily and very acidic. The doctor watched her cautiously. "What now Sir?" she asked. Samuel smiled with relief and lifted one of several glass columns with a rubber plunger at one end. Eve, watching, couldn't say what it was for, but the sight of it alone made her whimper, gasping when her jerking pulled the clips on her stretched labia. There were several on the tray to chose from, and Samuel selected one and tried placing it over the little girl's clitoris hood, only to find it too small. So he returned it to the tray and picked up the next, smiling as it neatly covered the little fleshy protuberance. Holding the end firmly to her flesh, he drew back the plunger and smiled as the young girl caught her breath and Miss Haigh gasped. The vacuum that he'd created by pulling the plunger up, had sucked Eve's tender clitoris further into it, swelling the tender morsel as well as filling it with blood, tenderising it still further. The vacuum held it in place and allowed Samuel to take up a smaller one. The child's pinched back labia gave him a perfect view of her slit, now spread before him, so it was an easy matter to find her tiny uterus again and, covering it with the syringe, pull the plunger to draw her flesh into the cylinder. Wide eyed, Eve panted and shook. She wanted to stretch, yet knew she couldn't. She wanted to push her crotch up, but couldn't. She wanted to madly rub the flesh pinched by the clips, and couldn't. And now new feelings were starting to swell from the flesh imprisoned by the glass cylinders, drawn out by the vacuum. "Please," she whined, unsure of what she was pleading for. Samuel smiled and, taking two of the larger cylinders, fastened one over her soft little pink nipple, offering Miss Haigh the other. Grinning excitedly, Miss Haigh took the device and pressed its open end to the other little nipple bud, and then slowly pulled on the plunger, sucking the tender morsel of flesh into the glass while the girl stared at it and panted. "Do you like that, do you?" she asked the child, her excitement swelling as she looked between Eve's thighs and saw how disfigured her little innocent cunt had become. Eve nodded, and begged to be caressed by the woman, blinking as the bright flash of the camera went off again. "This is marvellous!" Miss Haigh told him, half standing in order to feast her eyes on the young girl, her thighs bent up and her body on show, her cunt disfigured and widely spread by the clips and the vacuum flasks. "Well, there's one area we've not touched yet," Samuel reminded her. Miss Haigh caught her breath and sat down again, her hands framing the anal groove of the young girl while she stared excitedly at the little pink anus the doctor was referring to. "What are you going to do?" she asked. Samuel wheeled the other table over, as her brother had recovered enough now to look across at his sister's exposed body and lick his lips. Miss Haigh watched as the young boy's cock began to erect again. "You dirty boy!" she told him. She fanned at her face with her hand and watched his cock reach its full extension. "We should do something about that doctor," she told him. "Let's attend to Eve's little bottom first," he suggested, bringing a tray over to her. "Oh, my!" Miss Haigh gasped, staring at all the dressmaking pins that were neatly laid out on the tray beside a small burner. Samuel smiled and lit the small burner with a match. "You may use the pins either hot or cold," he explained. "The reaction to the child is similar, but the affects are a little different," he told her. "The cold will stab the flesh and the wound may bleed slightly. The more deeply inserted, the more it is likely to bleed. Using the hot pin will seal the wound even as you make it. "Well-heated pins will pass into flesh much more easily too," he explained, offering her a soft leather glove. Miss Haigh took the glove as if in a trance and slowly drew her hand into it while watching the doctor take a pin and hold it over the flame. "However, if it hot, it should be very hot," he cautioned. Eve, wide eyed and shaking whimpered and sobbed, wanting to escape and yet forced by the clips on her labia to stay still. The pin glowed and Miss Haigh watched it as the doctor moved it close to the girl's outthrust bottom. His free hand framing a perfect area of smooth skin, he placed the tip of the pin to it and pressed. Eve flung her head back and screamed, tears bursting from her wide eyes as the pain seared into her. Her shaking legs pulled tightly on her labia, distorting and stretching them. "Oh doctor!" the woman gasped, and all flustered, picked up a pin and hastily placed it over the little burner, her hand shaking excitedly. "Wait till it glows," he cautioned, knowing she was eager to drive the pin into the quivering and weeping young girl's bottom. Miss Haigh couldn't stop from panting, nor halt the quiver in her hand as she held the pin over the flame and waited for it to begin to glow. Eve was waiting for her, the young child weeping and quivering, one pin already sticking out of her bottom. The pin began to glow and Miss Haigh swallowed and drew it over to the child. Eve began to cry and beg. Both excited her even more and her breath grew shorter as she poised the pin above the inward curve of one little bottom cheek. "Quick, before it cools!" urged the doctor. Miss Haigh put the hot tip to Eve's bottom and sobbed with delight as her fingers pressure pushed the red hot tip into the girl's flesh. The child screamed once more, her jerking pulling her labia right out before her sanity returned and she screamed. "Nicely placed," Doctor Croft observed. "Now try one a little further into her anal groove," he offered, his hands pulling the tight young cheeks further apart. Eve sobbed uncontrollably and swung her head from side to side, the only movement she could make without hurting herself. Miss Haigh took another pin and held it over the little flame, her hand shaking with excitement as she waited impatiently for it to begin to glow. At last, the end of the pin glowing a brilliant red, Miss Haigh brought it to the weeping girl's bottom and looked at the area of flesh the doctor was holding stretched for her. "No, no, pleeeease!" Eve cried. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Miss Haigh plunged the hot pin into the little girl's bottom, just an inch from her anus, then looked up along the child's body to watch her darling little face contort with the pain, her ears ringing to the girl's wails of agony. As the child screamed, Miss Haigh swept aside convention and gathered up her dress, her hand seeking the earliest opportunity to slide beneath, three fingers immediately pushing into herself, reducing her fierce need. Samuel smiled and picked up the moulded leather sheaf that had been lying to one side, waiting for the right moment. Like a corset, it was laced along one side, allowing the delicately made leather to be slid on while loose. He slid it delicately over Edward's cock, and then gently pushed his balls into the leather pouch before closing the laces along the lower half of his cock. As he tightened them, so the boy's eyes bulged as he felt the small pins dig into his ball sack and the lower half of his cock. The exposed upper length of his erection bulged, swelling with the fierce sensations surging into the base. "Come on boy!" he urged, helping the lad to stand, then drawing him the short distance between his own table and where his sister lay, weeping hysterically as she begged them to stop. "Let's see you fuck her," Samuel told the boy. Edward swallowed and looked down at his little sister's cunt, her pinched and pulled apart labia now swollen and tender, nearly as bright as the exposed flesh within. His breath quickening, he moved the glass cylinders aside. his heart beginning to pound as he saw how her flesh had been drawn into them. Amazed, he looked down at her little cunt. She was tiny, only nine, but to refuse the bidding of the doctor would mean far worse than anything they had received so far. "Do you need some help?" Miss Haigh asked him, one arm under her skirts. The other rose to stroke his cock, then draw it downward, till it pointed at the little virgin cunt in front of him. "Go on!" she urged breathlessly. With the pins in the leather sheaf causing an agonising heat to invade his cock, Edward put all thought aside and plunged his cock forward. His little sister yelped and he grunted, the pain of missing his mark bringing tears to his eyes. "Ops, sorry darling," Miss Haigh giggled breathlessly, her face glowing as her arm moved steadily back and forth under her skirts. "Try again," she urged, the hand on his cock making him wince as it pulled it more firmly downward. More cautiously, Edward drew forward, a gasp escaping him as his tender cock head met the hollow of his little sister's vagina and pushed her unforgiving flesh inwards. The flash of the large camera went off and Edward fought for breath and pushed more firmly inwards, crying out over his sisters squeal as the head of his cock was suddenly thrust into her and was squeezed tightly by her vaginal muscles. "Yes, yes, and again!" Miss Haigh urged. Sobbing with the new sensations flowing along his cock, Edward pushed. While his sister whined, her head thrown back, he felt his cock embed itself in her tight and hot young cunt, filling it with just half his cock, the rest suffering the leather sheaf. "Oh, what a sight!" Miss Haigh breathed. On her perch, she could see it all; the boy's tight bottom, his cock held by the weeping girl, his very own sister. Swallowing and panting, Edward began a slow movement, pulling and pushing against his sister's unforgiving sex. He moved as far as his flesh would allow, pulling at his skin and groaning as the tension added to the fierce sensations rising into his body through his cock. His movement increased, spurred on by Miss Haigh's urging and the sticky wet fingers she trailed up and down his bottom, tickling him underneath. "Are you there yet? Are you, are you?" Miss Haigh asked, her eyes twinkling in her bright face as her own hand quickened pace. Edward couldn't talk and could hardly breathe as the flash blinded him and his sister's weeping no longer meant anything to him. Only the need in his cock mattered and he worked ceaselessly to satisfy it, quickening his pace, lengthening his stroke despite the pain it caused him. He jerked powerfully now into his sister's tight little cunt, until the pain reached a new level and, with a strangled cry, his orgasm took possession of him and he could only jerk forward when it ordered him so, shooting his seed into Eve's little body. Miss Haigh drew him out and lifted his cock to nuzzle it lovingly with her lips. Samuel took one last picture, capturing her act while, beside them; Eve's little raw cunt wept a mixture of seed and blood onto her pin-covered bottom. ****** Lily Croft marched the two little tarts along the corridor and thrust them, one at a time, into the room she and Mrs Emma Weldon had chosen for their punishment. Arms folded under her large bust, Mrs Weldon stood at the far side of the room next to the two chairs that had been placed two feet from the wall. With a stern face she looked them over, while behind them, Lily Croft closed the door and bolted it shut. Anne, was fourteen, nicely developed, with shapely breasts, a small flat waist and a pert bottom that was made all the more fuller by her nicely curved hips. Rachel was only nine, and her face was a picture of remorse as she stood nervously looking at the stern women. It was not difficult to see why Anne had chosen this little tart for her pleasures. "Remove your clothes, NOW!" Emma Weldon shouted, and smiled as the girls cringed, then hastily obeyed her. The women watched in silence, enjoying the spectacle as the girls nervously removed their clothes and stood naked, Anne fighting the urge to cover the little down of hair that graced her pubis. "We have it on good authority that you are having an unhealthy sexual relationship," Mrs Weldon told them; watching them both pale and lick their lips nervously. "You are now going to be severely punished for your appalling wantonness!" she spat, the girls both cringing, and little Rachel's gentle weeping now becoming a full crying bout. Pleased with the reactions of the two condemned girls, Emma breathed in and let her eyes wander more freely over their young bodies. It had been a long while since she'd had the opportunity to release her pent up sexual tendencies. The girls looked perfect to rekindle her pent up sexual passions; Anne was ripening very nicely, and little Rachel although immature was very willing to please. "Anne, you will be first," she told her. The child swallowed and looked towards the waiting chairs, no doubt wondering what position she would have to attain, and how badly the women intended to punish her. Emma moved over to stand next to the chairs and checked that they were anchored securely. "Come here you disgusting child and stand astride this chair seat, and bend forward, with your belly on the chair back, and your arms flat up against the wall," Emma ordered harshly. Although punished occasionally, Anne had never had to take up this position and therefore couldn't know how the seat of the chair would force her thighs so far apart, nor how, in order to put her arms flat against the wall, she would need to dip her lower back, pushing her bottom out and so indecently apart. Biting her lip, Anne whimpered, her face burning as the position she was now in pulled at her vulva, widely exposing it. Her bottom too had parted and the cool air of the room flowed intimately over her sensitive anus. With a gasp she clenched herself, and burnt as the women laughed at her embarrassment. The women went across to the punishment tools that were displayed on the wall and took their time to select suitable instruments. They discussed the merits of each one while the girls looked on, tears running lovingly down their pretty faces, and swung them through the air to hear the whistle they made. They both chose canes, each quite thin and flexible. They both stood to either side of Anne's lovely bottom and tapped the smooth curves with the cane's tips, grinning as her shaking grew. Then they both raised the canes and, as one, delivered a sharp sweep to the girl, one aiming high, the other low. Anne squealed, the dual blow sweeping like fire through her bottom, filling her with the burning pain before dampening to leave just the awful itching burning aftermath. "KEEP STILL!" they chorused as Anne girl tried to put her hands on her bottom. She whimpered instead, unaware of how exciting her young bottom looked, the little cheeks criss-crossed by brightening lines of tender flesh. Breathing deeply, both women glowing with their excitement, they tapped Anne's little white bottom once more, each aiming a little lower than their last strike, the preliminary tapping making Anne quiver and mournfully weep. Then, with a nod, the ladies drew their canes back, and swept them down for another dual strike on the Anne's burning bottom. Anne's head flew back as she screamed her agony to the ceiling. It also arched her back and made her bottom even more delectable. Two new lines swelled across her rear, both tender and sore skin begging to be caressed and tendered. Below it, her cunt squeezed up against one leg, then the other as she tossed from side to side in an effort to rid herself of the insidious burning sensation. "One more, don't you think?" Emma asked Lily. "One more would complete the picture," Lily agreed, looking at the four stripes and the space between them. Anne sobbed and begged them not to. They ignored her, ordering her to straighten her thighs and make sure that the whole of her lower arms were against the wall. Not until the sobbing girl's bottom was well presented to them again, did they begin tapping her bottom preparing themselves as much as the child for the next harsh strokes. Having done it twice before, the women raised their canes in near perfect unison, hesitating at their peek for one final look at the wailing girl, waiting in agony for her final strike. Then the cane's descended, each whistling through the air to land sharply upon Anne's bottom, one low, where the swelling flesh was soft and tender, the other across the very apex of her bottom, where the cane could cut deeply. A strident cry filled the room, and now the women let the squealing girl grasp at her bottom, taking pleasure from watching as the girl kneaded the cheeks, often pulling flesh from flesh to unknowingly delight the women with glimpses of her clenched anal flesh and her bright pink vaginal mouth. As the immediate flare of pain subsided to the inescapable burning in her bottom, Anne made to step away from the chair and was stopped. "No," Emma told her, the rod tapping her sore bottom again. "Stay in position and remain silent. We haven't finished with you yet my girl!" "Rachel," Mrs Weldon called. Across the room little Rachel, stood crying with her fists clenched nervously together, pressing them to her mouth as she watched Anne's caning. "Yes, Ma'am?" she whimpered, hardly able to talk through her fear. "A little to young for the cane, eh?" Emma asked Lily, rolling up the sleeve of her gown. "Oh, I quite agree," Lily nodded; doing the same and smiling at the nine year old as she began imagining how nice and tight that little bottom would feel against her hand. "Same position child, and be quick about it!" Emma called. Rachel walked to the chair and nervously straddled it, her smaller, leaner young body having trouble spreading her thighs enough to stand astride the seat. Nor was she tall enough to lean up against the wall in front of her as Anne was doing, but had to lean fully forward and put her arms over her head before she could reach the wall. The women placed their hands on the young girl's shoulder blades and caressed her pert little bottom with the other. The little cheeks had fully parted, exposing the little farthing-like ring of her anus. Below it, smoothly curved, lay the hollow of her sex, the delicate opening to her vagina. Leaning to their side, the women plucked and pulled on young tender flesh, smiling as they girl gasped through her tears on feeling her cunt drawn open. "Obviously well used to being handling," Lily suggested. "Then we shouldn't be worried if our fingers accidentally smack such a naughty little cunt!" Mrs Weldon answered, her eyes gleaming with forthcoming pleasure. Hands rose and swept down, one immediately following the other, one upon one cheek, one upon the other. The girl squealed but could do little else, held captive over the chair as their hands continued their constant spanking of her pretty little bottom. Very soon Rachel's little bottom was glowing a lovely deep pink, but still the women continued, their faces showing their attention as they worked to ensure the complete curve of the bottom was brought to a burning red. Rachel's squeals and cries had died too breathless weeping, her tired body succumbing to the women's positioning. The remorseless spanking continued, one hand, then the next, and each one bringing a start as fresh sparks shot into her spine. Otherwise, her whole bottom burnt, hot coals inescapably put into her rear by their spanking. Grinning, Lily turned her hand and brought another sharp slap down, her fingers now slapping the child's vaginal mouth and bringing a fresh, sharper start to her bent form. Emma grinned and did the same to then lick her lips as the weeping girl jumped and gasped. "What a dirty little tart!" Lily breathed, slapping at her little cunt with her fingers and watching the child jerk, then breathlessly gasp and shake. "Filthy little tart!" Emma agreed, her own fingers coming down to slap against that same little opening, brightening the soft flesh and bringing a gleam to it. Lily's turn, then Emma's again. Both women became increasingly familiar with the young girl and the slapping of her lower bottom so their fingers could graze her little cunt and bring it to stinging alertness. Soon their familiarity grew and their hands were landing fully on the little girls cunt, flattening her rounded vulva with the force of their slaps, wetting their palms as the squealing girl lost control of herself and peed down her legs, crying fitfully for her dead 'mummy'. Breathless with excitement more than exertion, the two women stopped and looked at their handiwork, licking their lips as they admired the blazing vulva sitting roundly beneath the glowing sphere's of her little bottom. Their attention turned back to Anne and the older girl cringed in fear, whimpering with the terrible thought that her cunt would now receive the same treatment. "Come here girl, and bring that cane with you!" she was told. Anne hurried to obey, falling to her knees in front of Mrs Weldon and begging sobbingly not to be beaten any more. "Shut up, or I will!" she was told. Anne whimpered and clung to the woman's skirts, shaking as she offered up the cane. "It's not for me girl. You are to use it," Anne was told as she was pulled to her feet. Mrs Weldon pointed to Rachel, still weeping and shuddering from her treatment and grinned as Anne went pale. "You are to give her six cuts. They had better be good ones girl, or we will begin again on your own bottom, and continue to do so until you get it right! Do you understand me girl?" she was asked. Anne swallowed and stared at her little friend's already burnished bottom, her rounded cunt now puffy and red, the tender flesh burning as brightly as her bottom. She nodded and was dragged into position behind her friend. "Make sure they're hard ones my girl, or else!" Emma threatened from one side. Anne sobbed silently for her little friend as she raised the cane and measured it against her bottom. There would be no fondling under the covers after this she thought. Rachel turned her head to look at her, her face stained with tears, and looked away as Anne raised the cane. "I'd not take too long if I were you, either," she was warned by Lilly. Biting her lip, Anne swept the cane downward, wincing as it struck a harsh blow over her friend's bottom already made tender by repeated spanking. She cringed still more as Rachel screamed and danced in agony, the skin rapidly rising along the line of it's landing. "Again," both women called, almost as one. While Rachel cried and madly begged forgiveness, Anne blinked the tears from her eyes and measured her friend's bottom for the next blow. The women watched in breathless excitement as Anne raised the cane, then brought it down in a sharp slicing motion that wickedly cut into Rachel's pert little bottom. It was delightful to watch, every single moment bringing new pleasures to them. Rachel was still crying, her begging lost in her uncontrollable wails while the cane rose again. Anne looked lovely, her body sculptured by titan as she held herself poised for a moment, her arm raised. The cane whistled. Anne's young body swung with the grace of a tennis player, and Rachel screeched afresh as it landed and brought a fresh welt to her marred bottom. Fresh urine spurted from her as she once more she lost control of herself. It gleamed on her slender young thighs while her little bottom rotated in an effort to dispel some of the pain. Knowing there would be no relief, Anne swung the fifth down, sobbing as she felt forced to doing it as hard as she could and shaking as Rachel shrieked and danced. Spots of blood now appeared on her little behind. "One more," she was reminded. Rachel was blubbering, half senseless and Anne was weeping at the terrible scoring she'd caused. Yet one more strike remained, and it had to be as fierce and unforgiving as the others. She swung blindly through her tears and felt the shock of it landing, then Rachel's terrible shriek as the pain engulfed her for yet a sixth time. "Yes that should do nicely," Emma murmured, her eyes fully on the little bottom in front of her, little pert cheeks reddened by a hard spanking, then scored by the firm application of the cane for six nicely spaced cuts. "I think I'll just sit on this one's little wet face for a little while," Lily murmured breathlessly, taking Rachel by her hair to pull her back from the chair. With Rachel still crying, Lily laid her on the ground, then quickly lifted her skirts about her knees to help her squat, firmly placing her crotch on the little girl's wet face where she could feel the child crying into her overheated cunt. "Oh yes!" she sighed, trembling as her first orgasm burst through her, holding herself as she waited for the next, and the next to claim her. Emma smiled without humour at Anne and moved on her. Weeping, Anne shook her head and moved cautiously backwards, begging to be let off. "Now, now," Emma threatened. "You don't want another caning, do you?" she asked the child. Anne wept, knowing there was no escape, and let herself be caught and pulled towards the nearby table. Visions of having her face sat upon like Rachel went through her mind, right up to the point when, having been pushed back onto the table, her legs were lifted and pulled urgently apart. Without warning, the woman's head was between her thighs, her thick and course tongue delving between her lips, turning aside her soft curls to draw her labia apart and slide along her slit. The sensations took her breath and, even more, transferred the urgent heat in her bottom from pain to pleasure. With a loud whimper, Anne found herself pushing he crotch upward into the woman's face, hating and loving her at the same time. With a sob caused by the intense pleasure spiralling up her belly, Anne ignored the possible repercussions and reached down to twist her fingers into the woman's hair, forcing her nose, mouth and chin into her young sex. A breathless cry escaped her as the huge tongue slid knowingly over her anus, then slid on to enter her cunt, dragging her thick wetness from her. Her feet found the table edge and levered her crotch upwards. Her hands pulled at the face with manic strength, willing it to take all the pain away by working harder on her cunt. Her pelvis jerked upwards of its own volition, up and down as if mounted by one of the boys and the tongue drove forward to slide across her clitoris. Anne's body strained with the powerful release of pleasure soaring through her skeleton. Head flung back, she keened with the monumental release, soaring high, the hands gripping her bottom only serving to extend her delight, on and on until, too exhausted to think, she collapsed on the table and fought for breath. |
Sorry for any typos. Just a reminder: Light of Hellfire has been published, and the updated version, Hellsteel, features all new characters, monsters, and themes, and has an overall much deeper storyline. You can find it on Amazon. I've also published stories from my previous account, The Man of Sin and My Dear Sweet Slave. Buy a copy today! Body Of A Man, Mind Of A Machine Chapter One: Somalia, one of the poorest and most chaotic countries in the world, sits at the Horn of Africa, when at one time it was a beacon of the worldwide shipping economy. It now suffers from an ongoing civil war, between the struggling government and the Islamist group Al-Shabaab. In the capital city of Mogadishu, piracy thrives in the chaos as people struggle to survive the violence and turmoil. In essence, it is perfect for someone with certain needs. A strange sound to be heard in this area, the hammering of nails and crying of drills, so similar to the calls of combat normally echoing through the ravaged streets. Outside of the city, houses are being built, nice ones, standing out like islands in a sea of squalor. A new plumbing and electrical system is installed, providing clean water and power to all the new homes, which strangely sit vacant. The men building these houses are not Somali, their varying skin tones and languages confirm it. They do not associate with anyone besides their coworkers. They simply build during the day, eat food that they brought with them, disappear at night, and then reappear the next day to continue their work. Nobody knows who hired them or whom these luxurious houses belong to. Now, movers are showing up with trucks full of furniture and appliances. People come out from the city to watch, wondering what in the world is going on. They are now surrounded by what looks like American suburbia. Today, a man approaches a local tavern with a metal briefcase in hand. His posture, his clothes, and his haircut give away his identity as the foreigner, at least to this city. He is a mercenary from Egypt, armed with a handgun and even some grenades hooked to his belt. He steps inside, momentarily pausing to acclimate himself to the smell of bad cigars and cheap booze. The dank bar is filled with men, openly carrying assault rifles and talking amongst themselves. Everyone here is a pirate and everyone here has killed before. The mercenary walks over to the counter, ignoring all the cautious stares he’s getting. He stands out too much to not raise alarm. Setting the briefcase on the counter, he turns to face everyone. “I’m looking for Mahmud Hussein,” he says, speaking Arabic. Nobody answers him, but everyone is preparing to grab their weapons should they need them. Annoyed, the mercenary draws one of his grenades, sending a shiver of terror through the room as he pulls the pin. He keeps the spoon pressed, preventing the bomb from going off, but should he release his grip, there will only be seconds to get away. A dozen men get their feat and shout at him to return the pin, pointing their AK-47 rifles at him. “I repeat: I am looking for Mahmud Hussein.” He eases his grip on the spoon, starting the countdown. “I’m the one you want.” The mercenary turns to the one man not pointing a weapon at him, sitting in the corner amongst his bodyguards. He seems amused by the situation, more curious than fearful. His target found, the mercenary returns the pin to the grenade and stows it, replacing it instead with a cellphone. Set to speakerphone, he dials in a number, walks over, and places it at Mahmud’s table. Without saying another word, the mercenary departs, leaving his briefcase on the counter. From the cellphone, a voice is heard, distorted by a modulator. “Hello Mr. Hussein, it’s nice to meet you.” The stranger’s voice has a slight accent, unavoidable to anyone who doesn’t speak Arabic as a first language, but the way he speaks was otherwise perfect. “Who is this?” Mahmud demands with everyone listening in. “My name isn’t important. Am I correct in claiming you are the one in charge here?” “That is right.” “Good, then my sources are accurate. Allow me to get to the point: I have a business proposition for you, all of you. Work for me and I’ll give you all a future beyond your wildest dreams.” Mahmud laughed at the offer. “And what would be we doing?” “Bringing stability and prosperity to Somalia. Unfortunately, the instability and volatility of your country stands in the way of my endeavors, so I’ll have to fix it, and you’re all going to help.” “This joke is wearing on my nerves.” “It’s not a joke. The man who approached you left a metal briefcase on the counter. Have one of your men open it.” All eyes turn to the briefcase, setting off alarms in everyone’s mind as to what could be inside. Enough C4 could be crammed into it to reduce the entire building to dust. They felt like it was staring back at them, daring them to make a move. “You honestly expect me to fall for that?” “If I wanted you dead, I would have leveled the building with all of you inside, and I could have done it with the push of a button. Might I add that that is still an option for me? The young man by the counter, Elijah, have him open it.” Standing closest to the suitcase, the emaciated nineteen-year-old looks like he was about to faint. “That’s right, I’m looking at all of you right now. You’re surrounded by eyes, many of which are behind sniper scopes. Open the case.” Having forgotten the last time he had felt such fear, Mahmud hesitates and then nods to Elijah. The young man slowly approaches the case and unfastens it, the unclasping of the locks sounding like gunshots to everyone in the room. He at last works up the courage to open the case and gives a sigh of relief when nothing happens. Everyone gives similar gasps, having expected to be wrapped in a thunderous fireball. “Boy, what’s in it?” Mahmud asks. “Keys, sir. It’s full of keys.” “My gift to all of you,” says the stranger. “Each key goes to one of the new houses that have been built. You can move your families into them whenever you want.” The men gaped in amazement looking at the keys set out for them. Was this really happening? This was too good to be true! “Why are you doing this?” Mahmud asks. “There is no reason for my subordinates to live in squalor. I need people to help me save this world and one of the first steps in ensuring that countries like yours are stable. You’re all just the start. Besides, the lives you’ll be living will set the standard for the new era.” “We’re just fishermen and pirates, we can’t fix this country!” “Well then let’s change that, shall we? There is another building being set up, I’m sure you’re all aware of it. It’s the large facility on the other side of town, a university I’ve opened. Tomorrow at 8:00 am, all of you show up there and you’ll be given a free education to help welcome you into the 21st century. I’ll even pay you to attend classes so that you can focus on studying rather than work. Until then, take your keys and show your families to their new homes. Your country is about to be rebuilt from the ground up.” On the other end of the line, Adrian turned off his phone, satisfied with the results, but without his face showing even a glimmer of joy. Stowing his phone, he got out of his car and made his way to the high school entrance. First period would start soon. His name was Adrian Ashford, eighteen years old and a high school Junior, but by no means was he like any of the other guys his age. With an IQ of 300, he was regarded as the smartest man alive, past, present, and possibly even future. The only reason why he attended public school was because students at gifted schools were too competitive and desperate to beat him. To him, they were little more than arrogant little lap dogs, nipping at his heels as if they were his equals. Since he was ten years old, he had always preferred to be left alone and his cold personality was proof of this desire. He saw no use in human socialization and found it to be a hindrance and did whatever could to avoid it. Love and friendship only got in the way of his goals and Adrian wanted neither of them. He had closed off his heart so that he wouldn’t feel lonely and mastered complete control of his hormones and physical desires so that he wouldn’t feel attraction or arousal. Having recently transferred in at the end of September, he already had a reputation. Most people at school couldn’t stand being around him, because his logic and focus on reality basically crushed all of their dreams and beliefs. He could scientifically explain why their religion is false, why the habits that they think help them actually serve no purpose, why their views go against logic and reason, and he can list all of the flaws in their arguments. When someone asked him how he could possibly develop the views he had, he replied by saying that he simply came to conclusions by looking at problems the way a machine would. This tendency to crush their human traits had earned him the nickname ‘Adroid’, since he was basically the closest thing they’d ever come to meeting a robot. The world knew him only for his record IQ and his groundbreaking inventions, but no one on Earth knew just what he was capable of and how powerful he was, intellectually, physically, and economically. “Hey, Adrian!” Clasping his hand as he reached the front doors, a girl seemingly appeared beside him out of thin air. Jenny Sinclair, her appearance meant nothing to his cold heart, but his opinion was of no concern in the unquestionable fact that she was exceptionally beautiful. She had a well-tanned complexion, bright blue eyes, and long blonde hair. It caught the light beautifully with a deep full golden shade. Her figure was… womanly, to say the least. Were he a normal teenager, Adrian would have gone into a stupor at the sensation of her hand touching his, but with his emotions and desires sealed away, her appearance meant nothing to him. She asked him questions as if he was an all-knowing magic 8-ball, but she always picked her questions carefully, because his harsh logic was like fire: it’s comforting if you keep a safe distance, but you’ll get burned if you come too close. She sought him out for guidance and wisdom, using his inhuman logic in a human world. She was a social goddess, a celebrity to the other students, so why, of all people, would she so much as say hello to someone like Adrian? If anything, he just considered her an annoyance. “So, Adrian, how about having lunch with my friends and I?” “Why in the world would I ever do that?” “Because you need to spend time with people. Think of it as like a social psychology experiment. You get an up close and personal view of how people interact.” “You’re just going to keep badgering me until I say yes, aren’t you?” “Not badgering you, encouraging you!” “Ugh, fine, whatever. Now leave me alone.” Most of Adrian’s day was spent on his phone, silently taking care of business while his teachers droned on. After all the books he had read, there was nothing they could tell him that he didn’t already know. He had mastered all academic subjects years ago. The people he was texting weren’t friends; they were subordinates. What was going on in Somalia was nothing out of the ordinary for Adrian. He was in the process or reformatting dozens of countries around the globe, with his oldest factions boasting thousands of members. There were also several other people, subordinates in charge not of countries, but corporations. Whether it was taking over companies or starting them himself, Adrian had used his intellect to build up a corporate empire, one that the world knew nothing about, and the profits from these companies funded his endeavors. There was something new being muttered by the students in the halls, something that almost seemed to scare them. Normally ignoring everything around him, Adrian began to get curious. For once, he was glad that Jenny trailed behind him at every chance. “Jenny, do you know what is going on? I’m only picking up small pieces of the story.” “A bully named Logan is coming back from suspension. He was almost kicked out of school on the first day because he and his friends slashed the tires of all the teachers’ cars and set off fireworks in the halls.” “Oh great, just what this school needs.” “Well you’ll get to meet him, we have the same English class for fourth period.” “Huzzah,” Adrian groaned sarcastically. “So you’re the new kid,” Logan mused. He was six feet tall, had short blond hair, a sadistic look in his eyes, and he was dressed like a cliché bad boy from an 80’s movie. Jenny was sitting in the back of the classroom with her friends, watching him. “No, I’m just a figment of your imagination. As the kids would say, you are ‘totally tripping balls’ right now. Is that the answer you were looking for?” Adrian asked sarcastically. “Very funny, prick, very funny. You must have been the funniest guy in the mental hospital.” Adrian just rolled his eyes and sighed. The teacher had yet to show up, and until he did, Logan saw no reason to stop. Everyone was watching as if this was a sporting event. “So fag, how do you like the new school? I bet a scrawny little bitch like you fell apart on the first day.” “Your sense of assumption is far from correct,” Adrian said as stood up. “Well you’ll find that my aim is better!” Logan laughed as he reached out to punch him. With little effort but lightning-fast reflexes, Adrian blocked his fist with the back of his hand, completely halting his attack. “Who the fuck are you?” Logan hissed, pushing as hard as he could, but finding Adrian’s arm to be as strong as steel. “I already told you, I’m a figment of your imagination.” Without warning or hesitation, Adrian bolted forward and stabbed him with his hand, straight in the solar plexus. The attack had been so fast that Logan didn’t even feel the impact, but the pain was so intense, that just a fraction of a second later he couldn’t even scream. Adrian had stabbed with his fingers folded halfway and his hand between a fist and being completely flat. Had his fingers been straight, Adrian could have pierced his skin, with his whole hand coated in blood and a gaping hole left in Logan’s chest. Adrian pulled his hand back and Logan fell to the floor, gagging in pain and gripping the place Adrian had stabbed him. “Before your talk to me again, you had better learn respect, for I will not tolerate such insulting behavior. You are nothing more than a misbehaving dog that needs an attitude adjustment, and I will continue to treat you like one if you continue to act like one. Do I make myself clear, or am I going to have to put you in your place?” Everyone was staring at him with disbelief as Logan slowly got to his feet, chuckling like a serial killer. “Go fuck yourself. You’re no better than the rest of us, no matter how much you want to be.” “I’m not saying everyone is below me; I’m saying that you are below everyone. Like I said, you are nothing more than a misbehaving dog that needs an attitude adjustment. A pathetic sub-human like you deserves to be treated as such. You had better learn respect, because I won’t be as merciful next time.” “You condescending son of a—” “Sorry I’m late, everyone take out your textbooks,” the English teacher said as he stepped into the room, cutting Logan off. He immediately knew something had just being going on. “Logan… Adrian… what were the two of you just doing?” he asked, waiting for a reason to start handing out detentions. “Nothing sir,” Adrian said as he brushed his messy black hair out of his face. “Since you weren’t here, I thought it would be entertaining if I gave the lesson until you arrived. As you can see, everyone in class found the subject very interesting. I can only hope that Logan was paying attention and learned his lesson.” Logan began to laugh with a psychotic smile on his face. “Oh, I definitely learned something. And maybe soon, I’ll be able to teach you something.” “It seems you’ve already forgotten the lesson,” Adrian replied as he sat back down. “Everyone sit down and take out your textbooks,” the teacher ordered. As Logan moved towards an empty seat, he came to a stop in front of Jenny’s desk. All of her friends clustered around her, as if trying to scare Logan off. He was unfazed by their attempt. “Hey Sinclair, I missed you while I was gone. Or to be exact, I missed you every night.” Jenny blushed with anger. “Why can’t you just leave me alone? I hate you and the only time I’ve ever came into contact with you was to slap you. I don’t like you and I never will.” “Your mouth says “no, no”, but that very lovely cleavage of yours says “yes, oh yes”.” Jenny instinctively tightened her shirt and she and all her friends glared at him. “Logan, sit down or you’ll be drowning in detentions,” the teacher warned. Logan just laughed and sat down at an empty desk. Adrian turned back to Jenny and their gazes met. As she looked into his eyes, the anger and frustration in her own was replaced by calmness and comfort. She even gave him a dreamy smile. “So what’s that guy’s problem?” Adrian asked as he made his way to his next class. “He’s just always been a total asshole. Even as a Senior, he hasn’t matured at all. He throws a temper tantrum whenever someone tries to tell him what to do and he loves to torment everyone around him. He’s like a magnet for all the delinquents in the school. He and all his friends are part of a gang that hangs out in a warehouse in the city and everyone knows that he sells drugs. There is also a “rumor” that he raped a girl at a party, but the girl was so devastated and traumatized that she moved away without even testifying against him.” “And what’s his problem with you?” “He’s after all the pretty girls, but he taunts me the most, ever since middle school. I’ve always been terrified of yelling at him to leave him alone, then when I turn me back and walk away, he comes up behind me and covers my face with a chloroform rag, and then… you can imagine. Everyone knows he raped that poor girl, and I don’t want to end up as his next victim.” Adrian gave no reply. Her scowl then turned into a small smile. “But it was really great seeing you stand up to him like that, and even knock him to the ground. It was like seeing a tyrant being overthrown. I had never seen someone verbally assault another person like that, was that some sort of strategy?” “Yes, it’s an argument tactic that I use when my opponent refuses to be logical and just wants to cause harm. I attack the source of their pride: the delusion they have they are equal or better than other people. I subjugate and crush their view of themselves by saying that they are inferior sub-humans and should be treated as such. Calling someone a monster or a parasite does nothing, but treating him or her like one is like a dagger to the heart. If Logan tried to get into another fight with me, I could weaken his mental foundations by referring to him as “it” or saying something like “I can’t believe things like you are allowed to vote”. That way, I can take away his power as an individual person and psychologically crush him like the cockroach that he is.” Jenny’s smile was again filled with admiration. “Adrian, can I ask you a favor?” She asked, going from happy to nervous. “What is it?” “Will you protect me from him? If he comes after me, will you stop him?” “If you stay by my side, I will.” Lunch had arrived, and Adrian was sitting at a large round table in the middle of the school cafeteria. Jenny's friends paid no attention to him, and Adrian just sat back and ate his lunch. Normally they would have refused having someone like him, but after his encounter with Logan, he had gained a temporary hero status. The girl were gossiping about the boys they were dating, and as he listened to them, a question began to form in his mind, one that he couldn't help but ask, due to the situation. "Can I ask you all a question? I’m hoping that you can give me the answer that I can't find on his own." There was an awkward silence for a few seconds. "Sure, what is it?" Jenny’s friend Amanda asked. "What is the purpose of your relationships?" There was another awkward silence as everyone tried to figure out the meaning of the question. "What do you mean?" Jenny asked. "What is the purpose of the relationships you have through dating? I don't understand why you bother." "We do it... to find someone to love," one of Jenny's friends said, trying to pick her words carefully. "But what comes out of it? Say you find someone that you actually do love; do you have any idea how high the chances are that you will break up? It's practically inevitable." "No it's not," another girl piped up. "Yes it is. Statistically speaking, one of the greatest cause of all divorces is because the man and woman had been dating since high school or college and got married in their twenties or even their teens. Being in your teens is a death sentence to any relationship, and marriage isn’t the long shot, life is. Do you really think your relationship can last throughout the rest of high school, your college years, and your twenties? Basically, if you've lasted until college, unless you both go to the same universities, that relationship is more doomed than it already is. Even if you say to yourself that your relationship is "special", and you and your partner will maintain your romantic bond for the rest of your lives, you have to realize that every single couple that failed thought the same thing. What makes you think that your relationships are any different than all of the others? Why do you enter relationships when failure is practically unavoidable, especially at such young ages?" There was yet another awkward silence. "We do it... for the memories? For the enjoyment? For practice?" one girl shrugged, telling herself more than she was asking him. All around the table, all of the girls were being affected by his words, and were beginning to contemplate the value and point of being in a relationship. "What kind of answer is practice? How would you like it if you were dating someone and they just said that you were practice to them? How would you like it if we were dating and I told you that I’m just using you as practice for when someone better than you comes along? But if everyone considers their teenage relationships to be practice, then that must mean that all teenagers know that they are nothing but practice, and are in denial. If you weren’t in denial, then why would you put any emotional effort into a relationship if you know that you both consider the other one to be practice for a more meaningful relationship later, and it will inevitably fail? And what memories? What enjoyment? Relationships in this part of your lives are nothing but emotionally strenuous bonds with the illusion of something new and exciting. Your minds aren't fully developed and stabilized, making it so that hormones and the fear of being alone cause your feelings towards the other person. The whole time you're with them, your instincts and hormones are making you look at other people the way you originally looked at your partner. This wandering gaze causes you to devalue your relationship, because you convince yourselves that your heart is telling you that you aren't where you are meant to be, when really, its because your hormones are telling you to be with other people. Eventually your relationship—which had briefly burned with such passion—will be nothing but ash, as you both try to hide your contempt for each other out of the fear of being alone. Soon, your doomed relationship shatters, and you are left emotionally barren and exhausted. And during the time it takes to recuperate from the emotional strain, you look back at that relationship and curse yourself for wasting all of that effort on something so insipid as a high school romance. The trial leaves you with more emotional strain than happy memories, and your youth is wasted while your heart and mind heal, only for you to repeat the process with someone else. Even without knowing the statistics, you must surely know what I am talking about, and have experienced it first hand." All around the table, the girls' eyes gained a sad grayish hue and their complexions became pale as sorrow lined their faces. The impact of his words had broken their illusion of reality. Jenny’s eyes showed the most pain. "But what about you? What would you seek in a relationship?" a girl asked. "I do not want to be in a relationship." Just before she could ask, Adrian answered her. "You assume that like all other teenage boys, I only desire sex, which is the largest reason why males enter relationships. Even after all I have said, your experience with boys tells you that I am just a horny fool looking for someone to screw. At eighteen years of age, when my anatomy is supposed to be saturated with hormones, I have learned ultimate self-control. I have severed logical thought from sexual desire, as sexual desire serves no beneficial purpose outside of reproduction, which has no place at this stage in his life. It is illogical. There was a time when I might have wanted a relationship, but I have cast off the desire. A relationship is too dangerous for me anyway." His words shook all of the girls from their dread-dazes, and they stared at him with disbelief. “Dangerous?” Jenny asked. "Intimate and romantic relationships require effort and compromise, and even if you desire not to change, your identity subconsciously conforms. This is something I cannot allow. Since basically all relationships in your teens and early twenties are pointless, sex is nothing but a hollow act of perversion, compromising the purity of your identity as you give away a piece of your soul for a doomed romance. Our species is so desperate for love at such young ages that we compromise our identities without any consideration of the future. By accepting my limitations, studying the facts of reality, gaining control of physical desire, and embracing my urge to have solitude, I have achieved enlightenment and come to accept and embrace the fact that I am going to die alone. So I ask again: After everything I have just told you, what purpose do you find in relationships?" No reply came. Everyone had the same look of sorrow as before and Jenny was clutching herself and shaking. Adrian gave low sigh and stood up with his back to them. “What I just showed you were my last few strands of humanity from back before I cast my humanity aside. I am glad they are gone, as they serve no purpose in a rational mind.” He stood up to leave, and after taking only a few steps, Adrian stopped as he heard one of the girls jump to her feet. It was Amanda. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! What could have possibly twisted you into such a cold bastard? Just because something doesn’t help you in the long run doesn’t make it pointless. Some of the smallest things make people the happiest.” He turned to her and gave a small quick sigh, almost like a chuckle. “Tch, how illogical,” he scoffed before walking away. As time went on, Logan continuously harassed Jenny and Adrian. When he wasn’t trying to grab her or making lewd comments, he was trying to make Adrian angry and insult him. His attempts to bait him into an argument where he would become angry or frustrated were completely futile, for trying to rile him was like trying to get blood from stone. When her schedule allowed it, Jenny stayed with Adrian even more often then before, afraid of Logan showing up but comforted to have Adrian with her. Whenever Logan did make an appearance and try to force himself on Jenny, Adrian would step forward and protect her, scaring him off like he was a hyena. It was mid October and Amanda was hanging out with Jenny in her bedroom. She was happy she was finally able to spend time with her friend, for Jenny had been spending almost every minute with him since they met. As always, she was trying to convince Jenny to stop hanging out with him. “Will you stop it already? I already told you that I like him and that you can’t change it,” Jenny said with frustration from how Amanda resembled a broken record. “But does he like you? He said that he doesn’t want a friend or even a girlfriend. He even took control of his hormones and physical desires—which I still think is impossible and that he’s lying to you—so that he wouldn’t be attracted to girls and distracted from whatever the hell he’s doing. Jenny, you’re gorgeous, you’re so gorgeous that all the girls are jealous of you. But when it comes to Adrian… it would be easier for you to seduce a gay guy. At least a gay guy has feelings. Seriously, this guy isn’t heterosexual, bisexual, or a homosexual; he’s anti-sexual.” Jenny just held a confident smile. “Not for long, we’ll start swimming in gym this week and I have a new bathing suit to show off.” “Trust me babe, unless you got that bathing suit for a wardrobe malfunction, I doubt that will work.” Next to the gymnasium was a building holding the school pool and all of the students were sitting on bleachers along one side of the room. Among them was Jenny, constantly shifting in her seat and biting her lip. Her new one-piece bathing suit was clinging to her curved frame, exposing almost as much of her body as if she were wearing a bikini. All of the boys in the class kept on staring at her from the corners of their eyes. Adrian was sitting in the boy’s locker room, mentally preparing himself for what would happen next. He had shown up after everyone had already changed and now everyone was waiting for him to come out so that the class could begin. Like all the other boys, he was wearing a pair of swim trunks. “Come on, Adroid! Get out here!” the gym teacher barked. Adrian took a deep breath and walked out of the locker room. The second Adrian was in sight, Jenny shifted again, trying to find a sexy pose. “Oh Jenny, do you want to borrow some high heels?” Amanda teased. Jenny just elbowed her in the ribs and tried to regain her composure as Adrian approached. As he got closer, everyone’s eyes widened and they covered their mouths to hide their gasps of disbelief. The gym teacher took off his sunglasses, hoping that they were causing the sight before him. “Holy shit,” he muttered. Jenny stared at him with her mouth hanging open, almost on the verge of tears. “Oh my god.” Adrian’s legs, arms, chest, and back were all covered in burn marks, scars, and permanent bruises, all ranging in different sizes. The most recent ones were only a few weeks old. With all the scars and healed injuries, his whole body looked like the skin on a carpenter’s palm. Even from across the room, the healed injuries were as clear as day. Adrian was much more muscular than anyone expected, like a young bodybuilder, but even with his physique, it was difficult to see his muscles beneath all of the scars and injuries. Adrian ignored the stares and gasps as he walked past everyone. He took a seat on the bleachers and looked at Jenny. Her whole body was shaking as a single tear rolled down her cheek. “Adrian, wait!” he heard Jenny holler as he climbed into his car. Behind her, students were climbing onto buses and walking out to their own cars. Adrian lowered the window while she approached. Reaching him, she gripped the window frame of the door so tightly that her knuckles were white. Adrian looked at her face and realized that she had been crying. “Adrian, I’m begging you, please talk to me,” she whispered. “You want to know, don’t you?” In reply, she reached into the car and grasped his hands. “Very well, come with me.” Jenny nodded and rushed to the other side of the car, climbing into the passenger seat. Adrian pulled out of the school parking lot and began driving, with he and Jenny stone silent. After ten minutes, they arrived at his house, having not spoken a single word. “Follow me,” Adrian said as he grabbed his backpack and climbed out of the car. He led Jenny to the back of the house, where the basement exit resided. He opened up the double doors and they stepped down into the darkness. Adrian turned on the lights and Jenny gasped as she realized where she was. The house had been built with a finished basement with its own bathroom, and the whole level was his. One half of the room was filled with power tools and machinery for metalwork. Along one of the walls was his workbench, covered with his hand-tools for when he needed to work with wood. Adrian used the tools for building and inventing new machines of all shapes and sizes, all of which covered tables spread throughout the half of the room. The other half of the basement was his bedroom. Against the wall was a large bed with a nearby TV, set up on a mini-fridge. There were several bookcases, all filled with textbooks and almanacs on everything from surgery to engineering and each page was recorded to memory. In the corner of the basement was the bathroom door and steps leading up to a second exit. The walls of the whole room were not covered in pictures or posters, but pieces of hardware from dismantled electronics. Hundreds of circuit boards and screens had been tied together and hung across the walls, creating a wallpaper of metallic green. They were used for both decoration and spare parts to cannibalize for his work. There were also many pieces of exercise equipment spread throughout the basement. Adrian put down his backpack beside his bed, took off his coat, and removed his button-down shirt and the t-shirt underneath. Jenny slowly stepped up to him and put her hands on his chest, looking at the scars and injuries that covered his body. She tried to fight back tears as she examined them with the fluorescent lights above. “I did all of this to myself, every scar and injury.” Jenny stared into his eyes. “Why? Why would you do this to yourself?” “Because that is the cost of power. This is what I had to do to become the man I am today.” “What do you mean?” Jenny asked, wiping away her tears. Adrian took her hand and they sat down on his bed. “I was not always like this; I used to be a regular boy. I had fun and was emotional like all children, but when I was ten years old, I was in a lethal car accident. EMTs struggled to keep me alive, but my will to live was not powerful enough. My heart stopped and my body shut down. I was legally dead for almost three minutes before they were able to stabilize me on a heart/lung machine. I don’t know how long I was in that coma, but after my body recovered, I was declared brain dead because my heart and lungs would not work on their own. It’s a good thing my parents decided to wait to see if my condition would improve, because that saved my life. Time passed, but my condition didn’t. One night, a gas mane within the hospital exploded and the whole building was set ablaze. Firefighters and the hospital staff worked desperately to evacuate the patients, but they themselves had to flee before I could be rescued. They believed me to already be dead and the building was too unstable to send in any more people. But in that massive funeral pyre, I was far from dead. I was more alive than I had ever been before. When my bypass machine shut down from the loss of power, my mind reactivated and my body began to work again. I remember the intense heat lashing at my skin and the thick smoke filling my lungs as I opened his eyes, finally awake. I stepped out of bed in an enlightened state that I had never experienced before. I could see the flames moving in slow motion, I could smell and taste the individual chemicals and ingredients in the smoke, I could feel the rumbling of the building and the creases between the floor tiles beneath my feet, and I could hear my own heart beating and blood rushing through my veins. You know those stories about people being brought back to life minutes after death, about seeing a bright light and often returning to the world with an ability or talent they had never possessed? I had done the same thing, but on a much greater scale. When their minds entered the precipice between life and death, the barriers that stood before total neural awakening are brought down, and they are able to reach out and expand the parameters of their mind before coming back. However, I remained in that state for much longer. I was neither living nor dead for months on end, and because of that, I was able to unlock the potential that had been forgotten by our species. With the building around me breaking apart in a fiery cataclysm, I walked down the halls, completely at peace. Rubble and shrapnel were flying in all directions, but I was able to avoid them as if they were floating bubbles, and I could tell when the flames were going to erupt through a door or a floor just by feeling the pressure changes in the air. By rewiring my entire mind, I gained full mastery of my senses, and was able to sense more than humans had ever dreamed. At last, I stepped out of the flames and into the rain. I stood as still as a statue, letting the water cool my body and wash away the soot and ash. Never in my life had I felt so awake, so alive, so… enlightened. All of my senses were working at unbelievable magnitudes and my entire mind was surging with energy and ideas. On the day of the car crash, the old Adrian died, but from death, a new Adrian was born. I stared into the shadows of death and stole something from the darkness. I stole power, and that power was rushing through me as I walked out of the building and stood in the rain, reborn into an ascended being. I was seeing behind a curtain that no one even knew existed, but I knew that there was more. I was desperate to take this euphoria farther, to bring myself to the limits of my existence and shatter those limits. Ever since then, I have been working myself to go farther in every way possible.” “But these scars and burns… why would you do these things to yourself?” Jenny whispered as tears fell from her eyes. Adrian stood back up and turned to her. “I did it for the pain. For six years, I’ve been testing my mind and body to try and break every known barrier, and the greatest barrier humans face is the barrier of pain. Pain is both a curse and a blessing; the more pain we feel, the stronger we become, but pain is also the barrier that keeps us from getting stronger. Many of the greatest leaders and prophets only gained their wisdom and experience through great suffering at some point in their lives, for it is pain that lets us see through the curtain of unnecessary distractions and become truly wise. I’ve cut, burned, and battered my body both to harness the benefits of pain and become immune to it. Pain forces the mind to focus and set priorities, it clears away all useless thoughts and can allow humans to work at their peak when used correctly. But by also learning to block out pain, I have learned to use this body at its maximum potential, allowing me to push onwards until the laws of anatomy force me to stop, and not just an illusion of the senses. By combining enlightenment, pain, and physical mastery, I have ascended to the form that mankind was originally meant to reach. I will do anything to break free of the weaknesses of this body and mind. I have already forsaken companionship, emotions, physical desires, and everything else that makes me human. These scars and injuries are nothing more than superficial markings, having no real affect on my body, and therefore are unimportant. I need to be sure that my mind and body are ready… for the day when I can truly make my move.” Jenny averted her gaze and looked down at the floor, letting her tears fall. In an act truly against his character, Adrian crouched down placed his hand on her cheek, wiping away her tears. “Do not cry for me, Jenny. This is what I want.” Jenny gained a sad smile and pressed his hand tighter against her cheek. “I’m not crying from sadness, I’m crying from joy. This is what I’ve wanted since I first met you: I’ve wanted you to open up to me. I’ve wanted to find out everything I can about you. Thank you, Adrian. Thank you for trusting me.” They both stood up and Adrian put his shirt back on. “Come on, I’ll drive you home.” It was Friday, and Adrian was getting his textbook for the last class. He closed his locker door and turned around, standing face to face with Jenny. She was wearing a black miniskirt that wrapped tightly around her tan thighs, a white tank top that exposed her cleavage, high-healed boots, and a large belt that went around her stomach instead of her waist. She had her hands behind her back, and was constantly shifting her weight and biting her lip. “Adrian, I know that this isn’t really your thing… but you know that the Autumn Dance is this weekend, right?” “Yes,” he said, like the beat of a drum. “Well I would really like to go, but I have no one to go with. Would you like to go with me, as friends?” “I would prefer not to.” “Please? I really don’t want to go with just my girlfriends,” she pleaded, giving him the Bambi eyes. Adrian gave a very loud and annoyed sigh. “Very well.” The dance was just as Adrian expected it to be; the gymnasium was dark, the music was trashy, and the people were degenerates. The chaperones weren’t really paying attention, so as long as the room was dark, people could basically do whatever they wanted. On the gym floor, people were grinding against each other as if they were in the first stages of an orgy. Along the walls, guys were drinking from a whiskey bottle hidden in one of the flower bouquets being sold outside. In one of the corners, a couple were making out. The girl pulled down the straps of her dress, revealing her tits, which were round and full for her age. She gave a silent moan as her boyfriend started sucking her on her nipples. “Perverted fools,” Adrian muttered. He was sitting at a table in the corner, trying to keep his temper in check as he watched the endless parade of degeneration. Jenny was with a group of her friends, who were constantly looking at him in disbelief, amazed that she was able to convince him to show up. She walked over to him and sat down on the other side of the table. “Why don’t you go dance?” “Do you honestly expect me to?” Several moments passed by, with the only sound being Jenny drumming her fingers on the table and the music in the background. “Adrian, there is something that you said a while back that I didn’t quite understand. It was when you were eating lunch with my friends and I, and you said that you couldn’t let your mind be compromised by others. I’ve never heard anyone say something like that.” “When two people interact romantically and/or sexually, they trade parts of their identity. It’s like that health class saying, ‘When you have sex with someone, you’re having sex with everyone they’ve had sex with.’ Though it also works at the emotional level. When two people kiss or have sex, they forever carry a part of each other. Those with impure identities don’t realize how important their identities are, and they give their bodies without hesitation. All the guys my age hate their virginity, but I value it, because it symbolizes my intact identity and my morality.” “So it’s sort of like celibacy to a priest.” “Not exactly. They are abstinent for God but I am abstinent for myself and for the preservation of my morals and identity. Even after you lose your virginity, your identity can be further corrupted through romantic contact with other people.” He looked around for a few seconds and pointed to the couple standing in the dark corner. The girl had her knee lifted, letting her boyfriend finger-bang her. The dim lighting of the dark gymnasium just barely reflected off the pussy juice that coated his fingers. Their lack of self-control and decency disgusted him. “See that couple right there? Neither of them has any sexual ethics left, because they’ve both had countless sexual and romantic partners. They each give each other their physical forms without hesitation, and for the wrong reasons. As I grew older, I became more logical and noticed the inevitable failure of young relationships. I looked up relationship statistics and found that an incredibly vast number of marriages that start before you’re both in your thirties are doomed to fail. I realized that even if I were find someone I had romantic feelings for, my relationship with her would inevitably fail and would have been a waste of time and compromised who I am. If I waited until I was old enough to have a chance at a lifetime relationship with someone, they would have already compromised their identities. I shut the door for any future romance and turned my attention on myself, working to eliminate useless desires and find peace in solitude. Those realizations made me the man I am today.” Jenny stared silently, until the sound of a slow song make her perk up like a cat spotting movement. “I know you said that you don’t dance, but do you think that…” Adrian was silent for a few moments. “As you wish.” They walked out onto the gym floor, where all of the couples were slow dancing. With Jenny’s hands on his shoulders and his hands on her hips, they began to dance. Jenny had a warm smile as the song progressed. “What are you, Adrian?” “What do you mean?” “You are far too logical to be human, but you have too much heart to be a machine. You think that rejecting other people makes you a machine, but it’s your fear of relationships that shows that you still care. Ever since I met you, I’ve tried to figure out just what you are, but every time you speak, I’m more confused than ever.” “I am just a man who is wiser than most others, even those that are older than himself. I am merely what others should be.” Jenny chuckled. “It is people like you who have the power to change the world. People like Jesus and Gandhi always start out this way.” Adrian was hesitate before speaking, feeling like he needed to say something. “You look beautiful tonight.” She gave a soft laugh. “That is probably the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. You know, to be honest, I wouldn’t have dressed up this much if I went with anyone but you.” Adrian was again silent as she slowly placed her hand on his cheek. “I think… I’m ready to go home,” she murmured. The car came to a halt in front of Jenny’s house. True to what her mom said, the lights were out and one of her parents’ cars was gone. Jenny said that they had gone out with friends and wouldn’t be back for a few hours. Adrian and Jenny stepped outside and he walked her to the door, the two of them rushing to escape the cold. “Goodbye,” he said without emotion once they came to a stop on the porch. “Adrian, wait, there is something I really need to talk to you about. Can we please talk inside?” “Very well,” he said, prompting her to unlock the door. They stepped into the dark house and she grasped his hand. “Come with me,” she whispered in the darkness as she led him upstairs. The stairs were layered with shag carpeting, muffling their footsteps so that the only sound was the swishing of Jenny’s dress. Pictures of family and friends were spread out across the wall along the staircase, allowing Adrian a brief view into Jenny’s life and history. They reached the second story and neither of them spoke as he followed her to her bedroom. Jenny closed the door and then walked to the other end of the room, not saying anything and keeping her back to him. The room was dimly lit by the streetlamp outside. Adrian looked around the room, using the low light to study the surroundings that had created the woman before him. Against the wall next to the door was a desk with a mirror. The surface was covered in schoolwork and makeup, with the drawers below half-open. There were two windows perpendicular with the door, and between them was a white bureau, filled with clothes and acting as the pedestal for Jenny’s athletic trophies. In the opposite corner of the room from the desk was a bedside table, and next to it was a twin bed, in line with the door. Between the door and the bed was Jenny’s closet. Hanging from the ceiling was a fan and covering the walls were more pictures of friends and family. “What did you want to talk about?” Adrian asked as his eyes lazily drifted from corner to corner. Jenny turned to him and her eyes seemed to glow in the faint darkness. She slowly reached up and brushed the straps of her dress off her shoulders. She pulled it all the way off, letting it fall down to her ankles and showing that she was wearing nothing underneath. With Jenny standing naked before him, Adrian struggled to find something to say. Even without physical desire clouding his mind, he would be lying if he said that she didn’t have a beautiful body. Jenny’s eyes were filled with fear and nervousness. “Adrian… I love you.” He could see a shiver run through her body once the words were whispered, and the relief on her face from finally speaking the words almost made her glow. “What?” he asked, her words having shaken him to his core. “I love you, Adrian. I decided that I want to lose my virginity, and you are the one I want to give it to.” Without saying a word, Adrian turned around and grasped the door handle. Jenny rushed over and put her hands on his shoulders. “Adrian, please wait.” “Why? You can only offer physical gratification, something that I have no need for. I have no reason to be here,” he said with as much feeling as a computer. “Please, don’t stay here for yourself, do it for me. I want to give myself to you.” “Why in the world would you want that? Have you listened to nothing I have said?” She stepped back and Adrian took his hand off of the doorknob. “Let me tell you what would happen if we were to be intimate: It would be a mediocre experience compared to what you expect it to be and we would both contaminate our identities. We have no chance of forming or even sustaining a relationship, and even if we did form one, it would inevitably fail. Once that happens, any positive feelings we have for each other will be reduced to loathing and all memories will bring nothing but pain. I would hate myself because I would have doomed my path to transcending the human plain by compromising my ideals and morals and sabotaging my clear-headedness. You would hate yourself because you would realize that you would have given your purity and innocence to someone that didn’t deserve it, and you would have nothing to give if you met someone else. Your heart would be broken and your soul tainted, and I would be a hollow shell, unable to find joy in this human world but unable to break free of it. We would both walk through this world as impure beings, forever regretting the mistake we made and hating the curse of youth. If we were to be intimate, there would be no love and happiness afterwards, just pain and loathing. That is the curse of the human race and I have worked hard to make sure that I don’t endure that same empty fate. If you have any respect for yourself, you will get some self-control and wait for someone who is actually capable of sharing your feelings.” Jenny’s eyes darkened and she clutched herself as if his words had struck her naked form like a frigid breeze. A single tear rolled down her cheek. “I don’t care about that, I don’t care what happens afterwards. Adrian, when we were dancing and I told you that you had the power to change the world, I meant that you had changed mine. You may not feel the same way about me, but I love you and I just want to be with you in any way that I can.” “Tch, how illogical,” Adrian scoffed. Jenny walked over and placed her hand on his cheek. “Please, if you care about me at all, you’ll stay. As much as you try to run from it, you are human. I’m not telling you to be like everyone else, no. Your uniqueness is what I love most about you. I’m just asking you to open your heart and accept me. I don’t care if you don’t love me, just please let me show you how much I love you. You don’t have to give me anything, just let me give myself to you.” “How could I even consider touching you, knowing that you had probably touched someone else before me? Even if you are a virgin, if we were to kiss, your mind would flash back to whoever you dated before me.” “Adrian, I’ve never been with any other boys. I’ve never even dated or kissed anyone. For as long as I’ve known what love is, I’ve been looking for someone to share it with. But I haven’t just been going out with any guy I find attractive; I’ve been looking for someone like you. I told myself that I would only give my heart to a man that completely amazed me. Ever since our first class together, I’ve admired and been astounded by everything about you: what you say, what you do, what you think, and who you are! Adrian, you told me that you wanted to be more than a regular human. Through my eyes, you are already more than a regular human, and that is why I idolize and love you.” Adrian stepped away from her and looked out the window. His mind was tearing itself apart, trying to figure out what to do. As much as he wanted to leave and forget about Jenny, something in his mind had bound him to her, and he could break that bond between them no easier than a steel chain locking them together. It was over a minute before he spoke. “I can’t let myself get distracted. I can’t let anyone get in the way of my goals. If we do this, Jenny, I will erase the memory of it and this whole night. There won’t be any part of me that was intimate with you. You will never be the same, but this night will have never even existed for me.” Jenny took a deep breath. “Does this mean you’ll…?” “Yes, if that is what will finally put you at ease. This night will not exist for me, but you will be unable to take back what happens. You said that you don’t care if I don’t love you. You just want to show how much you love me. Do you really want to waste your heart and virginity on someone who won’t even remember it?” “With you, it will not be a waste,” she whispered with a small smile. She walked over to Adrian as he undressed and gently grasped his hand, then guided him to the bed. She walked over to Adrian as he undressed and gently grasped his hand, then guided him to the bed. They sat down and Jenny put her hand on his cheek, looking deep into his eyes. “Is something wrong?” she asked. “I’m just unsure of how to proceed. I only know the standard mechanics of intimacy but no actual protocol.” Jenny gave the smallest of laughs. “Don’t worry, I’ll guide you.” With her hands on his cheeks, she leaned forward and pressed her soft lips against his, as gently as a falling leaf. They held that kiss for a few moments, each becoming familiar with the practice. They kissed again, mirroring each other’s movements. For several minutes, their lips joined and separated over and over again, and Adrian had to admit that it felt better then he thought it would. Not only was the physical enjoyment far beyond what he expected it to be, but there was another form of pleasure that he was experiencing, one that wasn’t coming from any nerve endings. Adrian mentally searched his body, trying to find where the feeling was coming from, but he couldn’t identify the source. As the kiss continued, he could smell the hormones in the air as Jenny’s levels of arousal skyrocketed. She moved her hands from his cheeks to his shoulders, using her soft fingers to find and count the endless scars that pocked his arms and chest. Replicating her actions, Adrian explored her body with his hands, finding comfort in the warmth and softness of her skin. This was a very peculiar experience, and this desire to find the answer to the nature of this puzzling feeling felt almost at good as the feeling itself. Adrian could feel memories of each action being imprinted in his mind in the form of experience, he was learning. He wanted this feeling to continue, he wanted to keep learning. This lack of knowledge exhilarated him, having finally found an unexplored area of study. It gave him something to strive for, something to work to understand, something to be challenged by. He had studied every field of knowledge from mechanics to astronomy to the languages of the world, but this was something he truly had no experience in. He was facing the most obvious and yet most intricate subject of them all: the essence of a sexual bond. Jenny’s body was like a piece of art from a culture he had never even known existed, and he wanted to examine it as such. He wanted to find out everything he could, he wanted to learn the things that he had always dismissed, and he wanted to finally find something that would require every aspect of his mind to understand, a true challenge to enjoy. With his arm around her, Adrian gently laid her down and resumed kissing her. As they kissed, his logical side fully gave up and his emotional and hormonal sides took full control. He was becoming more involved and enjoying it more than he thought he would. He already had an erection that was as hard as a rock and seven inches long and was exploring her body with his hands while using his left arm to stay suspended. Her breasts were round and soft, but had the perfect amount of firmness. Her areolas were the size of quarters, with nipples like pencil erasers. She moaned and hummed with each squeeze as he massaged every inch, using every muscle in his hand as if he were controlling the strings of a puppet. He moved his hand down, with his fingertips brushing against her slim belly. He could feel his heart-rate skyrocket as he reached her pubes, which had obviously been trimmed. She had been planning for this. He placed his index and middle finger on the two lips of her pussy and gently rubbed them, causing Jenny to tremble and hum loudly. With each stroke, the lips would become wetter and wetter as she became more aroused. He slowly inserted his middle finger and her thighs clamped around his hand like a vise grip, but the soft wet insides of her pussy seemed to be inviting him further. He pushed his whole finger in, and Jenny’s moans became louder as he worked it in and out, loosening her virgin pussy. She put her hand on his and pushed down on it, encouraging him to go even further. He cautiously obliged and pushed in his index and ring finger, then began pulling them out and pushing them back in. Her insides were incredibly tight, but she quickly loosened up as he worked his fingers in her like a piston. He could just barely feel her hymen with his middle finger. Jenny suddenly pulled her lips from his and whispered in his ear, “Adrian, I’m ready.” Adrian didn’t have the courage to respond, but when Jenny spread her legs, he grasped his manhood and pressed the head against the soft lips of her pussy. A drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip as his self-control became more erratic. He slowly pushed his cock into her sleeve and they both shivered from the physical ecstasy. Jenny dug her fingernails into his back and her humming turned more into a moan with every centimeter he delved. The head of his cock was pressed against her hymen, receiving no words from Jenny, he gave one large thrust and deflowered her. She gave a shrill moan and dug her nails into his back so tightly that he had to completely block out the pain. He pulled his dick out six inches and then forced it back in, causing Jenny to give another, deeper moan. They began to move back and forth in rhythm, and with every thrust he gave, Jenny would moan. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, holding onto him for dear life. With his face buried in her pillow and the sweet smell of her hair filling his senses, Adrian realized that this was nothing like what he thought it would be. He always figured that since he was so different from everyone else, sex would give him only a hollow feeling, but this… this was the opposite. He could feel physical and emotional bliss saturating every fiber of his being. It was a form of enjoyment that he had never thought possible. Jenny’s pussy felt like a mix of the interior of a grapefruit and soft bubblegum. True, that is a horrible and inaccurate comparison, but he couldn’t think of anything else. Jenny’s hot wet insides hugged his manhood tightly, soaking it as he explored every corner of her pussy. He wrapped his arms around Jenny and then rolled onto his back, swinging her up. She leaned back and moaned as she rode his cock, moving back and forth and up and down, trying to find some area of her pussy that his manhood had not yet probed. She had a thin film of sweat, which caught the light of the street lamp outside and almost made her glow. He ran his hand up and down her chest, relishing the feel of her body. In his mind, his hormonal side was howling like a wolf, happy that it was now being fully released. Jenny leaned forward and gripped the headboard for support, and he reached up and began kissing her breasts, sucking on her nipples in pure joy. As she bounced up and down on his cock, Jenny’s body began to tremble and her moans became more and more shrill. She gripped his shoulders and gave a mix of a scream and moan as she had a gushing orgasm. He came moments after, sending thick streams of semen up inside her. Jenny collapsed beside him, and for several minutes, they just stared at the ceiling as they tried to catch their breath. Once his body had calmed itself, Adrian sat up. “I should head home, my parents will be worried if it gets too late.” As he got dressed, Jenny sat up and looked at him. “Thank you, Adrian. That meant a lot to me. Did you enjoy that? It seemed like it was good for you, but you are always so hard to read.” Adrian finished buttoning his shirt and slowly turned to her. For the first time in years, he had a true smile on his face. It was not a wide ear-to-ear smile, but it was a warm one. Adrian was in a state of awareness that he had not felt before. He couldn’t tell which part of his segregated personality was currently dominant, but all he knew was that he felt… happy. “Would you maybe like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?” Jenny gained the same warm smile and gave a small sigh of relief. “That would be a dream come true.” As Adrian opened the door, Jenny spoke up. “I love you, Adrian.” He then turned to her, never losing his smile. “Tch, how illogical.” Adrian walked out of her bedroom and left her house. Halfway from the door to his car, he looked up at Jenny’s bedroom window. She was standing at the window with a blanket wrapped around her. She blew him a kiss and Adrian winked at her in reply before climbing back into his car and driving away, happy for the first time in six years. Chapter Two: “What’s the emergency you called me about?” Amanda asked with worry as she climbed into Jenny’s car. “I need to talk to you and I can’t do it in your house or mine,” Jenny said sheepishly as she pulled out of Amanda’s driveway. They drove out of the suburbs and deep into the woods, stopping at the side of an unpaved road. They were half an hour’s drive from the nearest house or real building and only after being absolutely sure that both Amanda’s and her own phone were turned off an out of reach did Jenny finally pull over. “Ok, do you need to talk to me, or are you going to kill me? I’ve never seen you this nervous.” “I just need to tell someone about this but I have to make sure no one else finds out,” Jenny said, taking a deep breath and gripping the steering wheel so tightly that her hands were white. She then turned to her friend. “Listen, I don’t know how to say this delicately, so I’ll just be blunt… Adrian and I made love last night.” Amanda shifted through so many facial expressions so quickly that she looked like she had opened the Ark of the Covenant. She didn’t know whether to be happy for her or be horrified. Jenny just waited for Amanda to respond with a guilty look on her face. “So… how was it?” Jenny gained a nervous smile. “To be honest, it was better than I expected and I had really high expectations.” Amanda was almost taken back by the response. “Really? He was good? Wow… I don’t know what to think anymore. Seriously, I can’t decide if this is luck or skill, or if you’re just trying to sabotage yourself. This is like if you got pregnant and I couldn’t tell whether to congratulate you or suggest an abortion. Speaking of which, you are on the pill right? Because you might really need to get an abortion.” “Yes, I’m on the pill, but this is serious! I don’t know what to do!” “Well do you regret it?” Jenny smiled. “Not at all, it was the greatest night of my life. I just don’t know what to do now.” “Well what happened? I need details!” “Well my parents weren’t home when he drove me back, so I told him there was something I really needed to talk to him about. I brought him up to the bedroom and I told him that I loved him and I wanted to give him his virginity.” “Well while I think that it’s stupid that you actually love this guy, I’m glad you had enough sense to give your virginity to someone you love.” “At first he was really defensive, you know how he just wants to be alone… He thought it would be a really bad idea, he said that we would both regret it, he warned me that if we started a relationship it would inevitably end after a short while and we would hate each other, and he thought I was being an idiot for wanting to give his virginity to him. Finally, he told me that he would follow my wishes, but he would erase the memory of the whole night so that it would have never even existed for him.” “How romantic,” Amanda said with sarcasm drier than the world’s greatest martini. “I know… the build-up was less than desirable. But when he finally agreed and we had that first kiss… I’m still shivering. And then after we kissed… well I already told you that it was the greatest night of my life.” “I got to say, that last part does sound pretty romantic. So what happened afterwards?” “Well he got up, got dressed, and said that he had to go home. I was worried he was going to be true to his word and erase the memory, so I asked him if he enjoyed it. Instead of answering, he turned to me with the warmest smile I had ever seen and asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner tonight. I told him again that I loved him, he teased him a little, then he winked at me on the way back to his car.” “Damn, you are good. You brought him back from the brink and made him human. So are you really going out with him tonight?” “Well I don’t have his number so I’m assuming he’ll call me. I just hope he really will call. I know he was pretty shell-shocked afterwards and wasn’t quite in his normal state of mind, I’m worried he could crash mentally. I don’t know whether I should give him space or stay close and keep an eye on him. He went from emotionless robot that just wanted to be left alone to being physically intimate with someone that loved him. I’m actually really scared for him; his identity completely changed over the course of an hour and that’s not good for someone’s psyche.” “Wait, over the course of an hour? Does that include…” “No, neither of us was quite confident enough for foreplay, but there was a “transition” between kissing and the actual sex and we were intimate for over an hour.” “Wow, he’s got some serious self-control. I have to say, I’m kind of jealous of you now.” “Thanks, but remember, you can tell no one about this. If Adrian and I are in a relationship, then it won’t take long for people to find out. I just don’t want them to know we were intimate.” “Your secret is safe with me.” Adrian was sitting in his bedroom with his mind set in a self-induced trance. For what he planned to do, he needed to fully work together with his subconscious. Having achieved a perfect meditative state, Adrian delved deep into his mind and created a space for his consciousness to solidify into a projection of his physical body, the same as in a dream. He constructed the background of the dream into something fitting the situation, choosing the form of a nightclub. The walls were dark purple and decorated with lit candles and the ceiling was covered in mirrors and the tiles had intricate patterns. There were no tables, just booths lining one side of the room opposite to the bar, with a small lamp dimly illuminating each one. Adrian was sitting at the bar, looking at himself in the mirror. “I wouldn’t be doing this if I weren’t desperate, so let’s at least get this over with.” Two copies of him appeared, sitting on the stools on his left and right. One was the embodiment of Adrian’s physical desires, an entirely separate personality that he kept locked away. The other was the embodiment of his emotions, which according to Freud, kept desires in check and applied meaning to them. “Id, Ego… it sure has been a while.” “Wow, you really are desperate,” Id laughed. “Let it all out,” Ego said. “I just have no idea what to do. What can I possibly say when I see Jenny again? I don’t even know who I am anymore.” “Tell her that you want to screw her on every possible surface and in every possible position,” Id grunted. “She loves you, stay with her and it won’t take long for you to have the same feelings. When you see her, I want you to wrap your arms around her, kiss her, and tell her you want to be with her,” Ego said, patting him on the back. “You guys are completely useless, could you at least try to be unpredictable?” “What the hell do you expect? I’m pure emotion and he’s the sum of your physical desires. You haven’t given us much to work with,” Ego replied. “Enough talk, just rip her clothes off an fuck her!” Id yelled in impatience. “You love her, tell her that.” “Id, shut up. And Ego, YOU love her! That’s your job! I’m the Superego; I’m a separate personality with my own desires. I exist as my view of myself and what my identity is, and I’m not sure I want to identify myself as the guy that loves her.” “Well did you regret rocking that tight body of hers?” Id asked. Adrian hesitated before answering. “No, I don’t regret it, at least I’m not sure that I do. I have no idea what to do now. Do I just erase the memory as planned and go back to the way I was before and continue on to my goal of transcending the human race? Do I keep the memory and try to have a relationship with Jenny? On one hand, statistics show that our relationship would inevitably fail, but on the other… I was happy. Every aspect of my night with her was like… it was better than… I hadn’t felt so good since I walked out of the hospital and stood in the rain. I remember everything so vividly and can’t help but go over it over and over again in my mind in an attempt to relive it; the feeling of our bodies melting in perfect harmony, the warmth and softness of her naked form pressed tightly against mine while we held each other in that sweet embrace, the way she ran her fingers through my hair when she kissed me with her rose petal-like lips, and that nearly spiritual euphoria of the simultaneous climax we shared. Just thinking of it all makes my body tremble like it did when we finally separated. But I don’t know what to do now. Do I forget about her? Do I just go along with it and enjoy her as long as I’ll have her and try to endure the pain after it ends? Do I try to fight the odds and make the relationship work? Do I forsake my goals to be with her? I just need a voice that isn’t my own to tell me what to do. I haven’t felt confusion in years and I don’t know how to face it all. I need help, but there is no one that can help me.” “It doesn’t matter who you get involved with, the plan must come to fruition.” He turned around, facing another copy of himself. He was wearing a bulletproof overcoat and all of his clothes were made of Kevlar. Protruding from the back of his waist was the hilt of a weapon, hidden in its sheath that hung diagonally from his belt. “The other half of my Superego, the symbol for my world plan. I was wondering when you would show up.” “Id, Ego, and Superego; you divided yourself up into those three mental forms in order to help you achieve your goal of transcendence. However, I have a personal stake in this too. You created me for the sole purpose of completing your ultimate goal of changing the world,” the ominous entity muttered, staring at Adrian with those same calm steely eyes. “Tell me something I don’t know. I’m well aware that she could get in the way of my plan and I don’t need you reminding me of that. Either give me something I can use or vanish,” Adrian cursed, wishing he hadn’t even bothered contacting his alternate personalities. For the first time, he actually wanted someone to talk to. “Hey, we’re all you got. You’re the one that doesn’t want to have friends, remember?” Ego reminded. Adrian’s eyes widened. “Damn it, you’re starting to respond to my thoughts. You’re reminding me that I don’t want friends while I’m regretting not having anyone else to talk to. We’ve been in contact for too long, we’re starting to merge back together. This discussion is over.” Adrian banished Id and Ego back to the confines of his subconscious, leaving him alone with the other half of his dominant personality. “You want my advice? Very well. Trust her. Take a risk. Should she get in your way, you can always eliminate her the way you’ve eliminated so many other traitors and obstacles. You have enough money to hire an army of subordinates and have them do anything you want them to do, anything except trust and follow you. She on the other hand is completely loyal to you, and that could greatly come in handy. If she loves you then she will follow you. Mold her into something that you can use.” “I refuse to merely use her. She is not my subordinate. I won’t take advantage of her like that.” “Well if anything, she can serve as both the barrier and the cushion between you and I. You are well aware that as you move forward in your plan, it will be harder and harder to separate us. To the people around you, you are Adrian Ashford, a youth focused on breaking his own physical and psychological barriers. But there are so many names for me, the commander of your legions. The question will eventually become which of us is actually the mask. You have already killed many people, both through orders and by your own hand, and I am the prison that keeps your sins contained and protects you and the plan from your conscience. If you keep her close, then she can help you bear the sins you must commit, and she can make the transition between us easier as well as make it easier to stay separate from me. The plan must be brought to fruition; there can be no excuses and no failure. In order to change and save this world, we must be successful. You and me, two goals, the two sides of the same coin that will act in tandem, two of multiple personalities that share this mind and work together. We can do it if we don’t let ourselves get trapped in this farce that is known as “your life”. It all comes down to what you are willing to cast aside and what you are willing to bring with you when we finally make that leap and reveal ourselves.” The entity turned away from Adrian and slowly disappeared as the dream melted like a painting on thawing ice. Adrian opened his eyes and took a deep breath. He was back in his room and his body was sore from maintaining the meditative position. He took another deep breath, stretched, and walked over to his desk to retrieve his cell phone. This was actually the first time in years he had called someone other than his parents, clients, or subordinates. He took another deep breath and typed in the number. Adrian tried to maintain his composure as the phone rang. At home, Jenny was picking out an outfit with Amanda helping her. Both women exchanged glances when Jenny’s phone began ringing on her bedside table. With shaky hands, she answered. “Hello?” “Hey Jenny, it’s Adrian,” he said, afraid that he wouldn’t be able to speak. “Hey Adrian! How are you?” she asked, instantly lit up. “I’m good, I was wondering if you were still open for dinner tonight?” “Of course, I’m always open for you!” Jenny replied, regretting her choice of words before she was even finished speaking. “You sure are, slut! You sure are!” Amanda laughed. Jenny gave her the middle finger before continuing. “I mean I wouldn’t miss it for the world. So when and where do you want to go?” “Well I know a great restaurant in town, so how about I pick you up at six?” “That’s perfect. I’ll meet you outside so that you won’t have to lock horns with my dad.” “Thank you. All right, I’ll see you then.” “Bye,” she said before hanging up. Adrian turned off his phone and released a huge sigh of relief, while Jenny and Amanda jumped up and down and squealed in excitement. Between hanging up and leaving, Adrian did everything he could to keep his mind preoccupied and relaxed, while always keeping an eye on the time. He worked on his laser to use up his time, he filled his body with relaxing endorphins with exercise and self-control to keep his nerves steady, and he tried to come up with dinner conversation, seeing as how he had absolutely no idea what he and Jenny would talk about. Twenty minutes before six, Adrian stepped out of the shower, got dressed, and went upstairs into the house. He stepped into the living room, where his parents were watching the news. They almost jumped in surprise at his footsteps, as he rarely came up from the basement and talked to his parents even less. “I’m heading out, I don’t know when I’ll be back.” Adrian could see Jenny sitting on her front porch as he came up the driveway. Regardless of the dropping temperatures, she had chosen an outfit that complimented her body beautifully. She was wearing high-heeled shoes, a short black skirt that hugged her tan thighs, a large belt around her stomach, and a white top with lace around the collar. Her beautiful smile and bright eyes were fully illuminated by the setting autumn sun, with the light shining through her long blonde hair that flowed smoothly in the evening breeze. Jenny stood up and walked slowly towards the car with her hips swinging from side to side, trying to hide her excitement. “Hi,” she whispered simply as she climbed into the car and kissed him on the cheek. “Hello,” Adrian replied, not knowing what to say. “So where are we going?” “I set up a reservation at a fancy restaurant in town, I think you’ll like it.” “How can I not?” They locked eyes, and her smile became less ecstatic and more heartwarming. “I’m really glad you called.” Adrian could not help but smile when he responded and said, “I’m really glad I did too.” Dinner was awkward to say the least. They were sitting on opposite ends of a table, waiting for their food to arrive and trying to think of something to say. Adrian was tightly wrapping the corner of the white tablecloth around his fingers, trying to stay calm. While his mental balance was in turmoil, Jenny’s beautiful smile had not waned. She just looked at him with her eyes full of love as she ran her finger around the rim of her perspiring glass of iced tea. In front of him was a glass of water, already close to empty from nervous drinks. Between them was a bowl of untouched biscuits and a narrow vase with a few roses. The restaurant was brightly lit, with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and lamps set up on the walls to look like candles. Outside, the last few strands of light from the setting sun were lost in the noise barrier of trees and bushes, shielding the restaurant from the sounds of the nearby street. While the building was packed, it was very quiet, for few people were talking. Except for kids dragged by their parents, Jenny and Adrian were the youngest people in the restaurant. Desperate to end the silence, Adrian said the first thing that came to mind to lighten the mood. “We’re on our first date and we’ve already been intimate. Normally this would be preceding a shotgun wedding,” he mused with a nervous smile. Jenny chuckled. “You’re actually the second person to say it’s like I’m pregnant.” “Really? Who did you tell?” “My friend Amanda. Don’t worry, she’ll keep it a secret.” “So… how did you sleep?” he then asked, trying to regain his conversational momentum. Jenny blushed. “It took me forever to fall asleep. I was just so excited and in disbelief. I wish you had been able to stay, I know I would have been able to fall asleep with you holding me. Maybe we can spend the night together next time.” “Next time…” Adrian murmured with uncertainty. Jenny’s smile faded and worry filled her eyes. “You want to do it again, don’t you?” “I don’t know… I’ve never been so unsure of something in my whole life. I don’t know what I want, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, and I don’t even know who I am anymore. I don’t know if I should forget my goals to be with you or end this relationship before it’s too late and try to pick up the pieces of what I strived for.” Jenny reached forward and slipped her hand beneath his. “Adrian, you don’t have to forsake your goals to be with me. You can still break free of the human race and the fact that you have a human lover should not hinder that fact. Besides, if you somehow can transcend to the level you seek, you will still be in a human world. My heart doesn’t have to get in the way and you and your goals, my heart can be your home when you achieve them.” “But what possible chance do we have when nobody our age can keep a lifelong bond? To be honest, I have no faith in this relationship.” “You’re the last person I would expect to compare us to a regular couple. Besides, you have no idea how much it warms his heart that you just said we’re in a relationship,” she said with a small chuckle, her reassurance rekindling his own smile. The waitress showed up and gave them their food. “Listen, let’s stop talking about such glum things. Tell me, Adrian, what do you want to do when you grow up?” she then asked with a smile and her chin resting on her hand, while using her other hand to pick up a fork-full of spaghetti. Adrian hummed for a moment while he tried to come up with a response, stirring his soup and looking into the swirling ripples for the right answer. This was the moment, this was when he had to choose his words carefully and see how much he could truly trust Jenny. “I have plans. You told me last night that it was people like me who have the power to change the world, well I sort have been working on it already. For years I’ve been collecting the power I would need to finally make my move.” Jenny’s eyes widened with interest and amazement as she tried to figure out what he meant. She was suddenly remembering why she had fallen in love with him in the first place. “What you mean by that?” “I’ll tell you later. What about you, what do you want to do?” “I’ve always known what I want to do as an adult. I want to become a florist. I want to run my own flower shop or even a whole botanical garden. Last year, I had one of the top grades in Biology class, and it was because of how much I love plants and how interesting they are.” Seeing the smile on her face and hearing the soft light-hearted tone in her voice filled him with warmth and made his grin widen. “You know, you are the one person that can make me smile. I can’t remember the last time I was in such a good mood for so long.” “Well that must be a good omen for our relationship,” Jenny said warmly. “Then with that omen, I think I want to give this relationship a try.” With Jenny’s hand wrapped around his, they walked out to the parking lot and climbed into his car. “How about we go find a dark and empty parking lot?” Jenny suggested with a coy smile. He instantly understood the meaning, but his enthusiasm was far less than hers. “No.” A look of fear crossed Jenny’s face. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing is wrong, I just don’t want to do it in a car. Jenny, I don’t know what my feelings are for you, but I don’t want us to be intimate like this. I want every time to be special, not just for physical enjoyment. If we do this for the hollow physical feeling, then the act looses the emotional meaning and just mirrors what everyone else feels as pointless sex. The act would loose its individuality and so would our relationship. I don’t want to insult the bond we shared last night by reenacting it for sake of pure physical desire.” Jenny’s face was radiating with admiration. “How is it that such an emotionless robot can have such a big sentimental heart? Hold on, I have an idea.” She then reached into her purse and pulled out her phone, quickly typing in the number. “Hey mom, Adrian is going to drop me off at Amanda’s. She is going to want a lot of details, so I think I’ll just spend the night at her house. …Ok, bye.” She turned to him and put her hand on his thigh. “I have an alibi and a whole night to spend with the man I love.” “So are you sure that your parents won’t notice me?” Jenny asked as they moved to the back of his house. “Don’t worry, my parents give me complete privacy. Even if they open the door, they never even come down the stairs. We won’t be interrupted,” he said as he opened the double doors and they stepped down into his bedroom. Adrian turned on the light and went back to close the doors. “Your bedroom is just so cool.” He walked over to his stereo and turned it on, filling the room with calming white noise. He didn’t want any sounds to reach the rest of the house and the white noise would capture and muffle anything audible. Adrian walked over to Jenny and could feel nervousness filling his heart. Would this be as good as the first time? Would it be awkward? Was he doing the right thing by deciding to continue this relationship? “Don’t worry, darling. You never have to be intimidated by our bond,” she whispered as she placed her hands on his shoulders and pressed herself against him. He couldn’t believe that she was able to sense his worry even through his constant melancholic expression. “How is it that you can read me so well?” “I can read you because I love you. Even if I’m not completely in your heart, you are in mine, and I can see into your soul with that bond.” “My heart wants to be with you, but my mind is screaming at me to be logical. I don’t know who I am anymore and I won’t ever be able to find out once this relationship ends. I’m happy with you, but I will not able to rebuild once this bond is severed. Whatever you say to me, someone somewhere has said the same thing to the one they love and their relationship failed. How can I put faith in your words and feelings when they will falter with time? I can’t open my heart and protect myself from the future pain. I’ve sacrificed everything to achieve my goals, and now if I make a single mistake, all that sacrifice will have been for nothing and I will be left with nothing. I will be unable to move forward or back, trapped in the shattered remains of the world that I created. I’m gambling my life on a relationship that is practically doomed to fail, but I cannot stop myself. I want to end this now, I want to erase my memories of you, and I want to go back to way things were when I knew my path in life… But just as much as I want those things, my heart will not let me do them. I don’t know what my feelings for you are, but some aspect of my consciousness will not let me abandon them. I can see myself making a mistake, but I can’t do anything to stop myself.” Jenny moved her hands from his shoulders to his cheeks and stared deep into his eyes. “I told you that I would never love someone unless they could completely amaze me, you told me that you couldn’t break free of humans without becoming the greatest human on Earth. Adrian, you are the greatest human on Earth through my eyes. No one will ever amaze me more than you do, so I will never love anyone more than I love you. I know you don’t trust the human race and you have no faith in relationships, but we are not all failures. If you were able to become what all humans were meant to be, then maybe our bond can become as strong as all others were meant to be. Statistics don’t control their fates, we do!” “No, we don’t. Our futures are out of our control. We only do what time tells us to do and statistics allow us to see into time.” “They are only that, statistics! Reality and time doesn’t only bend to probability and patterns. The world isn’t just data and possibility, and even with all the data in the world, there are things that not even you can predict! If there is one person you can have faith in, it’s me. If there is one bond you can have faith in, it’s ours. Use your mind to see the world and use your heart to change it. You don’t need to prepare for the end of the relationship if your will is strong enough to protect it.” Jenny then pressed her lips against his and they maintained that sweet embrace for several seconds. They began to slowly and gently pull off each other’s clothes, while refusing to end the kiss for even a moment. With their lips still touching, Adrian swept Jenny off her feet and she pressed her hand against the center of his chest. Holding her beautiful naked frame in his arms, he carried her to the bed and laid her down. Jenny took her top off after several minutes, showing her full teenage breasts, which were barely being held by the red lace bra. Adrian reached behind her back and unclasped the bra hook, letting the red lingerie slip off her. His hormonal side had smashed through the psychological barrier and had shoved his rational mind aside, and indulged his desires by licking Jenny's round tits, causing her to gasp and hum in bliss. As he sucked on her nipples, he moved his hand down and unfastened her skirt. She slowly pushed them down her smooth thighs, along with her panties. “Adrian, I want you to lick me, I've always wanted to know what it feels like,” she said as her whole body trembled in arousal. “As you wish,” he said dryly. She looked into his eyes and gained a warm smile, apparently seeing something within him, regardless of his empty tone. “So you are human after all.” He silently crouched down as she spread her legs, showing him her pussy. He held his face just inches the soft lips, which were already wet with arousal. His primal hormonal side was savoring the fruity aroma and the proximity. He experimentally reached out with his tongue and brought it up between the wet lips, causing her to arch her back and moan in ecstasy. The taste of her juices was a very peculiar one, both bitter and sweet. He gave a broad lick, thoroughly enjoying the taste and feel of her lips on his tongue. He worked in a rhythm, exploring her hot wet insides as much as he could with my limited reach. Jenny was gripping the edges of the bed, giving a continuous high-pitched moan and blushing all over. “Oh god, Adrian! You're driving me crazy!” He stood up and undressed, standing over Jenny. He gripped his erect manhood and guided it to her pussy, slowly pushing it in. Jenny emitted a crystal-clear chime, like that of a bell. With his hands on her hips, Adrian began moving back and forth in a steady pattern, sending his cock deep inside her. With the two of them perpendicular, he was able to get great penetration, thrusting his cock all the way in and give her unparalleled euphoria. Strangely, Jenny seemed much more calm than before. She had a look of sleepy bliss on her face, only giving the softest of coos with each thrust. Her eyes were closed and she was gently running her fingertips along her smooth skin, almost as if she was just waking up from a nap. It almost looked like the ecstasy that had stimulated her body before was now relaxing it, almost like a massage. Deciding to go further, Adrian reached down and picked her up with his hands beneath her back. Surprised and unbalanced, Jenny wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He fully held her up off the bed, using only his arms to bring her up and down on his cock. Just from being in his arms, Jenny knew that Adrian was far stronger than he looked. In truth, she was light as a pillow to him. Jenny had a tired smile on her base and was blushing as he moved her. “I love you, Adrian,” she said tenderly as she ran her fingers through his hair. In reply, he held her up against the wall, and reawakened by the resulting thrust, Jenny reached up and held onto a pipe above her head for dear life. She resumed her hymn of moans as he used the angle to probe a new corner of her pussy, relishing the feeling of her hot wet insides. Everything on the wall rattled with each thrust as he put every drop of strength he had into satisfying her. Nearly an hour later, Jenny’s stamina was on the verge of giving out. They were back on the bed, this time in cowgirl position, and while Adrian was still full of energy, Jenny looked like she was about to pass out. “Adrian, I'm going to cum,” she panted. Using the springs in the mattress to take the burden off her, Adrian began thrusting upwards at top speed, sending his cock into her as hard and fast as possible. Finally, they both had a simultaneous orgasm, just the last in a long line, and once again soaking each other in DNA. Jenny collapsed on top of him, gasping for air but continuing to run her tongue and lips across his scars. Her long blonde hair was stretched across his face, and every breath he took brought with it the sweet smell of her perfume and sawdust from the table. They were pressed together to the point where they could feel each other's heartbeats, and their combined body heat was as intense as a furnace. As Adrian’s erection lost its luster, so did his Id’s control over his body. It slowly went back to sleep, returning power to his logical mind. With his semi-hard dick still inside her, Jenny pushed herself up, her hair hanging down around her angelic face. She had one of the warmest and sweetest smiles he had ever seen, and her eyes seem to glow as she gently ran her fingers through his hair. “I love you, Adrian,” Jenny whispered as she put her hand on the center of his chest and felt his heartbeat. Adrian did not give a reply, for he did not know what to say. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me you love me. I know you’re confused; I sure was before I knew that I loved you. Take all the time you need to figure everything out, I will never run out of patience.” “Thank you.” “You don’t need to thank me, just hold me,” she said before kissing him and rolling on her side. He wrapped his arm around her and held her close with her warm back against his chest and the smell of her hair filling his senses. It would have been perfect, but Adrian could feel a headache forming. Jenny and Adrian walked out of the parking lot and towards the entrance of the school. It was the first day of the new semester and their schedules had changed. Both of them were nervous. “So should we just wait until after school to be together or is there some sort of protocol? I don’t want our relationship to be a secret, but neither do I want us to be one of those idiot couples that stand in the hall and make out to display to everyone. You know, they act like going to separate classes is such an impossible distance and length of time for them to be apart and just jump all over each other after class because being away from each other for an hour is “such a strain on their love”.” Jenny burst into laughter as they walked through the front door. “I hate those exhibitionists too. They always act like Romeo and Juliet because classes are keeping them apart, and then just show off their relationship in the hall while acting like they don’t care what people think. How about we go back to the way we were before, but with one small difference…” She then gave him a very quick and modest kiss. It was not a regular, teenage, over-exaggerative “I’ll be counting the seconds while you’re gone” kiss, but a simple “have a nice day, honey” kiss. Everyone that saw them gasped in disbelief, unable to process the sight of a cold emotionless recluse kissing one of the most popular girls in school. Just his reputation as Adroid made it impossible to accept; everyone figured he would be dead before he entered a relationship. “Ok, I’ll see you later,” Jenny said with a smile before walking off to her new first-period class. “Bye,” Adrian said with a smile of his own as he walked off in the opposite direction, leaving people to gawk at what they had seen. Throughout the day, Adrian was on his phone at every opportunity, not for work, but to study. He was looking up relationship tips and advice on how to interact with romantic partners. Academically, he has mastered the study of human psychology, but now he needed a crash course on casual human contact. “I’m not going to be in school tomorrow, I have to meet with my clients,” Adrian said as he zoomed through his math homework. “Oh, you’re going to sell one of your inventions?” Jenny asked with excitement as she worked on her science work next to him. Jenny was in his room, the two of them doing homework before they could switch into relationship mode. “Yep, I finally finished it, tested it, and I’m ready to sell the designs. Let me show you what this thing can do.” Adrian reached under his desk and pulled out the finished creation. It was a surgical laser, as large as a remote control, and could easily be held with one hand. In the back of the base was a plug for an extension cord, and the nozzle was focused into an adjustable cone shape. It used inductors made of gold leaf to increase the charge supplied by the cord, making it capable of cutting through steel with the power of a standard wall socket. Adrian plugged an extension cord into the base of the laser and then secured a pencil into the brace of his workbench. He held the laser steady, set it to a low level, and activated it, sending an invisible beam of light that sliced through the pencil like a blowtorch through paper. Jenny gaped in amazement. “That was the low setting. A higher setting could let me cut through metal. With all the clients I’ll sell it off to, I estimate I’ll be able to make thirty million dollars and still keep the prototype.” “Wait, THIRTY MILLION?!” Jenny exclaimed. “Technology like this is worth a lot, depending on who you sell it to. Yeah, I already have well over a hundred million dollars in my bank account now from all of my inventions. In fact, I even offered to buy my parents a mansion with all the money I make, but they said they didn’t want to be even farther from me than they already were.” In truth, that one bank account was pocket change compared to the combined profits of all of his corporations. Jenny gained a coy smile, walked over, and sat down on his lap. She leaned down and gave him a small kiss. “You’re smart, strong, handsome, sentimental, rich, and you can read my body like brail. I swear, my friends have been asking me all day why I’m with you, but I don’t dare tell them because they’ll all try to seduce you. Maybe when Spring Break comes, the two of us could go on a romantic vacation, maybe the Bahamas?” “Maybe,” Adrian said simply. He turned his attention to the clock. “I have to get you home, I don’t want your dad to kick down my front door.” Jenny gave a sad laugh and kissed him again. She stood up but he didn’t. “Adrian?” she asked when he didn’t get out of his chair. “There is something I want to show you.” Jenny raised one of her eyebrows as Adrian walked over to his bed and pulled two metal cases out from under it. One looked like it was used to hold a billiards cue while the other was a metal briefcase, both of which were sealed with six-digit combination locks. “Machines and inventions aren’t the only thing I build down here. There is a class of metalwork that I specialize in: the forging of weapons,” he said as he opened the two cases. Lying in the briefcase were twenty metal shivs, all eight inches long and as thick as pencils. The tips were as sharp as needles and the slope from end to end was flawlessly straight. There were handle grooves near the base of each shiv, but other than that, there wasn’t a single mark in the metal. They could be used as daggers and thrown like darts. Sitting in a bed of velvet was a meter-long spike, like a pool cue, made of steel, titanium, and several powerful metals, all blended together into a whole new metal compound. It had been made with more skill and precision than the blacksmiths who forged Japanese Katanas. The shaft was sloped at a flawless angle and was perfectly straight from end to end. The tip was sharp enough to draw blood with the slightest touch, but so powerful that it would never break or dull, no matter how it was used on or how much strain was put on it. The whole weapon was more durable than a nuclear flask and would stand the test of time. Jenny stared into the two cases with both fear and amazement. “This lance and these darts are weapons I’ve created merely out of hobby and fascination. While they can be used for self-defense, I built them mostly as an art form. I focused them on an icicle-shaped spike instead of a blade, because I think that the unconventional weapon design fits his personality best.” He picked up one of the darts and threw it at a target board on the far wall, striking the very center with little effort. Even without fins to keep it steady in the air like a regular dart or arrow, the shiv was able to fly as straight as a laser beam and strike the intended target without missing by a single centimeter. “You know, many people would be concerned with the idea of someone like you making these weapons.” “I have no reason to use these on other people. The action would serve no purpose and only create meaningless pain and cause negative consequences. I create these to act as merely hand-made trophies and concealed self-defense tools. The spike form represents their difference to traditional bladed weapons, much like my difference to other people. The only ones who have anything to fear from these weapons are those who mean me harm. Plus, it's not like I’m going to bring them to school with me.” “These are really incredible, Adrian. How did you make them?” Jenny asked with amazement as she picked up the lance. It was quite heavy, but with it’s weight came unbelievable durability. “I forge them with automatic hammers and then cut them into shape with lasers. However, the metal I use is far greater than any other known to man.” “What do you mean?” “These are all made of an incredibly powerful metal I have developed. I call it Demium.” “Demium?” “As in demigods. All metal workers dream of someday creating or working with an alloy that is virtually indestructible, just like in science-fiction movies. In truth, nothing is indestructible, only immune to specific layers and means of destruction. However, Demium is the closest you can get to immunity to all physical damage. If indestructibility is a god-like level for metal, then Demium is the demigod of all metals. Being its creator, I’ve personally tested it to its breaking point, and I can attest to its durability. The tip of this lance, which is as sharp as a needle and thin as a nail, I could use it to carve through several blocks of concrete and none of the sharpness would be lost.” “But how did you form this metal?” “By planning out and simulating how the atoms would bond, I was able join together the most powerful elements together into a crystal lattice structure that would be unparalleled in its strength. By figuring out the exact structure of the molecules and the number of atoms needed to create as many of these molecules as possible, I was able to calculate the exact mass required of each individual ingredient. The key to producing Demium is to know that once it is achieved, its melting point skyrockets. Having discovered this, I melted all the ingredients together and mixed them into one smelting container. After that, it was all a matter of waiting and watching while the atoms and molecules moved around in the molten metal stew and bonded together and split over and over again. As more and more Demium was formed, you would see small clumps of the metal floating around in the molten mixture, completely immune to the heat. Once I had enough pure Demium, I extracted it and hammered out any weaknesses, then finished with a laser-lathe. Unfortunately, this lance and all of these darts are far from perfect. Not even my eyes can see the minute flaws before its too late to fix them, and the melting method I use does not guarantee 100% pure Demium. It seems that until technology evolves to the point where we can manipulate atoms and molecules themselves, these are the best I can achieve.” “Why do you choose to create this shape? A simple spike without a hilt, guard, or blade?” “It mirrors my personality. I find blades to be too flashy. You don’t need three feet of flopping metal with a sharp edge to get the job done; you only need a single sharp point. The simple spike shape signifies pure desire to do what is required, and not waste a single moment or ounce of energy. Handles are for weaklings without strong hands, guards mess up the weapon’s balance and aerodynamics, and blades just create messy slashes. Weapons reflect the soul of their wielder, and I can’t find a traditional weapon that fits me. I don’t like Katanas because they are too imbued with Asian culture; anyone with a Katana is merely a samurai wannabe. I also don’t like the curve of the blade; it looks wrong and it shows the curve in a person’s train of thought. I don’t like rapiers and sabers because they are not nearly strong enough. Sure they can stab, but they have pitiful blades and they bend and warp under pressure, something that the wielder must not do. I don’t like broadswords, because as the name implies, they are too broad. They are too bold and flashy with the size of their blade and the elegance of their guard. Besides, broadswords are double-edged, and those who prefer double-edged weapons have double-edged minds, something that disrupts goals and mental balance. I don’t like machetes because they are too exotic, cliché, and improper. It’s a tool that is intended for hacking through foliage, it is way too obvious of a weapon—not to mention its existence in movies, and the blade is too short and improperly curved for accurate damage. Axes are too blunt and barbaric, with the energy involved in using it erratic to say the least. I don’t really like any bladed weapons, because along with the metal, the soul of the wielder favors one direction. Blades are inefficient, and their poor direction and messy results are mirrored in the soul of their wielder. Most of all, I don’t like guns. True, it takes a lot of talent and skill to able to use a gun properly and have good aim, but the action of firing a bullet takes away the real skill. It distances you from your enemy, less of an attempt to protect your psyche than to make you seem less guilty. When you use guns, your strength isn’t measured in will power, physical dexterity, or spirit; your strength is measured in the size of your bullets. A lance or a dart is like an elegant bullet, and it reflects your unstoppable desires. With a lance, you don’t care about flashiness, the thrill of combat, or your reputation; you only care about your goals and the fastest way to them. You aren’t going to slash and chop your enemies to get past them. You’re going to go straight for the kill because they are obstacles in your path that must be removed for you to reach your goals. A lance doesn’t have any distractions in the form of an edge, just like its wielder shouldn’t.” But while Adrian spoke, the lie he had told did not sit well with him. In truth, he had used these weapons before, several times. When dealing with his factions growing in the third-world countries, there were occasions when he had to act in the real world, and not from behind a phone or computer. During times like those, violence was always no more than one wrong word away. In the dozens of firefights he had been in, no fist, bullet, or blade had ever struck him, and no enemy had ever survived. “Ah, Mr. Ashford, come in,” Adrian’s client said as he stepped into his office. His name was Mr. Lamar, an Indian immigrant and the CEO of one of he greatest engineering companies in New England, however, he was not one of Adrian’s puppet figureheads. Adrian shook his hand and sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. There was a large bay window behind Lamar’s desk, two long rows of cabinets along the walls, and a leather couch with a glass coffee table in the back corner. The walls and cabinets were covered in pieces of art, pictures from office parties, and business awards. “I trust that your newest project is complete? What do you have to show me today?” he asked with his thick Indian accent. “I’ll let you try to figure it out for yourself. I’ll give you a hint: once it’s plugged in, I only have to push this button here and I could kill you,” Adrian said non-threateningly as he pulled the device out of his coat pocket and set it down on the desk, pointing towards Lamar. He stirred uncomfortably in his chair at his words. “Is this really…?” “Yes, it is a handheld laser. It can either be set so low that it is on par with a child’s laser pointer or set so high that it can carve through the hood of a car with ease. If you would like to see it in action, choose something in this office you are ok with losing and I will show you what it can do.” Trying to maintain his poker face, Lamar pointed to a large ceramic vase in the corner of the room. With his target in mind, Adrian plugged the laser into a floor outlet and raised the level of its output. He pointed it at the vase and held down the firing button. Without anything in the air to reflect the light, the high-powered beam of energy was invisible to the human eye. A burn mark appeared on the surface, and with a quick slash of the laser, the entire vase shattered from the beam thermally cracking the ceramic. “How much do you want for it?” Lamar asked cautiously. “Ten million for the blueprints.” “That is completely absurd!” “Fine. If you don’t want it, I’ll sell it to someone else. This is revolutionary technology with applications in engineering, surgery, and mere entertainment. You could make billions with this before the end of the year.” Lamar gave a sigh of frustration. “Very well, the money will be deposited in your bank account by tomorrow. But how can I be sure that you will give me the designs?” he asked, hiding his face behind his tented fingers. While Adrian’s face maintained its normal cold scowl, his voice gained a smug tone. “Because I need you. You of course know that I have more clients. People will pay a lot of money to own the first of something, but they’ll pay even more when they see that other people have it. I’m counting on the competition between you and other companies to increase the demand. This is a win-win situation: you can compete with other companies with his machinery and I get more money from those companies. Everyone wins and everyone gets rich. You’ll get the blueprints when I get my money.” “I can’t believe I’m getting extorted by a punk-kid like you,” his second client said. They were having a business lunch in the most expensive restaurant in town. Unlike the restaurant he took Jenny to, there was a band playing classical music in the background at all times. Adrian would have taken Jenny here, but he simply couldn’t find anything on the menu that was appealing. His second client was younger than the first, just over twice Adrian’s age, but his hairline was already starting to recede. He was taking out his frustration on a glass a shrimp cocktail. “Get over it. If your engineers deserved even half of the money you paid them, they would be able to build machines like these,” Adrian said coldly as he put the laser back in his pocket and replaced it with a CD. “All of the blueprints, designs, and instructions are on this disk. Once I get his money, you get the disk. Remember, ten million dollars,” he said as he stood up and walked out of the restaurant. Adrian deactivated the laser and put down the sheet of paper. He had written his name on it in cursive with a continuous burn mark, but the singe was so light that it hadn’t even cut through the other side. “Far more delicate work than a scalpel. Imagine the possible uses in surgery this thing would have: cleaner incisions, flawless cauterizations instead of stitches, and the ability to separate flesh from muscle without slicing and dicing,” he said to his third client. He was a very wealthy businessman that was on the board of directors of every hospital in the state and was the CEO of a pharmaceutical company. His office was smaller than Lamar’s, with wood-paneled walls and vast bookcases of medical textbooks. The window blinds were only letting in a small amount of sunlight. “Jack, if you can get it now, then you can hire other engineers to replicate it and you won’t have to buy it from the other companies for a lot more.” “And I can’t convince you to go less than ten million?” “A single MRI machine costs just a fraction of that.” “Very well, deliver the blueprints once you confirm you have been paid.” “Pleasure doing business with you.” As Adrian left the building, his phone began to ring. “Hello?” “This is Leman, sir. I’ve found the man you’re looking for.” “Good, continue to monitor him, and make sure he knows that disobedience will mean death.” Chapter Three: “Sir, Akim Yellas has just fallen to the ground in the parking lot. He’s dead, sir,” stated Adrian’s subordinate in Russian, talking through a cell phone. The man was crouched on a rooftop in St. Petersburg with a sniper rifle pressed against his shoulder, practically invisible in the winter night. Down below was a quaint diner with a dead body lying sprawled out on the snowy parking lot. Scared onlookers surrounded the corpse, one of which was trying to perform CPR. Inside, the staff was watching nervously. “I’m not surprised. It seems your services are no longer required. Thank you for your time, you’ve already received your payment. However, I may call upon you in the future, so don’t completely cast my name into the trash bin of your memory,” said Adrian, countering with a flawless Russian dialect. “Yes, sir.” Adrian hung up and sat back in his chair, staring at his computer, which was open to Akim Yellas’ hacked email account. Akim Yellas was someone with a fair amount of brains but no morals. Having always been a gifted student, he had amassed a large ego and made a living as an identity thief, both for financial support and entertainment. Genius and a worthless life, just the combination Adrian needed in a pawn that he planned on sacrificing. With blackmail as his leverage, he had forced Akim into working for him, serving as his mask in the meeting that had just taken place in the diner. He had ordered Akim to pretend to be interested in a deal with a man he met in the diner, rehearsed the conversation with him, and had made him establish a rule during the meeting that no names were to be used, so as to keep Akim from learning anything more than he needed, in case Adrian’s assassin failed to end his life. Under the excuse of “anyone could overhear us”, the meeting had used as vague references as possible, with Akim ordered to just play along and make the deal. The reason why he had picked Akim Yellas to serve as his mask as his scapegoat was simple: he had above-average intelligence, meaning that he was easily capable of seeking out Adrian’s true targets. However, he wasn’t using pawns’ capabilities to find the targets, no, he was already well aware of them. Instead he was using their capabilities as a cover so that the rest of the members in the client’s organization wouldn’t get suspicious as to how the organization itself had been discovered. He had to use people who could be expected to operate on their own, at least in the eyes of his targets. If he used puppets that weren’t smart enough to appear to be independent, then the strings would be easily visible, and the last thing he needed was for his targets to consider the possibility of a puppeteer in the darkness with his eyes on their group. But as he had seen, the meeting hadn’t gone over so well. His subordinate had been denied, and even more, he had been assassinated, most likely something that he had eaten or drank in the diner had been spiked with something. Of course the autopsy would reveal it had merely been an unfortunate aneurism or blood clot, or even a delayed allergic reaction, as it was meant to look like as an accident. To his targets, Akim knew too much and could serve no beneficial purpose to their group, so he had to be eliminated. Adrian had planned something similar if the deal worked; he would get what he wanted, and the identity thief known as Akim Yellas would be forever silenced. Adrian leaned back in his chair and sighed. Failure was always an option in this stage of the plan, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t frustrating. Every time he failed, his opponents raised their guard and became tenser, but that also meant that he would cause less of a shock and reaction if he ever had to reveal himself and make his move. He rubbed his temples, trying to ease the headache bubbling behind his eyes. He had been suffering from migraines and stomach problems lately and it seemed like they were just getting worse and worse. Confusing, that is the word Adrian would use to describe his relationship with Jenny. It had been a month since they were first intimate, and ever since, his mind had struggled to regain its mental bearings. His hormonal and emotional sides were fighting against his cold logical side, something they hadn’t done in years. His machine-like logical side was what made him unique to everyone else; it was like a soul made of gears and circuits. He did not want to lose it, because it meant giving up his identity. But the other half of his mind was arguing that he could not be a cold machine and be with Jenny. He could be alone and focused or be a human with the woman who loved him. Ever since the two of them had been intimate, he had struggled to find a name to give the resulting combination of his emotions and hormonal desires. The most fitting title could find was to call it his heart, pardon the corny cliché. Having a heart was a very peculiar experience, one that he had never felt. Before, the heart was merely an organ with the purpose of pumping blood, with the poetic meaning as little more than a human construct, an illusion to justify an empty existence. Now Adrian could actually feel the purpose of that poetic definition, though he understood it as much as he did the relationship itself. The reason his heart was fighting his logical side with such passion was because of Jenny. Adrian had spent years studying humans, but she was different. She was always trying to get him to open up and be more social, but gently. She had learned to read him and now knew what to do to get the best results. She wouldn't drag him out of his seat to talk to other people, but instead ask him what he would say to them and how he would interact. It was almost a form of social simulation. She knew and admired that he was an antisocial person, so she would only take him to his limits of tolerance and then never take him farther. It was as if she knew there was a line Adrian would not cross in terms of socializing, and she just wanted him to be as close to that line as possible while still being happy. She wasn't trying to change him; she just wanted him to go as far as he could. She had a form of patience that Adrian had never seen before, a way of understanding that he didn't think others had. What would have normally driven a girl away seemed to draw her like moths to a porch light. He had not told her that he loved her because he wasn't sure what his feelings were for her. He definitely cared about her, but he could not figure out what actually constituted love. This did not detour her from every day saying that she loved him, and the fact that he had not returned the statement did not drain her patience, it increased it. Jenny understood him in ways that he didn't think were possible and could read him like a book. Everything Adrian did seemed to make her love him more, from his tendency to rarely smile to his quiet statue-like presence in social situations. She was his link to the human world, and it was as if she was studying him as much as he was studying her. They were intimate a few times every week, but Adrian could not decide whether it was sex or making love. It was both and neither of them, and every second, his mind would be filled with bliss and confusion. He enjoyed being intimate with her, both for the strange physical and emotional feelings that it created. He saw every session as an opportunity to study these feelings like specimens in a lab, and she saw it as an opportunity to bond herself with something that was more than human. However, there were times in which Adrian knew that his words or actions were having a negative influence. Being so bright and full of life, Jenny could not fully protect her heart from the harshness of his logic, and more times than he would like, Adrian would answer her question with what he thought was the best answer, only to realize that brutal honesty didn’t fit well into most conversations. Even if it was the slightest of reductions to a smile or the momentary avoidance of his gaze, he could see that like all people, it was impossible for her to become fully used to his bluntness. He tried to pick his words carefully around her, but after the years he had spent by himself, he had atrophied in the skill of telling people what they wanted to hear. He knew only how to tell the truth and how to lie, but he did not know how to combine the two into the etiquette-concoction required for a romantic relationship. School was let out for Thanksgiving vacation, and all of the students and staff desperately needed it. The fall was proving to be a mild one with a similar winter soon to follow, but even with the climate stepping out of line with its Maine reputation, the trees had no less finished shedding their leaves, the overcast gained a permanent gray tinge, and everyone’s clothes changed to protect them from the crisp breeze that seemed to roll across the school campus, carrying with it the smell of snow as if traveling back from the future. “So do you have relatives coming for Thanksgiving?” Jenny asked as she looked out the passenger-side window of his car. “Yes, but my house is too small for them to stay, so I’m putting them up in hotel rooms as always.” She turned to him and smiled. “For someone with so much money, you certainly aren’t cheap.” Adrian only bit his lip in the bewilderment of if he was supposed to smile or not and merely nodded. “I have relatives coming as well, and living in the suburbs, I’m sure you can imagine we have a hard time finding space for everyone when the holidays come. Even if they are stressful, Thanksgiving is so much fun.” “Are you sure that you’re actually remembering it as being fun?” “What do you mean?” “The human mind naturally adds a positive spin to memories. It’s why people always long for the past. High school could have been a boring waste of four years in which nothing good ever happened, yet ask an adult if they miss it and if they were good times and they almost always say they were. It’s hard to know if you were ever truly happy, for your mind is always devaluing the meaning of happiness to make your memories brighter.” He looked over at Jenny in the corner of his eye and saw that her lively smile of tired joy had been diminished as she mulled over what he had said and gleamed over her memories, wondering if she really had been “happy” during the ones that were the brightest. “You’ve been working on this thing for so long, what is it?” Jenny asked as she watched Adrian. On the wide table by his desk, he was working on a large piece of machinery, almost resembling the interior of a remote-controlled battlebot like the ones seen fighting on TV with saw blades. It was about the size of a mini-fridge and filled with cable systems and gears that were hooked up to computerized winches. “It’s a surgical robot, meant to replace human doctors in the operating room, at least in terms of who is touching the patient. The surgeon will be controlling the robot, but I’m considering making a version where the machine can be programmed to act on its own and perform specific operations as told.” “Really? That’s amazing!” “Yeah, but I’m disappointed with how long it’s been taking. I’ve been at this for a month and a half and I’m only three quarters of the way to completion. Oh well, big machines like these are always the slower projects,” he grumbled under the crackle of the ark welder. “What kind of other big machines have you made?” Jenny asked, wondering how the finished creation would look. “Probably my biggest project was a full-body scanner. It was like an MRI, but it didn’t use radiation or magnets, meaning that there were no health risks and people with metal in their bodies won’t be in danger. Plus it was accurate enough to give a 3D image of the patient’s cells. It was about half as large as a regular MRI, but I still had to dismantle it after it’s completion so that I could actually get it out of my room.” “How much money did you make?” “A fair amount. All I really care about is making enough money to keep building and to be known for my skills in engineering.” “You never seemed like the prideful type.” “I’m not, I just want to make sure my name comes up when people need a bigger job done. They can misspell my name for all I care, all I want is to be the one that they call.” Adrian kept the door to his room locked and the white noise blurring from his speakers at their top volume to drown out the sounds of relatives talking above him and cousins running around the house. Already, his bedroom door had been knocked on so many times it was as if he lived down the street from a church of Jehovah’s Witnesses with Alzeimers, but he saw no reason in leaving his room. He would much rather work on his machines than talk to his extended family for an hour. Ringing beside him, Adrian’s phone caught his attention. It was Jenny. “Yes?” he asked as he answered it. “It’s been three days and I don’t even get a hello? Come on, just because you’re on vacation from school doesn’t mean you’re on vacation from me,” she teased. Like Adrian, she was in her room with the door shut and locked, desperate to get away from her pesky cousins and finally realizing the truth in what he had told her in the car. “Very well.” “I was wondering if you would like to come over for dinner tonight. My whole family is desperate to meet you.” “I would prefer not to. I have work to do and I get enough questions here at home.” “Come on, you’ve never even had a real conversation with anyone in my family, except for my dad when you asked to spend the night. I want to show you off.” “I said no,” he replied, not angrily but forcefully. Jenny winced at the harshness of his answer. “Adrian, we’re dating. We’re supposed to spend time together other than when our schedules put us in the same classroom. We haven’t talked in three days. Come on, just five minutes and then we can lock ourselves in my room and be alone until dinner.” Adrian took a deep breath. “As you wish. I’ll be there in ten minutes. Just try and answer most of their questions before I get there. There is no point in waiting for me to tell them things that you already know.” Adrian kept his look melancholically bland as usual as Jenny brought him into the house. Aunts, uncles, and grandparents all wanted to get a good look at him, while young cousins battered him with questions on whether or not what Jenny had told them was true. He kept his answers short, asked no questions in return, and looked dead ahead without consistent eye-contact whenever possible. It was clear that Jenny had already warned everybody about his “social level”, as even his uncaring behavior failed to evoke so much as a sigh or look of disappointment. As per the conditions, Adrian answered questions for five minutes before Jenny allowed him to escape, bringing him up to her room where they would have relative privacy. “I’m surprised, you didn’t swear or lose your temper once,” Jenny noted as she sat down on the bed. Adrian walked over to the window and gazed through the cold glass, already fogging from frozen condensation. “That took a lot of self-control. You know I hate being badgered by people.” Jenny giggled. “Yes, but from what I’ve learned, if they badger you long enough, you grow fond of them. After all, we’re only in a relationship because I refused to stop annoying you.” Before answering, Adrian walked over to her shut bedroom door and slammed his hand against it, scaring off her young cousins who had their ears pressed against the door. “Unfortunately, your family is no less irritating than mine. I loathe getting visited by relatives.” “Sure it can be a little stressful, but can you honestly tell me you feel nothing for your family?” “I love my immediate family, but even that is limited. Blood relation means nothing; you see your friends more than your extended family. Why should it matter?” said Adrian, staying by the door. “Why are you standing over there? We don’t have to be speaking to each other from across the bedroom.” Without so much as a nod, Adrian walked over and lied down beside her, the two of them looking up that the ceiling the same way they had after they were first intimate. “What about when we get married and have kids? Won’t blood relation matter then?” “It is unlikely we’ll last that long, and it’s illogical for you to plan that far ahead.” Jenny gave an undeterred shrug. “You should know me well enough to expect this. After all, I wouldn’t be with you if I didn’t want us to spend our lives together. Like you told my friends, there is no point to a relationship if it serves as only practice.” Adrian gained a small smile, which to Jenny, was a huge achievement for her. “And I wouldn’t be with you if I didn’t admire you for that,” he said. Jenny smiled and rolled on her side, wrapping her arms around his. “Imagine if we do get married and have kids, what then? Will blood relation matter?” “Of course it will matter.” “Then tell me, would you be interested in marriage? You say that it is likely we won’t last long, but it certainly isn’t impossible. If that possibility exists, then are you interested? Say that in our future, if it was guaranteed we got married as long as you proposed, would you be interested? I’m not asking if you would or wouldn’t, I’m asking whether you would consider it.” Adrian bit his lip, repeating the same question in his mind over and over, even though it was the same thing he had been wondering ever since that fateful night. He didn’t even know if what he felt for her constituted love, let alone if they would truly spend their lives together. And there were more than his personal feelings to consider, after all, he had his plan to think about. Were a life with Jenny and the steps he would need to take to achieve his plan compatible? Could he move forward to complete his plan and be sure that Jenny would stay by his side? “Dinner is ready!” Jenny’s mom hollered from the kitchen, putting the conversation on hold to Adrian’s relief. The dining room was cramped with everyone gathered around the dinner table. Another table even had to be brought in and added so that everyone could take a seat. Even with the regular meal, the amount of space in the middle of the table was almost nonexistent, meaning that Thanksgiving dinner would be like a giant game of Tetris. Adrian kept his eyes on his plate as he ate, hoping that he would be asked as few questions as possible. The meal was spaghetti and he was eating hungrily, already on his third helping. “My, someone loves my cooking!” Mrs. Sinclair laughed. “I’m glad you made spaghetti, pasta was just the fuel I needed,” he answered before wiping the sauce off his lips with his napkin. “What do you mean?” one of Jenny’s cousins asked, a ten-year-old boy. “Pasta is rich in starches, which is made of polysaccharides, which is made up of long chains of monosaccharides, which is essentially glucose. I need all the glucose I can get to function at my peak. Unfortunately, the fridge in my room is empty and I couldn’t go into my parent’s kitchen without being bombarded by questions from my relatives. I figure with enough pasta, I can go until 2:00 am before I need more sugar.” “You even need to wake up to get more sugar? That sounds almost like an addiction to me,” one of Jenny’s uncles joked. “No, I don’t wake up because I don’t sleep. I stay up every second night and continue on into the next day. This way, between school days, I get about fifteen hours of uninterrupted work time. I’ll go to sleep tomorrow night.” Everyone looked at each other with raised eyebrows. “So are you going to college after you graduate?” Ed asked, leaning back in his chair with a look of defensive skepticism on his face. “No, I have no need. I’m already quite wealthy with the money from my inventions, so I don’t need to go to college for the sake of finding a career. Besides, I already know more than any university could possibly teach, so college would only serve to rob me of more time that could be spent working,” he answered without looking up from his plate. “So that’s what you’ll do for your career? You’ll keep inventing?” Mrs. Sinclair asked. “That’s correct, that’s all I plan on doing.” He looked around at everyone and noted their expressions, but what confused him was the quizzical look on Jenny’s face. “Goodnight,” Adrian said, standing with Jenny on her porch. “Wait a second, Adrian, there is something I need to ask you. But first tell me if there is anyone listening in?” “No, I sense no one else around.” “Why did you lie to my family? On our first date, you told me that you were going to change the world. You said that you’ve spent the last few years acquiring the power you would need to make your move, and you never even told me what you meant. I have to know, Adrian, what are you planning?” “I’m afraid I can’t answer that at this time.” “But why not? There is no one listening to us, why can’t you tell me?” “Jenny, I told you before that I trusted you. That is true, but I meant that I trusted you with my past. What I’m going to do, I can’t afford to leave any loose ends in my wake. I need to make sure my future is assured, and right now, our relationship is the largest variable. I trust you with the knowledge of my past, but until I’m absolutely sure that you will never leave me, I can’t trust you with the knowledge of my future. I must make sure that my plans are never released, or everything I have worked to accomplish will have been for nothing.” Jenny’s face paled as she tried to imagine what he was planning. “Just please, tell me what your goal is. You don’t have to tell me what you’ll do, but tell me what you hope to achieve.” “I’m going to put an end to the conflicts of mankind. I’m going to completely reshape civilization and create international equality. While the phrase is cliché, there is none more fitting than to say that I will create a new world order, in which the power is truly given to the people and those who hold authority are made responsible for their actions. This plan will either recreate the world or destroy it, the choice is up to the people.” “It always surprises me when you offer to take me shopping. I know that the mall is your idea of hell,” Jenny said gratefully. “Well you know I’ve been watching television to try and study human interaction and behavior. From what I’ve learned, women like to shop, and I figure that is something that I can use. Besides, I have plenty of money.” “All right, just don’t think that you need to buy my love and happiness. I don’t want to look like a gold digger.” Clinging to his arm, Jenny led Adrian into just about every clothing store in the mall. The stadium-sized building was packed full of people moving down the wide corridors like salmon through a river at spawning season. The hallways were wide enough for vast crowds of people to walk through, or stop and rest at the benches in the middle. Endless stores stood side by side on each hallway, while a mixture of electricity and a skylight kept the entire structure lit. It was true that Adrian absolutely loathed the mall, but he did his best to hide his contempt and put on the appearance of being in a good mood. His arm was hooked through the loops of more than half a dozen shopping bags, his credit card was warm in his pocket from the friction of being handled so many times, and Jenny’s neck was beginning to redden from the constant application and removal of clothes, not to mention the small scratches left behind by the edges of the tags. In each store, he would stand beside her while she picked out clothes and then wait by the dressing room while she switched in and out of different outfits. She would step out and ask for his opinion, and he would wear an empty smile and say something nice, no matter what she wore. To him, there was no real difference in quality of appearance between the different outfits, so he just tried to play along and come up with different compliments and descriptions. It wasn’t that he didn’t think she was beautiful, but he was never one to articulate it, and certainly not with a smile. Just revealing this much emotion was causing his headache to reappear and was making his stomach hurt. Jenny quickly wised up to his efforts towards authenticity, and while she said nothing of it, it did make her happy to see him really trying. “Do you have the time?” Jenny asked as they set down their bags on an empty bench. “It’s 3:47.” “Been counting the seconds since you last saw a clock? My, you must be really suffering,” she teased. Adrian just gave a wry smile and the smallest of laughs. “Very well, I’ll check.” He drew his phone, and as he pressed his thumb against the screen and released the bio-recognition lock, he heard a click in the distance. Even through the roaring of thousands of footfalls and hundreds of conversations echoing down the large hallway, the click was crystal-clear to Adrian and he recognized the sound as coming from a camera. ‘Just as I thought, every time I draw my phone…’ Adrian mentally concluded as he read the time display and then turned off the device. With the screen black, he used it as a mirror to look over his shoulder. Across the rivers of shoppers moving in opposite directions, he saw a man in his late twenties putting something in the breast pocket of his coat, and from the size, it was obviously a camera. The man had short hair and a thin, shadowy beard, and was looking straight at Adrian, just as he had been since he and Jenny entered the mall. “I was right, it’s 3:47,” Adrian calmly said as he lowered his phone. “All right, how about we leave at four? We have time for one more store.” “Where would you like to go?” Adrian was keeping his mind focused on the man following him, but made sure to convey nothing to Jenny through his expression or tone. Looking around, she gained a coy smile. “How about we go into the Victoria’s Secret? I’m sure I could find something that we would both enjoy,” she said softly, giving Adrian a legitimate smile and causing him to laugh softly. “Tell you what, I have to go to the bathroom so I’ll meet you in the store. I’ll let you surprise me.” “Ten minutes, the changing room door will be unlocked. You’ll know which one,” she purred as she took the bags and walked off. With Jenny now gone, Adrian resisted the urge to glance back at his tail and instead looked around, pretending to be searching for a sign that would tell him where the bathroom was. Moving at a brisk pace, he started walking through the sea of people towards where he knew the bathrooms were. Immediately, he could hear the faint disruption in the other stream of people as the man tried to cut across to Adrian’s side of the hallway. The hallway leading to the bathrooms was a long and empty one, being on the other side of the mall’s largest department store. Striding down the empty corridor, Adrian went right past the bathrooms and passed through the emergency exit nearby. Outside, the sun was already setting and the clouds were blocking off what little light was being released. With only the parking lot lights on and the lot itself devoid of people, Adrian stepped outside and waited by the door, knowing that the conditions were perfect. He didn’t sense anyone around, and even if he did, it was dark enough for any action he took to be hidden. A minute after he stepped out into the cold, the door opened and the man came outside, a cigarette in his hand so that he could pretend he was coming outside to smoke. Lunging out from behind the door, Adrian grabbed the man by the throat and slammed him against the wall. The movement was made without a single audible sound, and continuing with that silence, Adrian reached out and pressed the small button hidden in the collar of the man’s coat, turning off the voice recorder. “Don’t even think about lying to me, I am well aware of who you work for. I admit, you are a skilled tail, but no human can completely hide from me. Your car was parked eight to the left and across the lane from mine; you were driving a red Subaru. You came through the mall entrance seventeen seconds after Jenny and I did, consistently staying about thirty-four paces behind us and always near something you could hide behind. You took five pictures in total: one in the parking lot, one in Macy’s, one in GAP, one in the food court, and that last one when I was standing at the bench. Basically, any time I drew my phone, you took a picture. Now you and I are going to have a conversation and you are going to answer every question fully and honestly. I might even answer a few of yours if I feel like it. If you try to run or draw a weapon, I will kill you. First question: What is your name?” Adrian demanded, releasing the man’s throat. “Frank, Frank Bartley,” the man panted while rubbing his throat. Adrian kept his eyes focused on his hand, making sure he didn’t touch the button in his collar and reactivate the voice recorder. “What happened to Gordon Pike?” “I don’t know, we are never told who we replace or who replaces us. I was just reassigned here.” “It seems that your superiors suspected him of being won over. How much are you being paid?” “Five grand a month.” “That’s almost twice what Gordon was being paid. It really does seem like they are afraid of you being bribed. However, I’ll pay triple if you’ll work for me.” Frank’s eyes widened. “What the hell are you talking about, kid?” “I need you to continue taking photographs of me when I’m out in public and sending them to your superiors. However, there are times when I’ll be moving around and I can’t have your employers knowing of my actions. Your job will be to take extra pictures of me and then alter the dates during those times when I need to “disappear”, so to speak. I know you speak into a voice recorder to make a list of my actions and the times. I need you to fake those records when I’m gone. Essentially, your superiors must never know that I have left or gone anywhere out of the ordinary. Every time I take such a trip, I will pay you fifty grand to make it seem like I am still present and to keep silent about this deal and my true destination.” “You had this deal with the last guy, this Gordon dude?” “Yes, but like I said, it appears that the organization suspected he was being bribed. Will you accept the deal?” “For fifty grand, sure. You have a deal.” Reaching the dressing rooms of the Victoria’s Secret store, Adrian quickly spotted Jenny’s blouse draped over the door of the room at the end of the hall. With a small smile, he walked over and opened the door. Looking at Jenny, his eyes widened and he almost jumped. She was wearing a lacy black bra and panties, with a pair of stockings. “Well? What do you think?” “Well, you certainly know how to surprise me,” Adrian said, suddenly feeling his Id fighting for dominance of his mind. “I’m guessing you like it then. Let’s buy it and go home, but first, how about you help me take it off?” she offered, pulling Adrian in and then closing the door. As the door closed behind them, Jenny and Adrian locked lips. They had never done this before, had sex in a public place. If they made so much as a sound, they would be discovered and things would not end well. Considering that Jenny was already down to lingerie, there was no point in taking things slowly. The lacy underwear was discarded and Adrian pressed her against the mirror on the back wall, kissing her breasts while he worked his fingers inside her. He liked to think that after all this time, he had finally figured out this whole crazy sex thing. With nothing but a thin door preventing them from being seen and nothing hiding her voice, Jenny had to stifle herself so that her whimpers of bliss would not be heard. Her melon breasts were immensely sensitive, sending shivers through her body as Adrian sucked on her nipples and painted her porcelain skin with his tongue. At the same time, he was moving his fingers inside her pussy as if hacking into a computer, sliding them back and forth at different rhythms and hitting different places with a powerful randomness that could not be defended against. Once he had turned her velvet sleeve into a water slide, he unfastened his pants and pulled out his manhood, not hesitating to force it inside her. She let out the slightest chirp when he entered her, the look on her face of sensual euphoria and excitement. Once again kissing him, she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, letting him pick her up and hold her against the mirror like when they made love in his bedroom. With perfect fluidity in his movements, Adrian thrust into her like a jackhammer and used his lips to keep her voice from escaping. Jenny had her first orgasm after only a few minutes, but Adrian had maintained control. Not done, they changed position, this time with Jenny’s back to Adrian, bending over with her hands against the wall, looking directly into the mirror. Sexual desire having replaced logical thought, Adrian mounted like an animal and began slamming himself into her. Jenny was struggling with all her might to contain her voice, but with lust ruling his mind and migraine throbbing behind his eyes, Adrian couldn’t care less about the sound of her ass against his lap. Both their eyes were on their reflections in the mirror, all grace and dignity lost as the two teens gave in to their primal urges. Jenny’s mouth was open, panting like a dog, eyes rolling while her breasts bounced and jiggled. Behind her, Adrian looked utterly focused, almost angry, watching the muscles in Jenny’s back contract and relax every time he thrust into her. Relying on just one hand to hold her, he reached out and slid his fingers into her mouth. Too engrossed in pleasure to be surprised, she sucked on them gluttonously, wrapping her tongue around them and using them to help contain her voice. After a few minutes, they both came, Adrian flooding her womb with his seed while Jenny covered her mouth, wanting to moan like an opera singer as ecstasy washed through her. They both waited to catch their breath and then got dressed, no longer interested in buying the lingerie and simply wanting to just get out of the store. Night dominated the sky when Adrian and Jenny walked out of the mall, with Jenny pressing herself tightly against Adrian for warmth while they walked. “Thank you so much. My friends will all have heart attacks when they see all the stuff I have.” “It sounds almost like making your friend’s jealous is the sole purpose for most of your outfits and jewelry.” “Hey, I’m a woman, that’s what I do. But thank you, Adrian, you truly are a sweet man.” “Well you know I care about you. You truly are important to me,” he said, digging into his emotional side to pick the right words. However, as he reached into his subconscious to let the influence of his Id and Ego reach his Super Ego, a rush of blinding pain flooded his body, aiming for his stomach and brain. Gripping his head to try and ease the white-hot pain stabbing his brain and leaning forward, Adrian threw up on the sidewalk, emptying the contents of his stomach and shaking to the point where he nearly fell to his knees. “Adrian!” Jenny fearfully cried out as she dropped her bags and wrapped her arms around him to keep him from collapsing. “I’m fine, I’m fine… It’s just… just something from the food court that my body didn’t agree with. I’m all right.” This was the first time he had lost control in front of Jenny. He had always been able to keep his sickness hidden until now. “Come on, let’s get you to the car. I’ll drive and just spend the night at your place.” “No, I’ll bring you back home. I’ll be fine, I just need to get some rest.” ‘Come on, body. Hold together. I can figure this out, I just need a little more time.’ Adrian and Jenny were walking down a hallway at school, with Jenny clinging to his arm and leaning her head on his shoulder. Adrian strained his ears to hear what everyone was talking about, for there was a piece of news floating around, and it was obviously important. With all of the hushed mutterings smothering each other and getting mixed up, not even his hearing could clearly make it out. “Well if it isn't the fucking Adroid!” a course voice laughed. Adrian cursed as everyone looked down the hall. Adrian recognized the voice and the disrespectful tone. At the end of the hall was Logan, his unwanted rival. He had been under suspension for more than a month after snapping another student’s arm. Everyone was silent as he approached, stepping back and opening up the hallway. Jenny didn't take a single step, but her grip on Adrian’s arm tightened and he could feel her shaking. His mind was running countless scenarios, planning out every possible choice of action. “Jenny, don't tell me you're dating this loser now. If you want a robot dick to fuck, get a vibrator.” “Your words carry no purpose other than to cause distress. Only sadists seek to inflict harm without reason. Are you saying that you are a horrible person, as defined by the term 'sadist'?” Adrian asked, cocking his head to one side. “Shut the fuck up you emo freak.” “Your use of the phrase emo is incorrect. Emo is someone who portrays his or her emotions excessively, and according to what people say about me, I am almost the exact opposite. Will you continue or would you like to rephrase your last statement?” Adrian could feel Jenny's grip around his arm becoming more relaxed. She was feeling relieved, watching him turn the school bully into a yipping lapdog. Logan just chuckled and began to walk by him. Adrian remained calm as Logan approached, having already planned out every possible scenario for a very likely physical confrontation. He was ready to do whatever the situation required, whether it was to keep Jenny safe or to counterattack. There was no need to get worked up; using even a single molecule of adrenalin would be nothing but a waste on someone like Logan. As Logan took his second step past him, Adrian heard him take a sharp intake of breath, commonly preceding a fast or aggressive movement. As fast as Adrian could, he pushed Jenny out of harm's way and ducked. Logan's fist flew right over his head, and before he could react, Adrian spun around, reached up, and slammed him in the nose with his flat palm. He staggered back, gripping his broken nose and giving a muffled howl of pain. Adrian turned so that his left side had optimal reach and then kicked him in the stomach, making him buckle. Adrian stepped back, making sure that Jenny was safe. She was standing on the sidelines with her eyes full of worry. He turned back to Logan as the lunatic charged with his fist pulled back and stepped to the side to dodge his punch, then with his right hand on his left fist, he jabbed forward with his left elbow. With time basically moving in slow motion through his eyes, Adrian calculated and adjusted the angle of his elbow, ensuring that the force of the impact would be fully directed to his forearm instead of the joint. He slammed his elbow against Logan’s chin, sending him sprawling back. “A mongrel mutt like you should know its place. Maybe it’s not too late for you to learn about how to show a little respect for your superiors.” Logan gave a sadistic laugh. “It’s funny that you call me a dog, because after I’m through with you, I’ll have your girlfriend on all fours in my bedroom, wearing nothing but a dog collar.” “Silence! You will speak only when spoken to!” “I’ve had enough of you looking down on me!” Logan roared as he charged forward. Swinging wildly, he began throwing punches randomly at Adrian, but the young genius dodged them so easily that he even appeared bored. Everyone watched in amazement as he swerved effortlessly from side to side, avoiding the punches as if they were fluttering moths. “I was merciful the first time we met, but now I will force you to show respect. You can’t beat me, Logan. It’s impossible for you to ever hit me.” Logan sent his fist rocketing towards his face, but Adrian easily dodged the attack and jabbed him in the chest with his spread fingers. Logan gagged in pain and staggered back with five bloodstains growing on his shirt, while Adrian held up his hand, showing the blood on the tips of his fingers from the five shallow holes he had just drilled into Logan’s chest. “That was a warning shot. The only reason why my fingers didn’t go in all the way was because I kept them separate and used only a fraction of my real strength. If you attack again, my next stab won’t be so weak. Submit now and apologize or my hand will pierce your chest like spear,” Adrian threatened, bringing his fingers together and straightening his hand out. “Hell no, I’m having way too much fun!” Logan cackled as he charged towards him. Adrian clicked his tongue several times in disappointment of his choice and got into a defensive stance with his hand pulled back, ready to lash out like a striking snake. The second Logan was close enough, he reached out with his fist and Adrian reached out with his flat hand. “What the Hell is going on in here?!” a voice boomed, stopping Logan and Adrian before their attacks could connect. Everyone turned his or her attention to the principle. He was standing at the very back of the crowd with the veins in his head bulging from anger. “Merely an argument that took an unfortunate turn, Principle Smith. Nothing more than a physical disagreement,” Adrian answered calmly as he wiped the blood off his hand. “I’m going to be questioning several students after you, so if you tell me a single lie, I’ll have the two of you suspended for the rest of the year. Now, tell me what happened. Adrian, you go first,” the principle warned. Logan and Adrian were sitting in two chairs in front of his desk. Adrian had his arms and legs crossed with a calm look on his face, while Logan was slouching in his chair, holding one ice pack against his jaw and another against his busted nose. “Jenny and I were walking down the upstairs hallway and Logan called out to us. We exchanged a brief argument and Logan attacked as he was walking past Jenny and I. I got Jenny out of the way, dodged his punch, and then counterattacked, hoping that I could scare him off or incapacitate him so that he couldn’t attack again. After a second brief argument, I warned Logan to stand down but he refused. He attacked again and I incapacitated him with a cautionary counterattack, causing those five bloodstains on his shirt. He refused to leave Jenny and I alone and I was just about to defeat him, but you stopped us.” The principle nodded and turned to Logan. “And you?” he asked with disgust. “Ok, you know what? Fuck this shit! I don’t even know why I’m here! I’m the victim! I was just minding my own business, making up for lost time with my friends, and this motherfucker suddenly starts insulting me! I ask him to leave me alone but he just freaks out and starts attacking me! I tried to fend him off, but this fucking psychopath just wouldn’t stop! If you hadn’t stopped him, I would have really had to kick his ass to protect myself. You have to believe me! This crazy fucker just came out and attacked me! If this son of a bitch isn’t expelled, I am going to sue this school!” Adrian looked at him in shock. Was he being this stupid on purpose? The principle gave a sigh and turned to Adrian. “You can go.” Jenny was waiting on a bench beside the principle's office when Adrian stepped out. She immediately bolted up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Adrian, what happened in there?” “Don’t worry, everything is fine. I doubt I’ll get any punishment but Logan will basically get the chair.” “Oh, I’m so relieved,” she sighed with her head on his shoulder. She then pulled away from him with an excited smile on her face. “I know you consider it idiotic when people say stuff like this, but I am so hot for you right now.” The principle barely questioned any other students, since he already knew who was guilty and who was innocent. Adrian was left off the hook, but Logan was put on probation and would be expelled if he crossed the line by a mere inch. For the rest of the week, Logan didn’t come near Jenny or Adrian. He was a stupid psychopath, but he was smart enough to know that this was his last chance to actually graduate from high school. It was a cool Saturday night with the chill of late autumn lingering in the air and a strong continuous wind. Jenny and Adrian had just stepped out of the movie theater and they were making their way back to his car. The air was damp with fog, creating a distorting aura around every light source and stirring endlessly under the power of the wind. It was quite late and there were few people on the sidewalks or driving down the street. Wanting to enjoy the cool air and the quiet of the night in the normally bustling town, Jenny had suggested that Adrian parked the car far away. As they came to the entrance to the town park, Jenny playfully tugged on his arm. “Come on, let's take a quick detour.” Adrian kept his arm tense so that his hand stayed in his pocket. “I really wish you hadn't brought that thing,” she sighed, losing her smile. “I’m sorry, but I just wanted to test its portability.” To cheer her up, Adrian wrapped his other arm around her and kissed her on the forehead. Jenny looked at him with surprise. “You've never kissed me anywhere but the lips.” Adrian gave a small smile and they entered the park, but in his mind, his headache was throbbing. The park was empty and but far from silent. The continuous wind was making every leaf rustle loudly. The only light was coming from the few streetlamps, spread out along the pavement path. Regardless of the cold air, Adrian’s headache refused to fade and it was growing to the point where his senses were weakening. That also wasn’t counting the growing feeling that he was about to throw up and the pain now starting to throb in his muscles. They were halfway through the park, walking along the precipice of a small plot of woods. “So how did you like the movie?” Adrian asked as they breathed in the cool night air. “It was good, but I hate how people who wake up in hospitals automatically rip everything away from their arms and stagger out into the hall. There is a reason why hospital beds have call buttons. It's so illogical.” Adrian chuckled, almost making her jump in surprise. “You're becoming more like me.” Just as Adrian spoke the words, a hard object slammed into the back of his head, knocking him to the ground. He heard several footsteps along with a scream from Jenny as his face hit the cold pavement of the sidewalk. With his senses scrambled by the impact, he struggled to get back to his feet. Logan and two of his friends were standing in front of him, with Logan ripping off Jenny's shirt. He wrapped his arm her neck with his hand over her mouth as he pulled her shirt away, leaving only her bra. Even if she could scream, the park was completely empty and no one was wandering the streets. Adrian took a step forward but stopped as Logan pulled out a knife. “It's payback time, motherfucker. If you take another step, I’ll cut off your girlfriend's clothes and you can watch us take turns having a little fun with her.” Jenny gave a stifled scream and tears rolled down her face at Logan's words. Adrian stood still as a statue with his heart racing and his body drowning in adrenaline. ‘Damn it, this sickness is ruining my senses. I should have picked them up before they could have even gotten close to us, but I’ve been completely weakened. Unless I take control of the situation, I’ll be dead and Jenny will be worse.’ But as the words passed through his mind, he began to feel something, something new. The best word he could find to describe it was... rage. His rage was focused on Logan for touching Jenny and using her to threaten him. Adrian tried to suppress this new emotion, because he needed his mind to be as clear as possible, but the conflict between his logical side and this burning emotion was just making his condition worse. “Are you really so psychotic that you would attack us? Are you so quick to throw away your future?” Logan laughed. “There are more people who will buy drugs from you then job opportunities if you graduate. I just wanted to finally get a taste of this whore and I thought the best revenge would be to make you watch. I didn’t hesitate for a moment when I decided I wanted to hunt you down and make you suffer. True, you are too smart for me to predict what you’ll do. Instead, I just have to predict what this stupid little whore will want and be assured that you’ll do whatever she says. This dumb blonde has got you completely whipped! Jake, Sam, go ahead. Asshole, if you take a single step, I’ll rip off her clothes, cut her throat, and the last thing she’ll feel before dying is me inside her.” Adrian took a deep breath as his two cronies walked over to him, chuckling sadistically. Jake pulled back his fist and punched him in the side of the face, knocking him back to the ground. The impact completely jarred his mind, making it almost impossible to think. Adrian slowly stood up, using every second to build up tolerance to the next attack. Sam kneed him in the stomach with enough force to make him cough up blood and Adrian swayed from side to side, struggling to stay on his feet. He also made sure that his right arm did not become straight. Jake punched him again and Adrian spat out a mouthful of blood. Jenny quietly cried as Sam crashed his elbow down onto his back, knocking him once again to the ground. Adrian did not give a single groan of pain or expression of discomfort. He just got back to his feet with his chin up, over and over again. Sam and Jake continued beating him, punching him wherever would hurt the most. Adrian just focused on Jenny's tear-filled eyes, finding comfort in them. Her muffled sobs could just barely be heard through Logan's hand. As long as the knife was next to her throat, trying to fight back would result in death. “Sam, take this and carve up his face,” Logan said as he reached into his pocket for another knife. The second his knife was away from Jenny, Adrian acted. He reached into his pocket and pulled out one of his darts, always making sure to have them when he wasn’t at home or school. He threw the spike, and even with his battered body, his impeccable aim lodged it one of the pressure points of Logan’s arm, causing him to drop the knife. With that quick opportunity, Jenny bit Logan's hand as hard as she could. Logan threw her to the side, howling in pain from the two inches of metal lodged in his arm and the bleeding bite wound on his hand. With Logan's cronies distracted, Adrian reached down with his right hand, finally straightening out his arm. There was a cracking sound and a metal spike slid out of his sleeve and into his hand, measuring two feet long. The middle of the lance had a hinge under high tension, and it would instantly lock into position if the two parts were straightened out. Not only was this function perfect for concealment, the entire weapon was made of Demium, so the hinges, locking mechanism, and needle-sharp tip were so strong that the spike could support his full weight. The weapon was kept in the sleeve with the owner’s elbow next to the hinges. The owner only had to point their hand down and straighten their arm and the secured lance would slide into their hand. Along with his lance, something else was released as well. The rage that had been created when Logan grabbed Jenny was erupting in his heart, as well as the killer instinct he used when there were obstacles in the way of his grand plan. The result was an icy desire to slaughter his enemies, with all aspects of remorse and guilt being crushed under its fury. With the Demium lance in his hand, Adrian could barely control the urge to kill. He lashed out and slammed Jake in the throat, causing him to fall to his knees, gasping for air. He then smashed him in the back of the head and he fell flat on the ground. Adrian turned around as Sam tried to punch him and blocked his fist with the shaft of the lance, busting his foe’s hand. As Sam roared in pain, Adrian raised the spike and stabbed him in the foot. Before he could scream, Adrian pulled a right hook to the jaw, shattering several of his teeth and ripping apart his lips. He delivered the knockout move by slamming him in the middle of the chest with his palm, striking with enough force to shatter all of his ribs. Gasping for air, Jake slowly got to his feet and stumbled towards him. Adrian raised the lance and brought it down, slashing him from shoulder to hip. Even though the weapon had no blade and the wound was shallow, the tip was sharper than a nail and sliced open skin and muscle like wrapping paper. He would live, but wouldn't be getting up any time soon. Adrian turned as Logan charged towards him with his knife in his hand. He jabbed forward with his knife and Adrian held up his hand, letting the blade stab him through the palm and send drops of blood splattering on his face. Logan stared in horror at the lack of reaction on Adrian’s face and the coldness in his eyes. His rage and mechanical mind were completely blocking out the pain, granting him the power to continue fighting. Without making a sound, Adrian stabbed him through the shoulder piercing the thick muscle and breaking his bones with ease. Logan screamed in pain, and before he could step back, Adrian released his lance and jabbed forward with his good hand, stabbing him in the chest with all of his strength. With his fingers straight and the muscles reinforcing the bones, Adrian was able to pierce his torso all the way, with his hand bursting out of Logan’s back. Logan vomited blood as Adrian pulled his hand away, leaving a huge gaping wound just below his ribcage. Had he wanted to, he could have grabbed any number of organs and ripped them right out. Adrian retrieved his lance and twisted Logan’s arm, forcing him to his knees. Adrian kept twisting, dislocating his other shoulder. He then stepped back and slashed him several times across the back, leaving deep bloody gashes. Logan was gagging in agony, unable to even scream. Adrian raised the spike, about to deliver the killing blow, but Jenny rushed over to him and grabbed his arms. “No Adrian, please don't!” In his blood-drunk stupor, Adrian did not hear her. “Adrian!” she cried out again, somewhat shaking him out of it. “He’s in my way, and anyone in my way must be removed.” “You’ve done enough! You don't have to murder him! You aren't a heartless killing machine!” Adrian gasped as her words fully broke through his bloodlust and his hands slackened around the spike. She stepped in front of him, standing between him and Logan with her hands on his cheeks. “If you kill him, the police will lock you away forever and I cannot bear to be without you. If you kill him then you will have to kill him too, because I don't want to live without you. Come back to me, come back to me, Adrian.” His breathing was hoarse as Adrian slowly calmed down his mind, separating his rage from his logical side and extinguishing the fires of anger. The lance fell out of his hand and imbedded itself in the ground. After several seconds, Jenny’s expression softened. “Why did you react that way? Why did you become so angry?” Adrian looked at her in confusion, trying to understand why she was asking this question here and now. “You have never been this angry before, so what changed now?” she asked, almost as if she were trying to pull his mind from his body. “I... I...” “Just say it, not for me but for yourself. Why did you react like this? Why did you do this? Why were you so upset and desperate to protect me?” she asked with tears running from her eyes but with the smallest of smiles on her face. “I did it because... because I…” “Say it, say the words that I know you want to say. Say the words that are truly in your heart.” “I got angry at them for attacking you… because I love you,” Adrian said softly. Jenny's smile widened and she gave a deep sigh of relief, finally hearing what she was trying to get him to say. “You are not a machine; you are a man, the man I love and man who loves me. It feels so good to hear your feelings for me.” “I am sorry, Jenny. I am so, so sorry. I wanted to kill them all and I wanted it so badly that I couldn’t stop myself. If you hadn’t intervened, I would have slaughtered three people tonight,” he murmured with his whole body shaking. “It's ok, my love, it's ok. Come on, let's get your hand fixed and go home. We’ll call an ambulance for these losers.” “As you wish, my love,” he said, repeating what she had said to him. Speaking the words, Adrian immediately fell to the ground, gripping his head and vomiting. His whole body was overwhelmed with indescribable agony as his consciousness and subconscious collided like two meteors, brought on the emotional epiphany and causing his mind to begin tearing itself apart. “Adrian!” Jenny cried out as he struggled to stay awake and not pass out from the pain. “Please, we need a doctor right away. My boyfriend has been stabbed through the hand and he’s lost a lot of blood. He’s also suffered from some sort of seizure,” Jenny said desperately to the receptionist. Adrian and Jenny were in the emergency room of the hospital and their parents were already on the way. The room was filled with chairs and brightly lit by fluorescent lights. A bookcase and a magazine stand were set up against the wall and a TV had been installed up in the ceiling’s corner, turned on to the evening news. Across the room were the receptionist desk and the double doors leading to the rest of the hospital, with the hospital entrance between the two sides of the room. There were only a handful of people there with Adrian and Jenny; two of them were security guards and the rest were people that had been injured from a car accident or were just clumsy in the dark night. “All right, fill out this information while I get a doctor,” the nurse said. She handed them a clipboard with an admittance sheet and picked up nearby phone, quickly dialing a number and notifying one of the doctors in the hospital. Jenny sat down next to Adrian, who had somewhat recovered from his episode in the park and was at least awake, but his whole body ached and his thoughts were sluggish. “I should have retrieved my lance… or at least gotten rid of it so that the police couldn’t find it.” Jenny turned to him, her voice shaking. “The police won’t take you away, you were just acting out of self-defense, nothing more.” “I practically butchered them. I’ll be lucky if I can stay out of jail.” “Adrian, everything will be fine. If something goes wrong, you can find a way out of it. It’s what you do best.” Adrian gave a small smile. “I love you.” “Ditto,” she replied jokingly. “ADROID!” Everyone turned to the hospital entrance as Logan staggered in. He was covered in blood and barely conscious. While one shoulder had been stabbed and the other dislocated, a gapping hole sat in his chest, and the muscles in his back had been torn to shreds, but he had somehow managed to follow them. “DIE, YOU BASTARD!” he said as he raised his hand, holding a gun. He pointed it at Adrian, and before the young genius could react in his weakened state, Logan pulled the trigger. Chapter Four: The room was quite large and well lit, with the walls made of yellow marble and the floors decorated with intricate tiles. Adrian was sitting on a bench on one side of the room, facing a maze of velvet rope walkways, leading to a series of counters. The room was filled with people, but only a fraction of them were talking. Adrian assumed the building was a bank, but that was all he could do, because he did not know how he got there. He couldn't remember how he had gotten to the bank, when he had gotten there, what happened before it, and he didn't even recognize the bank. This was not a simple matter of “forget what you're watching during the commercial break”; he literally couldn't remember anything. “My mental stability has been compromised,” Adrian said softly to himself as he searched his empty memory for answers. His heart rate rose as he considered the possibility. If his memory had just suddenly failed, then other parts of his mind could follow. Calm down and think logically. Your memories may be gone but the rest of your mind seems to be processing everything at its regular pace. Adrian repeated the phrase out loud, hoping that the audio reception would trigger something in his brain. He channeled all of the energy from his physical reaction to his mind, checking every aspect of his consciousness for anything else that had experienced damage. “My name is Adrian Ashford, I am eighteen years old, and my birthday is July 5th, 1994,” he said out loud, coming across a scrap of his memory and trying to stimulate his mind. He could remember personal information such as his identity and who he was, but no actual events. Adrian thought back to what he knew about the human brain, and while the information was there, the source of where he gained that information could not be found. “Interesting, my Limbic System seems to be functioning only partially, but I can't find any other part of my mind that is changed. Whatever is going on, I need to make a mental map, should my mind be impaired even further.” The brain remembers what the body experiences better than what thoughts actually take place, so he had to keep talking to himself to increase the chance that he could retain what little memory he had. He looked around at the people in the bank, trying to decide whether he should try to interact with them. On one hand, his mental health was obviously in jeopardy, but on the other… how was he supposed to explain this? Would he just walk up to the counter and ask ‘Ma’am, could you please help me? I can’t remember how I got here and I’m probably going to start hallucinating soon’. Most likely, anyone he spoke to would think he was either on drugs or about to rob the bank. Besides, it was very likely that he was already hallucinating. Did the bank exist? Did the people in it exist? Or was it the other way around, and everything existed but he was perceiving his own actions wrong? If he went up and tried to say something, would it be possible for him to think he had asked for help but instead just shouted a bunch of swears like he was drunk? For all he knew, he could think he had gotten up and asked for help, but that was the illusion, and in reality, he had never gotten up from the bench. It would be best not to draw any attention to himself or try to talk to anyone until he fully assessed the situation. Adrian looked to his left and saw a desk with several pens and a stack of application forms. He took one of the forms and laid it down on the bench with a pen in hand. If his logical side were the next to be affected, then he would need a psychological flash drive to compensate. He began writing on the back of the paper, saying out loud whatever he wrote. POSSIBLE REASONS FOR MEMORY LOSS: “Partial memory loss is most commonly associated with dreams and hallucinations,” Adrian muttered before writing DREAM and HALLUCINATION. “But knowing my psychological history, sudden memory loss is also an undeniable symptom of mental illness, possibly brought on by trauma,” he said before writing down MENTAL ILLNESS/AMNESIA. Adrian then dug his fingernails into his palm as hard as he could, letting the pain reach his mind instead of blocking it while beads of blood started to drip from his hand. “If this is a dream then it is a vivid one, vivid enough to trick the Thalamus. If I’m able to feel pain in this dream, then the chances are extremely low that this is a dream at all. Either that, or I’m not asleep exactly. This could very well be a drug-induced coma or some kind of unconscious hallucination. I shouldn't try that ‘death wakes you up’ option since my body may very well be in the real world instead of my mind.” He wrote POSSIBLE/UNLIKELY under DREAM. “Hallucination or a mental illness, maybe even blunt trauma to the prefrontal cortex or other areas of the brain. Whatever is going on, I need to find out what is going on before my mental state deteriorates even further.” PRELIMINARY MEMORY RECOLLECTION INEFFECTIVE ATTEMPT SENSORY OVERLOAD After Adrian finished writing, he folded up the paper and stowed it and the pen in his pocket. From the size of the bank, he was obviously in a city. Because his mental stability was already compromised, he would need to try and induce a seizure in the hope that it would knock him unconscious and his mind could reboot like a computer. He had to get out into the streets and use his surroundings to confuse his senses, similar to an epileptic seizure. Through the glass doors, Adrian could see cars passing by in the city streets and crowds of people walking down the sidewalk. But as he stepped outside, every moving object disappeared. The cars and people had completely vanished, leaving the street empty and silent. It was as if the glass of the doors had been TV screens, showing him a recording. Adrian looked back into the bank, but like the street outside, the entire room was suddenly empty. “I’m running out of time, either I’m losing control of this dream or my hallucinations are worsening. Damn it, I should have asked for help when I had the chance!” He stepped out into the empty street and looked around. There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky and the sun was directly overhead. He looked at the buildings on both sides of the street, trying to recognize something. As far as he could tell, he had never been in this location before. “This city could very well not exist and very well be a product of the hallucination or the dream, whichever it is. However, the city could be real, but my subconscious is filtering out the people and they really exist, meaning that they could be walking right past me, but my mind won’t let me detect them. I could still try and make contact, but if they are real and do exist, they would most likely try to ignore me.” Adrian took out his pen and laid out his mental map against a mailbox. SENSORY BALANCE DETERIORATING DREAM/HALLUCINATION WORSENING LOSING CONTROL As he wrote the words down, noise suddenly reached his ears. He looked across the street at a nightclub. The dark windows were dimly flashing with different colors and techno music was pulsing through the panes of glass. Just a moment ago, the building had been quiet and calm. Adrian ran across the street, knowing that the road could still be filled with people and cars, but his unstable mind was not processing them. Regardless of whether he was hallucinating or not, he still had to be logical, and he had to protect himself from things that should have been present, whether he could detect them or not. He stepped into the nightclub and checked his surroundings. The walls were dark purple and decorated with lit candles. The ceiling was covered in mirrors and the tiles had intricate patterns. There were no tables, just booths lining one side of the room opposite to the bar, with a small lamp dimly illuminating each one. A bolt of dull pain shot through his mind as a quick flash of a memory entered his consciousness. This nightclub was the same setting Adrian used to talk to his Id and Ego. The club was filled with people, all talking and dancing with each other. He couldn't make out a single word anyone was saying, and as he walked through the crowd, everyone seemed to move away without even glancing at him. Taking a deep breath, Adrian stood in the middle in the room and shouted as loud as possible, yet no one even turned to him. They were all hallucinations. Out of options, he came up to the bar and sat down on one of the stools. He looked at himself in the mirror, contemplating his journey through this mental maze. His sensory overload idea wasn't working at all and he didn't know what to do next. “This is way beyond a mental illness or a hallucination, but I’ve never experienced a dream that was vivid and complex, and even let me feel pain,” Adrian muttered to himself, looking down at his hands. “That's because you've never dreamed this deeply before,” a soft voice cooed as a martini was placed under his face. Instead of a toothpick, the olive was skewered with a tiny Demium spike. Adrian looked up at the bartender. “Hello, Jenny,” he said dryly. The blonde beauty gave a coy smile. “'Hello, Jenny'? That's all you say to the woman you love?” “You're an illusion, there is no point showing any emotional attachment to a figment of my imagination.” “Only you could be so cold,” she pouted. “Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on, or not? If you're my subconscious, then you should know I am becoming aggravated.” “That, my love, is for you to figure out. Hallucinations are the brain's way of trying to solve problems, and as you can see, this is one serious hallucination.” “I thought you said I was dreaming.” “I never said that. I said you’ve never dreamed this deeply before.” “So this is a hallucination?” “You figure it out.” “Well of all the things that I’ve encountered in this dream of mine, you're the only one that I’m actually able to interact with. Everything else disappears because it is unimportant or could break the dream, meaning that my subconscious wants me to stay here, at least until I accomplish something. Plus, isn't it strange that in the most vivid dream I’ve ever experienced, my sense of logic hasn't been affected in the least? You and logic, the two greatest forces in this dream... I wonder what that could mean?” he asked sarcastically as he downed the martini. “Bingo. Something has happened and you must make a choice now. You must choose between your love for me and your cold logical side. For years it has made you more than human, but if you wish to keep the woman you love, you must become human.” The martini glass snapped in his hand. “Will you give up your soul or your heart?” “This isn't a dream, it's a nightmare,” Adrian cursed. He then looked up and yelled, “Id! Ego!” Regardless of his call, his alternate personalities did not appear. “Why can’t I summon them?” “Because you can no longer identify them. The barriers you set up between your three personalities are breaking and their influences are leaking out erratically, causing growing psychological trauma. You are the Superego, correct? Basically, you’ve been letting your Id and Ego affect your actions as the dominant sentience, but then disregarding those actions and trying to maintain your identity as a cold and emotionless robot. Basically, you’re scrambling your mental stability by constantly switching from machine to man without properly handing control over to one of the other personalities. As I said before, you created the Superego to be cold and logical, but you also want to be with Jenny. You can’t be with her without showing emotion and physical desire, but you are too afraid to let any of the other personalities take over, so you are trying to use your Superego in ways you never intended it to be used for and putting massive amounts of strain on your mind. You’re basically trying to drive a Prius like it’s an ATV.” “And the only way to protect my mental stability is to choose between my Superego and Jenny?” “Correct, and you can’t leave this dream until you do. For the sake of self-preservation and as your subconscious, I will not allow you to continue this corrosive tendency. You know what I’m talking about; you’re driving yourself into an early grave because you are too stubborn to give up something! You can’t gain something without giving something up! You need to quit torturing yourself and make a choice, but before you can make your decision, I will show you the results of both paths. Pull out the sheet of paper in your pocket.” Adrian pulled out the paper and unfolded it. It was no longer the application sheet/mental map Adrian had gotten from the bank. The earlier print and writings had been replaced with a line of coordinates, but with each second that passed, the numbers seemed to change with Adrian unable to remember what they had been previously. It was as if he had misread it, but every time he tried to go back and read it again, he just made bigger and bigger mistakes. “That is the location of your goal, the key to changing this world and ending all conflict. However, the only way you will ever achieve your goal is if you defeat your opponents, and that will be impossible without your intellect.” She then grabbed the stem of the broken martini glass and stabbed him in the center of the chest. Adrian fell off the bar stool, snarling in pain. He hit the ground with blood streaming from his chest, spurting from his mouth, and leaking from his ruptured heart to his torn left lung. He pulled out the long glass shard and the pain instantly fell away. He felt his chest but could not find the wound. His clothes weren't even torn or bloody. “If you keep your logical side, your relationship will shatter. Every day after, you shall feel that pain in your heart from losing the one thing that truly made you happy. You will sacrifice yourself to help the rest of the world,” Jenny said as Adrian climbed back up onto his stool. “So I can be a martyr and save the world, or...” “You can give up the one thing that truly makes you unique. If you give up your mechanical mentality, you will be at risk of your emotions running your mind and causing physical damage similar to the placebo affect. As your subconscious, I will be forced to shut down your fulfilled potential to protect you from such harm, at the cost of your intelligence. You would most likely have a normal IQ, right around 100 points.” As she spoke the words, the shattered martini glass repaired itself. The walls of the club began to change, losing their dark violet shade and gaining a shifting orange hue, with blobs of color swerving just beneath the glassy surface. The walls of the club almost resembled the inside of a lava lamp. The people in the club began to change as well; they lost their physical bodies and became merely holograms of their former selves, passing through all the physical objects and each other. Blobs of colored fire began wafting up from all of the candles, hovering in the air before turning into liquid and popping like bubbles. “Can I have another martini?” Adrian asked, even though the first one tasted like bug spray. “I’ll try.” Adrian watched as she went through the process of making the martini, putting all of the ingredients together in the mixer and then shaking it vigorously. But when she poured it into his repaired glass, it came out as orange juice. “Sorry, it looks like luck was not on your side,” Jenny mused. With a calm expression on his face, Adrian picked up the martini olive that had fallen on the table when the glass broke. He pulled out the tiny Demium spike. “Cute,” he said sarcastically before eating the olive. “What is the purpose of this world? Of all dream sceneries, why a city? It seems rather cliché.” “Ah, now you know what to look for. This world is your mind, as dictated by your mental state and personality and chosen by your subconscious. Before you met me, your mind looked like the inside of a supercomputer, with electric synapses passing through the circuits at speeds far above regular humans. But when we began our relationship, you became more social, even if it was just with me. Your mind is shaping itself around this new social behavior and your new emotions, gaining a very ‘human’ influence. The circuits have been replaced with towering buildings, which represent your tendency to cling to stony organization. The electric synapses have been replaced with people, moving through this city in a pattern similar to their predecessors, but in a more social form. Consider this the “user-friendly” version of your mind.” Adrian held up the martini glass and flicked it. As the ripples moved through the orange juice, it turned to soda. “If this is my mind, then why is all logic and reason being cast aside for random anomalies?” “Because I’m trying to show you the risk of choosing me. If you surrender your abilities of logic, you will lose much of your ability to predict outcomes and understand things that happen before you. Your ability to think analytically would be nearly crippled. Even worse, your emotions and desires may run rampant. Everything is as random here as it would seem in the real world. You are all about self-control, Adrian. You suppress your emotions and choose when you let physical desire show, just to remain clear-headed and balanced. If you choose me, then you will have to give up your plan of a new world order, resulting in the destabilization of your inner world. And if you fall too far, then you will lose Jenny and you won't be able to go back to the way you were. Your self-control with continue to disappear until you end up like this...” Adrian turned around in the stool and raised one of his eyebrows. All of the men and women in the club had ripped off their clothes and erupted into an orgy. They were all writing on the floor, with each person having sex whoever was closest. Adrian jerked as he could suddenly feel soft human skin against his own and turned back to Jenny. “Ok, you're going to have to elaborate.” “Just turn around,” she said with a smile. Adrian turned back to the orgy and Jenny wrapped her arms around his neck. “All the male apparitions are you in the life of debauchery that could possibly happen if you give up self-control to be with Jenny, but fall so far that you lose her and become like Caligula. They are all you at different times in this possible life path. Every act of hedonism is being compacted into this one scene, letting you feel every woman, every orifice, every sexual experience in your future if you fall. Everything that they feel, you feel. Consider it the ultimate sexual euphoria. Enjoy the show...” Adrian sat on the bar stool, watching the orgy. He could feel every woman as if he were screwing them himself. He could feel the endless number of breasts against his palms, each with their own unique dimensions, from A-cup to D-cup and from pointing nipples to small ones. He couldn't keep his tongue still, because his sense of taste was saturated with the taste of all the women he was going down on. They were all similar, yet each had a hint of individuality. Having all of the kinky tastes combined made him think of a wine-tasting party. He could actually feel the orifices around his tongue as the apparitions explored the women's insides. Like his tongue, he could feel the mouths, pussies, and asses gripping his manhood, all combined into a single experience. He looked over to one male apparition, fucking one of the women anally in the doggy style. He could actually feel her asshole gripping his cock tightly, as if he were the one hammering her. He looked at another apparition that was getting a blowjob, and could actually feel the woman's tongue, gums, and cheeks soaking he manhood in saliva. Adrian had the largest erection in his life and he could feel it being used to fuck the women anally, orally, and vaginally. Every square inch of his body felt like it was pressed against the soft flesh of one of the women, almost like a physical Nirvana. His whole body jerked as he felt over a dozen orgasms all combined into one simultaneous feeling. He looked down and realized he had ejaculated and dampened his pants. He turned around back to Jenny as all the apparitions disappeared, leaving the two of them alone. The club returned to its normal form, with the only illumination coming from the lights above the bar's mirror. The bar itself was sitting in a pool of light, surrounded by darkness. “If you fall too far, you will become what you hate: a mindless player who uses women for no reason and lives just for pleasure. You will become a modern-day Caligula and end up dead either from a drug overdose or suicide because of self-hatred. But there is only a chance of that happening. If you can surrender your machine-like side and balance how much self-control you give up, the rewards would be great,” Jenny said as she motioned down the bar. Adrian looked down at the corner of the counter, where an elderly couple were having drinks, happy and in love. He watched as both the man and the woman drank from each other’s glasses and then kissed. “That is you and I, celebrating fifty years of marriage. If you choose love but don't fall too far, you will have a lifetime of happiness with the one you care about.” “I can either sacrifice my happiness and try to complete my goal, or I can give up my individuality and risk a psychological crash, but possibly live out my life happy with Jenny,” Adrian said, looking at the old couple. He then turned to the girl before him. “The real Jenny I mean.” “That is the choice you must make.” Adrian was silent for several moments before sighing. “I can't choose either of them,” he said with his face downcast and his hands shaking. “I will lose Jenny no matter what I do. If I stay the way I am, with my cold machine side as my dominant personality, then Jenny will eventually become fed up with me and will seek someone who can give her the emotional support she needs. My personality as the Superego has been changing gradually, but it won’t be enough to keep her. But if I give up who I am... then I would no longer be the man she loves. I would be like everyone else, and she sought me out because I’m different.” “Then that means you are fated to lose me, just like you always said you were.” His hands stopped shaking and Adrian looked up at Jenny, showing a small but warm smile on his face. He finally understood. He finally knew what he had to do. “More proof that you aren't Jenny. I believe that fate controls everything I do, but the real Jenny believes the opposite. So far, you've only told me what I already know, even if it's only at a subconscious level. Well let me tell you something; I love Jenny, and while I won't cast away my logical soul or my heart, I will cast away my beliefs.” All of the glasses and bottles on the shelf behind the apparition started to shake and rattle. “You only gave me two options because they were the only options I had created for myself through my actions, but there is another option, one that you did not mention because of how far it goes against my beliefs. All this time, I have been trying to gain ultimate control over my body and mind. I learned to harness the full potential of my muscles, block pain, and erase all distractions. I kept telling myself that it was because it was the only way to evolve, but really I was just afraid. I was afraid of myself, afraid of my emotions, afraid of losing control. I sealed my emotions because I was terrified of letting them run my life. I sealed them because I thought that I would never be able to control them. I only weakened myself and my potential by ignoring my full self. It’s time to face my fears so that I can truly gain self control.” The entire nightclub began to shake. “I am going to create a third option. I will rejoin the parts of my mind that I originally separated: id, Ego, and Superego. I am not as weak as I was when I first woke up. I have become strong enough now so that I can finally control the deepest recesses of my subconscious!” A huge crack then ran through the counter, with a bright light shining up through. Bottles and glasses began falling from the shelf and breaking while the chairs around the counter all began to shatter into splinters. “Jenny once told me to use my mind and see the world and then use my heart to change it in my favor, and I’m going to use my heart to change the rules. I’ll do what she said and become the man she wants and needs me to be, but I will not give up any of the aspects that make up who I am. I will be whatever she wants me to be, and she is what will keep me balanced. There will be no going back once the change is made, but I don’t care. I will accomplish my goal with Jenny at my side!” Everything in the bar began shattering, sending splinters and blades of glass flying in all directions, but none of them touched Jenny or Adrian. “Are you really willing to gamble your mental stability and your life on your relationship with me?” she asked with a smile. “I gambled my identity, my soul, and my future to be with her; adding my mental stability is basically like throwing in another poker chip,” Adrian said with a cynical smile. Jenny’s smiled widened. “Very well, but remember this: if you lose Jenny, everything will fall apart. You could lose your memories, become a completely different person, or go mad and spend the rest of your life killing people. You’ve had no faith in the relationship since it started, why are you so willing to bet your whole life on it now?” “Because I love her, now let me out.” Adrian gasped as his eyes bolted open. Bright lights above him kept him from seeing, and every square inch of his body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. As his eyesight steadied itself, he recognized the lights and ceiling above him; he was in the hospital. As his mind lit back up, he could hear the beeping of the heart monitor beside him and he could feel the blankets of the bed he was in, as well as the breathing tube in his throat. It was then that he realized that there was a bandage wrapped around his head. Adrian was about to lift his hand to feel it, but something was pinning his arm down. He looked to his side and saw Jenny. She was sound asleep next him, coated in dry tears and holding onto him for dear life. Adrian gave small smile as he looked at her beautiful face. He felt much different than before, almost like after he and Jenny made love for the first time, but even more vibrant and excited. His mind didn't feel so divided like it was before, split between his sense of logic and his emotions and physical desires. His thought process did not seem impaired in the least by the presence of emotions, and his emotions themselves seemed perfectly under control. He had really done it; he had combined his human emotions and love for Jenny with his pure intelligence and logic, achieving a flawless balance and combination. He did not need to switch between them anymore, for they were now fused together into one aspect of his personality. Adrian tried to lift up his other arm, but it was handcuffed to the hospital bed. It seemed some of the details of the night had reached the police… He gently worked his arm free from her grip and placed his hand on her cheek, which was wrapped in bandages from when Logan stabbed him. Her eyelids slowly rose and she became breathless. “Adrian...” she gasped, unable to believe what she was seeing. She then wrapped her arms around him and began crying on his shoulder, with her forehead buried in the side of his neck, but while being careful to move him as little as possible. “I didn't think you were going to wake up! I’ve been here for hours, begging you to come back to me!” she sobbed. Looking up in shock, she almost stopped him as he grabbed the respirator mask and pulled it off, yanking the breathing tube out of his esophagus and coughing for a few seconds. “Don't worry, Jenny. Everything is ok,” he said warmly once he caught his breath. Turning to her, he wiped away her tears and then kissed her on the lips. “What happened?” he asked. “You were shot by Logan, remember? He and his friends attacked us in the park, but you managed to beat them. We came here to get your hand taken care of and he burst in, covered in blood and waving a gun. He pointed the gun at you and shot you in the head. By the time the security guards tackled him, you were unconscious on the floor with blood pouring from you skull. Oh Adrian, I thought you were dead, I thought you had left me! The whole time you were in emergency surgery, I was praying that you would live or contemplating suicide! The doctors said that the bullet went straight through your prefrontal cortex and basically pierced everything behind it. No one has ever survived that much brain trauma! They said that you would be a vegetable for the rest of your life if you didn’t just die before morning.” As Adrian mulled over what she said, he began to chuckle, which turned into a booming laugh. “What are you laughing about?” Jenny asked with disbelief, both that he was laughing in such a situation, and that he was ACTUALLY LAUGHING. “While I was unconscious, I was in the most vivid dream I had ever experienced. I couldn't leave the dream until I made a decision. I had to discard my emotionless logical side or my heart and my love for you. The dream completely changed who I am, the decision I made was real.” “Which did you choose?” “Neither. I created a third option. I reunited the parts of my mind, both logic and emotion. The bullet didn't kill any parts of my brain; it just let me reconnect them. I love you, Jenny, and I’m going to be whatever you want me to be, whether it's emotional or logical,” Adrian said with the warmest and happiest smile she had ever seen. Jenny wiped away the last of her tears and smiled. “I love you, Adrian, I love you with all of my heart.” “Adrian!” He heard his mom call. Adrian looked to the doorway as his parents rushed in and Jenny reluctantly backed off so that they could hug him while shedding tears of joy. “It’s an absolute miracle, we thought we had lost our only son, this time for good,” his dad said, unable to keep from crying. “We’re so happy that you’re alive! It was like the car accident all over!” his mom wailed, hugging him again. “Don’t worry, I’m all right. In fact, I’m more than all right.” Jenny wrapped her hands around his. “Did you die again, like you did when you were ten? Have you been reborn a second time?” Instead of replying, Adrian looked out the window, watching as the sun began to come up with the first few slivers of light shining across the sky. “Yeah, you could even say that today is the first day of the rest of my new life.” Chapter Five: Adrian was lying in his hospital bed, working on his laptop and checking all of his stocks, bank accounts, and corporate updates. He had already checked them several times, but he was bored out of his mind and wanted some sort of mental stimulation other than just watching movies online and reading articles. It had been a week and a half since he was shot in the head, and he was recuperating at an incredible rate. Having woken up only a few hours after his emergency surgery and regained the ability to walk before the end of the day, many doctors believed that his recovery was the fastest of anyone who had ever survived such an injury, and easily considered it to be a miracle. His case was even going to be published in a medical journal and he could be seen on the evening news. He still had to stay in the hospital, but only because his parents and the doctors wanted to be safe. If he had his way, he would have been out a long time ago. He felt completely healthy in every aspect, mentally and physically. He had regained his full strength, his mind was working at its peak capacity, and his body and brain were fully healed. Each day consisted of physical therapy and rest, then being visited by his parents and Jenny. “Hey! How are the plates?” he heard, bringing a wider smile to his face as he looked to the doorway and saw her. She was referring to the metal plates installed in his head to keep his skull together while it healed and cover the entry and exit points of the bullet. “Good, I got them replaced today,” he answered as she walked over and kissed him. “Really? Even after so little time has passed?” “Well I actually requested it. My weapons aren’t the only thing made of Demium you know, I keep a supply of different pieces and shapes for such occasions. I had actually anticipated something like this happening and prepared plates to go over my skull. I doubt I would manage to survive the process, but I can take an armor-piercing sniper round to the forehead and it would barely break the skin.” “Really? That’s amazing!” she exclaimed, never managing to ever become used to the things he did. “Well when I first began trying to produce Demium, I certainly wasn’t going to half-ass it,” he joked. The sound of Adrian’s laugh and the sight of his smile lit up Jenny’s face with tender love, and the sight of her happiness in turn warmed his heart. Being with Jenny was now a different experience than it was before. Before, being with her was enjoyable but very confusing and next to impossible to fully integrate himself in, but now that he had combined his logical mind with his emotions and physical desires, he was better able to understand his feelings for her and her feelings for him. He loved her and was truly happy, happier than ever before in his life. This enlightenment also expanded his already proficient mental prowess, letting him enjoy the world more than he originally had, and understand humans instead of just predict their actions. He had never been very emotional, so this was all very new to him, but by no means were his emotions blocking his sense of logic. He was able to think as clearly as before and use logic with same skill, but he could now relate to humans and know how to act in social situations. He was always in a good mood and he almost always had a small confident smile, almost like a smirk but without any smug arrogance. He looked like a very skilled but relaxed and easygoing chess player declaring checkmate, as calm and humble as could be, but also confident and enjoying the game. Because nurses were constantly patrolling the halls during visiting hours, Jenny and Adrian weren’t able to make love for the whole time he was there, but even though he was going stir crazy, seeing his parents and Jenny every day made it livable. Jenny was walking down the halls of the hospital with a smile on her face, excited to see Adrian after another long day of school. As she turned the corner, she saw the Dean of Medicine stepping out of Adrian’s hospital room. Once he was gone, Jenny walked over and stepped into the room. “Hello Jenny,” Adrian said with his usual casual smile. “Hey,” she said sweetly as she walked over. She kissed him on the lips and sat down in the chair next to the bed. “So what did the Dean want?” “Oh, he comes every day to test my cognitive skills and reflexes. My method of healing isn’t quite standard protocol,” he shrugged, immediately catching Jenny’s attention. “And what pray tell does that mean?” “I guess the cat is out of the bag. The reason why I woke up so early and recovered so well isn’t just because of luck or my will to live; it’s actually due to a precaution I set up. Every hospital has a freezer where they keep donated blood for surgeries and transfusions, but that’s not all they keep, at least not this hospital in my case. I keep a large supply of cloned stem cells at this hospital. I’ve been doing it for quite a few years actually.” “Stem cells? How did you get those?” “Well contrary to popular belief, the human brain actually does replenish lost neurons through the production of stem cells. I’ve been harvesting those cells and keeping them preserved in this hospital. I’ve actually left very specific instructions that state if I suffer any kind of serious head trauma or brain injury, the stem cells are to be used to replace the lost tissue. During my surgery after I was shot, the Dean of Medicine gave the order and my stem cells were finally used. They were essentially poured straight into the bullet hole where they began mimicking the surrounding brain cells and replacing the lost tissue. Of course this isn’t quite legal, as the only way I can preserve and access stem cells is if they’re my own. Then of course there is the cloning process, and that’s always a pain in the ass…” “Wait, you clone them as well?” “Sure. The human brain does produce stem cells, but it’s in a very small amount spread out across the entire brain. It’s not like you can just crack someone’s head open and suck the cells out like marrow from a bone. Besides if I take too much, then my brain won’t be able to recover from the usual cell death. I can only get a very small amount and then I have to clone the rest.” “So did you have to bribe them to perform this kind of operation? And to store something like a private stash of stem cells with their blood transfusions?” “Well let’s just say that my past donations to the hospital have made me a welcomed guest. The Dean was also here with some good news. You remember that large machine that I had been working on? The one that I said was taking a long time to complete? Well I finished it last month and filed for the patent, as well as getting it approved by the Surgeon General. The paperwork has finally been processed and they are ready to be used on the general public in hospitals across the country. I donated the prototype to this hospital, and since they can legally use it now, it has been fully installed in the surgical ward. Come on, I’ll show it to you.” Adrian stepped out of the bed and put on his hospital robe, no longer bound by handcuffs. He had pulled some strings to get his case thrown out before it ever saw the inside of a courtroom. With his connections, the law couldn’t touch him. “Uh...” Adrian heard Jenny mumble. He turned around and saw her holding out her hand as if she had wanted to stop him. Adrian smiled and gave a small sigh. Jenny was always worried about him, and him walking around less than two weeks after his injury made her worry the most. “Don't worry, darling, I’m fully healed.” Jenny gained a warm smile, and stood up and grasped his arm. They left the room and walked down the halls of the hospital with the woman he loved clinging to his arm. He brought Jenny to the new addition of the surgical wing (paid for by Adrian’s mentioned donations), with the two of them facing a door with an electronic lock. “This machine was just installed today, so I’m one of the few people who knows the combination to this room. This room isn’t supposed to be used for a at least a few days, so we won't be disturbed,” he said as he typed in the combination. The door was unlocked and they stepped into the dark surgical chamber with Adrian closing the door and the lights immediately activating. Jenny was completely breathless. “Adrian... how... did you really...” They were facing a large surgical robot. The five-armed spider-like machine stood over a table like a giant hand reaching up over the side and three bright lights shined directly above. Each arm had a tentacle-like reach and flexibility, but with a very nimble thickness, allowing for the limbs to work very close together without overcrowding. Each arm had a different tool, such as a scalpel, surgical scissors, forceps, a flexible scope for interior observation, and a pneumatic jet that would send a stream of air to help open up the body during surgery. The arms could make steady movements in millimeter increments, had an automatic defense mechanism that would keep the arms from reacting to the surgeon's slight tremors, and could perform tasks as small and intricate as watch repair. The machine had been built with only custom-made pieces and the best materials. Adrian looked around at the room they were in. The surgical chamber had dark tiles, stainless-steal walls, and was illuminated solely by the three lamps over the surgical robot. While the room was kept at a comfortable 70º degrees, the dim lighting gave the illusion that it was quite cool. The darkness and the temperature gave a very relaxing feeling. Ten feet from the gurney was a table with several computers and hand-controllers for the arms. “I bet you figured that since I built it in my basement, at least the prototype would be made of a bunch of spare parts from a junkyard. Quite the contrary, this baby was built with top-of-the-line materials and components, but cost only a quarter-million dollars. I studied the designs of its predecessors and was able to build a more affective and inexpensive model. It took months to build, but that was only due to the designing process and actually figuring out how to build it, not to mention all the time lost while at school. Now I can build one of these on my own in just a week. I even picked the name; it's known as the Adroid.” Jenny moved over to the table, gazing at the five master-crafted mechanical arms. It was beautiful, awe-inspiring, and yet undeniably terrifying in its appearance and capabilities. It looked like a giant robotic spider, ready to wrap its prey in a metallic web, and the number of the tools incorporated into each limb only increased the fear it invoked. Yet this feeling of terror exhilarated Jenny and augmented her feelings of amazement and adoration for the genius mind that created. “It’s funny, but when I showed the blueprints to the engineering consultants working for the Surgeon General, they thought it was all a joke. They couldn’t understand how I had managed to put it all together, even as just a drawing on paper. They told me that to create a machine like this would mean working decades ahead of current technology. It was only thanks to the fact that I built the surgical lasers currently on the market that they actually believed the designs were possible. It wasn’t easy to convince them to go for it; they are still struggling to understand how in the world I even conceived the design. Copies of this are being built in factories across America, but due to the precision required, it will take months to accomplish, even with modern machining tools.” “Adrian, I don’t even know what to say. This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.” “Do you want to see what it can do?” Jenny turned to him with an ecstatic smile on her face, as if she was a little girl with a pony at her birthday party. “Lie down on the gurney,” Adrian said as he sat down behind the computers. Jenny's smile shrank and he saw nervousness in her eyes. “Don't worry, I promise I won't hurt you. I am more skilled with this machine than anyone else on Earth.” Jenny regained her smile and lied down on the gurney. Adrian turned on the surgical robot and the five arms released a veering sound. Jenny shivered as they slowly lowered towards her. Adrian was controlling the joysticks with the precision of a watch-maker, ensuring that every movement was as steady as physically possible. Through the camera on every arm, he was getting a perfect close-up view. He moved the arm with the scalpel up to Jenny's face. She held her breath as he ran the back of the blade slowly down her cheek, almost like a shaving razor, but without leaving the faintest of lines. Jenny's breathing was slow and shallow, her body was trembling, and he could see goosebumps on her skin as her body temperature lowered. “Are you scared?” he asked with a small smile. “No,” she whispered. He smiled again and moved the arm with the pneumatic jet. He had it move across the other side of her face, releasing a steady stream of air that caused her to shiver and her long blonde hair to shift. “Yes you are. There is no need to hide it, enjoy the feeling...” he said, taking control of the surgical scissors. The arm slowly moved up, slicing off the buttons of her blouse. Her shirt opened up, revealing her round full breasts, just barely being held in by her bra. Her nipples were almost poking through the fabric from the shivers running through her. She continued to shiver as her body entered the fight-or-flight stage. “Do you trust me?” “Yes,” she gasped. “Then don't worry, you're basically in the palm of my hand. You're both frightened and aroused, enjoy the feeling,” he said as he used the scalpel to cut through the sleeves and free her arms. “Enjoy every shiver that runs through your body, every tremor of fear and bliss.” He used the pneumatic jet to send streams of air running along her arms and up her chest. She gave a soft gasp and gripped the sides of the gurney with erotic anticipation. “When you are scared, your senses are fully heightened. Use this your heightened senses to fully enjoy every ounce of pleasure you will experience.” He used the forceps and scissors to cut away her jeans, leaving her only in her underwear. With only her bra and panties covering her, Jenny became fully aroused. It wasn’t just the physical sensations exciting her; it was Adrian’s new personality. Before being shot, he had been a robot struggling to imitate human behavior, but now he had become suave and masterful. He gazed at her with a smirk of confidence and satisfaction, the combination of his knowledge and emotions granting him the knowledge of how to make her melt. Being toyed with like this, the fingers of this machine stimulating her in ways she never thought possible, she really did feel like she was in the palm of his hand, and that sensation of danger and domination was driving her wild. Adrian could see every muscle in her body stretching and contracting as they reacted to her feelings. She licked her lips and gripped the sides of the gurney, desperate for more. “There you go. Open yourself up to me,” he said. He then used the forceps and scissors to cut away her bra and panties. Her luscious breasts nearly burst out of the sheared lingerie, while she kept her thighs pressed together shyly. “I can see every single part of you, Jenny, and my god, you are so lovely.” Using the pneumatic jet, he sprayed her breasts with jets of cool air, almost tickling her. She began running her fingertips across her chest and slim belly, breathing heavily and relishing the teasing licks of the air against her pointing nipples. She then released a mix of a gasp and a yelp as Adrian dragged the forceps across her inner thighs, electrifying her sense of touch with the feeling of the cold metal. “You're going to enjoy this next part, Jenny, and I know I will,” Adrian said as he took control of the last arm of the surgical robot. Stretching from the robotic arm was an exploratory camera, able to move like a serpent through the body with its long and flexible coil-like frame. This would be its first time being used. The long coil touched down on the middle of her chest, and as the arm moved down, the camera slithered across her body and moved between her legs. Jenny released a high-pitched moan as the camera entered her pussy, moving deeper and deeper with its cold outer-frame driving her wild. Jenny held onto the gurney for dear life as the camera moved through her pussy, and an air stream from the pneumatic jet and the forceps were dragged across every inch of her soft skin. While the camera was quite thin, Adrian was able to use its flexibility to stimulate different areas of her pussy with surgical precision. As he had the camera move back and forth inside of her, Jenny began gyrating her hips, trying to get as much stimulation as she could. She was giving a continuous moan as he overwhelmed her sense of touch with the three arms of the surgical robot. He had one eye on Jenny and the other on the monitor that was linked to the camera. “Aha, there it is.” The camera was staring at a small bump, easily missed by men throughout the ages. It was the legendary G-spot. Adrian moved the camera forward, prodding the spot. Jenny arched her back and released a shrill whine. Normally the G-spot would of course be touched during sex, but never directly stimulated like this with pinpoint contact. Adrian continued teasing her, pressing the spot like a button and causing her to have orgasm after orgasm. She rolled onto her side, clinging to the gurney as she lost control of her body, succumbing to the endless wave of climaxes. Finally, Adrian backed off, and the robotic arms folded back as the machine was shut down. He walked over to Jenny, who was desperately trying to catch her breath. She was blushing so much that her whole body was red, and the light from the lamps above her was being caught by a thin film of sweat. “So how did you like that?” he asked with a smile. “Let's just say that you'll have to get me a wheelchair, because I don't think I can walk after that.” “Are you ready?” Jenny asked. “Why wouldn’t I be?” Adrian hummed. He was finally in good enough condition for the hospital to release him and was today was his first day back. “I’m really scared that Logan and his friends will be here,” Jenny said nervously. “Don’t worry, he and his buddies were denied bail.” With Jenny holding his hand, they entered the school and looked around. Everyone was jittery with excitement for the approaching end of the year, already dressed in shorts and t-shirts. As the door closed behind them, everyone turned and began applauding. Who Adrian was didn’t matter, but the fact that he had managed to survive a gunshot to the head and defeated Logan practically made him a legend. One of the students walked up to them. “No one can believe you survived getting shot in the head; how is it possible?” “Coming back from the dead is easy, especially when you’ve done it once before,” Adrian mused as he and Jenny walked past him. Every teacher gave Adrian a “welcome back” and every student begged him to describe what happened in the park. He kept his mouth shut and wore only his small but confident smile, which had replaced his constant melancholic scowl. People barely recognized him now; he had completely changed from a cold-hearted machine to a happy man in love, all in the course of one year and while still retaining the intellect that separated him from everyone else. Once the last class ended, Adrian and Jenny headed back to his house, to enjoy some alone time. After they made love, Jenny, having gotten dressed, went into the bathroom to wipe the smeared lipstick off her face. Adrian was lying in the still warm bed, a content smile on his face, unaware of the ajar wall tile in the bathroom under the sink. His heartbeat didn’t speed up even twitch to the sound of Jenny dropping her lipstick. It would have been impossible for him to hear her silent curiosity, seeing the shadowed tile hanging out of place, but he did hear her remove it. He sat up, realizing what was about to happen, as Jenny reached into the hollow space behind the tile and pulled out a metal box. “Jenny, wait!” The box was opened, but there was no explosion, a scream, or any reaction that might otherwise suggest something dangerous or insidious within, at least at first glance. It was filled with diamonds, varying in size from a grain of rice to sugar cube. At first, Jenny’s reaction was a wide smile of amazement, having never seen so many diamonds at once that weren’t behind glass and labeled with price tags, but as Adrian feared, that smile faded almost immediately. While far from his level of intellect, Jenny was still a very bright young woman, and she turned to him with dread. “Adrian, why do you have so many diamonds?” “I like to keep some liquidity in the house for dire situations. I also have gold and cash locked away down here,” he said as innocently as possible. “And where did they come from?” “I bought them locally.” “Then why is it that none of them look like they have been processed? They haven’t been grinded or polished at all. It looks like they were mined and immediately fell into your hands.” She picked up the box and approached him, Adrian having never seen a look of such seriousness on her face. “Adrian, where did these come from? Please tell me they aren’t blood diamonds, because the only people who keep stashes of diamonds like these sure as hell didn’t buy them locally. How did you get them?” Adrian took a deep breath, mentally cursing. It seemed that fate wasn’t going to let him slowly ease Jenny into his plans as he had hoped. He was going to have to let her in on everything now. “From arms dealing. I’ve sold hundreds of thousands of assault rifles in Africa and the Middle East.” The box fell from Jenny’s hands and the diamonds scattered across the floor. “You can’t be serious!” she gasped. “It’s not what you think. Not too long ago, the ATF started Project Gunrunner, which involved dealing weapons under the table that were tagged with GPS trackers, as a means of discovering illegal openings in the Mexico border and finding the trails that the cartels were using, as well as finding the high-level guys. It was a dismal failure, but I’m doing something similar. Every assault rifle I’ve sold has come with a stock stuffed with plastic explosives, that can either be set off remotely or will go off if the stock is opened. When the time comes, I’ll be able to wipe out a vast percentage of the terrorist population and no one will ever know who did it or how it happened.” “But what about all of the people you’ve killed to do it? Do you have any idea what you’ve done?! It’s insane!” “Let’s talk about this somewhere else.” On an empty road where no one would find them, Jenny and Adrian sat in his car, dead silent. It took time for Adrian to work up the courage to speak. “Jenny, you must understand, I have a plan in the works and the things I do are so that I can bring about the greater good. Those words are meaningless, I know, spoken by dictators and monsters throughout history. Perhaps I am one of them, perhaps I am only in denial as to what my plan will cause once it is completed. All I know is that it is the only answer I can find to solve the problems of this world. This is something I must do. It’s not the reason why I was born, I’m not stupid, but it is the reason why I continue to live. This is the future that I must accomplish if my life and everything I’ve achieved are to have real meaning. The arms dealing is merely a footnote, a precursor to what I have planned. When I’m done, the world will never be the same.” “But what is your plan? What are you trying to achieve?” Reaching into his pocket, Adrian drew his phone and began typing on it. “I will answer everything, but first you must promise me something. What I am about to tell you, and everything you have learned so far, you must never tell anyone else. This is my greatest secret, and I can only continue if I can trust you with it. Please, I know I have no right to say such a thing, but if you love me, you will take this secret to your grave. No matter how terrible, no matter how frightening, no matter how mind-shattering it will be, you must never tell another soul of this conversation or anything you have learned. Jenny, will you do this?” Jenny bit her lip, trembling with uncertainty. This was something completely new, the likes of which she had never even dreamed of encountering in her life. Now, here she was, the most mysterious man in the world asking her to make a verbal contract and keep secret something so terrifying that it would change her reality forever. She was literally signing the most important document of her life without being able to read it first. But regardless of her fear, she knew that she would never be happy unless she found out exactly who Adrian was and what he was planning. “I promise,” she said, so softly that it was barely audible. Adrian took a deep breath. “I guess I should start from the beginning. I’m looking for a piece of information, probably the deadliest information in the world if used incorrectly. I have spent years searching for it only to come up empty-handed. There is only one final option for me, and that is the possibility that this information is in the possession of a specific organization, one that I will not name. I believe that they have this information because they are the only option still remaining. I seek to use this information and start a new world order, one in which war will become obsolete. What I am looking for is in essence the key to either mankind’s salvation or destruction, and I plan on sharing that key with the entire world. I simply want to let the people of the world create their own future while I work from the shadows to give them the resources and opportunities they will need.” He stopped typing on his phone and finally turned to Jenny, handing it to her. “In order to get this information, and in order to use it to implement my new world order, I need power and influence, and the easiest way to do that is through wealth. These are bank accounts, all of them mine that I have filled with the funds of all the corporations I have started and control.” Jenny took the phone with trembling hands, and the second she looked at the screen, her lungs shut down. As she scrolled through the list of accounts and saw their balances, not a single breath was taken or released. Her hands soon dropped, her mind unable to continue moving through the list. “Adrian, how much money do you have?” “I won’t give an exact number, but I will tell you that I am the richest man on Earth… by a pretty huge margin.” Jenny turned to him, her face pale white and her eyes wide. “Adrian, what is the information you are trying to find? What exactly is your plan?” she asked, nearly on the verge of fainting. “What I am looking for is…” Heavy with moisture from the changing seasons, dark storm clouds slowly rolled across the sky like thick lava. Below them, the air temperature lowered, the humidity rose, and finally, drops of water began to plummet from the gray folds. At first it was only a light sprinkle, but charged with the energy and temperament of spring, it quickly grew into a roaring deluge, pummeling everything below it and soaking the countryside. Jenny gripped the handle of the door so tightly that her knuckles were white and she was panting raggedly, as if she had just gone running after escaping from a burning building. “How? How could that possibly end the problems of the world? How could that possibly bring peace?” “I’ve already told you, I made it as clear as I could. There is nothing more I can say that will influence you or change your mind. I know this is a lot to swallow, but please, try to stay calm.” “Adrian… I… I can’t…” she panted beginning to hyperventilate. He reached out and placed his hands on her cheeks, staring deep into her eyes. “Jenny, look at me and breathe deeply, just take deep slow breaths. Stay calm, and take deep, slow breaths,” he said as Jenny’s whole body began to shake with terrifying strength. “Adrian… I can’t… I can’t do this. I…” she said, burying her face in his chest as she fainted. Jenny’s eyes bolted open and she sat up, gasping for air and realizing that she was soaking wet. She looked around, finding Adrian beside her and realizing that the two of them were lying on the hood of her car, which was situated at the entrance to the park. With how wet she was, it was obvious that they had been lying out in the rain. However, Jenny was fairly warm, having been covered with Adrian’s coat. “This is where it happened,” he hummed, looking up at the cloudy sky. “This is where I realized that I love you and I realized that I could not live without you. Jenny, I truly love you with all of my heart. You have turned me into a completely different person and you’ve made me better in almost every way. But I can’t turn my back on my plans; this is something that I must do. This decision and this plan did not come easily; it took months of consideration, weighing the risks and benefits. It is the only solution I can find to end the problems in this world.” Jenny lied back down beside him. “You know how much damage you’ll cause, right?” Adrian slowly sat up. “I know that there will be lots damage happening almost all at once, but it will be no worse than the damage that will continue on for the years and decades ahead. You can inspire others and become an idol through peaceful practices and charisma, but you cannot truly reshape the world without getting your hands dirty. If you want something, you must reach out and take it and be prepared to suffer the consequences. I’ve come to terms with the acts I must commit in order to achieve this goal, I have acknowledged the lives I have taken to come this far, and I am ready to do what must be done to save this world.” “I don’t know if I can go along with this. I don’t know if I can take part in your plan while knowing what will happen,” Jenny said, sitting up and placing her hand on his. “The night we first made love, you said it was people like me who have the power to change the world. Well that’s what I’m trying to do, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you after I do it. I love you, Jenny, I truly love you, but I can’t abandon you or the world and ever be happy.” “Still, this is like nothing else we’ve faced, this is like nothing else anyone has faced. Look at it from my view: few women in history have ever had to endure this kind of thing, have ever had to face a man like you. Do you know how much damage you’ve caused? The panic you’ve put this country in? All the lives you have changed as well as ended? Adrian, I love you as well, you are my world, but I can no more understand and agree with your plan than you can understand why I disagree with it. Maybe I’m just missing something, something I can only see and truly comprehend if I have a mind like yours. Regardless of whether or not only people like you can truly appreciate this idea, you’re trying to get me to see from a perspective that I don’t have. For all I know, you could be completely right and this could solve everything, but I just can’t see how it would work and I can’t imagine anyone else agreeing with you.” “Then does that mean you’re leaving me?” “I don’t know what it means. I don’t know if I have a place in this future of yours. I know that you truly see this plan as your destiny, and I can’t ask you to choose between your destiny and me, but neither can you ask me to ignore every instinct and thought and just condone or help with what you are going to do. I promised you I would keep your secret, and I certainly love you enough to do that, but I don’t know if there is anything more I can do. I don’t know if I can become your accomplice and take part in ending so many lives and causing so much upheaval.” A span of silence passed between them, in which a desperate idea entered Adrian’s mind. “Then how about a deal?” “What kind of deal?” “I was planning on finishing high school for my parent’s sake before moving forward with my plan, but how about we add some real meaning to it? I propose that we stay together until we graduate, and if I can’t convince you and you can’t agree with this plan, then we’ll go our separate ways after that. Please, just a couple months, just give me a couple months to show you that my plan can fix this world. You don’t have to help with anything unless you agree that the plan could work. You’ll be completely neutral. Whether you leave or stay, I will continue with my efforts to complete my plan, and even if you leave, the consequences of my actions will continue to take place. My plan will not stop whether we stay together or break up, you will always know of what I have done, what I am doing, and what I will do, so we might as well stay together. If I’m going to go through with my plan, then don’t you at least want a little more time to spend with me? If we really are going to be forced to break up, then shouldn’t we do everything to extend and enjoy the time we have?” Jenny gained a small smile. “All right, I accept your deal. We’ll have a couple more months, and if I can’t change my mind until then, then we go our separate ways. But until then, neither of us will stop loving the other,” she said sweetly before leaning forward and kissing him. An abandoned warehouse sat on a pier at the edge of the city, with the choppy waves crashing against its concrete foundations. For years, the building had served as a hangout for high school dropouts and street gang members. They had only a few firearms, but their meth labs were top-notch. Everyone knew that this building was a gang hangout and no one dared enter the area. Inside, twenty of the city's bottom-feeders were buying and trading different drugs from each other, playing cards, and discussing street politics. They were all sitting on worn-out and makeshift furniture. Every one of them had left school and was little more than a burden to society. All of the gang members turned their attention to the warehouse entrance as the doors opened. They jumped to their feet when they realized it was Logan. They heard he had been denied bail and was still in the hospital from his fight with Adrian. “How the hell did you get out?” “My lawyer convinced a different judge to give me the chance to pay bail. If there is one thing kikes can do right, it’s pull some crafty legal shit,” he said with a sadistic smile. He walked over and sat down on a ratty sofa. “Ah, it’s good to be back and in charge.” All of the gang members were stone silent, desperately trying to think up something to say. “You all don’t look very happy. You all thought that if I were locked up for good, control would fall out of my hands. I got news for you retards; I’m the boss, no matter what. But it doesn't matter now, I’m free as a bird and I got revenge in mind. I’m going to make that bastard suffer.” Logan’s words were as true as they were chilling. While only nineteen years old, he had won the respect (but mostly fear) of the local bottom-feeders. He was known to torture those who disrespected him and had more murders under his belt than any of them dared imagination. Even the most hardened criminal would shudder in terror when exposed to the evil Logan seemed to radiate. He was a psychopath the likes of which the world rarely saw. “What the hell can you do to that guy?” one guy laughed. “You couldn’t beat him in a three-on-one fight and you couldn’t even kill him with a headshot. When it comes to going up against that guy, you’re doomed to suck.” Without hesitation, Logan pulled out a gun and shot him in the temple, splattering blood and brains across the gang members around him. For someone to openly mock him showed that he had to re-instill fear in his subordinates. “I may not have killed him, but that doesn't mean I can't kill. That bastard busted my shoulders and nearly killed me. I’m going to put him down if it's the last thing I do.” “What are you going to do, wait in his car than shoot him again when he climbs in?” one guy asked with a chuckle. He had one hand in his coat and he was ready to draw his own pistol if Logan made a move for his. Logan would bury a knife in his skull later. “No, I’m going to make him come to me. Everyone says that bastard can't feel emotions, so I’m going to test that rumor. Let's see if we can draw blood from stone. Tonight I will make them all suffer,” he said with a sadistic smile. “Hey Jenny,” Adrian answered, instantly knowing whom it was as he picked up his ringing phone. Several miles away, Jenny smiled when she heard his voice. She was gripping the steering wheel tightly, trying to navigate the dark forest road. “Hey, I’ll be there in a few minutes. I hope your mom is making something good.” “Spaghetti with meat sauce, the best in the world. Where are you?” “I’m just about to get onto the bridge. Hold on, some jackass is tailgating me. I’ll see you soon, darling, I— What the hell is he...” Adrian heard the revving of an engine and his heart rate jumped. “Jenny, what's going on?” “He's pulling up beside me, I don't know what he—” She was cut off by the sound of metal against metal and Adrian heard a loud crash. “Jenny? Jenny!” he yelled as he heard her scream. The line then fell dead. Adrian sprinted out of his room as fast as he could. “Mom, Dad, something happened to Jenny!” he yelled before running out the front door. Adrian dialed 911 on his phone as he climbed in his car and sped down the driveway so fast that smoke was billowing from his tires. “911, what's your emergency?” “My girlfriend has driven off the Pine Bridge. I think someone might have tried to kill her.” “We're on our way.” Adrian drove down the winding roads as fast as possible with cars blaring their horns as he sped past them. He reached the bridge in three minutes and saw Jenny's car in the river. She was near the bank, where the water was just barely at neck level, but it was slowly sinking below the surface. Adrian parked his car on the bridge and jumped off and into the center of the river, where the water was deeper. The chilly water shocked his body and instantly began to sap his strength, but he swam over to the sinking car and moved over to the driver's side. Jenny was unconscious in the driver's seat, with her face half-submerged in bloody water and a large gash on the side of her head. Adrian broke through the window with his elbow, unlocked the door, released Jenny's seatbelt, and pulled her out. He carried her out of the water and laid her down on the riverbank. Up on the bridge, two ambulances and several cop cars had shown up. “Down here!” he hollered. Adrian then turned to Jenny and checked her injuries. She had a weak pulse and she wasn't breathing. As the medics tried to navigate down to the riverbank, he gave Jenny CPR, praying to any deity that he could think of that she would wake up. “How long has it been since the crash?” one of the medics asked. “Just over two minutes. Her heart is beating but she won't breathe and won't wake up.” The EMTs lifted her onto a stretcher, and with a hand-pump hooked up to her mouth to force air in and out of her lungs, she was carried back up onto the bridge. She was lifted into one of the ambulances, and just as Adrian was about to get into his car to follow, two fire trucks sped past them. He looked towards the forest where the fire trucks were headed. The night sky was turning orange and a pillar of smoke was rising from the light. “Mom... Dad...” Adrian muttered, instantly knowing that the smoke was coming from his house. Adrian followed the ambulance back to the hospital, and during the whole drive, his mind was racing. Somebody definitely forced Jenny off of the bridge, and his house going up in flames was no coincidence. Somebody was doing this; somebody was targeting him, and he had a LONG list of enemies. He turned on the radio and flipped through the channels, finally stopping when he heard a clear dull voice of the local news. “In what is considered one of the most controversial trials in Maine history, the suspect Logan Reed has been allowed on bail, drawing outcries from the public and—” Adrian turned off the radio and cursed. Logan had gotten out and he was seeking revenge. Adrian sat in the waiting room of the hospital while Jenny was being examined and taken care of. He was desperately waiting for word of her or his parents. He had tried calling their cell phones, but they wouldn't even ring. “Adrian Ashford?” He looked up and was face to face to a police officer. “Yes, I’m Adrian Ashford,” he said, trying to keep his mind calm. “I’m Officer Mathews, and I’m afraid that I have bad news. Now this won’t be easy to say, so I’ll just come out and say it. Your parents are dead, son. They died in a fire that destroyed your house.” Adrian balled his hands into fists with his fingernails digging into his palms so tightly that blood was dripping onto the floor. “My parents are dead?” he asked with his voice shaking. “I’m afraid so. Now, because of the intensity and the rapid growth of the fire, we think it might have been deliberate. We are currently investigating the possible causes. I’m sorry.” “Thank you,” Adrian whispered as he bowed his head, telling the officer that he wanted to be alone. “By the way, I was told you came here with a girl? Jenny Sinclair?” “Yeah, she's my girlfriend.” “If that's true, then I think you should be the one to tell her this; there was another fire. Like you, her house burned down and her parents were killed in the flames.” Adrian took a deep shaky breath. “Ok, I’ll tell her.” As the cop walked away, the Dean of Medicine approached. “How is she?” Adrian asked. “She is stable, but it's complicated. Falling off of the bridge didn't just give her a concussion, it caused near-fatal trauma to her brain. She's fallen into a coma, and she'll either pass away some time tonight or she'll most likely never wake up. I’ve seen this kind of coma several times before, and it often ends in death. I doubt even you would be able to survive it.” The words struck him like an icy knife through the center of his chest and his whole body became cold, with every cell feeling like it weighed a hundred pounds. Adrian couldn't move or breath and his throat was as dry as sand. His parents were dead, his girlfriend soon to follow. His only connections to humanity, the people he loved, had been taken from him. “C-can I see her?” “Of course.” Adrian was brought to Jenny's room and left alone with her. She was lying in a hospital bed with bandages wrapped around her head and a white gown on in place of her clothes. She was hooked up to a respirator and a heart monitor, which was giving a soft rhythm of beeps. With his whole body shaking, he walked over and crouched down, wrapping his hands around hers. “Jenny, I don't know if you can hear me, I don't even know if you're still alive in there, but there are two things I do know: I love you and this is the last time I will ever see you. I’m going to get revenge, I’m going to avenge the deaths of my parents, the deaths of your parents, and most importantly, I’m going to avenge you. I’m going to kill Logan, I’m going to kill all of his friends, and once I get my revenge, the police will never stop hunting me. You told me once that it was people like me who had the power to change the world, so that’s what I’m going to do. I know you didn’t agree with my plan, but I’m going to accomplish it and put and end to the endless fighting in this world. After tonight, I will set out to change the world, no matter what happens. I don't believe in the afterlife, but if there is one and you pass away tonight, please wait for me. There is a change you and I will be reunited before sunrise.” Then for the first time in years, tears began to fall from his eyes, slowly dripping onto Jenny's hands. Adrian stood up and kissed her on the forehead. “You were the one thing that made me human and I will always love you.” Adrian stepped out into the hall and closed his eyes. His tears stopped and his clenched jaw became calm. He opened his eyes, which had gained an icy hue. Adrian drove up the driveway of his destroyed house and stared at the great black scar on the earth. A strip of police tape surrounded the area, but there was no one around. He stepped out of his car and walked out into the wet ashes. He made his way through the twisted metal and burned wood and climbed down into the former basement. His laptop was on his desk, covered in ash but in one piece, having been built sturdily enough by him personally to survive these kinds of catastrophes. Moving aside the charred bed, he revealed a floor safe and opened it. Inside, along with his lance, was a set of bulletproof clothes, including an overcoat. Every garment was made of Kevlar with armor plating underneath. There had been a number of times when Adrian had been forced to step out from behind his computer and act in the real world, times when he had to crush his enemies with his own two hands instead of relying on hired guns. These clothes had kept him alive during those times. Adrian picked up the lance and gazed at the moonlight shining off it. The metal would soon be coated in a layer of blood. Before leaving, he scavenged for anything of use, including Demium, weapons, tools, paperwork, and several floor safes’ worth of cash, gold, and diamonds. The room was large and dark, with colored lights shining on streamers and balloons. There were several tables, all with white table cloths and decorated centerpieces. In the corner was an unattended DJ station and no music playing. The room was empty, except for one person. Jenny was sitting at one of the tables, wearing a red sequin dress, with a slit on each side that ran halfway up her smooth thighs and a single strap that went across her shoulder, with folded lace that made it look like it was covered in roses. There were diamond clips in her hair and a light shading of makeup on her face. She looked absolutely beautiful. Jenny gasped as her mind suddenly switched on, as if she were about to fall asleep and someone clapped their hands next to her ears. “Where... where am I?” she asked softly, looking around the room and at her outfit. “Hello Jenny,” she heard a relaxed voice say. She turned around and gasped. “Adrian?” she whispered in disbelief as she stared at the man she loved. “No, I am merely your subconscious,” the apparition said, leaning back in his chair and straightening his tuxedo. Confusion flashed across Jenny’s face. “What the hell is going on? Where am I?” “Why, you're at the prom of course!” Jenny looked around, realizing that it was the school gymnasium. Her subconscious lost his smile. “But that's not the answer you're looking for, is it? In truth, you are in a dream.” Jenny ignored him and held her head in her hands. “What the hell happened?” “You fell, remember? That guy tailgating you pushed you off the bridge with his car?” Jenny's eyes widened as all of the memories flashed back. “It seems you're ready to talk.” “Why am I here?” “You are in this dream because something has happened to your real body and you need to make a choice in order to wake up.” “Wait... this is...” “This is the same kind of dream Adrian had, exactly. After he woke up, he described to you in vivid detail what happened in his dream, and now your mind is copying it and fusing it with your own thoughts and personality.” “This decision, it’s whether to stay with Adrian or leave him, isn’t it? But I don't understand, why do I have to make this decision now?” “Because you finally have the ability to make the decision and the decision must now be made. All this time, you've been subconsciously studying Adrian, and even though you haven’t gone through the same enlightening experience as he did, you are now more aware of your potential and are beginning to reach out to it. You could say that this dream is the result of your mind ever so slowly expanding while you watch Adrian and study him. The subconscious absorbs far more information than the rest of the brain can even comprehend. By being with Adrian, you're learning to use mind over matter.” “All right, I understand why I’m having this dream, but why do I need to make this decision now? We were supposed to wait until graduation before I chose.” Her subconscious sighed. “Well I can only tell you what you have already heard in your unconscious state, and the only real information I’ve gotten was from Adrian. Jenny, your parents are dead.” “What?” “I don't know how it happened, but Adrian said that his parents and your parents were dead.” “No, no that can’t be true. This is just a dream; it can’t be true! I want you to tell me the truth! Are my parents dead?” “This is what Adrian said, word for word: ‘I’m going to get revenge, I’m going to avenge the deaths of his parents, the deaths of your parents, and most importantly; I’m going to avenge you.’ That is exactly what he said. Other than that, I have no more information than you do.” Jenny wanted to continue demanding the truth and denying the words of her subconscious, but every time she tried to speak the words, she felt like her throat was closing up. Her subconscious wouldn’t allow her to reject the truth. If those really were the words she had heard Adrian say, then her parents really were dead. Jenny burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. For over ten minutes, she was inconsolable, her face buried in her hands with tears dripping from between her fingers and staining her red dress. Her subconscious was silent while she cried, not making any movements. Finally, Jenny took a deep breath. “You still haven't told me why I have to choose between being with him and leaving him.” “Well, like I said, I can only tell you what you have personally already heard, whether awake or asleep. I said that he is going to avenge his parents, your parents, and you. I’m guessing he thinks you'll die very soon and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. With his parents already gone and you supposedly not long for this world, Adrian said he will seek vengeance. He said that he'll kill Logan and all of his friends, who I’m guessing killed your parents, and after seeing the rampage he went on the last time he faced Logan, the chaos left behind him will be unimaginable. Now, like in Adrian's dream, I am going to show you the results of your decisions. I told you already that this is the prom. What I meant was that this is your future if you leave. You can still have an ordinary life: finish high school, go to senior prom, attend college, get married, have a few kids, and so on. All you need to do is let Adrian think you are dead and rebuild your life while he goes on with his plan.” “So I can let Adrian seek his revenge, and once he is out of my life, I can try and rebuild without him?” Jenny asked bitterly. “Yes, or you can be with him. But I can't show you the repercussions of that choice.” “Wait, why not?” “Because you can't predict where that path will take you, you're not as good at this as he is. Basically, you can go find Adrian, abandon what's left of your life to be with him, and flee from the authorities that will surely be after him. Basically, your future will be up for grabs. You will never have an ordinary life. Knowing this, what will you do? This question originally started because you weren’t sure if you could stay with a killer. You didn’t think your love was strong enough to follow him after finding out what he planned to do. You thought you had time to make this choice, but the current predicament has made that impossible. You must now choose: will you hide yourself from the man you love and try to rebuild, or will you swallow your morals and guilt and help him possibly destroy the world?” Several moments passed by before Jenny gave a small smile. “When we agreed to wait until graduation before my decision was made, I think I knew in my heart what my decision would be. I was scared of what he had done, and I used that time as a way to distance myself from the knowledge of his crimes and keep Adrian. But in my heart, I knew I couldn’t do that. In order to love Adrian, I must accept him, including his crimes and his plans. You said I could abandon what's left of my life to be with him, but you of all people should know that he is his life. My mind still tells me that his plan will not work, but considering how smart he is, I think his mind is more reliable. I don’t know if the day will ever come when I will truly accept his plan, but Adrian believes in it and I believe in him, so I will do whatever I can to make sure he achieves it, no matter how much my heart screams at me not to. He is willing to kill and die for me; it would be selfish if I weren’t willing to do the same. I will not leave him. I will follow him, no matter where it will take us. After all, he’s all I have left in this world, and I love him.” Jenny opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She could feel the bandages wrapped around her head, the warm sheets of the hospital bed, and the respirator in her throat. She looked around at the hospital room, gazing at the machines monitoring her vitals and saw her clothes and purse in a plastic bag next to the bed. She took a deep breath and sat up, wincing as a bolt of pain shot through her skull. She slowly stepped out of the bed and stood up. Jenny took off the hospital gown and changed back into her damp clothes. Retrieving her purse, she stepped out of the room and started walking down the halls towards the exit. As she got closer and closer, people began to call out to her, but she just ignored them. Once outside, she climbed into the backseat of a taxicab. “Take me to the pier.” He looked at her with disbelief, knowing that it was the location of the city’s gang hideout. “Ma'am, are you sure?” “Drive,” she ordered. Adrian sat parked in an alley near the warehouse, trying to keep his heartbeat steady. On his way here, he had stopped off at numerous banks and emptied all of his accounts, the American ones at least. Better he get as much cash now than let the authorities freeze his assets when he was done. He could see lights in the windows, confirming that Logan and his cronies were there. He grabbed his sheathed lance and stepped out of the car, hooking up the sheath to the back of his belt and putting on his coat. He walked up to the entrance of the warehouse and kicked open the doors. In the center of the warehouse were all twenty of Logan's cronies, lounging on ratty furniture with makeshift tables between them. They jumped to their feet, all but Logan. He was sitting in a chair with his back to him. “Logan!” Adrian roared as he walked into the warehouse. As the cab drove parallel to the ocean, Jenny was deep in thought, trying to prepare herself for what she would find. She wasn’t sure what to expect; she would either find Adrian dead, the scene of a massacre, or both. Her head was still aching, but she ignored the pain and tried to come up with a plan for what she would do regarding what she saw. If Adrian survived, she would run away with him as he fled the police and help him achieve his plan. But if Adrian were dead, then she would take her own life. “Stop here,” she said to the cab driver once she spotted his car. The taxi came to a halt and she paid the cost with a handful of damp cash. She stepped out of the car, took a deep breath, and made her way to the entrance of the warehouse. She gasped when she saw him but hid just outside of the doorway, knowing she would get in the way. With his senses focused on Logan and the other gang members, Adrian did not notice her. “I knew you would show up,” Logan laughed as he stood up and faced him. “You and your subordinates killed my parents and the woman I love. Before this night is over, you will all be dead and your blood will be splattered across the walls,” Adrian said coldly as he took a step forward. “So the machine has emotions after all. It's funny how you think you'll leave here alive,” Logan laughed. “Enough talk! For as long as I’ve known you, you have tormented innocent people, relishing in the pain you inflicted. You are worse than a misbehaving dog; you are an abomination that must be crushed! I should have killed you when I had the chance, but now I will correct the mistake I made and end your life once and for all!” “Like I said, it’s funny how you think that you’re going to walk out of here alive.” Logan snapped his fingers and all of his cronies reached into their jackets and pulled out handguns. Adrian quickly crouched down and shielded his head with his forearms as the criminals opened fire. Jenny stifled a cry of worry as she saw the bullets pelt his body. Countless rounds struck the ground around him, but many made direct hits. His clothing was made of the strongest bulletproof material money could buy and reinforced with armor plating hidden within, so small caliber rounds had no chance of even leaving a scratch on him, but without Adrian’s ability to block pain, the joined impacts of so many bullets would have been overpowering. With many of the bullets striking the ground around him, the air was quickly filling with dust from crushed concrete, hiding him in a gray cloud. All of the gang members fired until they ran out of ammo, standing in a pool of over a hundred bullet casings, and once he heard the chorus of empty clicks, Adrian stood up. The dust cleared and everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces. Logan's eye was twitching as he realized that aside from some bruises, Adrian was completely unharmed. “That's impossible,” Logan cursed. “A lot of them missed but he had to have been hit with over a hundred bullets...” “I am going to kill every last one of you,” Adrian growled as he drew his lance from its sheath and slashed the floor, carving a large crack in the solid concrete. “Johnny, go bash his head in!” Logan ordered. One of the gang members was shaken from his stupor and grabbed a baseball bat, brimming with jagged nails. He charged towards Adrian with the bat above his head, trying to fight his fear. Adrian took a deep breath and used the moment to fully awaken his mind's control over his muscles, harnessing their full strength. With only a few feet between them, the gang member brought down the bat towards Adrian’s head. Wielding nearly inhuman power, Adrian swung the lance and used it to block the bat. With his strength, the jagged bludgeon shattered into splinters. Before the gang member could overcome his shock, Adrian stabbed him through the gut, striking his left side with the spike bursting out of his right. With only a fraction of the strength in his right arm, he tore the spike out and ripped open the young man’s torso. Jenny gave a gasp of astonishment at how easily he killed him. As his first victim died before hitting the ground, all of the gang members charged towards him, armed with chains, crowbars, baseball bats, lead pipes, and even a few cheap Wal-Mart machetes. Only Logan stayed behind, staring at him in disbelief. “I will slaughter all of you!” Adrian roared with his voice filled with bloodlust. Jenny shuddered, realizing that his voice was completely different. The first gang member attacked, swinging at him from the side with a crowbar. He caught the hook with his left hand as if it were little more than piece of falling silverware, then stabbed his foe through the heart with his lance. Adrian knocked body aside and pulled out his darts, throwing them at seven of the oncoming gang members with deadly aim. Three were stabbed in the eye, another three were stabbed in the throat, and the last had it imbedded in the center of his chest, decompressing his chest cavity and collapsing his lungs. A gang member with a baseball bat charged towards him, swinging it wildly. Adrian easily dodged his attacks and swung his lance, slamming it against the back of the man’s head with enough force to shatter his skull. He turned around as an attacker raised a cheap Wal-Mart machete, and as quick as a flash, Adrian stabbed upwards, sending the spike driving through his opponent’s lower jaw and bursting out of his skull. He pulled it free as he heard the ringing of chains, followed by the tugging feeling of the metal coil wrapping around his lance with a scrawny gang member holding the other end. Thinking he had accomplished the ultimate movie fight move, his opponent tried to rip the weapon out of Adrian’s hand. With his strength, Adrian was able to keep from moving an inch, and instead grabbed the chain and pulled the gang member over to him. Before his victim could let go, Adrian stabbed him through the right side of the chest. Five gang members grouped together, all attacking from a different angle. Not even out of breath or breaking a sweat, Adrian crouched down to dodge their weapons and swung the spike, slashing them with the needle-sharp tip. While the weapon had no edge, he was able to completely rip them open and essentially disembowel them. He looked over to Logan and saw him putting his cell phone away. Who was he calling? Adrian ran through the crowd of gang members, moving in quick rotations and attacking as fast as a striking snake. No matter what his prey did, they could not block, dodge, evade, or survive the tornado of attacks, and Adrian was moving too quickly for them to counterattack. Bodies were knocked off of their feet from the bone-crunching strength of his bludgeon-strikes and blood filled the air from every slash and stab. Gang member after gang member came at him, either working alone or joining with others to attack, but no matter what they did, he was able to evade their weapons and kill with ease, ending their lives with a stab, a slash, or with a bone-crushing impact. After only a few minutes, every gang member was dead, with a growing pool of blood covering the floor Hearing the sound of a revolver cylinder loaded, he turned around to Logan, his final victim. As the mortal enemies locked eyes, Logan pulled back the hammer of his gun. ‘Calculate the angle! Compensate and deflect!’ Adrian imagined a beam of red light shining out of the barrel of the gun, telling him where the bullet was going to land. In milliseconds, he calculated the angle, adjusted for recoil and distance, and swung his lance just as Logan pulled the trigger. With an instantaneous flash of ignited powder, the projectile was launched with speed greater than even Adrian’s eyes could perceive, but with his calculated prediction, he managed to deflect the bullet with his lance. For a fraction of a second, Logan was shocked beyond words, unable to believe what he had just seen, but that narrow moment was all the time Adrian needed to get his lance back into position and deflect the second round. After successfully blocking the second bullet, Logan moved his gun to aim for a different spot, but Adrian was already in position. Two more rounds were fired, one for the corner of his gut, the other for his shoulder, but both were blocked with little effort. Finally, Logan raised his gun and fired straight for the center of Adrian’s forehead, but in the moment in which the trigger was pulled and the hammer struck the back of the round, Adrian moved his head out of the way and completely dodged the shot. “You... you really are a machine...” Logan gasped. As fast as his body would move, Adrian bolted over to Logan and stabbed him just above the collarbone with his hand, tearing his windpipe and almost every vein. He pulled his hand free and blood sprayed from the lethal injury like a showerhead. “And don't forget it,” he said as the corpse fell to the ground with all of the others. Adrian swung his lance, spraying off the thick layers of blood, and removed his gore-soaked glove. “Adrian?” he heard the soft voice say as he put the lance back in its sheath. He turned around and his whole body froze. Jenny was standing just ten feet from him with a small smile on her face. “Jenny,” he gasped, unable to believe it. He had to be hallucinating, that was the only explanation. Jenny rushed over and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly. With her warm body pressed against his, Adrian knew that she was real. “Jenny, I thought that I was never going to see you again, I thought you were dead,” he said as he held her, savoring the feeling of her against him, the smell of her hair, and the sound of her breathing. “How is it possible? Your wounds...” “Don't worry darling, I’m fully healed,” she said with a slight amount of humor. Adrian smiled at the joke; they were the same words he had said to her before showing her the Adroid. While they both knew her injuries were far from healed, she was going to be fine. Jenny pressed her lips against his and they kissed for several seconds, trying to communicate how happy they were and how much they loved each other. They parted as the sound of sirens reached them. “Damn it, Logan called the cops. He wanted to drag me down any way he could and he definitely told them I was the one who did this. Jenny, I have to get out of here, run before the cops see you.” “Adrian, I’m coming with you.” “What?” “I had a dream, just like yours, and I had to decide between leaving you and being with you and helping you with your plan. I love you, Adrian, and I am going to be with you. I will follow you forever, no matter what happens. I don't care where this path takes us, but there is nothing for me here. You are my life, and I just want to be with you. In my heart, I’m not sure if I will ever truly believe in your plan, but you believe it and that is more than enough for me to give my life to see it happen.” Adrian looked down, savoring the moment. “I love you Jenny,” he said with the same soft tone before kissing her. Adrian collected his darts they escaped the warehouse before the cops burst in. Reaching his car, they sped off, trying to get as far away as possible, as fast as possible. Chapter Six: More than thirty people dead, all killed by one man without the use of firearms. It was being called one of the worst mass-murders in American history. The shear magnitude of death, gore, and heartless killing that had gone on in that one building was baffling the police, and the FBI were now being called in. It had been eight hours since the massacre, and Jenny and Adrian were moving upstate to an undisclosed location. The sun had just risen, and the highway was mostly empty. Much to Adrian’s relief, Jenny was sound asleep in the reclined passenger seat, with his coat wrapped around her as a blanket. After her head injury, he knew that she needed rest above all else. This time of silence and solitude gave him time to process everything that had happened and come up with steps for his plan. Everything about their current situation had already struck him, though it had little affect, even the massacre he had left in his wake. He had already killed countless people as Logan and his cronies, his vengeance had been justified, his parents were the only ties Adrian had to his old life, and with his wealth and intelligence, he didn't have to worry about surviving. Adrian had no regrets of his actions, there was guilt in his heart that he could not eliminate. He kept on looking over to Jenny. Had he ruined her life by taking her with him? Would her view of him change once the crimes he had committed truly sank in? She said that she would ignore every instinct and thought and do everything she could to help him achieve his plan, but that meant that there was still doubt in her heart, doubt that could resurface and shatter everything. Would she even be afraid of him? Were they going to end up going their separate ways, bitter and alone, just like Adrian had predicted before they were first intimate? Were they just going to end up like Bonnie and Clyde? Were they either going to live in hiding, split up, or die at the hands of the authorities? Or was there a chance that his plan could work, and her love and loyalty to him was as strong as she said it was? Adrian was listening to the news on the radio with the volume set low so as not to disturb Jenny. “According to the one who placed the call, the killer is recent trauma-survivor Adrian Ashford. Police have tried to find Ashford, but he seems to have disappeared, prompting the FBI to label him as the prime suspect and a dangerous threat to the community. At the scene, forensic investigators found two sets of footprints leading away from the scene, but the call to the police described no accomplices. However, the suspect's girlfriend, Jenny Sinclair, was reported to have gone missing as well. After surviving a car crash and being brought to the hospital, Jenny escaped, and her whereabouts are now unknown, but the FBI says that she is most likely with Adrian Ashford. The forensic investigators are currently trying to identify the weapon used by the killer. While there are lacerations and blunt trauma found on the victims, they do not seem to have been caused by a bladed weapon or common bludgeon, and no bullet wounds or powder burns can be found. Under normal circumstances, a crime such as this would be considered low priority, as the victims are known felons and the motive is theorized to be revenge. However, due to the large number of victims, the manner in which they were killed, and the capability of the suspect, a full-scale hunt for the killer is now underway. If anyone has any information on Adrian Ashford, please call—” Adrian turned off the radio as Jenny began to stir. She gave a wide yawn and sat up. “Good morning,” Adrian said. She gave a sleepy smile and kissed him on the cheek. “Good morning,” she replied as she readjusted her seat. “So what is the plan?” “Well for now, I think we should lay low. I want to give you plenty of time to recover, and I need time to fully organize my plan. I have some property in the next town that we can use, but it’s not quite ready for habitation. I figure we’ll use what I have there, get some new clothes and food, find a motel, and rest for a day or two.” “That sounds perfect. I can't wait to get out of these muddy clothes.” They stopped off in the mall of the next town to get some change of clothes, though they were longing to just drive to the nearest motel, lock themselves in a room, and go to sleep in a warm slightly-clean bed. They were parallel-parked far away from the mall and Adrian put up some false license plates he kept stashed in the car. Even if the authorities did somehow track down the car, they would have to search a much greater area to find them. Adrian was standing with Jenny in a department store, trying to keep from falling asleep on his feet. Unfortunately, the night before last had been spent working, so even he was running on fumes. Jenny was picking out clothes that would fit her, yawning after every third or fourth blouse. She was wearing a pink knitted hat to hide the bandages around her head. Beside them was a cart full of clothes they had picked out, and both of them desperately wanted to change. Adrian gave a wide yawn and looked around to make sure that they were alone. “Do I frighten you?” “What?” “We haven't spoken about what happened in the warehouse. Jenny... you know I’ve killed before, but I didn’t mean for you to see me like that. Now the FBI is after me because I’ve massacred dozens of people. I don't want you to fear me or for your view of him to change. I—” Adrian was cut off as Jenny kissed him on the lips. “How is it that you have forsaken your machine-like alter ego, but you still don't understand humans? Adrian, I don't fear you; I love you, I adore you, and I am amazed by you. My view of you has changed; you aren't just a part of my life anymore, you are now my life. Besides, the people you killed were the ones who killed my parents and I wanted vengeance as well. Adrian, I would kill for you, I would die for you, and nothing can ever change that.” Adrian smiled and leaned back against a rack of clothes. “Nothing in this universe is perfect, humans especially. But Jenny, you are as close to perfect as reality will allow.” “You are so sweet. All right, I got all the clothes I need,” she said, putting three blouses in the cart. “Great, let's pay and find some motel to pass out in.” “Sounds like plan.” It was just after 8:00 AM when they pulled up to the Forest Motel, a small inn partially hidden by the woods along the turnpike. They climbed out of the car, carrying their bags from the mall. Hidden among them was a duffle bag full of money and Adrian’s lance and bulletproof clothes. They stepped into the motel office and rung the bell, summoning the owner. “How can I help you kids?” “Can we have a room for tonight?” Adrian asked. “Ah, young love, it's always sweetest in a two-star motel. Just don't leave any used condoms around. Room 4.” “Two stars? Don't flatter yourself,” Jenny teased as they were given a room key. They made their way to the fourth motel room and stepped inside, both giving a sigh of relief. The room consisted of shag carpets, 70’s style wallpaper, a small TV on a bureau against the wall, a queen-sized bed, two bedside tables, a closet, and a small bathroom. “I’m going to take a quick shower,” Jenny said as she put down her bags and walked into the bathroom. Adrian turned on the bedside lamp, lowered the shades, and sat down on the bed, wincing in pain. Only with endorphins and pure will had he been able to endure the pain from his bruises, but now that he could finally lower his guard, it was all rising up. Adrian slowly pulled off his jacket and shirt, showing the fist-sized black marks that pocketed his arms and chest, plus there were plenty more on his legs. Several of them were even bleeding from being hit in the same place multiple times. Taking that barrage of bullets had been a stupid move, but he wanted to invoke fear and powerlessness in his opponents. Sometimes theatricality was one of the best weapons. Adrian lied back on the bed, shaking all over and trying to catch his breath. His eyes bolted open and he jerked as he felt a cool wet towel pressed against the bullet wound on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Jenny, naked like him and as wet as the towel. The tender love and worry in her eyes was overpowering. “My poor darling,” she whispered as she saw all of his bruises and wounds. She went back to the bathroom and came out with more wet towels and a medical kit from under the sink. Climbing back onto the bed and kneeling beside him, she began gently cleaning his wounds with the wet towels, wiping away the dirt and blood. Adrian softly hummed in bliss and relaxation from the feeling of the wet towels against his injuries and Jenny's soft hands against his skin. “Ok, I’m going to have to stitch some of these up. This will hurt,” Jenny warned, picking a needle and line of thread out of the medical kit. “You can stitch wounds?” “I took an extra-credit course in health class, and basic medical techniques were some of the things I was taught. But this kit doesn't come with pain killers, so this will hurt.” Adrian placed his hand on Jenny's warm thigh. “I’ll be fine,” he said calmly. Even with his eyes closed, he knew Jenny was blushing with a smile on her face. His hand on Jenny's thigh for mental support, Adrian was able to block out the pain as she began stitching shut the torn bruises on his body. For over an hour, she worked tirelessly, tending to his injuries. Once she was finished, she wrapped them in bandages and Adrian sat up. “Now let me see you.” He unfastened the bandages wrapped around her head and removed the gauze covering the gash on the side of her forehead. The gauze was bloody, but the wound seemed to be doing just fine and would be fully healed by the end of the week. Jenny almost looked like she was sleeping while sitting up as Adrian cleaned the wound with sterilizing strips, covered it with fresh gauze, and wrapped her head with clean bandages. After Adrian checked to make sure the bandages would stay on, his hand drifted down from her forehead to her soft cheek. Jenny opened her eyes as he brushed his fingers against the side of her face. She grasped his wrist and pressed his hand against her cheek. “Come on, you need to get some sleep.” She pulled him to the center of the bed, and with his whole body aching, Adrian moved under the sheets and put his head down on the pillow. Jenny turned off the bedside lamp and curled up next to him, kissing his chest. “Goodnight Adrian,” she said softly with her arm across his chest and her head on his shoulder. “Goodnight Jenny,” he hummed as the soft bed, the warm blankets, Jenny's body pressed against his, and his exhaustion carried him into the best sleep of his life. “So what do we know about this Adrian kid?” FBI Agent Hoffman asked, leaning back behind his desk. On the wall above him were his awards from back when he was just a detective. He was a very large man with a thin white goatee and gray hair. His partner, Agent Mason, had just stepped in with an armful of files. He had a PhD in psychology, and he often used it to provoke his partner. He was much leaner than his partner and had dark skin. “After what he did to those dropouts in that warehouse, he must be one twisted psychopath,” Hoffman said as Mason sat down in the chair in front of his desk. “On the contrary, he's a certified genius. His school records say that he has an IQ of—oh, you won't believe this—he has an IQ of over 300. He even holds the world record for the highest IQ level, which basically makes him the smartest person on Earth. His teachers have commented that he prizes logic and reason above all else and has been compared to a robot countless times. He's a very wealthy inventor and his name is constantly circulating the technological industry as some sort of prodigy.” “Oh goddammit, I hate the fucking geniuses!” “Yeah, the geniuses are either experts at hiding or try to play games with us, and we’ve got to find him. However, if his girlfriend is in fact with him, that could work in their favor. People on the run will often make more mistakes if they are with others instead of on their own. The fact that he loves this girl should cloud his judgment, if only a little. You have those files on the girl right?” “Jenny Sinclair? Yeah, I looked through them. As far as I know, she's just a regular teenage girl. The trauma of her parent's death must be why she decided to run away with him. Eventually she'll realize it was a mistake, leave him, and the pain of losing her will hopefully make him mess up and we'll catch him.” “Oh, I have Adrian's school picture. Jeez, look at the mugshot on him, talk about melancholic,” Mason said, handing him the pictures. He then saw a picture on Hoffman's desk. “Is that her?” “Yeah,” Hoffman said as he looked at Adrian’s picture. Agent Mason looked at the picture of Jenny and chuckled. “Damn Mike, you would be out of the job if I weren't here to help you. This girl isn't normal.” “What do you mean?” His partner showed him the picture again. “Quite the looker, isn’t she? A girl like that is at the top of the popularity pedestal, a social goddess in the halls of high school. I know that strange couples can form, but from everything I’ve heard, these two are polar opposites of each other. Either their relationship has always been one bad day from breaking up, or these two have a much deeper relationship than they give them credit for. I don't think they'll just split up.” It was 7:30 AM the next day at the motel, and Adrian closed the door as quietly as possible, but he could not stop Jenny from waking up. With a wide yawn and several cat-like stretches, she sat up and looked at him. “Where have you been?” Adrian placed three bags on a nearby table and handed Jenny one of two cups of coffee. “I just needed to get a few things. We were asleep for an entire day, and I wanted to make up for lost time.” Jenny took a drink of the coffee and grimaced. “I had always hoped that his first coffee would be sweeter.” “Oh, that was your first coffee? Well if I had known that, I would have made sure that you didn't lose your coffee virginity so disappointingly in a cheap motel,” Adrian joked, causing Jenny to laugh. “So what exactly shall we be doing?” “I’ll give you a hint: before coming back here, I stopped off at the local hospital and did a little bribery to get some drugs we’ll need. I also got something that we’ll REALLY need…” Adrian said as he reached into the third bag and handed Jenny a packet of birth-control pills. “Oh, you’re a mind-reader. This is a huge relief. But you said you got some drugs from the hospital, what kind of drugs?” “Anesthesia, several different kinds. We’re going to need them.” “What are we going to be doing?” “I am going to be training you. I’m a wanted criminal, and if you're really going to come with me, I need to teach you to protect yourself. Things are going to get dangerous, and I won't always be around to keep you safe. For the next two weeks, I’m going to expand your mind as far as it can go. Your intelligence will skyrocket and you'll later learn my logic-based fighting style and achieve complete control over your body.” Jenny gained an ecstatic smile on her face. “Really?” “Yes, and trust me...” Adrian began as he wrapped his arms around her naked form. “That's not all we're going to be doing.” The office was silent as Agents Hoffman and Mason read through Adrian and Jenny's files. They needed to memorize every scrap of information they could find if they had any hope of finding them. “There is one thing that keeps tugging at his mind...” Hoffman said. Mason looked up at him. “The bodies in that warehouse have been searched over and over again, and they can't find any powder burns, poison, or signs that the victims were somehow weakened before they were fighting. An eighteen-year-old killed over thirty full or near full-grown men, all at peak strength and armed with guns and melee weapons. This is the kind of thing you only see in Kung Fu movies.” “I know; I can't stop thinking about it either. As far as I’ve learned, this kid has never been to so much as a single karate lesson and brainiacs aren’t typically experienced street fighters.” “Which makes it possible that he didn't do it. In fact, he could actually be dead. From what the Dean of Medicine said, he was told that his girlfriend was either going to die or never wake up from her coma. After the death of his parents and learning about his girlfriend, he could have easily killed himself and they just haven't found his body. We were also told his girlfriend disappeared. It's possible that she woke up, found out about her parents, found her dead boyfriend in a place she knew he would be, and decided to follow him to the grave. We could easily be looking for the wrong person.” A man stepped into the office, holding a long cardboard box and three files. “Detectives, I have something you should take a look at...” Hoffman took the box and opened it. “Holy shit.” Mason looked through the files and gave the same curse. In the box was Adrian’s lance from when Logan and his cronies attacked him and Jenny, the one designed for concealment. It was supposed to be used as evidence in Logan’s trial. In the files were the medical and forensic records of Logan and his friends from when they were treated. The injuries confirmed that the lance was the cause, and the fingerprints linked it to Adrian. “This proves it, it was Adrian. Similar weapon, similar injuries, a motive, and the same target,” Hoffman said, holding up the lance. He tried to fold it, but the hinges were locked in place. The weapon was strong enough to be used for chin-ups without the point bending or breaking. Mason leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. “Look at this grisly thing,” Hoffman said in amazement, “there are no serial numbers, company logos, or labels of the manufacturer. There are no signs of it being cast from molten steel but neither are there any imperfections. This thing was somehow made with the precision of a samurai sword.” “This is bad, really bad.” Mason sighed. “What do you mean?” “Without any sort of fighting lessons or experience, he was able to take down dozens armed men with a single melee weapon. We aren't dealing with a normal kid on the run. Not only is he the smartest person on Earth, he may be the deadliest.” “Basically you're saying that we're dealing with some sort of prodigy?” “I would prefer a less provocative term. But what I’m saying is that we need to catch him soon, because we can't let someone like this run around the country, especially if he decides to strike again...” “All right kids, that will be about twenty bucks,” the motel owner said as he put out his cigarette. Standing in the motel office, Adrian and Jenny were about to pay for their night, but as Adrian pulled out the money, the owner looked to a TV in the corner of the room on a shelf. It was the morning news. “Oh hold on, I want to hear this,” he said as he turned up the volume. Adrian’s heart sank when he realized it was a story on the Warehouse Massacre. “With the disappearance of the prime suspect and the discovery of a mass transaction from his bank accounts, the FBI has decided to release information on the supposed killer. His name is Adrian Ashford, he is eighteen years old, and he is considered armed and extremely dangerous. He is most likely traveling with his significant other, Jenny Sinclair. If anyone has any information on these two, please contact the local police,” the news anchor said as copies of the teens’ driver’s licenses and school pictures were put up on the screen. In less than a second, the motel owner recognized them from their pictures. He turned back with his eyes wide, but before he could reach under the counter and activate the alarm, Adrian leapt over the table and grabbed him by the throat, moving as fast as lightning. Adrian slammed him against the wall and punched him in the stomach, finishing him with an elbow to the back of the skull to knock him out. Jenny stared at him with eyes as wide as the owner’s from the speed of the response. “Come on, we have to go. It won’t be long until he wakes up and calls the police,” Adrian said as he jumped back over the counter. Jenny ran out of the office but Adrian stopped. He gave a small smile and reached into his pocket, pulling out one of his darts. He slammed it down onto the counter, lodging the tip in the wood and leaving it standing up. He then wiped the counter with his sleeve and pressed his fingers down on the surface, leaving five perfect fingerprints. He followed Jenny out of the office and they climbed into their car, speeding off the second the engine kicked to life. The building was essentially a small warehouse, with its only luxuries being electricity, a bathroom, running water, and a mattress on the floor. It stood on the very fringes of the town, at the end of a gated driveway leading off into the woods. Upon releasing the heavy padlock on the front door, Adrian and Jenny stepped into the large dusty room and looked around. The concrete floor was covered in wooden crates and cardboard boxes of all shapes and sizes, some of which were open with brand new tools and medical equipment standing by, waiting for use. “Ok, now before we do anything, I need you to make sure your bowels and bladder are completely empty. You have to be certain that there is absolutely nothing in your digestive system. There is a reason why I had you skip breakfast, in fact, I probably shouldn’t have even let you drink that coffee.” Jenny looked at him with unease at the strange request. “I don’t understand, what does that have to do with my training?” Adrian simply smiled. “Oh, you’ll see.” Jenny and Adrian were sitting cross-legged on the mattress in the warehouse, facing each other. Standing next to the bed was an IV rack with a bag filled with a saline solution, as well as a bypass machine and a neural activity scanner for observing and recording the different waves and patterns of her brain. “Before we can even begin your training, you must learn to use your entire brain. You know that cliché myth about people only using 30% of their brains? It’s of course false. It’s not like the majority of your brain will be pitch-black if you’re in an MRI or getting a PET scan. Instead, people use their entire brain but it’s the wiring of the brain that’s holding everyone back. Your brain is working at 100% constantly, but because of poor neural pathways, it only functions at 30% of its full potential. Humans also use only about 30% of their muscles as a way to protect themselves form overexertion, but I’ve found a way around that. My brain has been completely rewired, which lets me think, calculate, and solve problems countless times faster and easier than regular people. Here, I’ll show you...” Adrian reached into a bag beside the bed and pulled out a Rubik’s Cube, sixteen squares on each side. He had bought a few of them earlier when he went out. “Now close your eyes.” Jenny did as she was told and Adrian shuffled up the puzzle. He handed it to her and she opened her eyes. “It’s been scrambled with thirty moves. After an hour, tell me if you think you’ve made progress. If not, we can stop.” Jenny looked at him with self-doubt. “Don’t worry, this isn’t some standardized test at school. You can do nothing wrong,” he said reassuringly. Jenny smiled confidently, but it quickly dropped after she looked down at the cube. For an hour, she shifted the levels while biting her lip, often stopping for a minute or so to try and come up with a strategy. Keeping time in his mind, Adrian kept his eyes closed so that Jenny would not feel nervous, and at the one-hour point, he told her to stop. “So, do you want to keep going?” Jenny sighed. “No, I have no idea what I’m doing. I can’t figure this out.” Adrian looked at the Rubik’s Cube and chuckled. “Actually, you weren’t half bad. You were thirteen moves away from solving it. Most people either get to the high teens or actually scramble it up even more,” Adrian said before solving it in only a few moments. He then reached back down and revealed a new Rubik’s cube, much larger and more complex than the first, barely fitting in Adrian’s hand. Each of the four sides was split up into nine sections, each section with a different color, and while unsolved, all sides looking exactly the same. Each section was comprised of sixteen squares, making the toy look like one giant stack of smaller Rubik’s cubes. “I invented this years ago after getting bored with regular Rubik’s cubes. I got the idea from a Sudoku puzzle. Since it has nine colors, you don’t solve it by making one side entirely red, one side entirely blue, and so on. You have to make nine perfect sections on each side. Of all my inventions, this one has the worst sales, simply because no one can solve it but me, at least without cheating and having a computer write an algorithm for it. I’m glad I was able to find a place that sold them. Scramble this in thirty moves and I’ll show you what 100% of your brain can accomplish.” Jenny quickly scrambled up the puzzle, making it as difficult as possible with exactly thirty moves. Adrian kept his eyes closed so that he couldn’t see what she was doing. Once she was done, Adrian opened his eyes and she handed him the cube. “All right, it’s been a while since I used one of these things, so I’ll probably be a little out of shape.” He studied it for the first couple seconds, memorizing every side and forming a mental copy in his brain. Once he had it memorized, he began solving it, shifting the levels as fast as if he were instead trying to scramble it. Jenny watched him wide-eyed as the puzzle quickly began take its original form, with him only stopping occasionally to contemplate for less than a second. Once it was solved, he held up the cube. “15.3 seconds, spread out across thirty moves. Now, as you have seen, there is a colossal difference between 30% and 100%. Each percent doesn’t increase your intelligence by an actual 1/100th of your full potential; the one before it basically multiplies each percent. It’s why even at 30%, you weren’t able to just solve the Rubik’s Cube three times longer than I did. If you can learn to harness the rest of your brain, mental tasks will take only a fraction of the original time and effort, because the work will be outsourced to more areas, instead of just the parts of your brain you are currently using. I will teach you how to unlock the rest of your mind and transcend normal limitations. However, the expansion of your mind does not equal an instant IQ boost. It will take a while for you to learn how to use the awakened areas of your brain. At first, your senses will just be enhanced, then you’ll learn how to process moments in time faster and react, and finally you’ll gain foresight, logic, and high intelligence. At the third stage, you’ll be able to plan things out fifty steps in advance, you’ll be able to see through even the most complicated situations, and you’ll be able to outsmart anyone in your path. In order to understand what we will do, you need to understand what we are trying to replicate. Imagine the human brain as a TV, specifically an older one. Your regular thoughts are the programs, your dreams are basically that public broadcast channel that shows only a single image with elevator music, static devoid of content is if you are in a coma, and turned off is death. When you turn off an older TV, you know how the image basically collapses in on itself in flash of light? Basically, the mental state I was in after my car accident is similar to that fraction a second in which the entire screen lit up. You always hear those stories about people who had near-death experiences, where they see a bright light and feel a sense of euphoria. Afterwards, they may come back with a new talent that they never had before. What they believe to be a look into heaven is actually the brain shutting down and every single neuron firing at once in a colossal synaptic thunderclap while drowning in chemicals. It’s like if every single power line in the country experienced a pylon-destroying power surge. In this sudden flash of brain activity, new neural pathways are allowed to form and the process of myelin production increases by a hundred fold, linking the neurons together in entirely new ways. These new super-pathways are what grant the sudden talents; they’re the brain unlocking a part of its potential. In order to rewire my whole mind, I basically had to die in that car crash. My brain wasn’t just a TV set on a static channel; it was caught in a moment of shutdown without beginning or end, just complete neural synchronicity. It’s a miracle that I was actually able to use that accident to unlock my mind, not to mention the even greater miracle that I woke up. As you can imagine, we can’t reenact that car crash with you in my place and just hope that you can survive like I did. In order to do this effectively and safely, we’ll use hypnotism and drugs from the pharmacy to replicate the mental affects of lethal trauma and put you between life and death. I’m going to knock you out to the point where you can no longer control your internal organs or body and your brain will think you’re dying and trigger that near-death flash. Then, before you die for real, I’ll activate the bypass machine and put you on life support, basically taking care of your body while your brain completely reshapes itself while waiting for death. I’ll put you under for a week, with a saline solution and nutrients injected intravenously to keep you healthy. But before I do anything, I need to tell you that there is a very high probability that you could die. I need to make sure you are aware of this and I need your full consent. I’m sure this method will work, but I’ve never been able to try it on anyone,” he said, speaking the last sentence with a shaky voice. Jenny took a deep breath. “I want to do this, I want to help you achieve your dream and I want to fulfill my potential. If there is even the slightest chance that I can play some beneficial part in your plan, then risking my life is no question. I love you, Adrian, and I would do anything for you.” Adrian sighed and nodded. “I’m going to begin the sequence of fluid injections, but do not lie down.” Jenny nodded and Adrian plugged the IV into her arm, causing her to give a nervous shiver at the prick of the needle. He began the saline drip and plugged a syringe into the line, pressing down on the plunger and injecting the first drug. “Now, close your eyes and clear your mind.” Jenny took another deep breath and closed her eyes. “Clear your mind of all thoughts and emotions. Imagine you are falling through darkness, and let my voice be the only thing in your mind. Let every word I speak ripple through the darkness, but let everything else fall away.” Jenny gave another deep breath and Adrian placed his hand on the center of her chest, measuring her heart rate. The anesthesia was calming her down, but her body was woken back up with a shiver of arousal from his touch. Adrian injected the second drug. “Calm yourself. Separate your mind from your body, forget the bed beneath you, forget my hand on your chest, forget the air against your skin, forget it all and let all of the feelings fall away. Do not fall asleep but do not wake up, set yourself on the mental precipice with only the void around you. Focus only on my voice and let everything else fall into darkness.” he murmured as he injected the third drug. Adrian repeated this again and again, both verbally and with more injections, and over the course of a couple minutes, Jenny’s heartbeat slowly lowered as she entered a trance-like state, brought on by hypnosis and the drugs. As he had instructed, she was neither asleep nor awake; she had entered the subconscious level of her mind. Adrian took his hand off her chest and moved over to her carefully. It would be very difficult for her to wake up from this trance, but he did not want to risk ruining their progress. He sat next to her and brushed back a lock of her long blonde hair, and unlike before, she did not shiver at his touch. He then hooked up the hoses of the bypass machine up to her veins and injected the fourth drug, as well as placed electrodes on her scalp for the neural scanner to keep an eye on her brain waves. “Keep falling, forget everything else, ignore all worries or cares. Forget about your body, forget the past, forget the future, forget me; just keep plummeting into darkness. Dive, dive as far down into your mind as possible and abandon everything else. Fall between life and death and exist on the very fringe of your own understanding. Give in to the empty darkness and cease all awareness and sentience. Abandon who you are and become one with the void.” He wrapped his arms around her and caught her as she fell back, laying her down. She had completely relinquished all control of her body and the process had begun. Adrian activated the bypass machine and hooked up an IV bag full of chemicals, erasing the danger of her now unmoving heart and lungs but without preventing oxygen from being absorbed into her blood and moved throughout the body. Above her head, the monitor of the neural scanner was showing skyrocketing activity on all wavelengths as every neuron in her brain was firing at once and forming massive pathways and networks. It was done, the bypass was keeping her body stable and fully oxygenated, her brain was reaping the benefits of being between life and death, her saline solution was full of nutrients to protect her health, and her condition was easily reversible. He had done it, the process was working, now all he had to do was give her mind time to recreate itself, and until he deemed it ready, there was work he had to do. Adrian laid the strips of metal in the smelting drawer and pushed it into the kiln. The pool table-sized smelting oven had been made by him and was the hottest on the planet, able to sustain and tolerate temperatures that no other device could endure. It was made of another material of his own creation, Ignium, one that was so powerful at reflecting heat and maintaining its shape that it made the shields on space shuttles and satellites look like wet towels. He had made only a few of them and kept them hidden across the globe, for they were the only smelting ovens that could produce Demium. The strips of metal he had inserted were all ingredients and had been measured down to the centigram for the perfect ratio in order to achieve the molecular structure and ensure the creation of the desired compound. The oven itself used a revolutionary design, blasting the metals with lasers and turning the air into plasma so as to melt the metal and keep it from forming any compounds except for Demium. There was even a piece of Demium in there, a “seed”, which would allow the metal compound to replicate over and over into crystal lattice structure. Locking the drawer into place, Adrian cranked up the heat and stepped back. Inside, the metals were all immediately fired down upon with a barrage of laser beams, each beam separated from its brethren by only a millimeter. After only a second, the metals began to liquefy and the air temperature skyrocketed, almost burning as hot as thermite. With Jenny still held in suspension and the kiln melting the metal, Adrian had nothing left to do but wait and prepare for when he brought Jenny back. He had about a week until then, and he had to prepare for when she became fully aware, as well as create her lance. It normally took about three days of nonstop firing for enough Demium to form to create a lance, each molecule forming one by one in the stew of molten metals could even be compared to the formation of the first proteins and life forms in the primordial ooze. Until they formed that perfect Demium molecule, the atoms would float around, momentarily fusing together only to be broken back up. Once the structure was formed, the melting point of the combined metals would skyrocket and the structure would become permanent. Pulling up a chair in front of the kiln and opening his laptop, he prepared for the long wait. Detectives Mason and Hoffman stepped under the police tape that stretched around the perimeter of the motel. Cop cars and precautionary ambulances surrounded the building, with officers streaming out of the fourth room and the office. One of the forensic investigators walked up to them. “I’m Detective Mason, and this is my partner Detective Hoffman, FBI,” Mason said as the two agents held up their badges. “I’m Agent Madison,” she replied, pulling off her rubber gloves and shaking their hands. “What do we have here?” Hoffman asked. “The owner of this motel said that he was attacked by Adrian Ashford. Apparently, he and his girlfriend rented a room from him last night and he saw them on the news while they were paying.” Madison led them into the motel office and Hoffman cursed, spotting the dart lodged in the counter and the five fingerprints glowing under a black light. “Oh shit, he’s gamer.” “He’s baiting us,” Mason said as he stepped towards the counter, where pictures were being taken from all angles and evidence tags set up. “What is the condition of the owner?” Hoffman asked. “He’s fine, just a minor concussion. He was brought to the hospital just a few minutes before you two showed up.” “Wait, he was alive? Were there any lacerations or stab wounds?” Hoffman asked. “No, just some bruises. Ashford just knocked him out.” Detective Mason stepped behind the counter and moved over to the cash register. “Don’t bother, we already checked it. There were no signs of any money being stolen,” Madison said. Before Hoffman or Mason could say anything, a cop stepped into the office. “We just received a call from the station: a hospital worker was arrested for selling drugs to a young man now believed to be Adrian Ashford. He confessed to selling anesthesia, saline, and IV nutrients, lots of them. The description he gave us matches the description of Ashford.” “Interesting, very interesting. Did you find anything in the motel room?” Mason asked as he looked over the list in the officer’s hands. “Just some empty Dunkin Donuts coffee cups and bloody gauze and bandages. The medical kit in the room was almost completely empty.” “So we can be sure that they are both injured, but that doesn’t explain why he got that stuff from the hospital. Painkillers I can understand, but anesthesia, saline, and IV nutrients? What the hell are those two doing? How many Dunkin Donuts are there near this motel?” Hoffman asked. “Just one, and a second one on the other side of town,” Madison answered. “Can you get us the surveillance tapes of all the stores between this motel and the nearest Dunkin Donuts? If they bought anything else, we might get a clue as to what they are doing.” Madison nodded and stepped outside while talking on her radio. “A public encounter, no deaths, not even any real injuries, and no money stolen,” Mason said, taking the same stance as Hoffman. “But on the other hand, we’re dealing with a mass-murderer who has brought more death and destruction than Jason Voorhees, and he left one of his weapons and five perfect fingerprints just to tease us. We’re dealing with a psychopath with morals.” “Well remember what we read on his file? His teachers said that he prided logic and reason above all else, and only did what was necessary. Maybe he didn’t kill that man because he didn’t have to,” Hoffman suggested. “But that doesn’t make sense. He’s trying to bait us, but leaving a witness alive raises his chances of being caught. Could it be that maybe he’s guilty about his crimes and part of him wants to be caught?” “I doubt that he would regret his vengeance. Let’s look at this another way: he leaves bait but no new victims. He obviously wants attention, but not attention from a new crime. He just wants to keep the trail hot.” “Which means that the chances of him killing again are low, but he’ll still want us to focus on him. That means that while he did kill all those people, it was for vengeance, and it doesn’t make him a serial killer. He wants attention and he wants to be known, but not as a serial killer. But if that’s true, then it’s quite possible that we’re not the true targets in his search for attention. This is bait for us, but we could be the real bait. He could be using us as bait for someone else’s attention.” Wearing a heat-resistant suit with full tinted facemask, Adrian turned off the kiln and pulled out the drawer of the smelting oven. He looked down into long pool of molten metal, growing brighter than fire itself. Amongst the gold-shaded liquid, specks of silver could be seen, the growing seeds of Demium. He pushed the drawer back in and reactivated the laser shower. It had been six hours and the development was going along quite well. While waiting, Adrian had checked popular news and email sites, scanning for any story that had a picture of he or Jenny. More than half of all of the stories were about the massacre, but with its uniqueness, he was not surprised. Murder on this scale of brutality and numbers by one man was unheard of. So far, every article just repeated the facts of the one before it. “We have only one piece of footage. A young man resembling Adrian Ashford entered a hobby shop near the Dunkin Donuts and purchased some Rubik’s Cubes and board games. That’s all we have,” Agent Madison said, handing a folder of security camera screenshots to Hoffman and Mason at the local police department. “Rubik’s Cubes and board games? What the hell are they doing?” Hoffman muttered, looking over the pictures. Mason examined the receipt from the store, listing off everything that had been bought. “Rubik’s Cubes, chess game, solitaire game, mahjong game, Go game, etc. These are all brain and puzzle games. Could this just be some entertainment for him, some quirk of his, something that geniuses just like to keep around?” “Puzzle games, anesthesia, IV nutrients… We’re missing something, some key variable that links them together. Whether it is something he bought or something he knows, we need to find it if we are to have any chance of figuring out what he’s up to. Madison, could you please expand the search to all stores in and around this town?” Hoffman asked. Madison nodded and stepped out of the room. Back in his full heat suit and with a pair of Ignium tongs, Adrian dumped out the block of Demium onto a stone table, letting it cool momentarily. The block was about as long as a pool cue and as thick as his arm, but it wasn’t nearly ready to turned into a lance. The metal was still full of impurities, compounds and elements that hadn’t joined together to create Demium and were instead held in suspension. With the block glowing white-hot and practically melting through the stone table, Adrian worked quickly to activate his band saw-sized automatic hammer and his industrial cutting torch, used to bore through the thickest armor plating ever made. The former had been outfitted with Ignium surfaces, since anything that the Demium touched while hot was normally melted, and the latter was only powerful enough to keep the Demium hot, by no means could it melt it. Holding the block in place, he cranked up the automatic hammer to its top speed and began pummeling the Demium with the weighted head. Moving faster than a jackhammer, the Ignium head crashed down onto the Demium over and over again, sending chips of impurities flying off the surface. He ran the entire block underneath the hammer, twisting it over and over while occasionally running it through the jet of high-pressure fire from the cutting torch to heat it back up to the point of being malleable. He put the block back under the hammer, knocking off as many chips of non-Demium as he could. He then brought both ends under the hammer for an extended time, slightly flattening them. After another bath of fire, he brought the block over to a specially made lathe, built for this one and only purpose. The motor had been retrofitted to move slower and with far more torque, while the brace on the opposite end remained stationary. He locked in the white-hot bar and activated the lathe, twisting the bar while spraying it with high-pressure flames. With each rotation of the metal, more chips and specks of impurities from the interior were exposed and flicked off. Upon the completion of the metal’s winding, he brought it back to the automatic hammer and continued smashing out the impurities. For fourteen hours he repeated this process over and over, stopping only to eat or drink, go to the bathroom, or switch out fuel tanks for the cutting torch. This was the same process he had to go through to create all his lances, and this certainly wouldn’t be the last time. With the moon high in the sky and the sunrise due in a few hours, Adrian lowered the block of Demium into a tub of water and waited through the created cloud of steam. Once the bubbles stopped, he reached in with his bare hand and pulled out the block. Now that it had been hardened, the Demium was in its final form: it was harder than diamond but would never crack, crumble, or bend. A needle of this metal could support his full weight and the formation of the molecules produced a nearly-unbreakable crystal lattice structure that would resist oxidation. It could only be melted with a heat source on par with an atomic bomb or high-power laser. The only metal that could surpass it was a truly perfect one. There was only one final step. Walking across the warehouse, he approached a machine that was covered in a dusty cloth. Pulling the sheet away, he let the fluorescent lights of the warehouse shine down upon one of his most useful machines: a laser-lathe. As the name suggested, it was essentially a regular lathe but with a vertical laser ark in place of a blade, as a laser was the only thing that could cut through Demium. The laser was the size of a stage light with a protruding handle and held up on a track so that it could move either left or right, with the track itself capable of moving forwards or backwards to the control the depths of cuts on whatever was in the lathe. An added bonus was that with a laser taking the place of a blade, the lathe could also be used for cutting like a table saw, and it had a built in computer for carving the smallest of details. Locking the block in place in the two braces at the end with half of the block protruding the long way, he turned on the lathe and activated the laser. Up above the block on the track, the laser moved into position like the inscriber of a computer printer and fired down a beam of focused light into a receiver, creating an invisible line that could cut through just about anything it touched. Knowing that every piece of Demium was priceless and that he would probably be needing more darts in the future, Adrian initially held off using the computer and manned the laser himself, cutting off thick strips of metal near what would be the needle-sharp tip to be recycled. After which, he let the computer take over, having long since programmed the design for his trademark lances. With precision that not even he could match, the laser slowly moved across the surface of the spinning bar of Demium, shaping it with a perfectly-level incline from base to point, as well as carving in grooves for a handle. Within minutes, the lance was completed and a true work of art. Even if one were to argue the unfair advantage of modern machinery, no critic could deny that the lance in Adrian’s hand was the most well-crafted close-combat weapon in human history. It could handle a chop from a broadsword without receiving a scratch, be hit with an armor-piercing pullet but be free of any dents, and go tip to edge against the greatest katana and split it like a lightning bolt through a tree. It was a true masterpiece. Raising the lance, Adrian plunged it straight down into the floor, shattering the concrete as if it were packed dirt and drilling a small hole into the surface. Dislodging the weapon, he examined the undamaged tip and smiled in satisfaction. Every surface and material, no matter how strong, was filled with miniscule defects and weak points. These weak points were normally too small to affect the integrity and strength of the materials, but easy target for Adrian’s weapons. Even if he couldn’t see them himself, the needle tip of this lance was fine enough to strike those points, causing the target to essentially buckle like liquid with little force. With just his weight behind it, Adrian had once drilled through the side of a tank during a firefight in Pakistan and killed the driver. The lance complete, he made several darts from the Demium scraps, as well as several dozen from simple carbon steel and other metals. With how precious Demium was and the fact that he used them as long-range weapons, he needed plenty of expendable spares for when he was in a situation in which he could not retrieve a dart once it was thrown. After completing his work, Adrian gave a sigh of relief and accomplishment. With the sun beginning to rise, he walked into the warehouse bathroom, washed up in the sink, and changed into some fresh clothes. His weapons completed and his body aching, he walked over to the mattress on the floor, where Jenny was still suspended in near-death state, completely stable and safe. With a tired smile on his face, he lifted up the thin blanket of the bed and lied down beside Jenny, quickly drifting to sleep with his arm wrapped around her. Adrian kneeled by Jenny’s bed with a syringe in his hand, filled with epinephrine. The time had come, a week had passed and now it was time for Jenny to wake up, as well as see if this purely theoretical process would even work. He had already slowly weaned Jenny off the drugs, now it was time to give her a full jumpstart. Unplugging her from the bypass, he inserted the needle and gave her a small dose of epinephrine, just enough to get her heart racing and fully awaken her from her coma. Jenny’s eyes bolted open and she arched her back while taking a loud and desperate breath, as if she had just narrowly avoided drowning. Looking around wildly, her body began to twitch and jerk as her mind discovered all of her senses all over again. Everything from her sense of touch to her sense of smell felt ten times sharper, when in reality, they were as sharp as they had only been, it was merely the amount of sensory information that was actually being processed that had changed. In her mind, all the sounds that would normally be interpreted as inaudible background noise was now like having front-row seats at a symphony orchestra. Her mind was better interpreting the light passing through her eyes, letting her see every line and imperfection in the ceiling above. She could still taste the toothpaste in her mouth from when Adrian had her thoroughly brush her teeth before putting her under, as well as any food particles she had missed. She could smell everything in the room, from the oil, dust, and even the rat droppings in the walls. Her sense of touch was now so potent that she could measure the humidity in the air, as well as the temperature. Even more, she could feel every single weave and thread in her clothes and the sheets of her bed, as if every single cell was a tiny nerve ending. “Welcome to the transcended realm,” Adrian said proudly but softly. For several seconds, Jenny was silent as she tried to come up with something to say, but she was too distracted by everything around her to think of anything. As well as her senses being heightened, her mind felt like the world’s largest supercomputer, taking in information and processing it with greater speeds than ever in her life. Her mind was moving so fast, she was able to recount her entire life in a single second, down to the smallest details, as well as understand everything that had ever confused her. Jenny sat up and wrapped her arms around him, holding on for dear life as if she were trying to learn how to walk. He could tell that this new experience was frightening her. With her senses energized and her mind bouncing around in the new space, she was desperate to get a hold of something stable, like a seasick person focusing on the horizon. “It’s ok, Jenny, take a deep breath and relax. Just breathe,” he whispered in her ear. Jenny took a very shaky breath, almost as if she were crying. “That’s right, just become accustomed to everything. Keep breathing and let everything come back gradually.” Jenny continued taking deep breaths, and once she had relaxed, he laid her back down. “Oh my god, Adrian... Is this... is this really how you see the world?” she gasped with disbelief, barely able to speak. “Basically. This is how everything looks through his eyes. Listen to me: in a minute or two, you’re going to start getting a headache. It will feel like your stomach is inside your head and you’re starving. Your brain will literally be hungry for content and information beyond just sensory information; it will want data and knowledge. Listen to this as long as you want. As for food, this is all I’m comfortable letting you eat after a weak of being on death’s door,” Adrian said, holding up a bag full of everything from yogurt to mashed potatoes and a pair of headphones leading to his laptop. As Jenny nervously put the headphones on, Adrian activated the recording. All week, Adrian had been collecting information online converting it to an audio file. Educational texts on physics, politics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, engineering, history, psychology, language, and even philosophy had been gathered and converted into a single track, played at high speeds. As a whistle-like stream garbled words played in her ear, Jenny began ripping open the containers of food and eating ravenously, using her fingers in place of any particular utensil. Watching her, Adrian couldn’t help but laugh. “Now as I said before, this isn't an IQ boost quite yet; your senses are better processed and your brain has been activated. It will take a while for you to actually learn how to use your awakened mind. Your training hasn't even started yet, this trance just made training actually possible. Now that you've awakened the rest of your mind, you now have potential, and now the real training can begin,” said Adrian as the recording came to an end, two days later. “I just can't believe it, I can’t even describe what I’m feeling. It’s almost like a migraine that feels really good,” she whispered, just staring at the ceiling. Adrian chuckled. “I guess that would be a good description. Come on, let's stretch our legs and go get something to eat. You and I have been cooped up in this warehouse way too long.” The sun was setting and there were only a few cars out on the road as the two lovers walked along the edge of the woods towards town, a couple miles from the warehouse. Adrian watched with a smile as Jenny would constantly dart her head in different directions, like a cat trying to catch the dot of a laser pointer. With her cleared senses, she was sampling every taste, smell, sound, sight, and feeling, almost as if she were experiencing them through a new body. “All right Jenny, now for a test. For every car that passes by us, I want you to take all of the numbers on their license plate, multiply them by each other, and then add it to the sum of the next plate. But don't try and cheat, I’ll be counting them too.” Jenny smiled and she and Adrian began working the calculations as they walked down the street, enjoying the evening and the cool fresh air. They finally picked a restaurant, and just before they stepped inside, Jenny whispered in his ear, “1274895.” Adrian smiled and whispered in hers, “Close, but it was actually 1274863.” Jenny scowled at the tease but regained her smile as they stepped inside and were given a booth. “So how do you like the new world?” “It's unbelievable. I knew that you saw the world differently, but I can't believe how high you were above everyone else,” she said with amazement before a waitress came and took their order. “Well, since we were so late in our training, you’ve lost some of your potential. I imagine that your IQ will be about twenty or thirty points below mine, but don’t be disappointed. In one day, you have surpassed all geniuses in terms of mental prowess. Be proud of yourself, for you have become more than human.” Jenny blushed from the compliment and smiled as two cokes were brought out, later followed by their dinner: a cooked salmon for her and pork tenderloin for him. “Perfect, I’m starving,” Jenny said, savoring the smells emanating from the plates. “Now, while we eat, I’m going to show you two great abilities that comes with it: enhanced memory and senses. When I say memory, I don't just mean mental memory, I also mean muscle memory. Muscle memory is the body's ability to adapt to things that you do over and over again, allowing you to do them easier and more efficiently. But it also works with your senses, letting you memorize the physical aspects of the things you touch, like weight, viscosity, temperature, and how rough or smooth it is. By becoming enlightened, you have the ability to remember memories more clearly, including muscle memory. Think back to science class, when we were taught the metric system. Remember when we were each given a weight that was exactly one gram? Remember that weight, think back to how it felt in your hand.” Jenny closed her eyes for several seconds, pressing down on her palm with her fingers to simulate the weight of a single gram. Adrian reached out with his fork and skewered a piece of salmon from her plate, holding it up. “Now take a bite, but don't swallow.” Jenny smiled and seductively pulled the salmon off his fork with her tongue. Adrian chuckled. “You just couldn't help yourself, could you?” Jenny just replied with a wink. “Now that you have familiarized yourself with the weight of one gram, how much would you say that piece of salmon weighed?” Jenny chewed for a few seconds before saying, “5.7 grams?” Adrian raised his eyebrows in surprise, not expecting her to come that close on her first try. “That's absolutely correct.” “But how did you know how much it weighed when you were...” she said, trailing off as she looked at the fork in his hand. “You knew the weight of the fork?” “A habit of mine is to weigh whatever I touch. I knew the weight of the fork the second I picked it up, and I just subtracted it from the combined weight of it and the piece of salmon. Now here is something a little trickier. Using the piece you just ate as a control, create a weight-to-mass ratio in your mind of the salmon and try to figure out how much it weighs just by the sight of it.” Adrian picked up another piece and held it up to Jenny. She stared at the piece for a few seconds, analyzing every thread of tissue and trying to come up with it's total mass, then comparing it to the piece she had just eaten. “0.37 grams per square centimeter?” “0.38 actually, but you were incredibly close for your first try,” Adrian said before eating the piece. He picked up the saltshaker and sprinkled some on his pork tenderloin. As he began chewing on a piece, he handed her the saltshaker. “Very few people would be able to calculate the weight of those pieces if they had been holding it in one hand and a one-gram weight in another, let alone comparing it to memory. You were able to because your sensory perception has been enhanced. With your entire mental potential awakened, more electrical impulses are traveling through your nerves, allowing your mind to better process what you are feeling. Just by touching it with your palm, count the number of holes on the top of that salt shaker.” He continued eating and watched as Jenny pressed down on the saltshaker with her palm, trying to count the holes on the top. “Eighty one?” “Bingo,” he congratulated as he pushed his empty plate to the side. “All right, now let me eat, I’m starving!” she snapped, but with a smile. He chuckled and leaned back, sitting silently as Jenny filled her stomach. He didn't have to wait long; she really was starving. It was like watching a snow blower being pushed through a fresh layer of powder. He wasn't surprised, she hadn’t eaten solid foods in more than a week and her body was now burning through its calorie reserves at an enhanced speed in order to power her newly awakened brain. She was finished in less than sixty seconds and gave a very unladylike belch. “Happy?” “Very,” she hummed in bliss. “Do you want desert?” “No, I’m exhausted. I’ve barely done anything but lie in bed, but my whole body is tired.” “Well we left after you completed a mental marathon. How about we pay the bill, maybe pick something up on the way to the motel, and fall asleep while watching a movie?” Jenny gained a look of tender love and peace on her face. “That would be perfect.” They stepped out of the grocery store with Adrian’s arm around Jenny and both of them holding a plastic bag. Jenny had two small tubs of ice cream in hers and Adrian was carrying food for tomorrow morning in his. The night was warm and they wanted to get to the warehouse before their deserts turned into sticky puddles. They walked along the side of the road, trying to decide what movie they would watch. “Are you sure I can't talk you into an action movie?” Adrian asked. “No way, let's just watch a nice romantic-comedy.” “I’m ok with that, do you have anything in mind?” “I don't know, let's see what we can find.” “With the entire Internet at our disposal, that doesn’t really narrow the list down.” “Ok, but that laptop isn't very big, so I’ll have to snuggle up close so that we can both watch,” she whispered in his ear. They were lying on the mattress, pressed together like two puzzle pieces as they watched the movie on Adrian’s laptop. Two empty ice cream tubs were sitting on the floor beside the bed, and they were both using each other for warmth against the chills crawling from their stomachs. Jenny had her arm across his chest and her head on his shoulder, and Adrian was relishing the sweet smell of her long golden hair. “This is so nice,” Jenny said without notice. “What is?” “Just this, where we are, what we’re doing. Being on the road on our own, going out to dinner and then coming back to our own place (even if it is a warehouse with a single mattress). I just feel so... independent, like I’m done with school and I’m ready to start my own life with you. This is just a warehouse, but to me it's like our real home. We're running from the law, but to me it's like we're finally free to go wherever we want. Our old lives are gone, but to me... it's a chance to start our new life together.” “I’m loving it too; the freedom of being in control of our own lives, and in our case, we literally can do whatever we want.” “Well... I know what I want to do,” Jenny said coyly as she slowly closed the laptop. Adrian smiled as she put it down on the floor and then climbed up on top of him. She leaned down and pressed her lips against his as gently as a falling leaf. The gentle kiss lasted only for a few seconds before becoming much more passionate. As they kissed, Adrian unbuttoned Jenny's blouse and she pulled it off. Her white bra was holding her breasts well, but it wouldn't take much for them to pop out. He reached behind her and undid the clasp, and the lingerie instantly lost it's grip on Jenny and hung slack. Adrian’s heart was beating quickly from the tease. Even though he had seen them countless times, her voluptuous breasts always excited him. Jenny pulled off the clinging bra and tossed it across the room, letting the light and fresh air bath her glorious tits. She leaned forward and suspended herself over him, with her breasts just inches from his face. He reached up with his tongue and traced her nipples, causing her to hum in pleasure. As he switched between her boobs, he worked his hand underneath the waistband of her skirt and into her panties. Jenny's pussy was already wet with arousal, and it only took the slightest touch to send shivers up her spine. Adrian slowly pushed his fingers in, rubbing her hot wet insides. Jenny's humming turned to moaning, she had her cheek pressed against the top of his head, and she began grinding her pussy against his hand. Adrian wrapped his arms around her and rolled over, switching their positions so that he was on top. He kissed her and she slipped her tongue between his lips, licking the inside of his mouth. After a few seconds, he moved from her lips and started kissing her neck, her collar bone, down the middle of her chest, her slim belly, and finally reached her wet pussy. He flicked his tongue playfully between the pink lips and Jenny's whole body quivered. He licked again, this time more broadly. Jenny gave a soft moan with her hands constantly moving, either gripping the bed or her breasts. Adrian kissed her pussy while sending his tongue deep inside her, just like how she had French-kissed him. She was delicious beyond description He brought up his hand and pushed his fingers back inside her, using them to probe her cunt while he licked every corner. Jenny's moan became more shrill, echoing through the warehouse with her whole body shaking uncontrollably and her smooth thighs pressed against the sides of his face. Just when she was about to cum, Adrian pulled away, filling her with sexual anticipation. “Oh god, Adrian, don't stop! You're driving me crazy!” Jenny groaned with her whole body blushing. “Don't worry, honey, I won't,” he said as he pulled off his clothes. Adrian suspended himself over her and pushed his manhood up into her pussy. Jenny gave a very familiar moan and he sat up. With their bodies perpendicular, he began forcing his bulging phallus deep inside her, gripping her hips and trying to keep the bed from lessening his momentum. Jenny had her legs wrapped tightly around his waist and was holding his hands for dear life. Jenny's pussy wasn't just accepting his manhood; it was practically inhaling it. He could actually feel suction on his cock from the soft lips gripping it hungrily, as if her body was begging for his seed. Jenny's expression constantly changed, switching from aggressive nymphomaniac to sweet and gentle. Without warning, Jenny grabbed him by the shoulders and rolled over, switching positions so that he was back under her. With his cock driving straight up into her, Jenny gave a shrill moan and began rocking back and forth. She was moving her hands all over his body, gripping his shoulders, rubbing his chest, and leaning back on his legs for support. She would often place her hands on his cheeks with a look of tender love on her face, and he would reply by gently kissing her wrists. Adrian had his hands on her hips and was using the strength in his arms to lift her up and slam her back down, driving his cock deep into her pussy. Jenny leaned forward and gripped the corners of the mattress, again with her breasts just inches from his face. With his manhood being forced into her like a jackhammer and his tongue sweeping her breasts, Jenny could barely keep her moans from shattering glass. She was hollering like an opera singer, with her body as hot and red as burning coals. Finally, Adrian gave one great thrust and sent several thick streams of semen into her. It had all built up in his body over the last week and was now released in a load so great that it was overflowing out of her. Jenny became limp and collapsed next to him, gasping for air. Her whole body was blushing, with her pussy and inner thighs completely plastered with sperm. “That was one of our best without a doubt,” Adrian panted. “How is it that every time with you is as fantastic and magic as our first time?” Jenny hummed as she pressed herself against me. “Because it's always best with the one you love. I glad you liked it Jenny... Jenny?” he asked when she didn't reply. He looked down at her and realized she was sound asleep. “Goodnight baby,” he chuckled before turning off the nearby lamp. Adrian was woken up by the rising sun shining through the window blinds and the chirping of birds outside. It was just after six in the morning and Jenny was in a deep sleep, pressed against him in the same position as last night. There was a small smile on her lips and every soft breath she took seemed to have a cat-like purr. He smiled and kissed her on the forehead. She hummed in reply and buried her face in the side of his neck, as if trying to warm herself. “Nothing in this universe is perfect, humans especially. But Jenny, you are as close to perfect as reality will allow,” Adrian said softly, repeating what he had said to her in the department store. Jenny gave another hum, and with her pressed so tightly against him, he could feel her heartbeat quicken as she began to wake up. She opened her beautiful eyes and gave a third hum, wrapping her arms around him. “Good morning,” Adrian said softly. “Good morning. So what's the plan for today?” she asked, kissing his chest. “Quite simply, we're going back to the Rubik's Cube.” Like the day Adrian put her into her drug-induced coma, the two genius teens were sitting on the bed in meditative positions. They had just eaten breakfast and were about to resume their training. Adrian was holding the Sudoku Rubik’s Cube in his hand. “Thirty moves, just like when I solved it. Now if your IQ has increased, you’ll be able to at least solve it this time.” Jenny took the puzzle and bit her lip. “Take your time, Jenny, you have all the time you need, all the time in the world. And… go.” Jenny gained a confident smile and studied the six sides of the Rubik's Cube. After four seconds, she began shifting the different levels of the puzzle, and Adrian could see in her eyes that it was really starting to make sense to her. He could see her planning out several moves ahead of the ones she was making, using the mental blueprint she had established instead of turning the cube over in her hands, and not having to turn back moves she had made. Three minutes later, Adrian applauded as Jenny handed him the solved puzzle. The fact that she had actually solved in, in minutes no less, was a huge testament to her new abilities. “You have no idea how proud of you I am,” Adrian said, making Jenny blush. “So what now?” “We do the Rubik's Cube again and again and again, as well as use the other games and puzzles I got to exercise your mind.” From then on, Adrian scrambled the toy a dozen times, handing it back to Jenny each time for her to solve it. Each time she solved the puzzle, it was clear to Adrian that her processing skills were sharpening and quickening. She was mentally playing it through in her mind, running through different scenarios and paths with her hands always five steps behind. “Ok, done. Now can we take a break?” she sighed, handing him the Rubik’s Cube. “Sure. Maybe we could take a walk, go see a movie, or go shopping at the mall, it's your choice.” “Actually, I know what I want to do.” Before Adrian could say anything, Jenny pounced on him. Jenny and Adrian were panting like a pair of dogs on a hot summer day, with the sheets tangled around them and a thin film of sweat covering their bodies. “How is it that every time with you is as fantastic as the first?” Jenny gasped. “Because I love you so much, plus you said that I can read your body like brail.” He then held up the scrambled Rubik's Cube. “When did you scramble it?” “Oh come on, you weren't exactly watching me like a prison guard. I don't know how you can notice anything while moaning at the top of your lungs with your eyes locked shut,” Adrian teased. “I don't act like that!” Jenny laughed, playfully smacking him. “Yes you do! I always feel like an alien is about to burst out of your chest!” he said, prompting her to playfully smack him again. She took the Rubik's Cube and instantly began solving it. Adrian could see the level of improvement in her eyes as her skills exceeded her previous tries. He just lied beside her, constantly switching his gaze from her to the puzzle. Less than two minutes after she started, Jenny handed him the solved Rubik's Cube. Before he could even congratulate her, she pounced on him again, kissing him wildly. While they caught their breath after their second fling, Jenny solved the Rubik's Cube for the third time, this time completing it in forty-five seconds. To celebrate her progress, they decided to stretch their legs and go out to lunch. “So what now, more Rubik's Cube solving?” Jenny asked as they stepped back into the warehouse. “Yes, but it will be a little more complicate now,” Adrian said as he closed the door behind them. “What are we going to do?” Adrian smiled and reached into one of the plastic bags on a worktable, pulling out three more Sudoku Rubik's Cubes. “Now that we have your record as a control, I’m going to train you to solve multiple puzzles at once by using different areas of your brain and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to strengthen their mental teamwork...” Jenny and Adrian were lying on the warehouse floor with their legs locked together, each doing rapid sit-ups and solving a Sudoku Rubik's Cube. “So what is the purpose of this exercise?” Jenny panted as she shifted her cube and lied back down. “It serves two purposes actually, the first is purely for the workout. Before I teach you how to combine logic and fighting, I need you to be in the best shape possible. The second is stress training. So far you've just solved these things while relaxed, but in order to achieve your potential, I need you to be able to solve this thing while under stress. Military training is built on this principle,” he said while doing sit ups and solving his own puzzle just like her. “And why are you doing it?” she asked, trying to catch her breath. “Just to stay in shape.” “Now what about this exercise?” They were sitting on the bed and Jenny was taking turns with three Sudoku Rubik's Cubes. She would shift one, switch to the next, shift it once, move to the third, shift it, and repeat. “The purpose of this exercise is to teach you how to solve multiple problems at once. Now that you've woken up your mind, we have to work it to its limits. With three cubes, you have to retain three times the information, plan three different paths at once, and learn to divide your mind into three different processors. If you can not only split and harness your brain, but also strengthen the pieces so that each is almost as powerful as an entirely separate brain, your mental prowess will be augmented by countless magnitudes. With three cubes, it's like your mind is a human embryo and they're trying to split it up into three pieces that will grow into full triplets. Once you are done, you'll be able process and plan things at nearly inhuman speeds.” Adrian and Jenny switched from puzzle to puzzle, only making a single move before moving on. She was biting her tongue and had an expression on her face like she was trying to squeeze a Hummer into a tight parking space, but he could clearly see the learning process. “So what's the purpose of this one?” Jenny asked as she shifted a Rubik's Cube and handed it to him. They were taking turns with a cube, each making a single move and then switching it off to the other. “The purpose is mental teamwork,” Adrian said, handing it back to her. “Like I said before, things are going to get dangerous...” Back to him. “And in order for us to fight and survive...” Back to her. “We're going to need to be completely in tune...” Back to him. “And come up with the same plans and strategies... Back to her. “Without talking.” Back to him. “We need to be able read each other's thoughts...” Back to her. “Act like mirror images of each other...” Back to him. “See the world through each other's eyes...” Back to her. “And act how the other would or predict how the other would.” Adrian made the last movement, completing the puzzle. Adrian opened up the cardboard box and poured out the ten-thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle onto the floor, following by spreading them out so that every piece was visible and there were no overlaps. “All right, make sure your eyes catch every single piece and then trust your memories and spatial reasoning skills.” Looking out over the vast puddle of jigsaw pieces, Jenny tightened the rags she had tied on her legs for kneepads, stretched, and took a deep breath of initiative while Adrian tied a bandana over her eyes. Three hours and two breaks later, Jenny stood over the completed mosaic of New York with a look of pride on her face. Every complex board game that Adrian could get his hands on was laid out on the floor, with he and Jenny moving along them in rotation, each taking their turn on a game and then moving onto the next one. There were even multiple copies of the same games, each one with a different strategy being played out. For two whole days, they went through the different games and puzzles. Adrian would work and train alongside Jenny, often combining the exercises. Many times, she would get frustrated and would refuse to do any more, so he would stop the training so that they could take a break and clear their heads, then she would dive right back in. At 7:00 am on the third day, they were both exhausted and desperate to fall asleep. Jenny had blisters on her hands from the edges of the Rubik's Cube, and Adrian could tell that she was really sick of the puzzles. “Ok honey, one more time, and we're done,” Adrian said calmly as he handed her a jumbled Sudoku Rubik's Cube. “Do you promise? Because I’m about ready to stomp on this thing until it's nothing but plastic splinters.” “I promise.” Jenny smiled and looked down at the puzzle. She studied the six sides for three seconds and then went to work, moving with incredible speed. Twenty-four seconds and thirty moves later, she was done. “Congratulations Jenny, you've almost filled your potential. There is still more training to be done, but you're basically done with the Rubik's Cube.” “Good, now let’s go out to eat. I’ve been going stir-crazy in this warehouse.” Chapter Seven “Hey, we just got a call. Apparently, a woman spotted two people that fit the profile of our culprits,” Madison said, stepping into the temporary office of the two FBI agents. “Did she give any details?” Mason asked. “As well as matching the photos that have been put out on the news and in the papers, she said that the woman had a scar on the corner of her forehead that looked very recent, maybe two weeks old. She also said that they didn’t arrive or leave the restaurant by car, they walked.” “Put out a search to the area surrounding that restaurant, have every building, parking lot, and camp ground checked. If anything seems suspicious, call us,” Hoffman instructed, nearly jumping from his chair. “I already have a place in mind. There is a warehouse in the middle of the woods, out just a few miles from the diner. It’s private property but no one has any idea who it belongs to, we can’t even find the ID of the owner. The only people who ever go there are delivery trucks and professional movers. But get this, I did some investigating and found that it recently began drawing a heavy electric bill, starting around the time Adrian Alexander showed up. I already talked to the ADA about the warrant.” Mason stood up and grabbed his coat. “Come on, Hoffman, you and I will take care of this ourselves. Have the police begin their search of the surrounding area, we won’t need backup and if he is there, we don’t want to spook him into running.” Adrian and Jenny both heard it at the same time, the sound of a car rolling up the long overgrown driveway to the warehouse. Someone was coming and they knew exactly who it was. Adrian’s cell phone was beside their chess board and carried a built in radio, letting them listen in on all police radio frequencies and track their movements, just in case someone had figured out where they were. “Jenny, you know what to do, it’s time for us to move. Checkmate,” Adrian said calmly, moving his bishop within striking distance of her queen. “Well at least we got to finish our game. But don’t start thinking that this means you get to weasel out of a rematch!” she said without a care in the world. Standing up, he put on his coat and walked outside, quickly climbing into his car and moving it behind the building so that it couldn’t be identified. Standing with his back to the wall of the warehouse and its shadow hiding him, he watched as the black sedan rolled up to the warehouse and came to a stop. Cautiously, the two detectives climbed out, each with their sidearm in hand. Having seen the massacre in that pier warehouse, they both knew what Adrian was capable of, and if he really was here, they had to be careful. In their minds, they were both regretting not calling backup. “Tch, what a bother,” Adrian muttered, reaching into his pocket and drawing a zippo lighter. One of his inventions for personal use, the lighter actually had a small device installed in place of the fuel container, with the flint as the switch. Flipping it open, he rolled the fake flint and the electromagnetic pulse was silently released. In a fraction of a second, the black sedan that the detectives had arrived in now became useless, as well their radios, giving off a soft blip of static before becoming forever silent. This miniature EMP device had come in handy several times before, especially since Adrian built all his tools to resist such measures. Hearing the blip sounding off from their hips, the two detectives looked down and Adrian stepped out into the light with a dart in each hand. “Good morning, gentlemen,” he said calmly, causing Hoffman and Mason to jerk and shout in surprise. “Adrian Alexander, you are under arrest for murder,” Hoffman said, trying to keep his cool. Adrian turned to him and cocked his head to one side. “From your voice, I’d say that you are Agent Hoffman, which makes you Agent Mason.” He walked out in between them and the building, coming to a stop and studying them closely while preparing to make his move. There were fifteen feet of space between the three men, forming a triangle with Mason to his left and Hoffman to his right. To the two experienced agents, Adrian gave off an unusual vibe, one that they had never picked up on when encountering a perp. To them, it felt like what they were looking at wasn’t really Adrian, but a something inhuman wearing human skin. There was no malevolence or evil in his eyes, only alienation. Also, the fact that he knew who they were did nothing to quell their fear. “How did you recognize us?” Hoffman demanded. “Before you came up the driveway, you spoke to a detective named Madison on your radio, confirming that you had reached my position. You said, “Madison, it’s Hoffman, Mason and I just reached the place, we’ll call back if we find anything.” I also know that you have no back-up or anyone waiting for you down the road. This was purely exploratory, coming here on a hunch with no real evidence.” A shiver was sent down the spines of the two men from how much he knew. “Is Jenny Sinclair here with you?” Mason asked. “Yes, she is inside packing. Unfortunately, you two interrupted our plans and now we have to move somewhere else for the time being.” Inside, Jenny packed all the essentials while listening in and catching quick glimpses from the windows. “The only place you’re moving to is a prison cell. Get on your knees with your hands behind your head!” Mason ordered, slowly approaching with his gun raised. Cracking a small grin of amusement, Adrian stepped forward and brought up his hands, brandishing the two darts to bait the detectives. Appearing to be lunging for his partner, Hoffman opened fire on Adrian, firing three rounds. Using the dart in his right hand in place of his lance, Adrian deflected the trio of rounds, using his predictive abilities to plan the trajectory of each bullet before it was fired. As the three bullets crumpled off the thin spike, Mason began firing as well, but with little effort. Adrian deflected the incoming bullets with the dart in his left hand. The two agents both opened fire, emptying their clips at the same time and even changing their targets, but nothing they did could beat Adrian’s reaction speed and processing power. In just over a few seconds, their guns were empty and the ground around Adrian was littered with crumpled bullets. Both detectives were in awe, unable to believe what they had just seen. This teenager before them, this kid, had just deflected two magazines worth of bullets with a pair of pencil-sized metal spikes! It was completely inhuman! “If you want, I can let you reload or grab your back-up pistols. After all, we have all the time in the world, and I neutralized your radios as soon as you got out of the car, so you can’t call for help. But tell you what: I’ll put away my darts if you two throw aside your guns, including your back-ups. And don’t bother trying to shoot me again, because you know what will happen, and you both know that if one attacks while the other fires… well, I think you can imagine what I am capable of. Come on, let’s solve this like men.” Knowing that there was no other choice, the two detectives cast aside their main sidearms and then their back-ups. Content, Adrian threw his darts behind his head and lodged them in the door. “All right gentlemen, let’s see if you have what it takes to arrest me. I promise not to kill you and you can stop the fight whenever you wish.” Knowing that they were looking death in the face, the two agents swallowed their fear and charged forward, with Hoffman throwing his fist straight towards Adrian’s face and Mason aiming low and to the side. With a confident smile, Adrian grabbed Hoffman’s fist and twisted his arm, forcing him to his knees. Simultaneously, he spun around and delivered a nose-breaking kick to Mason and tossed him back, finishing by then slamming Hoffman in the side of the head with his elbow with enough strength to nearly knock him out. Mason slowly got up with blood pouring from his face, almost delirious and trying to stay on his feet. Always the muscle of the duo, Hoffman was on his feet first, and without thinking clearly, charged towards Adrian in an attempt to tackle him and knock him to the ground. Adrian ducked down and punched Hoffman in the gut with enough strength to make him cough blood, as well as send his feet flying out from under him. The detective hanging on his fist, Adrian hurled him off, grabbed his ankle while he was in the air, spun around for momentum, and then hurled him at his partner like a discuss. “Who the hell is this guy?!” Mason gagged, trying to breathe with Hoffman on top of him and wondering how a teenager could just throw a 230-pound man with such ease. “Would you like to stop this fight? I would greatly prefer to avoid further harming two FBI agents.” “Not on your life,” Hoffman said, slowly getting to his feet with Mason. “Keep your cool, you can’t let him anger you,” Mason said, wiping the blood off his face. “Who says I’m angry?!” Hoffman roared, charging towards Adrian and throwing his right fist forward. Catching Hoffman’s fist, Adrian darted to his left, almost tying the agent up with his own arm. Hoffman’s momentum threw him past Adrian, but the young genius never let go of his fist, and when he came to a stop to a tango-like spin, Adrian gave a hard pull and jerk of his arm, using Hoffman’s weight and momentum to snap his elbow. Howling in agony, Hoffman dropped to the ground and was finished with a knee to the face. Reaching into his pocket, Adrian drew one of his darts and spun around, hurling it at Mason and piercing his hand with the strength of a crossbow as the agent reached for his discarded firearm. In excruciating pain like his partner, Mason rolled onto his back and gripped his bleeding hand while Adrian walked over. “That’s what happens when you break the rules. Unfortunately, I can’t risk wasting anymore time, so to keep you from giving us more trouble…” Adrian began before stomping on Mason’s ankle and breaking it. “Believe me when I say that I am truly sorry for that and all the other injuries I have caused you two. Hurting men of the law is the last thing I want to do, but I must ensure Jenny’s and my safety.” Hearing the door open, Adrian looked back at Jenny, who was watching him with a pale face. “I… I got everything ready,” she said, trying not to look at the two agents. “Great work. By the way, how much morphine do we have left?” “About a bag’s worth.” “Perfect, could you do me a favor and fill up four syringes? I just have to move these guys.” Knowing what he meant and feeling her tension melt away, Jenny nodded with a small smile and went back inside. Humming to himself, Adrian grasped Mason by the shoulders and dragged him away from the warehouse and into the shady of a tree behind their car. “What are you doing?” Mason asked. “Trust me, you’re going to want to be a safe distance from the building.” Adrian said, retrieving Hoffman and dragging him over. Awake but in too much pain to move, the agent gave only the smallest struggle as Adrian pulled him over and laid him out beside his partner, checking to make sure that the car would provide good cover. “It’s a real shame that you two showed up, I had a lot of good stuff in that warehouse. Money is no problem for me, but I had some rare pieces of tech in there.” Adrian sighed before walking away to Jenny, who had come back out with the syringes. “Thanks honey,” he said, taking the needles and walking back. As calm as could be, he injected both agents with a dose of morphine and handed Mason two more. “Ok, that should hold you over for a while, and use the other two if you start hurting. You might have to help him with his, though. Don’t worry, backup will be here soon, but better safe than sorry. Gentlemen, have a nice day.” He walked back over to Jenny, who was loading their stuff into the car. Once packed, they climbed in a drove off down the long overgrown driveway, leaving the two agents alone. At the end of the driveway, Adrian pulled out his cellphone and pressed a button on the screen. Instantly, every piece of machinery in the warehouse exploded as blocks of C4 were set off inside them, blowing apart everything, including the laser lathe and the Ignium kiln. At the same time, thermite bombs attached to the walls and support beams were set off, turning the warehouse into a flaming geyser and melting everything but the Demium and Ignium. Mason and Hoffman both winced from the deafening roar of the explosion and the brightness and heat of the flames, but as Adrian had predicted, no shrapnel or wreckage reached them. “So where next?” Jenny asked. “Well we need to get this car some new license plates since the feds are after us, then we’ll move deeper into the countryside. We need absolute seclusion in order for your training to be completed.” “Jesus, you two are wrecks. It’s a miracle that you survived that explosion,” Detective Madison said, stepping into the hospital room of the two agents. Fire fighters who were responding to the warehouse explosion had found them, and they were now all bandaged up and receiving more morphine. Hoffman had suffered a concussion, a broken arm, and two broken ribs, and Mason had a broken nose, a stabbed hand, a broken ankle and one broken rib. They were both lucky to not have ruptured eardrums after being so close to such a huge explosion. “The explosion didn’t do this, Adrian did,” Hoffman said. “And not only did we land a single punch on that punk, but be pulled us aside to protect us from the explosion and even gave us painkillers. Of all my injuries, my ego hurts the worst,” Hoffman coughed, wincing in pain from his broken ribs. “We should just consider ourselves lucky that he holds such respect for police and federal agents. After what he did to us and all those other guys, he could have killed us both with less effort than it would take to kill two flies.” It had been a day since they left the warehouse and they were ready to continue Jenny’s training. They were alone in the wilderness, far away from any road, house, or even a hiking trail, and with plenty of camping gear and supplies in the car, they were ready to spend a long time by themselves. Ever since leaving the warehouse, Adrian had continued to train Jenny in the car. As he drove, Jenny would solve his Sudoku Rubik’s Cubes blindfolded so that she would have to work from pure memory, solve math problems that Adrian would give her, come up with solutions to hypothetical situations, and play chess with him without a chess set. Like solving the cube while blindfolded, playing chess without a set required flawless memory, with both of them having to remember where every piece was without being able to see them, and still come up with strategies. Adrian would beat her every time, but she loved the challenge and constantly wanted to go for another round. “Ok, our injuries have fully healed, so it’s time to resume your training. You’ve learned how to use your senses to their full potential and think with the same efficiency and power as a supercomputer. Now that our bodies are in prime condition, we can begin the next part of the training: pain tolerance, harnessing the full strength of your muscles, and logical fighting. We’re going to spend a month out here, working nonstop,” Adrian said as he cracked his knuckles and made sure for the hundredth time that they were alone. Jenny gained a small smile. “Adrian, the night our parents were killed, I got to the pier just before you began slaying Logan and his followers. What I saw left me breathless. I looked past the blood, gore, and killing intent, and I watched the way you moved. It was one of the most incredible things I had ever seen; it was like art in motion. Are you saying that you’re going to teach me that?” she asked with her voice soft but filled with excitement. Adrian gained a confident smile. “In reality, there is not much to teach. You will learn how to achieve the required discipline, but that is all. Now I must warn you, this part of the training will be incredibly dangerous, and often painful. I would die before causing you harm, but if you want to gain ultimate control over your body, you must be willing to take a lot of pain. I cannot teach you this discipline without being very harsh and strict and you need to learn how to operate under stress.” Jenny straightened her posture and her expression was one of stony confidence. “I want to learn, Adrian. Please teach me.” “Very well. The first step to this is learning to activate your body’s adrenal glands on demand. That will give you a taste of what it’s like to have full internal control. Let’s take a seat.” They both sat down on the ground in meditative positions. Adrian took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I just need a minute…” In his mind, he was preparing himself for the mental strain he would receive by being Jenny’s teacher. He would have to be cold and harsh in order to teach her. He would have to become the machine that he had forsaken to be with her. This would be the ultimate test for their relationship and their wills. Adrian would have to face guilt for what he would put Jenny through and do what must be done, and Jenny would have to accept great pain and keep coming back. Adrian took another deep breath and opened his eyes. They had gained an icy hue, and when he spoke, his voice had a cold metallic sting for the first time since Jenny and Adrian were first intimate. “Before we begin, I must warn you. This will be one of the harshest times of your life. It’s basically going to be one-on-one boot camp. If we are going to proceed, then our roles must change. I won’t be your lover and boyfriend; I’ll be your teacher and master. You won’t be my lover and girlfriend; you’ll be my student and apprentice. If we are going to proceed, you must seal your heart and commit to this 100%. If you do not finish the training, not only will it be a complete failure, but also the rift that the training created will never close, and we will inevitably split apart. During this training, I will say things that will make you hate me, I will do things that will make you fear me, and your view of me will never be the same. To be honest, I am completely terrified, because this training could end our relationship. You are all that I have in this world, Jenny. You are why I am still alive. If our relationship ends, so will my life. I am putting my existence in your hands, and it is yours to do with as you wish.” Jenny stared at him wide-eyed then looked away, with her eyes filled with sadness, confidence, fear, determination, hesitance, and love. Finally, she looked into his eyes with her emotions calm. “I am ready, Master.” Adrian took a deep breath, mentally bracing himself. “Ok, just remember that everything I do is required for this. I need to be mean and cruel in order for you to learn to work through the pain and stress. If I am kind and lenient, the training will be a failure. I must be harsh. First thing I need you to do is close your eyes, and without moving your body, raise your heart rate with pure will.” Jenny did as she was told, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Adrian placed his hand on her chest and counted her heartbeats. She was barely able to raise it all, even after a minute. In order for her to succeed, Adrian would need to push her and be as harsh as was required. “Come on, get it right! Are you so pathetic that you can’t even control your heart rate? It’s not that hard to figure out!” Jenny quivered at the tone of his voice, but after only a second, she regained control, reminding herself that he had warned her about this and it was to be expected. But even after yelling at her, her heart rate had barely risen. Gritting his teeth, Adrian worked up the courage to take drastic measures. He slapped her across the face, filling his whole body with pain from self-loathing. Jenny opened her eyes and stared at him with disbelief. A tear above her red cheek, but the confidence in her eyes was relit. She bit her lip and began taking quick breaths. Adrian looked down and could see her flexing her stomach muscles and working her diaphragm, forcing stress on her body to accelerate her heart rate. “Good, but not good enough. You need to do it without having to rely on your muscles. You went through all of that mental training and you still can’t control your body?” Jenny opened her eyes and gritted her teeth, glaring at him with her gaze burning with passion. Her eyes were filled with a desire to succeed and surpass instead of hatred of his training methods or him. She held absolutely no anger, only determination to show that she was strong. She closed her eyes and retook her regular breathing. Adrian could feel her muscles relax and her lungs return to their regular pace, but her heart continued to beat an accelerated rate. “Come on, faster! If you’ve gotten this far, then you can go even farther!” With his hand on Jenny’s chest, he could feel her heart rate skyrocket. She was doing it; she was accelerating her heart with pure will. “Ok, now stand up.” Jenny did as she was told and they both stood up. “With your heart now pumping at full strength, come at me and attack.” “What?” Jenny asked, seeking confirmation. “Do it!” Jenny shook her head from side to side as if trying to cast away grogginess and charged towards him with her fist pulled back. She reached out to punch him but Adrian deflected her attack with ease and retaliated with the back of his hand and struck her cheek. She staggered back, dizzy and fighting back tears from the stinging bruise. “Come on, again!” Jenny took a deep breath and charged forward with her fist pulled back. But just when she was about to punch him, she jumped to the side and pounced, attacking from his right flank. As she sent her fist rocketing towards him, Adrian spun around, defecting her attack with the completed rotation. As he knocked her fist out of the way, Adrian reached out and slammed his palm against her forehead with enough force to knock her back. It was as lenient as he could be. “I love you, Jenny, and I’m holding back as much as I can, but you need to put some effort into this!” At his words, Jenny glared at him with that same passionate determination as before and charged towards him for the third time. Like the second attempt, she attacked from the side, but this time from the left. Again Adrian deflected her attack and reached out to slam her in the forehead with his palm. Before his hand could make contact, she dodged his counterattack and reached out to punch him with her left hand. Adrian caught her fist, put his hand on her stomach, and shoved her back, ending the exchange. “The only reason why I’ve been able to hit you is because you haven’t yet gotten into the frame of mind of fighting. In reality, it should seem like I’m moving in slow motion to you. That it is due to your processing speed, brought on by the awakening procedure. Your brain is receiving more stimuli and computing it at speeds far greater than ever in your life, making it so that you become aware of things at a faster rate. For instance, if I were to send my fist towards your head, you would be aware of every centimeter of closing space, and you would be able to react to every centimeter with the same speed of a normal person reacting to the entire punch. When you include adrenaline, your reaction speed further increases, as well as your strength. The state you are in right now is beyond the state you would be in if you were normal and had adrenaline pumping through your veins, but when you combine them, you become invincible. Only a couple times since I woke up from my coma have I ever used adrenaline, even in a fight, because rarely have I been put in a situation where I needed it. Adrenaline is my ace in the hole, the last trick in my sleeve for if I am facing a challenge that I cannot normally overcome. If you can work yourself up with pure will and not with stress on your body, then you can activate your adrenal glands without straining yourself. Once you learn to combine adrenaline with enlightenment, you’ll be faster and stronger than any other human, including me. Now slow your heart down and let’s try this again. If I you can get your adrenal glands working without raising your heart rate, then you’ll become fast enough where I won’t be able to hit you without using adrenalin as well.” Adrian spoke with his smile growing and filling with pride and Jenny gained the same smile and nodded. She straightened her posture and took deep breaths. He walked over and placed his hand on her chest, waiting for it to reach normal levels. “I had you raise your heart rate so that you could learn to charge up your body without moving around, now I need you to do the same thing but without raising your heart rate. If you can activate your adrenal glands without raising your heart rate, it will mean you’re learning to separate your body from your brain, while still being able to control it.” She looked down as he wrapped something around her wrist, realizing it was a heart monitor. “I have it set so that the alarm will go off if your heart rate reaches the point where you automatically start producing adrenaline. Now, try to activate your adrenal glands without raising your heart rate and attack me. I’m sure you know the cliché phrase about being able to smell fear; it’s the fight-or-flight chemicals that your body produces that create an odor. With my senses, I’ll be able to smell the adrenaline your body will produce. Now, begin!” For the next several hours, Jenny attacked him over and over. She would stand like a statue and then charge towards him from out the blue. With every attempt, her heart monitor would go off before she would attack, or she would attack without having willingly produced adrenaline. With every failed attack, Adrian would knock her back and order her to try again. The whole time, the only thing Jenny would say was either “hold on” or “I think I’m getting the hang of it”. The closest she would come to complaining was just drinking from her water bottle. By five in the afternoon, Jenny was covered in bruises and gasping for air. She took a deep breath and straightened her posture. After her heart returned to its normal rhythm and her adrenaline wore off, she recharged her body, trying to activate her adrenal glands but not excite her heart. Finally, she bolted forward with her fist pulled back. Adrian could smell adrenaline rushing through her, but her heart monitor wasn’t beeping. She’s done it, he thought to himself, barely having enough time to dodge her punch. He countered by sending both fists forward with the greatest speed he could muster, but Jenny easily dodged the two attacks and the kick that followed. “No regular person would have been able to dodge those attacks. Only someone who is both enlightened and flushed with adrenaline would have that ability. You’ve learned how to activate your adrenal glands without exciting your heart. Had we begun this training before you learned to use your whole brain, it would have taken you weeks instead of hours to achieve. Now I want you to practice with it, and try to hone your skills until you can flood your body with adrenaline at a moment’s notice. If you’re in a bar and a gunfight breaks out, I want you to be able to fully charge yourself before the first body can hit the floor, though once we’re finished, you won’t need to. If you can perfect that skill, then you can augment your physical abilities at will, along with your mental abilities.” Jenny nodded and sat down in a meditative position. As she practiced activating her adrenal glands, Adrian went to work setting up their camping gear. He pitched the tent, got a campfire going, and started making an early dinner. He doubted Jenny would be able to keep from passing out before sunset from exhaustion. Dinner was ready as the sun approached the horizon, and Jenny gave a sigh of relief when Adrian told her they were done for the day. They sat in camp chairs on opposite sides of the fire, not saying a word. She was eating with gusto, but he was barely touching his food. “I’m sorry I had to slap you,” Adrian said softly. Jenny looked up at him and her eyes were filled with sadness. “Don’t be. Adrian, you told me that this would be one of the most difficult times of my life. You told me to seal my heart because you would not be able to be the man I love while you were training me.” Then, to his surprise, she gave the slightest of laughs. “But I knew you were finding it impossible to not be the man I love. I could feel your pain and self-loathing every second. Ever since we started, I was worried you would put so much strain on yourself that you would start coughing blood. Adrian, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m not the weak little high school girl I used to be! Being with you has made me strong, and I’m going to show you how strong I’ve become.” Adrian smiled and gave a sigh of relief. “Then it seems much of my warning was unneeded. If you really can handle it, this training isn’t going to be as bad as I first thought. All right, let’s finish eating and get to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.” “Hold on, I have a little bit of energy left and I know just how I want to use it.” Her meal finished, Jenny got up and strode over to Adrian, discarding her clothes with a sultry grin on her face. She settled on his lap, kissing him with his hands on her bare ass. As she licked the inside of his mouth, Jenny pulled off his shirt and unzipped his pants, pulling forth his hardening manhood. He thought that she was going to settle herself on it, but instead she got off him and crouched down, kissing his chest. She continued to move down, running her tongue and lips across his scars, and just as Adrian was about to ask what she was going to do, he jerked as her lips wrapped around his cock. Jenny had his whole manhood in her mouth and was sucking on it both gently and hungrily, licking away the salt from his sweat. Even Adrian couldn’t put into the words the incredible feeling of her tongue, lips, and cheeks massaging every millimeter of his cock, soaking it in saliva. She would even playfully bite down ever so slightly, gently pressing down on the shaft with her teeth. As her head bobbed up and down, Jenny’s eyes kept flicking up to him, and she would smile as she saw the effect of her work. Adrian knew that Jenny had never done oral before, but she showed remarkable talent. Straitlaced by nature and not usually open to new things in sex, Adrian protested for a moment or so before giving in and resting his hand on the back of her head, humming in bliss from the softness of her mouth and her diligence. He sat in his camp chair, like a king on his throne, while Jenny worked to please him. Not wanting to trigger an orgasm and drain him of his stamina, she stopped after a couple minutes and got back on his lap, guiding his saliva-coated cock into her glistening pussy. It slid in effortlessly, and with a tender smile on her face, she began to ride him like a pogo stick, moaning from the deep penetration. As she moved, Adrian moved between her breasts, either sucking on her nipples or licking away her sweat as she had done to him. Soon enough, Adrian decided that it was his turn to put in the effort. As if reading his mind, Jenny wrapped her legs around his waist as he stood up, holding onto him without his manhood ever leaving her sleeve or his tongue ever leaving her tits. He carried her over to the air, laying her out on the hood. She was on her side, her leg across his chest, moaning in joy from the sweeping strokes of this new angle. As if splitting himself into two personalities, Adrian moved one of his hands from her jiggling tits and cupped her cheek, his lower body moving like a piston to drive her wild but his upper body projecting only a scene of tender love. Jenny nuzzled his hand, her beautiful blue eyes never leaving his grays, her sweet smile displaying her own feelings, be they loyalty, admiration, submission, and even protection. He brushed his thumb across her lips, lips that he had spent so much time kissing. Her lips parted and she sucked on his thumb, not as a sexual act, but of simple playfulness and joy. They soon changed positions, Jenny deciding she wanted it a little harder. She rolled over onto her stomach, inviting Adrian to mount her like an animal. Bent over the hood of the car, Jenny gave a deep moan with every powerful shove Adrian made, his hands on her shoulders as he threw his weight on her with every slam, his cock knocking on the entrance to her womb, as if threatening to breach it. Adrian leaned down and ran tender kisses across her shoulders and neck, again separating his actions between lustful force and gentle love. Jenny came after only a minute, orgasm after orgasm rushing through her. They were alone for miles, so she felt no need to stifle her voice, her moans of ecstasy echoing through the woods. Adrian never stopped or even slowed down, continuing to fuck her through the chain of climaxes, heightening each one to the point where she thought the pleasure would render her unconscious. Once her body became limp, Adrian allowed himself to achieve his own climax, flooding her womanhood with his seed. A coy smile on her face, Jenny allowed Adrian to pull out of her with his semen running down her inner thighs, then got down on her knees and sucked him clean. Again, Adrian felt the urge to stop her, but she dutifully worked him back up to an erection, and just as quickly caused his second ejaculation. She caught it all in her mouth, her taste buds telling her that it was disgusting but her lust and love telling her to slurp and swallow it up like chocolate syrup. She again worked his deflated cock in her mouth, vacuuming out every last glob that had yet to be fired, while Adrian brushed back her hair with a concerned look. True, the physical enjoyment had been great, that had been more sex than making love, and that loss of elegance weighed on him. For the rest of the month, they trained nonstop. Adrian worked right alongside Jenny, strengthening every muscle in his body and making sure that all of his abilities were still razor-sharp. He was teaching Jenny how to use her body more affectively and efficiently, block pain, use her muscles to their full strength, and fight like a machine. Every meal was rich is fat, glucose, carbs, protein, fiber, and vitamins to restore the energy they were pouring out every second. Adrian sprinted through the woods with Jenny desperately trying to keep up. They were going for a morning run before breakfast, but they were also training. Adrian was running with a crouch, while Jenny was running with a regular jogging posture. His legs were moving faster and harder than hers, but touching the ground less often. “Don’t lean back when you run, lean forward as far as you can. Combine running with falling and use your own momentum. If you can use physics to your advantage, then you can double your speed with less effort.” Panting with exhaustion, Jenny did as instructed and leaned forward, running as if she was carrying something large and heavy and it was falling beyond any point of being saved. “Good, now don’t use the soles of your feet for running, use your toes and the muscles around them. It will allow you to use more of the tendons in your legs instead of the ones you use when you run like a jogger. If you can distribute the force to more tendons, then you can lessen the strain on them and increase your potential. Scientists believe that humans can’t reach thirty miles per hour without their tendons snapping, but if you can distribute the amount of strain you put on your tendons and combine it with the ability to use the full strength of your muscles, then you can reach twice that without side effects. When you run, don’t use your legs like wheels that must touch the ground as often as possible. Instead, turn each step into a leap and combine it with your falling momentum. It will allow you to touch the ground less and use less energy, but move with greater speed. Keep your arms to your sides or your back, using your arms when you run is just wasted energy. This also allow you to move through the air easier, working with your low posture to make you more aerodynamic.” Following his instructions, Jenny used the described form and her speed was increased until she was running as fast as Adrian was. He looked at her with a proud smile, seeing that she was running with less effort and less strain on her body. “Good, we’ve already proven those scientists wrong. Now let me show you what you can achieve once you learn to use the full strength of your muscles.” He took a deep breath and increased his speed, shooting off ahead with Jenny staring in disbelief. Jenny and Adrian were hanging from a tree branch, each doing chin ups. Jenny was gritting her teeth and cursing with each one, but Adrian was fine. “The pain you are feeling is all in your head. Your muscles aren’t using anything close to their full strength, you just think they are because you’re at the limit of the strength you’ve used your whole life. Your muscles have nothing to do with your pain; it is your own subconscious that is holding you back. If you can block out the pain, then you can order your muscles to continue without any backlash.” Jenny brought her chin up to the branch, gnashing her teeth in frustration. “Your mind has never been more powerful than it is now, you have never been in more control than you are now, and you have never been farther than you are now! Your body belongs to you, you control what you feel and the pain you experience,” Adrian said as Jenny hung from the branch, trying to catch her breath. “I know you can do it, Jenny. It’s why I decided to train you. Half of reality is what happens, and the other half is what you want to happen. In your own body, you are God. It’s why the placebo affect works so well. Come on, ultimate control is in your reach, just pull yourself up and grab it!” Jenny’s whole body shook as she tried to pull herself up, but her body was telling her that it was at its limit and she believed it. “Don’t listen to your body, listen to your heart! In your body, your will transcends the physical laws. In your body, you have ultimate control. Listen to me and repeat this in your mind: If you can stand then you shall never fall! If you can endure then you shall never die! If you can fight then you shall never fail! If you can charge then you shall never fear! Now pull yourself up and show your strength!” Gritting her teeth, Jenny slowly pulled herself up, and as her chin was brought above the branch, Adrian almost heard the chime of a bell. Jenny’s eyes widened and she gasped. Like a massive weight being dropped, the agony and resistance surging through her muscles disappeared. It was like her whole body was as light as pillow! She had done it! She had learned to block out her pain! Now she could unleash the full strength of her muscles without being slowed down by pain that wasn’t even real. Jenny lowered herself down and pulled herself back up, moving with new speed and without any effort. She had a wide smile on her face as she realized her accomplishment. Adrian smiled and they continued their chin-ups, strengthening their muscles for over two hours without nonexistent pain slowing them down. Jenny and Adrian were running up the side of a nearby mountain. The trail was steep and they were each carrying a huge wooden log on their backs. Now that Jenny had learned to harness the full power of her muscles, they needed to work them into their full potential, similar to how Adrian trained her to use her entire mind after he woke it up for her. With the illusion of pain no longer clouding her control, Jenny was able to keep up with him with ease. While the log she was carrying was larger than her whole body, she was sprinting up the steep mountain trail with a competitive smile of her face, trying to outrace him. After half an hour, the mountain summit was in sight. It was a rocky cliff that dropped off into a sea of trees, and as they got close, Adrian turned and gazed at Jenny. Just by looking into his eyes, she knew what Adrian was going to suggest. They were so in tune that they could read each other’s thoughts. “Ok, one… two… THREE!” Adrian called as they reached the summit. With Jenny mirroring his movements perfectly, Adrian put one hand on the back of the log he was carrying. With his other hand guiding and supporting it, he threw the log as if it was an Olympic javelin. Jenny followed, throwing hers at the same time. Both logs shot off through the air, flying like arrows. While Jenny’s was going a great distance, his was clearly in the lead. “All right, last one back has to make dinner!” Jenny challenged before sprinting off. “Focus…” Adrian instructed for the umpteenth time. Jenny and Adrian were each standing tree stumps with their arms and one leg extended. On their feet, heads, and in their hands, rocks and sticks had been stacked on top of each other in a way that no ordinary person could even set up. Jenny was soaked in sweat from the tension in her muscles, having to constantly readjust to keep everything from falling. “How is it that you can do it so easily?!” she yelled, trying to keep her head steady when she talked. True to her words, Adrian was achieving the balance without any trouble. “Because while I’m constantly shifting, I’m doing it in the least-disruptive way possible. Every time you move in even the smallest micrometer, you try to counter it with an even greater movement. The reason why you can’t keep still is because your body has a slight tremor with every heartbeat. It’s normally so small that you can’t notice, but with how steady and balanced everything has to be for this exercise, the smallest tremor creates a whole world of problems. Use half of your mind to balance everything and use the other half to control the tremors. If you can cancel it out with an equal or opposite tremor, you can maintain balance. This is why I had you do sit-ups while solving that cube and why I had you solve three at once. Just use what I’ve taught you.” Jenny took a deep breath and Adrian could instantly see the tension in her muscles falling away. “I think I’ve got it,” she hummed with her eyes closed. “Good, because we’re going to maintain this pose for another three hours and then switch legs for three more.” “Martial arts are based on fighting with memorized stances, moves, and attacks. However, my fighting style requires little more than speed, instinct, and logic. By using my awakened mind to give me more time to process, I take advantage of openings that my enemy creates and attack with simple or complicated strikes. The only established form in his style is the principle of counterattack, meaning that I try to get my opponent to make the first move whenever possible. When someone attacks me, the number of openings they create is baffling; pressure points, vital areas, vulnerable joints, and so on. When you first attacked me and tried to punch me, I had the time and the opportunity to dodge and then strike the pressure point in your elbow, jab your eyes, catch your fist and twist your arm, slam your throat, knee you in the stomach, or even snap your neck. Had you been a real enemy, I could have killed you ten times before you would have time to send a second punch. Now, I’m going to come at you the way a regular person would and I want you to fight. The second you begin your counterattack, I’ll begin really fighting, mostly for my own safety.” The last part gave Jenny a confident smile. Adrian charged forward and reached out to punch her, the same way a regular person would, but with heightened senses giving her incredible speed and reflexes, Jenny deflected his punch with the back of her hand and reached out to slam her fist against his throat. Adrian stepped to the side, grabbed her wrist, and tried to twist her arm back. Jenny purposefully fell and then lashed out with her foot to kick him. He blocked her kick and let go of her wrist as she gave a second attempt. He stepped back as she got to her feet and charged with her fist pulled back. Jenny jumped into the air with her fist rocketing towards his face and Adrian caught her hand, but barely had time to block as she tried to slam her knee into his ribs. The punch had merely been a distraction. He blocked her attacks and then shoved her in the stomach, sending her sprawling back and knocking the wind from her. Adrian charged forward and tried to kick her, taking advantage of her curled posture. Jenny blocked his kick and then slammed her fist against his knee, striking both the joint and pressure point. Adrian bent his knee to lessen the impact and smiled with pride. Jenny then reached up with her fist and tried to punch him in the jaw, but he fell back to dodge and rolled onto his feet, catching her fist as she tried to punch him while he was distracted. “Good, you were able to spot and use every opening I gave you. In less than a month, you’ve gained the basics of the training. We only have a few more days here, and all you have to do is master what I have taught you. That will be enough for today. Let’s eat and rest up for tomorrow.” It was their last day in the woods and Jenny’s training was complete. Her body and mind were honed to their full potential and she stood before him as more than a human. Every ounce of fat had been burned and every muscle had been worked until it was at full strength, but with her body still retaining its slender womanly figure and without being as stocky and inflated as a female body-builder. Jenny and Adrian both had wide smiles on their faces. She was giddy with excitement and he was filled with pride. In his hand was congratulatory gift, wrapped in fabric. “Jenny, I am more proud of you than you could possibly imagine. By completing your training, you have transcended common limitations and have become more goddess than human. I am no longer your teacher; I am once again just the man you love and the man that loves you. For completing the training, I have a graduation gift for you…” Adrian held up the object and pulled away the fabric, revealing the lance he had created in the warehouse. Jenny was breathless as she stared at it. “I created this when you were unconscious. It is made with the same materials and skill as my own, it is just as powerful, and like mine it shall stand the test of time. The only difference is that I created this one with my heart.” Jenny took the lance with shaky hands, admired everything from the perfectly straight slope, to the needle-sharp point, to the grooves in the handle. She raised it above her head, watching how it caught the light. She then brought it down and was silent for several seconds. “You’ve practiced with the darts and my lance, so I know you are proficient with these weapons. And I think I know a good way to test it out and test your new abilities.” He became silent when he saw that Jenny couldn’t meet his gaze. “You know, there were countless times when I just wanted to yell at you to back off and leave me alone. There were times when I was so angry that I wanted to punch you in the nose and drive away. I was angry because I thought you were being a lot harsher than you needed to be and I wanted you to show some compassion. But every time, right when I was about to yell, I would think about the training and I would remember that you went through it too. The only difference was that you had to torture yourself to become the man you are because you were alone. You had to discard your emotions and your humanity and become coldhearted and forlorn. I can’t even imagine being so harsh that I would treat my body the way you treated yours, being so cold and merciless that you couldn’t even show yourself any leniency. You once told me about how you wanted to be more than human and transcend your limitations. I could tell in your voice that while you admired yourself, you did not love yourself; you even hated yourself because you weren’t happy. Your nature could only let you be bitter and alone, and you were so desperate to leave the realm of humans because you wanted to be happy. You wanted to be in a place where you belonged but were still an individual. You hated yourself for any weakness you had.” A single tear rolled down her cheek. “And when I imagined what you probably did to yourself as a result of this self-loathing and your desperation to break free from your own existence, when I think back to all of those scars, burns, and bruises across your body… I would have to fight the urge to cry. If I were to see you do these things to yourself now, I would not be able to bear it.” Adrian’s whole body felt cold at her words, because they were absolutely true. Every injury Adrian had inflicted to his own body hadn’t just been for the search of power, but also out of frustration and self-hatred. Jenny gained a sad smile and even gave a soft laugh. “Compared to what you probably did to yourself, my training was practically babying. I imagine it would have even been easier if you had been kind to yourself, and learned about what it meant to be merciful. Adrian, I understand now, I understand what you went through. Only through my pain could I understand your pain.” She then walked over to him and placed her hand on his chest. “I’m glad you’re not in pain anymore. I’m just sorry I couldn’t help you sooner. And Adrian, I finally understand you and agree with you on your plan. I now want to help you achieve your goal, not just because I love you, but to help this world.” They sat parked in front of a biker bar. It was the middle of the night, but the building was dimly lit. Adrian was wearing the bulletproof outfit he always sported in dangerous situations, but he had been forced to improvise in Jenny’s case. He had already placed orders for the creation of a protective uniform just like his, but until then, they had to rely on Kevlar and steel. They had just bought several Kevlar vests at a local pawnshop, cut them up, reinforced them with metal plates, and then wrapped them around Jenny’s limbs underneath her clothes, as well as a full vest protecting her torso. She was wearing an overcoat like him and they both had their sheathed lances at their sides. “I did some research on this community when I went out to get supplies and gear, and this biker bar is the hangout of some serious criminals. Everyone in that bar right now has a thick arrest record. For your ultimate test, you are going to help me clear this building of vermin. Killing these people will at least leave us with a clean conscience. I need to know Jenny, are you ready for this? This will be much different than your training; you will be killing people and your life will be on the line. Are you ready for this? Are you ready to hand out judgment?” Jenny stared at him for several seconds with a tinge of sadness in her eyes. Finally, she leaned forward and kissed him, as softly as a falling leaf. “After we left our old lives behind, I told you that I would kill for you and I would die for you. That hasn’t changed, Adrian, and it never will.” “I love you, Jenny,” he said as he kissed her on the forehead. They stepped out of the car and walked across the street towards the pool hall, their lances hanging from their waists. Entering the dank building, they instantly memorized their surroundings. There were six pool tables, several eating tables, a bar, and fifteen men. Thick clouds of cigarette and cigar smoke stifled the light from the lamps above the pool tables. The dregs of society turned to Adrian and Jenny. “Hey, no kids in here!” a fat man yelled, pointing his pool cue at the teens. Two men approached them from the left and right. Simultaneously, Jenny and Adrian drew their lances and both swung out like mirror images of each other, slashing the two men from shoulder to hip. Their strength more than made up for the lack of blades on the weapons, carving their enemies open and ripping apart their ribcages. Everyone in the bar stared at them with disbelief, but quickly retaliated as the bodies hit the floor. As the men all pulled out their guns, Jenny and Adrian flipped two pool tables onto their short sides, turning them into towering barriers. They crouched down behind their shields as the bullets began flying, tearing through the wood and fabric. Adrian looked at Jenny and they both nodded. With every movement as the mirror image of the other, they planted their lances into the floor, reached into their pockets, and stepped out from behind their barriers with darts in their hands. They unleashed a barrage of the deadly spikes on the bikers, stabbing them in the limbs and chests. Many of them dropped their weapons, howling in pain from their injuries. With their enemies distracted by their wounds, Jenny and Adrian retrieved their weapons and charged into the midst. They moved between them like wraiths, slashing and stabbing their opponents with inhuman speed. By using their superior speed and the dim lighting, they were able to keep their foes from getting a lock on them to fire their guns. Adrian charged towards the fat man that had yelled at them when they entered. He had a dart lodged in his protruding gut and shoulder and his gun was empty. The man raised his pool cue and brought it down towards Adrian like a hammer, but he blocked the attack with his hand, shattering the cue as if it were made of Styrofoam. He then jumped into the air, and before the biker could retaliate, he stabbed him between the throat and ribcage with his hand. Adrian landed on the ground with just enough time to deflect a bullet coming towards him from the side. He turned around as the shooter tried to load another magazine into his pistol, pulled a dart out of his pocket, and threw it, sending it flying across the room and lodging it in the center of the man’s chest, piercing his heart. An unharmed biker charged towards him, holding a pool cue like a baseball bat. He swung from the right side and Adrian blocked with his lance and shattered it. He then reached out and stabbed him in the gut, again using only his hand. The man gagged in pain and coughed up blood, and Adrian pulled his hand free, grabbed his lance, and then stabbed him through the jaw with the tip breaking out of the top of his skull. Adrian quickly turned around as a biker tried to stab him with a knife and then jumped back, using the superior length of his lance to slash him across the chest and tear open his ribcage. Adrian turned his attention to Jenny to she how she was doing. She was a black and yellow blur as she moved through the bar, slashing and stabbing everyone in her path. She was as skilled with her lance as Adrian was with his and she didn’t hesitate once. Her eyes held no sadness or remorse, just dedication and confidence. In less then a minute, it was over, and all fifteen bikers were dead. After collecting their darts, cleaning their weapons, and taking care of any footprints they left behind, Adrian and Jenny stood in the middle of the room, staring at each other with small but warm smiles on their faces. “I said it once and I’ll say it again: I am more proud of you than you could possibly imagine.” “That means more to me than you could possibly imagine,” Jenny replied, both sincerely and jokingly. “Come on, darling, let’s go.” Adrian wrapped his arm around Jenny and they made their way towards the exit, but halfway, Adrian stopped. “What’s wrong?” “I just forgot something.” He walked to the middle of the room and planted a dart in the center of one of the pool tables. “I just wanted to leave our calling card.” “Holy fuck,” Hoffman said, taking off his glasses. “This… this is a national threat,” Mason said, constantly raising his arms and then dropping them. The two FBI agents had drove down the second they got the details, and they were trying to process the gory scene before them. The air was thick with flies, gorging themselves on blood and dead flesh. Forensic investigators were taking hundreds of photographs and putting down evidence tags. “It’s like Rwanda in here! This is borderline genocide!” Hoffman yelled, taking it all in. Mason walked over to take a close look at the dart lodged in the pool table. “The guy who called the police was the owner. He said he had gone down to get something in the basement and when the guns stared roaring, he decided to hide. It seems that Jenny Sinclair really did become his apprentice. She’s become just like him, even in the way she kills.” “But he didn’t see her, right? There is no way she could have fought with him. Hell, there is no way you can teach someone to do this in less than two months; it’s just impossible. But regardless, Jenny has become a lost cause. There is no way she’ll leave him now. Even if she didn’t fight, we need to consider her as being dangerous. Like you said, this is real national news. The public needs to know what we’re dealing with. So far, he’s just attacked law-breakers and criminals, but we can’t assume that he’ll stick to that pattern. If he turns his attention to innocent people… the death count would be on par with a natural disaster. I don’t care if this guy sees himself as a vigilante or a hero; we have to stop him!” Hoffman said as he took a close look at one of the victims’ stab wounds. The circular hole was so clean and perfect that a surgeon couldn’t match the skill. “Yeah, but with this guy, impossible loses all meaning. The bastard beat the crap out of us, threw you like dog toy, and has killed at least fifty people as of now. We have to call this in. They’re going on the Top Ten Most Wanted list.” “So, what now? You’re done training me and I’m begging to know what the next step of the plan is now,” Jenny said with a confident smile. “Las Vegas,” Adrian replied with a grin. “Vegas?!” “Yep. I’m trying to find and get the attention of some people and Las Vegas is like the portal to the underworld. Let’s just say that I plan on leaving a few business cards there. However, I think we should also take a vacation first. After all, it is summer break. How about we tour the country a little, spend some cash, and have a good time?” Jenny leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “That would be like heaven.” “We’re also going to keep ending the lives of criminals wherever we go. I want to eradicate some of the vermin in this country and drive fear into the hearts of law breakers,” he said, his voice then filled with a dedication that was both burning with passion and ice cold. “Is that the only reason?” “When my plan is initiated, it will need a signature, someone for the people to both idolize and fear. By the time we’re ready to establish the new world order, the names Adrian Ashford and Jenny Sinclair will command power. It’s all part of the plan.” Chapter Eight “Damn it, dude, you can’t be here!” the man yelled. The two teens were standing in a dark basement, dimly illuminated by several computer screens. The walls were covered in posters and shelves of collectables, the floor was buried beneath dirty laundry, and in the corner was a bed. They were facing a fat man covered in acne and wearing a STAR WARS t-shirt. He looked like he had graduated from college, but it was impossible to tell with the thick layer of zits on his face. “For shit’s sake, Lawrence, you said you were going to move out of your mom’s place,” Adrian muttered, looking around. “So you’re the guy that makes fake IDs?” Jenny asked. “Best in the tri-state area,” the man replied. “Thanks to me. I’m the one who got you those laminating machines. You would need to rob a DMV to get the equipment I gave you.“ Adrian then began speaking to Jenny. “I’ve had him make more than a hundred fake identities for me. I like to try and keep a buffer between any illegal activities I might be doing and myself. He’s close to home, so I keep him on retainer.” “And while I appreciate the business, I have to draw the line here! Your face is all over the news and the FBI could break down my door at any moment! I just do stuff for immigrants and kids who want to drink beer, not for serial killers!” “Lawrence! Take out the trash!” a woman upstairs shrieked. “Not now, Mom! I’m busy!” Jenny and Adrian tried not to laugh. “All I need is one more job. I need you to make at least ten IDs for her, including Social Security numbers and birth certificates. I already have plenty of my own with me. After that, you’ll never see either of us again.” Lawrence took a moment to weigh his options. “I’m taking a lot of risk here. It would be bad enough if I was arrested for this stuff, but if I’m caught having anything to do with someone like you, I’ll never see the light of day again.” “Don’t worry about the price. Just get it done quickly and hold the pizza grease.” Adrian then handed him a stack of hundred-dollar bills. “That’s ten grand right there, you’ll get another forty when we get what we want.” Lawrence took the money and sighed, then turned to Jenny and handed her a digital scanner with a plastic pen to write on the screen. “When I tell you to, sign this with your chosen aliases.” The scanner was hooked up to Lawrence’s computer and awaiting her signatures. “All right, sign.” Jenny took the pen and wrote down the first alias. It was recorded on the computer and then disappeared off the screen. “Sign.” Jenny wrote the next alias on the screen and it was recorded. The process was repeated eight more times. “Ok, I have your signatures. Now just come over here,” he said as he got up and waddled over to a pull-down screen. He turned on a bright projector and the light bounced off the white screen, illuminating the room. Next to Lawrence’s computer desk were the laminating machines Adrian mentioned, all of which were illegal to own unless by the DMV and licensed credit card companies. “Ok, stand in front of the screen and I’ll take your picture. Ma’am, if you happen to be camera shy, imagine you’re at a Playboy photo shoot,” he said, turning on a camera set up on a tripod. “Don’t push your luck,” Adrian warned. “Can you blame me?” “Honey, don’t get angry over a compliment,” Jenny hummed with a fake giggle. She then gave a pretty grin and Lawrence took her picture ten times. “Ok, come back in four days and I’ll have them ready,” Lawrence said as he walked back to his computer “I’ll throw in another ten grand if you can have them done by tomorrow.” “Deal,” he called as they climbed up the stairs, hoping to get away before having to hear Lawrence’s mom shriek again. “Wow, these are fantastic!” Jenny exclaimed as Lawrence handed her the IDs and paperwork. They were all perfect, down to the smallest detail. The cards looked like they had been made by the DMV and the paperwork looked completely authentic. “Well done, here’s your $60,000,” Adrian said as he handed him the cash. With the cards collected, they left Lawrence’s home and got back in their car. “IDs? Check. Car? Check. Stacks of cash? Big check. I think we’re ready for our vacation,” Jenny said with excitement. The two lovers sped down the highway as fast as they wanted, only slowing down when they saw a place where a police officer could be hiding. They were traveling again and they both felt more alive than ever before. The windows were all open, so that they could feel the sunlight and breathe the fresh air. The radio was cranked up and they were both savoring the freedom of the open road. They had more money than they knew what to do with, a car, and the freedom to go anywhere. They could do whatever they wanted and they had all the time in the world. They wanted to enjoy their youth and live life to its fullest. They were in New York, and like Every time they went out in public, they took a few minutes to alter their appearance. Adrian had already gotten a haircut he and Jenny would both wear glasses with fake lenses. Adrian had learned early on that his height wasn’t enough to fool people about his age, so he used a mixture of thin latex and makeup to give him the face of someone ten years older, and some slight padding in the shoulders. Jenny was doing the same, trying not to laugh as Adrian applied makeup to his face. “What is that?” she asked when Adrian pulled out a metal case out of the glove compartment with several syringes and different chemical bottles. He filled up one of the syringes, and surprising Jenny, he injected it deep into his throat. “This is a serum I invented for times like these.” His voice was much deeper now, but while sounding completely natural. “Unfortunately, even I can’t escape the scourge of puberty. If my voice were to crack when I’m speaking to someone who thinks I’m in my mid twenties, it would be disastrous. This is a sedative that weakens my vocal cords. It takes more effort to talk, but it deepens my voice.” Standing at the top of the Empire State Building, the two teens absorbed the magnificent view. The sky above them was filled with dark storm clouds, struggling to hold in the summer rain. “You know that old myth about how dropping a coin off the Empire State Building will give it enough force to kill someone?” Adrian asked. “Yeah, the updrafts that surge up the sides of the building make that impossible.” “I wonder what would happen if you threw in the proper arch. You know, give it enough distance from the building but throw it with a steep-enough curve so that it has plenty of time to fall straight with the maximum velocity. “Honey, you know we only kill bad people, not even your aim is that good,” she teased, clinging to his arm. Adrian looked up as a loud crack of thunder shocked the dark clouds above them. The hues of gray, blue, and purple were mixing together beautifully with the transient shifts of light and darkness. The sky was like a piece of art, crafted by a higher intelligence. There was a second crack and rain began to pour down in concurrent sheets of thick drops, without even the lightest drizzle preceding it. “Come on, let’s head back inside,” Jenny said as the torrential rain poured down on them. “Hold on, I want to enjoy this,” Adrian hummed. Jenny looked at him with a twinkle in her eyes. “What do you mean?” “Before I met you, there were very few things that stirred my heart… machines and knowledge mostly. But one thing that I really loved was summer storms. The warmth of the rain, the perfume-like scent of the breeze, the artistic mural-like beauty of the clouds and sky, and the passionate energy that just fills the air. It’s almost like looking out across the entire universe, with every swirl of the clouds as a galaxy, every wave of rain as a nebula, and every flash of lightning as a supernova.” Jenny tightened her hold on his arm and kissed him on the cheek. “Come on, Shakespeare, let’s go warm up with a nice hot pizza.” Adrian and Jenny were sitting in a pair of lawn chairs on a beach at Martha’s Vineyard, enjoying the warmth of the sun. They were in their bathing suits and each holding a glass of wine. In the corner of his eye, Adrian was gazing at Jenny’s beautiful body, barely hidden by her skimpy bikini. “I can hear your blood rushing,” she teased without opening her eyes. “No, that’s just a wine and the sound of the waves.” “Nice try, darling, but you can’t hide from me anymore,” she replied smugly while taking a sip from her glass. “Yes dear,” Adrian sighed with a smile before emptying his own. Adrian and Jenny sprinted out of the Boston Museum of Science with the security guards chasing them. They were leaving behind a trail of souvenirs as the paper bags were ripped to shreds in their hands. Police sirens could be heard in the distance as the cops drove as fast as they could in the hopes of catching them. “Damn it, I can’t believe they recognized us!” Jenny swore as she jumped into their car. “I know. I just wish we could have at least seen the planetarium first!” Adrian replied as he climbed in and they sped off. They were in Washington DC, touring the museums. They made sure to not look directly at any cameras or security guards, always keeping their faces hidden behind sunglasses, hats, or cameras. After looking through the museums, they decided to stop off at the largest library on Earth. “Ah, the Library of Congress, probably the only good thing that has anything to do with Congress,” Adrian sighed in bliss and political humor as they walked through the maze of bookshelves. “You know, I was never really interested in coming here, but after you trained me to use my whole mind, I would love to read every book here.” “Me too, I could spend an eternity here. But in a way, I don’t want to read any of it.” “I know what you mean, I don’t know where to begin and I won’t even be able to put a dent in it, a part of me asks why I should bother.” Adrian wrapped his arm around her. “Come on, let’s go see if we can start a riot between some democrats and republicans,” he suggested, making Jenny laugh. “Come on, you need a tan,” Jenny said, trying to convince Adrian to step out of the shade of the palm tree. They were on the Miami Beach with Jenny in her skimpy bikini and him mostly clothed. “Darling, I don’t tan. I burn.” “You tanned with me in Martha’s Vineyard.” “Yeah, I can tolerate it in the Northeast, but I’d be reduced to a charred cinder down here in Miami.” “Well don’t even try and gaze at any other women, I’ll know how long your eyes will stray.” “Jenny, how can you even say that? I thought you knew me! It should be obvious that I won’t be able to resist all of those bronze beauties walking half-naked before me!” he joked. “Right, like any of those “bronze beauties” could compare to this blonde goddess,” she laughed as she walked off towards the water, shaking her hips from side to side teasingly. They were in a dark jazz club in Baton Rouge, eating fried shrimp and listening to the band up on stage. “I’ve never been a real jazz fan, but to not listen to some live while in Louisiana is criminal,” Adrian said as he drank his Café Brûlot, savoring the taste of the coffee and brandy mix. “The same for tasting a bit of shrimp,” Jenny said happily as she dropped another tail onto the graveyard that was her plate. “I love it here,” Jenny purred as she stretched. They were lying on a blanket in Yellowstone National Park, having a picnic. They were up on a hill, hiding from the summer sun with the shade of the trees above them, looking out across green pastures with the forest and mountains on the other side. “Yeah, it is so beautiful.” Adrian replied as he emptied his glass of chardonnay wine. Jenny placed her hand on the ground, digging her fingers into the soil. “Can you feel all of the magma underneath?” she asked, using her hand to pick up the vibrations from deep underground. “I could feel it before I got out of the car. It’s both so faint that I can barely sense it, yet so steady that it feels like it’s just below the topsoil.” “I hope Yellowstone doesn’t erupt during our lifetime, this place is like a piece of art,” Jenny yawned as she moved out of the thin shade and into the sunlight, taking in the warmth like a dozing cat. “If it does erupt, America and much of the world will be buried in ash and there will be vast extinctions. But with that death will come rebirth, and new species will evolve to adapt to the new world. In time, the art that is life on Earth will be remade, as beautiful as before but much more different. Peace comes from pain in an endless cycle, with everything that has a beginning also having an end, and every end preceding a beginning.” Jenny looked at him and smiled. “It’s a shame our life spans aren’t larger, because now I would love to see an end and a new beginning.” “Isn’t that the very definition of our plan?” “Why must you torment me? Honestly? You’re going to cause me an early death,” Adrian asked dryly. Jenny’s smile did not waver. “Come on, just one picture.” “You know I hate clichés, and just talking about this is making his organs fail.” They were standing in Los Angeles and behind him was the Hollywood sign. Jenny was holding a camera and trying to get him to do something that Adrian loathed with an indescribable fury. “It will just be one picture and I promise I won’t show it to anyone. Come on, please?” she asked, giving him the Bambi eyes. Adrian gave a loud sigh. “As you wish,” he groaned. He then held up his arms and Jenny took his picture. With the angle of the lens coupled with the position of his arms, the perspective of the picture made it look like Adrian was holding up the sign… one of the most unoriginal and hated clichés in his opinion. He dropped his arms the second the picture was taken and shook his head from side to side as if he were a dog trying to shake of a layer of mud. “Are you ok?” “I feel like I just siphoned gas and I need mouthwash. Come on, I need to purge my soul of that horrible act. Let’s get out of here.” Jenny and Adrian surfaced from the steaming water, kissing passionately. They were in the Alvord Hot Springs in Oregon, making love in a remote and solitary pool. The lands around them were endless fields with the mountains lining the horizon. Steam was pouring from the ponds and rivers that stretched across the plains, with small shacks and walls built around certain few for privacy. “I don’t know if that’s your hand or the water, but I love it,” Jenny groaned in bliss. “I don’t even know where my hands are, the water is so warm that my sense of touch is warped.” “I swear, I want to sleep in this water, it’s just so perfect.” “That would be nice, but so would not drowning.” “At least we could die happy,” She cooed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him back under the hot depths. Jenny and Adrian were sitting on a bench in front of Mt. Rushmore, tossing seeds onto the ground and feeding the birds. Beside them were bird watching books and other tourists were walking by without any idea as to the identity of the two teens. The sights and sounds of the Vegas Strip were breathtaking to Jenny, with the two lovers constantly shifted their gaze to every flashing light and neon sign in view. She was like a cat following the dots of laser pointers. It was late in the evening, but with the artificial sun created by the combination of all of the lights blanketing each building, it was almost bright as day. They were driving down Las Vegas Boulevard with the windows wide open and Jenny snapping pictures. They passed by buildings like Fremont, which was covered in horizontal red lights, Paris Las Vegas, which had a huge hotel and a small-scale replica of the Eifel Tower, both of which were blanketed with yellow lights, the Luxor, which consisted of a large sphinx and a black-glass pyramid, and the iconic tower of the Stratosphere. “You seem awfully calm. Nothing more than a small smile?” asked Jenny. “Well this certainly isn’t my first time to Vegas. I own quite a few of these hotels and casinos.” Their faces and clothes perfect, they stepped into the Bellagio Hotel. With a bellhop carrying their luggage, they made their way through the lobby, admiring the colorful glass flowers that covered the ceiling. “How may I help you?” the woman behind the desk asked. “We’d like to rent one of the guest suites, top floor if it’s not too much to ask,” Adrian said suavely. Jenny was standing beside him, clinging to his arm and wearing a beautiful smile. The woman looked at the two of them with distrust, a small part of her brain telling her that they were minors, but their appearances making it difficult to create sufficient doubt. “May I please see a credit card and some ID?” “Of course,” Adrian said, pulling out his wallet and taking out one of his fake IDs and a gold card. Jenny did the same, taking her own ID out of a very expensive handbag. They handed the woman the IDs and she studied them closely, but was unable to find any sign that they were forgeries. “Welcome to the Bellagio, Mr. Carter and Ms. Valentine,” the woman said with a wide smile. “Actually, it’s Mr. and Mrs. Carter. We’re on our honeymoon.” Jenny elbowed him in the ribs ever so softly. “Oh, congratulations! Here, this is your key to the Honeymoon Suite. It’s on the top floor, as per request,” she said, handing back their IDs, the credit card, and giving them the keycard to their room. “Enjoy your stay at the Bellagio!” “Thank you,” Adrian replied as he, Jenny, and the bellhop walked away. Jenny and Adrian stepped into the elevator with the bellhop taking the next one. The instant the doors were closed, Jenny turned to him. “We’re on our honeymoon?” she laughed. “I couldn’t resist.” The elevator opened up at the top floor and they stepped out, with the bellhop coming out of the second elevator with their luggage. Their luggage bags were built with security in mind, having both a combination lock and tear-proof frame, making sure that no one could break into them. They walked down the well-lit hallway, eventually coming to the honeymoon suite with their room number. Adrian opened up the door with the keycard and they stepped inside. He tipped the bellhop and their luggage was brought in before they were given their privacy. Excited, they turned on the lights, gasping as they looked at the illuminated room. They were facing a living room with several white relaxation chairs, two large velvet couches, a granite coffee table without a single ring or mark, a large flat-screen TV against the wall, beautiful art along the walls, and vases filled with different flowers and incense. They moved through the living room and into the dining room, where there was a long rosewood table with six chairs and ornate silverware, dishes, folded napkins, and silver candleholders. They stepped into the bedroom, which held a king-sized bed with the softest sheets either of them had ever touched, two oak bedside tables, two reclining chairs, and a flat screen TV. The bathroom walls, floor, and sink counter were made of flawless pearl marble, it had a heart-shaped hot tub surrounded by different soaps, oils, and flowers, the shower had several spouts on the ceiling and on the walls, and the toilet looked like it had never been used. The bedroom, the dining room, and the living room all had a vast window view of the Vegas Strip, with large curtains for privacy. They wandered into the bedroom, when suddenly Jenny turned to Adrian and jumped up into his arms with a squealing laugh. He laughed as well as he fell onto the bed with her on top of him, kissing him passionately. She rolled off him and they both lied on their backs, staring at the ceiling. “This is so incredible,” she gasped. “I know,” he said, then turning to her. “But it wouldn’t be nearly as incredible without you.” Adrian stood by the bedroom window, looking out over the Vegas Strip and the Bellagio fountains down bellow. He smiled as Jenny walked over to him, holding two glasses of Champaign. Adrian took one of the glasses and drank lightly, savoring the bittersweet taste. She looked absolutely gorgeous with the light of the Vegas Strip illuminating her beautiful face. “Cheers, I thought we should have a little celebratory drink for getting to Vegas,” she said, clinking her glass against his. “And I wanted to try something new.” Once their glasses were empty, she put her hands on his chest and slowly pushed him over to the bed. They both lied down, kissing each other and ripping off each other’s clothes. Adrian was on his back and Jenny was straddling him, smiling sweetly. “So what did you have in mind?” he asked, running his hands over her smooth body. “You’ll see. Just lie back and relax, baby, I’m going to take care of you.” she said slyly as she leaned forward and kissed him. After licking every corner of his mouth, she began to move down, purposefully running her tongue and lips across every scar on his chest. Adrian knew what she was going to do, but he still took a shuddering breath when she reached his lap and took his manhood in her mouth. Her tongue and cheeks were soft beyond description, and the sound of the forming and breaking suction stirred his most primal lust. While he enjoyed it physically, he had yet to learn to look past the lewdness of the act. Jenny had done this at least two dozen times already and she had developed great skills for it. She stroked his cock with both hands while wiggling her tongue in the slit, she deep-throated him to the point where she would start to tear up, she spat on his cock and used it as lubricant to jack him off, and even used her tongue to play with his balls. After several minutes, Jenny sat up and straddled his lap. “You’re going to love this, but it will take me some time to get used to it. Just be patient with me.” Adrian was silent with a stony expression on his face as she gripped his manhood and guided it to her asshole. “Stop,” he finally said before entering. Jenny stared at him with surprise. She climbed off me and he sat up, facing away from her. “I don’t want to do that.” Behind him, Jenny wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned on him, with her breasts pressed against his back. “What’s wrong?” she whispered in his ear. “When we do stuff like that… I can’t feel you. I was never comfortable with the idea of oral and anal sex, because it left the realm of making love and just became sex. I want us to be intimate for the emotional bliss, not the physical feeling. I don’t want us to just have meaningless sex like a pair of horny idiots. I want us to be intimate in way that has emotional individuality, but if we focus more on the physical feeling than the emotional connection, then we become just like everybody else and lose who we are.” Jenny pressed her cheek against the back of his neck, and he rocked back and forth, sitting in silence. “Should we just go to sleep?” He could hear the sadness and disappointment in her voice, and it made his heart ache. “No, you said that you wanted to try something new, well I have an idea…” The bathroom was filled steam as they stood in the shower, kissing passionately and enjoying the feeling of the hot water running down their bodies. As they kissed, Jenny moved her hands from his chest, to his shoulders, and finally to the back of his neck, sending him the signal that she was ready. Holding her close, he picked her up, with her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck for support. Holding her up with one hand, he used his other hand to guide his manhood to her pussy, and then lowered her down onto it. Jenny released a trembling moan as it entered her and looked up, letting the hot water pour directly on her face. With him holding her entire body, he began lifting her up and down on his cock, sending it into the farthest corners of her pussy. Her insides were so loose and soft and he knew she wasn’t so hot and wet because of the shower. With her bobbing up and down, Jenny ended their kiss and buried her face in the side of his neck, holding onto him for dear life. As she gave a continuous moan, Adrian let the hot water and the thick steam distort his senses, filling him with an eternal bliss. With the hot water running down every inch of his skin and Jenny pressed against him, he lost track of what his nerve endings were actually touching. His body was both numb and in a state of euphoria. He had to hold Jenny’s body with one arm and lean against the wall with his other, just to keep from falling. Adrian was shaken from his daze as Jenny released a particularly loud and shrill moan. He could feel her pussy clamping around his manhood as she had one climax after another. The euphoria caused by the shower and grip of Jenny’s pussy on his cock triggered an orgasm for him as well, and he countered Jenny’s orgasms but firing thick streams of semen up into her. Jenny leaned back against the wall of the shower, gasping for air. While her whole body was trembling, the vise-like grip of her arms and legs had not weakened. “I love you, Adrian, I love you so much,” she said, almost hysterically. “I love you too,” he murmured, brushing back strands of her hair and running his fingertips along her soft cheek. “Adrian, you misunderstood me in the bedroom. I didn’t want to do oral and anal for the physical feeling, I wanted to try them because I want to be close to you in every way possible. You said you didn’t want to try them because you felt like it separated us. On the contrary, my darling, it gives us another way in which we can be linked. If there is a way I can feel close to you, feel linked to you, and feel bound to you physically and emotionally, then I want to try it. I just want to feel you, my love, in every way possible. Every inch of my body belongs to you, and I want to feel you every way I can.” Adrian could actually hear the frustration and desperation in her voice, she even sounded like she was on the verge of tears. “That was beautiful, Jenny. And I promise, I will do anything to make you happy.” Adrian pulled his still-erect manhood out of her pussy and pressed it between the cheeks of her flawless ass. He guided the head to her asshole and slowly pushed it in, as gently and carefully as possible. Jenny instantly released a shrill squeal as the head of his cock slowly entered her. Her arms and legs tightened around him and she even bit his shoulder. “It’s ok, baby, it’s ok,” he whispered. Inch by inch, he slowly pushed his dick in all the way, with Jenny’s body trembling more and more. Once it was in all the way, he held it there for a minute so that Jenny could become accustomed to it. Unlike her pussy, which acted almost as a slit between the muscles of her left and right side, her anus applied pressure from all sides like a ring, and while her asshole was lubricated enough for his manhood to move inside it, it wasn’t nearly as slippery as her pussy. The incredible tightness and friction make it very difficult to move inside her, but he had to admit that it also felt absolutely amazing. Once her body became calm, Adrian slowly lifted her up and lowered her back down, driving his manhood up into her asshole. Jenny released a mix of a moan and shriek from the movement, but after the second and third time, she calmed down. He took his usual rhythm, using his arms to bob her up and down on the shaft of his cock. Jenny had let go of his neck and had her back against the wall of the shower, moaning like an opera singer as he drove his manhood up into her asshole over and over again. At last, after five minutes, Adrian and Jenny had a simultaneous orgasm. He emptied the last of his semen reserves into her asshole, filling her up until she was overflowing. Pussy juice and semen from his first orgasm flowed from Jenny’s cunt from her climax, with both their juices running down their legs. They stood in the shower for several minutes, letting the hot water wash it all away. At last, he turned off the shower and lowered Jenny to her feet, but she fell before she could even stand up. He crouched down, holding her hands. “Jenny, are you ok?” She just gave a sleepy smile. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. My whole body just feels like jelly. Could you grab me a robe?” Adrian opened up the shower door and stepped out into the steam-filled bathroom. He walked over to the towel closet and opened it, finding two guest robes. He put one on and brought the other to Jenny, helping her put it on. With her unable to walk, he put one arm under her back and the other under her knees and picked her up. Adrian stepped out of the bathroom with Jenny in his arms, the shower tapping out its last few drops. With her hand on the center of his chest and her face buried in the side of his neck, she was almost purring as he carried her to the bedroom. He gently laid her down on the bed and wrapped her in blankets, then climbed into the bed from the other side. He moved over and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. She rolled over and looked into his eyes, with her own eyes filled with love. “Adrian, this has been the most incredible year I have ever experienced. The night we first made love was the greatest day of my life, and every day after it has been better than the one before it. I’ve had so much fun traveling with you, fighting with you, and living with you as the center of my world. I love you, Adrian, and words can’t describe how happy you have made me.” “I love you too. Before I met you, I didn’t know what it meant to be happy, I didn’t know what it meant to feel love, and I didn’t know what it meant to not be alone. I was just existing, but now I can actually live. You have brought me more happiness and peace than any enlightenment or strength could.” “I love you,” they both said simultaneously. Then Jenny pressed herself against him, Adrian held her close, and they slowly began to fall asleep in each other’s arms. Chapter Nine “So what’s the plan for today?” Jenny asked as she ate her breakfast of fruit salad, brought up by room service. “We start hunting,” said Adrian, holding up a folder. He tossed it onto the table and several pictures slid out, men and women with the photos taken from varying locations and across years. “These are some of the people I need to get into contact with. In truth, I could easily contact them myself, but it’s better to hide how much information I have on them so that they’ll lower their guard as much as possible. Vegas is a frequent vacation spot for these people, so while I can admit to knowing about them when we meet, it is better that they not find out that I’m actually looking for them. It should just look like a matter of good fortune on our side.” “So we’ll search the casinos for them, staying just active enough to not stand out. We can’t go on winning streaks because the casino security will be on to us before we can even cash in our chips. We have to win big and lose often. Basically, we just have to act like a young rich couple with more money than brains that can be occasionally lucky,” said Jenny. Adrian grinned. “Correct. Now let’s finish eating and head downstairs.” The casino was quite extravagant, with bright chandeliers illuminating the casino floor, which was carpeted with an ornate flower area rug. Placed in key points, marble pillars were supporting the cathedral-style ceiling with a maze of slot machines and game tables stretched out across the floor. Their conversation was almost completely drowned out by the ringing of slot machines, jingling of coins and chips, and the calls of celebration or woe from the gamblers that flooded through the corridors of gambling tables. “Ok, give me a second to get into character. I need to summon my inner-dumb blonde,” Jenny said, closing her eyes and taking several deep breaths. “Oh his god! This is so much fun!” she exclaimed with an obnoxiously shrill tone and a goofy smile. “Just remember to surface for intelligence, I don’t want you to drown in the stupidity of the stereotype.” “Actually, I kind of like it this way. The world is so much happier when you think with your boobs instead of your brain,” she teased as she twirled her hair around her finger. “Jenny, you’re scaring me.” “You’re so easy to mess with.” Adrian had his face in his hands and was giving one sigh after another. He was in the Bellagio casino and had just lost a 100K at blackjack. The dealer had a smug look on his face at his suffering. “How did it come to this?” Adrian kept muttering. He still had 500K with him, but his recent loss had just left a huge crater in his pile of chips. “How about you quit while you’re ahead?” the dealer asked. “Hell no. If I’m going to go out, I’m going out in a blaze of glory. I’m all in.” “Oh, this is better than TV,” the dealer said as he handed Adrian two cards, flipping them both face-side-up, while he his own two cards facedown. Adrian gave a small but confident smile and tapped the table, having already figured out what the next card would be. “Are you sure? You have seventeen, it’s a lot more shameful to go overboard then to stop when you know you should,” the dealer asked, giddy with the hope that Adrian would fail. “Blaze of glory my friend, blaze of glory,” the young genius insisted, tapping again. The dealer sighed with a smile and handed him another facedown card, then flipped it over along with his cards and his jaw dropped when he saw it was a four. “Twenty-one! Hallelujah!” Adrian hollered, falling to his knees with his fists in the air. The dealer grudgingly pushed over his one million dollars in casino chips and Adrian poured them all into a plastic bag and strolled off. “Hmm, too easy,” he chuckled, returning to his normal personality. Jenny and Adrian had spent almost a week in Vegas, working the casinos like hacked computer games. They spent every day and night growing their fortune merely for the fun of it while keeping a lookout. With their genius intellects, they were able to win almost every game that was within their control. They were so good that all the money they purposefully lost was pure winnings. In fact, they had more than tripled the cash they had arrived in Vegas with. Along with gambling, they spent a lot of time touring around Vegas. They watched the fountain shows of the Bellagio, they went to see the Bodies Exhibit, looked around the Atomic Testing Museum, filled their stomachs at M&M’s World, walked around the Springs Preserve, toured the Titanic Artifact Exhibit, hiked through the surrounding canyons, drank and danced at the finest night clubs, tried their hand at golf, savored the cuisine of the fanciest restaurants, pampered themselves in the spas, and painted the town red. For the two teenage lovebirds, it was more fun than they had ever imagined Adrian was walking through the casino, searching for his desired targets. He and Jenny would have to leave the Bellagio tomorrow morning to cut down the chances of being identified, so he wanted to make one last sweep to make sure none of his targets were in the building. Approaching the craps tables, he heard a bet placed by someone with an Italian accent and came to a dead halt. He turned to the one who had placed the bet, gaining a maniacal smile. “Gotcha.” After Adrian cashed in his casino chips, Jenny met up with him and kissed him on the cheek. “That was a nice show you put on,” she said, both sweetly and sarcastically. “In my line of work, you really have to have keen acting skills. But I really got to lay off the drinks. I can’t tell if it makes my acting skills better or turns me into an actual idiot,” Adrian sighed as they stepped into the elevator. “Well if it does make your acting skills better, then it means we only have to wait for Marti Gras and you’ll be able to take over all of Hollywood. So how much did you make this round?” “You first.” “700K” she said proudly, opening up the paper bag with her cash in it. “That’s good, that’s good… But I made a million.” “No way!” “What do you know, women really do make seventy cents for every dollar a man makes!” Adrian joked, causing Jenny to laugh and elbow him in the ribs. It was two in the morning when they stepped into their room, but neither of them was very tired. “How about we rent a movie and pig out with some room service?” Adrian suggested. “That would be perfect,” Jenny said dreamily as she stepped into the bedroom. Adrian picked up the phone and dialed room service. “Hi, I’m in the third honeymoon suite. Could I get a serving of fried chicken, a bottle of rum with a two-liter bottle of Coke, and a couple of ice cream Sundays? Thank you.” Adrian sat down on the living room couch and turned on the TV. As he surfed through the list of on-demand movies, he heard Jenny come up behind him. She put her hands on his shoulders and he looked up with a smile. Jenny’s face was hidden by her huge breasts, which were covering his face. Adrian flicked his tongue between them, savoring the taste and softness. Jenny giggled and began massaging his shoulders. “Come on, baby, get out of those clothes and relax a little.” “That would be a pretty awkward moment when the food I ordered shows up.” “Suit yourself,” she pouted as she climbed over the couch and sat down, leaning against him. Adrian wrapped his arm around her and began working his fingers between her legs, making her hum and purr. Minutes after they started the movie, their food was delivered. Adrian tipped the bellhop and put the food down on the table. As per his unspoken promise, he undressed before sitting down, much to Jenny’s enjoyment. Jenny lied back against him with their naked bodies pressed together like two puzzle pieces, and they feasted while watching the movie. Eating fried chicken with Coke to wash it down while you watch a movie naked with your lover pressed against you in the Bellagio hotel is the greatest definition of Heaven. “Jenny, could you hand me a couple napkins please?” he asked as they ate their Sundays. As Jenny reached out to grab some napkins on the table, her Sunday fell over, covering her chest in ice cream, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup. “Oh, that’s cold!” “Are you ok?” he asked, moving out from under her. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m blocking it now,” she sighed, using willpower to keep the stinging of the cold from reaching her mind. Adrian smiled and leaned down, dragging his tongue up the center of her chest and licking up the ice cream and chocolate syrup. “Ooh!” she cooed before he kissed her. Adrian went back down, running his tongue up her chest and licking the ice cream. He wrapped his tongue around her left nipple, sucking on it hungrily. He then shifted to her right, savoring the taste of chocolate syrup that coated her breast. He kissed her again and she slipped her tongue between his lips, slurping the ice cream out of his mouth. Adrian suddenly jerked as he felt his dick submerged in something cold. He looked down and saw that while he had been kissing Jenny, she had grabbed his Sunday and… you know what she did. “Aw, come on! What did I do to you? Seriously, I wasn’t finished with it!” “Don’t worry baby, dessert is on me,” she said coyly as she gently pushed him onto his back. She crouched over me and poured the rest of the Sunday on his chest. She leaned down and took a broad lick, then moved up so that he could take a turn and lick some of the ice cream off of her. They moved back and forth, licking the ice cream off each other’s chests and cleaning each other with their tongues like a pair of affectionate cats. After Jenny licked every glob of ice cream and chocolate syrup off of his chest, she moved down and ran her tongue up the shaft of his erect cock. She traced the head with her tongue, teasing him, and then wrapped her lips around it, sucking on it gently. Before she could take the whole thing in her mouth, he stopped her and moved underneath her, getting into the 69 position. Adrian flicked his tongue between the lips of her wet pussy as she sucked on his cock like it was a Popsicle. With the whole thing in her mouth, he sent his tongue up inside her, burying his face in her pussy. Their chests and stomachs were constantly rubbing up against each other as Jenny lathered his phallus with saliva and licked it up in an endless cycle and he probed every hot wet corner of her soft pussy, going so deep that his nose was buried between the flower petal-like lips. As she massaged his cock with her tongue and cheeks, he was rubbing her back and shoulders, trying to give her a massage. Without warning, Jenny released his cock, leaving it with a thick coating of saliva. Her breathing was quick and shallow with arousal. She moved her pussy off of his face and onto his erect cock, grinding the soft lips against the shaft. They both got up, he on his knees and Jenny on all fours. Adrian guided his manhood to the lips of her wet pussy and forced it in, causing Jenny to gasp as he mounted her. With his hands on her hips, he began moving back and forth, driving his cock deep inside her. Jenny gave an ongoing mix of high and low moans with each thrust, for this new position allowed him to drive far deeper into a corner of her pussy that he hadn’t been able to explore much. He leaned forward, pressing his chest against her back, wrapped his arm diagonally across her chest, and rested his chin on her shoulder, trying to make as much contact as possible as he drove his cock in as fast as possible. “Oh god, Adrian! You’re driving me crazy!” she whined, holding onto the couch as if an earthquake was rocking the building. “Oh Adrian!” she moaned as they both had gushing orgasms, spraying each other with their juices. He leaned back, pulling out of her with a web of semen stretching from the head of his dick to the swollen lips of her pussy. Jenny collapsed, and they were both silent for several seconds as they both tried to catch their breath. Both the couch and they were a sticky mess of chocolate syrup, ice cream, and genetic material. “Jenny?” he panted. “Yeah?” “I think we need to take a shower.” Adrian was lying on his back on the shower floor with Jenny on top of him. His erect manhood was deep in her asshole and she was bouncing up and down on it with a high moan passing from between her lips. With the hot water of the shower on their bodies and extravagant erotic feeling of his phallus been driven up Jenny’s anus, their bodies were ecstatic with physical bliss. Jenny had one hand on the center of his chest for support and was running her other hand through her long golden hair, and Adrian was running his hands all over her body, giving her a full massage. With their bodies filled with both exhaustion and euphoria, it didn’t take much to trigger that last great orgasm. Jenny’s body was shaking like a leaf as Adrian shot countless jets of semen up inside her and she had climax after climax. Jenny collapsed on top of him, and he couldn’t help but softly laugh. Adrian turned off the water, and like with the first time they made love in the shower, he had to carry her to bed because her legs were shaking too much for her to walk. As he put her in the bed and lied beside her, Jenny rolled over to him. “Adrian, I know how important our plan is and I fully support it, but I would be lying if I said that I wouldn’t also love to just stay here and do this with you for the rest of our lives; play these casino’s so well that it’s tragic, retire to our honeymoon suit, and make sweet passionate love until we fall asleep from exhaustion.” “Well once the plan is complete, we can always come back here and do that. We can stay here in Vegas, get a nice penthouse, become rich—I mean richer, and give each other their hearts throughout the nights.” “I’m not lucky to have you, I’m blessed,” she said as she snuggled up against him and leaned her head on his shoulder. “Speaking of our plan, I was able to find one of my targets.” Jenny looked up at him. “Really?” “Yeah, I’m going to talk to him tomorrow if I can find him. Let’s just hope everything goes according to plan.” Adrian stood at a craps table, watching the game progress. On the other side of the table was his target. He had a shaved head and was dressed in a black business suit. “Hundred-grand on ten,” he said with his Italian accent, causing hushed muttering throughout the crowd. Several people placed similar bets, but at much smaller amounts. Before the dealer could throw the dice, Adrian spoke up. “I’ll match that bet.” The dealer raised his eyebrows and the dice were cast, rolling up ten. Loud cheering rang through the crowd as the winners were handed their money. “You’re quite the high roller,” the man said as they were each given a huge pile of chips. “You’re one to talk. What do you do in order to afford gambling such large amounts?” “I am a doctor, Dr. Anthony Alfonse. I am a family physician for wealthy clients all across Europe, and my services strike up generous payments.” “You’re clients, or CLIENT? Doctors of your skill and profession usually cling to one rich and ailing client, but act as more than just a family physician. For a doctor that makes house calls across Europe, I find it strange that you would be all the way out here in Las Vegas, because that would mean losing valuable business, not to mention the fact that your status as a family physician to many clients binds you to them, and it would be rare for them all to avoid sickness and injury. You’re on paid vacation, either from the hospital that you actually work at, or from your one rich client that gave you this vacation time. You would never be able to convince multiple clients to all give you vacation time.” No one was paying attention to them as the game continued, but Dr. Alfonse was glaring at him with suspicion. “Regardless of whether you are indeed a family physician or work at a hospital, the money you are throwing around shows that you are indeed well-known and well-respected. I’m looking for a business opportunity, and I’m sure someone of your profession and connections could help me out.” “And what do you do as a profession?” he asked, trying to figure out if he should flee. “I create medical and surgical machinery, among other things. In fact, I designed and built a revolutionary piece of technology that is being installed in hospitals around the globe. Someone of your stature should surely have heard of it. It is known as the Adroid.” The doctor’s eyes widened and Adrian nodded just as he was about to say his name. “Tell your client about what just happened here. I imagine he’ll want to contact me. By the way, do you like opera?” Jenny and Adrian were sitting in a dark theater, watching an opera with dinner. “Do you think he’ll show up?” Jenny asked as she ate her lobster. “He’ll definitely come.” Minutes after he spoke the words, Dr. Alfonse sat down on the other side of the table. “It seems that your technological and medical prowess precede you, Mr. Ashford. My client is very interested in doing business with you, and specifically told me to hunt you down the second I spoke your name. It seems the authorities weren’t the only ones searching for you,” he said calmly, but with distrust. “I imagine that your client will not be able to come out and meet me here in Vegas, due to his condition?” “That is correct. I have a limo waiting outside, with a teleconference system set up. He is very anxious to meet you, so if it is not too much to ask, will you please finish your meal and come with me?” Adrian turned to Jenny. “I’m all set, how about you?” “I’m ready to go. Just need to stop off at the bathroom and wash my hands,” she replied, wiping the butter from the lobster off her lips. “Ah, where are my manners? You must be Jenny Sinclair, I have heard that you are exceptionally beautiful, but the rumors do not do you justice,” Alfonse said, shaking her hand. Jenny giggled at the compliment. They walked out of the theater and climbed into a limo. The vehicle sped off the second the doors were closed. Inside, a computer with a mobile server had been hooked up the limo’s electrical system. It had both a microphone and a set of speakers for the teleconference. Dr. Alfonse turned on the computer and the image of an old man instantly appeared on the screen. He was in his early seventies and sitting in a wheelchair, and while he did appear to be sick, he did not have an oxygen tank with him, but both of his arms were in slings. “Mr. Ashford and Ms. Sinclair, allow him to introduce you to—” “Professor Demetri Medici, professor of history at Pontifica Università Gregoriana, the Pontifical Gregorian University in Vatican City. You are also the chairman of the largest bank in Europe,” Adrian interrupted. Everyone stared at him with disbelief. “How do you know who I am?” Professor Medici asked with a dead-serious tone. “Because I’ve been watching you, all of you, just like how you’ve been watching me. People like me with genius intellects have been on the watch-list of your group for decades, and I know when I’m being followed. Imagine my surprise when I find your handler here.” Jenny tried to hide her sly grin of amusement, while both Alphonse and Medici stiffened. Adrian wasn’t holding back this time; hiding the fact that he was well-stocked with information would only incriminate him, but he had to maintain the appearance that this meeting was purely coincidental. “And what group exactly do you think I am in?” “The group with the same symbol as your doctor’s ring.” Jenny switched her gaze to Alfonse’ ring and gasped when she recognized the symbol. “The Freemasons?” she asked, gripping his arm. “That’s correct. But contrary to popular belief, the Freemasons don’t do anything to shape this world and never have, but they do indeed keep their eyes open and watch everything. Ever since my IQ topped 300 and I began building surgical technology, the masons have been keeping a close tab on me,” he said to her, making sure that everyone could hear. “Don’t play innocent. Ever since my IQ reached 300 and I began building surgical technology, the Illuminati have been keeping a close tab on me.” “Then it seems that the status quo has changed. I will not insult you by denying your claims, but I was told you want to make a business deal, and I would prefer to get straight to business.” “Of course. Now from my information on you, you are currently suffering from a disease that is causing severe clotting in your extremities. Seeing as how you are already in that wheelchair and both your arms are in slings, I would say that the disease has already progressed and is beginning to cause muscle death. I also know that many of your “business partners” are also suffering from the same disease.” “That is correct. My disease is the result of an assassination attempt. The CEO of a bio-weaponry company exposed us to one of his diseases because they refused to let him become a member. I’m just glad that he overestimated the power of his disease. Your sources of information are as impressive as you are. How much experience do you have with surgical procedures?” “A fair amount. For years, I have read and memorized almost every medical and surgical book I could get my hands on. I have also preformed hundreds of dissections on animals that passed away in pet stores, spent ours performing digital autopsies online, and have blueprints of the human body secured in my memory.” “And your technical skills speak for themselves. Now, as you have said, my disease is creating blood clots in my extremities and causing muscle death. The disease does not affect the rest of my body and the clots break up before they can spread, but my limbs are wasting away. I have already had my feet amputated before they could become gangrenous, and my hands won’t last much longer. I am fine with regular prosthetics on my legs, but to lose use of both my hands would be devastating to the life I live. I would lose the ability to do anything on my own. The loss of my hands is inevitable, but what can be done afterwards is what is important. Adrian Ashford, here is my business proposition: I want you to remove my hands and give me mechanical replacements, using your skills as an engineer. As you said, several of my “business partners” have the same disease, and they too want the same procedure done.” Jenny turned to Adrian and saw that he had a small smile on his face. ‘Everything is going according to plan, down to every last detail.’ “And what exactly will I get in return for my services? As you said, you don’t want to lose your hands and with them lose the freedom of being able to do things on your own. I imagine your “business partners” feel the same way. What are you and your friends willing to pay for freedom and physical independence, and even more, your lives?” “Safe asylum in Vatican City and payment of a hundred million dollars in whatever form of currency you would like.” “That is a very generous deal, but that isn’t quite what I would like. Instead of the hundred million dollars, I want IN.” Everyone looked at him with confusion. “In? In what? You want to become a Freemason? Well there are easier ways to become a Freemason than—” “No, not a Freemason. I mean higher up,” Adrian said, interrupting Medici. The limo was silent for several moments. “You can’t honestly mean…” “You said that you wouldn’t insult me my denying my claims, and I have been correct on every single matter. I wouldn’t even be here if I wasn’t absolutely sure that I was right on this matter.” “If you honestly think it exists, then you are a lot less intelligent than a thought you were,” Medici laughed. “Don’t lie to me. You’re almost 160 IQ points short of being able to lie to me.” Medici lost his smile. “You want to become a member of the Illuminati,” he said with his tone serious. Jenny gripped Adrian arm. “The Illuminati?! You mean the group that conspiracy theorists have been raving about for decades?” “The very same. I’ve been watching their movements for years, knowing that they’ve also been watching mine. It’s a myth that the Freemasons control the world, but the Freemasons themselves are under the commands of a tight ring of intellectuals known as the Illuminati. While it is true, there are only a handful of people, including myself, that are not in the Illuminati but know that it is undeniably true and have even seen the proof. Just because those conspiracy theorists happen to say something that is true, doesn’t mean that they themselves are correct. Just like the Freemasons, they take absolutely no action in the events of the world. They have a strict rule to never intervene, unless it is in the face of complete annihilation. But every member of the Illuminati must have both an incredibly high IQ and be in a position of incredible political or economic power, or have strong connections to someone with incredible political or economic power. Along with teaching history in Vatican City, Professor Medici here is also a board member of one of the greatest banks in all of Europe. All of his friends with the disease that plagues him are in the Illuminati as well. That bio-weaponry CEO didn’t want to join the Freemasons, he wanted to join the Illuminati. So do we have a deal?” “I will have to convene with the other members. The limo driver will bring you to an airport where Dr. Alfonse’ jet is waiting. I will have an answer by the time you get there. If you are allowed in, get on the jet and we will fly you out immediately.” “Before you go, I have one final demand: Jenny must be allowed in as well. I’m not doing anything without her. She and I have been killing criminals across the country. I’ve brought her up to my level of intellect and physical abilities. Believe me when I say she is smarter than everyone in the Illuminati.” Jenny wrapped her fingers around his hand and kissed him on the cheek. “Very well,” Professor Medici said dryly before the computer was turned off. “Dr. Alfonse, tell the driver we need to stop at the Bellagio so that Jenny and I can collect our things “I hope they agree, I would love to see Vatican City,” Jenny said dreamily as they packed their things. “Not just Vatican City, we’ll be able to tour all across Europe. Venice, France, London, Berlin…” “Maybe a quick stop in Amsterdam.” “Whores and drugs? Eh, not my cup of tea.” “I just love you so much,” she giggled as she kissed him on the cheek. After the kiss, she just stared at him with a tender smile on her face. “What is it?” “I just can’t believe you’ve had this all planned out from the very beginning. Everything has come together so well that it is almost as if you could read the future.” “Humans are predictable, and the smarter you are, the easier it is to see the root causes of every action that they make. The Illuminati may be filled with some of the smartest people on Earth, but my record is not a mere novelty. Not even they can stand up to me.” “All this to join the Illuminati. You really are a strange man.” “Well joining the Illuminati is only part of my plan, and once that plan is finished, they will all become obsolete. Once everything is done, I will rebuild the Illuminati. The current members have become corrupt and decadent, only changing the world in their favor instead of for its betterment. I will rebuild the world and the Illuminati; that is a guarantee. It’s time for a change, and nothing will escape the revolution. I’ll use those fools up and then toss them aside like garbage.” “I love when you talk like a villain,” Jenny purred. As they walked through the Bellagio lobby with the bellhop carrying their luggage, the woman behind the desk repeatedly switched her gaze between her computer screen and two teens. She was reading an article on a news website and it was about the string of massacres spread out across the country, with their pictures below the headline. “Oh my god,” she gasped as she recognized the two teens. As she picked up the phone, Jenny, the bellhop, and Adrian stepped out into the street. Adrian handed the bellhop ten bucks and he left them with their luggage. “Adrian…” Jenny began. Only with their fully utilized hearing could they hear the woman behind the desk. “I know; she’s calling the police. We can’t let them figure out where we’re going,” Adrian said as he walked over to Dr. Alfonse. “The police are on the way, we’ll meet you at the airport.” Handed Adrian’s car keys, Alfonse nodded and climbed back into the limo. As he sped off, Jenny and Adrian calmly made their way to the parking area. The sounds of police sirens could be heard in the distance. “I’ll draw their attention and lead them away. Once the coast is clear, get to the airport. I’ll meet you there,” Adrian instructed. “Adrian, don’t fight them. They aren’t criminals and there is no telling what they are armed with.” Before replying, Adrian opened up one of their luggage bags and pulled out his black coat. The pockets and interior were filled with darts, and his sheathed lance was wrapped up in it. He had only enough time to put on his bulletproof shirt before wrapping himself in his coat. “Don’t worry, this will not be my last stand. Go inside and hijack a car. I’ll block the road and then you come out and try to run me over. You’ll just look like a scared bystander trying to get away.” While Jenny ran off with their bags to find a good car to take, Adrian calmly walked out into the middle of the street, which had been cleared as the police approached. As the squad of police cars sped down the Vegas Strip towards him, Adrian reached into his pockets and pulled out several darts. Once the cars were in range, he took careful aim and threw the spikes with devastating power. The first car that was struck had its lights blown out and the windshield filled with cracks, making it impossible to see through. It crashed into a parked car and the siren fell silent as the airbags inflated and slammed into the officers inside. The second car that was struck had the left rearview mirror ripped off. The driver instinctively swerved to the left, exposing his right front tire. A well-placed dart popped the tire, causing the front-right corner of the vehicle to sink. With the vehicle’s weight and inertia being focused on that lower corner, the car swerved out of control and flipped over. Adrian threw four darts at the third car, using the first two to shatter the windshield and the third and fourth to stab the cops in the front seats. The darts had only struck their shoulders and the wounds were shallow, but the car swerved out of control and crashed into a parked van. The three cop cars were now blocking the road, and as per his instructions, Adrian could hear Jenny driving towards him at top speed. Adrian jumped out of the way of the stolen car and watched Jenny speed away, knowing that she was worried about him but also had faith. He took a deep breath and sprinted away from the wrecks, running out onto the next road and fleeing into the alley across the street from the Bellagio. His senses were on full alert as he counted every audible siren and tried to figure out their location and distance. Identifying the location and distance of each was like an equation, with compensations for sound waves bouncing off buildings and cars and being distorted by background noise as the variables. He was working on dozens of these equations at once in his mind, and using them to create a mental map of the city, with the locations of cop cars marked. Adrian ran out into a busy street, filled with people and cars. Keeping low to the ground and parallel to the road, he sprinted down the sidewalk, shooting past everyone in his path and maneuvering through the crowds. In his mind, he was calculating the fastest route to the airport while avoiding the police. In a matter of seconds, he plotted out the full route and formed his plan. He needed to cut across the next intersection, but it was filled with cars moving at fast speeds. Adrian stepped out into the street and used his sense of hearing and sight to identify every car in the four streets leading to the intersection. After plotting out the course and speed of every car and creating a mental simulation of distance-to-speed ratios, Adrian took a deep breath and climbed up onto a parked car. People on the sidewalk stared at him as he stood on the roof of the car, looking down the street. As a car passed by, Adrian jumped into the air and landed on the roof. Before the driver could slam his feet on the brakes, Adrian jumped to the next car, and then a third. Moving as fast as lightning, he jumped from car to car, moving before the drivers could come to a stop. At the intersection, Adrian jumped from the roof of a sedan, to a van, and then up onto a tourism bus. He ran across the roof of a bus and jumped onto the next car. Down the street, a police siren lit up on the roof of a black mustang. However, it was a single siren that could be placed and removed at any time, not a pair of sirens like on a police cruiser. Inside were Agents Mason and Hoffman. “Hmm, interesting, so they were able to predict I’d be here,” Adrian smirked. He jumped off the bus and onto the next van as the traffic opened up for the disguised cop car. Jumping from car to car, he ran away from the two FBI agents as they tried to get through the chaotic traffic. In only a few seconds, they broke free of the intersection and sped after him, driving down the middle of the road with all of the cars moving out of the way. He smiled as they approached and jumped into the air, landing on the hood of their car. They stared in disbelief as Adrian looked down at them with a devious smile. Before they could react, he drew his lance and pierced the windshield, reaching down and piercing Agent Mason who was behind the wheel. Adrian stabbed him in the gut, intentionally missing all of his internal organs and innards to slow him down. Coughing up blood, Mason stomped on the brakes, sending Adrian flying off the hood of the car. In midair, he took control of his trajectory, altered his flight pattern, and landed on his feet. He winced from the sensation of a twisted ankle. Landing on the hood of the speeding car and then on the ground like that had done a number on his joints. Adrian was lucky it wasn’t broken, but he would need some time to ease the strain before being able to run again. Blocking pain was one thing, but he always had to be aware of injuries that could slow him down or increase in severity if ignored. Moving as fast as his ankle would allow, Adrian fled down the street and ducked into the next alley. “Go after him, I’ll be fine!” Mason said, gripping his bleeding stomach. “You aren’t fine, that bastard stabbed you!” Hoffman yelled as he pulled a first aid kit out of the glove compartment. “Listen, he was limping away. This is our best chance to catch him! He ducked into the next alley, go get him while we still have the chance!” Mason said, spitting up blood. Hoffman finally nodded and climbed out of the car. With his gun in hand, he ran down the sidewalk towards the alley. In the alley, Adrian was sitting on a trashcan, trying to loosen up the muscles in his ankle so that it wouldn’t hurt to run on it. A bullet struck the brick wall above him, missing his head by only a few inches. Adrian jumped to his feet and looked down the alley, spotting Agent Hoffman. “You’re under arrest for mass-murder and aggravated assault against my partner.” “Your partner will be fine, that was not a lethal wound. He was an obstacle in my path and I just needed him out of my way. I don’t want to kill the innocent, especially law enforcement. However, I cannot allow my plans to be detoured by the FBI,” Adrian said calmly as he slowly drew his lance, with Agent Mason’s blood still dripping from the end. “I don’t care what your plans are, this ends tonight,” he said as pulled the trigger of his gun. Adrian had more than enough time to react and defend himself in the split second between when Hoffman tightened the muscles in his finger and when the hammer of the gun struck the bullet. Like countless times before, he imagined a beam of red light shining out of the agent’s gun, telling him exactly where it was aimed. With inhuman speed, Adrian moved his lance in the bullet’s path before the firing pin could even strike the primer, compensating for recoil and other variables. The bullet was fired, moving through the air so fast that not even his eyes could catch it, but it did not matter. The bullet struck his lance and was deflected, falling to the ground as a piece of crumpled metal. Agent Hoffman desperately emptied his entire clip, but Adrian’s reflexes allowed him to block and deflect every one. “You are out of your league, detective. I have evolved to a point where your guns are useless against me. While we are of the same species, we are worlds apart in every aspect. I suggest you leave to tend to your partner, before you end up like him.” Releasing a roar of anger, Agent Hoffman drew an extending police baton and charged towards him, about to swing it from the side. “You’re full of openings,” Adrian muttered as he reached out with his lance. As the agent swung his arm to strike him with the baton, the tip of Adrian’s lance pierced his elbow, driving between the bones and cartilage, completely stopping his attack like a wrench thrown into an engine. Hoffman shouted in agony and fell to his knees. “Had I been serious with that counterattack, I could have sent the lance in all the way and completely severed your forearm. The bones in your elbow would have been crushed, the nerves torn, and the muscles ripped apart. No surgeon would be able to reattach it. I’ll say this again: leave before you end up like your partner. My plans are too important for me to be wasting time with you.” As Adrian walked away, Agent Hoffman pulled out a stun gun and pulled the trigger. Two barbs were launched from the end, connected by long wires. They lodged themselves in Adrian’s coat but there was no effect. Adrian turned back to the agent. “Nice try, but I made this coat to not just stop pullets. It’s also fireproof, airtight, and it insulates me from electric charges. And even if those barbs hit me, I can block pain, so the most you’d give me is some harmless muscle stimulation.” “What the hell are you planning?” Hoffman cursed as he got to he feet. “I can’t tell you. If word were to get out as to what my plans are, my associates would never let me continue,” Adrian said if he walked away. “Tell me what you’re planning, goddammit!” Hoffman yelled as he charged towards him, about to punch him with his good hand. Adrian turned around and caught his wrist, completely stopping him. Hoffman was a very large man, with a great amount of strength in his punches, but his power was nothing compared to the adolescent’s. “You want to know? Fine,” Adrian said before stabbing him in the thigh with his lance. He howled in pain and fell to the ground, holding his leg. “However, once I tell you, I will kill you. As I said, I can’t afford to let my plans be known by anyone, especially my associates. For the price of death, are you still willing to hear his plans?” Hoffman was silent. “Very well. Agent Mason, I hope you heard that, because you’re my witness.” Adrian then stabbed through Hoffman’s coat on his right side, destroying his radio, which had been set to receive and transmit the conversation. Hoffman cursed at how easily Adrian saw through his ploy. “Now that no one can listen in, I will tell you the truth. I have recently become a member of a very powerful society, one that people laugh at as a myth without knowing its true power. The group I am talking about is the Illuminati, the puppeteers of the Freemasons.” “You can’t be serious.” “The Illuminati do exist and their influence reaches all around this globe. While they have the potential to change the world, they only use a small amount of their potential, allowing genocides and wars to continue even though they have the means to end them. I will take command of the Illuminati and change that. I will use their power and connections to bring about my plan.” “And what the hell is your plan?” the crippled detective asked angrily. “Bringing the world to the brink of death and installing international peace. I plan on crippling the major superpowers of the globe and giving nuclear weapons to every country on Earth.” Hoffman stared at him wide-eyed. “How the hell will that bring world peace?! It will only doom us all!” “On the contrary. By spreading power throughout the nations of the world, I will create the ultimate force to prevent war: fear. Anger and greed create wars, but fear can prevent them. Nuclear weapons have taken this role and performed beautifully. For example: after WWII, everyone believed the US and Russia would fight each other, people were making bomb shelters in their back yards before atomic bombs were even invented. The war between America and Russia was inevitable, yet something stopped it, and that something was the atomic bomb. With the atomic bomb in America’s arsenal, Russia stepped down its aggravated attempts of control out of fear, and when Russia achieved nuclear power, America did the same, bringing the two all-powerful nations to a stalemate. Such was the Cold War, though through my eyes, I see it as the Cold Peace. If it weren’t for the fact that America was more paranoid about communism than Russian nuclear strikes, we could have avoided fighting in Vietnam, Korea, and other countries, and the Cold War would have acted as the perfect example of peace instilled by fear. I plan on recreating that status quo but on a worldwide scale. After the fall of the Soviet Union, literally thousands of Russian nuclear bombs went missing. Who else would possess all of those bombs other than the Illuminati? Once I get my hands on those nukes and the Illuminati’s connections, I will distribute them to every country on earth. Consider this; since the end of WWII, has the US waged any war on a country with nuclear weapons? Russia? Pakistan? North Korea? Ever since nuclear power went up for grabs, no two nuclear countries have declared open war on each other, out of fear of a nuclear exchange. However, America alone has invaded countless countries without nuclear weapons because they had nothing to fear. Few people realize just how many countries the United States actually have troops stationed in, but imagine if I gave all those countries the ability to tell the US we’ve overstayed our welcome. By giving every nation on earth nuclear weapons, every country will have equal power. No one would dare wage war on another country if there was a possibility of retaliation.” “But what about countries controlled by madmen, or terrorists taking one of those bombs?! If nuclear weapons become more available, nuclear war will be unavoidable!” “Along with the corporate world, I have also infiltrated the third world. I’ve stabilized a dozen countries already, using my wealth to replace chaos and famine with schools and infrastructure. More than that, I’ve set up dozens of rebel groups around the world. Armed, trained, and loyal to me, they are ready to overthrow their governments upon my order. The world will think it was simple human strength that overthrew the evil regimes, but it will have all been me, installing my own puppet regimes so I can pull the strings and keep the world safe. I’ve established mercenary armies in Africa, I’ve sold weapons to terrorists that are rigged to blow with the push of a button, and I’ve overthrown several tyrants. Believe me, I’ve thought this through and been working on this for a long time. I plan on giving every country only a very small number of nuclear bombs, so small that you could count them all on one hand. With only a small arsenal to look after, there will be no chance of any of the nuclear bombs going missing like after the fall of the Soviet Union. Unstoppable security measures will be put in place on each bomb, ensuring that they will never be stolen or lost. If one country outside of my control does indeed decide to wage nuclear war on another country, its number of targets will be incredibly small. Consider all of the major cities in America; the nation would still be able to survive if a few of them were lost during a nuclear exchange. If two countries wage war on each other, the exchange will be very brief, and the will to fight would be crushed under the loss of life. If a brief nuclear war starts, there will be almost no chance of other countries wanting to get involved. It won’t be like a bar fight where one guy punches another guy and it turns into a domino affect. If two countries wage war, the nuclear exchange would make examples out of them, and other countries would be too terrified to make the same mistake. I will force the great nations of the globe into submission and forever deflate their overblown egos. With all of the countries equal, war will become obsolete, and peace will be installed, whether people like it or not.” “But that’s not peace! That’s just fear and pain crushing everyone, all forced to live under your heel and the threat of nuclear war!” Hoffman yelled defiantly. “Exactly; peace. That is the only peace that can be established in this world of ours. I am not a misanthrope, but that doesn’t mean I’m not aware of humans’ ignorance and barbarity in this modern age and all throughout history. Humans are like junkyard dogs; the only way to keep them from snapping at each other is to lock them up. Your definition of peace is a delusion created out of denial of human nature. As an agent of the FBI, can you honestly tell me that humans are capable of understanding each other and being happily at peace? Do you really think that our modern societies have a chance at achieving peace, when history has proven us incapable?” They were both silent for several seconds. “Before I met Jenny, my experience in a public high school was a very peculiar one. I was given the nickname Adroid because of my cold logic and inhuman personality. She once asked me how I could be so harsh and calculating, and I replied by stating I choose to see the world and solve problems in the way a machine would. That is the source of my new movement, the movement to put an end to foolish humanitarianism and idiocy. It is time for us to stop letting our emotions dictate our lives and start using true logic. Nationality, religion, and ethnicity can no longer hold any value whatsoever if we are ever to have peace, with or without my plan. With fear breathing down the neck of every national leader, the desire to wage war will be crushed under the inevitable repercussions of nuclear retaliation, and with the military strength of every nation forcefully equalized, a new world order can be planted in the cracks caused by the revolution. The intention of my plan will flow down into the protocols of every country: use fear to bring peace. Governments will crack down on crime like never before, driving fear into those who break the law and suppressing their urge to destroy, yet they will also be cautious, fearing the retaliation of the public if they go too far with their desire to crush law-breaking. Humans cannot create peace for a human world; there is too much moronic selfishness and dramatic emotions. Just look in on a session of Congress and you’ll see that we cannot let this world continue in the way it has been. Humans’ faulty logic and humanitarian idealism block the key to true peace, and only with the mind of a machine can those obstacles be removed and peace achieved. You can’t just set the human race off with a new beginning and hope it makes good decisions. You have to set up barriers that will keep it in check long after you have died. For me, those barriers are fear and control. The human race is like a child; it needs its parents to make the right decisions for it because it is incapable of making the correct choices for itself. Humans may have created machines, but since machines will someday surpass humans, they must act as parents of the human race, and only with machine logic can the safety of the human race be ensured. I forsook my machine side to be with the one I love, but I did not lose my view of this world and my logic. I have the body of a man and the mind of a machine, so I can see the path to peace, and should I fail, then at least the world will be united against me as a common enemy. That is my plan, Agent, and as I said before, I cannot let you live now that you have heard it,” Adrian said as he raised his lance. The agent looked up at him, trying to think of an argument he could make. “I would have preferred to kill as few innocent people as possible, but you refused to move out of my path. I am sorry, but I must silence you for the sake of peace.” “You’re late,” Jenny said with a smile as she sat on the hood of the car she had taken. Behind her was Dr. Alfonse’ private jet, ready to take off. “Sorry, I wanted to play one last round of blackjack, then I got on a winning streak… and now I’m bankrupt,” Adrian joked as he walked over to her. “I have good news, they accepted us. We’re now members of the Illuminati. All according to plan huh?” “A few steps off, but pretty much according to plan.” “Our stuff has been loaded onto the jet. I guess it’s time to get going,” she said with a hint of sadness. “Don’t worry, darling, we’ll come back here some day. We’ll come back, tour America again, work the Vegas casinos, visit our hometown, and do whatever we want. We have all the time in the world. I know it feels weird to be leaving home.” “I’m not leaving home. For me, home is wherever you are,” she said sweetly. “Oh my god, that is so corny.” Laughing to point that she couldn’t breathe, Jenny shoved him off of the car. Dr. Alfonse stepped out of the jet and walked over to them. “Mr. Ashford, Ms. Sinclair, I suggest we leave.” “Of course, we’re ready to go,” Adrian said as he stood up. Jenny and Adrian climbed up the stairs and stepped into the private jet. They took two seats facing each other and couldn’t help but smile as the plane took off. Dr. Alfonse then walked over to them. “We’re going to stop on the eastern coast to refuel, refuel again in England, and from there, we’ll head to Vatican City.” As he walked away, Adrian turned to Jenny. “We’re on our way.” Chapter Ten: Jenny and Adrian gave a wide yawn once the plane shook them awake. They had left the US behind and landed in Vatican City, their new home. Outside, the towering cathedrals and obelisks were reaching up to the late-morning sun. Down on the airport tarmac, a limo was waiting for them. Jenny and Adrian looked at each other and smiled, both giddy and nervous. They stepped out of the plane with their luggage, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the fresh air. The limo driver quickly took their luggage and loaded it into the back for them. Dr. Alfonse, Jenny, and Adrian climbed inside, and found Professor Medici sitting near the back of the cabin. The doors were closed and the limo quickly began moving forward. “I must say, Mr. Ashford, you’re terms were steep. It took a lot of convincing to get the other members to accept you both into the Illuminati without any previous affiliation. However, once we looked into your history and considered what you could offer us, they all accepted. However, if you want to keep your membership, you will both have to continuously have something to offer. While I wish our first meeting hadn’t been so… interrogative, I do believe that you will be a vital key to the future of the Illuminati.” “Thank you. I’m glad that there are no negative feelings.” “You’re welcome,” he said as the limo drove down the beautiful Roman streets. “Now, I’m here to inform you as to your entitlements and benefits as a member of the Illuminati, as well as responsibilities. Let me first make it clear that as long as you work WITH the Illuminati, you work FOR the Illuminati. As a member, you will not receive any payment for your services. We’ll have nothing to do with your finances, and unless an individual is giving you a personal loan, you will not get any money from other members. However, as long as you work for the Illuminati, you will have access to the benefits and perks of all members. Such examples include free vacations, flights to any location, tax exemption, medical care, and anything else owned by another member. In terms of your personal activities, the Illuminati doesn’t care about what you do, as long as there is no way it can be traced back to us. However, if the Illuminati council has a strong disagreement with your actions, then you’ll have two options; stop what you’re doing or leave the Illuminati. We refuse to be affiliated with drug cartels, warlords, slave traffickers, or anything else like that. It took a lot for us to overlook your already… bloodstained… history. That is mostly all you need to know as a new member of the Illuminati. You will learn more later, but we’ve covered all of the important things. Now, allow us to discuss the procedure…” “Well I was able to come up with designs on the flight here, so all I need is the time and resources to build them. Once I get the required materials, I can have the pair ready in… a week. But I will also need x-rays and scans of your arms, because I need a lot of details in order to make sure that the prosthetics will fit.” “Of course, Anthony can have those delivered by tomorrow. Now, in our agreement, I said that you two would be granted safe asylum. Not only will you be protected by both the sovereignty of Italy and Vatican City, but you will also be granted free housing. In fact, ownership of a chateau just went up for grabs…” Jenny grabbed Adrian’s hands and stopped breathing the second she heard the word ‘chateau’. “An elderly widower passed away a few days ago in the hospital, but he had no family and no will in which to leave his possessions to any of his friends. Since the property has not been left to anyone, its ownership has fallen to the bank, the bank that I am a board member of. Basically, the house and all of the possessions belong to you two. I have also acquired a serviceman who will run errands and act as a driver.” Jenny gripped Adrian’s arm and couldn’t help but give a very girlish squeal, causing everyone to laugh. “We’ll bring the scans tomorrow, use the rest of the day to make yourselves comfortable and do some sight-seeing,” Professor Medici said before the door closed and limo drove away. Jenny and Adrian were standing in front of a two-story mansion with their luggage beside them. The chateau was situated in and looked out over the Vatican Gardens, was made of white granite bricks, and had a rose window above the door, just like a cathedral. With its location in the Vatican Gardens, it was just a short-walk away from the city streets but granted privacy. It had a large water fountain out front with a long gravel driveway and a gated entrance. They opened up the door and stepped inside, gazing at the chandelier that hung from the vaulted ceiling, the art that decorated the walls, and the flawless marble tiles making up the floor. Laughing with excitement, Jenny jumped up into Adrian’s arms, kissing him wildly. Adrian was as excited as she was, for not only were they finally safe from the authorities, but they were home. They didn’t have to run anymore, they could live out their lives in Rome. They finally had a home that they could call their own. They brought their luggage inside and explored the house. In the chateau’s entryway was a large marble staircase in line with the front door. The steps were covered in a red carpet, and at the second level, the staircase split to the left and right at perpendicular angles, and then turned into balcony walkways that allowed access to the second story rooms. There were several large pillars built into the balconies, supporting them and the roof. Along the staircase were wide handrails, with bronze statues set at each corner. There were two doors, one to the left of the main entryway and one to the right. They stepped through the left door and entered an expansive den, holding several easy chairs, an L-shaped couch, a large fireplace, and a huge flat-screen TV. Bureaus and shelves lined the wall, filled with antiques of several different collections. At the far end of the room was a fully-stocked bar, with a large cabinet filled with well almost a hundred bottles of aged wine and liquor. Near the front windows was a large billiards table. The den was obviously used as a smoking room, because the air had the sweet and musty odor of cigars. They moved to the back of the chateau and stepped into the kitchen. The kitchen had rosewood cabinets and shelves, onyx tabletops, an island table, a spotless stove, and a spice rack that was the size of a bookshelf. The previous owner either loved to cook or had a very talented chef. There was a door in the front of the kitchen, leading to a room beneath the staircase. It was the downstairs bathroom. The back of the kitchen had a vast expanse of windows, letting sunlight stream in and granting a view of the courtyard outside. The courtyard was blocked off on all sides by walls, evidence that the chateau was twice as large as they had originally thought. In the center of the courtyard was a large fountain like the one in front of the house, sending up a jet of water. The ground around it was made of yellow sandstone bricks, with moss and grass growing between them. The walls around the courtyard were covered in crawling vines and moss. There were three doors along the back of the kitchen, two of which leading off the other half of the chateau, with the third as the entrance to the courtyard. They moved to the back-right corner of the front of the house and entered a massive dining room. Like the kitchen, the table was made of red rosewood with a black onyx surface. One wall was lined with windows, letting the sunlight stream in, and along the other wall were shelves and cabinets full of china, silverware, napkins, tablemats, candlesticks, and etc. They stepped into the front-right corner of the first floor, just to the right of the entryway. This room held the lounge, but unlike the other rooms, it was circular and the ceiling went all the way up to the roof. The half of the circular wall that was part of the building’s outer surface had nothing but windows, all with colored glass. With two levels of colored windows occupying two sides of the chateau’s corner, the room was illuminated with an endless rainbow of different shades and hues. Across the room from the windows was another fountain, stretching up to the ceiling. It was built to resemble a waterfall, with water running down a surface of twisted blue and purple glass. Down at the bottom of the fountain was a bed of stones, with the drain hidden underneath. The glass surface was slanted ever so slightly, so that the water wouldn’t be sprayed out when it was released from the top and not splash when it reached the stones. The slow rate of the fountain and the grooves in the glass also made sure that the water would not spray or splash. The light from the windows reflected off and was distorted by the wall of water running down the glass, fusing the colors in ways that not even Adrian could describe. In the center of the room was a large grand piano made of ebony wood, with ivory keys and a flawlessly maintained surface. It had obviously been played often, though it had been taken care of so well that its condition was even better than those that had never been played. They moved back to the entryway and climbed up the stairs with smiles on their faces. Again, they started by checking out the left side of the house, moving from the split staircase and onto the catwalk that lined the side of the second story. Just past the final step of the staircase was an open doorway on the right, granting access to one of the hallways connecting the two parts of the chateau. All of the doors on the left catwalk were entrances to guest bedrooms, each with a personal bathroom, a queen-sized bed, a bureau, closet, and a gas stove for heating. Jenny and Adrian moved to the right side of the house and opened the only door. They stepped into a vast library, with well over a thousand books on countless subjects. In the corner were two easy chairs and lamps for reading, along with towering windows to let in sunlight. The walls were wood-paneled instead of being made with plaster, between the two easy chairs was a gas fireplace (built with extra security and safety due to its surroundings), and hanging from the ceiling was a chandelier. The library was so large that it made up the whole upper-right quarter of the building. There was a door in the corner that granted access to a hallway leading to the other half of the chateau. In the opposite corner was a narrow spiral staircase, leading up to the roof. Walking down the hall, they passed the courtyard down below and turned, where the two hallways on either side of the second floor converged into a perpendicular hallway with a set of twin doors at the center. In front of the doors was a spiral staircase, leading down to the first floor. Stepping through the twin doors, they walked down another short hallway and came into the master bedroom. The far wall was a massive bay window that looked out over Vatican Gardens and the ceiling was raised, and set in the middle of the room was the king-sized bed with silk sheets and blankets, each with thread counts of over eight-hundred, all of which brand new and never used, just like the mattress. Behind the headboard sat two bureaus back to back that had originally been filled with clothes, and on each side of the bed was a nightstand. In the far corner was another spiral staircase leading up to the roof. The short hallway that they had come through passed two smaller rooms within the master bedroom. One was a closet that had originally been filled with the former owner’s clothes, along with blankets, sheets, and towels, all brand new. The second was the master bathroom. Unlike the other rooms of the house, which had been painted with bright colors, the walls of the bathroom had been painted with deep soothing blues, and were even adorned with shells and pictures of angels. Next to the door was a long marble counter with a wide mirror and silver sink. Beside it was the toilet, and in the back of the room was a combination of a hot tub and a shower. It was a large circular porcelain bath with a wooden foundation, water jets, and seats like a hot tub, but up above was a huge showerhead and in the corner was a drain. The showerhead was large enough to pour as much water as a fire hose. Behind the hot tub was a bay window with curtains for privacy or to just control the light, and around it were candles, soaps, and oils. Going back down, they climbed down the spiral staircase to the first floor, entering a vast studio workshop for creating works of art of all types. There were several tables spread throughout the room, each covered in tools and paints, as well as blocks of modeling clay that had gone dry, half-finished statues, and bare canvases waiting to be turned into beautiful pictures. Against the wall was a long workbench, buried under tools for woodworking, all sprawled out in a disorganized mess. Next to the workbench were shelves and drawers, filled with more tools and materials. To the side of the studio was the entrance to a grand personal office with hardwood floors, blue/gray painted walls, an oak desk with a comfy office chair, windows behind the desk, and several bookshelves along the walls. Adrian could just imagine himself sitting at that desk, using the room as his private study for any work he had. They climbed back up to the second floor and then up the staircase in the bedroom. Opening a hatch door at the top, they stepped out onto the roof and faced a large greenhouse, packed tight with plants that definitely needed to be watered. They walked over to the roof of the front portion of the chateau and looked down at a huge swimming pool, surrounded by lawn chairs. From the roof of the chateau, you got a spectacular view of the Vatican Gardens and the surrounding city. Adrian stood in amazement, unable to believe how perfect the house was. But it wasn’t just the house that was amazing; it was the point in time. Here they were, two genius teenagers who couldn’t legally vote, but they were filthy rich, had a grand chateau in the city of Rome, and he was a member of the Illuminati. This was beyond people’s wildest dreams. Jenny shook him from his thoughts as she pushed him into the pool and then jumped in after him, laughing. Adrian surfaced and gasped for air, but was instantly forced back down as jenny wrapped her arms around him and began kissing him. They kissed for several seconds under the water before coming back up for air, with Jenny’s arms still wrapped his neck. Under the Italian sun and soaking wet, Jenny was breathtakingly beautiful, especially with the wide smile on her face. “We’re home, Adrian. We’re home,” she said with disbelief. “We are, Jenny. We’ve finally found our home,” Adrian replied, kissing her. They spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon clearing out the previous possessions, except for the valuables such as the art, books, and antiques. What they kept would be the beginnings of their own cultivation of personal possessions. After they unpacked their things, they decided to take a walk through Vatican Gardens. They strolled through the expansive park with Adrian’s arm around Jenny, admiring the vast collection of beautiful plants and intricate mosaics of flowers. “When we first met, did you ever imagine our lives would turn out like this? Owning a chateau in Rome and being rich before?” Adrian asked. “Not like this exactly, but a little similar. I always knew that you were destined for greatness, and I would dream every night of being your wife and the two of us traveling to places like this whenever we wanted.” “How long have you been dreaming that?” “Since out first class together. That was when I first noticed that you were different from everyone else. Just by looking in your melancholic eyes, I knew that you had a path that stretched away from everyone else’s. Although you had resigned yourself to walking this path alone, I knew I wanted to walk it with you. Have I ever told you that?” “Countless times. But I love hearing you say it,” Adrian chuckled as he kissed her on the forehead. They were laid out on the grass, enjoying the cool shade and watching the drifting clouds overhead. Jenny had her arm across his chest and her head on his shoulder, purring like a cat with every breath. “You’re not the same man I fell in love with,” she said out of the blue. “What do you mean?” “You’re so much different from the way you used to be. In a way, I miss your cold machine-like personality. I miss trying to understand you like a puzzle and watching you try understand me. I miss playing the game that our relationship was in the early stages. I miss looking at you and your level of brilliance like you were the summit of a mountain that I could not reach.” “Do you mean you’re unhappy?” “No, of course not!” she said, raising her head and giving him a reassuring smile and kiss. “I’m just saying I missed the challenge, almost like the saying about how finding the treasure is half the fun. Everyone misses the early stages of their relationships, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t overjoyed with the current stage that their relationship is in. In the early stages, I felt alone, even though I was with you. A part of me was lonely because it was hard to get you to show your feelings for me. I was happy and madly in love, but a part of me wished you were different. Then after your fight with Logan, you finally told me that you loved me, and after your dream, you were completely different than before. Ever since your dream, I’ve felt like this is a true relationship. I can sense your feelings for me, instead of you just trying to mirror my feelings for you. I don’t feel alone in this relationship; I can feel your support and your love. I’m still amazed by you every single day, even more than I was before you trained me. I have reached the mountain summit that is your level of brilliance, and the view of the world is breathtaking. I miss the challenge of the beginning of our relationship, but I am happier and love you even more than I did then. What was the beginning of the relationship like for you?” “It was confusing, more confusing than I thought possible. Being in a relationship was like moving to a country that no one had ever heard of, starting a new life, and adopting a whole new language and set of customs. But what kept me in the relationship was curiosity and interest. Being with you made me feel something that I hadn’t experienced in years: happiness. I hadn’t been happy since I was a little kid, and this was a new kind of happiness, one that I had never felt before. I wanted to study this happiness, I wanted to examine it, and I wanted to find out what was causing it. I wanted to find out what it was about you and being with you that was affecting me in such a way, when all other human interactions just caused annoyance. I enjoyed the confusion, because like you said, it was a challenge. It was nostalgic to come across something that I didn’t understand and have to put work and effort into it in order for it to open up to me. You were an enigma that was so complicated, not even I could figure you out. Eventually, I realized that while it was the challenge that made me keep coming back, I was losing my curiosity as to what was making me happy. I no longer wanted to study and examine every aspect of the relationship from a distance; I wanted to live in it. I didn’t want to answer the mystery; I wanted to embrace it. And only when I finally lowered my defenses of trying to understand it, did the mystery finally open itself up to me. It wasn’t the challenge that was making me happy; it was you. The only challenge was the one I was creating, because I was unable to understand that you were making me happy. I had been alone for so long that my subconscious could not accept that human interaction was making me happy. It was then that I realized I loved you.” “And then you got shot in the head,” she joked, flicking the metal plate in the middle of his forehead. Adrian and Jenny were sitting in one of the restaurants in Rome, eating lemon pasta with grilled shrimp and lamb chops with mint pesto. Outside, the street lamps were lighting up as the sun sank below the horizon. The light bounced off of the water fountains, swerving and dancing on the rough surfaces of the stone buildings and streets. “Cheers,” they both said as they clinked their glasses together and drank lightly, savoring the taste of the wine. “So what do you plan on doing now? We have our whole lives ahead of us and we’ve finally settled down,” Adrian asked as he set down his glass. “Well, I was thinking that I could attend the university that Professor Medici teaches at. I haven’t graduated from high school, but I’m sure Medici could pull some strings so that I’ll be accepted. There are so many things I want to study, especially since you taught me to use the full potential of my brain.” She spoke with excitement while keeping her voice low, just in case anyone who spoke English could overhear them. “What about you? I can’t imagine the Illuminati will have you actually work for them in a cubicle,” she then asked. “Of course not. After I build prosthetic hands for the Illuminati members, I figure I’ll go back to my old job of building and inventing, like back when I was creating surgical tools for the hospital in our town. I miss working with my hands to build new machines and I miss the physical challenges that come with a hobby. However, I’ll be incredibly busy with the plan after we find the nukes.” “How do you know they even exist?” “Tens of thousands of nukes were built by the US and Russia during the Cold War, and after the fall of the Soviet Union, a very large percentage of them completely disappeared. Since the Cold War, Russia and the US have been working together to dismantle the vast excess of atomic bombs, but it took a long time for Russia to stabilize. Atomic bombs and enriched uranium were literally up for grabs. There was even a confirmed story of a janitor taking enriched uranium in small amounts over time because he wanted to buy a new fridge for his family.” “So what is the next step?” “The next step is to find the nukes. Even if the Illuminati doesn’t have the nukes, using their connections to find whoever does will be easy.” “And after that?” “Then we plant the seeds of government destabilization. I know that the world is far too chaotic for my plan to work without problems, especially with certain international tensions. I’ve spent the last several years infiltrating every country and setting up splinter cells that will act when I need them to.” “To overthrow their governments?” “Bingo,” Adrian said, leaning forward with his hands folded over his mouth. There was a gleam in his eye, calculating and ambitious, one that made him appear capable to anything. He had this gleam whenever he wore his Machina mask, and it never failed to give Jenny shivers of excitement. “My plan has two parts: the nukes and the ones with their fingers on the button. I know that many countries can’t be trusted with nuclear bombs so I’ll rebuild them into something useful. Remember what North Korea used to be like? Ruled by that madman with the granny glasses? I was the one that wiped out the Kim family, thanks to the insurgent group I developed. It’s now as stable and economically healthy as South Korea, an ally to the United States, and the kind of model nation that the UN wants to replicate.” “That was you? You did that?” “I did. I was the one who organized the coup and armed the rebel faction. The new President of North Korea and most of his subordinates work for me, and it’s the same for a dozen other countries around the globe. If something happens and we can no longer remain in Vatican City, those countries will protect us. I just need to drop my name and we’ll get whatever we want. I don’t just rebuild countries, I make sure I have their loyalty and can rely on them at any time. A few countries even have puppet leaders, figureheads that I control completely and use to run the nations.” “That might just be the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard,” Jenny giggled. “So while all the first-world countries will remain independent, the overtaken third-world countries will all belong to you and do what you say. Everyone on Earth will think that all the countries are held together and have achieved peace through a nuclear stalemate, but in reality, you’ll be orchestrating everything from the shadows, the unknown ruler of the world.” “It will be the greatest lie ever told, but it will work.” “Thanks, Clovis,” Adrian said as he and Jenny stepped out of the limo. After all the wine she drank with dinner, Jenny was struggling to stay on her feet. The limo driver was holding bags of groceries they had picked up before going to restaurant. Clovis was the driver/butler Professor Medici had hired to work for them. “Of course, sir. I’m at your disposal.” “Come on, honey, time for bed,” Adrian said, hoisting Jenny up onto his shoulder and carrying her through the front doors of their new home. “Put me down, I can walk!” she laughed. “We tried that, remember? You almost fell into the fountain because you wanted to make love underwater. Clovis, please put the food in the refrigerator. That will be all.” “Yes sir,” he said, making his way to the kitchen. Adrian carried Jenny upstairs and into the bedroom. He gently laid her down on the bed and turned on the lights. She gazed at him with a look of peace on her face and eyes filled with love. “No matter how many times I look around, I just can’t believe we’re really here. We’re home.” Adrian wrapped his hands around hers. “I know, and it’s better than I ever imagined. We don’t have to run any more, we don’t have to hide, and we don’t have to constantly move every time we get comfortable. We can finally live out our lives.” Downstairs, Adrian could hear Clovis walking out of the house and closing the doors behind him. “I’m going to go turn out the lights. Promise me you won’t fall asleep with your clothes on.” “I promise.” Adrian got up and stepped out of the bedroom. He moved throughout the house, turning off the lights. With the only sound coming from the towering fountain in the lounge and the only light shining in from the moon and stars outside, Adrian made his way back upstairs. He stepped into the bedroom and smiled. Jenny was sound asleep beneath the blankets, with her clothes having been lazily tossed onto a nearby chair. Only half of her body was covered, and the rest was reflecting the light from the bedside lamp beautifully. Adrian sat down beside her, careful not to wake her up. Ever so gently, He stroked her golden hair and brushed his fingers against her soft cheek, admiring her beauty with a small smile on his face. Finally, he stood up, undressed, turned off the light, and climbed into bed. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, letting the warmth of her body put him to sleep. Adrian didn’t know what time his eyes opened. The moon was slowly approaching the horizon, casting a pool of light across the floor, broken up by a net of shadows from the window frames. Jenny had woken him up by gently kissing him. “Jenny?” he asked with a yawn. “We never got to celebrate our new home. Don’t wake up completely; I want us to give each other our hearts while our minds are on the precipice between reality and dreams,” she cooed, kissing him over and over again, but as gently as a falling leaf. Adrian wrapped his arms around her in reply and rolled over so that he was on top. He held himself over her, so tired that he could barely maintain his erection. While he kissed Jenny over and over again, he pressed the head of his cock against the soft lips of her pussy. He slowly pushed it in, but instead of a moan, Jenny just gave a soft gasp. Adrian began moving back and forth in the familiar rhythm, exploring the insides of Jenny’s body with his throbbing cock. But unlike the other times, he was being slow and gentle, as to Jenny’s request. They kissed over and over again, with their lips only separating for the briefest of moments. With every gentle thrust, Jenny would give a soft hum of pleasure instead of her usual nymphomaniac moans of sexual ecstasy, but while the reply was far softer than normal, Adrian could sense that she was enjoying it more. True to her words, with their minds on the precipice between being awake and being asleep, their physical experiences were being transformed into more powerful psychological bliss, with each feeling of euphoria traveling through their exhausted bodies and enraptured minds. Adrian could barely feel his own body, for his mind was turning every experience into an emotional tremor. For once, he was unable to keep track of time while he and Jenny were intimate. He could not tell the difference between seconds and minutes, as his mind would constantly switch between moving at a snail’s pace and then running at lightning speeds. He knew that it was a long time, far longer than any of their earlier sessions. His only clue was the pool of moonlight slowly moving across the room, eventually coming upon them. With her face and body illuminated by the moon, the look of bliss on Jenny’s face was unparalleled. It was as if her body was mirroring the jubilation of her mind. At last, the two lovers had a simultaneous orgasm. Though with his mind as tired as it was, Adrian didn’t know if what they experienced was really an orgasm. All he knew was that Jenny arched her back like a gymnast and gave her first moan of the night, and his body gave out and he collapsed beside her. Seconds away from a deep sleep, all he could sense was the sweet smell of Jenny’s hair and the warmth of her body as she pressed herself against him. There were seven men and one woman facing Adrian, with one of them being Professor Medici. Six of them were in the same state as Medici, with the youngest of the whole group no less than fifty years old. Everyone who was losing the use of their limbs had a personal doctor and assistant beside them. They were in a privately owned building, and he was meeting the rest of the Illuminati members in Italy. The remaining members would be flying in next month. “Mr. Ashford, I would like to introduce you to Sybil Anniston, Wyatt Abdul, Hannibal Stewart, Howard Porter, Mort Taegan, Clancy Valdemar, and Brennan Delbert. We shall have a formal initiation next month, but I wanted to introduce you to the members in Italy,” Medici said. Adrian gave a quick bow of his head, since he could not shake the members’ hands. “This building is the Italian Illuminati headquarters. It has embassy status so that the authorities can’t barge in, it offers emergency shelter and asylum, hosts teleconferences with all other members, and is one of the few locations that hold their servers.” “Your servers?” “Yes, they keep all of our data and information on servers in every headquarters. All the servers in an outpost will self-destruct if the building comes under attack or someone hacks our system. Come see for yourself.” Adrian tried to keep his smile hidden as he walked between the long aisles of servers, all kept in a dim temperature-controlled room. Somewhere in this cyber maze was the answer he sought, and all he needed was to dig. “Back before the digital age, the only way for our hideouts to be able to share knowledge was to make sure that each had a copy of the same book. Once you are granted full membership of the Illuminati, you shall have access to all of the information in our archives. That is… as long as you hold up your end of the deal and continue to hold up your end of the deal,” Medici warned, sitting in the doorway. “Don’t worry, my friend. You shall all get what you want. I will give you back your life and make it so that you can return to teaching, as well as defeat Machina for you.” “I hope so, because no one in this organization trusts you… at all. You’re the youngest member in the history of the Illuminati by more than two decades, you have a bloody past, you’ve been watching us with the same hunter’s eye as ourselves, and you extorted your way into our group. It will be a while until anyone trusts you enough to even turn their back on you.” Adrian chuckled and walked towards him. “That’s good, I was worried that no one in the Illuminati would give me a challenge if I decided to take over.” Unfazed, Medici had Dr. Alfonse turn his wheelchair so that he could face him. “By the way, we have what you asked for.” On cue, Dr. Alfonse held up a suitcase and a manila envelope. “The envelope holds scans and measurements of my arms for the procedure. Now that you have everything you asked for, it’s time to hold up your end of the deal.” “But of course. In four days, you shall be given new hands, and before the formal initiation, all of the other members with your disease will be granted the same gift.” “Ok, put that laser engraving system over there,” Adrian said to Clovis in the chateau’s workshop. As Clovis moved the engraving system with a forklift, Jenny stepped in with a crate in her arms. “The materials you ordered have come in. Where should I put them?” “Fantastic. Just put them on a table,” Adrian was installing the system of computers that he would be using to control his most advance power tools. They included a laser engraving system, a 3D scanner, and even his own Adroid. The workshop was being updated with new machinery and tools, all top of the line and able to perform with surgical precision. The computer system had several monitors all built in a semicircular formation on the workbench, and could be given voice commands. It was early in the morning and everything Adrian had ordered had finally arrived. The workshop was filled with open boxes and crates. “Alright, I’m finally equipped to begin production,” Adrian said with excitement as he got out from under the workbench and stood up. “Great, I can’t wait to see how far you get. I got to go, my first class at the university is going to start soon,” Jenny said before giving him a kiss on the cheek and grabbing her purse. “I’ll see you tonight,” Adrian replied. She gave him another kiss and walked out. He turned to Clovis. “That will be all.” Clovis nodded and left him alone. Adrian walked back to the workbench and sat down in the comfy new office chair. “Oh how I missed this.” The first day was spent with Adrian hunched over his work bench, tweezers in hand with a magnifying glass under his face, working tediously on the key components of his prosthetics: the computers. These fake hands would be far more elegant than a simple Terminator-style wire-and-gear rig; every movement would be controlled electronically. Each limb had a small computer that would implement the desired movements of their user. The computers would direct electric charges through the hands and fingers, but several button battery-sized transformers would control the length of the charge and how far they reached. Putting the “micro” in “microchip”, the technological level of these circuits was unparalleled. Not only did they control the flow of electricity, the computers wirelessly controlled them. Essentially, they were half-transformer and half-receiver. He made fourteen of these circuits, and that was only for the first limb. It wouldn’t be until the second day that he would truly able to work. By the time Adrian was done, it was late in the afternoon and Jenny would be coming back from the university. He stood up and stretched, sore from sitting in one position for so long. Jenny stepped through the front door and was greeted by music. With a smile on her face, she stepped into the lounge where Adrian was playing the piano. The afternoon sun was shining through the colored glass windows, radiating with a vast cascade of different shades and hues, all blurred and mixed together after being reflected off the water fountain on the other side of the room. Jenny stood behind Adrian, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him on the top of the head. “How was your day?” he asked, continuing to play. “Wonderful. My tutor couldn’t believe how smart I was, I had him staring in disbelief in just twenty minutes. He said that with my intelligence, I will be able to learn in one week what it took three months for everyone else to learn. I can’t wait to start the real classes.” As she sat down beside him on the bench, she winced. “Are you alright?” “Yeah, I just stretched the wrong way this morning and the chair that I was sitting in didn’t help. Luckily I’ve been able to block it out,” she said, trying to work the tension out of her neck and back. “I know the perfect way to take care of that.” A gentle breeze wafted through the den from the open windows as Jenny and Adrian watched TV. They were figuring out the channels, arranging the TV settings, and looking for any interesting shows and stations. Almost everything was in Italian, so while they needed subtitles, we would be able to learn the language before the end of the week. “Ok, so take off your shirt.” With a coy smile of her face, Jenny unbuttoned her blouse and unclasped her bra. She winced from her tight muscles as she removed her shirt and lingerie, but teasingly kept her breasts hidden from me. She lied down on couch and looked back at him. Adrian leaned over and placed his hands on her shoulders, squeezing them softly. Jenny hummed in pleasure at his touch as he gave another squeeze, easing a bit of the tension out of her muscles. He began massaging her shoulders, working his fingers as if he was preparing dough for baking. He could feel every muscle, vein, and tendon beneath her soft skin with just the tips of his fingers and the slightest bit of pressure. He eased her tight muscles with little more than a soft press and the warmth of his hands. He shifted his attention from her shoulders to the sides of the base of her neck, rubbing the tension away. As he moved his hands down her back, Jenny hummed in bliss. With the soft breeze from the windows gently kissing her body, the smell of flowers from the gardens outside swirling around the room, the cool leather of the couch against her chest, and the warmth of his hands as he took her pain away, she could not help but purr like an affectionate cat. His hands on the middle of her back, Adrian could feel her heart beating and the expansion of her lungs with each soft breath. He was fixated on the beauty of her flesh, from its softness that was on par with flower petals to the flawless shade of tan. It was less like he was giving her a back massage and more like sculpting molten bronze into a statue of a goddess. Adrian pushed his hands up the sides of her back, working out the tension like wet cement beneath a steamroller. Jenny’s whole body stretched in jubilation as the muscles in her back expanded from the blissful pressure and warmth. Not stopping the motion, he brought his hands back up to her shoulders and squeezed, completing the circuit of pleasure. He moved his hands down once again, pressing down on the sides of her spine with his thumbs. As he reached her lower back, his hands separated and he moved the pressure to her hips. He moved his hands up and down, massaging each muscle while he leaned forward a kissed every square inch of her back and neck. Very slowly, Adrian hooked his fingers underneath the waistband of her skirt and pulled down. Jenny giggled coyly as he pulled away the skirt, revealing her round tight ass. Her blue panties were barely holding the curved cheeks. He pulled off her skirt and continued bringing his hands down her body, massaging her smooth thighs. He ran his hands down her long legs and began rubbing her feet. Jenny moaned as he pressed down on the muscles, working out tension that she had never even knew existed. “Oh Adrian, you are a god,” she groaned. The pressure from his hands nearly caused the sinew strands of her muscles to come undone, almost like a tight sneaker opening up and stretching once it’s laces were untied. The strain he was taking away had been with her for so long that she had never even noticed it, but now the feeling of it being taken away was almost orgasmic. “Did you know that the nerve endings in your feet affect every area of your body? Different areas of your foot stimulate different parts of your body if that area itself is stimulated. For instance, pressing here affects your spine…” he said as he pressed down on the inner-sides of her feet. “Doing this affects your sinuses…” he said as he ever so gently bent back her toes, just enough to stretch the muscles but not enough to make her uncomfortable. “And I can even…” he began as he squeezed the front of the bases of her feet. Jenny’s whole body jerked as an erotic shiver ran through her pussy. The area Adrian had touched affected the genital area, and because Jenny was completely in tune with her body, she had actually felt the stimulation, which otherwise would have not been noticed. He squeezed again and Jenny gave a soft moan. She reached underneath her body and he could tell she had just slipped her hand into her panties. He continued to massage that area of her feet, causing Jenny to roll onto her back so that she could rub her pussy with more ease. Her nearly naked body caught the dim light from the windows brilliantly and her firm breasts refused to droop to the sides. As Adrian rubbed her feet, Jenny would stroke her pussy with a soft moan, desperate to both augment the uncontrolled stimulation and to almost stop it, as if it were a hand tickling her and she was trying to grab it. Her panties were wet with arousal within seconds, her chest heaved with every deep breath she took, she was blushing all over, and her moan was becoming more and more shrill as he shocked her nerves again and again. Finally, she shrieked and held onto the couch for dear life as she had a climactic orgasm, soaking her panties with pussy juice. She closed her eyes and tried to catch her breath with her whole body trembling. While she recovered, Adrian took off his clothes and crouched down, with his face just inches from her soaking wet cunt. He held himself steady, sampling the sweet smell wafting from the lips. After a few seconds, he reached out and flicked his tongue between the lips of her cunt, sending a bolt of electricity through Jenny’s body. He licked again, savoring the orgasmic juices that trickled onto his tongue. Jenny gave a loud moan, running one hand through his hair and her other hand through her own. With his own hand, Adrian inserted his index and middle finger inside her pussy, exploring her body with both his fingers and tongue. Jenny could not help but moan as he pressed every unexplored corner of her hot slippery cunt with his tongue, licking up the juices and humming to further stimulate her. It didn’t take much to force Jenny over the edge. She had a second orgasm after just a minute of licking and his face was coated in juices. He began moving up, covering her flat stomach and chest in kisses and wrapping his tongue around her nipples, sucking on them with gusto. As Adrian licked her tits, Jenny reached down and began stroking his throbbing cock, making sure that it was as hard as possible. Adrian brought himself up to her face and pressed his lips against hers, kissing her softly. Jenny wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close as she slipped her tongue into his mouth and wrapped it around his own. As they kissed, he pushed his dick up into Jenny’s cunt, but Jenny’s reactive moan was unable to escape their locked lips. Thrusting with only his lower body, Adrian drove his manhood into Jenny over and over again, stretching her pussy as far as it could go. Jenny gripped his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning shrilly as he rammed her. With every thrust, Jenny’s large breasts would bounce and roll against his chest. Jenny had to pull her lips from his because she could not moan and kiss him at the same time. She rested her chin on Adrian’s shoulder, moaning and gasping in his ear as he thrust his cock into her wet cunt so fast and so hard that the clapping their flesh could he heard all throughout the house. Finally, they both had a simultaneous orgasm, splashing even more genetic material onto the couch. Adrian pulled his quickly deflating penis out of Jenny and lied down beside her, kissing her beautiful body as they both tried to catch their breath. “Nothing like a happy ending after a massage,” Jenny giggled as she rolled over and kissed him. “So what are you studying at the university?” Adrian asked as he and Jenny prepared dinner. There were several cookbooks, spice jars, and ingredients sprawled out across the counter and island table. Normally this would be Clovis’ job, but they enjoyed cooking together. “Psychology, quantum and astrophysics, engineering, applied sciences, and botany. With my brain working at the peak of its potential, I want to learn as much as possible,” she replied while stirring the shrimp she was grilling in a skillet for Peppered Shrimp Alfredo. “Botany? I should have known, you said that you wanted to open a flower shop on our first date,” Adrian said with a smile as he marinated focaccia bread with olive oil for chicken and sun-dried tomato bruschetta. “Well after I graduate, I’m hoping that maybe I could work at a botanical garden, open up a flower shop, or even create a line of perfumes.” “Well we have enough money to bring any dream you have into reality. I can just imagine you running a flower shop in the beautiful city of Rome. I’ll always know where to go if I want to give you a bouquet of roses.” “What about you? Are you ever going to go to college?” “I don’t think so. I’ve already done enough reading in my free time to qualify for five different degrees.” “I thought as much, plus I figure you’ll already be busy leading the world,” she said as she kissed him on the cheek. After an early dinner, Jenny and Adrian sat out on the roof and watched the sunset. They were each holding a cup of decaf coffee that was more smooth and delicious than hot cocoa. They breathed deeply, savoring the fresh cool air of the evening and the cascade of aromas from the Vatican Gardens. Once starlight replaced sunlight, they stood up and turned to their illuminated pool. They took off their clothes and dove in, swimming laps around each other and enjoying the feeling of the cool water. Adrian and Jenny were in the hot tube/shower of the master bathroom, washing off the chlorine from the pool. They were on the porcelain floor with him on his knees and Jenny on all fours. He had his hands on her hips and was plowing her asshole with his throbbing cock, ramming her as hard and fast as he could. Jenny had her face buried in her elbow like a pillow and was using her other hand to rub her pussy. “Oh god Adrian, that feels so good! Don’t stop darling, don’t stop!” she moaned in ecstasy. The torrential downpour of hot water bombarded them endlessly as he rammed her over and over again. The clapping of his thighs against her round ass was louder than the shower and her tight anus was squeezing his manhood like a vise grip. But regardless of the tightness, he was able to drive his cock deep inside her without any trouble. After ten minutes of violation, Adrian emptied his entire semen reserves in her asshole, ejaculating so many times so quickly that he lost count. He pulled out his aching cock, which was deflating by twenty percent every second. He and Jenny collapsed on the shower floor and he wrapped his arm around her. “Thanks for that, I know you’re a little shy when we’re… overly… physical,” she said coyly before kissing me. “It’s funny, with other couples, this conversation happens with the genders switched.” Jenny laughed and kissed him again. “Funny that the man I fell in love with, the man who at one time was more robot than human, is now so emotional. I love you so much, Adrian, I love that you love me, and I love that you know how to love me.” “I just want to make you happy; emotionally and physically.” “Well you sure are good at that,” she laughed as she climbed on top of him. “Do you want me to carry you back to bed? I know that anal makes you lose feeling in your legs.” “Yes please, but not yet. I want to stay in the shower a little longer and clean myself off. I don’t want to go to bed with your seed dripping out of my ass,” she said, making him laugh. Once Jenny had washed up, Adrian put one arm under her knees and the other behind her back and picked her up. He carried her back to the bedroom and laid her down in the bed. He went back to turn off the lights and shower, then climbed into bed beside Jenny and wrapped his arm around her. Jenny turned off the bedside lamp, pressed herself against him, and they fell asleep. With a cup of coffee in hand, Adrian sat at his computer at the dawn of the second morning and turned on the modem. All of the monitors lit up, and with them came all of the power tools hooked up to the system. Before doing anything, Adrian turned on the computer’s voice command system. He then reached into the manila envelope that he had been given at the Illuminati headquarters and pulled out a flash drive. It held the measurements and scans of Medici’s arms. Adrian plugged it into the computer modem and a flash drive symbol appeared in the bottom-right corner of the monitor in front of him. “Open extension: Flash Drive 1. Download all files.” A folder window opened up and all of the files were quickly downloaded. “Upload files to desktop.” A different scan of Medici’s arms appeared on every computer monitor, granting him measurements, muscle structure, rate of degeneration, and all of the information that Adrian required. There was just one more thing Adrian needed. He reached into one of the open boxes and pulled out a CD case that he had ordered. On the cover was a diagram of the human body, and written on the disk inside was a software application holding a 3D diagram of the human body and a whole library’s worth of medical information. Adrian put in the disk and the symbol from the box appeared on the main screen. “Open extension: Human Map Disk. Download all files.” For several minutes, the computer downloaded the vast amount of data on the human body. While the information was secured on the modem, Adrian opened up the box of materials Jenny had brought in. It was filled with solid blocks of lightweight carbon fiber plastic, computer components, and containers of specific chemicals, chemicals that he would combine later to create the majority of the prosthetics’ mass. “Open file on ‘3D Sketch’: Human Map<Right Arm<Bone.” On one of the monitors, a 3D diagram of a human right arm appeared, made only of bones. “Synchronize Data: Medici File 1.” Taking measurements from the scans Medici supplied, the application ‘3D Sketch’ began adjusting the bone sizes of the 3D images from the Human Map files, creating a detailed copy of the bone frame of Medici’s right arm. “Copy file: Human Map<Right Arm<Bone (Altered). Save to Desktop.” The computer copied the image and saved it, making it so that he could create another version later. “Monitor 5: Open 3D Sketch Tools: Scalpel.” On the computer screen, the cursor turned into a miniature scalpel. “Now the real fun begins…” Adrian said as he put his hand on the mouse. For the next hour, he worked tirelessly on the computer, carving away at the bones of the digital hand with the scalpel, almost as if he were whittling. He was carving down gaps in the digital finger joints, hollowing them out for the mechanisms he would be installing. The bones of the virtual hand would be carved out of the carbon fiber he had ordered with the laser engraving system, creating a skeletal hand to serve as the base and supports for the internal mechanisms. After securing a block of carbon fiber plastic in the laser engraving system, he activated the printing process. Now he needed to create the mechanisms. With a gas mask over his face to protect himself from the fumes, Adrian began mixing the chemicals he had ordered in a gallon-sized glass container. Like Demium and Ignium, the material he was forming from this chemical concoction was one of his own unique creation, invented mainly for use in prosthetics. It was a special rubbery plastic, one that held the unique trait of reacting when exposed to electricity. When a thread of this plastic would experience an electric charge, it would immediately constrict with great strength, similar to the human body experiencing electric muscle stimulation. Far more versatile, flexible, and compact than a system of wires and electric motors, this plastic would perfectly mimic human muscles and allow for complete and total flexibility, at least as long as it was cut into right strips and supplied with continuous electricity at the exact moments when needed. While the plastic hardened, Adrian returned to his computer. “Open file on ‘3D Sketch’: Human Map<Right Arm<Muscle.” In a second and third 3D Sketch window, an image of a human arm appeared, consisting simply of the exposed muscles, and another group of images, consisting of all the individual muscles, each in their own empty space and with a label. Looking back through Medici’s personal files, Adrian counted the measurements of his right arm and deduced the measurement of each muscle. Memorizing the required measurements, he returned to the finished plastic and broke it free of the glass container. Using a modeling knife, he cut off a strip of plastic and laid it out on the table like a piece of bacon. Taking a nine-volt battery and wrapping two pieces of wire around the positive and negative ends, he made a small rudimentary stun gun and pressed the ends of the wires against the strip of plastic. Completing the circuit between the two wires, the cord of plastic instantly tightened up and shortened, almost twisting up on itself but without moving in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. While the speed in which the line constricted was impressive, its current torque potential was low, but that was merely an issue of voltage and the amount of plastic. The completed arm would be able to handle a hundred pounds, easily. Now that the plastic had been tested, it was time to begin the truly tedious part. With his mind buzzing in an engineer’s euphoria, he went to work on the plastic with a modeling knife, a scalpel, and a focused heat gun. Keeping in mind the shape and size of Medici’s muscles, Adrian began carving away chunks of plastic from the main block, whittling them down to size, slicing them to pieces to replicate muscle cords, and then melting the ends back together with the heat gun to recombine their textile strength. The work was incredibly delicate, often requiring tweezers to ensure that all the cords were brought together at the perfect lengths so that none of them were too long or too short, too loose or too tight. Similar to human nerves, he also threaded insulated wires through the plastic muscles to activate them, each lined with button-sized transformers he had made the day before to regulate the charge along the various lengths and to various muscles. By the time he was done, he had several strips of plastic muscles, arranged on countless wires like an intricate mobile, and each end joined to one of the computers he had created the day before. Before going any further, he coated each and every piece and wire with a layer of liquid rubber, insulating the plastic muscles so that each one would act as the bridge for its own current, ensuring that no electricity was wasted and none of the muscles would fail to respond to a charge. By now, the laser carving system had long-since finished forming the individual pieces of carbon fiber plastic that would serve as the bones for the hand. While the insulating rubber dried, Adrian went to work putting the pieces together. Since all of the pieces were separate, he either had to secure them with wire tendons or metal hinges, but due to the flexibility that he was seeking in the prosthetic, he used the latter only on the finger joints. After an hour’s work, the skeletal hand was finished, with the hinges moving effortlessly and the steel wires holding the majority of the bones together. Now came the final step before testing. Careful to make sure that they weren’t restricted in their movement, Adrian began securing the plastic muscles to the carbon fiber bones of the hand, using fabric-infused rubber bands to act as sinews. Acting as skin, he covered the hand in two layers of surgical gloves, then wrapped the wrist and forearm in plastic sheeting. The interiors were all lubricated, ensuring that the plastic muscles underneath would not be restricted by friction. He then covered both layers in liquid rubber, just enough to protect the plastic underneath but not restrict movement. Last but not least, he secured the bones of the forearm and the ends of all the wires to the hockey puck-shaped computer, then sealed the edges to make it airtight. Now to test it. Hooking up the arm’s computer to his own, Adrian sent a full charge through the prosthetic and watched with a smile as the fingers all balled into a perfect fist and the wrist bent back and forth. Controlling the hand with his keyboard, Adrian flexed each individual digit, admiring his creation. After only one try, it was flawless. The fingers didn’t lock up, none of the plastic shells were loose, and each movement was easily controlled. The flexibility was flawless, and Adrian could mimic any movement he made with his own hand with the prosthetic. “It’s beautiful.” Adrian turned around in surprise and was face to face with Jenny. He didn’t even hear her come in; he had lost all track of time and hadn’t even noticed the hours flying by. “I can’t believe you created that, it is an absolute work of art.” “Thank you, I almost want to chop off my hand so that I can be the one to use it.” “Come out onto the balcony, I think there is something you’ll enjoy,” she whispered in his ear. “I love it when it get’s like this, I absolutely love it,” Adrian said in amazement as he looked up into the sky. A huge thunderstorm was moving over Vatican City, with clouds almost as dark as night. There was a crystal-clear border around the storm, with sunlight shining down from the empty sky in the distance. The clouds were a mixture of dark blues and grays, all shifting and swirling with incredible speed and beauty. Watching the spiraling banks of the clouds was like watching an explosion of colorful smoke in slow motion. It almost looked like the sky itself was falling and the clouds were so close that you could send ripples through it with a bottle rocket. The combination of darkness and light and the endless swirling of deep colors were so beautiful that no human art could ever compare to it. It almost looked like a watercolor painting made by a god. “I love summer storms, they are just so beautiful. They are almost passionate,” Adrian said with a smile on his face. He had to speak loudly, for there was a powerful wind blowing across the landscape and every tree in Vatican Gardens was rustling loudly in the breeze. The breeze was so fresh and moist that it was like breathing in a lovely perfume. Standing behind him, Jenny wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love them too. I used to think our home in Maine had the most beautiful storms, but here in Rome, it is absolutely breathtaking.” As the words passed her lips, it began to pour like a hurricane. Thick heavy drops fell from the sky, slamming down on the two lovers like hailstones. Each drop felt like they were large enough to fill a shot-glass. Adrian and Jenny quickly rushed inside as the rain picked up, spraying Vatican Gardens like a fire hose. They spent the rest of the afternoon in bed, drinking delicious coffee and watching the sheets of rain slam against the vast window before them. Finished with her coffee, Jenny moved over to Adrian and curled up against him with her arm across his chest. “This is so nice,” they both said at the same time. “Greetings, gentlemen,” Adrian said as he sat down at the dining room table. Professor Medici and Dr. Alfonse were sitting at the other side. “I trust that the prosthetics have been built and are ready?” Medici asked as politely as possible. “Of course, I created a deadline and I am a man of my word. While I make it a personal rule to be a man of humility, I must say I can’t remember the last time I was so proud of one of my inventions. Not only is it completely waterproof and highly durable, each hand can withstand a maximum weight of fifty kilos and offers full flexibility. You will be fully able to drive, write, type, teach, cook, and lift heavy objects.” “Excellent! May I see them?” “Of course.” He reached under the table and brought up the prosthetics and could see looks of amazement in the men’s eyes. “Take a look for yourselves. I call them the mechthetics.” Using Alfonse’ hands in place of his own, Medici inspected the mechthetics carefully. He examined every joint and detail, though the layer of rubber of the exterior hid the mechanism’s secrets. “The muscles are made of a special plastic of my own invention, one that constricts when completing a circuit. The hands are both electrically powered and controlled by the computer at the base, but the real controls behind the movements will be your own mind, via an electronic imprint that will read your brain waves.” “But if they are electric, what will power them? Batteries?” Alfonse asked. “That is the most ingenious part of the design…” Adrian said as he held up two metal disks, one side with a tiny power plug that would connect to the computers in the mechthetics and the other side serving as the base to over thirty long strands of an unknown material, as well as an adjustable brace so they could be secured to the stumps of Medici’s amputated hands. They would serve as the connection base for the mechthetics. “These strands are made of a thermoelectric material, meaning that they absorb heat and convert it to electricity. I’ll run these strands through your arms and they will convert your body heat into usable energy, powering your hands but only when you choose it. I know that you are very concerned as to how safe this operation will be. I assure you that not only is it perfectly safe, but the benefits of these replacement hands are impossible to ignore.” Medici was unconscious on a table in a surgical room of the local hospital. Alfonse had just finished removing the dead end of Medici’s right arm and was following all of his instructions. Jenny was beside Adrian and they were both wearing surgical scrubs. On a stainless steel tray next to the cot were the metal plates with the thermoelectric cords that would act as a plug on the stump. Medici’s head had been shaved and was wrapped in bandages, due to the brain surgery he had just received. A computer had been placed in his cerebellum, the part of the brain focused on movement and balance, and reading his neural patterns, it would send messages to the computers in the mechthetics on which muscles to move. “Before you secure the lid to the bones, make several incisions up along his arm and insert the thermoelectric cords. They will draw in heat and convert it into energy,” Adrian said. “How do you know that his body won’t just reject the cords or try to destroy them with antibodies?” Jenny whispered in his ear. “While this may be grim, he’ll die before his immune system can do anything about them. His immune system will never be able to damage the cords enough for them to stop working or fully reject and expel the cords. At his age, there is very little his body can do to fight something like this, it’s a miracle the virus he was infected with hasn’t already killed him,” Adrian replied, speaking very softly so that Alfonse could not hear. Once Alfonse finished running the cords through the incisions along Medici’s arm, he bolted the lid to the bones in his forearm and secured it to the stump. It would take some time for Medici to heal and recover enough to even be able to use the mechthetics outside of a controlled environment, but they could at least be secured so that he could learn to control them, as long as he didn’t try and lift them. The mechthetic was locked into place on the lid and the procedure for the right arm was complete. Now there was only the left. “Ok, I know how to do this on my own. You two may leave,” Alfonse said. “Good, call us after he tries out the new hands. If he finds them satisfactory, I’ll begin production for the rest of the Illuminati members that have his disease.” Jenny and Adrian were lying in bed after having a big dinner. Jenny was reading a textbook for school, but with her mental prowess, she would flip the page once every few seconds. Adrian had taught her how to just memorize the image of a page and let her subconscious decipher it later. Adrian was using his laptop to take in data on his companies and even the countries he had infiltrated. He had already sent a hundred emails to different subordinates. His cell phone began to vibrate and shake on the bedside table. “Hello?” Adrian asked, already knowing whom it was. “Ah, Adrian, it’s Professor Medici.” Both Jenny and Adrian smiled. “I certainly hope you’re not holding the phone on your own, you need to heal.” “I could not resist. The stump is throbbing, but I am just too excited not to use these wonderful new hands! Your mechthetics work like a dream; they are the definition of perfection! I’ve already contacted the other members, and after telling them about my new hands, they are desperate for mechthetics of their own. Once they get their new hands, you shall be made a full member of the Illuminati.” “Thank you for the news. I shall begin production tomorrow. Goodnight, Professor,” Adrian said before turning off the phone. “All according to plan, huh?” Jenny asked. “All according to plan, darling.” For the rest of the month, Adrian built mechthetics for all of the crippled Illuminati. The instant one was created, one of the members would snap it up like the first hyena to a fresh kill. With Alfonse and Adrian providing instructions, personal doctors were attaching them to their clients the second one was in their possession. Jenny helped him whenever she could, building the mechthetics beside him. It was nice having a project they could work on together. Once all of the members had been outfitted with their replacement hands, they began preparing the initiation ceremony in the Vatican City Illuminati outpost. Delivered from America, a familiar custom hybrid car came to a halt in a parking lot, filled with sports cars and limos. The entire parking lot was hidden beneath a vast canvas tent for privacy. The passenger-side door opened and a woman stepped out with her high-healed shoe gleaming. Her red sequin dress had a slit running up her smooth tan thigh and her long blonde hair was tied up in a bun. Adrian stepped out of the driver door and stood up. He was dressed in a tuxedo with a rose in his breast pocket. He looked over to Jenny and she gave him a coy smile. Adrian smiled in return and walked over. With her clinging to his arm, they made out way to the Illuminati building. The Black Tie event was filled with Illuminati members from all across the globe. All of the caterers and waiters were Zero Masons, hired because they had already been sworn to secrecy as to the identity and existence of their superiors. A regular catering service and even regular Freemasons couldn’t be trusted. Security was extremely tight; members and agents were searched for listening devices, radios, and transmitters, and everyone in the building had been brought inside with their faces hidden so that nobody identify them. It was impossible to tell how many enemies the Illuminati had and everyone had to be protected. Regardless of the prison-like security, the mood in the building was light. Under a glass-domed ceiling, the most powerful and intelligent people were talking, laughing, making business deals, and socializing as friends. Jenny was not the only non-member at the party, husbands and wives of members were also present, having been sworn to secrecy as to the existence and actions of the Illuminati. Among everyone, members with his mechthetics were the celebrities. While they were still in wheelchairs, they had mastered use of their new limbs. Everyone wanted to shake their hands and see them in action. Adrian and Jenny received harsh glares and faux manners from most of the people they talked to, due to the shared belief that not only were they too young to become members, but also they basically bought their way in with the mechthetics, something that they thought they shouldn’t need help in doing. But after seeing his work and learning of his level of brilliance, their view of Adrian changed. He went from a conniving teenager to young prodigy, and the more they talked with Jenny, the more the realized how intelligent she was. They had heard that Adrian had somehow brought her up to his level, but they had struggled to believe it until now. “Many people believe that the Illuminati control the stock markets, but I believe otherwise. The fluctuations are too illogical,” Jenny said. She was speaking with a Canadian businessman who ran a vast pharmaceutical company. “So you think that changes in value are just random occurrences?” he asked, deciding to test her. “Oh god no. Humans may not control it, but it is not random. If you compare the histories of different national stocks, you will find an algorithmic pattern. I don’t know if it’s a random computer encryption created by the accumulation of bits of scrambled data, but half of the world stock market is controlled by some force that is unaffected by human involvement.” Adrian tried to keep his smile hidden, but even his will wasn’t strong enough. “But if you were able to figure it out, then isn’t it more likely that someone of equal intelligence created it?” the businessman asked. “If someone was controlling the stock market, they wouldn’t use a pattern. They would keep it random so that no one could figure it out and no one else could make a profit off of it. With a random sequence, only a handful of people or even just one will know what will happen next and can use that information in their favor.” “Come on, honey, stop bragging,” Adrian laughed, pulling her away. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around, facing Dr. Alfonse. “It’s time.” Adrian nodded and he and Jenny followed Dr. Alfonse to a stage in the back of the main hall, where his “clients” were seated at a two-part banquet table on the stage with a podium between them, and a laptop computer sitting on the podium. As the teens climbed up the stairs and onto the stage, Medici began clinking his empty wine glass. The whole room fell silent, with all eyes on Adrian and Jenny. Medici pulled his wheelchair out from behind the table and retrieved one of the microphones. The whirring and clicking of his hand was picked up and emitted through all of the speakers in the room. “Greetings, my fellow People of the Light. As many of you know, I am Professor Demetri Medici and I have been a member of this glorious organization for almost twenty years. It is a rare occasion that so many of us risk being in one place at one time, almost always for an initiation. I’m sure we all remember our own initiations. This however, will be a very special one. We are welcoming two new member, neither of which have even left adolescence but are more intelligent than us all. Under normal circumstances, we would never associate ourselves with such young individuals. However, I believe they should make an exception. I believe that these two is a sign that the next generation has a chance of surpassing us. But enough of me jabbering on, I would like to introduce our newest members: Adrian Ashford and Jenny Sinclair.” Many of the Illuminati members stood like grim statues, but most applauded as they stepped up to the podium. Medici reached under the podium and pulled out a rosewood box. He opened it up, revealing a USB key on a bed of velvet, gold plated with a small black screen. “As members, you will gain access to the greatest power in the world: knowledge. Before the digital age, new members were given keys to our libraries. Now that our archives are stored in connected servers, we can grant you safer access. This USB key will hook up any computer to our archives and they hold the most accurate retinal scanners, ensuring that only you and you alone will be able to use it. Adrian Ashford, Jenny Sinclair, do you swear to work with and for the Illuminati for the rest of your lives? Do you swear to follow any order or mission assigned to you by the Illuminati? Do you swear to put your life on the line for the protection of knowledge and the betterment of the human race? Do you swear to use your power and the power of the Illuminati for only good and to only act in the face of extinction? Under punishment of death, do you swear?” “I swear.” Medici nodded and opened the laptop on the podium. He plugged in the USB key for Adrian along with his own. The glass panels of the two keys were lit up and Medici held his face over his own. A beam of light shined in his eye for a few moments and a window opened up on the computer. On the window was a button with the word ‘RECORD’. Using his USB key, he activated the other and set them up to receive user data. “Hold your face above the key and it will record your retinal patterns.” Adrian held his face over the key the way Medici had and a beam of light shined up from the pane of glass and into his eye. After a few seconds, the beam of light ceased and the key deactivated, having recorded his information. Medici pulled out the keys and handed Adrian his. He then repeated the process with Jenny. “By the power of enlightenment and for the sake of the human race, I welcome you to the Illuminati.” As Jenny and Adrian stepped into their car, Medici rolled up to them in his wheelchair. He placed his prosthetic hand on the driver-side door. “We’ll be expecting more from you, as long as you’re with the Illuminati, we’ll be expecting more from you.” After he rolled away, Adrian closed the door and he and Jenny drove off. “Poor fools,” Jenny chuckled. “If only they knew that they were in the palm of our hands,” Adrian replied with the same maniacal tone. Jenny and Adrian were lying in bed with his laptop between them. His USB key was plugged in and they were reading the files from the Illuminati archives. “No… fucking… way…” Jenny said in disbelief. Adrian couldn’t believe it either. “THAT’S what landed in Roswell?!” “How does something like that even land and make a crater? Who would take that off the ground?!“ “You just can’t un-learn stuff like that… you can’t forget things like that…” “Let’s see who killed Kennedy,” Jenny said as she scrolled through the files. She opened up the Kennedy assassination file and they instantly burst into laughter. “Is that a man or woman?” “I don’t know, I honestly can’t tell. But who would have thought?” Adrian asked with a smile. “Reality really is the greatest joke.” “I know, you can’t write this stuff.” As they scrolled through the archives, their eyes both fell on the same file, labeled SOVIET ARMORY. Jenny grabbed his hand and held it tightly, for both their hands were shaking. Adrian opened the file and they read the wall of text as fast as they could. They reached the end of the document and both gave a shaky sigh. “So that’s where they are,” Adrian said softly. “You were right, they do exist,” Jenny murmured, looking at him with disbelief. “And they’re all within reach, thousands of nuclear weapons up for grabs.” “So now we move onto the next step?” “Yes. For years, I’ve been planting seeds of both order and upheaval in the most volatile countries, but those seeds still need time to grow. I know where the nukes are, I can get them any time, and they will still be operational. Handling and distributing these weapons in the right way and with the right timing will require surgical precision. One false move and the plan will shatter and the whole world with it. I have to take every preventative measure possible, and even then, the chances of failure will be phenomenal. My plan may end up destroying the world instead of saving it.” “I know you can do it. You are the smartest man in the world. If there is anyone who can bring peace, it is you.” “Thank you, Jenny. With you by my side, I will succeed. In time, my love, we shall deliver the world to peace.” Chapter Eleven It had been ten years since the initiation ceremony and Adrian’s plans were coming along without flaw. For employment, he designed and invented new machines for everything from surgery to energy production. After graduating from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Jenny opened up her own flower shop, just as she had always dreamed. She even had her own line of perfumes. Using her degrees in botany and engineering, she studied the anatomy of plants and learned to make them thrive, discovered optimal conditions for each species, and even discovered new uses for plants. She created ways to derive electricity from plants, crossbreed different species into one edible plant that could fully support humans without any other form of sustenance, and discovered countless medical benefits that modern medicine and even his machines were able to use. To keep their places in the Illuminati, Jenny and Adrian had to always possess something to offer, and these abilities took the form of their medical skills. With most of the Illuminati members being senior citizens, medical treatment was in constant demand. With his ability to fuse man and machine and Jenny able to genetically control the abilities of plants like a pagan goddess, not even the finest hospitals could give the crippled and sick what they offered. However, their duties did not end there. On rare occasions, they would be asked to go out and greet a future member, secure business transactions, guard valuable objects or documents, and even intervene to prevent mass casualties such as genocides and seismic blood feuds. They were giving the jobs that couldn’t even be trusted to the Zero Masons. With a cushy job and orders from the Illuminati council few and far between, Jenny and Adrian had more time than they knew what to do with. Jenny used her time to read every book in the library in her never-ending quest for knowledge, while Adrian spent it hacking into every government defense system on earth. In order for his plan to work, Adrian needed to be able to take down the protection of every nation. If any countries were able to stand up against him, his plan would be ruined and the imbalance of power would cause potential annihilation. Adrian was sitting in his office, watching a status bar load on his laptop. Classical music was playing on speakers set up throughout the room, but the quality was botched by the blipping of binary code and data being uploaded from over a dozen documents and servers. His whole body was trembling as Adrian watched the status bar. He had bags under his eyes and his skin was pale from stress. Jenny stepped into the room, holding a cup of coffee on a small saucer. Over the past decade, Jenny had become even more beautiful, something that Adrian thought was impossible. Her body had matured its womanly figure, giving her an even more taut and toned hourglass frame, and while she still had a lean and slender build, daily exercise had given her the muscle tone of a bronze statue. Her breasts had grown to above d-cup size and her ass—while firm enough to bounce a quarter off with enough momentum to send it flying across a room—complimented them with its fullness. Her ass and breasts were the only part of her body that held so much as an ounce of body fat. Her face would make any supermodel scream from jealousy and any photographer sell their soul for a chance to copy her flawless visage. Her long blond hair resembled threads of gold leaf and her blue eyes held both the sapphire-like brilliance of eternal youth and the wisdom and experience of someone who was four times older. Every inch of her body was a sum of fiery sexuality, a sweet and timid heart, and a modest personality. She was as close to flawless as reality would allow. Adrian had also developed well since aging out of adolescence, now able to properly bulk up his physique beyond his teenage limits. His looks had matured, and while he had always been quite handsome, he could now make any woman swoon with a single glance. “Thank you,” Adrian said graciously as she handed him the coffee. She stood behind him and began rubbing his shoulders. “So how is it coming along? I’ve never seen you so stressed.” Adrian hummed in relaxation as she massaged away his worries. “I’ll tell you once the loading bar fills.” The bar was filled in less than a minute, with the completion signaled by a ding. Adrian gave a sigh of relief and stood up. “It’s done, I just finished hacking into the US defense network, the last country on his list. With this laptop, I can shut down the entire world. There is only one more major step in his plan, and then we shall have world peace.” A wide smile spread across Jenny’s face and she jumped up into his arms, kissing him wildly. “You did it, Adrian! You did it!” “Not yet, darling, there is still a lot of work to be done. But soon, our mission will be complete. How about we do something to celebrate? We could hop on our jet and go to Paris, England, Berlin, Tokyo, or anywhere else in the world?” Adrian wrapped his arms around her and they began swinging from side to side, almost as if they were dancing. “I kind of want to go back to Tahiti, the bar of that hotel they went to makes the greatest Suffering Bastards on Earth. But I’m also in the mood for a little skiing in Switzerland. You decide, honey.” “I’m fine with anywhere. Since neither of us can decide, I suggest we settle this the old fashioned way…” A map of the world was spread out across the driveway, measuring six meters long and three meters wide. Jenny and Adrian were each standing on one side, holding a Demium dart. “Ok, we throw the darts and after they collide in the air, whichever dart lands first decides where they go,” Adrian said. “You know, for anyone else, this could be considered a really bad idea.” Jenny laughed. “Yeah, for anyone else. Ok, one… two… three… throw!” Just as they were about to throw their darts into the air, Adrian’s cellphone began to ring. “Hold on baby,” he said as he pulled out his phone. As Adrian talked on the phone, Jenny used her dart to clean her nails. “That was Medici, the Illuminati has a job for us.” “I’m sick of being the Illuminati’s messengers, they treat us like the Zero Masons,” Jenny pouted. “You love it,” Adrian teased. She grinned. “I do, it’s just so much fun. It’s like volunteer work that let’s you travel all over the globe in first class. So what will we be doing?” “Some hacker managed to get a member list of the Illuminati like I did. He’s threatening to put it back online but more public unless they buy his silence. The Illuminati want us to make the exchange.” “So where are we going? Germany? Japan?” “America.” “Ten years… we’re going back to America after five years.” Jenny said with disbelief. They were flying on their private jet across the Atlantic Ocean. Between them was a briefcase filled with the extortionist’s payment. They would be meeting him in New York City. Adrian was excited too, both for the chance to see how things have changed and for the chance to maybe thwart the police if he got bored. “After we settle this, how about we go back to our home town?” Adrian suggested. “I was about to say the same thing. My heart rate skyrockets it whenever I think about it. Maybe before we leave, they could even try and find some of our old classmates. We would be over international waters before they could even call in the FBI.” Adrian chuckled at the thought. Like him, Jenny loved toying with the police. Any time the authorities caught their scent, they would chase after them like cats after mice, but without realizing that the roles were reversed. She liked to thwart them and leave them reeling, always seeking a challenge. “So what was it you were telling him at the tarmac? You said you knew this guy?” she then asked. “Well I’ve never met him in person, but we are acquainted. Back when I was searching for information on the Illuminati, I would encounter him occasionally in chat rooms and forums. Like him, he wanted use the Internet to find forbidden knowledge. We would exchange sources, caches of information, and help each other out from time to time. In fact, he was probably the closest thing I had to a friend. He was pretty bright, I knew it was him once Medici gave him the details.” Jenny gained a coy smile. “So, the legendary Adrian Ashford had a friend after all,” she teased. It was just before midnight as they walked through the New York Park, enjoying the spring air. In Adrian’s hand was the briefcase, and because of its important contents, he had it tethered to his wrist with piano wire. With each strand able to hold up to eight hundred pounds and far less conspicuous than a set of handcuffs, it ensured the case could not be stolen without somebody slicing off his arm or bringing powerful wire cutters. Up ahead was a man in his forties, sitting on a bench in a grey trench coat. Leaning beside him was a red umbrella. “The umbrella, that’s the sign. That’s him,” Adrian whispered to Jenny. She nodded and drew a dart from her purse, hiding it in her sleeve. She knew to always be prepared for the worst scenario. “You must be Mike Reese,” Adrian said with a smile as they approached. The man scrambled to his feet. “Do you have it?” “Mr. Reese, is that any way to talk to an old friend? Or should I call you by your preferred name, Mr. Risen Demon?” Adrian asked without losing his smile. “How do you know me?” he asked, becoming more suspicious. “Come now, Mr. Reese, you should remember me. They hacked into the Bohemian Club security system together, remember?” For a moment, Mike remained skeptical, and then his face went from distrust to shock. “Angel Of Metal? Are you really the Angel Of Metal?” “Was the Castro Lead a dead end? Yes it’s me, and as you can see, we both found what we were looking for.” Mike gained a wide smile. “I can’t believe it, I honestly can’t believe it. We did the Bohemian Club job twelve years ago, you had to have been just a kid back then!” “I was sixteen, but yes. But I’ve stopped skulking around the Internet like a conspiracy theorist, I’ve moved onto bigger things, as you can see.” Jenny stood by silently with a smile on her face, finally able to watch him socialize with someone else. “You have got to be kidding! You… you’re really in the Illuminati?!” Mike said, quickly lowering his voice so that no one else could hear. “Yes, I’ve been a member for the last ten years. Now that the reunion is out of the way, I would like to introduce you to my dearly beloved, Jenny Sinclair.” Adrian said, holding his arm out to her. With a smile, she reached out and shook Mike’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” “Thank you. Jenny Sinclair... I can’t stop thinking that I’ve heard that name somewhere.” “So, how about we get down to business?” Adrian asked, trying to change the subject. “Ok, but not here in the open. There is a great club I know, we’ll disappear there.” The club was dark and incredibly loud, much to his dislike. There were colored strobe lights flashing in corners and thumping techno music booming from speakers all throughout the bar. All of the people were dressed up like the entire bar was about to erupt into a massive BDSM orgy. Everywhere you looked, there was gothic make-up and black leather. “This reminds me of our prom,” Jenny whispered in Adrian’s ear. “Yeah, the only difference being that the prom charged admission,” he replied, making Jenny laugh. They were sitting in a booth in the back of the room, waiting for Mike to come back. “Considering that there is no chance of anyone listening in on our conversation, I guess it is better than the park. With the loud music and the dense population, their sound waves would be lucky to spread past this table.” Mike finally staggered back, holding a martini. He drank it in a single gulp and then turned to us. “Ok, let’s get down to business.” “Really? We’re just going to look past the fact of how much of a freak you are for coming here?” Adrian asked disgust. “Go fuck yourself. You got the stuff or not?” Adrian put the suitcase up on the table and opened it, making sure that no one other than the three of us would be able to see inside. The suitcase was completely filled with gold. “Here you go, the one form of payment literally worth its weight in gold.” Mike got a greedy smile on his face and reached for the gold, but Adrian quickly shut the case. His tone was icy cold. “Mike, right now I’m not your friend; I’m a member of the group you’re blackmailing. You’re lucky the Illuminati try to prevent as much bloodshed as possible, because killing you would have been so much easier.” “How… much easier?” “The second your message was received, a search was done to find out who you are. You covered your tracks well, but it only took 3.8 minutes for my fellow members to discover every single fact about you. We know names, numbers, dates, associates, school records, your social security number, your pin number, blood type, eye color, every single email, text message, and phone call you’ve ever made or sent, and even your first words. We had agents watching you hours after you sent the ransom, twice as many when Jenny and I got to New York, and three times as many when we encountered you. You would shit your pants if you knew how many people in this bar were actually subordinates of the Illuminati, ready to kill you at a moment’s notice and make it look like an accident, or just kill you out in the open and buy off all witnesses and authorities. Even after our deal is completed and you promise to never release the information you have, we will keep a close eye on you for the rest of your life. I was put in charge of this ordeal, and if at any time I decide I want to reclaim this gold, having you killed would be as easy as reaching out to turn off my alarm clock. We’ll know about every email you send, every phone call you make, every bank transaction you will fill out, every person you talk to, and every activity on the Internet. You have no privacy that we can’t break through. You didn’t send that message to sell your silence for gold, you sent that message to sell your soul for gold, and there is no return policy. We are the Illuminati, and we are all-knowing and all-seeing.” Adrian pushed the briefcase over to Mike, and terrified, he grabbed it and ran off, shoving his way through the crowd. “I am so hot for you right now,” Jenny whispered in Adrian’s ear. They were on their private jet, flying from New York to Maine. Jenny and Adrian were both silent as they stared out the windows and let memories occupy their thoughts. With the memories came curiosity, curiosity about what could have been. “Do you have any regrets?” Adrian finally asked, unable to keep his thoughts contained. Jenny looked at him and cocked her head to one side. “Do you regret anything? Do you wish they had done anything different?” Her eyes darkened with sadness and he closed his. “I wish our parents hadn’t been killed. Should I have killed Logan and his friends when he attacked us in the park? If I had, should I have pleaded self-defense, covered up the murder, or just ran away? If I had taken care of him then and there, then he wouldn’t have retaliated and I would not have sought out vengeance. Do you ever wonder what would happen if instead of coming with me, you had gone to live with your relatives and kept living a normal life? Do you wonder what would have happened if your actions had been different? Do you wonder what would have happened if instead of running away with me and the two of us becoming who we are today, I had never killed Logan and we had just stayed in Maine, living like just another couple of teenagers?” Adrian then opened his eyes. “Do you ever wonder what life would have been like… if they had never even met?” “Where in the world did that come from?” Jenny asked. “Just wondering.” “No, no, no, just wondering is when you question how a bee is able to fly. This is like some kind of mini panic attack. What’s wrong?” “I’m just nervous, I guess. I’m so close to achieving my plan, but not a moment goes by that I don’t wonder if it’s really the right thing to do. I keep thinking back to every day of my life, searching for any mistakes I might have made. It almost doesn’t feel real. If I’m having these doubts, am I really ready to implement this new world order?” “Adrian, the fact that you would hesitate like this proves that you’ve thought this through, that you’re looking at both the good and the bad and are weighing all the facts instead of just focusing on anything that supports you, shows that you are ready. That is your human side making sure that everything is being done right. Adrian, I love you, and whether or not your plan works, nothing will ever change that.” Adrian was silent for several moments. “You know, Jenny, I’ve been calculating the time it would take for us to get to and properly distribute the nuclear bombs, and we’ll be able to complete and implement the plan in a month, on May 7th to be exact. I think that maybe on that day… we should also get married.” A wide smile stretched across Jenny’s face. “Really?” she asked, so excited that she could barely speak. “I never brought it up before because Adrian thought getting married was cliché and pointless, but on May 7th, we will deliver the world to peace, and I want to live in that new world with you as my wife.” “I love you, Adrian.” Jenny whispered. “I love you too, Jenny,” Jenny replied. Jenny then tackled him and pressed her lips against his, and for the rest of the flight, she stayed curled up in his lap with the two of them embraced in a never-ending kiss. Jenny and Adrian walked down the streets of their old hometown with his arm wrapped around her. The feeling of nostalgia with every step was almost overpowering. They looked into restaurants that they used eat at when they were dating, walked through the park and stopping at the place where Logan had attacked them but where Adrian had also told Jenny Adrian loved her, and told each other about endless memories. At one point they snuck into their old school, walking down the halls, looking at the endless rows of lockers, occasionally peeking into classrooms to catch a glimpse of their old teachers, and thinking back to all the people they had known and all of their experiences. After wandering around the school, they knew there was something they had to do. They drove out of town with a rented car and made their way to the local cemetery to find their parents’ graves. They stepped out of the car with melancholic faces and separated, each going in a different direction to find the graves of their parents an mourn in solitude, with the cloudy sky above them mirroring their feelings. After making his way through the forest of graves and climbing over several grassy hills, Adrian came upon the two tombstones and stood like a statue. He had always believed it to be a childish and delusional act, but he could help but begin speaking as if he was facing his parents and they were alive. “Mom, Dad… I miss you both. I know I wasn’t the most approachable son, but I love you and I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me. I doubt you would agree with most of the things I’ve done since you were killed, but I just want you to understand that they were all things that I had to do. I’m working on something big, something that is going to bring peace to the world. I wish you two could have seen it.” Adrian gave one final goodbye, and feeling at peace, he walked away. He found Jenny sitting on the ground in front of the graves of her parents. He was slow to approach, wanting to give her privacy. Like him, she was talking as if to her parents. “…And now I run a flower shop in Rome and sell perfume that I make myself. I’m happier than I ever thought possible with my chateau, my business, and my fiancé. Oh! I forgot to mention, I’m getting married on May 7th! I wish…” She then fell silent. Tears began to roll down her face and she gripped her sleeves. “I wish the two of you could come to the wedding. I wish the two of you could have seen me graduate from college. I wish the two of you could meet your future grandchildren. I wish the two of you hadn’t left me!” The pain that had been forgotten for over ten years broke free as Jenny sobbed. Adrian didn’t approach, just waited and listened. After several minutes, Jenny took a deep breath and collected herself, giving a sad smile. “I hope you’re not worrying about me. Like I said, I’m happier than I thought possible. I love Adrian with all of my heart and he loves me and we’re living the life of our dreams. While I wish you two could see me now, I have no regrets.” Finally Adrian walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder as she wiped away her tears. “How do you feel?” She grasped his hand and pressed it against her cheek, clinging to it like a lifeline. “Much better,” she said, wiping away her last tear. “Are you sure about this?” Adrian asked. They were parked in front of the mall and Jenny was putting her things in her purse. “I checked Facebook and she’s working here and her shift is now. I can’t leave without seeing her. Don’t worry, I’m sure she won’t call the cops.” “Well if anything goes wrong, call me and I’ll come back as fast as possible. There is something I have to do.” Jenny looked at him and Adrian could tell that she was reading him like a book. “I hope you find the peace you’re looking for.” She then kissed him on the cheek and climbed out of the car. Jenny walked up to the counter in a department store where a pretty brunette in her late twenties was looking through the cash register. Jenny couldn’t help but smile. “Whatever happened to moving to Hollywood to become an actress?” The woman looked at her and her jaw dropped. “Hey Amanda.” “Jenny… is it really you?” her friend stammered. Jenny nodded and Amanda gave a girly scream, jumping over the counter and wrapping her arms around her long-lost best friend. The two women fell on the floor, laughing and hugging. Many people were drawn to the commotion. “I thought I would never see you again!” Amanda said. She then stood up. “Boss! I’m taking my break now!” An older woman walked up to her. “What the hell are you talking about?! You just got here!” “Please, if you let him go now, I will work 10 hours in unpaid overtime,” Amanda begged. “Fine, get out of here,” her boss barked before walking away. Amanda pulled Jenny to her feet. “If you don’t tell him everything, Adrian will never forgive you.” She said. Gulls sailed under the gray sky, calling out as Adrian’s car came to a halt. He was at the pier, facing the warehouse that had been the former hangout of Logan and is cronies. A chain-link fence with barbed wire surrounded the building, for it was permanently closed off to the public. Adrian stepped out of the car with his sheathed lance in his hand. He hooked it up to hang diagonally from the back of his belt, just like last time. Adrian jumped up onto the fence and climbed up like a spider, carefully trying to maneuver over the barbed wire at the top. He jumped off and made his way to the building. The doors were hanging awkwardly from when he almost kicked them off their hinges. He stepped into the warehouse and moved to the center of the floor. The concrete was stained from the blood of all of the people Adrian had killed. After who knows how many attempts to clean it and a decade of solitude, the stains were as clear as day. Adrian stood at the exact spot he had been standing on the fateful night. The ground around him was peppered with old bullet holes from when Logan and his crew opened fire on him. Imagining Logan and his cronies were shooting at him again, Adrian crouched down with his forearms shielding his face, the same way he had done before. Adrian thought back to the fight, counting the seconds from his memory of how long the barrage had lasted. After the same amount of time, he stood up with the same form and drew his lance with the same speed and movement. “I’m going to kill you all,” Adrian growled with the same tone, slashing the ground with his lance in the same position and line. Jenny and Amanda were sitting in a coffee shop, huddled in the corner. “Ok Jenny, I need to know the truth: what happened? What happened the night you disappeared, what happened afterwards, where have you been all this time?” Amanda asked with a serious tone. “You remember Logan, right? The bully who was sent to juvenile hall?” “Are you kidding? I used to wish you would get a stun gun or some pepper spray because I was worried he would rape you like that other girl. What about him?” “As you probably know, Adrian killed him and all of his friends in that warehouse. He killed him because Logan was the one who killed his parents, my parents, and almost killed me.” “Oh my god,” Amanda gasped with her hands over her mouth. “I don’t know if it was him exactly or one of his followers, but I was forced off a bridge in a car crash and was put in a coma. Adrian thought I was dead, and to avenge me and our parents, he went to the warehouse and slaughtered everyone.” “I know, I heard about it on the news. Adrian’s massacre has become so legendary that it’s now the folklore of this town. Seniors tell it to freshmen to scare them and no one dares use his old locker. Some of the pictures from the scene leaked online and I saw them… I honestly couldn’t believe it. It was like something out of a horror movie. I had never seen so much blood in my life.” “Well I woke up and found him at the warehouse. I watched from the background as he killed everyone. You might call it gruesome, but I was mesmerized by it. After he killed Logan, I made his presence known. That night, we ran away.” Adrian moved through the warehouse, reenacting every movement from the epic fight from ten years ago. He could see every gang member, every weapon, and every tremor of fear in his victims. There was blood, oh so much blood, filling the air and covering the floor. He stabbed and slashed at invisible enemies, replaying the scene over and over in his mind. He could feel bones shattering from every impact, muscles being torn to shreds with every slash, and life being ripped away with every stab. He could feel the weight of their bodies, smell the sweat, blood, and fear, and hear their dying screams as they fell to the floor. Did he make any mistakes? He had to be sure that he had done nothing wrong, nothing had been missed. Finally, Adrian came to the final act of the bloody play. Like an actor on a stage, Adrian reenacted his movements from when Logan shot at him, deflecting every bullet with his lance. It was than that Logan called him a machine. Playing his part, Adrian lashed out with his hand, imagining myself stabbing him through the throat just like last time. “And don’t you forget it.” Adrian took his original position and repeated the exercise, replaying the fight again and again, slaying his invisible enemies like a blood-drunk warrior. After the fifth time, Adrian stopped. Panting heavily, Adrian put his lance back in its sheath. “No mistakes.” Adrian then grabbed the handle as he heard the sound of someone clapping. “Jenny, after you left... there were more stories on the news of massacres like the one at the pier. Witnesses confirmed that it was Adrian, but they also said he was helped by a blonde female accomplice. Jenny, you tell me right here and now: did you help Adrian kill people?” Amanda asked with fear in her voice. Jenny gave a sad smile. “Yes, I took place in those killings.” She said with the only regret in her voice coming from the tone of the conversation. Amanda jumped out of the chair. “Amanda, relax. Sit down. Do you really think I would hurt you?” Amanda was hesitant, but eventually sat back down. “Now as I said, Adrian had a plan in the works, but before we could begin and put that plan into action, Adrian needed to train me,” Jenny said, resting her chin on her tented fingers. “Train you?” Amanda asked with confusion. “Yes, for a long time, Adrian trained me to be like him. He helped me unlock the full potential of my mind and become smarter than anyone else on Earth and he taught him the secret to his physical strength.” “Wait, you mean you’re as smart and strong as him? That’s impossible!” “Well I am as strong as him, but he’s got a good forty IQ points on me. That’s the cost of training too late in my life,” Jenny said casually as she drank her coffee. “So… what can you do with all that brainpower?” “Grab your cell and give him two numbers.” Excited, Amanda took out her phone and opened up her address book. “Ok, 829-4875 and 829-1384.” “Good, now open up the calculator app and multiply them without telling him the result. “Ok, it’s done.” “Ok, is the number 68775993857000?” Jenny asked smugly. For the second time, Amanda jumped out of her chair. “Is there a mirror behind me? Did you see it in a reflection?!” she demanded, trying to figure out how it was possible. “That was nothing, you should see Adrian with credit cards.” “So what happened afterwards?” Amanda asked, desperate for more. “Well, we decided to take a break and tour across the country. Adrian had millions of dollars with him and—” “Wait, MILLIONS?” Amanda exclaimed, causing every in the store to look at them. “Yes, millions. So with that money, we spent the better part of a year touring around America, seeing the sites, taking some pictures… and so on. After we were done traveling, they knew it was time to put the plan in action, so we headed to Vegas.” “Las Vegas?” Amanda said with disbelief. Jenny frowned in agitation. “Yes, Las Vegas. We got a suite in the Bellagio hotel—” “The BELLAGIO?!” “Seriously, stop interrupting! You’re making a scene!” “Sorry… so what was it like?” “See for yourself,” Jenny said as she pulled out her phone and showed Amanda the pictures she had taken in Vegas. Amanda squealed like a little girl when she saw the pictures of the Bellagio suite. “Wait until you see my chateau…” Jenny muttered under your breath. “What?” “I said to quiet down, you’re impossible to talk to. So in Vegas, we played the games and allowed our fortune grow while Adrian tried to make some business partners. Eventually, he found who he was looking for and we were able to make a deal. Now, just to be safe, I’m not comfortable telling you where we went and who we were in contact with.” “All right, so what was the deal?” “Adrian built some special prosthetics for a few people, and in exchange, we were given safe asylum and our own home.” “Oh, can I see pictures of your house?” “Fine, but before Adrian do…” Jenny said as she put her hand over Amanda’s mouth so that she wouldn’t make a scene. “Have you ever been in a chateau?” Jenny asked as she showed Amanda more pictures. Amanda’s squeals of disbelief and jealousy were stifled by Jenny’s hand as she looked through the pictures of every room in the mansion and pictures of it from the outside, along with Vatican Gardens. “Now Adrian designs new machinery and I run a flower shop. Oh, and Adrian is a billionaire,” Jenny said after pulling her hand away. Amanda was nearly hyperventilating as she tried to process everything she had seen and heard. She finally controlled her breathing and began speaking with a very calm tone. “Jenny, let me make one thing clear. I have always envied you, ever since they were young. You’ve always been prettier and more popular than me. But now, if you’re honestly telling him the truth that you do indeed live in a chateau with a billionaire and own a flower shop—one of his dream jobs, I’ll be honest too and say that I’m pretty tempted right now to kill you, cut off your face, and wear it myself for the desperate possibility that I might be able to take your life.” “Thank you,” Jenny said smugly. “I can’t believe it, it’s really not fair. Rich kids don’t become as successful as you. How is it that you can drop out of high school, run away with your serial-killer boyfriend, and become the Goddess of Awesomeness in ten years?” “Actually, it only took one year. We got that chateau ten years ago and I opened up my flower shop after I graduated from college. By the way, did I mention that Adrian and I are getting married next month?” Amanda slammed her head down on the table and began to cry. Jenny waited patiently for her friend to express her envy. At last, Amanda raised her head and took a deep breath. “There is one thing that I’m really curious about though. You said that you and Adrian were getting married next month and—while I try to ignore the dagger you’ve basically lodged in my back by leaving me behind to have such an awesome life—I have to ask: how are you two still together? Adrian was a cold-hearted machine in high school, how is it that you two haven’t broken up?” Jenny smiled. “He’s changed. He’s changed more than you would believe.” She said softly. “Really? What is Adrian like now?” Agent Mason was standing in the doorway of the warehouse, slowly clapping. “You’re the FBI agent that I stabbed in Las Vegas, Agent Mason. I see that my aim was correct after all, due to the fact that you are still alive,” Adrian said. While his voice was calm, his senses were on full alert, trying to pick up any signs that there was more FBI agents or police officers. As far as he could tell, they were alone. “That’s right, I’m alive, but my partner isn’t. I transferred to an FBI station here because Adrian knew that someday you would return. I set up alarms all around the building, knowing that you would eventually come back to the scene of the crime. Now I’m here to avenge my friend.” “This is not the scene of a crime, it’s the scene of vengeance. In this warehouse and countless other hideouts for human scum, I’ve slaughtered the lowest circles of society. I’ve done the one thing that you people never had the courage to do: I took action. And once again, I am taking action for the betterment of the world. I didn’t kill your partner because of any personal reasons or because I wanted to take a life; I killed him because he was an obstacle in my path that refused to move. He demanded to know what my plans were, even after I told him that I could not let him live if he heard them. I warned him to let me pass, but he was too stubborn. He had no one to blame but himself.” “That’s enough!” Mason said as he drew his pistol and aimed it at Adrian. “I don’t know and I don’t care what you’re planning, because it ends here.” Before Adrian could draw his lance, Mason pulled the trigger and a bullet was launched, moving so fast that not even his eyes could catch it. Without a way to defend himself, Adrian was helpless as the bullet struck his chest, instantly causing blood to soak his shirt. Adrian gagged in pain and fell to the floor, unable to move. “Rest in peace Hoffman,” Mason said as he put away his gun and walked away. But before he could reach the door, he heard something that made him stop dead in his tracks. With cold sweat, he turned around to face his haunting laugh. “Adrian… it’s really hard to describe him. Like you said, he used to be cold and emotionless. Back when they were dating, I could see him struggling to try and understand me and get into the whole “boyfriend” role. It was like watching an alien try to blend into a frat party. He was always a little cold with his logic and lack of faith in the relationship, but I could see him trying with everything he had to make me happy and be what I wanted him to be. He really jumped into a whole new world and sacrificed his mental balance just to try and make him happy,” Jenny said softly with a tender smile on her face. “You remember when Logan shot him, right?” “Yeah, of course.” “The whole time he was in emergency surgery, I was praying that he would survive, and if he didn’t, I was planning on how I would kill myself.” “You would have really killed yourself if Adrian died?” Amanda asked, almost as if she were worried Jenny would kill herself right then and there. “Yes, I would have. Everyone is an individual, but he was truly one of a kind and I knew I wouldn’t be able to find anyone like him or love anyone as much as I loved him.” “So what happened after he was shot? I remember you telling everyone in school that he was alive and that he had completely changed. You almost cried tears of joy whenever you told someone. Then when he came back, he was all smiles.” “Well he did. I was sleeping next to him in his hospital bed and Adrian suddenly woke up. He woke me up and told me about this dream he had, where he had to choose between himself and me; he couldn’t wake up until he chose to either remain a cold logical machine and eventually lose me, or reawaken his emotions and give up what made him different from anyone else. He told me that he created a third choice, where he would become human enough to be with me, but be far more intelligent and wiser than any human alive. After he woke up, he was a changed man. I could feel that he actually loved me now. He went from being a cold machine to a cat purring in my lap. But he was true to his words, and he was as logical and wise as before. He used his mind to see the world for what it really was and then he used his heart and will to change the world in his favor. Ever since he woke up, I’ve been following him on his quest to change the world. I almost feel like his apostle. And Amanda, we’re almost there. Adrian and I are so close to bringing world peace, I can almost taste it.” “World peace? You’re kidding right? Just the two of you are going to achieve what no one else has been able to achieve?” Amanda asked with skepticism. Jenny did not lose her smile. “If you looked at him today, you would almost be able to see reality bending under his will. He and I are going to do it. Amanda, it has been so nice seeing you again, but it’s time for me to go.” “Don’t tell me you’re leaving again, you just got here!” Amanda pleaded. “It’s time for me to head home, Adrian is probably waiting for him outside.” Both women stood up and hugged. “Wait, please take me with you. I’ll quit my job, please just let me come with you!” Amanda begged. “Amanda, I don’t know… Taking you with us could be really dangerous and I’ll have to check in with Adrian.” “Adrian am begging you, his life sucks here. Just let come with you, just for a little while!” Jenny sighed. “All right, tell your boss you quit and I’ll meet you outside.” “How is it possible? How are you still alive?!” Mason demanded. Adrian stood up and cricked his neck, then reached into the bloody wound in his chest and pulled out the bullet. “Oh, with just a little help from my fiancé, the pagan goddess of plants.” Adrian then pulled off his coat before it could get bloody and opened up his shirt. Around every muscle on his chest and stomach was a surgical scar. “What the hell are you talking about?” “Jenny loves plants, she loves them almost as much as she loves me. Personally, what I find interesting about them is their ability to crossbreed. If you can crossbreed plants correctly, then you can isolate and harness fascinating attributes. Three years ago, Jenny discovered a very interesting fluid in a plant she was studying. The fluid forms a flexible tear-proof membrane to protect its fruit. The strength of the membranes surprised even me, and after crossbreeding it with similar species, she was able to isolate the strongest chemical. Adrian was able create a synthetic copy of the chemical and create bulletproof sheets. With help from Jenny and my own inventions, I surgically implanted them into my body, just under the skin. I’ve modified my own body to make myself more immune to injuries in battle. In fact, at home I’m even working on a way to convert my body’s bio-energy into power for a stun gun. Unless your next round is able to strike my spinal column, you can’t kill me, and Adrian won’t allow you to get such a lucky shot,” Adrian said as he drew his lance. Mason emptied the rest of his magazine, but as he had done time and time again, Adrian was able to predict where his bullets would land before Mason could even fire him. He deflected each bullet, leaving a smoking mark on his lance and several crushed pieces of lead at his feet. He gave a grim smile, taking delight in watching the FBI agent try to figure out what was happening. “How is this possible?” Mason cursed. “Quite simply, Adrian have transcended the limitations that make you and all others merely human. While you and I are of the same species, I am far more evolved than you could ever hope to be. I’m not sure if there is anyone on this planet who is at a higher state than I am, but unless you get a gun that can shatter my lance or can hit me with a missile, someone of your level could never hope to defeat me. Our strengths are worlds apart.” Adrian bolted forward, moving as fast as physically possible. Before Mason could even form a thought for any form of retaliation, Adrian reached out and stabbed him in the gut with his lance, again missing all of his organs. Agent Mason began coughing up blood and fell to the ground. Adrian reached down with his lance and stabbed the radio at his belt, taking away his ability to call for help, then again in the leg, taking away his ability to walk. The two wounds were easily survivable. “I spared your life because you do not know about my plans and I don’t want to kill an innocent person. However, if you continue to be a thorn in my side, I will take drastic measures. Those wounds won’t even bleed enough for you to pass out, but it will take you almost a full day just to crawl back to your car. Like I said, I do not want to kill the innocent; I just want to remove obstacles in my path.” Adrian wiped the blood off his lance, put it back in its sheath, and retrieved his coat. He winced from his injury as he reached for his ringing phone. “Hey honey.” “Adrian, there is something I want to run past you…” “Uh oh, what is it?” Adrian laughed as he walked out of the warehouse. “Do you think we could bring Amanda with us back to Rome?” Jenny asked as if she were asking to borrow her parent’s new car. “There are so many ways that could backfire on us. If anyone finds out about this, Interpol will be knocking on our front door.” “Please Adrian? I need a maid of honor.” “All right, but we leave tonight. Tell her to get her affairs sorted out and we’ll leave. Let’s just say that I don’t want to stay here much longer.” “Thanks darling.” Adrian went back to his rental car and pulled the medical kit out from under the passenger seat. He sterilized the wound with rubbing alcohol and secured a patch of gauze over the wound with medical tape. Adrian climbed back into the car and drove away. Adrian found Jenny and Amanda standing in front of the mall, waiting for him. Amanda was as nervous as could be, but Jenny looked like she was getting ready to show him off. Jenny pointed to him when she saw him driving up and Amanda retreated behind her, gripping her hand. She looked like she was expecting him to climb out of the car with a robot body, a glove with claws on one hand, a devil’s pitchfork in the other, and a hockey mask on his face. Adrian parked the car and stepped out and Amanda clung to Jenny’s arm the way Jenny would cling to his. As Adrian walked towards them, Amanda became more and more nervous, but that nervousness was replaced with relaxation the closer Adrian got. She studied his face closely and she quickly became more comfortable as she noted the peaceful expression his face. “Hey honey,” Jenny said sweetly as she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. “Hi,” Adrian replied softly. He then shifted his gaze to Amanda and she i ducked behind Jenny. “Hello Amanda, it sure has been a while,” he said politely as he held out his hand to shake hers. Amanda nervously held out her hand, but she became calm when she touched his. “It’s good to see you, Adrian.” Adrian held out his arm to the car. “Well ladies, shall him go?” Both women giggled and they went back to the car. Once the doors were closed, Adrian turned to Amanda, who was sitting in the back seat. His tone was serious. “I just want to make one thing clear: Jenny and Adrian are criminal. We are on the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted List and we have Interpol after us. There are a lot of things we will not tell you for the sake of their safety, and if you turn on us, I will do whatever is necessary to ensure their survival, regardless of any history you’ve had with my fiancé.” Amanda became deathly pale. “Another thing: I don’t trust you. It will take a long time for you to gain my trust, and even after I’ve warmed up to you, I will have no interest in a threesome.” A moment of silence passed by, then Jenny and Amanda burst into uncontrollable laughter. Adrian started up the car and drove away, with Jenny and Amanda laughing until they clutched their stomachs in pain and were gasping for air. Adrian sat parked outside Amanda’s apartment building, waiting for the two women to come back out. Jenny was helping Amanda pack her things and get her affairs in order. “Nice place,” Jenny said, looking around the apartment. There was a small TV against the wall, a dirty couch, stuff all over the floor and coffee table, and an open doorway leading to a mostly-empty kitchen. In the back of the room was a door leading to the bedroom and bathroom. “Must you condescend me? I know it’s nothing compared to your chateau,” Amanda asked as she emptied her fridge of everything that would spoil. “Sorry.” Jenny shrugged. She followed Amanda to the bedroom where an empty suitcase was waiting. “How many clothes should I bring?” “Don’t worry about clothes, we can buy you everything you need.” Amanda turned to her. “Now you’re just rubbing it in.” “Yep!” Jenny said sweetly. “I still can’t believe how great your life turned out,” Amanda pouted. “Well it was all Adrian. He had it all planned out from the very beginning and I just followed him. Trust me, he had it planned out so well it was as if he could see the future.” “So, you said that he trained you to be like him. What kind of training did he actually put you through?” “Well, after we ran away, we spent some time in a warehouse Adrian owned to rest and recover. Adrian used chemicals to put me in a near-death coma, causing my brain to freak out and begin rewiring itself to try and stay alive. There’s that old myth that people only use about 30% of their brain, when really, they use their full brain, but it’s only wired well enough to use 30% of its full potential. I tell you, Amanda, it was like a mental orgasm when I woke up from that coma. Afterwards, he had me working nonstop on all of these mental puzzles, teaching me to think like a supercomputer. After the mental training was complete, we hid in the woods for a month to do physical training. This… I did not like. It was basically boot camp, but with Adrian with me, it was tolerable, and the benefits… I feel like a superhero now. I can do things with my body that I thought were only science fiction. So are you ready?” “Yeah, I’m ready,” Amanda said as she picked up her suitcase. “So since you’re so rich, I imagine we’ll be flying in first class?” “First class? Ha!” Amanda stared in disbelief at the private jet sitting on the tarmac. “I’ve had this one since I was a teenager, still works perfectly,” Adrian shrugged. Without warning, Amanda tackled Jenny, knocking her to the ground and hitting her over and over again. “I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!” She shrieked in jealousy with Jenny laughing and trying to block her attacks. While Amanda explored the private jet, Adrian was talking to Jenny with his voice low. “I’m going to have to head back out after we get home. The faster we take care of all the loose ends, the better we’ll be. I have to secure those nukes and begin sending them out as soon as possible, so for the next month, I’ll be working with the Zero Masons closely. While I’m busy, you and Amanda just go crazy planning the wedding. Get whatever you want.” Jenny gained a wide smile at the last part. “We’ll be like two kids in a candy shop… with their parents’ credit card.” “All right, but I don’t want the pope to preside over the wedding. I really don’t want the pope.” “You’re so mean,” Jenny pouted. Adrian gave a sad smile. “I’m going to be gone for a long time, I probably won’t get back until a few days before the wedding. I have to secure the nukes before I can even consider letting the Zero Masons get close. This will actually be the longest time we’ve ever been apart.” Jenny lost her bright mood as well, but retained the same sad smile. “When you get back, I’ll try to keep my hands off you, because I want the next time they make love to be on our wedding day.” Amanda was bouncing around the Ferrari like a dog on the way to the park. “I can’t believe I’m in Rome!” she squealed over and over again as they drove through the city streets. “If her voice get’s any higher, I’ll kill myself,” Adrian muttered, making Jenny laugh. Jenny was in the passenger seat with Amanda, pinning her down and keeping her mouth covered for Adrian’s sake as they drove up the long driveway to their Vatican Gardens chateau. Amanda was struggling to break free so she could return to bouncing around the car and squealing. Adrian parked the car in front of the house and opened the passenger door. “All right, get out.” Jenny kicked Amanda out of the car and then followed her into the house. Adrian sat in the car, waiting for Amanda to make her rounds through the house and calm down. After half an hour, he could still hear her running around and squealing. Finally, he worked up the courage to go inside. Jenny was sitting on the stairs with her face in her hands. “Honey, did we bring one of your friends to Rome, or did we adopt her?” Adrian asked. “I should have remembered that she acts like a preteen when she’s excited.” Amanda ran over to them, panting in amazement. “I cannot believe this is your house! This is so incredible!” “Have you seen the pool on the roof?” Adrian asked. Her eyes widened and she sprinted off. “That should keep her busy for a while.” Covered head-to-toe in arctic gear, Adrian opened up the large bay doors of the warehouse before him. He was on a rocky spit of land, just north of Antarctica, owned by the Illuminati. It was large enough to have an airfield, a natural harbor, and a bunker that went deep underground, but that was it. This island had been picked because it’s size and location made it almost impossible to find if you didn’t know the coordinates. Adrian was probably the first person to step onto the island in decades. The warehouse was filled with massive crates, all labeled with the symbol of the former Soviet Union. Adrian pulled out a radiation detector and turned it on, instantly causing the device to emit a shrill whine. The levels of ambient radiation wafting from the bunker were approaching notable levels, but were still in the safe zone. “I’ve finally found you,” he said with a smile. With a crowbar in hand, Adrian walked over to the first massive crate and pried it open. Inside was a car-sized bomb with a bulbous missile design. “Hello beautiful.” Adrian had been preparing for this for years and he had finally found his keys to peace, but before he could call in the Zero Masons to transport the nuclear bombs, there was a lot of work he had to do. The loyalty the Zero Masons had to the Illuminati was like samurai to their feudal lords, but that was only if they were well paid, and that was not a comforting thought. The less people Adrian trusted, the better, which meant that he had to do a lot of work by himself. He had even flown his own jet here because he didn’t want the pilot to know of this location. For the next three weeks, Adrian stayed on that island and worked nonstop. He had brought all the supplies and tools he needed and was using every possible minute opening up the nuclear bombs and examining the interior. He had studied the Illuminati’s blueprints of the bombs closely and had memorized their mechanical anatomy. Adrian worked for days on end without sleep, opening up nuclear bombs, cleaning out the interior, making sure that they were all operational, incorporating a remote detonator for every sixth bomb, tagging each with a GPS tracker, and painting over the Soviet emblem on the crates. There were almost two hundred countries in the world, each would get five nukes for personal use, and one would be used to gain national attention and act as a demonstration. Adrian had three weeks to open up and modify 1170 nuclear bombs. ‘Stressed’ was an understatement. While Adrian worked, he would talk to Jenny and Amanda via satellite phone. He would have it set down in the corner, set to speakerphone. They would chat while Adrian worked, they would describe what they were doing in Rome, and Jenny and Adrian would take turns telling Amanda stories from when they toured across America, hung out in Vegas, and lived in Rome. Amanda would talk about everything that had happened to her in the last ten years, but they could hear the jealousy in her voice from her knowing her stories weren’t nearly as interesting as theirs. “So what are the two of you up to?” Adrian asked as he marked a defective bomb. So many had become unusable after the decades spent in the cold, the desperation of the Russians clear in their shoddy production. “We’re buying the wedding dress. Well to be more exact, I’m looking for a wedding dress. Amanda is in the changing room and is crying with a wedding dress on.” “I’m really starting to get worried about that girl,” Adrian sighed as he moved down the shelf to the next crated bomb. “I know, when I first talked to her in the coffee shop, she said that she wanted to kill me, cut off my face, and wear it to try and take my life. I know she was kidding, but now I can see why she said it. She’s been a wreck without me.” “Tell you what, before she leaves, we’ll give her ten million dollars and fly her back home on her own private jet.” “Or maybe we could just adopt her,” Jenny laughed. “The way I see it, she’ll either burst into tears and thank us, or be insulted and storm off,” Adrian replied as he pried open the crate. “That’s true. So what are you doing?” “I just marked another dud. I swear, almost ten percent of these things would never have detonated, even back in the day.” “Well don’t spend too much time around all that uranium. I don’t want you coming back as one giant tumor.” “Darling, I’ve survived a car crash, a burning building, a bullet through the skull, and countless firefights. I’m pretty sure I can beat cancer. Besides, there isn’t enough radiation to cause damage.” “All right, well just come back safely.” “I will, I promise.” As Adrian tapped the nuclear bomb, the echo bounced throughout the entire bunker. He looked out and down the dark aisles between shelves. The cold darkness would have sent shivers up the spine of a normal man. “Honey, have I told you just how creepy it is here? Seriously, even I’m jumpy. I always feel like my flashlight is going to go out, and when I get it to work, there will be some sort of demonic ghost in front of me with its arms outstretched. It’s… it’s maddening.” “Like I said, come home safely,” Jenny laughed. “That’s easy for you to say, you’re in bright warm Rome. I’m in Earth’s cold, dark sphincter,” Adrian joked, making Jenny laugh again. Adrian stepped out of the bunker and gave a large sigh. By working as hard as Adrian did, he was ahead of schedule. He had ten days until the wedding, but he was desperate to get this finished and get home to his dearly beloved. Adrian climbed into his private jet and retrieved his satellite phone. Adrian called up one of the foremen of the Zero Masons. “Gregory Smith, this is Adrian Ashford. Get every Zero Mason you can find and have them all meet me at these coordinates, the more the better. I also need cargo planes, freighters, helicopters, and anything for mass transport at high speed.” “Yes sir, we will be there in three days.” “Adrian need you here faster than that, Adrian want to get home and get back to his future wife.” “Ok, there are 1170 crates that I need shipped out to specific locations. The coordinates are stapled to each crate on a sheet of paper. If you can deliver them all to the designated locations before May 7th, I’ll pay you extra. Under no circumstances are these crates to be opened, and if they are stolen or lost, I will know. You will look at no other crates in this bunker and you will tell no other people of what you have seen or done—civilian, freemason, or Illuminati. If you follow my orders to the letter, you will never have to work again for the rest of your lives.” Adrian was facing several hundred men and women, all dressed in arctic gear. Every one of them was a Zero Mason and would do anything for money, ranging from murder to prostitution, and had no problem with an unmarked grave. “Before the end of the month, your account balances shall have eight figures. Do not fail me,” Adrian said before he climbed into his jet and flew away, back to see his fiancé. The whole time Adrian had been gone, Jenny and Amanda had been zooming across Rome like a pair of gas molecules. Not only were they preparing for the wedding like two teenage girls with unlimited money and a bridal magazine, but they were also going on shopping sprees, walking around the city, and making up for lost time. It took Adrian three days to get back to Italy, after having to stop twice in Africa to refuel. The whole time he was on the plane, he was watching the dispersal of the nukes on his laptop. Using the GPS tracking units he had hidden in every crate, he was able to closely monitor their movement throughout the world. The Zero Masons were following their orders to the letter; all of the nukes were being quickly shipped and flown off of the island, none of them were being distributed to any location in suspicious groups, and none of the crates had been opened since all of the GPS trackers were still sending out their signal. Adrian had rigged each crate with a trap that would destroy the bomb without setting them off, if the crates were opened. He would remotely deactivate the traps once the crates were in place. Adrian finally landed in Italy, where Amanda and Jenny were giddily waiting for him. Adrian stepped off the plane and Jenny instantly pounced on him, riding him to the ground and kissing him wildly. Laughing and pushing her off, Adrian got back to his feet and gave her a long kiss. “All right ladies, show me what you’ve been up to for the last month.” From across the globe, Illuminati members were flying in to attend the wedding of Jenny and Adrian. Not only was a marriage between two Illuminati members unheard of in modern history, but also they were still the youngest members, so they were like celebrities of the Illuminati. The wedding was taking place in the backyard of their home. Jenny and Adrian had lied to Amanda and told her that everyone coming were just business associates. Furniture and silverware were being rented, caterers and cooks were being hired, and endless flowers were bought. According to the news forecast, the weather would be perfect on the day of the wedding. With each day that passed by, Adrian became more and more excited. Not a single tinge of nervousness entered his mind, for never in his life had hen been as sure as he was when it came to spending his life with Jenny. It was the morning before the wedding and Adrian was standing on the roof of the chateau, watching everything being set up. Tablemats and silverware were being laid out, delicious food from the chefs was being prepared, chairs were being arranged in front of the altar, and tents were being erected. Behind him, Adrian heard the door open and close, and just from the smell, Adrian knew who it was. “Are you nervous?” he asked. “I’m as giddy as a school girl,” Jenny replied. “I’m serious,” Adrian said with a smile. “Nervous? No. Excited? More than you can imagine. I’ve been dreaming about this day for years and I can’t stop pinching myself to see if I really am.” “The wedding is in an hour, don’t you think you should… go change your clothes?” “Five minutes to put on my dress, five minutes to have a little pre-wedding chat with Amanda, and fifty minutes to get his makeup right.” “So I’ll see you in an hour?” “The next time you see me, I won’t be you’re fiancé; I’ll be your bride,” she said before giving him a tender kiss. Adrian stood at the altar with his whole body rigid with excitement. He looked out over the crowds of chattering Illuminati members, waiting for Jenny to appear. An Illuminati member who was also a registered priest would wed them. Adrian had no best man, but Amanda would serve as Jenny’s maid of honor. Suddenly, everyone in the crowds became silent as the music began to play. Adrian looked out at the flash of white that was Jenny’s wedding dress and gasped in amazement, as never before had she looked as beautiful as she did now. Her long hair was shining in the light of the Roman sunlight like molten gold, her tan skin seemed to radiate with warmth, and her blue eyes glowed with the brilliance of neon lights. Her dress looked like it was made of silver and pearls and in her hand was a bouquet she had personally arranged, using only the most beautiful plants from her flower store. The light seemed to bend around her, as if her beauty was affecting reality itself. Jenny walked slowly down the aisle with everyone in the crowds as mesmerized by her beauty as Adrian was. Even Amanda couldn’t keep her mouth from hanging open. Jenny stepped up to the altar and blushed as she looked at him. The priest began to speak, reading out the traditional marriage sermon. Adrian did not hear him or what he said, for he was completely fixated on Jenny. He was finally awoken from his trance when asked if they had their vows and Jenny began to speak. “Adrian, I love you more than you could possibly understand. The day you first opened your heart to me was the greatest day of his life, and every day since then has been even better than the one before it. I have followed you all these years because of how much I love you and because of the warmth I feel, knowing that my life is in your hands. I have devoted my life to you and it has been a beautiful life, and I know in my heart that the rest of our lives will be even more beautiful. I love you, Adrian, and my body, mind, and soul will always belong to you.” Adrian took a moment to let her words sink in and enjoy the warmth and love they carried. “Jenny, you have always been my reason to live. Before I met you, I just existed as a hollow shell without a true home, but you gave me a form of happiness that I didn’t think I was capable of feeling. You showed me that being human could be a good thing. I became the man I am today because of you and you have made me into a better person. You are what keeps me alive and keeps my existence and mind from shattering like glass. I need you, Jenny, I can’t live in this world without you. You said that your body, mind, and soul would always belong to me. All I can do is say the same and add that my only regret is that I don’t have more to give. I love you, Jenny, and you are the only woman who I am capable of loving.” Jenny wiped away a single tear and the priest turned to her. “Jenny Sinclair, do you take Adrian Ashford to be your lawfully wedded husband?” “I do.” “And Adrian, do you take Jenny Sinclair to be your lawfully wedded wife? “Adrian do.” “If there if no one to object to this union, then by the power vested in me, I hereby name you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Adrian wrapped his arms around Jenny and she pressed her lips against her, kissing him so gently that her lips felt like a summer breeze. All of the guests applauded as Jenny and Adrian held that embrace. Jenny and Adrian were sitting at the banquet table of the wedding reception, which was taking place in the shade of a massive white tent. Tables had been set up around the dance floor, with Illuminati members situated around each. They were all talking about the wedding and what they all thought about Jenny and Adrian. Amanda stood up with a drink in her hand and the whole reception became silent. Since there was no best man, Adrian could only assume that she would be giving the wedding toast. She took a deep breath before speaking. “I never knew Adrian very well, I never knew what Jenny saw in him, and I never knew how they were able to stay together. However, if there is one thing I know, it’s that Jenny has never been happier than when she is with Adrian. I know that no one on earth could make her happier than he does.” Jenny blushed before Amanda continued. “I envy you, Jenny, I envy you so much. You have a fantastic husband, a perfect life, and a figure that cheerleaders would kill for,” she joked, causing everyone to chuckle. “Adrian, I want you to take care of her. I know you’ll treat her in the way she deserves, because you always have. Thank you for giving Jenny the life she has always wanted, it means a lot to me to see her so happy. I look forward to seeing you two together forever and meeting your future super-genius kids. Congratulations. Also, I’ve been hitting the Champaign kind of hard. Someone should help me to my seat before Adrian pass out in the wedding cake.” Everyone laughed and applauded as Jenny stood up and hugged her friend. The dance floor was filled with people, with Jenny and Adrian in their own bubble of space in the center. Every Illuminati member was dancing with his or her spouse or a fellow member. Jenny and Adrian had their arms wrapped around each other and were moving back and forth, just like at their Prom. “I can’t believe they’re finally married,” Jenny murmured. “Yeah, I guess we’re now in a committed relationship. So no more dating other people, huh?” “You’re damn right. There is a ball and chain hooked that wedding ring.” “Yes dear.” “So when do we… do the other thing we were going to do today?” “Tonight. I have everything set up and ready. World peace will be our wedding present.” “Speaking of wedding present… I can’t believe we’re finally married!” Jenny exclaimed again. The wedding reception flew right by, and before Adrian knew it, the sun was setting he was carrying Jenny through their house and up to the bedroom. Closing the door with his foot, he walked over to the bed and laid her down. Careful to not rip anything, they pulled of each other’s clothes as quickly but delicately as possible. It had been a month since they had last made love and their bodies were starved of the pleasure of that bond. Adrian took his assigned rhythm, letting his instincts and emotions take over. He had missed the feeling of Jenny’s warm naked body pressed against his, the gentle tremors of her heart beating and her lungs expanding and contracting, the taste of her lips as they kissed over and over, the sweet smell of her hair across his face when his head was buried in the pillow, the sound of every shaking gasp she gave, and the sight of her unparalleled beauty and the love she had for him in her eyes. Jenny was equally overjoyed, longing to again be embraced, be exposed. All her life, she had waited for this day, waited to forever link herself to the love of her life, and finally, truly, this day had arrived. Everything had fallen into place, bringing forth happiness that went beyond description. She was where she belonged, where she had always wanted to be, and life had reached perfection. At last, their bodies each shared a mirrored instant of blissful completion. Adrian collapsed beside Jenny and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as they both tried to catch their breath. “I can’t believe we’re finally married,” Jenny whispered. “I know; it feels like only yesterday they were dancing at our prom.” “I love you, Adrian.” “I love you too, Jenny,” he said as his eyelids began to droop. He kissed her one last time and they fell asleep in each other’s arms. Adrian woke up a few hours later and looked at the clock. It was just after 11:00 and the moon was shining brightly outside. “Jenny, wake up, it’s time,” he whispered. Jenny hummed and slowly opened her eyes. “What?” “It’s time, it’s time for us to bring peace to the world Jenny’s whole body seemed to jumpstart at his words as excitement fully woke her up. “Oh, I almost forgot.” With all of the tiredness brushed away, they climbed out of bed, took a quick shower, and got dressed. They silently walked past the guest room where Amanda was still sound asleep and made their way to Adrian’s office. He sat behind the desk and turned on the computer, with Jenny leaning against the back of his chair. Adrian brought up his GPS tracker and checked the position of all the nuclear bombs. “All right, they’re all in position and none of them have been opened. The Zero Masons followed their orders perfectly. First, to get rid of some clutter…” Drawing his phone, Adrian opened up an application and processed an activation button. From his phone, a signal was released, being received and rebroadcasted by every radio tower and transmitter it met. Throughout the globe, tens of thousands of assault rifles exploded. For years, Adrian had been selling weapons laced with explosives to terrorist groups, gangs, and mafias. The stocks of AK 47s and other firearms were stuffed with C4 a detonator, with batteries that could last decades. Even weapons in tunnels and caves received the detonation signal. Now they were all going off, killing their owners and ridding the world of a great amount of danger. “Now to tie up the loose ends…” Adrian then dialed a number. “Commander Leroy, it’s time.” “Yes sir,” the man on the other line replied before Adrian hung up. “Who was that?” “A group of Zero Masons that I did not hire to move the nukes. They aren’t laborers; they’re mercenaries. Right now all of the members of the Illuminati are being assassinated. I can’t allow anyone who could get in my way to live. I’ve also hacked into their bank accounts and drained all of their funds, as well as transferred all ownership of property and businesses to me. From this point forward, you and I ARE the Illuminati.” “Brilliant, very well done,” Jenny said without any hint of objection in her voice. In a hotel room in Vatican City, the electronic lock of the door was hacked into. The door swung open, and several mercenaries garbed in black silently moved into the hotel room. With suppressed pistols, they executed the Illuminati member in the bed, took the body, and removed all traces of their existence. Just down the street, another member climbed into his rental car, drunk from celebrating the wedding with his friends. After several minutes of trying to put his seat belt on put the key in, he turned on the car and drove away, swerving from side to side down the street. But as he approached the first turn, he noticed that his breaks weren’t working. Stomping on it desperately, he tried to stop the car as it picked up speed, accelerating without him pressing down the gas. He drove straight through a storefront window and a massive fireball engulfed the entire building just a second later. Out over the Mediterranean Sea, the pilot of a member’s private jet thought he heard the sound of a gasping yell. He stepped into the cabin and found his employer dead and pale white. Her drink had been spiked with a chemical that induced a heart attack, untraceable and undetectable by forensics. A thousand miles away, the rear fins of a similar private jet were shaking erratically, causing the jet to swerve almost completely out of control. The pilot desperately tried to send out a mayday signal, but the radio was malfunctioning. Only the pilot’s boss considered sabotage as the plane fell out of the sky. Professor Medici woke up at the sound of suppressed gunshots downstairs. Just as he turned on his bedside lamp, mercenaries stormed in. “What the hell is going on?!” he demanded as the Zero Masons all raised their weapons. Instead of replying, the mercenary in charge held up a small voice recorder. He pressed the play button and there was only light static, but after a few seconds, Adrian’s voice was played out. “Hello Professor Medici. I believe it is safe to assume that you are wondering why there are Zero Mason mercenaries standing in front of you with their weapons raised. The reason is simple: I am removing you from the Illuminati, and all current members. Don’t even try to bribe the mercenaries, for if you were to check your bank accounts, you would find that you don’t have a single dime and the deeds to everything you own have been repossessed by me.” Medici paled with fear at his words. “As I speak, every illuminati member is being assassinated. However, only a few of you are receiving messages like this one, specifically, only those with your disease. For the years up until we met, I had wanted to become a member of the Illuminati, because I knew that you people had what I wanted. All I had to do was watch the board, move my pieces, and encircle your king without you even knowing the game was on. Since I now have what I want, I figure it’s time for me to explain everything. I am the one to blame for your illness; I am the one that caused the bio attack against you and your fellow members. The owner of the bio-weaponry company knew how to find you because I gave him the list of members and I suggested he use the virus that took away the use of your limbs. I knew that with my record in the Illuminati, you would already know who I was and what my skills were. I knew that you would seek me about to build your prosthetics. It was merely one of half a dozen separate plots in order to infiltrate you organization. My plans have stretched across almost two decades; you and your fellow members never stood a chance. I would prefer to not have you all killed, but my plans are too important to risk letting you live. Any Illuminati members left alive could challenge me and I will not allow that. At my initiation ceremony, you said that I was a sign that the new generation was ready to replace the old generation. You were correct; you and all of the other members have now been replaced. Goodbye.” The voice recorder fell silent, and before Medici could say anything, the mercenary in charge raised his gun and shot him. Throughout the globe, all of the members of the Illuminati were assassinated with deadly precision, making every death seem like an accident. No one would ever know what had really happened. “Now, to equalize the world…” Adrian said as activated the computer virus he had planted in every government defense system, granting him complete control of every single country on Earth. All across the globe, sirens blared in military bases as missile silos were activated. Emergency procedures were implemented to shut them down before the missiles could launch, but the only computer on Earth that could stop them was in Adrian’s possession. Nuclear missiles flew across the sky but not over national borders. They dropped down, striking military bases that held their country’s supply of atomic weapons. Fiery mushroom clouds blanketed the nuclear superpowers of the world, destroying the weapons that had been built to destroy everything else. In the instantaneous explosions, the stockpiled nukes were destroyed before they could detonate and add more death and destruction. Only Adrian’s private stash on the frozen island was spared. Every government knew to keep their nuclear stockpiles away from major cities, but the death toll was still massive. “It pains my heart to think of all the people I’ve just killed,” Adrian said softly, gripping the middle of his chest. Jenny placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “It was only a fraction of the earth’s population and all great movements bring collateral damage. You are bringing peace to the world, so feel pain for the deaths, but do not slow down. Their deaths were needed for peace.” “Thank you,” he replied, kissing her hand. Adrian gave back control of each nation’s government, so that aid and response could be organized and distributed. Across the globe, national responders were sent to the areas where the bombs had fallen, to help the wounded and civilians within the blast zone. As doctors and rescue workers tried to save as many lives as they could, every government tried to find out what had just happened. Every country with atomic weapons had been a victim, but satellite reports showed that not a single missile had crossed any country’s borders, meaning that none of them were a case of one country attacking another. After an hour, Adrian retook control of the world, while allowing every country to still send aid and relief to the damaged areas. Across the globe, a lone crate holding a nuclear bomb sat in every country. They were all close enough to national capitals to be seen upon detonation, but they would not cause any deaths. They were meant only to draw attention. In a separate location in each country, there was a cluster of five bombs that would not go off. Adrian activated the remote detonators inside each demonstration bomb and set them off. Twice in one night, the world was blanketed in nuclear explosions as the bombs were set off, catching the attention of every government. By now, the citizens of the world were awake and trying to figure out what was going on. They were watching the news, staring in horror and disbelief at the explosions and aftermath. World leaders tried to figure out where the bombs were coming from, for now, every nation on Earth had been attacked, but this time, not a single missile had been launched. Jenny and Adrian watched it all from his computer, hoping they were doing the right thing. “It is time to make my declaration.” Jenny nodded and moved away from him. Adrian once again activated his viral hacks in each country, this time taking control of every TV and radio station on Earth. He activated his computer’s webcam with the translation option working, and on every TV, his face appeared. “Greetings, people of the world. As you may well know, our planet has just been devastated by a nuclear catastrophe the likes of which we have never seen before. I am here to tell you now that I am responsible for what you all consider to be a disaster of biblical proportions.” Across the globe, governments tried to take his broadcast off the television networks, but Adrian had assumed complete control. They couldn’t even track where the broadcast was coming from. People in their living rooms and bedrooms stared at him, waiting for him to continue. In every country, the broadcast was coming out in the national language, having been translated by his computer. Jenny was standing in the corner, giving him a reassuring smile. “I wish to make it clear that this is not an act of war or terrorism, but the first step towards peace. The first wave of nuclear strikes obliterated the atomic stockpiles of every country on Earth, ensuring that I am the only one who possesses and knows the location of any remaining nuclear bombs. Currently, there are five nuclear bombs in every, and they are his gift to the nations of the world. Every country shall receive a message with coordinates as to the location of their own stockpile. If any country tries to own more than five bombs, I will find them and destroy them. I am sure you are wondering why I am doing this. My reason is simple; I want to bring world peace. By controlling the amount of nuclear bombs every country has, I have brought equilibrium to the world. With that equilibrium will come the greatest war deterrent: fear. With all countries now equal in terms of destructive power, the barbaric act of one nation trying to conquer a smaller and weaker nation will come to an end out of fear of obliteration. I have watched you all fighting pointlessly and I have studied the history of the human race. Only with fear can I force the world into peace, only with fear can I force your national militaries into submission, and only with fear can I take away the illogical and sadistic option to wage war. Many of you shall consider him a tyrant, due to my actions and the deaths O have caused. You will compare me to Hitler or Stalin because of all the people that have been killed tonight. I assure you that I would have preferred if no one had died, genocide and death are the last things I want. Blame your greedy and war-mongering governments for keeping nuclear weapons so close to your homes and families. Had they worked more on peace and less on war, no one would have died tonight. I am sorry for the death and destruction I have caused, but out of pain shall come peace. With fear forcing the countries of the world into equality, world peace will finally be created. People of Earth, you have just lost the option of war, whether you like it or not. The future is now in your hands. You can either live with the newly established status quo, or you can go back to fighting and killing for your own greedy and selfish reasons. Though, you will find that the second choice cannot be made as easily and carelessly as it used to be. My name is Adrian Ashford, and I am the leader of the Illuminati and the bringer of peace.” Then Adrian opened up his email account and sent out 195 messages, each to a national leader, giving them the coordinates to their assigned stash of bombs. Adrian stood up and walked over to Jenny. “Have I done the right thing, or did I just cause the nuclear holocaust?” “Adrian, you have always known what is best. You don’t need to ask me for the right answer, because you always know what the right answer is. I believe what you did is right and I believe you have succeeded where all others have failed because you weren’t afraid to make the tough decisions. I believe in you, Adrian, I believe in what you accomplished today, and as your wife, I will always believe in you.” Adrian wrapped his arms around her. “Thank you Jenny.” “I love you,” they both said at the same time. Then with his arm around her, they walked back to the bedroom. “Adrian don’t believe it, how is this possible?” Amanda gasped in terror. They were all in the den, watching the morning news. They had subtitles in the bottom of the screen for Amanda, since she did not know how to speak Italian. Jenny and Adrian had learned it right after they got to Rome. Jenny was sitting to his left and Amanda was sitting to his right, and Adrian was drinking a cup of coffee. Every station around the globe was giving the status of their country and recycling the same information. Every nation had declared martial law and Adrian was now the most wanted person in the world, though they had not actually said his name yet. On the Roman news station, the news anchor said that they were going to replay the video Adrian had sent out. Now Amanda would finally learn whom she was sitting next to… The second his face appeared on the screen, Amanda turned to him with her eyes as large as dinner plates. “Greetings, people of the world. As you may well know, our planet has just been devastated by a nuclear catastrophe the likes of which we have never seen before. I am here to tell you now that I am responsible for what you all consider to be a disaster of biblical proportions,” Adrian said on the TV screen. Amanda jumped to her feet to run away, but Adrian quickly grabbed her by the wrist and sat her back down. “Just be quiet and watch. It will explain everything.” More terrified than ever in her life and with him practically pinning her to the couch, Amanda could do nothing but switch her gaze from the TV to her friend. Jenny’s expression merely told her to calm down and just watch. As Amanda listened to his message, Jenny leaned over and whispered in Adrian’s ear. “It was a good idea to take that shower beforehand…” “Yeah, I didn’t want to look like a zombie when sent this out,” he replied. After the video was played out, Adrian turned to Amanda. She was taking shaky breaths and her face was pale. “Do you want to run like an idiot in a slasher film or do you want to talk this out like adults?” Adrian asked dryly. Amanda didn’t respond. “I’ll go make some more coffee,” He said as he stood up and walked out to the kitchen. “I’ll take mine black,” Jenny called after him. “Oh, adventurous!” Jenny then turned to Amanda. “Come on, say something.” “How can you be ok with this?!” “Ok with this? I helped him do it! I knew about this nuclear bomb thing since we left town. True, we both wish that no one had died for this to come to reality, but that was the cost to bring world peace. Just you wait, there might be a couple brief nuclear exchanges, but after that, the conflicts of the world will be crushed by fear.” “Do you really believe that? Do you really think that peace can come from all this death?!” Amanda asked, trying to get her best friend to see her own view of reason. Adrian came back in with three cups of coffee on a tray. “One black coffee for my wife, one black coffee with two sugars—Amanda, I’m pretty sure that’s how you like it, and one coffee with one cream and one sugar for me. Amanda, humanitarian and idealist views get in the way of true goals. Contrary to the belief of political leaders, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. If you want to have world peace, you have to give something up. Like Jenny said, I really wish no one had to die in order for this peace to be established, but if government leaders had worked harder on peace instead of war and not kept their nuclear bombs so close to populated areas, then almost every single casualty could have been avoided.” “But all that stuff about ‘fear’ and ‘forcing the militaries into submission’… Do you have any idea how tyrannical you sound?” “That is the only way that peace can be created; you have to force it. To fight is human nature, and those in charge will do whatever they can to get whatever they want. It’s easy to choose the option of war when you aren’t the one fighting in it. With nuclear bombs, every country has the ability to make the leaders of other countries responsible for their actions. No leader will dare attack another country if their enemy will just drop a few A-bombs in retaliation,” Adrian explained as he drank his coffee. Amanda drank hers, and once she lowered her cup, Adrian could tell that she had calmed down. He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Amanda, I’m not evil, I didn’t do this to kill people and cause destruction, and I only want peace. I know you probably think I’m Hitler-incarnate, but in no way do I believe in anything remotely like Hitler. I don’t want people to die, and if I had to suffer an excruciating death for everyone that was killed last night in order to save them, then I would do it in an instant.” “Well not everyone, I’m pretty sure some assholes died last night, so you aren’t quite as guilty as you think,” Jenny added. “I know, I was telling myself that all night,” Adrian chuckled. He turned back to Amanda. “You have nothing to fear from us, we only want peace.” Contrary to Adrian’s words, not a single nuclear bomb went off in the following days, but that was all according to his plan. Instead, there were vast protest groups and riots throughout the globe, namely in third-world countries and nations suffering from obscene levels of corruption. Citizens fearing retaliation and war were overthrowing their government leaders, removing anyone who posed a danger to world peace with their finger on the button. A nuclear stalemate was still in place and all the countries were keeping their bombs ready, but no one was stupid enough to start anything. In truth, Adrian and his forces were orchestrating all of these uprisings. Instead of using Zero Masons, he had spent years organizing insurgent groups in all countries he deemed unstable, loyal to him rather than loyal to money. They were his private army, helping to implement the greatest lie ever told. To the world it looked as though Adrian’s prediction of mankind was coming along perfectly, but really, he was pulling the strings from behind the curtain. The first world he left to govern themselves, but the third world was under his control. The plan was complete. Adrian stood in front of a rented car in the driveway of the chateau, facing Amanda and Jenny. Amanda had calmed down, and while she did not agree with what they had done, she was honest when she told them that she would not go to the police. They had already told her everything, from how long Adrian had been planning this to their information on the Illuminati. He had changed his appearance, once again cutting his hair, wearing colored contact lenses, and sporting a pair of fake glasses. “I have to go to Bern in Switzerland to meet with the guys who helped me move all of the nukes. There are a lot of people who I hired and I own them all a LOT of money. As rich as I am, I am not looking forward to all the checks Adrian have to write.” “So what’s with the sedan?” Jenny asked. “I have to drive all the way there and the Ferrari would be too conspicuous. I need to take the long back roads to cross the border.” Adrian cursed. “Are you sure you don’t want him to come with you?” “I need you on the outside in case I get arrested. Besides, I don’t trust Amanda alone with our house. She’ll probably barricade the doors to keep us out in an attempt to take it from us.” “Yeah, I probably would do that. Jenny, you should stay,” Amanda sighed. “Ok, everyone form a line. Ten million dollars; that is your payment. Take your check and leave,” Adrian said dryly, standing on a crate and facing the army of Zero Masons. They were staring at him with grim expressions, angry at what Adrian had done. They had all been hired to do illegal things, but he had crossed a line by using them to start the next Cold War. They were all standing in an abandoned warehouse in Bern, deep in an empty district of the outskirts. The warehouse had originally been for a train station, so tracks and hundreds of abandoned railroad cars were spider-webbed across the barren landscape around the building. The warehouse itself was the size of an auto plant, but had not been used in years. The thick layer of dust on the barren floor, the boarded-up windows, and the petrified rat feces could attest to that. However, there were footprints in the dust that had not been there when the Zero Masons arrived. The footprints belonged to Adrian and they were from him setting up traps throughout the building. He had not come this far to get careless. “Hey, you’re Zero Masons; your job is to ask no questions and do whatever you’re told. Either take the money or piss off,” Adrian barked, seeing the desire to kill him in many of their eyes. He made sure to have his hand on his lance when he gave them warning. Everyone there was armed, but with his record, it was not in the league of impossibility for him to kill them all with only his lance. Grudgingly but silently, they all moved into a long line that doubled back on itself over and over again as Adrian pulled out his checkbook. He was going have a really sore hand after today… “Name?” he asked to the first guy in line. “Fredric Smith,” the man muttered. Adrian wrote the check and handed it to him. He stormed off and the next person came up. “Name?” He asked again. “Melisa—” She was cut off as Interpol agents burst through all of the windows of the building. Adrian had heard no cars or helicopters and he had checked the perimeter of the building for any officers lying in wait. How had they managed to show up without him detecting them? They were all wearing black uniforms with Kevlar vests and facemasks, like the SWAT teams of America. As they rappelled down the walls with assault rifles in hands, Adrian noticed something about their uniforms; they were wearing harnesses, but not for their ropes. The harnesses they were wearing were meant for parachutes. “Paratroopers, how clever,” Adrian said with a maniacal chuckle. All of the Zero Masons pulled out hidden rifles and pistols and opened fire on the Interpol agents, initiating a fierce firefight. Adrian reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, linked up to all of the traps he had set up throughout the building. He pressed one of the buttons and the sides of the crate below him burst open. Smoke machines inside kicked to life and began filling the warehouse with a curtain-like vapor. Even with visibility taken away, the number of gunshots did not decrease. Adrian could hear more paratroopers streaming in from the roof and ordering the Zero Masons to stand down and surrender, but their demands were just met with gunfire. The Zero Masons knew what to do when confronted by a tactical police unit. As reinforcements showed up, the sounds of squad cars screeching to a halt echoed outside, followed by the drumming of helicopters. Adrian jumped down onto the floor and hid behind the crate to avoid the random bullets flying through the air as the Zero Masons and police officers faced off in the smoke. “This is more than just being spotted while in town, Interpol knew I was coming and has been planning this. Just as planned, it seems the Zero Masons can’t be trusted after all,” Adrian muttered calmly. In his mind, Adrian was running hundreds of scenarios on how to escape. He was in a smoke-filled warehouse that had become the scene of open war between the Zero Masons and Interpol, and outside were who knows how many squad cars, and at least four helicopters. “Eh, I guess I’m going to have to wing it,” he sighed as he cricked his neck. Adrian stood up with his cellphone in hand and called home. “Hey honey,” he said brightly. “Hello dear, I was wondering when you would call. How is everything going?” “Let’s just say that I’ll be a little late for dinner.” “So late that I should keep it in the oven or put it in the fridge?” “The fridge will work.” “Ok, I’m on his way. I knew something like this would happen,” Jenny sighed. “I was planning on it. Sorry baby,” Adrian hummed as he walked towards the back door of the warehouse. “No, it’s fine. I’m just worried about leaving Amanda in the house.” “Yeah, me too. Tell you what, I drove by a nice-looking restaurant on the way here. How about we stop by for lunch when they’re done?” “That would be lovely.” “Ok, I’ll see you soon.” “You too.” “I love you,” they both murmured at the same time. Adrian hung up and opened another application on his phone. “Showtime,” he said to himself before opening the door and stepping outside. Spotlights from the helicopters and squad cars shined down on him with near-blinding intensity. “Step out of the warehouse with your hands behind your head!” the Interpol agent in charge shouted with a loudspeaker. “I would prefer not to,” Adrian said calmly as he held up his phone and pressed down on the screen. The warehouse instantly became an island in a sea of flames as well over a hundred explosives detonated in the surrounding area, having been hidden in the train tracks, underground, and in the vast fleet of old railway cars. The explosions ripped apart the railway cars, sending debris and shrapnel in all directions while the flames consumed everything in their path. The flying wreckage knocked the helicopters out of the sky and the flaming shockwaves ignited the gas tanks of the police cars, adding even more carnage. Even though the Interpol agents were distracted by the blaze, they were still in his path. Adrian reached into his pockets and pulled out two handfuls of darts. With destructive aim, he threw the projectiles at the police officers before him. The darts pierced the Kevlar body armor like paper and struck numerous pressure points, incapacitating the officers but leaving them alive. Adrian drew his lance and bolted forward, sprinting into the inferno. The Interpol agents all jumped into the few cars that had not been destroyed and sped off after him. Running at his top speed, Adrian was able to easily escape the agents, even in their cars. However, he could not hope to beat them in a linear race and would have to disappear if he had any hopes of surviving. Adrian zoomed through the burning wreck of an old railcar and ran out into an empty clearing. Before he could come up with a direction to run in, the flames behind him were smothered as a helicopter flew overhead. Inside was an Interpol agent with a high-powered rifle, something that not even Adrian could stand up to. Adrian reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver gun, seamless and elegant without any marks or moving parts to it. Pointing at the tail of the helicopter, he pulled the trigger and an explosion blossomed on its surface. The weapon in Adrian’s hand was a laser, based on the one he had built as a teenager. In the handle was a power supply: a piece of active plutonium, sealed in lead and Demium, and then wrapped in thermoelectric plastic. The plastic converted the heat of the plutonium into electricity, powering the laser and giving it enough strength to punch through the side of the helicopter and ignite the tail’s gas line, ripping the craft out of the sky. Adrian continued running between two walls of railcars that were forming an ongoing alleyway. A line of Interpol agents appeared at the end and raised their assault rifles. Adrian drew his lance as they opened fire, with his brain working at top speed in analyze where every bullet would land. Swinging his lance as fast as possible, he deflected the continuous stream of bullets as he charged towards the shooters. With him constantly moving, the majority of the bullets just missed, while the rest flew in a predictable line, allowing him to defend himself. Unable to believe what they were seeing, the agents panicked, just tossing their rifles aside when they ran out of ammo and drawing their sidearms instead of just reloading. With that quick distraction, Adrian threw a handful of darts at the agents, striking them in exposed areas and incapacitating them. He threw one final dart at the side of one of the nearby railcars, lodging it in the metal. Adrian jumped into the air and used the dart as foothold, making a second leap onto the roof. He sprinted down the line of railroad cars, trying to make as much distance as possible. He looked up as a vast shadow consumed his path. Falling out of the sky were more paratroopers. They landed ahead of him and drew police batons. “Oh please,” Adrian scoffed without slowing down. As he approached, the first officer swung his baton, trying to strike him in the back of the skull. Adrian counterattacked before he could bring it down, shattering the bludgeon in his hands. Before he could retaliate, Adrian kicked him in the stomach and sent him flying off of the railcar. He then dodged the attack of the second agent as he brought down his baton like an axe. Adrian lashed out with his lance, stabbing him in the thigh. He yelled in pain as Adrian threw him off of the roof. Adrian swung his lance to attack the third officer but he blocked with his baton. Without pulling back for a second attempt, Adrian reached out with his hand and struck him in the vulnerable area of the throat, just beneath his helmet. Gasping for air, the agent fell to his knees as Adrian walked past him. The fourth agent drew his pistol, but before he could even pull the trigger, Adrian switched his grip on the lance and threw it like a javelin, stabbing him the gut. He dropped his pistol and Adrian retrieved his lance before he fell off the roof of the railcar. Up ahead, Adrian could see the place where he had hidden his car. If he could escape to the city, then his chances of getting away would skyrocket. Adrian jumped off the railcar and onto a pile of crates, covered with a ragged tarp. Only the perimeter of the pile was actual crates, they were just used to hide the car. He ripped off the tarp and climbed through the driver-side window, then turned on the car and pushed down on the gas, plowing out of the pile of crates and nearly destroying the front of the car in the process. Adrian sped away as fast as possible, while trying to avoid crashing into any railway cars. Behind him, the warehouse and the surrounding area were still burning from the all of the explosions. As Adrian left the outskirts, more Interpol squad cars and helicopters began to arrive. He entered the city of Bern, speeding down the streets as fast as the sedan would let him. The roaring of the engine was greeted with a chorus of honks from all of the cars he passed by. Adrian was swerving from side to side, trying to evade the cars in front of him. In less than minute, the sirens of the police cars drowned out the angry honks of the civilians. Desperate to buy myself some time, Adrian made a screeching turn into an alley. He pulled two blocks of C4 with primers out of the clove compartment and threw them out the window. They hit the walls of the two buildings, and before the cops could pass them, Adrian detonated them with his cellphone. The sides of the buildings were ripped apart and rubble poured down on his pursuers, bombarding the first two cars into submission and stopping the rest. Adrian burst out into the next street but came to an instant halt as more cop cars showed up, blocking off the street in both directions. The sedan didn’t have enough horsepower to break out of the stockade of cars and it was too large to fit through the nearest alley. Dozens of Interpol agents had him surrounded on all sides and all were armed with assault rifles. “I know I went easy on them, but wow, they actually got me,” Adrian laughed. “Put your hands on the wheel and don’t move!” one of the cops yelled with a loudspeaker. Another cop approached with his rifle ready and opened the door. Adrian raised his hands and he locked on a pair of handcuffs. “You are going to rot in jail for the rest of your miserable life!” the officer yelled as he dragged him out of the car. “So should I slip the cuffs now or do it later?” Adrian asked out of spite. The officer didn’t reply as he pulled him to a criminal transportation truck. “Just one question; why couldn’t you show up before I wrote the first check?” Adrian was sitting in a dank concrete room, illuminated by a bright hanging lamp. Before him was a metal table bolted to the floor, facing a two-way mirror with a steel door behind him. Hen was secured to his chair with two sets of handcuffs, which Adrian found to be very interesting. The authorities were obviously doing everything they could to limit his opportunities, but his only problem was when to break free. Adrian heard the door behind him open and an old enemy came into view. Adrian gave a small but confident smile. “Hello Agent Mason. I didn’t think they would ever meet again, let alone so soon.” “It took over ten years but we finally caught you,” he muttered as he sat down with a file in his hand. “John Dillinger was caught once or twice Adrian believe.” Mason was unfazed. “That’s interesting… Tell him, do you regret any of your crimes?” “Qui pro quo, Clarice, qui pro quo.” “Cut the bullshit!” “How in the world was the FBI able to get in on this? This is Interpol business. I’m surprised the FBI even allowed you to actually come in and talk to him. You obviously aren’t very stable.” Mason took a deep breath. “Just answer the question.” “Like I said, qui pro quo. I’ll answer your question if you answer me first. How is it that the American FBI was able to convince Interpol to let one of their agents jump over all of their red tape, let alone such an unstable one?” Mason muttered a curse in frustration but answered. “Until a few of your henchmen came in and confessed, they didn’t even know you had left the country. You did well in making sure that no one you hired knew where you lived. They were able to tell us that you were somewhere in Europe, and that was all we needed to know. You are an American citizen hiding abroad, which involved both the US government and Interpol. They combined their resources and worked together to hunt you down, using the information that your subordinates gave us.” “I assumed that much, but why are you here? Of all of the interrogators and agents, why did they send you? True, we have had a couple of confrontations in the past, but why are they so comfortable with having you represent them?” “They aren’t. True, I haven’t myself since you killed my partner, but I was able to pull some strings in order for his superiors to look past it. Aside from that, I’m here because Hoffman and I were originally in charge of your case and I know more about you than anyone else in either the FBI or Interpol. I’ve answered your question, now you answer mine; do you regret your crimes?” “I have absolutely no regrets in any of the crimes I committed before they met in Las Vegas. The people I killed in this country weren’t victims; they were garbage. They had chosen their paths in life and those paths had led them to become subhuman hindrances to society. I figured I might as well put my abilities to good use before moving on to bigger and better things. But before I can go further, I must ask another question. Is there any name for the night when I set off those nukes and made my declaration? Please tell him that they aren’t just referring it to 5/7 like the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.” Mason sighed. “As much as it pains him to give you the satisfaction, I’ll be honest and tell you that there is a name. People around the world are calling it Judgment Day because they thought you were being used by God to bring forth the Apocalypse. Many people are calling you the messenger of God, the son of God, or God himself, while many others see you as the Antichrist riding on a white horse.” Adrian chuckled. “You find that amusing?” Mason asked. “How could I not? True, my life-long goal has been to surpass human limitations, but never did I toy with the idea that I was or could ever become some sort of god. I may be smart, but I’m not crazy and I’m not narcissistic. Besides, in the world of comedic irony, it never ends well for the people who call themselves God, so I’m going to avoid hanging that sword of Damocles above my head. But as I was saying, there are many crimes that I regret, and they were all on “Judgment Day”. Specifically, they were all the people I killed. Actually, all the people I killed, minus the people who were assholes in their lives, I don’t mind their deaths.” “So you do regret it…” “I don’t regret my actions, not in the slightest bit. However, I do regret the people who had to die in order for my actions to take place, but even though my setting off all of those nukes did indeed kill millions of people, the fault does not all fall on me. True, it’s very unlikely that they would have all died in nuclear explosions without me to press the button, but it would have been impossible for any of them to die that way if the governments had done a better job of keeping their nukes at a safe distance.” “But why did you do what you did?” “Hold on, you know the rules: I answer your questions if you answer mine. Now tell me how many people are glad with what I did?” “Like I said, many people see you as some sort of messenger of God. It’s more complicated than—” “That’s not what I asked. I asked how many people support my actions.” Mason was silent for a few moments. “Many more than Adrian would like.” “That is not a proper answer. If you are not going to give me a number or even a guess, then at least tell me how they are supporting me.” “A number of people in Rome are demanding that the pope declare you to be a saint, web pages and forums have sprouted up all across the Internet where people who agree with what you did argue with those who hate you, and there are riots in almost a hundred towns and cities of your supporters fighting with the general public. You’ve basically started a cult of people who worship you.” “I don’t want them to worship me, I do not deserve worship. All I want is for people to understand why I did what I did. Everyone who supports me is able to see the big picture. They are able to toss aside the cloud of humanitarian ideals that block their senses of logic and see that while there was a great cost for what I gave the world, it is well worth the benefit. I want people to understand why I did it.” “Well why did you do it?” “While my reasons are in his broadcast, I will explain anyway. I detonated all of those nukes to bring world peace.” “And how does the greatest genocide in the history of mankind—albeit an unintentional one—bring world peace?” “I did not detonate those bombs to cause deaths, I did it to prevent them. I destroyed all of those nukes because the nations of the world refused to. I obliterated the advantage of the nuclear superpowers and then redistributed them as I saw fit. That first wave of explosions was merely to clear the board for a new game.” “And the second wave?” “That was to get the world’s attention, not just the countries that were struck. I had those bombs placed in very strategic locations; close enough to national capitals for the explosions to be seen, but not close enough for people to be at risk by the blast radius or fallout.” “You also said that you had given nuclear bombs to every country?” “Yes. After the first wave of explosions, there were only six nuclear bombs in every country. Every sixth bomb was used for the demonstration, while the other five were my gift to the nations. With every country having five nukes, the status quo in terms of military power has reached equilibrium. It doesn’t matter if some of the countries don’t have armies or air superiority; they have nukes, and that is all they need to scare off their enemies. Ever since the end of WWII, the nuclear superpowers of the world have used their advantage to bully the other nations, but now that their weapon stockpiles have been destroyed and nuclear bombs have been fairly distributed to the rest of the world, the status quo has been locked down. Every nation will fear its neighbor and that fear will deflate their egos, with no one daring to wage war, attack, or intimidate another country.” “So this peace will only exist because the nations of the world will be too petrified to make a move?” “That is the only form of peace that can exist. Humans are incompetent when it comes to building their own peace, especially when you incorporate more and more people into the process. The UN has been unable to end wars because the ambassadors only care about their own countries. All of these selfish ambitions come together to form the useless bureaucracy that they put their faith in. To be frank, I find it to be quite useless. I don’t want to get rid of the UN, but it needs to learn to do its job and I’m tried of waiting. I did in ten years what the UN has been unable to do in seventy. True, you may not agree with my methods and your humanitarian idealism may keep you from seeing the big picture and agreeing with my methods, but I have established world peace.” “You said in your broadcast that you were the leader of the Illuminati. Would you care to explain that?” Adrian chuckled. “Well, I have no other questions to ask, so I’ll just answer you. The Illuminati does exist, though I brought it to the edge of extinction by assassinating all of the other members.” “How did you become a member?” “I began my search several years ago, looking on the Internet for information. After sifting through all of the conspiracy theories and rumors, I finally found the pure information I was looking for. I found the list of members and tried to figure out a way I could join. The answer came when I found another person after the same goal. He was the CEO of a bio-weapons company who had been denied membership to the Illuminati. He wanted revenge but he had no real information to go by. I hacked into his company servers and looked through the weapons he could use against them. I discovered a disease that his company had created, which had the ability to cause blood clots in the extremities and inevitable muscle death. Anonymously, I gave him the member list on the condition that he would use that disease against them. With my technological skills, I knew that I could have collateral against them. It was in Vegas that we finally found the personal doctor of one of the members, and we used him to get in contact with the Illuminati. In exchange for safe asylum and membership in the Illuminati, I built prosthetic hands for the members infected with their debilitating illness. I used the Illuminati to find missing nuclear bombs from the Soviet Union, and then distributed them to the countries of the world using the subordinates of the Illuminati, the Zero Masons. I assassinated the other members so that I would acquire all of their wealth and influential power, with Jenny and Adrian as the only members of the Illuminati left. And then I came here, under the guise that I was going to pay the Zero Masons for their services. In truth, I knew that Interpol or some other group would catch wind of me, and I needed to eliminate the Zero Masons so that they couldn’t oppose me or leak any more information. I was the bait to draw you people in and I threw you at them to dispose of them for me. From this point forward, I’ll be watching the nations of the globe, making sure none of them acquire more than their allowed number of atomic bombs.” “And how are you supposed to do that when you’ll locked up in a maximum-security prison for the rest of your life or dead from being executed?” Adrian cocked his head to one side and laughed. “Did it ever cross your mind that maybe I wanted to be captured? That maybe this is fun for me? What happened in the train yard? That was just a game to amuse myself. If I had gotten away, the game would have ended, so I went easy on all of you and now I get to play a little bit longer. You would do well not to underestimate me, it has had dire repercussions in the past.” The government-controlled building was ten stories tall with a chain-link fence surrounding the perimeter. The area within the fence was filled with parked police cars and patrolling guards. The Swiss government had given Interpol use of the building since it was too risky to take Adrian out of Bern. Jenny was standing on the roof of a nearby building, holding a remote control. “Someday, honey, your boredom is going to get you killed,” she giggled as she worked the controls of the remote. Down below, a cargo truck full of beer kegs was moving steadily down the road. The driver was a dressed-up mannequin, but controlling the truck were pneumatic actuators hooked up to the gas, brakes, and steering wheel. Jenny’s controller was directing the actuators themselves, allowing her to regulate every movement and action of the truck. “Showtime,” she said with a smile as she made the truck accelerate and steered it into the fence surrounding the building. The guards jumped out of the way as it plowed through the fence and slammed into the parked police cars. The mechanical goliath knocked them out of the way as if they were inflatable and then crashed into the entrance of the building. The fenced sides of the truck broke open and the kegs fell out like boulders in a rockslide. They burst open when they hit the ground, spraying the area with brown fluid. But the air was not filled with the smell of beer; it was crushed under the fumes of gasoline. All of the kegs had been emptied and filled with gas. As gas poured out across every surface within the perimeter of the fence like a flood, Jenny pulled out a flare gun and launched a ball of fire across the street. The flare struck the waves of gasoline and the entire area was engulfed in a sea of flames, setting off the fuel tanks of the police cars and incinerating everything that would burn. People were fleeing as fast as they could to escape the inferno, but Jenny took a deep breath and jumped off the building as if it were the edge of a pool. She fell through the air and landed on the hood of a car, shattering all of its windows and crushing the metal sheet. By using her heightened reaction speed, she had distributed the force of the impact through every muscle and tendon in her legs and ankles, taking away the crippling strain and avoiding injury. Jenny drew her lance as she approached the flames. The building shook from the impact of the truck and the intensity of the flames, sending vibrations down to the basement. As the lamp swung erratically above him and the door rattled in its hinges, Adrian gave a smile. It looked like it was time for him to make his escape. While his hands were kept away from each other by two sets of cuffs, Adrian didn’t need to use them together. A thin black line with a bright dot on one end could be found on his lower back, but it wasn’t a tattoo or scar; it was a pin, hidden beneath his skin and just long enough for such occasions. He reached underneath his coat and shirt and pinched the bright spot on the end, which served as the head of the pin. He pulled it out, glad that he had made it as long as he did. Adrian inserted the pin into the locking mechanism of the handcuffs on his right hand, pushing up on the catch until it released the teeth of the cuffs. The loop opened up without anything to hold it closed, freeing his right hand. Adrian quickly turned and unlocked the second set of cuffs, opening them up and setting him loose. The two-way mirror behind him most likely had a reinforcing polymer that would reflect back most of the force Adrian used against it, so his only exit was the door. Adrian gripped the handle and put one foot on the frame. Using all of the strength in his arms and leg, he ripped the door open, shattering all of the locks. Adrian walked down the cinderblock hallway, listening to the explosions outside. As he turned a corner, a guard spotted him and charged forward with a police baton. He swung it down towards his head but Adrian knocked his arm aside like it was an annoying housefly. Adrian reached up and punched him in the jaw with enough force to shatter all of his teeth, then sidestepped behind him and kicked his knee, breaking his leg. He howled in pain as he fell to the floor and Adrian walked past him. Down the hall, two more guards heard the exchange and were running towards him. As the first one approached, Adrian pulled back his arm and then slammed him in the chest with his palm, shattering all of his ribs but not causing any organ damage. He passed out from the agony as his second opponent approached. The guard aimed a stun gun at him and pulled the trigger, firing two darts that were connected to the weapon by a pair of wires. The barbs clung to his chest and sent electricity through his body, his unflinching will allowed him to block out the pain and remain in control of his body. Adrian grabbed the guard by the throat, lifted him off the ground with one hand, and slammed him against the wall. “Where is the evidence room? Where are my weapons? Tell me and you will live.” Adrian demanded, speaking in German. “Seventh floor, room 725!” the guard replied in kind. Adrian slammed him against the wall again, knocking him out. He turned and continued down the hall, while the explosions continued outside. Jenny walked through the inferno, slashing and stabbing at anyone who raised a weapon at her or came close. The light of flames was making her hair shine like molten gold and made the blood on her lance look like melted rubies. She walked through the entrance of the building and stepped into the lobby, which was no longer burning, thanks to the building’s fire alarm. The receptionist had abandoned her post and the lights were out. There were two hallways branching out to the left and right up ahead and an elevator directly in front of her. As a guard in a gas mask ran past her, having been ordered to make sure Adrian was still locked up, he spotted Jenny and stopped. He raised his pistol and fired several rounds, but with the same skill and style as Adrian, she raised her lance before the bullets could be launched, predicting where they would strike instead of trying to follow them with her eyes. Jenny deflected every bullet as she moved closer and closer, finally coming in range to reach out and stab the guard in the stomach. With the flames outside sizzling out from a lack of fuel, she turned and continued down the hall, figuring that Adrian was in a holding cell the basement. Jenny pulled out three darts as the echo of approaching guards reached her ears. At the next turn in the hall, three Interpol agents stepped out and pointed their rifles at her. “Don’t move!” the one in the middle barked. Without slowing down or replying, Jenny threw the darts, striking the three agents in the throats. They fell to the ground with blood pouring from their wounds. Jenny walked up and knocked them by stabbing all three of them with her lance. She continued on, reaching the elevator. The doors opened up, showing that it was full of agents. Without missing a beat, Jenny dove in. Adrian stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hall, counting the rooms. From seemingly every door and turn, Interpol agents and Swiss police officers were jumping out and attacking him, armed with batons, firearms, and stun guns. As Adrian got closer and closer to the evidence room, it seemed like their numbers were increasing. One fully-protected agent charged towards him with a baton in hand. As he swung it down towards his head, Adrian caught his wrist and jerked his arm, turning him around and forcing him to his knees. Adrian let go of his wrist and then kicked him in the side of the head. Even with his bulletproof helmet, the kick was powerful enough to give him a concussion and knock him out. Behind him, a police officer stepped through a doorway with a shotgun in hand. Adrian picked up the officer he had just knocked out and used him as a shield against the first load of buckshot. The ball bearings tore through the man’s Kevlar, and before the next round could be fired, Adrian hurled the corpse at the gunman. Knocked to the ground, the officer dropped his gun and Adrian kicked him in the side of the head. Adrian finally reached room 725 and stepped inside. The room was dark and filled with rows upon rows of shelves, all filled with boxed-up evidence. Without turning the lights, he scanned the boxes, looking for the most recent addition. Adrian finally found his lance, darts, and laser, wrapped up and secured in a long cardboard box. Before Adrian could open it, he jerked to the side to dodge a bullet aimed for the back of his head. Ducking down, he drew a dart from the box and spun around, hurling it at the assailant. The metal spike struck the hand of Agent Mason, forcing him to drop his gun. He raised his other hand, his backup in his grip. “Stay dead this time.” Before Mason could pull the trigger, Adrian lunged forward and knocked the gun aside, then reached up and stabbed him in the throat with his bare hand. His hand tore through the skin and muscle with ease and crushed his veins and windpipe. Mason fell to the ground, dying just like Logan. “I can’t afford to die again, after all, third time is the charm,” Adrian said calmly as he got back to his feet. With Mason’s dead body bleeding onto the floor, Adrian opened up the box holding his weapons. Adrian stowed the darts and his laser in his pockets and retrieved his lance, spinning it around his fingers. Fully armed, he stepped out of the evidence room, ready to find his wife. Jenny walked through his path of destruction down in the basement, looking for anyone conscious. She came to a police officer that was beginning to wake up. She grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off his feet. “Where is Adrian?” she demanded, speaking in German. “He went to the evidence room on the seventh floor,” the guard said groggily, having been the one who directed him. Jenny slammed him against the wall, knocking him back out. “What the hell is going on here?!” she heard a voice yell. She looked down the hall and saw and Interpol agent with an assault rifle. Before he could raise it and fire, Jenny switched her hold on her lance and threw it like a javelin. The lance flew through the air like a bullet and struck the Interpol agent between the gut and the ribs, piercing his Kevlar vest like paper. The weapon lodged itself in the wall behind him, pinning him to it. Jenny retrieved her weapon and made her way back to the elevator. Adrian was swinging his lance with machinelike speed and brutality, slashing and stabbing at Interpol agents and police officers that were streaming up and down the staircase. They were swarming towards him in such numbers that it almost seemed to defy logic. There were so many that Adrian had stop knocking them out and just go for the easier kill. Adrian stabbed one agent in the chest, piercing his heart and ending his life. Another agent charged towards him from behind, so Adrian slammed him with his elbow as he pulled his lance free. The agent fell to his knees and Adrian snapped his neck with one hand. One officer raised his empty shotgun above his head to slam him with the stock, but Adrian stabbed him through the lower jaw, with the end of the weapon breaking out of the top of his skull. Before Adrian could pull it free, an agent ran up the staircase with a stun gun in hand. With his free hand, Adrian drew his laser and shot the man in the face, burning an inch-wide hole through his skull. Adrian finally pulled his lance free and used the swinging momentum to turn around and slash an officer across the chest, the man lacking a bulletproof vest. He looked down and spotted a door across the staircase. It looked like it was just close enough to reach. With all of his strength, Adrian kicked the handrail, breaking it off and clearing a path. He then lashed out and slashed the two closest enemies, buying him a mere second. With that quick opportunity and a small running start, Adrian jumped off of the staircase, falling through the wide expanse of open air. Barely missing the handrail and slamming into a crowd of police officers, Adrian reached the other side safely. He quickly wrenched open the door and jumped out into a large room filled with vacant cubicles. He closed the door and jammed a dart into the locking mechanism, sealing it shut. Adrian ran to the nearest elevator and pressed the button over and over again, knowing that Adrian had less than a minute before the door was broken down. The stainless steel doors finally opened up, and Adrian was face to face with Jenny, wearing bloodstained clothes but apparently unharmed. They both gave a gasp of disbelief and then reached out, wrapping their arms around each other in a tight embrace. “I’m so glad to see you,” Adrian whispered. “You too. I was really starting to worry.” They were shaken from their dream by the rattling of the door near the elevator. It couldn’t hold much longer. “Come on, we have to go,” Adrian said, grasping Jenny’s hand as he stepped into the elevator. They pressed the button for the ground floor and the doors closed. “Every cop and Interpol agent is gathering down in the lobby to apprehend us and there are no other exits. However, once we get out, there will be no one to chase after us,” Jenny said. “We’ll be sitting ducks once the doors open up. They’ll open fire the second they see us.” “Then they just have to make sure that they don’t see us,” Jenny replied as she held up a smoke grenade. Down in the lobby, every Interpol agent and police officer had a gun in his hand and was pointing it at the elevator doors. The weapons would shake more and more as the lights above the doors showed that the elevator was nearing the ground floor. Finally, the door opened, but nobody fired. Smoke was pouring out of the elevator and a hissing sound could be heard. In a single barrage, half a dozen open smoke grenades were thrown out of the elevator and into the hall. As smoke filled the room, everyone opened fire on the elevator, pocketing the far wall with hundreds of bullets but leaving Jenny and Adrian safe. They were hiding in the front corners of the elevator, holding their breath. “By the way, this doesn’t count as a honeymoon,” Jenny teased over the chorus of firing bullets. “Yes dear,” Adrian laughed. The second the sound of gunfire was replaced with the sound of magazines being handled and guns reloaded, Jenny and Adrian dashed out of the elevator. Smoke had completely filled the room and taken away all visibility, but Jenny and Adrian could still sense their enemies. Undeterred by the smoke, they moved through the lobby like ghosts, stabbing at every agent and cop in their path. The room was far too crowded for them to use their lances, so they were each holding two darts and using them like daggers. People began firing random shots into the air as the sound of people being killed grew louder and louder. All the bullets did was add more death and confusion to the mess. Bodies continuously fell to the floor with carefully placed stab wounds as Jenny and Adrian would pounce on their targets and either strike the pressure points like deadly vipers or try to power their way through to the organs. Once they thinned out their numbers, they returned to their lances, wielding them with masterful skill and terrifying strength. In Adrian’s free hand was his laser, and with each pull of the trigger, a beam of light would momentarily cross the room, the smoke giving the light something to bounce off of before someone was killed. With every stab and every slash, victory seemed to come even closer. Adrian felt unstoppable with his enemies unable to land even a single counterattack or find him in the smoke. Against his better judgment, he even felt immortal. He had died twice before and been in countless fights similar to this one, and he had always come back. He knew he could still die, but he just let the feeling continue to burn in his heart, granting him even greater strength and speed. Even with the smoke blocking his sense of sight and smell and the sounds of battle obscuring his hearing, Adrian could tell that Jenny felt the same way, as if there was an open channel between their minds, letting them read each other’s thoughts. She was enjoying the battle as well and relishing the feeling of superiority they had over their enemies. Both Jenny and Adrian took no joy in the killing of these people, but that feeling of invincibility was like a euphoric amphetamine. The knowledge that they had defeated everyone in their path was giving them a vast boost of power. Whether it was a street gang, the police, the Illuminati, Interpol, or even the whole world, no one could stand in their way. They had overcome everything in their path and brought world peace. How could anyone possibly defeat them when they had beaten the odds time and time again and even defied death? How could anyone hope to kill them when their physical and mental abilities were so powerful that guns were completely useless against them? How could anyone ever hope to surpass their legend? In only thirty seconds, every agent and cop was dead and the room fell silent. The only presence Adrian could sense was Jenny’s as they both put away their weapons. Their heart rates slowed and they became themselves again. Trying to catch their breath, they stepped out of the smoke-filled lobby and into the warm sunlight. They both stood still, letting the sun wash away their aches and pains. “I hope that is the last time we ever have to fight,” Jenny said softly. “We’ll probably have to continue fighting, since the authorities will be after us forever,” Adrian replied, filling Jenny’s eyes with sadness. “But I put my faith in their bond, so I’m willing to put my faith in a peaceful future.” Adrian then reached out and wrapped his hand around hers. “Come on, let’s go home.” For the next several decades, an uneasy peace settled across the world. People were afraid of attack, but the attacks never came. Similar to the Cold War, international tensions were reduced to little more than countries holding their fingers over the launch button and bluffing. Now that the Third World could fight back, America, Russia, Europe, and the nations in Asia ceased bullying smaller countries out of greed and fighting pointless wars. They had always operated on the belief that they could do whatever they wanted as long as their enemies couldn’t overpower them, but now the nations of the world were forced to be equal. They could either deflate their egos or be annihilated. Once everything cooled down, Adrian and Jenny began to rebuild the Illuminati. Individuals who were more than smart enough to see the big picture of Judgment Day and supported him were carefully recruited. They did background checks for everyone they watched, making sure that they would not jeopardize the peace that Adrian had installed. Those that lacked a hunger for power, narcissistic desires, and double-crossing tendencies were recruited one at a time. With their help and vigilance, they watched the proceedings of the world from their computers, always strengthening their hold on the military and informational systems of the world by hacking and re-hacking their way through every new firewall and defense, making sure that no country could ever lock us out, build a vast number of nuclear weapons, and take over the world. There was no aspect of any government that they did not have eyes and ears in, and whenever they found out that a country had so much as one more nuclear bomb than they allowed them, the punishment was swift and brutal. Taking control of their missile defense system, they would wipe whatever base the bomb was held at off the map. As time went on, the rage people had originally felt on Judgment Day was replaced with understanding. National tensions were at an all-time high, but the threat of attack was at an all-time low. Fear was the key to peace and that fear was doing its duties flawlessly. With the powers and wealth of all the former Illuminati members, Jenny and Adrian were able to evade capture with ease. They completely disappeared off the face of the earth with layer after layer of aliases, with only their fellow members and Amanda knowing their true identities. Never in her life did she ever tell anyone about them. With their enemies unable to find them, and the world in the palms of their hands, Jenny and Adrian lived out their lives in happiness and luxury. They loved each other, never forgetting what they had done for each other, their adventures together, and the peace they had given to the world and each other. The End |
After reading some of the stories posted here I figured that with some of the interesting things that have happened to me why not put it down on paper and share it with everyone. So let me start with a little background information so you can see where I was coming from. At the age of 24 there were some unique things happening in my life. For one thing my job was a little unusual I was a court stenographer. Not too many people are in the profession and for a young age my business developed quite quickly through the contacts that my father had provided to me. Before this journey starts there were at least ten people that I was farming work to and was making a very good buck. One of the jobs that I had taken brought me to one of the more prominent law firms in the city and the firms founding great great-grandson. We seemed to have a rather nice business connection and after six months or so of doing work for him we agreed on a partnership that would make my career. I would provide my services and the ten other reporters on my staff exclusively to his firm and we would give a nice discount for our work. As you could imagine this would put me in a mid to high six figure income on a yearly basis. After discussing this proposal with some of the people that I farmed work out to they had all agreed to come along with me and form a new company. Now, if that were the end of my story there would be no need telling it. As it turned out one of the young cunts who worked for a larger firm made it quite clear that she was going to make more money working for me than her current pain in the ass boss and spilled the beans. Once the cat was out of the bag this man who owned this firm had 100 reporters and made a deal with the law firm that there was no way I could counter and it ended up costing me more than $150,000 that I shelled out for a new downtown office and computers and office furniture ect… With this new revelation I was basically broke putting out my own money gambling that this deal could have potentially made me a millionaire in a few short years. When this happened a good buddy of mine Bob suggested that perhaps we move out of the Philly area and perhaps move out west and take our chances there. My cousin Mike was getting married in Denver in a few short weeks and my whole family was making their way out to attend so I figured that this would be a great time to take an extended vacation and perhaps see if there was anything that I could find. After getting drunk for about a week my buddy Bob came over and we laid out a plan to visit not only Denver but Las Vegas and San Diego too. He was a model who wanted to become a movie star and the only way he could do that is to move out to the left coast and take as many auditions as he could. About this time my father who found out that I was going to San Diego called his friend who he mentored for about six years and told him my story and asked if there was anything in San Diego for me. Over the next few days we talked and he offered me an opportunity to talk to him and his partners of perhaps starting a court reporting firm in San Diego and that I could run it for them. After a few more days of planning we were on our way out to Denver for my cousins wedding. My cousin’s family was very generous and allowed my buddy Bob to attend the wedding and the reception. Once we got to Denver the pre-wedding craziness was happening and quite frankly I wanted no part of it except for the bachelor party and the reception. I was more looking forward to getting to Las Vegas and gamble a little bit and take in some of the night life that they were known for before going onto San Diego to make this business pitch. After renting a car Bob and I made our way around the city and even thought that since it was such a nice clean city that this could be a possibility as well for moving out west. We made the rounds as usual and checked out apartments and rents and what the local job situation was like. The apartments and rents were reasonable but there was very little as far as jobs for us. The night before the bachelor party another cousin of mine Hailey and her family arrived for the wedding. Hailey’s family owned a cattle ranch and when I was in high school I would spend my summers working on the ranch helping out. Hailey and I were pretty close in age and we always seemed to get along fairly well. We were at my Uncles house drinking and playing cards when she arrived. I hadn’t seen Hailey in over three years and the last time we saw each other she was still a little underdeveloped she hadn’t reached her full potential as it were. The first thing that came to my mind was “damn milk did her body good.” She stood only five foot tall and maybe 110 pounds and a nice 34-c cup that I came to find out later and an ass to die for. She still had that fresh teenage baby face with hazel eyes and nice brunette hair that went down to the middle of her back. It was a shame we weren’t kissing cousins earlier on in our teenage lives because there was only one thing going on in my mind and that was fucking her brains out even though it was wrong as hell. After she said hello to just about everybody Hailey made eye contact with me and immediately made her way over to me and I slid out of my chair and gave her a nice big bear hug. I said, “Hey cuz long time no see. I see you’ve been drinking a lot of milk since the last time I saw ya and have to say you’re looking pretty damn good.” She said, “ Thanks I guess – her face turned a little red and she smiled at me and said Stop it -- you know you’re embarrassing me in front of everybody. When did you guys get in?” “We got in a few days ago and started looking for some work – there might be a slim possibility that I could move out here. Come on I want you to meet my buddy Bob he is tagging along with me. Bob wants to move to California and take a stab at becoming an actor. I turned and looked at the fine body again and asked – So you still single?” Hailey pulled on my arm and slowed me down a little and said, “Look I’m not looking to hook up with one of your buddies I’m here for the wedding okay. I said, “No problem – look relax I just want to introduce you to him alright?” We made it to the living room where Bob was just relaxing and talking with some of my family. That’s when I knew something bad was going to happen. Hailey once again pulled on my arm and took me back out of the living room. She had this big surprise on her face and said, “Danny you can’t introduce me to him while I’m looking like this let me go and freshen up a little bit.” I said, “So, since he’s pretty handsome you really want to make a good impression.” She just looked at me and made a beeline for the bathroom. After about an hour Hailey came back and found me and asked me to introduce her to Bob. Off we went and found Bob – this was like watching a spider waiting for a fly to get stuck in its web and Hailey was that little fly and I knew it. I ended up introducing the two of them and I soon became an after thought so I just left the room and made my way back to playing poker. After a half hour or so Bob and Hailey made there way into the kitchen and Bob told me that Hailey was going to show him around the city a little bit and would meet me back at the hotel. Well, that could only mean one thing – Bob was getting my cuz’s pussy and to be careful before I got back to the hotel room. When Bob and I would go on vacations there was a system that we worked out. Since he was such a good looking guy he tended to get a lot and I mean a lot of pussy. I was just happy to get the girls he kinda threw back in to play but thought if they hung out with me there might be a slight possibility of fucking Bob. Part of the system that we had in place was if we got separated from each other to go to the front desk and ring up to the room. If there was an answer then you were good to go but if not go to the bar and have a couple of beers and try back later. It was about one in the morning when I made it back to the hotel and of course I made the call up to the room to find out if Bob was fucking my cousin or not. There was no answer so I figured that Bob was either fucking her in her hotel room or they were still out for the night. When I got to the door there was no do not disturb sign on the door which is the a back up to the phone call just in case you were literally tied up and couldn’t get to the phone. I opened the door and immediately knew that I was not the only one in the room. Bob and I got a junior suite that had separate bedrooms. This was good because Bob and Hailey were in his room I could hear her giggling like a little schoolgirl when I walked in. I tried to stay quiet as I could and went into my room I didn’t want to disturb them. Now, I was tired and drunk and just wanted to get a little sleep but Hailey started screaming then I knew there was no way I was going to get any sleep. Now most guys they tend to exaggerate about their sexual prowess and tend to embellish their stories of how they fucked the shit out of dumb bitches for hours and hours. I’m not a bad looking guy and have had my share of pussy for my age but I never made a woman squeal the way Hailey was. After about three or four minutes of this I wanted to get closer and perhaps pick up some tips that I could use for future reference. I crept out of my bedroom over to Bob’s door – Now the door wasn’t completely shut. I had a good view from the back crack and felt there was no way that they could see me. When I peered in I couldn’t see Hailey at all she was buried underneath Bob. Bob is 6’ 4” and Hailey well she is barely five foot she just disappeared underneath him completely but she had a set of lungs on her and man could she scream. She was cursing so badly that she could make a trucker blush. I had no idea she had such a bad mouth or that she was so damn easy. I mean she just met Bob not more than a few hours ago and here she was naked ready to get the pounding of her little life. To my surprise she wasn’t naked all that screaming was just from Bob sucking on those gorgeous round tits of my cousin. Hailey pushed Bob off of her and made her way to the end of the bed. She was so damn cute she had this little and I mean little white cotton G-string that was perfect for seeing nothing but her ass cheeks. She also had on a nice little sports bra that was soaked from Bob sucking on her tits and was pushed up giving me a view that was unbelievable. She started dancing at the end of the bed like a little stripper but without the pole. She was smiling and shaking her ass like a fucking pro. The good news was that she couldn’t see me and this was turning me on my cock sprang up like a hard coiled spring. All kind of thoughts started racing through my head about incest and how damn good looking she was and how I wanted to be the one laying on the bed watching her dance for me. She slid off her top and put her finger in her mouth and gave a little evil smile that made my cock start to throb so hard that it started hurting. I figured what the hell if they can’t see me – I haven’t had any pussy in a couple of months and since I was a peeping Tom – I might as well jerk off. Hailey then put her hands on her hips and put her thumbs underneath the straps of her thong and slowly pulled it down to her ankles exposing the smallest pussy I had ever seen and a small balloon knot that had never been penetrated before. This was turning me on more then ever. She spun around to give Bob a peek at the goods but I was staring at her shaved pussy and than tiny little slit of hers then she bent forward towards me and her tits just dangled there with those tiny nipples hard as a rock. I just wanted to get underneath her and start sucking on them like a baby whom hadn’t breast-fed for about a week. Bob he couldn’t handle it anymore either and jumped out of the bed and what I hadn’t realized was while she was doing this striptease for Bob he had taken off all his clothes and ran over in front of her and pushed her down on the bed and spread her legs nice and wide exposing this perfect oval of a pussy that was virgin pink on the inside as well as the on the outside. Bob didn’t hesitate for a second and dove straight in with his tongue and buried it in her pussy. Her legs went straight back and her head started to thrash around on the bed like the chick from the exorcist as Bob ate her pussy. Bob’s tongue was moving from the bottom of her asshole all the way back up to her clit. After a couple of minutes my cousin started to moan and groan and then the dirty trucker mouth reappeared. Bob didn’t care what the hell she was doing he kept digging deeper and deeper into her pussy. I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock as gently as I could so that I didn’t cut it on the zipper on the way out then I heard Hailey screaming. I saw her head pop up and watch Bob eat her special holes. She said “C’mon baby if you want to fuck this cunt you better get it nice and wet so you can slip that cock of yours deep inside my tiny little cunt – Yeah ooooooh yesssssss eat my cunt.” Then she grabbed the back of his head and started grinding her hips in a circular and jamming his face deeper and deeper in between her legs. Bob stood up and grabbed her legs and spun her over in one motion onto her stomach and Hailey’s ass popped up in the air exposing her drenched pussy. Bob reached up to the top of the bed and got a pillow and put it underneath her stomach and then got back down on his knees and then buried his tongue into her asshole instead of her pussy. Hailey got this real evil grin on her face as she looked back as Bob was eating her little shit hole. Then came this deep demon like voice from my cousin “Don’t you dare stop bury your tongue in my asshole – eat my ass – put your fingers in my cunt while you eat me babbbbbyy – ccccooooommmm onnnnn eeeaaaat mmmmy assss and make me cummmm all ovvvver your tongue. Bob didn’t hesitate and put the finger inside of her pussy while he attacked her asshole with his tongue. Then he buried his tongue as deep as he could inside of her asshole when Hailey screamed IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII’mmmmmmmmmmmmm cummmmmmmmmmmmmmming then squirted a load of her jizz all over Bob’s face. I couldn’t help it, it was so damn funny that I actually stopped jerking off and had to try to compose myself as his whole face was covered in her pussy juice. Hailey fell to the bed and was panting like she just finished running a marathon and Bob got up and ran to the bathroom like a little bitch does after you cum in her mouth to wash up. A few minutes later Bob came running back in from the bathroom like a little boy excited about staying up for an extra hour and his cock was as hard as rock. Then I realized why all the girls love this guy it was a minimum of 10 inches. I thought for sure he was going to kill my cousin but what the hell she is the one that got her into this mess. Bob jumped up on the bed and his cock was standing at attention and Hailey looked up and just had only one thing to say “oooooohhhhh my god” then opened her mouth and took as much of it into her mouth as she could. Bob grabbed the back of her head and started forcing her head down on his cock as much as he could but every time he pushed she would gag on it and almost throw up. Hailey gave him a little smile and sat down on the bed and told him to hold still. She spread her legs and then opened her mouth then looked up at Bob and said in this little sexy voice of hers “Let me take care of your cock and I promise you won’t be disappointed – then I’m going to let you fuck my brains out with your wet juicy cock and put it in my teen tiny little pussy and if you’re a good boy and make me cum while you’re fucking me I just might let you fuck me in the ass – so calm down a little and let me suck your cock like it should be – this isn’t a fucking porno you know this is real so let me do a good job for you like you just did for me and you can cum all over my face too” She reached back up and grabbed his cock and then proceeded to deep throat him in a slow sensuous way. Bob just leaned back and watched her suck his big cock and after a couple of minutes she actually swallowed the whole thing. She looked up at him and said “Relax and let me slide your cock down my throat for a while because my pussy and asshole are a lot tighter than my throat so you better get used to it.” I couldn’t believe that she was taking that huge thing down her throat but she was a real trooper as her spit as drooling out of the side of her mouth as Bob was probably getting the best blowjob he had ever had. Then Bob’s knees started to buckle a little and she pulled his cock out of her mouth and started to blow on it and was laughing at him and said “No way are you getting off that easy you’re going to fuck me then cum on my face or in my mouth or both but I want you to fuck me.” Then she got to her knees pulled his head down and French kissed him and his cock started to limp a little and she grabbed it and very gently began to jerk it to keep it nice and hard. When Bob pulled away he said “Look you’ve been promising me pussy all night it’s time you made good on your promise and let me fuck you.” She looked at him with a smile and said “It turns me on when a guy knows exactly what he wants and his tongue tastes like my cum and his face smells like it too – now get that big sopping wet cock inside of me – I want you in me fucking me deep and hard.” She got off the bed and stood up and said “Come here and fuck me standing up from behind I want to feel the full thrust of that be cock of yours.” Bob got up and stood behind her and bent his knees as best he could but she was so small and he was so tall it didn’t look like it was going to happen but somehow he got his cock inside of her. Bob said “damn baby you were right you got one tight little hole I can only get the head in baby – look this isn’t going work let me fuck you doggy style I promise you’ll get the full thrust effect.” Hailey moved back over to the bed and put the pillow underneath her belly and her feet where still on the floor and you could see how muscular she was, as her muscles were popping as Bob slid his huge cock inside of her from behind. Bob grabbed her legs and pulled her ankles up and touched her heels to her ass and started to pound her pussy like a chef pounding a piece of meat to tenderize it. Hailey put her hands out in front of her and was trying to keep from being pushed all over the bed. Her face became all contorted each time Bob buried his cock balls deep inside of her. After a minute or so Hailey looked back at him and said “You know I love riding horses and like the one who always try to buck you off it’s a challenge to stay on – let me get on top of you then you try to throw me off I bet you can’t.” Bob just shook his head and said “Baby where in the hell have you been all my life?” She said, “Right here waiting for the right moment to give you the fuck of your life now get down on your back and prepare to get the best fuck of your life.” Bob lay down and Hailey went over to the chair and got her cowboy hat and put it on smiled at Bob and said “You ready for the ride of your life?” He smiled and said “Bring it baby but there is no way you’re staying on top of me I give you less than 20 seconds.” Hailey turned away from Bob showing him her pussy and rubbing it all over his face then put his cock deep inside of her pussy and just sat there for a moment leaned back and kissed him on the lips smiled and said “Here we go don’t be gentle because I’m not getting thrown never have and never will be – oh by the way did I tell you that I can squeeze my pussy around your cock so tight that it won’t come out and you’ll never be able to cum unless I let you – so hold on for the best ride of your sorry ass life.” Bob smacked on the ass and said, “Stop talking shit and let’s see how good you can ride the big Italian Stallion.” I shit you not that was what he said stereo typical of an Italian guy from Jersey. Bob started moving in all kinds of directions trying to get her off but every time he moved she counter moved and it was hot as hell as they were thrashing around on the bed. The both of them were talking to each other so fast that I couldn’t understand a word they were saying to each other but the way they were fucking each other it really didn’t matter. I just stood outside the door jerking off at this totally hot scene and thought to myself why in the hell didn’t I make a move on my cousin all those years ago. After about three or four minutes Bob almost got her off of him then you heard “hollllly sssshhhiiiitt let go of my cock your killing me -- your killing me unclench your pussy I believe you – you win – you win just let my cock go pleeeeaase.” Hailey let go of his cock and said; “now it’s your turn.” She slid off of his cock and Bob just gave her a little smile. Bob said, “Okay now it’s my turn to show you what I can do.” Then Bob flipped her over and put her ankles behind her head and pushed her ass up in the air a little and then buried his cock once again into her pussy. Bob started to pound her nice and hard and it only took another minute or so and with Hailey screaming and moaning so loud she just looked up at Bob and gritted her teeth and squirted once again real hard and as he pulled out there was another volcanic eruption from her pussy. Bob wanted to get back inside but Hailey said, “Honey let me go to the bathroom and clean my fuck hole up for you and then you can finish inside my mouth – okay sttttuuuudddd.” Then under my breath I said “damn it I was so close to cumming can’t these two get it right.” Then Hailey looked over to the door and caught a glimpse of me standing behind it and gave me a little smile. She said “Come on stud you can fuck me on the bathroom counter top after I get cleaned up.” Then she stood there for a couple of seconds staring at the door smiling at me. All I could think was damn how stupid I was and this is going so embarrassing. I figured that this would be it they would go to the bathroom and shut the door and that would be that but she opened the door real wide and sat up on the counter top and spread her legs real wide exposing her pussy to me and took a wash cloth and stared at the bedroom door as she cleaned her pussy smiling at me the whole time. Bob then moved over to her and slid his cock inside of her and started fucking her right from where he left off. Then after a minute or so I was tugging on my junk thinking I better cum and get it over with since she is never going to let me down over this. Then Bob yelled out and said, “Get down on your knees cowgirl and take my load.” Hailey slipped off the counter and got down on her knees and positioned her head so her mouth was facing the bedroom door and she started jerking Bob’s cock off like a champ. She smiled at me and then she stuck her tongue out and looked at the door and said “Cum in my mouth give me your hot cum – I want to taste you – don’t spill any cum I want to swallow every last bit of you.” Then I shot a load all over the carpet and then a couple of seconds later Bob unleashed a huge load all over her face and in her mouth. After Bob stopped squirting his cum all over her face he smiled at her and said “How does it feel getting hot cum shot all over your face?” Hailey smiled and said “Probably just as good as when I squirted all my love juice all over your face.” Hailey stood up with all that cum all over her face and in her mouth and then leaned up and kissed Bob on the cheek and said “C’mon baby let’s take a shower and get cleaned up.” I pulled my pants up in complete disbelief at what I had just done and started formulating some kind of story to explain to Hailey what the hell I was doing outside Bob’s bedroom. I knew she would never tell anyone else but she would always have this over me. I got back to my room got undressed jumped in the shower myself and finished before they did that way we were running water at the same time and Bob would never know I was outside his bedroom door. I put on my sweats and waited for them to get out of the shower I heard them get into bed together then I slipped out of my room and opened the hotel room door and shouted “Hey Bobby you here?” He said, “Yeah man just got back about half hour ago – your cousin is a pretty cool chick hopefully she will go out with me again after the wedding?” I said, “Yeah whatever just make sure you don’t hurt her.” Bob said, “Never man you know I would never do that – good night and I’ll see you in the morning.” I said, “Yeah man see you in the morning for some breakfast.” The next morning I woke up and was terrified to see my cousin but to my surprise she slipped out in the middle of the night and that came as a complete load lifted from my shoulders seeing her after what I did the night before. Here ends part 1 [b] |
Note: If you have reservations about young teens being prostituted, no matter with consent or not, do not continue reading. This site is an exploration of fantasies, no matter the form. Mike grinned and started over to the bed. There he lay down on his back, his now erect cock sticking straight up like a pole. Becca sauntered over, her naked tits swaying back and forth with every step. She climbed on top of him and placed her pussy at the tip of his cock, slowly pushing herself down until she was fully impaled. She closed her eyes with passion. The curve of his cock was just perfect, massaging her G spot with amazing accuracy every time she moved up and down. Mike, not wanting to be a simple sex toy to his girlfriend, massaged her little B-cup sized breasts with his left hand, and rubbed her clit with the other. She groaned with passion and pushed his hand against her harder as she bounced on his cock. After a while he grabbed her tight little ass in his hands and began lifting her up and down, faster and faster, until they both began to grunt with the effort. Is penis penetrated her to it’s fullest extent, and with every thrust it disappeared completely before returning a second later covered with Becca’s slick pussy juice. And all at once, they came. Becca convulsed, her tits waving wildly around while she ejaculated all over his chest with a clear, warm fluid. And although he had just cum what seemed like gallons into Cassie, his cock spurted his hot cum straight into her womb. His balls clenched until it felt like they were going to disappear inside him, and she felt his cock pulse with energy inside her pussy. Her walls clamped tighter, milking him for all his worth until she fell down, exhausted. Cum dripped out of her pussy and down his cock, staining their parent’s bed sheets with their taboo juices. They looked at each other, and their passion for the other person was mirrored in their partner’s eyes. Then they kissed, long and hard, they’re tongues intertwined, a parable on the union of their naked bodies. But eventually, they realized they would have to clean up before Cassie and Becca’s parents got home. So they parted and got dressed, to the disappointment of all. Later that night, as the three of them watched The Dark Knight, Mike had an awesome idea. “Becca? How would you and Cassie like to make a little bit of money?” the two sister’s turned to look at him with their amazing blue eyes. “Sure!” They said in unison. “What do you have in mind?” Mike grinned, and they both saw that primal fire light up in his eyes. “Well, if you don’t mind me saying, you two are the greatest fucks in the history of mankind. And honestly, I would rather have you all to myself. But I’m sure there’s other guys out there who would love to bang you up. Especially my friends.” Becca suddenly realized where this was going. “You want us to be prostitutes?” she asked accusingly. Mike’s grin didn’t diminish. “On paper yes. But in reality, you would be getting the greatest pleasure of your life, while making buko bucks at the same time!” Mike’s enthusiasm was starting to catch, and Cassie began to like the idea. “How much do you think we’ll make?” she asked innocently. “Well, my friends are all with rich families, and they all get exorbant allowances that they hardly know what to do with! So I’m thinking we could do it on a scaled basis. The more erotic it is the more expensive it is.” And so Mike laid out his plan to the girls. For Cassie, the price to see her naked would be $30, to give her cunnilingus $60, for fellatio, $100, and for sex, $200. The whole package would be $360, a thirty-dollar deal. For Becca, the price would be slightly lessened, due to the fact that she was older and therefore slightly less desirable in certain ways. To see her naked, it would be $40, to give her cunnilingus $55, for fellatio, $110, and for sex, $195. The whole package would be $355, only slightly less than for Cassie. They both agreed that this would be an excellent opportunity, and by the end of the conversation, their panties were soaking wet with anticipation. The next day, while the boys showered after gym, Mike decided to see if his plan would work. He first approached the two most horny kids in the class, Jason and Peter. Jason was massive, a 6’4” black teen, with a cock like a horse. Limp, it was at least 6 inches long, but erect, it had to reach 11 inches. Peter was no slouch either in the dick department, but his real specialty was lasting power. 30 minutes could pass with the tightest pussy on earth, and he wouldn’t even be close to cumming. Mike tried to hide his grin. If, no when, he got these boys to fuck his girlfriend and her hot little sister, the girls would be in for a world of pleasure. And get them to agree he did. Jason was more than happy to put out all $715 to get some of the tight pussy Mike was offering. Jason wasn’t going to make his wishes simple. He shelled out another $285 to have both of the girls chained up on their beds for him to rape. But Peter had a different plan. He paid $1000 for both of the girls, with an additional caveat. He wanted to see them both fuck his dog, Bruno. Mike said he’d ask the girls, but with $2000 dollars of cold hard cash in his hand, he knew he could get them to do it. Cassie and Becca could barely contain themselves on the day Jason and Peter were to arrive. They masturbated each other constantly, bringing each other to new heights of orgasm almost every hour. Finally the doorbell rang, and they both rushed upstairs to change into their birthday suits. Mike got the door and greeted Jason, Peter, and his dog Bruno. Mike had purposely neglected to tell the two nymphs about the dog, knowing that the surprise would be well worth whatever pain they gave him later. Already, Jason’s dick was at nearly 8 inches simply from anticipation, and when they got upstairs to the girls’ bedroom, it flew up to full mast instantly, breaking the button on his pants. Cassie and Becca lay on the bed, completely naked, their long, tan legs chained together at the ankles, and their hands tied to the bedposts. Jason grinned, handed Mike the $1000 dollars, and set to work. He stripped quickly, and every teen in the room gasped at the size. Fully stiff, it was 11 inches of pure, black meat, and Jason intended to use it to its fullest. He jumped on Cassie first, ready to destroy her 11 year old cunt with his massive black rod. Staring, open mouthed at the sight of his massive cock, Cassie screamed, and struggled against the ties on her arms and legs. But there was no escape for her. Jason positioned his huge body over hers, moving the head of his dick to the entrance to her pussy. He slowly pushed forward, squeezing his massive dick into her pussy. Her pussy lips bulged, stretched farther than she had ever thought possible. Jason moaned. This was the tightest fucking pussy he had ever had! Deeper and deeper, his penis pushed the limits of her pussy. Her young body was quivering with lust. Although it had hurt like hell at first, only pleasure reached Cassie’s body now. Jason planted kisses all along her as he slowly crept up her body. He sucked on her tiny tits, licking the hard nipples. His penis was about 6 inches in, a little more than halfway, when he kissed her. It was a passionate, deep kiss, and Cassie wanted to pull him in more, but the chains held her tightly to the bed. Suddenly, he pushed forward, his penis sinking another 3 inches in, pounding into the entrance to her womb. Cassie’s eyes opened wide, and she screamed into his mouth. But he wasn’t about to stop now. Jason slowly drew his monster dick out a few inches, then slammed forward again, driving himself over and over into her tight little hot box. Cassie couldn’t believe it, but she was orgasming over and over again, every time he slammed into her. She could almost see his penis inside her, pushing in and out, applying constant pressure to her G-spot. Her body spasmed, squirting cum all over Jason’s hard black muscles, making him even hornier than he had been. He kissed her for the final time, driving his tongue into her mouth as he pounded one last time, harder than he ever had before. His massive balls tensed up, and his cock throbbed with energy, sending wave after wave of hot white cum deep into her womb. Cassie’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she climaxed one last time. It was so intense, she ripped the bindings on her hands and feet off the bed, and her nude, eleven year old body thrashed in ecstasy underneath Jason’s toned black skin. Finally, the orgasms stopped, and Jason withdrew his limp, but still massive, cock from her inflamed pussy. Cum spilled out onto the bed, and Cassie scooped it up in one hand, then licked it off her fingers. Their combined juice tasted great, and Cassie swallowed every bit that she could. Peter and Mike had watched the whole ordeal with stunned looks on their faces. They couldn’t believe that such a young girl had taken a cock like that and lived to tell the tale. But it was over and done with, and it was Peter’s turn to have some fun. They untied Becca from the bed and put her down on her hands and knees. Her tight little ass stuck straight in the air, and if she wondered what Peter was going to do with her like that, it didn’t last very long. Becca saw Bruno. He was a mastiff, large even for his breed, with a dangling weiner almost as big as Jason’s. The dog, urged on by Peter, walked over to the young girl’s dripping cunt. It sniffed, and the touch of his wet nose sent shivers all the way up Becca’s spine. Then, he began licking. Little did Peter know, but Bruno was being used by his mother as a sex toy, and all the tricks he knew were to increase a woman’s sexual satisfaction. The dog lapped at the warm pussy in front of him, particularly at the small erect clit. Becca slumped to the ground with her ass in the air. She spread her legs as wide as she could to give the dog perfect access to her vaginal folds. It didn’t take long at all before she came, moaning and shaking with lust. Bruno knew from his training that this was the perfect time to mount, and mount he did. Without hesitation, the dog jumped up onto the still orgasmic girl’s naked back, and humped his erect 9 inch cock against her with wild abandon. At first it simply slid on the surface of her vagina, but a few thrusts later and it slammed into her with a fury. Bruno pounded with speed no other creature can match. The pleasure was exquisite, but Bruno hadn’t even begun yet. Slowly but surely his knot rose, climbing on his penis to slap against Becca’s dripping cunt. It was at least 3 inches in diameter, and when it pushed in, it never let go. Stream after stream of dog cum filled her womb. The white, sticky fluid ran down her thighs, pooling next to her feet. Having never quite gone down from her earlier climax, Becca was in a state of perpetual orgasm. Her muscles tightened constantly, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth as the breath was blasted from her lungs with every thrust of the massive dog. Since this is my first story arc, feedback would be greatly appreciated. Also, if a more romantic approach is clamored for, I will be happy to oblige. |
[b] Sophisticated Sins by Will Buster His throbbing cock was lodged deep inside his frisky, young mistress. He was kneeling in back of her slamming his rod all the way into her clenching pussy. The middle aged king gave it to the young concubine extremely hard and fast. It was obvious to Eloise that her Lord relished her wet, firm tightness. The young harlot energetically enveloped his stroking penis with her juicy love hole. If it was true that the king loved to sport inside his latest conquest, than it was also true the Eloise thrived on that full feeling that the royal meat was so fond of providing. They fucked like a pair of dogs rutting in some dark and filthy alley. He loved the way she trembled and quivered all over his intruding shaft. Her open, mushy cunt was sopping with his previous injection of lust and now he was filling her body with a fullness that she couldn’t seem to get enough of. Eloise cried out loud again, begging for more of his deep thrusts. Her shapely rump bucked straight back to engulf every inch of his firm, driving manhood. Her golden hair swirled and fell over her bare shoulders as her horny sovereign frantically pummeled her pussy in an eager frenzy. The king was desperate for another blissful explosion inside her vortex of responsive carnality. Eloise was his whore. He owned her as surely as he owned his horse or his palace or his crown. However, pretty, young Eloise was so much more exciting and pleasurable to be with than his other possessions. Of course, Eloise knew why he was fucking her love hole with so much ferocity. It was because of the special treat she’d supplied him the night before. Eloise knew that her lusty lord needed variety. He was addicted to innocent looking young maidens and their special lust that only a newly inflamed and seduced virgin can provide. Last evening the petite brunette had been no exception. ****** The new wench’s name was Jennifer and she’d been placed in the monarch’s bed ahead of time, so that she could greet the great man in the depths of his expensive and comfortable bed. The youthful wench was completely naked and ripe for the taking. Needless to say, the grinning king had pulled her slender legs apart and pushed his bearded face and tasting tongue between the delicate and opened folds of her wet, tender labia. He found young Jennifer’s cunt to be a delicious honey pot of fresh, tangy oozing lust. He sucked and drank her greedily until her cries and whimpers became too enticing to ignore. As he slowly licked Jennifer’s seeping crotch, Eloise greedily sucked his hard prick, satisfying his needs long enough so he could lick and suck his new plaything into a responding slut. When his experienced fingers slid into Jennifer’s little box she moaned with delight as his kisses moved over her belly and proceeded to energize her stiffening nipples. Jennifer tasted of all things young and clean. Her fragrant body was soft, warm and so perfectly smooth. When he reached her mouth, he sank his tongue far in to taste and let his tongue dance with hers. All this time Eloise engulfed his cock with her swishing mouth and caressing lips as she cared for his deepest needs while he explored his youthful, new lover. Eloise had already instructed Jennifer as to what she should say. When passion became extremely fiery like a red hot furnace inside her newly aroused cunt, Jennifer was to speak very dirty to him. When the youngster wantonly sported with her monarch on the bed with the satin sheets, Eloise showed the new slut how to squeeze her vaginal opening and present her rectum for his royal highnesses explorations. After all, even though the young whore was inexperienced, there was no reason why the girl couldn’t learn those special, fancy tricks quickly. If Jennifer was fortunate, she might be able to fuck her way into the king’s favor just like Eloise had already done. Jennifer’s white skin was now flushed with her racing blood lust and innocent shame. Her cunt seemed to simmer and itch with new desire that the older man had now engendered in side her lunging groin. Jennifer cried out as her first climax rippled through her flat belly. “Oh my lord! Push your cock into my body! I need you in me! Please! Hurry! I want you!” Eloise gently guided the king’s member to that tiny fuck hole and gradually slipped it inside that soft, pink slit. Jennifer was so wet that the large penis didn’t have much trouble slipping inside her tight clutching paradise. Eloise crooned, “Now take her my sweet master! Take pleasure from her tiny cunt and fuck her hard! Turn this girl into a fully functional woman. Yes! All the way! Oh yes! Pierce her maidenhead and fuck her hard! I can see her blood coming out of her little fuck hole now! What a little angel she is! Now faster my lord! Fill her with your rich seed! Oh yes! Give it to her harder! Make her yours!” His kiss muffled any words Jennifer might have said. Her brown hair was now a mess and her soft, blue eyes were practically closed as she reveled in her first, frantic fuck. Eloise raised Jennifer’s legs so that her cunt was more fully and deeply accessed. The thumping and squishing of his manhood slamming into Jennifer’s clenching sheath were making Eloise yearn for him to fuck her to. She got behind him and snuck her face down until she was able to lick his bouncing balls and taste the young girl’s wet lust. Again and again, his tool discovered the wonders of Jennifer’s newly pillaged sex. He thrust into the little slit all the way inside until he was vigorously banging against her cervix, thinking of the little red head he’d fully enjoyed the month before. Jennifer was even more delectable though with her slender legs and enticing whimpers. The new whore bucked up suddenly and screamed as her body convulsed from a mind searing burst of intense vaginal bliss. She rocked and writhed, begging him to keep impaling her tender flesh. “Yes lord! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck my baby pussy! Yes! Eloise said you need me so take me and fill me with your love! Yyyyeeesss! Harder! Just fuck me!” The monarch suddenly gasped in the thrill of consummation. His large cock twitched and plunged even beyond the entrance to Jennifer’s newly conquered womb. His growl of triumph drowned out Jennifer’s squeal as he pumped and poured his creamy fluids into his hot, little bed mate. Again and again his body jerked as he kept filling her with the pleasant flow of orgasm. Of course, that was only the beginning. Eloise soon sucked her monarch hard and this time, Eloise rode her lord while Jennifer sat on his face so he could taste the tang of this freshly corrupted wench. His hands cupped her little jutting tits and Jennifer was overwhelmed with electrifying sensations that shot into her from her pinched nipples to her clit that he was gently teething and nipping. His tongue slithered deep into her sloppy cunt. Eloise just kept on sliding up and down on him, squeezing him with a vast carnal array of vaginal delights. She strained and twisted on him in the ways she knew he loved. Eloise was pure whore at this moment and her sex drive was dramatically increased from the knowledge that she’d assisted her king in corrupting another youthful virgin. She also knew that when the youngster left his bed in a day or two or even three, he would increase the frequency and severity of his coupling with his precious Eloise. His appetite would be stimulated and he would enjoy her own body even more. After all if he was happy, her position was much more certain. She’d grown used to the luxury of fine clothes and excellent food. She enjoyed the favor and the power she now had at court. If she had to bring a sweet young thing to his bed once and awhile, it was a small price to pay to stay in the warmth of his favor. ****** All that evening, the orgy went on. His royal highness enjoyed every part of Jennifer for long, delicious hours. Eloise helped the young, brand new slut gulp and swallow his surging cum as she noisily sucked and slurped on the royal fuck meat. Later with a generous amount of lubricant, Eloise held Jennifer’s legs apart so that he could push his cock deep into her cramping anus. The girl screamed into the pillow with that initial pain but soon she got used to his very slow and gentle thrusting until at last she begged to have her ass fucked hard and fast. Eloise made sure that the king’s cock was properly lubricated and ever so slowly and carefully, Jennifer felt her shit hole gradually opened and relaxed for the royal entrance. Her squeals and moans of anal pain only encouraged the monarch to force himself further into her writhing rectum until at last his prick was buried to the balls inside that hot tightness. While he did her clamping rectum, Eloise was sitting atop Jennifer’s bare back so she could kiss him and let him either fondle or suckle on her nice large tits. She whispered, “Do you like your little Jennifer? Isn’t it thrilling to use her holes for your pleasure?” He just murmured his moan of approval and then he soon jolted another load of spunk into Jennifer’s tiny orifice. After that he ordered the two completely naked women to lie side by side together on the now, soiled bed. The king moved from one to the other in unrestrained missionary glory. He sucked wiggling toes and clutched tits both pert and plush depending on which female he was impaling. Again and again, he switched as if trying to compare which one was better or tighter or more wanton. With a sudden cry he released more of his lust into Jennifer and then both women greedily sucked his cock back to primordial hardness. Whatever he wanted, he was eagerly granted during the next hours and the two sluts pleased their royal master well. ******** Once again, Eloise was alone with the king and her body sizzled with the memory of the previous night’s romp. She expertly moved her hips in just the right way and her fingers guided him back to her anus. With a powerful and vicious thrust he made the hot bitch scream as he plowed into her little cavity all the way to the balls. “Ooooooo! God! God! You’re so big in my ass! Yes! Ooooo! Oooooo! Ram me! If you fill me again, you can have Jennifer again tonight!” His anal thrusts became much harder and quicker in response to her tempting offer. “Oooo! You bastard! That’s what you want! You want to fuck that helpless little wench again and again! Oooooo! Yes! Yes! Fuck my shit! Aaaaahhhh! Aaaaahhhh!” He sped up as he thought about the delights he would have that evening with gentle little Jennifer. He asked, “Do you have any other little foxy treats for me, you wild little whore?” Her face was pushed into the pillow with the power of his anal impacts and his body weight. She groaned, “Oh yes! She has a fair haired sister who is but a year older. Would you like to take both sisters at once? Ooooo! Fuck! God!” Eloise’s body quaked with a surge and ripple of an extremely powerful orgasm. She loved getting brutally fucked in her wriggling ass although it had taken her quite some time to get used to it. She was a bit surprised when he pulled out of her and re-entered her cunt. “Fuck bitch! Fuck it like you want it!” He growled as his cock drilled her aching pussy hole. He was now lying on top of her bare and writhing body. The young whore responded by moving her silky smooth legs around his humping middle. She locked her slender ankles together and strained hard on him, forcing him to the max! She yelled, “Fuck a baby into my womb! Fill me with seed! Fuck me like a filthy whore! Yes! Ooooo! My lord! Yes! I’m gonna give you two sisters to fuck tonight! You can keep them naked in your bed all week! They’ll satiate the needs of your body! I’ll teach them a lot of filthy little tricks! Aaaaahhhhh! Please! I want it harder! Fuck me hard and fast! Hard and fast! Yes! Yes! Yes! I adore you!” The thought of enjoying two young, fresh virginal bodies with Eloise as the tutor was too much and he exploded his lust into Eloise’s cock, crammed fuck hole! His ecstasy seemed to last for precious minutes while his seed surged deep into his horny mistress’s pussy. The lively blonde’s wet, tight cunt vigorously sucked and milked his cock until his balls were finally bone dry. She knew he’d have to rest awhile and perhaps sleep until supper time. This was his birthday and she’d made sure that he was given a birthday present that he would not soon forget. The lascivious whore would give him the two, sin stained sisters for him to revel inside for the next few long days and delectable nights. ******* Elyse turned out to be a yellow haired beauty with pert, jutting little breasts and a moist groin. Her pussy was a pliant, soft sheath perfectly small and firm to encompass the large royal cock. When the king finally got to his bed, he was greeted by his three lovely harlots, Jennifer, Elyse and of course his beautiful Eloise. He wanted to use Elyse a lot this night so he relieved his initial passions inside Eloise. His experienced lover spread her legs apart and had each girl hold her by the ankles so that her loving monarch could impale her full and deep. The sisters watched in admiration as he slowly shoved his long member all the way into the older woman’s cramping pussy hole. Eloise cried out with obvious passion as she reached her first quick orgasm. Eloise loved to be fucked by this strong, middle aged man. He knew how to pleasure women. His cock was addicted to the special delights that only an experienced and juicy cunt can possibly provide. He rammed harder and harder as that fiery itch engulfed his balls and cock tip. Breath taking minutes went by as the king buried and re-buried his prick into his wanton whore, time after electrifying time. At last, with a groan he shot his warm essence into Eloise and then the king lay back so Jennifer and is long time whore could suck him hard with an enchanting double blow job. Then he gazed at Elyse with glowing eyes. “I will take you next, you sweet girl. Are you still a maiden?” Elyse blushed partly because of the question and mostly because she was totally bare from head to toe. “I am, your majesty. Jennifer told me what I must do. I hope I will bring you many delights.” It wasn’t long before he put her to the test. He guided the young virgin on to his face and he noisily sucked and ate her cunt while the other two kept sucking his cock with salacious, slurping sucks. His prick tingled and itched as those soft lips and tongues played exciting tricks on his swollen meat. From time to time, Eloise gave the new wench some instructions, but for the most part it was oral cock work, done to perfection. Elyse tasted divine. Her tangy, musky scent was driving him wild. His fingers entered her pussy and anus while he nibbled and sucked on her swelling clit. Elyse was grinding her groin on to him while she squealed and gasped from newly aroused passions. Then it was time for the moment of truth. He had to shove his stimulated manhood all the way into this whimpering virgin that was responding to his exploratory touch. He soon had need of the lush, yellow haired sister. With strong hands, the king pulled Elyse onto her back and mounted the fair haired nymph. Instantly the other two women grabbed Elyse’s slender ankles and held her back so far that the youngster thought she was being folded in half. There was a sharp pain as her king slammed deep into her fresh cunt splitting her maidenhead into the past. He was heedless of her screams of pain and joy as he pounded much harder and faster into her bleeding, shuddering snatch. Her virginity had been a little thicker than most of the others he’d taken and he’d really had to slam into her to get the job done. The monarch couldn’t believe how hot and wet Elyse’s little twat was. She was tighter than Jennifer, if that was possible. Soon the young harlot was squeezing and contracting on his thrusting rod in obvious response. Yes, he would enjoy every delectable inch of this new plaything. He would fuck her mouth and both of her little holes until she was chuck full of his spermy fluids. This very thrilling thought triggered his spasming prick into a cascade of lust that poured into his new conquest. With a loud growl, he reveled in the ecstasy of every shuddering spasm that jetted his essence into the young harlot. Elyse squealed in primordial bliss as her own climax occurred just a few moments after his. “Yes! Oh my lord! Fuck me more! Fill me to the brim! Eloise told me you would fill me with delight! Please your majesty, fuck me more!” Her tits were practically being crushed by his powerful hands as he squeezed them hard during his rushing fulfillment. With desperate urgency, he kept fucking this new playmate fast and hard and to his pleasure he was able to keep himself hard. He lunged into Elyse again and again while Jennifer moved onto her sister’s heaving chest so he could fondle and kiss her. Eloise held back Elyse’s legs at the ankles to insure the king could plow deep and hard into the young blonde’s tiny pussy. Elyse moaned from the spasming sex pains and the newly found delights of unrestrained fucking. He pounded climax into her young body time after time and each was punctuated by her high pitched screams of sheer rapture. It was so delightful to be kissing and feeling up one sister while fucking the other. This was something the king was finding very bewitching. It had been a fortunate day when he’d acquired the depraved services of Eloise De Frontinac. ******** It was very dark in his chamber. He’d been sleeping for hours and he guessed it must be early morning. What had woken him was his aching and itching prick. It was as hard as a rock and he needed to relieve that amorous itch by sliding it inside one of his sensual mistresses. He felt around and recognized Elyse by the shape of her small tits. Elyse woke to a demanding kiss. His tongue slipped into her sour mouth. She’d sucked him to completion just a few hours before and she could still taste his seed that he’d pumped down her gagging throat. Her anus was sore although in a pleasant way after he’d fucked his warm squirting gushes up her aching shitter. Her cunt still stung from the three amazing fuckings he’d given her between the times he’d taken Eloise and her pretty sister, Jennifer. Instinctively she moved her legs apart and guided his manhood to her sore slit. In spite of her discomfort, she wanted to be fucked and enjoyed once more. Then he was in her and she arched her back to engulf him with her writhing body. He felt her desire and his vicious thrusts spurred them both on. This little fox was exciting, new and so different. She fucked like some little animal with no restraint or decency. She’d been a shy virgin just hours before and now she was a cock craving whore who had to have pleasure. Again and again, he buried his cock to the hilt until at last, her whimpers and vaginal contractions drove him over the edge and once again, he refilled her mushy cunt hole. It was at that moment he made his decision. He would not send these two sisters away like the others. He would keep them and Eloise. He would enjoy their young, energetic bodies for years to come and if Eloise didn’t like it, she could be sent to a convent to repent her vile wickedness. Each squeal and quiver that Elyse made convinced him that he had to keep the two sin sisters and that is how the French king ended up with three pregnant mistresses. It’s fun to be king! |
Wiley03 Karen frowned as she opened the door to her room at the end of the day. She had been at The Covenant Boarding School for Young Women two weeks now and was terribly homesick. She hated it! Why did her parents have to get divorced? And then to pack her off to this School while they fought over their possessions was no fair. She missed her old house, with its stables out back and its open meadows stretching for miles. She thought longingly of how she used to saddle up Countess, her mare, and ride for hours, the wind pulling her long auburn hair out behind her, her trim thighs clenching and unclenching to the natural rhythm of the horse. Sometimes she would bring a basket of food, maybe some bread and cheese with a little wine snuck out from the wine cellar, and lay out among the grass, eating and sipping the wine, and imagining the clouds above her were imaginary lovers come to take her away to imaginary lands of beauty and fullfillment. She even missed her old high school, Bokker, pronounced Boker, High. She hadn't liked it too much, but managed to get mostly B's with a couple of A's her freshman year; and her Sophmore year was shaping up to be a great one before her parents had decided to destroy everything. She had been assigned the same classes as her best friend Sandy, and she had just begun to become interested in a "guy," as Sandy would say. She had even made the second to last cut on the cheerleading squad. She hadn't expected to make it, of course, since she was only a sophmore, but it was fun, and she loved the exercise. But now she was _here_, she thought as she dropped her bag on her desk and flopped down on her bed, her plaid, checkered skirt flying up to reveal trim, well-muscled thighs, just losing their tan and becoming once more their natural creamy ivory. Her auburn hair, now, away from the sun, a darker brown, fell in a halo about her face, framing it. A year ago her face might have been called boyish, but it had been softened by her maturation: her small, squarish chin had given away to a rounder, almost dainty one, perfectly accenting her full, dull pink lips; a small, sharp nose filled out, and revealing some old asian blood, did not turn up, instead remaining faintly southern European in look. Large brown eyes, which also revealed a hint of Asian blood, sat above high cheekbones and pale, full cheeks, completing the picture. Everything, she had to admit, wasn't so bad here. It was a great school, with fully 80% of the girls going on to an ivy league school. And the accomidations were great. She shared a nice large room, larger than her room at home, with Su Lee Chen, who, because she too had joined the school midsemester, had quickly become her best friend there. The other girls at the school were not friendly at all, but she thought it must be because they were new. She had seen a definate heirarchy among her fellow schoolmates, with the senior and juniors bullying the freshman and sophmores. Neither she nor Su Lee had been bothered yet though, and Karen hoped they would just be left alone. She thought again of Su Lee, and was glad she had at least some company. Not this weekend, of course, since Su Lee had been picked up earlier in the day by her parents, but she would be back Sunday night. Su Lee, she reflected, was a small, attractive young woman, four inches shorter than her own 5'6". Karen envied her hair, long, straight, black hair hanging down to her thighs, which she kept in a french braid most of the time. Her face was not completely Chinese--Su Lee claimed her grandfather on her mother's side was white--and it showed, lightening what would have been a dark olive complexion to a mellower color. Her eyes also revealed the caucasian blood, being large and lidded. Her body, though, was typically asian, slim with small breasts (she wore a size A bra, Karen thought, remembering when she had accidently thought it was one of her own. She herself had just switched to size B) and a firm if flat behind. She was not as athletic as Karen, but her body showed the firmness of youth, and although at 16 she was a year older than Karen, she looked two years her junior. She turned onto her side and looked at the clock: 7:00 o'clock. She sighed and decided she'd better start studying soon, since she really had nothing better to do. Sitting up, she started unbuttoning her blouse with one hand while slipping off her shoes with the other. Shucking off her shirt, she stood and unclasped her skirt, letting it fall down her shapely calves to the ground. She stepped out of it, and reached behind herself to unclasp her bra while standing in front of her dresser. When she had pulled her bra off, she straightened and looked at herself in the dresser mirror. She was, she knew, attractive in a clean-cut, athletic kind of way, her firm breasts, with medium-sized pink nipples, perfectly porportioned with the rest of her body. Sometimes she wished she could have the willowy, exotic beauty of Su Lee, but she shook her head and started to rummage around in her drawer for her sleeping t-shirt. She found it, pulled it over her head, and smoothed it down until it fell to mid thigh. She sighed, thinking of the long, boring weekend in front of her, grabbed her toiletries, and headed down the hall to the commen restroom. She was happy to find that none of the other girls were there, and finished quickly to avoid them. She made it safely back to her room and sat down to study. Three hours later she was tired and burned out. Leaving all her study materials on her desk, she turned off the light and crawled into bed, almost immediately falling asleep. She was dreaming...she was swimming in a large pool of water. She couldn't see the shore and she was very tired. She slipped under the water...she couldn't breath.... Her eyes popped open--she couldn't breath! Laying on her stomach, her face was pressed into her pillow, suffocating her. As she struggled, she came fully awake and realized that someone was sitting on her lower back and had pulled her arms behind her back! Someone else had two hands on the back of her head and was pressing it into the pillow. She panicked, thrashing around--what was happening to her, what did these people want? flashed through her mind as she felt a thin cord being wrapped tightly around her wrists and quickly tied off. A hand on the back of her head gripped her hair, and a second later her head was pulled high off the bed, straining her back. As she gratefully sucked in a mouthful of air and prepared to scream her lungs out, what felt like a large rubber ball was pressed against her mouth. She reared back, almost dislodging the person sitting on her back, but the hand gripping the back of her head pushed violently forward, while the other hand slammed the ball into her mouth. She made gagging sounds around the ball as her face was pressed back into the pillow, and she felt someone pull two straps across her face and connect them behind her head. She managed to turn her face to the side, her mind a confused jumble, just before someone sat on her head. She felt the person sitting on her lower back turn around, and she kicked her legs back, trying to hit him or her. The person just grabbed both her ankles and held them against his or her body, and Karen felt the bite of a cord being wrapped around her ankles. Suddenly, the weight of the bodies was off of her, and she started thrashing and grunting madly, trying to free her hands or her legs. She couldn't see her assailants in the dark, but sensed movement as someone punched her hard in the gut. Her nostrils flared as she gasped for breath through the gag, and they took advantage of her momentary disability by tying another cord around her legs just above the knees. Two pair of hands then lifted her roughly and carried her across the room, dropping her into a large laundry hamper on wheels. The air rushed out of her lungs with an oomph as she landed hard against the wooden bottom of the cart on her hip and shoulder. She looked up to see the dark shapes of clothes fall over her trussed body. She felt and heard the cart start down the hall. She wimpered through her gag; what was happening to her? What did they want from _her_? Her parents were wealthy, but not that wealthy. And where was she being taken? Her wrists throbbed with pain as the thin cord cut off the circulation to her hands, and her legs ached for the same reason. Her jaw was sore, unused to being pulled so far apart. She squirmed around, trying to get more comfortable, only scraping her bruised flesh against the wooden bottom of the cart, driving painful splinters into her thighs and back. She moaned and started crying, softly sobbing into her gag. Suddenly she felt a cool breeze, and the wheels of the hamper changed from a dull rolling noise to the staccio chatter of rolling across cobblestone. She was outside, in the freezing night; even through the pile of clothes on her her flesh raised goosebumps, sending chills up and down her bound legs, and raising her nipples to sharp points of hardness. She shivered as she sobbed. Without warning the nightmare ride was over and she sensed hands lifting the clothes off her. Lost in despair, she didn't know how long she had been in the hamper, and she had no idea where she was now. She stopped her crying and waited fearfully for her tormenters to reveal themselves. Before all the clothes were removed, the hamper tipped over, spilling her painfully onto a hardwood floor, blinded momentarily by the bright lights around her. Lying painfully on her side, her legs bound together and her arms tied behind her back, she blinked her large brown eyes, now swollen with tears. She turned awkwardly onto her back and peered up into the faces of her Abductors. Karen registered shock as she saw Ingrid and Mercedes, two girls from her school, standing over her. Although both were wearing the school uniform--plaid skirt coming down just above the knee and a white blouse--they could not have been different in appearance. Ingrid was a Norwegan, her pale yellow, almost white hair cut into a short bob, matching her face, which shone with a translucent pallor. Striking blue eyes stared out from a handsome face, a full figured woman at 18 years of age, with a hard, strong, shapely body. She was a senior at the school, and her father was a senator. Now she stood her full 5'9" over Karen, and smiled wickedly down at her. Standing next to her was Mercedes, her southern Italian blood showing her up even darker against the color of Ingrid. Mercedes was a slight, slip of a girl, standing only 5' tall and weighing no more than 95 lbs, and Karen had always though she was a bit mousy, with her wavy brown hair always pulled back into a pony-tail and her small, angular yet pretty face adorned with a pair of spectacles. Now, without her spectacles, holding a 3" double bladed knife in front of her, and grinning bizarrly, she looked frightening. She was a Junior, and Karen remembered, crazily, that she used to follow Ingrid everywhere. As Ingrid knelt down beside her and leaned over, staring directly into her eyes, Karen felt a chill go through her body, and tried to ask "what do you want?" But all that came out was a muffled moaning. Ingrid smiled at her, revealing two rows of perfectly white teeth, somehow frightening Karen all the more: "I'm sure you're wondering why you're here, aren't you, sweetie?" Ingrid smiled again as she reached down to caress Karen's cheek, sending a shiver down her bound form. She could not move, she was petrified, a small bird caught in the icy blue stare of Ingrid's. Caressing the side of her face, Ingrid continued, "Well, to put is simply, you're _ours_. Actually, you're the seniors'. We run things around here, and we get to do whatever we like to little snotty underclassmen like you." She smiled again, sending more shudders down Karen's spine, "And we've decided we're going to have a little party, and you're the entertainment." So saying, she stopped stroking Karen's cheek and moved her hand down to her stomach, slowly sliding her hand under Karen's sleep-T. Ingrid's hand felt like it burned as it lightly brushed her stomach. She tried to shrink away, and began shivering uncontrollably. This couldn't be happening to her. They couldn't be this cruel. "My poor little bird," Ingrid crooned, "are you frightened?" Glancing down at Karen's exposed stomach, "So firm, so beautiful...." Her hand moved higher, brushing gently against the underside of Karen's breast. "NO!" Karen screamed into her gag, and began thrashing about, trying to roll away from Ingrid's hand. Please, Nooo! she screamed in her mind. A sharp "smack" echoed in her ears as her head was jerked to one side and fiery pain filled the side of her head. She became instantly still as she stared up into Ingrid's glaring countenance. "None of that, you little bitch, or you'll get more pain than you can handle," Ingrid snarled. Resuming her easy posture, Ingrid turned toward Mercedes and said, "I don't think our little Karen really understands her position here. Maybe a little caning will teach her." Karen froze at the word: cane her? Wasn't it enough that they had bound her and were going to molest her? Now they were going to cane her? She broke down, and started sobbing again through her gag. Ignoring her, Mercedes and Ingrid rolled her onto her stomach, and Karen felt the knife cut through the cord on her wrists. Pain flooded her hands as circulation returned, and she groaned as two strong hands took her wrists and put a leather cuff around each. They roughly rolled her over and clipped the cuffs together in front of her, then dragged her to her feet. Mercedes stood by her, knife in one hand and the other helping Karen keep her balance, as Ingrid walked over to the wall and began lowering a hook and pulley contraption above Karen's head. "Now be a good girl and put your wrists over the hook," Ingrid said. Meekly, keeping her eyes on Mercedes and her knife, Karen did as she was told, and fell heavily against her arms as Ingrid began pulling the hook up. Soon she was struggling to stand on the balls of her feet, straining the muscles in her calves to save putting all her weight on her arms. Ingrid came over and said, "Cut her loose." Mercedes quickly cut the cords binding her legs, and she again fell against her arms as feeling came back into her legs. She regained her balance, her calves and thighs burning with the effort, and stared in horror as Mercedes brought the knife right before her eyes. She shuddered in fear as Mercedes slowly ran the knife down her cheek, across her neck, and to the top of her sleeping-T. Karen's heart nearly burst when, with a quick motion, Mercedes brought the knife down, cutting her T-shirt down the front. A few more quick cuts at the arms and her T fell to the ground. She stood, stretched and bound before her two classmates, her breasts standing out before their lewd stares...she moaned in humiliation, her face turning red with embarressment. A slight breeze blew threw the room, causing her nipples stiffen. Mercedes brought her head down, and gently lapped at her right nipple. The warm, wet, pressure of Mercede's tongue sent a shock through Karen, and she jerked back, trying to twist out of the way, mincing on the balls of her feet to keep from unbalancing again. Mercedes merely smiled cruely, and, grabbing Karen's underwear, ripped them off mercilessly, causing Karen to swing out toward her and land hard against her arms. She regained her precarious balance again as her two classmates stepped back to admire her. She was stretched taut, the strong muscles of her calves, thighs, and stomach straining to keep her up on her toes, and her round breasts firm against her chest. Tears began running down her face as they stepped close to her and began running their hands up and down her body, sending chill shivers through her. This couldn't be happening. It just couldn't. It was all a bad dream, and she'd wake up soon. Please let it not be happening. She closed her eyes and tried to shut out the hands exploring her body, running over her stomach, her back, her sides, caressing her breasts and legs. Suddenly she was brought back to reality by a sharp tug at her mouth. Ingrid was removing her ball gag! Another quick tug and it came all the way out, trailing her saliva behind it. She quickly swallowed and began pleading, "Please, let me go...I won't tell anyone...Why are you doing this?...." At which Mercedes and Ingrid burst into laughter. "Please...let me go..." "Shut up!" Ingrid commanded as Mercedes handed her a long switch. "I still don't thing you understand" she said as she brought the switch swiftly across Karen's stomach. "AAAAAHHHGGGG!" she screamed as pain flashed through her and she fell again onto her arms. The world went fiery red for an instant before returning to a dull throb through her midsection. She scrambled back onto her toes and stared in horror as she saw Mercedes roll forward a video camera standing on a tripod and turn it on. Slapping her switch gently against her palm, "Maybe this will help you understand what your position is here. You see, we tape everything we do to you for the headmistress. She likes to see how her new students perform." Smiling behind her, Mercedes picked up another switch and walked around behind her. As Ingrid said, "You may begin," Karen's ass exploded in pain. Throwing her hips forward to escape the pain, they threw themselves into a blow from Ingrid, burning across the front of her thighs. "AAAHHHH...NOOOO...AAAAHHHH...PLEASE...DON'T...AAAAAAHHHH...STOP... PLEASE" she cried again and again, the switches landing against her back, her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, biting into her nipples, turning her whole body into one fiery mass of pain. She twisted and squirmed around on the end of the hook, unable to escape the punishing blows of the switches as they flooded every nerve in her body with unendurable pain. After what seemed like an eternity, she began to drift. The pain raining down on her seemed to spread across her entire body, leaving her in a sort of floating numbness. The pain was no longer was merely sensation, feeling, engulfing her entire body, increased each time a blow landed against her body. She heard distantly, "I think that's enough for now"--she had stopped screaming a while ago, she did not know how long, and, hanging against her arms, uttered only grunts each time she was struck. She felt her body being lowered to the ground, and two sets of hands carry it to a large, cushioned table. Her arms and legs were affixed to cuffs in the corner, binding her spread-eagled. Gently hands ran across her body, sending shooting signals of sensation through her as they brushed against her bruised, reddened flesh. Every touch seemed magnified a thousand times by abused flesh, sending her higher and higher into a realm of pure feeling. It seemed as if she were looking down at herself as Ingrid gently took her right nipple into her mouth and began gently sucking, concentrating what was neither pleasure nor pain at that one point. Mercedes was leaning over the table between her legs, stroking her inner thighs, and slowly, gently, placed her mouth over Karen's vagina. Her tongue snaked out and licked up and down her slit, providing a counterpoint to the sensation at her nipple. Ingrid stopped and the sensation flooded into her groin, then moved back as she began sucking at her other nipple. She began moaning softly as Mercedes pushed her tongue between her labia, and a shiny coating of liquid greeted Mercedes as she probed deeper. Ingrid moved from nipple to nipple as Mercedes moved up to Karen's clitorus, now hard and quivering, mimicking Karen's body, which was emitting low moaning sounds from her mouth. Mercedes pressed her lips against Karen's clit and began softly massaging it with the flat of her tongue, feeling Karen's thighs tense with this new sensation. Karen did not know how long they caressed her body--she was above it all, riding the waves of feeling which were slowly increasing. She sensed a pressure building up from somewhere, slowly increasing, slowly drawing her back to her abused body, criss-crossed with red marks and throbbing, throbbing. Slowly the sensations around her tightened, grew, and suddenly she was back in her own body as the sensations became wave after wave of pure ecstacy. She screamed and bucked on the table, felt strong fingers digging into her thighs and a quick tongue flicking her clit, felt a mouth sucking almost painfully on her breast. She beat her body against the table, thrusting her hips forward and back, forward and back, thrusting her chest up and down, up and down, as all the sensations of the night, every feeling which had burned its way through her nerves, came back to her as almost unendurable ecstasy. Slowly her orgasm broke, and her thrashing stopped, and she lay, bound to the table, her chest rising and falling raggedly as she sucked in great gasps of air. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out more about the anon service, send mail to [email protected]. If you reply to this message, your message WILL be *automatically* anonymized and you are allocated an anon id. Read the help file to prevent this. Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to [email protected]. ======== Ingrid and Mercedes, her face glistening with Karen's juices, smiled at each other over Karen's prone body. "What a slut," Ingrid said, tweaking Karen's nipple, bringing a twitching response from her. At Ingrid's words, shame and humiliation rushed through Karen. What had happened? What had they done to her? Her body, covered with sweat, ached from the beating she had taken. Between her legs her thighs felt sticky and warm. She shuddered in revulsion at the way she had reacted. The pleasure of a moment ago was forgotten, and she began to quietly cry as she remembered her body's betrayal, remembered the way she had screamed out during her orgasm, thrashing about, no better than some worthless whore, cumming uncontrollably, unstoppably. She sucked in her lower lip and thought: maybe now they'll let me go...maybe now...please let them let me go...please. She was interupted in her thoughts when she heard Ingrid say, "I'm glad I asked a couple of my friends from Padduck over. They'll love this cunt." "Nooooo...," Karen moaned, "please...let me go...haven't you done enough?" "Done enough?" Ingrid replied, "You loved it, you cunt. I've never seen anyone pop her cork like you just did. Hell, watching you get your rocks off turned me on...hmmm...maybe I will send you home for now; I'm sure Merc and I can take care of my friends. I do need a good fuck." "Wait," Mercedes broke in, "when I was sucking her off, I noticed she's still a virgin." Surprised, "What, she hasn't been popped? A slut like that?" "Nope, and I really want to see her get stuck for the first time." "Why not?" Ingrid shrugged, "I'm sure the boys will have plenty left for us. Let's go get the bitch cleaned up for 'em." Noooo, Karen thought, wasn't it enough that they had beaten her black and blue, that they had turned her body against her, humiliating her? Now they had invited men over to abuse her. She didn't know if she could take anymore.... Ingrid and Mercedes quickly unclasped her arms and legs and half-dragged half-carried her across the room and down a wide hallway. They pulled her unrestisting body through an open doorway into a large shower stall with nozzles protruding from every wall. They reattached her wrist bands and, pulling her arms up and apart, clipped them to the top edge of the stall. Karen let out a sharp cry as cold water instantaneously struck her whole body. She jerked her chin up to remove it from the painful spray, and began shivering uncontrollably. The hard, pulsating spray felt like it was flaying her alive, driving against her whipped flesh, sending ice cold sparks of pain through her body. Slowly though, the water began to warm, and her shivering began to subside. She noticed vaguely, through the spray blocking her vision, Ingrid and Mercedes leaving the room. Oh, God, let them not come back, she thought, and began to relax for the first time since she had been kidnapped that evening. The water helped, beating into her sore muscles, massaging her bruised skin, sluicing down her stomach and thighs. She became more and more relaxed, and hung her head, letting the water beat against her scalp. She slumped down and began to doze off, the tensions of the evening, as well as her own orgasm, draining her of energy. After she did not know how long, the water snapped off, and she raised her head groggily. Standing before her were Ingrid and Mercedes. Ingrid stood bare-footed, attired in black stockings held up by a black garter belt. Bikini leather panties barely covered her pubic hair, and her stomach was bare. A black bustier squeezed her large, round breasts up and together. Black lipstick adorned her lips and she had touched her eyes lightly with mascara. She stood heavily on one leg with her hip thrust out, her hand against her hip and a cruel grin on her face. Beside her, Mercedes was completely naked except for a studded black leather collar around her neck. Karen noticed with a shock that she did not have any pubic hair, which, combined with her slight frame, made her look like a young girl of 11 or 12 years. Her stance, though, belied her slim hips and small breasts, for it was confident and sure. She was holding a large towel, and walked casually up to Karen and began to dry her off. After her long shower, Karen's skin was hyper-sensitive, so she squirmed away from Mercedes, who just more vigorously rubbed the abrasive towel against Karen's tenderized skin. Finishing by drying her hair, Mercedes then unclasped her wrists, leaving her leather cuffs on, and Ingrid and Mercedes gently took her by the arms and began walking her back to the main room. She was beaten, physically and emotionally drained by her experiences, and they knew it. Held between them, she asked, "Please can I go back to my room now? I can't take anymore." "Sure you can," Mercedes smiled, "we've got two virile young men just waiting to fuck you." Karen moaned, "Noooo...please..."; interupted by a stinging slap from Ingrid, shocking her out of her daze and back into this horrible reality where she was beaten and raped again and again. "Shut up, slut," Ingrid growled, "and behave. It'll only be as bad as you make it." She had to escape. She just had to. She knew she couldn't take anymore abuse; it would drive her crazy. Her body was still sore, her shoulders aching from when she had hung her weight from them, her skin burning from the aftereffects of the switching and the shower. Her classmates weren't holding her too closely; she could easily twist away from them. She was sure she could outrun them once she got away, and then she would make it to the highway and someone would pick her up. She would tell the police and they would be arrested. Even if she didn't make it, even if she froze to death outside, it would be better than this torture. Her thoughts were broken by a long, low whistle: "Damn, you sure did a number on her. She's a looker though." She jerked her head up at the voice and beheld two young men, naked, their clothes piled on the ground beside their feet. Both stood about 21 years old and 5'10, and where one was stocky and brown-haired, the other was slim with blond hair. It was the slim one who had spoken. Without thinking, she twisted from the girls' grip, turning as she did so, and ran toward the door. She heard cries of "Shit" and "Son of a..." and the sound of pounding feet on the hardwood floor following her. She was halfway to the door when a heavy weight hit her in the small of her back. Strong arms wrapped around her as she fell forward. She barely got her hands under her as she fell, and fell hard against the hardwood floor, knocking the breath from her lungs. As she gasped for breath strong hands forced her arms behind her, where her wrist cuffs were clipped together, and she heard Ingrid say, "Stupid bitch...I'll fucking show her..." "Wait," a voice broke in, "I've got an idea." She recognized the voice as the slim young man's. Mercedes and the stocky man kneeled on either side of her as she lay there, gasping for breath, and wrapped a thick, leather belt around the crook of her elbows. Mercedes quickly pulled the belt tight, bringing Karen's elbows together, sending a painful strain into her shoulders, pulling them back and thrusting her aching breasts into the floor. "Roll her over," the young man said, and she was roughly rolled over onto her back. She lay there, her arms crushed painfully under her, her breasts thrust like an offering toward the ceiling, her lolling back on the hardwood floor. Everyone stood up as she began to regain her breath, and Ingrid and Mercedes grabbed her ankles, pulling them toward her head. In a second, Karen was bent painfully in two, her knees beside her head, her hair pinned down on the floor by one knee each from Ingrid and Mercedes, who also pinned her calves to the floor with strong hands. She struggled briefly, but found she could not move much. She was trapped there with her ass and vagina stuck gaping into the air. It was a humiliating position, and she closed her eyes, trying to block out the world around her. Ingrid leaned close to her face and hissed, "Now you're going to get it," and Karen's eyes widened in terror as she looked between her legs and saw the slim man approaching her backside holding a medium sized belt in his hand. The other man was slightly behind him holding the videotape recorder. Both of their penis' were coming to life as they thought of the punishment they were about to inflict. "You're going to have to learn your place, cunt," the man snarled as the belt whistled through the air, landing with a dull, wet smacking sound directly on Karen's cunt and mound. A blinding white flash of pain seared through her guts and temporarily blinded her, her body thrashing her hips up and out, trying in any way to escape the torment within her. Her voice was not her own as a horrible shriek escaped her lips: AAAAAAAHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGG. It seemed to go on and on in her own ears, and the pain kept building. She heard another dull smack and she exploded in pain again as the belt dug into the tender flesh of her vagina, her voice a siren wailing, her body thrashing around, banging again and again against the hard floor. Another smack and her whole groin was on fire, burning and aching, the pain overwhelming all her senses: she could not hear nor see, all she could do was feel. She wasn't sure if he hit her again, although he must have, for the agony kept increasing, building to an almost inhuman level where she thought her entire pelvis must explode, wished it would explode, just to release the awful agony which was consuming her. It was beyond pain, beyond sensation; it was as if at the end of every one of the nerves in her pelvis area a little fire had been lit. The noise had stopped, her mouth open in a silent scream. She half felt a weight lean against her, two hands roughly grab her breasts, mauling them between strong fingers, pressing them into her chest. She felt vaguely a jabbing around her vulva, and felt her hymen tear, the pain of that violation subsumed by the greater pain left from the whipping, merely adding more sensation to her already overburdened nerves. He was kneeling by her ass, his hands mauling her breasts, pinching her nipples, causing her head to thrash back and forth as his cock slammed mercilessly back and forth into her tortured vagina, thinly coated with the blood of her hymen. She thrust uncontrollably back at him, the fire within her an unbearable, burning pressure, a pressure which she, without thinking, needed to burst. She began grunting at each powerful thrust; her world had narrowed to the terrible, overwhelming, consuming sensation centered in her cunt. Suddenly the pounding stopped, and her voice rose into a kining, monotone wail. He pulled out, quickly losing hardness, leaving her hips bobbing up and down, her cunt gasping and sucking in air. Her mind screamed Nooooo...only a little more...a little more and it would all be over...she would overwhelm her senses and achieve oblivion...she needed just a little more.... Suddenly she was filled again with one brutal thrust as the stocky man slammed his cock into her to the hilt. He worked feverishly, slapping her tits, her face, pinching her nipples, calling her whore, slut, bitch, cunt. She didn't hear, didn't feel, didn't care, her whole body was on the edge. He punched his cock into her and ground his pelvis against her clit, sending her over the top. She froze, every muscle standing out in straining relief against her body; she screamed as every sensation--the bite of the belt into her pussy, the brutal tearing of her hymen, the slaps, the pinches, the awful, overwhelming pressure was sucked down, like a collapsing star, into one timy piece of flesh, her clitorus. Then it exploded in wave after wave of painful ecstacy, and she felt her body convulse with every pulse from her clit, her strength inhuman in the throws of her orgasm. She was free of restraining hands, free of the man's penis, which had filled her with seed the moment of her orgasm, free to bang her legs and ass, her shoulders, her head, again and again against the hard floor, flopping around like a beached fish. Finally, she doesn't know after how long, or if she lost conscousness as wave after wave of unbearable pleasure ripped through her body, she came to her senses. Her whole body ached, especially her arms, shoulders, and vagina, but she didn't care; she was removed from everything, like she was caught in that strange land between sleep and waking. Voices drifted down to her..."freaky...on tape?..every twitch...what a cunt...bite my prick off...shit." Hands lifted her, wrapped something around her, led her into chilly air which she hardly noticed, laid her down on a bed where she quickly fell into a deep sleep. Karen awoke at one o'clock Saturday afternoon. She could barely move, she was stiff and sore all over. As she swung her legs to the side of the bed and tried to stand, the awful aching in her vagina almost knocked her over. Her mind was still numbed from sleep and pain when she looked into the full-length closet mirror. Her large brown eyes widened in shock as she saw herself: red welts crisscrossed her entire body, concentrated on her thighs and breasts. Her vagina and the entire area between her legs was a swollen, puffy red. Her eyes were puffy and her face tearstreaked. Dried semen coated her inner thighs and stuck her pubic hair together. The horror of last night came rushing back to her, and she collapsed onto the floor, sobbing. Every detail in crystal clarity pushed at her conscousness: her kidnap at the hands of Ingrid and Mercedes, how they beat her and then turned her body treacherously against her. The so relaxing shower followed by the worst horror of the night, her attempted escape and her punishment. She quivered, unable to stop the flow of memories, the memories of the pain of the belt on her cunt, bringing her to a bizarre desire for release; of her hymen ripping before a man's raping phallus, of his seed filling her to be replaced by another man's phallus, and of her final, mind-bending orgasm, which hurt so much but felt so strangly good. She shivered at the memories as she lay on the floor, her chest heaving with sobs. Slowly she recovered, and, wiping the tears from her eyes, stood up and staggered to her closet. She grabbed a towel and went over to her sink, washing herself off as well as she could; she didn't want to go to the showers, she didn't want to be seen. Her face flushed with humiliation as she thought of Ingrid or Mercedes seeing her and smiling their knowing smiles, laughing at her, at how they wrung two terrible orgasms from her, at how they beat her and tortured her and finally gave her to their friends to play with. She almost broke down again, but caught herself. She lay down on the bed and began to think. She couldn't go outside, not with Ingrid and Mercedes around; they might grab her again. Thinking that, she looked at her door--it didn't have any locks. She stood up quickly, ignoring her aching body, and wedged a chair against the doorknob, then returned to bed, curling up into a fetal position. She could tell the headmistriss, Ms. Ellsworth, but if Ingrid had been telling the truth, she already knew all about it, and approved. She couldn't turn to anyone at the school, and Su Lee was gone for the weekend. She couldn't call anyone either, since the girls weren't allowed any outgoing calls. If only her parents called her she could have them come and pick her up, take her away from this hell; but they hadn't called in two weeks, and were probably too busy with the divorce to care about her. She could try to hike to the nearest town, or to the highway, but that would take four or five hours, and she had no doubts that she was being watched. She couldn't escape. She stayed in her room all day, leaving only when she couldn't hold her urine or her bowels any longer, afraid each time that she would see Ingrid or Mercedes. Gladly, they were nowhere to be seen. She didn't eat and she had a hard time sleeping that night, but the next day finally came. It was a repitition of the previous day, except hunger pains drove her to the cafateria, where she quickly grabbed some rolls and fled back to her room. Su Lee came back that evening, talkative, as she seldom was, excited by her weekend with her parents. Karen was in no mood to listen, but kept up a pretence of interest: she didn't want Su Lee to find out what had happened to her. Finally, though, Su Lee's energy began to wane, and they both began getting ready for bed. Karen waited for Su Lee to leave the room for her toiletries before changing: Su Lee was bound to notice the ugly welts covering her body The school week passed uneventfully: Ingrid and Mercedes were seldom seen and ignored her completely. The rest of the world went on as if nothing had happened. Still, Karen cringed every time she had to go out into the halls and every time someone called her name. Finally Friday came when she received an unexpected note in the mailbox: it was from the headmistress' secretary stating that the headmistress wished her presence in the faculty lounge that evening at 7 pm. At first she was scared to go...what if Ingrid and Mercedes were telling the truth, and she would arrive there to suffer more abuse at Ms. Ellsworth's hands...but what if they were lying, and the headmistress had found out what happened to her...then she would be saved...and if she knew nothing, then Karen could tell her everything...she had to go...had to find out. She resolved herself to go over dinner in the cafeteria. She wished Su Lee had made it to dinner so she could ask her what she thought it meant, but she was probably busy studying. When Karen returned to her room, she was surprised to see Su Lee absent, but she was worried about her meeting with her headmistress so didn't think twice about it. She went to the mirror to check out how she was healing: not bad, all but the worst of the welts were completely gone, and she didn't even feel those any more. She stretched and waited until seven, then left to meet the headmistress. The faculty lounge was in the same building as the faculty apartments, about a five minute walk across campus from the student's dorms. She made it in under three at a jog, and was shivering in her oversized jacket outside the door marked "FACULTY LOUNGE", knocking hard. The headmistress' secretary, Paul, a tall, stocky man, about 6' tall and 185 lbs, with sandy brown hair and a handsome face, opened the door and smiled down on her. "Right on time. Come in, come in." He held the door open for her and ushered her into a short, wide hallway with another door at the end. "Let me take your jacket," he said, and Karen gratefully gave it to him to hang on one of the hooks on the wall; it was much warmer inside. She fell into step beside him as he walked down the hall toward the other door. He opened it and waved her through, smiling. Karen stepped through the door and began to face forward, feeling Paul following her, when she was pushed hard in the back, throwing her off her feet to land hard on her hands and knees, her hair falling over her head to obscure her face. She grunted as her hands and knees hit a soft, padded floor, much like the gym mats she had practiced on when she was young. Oh God, not again, she thought as she scrambled to her feet. As she stood, ready to flee, she felt a strong hand grip the back of her neck, causing her to freeze. "Now, now Karen, don't do anything foolish. You remembered what happened last time," Paul said, holding her tightly. She trembled slightly, remembering; "Now put your arms behind your back," he said, and she acquiesed meekly, feeling a pair of metal handcuffs quickly binding her wrists. Still holding her neck, Paul brushed her hair from her face, giving her her first good look at the faculty lounge. She gasped as her eyes took everything in: it was a large room, maybe 200' by 200'; several single parallel bars, about waist high, were bolted to a floor carpeted with gym mats; large eye-hooks protruded from various places on the floor and walls; several ottoman-like objects, surrounded by eye-hooks, sat bolted to the floor; endless amount of rope hung down from eye-hooks on the ceiling, 15' up; a ladder leaned against the left wall, which was lined with glass cases, filled with dildos, vibrators, canes, whips, pins, gags, clamps, and things she had no idea what they were. What drew her attention immediately, though, was the object which dominated the center of the room: it was two large steel hoops, each about 10' in diameter, intersecting each other at their diameters. One hoop, standing straight up, was securely bolted to a thick column, itself bolted to the floor, which was capable of rotating; the other was attached to the first hoop so that it could be spun around within the first hoop. She stared, aghast, at this contraption, for Su Lee was tied spread-eagled within it, getting fucked by the slim young man who had violated her! Su Lee's body was stretched to the breaking point, her slim legs, arms, and stomach straining against the pull of the ropes binding her spread-eagled to the hoop and against her own weight, for she was suspended in the air, her groin tilted slightly upward and her head hanging back, her hair cascading to pile on the ground. Welts marked her small breasts and her thighs, and her beautiful asian eyes were closed tightly, puffy from the tears which were streaming down her face to mingle with her hair. Her mouth was distorted around a large ball gag, pulling her full lips tight around the gag. The young man was standing on a small stool between her legs, slowly pistoning his cock, coated with a thin film of blood, down into Su Lee's pussy. Su Lee was turned sideways to her, and she shuddered...not Su Lee too...oh was too much.... "You like that," Paul said, his voice hard, "you like seeing your friend get pronged like that?" She shook her head, "Nooo...nooo." "Oh, come on, I saw the films, you loved it." She cringed, he had seen the video tapes, a red blush of shame crept into her face, and she tried to drop her head, but he held it up, forcing her to watch Su Lee being viciously raped. She saw the tendons on Su Lee's inner thighs straining at her position, her small girlish breasts rise and fall with her struggling breath, her pretty, petite face distorted by the gag stretching her jaws obscenely apart; saw a cock, glistening red with Su Lee's hymen blood, mercilessly slide again and again into the space between her thighs. She choked down a sob at the sight, and felt a tingle crawl up her spine as she thought of her friend's terror. "Ah, her comes Ingrid," Paul said, drawing her eyes away from Su Lee to Ingrid coming through a door at the other end of the room. Karen stared in horror as she met Ingrids piercing blue eyes and saw her smile. Ingrid stood there for a second, her statuesque figure seemingly carved from ivory, the pure whiteness of her nakedness broken only by a black bodice, drawing in her stomach and pushing up and together her impressive breasts; she then began walking toward her. Karen began to struggle in Pauls strong grip, but he merely dragged her by her neck over to a parallel bar, slamming her thighs painfully into it. Ingrid reached her a moment later and quickly grabbed both her ankles and jerked them apart, attaching them to the cuffs on the vertical bars of the parallel bar. "Please," she whined, "don't do this to me. Please." Paul ignored her, and Ingrid answered by grabbing a handful of her hair and dragging her torso down waist level, pulling her hips painfully against the parallel bar. She was now stretched taunt across the bar, helpless as Paul pushed her skirt over her hips and began rubbing his hands across her ass, pinching it through her underware. She squirmed at his touch and tried to pull away from Ingrid as, still grasping her hair, she began to unbutton Karen's school blouse, revealing Karen's strong stomach and firm breasts, hanging slightly within a plain white bra. "Two virgins in two weeks," she heard a voice, the slim young man's, say, "and that one, let me tell you, is tight." "Greg, be quiet and get me a pair of sissors; I want to get these panties off," that was Paul. She began squirming as Paul began gently slapping her ass and Ingrid began pinching her nipples through her bra, but there was nothing she could do, her arms pinned behind her back and her ankles firmly secured wide apart to the bars. Held there, her mind began to wander, so she did not even notice as her bra and panties were cut off. She thought about Su Lee, and imagined what it had been like for her: to be strung up, practically pulled apart on that metal hoop, hanging like a piece of meat to be used by anyone; to feel the stinging bite of the whip burning across your skin; to twist and squirm and try to escape the punishment, knowing you couldn't, knowing there was nothing you could do as a man drove his cock mercilessly into you, ripping away your virginity.... She was suddenly brought back to reality as she felt Paul slide a finger easily into her cunt. "Damn, she sure is ready to rumble," Paul exclaimed. Ingrid replied, "I told you, this one gets off on it. I bet she's thinking about how much she'd like a hard cock up her right now." She turned as she heard the door at the opposite end of the room open, and said, "Oh oh, here comes Mercedes; this should be fun." Turning toward Karen, she knelt down, and placing one hand between her shoulder blades, pulled her head up so she was looking toward Su Lee and Mercedes: "You see, Mercedes _hates_ asians." Then she smiled, and said, "this should be fun to watch." Karen's back had begun to ache, and her neck was hurting, being pulled back at that awkward angle, but worst of all was the warm feeling which was radiating from her vagina as Paul began to rub his fingers, well lubricated by her juices, against her clitorus. How could she be enjoying this? Poor Su Lee, poor her...what was wrong with her? To be turned on by these animals? All these thoughts ran through her mind as she watched Mercedes, carrying a large bullwhip, walk slowly toward Su Lee. She was wearing a dark red corset, which made her waist practically disappear, attached to which were garters supporting red stockings; her hair was done up in a severe bun, and she had her glasses on. When she reached the hoop, she adjusted it so that Su Lee was hanging upside down, her cunt pointing toward the ceiling. She was so tightly bound to the hoop that it barely relieved any of the strain on her arms. Karen saw her friend bound, every muscle in her body pulling against the strain of the bondage, and thought, she didn't know why, she is beautiful, so beautiful. She had always thought Su Lee had a willowy, exotic, beauty, but now she was captivating, and Karen felt little pins and needles travel up and down her spine as she watched her, feeling Paul's penis rubbing up against her cunt, sliding back and forth against the slippery, swollen lips. Mercedes walked around to the side of Su Lee and unlimbered the whip; suddenly, with a skill Karen found amazing, she drew her arm back and forward, the whip following to strike with a SNAP Su Lee's upper thigh. Su Lee screamed through her gag and her beautiful almond eyes popped open, and Karen could see the pain and fear reflected in them. A small bruise began to blacken the red mark the whip had left, and blood started to ooze out of the broken skin. Again a SNAP, and Su Lee's body trembled, a high keening sound echoed from her throat, through the gag, as her right nipple began to ooze blood. Su Lee's keening softened to a ragged sob, then resumed with another SNAP, as her other nipple was struck. Then Mercedes moved in front of her, a little to Karen's left, and raised the whip in her arm again, bringing it down this time with a THUNK, directly on the front of Su Lee's vagina. Karen saw blood splatter up from Su Lee's cunt, and Su Lee howled and shook against her bonds. Shaking like a leaf, sweat pored down her body as she sobbed into her gag. Karen jerked against the hands and bonds holding her at the sight of that blow, and she gasped as a soft wave of pleasure crashed against her was good, so good without the pain driving her wild. Putting down the whip, Mercedes went over to the cabinet and took out a thick leather strap, and returned to Su Lee. Ingrid turned to her, and saying, "Damn, now I'm really hot," sat down on a pillow almost below the parallel bar, pulling Karen down with her by the hair. Adjusting herself and spreading her legs, she looked Karen in the eyes: "Now, bitch, you're going to suck me off, and if you don't make me cum in five minutes, Paul up there is going to fuck you in the ass." Karen stared at Ingrid, fear coming into her eyes as the strong scent of sex wafted up from Ingrid's pussy to her. She couldn't, they couldn't expect her to do _that_. She tried to twist her head away but Ingrid just let out a short laugh and jammed Karen's head into her crotch and began to rub her wet pussy all over her face. At the same time, Paul sunk his dick, in one smooth motion, into Karen's pussy, and began to slowly thrust himself in and out of her cunt. They were serious, completely serious. They would actually fuck her there, and they expected her to lick another woman's pussy; it was awful. Ingrid cuffed her upside the head as Paul continued slowly fucking her, "Come on bitch, use that tongue." Tenatively she pushed her tongue between her lips and tasted the sour, slippery wetness of another woman. Ingrid let out a low moan as Karen began to run her tongue back and forth against her pussy lips, the slap of leather against flesh and Su Lee's awful, muffled screaming counterpointing the slow fucking Paul was giving her. Karen began to settle down into a rhythm as Ingrid slapped her ears as she told her what to do--lick up and down the lips, rubbing her nose against Ingrid's clit, then close on the clit with her mouth, suck it gently into her mouth and flick her tongue back and forth across her clit. Then do it all again when Ingrid slapped her on the head. It wasn't so bad, she thought, the cock pumping slowly in and out of her sopping cunt relaxing her. Her postition was awkward and uncomfortable, but this was so much better than the whipping...poor Su Lee...she could still hear the slapping of the belt followed by Su Lee's muffled screams. As she thought about it, about her bent across the bar, force to lick a woman's cunt while a man used her cunt for his pleasure, Su Lee's screams in the background, warmth began spreading through her loins and she began to tremble. Suddenly, though, Paul pulled out, "Time's up," and, grabbing her asscheeks, pulled them wide apart, exposing her tiny asshole. Karen began to panic...just when it was feeling so good...why couldn't they just fuck her?...why did they have to hurt her?...and tried to pull away from Ingrid. Ingrid merely gripped her head more firmly and thrust her hips forward against her face, "Come on," she said, "I was almost there." She kept struggling but she couldn't do anything to stop this violation of her ass. She froze with horror, receiving a few blows to the head from Ingrid, as she felt Pauls slick dick prod against her anus. She tried to yell, to say no, stop, but her voice was muffled by Ingrid, who pushed her face against her pussy, effectively muting her. "Come on, slut, keep moving that tongue," Ingrid urged as Paul pressed his cock harder against her small, puckered opening. "Give her ass a little incentive to open up, Greg," she heard Paul say, then jerked forward hard against the bar as pain exploded in her lower back, and the sickening slap of the belt came to her ears. Her anus spasmed at the blow and Paul shoved his cockhead in, bringing a grunt of pain from Karen. Ingrid was growing angry at her for stopping her licking, and began to cuff and slap her ears, "Come on, bitch," she growled. She jerked forward again as the belt drove more pain into her lower back, and Paul drove his dick farther into her tormented ass. The blows against her head were disorienting her, distracting her from the pain in her ass. She stuck out her tongue and began to lick again, and felt Ingrid relax, holding her head tightly between her thighs. Almost without her knowing, Paul had sunk his cock its full length into her ass, his balls hanging against her swollen pussy. She felt so full, like she did just before she deficated, her anus stretched painfully around his cock. A strange shiver of pleasure and pain went through her as he slowly began to slide his cock back, seeming to draw her innards with it, and she grunted into Ingrid's wet cunt as he slammed his cock back into her ass. He grabbed her hips in strong hands, bruising her, and began to fuck her ass with abandon, each forward stroke bringing a grunt from Karen. It was so different: it hurt, his plunging cock hurt, but it also felt good, like when she took and extra big shit; she felt an orgasm begin to build deep within her guts, a hard knot of pleasure slowly increasing with each pounding stroke of Paul's cock. She began to lick fervently at Ingrid's clit, sucking the soft flesh into her mouth and flicking her tongue wildly across its bulging head. Ingrid let out a gasp and pulled her head even harder against her cunt, thrusting her hips into Karen's face as she came. Feeling Ingrid come around her face sent Karen over the edge, the hard knot of pleasure bursting, consuming her entire body, causing her to jerk against the bonds and hands holding her, her ass spasming around Paul's penis, bringing his seed spilling into her ass. Slowly she came down from her orgasmic high, her body tingling with sensation. Ingrid stood up uncertainly and Paul pulled out of her ass with a gently POP, leaving her feeling empty, hanging over the bar at the waist, too tired to raise her body to a standing position. She knew she should feel humiliated, ashamed, but she was too numb, too tired, to care. These people could use her all they wanted, a small part of her _wanted_ them to use her, to beat her: she shuddered inwardly at this thought, resisting it. She didn't want this, no matter how much her body betrayed her, she didn't; she wanted to be home, safe and secure, to be a normal teenager again, not subject to the sexual whims of a group of sadists. She came back to herself as she felt a rope thread between the cuffs connecting her wrists, and moaned in discomfort as her arms were pulled from her back, dragging her upper body with them, until she was parallel with the floor. She didn't resist, didn't even respond, as a collar was attached to her neck and a rope run through a ring on the collar to another ring between her legs. She moaned again as her arms were pulled further from her body, until they were at a 45 degree angle from her back, and the rope pulling them was tied to the rafters overhead. Her head was then dragged back by her hair until her face was directly forward, her mouth open to relieve the strain on her neck, her hair tied around the cuffs on her wrists. She opened her eyes as Ingrid began gently stroking her cheek, "It looks like Merc has something special planned for your friend, Karen," she said, her voice smooth and mocking. Still in a state of mental numbness, of mental abstraction, Karen saw what Ingrid meant: Su Lee was bent over a something like a strange looking ottoman, her knees bent wide under her, her knees held to the floor by leather cuffs, her arms spread at right angles to her body and also cuffed to the floor at bicept, elbow, and wrist, pressing her chest into the ground. Her head was propped by her chin on a padded chin gaurd, so that Karen could look directly into her eyes, only 6' away and swollen with tears. Her pretty asian face was still distorted by the ball gag, making her, Karen though wistfully, look almost alluring. Her ass was elevated high in the air, causing her back to curve painfully back and exposing her abused vagina and her anus. Karen closed her eyes for a moment, feeling her own aching body, with Ingrid's juices drying on her face, Paul's semen leaking from her bowls down her pussy lips, her head pulled painfully back, her body bent obscenely over the parallel bar: a wave of tired resignation passed through her--she couldn't do anything, she was helpless. She opened her eyes and saw Mercedes, grinning, rub a rag up and down Su Lee's exposed vagina. She looked into Su Lee's large, black, almond eyes and saw fear and pain and hopelessness in them, and a terrible yearning to be let go. She heard herself whisper "Su Lee," before the sight of Mercedes opening the back hall door snapped her out of her resigned complacency. Horror and an awful realization struck her as she watched a german shepherd come bounding across the room toward Su Lee's bound body. "You can't," she cried, "Noooo.... Please don't...." She began struggling against her bonds, painfully trying to free herself. She struggled harder as she saw the dog stop at Su Lee's exposed ass and stick his nose right into her cunt, snorting and licking. Su Lee jerked forward, horror widening her eyes and bringing short gasps from her flaring nostrils. Karen froze, her muscles tense with her struggles, as she saw the dog mount her friend, claws scrabbling painfully against Su Lee's narrow waist, hips thrusting wildly against Su Lee's ass. Then she saw the dogs narrow, red penis slide home into Su Lee's pussy, and as she looked back into Su Lee's eyes, she saw the horror and disgust and pain in her tearing eyes. She heard Greg let out an exclamation and then she felt him sink his dick into her still wet pussy. She grunted at this invasion, but she was still spellbound by the image before her: the german shepherd gripping Su Lee's waspish waist with its forelegs, its neck thrust forward to nip at Su Lee's shoulders, its hips a blur of motion, driving his slimy penis in and out of Su Lee's pussy at an incredible speed. Su Lee had her eyes closed, tears running down her cheeks, curving away from the bulging gag. Mercedes knelt right next to her head, her face almost against her ear, whispering Karen knew not what to her as she was raped by a dog. Suddenly, the dog began to slow its thrusts, and then slammed hard into Su Lee three times and held its hips to hers. Then the dog pushed itself off Su Lee and staggered off a little ways, the tip of its penis engorged into a large bulb. Mercedes remained next to Su Lee as Paul led the dog back to the hallway, only to release another german shepherd, which came running straight for Su Lee. Karen couldn't take her eyes off Su Lee, her face twisted in an agony of humiliation, her body covered by a dog frantically thrusting into her, Mercedes in her red outfit kneeling by her ear, whispering poisons. She shuddered as she felt Greg's hard penis slide in and out of her. She couldn't stop thinking...what if it was her tied down to the floor being mounted by a dog, its wet, slimy cock poking against her pelvis, its claws scratching and gripping at her waist, its teeth nipping her neck and shoulders, with Mercedes whispering "dogfucker, whore, slut," into her ear, telling her how much she liked it, to be fucked like that. She felt a wave of pleasure consume her as she orgasmed, but she still could not stop staring at the sight before her. Her arousal began anew as the dog finished and another was brought in, and she came again, with Greg slowly fucking her from behind, adding to the stimulation from her mind. A fourth dog was brought in, and she saw the expression on Su Lee's face change ever so slightly. Karen gasped out with another orgasm as she thought she saw a flicker of pleasure cross Su Lee's face. She was! Karen could see it, could see Su Lee's closed eyelids flutter, could see her face tense around her gag, her brows contracting. Karen began to gasp in excitement as Greg began pounding into her from behind in earnest. She heard a low humming coming from Su Lee through the gag, and it ended in a muffled cry as her face twisted in a paroxism of pain an pleasure, her whole body tense as a wound spring. Karen heard Ingrid and Paul laughing as her own orgasm hit her, shaking her entire body, her cunt spasming around Greg's dick, sending him spurting shot after shot of cum deep into her pussy. As she came back to herself, Karen saw that the dog had finished, and was being led back to the hallway. Su Lee was sobbing miserably through her gag. Karen was sore and exhausted, mentally as well as physically, as hands began to release her bonds. They lifted her up and pushed her, staggering, out the door, her blouse still open and without her bra or panties. As she buttoned back up her blouse, she felt the twin loads of cum begin to drip down her thighs, and staggered back to her room, stunned by the events of the evening, but even more by her reactions to them. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out more about the anon service, send mail to [email protected]. If you reply to this message, your message WILL be *automatically* anonymized and you are allocated an anon id. Read the help file to prevent this. Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to [email protected]. ======== Back in her room, Karen undressed and, wrapping a towel around herself, went directly to the showers. She didn't care who saw her this time; she was too tired and dazed to care. The shower revived her somewhat and when she finally lay in her nightshirt on her bed she reviewed everything that had happened to her that night. That the headmistress's secretary, Paul, was in on these bizarre sexual games was without doubt, and she had to assume the headmistress also knew about everything that had been done to her. The entire faculty must know, and perhaps everyone in the entire school participated on some level. She couldn't believe that, but what Ingrid had said to her, that she was the Seniors' to do with as they desired, certainly suggested it. If so, there was nothing she could do but run away, and she thought they would know if she tried, would stop her and torment her worse than they had done; perhaps they would even do to her what they had done to Su Lee. To be bound to the floor and fucked like and animal--she shuddered, shying away from her own reactions to what she had seen. But they kept coming back to her: her arousal to being fucked, and the horrible orgasm which she had when Paul had fucked her in the ass; her multiple orgasms as she saw Su Lee being mounted by dog after dog, and her surprise, and yes, she admitted to herself, her arousal, when she saw pleasure cross Su Lee's face. She couldn't understand her own arousal at the brutal treatment she had received, how could she understand Su Lee's? She shook herself as she felt her vagina grow damp and her labia swell at these remembrances. She curled up again and tried to drive the pictures of Su Lee's abuse from her mind. It was awful what they had done to her, she thought, her mind becoming cloudy with sleep, awful.... She became groggily aware of people entering her room carrying a large bundle, which they threw on Su Lee's bed. Sleep pulled her back to unconscousness before she could see what was happening. She awoke early the next morning to see Su Lee curled up into a fetal position on her bed. She lay there asleep, naked, and Karen could see the ugly marks of whips and cane covering her body. She wanted to go over and take her in her arms, to hold her and comfort her; but what could she say? What could she do? She was there to see what had happened...she pulled back and shook her head, her brown hair swinging across her back. No, she couldn't. Then she noticed an envelope on her dresser; it wasn't there when she had come back last night. She fearfully opened it and read: Dearest Karen, Greetings to the Covenant School for Girls from your headmistress Samantha Kane. I have seen the tapes and know that by now you have been introduced to the main extracurricular activity at our school. In case you are in any way confused by your present situation, this letter is designed to clear up those confusions. First of all, let me make it very clear that your main purpose here, besides obtaining a first class education, is to service myself, my secretary, the faculty, the seniors, the juniors, and the members of Delta Sigma Pi, in that order, in any way they desire. Let me repeat myself: you are to obey the preceding without question. Now I realize that certain demands that we may make upon your person may cause you certain discomfort; practice patience and forebearance, and realize that no member of the above will be allowed to permanently injure you in any way, or to impact your schoolwork negatively. Also realize that next year you will be a Junior here at our school, and therefore free of certain of the strictures which now apply to you, as well as gaining social superiority over the Freshmen and Sophmore. Now that I have reassured you on the main points of your situation, let me follow with certain simple rules you will be expected to follow while you are a student here. 1) You will wear no underclothes except that provided by one of the above persons. 2) You will speak to one of the above people outside of the classroom only when spoken to. 3) You will refer, outside of the classroom, to the above people as master or mistress, depending on the sex of the person. If you break any of these rules, realize that you will be punished severely. One final note, in case you are thinking about revealing our cozy setup here to anyone: we have tapes of everything that has been done to you. Far from being self-incriminating, these tapes will, properly edited, reveal you engaging in consenual, if kinky, sexual escapades, and enjoying yourself immensely. Any story of members of this academy forcing you into unwanted sexual contact will be dismissed by us as either malicious spitefulness, overactive imagination, or "day after" regrets over your sexual experiences. Respectfully yours, Samantha Kane p.s. Please bring this letter with you to my office at 4:00 pm this afternoon. She shuddered as she read the letter--it seemed hardly possible. Then she looked over at Su Lee, her naked body covered with welts and bruises, and realized it was not only possible, it was. She sat down on the edge of her bed, stunned, vague thoughts and worries running through her horrified mind. She sat unmoving for perhaps an hour, and when she finally did move, it was like an automaton. She had closed her mind off to the world around her; she had pushed everything that had happened out of her mind so that she could cope. She would do her schoolwork and the like and then she would meet with the schoolmistress at 4:00 pm--beyond that her mind refused to function. At 2:00 two senior girls whom she did not know well came and carried Su Lee away; Karen ignored them, and ignored Su Lee's feeble, sobbing cries for help. At 3:55, she rose from her desk, checked to make sure she was wearing no underwear, and walked unthinkingly to Samantha Kane's office. When she arrived she saw Paul sitting at his desk, his boss's large wooden office door directly behind him. He stood up when he saw her and leered. Karen shied away and murmered, "I'm here to see Ms. Kane." "I know," he said, moving from behind the desk to put an arm around her. She flinched, but let him guide her passively to Ms. Kane's office door. She didn't even react when he ran his hand caressingly up her outer thigh to massage her naked buttocks. "Too bad," he murmered, "I almost hoped you would disobey." Still massaging her buttocks, he opened the door to Ms. Kane's office and gently pushed her through. Standing in the headmistress's office, Karen looked up as she heard the door closed behind her. Her protective complacency shattered as she beheld what was before her, and she backed, shocked, into the door. She had remembered the headmistress as a stern, older woman, about 40 years old, 6' tall and exceedingly handsome. She remembered when she had first seen the headmistress, her brown-blond hair carefully done up, her piercing blue eyes staring sharply at her from amid small wrinkles webbing her face, her full and firm figure gracefully controlled, her full length dress tasteful and unrevealing. The picture before her could not be more different. Samantha Kane was in the throws of rapture: her medium length hair spilling over shoulders, her face flushed, a small, catlike smile playing on her lips, her back arched back as she kneeled over the face of one of her students, her hands gripping her student's breasts harshly, her own large, full breasts standing out proudly from her chest, her large round nipples distended in pleasure, her ass crushing down into her face, the outward extending penis gag fully embedded in her moist cunt, her juices flowing down onto her helpless student's face. Samantha Kane shuddered in her orgasm while smiling lazily at Karen. Slowly she rose, her pussy sliding easily from the plastic dildo, and moved toward Karen. Karen was transfixed by the sight of her approaching headmistress, but she couldn't help but glance at the hapless student bound on the floor behind her. A sudden chill went through her as she recognized Su Lee, a penis gag, now covered with Ms. Kane's juices, 1.5" in diameter and extending into as well as 7" out of her mouth. She was lying on her back, her calves strapped with wide leather belts tightly against her thighs. Her thighs were pulled up and back against her sides, pulling her ass into the air, and strapped there with another leather band running just under her small breasts, which also held her arms against her sides. In this position her pussy and ass were obsenely exposed to the several videocameras stationed around the room. Ms. Kane's voice cut through her thoughts, "Hello Karen, I've been wanting so much to meet you." Her voice had a silky, catlike quality to it, and Karen submitted meekly as she gripped her upper arm and led her around the large desk which Su Lee was lying in front of. Here she could not see her friend, but another sight caught her attention: a stool, one foot high, stood bolted to the floor where a desk chair should have been, and thrusting up from it was a shiny metal dildo. It gleamed in the dim light of the office, and as she followed it down she saw that the chair was "padded" with what looked like small bed of nails, with what looked like a seatbelt attatched to the side. "Kneel down on the stool, now, dear," Ms. Kane said, positioning Karen over the stool, each leg on either side of it. Karen looked pleadingly at Samantha Kane, seeing there only determination and a complete lack of mercy. "You know what to do," said the headmistress as Karen knelt over the stool, her firm thighs flexing under her skirt. She looked up at the headmistress and lowered her pussy right over the medal dildo as Ms. Kane nodded. She shivered as the cool, smooth metal touched her labia, and she blushed in shame as she felt the slickness of her tunnel as it eagerly accepted this foreign invader. "Look at me," Ms. Kane said sharply, both hands resting on her shoulders, "look at me!" Karen looked into her sharp blue eyes and gasped as Samantha Kane pressed her violently down on the dildo, driving her ass into the nails protruding from the stool. Pain flashed through her ass, mingling with a curious, cool pleasure radiating from her cunt. She froze, the nails pressing painfully into her flesh, and the metal dildo feeling slick inside her pussy, as Ms. Kane strapped her loosely onto the stool, leaving enough slack to allow her to ride the dildo, but not enough dislodge it. She then strapped her knees and ankles to the floor and tied her wrists to the sides of the stool. Throughout this, Karen was afraid to move, and her mind focused on the sensations coming from her ass and groin. Each nail around her ass and thighs was like a little fire on her nerves; the dildo was a slick, cool invader inside her, causing her pussy to spasm involuntarily around it, sending pleasure shooting through her body. "Ingrid says you suck cunt pretty good, slut," the headmistress said coolly, rolling a chair forward in front of Karen and sitting down, her legs spread wide apart on either side of Karen and her groin resting on the front edge of the chair. "Well, get started!" she snapped, "and don't forget to fuck yourself on that dildo. If you don't, I'll be very upset," she smiled. Karen knew resistance was useless; it would only bring her more pain. Slowly she leaned forward and kissed Ms. Kane's labia while moving her own hips up and down on the metal dildo, careful to avoid the sharp nails at its base. The sour, pungent odor of her headmistress's pussy assaulted her as she licked at her swollen, glistening lips. She swirled her tongue around and then, stiffening it, drove it deep into Ms. Kane's cunt, mashing her face against her pussy in the process. Ms. Kane groaned and grabbed the back of her head as she licked at the inside of her pussy. Karen worked her way up to Ms. Kane's clitorus, rubbing her face all over her cunt as she moved her mouth toward her stiff bud. Her headmistress shuddered in pleasure as she took her clitorus between her lips and began to gently suck on it, running her lips over the small fleshy protuberence. Karen broke out into a cold sweat, her own thighs shaking with the strain of working her cunt up and down the dildo without striking the spikes at its base. She closed her eyes as she worked her tongue over Ms. Kane's clit and concentrated on her dildo inside her. It felt strange, running back and forth across her inner flesh, so smooth. She worked her hips around, trying to get something, some feeling, out of it--it was vaguely unsatisfying, so cool and smooth, so inhuman. She felt desire build in her...she wanted to be fucked...she wanted to come...she didn't want this teasing metal cock sending cold chills down her spine, making her yearn for the real thing. Frustrated, she slammed her hips down hard against the stool, sending the nails stabbing into her flesh, sending a delicious pain shooting through her cunt. It hurt, but it was fire compared to the ice in her cunt. It sparked her to frentic action: she began sucking and licking her headmistress's pussy with abandon, earning gratifying moans from Ms. Kane; she also sent her hips into a flurry of action, her young, muscular thighs sending her cunt slamming hard down on the dildo and the nails again and again. A cold chill seemed to grip her body as she fucked herself mindlessly on the stool, pain flowing in wave after delicious wave through her body, each wave sending a thrill of warmth through her. A gut wrenching cramp took hold of her guts, and she grunted with her efforts, her body covered in sweat. Ms. Kane was crying out oh yes aaahhggg ooohh as she rocked back and forth in the chair, her thighs clenching an unclenching around Karen's head. Karen suddenly jerked and cried out as the pain in her gut cracked, and a painful, nerve-wracking orgasm overcame her, sending her shaking in release upon the stool. Oh god, she thought, it was so draining. She felt wrung out, squeezed. "You are good," she heard Samantha Kane say, a lazy, satisfied smile playing on her face, "I think I'll give you a reward." Karen watched her stand up and remained still as Ms. Kane released her from the stool. As she stood up, she felt her ass a flaming mass of pain, and saw her drying blood on the tips of the nails and felt it drip sluggishly across the back of her thighs. She stood there dazed as Samantha Kane removed her plaid skirt and white blouse, leaving her standing naked. She yelped and jumped as she felt a sharp, stinging pain in her ass as Ms. Kane rubbed a damp towel over it. "Don't flinch, dear, this is just some bactine to clean you up. I don't want you bleeding all over my office." Karen drew her lower lip into her mouth and wondered what else her headmistress had planned for her. She didn't have to wait long, for after finishing cleaning up her ass, Ms. Cane opened the top drawer of her desk and pulled out a large, strap on dildo. "Put this on," she commanded, handing it to Karen. She obeyed meekly, gasping as she felt a tiny ridge press against her clitorus when she pulled it snug against her. She allowed herself to be led around the other side of the desk, her fake cock swinging from side to side. She wasn't really taking part anymore...she was just acting out her part in this bizarre play designed by Ms. Kane. She saw herself look down at the still bound form of Su Lee...she had forgotten about her...and register shock as Ms. Kane reached down and pulled out a buzzing vibrator from Su Lee's pussy. Su Lee moaned as the vibrator was removed, arched her back, and shuddered. Her headmistress merely smiled and removed another vibrator from Su Lee's ass, receiving a grunting, thrashing response from Su Lee. Samantha Kane handed her the vibrators, one slick with Su Lee's juices, the other coated with a light film of oil, both still buzzing insistantly. "These are for you," she purred, "put them in for the camera," she said as she moved behind one of the cameras and focused it on Karen's crotch. Karen blushed furiously but moved to obey, taking part in her own humiliation. She spread her legs and lifted up the plastic strap on with her left hand, putting the tip of the buzzing vibrator against her labia. She shuddered as she felt the vibrator slip easily into her cunt, sending its vibration humming through her body. She pushed it in as far as she could, her fingers pushed up to the first knuckle in her own pussy, and felt it touch her cervix, sending a shiver through her bones. It felt awkward inside her, but she dutifully took the other vibrator and pressed it against her anus. It made her want to defacate, and her asshole spasmed as she shoved the buzzing cock into her ass. She pushed it all the way in until her asshole closed over the end, and then she stood there, the two vibrators seeming to numb her insides. "Good, good," she heard Samantha Kane say, "now put your cock into your friend there." She saw Su Lee's dark, exotic eyes widen at these words, but moved, as if she were an automaton, to follow her headmistress's instructions. She walked awkwardly, the two vibrators filling her up, deeply massaging her innards, until she stood near Su Lee's upturned ass. She knelt down, her legs on either side of her ass, and placed her hands just below Su Lee's bound knees, leaning her weight there. The warmth of her friend's skin brought her out of her objectivity, and she hesitated, looking down at the large plastic dildo hovering just millimeters from Su Lee's exposed cunt. She quivered as she realized what she was doing, but realized she had no choice. She pressed the fake cock against Su Lee's swollen, dark red, slippery labia, and gently pushed forward with her hips, gasping as she felt the ridge on the top to the dildo press into her clitorus. Su Lee began grunting and squirming around, but Karen bore down, putting more of her weight on Su Lee's legs and pressing forward harder with her hips. My god, she thought, the vibrators spreading the pleasure pressing against her clit throughout her body, I'm splitting her in half. She was entranced by the sight of the dildo, seeming so large compared to Su Lee's oh so narrow hips, sliding slowly into her cunt, her juices bubbling out around the edge of the cock as it forced its way into her. She shuddered in pleasure as she sunk the cock all the way into her friend, feeling it hit her friend's cervix, sending a jarring sensation against her clit. A soft orgasm blossemed in her clitorus, was grabbed by the vibrators and spread throughout her guts. Her stomach muscles and thighs spasmed and she fell heavily onto Su Lee, ending up staring directly at the penis gag obscenely jutting from Su Lee's mouth. She felt a hand grab her head and force her mouth over the gag and press down slowly, forcing her mouth wide. As the hand began pressing her throat down on the plastic dildo, she began to panic, and placing her hands beside Su Lee's head, tried to push herself off. "Stop that," Ms. Kane said sharply, "swallow, come on, swallow." Karen felt bile rise in her throat as the hand on her head forced the dildo inexorably into her throat. Her gag reflex took over and she began to heave, her hips still attached to Su Lee's by the strap on. Ms. Kane relented, and Karen was able to recover, swallowing the bile that had risen in her throat. Again the hand pressed her head down...she couldn't do it, couldn't take that thing in her would kill her.... She began swallowing madly as it pressed against her throat, and felt a strange, warm tearing sensation as it slipped into her throat. She couldn't breath, her throat spasmed involuntarily around the intruder, and still the hand pressed down, forcing it further into her throat. "Breath through your nose, slut," she heard, and gratefully sucked in a lungful of air, her nostrils distending with the effort. The pain in her throat lessened and the hand stopped pressing her down, but by now she had taken the whole thing down her throat, and her lips were pressed up against Su Lee's, her nose pressing against her friend's. Her whole body felt filled, her throat stretched around the plastic dildo and the vibrators in her bowels and pussy sending a humming numbness through her guts. "Now fuck her," she heard Ms. Kane growl, and jerked her hips back, feeling Su Lee twitch under her. She pressed her hips forward again and moaned as the plastic ridge pressed against her clit, letting out a sharp gasp through her nose as she bumped up against Su Lee's cervix. She began moving her hips back and forth, driving the strap on slowly into Su Lee; the dildo in her throat made her seem somehow connected to Su Lee, impaled and impaling, every hole stretched and filled. She felt Su Lee begin to rock with her thrusts, and moan each time Karen brought her hips to press firmly against Su Lee's slender body. She felt her own nipples and Su Lee's stiffen as they rubbed against each other, and Karen felt a boiling pleasure begin to build deep in her guts. Suddenly with a load SMACK, pain exploded in her tenderized ass, sending her hips slamming into Su Lee's, driving the plastic cock deep into her cunt. Her scream around the penis in her throat was echoed by Su Lee when their hips met with a painful slapping sound. For a moment Karen didn't know what had happened, and froze in place, her fake penis shoved as deep as possible into Su Lee's pussy, her throat distended around the plastic penis gag, her lips touching Su Lee's at its base, her body pressed, sweating, hard against her friend's. Then she realized what had happened--Ms. Kane had used a belt on her poor, torn, ass--and Karen knew what she would do if she didn't keep fucking Su Lee. So she tenatively pulled the strap on out of Su Lee's pussy, only to have her ass explode in pain at its apex as Ms. Kane brought the belt across her tender cheeks. A matching pleasure shot through her clitorus as her hips slammed forward into Su Lee's to escape the pain, another cry coming from her gagged throat, echoed again by Su Lee. She pulled back again, SMACK, pain flashed through her ass, melding with the sharp pleasure at her clit, spread through her groin by the vibrators in her guts. SMACK SMACK SMACK...her hips humped up and down furiously, driven by the belt biting into her ass. She grunted in unison with Su Lee, each downward thrust bouncing her off her friends slender hips, sending more pleasure shooting through her body. She was like a driven machine, sweat dripping off her body, her breath coming in great gasps sucked through her nostrils. She felt a low kining come from Su Lee through the gag into her own throat, and felt her friend's body tense beneath hers. Su Lee cried through her gag, sending chills down Karen's throat, and began bucking wildly beneath her as Karen slammed the strap on again into her cunt. Answering fire exploded in her own clit as she felt her friend twist beneath her, pinioned by her bonds and by the driving phallus she wielded. The vibrators were a strong wind sweeping her pleasure like wildfire through her entire body, engulfing her ass in painful pleasure, her groin a countering cool wind of ecstacy. Her body spasmed in the throws of her orgasm, taunt and firm, and then she collapsed, exhausted, onto Su Lee. Three weeks later, Karen lay on her bed at the boarding school, thinking about what had happened to her after she had left the headmistress's office. She had had to go to the nurse to get the vibrator removed from her ass, and she blushed at the remembrance, remembering how she was told to lean over the back of the chair while the nurse reached inside her with a metal device. When she had returned to her room, Su Lee was not there, and when she did return, wouldn't speak to her. Karen badly wanted to tell her friend that she didn't want to do what she had done, but she had been forced to; she wanted to tell her it would be all right, that they could stick it out together; but Su Lee merely curled up into a ball on her bed and ignored her. Karen felt awful, but there seemed nothing she could do. What surprised her most was that, for the first time, other of her classmates stopped by to talk to her. She remembered how wary they all were, and how they looked at Su Lee with pity. She remembered how each one empathized with her, and let hints drop about how things worked at the school, and what her role was. Her spirits were bouyed by these visits, and she felt a growing sympathy with the rest of the underclasswomen at the school. She learned that the original headmistress of the Convenant School for girls had had a son who was a member of Delta Sigma Pi. It had apparently been his idea to turn the school into his own and his fraternity brothers' private harem, and got his mother to agree. They then began setting up the social structure they had now: first they approached the more sadistic and easily influenced teaching faculty and convinced them of the benefits of having a whole school of young cunts at their disposal. They then picked out several of the senior girls who were especially cruel, and subtly encouraged them to dominate the rest of the student body. Following the sly suggestions of faculty, and receiving absolute support from them, these girls brutalized the entire school, offering admission to their clique only to other seniors, and some juniors--the alternative to being with them was to be against them. Eventually they began actually torturing those girls who they disliked, or who did not jump when they wanted them to. It was a short step from there to sexual domination. At first the school had trouble keeping these activities from reaching the parents, but by imposing what was essentially a police state at the school, they managed, until there was no thought of escape, since there was no hope. At this point they were ready for the next step--the introduction of the members of Delta Sigma Pi to these sexual games. It wasn't hard, since by this time the seniors were wallowing in their sexual domination of the underclasswomen. They knew that nothing was more humiliating and degrading than rape, so, at the suggestion of faculty, brought over rapists. This act broke most of the underclasswomen, and no more resistance was made; most accepted their lot, holding the hope that when they were seniors they would be able to revenge themselves on the younger generation. The headmistress and faculty even had a plan to keep the senior girls from getting out of line. It was simple: they would occassionally, maybe once a week, choose a senior girl who had displeased them in some way, and tortured and sexually degraded her. Long before this stage though, the faculty who were not willing to play along were dismissed, and more amiable teachers were hired. Everything was pretty much set now; the only thing that was needed was to codify the rules the faculty had instituted. The headmistress, her secretary, and the faculty would have unlimited use of any of the girls they wanted. The members of Delta Sigma Pi had unlimited use of any of the sophmores or freshmen. The seniors had the same priveleges as the Fraternity. The juniors were a special case: they were free from everyone except the faculty at the school, yet they had no priveleges with the underclasswomen. There was an arrangement, though, where a junior could become a slave of a senior, who would then allow her to use, at the senior's descretion, any of the underclasswomen. Pregnancies were a problem at first, but the pill, and then the day after pill, took care of that; the day after pill was a godsend, since it did not artificially mature the young girls like the pill did, leaving them their girlish selves. She also learned something about the personalities who were presently at the school. Ms. Samantha Kane, she learned, was reasonable, if sexually demanding. Paul, her secretary, was a bit of a sadist, and played favorites. His favorite, and the favorite of most of the faculty, was Ingrid, whom everyone was afraid of. She practically ran the school, getting everything she wanted, but the girls were most afraid of the girl Ingrid had taken under her wing, Mercedes. Mercedes was a true sadist, delighting in bringing pain to the underclasswomen. The faculty, over the years, had been weeded out to all hardcore dykes. Some of them were nicer than others, but they all liked to dominate the girls. The social politics at the school grew out of the fact that the girls were expected to maintain their grades, limiting the amount of time the underclasswomen could be put to sexual use. Animosities would grow over a favorite freshman or sophmore, and the underclasswomen usually got caught in the battles between the seniors. The sophmores were used to the setup, and even enjoyed it to a degree. They made sure to make friends with a junior or two, so when they advanced a grade, they could make a deal. Also, in their role as sympathizers with the incoming freshmen, most of whom were traumatized by the attention paid them, they found girls ripe for seduction. The freshmen adjusted after the first few weeks, when they realized there was nothing they could do about it. She also caught hints about what happened to Su Lee. Su Lee had refused to move from her bed for two straight days, not going to class, not eating, not speaking. They had carried her away a day later, and Karen had not seen her since. From what she could gather, they had taken her to the D.S.P. Fraternity house and kept her drugged and tied in an underground room, where anyone could come down and use her as they pleased. Hard cases, and cases like Su Lee, who just couldn't come to terms with their predicament, were sent for either breaking or desensitation. After a month of being tied in a drug haze, being fucked almost constantly in one manner or another, they usually returned quite docile, willing to do anything. Karen felt sorry for Su Lee, but was kept too busy to think about it much. Her schoolwork increased, and she, being new, became an instant, if temporary, favorite. She was taught cunningless until she was a pro, and found that there were endless ways her body could be made to orgasm. The few men from the frat who came over and used her were the best though, and every time she was penetrated she thought about how much better the real thing really was. Two times a week she and a few freshmen were driven over to the frat house and taught how to please a man. Not only did she suck and deep-throat countless men, and learn how to move her hips, squeeze her pussy, keep a man on the edge of orgasm, etc., she also learned how to flirt. She learned to be an innocent flirt, a haughty, take-me flirt, a sexy flirt, a slutty flirt; she learned what to say to turn different men on, and what to do. She learned how to act during the sex act: astonished and pleased, scared, wanton, a combination of those. She learned what to wear and how to walk. Most important of all, she was taught how to reach orgasm, until with even the slightest stimulation, whether pleasure or pain, she could come. She still wasn't completely reconciled with it all though. Each nerve wracking orgasm held it's own satisfaction, but a part of her mind still dreaded it, dreaded seeing her kneeling naked before some man, or on all fours, screaming and gasping as a cock was buried in her ass, or lying on her back while she licked at another woman's vagina, or bound in some byzantine way and beaten and teased until she screamed in release. Most of all this part of her mind dreaded the way she reacted, the way she degraded herself before these abusers, the way her body danced to their manipulations, coming again and again. Deep down it made her feel ashamed, made her feel like a whore, a slut, a worthless sex crazed bitch who cared only about getting off. At the same time she secretly relished what was being done to her, and her qualms just seem to add a tingle of excitement to everything. She wasn't quite resigned to her fate, but she knew she was close. ******************** Su Lee returned a few days later, a brokenspirited girl shambling around, doing what she was told. She wouldn't speak to Karen, wouldn't speak to anyone; she did her schoolwork and she answered the demands of her superiors, but that was it. Karen was kept busy with her own schoolwork and other responsibilities, but she was still hurt by Su Lee's reticence. Over the next couple of weeks, she discovered Mercedes' interest in Su Lee. In fact, Mercedes' was practically the only one who used Su Lee. The other girls whispered it was because Su Lee _hated_ what was being done to her, and used her passivity as a weapon against her tormentors. Mercedes saw this as a challenge, and delighted in turning her body against her, making her orgasm. She videotaped every session she had with Su Lee, and made the girl watch herself be abused over and over. She even kept photos of Su Lee at the moment of orgasm, using them to further torment her. Karen remembered seeing some of the pictures, each one revealing Su Lee's orgasm in the expression on her face, the still life straining of her body, her spasms frozen on film. There was one picture of Su Lee hanging by her ankles from the ceiling, her slender legs tied together at ankle, knee, and thigh, her arms strapped behind her back, her long black hair cascading to the ground. Whip marks covered her body, and two large, vicious clamps were fastened about her nipples, but the photo showed her mouth open in a silent cry, her body tensed, just beginning to jackknife at the waist, the rope leaning back at a slight diagonal, obviously jerked there by Su Lee's thrashing. Mercedes had labeled it "Vibrator Ecstacy". Another picture showed Su Lee hogtied and rolled awkwardly onto her back, all her weight resting on her arms. Her head was laying back and a ring gag held her mouth wide. Multiple streams of urine coming from the naked bottom halves of men splattered against her body, little sprays bouncing from her glistening ivory teeth, her small, hard nipples, her flat, narrow stomach, her thighs and her legs. A small, womanly hand held a fire poker plunged into Su Lee's cunt, Su Lee's body blanched, tense and arched to meet the invading poker. Mercedes called this one "Stoking the Fire". She had complete video tapes of these scenes, but carried the pictures so that she could show whomever she wanted whenever she wanted. Karen understood her friend's horror, but wished she wouldn't be so stubborn. If she only gave in, accepted Mercedes' attentions instead of resisting her, Mercedes would lose interest in her. Hey, she herself had had plently of horrible experiences, but she wasn't going to let it keep her down. She learned and thought all these things in a little over a month, managing to keep her grades up throughout it. Then she learned she had been picked to be prey in the Hunt. She stood at the setting of the sun at the southern edge of the forest which stretched across the northern side of the school. She was wearing only a pair of sandels laced up to mid calf, her pleated, plaid skirt, and her white school blouse. She shivered in the cold, goosebumps all over her body, her nipples hard rocks beneath her blouse. She stood among four other girls: Su Lee was there, stoic and seemingly uncaring; Andrea, a young doe eyed french girl with long blond hair and a boyish figure, stood, freezing, with her arms across her small chest; Kelly, a large curvy girl, plump in all the right places, squatted on the ground, looking scared; and Diana, a tall, dark haired girl with classic southern european features, well formed and knowing it, stared defiantly at the group of thirty D.S.P. members standing just twenty feet away from them, some holding hunting dogs tightly on leashes. Karen had found out that the hunt had become a tradition carried from the earliest days of the school, when fraternity members had to hunt down real runaways before they could escape. Now, the frat voted on their five favorite girls, and all the college juniors and seniors gave them a ten minute head start and then chased them down, the first to catch each one got dibs. The girls were then carried back to the frat house for a weekend of debauchery. She also found out there were rewards: if any girl managed to make it to the road eight miles distant, or make it to the frat house without getting caught, that girl immediately gained senior status for her entire stay at the school. Karen started as the command to begin was bellowed, and turned and dashed into the woods. She ran straight into the woods, quickly loosing sight of the other girls among the trees. She started to pace herself, figuring in her mind...ten minutes...six miles per hour...I can make about one mile...only seven left to the road...could never make the frat house...I'll have to slow down a't keep this up forever.... She had planned to make a straight run for the road; she was in good shape, strong, and if she could outdistance the other girls, the guys would waste time with them. Her legs flashed beneath her as she ran, and she felt her muscles working in her thighs, in her stomach, in her back. Her arms pumped, and her eyes searched the way ahead for obstacles. Cold air bit into her lungs, to be expelled in a warm breath. Adrenaline began to pump through her, and an exhilarating feeling rushed over her: she was flying through the woods, her body the furnace powering the engine of her legs, spreading warmth and wellbeing through her. She felt like crying out in joy; she felt like she could run forever. About twenty minutes later, her elation, as well as her adrenaline rush, had worn off, and she was leaning against a tree, panting, feeling the chill of approaching night on her sweat dampened skin. She heard the sound of dogs behind her, she didn't know how close, but she knew they couldn't be that close. Straightening up, she began walking as quickly as she could toward the unseen road, and victory. She walked like that for what seemed forever, occassionally breaking into a trot, her apprehension growing as the sounds of pursuit increased. She must have traveled five miles, she thought, she was so close. Five miles in no more than an hour...they couldn't be that close...if it wasn't longer than an hour...just keep She was feeling pretty good, but couldn't do more than a brisk walk for any length of time...and she wasn't sure she was going in the right direction...she may have veered off the the right somewhere...she had to keep running was pretty dark now...made it hard to see...slowed her down. Twenty minutes later she looked back, fearful at the growing sounds of pursuit, the baying dogs and the call of voices back and forth, and saw the light of flashlights being playing among the trees. Adrenaline instantly surged through her, and she bolted away among the trees, panic gripping her. She could barely see, though, dark as it was, and slowed, her heart racing wildly. Suddenly a beam of light caught her, and she blinked, frozen, temperarily blinded, then she began to run. "There she is" she heard someone yell, and suddenly she felt a surge of people close on her, the exposing light now fixed on her, now bobbing before her, now behind. She heard scurrying in the underbrush behind her and something cannoned into the back of her thighs, knocking her from her feet. She landed heavily in the dirt and began rolling across the ground as canine teeth nipped at her, canine bodies swarmed around and over her. Her arms covered her face as fear and panic overtook her, the growling of the dogs and the play of the flashlights disorienting her. Hands grabbed her, pulled her up from the press of dogs. She squinted into the blurred faces of six young men, all panting and grinning and laughing. They dragged her, struggling and kicking and screaming, her head thrashing her hair wildly about her head, and slammed her hips over a large fallen log. She hung there, still struggling, the bark of the log tearing into the tender flesh of her stomach as they ripped off her cloths, until she lay there, as if over someone's lap, completely naked and exposed. Everything was a madhouse around her: the lights zigging her, zagging there, the laughter and catcalls of the boys, and the curious snuffling noses of the dogs. "Hey," she heard in a daze, "Caesar caught her, Caesar should have first shot!" Answering calls of "Ya!", "Let Caesar fuck her", "Goddamn slut", "Bet she gets off", echoed through her head as she felt a furry weight land on her buttocks, and a narrow, slimy _thing_ slide into her cunt. "Noooooooo!" she screamed, feeling the dog's paws lock around her waist and the dog's hips begin crashing into her buttocks, sliding its slippery penis in and out of her pussy. She struggled and cried, trying to buck the animal off of her, but strong hands held her down. The dog quickly finished, and she trembled as she felt its hot seed gush deep into her. The animal was pulled quickly off of her and she felt a man's cock drive deep inside her now lubricated sheath. Rough hands grabbed her hips and pulled her ass back to meet the driving phallus, dragging her stomach and breasts across the rough bark. The chase, the lights, the dog, the adrenaline still coursing through her veins, all overpowered her, sending her into a daze. The world whirled around her and all that was left were the sensations assaulting her body. Her stomach and breasts chaffing against rough bark, tearing at her tender skin; strong hands gripping the top of her hips, squeezing and kneeding and pulling; hips slamming against her buttocks, driving her clitorus painfully into the log, sending brief flashes of overwhelming sensation through her body; a large dick stretching her cunt wide, churning her insides up, sending a warm, melting feeling through her; someone grabbing her hair, pulling her head up, shoving their cock into her mouth and down her throat. Buffetted back and forth between two pistoning cocks, bent naked over a log, pandamonium surrounding her, she shuddered and came. The cock in her mouth slammed again into her throat, sending a shock of pain to mingle among the awful scraping across her front, the pain crashing into the overwhelming sensation of painful ecstacy radiating from her groin, and she came again. She came as she felt seed shoot into her stomach, and again as another cock forced its way past her anus, sending tingling pain through her body. She came when warm come squirted down her throat, and when another cock forced its way into her mouth and down her throat. She came and came and came. She couldn't stop coming, not when each guy took a second turn with her, not when they set the dogs loose on her, not when they shoved a thick branch up her cunt, sending splinters driving into her tender flesh. She was a flopping, jerking, coming piece of meat for she didn't know how long, and when she finally stopped coming, she was being half carried, half dragged through the woods back to the frat house, her body still wracked with tingling pleasures. In her semi-conscous state, she hung between two men, thinking it was oh so good, she wanted more; and before she passed out, she thought to herself: I can't wait...get me to the frat house...please.... ************* Su Lee ran along the highway shortly after dusk, her breath rasping in her lungs. She had known about the hunt and had planned how to confuse the dogs, how to escape the hellhole known as the Covenant School for Girls. Now she was almost free; she just had to get far enough away. The lights of a bigrig roared past her, then slowed to a stop on the side of the rode before her. The passenger side door swung open and she gratefully ran to it and climbed in: she was safe; she was free. (Don't bet on it. See Schoolgirl 2.0 for the further adventures of Su Lee.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- To find out more about the anon service, send mail to [email protected]. If you reply to this message, your message WILL be *automatically* anonymized and you are allocated an anon id. Read the help file to prevent this. Please report any problems, inappropriate use etc. to [email protected]. ======== Tom Sanders watched as Su Lee scrambled into the cab of his truck and waited until she was settled. He started up his rig and asked, "So where you goin'?" Su Lee gave a little start at the sound of his voice, and darted a quick look at him, "Uh...down to see my Aunt in Frontsburg," she answered, stumbling over the words, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Tom looked over at her, "You okay? You're not a runaway or anything like that?" "'m fine. I was getting a ride with some friends when their car broke down.... They got a hotel room and called for a tow truck; I decided to hitch it." "Well...okay then. I'm headed in that direction for awhile, so I'll drop you off at Gravesville where you can catch a bus or something. Sound okay?" "Yes," she said, and smiled at him, showing two rows of even, white teeth, "and thanks." "No problem," he answered, "and by the way, my name's Tom, Tom Sanders." "I'm Su Lee," she answered, and they rode in silence for a while, the gentle motion of the truck on the highway lulling Su Lee to sleep. Tom heard her breathing even out in the passanger side of the truck, and glanced over to see if the girl he had picked up were asleep. She was. Going to see her Aunt my ass, he thought, and smiled. She was certainly a runaway, probably from that cunt rich bitch school he knew was snuggled deep in the woods from her outfit. He smiled again as he looked over at her, thinking my luck certainly is holding up. His eyes took Su Lee in as she lay slumped in the seat: her slender, smooth legs, with their muscles firm beneath silky skin; her waspish waist tapering out to narrow hips and up to a small busom. Her large, dark eyes were closed now in her asian face, her lashes lying long and dark on her face. She had a small, beautiful, smooth face, and her hair was a raven darkness which crowned her head and cascaded down her back to her waist. She was just a wisp of a girl, Tom thought, he could probably reach all the way around her waist with his hands. Would've thought she was maybe twelve if it hadn't been for the uniform: that puts her at fourteen or fifteen. Anyway, she was a prime, grade A piece of meat; he did have all the luck. As he drove through the day, Su Lee sleeping beside him, Tom thought about pulling over to the side of the road and raping her then and there--god knew his cock was hard enough just thinking about it. He was a pretty big guy, even though he was only 5'10", with a slight paunch showing his profession. He could just imagine himself pinning he slender body to the ground, his thick cock splitting her in two, her pleadings and cryings as he rammed her full of his meat. He resisted the impulse though; he was only a few hours from the shack. If he took her now he would have to tie her up for the rest of the trip, and that was a pain. Besides, even if some of the others were there, he would get first shot at her. His mind wandered and he thought about the shack. There were a lot of hitchhikers on this route, a fair share of them lookers. Occasionally he or one of his friends would require payment for a ride--only fair, but Ed Banks had taken it farther, had shown them the way. Ed had picked up a buxom redhead of about twenty five or six, and when she had refused his advances, as well as his badgering, he had taken what he wanted anyway. He had gone so far as to tie her up in the back of his rig and keep her there, fucking her whenever he wanted, for a week. When he finally told his buddies, Tom being one of them, it had given them an idea. There was a small, abandoned shack with a cellar just off their route. They occasionally crashed there. Now wouldn't it be great if they could keep their own puntang there for rec purposes? And when they needed to dispose of the pussy they brought there, well, Pedro had a friend down in Mexico who ran a whorehouse--he'd buy any used pussy they had. And the cops could be taken care of too, for Tom had a friend who was Highway Patrol, and who wouldn't mind being part of a deal like this. They set it up immediately, with the redhead as their first piece of meat. She went into the cellar with a lot of fire, but a week later when she came out she was a broken woman--they even got $100 for her from Pedro's friend. That was a couple of years ago; since then, they had had numerous cunts in the shack, few for longer than a week, most runaways of some sort, young and tender with pussies that tried to eat your prick. This Su Lee was going to be one of those, he thought, looking greedily at her slumbering form; hope she screams. Su Lee awoke with a start, awakened by the sudden stop of the truck. It was approaching darkness and they were off the main highway, stopped before a small wooden shack. "You awake girl?" Tom said, "I'm not gonna make it to Gravesville tonight. Too tired. This here shack's where I crash sometimes. Come on and you can get some real sleep inside." Su Lee, still groggy from sleep, let Tom help her out of the truck, a foreboding touching the back of her mind. She dismissed it immediately--Tom had been nice to her--there was no danger here. They walked to the front door and Tom unlocked it, opened it, and waved her inside. Following her in, Tom shut the door behind himself. "What have we got here," Al, a large, burly lumberjack type called out, "who's your friend Tom?" Su Lee was taken aback by the presence of the other two men in the shack: besides Tom and the one who had just spoken, there was another man, blond, blue eyed, cleanshaven, but small and wizened looking, like a weasel. "Al, Dick, this is Su Lee. She's going to be our guest for tonight. Then I'm taking her to Gravesville," Tom said. Su Lee stepped back, frightened, as she saw evil, predatory grins spread across Al and Dick's faces, only to bump into the solid body of Tom. "Now now, don't be frightened," Tom said, gripping her small shoulders in his hands as she twisted her neck to look up at him, "no one here is going to hurt you...much." "Nooooooo!" she cried out as he spun her around like a rag doll and threw her to the ground. She landed hard on the dirt floor, crashing with her back and her buttocks into the hard-packed dirt. Hands grabbed her arms and dragged them apart above her head, while Tom dropped to his knees between her legs, grabbing the front of her thighs in his large hands and pinning her to the ground. "Please don't do this to me," she begged, twisting and fighting against the restraining hands, "I haven't done anything to you. Please let me go." Tom merely grinned down at her an flipped up her skirt, exclaiming as he saw she was without underwear. "She's prepackaged cunt," Dick laughed. "Let's see the titties," Al grunted and reached over with one huge hand an ripped her blouse open, exposing her small breasts. "Not much there, but she is a fine catch, Tom." "You've got all the luck, Tom," Dick said. "Now don't break her," laughing. Su Lee began screaming. This couldn't be happening to her: she had escaped the madhouse of the school only to be raped in the dirt by these animals. Her mind recoiled in horror at her predicament, and she thrashed desperately on the ground, trying to get loose. Tom released her thighs and fell heavily on top of her, knocking the air from her. She spastically tried to close her legs, but they were held apart by Tom's knees and thighs. She was nearly smothered by this hairy bulk of a man lying on top of her, and she whimpered as she felt his cock press against her dry, tight pussy. Tom pushed his hips forward, driving his cock against her opening, grunting in satisfaction as he felt the head of his cock slip roughly into her dry channel, scraping harshly against her dry labia. He reveled in her scream as he penetrated her, and felt her thrashings under him as those of a small, trapped animal. He loved dry fucking young cunts like this. Su Lee was practically out of her mind with the pain. Her cunt felt like it was being torn apart, and she could feel every inch of his cock against her tender insides as he agonizingly thrust his way further into her. She was screaming and bucking, but it was no use, she was trapped beneath his weight. Her legs flailed at his sides, and she tried to kick him with her heels, but he just ignored her, and continued to force his cock into her shredded hole. The cunt was going crazy beneath him as he drove his cock into her pussy to the hilt. He loved the feel of her legs flailing against his sides, the sound of her wimpering, screaming, begging. He ground his pelvis against hers, feeling his cock squeezed as if by a vice in her teenage pussy. Feeling him grinding against her she wimpered and begged, "Please...please stop. I don't want this. Please...." He ignored her, and began slowly drawing his dick from her tortured sheath, feeling like it was pulling her guts out with it. She moaned and twisted on the floor, feeling small pebbles dig into her buttocks and back, increasing her misery. She screamed as he bore his full weight down on her, driving his shaft hard into her guts, scraping mercilessly against the tender pink flesh of her sheath. He pulled out again, bringing a moan of pain from her lips, followed by another scream as he plunged back into her. She kept begging, pleading with him to stop, but he didn't, he just kept riding her, smothering her, pounding her into the dirt floor. Damn the cunt was tight, Tom thought as he dragged his cock back and forth across her innards. What a good fucking cunt, he thought again, listening to her screams and feeling her still struggling beneath him. He was close to coming--these young screamers really turned him on. Su Lee felt Tom tense above her, and felt his cock throb as it spurted load after load of cum deep into her cunt. It was almost a relief, like cool liquid flowing over her burning inner flesh. She tried to shrink into the ground, humiliated. Now that this man had taken her, what were they going to do to her? She didn't have long to wait as Tom lifted himself off the now unmoving girl: "That is one of the best fucks I've had in a long time." "Come on, roll her over," Al said excitedly, "I want that little pouty gook mouth." Hands quickly rolled her onto her stomach and then jerked her to her hands and knees: she was a limp as a ragdoll now, all the fight fucked out of her by Tom. She felt Al grab her head and force his large dick into her mouth, while behind her Dick had grabbed her asscheeks and was pulling them apart. She gagged and jerked back in pain as Al shoved his rod down her throat, banging his hips against her small nose. She wimpered through the cock in her throat as she felt Dick pressing the head of his penis against her anus. Searing pain shot through her body and she screamed, feeling Dick's cock pop through her ass, tearing at her bowels. Al began fucking her mouth in earnest, slamming his cock in and out, in and out of her throat, making her gag and flinch in pain each time his dick rammed through into her throat. His balls slapped against her chin, adding to the humiliation surging through her mind. Behind her, Dick began to work into a rhythm, his cock lightly coated with blood from Su Lee's injured anus. Su Lee went into shock, her mind unable to cope with the battering her body was taking. She seemed to be looking down at her body, sandwiched between two men. She saw her lips in a wide O around Al's cock, and she saw her throat distend as Al drove his cock down it, his balls slapping against her chin, his hands practically engulfing her tiny head. She saw Dick kneeling behind her draw his blood-slimed cock out of her asshole, then plunge it brutally back in, his hands circling her small waist, pulling her back against him violently with each thrust. Her body was jerked back and forth between the two men, her small breasts hanging pathetically from her chest. She felt distantly wave after wave of pain come from her ass, travel up her body and crash against the pain in her throat. It was too much, too much, the pain crashing through her, and something else, something more primal, beneath the pain, like a strong tidal pull, or the beginnings of a whirlpool, sluggishly moving beneath the violent waves of pain coursing through her body. She became dizzy, and saw herself flash before her eyes from all angles: now she was above, seeing her back, seeing her body jerked back and forth; now she behind, seeing Dick's ass pumping back and forth, and seeing her legs spread obscenely on either side of his; now she saw her stomach heaving, her small breasts swaying, the nipples distended by gravity, Dick's hairy balls slapping against her crack; now from everywhere at once, her body being used, abused, tortured by cocks plunging, driving, hurting her body. Her cunt spasmed, remembering its rape, its torment. Her body jerked, taking on a life of its own. Her mind was engulfed in waves of pain, it was awash in agony. She felt a tug on her mind as she drowned, a tug pulling all her pain down, down. In her mind she gasped as all the pain, all the suffering, all the humiliation which was engulfing her was sucked down into the center of her being, into the pit of her stomach, and exploded in orgasm, spitting everything back out as a fount of ecstacy, washing over her, drowing her, engulfing her. The piece of meat that was her body spasmed, jerked, bucked, roasted on the spit of two cocks, which began filling her with seed. It still quivered and twitched as the men pulled out, and kept shaking as it slowly collapsed onto its stomach, giving up and dragging Su Lee's mind from the waves of ecstacy it was riding into darkness. ******** Mike Chan stepped out of his patrol car in front of the shack at about 9 pm that evening. He saw three rigs there, Tom's, Al's, and Dick's, and thought that they might have a nice piece of white cunt in there for him. He certainly hoped so, since he was horny as hell. His agreeing to this deal was probably the best thing that could have happened to him. He smiled to himself as he stepped through the door and saw his three friends asleep on cots they had pulled out. He walked quietly through the shack and kneeled down before a trap door in the floor, pulling out his flashlight as he did so. Gripping his flashlight, he remembered when he had shoved it up some white bitch's cunt--she had had the bad luck to look vaguely like one of his police coworkers who had turned him down, petite, short brown hair, green eyes and freckles, just because he was Chinese--and then flipped her over and raped her ass. He smiled at the remembrance, his penis growing hard. He pulled up the trap door and shined his flashlight into the dark, 20' x 20' cellar. He saw a bowl of water, some food on a plate, and a small, teenaged girl huddled up in the corner, her legs folded under her and her hands holding her shoulders, her arms covering her small breasts. Tears had poured down her face, leaving streaks through the dusk which covered her. Damn damn damn, Mike thought, they had got a chinese girl. Sure he didn't mind the others: the white girls, the uppity bitches, deserved it; the blacks and koreans and vietnamese, even the japanese, well, they were hardly human, so they didn't matter. But a chinese girl--he just couldn't leave her here. But then again he couldn't just set her free. He knelt there thinking about his options, and, decided, started down the ladder to the cellar. When he stepped down, he pulled out his gun and pointed it at the girl, motioning her to climb up the ladder quietly. She obeyed, and she could see hope blossom in her eyes, hope he was not about to encourage. When they reached his patrol car, luckily without waking up any of the truckers, he, to her surprise, hancuffed the girl's hands behind her back. When she tried to speak, he shoved a rag into her mouth and covered it with electical tape. Then, still holding his gun, he motioned for her to step into a large duffle bag he had unzipped and placed on the ground. She looked at him with tortured eyes, but she obeyed, sitting down in the bag, then laying on her back, pulling her legs up until her knees were beside her head. He zipped up the bag and threw it beside him in the car, and drove off. He didn't want her sold off to that mexican they usually disposed of the girls to, didn't want her to end up in some whorehouse, servicing 50 men a day, not his people. No, he had a friend a couple hours away who had Yakuza connections in Thiland. He owed Mike a few favors, and he thought, since she was young and in good condition, he could have his friend sell her off to some bigwig in Japan, there to be a nurse maid and occasional mistress. Much better than what had been in store for her, and it was the best he could do. He thought about her again: not bad for a Chinese girl. Maybe he would relieve himself once he got to his friends.... |
The air was crisp and cool in the early hours around dawn. I made my way through the forest on foot. I like that time of the day, the world is just waking up and there's the promise of a new day ahead. I had purpose, today I was going to collect me some ears. I knew these woods well, I learnt to be a ranger here. I was a farmers' daughter, growing up in the West Acton riverlands, and seemed destined to be a farmers' wife. Then, by chance, I met a ranger named Baden in a nearby village. We fell deeply for each other. He was my brave, dashing ranger. I would give him my maidenhead, but he had to work for it. I had him take me out into the wilderness and teach me to be a ranger. I was already quite skilled with a bow, and liked to hunt. That was a long time ago now and Baden was long gone. After a stint working for the Rangers Guild, I fell in with my party and took part in all manner of dangerous and exciting quests. We were a team of four powerful adventures, lead by the charismatic sorceress, Sierra. Our reputation spread across the kingdoms, as slayers of mighty monsters and champions of justice. We also partied hard and had lots of amazing sex. It was the best time of my life, but all good things must come to an end. I had been on my own for almost six years now. I moved swiftly through the long grass that hugged the tree line. Then I crouched next to a tree and listened. There were plenty of noises I could identify, nothing seemed out of place. I began striding deeper into the woods. I knew where I was going--Fort Nikes. It was actually the ruins of a fort that would have seen plenty of bloodshed in the ancient wars. Now it was just a stone ruin, being slowly reclaimed by the forest. It still attracted campers though, sometimes bandit gangs would hide out there, or small goblin tribes, or the odd insane witch or wizard. That day I was hoping to find some orcs camping there. The Fangrind Forest sat at the northern borders of the kingdom, and orc raiding parties had been travelling through here as they invaded our land. Orcs have become quite a problem for our dear King. They never used to come down this far south before, but something had been drawing them here for the last five years. King Farquad II had sent all his soldiers off to fight his latest war to the west, and didn't know what to do about all the raping and pillaging and killing that was going on in his land. He called on all adventurers and wanna-be adventurers to do their civil duty and fight off the orc invaders. It didn't work out very well for him. I was doing my part, helping out the Rangers Guild, even though I wasn't a member any more. They were grateful for any help they could get. Then the King discovered that gold speaks louder than words, and decided to dig into his treasury. He decreed a bounty of one hundred gold pieces for each orc ear. Suddenly a dead orc was worth two hundred gp. I was thrilled. My efforts in fighting off the orc raiders would have a monetary reward. I would put the gold to good use, using it to honor my fallen comrades and see that the are remembered. But I wasn't the only one getting in on the action, I knew that I had to watch out for orc hunters as much as orcs. I continued to swiftly weave through the trees as I descended into the forest. If I kept up that pace I would make it to Fort Nikes by midday. I kept a brisk pace, but stopped frequently to watch and listen as I got closer to Fort Nikes. The sun was shining directly above me, over the canopies of the large trees. I decided to circle the area on my approach, to scout the ruins. I crept about slowly and carefully as I approached my destination. I came across some large humanoid tracks that looked fairly fresh, it raised my hopes that there were orcs there. I could see the large pale walls of the ruins rising up ahead. The tall stone walls were covered with a greyish green moss that helped it to blend in with the large trees around it. The terrain around the fort was bumpy and uneven and quite lush, with plenty of trees, bushes and rocks about. I knew the area well. The ruined fort sat on top of a small hill. It still had three of its large outer walls in tact, but no roof and was open to one side. I knew that you could access the high upper floor through a crumbled stone staircase, if only for a lookout. It was what made this place an appealing hideout for so many. I was very careful to stay out of sight as I snuck around, slowly edging closer to the ruins. As I moved around I saw an orc. The big ugly green bastard was just standing by the wall, staring out into the forest. He hadn't spotted me. His rough green skin was partually covered with thick leather armor. I could see a large sword strapped to his back. His face was squashed-up and ugly, his head was bald with large pointed ears sticking out each side. Valuable ears, they were what I had come for. I continued to carefully scout around until I was quite certain there were five of them, two armed with bows. None of them looked to be a magic user. They looked to be scouts. Perfect, one thousand gp worth of ears, and not too many for me to take down on my own, particularly if I started attacking from range. I unslung my custom elven longbow from my shoulder and slowly made my way around to the other side of the flowing creek. I got into position behind a large boulder, with the brook between me and the ruined fort. It was a prime archery spot. The fort was within my range. If the orcs wanted to get me, they had to go around the body of water, or through it. Either way it would allow me the opportunity to stick them with more arrows. I silently watched the fort. They did have an archer stationed up on the second floor. I would take him out first, then the second archer that was inside, hopefully before he could get a shot off. Then I would take the other brutes out one by one. If one or two of them would get close, I was confident in my shortsword skills. I drew a steel tipped arrow from the quiver on my back and lined up the orc archer on the upper level. I had a clear shot. He had no idea that death was aimed at his fat ugly head. Suddenly there was a loud painful scream from the other side of the fort. It drew the orc archers' attention and he moved out of sight. Then I heard more screams and shouts from the orcs. What the hell was going on? I sprung into action without thinking, moving out from cover until I had the orc sniper in my sights. I aimed my bow up at him and loosed. The arrow slammed through the back of his skull and his bulky body crashed to the ground. I grabbed another arrow and notched it as fast as I could. Speed loading wasn't my thing, but accuracy was. I swiftly moved around and noticed the other archer by a gap in the wall. I shot an arrow through his neck. He clutched his throat and let out a loud gargling sound as blood spilled down to his chest. He fell back against the wall and slid down to the ground as he died. Suddenly there was another orc running at me, yelling loudly with his axe held high. I quickly let off a shot and the arrow slammed into his shoulder. He still came at me, I dropped my bow and pulled my shortsword from my belt. Then the orc fell over and his heavy body crashed into the dirt. I could see some sort of strange vine wrapped around his legs. I ran up and kicked his axe away as he raised it, then ran the point of my shortsword through his thick skull. I quickly scanned the area. There didn't appear to be any other immediate threats. I didn't know where the other two orcs had gotten to, but they weren't attacking me. I picked up my bow and notched another arrow, before I started making my way into the ruins. I cautiously walked through the gap in the wall, past the orc archer I had killed. On the other side of the wall I saw the last two orcs slumped over dead. There didn't appear to be any obvious wounds on them, but someone had killed them. I pointed my bow out into the woods. "Who's there?" I called out. "Come out where I can see you." There was a brief pause, then someone started moving out from the bushes. I held my bow up as what appeared to be a young woman in robes came forward. She held her hands up in front of her, "It's okay, I don't mean you any harm." She was young and strikingly pretty, with long red hair that framed her feminine face and flowed down past her shoulders. She wore an elaborate green mage robe. When she got closer, I could see that she had mismatched eyes, one green and one hazel. She wore a stupid smirk on her face as she looked me over as well. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm Aerowyn, and you are...?" "Rohme." "Well met, Rohme. That was fun, wasn't it? We took out all those smelly orcs. We make a good team." I still had my bow pointed at her, "No, not well met. No, we're not a team. These are my orcs. I had them well scouted out before you came barging in here. Get the hell out of here! Now!" "Look, I understand you're still a little fired up from the battle, but I'm not your enemy." "What kind of mage are you Aerowyn?" "Just a beginner really. Just a girl starting out down the long, long road of knowledge." I spotted some fine grey hairs on her robe. "Did you come in on horseback?" "Yes, I rode in on my faithful steed Jester. He's somewhere nearby." "I didn't hear a horse coming." "A simple spell, to silence my horse." I nodded down at the dead orcs, "What did you do to them?" "Thornbite; deadly magical poison. Effective." "Right...How old are you Aerowyn?" "Sixty-four." That surprised me, I would have guessed she was in her twenties. I looked her over again, her ears were covered by her red hair. She did have an Elvin look about her, though I would wager she wasn't a fullblood. "Half-elf," I said. "Yes, that's right. And I'm guessing you're a ranger." "Just an orc hunter...One who works alone. I was going to take those orcs out by myself." "But luckily you didn't have to. I helped you kill them, so let's split their ears, fifty-fifty. What do you say?" I still held the string of my bow tight. The muscles in my arm were starting to burn. "I say get the hell out of here. Now! They're my orcs and you're not getting a single ear Witch." Aerowyn looked at me pleadingly, "Come on. I need the money to help my dying uncle. He's a good man, and he can't afford to see a healer. I need to help him. I need those ears." "Then go hunt your own ears. These are mine." She stared coldly into my eyes, "Are you sure you want to be greedy about this?" I tensed, "Just go! Don't give me any trouble now, girl, I will have an arrow in your head before you can cast a spell." "Who says I haven't already cast a spell?" I squealed as I suddenly felt the sharp pain as a vine wrapped around my ankle and its thorns stabbed into me. I jerked as I released my arrow and it shot off past the mages' head and into the forest. I automatically grabbed another arrow and started notching it, but my head was starting to spin. Dizziness overcame me and I dropped to my knees. I dropped my bow and then I was frantically pulling at the vine around my leg. My vision was blurring, and I couldn't think straight. My energy was rapidly fading. I slumped down on the ground. I tried my hardest not to lose consciousness, but I was fighting a losing battle. Deadly magical poison, was this how I was going to die? The world around me faded into darkness. ***** I slowly came around again. I was lying on the ground. There were large pale stone walls around me. I was in the ruined fort. I tried to move my hand up to rub my spinning head, but I discovered that my arms were bound tightly behind my back. I looked down and saw that my legs were also tightly bound together by what appeared to be green vines. I took deep breaths and fought against the rising fear. Then Aerowyn appeared before me. The red-headed half-elf was holding a bloody dagger and a small cloth sack. My heart was pounding in my chest. She had me bound and helpless and was clutching a blade. What in the seven hells was she planning to do? The witch looked down at me and smiled, "There, That's five orc ears each. I could have taken them all for myself, like you wanted to do. But we killed them together, so we should split the reward. That's fair isn't it? I'll just hold on to your five for now, for safe-keeping." I felt terrible, like I was badly hung over. "Ughh...Did you poison me, witch?" "Mildly. You'll be fine. I do regret that we got off on the wrong foot Miss Rohme. You're quite an attractive lady. You have that weathered look of a seasoned ranger, but you're not without your feminine charms, are you?" "What?...Unbind me now you little bitch, or you'll regret it!" "I like your smooth brown skin, and your silky dark hair. Your dark almond eyes. I like your full figure that fills out your studded leathers nicely...So sexy." "You're just another insane witch, aren't you?" Aerowyn wiped her dagger and then sheathed it at her belt, she came over and knelt down beside me. She brushed my straight brown hair away from my face, I recoiled from her touch, but she kept at it, gently stroking my cheek. She had a stupid smirk on her own pretty face. Then she surprised me as she grabbed my head and leant in and pressed her lips to mine. I kept my lips closed, I could feel her tongue rubbing against them. I felt her hands fumbling at my chest, undoing my leathers. I jerked my head to the side, "Urgh, No, stop that!" She just chuckled softly as she pulled at the laces. Soon she had the front of my jerkin open and pulled out my large bare breasts.She pressed her lips back into mine as her hands rubbed over my boobs. Her fingers felt soft and delicate, but were lewdly squeezing, groping and jiggling my exposed flesh. Her fingers gently circled my large nipples, and I could feel strange tingling sensations shooting through me as they hardened. She was still fervently kissing my lips, trying to forcibly enter my mouth. Her hands got a firm hold of my breasts. Then, without warning, there was an intense surge of energy, like an electrical charge flowing from her hand. It struck my mind with intense pleasure and made me moan loudly. Aerowyn took the opportunity to enter my mouth. Her lips pressed tightly and her tongue rubbed against mine as I squirmed beneath her. My heart was beating rapidly. Her sensual touch was making my body tingle all over. I could feel the heat building within me, my lusts were being fired up. The half-elf was molesting me against my will, affecting my body with her magic. But, damn it! She was hot. I wanted her badly. I kissed her back, and was enjoying the feeling of her wet lips and tongue rubbing over mine. I loved the taste and smell of her. Eventually she pulled away from my lips. My face was hot, and I was left getting my breath back. She brushed my hair away from my face and smiled down at me, "You like a little magical stimulation do you? Plenty more where that came from." She moved down and started pulling at my pants. My pussy was tingling, and I was excited at the thought of her touching me there. But then I remembered myself--this bitch had attacked me, and now she was having her way with me. "No, stop it!" I yelled out, "I won't let you humiliate me, you little Cunt!" "I bet you're soaking wet!" she replied. I was. She managed to pull my pants down a bit, but was unable to get them past my bound legs. It was enough to expose the white cotton panties that covered my crotch. She slipped her hand in under the material. I felt her fingers run through my soft bush of pubic hair. Then the fingers were rubbing along my wet lips, making me gasp and writhe under her. A finger slid up inside me, and then another. I grit my teeth, trying not to moan. Aerowyn began pushing her fingers back and forth, rubbing them into my soft hugging flesh. I could feel my pussy throb and get even wetter. Her other hand moved up and was gently squeezing and rubbing at my breasts. "Yeah, you like that don't you? Miss orc hunter who hunts alone. You really love a bit of company." It was true, I was enjoying her stimulation. I was attracted to both men and women, but it had been a while since I had been intimate with anyone. It was just the manner in which she bound me and was molesting me that had me feeling so humiliated and degraded. "Now, we'll make some more wonderful magic, Rohme, You'll love it." said Aerowyn, giving me a lusty smile. She pulled down my soaking wet panties, revealing my dark bush of pubic hair and glistening rosy slit in the middle of the brown mound. Her fingers began rubbing along my opening again and her thumb gently caressed the folds around the hard little bud of my clitoris. I gasped loudly. Then I felt the intense magical energy surge from her hand and enter my body. My pussy suddenly began convulsing wildly. Powerful waves of pleasure emanated from deep inside my abdomen and surged through me. I found myself throwing my head back and screaming out in ecstasy. The powerful orgasm reached its peak, and I continued to writhe and buck and moan loudly as it slowly subsided. The half elf continued to molest me, rubbing her hands over my slit and breasts. Her touch sent pleasurable tingling sensations right through me. I moaned and bucked when she teased my sensitive clit and nipples. My heart was pounding in my chest. My cunt continued to throb strongly and I could feel my juices flowing. It had to be the most intense, overwhelming orgasm ever. I just lay there limply. My body was so hot, my heart was thumping and my chest was rising and falling rapidly as I caught my breath. It felt like I had just run a hundred miles. Aerowyn gave me a big lusty smile, "Wow, I never seen anyone react like that before. That was so fucking hot!" I was still lying there in a daze as she slipped a few fingers into my soft wet cunt. She started rapidly thrusting her hand into me and I let out more soft moans. I could hear the wet splashing sound as she fingered me. "Oh goddess! You're soaking wet now!" exclaimed Aerowyn. She moved her wet hand up and wiped my juices all over my hot panting face. Then she got up again, standing over me. "It has been a lot of fun, Rohme, but I'm going to have to leave you for a while. Like I told you, I've taken your five ears for safe-keeping, your weapons and equipment as well. Don't worry, you can trust me." I looked up at her blinking, trying to clear my dazed mind, "What? No! Listen to me, Those orcs we killed were an advance scout party. There will be a whole horde following behind. You can't leave me here. They'll kill me!" "No they won't. I know orcs. You're an attractive female, and you're not a threat, all tied up like that. They won't kill you, they'll want to have some fun." "No, you can't be serious! Don't leave me here like this!" Aerowyn giggled as she lightly stepped away from me. "Don't worry, pretty soon you'll have plenty of orc boyfriends to keep you company." "Get back here you Bitch!" I yelled angrily. "You're fucking mad! Come back and unbind me right now or I swear I am going to hunt you down and kill you!" I just heard the mage giggling as she disappeared from sight and walked away from the ruined fort. ***** "Are you out there you Bitch? This has gone on long enough!!" I yelled. But I was pretty sure she had gone. She left me there with my arms and legs tightly bound and my bare breasts and crotch exposed. The area around my groin was soaking wet. I was so humiliated by what she did to me. Now I couldn't believe she was just leaving me here for the orcs. Just another twisted insane witch. I should have known better. I should have put an arrow into her head as soon as I saw her. I was thrown off by her beauty. Now I was in a lot of trouble. I shuffled over to a wall and leant against it as I clumsily stood up. I had to try and get out of there. I couldn't just wait around for more orcs to show up. I managed a few hops, the ground was uneven and my head was still a little groggy. My feet slid out from under me and my body hit the dirt and rocks as I landed next to a dead earless orc. I cursed loudly and wriggled about as I tried to sit up again. I looked about. The witch had taken the orcs' weapons, as well as their ears. Damn, I really needed a sharp blade. I looked over to the far wall and saw the orc archer I had killed. He was slumped against the wall. My arrow was still sticking out from his neck and dark red blood was dripping down from the wound. I rolled over to him. After a few attempts, I managed to lift myself up and get hold of the arrow with my bound hands. I leant forward, yanking the arrow out from the flesh and bone it was lodged into, as I crashed down onto the ground again. I gripped the bloody shaft of the arrow behind my back. I sat up again and started rubbing the arrowhead into the vines that bound my arms. I always kept my arrowheads sharp. The small edge was cutting it, but the vines were very tough. Damn, this was going to take a while. I kept at it, but was making frustratingly little progress. I noticed that my pussy continued to pulse and tingle, and stayed wet. My libido was still fired up, and my body continued to stay in an excited state. Damn it! The witches' magic must still be affecting me. I was furious with her, yet I wished she was still here to kiss me with those ruby red lips and rub her supple hands over my sweaty body. No, I would kill her when I saw her again. I sawed the small edge of the arrowhead into the vines with more determination. I could understand the evil bitch rendering me helpless and having her way with me, but why would she just leave me here for the orcs? If they don't choose to kill me, the savages would surely ravish me. They would force me to take their big thrusting cocks over and over again. My pussy throbbed strongly and more juices flowed out. Gods damn it! I needed to get my raging libido under control. I didn't want to be raped. The shadows moved with the sun and I could tell I had been there for a few hours, it had passed mid afternoon and was heading for evening now. I was trying not to think about big hard orc cocks, with much difficulty. My wrists ached as I continually worked the arrow. I pulled at my bonds periodically, but they still held me tightly. Then I froze as I heard a sound in the forest that was out of place, the low howling of a warg. It could be mistaken by many as the howl of a wolf or direwolf, but I knew the difference. I had fought wargs before. Around here, wargs nearly always indicated the presence of orcs, who used the beasts as mounts. I strenuously got to my feet again and started hopping along the wall. I was scared, I just wanted to get out of there. I hopped out from the ruined fort and made it a couple of meters before my feet slipped out from under me and I crashed to the ground. I found myself rolling down the slope of the hill, crashing through bushes and hitting rocks on the way. I came to a stop down in the mud near the creek. I winced and caught my breath, my body was hurting all over. Then the water splashed in front of me. I looked up to the frightening sight of a huge black warg on the other side of the creek. The giant wolf stared at me with its intense red eyes and snarled, baring its jaws full of long sharp teeth. There was a large orc mounted on its back. The ugly green brute had his bow drawn and pointed right at me. I just laid there in the mud, frozen with terror. The warg snorted and growled and bore its sharp teeth. Another orc rode up beside him on a grey warg. "Gharuk Lagat, Kurok?" "Un voshut, human female...all tied up. Looks like gift to me." The other orc looked older, with long grey hair. He looked down at me and studied me intensely. "Is there more?" The big orc reached forward and scratched behind the wargs ear, "No, Kasak would know if there more." "Mmf, still be careful. Maybe gajutar trick." The orc called Kurok looked me over again, and I studied him. He looked like a typical ugly orc to me. He had greyish green skin and a squashed up nose and large jaw with two protruding tusks. The top of his head was bald, but he had long greasy black hair flowing down to his shoulders. And he had a pair of pointy ears on each side of his head, one of them bearing three silver rings which made it even more valuable. He would have been around seven feet tall, with the strong muscular physique of a warrior. Another orc came up behind them on foot. Kurok turned to him and barked out an order, "Sog, go get shaman." The other orc looked down at me for a moment, before a smile crossed his ugly face, then he grunted and turned and left. The big orc leader hopped down from his mount and then trudged through the creek toward me. I looked up as approached and towered over me, trying not to show my fear. He knelt down and brought his face in front of mine. I looked into his dark green eyes, keeping my expression stony. He smiled at me, "You left all alone here, gruiuk?...Not alone now." Then his big hands were all over me, roughly feeling me up and patting down my leathers, searching for hidden weapons. His fingers pinched at my nipple and I let out a squeal. He effortlessly flipped me over and then laughed as he snatched away the arrow I was still clutching. "Sma shaugit. Hehe, You gunna kill me with that?" I cried out as I was grabbed and hauled up out of the mud and slung over the strong orcs' shoulder. He carried me up the hill and back into the ruined fort. I was then roughly dumped on the ground in the shadows by a wall. "Vras lufuk, Vosh Gajutars!" I heard one of the orcs call out angrily. "Narthos' took their ears!" said another. "Coward gajutars. Only attack scouts. They not fight big horde like ours. We show them. We kill all pinkie men in this land, and rape all pinkie gruiuks." Kurok looked down at me, "You with them? With vosh gajutars? Why they leave you behind?" "Probably man, got sick of her yapping. Want to keep ears for him." "She nice little Kurv. I fuck her hard. Shaman see her first. Where is he?" "Shaman drunk." said another orc, coming into the ruins. "So? Shaman always drunk!" "Not coming." Kurok let out a low growl, "Nadoht! Useless warg turd! We set camp here. Watch for gajutars, no one goes off on own. Make sure female stays there. Not touch her yet." Then the big orc leader strode out of the ruins. I sat up against the wall and watched as more orcs came into the ruined fort and began setting up their camp. They all looked over at me, their hungry eyes roaming over my body. I had dirt and mud smeared over me, but my breasts and my bare crotch were exposed. A lot of them laughed and made lewd comments and grabbed their crotch as they leered at me. My heart thudded strongly. I felt like a rabbit amongst a pack of wolves. I heard a few of them call me Graug Kurv. I knew a little orcish. Kurok had called me a kurv earlier, it means 'slut' or 'whore'. I thought Graug maybe meant 'group' or 'gang' or 'horde.' They were calling me Gang Whore, or Horde Slut. I was scared. I didn't want to be ravished and defiled by those smelly brutes. But my body was persistently staying aroused, despite my terror. I unwilling found myself thinking about big green cocks again. I was able to peer outside through the gaps in the crumbled wall, and saw the wargs being tied up to a fallen tree by the creek. Along with the two I saw earlier, there were another two wargs, a brown one and another grey. There were goblins as well. The little green skinned creatures were skinny and ugly, with large heads and creepy dark eyes. The orcs were bossing them around and putting them to work. The goblins were also taking great interest in me. I could hear loud heavy footsteps outside. Then I heard the loud crack of trees breaking and grunting and orcs shouting. I risked shuffling around to the gap in the wall so that I could look outside. They had a troll. The repulsive giant was hard at work pushing over trees while orcs were around him, bossing him about. They must have been planning on getting up to some serious mischief, bringing a troll along with them. I had faced a troll before, with my party in the Longshank Mountains. It had rough grey skin and stood over ten feet tall. The monster was very difficult to take down, I must have stuck at least thirty arrows into it. We all needed Cordelia to heal us after that. I wished my party were there now. They'd kill every last orc, warg, goblin and troll and rescue me, and then we would hunt down that wicked half-elf and make her suffer. But that wasn't going to happen, my party was gone forever. One of the orcs saw me by the gap and stomped over, growling at me in orcish. He roughly grabbed me and dragged me back over to where Kurok had dumped me by the wall. He copped a good feel of my breasts and laughed, "Haha, Rramab pausuk ronk, Graug Kurv!" Then he walked away. I thought he said something about a tight hole. Once again, I felt my wet pussy pulse and tingle. I stayed there in my spot for a while, observing everything that was going on around me. My body remained persistantly aroused as I watched the brawny orcs, yet I was fearful of what was to come. There was one creepy little goblin who was very interested in me. He came over and looked over my body with his beady red eyes, he had a tight smile on his ugly, pointed face. "Pretty...pretty human," it hissed. I had killed plenty of goblins in my time. They were pathetic cowardly creatures. Usually hard to hit with an arrow as they skittered about, but a blade can run through them easily enough. I was helpless to do anything right then though. He came closer, and I could smell his musty, unwashed odour. Then the goblin reached out and grabbed at my breasts. "Ugh, no! Let go of me you little freak. Leave me alone!" I spat angrily. The goblin snickered as he groped at my tits with his wiry little hands. I saw more of them coming over. Soon there were half a dozen little green goblins standing around me, smiling as they looked over my body. I felt so vulnerable and exposed. More hands grabbed at my boobs and I squealed as I felt bony little fingers squeezing and pinching at my big brown nipples. Other hands were at my groin, running through my bushy pubic hair and then prodding at my soft folds. I thrashed around and growled at them to stop, but the little cretens kept at it. Their attentions were unwanted, but the stimulation was firing up my lusts, and making my pussy flutter and drool again. The goblins were all getting very excited as they were molesting me. Their little hard green cocks poked out under their dirty loincloths. One of them pulled his erection free and was stroking it before me. It was a little green cock around four inches long, with a round head that was a darker green and wet at the tip. I found it hard to take my eyes off it. The one who was first to approach me stopped handling my breasts and moved over to my head. He grabbed my hair and started rubbing his cock over my cheek. I screwed up my face in disgust, he smelt ripe. I felt the wetness on my cheek as he slid his little round cockhead over it. A couple of the others joined him, and I soon had three little green cocks rubbing over my face while my tits and crotch were being mauled by small hands. A cockhead forcefully rubbed along my lips, but I kept them shut tight. "Sucky, sucky, sucky," said the goblins, laughing. I felt another one climbing on top of me. His little cock started prodding at my crotch. I moaned as the head forcefully rubbed against my clit and one of the sneaky little buggers almost pushed his cock into my mouth. The cock continued to rub against my wet skin, looking for the opening. My legs were tightly bound together and it was making it hard for him. Then I felt the cock press into my slit and push its way inside. It probed my hole as deep as it could go, and then started slipping back and forth. It didn't hurt at all, my pussy was still very damp and receptive, despite my fear and disgust. It was tingling, responding to the stimulation, and I was getting pleasant sensations from the small thrusting cock. The goblin was on top of me, thrusting down into me at an angle, so that the base of his cock was continually pushing its way past my clit. My clit seemed much more sensitive than usual, I was getting intense pleasure as the shaft rubbed past it as the goblin fucked me. I let out a soft moan and this time one of the goblins was able to push his cock into my mouth. I closed my lips around the shaft and ran my tongue around the small hard dick, getting the strong bitter taste of him. "Sucky, sucky, sucky, human." laughed the goblin as he grabbed my hair. I sucked on the goblin cock as another one pumped my wet pussy and others stood around me laughing excitedly, touching me and rubbing their hard cocks over my warm skin. I was so humiliated, allowing myself to be violated by these pathetic little creatures, and getting off on it, like some wanton slut. The thrusting cock had my tingling pussy feeling good. Then another hard pinch to my nipple sent darts of pain into my mind. The goblin had a hold of my head and was thrusting his groin into my sucking mouth. His little balls were slapping against my chin. I could just give it a bite to make him not want to come near my face again, but I didn't. A couple more hard cocks were still rubbing against my face and even poking me in the eye. Small hands were everywhere, stroking and groping. My senses were being overwhelmed by all the stimulation and making me forget about my perilous and distasteful situation. Then I felt the wetness spill out inside my pussy. I shuddered with disgust as I realized the little creature had defiled me with his foul seed. I pulled away from the cock in my mouth, "Urgh, get off me you dirty little bastard!" The goblin laughed as he gave some more thrusts into my soft, wet hole. A wet cock was pressing up against my lips again and I opened up and took it back into my mouth. I felt the cock slip out of my pussy as the goblin climbed off of me. Straight away another one got on top of me and I felt another hard little cock prodding at my wet slit. It pushed its way inside and started pumping me with rapid strokes just like the other cock. It felt good, even though I felt so dirty and disgusted. I sucked on the little cock that was thrusting into my face. Pretty soon it erupted, filling my mouth with warm cum. I quickly pulled back and spat it out onto the ground. That was gross. More cocks rubbed over my face, trying to push their way into my mouth, but I kept it closed. The other goblins' cock continued to slap away into my wet cunt. Then I heard the loud low growl of an orc voice, "Get away from her you mutts!" Kurok came up and kicked the goblin that was humping me. His dick was ripped out of my cunt as he was sent crashing into the wall behind us. "That my female!" growled Kurok. The other goblins scampered away from me as quick as they could. The one that was kicked winced as he picked himself up from the ground and hurriedly staggered away from us. I was left there, flushed and dazed. My puffy pink slit was wet and glistening between my bound legs. "Dirty Kurv! Like fucking kapuls? Maybe give you back to them after." He pulled a dagger from his belt and my heart skipped a beat. Was he going to hurt me now? He crouched down and started cutting at the vines that bound my legs. "Stay still, or get cut." He was grunting with effort as he tried to dig his blade into the vines. "Nadoht! Strong! Must be magic. Where's fucking shaman?" He sat up and wiped the sweat from his brow, "Don't matter, can still bend you over, Kurv." I squealed as he picked me up by my bound arm and carried me along. He brought me to a nearby crumbled wall that was around a meter tall. He bent me over the stone wall so that my upper body was hanging over the other side. My feet barely reached the ground. I could feel the rough surface digging into my belly, thankfully it was still protected by my leathers. He grabbed my leather pants and pulled them down as far as he could. Then he pulled at my panties and cut them away with his dagger. My bare brown ass was exposed to him, he started slapping the fleshy orbs hard, making me yelp. Some of the other orcs had come over and were standing there watching with wide smiles on their faces, and a lusty look in their eyes. "Time to fuck the graug kurv, Urdanog?" Kurok stopped slapping me and was groping at my round ass with his big rough hands. He slid a hand down and his fingers prodded underneath, into my wet slit. I gasped and groaned as a couple of fat fingers slipped up into me. My cunt tingled and pulsed as he moved the digits around inside me. Then they were pulled back out. "Undur Kurv! Let kapuls spill seed in your dirty cunt?!" He held my cheeks apart and I felt his fat slimy finger slipping around my little pucker. I was shocked to feel the digit prodding hard into my netherhole, "Aaah, No! Not there, you dirty bastard!" I yelled out. "Hahaha, butharog for graug kurv!" laughed one of the orcs watching. The fat finger worked it way into me and began sliding back and forth through my stretched sphincter. It felt horrible. I had some experience with anal sex, and didn't enjoy it much. I hadn't taken anything in my ass for some time, and I certainly didn't want to now. My tight little hole cleched around the finger, and I just wanted the horrible thing out of me. He worked some more spit into me, getting my little hole quite wet. Then his finger pulled out and my sphincter closed up again. I couldn't do anything, I was pinned there, bent over the wall with my ass up. Then I could feel the big blunt cockhead press into my wet skin. I didn't know how big he was, but he certainly felt way larger than the goblins. The fat cockhead found my little anus and was forcing its way through. My tight sphincter stretched and stretched. The pain was intense. I screamed out in agony as the huge member ground its way into me. It felt fuckin' huge, like a fist was being pushed up there. The whole thing forced its way through my squeezing hole inch by painful inch until the hairy base was pressed into me and his big hairy balls sat up against my wet cunt. My assaulted hole was spasming and sending constant sharp pain into my mind. Having that enormous meaty log wedged up into my rectum was horrible beyond words. Tears streamed down my face as I cried out and begged for him to take it out. I felt the big mass pull back inside me before thrusting forward. I cried out in pain and it seemed to be exciting the orcs around me. The burning friction was almost unbearable as the huge orc cock fucked my tight squeezing ass. I barely noticed that the number of onlookers was growing. The anguished cries of a woman was like a beacon to them. More orcs were coming and standing around watching me get ass-raped. I looked up through my teary eyes and saw that many of them were getting out and stroking their thick green cocks. They all looked so big, around nine or ten inches long, with some even larger. They were all really fat and veiny with swollen round heads. I could feel one of those fat cockheads continually poking deep into my bowels. Kurok laughed as he thrust his hard member into me, "Haha. Tight human buth! Your kind like take ears, orcs like take ass!" The orcs all around us cheered and laughed. "You my female. But share you around tonight. Let whole camp enjoy your tight hole." "Haha, butharog!...butharog pausuk kurv!" cheered a nearby orc excitedly. I could do nothing but moan and cry as I was getting violently bucked forward with each hard thrust. My ass felt like it was on fire as the big invader mercilessly ground into me. The orcs' big rough hands gripped my butt tightly as he continuously slapped his fat member deep into my clenching hole. My tight ring squeezed the fat shaft relentlessly as it pushed through again and again. His heavy balls slapped against my tingling pussy. I wanted to be fucked there, not have my poor little asshole roughly abused. He continued to sodomize me for a while longer. I had no choice but to bend over and take it. I wished I was out of my bonds. Somehow having my arms and legs bound together made the ordeal even worse. Kurok started grunting loudly as he ploughed into me. Then he stopped thrusting and wedged his cock deep into my ass. I felt it throb wildly and hot wet cum spilt out inside me. It continued to throb as more cum spilled out and he pushed it back and forth slowly, letting my tight hole milk him off. He thrust his cock into me a few more times and then he pulled out. My hole released its tight grip on the fat cockhead with a plop and it quickly shrank down again. I was so relieved to finally have him out of me. My ass was so sore. "I'm next." came a deep orc voice. I was kept pinned down on the wall as there was a shuffling of bodies behind me. I felt another big fat cockhead press up into my abused anus. "No, Don't! I can't take any more!" I cried out. "You take much more, pinky. You see." said Kurok, laughing. The big cockhead pushed through, painfully stretching my sphincter open again. I started to get bucked forward as another big orc roughly sodomized me. It fucking hurt, but my hole was now slick with cum and the friction wasn't as bad. "She not pinky. She brown this one," said one of the orcs as he stroked his big hard cock. "She a brown pinky." said Kurok smiling. "Like her brown skin, pretty. I breed her. Keep her as rraus Gruiuk. She give me plenty strong half-orc sons." More tears streamed down my face as the big green cock banged away at my tight back passage. Then one of the other orcs came forward and rubbed his big cock in my hot teary face. "Suck on it, brown pinky." I reluctantly parted my lips and he pushed his big organ through and into my mouth. I took in the strong odour and bitter taste of him. I closed my lips around the fat shaft and sucked. It was a horrible humiliation, bringing a smelly orc to pleasure with my mouth, while another banged my tight ass, and many more looked on. I was feeling hot and flushed and light headed as the big organs assaulted me at both ends. After a while, I felt the big cock throbbing up my ass and more cum spurting out inside me. It pulled out of my sore ass, and I felt some wet cum spilling out after it. A few seconds later, another big orc cock was pushing into my ass. It plunged down inside my wet little hole and my sphincter gripped it tightly. A big fat cock was pounding my ass hard and deep for a third time. I moaned around the cock in my mouth. It was just going on and on. There were so many of them, how was I going to take them all? My ass was already so sore. The other orcs around us laughed and cheered them on and made lewd comments as they stroked their hard cocks and waited their turn. "Kurv gru pausuk sma ronk!" I heard one of them call out. The cock in my mouth throbbed as I sucked on it, and then I received a mouthful of orc cum. I was grossed out as I pulled back and spat it onto the ground. Another orc quickly moved forward and grabbed my head. He roughly shoved his hard cock into my face. I opened my lips and took him into my mouth and started sucking again. He bucked his hips and started thrusting into my face as I sucked him off. The orc behind me had a painfully tight grip on my butt and slammed his big fat member into my ass with long deep strokes. I felt heat radiating on my leg and wondered what was going on. One of the orcs held my leg as he was cutting the vines with a red hot dagger. "Stay still or you get hurt." he growled. It was very difficult to stay still with a large orc body continually slamming into me from behind. He managed to cut the vines away with some difficulty and my legs were finally freed. I was glad to be able to move my legs apart again, though I was still bent over the wall. Then the orc moved around and started cutting at the rest of the vines. Soon my arms were finally freed and I didn't know what to do with them. I wiped the tears from my eyes while the thick cock bobbed back and forth in my sucking mouth. I was afraid I was going to be bound like that all night. It was good to have my arms and legs back at least. The orc behind me grunted as he rammed his cock into me even harder. Then I felt his warm wet cum spill out inside me. He pulled back and his big cock slipped out from my hot aching hole. I pulled back and let the other cock slip out of my mouth. I gingerly tried to stand up again. Another big muscular orc got behind me and got hold of my leather jerkin. He started forcibly pulling it off and I helped him as he struggled to undress me. When he removed my top, his big hands came up and got hold of my breasts. They were roughly squeezing and groping me and pinching my nipples. He started trying to push me down, bending me over the wall again as I struggled against him. I didn't want to take another cock in my sore ass. "No, fuck my pussy, it's nice and tight and wet." I pleaded. I pushed away from him and got down on the ground. I pulled my pants all the way down and removed them so that I was completely naked except for my boots. I spread my legs apart, presenting my pussy to him. Plenty of big orc bodies were all around me, looking down at me with hungry lustful looks in their eyes as they rubbed the big hard cocks. The orc bent down and grabbed me and started roughly flipping me over. "No, buth Rramab koh!" he growled. He positioned me on my hands and knees on the dirt floor. He wasted no time getting behind me and lining his huge green cock up with my aching asshole. I cried out as he forced his organ through my tight ring and pushed it in deep. He got a strong grip on my hips and slid his big member back and then rammed it in deep again. I continued to cry out as he fucked my tight ass with deep pounding strokes. My ass felt all squishy now. I could feel the cum dribbling out of it and down my pussy lips as the cock thrust back and forth. My pussy was still tingling wildly, I wished they would fuck me there instead. My ass was still really sore, but the sharp pain had died down a little as the ordeal went on. The other orc came around in front of me and pushed his cock into my mouth again. I continued where I left off, sucking him as he grabbed my head and thrust into my face. At least I was in a different position now, my body was really starting to hurt where I was bent over the stone wall. That went on for a while, I was there on the ground on my hands and knees, a thick orc cock was pounding away into my tight, cum-slick ass while another pumped into my sucking mouth. The orc in front of me suddenly pulled out and grunted as he furiously jerked his wet cock in front of my face. He groaned as pearly cum shot out from his throbbing member and spurted all over my face. I moved my hand up and wiped the warm sticky cum away. My senses were filled with the pungent smell and taste of orc cum. I could feel the thick fluid on my face, and being sloshed around in my ass and dribbling down my crotch. The orc behind me reached forward and pushed my head down into the dirt. He started slamming his cock forward with more force, pounding my ass violently. I cried out as he continuously bucked my whole body forward with each savage thrust. He was grunting loudly like an animal, and all the other orcs were cheering him on as he rammed my ass with as much force as he could muster. Thankfully, he couldn't keep up the brutal pace for long, and his member started throbbing and spurting its hot cum as he fucked. I was glad when he pulled out of me. My abused anus was still throbbing painfully, even though it was empty. The orc got up, and straight away another orc rapist was getting behind me. "Wait, why don't you lay back, let me do all the work?" I called out to him. "You do all work?" said the big dumb orc. "Yeah." I pushed him back and he sat down on the ground. His big green cock was sticking up from his groin. I moved over and climbed on top of him. The orc smiled and laid back as I lined his thick rod up with my pussy. I quickly lowered myself down on him before he tried to stick it in my ass. The fat member slid up inside me and my wet pussy was filled with cock. I groaned, he felt so big, but he would have felt even bigger in my ass. I was glad to finally take one of the big cocks in the right hole. The orcs big rough hands came up and grabbed my hips and I started to raise myself up and drop down on his swollen phallus. Then there was movement behind me. I was roughly pushed forward as another orc was getting into position. The fat cockhead pressed into my sore ass. 'No, not again!' I thought. The big cock forced its way forward and my ravaged hole was filled with thick orc meat once again. Now I had them wedged up into my pussy and ass at the same time. I was sandwiched between two bulky orc bodies. I moaned loudly at the intense sensation of being completely filled. The cocks started moving, fucking me in a clumsy, disjointed rhythm. I continued to moan loudly. The cock in my pussy still felt good, and the ass-fucking wasn't as painful any more. I moved my hand down and started gently rubbing my clit as both cocks moved inside me. I figured if I was going to be roughly used by these brutes, I could at least get off as well. It felt good, the raw carnal pleasure was building. My face was hot and I was breathing heavily as I was squirming around between the big strong orc bodies. My pussy was really responding as the cock rubbed up along the sensitive inner walls. My clit was tingling as I rubbed my wet fingers around it. My breathing became shallower as I felt the pleasure heighten inside me. I was heading for a powerful climax. I threw my head back and moaned loudly as the intense pleasure washed over me. My pussy constricted around the big cock and my juices dribbled down the thick shaft. I was struggling to get my breath back as the two orcs continued to pump their cocks into me independently. Each thrust brought more raw carnal pleasure. I just continued to moan and breath heavily as I was wedged tightly between the two big sweaty orc bodies, and the intense orgasm slowly subsided. My mind was in a daze. The one in my pussy came first. His warm cum spilled out deep inside me. I was reminded how Kurok said he wanted to breed me. I didn't want to have to bear any ugly half-orc bastards. But now I just had to worry about getting through this night. He kept his cock wedged deep into my soaking wet pussy as the orc on top of me continued to pump my tight ass. Soon he came too, dumping another load of cum deep inside my body. The orc pulled out of my backside and got off of me. Then I was pulled up off of the orc laying on the ground. Cum spilled out of my ass and pussy as I got up on shaky legs. Another orc laid down on the ground with his meaty cock poking up from his groin. I found myself being pushed down on top of him and I lowered myself down, taking him in my squishy cunt. Another orc was quick to get behind me and pushed me forward. He shoved his cock into my ravaged asshole with one hard thrust. I was sandwiched between two big orc bodies again, getting my ass and pussy fucked deep and hard. I let out a lustful moan. It felt good having that big cock rubbing up my pussy which was still sensitive from the orgasm. I was feeling the burning lust now. I loved the feeling of the big cocks inside me, even the one up my ass. I was just a Graug Kurv. Nearby, a couple of goblins came and stuck a burning torch into the ground. The light flickered around me and cast dark shadows. When did it get dark? I didn't even notice the sun setting while the pack of barbaric orcs were ravishing me. I moaned loudly as the orc behind me gripped my ass tightly and gave it some fast hard thrusts. Another orc came forward and I found a big green cock being shoved into my face again. I groaned, but opened wide and took him into my mouth. Now I was sucking on a hard cock while two more were ploughing into ass and pussy. The three big orc cocks continued to move in my torrid body for some time. The carnal pleasure was slowly tightening down inside me again. I was hungry for another strong climax, but it would take a while for the thrusting cocks to get me there again. The one pumping my ass eventually spurted its load into me. Then I got another hot wet load spilling out into my pussy. Then the orc standing over me groaned loudly as he came. In my dazed, lust-filled state, I let his warm cream fill my mouth. It didn't seem to gross me out as much any more. I even swallowed some of it down. I was in a daze again as the cocks were removed from my body. I laid there on the ground, my ass was throbbing and it felt like there was a lot of cum leaking out from me. Another orc bent over me and briefly pawed at my body before flipping me over. Then he mounted me, pushing his hard cock into my ass. I just laid there limply in the dirt as my ass was getting pounded again. I lost count of how many orcs had sodomized me now. It seemed like a lot, and there were still plenty of them standing around, waiting for their turn. The big sweaty orc body continued to bounce on top of me, driving the fat member deep into my body. He was grunting with exertion while I just lay there taking it. Eventually the fat cock throbbed and dumped its hot load deep inside me and pulled out. Another orc soon got on top of me and his cock slid up into my wet ass. The hard thrusting resumed. I felt like a bit of meat, tightly squeezing the thrusting cocks until they were brought to pleasure. And I was getting off on it. My wet, empty pussy throbbed and tingled as I was roughly ass-fucked. A little while later, the big dick finally stopped thrusting and spilt its load out inside me. It slipped out of my messy hole and I was waiting for the next cock to come and fill me again. Instead I found myself being pulled to my feet. I could barely stand, and streams of cum ran down my leg. I saw that it was Kurok who had lifted me up. "You come with me." he said, and then he pulled me along with him. I followed behind him, staggering on my shaky legs. "What your name, brown pinky?" he asked. "...Rohme." "You enjoy all the orc cock, Rohme? Plenty madh uruk gajol just for you." "Can I get some water?" I was parched, and I just had the horrible taste of orc cum in my mouth. Kurok stopped just outside the ruins. I could see several fires around the place and many orcs sitting around them. It appeared numerous trees were cleared for the camp and fallen logs were lying around the area. He pointed down to the brook. "Get water there, then come to me at that fire. Be quick." I shakily walked down to the water. I continued to look around the gloomy campsite. Orcs and goblins were everywhere. There were several sets of eyes on me right now. Even if I could run, it would do me no good. They would just have the wargs hunt me down. I squatted down at the brook and groaned. My soft tender ass was throbbing and I could feel more cum leaking out from it. It was a weird feeling, and I knew that I was going to have to take more big thrusting cocks up there. These orc bastards weren't going to show me any mercy. And I felt ashamed that I was getting off on it. Part of me wanted them to keep ravishing me. I scooped the water up and swashed it about in my mouth before spitting it out. Then I scooped up some more and drank it down. I was filthy and as stinky as any of the orcs. I had never felt so dirty. I quickly washed the mess around my groin, it felt good to splash the cold water on my raw ass. I saw something glimmering near the water. It was my arrow. I remembered Kurok standing over me laughing, "You gunna kill me with that?" I could. I could take it and stab it into his ugly head. But what good would that do me? I stood up again, better make my way back to Kurok. No doubt the big green bastard was planning to fuck me again. Kurok was nearby, sitting on a log by a large campfire. Several other orcs were sitting around the fire as well, eating, drinking and jabbering in their crude tongue. I slowly walked up to Kurok. The big muscular orc leader looked up at me with his dark eyes, "There my Rraus Gruiuk. Want more big gaj now?" I just stood there frowning at him. He pulled his meaty prick out from his leather pants and smiled at me, "On knees and suck. Do good job." I couldn't see how any good would come from resisting. I got down on my knees in the dirt in front of him and brought my head down to his lap. I wrapped my hand around the green shaft and gripped it tightly. It was only half erect, but still quite thick. Then I took his round cockhead into my mouth and began to suck. The big member quickly swelled and became fully erect, making me open my jaw wider. Kurok grunted in pleasure as I sucked him off. I could feel his engorged manhood throb in my mouth, and the warmth of the fire on my bare back. I knew how to give a good blowjob. I rubbed his large hairy balls with one hand and forcefully stroked the shaft with the other. I bobbed my head up and down as I sucked and rubbed the round glans with my tongue. It was a lot of effort, and it was degrading. At least my sore ass was getting a break. It went on and on. My jaw was getting sore from accommodating such a large member. He grunted and groaned with pleasure as I worked to get him off. Then he abruptly pushed my face off his hard dick, "Get down, spread legs wide." I slowly did as I was told. I laid on my back in the dirt in front of him and spread my legs apart, showing my puffy glistening slit. Kurok got down on top of me and guided his big wet cock into my pussy. He pushed it in deep, spreading my soft netherlips apart. I moaned as my pussy was stretched open and filled with hard orc meat. Kurok reached up and grabbed my tits with his big rough hands. He squeezed them savagely as he played with them, making me squeal and groan. Then he raised his ass and started furiously banging his cock into me. I was moaning and gasping under him as I was vigorously fucked. My whole body was getting bucked around as the orcs' big cock was continuously slamming into me. It was intense, but I could feel the pleasure building inside me, as my body was responding to the rough pounding. I was glad that he was banging my pussy and not my ass. I just lay under him, gasping and moaning as I took his continuous thrusts. After a while, Kurok suddenly stopped thrusting and wedged his cock in deep. I felt his heavy hairy balls pressing against my wet skin. The orc groaned loudly as I felt his large member throb and spurt its hot cum out inside me. "Ughh Yeah! Take it Rraus Gruiuk. Ungh...I do this plenty, until you swollen and heavy with my child!" I laid there under him panting as I felt more of his cum spill out into me. He gave me some more slow thrusts as he groped my boobs. He was laying on top of me, and I could feel the weight of his bulky sweaty body. I found it hard to breath. "I can have female now?" asked another orc, who was nearby watching. "No, I fuck her next!" said another orc. "No, she mine!" The two of them began arguing back and forth, spitting out vulgar orcish insults. Kurok pulled his slimy softening dick from my cum-soaked pussy and climbed off of me. "She's mine." he said loudly, over the two arguing orcs. "Why not fuck together - shun butharog?" They stopped arguing and turned to him, " Yes, shun butharog, like with Zanbaur. Haw haw haw!" Then they were both laughing. I tried to think what shun butharog meant, ...two sodomy? One of them came over to me and grabbed me. He pulled me back to the log where he was sitting. He had his big hard cock out, stroking it. I found myself being roughly turned around so that my back was to him. I grunted as he gripped me tightly and lifted me off my feet. He lined his hard cock up with my asshole and then lowered me down on it. I cried out as my raw ass was penetrated by another big orc cock. He grunted and bounced me up and down on his hefty cock. Kuroks’ warm cum spilt out of my cunt and ran down the thrusting member. Then the other orc was in front of me, holding his big green erection. The one underneath me stopped fucking and held me there while he got in position. Then I felt the round tip pushing at my asshole which was already filled with a big orc dick. I cried out in fear, there was no way they were both going to fit in my tight ass, they were going to tear me apart. The orc grunted loudly and the hard cock was slowly forcing its way into me. I cried out in agony as my little hole was stretched open even further. The second cock slid right in and my clenching ass was squeezing the two meaty invaders together tightly. Tears ran down my face. I was crying out and gasping. The obscene penetration was filling my mind with constant sharp pain. The orc behind me groaned, and then called out, "Shun butharog!" Then they started moving their cocks. It was clumsy, uncoordinated movement, grinding into my stretched insides. Sometimes the organs moved together, sometimes they pushed along each other. It hurt like hell as my overstretched rectum was obscenely violated. Other orcs were standing around near the fire watching us and laughing and cheering. "Hahaha, Mubush gru nazok baur!" "Madh shun gaj, gru graug kurv!" I cursed myself for wondering how it could get worse. The orcs were grunting with effort as they worked their cocks into me, giving me a hard double anal fucking. One of the cocks slipped out and I was glad to just have my asshole stretched around one thick pole. But the orc quickly grabbed it, slid it along the other cock and forced it into my clenching hole again. I was crying out and moaning loudly as I was brutally assaulted. The torturous double rape went on for a while, then the second cock slipped out of me again. The one that was still inside started fucking me harder and deeper until it spurted its cum deep inside me. It slipped out and was quickly replaced with the other cock that pounded me hard. Soon that cock throbbed and dumped its cum into my ass as well. I was roughly pulled off of him and I staggered and looked up and saw that I was surrounded by large orc bodies with their hard cocks out. The ugly green faces were still looking at me hungrily. I found myself being pushed down onto the ground again on my hands and knees. An orc got behind me and grabbed my ass. I felt the fat cockhead opening up my tender sphincter and pushing its way down into my squishy hole. As he started fucking me with hard pounding strokes, another orc got in front of me and pushed his hard cock into my teary face. I obediently opened my mouth and took it in. He roughly grabbed my head and rocked his hips, thrusting into my sucking mouth. One big swollen cockhead was slamming deep into my bowels, the other was rubbing over my tongue and prodding at the back of my throat, making me gag. I could do nothing but stay bent over in the dirt taking it. The double anal had my ass hurting bad. It was twitching and spasming painfully as it was pounded by the big cock. Things got even worse when the orc in front of me started forcing his big cock in deeper and deeper. The cockhead pressed into the back of my throat again and slowly forced its way through. I was unable to scream as he slid it down deep. He grunted and groaned as he gripped my head tightly and thrust his member into my tight constricting throat. I thought he was going to kill me. My stomach was churning and I needed to throw up, but I couldn't. I moved my arm up and thumped his strong leg, trying to get him to stop, but he didn't. The big green bastard continued to fuck my throat until he was grunting even louder. His big cock throbbed and spurted its cum down my throat. It made my stomach heave violently. He finally pulled out of my throat and my mouth. Straight away I bent down and wretched, spewing the cum up all over the ground. The orcs around me just laughed and the one behind me continued slamming his cock deep into my aching rectum. I was in a real daze then. That part was a bit of a blur to me. I was down by the fire on my hands and knees with big orc cocks continually ramming into my ass and mouth. I don't know how many orcs fucked me. They were all the same, I didn't even see the ones getting behind me. They all stuck it in my ass and fucked me with deep hard pounding thrusts until they dumped their cum deep inside me. Then the cock would pull out and quickly be replaced and the hard fucking would resume. I just sucked automatically at the stinking green cocks being shoved into my face. I was getting loads of cum in my mouth and on my face at regular intervals. I was just feeling very numb and dazed as they used and abused my body. It just seemed to go on and on. ***** I didn't know how much time had passed before Kurok came and grabbed me again. I was unable to stand, so he lifted me up and slung me over his shoulder. Thick pearly orc cum spilled out of me. I just hung there limply. I hoped that he was going to take me somewhere where I would be left alone, but that wasn't the case. I could smell the booze on his breath and he laughed as he carried me along. Many other orcs were following us, laughing and chattering excitedly. "Had enough of orc cock, Graug Kurv? You do show for us. Have lots of fun. Hehehe!" I do not wish to recount what happened to me then. It was just too abhorrent and execrable and cruel. It was no small mercy when I was overwhelmed and passed out. ***** I have no idea what they did to my body after that, or how many more times I was fucked. I was unconscious for some time though because when I woke up there was daylight. I groaned as I slowly came around. I wasn't aware of much. I was naked and laying on my back on some sort of mat. Large pale stone walls rose around me, I must have been in the ruined fort again. I could feel my ass and pussy, they were wet an sticky and ached furiously. I became aware that there was someone else nearby. Suddenly, a splash of cold water hit me. I cried out and struggled and realised my arms were bound above my head. Another splash of cold water hit my body, making me writhe and gasp. I looked up and was surprised to see Aerowyn. The red-headed half-elf was standing over me with an empty bucket in her hands. "Wakey, wakey." she said, smiling down at me. "It's a beautiful new day." "Aerowyn?" I said, blinking up at her. The water had woken me up, but I was still a little groggy. I tried to sit up, and flinched. My cavities were sore as hell. "You were a bit messy and smelly Rohme. That's to be expected I guess." She crouched over me and looked over my wet naked body. The cold water made my large brown nipples hard. "Your poor little pooper. Your poor little cunny. Here, stay still. I know a little healing. I'll make it better." I stared blankly as she spread my legs apart and got between them. Her hand started hovering over my sore cunt and I could feel the warm tingling of her magic. It soon started to feel a little better. I looked around, there were scores of dead orcs lying about the ruins, their ears had been cut off. "Penridge!" called out Aerowyn, as she healed my ass. A short skinny man in brown robes with wispy light hair and beady eyes peered in from outside the fort. "Yes, mistress?" "Don't miss the orcs down by the creek. Remember, Rohme gets all the right ears. I get all the left ones." "Yes, mistress." said the man before disappearing again. "Who was that?" I asked. "Forget about him, he's nobody." "Did you kill all the orcs?" "We killed all of the orcs. Like I told you before--we make a good team." "...huh? What are you talking about?" "I cast a poison skin spell on you. Every orc who made contact with you was infected with a slow acting, but quite fatal poison. Every goblin, warg and troll as well. You've had quite a busy night, haven't you?" "What?!...You sick, twisted, insane, evil witch! How could you do that to me?!" "Calm down, will you? You're fine. I'm going to split the ears with you fifty-fifty. We both have quite a haul here. We're rich partner." "Damn you! Burn in the deepest sphere of hell you twisted bitch. Why couldn't you have fucked them?" Aerowyn screwed her face up, "Eww, I only like women...I like you, Rohme." Her hand started sensually rubbing my smooth brown skin around my thighs. "Don't touch me! I hate you!" "Don't be like that." said Aerowyn. I struggled to close my legs again, but she had hold of them and kept them spread. She moved her head down low and started planting soft kisses around my inner thighs. "No, I said Stop that, you little Cunt!" I shouted angrily. She just ignored me as she slowly moved up, leaving a trail of soft wet kisses up my right thigh and then around my furry mound and down my left thigh. Her head slowly moved back up to my pussy. I didn't want it, I hated her. Yet somehow, the intimate stimulation had fired up my arousal. I was quivering and gasping. I could feel her hot breath on my slit and I shuddered with anticipation. Then her rough wet tongue was rubbing along my labia and I moaned softly. Aerowyn continued to move her tongue around, forcefully licking at my soft folds. My pussy felt so good. I could have almost forgotten that it had been so brutally abused last night. She plunged her mouth forward and pressed her lips tightly against my sex. I could feel her tongue probing about inside me. I couldn't stop myself letting out a pleasurable moan. I knew I shouldn't want this, but it felt wonderful. The half-elf lustily ate me out as I moaned and writhed beneath her. Her graceful fingers moved up and rubbed the soft folds around my clit. It tingled with pleasure. I was moaning and breathing heavily. The witch was getting me off, I was heading for another orgasm. Aerowyn lifted her head up from my crotch and licked my juices from her ruby lips and smiled at me. "You want me to do it again, don't you, Rohme?" I just panted and moaned as her finger circled around my clit. "Come on, ask me nicely." There was a brief pause, and then I gave in to her, "Ungh, it again...ooh!" She gave me a sly grin. Then a powerful jolt of magical energy surged from her hand. My clit throbbed wildly and my pussy pulsed and squirted. I writhed and moaned as my whole body was filled with the most intense pleasure. I panted and tried to catch my breath as I rode out the powerful orgasm. I was left lying there, hot and flushed and panting. My spread legs were twitching as my pussy and clitoris still throbbed with pure carnal pleasure. Aerowyn had a big smile plastered to her face. She slowly got up and stood over me. "We're such a good team." I caught my breath and tried to shake the blissful daze from my head. I reminded myself that I hated her. "No, we're not a team. You had me savagely raped. I'm going to kill you for that." "I think you're a little embarrassed to admit how much fun you've had. That's okay. This horde appeared to be heading for the riverlands. Think about how many people these orcs won't be killing and raping now. Some might even say that you made a heroic sacrifice here last night." "Fuck you! I am going to kill you witch!" "Well I hope you cool down and change your mind about that. I would much rather be your lover than your enemy." Penridge then appeared again. The robed man was carrying two dark sacks. His eyes lingered over my naked body and I quickly shut my legs. "Are you done now?" asked Aerowyn. "Yes mistress. There were sixty-three of them. A few were missing ears already." Aerowyn grabbed a sack and put it down in front of me. "Here's your payday orc hunter. You'll find your weapons and equipment and your five ears from yesterday nearby. This is where we part ways. I need to go take my dying grandmother to the healer." "I thought it was your dying uncle." Aerowyn shrugged, "Whatever." She and Penridge went to leave the ruined fort. I called out to her, "I'm not an orc hunter any more. I'm a witch hunter." "Good luck with that." said the half-elf as she disappeared. I sat up and struggled against my bonds. It was the same green vines that had me tied up before. At least this time my legs weren't bound. I struggled to get up to my feet, then I walked out of the fort, stepping over orc corpses as I went. It was morning and the birds were chirping all around me in the lush forest. The mild sunlight was streaming in through the trees. The campsite looked like the aftermath of a great battle. There were orc bodies strewn around the place, each with their ears cut off. goblin bodies were laying around as well, and I could see the wargs lying dead near the creek. Aerowyn and her lackey were nowhere to be seen. I looked down and noticed that the magical vines around my arms were starting to look brown and withered. I struggled against them again, and this time they slipped loose a little. I strained against them with all my might and managed to pull my arms apart. Thank the gods for that. My possessions were sitting on the ground nearby. I went back into the fort and grabbed the sack and brought it back out. It was quite heavy. There would be a large amount of valuable ears in there, way more than I imagined when I set out to hunt down orcs. Why did she just leave it there for me? Was it some sort of bribe to stop me from seeking vengeance? The gold would only aid me in hunting her down. The bitch was mad. I opened the sack and looked inside. It was full of grotesque pointed green ears, as expected. I pulled out an ear with three silver rings through it; Kuroks'. I remembered the big brutish orc ramming his cock into me and defiling me with his foul seed. May the green bastard rot in hell. Then I heard some rustling behind me. I turned around and was shocked to see an orc staggering past all the other dead orcs. He was holding his head and groaning. He had long grey hair and dirty blue robes. I guessed that he was the hordes' shaman. The orc looked quite ill as he staggered about. He looked up and blinked at me through bleary eyes. Then he pointed his long finger at me, "Eiter! Not touch her. Dagalur, black magic!" His hands started to glow as he got ready to cast a spell. My arrow slammed into his head between his eyes and he dropped to the ground. I lowered my bow, that was a couple more ears for me. Aerowyn was long gone by then. I got dressed and gathered my things together before heading off as well. I would have my revenge, but that's another story. ... .... |
I hadn't known Ashley for very long. We had been going to school together since I was in 8th grade, when she was still in 7th, but we never spoke. We went to church together, and once I was in 9th grade, I started to take an interest in the younger girl. She wasn't the hottest girl I knew, but she did look very good. She was short, probably about 5'4, I was about 5'9. She was very skinny, only 110 pounds, but she had it where it counted. Her tits might not have been huge, but I love a small, perky rack. She had smaller, B cup breast, but a very curvaceous ass that I loved to check out when she wore her tight jeans. I knew Ashley to be a bit of a "goodie two shoes" type of girl, which was why I didn't initially try to make a move on her. However, once we started talking more often, I found that I was wrong about her. We talked just friendly for a little while, but she eventually began to trust me more. She began telling me of the guys she had been with. Some of her stories turned me on so much, I would sit on the phone with her and quietly stroke my 6 inch cock as we talked. I didn't think she ever expected a thing, but I noticed that her stories got hotter and hotter the longer we talked. She began talking about her sexual fantasies, and I knew this was my chance. I asked her if she ever thought about my sexually. She said, "Of course I do! You really think I cant tell your jacking off when we talk? Well I think your really hot and I end up fingering myself half the time too. I just wish we could be together." My dick grew harder than it had ever been before when I heard that. "Maybe we can." I started imagining the things that I would do to her if I had the chance, when I heard her speak again. "I'll be home alone this Saturday, and my house isn't too far away from yours. You should come over and we could have some fun. "Sounds great babe," I told her. I was so excited and hard that I could barely keep my hand off my throbbing cock. I told her how turned on I was, and that I was jacking off right then. "I'm so wet," she said back, "I wish you were over here right now so you could fuck me." After this, I immediately blew my load. "OHH Shit, that felt so fucking good. I can't wait for Saturday." We had to get off the phone, as her parents wouldn't allow her to talk past 11 o'clock. It seemed like I was hard all week long. I could just imagine her sexy body naked in front of me. I actually held off on masturbating for the rest of the week, trying to save up for Ashley. As the final bell rang Friday afternoon, I was so excited I could barely hold myself together. I halfway ran to my car, hopped in, and sent a text to Ashley. I'm so ready for tomorrow baby, I can't wait! Ill be there around 1. I love you. I could barely sleep Friday night. I made sure I had plenty of condoms and anything else I could need. As my alarm woke me at 11 on Saturday, I jumped out of bed and hopped in the shower. I cleaned up, then got ready for my big day. As I left my house, I was almost shaking in anticipation. I pulled in her driveway, and saw her peaking through the front window. I smiled to myself and got out of the car. As I reached the door, I got my first glimpse of my sexy friend. She was wearing a tight white t-shirt which barely reached past her naval. She had on a tiny pair of white panties which clearly outlined her pussy. My cock was now straining against my jeans. "Come on in," she said in the sexiest voice I had ever heard. "I've been waiting for this all week and I can't wait any longer. Fuck me" she told me. I didn't need any more encouragement. I wrapped my arms around her, groping her tight little ass. As my lips met hers, I was in heaven. I slid my hand beneath her bra, caressing her right breast. We broke our kiss as she took off the shirt and bra, as did I. We embraced again, as I hooked my thumbs in her panties and began sliding them off her body. I pushed her back onto the couch and dropped to my knees. I saw her freshly shaven teen pussy and immediately fell in love. I tentatively reached out my hand and ran my index finger up and down her slit. This caused her to moan, which made me feel a little braver. As I leaned in to get my first taste of pussy, I could smell her juices, and loved it. I flicked her clit with my tongue, which sent a jolt of pleasure through her body. I licked up and down her mound and then worked a finger into her slit. As I reached an steady pace, her breathing quickened, and I could tell she was close to an orgasm. I worked in another finger and began sucking and licking her clit more intensely. "I'm cumming!" she moaned. I noticed her a small amount of juice squirt out, which I quickly lapped up. I continued licking her until her orgasm had passed, and she lay limply on the couch. "That felt great," she said, "Now I want your dick inside me." I picked her up and carried her across the house, into her room. As I lay her naked form down on her bed, I admired how beautiful she really was. From her bright blue eyes, perky tits with small, erect nipples, down to her shaven pussy, she was perfect. I kissed her again as I pulled off my boxers. I thought about the condoms, which I left in my car, but decided I couldn't stop now. I placed the tip of my dick at her waiting pussy, and began pushing in. She was tight, wet, and hot. This was so much better than jacking off. I slowly pushed my cock into her, until I had as much as I could possibly fit inside of her. The look of bliss on her face told me she was enjoying this as much as I was. I began moving in and out, slowly at first, then began quickening my pace. I knew it wouldn't take me long to cum, but I held out as long as I could. She began moaning, and as I felt her pussy clamp down on my dick as she went through her second orgasm in the past hour. This pushed me over the edge, as I began pumping my hot sticky cum inside of her. I would worry about her getting pregnant later, but for not, I was getting as much pleasure as I could out of this. We both moaned in ecstasy. I left my dick inside of her wet pussy as both of our cum mixed together leaked out of her hole. When my dick went limp, I pulled out of her and laid next to her on the bed. I ran my fingers across her nipples and kissed her as we fell asleep in each others arms. |
The Choice – Chapter One Lori fidgeted as she sat in the car waiting for her Choice to appear. Today was the culmination of 6 months of fantasizing and planning for the fulfillment of her desires. Ever since the fatal auto accident of her husband Bryan left her wealthy and free to follow her dreams, the beautiful blonde 32 year old mother of two had lived and planned for this day. And her incredibly beautiful 8 and 6 year old daughters, Michelle and Stephanie would soon join her in the life she so hoped would follow. As she sat there, Lori thought of the dark fantasies that has sapped her once active sex life with Bryan and filled her with lust and longing. Which path of submission would she follow, perhaps becoming a sexual slave to a large and sexually aggressive male dog and raising her daughters to belong to the world of bestiality? Or would she find an equally aggressive, old and ugly black dyke to serve as a sexual slave and train her daughters to lick and rim the skank as well. Though both of these choices excited her, it was the third of her fantasies that became The Choice. It hadn’t taken her long to hunt through the registry of offenders and find the object of her desire. Frank lived not far away in the city and fit her requirements perfectly. He was 60, 28 years older than she, with a pock marked face and a large mole on his forehead, unkempt and at 5 foot 8, 210 lbs. sloppily overweight with a soft, bulging belly. The registry showed he had been convicted of 2 counts of molestation, 1 count of indecent liberties and finally, a count of 1st degree rape. He had only been recently released from prison and his crimes had been the most recent of any of her finalists. She was sure those urges had not left him. Her plan was simple. Find a way to meet him, let him seduce her and force her to submit to his needs and then for the ultimate submission, let him molest and then train her sweet and innocent daughters to serve his perverted sexual appetite. As Lori looked up, she saw Frank approach on the street and enter his house. He wore a too small wife beater tee shirt that rode up over his belly fat to disclose white, pasty flesh and filthy jeans. It was time to act. Lori checked to make sure her cell phone battery was dead and got out of the car. She cut quite a figure in her cut off jean shorts that rolled up nearly to her tiny Veronica’s Secret white panties. She was bra less and the low cut tank top she wore revealed beautiful breasts that one would never guess suckled two children. They stood firm without a bra and hardened at the thought of what might come next. She had planned her story carefully. Looking for the address of a man she was interested in but unable to find it, her cell phone battery dead, she would have to knock at the door of a stranger and rely on their kindness to let her use the phone. Mounting the steps to Frank’s house, she prayed that he would answer the door. To her relief, the door opened on her second knock. Before she began her story, she could not help but see the look in his eyes as he sized up the stranger at his door. His eyes dropped involuntarily to the low opening of her tank top and stayed rested on the upper curve of her breasts. “I’m so sorry to disturb you but I’m looking for an address in this neighborhood and I can’t seem to find it. I have a phone number but I guess I forgot to charge my phone last night and wondered if you could help. I’d really, really appreciate it if I could come in and use your phone” she said softly. Frank asked to see the address and took the piece of paper from her hand, brushing against it with callused, dirty nailed fingers. The address was bogus so he could not help with that. “Of course,” he said, “the phone is in my bedroom” As Lori entered the house, and she was excited by the smell of mustiness and unwashed clothing. He led to her to the bedroom and to the unmade bed with sheets yellowed and smelling of pungent body odor. She dialed a number that she knew would not answer and let in ring for several minutes before hanging up. A she had practiced, Lori let out a long, sad sigh, sat down on the bed and put her head in her hands and began softly crying. “Why can’t anything turn out for me” she sobbed. “Ever since my husband died and left me and my two daughters on our own, I’ve just been so lost and lonely”. And now the one person who has shown any interest in me obviously gave me bogus information” “Doesn’t anyone want me?” Frank was startled but quickly realized how vulnerable this beautiful young woman was. He moved just in front of her and put his hand on her shoulder saying “It’s all right, I’m sure a beauty like you will find someone, if I was younger I’d break down the doors for you”. Lori stopped crying, stood, stepped forward and put her arms around Frank saying “Thank you, thank you so much. That’s the kindest thing that any man has said to me since I’ve been alone” Frank slowly put his arms around her letting his hands come to rest just above her shorts and below her tank top immediately turned on by the feel of her flesh. Lori could read his reaction as she pressed herself close against him and began to feel the hardening of his pants next to her crouch. She snuggled against him and softly said “It just feels so good to have someone hold me. Could we stay like this for a while longer, it just feels so right” Frank was so overcome by lust he could only grunt. Lori looked up into his face contorted in desire and saying “I can’t thank you enough” gave him a gentle kiss on the lips. So close now, Lori could smell the foul combination of cigarettes and alcohol. As soon as her lips left his, Frank, losing all sense of fear, brought his hand up behind her head forcing her lips hard against his. At the next moment he dropped his hands down to cup the cheeks of her ass and force her body hard against him. Lori acted startled and pretended to push away. As Frank forced her back against him, she acted as if she was succumbing to his strength and slowly brought her arms up to embrace him while softly sliding her tongue into his waiting mouth. “It’s been so long” she moaned, “It feels so right to be in your arms” “I, I want this so badly” she said kissing him fervently. Frank broke off their kiss and reached one hand down to undo the zipper of her shorts while holding her tightly by her hair. She moaned once more as he tightened his grip enjoying his hold over her and became even more excited as she winced in pain. The zipper down, he took hold of her shorts and pulled them down revealing the pure whiteness of her panties. He forced her back on to the filthy bed stained with semen from night after night of masturbating alone. Still holding her firmly by the hair, he slid her panties down as she moved her legs to help him. Emboldened by her reaction to his forcing her down, Frank suddenly let go of her hair and told her to take off her top. Lori met his gaze with a look of utter and complete submission and quickly pulled her tank top over her head. He reached out and grasped one breast in his hand, fingering the nipple roughly. Lori moaned once more, closed her eyes and reached out to rub his now bulging pants. Frank may have been 60 but his lifestyle of Viagra and child porn had enabled him to become as hard as men 20 years his junior. Seeing her lust, he reached down and unbuckled his belt, unzipped and pulled his pants off. His underwear was yellowed and piss stained and had obviously been worn for days. He pulled them off and as he freed his hard on and balls, Lori could smell the sweat of days without a shower. Lori’s look went straight to Frank’s crotch and she couldn’t take her eyes off the wrinkled and sweaty balls. Seeing this and understanding what was needed, Frank again grabbed Lori roughly by her hair, forced her face down to his balls and sneered “Lick my balls bitch” The last word he said with sharp emphasis and all the meanness of a man whose fantasy is overpowering and raping women and little girls. He turned Lori’s face to his and sneered into it saying “That’s what you want isn’t it, to be my bitch.” Lori closed her as eyes as if in shame and simply said “Yes, that is all I want, now and forever”. With that Frank forced her mouth down once again to his sweaty sack and she began hungrily licking and sucking his balls. Frank lay back, pulled up his knees and brought Lori’s face and tongue down to repeatedly lick his asshole, forcing her tongue as far into his anal cavity as possible. She formed her lips around the center of his anus and sucked as hard as she could to draw any juices out and into her mouth. After a moment Frank threw her roughly on her back and mounted her, thrusting in her as only a man who had not been with a woman in years can. In just a few moments, he groaned loudly as he came harder than ever in his life, shooting stream after stream of cum deep inside her. When he came Lori climaxed as well, once when he first came and a second time with an incredible shudder of her whole body as she felt him fill her with semen. When he was done, he lay beside her and simply said, “Clean up”. At that Lori obediently licked every drop of semen, sweat and her own juices from Frank’s penis and balls. She lay beside him, curled up tenderly next to him and simply said, “I love you, I’m yours completely and that includes these”. Leaning over to grab her purse, Lori took out the special pictures she took of her sweet little girls in their sexy thong panties blowing kisses as they unknowingly headed for a life of total subjugation at the hands of a convicted rapist and child molester. Frank leaned back with a smile on his face, excited in knowing for sure he had taken not only the beautiful young mother, but would steal the unspoiled beauty of her daughters as well, using them for as long and for whatever cruel and lustful purposes he wanted. At that same moment, a deep sigh and fulfilled smile came to Lori as she thought about her future of sharing a bed with Frank and helping him to rob her daughters of a normal life while training them to obey him completely. Lori was happy finally, she had made her Choice. End of Chapter One |
Barbie Lez awoke with the worst headache of her life. In fact, it was the worst headache in the history of headaches. But the first thing the eighteen-year-old noticed was not her pounding head or the sun’s hot rays on her skin. It was something long and slimy slithering across her face. Normally, she would have jumped to her feet, ready to fight for dear life. But every muscle in her body was sore. She immediately began wondering what had had happened to her. Had she been in a car crash? Little did she know, that was not far from the truth. But the events leading to her painful return to reality would have to wait. Something hot and wet that kept sliding across her face and she desperately wanted to figure out what it was. Her eyes fluttered open and she was momentarily blinded by the light. Once her vision had acclimated to the bright surroundings, she peered up to find a large dog standing over her. His head hovered mere inches above hers and that long, slimy tongue of his slid back and forth across her face. “Get away!” she yelled. At least she tried. But her throat felt like sand paper and only a muffled moan escaped. However, it was enough to scare off the large canine. Once she was safe, Barbie took a few moments to gather her strength. During that time, she glanced up at the sky. It was completely blue and without a single cloud. But the sun was nowhere to be seen, which meant it was either early or late. “Where am I?” she wondered. Unfortunately, her current position made answering that question impossible. It took a few minutes, but she eventually found the strength to sit. Her head was still pounding and her vision was slightly blurry, but she was still able to notice the sun rising in the distance. It was morning. The next thing she noticed was that she was seated on a beach. The sand was the purest shade of white and the nearby water reflected the sky, giving it a blue tint. She glanced around and noticed a few palm trees. Wherever she was, it was tropical. It took Barbie a while to notice certain details. Like the fact that the beach was littered with junk. There were plastic glasses, towels, suitcases and all sorts of other random items. But it was not until she spotted a large shape that things finally started making sense. Standing a dozen feet to her left was a man. Or rather what was left of him. His body was completely carbonized and there was no doubt in the young woman’s mind that whoever the poor shmuck had been, he was now dead. This should have shocked Barbie, but it actually brought a smile to her lips. “I know what happened to me,” she realized. Images started flashing before her mind’s eyes, telling her exactly what had happened. She remembered boarding the plane. She even recalled the boring-ass movie that was playing. The first part of the flight was calm. But then they hit turbulence. She clearly membered struggling to fasten her seatbelt as the plane bounced around on the unstable air currents. But before she could, the plane plummeted. The last thing she saw was the ceiling flying down toward her. Then nothing but darkness. “I was in a plane crash!” she realized. But it was not until she peered down at herself that this theory was proven correct. Her clothes were torn to shreds and she was covered in filth from head to toe. But she was otherwise unharmed. It was a veritable miracle. Though realizing she had survived a plane crash should have been her primary concern, she was busy freaking about her grimy appearance. But that was because her brain preferred to focus on something mundane rather than facing the reality of her situation. “I need to get cleaned up,” she realized. Gathering what little strength had returned to her body, she got to her feet. Her legs were wobbly, but she still managed to reach the water. Taking shaky step after shaky step, she marched deeper into the water until it reached her waist. She then took a seat in the salty liquid and started cleaning herself. It took well over ten minutes, but she eventually managed to extract every last speck of dirt from her body. By the time she returned to shore, she was back to her usual flawless self. She had long, platinum-blonde hair with a few pink highlights. Her eyes were the same blue as the ocean and her fleshy lips were chapped from exposure to salt water. She had left her shredded clothes behind and now had nothing left to cover up her flawless body. Her firm, D-Cup boobs thus remained in plain sight. As did her bouncy ass and tight, clean-shaven pussy. But her lack of clothes also put her large, bright-pink birthmark in evidence. It was shaped like the lesbian symbol and seemed to hover between her pussy and navel. Upon realizing she was naked, Barbie started freaking out. That is until she remembered there was no one there to spy on her. But instead of calming her down, this realization freaked her out even more. “I’m alone!” she realized. Once quick glance at her surroundings told her she was right. The beach was littered with remnants of the crash. There were personal belongings, detached parts of the plane and even a few bodies. But no one else had survived. For the first time in her life, Barbie was completely, utterly alone. Even worse, she was stranded on what could very well be a deserted island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. She started seriously freaking out, but soon realized that would do no good. If she planned on surviving, she first had to familiarize herself with her surroundings. She glanced around and studied every detail. The beach she had washed up on stretched on for a little over a dozen feet before the sand turned to grass. The grass itself went on for a couple hundred feet before reaching a forest. And from the looks of it, an endless ocean of trees covered the rest of the island. In the center of the landmass stood a mountain. It was not exactly big, but it would take at least a full day’s walk to reach the top. Never once during her inspection did Barbie find any sings of civilization. But the dog that had pulled her back to reality proved there had to be someone else on the island. She knew wild dogs still existed, but the canine she had seen had been wearing a collar. “Maybe I’m not on a deserted island after all,” she realized. Unfortunately, the dog was nowhere to be seen and there was no telling in which direction he had run off. If she went the wrong way, she could get lost for days and risked death. But staying put pretty much ensured her demise. “I have to explore the island,” she decided. She spent the next few hours exploring her surroundings. She dared not wander off too far from the beach by fear of getting lost. Unfortunately, she found noting of use. The dog was nowhere to be seen and there were no signs of civilization. Even worse, her parched throat started getting even worse and hunger quickly became an issue. She eventually came across some weird-looking fruit. There was no way of telling it if was comestible, but times were desperate. Unfortunately, the fruit tasted foul and only made her thirst worse. She continued wandering around for a bit until she finally spotted the dog. Unfortunately, he ran off as soon as she got close. And given her grumbling stomach, she did not have the strength or the will to pursue it. “It’s hopeless,” she realized. And with that, she came to a stop. Resting her back against a nearby tree, she took a few moments to think. If she wanted to survive, she had to find food. Unfortunately, living off fruit was not an option. She considered trying to hunt, but the only other animals she had seen were a few exotic birds. And even if she somehow managed to capture one, she doubted she could bring herself to kill it. And even if she somehow did, she had no way of building a fire to cook it. And there was no way in hell she would eat raw meat. She could survive a few days without food. Unfortunately, water was essential to her survival. But she had thoroughly scoured the surroundings and had not found a single drop of fresh water. As if being parched and starving was not bad enough, things were about to get worse. Barbie was a virgin. But she was also a nymphomaniac. That meant she had to masturbate at least once a day to keep her arousal in check. But some days, she was forced to pleasure herself up to three times. And, considering the massive amounts of arousal she only now realized had begun growing within her, it did not appear as though simple masturbation would be sufficient. Plus, squirting what little fluids she had left was not a good idea. She needed every drop of it just to survive. But she forgot all about that when she heard a branch crack to her right. She whipped around to see the dog sneaking toward her. Unlike before, she had time to look him up and down. Barbie was no expert when it came to dogs, but the approaching animal appeared to be a Bullmastiff. And a large one at that. His powerful muscles could be seen rippling beneath his beautiful beige fur and his razor-sharp teeth sent a shiver running down the naked woman’s body. The canine grew closer and closer. He no longer seemed afraid of Barbie. Only curious. Still, the tight-bodied teen dared not move by fear of scaring him off. If she could tame him, he could lead her back to his masters and then she would be as good as saved. But there was a lot of work to do before that happened. It took almost a minute, but the dog finally reached the young woman. He started by sniffing her. He seemed to appreciate her smell, because he soon started licking her face like a puppy happy to see his master. Barbie momentarily forgot all about her troubles and started laughing. This encouraged her new friend to paw at her playfully and the two spent the next few minutes rolling around in playful fight. As much as she was enjoying herself, Barbie was weak from lack of food and water and her time was growing short. She had to find her new friend’s maters before she got too weak to travel. But first, she had to make sure her only hope at survival would not run off on her. And the only way to do that was to become his best friend. So she started petting him and scratching him behind the ears. It was not until she got to rubbing his stomach that she noticed something. Her new friend was now on his back with his legs in the air and his tongue dangling out of the corner of his mouth. But Barbie was more interested in what lay between his legs. And not the animal’s two large testicles. What caught her eyes was red and pointy. It was his cock. Or rather the tip of it, which stuck out of his prepuce. The mere sight of it reminded Barbie of how horny she was. Though she was still a virgin and had never before considered having sex with a dog, the sight of the canine’s cock was too much for her to resist. Perhaps it was a result of the crash. Or maybe it was due to her lack of food or water. Whatever the reason, she did not hesitate a single second before reaching out and touching the tip of the shaft. “Mmmmm!” she moaned as she felt the intense heat emanating from it. That was enough to convince her to get to work. Without a moment of hesitation, she started stroking the manhood. The Bullmastiff seemed to appreciate, because he shifted his body to give her better access. Taking advantage of her full-access pass, Barbie massaged the prick, forcing it to grow. Before long, the canine had a rock-hard schlong standing perfectly erect between his hind legs. Momentarily pulling away, Barbie took a few seconds to study it. “Wow!” she gasped in amazement. The spear measured an impressive twelve inches in length by two inches in width. It was by far the largest cock she had ever seen, but given virginity, that was to be expected. The sight of the massive manhood sent her arousal level skyrocketing and resisting it any longer became impossible. “Mmmmm!” she moaned as she reached out and wrapped her fingers around the rock-hard shaft. With a wide smile curling her lips and bestial arousal coursing through her veins, she started jerking him off. Her body was weak, but her arousal gave her the strength to continue, gradually increasing the force of her hand thrusts. Before long, she was furiously jerking him off. She could feel the hot spear shudder against her palm as she massaged it. A wide smile was plastered across her lips as she watched her hand fly up and down the red prick. The mere sight of it was enough to send her arousal into overdrive, forcing her to release blissful moan after blissful moan. But as great as her first sexual encounter was, it was about to get even better. “Mmmmm!” she moaned as she felt her lover’s cock begin to jerk around in her hand. She was so busy giving him the best handjob she could that she did not immediately realize what was happening. It was not until she saw the first wave of cum squirt out the tip of his manhood that it finally hit her. “He’s climaxing!” she realized. Sure enough, wave after wave of canine semen flew through the air. Oddly, Barbie’s first reaction was disgust. She had never before touched anyone else’s cum and feeling it raining down upon her felt rather perverse. But she forgot all about that when she realized the orgasmilk that flew through the air was exactly what she was looking for. It may not have been fresh water of a juicy hamburger, but it was liquid and filled with tons of nutrients. Desperate to survive and also eager to get her first taste of cum, she closed her eyes and leaned forward. As she neared the squirting schlong, she opened her mouth and soon felt the hot jizz fill it. “Mmmmm!” she moaned in a mixture of surprise and relief. The surprise came from the incredible sweetness of her lover’s cum. She was not quite sure what she had been expecting, but it definitely as not the sweetest liquid she had ever tasted. The relief came when she swallowed and let the sweet nectar hydrate her throat. “Mmmmm!” she moaned in relief. She had not felt this good in what felt like an eternity. And she only had one person to thank for that. Her canine lover. Desperate to thank him and also eager to get her hands on more of his tasty cum, she continued jerking him off with every last ounce of strength at his disposal. She was stunned by the massive amounts of cum released, but was all too happy to ingest every last drop of it. By the time the final wave oozed out of her lover, she finally felt full. Her hunger had been taken care of and her throat was no longer felt like sand paper. Soon forced to release her lover’s cock, she watched it slither back into his body. She was sad to see it leave, but soon realized it would be making another appearance soon enough. Though the Bullmastiff had climaxed, Barbie was still horny. In fact, taking part in her first sexual encounter had made her hornier than ever before. And the bestial aspect of the encounter only increased her arousal. When she had previously been repulsed at the thought of losing her virginity to an animal, she now wanted nothing more than to feel his massive cock in her soaking-wet cunt. But for that to happen, she had to make her move before her lover wandered off. Reaching out, she started massaging the canine’s crotch. This was only a theory and she had no way of knowing if it would be enough to bring arousal back to his body. But it was her only chance. So she massaged hic cock through the layer of skin that stood between it and her hand until she felt the tip against her palm. She continued massaging his prick until it was once again as hard as rock. By then, the Bullmastiff was ready for round two and got to his feet. As badly as Barbie wanted to feel that massive spear in her pussy, she had something to do first. Reaching out, she grabbed hold of her lover’s collar and started looking for a name tag. If she was going to lose her virginity to a dog, she at least wanted to know his name. Unfortunately, the collar seemed quite old and rather worn out and there was no sign of a dog tag. “It was worth a try,” she muttered as she realized she would lose her virginity to a nameless dog. Fortunately, the massive amounts of arousal that coursed through her veins made it impossible for her to be disappointed by this. In fact, it was kind of a turn on. It was sort of a one night stand, only with a dog. However, she hoped her lover would not hurry off as soon as they were done. If that happened, she would once again be stranded alone on a deserted island. But when she remembered the canine cock with her name on it, she decided to focus on life’s more important things. Sex. All Barbie had to do was get on all fours and offer her body to her studly lover. As soon as the teen’s tight butt was put in his face, the Bullmastiff took control of the situation. His front paws left the floor and he used his front legs to squeeze the busty virgin’s waist. Meanwhile, his hind legs forced his body forward until the tip of his spear made contact with the teen’s engorged labia. “Mmmmm!” moaned Barbie as she felt it massage her lower lips for a few seconds. But her moan soon turned into a veritable shriek of bliss when the canine jerked forward. “FUCK!” she cried out as the rock-hard manhood shot up her soaking-wet cunt. She could feel it stretch out her pussy past all previous limits as it dove deeper and deeper. Though she masturbated on a daily basis, the young woman’s, pussy was still as tight as ever. So it was an impressive accomplishment for the Bullmastiff to force his massive cock deeper and deeper into her. By the time he hit bottom, over half of his spear has been swallowed up. “Wow!” gasped Barbie upon realizing this. But that was the last thing she said for some time because her lover had just started jerking back and forth. She felt his rigid appendage dive in and out of her tight cunt, forcing her arousal level to rise with each new penetration. Before long, she was hornier than ever before, but still her arousal rose. And it continued to rise throughout the entirety of the interspecies pounding. Eventually, Barbie’s voice returned and she started moaning. “Faster!” she begged. “Harder! Deeper!” And that was exactly what her lover did. Though the interspecies pounding was already incredibly intense, he increased the speed and force of his thrusts. Before long, his spear was moving with such speed that it became impossible to tell when it was in and when it was out. It felt like one continuous penetration and that was exactly the way Barbie liked it. “Don’t stop! DON’T FUCKING STOP!” And that was exactly what the studly Bullmastiff did. He continued pounding his young lover as fast and as hard as he could. Even when the busty virgin started yelling about how she was on the verge of climax. “FUUCCCKKKK!!!!” soon moaned Barbie as she felt her pussy start to convulse. A split second later, she felt the orgasm that had been growing within her explode. And a moment after that, the first wave of cum came shooting up her cock-filled twat. The sweet nectar flowed around her lover’s cock before squirting past her engorged labia. The Bullmastiff climaxed at the exact same time as his tight-bodied lover. Moments after his massive cock started jerking around madly, his first wave shot up his manhood. A split second later, it gushed out the tip, filling up the teen’s already overflowing pussy. The canine semen mixed with the human orgasmilk and the resulting cum cocktail was sent flying out of the young woman’s cunt. Barbie’s moans echoed throughout the island. Unfortunately, no one heard her. At least no on human. But all the nearby wildlife was so terrified by the intense shrieks that they fled in fear. Fortunately, that did not keep Barbie from moaning at the top of her lungs. And that was what she did until the final wave oozed out of her. Moments later, she felt her lover’s cock pop out of her. As soon as the large canine dismounted her, the busty blonde felt her muscles give out and she crashed to the cum-covered ground. And that was where she remained for the next few minutes. Though drinking her lover’s cum had brought strength back to her body, it had been forced back out by the most powerful orgasm of her life. But as she lay there panting, her strength gradually returned. Halfway through her recovery period, Barbie realized something. “Oh my god!” she gasped. Not only had she just lost her virginity to a dog, but she had enjoyed it. A lot. But now that she had come down form her sexual high, she felt guilty. But she knew her lover’s cum had been what had kept her from dying of hunger and dehydration. So it was with mixed feelings that she thought back to her first sexual encounter. Was she proud to have finally lost her virginity? Or shamed that she had let a dog take it? “I was only trying to survive,” she realized. “Nothing I do on this island counts.” She could have sex with a dozen different animals on her trip back to civilization, but none of it would count because she would only be doing so to survive. However, she could not deny how awesome the studly Bullmastiff’s cock had felt in her pussy. Determined to thank him for saving her life, she opened her eyes. Unfortunately, the sight she discovered was not the one she had been hoping for. “No!” she gasped as realized her lover was gone. Not only had she missed her opportunity to thank him for quenching her thirst and hunger and giving her the best orgasm of her life, but she had now lost her guide. Without him, her hopes of locating the inhabitants of this island were slim. That is, if there even were any. For all she knew, she could very well be the only human on this island. However, she knew thinking negatively could only lead to her demise. So she decided to take charge of her destiny and do whatever it took to get off this island and get back to her friends and family. The best thing she could do now was search the island for any sign of life. But she knew wandering around aimlessly was not the answer. She needed to see the entire island and then use that knowledge of the geography to orient herself. And the only way to do that was to scale the mountain. She knew it would take most of the day, but it was her only hope. Of course, she could also stay put and hope her canine friend would return. But the odds of that happening were slim. Still, he had saved her life and she would forever be in his debt. “I just hope I can thank him one day,” she thought as she headed toward the mountain. She was naked and had not a single possession left. But at least she had a stomach full of cum and heart full of hope. Nonetheless, she could not help but wonder if she would ever get off this island. But only time would tell… To be continued in Part 2... *** Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. Have a horny day, Barbie Lez |
Jasmine showed the Colonel into the guest room, and let him look at the equipment in the draw and the items her father had placed in a box under the bed. She recognised many of the items, having learnt intimately how they were used and the sensations they caused. Some rekindled the sensations they had caused inside her at the time and, despite herself, she found her cunt moistening at the thought of them being used. "Your father is a very special man," the Colonel told her, as he held up a clip she had often felt close over her nipples, and on a couple of occasions had been used on her labia and clitoris hood. Her clitoris now throbbed at the memory. Despite having had her cunt scoured tender, Jasmine still found herself excited by the prospect of participating with the old man and licked her lips as she knelt beside him to show some of her favourite devices. "Oh, you darling," he chuckled as she showed him the set of moulded penises, the first smooth, the second with ridges along its length, the third with soft rubber protrusions that looked like needles but were soft and forgiving, and the last, looking just like the previous one but with each needle made from steel. "How perfectly delightful!" he gasped, turning the wheel at the base that altered how far each of the pins extended. He would be able to slide it smoothly in, then wind it in, forcing the needles into the flesh, or drive it in with the needles extended, scoring and ripping the flesh as he went. "What else have we here?" he asked breathlessly. There were restraints of leather, some soft and comfortable, others hard, or studded with metal spikes to force total compliance. Ropes too, some smooth some abrasive and toys that could be used to bring on pleasure as much as pain. Only the Floggers, crops, canes, belts and whips were made for one purpose only, and the Colonel caressed each one, wondering to what use they had put to. What little bottoms had felt the hard sweep of the paddle, he wondered. What position had the child been in, who had last received the crop across their pert little bottom. "Get me a little girl, a pretty one that is just developing," the Colonel told Jasmine, patting her hand urgently. Jasmine didn't dawdle, but walked briskly through the corridors to where the orphans were gathered, working at their small desks under the close scrutiny of their strict teacher Miss Evans. Excusing her interruption Jasmine looked at them all, comparing one young girl with another and pushing four towards the far wall where she could compare them more easily. They all looked pretty, but she dismissed one for having her hair shorn and another for having the largest bust of the three. That left two who both looked back at her timidly, neither knowing whether their choosing was for the better or the worse. Unable to decide, Jasmine briskly told them both to lift their skirts and waited, hands on her hips, while both girls timidly obeyed, their eyes going past her to glance at the other boys and girls who were now watching, the older boys with large grins on their faces as the girls were forced to bare their little cunts. Jasmine compared their pubic growth, and then had them turn so she could compare their bottoms. Finally, she knelt down and inserted a moistened finger into their little cunts and anuses, judging which was the tightest fit and which girl was the most timid. The decision made, she thanked Miss Evans and marched the nervous girl out of the classroom and down the corridors before pushing her into the guest room for the Colonel to admire. "Oh yes," he breathed. He still knelt beside the open box, moving items to explore ever deeper but had stopped when the girl had appeared, her expression rushing between nervousness, curiosity and timid excitement. "This is Betty who we believe is thirteen. Say hello to the Colonel," Jasmine said as she began to undo the buttons of the girl's shift. She could have just as easily pulled it off of her head, but slowly undoing the buttons always seemed to excite the men she found. Betty, a pretty blond girl, smiled timidly, her cheeks blooming as her bodice became loose. "Sir," she murmured, her breath quickening as she saw some of the items in the box. "The Colonel has just returned from India," Jasmine told her, drawing the girl's bodice away. Her little breasts sprouted from her chest, the skin as smooth as alabaster and as pale as milk. Her nipples, still childishly small, were at their peek, just waiting to stiffen. "My daddy died in India," Betty murmured, her eyes moistening as she remembered her mother getting the letter. She had only been four or five at the time, but remembered how things had got worse from then on. "Many a good man did," the Colonel acknowledged, as he sat on the bed and waiting for Jasmine to finish undoing the ties at the back of the girl's skirts. He knew how fiddly such things could be and took the opportunity to admire how sweetly her little breasts had begun to form. "Your father would have been proud of you, young lass," he told her, smiling as she blushed prettily, the flush of her skin creeping all the way down her upper chest, right to the rise of her smooth young breasts. Jasmine finally undid the knot of the tie and, loosened, the frock slid down the child's legs, pulling about her feet while she coyly squirmed, biting her lip as the Colonel looked upon her. "Oh my, what a treasure," the old man sobbed. His eyes devouring the pretty little cunt before him, young pubic hairs darkening upon her font, still straight and slender in youth, all pointing towards her smooth edged slit in which the curved sheaf of her clitoris was just in view. "Here, lay her down so I can see her better," he panted, quickly making room on the bed. Jasmine smiled encouragingly to the young girl and helped her step from her clothes and to the broad bed. There, she quickly moved the pillow into the centre of it, then bade the girl lie on her back across it. Betty obeyed, knowing from her years at the poorhouse and now at the sanatorium what disobedience would mean. She lay back with her loins raised high by the pillow beneath her and, when fingers touched her knees, she blushingly parted them. "Such a willing child!" marvelled the Colonel, watching the girl obediently spread her legs, spreading them until she had to reach down and hold her knees apart. "That's the training Sir," Jasmine smiled, then quickly blushed as she recalled how quickly she would turn up her skirts and bend when her father instructed. The feel of his fingers pulling her flesh apart around her anus made her flood with heat and she swallowed and ran her nails along the girl's inner thighs, quickening the child's pulse and bringing a glow to her puffy little slit. "She excites quickly," he observed, his excitement evident from the bulge in his breeches. "Most girls do," Jasmine admitted. "Convention prevents us from showing our true nature, father says," she told him, blushing as she openly admitted her own excitement. "Is she ready yet?" he asked, having eagerly watched Jasmine stroke the child's inner thighs, right up to their junction where her nubile young sex glowed with want. Jasmine reached for her vulva and drew the leaves apart. Betty gasped with the jolt of pleasure it sent swirling up her young body and she thrust her loins up, her eyes wide with the shock of delight while the two adults gazed adoringly into her exposed little cunt, admiring the gleaming wetness and brightly toned pink flesh within. "She's well and truly ready," Jasmine observed, licking her lips as she thought of the pleasure she would have, observing the old man take this young girl. "Good, but before that, I want you to warm that delicious little bottom of hers," he grinned. "As you wish Sir," Jasmine nodded, a new glow appearing to her skin as she considered this request. There was a stout chair in the corner, no doubt for holding children in various positions for treatment, but it suited the Colonel to draw it nearer the bed and sit on it to watch the proceedings. "Do I have to tie you down, or will you be a good girl and take the spanking bravely?" Jasmine asked Betty as she rose and rolled up the sleeve of her uniform. Betty swallowed and gazed meekly. "I'll be good," she promised, her voice quivering with the rising fear inside her. "Over you go then," Jasmine told her. "And be sure to present your bottom as you have been taught," she urged. "I think you'll find it more agreeable if you shed your restrictive clothing my dear," the Colonel told Jasmine, his eyes sparkling with excitement as young Betty turned onto her front and squirmed until her bottom was obscenely presented for the spanking. Jasmine's face burnt and her eyes fluttered with her heartbeat as she faced the old man and slowly undressed for him, one heavily starched garment after another. His eyes seemed to devour her, moving almost constantly as if in fear of missing some small part of her growing nakedness. She turned to let him see her pert bottom, knowing that its swell would be just as arousing to him as her breasts. The Colonel groaned as if to prove the point, then waited for her to turn and face him, adjusting his cock to allow room for it to stand erect inside of his breeches. Unused to such blatant male display, Jasmine blushed and licked her lips. Did he mean to have her also, she wondered, the thought making her spill with excitement. Overly tender, her sore cunt would react sharply to the steady thrusts of a male and her agony would bring on the most intense pleasure. She removed her clothes and stood naked, her thighs slowly creeping apart so he might have a better view of how tender her cunt remained from her father's punishment. "My word!" he gasped, his eyes widening as the fading but tender marks of the flower stems appeared, along the full length of her vulva. "Who?" he breathed, almost speechless. "My Father," she told him softly, thrusting her loins forward so he could better admire how the stems had scored her rounded flesh and passed within them too. "My punishment for masturbating wantonly," she explained, her heart fluttering in the hope he'd touch her. Just one touch would ignite her pleasure, just one little touch. "Definitely a man after my own heart!" he chuckled. "Don't let the child grow cold, spank that lovely bottom of hers!" he ordered. Naked, Jasmine turned back to the girl on the bed, smiling at her as she saw she'd been watching. Betty looked on Jasmine's nakedness and the older girl felt another thrill course through her. "Ready?" she asked. Betty nodded shyly; her eyes brimming with unshed tears. Jasmine smiled and took up a position beside the bed, her thighs well parted so nothing would be hidden from the Colonel, then bent forward to place her left hand on the small of the child's back, pushing it down to pronounce the lovely curves of her bottom. Ready, and feeling the Colonel's eyes slide down to her exposed cunt; Jasmine lifted her arm high and swept it down hard to land firmly and loudly on the child's left bottom cheek. "Count them, there's a good girl," the Colonel urged. "One," Betty murmured, her eyes sliding up Jasmine's parted thighs to gaze at her pubis and the small thatch of curls on it. Jasmine smiled and raised her hand for the second, bringing it down hard across the child's right bottom cheek, grinning at the way Betty jerked and gasped, then softly murmured the count. The child's bottom was tight and resilient, quickly stinging her palm and yet just as quickly turning a rosy red. Jasmine began to squeeze and stroke the cheeks between hand strikes, softly complementing the girl on having such a sweet little bottom, urging her to lift it much higher and let the Colonel see how lovely she was. As Betty panted and mewed, squirming with the sensations surging into her little bottom, Jasmine reached along her thighs and urged her to part them wider so that the Colonel could admire her little cunt and puckered anus. Her spanking continued, Jasmine's breath quickening with the effort as much as from the view she received each time her hand squeezed the child's bottom, pulling flesh from flesh so the little entrance to her cunt was exposed. "That's good," the Colonel remarked after nearly five minutes of the spanking had elapsed. "Let her sit up now," he urged. Weeping softly, Betty dragged herself up until she half sat on her thighs, her hands rubbing franticly at her sore bottom while tears slowly made little rivers down her cheeks. She looked delightful, gazing worriedly from Jasmine to the Colonel, her eyes dropping to their privates where the sight of the old man's bulging breeches brought a glow to her cheeks. "Now, what have we got to brighten those lovely little nipples?" the Colonel asked, his eyes fastened to the nubile beginnings of Betty's young breasts. Jasmine was quick to offer two solutions; the braided cloth flogger that would bring colour to the little developing cones, tenderising the skin and making the nipples swell, or a bunch of dried flower stems, the same type her father had used on her pudenda. The sharp but forgiving stems would score the skin and leave fine lines, dozens of them across both rising breasts. The raised nipples would take the most and caused a centre of fiery sensation the girl would not be able to escape. "Oh yes. Let me help you," the Colonel urged. He stood and shed his clothes, grinning as he revealed a wiry body of completely pale flesh with a slender but long cock that stood erect from between a field of greying pubic hair. He went across to Betty, still rubbing her bottom, and sitting behind her, caught her by her upper arms and pulled them back, presenting Jasmine with the perfect target for the bunch of flower stems. "Be brave!" He told the young girl, inhaling her youthful scent and bringing her bottom up against his cock. She whimpered, squeezing her bottom one moment, feeling his cock and panting hotly the next. All the while, her eyes stared at the naked young woman standing over her, a bunch of dead flower stems in her hand. Jasmine swept the stems across Betty's outthrust breasts and watched the sore and red lines appear while Betty squealed and squirmed, her eyes widening in shock at the pain that soared into her. "Now, now," urged the Colonel, his grip tightening on the girl. "Go on, grip my cock lass!" he urged. Betty did so, whimpering and shaking as she watched Jasmine draw her arm back. Then the plant stems had once more scraped across the swell of her two breasts, scoring the tender flesh, scrapping her tender nipples. She wept as the darts of flame punched into her nipples, her breasts feeling bloated and sore, and her sore bottom continuing to send a deep itching flame into her. "Go on, Go on!" the Colonel urged, pulling the girl against him so he could look over her shoulder and admire the fine score marks across both her little breasts. Jasmine needed little urging. She swept the stems down across Betty's breasts once more, grinning as her aim scored the underside and made Betty catch her breath and arch before a high-pitched scream escaped her. The Colonel grinned and held her against him. With her arms held, her lower body contorted to left and right, often up against his cock where the feel of her struggles served to heighten his pleasure. He nodded for Jasmine to continue so she didn't wait for the wailing girl to quieten, but struck again, aiming across the middle of the smoothly rising breasts, scoring deeply and bringing fresh wails and frantic attempts to escape. "Now two or three quick ones across her belly!" he urged. He put his hands around her body, one above her little breasts, the other low, holding her pelvis to close him and presenting the weeping girl's flattened belly to her. Jasmine licked her lips and bent her arm back. Dizzy with excitement, she swept the stems down and scored the lovely surface of Betty's belly. The Colonel looked euphoric as he fought to hold the squealing and struggling young girl and given the opportunity, Jasmine wielded the stems yet again; adding to the score marks that appeared on her otherwise smooth flesh. Betty hardly fought the last one, exhausted as she was. Her whole body hurt and she was only semi conscious as she was laid down on her back across the pillow and her thighs pulled wide apart again. With her eyesight made fuzzy by her weeping, she saw the figure of the Colonel rise above her, a look of delight on his face as he looked down at her struggling body. "No more," she whimpered, "please." The Colonel stared down at the child's lovely young body, her budding breasts made beautiful by the hundreds of lacerations that scored the tender flesh. He'd never seen nipples stiffen and darken so quickly and groaned with pleasure at seeing them. His left hand took both the girl's wrists and held them over her head against the bed, flattening the little cones and making her look much younger still. He fondled the child's torso with his right hand, tracing the many feint lacerations and groaning as Jasmine took his aching cock and steered it towards the girl's now open cunt. "Now!" He heard her urge and he looked down at the wet face of the young girl and thrust. Hot little cunt surrounded him, squeezing and burning, threatening to strangle his cock while her face mirrored a new type of pain. He never wanted to forget the look on her face and thrust again in an effort to extend it. He thrust himself deep into her cunt, and then rocked back and forth, groaning in delight over the contorted face of the agonised child. Jasmine gripped Betty's ankle and slid astride it, biting her lip as the girl's toes pressed into her sore vulva. She whimpered and, seeing the Colonel thrust harshly into the child for the second time, pushed herself downwards, welcoming the pain it brought sweeping up her body. "Yes, yes, yes, YES!" The Colonel cried, too excited to last long in the vice like sheaf of the young girl's cunt. Jasmine closed her eyes and bit her lip, shuddering on the explosion of her own pleasure and gasping afterwards as the growing pain forced her off the girl's toes. ****** The orphans looked nervously at each other as Doctor Croft entered Miss Evan's classroom with a thin and pale woman, who held a little bag tightly in front of her. Her pale blue eyes looked keenly at all of them. "Dear me," she whimpered. "So many to chose from!" she complained. "Is there any trait you're particularly interested in Miss Haigh?" asked the doctor with a comforting smile. "Well," she said, and licked her lips as she glanced around the classroom again. "Would you have any children that are related?" she asked. "A brother and sister perhaps?" she asked breathlessly. Samuel smiled and looked for the two children who he knew would be sitting together. "Eve? Edward? Stand up please" he called. The boy and girl stood up and face him, their faces unusually pale as they waited to discover what the doctor had in store for them. "Eve is nine, her brother is thirteen," he murmured, smiling at the look of adoration the woman was giving to these attractive orphans. "Oh, they'll do perfectly!" she beamed. Samuel pointed to the pair and led them off to the surgery. Lily had escorted the Reverend back to their private rooms and had arranged for Joseph to be taken to his bed and left there to recover, so the surgery was empty when they arrived. An antiseptic smell was all that remained of earlier activities as the doctor placed brother and sister against the far wall and had them stand together while he prepared the camera. Miss Haigh watched with great interest, moving constantly, filled with nervous tension as she waited in eager anticipation. The camera prepared, it flashed and it recorded brother and sister standing beside each other, the girl no taller than her brother's shoulder, their drab clothes leaving their arms and legs bare. Samuel removed the plate and replaced it with a new one, then turned to smile at the timid looking pair. "Remove your clothes," he ordered. Edward may have remembered a time when such requests were considered dirty and never to be obeyed, but Eve didn't. She proceeded to take off what few clothes she wore, her calm acceptance silently urging her elder brother to do the same. Soon they were both naked and being urged to stand straight and look ahead of them. The flash went off again, recording their likeness for posterity. "Side-on now please," Samuel called. The children turned in the same direction, Eve in front of Edward. "Edward, make your cock stiff," Samuel called. He blushed and looked from his naked sister's bottom to Miss Haigh who was watching everything avidly. His cock shrunk still further, and lay flaccid over his ball sack, making him tremble, as he feared a whipping for not obeying. "Eve, help your brother please," Samuel, asked. The girl blushed and turned to look at her brother, licking her lips as her attention dropped to the focus of everyone's attention. ""I don't know," she told him, blushing hotly. "Come now child," Miss Haigh said, interrupting Doctor Croft and rushing forward. She knelt between the pair of them and gently took the girl by her wrists, pulling her towards her elder brother and guiding her little hands around his shrunken little cock. "Pull gently with one hand, and stroke him with the other," she instructed. Eve nervously swallowed and darted a glance up at her open-mouthed brother, her fingers coming into contact with his privates. "That's a good girl!" Miss Haigh urged, her voice full of awe as the little girl did as she was told eager to avoid being punished herself and began to masturbate her brother's cock. With the accompaniment of a shocked gasp, the boy's cock began to lengthen and harden, drawn on by his younger sister's timid stroking, and all the while Miss Haigh was there to encourage and suggest. Only when the boy was fiercely erect did she step back and smile, allowing the sister to continue stroking the slender long stem, the flash of the camera ensuring the moment would be captured forever. "Now Edward, come and lie on the table," Samuel called, patting the adjustable surface and pulling the camera back to a new position. Edward got on the table and laid back, his erect cock now lying flat along his belly. Samuel lifted it and drew the foreskin right back, smiling as it made the boy gasp and jerk. "Tender, eh?" he asked, his nail sliding over the exposed tip. "Yes Sir," Edward nodded. "Perhaps it needs cleaning?" the doctor suggested. A squeeze behind the glands brought a drop of fluid to the tip and Edward swallowed a little nervously as his sister peered over his side to continued looking at what was being done to his cock. Miss Haigh watched too, and she became breathless with excitement, as the doctor picked up a long and slender tool and held it up for her to examine. A little thicker than fine wire, it was made of rubber and was quite flexible, but its surface had been roughened to become abrasive. "Lie perfectly still now Edward," Samuel cautioned him. Placing the pointed tip at the eye of his cock he slid it inwards and the boy gasped and tensed, his eyes wildly looking upwards at the doctor as the urethra cleaner travelled inwards, along the whole length of his hardened cock, leaving a small piece sticking out. "There!" Samuel exclaimed. Across from him, Eve peered over his loins to stare with big round eyes at his now rampant cock, with the stem of the cleaner sticking out from it. "Would you like to draw it out Eve?" he asked pleasantly. Eve licked her lips and looked between the smiling doctor and her brother's awfully rude cock. However, it gave her a pleasant tingle down below to look at it and think of him doing it with girls. It made her tingle even more to think she could hold it and actually draw the slender doctor's tool from it. She nodded and reached for her brother, her breath quickening as she felt the heat of it burn into her palm. With her other hand she took a hold of the tip of the medical tool and gently pulled. Edward let out a howl and gripped the edge of the table to either side of him as the roughened rubber began to act like barbs, gripping into his urethra and scraping along the tender inner walls. Miss Haigh stepped closer and took Edward's hands, cupping them in her own and pulling them to her chest while she gazed down at him lovingly. "Be brave!" she begged him, her breath shortening as she led his hands over her breasts and let him feel them through her clothes. Edward sobbed, excitement and dread flowing through him and battling in his gut. He softly squeezed the largest bust he'd ever squeezed and dreamt of his dead mother. Then the terrible burning engulfed him again as the rod was pulled outward by his little sister and his grip tightened as his body contorted in agony. "Yes, yes, bear with it!" Miss Haigh gasped, her legs weakening as the young boy in his agony mauled her breasts. "All the way out," Doctor Croft told Eve, stroking her hair lovingly. Glowing with the doctor's approval, Eve ignored Edward's contortions and pulled the rubber stem fully out, its departure letting Edward fall back onto the table, exhaustion overcoming him. "Well, that was excellent!" Samuel smiled. "Now, shall we have a look at you, while your brother recovers?" he asked the young girl. Eve blushed and looked at her brother, his cock still sticking up rampantly. "Will it hurt?" she asked. "Oh, not necessarily," he chuckled. He wheeled a second examination table over and helped little Eve to climb onto it before lifting the end at an angle and then attaching what looked like stirrups at the other. Miss Haigh pulled herself away from caressing and teasing Edward's cock into jerking and weeping pre-come, to come over and watch as Doctor Croft arranged little Eve on her back, her sweet little bottom now raised up by the platform at its end. He then took her thighs and raised them over her head, sliding the stirrups over each ankle to secure them above her. It left her bottom and cunt raised and exposed, its bright pink inner flesh peeking from half parted labia. "She's so exposed!" Miss Haigh breathed. Samuel rolled a stool to the foot of the table and invited Miss Haigh to sit on it, presenting her with the Eve's fully exposed cunt, anus and bottom now perfectly positioned for a detailed examination. "Glorious!" she breathed, her eyes drinking in the beauty of her the child's labia, widely parted bottom, fragrant young cunt and winking little anus. Doctor Croft retrieved two small leather belts, each about eight inches long and half an inch thick from which slender cords hung along its length, each about six inches long but adjustable, each with small clips at the end. He then attached them to each of her thighs and smiled down at her face as she watched with curiosity. Miss Haigh was watching also, waiting excitedly to see what was to occur. Her face shone above the glow of Eve's fat little vulva, her eyes sliding over it, from the stem of her clitoris down to the deep crevice of her little bottom where her anus timidly twitched. Samuel took the first clip and adjusted the strap that held it to the leather garter tightly fastened to Eve's upper thigh. Once adjusted, he took a gentle grip on the fatty lip of her sex and pushed the clip over it, releasing it onto the tender love lip. Eve gasped, her eyes widening as she felt the grip of the clip on her labia. And as she shook, absorbing the swelling pain, Samuel took the other fleshy wing and attached a clip from her other leg to it. Eve cried out and shook. A move of her slender young thighs and the clips pulled on her baby-like labia, drawing them outward and away from each other. Miss Haigh groaned, her eyes held by the exposed little mouth to the girl's little cunt. Her virginity had already been taken, yet the little passage was still that; little, the smoothly fleshed mouth gleaming pink. Samuel took hold of each quivering knee and slowly drew them further and further apart. The clips tightening on the soft flesh of Eve's young labia and stretched them apart. Eve whimpered and arched, trying to reduce the stretch but failing to do so. Miss Haigh leaned in to stare avidly at the painful distortion of such young flesh and the growing expanse of deep pink interior now spread for her pleasure. The doctor adjusted the leg harness to hold Eve's legs apart, then walked round to enjoy the view with Miss Haigh for a while. Then he produced a rubber tube, small and thin and dipped one end in grease before putting it to Eve's opened slit. Under Miss Haigh's close scrutiny, the doctor carefully probed Eve's sex flesh, the child's whimpering and squirming making it hard for him to find her little urethra. Once found though, the tube was slowly pushed home, Eve panting with a short quick breath as she felt it pushed into her. Pushed into her bladder, her rich urine slid past her defences and ran from the far end of the tube, slowly filling the jar the doctor had prepared. Amazed, Miss Haigh took a hold of the tube and gently drew it back and forth, watching Eve's bright flesh being drawn in and out with the tube as it clutched at it, the flow of urine slowing as the tube was drawn from her bladder, then growing again as it returned. Miss Haigh played until the flow of rich urine ceased, then let the doctor draw the tube out. He was left with half a jar of strongly scented water which he lifted, first to smell it, then to sip a small amount of it, swirling it around in his mouth before swallowing. "Would you like a try?" Samuel asked his guest politely. Miss Haigh looked at the rich liquid and then licked her lips as she considered the question. Violent emotions made her shake, but at last she quickly nodded and took the small jar. There was a moment of hesitation, a last chance for the left of her brain to battle with the right. She tipped the jar back, sipping the liquid and jerked by the flash of the camera. Then the strong flavour was filling her mouth, producing saliva and causing her swallow repeatedly. The taste remained with her, faintly metallic, faintly oily and very acidic. The doctor watched her cautiously. "What now Sir?" she asked. Samuel smiled with relief and lifted one of several glass columns with a rubber plunger at one end. Eve, watching, couldn't say what it was for, but the sight of it alone made her whimper, gasping when her jerking pulled the clips on her stretched labia. There were several on the tray to chose from, and Samuel selected one and tried placing it over the little girl's clitoris hood, only to find it too small. So he returned it to the tray and picked up the next, smiling as it neatly covered the little fleshy protuberance. Holding the end firmly to her flesh, he drew back the plunger and smiled as the young girl caught her breath and Miss Haigh gasped. The vacuum that he'd created by pulling the plunger up, had sucked Eve's tender clitoris further into it, swelling the tender morsel as well as filling it with blood, tenderising it still further. The vacuum held it in place and allowed Samuel to take up a smaller one. The child's pinched back labia gave him a perfect view of her slit, now spread before him, so it was an easy matter to find her tiny uterus again and, covering it with the syringe, pull the plunger to draw her flesh into the cylinder. Wide eyed, Eve panted and shook. She wanted to stretch, yet knew she couldn't. She wanted to push her crotch up, but couldn't. She wanted to madly rub the flesh pinched by the clips, and couldn't. And now new feelings were starting to swell from the flesh imprisoned by the glass cylinders, drawn out by the vacuum. "Please," she whined, unsure of what she was pleading for. Samuel smiled and, taking two of the larger cylinders, fastened one over her soft little pink nipple, offering Miss Haigh the other. Grinning excitedly, Miss Haigh took the device and pressed its open end to the other little nipple bud, and then slowly pulled on the plunger, sucking the tender morsel of flesh into the glass while the girl stared at it and panted. "Do you like that, do you?" she asked the child, her excitement swelling as she looked between Eve's thighs and saw how disfigured her little innocent cunt had become. Eve nodded, and begged to be caressed by the woman, blinking as the bright flash of the camera went off again. "This is marvellous!" Miss Haigh told him, half standing in order to feast her eyes on the young girl, her thighs bent up and her body on show, her cunt disfigured and widely spread by the clips and the vacuum flasks. "Well, there's one area we've not touched yet," Samuel reminded her. Miss Haigh caught her breath and sat down again, her hands framing the anal groove of the young girl while she stared excitedly at the little pink anus the doctor was referring to. "What are you going to do?" she asked. Samuel wheeled the other table over, as her brother had recovered enough now to look across at his sister's exposed body and lick his lips. Miss Haigh watched as the young boy's cock began to erect again. "You dirty boy!" she told him. She fanned at her face with her hand and watched his cock reach its full extension. "We should do something about that doctor," she told him. "Let's attend to Eve's little bottom first," he suggested, bringing a tray over to her. "Oh, my!" Miss Haigh gasped, staring at all the dressmaking pins that were neatly laid out on the tray beside a small burner. Samuel smiled and lit the small burner with a match. "You may use the pins either hot or cold," he explained. "The reaction to the child is similar, but the affects are a little different," he told her. "The cold will stab the flesh and the wound may bleed slightly. The more deeply inserted, the more it is likely to bleed. Using the hot pin will seal the wound even as you make it. "Well-heated pins will pass into flesh much more easily too," he explained, offering her a soft leather glove. Miss Haigh took the glove as if in a trance and slowly drew her hand into it while watching the doctor take a pin and hold it over the flame. "However, if it hot, it should be very hot," he cautioned. Eve, wide eyed and shaking whimpered and sobbed, wanting to escape and yet forced by the clips on her labia to stay still. The pin glowed and Miss Haigh watched it as the doctor moved it close to the girl's outthrust bottom. His free hand framing a perfect area of smooth skin, he placed the tip of the pin to it and pressed. Eve flung her head back and screamed, tears bursting from her wide eyes as the pain seared into her. Her shaking legs pulled tightly on her labia, distorting and stretching them. "Oh doctor!" the woman gasped, and all flustered, picked up a pin and hastily placed it over the little burner, her hand shaking excitedly. "Wait till it glows," he cautioned, knowing she was eager to drive the pin into the quivering and weeping young girl's bottom. Miss Haigh couldn't stop from panting, nor halt the quiver in her hand as she held the pin over the flame and waited for it to begin to glow. Eve was waiting for her, the young child weeping and quivering, one pin already sticking out of her bottom. The pin began to glow and Miss Haigh swallowed and drew it over to the child. Eve began to cry and beg. Both excited her even more and her breath grew shorter as she poised the pin above the inward curve of one little bottom cheek. "Quick, before it cools!" urged the doctor. Miss Haigh put the hot tip to Eve's bottom and sobbed with delight as her fingers pressure pushed the red hot tip into the girl's flesh. The child screamed once more, her jerking pulling her labia right out before her sanity returned and she screamed. "Nicely placed," Doctor Croft observed. "Now try one a little further into her anal groove," he offered, his hands pulling the tight young cheeks further apart. Eve sobbed uncontrollably and swung her head from side to side, the only movement she could make without hurting herself. Miss Haigh took another pin and held it over the little flame, her hand shaking with excitement as she waited impatiently for it to begin to glow. At last, the end of the pin glowing a brilliant red, Miss Haigh brought it to the weeping girl's bottom and looked at the area of flesh the doctor was holding stretched for her. "No, no, pleeeease!" Eve cried. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Miss Haigh plunged the hot pin into the little girl's bottom, just an inch from her anus, then looked up along the child's body to watch her darling little face contort with the pain, her ears ringing to the girl's wails of agony. As the child screamed, Miss Haigh swept aside convention and gathered up her dress, her hand seeking the earliest opportunity to slide beneath, three fingers immediately pushing into herself, reducing her fierce need. Samuel smiled and picked up the moulded leather sheaf that had been lying to one side, waiting for the right moment. Like a corset, it was laced along one side, allowing the delicately made leather to be slid on while loose. He slid it delicately over Edward's cock, and then gently pushed his balls into the leather pouch before closing the laces along the lower half of his cock. As he tightened them, so the boy's eyes bulged as he felt the small pins dig into his ball sack and the lower half of his cock. The exposed upper length of his erection bulged, swelling with the fierce sensations surging into the base. "Come on boy!" he urged, helping the lad to stand, then drawing him the short distance between his own table and where his sister lay, weeping hysterically as she begged them to stop. "Let's see you fuck her," Samuel told the boy. Edward swallowed and looked down at his little sister's cunt, her pinched and pulled apart labia now swollen and tender, nearly as bright as the exposed flesh within. His breath quickening, he moved the glass cylinders aside. his heart beginning to pound as he saw how her flesh had been drawn into them. Amazed, he looked down at her little cunt. She was tiny, only nine, but to refuse the bidding of the doctor would mean far worse than anything they had received so far. "Do you need some help?" Miss Haigh asked him, one arm under her skirts. The other rose to stroke his cock, then draw it downward, till it pointed at the little virgin cunt in front of him. "Go on!" she urged breathlessly. With the pins in the leather sheaf causing an agonising heat to invade his cock, Edward put all thought aside and plunged his cock forward. His little sister yelped and he grunted, the pain of missing his mark bringing tears to his eyes. "Ops, sorry darling," Miss Haigh giggled breathlessly, her face glowing as her arm moved steadily back and forth under her skirts. "Try again," she urged, the hand on his cock making him wince as it pulled it more firmly downward. More cautiously, Edward drew forward, a gasp escaping him as his tender cock head met the hollow of his little sister's vagina and pushed her unforgiving flesh inwards. The flash of the large camera went off and Edward fought for breath and pushed more firmly inwards, crying out over his sisters squeal as the head of his cock was suddenly thrust into her and was squeezed tightly by her vaginal muscles. "Yes, yes, and again!" Miss Haigh urged. Sobbing with the new sensations flowing along his cock, Edward pushed. While his sister whined, her head thrown back, he felt his cock embed itself in her tight and hot young cunt, filling it with just half his cock, the rest suffering the leather sheaf. "Oh, what a sight!" Miss Haigh breathed. On her perch, she could see it all; the boy's tight bottom, his cock held by the weeping girl, his very own sister. Swallowing and panting, Edward began a slow movement, pulling and pushing against his sister's unforgiving sex. He moved as far as his flesh would allow, pulling at his skin and groaning as the tension added to the fierce sensations rising into his body through his cock. His movement increased, spurred on by Miss Haigh's urging and the sticky wet fingers she trailed up and down his bottom, tickling him underneath. "Are you there yet? Are you, are you?" Miss Haigh asked, her eyes twinkling in her bright face as her own hand quickened pace. Edward couldn't talk and could hardly breathe as the flash blinded him and his sister's weeping no longer meant anything to him. Only the need in his cock mattered and he worked ceaselessly to satisfy it, quickening his pace, lengthening his stroke despite the pain it caused him. He jerked powerfully now into his sister's tight little cunt, until the pain reached a new level and, with a strangled cry, his orgasm took possession of him and he could only jerk forward when it ordered him so, shooting his seed into Eve's little body. Miss Haigh drew him out and lifted his cock to nuzzle it lovingly with her lips. Samuel took one last picture, capturing her act while, beside them; Eve's little raw cunt wept a mixture of seed and blood onto her pin-covered bottom. ****** Lily Croft marched the two little tarts along the corridor and thrust them, one at a time, into the room she and Mrs Emma Weldon had chosen for their punishment. Arms folded under her large bust, Mrs Weldon stood at the far side of the room next to the two chairs that had been placed two feet from the wall. With a stern face she looked them over, while behind them, Lily Croft closed the door and bolted it shut. Anne, was fourteen, nicely developed, with shapely breasts, a small flat waist and a pert bottom that was made all the more fuller by her nicely curved hips. Rachel was only nine, and her face was a picture of remorse as she stood nervously looking at the stern women. It was not difficult to see why Anne had chosen this little tart for her pleasures. "Remove your clothes, NOW!" Emma Weldon shouted, and smiled as the girls cringed, then hastily obeyed her. The women watched in silence, enjoying the spectacle as the girls nervously removed their clothes and stood naked, Anne fighting the urge to cover the little down of hair that graced her pubis. "We have it on good authority that you are having an unhealthy sexual relationship," Mrs Weldon told them; watching them both pale and lick their lips nervously. "You are now going to be severely punished for your appalling wantonness!" she spat, the girls both cringing, and little Rachel's gentle weeping now becoming a full crying bout. Pleased with the reactions of the two condemned girls, Emma breathed in and let her eyes wander more freely over their young bodies. It had been a long while since she'd had the opportunity to release her pent up sexual tendencies. The girls looked perfect to rekindle her pent up sexual passions; Anne was ripening very nicely, and little Rachel although immature was very willing to please. "Anne, you will be first," she told her. The child swallowed and looked towards the waiting chairs, no doubt wondering what position she would have to attain, and how badly the women intended to punish her. Emma moved over to stand next to the chairs and checked that they were anchored securely. "Come here you disgusting child and stand astride this chair seat, and bend forward, with your belly on the chair back, and your arms flat up against the wall," Emma ordered harshly. Although punished occasionally, Anne had never had to take up this position and therefore couldn't know how the seat of the chair would force her thighs so far apart, nor how, in order to put her arms flat against the wall, she would need to dip her lower back, pushing her bottom out and so indecently apart. Biting her lip, Anne whimpered, her face burning as the position she was now in pulled at her vulva, widely exposing it. Her bottom too had parted and the cool air of the room flowed intimately over her sensitive anus. With a gasp she clenched herself, and burnt as the women laughed at her embarrassment. The women went across to the punishment tools that were displayed on the wall and took their time to select suitable instruments. They discussed the merits of each one while the girls looked on, tears running lovingly down their pretty faces, and swung them through the air to hear the whistle they made. They both chose canes, each quite thin and flexible. They both stood to either side of Anne's lovely bottom and tapped the smooth curves with the cane's tips, grinning as her shaking grew. Then they both raised the canes and, as one, delivered a sharp sweep to the girl, one aiming high, the other low. Anne squealed, the dual blow sweeping like fire through her bottom, filling her with the burning pain before dampening to leave just the awful itching burning aftermath. "KEEP STILL!" they chorused as Anne girl tried to put her hands on her bottom. She whimpered instead, unaware of how exciting her young bottom looked, the little cheeks criss-crossed by brightening lines of tender flesh. Breathing deeply, both women glowing with their excitement, they tapped Anne's little white bottom once more, each aiming a little lower than their last strike, the preliminary tapping making Anne quiver and mournfully weep. Then, with a nod, the ladies drew their canes back, and swept them down for another dual strike on the Anne's burning bottom. Anne's head flew back as she screamed her agony to the ceiling. It also arched her back and made her bottom even more delectable. Two new lines swelled across her rear, both tender and sore skin begging to be caressed and tendered. Below it, her cunt squeezed up against one leg, then the other as she tossed from side to side in an effort to rid herself of the insidious burning sensation. "One more, don't you think?" Emma asked Lily. "One more would complete the picture," Lily agreed, looking at the four stripes and the space between them. Anne sobbed and begged them not to. They ignored her, ordering her to straighten her thighs and make sure that the whole of her lower arms were against the wall. Not until the sobbing girl's bottom was well presented to them again, did they begin tapping her bottom preparing themselves as much as the child for the next harsh strokes. Having done it twice before, the women raised their canes in near perfect unison, hesitating at their peek for one final look at the wailing girl, waiting in agony for her final strike. Then the cane's descended, each whistling through the air to land sharply upon Anne's bottom, one low, where the swelling flesh was soft and tender, the other across the very apex of her bottom, where the cane could cut deeply. A strident cry filled the room, and now the women let the squealing girl grasp at her bottom, taking pleasure from watching as the girl kneaded the cheeks, often pulling flesh from flesh to unknowingly delight the women with glimpses of her clenched anal flesh and her bright pink vaginal mouth. As the immediate flare of pain subsided to the inescapable burning in her bottom, Anne made to step away from the chair and was stopped. "No," Emma told her, the rod tapping her sore bottom again. "Stay in position and remain silent. We haven't finished with you yet my girl!" "Rachel," Mrs Weldon called. Across the room little Rachel, stood crying with her fists clenched nervously together, pressing them to her mouth as she watched Anne's caning. "Yes, Ma'am?" she whimpered, hardly able to talk through her fear. "A little to young for the cane, eh?" Emma asked Lily, rolling up the sleeve of her gown. "Oh, I quite agree," Lily nodded; doing the same and smiling at the nine year old as she began imagining how nice and tight that little bottom would feel against her hand. "Same position child, and be quick about it!" Emma called. Rachel walked to the chair and nervously straddled it, her smaller, leaner young body having trouble spreading her thighs enough to stand astride the seat. Nor was she tall enough to lean up against the wall in front of her as Anne was doing, but had to lean fully forward and put her arms over her head before she could reach the wall. The women placed their hands on the young girl's shoulder blades and caressed her pert little bottom with the other. The little cheeks had fully parted, exposing the little farthing-like ring of her anus. Below it, smoothly curved, lay the hollow of her sex, the delicate opening to her vagina. Leaning to their side, the women plucked and pulled on young tender flesh, smiling as they girl gasped through her tears on feeling her cunt drawn open. "Obviously well used to being handling," Lily suggested. "Then we shouldn't be worried if our fingers accidentally smack such a naughty little cunt!" Mrs Weldon answered, her eyes gleaming with forthcoming pleasure. Hands rose and swept down, one immediately following the other, one upon one cheek, one upon the other. The girl squealed but could do little else, held captive over the chair as their hands continued their constant spanking of her pretty little bottom. Very soon Rachel's little bottom was glowing a lovely deep pink, but still the women continued, their faces showing their attention as they worked to ensure the complete curve of the bottom was brought to a burning red. Rachel's squeals and cries had died too breathless weeping, her tired body succumbing to the women's positioning. The remorseless spanking continued, one hand, then the next, and each one bringing a start as fresh sparks shot into her spine. Otherwise, her whole bottom burnt, hot coals inescapably put into her rear by their spanking. Grinning, Lily turned her hand and brought another sharp slap down, her fingers now slapping the child's vaginal mouth and bringing a fresh, sharper start to her bent form. Emma grinned and did the same to then lick her lips as the weeping girl jumped and gasped. "What a dirty little tart!" Lily breathed, slapping at her little cunt with her fingers and watching the child jerk, then breathlessly gasp and shake. "Filthy little tart!" Emma agreed, her own fingers coming down to slap against that same little opening, brightening the soft flesh and bringing a gleam to it. Lily's turn, then Emma's again. Both women became increasingly familiar with the young girl and the slapping of her lower bottom so their fingers could graze her little cunt and bring it to stinging alertness. Soon their familiarity grew and their hands were landing fully on the little girls cunt, flattening her rounded vulva with the force of their slaps, wetting their palms as the squealing girl lost control of herself and peed down her legs, crying fitfully for her dead 'mummy'. Breathless with excitement more than exertion, the two women stopped and looked at their handiwork, licking their lips as they admired the blazing vulva sitting roundly beneath the glowing sphere's of her little bottom. Their attention turned back to Anne and the older girl cringed in fear, whimpering with the terrible thought that her cunt would now receive the same treatment. "Come here girl, and bring that cane with you!" she was told. Anne hurried to obey, falling to her knees in front of Mrs Weldon and begging sobbingly not to be beaten any more. "Shut up, or I will!" she was told. Anne whimpered and clung to the woman's skirts, shaking as she offered up the cane. "It's not for me girl. You are to use it," Anne was told as she was pulled to her feet. Mrs Weldon pointed to Rachel, still weeping and shuddering from her treatment and grinned as Anne went pale. "You are to give her six cuts. They had better be good ones girl, or we will begin again on your own bottom, and continue to do so until you get it right! Do you understand me girl?" she was asked. Anne swallowed and stared at her little friend's already burnished bottom, her rounded cunt now puffy and red, the tender flesh burning as brightly as her bottom. She nodded and was dragged into position behind her friend. "Make sure they're hard ones my girl, or else!" Emma threatened from one side. Anne sobbed silently for her little friend as she raised the cane and measured it against her bottom. There would be no fondling under the covers after this she thought. Rachel turned her head to look at her, her face stained with tears, and looked away as Anne raised the cane. "I'd not take too long if I were you, either," she was warned by Lilly. Biting her lip, Anne swept the cane downward, wincing as it struck a harsh blow over her friend's bottom already made tender by repeated spanking. She cringed still more as Rachel screamed and danced in agony, the skin rapidly rising along the line of it's landing. "Again," both women called, almost as one. While Rachel cried and madly begged forgiveness, Anne blinked the tears from her eyes and measured her friend's bottom for the next blow. The women watched in breathless excitement as Anne raised the cane, then brought it down in a sharp slicing motion that wickedly cut into Rachel's pert little bottom. It was delightful to watch, every single moment bringing new pleasures to them. Rachel was still crying, her begging lost in her uncontrollable wails while the cane rose again. Anne looked lovely, her body sculptured by titan as she held herself poised for a moment, her arm raised. The cane whistled. Anne's young body swung with the grace of a tennis player, and Rachel screeched afresh as it landed and brought a fresh welt to her marred bottom. Fresh urine spurted from her as she once more she lost control of herself. It gleamed on her slender young thighs while her little bottom rotated in an effort to dispel some of the pain. Knowing there would be no relief, Anne swung the fifth down, sobbing as she felt forced to doing it as hard as she could and shaking as Rachel shrieked and danced. Spots of blood now appeared on her little behind. "One more," she was reminded. Rachel was blubbering, half senseless and Anne was weeping at the terrible scoring she'd caused. Yet one more strike remained, and it had to be as fierce and unforgiving as the others. She swung blindly through her tears and felt the shock of it landing, then Rachel's terrible shriek as the pain engulfed her for yet a sixth time. "Yes that should do nicely," Emma murmured, her eyes fully on the little bottom in front of her, little pert cheeks reddened by a hard spanking, then scored by the firm application of the cane for six nicely spaced cuts. "I think I'll just sit on this one's little wet face for a little while," Lily murmured breathlessly, taking Rachel by her hair to pull her back from the chair. With Rachel still crying, Lily laid her on the ground, then quickly lifted her skirts about her knees to help her squat, firmly placing her crotch on the little girl's wet face where she could feel the child crying into her overheated cunt. "Oh yes!" she sighed, trembling as her first orgasm burst through her, holding herself as she waited for the next, and the next to claim her. Emma smiled without humour at Anne and moved on her. Weeping, Anne shook her head and moved cautiously backwards, begging to be let off. "Now, now," Emma threatened. "You don't want another caning, do you?" she asked the child. Anne wept, knowing there was no escape, and let herself be caught and pulled towards the nearby table. Visions of having her face sat upon like Rachel went through her mind, right up to the point when, having been pushed back onto the table, her legs were lifted and pulled urgently apart. Without warning, the woman's head was between her thighs, her thick and course tongue delving between her lips, turning aside her soft curls to draw her labia apart and slide along her slit. The sensations took her breath and, even more, transferred the urgent heat in her bottom from pain to pleasure. With a loud whimper, Anne found herself pushing he crotch upward into the woman's face, hating and loving her at the same time. With a sob caused by the intense pleasure spiralling up her belly, Anne ignored the possible repercussions and reached down to twist her fingers into the woman's hair, forcing her nose, mouth and chin into her young sex. A breathless cry escaped her as the huge tongue slid knowingly over her anus, then slid on to enter her cunt, dragging her thick wetness from her. Her feet found the table edge and levered her crotch upwards. Her hands pulled at the face with manic strength, willing it to take all the pain away by working harder on her cunt. Her pelvis jerked upwards of its own volition, up and down as if mounted by one of the boys and the tongue drove forward to slide across her clitoris. Anne's body strained with the powerful release of pleasure soaring through her skeleton. Head flung back, she keened with the monumental release, soaring high, the hands gripping her bottom only serving to extend her delight, on and on until, too exhausted to think, she collapsed on the table and fought for breath. |
Jasmine showed the Colonel into the guest room, and let him look at the equipment in the draw and the items her father had placed in a box under the bed. She recognised many of the items, having learnt intimately how they were used and the sensations they caused. Some rekindled the sensations they had caused inside her at the time and, despite herself, she found her cunt moistening at the thought of them being used. "Your father is a very special man," the Colonel told her, as he held up a clip she had often felt close over her nipples, and on a couple of occasions had been used on her labia and clitoris hood. Her clitoris now throbbed at the memory. Despite having had her cunt scoured tender, Jasmine still found herself excited by the prospect of participating with the old man and licked her lips as she knelt beside him to show some of her favourite devices. "Oh, you darling," he chuckled as she showed him the set of moulded penises, the first smooth, the second with ridges along its length, the third with soft rubber protrusions that looked like needles but were soft and forgiving, and the last, looking just like the previous one but with each needle made from steel. "How perfectly delightful!" he gasped, turning the wheel at the base that altered how far each of the pins extended. He would be able to slide it smoothly in, then wind it in, forcing the needles into the flesh, or drive it in with the needles extended, scoring and ripping the flesh as he went. "What else have we here?" he asked breathlessly. There were restraints of leather, some soft and comfortable, others hard, or studded with metal spikes to force total compliance. Ropes too, some smooth some abrasive and toys that could be used to bring on pleasure as much as pain. Only the Floggers, crops, canes, belts and whips were made for one purpose only, and the Colonel caressed each one, wondering to what use they had put to. What little bottoms had felt the hard sweep of the paddle, he wondered. What position had the child been in, who had last received the crop across their pert little bottom. "Get me a little girl, a pretty one that is just developing," the Colonel told Jasmine, patting her hand urgently. Jasmine didn't dawdle, but walked briskly through the corridors to where the orphans were gathered, working at their small desks under the close scrutiny of their strict teacher Miss Evans. Excusing her interruption Jasmine looked at them all, comparing one young girl with another and pushing four towards the far wall where she could compare them more easily. They all looked pretty, but she dismissed one for having her hair shorn and another for having the largest bust of the three. That left two who both looked back at her timidly, neither knowing whether their choosing was for the better or the worse. Unable to decide, Jasmine briskly told them both to lift their skirts and waited, hands on her hips, while both girls timidly obeyed, their eyes going past her to glance at the other boys and girls who were now watching, the older boys with large grins on their faces as the girls were forced to bare their little cunts. Jasmine compared their pubic growth, and then had them turn so she could compare their bottoms. Finally, she knelt down and inserted a moistened finger into their little cunts and anuses, judging which was the tightest fit and which girl was the most timid. The decision made, she thanked Miss Evans and marched the nervous girl out of the classroom and down the corridors before pushing her into the guest room for the Colonel to admire. "Oh yes," he breathed. He still knelt beside the open box, moving items to explore ever deeper but had stopped when the girl had appeared, her expression rushing between nervousness, curiosity and timid excitement. "This is Betty who we believe is thirteen. Say hello to the Colonel," Jasmine said as she began to undo the buttons of the girl's shift. She could have just as easily pulled it off of her head, but slowly undoing the buttons always seemed to excite the men she found. Betty, a pretty blond girl, smiled timidly, her cheeks blooming as her bodice became loose. "Sir," she murmured, her breath quickening as she saw some of the items in the box. "The Colonel has just returned from India," Jasmine told her, drawing the girl's bodice away. Her little breasts sprouted from her chest, the skin as smooth as alabaster and as pale as milk. Her nipples, still childishly small, were at their peek, just waiting to stiffen. "My daddy died in India," Betty murmured, her eyes moistening as she remembered her mother getting the letter. She had only been four or five at the time, but remembered how things had got worse from then on. "Many a good man did," the Colonel acknowledged, as he sat on the bed and waiting for Jasmine to finish undoing the ties at the back of the girl's skirts. He knew how fiddly such things could be and took the opportunity to admire how sweetly her little breasts had begun to form. "Your father would have been proud of you, young lass," he told her, smiling as she blushed prettily, the flush of her skin creeping all the way down her upper chest, right to the rise of her smooth young breasts. Jasmine finally undid the knot of the tie and, loosened, the frock slid down the child's legs, pulling about her feet while she coyly squirmed, biting her lip as the Colonel looked upon her. "Oh my, what a treasure," the old man sobbed. His eyes devouring the pretty little cunt before him, young pubic hairs darkening upon her font, still straight and slender in youth, all pointing towards her smooth edged slit in which the curved sheaf of her clitoris was just in view. "Here, lay her down so I can see her better," he panted, quickly making room on the bed. Jasmine smiled encouragingly to the young girl and helped her step from her clothes and to the broad bed. There, she quickly moved the pillow into the centre of it, then bade the girl lie on her back across it. Betty obeyed, knowing from her years at the poorhouse and now at the sanatorium what disobedience would mean. She lay back with her loins raised high by the pillow beneath her and, when fingers touched her knees, she blushingly parted them. "Such a willing child!" marvelled the Colonel, watching the girl obediently spread her legs, spreading them until she had to reach down and hold her knees apart. "That's the training Sir," Jasmine smiled, then quickly blushed as she recalled how quickly she would turn up her skirts and bend when her father instructed. The feel of his fingers pulling her flesh apart around her anus made her flood with heat and she swallowed and ran her nails along the girl's inner thighs, quickening the child's pulse and bringing a glow to her puffy little slit. "She excites quickly," he observed, his excitement evident from the bulge in his breeches. "Most girls do," Jasmine admitted. "Convention prevents us from showing our true nature, father says," she told him, blushing as she openly admitted her own excitement. "Is she ready yet?" he asked, having eagerly watched Jasmine stroke the child's inner thighs, right up to their junction where her nubile young sex glowed with want. Jasmine reached for her vulva and drew the leaves apart. Betty gasped with the jolt of pleasure it sent swirling up her young body and she thrust her loins up, her eyes wide with the shock of delight while the two adults gazed adoringly into her exposed little cunt, admiring the gleaming wetness and brightly toned pink flesh within. "She's well and truly ready," Jasmine observed, licking her lips as she thought of the pleasure she would have, observing the old man take this young girl. "Good, but before that, I want you to warm that delicious little bottom of hers," he grinned. "As you wish Sir," Jasmine nodded, a new glow appearing to her skin as she considered this request. There was a stout chair in the corner, no doubt for holding children in various positions for treatment, but it suited the Colonel to draw it nearer the bed and sit on it to watch the proceedings. "Do I have to tie you down, or will you be a good girl and take the spanking bravely?" Jasmine asked Betty as she rose and rolled up the sleeve of her uniform. Betty swallowed and gazed meekly. "I'll be good," she promised, her voice quivering with the rising fear inside her. "Over you go then," Jasmine told her. "And be sure to present your bottom as you have been taught," she urged. "I think you'll find it more agreeable if you shed your restrictive clothing my dear," the Colonel told Jasmine, his eyes sparkling with excitement as young Betty turned onto her front and squirmed until her bottom was obscenely presented for the spanking. Jasmine's face burnt and her eyes fluttered with her heartbeat as she faced the old man and slowly undressed for him, one heavily starched garment after another. His eyes seemed to devour her, moving almost constantly as if in fear of missing some small part of her growing nakedness. She turned to let him see her pert bottom, knowing that its swell would be just as arousing to him as her breasts. The Colonel groaned as if to prove the point, then waited for her to turn and face him, adjusting his cock to allow room for it to stand erect inside of his breeches. Unused to such blatant male display, Jasmine blushed and licked her lips. Did he mean to have her also, she wondered, the thought making her spill with excitement. Overly tender, her sore cunt would react sharply to the steady thrusts of a male and her agony would bring on the most intense pleasure. She removed her clothes and stood naked, her thighs slowly creeping apart so he might have a better view of how tender her cunt remained from her father's punishment. "My word!" he gasped, his eyes widening as the fading but tender marks of the flower stems appeared, along the full length of her vulva. "Who?" he breathed, almost speechless. "My Father," she told him softly, thrusting her loins forward so he could better admire how the stems had scored her rounded flesh and passed within them too. "My punishment for masturbating wantonly," she explained, her heart fluttering in the hope he'd touch her. Just one touch would ignite her pleasure, just one little touch. "Definitely a man after my own heart!" he chuckled. "Don't let the child grow cold, spank that lovely bottom of hers!" he ordered. Naked, Jasmine turned back to the girl on the bed, smiling at her as she saw she'd been watching. Betty looked on Jasmine's nakedness and the older girl felt another thrill course through her. "Ready?" she asked. Betty nodded shyly; her eyes brimming with unshed tears. Jasmine smiled and took up a position beside the bed, her thighs well parted so nothing would be hidden from the Colonel, then bent forward to place her left hand on the small of the child's back, pushing it down to pronounce the lovely curves of her bottom. Ready, and feeling the Colonel's eyes slide down to her exposed cunt; Jasmine lifted her arm high and swept it down hard to land firmly and loudly on the child's left bottom cheek. "Count them, there's a good girl," the Colonel urged. "One," Betty murmured, her eyes sliding up Jasmine's parted thighs to gaze at her pubis and the small thatch of curls on it. Jasmine smiled and raised her hand for the second, bringing it down hard across the child's right bottom cheek, grinning at the way Betty jerked and gasped, then softly murmured the count. The child's bottom was tight and resilient, quickly stinging her palm and yet just as quickly turning a rosy red. Jasmine began to squeeze and stroke the cheeks between hand strikes, softly complementing the girl on having such a sweet little bottom, urging her to lift it much higher and let the Colonel see how lovely she was. As Betty panted and mewed, squirming with the sensations surging into her little bottom, Jasmine reached along her thighs and urged her to part them wider so that the Colonel could admire her little cunt and puckered anus. Her spanking continued, Jasmine's breath quickening with the effort as much as from the view she received each time her hand squeezed the child's bottom, pulling flesh from flesh so the little entrance to her cunt was exposed. "That's good," the Colonel remarked after nearly five minutes of the spanking had elapsed. "Let her sit up now," he urged. Weeping softly, Betty dragged herself up until she half sat on her thighs, her hands rubbing franticly at her sore bottom while tears slowly made little rivers down her cheeks. She looked delightful, gazing worriedly from Jasmine to the Colonel, her eyes dropping to their privates where the sight of the old man's bulging breeches brought a glow to her cheeks. "Now, what have we got to brighten those lovely little nipples?" the Colonel asked, his eyes fastened to the nubile beginnings of Betty's young breasts. Jasmine was quick to offer two solutions; the braided cloth flogger that would bring colour to the little developing cones, tenderising the skin and making the nipples swell, or a bunch of dried flower stems, the same type her father had used on her pudenda. The sharp but forgiving stems would score the skin and leave fine lines, dozens of them across both rising breasts. The raised nipples would take the most and caused a centre of fiery sensation the girl would not be able to escape. "Oh yes. Let me help you," the Colonel urged. He stood and shed his clothes, grinning as he revealed a wiry body of completely pale flesh with a slender but long cock that stood erect from between a field of greying pubic hair. He went across to Betty, still rubbing her bottom, and sitting behind her, caught her by her upper arms and pulled them back, presenting Jasmine with the perfect target for the bunch of flower stems. "Be brave!" He told the young girl, inhaling her youthful scent and bringing her bottom up against his cock. She whimpered, squeezing her bottom one moment, feeling his cock and panting hotly the next. All the while, her eyes stared at the naked young woman standing over her, a bunch of dead flower stems in her hand. Jasmine swept the stems across Betty's outthrust breasts and watched the sore and red lines appear while Betty squealed and squirmed, her eyes widening in shock at the pain that soared into her. "Now, now," urged the Colonel, his grip tightening on the girl. "Go on, grip my cock lass!" he urged. Betty did so, whimpering and shaking as she watched Jasmine draw her arm back. Then the plant stems had once more scraped across the swell of her two breasts, scoring the tender flesh, scrapping her tender nipples. She wept as the darts of flame punched into her nipples, her breasts feeling bloated and sore, and her sore bottom continuing to send a deep itching flame into her. "Go on, Go on!" the Colonel urged, pulling the girl against him so he could look over her shoulder and admire the fine score marks across both her little breasts. Jasmine needed little urging. She swept the stems down across Betty's breasts once more, grinning as her aim scored the underside and made Betty catch her breath and arch before a high-pitched scream escaped her. The Colonel grinned and held her against him. With her arms held, her lower body contorted to left and right, often up against his cock where the feel of her struggles served to heighten his pleasure. He nodded for Jasmine to continue so she didn't wait for the wailing girl to quieten, but struck again, aiming across the middle of the smoothly rising breasts, scoring deeply and bringing fresh wails and frantic attempts to escape. "Now two or three quick ones across her belly!" he urged. He put his hands around her body, one above her little breasts, the other low, holding her pelvis to close him and presenting the weeping girl's flattened belly to her. Jasmine licked her lips and bent her arm back. Dizzy with excitement, she swept the stems down and scored the lovely surface of Betty's belly. The Colonel looked euphoric as he fought to hold the squealing and struggling young girl and given the opportunity, Jasmine wielded the stems yet again; adding to the score marks that appeared on her otherwise smooth flesh. Betty hardly fought the last one, exhausted as she was. Her whole body hurt and she was only semi conscious as she was laid down on her back across the pillow and her thighs pulled wide apart again. With her eyesight made fuzzy by her weeping, she saw the figure of the Colonel rise above her, a look of delight on his face as he looked down at her struggling body. "No more," she whimpered, "please." The Colonel stared down at the child's lovely young body, her budding breasts made beautiful by the hundreds of lacerations that scored the tender flesh. He'd never seen nipples stiffen and darken so quickly and groaned with pleasure at seeing them. His left hand took both the girl's wrists and held them over her head against the bed, flattening the little cones and making her look much younger still. He fondled the child's torso with his right hand, tracing the many feint lacerations and groaning as Jasmine took his aching cock and steered it towards the girl's now open cunt. "Now!" He heard her urge and he looked down at the wet face of the young girl and thrust. Hot little cunt surrounded him, squeezing and burning, threatening to strangle his cock while her face mirrored a new type of pain. He never wanted to forget the look on her face and thrust again in an effort to extend it. He thrust himself deep into her cunt, and then rocked back and forth, groaning in delight over the contorted face of the agonised child. Jasmine gripped Betty's ankle and slid astride it, biting her lip as the girl's toes pressed into her sore vulva. She whimpered and, seeing the Colonel thrust harshly into the child for the second time, pushed herself downwards, welcoming the pain it brought sweeping up her body. "Yes, yes, yes, YES!" The Colonel cried, too excited to last long in the vice like sheaf of the young girl's cunt. Jasmine closed her eyes and bit her lip, shuddering on the explosion of her own pleasure and gasping afterwards as the growing pain forced her off the girl's toes. ****** The orphans looked nervously at each other as Doctor Croft entered Miss Evan's classroom with a thin and pale woman, who held a little bag tightly in front of her. Her pale blue eyes looked keenly at all of them. "Dear me," she whimpered. "So many to chose from!" she complained. "Is there any trait you're particularly interested in Miss Haigh?" asked the doctor with a comforting smile. "Well," she said, and licked her lips as she glanced around the classroom again. "Would you have any children that are related?" she asked. "A brother and sister perhaps?" she asked breathlessly. Samuel smiled and looked for the two children who he knew would be sitting together. "Eve? Edward? Stand up please" he called. The boy and girl stood up and face him, their faces unusually pale as they waited to discover what the doctor had in store for them. "Eve is nine, her brother is thirteen," he murmured, smiling at the look of adoration the woman was giving to these attractive orphans. "Oh, they'll do perfectly!" she beamed. Samuel pointed to the pair and led them off to the surgery. Lily had escorted the Reverend back to their private rooms and had arranged for Joseph to be taken to his bed and left there to recover, so the surgery was empty when they arrived. An antiseptic smell was all that remained of earlier activities as the doctor placed brother and sister against the far wall and had them stand together while he prepared the camera. Miss Haigh watched with great interest, moving constantly, filled with nervous tension as she waited in eager anticipation. The camera prepared, it flashed and it recorded brother and sister standing beside each other, the girl no taller than her brother's shoulder, their drab clothes leaving their arms and legs bare. Samuel removed the plate and replaced it with a new one, then turned to smile at the timid looking pair. "Remove your clothes," he ordered. Edward may have remembered a time when such requests were considered dirty and never to be obeyed, but Eve didn't. She proceeded to take off what few clothes she wore, her calm acceptance silently urging her elder brother to do the same. Soon they were both naked and being urged to stand straight and look ahead of them. The flash went off again, recording their likeness for posterity. "Side-on now please," Samuel called. The children turned in the same direction, Eve in front of Edward. "Edward, make your cock stiff," Samuel called. He blushed and looked from his naked sister's bottom to Miss Haigh who was watching everything avidly. His cock shrunk still further, and lay flaccid over his ball sack, making him tremble, as he feared a whipping for not obeying. "Eve, help your brother please," Samuel, asked. The girl blushed and turned to look at her brother, licking her lips as her attention dropped to the focus of everyone's attention. ""I don't know," she told him, blushing hotly. "Come now child," Miss Haigh said, interrupting Doctor Croft and rushing forward. She knelt between the pair of them and gently took the girl by her wrists, pulling her towards her elder brother and guiding her little hands around his shrunken little cock. "Pull gently with one hand, and stroke him with the other," she instructed. Eve nervously swallowed and darted a glance up at her open-mouthed brother, her fingers coming into contact with his privates. "That's a good girl!" Miss Haigh urged, her voice full of awe as the little girl did as she was told eager to avoid being punished herself and began to masturbate her brother's cock. With the accompaniment of a shocked gasp, the boy's cock began to lengthen and harden, drawn on by his younger sister's timid stroking, and all the while Miss Haigh was there to encourage and suggest. Only when the boy was fiercely erect did she step back and smile, allowing the sister to continue stroking the slender long stem, the flash of the camera ensuring the moment would be captured forever. "Now Edward, come and lie on the table," Samuel called, patting the adjustable surface and pulling the camera back to a new position. Edward got on the table and laid back, his erect cock now lying flat along his belly. Samuel lifted it and drew the foreskin right back, smiling as it made the boy gasp and jerk. "Tender, eh?" he asked, his nail sliding over the exposed tip. "Yes Sir," Edward nodded. "Perhaps it needs cleaning?" the doctor suggested. A squeeze behind the glands brought a drop of fluid to the tip and Edward swallowed a little nervously as his sister peered over his side to continued looking at what was being done to his cock. Miss Haigh watched too, and she became breathless with excitement, as the doctor picked up a long and slender tool and held it up for her to examine. A little thicker than fine wire, it was made of rubber and was quite flexible, but its surface had been roughened to become abrasive. "Lie perfectly still now Edward," Samuel cautioned him. Placing the pointed tip at the eye of his cock he slid it inwards and the boy gasped and tensed, his eyes wildly looking upwards at the doctor as the urethra cleaner travelled inwards, along the whole length of his hardened cock, leaving a small piece sticking out. "There!" Samuel exclaimed. Across from him, Eve peered over his loins to stare with big round eyes at his now rampant cock, with the stem of the cleaner sticking out from it. "Would you like to draw it out Eve?" he asked pleasantly. Eve licked her lips and looked between the smiling doctor and her brother's awfully rude cock. However, it gave her a pleasant tingle down below to look at it and think of him doing it with girls. It made her tingle even more to think she could hold it and actually draw the slender doctor's tool from it. She nodded and reached for her brother, her breath quickening as she felt the heat of it burn into her palm. With her other hand she took a hold of the tip of the medical tool and gently pulled. Edward let out a howl and gripped the edge of the table to either side of him as the roughened rubber began to act like barbs, gripping into his urethra and scraping along the tender inner walls. Miss Haigh stepped closer and took Edward's hands, cupping them in her own and pulling them to her chest while she gazed down at him lovingly. "Be brave!" she begged him, her breath shortening as she led his hands over her breasts and let him feel them through her clothes. Edward sobbed, excitement and dread flowing through him and battling in his gut. He softly squeezed the largest bust he'd ever squeezed and dreamt of his dead mother. Then the terrible burning engulfed him again as the rod was pulled outward by his little sister and his grip tightened as his body contorted in agony. "Yes, yes, bear with it!" Miss Haigh gasped, her legs weakening as the young boy in his agony mauled her breasts. "All the way out," Doctor Croft told Eve, stroking her hair lovingly. Glowing with the doctor's approval, Eve ignored Edward's contortions and pulled the rubber stem fully out, its departure letting Edward fall back onto the table, exhaustion overcoming him. "Well, that was excellent!" Samuel smiled. "Now, shall we have a look at you, while your brother recovers?" he asked the young girl. Eve blushed and looked at her brother, his cock still sticking up rampantly. "Will it hurt?" she asked. "Oh, not necessarily," he chuckled. He wheeled a second examination table over and helped little Eve to climb onto it before lifting the end at an angle and then attaching what looked like stirrups at the other. Miss Haigh pulled herself away from caressing and teasing Edward's cock into jerking and weeping pre-come, to come over and watch as Doctor Croft arranged little Eve on her back, her sweet little bottom now raised up by the platform at its end. He then took her thighs and raised them over her head, sliding the stirrups over each ankle to secure them above her. It left her bottom and cunt raised and exposed, its bright pink inner flesh peeking from half parted labia. "She's so exposed!" Miss Haigh breathed. Samuel rolled a stool to the foot of the table and invited Miss Haigh to sit on it, presenting her with the Eve's fully exposed cunt, anus and bottom now perfectly positioned for a detailed examination. "Glorious!" she breathed, her eyes drinking in the beauty of her the child's labia, widely parted bottom, fragrant young cunt and winking little anus. Doctor Croft retrieved two small leather belts, each about eight inches long and half an inch thick from which slender cords hung along its length, each about six inches long but adjustable, each with small clips at the end. He then attached them to each of her thighs and smiled down at her face as she watched with curiosity. Miss Haigh was watching also, waiting excitedly to see what was to occur. Her face shone above the glow of Eve's fat little vulva, her eyes sliding over it, from the stem of her clitoris down to the deep crevice of her little bottom where her anus timidly twitched. Samuel took the first clip and adjusted the strap that held it to the leather garter tightly fastened to Eve's upper thigh. Once adjusted, he took a gentle grip on the fatty lip of her sex and pushed the clip over it, releasing it onto the tender love lip. Eve gasped, her eyes widening as she felt the grip of the clip on her labia. And as she shook, absorbing the swelling pain, Samuel took the other fleshy wing and attached a clip from her other leg to it. Eve cried out and shook. A move of her slender young thighs and the clips pulled on her baby-like labia, drawing them outward and away from each other. Miss Haigh groaned, her eyes held by the exposed little mouth to the girl's little cunt. Her virginity had already been taken, yet the little passage was still that; little, the smoothly fleshed mouth gleaming pink. Samuel took hold of each quivering knee and slowly drew them further and further apart. The clips tightening on the soft flesh of Eve's young labia and stretched them apart. Eve whimpered and arched, trying to reduce the stretch but failing to do so. Miss Haigh leaned in to stare avidly at the painful distortion of such young flesh and the growing expanse of deep pink interior now spread for her pleasure. The doctor adjusted the leg harness to hold Eve's legs apart, then walked round to enjoy the view with Miss Haigh for a while. Then he produced a rubber tube, small and thin and dipped one end in grease before putting it to Eve's opened slit. Under Miss Haigh's close scrutiny, the doctor carefully probed Eve's sex flesh, the child's whimpering and squirming making it hard for him to find her little urethra. Once found though, the tube was slowly pushed home, Eve panting with a short quick breath as she felt it pushed into her. Pushed into her bladder, her rich urine slid past her defences and ran from the far end of the tube, slowly filling the jar the doctor had prepared. Amazed, Miss Haigh took a hold of the tube and gently drew it back and forth, watching Eve's bright flesh being drawn in and out with the tube as it clutched at it, the flow of urine slowing as the tube was drawn from her bladder, then growing again as it returned. Miss Haigh played until the flow of rich urine ceased, then let the doctor draw the tube out. He was left with half a jar of strongly scented water which he lifted, first to smell it, then to sip a small amount of it, swirling it around in his mouth before swallowing. "Would you like a try?" Samuel asked his guest politely. Miss Haigh looked at the rich liquid and then licked her lips as she considered the question. Violent emotions made her shake, but at last she quickly nodded and took the small jar. There was a moment of hesitation, a last chance for the left of her brain to battle with the right. She tipped the jar back, sipping the liquid and jerked by the flash of the camera. Then the strong flavour was filling her mouth, producing saliva and causing her swallow repeatedly. The taste remained with her, faintly metallic, faintly oily and very acidic. The doctor watched her cautiously. "What now Sir?" she asked. Samuel smiled with relief and lifted one of several glass columns with a rubber plunger at one end. Eve, watching, couldn't say what it was for, but the sight of it alone made her whimper, gasping when her jerking pulled the clips on her stretched labia. There were several on the tray to chose from, and Samuel selected one and tried placing it over the little girl's clitoris hood, only to find it too small. So he returned it to the tray and picked up the next, smiling as it neatly covered the little fleshy protuberance. Holding the end firmly to her flesh, he drew back the plunger and smiled as the young girl caught her breath and Miss Haigh gasped. The vacuum that he'd created by pulling the plunger up, had sucked Eve's tender clitoris further into it, swelling the tender morsel as well as filling it with blood, tenderising it still further. The vacuum held it in place and allowed Samuel to take up a smaller one. The child's pinched back labia gave him a perfect view of her slit, now spread before him, so it was an easy matter to find her tiny uterus again and, covering it with the syringe, pull the plunger to draw her flesh into the cylinder. Wide eyed, Eve panted and shook. She wanted to stretch, yet knew she couldn't. She wanted to push her crotch up, but couldn't. She wanted to madly rub the flesh pinched by the clips, and couldn't. And now new feelings were starting to swell from the flesh imprisoned by the glass cylinders, drawn out by the vacuum. "Please," she whined, unsure of what she was pleading for. Samuel smiled and, taking two of the larger cylinders, fastened one over her soft little pink nipple, offering Miss Haigh the other. Grinning excitedly, Miss Haigh took the device and pressed its open end to the other little nipple bud, and then slowly pulled on the plunger, sucking the tender morsel of flesh into the glass while the girl stared at it and panted. "Do you like that, do you?" she asked the child, her excitement swelling as she looked between Eve's thighs and saw how disfigured her little innocent cunt had become. Eve nodded, and begged to be caressed by the woman, blinking as the bright flash of the camera went off again. "This is marvellous!" Miss Haigh told him, half standing in order to feast her eyes on the young girl, her thighs bent up and her body on show, her cunt disfigured and widely spread by the clips and the vacuum flasks. "Well, there's one area we've not touched yet," Samuel reminded her. Miss Haigh caught her breath and sat down again, her hands framing the anal groove of the young girl while she stared excitedly at the little pink anus the doctor was referring to. "What are you going to do?" she asked. Samuel wheeled the other table over, as her brother had recovered enough now to look across at his sister's exposed body and lick his lips. Miss Haigh watched as the young boy's cock began to erect again. "You dirty boy!" she told him. She fanned at her face with her hand and watched his cock reach its full extension. "We should do something about that doctor," she told him. "Let's attend to Eve's little bottom first," he suggested, bringing a tray over to her. "Oh, my!" Miss Haigh gasped, staring at all the dressmaking pins that were neatly laid out on the tray beside a small burner. Samuel smiled and lit the small burner with a match. "You may use the pins either hot or cold," he explained. "The reaction to the child is similar, but the affects are a little different," he told her. "The cold will stab the flesh and the wound may bleed slightly. The more deeply inserted, the more it is likely to bleed. Using the hot pin will seal the wound even as you make it. "Well-heated pins will pass into flesh much more easily too," he explained, offering her a soft leather glove. Miss Haigh took the glove as if in a trance and slowly drew her hand into it while watching the doctor take a pin and hold it over the flame. "However, if it hot, it should be very hot," he cautioned. Eve, wide eyed and shaking whimpered and sobbed, wanting to escape and yet forced by the clips on her labia to stay still. The pin glowed and Miss Haigh watched it as the doctor moved it close to the girl's outthrust bottom. His free hand framing a perfect area of smooth skin, he placed the tip of the pin to it and pressed. Eve flung her head back and screamed, tears bursting from her wide eyes as the pain seared into her. Her shaking legs pulled tightly on her labia, distorting and stretching them. "Oh doctor!" the woman gasped, and all flustered, picked up a pin and hastily placed it over the little burner, her hand shaking excitedly. "Wait till it glows," he cautioned, knowing she was eager to drive the pin into the quivering and weeping young girl's bottom. Miss Haigh couldn't stop from panting, nor halt the quiver in her hand as she held the pin over the flame and waited for it to begin to glow. Eve was waiting for her, the young child weeping and quivering, one pin already sticking out of her bottom. The pin began to glow and Miss Haigh swallowed and drew it over to the child. Eve began to cry and beg. Both excited her even more and her breath grew shorter as she poised the pin above the inward curve of one little bottom cheek. "Quick, before it cools!" urged the doctor. Miss Haigh put the hot tip to Eve's bottom and sobbed with delight as her fingers pressure pushed the red hot tip into the girl's flesh. The child screamed once more, her jerking pulling her labia right out before her sanity returned and she screamed. "Nicely placed," Doctor Croft observed. "Now try one a little further into her anal groove," he offered, his hands pulling the tight young cheeks further apart. Eve sobbed uncontrollably and swung her head from side to side, the only movement she could make without hurting herself. Miss Haigh took another pin and held it over the little flame, her hand shaking with excitement as she waited impatiently for it to begin to glow. At last, the end of the pin glowing a brilliant red, Miss Haigh brought it to the weeping girl's bottom and looked at the area of flesh the doctor was holding stretched for her. "No, no, pleeeease!" Eve cried. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Miss Haigh plunged the hot pin into the little girl's bottom, just an inch from her anus, then looked up along the child's body to watch her darling little face contort with the pain, her ears ringing to the girl's wails of agony. As the child screamed, Miss Haigh swept aside convention and gathered up her dress, her hand seeking the earliest opportunity to slide beneath, three fingers immediately pushing into herself, reducing her fierce need. Samuel smiled and picked up the moulded leather sheaf that had been lying to one side, waiting for the right moment. Like a corset, it was laced along one side, allowing the delicately made leather to be slid on while loose. He slid it delicately over Edward's cock, and then gently pushed his balls into the leather pouch before closing the laces along the lower half of his cock. As he tightened them, so the boy's eyes bulged as he felt the small pins dig into his ball sack and the lower half of his cock. The exposed upper length of his erection bulged, swelling with the fierce sensations surging into the base. "Come on boy!" he urged, helping the lad to stand, then drawing him the short distance between his own table and where his sister lay, weeping hysterically as she begged them to stop. "Let's see you fuck her," Samuel told the boy. Edward swallowed and looked down at his little sister's cunt, her pinched and pulled apart labia now swollen and tender, nearly as bright as the exposed flesh within. His breath quickening, he moved the glass cylinders aside. his heart beginning to pound as he saw how her flesh had been drawn into them. Amazed, he looked down at her little cunt. She was tiny, only nine, but to refuse the bidding of the doctor would mean far worse than anything they had received so far. "Do you need some help?" Miss Haigh asked him, one arm under her skirts. The other rose to stroke his cock, then draw it downward, till it pointed at the little virgin cunt in front of him. "Go on!" she urged breathlessly. With the pins in the leather sheaf causing an agonising heat to invade his cock, Edward put all thought aside and plunged his cock forward. His little sister yelped and he grunted, the pain of missing his mark bringing tears to his eyes. "Ops, sorry darling," Miss Haigh giggled breathlessly, her face glowing as her arm moved steadily back and forth under her skirts. "Try again," she urged, the hand on his cock making him wince as it pulled it more firmly downward. More cautiously, Edward drew forward, a gasp escaping him as his tender cock head met the hollow of his little sister's vagina and pushed her unforgiving flesh inwards. The flash of the large camera went off and Edward fought for breath and pushed more firmly inwards, crying out over his sisters squeal as the head of his cock was suddenly thrust into her and was squeezed tightly by her vaginal muscles. "Yes, yes, and again!" Miss Haigh urged. Sobbing with the new sensations flowing along his cock, Edward pushed. While his sister whined, her head thrown back, he felt his cock embed itself in her tight and hot young cunt, filling it with just half his cock, the rest suffering the leather sheaf. "Oh, what a sight!" Miss Haigh breathed. On her perch, she could see it all; the boy's tight bottom, his cock held by the weeping girl, his very own sister. Swallowing and panting, Edward began a slow movement, pulling and pushing against his sister's unforgiving sex. He moved as far as his flesh would allow, pulling at his skin and groaning as the tension added to the fierce sensations rising into his body through his cock. His movement increased, spurred on by Miss Haigh's urging and the sticky wet fingers she trailed up and down his bottom, tickling him underneath. "Are you there yet? Are you, are you?" Miss Haigh asked, her eyes twinkling in her bright face as her own hand quickened pace. Edward couldn't talk and could hardly breathe as the flash blinded him and his sister's weeping no longer meant anything to him. Only the need in his cock mattered and he worked ceaselessly to satisfy it, quickening his pace, lengthening his stroke despite the pain it caused him. He jerked powerfully now into his sister's tight little cunt, until the pain reached a new level and, with a strangled cry, his orgasm took possession of him and he could only jerk forward when it ordered him so, shooting his seed into Eve's little body. Miss Haigh drew him out and lifted his cock to nuzzle it lovingly with her lips. Samuel took one last picture, capturing her act while, beside them; Eve's little raw cunt wept a mixture of seed and blood onto her pin-covered bottom. ****** Lily Croft marched the two little tarts along the corridor and thrust them, one at a time, into the room she and Mrs Emma Weldon had chosen for their punishment. Arms folded under her large bust, Mrs Weldon stood at the far side of the room next to the two chairs that had been placed two feet from the wall. With a stern face she looked them over, while behind them, Lily Croft closed the door and bolted it shut. Anne, was fourteen, nicely developed, with shapely breasts, a small flat waist and a pert bottom that was made all the more fuller by her nicely curved hips. Rachel was only nine, and her face was a picture of remorse as she stood nervously looking at the stern women. It was not difficult to see why Anne had chosen this little tart for her pleasures. "Remove your clothes, NOW!" Emma Weldon shouted, and smiled as the girls cringed, then hastily obeyed her. The women watched in silence, enjoying the spectacle as the girls nervously removed their clothes and stood naked, Anne fighting the urge to cover the little down of hair that graced her pubis. "We have it on good authority that you are having an unhealthy sexual relationship," Mrs Weldon told them; watching them both pale and lick their lips nervously. "You are now going to be severely punished for your appalling wantonness!" she spat, the girls both cringing, and little Rachel's gentle weeping now becoming a full crying bout. Pleased with the reactions of the two condemned girls, Emma breathed in and let her eyes wander more freely over their young bodies. It had been a long while since she'd had the opportunity to release her pent up sexual tendencies. The girls looked perfect to rekindle her pent up sexual passions; Anne was ripening very nicely, and little Rachel although immature was very willing to please. "Anne, you will be first," she told her. The child swallowed and looked towards the waiting chairs, no doubt wondering what position she would have to attain, and how badly the women intended to punish her. Emma moved over to stand next to the chairs and checked that they were anchored securely. "Come here you disgusting child and stand astride this chair seat, and bend forward, with your belly on the chair back, and your arms flat up against the wall," Emma ordered harshly. Although punished occasionally, Anne had never had to take up this position and therefore couldn't know how the seat of the chair would force her thighs so far apart, nor how, in order to put her arms flat against the wall, she would need to dip her lower back, pushing her bottom out and so indecently apart. Biting her lip, Anne whimpered, her face burning as the position she was now in pulled at her vulva, widely exposing it. Her bottom too had parted and the cool air of the room flowed intimately over her sensitive anus. With a gasp she clenched herself, and burnt as the women laughed at her embarrassment. The women went across to the punishment tools that were displayed on the wall and took their time to select suitable instruments. They discussed the merits of each one while the girls looked on, tears running lovingly down their pretty faces, and swung them through the air to hear the whistle they made. They both chose canes, each quite thin and flexible. They both stood to either side of Anne's lovely bottom and tapped the smooth curves with the cane's tips, grinning as her shaking grew. Then they both raised the canes and, as one, delivered a sharp sweep to the girl, one aiming high, the other low. Anne squealed, the dual blow sweeping like fire through her bottom, filling her with the burning pain before dampening to leave just the awful itching burning aftermath. "KEEP STILL!" they chorused as Anne girl tried to put her hands on her bottom. She whimpered instead, unaware of how exciting her young bottom looked, the little cheeks criss-crossed by brightening lines of tender flesh. Breathing deeply, both women glowing with their excitement, they tapped Anne's little white bottom once more, each aiming a little lower than their last strike, the preliminary tapping making Anne quiver and mournfully weep. Then, with a nod, the ladies drew their canes back, and swept them down for another dual strike on the Anne's burning bottom. Anne's head flew back as she screamed her agony to the ceiling. It also arched her back and made her bottom even more delectable. Two new lines swelled across her rear, both tender and sore skin begging to be caressed and tendered. Below it, her cunt squeezed up against one leg, then the other as she tossed from side to side in an effort to rid herself of the insidious burning sensation. "One more, don't you think?" Emma asked Lily. "One more would complete the picture," Lily agreed, looking at the four stripes and the space between them. Anne sobbed and begged them not to. They ignored her, ordering her to straighten her thighs and make sure that the whole of her lower arms were against the wall. Not until the sobbing girl's bottom was well presented to them again, did they begin tapping her bottom preparing themselves as much as the child for the next harsh strokes. Having done it twice before, the women raised their canes in near perfect unison, hesitating at their peek for one final look at the wailing girl, waiting in agony for her final strike. Then the cane's descended, each whistling through the air to land sharply upon Anne's bottom, one low, where the swelling flesh was soft and tender, the other across the very apex of her bottom, where the cane could cut deeply. A strident cry filled the room, and now the women let the squealing girl grasp at her bottom, taking pleasure from watching as the girl kneaded the cheeks, often pulling flesh from flesh to unknowingly delight the women with glimpses of her clenched anal flesh and her bright pink vaginal mouth. As the immediate flare of pain subsided to the inescapable burning in her bottom, Anne made to step away from the chair and was stopped. "No," Emma told her, the rod tapping her sore bottom again. "Stay in position and remain silent. We haven't finished with you yet my girl!" "Rachel," Mrs Weldon called. Across the room little Rachel, stood crying with her fists clenched nervously together, pressing them to her mouth as she watched Anne's caning. "Yes, Ma'am?" she whimpered, hardly able to talk through her fear. "A little to young for the cane, eh?" Emma asked Lily, rolling up the sleeve of her gown. "Oh, I quite agree," Lily nodded; doing the same and smiling at the nine year old as she began imagining how nice and tight that little bottom would feel against her hand. "Same position child, and be quick about it!" Emma called. Rachel walked to the chair and nervously straddled it, her smaller, leaner young body having trouble spreading her thighs enough to stand astride the seat. Nor was she tall enough to lean up against the wall in front of her as Anne was doing, but had to lean fully forward and put her arms over her head before she could reach the wall. The women placed their hands on the young girl's shoulder blades and caressed her pert little bottom with the other. The little cheeks had fully parted, exposing the little farthing-like ring of her anus. Below it, smoothly curved, lay the hollow of her sex, the delicate opening to her vagina. Leaning to their side, the women plucked and pulled on young tender flesh, smiling as they girl gasped through her tears on feeling her cunt drawn open. "Obviously well used to being handling," Lily suggested. "Then we shouldn't be worried if our fingers accidentally smack such a naughty little cunt!" Mrs Weldon answered, her eyes gleaming with forthcoming pleasure. Hands rose and swept down, one immediately following the other, one upon one cheek, one upon the other. The girl squealed but could do little else, held captive over the chair as their hands continued their constant spanking of her pretty little bottom. Very soon Rachel's little bottom was glowing a lovely deep pink, but still the women continued, their faces showing their attention as they worked to ensure the complete curve of the bottom was brought to a burning red. Rachel's squeals and cries had died too breathless weeping, her tired body succumbing to the women's positioning. The remorseless spanking continued, one hand, then the next, and each one bringing a start as fresh sparks shot into her spine. Otherwise, her whole bottom burnt, hot coals inescapably put into her rear by their spanking. Grinning, Lily turned her hand and brought another sharp slap down, her fingers now slapping the child's vaginal mouth and bringing a fresh, sharper start to her bent form. Emma grinned and did the same to then lick her lips as the weeping girl jumped and gasped. "What a dirty little tart!" Lily breathed, slapping at her little cunt with her fingers and watching the child jerk, then breathlessly gasp and shake. "Filthy little tart!" Emma agreed, her own fingers coming down to slap against that same little opening, brightening the soft flesh and bringing a gleam to it. Lily's turn, then Emma's again. Both women became increasingly familiar with the young girl and the slapping of her lower bottom so their fingers could graze her little cunt and bring it to stinging alertness. Soon their familiarity grew and their hands were landing fully on the little girls cunt, flattening her rounded vulva with the force of their slaps, wetting their palms as the squealing girl lost control of herself and peed down her legs, crying fitfully for her dead 'mummy'. Breathless with excitement more than exertion, the two women stopped and looked at their handiwork, licking their lips as they admired the blazing vulva sitting roundly beneath the glowing sphere's of her little bottom. Their attention turned back to Anne and the older girl cringed in fear, whimpering with the terrible thought that her cunt would now receive the same treatment. "Come here girl, and bring that cane with you!" she was told. Anne hurried to obey, falling to her knees in front of Mrs Weldon and begging sobbingly not to be beaten any more. "Shut up, or I will!" she was told. Anne whimpered and clung to the woman's skirts, shaking as she offered up the cane. "It's not for me girl. You are to use it," Anne was told as she was pulled to her feet. Mrs Weldon pointed to Rachel, still weeping and shuddering from her treatment and grinned as Anne went pale. "You are to give her six cuts. They had better be good ones girl, or we will begin again on your own bottom, and continue to do so until you get it right! Do you understand me girl?" she was asked. Anne swallowed and stared at her little friend's already burnished bottom, her rounded cunt now puffy and red, the tender flesh burning as brightly as her bottom. She nodded and was dragged into position behind her friend. "Make sure they're hard ones my girl, or else!" Emma threatened from one side. Anne sobbed silently for her little friend as she raised the cane and measured it against her bottom. There would be no fondling under the covers after this she thought. Rachel turned her head to look at her, her face stained with tears, and looked away as Anne raised the cane. "I'd not take too long if I were you, either," she was warned by Lilly. Biting her lip, Anne swept the cane downward, wincing as it struck a harsh blow over her friend's bottom already made tender by repeated spanking. She cringed still more as Rachel screamed and danced in agony, the skin rapidly rising along the line of it's landing. "Again," both women called, almost as one. While Rachel cried and madly begged forgiveness, Anne blinked the tears from her eyes and measured her friend's bottom for the next blow. The women watched in breathless excitement as Anne raised the cane, then brought it down in a sharp slicing motion that wickedly cut into Rachel's pert little bottom. It was delightful to watch, every single moment bringing new pleasures to them. Rachel was still crying, her begging lost in her uncontrollable wails while the cane rose again. Anne looked lovely, her body sculptured by titan as she held herself poised for a moment, her arm raised. The cane whistled. Anne's young body swung with the grace of a tennis player, and Rachel screeched afresh as it landed and brought a fresh welt to her marred bottom. Fresh urine spurted from her as she once more she lost control of herself. It gleamed on her slender young thighs while her little bottom rotated in an effort to dispel some of the pain. Knowing there would be no relief, Anne swung the fifth down, sobbing as she felt forced to doing it as hard as she could and shaking as Rachel shrieked and danced. Spots of blood now appeared on her little behind. "One more," she was reminded. Rachel was blubbering, half senseless and Anne was weeping at the terrible scoring she'd caused. Yet one more strike remained, and it had to be as fierce and unforgiving as the others. She swung blindly through her tears and felt the shock of it landing, then Rachel's terrible shriek as the pain engulfed her for yet a sixth time. "Yes that should do nicely," Emma murmured, her eyes fully on the little bottom in front of her, little pert cheeks reddened by a hard spanking, then scored by the firm application of the cane for six nicely spaced cuts. "I think I'll just sit on this one's little wet face for a little while," Lily murmured breathlessly, taking Rachel by her hair to pull her back from the chair. With Rachel still crying, Lily laid her on the ground, then quickly lifted her skirts about her knees to help her squat, firmly placing her crotch on the little girl's wet face where she could feel the child crying into her overheated cunt. "Oh yes!" she sighed, trembling as her first orgasm burst through her, holding herself as she waited for the next, and the next to claim her. Emma smiled without humour at Anne and moved on her. Weeping, Anne shook her head and moved cautiously backwards, begging to be let off. "Now, now," Emma threatened. "You don't want another caning, do you?" she asked the child. Anne wept, knowing there was no escape, and let herself be caught and pulled towards the nearby table. Visions of having her face sat upon like Rachel went through her mind, right up to the point when, having been pushed back onto the table, her legs were lifted and pulled urgently apart. Without warning, the woman's head was between her thighs, her thick and course tongue delving between her lips, turning aside her soft curls to draw her labia apart and slide along her slit. The sensations took her breath and, even more, transferred the urgent heat in her bottom from pain to pleasure. With a loud whimper, Anne found herself pushing he crotch upward into the woman's face, hating and loving her at the same time. With a sob caused by the intense pleasure spiralling up her belly, Anne ignored the possible repercussions and reached down to twist her fingers into the woman's hair, forcing her nose, mouth and chin into her young sex. A breathless cry escaped her as the huge tongue slid knowingly over her anus, then slid on to enter her cunt, dragging her thick wetness from her. Her feet found the table edge and levered her crotch upwards. Her hands pulled at the face with manic strength, willing it to take all the pain away by working harder on her cunt. Her pelvis jerked upwards of its own volition, up and down as if mounted by one of the boys and the tongue drove forward to slide across her clitoris. Anne's body strained with the powerful release of pleasure soaring through her skeleton. Head flung back, she keened with the monumental release, soaring high, the hands gripping her bottom only serving to extend her delight, on and on until, too exhausted to think, she collapsed on the table and fought for breath. |
[b] Sophisticated Sins by Will Buster His throbbing cock was lodged deep inside his frisky, young mistress. He was kneeling in back of her slamming his rod all the way into her clenching pussy. The middle aged king gave it to the young concubine extremely hard and fast. It was obvious to Eloise that her Lord relished her wet, firm tightness. The young harlot energetically enveloped his stroking penis with her juicy love hole. If it was true that the king loved to sport inside his latest conquest, than it was also true the Eloise thrived on that full feeling that the royal meat was so fond of providing. They fucked like a pair of dogs rutting in some dark and filthy alley. He loved the way she trembled and quivered all over his intruding shaft. Her open, mushy cunt was sopping with his previous injection of lust and now he was filling her body with a fullness that she couldn’t seem to get enough of. Eloise cried out loud again, begging for more of his deep thrusts. Her shapely rump bucked straight back to engulf every inch of his firm, driving manhood. Her golden hair swirled and fell over her bare shoulders as her horny sovereign frantically pummeled her pussy in an eager frenzy. The king was desperate for another blissful explosion inside her vortex of responsive carnality. Eloise was his whore. He owned her as surely as he owned his horse or his palace or his crown. However, pretty, young Eloise was so much more exciting and pleasurable to be with than his other possessions. Of course, Eloise knew why he was fucking her love hole with so much ferocity. It was because of the special treat she’d supplied him the night before. Eloise knew that her lusty lord needed variety. He was addicted to innocent looking young maidens and their special lust that only a newly inflamed and seduced virgin can provide. Last evening the petite brunette had been no exception. ****** The new wench’s name was Jennifer and she’d been placed in the monarch’s bed ahead of time, so that she could greet the great man in the depths of his expensive and comfortable bed. The youthful wench was completely naked and ripe for the taking. Needless to say, the grinning king had pulled her slender legs apart and pushed his bearded face and tasting tongue between the delicate and opened folds of her wet, tender labia. He found young Jennifer’s cunt to be a delicious honey pot of fresh, tangy oozing lust. He sucked and drank her greedily until her cries and whimpers became too enticing to ignore. As he slowly licked Jennifer’s seeping crotch, Eloise greedily sucked his hard prick, satisfying his needs long enough so he could lick and suck his new plaything into a responding slut. When his experienced fingers slid into Jennifer’s little box she moaned with delight as his kisses moved over her belly and proceeded to energize her stiffening nipples. Jennifer tasted of all things young and clean. Her fragrant body was soft, warm and so perfectly smooth. When he reached her mouth, he sank his tongue far in to taste and let his tongue dance with hers. All this time Eloise engulfed his cock with her swishing mouth and caressing lips as she cared for his deepest needs while he explored his youthful, new lover. Eloise had already instructed Jennifer as to what she should say. When passion became extremely fiery like a red hot furnace inside her newly aroused cunt, Jennifer was to speak very dirty to him. When the youngster wantonly sported with her monarch on the bed with the satin sheets, Eloise showed the new slut how to squeeze her vaginal opening and present her rectum for his royal highnesses explorations. After all, even though the young whore was inexperienced, there was no reason why the girl couldn’t learn those special, fancy tricks quickly. If Jennifer was fortunate, she might be able to fuck her way into the king’s favor just like Eloise had already done. Jennifer’s white skin was now flushed with her racing blood lust and innocent shame. Her cunt seemed to simmer and itch with new desire that the older man had now engendered in side her lunging groin. Jennifer cried out as her first climax rippled through her flat belly. “Oh my lord! Push your cock into my body! I need you in me! Please! Hurry! I want you!” Eloise gently guided the king’s member to that tiny fuck hole and gradually slipped it inside that soft, pink slit. Jennifer was so wet that the large penis didn’t have much trouble slipping inside her tight clutching paradise. Eloise crooned, “Now take her my sweet master! Take pleasure from her tiny cunt and fuck her hard! Turn this girl into a fully functional woman. Yes! All the way! Oh yes! Pierce her maidenhead and fuck her hard! I can see her blood coming out of her little fuck hole now! What a little angel she is! Now faster my lord! Fill her with your rich seed! Oh yes! Give it to her harder! Make her yours!” His kiss muffled any words Jennifer might have said. Her brown hair was now a mess and her soft, blue eyes were practically closed as she reveled in her first, frantic fuck. Eloise raised Jennifer’s legs so that her cunt was more fully and deeply accessed. The thumping and squishing of his manhood slamming into Jennifer’s clenching sheath were making Eloise yearn for him to fuck her to. She got behind him and snuck her face down until she was able to lick his bouncing balls and taste the young girl’s wet lust. Again and again, his tool discovered the wonders of Jennifer’s newly pillaged sex. He thrust into the little slit all the way inside until he was vigorously banging against her cervix, thinking of the little red head he’d fully enjoyed the month before. Jennifer was even more delectable though with her slender legs and enticing whimpers. The new whore bucked up suddenly and screamed as her body convulsed from a mind searing burst of intense vaginal bliss. She rocked and writhed, begging him to keep impaling her tender flesh. “Yes lord! Yes! Fuck me! Fuck my baby pussy! Yes! Eloise said you need me so take me and fill me with your love! Yyyyeeesss! Harder! Just fuck me!” The monarch suddenly gasped in the thrill of consummation. His large cock twitched and plunged even beyond the entrance to Jennifer’s newly conquered womb. His growl of triumph drowned out Jennifer’s squeal as he pumped and poured his creamy fluids into his hot, little bed mate. Again and again his body jerked as he kept filling her with the pleasant flow of orgasm. Of course, that was only the beginning. Eloise soon sucked her monarch hard and this time, Eloise rode her lord while Jennifer sat on his face so he could taste the tang of this freshly corrupted wench. His hands cupped her little jutting tits and Jennifer was overwhelmed with electrifying sensations that shot into her from her pinched nipples to her clit that he was gently teething and nipping. His tongue slithered deep into her sloppy cunt. Eloise just kept on sliding up and down on him, squeezing him with a vast carnal array of vaginal delights. She strained and twisted on him in the ways she knew he loved. Eloise was pure whore at this moment and her sex drive was dramatically increased from the knowledge that she’d assisted her king in corrupting another youthful virgin. She also knew that when the youngster left his bed in a day or two or even three, he would increase the frequency and severity of his coupling with his precious Eloise. His appetite would be stimulated and he would enjoy her own body even more. After all if he was happy, her position was much more certain. She’d grown used to the luxury of fine clothes and excellent food. She enjoyed the favor and the power she now had at court. If she had to bring a sweet young thing to his bed once and awhile, it was a small price to pay to stay in the warmth of his favor. ****** All that evening, the orgy went on. His royal highness enjoyed every part of Jennifer for long, delicious hours. Eloise helped the young, brand new slut gulp and swallow his surging cum as she noisily sucked and slurped on the royal fuck meat. Later with a generous amount of lubricant, Eloise held Jennifer’s legs apart so that he could push his cock deep into her cramping anus. The girl screamed into the pillow with that initial pain but soon she got used to his very slow and gentle thrusting until at last she begged to have her ass fucked hard and fast. Eloise made sure that the king’s cock was properly lubricated and ever so slowly and carefully, Jennifer felt her shit hole gradually opened and relaxed for the royal entrance. Her squeals and moans of anal pain only encouraged the monarch to force himself further into her writhing rectum until at last his prick was buried to the balls inside that hot tightness. While he did her clamping rectum, Eloise was sitting atop Jennifer’s bare back so she could kiss him and let him either fondle or suckle on her nice large tits. She whispered, “Do you like your little Jennifer? Isn’t it thrilling to use her holes for your pleasure?” He just murmured his moan of approval and then he soon jolted another load of spunk into Jennifer’s tiny orifice. After that he ordered the two completely naked women to lie side by side together on the now, soiled bed. The king moved from one to the other in unrestrained missionary glory. He sucked wiggling toes and clutched tits both pert and plush depending on which female he was impaling. Again and again, he switched as if trying to compare which one was better or tighter or more wanton. With a sudden cry he released more of his lust into Jennifer and then both women greedily sucked his cock back to primordial hardness. Whatever he wanted, he was eagerly granted during the next hours and the two sluts pleased their royal master well. ******** Once again, Eloise was alone with the king and her body sizzled with the memory of the previous night’s romp. She expertly moved her hips in just the right way and her fingers guided him back to her anus. With a powerful and vicious thrust he made the hot bitch scream as he plowed into her little cavity all the way to the balls. “Ooooooo! God! God! You’re so big in my ass! Yes! Ooooo! Oooooo! Ram me! If you fill me again, you can have Jennifer again tonight!” His anal thrusts became much harder and quicker in response to her tempting offer. “Oooo! You bastard! That’s what you want! You want to fuck that helpless little wench again and again! Oooooo! Yes! Yes! Fuck my shit! Aaaaahhhh! Aaaaahhhh!” He sped up as he thought about the delights he would have that evening with gentle little Jennifer. He asked, “Do you have any other little foxy treats for me, you wild little whore?” Her face was pushed into the pillow with the power of his anal impacts and his body weight. She groaned, “Oh yes! She has a fair haired sister who is but a year older. Would you like to take both sisters at once? Ooooo! Fuck! God!” Eloise’s body quaked with a surge and ripple of an extremely powerful orgasm. She loved getting brutally fucked in her wriggling ass although it had taken her quite some time to get used to it. She was a bit surprised when he pulled out of her and re-entered her cunt. “Fuck bitch! Fuck it like you want it!” He growled as his cock drilled her aching pussy hole. He was now lying on top of her bare and writhing body. The young whore responded by moving her silky smooth legs around his humping middle. She locked her slender ankles together and strained hard on him, forcing him to the max! She yelled, “Fuck a baby into my womb! Fill me with seed! Fuck me like a filthy whore! Yes! Ooooo! My lord! Yes! I’m gonna give you two sisters to fuck tonight! You can keep them naked in your bed all week! They’ll satiate the needs of your body! I’ll teach them a lot of filthy little tricks! Aaaaahhhhh! Please! I want it harder! Fuck me hard and fast! Hard and fast! Yes! Yes! Yes! I adore you!” The thought of enjoying two young, fresh virginal bodies with Eloise as the tutor was too much and he exploded his lust into Eloise’s cock, crammed fuck hole! His ecstasy seemed to last for precious minutes while his seed surged deep into his horny mistress’s pussy. The lively blonde’s wet, tight cunt vigorously sucked and milked his cock until his balls were finally bone dry. She knew he’d have to rest awhile and perhaps sleep until supper time. This was his birthday and she’d made sure that he was given a birthday present that he would not soon forget. The lascivious whore would give him the two, sin stained sisters for him to revel inside for the next few long days and delectable nights. ******* Elyse turned out to be a yellow haired beauty with pert, jutting little breasts and a moist groin. Her pussy was a pliant, soft sheath perfectly small and firm to encompass the large royal cock. When the king finally got to his bed, he was greeted by his three lovely harlots, Jennifer, Elyse and of course his beautiful Eloise. He wanted to use Elyse a lot this night so he relieved his initial passions inside Eloise. His experienced lover spread her legs apart and had each girl hold her by the ankles so that her loving monarch could impale her full and deep. The sisters watched in admiration as he slowly shoved his long member all the way into the older woman’s cramping pussy hole. Eloise cried out with obvious passion as she reached her first quick orgasm. Eloise loved to be fucked by this strong, middle aged man. He knew how to pleasure women. His cock was addicted to the special delights that only an experienced and juicy cunt can possibly provide. He rammed harder and harder as that fiery itch engulfed his balls and cock tip. Breath taking minutes went by as the king buried and re-buried his prick into his wanton whore, time after electrifying time. At last, with a groan he shot his warm essence into Eloise and then the king lay back so Jennifer and is long time whore could suck him hard with an enchanting double blow job. Then he gazed at Elyse with glowing eyes. “I will take you next, you sweet girl. Are you still a maiden?” Elyse blushed partly because of the question and mostly because she was totally bare from head to toe. “I am, your majesty. Jennifer told me what I must do. I hope I will bring you many delights.” It wasn’t long before he put her to the test. He guided the young virgin on to his face and he noisily sucked and ate her cunt while the other two kept sucking his cock with salacious, slurping sucks. His prick tingled and itched as those soft lips and tongues played exciting tricks on his swollen meat. From time to time, Eloise gave the new wench some instructions, but for the most part it was oral cock work, done to perfection. Elyse tasted divine. Her tangy, musky scent was driving him wild. His fingers entered her pussy and anus while he nibbled and sucked on her swelling clit. Elyse was grinding her groin on to him while she squealed and gasped from newly aroused passions. Then it was time for the moment of truth. He had to shove his stimulated manhood all the way into this whimpering virgin that was responding to his exploratory touch. He soon had need of the lush, yellow haired sister. With strong hands, the king pulled Elyse onto her back and mounted the fair haired nymph. Instantly the other two women grabbed Elyse’s slender ankles and held her back so far that the youngster thought she was being folded in half. There was a sharp pain as her king slammed deep into her fresh cunt splitting her maidenhead into the past. He was heedless of her screams of pain and joy as he pounded much harder and faster into her bleeding, shuddering snatch. Her virginity had been a little thicker than most of the others he’d taken and he’d really had to slam into her to get the job done. The monarch couldn’t believe how hot and wet Elyse’s little twat was. She was tighter than Jennifer, if that was possible. Soon the young harlot was squeezing and contracting on his thrusting rod in obvious response. Yes, he would enjoy every delectable inch of this new plaything. He would fuck her mouth and both of her little holes until she was chuck full of his spermy fluids. This very thrilling thought triggered his spasming prick into a cascade of lust that poured into his new conquest. With a loud growl, he reveled in the ecstasy of every shuddering spasm that jetted his essence into the young harlot. Elyse squealed in primordial bliss as her own climax occurred just a few moments after his. “Yes! Oh my lord! Fuck me more! Fill me to the brim! Eloise told me you would fill me with delight! Please your majesty, fuck me more!” Her tits were practically being crushed by his powerful hands as he squeezed them hard during his rushing fulfillment. With desperate urgency, he kept fucking this new playmate fast and hard and to his pleasure he was able to keep himself hard. He lunged into Elyse again and again while Jennifer moved onto her sister’s heaving chest so he could fondle and kiss her. Eloise held back Elyse’s legs at the ankles to insure the king could plow deep and hard into the young blonde’s tiny pussy. Elyse moaned from the spasming sex pains and the newly found delights of unrestrained fucking. He pounded climax into her young body time after time and each was punctuated by her high pitched screams of sheer rapture. It was so delightful to be kissing and feeling up one sister while fucking the other. This was something the king was finding very bewitching. It had been a fortunate day when he’d acquired the depraved services of Eloise De Frontinac. ******** It was very dark in his chamber. He’d been sleeping for hours and he guessed it must be early morning. What had woken him was his aching and itching prick. It was as hard as a rock and he needed to relieve that amorous itch by sliding it inside one of his sensual mistresses. He felt around and recognized Elyse by the shape of her small tits. Elyse woke to a demanding kiss. His tongue slipped into her sour mouth. She’d sucked him to completion just a few hours before and she could still taste his seed that he’d pumped down her gagging throat. Her anus was sore although in a pleasant way after he’d fucked his warm squirting gushes up her aching shitter. Her cunt still stung from the three amazing fuckings he’d given her between the times he’d taken Eloise and her pretty sister, Jennifer. Instinctively she moved her legs apart and guided his manhood to her sore slit. In spite of her discomfort, she wanted to be fucked and enjoyed once more. Then he was in her and she arched her back to engulf him with her writhing body. He felt her desire and his vicious thrusts spurred them both on. This little fox was exciting, new and so different. She fucked like some little animal with no restraint or decency. She’d been a shy virgin just hours before and now she was a cock craving whore who had to have pleasure. Again and again, he buried his cock to the hilt until at last, her whimpers and vaginal contractions drove him over the edge and once again, he refilled her mushy cunt hole. It was at that moment he made his decision. He would not send these two sisters away like the others. He would keep them and Eloise. He would enjoy their young, energetic bodies for years to come and if Eloise didn’t like it, she could be sent to a convent to repent her vile wickedness. Each squeal and quiver that Elyse made convinced him that he had to keep the two sin sisters and that is how the French king ended up with three pregnant mistresses. It’s fun to be king! |
After reading some of the stories posted here I figured that with some of the interesting things that have happened to me why not put it down on paper and share it with everyone. So let me start with a little background information so you can see where I was coming from. At the age of 24 there were some unique things happening in my life. For one thing my job was a little unusual I was a court stenographer. Not too many people are in the profession and for a young age my business developed quite quickly through the contacts that my father had provided to me. Before this journey starts there were at least ten people that I was farming work to and was making a very good buck. One of the jobs that I had taken brought me to one of the more prominent law firms in the city and the firms founding great great-grandson. We seemed to have a rather nice business connection and after six months or so of doing work for him we agreed on a partnership that would make my career. I would provide my services and the ten other reporters on my staff exclusively to his firm and we would give a nice discount for our work. As you could imagine this would put me in a mid to high six figure income on a yearly basis. After discussing this proposal with some of the people that I farmed work out to they had all agreed to come along with me and form a new company. Now, if that were the end of my story there would be no need telling it. As it turned out one of the young cunts who worked for a larger firm made it quite clear that she was going to make more money working for me than her current pain in the ass boss and spilled the beans. Once the cat was out of the bag this man who owned this firm had 100 reporters and made a deal with the law firm that there was no way I could counter and it ended up costing me more than $150,000 that I shelled out for a new downtown office and computers and office furniture ect… With this new revelation I was basically broke putting out my own money gambling that this deal could have potentially made me a millionaire in a few short years. When this happened a good buddy of mine Bob suggested that perhaps we move out of the Philly area and perhaps move out west and take our chances there. My cousin Mike was getting married in Denver in a few short weeks and my whole family was making their way out to attend so I figured that this would be a great time to take an extended vacation and perhaps see if there was anything that I could find. After getting drunk for about a week my buddy Bob came over and we laid out a plan to visit not only Denver but Las Vegas and San Diego too. He was a model who wanted to become a movie star and the only way he could do that is to move out to the left coast and take as many auditions as he could. About this time my father who found out that I was going to San Diego called his friend who he mentored for about six years and told him my story and asked if there was anything in San Diego for me. Over the next few days we talked and he offered me an opportunity to talk to him and his partners of perhaps starting a court reporting firm in San Diego and that I could run it for them. After a few more days of planning we were on our way out to Denver for my cousins wedding. My cousin’s family was very generous and allowed my buddy Bob to attend the wedding and the reception. Once we got to Denver the pre-wedding craziness was happening and quite frankly I wanted no part of it except for the bachelor party and the reception. I was more looking forward to getting to Las Vegas and gamble a little bit and take in some of the night life that they were known for before going onto San Diego to make this business pitch. After renting a car Bob and I made our way around the city and even thought that since it was such a nice clean city that this could be a possibility as well for moving out west. We made the rounds as usual and checked out apartments and rents and what the local job situation was like. The apartments and rents were reasonable but there was very little as far as jobs for us. The night before the bachelor party another cousin of mine Hailey and her family arrived for the wedding. Hailey’s family owned a cattle ranch and when I was in high school I would spend my summers working on the ranch helping out. Hailey and I were pretty close in age and we always seemed to get along fairly well. We were at my Uncles house drinking and playing cards when she arrived. I hadn’t seen Hailey in over three years and the last time we saw each other she was still a little underdeveloped she hadn’t reached her full potential as it were. The first thing that came to my mind was “damn milk did her body good.” She stood only five foot tall and maybe 110 pounds and a nice 34-c cup that I came to find out later and an ass to die for. She still had that fresh teenage baby face with hazel eyes and nice brunette hair that went down to the middle of her back. It was a shame we weren’t kissing cousins earlier on in our teenage lives because there was only one thing going on in my mind and that was fucking her brains out even though it was wrong as hell. After she said hello to just about everybody Hailey made eye contact with me and immediately made her way over to me and I slid out of my chair and gave her a nice big bear hug. I said, “Hey cuz long time no see. I see you’ve been drinking a lot of milk since the last time I saw ya and have to say you’re looking pretty damn good.” She said, “ Thanks I guess – her face turned a little red and she smiled at me and said Stop it -- you know you’re embarrassing me in front of everybody. When did you guys get in?” “We got in a few days ago and started looking for some work – there might be a slim possibility that I could move out here. Come on I want you to meet my buddy Bob he is tagging along with me. Bob wants to move to California and take a stab at becoming an actor. I turned and looked at the fine body again and asked – So you still single?” Hailey pulled on my arm and slowed me down a little and said, “Look I’m not looking to hook up with one of your buddies I’m here for the wedding okay. I said, “No problem – look relax I just want to introduce you to him alright?” We made it to the living room where Bob was just relaxing and talking with some of my family. That’s when I knew something bad was going to happen. Hailey once again pulled on my arm and took me back out of the living room. She had this big surprise on her face and said, “Danny you can’t introduce me to him while I’m looking like this let me go and freshen up a little bit.” I said, “So, since he’s pretty handsome you really want to make a good impression.” She just looked at me and made a beeline for the bathroom. After about an hour Hailey came back and found me and asked me to introduce her to Bob. Off we went and found Bob – this was like watching a spider waiting for a fly to get stuck in its web and Hailey was that little fly and I knew it. I ended up introducing the two of them and I soon became an after thought so I just left the room and made my way back to playing poker. After a half hour or so Bob and Hailey made there way into the kitchen and Bob told me that Hailey was going to show him around the city a little bit and would meet me back at the hotel. Well, that could only mean one thing – Bob was getting my cuz’s pussy and to be careful before I got back to the hotel room. When Bob and I would go on vacations there was a system that we worked out. Since he was such a good looking guy he tended to get a lot and I mean a lot of pussy. I was just happy to get the girls he kinda threw back in to play but thought if they hung out with me there might be a slight possibility of fucking Bob. Part of the system that we had in place was if we got separated from each other to go to the front desk and ring up to the room. If there was an answer then you were good to go but if not go to the bar and have a couple of beers and try back later. It was about one in the morning when I made it back to the hotel and of course I made the call up to the room to find out if Bob was fucking my cousin or not. There was no answer so I figured that Bob was either fucking her in her hotel room or they were still out for the night. When I got to the door there was no do not disturb sign on the door which is the a back up to the phone call just in case you were literally tied up and couldn’t get to the phone. I opened the door and immediately knew that I was not the only one in the room. Bob and I got a junior suite that had separate bedrooms. This was good because Bob and Hailey were in his room I could hear her giggling like a little schoolgirl when I walked in. I tried to stay quiet as I could and went into my room I didn’t want to disturb them. Now, I was tired and drunk and just wanted to get a little sleep but Hailey started screaming then I knew there was no way I was going to get any sleep. Now most guys they tend to exaggerate about their sexual prowess and tend to embellish their stories of how they fucked the shit out of dumb bitches for hours and hours. I’m not a bad looking guy and have had my share of pussy for my age but I never made a woman squeal the way Hailey was. After about three or four minutes of this I wanted to get closer and perhaps pick up some tips that I could use for future reference. I crept out of my bedroom over to Bob’s door – Now the door wasn’t completely shut. I had a good view from the back crack and felt there was no way that they could see me. When I peered in I couldn’t see Hailey at all she was buried underneath Bob. Bob is 6’ 4” and Hailey well she is barely five foot she just disappeared underneath him completely but she had a set of lungs on her and man could she scream. She was cursing so badly that she could make a trucker blush. I had no idea she had such a bad mouth or that she was so damn easy. I mean she just met Bob not more than a few hours ago and here she was naked ready to get the pounding of her little life. To my surprise she wasn’t naked all that screaming was just from Bob sucking on those gorgeous round tits of my cousin. Hailey pushed Bob off of her and made her way to the end of the bed. She was so damn cute she had this little and I mean little white cotton G-string that was perfect for seeing nothing but her ass cheeks. She also had on a nice little sports bra that was soaked from Bob sucking on her tits and was pushed up giving me a view that was unbelievable. She started dancing at the end of the bed like a little stripper but without the pole. She was smiling and shaking her ass like a fucking pro. The good news was that she couldn’t see me and this was turning me on my cock sprang up like a hard coiled spring. All kind of thoughts started racing through my head about incest and how damn good looking she was and how I wanted to be the one laying on the bed watching her dance for me. She slid off her top and put her finger in her mouth and gave a little evil smile that made my cock start to throb so hard that it started hurting. I figured what the hell if they can’t see me – I haven’t had any pussy in a couple of months and since I was a peeping Tom – I might as well jerk off. Hailey then put her hands on her hips and put her thumbs underneath the straps of her thong and slowly pulled it down to her ankles exposing the smallest pussy I had ever seen and a small balloon knot that had never been penetrated before. This was turning me on more then ever. She spun around to give Bob a peek at the goods but I was staring at her shaved pussy and than tiny little slit of hers then she bent forward towards me and her tits just dangled there with those tiny nipples hard as a rock. I just wanted to get underneath her and start sucking on them like a baby whom hadn’t breast-fed for about a week. Bob he couldn’t handle it anymore either and jumped out of the bed and what I hadn’t realized was while she was doing this striptease for Bob he had taken off all his clothes and ran over in front of her and pushed her down on the bed and spread her legs nice and wide exposing this perfect oval of a pussy that was virgin pink on the inside as well as the on the outside. Bob didn’t hesitate for a second and dove straight in with his tongue and buried it in her pussy. Her legs went straight back and her head started to thrash around on the bed like the chick from the exorcist as Bob ate her pussy. Bob’s tongue was moving from the bottom of her asshole all the way back up to her clit. After a couple of minutes my cousin started to moan and groan and then the dirty trucker mouth reappeared. Bob didn’t care what the hell she was doing he kept digging deeper and deeper into her pussy. I unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock as gently as I could so that I didn’t cut it on the zipper on the way out then I heard Hailey screaming. I saw her head pop up and watch Bob eat her special holes. She said “C’mon baby if you want to fuck this cunt you better get it nice and wet so you can slip that cock of yours deep inside my tiny little cunt – Yeah ooooooh yesssssss eat my cunt.” Then she grabbed the back of his head and started grinding her hips in a circular and jamming his face deeper and deeper in between her legs. Bob stood up and grabbed her legs and spun her over in one motion onto her stomach and Hailey’s ass popped up in the air exposing her drenched pussy. Bob reached up to the top of the bed and got a pillow and put it underneath her stomach and then got back down on his knees and then buried his tongue into her asshole instead of her pussy. Hailey got this real evil grin on her face as she looked back as Bob was eating her little shit hole. Then came this deep demon like voice from my cousin “Don’t you dare stop bury your tongue in my asshole – eat my ass – put your fingers in my cunt while you eat me babbbbbyy – ccccooooommmm onnnnn eeeaaaat mmmmy assss and make me cummmm all ovvvver your tongue. Bob didn’t hesitate and put the finger inside of her pussy while he attacked her asshole with his tongue. Then he buried his tongue as deep as he could inside of her asshole when Hailey screamed IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII’mmmmmmmmmmmmm cummmmmmmmmmmmmmming then squirted a load of her jizz all over Bob’s face. I couldn’t help it, it was so damn funny that I actually stopped jerking off and had to try to compose myself as his whole face was covered in her pussy juice. Hailey fell to the bed and was panting like she just finished running a marathon and Bob got up and ran to the bathroom like a little bitch does after you cum in her mouth to wash up. A few minutes later Bob came running back in from the bathroom like a little boy excited about staying up for an extra hour and his cock was as hard as rock. Then I realized why all the girls love this guy it was a minimum of 10 inches. I thought for sure he was going to kill my cousin but what the hell she is the one that got her into this mess. Bob jumped up on the bed and his cock was standing at attention and Hailey looked up and just had only one thing to say “oooooohhhhh my god” then opened her mouth and took as much of it into her mouth as she could. Bob grabbed the back of her head and started forcing her head down on his cock as much as he could but every time he pushed she would gag on it and almost throw up. Hailey gave him a little smile and sat down on the bed and told him to hold still. She spread her legs and then opened her mouth then looked up at Bob and said in this little sexy voice of hers “Let me take care of your cock and I promise you won’t be disappointed – then I’m going to let you fuck my brains out with your wet juicy cock and put it in my teen tiny little pussy and if you’re a good boy and make me cum while you’re fucking me I just might let you fuck me in the ass – so calm down a little and let me suck your cock like it should be – this isn’t a fucking porno you know this is real so let me do a good job for you like you just did for me and you can cum all over my face too” She reached back up and grabbed his cock and then proceeded to deep throat him in a slow sensuous way. Bob just leaned back and watched her suck his big cock and after a couple of minutes she actually swallowed the whole thing. She looked up at him and said “Relax and let me slide your cock down my throat for a while because my pussy and asshole are a lot tighter than my throat so you better get used to it.” I couldn’t believe that she was taking that huge thing down her throat but she was a real trooper as her spit as drooling out of the side of her mouth as Bob was probably getting the best blowjob he had ever had. Then Bob’s knees started to buckle a little and she pulled his cock out of her mouth and started to blow on it and was laughing at him and said “No way are you getting off that easy you’re going to fuck me then cum on my face or in my mouth or both but I want you to fuck me.” Then she got to her knees pulled his head down and French kissed him and his cock started to limp a little and she grabbed it and very gently began to jerk it to keep it nice and hard. When Bob pulled away he said “Look you’ve been promising me pussy all night it’s time you made good on your promise and let me fuck you.” She looked at him with a smile and said “It turns me on when a guy knows exactly what he wants and his tongue tastes like my cum and his face smells like it too – now get that big sopping wet cock inside of me – I want you in me fucking me deep and hard.” She got off the bed and stood up and said “Come here and fuck me standing up from behind I want to feel the full thrust of that be cock of yours.” Bob got up and stood behind her and bent his knees as best he could but she was so small and he was so tall it didn’t look like it was going to happen but somehow he got his cock inside of her. Bob said “damn baby you were right you got one tight little hole I can only get the head in baby – look this isn’t going work let me fuck you doggy style I promise you’ll get the full thrust effect.” Hailey moved back over to the bed and put the pillow underneath her belly and her feet where still on the floor and you could see how muscular she was, as her muscles were popping as Bob slid his huge cock inside of her from behind. Bob grabbed her legs and pulled her ankles up and touched her heels to her ass and started to pound her pussy like a chef pounding a piece of meat to tenderize it. Hailey put her hands out in front of her and was trying to keep from being pushed all over the bed. Her face became all contorted each time Bob buried his cock balls deep inside of her. After a minute or so Hailey looked back at him and said “You know I love riding horses and like the one who always try to buck you off it’s a challenge to stay on – let me get on top of you then you try to throw me off I bet you can’t.” Bob just shook his head and said “Baby where in the hell have you been all my life?” She said, “Right here waiting for the right moment to give you the fuck of your life now get down on your back and prepare to get the best fuck of your life.” Bob lay down and Hailey went over to the chair and got her cowboy hat and put it on smiled at Bob and said “You ready for the ride of your life?” He smiled and said “Bring it baby but there is no way you’re staying on top of me I give you less than 20 seconds.” Hailey turned away from Bob showing him her pussy and rubbing it all over his face then put his cock deep inside of her pussy and just sat there for a moment leaned back and kissed him on the lips smiled and said “Here we go don’t be gentle because I’m not getting thrown never have and never will be – oh by the way did I tell you that I can squeeze my pussy around your cock so tight that it won’t come out and you’ll never be able to cum unless I let you – so hold on for the best ride of your sorry ass life.” Bob smacked on the ass and said, “Stop talking shit and let’s see how good you can ride the big Italian Stallion.” I shit you not that was what he said stereo typical of an Italian guy from Jersey. Bob started moving in all kinds of directions trying to get her off but every time he moved she counter moved and it was hot as hell as they were thrashing around on the bed. The both of them were talking to each other so fast that I couldn’t understand a word they were saying to each other but the way they were fucking each other it really didn’t matter. I just stood outside the door jerking off at this totally hot scene and thought to myself why in the hell didn’t I make a move on my cousin all those years ago. After about three or four minutes Bob almost got her off of him then you heard “hollllly sssshhhiiiitt let go of my cock your killing me -- your killing me unclench your pussy I believe you – you win – you win just let my cock go pleeeeaase.” Hailey let go of his cock and said; “now it’s your turn.” She slid off of his cock and Bob just gave her a little smile. Bob said, “Okay now it’s my turn to show you what I can do.” Then Bob flipped her over and put her ankles behind her head and pushed her ass up in the air a little and then buried his cock once again into her pussy. Bob started to pound her nice and hard and it only took another minute or so and with Hailey screaming and moaning so loud she just looked up at Bob and gritted her teeth and squirted once again real hard and as he pulled out there was another volcanic eruption from her pussy. Bob wanted to get back inside but Hailey said, “Honey let me go to the bathroom and clean my fuck hole up for you and then you can finish inside my mouth – okay sttttuuuudddd.” Then under my breath I said “damn it I was so close to cumming can’t these two get it right.” Then Hailey looked over to the door and caught a glimpse of me standing behind it and gave me a little smile. She said “Come on stud you can fuck me on the bathroom counter top after I get cleaned up.” Then she stood there for a couple of seconds staring at the door smiling at me. All I could think was damn how stupid I was and this is going so embarrassing. I figured that this would be it they would go to the bathroom and shut the door and that would be that but she opened the door real wide and sat up on the counter top and spread her legs real wide exposing her pussy to me and took a wash cloth and stared at the bedroom door as she cleaned her pussy smiling at me the whole time. Bob then moved over to her and slid his cock inside of her and started fucking her right from where he left off. Then after a minute or so I was tugging on my junk thinking I better cum and get it over with since she is never going to let me down over this. Then Bob yelled out and said, “Get down on your knees cowgirl and take my load.” Hailey slipped off the counter and got down on her knees and positioned her head so her mouth was facing the bedroom door and she started jerking Bob’s cock off like a champ. She smiled at me and then she stuck her tongue out and looked at the door and said “Cum in my mouth give me your hot cum – I want to taste you – don’t spill any cum I want to swallow every last bit of you.” Then I shot a load all over the carpet and then a couple of seconds later Bob unleashed a huge load all over her face and in her mouth. After Bob stopped squirting his cum all over her face he smiled at her and said “How does it feel getting hot cum shot all over your face?” Hailey smiled and said “Probably just as good as when I squirted all my love juice all over your face.” Hailey stood up with all that cum all over her face and in her mouth and then leaned up and kissed Bob on the cheek and said “C’mon baby let’s take a shower and get cleaned up.” I pulled my pants up in complete disbelief at what I had just done and started formulating some kind of story to explain to Hailey what the hell I was doing outside Bob’s bedroom. I knew she would never tell anyone else but she would always have this over me. I got back to my room got undressed jumped in the shower myself and finished before they did that way we were running water at the same time and Bob would never know I was outside his bedroom door. I put on my sweats and waited for them to get out of the shower I heard them get into bed together then I slipped out of my room and opened the hotel room door and shouted “Hey Bobby you here?” He said, “Yeah man just got back about half hour ago – your cousin is a pretty cool chick hopefully she will go out with me again after the wedding?” I said, “Yeah whatever just make sure you don’t hurt her.” Bob said, “Never man you know I would never do that – good night and I’ll see you in the morning.” I said, “Yeah man see you in the morning for some breakfast.” The next morning I woke up and was terrified to see my cousin but to my surprise she slipped out in the middle of the night and that came as a complete load lifted from my shoulders seeing her after what I did the night before. Here ends part 1 [b] |
Hey,My name is Austin.Im 18 and im not such a dark skin pourter ricann.Im 5'8'',skinny and pretty sexy.and my story start's when i was 17,i was in school.It was a normale day at school like any other,most of the kid's at school was more preppy then me,i was along the line's of thuggy.Well,this kid name bobby had a girlfriend name lucie,i had a crush on at some time. Lucie is about a little over 5 goot and has blond hair,dress'd like a angel,well more like a punk mix thugy preppy angel would.Well that after noon at launch Bobby had broken up with Lucie because she had told him she had the hot's for me,not knowing until a week later.A week later lucie end'd up at my house,i invited her in and we were talkin.You smoke pot Austin she had ask'd.Knowing and paying enough attenion to her knowing she dos as well.Yes i replied.Cool,let's smoke Lucie said.Nothing happen,we just sat there talkin forabout 3 hour's,i have'nt laugh'd that hard sence me and bobby frist went out yell'd lucie still leting out a laugh and sucking in for air to breath. OH YEA!!That's what i came here to talk to you about said lucie,i want to ask you some thing.Thinking to my self this could be my chance not knowing i really said it out loud,yes it is your chance said newly girlfriend went home and i sat there confused what had happen so quick,a half hour later my mom said i had a phone call,she said it was my girlfriend.Confuse'd but happy even more.well,im just goin to skip for about two weeks because thats when all the fun happen. i love'd datin lucie,because she has only fuck'd bobby,and i know his dick was smaller then mine,well,to most girl's that are 17 7'' is big,but me at 17 that was small.well,2 weeks pass'd,and there was this girl name alica.Lucie's bestfriend,keep's flirting with one day after practic i went into the bathroom,i have seen alica's tit's befor on a dare,and they are FUCKIN HUGE!! Well,i seen her in the bath room,hearing from one of my resent ex's how big my dick was she got turn'd on,oh,yea,alica look's like a fox,white soft skin big tits,red hair,and a fat ass.Well,i walk'd into the bathroom,and saw her there puting her make up on."Are'nt you in the wrong side of the bathroom?i ask'd,"No,well,that's because im waiting for you."Oh,well,what do yea want?"...a pause..."Well,im sorry but lucie don't want to go out with you,i was jus flirting with you so you would end up fucking me and she would end up dumping you"she replied..."But...we didnt even fuck...we didnt even do nothing"..."i know..that's the sweet part...she said....i was sooo mad,i know she has heard about my dick,and i also know that she only fuck'd 4 guy's and they all had the size of dick's under 7",so i kno if i stuff'd it in really hard it would hurt. I ran into the cube and shut the door behind me,siten there to see if any one else is there.Alica"i said"..Yes Austin?.."Have you ever been rape'd?..There now was a even longer puase then befor.."No...Why Would you ask that?...Me not replying to her got her scare'd i guess,because when i kick'd open the bathroom cube door i sorta cought her 3 feet from where she was postion'd from where she was befor. I ran over to her riping her shirt of revieling her big firm tits in her tight bra.STOP!!!WHAT ARE YOU DOIN!!! she yell'd,i back hand'd her and through her on the ground."YOU WANT TO SAY WE FUCK'D!!WELL NOW WE CAN!!!WEHTER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!i yell'd in a feirc voice.I pull'd my belt off from my pante's and tied her up from the cute wall's and begind smakcing her from the left side of her face to the right,she went from crying to sayin harder harder."you want it harder,ok,i will give it to you harder,pull'd down my pante's revielingmy big stiff 9 inch hard cock thumping. She look'd in amazment,"it's true"she said,"yes it is"....pull'd out my knife and cute her pante's and G string's off,and start'd licking her pussy.she start'd maoning really loud"YES BABY OOHHHH GOD,WHAT ARE YOU DOIINNNN" she scream'd in releif.I got up and stuck my cock in side her,not takin it slow as she ask'd,i just jam'd it in side as fast and hard as i could,having her scream in satistfiction,she then began to climax in pleasure and in pain."your pussy is sooo tight dam it feels so good" i said..."stop,please stop,it hurt's she mumble'd....wanting her to say stop and no louder i start'd fuckin her harder and faster.i Pull'd out my dick and cam all over her chest and in her face."im sorry alica said....with a very confuse'd look on my face...why i ask'd..."because...every thing i said wasnt true...i said it to get you guy's are really goin out still...i wont tell her if you dont?"...oh...ok....i just left the bathroom in joyment,a brick of weight lift'd off my shoulder...i went to find my baby so i can show her just a good time for her second man...little did i know,sence the school was such a bad school,there was a camra right over us,watching the hole time,andthe guy watching..was lucie's dad...and my next one is about how i pick her up for a date...just wait.. |
Note: If you have reservations about young teens being prostituted, no matter with consent or not, do not continue reading. This site is an exploration of fantasies, no matter the form. Mike grinned and started over to the bed. There he lay down on his back, his now erect cock sticking straight up like a pole. Becca sauntered over, her naked tits swaying back and forth with every step. She climbed on top of him and placed her pussy at the tip of his cock, slowly pushing herself down until she was fully impaled. She closed her eyes with passion. The curve of his cock was just perfect, massaging her G spot with amazing accuracy every time she moved up and down. Mike, not wanting to be a simple sex toy to his girlfriend, massaged her little B-cup sized breasts with his left hand, and rubbed her clit with the other. She groaned with passion and pushed his hand against her harder as she bounced on his cock. After a while he grabbed her tight little ass in his hands and began lifting her up and down, faster and faster, until they both began to grunt with the effort. Is penis penetrated her to it’s fullest extent, and with every thrust it disappeared completely before returning a second later covered with Becca’s slick pussy juice. And all at once, they came. Becca convulsed, her tits waving wildly around while she ejaculated all over his chest with a clear, warm fluid. And although he had just cum what seemed like gallons into Cassie, his cock spurted his hot cum straight into her womb. His balls clenched until it felt like they were going to disappear inside him, and she felt his cock pulse with energy inside her pussy. Her walls clamped tighter, milking him for all his worth until she fell down, exhausted. Cum dripped out of her pussy and down his cock, staining their parent’s bed sheets with their taboo juices. They looked at each other, and their passion for the other person was mirrored in their partner’s eyes. Then they kissed, long and hard, they’re tongues intertwined, a parable on the union of their naked bodies. But eventually, they realized they would have to clean up before Cassie and Becca’s parents got home. So they parted and got dressed, to the disappointment of all. Later that night, as the three of them watched The Dark Knight, Mike had an awesome idea. “Becca? How would you and Cassie like to make a little bit of money?” the two sister’s turned to look at him with their amazing blue eyes. “Sure!” They said in unison. “What do you have in mind?” Mike grinned, and they both saw that primal fire light up in his eyes. “Well, if you don’t mind me saying, you two are the greatest fucks in the history of mankind. And honestly, I would rather have you all to myself. But I’m sure there’s other guys out there who would love to bang you up. Especially my friends.” Becca suddenly realized where this was going. “You want us to be prostitutes?” she asked accusingly. Mike’s grin didn’t diminish. “On paper yes. But in reality, you would be getting the greatest pleasure of your life, while making buko bucks at the same time!” Mike’s enthusiasm was starting to catch, and Cassie began to like the idea. “How much do you think we’ll make?” she asked innocently. “Well, my friends are all with rich families, and they all get exorbant allowances that they hardly know what to do with! So I’m thinking we could do it on a scaled basis. The more erotic it is the more expensive it is.” And so Mike laid out his plan to the girls. For Cassie, the price to see her naked would be $30, to give her cunnilingus $60, for fellatio, $100, and for sex, $200. The whole package would be $360, a thirty-dollar deal. For Becca, the price would be slightly lessened, due to the fact that she was older and therefore slightly less desirable in certain ways. To see her naked, it would be $40, to give her cunnilingus $55, for fellatio, $110, and for sex, $195. The whole package would be $355, only slightly less than for Cassie. They both agreed that this would be an excellent opportunity, and by the end of the conversation, their panties were soaking wet with anticipation. The next day, while the boys showered after gym, Mike decided to see if his plan would work. He first approached the two most horny kids in the class, Jason and Peter. Jason was massive, a 6’4” black teen, with a cock like a horse. Limp, it was at least 6 inches long, but erect, it had to reach 11 inches. Peter was no slouch either in the dick department, but his real specialty was lasting power. 30 minutes could pass with the tightest pussy on earth, and he wouldn’t even be close to cumming. Mike tried to hide his grin. If, no when, he got these boys to fuck his girlfriend and her hot little sister, the girls would be in for a world of pleasure. And get them to agree he did. Jason was more than happy to put out all $715 to get some of the tight pussy Mike was offering. Jason wasn’t going to make his wishes simple. He shelled out another $285 to have both of the girls chained up on their beds for him to rape. But Peter had a different plan. He paid $1000 for both of the girls, with an additional caveat. He wanted to see them both fuck his dog, Bruno. Mike said he’d ask the girls, but with $2000 dollars of cold hard cash in his hand, he knew he could get them to do it. Cassie and Becca could barely contain themselves on the day Jason and Peter were to arrive. They masturbated each other constantly, bringing each other to new heights of orgasm almost every hour. Finally the doorbell rang, and they both rushed upstairs to change into their birthday suits. Mike got the door and greeted Jason, Peter, and his dog Bruno. Mike had purposely neglected to tell the two nymphs about the dog, knowing that the surprise would be well worth whatever pain they gave him later. Already, Jason’s dick was at nearly 8 inches simply from anticipation, and when they got upstairs to the girls’ bedroom, it flew up to full mast instantly, breaking the button on his pants. Cassie and Becca lay on the bed, completely naked, their long, tan legs chained together at the ankles, and their hands tied to the bedposts. Jason grinned, handed Mike the $1000 dollars, and set to work. He stripped quickly, and every teen in the room gasped at the size. Fully stiff, it was 11 inches of pure, black meat, and Jason intended to use it to its fullest. He jumped on Cassie first, ready to destroy her 11 year old cunt with his massive black rod. Staring, open mouthed at the sight of his massive cock, Cassie screamed, and struggled against the ties on her arms and legs. But there was no escape for her. Jason positioned his huge body over hers, moving the head of his dick to the entrance to her pussy. He slowly pushed forward, squeezing his massive dick into her pussy. Her pussy lips bulged, stretched farther than she had ever thought possible. Jason moaned. This was the tightest fucking pussy he had ever had! Deeper and deeper, his penis pushed the limits of her pussy. Her young body was quivering with lust. Although it had hurt like hell at first, only pleasure reached Cassie’s body now. Jason planted kisses all along her as he slowly crept up her body. He sucked on her tiny tits, licking the hard nipples. His penis was about 6 inches in, a little more than halfway, when he kissed her. It was a passionate, deep kiss, and Cassie wanted to pull him in more, but the chains held her tightly to the bed. Suddenly, he pushed forward, his penis sinking another 3 inches in, pounding into the entrance to her womb. Cassie’s eyes opened wide, and she screamed into his mouth. But he wasn’t about to stop now. Jason slowly drew his monster dick out a few inches, then slammed forward again, driving himself over and over into her tight little hot box. Cassie couldn’t believe it, but she was orgasming over and over again, every time he slammed into her. She could almost see his penis inside her, pushing in and out, applying constant pressure to her G-spot. Her body spasmed, squirting cum all over Jason’s hard black muscles, making him even hornier than he had been. He kissed her for the final time, driving his tongue into her mouth as he pounded one last time, harder than he ever had before. His massive balls tensed up, and his cock throbbed with energy, sending wave after wave of hot white cum deep into her womb. Cassie’s eyes rolled to the back of her head, and she climaxed one last time. It was so intense, she ripped the bindings on her hands and feet off the bed, and her nude, eleven year old body thrashed in ecstasy underneath Jason’s toned black skin. Finally, the orgasms stopped, and Jason withdrew his limp, but still massive, cock from her inflamed pussy. Cum spilled out onto the bed, and Cassie scooped it up in one hand, then licked it off her fingers. Their combined juice tasted great, and Cassie swallowed every bit that she could. Peter and Mike had watched the whole ordeal with stunned looks on their faces. They couldn’t believe that such a young girl had taken a cock like that and lived to tell the tale. But it was over and done with, and it was Peter’s turn to have some fun. They untied Becca from the bed and put her down on her hands and knees. Her tight little ass stuck straight in the air, and if she wondered what Peter was going to do with her like that, it didn’t last very long. Becca saw Bruno. He was a mastiff, large even for his breed, with a dangling weiner almost as big as Jason’s. The dog, urged on by Peter, walked over to the young girl’s dripping cunt. It sniffed, and the touch of his wet nose sent shivers all the way up Becca’s spine. Then, he began licking. Little did Peter know, but Bruno was being used by his mother as a sex toy, and all the tricks he knew were to increase a woman’s sexual satisfaction. The dog lapped at the warm pussy in front of him, particularly at the small erect clit. Becca slumped to the ground with her ass in the air. She spread her legs as wide as she could to give the dog perfect access to her vaginal folds. It didn’t take long at all before she came, moaning and shaking with lust. Bruno knew from his training that this was the perfect time to mount, and mount he did. Without hesitation, the dog jumped up onto the still orgasmic girl’s naked back, and humped his erect 9 inch cock against her with wild abandon. At first it simply slid on the surface of her vagina, but a few thrusts later and it slammed into her with a fury. Bruno pounded with speed no other creature can match. The pleasure was exquisite, but Bruno hadn’t even begun yet. Slowly but surely his knot rose, climbing on his penis to slap against Becca’s dripping cunt. It was at least 3 inches in diameter, and when it pushed in, it never let go. Stream after stream of dog cum filled her womb. The white, sticky fluid ran down her thighs, pooling next to her feet. Having never quite gone down from her earlier climax, Becca was in a state of perpetual orgasm. Her muscles tightened constantly, and her tongue lolled out of her mouth as the breath was blasted from her lungs with every thrust of the massive dog. Since this is my first story arc, feedback would be greatly appreciated. Also, if a more romantic approach is clamored for, I will be happy to oblige. |
After a very blissful two hour nap, I awoke from my slumber with my usual raging hard on. I’d slept deeply and was happy to see I’d be ready for more action with my dinner invitation. I stroked myself for a few minutes thinking about the events earlier in the day and tried to anticipate what might be in store for the evening. It didn’t take long before I had pre-cum leaking from the tip. I knew I wanted to save myself for later though, so took a quick shower, shaved, brushed my teeth and dressed in only a t shirt and shorts. I was off to see what the evening had in store. It didn’t seem possible that I’d slipped into such depravity in the past few days and here I was going into this even deeper and loving the thrill of it every step of the way! I padded barefoot to my car and drove the 20 minutes to Mary’s house. I always enjoy the feel of the pedals on my feet and I was hoping for some nice foot action this evening too. I figured there is a reason our feet are so sensitive so might as well enjoy it some more! I was pleased to see Mary’s house was very nice and at the end of a secluded driveway. I drove to the top and parked. Apparently, the girls saw me driving up and already had the front door open with big beautiful smiles on their young faces. That’s when I realized I had never even heard their names earlier that day! Even better, I was very pleased to see them with very little on – short white shorts and tight little t shirts on their darling young bodies. I drank in the sight of their long slender legs and pretty bare feet. They both had a colorful piece of string wrapped around their left ankles. I always think that is such a hot sight. I grinned happily at them and said – you know girls, in all the excitement today, I never even got to hear your names! You know I am Victor – what are your names? The older girl answered that she was Tammy and the younger girl said she was Lisa. I said those are very pretty names to which they beamed even more. With that, I walked into the house to the smell of wonderful food. That’s when I realized that I was famished! One thing about constant arousal – it seems to suppress my appetite and I hadn’t eaten anything since the morning. The girls ran barefoot into the kitchen shouting to Mary, their mother, that Victor was here. Mary came out and I was pleased to see she was dressed in the same basic outfit as her sexy daughters – short white shorts and a tight t-shirt. Her small breasts were clearly outlined and I told her that I really liked the way she and the girls were dressed! Her hair was done up in a simple pony tail which I also love. Mary welcomed me with a nice hug and a kiss on the lips. I felt the heat of her body radiating through her thin clothing right through to my skin. What a thrill – I could already feel my cock starting to stir again! I also felt the very pleasurable squeeze of girl hands on my ass at the same time. I squeezed Mary’s ass and drew her pelvis in tight against mine. Aah, what an evening this was going to be! I said, but girls, isn’t this dessert? They all laughed and Mary said that was just an appetizer. She invited us into her dining room where she had set a very nice table. She had cooked succulent steaks with potatoes and green beans. It was all incredibly delicious. I sat directly across from Mary while her darling daughters sat on either side of me. They were close enough to me that they used their lovely bare feet to tease me under the table. They both ran their toes up and down my legs while they giggled at each other. I returned the favor and used my own big toe to reach up to their nice little cunts and tickle them through their shorts. I could see they were really enjoying this as I watched their nipples harden through their t shirts. I told Lisa to give me her foot. She immediately put her bare left foot up on the table in front of me. I began to lick the soles of her very sexy foot and run my tongue through each of beautiful little toes. Oh what a wonderful taste! Lisa giggled and said it tickled. I asked for her other foot and she switched them out. I enjoyed the taste of this foot as well. Eventually I thanked her and she sat back in her chair normally. Mary got up and cleared our plates off the table and brought fresh baked apple pie out. My favorite dessert! She served us up and while she leaned over me to serve my pie, she took her left hand and started rubbing her hand all up and down my chest. The girls again used their bare feet to stroke my legs and then Mary reached down and let her hand slip into my shorts where she grabbed my quickly hardening cock and squeezed. Aaaahhhh – I let out a long moan. She said naughty boy isn’t wearing any underwear! I chuckled and said somehow I didn’t think any of us were! We all laughed. Then Mary withdrew and we all enjoyed our apple pie together. When we were done, Mary said she and the girls had a very special evening planned for me and that we were going to go into the basement where they had prepared things. My heart quickened at this while I wondered what lay in store. Mary told the girls – ok, you know what to do. All three of them then stood up and quickly removed their clothing. As I suspected, none of them had anything on under their shorts and t shirts. Wow – what a beautiful sight they were. Tammy and Lisa’s nipples were hard as pencil erasers and Mary’s pussy was glistening with her sexual arousal. I looked from one girl to the other and to Mary licking my lips in appreciation. I was getting so hard! Then Mary asked me to stand up. I immediately did. Then Lisa and Tammy stood on either side of me and quickly pulled down my shorts which released my very hard cock. Tammy and Lisa then gave my cock a nice kiss and then stood on their chairs and pulled off my t shirt. Now the disrobing was complete and it was so wonderful! Mary then said – ok Victor, now the girls will lead you down into our parlor of pleasure in the basement. Follow me girls! With that, Lisa grabbed my cocked and used it like a leash while Tammy playfully squeezed my ass cheeks to urge me on. I was liking this! I caught sight of us in a hallway mirror and wished it was being recorded! Down the stairs we went and into the room Mary was walking into. The room was fairly well lit and there was a padded table in the middle of the room with a pretty good size hole in it toward one end. I had a pretty good idea what was happening next and sure enough, Mary told me (she didn’t ask) to get on that table stomach down. My hard cock went into the center of the large hole on the table and I got comfortable. I felt very vulnerable but at the same time, it gave me a thrill. They had obviously rehearsed this or maybe they had done it before – I wasn’t sure although I suspected I wasn’t the first male to use this table. I would find out later that indeed I was not the first male on this table! Mary then told me she was recording everything so we could all it enjoy it later and she promised me my own personal copy of the tape at the end of the evening. Now Lisa laid down on the padded shelf under the table and my cock met up with her young lips just perfectly. She put a pillow under her head to raise it up so she could easily take the entire length of my cock into her young mouth. And she wasted no time starting to work on me. Oh my gosh – what a feeling! Something about not being able to see her suck me made it all the more thrilling. But this was only the beginning. Next, Tammy crawled up on the table with me. It was extra long and there was plenty of room for her to lay on her back with her pussy right in my face with her long sexy bare legs along my sides with her pretty bare feet placed directly on my back. I got the hint and immediately started licking her pussy. She became very wet very quickly and the sweetness of her juices was intoxicating! She began to moan insistently as I licked her ever-expanding clit. Meantime, little Lisa was doing one hell of a good job on my hard cock under the table! Wow, what fun this was! Now, Mary told Tamara to hop off the table and to get on my back. I felt this beautiful girl stand up on my back and her bare feet were warm and felt so nice on my back. She then proceeded to walk all around my back and ass and she scrunched her toes in a massaging motion every few steps. Oh, it was heavenly! Meanwhile, Mary had taken Tamara’s place on the table and I got to enjoy the stronger scent of a woman’s pussy. Mary was sopping wet before I even got started on her. She was tweaking her own nipples as I ate her out hungrily. Tamara then announced she had to go to the bathroom and would be back shortly. Mary said don’t take too long! I heard her bare feet padding away. She was gone for a few minutes and then I heard her walking back. I was looking forward to feeling her bare feet on my back again, but apparently the girls had other plans. Instead, I felt her warm wet tongue on the bottom of my feet! All right! I loved the feeling of it. She took her time and licked my soles thoroughly. I then felt her spread my legs apart and I felt her fingers caressing my anus. She had put some lube on her fingers and easily worked one in and began to finger fuck me in the ass. What an intense feeling this all was – the taste of Mary’s pussy in my mouth, the feel of Lisa’s hot mouth working on my rock hard cock and now Tamara’s finger reaming me out! I didn’t think I was going to be able to take this much longer! Next, Tamara pulled out her finger from my ass and then began to insert something warm and a little larger into my rectum. Oh that felt so good! I figured she must have gotten a dildo or something. I thought it was awfully nice of her to warm it up before she stuck it in me! Aaah – that ass reaming was feeling really good! Soon the rhythm of that dildo up my ass started increasing and Lisa started sucking harder and faster and my tongue pressed even harder onto Mary’s clit and probed deeper into her wet cunt. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw Tamara walk around. She smiled at me and was rubbing her pussy furiously as she pinched her nipples. That’s when I realized something terrible – if she wasn’t reaming me out with a dildo who was? But Tamara said no no, don’t look around! Then I felt it at the same time I realized this had to be a male, and probably a boy judging by the small size of his cock. Suddenly, this person behind me starting moaning loudly and I felt his cock start spasming in my ass. That sent me over the edge and I had the most powerful orgasm of my life yet! I filled poor Lisa’s mouth very quickly and she did her best to swallow, so I’m told. Mary and Tamara came almost at the same instant and that room was one mass of loud moans and slurping noises and grunts. My senses were almost overloaded. I also thought I recognized the voice of that person in my ass too. For a while, I decided just to enjoy the sensations – I couldn’t deny it – that felt damn good! But I wasn’t gay my mind protested! I knew I didn’t want a man’s cock up my ass, but something about a boy cock up there seemed different somehow. Maybe it was the young innocence thing again. I didn’t know. I finally decided to turn around and sure enough, my suspicions were confirmed. It was Bobby! He had a huge grin on his face and I was just stunned. I’d just been fucked up the ass by a 9 year old boy! Oh man, my head hurt! Mary asked me if I liked what just happened. I had to admit to her that yes I did. But how in the heck did Bobby happen to be here? She explained Bobby was in the same English class at school as Lisa. So, I talked to Bobby’s mom earlier this afternoon and invited Bobby to have dinner at our house. Laura readily agreed to let Bobby come. She even brought him over before you got here. I asked if Bobby had had a chance to eat yet? Mary said she fed him right before I got here then sent him downstairs to await our arrival later. He had been waiting in the exercise room. I gave him my laptop with some good porn on it so he could get himself nice and hard and get him ready for his mission. I was amazed at the planning that had gone into this evening! So, when Tamara excused herself to go to the restroom, well, she didn’t actually need to go to the restroom. Instead she sent Bobby in here and well, you know the rest from there! I then looked at Bobby and I asked him if he had enjoyed fucking me. He nodded his head enthusiastically and thanked me for teaching him all about sex this week. He said he liked fucking any hole, girl or boy, ass or pussy or mouth! Wow – and here I thought Susie was the sex crazed one. Holy crap! Mary then told Bobby to come to her. I noticed Bobby still had a nice hard on – the energy of youth – I was jealous! Mary then said to Bobby – take that nice hard little cock of yours sweetie and fuck me up the ass with it – I love having a boy cock up my ass! Bobby didn’t need any more of an invitation than that and he was on her like a dog again – just like he had done to her in the woods earlier in the day. Wow he was energetic. He fucked her like there was no tomorrow! I had to admit, it was pretty hot and I was starting to get hard again! Tamara noticed I was getting hard too and smiled at me. Without a word, she climbed back up on the table on her back and spread her legs wide. Oh my gosh – how could I resist an invitation like that? I couldn’t. She was very well lubricated already and I slid my cock into her young tight pussy and went balls deep in one hard thrust. She moaned as I bottomed out in her young hot cunt. I then began to pound her as hard and fast as I could. Lisa was quite turned on by all this action and began to rub her own pussy in earnest as she watched my cock thrusting in and out of her sister’s pussy. I realized that I wanted to feel Lisa’s tight young pussy around my cock too before I came, so I pulled out of Tamara who pouted a pit, but I told her I needed to be fair to her sister. After all – what’s better than fucking an 11 year old I asked myself? Why a 10 year old of course! I hadn’t tasted Lisa’s pussy yet this evening, so I enjoyed licking her cunt for a few minutes first. She squealed in delight as I lapped at her sweet young pussy. Then she surprised me by asking for an ass fuck instead of a pussy fuck. I said are your sure Lisa? She said oh yes, she was sure. She liked it better up her ass than her pussy. Mmm, I thought – I know what you mean! So, I grabbed the lubricant that Bobby must have used, and smeared up my cock thoroughly and then fingered her anus with the lubricant to get her nice and ready. Then, I pressed my cock head against her ass ring and slowly pressed forward. Just relax sweetheart I cooed. Suddenly my cock slipped in past her ring and I was in. Oh my gosh – it was SO tight! It felt SO good! I couldn’t believe it. I watched in fascination as my hard cock slid in and out of this beautiful 9 year old’s tight little ass. It was amazing! Lisa was busy frigging her own clit as I worked my cock in and out of her young ass. I inserted a finger into her pussy hole and finger fucked her that way while I cock fucked her ass. It didn’t take long before she was screaming out in orgasmic pleasure. I felt her body shudder beneath me and then I shot my own load of hot sticky cum inside of her ass. Oh what a feeling! We all continued fucking, licking, and sucking each other for the next 30 minutes or so and then we all collapsed on the floor breathing heavily. After that, Mary got up and turned off the video camera which she had hidden behind some books on the nearby shelf. She smiled and winked at me. Oh man, it was gonna be hot to watch all that action! We all went back upstairs to relax in the living room. Mary remembered that she had to have Bobby home soon so told him to go get cleaned up and dressed. He asked if he could take a shower to which Mary replied of course he could. She asked me if I would mind keeping an eye on the girls while she took Bobby back home. I asked her with a grin on my face if she trusted me to be alone with her girls? She smiled wickedly back and said I certainly do and I hope you have fucked them both at least once before I get back! Wow! My head was spinning! To be continued… |
So Much Fun on the Bus by stifflittlepoints The students had participated in several fundraisers for most of the school year and they were returning home from their week-long trip. They had left at 8:00 p.m. and the bus would be on the road for almost 10 hours. Carly stood up and looked towards the front of the bus. Everyone had their overhead lights turned off and was sound asleep. They were working their way back from Washington and they would arrive back at school in the morning. She carefully checked the bus driver and observed that he had on his headset and was talking to someone on his CB. She slumped back in her seat and looked at her three friends who were almost asleep. They were in the back of the bus where the very back seats actually faced each other. Jeffrey had brown hair and a very cute smile. Ben had curly red hair and was quite the jokester. Jessie was a late bloomer for 16 and had begun to sprout breasts that were visible in her silky white top. She had long brown hair that came to her shoulders. Carly had short blonde hair, a very beautiful face and gorgeous 32A breasts that were currently being held up by a white sports bra which she hoped to get rid of very soon. "Come on guys, you promised we would stay up all night, right?" "Carly, its 3:30 . . . and I can hardly keep my eyes open," whined Jeffrey. "Maybe if we played some game that would keep us up" offered Ben. "How about strip poker?" "That sounds real good to me," said Carly looking around, "but the others are a little too close if they woke up. What about a good old fashioned game of Truth or Dare? Anyone interested?" This suggestion seemed to perk up their interest. This made Carly very happy, because she wanted to show the boys her bare titties and a lot more. And maybe she could even have the others reveal their privates as well. It was worth a try. "Okay, since it's my idea, I'll go first and we'll just go clockwise. Any problems? Okay, Ben truth or dare?" "Truth, I guess" he said. "Have you ever gone beyond kissing a girl before and if so what did you do?" Ben looked a little uncomfortable as he looked at the others. "One thing we've got to promise is that what we say . . . is only for our ears OK?" The others nodded their heads and eagerly waited his answer. "Well last year I got a little carried away with a girl I met on vacation and we sorta let each other touch the other person all over their body." "We've got to know exactly where Ben," whispered Carly. He looked at her rather helpless. "Alright, I touched her tits under her bra and I also touched her between the legs under her panties . . . is that enough?" "That's what I wanted to hear Big Ben" said Carly as she nonchalantly looked at his crotch. She noticed a little woody starting to grow in his sweat pants, which thrilled her. "Ok Ben, your turn to ask Jessie." "Truth or Dare," he asked looking at Jessie. "Truth", she said. "How about . . . have you ever French kissed a guy?" "Yep, earlier today when we were in the theater. One of the boys on this bus, and I won't tell you his name, reached over and kissed me when the lights went out and stuck his tongue inside my mouth and I sucked it for him. It felt great!" Her enthusiasm surprised everyone. "My turn," said Carly, “Truth or Dare Jeffrey? "Oh, let's get this game going somewhere, how about a dare?" "Good, I dare you to French kiss Carly for one minute. I'll get up and switch places with you so that you can do it more easily." She got up and sat next to Ben who eagerly waited to see the two go at it. Jeffrey liked Carly and saw this as a great opportunity to score points. He looked at her pretty face, brought up his hands to touch her cheeks and slowly brought his lips to hers. They both closed their eyes and immediately opened their mouths and let their tongues playfully fight each other. Jeffrey sucked in her tongue for a few seconds and then Carly did the same back. They both were losing control as Jessie called time. Just as they separated, Carly innocently reached down between Jeffrey's legs and felt for his cock. She wasn't disappointed as her hand quickly found his tube-like erection and gave it a gentle squeeze. The others didn't see it, but Jeffrey certainly approved. He looked at her with lust in his eyes, knowing that it was his turn. "Very nicely done Carly . . . truth or dare?" "I think dares are more fun, don't you?" "That one certainly was . . .Ok I dare you to . . .rub Ben's stiff woody for one minute." "What do you mean "woody"? asked Jessie. "You know . . .my COCK," said Ben. "That's what I thought," she blushed. "This is certainly getting way kinky awfully fast. I sure hope no one wakes up around us?" While she was talking, Carly deliberately knelt in front of Ben. He opened up his legs to allow her to get closer. She started at the knee and slowly moved up both hands along the inside of his legs. Both Jeffrey and Jessie saw that he had an erection and loved how Carly was teasing him. She gently cupped his balls through the material with one hand, and then opened up her other hand and curled it around the tent-like protrusion that stuck up. She expertly circled her fingers around his waiting cock with some difficulty because of the sweat pants and slowly masturbated him up and down. He was in shock at her behavior but was enjoying every second of his turn. After almost two minutes, Jeffrey called time. It was Ben's turn to quiz Jessie. "Now that was great . . .let's see . . . Jessie the question is truth or dare?" "I don't know you guys, this is getting a little wild. I suppose I would be slowing things down if I said truth . . .so I'll say dare Ben, but be nice." "Ok . . .I dare you to show us your titties!" "That was nice? Holy cow! This is kinda embarrassing. Everybody knows I'm not very stacked up front. Are you sure you want me to show you my baby breasts?" "Don't be chicken Jessie, you know where we're going with this game don't you? Lift up your top and show us your boobs." Jessie looked down at her silky white top, and then over at the sleeping students nearby and slowly began to roll up her top. The boy's eyes were glued to her chest. She continued to raise the material until it was level with her white training bra. "Go girl," said Ben, "take it off!" Jessie giggled, “In your dreams guys, I'll raise my top up over my bra, but that's all." She pulled the material up past her bra and the guys could see the small valley between her breasts, which was still exciting when fantasizing the shape and size of her titties underneath. She watched the boys looking at her and realized how exciting this really was. To girls, her breasts would be something to make fun of because of their tiny shape, but to guys they would be happy with a quick peak. "Here goes guys," her fingers reached under the cups of her bra and she pulled the fabric up. Two lemon-shaped titties began to dance on her chest. Her nipples were already erect adding to the little exhibition for her friends. "Keep those titties on display Jessie, I'll start my watch and we'll go for a full minute." "Why don't you pinch those little nips for us," suggested Carly who was also enjoying her friend's lewd display. Jessie pulled up her bra a little higher and meticulously pulled her nipples out from her chest using her thumb and forefinger. This began to cause her elevated pleasure, so she continued to roll her baby rose buds in a series of tiny twists with her fingers. For a minute she forgot her audience and just stared at her erect nipples. "That rocks girl, I love watching girls play with their titties," said Jeffrey. Ben signaled the time was up and Jessie pulled the cups over her breasts and rolled back down her white top blushing with excitement and anticipation as to what was coming next. "My turn . . . Jeffrey," said Jessie. "I think it is only fair that we get to see some of your secret parts if I had to show off my boobies, right? Forget the truth or dare stuff, I want you to show us your cock and balls." Jeffrey starred back at her request and looked at the others for some direction. "You heard the lady," said Carly, "Show us that big wiener in your pants." The two girls laughed as they watched Jeffrey squirm with embarrassment. "Ok ladies, if that what you want. Should I stand up, or do you want me to pull down my pants here on the seat?" "Just pull them off. I don't want the bus driver to get suspicious looking in his big rear view mirror," said Jessie. All six eyes were trained on Jeffrey. He was wearing sweat pants like many of the others, and the girls wondered to themselves if he was wearing any underwear. He untied the pull string at the top of the grey sweats, hooked his fingers in the top, lifted up his ass and began to pull down his pants. The girls immediately saw a white pair of cotton briefs, which would only delay the unveiling of the big show underneath. He pulled the sweats down to his knees and his growing cock was now protruding into the front of the briefs. "Here we go girls, big Hermy is about to go air born. How long should he say hi?" Jeffrey teased. "At least a minute, just like me." She checked her watch but quickly looked back at the main show in Jeffrey's pants. He continued his tease by very carefully pulling down the side of the briefs and then the back. This caused his cock to be snagged in the front, making his cock look even bigger than it was. He adjusted the thick knob out of the trap door and looked inside. "Are you sure you want to see my friend here?" "Quit playing Jeffrey," said an almost hypnotized Jessie, "Show us your COCK right now!" And as it turned out, that's all the motivation he needed. He yanked the briefs down to his knees and his 7" hard-on bobbed around in a circle. He looked up and watched the girls stare at his stiff shaft. He decided to improve the show, by grabbing his flapping cock in his fist and playfully masturbating himself in front of his female companions. "Jeffrey, I didn't know your big Willie was so huge. You’re going to delight many girls with that thick piece of meat, that's for sure, " said Carly mesmerized by his manipulating fingers. "Yeah," said Jessie, "that's for sure . . .look at that slippery tube." Jeffrey smiled a sly grin and continued to wank his cock. Jessie inspected her watch, "Times up Jeff. You better stop or you might have an accident!" He looked up, grinned and proceeded to pull up his briefs and sweat pants. "Carly, Carly, Carly . . . you sweet little treat with those fine tits. It's your turn isn't it? I think it’s time to pull out all of the stops. What can we have you do? To begin with, I want you to give your bra to Ben and leave that pretty chest of yours naked for us to enjoy." Carly seemed to be almost waiting for this request. With no hesitation, she pulled her sweatshirt over her head and dropped it into her lap. Everyone was surveying her sports bra, which covered up her breasts from their eager inspections. She glanced at Jeffrey, then over at Ben and finally to a somewhat embarrassed Jessie who knew her friend had much bigger titties than she had shown minutes before. "Here we go ladies and gentlemen, one, two three!" She reached under the elastic bottom and literally ripped it off her chest. Her glorious 32 A breasts bounced into view with their pointy tips giggling to be touched. She looked down, with little thought and brought up her fingers to pinch her nipples for a few gratifying seconds. "Any complaints guys?" She gingerly watched the two guys staring at her titties. It was a great feeling to have this much power, if only for a few shocking moments. But her plan had only started. "Jeffrey, I'm not going to wait for any more of your instructions. I want both of you guys to sit on either side of me on this seat. Jessie, you go over there for a minute and I'll give you something to stare at that you'll remember for the rest of your life. Guys, I want you to whip out your big boners for me so I can play with them. And while I'm servicing your hot cocks, I want you to touch and suck my titties. Any questions?" "Fuck no! I'm in!," shrieked Ben. Everyone shifted as the boys sat on either side of Carly. While they pulled down their sweats and underpants, Carly placed her arms behind her head, which caused her titties to thrust out in front. "Go ahead guys, stroke these firm little titties for me. I've been literally dripping all day long waiting for this moment." And with this introduction, the boys did NOT disappoint her. They immediately feasted their hands on her bouncing breasts, squeezing her cones and staring at her nipples. As with most guys, they equated her erect nipples with their long hard cocks. Jeffrey longed to suck her sweet buds, which he had fantasized about for months. Ben watched his friend lick his tongue around her elongated nipples and decided to dive in for a similar taste treat. Soon her chest glistened with their dripping saliva, making it easier to rub her breasts and nipples. "Don't forget about our cocks," whispered Jeffrey as he went back to sucking on her right breast. Carly was so turned on, she had forgotten about her part of the bargain. She noticed that both boys had stretched themselves out, allowing her to watch their oral assault on her titties but to inspect their stiff boners as well. She reached out with both hands and circled the heads of their cocks, tormenting them towards ecstasy. She began to move her fists up and down, carefully squeezing their pricks to possible orgasm. To make the task easier, she quickly licked the palms of her hands and glazed their long shanks with her self-made lubrication. From past experience, she knew they would probably not last long, especially with this special treatment. Their pre-cum had already lubricated the top of their cocks, making her masturbating fingers easily perform their magic. Jessie just watched and shook her head . . . holding her breath and enjoying this phenomenal sight. Her best friend was in the back seat of a crowded bus, naked to the waist, giving hand-jobs to two boys at the same time. Her pussy was literally sopping wet and she longed to have her experienced fingers arousing her eager clit. Would they notice if she went ahead and got started? She didn't even care any more, as she opened up the top of her sweats, ran her fingers under her panties and cupped her soaking pussy. She placed her middle finger at the entrance to her love canal and teased it in and out about 2 or 3 inches. She was in heaven. She looked up and continued to watch the sex orgy taking place three feet away on the seat in front of her. In and out she drove her trusty finger inside her dripping lips. She watched as both boys continued to suck Carly's breasts, almost like little babies. At the same time Carly's hands were rapidly moving up and down trying their best to bring on an orgasm for both boys. Their thick knobs appeared and then disappeared in her sodden hands. Suddenly Carly stopped. The boys looked up from her breasts with questioning eyes. They too stopped, and backed off wondering whether someone was awake or that the bus driver had caught on. "Sorry guys, my time is up. It's Jessie's turn to finish what I've started." The boys shook their heads, not believing Carly's decision. Jessie quickly brought her hand out of her panties, hoping no one saw what she was doing. "Tell you what Jessie. I'll make you a deal. Take off your top and your stupid bra. Then move on to the floor in front of one of the guys. I'll be right next to you. I've always wanted to learn how to give a refreshing BLOWJOB and I think we've got two guys that would be willing to teach us. Am I right?" "No fucking problem. Get on your knees girls and we'll show you the rest." Jessie was so excited from trying to bring herself off that she was willing to comply with Carly's suggestion. She quickly doffed her top and skinny little bra. Her breasts reacted to the chill of the air-conditioned bus as she knelt down in front of Ben. She looked straight across at his shrinking cock in hopes of learning how to suck off guy's cocks. The thought of their thick cum splashing down her throat was exciting and a bit terrifying at the same time. "Ok guys, what should we do?" asked Carly. "This is your big chance to blow your fucking sperm all over the bus." "Jeff, I don't know about you, but I'd like to start by tit-rubbing these girls with our cocks. How about you?" "Sounds great Ben. Girls, bend over first and lick the heads of our cocks so that they are real slippery. The more slippery the better!" Jessie was a bit scared but stuck out her tongue and placed it just under the top of Ben's cock. Little did she realize the incredible placement of her amateur tongue. She rapidly teased the sensitive area by flicking her little teenage tongue up and down. "Jessie . . . you gotta slow down girl, or you'll bring me off in a second . . .Ohhhhhhh that feels great!" said Ben. Jessie had started to twirl her little tongue all around his throbbing cock. She giggled as he gently pushed her face away from his purple-headed cock as he attempted to hold back a certain facial. She looked over at Carly who was pretending to be a fish and wetting Jeff's cock with her warm saliva. The scene was an erotic one not only for her, but for Jeff as well. Jeff's cock was now dripping with his drool. "You guys watch what I do next," said Jeff. He had Carly move back slightly as he aimed his trembling cock in between her apple sized titties. He wedged his stead in between her small orbs and moved up and down. Carly looked down at his thrusting cock as it raced in between her titties. He playfully brought it out for a moment and circled her nipples . . .first the right side and then the left. It began to get a little dry so he raised his hips and stuck his cock back into her waiting mouth. Her eyes twinkled as she re-lubricated his rod. After it was sufficiently moist he placed it back in between her glossy little titties. He was now ready for some tit fucking action. "Jessie what I'm going to have Carly do . . . is to push together those cute and oh so sweet titties of hers as I slide my fucking cock into this slippery tunnel of joy". Jeff was now moving his cock up and down between her breasts. He made sure that his cock head would slip into her mouth every time he got to the top but only for a few seconds. "Come on Ben . . .I know we can do the same thing . . .and maybe make it feel even better for you," whispered Jessie. She opened up her slippery lips and slid them up and down his cock. He felt himself pulled into her mouth, further than he thought possible. He could feel the back of her tongue against the tip of his cock as she tried to pull it in further. He couldn't wait any longer, for his cock to touch her chest. The anticipation was killing him. He grabbed her hands and cupped them on her baby titties. They were like little peaches. The nipples were fully erect and eagerly waiting for the carnal sensation of his heated rod against them. He pulled his dripping cock out of her mouth and guided it first to each nipple for a delicate little test drive. The impact was electric and both teenagers gasped at the fresh sensation. Neither of them could believe how excited it made them. After a few seconds, he expertly guided his cock back and forth in between her titties. Jessie was so aflame; she dropped her hand down into her panties and wildly sought out her waiting clitoris. "Grab your titties Jessie. I can do that for you. I need a little test track to run my cock over " This was more than Jessie could have ever expected. She reached up, tweaked her titties and re-guided his cock as she felt his hand replace hers. He wasn't satisfied with the burden of the extra material over her love mound, so he untied the draw string and yanked down her sweats. She gasped at his actions, but soon rejoiced as his middle finger began to gently enter her slippery hole of joy. It was so humid he had no difficulty moving it in and out. He began to thrust his cock in between her titties at the same pace as his finger entered her throbbing cunt. Both of the lovers were seconds away from cumming into ecstasy and soaking their juices all over their partners. Meanwhile Carly was ready to go back to the basics. She wanted to perform her first blowjob and this tit-fucking was getting in the way. She slipped back down kneeling in front of Jeff. "Jeff, I want to SUCK YOUR COCK. Please let me finish you off with my mouth." "Go for it Carly. It won't take but a few seconds. Pretty soon your mouth and lips are going to be covered with my hot cum. You understand that good cock suckers ALWAYS swallow every drop right?" "That's what I heard. Now lean back on the seat and let my lips and tongue drive you wild." Jeff gratefully sat on the edge of the seat and watched below as his red headed cock entered Carly's warm lips. She started to kiss her way around the entire engorged organ, punctuating each kiss with a tiny lick. He could feel the turmoil in his balls begin to rise. He wanted to fuck her mouth, so he matched her bobbing head as she let it drop into her mouth 3 or 4 inches. Soon he was thrusting deep into her throat. He couldn't hold it back any more as his balls churned . . . shooting hot sperm down her gullet. After his second blast he pulled his cock out and emptied an equal spurt all over her face. She smiled as his cum dripped down both cheeks and off her chin. The final shots were carefully aimed at her adorable nipples. Once they hit their mark, they collected on her rosy buds and long stringy strands dripped onto her stomach. If this weren't enough, Carly watched with wide eyes as Ben's cock shot an equal amount of slippery semen all over Jessie's titties, mouth, face and naked pussy. As he began to slow down, Jessie opened up her mouth and gladly cleaned his spent cock with a series of bobbing head movements. Ben leaned back and welcomed the cool feeling of the seat against his back as Jessie sucked the remainder of his semen off his body. Both girls were still shaking with delight. They were ready for a second round . . .if the guys were UP for it. |
(Note: I drifted from Literotica a few years ago. I am back on there and now here with fresh copies of stories I wrote – newly edited, and a few new ones. As always, I appreciate feedback as well as ideas. Should you have an idea you want to put down on paper, please do not hesitate to contact me.) Katie's heart jumped as soon as she walked into the living room. Her mother had left for a three-day work trip, and having arrived home from college for the summer, Katie intended on spending quiet weekends with her father, Randy. They'd planned for the day. In the morning, after she'd gotten up, they'd cook breakfast together as they had done on weekends since she was a child. Afterward, they would go for a walk on the beaches of Santa Monica, catching up and enjoying time together, making up for the time they lost since she left for college nearly a year ago. Those plans were the last things on her mind the moment she walked in the living room. Her father sat on the couch, his hands up on the air as a masked man, standing just a few feet away from him, held a gun toward him. Still shaking, Randy jumped as he acknowledged Katie's presence, then darted his eyes to the masked man again, looking as helpless as Katie, in her 18 years, had ever seen her father. "Oh, dad! What’s going on?" she screamed and took a step back, her knees wobbly, as soon as she saw the scene unfolding in front of her. Never in her life had Katie been so scared. In the peaceful family in which she grew up, where her father and mother taught her to use words and denounced all forms of violence, no guns were ever seen or considered; she hardly heard a harsh word from her parents, whether directed at her or each another. Yet, here, her father sat with a gun pointed at him. "Shut up and sit down," the man commanded, his voice crackling and filled with rage as he pointed the gun at the couch, signaling for Katie on the chair across from a father. "Before you say anything stupid," the man began, his eyes glaring at the both of them. "I don't want your money." He stopped for a second to let the words sink in, yet it didn't make it any easier on Katie's heart. The college freshman from American University could feel her heart pounding, not knowing what to expect or what was to become of her family. In that moment, she wanted Mom. While she loved and always got along with her father, her mother had always been a source of comfort, and deep inside, she wished Mother would all the sudden show up, and call the police, and hold her and dry her tears. Katie snapped back into reality by the intruder’s voice, and jumped, as the man continued. "What I want is to see you naked," the man said to Katie, staring at her up and down and focusing on her chest, hidden from view by her arms. Still wearing her pink and yellow pajamas, Katie didn't look at all like the confident, intelligent 18-year-old freshman who led many volunteer and community projects since she was a pre-teen. "Now, stand up, and start stripping, and your dad and I are going to watch," the intruder commanded, his eyes as serious as his tone, while making motions with his gun. "She ... I ...," Randy stammered, his hands trembling as he tried to protest. "Shut up and just watch," the man interrupted. "I know you want to watch her," he man barked in an accusing tone, one that all the sudden made Katie sick to her stomach. "Do it now!" the man said, pulling back the charging handle, as he chambered a round and pointed it at the teen, determined to prove to them he wasn’t bluffing. Reluctantly, Katie stood up and with her eyes to the ground, began unbuttoning her pajama shirt, her hands shaking from both fear and shame as she stood between the man and her father. For Katie, there was still a moment of salvation. She could turn away from her father and he would never have to see her naked. She would never have to be so openly naked in front of her dad. Shame washed over Katie. Sure, she was comfortable with her dad, but to display her body for him in such a manner, she could never live with herself. She could never live with the idea of allowing her father to watch her strip, showing her tits, and then, even worse, having him look at her nakedness from the front, able to look at what was between her legs. On the couch, Randy trembled as his eyes focused on his daughter, hoping, wishing she weren't so scared and that somehow he could reach out to comfort her and make her fear go away. Even just a few feet from one each other, father daughter felt like they were thousands of miles away, unable to comfort each other, or reach out to hug each other to make their world right again. One button at a time, Katie began to undress, her fingers shook and her knees buckled with a new feeling of fear and shame she'd never experienced before. If I think about something else, maybe this wouldn't be so bad, she convinced herself as she unbuttoned the top button to her PJ top, slowly exposing the skin on her chest, and with each button, her cleavage and breasts came into view. She'd gone to sleep the night before without a bra and now, with half of her buttons already undone, Katie was exposing to her father a part of her body he had not seen since she was a child. The result of many hours in tanning salons began to show itself for the first time to her father. To Katie’s surprise, her nipples began poking out in reaction to the cold air, her areolas filled with goose bumps. Two more buttons. She kept her eyes on the ground, focusing on each button, taking her time to undress as to not rush herself into embarrassment, and half hoping the man would change his mind. When, at last, all the buttons were undone, Katie stood in front of her father, feeling like a child being judged, hands still shaking as her breasts pushed out of her chest, her eyes stared at the carpet as she reached up to get out of her PJ top, and dropping it on the floor. "Now, your bottoms, too," the man screamed, once again waving his gun toward Katie, who flinched and moved back, startled at the man's sudden movement. "Oh. No, no, no. This was bad enough, but my bottoms, too? Her mind screamed, weighing the meanings of being naked in front of a stranger as well as her dad. For Katie, the body was such something to be proud of – to be loved, but at the same time, also something private - not to be shown to just anyone. Trust. That's what had to happen before she exposed her body to any boy in college; yet, with both trust and intimacy nowhere to be found, she stood half exposed, with orders to show the stranger and her father more of herself. Reluctantly, she reached for her either side of her waistband, just right above where both sides of her hips were, and began pulling down, half an inch at a time as if trying to bide her time, hoping if she went slowly enough, she would eventually make the man go away. She continued to pull at the waistband, just exposing the front, and Randy continued to stare at his daughter, first at her chest again and then at her crotch, part of him curious at the exposure of his daughter's body. Then, it came into view. First just the fleshy lips, just the top of the lips, delicate and a hue of pink. As Katie began pulling her PJ bottoms down farther, her entire mound came into view, exposing the pouty lips, the long dip that bookended by either side of her neatly folded outer lips, gently covering the tiny hole within, still hidden from view. From that distance, Randy swore he saw a bit of shimmering light between her legs, perhaps a sign that she'd been a bit wet at the attention. His mind began to wander in places many fathers often visited, but so few ever admitted to doing such. Closing his eyes, Randy unsuccessfully pushed the image out of his mind. Imprinted within his mind were the beauty between her legs, and the pair of breasts that he never imagined he would ever get excited over. He shook and opened his eyes again. As Katie stepped out of her PJ bottoms and stood naked and trembling in front of her own father and the intruder, the PJ bottoms, still hot from he body heat laying bunched on the floor, she began to wonder what her father thought of her. Was he judging her body? Was he upset that she'd so easily stripped, despite having done so under duress? The young girl didn't have a chance to think to herself for long, as her thoughts were interrupted by yet another command, jolting her back into reality again. "Now, touch your pussy," the man commanded as he sat down, gun still pointing at her, not giving a damn that she'd barely turned 18, after having graduated high school early, or that her father was also in the room. "Uh ... I can’t..." Katie stammered, knowing that would cross the line, that it was one thing to expose her own pussy in front of her father, and it was another thing to play with her own pussy in front of him. Of course she'd masturbated before, many, many times, and in fact, had done so just the night before, but never had she ever considered playing with herself in front of her father. Yet, the 18-year-old had no choice, for as soon as she started to protest, the man pointed a gun at her father, prompting her to sit down on the empty chair next to her and giving in to the man's demands as he smiled and motioned with his head to her father, telling him to watch. It wasn't supposed to be like this. During the times Katie masturbated, it'd been in front of her lovers, men she wanted to see her masturbate, and in her own room, with privacy. An act so intimate, she reasoned, was only meant for those she loved, and for herself, not for the whole world to see. Of course she loved her father, but that was a different type of love. She'd never considered him a lover, and to sit there, already exposed, and now about to touch herself, sent a repulsive feeling down her spine and deep in the pit of her stomach. But masturbate she must. She had to do what it took to get that man to go away, to leave her and her father alone, and when Mother came home from her trip, they would be a happy family again, forever leaving behind this incident. At that moment, she didn't even consider that they would call the police, because of the shame, and fear that her face would be exposed all over the news. If no one knew, if they kept quiet, Katie thought she could deal with the turmoil by herself. Slowly, she reached for her slit, her tiny lips still neatly folded and tucked inward, hiding and covering the tiny hole that often leaked with her own juices when she touched herself. Her middle finger got there first, gently parting her lips as she pushed a middle finger into the entire slit, letting her hand, cold and trembling, slide down the valley that, at the top, featured her clit, still hidden from view, and below, the dip that at times became moist and wet, drooling with hot juices. But she found it to be dry and lifeless, partly because of fear, and because she wasn't turned on. Katie listlessly moved her middle finger up and down the slit, her palm against her clit as she moved her middle finger's knuckle up and down over her tiny hole, her knuckle taking a dip each time she did so. She swallowed hard, knowing that soon enough, she would probably physically turn herself on, though emotionally, Katie was miles away, back at college, where she was loved and respected, looked up to and adored, lusted after and viewed as a world changer. As if having an out-of-body experience, Katie continued touching her pussy, stimulating her clit, and letting her knuckle move over the fuck hole, sometimes making circles around it, completely ignoring her audience. As she did so, both her father and the man glued their eyes on her fingers, following each movement as the scared teenage girl continued to explore her folds. Partly feeling guilty, Randy swallowed hard and realized that he'd gotten excited. My God, Katie has a beautiful pussy, he thought, before chastising himself for looking. Dipping her knuckle into her hole, just a fraction of an inch, Katie shocked herself and snapped back to reality, remembering all the sudden that she was masturbating in front of her father and a stranger, as she could feel a slippery, warm substance stick to her knuckle. Was she getting turned on in front of her father? Was she getting wet while masturbating in front of her dad, despite not wanting to? As if egged on by an unseen force, Katie continued to masturbate. Pushing her palm harder against her clit, and with a quicker pace now, the teenager ran her knuckle over her dip once again. As if by magic, the walls inside her pussy began to leak; thin, hot trails of lubricant exited her body and onto her finger. I am wet. What’s wrong with me? And dad can see me wet, Katie thought to herself, admitting to herself that she'd been turned on by touching herself, whether it was also because she'd done so in front of her father was another story. The first step - admission, was all that was needed to open the floodgate as her speed increased, and all the sudden, Katie could feel the lust building inside of her as each touch produced more lubricant, helping her hand glide much easier on her crotch, while sending shivers up her spine. No, no, no, this can't be happening, her mind screamed, yet part of her also let it all go. Perhaps if she made herself cum, she thought, the man would leave them alone, and better yet, she'd be able to satisfy herself, her now-fogged mind thought. Then she and dad would talk about it, and it would all be over. They'd return to their normal lives, dad going on to love mom as he always did, and Katie continuing with her college career. The more she focused on the fact that her father was watching her, which Katie simply could not get out of her head, the more wet she somehow got, as her juices began to coat her insides at first, and then inch by inch, ran down her pussy and wetting the opening of her tiny opening. Her knuckle became slick with each dip it took inside her hole, no matter how shallow, and the young girl felt a hot flush over her entire body as she looked down, realizing that her chest were flushed red, and her nipples pushing out of her the mounds on her chest, excited by the pleasure she was giving to her other body parts. As if resigned to accept her fate, Katie pushed her crotch out at the direction of her father, exposing her sopping pussy and she let out a hiss. With her breathing becoming more shallow, Katie closed her eyes, hoping, thinking that perhaps if she didn't see her father in front of her, she wouldn't get as turned on. It didn't help. She'd given up now, she'd given up on trying to pretend it wasn't her father watching her, because in reality, he was; all the sudden, accepting the fact made it easier to masturbate, but she still didn't want to see him in front of her. "Ugh!" a tiny gasp involuntarily escaped her throat as her knuckle took another dip, taking with it the slick, hot lubricant now seeping out of her pussy and running down her slit and onto the chair. Deep inside of her, more juices had built up, and they needed release; they needed her help to exit her body, through her pussy and onto her hands and the chair she sat on, even if it meant doing so in front of her father. Opening her eyes again, Katie looked directly at her dad to find his eyes were glued to her, on her pussy, on the way her hand and fingers danced between her legs. Momentarily, as he realized that Katie was looking at him, Randy guiltily looked up at her. For a second, a mere second, their eyes locked. Katie sighed as he looked at her, because in his eyes, she could see it all. She could see the guilt of a father's helplessness, and for the moment, she felt an intense love for him. Yet, she also saw the eyes she'd seen in so many lovers - lust, the burning desire to be with her, to be inside her, to grind his crotch against hers as they both orgasm. Katie shuddered at the idea of her dad being turned on by her. Yet part of her, a small, little part deep inside of her, accepted it, knowing that it was natural for a man to be turned on at the sight of a woman in sexual needs, especially one as good looking as she was. He wants to fuck me. I turn him on. Dad is hard because of me, Katie realized as her fingers continued to dance, and though the idea made her sick, Katie could not help but eye her father from where she sat, letting her eyes rest on his crotch and realizing that in between his legs, a bulge had developed. Her heart beat faster, not out of fear anymore, as she'd learned to accept the situation, but because she'd never been in such a situation. To her knowledge, she'd never turned her dad on, and all the sudden, the idea seemed a novelty to her. Her own father had gotten hard watching her, and she, too, felt guilty. Yet, it somehow made her wet, as Katie increased the speed at which she rubbed her pussy. "Ugh," she softly moaned, closing her eyes and biting her lips as she leaned back, preserving in her mind the image of her father with his lusty eyes and bulging cock, staring at her as she masturbated. Is he still staring? She thought. As if to find the answer to her question, Katie pushed her middle finger halfway inside herself, sending pleasurable shockwaves to the nerves inside her hole, now slick and warm as it expanded to welcome her finger. She let out a moan. Is he watching now? "Ohhhh, shit!" she dragged out the word, letting her finger linger before pushing it in all the way and gasping as she did. The idea that her father was still watching made her more wet as Katie tensed her body while her finger, almost on its own, thrust in and out of her body. How hot was it that her father had lost all sense of fatherly love and protection and was turned on by her body, she thought. How hot was it that all the social constructions of family, thousands of years of defining and redefining what was moral and immoral were all gone, replaced with only the pure lust a father had for his own daughter. How hot was it that her father probably wanted to fuck her. She could feel it building deep inside her, a few more minutes and she would explode all over the chair, not caring if her father were there or not. A she approached closer and closer to the familiar feeling, young Katie was snapped back into reality again, forcing her to take her finger from her pussy, still slick with her juices, and look up. "That's enough!" the masked man said. "This isn't just for you." All the sudden, guilt came over Katie as she remembered the danger of the situation, that there was still a man with a gun, and worse yet, she'd masturbated, and gotten wet, and gotten close to an orgasm in front of her own dad. "You! Drop your pants!" the man commanded as he pointed the gun at Randy, who began to protest, but only to give in, as he shot a guilty look at Katie. The man probably wanted her father to masturbate in front of her now, Katie thought to herself, and all the sudden, was brought back to the feelings of shame and embarrassment she felt when the whole ordeal began. Standing up and unbuckling his belt, Randy unsnapped the hook to his pants and got out of them, as Katie kept her eyes on the ground, remembering that Randy, after all, was her father, and no matter how hot a situation she'd mistakenly thought this was, he was still her father. There was no staring at one's father - especially at his crotch, no matter how turned on a daughter might be. This wasn't in any social guideline rulebooks; it just was. "Look at how hard you're making him," the man said to Katie. As she brought her eyes up, almost like a scared child peeking into the closet at night and checking for monsters, Katie passed her father's crotch and stared into her father's eyes for a moment, giving him a look of guilt and then brought her eyes back down toward his crotch. With his underwear still on, Katie could see her father's cock poking against his gray underwear, his sexual excitement evident by his cock creating a tent in his underwear and a large, wet spot where the head of his penis rested. Katie couldn't do anything but take in a sharp breath - lightly enough as to not disturb the quietness of the room, yet loud enough for both her father and the masked man to hear. Randy, her own father, the very man who'd raised her, taught her to hit and catch baseballs, ride a bike and eventually drive a car, was turned on by her. Randy, her own father, the man who'd been there for her first date, who had dried her tears when she was a child, and who had driven cross country to Washington, D.C., to drop her off for college, had gotten hard watching her masturbate. She felt something inside her. Was it guilt? "Come over there and sit on him! Kiss him," the man commanded, perhaps ordering Katie to do what she would have done by herself anyway when at the highest peak of sexual excitement. Yet, something got the better of her; Katie began to protest, but as soon as she did, the man shot her a look that reminded her of the seriousness of the situation, and she gave in, torn between fear for her life, and the guilt of being in a sexual position with her own father, violating thousands of years of traditions and giving into the taboo most societies dared not mention. With nimble feet, Katie walked over to her father, her eyes locked into his the entire time, having already preserved the image of his hard cock in her mind. Still, she didn't know what to think. On the one hand, they were both turned on. On the other hand, she was his daughter. He was her father. This just couldn't happen in any civilized society, and because they'd considered themselves educated, this especially couldn't happen in their family. What would her mother think? What would she say to her father after it was all finished? How could she go on with her own life after this incident? Better yet, would she let her mind revert back to this incident and actually be turned on in her future masturbatory fantasies? Inches away from him now, Katie swallowed hard as her father reached for her face, cupping her cheek with familiarity and love, and tried to comfort her as the heat of her cheek penetrated his hand. Reaching for the few wispy hairs on her face, he moved them to the side and continued to stroke her face with the inside of his thumb. "I am so sorry, baby," he whispered, his voice desperate for forgiveness. "I am so sorry we have to do this. And I am sorry for my reaction." Katie took a deep breath knew she had to respond. Though, she wondered, was he more sorry that he couldn't do anything to end the situation, or was he sorry that he'd gotten hard watching her masturbate? Either way, Katie wanted to believe his words - every bit of them, and reaching to grab his hand, she kissed his thumb. "It's okay, we have to do what we have to do," she whispered, as if such an intimate moment, a father and daughter moment, was not to be heard by anyone else. She forced a smile, reassuring him that she wasn't upset, though deep inside, she was still confused, not knowing the difference between the love and lust she and her father felt, and wondering how far this would go. How far would this all take them? Would they recover from this? Would their family endure? Reaching for him, she pulled herself onto his lap and straddled to face him, their faces inches apart. It was much like when she was younger as father and daughter sat facing each other. But it didn't feel the same. First, she was naked and he was in his underwear, and second, he'd watched her masturbate. Thirdly, Katie was extremely turned on, and as far as she could tell, he was also turned on. "Oh, wow," Katie whispered next to his ear as she felt his hardness jump in response to her naked, warmth crotch. Her father’s cock was now separated from Katie’s pussy by a small layer of underwear. She could feel its heat, strength and eagerness to break free of his underwear. A sense of guilt washed over Katie as her mind screamed to her that she was getting turned on by cock – her own father’s cock. Yet, she nuzzled his face, taking in his scent, and closing her eyes, placing her lips on his chin, readying herself for the activity she'd done so many times before. It all felt familiar, but this time, it also felt different. Was she repulsed or she was excited? Katie couldn't tell, but as she kept her eyes closed, and gasped in surprise as she felt his lips gently touching hers. Taking in a deep breath, Katie parted her lips and took in his bottom lip before canting her head and sucking in her father’s scent. Warm, comforting and sexy. Those were the only words she could use to describe his kiss, as she sucked in her breath, taking in his, and felt his lips sucking on her upper lip, his hand stroking her face. Her eyes were tightly shut, remembering her first kiss and the many kisses she'd given and received since, but she also remembered that it was her father she was kissing. Guilt washed over her once more. A tongue. He'd stuck his tongue inside her mouth. Warm and slick, the tip of his tongue danced against hers. Katie sighed, clinging tightly onto her father’s face, giving in and feeling his heart beating against hers, her breasts on her father's body, her nipples mashing against his chest. Completely helpless and utterly horny, Katie gave in. Even if she were told to quit, Katie probably couldn't have done it. She needed to continue kissing. Down below, she could feel her father's cock twitching in his underwear, pushing and pulsating against her pussy, as she straddle him, feeling her own juices oozing out of her pussy and soaking her dad's underwear. Small waves of pleasure built upon her as they continued to kiss, her tongue now exploring his, occasionally opening her eyes to check to see if her was looking, only to find his eyes tight shut, lost in the kiss. As if by accident and through muscle memory, Katie began humping against her father’s cock. Slow, rocking motion on her father, with his underwear still on and soaked with both their juices. His underwear preventing his cock from springing free, but riding the clothed-covered shaft, soaking it from the outside with her own slick juices, seemed exciting to Katie, as she placed her hands around his neck and bounced, subtly and slowly, as if afraid to be discovered that she was enjoying this. "Hmmmmm," she moaned into his mouth so that only he could hear, leaving him harder now, knowing that his own daughter -- young, sweet Katie was enjoying the make out session and attempting to relieve herself by humping his cock. Randy could feel the slickness of her juices on his thigh, as it ran from inside, and grew even more excited because of the incestuous and forbidden nature of their kiss. But inside of him was also a feeling of guilt. My daughter. She’s my own daughter. He pushed his thoughts away, and allowed himself to get lost in making out with his daughter, occasionally pumping his whole crotch up, pushing his cock, still restrained by his own underwear, against her. How many fathers had ever done this with their daughters? The thought was erotic to him, too erotic, and Randy knew he needed to cum. He needed to shoot his load, whether on her beautiful face or deep inside her hole, drooling and ready for him to slide inside, it didn't matter. Randy, a happily married man, needed to fuck Katie. Randy, a loving father, needed to fuck his own daughter. They were interrupted yet again, and came back to reality, remembering that there was a stranger with a gun in the room. Clearing his throat, the man pulled Katie off her father, and with a lusty look in his eyes, pointed the gun at her and, as if the anger were gone, began to speak softly. "Now, make him cum! You both need to cum," the man demanded, his words etching into Katie’s mind as she imagined Randy’s cock stretching her, filling her. The words shocked Katie as she felt her heart skip a beat. What shocked Katie even more was how wet she'd gotten, as she looked down and saw that her lips were puffy, parted, and a constant stream of fuck juices slowly flowed out of her, running down her thighs. Her clit pushed out of its hood, readying to be pleasured. "We’re not going to do that," Randy said, almost drained from the emotional rollercoaster. "She's my daughter, I can’t..." Randy continued, but was cut short by the intruder who proceeded to give the 45-year-old man a verbal lashing. "What do you mean you can't?" The man’s eye popped wide open as he gestured toward Randy’s groin. "Look at you. Look at how hard you are! You want to fuck your own daughter. Strip down!” The intruder’s words inspired the young girl to take notice again, secretly moving her eyes toward her father's crotch as Randy removed his underwear and stepped out of it. As he pulled down the underwear, Randy’s cock sprang to life, its deep pink head dripping a thin string of clear, lubricated substance as its shiny head pointing straight out in front of him. Katie drew a sharp breath, partly because of the shock of having seen her dad naked and hard, and partly because she marveled at his cock. So beautiful, so hard, and to Katie, it seemed just the right size for what she needed at the moment. She closed her eyes and let herself drift again. I can't do this. I can't do this, a voice echoed in her head as she swallowed hard. I want to, but I can't. It's daddy, and as much as I need to cum, I can't do this. I love my father, but not like this. Thoughts continued to run in and out of her head, one second telling her it was her father and that it was unacceptable to even think about, let alone be pleasured by his cock. The next, Katie was wishing she could cum, wishing he'd make her cum, wishing he'd fuck her until she was so satisfied she couldn’t move. Then she drifted back to the guilty thoughts, shameful thoughts, thoughts that things would never be the same. She then scolded herself for being turned on, and then reasoned that it was natural, only to feel guilty again. Katie was in a confused and sexual stage, and Dad's hard cock, just inches from her, did not help. "Oh, Katie. I am so, so sorry." Randy’s eyes almost begged for forgiveness, looking at her and then down at her pussy before quickly moving his eyes back up. Katie, standing naked and shivering in fear and perhaps desire, her pussy shiny and slick, had in inverse effect on Randy’s words as he felt his body and mind betraying him. He wasn’t really sorry. He needed to fuck her. He needed to glide his cock inside what he imagined to be her quivering, velvety pussy, pinning her down and making her nectar splash on his thighs and hers with each thrust as they ride together toward an incestuous orgasm. The image weakened his knees. "Dad, it's okay," she whispered, her voice quivering. "After this, we'll be done and we'll be a family again." Katie meant what she said. She wanted to be a family again, and she was sure everything would be okay again. Yet, the only lingering word that rested in both of their minds was "this." "This" meaning father-daughter sex; "this" meaning Randy shoving his cock deep inside Katie; “this" meaning Randy fucking his own daughter; “this" meaning giving in to their own lust and letting their sexual urges take over. “This" also probably meant keeping it a secret between them and never telling her unsuspecting mother. “This” meant they would never be the same again. "This" was here and had to happen. Katie walked over to the couch and sat down, her eyes on her dad the entire time as she leaned back, waiting for Randy to approach her, knowing that although he was a few feet away from her, soon enough, he would be inside her. Soon enough, she knew, they would cross the threshold, the line drawn in the sand between father and daughter. Soon enough, Katie’s father would fuck her. "Just do it and get it over with, dad," she said, her voice detached as she spread one leg, flexing her knee, while her other leg dropped to the floor, exposing her pussy, still wet and slightly opened, to her father and the stranger. She closed her eyes and waited for "it." She took in a deep breath, expecting the worst emotionally, but also knew sex, no matter whom with, would feel good. For Katie, this would be a rollercoaster ride. For the young student, this would be the duality of good and bad, incest and sex. She sat there, back against the arm rest, waiting for "it." Suddenly, Katie could feel her father’s weight as he knelt down on the couch, his breathing labored as he approached her, letting out a sharp breath. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her closer to him. Katie didn't want to open her eyes, she didn't want to acknowledge that it was her dad placing his hands on her naked body, his face inches from her now soaking pussy. She didn't want to admit it was incest. Was she turned on? Yes, more than she'd ever been. Blame that on biology, but she also knew it was her dad, and no matter what sociologists said about family being a social construct, it was still wrong. She gasped at his touch as he moved her right knee up closer to her chest. Katie turned her face into the couch, closing her eyes, readying for "it." Then, without any warning, it took her by surprise, as she felt his thick, hot cockhead against her slit, dragged up and down the valley and spreading his heat along her slit before resting at the entrance of her hole. He hadn't entered yet and already, she could feel waves of pleasure as his rubbery cockhead made contact with the insides of her pussy lips. She could feel his pre-cum mixing with hers, and trembled at how hot his cockhead felt as she imagined what it might feel like burning deep inside her, filling her, stroking the insides of her pussy, pushing her to an orgasm. But Randy had other intentions. Rather than pushing deep inside her, after resting the drooling penis in front of her entrance, Randy reached for his shaft and moved it back up, gliding up her slit and resting it on her clit, his hot pre-cum drooling onto it, coaxing it to further push out of its hood. "Hmmm," she moaned as his cockhead touched her clit, and opened her eyes to look at him, kneeling over her, his cock in hand and just inches from the entrance of her pussy. Her own dad was grabbing his cock and tapping it on her clit. His beautiful, thick and round cockhead just half her height’s length away from her mouth, and she felt a desire to take it deep inside her mouth, sucking on it, feeling the lubricant in her throat, the saltiness on her tongue. But first, she needed to cum. Her words, her simple "hmmm," darkened Randy’s mind, as he began to understand that she, too, was enjoying this. Randy reasoned he could not fuck his own daughter at that moment, remembering all the father-daughter moments they'd had; but in this sexual stage, his own thoughts dictated, this moment, too, would be added to the thousands of other father-daughter moments they'd created. My God, what an incredibly horny girl she is, he thought as he began massaging her clit with his cockhead, making her jump and pushing herself deeper down against the couch as if to get away. She hissed at his touch, his cock vibrating thousands of nerves in her clit as her mind went blank, only focusing on the pleasure her father’s thick, drooling cockhead provided. "Oh, my God! Da … " she very softly moaned, still aware that there was a stranger in the room, and that this was incest, yet she wanted more. Katie wanted to cum, and the only person available to make her cum at that moment was her dad. She needed to cum, despite that it was her dad. "What the hell are you doing, put it in her." The impatient man shot a look his way as he tinkered with the camera. "Fuck her," he demanded. "I ... please, I just can't do it," her father said, continuing to rub her clit and occasionally moving his cockhead in between her pussy lips to sweep up her hot, excited juices and making her flinch with each rub, spreading their fluids all over her clit. Though her father knew Katie was sexually turned on, he wanted to wait longer to see what would happen, he wanted to prevent himself from fucking her then and there. He wanted to keep their relationship as was, if only for another five minutes. "Dad ... daddy, just do it, please. Just get it over with." To both her father and the intruder, it sounded more like a plea, a beg to be fucked by her own father, a plea to cum by her father's cock, a request to have her father's cum deep inside her teenage pussy. "Do what?" the man asked with a sly smile, knowing that Katie had fallen in lust, and needed to cum. His mission had been a success. He wanted the young girl to beg to be fucked, and soon enough, he knew, lewd words would fall out of her mouth, and would forever echo in his and her father's ears. "Put it in me... your co … penis in me," Katie stammered, catching herself before she said “cock” instead of “penis.” "Just give him what he wants," she continued, knowing damn well that she only meant to give her what she wanted, and that if the man was going to force them to fuck, that she would want to be fucked right then. Damned if she did, damned if she didn't, she reasoned. If he was going to force them to fuck, she was going to enjoy it, despite the fact that it was her father fucking her. Complying, though still reluctantly, her father dragged his cock downward toward Katie's wet, drooling hole, as her lips parted and, holding his cock at the entrance of her pussy, pushed his thick head against the opening. Although Katie was soaked from anticipation, her pussy slightly parted, the 18-year-old’s tightness resisted his cock’s advances. Yet, just the tip of his cock, nestling against her pussy, sent jolts of pleasure up his spine. Randy needed more. He needed to push his entire cockhead within her, and once that happened, pin his daughter against the couch and fuck her until her body convulsed with pleasure, sending her toward their incestuous finally. Tight, yes, but not impossible to penetrate. He would try again, Randy determined, until his entire cock was within her. Repositioning himself for better leverage, and staring into Katie’s desperate eyes, Randy grunted as he pushed against her pussy once more, using his thumbs to part her smoldering lips before placing his cock against the entrance, his clear, hot pre-cum leaking onto her hole. This time, the tiny hole, already well lubricated and burning with her natural lubricant, yielded to his cock. Feeling his cock pushing her lips apart, Katie groaned, letting out a lung full of air through her mouth, and helped her father’s penetration by pushing against him. The warmth of Katie’s pussy engulfed Randy’s cock as their efforts met, his head expanding her insides before they clamped tightly around his shaft, clinging onto his leaking cockhead, his pre-cum mixing with her own juices, making her entire pussy walls slick with the combination of their nectars. Soon, he hit the bottom of his daughter’s tiny pussy as the rest of his shaft disappeared inside her. Stopping to take a breath, Randy marveled at his daughter’s rolled back eyes, her mouth opened, as if asking to be kissed. This was it. This was a father and daughter fucking. Those words rang in Katie's ears and ran through her body, and to her surprise, it caused goose bumps and waves of pleasure, rather than fear and repulse. "Oh, nice, daddy." Grinning her teeth, Katie wrapped her arms around his neck as his cock filled her tight, teenage space, her pussy expanding to accommodate him. Katie was filled with her father’s own cock. “You’re in.” That fact excited Katie in ways that surprised her. To be filled by her own father, his cock deep inside her pussy was something Katie never expected or thought of. But now that the hard, pulsating cock was inside her, it didn’t matter to Katie that the cock belonged to her father. Pinned to the couch under her father’s weight, Katie drifted again – thousands of miles away, lost in her own thoughts. Start flexing your cock. Move it. Start fucking me. You’re hard for me. I can feel your cock. Now fuck me with it. They remained still, her eyes opening back up and locking themselves into his. The guilt and fear she saw in him had dissipated, replaced with the kind of lust she'd never seen in any man’s eyes, nor felt within herself. Nothing more did she want than to cum, to be fucked so hard her pussy ached. It didn't matter anymore that it was her father. Or, perhaps, the thought came across her mind, it did matter that he was her father. It’s because he is my father that I am so wet. My God, just start fucking me already. Fuck me hard. Randy moved his cock, subtly at first, just fractions of an inch in and out of her, rocking both of their bodies as he felt the entire couch move and her breasts swaying. Her hotness burned his cock. Randy increased his speed, his balls slammed into her, creating sweet, flesh-against-flesh sounds each time he thrust deep inside of her. What began as a scary proposition for them both had culminated in pleasure. His cock was in her pussy. Randy was in Katie. Father was inside his daughter. Randy’s mind spun and fogged at the realization he was inside his own daughter, but it only fueled him to fuck her deeper and faster. Inside their living room where he had watched Katie grow, take her first steps, and grow into the beautiful young woman, the slapping noises and Katie’s increasing yelps of pleasure echoed like staccato gunfire. Each time he thrust himself all the way in, slippery juices from their incestuous fucking splattered on her thighs and stomach and his chest, making their skin glisten from the lights’ reflection. "Oh, fuck,” Katie moaned and pushed back each time he pushed in, knowing that they'd crossed the line, and there would be no turning back. There she was, home from summer vacation, getting fucked by her own father and enjoying it. When she'd left school earlier in June, Katie never imagined she'd get fucked by her own father. Though now, she didn't seem to care, Katie thought to herself, as she spread her legs wider, offering her entire body to her dad. Randy had heard “fuck” come out of Katie’s mouth before, but never in this situation. He had never heard the young girl say, “fuck” in response to sexual pleasure – and what’s more, sexual pleasure that came from him. Fuck. She is enjoying this, too. My daughter is wet and fucking back. She wants this. My own daughter is horny because of me – because of my own cock. "Nhhhh, da …," Katie groaned as his cock hit a sensitive spot, and grabbed onto the couch, meeting her eyes with his. For father and daughter, there were only two in the world as their bodies meshed, his cock deep inside his daughter’s pussy. "Oh, dad, oh, shit," Katie panted through her nostrils, her head rolled back, her body pushing back to meet his thrust as her hands covered her face. A deep itch developed inside her, and thank God he was here, she thought. Thank God her father was here to scratch the itch -- an itch that only her own father’s cock, at that exact moment, can possibly scratch. "More, daddy," she moaned deep from within her throat as he continued to glide in and out. Though the 18-year-old had never been quite vocal during sex, something within her erupted each time her father’s cock slammed deep inside her, his slick cockhead massaging her pussy, bringing out even more of her juices from within her pussy walls. "Oh. My. Gooood,” she enunciated each word softly with every thrust. For the first, Katie accepted that it was her father fucking her, and not giving a damn. To hell with the taboos society imposed. To hell with what sociologist had to say. Dad is fucking me and I want to cum all over his cock. Just as Katie and Randy had developed their rhythm, with his daughter pushing her crotch toward him each time he pushed his cock into her, he pulled out, his cock pulsating and coated with her cum as he stood above her, almost out of breath, staring at her. They looked into each other eyes, and as if able to communicate just by their eyes, Katie stood up to momentarily face him before turning toward the couch, her hands resting on the armrest as she leaned forward. Katie’s bottom, naked and red from being pinned on the couch, stuck out at him and she spread her legs. “Hurry,” Katie begged, almost out of breath as she looked back at him before burying her face against the back of her hands, expecting that her father would know exactly what to do and almost ashamed that she was asking for it – “it” being getting fucked again and harder by her dad. Randy quickly found her pussy again, still wet and smoldering from their previous fucking. Sliding his cock along her slit from behind her, Randy promptly placed his cockhead against her hole. Her pussy, now familiar with his cock, opened up to accept the thick head, before clamping onto his entire shaft. Katie winced as her father pulled her back toward him, gliding his cock deeper into her with a violent thrust. Just like that, they were at it again -- father and daughter were fucking and this time, they began fucking not out of fear or intimidation. His cock was deep inside her and as he began pumping again, her breasts swayed. "Oh, my God …daddy ...fuck..." she moaned as he pumped his cock against her repeatedly, holding on to either side of her hips, feeling his orgasm building and hoping he could wait until she came. As Randy repeatedly slammed his cock into his daughter, pulling out slightly before pushing his hardness back inside her, it didn't matter to Katie that it was her father fucking her. In fact, she wanted it. She no longer loved it because it felt good despite the fact that her father was fucking her. She loved it because it felt good, and because her father was fucking her. Incest. The oldest, most socially taboo sin in society and she'd given into it. She’d reluctantly given in because she had to. But it didn't matter any longer because this was incest, and she was enjoying it. At 18, Katie was enjoying fucking not for sheer fucking; she was enjoying fucking because it was incest fucking. She needed to cum because it was, Katie realized as she saw their reflections in the mirror, her own father fucking her from behind. "Oh, my God, ...fuck" Words she’d never uttered escaped her lips, still reluctant and embarrassed that she was enjoying the lewdness of the situation. The words would add to that. Katie wanted to say more. She wanted to scream the words. Words she never even thought of all the sudden were on her mind and needed to come out as her dad pushed his cock deeper and deeper inside, and taking it back out and thrusting back in harder each time. She needed to say it because the words were already ringing in her own mind. Oh, God, daddy. Fuck me. Fuck your own daughter. Make me cum. Katie tried to hold on, she tried to wait until it was all over, until he'd came deep inside and she was alone to say those words to herself and relive what her father did to her, as to maintain a modicum of self-respect. She did try to hold on. Oh, she did. But as Randy’s cock slammed into her and his hand reached around to squeeze her tits while their bodies crashed against each other, the 18-year-old felt a jolt of pleasure and gave in. "Oh, ugh, fuck me, daddy. Fuck me, more!" she let loose, emphasizing each word and begged with every thrust. Goosebumps popped up all over her arms and chest as the young girl was surprised at her own words and turned on at the same time. Randy, hearing those lewd words for the first time, lost control, groaned and slammed harder into his daughter. Grunting with each thrust and feeling his balls boiling, readying to shoot his hot cum deep inside her, Randy slowed down to almost a stop. Slouching forward to hold her entire body, his cock still buried inside her, Randy sucked on his daughter’s right ear before whispering, letting his humid breath penetrate her ear. "Tell me what you want, Katie." “You know what I want. Please” She let out a desperate grunt, knowing her father had caught on to how much she wanted it. Yet, it was one thing to let those words loose while he was fucking her and another to beg for it now that he had stopped fucking her. Her mind still raced. Why did you stop fucking me? I was so close, she thought. Put it back in. Make me cum. “Then tell me, Katie. Tell daddy what you want,” Randy whispered as he stopped fucking her entirely. His face leaned against hers, his cock still buried deep inside. He needed to hear her say it again. "I … I want your … cock. Fuck me hard. Fuck your … little … girl’s pussy. Make me cum." She was delirious. She was begging and no longer ashamed of it. Katie needed her father’s cock. As he heard the words, Randy groaned and began pumping again, pulling Katie’s entire back onto his cock as she yelped, her breathing labored with each thrust. “Oh, yeah. Right there. Fuck me more, daddy. Fuck me … fuck me.” With her father’s cock lodged in her and fucking her toward an orgasm she’d never felt before, Katie let go and gave in to all the incestuous lust she'd denied herself. Katie needed to cum and the only person she wanted to help her cum was her own father. Then, there were stars. Katie felt the intensity build up deep inside her, as her tits became heavier, her pussy pulsated and leaked hot juices against her father’s cock and felt her body tense at the images in the mirror – her father’s eyes intense with lust as he slammed his cock into her. As the itch continued to rise and the speed at which her father fucked her increased, Katie inched closer to her orgasm. Sudden, it exploded. She felt her whole body tighten, and pushed back hard into her father's thrusting cock. Her whole body cramped, and she exploded, shuddering as she came, her cunt hole tightening around his cock. "Oh, shit. Cumming … daddy," she screamed as her muscles contracted, her cunt vibrated and at that exact moment, between her yelps and moans and delirious incestuous moans, Randy’s cock gave in to the undulating movements inside his daughter’s pussy, as it twitched and his balls tightened, and his temples filled of blood as he momentarily only saw darkness. Pulling her in and slamming his cock into her, Randy felt the gallons of cum deep inside him shooting into his daughter, coating her pussy walls with his thick, sticky cum. With each squirt, he pulled her against his body, as he shot inside his daughter, feeling his cum dripping back down against him. Her father’s hot cum was what did it for Katie as she grinded her pussy to meet his thrust, feeling the jets of searing hot cum exploding inside her. Letting out a groan, her body went limp, her chest flushed as her muscles tensed and she exploded, her pussy squeezing against his cock as she exhaled, waves of orgasmic pleasure hitting her, and like a slingshot rollercoaster ride, time and again shooting her up high at the point of orgasmic ecstasy before sending her crashing back down before shooting her up high again. Then, it was over. The highs of fucking his own daughter ended as Randy pulled out, leaving behind a trail of his own gooey cum, slowly dripping out of Katie’s red, shiny pussy. Gone were the echoes of her yelps and the slapping of flesh. Gone was the unquenchable lust both father and daughter needed to satisfy. Gone, too, was the relationship they’d had. Together, they fell onto the couch and lean against each other's sweaty body, out of breath and out of things to say to each other. For a second, father and daughter embraced, taking in their breaths and staring at the ceiling, confronted with the reality of what had just taken place. With only their quiet, peaceful breathing audible, Katie realized the man had left. Beginning to deconstruct what had happened, Katie reasoned that it had to happen either way, whether she liked it or not, whether she wanted it or not, and that there would be no regret. The fact still remained that she liked it – that they liked it. Once she caught her breath, she would wash her father’s cum off her, they would air the room to hide their incestuous fucking from her mother. She would make lunch, they would talk about it and, she hoped, they would move on with their lives. |
Sorry for any typos. Just a reminder: Light of Hellfire has been published, and the updated version, Hellsteel, features all new characters, monsters, and themes, and has an overall much deeper storyline. You can find it on Amazon. I've also published stories from my previous account, The Man of Sin and My Dear Sweet Slave. Buy a copy today! Body Of A Man, Mind Of A Machine Chapter One: Somalia, one of the poorest and most chaotic countries in the world, sits at the Horn of Africa, when at one time it was a beacon of the worldwide shipping economy. It now suffers from an ongoing civil war, between the struggling government and the Islamist group Al-Shabaab. In the capital city of Mogadishu, piracy thrives in the chaos as people struggle to survive the violence and turmoil. In essence, it is perfect for someone with certain needs. A strange sound to be heard in this area, the hammering of nails and crying of drills, so similar to the calls of combat normally echoing through the ravaged streets. Outside of the city, houses are being built, nice ones, standing out like islands in a sea of squalor. A new plumbing and electrical system is installed, providing clean water and power to all the new homes, which strangely sit vacant. The men building these houses are not Somali, their varying skin tones and languages confirm it. They do not associate with anyone besides their coworkers. They simply build during the day, eat food that they brought with them, disappear at night, and then reappear the next day to continue their work. Nobody knows who hired them or whom these luxurious houses belong to. Now, movers are showing up with trucks full of furniture and appliances. People come out from the city to watch, wondering what in the world is going on. They are now surrounded by what looks like American suburbia. Today, a man approaches a local tavern with a metal briefcase in hand. His posture, his clothes, and his haircut give away his identity as the foreigner, at least to this city. He is a mercenary from Egypt, armed with a handgun and even some grenades hooked to his belt. He steps inside, momentarily pausing to acclimate himself to the smell of bad cigars and cheap booze. The dank bar is filled with men, openly carrying assault rifles and talking amongst themselves. Everyone here is a pirate and everyone here has killed before. The mercenary walks over to the counter, ignoring all the cautious stares he’s getting. He stands out too much to not raise alarm. Setting the briefcase on the counter, he turns to face everyone. “I’m looking for Mahmud Hussein,” he says, speaking Arabic. Nobody answers him, but everyone is preparing to grab their weapons should they need them. Annoyed, the mercenary draws one of his grenades, sending a shiver of terror through the room as he pulls the pin. He keeps the spoon pressed, preventing the bomb from going off, but should he release his grip, there will only be seconds to get away. A dozen men get their feat and shout at him to return the pin, pointing their AK-47 rifles at him. “I repeat: I am looking for Mahmud Hussein.” He eases his grip on the spoon, starting the countdown. “I’m the one you want.” The mercenary turns to the one man not pointing a weapon at him, sitting in the corner amongst his bodyguards. He seems amused by the situation, more curious than fearful. His target found, the mercenary returns the pin to the grenade and stows it, replacing it instead with a cellphone. Set to speakerphone, he dials in a number, walks over, and places it at Mahmud’s table. Without saying another word, the mercenary departs, leaving his briefcase on the counter. From the cellphone, a voice is heard, distorted by a modulator. “Hello Mr. Hussein, it’s nice to meet you.” The stranger’s voice has a slight accent, unavoidable to anyone who doesn’t speak Arabic as a first language, but the way he speaks was otherwise perfect. “Who is this?” Mahmud demands with everyone listening in. “My name isn’t important. Am I correct in claiming you are the one in charge here?” “That is right.” “Good, then my sources are accurate. Allow me to get to the point: I have a business proposition for you, all of you. Work for me and I’ll give you all a future beyond your wildest dreams.” Mahmud laughed at the offer. “And what would be we doing?” “Bringing stability and prosperity to Somalia. Unfortunately, the instability and volatility of your country stands in the way of my endeavors, so I’ll have to fix it, and you’re all going to help.” “This joke is wearing on my nerves.” “It’s not a joke. The man who approached you left a metal briefcase on the counter. Have one of your men open it.” All eyes turn to the briefcase, setting off alarms in everyone’s mind as to what could be inside. Enough C4 could be crammed into it to reduce the entire building to dust. They felt like it was staring back at them, daring them to make a move. “You honestly expect me to fall for that?” “If I wanted you dead, I would have leveled the building with all of you inside, and I could have done it with the push of a button. Might I add that that is still an option for me? The young man by the counter, Elijah, have him open it.” Standing closest to the suitcase, the emaciated nineteen-year-old looks like he was about to faint. “That’s right, I’m looking at all of you right now. You’re surrounded by eyes, many of which are behind sniper scopes. Open the case.” Having forgotten the last time he had felt such fear, Mahmud hesitates and then nods to Elijah. The young man slowly approaches the case and unfastens it, the unclasping of the locks sounding like gunshots to everyone in the room. He at last works up the courage to open the case and gives a sigh of relief when nothing happens. Everyone gives similar gasps, having expected to be wrapped in a thunderous fireball. “Boy, what’s in it?” Mahmud asks. “Keys, sir. It’s full of keys.” “My gift to all of you,” says the stranger. “Each key goes to one of the new houses that have been built. You can move your families into them whenever you want.” The men gaped in amazement looking at the keys set out for them. Was this really happening? This was too good to be true! “Why are you doing this?” Mahmud asks. “There is no reason for my subordinates to live in squalor. I need people to help me save this world and one of the first steps in ensuring that countries like yours are stable. You’re all just the start. Besides, the lives you’ll be living will set the standard for the new era.” “We’re just fishermen and pirates, we can’t fix this country!” “Well then let’s change that, shall we? There is another building being set up, I’m sure you’re all aware of it. It’s the large facility on the other side of town, a university I’ve opened. Tomorrow at 8:00 am, all of you show up there and you’ll be given a free education to help welcome you into the 21st century. I’ll even pay you to attend classes so that you can focus on studying rather than work. Until then, take your keys and show your families to their new homes. Your country is about to be rebuilt from the ground up.” On the other end of the line, Adrian turned off his phone, satisfied with the results, but without his face showing even a glimmer of joy. Stowing his phone, he got out of his car and made his way to the high school entrance. First period would start soon. His name was Adrian Ashford, eighteen years old and a high school Junior, but by no means was he like any of the other guys his age. With an IQ of 300, he was regarded as the smartest man alive, past, present, and possibly even future. The only reason why he attended public school was because students at gifted schools were too competitive and desperate to beat him. To him, they were little more than arrogant little lap dogs, nipping at his heels as if they were his equals. Since he was ten years old, he had always preferred to be left alone and his cold personality was proof of this desire. He saw no use in human socialization and found it to be a hindrance and did whatever could to avoid it. Love and friendship only got in the way of his goals and Adrian wanted neither of them. He had closed off his heart so that he wouldn’t feel lonely and mastered complete control of his hormones and physical desires so that he wouldn’t feel attraction or arousal. Having recently transferred in at the end of September, he already had a reputation. Most people at school couldn’t stand being around him, because his logic and focus on reality basically crushed all of their dreams and beliefs. He could scientifically explain why their religion is false, why the habits that they think help them actually serve no purpose, why their views go against logic and reason, and he can list all of the flaws in their arguments. When someone asked him how he could possibly develop the views he had, he replied by saying that he simply came to conclusions by looking at problems the way a machine would. This tendency to crush their human traits had earned him the nickname ‘Adroid’, since he was basically the closest thing they’d ever come to meeting a robot. The world knew him only for his record IQ and his groundbreaking inventions, but no one on Earth knew just what he was capable of and how powerful he was, intellectually, physically, and economically. “Hey, Adrian!” Clasping his hand as he reached the front doors, a girl seemingly appeared beside him out of thin air. Jenny Sinclair, her appearance meant nothing to his cold heart, but his opinion was of no concern in the unquestionable fact that she was exceptionally beautiful. She had a well-tanned complexion, bright blue eyes, and long blonde hair. It caught the light beautifully with a deep full golden shade. Her figure was… womanly, to say the least. Were he a normal teenager, Adrian would have gone into a stupor at the sensation of her hand touching his, but with his emotions and desires sealed away, her appearance meant nothing to him. She asked him questions as if he was an all-knowing magic 8-ball, but she always picked her questions carefully, because his harsh logic was like fire: it’s comforting if you keep a safe distance, but you’ll get burned if you come too close. She sought him out for guidance and wisdom, using his inhuman logic in a human world. She was a social goddess, a celebrity to the other students, so why, of all people, would she so much as say hello to someone like Adrian? If anything, he just considered her an annoyance. “So, Adrian, how about having lunch with my friends and I?” “Why in the world would I ever do that?” “Because you need to spend time with people. Think of it as like a social psychology experiment. You get an up close and personal view of how people interact.” “You’re just going to keep badgering me until I say yes, aren’t you?” “Not badgering you, encouraging you!” “Ugh, fine, whatever. Now leave me alone.” Most of Adrian’s day was spent on his phone, silently taking care of business while his teachers droned on. After all the books he had read, there was nothing they could tell him that he didn’t already know. He had mastered all academic subjects years ago. The people he was texting weren’t friends; they were subordinates. What was going on in Somalia was nothing out of the ordinary for Adrian. He was in the process or reformatting dozens of countries around the globe, with his oldest factions boasting thousands of members. There were also several other people, subordinates in charge not of countries, but corporations. Whether it was taking over companies or starting them himself, Adrian had used his intellect to build up a corporate empire, one that the world knew nothing about, and the profits from these companies funded his endeavors. There was something new being muttered by the students in the halls, something that almost seemed to scare them. Normally ignoring everything around him, Adrian began to get curious. For once, he was glad that Jenny trailed behind him at every chance. “Jenny, do you know what is going on? I’m only picking up small pieces of the story.” “A bully named Logan is coming back from suspension. He was almost kicked out of school on the first day because he and his friends slashed the tires of all the teachers’ cars and set off fireworks in the halls.” “Oh great, just what this school needs.” “Well you’ll get to meet him, we have the same English class for fourth period.” “Huzzah,” Adrian groaned sarcastically. “So you’re the new kid,” Logan mused. He was six feet tall, had short blond hair, a sadistic look in his eyes, and he was dressed like a cliché bad boy from an 80’s movie. Jenny was sitting in the back of the classroom with her friends, watching him. “No, I’m just a figment of your imagination. As the kids would say, you are ‘totally tripping balls’ right now. Is that the answer you were looking for?” Adrian asked sarcastically. “Very funny, prick, very funny. You must have been the funniest guy in the mental hospital.” Adrian just rolled his eyes and sighed. The teacher had yet to show up, and until he did, Logan saw no reason to stop. Everyone was watching as if this was a sporting event. “So fag, how do you like the new school? I bet a scrawny little bitch like you fell apart on the first day.” “Your sense of assumption is far from correct,” Adrian said as stood up. “Well you’ll find that my aim is better!” Logan laughed as he reached out to punch him. With little effort but lightning-fast reflexes, Adrian blocked his fist with the back of his hand, completely halting his attack. “Who the fuck are you?” Logan hissed, pushing as hard as he could, but finding Adrian’s arm to be as strong as steel. “I already told you, I’m a figment of your imagination.” Without warning or hesitation, Adrian bolted forward and stabbed him with his hand, straight in the solar plexus. The attack had been so fast that Logan didn’t even feel the impact, but the pain was so intense, that just a fraction of a second later he couldn’t even scream. Adrian had stabbed with his fingers folded halfway and his hand between a fist and being completely flat. Had his fingers been straight, Adrian could have pierced his skin, with his whole hand coated in blood and a gaping hole left in Logan’s chest. Adrian pulled his hand back and Logan fell to the floor, gagging in pain and gripping the place Adrian had stabbed him. “Before your talk to me again, you had better learn respect, for I will not tolerate such insulting behavior. You are nothing more than a misbehaving dog that needs an attitude adjustment, and I will continue to treat you like one if you continue to act like one. Do I make myself clear, or am I going to have to put you in your place?” Everyone was staring at him with disbelief as Logan slowly got to his feet, chuckling like a serial killer. “Go fuck yourself. You’re no better than the rest of us, no matter how much you want to be.” “I’m not saying everyone is below me; I’m saying that you are below everyone. Like I said, you are nothing more than a misbehaving dog that needs an attitude adjustment. A pathetic sub-human like you deserves to be treated as such. You had better learn respect, because I won’t be as merciful next time.” “You condescending son of a—” “Sorry I’m late, everyone take out your textbooks,” the English teacher said as he stepped into the room, cutting Logan off. He immediately knew something had just being going on. “Logan… Adrian… what were the two of you just doing?” he asked, waiting for a reason to start handing out detentions. “Nothing sir,” Adrian said as he brushed his messy black hair out of his face. “Since you weren’t here, I thought it would be entertaining if I gave the lesson until you arrived. As you can see, everyone in class found the subject very interesting. I can only hope that Logan was paying attention and learned his lesson.” Logan began to laugh with a psychotic smile on his face. “Oh, I definitely learned something. And maybe soon, I’ll be able to teach you something.” “It seems you’ve already forgotten the lesson,” Adrian replied as he sat back down. “Everyone sit down and take out your textbooks,” the teacher ordered. As Logan moved towards an empty seat, he came to a stop in front of Jenny’s desk. All of her friends clustered around her, as if trying to scare Logan off. He was unfazed by their attempt. “Hey Sinclair, I missed you while I was gone. Or to be exact, I missed you every night.” Jenny blushed with anger. “Why can’t you just leave me alone? I hate you and the only time I’ve ever came into contact with you was to slap you. I don’t like you and I never will.” “Your mouth says “no, no”, but that very lovely cleavage of yours says “yes, oh yes”.” Jenny instinctively tightened her shirt and she and all her friends glared at him. “Logan, sit down or you’ll be drowning in detentions,” the teacher warned. Logan just laughed and sat down at an empty desk. Adrian turned back to Jenny and their gazes met. As she looked into his eyes, the anger and frustration in her own was replaced by calmness and comfort. She even gave him a dreamy smile. “So what’s that guy’s problem?” Adrian asked as he made his way to his next class. “He’s just always been a total asshole. Even as a Senior, he hasn’t matured at all. He throws a temper tantrum whenever someone tries to tell him what to do and he loves to torment everyone around him. He’s like a magnet for all the delinquents in the school. He and all his friends are part of a gang that hangs out in a warehouse in the city and everyone knows that he sells drugs. There is also a “rumor” that he raped a girl at a party, but the girl was so devastated and traumatized that she moved away without even testifying against him.” “And what’s his problem with you?” “He’s after all the pretty girls, but he taunts me the most, ever since middle school. I’ve always been terrified of yelling at him to leave him alone, then when I turn me back and walk away, he comes up behind me and covers my face with a chloroform rag, and then… you can imagine. Everyone knows he raped that poor girl, and I don’t want to end up as his next victim.” Adrian gave no reply. Her scowl then turned into a small smile. “But it was really great seeing you stand up to him like that, and even knock him to the ground. It was like seeing a tyrant being overthrown. I had never seen someone verbally assault another person like that, was that some sort of strategy?” “Yes, it’s an argument tactic that I use when my opponent refuses to be logical and just wants to cause harm. I attack the source of their pride: the delusion they have they are equal or better than other people. I subjugate and crush their view of themselves by saying that they are inferior sub-humans and should be treated as such. Calling someone a monster or a parasite does nothing, but treating him or her like one is like a dagger to the heart. If Logan tried to get into another fight with me, I could weaken his mental foundations by referring to him as “it” or saying something like “I can’t believe things like you are allowed to vote”. That way, I can take away his power as an individual person and psychologically crush him like the cockroach that he is.” Jenny’s smile was again filled with admiration. “Adrian, can I ask you a favor?” She asked, going from happy to nervous. “What is it?” “Will you protect me from him? If he comes after me, will you stop him?” “If you stay by my side, I will.” Lunch had arrived, and Adrian was sitting at a large round table in the middle of the school cafeteria. Jenny's friends paid no attention to him, and Adrian just sat back and ate his lunch. Normally they would have refused having someone like him, but after his encounter with Logan, he had gained a temporary hero status. The girl were gossiping about the boys they were dating, and as he listened to them, a question began to form in his mind, one that he couldn't help but ask, due to the situation. "Can I ask you all a question? I’m hoping that you can give me the answer that I can't find on his own." There was an awkward silence for a few seconds. "Sure, what is it?" Jenny’s friend Amanda asked. "What is the purpose of your relationships?" There was another awkward silence as everyone tried to figure out the meaning of the question. "What do you mean?" Jenny asked. "What is the purpose of the relationships you have through dating? I don't understand why you bother." "We do it... to find someone to love," one of Jenny's friends said, trying to pick her words carefully. "But what comes out of it? Say you find someone that you actually do love; do you have any idea how high the chances are that you will break up? It's practically inevitable." "No it's not," another girl piped up. "Yes it is. Statistically speaking, one of the greatest cause of all divorces is because the man and woman had been dating since high school or college and got married in their twenties or even their teens. Being in your teens is a death sentence to any relationship, and marriage isn’t the long shot, life is. Do you really think your relationship can last throughout the rest of high school, your college years, and your twenties? Basically, if you've lasted until college, unless you both go to the same universities, that relationship is more doomed than it already is. Even if you say to yourself that your relationship is "special", and you and your partner will maintain your romantic bond for the rest of your lives, you have to realize that every single couple that failed thought the same thing. What makes you think that your relationships are any different than all of the others? Why do you enter relationships when failure is practically unavoidable, especially at such young ages?" There was yet another awkward silence. "We do it... for the memories? For the enjoyment? For practice?" one girl shrugged, telling herself more than she was asking him. All around the table, all of the girls were being affected by his words, and were beginning to contemplate the value and point of being in a relationship. "What kind of answer is practice? How would you like it if you were dating someone and they just said that you were practice to them? How would you like it if we were dating and I told you that I’m just using you as practice for when someone better than you comes along? But if everyone considers their teenage relationships to be practice, then that must mean that all teenagers know that they are nothing but practice, and are in denial. If you weren’t in denial, then why would you put any emotional effort into a relationship if you know that you both consider the other one to be practice for a more meaningful relationship later, and it will inevitably fail? And what memories? What enjoyment? Relationships in this part of your lives are nothing but emotionally strenuous bonds with the illusion of something new and exciting. Your minds aren't fully developed and stabilized, making it so that hormones and the fear of being alone cause your feelings towards the other person. The whole time you're with them, your instincts and hormones are making you look at other people the way you originally looked at your partner. This wandering gaze causes you to devalue your relationship, because you convince yourselves that your heart is telling you that you aren't where you are meant to be, when really, its because your hormones are telling you to be with other people. Eventually your relationship—which had briefly burned with such passion—will be nothing but ash, as you both try to hide your contempt for each other out of the fear of being alone. Soon, your doomed relationship shatters, and you are left emotionally barren and exhausted. And during the time it takes to recuperate from the emotional strain, you look back at that relationship and curse yourself for wasting all of that effort on something so insipid as a high school romance. The trial leaves you with more emotional strain than happy memories, and your youth is wasted while your heart and mind heal, only for you to repeat the process with someone else. Even without knowing the statistics, you must surely know what I am talking about, and have experienced it first hand." All around the table, the girls' eyes gained a sad grayish hue and their complexions became pale as sorrow lined their faces. The impact of his words had broken their illusion of reality. Jenny’s eyes showed the most pain. "But what about you? What would you seek in a relationship?" a girl asked. "I do not want to be in a relationship." Just before she could ask, Adrian answered her. "You assume that like all other teenage boys, I only desire sex, which is the largest reason why males enter relationships. Even after all I have said, your experience with boys tells you that I am just a horny fool looking for someone to screw. At eighteen years of age, when my anatomy is supposed to be saturated with hormones, I have learned ultimate self-control. I have severed logical thought from sexual desire, as sexual desire serves no beneficial purpose outside of reproduction, which has no place at this stage in his life. It is illogical. There was a time when I might have wanted a relationship, but I have cast off the desire. A relationship is too dangerous for me anyway." His words shook all of the girls from their dread-dazes, and they stared at him with disbelief. “Dangerous?” Jenny asked. "Intimate and romantic relationships require effort and compromise, and even if you desire not to change, your identity subconsciously conforms. This is something I cannot allow. Since basically all relationships in your teens and early twenties are pointless, sex is nothing but a hollow act of perversion, compromising the purity of your identity as you give away a piece of your soul for a doomed romance. Our species is so desperate for love at such young ages that we compromise our identities without any consideration of the future. By accepting my limitations, studying the facts of reality, gaining control of physical desire, and embracing my urge to have solitude, I have achieved enlightenment and come to accept and embrace the fact that I am going to die alone. So I ask again: After everything I have just told you, what purpose do you find in relationships?" No reply came. Everyone had the same look of sorrow as before and Jenny was clutching herself and shaking. Adrian gave low sigh and stood up with his back to them. “What I just showed you were my last few strands of humanity from back before I cast my humanity aside. I am glad they are gone, as they serve no purpose in a rational mind.” He stood up to leave, and after taking only a few steps, Adrian stopped as he heard one of the girls jump to her feet. It was Amanda. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! What could have possibly twisted you into such a cold bastard? Just because something doesn’t help you in the long run doesn’t make it pointless. Some of the smallest things make people the happiest.” He turned to her and gave a small quick sigh, almost like a chuckle. “Tch, how illogical,” he scoffed before walking away. As time went on, Logan continuously harassed Jenny and Adrian. When he wasn’t trying to grab her or making lewd comments, he was trying to make Adrian angry and insult him. His attempts to bait him into an argument where he would become angry or frustrated were completely futile, for trying to rile him was like trying to get blood from stone. When her schedule allowed it, Jenny stayed with Adrian even more often then before, afraid of Logan showing up but comforted to have Adrian with her. Whenever Logan did make an appearance and try to force himself on Jenny, Adrian would step forward and protect her, scaring him off like he was a hyena. It was mid October and Amanda was hanging out with Jenny in her bedroom. She was happy she was finally able to spend time with her friend, for Jenny had been spending almost every minute with him since they met. As always, she was trying to convince Jenny to stop hanging out with him. “Will you stop it already? I already told you that I like him and that you can’t change it,” Jenny said with frustration from how Amanda resembled a broken record. “But does he like you? He said that he doesn’t want a friend or even a girlfriend. He even took control of his hormones and physical desires—which I still think is impossible and that he’s lying to you—so that he wouldn’t be attracted to girls and distracted from whatever the hell he’s doing. Jenny, you’re gorgeous, you’re so gorgeous that all the girls are jealous of you. But when it comes to Adrian… it would be easier for you to seduce a gay guy. At least a gay guy has feelings. Seriously, this guy isn’t heterosexual, bisexual, or a homosexual; he’s anti-sexual.” Jenny just held a confident smile. “Not for long, we’ll start swimming in gym this week and I have a new bathing suit to show off.” “Trust me babe, unless you got that bathing suit for a wardrobe malfunction, I doubt that will work.” Next to the gymnasium was a building holding the school pool and all of the students were sitting on bleachers along one side of the room. Among them was Jenny, constantly shifting in her seat and biting her lip. Her new one-piece bathing suit was clinging to her curved frame, exposing almost as much of her body as if she were wearing a bikini. All of the boys in the class kept on staring at her from the corners of their eyes. Adrian was sitting in the boy’s locker room, mentally preparing himself for what would happen next. He had shown up after everyone had already changed and now everyone was waiting for him to come out so that the class could begin. Like all the other boys, he was wearing a pair of swim trunks. “Come on, Adroid! Get out here!” the gym teacher barked. Adrian took a deep breath and walked out of the locker room. The second Adrian was in sight, Jenny shifted again, trying to find a sexy pose. “Oh Jenny, do you want to borrow some high heels?” Amanda teased. Jenny just elbowed her in the ribs and tried to regain her composure as Adrian approached. As he got closer, everyone’s eyes widened and they covered their mouths to hide their gasps of disbelief. The gym teacher took off his sunglasses, hoping that they were causing the sight before him. “Holy shit,” he muttered. Jenny stared at him with her mouth hanging open, almost on the verge of tears. “Oh my god.” Adrian’s legs, arms, chest, and back were all covered in burn marks, scars, and permanent bruises, all ranging in different sizes. The most recent ones were only a few weeks old. With all the scars and healed injuries, his whole body looked like the skin on a carpenter’s palm. Even from across the room, the healed injuries were as clear as day. Adrian was much more muscular than anyone expected, like a young bodybuilder, but even with his physique, it was difficult to see his muscles beneath all of the scars and injuries. Adrian ignored the stares and gasps as he walked past everyone. He took a seat on the bleachers and looked at Jenny. Her whole body was shaking as a single tear rolled down her cheek. “Adrian, wait!” he heard Jenny holler as he climbed into his car. Behind her, students were climbing onto buses and walking out to their own cars. Adrian lowered the window while she approached. Reaching him, she gripped the window frame of the door so tightly that her knuckles were white. Adrian looked at her face and realized that she had been crying. “Adrian, I’m begging you, please talk to me,” she whispered. “You want to know, don’t you?” In reply, she reached into the car and grasped his hands. “Very well, come with me.” Jenny nodded and rushed to the other side of the car, climbing into the passenger seat. Adrian pulled out of the school parking lot and began driving, with he and Jenny stone silent. After ten minutes, they arrived at his house, having not spoken a single word. “Follow me,” Adrian said as he grabbed his backpack and climbed out of the car. He led Jenny to the back of the house, where the basement exit resided. He opened up the double doors and they stepped down into the darkness. Adrian turned on the lights and Jenny gasped as she realized where she was. The house had been built with a finished basement with its own bathroom, and the whole level was his. One half of the room was filled with power tools and machinery for metalwork. Along one of the walls was his workbench, covered with his hand-tools for when he needed to work with wood. Adrian used the tools for building and inventing new machines of all shapes and sizes, all of which covered tables spread throughout the half of the room. The other half of the basement was his bedroom. Against the wall was a large bed with a nearby TV, set up on a mini-fridge. There were several bookcases, all filled with textbooks and almanacs on everything from surgery to engineering and each page was recorded to memory. In the corner of the basement was the bathroom door and steps leading up to a second exit. The walls of the whole room were not covered in pictures or posters, but pieces of hardware from dismantled electronics. Hundreds of circuit boards and screens had been tied together and hung across the walls, creating a wallpaper of metallic green. They were used for both decoration and spare parts to cannibalize for his work. There were also many pieces of exercise equipment spread throughout the basement. Adrian put down his backpack beside his bed, took off his coat, and removed his button-down shirt and the t-shirt underneath. Jenny slowly stepped up to him and put her hands on his chest, looking at the scars and injuries that covered his body. She tried to fight back tears as she examined them with the fluorescent lights above. “I did all of this to myself, every scar and injury.” Jenny stared into his eyes. “Why? Why would you do this to yourself?” “Because that is the cost of power. This is what I had to do to become the man I am today.” “What do you mean?” Jenny asked, wiping away her tears. Adrian took her hand and they sat down on his bed. “I was not always like this; I used to be a regular boy. I had fun and was emotional like all children, but when I was ten years old, I was in a lethal car accident. EMTs struggled to keep me alive, but my will to live was not powerful enough. My heart stopped and my body shut down. I was legally dead for almost three minutes before they were able to stabilize me on a heart/lung machine. I don’t know how long I was in that coma, but after my body recovered, I was declared brain dead because my heart and lungs would not work on their own. It’s a good thing my parents decided to wait to see if my condition would improve, because that saved my life. Time passed, but my condition didn’t. One night, a gas mane within the hospital exploded and the whole building was set ablaze. Firefighters and the hospital staff worked desperately to evacuate the patients, but they themselves had to flee before I could be rescued. They believed me to already be dead and the building was too unstable to send in any more people. But in that massive funeral pyre, I was far from dead. I was more alive than I had ever been before. When my bypass machine shut down from the loss of power, my mind reactivated and my body began to work again. I remember the intense heat lashing at my skin and the thick smoke filling my lungs as I opened his eyes, finally awake. I stepped out of bed in an enlightened state that I had never experienced before. I could see the flames moving in slow motion, I could smell and taste the individual chemicals and ingredients in the smoke, I could feel the rumbling of the building and the creases between the floor tiles beneath my feet, and I could hear my own heart beating and blood rushing through my veins. You know those stories about people being brought back to life minutes after death, about seeing a bright light and often returning to the world with an ability or talent they had never possessed? I had done the same thing, but on a much greater scale. When their minds entered the precipice between life and death, the barriers that stood before total neural awakening are brought down, and they are able to reach out and expand the parameters of their mind before coming back. However, I remained in that state for much longer. I was neither living nor dead for months on end, and because of that, I was able to unlock the potential that had been forgotten by our species. With the building around me breaking apart in a fiery cataclysm, I walked down the halls, completely at peace. Rubble and shrapnel were flying in all directions, but I was able to avoid them as if they were floating bubbles, and I could tell when the flames were going to erupt through a door or a floor just by feeling the pressure changes in the air. By rewiring my entire mind, I gained full mastery of my senses, and was able to sense more than humans had ever dreamed. At last, I stepped out of the flames and into the rain. I stood as still as a statue, letting the water cool my body and wash away the soot and ash. Never in my life had I felt so awake, so alive, so… enlightened. All of my senses were working at unbelievable magnitudes and my entire mind was surging with energy and ideas. On the day of the car crash, the old Adrian died, but from death, a new Adrian was born. I stared into the shadows of death and stole something from the darkness. I stole power, and that power was rushing through me as I walked out of the building and stood in the rain, reborn into an ascended being. I was seeing behind a curtain that no one even knew existed, but I knew that there was more. I was desperate to take this euphoria farther, to bring myself to the limits of my existence and shatter those limits. Ever since then, I have been working myself to go farther in every way possible.” “But these scars and burns… why would you do these things to yourself?” Jenny whispered as tears fell from her eyes. Adrian stood back up and turned to her. “I did it for the pain. For six years, I’ve been testing my mind and body to try and break every known barrier, and the greatest barrier humans face is the barrier of pain. Pain is both a curse and a blessing; the more pain we feel, the stronger we become, but pain is also the barrier that keeps us from getting stronger. Many of the greatest leaders and prophets only gained their wisdom and experience through great suffering at some point in their lives, for it is pain that lets us see through the curtain of unnecessary distractions and become truly wise. I’ve cut, burned, and battered my body both to harness the benefits of pain and become immune to it. Pain forces the mind to focus and set priorities, it clears away all useless thoughts and can allow humans to work at their peak when used correctly. But by also learning to block out pain, I have learned to use this body at its maximum potential, allowing me to push onwards until the laws of anatomy force me to stop, and not just an illusion of the senses. By combining enlightenment, pain, and physical mastery, I have ascended to the form that mankind was originally meant to reach. I will do anything to break free of the weaknesses of this body and mind. I have already forsaken companionship, emotions, physical desires, and everything else that makes me human. These scars and injuries are nothing more than superficial markings, having no real affect on my body, and therefore are unimportant. I need to be sure that my mind and body are ready… for the day when I can truly make my move.” Jenny averted her gaze and looked down at the floor, letting her tears fall. In an act truly against his character, Adrian crouched down placed his hand on her cheek, wiping away her tears. “Do not cry for me, Jenny. This is what I want.” Jenny gained a sad smile and pressed his hand tighter against her cheek. “I’m not crying from sadness, I’m crying from joy. This is what I’ve wanted since I first met you: I’ve wanted you to open up to me. I’ve wanted to find out everything I can about you. Thank you, Adrian. Thank you for trusting me.” They both stood up and Adrian put his shirt back on. “Come on, I’ll drive you home.” It was Friday, and Adrian was getting his textbook for the last class. He closed his locker door and turned around, standing face to face with Jenny. She was wearing a black miniskirt that wrapped tightly around her tan thighs, a white tank top that exposed her cleavage, high-healed boots, and a large belt that went around her stomach instead of her waist. She had her hands behind her back, and was constantly shifting her weight and biting her lip. “Adrian, I know that this isn’t really your thing… but you know that the Autumn Dance is this weekend, right?” “Yes,” he said, like the beat of a drum. “Well I would really like to go, but I have no one to go with. Would you like to go with me, as friends?” “I would prefer not to.” “Please? I really don’t want to go with just my girlfriends,” she pleaded, giving him the Bambi eyes. Adrian gave a very loud and annoyed sigh. “Very well.” The dance was just as Adrian expected it to be; the gymnasium was dark, the music was trashy, and the people were degenerates. The chaperones weren’t really paying attention, so as long as the room was dark, people could basically do whatever they wanted. On the gym floor, people were grinding against each other as if they were in the first stages of an orgy. Along the walls, guys were drinking from a whiskey bottle hidden in one of the flower bouquets being sold outside. In one of the corners, a couple were making out. The girl pulled down the straps of her dress, revealing her tits, which were round and full for her age. She gave a silent moan as her boyfriend started sucking her on her nipples. “Perverted fools,” Adrian muttered. He was sitting at a table in the corner, trying to keep his temper in check as he watched the endless parade of degeneration. Jenny was with a group of her friends, who were constantly looking at him in disbelief, amazed that she was able to convince him to show up. She walked over to him and sat down on the other side of the table. “Why don’t you go dance?” “Do you honestly expect me to?” Several moments passed by, with the only sound being Jenny drumming her fingers on the table and the music in the background. “Adrian, there is something that you said a while back that I didn’t quite understand. It was when you were eating lunch with my friends and I, and you said that you couldn’t let your mind be compromised by others. I’ve never heard anyone say something like that.” “When two people interact romantically and/or sexually, they trade parts of their identity. It’s like that health class saying, ‘When you have sex with someone, you’re having sex with everyone they’ve had sex with.’ Though it also works at the emotional level. When two people kiss or have sex, they forever carry a part of each other. Those with impure identities don’t realize how important their identities are, and they give their bodies without hesitation. All the guys my age hate their virginity, but I value it, because it symbolizes my intact identity and my morality.” “So it’s sort of like celibacy to a priest.” “Not exactly. They are abstinent for God but I am abstinent for myself and for the preservation of my morals and identity. Even after you lose your virginity, your identity can be further corrupted through romantic contact with other people.” He looked around for a few seconds and pointed to the couple standing in the dark corner. The girl had her knee lifted, letting her boyfriend finger-bang her. The dim lighting of the dark gymnasium just barely reflected off the pussy juice that coated his fingers. Their lack of self-control and decency disgusted him. “See that couple right there? Neither of them has any sexual ethics left, because they’ve both had countless sexual and romantic partners. They each give each other their physical forms without hesitation, and for the wrong reasons. As I grew older, I became more logical and noticed the inevitable failure of young relationships. I looked up relationship statistics and found that an incredibly vast number of marriages that start before you’re both in your thirties are doomed to fail. I realized that even if I were find someone I had romantic feelings for, my relationship with her would inevitably fail and would have been a waste of time and compromised who I am. If I waited until I was old enough to have a chance at a lifetime relationship with someone, they would have already compromised their identities. I shut the door for any future romance and turned my attention on myself, working to eliminate useless desires and find peace in solitude. Those realizations made me the man I am today.” Jenny stared silently, until the sound of a slow song make her perk up like a cat spotting movement. “I know you said that you don’t dance, but do you think that…” Adrian was silent for a few moments. “As you wish.” They walked out onto the gym floor, where all of the couples were slow dancing. With Jenny’s hands on his shoulders and his hands on her hips, they began to dance. Jenny had a warm smile as the song progressed. “What are you, Adrian?” “What do you mean?” “You are far too logical to be human, but you have too much heart to be a machine. You think that rejecting other people makes you a machine, but it’s your fear of relationships that shows that you still care. Ever since I met you, I’ve tried to figure out just what you are, but every time you speak, I’m more confused than ever.” “I am just a man who is wiser than most others, even those that are older than himself. I am merely what others should be.” Jenny chuckled. “It is people like you who have the power to change the world. People like Jesus and Gandhi always start out this way.” Adrian was hesitate before speaking, feeling like he needed to say something. “You look beautiful tonight.” She gave a soft laugh. “That is probably the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me. You know, to be honest, I wouldn’t have dressed up this much if I went with anyone but you.” Adrian was again silent as she slowly placed her hand on his cheek. “I think… I’m ready to go home,” she murmured. The car came to a halt in front of Jenny’s house. True to what her mom said, the lights were out and one of her parents’ cars was gone. Jenny said that they had gone out with friends and wouldn’t be back for a few hours. Adrian and Jenny stepped outside and he walked her to the door, the two of them rushing to escape the cold. “Goodbye,” he said without emotion once they came to a stop on the porch. “Adrian, wait, there is something I really need to talk to you about. Can we please talk inside?” “Very well,” he said, prompting her to unlock the door. They stepped into the dark house and she grasped his hand. “Come with me,” she whispered in the darkness as she led him upstairs. The stairs were layered with shag carpeting, muffling their footsteps so that the only sound was the swishing of Jenny’s dress. Pictures of family and friends were spread out across the wall along the staircase, allowing Adrian a brief view into Jenny’s life and history. They reached the second story and neither of them spoke as he followed her to her bedroom. Jenny closed the door and then walked to the other end of the room, not saying anything and keeping her back to him. The room was dimly lit by the streetlamp outside. Adrian looked around the room, using the low light to study the surroundings that had created the woman before him. Against the wall next to the door was a desk with a mirror. The surface was covered in schoolwork and makeup, with the drawers below half-open. There were two windows perpendicular with the door, and between them was a white bureau, filled with clothes and acting as the pedestal for Jenny’s athletic trophies. In the opposite corner of the room from the desk was a bedside table, and next to it was a twin bed, in line with the door. Between the door and the bed was Jenny’s closet. Hanging from the ceiling was a fan and covering the walls were more pictures of friends and family. “What did you want to talk about?” Adrian asked as his eyes lazily drifted from corner to corner. Jenny turned to him and her eyes seemed to glow in the faint darkness. She slowly reached up and brushed the straps of her dress off her shoulders. She pulled it all the way off, letting it fall down to her ankles and showing that she was wearing nothing underneath. With Jenny standing naked before him, Adrian struggled to find something to say. Even without physical desire clouding his mind, he would be lying if he said that she didn’t have a beautiful body. Jenny’s eyes were filled with fear and nervousness. “Adrian… I love you.” He could see a shiver run through her body once the words were whispered, and the relief on her face from finally speaking the words almost made her glow. “What?” he asked, her words having shaken him to his core. “I love you, Adrian. I decided that I want to lose my virginity, and you are the one I want to give it to.” Without saying a word, Adrian turned around and grasped the door handle. Jenny rushed over and put her hands on his shoulders. “Adrian, please wait.” “Why? You can only offer physical gratification, something that I have no need for. I have no reason to be here,” he said with as much feeling as a computer. “Please, don’t stay here for yourself, do it for me. I want to give myself to you.” “Why in the world would you want that? Have you listened to nothing I have said?” She stepped back and Adrian took his hand off of the doorknob. “Let me tell you what would happen if we were to be intimate: It would be a mediocre experience compared to what you expect it to be and we would both contaminate our identities. We have no chance of forming or even sustaining a relationship, and even if we did form one, it would inevitably fail. Once that happens, any positive feelings we have for each other will be reduced to loathing and all memories will bring nothing but pain. I would hate myself because I would have doomed my path to transcending the human plain by compromising my ideals and morals and sabotaging my clear-headedness. You would hate yourself because you would realize that you would have given your purity and innocence to someone that didn’t deserve it, and you would have nothing to give if you met someone else. Your heart would be broken and your soul tainted, and I would be a hollow shell, unable to find joy in this human world but unable to break free of it. We would both walk through this world as impure beings, forever regretting the mistake we made and hating the curse of youth. If we were to be intimate, there would be no love and happiness afterwards, just pain and loathing. That is the curse of the human race and I have worked hard to make sure that I don’t endure that same empty fate. If you have any respect for yourself, you will get some self-control and wait for someone who is actually capable of sharing your feelings.” Jenny’s eyes darkened and she clutched herself as if his words had struck her naked form like a frigid breeze. A single tear rolled down her cheek. “I don’t care about that, I don’t care what happens afterwards. Adrian, when we were dancing and I told you that you had the power to change the world, I meant that you had changed mine. You may not feel the same way about me, but I love you and I just want to be with you in any way that I can.” “Tch, how illogical,” Adrian scoffed. Jenny walked over and placed her hand on his cheek. “Please, if you care about me at all, you’ll stay. As much as you try to run from it, you are human. I’m not telling you to be like everyone else, no. Your uniqueness is what I love most about you. I’m just asking you to open your heart and accept me. I don’t care if you don’t love me, just please let me show you how much I love you. You don’t have to give me anything, just let me give myself to you.” “How could I even consider touching you, knowing that you had probably touched someone else before me? Even if you are a virgin, if we were to kiss, your mind would flash back to whoever you dated before me.” “Adrian, I’ve never been with any other boys. I’ve never even dated or kissed anyone. For as long as I’ve known what love is, I’ve been looking for someone to share it with. But I haven’t just been going out with any guy I find attractive; I’ve been looking for someone like you. I told myself that I would only give my heart to a man that completely amazed me. Ever since our first class together, I’ve admired and been astounded by everything about you: what you say, what you do, what you think, and who you are! Adrian, you told me that you wanted to be more than a regular human. Through my eyes, you are already more than a regular human, and that is why I idolize and love you.” Adrian stepped away from her and looked out the window. His mind was tearing itself apart, trying to figure out what to do. As much as he wanted to leave and forget about Jenny, something in his mind had bound him to her, and he could break that bond between them no easier than a steel chain locking them together. It was over a minute before he spoke. “I can’t let myself get distracted. I can’t let anyone get in the way of my goals. If we do this, Jenny, I will erase the memory of it and this whole night. There won’t be any part of me that was intimate with you. You will never be the same, but this night will have never even existed for me.” Jenny took a deep breath. “Does this mean you’ll…?” “Yes, if that is what will finally put you at ease. This night will not exist for me, but you will be unable to take back what happens. You said that you don’t care if I don’t love you. You just want to show how much you love me. Do you really want to waste your heart and virginity on someone who won’t even remember it?” “With you, it will not be a waste,” she whispered with a small smile. She walked over to Adrian as he undressed and gently grasped his hand, then guided him to the bed. She walked over to Adrian as he undressed and gently grasped his hand, then guided him to the bed. They sat down and Jenny put her hand on his cheek, looking deep into his eyes. “Is something wrong?” she asked. “I’m just unsure of how to proceed. I only know the standard mechanics of intimacy but no actual protocol.” Jenny gave the smallest of laughs. “Don’t worry, I’ll guide you.” With her hands on his cheeks, she leaned forward and pressed her soft lips against his, as gently as a falling leaf. They held that kiss for a few moments, each becoming familiar with the practice. They kissed again, mirroring each other’s movements. For several minutes, their lips joined and separated over and over again, and Adrian had to admit that it felt better then he thought it would. Not only was the physical enjoyment far beyond what he expected it to be, but there was another form of pleasure that he was experiencing, one that wasn’t coming from any nerve endings. Adrian mentally searched his body, trying to find where the feeling was coming from, but he couldn’t identify the source. As the kiss continued, he could smell the hormones in the air as Jenny’s levels of arousal skyrocketed. She moved her hands from his cheeks to his shoulders, using her soft fingers to find and count the endless scars that pocked his arms and chest. Replicating her actions, Adrian explored her body with his hands, finding comfort in the warmth and softness of her skin. This was a very peculiar experience, and this desire to find the answer to the nature of this puzzling feeling felt almost at good as the feeling itself. Adrian could feel memories of each action being imprinted in his mind in the form of experience, he was learning. He wanted this feeling to continue, he wanted to keep learning. This lack of knowledge exhilarated him, having finally found an unexplored area of study. It gave him something to strive for, something to work to understand, something to be challenged by. He had studied every field of knowledge from mechanics to astronomy to the languages of the world, but this was something he truly had no experience in. He was facing the most obvious and yet most intricate subject of them all: the essence of a sexual bond. Jenny’s body was like a piece of art from a culture he had never even known existed, and he wanted to examine it as such. He wanted to find out everything he could, he wanted to learn the things that he had always dismissed, and he wanted to finally find something that would require every aspect of his mind to understand, a true challenge to enjoy. With his arm around her, Adrian gently laid her down and resumed kissing her. As they kissed, his logical side fully gave up and his emotional and hormonal sides took full control. He was becoming more involved and enjoying it more than he thought he would. He already had an erection that was as hard as a rock and seven inches long and was exploring her body with his hands while using his left arm to stay suspended. Her breasts were round and soft, but had the perfect amount of firmness. Her areolas were the size of quarters, with nipples like pencil erasers. She moaned and hummed with each squeeze as he massaged every inch, using every muscle in his hand as if he were controlling the strings of a puppet. He moved his hand down, with his fingertips brushing against her slim belly. He could feel his heart-rate skyrocket as he reached her pubes, which had obviously been trimmed. She had been planning for this. He placed his index and middle finger on the two lips of her pussy and gently rubbed them, causing Jenny to tremble and hum loudly. With each stroke, the lips would become wetter and wetter as she became more aroused. He slowly inserted his middle finger and her thighs clamped around his hand like a vise grip, but the soft wet insides of her pussy seemed to be inviting him further. He pushed his whole finger in, and Jenny’s moans became louder as he worked it in and out, loosening her virgin pussy. She put her hand on his and pushed down on it, encouraging him to go even further. He cautiously obliged and pushed in his index and ring finger, then began pulling them out and pushing them back in. Her insides were incredibly tight, but she quickly loosened up as he worked his fingers in her like a piston. He could just barely feel her hymen with his middle finger. Jenny suddenly pulled her lips from his and whispered in his ear, “Adrian, I’m ready.” Adrian didn’t have the courage to respond, but when Jenny spread her legs, he grasped his manhood and pressed the head against the soft lips of her pussy. A drop of pre-cum oozed from the tip as his self-control became more erratic. He slowly pushed his cock into her sleeve and they both shivered from the physical ecstasy. Jenny dug her fingernails into his back and her humming turned more into a moan with every centimeter he delved. The head of his cock was pressed against her hymen, receiving no words from Jenny, he gave one large thrust and deflowered her. She gave a shrill moan and dug her nails into his back so tightly that he had to completely block out the pain. He pulled his dick out six inches and then forced it back in, causing Jenny to give another, deeper moan. They began to move back and forth in rhythm, and with every thrust he gave, Jenny would moan. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, holding onto him for dear life. With his face buried in her pillow and the sweet smell of her hair filling his senses, Adrian realized that this was nothing like what he thought it would be. He always figured that since he was so different from everyone else, sex would give him only a hollow feeling, but this… this was the opposite. He could feel physical and emotional bliss saturating every fiber of his being. It was a form of enjoyment that he had never thought possible. Jenny’s pussy felt like a mix of the interior of a grapefruit and soft bubblegum. True, that is a horrible and inaccurate comparison, but he couldn’t think of anything else. Jenny’s hot wet insides hugged his manhood tightly, soaking it as he explored every corner of her pussy. He wrapped his arms around Jenny and then rolled onto his back, swinging her up. She leaned back and moaned as she rode his cock, moving back and forth and up and down, trying to find some area of her pussy that his manhood had not yet probed. She had a thin film of sweat, which caught the light of the street lamp outside and almost made her glow. He ran his hand up and down her chest, relishing the feel of her body. In his mind, his hormonal side was howling like a wolf, happy that it was now being fully released. Jenny leaned forward and gripped the headboard for support, and he reached up and began kissing her breasts, sucking on her nipples in pure joy. As she bounced up and down on his cock, Jenny’s body began to tremble and her moans became more and more shrill. She gripped his shoulders and gave a mix of a scream and moan as she had a gushing orgasm. He came moments after, sending thick streams of semen up inside her. Jenny collapsed beside him, and for several minutes, they just stared at the ceiling as they tried to catch their breath. Once his body had calmed itself, Adrian sat up. “I should head home, my parents will be worried if it gets too late.” As he got dressed, Jenny sat up and looked at him. “Thank you, Adrian. That meant a lot to me. Did you enjoy that? It seemed like it was good for you, but you are always so hard to read.” Adrian finished buttoning his shirt and slowly turned to her. For the first time in years, he had a true smile on his face. It was not a wide ear-to-ear smile, but it was a warm one. Adrian was in a state of awareness that he had not felt before. He couldn’t tell which part of his segregated personality was currently dominant, but all he knew was that he felt… happy. “Would you maybe like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night?” Jenny gained the same warm smile and gave a small sigh of relief. “That would be a dream come true.” As Adrian opened the door, Jenny spoke up. “I love you, Adrian.” He then turned to her, never losing his smile. “Tch, how illogical.” Adrian walked out of her bedroom and left her house. Halfway from the door to his car, he looked up at Jenny’s bedroom window. She was standing at the window with a blanket wrapped around her. She blew him a kiss and Adrian winked at her in reply before climbing back into his car and driving away, happy for the first time in six years. Chapter Two: “What’s the emergency you called me about?” Amanda asked with worry as she climbed into Jenny’s car. “I need to talk to you and I can’t do it in your house or mine,” Jenny said sheepishly as she pulled out of Amanda’s driveway. They drove out of the suburbs and deep into the woods, stopping at the side of an unpaved road. They were half an hour’s drive from the nearest house or real building and only after being absolutely sure that both Amanda’s and her own phone were turned off an out of reach did Jenny finally pull over. “Ok, do you need to talk to me, or are you going to kill me? I’ve never seen you this nervous.” “I just need to tell someone about this but I have to make sure no one else finds out,” Jenny said, taking a deep breath and gripping the steering wheel so tightly that her hands were white. She then turned to her friend. “Listen, I don’t know how to say this delicately, so I’ll just be blunt… Adrian and I made love last night.” Amanda shifted through so many facial expressions so quickly that she looked like she had opened the Ark of the Covenant. She didn’t know whether to be happy for her or be horrified. Jenny just waited for Amanda to respond with a guilty look on her face. “So… how was it?” Jenny gained a nervous smile. “To be honest, it was better than I expected and I had really high expectations.” Amanda was almost taken back by the response. “Really? He was good? Wow… I don’t know what to think anymore. Seriously, I can’t decide if this is luck or skill, or if you’re just trying to sabotage yourself. This is like if you got pregnant and I couldn’t tell whether to congratulate you or suggest an abortion. Speaking of which, you are on the pill right? Because you might really need to get an abortion.” “Yes, I’m on the pill, but this is serious! I don’t know what to do!” “Well do you regret it?” Jenny smiled. “Not at all, it was the greatest night of my life. I just don’t know what to do now.” “Well what happened? I need details!” “Well my parents weren’t home when he drove me back, so I told him there was something I really needed to talk to him about. I brought him up to the bedroom and I told him that I loved him and I wanted to give him his virginity.” “Well while I think that it’s stupid that you actually love this guy, I’m glad you had enough sense to give your virginity to someone you love.” “At first he was really defensive, you know how he just wants to be alone… He thought it would be a really bad idea, he said that we would both regret it, he warned me that if we started a relationship it would inevitably end after a short while and we would hate each other, and he thought I was being an idiot for wanting to give his virginity to him. Finally, he told me that he would follow my wishes, but he would erase the memory of the whole night so that it would have never even existed for him.” “How romantic,” Amanda said with sarcasm drier than the world’s greatest martini. “I know… the build-up was less than desirable. But when he finally agreed and we had that first kiss… I’m still shivering. And then after we kissed… well I already told you that it was the greatest night of my life.” “I got to say, that last part does sound pretty romantic. So what happened afterwards?” “Well he got up, got dressed, and said that he had to go home. I was worried he was going to be true to his word and erase the memory, so I asked him if he enjoyed it. Instead of answering, he turned to me with the warmest smile I had ever seen and asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner tonight. I told him again that I loved him, he teased him a little, then he winked at me on the way back to his car.” “Damn, you are good. You brought him back from the brink and made him human. So are you really going out with him tonight?” “Well I don’t have his number so I’m assuming he’ll call me. I just hope he really will call. I know he was pretty shell-shocked afterwards and wasn’t quite in his normal state of mind, I’m worried he could crash mentally. I don’t know whether I should give him space or stay close and keep an eye on him. He went from emotionless robot that just wanted to be left alone to being physically intimate with someone that loved him. I’m actually really scared for him; his identity completely changed over the course of an hour and that’s not good for someone’s psyche.” “Wait, over the course of an hour? Does that include…” “No, neither of us was quite confident enough for foreplay, but there was a “transition” between kissing and the actual sex and we were intimate for over an hour.” “Wow, he’s got some serious self-control. I have to say, I’m kind of jealous of you now.” “Thanks, but remember, you can tell no one about this. If Adrian and I are in a relationship, then it won’t take long for people to find out. I just don’t want them to know we were intimate.” “Your secret is safe with me.” Adrian was sitting in his bedroom with his mind set in a self-induced trance. For what he planned to do, he needed to fully work together with his subconscious. Having achieved a perfect meditative state, Adrian delved deep into his mind and created a space for his consciousness to solidify into a projection of his physical body, the same as in a dream. He constructed the background of the dream into something fitting the situation, choosing the form of a nightclub. The walls were dark purple and decorated with lit candles and the ceiling was covered in mirrors and the tiles had intricate patterns. There were no tables, just booths lining one side of the room opposite to the bar, with a small lamp dimly illuminating each one. Adrian was sitting at the bar, looking at himself in the mirror. “I wouldn’t be doing this if I weren’t desperate, so let’s at least get this over with.” Two copies of him appeared, sitting on the stools on his left and right. One was the embodiment of Adrian’s physical desires, an entirely separate personality that he kept locked away. The other was the embodiment of his emotions, which according to Freud, kept desires in check and applied meaning to them. “Id, Ego… it sure has been a while.” “Wow, you really are desperate,” Id laughed. “Let it all out,” Ego said. “I just have no idea what to do. What can I possibly say when I see Jenny again? I don’t even know who I am anymore.” “Tell her that you want to screw her on every possible surface and in every possible position,” Id grunted. “She loves you, stay with her and it won’t take long for you to have the same feelings. When you see her, I want you to wrap your arms around her, kiss her, and tell her you want to be with her,” Ego said, patting him on the back. “You guys are completely useless, could you at least try to be unpredictable?” “What the hell do you expect? I’m pure emotion and he’s the sum of your physical desires. You haven’t given us much to work with,” Ego replied. “Enough talk, just rip her clothes off an fuck her!” Id yelled in impatience. “You love her, tell her that.” “Id, shut up. And Ego, YOU love her! That’s your job! I’m the Superego; I’m a separate personality with my own desires. I exist as my view of myself and what my identity is, and I’m not sure I want to identify myself as the guy that loves her.” “Well did you regret rocking that tight body of hers?” Id asked. Adrian hesitated before answering. “No, I don’t regret it, at least I’m not sure that I do. I have no idea what to do now. Do I just erase the memory as planned and go back to the way I was before and continue on to my goal of transcending the human race? Do I keep the memory and try to have a relationship with Jenny? On one hand, statistics show that our relationship would inevitably fail, but on the other… I was happy. Every aspect of my night with her was like… it was better than… I hadn’t felt so good since I walked out of the hospital and stood in the rain. I remember everything so vividly and can’t help but go over it over and over again in my mind in an attempt to relive it; the feeling of our bodies melting in perfect harmony, the warmth and softness of her naked form pressed tightly against mine while we held each other in that sweet embrace, the way she ran her fingers through my hair when she kissed me with her rose petal-like lips, and that nearly spiritual euphoria of the simultaneous climax we shared. Just thinking of it all makes my body tremble like it did when we finally separated. But I don’t know what to do now. Do I forget about her? Do I just go along with it and enjoy her as long as I’ll have her and try to endure the pain after it ends? Do I try to fight the odds and make the relationship work? Do I forsake my goals to be with her? I just need a voice that isn’t my own to tell me what to do. I haven’t felt confusion in years and I don’t know how to face it all. I need help, but there is no one that can help me.” “It doesn’t matter who you get involved with, the plan must come to fruition.” He turned around, facing another copy of himself. He was wearing a bulletproof overcoat and all of his clothes were made of Kevlar. Protruding from the back of his waist was the hilt of a weapon, hidden in its sheath that hung diagonally from his belt. “The other half of my Superego, the symbol for my world plan. I was wondering when you would show up.” “Id, Ego, and Superego; you divided yourself up into those three mental forms in order to help you achieve your goal of transcendence. However, I have a personal stake in this too. You created me for the sole purpose of completing your ultimate goal of changing the world,” the ominous entity muttered, staring at Adrian with those same calm steely eyes. “Tell me something I don’t know. I’m well aware that she could get in the way of my plan and I don’t need you reminding me of that. Either give me something I can use or vanish,” Adrian cursed, wishing he hadn’t even bothered contacting his alternate personalities. For the first time, he actually wanted someone to talk to. “Hey, we’re all you got. You’re the one that doesn’t want to have friends, remember?” Ego reminded. Adrian’s eyes widened. “Damn it, you’re starting to respond to my thoughts. You’re reminding me that I don’t want friends while I’m regretting not having anyone else to talk to. We’ve been in contact for too long, we’re starting to merge back together. This discussion is over.” Adrian banished Id and Ego back to the confines of his subconscious, leaving him alone with the other half of his dominant personality. “You want my advice? Very well. Trust her. Take a risk. Should she get in your way, you can always eliminate her the way you’ve eliminated so many other traitors and obstacles. You have enough money to hire an army of subordinates and have them do anything you want them to do, anything except trust and follow you. She on the other hand is completely loyal to you, and that could greatly come in handy. If she loves you then she will follow you. Mold her into something that you can use.” “I refuse to merely use her. She is not my subordinate. I won’t take advantage of her like that.” “Well if anything, she can serve as both the barrier and the cushion between you and I. You are well aware that as you move forward in your plan, it will be harder and harder to separate us. To the people around you, you are Adrian Ashford, a youth focused on breaking his own physical and psychological barriers. But there are so many names for me, the commander of your legions. The question will eventually become which of us is actually the mask. You have already killed many people, both through orders and by your own hand, and I am the prison that keeps your sins contained and protects you and the plan from your conscience. If you keep her close, then she can help you bear the sins you must commit, and she can make the transition between us easier as well as make it easier to stay separate from me. The plan must be brought to fruition; there can be no excuses and no failure. In order to change and save this world, we must be successful. You and me, two goals, the two sides of the same coin that will act in tandem, two of multiple personalities that share this mind and work together. We can do it if we don’t let ourselves get trapped in this farce that is known as “your life”. It all comes down to what you are willing to cast aside and what you are willing to bring with you when we finally make that leap and reveal ourselves.” The entity turned away from Adrian and slowly disappeared as the dream melted like a painting on thawing ice. Adrian opened his eyes and took a deep breath. He was back in his room and his body was sore from maintaining the meditative position. He took another deep breath, stretched, and walked over to his desk to retrieve his cell phone. This was actually the first time in years he had called someone other than his parents, clients, or subordinates. He took another deep breath and typed in the number. Adrian tried to maintain his composure as the phone rang. At home, Jenny was picking out an outfit with Amanda helping her. Both women exchanged glances when Jenny’s phone began ringing on her bedside table. With shaky hands, she answered. “Hello?” “Hey Jenny, it’s Adrian,” he said, afraid that he wouldn’t be able to speak. “Hey Adrian! How are you?” she asked, instantly lit up. “I’m good, I was wondering if you were still open for dinner tonight?” “Of course, I’m always open for you!” Jenny replied, regretting her choice of words before she was even finished speaking. “You sure are, slut! You sure are!” Amanda laughed. Jenny gave her the middle finger before continuing. “I mean I wouldn’t miss it for the world. So when and where do you want to go?” “Well I know a great restaurant in town, so how about I pick you up at six?” “That’s perfect. I’ll meet you outside so that you won’t have to lock horns with my dad.” “Thank you. All right, I’ll see you then.” “Bye,” she said before hanging up. Adrian turned off his phone and released a huge sigh of relief, while Jenny and Amanda jumped up and down and squealed in excitement. Between hanging up and leaving, Adrian did everything he could to keep his mind preoccupied and relaxed, while always keeping an eye on the time. He worked on his laser to use up his time, he filled his body with relaxing endorphins with exercise and self-control to keep his nerves steady, and he tried to come up with dinner conversation, seeing as how he had absolutely no idea what he and Jenny would talk about. Twenty minutes before six, Adrian stepped out of the shower, got dressed, and went upstairs into the house. He stepped into the living room, where his parents were watching the news. They almost jumped in surprise at his footsteps, as he rarely came up from the basement and talked to his parents even less. “I’m heading out, I don’t know when I’ll be back.” Adrian could see Jenny sitting on her front porch as he came up the driveway. Regardless of the dropping temperatures, she had chosen an outfit that complimented her body beautifully. She was wearing high-heeled shoes, a short black skirt that hugged her tan thighs, a large belt around her stomach, and a white top with lace around the collar. Her beautiful smile and bright eyes were fully illuminated by the setting autumn sun, with the light shining through her long blonde hair that flowed smoothly in the evening breeze. Jenny stood up and walked slowly towards the car with her hips swinging from side to side, trying to hide her excitement. “Hi,” she whispered simply as she climbed into the car and kissed him on the cheek. “Hello,” Adrian replied, not knowing what to say. “So where are we going?” “I set up a reservation at a fancy restaurant in town, I think you’ll like it.” “How can I not?” They locked eyes, and her smile became less ecstatic and more heartwarming. “I’m really glad you called.” Adrian could not help but smile when he responded and said, “I’m really glad I did too.” Dinner was awkward to say the least. They were sitting on opposite ends of a table, waiting for their food to arrive and trying to think of something to say. Adrian was tightly wrapping the corner of the white tablecloth around his fingers, trying to stay calm. While his mental balance was in turmoil, Jenny’s beautiful smile had not waned. She just looked at him with her eyes full of love as she ran her finger around the rim of her perspiring glass of iced tea. In front of him was a glass of water, already close to empty from nervous drinks. Between them was a bowl of untouched biscuits and a narrow vase with a few roses. The restaurant was brightly lit, with chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and lamps set up on the walls to look like candles. Outside, the last few strands of light from the setting sun were lost in the noise barrier of trees and bushes, shielding the restaurant from the sounds of the nearby street. While the building was packed, it was very quiet, for few people were talking. Except for kids dragged by their parents, Jenny and Adrian were the youngest people in the restaurant. Desperate to end the silence, Adrian said the first thing that came to mind to lighten the mood. “We’re on our first date and we’ve already been intimate. Normally this would be preceding a shotgun wedding,” he mused with a nervous smile. Jenny chuckled. “You’re actually the second person to say it’s like I’m pregnant.” “Really? Who did you tell?” “My friend Amanda. Don’t worry, she’ll keep it a secret.” “So… how did you sleep?” he then asked, trying to regain his conversational momentum. Jenny blushed. “It took me forever to fall asleep. I was just so excited and in disbelief. I wish you had been able to stay, I know I would have been able to fall asleep with you holding me. Maybe we can spend the night together next time.” “Next time…” Adrian murmured with uncertainty. Jenny’s smile faded and worry filled her eyes. “You want to do it again, don’t you?” “I don’t know… I’ve never been so unsure of something in my whole life. I don’t know what I want, I don’t know what I’m supposed to do, and I don’t even know who I am anymore. I don’t know if I should forget my goals to be with you or end this relationship before it’s too late and try to pick up the pieces of what I strived for.” Jenny reached forward and slipped her hand beneath his. “Adrian, you don’t have to forsake your goals to be with me. You can still break free of the human race and the fact that you have a human lover should not hinder that fact. Besides, if you somehow can transcend to the level you seek, you will still be in a human world. My heart doesn’t have to get in the way and you and your goals, my heart can be your home when you achieve them.” “But what possible chance do we have when nobody our age can keep a lifelong bond? To be honest, I have no faith in this relationship.” “You’re the last person I would expect to compare us to a regular couple. Besides, you have no idea how much it warms his heart that you just said we’re in a relationship,” she said with a small chuckle, her reassurance rekindling his own smile. The waitress showed up and gave them their food. “Listen, let’s stop talking about such glum things. Tell me, Adrian, what do you want to do when you grow up?” she then asked with a smile and her chin resting on her hand, while using her other hand to pick up a fork-full of spaghetti. Adrian hummed for a moment while he tried to come up with a response, stirring his soup and looking into the swirling ripples for the right answer. This was the moment, this was when he had to choose his words carefully and see how much he could truly trust Jenny. “I have plans. You told me last night that it was people like me who have the power to change the world, well I sort have been working on it already. For years I’ve been collecting the power I would need to finally make my move.” Jenny’s eyes widened with interest and amazement as she tried to figure out what he meant. She was suddenly remembering why she had fallen in love with him in the first place. “What you mean by that?” “I’ll tell you later. What about you, what do you want to do?” “I’ve always known what I want to do as an adult. I want to become a florist. I want to run my own flower shop or even a whole botanical garden. Last year, I had one of the top grades in Biology class, and it was because of how much I love plants and how interesting they are.” Seeing the smile on her face and hearing the soft light-hearted tone in her voice filled him with warmth and made his grin widen. “You know, you are the one person that can make me smile. I can’t remember the last time I was in such a good mood for so long.” “Well that must be a good omen for our relationship,” Jenny said warmly. “Then with that omen, I think I want to give this relationship a try.” With Jenny’s hand wrapped around his, they walked out to the parking lot and climbed into his car. “How about we go find a dark and empty parking lot?” Jenny suggested with a coy smile. He instantly understood the meaning, but his enthusiasm was far less than hers. “No.” A look of fear crossed Jenny’s face. “What’s wrong?” “Nothing is wrong, I just don’t want to do it in a car. Jenny, I don’t know what my feelings are for you, but I don’t want us to be intimate like this. I want every time to be special, not just for physical enjoyment. If we do this for the hollow physical feeling, then the act looses the emotional meaning and just mirrors what everyone else feels as pointless sex. The act would loose its individuality and so would our relationship. I don’t want to insult the bond we shared last night by reenacting it for sake of pure physical desire.” Jenny’s face was radiating with admiration. “How is it that such an emotionless robot can have such a big sentimental heart? Hold on, I have an idea.” She then reached into her purse and pulled out her phone, quickly typing in the number. “Hey mom, Adrian is going to drop me off at Amanda’s. She is going to want a lot of details, so I think I’ll just spend the night at her house. …Ok, bye.” She turned to him and put her hand on his thigh. “I have an alibi and a whole night to spend with the man I love.” “So are you sure that your parents won’t notice me?” Jenny asked as they moved to the back of his house. “Don’t worry, my parents give me complete privacy. Even if they open the door, they never even come down the stairs. We won’t be interrupted,” he said as he opened the double doors and they stepped down into his bedroom. Adrian turned on the light and went back to close the doors. “Your bedroom is just so cool.” He walked over to his stereo and turned it on, filling the room with calming white noise. He didn’t want any sounds to reach the rest of the house and the white noise would capture and muffle anything audible. Adrian walked over to Jenny and could feel nervousness filling his heart. Would this be as good as the first time? Would it be awkward? Was he doing the right thing by deciding to continue this relationship? “Don’t worry, darling. You never have to be intimidated by our bond,” she whispered as she placed her hands on his shoulders and pressed herself against him. He couldn’t believe that she was able to sense his worry even through his constant melancholic expression. “How is it that you can read me so well?” “I can read you because I love you. Even if I’m not completely in your heart, you are in mine, and I can see into your soul with that bond.” “My heart wants to be with you, but my mind is screaming at me to be logical. I don’t know who I am anymore and I won’t ever be able to find out once this relationship ends. I’m happy with you, but I will not able to rebuild once this bond is severed. Whatever you say to me, someone somewhere has said the same thing to the one they love and their relationship failed. How can I put faith in your words and feelings when they will falter with time? I can’t open my heart and protect myself from the future pain. I’ve sacrificed everything to achieve my goals, and now if I make a single mistake, all that sacrifice will have been for nothing and I will be left with nothing. I will be unable to move forward or back, trapped in the shattered remains of the world that I created. I’m gambling my life on a relationship that is practically doomed to fail, but I cannot stop myself. I want to end this now, I want to erase my memories of you, and I want to go back to way things were when I knew my path in life… But just as much as I want those things, my heart will not let me do them. I don’t know what my feelings for you are, but some aspect of my consciousness will not let me abandon them. I can see myself making a mistake, but I can’t do anything to stop myself.” Jenny moved her hands from his shoulders to his cheeks and stared deep into his eyes. “I told you that I would never love someone unless they could completely amaze me, you told me that you couldn’t break free of humans without becoming the greatest human on Earth. Adrian, you are the greatest human on Earth through my eyes. No one will ever amaze me more than you do, so I will never love anyone more than I love you. I know you don’t trust the human race and you have no faith in relationships, but we are not all failures. If you were able to become what all humans were meant to be, then maybe our bond can become as strong as all others were meant to be. Statistics don’t control their fates, we do!” “No, we don’t. Our futures are out of our control. We only do what time tells us to do and statistics allow us to see into time.” “They are only that, statistics! Reality and time doesn’t only bend to probability and patterns. The world isn’t just data and possibility, and even with all the data in the world, there are things that not even you can predict! If there is one person you can have faith in, it’s me. If there is one bond you can have faith in, it’s ours. Use your mind to see the world and use your heart to change it. You don’t need to prepare for the end of the relationship if your will is strong enough to protect it.” Jenny then pressed her lips against his and they maintained that sweet embrace for several seconds. They began to slowly and gently pull off each other’s clothes, while refusing to end the kiss for even a moment. With their lips still touching, Adrian swept Jenny off her feet and she pressed her hand against the center of his chest. Holding her beautiful naked frame in his arms, he carried her to the bed and laid her down. Jenny took her top off after several minutes, showing her full teenage breasts, which were barely being held by the red lace bra. Adrian reached behind her back and unclasped the bra hook, letting the red lingerie slip off her. His hormonal side had smashed through the psychological barrier and had shoved his rational mind aside, and indulged his desires by licking Jenny's round tits, causing her to gasp and hum in bliss. As he sucked on her nipples, he moved his hand down and unfastened her skirt. She slowly pushed them down her smooth thighs, along with her panties. “Adrian, I want you to lick me, I've always wanted to know what it feels like,” she said as her whole body trembled in arousal. “As you wish,” he said dryly. She looked into his eyes and gained a warm smile, apparently seeing something within him, regardless of his empty tone. “So you are human after all.” He silently crouched down as she spread her legs, showing him her pussy. He held his face just inches the soft lips, which were already wet with arousal. His primal hormonal side was savoring the fruity aroma and the proximity. He experimentally reached out with his tongue and brought it up between the wet lips, causing her to arch her back and moan in ecstasy. The taste of her juices was a very peculiar one, both bitter and sweet. He gave a broad lick, thoroughly enjoying the taste and feel of her lips on his tongue. He worked in a rhythm, exploring her hot wet insides as much as he could with my limited reach. Jenny was gripping the edges of the bed, giving a continuous high-pitched moan and blushing all over. “Oh god, Adrian! You're driving me crazy!” He stood up and undressed, standing over Jenny. He gripped his erect manhood and guided it to her pussy, slowly pushing it in. Jenny emitted a crystal-clear chime, like that of a bell. With his hands on her hips, Adrian began moving back and forth in a steady pattern, sending his cock deep inside her. With the two of them perpendicular, he was able to get great penetration, thrusting his cock all the way in and give her unparalleled euphoria. Strangely, Jenny seemed much more calm than before. She had a look of sleepy bliss on her face, only giving the softest of coos with each thrust. Her eyes were closed and she was gently running her fingertips along her smooth skin, almost as if she was just waking up from a nap. It almost looked like the ecstasy that had stimulated her body before was now relaxing it, almost like a massage. Deciding to go further, Adrian reached down and picked her up with his hands beneath her back. Surprised and unbalanced, Jenny wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He fully held her up off the bed, using only his arms to bring her up and down on his cock. Just from being in his arms, Jenny knew that Adrian was far stronger than he looked. In truth, she was light as a pillow to him. Jenny had a tired smile on her base and was blushing as he moved her. “I love you, Adrian,” she said tenderly as she ran her fingers through his hair. In reply, he held her up against the wall, and reawakened by the resulting thrust, Jenny reached up and held onto a pipe above her head for dear life. She resumed her hymn of moans as he used the angle to probe a new corner of her pussy, relishing the feeling of her hot wet insides. Everything on the wall rattled with each thrust as he put every drop of strength he had into satisfying her. Nearly an hour later, Jenny’s stamina was on the verge of giving out. They were back on the bed, this time in cowgirl position, and while Adrian was still full of energy, Jenny looked like she was about to pass out. “Adrian, I'm going to cum,” she panted. Using the springs in the mattress to take the burden off her, Adrian began thrusting upwards at top speed, sending his cock into her as hard and fast as possible. Finally, they both had a simultaneous orgasm, just the last in a long line, and once again soaking each other in DNA. Jenny collapsed on top of him, gasping for air but continuing to run her tongue and lips across his scars. Her long blonde hair was stretched across his face, and every breath he took brought with it the sweet smell of her perfume and sawdust from the table. They were pressed together to the point where they could feel each other's heartbeats, and their combined body heat was as intense as a furnace. As Adrian’s erection lost its luster, so did his Id’s control over his body. It slowly went back to sleep, returning power to his logical mind. With his semi-hard dick still inside her, Jenny pushed herself up, her hair hanging down around her angelic face. She had one of the warmest and sweetest smiles he had ever seen, and her eyes seem to glow as she gently ran her fingers through his hair. “I love you, Adrian,” Jenny whispered as she put her hand on the center of his chest and felt his heartbeat. Adrian did not give a reply, for he did not know what to say. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to tell me you love me. I know you’re confused; I sure was before I knew that I loved you. Take all the time you need to figure everything out, I will never run out of patience.” “Thank you.” “You don’t need to thank me, just hold me,” she said before kissing him and rolling on her side. He wrapped his arm around her and held her close with her warm back against his chest and the smell of her hair filling his senses. It would have been perfect, but Adrian could feel a headache forming. Jenny and Adrian walked out of the parking lot and towards the entrance of the school. It was the first day of the new semester and their schedules had changed. Both of them were nervous. “So should we just wait until after school to be together or is there some sort of protocol? I don’t want our relationship to be a secret, but neither do I want us to be one of those idiot couples that stand in the hall and make out to display to everyone. You know, they act like going to separate classes is such an impossible distance and length of time for them to be apart and just jump all over each other after class because being away from each other for an hour is “such a strain on their love”.” Jenny burst into laughter as they walked through the front door. “I hate those exhibitionists too. They always act like Romeo and Juliet because classes are keeping them apart, and then just show off their relationship in the hall while acting like they don’t care what people think. How about we go back to the way we were before, but with one small difference…” She then gave him a very quick and modest kiss. It was not a regular, teenage, over-exaggerative “I’ll be counting the seconds while you’re gone” kiss, but a simple “have a nice day, honey” kiss. Everyone that saw them gasped in disbelief, unable to process the sight of a cold emotionless recluse kissing one of the most popular girls in school. Just his reputation as Adroid made it impossible to accept; everyone figured he would be dead before he entered a relationship. “Ok, I’ll see you later,” Jenny said with a smile before walking off to her new first-period class. “Bye,” Adrian said with a smile of his own as he walked off in the opposite direction, leaving people to gawk at what they had seen. Throughout the day, Adrian was on his phone at every opportunity, not for work, but to study. He was looking up relationship tips and advice on how to interact with romantic partners. Academically, he has mastered the study of human psychology, but now he needed a crash course on casual human contact. “I’m not going to be in school tomorrow, I have to meet with my clients,” Adrian said as he zoomed through his math homework. “Oh, you’re going to sell one of your inventions?” Jenny asked with excitement as she worked on her science work next to him. Jenny was in his room, the two of them doing homework before they could switch into relationship mode. “Yep, I finally finished it, tested it, and I’m ready to sell the designs. Let me show you what this thing can do.” Adrian reached under his desk and pulled out the finished creation. It was a surgical laser, as large as a remote control, and could easily be held with one hand. In the back of the base was a plug for an extension cord, and the nozzle was focused into an adjustable cone shape. It used inductors made of gold leaf to increase the charge supplied by the cord, making it capable of cutting through steel with the power of a standard wall socket. Adrian plugged an extension cord into the base of the laser and then secured a pencil into the brace of his workbench. He held the laser steady, set it to a low level, and activated it, sending an invisible beam of light that sliced through the pencil like a blowtorch through paper. Jenny gaped in amazement. “That was the low setting. A higher setting could let me cut through metal. With all the clients I’ll sell it off to, I estimate I’ll be able to make thirty million dollars and still keep the prototype.” “Wait, THIRTY MILLION?!” Jenny exclaimed. “Technology like this is worth a lot, depending on who you sell it to. Yeah, I already have well over a hundred million dollars in my bank account now from all of my inventions. In fact, I even offered to buy my parents a mansion with all the money I make, but they said they didn’t want to be even farther from me than they already were.” In truth, that one bank account was pocket change compared to the combined profits of all of his corporations. Jenny gained a coy smile, walked over, and sat down on his lap. She leaned down and gave him a small kiss. “You’re smart, strong, handsome, sentimental, rich, and you can read my body like brail. I swear, my friends have been asking me all day why I’m with you, but I don’t dare tell them because they’ll all try to seduce you. Maybe when Spring Break comes, the two of us could go on a romantic vacation, maybe the Bahamas?” “Maybe,” Adrian said simply. He turned his attention to the clock. “I have to get you home, I don’t want your dad to kick down my front door.” Jenny gave a sad laugh and kissed him again. She stood up but he didn’t. “Adrian?” she asked when he didn’t get out of his chair. “There is something I want to show you.” Jenny raised one of her eyebrows as Adrian walked over to his bed and pulled two metal cases out from under it. One looked like it was used to hold a billiards cue while the other was a metal briefcase, both of which were sealed with six-digit combination locks. “Machines and inventions aren’t the only thing I build down here. There is a class of metalwork that I specialize in: the forging of weapons,” he said as he opened the two cases. Lying in the briefcase were twenty metal shivs, all eight inches long and as thick as pencils. The tips were as sharp as needles and the slope from end to end was flawlessly straight. There were handle grooves near the base of each shiv, but other than that, there wasn’t a single mark in the metal. They could be used as daggers and thrown like darts. Sitting in a bed of velvet was a meter-long spike, like a pool cue, made of steel, titanium, and several powerful metals, all blended together into a whole new metal compound. It had been made with more skill and precision than the blacksmiths who forged Japanese Katanas. The shaft was sloped at a flawless angle and was perfectly straight from end to end. The tip was sharp enough to draw blood with the slightest touch, but so powerful that it would never break or dull, no matter how it was used on or how much strain was put on it. The whole weapon was more durable than a nuclear flask and would stand the test of time. Jenny stared into the two cases with both fear and amazement. “This lance and these darts are weapons I’ve created merely out of hobby and fascination. While they can be used for self-defense, I built them mostly as an art form. I focused them on an icicle-shaped spike instead of a blade, because I think that the unconventional weapon design fits his personality best.” He picked up one of the darts and threw it at a target board on the far wall, striking the very center with little effort. Even without fins to keep it steady in the air like a regular dart or arrow, the shiv was able to fly as straight as a laser beam and strike the intended target without missing by a single centimeter. “You know, many people would be concerned with the idea of someone like you making these weapons.” “I have no reason to use these on other people. The action would serve no purpose and only create meaningless pain and cause negative consequences. I create these to act as merely hand-made trophies and concealed self-defense tools. The spike form represents their difference to traditional bladed weapons, much like my difference to other people. The only ones who have anything to fear from these weapons are those who mean me harm. Plus, it's not like I’m going to bring them to school with me.” “These are really incredible, Adrian. How did you make them?” Jenny asked with amazement as she picked up the lance. It was quite heavy, but with it’s weight came unbelievable durability. “I forge them with automatic hammers and then cut them into shape with lasers. However, the metal I use is far greater than any other known to man.” “What do you mean?” “These are all made of an incredibly powerful metal I have developed. I call it Demium.” “Demium?” “As in demigods. All metal workers dream of someday creating or working with an alloy that is virtually indestructible, just like in science-fiction movies. In truth, nothing is indestructible, only immune to specific layers and means of destruction. However, Demium is the closest you can get to immunity to all physical damage. If indestructibility is a god-like level for metal, then Demium is the demigod of all metals. Being its creator, I’ve personally tested it to its breaking point, and I can attest to its durability. The tip of this lance, which is as sharp as a needle and thin as a nail, I could use it to carve through several blocks of concrete and none of the sharpness would be lost.” “But how did you form this metal?” “By planning out and simulating how the atoms would bond, I was able join together the most powerful elements together into a crystal lattice structure that would be unparalleled in its strength. By figuring out the exact structure of the molecules and the number of atoms needed to create as many of these molecules as possible, I was able to calculate the exact mass required of each individual ingredient. The key to producing Demium is to know that once it is achieved, its melting point skyrockets. Having discovered this, I melted all the ingredients together and mixed them into one smelting container. After that, it was all a matter of waiting and watching while the atoms and molecules moved around in the molten metal stew and bonded together and split over and over again. As more and more Demium was formed, you would see small clumps of the metal floating around in the molten mixture, completely immune to the heat. Once I had enough pure Demium, I extracted it and hammered out any weaknesses, then finished with a laser-lathe. Unfortunately, this lance and all of these darts are far from perfect. Not even my eyes can see the minute flaws before its too late to fix them, and the melting method I use does not guarantee 100% pure Demium. It seems that until technology evolves to the point where we can manipulate atoms and molecules themselves, these are the best I can achieve.” “Why do you choose to create this shape? A simple spike without a hilt, guard, or blade?” “It mirrors my personality. I find blades to be too flashy. You don’t need three feet of flopping metal with a sharp edge to get the job done; you only need a single sharp point. The simple spike shape signifies pure desire to do what is required, and not waste a single moment or ounce of energy. Handles are for weaklings without strong hands, guards mess up the weapon’s balance and aerodynamics, and blades just create messy slashes. Weapons reflect the soul of their wielder, and I can’t find a traditional weapon that fits me. I don’t like Katanas because they are too imbued with Asian culture; anyone with a Katana is merely a samurai wannabe. I also don’t like the curve of the blade; it looks wrong and it shows the curve in a person’s train of thought. I don’t like rapiers and sabers because they are not nearly strong enough. Sure they can stab, but they have pitiful blades and they bend and warp under pressure, something that the wielder must not do. I don’t like broadswords, because as the name implies, they are too broad. They are too bold and flashy with the size of their blade and the elegance of their guard. Besides, broadswords are double-edged, and those who prefer double-edged weapons have double-edged minds, something that disrupts goals and mental balance. I don’t like machetes because they are too exotic, cliché, and improper. It’s a tool that is intended for hacking through foliage, it is way too obvious of a weapon—not to mention its existence in movies, and the blade is too short and improperly curved for accurate damage. Axes are too blunt and barbaric, with the energy involved in using it erratic to say the least. I don’t really like any bladed weapons, because along with the metal, the soul of the wielder favors one direction. Blades are inefficient, and their poor direction and messy results are mirrored in the soul of their wielder. Most of all, I don’t like guns. True, it takes a lot of talent and skill to able to use a gun properly and have good aim, but the action of firing a bullet takes away the real skill. It distances you from your enemy, less of an attempt to protect your psyche than to make you seem less guilty. When you use guns, your strength isn’t measured in will power, physical dexterity, or spirit; your strength is measured in the size of your bullets. A lance or a dart is like an elegant bullet, and it reflects your unstoppable desires. With a lance, you don’t care about flashiness, the thrill of combat, or your reputation; you only care about your goals and the fastest way to them. You aren’t going to slash and chop your enemies to get past them. You’re going to go straight for the kill because they are obstacles in your path that must be removed for you to reach your goals. A lance doesn’t have any distractions in the form of an edge, just like its wielder shouldn’t.” But while Adrian spoke, the lie he had told did not sit well with him. In truth, he had used these weapons before, several times. When dealing with his factions growing in the third-world countries, there were occasions when he had to act in the real world, and not from behind a phone or computer. During times like those, violence was always no more than one wrong word away. In the dozens of firefights he had been in, no fist, bullet, or blade had ever struck him, and no enemy had ever survived. “Ah, Mr. Ashford, come in,” Adrian’s client said as he stepped into his office. His name was Mr. Lamar, an Indian immigrant and the CEO of one of he greatest engineering companies in New England, however, he was not one of Adrian’s puppet figureheads. Adrian shook his hand and sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. There was a large bay window behind Lamar’s desk, two long rows of cabinets along the walls, and a leather couch with a glass coffee table in the back corner. The walls and cabinets were covered in pieces of art, pictures from office parties, and business awards. “I trust that your newest project is complete? What do you have to show me today?” he asked with his thick Indian accent. “I’ll let you try to figure it out for yourself. I’ll give you a hint: once it’s plugged in, I only have to push this button here and I could kill you,” Adrian said non-threateningly as he pulled the device out of his coat pocket and set it down on the desk, pointing towards Lamar. He stirred uncomfortably in his chair at his words. “Is this really…?” “Yes, it is a handheld laser. It can either be set so low that it is on par with a child’s laser pointer or set so high that it can carve through the hood of a car with ease. If you would like to see it in action, choose something in this office you are ok with losing and I will show you what it can do.” Trying to maintain his poker face, Lamar pointed to a large ceramic vase in the corner of the room. With his target in mind, Adrian plugged the laser into a floor outlet and raised the level of its output. He pointed it at the vase and held down the firing button. Without anything in the air to reflect the light, the high-powered beam of energy was invisible to the human eye. A burn mark appeared on the surface, and with a quick slash of the laser, the entire vase shattered from the beam thermally cracking the ceramic. “How much do you want for it?” Lamar asked cautiously. “Ten million for the blueprints.” “That is completely absurd!” “Fine. If you don’t want it, I’ll sell it to someone else. This is revolutionary technology with applications in engineering, surgery, and mere entertainment. You could make billions with this before the end of the year.” Lamar gave a sigh of frustration. “Very well, the money will be deposited in your bank account by tomorrow. But how can I be sure that you will give me the designs?” he asked, hiding his face behind his tented fingers. While Adrian’s face maintained its normal cold scowl, his voice gained a smug tone. “Because I need you. You of course know that I have more clients. People will pay a lot of money to own the first of something, but they’ll pay even more when they see that other people have it. I’m counting on the competition between you and other companies to increase the demand. This is a win-win situation: you can compete with other companies with his machinery and I get more money from those companies. Everyone wins and everyone gets rich. You’ll get the blueprints when I get my money.” “I can’t believe I’m getting extorted by a punk-kid like you,” his second client said. They were having a business lunch in the most expensive restaurant in town. Unlike the restaurant he took Jenny to, there was a band playing classical music in the background at all times. Adrian would have taken Jenny here, but he simply couldn’t find anything on the menu that was appealing. His second client was younger than the first, just over twice Adrian’s age, but his hairline was already starting to recede. He was taking out his frustration on a glass a shrimp cocktail. “Get over it. If your engineers deserved even half of the money you paid them, they would be able to build machines like these,” Adrian said coldly as he put the laser back in his pocket and replaced it with a CD. “All of the blueprints, designs, and instructions are on this disk. Once I get his money, you get the disk. Remember, ten million dollars,” he said as he stood up and walked out of the restaurant. Adrian deactivated the laser and put down the sheet of paper. He had written his name on it in cursive with a continuous burn mark, but the singe was so light that it hadn’t even cut through the other side. “Far more delicate work than a scalpel. Imagine the possible uses in surgery this thing would have: cleaner incisions, flawless cauterizations instead of stitches, and the ability to separate flesh from muscle without slicing and dicing,” he said to his third client. He was a very wealthy businessman that was on the board of directors of every hospital in the state and was the CEO of a pharmaceutical company. His office was smaller than Lamar’s, with wood-paneled walls and vast bookcases of medical textbooks. The window blinds were only letting in a small amount of sunlight. “Jack, if you can get it now, then you can hire other engineers to replicate it and you won’t have to buy it from the other companies for a lot more.” “And I can’t convince you to go less than ten million?” “A single MRI machine costs just a fraction of that.” “Very well, deliver the blueprints once you confirm you have been paid.” “Pleasure doing business with you.” As Adrian left the building, his phone began to ring. “Hello?” “This is Leman, sir. I’ve found the man you’re looking for.” “Good, continue to monitor him, and make sure he knows that disobedience will mean death.” Chapter Three: “Sir, Akim Yellas has just fallen to the ground in the parking lot. He’s dead, sir,” stated Adrian’s subordinate in Russian, talking through a cell phone. The man was crouched on a rooftop in St. Petersburg with a sniper rifle pressed against his shoulder, practically invisible in the winter night. Down below was a quaint diner with a dead body lying sprawled out on the snowy parking lot. Scared onlookers surrounded the corpse, one of which was trying to perform CPR. Inside, the staff was watching nervously. “I’m not surprised. It seems your services are no longer required. Thank you for your time, you’ve already received your payment. However, I may call upon you in the future, so don’t completely cast my name into the trash bin of your memory,” said Adrian, countering with a flawless Russian dialect. “Yes, sir.” Adrian hung up and sat back in his chair, staring at his computer, which was open to Akim Yellas’ hacked email account. Akim Yellas was someone with a fair amount of brains but no morals. Having always been a gifted student, he had amassed a large ego and made a living as an identity thief, both for financial support and entertainment. Genius and a worthless life, just the combination Adrian needed in a pawn that he planned on sacrificing. With blackmail as his leverage, he had forced Akim into working for him, serving as his mask in the meeting that had just taken place in the diner. He had ordered Akim to pretend to be interested in a deal with a man he met in the diner, rehearsed the conversation with him, and had made him establish a rule during the meeting that no names were to be used, so as to keep Akim from learning anything more than he needed, in case Adrian’s assassin failed to end his life. Under the excuse of “anyone could overhear us”, the meeting had used as vague references as possible, with Akim ordered to just play along and make the deal. The reason why he had picked Akim Yellas to serve as his mask as his scapegoat was simple: he had above-average intelligence, meaning that he was easily capable of seeking out Adrian’s true targets. However, he wasn’t using pawns’ capabilities to find the targets, no, he was already well aware of them. Instead he was using their capabilities as a cover so that the rest of the members in the client’s organization wouldn’t get suspicious as to how the organization itself had been discovered. He had to use people who could be expected to operate on their own, at least in the eyes of his targets. If he used puppets that weren’t smart enough to appear to be independent, then the strings would be easily visible, and the last thing he needed was for his targets to consider the possibility of a puppeteer in the darkness with his eyes on their group. But as he had seen, the meeting hadn’t gone over so well. His subordinate had been denied, and even more, he had been assassinated, most likely something that he had eaten or drank in the diner had been spiked with something. Of course the autopsy would reveal it had merely been an unfortunate aneurism or blood clot, or even a delayed allergic reaction, as it was meant to look like as an accident. To his targets, Akim knew too much and could serve no beneficial purpose to their group, so he had to be eliminated. Adrian had planned something similar if the deal worked; he would get what he wanted, and the identity thief known as Akim Yellas would be forever silenced. Adrian leaned back in his chair and sighed. Failure was always an option in this stage of the plan, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t frustrating. Every time he failed, his opponents raised their guard and became tenser, but that also meant that he would cause less of a shock and reaction if he ever had to reveal himself and make his move. He rubbed his temples, trying to ease the headache bubbling behind his eyes. He had been suffering from migraines and stomach problems lately and it seemed like they were just getting worse and worse. Confusing, that is the word Adrian would use to describe his relationship with Jenny. It had been a month since they were first intimate, and ever since, his mind had struggled to regain its mental bearings. His hormonal and emotional sides were fighting against his cold logical side, something they hadn’t done in years. His machine-like logical side was what made him unique to everyone else; it was like a soul made of gears and circuits. He did not want to lose it, because it meant giving up his identity. But the other half of his mind was arguing that he could not be a cold machine and be with Jenny. He could be alone and focused or be a human with the woman who loved him. Ever since the two of them had been intimate, he had struggled to find a name to give the resulting combination of his emotions and hormonal desires. The most fitting title could find was to call it his heart, pardon the corny cliché. Having a heart was a very peculiar experience, one that he had never felt. Before, the heart was merely an organ with the purpose of pumping blood, with the poetic meaning as little more than a human construct, an illusion to justify an empty existence. Now Adrian could actually feel the purpose of that poetic definition, though he understood it as much as he did the relationship itself. The reason his heart was fighting his logical side with such passion was because of Jenny. Adrian had spent years studying humans, but she was different. She was always trying to get him to open up and be more social, but gently. She had learned to read him and now knew what to do to get the best results. She wouldn't drag him out of his seat to talk to other people, but instead ask him what he would say to them and how he would interact. It was almost a form of social simulation. She knew and admired that he was an antisocial person, so she would only take him to his limits of tolerance and then never take him farther. It was as if she knew there was a line Adrian would not cross in terms of socializing, and she just wanted him to be as close to that line as possible while still being happy. She wasn't trying to change him; she just wanted him to go as far as he could. She had a form of patience that Adrian had never seen before, a way of understanding that he didn't think others had. What would have normally driven a girl away seemed to draw her like moths to a porch light. He had not told her that he loved her because he wasn't sure what his feelings were for her. He definitely cared about her, but he could not figure out what actually constituted love. This did not detour her from every day saying that she loved him, and the fact that he had not returned the statement did not drain her patience, it increased it. Jenny understood him in ways that he didn't think were possible and could read him like a book. Everything Adrian did seemed to make her love him more, from his tendency to rarely smile to his quiet statue-like presence in social situations. She was his link to the human world, and it was as if she was studying him as much as he was studying her. They were intimate a few times every week, but Adrian could not decide whether it was sex or making love. It was both and neither of them, and every second, his mind would be filled with bliss and confusion. He enjoyed being intimate with her, both for the strange physical and emotional feelings that it created. He saw every session as an opportunity to study these feelings like specimens in a lab, and she saw it as an opportunity to bond herself with something that was more than human. However, there were times in which Adrian knew that his words or actions were having a negative influence. Being so bright and full of life, Jenny could not fully protect her heart from the harshness of his logic, and more times than he would like, Adrian would answer her question with what he thought was the best answer, only to realize that brutal honesty didn’t fit well into most conversations. Even if it was the slightest of reductions to a smile or the momentary avoidance of his gaze, he could see that like all people, it was impossible for her to become fully used to his bluntness. He tried to pick his words carefully around her, but after the years he had spent by himself, he had atrophied in the skill of telling people what they wanted to hear. He knew only how to tell the truth and how to lie, but he did not know how to combine the two into the etiquette-concoction required for a romantic relationship. School was let out for Thanksgiving vacation, and all of the students and staff desperately needed it. The fall was proving to be a mild one with a similar winter soon to follow, but even with the climate stepping out of line with its Maine reputation, the trees had no less finished shedding their leaves, the overcast gained a permanent gray tinge, and everyone’s clothes changed to protect them from the crisp breeze that seemed to roll across the school campus, carrying with it the smell of snow as if traveling back from the future. “So do you have relatives coming for Thanksgiving?” Jenny asked as she looked out the passenger-side window of his car. “Yes, but my house is too small for them to stay, so I’m putting them up in hotel rooms as always.” She turned to him and smiled. “For someone with so much money, you certainly aren’t cheap.” Adrian only bit his lip in the bewilderment of if he was supposed to smile or not and merely nodded. “I have relatives coming as well, and living in the suburbs, I’m sure you can imagine we have a hard time finding space for everyone when the holidays come. Even if they are stressful, Thanksgiving is so much fun.” “Are you sure that you’re actually remembering it as being fun?” “What do you mean?” “The human mind naturally adds a positive spin to memories. It’s why people always long for the past. High school could have been a boring waste of four years in which nothing good ever happened, yet ask an adult if they miss it and if they were good times and they almost always say they were. It’s hard to know if you were ever truly happy, for your mind is always devaluing the meaning of happiness to make your memories brighter.” He looked over at Jenny in the corner of his eye and saw that her lively smile of tired joy had been diminished as she mulled over what he had said and gleamed over her memories, wondering if she really had been “happy” during the ones that were the brightest. “You’ve been working on this thing for so long, what is it?” Jenny asked as she watched Adrian. On the wide table by his desk, he was working on a large piece of machinery, almost resembling the interior of a remote-controlled battlebot like the ones seen fighting on TV with saw blades. It was about the size of a mini-fridge and filled with cable systems and gears that were hooked up to computerized winches. “It’s a surgical robot, meant to replace human doctors in the operating room, at least in terms of who is touching the patient. The surgeon will be controlling the robot, but I’m considering making a version where the machine can be programmed to act on its own and perform specific operations as told.” “Really? That’s amazing!” “Yeah, but I’m disappointed with how long it’s been taking. I’ve been at this for a month and a half and I’m only three quarters of the way to completion. Oh well, big machines like these are always the slower projects,” he grumbled under the crackle of the ark welder. “What kind of other big machines have you made?” Jenny asked, wondering how the finished creation would look. “Probably my biggest project was a full-body scanner. It was like an MRI, but it didn’t use radiation or magnets, meaning that there were no health risks and people with metal in their bodies won’t be in danger. Plus it was accurate enough to give a 3D image of the patient’s cells. It was about half as large as a regular MRI, but I still had to dismantle it after it’s completion so that I could actually get it out of my room.” “How much money did you make?” “A fair amount. All I really care about is making enough money to keep building and to be known for my skills in engineering.” “You never seemed like the prideful type.” “I’m not, I just want to make sure my name comes up when people need a bigger job done. They can misspell my name for all I care, all I want is to be the one that they call.” Adrian kept the door to his room locked and the white noise blurring from his speakers at their top volume to drown out the sounds of relatives talking above him and cousins running around the house. Already, his bedroom door had been knocked on so many times it was as if he lived down the street from a church of Jehovah’s Witnesses with Alzeimers, but he saw no reason in leaving his room. He would much rather work on his machines than talk to his extended family for an hour. Ringing beside him, Adrian’s phone caught his attention. It was Jenny. “Yes?” he asked as he answered it. “It’s been three days and I don’t even get a hello? Come on, just because you’re on vacation from school doesn’t mean you’re on vacation from me,” she teased. Like Adrian, she was in her room with the door shut and locked, desperate to get away from her pesky cousins and finally realizing the truth in what he had told her in the car. “Very well.” “I was wondering if you would like to come over for dinner tonight. My whole family is desperate to meet you.” “I would prefer not to. I have work to do and I get enough questions here at home.” “Come on, you’ve never even had a real conversation with anyone in my family, except for my dad when you asked to spend the night. I want to show you off.” “I said no,” he replied, not angrily but forcefully. Jenny winced at the harshness of his answer. “Adrian, we’re dating. We’re supposed to spend time together other than when our schedules put us in the same classroom. We haven’t talked in three days. Come on, just five minutes and then we can lock ourselves in my room and be alone until dinner.” Adrian took a deep breath. “As you wish. I’ll be there in ten minutes. Just try and answer most of their questions before I get there. There is no point in waiting for me to tell them things that you already know.” Adrian kept his look melancholically bland as usual as Jenny brought him into the house. Aunts, uncles, and grandparents all wanted to get a good look at him, while young cousins battered him with questions on whether or not what Jenny had told them was true. He kept his answers short, asked no questions in return, and looked dead ahead without consistent eye-contact whenever possible. It was clear that Jenny had already warned everybody about his “social level”, as even his uncaring behavior failed to evoke so much as a sigh or look of disappointment. As per the conditions, Adrian answered questions for five minutes before Jenny allowed him to escape, bringing him up to her room where they would have relative privacy. “I’m surprised, you didn’t swear or lose your temper once,” Jenny noted as she sat down on the bed. Adrian walked over to the window and gazed through the cold glass, already fogging from frozen condensation. “That took a lot of self-control. You know I hate being badgered by people.” Jenny giggled. “Yes, but from what I’ve learned, if they badger you long enough, you grow fond of them. After all, we’re only in a relationship because I refused to stop annoying you.” Before answering, Adrian walked over to her shut bedroom door and slammed his hand against it, scaring off her young cousins who had their ears pressed against the door. “Unfortunately, your family is no less irritating than mine. I loathe getting visited by relatives.” “Sure it can be a little stressful, but can you honestly tell me you feel nothing for your family?” “I love my immediate family, but even that is limited. Blood relation means nothing; you see your friends more than your extended family. Why should it matter?” said Adrian, staying by the door. “Why are you standing over there? We don’t have to be speaking to each other from across the bedroom.” Without so much as a nod, Adrian walked over and lied down beside her, the two of them looking up that the ceiling the same way they had after they were first intimate. “What about when we get married and have kids? Won’t blood relation matter then?” “It is unlikely we’ll last that long, and it’s illogical for you to plan that far ahead.” Jenny gave an undeterred shrug. “You should know me well enough to expect this. After all, I wouldn’t be with you if I didn’t want us to spend our lives together. Like you told my friends, there is no point to a relationship if it serves as only practice.” Adrian gained a small smile, which to Jenny, was a huge achievement for her. “And I wouldn’t be with you if I didn’t admire you for that,” he said. Jenny smiled and rolled on her side, wrapping her arms around his. “Imagine if we do get married and have kids, what then? Will blood relation matter?” “Of course it will matter.” “Then tell me, would you be interested in marriage? You say that it is likely we won’t last long, but it certainly isn’t impossible. If that possibility exists, then are you interested? Say that in our future, if it was guaranteed we got married as long as you proposed, would you be interested? I’m not asking if you would or wouldn’t, I’m asking whether you would consider it.” Adrian bit his lip, repeating the same question in his mind over and over, even though it was the same thing he had been wondering ever since that fateful night. He didn’t even know if what he felt for her constituted love, let alone if they would truly spend their lives together. And there were more than his personal feelings to consider, after all, he had his plan to think about. Were a life with Jenny and the steps he would need to take to achieve his plan compatible? Could he move forward to complete his plan and be sure that Jenny would stay by his side? “Dinner is ready!” Jenny’s mom hollered from the kitchen, putting the conversation on hold to Adrian’s relief. The dining room was cramped with everyone gathered around the dinner table. Another table even had to be brought in and added so that everyone could take a seat. Even with the regular meal, the amount of space in the middle of the table was almost nonexistent, meaning that Thanksgiving dinner would be like a giant game of Tetris. Adrian kept his eyes on his plate as he ate, hoping that he would be asked as few questions as possible. The meal was spaghetti and he was eating hungrily, already on his third helping. “My, someone loves my cooking!” Mrs. Sinclair laughed. “I’m glad you made spaghetti, pasta was just the fuel I needed,” he answered before wiping the sauce off his lips with his napkin. “What do you mean?” one of Jenny’s cousins asked, a ten-year-old boy. “Pasta is rich in starches, which is made of polysaccharides, which is made up of long chains of monosaccharides, which is essentially glucose. I need all the glucose I can get to function at my peak. Unfortunately, the fridge in my room is empty and I couldn’t go into my parent’s kitchen without being bombarded by questions from my relatives. I figure with enough pasta, I can go until 2:00 am before I need more sugar.” “You even need to wake up to get more sugar? That sounds almost like an addiction to me,” one of Jenny’s uncles joked. “No, I don’t wake up because I don’t sleep. I stay up every second night and continue on into the next day. This way, between school days, I get about fifteen hours of uninterrupted work time. I’ll go to sleep tomorrow night.” Everyone looked at each other with raised eyebrows. “So are you going to college after you graduate?” Ed asked, leaning back in his chair with a look of defensive skepticism on his face. “No, I have no need. I’m already quite wealthy with the money from my inventions, so I don’t need to go to college for the sake of finding a career. Besides, I already know more than any university could possibly teach, so college would only serve to rob me of more time that could be spent working,” he answered without looking up from his plate. “So that’s what you’ll do for your career? You’ll keep inventing?” Mrs. Sinclair asked. “That’s correct, that’s all I plan on doing.” He looked around at everyone and noted their expressions, but what confused him was the quizzical look on Jenny’s face. “Goodnight,” Adrian said, standing with Jenny on her porch. “Wait a second, Adrian, there is something I need to ask you. But first tell me if there is anyone listening in?” “No, I sense no one else around.” “Why did you lie to my family? On our first date, you told me that you were going to change the world. You said that you’ve spent the last few years acquiring the power you would need to make your move, and you never even told me what you meant. I have to know, Adrian, what are you planning?” “I’m afraid I can’t answer that at this time.” “But why not? There is no one listening to us, why can’t you tell me?” “Jenny, I told you before that I trusted you. That is true, but I meant that I trusted you with my past. What I’m going to do, I can’t afford to leave any loose ends in my wake. I need to make sure my future is assured, and right now, our relationship is the largest variable. I trust you with the knowledge of my past, but until I’m absolutely sure that you will never leave me, I can’t trust you with the knowledge of my future. I must make sure that my plans are never released, or everything I have worked to accomplish will have been for nothing.” Jenny’s face paled as she tried to imagine what he was planning. “Just please, tell me what your goal is. You don’t have to tell me what you’ll do, but tell me what you hope to achieve.” “I’m going to put an end to the conflicts of mankind. I’m going to completely reshape civilization and create international equality. While the phrase is cliché, there is none more fitting than to say that I will create a new world order, in which the power is truly given to the people and those who hold authority are made responsible for their actions. This plan will either recreate the world or destroy it, the choice is up to the people.” “It always surprises me when you offer to take me shopping. I know that the mall is your idea of hell,” Jenny said gratefully. “Well you know I’ve been watching television to try and study human interaction and behavior. From what I’ve learned, women like to shop, and I figure that is something that I can use. Besides, I have plenty of money.” “All right, just don’t think that you need to buy my love and happiness. I don’t want to look like a gold digger.” Clinging to his arm, Jenny led Adrian into just about every clothing store in the mall. The stadium-sized building was packed full of people moving down the wide corridors like salmon through a river at spawning season. The hallways were wide enough for vast crowds of people to walk through, or stop and rest at the benches in the middle. Endless stores stood side by side on each hallway, while a mixture of electricity and a skylight kept the entire structure lit. It was true that Adrian absolutely loathed the mall, but he did his best to hide his contempt and put on the appearance of being in a good mood. His arm was hooked through the loops of more than half a dozen shopping bags, his credit card was warm in his pocket from the friction of being handled so many times, and Jenny’s neck was beginning to redden from the constant application and removal of clothes, not to mention the small scratches left behind by the edges of the tags. In each store, he would stand beside her while she picked out clothes and then wait by the dressing room while she switched in and out of different outfits. She would step out and ask for his opinion, and he would wear an empty smile and say something nice, no matter what she wore. To him, there was no real difference in quality of appearance between the different outfits, so he just tried to play along and come up with different compliments and descriptions. It wasn’t that he didn’t think she was beautiful, but he was never one to articulate it, and certainly not with a smile. Just revealing this much emotion was causing his headache to reappear and was making his stomach hurt. Jenny quickly wised up to his efforts towards authenticity, and while she said nothing of it, it did make her happy to see him really trying. “Do you have the time?” Jenny asked as they set down their bags on an empty bench. “It’s 3:47.” “Been counting the seconds since you last saw a clock? My, you must be really suffering,” she teased. Adrian just gave a wry smile and the smallest of laughs. “Very well, I’ll check.” He drew his phone, and as he pressed his thumb against the screen and released the bio-recognition lock, he heard a click in the distance. Even through the roaring of thousands of footfalls and hundreds of conversations echoing down the large hallway, the click was crystal-clear to Adrian and he recognized the sound as coming from a camera. ‘Just as I thought, every time I draw my phone…’ Adrian mentally concluded as he read the time display and then turned off the device. With the screen black, he used it as a mirror to look over his shoulder. Across the rivers of shoppers moving in opposite directions, he saw a man in his late twenties putting something in the breast pocket of his coat, and from the size, it was obviously a camera. The man had short hair and a thin, shadowy beard, and was looking straight at Adrian, just as he had been since he and Jenny entered the mall. “I was right, it’s 3:47,” Adrian calmly said as he lowered his phone. “All right, how about we leave at four? We have time for one more store.” “Where would you like to go?” Adrian was keeping his mind focused on the man following him, but made sure to convey nothing to Jenny through his expression or tone. Looking around, she gained a coy smile. “How about we go into the Victoria’s Secret? I’m sure I could find something that we would both enjoy,” she said softly, giving Adrian a legitimate smile and causing him to laugh softly. “Tell you what, I have to go to the bathroom so I’ll meet you in the store. I’ll let you surprise me.” “Ten minutes, the changing room door will be unlocked. You’ll know which one,” she purred as she took the bags and walked off. With Jenny now gone, Adrian resisted the urge to glance back at his tail and instead looked around, pretending to be searching for a sign that would tell him where the bathroom was. Moving at a brisk pace, he started walking through the sea of people towards where he knew the bathrooms were. Immediately, he could hear the faint disruption in the other stream of people as the man tried to cut across to Adrian’s side of the hallway. The hallway leading to the bathrooms was a long and empty one, being on the other side of the mall’s largest department store. Striding down the empty corridor, Adrian went right past the bathrooms and passed through the emergency exit nearby. Outside, the sun was already setting and the clouds were blocking off what little light was being released. With only the parking lot lights on and the lot itself devoid of people, Adrian stepped outside and waited by the door, knowing that the conditions were perfect. He didn’t sense anyone around, and even if he did, it was dark enough for any action he took to be hidden. A minute after he stepped out into the cold, the door opened and the man came outside, a cigarette in his hand so that he could pretend he was coming outside to smoke. Lunging out from behind the door, Adrian grabbed the man by the throat and slammed him against the wall. The movement was made without a single audible sound, and continuing with that silence, Adrian reached out and pressed the small button hidden in the collar of the man’s coat, turning off the voice recorder. “Don’t even think about lying to me, I am well aware of who you work for. I admit, you are a skilled tail, but no human can completely hide from me. Your car was parked eight to the left and across the lane from mine; you were driving a red Subaru. You came through the mall entrance seventeen seconds after Jenny and I did, consistently staying about thirty-four paces behind us and always near something you could hide behind. You took five pictures in total: one in the parking lot, one in Macy’s, one in GAP, one in the food court, and that last one when I was standing at the bench. Basically, any time I drew my phone, you took a picture. Now you and I are going to have a conversation and you are going to answer every question fully and honestly. I might even answer a few of yours if I feel like it. If you try to run or draw a weapon, I will kill you. First question: What is your name?” Adrian demanded, releasing the man’s throat. “Frank, Frank Bartley,” the man panted while rubbing his throat. Adrian kept his eyes focused on his hand, making sure he didn’t touch the button in his collar and reactivate the voice recorder. “What happened to Gordon Pike?” “I don’t know, we are never told who we replace or who replaces us. I was just reassigned here.” “It seems that your superiors suspected him of being won over. How much are you being paid?” “Five grand a month.” “That’s almost twice what Gordon was being paid. It really does seem like they are afraid of you being bribed. However, I’ll pay triple if you’ll work for me.” Frank’s eyes widened. “What the hell are you talking about, kid?” “I need you to continue taking photographs of me when I’m out in public and sending them to your superiors. However, there are times when I’ll be moving around and I can’t have your employers knowing of my actions. Your job will be to take extra pictures of me and then alter the dates during those times when I need to “disappear”, so to speak. I know you speak into a voice recorder to make a list of my actions and the times. I need you to fake those records when I’m gone. Essentially, your superiors must never know that I have left or gone anywhere out of the ordinary. Every time I take such a trip, I will pay you fifty grand to make it seem like I am still present and to keep silent about this deal and my true destination.” “You had this deal with the last guy, this Gordon dude?” “Yes, but like I said, it appears that the organization suspected he was being bribed. Will you accept the deal?” “For fifty grand, sure. You have a deal.” Reaching the dressing rooms of the Victoria’s Secret store, Adrian quickly spotted Jenny’s blouse draped over the door of the room at the end of the hall. With a small smile, he walked over and opened the door. Looking at Jenny, his eyes widened and he almost jumped. She was wearing a lacy black bra and panties, with a pair of stockings. “Well? What do you think?” “Well, you certainly know how to surprise me,” Adrian said, suddenly feeling his Id fighting for dominance of his mind. “I’m guessing you like it then. Let’s buy it and go home, but first, how about you help me take it off?” she offered, pulling Adrian in and then closing the door. As the door closed behind them, Jenny and Adrian locked lips. They had never done this before, had sex in a public place. If they made so much as a sound, they would be discovered and things would not end well. Considering that Jenny was already down to lingerie, there was no point in taking things slowly. The lacy underwear was discarded and Adrian pressed her against the mirror on the back wall, kissing her breasts while he worked his fingers inside her. He liked to think that after all this time, he had finally figured out this whole crazy sex thing. With nothing but a thin door preventing them from being seen and nothing hiding her voice, Jenny had to stifle herself so that her whimpers of bliss would not be heard. Her melon breasts were immensely sensitive, sending shivers through her body as Adrian sucked on her nipples and painted her porcelain skin with his tongue. At the same time, he was moving his fingers inside her pussy as if hacking into a computer, sliding them back and forth at different rhythms and hitting different places with a powerful randomness that could not be defended against. Once he had turned her velvet sleeve into a water slide, he unfastened his pants and pulled out his manhood, not hesitating to force it inside her. She let out the slightest chirp when he entered her, the look on her face of sensual euphoria and excitement. Once again kissing him, she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, letting him pick her up and hold her against the mirror like when they made love in his bedroom. With perfect fluidity in his movements, Adrian thrust into her like a jackhammer and used his lips to keep her voice from escaping. Jenny had her first orgasm after only a few minutes, but Adrian had maintained control. Not done, they changed position, this time with Jenny’s back to Adrian, bending over with her hands against the wall, looking directly into the mirror. Sexual desire having replaced logical thought, Adrian mounted like an animal and began slamming himself into her. Jenny was struggling with all her might to contain her voice, but with lust ruling his mind and migraine throbbing behind his eyes, Adrian couldn’t care less about the sound of her ass against his lap. Both their eyes were on their reflections in the mirror, all grace and dignity lost as the two teens gave in to their primal urges. Jenny’s mouth was open, panting like a dog, eyes rolling while her breasts bounced and jiggled. Behind her, Adrian looked utterly focused, almost angry, watching the muscles in Jenny’s back contract and relax every time he thrust into her. Relying on just one hand to hold her, he reached out and slid his fingers into her mouth. Too engrossed in pleasure to be surprised, she sucked on them gluttonously, wrapping her tongue around them and using them to help contain her voice. After a few minutes, they both came, Adrian flooding her womb with his seed while Jenny covered her mouth, wanting to moan like an opera singer as ecstasy washed through her. They both waited to catch their breath and then got dressed, no longer interested in buying the lingerie and simply wanting to just get out of the store. Night dominated the sky when Adrian and Jenny walked out of the mall, with Jenny pressing herself tightly against Adrian for warmth while they walked. “Thank you so much. My friends will all have heart attacks when they see all the stuff I have.” “It sounds almost like making your friend’s jealous is the sole purpose for most of your outfits and jewelry.” “Hey, I’m a woman, that’s what I do. But thank you, Adrian, you truly are a sweet man.” “Well you know I care about you. You truly are important to me,” he said, digging into his emotional side to pick the right words. However, as he reached into his subconscious to let the influence of his Id and Ego reach his Super Ego, a rush of blinding pain flooded his body, aiming for his stomach and brain. Gripping his head to try and ease the white-hot pain stabbing his brain and leaning forward, Adrian threw up on the sidewalk, emptying the contents of his stomach and shaking to the point where he nearly fell to his knees. “Adrian!” Jenny fearfully cried out as she dropped her bags and wrapped her arms around him to keep him from collapsing. “I’m fine, I’m fine… It’s just… just something from the food court that my body didn’t agree with. I’m all right.” This was the first time he had lost control in front of Jenny. He had always been able to keep his sickness hidden until now. “Come on, let’s get you to the car. I’ll drive and just spend the night at your place.” “No, I’ll bring you back home. I’ll be fine, I just need to get some rest.” ‘Come on, body. Hold together. I can figure this out, I just need a little more time.’ Adrian and Jenny were walking down a hallway at school, with Jenny clinging to his arm and leaning her head on his shoulder. Adrian strained his ears to hear what everyone was talking about, for there was a piece of news floating around, and it was obviously important. With all of the hushed mutterings smothering each other and getting mixed up, not even his hearing could clearly make it out. “Well if it isn't the fucking Adroid!” a course voice laughed. Adrian cursed as everyone looked down the hall. Adrian recognized the voice and the disrespectful tone. At the end of the hall was Logan, his unwanted rival. He had been under suspension for more than a month after snapping another student’s arm. Everyone was silent as he approached, stepping back and opening up the hallway. Jenny didn't take a single step, but her grip on Adrian’s arm tightened and he could feel her shaking. His mind was running countless scenarios, planning out every possible choice of action. “Jenny, don't tell me you're dating this loser now. If you want a robot dick to fuck, get a vibrator.” “Your words carry no purpose other than to cause distress. Only sadists seek to inflict harm without reason. Are you saying that you are a horrible person, as defined by the term 'sadist'?” Adrian asked, cocking his head to one side. “Shut the fuck up you emo freak.” “Your use of the phrase emo is incorrect. Emo is someone who portrays his or her emotions excessively, and according to what people say about me, I am almost the exact opposite. Will you continue or would you like to rephrase your last statement?” Adrian could feel Jenny's grip around his arm becoming more relaxed. She was feeling relieved, watching him turn the school bully into a yipping lapdog. Logan just chuckled and began to walk by him. Adrian remained calm as Logan approached, having already planned out every possible scenario for a very likely physical confrontation. He was ready to do whatever the situation required, whether it was to keep Jenny safe or to counterattack. There was no need to get worked up; using even a single molecule of adrenalin would be nothing but a waste on someone like Logan. As Logan took his second step past him, Adrian heard him take a sharp intake of breath, commonly preceding a fast or aggressive movement. As fast as Adrian could, he pushed Jenny out of harm's way and ducked. Logan's fist flew right over his head, and before he could react, Adrian spun around, reached up, and slammed him in the nose with his flat palm. He staggered back, gripping his broken nose and giving a muffled howl of pain. Adrian turned so that his left side had optimal reach and then kicked him in the stomach, making him buckle. Adrian stepped back, making sure that Jenny was safe. She was standing on the sidelines with her eyes full of worry. He turned back to Logan as the lunatic charged with his fist pulled back and stepped to the side to dodge his punch, then with his right hand on his left fist, he jabbed forward with his left elbow. With time basically moving in slow motion through his eyes, Adrian calculated and adjusted the angle of his elbow, ensuring that the force of the impact would be fully directed to his forearm instead of the joint. He slammed his elbow against Logan’s chin, sending him sprawling back. “A mongrel mutt like you should know its place. Maybe it’s not too late for you to learn about how to show a little respect for your superiors.” Logan gave a sadistic laugh. “It’s funny that you call me a dog, because after I’m through with you, I’ll have your girlfriend on all fours in my bedroom, wearing nothing but a dog collar.” “Silence! You will speak only when spoken to!” “I’ve had enough of you looking down on me!” Logan roared as he charged forward. Swinging wildly, he began throwing punches randomly at Adrian, but the young genius dodged them so easily that he even appeared bored. Everyone watched in amazement as he swerved effortlessly from side to side, avoiding the punches as if they were fluttering moths. “I was merciful the first time we met, but now I will force you to show respect. You can’t beat me, Logan. It’s impossible for you to ever hit me.” Logan sent his fist rocketing towards his face, but Adrian easily dodged the attack and jabbed him in the chest with his spread fingers. Logan gagged in pain and staggered back with five bloodstains growing on his shirt, while Adrian held up his hand, showing the blood on the tips of his fingers from the five shallow holes he had just drilled into Logan’s chest. “That was a warning shot. The only reason why my fingers didn’t go in all the way was because I kept them separate and used only a fraction of my real strength. If you attack again, my next stab won’t be so weak. Submit now and apologize or my hand will pierce your chest like spear,” Adrian threatened, bringing his fingers together and straightening his hand out. “Hell no, I’m having way too much fun!” Logan cackled as he charged towards him. Adrian clicked his tongue several times in disappointment of his choice and got into a defensive stance with his hand pulled back, ready to lash out like a striking snake. The second Logan was close enough, he reached out with his fist and Adrian reached out with his flat hand. “What the Hell is going on in here?!” a voice boomed, stopping Logan and Adrian before their attacks could connect. Everyone turned his or her attention to the principle. He was standing at the very back of the crowd with the veins in his head bulging from anger. “Merely an argument that took an unfortunate turn, Principle Smith. Nothing more than a physical disagreement,” Adrian answered calmly as he wiped the blood off his hand. “I’m going to be questioning several students after you, so if you tell me a single lie, I’ll have the two of you suspended for the rest of the year. Now, tell me what happened. Adrian, you go first,” the principle warned. Logan and Adrian were sitting in two chairs in front of his desk. Adrian had his arms and legs crossed with a calm look on his face, while Logan was slouching in his chair, holding one ice pack against his jaw and another against his busted nose. “Jenny and I were walking down the upstairs hallway and Logan called out to us. We exchanged a brief argument and Logan attacked as he was walking past Jenny and I. I got Jenny out of the way, dodged his punch, and then counterattacked, hoping that I could scare him off or incapacitate him so that he couldn’t attack again. After a second brief argument, I warned Logan to stand down but he refused. He attacked again and I incapacitated him with a cautionary counterattack, causing those five bloodstains on his shirt. He refused to leave Jenny and I alone and I was just about to defeat him, but you stopped us.” The principle nodded and turned to Logan. “And you?” he asked with disgust. “Ok, you know what? Fuck this shit! I don’t even know why I’m here! I’m the victim! I was just minding my own business, making up for lost time with my friends, and this motherfucker suddenly starts insulting me! I ask him to leave me alone but he just freaks out and starts attacking me! I tried to fend him off, but this fucking psychopath just wouldn’t stop! If you hadn’t stopped him, I would have really had to kick his ass to protect myself. You have to believe me! This crazy fucker just came out and attacked me! If this son of a bitch isn’t expelled, I am going to sue this school!” Adrian looked at him in shock. Was he being this stupid on purpose? The principle gave a sigh and turned to Adrian. “You can go.” Jenny was waiting on a bench beside the principle's office when Adrian stepped out. She immediately bolted up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Adrian, what happened in there?” “Don’t worry, everything is fine. I doubt I’ll get any punishment but Logan will basically get the chair.” “Oh, I’m so relieved,” she sighed with her head on his shoulder. She then pulled away from him with an excited smile on her face. “I know you consider it idiotic when people say stuff like this, but I am so hot for you right now.” The principle barely questioned any other students, since he already knew who was guilty and who was innocent. Adrian was left off the hook, but Logan was put on probation and would be expelled if he crossed the line by a mere inch. For the rest of the week, Logan didn’t come near Jenny or Adrian. He was a stupid psychopath, but he was smart enough to know that this was his last chance to actually graduate from high school. It was a cool Saturday night with the chill of late autumn lingering in the air and a strong continuous wind. Jenny and Adrian had just stepped out of the movie theater and they were making their way back to his car. The air was damp with fog, creating a distorting aura around every light source and stirring endlessly under the power of the wind. It was quite late and there were few people on the sidewalks or driving down the street. Wanting to enjoy the cool air and the quiet of the night in the normally bustling town, Jenny had suggested that Adrian parked the car far away. As they came to the entrance to the town park, Jenny playfully tugged on his arm. “Come on, let's take a quick detour.” Adrian kept his arm tense so that his hand stayed in his pocket. “I really wish you hadn't brought that thing,” she sighed, losing her smile. “I’m sorry, but I just wanted to test its portability.” To cheer her up, Adrian wrapped his other arm around her and kissed her on the forehead. Jenny looked at him with surprise. “You've never kissed me anywhere but the lips.” Adrian gave a small smile and they entered the park, but in his mind, his headache was throbbing. The park was empty and but far from silent. The continuous wind was making every leaf rustle loudly. The only light was coming from the few streetlamps, spread out along the pavement path. Regardless of the cold air, Adrian’s headache refused to fade and it was growing to the point where his senses were weakening. That also wasn’t counting the growing feeling that he was about to throw up and the pain now starting to throb in his muscles. They were halfway through the park, walking along the precipice of a small plot of woods. “So how did you like the movie?” Adrian asked as they breathed in the cool night air. “It was good, but I hate how people who wake up in hospitals automatically rip everything away from their arms and stagger out into the hall. There is a reason why hospital beds have call buttons. It's so illogical.” Adrian chuckled, almost making her jump in surprise. “You're becoming more like me.” Just as Adrian spoke the words, a hard object slammed into the back of his head, knocking him to the ground. He heard several footsteps along with a scream from Jenny as his face hit the cold pavement of the sidewalk. With his senses scrambled by the impact, he struggled to get back to his feet. Logan and two of his friends were standing in front of him, with Logan ripping off Jenny's shirt. He wrapped his arm her neck with his hand over her mouth as he pulled her shirt away, leaving only her bra. Even if she could scream, the park was completely empty and no one was wandering the streets. Adrian took a step forward but stopped as Logan pulled out a knife. “It's payback time, motherfucker. If you take another step, I’ll cut off your girlfriend's clothes and you can watch us take turns having a little fun with her.” Jenny gave a stifled scream and tears rolled down her face at Logan's words. Adrian stood still as a statue with his heart racing and his body drowning in adrenaline. ‘Damn it, this sickness is ruining my senses. I should have picked them up before they could have even gotten close to us, but I’ve been completely weakened. Unless I take control of the situation, I’ll be dead and Jenny will be worse.’ But as the words passed through his mind, he began to feel something, something new. The best word he could find to describe it was... rage. His rage was focused on Logan for touching Jenny and using her to threaten him. Adrian tried to suppress this new emotion, because he needed his mind to be as clear as possible, but the conflict between his logical side and this burning emotion was just making his condition worse. “Are you really so psychotic that you would attack us? Are you so quick to throw away your future?” Logan laughed. “There are more people who will buy drugs from you then job opportunities if you graduate. I just wanted to finally get a taste of this whore and I thought the best revenge would be to make you watch. I didn’t hesitate for a moment when I decided I wanted to hunt you down and make you suffer. True, you are too smart for me to predict what you’ll do. Instead, I just have to predict what this stupid little whore will want and be assured that you’ll do whatever she says. This dumb blonde has got you completely whipped! Jake, Sam, go ahead. Asshole, if you take a single step, I’ll rip off her clothes, cut her throat, and the last thing she’ll feel before dying is me inside her.” Adrian took a deep breath as his two cronies walked over to him, chuckling sadistically. Jake pulled back his fist and punched him in the side of the face, knocking him back to the ground. The impact completely jarred his mind, making it almost impossible to think. Adrian slowly stood up, using every second to build up tolerance to the next attack. Sam kneed him in the stomach with enough force to make him cough up blood and Adrian swayed from side to side, struggling to stay on his feet. He also made sure that his right arm did not become straight. Jake punched him again and Adrian spat out a mouthful of blood. Jenny quietly cried as Sam crashed his elbow down onto his back, knocking him once again to the ground. Adrian did not give a single groan of pain or expression of discomfort. He just got back to his feet with his chin up, over and over again. Sam and Jake continued beating him, punching him wherever would hurt the most. Adrian just focused on Jenny's tear-filled eyes, finding comfort in them. Her muffled sobs could just barely be heard through Logan's hand. As long as the knife was next to her throat, trying to fight back would result in death. “Sam, take this and carve up his face,” Logan said as he reached into his pocket for another knife. The second his knife was away from Jenny, Adrian acted. He reached into his pocket and pulled out one of his darts, always making sure to have them when he wasn’t at home or school. He threw the spike, and even with his battered body, his impeccable aim lodged it one of the pressure points of Logan’s arm, causing him to drop the knife. With that quick opportunity, Jenny bit Logan's hand as hard as she could. Logan threw her to the side, howling in pain from the two inches of metal lodged in his arm and the bleeding bite wound on his hand. With Logan's cronies distracted, Adrian reached down with his right hand, finally straightening out his arm. There was a cracking sound and a metal spike slid out of his sleeve and into his hand, measuring two feet long. The middle of the lance had a hinge under high tension, and it would instantly lock into position if the two parts were straightened out. Not only was this function perfect for concealment, the entire weapon was made of Demium, so the hinges, locking mechanism, and needle-sharp tip were so strong that the spike could support his full weight. The weapon was kept in the sleeve with the owner’s elbow next to the hinges. The owner only had to point their hand down and straighten their arm and the secured lance would slide into their hand. Along with his lance, something else was released as well. The rage that had been created when Logan grabbed Jenny was erupting in his heart, as well as the killer instinct he used when there were obstacles in the way of his grand plan. The result was an icy desire to slaughter his enemies, with all aspects of remorse and guilt being crushed under its fury. With the Demium lance in his hand, Adrian could barely control the urge to kill. He lashed out and slammed Jake in the throat, causing him to fall to his knees, gasping for air. He then smashed him in the back of the head and he fell flat on the ground. Adrian turned around as Sam tried to punch him and blocked his fist with the shaft of the lance, busting his foe’s hand. As Sam roared in pain, Adrian raised the spike and stabbed him in the foot. Before he could scream, Adrian pulled a right hook to the jaw, shattering several of his teeth and ripping apart his lips. He delivered the knockout move by slamming him in the middle of the chest with his palm, striking with enough force to shatter all of his ribs. Gasping for air, Jake slowly got to his feet and stumbled towards him. Adrian raised the lance and brought it down, slashing him from shoulder to hip. Even though the weapon had no blade and the wound was shallow, the tip was sharper than a nail and sliced open skin and muscle like wrapping paper. He would live, but wouldn't be getting up any time soon. Adrian turned as Logan charged towards him with his knife in his hand. He jabbed forward with his knife and Adrian held up his hand, letting the blade stab him through the palm and send drops of blood splattering on his face. Logan stared in horror at the lack of reaction on Adrian’s face and the coldness in his eyes. His rage and mechanical mind were completely blocking out the pain, granting him the power to continue fighting. Without making a sound, Adrian stabbed him through the shoulder piercing the thick muscle and breaking his bones with ease. Logan screamed in pain, and before he could step back, Adrian released his lance and jabbed forward with his good hand, stabbing him in the chest with all of his strength. With his fingers straight and the muscles reinforcing the bones, Adrian was able to pierce his torso all the way, with his hand bursting out of Logan’s back. Logan vomited blood as Adrian pulled his hand away, leaving a huge gaping wound just below his ribcage. Had he wanted to, he could have grabbed any number of organs and ripped them right out. Adrian retrieved his lance and twisted Logan’s arm, forcing him to his knees. Adrian kept twisting, dislocating his other shoulder. He then stepped back and slashed him several times across the back, leaving deep bloody gashes. Logan was gagging in agony, unable to even scream. Adrian raised the spike, about to deliver the killing blow, but Jenny rushed over to him and grabbed his arms. “No Adrian, please don't!” In his blood-drunk stupor, Adrian did not hear her. “Adrian!” she cried out again, somewhat shaking him out of it. “He’s in my way, and anyone in my way must be removed.” “You’ve done enough! You don't have to murder him! You aren't a heartless killing machine!” Adrian gasped as her words fully broke through his bloodlust and his hands slackened around the spike. She stepped in front of him, standing between him and Logan with her hands on his cheeks. “If you kill him, the police will lock you away forever and I cannot bear to be without you. If you kill him then you will have to kill him too, because I don't want to live without you. Come back to me, come back to me, Adrian.” His breathing was hoarse as Adrian slowly calmed down his mind, separating his rage from his logical side and extinguishing the fires of anger. The lance fell out of his hand and imbedded itself in the ground. After several seconds, Jenny’s expression softened. “Why did you react that way? Why did you become so angry?” Adrian looked at her in confusion, trying to understand why she was asking this question here and now. “You have never been this angry before, so what changed now?” she asked, almost as if she were trying to pull his mind from his body. “I... I...” “Just say it, not for me but for yourself. Why did you react like this? Why did you do this? Why were you so upset and desperate to protect me?” she asked with tears running from her eyes but with the smallest of smiles on her face. “I did it because... because I…” “Say it, say the words that I know you want to say. Say the words that are truly in your heart.” “I got angry at them for attacking you… because I love you,” Adrian said softly. Jenny's smile widened and she gave a deep sigh of relief, finally hearing what she was trying to get him to say. “You are not a machine; you are a man, the man I love and man who loves me. It feels so good to hear your feelings for me.” “I am sorry, Jenny. I am so, so sorry. I wanted to kill them all and I wanted it so badly that I couldn’t stop myself. If you hadn’t intervened, I would have slaughtered three people tonight,” he murmured with his whole body shaking. “It's ok, my love, it's ok. Come on, let's get your hand fixed and go home. We’ll call an ambulance for these losers.” “As you wish, my love,” he said, repeating what she had said to him. Speaking the words, Adrian immediately fell to the ground, gripping his head and vomiting. His whole body was overwhelmed with indescribable agony as his consciousness and subconscious collided like two meteors, brought on the emotional epiphany and causing his mind to begin tearing itself apart. “Adrian!” Jenny cried out as he struggled to stay awake and not pass out from the pain. “Please, we need a doctor right away. My boyfriend has been stabbed through the hand and he’s lost a lot of blood. He’s also suffered from some sort of seizure,” Jenny said desperately to the receptionist. Adrian and Jenny were in the emergency room of the hospital and their parents were already on the way. The room was filled with chairs and brightly lit by fluorescent lights. A bookcase and a magazine stand were set up against the wall and a TV had been installed up in the ceiling’s corner, turned on to the evening news. Across the room were the receptionist desk and the double doors leading to the rest of the hospital, with the hospital entrance between the two sides of the room. There were only a handful of people there with Adrian and Jenny; two of them were security guards and the rest were people that had been injured from a car accident or were just clumsy in the dark night. “All right, fill out this information while I get a doctor,” the nurse said. She handed them a clipboard with an admittance sheet and picked up nearby phone, quickly dialing a number and notifying one of the doctors in the hospital. Jenny sat down next to Adrian, who had somewhat recovered from his episode in the park and was at least awake, but his whole body ached and his thoughts were sluggish. “I should have retrieved my lance… or at least gotten rid of it so that the police couldn’t find it.” Jenny turned to him, her voice shaking. “The police won’t take you away, you were just acting out of self-defense, nothing more.” “I practically butchered them. I’ll be lucky if I can stay out of jail.” “Adrian, everything will be fine. If something goes wrong, you can find a way out of it. It’s what you do best.” Adrian gave a small smile. “I love you.” “Ditto,” she replied jokingly. “ADROID!” Everyone turned to the hospital entrance as Logan staggered in. He was covered in blood and barely conscious. While one shoulder had been stabbed and the other dislocated, a gapping hole sat in his chest, and the muscles in his back had been torn to shreds, but he had somehow managed to follow them. “DIE, YOU BASTARD!” he said as he raised his hand, holding a gun. He pointed it at Adrian, and before the young genius could react in his weakened state, Logan pulled the trigger. Chapter Four: The room was quite large and well lit, with the walls made of yellow marble and the floors decorated with intricate tiles. Adrian was sitting on a bench on one side of the room, facing a maze of velvet rope walkways, leading to a series of counters. The room was filled with people, but only a fraction of them were talking. Adrian assumed the building was a bank, but that was all he could do, because he did not know how he got there. He couldn't remember how he had gotten to the bank, when he had gotten there, what happened before it, and he didn't even recognize the bank. This was not a simple matter of “forget what you're watching during the commercial break”; he literally couldn't remember anything. “My mental stability has been compromised,” Adrian said softly to himself as he searched his empty memory for answers. His heart rate rose as he considered the possibility. If his memory had just suddenly failed, then other parts of his mind could follow. Calm down and think logically. Your memories may be gone but the rest of your mind seems to be processing everything at its regular pace. Adrian repeated the phrase out loud, hoping that the audio reception would trigger something in his brain. He channeled all of the energy from his physical reaction to his mind, checking every aspect of his consciousness for anything else that had experienced damage. “My name is Adrian Ashford, I am eighteen years old, and my birthday is July 5th, 1994,” he said out loud, coming across a scrap of his memory and trying to stimulate his mind. He could remember personal information such as his identity and who he was, but no actual events. Adrian thought back to what he knew about the human brain, and while the information was there, the source of where he gained that information could not be found. “Interesting, my Limbic System seems to be functioning only partially, but I can't find any other part of my mind that is changed. Whatever is going on, I need to make a mental map, should my mind be impaired even further.” The brain remembers what the body experiences better than what thoughts actually take place, so he had to keep talking to himself to increase the chance that he could retain what little memory he had. He looked around at the people in the bank, trying to decide whether he should try to interact with them. On one hand, his mental health was obviously in jeopardy, but on the other… how was he supposed to explain this? Would he just walk up to the counter and ask ‘Ma’am, could you please help me? I can’t remember how I got here and I’m probably going to start hallucinating soon’. Most likely, anyone he spoke to would think he was either on drugs or about to rob the bank. Besides, it was very likely that he was already hallucinating. Did the bank exist? Did the people in it exist? Or was it the other way around, and everything existed but he was perceiving his own actions wrong? If he went up and tried to say something, would it be possible for him to think he had asked for help but instead just shouted a bunch of swears like he was drunk? For all he knew, he could think he had gotten up and asked for help, but that was the illusion, and in reality, he had never gotten up from the bench. It would be best not to draw any attention to himself or try to talk to anyone until he fully assessed the situation. Adrian looked to his left and saw a desk with several pens and a stack of application forms. He took one of the forms and laid it down on the bench with a pen in hand. If his logical side were the next to be affected, then he would need a psychological flash drive to compensate. He began writing on the back of the paper, saying out loud whatever he wrote. POSSIBLE REASONS FOR MEMORY LOSS: “Partial memory loss is most commonly associated with dreams and hallucinations,” Adrian muttered before writing DREAM and HALLUCINATION. “But knowing my psychological history, sudden memory loss is also an undeniable symptom of mental illness, possibly brought on by trauma,” he said before writing down MENTAL ILLNESS/AMNESIA. Adrian then dug his fingernails into his palm as hard as he could, letting the pain reach his mind instead of blocking it while beads of blood started to drip from his hand. “If this is a dream then it is a vivid one, vivid enough to trick the Thalamus. If I’m able to feel pain in this dream, then the chances are extremely low that this is a dream at all. Either that, or I’m not asleep exactly. This could very well be a drug-induced coma or some kind of unconscious hallucination. I shouldn't try that ‘death wakes you up’ option since my body may very well be in the real world instead of my mind.” He wrote POSSIBLE/UNLIKELY under DREAM. “Hallucination or a mental illness, maybe even blunt trauma to the prefrontal cortex or other areas of the brain. Whatever is going on, I need to find out what is going on before my mental state deteriorates even further.” PRELIMINARY MEMORY RECOLLECTION INEFFECTIVE ATTEMPT SENSORY OVERLOAD After Adrian finished writing, he folded up the paper and stowed it and the pen in his pocket. From the size of the bank, he was obviously in a city. Because his mental stability was already compromised, he would need to try and induce a seizure in the hope that it would knock him unconscious and his mind could reboot like a computer. He had to get out into the streets and use his surroundings to confuse his senses, similar to an epileptic seizure. Through the glass doors, Adrian could see cars passing by in the city streets and crowds of people walking down the sidewalk. But as he stepped outside, every moving object disappeared. The cars and people had completely vanished, leaving the street empty and silent. It was as if the glass of the doors had been TV screens, showing him a recording. Adrian looked back into the bank, but like the street outside, the entire room was suddenly empty. “I’m running out of time, either I’m losing control of this dream or my hallucinations are worsening. Damn it, I should have asked for help when I had the chance!” He stepped out into the empty street and looked around. There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky and the sun was directly overhead. He looked at the buildings on both sides of the street, trying to recognize something. As far as he could tell, he had never been in this location before. “This city could very well not exist and very well be a product of the hallucination or the dream, whichever it is. However, the city could be real, but my subconscious is filtering out the people and they really exist, meaning that they could be walking right past me, but my mind won’t let me detect them. I could still try and make contact, but if they are real and do exist, they would most likely try to ignore me.” Adrian took out his pen and laid out his mental map against a mailbox. SENSORY BALANCE DETERIORATING DREAM/HALLUCINATION WORSENING LOSING CONTROL As he wrote the words down, noise suddenly reached his ears. He looked across the street at a nightclub. The dark windows were dimly flashing with different colors and techno music was pulsing through the panes of glass. Just a moment ago, the building had been quiet and calm. Adrian ran across the street, knowing that the road could still be filled with people and cars, but his unstable mind was not processing them. Regardless of whether he was hallucinating or not, he still had to be logical, and he had to protect himself from things that should have been present, whether he could detect them or not. He stepped into the nightclub and checked his surroundings. The walls were dark purple and decorated with lit candles. The ceiling was covered in mirrors and the tiles had intricate patterns. There were no tables, just booths lining one side of the room opposite to the bar, with a small lamp dimly illuminating each one. A bolt of dull pain shot through his mind as a quick flash of a memory entered his consciousness. This nightclub was the same setting Adrian used to talk to his Id and Ego. The club was filled with people, all talking and dancing with each other. He couldn't make out a single word anyone was saying, and as he walked through the crowd, everyone seemed to move away without even glancing at him. Taking a deep breath, Adrian stood in the middle in the room and shouted as loud as possible, yet no one even turned to him. They were all hallucinations. Out of options, he came up to the bar and sat down on one of the stools. He looked at himself in the mirror, contemplating his journey through this mental maze. His sensory overload idea wasn't working at all and he didn't know what to do next. “This is way beyond a mental illness or a hallucination, but I’ve never experienced a dream that was vivid and complex, and even let me feel pain,” Adrian muttered to himself, looking down at his hands. “That's because you've never dreamed this deeply before,” a soft voice cooed as a martini was placed under his face. Instead of a toothpick, the olive was skewered with a tiny Demium spike. Adrian looked up at the bartender. “Hello, Jenny,” he said dryly. The blonde beauty gave a coy smile. “'Hello, Jenny'? That's all you say to the woman you love?” “You're an illusion, there is no point showing any emotional attachment to a figment of my imagination.” “Only you could be so cold,” she pouted. “Are you going to tell me what the hell is going on, or not? If you're my subconscious, then you should know I am becoming aggravated.” “That, my love, is for you to figure out. Hallucinations are the brain's way of trying to solve problems, and as you can see, this is one serious hallucination.” “I thought you said I was dreaming.” “I never said that. I said you’ve never dreamed this deeply before.” “So this is a hallucination?” “You figure it out.” “Well of all the things that I’ve encountered in this dream of mine, you're the only one that I’m actually able to interact with. Everything else disappears because it is unimportant or could break the dream, meaning that my subconscious wants me to stay here, at least until I accomplish something. Plus, isn't it strange that in the most vivid dream I’ve ever experienced, my sense of logic hasn't been affected in the least? You and logic, the two greatest forces in this dream... I wonder what that could mean?” he asked sarcastically as he downed the martini. “Bingo. Something has happened and you must make a choice now. You must choose between your love for me and your cold logical side. For years it has made you more than human, but if you wish to keep the woman you love, you must become human.” The martini glass snapped in his hand. “Will you give up your soul or your heart?” “This isn't a dream, it's a nightmare,” Adrian cursed. He then looked up and yelled, “Id! Ego!” Regardless of his call, his alternate personalities did not appear. “Why can’t I summon them?” “Because you can no longer identify them. The barriers you set up between your three personalities are breaking and their influences are leaking out erratically, causing growing psychological trauma. You are the Superego, correct? Basically, you’ve been letting your Id and Ego affect your actions as the dominant sentience, but then disregarding those actions and trying to maintain your identity as a cold and emotionless robot. Basically, you’re scrambling your mental stability by constantly switching from machine to man without properly handing control over to one of the other personalities. As I said before, you created the Superego to be cold and logical, but you also want to be with Jenny. You can’t be with her without showing emotion and physical desire, but you are too afraid to let any of the other personalities take over, so you are trying to use your Superego in ways you never intended it to be used for and putting massive amounts of strain on your mind. You’re basically trying to drive a Prius like it’s an ATV.” “And the only way to protect my mental stability is to choose between my Superego and Jenny?” “Correct, and you can’t leave this dream until you do. For the sake of self-preservation and as your subconscious, I will not allow you to continue this corrosive tendency. You know what I’m talking about; you’re driving yourself into an early grave because you are too stubborn to give up something! You can’t gain something without giving something up! You need to quit torturing yourself and make a choice, but before you can make your decision, I will show you the results of both paths. Pull out the sheet of paper in your pocket.” Adrian pulled out the paper and unfolded it. It was no longer the application sheet/mental map Adrian had gotten from the bank. The earlier print and writings had been replaced with a line of coordinates, but with each second that passed, the numbers seemed to change with Adrian unable to remember what they had been previously. It was as if he had misread it, but every time he tried to go back and read it again, he just made bigger and bigger mistakes. “That is the location of your goal, the key to changing this world and ending all conflict. However, the only way you will ever achieve your goal is if you defeat your opponents, and that will be impossible without your intellect.” She then grabbed the stem of the broken martini glass and stabbed him in the center of the chest. Adrian fell off the bar stool, snarling in pain. He hit the ground with blood streaming from his chest, spurting from his mouth, and leaking from his ruptured heart to his torn left lung. He pulled out the long glass shard and the pain instantly fell away. He felt his chest but could not find the wound. His clothes weren't even torn or bloody. “If you keep your logical side, your relationship will shatter. Every day after, you shall feel that pain in your heart from losing the one thing that truly made you happy. You will sacrifice yourself to help the rest of the world,” Jenny said as Adrian climbed back up onto his stool. “So I can be a martyr and save the world, or...” “You can give up the one thing that truly makes you unique. If you give up your mechanical mentality, you will be at risk of your emotions running your mind and causing physical damage similar to the placebo affect. As your subconscious, I will be forced to shut down your fulfilled potential to protect you from such harm, at the cost of your intelligence. You would most likely have a normal IQ, right around 100 points.” As she spoke the words, the shattered martini glass repaired itself. The walls of the club began to change, losing their dark violet shade and gaining a shifting orange hue, with blobs of color swerving just beneath the glassy surface. The walls of the club almost resembled the inside of a lava lamp. The people in the club began to change as well; they lost their physical bodies and became merely holograms of their former selves, passing through all the physical objects and each other. Blobs of colored fire began wafting up from all of the candles, hovering in the air before turning into liquid and popping like bubbles. “Can I have another martini?” Adrian asked, even though the first one tasted like bug spray. “I’ll try.” Adrian watched as she went through the process of making the martini, putting all of the ingredients together in the mixer and then shaking it vigorously. But when she poured it into his repaired glass, it came out as orange juice. “Sorry, it looks like luck was not on your side,” Jenny mused. With a calm expression on his face, Adrian picked up the martini olive that had fallen on the table when the glass broke. He pulled out the tiny Demium spike. “Cute,” he said sarcastically before eating the olive. “What is the purpose of this world? Of all dream sceneries, why a city? It seems rather cliché.” “Ah, now you know what to look for. This world is your mind, as dictated by your mental state and personality and chosen by your subconscious. Before you met me, your mind looked like the inside of a supercomputer, with electric synapses passing through the circuits at speeds far above regular humans. But when we began our relationship, you became more social, even if it was just with me. Your mind is shaping itself around this new social behavior and your new emotions, gaining a very ‘human’ influence. The circuits have been replaced with towering buildings, which represent your tendency to cling to stony organization. The electric synapses have been replaced with people, moving through this city in a pattern similar to their predecessors, but in a more social form. Consider this the “user-friendly” version of your mind.” Adrian held up the martini glass and flicked it. As the ripples moved through the orange juice, it turned to soda. “If this is my mind, then why is all logic and reason being cast aside for random anomalies?” “Because I’m trying to show you the risk of choosing me. If you surrender your abilities of logic, you will lose much of your ability to predict outcomes and understand things that happen before you. Your ability to think analytically would be nearly crippled. Even worse, your emotions and desires may run rampant. Everything is as random here as it would seem in the real world. You are all about self-control, Adrian. You suppress your emotions and choose when you let physical desire show, just to remain clear-headed and balanced. If you choose me, then you will have to give up your plan of a new world order, resulting in the destabilization of your inner world. And if you fall too far, then you will lose Jenny and you won't be able to go back to the way you were. Your self-control with continue to disappear until you end up like this...” Adrian turned around in the stool and raised one of his eyebrows. All of the men and women in the club had ripped off their clothes and erupted into an orgy. They were all writing on the floor, with each person having sex whoever was closest. Adrian jerked as he could suddenly feel soft human skin against his own and turned back to Jenny. “Ok, you're going to have to elaborate.” “Just turn around,” she said with a smile. Adrian turned back to the orgy and Jenny wrapped her arms around his neck. “All the male apparitions are you in the life of debauchery that could possibly happen if you give up self-control to be with Jenny, but fall so far that you lose her and become like Caligula. They are all you at different times in this possible life path. Every act of hedonism is being compacted into this one scene, letting you feel every woman, every orifice, every sexual experience in your future if you fall. Everything that they feel, you feel. Consider it the ultimate sexual euphoria. Enjoy the show...” Adrian sat on the bar stool, watching the orgy. He could feel every woman as if he were screwing them himself. He could feel the endless number of breasts against his palms, each with their own unique dimensions, from A-cup to D-cup and from pointing nipples to small ones. He couldn't keep his tongue still, because his sense of taste was saturated with the taste of all the women he was going down on. They were all similar, yet each had a hint of individuality. Having all of the kinky tastes combined made him think of a wine-tasting party. He could actually feel the orifices around his tongue as the apparitions explored the women's insides. Like his tongue, he could feel the mouths, pussies, and asses gripping his manhood, all combined into a single experience. He looked over to one male apparition, fucking one of the women anally in the doggy style. He could actually feel her asshole gripping his cock tightly, as if he were the one hammering her. He looked at another apparition that was getting a blowjob, and could actually feel the woman's tongue, gums, and cheeks soaking he manhood in saliva. Adrian had the largest erection in his life and he could feel it being used to fuck the women anally, orally, and vaginally. Every square inch of his body felt like it was pressed against the soft flesh of one of the women, almost like a physical Nirvana. His whole body jerked as he felt over a dozen orgasms all combined into one simultaneous feeling. He looked down and realized he had ejaculated and dampened his pants. He turned around back to Jenny as all the apparitions disappeared, leaving the two of them alone. The club returned to its normal form, with the only illumination coming from the lights above the bar's mirror. The bar itself was sitting in a pool of light, surrounded by darkness. “If you fall too far, you will become what you hate: a mindless player who uses women for no reason and lives just for pleasure. You will become a modern-day Caligula and end up dead either from a drug overdose or suicide because of self-hatred. But there is only a chance of that happening. If you can surrender your machine-like side and balance how much self-control you give up, the rewards would be great,” Jenny said as she motioned down the bar. Adrian looked down at the corner of the counter, where an elderly couple were having drinks, happy and in love. He watched as both the man and the woman drank from each other’s glasses and then kissed. “That is you and I, celebrating fifty years of marriage. If you choose love but don't fall too far, you will have a lifetime of happiness with the one you care about.” “I can either sacrifice my happiness and try to complete my goal, or I can give up my individuality and risk a psychological crash, but possibly live out my life happy with Jenny,” Adrian said, looking at the old couple. He then turned to the girl before him. “The real Jenny I mean.” “That is the choice you must make.” Adrian was silent for several moments before sighing. “I can't choose either of them,” he said with his face downcast and his hands shaking. “I will lose Jenny no matter what I do. If I stay the way I am, with my cold machine side as my dominant personality, then Jenny will eventually become fed up with me and will seek someone who can give her the emotional support she needs. My personality as the Superego has been changing gradually, but it won’t be enough to keep her. But if I give up who I am... then I would no longer be the man she loves. I would be like everyone else, and she sought me out because I’m different.” “Then that means you are fated to lose me, just like you always said you were.” His hands stopped shaking and Adrian looked up at Jenny, showing a small but warm smile on his face. He finally understood. He finally knew what he had to do. “More proof that you aren't Jenny. I believe that fate controls everything I do, but the real Jenny believes the opposite. So far, you've only told me what I already know, even if it's only at a subconscious level. Well let me tell you something; I love Jenny, and while I won't cast away my logical soul or my heart, I will cast away my beliefs.” All of the glasses and bottles on the shelf behind the apparition started to shake and rattle. “You only gave me two options because they were the only options I had created for myself through my actions, but there is another option, one that you did not mention because of how far it goes against my beliefs. All this time, I have been trying to gain ultimate control over my body and mind. I learned to harness the full potential of my muscles, block pain, and erase all distractions. I kept telling myself that it was because it was the only way to evolve, but really I was just afraid. I was afraid of myself, afraid of my emotions, afraid of losing control. I sealed my emotions because I was terrified of letting them run my life. I sealed them because I thought that I would never be able to control them. I only weakened myself and my potential by ignoring my full self. It’s time to face my fears so that I can truly gain self control.” The entire nightclub began to shake. “I am going to create a third option. I will rejoin the parts of my mind that I originally separated: id, Ego, and Superego. I am not as weak as I was when I first woke up. I have become strong enough now so that I can finally control the deepest recesses of my subconscious!” A huge crack then ran through the counter, with a bright light shining up through. Bottles and glasses began falling from the shelf and breaking while the chairs around the counter all began to shatter into splinters. “Jenny once told me to use my mind and see the world and then use my heart to change it in my favor, and I’m going to use my heart to change the rules. I’ll do what she said and become the man she wants and needs me to be, but I will not give up any of the aspects that make up who I am. I will be whatever she wants me to be, and she is what will keep me balanced. There will be no going back once the change is made, but I don’t care. I will accomplish my goal with Jenny at my side!” Everything in the bar began shattering, sending splinters and blades of glass flying in all directions, but none of them touched Jenny or Adrian. “Are you really willing to gamble your mental stability and your life on your relationship with me?” she asked with a smile. “I gambled my identity, my soul, and my future to be with her; adding my mental stability is basically like throwing in another poker chip,” Adrian said with a cynical smile. Jenny’s smiled widened. “Very well, but remember this: if you lose Jenny, everything will fall apart. You could lose your memories, become a completely different person, or go mad and spend the rest of your life killing people. You’ve had no faith in the relationship since it started, why are you so willing to bet your whole life on it now?” “Because I love her, now let me out.” Adrian gasped as his eyes bolted open. Bright lights above him kept him from seeing, and every square inch of his body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. As his eyesight steadied itself, he recognized the lights and ceiling above him; he was in the hospital. As his mind lit back up, he could hear the beeping of the heart monitor beside him and he could feel the blankets of the bed he was in, as well as the breathing tube in his throat. It was then that he realized that there was a bandage wrapped around his head. Adrian was about to lift his hand to feel it, but something was pinning his arm down. He looked to his side and saw Jenny. She was sound asleep next him, coated in dry tears and holding onto him for dear life. Adrian gave small smile as he looked at her beautiful face. He felt much different than before, almost like after he and Jenny made love for the first time, but even more vibrant and excited. His mind didn't feel so divided like it was before, split between his sense of logic and his emotions and physical desires. His thought process did not seem impaired in the least by the presence of emotions, and his emotions themselves seemed perfectly under control. He had really done it; he had combined his human emotions and love for Jenny with his pure intelligence and logic, achieving a flawless balance and combination. He did not need to switch between them anymore, for they were now fused together into one aspect of his personality. Adrian tried to lift up his other arm, but it was handcuffed to the hospital bed. It seemed some of the details of the night had reached the police… He gently worked his arm free from her grip and placed his hand on her cheek, which was wrapped in bandages from when Logan stabbed him. Her eyelids slowly rose and she became breathless. “Adrian...” she gasped, unable to believe what she was seeing. She then wrapped her arms around him and began crying on his shoulder, with her forehead buried in the side of his neck, but while being careful to move him as little as possible. “I didn't think you were going to wake up! I’ve been here for hours, begging you to come back to me!” she sobbed. Looking up in shock, she almost stopped him as he grabbed the respirator mask and pulled it off, yanking the breathing tube out of his esophagus and coughing for a few seconds. “Don't worry, Jenny. Everything is ok,” he said warmly once he caught his breath. Turning to her, he wiped away her tears and then kissed her on the lips. “What happened?” he asked. “You were shot by Logan, remember? He and his friends attacked us in the park, but you managed to beat them. We came here to get your hand taken care of and he burst in, covered in blood and waving a gun. He pointed the gun at you and shot you in the head. By the time the security guards tackled him, you were unconscious on the floor with blood pouring from you skull. Oh Adrian, I thought you were dead, I thought you had left me! The whole time you were in emergency surgery, I was praying that you would live or contemplating suicide! The doctors said that the bullet went straight through your prefrontal cortex and basically pierced everything behind it. No one has ever survived that much brain trauma! They said that you would be a vegetable for the rest of your life if you didn’t just die before morning.” As Adrian mulled over what she said, he began to chuckle, which turned into a booming laugh. “What are you laughing about?” Jenny asked with disbelief, both that he was laughing in such a situation, and that he was ACTUALLY LAUGHING. “While I was unconscious, I was in the most vivid dream I had ever experienced. I couldn't leave the dream until I made a decision. I had to discard my emotionless logical side or my heart and my love for you. The dream completely changed who I am, the decision I made was real.” “Which did you choose?” “Neither. I created a third option. I reunited the parts of my mind, both logic and emotion. The bullet didn't kill any parts of my brain; it just let me reconnect them. I love you, Jenny, and I’m going to be whatever you want me to be, whether it's emotional or logical,” Adrian said with the warmest and happiest smile she had ever seen. Jenny wiped away the last of her tears and smiled. “I love you, Adrian, I love you with all of my heart.” “Adrian!” He heard his mom call. Adrian looked to the doorway as his parents rushed in and Jenny reluctantly backed off so that they could hug him while shedding tears of joy. “It’s an absolute miracle, we thought we had lost our only son, this time for good,” his dad said, unable to keep from crying. “We’re so happy that you’re alive! It was like the car accident all over!” his mom wailed, hugging him again. “Don’t worry, I’m all right. In fact, I’m more than all right.” Jenny wrapped her hands around his. “Did you die again, like you did when you were ten? Have you been reborn a second time?” Instead of replying, Adrian looked out the window, watching as the sun began to come up with the first few slivers of light shining across the sky. “Yeah, you could even say that today is the first day of the rest of my new life.” Chapter Five: Adrian was lying in his hospital bed, working on his laptop and checking all of his stocks, bank accounts, and corporate updates. He had already checked them several times, but he was bored out of his mind and wanted some sort of mental stimulation other than just watching movies online and reading articles. It had been a week and a half since he was shot in the head, and he was recuperating at an incredible rate. Having woken up only a few hours after his emergency surgery and regained the ability to walk before the end of the day, many doctors believed that his recovery was the fastest of anyone who had ever survived such an injury, and easily considered it to be a miracle. His case was even going to be published in a medical journal and he could be seen on the evening news. He still had to stay in the hospital, but only because his parents and the doctors wanted to be safe. If he had his way, he would have been out a long time ago. He felt completely healthy in every aspect, mentally and physically. He had regained his full strength, his mind was working at its peak capacity, and his body and brain were fully healed. Each day consisted of physical therapy and rest, then being visited by his parents and Jenny. “Hey! How are the plates?” he heard, bringing a wider smile to his face as he looked to the doorway and saw her. She was referring to the metal plates installed in his head to keep his skull together while it healed and cover the entry and exit points of the bullet. “Good, I got them replaced today,” he answered as she walked over and kissed him. “Really? Even after so little time has passed?” “Well I actually requested it. My weapons aren’t the only thing made of Demium you know, I keep a supply of different pieces and shapes for such occasions. I had actually anticipated something like this happening and prepared plates to go over my skull. I doubt I would manage to survive the process, but I can take an armor-piercing sniper round to the forehead and it would barely break the skin.” “Really? That’s amazing!” she exclaimed, never managing to ever become used to the things he did. “Well when I first began trying to produce Demium, I certainly wasn’t going to half-ass it,” he joked. The sound of Adrian’s laugh and the sight of his smile lit up Jenny’s face with tender love, and the sight of her happiness in turn warmed his heart. Being with Jenny was now a different experience than it was before. Before, being with her was enjoyable but very confusing and next to impossible to fully integrate himself in, but now that he had combined his logical mind with his emotions and physical desires, he was better able to understand his feelings for her and her feelings for him. He loved her and was truly happy, happier than ever before in his life. This enlightenment also expanded his already proficient mental prowess, letting him enjoy the world more than he originally had, and understand humans instead of just predict their actions. He had never been very emotional, so this was all very new to him, but by no means were his emotions blocking his sense of logic. He was able to think as clearly as before and use logic with same skill, but he could now relate to humans and know how to act in social situations. He was always in a good mood and he almost always had a small confident smile, almost like a smirk but without any smug arrogance. He looked like a very skilled but relaxed and easygoing chess player declaring checkmate, as calm and humble as could be, but also confident and enjoying the game. Because nurses were constantly patrolling the halls during visiting hours, Jenny and Adrian weren’t able to make love for the whole time he was there, but even though he was going stir crazy, seeing his parents and Jenny every day made it livable. Jenny was walking down the halls of the hospital with a smile on her face, excited to see Adrian after another long day of school. As she turned the corner, she saw the Dean of Medicine stepping out of Adrian’s hospital room. Once he was gone, Jenny walked over and stepped into the room. “Hello Jenny,” Adrian said with his usual casual smile. “Hey,” she said sweetly as she walked over. She kissed him on the lips and sat down in the chair next to the bed. “So what did the Dean want?” “Oh, he comes every day to test my cognitive skills and reflexes. My method of healing isn’t quite standard protocol,” he shrugged, immediately catching Jenny’s attention. “And what pray tell does that mean?” “I guess the cat is out of the bag. The reason why I woke up so early and recovered so well isn’t just because of luck or my will to live; it’s actually due to a precaution I set up. Every hospital has a freezer where they keep donated blood for surgeries and transfusions, but that’s not all they keep, at least not this hospital in my case. I keep a large supply of cloned stem cells at this hospital. I’ve been doing it for quite a few years actually.” “Stem cells? How did you get those?” “Well contrary to popular belief, the human brain actually does replenish lost neurons through the production of stem cells. I’ve been harvesting those cells and keeping them preserved in this hospital. I’ve actually left very specific instructions that state if I suffer any kind of serious head trauma or brain injury, the stem cells are to be used to replace the lost tissue. During my surgery after I was shot, the Dean of Medicine gave the order and my stem cells were finally used. They were essentially poured straight into the bullet hole where they began mimicking the surrounding brain cells and replacing the lost tissue. Of course this isn’t quite legal, as the only way I can preserve and access stem cells is if they’re my own. Then of course there is the cloning process, and that’s always a pain in the ass…” “Wait, you clone them as well?” “Sure. The human brain does produce stem cells, but it’s in a very small amount spread out across the entire brain. It’s not like you can just crack someone’s head open and suck the cells out like marrow from a bone. Besides if I take too much, then my brain won’t be able to recover from the usual cell death. I can only get a very small amount and then I have to clone the rest.” “So did you have to bribe them to perform this kind of operation? And to store something like a private stash of stem cells with their blood transfusions?” “Well let’s just say that my past donations to the hospital have made me a welcomed guest. The Dean was also here with some good news. You remember that large machine that I had been working on? The one that I said was taking a long time to complete? Well I finished it last month and filed for the patent, as well as getting it approved by the Surgeon General. The paperwork has finally been processed and they are ready to be used on the general public in hospitals across the country. I donated the prototype to this hospital, and since they can legally use it now, it has been fully installed in the surgical ward. Come on, I’ll show it to you.” Adrian stepped out of the bed and put on his hospital robe, no longer bound by handcuffs. He had pulled some strings to get his case thrown out before it ever saw the inside of a courtroom. With his connections, the law couldn’t touch him. “Uh...” Adrian heard Jenny mumble. He turned around and saw her holding out her hand as if she had wanted to stop him. Adrian smiled and gave a small sigh. Jenny was always worried about him, and him walking around less than two weeks after his injury made her worry the most. “Don't worry, darling, I’m fully healed.” Jenny gained a warm smile, and stood up and grasped his arm. They left the room and walked down the halls of the hospital with the woman he loved clinging to his arm. He brought Jenny to the new addition of the surgical wing (paid for by Adrian’s mentioned donations), with the two of them facing a door with an electronic lock. “This machine was just installed today, so I’m one of the few people who knows the combination to this room. This room isn’t supposed to be used for a at least a few days, so we won't be disturbed,” he said as he typed in the combination. The door was unlocked and they stepped into the dark surgical chamber with Adrian closing the door and the lights immediately activating. Jenny was completely breathless. “Adrian... how... did you really...” They were facing a large surgical robot. The five-armed spider-like machine stood over a table like a giant hand reaching up over the side and three bright lights shined directly above. Each arm had a tentacle-like reach and flexibility, but with a very nimble thickness, allowing for the limbs to work very close together without overcrowding. Each arm had a different tool, such as a scalpel, surgical scissors, forceps, a flexible scope for interior observation, and a pneumatic jet that would send a stream of air to help open up the body during surgery. The arms could make steady movements in millimeter increments, had an automatic defense mechanism that would keep the arms from reacting to the surgeon's slight tremors, and could perform tasks as small and intricate as watch repair. The machine had been built with only custom-made pieces and the best materials. Adrian looked around at the room they were in. The surgical chamber had dark tiles, stainless-steal walls, and was illuminated solely by the three lamps over the surgical robot. While the room was kept at a comfortable 70º degrees, the dim lighting gave the illusion that it was quite cool. The darkness and the temperature gave a very relaxing feeling. Ten feet from the gurney was a table with several computers and hand-controllers for the arms. “I bet you figured that since I built it in my basement, at least the prototype would be made of a bunch of spare parts from a junkyard. Quite the contrary, this baby was built with top-of-the-line materials and components, but cost only a quarter-million dollars. I studied the designs of its predecessors and was able to build a more affective and inexpensive model. It took months to build, but that was only due to the designing process and actually figuring out how to build it, not to mention all the time lost while at school. Now I can build one of these on my own in just a week. I even picked the name; it's known as the Adroid.” Jenny moved over to the table, gazing at the five master-crafted mechanical arms. It was beautiful, awe-inspiring, and yet undeniably terrifying in its appearance and capabilities. It looked like a giant robotic spider, ready to wrap its prey in a metallic web, and the number of the tools incorporated into each limb only increased the fear it invoked. Yet this feeling of terror exhilarated Jenny and augmented her feelings of amazement and adoration for the genius mind that created. “It’s funny, but when I showed the blueprints to the engineering consultants working for the Surgeon General, they thought it was all a joke. They couldn’t understand how I had managed to put it all together, even as just a drawing on paper. They told me that to create a machine like this would mean working decades ahead of current technology. It was only thanks to the fact that I built the surgical lasers currently on the market that they actually believed the designs were possible. It wasn’t easy to convince them to go for it; they are still struggling to understand how in the world I even conceived the design. Copies of this are being built in factories across America, but due to the precision required, it will take months to accomplish, even with modern machining tools.” “Adrian, I don’t even know what to say. This is the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.” “Do you want to see what it can do?” Jenny turned to him with an ecstatic smile on her face, as if she was a little girl with a pony at her birthday party. “Lie down on the gurney,” Adrian said as he sat down behind the computers. Jenny's smile shrank and he saw nervousness in her eyes. “Don't worry, I promise I won't hurt you. I am more skilled with this machine than anyone else on Earth.” Jenny regained her smile and lied down on the gurney. Adrian turned on the surgical robot and the five arms released a veering sound. Jenny shivered as they slowly lowered towards her. Adrian was controlling the joysticks with the precision of a watch-maker, ensuring that every movement was as steady as physically possible. Through the camera on every arm, he was getting a perfect close-up view. He moved the arm with the scalpel up to Jenny's face. She held her breath as he ran the back of the blade slowly down her cheek, almost like a shaving razor, but without leaving the faintest of lines. Jenny's breathing was slow and shallow, her body was trembling, and he could see goosebumps on her skin as her body temperature lowered. “Are you scared?” he asked with a small smile. “No,” she whispered. He smiled again and moved the arm with the pneumatic jet. He had it move across the other side of her face, releasing a steady stream of air that caused her to shiver and her long blonde hair to shift. “Yes you are. There is no need to hide it, enjoy the feeling...” he said, taking control of the surgical scissors. The arm slowly moved up, slicing off the buttons of her blouse. Her shirt opened up, revealing her round full breasts, just barely being held in by her bra. Her nipples were almost poking through the fabric from the shivers running through her. She continued to shiver as her body entered the fight-or-flight stage. “Do you trust me?” “Yes,” she gasped. “Then don't worry, you're basically in the palm of my hand. You're both frightened and aroused, enjoy the feeling,” he said as he used the scalpel to cut through the sleeves and free her arms. “Enjoy every shiver that runs through your body, every tremor of fear and bliss.” He used the pneumatic jet to send streams of air running along her arms and up her chest. She gave a soft gasp and gripped the sides of the gurney with erotic anticipation. “When you are scared, your senses are fully heightened. Use this your heightened senses to fully enjoy every ounce of pleasure you will experience.” He used the forceps and scissors to cut away her jeans, leaving her only in her underwear. With only her bra and panties covering her, Jenny became fully aroused. It wasn’t just the physical sensations exciting her; it was Adrian’s new personality. Before being shot, he had been a robot struggling to imitate human behavior, but now he had become suave and masterful. He gazed at her with a smirk of confidence and satisfaction, the combination of his knowledge and emotions granting him the knowledge of how to make her melt. Being toyed with like this, the fingers of this machine stimulating her in ways she never thought possible, she really did feel like she was in the palm of his hand, and that sensation of danger and domination was driving her wild. Adrian could see every muscle in her body stretching and contracting as they reacted to her feelings. She licked her lips and gripped the sides of the gurney, desperate for more. “There you go. Open yourself up to me,” he said. He then used the forceps and scissors to cut away her bra and panties. Her luscious breasts nearly burst out of the sheared lingerie, while she kept her thighs pressed together shyly. “I can see every single part of you, Jenny, and my god, you are so lovely.” Using the pneumatic jet, he sprayed her breasts with jets of cool air, almost tickling her. She began running her fingertips across her chest and slim belly, breathing heavily and relishing the teasing licks of the air against her pointing nipples. She then released a mix of a gasp and a yelp as Adrian dragged the forceps across her inner thighs, electrifying her sense of touch with the feeling of the cold metal. “You're going to enjoy this next part, Jenny, and I know I will,” Adrian said as he took control of the last arm of the surgical robot. Stretching from the robotic arm was an exploratory camera, able to move like a serpent through the body with its long and flexible coil-like frame. This would be its first time being used. The long coil touched down on the middle of her chest, and as the arm moved down, the camera slithered across her body and moved between her legs. Jenny released a high-pitched moan as the camera entered her pussy, moving deeper and deeper with its cold outer-frame driving her wild. Jenny held onto the gurney for dear life as the camera moved through her pussy, and an air stream from the pneumatic jet and the forceps were dragged across every inch of her soft skin. While the camera was quite thin, Adrian was able to use its flexibility to stimulate different areas of her pussy with surgical precision. As he had the camera move back and forth inside of her, Jenny began gyrating her hips, trying to get as much stimulation as she could. She was giving a continuous moan as he overwhelmed her sense of touch with the three arms of the surgical robot. He had one eye on Jenny and the other on the monitor that was linked to the camera. “Aha, there it is.” The camera was staring at a small bump, easily missed by men throughout the ages. It was the legendary G-spot. Adrian moved the camera forward, prodding the spot. Jenny arched her back and released a shrill whine. Normally the G-spot would of course be touched during sex, but never directly stimulated like this with pinpoint contact. Adrian continued teasing her, pressing the spot like a button and causing her to have orgasm after orgasm. She rolled onto her side, clinging to the gurney as she lost control of her body, succumbing to the endless wave of climaxes. Finally, Adrian backed off, and the robotic arms folded back as the machine was shut down. He walked over to Jenny, who was desperately trying to catch her breath. She was blushing so much that her whole body was red, and the light from the lamps above her was being caught by a thin film of sweat. “So how did you like that?” he asked with a smile. “Let's just say that you'll have to get me a wheelchair, because I don't think I can walk after that.” “Are you ready?” Jenny asked. “Why wouldn’t I be?” Adrian hummed. He was finally in good enough condition for the hospital to release him and was today was his first day back. “I’m really scared that Logan and his friends will be here,” Jenny said nervously. “Don’t worry, he and his buddies were denied bail.” With Jenny holding his hand, they entered the school and looked around. Everyone was jittery with excitement for the approaching end of the year, already dressed in shorts and t-shirts. As the door closed behind them, everyone turned and began applauding. Who Adrian was didn’t matter, but the fact that he had managed to survive a gunshot to the head and defeated Logan practically made him a legend. One of the students walked up to them. “No one can believe you survived getting shot in the head; how is it possible?” “Coming back from the dead is easy, especially when you’ve done it once before,” Adrian mused as he and Jenny walked past him. Every teacher gave Adrian a “welcome back” and every student begged him to describe what happened in the park. He kept his mouth shut and wore only his small but confident smile, which had replaced his constant melancholic scowl. People barely recognized him now; he had completely changed from a cold-hearted machine to a happy man in love, all in the course of one year and while still retaining the intellect that separated him from everyone else. Once the last class ended, Adrian and Jenny headed back to his house, to enjoy some alone time. After they made love, Jenny, having gotten dressed, went into the bathroom to wipe the smeared lipstick off her face. Adrian was lying in the still warm bed, a content smile on his face, unaware of the ajar wall tile in the bathroom under the sink. His heartbeat didn’t speed up even twitch to the sound of Jenny dropping her lipstick. It would have been impossible for him to hear her silent curiosity, seeing the shadowed tile hanging out of place, but he did hear her remove it. He sat up, realizing what was about to happen, as Jenny reached into the hollow space behind the tile and pulled out a metal box. “Jenny, wait!” The box was opened, but there was no explosion, a scream, or any reaction that might otherwise suggest something dangerous or insidious within, at least at first glance. It was filled with diamonds, varying in size from a grain of rice to sugar cube. At first, Jenny’s reaction was a wide smile of amazement, having never seen so many diamonds at once that weren’t behind glass and labeled with price tags, but as Adrian feared, that smile faded almost immediately. While far from his level of intellect, Jenny was still a very bright young woman, and she turned to him with dread. “Adrian, why do you have so many diamonds?” “I like to keep some liquidity in the house for dire situations. I also have gold and cash locked away down here,” he said as innocently as possible. “And where did they come from?” “I bought them locally.” “Then why is it that none of them look like they have been processed? They haven’t been grinded or polished at all. It looks like they were mined and immediately fell into your hands.” She picked up the box and approached him, Adrian having never seen a look of such seriousness on her face. “Adrian, where did these come from? Please tell me they aren’t blood diamonds, because the only people who keep stashes of diamonds like these sure as hell didn’t buy them locally. How did you get them?” Adrian took a deep breath, mentally cursing. It seemed that fate wasn’t going to let him slowly ease Jenny into his plans as he had hoped. He was going to have to let her in on everything now. “From arms dealing. I’ve sold hundreds of thousands of assault rifles in Africa and the Middle East.” The box fell from Jenny’s hands and the diamonds scattered across the floor. “You can’t be serious!” she gasped. “It’s not what you think. Not too long ago, the ATF started Project Gunrunner, which involved dealing weapons under the table that were tagged with GPS trackers, as a means of discovering illegal openings in the Mexico border and finding the trails that the cartels were using, as well as finding the high-level guys. It was a dismal failure, but I’m doing something similar. Every assault rifle I’ve sold has come with a stock stuffed with plastic explosives, that can either be set off remotely or will go off if the stock is opened. When the time comes, I’ll be able to wipe out a vast percentage of the terrorist population and no one will ever know who did it or how it happened.” “But what about all of the people you’ve killed to do it? Do you have any idea what you’ve done?! It’s insane!” “Let’s talk about this somewhere else.” On an empty road where no one would find them, Jenny and Adrian sat in his car, dead silent. It took time for Adrian to work up the courage to speak. “Jenny, you must understand, I have a plan in the works and the things I do are so that I can bring about the greater good. Those words are meaningless, I know, spoken by dictators and monsters throughout history. Perhaps I am one of them, perhaps I am only in denial as to what my plan will cause once it is completed. All I know is that it is the only answer I can find to solve the problems of this world. This is something I must do. It’s not the reason why I was born, I’m not stupid, but it is the reason why I continue to live. This is the future that I must accomplish if my life and everything I’ve achieved are to have real meaning. The arms dealing is merely a footnote, a precursor to what I have planned. When I’m done, the world will never be the same.” “But what is your plan? What are you trying to achieve?” Reaching into his pocket, Adrian drew his phone and began typing on it. “I will answer everything, but first you must promise me something. What I am about to tell you, and everything you have learned so far, you must never tell anyone else. This is my greatest secret, and I can only continue if I can trust you with it. Please, I know I have no right to say such a thing, but if you love me, you will take this secret to your grave. No matter how terrible, no matter how frightening, no matter how mind-shattering it will be, you must never tell another soul of this conversation or anything you have learned. Jenny, will you do this?” Jenny bit her lip, trembling with uncertainty. This was something completely new, the likes of which she had never even dreamed of encountering in her life. Now, here she was, the most mysterious man in the world asking her to make a verbal contract and keep secret something so terrifying that it would change her reality forever. She was literally signing the most important document of her life without being able to read it first. But regardless of her fear, she knew that she would never be happy unless she found out exactly who Adrian was and what he was planning. “I promise,” she said, so softly that it was barely audible. Adrian took a deep breath. “I guess I should start from the beginning. I’m looking for a piece of information, probably the deadliest information in the world if used incorrectly. I have spent years searching for it only to come up empty-handed. There is only one final option for me, and that is the possibility that this information is in the possession of a specific organization, one that I will not name. I believe that they have this information because they are the only option still remaining. I seek to use this information and start a new world order, one in which war will become obsolete. What I am looking for is in essence the key to either mankind’s salvation or destruction, and I plan on sharing that key with the entire world. I simply want to let the people of the world create their own future while I work from the shadows to give them the resources and opportunities they will need.” He stopped typing on his phone and finally turned to Jenny, handing it to her. “In order to get this information, and in order to use it to implement my new world order, I need power and influence, and the easiest way to do that is through wealth. These are bank accounts, all of them mine that I have filled with the funds of all the corporations I have started and control.” Jenny took the phone with trembling hands, and the second she looked at the screen, her lungs shut down. As she scrolled through the list of accounts and saw their balances, not a single breath was taken or released. Her hands soon dropped, her mind unable to continue moving through the list. “Adrian, how much money do you have?” “I won’t give an exact number, but I will tell you that I am the richest man on Earth… by a pretty huge margin.” Jenny turned to him, her face pale white and her eyes wide. “Adrian, what is the information you are trying to find? What exactly is your plan?” she asked, nearly on the verge of fainting. “What I am looking for is…” Heavy with moisture from the changing seasons, dark storm clouds slowly rolled across the sky like thick lava. Below them, the air temperature lowered, the humidity rose, and finally, drops of water began to plummet from the gray folds. At first it was only a light sprinkle, but charged with the energy and temperament of spring, it quickly grew into a roaring deluge, pummeling everything below it and soaking the countryside. Jenny gripped the handle of the door so tightly that her knuckles were white and she was panting raggedly, as if she had just gone running after escaping from a burning building. “How? How could that possibly end the problems of the world? How could that possibly bring peace?” “I’ve already told you, I made it as clear as I could. There is nothing more I can say that will influence you or change your mind. I know this is a lot to swallow, but please, try to stay calm.” “Adrian… I… I can’t…” she panted beginning to hyperventilate. He reached out and placed his hands on her cheeks, staring deep into her eyes. “Jenny, look at me and breathe deeply, just take deep slow breaths. Stay calm, and take deep, slow breaths,” he said as Jenny’s whole body began to shake with terrifying strength. “Adrian… I can’t… I can’t do this. I…” she said, burying her face in his chest as she fainted. Jenny’s eyes bolted open and she sat up, gasping for air and realizing that she was soaking wet. She looked around, finding Adrian beside her and realizing that the two of them were lying on the hood of her car, which was situated at the entrance to the park. With how wet she was, it was obvious that they had been lying out in the rain. However, Jenny was fairly warm, having been covered with Adrian’s coat. “This is where it happened,” he hummed, looking up at the cloudy sky. “This is where I realized that I love you and I realized that I could not live without you. Jenny, I truly love you with all of my heart. You have turned me into a completely different person and you’ve made me better in almost every way. But I can’t turn my back on my plans; this is something that I must do. This decision and this plan did not come easily; it took months of consideration, weighing the risks and benefits. It is the only solution I can find to end the problems in this world.” Jenny lied back down beside him. “You know how much damage you’ll cause, right?” Adrian slowly sat up. “I know that there will be lots damage happening almost all at once, but it will be no worse than the damage that will continue on for the years and decades ahead. You can inspire others and become an idol through peaceful practices and charisma, but you cannot truly reshape the world without getting your hands dirty. If you want something, you must reach out and take it and be prepared to suffer the consequences. I’ve come to terms with the acts I must commit in order to achieve this goal, I have acknowledged the lives I have taken to come this far, and I am ready to do what must be done to save this world.” “I don’t know if I can go along with this. I don’t know if I can take part in your plan while knowing what will happen,” Jenny said, sitting up and placing her hand on his. “The night we first made love, you said it was people like me who have the power to change the world. Well that’s what I’m trying to do, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you after I do it. I love you, Jenny, I truly love you, but I can’t abandon you or the world and ever be happy.” “Still, this is like nothing else we’ve faced, this is like nothing else anyone has faced. Look at it from my view: few women in history have ever had to endure this kind of thing, have ever had to face a man like you. Do you know how much damage you’ve caused? The panic you’ve put this country in? All the lives you have changed as well as ended? Adrian, I love you as well, you are my world, but I can no more understand and agree with your plan than you can understand why I disagree with it. Maybe I’m just missing something, something I can only see and truly comprehend if I have a mind like yours. Regardless of whether or not only people like you can truly appreciate this idea, you’re trying to get me to see from a perspective that I don’t have. For all I know, you could be completely right and this could solve everything, but I just can’t see how it would work and I can’t imagine anyone else agreeing with you.” “Then does that mean you’re leaving me?” “I don’t know what it means. I don’t know if I have a place in this future of yours. I know that you truly see this plan as your destiny, and I can’t ask you to choose between your destiny and me, but neither can you ask me to ignore every instinct and thought and just condone or help with what you are going to do. I promised you I would keep your secret, and I certainly love you enough to do that, but I don’t know if there is anything more I can do. I don’t know if I can become your accomplice and take part in ending so many lives and causing so much upheaval.” A span of silence passed between them, in which a desperate idea entered Adrian’s mind. “Then how about a deal?” “What kind of deal?” “I was planning on finishing high school for my parent’s sake before moving forward with my plan, but how about we add some real meaning to it? I propose that we stay together until we graduate, and if I can’t convince you and you can’t agree with this plan, then we’ll go our separate ways after that. Please, just a couple months, just give me a couple months to show you that my plan can fix this world. You don’t have to help with anything unless you agree that the plan could work. You’ll be completely neutral. Whether you leave or stay, I will continue with my efforts to complete my plan, and even if you leave, the consequences of my actions will continue to take place. My plan will not stop whether we stay together or break up, you will always know of what I have done, what I am doing, and what I will do, so we might as well stay together. If I’m going to go through with my plan, then don’t you at least want a little more time to spend with me? If we really are going to be forced to break up, then shouldn’t we do everything to extend and enjoy the time we have?” Jenny gained a small smile. “All right, I accept your deal. We’ll have a couple more months, and if I can’t change my mind until then, then we go our separate ways. But until then, neither of us will stop loving the other,” she said sweetly before leaning forward and kissing him. An abandoned warehouse sat on a pier at the edge of the city, with the choppy waves crashing against its concrete foundations. For years, the building had served as a hangout for high school dropouts and street gang members. They had only a few firearms, but their meth labs were top-notch. Everyone knew that this building was a gang hangout and no one dared enter the area. Inside, twenty of the city's bottom-feeders were buying and trading different drugs from each other, playing cards, and discussing street politics. They were all sitting on worn-out and makeshift furniture. Every one of them had left school and was little more than a burden to society. All of the gang members turned their attention to the warehouse entrance as the doors opened. They jumped to their feet when they realized it was Logan. They heard he had been denied bail and was still in the hospital from his fight with Adrian. “How the hell did you get out?” “My lawyer convinced a different judge to give me the chance to pay bail. If there is one thing kikes can do right, it’s pull some crafty legal shit,” he said with a sadistic smile. He walked over and sat down on a ratty sofa. “Ah, it’s good to be back and in charge.” All of the gang members were stone silent, desperately trying to think up something to say. “You all don’t look very happy. You all thought that if I were locked up for good, control would fall out of my hands. I got news for you retards; I’m the boss, no matter what. But it doesn't matter now, I’m free as a bird and I got revenge in mind. I’m going to make that bastard suffer.” Logan’s words were as true as they were chilling. While only nineteen years old, he had won the respect (but mostly fear) of the local bottom-feeders. He was known to torture those who disrespected him and had more murders under his belt than any of them dared imagination. Even the most hardened criminal would shudder in terror when exposed to the evil Logan seemed to radiate. He was a psychopath the likes of which the world rarely saw. “What the hell can you do to that guy?” one guy laughed. “You couldn’t beat him in a three-on-one fight and you couldn’t even kill him with a headshot. When it comes to going up against that guy, you’re doomed to suck.” Without hesitation, Logan pulled out a gun and shot him in the temple, splattering blood and brains across the gang members around him. For someone to openly mock him showed that he had to re-instill fear in his subordinates. “I may not have killed him, but that doesn't mean I can't kill. That bastard busted my shoulders and nearly killed me. I’m going to put him down if it's the last thing I do.” “What are you going to do, wait in his car than shoot him again when he climbs in?” one guy asked with a chuckle. He had one hand in his coat and he was ready to draw his own pistol if Logan made a move for his. Logan would bury a knife in his skull later. “No, I’m going to make him come to me. Everyone says that bastard can't feel emotions, so I’m going to test that rumor. Let's see if we can draw blood from stone. Tonight I will make them all suffer,” he said with a sadistic smile. “Hey Jenny,” Adrian answered, instantly knowing whom it was as he picked up his ringing phone. Several miles away, Jenny smiled when she heard his voice. She was gripping the steering wheel tightly, trying to navigate the dark forest road. “Hey, I’ll be there in a few minutes. I hope your mom is making something good.” “Spaghetti with meat sauce, the best in the world. Where are you?” “I’m just about to get onto the bridge. Hold on, some jackass is tailgating me. I’ll see you soon, darling, I— What the hell is he...” Adrian heard the revving of an engine and his heart rate jumped. “Jenny, what's going on?” “He's pulling up beside me, I don't know what he—” She was cut off by the sound of metal against metal and Adrian heard a loud crash. “Jenny? Jenny!” he yelled as he heard her scream. The line then fell dead. Adrian sprinted out of his room as fast as he could. “Mom, Dad, something happened to Jenny!” he yelled before running out the front door. Adrian dialed 911 on his phone as he climbed in his car and sped down the driveway so fast that smoke was billowing from his tires. “911, what's your emergency?” “My girlfriend has driven off the Pine Bridge. I think someone might have tried to kill her.” “We're on our way.” Adrian drove down the winding roads as fast as possible with cars blaring their horns as he sped past them. He reached the bridge in three minutes and saw Jenny's car in the river. She was near the bank, where the water was just barely at neck level, but it was slowly sinking below the surface. Adrian parked his car on the bridge and jumped off and into the center of the river, where the water was deeper. The chilly water shocked his body and instantly began to sap his strength, but he swam over to the sinking car and moved over to the driver's side. Jenny was unconscious in the driver's seat, with her face half-submerged in bloody water and a large gash on the side of her head. Adrian broke through the window with his elbow, unlocked the door, released Jenny's seatbelt, and pulled her out. He carried her out of the water and laid her down on the riverbank. Up on the bridge, two ambulances and several cop cars had shown up. “Down here!” he hollered. Adrian then turned to Jenny and checked her injuries. She had a weak pulse and she wasn't breathing. As the medics tried to navigate down to the riverbank, he gave Jenny CPR, praying to any deity that he could think of that she would wake up. “How long has it been since the crash?” one of the medics asked. “Just over two minutes. Her heart is beating but she won't breathe and won't wake up.” The EMTs lifted her onto a stretcher, and with a hand-pump hooked up to her mouth to force air in and out of her lungs, she was carried back up onto the bridge. She was lifted into one of the ambulances, and just as Adrian was about to get into his car to follow, two fire trucks sped past them. He looked towards the forest where the fire trucks were headed. The night sky was turning orange and a pillar of smoke was rising from the light. “Mom... Dad...” Adrian muttered, instantly knowing that the smoke was coming from his house. Adrian followed the ambulance back to the hospital, and during the whole drive, his mind was racing. Somebody definitely forced Jenny off of the bridge, and his house going up in flames was no coincidence. Somebody was doing this; somebody was targeting him, and he had a LONG list of enemies. He turned on the radio and flipped through the channels, finally stopping when he heard a clear dull voice of the local news. “In what is considered one of the most controversial trials in Maine history, the suspect Logan Reed has been allowed on bail, drawing outcries from the public and—” Adrian turned off the radio and cursed. Logan had gotten out and he was seeking revenge. Adrian sat in the waiting room of the hospital while Jenny was being examined and taken care of. He was desperately waiting for word of her or his parents. He had tried calling their cell phones, but they wouldn't even ring. “Adrian Ashford?” He looked up and was face to face to a police officer. “Yes, I’m Adrian Ashford,” he said, trying to keep his mind calm. “I’m Officer Mathews, and I’m afraid that I have bad news. Now this won’t be easy to say, so I’ll just come out and say it. Your parents are dead, son. They died in a fire that destroyed your house.” Adrian balled his hands into fists with his fingernails digging into his palms so tightly that blood was dripping onto the floor. “My parents are dead?” he asked with his voice shaking. “I’m afraid so. Now, because of the intensity and the rapid growth of the fire, we think it might have been deliberate. We are currently investigating the possible causes. I’m sorry.” “Thank you,” Adrian whispered as he bowed his head, telling the officer that he wanted to be alone. “By the way, I was told you came here with a girl? Jenny Sinclair?” “Yeah, she's my girlfriend.” “If that's true, then I think you should be the one to tell her this; there was another fire. Like you, her house burned down and her parents were killed in the flames.” Adrian took a deep shaky breath. “Ok, I’ll tell her.” As the cop walked away, the Dean of Medicine approached. “How is she?” Adrian asked. “She is stable, but it's complicated. Falling off of the bridge didn't just give her a concussion, it caused near-fatal trauma to her brain. She's fallen into a coma, and she'll either pass away some time tonight or she'll most likely never wake up. I’ve seen this kind of coma several times before, and it often ends in death. I doubt even you would be able to survive it.” The words struck him like an icy knife through the center of his chest and his whole body became cold, with every cell feeling like it weighed a hundred pounds. Adrian couldn't move or breath and his throat was as dry as sand. His parents were dead, his girlfriend soon to follow. His only connections to humanity, the people he loved, had been taken from him. “C-can I see her?” “Of course.” Adrian was brought to Jenny's room and left alone with her. She was lying in a hospital bed with bandages wrapped around her head and a white gown on in place of her clothes. She was hooked up to a respirator and a heart monitor, which was giving a soft rhythm of beeps. With his whole body shaking, he walked over and crouched down, wrapping his hands around hers. “Jenny, I don't know if you can hear me, I don't even know if you're still alive in there, but there are two things I do know: I love you and this is the last time I will ever see you. I’m going to get revenge, I’m going to avenge the deaths of my parents, the deaths of your parents, and most importantly, I’m going to avenge you. I’m going to kill Logan, I’m going to kill all of his friends, and once I get my revenge, the police will never stop hunting me. You told me once that it was people like me who had the power to change the world, so that’s what I’m going to do. I know you didn’t agree with my plan, but I’m going to accomplish it and put and end to the endless fighting in this world. After tonight, I will set out to change the world, no matter what happens. I don't believe in the afterlife, but if there is one and you pass away tonight, please wait for me. There is a change you and I will be reunited before sunrise.” Then for the first time in years, tears began to fall from his eyes, slowly dripping onto Jenny's hands. Adrian stood up and kissed her on the forehead. “You were the one thing that made me human and I will always love you.” Adrian stepped out into the hall and closed his eyes. His tears stopped and his clenched jaw became calm. He opened his eyes, which had gained an icy hue. Adrian drove up the driveway of his destroyed house and stared at the great black scar on the earth. A strip of police tape surrounded the area, but there was no one around. He stepped out of his car and walked out into the wet ashes. He made his way through the twisted metal and burned wood and climbed down into the former basement. His laptop was on his desk, covered in ash but in one piece, having been built sturdily enough by him personally to survive these kinds of catastrophes. Moving aside the charred bed, he revealed a floor safe and opened it. Inside, along with his lance, was a set of bulletproof clothes, including an overcoat. Every garment was made of Kevlar with armor plating underneath. There had been a number of times when Adrian had been forced to step out from behind his computer and act in the real world, times when he had to crush his enemies with his own two hands instead of relying on hired guns. These clothes had kept him alive during those times. Adrian picked up the lance and gazed at the moonlight shining off it. The metal would soon be coated in a layer of blood. Before leaving, he scavenged for anything of use, including Demium, weapons, tools, paperwork, and several floor safes’ worth of cash, gold, and diamonds. The room was large and dark, with colored lights shining on streamers and balloons. There were several tables, all with white table cloths and decorated centerpieces. In the corner was an unattended DJ station and no music playing. The room was empty, except for one person. Jenny was sitting at one of the tables, wearing a red sequin dress, with a slit on each side that ran halfway up her smooth thighs and a single strap that went across her shoulder, with folded lace that made it look like it was covered in roses. There were diamond clips in her hair and a light shading of makeup on her face. She looked absolutely beautiful. Jenny gasped as her mind suddenly switched on, as if she were about to fall asleep and someone clapped their hands next to her ears. “Where... where am I?” she asked softly, looking around the room and at her outfit. “Hello Jenny,” she heard a relaxed voice say. She turned around and gasped. “Adrian?” she whispered in disbelief as she stared at the man she loved. “No, I am merely your subconscious,” the apparition said, leaning back in his chair and straightening his tuxedo. Confusion flashed across Jenny’s face. “What the hell is going on? Where am I?” “Why, you're at the prom of course!” Jenny looked around, realizing that it was the school gymnasium. Her subconscious lost his smile. “But that's not the answer you're looking for, is it? In truth, you are in a dream.” Jenny ignored him and held her head in her hands. “What the hell happened?” “You fell, remember? That guy tailgating you pushed you off the bridge with his car?” Jenny's eyes widened as all of the memories flashed back. “It seems you're ready to talk.” “Why am I here?” “You are in this dream because something has happened to your real body and you need to make a choice in order to wake up.” “Wait... this is...” “This is the same kind of dream Adrian had, exactly. After he woke up, he described to you in vivid detail what happened in his dream, and now your mind is copying it and fusing it with your own thoughts and personality.” “This decision, it’s whether to stay with Adrian or leave him, isn’t it? But I don't understand, why do I have to make this decision now?” “Because you finally have the ability to make the decision and the decision must now be made. All this time, you've been subconsciously studying Adrian, and even though you haven’t gone through the same enlightening experience as he did, you are now more aware of your potential and are beginning to reach out to it. You could say that this dream is the result of your mind ever so slowly expanding while you watch Adrian and study him. The subconscious absorbs far more information than the rest of the brain can even comprehend. By being with Adrian, you're learning to use mind over matter.” “All right, I understand why I’m having this dream, but why do I need to make this decision now? We were supposed to wait until graduation before I chose.” Her subconscious sighed. “Well I can only tell you what you have already heard in your unconscious state, and the only real information I’ve gotten was from Adrian. Jenny, your parents are dead.” “What?” “I don't know how it happened, but Adrian said that his parents and your parents were dead.” “No, no that can’t be true. This is just a dream; it can’t be true! I want you to tell me the truth! Are my parents dead?” “This is what Adrian said, word for word: ‘I’m going to get revenge, I’m going to avenge the deaths of his parents, the deaths of your parents, and most importantly; I’m going to avenge you.’ That is exactly what he said. Other than that, I have no more information than you do.” Jenny wanted to continue demanding the truth and denying the words of her subconscious, but every time she tried to speak the words, she felt like her throat was closing up. Her subconscious wouldn’t allow her to reject the truth. If those really were the words she had heard Adrian say, then her parents really were dead. Jenny burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably. For over ten minutes, she was inconsolable, her face buried in her hands with tears dripping from between her fingers and staining her red dress. Her subconscious was silent while she cried, not making any movements. Finally, Jenny took a deep breath. “You still haven't told me why I have to choose between being with him and leaving him.” “Well, like I said, I can only tell you what you have personally already heard, whether awake or asleep. I said that he is going to avenge his parents, your parents, and you. I’m guessing he thinks you'll die very soon and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. With his parents already gone and you supposedly not long for this world, Adrian said he will seek vengeance. He said that he'll kill Logan and all of his friends, who I’m guessing killed your parents, and after seeing the rampage he went on the last time he faced Logan, the chaos left behind him will be unimaginable. Now, like in Adrian's dream, I am going to show you the results of your decisions. I told you already that this is the prom. What I meant was that this is your future if you leave. You can still have an ordinary life: finish high school, go to senior prom, attend college, get married, have a few kids, and so on. All you need to do is let Adrian think you are dead and rebuild your life while he goes on with his plan.” “So I can let Adrian seek his revenge, and once he is out of my life, I can try and rebuild without him?” Jenny asked bitterly. “Yes, or you can be with him. But I can't show you the repercussions of that choice.” “Wait, why not?” “Because you can't predict where that path will take you, you're not as good at this as he is. Basically, you can go find Adrian, abandon what's left of your life to be with him, and flee from the authorities that will surely be after him. Basically, your future will be up for grabs. You will never have an ordinary life. Knowing this, what will you do? This question originally started because you weren’t sure if you could stay with a killer. You didn’t think your love was strong enough to follow him after finding out what he planned to do. You thought you had time to make this choice, but the current predicament has made that impossible. You must now choose: will you hide yourself from the man you love and try to rebuild, or will you swallow your morals and guilt and help him possibly destroy the world?” Several moments passed by before Jenny gave a small smile. “When we agreed to wait until graduation before my decision was made, I think I knew in my heart what my decision would be. I was scared of what he had done, and I used that time as a way to distance myself from the knowledge of his crimes and keep Adrian. But in my heart, I knew I couldn’t do that. In order to love Adrian, I must accept him, including his crimes and his plans. You said I could abandon what's left of my life to be with him, but you of all people should know that he is his life. My mind still tells me that his plan will not work, but considering how smart he is, I think his mind is more reliable. I don’t know if the day will ever come when I will truly accept his plan, but Adrian believes in it and I believe in him, so I will do whatever I can to make sure he achieves it, no matter how much my heart screams at me not to. He is willing to kill and die for me; it would be selfish if I weren’t willing to do the same. I will not leave him. I will follow him, no matter where it will take us. After all, he’s all I have left in this world, and I love him.” Jenny opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She could feel the bandages wrapped around her head, the warm sheets of the hospital bed, and the respirator in her throat. She looked around at the hospital room, gazing at the machines monitoring her vitals and saw her clothes and purse in a plastic bag next to the bed. She took a deep breath and sat up, wincing as a bolt of pain shot through her skull. She slowly stepped out of the bed and stood up. Jenny took off the hospital gown and changed back into her damp clothes. Retrieving her purse, she stepped out of the room and started walking down the halls towards the exit. As she got closer and closer, people began to call out to her, but she just ignored them. Once outside, she climbed into the backseat of a taxicab. “Take me to the pier.” He looked at her with disbelief, knowing that it was the location of the city’s gang hideout. “Ma'am, are you sure?” “Drive,” she ordered. Adrian sat parked in an alley near the warehouse, trying to keep his heartbeat steady. On his way here, he had stopped off at numerous banks and emptied all of his accounts, the American ones at least. Better he get as much cash now than let the authorities freeze his assets when he was done. He could see lights in the windows, confirming that Logan and his cronies were there. He grabbed his sheathed lance and stepped out of the car, hooking up the sheath to the back of his belt and putting on his coat. He walked up to the entrance of the warehouse and kicked open the doors. In the center of the warehouse were all twenty of Logan's cronies, lounging on ratty furniture with makeshift tables between them. They jumped to their feet, all but Logan. He was sitting in a chair with his back to him. “Logan!” Adrian roared as he walked into the warehouse. As the cab drove parallel to the ocean, Jenny was deep in thought, trying to prepare herself for what she would find. She wasn’t sure what to expect; she would either find Adrian dead, the scene of a massacre, or both. Her head was still aching, but she ignored the pain and tried to come up with a plan for what she would do regarding what she saw. If Adrian survived, she would run away with him as he fled the police and help him achieve his plan. But if Adrian were dead, then she would take her own life. “Stop here,” she said to the cab driver once she spotted his car. The taxi came to a halt and she paid the cost with a handful of damp cash. She stepped out of the car, took a deep breath, and made her way to the entrance of the warehouse. She gasped when she saw him but hid just outside of the doorway, knowing she would get in the way. With his senses focused on Logan and the other gang members, Adrian did not notice her. “I knew you would show up,” Logan laughed as he stood up and faced him. “You and your subordinates killed my parents and the woman I love. Before this night is over, you will all be dead and your blood will be splattered across the walls,” Adrian said coldly as he took a step forward. “So the machine has emotions after all. It's funny how you think you'll leave here alive,” Logan laughed. “Enough talk! For as long as I’ve known you, you have tormented innocent people, relishing in the pain you inflicted. You are worse than a misbehaving dog; you are an abomination that must be crushed! I should have killed you when I had the chance, but now I will correct the mistake I made and end your life once and for all!” “Like I said, it’s funny how you think that you’re going to walk out of here alive.” Logan snapped his fingers and all of his cronies reached into their jackets and pulled out handguns. Adrian quickly crouched down and shielded his head with his forearms as the criminals opened fire. Jenny stifled a cry of worry as she saw the bullets pelt his body. Countless rounds struck the ground around him, but many made direct hits. His clothing was made of the strongest bulletproof material money could buy and reinforced with armor plating hidden within, so small caliber rounds had no chance of even leaving a scratch on him, but without Adrian’s ability to block pain, the joined impacts of so many bullets would have been overpowering. With many of the bullets striking the ground around him, the air was quickly filling with dust from crushed concrete, hiding him in a gray cloud. All of the gang members fired until they ran out of ammo, standing in a pool of over a hundred bullet casings, and once he heard the chorus of empty clicks, Adrian stood up. The dust cleared and everyone had a look of disbelief on their faces. Logan's eye was twitching as he realized that aside from some bruises, Adrian was completely unharmed. “That's impossible,” Logan cursed. “A lot of them missed but he had to have been hit with over a hundred bullets...” “I am going to kill every last one of you,” Adrian growled as he drew his lance from its sheath and slashed the floor, carving a large crack in the solid concrete. “Johnny, go bash his head in!” Logan ordered. One of the gang members was shaken from his stupor and grabbed a baseball bat, brimming with jagged nails. He charged towards Adrian with the bat above his head, trying to fight his fear. Adrian took a deep breath and used the moment to fully awaken his mind's control over his muscles, harnessing their full strength. With only a few feet between them, the gang member brought down the bat towards Adrian’s head. Wielding nearly inhuman power, Adrian swung the lance and used it to block the bat. With his strength, the jagged bludgeon shattered into splinters. Before the gang member could overcome his shock, Adrian stabbed him through the gut, striking his left side with the spike bursting out of his right. With only a fraction of the strength in his right arm, he tore the spike out and ripped open the young man’s torso. Jenny gave a gasp of astonishment at how easily he killed him. As his first victim died before hitting the ground, all of the gang members charged towards him, armed with chains, crowbars, baseball bats, lead pipes, and even a few cheap Wal-Mart machetes. Only Logan stayed behind, staring at him in disbelief. “I will slaughter all of you!” Adrian roared with his voice filled with bloodlust. Jenny shuddered, realizing that his voice was completely different. The first gang member attacked, swinging at him from the side with a crowbar. He caught the hook with his left hand as if it were little more than piece of falling silverware, then stabbed his foe through the heart with his lance. Adrian knocked body aside and pulled out his darts, throwing them at seven of the oncoming gang members with deadly aim. Three were stabbed in the eye, another three were stabbed in the throat, and the last had it imbedded in the center of his chest, decompressing his chest cavity and collapsing his lungs. A gang member with a baseball bat charged towards him, swinging it wildly. Adrian easily dodged his attacks and swung his lance, slamming it against the back of the man’s head with enough force to shatter his skull. He turned around as an attacker raised a cheap Wal-Mart machete, and as quick as a flash, Adrian stabbed upwards, sending the spike driving through his opponent’s lower jaw and bursting out of his skull. He pulled it free as he heard the ringing of chains, followed by the tugging feeling of the metal coil wrapping around his lance with a scrawny gang member holding the other end. Thinking he had accomplished the ultimate movie fight move, his opponent tried to rip the weapon out of Adrian’s hand. With his strength, Adrian was able to keep from moving an inch, and instead grabbed the chain and pulled the gang member over to him. Before his victim could let go, Adrian stabbed him through the right side of the chest. Five gang members grouped together, all attacking from a different angle. Not even out of breath or breaking a sweat, Adrian crouched down to dodge their weapons and swung the spike, slashing them with the needle-sharp tip. While the weapon had no edge, he was able to completely rip them open and essentially disembowel them. He looked over to Logan and saw him putting his cell phone away. Who was he calling? Adrian ran through the crowd of gang members, moving in quick rotations and attacking as fast as a striking snake. No matter what his prey did, they could not block, dodge, evade, or survive the tornado of attacks, and Adrian was moving too quickly for them to counterattack. Bodies were knocked off of their feet from the bone-crunching strength of his bludgeon-strikes and blood filled the air from every slash and stab. Gang member after gang member came at him, either working alone or joining with others to attack, but no matter what they did, he was able to evade their weapons and kill with ease, ending their lives with a stab, a slash, or with a bone-crushing impact. After only a few minutes, every gang member was dead, with a growing pool of blood covering the floor Hearing the sound of a revolver cylinder loaded, he turned around to Logan, his final victim. As the mortal enemies locked eyes, Logan pulled back the hammer of his gun. ‘Calculate the angle! Compensate and deflect!’ Adrian imagined a beam of red light shining out of the barrel of the gun, telling him where the bullet was going to land. In milliseconds, he calculated the angle, adjusted for recoil and distance, and swung his lance just as Logan pulled the trigger. With an instantaneous flash of ignited powder, the projectile was launched with speed greater than even Adrian’s eyes could perceive, but with his calculated prediction, he managed to deflect the bullet with his lance. For a fraction of a second, Logan was shocked beyond words, unable to believe what he had just seen, but that narrow moment was all the time Adrian needed to get his lance back into position and deflect the second round. After successfully blocking the second bullet, Logan moved his gun to aim for a different spot, but Adrian was already in position. Two more rounds were fired, one for the corner of his gut, the other for his shoulder, but both were blocked with little effort. Finally, Logan raised his gun and fired straight for the center of Adrian’s forehead, but in the moment in which the trigger was pulled and the hammer struck the back of the round, Adrian moved his head out of the way and completely dodged the shot. “You... you really are a machine...” Logan gasped. As fast as his body would move, Adrian bolted over to Logan and stabbed him just above the collarbone with his hand, tearing his windpipe and almost every vein. He pulled his hand free and blood sprayed from the lethal injury like a showerhead. “And don't forget it,” he said as the corpse fell to the ground with all of the others. Adrian swung his lance, spraying off the thick layers of blood, and removed his gore-soaked glove. “Adrian?” he heard the soft voice say as he put the lance back in its sheath. He turned around and his whole body froze. Jenny was standing just ten feet from him with a small smile on her face. “Jenny,” he gasped, unable to believe it. He had to be hallucinating, that was the only explanation. Jenny rushed over and wrapped her arms around him, holding him tightly. With her warm body pressed against his, Adrian knew that she was real. “Jenny, I thought that I was never going to see you again, I thought you were dead,” he said as he held her, savoring the feeling of her against him, the smell of her hair, and the sound of her breathing. “How is it possible? Your wounds...” “Don't worry darling, I’m fully healed,” she said with a slight amount of humor. Adrian smiled at the joke; they were the same words he had said to her before showing her the Adroid. While they both knew her injuries were far from healed, she was going to be fine. Jenny pressed her lips against his and they kissed for several seconds, trying to communicate how happy they were and how much they loved each other. They parted as the sound of sirens reached them. “Damn it, Logan called the cops. He wanted to drag me down any way he could and he definitely told them I was the one who did this. Jenny, I have to get out of here, run before the cops see you.” “Adrian, I’m coming with you.” “What?” “I had a dream, just like yours, and I had to decide between leaving you and being with you and helping you with your plan. I love you, Adrian, and I am going to be with you. I will follow you forever, no matter what happens. I don't care where this path takes us, but there is nothing for me here. You are my life, and I just want to be with you. In my heart, I’m not sure if I will ever truly believe in your plan, but you believe it and that is more than enough for me to give my life to see it happen.” Adrian looked down, savoring the moment. “I love you Jenny,” he said with the same soft tone before kissing her. Adrian collected his darts they escaped the warehouse before the cops burst in. Reaching his car, they sped off, trying to get as far away as possible, as fast as possible. Chapter Six: More than thirty people dead, all killed by one man without the use of firearms. It was being called one of the worst mass-murders in American history. The shear magnitude of death, gore, and heartless killing that had gone on in that one building was baffling the police, and the FBI were now being called in. It had been eight hours since the massacre, and Jenny and Adrian were moving upstate to an undisclosed location. The sun had just risen, and the highway was mostly empty. Much to Adrian’s relief, Jenny was sound asleep in the reclined passenger seat, with his coat wrapped around her as a blanket. After her head injury, he knew that she needed rest above all else. This time of silence and solitude gave him time to process everything that had happened and come up with steps for his plan. Everything about their current situation had already struck him, though it had little affect, even the massacre he had left in his wake. He had already killed countless people as Logan and his cronies, his vengeance had been justified, his parents were the only ties Adrian had to his old life, and with his wealth and intelligence, he didn't have to worry about surviving. Adrian had no regrets of his actions, there was guilt in his heart that he could not eliminate. He kept on looking over to Jenny. Had he ruined her life by taking her with him? Would her view of him change once the crimes he had committed truly sank in? She said that she would ignore every instinct and thought and do everything she could to help him achieve his plan, but that meant that there was still doubt in her heart, doubt that could resurface and shatter everything. Would she even be afraid of him? Were they going to end up going their separate ways, bitter and alone, just like Adrian had predicted before they were first intimate? Were they just going to end up like Bonnie and Clyde? Were they either going to live in hiding, split up, or die at the hands of the authorities? Or was there a chance that his plan could work, and her love and loyalty to him was as strong as she said it was? Adrian was listening to the news on the radio with the volume set low so as not to disturb Jenny. “According to the one who placed the call, the killer is recent trauma-survivor Adrian Ashford. Police have tried to find Ashford, but he seems to have disappeared, prompting the FBI to label him as the prime suspect and a dangerous threat to the community. At the scene, forensic investigators found two sets of footprints leading away from the scene, but the call to the police described no accomplices. However, the suspect's girlfriend, Jenny Sinclair, was reported to have gone missing as well. After surviving a car crash and being brought to the hospital, Jenny escaped, and her whereabouts are now unknown, but the FBI says that she is most likely with Adrian Ashford. The forensic investigators are currently trying to identify the weapon used by the killer. While there are lacerations and blunt trauma found on the victims, they do not seem to have been caused by a bladed weapon or common bludgeon, and no bullet wounds or powder burns can be found. Under normal circumstances, a crime such as this would be considered low priority, as the victims are known felons and the motive is theorized to be revenge. However, due to the large number of victims, the manner in which they were killed, and the capability of the suspect, a full-scale hunt for the killer is now underway. If anyone has any information on Adrian Ashford, please call—” Adrian turned off the radio as Jenny began to stir. She gave a wide yawn and sat up. “Good morning,” Adrian said. She gave a sleepy smile and kissed him on the cheek. “Good morning,” she replied as she readjusted her seat. “So what is the plan?” “Well for now, I think we should lay low. I want to give you plenty of time to recover, and I need time to fully organize my plan. I have some property in the next town that we can use, but it’s not quite ready for habitation. I figure we’ll use what I have there, get some new clothes and food, find a motel, and rest for a day or two.” “That sounds perfect. I can't wait to get out of these muddy clothes.” They stopped off in the mall of the next town to get some change of clothes, though they were longing to just drive to the nearest motel, lock themselves in a room, and go to sleep in a warm slightly-clean bed. They were parallel-parked far away from the mall and Adrian put up some false license plates he kept stashed in the car. Even if the authorities did somehow track down the car, they would have to search a much greater area to find them. Adrian was standing with Jenny in a department store, trying to keep from falling asleep on his feet. Unfortunately, the night before last had been spent working, so even he was running on fumes. Jenny was picking out clothes that would fit her, yawning after every third or fourth blouse. She was wearing a pink knitted hat to hide the bandages around her head. Beside them was a cart full of clothes they had picked out, and both of them desperately wanted to change. Adrian gave a wide yawn and looked around to make sure that they were alone. “Do I frighten you?” “What?” “We haven't spoken about what happened in the warehouse. Jenny... you know I’ve killed before, but I didn’t mean for you to see me like that. Now the FBI is after me because I’ve massacred dozens of people. I don't want you to fear me or for your view of him to change. I—” Adrian was cut off as Jenny kissed him on the lips. “How is it that you have forsaken your machine-like alter ego, but you still don't understand humans? Adrian, I don't fear you; I love you, I adore you, and I am amazed by you. My view of you has changed; you aren't just a part of my life anymore, you are now my life. Besides, the people you killed were the ones who killed my parents and I wanted vengeance as well. Adrian, I would kill for you, I would die for you, and nothing can ever change that.” Adrian smiled and leaned back against a rack of clothes. “Nothing in this universe is perfect, humans especially. But Jenny, you are as close to perfect as reality will allow.” “You are so sweet. All right, I got all the clothes I need,” she said, putting three blouses in the cart. “Great, let's pay and find some motel to pass out in.” “Sounds like plan.” It was just after 8:00 AM when they pulled up to the Forest Motel, a small inn partially hidden by the woods along the turnpike. They climbed out of the car, carrying their bags from the mall. Hidden among them was a duffle bag full of money and Adrian’s lance and bulletproof clothes. They stepped into the motel office and rung the bell, summoning the owner. “How can I help you kids?” “Can we have a room for tonight?” Adrian asked. “Ah, young love, it's always sweetest in a two-star motel. Just don't leave any used condoms around. Room 4.” “Two stars? Don't flatter yourself,” Jenny teased as they were given a room key. They made their way to the fourth motel room and stepped inside, both giving a sigh of relief. The room consisted of shag carpets, 70’s style wallpaper, a small TV on a bureau against the wall, a queen-sized bed, two bedside tables, a closet, and a small bathroom. “I’m going to take a quick shower,” Jenny said as she put down her bags and walked into the bathroom. Adrian turned on the bedside lamp, lowered the shades, and sat down on the bed, wincing in pain. Only with endorphins and pure will had he been able to endure the pain from his bruises, but now that he could finally lower his guard, it was all rising up. Adrian slowly pulled off his jacket and shirt, showing the fist-sized black marks that pocketed his arms and chest, plus there were plenty more on his legs. Several of them were even bleeding from being hit in the same place multiple times. Taking that barrage of bullets had been a stupid move, but he wanted to invoke fear and powerlessness in his opponents. Sometimes theatricality was one of the best weapons. Adrian lied back on the bed, shaking all over and trying to catch his breath. His eyes bolted open and he jerked as he felt a cool wet towel pressed against the bullet wound on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Jenny, naked like him and as wet as the towel. The tender love and worry in her eyes was overpowering. “My poor darling,” she whispered as she saw all of his bruises and wounds. She went back to the bathroom and came out with more wet towels and a medical kit from under the sink. Climbing back onto the bed and kneeling beside him, she began gently cleaning his wounds with the wet towels, wiping away the dirt and blood. Adrian softly hummed in bliss and relaxation from the feeling of the wet towels against his injuries and Jenny's soft hands against his skin. “Ok, I’m going to have to stitch some of these up. This will hurt,” Jenny warned, picking a needle and line of thread out of the medical kit. “You can stitch wounds?” “I took an extra-credit course in health class, and basic medical techniques were some of the things I was taught. But this kit doesn't come with pain killers, so this will hurt.” Adrian placed his hand on Jenny's warm thigh. “I’ll be fine,” he said calmly. Even with his eyes closed, he knew Jenny was blushing with a smile on her face. His hand on Jenny's thigh for mental support, Adrian was able to block out the pain as she began stitching shut the torn bruises on his body. For over an hour, she worked tirelessly, tending to his injuries. Once she was finished, she wrapped them in bandages and Adrian sat up. “Now let me see you.” He unfastened the bandages wrapped around her head and removed the gauze covering the gash on the side of her forehead. The gauze was bloody, but the wound seemed to be doing just fine and would be fully healed by the end of the week. Jenny almost looked like she was sleeping while sitting up as Adrian cleaned the wound with sterilizing strips, covered it with fresh gauze, and wrapped her head with clean bandages. After Adrian checked to make sure the bandages would stay on, his hand drifted down from her forehead to her soft cheek. Jenny opened her eyes as he brushed his fingers against the side of her face. She grasped his wrist and pressed his hand against her cheek. “Come on, you need to get some sleep.” She pulled him to the center of the bed, and with his whole body aching, Adrian moved under the sheets and put his head down on the pillow. Jenny turned off the bedside lamp and curled up next to him, kissing his chest. “Goodnight Adrian,” she said softly with her arm across his chest and her head on his shoulder. “Goodnight Jenny,” he hummed as the soft bed, the warm blankets, Jenny's body pressed against his, and his exhaustion carried him into the best sleep of his life. “So what do we know about this Adrian kid?” FBI Agent Hoffman asked, leaning back behind his desk. On the wall above him were his awards from back when he was just a detective. He was a very large man with a thin white goatee and gray hair. His partner, Agent Mason, had just stepped in with an armful of files. He had a PhD in psychology, and he often used it to provoke his partner. He was much leaner than his partner and had dark skin. “After what he did to those dropouts in that warehouse, he must be one twisted psychopath,” Hoffman said as Mason sat down in the chair in front of his desk. “On the contrary, he's a certified genius. His school records say that he has an IQ of—oh, you won't believe this—he has an IQ of over 300. He even holds the world record for the highest IQ level, which basically makes him the smartest person on Earth. His teachers have commented that he prizes logic and reason above all else and has been compared to a robot countless times. He's a very wealthy inventor and his name is constantly circulating the technological industry as some sort of prodigy.” “Oh goddammit, I hate the fucking geniuses!” “Yeah, the geniuses are either experts at hiding or try to play games with us, and we’ve got to find him. However, if his girlfriend is in fact with him, that could work in their favor. People on the run will often make more mistakes if they are with others instead of on their own. The fact that he loves this girl should cloud his judgment, if only a little. You have those files on the girl right?” “Jenny Sinclair? Yeah, I looked through them. As far as I know, she's just a regular teenage girl. The trauma of her parent's death must be why she decided to run away with him. Eventually she'll realize it was a mistake, leave him, and the pain of losing her will hopefully make him mess up and we'll catch him.” “Oh, I have Adrian's school picture. Jeez, look at the mugshot on him, talk about melancholic,” Mason said, handing him the pictures. He then saw a picture on Hoffman's desk. “Is that her?” “Yeah,” Hoffman said as he looked at Adrian’s picture. Agent Mason looked at the picture of Jenny and chuckled. “Damn Mike, you would be out of the job if I weren't here to help you. This girl isn't normal.” “What do you mean?” His partner showed him the picture again. “Quite the looker, isn’t she? A girl like that is at the top of the popularity pedestal, a social goddess in the halls of high school. I know that strange couples can form, but from everything I’ve heard, these two are polar opposites of each other. Either their relationship has always been one bad day from breaking up, or these two have a much deeper relationship than they give them credit for. I don't think they'll just split up.” It was 7:30 AM the next day at the motel, and Adrian closed the door as quietly as possible, but he could not stop Jenny from waking up. With a wide yawn and several cat-like stretches, she sat up and looked at him. “Where have you been?” Adrian placed three bags on a nearby table and handed Jenny one of two cups of coffee. “I just needed to get a few things. We were asleep for an entire day, and I wanted to make up for lost time.” Jenny took a drink of the coffee and grimaced. “I had always hoped that his first coffee would be sweeter.” “Oh, that was your first coffee? Well if I had known that, I would have made sure that you didn't lose your coffee virginity so disappointingly in a cheap motel,” Adrian joked, causing Jenny to laugh. “So what exactly shall we be doing?” “I’ll give you a hint: before coming back here, I stopped off at the local hospital and did a little bribery to get some drugs we’ll need. I also got something that we’ll REALLY need…” Adrian said as he reached into the third bag and handed Jenny a packet of birth-control pills. “Oh, you’re a mind-reader. This is a huge relief. But you said you got some drugs from the hospital, what kind of drugs?” “Anesthesia, several different kinds. We’re going to need them.” “What are we going to be doing?” “I am going to be training you. I’m a wanted criminal, and if you're really going to come with me, I need to teach you to protect yourself. Things are going to get dangerous, and I won't always be around to keep you safe. For the next two weeks, I’m going to expand your mind as far as it can go. Your intelligence will skyrocket and you'll later learn my logic-based fighting style and achieve complete control over your body.” Jenny gained an ecstatic smile on her face. “Really?” “Yes, and trust me...” Adrian began as he wrapped his arms around her naked form. “That's not all we're going to be doing.” The office was silent as Agents Hoffman and Mason read through Adrian and Jenny's files. They needed to memorize every scrap of information they could find if they had any hope of finding them. “There is one thing that keeps tugging at his mind...” Hoffman said. Mason looked up at him. “The bodies in that warehouse have been searched over and over again, and they can't find any powder burns, poison, or signs that the victims were somehow weakened before they were fighting. An eighteen-year-old killed over thirty full or near full-grown men, all at peak strength and armed with guns and melee weapons. This is the kind of thing you only see in Kung Fu movies.” “I know; I can't stop thinking about it either. As far as I’ve learned, this kid has never been to so much as a single karate lesson and brainiacs aren’t typically experienced street fighters.” “Which makes it possible that he didn't do it. In fact, he could actually be dead. From what the Dean of Medicine said, he was told that his girlfriend was either going to die or never wake up from her coma. After the death of his parents and learning about his girlfriend, he could have easily killed himself and they just haven't found his body. We were also told his girlfriend disappeared. It's possible that she woke up, found out about her parents, found her dead boyfriend in a place she knew he would be, and decided to follow him to the grave. We could easily be looking for the wrong person.” A man stepped into the office, holding a long cardboard box and three files. “Detectives, I have something you should take a look at...” Hoffman took the box and opened it. “Holy shit.” Mason looked through the files and gave the same curse. In the box was Adrian’s lance from when Logan and his cronies attacked him and Jenny, the one designed for concealment. It was supposed to be used as evidence in Logan’s trial. In the files were the medical and forensic records of Logan and his friends from when they were treated. The injuries confirmed that the lance was the cause, and the fingerprints linked it to Adrian. “This proves it, it was Adrian. Similar weapon, similar injuries, a motive, and the same target,” Hoffman said, holding up the lance. He tried to fold it, but the hinges were locked in place. The weapon was strong enough to be used for chin-ups without the point bending or breaking. Mason leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. “Look at this grisly thing,” Hoffman said in amazement, “there are no serial numbers, company logos, or labels of the manufacturer. There are no signs of it being cast from molten steel but neither are there any imperfections. This thing was somehow made with the precision of a samurai sword.” “This is bad, really bad.” Mason sighed. “What do you mean?” “Without any sort of fighting lessons or experience, he was able to take down dozens armed men with a single melee weapon. We aren't dealing with a normal kid on the run. Not only is he the smartest person on Earth, he may be the deadliest.” “Basically you're saying that we're dealing with some sort of prodigy?” “I would prefer a less provocative term. But what I’m saying is that we need to catch him soon, because we can't let someone like this run around the country, especially if he decides to strike again...” “All right kids, that will be about twenty bucks,” the motel owner said as he put out his cigarette. Standing in the motel office, Adrian and Jenny were about to pay for their night, but as Adrian pulled out the money, the owner looked to a TV in the corner of the room on a shelf. It was the morning news. “Oh hold on, I want to hear this,” he said as he turned up the volume. Adrian’s heart sank when he realized it was a story on the Warehouse Massacre. “With the disappearance of the prime suspect and the discovery of a mass transaction from his bank accounts, the FBI has decided to release information on the supposed killer. His name is Adrian Ashford, he is eighteen years old, and he is considered armed and extremely dangerous. He is most likely traveling with his significant other, Jenny Sinclair. If anyone has any information on these two, please contact the local police,” the news anchor said as copies of the teens’ driver’s licenses and school pictures were put up on the screen. In less than a second, the motel owner recognized them from their pictures. He turned back with his eyes wide, but before he could reach under the counter and activate the alarm, Adrian leapt over the table and grabbed him by the throat, moving as fast as lightning. Adrian slammed him against the wall and punched him in the stomach, finishing him with an elbow to the back of the skull to knock him out. Jenny stared at him with eyes as wide as the owner’s from the speed of the response. “Come on, we have to go. It won’t be long until he wakes up and calls the police,” Adrian said as he jumped back over the counter. Jenny ran out of the office but Adrian stopped. He gave a small smile and reached into his pocket, pulling out one of his darts. He slammed it down onto the counter, lodging the tip in the wood and leaving it standing up. He then wiped the counter with his sleeve and pressed his fingers down on the surface, leaving five perfect fingerprints. He followed Jenny out of the office and they climbed into their car, speeding off the second the engine kicked to life. The building was essentially a small warehouse, with its only luxuries being electricity, a bathroom, running water, and a mattress on the floor. It stood on the very fringes of the town, at the end of a gated driveway leading off into the woods. Upon releasing the heavy padlock on the front door, Adrian and Jenny stepped into the large dusty room and looked around. The concrete floor was covered in wooden crates and cardboard boxes of all shapes and sizes, some of which were open with brand new tools and medical equipment standing by, waiting for use. “Ok, now before we do anything, I need you to make sure your bowels and bladder are completely empty. You have to be certain that there is absolutely nothing in your digestive system. There is a reason why I had you skip breakfast, in fact, I probably shouldn’t have even let you drink that coffee.” Jenny looked at him with unease at the strange request. “I don’t understand, what does that have to do with my training?” Adrian simply smiled. “Oh, you’ll see.” Jenny and Adrian were sitting cross-legged on the mattress in the warehouse, facing each other. Standing next to the bed was an IV rack with a bag filled with a saline solution, as well as a bypass machine and a neural activity scanner for observing and recording the different waves and patterns of her brain. “Before we can even begin your training, you must learn to use your entire brain. You know that cliché myth about people only using 30% of their brains? It’s of course false. It’s not like the majority of your brain will be pitch-black if you’re in an MRI or getting a PET scan. Instead, people use their entire brain but it’s the wiring of the brain that’s holding everyone back. Your brain is working at 100% constantly, but because of poor neural pathways, it only functions at 30% of its full potential. Humans also use only about 30% of their muscles as a way to protect themselves form overexertion, but I’ve found a way around that. My brain has been completely rewired, which lets me think, calculate, and solve problems countless times faster and easier than regular people. Here, I’ll show you...” Adrian reached into a bag beside the bed and pulled out a Rubik’s Cube, sixteen squares on each side. He had bought a few of them earlier when he went out. “Now close your eyes.” Jenny did as she was told and Adrian shuffled up the puzzle. He handed it to her and she opened her eyes. “It’s been scrambled with thirty moves. After an hour, tell me if you think you’ve made progress. If not, we can stop.” Jenny looked at him with self-doubt. “Don’t worry, this isn’t some standardized test at school. You can do nothing wrong,” he said reassuringly. Jenny smiled confidently, but it quickly dropped after she looked down at the cube. For an hour, she shifted the levels while biting her lip, often stopping for a minute or so to try and come up with a strategy. Keeping time in his mind, Adrian kept his eyes closed so that Jenny would not feel nervous, and at the one-hour point, he told her to stop. “So, do you want to keep going?” Jenny sighed. “No, I have no idea what I’m doing. I can’t figure this out.” Adrian looked at the Rubik’s Cube and chuckled. “Actually, you weren’t half bad. You were thirteen moves away from solving it. Most people either get to the high teens or actually scramble it up even more,” Adrian said before solving it in only a few moments. He then reached back down and revealed a new Rubik’s cube, much larger and more complex than the first, barely fitting in Adrian’s hand. Each of the four sides was split up into nine sections, each section with a different color, and while unsolved, all sides looking exactly the same. Each section was comprised of sixteen squares, making the toy look like one giant stack of smaller Rubik’s cubes. “I invented this years ago after getting bored with regular Rubik’s cubes. I got the idea from a Sudoku puzzle. Since it has nine colors, you don’t solve it by making one side entirely red, one side entirely blue, and so on. You have to make nine perfect sections on each side. Of all my inventions, this one has the worst sales, simply because no one can solve it but me, at least without cheating and having a computer write an algorithm for it. I’m glad I was able to find a place that sold them. Scramble this in thirty moves and I’ll show you what 100% of your brain can accomplish.” Jenny quickly scrambled up the puzzle, making it as difficult as possible with exactly thirty moves. Adrian kept his eyes closed so that he couldn’t see what she was doing. Once she was done, Adrian opened his eyes and she handed him the cube. “All right, it’s been a while since I used one of these things, so I’ll probably be a little out of shape.” He studied it for the first couple seconds, memorizing every side and forming a mental copy in his brain. Once he had it memorized, he began solving it, shifting the levels as fast as if he were instead trying to scramble it. Jenny watched him wide-eyed as the puzzle quickly began take its original form, with him only stopping occasionally to contemplate for less than a second. Once it was solved, he held up the cube. “15.3 seconds, spread out across thirty moves. Now, as you have seen, there is a colossal difference between 30% and 100%. Each percent doesn’t increase your intelligence by an actual 1/100th of your full potential; the one before it basically multiplies each percent. It’s why even at 30%, you weren’t able to just solve the Rubik’s Cube three times longer than I did. If you can learn to harness the rest of your brain, mental tasks will take only a fraction of the original time and effort, because the work will be outsourced to more areas, instead of just the parts of your brain you are currently using. I will teach you how to unlock the rest of your mind and transcend normal limitations. However, the expansion of your mind does not equal an instant IQ boost. It will take a while for you to learn how to use the awakened areas of your brain. At first, your senses will just be enhanced, then you’ll learn how to process moments in time faster and react, and finally you’ll gain foresight, logic, and high intelligence. At the third stage, you’ll be able to plan things out fifty steps in advance, you’ll be able to see through even the most complicated situations, and you’ll be able to outsmart anyone in your path. In order to understand what we will do, you need to understand what we are trying to replicate. Imagine the human brain as a TV, specifically an older one. Your regular thoughts are the programs, your dreams are basically that public broadcast channel that shows only a single image with elevator music, static devoid of content is if you are in a coma, and turned off is death. When you turn off an older TV, you know how the image basically collapses in on itself in flash of light? Basically, the mental state I was in after my car accident is similar to that fraction a second in which the entire screen lit up. You always hear those stories about people who had near-death experiences, where they see a bright light and feel a sense of euphoria. Afterwards, they may come back with a new talent that they never had before. What they believe to be a look into heaven is actually the brain shutting down and every single neuron firing at once in a colossal synaptic thunderclap while drowning in chemicals. It’s like if every single power line in the country experienced a pylon-destroying power surge. In this sudden flash of brain activity, new neural pathways are allowed to form and the process of myelin production increases by a hundred fold, linking the neurons together in entirely new ways. These new super-pathways are what grant the sudden talents; they’re the brain unlocking a part of its potential. In order to rewire my whole mind, I basically had to die in that car crash. My brain wasn’t just a TV set on a static channel; it was caught in a moment of shutdown without beginning or end, just complete neural synchronicity. It’s a miracle that I was actually able to use that accident to unlock my mind, not to mention the even greater miracle that I woke up. As you can imagine, we can’t reenact that car crash with you in my place and just hope that you can survive like I did. In order to do this effectively and safely, we’ll use hypnotism and drugs from the pharmacy to replicate the mental affects of lethal trauma and put you between life and death. I’m going to knock you out to the point where you can no longer control your internal organs or body and your brain will think you’re dying and trigger that near-death flash. Then, before you die for real, I’ll activate the bypass machine and put you on life support, basically taking care of your body while your brain completely reshapes itself while waiting for death. I’ll put you under for a week, with a saline solution and nutrients injected intravenously to keep you healthy. But before I do anything, I need to tell you that there is a very high probability that you could die. I need to make sure you are aware of this and I need your full consent. I’m sure this method will work, but I’ve never been able to try it on anyone,” he said, speaking the last sentence with a shaky voice. Jenny took a deep breath. “I want to do this, I want to help you achieve your dream and I want to fulfill my potential. If there is even the slightest chance that I can play some beneficial part in your plan, then risking my life is no question. I love you, Adrian, and I would do anything for you.” Adrian sighed and nodded. “I’m going to begin the sequence of fluid injections, but do not lie down.” Jenny nodded and Adrian plugged the IV into her arm, causing her to give a nervous shiver at the prick of the needle. He began the saline drip and plugged a syringe into the line, pressing down on the plunger and injecting the first drug. “Now, close your eyes and clear your mind.” Jenny took another deep breath and closed her eyes. “Clear your mind of all thoughts and emotions. Imagine you are falling through darkness, and let my voice be the only thing in your mind. Let every word I speak ripple through the darkness, but let everything else fall away.” Jenny gave another deep breath and Adrian placed his hand on the center of her chest, measuring her heart rate. The anesthesia was calming her down, but her body was woken back up with a shiver of arousal from his touch. Adrian injected the second drug. “Calm yourself. Separate your mind from your body, forget the bed beneath you, forget my hand on your chest, forget the air against your skin, forget it all and let all of the feelings fall away. Do not fall asleep but do not wake up, set yourself on the mental precipice with only the void around you. Focus only on my voice and let everything else fall into darkness.” he murmured as he injected the third drug. Adrian repeated this again and again, both verbally and with more injections, and over the course of a couple minutes, Jenny’s heartbeat slowly lowered as she entered a trance-like state, brought on by hypnosis and the drugs. As he had instructed, she was neither asleep nor awake; she had entered the subconscious level of her mind. Adrian took his hand off her chest and moved over to her carefully. It would be very difficult for her to wake up from this trance, but he did not want to risk ruining their progress. He sat next to her and brushed back a lock of her long blonde hair, and unlike before, she did not shiver at his touch. He then hooked up the hoses of the bypass machine up to her veins and injected the fourth drug, as well as placed electrodes on her scalp for the neural scanner to keep an eye on her brain waves. “Keep falling, forget everything else, ignore all worries or cares. Forget about your body, forget the past, forget the future, forget me; just keep plummeting into darkness. Dive, dive as far down into your mind as possible and abandon everything else. Fall between life and death and exist on the very fringe of your own understanding. Give in to the empty darkness and cease all awareness and sentience. Abandon who you are and become one with the void.” He wrapped his arms around her and caught her as she fell back, laying her down. She had completely relinquished all control of her body and the process had begun. Adrian activated the bypass machine and hooked up an IV bag full of chemicals, erasing the danger of her now unmoving heart and lungs but without preventing oxygen from being absorbed into her blood and moved throughout the body. Above her head, the monitor of the neural scanner was showing skyrocketing activity on all wavelengths as every neuron in her brain was firing at once and forming massive pathways and networks. It was done, the bypass was keeping her body stable and fully oxygenated, her brain was reaping the benefits of being between life and death, her saline solution was full of nutrients to protect her health, and her condition was easily reversible. He had done it, the process was working, now all he had to do was give her mind time to recreate itself, and until he deemed it ready, there was work he had to do. Adrian laid the strips of metal in the smelting drawer and pushed it into the kiln. The pool table-sized smelting oven had been made by him and was the hottest on the planet, able to sustain and tolerate temperatures that no other device could endure. It was made of another material of his own creation, Ignium, one that was so powerful at reflecting heat and maintaining its shape that it made the shields on space shuttles and satellites look like wet towels. He had made only a few of them and kept them hidden across the globe, for they were the only smelting ovens that could produce Demium. The strips of metal he had inserted were all ingredients and had been measured down to the centigram for the perfect ratio in order to achieve the molecular structure and ensure the creation of the desired compound. The oven itself used a revolutionary design, blasting the metals with lasers and turning the air into plasma so as to melt the metal and keep it from forming any compounds except for Demium. There was even a piece of Demium in there, a “seed”, which would allow the metal compound to replicate over and over into crystal lattice structure. Locking the drawer into place, Adrian cranked up the heat and stepped back. Inside, the metals were all immediately fired down upon with a barrage of laser beams, each beam separated from its brethren by only a millimeter. After only a second, the metals began to liquefy and the air temperature skyrocketed, almost burning as hot as thermite. With Jenny still held in suspension and the kiln melting the metal, Adrian had nothing left to do but wait and prepare for when he brought Jenny back. He had about a week until then, and he had to prepare for when she became fully aware, as well as create her lance. It normally took about three days of nonstop firing for enough Demium to form to create a lance, each molecule forming one by one in the stew of molten metals could even be compared to the formation of the first proteins and life forms in the primordial ooze. Until they formed that perfect Demium molecule, the atoms would float around, momentarily fusing together only to be broken back up. Once the structure was formed, the melting point of the combined metals would skyrocket and the structure would become permanent. Pulling up a chair in front of the kiln and opening his laptop, he prepared for the long wait. Detectives Mason and Hoffman stepped under the police tape that stretched around the perimeter of the motel. Cop cars and precautionary ambulances surrounded the building, with officers streaming out of the fourth room and the office. One of the forensic investigators walked up to them. “I’m Detective Mason, and this is my partner Detective Hoffman, FBI,” Mason said as the two agents held up their badges. “I’m Agent Madison,” she replied, pulling off her rubber gloves and shaking their hands. “What do we have here?” Hoffman asked. “The owner of this motel said that he was attacked by Adrian Ashford. Apparently, he and his girlfriend rented a room from him last night and he saw them on the news while they were paying.” Madison led them into the motel office and Hoffman cursed, spotting the dart lodged in the counter and the five fingerprints glowing under a black light. “Oh shit, he’s gamer.” “He’s baiting us,” Mason said as he stepped towards the counter, where pictures were being taken from all angles and evidence tags set up. “What is the condition of the owner?” Hoffman asked. “He’s fine, just a minor concussion. He was brought to the hospital just a few minutes before you two showed up.” “Wait, he was alive? Were there any lacerations or stab wounds?” Hoffman asked. “No, just some bruises. Ashford just knocked him out.” Detective Mason stepped behind the counter and moved over to the cash register. “Don’t bother, we already checked it. There were no signs of any money being stolen,” Madison said. Before Hoffman or Mason could say anything, a cop stepped into the office. “We just received a call from the station: a hospital worker was arrested for selling drugs to a young man now believed to be Adrian Ashford. He confessed to selling anesthesia, saline, and IV nutrients, lots of them. The description he gave us matches the description of Ashford.” “Interesting, very interesting. Did you find anything in the motel room?” Mason asked as he looked over the list in the officer’s hands. “Just some empty Dunkin Donuts coffee cups and bloody gauze and bandages. The medical kit in the room was almost completely empty.” “So we can be sure that they are both injured, but that doesn’t explain why he got that stuff from the hospital. Painkillers I can understand, but anesthesia, saline, and IV nutrients? What the hell are those two doing? How many Dunkin Donuts are there near this motel?” Hoffman asked. “Just one, and a second one on the other side of town,” Madison answered. “Can you get us the surveillance tapes of all the stores between this motel and the nearest Dunkin Donuts? If they bought anything else, we might get a clue as to what they are doing.” Madison nodded and stepped outside while talking on her radio. “A public encounter, no deaths, not even any real injuries, and no money stolen,” Mason said, taking the same stance as Hoffman. “But on the other hand, we’re dealing with a mass-murderer who has brought more death and destruction than Jason Voorhees, and he left one of his weapons and five perfect fingerprints just to tease us. We’re dealing with a psychopath with morals.” “Well remember what we read on his file? His teachers said that he prided logic and reason above all else, and only did what was necessary. Maybe he didn’t kill that man because he didn’t have to,” Hoffman suggested. “But that doesn’t make sense. He’s trying to bait us, but leaving a witness alive raises his chances of being caught. Could it be that maybe he’s guilty about his crimes and part of him wants to be caught?” “I doubt that he would regret his vengeance. Let’s look at this another way: he leaves bait but no new victims. He obviously wants attention, but not attention from a new crime. He just wants to keep the trail hot.” “Which means that the chances of him killing again are low, but he’ll still want us to focus on him. That means that while he did kill all those people, it was for vengeance, and it doesn’t make him a serial killer. He wants attention and he wants to be known, but not as a serial killer. But if that’s true, then it’s quite possible that we’re not the true targets in his search for attention. This is bait for us, but we could be the real bait. He could be using us as bait for someone else’s attention.” Wearing a heat-resistant suit with full tinted facemask, Adrian turned off the kiln and pulled out the drawer of the smelting oven. He looked down into long pool of molten metal, growing brighter than fire itself. Amongst the gold-shaded liquid, specks of silver could be seen, the growing seeds of Demium. He pushed the drawer back in and reactivated the laser shower. It had been six hours and the development was going along quite well. While waiting, Adrian had checked popular news and email sites, scanning for any story that had a picture of he or Jenny. More than half of all of the stories were about the massacre, but with its uniqueness, he was not surprised. Murder on this scale of brutality and numbers by one man was unheard of. So far, every article just repeated the facts of the one before it. “We have only one piece of footage. A young man resembling Adrian Ashford entered a hobby shop near the Dunkin Donuts and purchased some Rubik’s Cubes and board games. That’s all we have,” Agent Madison said, handing a folder of security camera screenshots to Hoffman and Mason at the local police department. “Rubik’s Cubes and board games? What the hell are they doing?” Hoffman muttered, looking over the pictures. Mason examined the receipt from the store, listing off everything that had been bought. “Rubik’s Cubes, chess game, solitaire game, mahjong game, Go game, etc. These are all brain and puzzle games. Could this just be some entertainment for him, some quirk of his, something that geniuses just like to keep around?” “Puzzle games, anesthesia, IV nutrients… We’re missing something, some key variable that links them together. Whether it is something he bought or something he knows, we need to find it if we are to have any chance of figuring out what he’s up to. Madison, could you please expand the search to all stores in and around this town?” Hoffman asked. Madison nodded and stepped out of the room. Back in his full heat suit and with a pair of Ignium tongs, Adrian dumped out the block of Demium onto a stone table, letting it cool momentarily. The block was about as long as a pool cue and as thick as his arm, but it wasn’t nearly ready to turned into a lance. The metal was still full of impurities, compounds and elements that hadn’t joined together to create Demium and were instead held in suspension. With the block glowing white-hot and practically melting through the stone table, Adrian worked quickly to activate his band saw-sized automatic hammer and his industrial cutting torch, used to bore through the thickest armor plating ever made. The former had been outfitted with Ignium surfaces, since anything that the Demium touched while hot was normally melted, and the latter was only powerful enough to keep the Demium hot, by no means could it melt it. Holding the block in place, he cranked up the automatic hammer to its top speed and began pummeling the Demium with the weighted head. Moving faster than a jackhammer, the Ignium head crashed down onto the Demium over and over again, sending chips of impurities flying off the surface. He ran the entire block underneath the hammer, twisting it over and over while occasionally running it through the jet of high-pressure fire from the cutting torch to heat it back up to the point of being malleable. He put the block back under the hammer, knocking off as many chips of non-Demium as he could. He then brought both ends under the hammer for an extended time, slightly flattening them. After another bath of fire, he brought the block over to a specially made lathe, built for this one and only purpose. The motor had been retrofitted to move slower and with far more torque, while the brace on the opposite end remained stationary. He locked in the white-hot bar and activated the lathe, twisting the bar while spraying it with high-pressure flames. With each rotation of the metal, more chips and specks of impurities from the interior were exposed and flicked off. Upon the completion of the metal’s winding, he brought it back to the automatic hammer and continued smashing out the impurities. For fourteen hours he repeated this process over and over, stopping only to eat or drink, go to the bathroom, or switch out fuel tanks for the cutting torch. This was the same process he had to go through to create all his lances, and this certainly wouldn’t be the last time. With the moon high in the sky and the sunrise due in a few hours, Adrian lowered the block of Demium into a tub of water and waited through the created cloud of steam. Once the bubbles stopped, he reached in with his bare hand and pulled out the block. Now that it had been hardened, the Demium was in its final form: it was harder than diamond but would never crack, crumble, or bend. A needle of this metal could support his full weight and the formation of the molecules produced a nearly-unbreakable crystal lattice structure that would resist oxidation. It could only be melted with a heat source on par with an atomic bomb or high-power laser. The only metal that could surpass it was a truly perfect one. There was only one final step. Walking across the warehouse, he approached a machine that was covered in a dusty cloth. Pulling the sheet away, he let the fluorescent lights of the warehouse shine down upon one of his most useful machines: a laser-lathe. As the name suggested, it was essentially a regular lathe but with a vertical laser ark in place of a blade, as a laser was the only thing that could cut through Demium. The laser was the size of a stage light with a protruding handle and held up on a track so that it could move either left or right, with the track itself capable of moving forwards or backwards to the control the depths of cuts on whatever was in the lathe. An added bonus was that with a laser taking the place of a blade, the lathe could also be used for cutting like a table saw, and it had a built in computer for carving the smallest of details. Locking the block in place in the two braces at the end with half of the block protruding the long way, he turned on the lathe and activated the laser. Up above the block on the track, the laser moved into position like the inscriber of a computer printer and fired down a beam of focused light into a receiver, creating an invisible line that could cut through just about anything it touched. Knowing that every piece of Demium was priceless and that he would probably be needing more darts in the future, Adrian initially held off using the computer and manned the laser himself, cutting off thick strips of metal near what would be the needle-sharp tip to be recycled. After which, he let the computer take over, having long since programmed the design for his trademark lances. With precision that not even he could match, the laser slowly moved across the surface of the spinning bar of Demium, shaping it with a perfectly-level incline from base to point, as well as carving in grooves for a handle. Within minutes, the lance was completed and a true work of art. Even if one were to argue the unfair advantage of modern machinery, no critic could deny that the lance in Adrian’s hand was the most well-crafted close-combat weapon in human history. It could handle a chop from a broadsword without receiving a scratch, be hit with an armor-piercing pullet but be free of any dents, and go tip to edge against the greatest katana and split it like a lightning bolt through a tree. It was a true masterpiece. Raising the lance, Adrian plunged it straight down into the floor, shattering the concrete as if it were packed dirt and drilling a small hole into the surface. Dislodging the weapon, he examined the undamaged tip and smiled in satisfaction. Every surface and material, no matter how strong, was filled with miniscule defects and weak points. These weak points were normally too small to affect the integrity and strength of the materials, but easy target for Adrian’s weapons. Even if he couldn’t see them himself, the needle tip of this lance was fine enough to strike those points, causing the target to essentially buckle like liquid with little force. With just his weight behind it, Adrian had once drilled through the side of a tank during a firefight in Pakistan and killed the driver. The lance complete, he made several darts from the Demium scraps, as well as several dozen from simple carbon steel and other metals. With how precious Demium was and the fact that he used them as long-range weapons, he needed plenty of expendable spares for when he was in a situation in which he could not retrieve a dart once it was thrown. After completing his work, Adrian gave a sigh of relief and accomplishment. With the sun beginning to rise, he walked into the warehouse bathroom, washed up in the sink, and changed into some fresh clothes. His weapons completed and his body aching, he walked over to the mattress on the floor, where Jenny was still suspended in near-death state, completely stable and safe. With a tired smile on his face, he lifted up the thin blanket of the bed and lied down beside Jenny, quickly drifting to sleep with his arm wrapped around her. Adrian kneeled by Jenny’s bed with a syringe in his hand, filled with epinephrine. The time had come, a week had passed and now it was time for Jenny to wake up, as well as see if this purely theoretical process would even work. He had already slowly weaned Jenny off the drugs, now it was time to give her a full jumpstart. Unplugging her from the bypass, he inserted the needle and gave her a small dose of epinephrine, just enough to get her heart racing and fully awaken her from her coma. Jenny’s eyes bolted open and she arched her back while taking a loud and desperate breath, as if she had just narrowly avoided drowning. Looking around wildly, her body began to twitch and jerk as her mind discovered all of her senses all over again. Everything from her sense of touch to her sense of smell felt ten times sharper, when in reality, they were as sharp as they had only been, it was merely the amount of sensory information that was actually being processed that had changed. In her mind, all the sounds that would normally be interpreted as inaudible background noise was now like having front-row seats at a symphony orchestra. Her mind was better interpreting the light passing through her eyes, letting her see every line and imperfection in the ceiling above. She could still taste the toothpaste in her mouth from when Adrian had her thoroughly brush her teeth before putting her under, as well as any food particles she had missed. She could smell everything in the room, from the oil, dust, and even the rat droppings in the walls. Her sense of touch was now so potent that she could measure the humidity in the air, as well as the temperature. Even more, she could feel every single weave and thread in her clothes and the sheets of her bed, as if every single cell was a tiny nerve ending. “Welcome to the transcended realm,” Adrian said proudly but softly. For several seconds, Jenny was silent as she tried to come up with something to say, but she was too distracted by everything around her to think of anything. As well as her senses being heightened, her mind felt like the world’s largest supercomputer, taking in information and processing it with greater speeds than ever in her life. Her mind was moving so fast, she was able to recount her entire life in a single second, down to the smallest details, as well as understand everything that had ever confused her. Jenny sat up and wrapped her arms around him, holding on for dear life as if she were trying to learn how to walk. He could tell that this new experience was frightening her. With her senses energized and her mind bouncing around in the new space, she was desperate to get a hold of something stable, like a seasick person focusing on the horizon. “It’s ok, Jenny, take a deep breath and relax. Just breathe,” he whispered in her ear. Jenny took a very shaky breath, almost as if she were crying. “That’s right, just become accustomed to everything. Keep breathing and let everything come back gradually.” Jenny continued taking deep breaths, and once she had relaxed, he laid her back down. “Oh my god, Adrian... Is this... is this really how you see the world?” she gasped with disbelief, barely able to speak. “Basically. This is how everything looks through his eyes. Listen to me: in a minute or two, you’re going to start getting a headache. It will feel like your stomach is inside your head and you’re starving. Your brain will literally be hungry for content and information beyond just sensory information; it will want data and knowledge. Listen to this as long as you want. As for food, this is all I’m comfortable letting you eat after a weak of being on death’s door,” Adrian said, holding up a bag full of everything from yogurt to mashed potatoes and a pair of headphones leading to his laptop. As Jenny nervously put the headphones on, Adrian activated the recording. All week, Adrian had been collecting information online converting it to an audio file. Educational texts on physics, politics, mathematics, biology, chemistry, engineering, history, psychology, language, and even philosophy had been gathered and converted into a single track, played at high speeds. As a whistle-like stream garbled words played in her ear, Jenny began ripping open the containers of food and eating ravenously, using her fingers in place of any particular utensil. Watching her, Adrian couldn’t help but laugh. “Now as I said before, this isn't an IQ boost quite yet; your senses are better processed and your brain has been activated. It will take a while for you to actually learn how to use your awakened mind. Your training hasn't even started yet, this trance just made training actually possible. Now that you've awakened the rest of your mind, you now have potential, and now the real training can begin,” said Adrian as the recording came to an end, two days later. “I just can't believe it, I can’t even describe what I’m feeling. It’s almost like a migraine that feels really good,” she whispered, just staring at the ceiling. Adrian chuckled. “I guess that would be a good description. Come on, let's stretch our legs and go get something to eat. You and I have been cooped up in this warehouse way too long.” The sun was setting and there were only a few cars out on the road as the two lovers walked along the edge of the woods towards town, a couple miles from the warehouse. Adrian watched with a smile as Jenny would constantly dart her head in different directions, like a cat trying to catch the dot of a laser pointer. With her cleared senses, she was sampling every taste, smell, sound, sight, and feeling, almost as if she were experiencing them through a new body. “All right Jenny, now for a test. For every car that passes by us, I want you to take all of the numbers on their license plate, multiply them by each other, and then add it to the sum of the next plate. But don't try and cheat, I’ll be counting them too.” Jenny smiled and she and Adrian began working the calculations as they walked down the street, enjoying the evening and the cool fresh air. They finally picked a restaurant, and just before they stepped inside, Jenny whispered in his ear, “1274895.” Adrian smiled and whispered in hers, “Close, but it was actually 1274863.” Jenny scowled at the tease but regained her smile as they stepped inside and were given a booth. “So how do you like the new world?” “It's unbelievable. I knew that you saw the world differently, but I can't believe how high you were above everyone else,” she said with amazement before a waitress came and took their order. “Well, since we were so late in our training, you’ve lost some of your potential. I imagine that your IQ will be about twenty or thirty points below mine, but don’t be disappointed. In one day, you have surpassed all geniuses in terms of mental prowess. Be proud of yourself, for you have become more than human.” Jenny blushed from the compliment and smiled as two cokes were brought out, later followed by their dinner: a cooked salmon for her and pork tenderloin for him. “Perfect, I’m starving,” Jenny said, savoring the smells emanating from the plates. “Now, while we eat, I’m going to show you two great abilities that comes with it: enhanced memory and senses. When I say memory, I don't just mean mental memory, I also mean muscle memory. Muscle memory is the body's ability to adapt to things that you do over and over again, allowing you to do them easier and more efficiently. But it also works with your senses, letting you memorize the physical aspects of the things you touch, like weight, viscosity, temperature, and how rough or smooth it is. By becoming enlightened, you have the ability to remember memories more clearly, including muscle memory. Think back to science class, when we were taught the metric system. Remember when we were each given a weight that was exactly one gram? Remember that weight, think back to how it felt in your hand.” Jenny closed her eyes for several seconds, pressing down on her palm with her fingers to simulate the weight of a single gram. Adrian reached out with his fork and skewered a piece of salmon from her plate, holding it up. “Now take a bite, but don't swallow.” Jenny smiled and seductively pulled the salmon off his fork with her tongue. Adrian chuckled. “You just couldn't help yourself, could you?” Jenny just replied with a wink. “Now that you have familiarized yourself with the weight of one gram, how much would you say that piece of salmon weighed?” Jenny chewed for a few seconds before saying, “5.7 grams?” Adrian raised his eyebrows in surprise, not expecting her to come that close on her first try. “That's absolutely correct.” “But how did you know how much it weighed when you were...” she said, trailing off as she looked at the fork in his hand. “You knew the weight of the fork?” “A habit of mine is to weigh whatever I touch. I knew the weight of the fork the second I picked it up, and I just subtracted it from the combined weight of it and the piece of salmon. Now here is something a little trickier. Using the piece you just ate as a control, create a weight-to-mass ratio in your mind of the salmon and try to figure out how much it weighs just by the sight of it.” Adrian picked up another piece and held it up to Jenny. She stared at the piece for a few seconds, analyzing every thread of tissue and trying to come up with it's total mass, then comparing it to the piece she had just eaten. “0.37 grams per square centimeter?” “0.38 actually, but you were incredibly close for your first try,” Adrian said before eating the piece. He picked up the saltshaker and sprinkled some on his pork tenderloin. As he began chewing on a piece, he handed her the saltshaker. “Very few people would be able to calculate the weight of those pieces if they had been holding it in one hand and a one-gram weight in another, let alone comparing it to memory. You were able to because your sensory perception has been enhanced. With your entire mental potential awakened, more electrical impulses are traveling through your nerves, allowing your mind to better process what you are feeling. Just by touching it with your palm, count the number of holes on the top of that salt shaker.” He continued eating and watched as Jenny pressed down on the saltshaker with her palm, trying to count the holes on the top. “Eighty one?” “Bingo,” he congratulated as he pushed his empty plate to the side. “All right, now let me eat, I’m starving!” she snapped, but with a smile. He chuckled and leaned back, sitting silently as Jenny filled her stomach. He didn't have to wait long; she really was starving. It was like watching a snow blower being pushed through a fresh layer of powder. He wasn't surprised, she hadn’t eaten solid foods in more than a week and her body was now burning through its calorie reserves at an enhanced speed in order to power her newly awakened brain. She was finished in less than sixty seconds and gave a very unladylike belch. “Happy?” “Very,” she hummed in bliss. “Do you want desert?” “No, I’m exhausted. I’ve barely done anything but lie in bed, but my whole body is tired.” “Well we left after you completed a mental marathon. How about we pay the bill, maybe pick something up on the way to the motel, and fall asleep while watching a movie?” Jenny gained a look of tender love and peace on her face. “That would be perfect.” They stepped out of the grocery store with Adrian’s arm around Jenny and both of them holding a plastic bag. Jenny had two small tubs of ice cream in hers and Adrian was carrying food for tomorrow morning in his. The night was warm and they wanted to get to the warehouse before their deserts turned into sticky puddles. They walked along the side of the road, trying to decide what movie they would watch. “Are you sure I can't talk you into an action movie?” Adrian asked. “No way, let's just watch a nice romantic-comedy.” “I’m ok with that, do you have anything in mind?” “I don't know, let's see what we can find.” “With the entire Internet at our disposal, that doesn’t really narrow the list down.” “Ok, but that laptop isn't very big, so I’ll have to snuggle up close so that we can both watch,” she whispered in his ear. They were lying on the mattress, pressed together like two puzzle pieces as they watched the movie on Adrian’s laptop. Two empty ice cream tubs were sitting on the floor beside the bed, and they were both using each other for warmth against the chills crawling from their stomachs. Jenny had her arm across his chest and her head on his shoulder, and Adrian was relishing the sweet smell of her long golden hair. “This is so nice,” Jenny said without notice. “What is?” “Just this, where we are, what we’re doing. Being on the road on our own, going out to dinner and then coming back to our own place (even if it is a warehouse with a single mattress). I just feel so... independent, like I’m done with school and I’m ready to start my own life with you. This is just a warehouse, but to me it's like our real home. We're running from the law, but to me it's like we're finally free to go wherever we want. Our old lives are gone, but to me... it's a chance to start our new life together.” “I’m loving it too; the freedom of being in control of our own lives, and in our case, we literally can do whatever we want.” “Well... I know what I want to do,” Jenny said coyly as she slowly closed the laptop. Adrian smiled as she put it down on the floor and then climbed up on top of him. She leaned down and pressed her lips against his as gently as a falling leaf. The gentle kiss lasted only for a few seconds before becoming much more passionate. As they kissed, Adrian unbuttoned Jenny's blouse and she pulled it off. Her white bra was holding her breasts well, but it wouldn't take much for them to pop out. He reached behind her and undid the clasp, and the lingerie instantly lost it's grip on Jenny and hung slack. Adrian’s heart was beating quickly from the tease. Even though he had seen them countless times, her voluptuous breasts always excited him. Jenny pulled off the clinging bra and tossed it across the room, letting the light and fresh air bath her glorious tits. She leaned forward and suspended herself over him, with her breasts just inches from his face. He reached up with his tongue and traced her nipples, causing her to hum in pleasure. As he switched between her boobs, he worked his hand underneath the waistband of her skirt and into her panties. Jenny's pussy was already wet with arousal, and it only took the slightest touch to send shivers up her spine. Adrian slowly pushed his fingers in, rubbing her hot wet insides. Jenny's humming turned to moaning, she had her cheek pressed against the top of his head, and she began grinding her pussy against his hand. Adrian wrapped his arms around her and rolled over, switching their positions so that he was on top. He kissed her and she slipped her tongue between his lips, licking the inside of his mouth. After a few seconds, he moved from her lips and started kissing her neck, her collar bone, down the middle of her chest, her slim belly, and finally reached her wet pussy. He flicked his tongue playfully between the pink lips and Jenny's whole body quivered. He licked again, this time more broadly. Jenny gave a soft moan with her hands constantly moving, either gripping the bed or her breasts. Adrian kissed her pussy while sending his tongue deep inside her, just like how she had French-kissed him. She was delicious beyond description He brought up his hand and pushed his fingers back inside her, using them to probe her cunt while he licked every corner. Jenny's moan became more shrill, echoing through the warehouse with her whole body shaking uncontrollably and her smooth thighs pressed against the sides of his face. Just when she was about to cum, Adrian pulled away, filling her with sexual anticipation. “Oh god, Adrian, don't stop! You're driving me crazy!” Jenny groaned with her whole body blushing. “Don't worry, honey, I won't,” he said as he pulled off his clothes. Adrian suspended himself over her and pushed his manhood up into her pussy. Jenny gave a very familiar moan and he sat up. With their bodies perpendicular, he began forcing his bulging phallus deep inside her, gripping her hips and trying to keep the bed from lessening his momentum. Jenny had her legs wrapped tightly around his waist and was holding his hands for dear life. Jenny's pussy wasn't just accepting his manhood; it was practically inhaling it. He could actually feel suction on his cock from the soft lips gripping it hungrily, as if her body was begging for his seed. Jenny's expression constantly changed, switching from aggressive nymphomaniac to sweet and gentle. Without warning, Jenny grabbed him by the shoulders and rolled over, switching positions so that he was back under her. With his cock driving straight up into her, Jenny gave a shrill moan and began rocking back and forth. She was moving her hands all over his body, gripping his shoulders, rubbing his chest, and leaning back on his legs for support. She would often place her hands on his cheeks with a look of tender love on her face, and he would reply by gently kissing her wrists. Adrian had his hands on her hips and was using the strength in his arms to lift her up and slam her back down, driving his cock deep into her pussy. Jenny leaned forward and gripped the corners of the mattress, again with her breasts just inches from his face. With his manhood being forced into her like a jackhammer and his tongue sweeping her breasts, Jenny could barely keep her moans from shattering glass. She was hollering like an opera singer, with her body as hot and red as burning coals. Finally, Adrian gave one great thrust and sent several thick streams of semen into her. It had all built up in his body over the last week and was now released in a load so great that it was overflowing out of her. Jenny became limp and collapsed next to him, gasping for air. Her whole body was blushing, with her pussy and inner thighs completely plastered with sperm. “That was one of our best without a doubt,” Adrian panted. “How is it that every time with you is as fantastic and magic as our first time?” Jenny hummed as she pressed herself against me. “Because it's always best with the one you love. I glad you liked it Jenny... Jenny?” he asked when she didn't reply. He looked down at her and realized she was sound asleep. “Goodnight baby,” he chuckled before turning off the nearby lamp. Adrian was woken up by the rising sun shining through the window blinds and the chirping of birds outside. It was just after six in the morning and Jenny was in a deep sleep, pressed against him in the same position as last night. There was a small smile on her lips and every soft breath she took seemed to have a cat-like purr. He smiled and kissed her on the forehead. She hummed in reply and buried her face in the side of his neck, as if trying to warm herself. “Nothing in this universe is perfect, humans especially. But Jenny, you are as close to perfect as reality will allow,” Adrian said softly, repeating what he had said to her in the department store. Jenny gave another hum, and with her pressed so tightly against him, he could feel her heartbeat quicken as she began to wake up. She opened her beautiful eyes and gave a third hum, wrapping her arms around him. “Good morning,” Adrian said softly. “Good morning. So what's the plan for today?” she asked, kissing his chest. “Quite simply, we're going back to the Rubik's Cube.” Like the day Adrian put her into her drug-induced coma, the two genius teens were sitting on the bed in meditative positions. They had just eaten breakfast and were about to resume their training. Adrian was holding the Sudoku Rubik’s Cube in his hand. “Thirty moves, just like when I solved it. Now if your IQ has increased, you’ll be able to at least solve it this time.” Jenny took the puzzle and bit her lip. “Take your time, Jenny, you have all the time you need, all the time in the world. And… go.” Jenny gained a confident smile and studied the six sides of the Rubik's Cube. After four seconds, she began shifting the different levels of the puzzle, and Adrian could see in her eyes that it was really starting to make sense to her. He could see her planning out several moves ahead of the ones she was making, using the mental blueprint she had established instead of turning the cube over in her hands, and not having to turn back moves she had made. Three minutes later, Adrian applauded as Jenny handed him the solved puzzle. The fact that she had actually solved in, in minutes no less, was a huge testament to her new abilities. “You have no idea how proud of you I am,” Adrian said, making Jenny blush. “So what now?” “We do the Rubik's Cube again and again and again, as well as use the other games and puzzles I got to exercise your mind.” From then on, Adrian scrambled the toy a dozen times, handing it back to Jenny each time for her to solve it. Each time she solved the puzzle, it was clear to Adrian that her processing skills were sharpening and quickening. She was mentally playing it through in her mind, running through different scenarios and paths with her hands always five steps behind. “Ok, done. Now can we take a break?” she sighed, handing him the Rubik’s Cube. “Sure. Maybe we could take a walk, go see a movie, or go shopping at the mall, it's your choice.” “Actually, I know what I want to do.” Before Adrian could say anything, Jenny pounced on him. Jenny and Adrian were panting like a pair of dogs on a hot summer day, with the sheets tangled around them and a thin film of sweat covering their bodies. “How is it that every time with you is as fantastic as the first?” Jenny gasped. “Because I love you so much, plus you said that I can read your body like brail.” He then held up the scrambled Rubik's Cube. “When did you scramble it?” “Oh come on, you weren't exactly watching me like a prison guard. I don't know how you can notice anything while moaning at the top of your lungs with your eyes locked shut,” Adrian teased. “I don't act like that!” Jenny laughed, playfully smacking him. “Yes you do! I always feel like an alien is about to burst out of your chest!” he said, prompting her to playfully smack him again. She took the Rubik's Cube and instantly began solving it. Adrian could see the level of improvement in her eyes as her skills exceeded her previous tries. He just lied beside her, constantly switching his gaze from her to the puzzle. Less than two minutes after she started, Jenny handed him the solved Rubik's Cube. Before he could even congratulate her, she pounced on him again, kissing him wildly. While they caught their breath after their second fling, Jenny solved the Rubik's Cube for the third time, this time completing it in forty-five seconds. To celebrate her progress, they decided to stretch their legs and go out to lunch. “So what now, more Rubik's Cube solving?” Jenny asked as they stepped back into the warehouse. “Yes, but it will be a little more complicate now,” Adrian said as he closed the door behind them. “What are we going to do?” Adrian smiled and reached into one of the plastic bags on a worktable, pulling out three more Sudoku Rubik's Cubes. “Now that we have your record as a control, I’m going to train you to solve multiple puzzles at once by using different areas of your brain and I thought this would be a perfect opportunity to strengthen their mental teamwork...” Jenny and Adrian were lying on the warehouse floor with their legs locked together, each doing rapid sit-ups and solving a Sudoku Rubik's Cube. “So what is the purpose of this exercise?” Jenny panted as she shifted her cube and lied back down. “It serves two purposes actually, the first is purely for the workout. Before I teach you how to combine logic and fighting, I need you to be in the best shape possible. The second is stress training. So far you've just solved these things while relaxed, but in order to achieve your potential, I need you to be able to solve this thing while under stress. Military training is built on this principle,” he said while doing sit ups and solving his own puzzle just like her. “And why are you doing it?” she asked, trying to catch her breath. “Just to stay in shape.” “Now what about this exercise?” They were sitting on the bed and Jenny was taking turns with three Sudoku Rubik's Cubes. She would shift one, switch to the next, shift it once, move to the third, shift it, and repeat. “The purpose of this exercise is to teach you how to solve multiple problems at once. Now that you've woken up your mind, we have to work it to its limits. With three cubes, you have to retain three times the information, plan three different paths at once, and learn to divide your mind into three different processors. If you can not only split and harness your brain, but also strengthen the pieces so that each is almost as powerful as an entirely separate brain, your mental prowess will be augmented by countless magnitudes. With three cubes, it's like your mind is a human embryo and they're trying to split it up into three pieces that will grow into full triplets. Once you are done, you'll be able process and plan things at nearly inhuman speeds.” Adrian and Jenny switched from puzzle to puzzle, only making a single move before moving on. She was biting her tongue and had an expression on her face like she was trying to squeeze a Hummer into a tight parking space, but he could clearly see the learning process. “So what's the purpose of this one?” Jenny asked as she shifted a Rubik's Cube and handed it to him. They were taking turns with a cube, each making a single move and then switching it off to the other. “The purpose is mental teamwork,” Adrian said, handing it back to her. “Like I said before, things are going to get dangerous...” Back to him. “And in order for us to fight and survive...” Back to her. “We're going to need to be completely in tune...” Back to him. “And come up with the same plans and strategies... Back to her. “Without talking.” Back to him. “We need to be able read each other's thoughts...” Back to her. “Act like mirror images of each other...” Back to him. “See the world through each other's eyes...” Back to her. “And act how the other would or predict how the other would.” Adrian made the last movement, completing the puzzle. Adrian opened up the cardboard box and poured out the ten-thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle onto the floor, following by spreading them out so that every piece was visible and there were no overlaps. “All right, make sure your eyes catch every single piece and then trust your memories and spatial reasoning skills.” Looking out over the vast puddle of jigsaw pieces, Jenny tightened the rags she had tied on her legs for kneepads, stretched, and took a deep breath of initiative while Adrian tied a bandana over her eyes. Three hours and two breaks later, Jenny stood over the completed mosaic of New York with a look of pride on her face. Every complex board game that Adrian could get his hands on was laid out on the floor, with he and Jenny moving along them in rotation, each taking their turn on a game and then moving onto the next one. There were even multiple copies of the same games, each one with a different strategy being played out. For two whole days, they went through the different games and puzzles. Adrian would work and train alongside Jenny, often combining the exercises. Many times, she would get frustrated and would refuse to do any more, so he would stop the training so that they could take a break and clear their heads, then she would dive right back in. At 7:00 am on the third day, they were both exhausted and desperate to fall asleep. Jenny had blisters on her hands from the edges of the Rubik's Cube, and Adrian could tell that she was really sick of the puzzles. “Ok honey, one more time, and we're done,” Adrian said calmly as he handed her a jumbled Sudoku Rubik's Cube. “Do you promise? Because I’m about ready to stomp on this thing until it's nothing but plastic splinters.” “I promise.” Jenny smiled and looked down at the puzzle. She studied the six sides for three seconds and then went to work, moving with incredible speed. Twenty-four seconds and thirty moves later, she was done. “Congratulations Jenny, you've almost filled your potential. There is still more training to be done, but you're basically done with the Rubik's Cube.” “Good, now let’s go out to eat. I’ve been going stir-crazy in this warehouse.” Chapter Seven “Hey, we just got a call. Apparently, a woman spotted two people that fit the profile of our culprits,” Madison said, stepping into the temporary office of the two FBI agents. “Did she give any details?” Mason asked. “As well as matching the photos that have been put out on the news and in the papers, she said that the woman had a scar on the corner of her forehead that looked very recent, maybe two weeks old. She also said that they didn’t arrive or leave the restaurant by car, they walked.” “Put out a search to the area surrounding that restaurant, have every building, parking lot, and camp ground checked. If anything seems suspicious, call us,” Hoffman instructed, nearly jumping from his chair. “I already have a place in mind. There is a warehouse in the middle of the woods, out just a few miles from the diner. It’s private property but no one has any idea who it belongs to, we can’t even find the ID of the owner. The only people who ever go there are delivery trucks and professional movers. But get this, I did some investigating and found that it recently began drawing a heavy electric bill, starting around the time Adrian Alexander showed up. I already talked to the ADA about the warrant.” Mason stood up and grabbed his coat. “Come on, Hoffman, you and I will take care of this ourselves. Have the police begin their search of the surrounding area, we won’t need backup and if he is there, we don’t want to spook him into running.” Adrian and Jenny both heard it at the same time, the sound of a car rolling up the long overgrown driveway to the warehouse. Someone was coming and they knew exactly who it was. Adrian’s cell phone was beside their chess board and carried a built in radio, letting them listen in on all police radio frequencies and track their movements, just in case someone had figured out where they were. “Jenny, you know what to do, it’s time for us to move. Checkmate,” Adrian said calmly, moving his bishop within striking distance of her queen. “Well at least we got to finish our game. But don’t start thinking that this means you get to weasel out of a rematch!” she said without a care in the world. Standing up, he put on his coat and walked outside, quickly climbing into his car and moving it behind the building so that it couldn’t be identified. Standing with his back to the wall of the warehouse and its shadow hiding him, he watched as the black sedan rolled up to the warehouse and came to a stop. Cautiously, the two detectives climbed out, each with their sidearm in hand. Having seen the massacre in that pier warehouse, they both knew what Adrian was capable of, and if he really was here, they had to be careful. In their minds, they were both regretting not calling backup. “Tch, what a bother,” Adrian muttered, reaching into his pocket and drawing a zippo lighter. One of his inventions for personal use, the lighter actually had a small device installed in place of the fuel container, with the flint as the switch. Flipping it open, he rolled the fake flint and the electromagnetic pulse was silently released. In a fraction of a second, the black sedan that the detectives had arrived in now became useless, as well their radios, giving off a soft blip of static before becoming forever silent. This miniature EMP device had come in handy several times before, especially since Adrian built all his tools to resist such measures. Hearing the blip sounding off from their hips, the two detectives looked down and Adrian stepped out into the light with a dart in each hand. “Good morning, gentlemen,” he said calmly, causing Hoffman and Mason to jerk and shout in surprise. “Adrian Alexander, you are under arrest for murder,” Hoffman said, trying to keep his cool. Adrian turned to him and cocked his head to one side. “From your voice, I’d say that you are Agent Hoffman, which makes you Agent Mason.” He walked out in between them and the building, coming to a stop and studying them closely while preparing to make his move. There were fifteen feet of space between the three men, forming a triangle with Mason to his left and Hoffman to his right. To the two experienced agents, Adrian gave off an unusual vibe, one that they had never picked up on when encountering a perp. To them, it felt like what they were looking at wasn’t really Adrian, but a something inhuman wearing human skin. There was no malevolence or evil in his eyes, only alienation. Also, the fact that he knew who they were did nothing to quell their fear. “How did you recognize us?” Hoffman demanded. “Before you came up the driveway, you spoke to a detective named Madison on your radio, confirming that you had reached my position. You said, “Madison, it’s Hoffman, Mason and I just reached the place, we’ll call back if we find anything.” I also know that you have no back-up or anyone waiting for you down the road. This was purely exploratory, coming here on a hunch with no real evidence.” A shiver was sent down the spines of the two men from how much he knew. “Is Jenny Sinclair here with you?” Mason asked. “Yes, she is inside packing. Unfortunately, you two interrupted our plans and now we have to move somewhere else for the time being.” Inside, Jenny packed all the essentials while listening in and catching quick glimpses from the windows. “The only place you’re moving to is a prison cell. Get on your knees with your hands behind your head!” Mason ordered, slowly approaching with his gun raised. Cracking a small grin of amusement, Adrian stepped forward and brought up his hands, brandishing the two darts to bait the detectives. Appearing to be lunging for his partner, Hoffman opened fire on Adrian, firing three rounds. Using the dart in his right hand in place of his lance, Adrian deflected the trio of rounds, using his predictive abilities to plan the trajectory of each bullet before it was fired. As the three bullets crumpled off the thin spike, Mason began firing as well, but with little effort. Adrian deflected the incoming bullets with the dart in his left hand. The two agents both opened fire, emptying their clips at the same time and even changing their targets, but nothing they did could beat Adrian’s reaction speed and processing power. In just over a few seconds, their guns were empty and the ground around Adrian was littered with crumpled bullets. Both detectives were in awe, unable to believe what they had just seen. This teenager before them, this kid, had just deflected two magazines worth of bullets with a pair of pencil-sized metal spikes! It was completely inhuman! “If you want, I can let you reload or grab your back-up pistols. After all, we have all the time in the world, and I neutralized your radios as soon as you got out of the car, so you can’t call for help. But tell you what: I’ll put away my darts if you two throw aside your guns, including your back-ups. And don’t bother trying to shoot me again, because you know what will happen, and you both know that if one attacks while the other fires… well, I think you can imagine what I am capable of. Come on, let’s solve this like men.” Knowing that there was no other choice, the two detectives cast aside their main sidearms and then their back-ups. Content, Adrian threw his darts behind his head and lodged them in the door. “All right gentlemen, let’s see if you have what it takes to arrest me. I promise not to kill you and you can stop the fight whenever you wish.” Knowing that they were looking death in the face, the two agents swallowed their fear and charged forward, with Hoffman throwing his fist straight towards Adrian’s face and Mason aiming low and to the side. With a confident smile, Adrian grabbed Hoffman’s fist and twisted his arm, forcing him to his knees. Simultaneously, he spun around and delivered a nose-breaking kick to Mason and tossed him back, finishing by then slamming Hoffman in the side of the head with his elbow with enough strength to nearly knock him out. Mason slowly got up with blood pouring from his face, almost delirious and trying to stay on his feet. Always the muscle of the duo, Hoffman was on his feet first, and without thinking clearly, charged towards Adrian in an attempt to tackle him and knock him to the ground. Adrian ducked down and punched Hoffman in the gut with enough strength to make him cough blood, as well as send his feet flying out from under him. The detective hanging on his fist, Adrian hurled him off, grabbed his ankle while he was in the air, spun around for momentum, and then hurled him at his partner like a discuss. “Who the hell is this guy?!” Mason gagged, trying to breathe with Hoffman on top of him and wondering how a teenager could just throw a 230-pound man with such ease. “Would you like to stop this fight? I would greatly prefer to avoid further harming two FBI agents.” “Not on your life,” Hoffman said, slowly getting to his feet with Mason. “Keep your cool, you can’t let him anger you,” Mason said, wiping the blood off his face. “Who says I’m angry?!” Hoffman roared, charging towards Adrian and throwing his right fist forward. Catching Hoffman’s fist, Adrian darted to his left, almost tying the agent up with his own arm. Hoffman’s momentum threw him past Adrian, but the young genius never let go of his fist, and when he came to a stop to a tango-like spin, Adrian gave a hard pull and jerk of his arm, using Hoffman’s weight and momentum to snap his elbow. Howling in agony, Hoffman dropped to the ground and was finished with a knee to the face. Reaching into his pocket, Adrian drew one of his darts and spun around, hurling it at Mason and piercing his hand with the strength of a crossbow as the agent reached for his discarded firearm. In excruciating pain like his partner, Mason rolled onto his back and gripped his bleeding hand while Adrian walked over. “That’s what happens when you break the rules. Unfortunately, I can’t risk wasting anymore time, so to keep you from giving us more trouble…” Adrian began before stomping on Mason’s ankle and breaking it. “Believe me when I say that I am truly sorry for that and all the other injuries I have caused you two. Hurting men of the law is the last thing I want to do, but I must ensure Jenny’s and my safety.” Hearing the door open, Adrian looked back at Jenny, who was watching him with a pale face. “I… I got everything ready,” she said, trying not to look at the two agents. “Great work. By the way, how much morphine do we have left?” “About a bag’s worth.” “Perfect, could you do me a favor and fill up four syringes? I just have to move these guys.” Knowing what he meant and feeling her tension melt away, Jenny nodded with a small smile and went back inside. Humming to himself, Adrian grasped Mason by the shoulders and dragged him away from the warehouse and into the shady of a tree behind their car. “What are you doing?” Mason asked. “Trust me, you’re going to want to be a safe distance from the building.” Adrian said, retrieving Hoffman and dragging him over. Awake but in too much pain to move, the agent gave only the smallest struggle as Adrian pulled him over and laid him out beside his partner, checking to make sure that the car would provide good cover. “It’s a real shame that you two showed up, I had a lot of good stuff in that warehouse. Money is no problem for me, but I had some rare pieces of tech in there.” Adrian sighed before walking away to Jenny, who had come back out with the syringes. “Thanks honey,” he said, taking the needles and walking back. As calm as could be, he injected both agents with a dose of morphine and handed Mason two more. “Ok, that should hold you over for a while, and use the other two if you start hurting. You might have to help him with his, though. Don’t worry, backup will be here soon, but better safe than sorry. Gentlemen, have a nice day.” He walked back over to Jenny, who was loading their stuff into the car. Once packed, they climbed in a drove off down the long overgrown driveway, leaving the two agents alone. At the end of the driveway, Adrian pulled out his cellphone and pressed a button on the screen. Instantly, every piece of machinery in the warehouse exploded as blocks of C4 were set off inside them, blowing apart everything, including the laser lathe and the Ignium kiln. At the same time, thermite bombs attached to the walls and support beams were set off, turning the warehouse into a flaming geyser and melting everything but the Demium and Ignium. Mason and Hoffman both winced from the deafening roar of the explosion and the brightness and heat of the flames, but as Adrian had predicted, no shrapnel or wreckage reached them. “So where next?” Jenny asked. “Well we need to get this car some new license plates since the feds are after us, then we’ll move deeper into the countryside. We need absolute seclusion in order for your training to be completed.” “Jesus, you two are wrecks. It’s a miracle that you survived that explosion,” Detective Madison said, stepping into the hospital room of the two agents. Fire fighters who were responding to the warehouse explosion had found them, and they were now all bandaged up and receiving more morphine. Hoffman had suffered a concussion, a broken arm, and two broken ribs, and Mason had a broken nose, a stabbed hand, a broken ankle and one broken rib. They were both lucky to not have ruptured eardrums after being so close to such a huge explosion. “The explosion didn’t do this, Adrian did,” Hoffman said. “And not only did we land a single punch on that punk, but be pulled us aside to protect us from the explosion and even gave us painkillers. Of all my injuries, my ego hurts the worst,” Hoffman coughed, wincing in pain from his broken ribs. “We should just consider ourselves lucky that he holds such respect for police and federal agents. After what he did to us and all those other guys, he could have killed us both with less effort than it would take to kill two flies.” It had been a day since they left the warehouse and they were ready to continue Jenny’s training. They were alone in the wilderness, far away from any road, house, or even a hiking trail, and with plenty of camping gear and supplies in the car, they were ready to spend a long time by themselves. Ever since leaving the warehouse, Adrian had continued to train Jenny in the car. As he drove, Jenny would solve his Sudoku Rubik’s Cubes blindfolded so that she would have to work from pure memory, solve math problems that Adrian would give her, come up with solutions to hypothetical situations, and play chess with him without a chess set. Like solving the cube while blindfolded, playing chess without a set required flawless memory, with both of them having to remember where every piece was without being able to see them, and still come up with strategies. Adrian would beat her every time, but she loved the challenge and constantly wanted to go for another round. “Ok, our injuries have fully healed, so it’s time to resume your training. You’ve learned how to use your senses to their full potential and think with the same efficiency and power as a supercomputer. Now that our bodies are in prime condition, we can begin the next part of the training: pain tolerance, harnessing the full strength of your muscles, and logical fighting. We’re going to spend a month out here, working nonstop,” Adrian said as he cracked his knuckles and made sure for the hundredth time that they were alone. Jenny gained a small smile. “Adrian, the night our parents were killed, I got to the pier just before you began slaying Logan and his followers. What I saw left me breathless. I looked past the blood, gore, and killing intent, and I watched the way you moved. It was one of the most incredible things I had ever seen; it was like art in motion. Are you saying that you’re going to teach me that?” she asked with her voice soft but filled with excitement. Adrian gained a confident smile. “In reality, there is not much to teach. You will learn how to achieve the required discipline, but that is all. Now I must warn you, this part of the training will be incredibly dangerous, and often painful. I would die before causing you harm, but if you want to gain ultimate control over your body, you must be willing to take a lot of pain. I cannot teach you this discipline without being very harsh and strict and you need to learn how to operate under stress.” Jenny straightened her posture and her expression was one of stony confidence. “I want to learn, Adrian. Please teach me.” “Very well. The first step to this is learning to activate your body’s adrenal glands on demand. That will give you a taste of what it’s like to have full internal control. Let’s take a seat.” They both sat down on the ground in meditative positions. Adrian took a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I just need a minute…” In his mind, he was preparing himself for the mental strain he would receive by being Jenny’s teacher. He would have to be cold and harsh in order to teach her. He would have to become the machine that he had forsaken to be with her. This would be the ultimate test for their relationship and their wills. Adrian would have to face guilt for what he would put Jenny through and do what must be done, and Jenny would have to accept great pain and keep coming back. Adrian took another deep breath and opened his eyes. They had gained an icy hue, and when he spoke, his voice had a cold metallic sting for the first time since Jenny and Adrian were first intimate. “Before we begin, I must warn you. This will be one of the harshest times of your life. It’s basically going to be one-on-one boot camp. If we are going to proceed, then our roles must change. I won’t be your lover and boyfriend; I’ll be your teacher and master. You won’t be my lover and girlfriend; you’ll be my student and apprentice. If we are going to proceed, you must seal your heart and commit to this 100%. If you do not finish the training, not only will it be a complete failure, but also the rift that the training created will never close, and we will inevitably split apart. During this training, I will say things that will make you hate me, I will do things that will make you fear me, and your view of me will never be the same. To be honest, I am completely terrified, because this training could end our relationship. You are all that I have in this world, Jenny. You are why I am still alive. If our relationship ends, so will my life. I am putting my existence in your hands, and it is yours to do with as you wish.” Jenny stared at him wide-eyed then looked away, with her eyes filled with sadness, confidence, fear, determination, hesitance, and love. Finally, she looked into his eyes with her emotions calm. “I am ready, Master.” Adrian took a deep breath, mentally bracing himself. “Ok, just remember that everything I do is required for this. I need to be mean and cruel in order for you to learn to work through the pain and stress. If I am kind and lenient, the training will be a failure. I must be harsh. First thing I need you to do is close your eyes, and without moving your body, raise your heart rate with pure will.” Jenny did as she was told, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Adrian placed his hand on her chest and counted her heartbeats. She was barely able to raise it all, even after a minute. In order for her to succeed, Adrian would need to push her and be as harsh as was required. “Come on, get it right! Are you so pathetic that you can’t even control your heart rate? It’s not that hard to figure out!” Jenny quivered at the tone of his voice, but after only a second, she regained control, reminding herself that he had warned her about this and it was to be expected. But even after yelling at her, her heart rate had barely risen. Gritting his teeth, Adrian worked up the courage to take drastic measures. He slapped her across the face, filling his whole body with pain from self-loathing. Jenny opened her eyes and stared at him with disbelief. A tear above her red cheek, but the confidence in her eyes was relit. She bit her lip and began taking quick breaths. Adrian looked down and could see her flexing her stomach muscles and working her diaphragm, forcing stress on her body to accelerate her heart rate. “Good, but not good enough. You need to do it without having to rely on your muscles. You went through all of that mental training and you still can’t control your body?” Jenny opened her eyes and gritted her teeth, glaring at him with her gaze burning with passion. Her eyes were filled with a desire to succeed and surpass instead of hatred of his training methods or him. She held absolutely no anger, only determination to show that she was strong. She closed her eyes and retook her regular breathing. Adrian could feel her muscles relax and her lungs return to their regular pace, but her heart continued to beat an accelerated rate. “Come on, faster! If you’ve gotten this far, then you can go even farther!” With his hand on Jenny’s chest, he could feel her heart rate skyrocket. She was doing it; she was accelerating her heart with pure will. “Ok, now stand up.” Jenny did as she was told and they both stood up. “With your heart now pumping at full strength, come at me and attack.” “What?” Jenny asked, seeking confirmation. “Do it!” Jenny shook her head from side to side as if trying to cast away grogginess and charged towards him with her fist pulled back. She reached out to punch him but Adrian deflected her attack with ease and retaliated with the back of his hand and struck her cheek. She staggered back, dizzy and fighting back tears from the stinging bruise. “Come on, again!” Jenny took a deep breath and charged forward with her fist pulled back. But just when she was about to punch him, she jumped to the side and pounced, attacking from his right flank. As she sent her fist rocketing towards him, Adrian spun around, defecting her attack with the completed rotation. As he knocked her fist out of the way, Adrian reached out and slammed his palm against her forehead with enough force to knock her back. It was as lenient as he could be. “I love you, Jenny, and I’m holding back as much as I can, but you need to put some effort into this!” At his words, Jenny glared at him with that same passionate determination as before and charged towards him for the third time. Like the second attempt, she attacked from the side, but this time from the left. Again Adrian deflected her attack and reached out to slam her in the forehead with his palm. Before his hand could make contact, she dodged his counterattack and reached out to punch him with her left hand. Adrian caught her fist, put his hand on her stomach, and shoved her back, ending the exchange. “The only reason why I’ve been able to hit you is because you haven’t yet gotten into the frame of mind of fighting. In reality, it should seem like I’m moving in slow motion to you. That it is due to your processing speed, brought on by the awakening procedure. Your brain is receiving more stimuli and computing it at speeds far greater than ever in your life, making it so that you become aware of things at a faster rate. For instance, if I were to send my fist towards your head, you would be aware of every centimeter of closing space, and you would be able to react to every centimeter with the same speed of a normal person reacting to the entire punch. When you include adrenaline, your reaction speed further increases, as well as your strength. The state you are in right now is beyond the state you would be in if you were normal and had adrenaline pumping through your veins, but when you combine them, you become invincible. Only a couple times since I woke up from my coma have I ever used adrenaline, even in a fight, because rarely have I been put in a situation where I needed it. Adrenaline is my ace in the hole, the last trick in my sleeve for if I am facing a challenge that I cannot normally overcome. If you can work yourself up with pure will and not with stress on your body, then you can activate your adrenal glands without straining yourself. Once you learn to combine adrenaline with enlightenment, you’ll be faster and stronger than any other human, including me. Now slow your heart down and let’s try this again. If I you can get your adrenal glands working without raising your heart rate, then you’ll become fast enough where I won’t be able to hit you without using adrenalin as well.” Adrian spoke with his smile growing and filling with pride and Jenny gained the same smile and nodded. She straightened her posture and took deep breaths. He walked over and placed his hand on her chest, waiting for it to reach normal levels. “I had you raise your heart rate so that you could learn to charge up your body without moving around, now I need you to do the same thing but without raising your heart rate. If you can activate your adrenal glands without raising your heart rate, it will mean you’re learning to separate your body from your brain, while still being able to control it.” She looked down as he wrapped something around her wrist, realizing it was a heart monitor. “I have it set so that the alarm will go off if your heart rate reaches the point where you automatically start producing adrenaline. Now, try to activate your adrenal glands without raising your heart rate and attack me. I’m sure you know the cliché phrase about being able to smell fear; it’s the fight-or-flight chemicals that your body produces that create an odor. With my senses, I’ll be able to smell the adrenaline your body will produce. Now, begin!” For the next several hours, Jenny attacked him over and over. She would stand like a statue and then charge towards him from out the blue. With every attempt, her heart monitor would go off before she would attack, or she would attack without having willingly produced adrenaline. With every failed attack, Adrian would knock her back and order her to try again. The whole time, the only thing Jenny would say was either “hold on” or “I think I’m getting the hang of it”. The closest she would come to complaining was just drinking from her water bottle. By five in the afternoon, Jenny was covered in bruises and gasping for air. She took a deep breath and straightened her posture. After her heart returned to its normal rhythm and her adrenaline wore off, she recharged her body, trying to activate her adrenal glands but not excite her heart. Finally, she bolted forward with her fist pulled back. Adrian could smell adrenaline rushing through her, but her heart monitor wasn’t beeping. She’s done it, he thought to himself, barely having enough time to dodge her punch. He countered by sending both fists forward with the greatest speed he could muster, but Jenny easily dodged the two attacks and the kick that followed. “No regular person would have been able to dodge those attacks. Only someone who is both enlightened and flushed with adrenaline would have that ability. You’ve learned how to activate your adrenal glands without exciting your heart. Had we begun this training before you learned to use your whole brain, it would have taken you weeks instead of hours to achieve. Now I want you to practice with it, and try to hone your skills until you can flood your body with adrenaline at a moment’s notice. If you’re in a bar and a gunfight breaks out, I want you to be able to fully charge yourself before the first body can hit the floor, though once we’re finished, you won’t need to. If you can perfect that skill, then you can augment your physical abilities at will, along with your mental abilities.” Jenny nodded and sat down in a meditative position. As she practiced activating her adrenal glands, Adrian went to work setting up their camping gear. He pitched the tent, got a campfire going, and started making an early dinner. He doubted Jenny would be able to keep from passing out before sunset from exhaustion. Dinner was ready as the sun approached the horizon, and Jenny gave a sigh of relief when Adrian told her they were done for the day. They sat in camp chairs on opposite sides of the fire, not saying a word. She was eating with gusto, but he was barely touching his food. “I’m sorry I had to slap you,” Adrian said softly. Jenny looked up at him and her eyes were filled with sadness. “Don’t be. Adrian, you told me that this would be one of the most difficult times of my life. You told me to seal my heart because you would not be able to be the man I love while you were training me.” Then, to his surprise, she gave the slightest of laughs. “But I knew you were finding it impossible to not be the man I love. I could feel your pain and self-loathing every second. Ever since we started, I was worried you would put so much strain on yourself that you would start coughing blood. Adrian, you don’t have to worry about me. I’m not the weak little high school girl I used to be! Being with you has made me strong, and I’m going to show you how strong I’ve become.” Adrian smiled and gave a sigh of relief. “Then it seems much of my warning was unneeded. If you really can handle it, this training isn’t going to be as bad as I first thought. All right, let’s finish eating and get to sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.” “Hold on, I have a little bit of energy left and I know just how I want to use it.” Her meal finished, Jenny got up and strode over to Adrian, discarding her clothes with a sultry grin on her face. She settled on his lap, kissing him with his hands on her bare ass. As she licked the inside of his mouth, Jenny pulled off his shirt and unzipped his pants, pulling forth his hardening manhood. He thought that she was going to settle herself on it, but instead she got off him and crouched down, kissing his chest. She continued to move down, running her tongue and lips across his scars, and just as Adrian was about to ask what she was going to do, he jerked as her lips wrapped around his cock. Jenny had his whole manhood in her mouth and was sucking on it both gently and hungrily, licking away the salt from his sweat. Even Adrian couldn’t put into the words the incredible feeling of her tongue, lips, and cheeks massaging every millimeter of his cock, soaking it in saliva. She would even playfully bite down ever so slightly, gently pressing down on the shaft with her teeth. As her head bobbed up and down, Jenny’s eyes kept flicking up to him, and she would smile as she saw the effect of her work. Adrian knew that Jenny had never done oral before, but she showed remarkable talent. Straitlaced by nature and not usually open to new things in sex, Adrian protested for a moment or so before giving in and resting his hand on the back of her head, humming in bliss from the softness of her mouth and her diligence. He sat in his camp chair, like a king on his throne, while Jenny worked to please him. Not wanting to trigger an orgasm and drain him of his stamina, she stopped after a couple minutes and got back on his lap, guiding his saliva-coated cock into her glistening pussy. It slid in effortlessly, and with a tender smile on her face, she began to ride him like a pogo stick, moaning from the deep penetration. As she moved, Adrian moved between her breasts, either sucking on her nipples or licking away her sweat as she had done to him. Soon enough, Adrian decided that it was his turn to put in the effort. As if reading his mind, Jenny wrapped her legs around his waist as he stood up, holding onto him without his manhood ever leaving her sleeve or his tongue ever leaving her tits. He carried her over to the air, laying her out on the hood. She was on her side, her leg across his chest, moaning in joy from the sweeping strokes of this new angle. As if splitting himself into two personalities, Adrian moved one of his hands from her jiggling tits and cupped her cheek, his lower body moving like a piston to drive her wild but his upper body projecting only a scene of tender love. Jenny nuzzled his hand, her beautiful blue eyes never leaving his grays, her sweet smile displaying her own feelings, be they loyalty, admiration, submission, and even protection. He brushed his thumb across her lips, lips that he had spent so much time kissing. Her lips parted and she sucked on his thumb, not as a sexual act, but of simple playfulness and joy. They soon changed positions, Jenny deciding she wanted it a little harder. She rolled over onto her stomach, inviting Adrian to mount her like an animal. Bent over the hood of the car, Jenny gave a deep moan with every powerful shove Adrian made, his hands on her shoulders as he threw his weight on her with every slam, his cock knocking on the entrance to her womb, as if threatening to breach it. Adrian leaned down and ran tender kisses across her shoulders and neck, again separating his actions between lustful force and gentle love. Jenny came after only a minute, orgasm after orgasm rushing through her. They were alone for miles, so she felt no need to stifle her voice, her moans of ecstasy echoing through the woods. Adrian never stopped or even slowed down, continuing to fuck her through the chain of climaxes, heightening each one to the point where she thought the pleasure would render her unconscious. Once her body became limp, Adrian allowed himself to achieve his own climax, flooding her womanhood with his seed. A coy smile on her face, Jenny allowed Adrian to pull out of her with his semen running down her inner thighs, then got down on her knees and sucked him clean. Again, Adrian felt the urge to stop her, but she dutifully worked him back up to an erection, and just as quickly caused his second ejaculation. She caught it all in her mouth, her taste buds telling her that it was disgusting but her lust and love telling her to slurp and swallow it up like chocolate syrup. She again worked his deflated cock in her mouth, vacuuming out every last glob that had yet to be fired, while Adrian brushed back her hair with a concerned look. True, the physical enjoyment had been great, that had been more sex than making love, and that loss of elegance weighed on him. For the rest of the month, they trained nonstop. Adrian worked right alongside Jenny, strengthening every muscle in his body and making sure that all of his abilities were still razor-sharp. He was teaching Jenny how to use her body more affectively and efficiently, block pain, use her muscles to their full strength, and fight like a machine. Every meal was rich is fat, glucose, carbs, protein, fiber, and vitamins to restore the energy they were pouring out every second. Adrian sprinted through the woods with Jenny desperately trying to keep up. They were going for a morning run before breakfast, but they were also training. Adrian was running with a crouch, while Jenny was running with a regular jogging posture. His legs were moving faster and harder than hers, but touching the ground less often. “Don’t lean back when you run, lean forward as far as you can. Combine running with falling and use your own momentum. If you can use physics to your advantage, then you can double your speed with less effort.” Panting with exhaustion, Jenny did as instructed and leaned forward, running as if she was carrying something large and heavy and it was falling beyond any point of being saved. “Good, now don’t use the soles of your feet for running, use your toes and the muscles around them. It will allow you to use more of the tendons in your legs instead of the ones you use when you run like a jogger. If you can distribute the force to more tendons, then you can lessen the strain on them and increase your potential. Scientists believe that humans can’t reach thirty miles per hour without their tendons snapping, but if you can distribute the amount of strain you put on your tendons and combine it with the ability to use the full strength of your muscles, then you can reach twice that without side effects. When you run, don’t use your legs like wheels that must touch the ground as often as possible. Instead, turn each step into a leap and combine it with your falling momentum. It will allow you to touch the ground less and use less energy, but move with greater speed. Keep your arms to your sides or your back, using your arms when you run is just wasted energy. This also allow you to move through the air easier, working with your low posture to make you more aerodynamic.” Following his instructions, Jenny used the described form and her speed was increased until she was running as fast as Adrian was. He looked at her with a proud smile, seeing that she was running with less effort and less strain on her body. “Good, we’ve already proven those scientists wrong. Now let me show you what you can achieve once you learn to use the full strength of your muscles.” He took a deep breath and increased his speed, shooting off ahead with Jenny staring in disbelief. Jenny and Adrian were hanging from a tree branch, each doing chin ups. Jenny was gritting her teeth and cursing with each one, but Adrian was fine. “The pain you are feeling is all in your head. Your muscles aren’t using anything close to their full strength, you just think they are because you’re at the limit of the strength you’ve used your whole life. Your muscles have nothing to do with your pain; it is your own subconscious that is holding you back. If you can block out the pain, then you can order your muscles to continue without any backlash.” Jenny brought her chin up to the branch, gnashing her teeth in frustration. “Your mind has never been more powerful than it is now, you have never been in more control than you are now, and you have never been farther than you are now! Your body belongs to you, you control what you feel and the pain you experience,” Adrian said as Jenny hung from the branch, trying to catch her breath. “I know you can do it, Jenny. It’s why I decided to train you. Half of reality is what happens, and the other half is what you want to happen. In your own body, you are God. It’s why the placebo affect works so well. Come on, ultimate control is in your reach, just pull yourself up and grab it!” Jenny’s whole body shook as she tried to pull herself up, but her body was telling her that it was at its limit and she believed it. “Don’t listen to your body, listen to your heart! In your body, your will transcends the physical laws. In your body, you have ultimate control. Listen to me and repeat this in your mind: If you can stand then you shall never fall! If you can endure then you shall never die! If you can fight then you shall never fail! If you can charge then you shall never fear! Now pull yourself up and show your strength!” Gritting her teeth, Jenny slowly pulled herself up, and as her chin was brought above the branch, Adrian almost heard the chime of a bell. Jenny’s eyes widened and she gasped. Like a massive weight being dropped, the agony and resistance surging through her muscles disappeared. It was like her whole body was as light as pillow! She had done it! She had learned to block out her pain! Now she could unleash the full strength of her muscles without being slowed down by pain that wasn’t even real. Jenny lowered herself down and pulled herself back up, moving with new speed and without any effort. She had a wide smile on her face as she realized her accomplishment. Adrian smiled and they continued their chin-ups, strengthening their muscles for over two hours without nonexistent pain slowing them down. Jenny and Adrian were running up the side of a nearby mountain. The trail was steep and they were each carrying a huge wooden log on their backs. Now that Jenny had learned to harness the full power of her muscles, they needed to work them into their full potential, similar to how Adrian trained her to use her entire mind after he woke it up for her. With the illusion of pain no longer clouding her control, Jenny was able to keep up with him with ease. While the log she was carrying was larger than her whole body, she was sprinting up the steep mountain trail with a competitive smile of her face, trying to outrace him. After half an hour, the mountain summit was in sight. It was a rocky cliff that dropped off into a sea of trees, and as they got close, Adrian turned and gazed at Jenny. Just by looking into his eyes, she knew what Adrian was going to suggest. They were so in tune that they could read each other’s thoughts. “Ok, one… two… THREE!” Adrian called as they reached the summit. With Jenny mirroring his movements perfectly, Adrian put one hand on the back of the log he was carrying. With his other hand guiding and supporting it, he threw the log as if it was an Olympic javelin. Jenny followed, throwing hers at the same time. Both logs shot off through the air, flying like arrows. While Jenny’s was going a great distance, his was clearly in the lead. “All right, last one back has to make dinner!” Jenny challenged before sprinting off. “Focus…” Adrian instructed for the umpteenth time. Jenny and Adrian were each standing tree stumps with their arms and one leg extended. On their feet, heads, and in their hands, rocks and sticks had been stacked on top of each other in a way that no ordinary person could even set up. Jenny was soaked in sweat from the tension in her muscles, having to constantly readjust to keep everything from falling. “How is it that you can do it so easily?!” she yelled, trying to keep her head steady when she talked. True to her words, Adrian was achieving the balance without any trouble. “Because while I’m constantly shifting, I’m doing it in the least-disruptive way possible. Every time you move in even the smallest micrometer, you try to counter it with an even greater movement. The reason why you can’t keep still is because your body has a slight tremor with every heartbeat. It’s normally so small that you can’t notice, but with how steady and balanced everything has to be for this exercise, the smallest tremor creates a whole world of problems. Use half of your mind to balance everything and use the other half to control the tremors. If you can cancel it out with an equal or opposite tremor, you can maintain balance. This is why I had you do sit-ups while solving that cube and why I had you solve three at once. Just use what I’ve taught you.” Jenny took a deep breath and Adrian could instantly see the tension in her muscles falling away. “I think I’ve got it,” she hummed with her eyes closed. “Good, because we’re going to maintain this pose for another three hours and then switch legs for three more.” “Martial arts are based on fighting with memorized stances, moves, and attacks. However, my fighting style requires little more than speed, instinct, and logic. By using my awakened mind to give me more time to process, I take advantage of openings that my enemy creates and attack with simple or complicated strikes. The only established form in his style is the principle of counterattack, meaning that I try to get my opponent to make the first move whenever possible. When someone attacks me, the number of openings they create is baffling; pressure points, vital areas, vulnerable joints, and so on. When you first attacked me and tried to punch me, I had the time and the opportunity to dodge and then strike the pressure point in your elbow, jab your eyes, catch your fist and twist your arm, slam your throat, knee you in the stomach, or even snap your neck. Had you been a real enemy, I could have killed you ten times before you would have time to send a second punch. Now, I’m going to come at you the way a regular person would and I want you to fight. The second you begin your counterattack, I’ll begin really fighting, mostly for my own safety.” The last part gave Jenny a confident smile. Adrian charged forward and reached out to punch her, the same way a regular person would, but with heightened senses giving her incredible speed and reflexes, Jenny deflected his punch with the back of her hand and reached out to slam her fist against his throat. Adrian stepped to the side, grabbed her wrist, and tried to twist her arm back. Jenny purposefully fell and then lashed out with her foot to kick him. He blocked her kick and let go of her wrist as she gave a second attempt. He stepped back as she got to her feet and charged with her fist pulled back. Jenny jumped into the air with her fist rocketing towards his face and Adrian caught her hand, but barely had time to block as she tried to slam her knee into his ribs. The punch had merely been a distraction. He blocked her attacks and then shoved her in the stomach, sending her sprawling back and knocking the wind from her. Adrian charged forward and tried to kick her, taking advantage of her curled posture. Jenny blocked his kick and then slammed her fist against his knee, striking both the joint and pressure point. Adrian bent his knee to lessen the impact and smiled with pride. Jenny then reached up with her fist and tried to punch him in the jaw, but he fell back to dodge and rolled onto his feet, catching her fist as she tried to punch him while he was distracted. “Good, you were able to spot and use every opening I gave you. In less than a month, you’ve gained the basics of the training. We only have a few more days here, and all you have to do is master what I have taught you. That will be enough for today. Let’s eat and rest up for tomorrow.” It was their last day in the woods and Jenny’s training was complete. Her body and mind were honed to their full potential and she stood before him as more than a human. Every ounce of fat had been burned and every muscle had been worked until it was at full strength, but with her body still retaining its slender womanly figure and without being as stocky and inflated as a female body-builder. Jenny and Adrian both had wide smiles on their faces. She was giddy with excitement and he was filled with pride. In his hand was congratulatory gift, wrapped in fabric. “Jenny, I am more proud of you than you could possibly imagine. By completing your training, you have transcended common limitations and have become more goddess than human. I am no longer your teacher; I am once again just the man you love and the man that loves you. For completing the training, I have a graduation gift for you…” Adrian held up the object and pulled away the fabric, revealing the lance he had created in the warehouse. Jenny was breathless as she stared at it. “I created this when you were unconscious. It is made with the same materials and skill as my own, it is just as powerful, and like mine it shall stand the test of time. The only difference is that I created this one with my heart.” Jenny took the lance with shaky hands, admired everything from the perfectly straight slope, to the needle-sharp point, to the grooves in the handle. She raised it above her head, watching how it caught the light. She then brought it down and was silent for several seconds. “You’ve practiced with the darts and my lance, so I know you are proficient with these weapons. And I think I know a good way to test it out and test your new abilities.” He became silent when he saw that Jenny couldn’t meet his gaze. “You know, there were countless times when I just wanted to yell at you to back off and leave me alone. There were times when I was so angry that I wanted to punch you in the nose and drive away. I was angry because I thought you were being a lot harsher than you needed to be and I wanted you to show some compassion. But every time, right when I was about to yell, I would think about the training and I would remember that you went through it too. The only difference was that you had to torture yourself to become the man you are because you were alone. You had to discard your emotions and your humanity and become coldhearted and forlorn. I can’t even imagine being so harsh that I would treat my body the way you treated yours, being so cold and merciless that you couldn’t even show yourself any leniency. You once told me about how you wanted to be more than human and transcend your limitations. I could tell in your voice that while you admired yourself, you did not love yourself; you even hated yourself because you weren’t happy. Your nature could only let you be bitter and alone, and you were so desperate to leave the realm of humans because you wanted to be happy. You wanted to be in a place where you belonged but were still an individual. You hated yourself for any weakness you had.” A single tear rolled down her cheek. “And when I imagined what you probably did to yourself as a result of this self-loathing and your desperation to break free from your own existence, when I think back to all of those scars, burns, and bruises across your body… I would have to fight the urge to cry. If I were to see you do these things to yourself now, I would not be able to bear it.” Adrian’s whole body felt cold at her words, because they were absolutely true. Every injury Adrian had inflicted to his own body hadn’t just been for the search of power, but also out of frustration and self-hatred. Jenny gained a sad smile and even gave a soft laugh. “Compared to what you probably did to yourself, my training was practically babying. I imagine it would have even been easier if you had been kind to yourself, and learned about what it meant to be merciful. Adrian, I understand now, I understand what you went through. Only through my pain could I understand your pain.” She then walked over to him and placed her hand on his chest. “I’m glad you’re not in pain anymore. I’m just sorry I couldn’t help you sooner. And Adrian, I finally understand you and agree with you on your plan. I now want to help you achieve your goal, not just because I love you, but to help this world.” They sat parked in front of a biker bar. It was the middle of the night, but the building was dimly lit. Adrian was wearing the bulletproof outfit he always sported in dangerous situations, but he had been forced to improvise in Jenny’s case. He had already placed orders for the creation of a protective uniform just like his, but until then, they had to rely on Kevlar and steel. They had just bought several Kevlar vests at a local pawnshop, cut them up, reinforced them with metal plates, and then wrapped them around Jenny’s limbs underneath her clothes, as well as a full vest protecting her torso. She was wearing an overcoat like him and they both had their sheathed lances at their sides. “I did some research on this community when I went out to get supplies and gear, and this biker bar is the hangout of some serious criminals. Everyone in that bar right now has a thick arrest record. For your ultimate test, you are going to help me clear this building of vermin. Killing these people will at least leave us with a clean conscience. I need to know Jenny, are you ready for this? This will be much different than your training; you will be killing people and your life will be on the line. Are you ready for this? Are you ready to hand out judgment?” Jenny stared at him for several seconds with a tinge of sadness in her eyes. Finally, she leaned forward and kissed him, as softly as a falling leaf. “After we left our old lives behind, I told you that I would kill for you and I would die for you. That hasn’t changed, Adrian, and it never will.” “I love you, Jenny,” he said as he kissed her on the forehead. They stepped out of the car and walked across the street towards the pool hall, their lances hanging from their waists. Entering the dank building, they instantly memorized their surroundings. There were six pool tables, several eating tables, a bar, and fifteen men. Thick clouds of cigarette and cigar smoke stifled the light from the lamps above the pool tables. The dregs of society turned to Adrian and Jenny. “Hey, no kids in here!” a fat man yelled, pointing his pool cue at the teens. Two men approached them from the left and right. Simultaneously, Jenny and Adrian drew their lances and both swung out like mirror images of each other, slashing the two men from shoulder to hip. Their strength more than made up for the lack of blades on the weapons, carving their enemies open and ripping apart their ribcages. Everyone in the bar stared at them with disbelief, but quickly retaliated as the bodies hit the floor. As the men all pulled out their guns, Jenny and Adrian flipped two pool tables onto their short sides, turning them into towering barriers. They crouched down behind their shields as the bullets began flying, tearing through the wood and fabric. Adrian looked at Jenny and they both nodded. With every movement as the mirror image of the other, they planted their lances into the floor, reached into their pockets, and stepped out from behind their barriers with darts in their hands. They unleashed a barrage of the deadly spikes on the bikers, stabbing them in the limbs and chests. Many of them dropped their weapons, howling in pain from their injuries. With their enemies distracted by their wounds, Jenny and Adrian retrieved their weapons and charged into the midst. They moved between them like wraiths, slashing and stabbing their opponents with inhuman speed. By using their superior speed and the dim lighting, they were able to keep their foes from getting a lock on them to fire their guns. Adrian charged towards the fat man that had yelled at them when they entered. He had a dart lodged in his protruding gut and shoulder and his gun was empty. The man raised his pool cue and brought it down towards Adrian like a hammer, but he blocked the attack with his hand, shattering the cue as if it were made of Styrofoam. He then jumped into the air, and before the biker could retaliate, he stabbed him between the throat and ribcage with his hand. Adrian landed on the ground with just enough time to deflect a bullet coming towards him from the side. He turned around as the shooter tried to load another magazine into his pistol, pulled a dart out of his pocket, and threw it, sending it flying across the room and lodging it in the center of the man’s chest, piercing his heart. An unharmed biker charged towards him, holding a pool cue like a baseball bat. He swung from the right side and Adrian blocked with his lance and shattered it. He then reached out and stabbed him in the gut, again using only his hand. The man gagged in pain and coughed up blood, and Adrian pulled his hand free, grabbed his lance, and then stabbed him through the jaw with the tip breaking out of the top of his skull. Adrian quickly turned around as a biker tried to stab him with a knife and then jumped back, using the superior length of his lance to slash him across the chest and tear open his ribcage. Adrian turned his attention to Jenny to she how she was doing. She was a black and yellow blur as she moved through the bar, slashing and stabbing everyone in her path. She was as skilled with her lance as Adrian was with his and she didn’t hesitate once. Her eyes held no sadness or remorse, just dedication and confidence. In less then a minute, it was over, and all fifteen bikers were dead. After collecting their darts, cleaning their weapons, and taking care of any footprints they left behind, Adrian and Jenny stood in the middle of the room, staring at each other with small but warm smiles on their faces. “I said it once and I’ll say it again: I am more proud of you than you could possibly imagine.” “That means more to me than you could possibly imagine,” Jenny replied, both sincerely and jokingly. “Come on, darling, let’s go.” Adrian wrapped his arm around Jenny and they made their way towards the exit, but halfway, Adrian stopped. “What’s wrong?” “I just forgot something.” He walked to the middle of the room and planted a dart in the center of one of the pool tables. “I just wanted to leave our calling card.” “Holy fuck,” Hoffman said, taking off his glasses. “This… this is a national threat,” Mason said, constantly raising his arms and then dropping them. The two FBI agents had drove down the second they got the details, and they were trying to process the gory scene before them. The air was thick with flies, gorging themselves on blood and dead flesh. Forensic investigators were taking hundreds of photographs and putting down evidence tags. “It’s like Rwanda in here! This is borderline genocide!” Hoffman yelled, taking it all in. Mason walked over to take a close look at the dart lodged in the pool table. “The guy who called the police was the owner. He said he had gone down to get something in the basement and when the guns stared roaring, he decided to hide. It seems that Jenny Sinclair really did become his apprentice. She’s become just like him, even in the way she kills.” “But he didn’t see her, right? There is no way she could have fought with him. Hell, there is no way you can teach someone to do this in less than two months; it’s just impossible. But regardless, Jenny has become a lost cause. There is no way she’ll leave him now. Even if she didn’t fight, we need to consider her as being dangerous. Like you said, this is real national news. The public needs to know what we’re dealing with. So far, he’s just attacked law-breakers and criminals, but we can’t assume that he’ll stick to that pattern. If he turns his attention to innocent people… the death count would be on par with a natural disaster. I don’t care if this guy sees himself as a vigilante or a hero; we have to stop him!” Hoffman said as he took a close look at one of the victims’ stab wounds. The circular hole was so clean and perfect that a surgeon couldn’t match the skill. “Yeah, but with this guy, impossible loses all meaning. The bastard beat the crap out of us, threw you like dog toy, and has killed at least fifty people as of now. We have to call this in. They’re going on the Top Ten Most Wanted list.” “So, what now? You’re done training me and I’m begging to know what the next step of the plan is now,” Jenny said with a confident smile. “Las Vegas,” Adrian replied with a grin. “Vegas?!” “Yep. I’m trying to find and get the attention of some people and Las Vegas is like the portal to the underworld. Let’s just say that I plan on leaving a few business cards there. However, I think we should also take a vacation first. After all, it is summer break. How about we tour the country a little, spend some cash, and have a good time?” Jenny leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “That would be like heaven.” “We’re also going to keep ending the lives of criminals wherever we go. I want to eradicate some of the vermin in this country and drive fear into the hearts of law breakers,” he said, his voice then filled with a dedication that was both burning with passion and ice cold. “Is that the only reason?” “When my plan is initiated, it will need a signature, someone for the people to both idolize and fear. By the time we’re ready to establish the new world order, the names Adrian Ashford and Jenny Sinclair will command power. It’s all part of the plan.” Chapter Eight “Damn it, dude, you can’t be here!” the man yelled. The two teens were standing in a dark basement, dimly illuminated by several computer screens. The walls were covered in posters and shelves of collectables, the floor was buried beneath dirty laundry, and in the corner was a bed. They were facing a fat man covered in acne and wearing a STAR WARS t-shirt. He looked like he had graduated from college, but it was impossible to tell with the thick layer of zits on his face. “For shit’s sake, Lawrence, you said you were going to move out of your mom’s place,” Adrian muttered, looking around. “So you’re the guy that makes fake IDs?” Jenny asked. “Best in the tri-state area,” the man replied. “Thanks to me. I’m the one who got you those laminating machines. You would need to rob a DMV to get the equipment I gave you.“ Adrian then began speaking to Jenny. “I’ve had him make more than a hundred fake identities for me. I like to try and keep a buffer between any illegal activities I might be doing and myself. He’s close to home, so I keep him on retainer.” “And while I appreciate the business, I have to draw the line here! Your face is all over the news and the FBI could break down my door at any moment! I just do stuff for immigrants and kids who want to drink beer, not for serial killers!” “Lawrence! Take out the trash!” a woman upstairs shrieked. “Not now, Mom! I’m busy!” Jenny and Adrian tried not to laugh. “All I need is one more job. I need you to make at least ten IDs for her, including Social Security numbers and birth certificates. I already have plenty of my own with me. After that, you’ll never see either of us again.” Lawrence took a moment to weigh his options. “I’m taking a lot of risk here. It would be bad enough if I was arrested for this stuff, but if I’m caught having anything to do with someone like you, I’ll never see the light of day again.” “Don’t worry about the price. Just get it done quickly and hold the pizza grease.” Adrian then handed him a stack of hundred-dollar bills. “That’s ten grand right there, you’ll get another forty when we get what we want.” Lawrence took the money and sighed, then turned to Jenny and handed her a digital scanner with a plastic pen to write on the screen. “When I tell you to, sign this with your chosen aliases.” The scanner was hooked up to Lawrence’s computer and awaiting her signatures. “All right, sign.” Jenny took the pen and wrote down the first alias. It was recorded on the computer and then disappeared off the screen. “Sign.” Jenny wrote the next alias on the screen and it was recorded. The process was repeated eight more times. “Ok, I have your signatures. Now just come over here,” he said as he got up and waddled over to a pull-down screen. He turned on a bright projector and the light bounced off the white screen, illuminating the room. Next to Lawrence’s computer desk were the laminating machines Adrian mentioned, all of which were illegal to own unless by the DMV and licensed credit card companies. “Ok, stand in front of the screen and I’ll take your picture. Ma’am, if you happen to be camera shy, imagine you’re at a Playboy photo shoot,” he said, turning on a camera set up on a tripod. “Don’t push your luck,” Adrian warned. “Can you blame me?” “Honey, don’t get angry over a compliment,” Jenny hummed with a fake giggle. She then gave a pretty grin and Lawrence took her picture ten times. “Ok, come back in four days and I’ll have them ready,” Lawrence said as he walked back to his computer “I’ll throw in another ten grand if you can have them done by tomorrow.” “Deal,” he called as they climbed up the stairs, hoping to get away before having to hear Lawrence’s mom shriek again. “Wow, these are fantastic!” Jenny exclaimed as Lawrence handed her the IDs and paperwork. They were all perfect, down to the smallest detail. The cards looked like they had been made by the DMV and the paperwork looked completely authentic. “Well done, here’s your $60,000,” Adrian said as he handed him the cash. With the cards collected, they left Lawrence’s home and got back in their car. “IDs? Check. Car? Check. Stacks of cash? Big check. I think we’re ready for our vacation,” Jenny said with excitement. The two lovers sped down the highway as fast as they wanted, only slowing down when they saw a place where a police officer could be hiding. They were traveling again and they both felt more alive than ever before. The windows were all open, so that they could feel the sunlight and breathe the fresh air. The radio was cranked up and they were both savoring the freedom of the open road. They had more money than they knew what to do with, a car, and the freedom to go anywhere. They could do whatever they wanted and they had all the time in the world. They wanted to enjoy their youth and live life to its fullest. They were in New York, and like Every time they went out in public, they took a few minutes to alter their appearance. Adrian had already gotten a haircut he and Jenny would both wear glasses with fake lenses. Adrian had learned early on that his height wasn’t enough to fool people about his age, so he used a mixture of thin latex and makeup to give him the face of someone ten years older, and some slight padding in the shoulders. Jenny was doing the same, trying not to laugh as Adrian applied makeup to his face. “What is that?” she asked when Adrian pulled out a metal case out of the glove compartment with several syringes and different chemical bottles. He filled up one of the syringes, and surprising Jenny, he injected it deep into his throat. “This is a serum I invented for times like these.” His voice was much deeper now, but while sounding completely natural. “Unfortunately, even I can’t escape the scourge of puberty. If my voice were to crack when I’m speaking to someone who thinks I’m in my mid twenties, it would be disastrous. This is a sedative that weakens my vocal cords. It takes more effort to talk, but it deepens my voice.” Standing at the top of the Empire State Building, the two teens absorbed the magnificent view. The sky above them was filled with dark storm clouds, struggling to hold in the summer rain. “You know that old myth about how dropping a coin off the Empire State Building will give it enough force to kill someone?” Adrian asked. “Yeah, the updrafts that surge up the sides of the building make that impossible.” “I wonder what would happen if you threw in the proper arch. You know, give it enough distance from the building but throw it with a steep-enough curve so that it has plenty of time to fall straight with the maximum velocity. “Honey, you know we only kill bad people, not even your aim is that good,” she teased, clinging to his arm. Adrian looked up as a loud crack of thunder shocked the dark clouds above them. The hues of gray, blue, and purple were mixing together beautifully with the transient shifts of light and darkness. The sky was like a piece of art, crafted by a higher intelligence. There was a second crack and rain began to pour down in concurrent sheets of thick drops, without even the lightest drizzle preceding it. “Come on, let’s head back inside,” Jenny said as the torrential rain poured down on them. “Hold on, I want to enjoy this,” Adrian hummed. Jenny looked at him with a twinkle in her eyes. “What do you mean?” “Before I met you, there were very few things that stirred my heart… machines and knowledge mostly. But one thing that I really loved was summer storms. The warmth of the rain, the perfume-like scent of the breeze, the artistic mural-like beauty of the clouds and sky, and the passionate energy that just fills the air. It’s almost like looking out across the entire universe, with every swirl of the clouds as a galaxy, every wave of rain as a nebula, and every flash of lightning as a supernova.” Jenny tightened her hold on his arm and kissed him on the cheek. “Come on, Shakespeare, let’s go warm up with a nice hot pizza.” Adrian and Jenny were sitting in a pair of lawn chairs on a beach at Martha’s Vineyard, enjoying the warmth of the sun. They were in their bathing suits and each holding a glass of wine. In the corner of his eye, Adrian was gazing at Jenny’s beautiful body, barely hidden by her skimpy bikini. “I can hear your blood rushing,” she teased without opening her eyes. “No, that’s just a wine and the sound of the waves.” “Nice try, darling, but you can’t hide from me anymore,” she replied smugly while taking a sip from her glass. “Yes dear,” Adrian sighed with a smile before emptying his own. Adrian and Jenny sprinted out of the Boston Museum of Science with the security guards chasing them. They were leaving behind a trail of souvenirs as the paper bags were ripped to shreds in their hands. Police sirens could be heard in the distance as the cops drove as fast as they could in the hopes of catching them. “Damn it, I can’t believe they recognized us!” Jenny swore as she jumped into their car. “I know. I just wish we could have at least seen the planetarium first!” Adrian replied as he climbed in and they sped off. They were in Washington DC, touring the museums. They made sure to not look directly at any cameras or security guards, always keeping their faces hidden behind sunglasses, hats, or cameras. After looking through the museums, they decided to stop off at the largest library on Earth. “Ah, the Library of Congress, probably the only good thing that has anything to do with Congress,” Adrian sighed in bliss and political humor as they walked through the maze of bookshelves. “You know, I was never really interested in coming here, but after you trained me to use my whole mind, I would love to read every book here.” “Me too, I could spend an eternity here. But in a way, I don’t want to read any of it.” “I know what you mean, I don’t know where to begin and I won’t even be able to put a dent in it, a part of me asks why I should bother.” Adrian wrapped his arm around her. “Come on, let’s go see if we can start a riot between some democrats and republicans,” he suggested, making Jenny laugh. “Come on, you need a tan,” Jenny said, trying to convince Adrian to step out of the shade of the palm tree. They were on the Miami Beach with Jenny in her skimpy bikini and him mostly clothed. “Darling, I don’t tan. I burn.” “You tanned with me in Martha’s Vineyard.” “Yeah, I can tolerate it in the Northeast, but I’d be reduced to a charred cinder down here in Miami.” “Well don’t even try and gaze at any other women, I’ll know how long your eyes will stray.” “Jenny, how can you even say that? I thought you knew me! It should be obvious that I won’t be able to resist all of those bronze beauties walking half-naked before me!” he joked. “Right, like any of those “bronze beauties” could compare to this blonde goddess,” she laughed as she walked off towards the water, shaking her hips from side to side teasingly. They were in a dark jazz club in Baton Rouge, eating fried shrimp and listening to the band up on stage. “I’ve never been a real jazz fan, but to not listen to some live while in Louisiana is criminal,” Adrian said as he drank his Café Brûlot, savoring the taste of the coffee and brandy mix. “The same for tasting a bit of shrimp,” Jenny said happily as she dropped another tail onto the graveyard that was her plate. “I love it here,” Jenny purred as she stretched. They were lying on a blanket in Yellowstone National Park, having a picnic. They were up on a hill, hiding from the summer sun with the shade of the trees above them, looking out across green pastures with the forest and mountains on the other side. “Yeah, it is so beautiful.” Adrian replied as he emptied his glass of chardonnay wine. Jenny placed her hand on the ground, digging her fingers into the soil. “Can you feel all of the magma underneath?” she asked, using her hand to pick up the vibrations from deep underground. “I could feel it before I got out of the car. It’s both so faint that I can barely sense it, yet so steady that it feels like it’s just below the topsoil.” “I hope Yellowstone doesn’t erupt during our lifetime, this place is like a piece of art,” Jenny yawned as she moved out of the thin shade and into the sunlight, taking in the warmth like a dozing cat. “If it does erupt, America and much of the world will be buried in ash and there will be vast extinctions. But with that death will come rebirth, and new species will evolve to adapt to the new world. In time, the art that is life on Earth will be remade, as beautiful as before but much more different. Peace comes from pain in an endless cycle, with everything that has a beginning also having an end, and every end preceding a beginning.” Jenny looked at him and smiled. “It’s a shame our life spans aren’t larger, because now I would love to see an end and a new beginning.” “Isn’t that the very definition of our plan?” “Why must you torment me? Honestly? You’re going to cause me an early death,” Adrian asked dryly. Jenny’s smile did not waver. “Come on, just one picture.” “You know I hate clichés, and just talking about this is making his organs fail.” They were standing in Los Angeles and behind him was the Hollywood sign. Jenny was holding a camera and trying to get him to do something that Adrian loathed with an indescribable fury. “It will just be one picture and I promise I won’t show it to anyone. Come on, please?” she asked, giving him the Bambi eyes. Adrian gave a loud sigh. “As you wish,” he groaned. He then held up his arms and Jenny took his picture. With the angle of the lens coupled with the position of his arms, the perspective of the picture made it look like Adrian was holding up the sign… one of the most unoriginal and hated clichés in his opinion. He dropped his arms the second the picture was taken and shook his head from side to side as if he were a dog trying to shake of a layer of mud. “Are you ok?” “I feel like I just siphoned gas and I need mouthwash. Come on, I need to purge my soul of that horrible act. Let’s get out of here.” Jenny and Adrian surfaced from the steaming water, kissing passionately. They were in the Alvord Hot Springs in Oregon, making love in a remote and solitary pool. The lands around them were endless fields with the mountains lining the horizon. Steam was pouring from the ponds and rivers that stretched across the plains, with small shacks and walls built around certain few for privacy. “I don’t know if that’s your hand or the water, but I love it,” Jenny groaned in bliss. “I don’t even know where my hands are, the water is so warm that my sense of touch is warped.” “I swear, I want to sleep in this water, it’s just so perfect.” “That would be nice, but so would not drowning.” “At least we could die happy,” She cooed as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him back under the hot depths. Jenny and Adrian were sitting on a bench in front of Mt. Rushmore, tossing seeds onto the ground and feeding the birds. Beside them were bird watching books and other tourists were walking by without any idea as to the identity of the two teens. The sights and sounds of the Vegas Strip were breathtaking to Jenny, with the two lovers constantly shifted their gaze to every flashing light and neon sign in view. She was like a cat following the dots of laser pointers. It was late in the evening, but with the artificial sun created by the combination of all of the lights blanketing each building, it was almost bright as day. They were driving down Las Vegas Boulevard with the windows wide open and Jenny snapping pictures. They passed by buildings like Fremont, which was covered in horizontal red lights, Paris Las Vegas, which had a huge hotel and a small-scale replica of the Eifel Tower, both of which were blanketed with yellow lights, the Luxor, which consisted of a large sphinx and a black-glass pyramid, and the iconic tower of the Stratosphere. “You seem awfully calm. Nothing more than a small smile?” asked Jenny. “Well this certainly isn’t my first time to Vegas. I own quite a few of these hotels and casinos.” Their faces and clothes perfect, they stepped into the Bellagio Hotel. With a bellhop carrying their luggage, they made their way through the lobby, admiring the colorful glass flowers that covered the ceiling. “How may I help you?” the woman behind the desk asked. “We’d like to rent one of the guest suites, top floor if it’s not too much to ask,” Adrian said suavely. Jenny was standing beside him, clinging to his arm and wearing a beautiful smile. The woman looked at the two of them with distrust, a small part of her brain telling her that they were minors, but their appearances making it difficult to create sufficient doubt. “May I please see a credit card and some ID?” “Of course,” Adrian said, pulling out his wallet and taking out one of his fake IDs and a gold card. Jenny did the same, taking her own ID out of a very expensive handbag. They handed the woman the IDs and she studied them closely, but was unable to find any sign that they were forgeries. “Welcome to the Bellagio, Mr. Carter and Ms. Valentine,” the woman said with a wide smile. “Actually, it’s Mr. and Mrs. Carter. We’re on our honeymoon.” Jenny elbowed him in the ribs ever so softly. “Oh, congratulations! Here, this is your key to the Honeymoon Suite. It’s on the top floor, as per request,” she said, handing back their IDs, the credit card, and giving them the keycard to their room. “Enjoy your stay at the Bellagio!” “Thank you,” Adrian replied as he, Jenny, and the bellhop walked away. Jenny and Adrian stepped into the elevator with the bellhop taking the next one. The instant the doors were closed, Jenny turned to him. “We’re on our honeymoon?” she laughed. “I couldn’t resist.” The elevator opened up at the top floor and they stepped out, with the bellhop coming out of the second elevator with their luggage. Their luggage bags were built with security in mind, having both a combination lock and tear-proof frame, making sure that no one could break into them. They walked down the well-lit hallway, eventually coming to the honeymoon suite with their room number. Adrian opened up the door with the keycard and they stepped inside. He tipped the bellhop and their luggage was brought in before they were given their privacy. Excited, they turned on the lights, gasping as they looked at the illuminated room. They were facing a living room with several white relaxation chairs, two large velvet couches, a granite coffee table without a single ring or mark, a large flat-screen TV against the wall, beautiful art along the walls, and vases filled with different flowers and incense. They moved through the living room and into the dining room, where there was a long rosewood table with six chairs and ornate silverware, dishes, folded napkins, and silver candleholders. They stepped into the bedroom, which held a king-sized bed with the softest sheets either of them had ever touched, two oak bedside tables, two reclining chairs, and a flat screen TV. The bathroom walls, floor, and sink counter were made of flawless pearl marble, it had a heart-shaped hot tub surrounded by different soaps, oils, and flowers, the shower had several spouts on the ceiling and on the walls, and the toilet looked like it had never been used. The bedroom, the dining room, and the living room all had a vast window view of the Vegas Strip, with large curtains for privacy. They wandered into the bedroom, when suddenly Jenny turned to Adrian and jumped up into his arms with a squealing laugh. He laughed as well as he fell onto the bed with her on top of him, kissing him passionately. She rolled off him and they both lied on their backs, staring at the ceiling. “This is so incredible,” she gasped. “I know,” he said, then turning to her. “But it wouldn’t be nearly as incredible without you.” Adrian stood by the bedroom window, looking out over the Vegas Strip and the Bellagio fountains down bellow. He smiled as Jenny walked over to him, holding two glasses of Champaign. Adrian took one of the glasses and drank lightly, savoring the bittersweet taste. She looked absolutely gorgeous with the light of the Vegas Strip illuminating her beautiful face. “Cheers, I thought we should have a little celebratory drink for getting to Vegas,” she said, clinking her glass against his. “And I wanted to try something new.” Once their glasses were empty, she put her hands on his chest and slowly pushed him over to the bed. They both lied down, kissing each other and ripping off each other’s clothes. Adrian was on his back and Jenny was straddling him, smiling sweetly. “So what did you have in mind?” he asked, running his hands over her smooth body. “You’ll see. Just lie back and relax, baby, I’m going to take care of you.” she said slyly as she leaned forward and kissed him. After licking every corner of his mouth, she began to move down, purposefully running her tongue and lips across every scar on his chest. Adrian knew what she was going to do, but he still took a shuddering breath when she reached his lap and took his manhood in her mouth. Her tongue and cheeks were soft beyond description, and the sound of the forming and breaking suction stirred his most primal lust. While he enjoyed it physically, he had yet to learn to look past the lewdness of the act. Jenny had done this at least two dozen times already and she had developed great skills for it. She stroked his cock with both hands while wiggling her tongue in the slit, she deep-throated him to the point where she would start to tear up, she spat on his cock and used it as lubricant to jack him off, and even used her tongue to play with his balls. After several minutes, Jenny sat up and straddled his lap. “You’re going to love this, but it will take me some time to get used to it. Just be patient with me.” Adrian was silent with a stony expression on his face as she gripped his manhood and guided it to her asshole. “Stop,” he finally said before entering. Jenny stared at him with surprise. She climbed off me and he sat up, facing away from her. “I don’t want to do that.” Behind him, Jenny wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned on him, with her breasts pressed against his back. “What’s wrong?” she whispered in his ear. “When we do stuff like that… I can’t feel you. I was never comfortable with the idea of oral and anal sex, because it left the realm of making love and just became sex. I want us to be intimate for the emotional bliss, not the physical feeling. I don’t want us to just have meaningless sex like a pair of horny idiots. I want us to be intimate in way that has emotional individuality, but if we focus more on the physical feeling than the emotional connection, then we become just like everybody else and lose who we are.” Jenny pressed her cheek against the back of his neck, and he rocked back and forth, sitting in silence. “Should we just go to sleep?” He could hear the sadness and disappointment in her voice, and it made his heart ache. “No, you said that you wanted to try something new, well I have an idea…” The bathroom was filled steam as they stood in the shower, kissing passionately and enjoying the feeling of the hot water running down their bodies. As they kissed, Jenny moved her hands from his chest, to his shoulders, and finally to the back of his neck, sending him the signal that she was ready. Holding her close, he picked her up, with her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck for support. Holding her up with one hand, he used his other hand to guide his manhood to her pussy, and then lowered her down onto it. Jenny released a trembling moan as it entered her and looked up, letting the hot water pour directly on her face. With him holding her entire body, he began lifting her up and down on his cock, sending it into the farthest corners of her pussy. Her insides were so loose and soft and he knew she wasn’t so hot and wet because of the shower. With her bobbing up and down, Jenny ended their kiss and buried her face in the side of his neck, holding onto him for dear life. As she gave a continuous moan, Adrian let the hot water and the thick steam distort his senses, filling him with an eternal bliss. With the hot water running down every inch of his skin and Jenny pressed against him, he lost track of what his nerve endings were actually touching. His body was both numb and in a state of euphoria. He had to hold Jenny’s body with one arm and lean against the wall with his other, just to keep from falling. Adrian was shaken from his daze as Jenny released a particularly loud and shrill moan. He could feel her pussy clamping around his manhood as she had one climax after another. The euphoria caused by the shower and grip of Jenny’s pussy on his cock triggered an orgasm for him as well, and he countered Jenny’s orgasms but firing thick streams of semen up into her. Jenny leaned back against the wall of the shower, gasping for air. While her whole body was trembling, the vise-like grip of her arms and legs had not weakened. “I love you, Adrian, I love you so much,” she said, almost hysterically. “I love you too,” he murmured, brushing back strands of her hair and running his fingertips along her soft cheek. “Adrian, you misunderstood me in the bedroom. I didn’t want to do oral and anal for the physical feeling, I wanted to try them because I want to be close to you in every way possible. You said you didn’t want to try them because you felt like it separated us. On the contrary, my darling, it gives us another way in which we can be linked. If there is a way I can feel close to you, feel linked to you, and feel bound to you physically and emotionally, then I want to try it. I just want to feel you, my love, in every way possible. Every inch of my body belongs to you, and I want to feel you every way I can.” Adrian could actually hear the frustration and desperation in her voice, she even sounded like she was on the verge of tears. “That was beautiful, Jenny. And I promise, I will do anything to make you happy.” Adrian pulled his still-erect manhood out of her pussy and pressed it between the cheeks of her flawless ass. He guided the head to her asshole and slowly pushed it in, as gently and carefully as possible. Jenny instantly released a shrill squeal as the head of his cock slowly entered her. Her arms and legs tightened around him and she even bit his shoulder. “It’s ok, baby, it’s ok,” he whispered. Inch by inch, he slowly pushed his dick in all the way, with Jenny’s body trembling more and more. Once it was in all the way, he held it there for a minute so that Jenny could become accustomed to it. Unlike her pussy, which acted almost as a slit between the muscles of her left and right side, her anus applied pressure from all sides like a ring, and while her asshole was lubricated enough for his manhood to move inside it, it wasn’t nearly as slippery as her pussy. The incredible tightness and friction make it very difficult to move inside her, but he had to admit that it also felt absolutely amazing. Once her body became calm, Adrian slowly lifted her up and lowered her back down, driving his manhood up into her asshole. Jenny released a mix of a moan and shriek from the movement, but after the second and third time, she calmed down. He took his usual rhythm, using his arms to bob her up and down on the shaft of his cock. Jenny had let go of his neck and had her back against the wall of the shower, moaning like an opera singer as he drove his manhood up into her asshole over and over again. At last, after five minutes, Adrian and Jenny had a simultaneous orgasm. He emptied the last of his semen reserves into her asshole, filling her up until she was overflowing. Pussy juice and semen from his first orgasm flowed from Jenny’s cunt from her climax, with both their juices running down their legs. They stood in the shower for several minutes, letting the hot water wash it all away. At last, he turned off the shower and lowered Jenny to her feet, but she fell before she could even stand up. He crouched down, holding her hands. “Jenny, are you ok?” She just gave a sleepy smile. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. My whole body just feels like jelly. Could you grab me a robe?” Adrian opened up the shower door and stepped out into the steam-filled bathroom. He walked over to the towel closet and opened it, finding two guest robes. He put one on and brought the other to Jenny, helping her put it on. With her unable to walk, he put one arm under her back and the other under her knees and picked her up. Adrian stepped out of the bathroom with Jenny in his arms, the shower tapping out its last few drops. With her hand on the center of his chest and her face buried in the side of his neck, she was almost purring as he carried her to the bedroom. He gently laid her down on the bed and wrapped her in blankets, then climbed into the bed from the other side. He moved over and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. She rolled over and looked into his eyes, with her own eyes filled with love. “Adrian, this has been the most incredible year I have ever experienced. The night we first made love was the greatest day of my life, and every day after it has been better than the one before it. I’ve had so much fun traveling with you, fighting with you, and living with you as the center of my world. I love you, Adrian, and words can’t describe how happy you have made me.” “I love you too. Before I met you, I didn’t know what it meant to be happy, I didn’t know what it meant to feel love, and I didn’t know what it meant to not be alone. I was just existing, but now I can actually live. You have brought me more happiness and peace than any enlightenment or strength could.” “I love you,” they both said simultaneously. Then Jenny pressed herself against him, Adrian held her close, and they slowly began to fall asleep in each other’s arms. Chapter Nine “So what’s the plan for today?” Jenny asked as she ate her breakfast of fruit salad, brought up by room service. “We start hunting,” said Adrian, holding up a folder. He tossed it onto the table and several pictures slid out, men and women with the photos taken from varying locations and across years. “These are some of the people I need to get into contact with. In truth, I could easily contact them myself, but it’s better to hide how much information I have on them so that they’ll lower their guard as much as possible. Vegas is a frequent vacation spot for these people, so while I can admit to knowing about them when we meet, it is better that they not find out that I’m actually looking for them. It should just look like a matter of good fortune on our side.” “So we’ll search the casinos for them, staying just active enough to not stand out. We can’t go on winning streaks because the casino security will be on to us before we can even cash in our chips. We have to win big and lose often. Basically, we just have to act like a young rich couple with more money than brains that can be occasionally lucky,” said Jenny. Adrian grinned. “Correct. Now let’s finish eating and head downstairs.” The casino was quite extravagant, with bright chandeliers illuminating the casino floor, which was carpeted with an ornate flower area rug. Placed in key points, marble pillars were supporting the cathedral-style ceiling with a maze of slot machines and game tables stretched out across the floor. Their conversation was almost completely drowned out by the ringing of slot machines, jingling of coins and chips, and the calls of celebration or woe from the gamblers that flooded through the corridors of gambling tables. “Ok, give me a second to get into character. I need to summon my inner-dumb blonde,” Jenny said, closing her eyes and taking several deep breaths. “Oh his god! This is so much fun!” she exclaimed with an obnoxiously shrill tone and a goofy smile. “Just remember to surface for intelligence, I don’t want you to drown in the stupidity of the stereotype.” “Actually, I kind of like it this way. The world is so much happier when you think with your boobs instead of your brain,” she teased as she twirled her hair around her finger. “Jenny, you’re scaring me.” “You’re so easy to mess with.” Adrian had his face in his hands and was giving one sigh after another. He was in the Bellagio casino and had just lost a 100K at blackjack. The dealer had a smug look on his face at his suffering. “How did it come to this?” Adrian kept muttering. He still had 500K with him, but his recent loss had just left a huge crater in his pile of chips. “How about you quit while you’re ahead?” the dealer asked. “Hell no. If I’m going to go out, I’m going out in a blaze of glory. I’m all in.” “Oh, this is better than TV,” the dealer said as he handed Adrian two cards, flipping them both face-side-up, while he his own two cards facedown. Adrian gave a small but confident smile and tapped the table, having already figured out what the next card would be. “Are you sure? You have seventeen, it’s a lot more shameful to go overboard then to stop when you know you should,” the dealer asked, giddy with the hope that Adrian would fail. “Blaze of glory my friend, blaze of glory,” the young genius insisted, tapping again. The dealer sighed with a smile and handed him another facedown card, then flipped it over along with his cards and his jaw dropped when he saw it was a four. “Twenty-one! Hallelujah!” Adrian hollered, falling to his knees with his fists in the air. The dealer grudgingly pushed over his one million dollars in casino chips and Adrian poured them all into a plastic bag and strolled off. “Hmm, too easy,” he chuckled, returning to his normal personality. Jenny and Adrian had spent almost a week in Vegas, working the casinos like hacked computer games. They spent every day and night growing their fortune merely for the fun of it while keeping a lookout. With their genius intellects, they were able to win almost every game that was within their control. They were so good that all the money they purposefully lost was pure winnings. In fact, they had more than tripled the cash they had arrived in Vegas with. Along with gambling, they spent a lot of time touring around Vegas. They watched the fountain shows of the Bellagio, they went to see the Bodies Exhibit, looked around the Atomic Testing Museum, filled their stomachs at M&M’s World, walked around the Springs Preserve, toured the Titanic Artifact Exhibit, hiked through the surrounding canyons, drank and danced at the finest night clubs, tried their hand at golf, savored the cuisine of the fanciest restaurants, pampered themselves in the spas, and painted the town red. For the two teenage lovebirds, it was more fun than they had ever imagined Adrian was walking through the casino, searching for his desired targets. He and Jenny would have to leave the Bellagio tomorrow morning to cut down the chances of being identified, so he wanted to make one last sweep to make sure none of his targets were in the building. Approaching the craps tables, he heard a bet placed by someone with an Italian accent and came to a dead halt. He turned to the one who had placed the bet, gaining a maniacal smile. “Gotcha.” After Adrian cashed in his casino chips, Jenny met up with him and kissed him on the cheek. “That was a nice show you put on,” she said, both sweetly and sarcastically. “In my line of work, you really have to have keen acting skills. But I really got to lay off the drinks. I can’t tell if it makes my acting skills better or turns me into an actual idiot,” Adrian sighed as they stepped into the elevator. “Well if it does make your acting skills better, then it means we only have to wait for Marti Gras and you’ll be able to take over all of Hollywood. So how much did you make this round?” “You first.” “700K” she said proudly, opening up the paper bag with her cash in it. “That’s good, that’s good… But I made a million.” “No way!” “What do you know, women really do make seventy cents for every dollar a man makes!” Adrian joked, causing Jenny to laugh and elbow him in the ribs. It was two in the morning when they stepped into their room, but neither of them was very tired. “How about we rent a movie and pig out with some room service?” Adrian suggested. “That would be perfect,” Jenny said dreamily as she stepped into the bedroom. Adrian picked up the phone and dialed room service. “Hi, I’m in the third honeymoon suite. Could I get a serving of fried chicken, a bottle of rum with a two-liter bottle of Coke, and a couple of ice cream Sundays? Thank you.” Adrian sat down on the living room couch and turned on the TV. As he surfed through the list of on-demand movies, he heard Jenny come up behind him. She put her hands on his shoulders and he looked up with a smile. Jenny’s face was hidden by her huge breasts, which were covering his face. Adrian flicked his tongue between them, savoring the taste and softness. Jenny giggled and began massaging his shoulders. “Come on, baby, get out of those clothes and relax a little.” “That would be a pretty awkward moment when the food I ordered shows up.” “Suit yourself,” she pouted as she climbed over the couch and sat down, leaning against him. Adrian wrapped his arm around her and began working his fingers between her legs, making her hum and purr. Minutes after they started the movie, their food was delivered. Adrian tipped the bellhop and put the food down on the table. As per his unspoken promise, he undressed before sitting down, much to Jenny’s enjoyment. Jenny lied back against him with their naked bodies pressed together like two puzzle pieces, and they feasted while watching the movie. Eating fried chicken with Coke to wash it down while you watch a movie naked with your lover pressed against you in the Bellagio hotel is the greatest definition of Heaven. “Jenny, could you hand me a couple napkins please?” he asked as they ate their Sundays. As Jenny reached out to grab some napkins on the table, her Sunday fell over, covering her chest in ice cream, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup. “Oh, that’s cold!” “Are you ok?” he asked, moving out from under her. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m blocking it now,” she sighed, using willpower to keep the stinging of the cold from reaching her mind. Adrian smiled and leaned down, dragging his tongue up the center of her chest and licking up the ice cream and chocolate syrup. “Ooh!” she cooed before he kissed her. Adrian went back down, running his tongue up her chest and licking the ice cream. He wrapped his tongue around her left nipple, sucking on it hungrily. He then shifted to her right, savoring the taste of chocolate syrup that coated her breast. He kissed her again and she slipped her tongue between his lips, slurping the ice cream out of his mouth. Adrian suddenly jerked as he felt his dick submerged in something cold. He looked down and saw that while he had been kissing Jenny, she had grabbed his Sunday and… you know what she did. “Aw, come on! What did I do to you? Seriously, I wasn’t finished with it!” “Don’t worry baby, dessert is on me,” she said coyly as she gently pushed him onto his back. She crouched over me and poured the rest of the Sunday on his chest. She leaned down and took a broad lick, then moved up so that he could take a turn and lick some of the ice cream off of her. They moved back and forth, licking the ice cream off each other’s chests and cleaning each other with their tongues like a pair of affectionate cats. After Jenny licked every glob of ice cream and chocolate syrup off of his chest, she moved down and ran her tongue up the shaft of his erect cock. She traced the head with her tongue, teasing him, and then wrapped her lips around it, sucking on it gently. Before she could take the whole thing in her mouth, he stopped her and moved underneath her, getting into the 69 position. Adrian flicked his tongue between the lips of her wet pussy as she sucked on his cock like it was a Popsicle. With the whole thing in her mouth, he sent his tongue up inside her, burying his face in her pussy. Their chests and stomachs were constantly rubbing up against each other as Jenny lathered his phallus with saliva and licked it up in an endless cycle and he probed every hot wet corner of her soft pussy, going so deep that his nose was buried between the flower petal-like lips. As she massaged his cock with her tongue and cheeks, he was rubbing her back and shoulders, trying to give her a massage. Without warning, Jenny released his cock, leaving it with a thick coating of saliva. Her breathing was quick and shallow with arousal. She moved her pussy off of his face and onto his erect cock, grinding the soft lips against the shaft. They both got up, he on his knees and Jenny on all fours. Adrian guided his manhood to the lips of her wet pussy and forced it in, causing Jenny to gasp as he mounted her. With his hands on her hips, he began moving back and forth, driving his cock deep inside her. Jenny gave an ongoing mix of high and low moans with each thrust, for this new position allowed him to drive far deeper into a corner of her pussy that he hadn’t been able to explore much. He leaned forward, pressing his chest against her back, wrapped his arm diagonally across her chest, and rested his chin on her shoulder, trying to make as much contact as possible as he drove his cock in as fast as possible. “Oh god, Adrian! You’re driving me crazy!” she whined, holding onto the couch as if an earthquake was rocking the building. “Oh Adrian!” she moaned as they both had gushing orgasms, spraying each other with their juices. He leaned back, pulling out of her with a web of semen stretching from the head of his dick to the swollen lips of her pussy. Jenny collapsed, and they were both silent for several seconds as they both tried to catch their breath. Both the couch and they were a sticky mess of chocolate syrup, ice cream, and genetic material. “Jenny?” he panted. “Yeah?” “I think we need to take a shower.” Adrian was lying on his back on the shower floor with Jenny on top of him. His erect manhood was deep in her asshole and she was bouncing up and down on it with a high moan passing from between her lips. With the hot water of the shower on their bodies and extravagant erotic feeling of his phallus been driven up Jenny’s anus, their bodies were ecstatic with physical bliss. Jenny had one hand on the center of his chest for support and was running her other hand through her long golden hair, and Adrian was running his hands all over her body, giving her a full massage. With their bodies filled with both exhaustion and euphoria, it didn’t take much to trigger that last great orgasm. Jenny’s body was shaking like a leaf as Adrian shot countless jets of semen up inside her and she had climax after climax. Jenny collapsed on top of him, and he couldn’t help but softly laugh. Adrian turned off the water, and like with the first time they made love in the shower, he had to carry her to bed because her legs were shaking too much for her to walk. As he put her in the bed and lied beside her, Jenny rolled over to him. “Adrian, I know how important our plan is and I fully support it, but I would be lying if I said that I wouldn’t also love to just stay here and do this with you for the rest of our lives; play these casino’s so well that it’s tragic, retire to our honeymoon suit, and make sweet passionate love until we fall asleep from exhaustion.” “Well once the plan is complete, we can always come back here and do that. We can stay here in Vegas, get a nice penthouse, become rich—I mean richer, and give each other their hearts throughout the nights.” “I’m not lucky to have you, I’m blessed,” she said as she snuggled up against him and leaned her head on his shoulder. “Speaking of our plan, I was able to find one of my targets.” Jenny looked up at him. “Really?” “Yeah, I’m going to talk to him tomorrow if I can find him. Let’s just hope everything goes according to plan.” Adrian stood at a craps table, watching the game progress. On the other side of the table was his target. He had a shaved head and was dressed in a black business suit. “Hundred-grand on ten,” he said with his Italian accent, causing hushed muttering throughout the crowd. Several people placed similar bets, but at much smaller amounts. Before the dealer could throw the dice, Adrian spoke up. “I’ll match that bet.” The dealer raised his eyebrows and the dice were cast, rolling up ten. Loud cheering rang through the crowd as the winners were handed their money. “You’re quite the high roller,” the man said as they were each given a huge pile of chips. “You’re one to talk. What do you do in order to afford gambling such large amounts?” “I am a doctor, Dr. Anthony Alfonse. I am a family physician for wealthy clients all across Europe, and my services strike up generous payments.” “You’re clients, or CLIENT? Doctors of your skill and profession usually cling to one rich and ailing client, but act as more than just a family physician. For a doctor that makes house calls across Europe, I find it strange that you would be all the way out here in Las Vegas, because that would mean losing valuable business, not to mention the fact that your status as a family physician to many clients binds you to them, and it would be rare for them all to avoid sickness and injury. You’re on paid vacation, either from the hospital that you actually work at, or from your one rich client that gave you this vacation time. You would never be able to convince multiple clients to all give you vacation time.” No one was paying attention to them as the game continued, but Dr. Alfonse was glaring at him with suspicion. “Regardless of whether you are indeed a family physician or work at a hospital, the money you are throwing around shows that you are indeed well-known and well-respected. I’m looking for a business opportunity, and I’m sure someone of your profession and connections could help me out.” “And what do you do as a profession?” he asked, trying to figure out if he should flee. “I create medical and surgical machinery, among other things. In fact, I designed and built a revolutionary piece of technology that is being installed in hospitals around the globe. Someone of your stature should surely have heard of it. It is known as the Adroid.” The doctor’s eyes widened and Adrian nodded just as he was about to say his name. “Tell your client about what just happened here. I imagine he’ll want to contact me. By the way, do you like opera?” Jenny and Adrian were sitting in a dark theater, watching an opera with dinner. “Do you think he’ll show up?” Jenny asked as she ate her lobster. “He’ll definitely come.” Minutes after he spoke the words, Dr. Alfonse sat down on the other side of the table. “It seems that your technological and medical prowess precede you, Mr. Ashford. My client is very interested in doing business with you, and specifically told me to hunt you down the second I spoke your name. It seems the authorities weren’t the only ones searching for you,” he said calmly, but with distrust. “I imagine that your client will not be able to come out and meet me here in Vegas, due to his condition?” “That is correct. I have a limo waiting outside, with a teleconference system set up. He is very anxious to meet you, so if it is not too much to ask, will you please finish your meal and come with me?” Adrian turned to Jenny. “I’m all set, how about you?” “I’m ready to go. Just need to stop off at the bathroom and wash my hands,” she replied, wiping the butter from the lobster off her lips. “Ah, where are my manners? You must be Jenny Sinclair, I have heard that you are exceptionally beautiful, but the rumors do not do you justice,” Alfonse said, shaking her hand. Jenny giggled at the compliment. They walked out of the theater and climbed into a limo. The vehicle sped off the second the doors were closed. Inside, a computer with a mobile server had been hooked up the limo’s electrical system. It had both a microphone and a set of speakers for the teleconference. Dr. Alfonse turned on the computer and the image of an old man instantly appeared on the screen. He was in his early seventies and sitting in a wheelchair, and while he did appear to be sick, he did not have an oxygen tank with him, but both of his arms were in slings. “Mr. Ashford and Ms. Sinclair, allow him to introduce you to—” “Professor Demetri Medici, professor of history at Pontifica Università Gregoriana, the Pontifical Gregorian University in Vatican City. You are also the chairman of the largest bank in Europe,” Adrian interrupted. Everyone stared at him with disbelief. “How do you know who I am?” Professor Medici asked with a dead-serious tone. “Because I’ve been watching you, all of you, just like how you’ve been watching me. People like me with genius intellects have been on the watch-list of your group for decades, and I know when I’m being followed. Imagine my surprise when I find your handler here.” Jenny tried to hide her sly grin of amusement, while both Alphonse and Medici stiffened. Adrian wasn’t holding back this time; hiding the fact that he was well-stocked with information would only incriminate him, but he had to maintain the appearance that this meeting was purely coincidental. “And what group exactly do you think I am in?” “The group with the same symbol as your doctor’s ring.” Jenny switched her gaze to Alfonse’ ring and gasped when she recognized the symbol. “The Freemasons?” she asked, gripping his arm. “That’s correct. But contrary to popular belief, the Freemasons don’t do anything to shape this world and never have, but they do indeed keep their eyes open and watch everything. Ever since my IQ topped 300 and I began building surgical technology, the masons have been keeping a close tab on me,” he said to her, making sure that everyone could hear. “Don’t play innocent. Ever since my IQ reached 300 and I began building surgical technology, the Illuminati have been keeping a close tab on me.” “Then it seems that the status quo has changed. I will not insult you by denying your claims, but I was told you want to make a business deal, and I would prefer to get straight to business.” “Of course. Now from my information on you, you are currently suffering from a disease that is causing severe clotting in your extremities. Seeing as how you are already in that wheelchair and both your arms are in slings, I would say that the disease has already progressed and is beginning to cause muscle death. I also know that many of your “business partners” are also suffering from the same disease.” “That is correct. My disease is the result of an assassination attempt. The CEO of a bio-weaponry company exposed us to one of his diseases because they refused to let him become a member. I’m just glad that he overestimated the power of his disease. Your sources of information are as impressive as you are. How much experience do you have with surgical procedures?” “A fair amount. For years, I have read and memorized almost every medical and surgical book I could get my hands on. I have also preformed hundreds of dissections on animals that passed away in pet stores, spent ours performing digital autopsies online, and have blueprints of the human body secured in my memory.” “And your technical skills speak for themselves. Now, as you have said, my disease is creating blood clots in my extremities and causing muscle death. The disease does not affect the rest of my body and the clots break up before they can spread, but my limbs are wasting away. I have already had my feet amputated before they could become gangrenous, and my hands won’t last much longer. I am fine with regular prosthetics on my legs, but to lose use of both my hands would be devastating to the life I live. I would lose the ability to do anything on my own. The loss of my hands is inevitable, but what can be done afterwards is what is important. Adrian Ashford, here is my business proposition: I want you to remove my hands and give me mechanical replacements, using your skills as an engineer. As you said, several of my “business partners” have the same disease, and they too want the same procedure done.” Jenny turned to Adrian and saw that he had a small smile on his face. ‘Everything is going according to plan, down to every last detail.’ “And what exactly will I get in return for my services? As you said, you don’t want to lose your hands and with them lose the freedom of being able to do things on your own. I imagine your “business partners” feel the same way. What are you and your friends willing to pay for freedom and physical independence, and even more, your lives?” “Safe asylum in Vatican City and payment of a hundred million dollars in whatever form of currency you would like.” “That is a very generous deal, but that isn’t quite what I would like. Instead of the hundred million dollars, I want IN.” Everyone looked at him with confusion. “In? In what? You want to become a Freemason? Well there are easier ways to become a Freemason than—” “No, not a Freemason. I mean higher up,” Adrian said, interrupting Medici. The limo was silent for several moments. “You can’t honestly mean…” “You said that you wouldn’t insult me my denying my claims, and I have been correct on every single matter. I wouldn’t even be here if I wasn’t absolutely sure that I was right on this matter.” “If you honestly think it exists, then you are a lot less intelligent than a thought you were,” Medici laughed. “Don’t lie to me. You’re almost 160 IQ points short of being able to lie to me.” Medici lost his smile. “You want to become a member of the Illuminati,” he said with his tone serious. Jenny gripped Adrian arm. “The Illuminati?! You mean the group that conspiracy theorists have been raving about for decades?” “The very same. I’ve been watching their movements for years, knowing that they’ve also been watching mine. It’s a myth that the Freemasons control the world, but the Freemasons themselves are under the commands of a tight ring of intellectuals known as the Illuminati. While it is true, there are only a handful of people, including myself, that are not in the Illuminati but know that it is undeniably true and have even seen the proof. Just because those conspiracy theorists happen to say something that is true, doesn’t mean that they themselves are correct. Just like the Freemasons, they take absolutely no action in the events of the world. They have a strict rule to never intervene, unless it is in the face of complete annihilation. But every member of the Illuminati must have both an incredibly high IQ and be in a position of incredible political or economic power, or have strong connections to someone with incredible political or economic power. Along with teaching history in Vatican City, Professor Medici here is also a board member of one of the greatest banks in all of Europe. All of his friends with the disease that plagues him are in the Illuminati as well. That bio-weaponry CEO didn’t want to join the Freemasons, he wanted to join the Illuminati. So do we have a deal?” “I will have to convene with the other members. The limo driver will bring you to an airport where Dr. Alfonse’ jet is waiting. I will have an answer by the time you get there. If you are allowed in, get on the jet and we will fly you out immediately.” “Before you go, I have one final demand: Jenny must be allowed in as well. I’m not doing anything without her. She and I have been killing criminals across the country. I’ve brought her up to my level of intellect and physical abilities. Believe me when I say she is smarter than everyone in the Illuminati.” Jenny wrapped her fingers around his hand and kissed him on the cheek. “Very well,” Professor Medici said dryly before the computer was turned off. “Dr. Alfonse, tell the driver we need to stop at the Bellagio so that Jenny and I can collect our things “I hope they agree, I would love to see Vatican City,” Jenny said dreamily as they packed their things. “Not just Vatican City, we’ll be able to tour all across Europe. Venice, France, London, Berlin…” “Maybe a quick stop in Amsterdam.” “Whores and drugs? Eh, not my cup of tea.” “I just love you so much,” she giggled as she kissed him on the cheek. After the kiss, she just stared at him with a tender smile on her face. “What is it?” “I just can’t believe you’ve had this all planned out from the very beginning. Everything has come together so well that it is almost as if you could read the future.” “Humans are predictable, and the smarter you are, the easier it is to see the root causes of every action that they make. The Illuminati may be filled with some of the smartest people on Earth, but my record is not a mere novelty. Not even they can stand up to me.” “All this to join the Illuminati. You really are a strange man.” “Well joining the Illuminati is only part of my plan, and once that plan is finished, they will all become obsolete. Once everything is done, I will rebuild the Illuminati. The current members have become corrupt and decadent, only changing the world in their favor instead of for its betterment. I will rebuild the world and the Illuminati; that is a guarantee. It’s time for a change, and nothing will escape the revolution. I’ll use those fools up and then toss them aside like garbage.” “I love when you talk like a villain,” Jenny purred. As they walked through the Bellagio lobby with the bellhop carrying their luggage, the woman behind the desk repeatedly switched her gaze between her computer screen and two teens. She was reading an article on a news website and it was about the string of massacres spread out across the country, with their pictures below the headline. “Oh my god,” she gasped as she recognized the two teens. As she picked up the phone, Jenny, the bellhop, and Adrian stepped out into the street. Adrian handed the bellhop ten bucks and he left them with their luggage. “Adrian…” Jenny began. Only with their fully utilized hearing could they hear the woman behind the desk. “I know; she’s calling the police. We can’t let them figure out where we’re going,” Adrian said as he walked over to Dr. Alfonse. “The police are on the way, we’ll meet you at the airport.” Handed Adrian’s car keys, Alfonse nodded and climbed back into the limo. As he sped off, Jenny and Adrian calmly made their way to the parking area. The sounds of police sirens could be heard in the distance. “I’ll draw their attention and lead them away. Once the coast is clear, get to the airport. I’ll meet you there,” Adrian instructed. “Adrian, don’t fight them. They aren’t criminals and there is no telling what they are armed with.” Before replying, Adrian opened up one of their luggage bags and pulled out his black coat. The pockets and interior were filled with darts, and his sheathed lance was wrapped up in it. He had only enough time to put on his bulletproof shirt before wrapping himself in his coat. “Don’t worry, this will not be my last stand. Go inside and hijack a car. I’ll block the road and then you come out and try to run me over. You’ll just look like a scared bystander trying to get away.” While Jenny ran off with their bags to find a good car to take, Adrian calmly walked out into the middle of the street, which had been cleared as the police approached. As the squad of police cars sped down the Vegas Strip towards him, Adrian reached into his pockets and pulled out several darts. Once the cars were in range, he took careful aim and threw the spikes with devastating power. The first car that was struck had its lights blown out and the windshield filled with cracks, making it impossible to see through. It crashed into a parked car and the siren fell silent as the airbags inflated and slammed into the officers inside. The second car that was struck had the left rearview mirror ripped off. The driver instinctively swerved to the left, exposing his right front tire. A well-placed dart popped the tire, causing the front-right corner of the vehicle to sink. With the vehicle’s weight and inertia being focused on that lower corner, the car swerved out of control and flipped over. Adrian threw four darts at the third car, using the first two to shatter the windshield and the third and fourth to stab the cops in the front seats. The darts had only struck their shoulders and the wounds were shallow, but the car swerved out of control and crashed into a parked van. The three cop cars were now blocking the road, and as per his instructions, Adrian could hear Jenny driving towards him at top speed. Adrian jumped out of the way of the stolen car and watched Jenny speed away, knowing that she was worried about him but also had faith. He took a deep breath and sprinted away from the wrecks, running out onto the next road and fleeing into the alley across the street from the Bellagio. His senses were on full alert as he counted every audible siren and tried to figure out their location and distance. Identifying the location and distance of each was like an equation, with compensations for sound waves bouncing off buildings and cars and being distorted by background noise as the variables. He was working on dozens of these equations at once in his mind, and using them to create a mental map of the city, with the locations of cop cars marked. Adrian ran out into a busy street, filled with people and cars. Keeping low to the ground and parallel to the road, he sprinted down the sidewalk, shooting past everyone in his path and maneuvering through the crowds. In his mind, he was calculating the fastest route to the airport while avoiding the police. In a matter of seconds, he plotted out the full route and formed his plan. He needed to cut across the next intersection, but it was filled with cars moving at fast speeds. Adrian stepped out into the street and used his sense of hearing and sight to identify every car in the four streets leading to the intersection. After plotting out the course and speed of every car and creating a mental simulation of distance-to-speed ratios, Adrian took a deep breath and climbed up onto a parked car. People on the sidewalk stared at him as he stood on the roof of the car, looking down the street. As a car passed by, Adrian jumped into the air and landed on the roof. Before the driver could slam his feet on the brakes, Adrian jumped to the next car, and then a third. Moving as fast as lightning, he jumped from car to car, moving before the drivers could come to a stop. At the intersection, Adrian jumped from the roof of a sedan, to a van, and then up onto a tourism bus. He ran across the roof of a bus and jumped onto the next car. Down the street, a police siren lit up on the roof of a black mustang. However, it was a single siren that could be placed and removed at any time, not a pair of sirens like on a police cruiser. Inside were Agents Mason and Hoffman. “Hmm, interesting, so they were able to predict I’d be here,” Adrian smirked. He jumped off the bus and onto the next van as the traffic opened up for the disguised cop car. Jumping from car to car, he ran away from the two FBI agents as they tried to get through the chaotic traffic. In only a few seconds, they broke free of the intersection and sped after him, driving down the middle of the road with all of the cars moving out of the way. He smiled as they approached and jumped into the air, landing on the hood of their car. They stared in disbelief as Adrian looked down at them with a devious smile. Before they could react, he drew his lance and pierced the windshield, reaching down and piercing Agent Mason who was behind the wheel. Adrian stabbed him in the gut, intentionally missing all of his internal organs and innards to slow him down. Coughing up blood, Mason stomped on the brakes, sending Adrian flying off the hood of the car. In midair, he took control of his trajectory, altered his flight pattern, and landed on his feet. He winced from the sensation of a twisted ankle. Landing on the hood of the speeding car and then on the ground like that had done a number on his joints. Adrian was lucky it wasn’t broken, but he would need some time to ease the strain before being able to run again. Blocking pain was one thing, but he always had to be aware of injuries that could slow him down or increase in severity if ignored. Moving as fast as his ankle would allow, Adrian fled down the street and ducked into the next alley. “Go after him, I’ll be fine!” Mason said, gripping his bleeding stomach. “You aren’t fine, that bastard stabbed you!” Hoffman yelled as he pulled a first aid kit out of the glove compartment. “Listen, he was limping away. This is our best chance to catch him! He ducked into the next alley, go get him while we still have the chance!” Mason said, spitting up blood. Hoffman finally nodded and climbed out of the car. With his gun in hand, he ran down the sidewalk towards the alley. In the alley, Adrian was sitting on a trashcan, trying to loosen up the muscles in his ankle so that it wouldn’t hurt to run on it. A bullet struck the brick wall above him, missing his head by only a few inches. Adrian jumped to his feet and looked down the alley, spotting Agent Hoffman. “You’re under arrest for mass-murder and aggravated assault against my partner.” “Your partner will be fine, that was not a lethal wound. He was an obstacle in my path and I just needed him out of my way. I don’t want to kill the innocent, especially law enforcement. However, I cannot allow my plans to be detoured by the FBI,” Adrian said calmly as he slowly drew his lance, with Agent Mason’s blood still dripping from the end. “I don’t care what your plans are, this ends tonight,” he said as pulled the trigger of his gun. Adrian had more than enough time to react and defend himself in the split second between when Hoffman tightened the muscles in his finger and when the hammer of the gun struck the bullet. Like countless times before, he imagined a beam of red light shining out of the agent’s gun, telling him exactly where it was aimed. With inhuman speed, Adrian moved his lance in the bullet’s path before the firing pin could even strike the primer, compensating for recoil and other variables. The bullet was fired, moving through the air so fast that not even his eyes could catch it, but it did not matter. The bullet struck his lance and was deflected, falling to the ground as a piece of crumpled metal. Agent Hoffman desperately emptied his entire clip, but Adrian’s reflexes allowed him to block and deflect every one. “You are out of your league, detective. I have evolved to a point where your guns are useless against me. While we are of the same species, we are worlds apart in every aspect. I suggest you leave to tend to your partner, before you end up like him.” Releasing a roar of anger, Agent Hoffman drew an extending police baton and charged towards him, about to swing it from the side. “You’re full of openings,” Adrian muttered as he reached out with his lance. As the agent swung his arm to strike him with the baton, the tip of Adrian’s lance pierced his elbow, driving between the bones and cartilage, completely stopping his attack like a wrench thrown into an engine. Hoffman shouted in agony and fell to his knees. “Had I been serious with that counterattack, I could have sent the lance in all the way and completely severed your forearm. The bones in your elbow would have been crushed, the nerves torn, and the muscles ripped apart. No surgeon would be able to reattach it. I’ll say this again: leave before you end up like your partner. My plans are too important for me to be wasting time with you.” As Adrian walked away, Agent Hoffman pulled out a stun gun and pulled the trigger. Two barbs were launched from the end, connected by long wires. They lodged themselves in Adrian’s coat but there was no effect. Adrian turned back to the agent. “Nice try, but I made this coat to not just stop pullets. It’s also fireproof, airtight, and it insulates me from electric charges. And even if those barbs hit me, I can block pain, so the most you’d give me is some harmless muscle stimulation.” “What the hell are you planning?” Hoffman cursed as he got to he feet. “I can’t tell you. If word were to get out as to what my plans are, my associates would never let me continue,” Adrian said if he walked away. “Tell me what you’re planning, goddammit!” Hoffman yelled as he charged towards him, about to punch him with his good hand. Adrian turned around and caught his wrist, completely stopping him. Hoffman was a very large man, with a great amount of strength in his punches, but his power was nothing compared to the adolescent’s. “You want to know? Fine,” Adrian said before stabbing him in the thigh with his lance. He howled in pain and fell to the ground, holding his leg. “However, once I tell you, I will kill you. As I said, I can’t afford to let my plans be known by anyone, especially my associates. For the price of death, are you still willing to hear his plans?” Hoffman was silent. “Very well. Agent Mason, I hope you heard that, because you’re my witness.” Adrian then stabbed through Hoffman’s coat on his right side, destroying his radio, which had been set to receive and transmit the conversation. Hoffman cursed at how easily Adrian saw through his ploy. “Now that no one can listen in, I will tell you the truth. I have recently become a member of a very powerful society, one that people laugh at as a myth without knowing its true power. The group I am talking about is the Illuminati, the puppeteers of the Freemasons.” “You can’t be serious.” “The Illuminati do exist and their influence reaches all around this globe. While they have the potential to change the world, they only use a small amount of their potential, allowing genocides and wars to continue even though they have the means to end them. I will take command of the Illuminati and change that. I will use their power and connections to bring about my plan.” “And what the hell is your plan?” the crippled detective asked angrily. “Bringing the world to the brink of death and installing international peace. I plan on crippling the major superpowers of the globe and giving nuclear weapons to every country on Earth.” Hoffman stared at him wide-eyed. “How the hell will that bring world peace?! It will only doom us all!” “On the contrary. By spreading power throughout the nations of the world, I will create the ultimate force to prevent war: fear. Anger and greed create wars, but fear can prevent them. Nuclear weapons have taken this role and performed beautifully. For example: after WWII, everyone believed the US and Russia would fight each other, people were making bomb shelters in their back yards before atomic bombs were even invented. The war between America and Russia was inevitable, yet something stopped it, and that something was the atomic bomb. With the atomic bomb in America’s arsenal, Russia stepped down its aggravated attempts of control out of fear, and when Russia achieved nuclear power, America did the same, bringing the two all-powerful nations to a stalemate. Such was the Cold War, though through my eyes, I see it as the Cold Peace. If it weren’t for the fact that America was more paranoid about communism than Russian nuclear strikes, we could have avoided fighting in Vietnam, Korea, and other countries, and the Cold War would have acted as the perfect example of peace instilled by fear. I plan on recreating that status quo but on a worldwide scale. After the fall of the Soviet Union, literally thousands of Russian nuclear bombs went missing. Who else would possess all of those bombs other than the Illuminati? Once I get my hands on those nukes and the Illuminati’s connections, I will distribute them to every country on earth. Consider this; since the end of WWII, has the US waged any war on a country with nuclear weapons? Russia? Pakistan? North Korea? Ever since nuclear power went up for grabs, no two nuclear countries have declared open war on each other, out of fear of a nuclear exchange. However, America alone has invaded countless countries without nuclear weapons because they had nothing to fear. Few people realize just how many countries the United States actually have troops stationed in, but imagine if I gave all those countries the ability to tell the US we’ve overstayed our welcome. By giving every nation on earth nuclear weapons, every country will have equal power. No one would dare wage war on another country if there was a possibility of retaliation.” “But what about countries controlled by madmen, or terrorists taking one of those bombs?! If nuclear weapons become more available, nuclear war will be unavoidable!” “Along with the corporate world, I have also infiltrated the third world. I’ve stabilized a dozen countries already, using my wealth to replace chaos and famine with schools and infrastructure. More than that, I’ve set up dozens of rebel groups around the world. Armed, trained, and loyal to me, they are ready to overthrow their governments upon my order. The world will think it was simple human strength that overthrew the evil regimes, but it will have all been me, installing my own puppet regimes so I can pull the strings and keep the world safe. I’ve established mercenary armies in Africa, I’ve sold weapons to terrorists that are rigged to blow with the push of a button, and I’ve overthrown several tyrants. Believe me, I’ve thought this through and been working on this for a long time. I plan on giving every country only a very small number of nuclear bombs, so small that you could count them all on one hand. With only a small arsenal to look after, there will be no chance of any of the nuclear bombs going missing like after the fall of the Soviet Union. Unstoppable security measures will be put in place on each bomb, ensuring that they will never be stolen or lost. If one country outside of my control does indeed decide to wage nuclear war on another country, its number of targets will be incredibly small. Consider all of the major cities in America; the nation would still be able to survive if a few of them were lost during a nuclear exchange. If two countries wage war on each other, the exchange will be very brief, and the will to fight would be crushed under the loss of life. If a brief nuclear war starts, there will be almost no chance of other countries wanting to get involved. It won’t be like a bar fight where one guy punches another guy and it turns into a domino affect. If two countries wage war, the nuclear exchange would make examples out of them, and other countries would be too terrified to make the same mistake. I will force the great nations of the globe into submission and forever deflate their overblown egos. With all of the countries equal, war will become obsolete, and peace will be installed, whether people like it or not.” “But that’s not peace! That’s just fear and pain crushing everyone, all forced to live under your heel and the threat of nuclear war!” Hoffman yelled defiantly. “Exactly; peace. That is the only peace that can be established in this world of ours. I am not a misanthrope, but that doesn’t mean I’m not aware of humans’ ignorance and barbarity in this modern age and all throughout history. Humans are like junkyard dogs; the only way to keep them from snapping at each other is to lock them up. Your definition of peace is a delusion created out of denial of human nature. As an agent of the FBI, can you honestly tell me that humans are capable of understanding each other and being happily at peace? Do you really think that our modern societies have a chance at achieving peace, when history has proven us incapable?” They were both silent for several seconds. “Before I met Jenny, my experience in a public high school was a very peculiar one. I was given the nickname Adroid because of my cold logic and inhuman personality. She once asked me how I could be so harsh and calculating, and I replied by stating I choose to see the world and solve problems in the way a machine would. That is the source of my new movement, the movement to put an end to foolish humanitarianism and idiocy. It is time for us to stop letting our emotions dictate our lives and start using true logic. Nationality, religion, and ethnicity can no longer hold any value whatsoever if we are ever to have peace, with or without my plan. With fear breathing down the neck of every national leader, the desire to wage war will be crushed under the inevitable repercussions of nuclear retaliation, and with the military strength of every nation forcefully equalized, a new world order can be planted in the cracks caused by the revolution. The intention of my plan will flow down into the protocols of every country: use fear to bring peace. Governments will crack down on crime like never before, driving fear into those who break the law and suppressing their urge to destroy, yet they will also be cautious, fearing the retaliation of the public if they go too far with their desire to crush law-breaking. Humans cannot create peace for a human world; there is too much moronic selfishness and dramatic emotions. Just look in on a session of Congress and you’ll see that we cannot let this world continue in the way it has been. Humans’ faulty logic and humanitarian idealism block the key to true peace, and only with the mind of a machine can those obstacles be removed and peace achieved. You can’t just set the human race off with a new beginning and hope it makes good decisions. You have to set up barriers that will keep it in check long after you have died. For me, those barriers are fear and control. The human race is like a child; it needs its parents to make the right decisions for it because it is incapable of making the correct choices for itself. Humans may have created machines, but since machines will someday surpass humans, they must act as parents of the human race, and only with machine logic can the safety of the human race be ensured. I forsook my machine side to be with the one I love, but I did not lose my view of this world and my logic. I have the body of a man and the mind of a machine, so I can see the path to peace, and should I fail, then at least the world will be united against me as a common enemy. That is my plan, Agent, and as I said before, I cannot let you live now that you have heard it,” Adrian said as he raised his lance. The agent looked up at him, trying to think of an argument he could make. “I would have preferred to kill as few innocent people as possible, but you refused to move out of my path. I am sorry, but I must silence you for the sake of peace.” “You’re late,” Jenny said with a smile as she sat on the hood of the car she had taken. Behind her was Dr. Alfonse’ private jet, ready to take off. “Sorry, I wanted to play one last round of blackjack, then I got on a winning streak… and now I’m bankrupt,” Adrian joked as he walked over to her. “I have good news, they accepted us. We’re now members of the Illuminati. All according to plan huh?” “A few steps off, but pretty much according to plan.” “Our stuff has been loaded onto the jet. I guess it’s time to get going,” she said with a hint of sadness. “Don’t worry, darling, we’ll come back here some day. We’ll come back, tour America again, work the Vegas casinos, visit our hometown, and do whatever we want. We have all the time in the world. I know it feels weird to be leaving home.” “I’m not leaving home. For me, home is wherever you are,” she said sweetly. “Oh my god, that is so corny.” Laughing to point that she couldn’t breathe, Jenny shoved him off of the car. Dr. Alfonse stepped out of the jet and walked over to them. “Mr. Ashford, Ms. Sinclair, I suggest we leave.” “Of course, we’re ready to go,” Adrian said as he stood up. Jenny and Adrian climbed up the stairs and stepped into the private jet. They took two seats facing each other and couldn’t help but smile as the plane took off. Dr. Alfonse then walked over to them. “We’re going to stop on the eastern coast to refuel, refuel again in England, and from there, we’ll head to Vatican City.” As he walked away, Adrian turned to Jenny. “We’re on our way.” Chapter Ten: Jenny and Adrian gave a wide yawn once the plane shook them awake. They had left the US behind and landed in Vatican City, their new home. Outside, the towering cathedrals and obelisks were reaching up to the late-morning sun. Down on the airport tarmac, a limo was waiting for them. Jenny and Adrian looked at each other and smiled, both giddy and nervous. They stepped out of the plane with their luggage, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the fresh air. The limo driver quickly took their luggage and loaded it into the back for them. Dr. Alfonse, Jenny, and Adrian climbed inside, and found Professor Medici sitting near the back of the cabin. The doors were closed and the limo quickly began moving forward. “I must say, Mr. Ashford, you’re terms were steep. It took a lot of convincing to get the other members to accept you both into the Illuminati without any previous affiliation. However, once we looked into your history and considered what you could offer us, they all accepted. However, if you want to keep your membership, you will both have to continuously have something to offer. While I wish our first meeting hadn’t been so… interrogative, I do believe that you will be a vital key to the future of the Illuminati.” “Thank you. I’m glad that there are no negative feelings.” “You’re welcome,” he said as the limo drove down the beautiful Roman streets. “Now, I’m here to inform you as to your entitlements and benefits as a member of the Illuminati, as well as responsibilities. Let me first make it clear that as long as you work WITH the Illuminati, you work FOR the Illuminati. As a member, you will not receive any payment for your services. We’ll have nothing to do with your finances, and unless an individual is giving you a personal loan, you will not get any money from other members. However, as long as you work for the Illuminati, you will have access to the benefits and perks of all members. Such examples include free vacations, flights to any location, tax exemption, medical care, and anything else owned by another member. In terms of your personal activities, the Illuminati doesn’t care about what you do, as long as there is no way it can be traced back to us. However, if the Illuminati council has a strong disagreement with your actions, then you’ll have two options; stop what you’re doing or leave the Illuminati. We refuse to be affiliated with drug cartels, warlords, slave traffickers, or anything else like that. It took a lot for us to overlook your already… bloodstained… history. That is mostly all you need to know as a new member of the Illuminati. You will learn more later, but we’ve covered all of the important things. Now, allow us to discuss the procedure…” “Well I was able to come up with designs on the flight here, so all I need is the time and resources to build them. Once I get the required materials, I can have the pair ready in… a week. But I will also need x-rays and scans of your arms, because I need a lot of details in order to make sure that the prosthetics will fit.” “Of course, Anthony can have those delivered by tomorrow. Now, in our agreement, I said that you two would be granted safe asylum. Not only will you be protected by both the sovereignty of Italy and Vatican City, but you will also be granted free housing. In fact, ownership of a chateau just went up for grabs…” Jenny grabbed Adrian’s hands and stopped breathing the second she heard the word ‘chateau’. “An elderly widower passed away a few days ago in the hospital, but he had no family and no will in which to leave his possessions to any of his friends. Since the property has not been left to anyone, its ownership has fallen to the bank, the bank that I am a board member of. Basically, the house and all of the possessions belong to you two. I have also acquired a serviceman who will run errands and act as a driver.” Jenny gripped Adrian’s arm and couldn’t help but give a very girlish squeal, causing everyone to laugh. “We’ll bring the scans tomorrow, use the rest of the day to make yourselves comfortable and do some sight-seeing,” Professor Medici said before the door closed and limo drove away. Jenny and Adrian were standing in front of a two-story mansion with their luggage beside them. The chateau was situated in and looked out over the Vatican Gardens, was made of white granite bricks, and had a rose window above the door, just like a cathedral. With its location in the Vatican Gardens, it was just a short-walk away from the city streets but granted privacy. It had a large water fountain out front with a long gravel driveway and a gated entrance. They opened up the door and stepped inside, gazing at the chandelier that hung from the vaulted ceiling, the art that decorated the walls, and the flawless marble tiles making up the floor. Laughing with excitement, Jenny jumped up into Adrian’s arms, kissing him wildly. Adrian was as excited as she was, for not only were they finally safe from the authorities, but they were home. They didn’t have to run anymore, they could live out their lives in Rome. They finally had a home that they could call their own. They brought their luggage inside and explored the house. In the chateau’s entryway was a large marble staircase in line with the front door. The steps were covered in a red carpet, and at the second level, the staircase split to the left and right at perpendicular angles, and then turned into balcony walkways that allowed access to the second story rooms. There were several large pillars built into the balconies, supporting them and the roof. Along the staircase were wide handrails, with bronze statues set at each corner. There were two doors, one to the left of the main entryway and one to the right. They stepped through the left door and entered an expansive den, holding several easy chairs, an L-shaped couch, a large fireplace, and a huge flat-screen TV. Bureaus and shelves lined the wall, filled with antiques of several different collections. At the far end of the room was a fully-stocked bar, with a large cabinet filled with well almost a hundred bottles of aged wine and liquor. Near the front windows was a large billiards table. The den was obviously used as a smoking room, because the air had the sweet and musty odor of cigars. They moved to the back of the chateau and stepped into the kitchen. The kitchen had rosewood cabinets and shelves, onyx tabletops, an island table, a spotless stove, and a spice rack that was the size of a bookshelf. The previous owner either loved to cook or had a very talented chef. There was a door in the front of the kitchen, leading to a room beneath the staircase. It was the downstairs bathroom. The back of the kitchen had a vast expanse of windows, letting sunlight stream in and granting a view of the courtyard outside. The courtyard was blocked off on all sides by walls, evidence that the chateau was twice as large as they had originally thought. In the center of the courtyard was a large fountain like the one in front of the house, sending up a jet of water. The ground around it was made of yellow sandstone bricks, with moss and grass growing between them. The walls around the courtyard were covered in crawling vines and moss. There were three doors along the back of the kitchen, two of which leading off the other half of the chateau, with the third as the entrance to the courtyard. They moved to the back-right corner of the front of the house and entered a massive dining room. Like the kitchen, the table was made of red rosewood with a black onyx surface. One wall was lined with windows, letting the sunlight stream in, and along the other wall were shelves and cabinets full of china, silverware, napkins, tablemats, candlesticks, and etc. They stepped into the front-right corner of the first floor, just to the right of the entryway. This room held the lounge, but unlike the other rooms, it was circular and the ceiling went all the way up to the roof. The half of the circular wall that was part of the building’s outer surface had nothing but windows, all with colored glass. With two levels of colored windows occupying two sides of the chateau’s corner, the room was illuminated with an endless rainbow of different shades and hues. Across the room from the windows was another fountain, stretching up to the ceiling. It was built to resemble a waterfall, with water running down a surface of twisted blue and purple glass. Down at the bottom of the fountain was a bed of stones, with the drain hidden underneath. The glass surface was slanted ever so slightly, so that the water wouldn’t be sprayed out when it was released from the top and not splash when it reached the stones. The slow rate of the fountain and the grooves in the glass also made sure that the water would not spray or splash. The light from the windows reflected off and was distorted by the wall of water running down the glass, fusing the colors in ways that not even Adrian could describe. In the center of the room was a large grand piano made of ebony wood, with ivory keys and a flawlessly maintained surface. It had obviously been played often, though it had been taken care of so well that its condition was even better than those that had never been played. They moved back to the entryway and climbed up the stairs with smiles on their faces. Again, they started by checking out the left side of the house, moving from the split staircase and onto the catwalk that lined the side of the second story. Just past the final step of the staircase was an open doorway on the right, granting access to one of the hallways connecting the two parts of the chateau. All of the doors on the left catwalk were entrances to guest bedrooms, each with a personal bathroom, a queen-sized bed, a bureau, closet, and a gas stove for heating. Jenny and Adrian moved to the right side of the house and opened the only door. They stepped into a vast library, with well over a thousand books on countless subjects. In the corner were two easy chairs and lamps for reading, along with towering windows to let in sunlight. The walls were wood-paneled instead of being made with plaster, between the two easy chairs was a gas fireplace (built with extra security and safety due to its surroundings), and hanging from the ceiling was a chandelier. The library was so large that it made up the whole upper-right quarter of the building. There was a door in the corner that granted access to a hallway leading to the other half of the chateau. In the opposite corner was a narrow spiral staircase, leading up to the roof. Walking down the hall, they passed the courtyard down below and turned, where the two hallways on either side of the second floor converged into a perpendicular hallway with a set of twin doors at the center. In front of the doors was a spiral staircase, leading down to the first floor. Stepping through the twin doors, they walked down another short hallway and came into the master bedroom. The far wall was a massive bay window that looked out over Vatican Gardens and the ceiling was raised, and set in the middle of the room was the king-sized bed with silk sheets and blankets, each with thread counts of over eight-hundred, all of which brand new and never used, just like the mattress. Behind the headboard sat two bureaus back to back that had originally been filled with clothes, and on each side of the bed was a nightstand. In the far corner was another spiral staircase leading up to the roof. The short hallway that they had come through passed two smaller rooms within the master bedroom. One was a closet that had originally been filled with the former owner’s clothes, along with blankets, sheets, and towels, all brand new. The second was the master bathroom. Unlike the other rooms of the house, which had been painted with bright colors, the walls of the bathroom had been painted with deep soothing blues, and were even adorned with shells and pictures of angels. Next to the door was a long marble counter with a wide mirror and silver sink. Beside it was the toilet, and in the back of the room was a combination of a hot tub and a shower. It was a large circular porcelain bath with a wooden foundation, water jets, and seats like a hot tub, but up above was a huge showerhead and in the corner was a drain. The showerhead was large enough to pour as much water as a fire hose. Behind the hot tub was a bay window with curtains for privacy or to just control the light, and around it were candles, soaps, and oils. Going back down, they climbed down the spiral staircase to the first floor, entering a vast studio workshop for creating works of art of all types. There were several tables spread throughout the room, each covered in tools and paints, as well as blocks of modeling clay that had gone dry, half-finished statues, and bare canvases waiting to be turned into beautiful pictures. Against the wall was a long workbench, buried under tools for woodworking, all sprawled out in a disorganized mess. Next to the workbench were shelves and drawers, filled with more tools and materials. To the side of the studio was the entrance to a grand personal office with hardwood floors, blue/gray painted walls, an oak desk with a comfy office chair, windows behind the desk, and several bookshelves along the walls. Adrian could just imagine himself sitting at that desk, using the room as his private study for any work he had. They climbed back up to the second floor and then up the staircase in the bedroom. Opening a hatch door at the top, they stepped out onto the roof and faced a large greenhouse, packed tight with plants that definitely needed to be watered. They walked over to the roof of the front portion of the chateau and looked down at a huge swimming pool, surrounded by lawn chairs. From the roof of the chateau, you got a spectacular view of the Vatican Gardens and the surrounding city. Adrian stood in amazement, unable to believe how perfect the house was. But it wasn’t just the house that was amazing; it was the point in time. Here they were, two genius teenagers who couldn’t legally vote, but they were filthy rich, had a grand chateau in the city of Rome, and he was a member of the Illuminati. This was beyond people’s wildest dreams. Jenny shook him from his thoughts as she pushed him into the pool and then jumped in after him, laughing. Adrian surfaced and gasped for air, but was instantly forced back down as jenny wrapped her arms around him and began kissing him. They kissed for several seconds under the water before coming back up for air, with Jenny’s arms still wrapped his neck. Under the Italian sun and soaking wet, Jenny was breathtakingly beautiful, especially with the wide smile on her face. “We’re home, Adrian. We’re home,” she said with disbelief. “We are, Jenny. We’ve finally found our home,” Adrian replied, kissing her. They spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon clearing out the previous possessions, except for the valuables such as the art, books, and antiques. What they kept would be the beginnings of their own cultivation of personal possessions. After they unpacked their things, they decided to take a walk through Vatican Gardens. They strolled through the expansive park with Adrian’s arm around Jenny, admiring the vast collection of beautiful plants and intricate mosaics of flowers. “When we first met, did you ever imagine our lives would turn out like this? Owning a chateau in Rome and being rich before?” Adrian asked. “Not like this exactly, but a little similar. I always knew that you were destined for greatness, and I would dream every night of being your wife and the two of us traveling to places like this whenever we wanted.” “How long have you been dreaming that?” “Since out first class together. That was when I first noticed that you were different from everyone else. Just by looking in your melancholic eyes, I knew that you had a path that stretched away from everyone else’s. Although you had resigned yourself to walking this path alone, I knew I wanted to walk it with you. Have I ever told you that?” “Countless times. But I love hearing you say it,” Adrian chuckled as he kissed her on the forehead. They were laid out on the grass, enjoying the cool shade and watching the drifting clouds overhead. Jenny had her arm across his chest and her head on his shoulder, purring like a cat with every breath. “You’re not the same man I fell in love with,” she said out of the blue. “What do you mean?” “You’re so much different from the way you used to be. In a way, I miss your cold machine-like personality. I miss trying to understand you like a puzzle and watching you try understand me. I miss playing the game that our relationship was in the early stages. I miss looking at you and your level of brilliance like you were the summit of a mountain that I could not reach.” “Do you mean you’re unhappy?” “No, of course not!” she said, raising her head and giving him a reassuring smile and kiss. “I’m just saying I missed the challenge, almost like the saying about how finding the treasure is half the fun. Everyone misses the early stages of their relationships, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t overjoyed with the current stage that their relationship is in. In the early stages, I felt alone, even though I was with you. A part of me was lonely because it was hard to get you to show your feelings for me. I was happy and madly in love, but a part of me wished you were different. Then after your fight with Logan, you finally told me that you loved me, and after your dream, you were completely different than before. Ever since your dream, I’ve felt like this is a true relationship. I can sense your feelings for me, instead of you just trying to mirror my feelings for you. I don’t feel alone in this relationship; I can feel your support and your love. I’m still amazed by you every single day, even more than I was before you trained me. I have reached the mountain summit that is your level of brilliance, and the view of the world is breathtaking. I miss the challenge of the beginning of our relationship, but I am happier and love you even more than I did then. What was the beginning of the relationship like for you?” “It was confusing, more confusing than I thought possible. Being in a relationship was like moving to a country that no one had ever heard of, starting a new life, and adopting a whole new language and set of customs. But what kept me in the relationship was curiosity and interest. Being with you made me feel something that I hadn’t experienced in years: happiness. I hadn’t been happy since I was a little kid, and this was a new kind of happiness, one that I had never felt before. I wanted to study this happiness, I wanted to examine it, and I wanted to find out what was causing it. I wanted to find out what it was about you and being with you that was affecting me in such a way, when all other human interactions just caused annoyance. I enjoyed the confusion, because like you said, it was a challenge. It was nostalgic to come across something that I didn’t understand and have to put work and effort into it in order for it to open up to me. You were an enigma that was so complicated, not even I could figure you out. Eventually, I realized that while it was the challenge that made me keep coming back, I was losing my curiosity as to what was making me happy. I no longer wanted to study and examine every aspect of the relationship from a distance; I wanted to live in it. I didn’t want to answer the mystery; I wanted to embrace it. And only when I finally lowered my defenses of trying to understand it, did the mystery finally open itself up to me. It wasn’t the challenge that was making me happy; it was you. The only challenge was the one I was creating, because I was unable to understand that you were making me happy. I had been alone for so long that my subconscious could not accept that human interaction was making me happy. It was then that I realized I loved you.” “And then you got shot in the head,” she joked, flicking the metal plate in the middle of his forehead. Adrian and Jenny were sitting in one of the restaurants in Rome, eating lemon pasta with grilled shrimp and lamb chops with mint pesto. Outside, the street lamps were lighting up as the sun sank below the horizon. The light bounced off of the water fountains, swerving and dancing on the rough surfaces of the stone buildings and streets. “Cheers,” they both said as they clinked their glasses together and drank lightly, savoring the taste of the wine. “So what do you plan on doing now? We have our whole lives ahead of us and we’ve finally settled down,” Adrian asked as he set down his glass. “Well, I was thinking that I could attend the university that Professor Medici teaches at. I haven’t graduated from high school, but I’m sure Medici could pull some strings so that I’ll be accepted. There are so many things I want to study, especially since you taught me to use the full potential of my brain.” She spoke with excitement while keeping her voice low, just in case anyone who spoke English could overhear them. “What about you? I can’t imagine the Illuminati will have you actually work for them in a cubicle,” she then asked. “Of course not. After I build prosthetic hands for the Illuminati members, I figure I’ll go back to my old job of building and inventing, like back when I was creating surgical tools for the hospital in our town. I miss working with my hands to build new machines and I miss the physical challenges that come with a hobby. However, I’ll be incredibly busy with the plan after we find the nukes.” “How do you know they even exist?” “Tens of thousands of nukes were built by the US and Russia during the Cold War, and after the fall of the Soviet Union, a very large percentage of them completely disappeared. Since the Cold War, Russia and the US have been working together to dismantle the vast excess of atomic bombs, but it took a long time for Russia to stabilize. Atomic bombs and enriched uranium were literally up for grabs. There was even a confirmed story of a janitor taking enriched uranium in small amounts over time because he wanted to buy a new fridge for his family.” “So what is the next step?” “The next step is to find the nukes. Even if the Illuminati doesn’t have the nukes, using their connections to find whoever does will be easy.” “And after that?” “Then we plant the seeds of government destabilization. I know that the world is far too chaotic for my plan to work without problems, especially with certain international tensions. I’ve spent the last several years infiltrating every country and setting up splinter cells that will act when I need them to.” “To overthrow their governments?” “Bingo,” Adrian said, leaning forward with his hands folded over his mouth. There was a gleam in his eye, calculating and ambitious, one that made him appear capable to anything. He had this gleam whenever he wore his Machina mask, and it never failed to give Jenny shivers of excitement. “My plan has two parts: the nukes and the ones with their fingers on the button. I know that many countries can’t be trusted with nuclear bombs so I’ll rebuild them into something useful. Remember what North Korea used to be like? Ruled by that madman with the granny glasses? I was the one that wiped out the Kim family, thanks to the insurgent group I developed. It’s now as stable and economically healthy as South Korea, an ally to the United States, and the kind of model nation that the UN wants to replicate.” “That was you? You did that?” “I did. I was the one who organized the coup and armed the rebel faction. The new President of North Korea and most of his subordinates work for me, and it’s the same for a dozen other countries around the globe. If something happens and we can no longer remain in Vatican City, those countries will protect us. I just need to drop my name and we’ll get whatever we want. I don’t just rebuild countries, I make sure I have their loyalty and can rely on them at any time. A few countries even have puppet leaders, figureheads that I control completely and use to run the nations.” “That might just be the sexiest thing I’ve ever heard,” Jenny giggled. “So while all the first-world countries will remain independent, the overtaken third-world countries will all belong to you and do what you say. Everyone on Earth will think that all the countries are held together and have achieved peace through a nuclear stalemate, but in reality, you’ll be orchestrating everything from the shadows, the unknown ruler of the world.” “It will be the greatest lie ever told, but it will work.” “Thanks, Clovis,” Adrian said as he and Jenny stepped out of the limo. After all the wine she drank with dinner, Jenny was struggling to stay on her feet. The limo driver was holding bags of groceries they had picked up before going to restaurant. Clovis was the driver/butler Professor Medici had hired to work for them. “Of course, sir. I’m at your disposal.” “Come on, honey, time for bed,” Adrian said, hoisting Jenny up onto his shoulder and carrying her through the front doors of their new home. “Put me down, I can walk!” she laughed. “We tried that, remember? You almost fell into the fountain because you wanted to make love underwater. Clovis, please put the food in the refrigerator. That will be all.” “Yes sir,” he said, making his way to the kitchen. Adrian carried Jenny upstairs and into the bedroom. He gently laid her down on the bed and turned on the lights. She gazed at him with a look of peace on her face and eyes filled with love. “No matter how many times I look around, I just can’t believe we’re really here. We’re home.” Adrian wrapped his hands around hers. “I know, and it’s better than I ever imagined. We don’t have to run any more, we don’t have to hide, and we don’t have to constantly move every time we get comfortable. We can finally live out our lives.” Downstairs, Adrian could hear Clovis walking out of the house and closing the doors behind him. “I’m going to go turn out the lights. Promise me you won’t fall asleep with your clothes on.” “I promise.” Adrian got up and stepped out of the bedroom. He moved throughout the house, turning off the lights. With the only sound coming from the towering fountain in the lounge and the only light shining in from the moon and stars outside, Adrian made his way back upstairs. He stepped into the bedroom and smiled. Jenny was sound asleep beneath the blankets, with her clothes having been lazily tossed onto a nearby chair. Only half of her body was covered, and the rest was reflecting the light from the bedside lamp beautifully. Adrian sat down beside her, careful not to wake her up. Ever so gently, He stroked her golden hair and brushed his fingers against her soft cheek, admiring her beauty with a small smile on his face. Finally, he stood up, undressed, turned off the light, and climbed into bed. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, letting the warmth of her body put him to sleep. Adrian didn’t know what time his eyes opened. The moon was slowly approaching the horizon, casting a pool of light across the floor, broken up by a net of shadows from the window frames. Jenny had woken him up by gently kissing him. “Jenny?” he asked with a yawn. “We never got to celebrate our new home. Don’t wake up completely; I want us to give each other our hearts while our minds are on the precipice between reality and dreams,” she cooed, kissing him over and over again, but as gently as a falling leaf. Adrian wrapped his arms around her in reply and rolled over so that he was on top. He held himself over her, so tired that he could barely maintain his erection. While he kissed Jenny over and over again, he pressed the head of his cock against the soft lips of her pussy. He slowly pushed it in, but instead of a moan, Jenny just gave a soft gasp. Adrian began moving back and forth in the familiar rhythm, exploring the insides of Jenny’s body with his throbbing cock. But unlike the other times, he was being slow and gentle, as to Jenny’s request. They kissed over and over again, with their lips only separating for the briefest of moments. With every gentle thrust, Jenny would give a soft hum of pleasure instead of her usual nymphomaniac moans of sexual ecstasy, but while the reply was far softer than normal, Adrian could sense that she was enjoying it more. True to her words, with their minds on the precipice between being awake and being asleep, their physical experiences were being transformed into more powerful psychological bliss, with each feeling of euphoria traveling through their exhausted bodies and enraptured minds. Adrian could barely feel his own body, for his mind was turning every experience into an emotional tremor. For once, he was unable to keep track of time while he and Jenny were intimate. He could not tell the difference between seconds and minutes, as his mind would constantly switch between moving at a snail’s pace and then running at lightning speeds. He knew that it was a long time, far longer than any of their earlier sessions. His only clue was the pool of moonlight slowly moving across the room, eventually coming upon them. With her face and body illuminated by the moon, the look of bliss on Jenny’s face was unparalleled. It was as if her body was mirroring the jubilation of her mind. At last, the two lovers had a simultaneous orgasm. Though with his mind as tired as it was, Adrian didn’t know if what they experienced was really an orgasm. All he knew was that Jenny arched her back like a gymnast and gave her first moan of the night, and his body gave out and he collapsed beside her. Seconds away from a deep sleep, all he could sense was the sweet smell of Jenny’s hair and the warmth of her body as she pressed herself against him. There were seven men and one woman facing Adrian, with one of them being Professor Medici. Six of them were in the same state as Medici, with the youngest of the whole group no less than fifty years old. Everyone who was losing the use of their limbs had a personal doctor and assistant beside them. They were in a privately owned building, and he was meeting the rest of the Illuminati members in Italy. The remaining members would be flying in next month. “Mr. Ashford, I would like to introduce you to Sybil Anniston, Wyatt Abdul, Hannibal Stewart, Howard Porter, Mort Taegan, Clancy Valdemar, and Brennan Delbert. We shall have a formal initiation next month, but I wanted to introduce you to the members in Italy,” Medici said. Adrian gave a quick bow of his head, since he could not shake the members’ hands. “This building is the Italian Illuminati headquarters. It has embassy status so that the authorities can’t barge in, it offers emergency shelter and asylum, hosts teleconferences with all other members, and is one of the few locations that hold their servers.” “Your servers?” “Yes, they keep all of our data and information on servers in every headquarters. All the servers in an outpost will self-destruct if the building comes under attack or someone hacks our system. Come see for yourself.” Adrian tried to keep his smile hidden as he walked between the long aisles of servers, all kept in a dim temperature-controlled room. Somewhere in this cyber maze was the answer he sought, and all he needed was to dig. “Back before the digital age, the only way for our hideouts to be able to share knowledge was to make sure that each had a copy of the same book. Once you are granted full membership of the Illuminati, you shall have access to all of the information in our archives. That is… as long as you hold up your end of the deal and continue to hold up your end of the deal,” Medici warned, sitting in the doorway. “Don’t worry, my friend. You shall all get what you want. I will give you back your life and make it so that you can return to teaching, as well as defeat Machina for you.” “I hope so, because no one in this organization trusts you… at all. You’re the youngest member in the history of the Illuminati by more than two decades, you have a bloody past, you’ve been watching us with the same hunter’s eye as ourselves, and you extorted your way into our group. It will be a while until anyone trusts you enough to even turn their back on you.” Adrian chuckled and walked towards him. “That’s good, I was worried that no one in the Illuminati would give me a challenge if I decided to take over.” Unfazed, Medici had Dr. Alfonse turn his wheelchair so that he could face him. “By the way, we have what you asked for.” On cue, Dr. Alfonse held up a suitcase and a manila envelope. “The envelope holds scans and measurements of my arms for the procedure. Now that you have everything you asked for, it’s time to hold up your end of the deal.” “But of course. In four days, you shall be given new hands, and before the formal initiation, all of the other members with your disease will be granted the same gift.” “Ok, put that laser engraving system over there,” Adrian said to Clovis in the chateau’s workshop. As Clovis moved the engraving system with a forklift, Jenny stepped in with a crate in her arms. “The materials you ordered have come in. Where should I put them?” “Fantastic. Just put them on a table,” Adrian was installing the system of computers that he would be using to control his most advance power tools. They included a laser engraving system, a 3D scanner, and even his own Adroid. The workshop was being updated with new machinery and tools, all top of the line and able to perform with surgical precision. The computer system had several monitors all built in a semicircular formation on the workbench, and could be given voice commands. It was early in the morning and everything Adrian had ordered had finally arrived. The workshop was filled with open boxes and crates. “Alright, I’m finally equipped to begin production,” Adrian said with excitement as he got out from under the workbench and stood up. “Great, I can’t wait to see how far you get. I got to go, my first class at the university is going to start soon,” Jenny said before giving him a kiss on the cheek and grabbing her purse. “I’ll see you tonight,” Adrian replied. She gave him another kiss and walked out. He turned to Clovis. “That will be all.” Clovis nodded and left him alone. Adrian walked back to the workbench and sat down in the comfy new office chair. “Oh how I missed this.” The first day was spent with Adrian hunched over his work bench, tweezers in hand with a magnifying glass under his face, working tediously on the key components of his prosthetics: the computers. These fake hands would be far more elegant than a simple Terminator-style wire-and-gear rig; every movement would be controlled electronically. Each limb had a small computer that would implement the desired movements of their user. The computers would direct electric charges through the hands and fingers, but several button battery-sized transformers would control the length of the charge and how far they reached. Putting the “micro” in “microchip”, the technological level of these circuits was unparalleled. Not only did they control the flow of electricity, the computers wirelessly controlled them. Essentially, they were half-transformer and half-receiver. He made fourteen of these circuits, and that was only for the first limb. It wouldn’t be until the second day that he would truly able to work. By the time Adrian was done, it was late in the afternoon and Jenny would be coming back from the university. He stood up and stretched, sore from sitting in one position for so long. Jenny stepped through the front door and was greeted by music. With a smile on her face, she stepped into the lounge where Adrian was playing the piano. The afternoon sun was shining through the colored glass windows, radiating with a vast cascade of different shades and hues, all blurred and mixed together after being reflected off the water fountain on the other side of the room. Jenny stood behind Adrian, wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed him on the top of the head. “How was your day?” he asked, continuing to play. “Wonderful. My tutor couldn’t believe how smart I was, I had him staring in disbelief in just twenty minutes. He said that with my intelligence, I will be able to learn in one week what it took three months for everyone else to learn. I can’t wait to start the real classes.” As she sat down beside him on the bench, she winced. “Are you alright?” “Yeah, I just stretched the wrong way this morning and the chair that I was sitting in didn’t help. Luckily I’ve been able to block it out,” she said, trying to work the tension out of her neck and back. “I know the perfect way to take care of that.” A gentle breeze wafted through the den from the open windows as Jenny and Adrian watched TV. They were figuring out the channels, arranging the TV settings, and looking for any interesting shows and stations. Almost everything was in Italian, so while they needed subtitles, we would be able to learn the language before the end of the week. “Ok, so take off your shirt.” With a coy smile of her face, Jenny unbuttoned her blouse and unclasped her bra. She winced from her tight muscles as she removed her shirt and lingerie, but teasingly kept her breasts hidden from me. She lied down on couch and looked back at him. Adrian leaned over and placed his hands on her shoulders, squeezing them softly. Jenny hummed in pleasure at his touch as he gave another squeeze, easing a bit of the tension out of her muscles. He began massaging her shoulders, working his fingers as if he was preparing dough for baking. He could feel every muscle, vein, and tendon beneath her soft skin with just the tips of his fingers and the slightest bit of pressure. He eased her tight muscles with little more than a soft press and the warmth of his hands. He shifted his attention from her shoulders to the sides of the base of her neck, rubbing the tension away. As he moved his hands down her back, Jenny hummed in bliss. With the soft breeze from the windows gently kissing her body, the smell of flowers from the gardens outside swirling around the room, the cool leather of the couch against her chest, and the warmth of his hands as he took her pain away, she could not help but purr like an affectionate cat. His hands on the middle of her back, Adrian could feel her heart beating and the expansion of her lungs with each soft breath. He was fixated on the beauty of her flesh, from its softness that was on par with flower petals to the flawless shade of tan. It was less like he was giving her a back massage and more like sculpting molten bronze into a statue of a goddess. Adrian pushed his hands up the sides of her back, working out the tension like wet cement beneath a steamroller. Jenny’s whole body stretched in jubilation as the muscles in her back expanded from the blissful pressure and warmth. Not stopping the motion, he brought his hands back up to her shoulders and squeezed, completing the circuit of pleasure. He moved his hands down once again, pressing down on the sides of her spine with his thumbs. As he reached her lower back, his hands separated and he moved the pressure to her hips. He moved his hands up and down, massaging each muscle while he leaned forward a kissed every square inch of her back and neck. Very slowly, Adrian hooked his fingers underneath the waistband of her skirt and pulled down. Jenny giggled coyly as he pulled away the skirt, revealing her round tight ass. Her blue panties were barely holding the curved cheeks. He pulled off her skirt and continued bringing his hands down her body, massaging her smooth thighs. He ran his hands down her long legs and began rubbing her feet. Jenny moaned as he pressed down on the muscles, working out tension that she had never even knew existed. “Oh Adrian, you are a god,” she groaned. The pressure from his hands nearly caused the sinew strands of her muscles to come undone, almost like a tight sneaker opening up and stretching once it’s laces were untied. The strain he was taking away had been with her for so long that she had never even noticed it, but now the feeling of it being taken away was almost orgasmic. “Did you know that the nerve endings in your feet affect every area of your body? Different areas of your foot stimulate different parts of your body if that area itself is stimulated. For instance, pressing here affects your spine…” he said as he pressed down on the inner-sides of her feet. “Doing this affects your sinuses…” he said as he ever so gently bent back her toes, just enough to stretch the muscles but not enough to make her uncomfortable. “And I can even…” he began as he squeezed the front of the bases of her feet. Jenny’s whole body jerked as an erotic shiver ran through her pussy. The area Adrian had touched affected the genital area, and because Jenny was completely in tune with her body, she had actually felt the stimulation, which otherwise would have not been noticed. He squeezed again and Jenny gave a soft moan. She reached underneath her body and he could tell she had just slipped her hand into her panties. He continued to massage that area of her feet, causing Jenny to roll onto her back so that she could rub her pussy with more ease. Her nearly naked body caught the dim light from the windows brilliantly and her firm breasts refused to droop to the sides. As Adrian rubbed her feet, Jenny would stroke her pussy with a soft moan, desperate to both augment the uncontrolled stimulation and to almost stop it, as if it were a hand tickling her and she was trying to grab it. Her panties were wet with arousal within seconds, her chest heaved with every deep breath she took, she was blushing all over, and her moan was becoming more and more shrill as he shocked her nerves again and again. Finally, she shrieked and held onto the couch for dear life as she had a climactic orgasm, soaking her panties with pussy juice. She closed her eyes and tried to catch her breath with her whole body trembling. While she recovered, Adrian took off his clothes and crouched down, with his face just inches from her soaking wet cunt. He held himself steady, sampling the sweet smell wafting from the lips. After a few seconds, he reached out and flicked his tongue between the lips of her cunt, sending a bolt of electricity through Jenny’s body. He licked again, savoring the orgasmic juices that trickled onto his tongue. Jenny gave a loud moan, running one hand through his hair and her other hand through her own. With his own hand, Adrian inserted his index and middle finger inside her pussy, exploring her body with both his fingers and tongue. Jenny could not help but moan as he pressed every unexplored corner of her hot slippery cunt with his tongue, licking up the juices and humming to further stimulate her. It didn’t take much to force Jenny over the edge. She had a second orgasm after just a minute of licking and his face was coated in juices. He began moving up, covering her flat stomach and chest in kisses and wrapping his tongue around her nipples, sucking on them with gusto. As Adrian licked her tits, Jenny reached down and began stroking his throbbing cock, making sure that it was as hard as possible. Adrian brought himself up to her face and pressed his lips against hers, kissing her softly. Jenny wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close as she slipped her tongue into his mouth and wrapped it around his own. As they kissed, he pushed his dick up into Jenny’s cunt, but Jenny’s reactive moan was unable to escape their locked lips. Thrusting with only his lower body, Adrian drove his manhood into Jenny over and over again, stretching her pussy as far as it could go. Jenny gripped his shoulders and wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning shrilly as he rammed her. With every thrust, Jenny’s large breasts would bounce and roll against his chest. Jenny had to pull her lips from his because she could not moan and kiss him at the same time. She rested her chin on Adrian’s shoulder, moaning and gasping in his ear as he thrust his cock into her wet cunt so fast and so hard that the clapping their flesh could he heard all throughout the house. Finally, they both had a simultaneous orgasm, splashing even more genetic material onto the couch. Adrian pulled his quickly deflating penis out of Jenny and lied down beside her, kissing her beautiful body as they both tried to catch their breath. “Nothing like a happy ending after a massage,” Jenny giggled as she rolled over and kissed him. “So what are you studying at the university?” Adrian asked as he and Jenny prepared dinner. There were several cookbooks, spice jars, and ingredients sprawled out across the counter and island table. Normally this would be Clovis’ job, but they enjoyed cooking together. “Psychology, quantum and astrophysics, engineering, applied sciences, and botany. With my brain working at the peak of its potential, I want to learn as much as possible,” she replied while stirring the shrimp she was grilling in a skillet for Peppered Shrimp Alfredo. “Botany? I should have known, you said that you wanted to open a flower shop on our first date,” Adrian said with a smile as he marinated focaccia bread with olive oil for chicken and sun-dried tomato bruschetta. “Well after I graduate, I’m hoping that maybe I could work at a botanical garden, open up a flower shop, or even create a line of perfumes.” “Well we have enough money to bring any dream you have into reality. I can just imagine you running a flower shop in the beautiful city of Rome. I’ll always know where to go if I want to give you a bouquet of roses.” “What about you? Are you ever going to go to college?” “I don’t think so. I’ve already done enough reading in my free time to qualify for five different degrees.” “I thought as much, plus I figure you’ll already be busy leading the world,” she said as she kissed him on the cheek. After an early dinner, Jenny and Adrian sat out on the roof and watched the sunset. They were each holding a cup of decaf coffee that was more smooth and delicious than hot cocoa. They breathed deeply, savoring the fresh cool air of the evening and the cascade of aromas from the Vatican Gardens. Once starlight replaced sunlight, they stood up and turned to their illuminated pool. They took off their clothes and dove in, swimming laps around each other and enjoying the feeling of the cool water. Adrian and Jenny were in the hot tube/shower of the master bathroom, washing off the chlorine from the pool. They were on the porcelain floor with him on his knees and Jenny on all fours. He had his hands on her hips and was plowing her asshole with his throbbing cock, ramming her as hard and fast as he could. Jenny had her face buried in her elbow like a pillow and was using her other hand to rub her pussy. “Oh god Adrian, that feels so good! Don’t stop darling, don’t stop!” she moaned in ecstasy. The torrential downpour of hot water bombarded them endlessly as he rammed her over and over again. The clapping of his thighs against her round ass was louder than the shower and her tight anus was squeezing his manhood like a vise grip. But regardless of the tightness, he was able to drive his cock deep inside her without any trouble. After ten minutes of violation, Adrian emptied his entire semen reserves in her asshole, ejaculating so many times so quickly that he lost count. He pulled out his aching cock, which was deflating by twenty percent every second. He and Jenny collapsed on the shower floor and he wrapped his arm around her. “Thanks for that, I know you’re a little shy when we’re… overly… physical,” she said coyly before kissing me. “It’s funny, with other couples, this conversation happens with the genders switched.” Jenny laughed and kissed him again. “Funny that the man I fell in love with, the man who at one time was more robot than human, is now so emotional. I love you so much, Adrian, I love that you love me, and I love that you know how to love me.” “I just want to make you happy; emotionally and physically.” “Well you sure are good at that,” she laughed as she climbed on top of him. “Do you want me to carry you back to bed? I know that anal makes you lose feeling in your legs.” “Yes please, but not yet. I want to stay in the shower a little longer and clean myself off. I don’t want to go to bed with your seed dripping out of my ass,” she said, making him laugh. Once Jenny had washed up, Adrian put one arm under her knees and the other behind her back and picked her up. He carried her back to the bedroom and laid her down in the bed. He went back to turn off the lights and shower, then climbed into bed beside Jenny and wrapped his arm around her. Jenny turned off the bedside lamp, pressed herself against him, and they fell asleep. With a cup of coffee in hand, Adrian sat at his computer at the dawn of the second morning and turned on the modem. All of the monitors lit up, and with them came all of the power tools hooked up to the system. Before doing anything, Adrian turned on the computer’s voice command system. He then reached into the manila envelope that he had been given at the Illuminati headquarters and pulled out a flash drive. It held the measurements and scans of Medici’s arms. Adrian plugged it into the computer modem and a flash drive symbol appeared in the bottom-right corner of the monitor in front of him. “Open extension: Flash Drive 1. Download all files.” A folder window opened up and all of the files were quickly downloaded. “Upload files to desktop.” A different scan of Medici’s arms appeared on every computer monitor, granting him measurements, muscle structure, rate of degeneration, and all of the information that Adrian required. There was just one more thing Adrian needed. He reached into one of the open boxes and pulled out a CD case that he had ordered. On the cover was a diagram of the human body, and written on the disk inside was a software application holding a 3D diagram of the human body and a whole library’s worth of medical information. Adrian put in the disk and the symbol from the box appeared on the main screen. “Open extension: Human Map Disk. Download all files.” For several minutes, the computer downloaded the vast amount of data on the human body. While the information was secured on the modem, Adrian opened up the box of materials Jenny had brought in. It was filled with solid blocks of lightweight carbon fiber plastic, computer components, and containers of specific chemicals, chemicals that he would combine later to create the majority of the prosthetics’ mass. “Open file on ‘3D Sketch’: Human Map<Right Arm<Bone.” On one of the monitors, a 3D diagram of a human right arm appeared, made only of bones. “Synchronize Data: Medici File 1.” Taking measurements from the scans Medici supplied, the application ‘3D Sketch’ began adjusting the bone sizes of the 3D images from the Human Map files, creating a detailed copy of the bone frame of Medici’s right arm. “Copy file: Human Map<Right Arm<Bone (Altered). Save to Desktop.” The computer copied the image and saved it, making it so that he could create another version later. “Monitor 5: Open 3D Sketch Tools: Scalpel.” On the computer screen, the cursor turned into a miniature scalpel. “Now the real fun begins…” Adrian said as he put his hand on the mouse. For the next hour, he worked tirelessly on the computer, carving away at the bones of the digital hand with the scalpel, almost as if he were whittling. He was carving down gaps in the digital finger joints, hollowing them out for the mechanisms he would be installing. The bones of the virtual hand would be carved out of the carbon fiber he had ordered with the laser engraving system, creating a skeletal hand to serve as the base and supports for the internal mechanisms. After securing a block of carbon fiber plastic in the laser engraving system, he activated the printing process. Now he needed to create the mechanisms. With a gas mask over his face to protect himself from the fumes, Adrian began mixing the chemicals he had ordered in a gallon-sized glass container. Like Demium and Ignium, the material he was forming from this chemical concoction was one of his own unique creation, invented mainly for use in prosthetics. It was a special rubbery plastic, one that held the unique trait of reacting when exposed to electricity. When a thread of this plastic would experience an electric charge, it would immediately constrict with great strength, similar to the human body experiencing electric muscle stimulation. Far more versatile, flexible, and compact than a system of wires and electric motors, this plastic would perfectly mimic human muscles and allow for complete and total flexibility, at least as long as it was cut into right strips and supplied with continuous electricity at the exact moments when needed. While the plastic hardened, Adrian returned to his computer. “Open file on ‘3D Sketch’: Human Map<Right Arm<Muscle.” In a second and third 3D Sketch window, an image of a human arm appeared, consisting simply of the exposed muscles, and another group of images, consisting of all the individual muscles, each in their own empty space and with a label. Looking back through Medici’s personal files, Adrian counted the measurements of his right arm and deduced the measurement of each muscle. Memorizing the required measurements, he returned to the finished plastic and broke it free of the glass container. Using a modeling knife, he cut off a strip of plastic and laid it out on the table like a piece of bacon. Taking a nine-volt battery and wrapping two pieces of wire around the positive and negative ends, he made a small rudimentary stun gun and pressed the ends of the wires against the strip of plastic. Completing the circuit between the two wires, the cord of plastic instantly tightened up and shortened, almost twisting up on itself but without moving in a clockwise or counterclockwise direction. While the speed in which the line constricted was impressive, its current torque potential was low, but that was merely an issue of voltage and the amount of plastic. The completed arm would be able to handle a hundred pounds, easily. Now that the plastic had been tested, it was time to begin the truly tedious part. With his mind buzzing in an engineer’s euphoria, he went to work on the plastic with a modeling knife, a scalpel, and a focused heat gun. Keeping in mind the shape and size of Medici’s muscles, Adrian began carving away chunks of plastic from the main block, whittling them down to size, slicing them to pieces to replicate muscle cords, and then melting the ends back together with the heat gun to recombine their textile strength. The work was incredibly delicate, often requiring tweezers to ensure that all the cords were brought together at the perfect lengths so that none of them were too long or too short, too loose or too tight. Similar to human nerves, he also threaded insulated wires through the plastic muscles to activate them, each lined with button-sized transformers he had made the day before to regulate the charge along the various lengths and to various muscles. By the time he was done, he had several strips of plastic muscles, arranged on countless wires like an intricate mobile, and each end joined to one of the computers he had created the day before. Before going any further, he coated each and every piece and wire with a layer of liquid rubber, insulating the plastic muscles so that each one would act as the bridge for its own current, ensuring that no electricity was wasted and none of the muscles would fail to respond to a charge. By now, the laser carving system had long-since finished forming the individual pieces of carbon fiber plastic that would serve as the bones for the hand. While the insulating rubber dried, Adrian went to work putting the pieces together. Since all of the pieces were separate, he either had to secure them with wire tendons or metal hinges, but due to the flexibility that he was seeking in the prosthetic, he used the latter only on the finger joints. After an hour’s work, the skeletal hand was finished, with the hinges moving effortlessly and the steel wires holding the majority of the bones together. Now came the final step before testing. Careful to make sure that they weren’t restricted in their movement, Adrian began securing the plastic muscles to the carbon fiber bones of the hand, using fabric-infused rubber bands to act as sinews. Acting as skin, he covered the hand in two layers of surgical gloves, then wrapped the wrist and forearm in plastic sheeting. The interiors were all lubricated, ensuring that the plastic muscles underneath would not be restricted by friction. He then covered both layers in liquid rubber, just enough to protect the plastic underneath but not restrict movement. Last but not least, he secured the bones of the forearm and the ends of all the wires to the hockey puck-shaped computer, then sealed the edges to make it airtight. Now to test it. Hooking up the arm’s computer to his own, Adrian sent a full charge through the prosthetic and watched with a smile as the fingers all balled into a perfect fist and the wrist bent back and forth. Controlling the hand with his keyboard, Adrian flexed each individual digit, admiring his creation. After only one try, it was flawless. The fingers didn’t lock up, none of the plastic shells were loose, and each movement was easily controlled. The flexibility was flawless, and Adrian could mimic any movement he made with his own hand with the prosthetic. “It’s beautiful.” Adrian turned around in surprise and was face to face with Jenny. He didn’t even hear her come in; he had lost all track of time and hadn’t even noticed the hours flying by. “I can’t believe you created that, it is an absolute work of art.” “Thank you, I almost want to chop off my hand so that I can be the one to use it.” “Come out onto the balcony, I think there is something you’ll enjoy,” she whispered in his ear. “I love it when it get’s like this, I absolutely love it,” Adrian said in amazement as he looked up into the sky. A huge thunderstorm was moving over Vatican City, with clouds almost as dark as night. There was a crystal-clear border around the storm, with sunlight shining down from the empty sky in the distance. The clouds were a mixture of dark blues and grays, all shifting and swirling with incredible speed and beauty. Watching the spiraling banks of the clouds was like watching an explosion of colorful smoke in slow motion. It almost looked like the sky itself was falling and the clouds were so close that you could send ripples through it with a bottle rocket. The combination of darkness and light and the endless swirling of deep colors were so beautiful that no human art could ever compare to it. It almost looked like a watercolor painting made by a god. “I love summer storms, they are just so beautiful. They are almost passionate,” Adrian said with a smile on his face. He had to speak loudly, for there was a powerful wind blowing across the landscape and every tree in Vatican Gardens was rustling loudly in the breeze. The breeze was so fresh and moist that it was like breathing in a lovely perfume. Standing behind him, Jenny wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love them too. I used to think our home in Maine had the most beautiful storms, but here in Rome, it is absolutely breathtaking.” As the words passed her lips, it began to pour like a hurricane. Thick heavy drops fell from the sky, slamming down on the two lovers like hailstones. Each drop felt like they were large enough to fill a shot-glass. Adrian and Jenny quickly rushed inside as the rain picked up, spraying Vatican Gardens like a fire hose. They spent the rest of the afternoon in bed, drinking delicious coffee and watching the sheets of rain slam against the vast window before them. Finished with her coffee, Jenny moved over to Adrian and curled up against him with her arm across his chest. “This is so nice,” they both said at the same time. “Greetings, gentlemen,” Adrian said as he sat down at the dining room table. Professor Medici and Dr. Alfonse were sitting at the other side. “I trust that the prosthetics have been built and are ready?” Medici asked as politely as possible. “Of course, I created a deadline and I am a man of my word. While I make it a personal rule to be a man of humility, I must say I can’t remember the last time I was so proud of one of my inventions. Not only is it completely waterproof and highly durable, each hand can withstand a maximum weight of fifty kilos and offers full flexibility. You will be fully able to drive, write, type, teach, cook, and lift heavy objects.” “Excellent! May I see them?” “Of course.” He reached under the table and brought up the prosthetics and could see looks of amazement in the men’s eyes. “Take a look for yourselves. I call them the mechthetics.” Using Alfonse’ hands in place of his own, Medici inspected the mechthetics carefully. He examined every joint and detail, though the layer of rubber of the exterior hid the mechanism’s secrets. “The muscles are made of a special plastic of my own invention, one that constricts when completing a circuit. The hands are both electrically powered and controlled by the computer at the base, but the real controls behind the movements will be your own mind, via an electronic imprint that will read your brain waves.” “But if they are electric, what will power them? Batteries?” Alfonse asked. “That is the most ingenious part of the design…” Adrian said as he held up two metal disks, one side with a tiny power plug that would connect to the computers in the mechthetics and the other side serving as the base to over thirty long strands of an unknown material, as well as an adjustable brace so they could be secured to the stumps of Medici’s amputated hands. They would serve as the connection base for the mechthetics. “These strands are made of a thermoelectric material, meaning that they absorb heat and convert it to electricity. I’ll run these strands through your arms and they will convert your body heat into usable energy, powering your hands but only when you choose it. I know that you are very concerned as to how safe this operation will be. I assure you that not only is it perfectly safe, but the benefits of these replacement hands are impossible to ignore.” Medici was unconscious on a table in a surgical room of the local hospital. Alfonse had just finished removing the dead end of Medici’s right arm and was following all of his instructions. Jenny was beside Adrian and they were both wearing surgical scrubs. On a stainless steel tray next to the cot were the metal plates with the thermoelectric cords that would act as a plug on the stump. Medici’s head had been shaved and was wrapped in bandages, due to the brain surgery he had just received. A computer had been placed in his cerebellum, the part of the brain focused on movement and balance, and reading his neural patterns, it would send messages to the computers in the mechthetics on which muscles to move. “Before you secure the lid to the bones, make several incisions up along his arm and insert the thermoelectric cords. They will draw in heat and convert it into energy,” Adrian said. “How do you know that his body won’t just reject the cords or try to destroy them with antibodies?” Jenny whispered in his ear. “While this may be grim, he’ll die before his immune system can do anything about them. His immune system will never be able to damage the cords enough for them to stop working or fully reject and expel the cords. At his age, there is very little his body can do to fight something like this, it’s a miracle the virus he was infected with hasn’t already killed him,” Adrian replied, speaking very softly so that Alfonse could not hear. Once Alfonse finished running the cords through the incisions along Medici’s arm, he bolted the lid to the bones in his forearm and secured it to the stump. It would take some time for Medici to heal and recover enough to even be able to use the mechthetics outside of a controlled environment, but they could at least be secured so that he could learn to control them, as long as he didn’t try and lift them. The mechthetic was locked into place on the lid and the procedure for the right arm was complete. Now there was only the left. “Ok, I know how to do this on my own. You two may leave,” Alfonse said. “Good, call us after he tries out the new hands. If he finds them satisfactory, I’ll begin production for the rest of the Illuminati members that have his disease.” Jenny and Adrian were lying in bed after having a big dinner. Jenny was reading a textbook for school, but with her mental prowess, she would flip the page once every few seconds. Adrian had taught her how to just memorize the image of a page and let her subconscious decipher it later. Adrian was using his laptop to take in data on his companies and even the countries he had infiltrated. He had already sent a hundred emails to different subordinates. His cell phone began to vibrate and shake on the bedside table. “Hello?” Adrian asked, already knowing whom it was. “Ah, Adrian, it’s Professor Medici.” Both Jenny and Adrian smiled. “I certainly hope you’re not holding the phone on your own, you need to heal.” “I could not resist. The stump is throbbing, but I am just too excited not to use these wonderful new hands! Your mechthetics work like a dream; they are the definition of perfection! I’ve already contacted the other members, and after telling them about my new hands, they are desperate for mechthetics of their own. Once they get their new hands, you shall be made a full member of the Illuminati.” “Thank you for the news. I shall begin production tomorrow. Goodnight, Professor,” Adrian said before turning off the phone. “All according to plan, huh?” Jenny asked. “All according to plan, darling.” For the rest of the month, Adrian built mechthetics for all of the crippled Illuminati. The instant one was created, one of the members would snap it up like the first hyena to a fresh kill. With Alfonse and Adrian providing instructions, personal doctors were attaching them to their clients the second one was in their possession. Jenny helped him whenever she could, building the mechthetics beside him. It was nice having a project they could work on together. Once all of the members had been outfitted with their replacement hands, they began preparing the initiation ceremony in the Vatican City Illuminati outpost. Delivered from America, a familiar custom hybrid car came to a halt in a parking lot, filled with sports cars and limos. The entire parking lot was hidden beneath a vast canvas tent for privacy. The passenger-side door opened and a woman stepped out with her high-healed shoe gleaming. Her red sequin dress had a slit running up her smooth tan thigh and her long blonde hair was tied up in a bun. Adrian stepped out of the driver door and stood up. He was dressed in a tuxedo with a rose in his breast pocket. He looked over to Jenny and she gave him a coy smile. Adrian smiled in return and walked over. With her clinging to his arm, they made out way to the Illuminati building. The Black Tie event was filled with Illuminati members from all across the globe. All of the caterers and waiters were Zero Masons, hired because they had already been sworn to secrecy as to the identity and existence of their superiors. A regular catering service and even regular Freemasons couldn’t be trusted. Security was extremely tight; members and agents were searched for listening devices, radios, and transmitters, and everyone in the building had been brought inside with their faces hidden so that nobody identify them. It was impossible to tell how many enemies the Illuminati had and everyone had to be protected. Regardless of the prison-like security, the mood in the building was light. Under a glass-domed ceiling, the most powerful and intelligent people were talking, laughing, making business deals, and socializing as friends. Jenny was not the only non-member at the party, husbands and wives of members were also present, having been sworn to secrecy as to the existence and actions of the Illuminati. Among everyone, members with his mechthetics were the celebrities. While they were still in wheelchairs, they had mastered use of their new limbs. Everyone wanted to shake their hands and see them in action. Adrian and Jenny received harsh glares and faux manners from most of the people they talked to, due to the shared belief that not only were they too young to become members, but also they basically bought their way in with the mechthetics, something that they thought they shouldn’t need help in doing. But after seeing his work and learning of his level of brilliance, their view of Adrian changed. He went from a conniving teenager to young prodigy, and the more they talked with Jenny, the more the realized how intelligent she was. They had heard that Adrian had somehow brought her up to his level, but they had struggled to believe it until now. “Many people believe that the Illuminati control the stock markets, but I believe otherwise. The fluctuations are too illogical,” Jenny said. She was speaking with a Canadian businessman who ran a vast pharmaceutical company. “So you think that changes in value are just random occurrences?” he asked, deciding to test her. “Oh god no. Humans may not control it, but it is not random. If you compare the histories of different national stocks, you will find an algorithmic pattern. I don’t know if it’s a random computer encryption created by the accumulation of bits of scrambled data, but half of the world stock market is controlled by some force that is unaffected by human involvement.” Adrian tried to keep his smile hidden, but even his will wasn’t strong enough. “But if you were able to figure it out, then isn’t it more likely that someone of equal intelligence created it?” the businessman asked. “If someone was controlling the stock market, they wouldn’t use a pattern. They would keep it random so that no one could figure it out and no one else could make a profit off of it. With a random sequence, only a handful of people or even just one will know what will happen next and can use that information in their favor.” “Come on, honey, stop bragging,” Adrian laughed, pulling her away. He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around, facing Dr. Alfonse. “It’s time.” Adrian nodded and he and Jenny followed Dr. Alfonse to a stage in the back of the main hall, where his “clients” were seated at a two-part banquet table on the stage with a podium between them, and a laptop computer sitting on the podium. As the teens climbed up the stairs and onto the stage, Medici began clinking his empty wine glass. The whole room fell silent, with all eyes on Adrian and Jenny. Medici pulled his wheelchair out from behind the table and retrieved one of the microphones. The whirring and clicking of his hand was picked up and emitted through all of the speakers in the room. “Greetings, my fellow People of the Light. As many of you know, I am Professor Demetri Medici and I have been a member of this glorious organization for almost twenty years. It is a rare occasion that so many of us risk being in one place at one time, almost always for an initiation. I’m sure we all remember our own initiations. This however, will be a very special one. We are welcoming two new member, neither of which have even left adolescence but are more intelligent than us all. Under normal circumstances, we would never associate ourselves with such young individuals. However, I believe they should make an exception. I believe that these two is a sign that the next generation has a chance of surpassing us. But enough of me jabbering on, I would like to introduce our newest members: Adrian Ashford and Jenny Sinclair.” Many of the Illuminati members stood like grim statues, but most applauded as they stepped up to the podium. Medici reached under the podium and pulled out a rosewood box. He opened it up, revealing a USB key on a bed of velvet, gold plated with a small black screen. “As members, you will gain access to the greatest power in the world: knowledge. Before the digital age, new members were given keys to our libraries. Now that our archives are stored in connected servers, we can grant you safer access. This USB key will hook up any computer to our archives and they hold the most accurate retinal scanners, ensuring that only you and you alone will be able to use it. Adrian Ashford, Jenny Sinclair, do you swear to work with and for the Illuminati for the rest of your lives? Do you swear to follow any order or mission assigned to you by the Illuminati? Do you swear to put your life on the line for the protection of knowledge and the betterment of the human race? Do you swear to use your power and the power of the Illuminati for only good and to only act in the face of extinction? Under punishment of death, do you swear?” “I swear.” Medici nodded and opened the laptop on the podium. He plugged in the USB key for Adrian along with his own. The glass panels of the two keys were lit up and Medici held his face over his own. A beam of light shined in his eye for a few moments and a window opened up on the computer. On the window was a button with the word ‘RECORD’. Using his USB key, he activated the other and set them up to receive user data. “Hold your face above the key and it will record your retinal patterns.” Adrian held his face over the key the way Medici had and a beam of light shined up from the pane of glass and into his eye. After a few seconds, the beam of light ceased and the key deactivated, having recorded his information. Medici pulled out the keys and handed Adrian his. He then repeated the process with Jenny. “By the power of enlightenment and for the sake of the human race, I welcome you to the Illuminati.” As Jenny and Adrian stepped into their car, Medici rolled up to them in his wheelchair. He placed his prosthetic hand on the driver-side door. “We’ll be expecting more from you, as long as you’re with the Illuminati, we’ll be expecting more from you.” After he rolled away, Adrian closed the door and he and Jenny drove off. “Poor fools,” Jenny chuckled. “If only they knew that they were in the palm of our hands,” Adrian replied with the same maniacal tone. Jenny and Adrian were lying in bed with his laptop between them. His USB key was plugged in and they were reading the files from the Illuminati archives. “No… fucking… way…” Jenny said in disbelief. Adrian couldn’t believe it either. “THAT’S what landed in Roswell?!” “How does something like that even land and make a crater? Who would take that off the ground?!“ “You just can’t un-learn stuff like that… you can’t forget things like that…” “Let’s see who killed Kennedy,” Jenny said as she scrolled through the files. She opened up the Kennedy assassination file and they instantly burst into laughter. “Is that a man or woman?” “I don’t know, I honestly can’t tell. But who would have thought?” Adrian asked with a smile. “Reality really is the greatest joke.” “I know, you can’t write this stuff.” As they scrolled through the archives, their eyes both fell on the same file, labeled SOVIET ARMORY. Jenny grabbed his hand and held it tightly, for both their hands were shaking. Adrian opened the file and they read the wall of text as fast as they could. They reached the end of the document and both gave a shaky sigh. “So that’s where they are,” Adrian said softly. “You were right, they do exist,” Jenny murmured, looking at him with disbelief. “And they’re all within reach, thousands of nuclear weapons up for grabs.” “So now we move onto the next step?” “Yes. For years, I’ve been planting seeds of both order and upheaval in the most volatile countries, but those seeds still need time to grow. I know where the nukes are, I can get them any time, and they will still be operational. Handling and distributing these weapons in the right way and with the right timing will require surgical precision. One false move and the plan will shatter and the whole world with it. I have to take every preventative measure possible, and even then, the chances of failure will be phenomenal. My plan may end up destroying the world instead of saving it.” “I know you can do it. You are the smartest man in the world. If there is anyone who can bring peace, it is you.” “Thank you, Jenny. With you by my side, I will succeed. In time, my love, we shall deliver the world to peace.” Chapter Eleven It had been ten years since the initiation ceremony and Adrian’s plans were coming along without flaw. For employment, he designed and invented new machines for everything from surgery to energy production. After graduating from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Jenny opened up her own flower shop, just as she had always dreamed. She even had her own line of perfumes. Using her degrees in botany and engineering, she studied the anatomy of plants and learned to make them thrive, discovered optimal conditions for each species, and even discovered new uses for plants. She created ways to derive electricity from plants, crossbreed different species into one edible plant that could fully support humans without any other form of sustenance, and discovered countless medical benefits that modern medicine and even his machines were able to use. To keep their places in the Illuminati, Jenny and Adrian had to always possess something to offer, and these abilities took the form of their medical skills. With most of the Illuminati members being senior citizens, medical treatment was in constant demand. With his ability to fuse man and machine and Jenny able to genetically control the abilities of plants like a pagan goddess, not even the finest hospitals could give the crippled and sick what they offered. However, their duties did not end there. On rare occasions, they would be asked to go out and greet a future member, secure business transactions, guard valuable objects or documents, and even intervene to prevent mass casualties such as genocides and seismic blood feuds. They were giving the jobs that couldn’t even be trusted to the Zero Masons. With a cushy job and orders from the Illuminati council few and far between, Jenny and Adrian had more time than they knew what to do with. Jenny used her time to read every book in the library in her never-ending quest for knowledge, while Adrian spent it hacking into every government defense system on earth. In order for his plan to work, Adrian needed to be able to take down the protection of every nation. If any countries were able to stand up against him, his plan would be ruined and the imbalance of power would cause potential annihilation. Adrian was sitting in his office, watching a status bar load on his laptop. Classical music was playing on speakers set up throughout the room, but the quality was botched by the blipping of binary code and data being uploaded from over a dozen documents and servers. His whole body was trembling as Adrian watched the status bar. He had bags under his eyes and his skin was pale from stress. Jenny stepped into the room, holding a cup of coffee on a small saucer. Over the past decade, Jenny had become even more beautiful, something that Adrian thought was impossible. Her body had matured its womanly figure, giving her an even more taut and toned hourglass frame, and while she still had a lean and slender build, daily exercise had given her the muscle tone of a bronze statue. Her breasts had grown to above d-cup size and her ass—while firm enough to bounce a quarter off with enough momentum to send it flying across a room—complimented them with its fullness. Her ass and breasts were the only part of her body that held so much as an ounce of body fat. Her face would make any supermodel scream from jealousy and any photographer sell their soul for a chance to copy her flawless visage. Her long blond hair resembled threads of gold leaf and her blue eyes held both the sapphire-like brilliance of eternal youth and the wisdom and experience of someone who was four times older. Every inch of her body was a sum of fiery sexuality, a sweet and timid heart, and a modest personality. She was as close to flawless as reality would allow. Adrian had also developed well since aging out of adolescence, now able to properly bulk up his physique beyond his teenage limits. His looks had matured, and while he had always been quite handsome, he could now make any woman swoon with a single glance. “Thank you,” Adrian said graciously as she handed him the coffee. She stood behind him and began rubbing his shoulders. “So how is it coming along? I’ve never seen you so stressed.” Adrian hummed in relaxation as she massaged away his worries. “I’ll tell you once the loading bar fills.” The bar was filled in less than a minute, with the completion signaled by a ding. Adrian gave a sigh of relief and stood up. “It’s done, I just finished hacking into the US defense network, the last country on his list. With this laptop, I can shut down the entire world. There is only one more major step in his plan, and then we shall have world peace.” A wide smile spread across Jenny’s face and she jumped up into his arms, kissing him wildly. “You did it, Adrian! You did it!” “Not yet, darling, there is still a lot of work to be done. But soon, our mission will be complete. How about we do something to celebrate? We could hop on our jet and go to Paris, England, Berlin, Tokyo, or anywhere else in the world?” Adrian wrapped his arms around her and they began swinging from side to side, almost as if they were dancing. “I kind of want to go back to Tahiti, the bar of that hotel they went to makes the greatest Suffering Bastards on Earth. But I’m also in the mood for a little skiing in Switzerland. You decide, honey.” “I’m fine with anywhere. Since neither of us can decide, I suggest we settle this the old fashioned way…” A map of the world was spread out across the driveway, measuring six meters long and three meters wide. Jenny and Adrian were each standing on one side, holding a Demium dart. “Ok, we throw the darts and after they collide in the air, whichever dart lands first decides where they go,” Adrian said. “You know, for anyone else, this could be considered a really bad idea.” Jenny laughed. “Yeah, for anyone else. Ok, one… two… three… throw!” Just as they were about to throw their darts into the air, Adrian’s cellphone began to ring. “Hold on baby,” he said as he pulled out his phone. As Adrian talked on the phone, Jenny used her dart to clean her nails. “That was Medici, the Illuminati has a job for us.” “I’m sick of being the Illuminati’s messengers, they treat us like the Zero Masons,” Jenny pouted. “You love it,” Adrian teased. She grinned. “I do, it’s just so much fun. It’s like volunteer work that let’s you travel all over the globe in first class. So what will we be doing?” “Some hacker managed to get a member list of the Illuminati like I did. He’s threatening to put it back online but more public unless they buy his silence. The Illuminati want us to make the exchange.” “So where are we going? Germany? Japan?” “America.” “Ten years… we’re going back to America after five years.” Jenny said with disbelief. They were flying on their private jet across the Atlantic Ocean. Between them was a briefcase filled with the extortionist’s payment. They would be meeting him in New York City. Adrian was excited too, both for the chance to see how things have changed and for the chance to maybe thwart the police if he got bored. “After we settle this, how about we go back to our home town?” Adrian suggested. “I was about to say the same thing. My heart rate skyrockets it whenever I think about it. Maybe before we leave, they could even try and find some of our old classmates. We would be over international waters before they could even call in the FBI.” Adrian chuckled at the thought. Like him, Jenny loved toying with the police. Any time the authorities caught their scent, they would chase after them like cats after mice, but without realizing that the roles were reversed. She liked to thwart them and leave them reeling, always seeking a challenge. “So what was it you were telling him at the tarmac? You said you knew this guy?” she then asked. “Well I’ve never met him in person, but we are acquainted. Back when I was searching for information on the Illuminati, I would encounter him occasionally in chat rooms and forums. Like him, he wanted use the Internet to find forbidden knowledge. We would exchange sources, caches of information, and help each other out from time to time. In fact, he was probably the closest thing I had to a friend. He was pretty bright, I knew it was him once Medici gave him the details.” Jenny gained a coy smile. “So, the legendary Adrian Ashford had a friend after all,” she teased. It was just before midnight as they walked through the New York Park, enjoying the spring air. In Adrian’s hand was the briefcase, and because of its important contents, he had it tethered to his wrist with piano wire. With each strand able to hold up to eight hundred pounds and far less conspicuous than a set of handcuffs, it ensured the case could not be stolen without somebody slicing off his arm or bringing powerful wire cutters. Up ahead was a man in his forties, sitting on a bench in a grey trench coat. Leaning beside him was a red umbrella. “The umbrella, that’s the sign. That’s him,” Adrian whispered to Jenny. She nodded and drew a dart from her purse, hiding it in her sleeve. She knew to always be prepared for the worst scenario. “You must be Mike Reese,” Adrian said with a smile as they approached. The man scrambled to his feet. “Do you have it?” “Mr. Reese, is that any way to talk to an old friend? Or should I call you by your preferred name, Mr. Risen Demon?” Adrian asked without losing his smile. “How do you know me?” he asked, becoming more suspicious. “Come now, Mr. Reese, you should remember me. They hacked into the Bohemian Club security system together, remember?” For a moment, Mike remained skeptical, and then his face went from distrust to shock. “Angel Of Metal? Are you really the Angel Of Metal?” “Was the Castro Lead a dead end? Yes it’s me, and as you can see, we both found what we were looking for.” Mike gained a wide smile. “I can’t believe it, I honestly can’t believe it. We did the Bohemian Club job twelve years ago, you had to have been just a kid back then!” “I was sixteen, but yes. But I’ve stopped skulking around the Internet like a conspiracy theorist, I’ve moved onto bigger things, as you can see.” Jenny stood by silently with a smile on her face, finally able to watch him socialize with someone else. “You have got to be kidding! You… you’re really in the Illuminati?!” Mike said, quickly lowering his voice so that no one else could hear. “Yes, I’ve been a member for the last ten years. Now that the reunion is out of the way, I would like to introduce you to my dearly beloved, Jenny Sinclair.” Adrian said, holding his arm out to her. With a smile, she reached out and shook Mike’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.” “Thank you. Jenny Sinclair... I can’t stop thinking that I’ve heard that name somewhere.” “So, how about we get down to business?” Adrian asked, trying to change the subject. “Ok, but not here in the open. There is a great club I know, we’ll disappear there.” The club was dark and incredibly loud, much to his dislike. There were colored strobe lights flashing in corners and thumping techno music booming from speakers all throughout the bar. All of the people were dressed up like the entire bar was about to erupt into a massive BDSM orgy. Everywhere you looked, there was gothic make-up and black leather. “This reminds me of our prom,” Jenny whispered in Adrian’s ear. “Yeah, the only difference being that the prom charged admission,” he replied, making Jenny laugh. They were sitting in a booth in the back of the room, waiting for Mike to come back. “Considering that there is no chance of anyone listening in on our conversation, I guess it is better than the park. With the loud music and the dense population, their sound waves would be lucky to spread past this table.” Mike finally staggered back, holding a martini. He drank it in a single gulp and then turned to us. “Ok, let’s get down to business.” “Really? We’re just going to look past the fact of how much of a freak you are for coming here?” Adrian asked disgust. “Go fuck yourself. You got the stuff or not?” Adrian put the suitcase up on the table and opened it, making sure that no one other than the three of us would be able to see inside. The suitcase was completely filled with gold. “Here you go, the one form of payment literally worth its weight in gold.” Mike got a greedy smile on his face and reached for the gold, but Adrian quickly shut the case. His tone was icy cold. “Mike, right now I’m not your friend; I’m a member of the group you’re blackmailing. You’re lucky the Illuminati try to prevent as much bloodshed as possible, because killing you would have been so much easier.” “How… much easier?” “The second your message was received, a search was done to find out who you are. You covered your tracks well, but it only took 3.8 minutes for my fellow members to discover every single fact about you. We know names, numbers, dates, associates, school records, your social security number, your pin number, blood type, eye color, every single email, text message, and phone call you’ve ever made or sent, and even your first words. We had agents watching you hours after you sent the ransom, twice as many when Jenny and I got to New York, and three times as many when we encountered you. You would shit your pants if you knew how many people in this bar were actually subordinates of the Illuminati, ready to kill you at a moment’s notice and make it look like an accident, or just kill you out in the open and buy off all witnesses and authorities. Even after our deal is completed and you promise to never release the information you have, we will keep a close eye on you for the rest of your life. I was put in charge of this ordeal, and if at any time I decide I want to reclaim this gold, having you killed would be as easy as reaching out to turn off my alarm clock. We’ll know about every email you send, every phone call you make, every bank transaction you will fill out, every person you talk to, and every activity on the Internet. You have no privacy that we can’t break through. You didn’t send that message to sell your silence for gold, you sent that message to sell your soul for gold, and there is no return policy. We are the Illuminati, and we are all-knowing and all-seeing.” Adrian pushed the briefcase over to Mike, and terrified, he grabbed it and ran off, shoving his way through the crowd. “I am so hot for you right now,” Jenny whispered in Adrian’s ear. They were on their private jet, flying from New York to Maine. Jenny and Adrian were both silent as they stared out the windows and let memories occupy their thoughts. With the memories came curiosity, curiosity about what could have been. “Do you have any regrets?” Adrian finally asked, unable to keep his thoughts contained. Jenny looked at him and cocked her head to one side. “Do you regret anything? Do you wish they had done anything different?” Her eyes darkened with sadness and he closed his. “I wish our parents hadn’t been killed. Should I have killed Logan and his friends when he attacked us in the park? If I had, should I have pleaded self-defense, covered up the murder, or just ran away? If I had taken care of him then and there, then he wouldn’t have retaliated and I would not have sought out vengeance. Do you ever wonder what would happen if instead of coming with me, you had gone to live with your relatives and kept living a normal life? Do you wonder what would have happened if your actions had been different? Do you wonder what would have happened if instead of running away with me and the two of us becoming who we are today, I had never killed Logan and we had just stayed in Maine, living like just another couple of teenagers?” Adrian then opened his eyes. “Do you ever wonder what life would have been like… if they had never even met?” “Where in the world did that come from?” Jenny asked. “Just wondering.” “No, no, no, just wondering is when you question how a bee is able to fly. This is like some kind of mini panic attack. What’s wrong?” “I’m just nervous, I guess. I’m so close to achieving my plan, but not a moment goes by that I don’t wonder if it’s really the right thing to do. I keep thinking back to every day of my life, searching for any mistakes I might have made. It almost doesn’t feel real. If I’m having these doubts, am I really ready to implement this new world order?” “Adrian, the fact that you would hesitate like this proves that you’ve thought this through, that you’re looking at both the good and the bad and are weighing all the facts instead of just focusing on anything that supports you, shows that you are ready. That is your human side making sure that everything is being done right. Adrian, I love you, and whether or not your plan works, nothing will ever change that.” Adrian was silent for several moments. “You know, Jenny, I’ve been calculating the time it would take for us to get to and properly distribute the nuclear bombs, and we’ll be able to complete and implement the plan in a month, on May 7th to be exact. I think that maybe on that day… we should also get married.” A wide smile stretched across Jenny’s face. “Really?” she asked, so excited that she could barely speak. “I never brought it up before because Adrian thought getting married was cliché and pointless, but on May 7th, we will deliver the world to peace, and I want to live in that new world with you as my wife.” “I love you, Adrian.” Jenny whispered. “I love you too, Jenny,” Jenny replied. Jenny then tackled him and pressed her lips against his, and for the rest of the flight, she stayed curled up in his lap with the two of them embraced in a never-ending kiss. Jenny and Adrian walked down the streets of their old hometown with his arm wrapped around her. The feeling of nostalgia with every step was almost overpowering. They looked into restaurants that they used eat at when they were dating, walked through the park and stopping at the place where Logan had attacked them but where Adrian had also told Jenny Adrian loved her, and told each other about endless memories. At one point they snuck into their old school, walking down the halls, looking at the endless rows of lockers, occasionally peeking into classrooms to catch a glimpse of their old teachers, and thinking back to all the people they had known and all of their experiences. After wandering around the school, they knew there was something they had to do. They drove out of town with a rented car and made their way to the local cemetery to find their parents’ graves. They stepped out of the car with melancholic faces and separated, each going in a different direction to find the graves of their parents an mourn in solitude, with the cloudy sky above them mirroring their feelings. After making his way through the forest of graves and climbing over several grassy hills, Adrian came upon the two tombstones and stood like a statue. He had always believed it to be a childish and delusional act, but he could help but begin speaking as if he was facing his parents and they were alive. “Mom, Dad… I miss you both. I know I wasn’t the most approachable son, but I love you and I’m grateful for everything you’ve done for me. I doubt you would agree with most of the things I’ve done since you were killed, but I just want you to understand that they were all things that I had to do. I’m working on something big, something that is going to bring peace to the world. I wish you two could have seen it.” Adrian gave one final goodbye, and feeling at peace, he walked away. He found Jenny sitting on the ground in front of the graves of her parents. He was slow to approach, wanting to give her privacy. Like him, she was talking as if to her parents. “…And now I run a flower shop in Rome and sell perfume that I make myself. I’m happier than I ever thought possible with my chateau, my business, and my fiancé. Oh! I forgot to mention, I’m getting married on May 7th! I wish…” She then fell silent. Tears began to roll down her face and she gripped her sleeves. “I wish the two of you could come to the wedding. I wish the two of you could have seen me graduate from college. I wish the two of you could meet your future grandchildren. I wish the two of you hadn’t left me!” The pain that had been forgotten for over ten years broke free as Jenny sobbed. Adrian didn’t approach, just waited and listened. After several minutes, Jenny took a deep breath and collected herself, giving a sad smile. “I hope you’re not worrying about me. Like I said, I’m happier than I thought possible. I love Adrian with all of my heart and he loves me and we’re living the life of our dreams. While I wish you two could see me now, I have no regrets.” Finally Adrian walked over to her and put his hand on her shoulder as she wiped away her tears. “How do you feel?” She grasped his hand and pressed it against her cheek, clinging to it like a lifeline. “Much better,” she said, wiping away her last tear. “Are you sure about this?” Adrian asked. They were parked in front of the mall and Jenny was putting her things in her purse. “I checked Facebook and she’s working here and her shift is now. I can’t leave without seeing her. Don’t worry, I’m sure she won’t call the cops.” “Well if anything goes wrong, call me and I’ll come back as fast as possible. There is something I have to do.” Jenny looked at him and Adrian could tell that she was reading him like a book. “I hope you find the peace you’re looking for.” She then kissed him on the cheek and climbed out of the car. Jenny walked up to the counter in a department store where a pretty brunette in her late twenties was looking through the cash register. Jenny couldn’t help but smile. “Whatever happened to moving to Hollywood to become an actress?” The woman looked at her and her jaw dropped. “Hey Amanda.” “Jenny… is it really you?” her friend stammered. Jenny nodded and Amanda gave a girly scream, jumping over the counter and wrapping her arms around her long-lost best friend. The two women fell on the floor, laughing and hugging. Many people were drawn to the commotion. “I thought I would never see you again!” Amanda said. She then stood up. “Boss! I’m taking my break now!” An older woman walked up to her. “What the hell are you talking about?! You just got here!” “Please, if you let him go now, I will work 10 hours in unpaid overtime,” Amanda begged. “Fine, get out of here,” her boss barked before walking away. Amanda pulled Jenny to her feet. “If you don’t tell him everything, Adrian will never forgive you.” She said. Gulls sailed under the gray sky, calling out as Adrian’s car came to a halt. He was at the pier, facing the warehouse that had been the former hangout of Logan and is cronies. A chain-link fence with barbed wire surrounded the building, for it was permanently closed off to the public. Adrian stepped out of the car with his sheathed lance in his hand. He hooked it up to hang diagonally from the back of his belt, just like last time. Adrian jumped up onto the fence and climbed up like a spider, carefully trying to maneuver over the barbed wire at the top. He jumped off and made his way to the building. The doors were hanging awkwardly from when he almost kicked them off their hinges. He stepped into the warehouse and moved to the center of the floor. The concrete was stained from the blood of all of the people Adrian had killed. After who knows how many attempts to clean it and a decade of solitude, the stains were as clear as day. Adrian stood at the exact spot he had been standing on the fateful night. The ground around him was peppered with old bullet holes from when Logan and his crew opened fire on him. Imagining Logan and his cronies were shooting at him again, Adrian crouched down with his forearms shielding his face, the same way he had done before. Adrian thought back to the fight, counting the seconds from his memory of how long the barrage had lasted. After the same amount of time, he stood up with the same form and drew his lance with the same speed and movement. “I’m going to kill you all,” Adrian growled with the same tone, slashing the ground with his lance in the same position and line. Jenny and Amanda were sitting in a coffee shop, huddled in the corner. “Ok Jenny, I need to know the truth: what happened? What happened the night you disappeared, what happened afterwards, where have you been all this time?” Amanda asked with a serious tone. “You remember Logan, right? The bully who was sent to juvenile hall?” “Are you kidding? I used to wish you would get a stun gun or some pepper spray because I was worried he would rape you like that other girl. What about him?” “As you probably know, Adrian killed him and all of his friends in that warehouse. He killed him because Logan was the one who killed his parents, my parents, and almost killed me.” “Oh my god,” Amanda gasped with her hands over her mouth. “I don’t know if it was him exactly or one of his followers, but I was forced off a bridge in a car crash and was put in a coma. Adrian thought I was dead, and to avenge me and our parents, he went to the warehouse and slaughtered everyone.” “I know, I heard about it on the news. Adrian’s massacre has become so legendary that it’s now the folklore of this town. Seniors tell it to freshmen to scare them and no one dares use his old locker. Some of the pictures from the scene leaked online and I saw them… I honestly couldn’t believe it. It was like something out of a horror movie. I had never seen so much blood in my life.” “Well I woke up and found him at the warehouse. I watched from the background as he killed everyone. You might call it gruesome, but I was mesmerized by it. After he killed Logan, I made his presence known. That night, we ran away.” Adrian moved through the warehouse, reenacting every movement from the epic fight from ten years ago. He could see every gang member, every weapon, and every tremor of fear in his victims. There was blood, oh so much blood, filling the air and covering the floor. He stabbed and slashed at invisible enemies, replaying the scene over and over in his mind. He could feel bones shattering from every impact, muscles being torn to shreds with every slash, and life being ripped away with every stab. He could feel the weight of their bodies, smell the sweat, blood, and fear, and hear their dying screams as they fell to the floor. Did he make any mistakes? He had to be sure that he had done nothing wrong, nothing had been missed. Finally, Adrian came to the final act of the bloody play. Like an actor on a stage, Adrian reenacted his movements from when Logan shot at him, deflecting every bullet with his lance. It was than that Logan called him a machine. Playing his part, Adrian lashed out with his hand, imagining myself stabbing him through the throat just like last time. “And don’t you forget it.” Adrian took his original position and repeated the exercise, replaying the fight again and again, slaying his invisible enemies like a blood-drunk warrior. After the fifth time, Adrian stopped. Panting heavily, Adrian put his lance back in its sheath. “No mistakes.” Adrian then grabbed the handle as he heard the sound of someone clapping. “Jenny, after you left... there were more stories on the news of massacres like the one at the pier. Witnesses confirmed that it was Adrian, but they also said he was helped by a blonde female accomplice. Jenny, you tell me right here and now: did you help Adrian kill people?” Amanda asked with fear in her voice. Jenny gave a sad smile. “Yes, I took place in those killings.” She said with the only regret in her voice coming from the tone of the conversation. Amanda jumped out of the chair. “Amanda, relax. Sit down. Do you really think I would hurt you?” Amanda was hesitant, but eventually sat back down. “Now as I said, Adrian had a plan in the works, but before we could begin and put that plan into action, Adrian needed to train me,” Jenny said, resting her chin on her tented fingers. “Train you?” Amanda asked with confusion. “Yes, for a long time, Adrian trained me to be like him. He helped me unlock the full potential of my mind and become smarter than anyone else on Earth and he taught him the secret to his physical strength.” “Wait, you mean you’re as smart and strong as him? That’s impossible!” “Well I am as strong as him, but he’s got a good forty IQ points on me. That’s the cost of training too late in my life,” Jenny said casually as she drank her coffee. “So… what can you do with all that brainpower?” “Grab your cell and give him two numbers.” Excited, Amanda took out her phone and opened up her address book. “Ok, 829-4875 and 829-1384.” “Good, now open up the calculator app and multiply them without telling him the result. “Ok, it’s done.” “Ok, is the number 68775993857000?” Jenny asked smugly. For the second time, Amanda jumped out of her chair. “Is there a mirror behind me? Did you see it in a reflection?!” she demanded, trying to figure out how it was possible. “That was nothing, you should see Adrian with credit cards.” “So what happened afterwards?” Amanda asked, desperate for more. “Well, we decided to take a break and tour across the country. Adrian had millions of dollars with him and—” “Wait, MILLIONS?” Amanda exclaimed, causing every in the store to look at them. “Yes, millions. So with that money, we spent the better part of a year touring around America, seeing the sites, taking some pictures… and so on. After we were done traveling, they knew it was time to put the plan in action, so we headed to Vegas.” “Las Vegas?” Amanda said with disbelief. Jenny frowned in agitation. “Yes, Las Vegas. We got a suite in the Bellagio hotel—” “The BELLAGIO?!” “Seriously, stop interrupting! You’re making a scene!” “Sorry… so what was it like?” “See for yourself,” Jenny said as she pulled out her phone and showed Amanda the pictures she had taken in Vegas. Amanda squealed like a little girl when she saw the pictures of the Bellagio suite. “Wait until you see my chateau…” Jenny muttered under your breath. “What?” “I said to quiet down, you’re impossible to talk to. So in Vegas, we played the games and allowed our fortune grow while Adrian tried to make some business partners. Eventually, he found who he was looking for and we were able to make a deal. Now, just to be safe, I’m not comfortable telling you where we went and who we were in contact with.” “All right, so what was the deal?” “Adrian built some special prosthetics for a few people, and in exchange, we were given safe asylum and our own home.” “Oh, can I see pictures of your house?” “Fine, but before Adrian do…” Jenny said as she put her hand over Amanda’s mouth so that she wouldn’t make a scene. “Have you ever been in a chateau?” Jenny asked as she showed Amanda more pictures. Amanda’s squeals of disbelief and jealousy were stifled by Jenny’s hand as she looked through the pictures of every room in the mansion and pictures of it from the outside, along with Vatican Gardens. “Now Adrian designs new machinery and I run a flower shop. Oh, and Adrian is a billionaire,” Jenny said after pulling her hand away. Amanda was nearly hyperventilating as she tried to process everything she had seen and heard. She finally controlled her breathing and began speaking with a very calm tone. “Jenny, let me make one thing clear. I have always envied you, ever since they were young. You’ve always been prettier and more popular than me. But now, if you’re honestly telling him the truth that you do indeed live in a chateau with a billionaire and own a flower shop—one of his dream jobs, I’ll be honest too and say that I’m pretty tempted right now to kill you, cut off your face, and wear it myself for the desperate possibility that I might be able to take your life.” “Thank you,” Jenny said smugly. “I can’t believe it, it’s really not fair. Rich kids don’t become as successful as you. How is it that you can drop out of high school, run away with your serial-killer boyfriend, and become the Goddess of Awesomeness in ten years?” “Actually, it only took one year. We got that chateau ten years ago and I opened up my flower shop after I graduated from college. By the way, did I mention that Adrian and I are getting married next month?” Amanda slammed her head down on the table and began to cry. Jenny waited patiently for her friend to express her envy. At last, Amanda raised her head and took a deep breath. “There is one thing that I’m really curious about though. You said that you and Adrian were getting married next month and—while I try to ignore the dagger you’ve basically lodged in my back by leaving me behind to have such an awesome life—I have to ask: how are you two still together? Adrian was a cold-hearted machine in high school, how is it that you two haven’t broken up?” Jenny smiled. “He’s changed. He’s changed more than you would believe.” She said softly. “Really? What is Adrian like now?” Agent Mason was standing in the doorway of the warehouse, slowly clapping. “You’re the FBI agent that I stabbed in Las Vegas, Agent Mason. I see that my aim was correct after all, due to the fact that you are still alive,” Adrian said. While his voice was calm, his senses were on full alert, trying to pick up any signs that there was more FBI agents or police officers. As far as he could tell, they were alone. “That’s right, I’m alive, but my partner isn’t. I transferred to an FBI station here because Adrian knew that someday you would return. I set up alarms all around the building, knowing that you would eventually come back to the scene of the crime. Now I’m here to avenge my friend.” “This is not the scene of a crime, it’s the scene of vengeance. In this warehouse and countless other hideouts for human scum, I’ve slaughtered the lowest circles of society. I’ve done the one thing that you people never had the courage to do: I took action. And once again, I am taking action for the betterment of the world. I didn’t kill your partner because of any personal reasons or because I wanted to take a life; I killed him because he was an obstacle in my path that refused to move. He demanded to know what my plans were, even after I told him that I could not let him live if he heard them. I warned him to let me pass, but he was too stubborn. He had no one to blame but himself.” “That’s enough!” Mason said as he drew his pistol and aimed it at Adrian. “I don’t know and I don’t care what you’re planning, because it ends here.” Before Adrian could draw his lance, Mason pulled the trigger and a bullet was launched, moving so fast that not even his eyes could catch it. Without a way to defend himself, Adrian was helpless as the bullet struck his chest, instantly causing blood to soak his shirt. Adrian gagged in pain and fell to the floor, unable to move. “Rest in peace Hoffman,” Mason said as he put away his gun and walked away. But before he could reach the door, he heard something that made him stop dead in his tracks. With cold sweat, he turned around to face his haunting laugh. “Adrian… it’s really hard to describe him. Like you said, he used to be cold and emotionless. Back when they were dating, I could see him struggling to try and understand me and get into the whole “boyfriend” role. It was like watching an alien try to blend into a frat party. He was always a little cold with his logic and lack of faith in the relationship, but I could see him trying with everything he had to make me happy and be what I wanted him to be. He really jumped into a whole new world and sacrificed his mental balance just to try and make him happy,” Jenny said softly with a tender smile on her face. “You remember when Logan shot him, right?” “Yeah, of course.” “The whole time he was in emergency surgery, I was praying that he would survive, and if he didn’t, I was planning on how I would kill myself.” “You would have really killed yourself if Adrian died?” Amanda asked, almost as if she were worried Jenny would kill herself right then and there. “Yes, I would have. Everyone is an individual, but he was truly one of a kind and I knew I wouldn’t be able to find anyone like him or love anyone as much as I loved him.” “So what happened after he was shot? I remember you telling everyone in school that he was alive and that he had completely changed. You almost cried tears of joy whenever you told someone. Then when he came back, he was all smiles.” “Well he did. I was sleeping next to him in his hospital bed and Adrian suddenly woke up. He woke me up and told me about this dream he had, where he had to choose between himself and me; he couldn’t wake up until he chose to either remain a cold logical machine and eventually lose me, or reawaken his emotions and give up what made him different from anyone else. He told me that he created a third choice, where he would become human enough to be with me, but be far more intelligent and wiser than any human alive. After he woke up, he was a changed man. I could feel that he actually loved me now. He went from being a cold machine to a cat purring in my lap. But he was true to his words, and he was as logical and wise as before. He used his mind to see the world for what it really was and then he used his heart and will to change the world in his favor. Ever since he woke up, I’ve been following him on his quest to change the world. I almost feel like his apostle. And Amanda, we’re almost there. Adrian and I are so close to bringing world peace, I can almost taste it.” “World peace? You’re kidding right? Just the two of you are going to achieve what no one else has been able to achieve?” Amanda asked with skepticism. Jenny did not lose her smile. “If you looked at him today, you would almost be able to see reality bending under his will. He and I are going to do it. Amanda, it has been so nice seeing you again, but it’s time for me to go.” “Don’t tell me you’re leaving again, you just got here!” Amanda pleaded. “It’s time for me to head home, Adrian is probably waiting for him outside.” Both women stood up and hugged. “Wait, please take me with you. I’ll quit my job, please just let me come with you!” Amanda begged. “Amanda, I don’t know… Taking you with us could be really dangerous and I’ll have to check in with Adrian.” “Adrian am begging you, his life sucks here. Just let come with you, just for a little while!” Jenny sighed. “All right, tell your boss you quit and I’ll meet you outside.” “How is it possible? How are you still alive?!” Mason demanded. Adrian stood up and cricked his neck, then reached into the bloody wound in his chest and pulled out the bullet. “Oh, with just a little help from my fiancé, the pagan goddess of plants.” Adrian then pulled off his coat before it could get bloody and opened up his shirt. Around every muscle on his chest and stomach was a surgical scar. “What the hell are you talking about?” “Jenny loves plants, she loves them almost as much as she loves me. Personally, what I find interesting about them is their ability to crossbreed. If you can crossbreed plants correctly, then you can isolate and harness fascinating attributes. Three years ago, Jenny discovered a very interesting fluid in a plant she was studying. The fluid forms a flexible tear-proof membrane to protect its fruit. The strength of the membranes surprised even me, and after crossbreeding it with similar species, she was able to isolate the strongest chemical. Adrian was able create a synthetic copy of the chemical and create bulletproof sheets. With help from Jenny and my own inventions, I surgically implanted them into my body, just under the skin. I’ve modified my own body to make myself more immune to injuries in battle. In fact, at home I’m even working on a way to convert my body’s bio-energy into power for a stun gun. Unless your next round is able to strike my spinal column, you can’t kill me, and Adrian won’t allow you to get such a lucky shot,” Adrian said as he drew his lance. Mason emptied the rest of his magazine, but as he had done time and time again, Adrian was able to predict where his bullets would land before Mason could even fire him. He deflected each bullet, leaving a smoking mark on his lance and several crushed pieces of lead at his feet. He gave a grim smile, taking delight in watching the FBI agent try to figure out what was happening. “How is this possible?” Mason cursed. “Quite simply, Adrian have transcended the limitations that make you and all others merely human. While you and I are of the same species, I am far more evolved than you could ever hope to be. I’m not sure if there is anyone on this planet who is at a higher state than I am, but unless you get a gun that can shatter my lance or can hit me with a missile, someone of your level could never hope to defeat me. Our strengths are worlds apart.” Adrian bolted forward, moving as fast as physically possible. Before Mason could even form a thought for any form of retaliation, Adrian reached out and stabbed him in the gut with his lance, again missing all of his organs. Agent Mason began coughing up blood and fell to the ground. Adrian reached down with his lance and stabbed the radio at his belt, taking away his ability to call for help, then again in the leg, taking away his ability to walk. The two wounds were easily survivable. “I spared your life because you do not know about my plans and I don’t want to kill an innocent person. However, if you continue to be a thorn in my side, I will take drastic measures. Those wounds won’t even bleed enough for you to pass out, but it will take you almost a full day just to crawl back to your car. Like I said, I do not want to kill the innocent; I just want to remove obstacles in my path.” Adrian wiped the blood off his lance, put it back in its sheath, and retrieved his coat. He winced from his injury as he reached for his ringing phone. “Hey honey.” “Adrian, there is something I want to run past you…” “Uh oh, what is it?” Adrian laughed as he walked out of the warehouse. “Do you think we could bring Amanda with us back to Rome?” Jenny asked as if she were asking to borrow her parent’s new car. “There are so many ways that could backfire on us. If anyone finds out about this, Interpol will be knocking on our front door.” “Please Adrian? I need a maid of honor.” “All right, but we leave tonight. Tell her to get her affairs sorted out and we’ll leave. Let’s just say that I don’t want to stay here much longer.” “Thanks darling.” Adrian went back to his rental car and pulled the medical kit out from under the passenger seat. He sterilized the wound with rubbing alcohol and secured a patch of gauze over the wound with medical tape. Adrian climbed back into the car and drove away. Adrian found Jenny and Amanda standing in front of the mall, waiting for him. Amanda was as nervous as could be, but Jenny looked like she was getting ready to show him off. Jenny pointed to him when she saw him driving up and Amanda retreated behind her, gripping her hand. She looked like she was expecting him to climb out of the car with a robot body, a glove with claws on one hand, a devil’s pitchfork in the other, and a hockey mask on his face. Adrian parked the car and stepped out and Amanda clung to Jenny’s arm the way Jenny would cling to his. As Adrian walked towards them, Amanda became more and more nervous, but that nervousness was replaced with relaxation the closer Adrian got. She studied his face closely and she quickly became more comfortable as she noted the peaceful expression his face. “Hey honey,” Jenny said sweetly as she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. “Hi,” Adrian replied softly. He then shifted his gaze to Amanda and she i ducked behind Jenny. “Hello Amanda, it sure has been a while,” he said politely as he held out his hand to shake hers. Amanda nervously held out her hand, but she became calm when she touched his. “It’s good to see you, Adrian.” Adrian held out his arm to the car. “Well ladies, shall him go?” Both women giggled and they went back to the car. Once the doors were closed, Adrian turned to Amanda, who was sitting in the back seat. His tone was serious. “I just want to make one thing clear: Jenny and Adrian are criminal. We are on the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted List and we have Interpol after us. There are a lot of things we will not tell you for the sake of their safety, and if you turn on us, I will do whatever is necessary to ensure their survival, regardless of any history you’ve had with my fiancé.” Amanda became deathly pale. “Another thing: I don’t trust you. It will take a long time for you to gain my trust, and even after I’ve warmed up to you, I will have no interest in a threesome.” A moment of silence passed by, then Jenny and Amanda burst into uncontrollable laughter. Adrian started up the car and drove away, with Jenny and Amanda laughing until they clutched their stomachs in pain and were gasping for air. Adrian sat parked outside Amanda’s apartment building, waiting for the two women to come back out. Jenny was helping Amanda pack her things and get her affairs in order. “Nice place,” Jenny said, looking around the apartment. There was a small TV against the wall, a dirty couch, stuff all over the floor and coffee table, and an open doorway leading to a mostly-empty kitchen. In the back of the room was a door leading to the bedroom and bathroom. “Must you condescend me? I know it’s nothing compared to your chateau,” Amanda asked as she emptied her fridge of everything that would spoil. “Sorry.” Jenny shrugged. She followed Amanda to the bedroom where an empty suitcase was waiting. “How many clothes should I bring?” “Don’t worry about clothes, we can buy you everything you need.” Amanda turned to her. “Now you’re just rubbing it in.” “Yep!” Jenny said sweetly. “I still can’t believe how great your life turned out,” Amanda pouted. “Well it was all Adrian. He had it all planned out from the very beginning and I just followed him. Trust me, he had it planned out so well it was as if he could see the future.” “So, you said that he trained you to be like him. What kind of training did he actually put you through?” “Well, after we ran away, we spent some time in a warehouse Adrian owned to rest and recover. Adrian used chemicals to put me in a near-death coma, causing my brain to freak out and begin rewiring itself to try and stay alive. There’s that old myth that people only use about 30% of their brain, when really, they use their full brain, but it’s only wired well enough to use 30% of its full potential. I tell you, Amanda, it was like a mental orgasm when I woke up from that coma. Afterwards, he had me working nonstop on all of these mental puzzles, teaching me to think like a supercomputer. After the mental training was complete, we hid in the woods for a month to do physical training. This… I did not like. It was basically boot camp, but with Adrian with me, it was tolerable, and the benefits… I feel like a superhero now. I can do things with my body that I thought were only science fiction. So are you ready?” “Yeah, I’m ready,” Amanda said as she picked up her suitcase. “So since you’re so rich, I imagine we’ll be flying in first class?” “First class? Ha!” Amanda stared in disbelief at the private jet sitting on the tarmac. “I’ve had this one since I was a teenager, still works perfectly,” Adrian shrugged. Without warning, Amanda tackled Jenny, knocking her to the ground and hitting her over and over again. “I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!” She shrieked in jealousy with Jenny laughing and trying to block her attacks. While Amanda explored the private jet, Adrian was talking to Jenny with his voice low. “I’m going to have to head back out after we get home. The faster we take care of all the loose ends, the better we’ll be. I have to secure those nukes and begin sending them out as soon as possible, so for the next month, I’ll be working with the Zero Masons closely. While I’m busy, you and Amanda just go crazy planning the wedding. Get whatever you want.” Jenny gained a wide smile at the last part. “We’ll be like two kids in a candy shop… with their parents’ credit card.” “All right, but I don’t want the pope to preside over the wedding. I really don’t want the pope.” “You’re so mean,” Jenny pouted. Adrian gave a sad smile. “I’m going to be gone for a long time, I probably won’t get back until a few days before the wedding. I have to secure the nukes before I can even consider letting the Zero Masons get close. This will actually be the longest time we’ve ever been apart.” Jenny lost her bright mood as well, but retained the same sad smile. “When you get back, I’ll try to keep my hands off you, because I want the next time they make love to be on our wedding day.” Amanda was bouncing around the Ferrari like a dog on the way to the park. “I can’t believe I’m in Rome!” she squealed over and over again as they drove through the city streets. “If her voice get’s any higher, I’ll kill myself,” Adrian muttered, making Jenny laugh. Jenny was in the passenger seat with Amanda, pinning her down and keeping her mouth covered for Adrian’s sake as they drove up the long driveway to their Vatican Gardens chateau. Amanda was struggling to break free so she could return to bouncing around the car and squealing. Adrian parked the car in front of the house and opened the passenger door. “All right, get out.” Jenny kicked Amanda out of the car and then followed her into the house. Adrian sat in the car, waiting for Amanda to make her rounds through the house and calm down. After half an hour, he could still hear her running around and squealing. Finally, he worked up the courage to go inside. Jenny was sitting on the stairs with her face in her hands. “Honey, did we bring one of your friends to Rome, or did we adopt her?” Adrian asked. “I should have remembered that she acts like a preteen when she’s excited.” Amanda ran over to them, panting in amazement. “I cannot believe this is your house! This is so incredible!” “Have you seen the pool on the roof?” Adrian asked. Her eyes widened and she sprinted off. “That should keep her busy for a while.” Covered head-to-toe in arctic gear, Adrian opened up the large bay doors of the warehouse before him. He was on a rocky spit of land, just north of Antarctica, owned by the Illuminati. It was large enough to have an airfield, a natural harbor, and a bunker that went deep underground, but that was it. This island had been picked because it’s size and location made it almost impossible to find if you didn’t know the coordinates. Adrian was probably the first person to step onto the island in decades. The warehouse was filled with massive crates, all labeled with the symbol of the former Soviet Union. Adrian pulled out a radiation detector and turned it on, instantly causing the device to emit a shrill whine. The levels of ambient radiation wafting from the bunker were approaching notable levels, but were still in the safe zone. “I’ve finally found you,” he said with a smile. With a crowbar in hand, Adrian walked over to the first massive crate and pried it open. Inside was a car-sized bomb with a bulbous missile design. “Hello beautiful.” Adrian had been preparing for this for years and he had finally found his keys to peace, but before he could call in the Zero Masons to transport the nuclear bombs, there was a lot of work he had to do. The loyalty the Zero Masons had to the Illuminati was like samurai to their feudal lords, but that was only if they were well paid, and that was not a comforting thought. The less people Adrian trusted, the better, which meant that he had to do a lot of work by himself. He had even flown his own jet here because he didn’t want the pilot to know of this location. For the next three weeks, Adrian stayed on that island and worked nonstop. He had brought all the supplies and tools he needed and was using every possible minute opening up the nuclear bombs and examining the interior. He had studied the Illuminati’s blueprints of the bombs closely and had memorized their mechanical anatomy. Adrian worked for days on end without sleep, opening up nuclear bombs, cleaning out the interior, making sure that they were all operational, incorporating a remote detonator for every sixth bomb, tagging each with a GPS tracker, and painting over the Soviet emblem on the crates. There were almost two hundred countries in the world, each would get five nukes for personal use, and one would be used to gain national attention and act as a demonstration. Adrian had three weeks to open up and modify 1170 nuclear bombs. ‘Stressed’ was an understatement. While Adrian worked, he would talk to Jenny and Amanda via satellite phone. He would have it set down in the corner, set to speakerphone. They would chat while Adrian worked, they would describe what they were doing in Rome, and Jenny and Adrian would take turns telling Amanda stories from when they toured across America, hung out in Vegas, and lived in Rome. Amanda would talk about everything that had happened to her in the last ten years, but they could hear the jealousy in her voice from her knowing her stories weren’t nearly as interesting as theirs. “So what are the two of you up to?” Adrian asked as he marked a defective bomb. So many had become unusable after the decades spent in the cold, the desperation of the Russians clear in their shoddy production. “We’re buying the wedding dress. Well to be more exact, I’m looking for a wedding dress. Amanda is in the changing room and is crying with a wedding dress on.” “I’m really starting to get worried about that girl,” Adrian sighed as he moved down the shelf to the next crated bomb. “I know, when I first talked to her in the coffee shop, she said that she wanted to kill me, cut off my face, and wear it to try and take my life. I know she was kidding, but now I can see why she said it. She’s been a wreck without me.” “Tell you what, before she leaves, we’ll give her ten million dollars and fly her back home on her own private jet.” “Or maybe we could just adopt her,” Jenny laughed. “The way I see it, she’ll either burst into tears and thank us, or be insulted and storm off,” Adrian replied as he pried open the crate. “That’s true. So what are you doing?” “I just marked another dud. I swear, almost ten percent of these things would never have detonated, even back in the day.” “Well don’t spend too much time around all that uranium. I don’t want you coming back as one giant tumor.” “Darling, I’ve survived a car crash, a burning building, a bullet through the skull, and countless firefights. I’m pretty sure I can beat cancer. Besides, there isn’t enough radiation to cause damage.” “All right, well just come back safely.” “I will, I promise.” As Adrian tapped the nuclear bomb, the echo bounced throughout the entire bunker. He looked out and down the dark aisles between shelves. The cold darkness would have sent shivers up the spine of a normal man. “Honey, have I told you just how creepy it is here? Seriously, even I’m jumpy. I always feel like my flashlight is going to go out, and when I get it to work, there will be some sort of demonic ghost in front of me with its arms outstretched. It’s… it’s maddening.” “Like I said, come home safely,” Jenny laughed. “That’s easy for you to say, you’re in bright warm Rome. I’m in Earth’s cold, dark sphincter,” Adrian joked, making Jenny laugh again. Adrian stepped out of the bunker and gave a large sigh. By working as hard as Adrian did, he was ahead of schedule. He had ten days until the wedding, but he was desperate to get this finished and get home to his dearly beloved. Adrian climbed into his private jet and retrieved his satellite phone. Adrian called up one of the foremen of the Zero Masons. “Gregory Smith, this is Adrian Ashford. Get every Zero Mason you can find and have them all meet me at these coordinates, the more the better. I also need cargo planes, freighters, helicopters, and anything for mass transport at high speed.” “Yes sir, we will be there in three days.” “Adrian need you here faster than that, Adrian want to get home and get back to his future wife.” “Ok, there are 1170 crates that I need shipped out to specific locations. The coordinates are stapled to each crate on a sheet of paper. If you can deliver them all to the designated locations before May 7th, I’ll pay you extra. Under no circumstances are these crates to be opened, and if they are stolen or lost, I will know. You will look at no other crates in this bunker and you will tell no other people of what you have seen or done—civilian, freemason, or Illuminati. If you follow my orders to the letter, you will never have to work again for the rest of your lives.” Adrian was facing several hundred men and women, all dressed in arctic gear. Every one of them was a Zero Mason and would do anything for money, ranging from murder to prostitution, and had no problem with an unmarked grave. “Before the end of the month, your account balances shall have eight figures. Do not fail me,” Adrian said before he climbed into his jet and flew away, back to see his fiancé. The whole time Adrian had been gone, Jenny and Amanda had been zooming across Rome like a pair of gas molecules. Not only were they preparing for the wedding like two teenage girls with unlimited money and a bridal magazine, but they were also going on shopping sprees, walking around the city, and making up for lost time. It took Adrian three days to get back to Italy, after having to stop twice in Africa to refuel. The whole time he was on the plane, he was watching the dispersal of the nukes on his laptop. Using the GPS tracking units he had hidden in every crate, he was able to closely monitor their movement throughout the world. The Zero Masons were following their orders to the letter; all of the nukes were being quickly shipped and flown off of the island, none of them were being distributed to any location in suspicious groups, and none of the crates had been opened since all of the GPS trackers were still sending out their signal. Adrian had rigged each crate with a trap that would destroy the bomb without setting them off, if the crates were opened. He would remotely deactivate the traps once the crates were in place. Adrian finally landed in Italy, where Amanda and Jenny were giddily waiting for him. Adrian stepped off the plane and Jenny instantly pounced on him, riding him to the ground and kissing him wildly. Laughing and pushing her off, Adrian got back to his feet and gave her a long kiss. “All right ladies, show me what you’ve been up to for the last month.” From across the globe, Illuminati members were flying in to attend the wedding of Jenny and Adrian. Not only was a marriage between two Illuminati members unheard of in modern history, but also they were still the youngest members, so they were like celebrities of the Illuminati. The wedding was taking place in the backyard of their home. Jenny and Adrian had lied to Amanda and told her that everyone coming were just business associates. Furniture and silverware were being rented, caterers and cooks were being hired, and endless flowers were bought. According to the news forecast, the weather would be perfect on the day of the wedding. With each day that passed by, Adrian became more and more excited. Not a single tinge of nervousness entered his mind, for never in his life had hen been as sure as he was when it came to spending his life with Jenny. It was the morning before the wedding and Adrian was standing on the roof of the chateau, watching everything being set up. Tablemats and silverware were being laid out, delicious food from the chefs was being prepared, chairs were being arranged in front of the altar, and tents were being erected. Behind him, Adrian heard the door open and close, and just from the smell, Adrian knew who it was. “Are you nervous?” he asked. “I’m as giddy as a school girl,” Jenny replied. “I’m serious,” Adrian said with a smile. “Nervous? No. Excited? More than you can imagine. I’ve been dreaming about this day for years and I can’t stop pinching myself to see if I really am.” “The wedding is in an hour, don’t you think you should… go change your clothes?” “Five minutes to put on my dress, five minutes to have a little pre-wedding chat with Amanda, and fifty minutes to get his makeup right.” “So I’ll see you in an hour?” “The next time you see me, I won’t be you’re fiancé; I’ll be your bride,” she said before giving him a tender kiss. Adrian stood at the altar with his whole body rigid with excitement. He looked out over the crowds of chattering Illuminati members, waiting for Jenny to appear. An Illuminati member who was also a registered priest would wed them. Adrian had no best man, but Amanda would serve as Jenny’s maid of honor. Suddenly, everyone in the crowds became silent as the music began to play. Adrian looked out at the flash of white that was Jenny’s wedding dress and gasped in amazement, as never before had she looked as beautiful as she did now. Her long hair was shining in the light of the Roman sunlight like molten gold, her tan skin seemed to radiate with warmth, and her blue eyes glowed with the brilliance of neon lights. Her dress looked like it was made of silver and pearls and in her hand was a bouquet she had personally arranged, using only the most beautiful plants from her flower store. The light seemed to bend around her, as if her beauty was affecting reality itself. Jenny walked slowly down the aisle with everyone in the crowds as mesmerized by her beauty as Adrian was. Even Amanda couldn’t keep her mouth from hanging open. Jenny stepped up to the altar and blushed as she looked at him. The priest began to speak, reading out the traditional marriage sermon. Adrian did not hear him or what he said, for he was completely fixated on Jenny. He was finally awoken from his trance when asked if they had their vows and Jenny began to speak. “Adrian, I love you more than you could possibly understand. The day you first opened your heart to me was the greatest day of his life, and every day since then has been even better than the one before it. I have followed you all these years because of how much I love you and because of the warmth I feel, knowing that my life is in your hands. I have devoted my life to you and it has been a beautiful life, and I know in my heart that the rest of our lives will be even more beautiful. I love you, Adrian, and my body, mind, and soul will always belong to you.” Adrian took a moment to let her words sink in and enjoy the warmth and love they carried. “Jenny, you have always been my reason to live. Before I met you, I just existed as a hollow shell without a true home, but you gave me a form of happiness that I didn’t think I was capable of feeling. You showed me that being human could be a good thing. I became the man I am today because of you and you have made me into a better person. You are what keeps me alive and keeps my existence and mind from shattering like glass. I need you, Jenny, I can’t live in this world without you. You said that your body, mind, and soul would always belong to me. All I can do is say the same and add that my only regret is that I don’t have more to give. I love you, Jenny, and you are the only woman who I am capable of loving.” Jenny wiped away a single tear and the priest turned to her. “Jenny Sinclair, do you take Adrian Ashford to be your lawfully wedded husband?” “I do.” “And Adrian, do you take Jenny Sinclair to be your lawfully wedded wife? “Adrian do.” “If there if no one to object to this union, then by the power vested in me, I hereby name you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Adrian wrapped his arms around Jenny and she pressed her lips against her, kissing him so gently that her lips felt like a summer breeze. All of the guests applauded as Jenny and Adrian held that embrace. Jenny and Adrian were sitting at the banquet table of the wedding reception, which was taking place in the shade of a massive white tent. Tables had been set up around the dance floor, with Illuminati members situated around each. They were all talking about the wedding and what they all thought about Jenny and Adrian. Amanda stood up with a drink in her hand and the whole reception became silent. Since there was no best man, Adrian could only assume that she would be giving the wedding toast. She took a deep breath before speaking. “I never knew Adrian very well, I never knew what Jenny saw in him, and I never knew how they were able to stay together. However, if there is one thing I know, it’s that Jenny has never been happier than when she is with Adrian. I know that no one on earth could make her happier than he does.” Jenny blushed before Amanda continued. “I envy you, Jenny, I envy you so much. You have a fantastic husband, a perfect life, and a figure that cheerleaders would kill for,” she joked, causing everyone to chuckle. “Adrian, I want you to take care of her. I know you’ll treat her in the way she deserves, because you always have. Thank you for giving Jenny the life she has always wanted, it means a lot to me to see her so happy. I look forward to seeing you two together forever and meeting your future super-genius kids. Congratulations. Also, I’ve been hitting the Champaign kind of hard. Someone should help me to my seat before Adrian pass out in the wedding cake.” Everyone laughed and applauded as Jenny stood up and hugged her friend. The dance floor was filled with people, with Jenny and Adrian in their own bubble of space in the center. Every Illuminati member was dancing with his or her spouse or a fellow member. Jenny and Adrian had their arms wrapped around each other and were moving back and forth, just like at their Prom. “I can’t believe they’re finally married,” Jenny murmured. “Yeah, I guess we’re now in a committed relationship. So no more dating other people, huh?” “You’re damn right. There is a ball and chain hooked that wedding ring.” “Yes dear.” “So when do we… do the other thing we were going to do today?” “Tonight. I have everything set up and ready. World peace will be our wedding present.” “Speaking of wedding present… I can’t believe we’re finally married!” Jenny exclaimed again. The wedding reception flew right by, and before Adrian knew it, the sun was setting he was carrying Jenny through their house and up to the bedroom. Closing the door with his foot, he walked over to the bed and laid her down. Careful to not rip anything, they pulled of each other’s clothes as quickly but delicately as possible. It had been a month since they had last made love and their bodies were starved of the pleasure of that bond. Adrian took his assigned rhythm, letting his instincts and emotions take over. He had missed the feeling of Jenny’s warm naked body pressed against his, the gentle tremors of her heart beating and her lungs expanding and contracting, the taste of her lips as they kissed over and over, the sweet smell of her hair across his face when his head was buried in the pillow, the sound of every shaking gasp she gave, and the sight of her unparalleled beauty and the love she had for him in her eyes. Jenny was equally overjoyed, longing to again be embraced, be exposed. All her life, she had waited for this day, waited to forever link herself to the love of her life, and finally, truly, this day had arrived. Everything had fallen into place, bringing forth happiness that went beyond description. She was where she belonged, where she had always wanted to be, and life had reached perfection. At last, their bodies each shared a mirrored instant of blissful completion. Adrian collapsed beside Jenny and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as they both tried to catch their breath. “I can’t believe we’re finally married,” Jenny whispered. “I know; it feels like only yesterday they were dancing at our prom.” “I love you, Adrian.” “I love you too, Jenny,” he said as his eyelids began to droop. He kissed her one last time and they fell asleep in each other’s arms. Adrian woke up a few hours later and looked at the clock. It was just after 11:00 and the moon was shining brightly outside. “Jenny, wake up, it’s time,” he whispered. Jenny hummed and slowly opened her eyes. “What?” “It’s time, it’s time for us to bring peace to the world Jenny’s whole body seemed to jumpstart at his words as excitement fully woke her up. “Oh, I almost forgot.” With all of the tiredness brushed away, they climbed out of bed, took a quick shower, and got dressed. They silently walked past the guest room where Amanda was still sound asleep and made their way to Adrian’s office. He sat behind the desk and turned on the computer, with Jenny leaning against the back of his chair. Adrian brought up his GPS tracker and checked the position of all the nuclear bombs. “All right, they’re all in position and none of them have been opened. The Zero Masons followed their orders perfectly. First, to get rid of some clutter…” Drawing his phone, Adrian opened up an application and processed an activation button. From his phone, a signal was released, being received and rebroadcasted by every radio tower and transmitter it met. Throughout the globe, tens of thousands of assault rifles exploded. For years, Adrian had been selling weapons laced with explosives to terrorist groups, gangs, and mafias. The stocks of AK 47s and other firearms were stuffed with C4 a detonator, with batteries that could last decades. Even weapons in tunnels and caves received the detonation signal. Now they were all going off, killing their owners and ridding the world of a great amount of danger. “Now to tie up the loose ends…” Adrian then dialed a number. “Commander Leroy, it’s time.” “Yes sir,” the man on the other line replied before Adrian hung up. “Who was that?” “A group of Zero Masons that I did not hire to move the nukes. They aren’t laborers; they’re mercenaries. Right now all of the members of the Illuminati are being assassinated. I can’t allow anyone who could get in my way to live. I’ve also hacked into their bank accounts and drained all of their funds, as well as transferred all ownership of property and businesses to me. From this point forward, you and I ARE the Illuminati.” “Brilliant, very well done,” Jenny said without any hint of objection in her voice. In a hotel room in Vatican City, the electronic lock of the door was hacked into. The door swung open, and several mercenaries garbed in black silently moved into the hotel room. With suppressed pistols, they executed the Illuminati member in the bed, took the body, and removed all traces of their existence. Just down the street, another member climbed into his rental car, drunk from celebrating the wedding with his friends. After several minutes of trying to put his seat belt on put the key in, he turned on the car and drove away, swerving from side to side down the street. But as he approached the first turn, he noticed that his breaks weren’t working. Stomping on it desperately, he tried to stop the car as it picked up speed, accelerating without him pressing down the gas. He drove straight through a storefront window and a massive fireball engulfed the entire building just a second later. Out over the Mediterranean Sea, the pilot of a member’s private jet thought he heard the sound of a gasping yell. He stepped into the cabin and found his employer dead and pale white. Her drink had been spiked with a chemical that induced a heart attack, untraceable and undetectable by forensics. A thousand miles away, the rear fins of a similar private jet were shaking erratically, causing the jet to swerve almost completely out of control. The pilot desperately tried to send out a mayday signal, but the radio was malfunctioning. Only the pilot’s boss considered sabotage as the plane fell out of the sky. Professor Medici woke up at the sound of suppressed gunshots downstairs. Just as he turned on his bedside lamp, mercenaries stormed in. “What the hell is going on?!” he demanded as the Zero Masons all raised their weapons. Instead of replying, the mercenary in charge held up a small voice recorder. He pressed the play button and there was only light static, but after a few seconds, Adrian’s voice was played out. “Hello Professor Medici. I believe it is safe to assume that you are wondering why there are Zero Mason mercenaries standing in front of you with their weapons raised. The reason is simple: I am removing you from the Illuminati, and all current members. Don’t even try to bribe the mercenaries, for if you were to check your bank accounts, you would find that you don’t have a single dime and the deeds to everything you own have been repossessed by me.” Medici paled with fear at his words. “As I speak, every illuminati member is being assassinated. However, only a few of you are receiving messages like this one, specifically, only those with your disease. For the years up until we met, I had wanted to become a member of the Illuminati, because I knew that you people had what I wanted. All I had to do was watch the board, move my pieces, and encircle your king without you even knowing the game was on. Since I now have what I want, I figure it’s time for me to explain everything. I am the one to blame for your illness; I am the one that caused the bio attack against you and your fellow members. The owner of the bio-weaponry company knew how to find you because I gave him the list of members and I suggested he use the virus that took away the use of your limbs. I knew that with my record in the Illuminati, you would already know who I was and what my skills were. I knew that you would seek me about to build your prosthetics. It was merely one of half a dozen separate plots in order to infiltrate you organization. My plans have stretched across almost two decades; you and your fellow members never stood a chance. I would prefer to not have you all killed, but my plans are too important to risk letting you live. Any Illuminati members left alive could challenge me and I will not allow that. At my initiation ceremony, you said that I was a sign that the new generation was ready to replace the old generation. You were correct; you and all of the other members have now been replaced. Goodbye.” The voice recorder fell silent, and before Medici could say anything, the mercenary in charge raised his gun and shot him. Throughout the globe, all of the members of the Illuminati were assassinated with deadly precision, making every death seem like an accident. No one would ever know what had really happened. “Now, to equalize the world…” Adrian said as activated the computer virus he had planted in every government defense system, granting him complete control of every single country on Earth. All across the globe, sirens blared in military bases as missile silos were activated. Emergency procedures were implemented to shut them down before the missiles could launch, but the only computer on Earth that could stop them was in Adrian’s possession. Nuclear missiles flew across the sky but not over national borders. They dropped down, striking military bases that held their country’s supply of atomic weapons. Fiery mushroom clouds blanketed the nuclear superpowers of the world, destroying the weapons that had been built to destroy everything else. In the instantaneous explosions, the stockpiled nukes were destroyed before they could detonate and add more death and destruction. Only Adrian’s private stash on the frozen island was spared. Every government knew to keep their nuclear stockpiles away from major cities, but the death toll was still massive. “It pains my heart to think of all the people I’ve just killed,” Adrian said softly, gripping the middle of his chest. Jenny placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “It was only a fraction of the earth’s population and all great movements bring collateral damage. You are bringing peace to the world, so feel pain for the deaths, but do not slow down. Their deaths were needed for peace.” “Thank you,” he replied, kissing her hand. Adrian gave back control of each nation’s government, so that aid and response could be organized and distributed. Across the globe, national responders were sent to the areas where the bombs had fallen, to help the wounded and civilians within the blast zone. As doctors and rescue workers tried to save as many lives as they could, every government tried to find out what had just happened. Every country with atomic weapons had been a victim, but satellite reports showed that not a single missile had crossed any country’s borders, meaning that none of them were a case of one country attacking another. After an hour, Adrian retook control of the world, while allowing every country to still send aid and relief to the damaged areas. Across the globe, a lone crate holding a nuclear bomb sat in every country. They were all close enough to national capitals to be seen upon detonation, but they would not cause any deaths. They were meant only to draw attention. In a separate location in each country, there was a cluster of five bombs that would not go off. Adrian activated the remote detonators inside each demonstration bomb and set them off. Twice in one night, the world was blanketed in nuclear explosions as the bombs were set off, catching the attention of every government. By now, the citizens of the world were awake and trying to figure out what was going on. They were watching the news, staring in horror and disbelief at the explosions and aftermath. World leaders tried to figure out where the bombs were coming from, for now, every nation on Earth had been attacked, but this time, not a single missile had been launched. Jenny and Adrian watched it all from his computer, hoping they were doing the right thing. “It is time to make my declaration.” Jenny nodded and moved away from him. Adrian once again activated his viral hacks in each country, this time taking control of every TV and radio station on Earth. He activated his computer’s webcam with the translation option working, and on every TV, his face appeared. “Greetings, people of the world. As you may well know, our planet has just been devastated by a nuclear catastrophe the likes of which we have never seen before. I am here to tell you now that I am responsible for what you all consider to be a disaster of biblical proportions.” Across the globe, governments tried to take his broadcast off the television networks, but Adrian had assumed complete control. They couldn’t even track where the broadcast was coming from. People in their living rooms and bedrooms stared at him, waiting for him to continue. In every country, the broadcast was coming out in the national language, having been translated by his computer. Jenny was standing in the corner, giving him a reassuring smile. “I wish to make it clear that this is not an act of war or terrorism, but the first step towards peace. The first wave of nuclear strikes obliterated the atomic stockpiles of every country on Earth, ensuring that I am the only one who possesses and knows the location of any remaining nuclear bombs. Currently, there are five nuclear bombs in every, and they are his gift to the nations of the world. Every country shall receive a message with coordinates as to the location of their own stockpile. If any country tries to own more than five bombs, I will find them and destroy them. I am sure you are wondering why I am doing this. My reason is simple; I want to bring world peace. By controlling the amount of nuclear bombs every country has, I have brought equilibrium to the world. With that equilibrium will come the greatest war deterrent: fear. With all countries now equal in terms of destructive power, the barbaric act of one nation trying to conquer a smaller and weaker nation will come to an end out of fear of obliteration. I have watched you all fighting pointlessly and I have studied the history of the human race. Only with fear can I force the world into peace, only with fear can I force your national militaries into submission, and only with fear can I take away the illogical and sadistic option to wage war. Many of you shall consider him a tyrant, due to my actions and the deaths O have caused. You will compare me to Hitler or Stalin because of all the people that have been killed tonight. I assure you that I would have preferred if no one had died, genocide and death are the last things I want. Blame your greedy and war-mongering governments for keeping nuclear weapons so close to your homes and families. Had they worked more on peace and less on war, no one would have died tonight. I am sorry for the death and destruction I have caused, but out of pain shall come peace. With fear forcing the countries of the world into equality, world peace will finally be created. People of Earth, you have just lost the option of war, whether you like it or not. The future is now in your hands. You can either live with the newly established status quo, or you can go back to fighting and killing for your own greedy and selfish reasons. Though, you will find that the second choice cannot be made as easily and carelessly as it used to be. My name is Adrian Ashford, and I am the leader of the Illuminati and the bringer of peace.” Then Adrian opened up his email account and sent out 195 messages, each to a national leader, giving them the coordinates to their assigned stash of bombs. Adrian stood up and walked over to Jenny. “Have I done the right thing, or did I just cause the nuclear holocaust?” “Adrian, you have always known what is best. You don’t need to ask me for the right answer, because you always know what the right answer is. I believe what you did is right and I believe you have succeeded where all others have failed because you weren’t afraid to make the tough decisions. I believe in you, Adrian, I believe in what you accomplished today, and as your wife, I will always believe in you.” Adrian wrapped his arms around her. “Thank you Jenny.” “I love you,” they both said at the same time. Then with his arm around her, they walked back to the bedroom. “Adrian don’t believe it, how is this possible?” Amanda gasped in terror. They were all in the den, watching the morning news. They had subtitles in the bottom of the screen for Amanda, since she did not know how to speak Italian. Jenny and Adrian had learned it right after they got to Rome. Jenny was sitting to his left and Amanda was sitting to his right, and Adrian was drinking a cup of coffee. Every station around the globe was giving the status of their country and recycling the same information. Every nation had declared martial law and Adrian was now the most wanted person in the world, though they had not actually said his name yet. On the Roman news station, the news anchor said that they were going to replay the video Adrian had sent out. Now Amanda would finally learn whom she was sitting next to… The second his face appeared on the screen, Amanda turned to him with her eyes as large as dinner plates. “Greetings, people of the world. As you may well know, our planet has just been devastated by a nuclear catastrophe the likes of which we have never seen before. I am here to tell you now that I am responsible for what you all consider to be a disaster of biblical proportions,” Adrian said on the TV screen. Amanda jumped to her feet to run away, but Adrian quickly grabbed her by the wrist and sat her back down. “Just be quiet and watch. It will explain everything.” More terrified than ever in her life and with him practically pinning her to the couch, Amanda could do nothing but switch her gaze from the TV to her friend. Jenny’s expression merely told her to calm down and just watch. As Amanda listened to his message, Jenny leaned over and whispered in Adrian’s ear. “It was a good idea to take that shower beforehand…” “Yeah, I didn’t want to look like a zombie when sent this out,” he replied. After the video was played out, Adrian turned to Amanda. She was taking shaky breaths and her face was pale. “Do you want to run like an idiot in a slasher film or do you want to talk this out like adults?” Adrian asked dryly. Amanda didn’t respond. “I’ll go make some more coffee,” He said as he stood up and walked out to the kitchen. “I’ll take mine black,” Jenny called after him. “Oh, adventurous!” Jenny then turned to Amanda. “Come on, say something.” “How can you be ok with this?!” “Ok with this? I helped him do it! I knew about this nuclear bomb thing since we left town. True, we both wish that no one had died for this to come to reality, but that was the cost to bring world peace. Just you wait, there might be a couple brief nuclear exchanges, but after that, the conflicts of the world will be crushed by fear.” “Do you really believe that? Do you really think that peace can come from all this death?!” Amanda asked, trying to get her best friend to see her own view of reason. Adrian came back in with three cups of coffee on a tray. “One black coffee for my wife, one black coffee with two sugars—Amanda, I’m pretty sure that’s how you like it, and one coffee with one cream and one sugar for me. Amanda, humanitarian and idealist views get in the way of true goals. Contrary to the belief of political leaders, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. If you want to have world peace, you have to give something up. Like Jenny said, I really wish no one had to die in order for this peace to be established, but if government leaders had worked harder on peace instead of war and not kept their nuclear bombs so close to populated areas, then almost every single casualty could have been avoided.” “But all that stuff about ‘fear’ and ‘forcing the militaries into submission’… Do you have any idea how tyrannical you sound?” “That is the only way that peace can be created; you have to force it. To fight is human nature, and those in charge will do whatever they can to get whatever they want. It’s easy to choose the option of war when you aren’t the one fighting in it. With nuclear bombs, every country has the ability to make the leaders of other countries responsible for their actions. No leader will dare attack another country if their enemy will just drop a few A-bombs in retaliation,” Adrian explained as he drank his coffee. Amanda drank hers, and once she lowered her cup, Adrian could tell that she had calmed down. He leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Amanda, I’m not evil, I didn’t do this to kill people and cause destruction, and I only want peace. I know you probably think I’m Hitler-incarnate, but in no way do I believe in anything remotely like Hitler. I don’t want people to die, and if I had to suffer an excruciating death for everyone that was killed last night in order to save them, then I would do it in an instant.” “Well not everyone, I’m pretty sure some assholes died last night, so you aren’t quite as guilty as you think,” Jenny added. “I know, I was telling myself that all night,” Adrian chuckled. He turned back to Amanda. “You have nothing to fear from us, we only want peace.” Contrary to Adrian’s words, not a single nuclear bomb went off in the following days, but that was all according to his plan. Instead, there were vast protest groups and riots throughout the globe, namely in third-world countries and nations suffering from obscene levels of corruption. Citizens fearing retaliation and war were overthrowing their government leaders, removing anyone who posed a danger to world peace with their finger on the button. A nuclear stalemate was still in place and all the countries were keeping their bombs ready, but no one was stupid enough to start anything. In truth, Adrian and his forces were orchestrating all of these uprisings. Instead of using Zero Masons, he had spent years organizing insurgent groups in all countries he deemed unstable, loyal to him rather than loyal to money. They were his private army, helping to implement the greatest lie ever told. To the world it looked as though Adrian’s prediction of mankind was coming along perfectly, but really, he was pulling the strings from behind the curtain. The first world he left to govern themselves, but the third world was under his control. The plan was complete. Adrian stood in front of a rented car in the driveway of the chateau, facing Amanda and Jenny. Amanda had calmed down, and while she did not agree with what they had done, she was honest when she told them that she would not go to the police. They had already told her everything, from how long Adrian had been planning this to their information on the Illuminati. He had changed his appearance, once again cutting his hair, wearing colored contact lenses, and sporting a pair of fake glasses. “I have to go to Bern in Switzerland to meet with the guys who helped me move all of the nukes. There are a lot of people who I hired and I own them all a LOT of money. As rich as I am, I am not looking forward to all the checks Adrian have to write.” “So what’s with the sedan?” Jenny asked. “I have to drive all the way there and the Ferrari would be too conspicuous. I need to take the long back roads to cross the border.” Adrian cursed. “Are you sure you don’t want him to come with you?” “I need you on the outside in case I get arrested. Besides, I don’t trust Amanda alone with our house. She’ll probably barricade the doors to keep us out in an attempt to take it from us.” “Yeah, I probably would do that. Jenny, you should stay,” Amanda sighed. “Ok, everyone form a line. Ten million dollars; that is your payment. Take your check and leave,” Adrian said dryly, standing on a crate and facing the army of Zero Masons. They were staring at him with grim expressions, angry at what Adrian had done. They had all been hired to do illegal things, but he had crossed a line by using them to start the next Cold War. They were all standing in an abandoned warehouse in Bern, deep in an empty district of the outskirts. The warehouse had originally been for a train station, so tracks and hundreds of abandoned railroad cars were spider-webbed across the barren landscape around the building. The warehouse itself was the size of an auto plant, but had not been used in years. The thick layer of dust on the barren floor, the boarded-up windows, and the petrified rat feces could attest to that. However, there were footprints in the dust that had not been there when the Zero Masons arrived. The footprints belonged to Adrian and they were from him setting up traps throughout the building. He had not come this far to get careless. “Hey, you’re Zero Masons; your job is to ask no questions and do whatever you’re told. Either take the money or piss off,” Adrian barked, seeing the desire to kill him in many of their eyes. He made sure to have his hand on his lance when he gave them warning. Everyone there was armed, but with his record, it was not in the league of impossibility for him to kill them all with only his lance. Grudgingly but silently, they all moved into a long line that doubled back on itself over and over again as Adrian pulled out his checkbook. He was going have a really sore hand after today… “Name?” he asked to the first guy in line. “Fredric Smith,” the man muttered. Adrian wrote the check and handed it to him. He stormed off and the next person came up. “Name?” He asked again. “Melisa—” She was cut off as Interpol agents burst through all of the windows of the building. Adrian had heard no cars or helicopters and he had checked the perimeter of the building for any officers lying in wait. How had they managed to show up without him detecting them? They were all wearing black uniforms with Kevlar vests and facemasks, like the SWAT teams of America. As they rappelled down the walls with assault rifles in hands, Adrian noticed something about their uniforms; they were wearing harnesses, but not for their ropes. The harnesses they were wearing were meant for parachutes. “Paratroopers, how clever,” Adrian said with a maniacal chuckle. All of the Zero Masons pulled out hidden rifles and pistols and opened fire on the Interpol agents, initiating a fierce firefight. Adrian reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, linked up to all of the traps he had set up throughout the building. He pressed one of the buttons and the sides of the crate below him burst open. Smoke machines inside kicked to life and began filling the warehouse with a curtain-like vapor. Even with visibility taken away, the number of gunshots did not decrease. Adrian could hear more paratroopers streaming in from the roof and ordering the Zero Masons to stand down and surrender, but their demands were just met with gunfire. The Zero Masons knew what to do when confronted by a tactical police unit. As reinforcements showed up, the sounds of squad cars screeching to a halt echoed outside, followed by the drumming of helicopters. Adrian jumped down onto the floor and hid behind the crate to avoid the random bullets flying through the air as the Zero Masons and police officers faced off in the smoke. “This is more than just being spotted while in town, Interpol knew I was coming and has been planning this. Just as planned, it seems the Zero Masons can’t be trusted after all,” Adrian muttered calmly. In his mind, Adrian was running hundreds of scenarios on how to escape. He was in a smoke-filled warehouse that had become the scene of open war between the Zero Masons and Interpol, and outside were who knows how many squad cars, and at least four helicopters. “Eh, I guess I’m going to have to wing it,” he sighed as he cricked his neck. Adrian stood up with his cellphone in hand and called home. “Hey honey,” he said brightly. “Hello dear, I was wondering when you would call. How is everything going?” “Let’s just say that I’ll be a little late for dinner.” “So late that I should keep it in the oven or put it in the fridge?” “The fridge will work.” “Ok, I’m on his way. I knew something like this would happen,” Jenny sighed. “I was planning on it. Sorry baby,” Adrian hummed as he walked towards the back door of the warehouse. “No, it’s fine. I’m just worried about leaving Amanda in the house.” “Yeah, me too. Tell you what, I drove by a nice-looking restaurant on the way here. How about we stop by for lunch when they’re done?” “That would be lovely.” “Ok, I’ll see you soon.” “You too.” “I love you,” they both murmured at the same time. Adrian hung up and opened another application on his phone. “Showtime,” he said to himself before opening the door and stepping outside. Spotlights from the helicopters and squad cars shined down on him with near-blinding intensity. “Step out of the warehouse with your hands behind your head!” the Interpol agent in charge shouted with a loudspeaker. “I would prefer not to,” Adrian said calmly as he held up his phone and pressed down on the screen. The warehouse instantly became an island in a sea of flames as well over a hundred explosives detonated in the surrounding area, having been hidden in the train tracks, underground, and in the vast fleet of old railway cars. The explosions ripped apart the railway cars, sending debris and shrapnel in all directions while the flames consumed everything in their path. The flying wreckage knocked the helicopters out of the sky and the flaming shockwaves ignited the gas tanks of the police cars, adding even more carnage. Even though the Interpol agents were distracted by the blaze, they were still in his path. Adrian reached into his pockets and pulled out two handfuls of darts. With destructive aim, he threw the projectiles at the police officers before him. The darts pierced the Kevlar body armor like paper and struck numerous pressure points, incapacitating the officers but leaving them alive. Adrian drew his lance and bolted forward, sprinting into the inferno. The Interpol agents all jumped into the few cars that had not been destroyed and sped off after him. Running at his top speed, Adrian was able to easily escape the agents, even in their cars. However, he could not hope to beat them in a linear race and would have to disappear if he had any hopes of surviving. Adrian zoomed through the burning wreck of an old railcar and ran out into an empty clearing. Before he could come up with a direction to run in, the flames behind him were smothered as a helicopter flew overhead. Inside was an Interpol agent with a high-powered rifle, something that not even Adrian could stand up to. Adrian reached into his pocket and pulled out a silver gun, seamless and elegant without any marks or moving parts to it. Pointing at the tail of the helicopter, he pulled the trigger and an explosion blossomed on its surface. The weapon in Adrian’s hand was a laser, based on the one he had built as a teenager. In the handle was a power supply: a piece of active plutonium, sealed in lead and Demium, and then wrapped in thermoelectric plastic. The plastic converted the heat of the plutonium into electricity, powering the laser and giving it enough strength to punch through the side of the helicopter and ignite the tail’s gas line, ripping the craft out of the sky. Adrian continued running between two walls of railcars that were forming an ongoing alleyway. A line of Interpol agents appeared at the end and raised their assault rifles. Adrian drew his lance as they opened fire, with his brain working at top speed in analyze where every bullet would land. Swinging his lance as fast as possible, he deflected the continuous stream of bullets as he charged towards the shooters. With him constantly moving, the majority of the bullets just missed, while the rest flew in a predictable line, allowing him to defend himself. Unable to believe what they were seeing, the agents panicked, just tossing their rifles aside when they ran out of ammo and drawing their sidearms instead of just reloading. With that quick distraction, Adrian threw a handful of darts at the agents, striking them in exposed areas and incapacitating them. He threw one final dart at the side of one of the nearby railcars, lodging it in the metal. Adrian jumped into the air and used the dart as foothold, making a second leap onto the roof. He sprinted down the line of railroad cars, trying to make as much distance as possible. He looked up as a vast shadow consumed his path. Falling out of the sky were more paratroopers. They landed ahead of him and drew police batons. “Oh please,” Adrian scoffed without slowing down. As he approached, the first officer swung his baton, trying to strike him in the back of the skull. Adrian counterattacked before he could bring it down, shattering the bludgeon in his hands. Before he could retaliate, Adrian kicked him in the stomach and sent him flying off of the railcar. He then dodged the attack of the second agent as he brought down his baton like an axe. Adrian lashed out with his lance, stabbing him in the thigh. He yelled in pain as Adrian threw him off of the roof. Adrian swung his lance to attack the third officer but he blocked with his baton. Without pulling back for a second attempt, Adrian reached out with his hand and struck him in the vulnerable area of the throat, just beneath his helmet. Gasping for air, the agent fell to his knees as Adrian walked past him. The fourth agent drew his pistol, but before he could even pull the trigger, Adrian switched his grip on the lance and threw it like a javelin, stabbing him the gut. He dropped his pistol and Adrian retrieved his lance before he fell off the roof of the railcar. Up ahead, Adrian could see the place where he had hidden his car. If he could escape to the city, then his chances of getting away would skyrocket. Adrian jumped off the railcar and onto a pile of crates, covered with a ragged tarp. Only the perimeter of the pile was actual crates, they were just used to hide the car. He ripped off the tarp and climbed through the driver-side window, then turned on the car and pushed down on the gas, plowing out of the pile of crates and nearly destroying the front of the car in the process. Adrian sped away as fast as possible, while trying to avoid crashing into any railway cars. Behind him, the warehouse and the surrounding area were still burning from the all of the explosions. As Adrian left the outskirts, more Interpol squad cars and helicopters began to arrive. He entered the city of Bern, speeding down the streets as fast as the sedan would let him. The roaring of the engine was greeted with a chorus of honks from all of the cars he passed by. Adrian was swerving from side to side, trying to evade the cars in front of him. In less than minute, the sirens of the police cars drowned out the angry honks of the civilians. Desperate to buy myself some time, Adrian made a screeching turn into an alley. He pulled two blocks of C4 with primers out of the clove compartment and threw them out the window. They hit the walls of the two buildings, and before the cops could pass them, Adrian detonated them with his cellphone. The sides of the buildings were ripped apart and rubble poured down on his pursuers, bombarding the first two cars into submission and stopping the rest. Adrian burst out into the next street but came to an instant halt as more cop cars showed up, blocking off the street in both directions. The sedan didn’t have enough horsepower to break out of the stockade of cars and it was too large to fit through the nearest alley. Dozens of Interpol agents had him surrounded on all sides and all were armed with assault rifles. “I know I went easy on them, but wow, they actually got me,” Adrian laughed. “Put your hands on the wheel and don’t move!” one of the cops yelled with a loudspeaker. Another cop approached with his rifle ready and opened the door. Adrian raised his hands and he locked on a pair of handcuffs. “You are going to rot in jail for the rest of your miserable life!” the officer yelled as he dragged him out of the car. “So should I slip the cuffs now or do it later?” Adrian asked out of spite. The officer didn’t reply as he pulled him to a criminal transportation truck. “Just one question; why couldn’t you show up before I wrote the first check?” Adrian was sitting in a dank concrete room, illuminated by a bright hanging lamp. Before him was a metal table bolted to the floor, facing a two-way mirror with a steel door behind him. Hen was secured to his chair with two sets of handcuffs, which Adrian found to be very interesting. The authorities were obviously doing everything they could to limit his opportunities, but his only problem was when to break free. Adrian heard the door behind him open and an old enemy came into view. Adrian gave a small but confident smile. “Hello Agent Mason. I didn’t think they would ever meet again, let alone so soon.” “It took over ten years but we finally caught you,” he muttered as he sat down with a file in his hand. “John Dillinger was caught once or twice Adrian believe.” Mason was unfazed. “That’s interesting… Tell him, do you regret any of your crimes?” “Qui pro quo, Clarice, qui pro quo.” “Cut the bullshit!” “How in the world was the FBI able to get in on this? This is Interpol business. I’m surprised the FBI even allowed you to actually come in and talk to him. You obviously aren’t very stable.” Mason took a deep breath. “Just answer the question.” “Like I said, qui pro quo. I’ll answer your question if you answer me first. How is it that the American FBI was able to convince Interpol to let one of their agents jump over all of their red tape, let alone such an unstable one?” Mason muttered a curse in frustration but answered. “Until a few of your henchmen came in and confessed, they didn’t even know you had left the country. You did well in making sure that no one you hired knew where you lived. They were able to tell us that you were somewhere in Europe, and that was all we needed to know. You are an American citizen hiding abroad, which involved both the US government and Interpol. They combined their resources and worked together to hunt you down, using the information that your subordinates gave us.” “I assumed that much, but why are you here? Of all of the interrogators and agents, why did they send you? True, we have had a couple of confrontations in the past, but why are they so comfortable with having you represent them?” “They aren’t. True, I haven’t myself since you killed my partner, but I was able to pull some strings in order for his superiors to look past it. Aside from that, I’m here because Hoffman and I were originally in charge of your case and I know more about you than anyone else in either the FBI or Interpol. I’ve answered your question, now you answer mine; do you regret your crimes?” “I have absolutely no regrets in any of the crimes I committed before they met in Las Vegas. The people I killed in this country weren’t victims; they were garbage. They had chosen their paths in life and those paths had led them to become subhuman hindrances to society. I figured I might as well put my abilities to good use before moving on to bigger and better things. But before I can go further, I must ask another question. Is there any name for the night when I set off those nukes and made my declaration? Please tell him that they aren’t just referring it to 5/7 like the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center.” Mason sighed. “As much as it pains him to give you the satisfaction, I’ll be honest and tell you that there is a name. People around the world are calling it Judgment Day because they thought you were being used by God to bring forth the Apocalypse. Many people are calling you the messenger of God, the son of God, or God himself, while many others see you as the Antichrist riding on a white horse.” Adrian chuckled. “You find that amusing?” Mason asked. “How could I not? True, my life-long goal has been to surpass human limitations, but never did I toy with the idea that I was or could ever become some sort of god. I may be smart, but I’m not crazy and I’m not narcissistic. Besides, in the world of comedic irony, it never ends well for the people who call themselves God, so I’m going to avoid hanging that sword of Damocles above my head. But as I was saying, there are many crimes that I regret, and they were all on “Judgment Day”. Specifically, they were all the people I killed. Actually, all the people I killed, minus the people who were assholes in their lives, I don’t mind their deaths.” “So you do regret it…” “I don’t regret my actions, not in the slightest bit. However, I do regret the people who had to die in order for my actions to take place, but even though my setting off all of those nukes did indeed kill millions of people, the fault does not all fall on me. True, it’s very unlikely that they would have all died in nuclear explosions without me to press the button, but it would have been impossible for any of them to die that way if the governments had done a better job of keeping their nukes at a safe distance.” “But why did you do what you did?” “Hold on, you know the rules: I answer your questions if you answer mine. Now tell me how many people are glad with what I did?” “Like I said, many people see you as some sort of messenger of God. It’s more complicated than—” “That’s not what I asked. I asked how many people support my actions.” Mason was silent for a few moments. “Many more than Adrian would like.” “That is not a proper answer. If you are not going to give me a number or even a guess, then at least tell me how they are supporting me.” “A number of people in Rome are demanding that the pope declare you to be a saint, web pages and forums have sprouted up all across the Internet where people who agree with what you did argue with those who hate you, and there are riots in almost a hundred towns and cities of your supporters fighting with the general public. You’ve basically started a cult of people who worship you.” “I don’t want them to worship me, I do not deserve worship. All I want is for people to understand why I did what I did. Everyone who supports me is able to see the big picture. They are able to toss aside the cloud of humanitarian ideals that block their senses of logic and see that while there was a great cost for what I gave the world, it is well worth the benefit. I want people to understand why I did it.” “Well why did you do it?” “While my reasons are in his broadcast, I will explain anyway. I detonated all of those nukes to bring world peace.” “And how does the greatest genocide in the history of mankind—albeit an unintentional one—bring world peace?” “I did not detonate those bombs to cause deaths, I did it to prevent them. I destroyed all of those nukes because the nations of the world refused to. I obliterated the advantage of the nuclear superpowers and then redistributed them as I saw fit. That first wave of explosions was merely to clear the board for a new game.” “And the second wave?” “That was to get the world’s attention, not just the countries that were struck. I had those bombs placed in very strategic locations; close enough to national capitals for the explosions to be seen, but not close enough for people to be at risk by the blast radius or fallout.” “You also said that you had given nuclear bombs to every country?” “Yes. After the first wave of explosions, there were only six nuclear bombs in every country. Every sixth bomb was used for the demonstration, while the other five were my gift to the nations. With every country having five nukes, the status quo in terms of military power has reached equilibrium. It doesn’t matter if some of the countries don’t have armies or air superiority; they have nukes, and that is all they need to scare off their enemies. Ever since the end of WWII, the nuclear superpowers of the world have used their advantage to bully the other nations, but now that their weapon stockpiles have been destroyed and nuclear bombs have been fairly distributed to the rest of the world, the status quo has been locked down. Every nation will fear its neighbor and that fear will deflate their egos, with no one daring to wage war, attack, or intimidate another country.” “So this peace will only exist because the nations of the world will be too petrified to make a move?” “That is the only form of peace that can exist. Humans are incompetent when it comes to building their own peace, especially when you incorporate more and more people into the process. The UN has been unable to end wars because the ambassadors only care about their own countries. All of these selfish ambitions come together to form the useless bureaucracy that they put their faith in. To be frank, I find it to be quite useless. I don’t want to get rid of the UN, but it needs to learn to do its job and I’m tried of waiting. I did in ten years what the UN has been unable to do in seventy. True, you may not agree with my methods and your humanitarian idealism may keep you from seeing the big picture and agreeing with my methods, but I have established world peace.” “You said in your broadcast that you were the leader of the Illuminati. Would you care to explain that?” Adrian chuckled. “Well, I have no other questions to ask, so I’ll just answer you. The Illuminati does exist, though I brought it to the edge of extinction by assassinating all of the other members.” “How did you become a member?” “I began my search several years ago, looking on the Internet for information. After sifting through all of the conspiracy theories and rumors, I finally found the pure information I was looking for. I found the list of members and tried to figure out a way I could join. The answer came when I found another person after the same goal. He was the CEO of a bio-weapons company who had been denied membership to the Illuminati. He wanted revenge but he had no real information to go by. I hacked into his company servers and looked through the weapons he could use against them. I discovered a disease that his company had created, which had the ability to cause blood clots in the extremities and inevitable muscle death. Anonymously, I gave him the member list on the condition that he would use that disease against them. With my technological skills, I knew that I could have collateral against them. It was in Vegas that we finally found the personal doctor of one of the members, and we used him to get in contact with the Illuminati. In exchange for safe asylum and membership in the Illuminati, I built prosthetic hands for the members infected with their debilitating illness. I used the Illuminati to find missing nuclear bombs from the Soviet Union, and then distributed them to the countries of the world using the subordinates of the Illuminati, the Zero Masons. I assassinated the other members so that I would acquire all of their wealth and influential power, with Jenny and Adrian as the only members of the Illuminati left. And then I came here, under the guise that I was going to pay the Zero Masons for their services. In truth, I knew that Interpol or some other group would catch wind of me, and I needed to eliminate the Zero Masons so that they couldn’t oppose me or leak any more information. I was the bait to draw you people in and I threw you at them to dispose of them for me. From this point forward, I’ll be watching the nations of the globe, making sure none of them acquire more than their allowed number of atomic bombs.” “And how are you supposed to do that when you’ll locked up in a maximum-security prison for the rest of your life or dead from being executed?” Adrian cocked his head to one side and laughed. “Did it ever cross your mind that maybe I wanted to be captured? That maybe this is fun for me? What happened in the train yard? That was just a game to amuse myself. If I had gotten away, the game would have ended, so I went easy on all of you and now I get to play a little bit longer. You would do well not to underestimate me, it has had dire repercussions in the past.” The government-controlled building was ten stories tall with a chain-link fence surrounding the perimeter. The area within the fence was filled with parked police cars and patrolling guards. The Swiss government had given Interpol use of the building since it was too risky to take Adrian out of Bern. Jenny was standing on the roof of a nearby building, holding a remote control. “Someday, honey, your boredom is going to get you killed,” she giggled as she worked the controls of the remote. Down below, a cargo truck full of beer kegs was moving steadily down the road. The driver was a dressed-up mannequin, but controlling the truck were pneumatic actuators hooked up to the gas, brakes, and steering wheel. Jenny’s controller was directing the actuators themselves, allowing her to regulate every movement and action of the truck. “Showtime,” she said with a smile as she made the truck accelerate and steered it into the fence surrounding the building. The guards jumped out of the way as it plowed through the fence and slammed into the parked police cars. The mechanical goliath knocked them out of the way as if they were inflatable and then crashed into the entrance of the building. The fenced sides of the truck broke open and the kegs fell out like boulders in a rockslide. They burst open when they hit the ground, spraying the area with brown fluid. But the air was not filled with the smell of beer; it was crushed under the fumes of gasoline. All of the kegs had been emptied and filled with gas. As gas poured out across every surface within the perimeter of the fence like a flood, Jenny pulled out a flare gun and launched a ball of fire across the street. The flare struck the waves of gasoline and the entire area was engulfed in a sea of flames, setting off the fuel tanks of the police cars and incinerating everything that would burn. People were fleeing as fast as they could to escape the inferno, but Jenny took a deep breath and jumped off the building as if it were the edge of a pool. She fell through the air and landed on the hood of a car, shattering all of its windows and crushing the metal sheet. By using her heightened reaction speed, she had distributed the force of the impact through every muscle and tendon in her legs and ankles, taking away the crippling strain and avoiding injury. Jenny drew her lance as she approached the flames. The building shook from the impact of the truck and the intensity of the flames, sending vibrations down to the basement. As the lamp swung erratically above him and the door rattled in its hinges, Adrian gave a smile. It looked like it was time for him to make his escape. While his hands were kept away from each other by two sets of cuffs, Adrian didn’t need to use them together. A thin black line with a bright dot on one end could be found on his lower back, but it wasn’t a tattoo or scar; it was a pin, hidden beneath his skin and just long enough for such occasions. He reached underneath his coat and shirt and pinched the bright spot on the end, which served as the head of the pin. He pulled it out, glad that he had made it as long as he did. Adrian inserted the pin into the locking mechanism of the handcuffs on his right hand, pushing up on the catch until it released the teeth of the cuffs. The loop opened up without anything to hold it closed, freeing his right hand. Adrian quickly turned and unlocked the second set of cuffs, opening them up and setting him loose. The two-way mirror behind him most likely had a reinforcing polymer that would reflect back most of the force Adrian used against it, so his only exit was the door. Adrian gripped the handle and put one foot on the frame. Using all of the strength in his arms and leg, he ripped the door open, shattering all of the locks. Adrian walked down the cinderblock hallway, listening to the explosions outside. As he turned a corner, a guard spotted him and charged forward with a police baton. He swung it down towards his head but Adrian knocked his arm aside like it was an annoying housefly. Adrian reached up and punched him in the jaw with enough force to shatter all of his teeth, then sidestepped behind him and kicked his knee, breaking his leg. He howled in pain as he fell to the floor and Adrian walked past him. Down the hall, two more guards heard the exchange and were running towards him. As the first one approached, Adrian pulled back his arm and then slammed him in the chest with his palm, shattering all of his ribs but not causing any organ damage. He passed out from the agony as his second opponent approached. The guard aimed a stun gun at him and pulled the trigger, firing two darts that were connected to the weapon by a pair of wires. The barbs clung to his chest and sent electricity through his body, his unflinching will allowed him to block out the pain and remain in control of his body. Adrian grabbed the guard by the throat, lifted him off the ground with one hand, and slammed him against the wall. “Where is the evidence room? Where are my weapons? Tell me and you will live.” Adrian demanded, speaking in German. “Seventh floor, room 725!” the guard replied in kind. Adrian slammed him against the wall again, knocking him out. He turned and continued down the hall, while the explosions continued outside. Jenny walked through the inferno, slashing and stabbing at anyone who raised a weapon at her or came close. The light of flames was making her hair shine like molten gold and made the blood on her lance look like melted rubies. She walked through the entrance of the building and stepped into the lobby, which was no longer burning, thanks to the building’s fire alarm. The receptionist had abandoned her post and the lights were out. There were two hallways branching out to the left and right up ahead and an elevator directly in front of her. As a guard in a gas mask ran past her, having been ordered to make sure Adrian was still locked up, he spotted Jenny and stopped. He raised his pistol and fired several rounds, but with the same skill and style as Adrian, she raised her lance before the bullets could be launched, predicting where they would strike instead of trying to follow them with her eyes. Jenny deflected every bullet as she moved closer and closer, finally coming in range to reach out and stab the guard in the stomach. With the flames outside sizzling out from a lack of fuel, she turned and continued down the hall, figuring that Adrian was in a holding cell the basement. Jenny pulled out three darts as the echo of approaching guards reached her ears. At the next turn in the hall, three Interpol agents stepped out and pointed their rifles at her. “Don’t move!” the one in the middle barked. Without slowing down or replying, Jenny threw the darts, striking the three agents in the throats. They fell to the ground with blood pouring from their wounds. Jenny walked up and knocked them by stabbing all three of them with her lance. She continued on, reaching the elevator. The doors opened up, showing that it was full of agents. Without missing a beat, Jenny dove in. Adrian stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hall, counting the rooms. From seemingly every door and turn, Interpol agents and Swiss police officers were jumping out and attacking him, armed with batons, firearms, and stun guns. As Adrian got closer and closer to the evidence room, it seemed like their numbers were increasing. One fully-protected agent charged towards him with a baton in hand. As he swung it down towards his head, Adrian caught his wrist and jerked his arm, turning him around and forcing him to his knees. Adrian let go of his wrist and then kicked him in the side of the head. Even with his bulletproof helmet, the kick was powerful enough to give him a concussion and knock him out. Behind him, a police officer stepped through a doorway with a shotgun in hand. Adrian picked up the officer he had just knocked out and used him as a shield against the first load of buckshot. The ball bearings tore through the man’s Kevlar, and before the next round could be fired, Adrian hurled the corpse at the gunman. Knocked to the ground, the officer dropped his gun and Adrian kicked him in the side of the head. Adrian finally reached room 725 and stepped inside. The room was dark and filled with rows upon rows of shelves, all filled with boxed-up evidence. Without turning the lights, he scanned the boxes, looking for the most recent addition. Adrian finally found his lance, darts, and laser, wrapped up and secured in a long cardboard box. Before Adrian could open it, he jerked to the side to dodge a bullet aimed for the back of his head. Ducking down, he drew a dart from the box and spun around, hurling it at the assailant. The metal spike struck the hand of Agent Mason, forcing him to drop his gun. He raised his other hand, his backup in his grip. “Stay dead this time.” Before Mason could pull the trigger, Adrian lunged forward and knocked the gun aside, then reached up and stabbed him in the throat with his bare hand. His hand tore through the skin and muscle with ease and crushed his veins and windpipe. Mason fell to the ground, dying just like Logan. “I can’t afford to die again, after all, third time is the charm,” Adrian said calmly as he got back to his feet. With Mason’s dead body bleeding onto the floor, Adrian opened up the box holding his weapons. Adrian stowed the darts and his laser in his pockets and retrieved his lance, spinning it around his fingers. Fully armed, he stepped out of the evidence room, ready to find his wife. Jenny walked through his path of destruction down in the basement, looking for anyone conscious. She came to a police officer that was beginning to wake up. She grabbed him by the collar and lifted him off his feet. “Where is Adrian?” she demanded, speaking in German. “He went to the evidence room on the seventh floor,” the guard said groggily, having been the one who directed him. Jenny slammed him against the wall, knocking him back out. “What the hell is going on here?!” she heard a voice yell. She looked down the hall and saw and Interpol agent with an assault rifle. Before he could raise it and fire, Jenny switched her hold on her lance and threw it like a javelin. The lance flew through the air like a bullet and struck the Interpol agent between the gut and the ribs, piercing his Kevlar vest like paper. The weapon lodged itself in the wall behind him, pinning him to it. Jenny retrieved her weapon and made her way back to the elevator. Adrian was swinging his lance with machinelike speed and brutality, slashing and stabbing at Interpol agents and police officers that were streaming up and down the staircase. They were swarming towards him in such numbers that it almost seemed to defy logic. There were so many that Adrian had stop knocking them out and just go for the easier kill. Adrian stabbed one agent in the chest, piercing his heart and ending his life. Another agent charged towards him from behind, so Adrian slammed him with his elbow as he pulled his lance free. The agent fell to his knees and Adrian snapped his neck with one hand. One officer raised his empty shotgun above his head to slam him with the stock, but Adrian stabbed him through the lower jaw, with the end of the weapon breaking out of the top of his skull. Before Adrian could pull it free, an agent ran up the staircase with a stun gun in hand. With his free hand, Adrian drew his laser and shot the man in the face, burning an inch-wide hole through his skull. Adrian finally pulled his lance free and used the swinging momentum to turn around and slash an officer across the chest, the man lacking a bulletproof vest. He looked down and spotted a door across the staircase. It looked like it was just close enough to reach. With all of his strength, Adrian kicked the handrail, breaking it off and clearing a path. He then lashed out and slashed the two closest enemies, buying him a mere second. With that quick opportunity and a small running start, Adrian jumped off of the staircase, falling through the wide expanse of open air. Barely missing the handrail and slamming into a crowd of police officers, Adrian reached the other side safely. He quickly wrenched open the door and jumped out into a large room filled with vacant cubicles. He closed the door and jammed a dart into the locking mechanism, sealing it shut. Adrian ran to the nearest elevator and pressed the button over and over again, knowing that Adrian had less than a minute before the door was broken down. The stainless steel doors finally opened up, and Adrian was face to face with Jenny, wearing bloodstained clothes but apparently unharmed. They both gave a gasp of disbelief and then reached out, wrapping their arms around each other in a tight embrace. “I’m so glad to see you,” Adrian whispered. “You too. I was really starting to worry.” They were shaken from their dream by the rattling of the door near the elevator. It couldn’t hold much longer. “Come on, we have to go,” Adrian said, grasping Jenny’s hand as he stepped into the elevator. They pressed the button for the ground floor and the doors closed. “Every cop and Interpol agent is gathering down in the lobby to apprehend us and there are no other exits. However, once we get out, there will be no one to chase after us,” Jenny said. “We’ll be sitting ducks once the doors open up. They’ll open fire the second they see us.” “Then they just have to make sure that they don’t see us,” Jenny replied as she held up a smoke grenade. Down in the lobby, every Interpol agent and police officer had a gun in his hand and was pointing it at the elevator doors. The weapons would shake more and more as the lights above the doors showed that the elevator was nearing the ground floor. Finally, the door opened, but nobody fired. Smoke was pouring out of the elevator and a hissing sound could be heard. In a single barrage, half a dozen open smoke grenades were thrown out of the elevator and into the hall. As smoke filled the room, everyone opened fire on the elevator, pocketing the far wall with hundreds of bullets but leaving Jenny and Adrian safe. They were hiding in the front corners of the elevator, holding their breath. “By the way, this doesn’t count as a honeymoon,” Jenny teased over the chorus of firing bullets. “Yes dear,” Adrian laughed. The second the sound of gunfire was replaced with the sound of magazines being handled and guns reloaded, Jenny and Adrian dashed out of the elevator. Smoke had completely filled the room and taken away all visibility, but Jenny and Adrian could still sense their enemies. Undeterred by the smoke, they moved through the lobby like ghosts, stabbing at every agent and cop in their path. The room was far too crowded for them to use their lances, so they were each holding two darts and using them like daggers. People began firing random shots into the air as the sound of people being killed grew louder and louder. All the bullets did was add more death and confusion to the mess. Bodies continuously fell to the floor with carefully placed stab wounds as Jenny and Adrian would pounce on their targets and either strike the pressure points like deadly vipers or try to power their way through to the organs. Once they thinned out their numbers, they returned to their lances, wielding them with masterful skill and terrifying strength. In Adrian’s free hand was his laser, and with each pull of the trigger, a beam of light would momentarily cross the room, the smoke giving the light something to bounce off of before someone was killed. With every stab and every slash, victory seemed to come even closer. Adrian felt unstoppable with his enemies unable to land even a single counterattack or find him in the smoke. Against his better judgment, he even felt immortal. He had died twice before and been in countless fights similar to this one, and he had always come back. He knew he could still die, but he just let the feeling continue to burn in his heart, granting him even greater strength and speed. Even with the smoke blocking his sense of sight and smell and the sounds of battle obscuring his hearing, Adrian could tell that Jenny felt the same way, as if there was an open channel between their minds, letting them read each other’s thoughts. She was enjoying the battle as well and relishing the feeling of superiority they had over their enemies. Both Jenny and Adrian took no joy in the killing of these people, but that feeling of invincibility was like a euphoric amphetamine. The knowledge that they had defeated everyone in their path was giving them a vast boost of power. Whether it was a street gang, the police, the Illuminati, Interpol, or even the whole world, no one could stand in their way. They had overcome everything in their path and brought world peace. How could anyone possibly defeat them when they had beaten the odds time and time again and even defied death? How could anyone hope to kill them when their physical and mental abilities were so powerful that guns were completely useless against them? How could anyone ever hope to surpass their legend? In only thirty seconds, every agent and cop was dead and the room fell silent. The only presence Adrian could sense was Jenny’s as they both put away their weapons. Their heart rates slowed and they became themselves again. Trying to catch their breath, they stepped out of the smoke-filled lobby and into the warm sunlight. They both stood still, letting the sun wash away their aches and pains. “I hope that is the last time we ever have to fight,” Jenny said softly. “We’ll probably have to continue fighting, since the authorities will be after us forever,” Adrian replied, filling Jenny’s eyes with sadness. “But I put my faith in their bond, so I’m willing to put my faith in a peaceful future.” Adrian then reached out and wrapped his hand around hers. “Come on, let’s go home.” For the next several decades, an uneasy peace settled across the world. People were afraid of attack, but the attacks never came. Similar to the Cold War, international tensions were reduced to little more than countries holding their fingers over the launch button and bluffing. Now that the Third World could fight back, America, Russia, Europe, and the nations in Asia ceased bullying smaller countries out of greed and fighting pointless wars. They had always operated on the belief that they could do whatever they wanted as long as their enemies couldn’t overpower them, but now the nations of the world were forced to be equal. They could either deflate their egos or be annihilated. Once everything cooled down, Adrian and Jenny began to rebuild the Illuminati. Individuals who were more than smart enough to see the big picture of Judgment Day and supported him were carefully recruited. They did background checks for everyone they watched, making sure that they would not jeopardize the peace that Adrian had installed. Those that lacked a hunger for power, narcissistic desires, and double-crossing tendencies were recruited one at a time. With their help and vigilance, they watched the proceedings of the world from their computers, always strengthening their hold on the military and informational systems of the world by hacking and re-hacking their way through every new firewall and defense, making sure that no country could ever lock us out, build a vast number of nuclear weapons, and take over the world. There was no aspect of any government that they did not have eyes and ears in, and whenever they found out that a country had so much as one more nuclear bomb than they allowed them, the punishment was swift and brutal. Taking control of their missile defense system, they would wipe whatever base the bomb was held at off the map. As time went on, the rage people had originally felt on Judgment Day was replaced with understanding. National tensions were at an all-time high, but the threat of attack was at an all-time low. Fear was the key to peace and that fear was doing its duties flawlessly. With the powers and wealth of all the former Illuminati members, Jenny and Adrian were able to evade capture with ease. They completely disappeared off the face of the earth with layer after layer of aliases, with only their fellow members and Amanda knowing their true identities. Never in her life did she ever tell anyone about them. With their enemies unable to find them, and the world in the palms of their hands, Jenny and Adrian lived out their lives in happiness and luxury. They loved each other, never forgetting what they had done for each other, their adventures together, and the peace they had given to the world and each other. The End |
So i know this girl from work, a cute little latina girl named Candy. I don't even know her actual name, her nametag said Candy and everyone calls her it. She's maybe 5'3" 115 pounds, very skinny and very hot. We started hangin out, goin to the casino, everything kinda pointed to her bein interested in me, but was never sure and never made a move. We worked together one day, and were talkin about video games, and i asked her if she wanted to come over and play sometime. And she was asked me what i was up to that night. Told her nothing, so she invited herself over. Well she called me when she got done with work, and said she was gonna go and change quick, and then stop by. Bout 45 minutes pass and i was wonderin if she was gonna come over at all. I started cleanin the kitchen to pass time. She gets here while i'm takin out trash, and i'm climbin over this snowbank and i called out to her, and bam! I fell right on my face in the snow. Pretty slick huh? So i was a lil embarassed. We stood outside and smoked a cigarette, and talked a lil bit. She was wearing this super oversized fluffy parka thing with a fur hood. Just outrageously big. We got inside and she loses the jacket, and she's wearin these jeans that looked like they were painted on and this super lowcut pink shirt. Very sexy. AND i saw her when we were working and she didnt have any makeup on for work but she musta put on some when she went home. So i figured she was at least a little interested in me. I was like "you want me to make you a drink?" and she was like "yeah i'd love one" "well what do ya want" and she was like "i dunno, nothing too hard" So i made her this awesome amaretto/rum/cherry/coke mix, gave her a nice glass and everything, and we both sat down on the couch. I was watching the first ninja turtles movie before she came over, very classy right? She goes "i fuckin love this movie" i kinda tossed the eyebrow at her and she saw it and said "what?" "that's either incredibly nerdy or incredibly awesome" got a laugh ya know. And we were just sittin there watchin it and and i was jokin about whatever, and she downed the first drink pretty quickly so i figured i had made it too weak. So i got up and made another drink for us both and i sat a lil closer to her this time when i sat down, figurin i'd be a lame-guy and like shimmy over till i was right next to her. Watched some more of the movie and i was gonna say something about playin xbox, but she kinda beat me to sayin anything, and she was like "this drink is awesome, make me another one, and show me how u do it this time" I was like "trade secret!" and grabbed her glass and kinda ran into the kitchen. She followed me. I started openin bottles but i was blockin her from seein, like raising my shoulder and moving side to side. She started like pushing me so she could see, good flirting you know? So i finally caved and showed her how to make it and i was goin step by step and i was like "and THIS is where u put the roofies in it so it dissolves right away" i said it in a goofy voice and she started laughin and hit me on the arm. and i made myself some hardass drink with brandy. I sat down first and she sat down like touching close. She said somethin about videogames and i just turned to her and blurted out, "So you gonna pretend you wanna play video games or do you just wanna go upstairs and fuck?" She got this shocked kinda look and her mouth kinda dropped open. And i just fuckin went for it you know, i grabbed her by the back of the neck and kissed her. AND she kissed me back! So we made out for a bit and then went upstairs and i was like "FUCK YA THAT ACTUALLY WORKED" in my head and she walked up the stairs ahead of me. And she has that killer latina ass. just epic. I put my hand on it as we reached the top and pushed her in the direction of my room. We got into my room and she kinda looked around at all my paintball pictures. I quick put on some music. I've talked to her at work alot and she was like "you actually DO have an inflatable bed!" And i was behind her and i pulled her to me by her waist, rubbing her ass against my crotch, and kissed her neck and she like grabbed my head with her hand and turned to me like she wanted me to kiss her and i was happy to oblige. I started exploring a lil with my hands. I put one under her shirt from the bottom and ran it up and caressed one of her boobs and i undid the button on her jeans at the same time with the other, very suave. Dont think she even noticed. I stopped kissin her and started pulling her shirt up over her head and she raised her arms and let me do it, and i was lucky that i was behind her cuz she had one of those stupid clasp bras that i always have trouble with so i just quick snapped that off. and she threw it on the floor. She turned around and good lord did she have nice tits, not very big but they were perfect for her body. I reached out and put my hands on them, palms out. I played with them a lil, slowly moving closer to her until my hands were the only thing seperating us. I tweaked her nipples in between my fingers. She closed her eyes, turned her head upwards and purred and as soon as she did I kissed her. I put one of my hands on her lower back and with the other i grabbed a handful of her ass. We stood there kissing like long lost lovers for almost a minute, but i needed more. I backed up and said "lose the pants too baby" in my sexy assertive voice. She reached for the button of her jeans without breaking eye contact with me, she had this sexy faraway look in her eyes and i couldn't look away. She realized the button was undone already and looked down. I lowered myself to my knees as she looked away and said "i'll do it" I pulled at the fly of her jeans and rubbed her through them before grabbing the sides of them and pulling down. Well, trying to pull them down, they were SO tight. I turned her around, grabbing the waist of her jeans over her ass and yanking them straight down, this time they gave and fell, letting her amazing ass out of its cage so to speak. As soon as the jeans were out of the way i stopped caring about them, leaving them half-way down her thighs. I had to put my hand on her ass. Her thong was still on but i didnt care because i was too focused on her round little ass. I squeezed her right cheek hard with my right hand, admiring it at the same time. I licked her left ass cheek causing her to tense up and giggle. I let go of her and pulled her pants to her ankles. She stepped out of them as i stood up. I pulled her almost naked body against me and kissed her neck again, one thing i knew she liked already, this time putting a hand on her uncovered tit and with the other hand snaking my way under her thong and through her hairless crotch for the untouched slit beneath it. Encountering the sudden wetness of her pussy, i started rubbing her clit with my ring and middle fingers, causing her to gasp and moan. She reached behind her to grab my head but didn't turn her head towards me so i continued kissing her neck and shoulder. She leaned back on me and lifted her left leg, allowing me to move downward and I started to tease her with my middle finger. I kept rubbing her clit with my thumb and rubbed up and down, slowly entering her with my middle finger. Fuck she was tight, i started to worry that she was a virgin. I pushed my middle finger as far as it could go by itself and met no resistance so i knew that she wasnt. I pulled it out and entered her with two fingers, causing her to tighten up for a second and moan. I hadn't even entered her to the second knuckle with two fingers when she made a more pronounced moan, She pulled away from me. She turned around and looked at the bulge in my jeans like a predator looks at its prey and fell to her knees. "you first" she said. She undid the button and zip on my jeans. She pulled my pants and boxers down with her hands and my cock sprang to attention, freed from confinement. She raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at it sexily. I put my hand on it and rubbed it up and down. She pushed my hand off of it and put her mouth over its head. FUCK did it feel good. She started moving her lips up and down over the shaft of it, teasing me, only going an inch or two at a time and VERY slowly.The slow pace started to get to me so i grabbed the back of her head and pulled her onto it. Her eyes opened wide for a moment and she supressed her gag reflex as i struck the back of her throat with the tip of my cock. She started to properly blow me at that point moving up and down as far as she could down my shaft, she began to make muffled moaning sounds as she did, sounds i felt on my cock more than heard. I realized then that one of her hands was on one of her tits and the other was under her thong on her pussy. This was unbelievably hot to me and i started having to supress the urge to cum. I had to stop her. "Fuck baby you're way too good at that i'm gonna cum if you dont stop" and she looked up at me and gave me this look. Pulling her lips off my cock, she pulled her hand out of her crotch and started jerking me off. She said, "Yeah, that's the point." And she put her lips back over it. She started sucking hard, knowing the end was near. She looked up at me every now and then, making eye contact with me, which was amazing in its own right. Her lips were hollowed out and i could see her hand grasp and squeeze her tit, pinching her nipples occasionally . And it just became too much for me. "Fuck i'm cumming baby" and if it was possible she sucked harder and faster. Her eyes opened up wide again as i came into her mouth. She coughed for a second and pulled off of my cock, opening her mouth in front of it, she jerked me off as i spurted again and again into her open mouth. Surprisingly she swallowed it all, i hadn't taken her for the type. She looked so hot kneeling there with a little cum dribbling out of the side of her mouth that i had to repay her. I pushed her back on the bed and said "your turn" She raised her hips off of the bed and pulled her panties off, not letting me do the honors. This depressed me a small bit, as i always relished uncovering a girl's most sacred treasure. Call me indiana jones. She tossed her panties at my face and i took them and threw them to the side. I dropped to the ground and propped myself up on my elbows in between her spread legs. Enjoying the moment before i began to abuse her tight little pussy. I slid my hands beneath her ass cheeks, and licked the inside of her thigh, teasing her for a moment. I used the tip of my tongue and made a wide circle around her pussy. Prolonging her torment. I put my tongue to the bottom of her slit and licked all the way to the top. She made a sound that can only be described as gasp of pure extasy. I used my thumbs to spread her open and put my lips over her clit and sucked for a moment. She moaned, a low gutteral sound that she had no control over. I sucked hard, pulling my lips away from her, making a slurping noise as it let go and sprung back into place. I began searching her pussy for that one spot that every girl has. Licking up and down, side to side slowly, so slowly. I felt her ass clench up involuntarily and knew that i had found it. I attacked it from every angle with my tongue licking her hard, relishing in her moans and gasps and screams. I moved down from that spot and began to tongue-fuck her, licking up and down inside of her. I felt her begin to shudder, almost violently as she came. I pulled my hands from beneath her ass and grasped her hands, bonding for a moment as she screamed. I have roommates on both sides of my room that would hear it but i didnt care. All i did care about was her pleasure, giving her what she had given me earlier. Her legs fell to the side and her whole body collapsed after it. She sighed, one of those great sighs when you KNOW you did something great. She was breathing heavily and her head was turned to the side in the pillow. I climbed on top of her, turning her head and kissing her quickly on the lips. She followed me with her head and kissed me back as i pulled away. I kissed her passionately for a moment before realizing that i hadn't showed her tits proper attention. I kissed her throat and her chest before putting my lips over the nipple of her right breast. Engulfing as much of her tit as i could with my mouth, i sucked on it, working on the other one with my hand. In a breathless voice she said "Jesus Christ just fuck me" Her helpless throwing of herself on me worked perfectly. I moved up and lined myself up with her. It was an awkward angle as she was still at the edge of the bed and my knees would still be on the hard carpet of the floor. So i grabbed her by the hips, picking her up off the bed and sliding her back so that her head was on the opposite edge of the bed. I half slid, half crawled over her, kneeling on the bed, i lined myself up with her tight opening. I rubbed my cockhead up and down until i suddenly sunk in a bit. She gasped in an almost helpless way. And i SLOWLY pushed my length into her, it took almost a minute to get all the way in, as every time she made any kind of sound i pulled back until just the head was in before slowly sliding back in. She began to grab my back and my ass, trying to force me to go faster but i was much bigger and stronger than her and i dictated my own pace. She was frustrated but at the same time so turned on that she couldn't say a thing to me. Finally i was buried to the hilt in her, and i began to properly fuck her. I pulled almost all the way out suddenly and quickly, and then slammed back into her, causing her to damn near squeal with pleasure. I didn't slow down at all.I kept pounding in and out of her, and she dug her fingernails into my back. I felt a slight urge to cum and pulled myself out of her completely. She looked at me with an almost hurt look on her face, and i said. "Get on your hands and knees baby." Her eyebrows flared up for a moment and she did as i said. She rolled over onto her stomach and shimmied onto her knees until her ass was high in the air. She propped herself up on her hands. I admired her for a second, but without any feeling on my cock it was only a second. I stretched my arms out and i felt her reach under herself and grab me by the cock, guiding me in. I felt my cock part the lips of her pussy, and without any teasing this time, i seized her by the hips and slammed myself to the hilt into her. She screamed out loud once and started to moan as i fucked her. After a few minutes of this pace, she stopped pulling back into my thrusts and looked back at me for a second. "let me lay down, i'm tired" So i pulled out of her and she lay down on her stomach, pushing her legs together. It was almost like she expected a massage. She put her hands under her tummy and spread her pussy from beneath. I got the idea right away and i kneeled over her, practically straddling her, pressing my cock into her from above. I put my hands next to her head to prop myself up. She slid her hands under the pillow as i started to fuck her. I realized that this position made me do all the work but every time i thrust home i was greeted with a loud slap of my groin hitting her cute ass, and i was ok with that. She started to moan harder and eventually started screaming again, but she buried her face in the pillow. She pulled her hands out from under the pillow and grasped my hands and looked back at me, it was an action of vulnerability, like i owned her completely. It was the hottest feeling i'd ever experienced. It felt like i was gaining momentum, fucking her harder and harder. Suddenly i felt her muscles tighten up over my cock, her hands gripping mine harder and harder. Every time i slammed home she screamed into the pillow, her orgasm setting off my own. I came into her time and again, every thrust felt like i was cumming all over again until i finally collapsed on top of her. I rolled onto my back next to her. I reached over her and grabbed the pack of cigarettes off of my desk. She was breathing heavily, her face still buried in the pillow. I put my arm under her and pulled her close, rolling her onto her side in the process and kissed her quickly on the lips. "fuck that was amazing" I whispered to her, breathing almost as heavily as she was. "Oh it was good for you too? Good." She answered back, i lit two cigarettes and put one in her mouth, rolling onto my back, she moved around until she was on her back next to me. We ashed on the floor, not caring after something like that. She half-cuddled up next to me as we smoked, just enjoying the moment. She finished her cigarette before me and tossed it in the ashtray before collapsing next to me again. I rolled onto my side and reached over her, putting out my smoke. I put my arms around her and lay there spooning for a while, both still breathing heavily, just recovering. She started fidgeting so i let her go and she sat on the edge of the bed. I playfully smacked her ass. "Mind if i take a shower quick?" she asked. "I don't mind as long as you keep the door unlocked" i replied smugly. She raised her eyebrows and grabbed my zip-up from my closet door. She put it on, it not even covering up her ass, and walked slowly out of the room, glancing back to me as she left the room. I lay there smoking another cigarette, relishing it. Replaying the events in my mind over and over. Fuck she was good, nothing was gonna be that good again for a while. The feeling of her mouth on my cock, how tight she was....I HAD to do it again. I stood up and dug around my closet for a pair of shorts and walked out into the hall, i tested the door handle, half expecting it to be locked. It wasn't. I opened the door, loudly so she knew i had came in. "It's me" i said, nerdishly. I walked over to the sink and splashed cold water in my face, then walked over to the shower. I threw the curtain open, and good lord I thought she was gorgeous when i was fucking her. She looked over at me with that sexy faraway look she had down so well. I dropped my shorts and climbed in with her. The water was far too hot for me as i wasn't used to it yet but didn't care. All i cared about was the naked latina girl in my shower. I half-slammed her into the shower wall and put my forehead against hers and started fingering her, doing it right, knowing she wouldn't stop me this time. She put her hand on my already hard cock and started jerking me off. She started to gasp and moan, the sound echoing in the small bathroom. I began moving my first and forefingers faster and faster inside of her, 'walking' them back and forth, she started to breathe heavily again. I twisted the fingers inside of her as they were still a blur and she started making some breathless screams. Finally I pulled my fingers out of her and grabbed her hips, picking her up against the wall, i put her on top of my dick and lowered her down onto it. She moaned and buried her face into my shoulder. I started to pump in and out of her. She was small, so it was an easy task to prop her up and fuck her. Time went by and my arms were getting tired from holding her up. I think she sensed that because she said "Let me down" and i did as told. She turned around, bent over and put her hands on the wall to prop herself up. She spread her legs as much as the small bathtub would allow. I put one hand on her waist and guided myself in with my other hand. I slid into her slowly but steadily, burying myself completely into her. She dropped her head as i did, wet hair splayed across her back. Every time i slammed in, her ass rippled, throwing the water off of it to the sides as i fucked her. She looked back and said in a timid voice, "Fuck me in the ass." Her tone of voice, the look on her face, i couldn't have said no if i wanted to. I pulled out of her and put my hands on her ass cheeks, spreading her, staring at her. There was a bottle of Axe body gel next to me, i grabbed it and poured a bit on my first and middle fingers and slid them into her asshole. FUCK i thought her pussy was tight. I lubed her up a bit, her gasps driving me on. The tightness of was just too much for me, i had to fuck her. I poured more of the soap on my cock, spread her with my thumbs and put the head to her tight button asshole. I rubbed it up and down, aligning myself until i was in position. I pressed hard and suddenly broke through. She clenched up and the feeling was amazing, the grip was unbelievably tight just behind my cockhead. She pulled one of her hands off of the wall and started rubbing her pussy. I grabbed her by the waist and started pulling her back onto my cock. She screamed and moaned as each small length penetrated her. I was about halfway in when i pulled back till only the head was in her and slammed forward making sudden progress forward. She screamed again, louder this time, echoing in the tight space of the shower. I repeated the process, eliciting the same scream that was the biggest turn on i've ever had. One more pull-out and thrust inward and i was buried in her tight ass. She threw her head up, spraying me with water from her wet hair and looking back at me, a look of extasy, like she was lost. I pulled out and without pause surged back into her, starting to fuck her tight ass like a wild man. The feeling was amazing, every action causing her to shudder or scream. I reached forward and moved her hand out of the way and started rubbing her clit as i fucked her in the ass. On one of the thrusts where i buried myself in her, she clenched up powerfully, almost not letting me move, making a loud, low moan as she orgasmed. Amazingly, It actually became tighter, and i tried to pull out to the head again, but she was locked up so tight it was difficult. Finally her orgasm passed and she loosened up again, causing me to pull all the way out unexpectedly. She looked back at me, smiling. I slammed forward, breaking into her again, turning the smile into a look of shock. I kept fucking her harder and harder wishing the feeling would never end, but wanting it to at the same time. I started to see stars i was fucking her so hard. I felt the end approach, and tried to will myself to keep going but i knew i couldnt. "UUUUUGGGHHHHH" I never make a sound when i cum but i had to this time, it was impossible not to. She moaned as i came, probably feeling the cum practically fill her up. I fell back against the wall, pulling her with me. She leaned up against me, my cock going slowly limping but still in her ass. I held her up against me not wanting the feeling to end, the water washing the feeling away slowly. I pulled my now limp cock out of her and stepped out of the shower. I toweled off and handed her my towel, walking to my room naked. Not caring. I laid down in bed and she came in a minute later, laying down next to me. It was a sleep of passion fulfilled. None better. |
Hey,My name is Austin.Im 18 and im not such a dark skin pourter ricann.Im 5'8'',skinny and pretty sexy.and my story start's when i was 17,i was in school.It was a normale day at school like any other,most of the kid's at school was more preppy then me,i was along the line's of thuggy.Well,this kid name bobby had a girlfriend name lucie,i had a crush on at some time. Lucie is about a little over 5 goot and has blond hair,dress'd like a angel,well more like a punk mix thugy preppy angel would.Well that after noon at launch Bobby had broken up with Lucie because she had told him she had the hot's for me,not knowing until a week later.A week later lucie end'd up at my house,i invited her in and we were talkin.You smoke pot Austin she had ask'd.Knowing and paying enough attenion to her knowing she dos as well.Yes i replied.Cool,let's smoke Lucie said.Nothing happen,we just sat there talkin forabout 3 hour's,i have'nt laugh'd that hard sence me and bobby frist went out yell'd lucie still leting out a laugh and sucking in for air to breath. OH YEA!!That's what i came here to talk to you about said lucie,i want to ask you some thing.Thinking to my self this could be my chance not knowing i really said it out loud,yes it is your chance said newly girlfriend went home and i sat there confused what had happen so quick,a half hour later my mom said i had a phone call,she said it was my girlfriend.Confuse'd but happy even more.well,im just goin to skip for about two weeks because thats when all the fun happen. i love'd datin lucie,because she has only fuck'd bobby,and i know his dick was smaller then mine,well,to most girl's that are 17 7'' is big,but me at 17 that was small.well,2 weeks pass'd,and there was this girl name alica.Lucie's bestfriend,keep's flirting with one day after practic i went into the bathroom,i have seen alica's tit's befor on a dare,and they are FUCKIN HUGE!! Well,i seen her in the bath room,hearing from one of my resent ex's how big my dick was she got turn'd on,oh,yea,alica look's like a fox,white soft skin big tits,red hair,and a fat ass.Well,i walk'd into the bathroom,and saw her there puting her make up on."Are'nt you in the wrong side of the bathroom?i ask'd,"No,well,that's because im waiting for you."Oh,well,what do yea want?"...a pause..."Well,im sorry but lucie don't want to go out with you,i was jus flirting with you so you would end up fucking me and she would end up dumping you"she replied..."But...we didnt even fuck...we didnt even do nothing"..."i know..that's the sweet part...she said....i was sooo mad,i know she has heard about my dick,and i also know that she only fuck'd 4 guy's and they all had the size of dick's under 7",so i kno if i stuff'd it in really hard it would hurt. I ran into the cube and shut the door behind me,siten there to see if any one else is there.Alica"i said"..Yes Austin?.."Have you ever been rape'd?..There now was a even longer puase then befor.."No...Why Would you ask that?...Me not replying to her got her scare'd i guess,because when i kick'd open the bathroom cube door i sorta cought her 3 feet from where she was postion'd from where she was befor. I ran over to her riping her shirt of revieling her big firm tits in her tight bra.STOP!!!WHAT ARE YOU DOIN!!! she yell'd,i back hand'd her and through her on the ground."YOU WANT TO SAY WE FUCK'D!!WELL NOW WE CAN!!!WEHTER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!i yell'd in a feirc voice.I pull'd my belt off from my pante's and tied her up from the cute wall's and begind smakcing her from the left side of her face to the right,she went from crying to sayin harder harder."you want it harder,ok,i will give it to you harder,pull'd down my pante's revielingmy big stiff 9 inch hard cock thumping. She look'd in amazment,"it's true"she said,"yes it is"....pull'd out my knife and cute her pante's and G string's off,and start'd licking her pussy.she start'd maoning really loud"YES BABY OOHHHH GOD,WHAT ARE YOU DOIINNNN" she scream'd in releif.I got up and stuck my cock in side her,not takin it slow as she ask'd,i just jam'd it in side as fast and hard as i could,having her scream in satistfiction,she then began to climax in pleasure and in pain."your pussy is sooo tight dam it feels so good" i said..."stop,please stop,it hurt's she mumble'd....wanting her to say stop and no louder i start'd fuckin her harder and faster.i Pull'd out my dick and cam all over her chest and in her face."im sorry alica said....with a very confuse'd look on my face...why i ask'd..."because...every thing i said wasnt true...i said it to get you guy's are really goin out still...i wont tell her if you dont?"...oh...ok....i just left the bathroom in joyment,a brick of weight lift'd off my shoulder...i went to find my baby so i can show her just a good time for her second man...little did i know,sence the school was such a bad school,there was a camra right over us,watching the hole time,andthe guy watching..was lucie's dad...and my next one is about how i pick her up for a date...just wait.. |
(Note: I drifted from Literotica a few years ago. I am back on there and now here with fresh copies of stories I wrote – newly edited, and a few new ones. As always, I appreciate feedback as well as ideas. Should you have an idea you want to put down on paper, please do not hesitate to contact me.) Katie's heart jumped as soon as she walked into the living room. Her mother had left for a three-day work trip, and having arrived home from college for the summer, Katie intended on spending quiet weekends with her father, Randy. They'd planned for the day. In the morning, after she'd gotten up, they'd cook breakfast together as they had done on weekends since she was a child. Afterward, they would go for a walk on the beaches of Santa Monica, catching up and enjoying time together, making up for the time they lost since she left for college nearly a year ago. Those plans were the last things on her mind the moment she walked in the living room. Her father sat on the couch, his hands up on the air as a masked man, standing just a few feet away from him, held a gun toward him. Still shaking, Randy jumped as he acknowledged Katie's presence, then darted his eyes to the masked man again, looking as helpless as Katie, in her 18 years, had ever seen her father. "Oh, dad! What’s going on?" she screamed and took a step back, her knees wobbly, as soon as she saw the scene unfolding in front of her. Never in her life had Katie been so scared. In the peaceful family in which she grew up, where her father and mother taught her to use words and denounced all forms of violence, no guns were ever seen or considered; she hardly heard a harsh word from her parents, whether directed at her or each another. Yet, here, her father sat with a gun pointed at him. "Shut up and sit down," the man commanded, his voice crackling and filled with rage as he pointed the gun at the couch, signaling for Katie on the chair across from a father. "Before you say anything stupid," the man began, his eyes glaring at the both of them. "I don't want your money." He stopped for a second to let the words sink in, yet it didn't make it any easier on Katie's heart. The college freshman from American University could feel her heart pounding, not knowing what to expect or what was to become of her family. In that moment, she wanted Mom. While she loved and always got along with her father, her mother had always been a source of comfort, and deep inside, she wished Mother would all the sudden show up, and call the police, and hold her and dry her tears. Katie snapped back into reality by the intruder’s voice, and jumped, as the man continued. "What I want is to see you naked," the man said to Katie, staring at her up and down and focusing on her chest, hidden from view by her arms. Still wearing her pink and yellow pajamas, Katie didn't look at all like the confident, intelligent 18-year-old freshman who led many volunteer and community projects since she was a pre-teen. "Now, stand up, and start stripping, and your dad and I are going to watch," the intruder commanded, his eyes as serious as his tone, while making motions with his gun. "She ... I ...," Randy stammered, his hands trembling as he tried to protest. "Shut up and just watch," the man interrupted. "I know you want to watch her," he man barked in an accusing tone, one that all the sudden made Katie sick to her stomach. "Do it now!" the man said, pulling back the charging handle, as he chambered a round and pointed it at the teen, determined to prove to them he wasn’t bluffing. Reluctantly, Katie stood up and with her eyes to the ground, began unbuttoning her pajama shirt, her hands shaking from both fear and shame as she stood between the man and her father. For Katie, there was still a moment of salvation. She could turn away from her father and he would never have to see her naked. She would never have to be so openly naked in front of her dad. Shame washed over Katie. Sure, she was comfortable with her dad, but to display her body for him in such a manner, she could never live with herself. She could never live with the idea of allowing her father to watch her strip, showing her tits, and then, even worse, having him look at her nakedness from the front, able to look at what was between her legs. On the couch, Randy trembled as his eyes focused on his daughter, hoping, wishing she weren't so scared and that somehow he could reach out to comfort her and make her fear go away. Even just a few feet from one each other, father daughter felt like they were thousands of miles away, unable to comfort each other, or reach out to hug each other to make their world right again. One button at a time, Katie began to undress, her fingers shook and her knees buckled with a new feeling of fear and shame she'd never experienced before. If I think about something else, maybe this wouldn't be so bad, she convinced herself as she unbuttoned the top button to her PJ top, slowly exposing the skin on her chest, and with each button, her cleavage and breasts came into view. She'd gone to sleep the night before without a bra and now, with half of her buttons already undone, Katie was exposing to her father a part of her body he had not seen since she was a child. The result of many hours in tanning salons began to show itself for the first time to her father. To Katie’s surprise, her nipples began poking out in reaction to the cold air, her areolas filled with goose bumps. Two more buttons. She kept her eyes on the ground, focusing on each button, taking her time to undress as to not rush herself into embarrassment, and half hoping the man would change his mind. When, at last, all the buttons were undone, Katie stood in front of her father, feeling like a child being judged, hands still shaking as her breasts pushed out of her chest, her eyes stared at the carpet as she reached up to get out of her PJ top, and dropping it on the floor. "Now, your bottoms, too," the man screamed, once again waving his gun toward Katie, who flinched and moved back, startled at the man's sudden movement. "Oh. No, no, no. This was bad enough, but my bottoms, too? Her mind screamed, weighing the meanings of being naked in front of a stranger as well as her dad. For Katie, the body was such something to be proud of – to be loved, but at the same time, also something private - not to be shown to just anyone. Trust. That's what had to happen before she exposed her body to any boy in college; yet, with both trust and intimacy nowhere to be found, she stood half exposed, with orders to show the stranger and her father more of herself. Reluctantly, she reached for her either side of her waistband, just right above where both sides of her hips were, and began pulling down, half an inch at a time as if trying to bide her time, hoping if she went slowly enough, she would eventually make the man go away. She continued to pull at the waistband, just exposing the front, and Randy continued to stare at his daughter, first at her chest again and then at her crotch, part of him curious at the exposure of his daughter's body. Then, it came into view. First just the fleshy lips, just the top of the lips, delicate and a hue of pink. As Katie began pulling her PJ bottoms down farther, her entire mound came into view, exposing the pouty lips, the long dip that bookended by either side of her neatly folded outer lips, gently covering the tiny hole within, still hidden from view. From that distance, Randy swore he saw a bit of shimmering light between her legs, perhaps a sign that she'd been a bit wet at the attention. His mind began to wander in places many fathers often visited, but so few ever admitted to doing such. Closing his eyes, Randy unsuccessfully pushed the image out of his mind. Imprinted within his mind were the beauty between her legs, and the pair of breasts that he never imagined he would ever get excited over. He shook and opened his eyes again. As Katie stepped out of her PJ bottoms and stood naked and trembling in front of her own father and the intruder, the PJ bottoms, still hot from he body heat laying bunched on the floor, she began to wonder what her father thought of her. Was he judging her body? Was he upset that she'd so easily stripped, despite having done so under duress? The young girl didn't have a chance to think to herself for long, as her thoughts were interrupted by yet another command, jolting her back into reality again. "Now, touch your pussy," the man commanded as he sat down, gun still pointing at her, not giving a damn that she'd barely turned 18, after having graduated high school early, or that her father was also in the room. "Uh ... I can’t..." Katie stammered, knowing that would cross the line, that it was one thing to expose her own pussy in front of her father, and it was another thing to play with her own pussy in front of him. Of course she'd masturbated before, many, many times, and in fact, had done so just the night before, but never had she ever considered playing with herself in front of her father. Yet, the 18-year-old had no choice, for as soon as she started to protest, the man pointed a gun at her father, prompting her to sit down on the empty chair next to her and giving in to the man's demands as he smiled and motioned with his head to her father, telling him to watch. It wasn't supposed to be like this. During the times Katie masturbated, it'd been in front of her lovers, men she wanted to see her masturbate, and in her own room, with privacy. An act so intimate, she reasoned, was only meant for those she loved, and for herself, not for the whole world to see. Of course she loved her father, but that was a different type of love. She'd never considered him a lover, and to sit there, already exposed, and now about to touch herself, sent a repulsive feeling down her spine and deep in the pit of her stomach. But masturbate she must. She had to do what it took to get that man to go away, to leave her and her father alone, and when Mother came home from her trip, they would be a happy family again, forever leaving behind this incident. At that moment, she didn't even consider that they would call the police, because of the shame, and fear that her face would be exposed all over the news. If no one knew, if they kept quiet, Katie thought she could deal with the turmoil by herself. Slowly, she reached for her slit, her tiny lips still neatly folded and tucked inward, hiding and covering the tiny hole that often leaked with her own juices when she touched herself. Her middle finger got there first, gently parting her lips as she pushed a middle finger into the entire slit, letting her hand, cold and trembling, slide down the valley that, at the top, featured her clit, still hidden from view, and below, the dip that at times became moist and wet, drooling with hot juices. But she found it to be dry and lifeless, partly because of fear, and because she wasn't turned on. Katie listlessly moved her middle finger up and down the slit, her palm against her clit as she moved her middle finger's knuckle up and down over her tiny hole, her knuckle taking a dip each time she did so. She swallowed hard, knowing that soon enough, she would probably physically turn herself on, though emotionally, Katie was miles away, back at college, where she was loved and respected, looked up to and adored, lusted after and viewed as a world changer. As if having an out-of-body experience, Katie continued touching her pussy, stimulating her clit, and letting her knuckle move over the fuck hole, sometimes making circles around it, completely ignoring her audience. As she did so, both her father and the man glued their eyes on her fingers, following each movement as the scared teenage girl continued to explore her folds. Partly feeling guilty, Randy swallowed hard and realized that he'd gotten excited. My God, Katie has a beautiful pussy, he thought, before chastising himself for looking. Dipping her knuckle into her hole, just a fraction of an inch, Katie shocked herself and snapped back to reality, remembering all the sudden that she was masturbating in front of her father and a stranger, as she could feel a slippery, warm substance stick to her knuckle. Was she getting turned on in front of her father? Was she getting wet while masturbating in front of her dad, despite not wanting to? As if egged on by an unseen force, Katie continued to masturbate. Pushing her palm harder against her clit, and with a quicker pace now, the teenager ran her knuckle over her dip once again. As if by magic, the walls inside her pussy began to leak; thin, hot trails of lubricant exited her body and onto her finger. I am wet. What’s wrong with me? And dad can see me wet, Katie thought to herself, admitting to herself that she'd been turned on by touching herself, whether it was also because she'd done so in front of her father was another story. The first step - admission, was all that was needed to open the floodgate as her speed increased, and all the sudden, Katie could feel the lust building inside of her as each touch produced more lubricant, helping her hand glide much easier on her crotch, while sending shivers up her spine. No, no, no, this can't be happening, her mind screamed, yet part of her also let it all go. Perhaps if she made herself cum, she thought, the man would leave them alone, and better yet, she'd be able to satisfy herself, her now-fogged mind thought. Then she and dad would talk about it, and it would all be over. They'd return to their normal lives, dad going on to love mom as he always did, and Katie continuing with her college career. The more she focused on the fact that her father was watching her, which Katie simply could not get out of her head, the more wet she somehow got, as her juices began to coat her insides at first, and then inch by inch, ran down her pussy and wetting the opening of her tiny opening. Her knuckle became slick with each dip it took inside her hole, no matter how shallow, and the young girl felt a hot flush over her entire body as she looked down, realizing that her chest were flushed red, and her nipples pushing out of her the mounds on her chest, excited by the pleasure she was giving to her other body parts. As if resigned to accept her fate, Katie pushed her crotch out at the direction of her father, exposing her sopping pussy and she let out a hiss. With her breathing becoming more shallow, Katie closed her eyes, hoping, thinking that perhaps if she didn't see her father in front of her, she wouldn't get as turned on. It didn't help. She'd given up now, she'd given up on trying to pretend it wasn't her father watching her, because in reality, he was; all the sudden, accepting the fact made it easier to masturbate, but she still didn't want to see him in front of her. "Ugh!" a tiny gasp involuntarily escaped her throat as her knuckle took another dip, taking with it the slick, hot lubricant now seeping out of her pussy and running down her slit and onto the chair. Deep inside of her, more juices had built up, and they needed release; they needed her help to exit her body, through her pussy and onto her hands and the chair she sat on, even if it meant doing so in front of her father. Opening her eyes again, Katie looked directly at her dad to find his eyes were glued to her, on her pussy, on the way her hand and fingers danced between her legs. Momentarily, as he realized that Katie was looking at him, Randy guiltily looked up at her. For a second, a mere second, their eyes locked. Katie sighed as he looked at her, because in his eyes, she could see it all. She could see the guilt of a father's helplessness, and for the moment, she felt an intense love for him. Yet, she also saw the eyes she'd seen in so many lovers - lust, the burning desire to be with her, to be inside her, to grind his crotch against hers as they both orgasm. Katie shuddered at the idea of her dad being turned on by her. Yet part of her, a small, little part deep inside of her, accepted it, knowing that it was natural for a man to be turned on at the sight of a woman in sexual needs, especially one as good looking as she was. He wants to fuck me. I turn him on. Dad is hard because of me, Katie realized as her fingers continued to dance, and though the idea made her sick, Katie could not help but eye her father from where she sat, letting her eyes rest on his crotch and realizing that in between his legs, a bulge had developed. Her heart beat faster, not out of fear anymore, as she'd learned to accept the situation, but because she'd never been in such a situation. To her knowledge, she'd never turned her dad on, and all the sudden, the idea seemed a novelty to her. Her own father had gotten hard watching her, and she, too, felt guilty. Yet, it somehow made her wet, as Katie increased the speed at which she rubbed her pussy. "Ugh," she softly moaned, closing her eyes and biting her lips as she leaned back, preserving in her mind the image of her father with his lusty eyes and bulging cock, staring at her as she masturbated. Is he still staring? She thought. As if to find the answer to her question, Katie pushed her middle finger halfway inside herself, sending pleasurable shockwaves to the nerves inside her hole, now slick and warm as it expanded to welcome her finger. She let out a moan. Is he watching now? "Ohhhh, shit!" she dragged out the word, letting her finger linger before pushing it in all the way and gasping as she did. The idea that her father was still watching made her more wet as Katie tensed her body while her finger, almost on its own, thrust in and out of her body. How hot was it that her father had lost all sense of fatherly love and protection and was turned on by her body, she thought. How hot was it that all the social constructions of family, thousands of years of defining and redefining what was moral and immoral were all gone, replaced with only the pure lust a father had for his own daughter. How hot was it that her father probably wanted to fuck her. She could feel it building deep inside her, a few more minutes and she would explode all over the chair, not caring if her father were there or not. A she approached closer and closer to the familiar feeling, young Katie was snapped back into reality again, forcing her to take her finger from her pussy, still slick with her juices, and look up. "That's enough!" the masked man said. "This isn't just for you." All the sudden, guilt came over Katie as she remembered the danger of the situation, that there was still a man with a gun, and worse yet, she'd masturbated, and gotten wet, and gotten close to an orgasm in front of her own dad. "You! Drop your pants!" the man commanded as he pointed the gun at Randy, who began to protest, but only to give in, as he shot a guilty look at Katie. The man probably wanted her father to masturbate in front of her now, Katie thought to herself, and all the sudden, was brought back to the feelings of shame and embarrassment she felt when the whole ordeal began. Standing up and unbuckling his belt, Randy unsnapped the hook to his pants and got out of them, as Katie kept her eyes on the ground, remembering that Randy, after all, was her father, and no matter how hot a situation she'd mistakenly thought this was, he was still her father. There was no staring at one's father - especially at his crotch, no matter how turned on a daughter might be. This wasn't in any social guideline rulebooks; it just was. "Look at how hard you're making him," the man said to Katie. As she brought her eyes up, almost like a scared child peeking into the closet at night and checking for monsters, Katie passed her father's crotch and stared into her father's eyes for a moment, giving him a look of guilt and then brought her eyes back down toward his crotch. With his underwear still on, Katie could see her father's cock poking against his gray underwear, his sexual excitement evident by his cock creating a tent in his underwear and a large, wet spot where the head of his penis rested. Katie couldn't do anything but take in a sharp breath - lightly enough as to not disturb the quietness of the room, yet loud enough for both her father and the masked man to hear. Randy, her own father, the very man who'd raised her, taught her to hit and catch baseballs, ride a bike and eventually drive a car, was turned on by her. Randy, her own father, the man who'd been there for her first date, who had dried her tears when she was a child, and who had driven cross country to Washington, D.C., to drop her off for college, had gotten hard watching her masturbate. She felt something inside her. Was it guilt? "Come over there and sit on him! Kiss him," the man commanded, perhaps ordering Katie to do what she would have done by herself anyway when at the highest peak of sexual excitement. Yet, something got the better of her; Katie began to protest, but as soon as she did, the man shot her a look that reminded her of the seriousness of the situation, and she gave in, torn between fear for her life, and the guilt of being in a sexual position with her own father, violating thousands of years of traditions and giving into the taboo most societies dared not mention. With nimble feet, Katie walked over to her father, her eyes locked into his the entire time, having already preserved the image of his hard cock in her mind. Still, she didn't know what to think. On the one hand, they were both turned on. On the other hand, she was his daughter. He was her father. This just couldn't happen in any civilized society, and because they'd considered themselves educated, this especially couldn't happen in their family. What would her mother think? What would she say to her father after it was all finished? How could she go on with her own life after this incident? Better yet, would she let her mind revert back to this incident and actually be turned on in her future masturbatory fantasies? Inches away from him now, Katie swallowed hard as her father reached for her face, cupping her cheek with familiarity and love, and tried to comfort her as the heat of her cheek penetrated his hand. Reaching for the few wispy hairs on her face, he moved them to the side and continued to stroke her face with the inside of his thumb. "I am so sorry, baby," he whispered, his voice desperate for forgiveness. "I am so sorry we have to do this. And I am sorry for my reaction." Katie took a deep breath knew she had to respond. Though, she wondered, was he more sorry that he couldn't do anything to end the situation, or was he sorry that he'd gotten hard watching her masturbate? Either way, Katie wanted to believe his words - every bit of them, and reaching to grab his hand, she kissed his thumb. "It's okay, we have to do what we have to do," she whispered, as if such an intimate moment, a father and daughter moment, was not to be heard by anyone else. She forced a smile, reassuring him that she wasn't upset, though deep inside, she was still confused, not knowing the difference between the love and lust she and her father felt, and wondering how far this would go. How far would this all take them? Would they recover from this? Would their family endure? Reaching for him, she pulled herself onto his lap and straddled to face him, their faces inches apart. It was much like when she was younger as father and daughter sat facing each other. But it didn't feel the same. First, she was naked and he was in his underwear, and second, he'd watched her masturbate. Thirdly, Katie was extremely turned on, and as far as she could tell, he was also turned on. "Oh, wow," Katie whispered next to his ear as she felt his hardness jump in response to her naked, warmth crotch. Her father’s cock was now separated from Katie’s pussy by a small layer of underwear. She could feel its heat, strength and eagerness to break free of his underwear. A sense of guilt washed over Katie as her mind screamed to her that she was getting turned on by cock – her own father’s cock. Yet, she nuzzled his face, taking in his scent, and closing her eyes, placing her lips on his chin, readying herself for the activity she'd done so many times before. It all felt familiar, but this time, it also felt different. Was she repulsed or she was excited? Katie couldn't tell, but as she kept her eyes closed, and gasped in surprise as she felt his lips gently touching hers. Taking in a deep breath, Katie parted her lips and took in his bottom lip before canting her head and sucking in her father’s scent. Warm, comforting and sexy. Those were the only words she could use to describe his kiss, as she sucked in her breath, taking in his, and felt his lips sucking on her upper lip, his hand stroking her face. Her eyes were tightly shut, remembering her first kiss and the many kisses she'd given and received since, but she also remembered that it was her father she was kissing. Guilt washed over her once more. A tongue. He'd stuck his tongue inside her mouth. Warm and slick, the tip of his tongue danced against hers. Katie sighed, clinging tightly onto her father’s face, giving in and feeling his heart beating against hers, her breasts on her father's body, her nipples mashing against his chest. Completely helpless and utterly horny, Katie gave in. Even if she were told to quit, Katie probably couldn't have done it. She needed to continue kissing. Down below, she could feel her father's cock twitching in his underwear, pushing and pulsating against her pussy, as she straddle him, feeling her own juices oozing out of her pussy and soaking her dad's underwear. Small waves of pleasure built upon her as they continued to kiss, her tongue now exploring his, occasionally opening her eyes to check to see if her was looking, only to find his eyes tight shut, lost in the kiss. As if by accident and through muscle memory, Katie began humping against her father’s cock. Slow, rocking motion on her father, with his underwear still on and soaked with both their juices. His underwear preventing his cock from springing free, but riding the clothed-covered shaft, soaking it from the outside with her own slick juices, seemed exciting to Katie, as she placed her hands around his neck and bounced, subtly and slowly, as if afraid to be discovered that she was enjoying this. "Hmmmmm," she moaned into his mouth so that only he could hear, leaving him harder now, knowing that his own daughter -- young, sweet Katie was enjoying the make out session and attempting to relieve herself by humping his cock. Randy could feel the slickness of her juices on his thigh, as it ran from inside, and grew even more excited because of the incestuous and forbidden nature of their kiss. But inside of him was also a feeling of guilt. My daughter. She’s my own daughter. He pushed his thoughts away, and allowed himself to get lost in making out with his daughter, occasionally pumping his whole crotch up, pushing his cock, still restrained by his own underwear, against her. How many fathers had ever done this with their daughters? The thought was erotic to him, too erotic, and Randy knew he needed to cum. He needed to shoot his load, whether on her beautiful face or deep inside her hole, drooling and ready for him to slide inside, it didn't matter. Randy, a happily married man, needed to fuck Katie. Randy, a loving father, needed to fuck his own daughter. They were interrupted yet again, and came back to reality, remembering that there was a stranger with a gun in the room. Clearing his throat, the man pulled Katie off her father, and with a lusty look in his eyes, pointed the gun at her and, as if the anger were gone, began to speak softly. "Now, make him cum! You both need to cum," the man demanded, his words etching into Katie’s mind as she imagined Randy’s cock stretching her, filling her. The words shocked Katie as she felt her heart skip a beat. What shocked Katie even more was how wet she'd gotten, as she looked down and saw that her lips were puffy, parted, and a constant stream of fuck juices slowly flowed out of her, running down her thighs. Her clit pushed out of its hood, readying to be pleasured. "We’re not going to do that," Randy said, almost drained from the emotional rollercoaster. "She's my daughter, I can’t..." Randy continued, but was cut short by the intruder who proceeded to give the 45-year-old man a verbal lashing. "What do you mean you can't?" The man’s eye popped wide open as he gestured toward Randy’s groin. "Look at you. Look at how hard you are! You want to fuck your own daughter. Strip down!” The intruder’s words inspired the young girl to take notice again, secretly moving her eyes toward her father's crotch as Randy removed his underwear and stepped out of it. As he pulled down the underwear, Randy’s cock sprang to life, its deep pink head dripping a thin string of clear, lubricated substance as its shiny head pointing straight out in front of him. Katie drew a sharp breath, partly because of the shock of having seen her dad naked and hard, and partly because she marveled at his cock. So beautiful, so hard, and to Katie, it seemed just the right size for what she needed at the moment. She closed her eyes and let herself drift again. I can't do this. I can't do this, a voice echoed in her head as she swallowed hard. I want to, but I can't. It's daddy, and as much as I need to cum, I can't do this. I love my father, but not like this. Thoughts continued to run in and out of her head, one second telling her it was her father and that it was unacceptable to even think about, let alone be pleasured by his cock. The next, Katie was wishing she could cum, wishing he'd make her cum, wishing he'd fuck her until she was so satisfied she couldn’t move. Then she drifted back to the guilty thoughts, shameful thoughts, thoughts that things would never be the same. She then scolded herself for being turned on, and then reasoned that it was natural, only to feel guilty again. Katie was in a confused and sexual stage, and Dad's hard cock, just inches from her, did not help. "Oh, Katie. I am so, so sorry." Randy’s eyes almost begged for forgiveness, looking at her and then down at her pussy before quickly moving his eyes back up. Katie, standing naked and shivering in fear and perhaps desire, her pussy shiny and slick, had in inverse effect on Randy’s words as he felt his body and mind betraying him. He wasn’t really sorry. He needed to fuck her. He needed to glide his cock inside what he imagined to be her quivering, velvety pussy, pinning her down and making her nectar splash on his thighs and hers with each thrust as they ride together toward an incestuous orgasm. The image weakened his knees. "Dad, it's okay," she whispered, her voice quivering. "After this, we'll be done and we'll be a family again." Katie meant what she said. She wanted to be a family again, and she was sure everything would be okay again. Yet, the only lingering word that rested in both of their minds was "this." "This" meaning father-daughter sex; "this" meaning Randy shoving his cock deep inside Katie; “this" meaning Randy fucking his own daughter; “this" meaning giving in to their own lust and letting their sexual urges take over. “This" also probably meant keeping it a secret between them and never telling her unsuspecting mother. “This” meant they would never be the same again. "This" was here and had to happen. Katie walked over to the couch and sat down, her eyes on her dad the entire time as she leaned back, waiting for Randy to approach her, knowing that although he was a few feet away from her, soon enough, he would be inside her. Soon enough, she knew, they would cross the threshold, the line drawn in the sand between father and daughter. Soon enough, Katie’s father would fuck her. "Just do it and get it over with, dad," she said, her voice detached as she spread one leg, flexing her knee, while her other leg dropped to the floor, exposing her pussy, still wet and slightly opened, to her father and the stranger. She closed her eyes and waited for "it." She took in a deep breath, expecting the worst emotionally, but also knew sex, no matter whom with, would feel good. For Katie, this would be a rollercoaster ride. For the young student, this would be the duality of good and bad, incest and sex. She sat there, back against the arm rest, waiting for "it." Suddenly, Katie could feel her father’s weight as he knelt down on the couch, his breathing labored as he approached her, letting out a sharp breath. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her closer to him. Katie didn't want to open her eyes, she didn't want to acknowledge that it was her dad placing his hands on her naked body, his face inches from her now soaking pussy. She didn't want to admit it was incest. Was she turned on? Yes, more than she'd ever been. Blame that on biology, but she also knew it was her dad, and no matter what sociologists said about family being a social construct, it was still wrong. She gasped at his touch as he moved her right knee up closer to her chest. Katie turned her face into the couch, closing her eyes, readying for "it." Then, without any warning, it took her by surprise, as she felt his thick, hot cockhead against her slit, dragged up and down the valley and spreading his heat along her slit before resting at the entrance of her hole. He hadn't entered yet and already, she could feel waves of pleasure as his rubbery cockhead made contact with the insides of her pussy lips. She could feel his pre-cum mixing with hers, and trembled at how hot his cockhead felt as she imagined what it might feel like burning deep inside her, filling her, stroking the insides of her pussy, pushing her to an orgasm. But Randy had other intentions. Rather than pushing deep inside her, after resting the drooling penis in front of her entrance, Randy reached for his shaft and moved it back up, gliding up her slit and resting it on her clit, his hot pre-cum drooling onto it, coaxing it to further push out of its hood. "Hmmm," she moaned as his cockhead touched her clit, and opened her eyes to look at him, kneeling over her, his cock in hand and just inches from the entrance of her pussy. Her own dad was grabbing his cock and tapping it on her clit. His beautiful, thick and round cockhead just half her height’s length away from her mouth, and she felt a desire to take it deep inside her mouth, sucking on it, feeling the lubricant in her throat, the saltiness on her tongue. But first, she needed to cum. Her words, her simple "hmmm," darkened Randy’s mind, as he began to understand that she, too, was enjoying this. Randy reasoned he could not fuck his own daughter at that moment, remembering all the father-daughter moments they'd had; but in this sexual stage, his own thoughts dictated, this moment, too, would be added to the thousands of other father-daughter moments they'd created. My God, what an incredibly horny girl she is, he thought as he began massaging her clit with his cockhead, making her jump and pushing herself deeper down against the couch as if to get away. She hissed at his touch, his cock vibrating thousands of nerves in her clit as her mind went blank, only focusing on the pleasure her father’s thick, drooling cockhead provided. "Oh, my God! Da … " she very softly moaned, still aware that there was a stranger in the room, and that this was incest, yet she wanted more. Katie wanted to cum, and the only person available to make her cum at that moment was her dad. She needed to cum, despite that it was her dad. "What the hell are you doing, put it in her." The impatient man shot a look his way as he tinkered with the camera. "Fuck her," he demanded. "I ... please, I just can't do it," her father said, continuing to rub her clit and occasionally moving his cockhead in between her pussy lips to sweep up her hot, excited juices and making her flinch with each rub, spreading their fluids all over her clit. Though her father knew Katie was sexually turned on, he wanted to wait longer to see what would happen, he wanted to prevent himself from fucking her then and there. He wanted to keep their relationship as was, if only for another five minutes. "Dad ... daddy, just do it, please. Just get it over with." To both her father and the intruder, it sounded more like a plea, a beg to be fucked by her own father, a plea to cum by her father's cock, a request to have her father's cum deep inside her teenage pussy. "Do what?" the man asked with a sly smile, knowing that Katie had fallen in lust, and needed to cum. His mission had been a success. He wanted the young girl to beg to be fucked, and soon enough, he knew, lewd words would fall out of her mouth, and would forever echo in his and her father's ears. "Put it in me... your co … penis in me," Katie stammered, catching herself before she said “cock” instead of “penis.” "Just give him what he wants," she continued, knowing damn well that she only meant to give her what she wanted, and that if the man was going to force them to fuck, that she would want to be fucked right then. Damned if she did, damned if she didn't, she reasoned. If he was going to force them to fuck, she was going to enjoy it, despite the fact that it was her father fucking her. Complying, though still reluctantly, her father dragged his cock downward toward Katie's wet, drooling hole, as her lips parted and, holding his cock at the entrance of her pussy, pushed his thick head against the opening. Although Katie was soaked from anticipation, her pussy slightly parted, the 18-year-old’s tightness resisted his cock’s advances. Yet, just the tip of his cock, nestling against her pussy, sent jolts of pleasure up his spine. Randy needed more. He needed to push his entire cockhead within her, and once that happened, pin his daughter against the couch and fuck her until her body convulsed with pleasure, sending her toward their incestuous finally. Tight, yes, but not impossible to penetrate. He would try again, Randy determined, until his entire cock was within her. Repositioning himself for better leverage, and staring into Katie’s desperate eyes, Randy grunted as he pushed against her pussy once more, using his thumbs to part her smoldering lips before placing his cock against the entrance, his clear, hot pre-cum leaking onto her hole. This time, the tiny hole, already well lubricated and burning with her natural lubricant, yielded to his cock. Feeling his cock pushing her lips apart, Katie groaned, letting out a lung full of air through her mouth, and helped her father’s penetration by pushing against him. The warmth of Katie’s pussy engulfed Randy’s cock as their efforts met, his head expanding her insides before they clamped tightly around his shaft, clinging onto his leaking cockhead, his pre-cum mixing with her own juices, making her entire pussy walls slick with the combination of their nectars. Soon, he hit the bottom of his daughter’s tiny pussy as the rest of his shaft disappeared inside her. Stopping to take a breath, Randy marveled at his daughter’s rolled back eyes, her mouth opened, as if asking to be kissed. This was it. This was a father and daughter fucking. Those words rang in Katie's ears and ran through her body, and to her surprise, it caused goose bumps and waves of pleasure, rather than fear and repulse. "Oh, nice, daddy." Grinning her teeth, Katie wrapped her arms around his neck as his cock filled her tight, teenage space, her pussy expanding to accommodate him. Katie was filled with her father’s own cock. “You’re in.” That fact excited Katie in ways that surprised her. To be filled by her own father, his cock deep inside her pussy was something Katie never expected or thought of. But now that the hard, pulsating cock was inside her, it didn’t matter to Katie that the cock belonged to her father. Pinned to the couch under her father’s weight, Katie drifted again – thousands of miles away, lost in her own thoughts. Start flexing your cock. Move it. Start fucking me. You’re hard for me. I can feel your cock. Now fuck me with it. They remained still, her eyes opening back up and locking themselves into his. The guilt and fear she saw in him had dissipated, replaced with the kind of lust she'd never seen in any man’s eyes, nor felt within herself. Nothing more did she want than to cum, to be fucked so hard her pussy ached. It didn't matter anymore that it was her father. Or, perhaps, the thought came across her mind, it did matter that he was her father. It’s because he is my father that I am so wet. My God, just start fucking me already. Fuck me hard. Randy moved his cock, subtly at first, just fractions of an inch in and out of her, rocking both of their bodies as he felt the entire couch move and her breasts swaying. Her hotness burned his cock. Randy increased his speed, his balls slammed into her, creating sweet, flesh-against-flesh sounds each time he thrust deep inside of her. What began as a scary proposition for them both had culminated in pleasure. His cock was in her pussy. Randy was in Katie. Father was inside his daughter. Randy’s mind spun and fogged at the realization he was inside his own daughter, but it only fueled him to fuck her deeper and faster. Inside their living room where he had watched Katie grow, take her first steps, and grow into the beautiful young woman, the slapping noises and Katie’s increasing yelps of pleasure echoed like staccato gunfire. Each time he thrust himself all the way in, slippery juices from their incestuous fucking splattered on her thighs and stomach and his chest, making their skin glisten from the lights’ reflection. "Oh, fuck,” Katie moaned and pushed back each time he pushed in, knowing that they'd crossed the line, and there would be no turning back. There she was, home from summer vacation, getting fucked by her own father and enjoying it. When she'd left school earlier in June, Katie never imagined she'd get fucked by her own father. Though now, she didn't seem to care, Katie thought to herself, as she spread her legs wider, offering her entire body to her dad. Randy had heard “fuck” come out of Katie’s mouth before, but never in this situation. He had never heard the young girl say, “fuck” in response to sexual pleasure – and what’s more, sexual pleasure that came from him. Fuck. She is enjoying this, too. My daughter is wet and fucking back. She wants this. My own daughter is horny because of me – because of my own cock. "Nhhhh, da …," Katie groaned as his cock hit a sensitive spot, and grabbed onto the couch, meeting her eyes with his. For father and daughter, there were only two in the world as their bodies meshed, his cock deep inside his daughter’s pussy. "Oh, dad, oh, shit," Katie panted through her nostrils, her head rolled back, her body pushing back to meet his thrust as her hands covered her face. A deep itch developed inside her, and thank God he was here, she thought. Thank God her father was here to scratch the itch -- an itch that only her own father’s cock, at that exact moment, can possibly scratch. "More, daddy," she moaned deep from within her throat as he continued to glide in and out. Though the 18-year-old had never been quite vocal during sex, something within her erupted each time her father’s cock slammed deep inside her, his slick cockhead massaging her pussy, bringing out even more of her juices from within her pussy walls. "Oh. My. Gooood,” she enunciated each word softly with every thrust. For the first, Katie accepted that it was her father fucking her, and not giving a damn. To hell with the taboos society imposed. To hell with what sociologist had to say. Dad is fucking me and I want to cum all over his cock. Just as Katie and Randy had developed their rhythm, with his daughter pushing her crotch toward him each time he pushed his cock into her, he pulled out, his cock pulsating and coated with her cum as he stood above her, almost out of breath, staring at her. They looked into each other eyes, and as if able to communicate just by their eyes, Katie stood up to momentarily face him before turning toward the couch, her hands resting on the armrest as she leaned forward. Katie’s bottom, naked and red from being pinned on the couch, stuck out at him and she spread her legs. “Hurry,” Katie begged, almost out of breath as she looked back at him before burying her face against the back of her hands, expecting that her father would know exactly what to do and almost ashamed that she was asking for it – “it” being getting fucked again and harder by her dad. Randy quickly found her pussy again, still wet and smoldering from their previous fucking. Sliding his cock along her slit from behind her, Randy promptly placed his cockhead against her hole. Her pussy, now familiar with his cock, opened up to accept the thick head, before clamping onto his entire shaft. Katie winced as her father pulled her back toward him, gliding his cock deeper into her with a violent thrust. Just like that, they were at it again -- father and daughter were fucking and this time, they began fucking not out of fear or intimidation. His cock was deep inside her and as he began pumping again, her breasts swayed. "Oh, my God …daddy ...fuck..." she moaned as he pumped his cock against her repeatedly, holding on to either side of her hips, feeling his orgasm building and hoping he could wait until she came. As Randy repeatedly slammed his cock into his daughter, pulling out slightly before pushing his hardness back inside her, it didn't matter to Katie that it was her father fucking her. In fact, she wanted it. She no longer loved it because it felt good despite the fact that her father was fucking her. She loved it because it felt good, and because her father was fucking her. Incest. The oldest, most socially taboo sin in society and she'd given into it. She’d reluctantly given in because she had to. But it didn't matter any longer because this was incest, and she was enjoying it. At 18, Katie was enjoying fucking not for sheer fucking; she was enjoying fucking because it was incest fucking. She needed to cum because it was, Katie realized as she saw their reflections in the mirror, her own father fucking her from behind. "Oh, my God, ...fuck" Words she’d never uttered escaped her lips, still reluctant and embarrassed that she was enjoying the lewdness of the situation. The words would add to that. Katie wanted to say more. She wanted to scream the words. Words she never even thought of all the sudden were on her mind and needed to come out as her dad pushed his cock deeper and deeper inside, and taking it back out and thrusting back in harder each time. She needed to say it because the words were already ringing in her own mind. Oh, God, daddy. Fuck me. Fuck your own daughter. Make me cum. Katie tried to hold on, she tried to wait until it was all over, until he'd came deep inside and she was alone to say those words to herself and relive what her father did to her, as to maintain a modicum of self-respect. She did try to hold on. Oh, she did. But as Randy’s cock slammed into her and his hand reached around to squeeze her tits while their bodies crashed against each other, the 18-year-old felt a jolt of pleasure and gave in. "Oh, ugh, fuck me, daddy. Fuck me, more!" she let loose, emphasizing each word and begged with every thrust. Goosebumps popped up all over her arms and chest as the young girl was surprised at her own words and turned on at the same time. Randy, hearing those lewd words for the first time, lost control, groaned and slammed harder into his daughter. Grunting with each thrust and feeling his balls boiling, readying to shoot his hot cum deep inside her, Randy slowed down to almost a stop. Slouching forward to hold her entire body, his cock still buried inside her, Randy sucked on his daughter’s right ear before whispering, letting his humid breath penetrate her ear. "Tell me what you want, Katie." “You know what I want. Please” She let out a desperate grunt, knowing her father had caught on to how much she wanted it. Yet, it was one thing to let those words loose while he was fucking her and another to beg for it now that he had stopped fucking her. Her mind still raced. Why did you stop fucking me? I was so close, she thought. Put it back in. Make me cum. “Then tell me, Katie. Tell daddy what you want,” Randy whispered as he stopped fucking her entirely. His face leaned against hers, his cock still buried deep inside. He needed to hear her say it again. "I … I want your … cock. Fuck me hard. Fuck your … little … girl’s pussy. Make me cum." She was delirious. She was begging and no longer ashamed of it. Katie needed her father’s cock. As he heard the words, Randy groaned and began pumping again, pulling Katie’s entire back onto his cock as she yelped, her breathing labored with each thrust. “Oh, yeah. Right there. Fuck me more, daddy. Fuck me … fuck me.” With her father’s cock lodged in her and fucking her toward an orgasm she’d never felt before, Katie let go and gave in to all the incestuous lust she'd denied herself. Katie needed to cum and the only person she wanted to help her cum was her own father. Then, there were stars. Katie felt the intensity build up deep inside her, as her tits became heavier, her pussy pulsated and leaked hot juices against her father’s cock and felt her body tense at the images in the mirror – her father’s eyes intense with lust as he slammed his cock into her. As the itch continued to rise and the speed at which her father fucked her increased, Katie inched closer to her orgasm. Sudden, it exploded. She felt her whole body tighten, and pushed back hard into her father's thrusting cock. Her whole body cramped, and she exploded, shuddering as she came, her cunt hole tightening around his cock. "Oh, shit. Cumming … daddy," she screamed as her muscles contracted, her cunt vibrated and at that exact moment, between her yelps and moans and delirious incestuous moans, Randy’s cock gave in to the undulating movements inside his daughter’s pussy, as it twitched and his balls tightened, and his temples filled of blood as he momentarily only saw darkness. Pulling her in and slamming his cock into her, Randy felt the gallons of cum deep inside him shooting into his daughter, coating her pussy walls with his thick, sticky cum. With each squirt, he pulled her against his body, as he shot inside his daughter, feeling his cum dripping back down against him. Her father’s hot cum was what did it for Katie as she grinded her pussy to meet his thrust, feeling the jets of searing hot cum exploding inside her. Letting out a groan, her body went limp, her chest flushed as her muscles tensed and she exploded, her pussy squeezing against his cock as she exhaled, waves of orgasmic pleasure hitting her, and like a slingshot rollercoaster ride, time and again shooting her up high at the point of orgasmic ecstasy before sending her crashing back down before shooting her up high again. Then, it was over. The highs of fucking his own daughter ended as Randy pulled out, leaving behind a trail of his own gooey cum, slowly dripping out of Katie’s red, shiny pussy. Gone were the echoes of her yelps and the slapping of flesh. Gone was the unquenchable lust both father and daughter needed to satisfy. Gone, too, was the relationship they’d had. Together, they fell onto the couch and lean against each other's sweaty body, out of breath and out of things to say to each other. For a second, father and daughter embraced, taking in their breaths and staring at the ceiling, confronted with the reality of what had just taken place. With only their quiet, peaceful breathing audible, Katie realized the man had left. Beginning to deconstruct what had happened, Katie reasoned that it had to happen either way, whether she liked it or not, whether she wanted it or not, and that there would be no regret. The fact still remained that she liked it – that they liked it. Once she caught her breath, she would wash her father’s cum off her, they would air the room to hide their incestuous fucking from her mother. She would make lunch, they would talk about it and, she hoped, they would move on with their lives. |
(Note: I drifted from Literotica a few years ago. I am back on there and now here with fresh copies of stories I wrote – newly edited, and a few new ones. As always, I appreciate feedback as well as ideas. Should you have an idea you want to put down on paper, please do not hesitate to contact me.) Katie's heart jumped as soon as she walked into the living room. Her mother had left for a three-day work trip, and having arrived home from college for the summer, Katie intended on spending quiet weekends with her father, Randy. They'd planned for the day. In the morning, after she'd gotten up, they'd cook breakfast together as they had done on weekends since she was a child. Afterward, they would go for a walk on the beaches of Santa Monica, catching up and enjoying time together, making up for the time they lost since she left for college nearly a year ago. Those plans were the last things on her mind the moment she walked in the living room. Her father sat on the couch, his hands up on the air as a masked man, standing just a few feet away from him, held a gun toward him. Still shaking, Randy jumped as he acknowledged Katie's presence, then darted his eyes to the masked man again, looking as helpless as Katie, in her 18 years, had ever seen her father. "Oh, dad! What’s going on?" she screamed and took a step back, her knees wobbly, as soon as she saw the scene unfolding in front of her. Never in her life had Katie been so scared. In the peaceful family in which she grew up, where her father and mother taught her to use words and denounced all forms of violence, no guns were ever seen or considered; she hardly heard a harsh word from her parents, whether directed at her or each another. Yet, here, her father sat with a gun pointed at him. "Shut up and sit down," the man commanded, his voice crackling and filled with rage as he pointed the gun at the couch, signaling for Katie on the chair across from a father. "Before you say anything stupid," the man began, his eyes glaring at the both of them. "I don't want your money." He stopped for a second to let the words sink in, yet it didn't make it any easier on Katie's heart. The college freshman from American University could feel her heart pounding, not knowing what to expect or what was to become of her family. In that moment, she wanted Mom. While she loved and always got along with her father, her mother had always been a source of comfort, and deep inside, she wished Mother would all the sudden show up, and call the police, and hold her and dry her tears. Katie snapped back into reality by the intruder’s voice, and jumped, as the man continued. "What I want is to see you naked," the man said to Katie, staring at her up and down and focusing on her chest, hidden from view by her arms. Still wearing her pink and yellow pajamas, Katie didn't look at all like the confident, intelligent 18-year-old freshman who led many volunteer and community projects since she was a pre-teen. "Now, stand up, and start stripping, and your dad and I are going to watch," the intruder commanded, his eyes as serious as his tone, while making motions with his gun. "She ... I ...," Randy stammered, his hands trembling as he tried to protest. "Shut up and just watch," the man interrupted. "I know you want to watch her," he man barked in an accusing tone, one that all the sudden made Katie sick to her stomach. "Do it now!" the man said, pulling back the charging handle, as he chambered a round and pointed it at the teen, determined to prove to them he wasn’t bluffing. Reluctantly, Katie stood up and with her eyes to the ground, began unbuttoning her pajama shirt, her hands shaking from both fear and shame as she stood between the man and her father. For Katie, there was still a moment of salvation. She could turn away from her father and he would never have to see her naked. She would never have to be so openly naked in front of her dad. Shame washed over Katie. Sure, she was comfortable with her dad, but to display her body for him in such a manner, she could never live with herself. She could never live with the idea of allowing her father to watch her strip, showing her tits, and then, even worse, having him look at her nakedness from the front, able to look at what was between her legs. On the couch, Randy trembled as his eyes focused on his daughter, hoping, wishing she weren't so scared and that somehow he could reach out to comfort her and make her fear go away. Even just a few feet from one each other, father daughter felt like they were thousands of miles away, unable to comfort each other, or reach out to hug each other to make their world right again. One button at a time, Katie began to undress, her fingers shook and her knees buckled with a new feeling of fear and shame she'd never experienced before. If I think about something else, maybe this wouldn't be so bad, she convinced herself as she unbuttoned the top button to her PJ top, slowly exposing the skin on her chest, and with each button, her cleavage and breasts came into view. She'd gone to sleep the night before without a bra and now, with half of her buttons already undone, Katie was exposing to her father a part of her body he had not seen since she was a child. The result of many hours in tanning salons began to show itself for the first time to her father. To Katie’s surprise, her nipples began poking out in reaction to the cold air, her areolas filled with goose bumps. Two more buttons. She kept her eyes on the ground, focusing on each button, taking her time to undress as to not rush herself into embarrassment, and half hoping the man would change his mind. When, at last, all the buttons were undone, Katie stood in front of her father, feeling like a child being judged, hands still shaking as her breasts pushed out of her chest, her eyes stared at the carpet as she reached up to get out of her PJ top, and dropping it on the floor. "Now, your bottoms, too," the man screamed, once again waving his gun toward Katie, who flinched and moved back, startled at the man's sudden movement. "Oh. No, no, no. This was bad enough, but my bottoms, too? Her mind screamed, weighing the meanings of being naked in front of a stranger as well as her dad. For Katie, the body was such something to be proud of – to be loved, but at the same time, also something private - not to be shown to just anyone. Trust. That's what had to happen before she exposed her body to any boy in college; yet, with both trust and intimacy nowhere to be found, she stood half exposed, with orders to show the stranger and her father more of herself. Reluctantly, she reached for her either side of her waistband, just right above where both sides of her hips were, and began pulling down, half an inch at a time as if trying to bide her time, hoping if she went slowly enough, she would eventually make the man go away. She continued to pull at the waistband, just exposing the front, and Randy continued to stare at his daughter, first at her chest again and then at her crotch, part of him curious at the exposure of his daughter's body. Then, it came into view. First just the fleshy lips, just the top of the lips, delicate and a hue of pink. As Katie began pulling her PJ bottoms down farther, her entire mound came into view, exposing the pouty lips, the long dip that bookended by either side of her neatly folded outer lips, gently covering the tiny hole within, still hidden from view. From that distance, Randy swore he saw a bit of shimmering light between her legs, perhaps a sign that she'd been a bit wet at the attention. His mind began to wander in places many fathers often visited, but so few ever admitted to doing such. Closing his eyes, Randy unsuccessfully pushed the image out of his mind. Imprinted within his mind were the beauty between her legs, and the pair of breasts that he never imagined he would ever get excited over. He shook and opened his eyes again. As Katie stepped out of her PJ bottoms and stood naked and trembling in front of her own father and the intruder, the PJ bottoms, still hot from he body heat laying bunched on the floor, she began to wonder what her father thought of her. Was he judging her body? Was he upset that she'd so easily stripped, despite having done so under duress? The young girl didn't have a chance to think to herself for long, as her thoughts were interrupted by yet another command, jolting her back into reality again. "Now, touch your pussy," the man commanded as he sat down, gun still pointing at her, not giving a damn that she'd barely turned 18, after having graduated high school early, or that her father was also in the room. "Uh ... I can’t..." Katie stammered, knowing that would cross the line, that it was one thing to expose her own pussy in front of her father, and it was another thing to play with her own pussy in front of him. Of course she'd masturbated before, many, many times, and in fact, had done so just the night before, but never had she ever considered playing with herself in front of her father. Yet, the 18-year-old had no choice, for as soon as she started to protest, the man pointed a gun at her father, prompting her to sit down on the empty chair next to her and giving in to the man's demands as he smiled and motioned with his head to her father, telling him to watch. It wasn't supposed to be like this. During the times Katie masturbated, it'd been in front of her lovers, men she wanted to see her masturbate, and in her own room, with privacy. An act so intimate, she reasoned, was only meant for those she loved, and for herself, not for the whole world to see. Of course she loved her father, but that was a different type of love. She'd never considered him a lover, and to sit there, already exposed, and now about to touch herself, sent a repulsive feeling down her spine and deep in the pit of her stomach. But masturbate she must. She had to do what it took to get that man to go away, to leave her and her father alone, and when Mother came home from her trip, they would be a happy family again, forever leaving behind this incident. At that moment, she didn't even consider that they would call the police, because of the shame, and fear that her face would be exposed all over the news. If no one knew, if they kept quiet, Katie thought she could deal with the turmoil by herself. Slowly, she reached for her slit, her tiny lips still neatly folded and tucked inward, hiding and covering the tiny hole that often leaked with her own juices when she touched herself. Her middle finger got there first, gently parting her lips as she pushed a middle finger into the entire slit, letting her hand, cold and trembling, slide down the valley that, at the top, featured her clit, still hidden from view, and below, the dip that at times became moist and wet, drooling with hot juices. But she found it to be dry and lifeless, partly because of fear, and because she wasn't turned on. Katie listlessly moved her middle finger up and down the slit, her palm against her clit as she moved her middle finger's knuckle up and down over her tiny hole, her knuckle taking a dip each time she did so. She swallowed hard, knowing that soon enough, she would probably physically turn herself on, though emotionally, Katie was miles away, back at college, where she was loved and respected, looked up to and adored, lusted after and viewed as a world changer. As if having an out-of-body experience, Katie continued touching her pussy, stimulating her clit, and letting her knuckle move over the fuck hole, sometimes making circles around it, completely ignoring her audience. As she did so, both her father and the man glued their eyes on her fingers, following each movement as the scared teenage girl continued to explore her folds. Partly feeling guilty, Randy swallowed hard and realized that he'd gotten excited. My God, Katie has a beautiful pussy, he thought, before chastising himself for looking. Dipping her knuckle into her hole, just a fraction of an inch, Katie shocked herself and snapped back to reality, remembering all the sudden that she was masturbating in front of her father and a stranger, as she could feel a slippery, warm substance stick to her knuckle. Was she getting turned on in front of her father? Was she getting wet while masturbating in front of her dad, despite not wanting to? As if egged on by an unseen force, Katie continued to masturbate. Pushing her palm harder against her clit, and with a quicker pace now, the teenager ran her knuckle over her dip once again. As if by magic, the walls inside her pussy began to leak; thin, hot trails of lubricant exited her body and onto her finger. I am wet. What’s wrong with me? And dad can see me wet, Katie thought to herself, admitting to herself that she'd been turned on by touching herself, whether it was also because she'd done so in front of her father was another story. The first step - admission, was all that was needed to open the floodgate as her speed increased, and all the sudden, Katie could feel the lust building inside of her as each touch produced more lubricant, helping her hand glide much easier on her crotch, while sending shivers up her spine. No, no, no, this can't be happening, her mind screamed, yet part of her also let it all go. Perhaps if she made herself cum, she thought, the man would leave them alone, and better yet, she'd be able to satisfy herself, her now-fogged mind thought. Then she and dad would talk about it, and it would all be over. They'd return to their normal lives, dad going on to love mom as he always did, and Katie continuing with her college career. The more she focused on the fact that her father was watching her, which Katie simply could not get out of her head, the more wet she somehow got, as her juices began to coat her insides at first, and then inch by inch, ran down her pussy and wetting the opening of her tiny opening. Her knuckle became slick with each dip it took inside her hole, no matter how shallow, and the young girl felt a hot flush over her entire body as she looked down, realizing that her chest were flushed red, and her nipples pushing out of her the mounds on her chest, excited by the pleasure she was giving to her other body parts. As if resigned to accept her fate, Katie pushed her crotch out at the direction of her father, exposing her sopping pussy and she let out a hiss. With her breathing becoming more shallow, Katie closed her eyes, hoping, thinking that perhaps if she didn't see her father in front of her, she wouldn't get as turned on. It didn't help. She'd given up now, she'd given up on trying to pretend it wasn't her father watching her, because in reality, he was; all the sudden, accepting the fact made it easier to masturbate, but she still didn't want to see him in front of her. "Ugh!" a tiny gasp involuntarily escaped her throat as her knuckle took another dip, taking with it the slick, hot lubricant now seeping out of her pussy and running down her slit and onto the chair. Deep inside of her, more juices had built up, and they needed release; they needed her help to exit her body, through her pussy and onto her hands and the chair she sat on, even if it meant doing so in front of her father. Opening her eyes again, Katie looked directly at her dad to find his eyes were glued to her, on her pussy, on the way her hand and fingers danced between her legs. Momentarily, as he realized that Katie was looking at him, Randy guiltily looked up at her. For a second, a mere second, their eyes locked. Katie sighed as he looked at her, because in his eyes, she could see it all. She could see the guilt of a father's helplessness, and for the moment, she felt an intense love for him. Yet, she also saw the eyes she'd seen in so many lovers - lust, the burning desire to be with her, to be inside her, to grind his crotch against hers as they both orgasm. Katie shuddered at the idea of her dad being turned on by her. Yet part of her, a small, little part deep inside of her, accepted it, knowing that it was natural for a man to be turned on at the sight of a woman in sexual needs, especially one as good looking as she was. He wants to fuck me. I turn him on. Dad is hard because of me, Katie realized as her fingers continued to dance, and though the idea made her sick, Katie could not help but eye her father from where she sat, letting her eyes rest on his crotch and realizing that in between his legs, a bulge had developed. Her heart beat faster, not out of fear anymore, as she'd learned to accept the situation, but because she'd never been in such a situation. To her knowledge, she'd never turned her dad on, and all the sudden, the idea seemed a novelty to her. Her own father had gotten hard watching her, and she, too, felt guilty. Yet, it somehow made her wet, as Katie increased the speed at which she rubbed her pussy. "Ugh," she softly moaned, closing her eyes and biting her lips as she leaned back, preserving in her mind the image of her father with his lusty eyes and bulging cock, staring at her as she masturbated. Is he still staring? She thought. As if to find the answer to her question, Katie pushed her middle finger halfway inside herself, sending pleasurable shockwaves to the nerves inside her hole, now slick and warm as it expanded to welcome her finger. She let out a moan. Is he watching now? "Ohhhh, shit!" she dragged out the word, letting her finger linger before pushing it in all the way and gasping as she did. The idea that her father was still watching made her more wet as Katie tensed her body while her finger, almost on its own, thrust in and out of her body. How hot was it that her father had lost all sense of fatherly love and protection and was turned on by her body, she thought. How hot was it that all the social constructions of family, thousands of years of defining and redefining what was moral and immoral were all gone, replaced with only the pure lust a father had for his own daughter. How hot was it that her father probably wanted to fuck her. She could feel it building deep inside her, a few more minutes and she would explode all over the chair, not caring if her father were there or not. A she approached closer and closer to the familiar feeling, young Katie was snapped back into reality again, forcing her to take her finger from her pussy, still slick with her juices, and look up. "That's enough!" the masked man said. "This isn't just for you." All the sudden, guilt came over Katie as she remembered the danger of the situation, that there was still a man with a gun, and worse yet, she'd masturbated, and gotten wet, and gotten close to an orgasm in front of her own dad. "You! Drop your pants!" the man commanded as he pointed the gun at Randy, who began to protest, but only to give in, as he shot a guilty look at Katie. The man probably wanted her father to masturbate in front of her now, Katie thought to herself, and all the sudden, was brought back to the feelings of shame and embarrassment she felt when the whole ordeal began. Standing up and unbuckling his belt, Randy unsnapped the hook to his pants and got out of them, as Katie kept her eyes on the ground, remembering that Randy, after all, was her father, and no matter how hot a situation she'd mistakenly thought this was, he was still her father. There was no staring at one's father - especially at his crotch, no matter how turned on a daughter might be. This wasn't in any social guideline rulebooks; it just was. "Look at how hard you're making him," the man said to Katie. As she brought her eyes up, almost like a scared child peeking into the closet at night and checking for monsters, Katie passed her father's crotch and stared into her father's eyes for a moment, giving him a look of guilt and then brought her eyes back down toward his crotch. With his underwear still on, Katie could see her father's cock poking against his gray underwear, his sexual excitement evident by his cock creating a tent in his underwear and a large, wet spot where the head of his penis rested. Katie couldn't do anything but take in a sharp breath - lightly enough as to not disturb the quietness of the room, yet loud enough for both her father and the masked man to hear. Randy, her own father, the very man who'd raised her, taught her to hit and catch baseballs, ride a bike and eventually drive a car, was turned on by her. Randy, her own father, the man who'd been there for her first date, who had dried her tears when she was a child, and who had driven cross country to Washington, D.C., to drop her off for college, had gotten hard watching her masturbate. She felt something inside her. Was it guilt? "Come over there and sit on him! Kiss him," the man commanded, perhaps ordering Katie to do what she would have done by herself anyway when at the highest peak of sexual excitement. Yet, something got the better of her; Katie began to protest, but as soon as she did, the man shot her a look that reminded her of the seriousness of the situation, and she gave in, torn between fear for her life, and the guilt of being in a sexual position with her own father, violating thousands of years of traditions and giving into the taboo most societies dared not mention. With nimble feet, Katie walked over to her father, her eyes locked into his the entire time, having already preserved the image of his hard cock in her mind. Still, she didn't know what to think. On the one hand, they were both turned on. On the other hand, she was his daughter. He was her father. This just couldn't happen in any civilized society, and because they'd considered themselves educated, this especially couldn't happen in their family. What would her mother think? What would she say to her father after it was all finished? How could she go on with her own life after this incident? Better yet, would she let her mind revert back to this incident and actually be turned on in her future masturbatory fantasies? Inches away from him now, Katie swallowed hard as her father reached for her face, cupping her cheek with familiarity and love, and tried to comfort her as the heat of her cheek penetrated his hand. Reaching for the few wispy hairs on her face, he moved them to the side and continued to stroke her face with the inside of his thumb. "I am so sorry, baby," he whispered, his voice desperate for forgiveness. "I am so sorry we have to do this. And I am sorry for my reaction." Katie took a deep breath knew she had to respond. Though, she wondered, was he more sorry that he couldn't do anything to end the situation, or was he sorry that he'd gotten hard watching her masturbate? Either way, Katie wanted to believe his words - every bit of them, and reaching to grab his hand, she kissed his thumb. "It's okay, we have to do what we have to do," she whispered, as if such an intimate moment, a father and daughter moment, was not to be heard by anyone else. She forced a smile, reassuring him that she wasn't upset, though deep inside, she was still confused, not knowing the difference between the love and lust she and her father felt, and wondering how far this would go. How far would this all take them? Would they recover from this? Would their family endure? Reaching for him, she pulled herself onto his lap and straddled to face him, their faces inches apart. It was much like when she was younger as father and daughter sat facing each other. But it didn't feel the same. First, she was naked and he was in his underwear, and second, he'd watched her masturbate. Thirdly, Katie was extremely turned on, and as far as she could tell, he was also turned on. "Oh, wow," Katie whispered next to his ear as she felt his hardness jump in response to her naked, warmth crotch. Her father’s cock was now separated from Katie’s pussy by a small layer of underwear. She could feel its heat, strength and eagerness to break free of his underwear. A sense of guilt washed over Katie as her mind screamed to her that she was getting turned on by cock – her own father’s cock. Yet, she nuzzled his face, taking in his scent, and closing her eyes, placing her lips on his chin, readying herself for the activity she'd done so many times before. It all felt familiar, but this time, it also felt different. Was she repulsed or she was excited? Katie couldn't tell, but as she kept her eyes closed, and gasped in surprise as she felt his lips gently touching hers. Taking in a deep breath, Katie parted her lips and took in his bottom lip before canting her head and sucking in her father’s scent. Warm, comforting and sexy. Those were the only words she could use to describe his kiss, as she sucked in her breath, taking in his, and felt his lips sucking on her upper lip, his hand stroking her face. Her eyes were tightly shut, remembering her first kiss and the many kisses she'd given and received since, but she also remembered that it was her father she was kissing. Guilt washed over her once more. A tongue. He'd stuck his tongue inside her mouth. Warm and slick, the tip of his tongue danced against hers. Katie sighed, clinging tightly onto her father’s face, giving in and feeling his heart beating against hers, her breasts on her father's body, her nipples mashing against his chest. Completely helpless and utterly horny, Katie gave in. Even if she were told to quit, Katie probably couldn't have done it. She needed to continue kissing. Down below, she could feel her father's cock twitching in his underwear, pushing and pulsating against her pussy, as she straddle him, feeling her own juices oozing out of her pussy and soaking her dad's underwear. Small waves of pleasure built upon her as they continued to kiss, her tongue now exploring his, occasionally opening her eyes to check to see if her was looking, only to find his eyes tight shut, lost in the kiss. As if by accident and through muscle memory, Katie began humping against her father’s cock. Slow, rocking motion on her father, with his underwear still on and soaked with both their juices. His underwear preventing his cock from springing free, but riding the clothed-covered shaft, soaking it from the outside with her own slick juices, seemed exciting to Katie, as she placed her hands around his neck and bounced, subtly and slowly, as if afraid to be discovered that she was enjoying this. "Hmmmmm," she moaned into his mouth so that only he could hear, leaving him harder now, knowing that his own daughter -- young, sweet Katie was enjoying the make out session and attempting to relieve herself by humping his cock. Randy could feel the slickness of her juices on his thigh, as it ran from inside, and grew even more excited because of the incestuous and forbidden nature of their kiss. But inside of him was also a feeling of guilt. My daughter. She’s my own daughter. He pushed his thoughts away, and allowed himself to get lost in making out with his daughter, occasionally pumping his whole crotch up, pushing his cock, still restrained by his own underwear, against her. How many fathers had ever done this with their daughters? The thought was erotic to him, too erotic, and Randy knew he needed to cum. He needed to shoot his load, whether on her beautiful face or deep inside her hole, drooling and ready for him to slide inside, it didn't matter. Randy, a happily married man, needed to fuck Katie. Randy, a loving father, needed to fuck his own daughter. They were interrupted yet again, and came back to reality, remembering that there was a stranger with a gun in the room. Clearing his throat, the man pulled Katie off her father, and with a lusty look in his eyes, pointed the gun at her and, as if the anger were gone, began to speak softly. "Now, make him cum! You both need to cum," the man demanded, his words etching into Katie’s mind as she imagined Randy’s cock stretching her, filling her. The words shocked Katie as she felt her heart skip a beat. What shocked Katie even more was how wet she'd gotten, as she looked down and saw that her lips were puffy, parted, and a constant stream of fuck juices slowly flowed out of her, running down her thighs. Her clit pushed out of its hood, readying to be pleasured. "We’re not going to do that," Randy said, almost drained from the emotional rollercoaster. "She's my daughter, I can’t..." Randy continued, but was cut short by the intruder who proceeded to give the 45-year-old man a verbal lashing. "What do you mean you can't?" The man’s eye popped wide open as he gestured toward Randy’s groin. "Look at you. Look at how hard you are! You want to fuck your own daughter. Strip down!” The intruder’s words inspired the young girl to take notice again, secretly moving her eyes toward her father's crotch as Randy removed his underwear and stepped out of it. As he pulled down the underwear, Randy’s cock sprang to life, its deep pink head dripping a thin string of clear, lubricated substance as its shiny head pointing straight out in front of him. Katie drew a sharp breath, partly because of the shock of having seen her dad naked and hard, and partly because she marveled at his cock. So beautiful, so hard, and to Katie, it seemed just the right size for what she needed at the moment. She closed her eyes and let herself drift again. I can't do this. I can't do this, a voice echoed in her head as she swallowed hard. I want to, but I can't. It's daddy, and as much as I need to cum, I can't do this. I love my father, but not like this. Thoughts continued to run in and out of her head, one second telling her it was her father and that it was unacceptable to even think about, let alone be pleasured by his cock. The next, Katie was wishing she could cum, wishing he'd make her cum, wishing he'd fuck her until she was so satisfied she couldn’t move. Then she drifted back to the guilty thoughts, shameful thoughts, thoughts that things would never be the same. She then scolded herself for being turned on, and then reasoned that it was natural, only to feel guilty again. Katie was in a confused and sexual stage, and Dad's hard cock, just inches from her, did not help. "Oh, Katie. I am so, so sorry." Randy’s eyes almost begged for forgiveness, looking at her and then down at her pussy before quickly moving his eyes back up. Katie, standing naked and shivering in fear and perhaps desire, her pussy shiny and slick, had in inverse effect on Randy’s words as he felt his body and mind betraying him. He wasn’t really sorry. He needed to fuck her. He needed to glide his cock inside what he imagined to be her quivering, velvety pussy, pinning her down and making her nectar splash on his thighs and hers with each thrust as they ride together toward an incestuous orgasm. The image weakened his knees. "Dad, it's okay," she whispered, her voice quivering. "After this, we'll be done and we'll be a family again." Katie meant what she said. She wanted to be a family again, and she was sure everything would be okay again. Yet, the only lingering word that rested in both of their minds was "this." "This" meaning father-daughter sex; "this" meaning Randy shoving his cock deep inside Katie; “this" meaning Randy fucking his own daughter; “this" meaning giving in to their own lust and letting their sexual urges take over. “This" also probably meant keeping it a secret between them and never telling her unsuspecting mother. “This” meant they would never be the same again. "This" was here and had to happen. Katie walked over to the couch and sat down, her eyes on her dad the entire time as she leaned back, waiting for Randy to approach her, knowing that although he was a few feet away from her, soon enough, he would be inside her. Soon enough, she knew, they would cross the threshold, the line drawn in the sand between father and daughter. Soon enough, Katie’s father would fuck her. "Just do it and get it over with, dad," she said, her voice detached as she spread one leg, flexing her knee, while her other leg dropped to the floor, exposing her pussy, still wet and slightly opened, to her father and the stranger. She closed her eyes and waited for "it." She took in a deep breath, expecting the worst emotionally, but also knew sex, no matter whom with, would feel good. For Katie, this would be a rollercoaster ride. For the young student, this would be the duality of good and bad, incest and sex. She sat there, back against the arm rest, waiting for "it." Suddenly, Katie could feel her father’s weight as he knelt down on the couch, his breathing labored as he approached her, letting out a sharp breath. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her closer to him. Katie didn't want to open her eyes, she didn't want to acknowledge that it was her dad placing his hands on her naked body, his face inches from her now soaking pussy. She didn't want to admit it was incest. Was she turned on? Yes, more than she'd ever been. Blame that on biology, but she also knew it was her dad, and no matter what sociologists said about family being a social construct, it was still wrong. She gasped at his touch as he moved her right knee up closer to her chest. Katie turned her face into the couch, closing her eyes, readying for "it." Then, without any warning, it took her by surprise, as she felt his thick, hot cockhead against her slit, dragged up and down the valley and spreading his heat along her slit before resting at the entrance of her hole. He hadn't entered yet and already, she could feel waves of pleasure as his rubbery cockhead made contact with the insides of her pussy lips. She could feel his pre-cum mixing with hers, and trembled at how hot his cockhead felt as she imagined what it might feel like burning deep inside her, filling her, stroking the insides of her pussy, pushing her to an orgasm. But Randy had other intentions. Rather than pushing deep inside her, after resting the drooling penis in front of her entrance, Randy reached for his shaft and moved it back up, gliding up her slit and resting it on her clit, his hot pre-cum drooling onto it, coaxing it to further push out of its hood. "Hmmm," she moaned as his cockhead touched her clit, and opened her eyes to look at him, kneeling over her, his cock in hand and just inches from the entrance of her pussy. Her own dad was grabbing his cock and tapping it on her clit. His beautiful, thick and round cockhead just half her height’s length away from her mouth, and she felt a desire to take it deep inside her mouth, sucking on it, feeling the lubricant in her throat, the saltiness on her tongue. But first, she needed to cum. Her words, her simple "hmmm," darkened Randy’s mind, as he began to understand that she, too, was enjoying this. Randy reasoned he could not fuck his own daughter at that moment, remembering all the father-daughter moments they'd had; but in this sexual stage, his own thoughts dictated, this moment, too, would be added to the thousands of other father-daughter moments they'd created. My God, what an incredibly horny girl she is, he thought as he began massaging her clit with his cockhead, making her jump and pushing herself deeper down against the couch as if to get away. She hissed at his touch, his cock vibrating thousands of nerves in her clit as her mind went blank, only focusing on the pleasure her father’s thick, drooling cockhead provided. "Oh, my God! Da … " she very softly moaned, still aware that there was a stranger in the room, and that this was incest, yet she wanted more. Katie wanted to cum, and the only person available to make her cum at that moment was her dad. She needed to cum, despite that it was her dad. "What the hell are you doing, put it in her." The impatient man shot a look his way as he tinkered with the camera. "Fuck her," he demanded. "I ... please, I just can't do it," her father said, continuing to rub her clit and occasionally moving his cockhead in between her pussy lips to sweep up her hot, excited juices and making her flinch with each rub, spreading their fluids all over her clit. Though her father knew Katie was sexually turned on, he wanted to wait longer to see what would happen, he wanted to prevent himself from fucking her then and there. He wanted to keep their relationship as was, if only for another five minutes. "Dad ... daddy, just do it, please. Just get it over with." To both her father and the intruder, it sounded more like a plea, a beg to be fucked by her own father, a plea to cum by her father's cock, a request to have her father's cum deep inside her teenage pussy. "Do what?" the man asked with a sly smile, knowing that Katie had fallen in lust, and needed to cum. His mission had been a success. He wanted the young girl to beg to be fucked, and soon enough, he knew, lewd words would fall out of her mouth, and would forever echo in his and her father's ears. "Put it in me... your co … penis in me," Katie stammered, catching herself before she said “cock” instead of “penis.” "Just give him what he wants," she continued, knowing damn well that she only meant to give her what she wanted, and that if the man was going to force them to fuck, that she would want to be fucked right then. Damned if she did, damned if she didn't, she reasoned. If he was going to force them to fuck, she was going to enjoy it, despite the fact that it was her father fucking her. Complying, though still reluctantly, her father dragged his cock downward toward Katie's wet, drooling hole, as her lips parted and, holding his cock at the entrance of her pussy, pushed his thick head against the opening. Although Katie was soaked from anticipation, her pussy slightly parted, the 18-year-old’s tightness resisted his cock’s advances. Yet, just the tip of his cock, nestling against her pussy, sent jolts of pleasure up his spine. Randy needed more. He needed to push his entire cockhead within her, and once that happened, pin his daughter against the couch and fuck her until her body convulsed with pleasure, sending her toward their incestuous finally. Tight, yes, but not impossible to penetrate. He would try again, Randy determined, until his entire cock was within her. Repositioning himself for better leverage, and staring into Katie’s desperate eyes, Randy grunted as he pushed against her pussy once more, using his thumbs to part her smoldering lips before placing his cock against the entrance, his clear, hot pre-cum leaking onto her hole. This time, the tiny hole, already well lubricated and burning with her natural lubricant, yielded to his cock. Feeling his cock pushing her lips apart, Katie groaned, letting out a lung full of air through her mouth, and helped her father’s penetration by pushing against him. The warmth of Katie’s pussy engulfed Randy’s cock as their efforts met, his head expanding her insides before they clamped tightly around his shaft, clinging onto his leaking cockhead, his pre-cum mixing with her own juices, making her entire pussy walls slick with the combination of their nectars. Soon, he hit the bottom of his daughter’s tiny pussy as the rest of his shaft disappeared inside her. Stopping to take a breath, Randy marveled at his daughter’s rolled back eyes, her mouth opened, as if asking to be kissed. This was it. This was a father and daughter fucking. Those words rang in Katie's ears and ran through her body, and to her surprise, it caused goose bumps and waves of pleasure, rather than fear and repulse. "Oh, nice, daddy." Grinning her teeth, Katie wrapped her arms around his neck as his cock filled her tight, teenage space, her pussy expanding to accommodate him. Katie was filled with her father’s own cock. “You’re in.” That fact excited Katie in ways that surprised her. To be filled by her own father, his cock deep inside her pussy was something Katie never expected or thought of. But now that the hard, pulsating cock was inside her, it didn’t matter to Katie that the cock belonged to her father. Pinned to the couch under her father’s weight, Katie drifted again – thousands of miles away, lost in her own thoughts. Start flexing your cock. Move it. Start fucking me. You’re hard for me. I can feel your cock. Now fuck me with it. They remained still, her eyes opening back up and locking themselves into his. The guilt and fear she saw in him had dissipated, replaced with the kind of lust she'd never seen in any man’s eyes, nor felt within herself. Nothing more did she want than to cum, to be fucked so hard her pussy ached. It didn't matter anymore that it was her father. Or, perhaps, the thought came across her mind, it did matter that he was her father. It’s because he is my father that I am so wet. My God, just start fucking me already. Fuck me hard. Randy moved his cock, subtly at first, just fractions of an inch in and out of her, rocking both of their bodies as he felt the entire couch move and her breasts swaying. Her hotness burned his cock. Randy increased his speed, his balls slammed into her, creating sweet, flesh-against-flesh sounds each time he thrust deep inside of her. What began as a scary proposition for them both had culminated in pleasure. His cock was in her pussy. Randy was in Katie. Father was inside his daughter. Randy’s mind spun and fogged at the realization he was inside his own daughter, but it only fueled him to fuck her deeper and faster. Inside their living room where he had watched Katie grow, take her first steps, and grow into the beautiful young woman, the slapping noises and Katie’s increasing yelps of pleasure echoed like staccato gunfire. Each time he thrust himself all the way in, slippery juices from their incestuous fucking splattered on her thighs and stomach and his chest, making their skin glisten from the lights’ reflection. "Oh, fuck,” Katie moaned and pushed back each time he pushed in, knowing that they'd crossed the line, and there would be no turning back. There she was, home from summer vacation, getting fucked by her own father and enjoying it. When she'd left school earlier in June, Katie never imagined she'd get fucked by her own father. Though now, she didn't seem to care, Katie thought to herself, as she spread her legs wider, offering her entire body to her dad. Randy had heard “fuck” come out of Katie’s mouth before, but never in this situation. He had never heard the young girl say, “fuck” in response to sexual pleasure – and what’s more, sexual pleasure that came from him. Fuck. She is enjoying this, too. My daughter is wet and fucking back. She wants this. My own daughter is horny because of me – because of my own cock. "Nhhhh, da …," Katie groaned as his cock hit a sensitive spot, and grabbed onto the couch, meeting her eyes with his. For father and daughter, there were only two in the world as their bodies meshed, his cock deep inside his daughter’s pussy. "Oh, dad, oh, shit," Katie panted through her nostrils, her head rolled back, her body pushing back to meet his thrust as her hands covered her face. A deep itch developed inside her, and thank God he was here, she thought. Thank God her father was here to scratch the itch -- an itch that only her own father’s cock, at that exact moment, can possibly scratch. "More, daddy," she moaned deep from within her throat as he continued to glide in and out. Though the 18-year-old had never been quite vocal during sex, something within her erupted each time her father’s cock slammed deep inside her, his slick cockhead massaging her pussy, bringing out even more of her juices from within her pussy walls. "Oh. My. Gooood,” she enunciated each word softly with every thrust. For the first, Katie accepted that it was her father fucking her, and not giving a damn. To hell with the taboos society imposed. To hell with what sociologist had to say. Dad is fucking me and I want to cum all over his cock. Just as Katie and Randy had developed their rhythm, with his daughter pushing her crotch toward him each time he pushed his cock into her, he pulled out, his cock pulsating and coated with her cum as he stood above her, almost out of breath, staring at her. They looked into each other eyes, and as if able to communicate just by their eyes, Katie stood up to momentarily face him before turning toward the couch, her hands resting on the armrest as she leaned forward. Katie’s bottom, naked and red from being pinned on the couch, stuck out at him and she spread her legs. “Hurry,” Katie begged, almost out of breath as she looked back at him before burying her face against the back of her hands, expecting that her father would know exactly what to do and almost ashamed that she was asking for it – “it” being getting fucked again and harder by her dad. Randy quickly found her pussy again, still wet and smoldering from their previous fucking. Sliding his cock along her slit from behind her, Randy promptly placed his cockhead against her hole. Her pussy, now familiar with his cock, opened up to accept the thick head, before clamping onto his entire shaft. Katie winced as her father pulled her back toward him, gliding his cock deeper into her with a violent thrust. Just like that, they were at it again -- father and daughter were fucking and this time, they began fucking not out of fear or intimidation. His cock was deep inside her and as he began pumping again, her breasts swayed. "Oh, my God …daddy ...fuck..." she moaned as he pumped his cock against her repeatedly, holding on to either side of her hips, feeling his orgasm building and hoping he could wait until she came. As Randy repeatedly slammed his cock into his daughter, pulling out slightly before pushing his hardness back inside her, it didn't matter to Katie that it was her father fucking her. In fact, she wanted it. She no longer loved it because it felt good despite the fact that her father was fucking her. She loved it because it felt good, and because her father was fucking her. Incest. The oldest, most socially taboo sin in society and she'd given into it. She’d reluctantly given in because she had to. But it didn't matter any longer because this was incest, and she was enjoying it. At 18, Katie was enjoying fucking not for sheer fucking; she was enjoying fucking because it was incest fucking. She needed to cum because it was, Katie realized as she saw their reflections in the mirror, her own father fucking her from behind. "Oh, my God, ...fuck" Words she’d never uttered escaped her lips, still reluctant and embarrassed that she was enjoying the lewdness of the situation. The words would add to that. Katie wanted to say more. She wanted to scream the words. Words she never even thought of all the sudden were on her mind and needed to come out as her dad pushed his cock deeper and deeper inside, and taking it back out and thrusting back in harder each time. She needed to say it because the words were already ringing in her own mind. Oh, God, daddy. Fuck me. Fuck your own daughter. Make me cum. Katie tried to hold on, she tried to wait until it was all over, until he'd came deep inside and she was alone to say those words to herself and relive what her father did to her, as to maintain a modicum of self-respect. She did try to hold on. Oh, she did. But as Randy’s cock slammed into her and his hand reached around to squeeze her tits while their bodies crashed against each other, the 18-year-old felt a jolt of pleasure and gave in. "Oh, ugh, fuck me, daddy. Fuck me, more!" she let loose, emphasizing each word and begged with every thrust. Goosebumps popped up all over her arms and chest as the young girl was surprised at her own words and turned on at the same time. Randy, hearing those lewd words for the first time, lost control, groaned and slammed harder into his daughter. Grunting with each thrust and feeling his balls boiling, readying to shoot his hot cum deep inside her, Randy slowed down to almost a stop. Slouching forward to hold her entire body, his cock still buried inside her, Randy sucked on his daughter’s right ear before whispering, letting his humid breath penetrate her ear. "Tell me what you want, Katie." “You know what I want. Please” She let out a desperate grunt, knowing her father had caught on to how much she wanted it. Yet, it was one thing to let those words loose while he was fucking her and another to beg for it now that he had stopped fucking her. Her mind still raced. Why did you stop fucking me? I was so close, she thought. Put it back in. Make me cum. “Then tell me, Katie. Tell daddy what you want,” Randy whispered as he stopped fucking her entirely. His face leaned against hers, his cock still buried deep inside. He needed to hear her say it again. "I … I want your … cock. Fuck me hard. Fuck your … little … girl’s pussy. Make me cum." She was delirious. She was begging and no longer ashamed of it. Katie needed her father’s cock. As he heard the words, Randy groaned and began pumping again, pulling Katie’s entire back onto his cock as she yelped, her breathing labored with each thrust. “Oh, yeah. Right there. Fuck me more, daddy. Fuck me … fuck me.” With her father’s cock lodged in her and fucking her toward an orgasm she’d never felt before, Katie let go and gave in to all the incestuous lust she'd denied herself. Katie needed to cum and the only person she wanted to help her cum was her own father. Then, there were stars. Katie felt the intensity build up deep inside her, as her tits became heavier, her pussy pulsated and leaked hot juices against her father’s cock and felt her body tense at the images in the mirror – her father’s eyes intense with lust as he slammed his cock into her. As the itch continued to rise and the speed at which her father fucked her increased, Katie inched closer to her orgasm. Sudden, it exploded. She felt her whole body tighten, and pushed back hard into her father's thrusting cock. Her whole body cramped, and she exploded, shuddering as she came, her cunt hole tightening around his cock. "Oh, shit. Cumming … daddy," she screamed as her muscles contracted, her cunt vibrated and at that exact moment, between her yelps and moans and delirious incestuous moans, Randy’s cock gave in to the undulating movements inside his daughter’s pussy, as it twitched and his balls tightened, and his temples filled of blood as he momentarily only saw darkness. Pulling her in and slamming his cock into her, Randy felt the gallons of cum deep inside him shooting into his daughter, coating her pussy walls with his thick, sticky cum. With each squirt, he pulled her against his body, as he shot inside his daughter, feeling his cum dripping back down against him. Her father’s hot cum was what did it for Katie as she grinded her pussy to meet his thrust, feeling the jets of searing hot cum exploding inside her. Letting out a groan, her body went limp, her chest flushed as her muscles tensed and she exploded, her pussy squeezing against his cock as she exhaled, waves of orgasmic pleasure hitting her, and like a slingshot rollercoaster ride, time and again shooting her up high at the point of orgasmic ecstasy before sending her crashing back down before shooting her up high again. Then, it was over. The highs of fucking his own daughter ended as Randy pulled out, leaving behind a trail of his own gooey cum, slowly dripping out of Katie’s red, shiny pussy. Gone were the echoes of her yelps and the slapping of flesh. Gone was the unquenchable lust both father and daughter needed to satisfy. Gone, too, was the relationship they’d had. Together, they fell onto the couch and lean against each other's sweaty body, out of breath and out of things to say to each other. For a second, father and daughter embraced, taking in their breaths and staring at the ceiling, confronted with the reality of what had just taken place. With only their quiet, peaceful breathing audible, Katie realized the man had left. Beginning to deconstruct what had happened, Katie reasoned that it had to happen either way, whether she liked it or not, whether she wanted it or not, and that there would be no regret. The fact still remained that she liked it – that they liked it. Once she caught her breath, she would wash her father’s cum off her, they would air the room to hide their incestuous fucking from her mother. She would make lunch, they would talk about it and, she hoped, they would move on with their lives. |
(Note: I drifted from Literotica a few years ago. I am back on there and now here with fresh copies of stories I wrote – newly edited, and a few new ones. As always, I appreciate feedback as well as ideas. Should you have an idea you want to put down on paper, please do not hesitate to contact me.) Katie's heart jumped as soon as she walked into the living room. Her mother had left for a three-day work trip, and having arrived home from college for the summer, Katie intended on spending quiet weekends with her father, Randy. They'd planned for the day. In the morning, after she'd gotten up, they'd cook breakfast together as they had done on weekends since she was a child. Afterward, they would go for a walk on the beaches of Santa Monica, catching up and enjoying time together, making up for the time they lost since she left for college nearly a year ago. Those plans were the last things on her mind the moment she walked in the living room. Her father sat on the couch, his hands up on the air as a masked man, standing just a few feet away from him, held a gun toward him. Still shaking, Randy jumped as he acknowledged Katie's presence, then darted his eyes to the masked man again, looking as helpless as Katie, in her 18 years, had ever seen her father. "Oh, dad! What’s going on?" she screamed and took a step back, her knees wobbly, as soon as she saw the scene unfolding in front of her. Never in her life had Katie been so scared. In the peaceful family in which she grew up, where her father and mother taught her to use words and denounced all forms of violence, no guns were ever seen or considered; she hardly heard a harsh word from her parents, whether directed at her or each another. Yet, here, her father sat with a gun pointed at him. "Shut up and sit down," the man commanded, his voice crackling and filled with rage as he pointed the gun at the couch, signaling for Katie on the chair across from a father. "Before you say anything stupid," the man began, his eyes glaring at the both of them. "I don't want your money." He stopped for a second to let the words sink in, yet it didn't make it any easier on Katie's heart. The college freshman from American University could feel her heart pounding, not knowing what to expect or what was to become of her family. In that moment, she wanted Mom. While she loved and always got along with her father, her mother had always been a source of comfort, and deep inside, she wished Mother would all the sudden show up, and call the police, and hold her and dry her tears. Katie snapped back into reality by the intruder’s voice, and jumped, as the man continued. "What I want is to see you naked," the man said to Katie, staring at her up and down and focusing on her chest, hidden from view by her arms. Still wearing her pink and yellow pajamas, Katie didn't look at all like the confident, intelligent 18-year-old freshman who led many volunteer and community projects since she was a pre-teen. "Now, stand up, and start stripping, and your dad and I are going to watch," the intruder commanded, his eyes as serious as his tone, while making motions with his gun. "She ... I ...," Randy stammered, his hands trembling as he tried to protest. "Shut up and just watch," the man interrupted. "I know you want to watch her," he man barked in an accusing tone, one that all the sudden made Katie sick to her stomach. "Do it now!" the man said, pulling back the charging handle, as he chambered a round and pointed it at the teen, determined to prove to them he wasn’t bluffing. Reluctantly, Katie stood up and with her eyes to the ground, began unbuttoning her pajama shirt, her hands shaking from both fear and shame as she stood between the man and her father. For Katie, there was still a moment of salvation. She could turn away from her father and he would never have to see her naked. She would never have to be so openly naked in front of her dad. Shame washed over Katie. Sure, she was comfortable with her dad, but to display her body for him in such a manner, she could never live with herself. She could never live with the idea of allowing her father to watch her strip, showing her tits, and then, even worse, having him look at her nakedness from the front, able to look at what was between her legs. On the couch, Randy trembled as his eyes focused on his daughter, hoping, wishing she weren't so scared and that somehow he could reach out to comfort her and make her fear go away. Even just a few feet from one each other, father daughter felt like they were thousands of miles away, unable to comfort each other, or reach out to hug each other to make their world right again. One button at a time, Katie began to undress, her fingers shook and her knees buckled with a new feeling of fear and shame she'd never experienced before. If I think about something else, maybe this wouldn't be so bad, she convinced herself as she unbuttoned the top button to her PJ top, slowly exposing the skin on her chest, and with each button, her cleavage and breasts came into view. She'd gone to sleep the night before without a bra and now, with half of her buttons already undone, Katie was exposing to her father a part of her body he had not seen since she was a child. The result of many hours in tanning salons began to show itself for the first time to her father. To Katie’s surprise, her nipples began poking out in reaction to the cold air, her areolas filled with goose bumps. Two more buttons. She kept her eyes on the ground, focusing on each button, taking her time to undress as to not rush herself into embarrassment, and half hoping the man would change his mind. When, at last, all the buttons were undone, Katie stood in front of her father, feeling like a child being judged, hands still shaking as her breasts pushed out of her chest, her eyes stared at the carpet as she reached up to get out of her PJ top, and dropping it on the floor. "Now, your bottoms, too," the man screamed, once again waving his gun toward Katie, who flinched and moved back, startled at the man's sudden movement. "Oh. No, no, no. This was bad enough, but my bottoms, too? Her mind screamed, weighing the meanings of being naked in front of a stranger as well as her dad. For Katie, the body was such something to be proud of – to be loved, but at the same time, also something private - not to be shown to just anyone. Trust. That's what had to happen before she exposed her body to any boy in college; yet, with both trust and intimacy nowhere to be found, she stood half exposed, with orders to show the stranger and her father more of herself. Reluctantly, she reached for her either side of her waistband, just right above where both sides of her hips were, and began pulling down, half an inch at a time as if trying to bide her time, hoping if she went slowly enough, she would eventually make the man go away. She continued to pull at the waistband, just exposing the front, and Randy continued to stare at his daughter, first at her chest again and then at her crotch, part of him curious at the exposure of his daughter's body. Then, it came into view. First just the fleshy lips, just the top of the lips, delicate and a hue of pink. As Katie began pulling her PJ bottoms down farther, her entire mound came into view, exposing the pouty lips, the long dip that bookended by either side of her neatly folded outer lips, gently covering the tiny hole within, still hidden from view. From that distance, Randy swore he saw a bit of shimmering light between her legs, perhaps a sign that she'd been a bit wet at the attention. His mind began to wander in places many fathers often visited, but so few ever admitted to doing such. Closing his eyes, Randy unsuccessfully pushed the image out of his mind. Imprinted within his mind were the beauty between her legs, and the pair of breasts that he never imagined he would ever get excited over. He shook and opened his eyes again. As Katie stepped out of her PJ bottoms and stood naked and trembling in front of her own father and the intruder, the PJ bottoms, still hot from he body heat laying bunched on the floor, she began to wonder what her father thought of her. Was he judging her body? Was he upset that she'd so easily stripped, despite having done so under duress? The young girl didn't have a chance to think to herself for long, as her thoughts were interrupted by yet another command, jolting her back into reality again. "Now, touch your pussy," the man commanded as he sat down, gun still pointing at her, not giving a damn that she'd barely turned 18, after having graduated high school early, or that her father was also in the room. "Uh ... I can’t..." Katie stammered, knowing that would cross the line, that it was one thing to expose her own pussy in front of her father, and it was another thing to play with her own pussy in front of him. Of course she'd masturbated before, many, many times, and in fact, had done so just the night before, but never had she ever considered playing with herself in front of her father. Yet, the 18-year-old had no choice, for as soon as she started to protest, the man pointed a gun at her father, prompting her to sit down on the empty chair next to her and giving in to the man's demands as he smiled and motioned with his head to her father, telling him to watch. It wasn't supposed to be like this. During the times Katie masturbated, it'd been in front of her lovers, men she wanted to see her masturbate, and in her own room, with privacy. An act so intimate, she reasoned, was only meant for those she loved, and for herself, not for the whole world to see. Of course she loved her father, but that was a different type of love. She'd never considered him a lover, and to sit there, already exposed, and now about to touch herself, sent a repulsive feeling down her spine and deep in the pit of her stomach. But masturbate she must. She had to do what it took to get that man to go away, to leave her and her father alone, and when Mother came home from her trip, they would be a happy family again, forever leaving behind this incident. At that moment, she didn't even consider that they would call the police, because of the shame, and fear that her face would be exposed all over the news. If no one knew, if they kept quiet, Katie thought she could deal with the turmoil by herself. Slowly, she reached for her slit, her tiny lips still neatly folded and tucked inward, hiding and covering the tiny hole that often leaked with her own juices when she touched herself. Her middle finger got there first, gently parting her lips as she pushed a middle finger into the entire slit, letting her hand, cold and trembling, slide down the valley that, at the top, featured her clit, still hidden from view, and below, the dip that at times became moist and wet, drooling with hot juices. But she found it to be dry and lifeless, partly because of fear, and because she wasn't turned on. Katie listlessly moved her middle finger up and down the slit, her palm against her clit as she moved her middle finger's knuckle up and down over her tiny hole, her knuckle taking a dip each time she did so. She swallowed hard, knowing that soon enough, she would probably physically turn herself on, though emotionally, Katie was miles away, back at college, where she was loved and respected, looked up to and adored, lusted after and viewed as a world changer. As if having an out-of-body experience, Katie continued touching her pussy, stimulating her clit, and letting her knuckle move over the fuck hole, sometimes making circles around it, completely ignoring her audience. As she did so, both her father and the man glued their eyes on her fingers, following each movement as the scared teenage girl continued to explore her folds. Partly feeling guilty, Randy swallowed hard and realized that he'd gotten excited. My God, Katie has a beautiful pussy, he thought, before chastising himself for looking. Dipping her knuckle into her hole, just a fraction of an inch, Katie shocked herself and snapped back to reality, remembering all the sudden that she was masturbating in front of her father and a stranger, as she could feel a slippery, warm substance stick to her knuckle. Was she getting turned on in front of her father? Was she getting wet while masturbating in front of her dad, despite not wanting to? As if egged on by an unseen force, Katie continued to masturbate. Pushing her palm harder against her clit, and with a quicker pace now, the teenager ran her knuckle over her dip once again. As if by magic, the walls inside her pussy began to leak; thin, hot trails of lubricant exited her body and onto her finger. I am wet. What’s wrong with me? And dad can see me wet, Katie thought to herself, admitting to herself that she'd been turned on by touching herself, whether it was also because she'd done so in front of her father was another story. The first step - admission, was all that was needed to open the floodgate as her speed increased, and all the sudden, Katie could feel the lust building inside of her as each touch produced more lubricant, helping her hand glide much easier on her crotch, while sending shivers up her spine. No, no, no, this can't be happening, her mind screamed, yet part of her also let it all go. Perhaps if she made herself cum, she thought, the man would leave them alone, and better yet, she'd be able to satisfy herself, her now-fogged mind thought. Then she and dad would talk about it, and it would all be over. They'd return to their normal lives, dad going on to love mom as he always did, and Katie continuing with her college career. The more she focused on the fact that her father was watching her, which Katie simply could not get out of her head, the more wet she somehow got, as her juices began to coat her insides at first, and then inch by inch, ran down her pussy and wetting the opening of her tiny opening. Her knuckle became slick with each dip it took inside her hole, no matter how shallow, and the young girl felt a hot flush over her entire body as she looked down, realizing that her chest were flushed red, and her nipples pushing out of her the mounds on her chest, excited by the pleasure she was giving to her other body parts. As if resigned to accept her fate, Katie pushed her crotch out at the direction of her father, exposing her sopping pussy and she let out a hiss. With her breathing becoming more shallow, Katie closed her eyes, hoping, thinking that perhaps if she didn't see her father in front of her, she wouldn't get as turned on. It didn't help. She'd given up now, she'd given up on trying to pretend it wasn't her father watching her, because in reality, he was; all the sudden, accepting the fact made it easier to masturbate, but she still didn't want to see him in front of her. "Ugh!" a tiny gasp involuntarily escaped her throat as her knuckle took another dip, taking with it the slick, hot lubricant now seeping out of her pussy and running down her slit and onto the chair. Deep inside of her, more juices had built up, and they needed release; they needed her help to exit her body, through her pussy and onto her hands and the chair she sat on, even if it meant doing so in front of her father. Opening her eyes again, Katie looked directly at her dad to find his eyes were glued to her, on her pussy, on the way her hand and fingers danced between her legs. Momentarily, as he realized that Katie was looking at him, Randy guiltily looked up at her. For a second, a mere second, their eyes locked. Katie sighed as he looked at her, because in his eyes, she could see it all. She could see the guilt of a father's helplessness, and for the moment, she felt an intense love for him. Yet, she also saw the eyes she'd seen in so many lovers - lust, the burning desire to be with her, to be inside her, to grind his crotch against hers as they both orgasm. Katie shuddered at the idea of her dad being turned on by her. Yet part of her, a small, little part deep inside of her, accepted it, knowing that it was natural for a man to be turned on at the sight of a woman in sexual needs, especially one as good looking as she was. He wants to fuck me. I turn him on. Dad is hard because of me, Katie realized as her fingers continued to dance, and though the idea made her sick, Katie could not help but eye her father from where she sat, letting her eyes rest on his crotch and realizing that in between his legs, a bulge had developed. Her heart beat faster, not out of fear anymore, as she'd learned to accept the situation, but because she'd never been in such a situation. To her knowledge, she'd never turned her dad on, and all the sudden, the idea seemed a novelty to her. Her own father had gotten hard watching her, and she, too, felt guilty. Yet, it somehow made her wet, as Katie increased the speed at which she rubbed her pussy. "Ugh," she softly moaned, closing her eyes and biting her lips as she leaned back, preserving in her mind the image of her father with his lusty eyes and bulging cock, staring at her as she masturbated. Is he still staring? She thought. As if to find the answer to her question, Katie pushed her middle finger halfway inside herself, sending pleasurable shockwaves to the nerves inside her hole, now slick and warm as it expanded to welcome her finger. She let out a moan. Is he watching now? "Ohhhh, shit!" she dragged out the word, letting her finger linger before pushing it in all the way and gasping as she did. The idea that her father was still watching made her more wet as Katie tensed her body while her finger, almost on its own, thrust in and out of her body. How hot was it that her father had lost all sense of fatherly love and protection and was turned on by her body, she thought. How hot was it that all the social constructions of family, thousands of years of defining and redefining what was moral and immoral were all gone, replaced with only the pure lust a father had for his own daughter. How hot was it that her father probably wanted to fuck her. She could feel it building deep inside her, a few more minutes and she would explode all over the chair, not caring if her father were there or not. A she approached closer and closer to the familiar feeling, young Katie was snapped back into reality again, forcing her to take her finger from her pussy, still slick with her juices, and look up. "That's enough!" the masked man said. "This isn't just for you." All the sudden, guilt came over Katie as she remembered the danger of the situation, that there was still a man with a gun, and worse yet, she'd masturbated, and gotten wet, and gotten close to an orgasm in front of her own dad. "You! Drop your pants!" the man commanded as he pointed the gun at Randy, who began to protest, but only to give in, as he shot a guilty look at Katie. The man probably wanted her father to masturbate in front of her now, Katie thought to herself, and all the sudden, was brought back to the feelings of shame and embarrassment she felt when the whole ordeal began. Standing up and unbuckling his belt, Randy unsnapped the hook to his pants and got out of them, as Katie kept her eyes on the ground, remembering that Randy, after all, was her father, and no matter how hot a situation she'd mistakenly thought this was, he was still her father. There was no staring at one's father - especially at his crotch, no matter how turned on a daughter might be. This wasn't in any social guideline rulebooks; it just was. "Look at how hard you're making him," the man said to Katie. As she brought her eyes up, almost like a scared child peeking into the closet at night and checking for monsters, Katie passed her father's crotch and stared into her father's eyes for a moment, giving him a look of guilt and then brought her eyes back down toward his crotch. With his underwear still on, Katie could see her father's cock poking against his gray underwear, his sexual excitement evident by his cock creating a tent in his underwear and a large, wet spot where the head of his penis rested. Katie couldn't do anything but take in a sharp breath - lightly enough as to not disturb the quietness of the room, yet loud enough for both her father and the masked man to hear. Randy, her own father, the very man who'd raised her, taught her to hit and catch baseballs, ride a bike and eventually drive a car, was turned on by her. Randy, her own father, the man who'd been there for her first date, who had dried her tears when she was a child, and who had driven cross country to Washington, D.C., to drop her off for college, had gotten hard watching her masturbate. She felt something inside her. Was it guilt? "Come over there and sit on him! Kiss him," the man commanded, perhaps ordering Katie to do what she would have done by herself anyway when at the highest peak of sexual excitement. Yet, something got the better of her; Katie began to protest, but as soon as she did, the man shot her a look that reminded her of the seriousness of the situation, and she gave in, torn between fear for her life, and the guilt of being in a sexual position with her own father, violating thousands of years of traditions and giving into the taboo most societies dared not mention. With nimble feet, Katie walked over to her father, her eyes locked into his the entire time, having already preserved the image of his hard cock in her mind. Still, she didn't know what to think. On the one hand, they were both turned on. On the other hand, she was his daughter. He was her father. This just couldn't happen in any civilized society, and because they'd considered themselves educated, this especially couldn't happen in their family. What would her mother think? What would she say to her father after it was all finished? How could she go on with her own life after this incident? Better yet, would she let her mind revert back to this incident and actually be turned on in her future masturbatory fantasies? Inches away from him now, Katie swallowed hard as her father reached for her face, cupping her cheek with familiarity and love, and tried to comfort her as the heat of her cheek penetrated his hand. Reaching for the few wispy hairs on her face, he moved them to the side and continued to stroke her face with the inside of his thumb. "I am so sorry, baby," he whispered, his voice desperate for forgiveness. "I am so sorry we have to do this. And I am sorry for my reaction." Katie took a deep breath knew she had to respond. Though, she wondered, was he more sorry that he couldn't do anything to end the situation, or was he sorry that he'd gotten hard watching her masturbate? Either way, Katie wanted to believe his words - every bit of them, and reaching to grab his hand, she kissed his thumb. "It's okay, we have to do what we have to do," she whispered, as if such an intimate moment, a father and daughter moment, was not to be heard by anyone else. She forced a smile, reassuring him that she wasn't upset, though deep inside, she was still confused, not knowing the difference between the love and lust she and her father felt, and wondering how far this would go. How far would this all take them? Would they recover from this? Would their family endure? Reaching for him, she pulled herself onto his lap and straddled to face him, their faces inches apart. It was much like when she was younger as father and daughter sat facing each other. But it didn't feel the same. First, she was naked and he was in his underwear, and second, he'd watched her masturbate. Thirdly, Katie was extremely turned on, and as far as she could tell, he was also turned on. "Oh, wow," Katie whispered next to his ear as she felt his hardness jump in response to her naked, warmth crotch. Her father’s cock was now separated from Katie’s pussy by a small layer of underwear. She could feel its heat, strength and eagerness to break free of his underwear. A sense of guilt washed over Katie as her mind screamed to her that she was getting turned on by cock – her own father’s cock. Yet, she nuzzled his face, taking in his scent, and closing her eyes, placing her lips on his chin, readying herself for the activity she'd done so many times before. It all felt familiar, but this time, it also felt different. Was she repulsed or she was excited? Katie couldn't tell, but as she kept her eyes closed, and gasped in surprise as she felt his lips gently touching hers. Taking in a deep breath, Katie parted her lips and took in his bottom lip before canting her head and sucking in her father’s scent. Warm, comforting and sexy. Those were the only words she could use to describe his kiss, as she sucked in her breath, taking in his, and felt his lips sucking on her upper lip, his hand stroking her face. Her eyes were tightly shut, remembering her first kiss and the many kisses she'd given and received since, but she also remembered that it was her father she was kissing. Guilt washed over her once more. A tongue. He'd stuck his tongue inside her mouth. Warm and slick, the tip of his tongue danced against hers. Katie sighed, clinging tightly onto her father’s face, giving in and feeling his heart beating against hers, her breasts on her father's body, her nipples mashing against his chest. Completely helpless and utterly horny, Katie gave in. Even if she were told to quit, Katie probably couldn't have done it. She needed to continue kissing. Down below, she could feel her father's cock twitching in his underwear, pushing and pulsating against her pussy, as she straddle him, feeling her own juices oozing out of her pussy and soaking her dad's underwear. Small waves of pleasure built upon her as they continued to kiss, her tongue now exploring his, occasionally opening her eyes to check to see if her was looking, only to find his eyes tight shut, lost in the kiss. As if by accident and through muscle memory, Katie began humping against her father’s cock. Slow, rocking motion on her father, with his underwear still on and soaked with both their juices. His underwear preventing his cock from springing free, but riding the clothed-covered shaft, soaking it from the outside with her own slick juices, seemed exciting to Katie, as she placed her hands around his neck and bounced, subtly and slowly, as if afraid to be discovered that she was enjoying this. "Hmmmmm," she moaned into his mouth so that only he could hear, leaving him harder now, knowing that his own daughter -- young, sweet Katie was enjoying the make out session and attempting to relieve herself by humping his cock. Randy could feel the slickness of her juices on his thigh, as it ran from inside, and grew even more excited because of the incestuous and forbidden nature of their kiss. But inside of him was also a feeling of guilt. My daughter. She’s my own daughter. He pushed his thoughts away, and allowed himself to get lost in making out with his daughter, occasionally pumping his whole crotch up, pushing his cock, still restrained by his own underwear, against her. How many fathers had ever done this with their daughters? The thought was erotic to him, too erotic, and Randy knew he needed to cum. He needed to shoot his load, whether on her beautiful face or deep inside her hole, drooling and ready for him to slide inside, it didn't matter. Randy, a happily married man, needed to fuck Katie. Randy, a loving father, needed to fuck his own daughter. They were interrupted yet again, and came back to reality, remembering that there was a stranger with a gun in the room. Clearing his throat, the man pulled Katie off her father, and with a lusty look in his eyes, pointed the gun at her and, as if the anger were gone, began to speak softly. "Now, make him cum! You both need to cum," the man demanded, his words etching into Katie’s mind as she imagined Randy’s cock stretching her, filling her. The words shocked Katie as she felt her heart skip a beat. What shocked Katie even more was how wet she'd gotten, as she looked down and saw that her lips were puffy, parted, and a constant stream of fuck juices slowly flowed out of her, running down her thighs. Her clit pushed out of its hood, readying to be pleasured. "We’re not going to do that," Randy said, almost drained from the emotional rollercoaster. "She's my daughter, I can’t..." Randy continued, but was cut short by the intruder who proceeded to give the 45-year-old man a verbal lashing. "What do you mean you can't?" The man’s eye popped wide open as he gestured toward Randy’s groin. "Look at you. Look at how hard you are! You want to fuck your own daughter. Strip down!” The intruder’s words inspired the young girl to take notice again, secretly moving her eyes toward her father's crotch as Randy removed his underwear and stepped out of it. As he pulled down the underwear, Randy’s cock sprang to life, its deep pink head dripping a thin string of clear, lubricated substance as its shiny head pointing straight out in front of him. Katie drew a sharp breath, partly because of the shock of having seen her dad naked and hard, and partly because she marveled at his cock. So beautiful, so hard, and to Katie, it seemed just the right size for what she needed at the moment. She closed her eyes and let herself drift again. I can't do this. I can't do this, a voice echoed in her head as she swallowed hard. I want to, but I can't. It's daddy, and as much as I need to cum, I can't do this. I love my father, but not like this. Thoughts continued to run in and out of her head, one second telling her it was her father and that it was unacceptable to even think about, let alone be pleasured by his cock. The next, Katie was wishing she could cum, wishing he'd make her cum, wishing he'd fuck her until she was so satisfied she couldn’t move. Then she drifted back to the guilty thoughts, shameful thoughts, thoughts that things would never be the same. She then scolded herself for being turned on, and then reasoned that it was natural, only to feel guilty again. Katie was in a confused and sexual stage, and Dad's hard cock, just inches from her, did not help. "Oh, Katie. I am so, so sorry." Randy’s eyes almost begged for forgiveness, looking at her and then down at her pussy before quickly moving his eyes back up. Katie, standing naked and shivering in fear and perhaps desire, her pussy shiny and slick, had in inverse effect on Randy’s words as he felt his body and mind betraying him. He wasn’t really sorry. He needed to fuck her. He needed to glide his cock inside what he imagined to be her quivering, velvety pussy, pinning her down and making her nectar splash on his thighs and hers with each thrust as they ride together toward an incestuous orgasm. The image weakened his knees. "Dad, it's okay," she whispered, her voice quivering. "After this, we'll be done and we'll be a family again." Katie meant what she said. She wanted to be a family again, and she was sure everything would be okay again. Yet, the only lingering word that rested in both of their minds was "this." "This" meaning father-daughter sex; "this" meaning Randy shoving his cock deep inside Katie; “this" meaning Randy fucking his own daughter; “this" meaning giving in to their own lust and letting their sexual urges take over. “This" also probably meant keeping it a secret between them and never telling her unsuspecting mother. “This” meant they would never be the same again. "This" was here and had to happen. Katie walked over to the couch and sat down, her eyes on her dad the entire time as she leaned back, waiting for Randy to approach her, knowing that although he was a few feet away from her, soon enough, he would be inside her. Soon enough, she knew, they would cross the threshold, the line drawn in the sand between father and daughter. Soon enough, Katie’s father would fuck her. "Just do it and get it over with, dad," she said, her voice detached as she spread one leg, flexing her knee, while her other leg dropped to the floor, exposing her pussy, still wet and slightly opened, to her father and the stranger. She closed her eyes and waited for "it." She took in a deep breath, expecting the worst emotionally, but also knew sex, no matter whom with, would feel good. For Katie, this would be a rollercoaster ride. For the young student, this would be the duality of good and bad, incest and sex. She sat there, back against the arm rest, waiting for "it." Suddenly, Katie could feel her father’s weight as he knelt down on the couch, his breathing labored as he approached her, letting out a sharp breath. He grabbed her by the hips and pulled her closer to him. Katie didn't want to open her eyes, she didn't want to acknowledge that it was her dad placing his hands on her naked body, his face inches from her now soaking pussy. She didn't want to admit it was incest. Was she turned on? Yes, more than she'd ever been. Blame that on biology, but she also knew it was her dad, and no matter what sociologists said about family being a social construct, it was still wrong. She gasped at his touch as he moved her right knee up closer to her chest. Katie turned her face into the couch, closing her eyes, readying for "it." Then, without any warning, it took her by surprise, as she felt his thick, hot cockhead against her slit, dragged up and down the valley and spreading his heat along her slit before resting at the entrance of her hole. He hadn't entered yet and already, she could feel waves of pleasure as his rubbery cockhead made contact with the insides of her pussy lips. She could feel his pre-cum mixing with hers, and trembled at how hot his cockhead felt as she imagined what it might feel like burning deep inside her, filling her, stroking the insides of her pussy, pushing her to an orgasm. But Randy had other intentions. Rather than pushing deep inside her, after resting the drooling penis in front of her entrance, Randy reached for his shaft and moved it back up, gliding up her slit and resting it on her clit, his hot pre-cum drooling onto it, coaxing it to further push out of its hood. "Hmmm," she moaned as his cockhead touched her clit, and opened her eyes to look at him, kneeling over her, his cock in hand and just inches from the entrance of her pussy. Her own dad was grabbing his cock and tapping it on her clit. His beautiful, thick and round cockhead just half her height’s length away from her mouth, and she felt a desire to take it deep inside her mouth, sucking on it, feeling the lubricant in her throat, the saltiness on her tongue. But first, she needed to cum. Her words, her simple "hmmm," darkened Randy’s mind, as he began to understand that she, too, was enjoying this. Randy reasoned he could not fuck his own daughter at that moment, remembering all the father-daughter moments they'd had; but in this sexual stage, his own thoughts dictated, this moment, too, would be added to the thousands of other father-daughter moments they'd created. My God, what an incredibly horny girl she is, he thought as he began massaging her clit with his cockhead, making her jump and pushing herself deeper down against the couch as if to get away. She hissed at his touch, his cock vibrating thousands of nerves in her clit as her mind went blank, only focusing on the pleasure her father’s thick, drooling cockhead provided. "Oh, my God! Da … " she very softly moaned, still aware that there was a stranger in the room, and that this was incest, yet she wanted more. Katie wanted to cum, and the only person available to make her cum at that moment was her dad. She needed to cum, despite that it was her dad. "What the hell are you doing, put it in her." The impatient man shot a look his way as he tinkered with the camera. "Fuck her," he demanded. "I ... please, I just can't do it," her father said, continuing to rub her clit and occasionally moving his cockhead in between her pussy lips to sweep up her hot, excited juices and making her flinch with each rub, spreading their fluids all over her clit. Though her father knew Katie was sexually turned on, he wanted to wait longer to see what would happen, he wanted to prevent himself from fucking her then and there. He wanted to keep their relationship as was, if only for another five minutes. "Dad ... daddy, just do it, please. Just get it over with." To both her father and the intruder, it sounded more like a plea, a beg to be fucked by her own father, a plea to cum by her father's cock, a request to have her father's cum deep inside her teenage pussy. "Do what?" the man asked with a sly smile, knowing that Katie had fallen in lust, and needed to cum. His mission had been a success. He wanted the young girl to beg to be fucked, and soon enough, he knew, lewd words would fall out of her mouth, and would forever echo in his and her father's ears. "Put it in me... your co … penis in me," Katie stammered, catching herself before she said “cock” instead of “penis.” "Just give him what he wants," she continued, knowing damn well that she only meant to give her what she wanted, and that if the man was going to force them to fuck, that she would want to be fucked right then. Damned if she did, damned if she didn't, she reasoned. If he was going to force them to fuck, she was going to enjoy it, despite the fact that it was her father fucking her. Complying, though still reluctantly, her father dragged his cock downward toward Katie's wet, drooling hole, as her lips parted and, holding his cock at the entrance of her pussy, pushed his thick head against the opening. Although Katie was soaked from anticipation, her pussy slightly parted, the 18-year-old’s tightness resisted his cock’s advances. Yet, just the tip of his cock, nestling against her pussy, sent jolts of pleasure up his spine. Randy needed more. He needed to push his entire cockhead within her, and once that happened, pin his daughter against the couch and fuck her until her body convulsed with pleasure, sending her toward their incestuous finally. Tight, yes, but not impossible to penetrate. He would try again, Randy determined, until his entire cock was within her. Repositioning himself for better leverage, and staring into Katie’s desperate eyes, Randy grunted as he pushed against her pussy once more, using his thumbs to part her smoldering lips before placing his cock against the entrance, his clear, hot pre-cum leaking onto her hole. This time, the tiny hole, already well lubricated and burning with her natural lubricant, yielded to his cock. Feeling his cock pushing her lips apart, Katie groaned, letting out a lung full of air through her mouth, and helped her father’s penetration by pushing against him. The warmth of Katie’s pussy engulfed Randy’s cock as their efforts met, his head expanding her insides before they clamped tightly around his shaft, clinging onto his leaking cockhead, his pre-cum mixing with her own juices, making her entire pussy walls slick with the combination of their nectars. Soon, he hit the bottom of his daughter’s tiny pussy as the rest of his shaft disappeared inside her. Stopping to take a breath, Randy marveled at his daughter’s rolled back eyes, her mouth opened, as if asking to be kissed. This was it. This was a father and daughter fucking. Those words rang in Katie's ears and ran through her body, and to her surprise, it caused goose bumps and waves of pleasure, rather than fear and repulse. "Oh, nice, daddy." Grinning her teeth, Katie wrapped her arms around his neck as his cock filled her tight, teenage space, her pussy expanding to accommodate him. Katie was filled with her father’s own cock. “You’re in.” That fact excited Katie in ways that surprised her. To be filled by her own father, his cock deep inside her pussy was something Katie never expected or thought of. But now that the hard, pulsating cock was inside her, it didn’t matter to Katie that the cock belonged to her father. Pinned to the couch under her father’s weight, Katie drifted again – thousands of miles away, lost in her own thoughts. Start flexing your cock. Move it. Start fucking me. You’re hard for me. I can feel your cock. Now fuck me with it. They remained still, her eyes opening back up and locking themselves into his. The guilt and fear she saw in him had dissipated, replaced with the kind of lust she'd never seen in any man’s eyes, nor felt within herself. Nothing more did she want than to cum, to be fucked so hard her pussy ached. It didn't matter anymore that it was her father. Or, perhaps, the thought came across her mind, it did matter that he was her father. It’s because he is my father that I am so wet. My God, just start fucking me already. Fuck me hard. Randy moved his cock, subtly at first, just fractions of an inch in and out of her, rocking both of their bodies as he felt the entire couch move and her breasts swaying. Her hotness burned his cock. Randy increased his speed, his balls slammed into her, creating sweet, flesh-against-flesh sounds each time he thrust deep inside of her. What began as a scary proposition for them both had culminated in pleasure. His cock was in her pussy. Randy was in Katie. Father was inside his daughter. Randy’s mind spun and fogged at the realization he was inside his own daughter, but it only fueled him to fuck her deeper and faster. Inside their living room where he had watched Katie grow, take her first steps, and grow into the beautiful young woman, the slapping noises and Katie’s increasing yelps of pleasure echoed like staccato gunfire. Each time he thrust himself all the way in, slippery juices from their incestuous fucking splattered on her thighs and stomach and his chest, making their skin glisten from the lights’ reflection. "Oh, fuck,” Katie moaned and pushed back each time he pushed in, knowing that they'd crossed the line, and there would be no turning back. There she was, home from summer vacation, getting fucked by her own father and enjoying it. When she'd left school earlier in June, Katie never imagined she'd get fucked by her own father. Though now, she didn't seem to care, Katie thought to herself, as she spread her legs wider, offering her entire body to her dad. Randy had heard “fuck” come out of Katie’s mouth before, but never in this situation. He had never heard the young girl say, “fuck” in response to sexual pleasure – and what’s more, sexual pleasure that came from him. Fuck. She is enjoying this, too. My daughter is wet and fucking back. She wants this. My own daughter is horny because of me – because of my own cock. "Nhhhh, da …," Katie groaned as his cock hit a sensitive spot, and grabbed onto the couch, meeting her eyes with his. For father and daughter, there were only two in the world as their bodies meshed, his cock deep inside his daughter’s pussy. "Oh, dad, oh, shit," Katie panted through her nostrils, her head rolled back, her body pushing back to meet his thrust as her hands covered her face. A deep itch developed inside her, and thank God he was here, she thought. Thank God her father was here to scratch the itch -- an itch that only her own father’s cock, at that exact moment, can possibly scratch. "More, daddy," she moaned deep from within her throat as he continued to glide in and out. Though the 18-year-old had never been quite vocal during sex, something within her erupted each time her father’s cock slammed deep inside her, his slick cockhead massaging her pussy, bringing out even more of her juices from within her pussy walls. "Oh. My. Gooood,” she enunciated each word softly with every thrust. For the first, Katie accepted that it was her father fucking her, and not giving a damn. To hell with the taboos society imposed. To hell with what sociologist had to say. Dad is fucking me and I want to cum all over his cock. Just as Katie and Randy had developed their rhythm, with his daughter pushing her crotch toward him each time he pushed his cock into her, he pulled out, his cock pulsating and coated with her cum as he stood above her, almost out of breath, staring at her. They looked into each other eyes, and as if able to communicate just by their eyes, Katie stood up to momentarily face him before turning toward the couch, her hands resting on the armrest as she leaned forward. Katie’s bottom, naked and red from being pinned on the couch, stuck out at him and she spread her legs. “Hurry,” Katie begged, almost out of breath as she looked back at him before burying her face against the back of her hands, expecting that her father would know exactly what to do and almost ashamed that she was asking for it – “it” being getting fucked again and harder by her dad. Randy quickly found her pussy again, still wet and smoldering from their previous fucking. Sliding his cock along her slit from behind her, Randy promptly placed his cockhead against her hole. Her pussy, now familiar with his cock, opened up to accept the thick head, before clamping onto his entire shaft. Katie winced as her father pulled her back toward him, gliding his cock deeper into her with a violent thrust. Just like that, they were at it again -- father and daughter were fucking and this time, they began fucking not out of fear or intimidation. His cock was deep inside her and as he began pumping again, her breasts swayed. "Oh, my God …daddy ...fuck..." she moaned as he pumped his cock against her repeatedly, holding on to either side of her hips, feeling his orgasm building and hoping he could wait until she came. As Randy repeatedly slammed his cock into his daughter, pulling out slightly before pushing his hardness back inside her, it didn't matter to Katie that it was her father fucking her. In fact, she wanted it. She no longer loved it because it felt good despite the fact that her father was fucking her. She loved it because it felt good, and because her father was fucking her. Incest. The oldest, most socially taboo sin in society and she'd given into it. She’d reluctantly given in because she had to. But it didn't matter any longer because this was incest, and she was enjoying it. At 18, Katie was enjoying fucking not for sheer fucking; she was enjoying fucking because it was incest fucking. She needed to cum because it was, Katie realized as she saw their reflections in the mirror, her own father fucking her from behind. "Oh, my God, ...fuck" Words she’d never uttered escaped her lips, still reluctant and embarrassed that she was enjoying the lewdness of the situation. The words would add to that. Katie wanted to say more. She wanted to scream the words. Words she never even thought of all the sudden were on her mind and needed to come out as her dad pushed his cock deeper and deeper inside, and taking it back out and thrusting back in harder each time. She needed to say it because the words were already ringing in her own mind. Oh, God, daddy. Fuck me. Fuck your own daughter. Make me cum. Katie tried to hold on, she tried to wait until it was all over, until he'd came deep inside and she was alone to say those words to herself and relive what her father did to her, as to maintain a modicum of self-respect. She did try to hold on. Oh, she did. But as Randy’s cock slammed into her and his hand reached around to squeeze her tits while their bodies crashed against each other, the 18-year-old felt a jolt of pleasure and gave in. "Oh, ugh, fuck me, daddy. Fuck me, more!" she let loose, emphasizing each word and begged with every thrust. Goosebumps popped up all over her arms and chest as the young girl was surprised at her own words and turned on at the same time. Randy, hearing those lewd words for the first time, lost control, groaned and slammed harder into his daughter. Grunting with each thrust and feeling his balls boiling, readying to shoot his hot cum deep inside her, Randy slowed down to almost a stop. Slouching forward to hold her entire body, his cock still buried inside her, Randy sucked on his daughter’s right ear before whispering, letting his humid breath penetrate her ear. "Tell me what you want, Katie." “You know what I want. Please” She let out a desperate grunt, knowing her father had caught on to how much she wanted it. Yet, it was one thing to let those words loose while he was fucking her and another to beg for it now that he had stopped fucking her. Her mind still raced. Why did you stop fucking me? I was so close, she thought. Put it back in. Make me cum. “Then tell me, Katie. Tell daddy what you want,” Randy whispered as he stopped fucking her entirely. His face leaned against hers, his cock still buried deep inside. He needed to hear her say it again. "I … I want your … cock. Fuck me hard. Fuck your … little … girl’s pussy. Make me cum." She was delirious. She was begging and no longer ashamed of it. Katie needed her father’s cock. As he heard the words, Randy groaned and began pumping again, pulling Katie’s entire back onto his cock as she yelped, her breathing labored with each thrust. “Oh, yeah. Right there. Fuck me more, daddy. Fuck me … fuck me.” With her father’s cock lodged in her and fucking her toward an orgasm she’d never felt before, Katie let go and gave in to all the incestuous lust she'd denied herself. Katie needed to cum and the only person she wanted to help her cum was her own father. Then, there were stars. Katie felt the intensity build up deep inside her, as her tits became heavier, her pussy pulsated and leaked hot juices against her father’s cock and felt her body tense at the images in the mirror – her father’s eyes intense with lust as he slammed his cock into her. As the itch continued to rise and the speed at which her father fucked her increased, Katie inched closer to her orgasm. Sudden, it exploded. She felt her whole body tighten, and pushed back hard into her father's thrusting cock. Her whole body cramped, and she exploded, shuddering as she came, her cunt hole tightening around his cock. "Oh, shit. Cumming … daddy," she screamed as her muscles contracted, her cunt vibrated and at that exact moment, between her yelps and moans and delirious incestuous moans, Randy’s cock gave in to the undulating movements inside his daughter’s pussy, as it twitched and his balls tightened, and his temples filled of blood as he momentarily only saw darkness. Pulling her in and slamming his cock into her, Randy felt the gallons of cum deep inside him shooting into his daughter, coating her pussy walls with his thick, sticky cum. With each squirt, he pulled her against his body, as he shot inside his daughter, feeling his cum dripping back down against him. Her father’s hot cum was what did it for Katie as she grinded her pussy to meet his thrust, feeling the jets of searing hot cum exploding inside her. Letting out a groan, her body went limp, her chest flushed as her muscles tensed and she exploded, her pussy squeezing against his cock as she exhaled, waves of orgasmic pleasure hitting her, and like a slingshot rollercoaster ride, time and again shooting her up high at the point of orgasmic ecstasy before sending her crashing back down before shooting her up high again. Then, it was over. The highs of fucking his own daughter ended as Randy pulled out, leaving behind a trail of his own gooey cum, slowly dripping out of Katie’s red, shiny pussy. Gone were the echoes of her yelps and the slapping of flesh. Gone was the unquenchable lust both father and daughter needed to satisfy. Gone, too, was the relationship they’d had. Together, they fell onto the couch and lean against each other's sweaty body, out of breath and out of things to say to each other. For a second, father and daughter embraced, taking in their breaths and staring at the ceiling, confronted with the reality of what had just taken place. With only their quiet, peaceful breathing audible, Katie realized the man had left. Beginning to deconstruct what had happened, Katie reasoned that it had to happen either way, whether she liked it or not, whether she wanted it or not, and that there would be no regret. The fact still remained that she liked it – that they liked it. Once she caught her breath, she would wash her father’s cum off her, they would air the room to hide their incestuous fucking from her mother. She would make lunch, they would talk about it and, she hoped, they would move on with their lives. |
“Shit!” muttered Jack as he realised he’d left his chemistry homework on the breakfast bar where he had been gulping down his OJ just before leaving for school. This wasn’t something Jack normally did. He was a smart kid, liked by all the teachers and most of the other kids in school (although obviously there are always exceptions). He had just turned 14 and was starting to notice those changes that happen when boys get to that age. His voice had broke, he had downy hair around his cock and balls and he’d recently started jerking off. The first time he did he was thinking about his chemistry teacher, Miss Brookes. In his fantasy she was sat up on her desk in class with her panties off, legs pulled back and her juicy wet clean shaven pussy wide open. Jack was pounding into her hot steaming hole with his hard cock and Miss Brookes was in ecstasy. “Fuck me Jack, oh fuck meeeee. Shove your big hard cock up into Miss Brookes’s hot pussy. Oh God Jack, I love your hot young cock” In his mind he ripped off her white almost see through blouse, and in his bedroom he got excited and a little scared as he felt that first (of very many) tensing of the body, the impending explosion of cum that would be an ever present in the many years to come. As he pulled back hard on his young cock, he stiffened and watched in amazement as rope after rope of hot cum shot out of his open pisshole. The first shot dragged along his chin and onto his cheek, the second shot, even further over his head onto the headboard of his bed. Soon his chest and tummy were covered in thick warm rivers of cum. Jack tentatively tasted the creamy substance on his cheek, dipping his finger in the pool, and finding that its taste wasn’t unpleasant at all, started to clean himself up, drinking all his hot cum down. Jack had no choice. He had to get home and get his homework before chemistry class began. Fortunately, Jack had a free period before chem. And the walk home was only 15 minutes. He’d be back in plenty of time. On the way home, Jack thought about what Miss Brookes would do if he forgot his homework. Would she keep me back after class? Would she strip off seductively? Would she turn round and push her ass and pussy into my face forcing me to eat her? No thought Jack, she’d just give me extra lots of homework and be severely disappointed in me. And he couldn’t have that. Not from Miss Brookes. Jack reached his front door before he even realised he was there. He unlocked the door and strode into the house. Almost immediately he was greeted by noises upstairs. He was about to shout out but as he opened his mouth he was sure he heard his sister Melissa saying “Oh God yes daddy!” in a voice that didn’t imply she was opening a new present from her father. Jack’s heart went into his mouth, still open. He crept silently up the stairs, avoiding the 4th step that everyone knew creaked and moved stealthily to his sister’s bedroom where the sounds were coming from. As Jack climbed the stairs and traversed the landing he could hear his sister’s voice “Fuck my cunt daddy, fuck your little girl slut’s cunt please daddy!” and “I need your hot cum in my nasty fuckhole!” He also heard the lower gruffer voice of his dad. “You like daddy’s big fat cock don’t you slut!” and “I’m gonna flood your cunt with my hot fucking cum”. Jack was stunned. He couldn’t believe that his dad was fucking his 12 year old sister. Thoughts raced through his head. Did mom know? Did she join in? Did she want to fuck Jack? Why hasn’t she? Jack crept up to the door making sure he stayed hidden. It was slightly ajar, and as he peered ever so slowly round he could make out the hulking frame of his father, 6’ 2” and 200lbs, pounding his hard cock that looked like a baseball bat to Jack, into his sister’s pussy. The foot of the bed, on which Melissa was getting fucked, faced the door so Jack could see his father’s cock and balls and his hot asshole as he rammed into his sisters hole. Melissa had her legs pulled right back, spreading her pussy and asshole for her father above her. He could see her juices flooding out around her father’s cock and he could see his mom, naked kneeling by the side of the bed and sucking on Melissa’s puffy pink nipples. “Oh my God!” thought Jack, “Mom too!” Jack’s cock was straining inside his pants, throbbing and leaking precum into his shorts. He reached down and grasped his shaft through the material pulling it back and forth. As he looked in the room, he saw his mom now kissing Melissa hard on the mouth, lips open, tongues exploring. Jack could never have imagined a more erotic sight. Then his mom, who had looked after him when he was ill, who made his dinner and kept the house tidy, who helped him with his homework, moved round to the foot of the bed and started to lick at her dad’s balls and asshole. “Keep still Cal, push your cock into our little slut and keep it there so I can bury my tongue in your shithole.” Cal did as he was told and grunted as he grinded into Melissa’s young hairless soaked cunt. Melissa grunted and almost shouted at her mom “Get your tongue in daddy’s asshole mom! Lick up all his ass juice. Oh fuck daddy your cock is so hard in my cunt.” She was obviously in absolute heaven and Jack was having a hard time not cumming in his pants as he watched the scene unfold. His mom, licked all around Cal’s asshole then spreading her husband’s cheeks she pushed her tongue in as far as it would go. She tongue fucked his ass, in and out, in and out, moaning and squirming all the while. Her husband grinded his hard turgid cock into his 12 year old daughter’s sucking grasping cunt, doing as his wife had asked and not moving too much. “Push your tongue in my ass baby, lick up all my hot shit.” Jack’s mom was like a woman possessed trying to push her face into her husband’s ass, thrashing her head from side to side and eating as much of his ass as she possibly could. Cal was getting so hot that he started to buck into his daughter’s cunt again. Her soft stifled groans, started to get louder as he started to fuck earnestly in and out of her swollen cunt. Jack watched on, transfixed, his hand inside his pants now, rubbing his cock with as much freedom as the restricted area allowed. Then his mom turned and winked at him. |
“Shit!” muttered Jack as he realised he’d left his chemistry homework on the breakfast bar where he had been gulping down his OJ just before leaving for school. This wasn’t something Jack normally did. He was a smart kid, liked by all the teachers and most of the other kids in school (although obviously there are always exceptions). He had just turned 14 and was starting to notice those changes that happen when boys get to that age. His voice had broke, he had downy hair around his cock and balls and he’d recently started jerking off. The first time he did he was thinking about his chemistry teacher, Miss Brookes. In his fantasy she was sat up on her desk in class with her panties off, legs pulled back and her juicy wet clean shaven pussy wide open. Jack was pounding into her hot steaming hole with his hard cock and Miss Brookes was in ecstasy. “Fuck me Jack, oh fuck meeeee. Shove your big hard cock up into Miss Brookes’s hot pussy. Oh God Jack, I love your hot young cock” In his mind he ripped off her white almost see through blouse, and in his bedroom he got excited and a little scared as he felt that first (of very many) tensing of the body, the impending explosion of cum that would be an ever present in the many years to come. As he pulled back hard on his young cock, he stiffened and watched in amazement as rope after rope of hot cum shot out of his open pisshole. The first shot dragged along his chin and onto his cheek, the second shot, even further over his head onto the headboard of his bed. Soon his chest and tummy were covered in thick warm rivers of cum. Jack tentatively tasted the creamy substance on his cheek, dipping his finger in the pool, and finding that its taste wasn’t unpleasant at all, started to clean himself up, drinking all his hot cum down. Jack had no choice. He had to get home and get his homework before chemistry class began. Fortunately, Jack had a free period before chem. And the walk home was only 15 minutes. He’d be back in plenty of time. On the way home, Jack thought about what Miss Brookes would do if he forgot his homework. Would she keep me back after class? Would she strip off seductively? Would she turn round and push her ass and pussy into my face forcing me to eat her? No thought Jack, she’d just give me extra lots of homework and be severely disappointed in me. And he couldn’t have that. Not from Miss Brookes. Jack reached his front door before he even realised he was there. He unlocked the door and strode into the house. Almost immediately he was greeted by noises upstairs. He was about to shout out but as he opened his mouth he was sure he heard his sister Melissa saying “Oh God yes daddy!” in a voice that didn’t imply she was opening a new present from her father. Jack’s heart went into his mouth, still open. He crept silently up the stairs, avoiding the 4th step that everyone knew creaked and moved stealthily to his sister’s bedroom where the sounds were coming from. As Jack climbed the stairs and traversed the landing he could hear his sister’s voice “Fuck my cunt daddy, fuck your little girl slut’s cunt please daddy!” and “I need your hot cum in my nasty fuckhole!” He also heard the lower gruffer voice of his dad. “You like daddy’s big fat cock don’t you slut!” and “I’m gonna flood your cunt with my hot fucking cum”. Jack was stunned. He couldn’t believe that his dad was fucking his 12 year old sister. Thoughts raced through his head. Did mom know? Did she join in? Did she want to fuck Jack? Why hasn’t she? Jack crept up to the door making sure he stayed hidden. It was slightly ajar, and as he peered ever so slowly round he could make out the hulking frame of his father, 6’ 2” and 200lbs, pounding his hard cock that looked like a baseball bat to Jack, into his sister’s pussy. The foot of the bed, on which Melissa was getting fucked, faced the door so Jack could see his father’s cock and balls and his hot asshole as he rammed into his sisters hole. Melissa had her legs pulled right back, spreading her pussy and asshole for her father above her. He could see her juices flooding out around her father’s cock and he could see his mom, naked kneeling by the side of the bed and sucking on Melissa’s puffy pink nipples. “Oh my God!” thought Jack, “Mom too!” Jack’s cock was straining inside his pants, throbbing and leaking precum into his shorts. He reached down and grasped his shaft through the material pulling it back and forth. As he looked in the room, he saw his mom now kissing Melissa hard on the mouth, lips open, tongues exploring. Jack could never have imagined a more erotic sight. Then his mom, who had looked after him when he was ill, who made his dinner and kept the house tidy, who helped him with his homework, moved round to the foot of the bed and started to lick at her dad’s balls and asshole. “Keep still Cal, push your cock into our little slut and keep it there so I can bury my tongue in your shithole.” Cal did as he was told and grunted as he grinded into Melissa’s young hairless soaked cunt. Melissa grunted and almost shouted at her mom “Get your tongue in daddy’s asshole mom! Lick up all his ass juice. Oh fuck daddy your cock is so hard in my cunt.” She was obviously in absolute heaven and Jack was having a hard time not cumming in his pants as he watched the scene unfold. His mom, licked all around Cal’s asshole then spreading her husband’s cheeks she pushed her tongue in as far as it would go. She tongue fucked his ass, in and out, in and out, moaning and squirming all the while. Her husband grinded his hard turgid cock into his 12 year old daughter’s sucking grasping cunt, doing as his wife had asked and not moving too much. “Push your tongue in my ass baby, lick up all my hot shit.” Jack’s mom was like a woman possessed trying to push her face into her husband’s ass, thrashing her head from side to side and eating as much of his ass as she possibly could. Cal was getting so hot that he started to buck into his daughter’s cunt again. Her soft stifled groans, started to get louder as he started to fuck earnestly in and out of her swollen cunt. Jack watched on, transfixed, his hand inside his pants now, rubbing his cock with as much freedom as the restricted area allowed. Then his mom turned and winked at him. |
"I don't need a babysitter mom" Devon whined. Mrs. Wilson was fastening her necklace at the door trying to step into her shoes at the same time. "She's not for you, she's for Kate, now go get your dad, we're going to be late." "But I'm old enough to watch her myself." Devon hated being treated like a child. He was almost thirteen, he could watch her. She was already asleep anyway. Plus all Mrs. Davis did was crochet and watch TV on the couch. "Enough Devon." his mom snapped. "Go get dad, Jenny will be here any minute." Jenny. Jenny was coming over. Devon walked up to his room, completely forgetting to talk to his dad. He lay back on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He pushed his brown hair out of his face. "Devon." his mom called. "Devon!" He shook his head. "What?" His mom was at his door. Shit. He hoped she couldn't see his boner. "Jenny is going to be late but we have to leave right now or we'll miss our reservation. Will you be okay alone with Kate for half an hour until she gets here?" Devon smiled. "I thought I was too young to watch Kate." "Don't be a smartass." she said turning her back to leave. "Call us if any happens." "Okay Mom." "Bye. Love you." his parents shouted from the hall. He heard the door slam. Sweet. Devon couldn't believe that Jenny was coming over. Jenny was so hot. He would see her walking to school in the morning, her round boobs and ass bouncing as she walked. She had perfect blond hair and smooth skin. Sometimes he could see her nipples through her shirt... His penis was so stiff that his shorts were making a sharp tent. He sat up, about to go close the door but remembered that his parents were gone. Sweet. Devon pulled his t-shirt over his head. His arms and chest were still small but at least he was starting to get a bit of armpit hair. He grazed his hand across his chest, feeling little electric shocks as he went over his nipples. He tugged his shorts down so his prick popped out. It was getting longer and thicker. It was probably 4 and a half inches now. He gripped it with his hand, thinking about Jenny, and started jacking slow. He looked at his hand, pretending it was hers. Jenny. Jenny. He thought about her tits and her nipples poking through her shirt. His butt started clenching. He grabbed his t-shirt and pillow, laying them out on the bed. He kneeled down in front of it and closed his eyes. Jenny was in front of him wit her legs spread. He lay down on top of the pillow and started pumping his little ass into it, his dick rubbing against the soft cotton of his shirt. He was breathing hard now, fucking the pillow fast. "Oh god" he gasped, his body tensing as he came into the t-shirt. He lay collapsed on the bed for a few minutes feeling warm like he always did after masturbating. He looked at the clock. Jenny would be there in 15 minutes. ---------------------------------- "Hello?" Devon's heart thumped against his chest. Jenny was here. "Hi" he squeaked out. Jenny's shadow eclipsed the door frame. She was wearing shorts and sandals, her brown legs were soft and smooth. Her red tanktop clung to her belly and chest. A small curve of cleavage showed. Jenny had bigger boobs than anyone in Devon's school. They looked like a perfect handful each, about the size of an orange. He couldn't wait to get to high school. "It's Devon right?" Jenny sat down next to him. She put down her backpack and pulled out a text book. MATH 10 it said. "Yeah. And you're Jenny." She looked up and smiled at him. Her eyes scanned his body. His stomach tightened. He was told he was good looking. The girls in his class giggled and sent him coy folded notes. He was tall for his age, as tall as Jenny at least and had blue eyes and freckles. He shook his hair over his eyes. Jenny turned her gaze back to her book. "Ugh, I have so much homework" she said. "That sucks." Devon replied. He searched his mind for something to say. "Want a coke or something?" Jenny smiled. "Sure. Thanks. I'll go check on Kate while you get them." Devon went into the kitchen. In the fridge he saw some chocolate sauce next to the cokes. Ice cream seemed like a good idea. He fixed two bowls and carried them out with the cokes in his pockets. Jenny wasn't back yet. He sat down and laid the spread out on the coffee table. "Awesome, ice cream." Jenny sat down next to him again. This time closer, her thigh pressing into his leg a little. As they ate their ice cream, Devon tried hard to make his boner go down. The cold ice cream bowl helped a little but he could feel her leg against his. "Thanks for the ice cream, you're sweet." she said and put her bowl on the coffee table. She was looking at him again. His empty bowl was on his lap but his dick was still stiff. She was looking at the bowl. He needed to keep it there. He stuck his finger into the chocolatey syrup left on the bottom of the bowl. It was sweet. He scooped up another glob. Jenny leaned over and licked it off his finger! The hot wetness of her tongue sent a jolt through his body right to his dick. Jenny laughed lightly. "That's good" she said. Devon was stunned. "Uhh want some more?" He scooped up the rest of the sugary goo. This time Jenny took his whole finger in her mouth and sucked it clean. Devon's eyes rolled back in his head. The ice cream bowl clattered onto the floor. His dick was harder than he'd ever felt it before. Jenny looked straight at it and giggled. "I guess you like that?" she said. Devon could only nod. Jenny traced his cheek with her finger then started playing with his hair. "You're really cute you know?" She said. She was looking mischievous. She moved closer. Devon could feel her breast against his shoulder. "Do you think I'm cute?" she said. When she spoke, he could feel her breath on his lips. "Yeah." He sighed. "Do you like to kiss?" Devon nodded his head. He closed his eyes and felt Jenny's wet lips against his. Her tongue rolled into his mouth and around his. He had kissed a few girls at school before. Dry pecks. not even touching. He was disappointed by kissing. Not anymore. The more they kissed, the closer Jenny got to Devon. He sucked her lips and her tongue, whimpering at how good it felt. Jenny took his hand again. This time she slid it up her shirt. He felt the soft skin of her breast, her nipple was hard and a lot bigger than his. It felt so good. His eyes rolled back in his head. He rubbed her tit and her nipple. Her breath was getting fast like his. She threw her leg over him and was onto of his lap, straddling him. His dick felt like it was going to explode, he could feel the heat of her pussy with it. He found her other boob with his hand, Jenny was rocking slowly on his lap, kissing him forcefully, nipping at his lips and tongue a little. The movements of her body were rubbing his dick. He felt like his was going to come fast if this continued. He groaned and felt his body tense. Jenny stopped rocking. She kept kissing him though. His dick still felt amazing but he wasn't about to come anymore. Jenny leaned back on his lap. She pulled off her tanktop revealing her beautiful tits. Devon starting sucking her nipples. Jenny moaned. He sucked harder. Jenny started rubbed herself on his dick again. "Ohh god" Devon said. Jenny pulled off his shirt too and slid between his legs. Everything stopped as she stared up at him. She was on her knees between his legs. Devon's head swam. Jenny looked at his dick and them looked into his eyes. She slowly undid his zipper. His cock was straining against it. He lifted his bum off the couch as she tugged his pants and underwear down. Devon almost felt embarrassed. He had never been naked and hard in front of a girl before. His dick was still growing and he only had a bit off fuzz down there. He stopped feeling embarrassed when he saw the look Jenny was giving him. She leaned forward and licked the tip. She giggled but also seemed very serious. Devon's body felt like it was being zapped electric with each little lick she gave his prick. His heart was pounding. Jenny bit her lip and stared at his dick for a minute, then gently she put her lips around it and slowly took it into his mouth. Devon had never felt anything so good in his life. Jenny's mouth was warm and wet and soft. She started bobbing her head, sucking his dick. Devon's whole body tingled watching her. "Ohhh oooh god" he moaned. Jenny went faster. "Oooh god, oh fuck" he said. He couldn't keep his eyes open. He pushed his head back into the pillow and dug his fingers into the couch. "oh my god oh my god i'm gonna come" His body started bucking as he came hard into Jenny's mouth. She sucked him and sucked him until he was still. Devon felt like he couldn't open his eyes. He had never had an orgasm like that before. Suddenly he felt Jenny's mouth at his ear. "That was fun" she said. "Now I got to go check on the baby." As she was leaving the room, she turned around and said "I think I'll come back next weekend too." |
The Caravan Chapter 1 Mrs Watkins My name is Tom and my sister is called Laura. I am 18 years of age and she is now 19. My sister Laura and I had always had a special relationship ever since we were 11 and 12. One day whilst in my room I had been jerking my boy penis and the sounds must have reached into her room I suddenly felt a draught on my ass I turned and there was Laura in the doorway. “Oh shit” I exclaimed and started to replace my shorts and pants “What ya doin?” she asked with a sly grin on her face. “Nuthin” I croaked my voice having gone a bit raspy due to the attentions I was doing to myself. “Didn’t seem Nuthin” she laughed I was standing there trying to replace my cock in my trousers while she was giving me 20 questions. Then out of the blue she asked “Can I watch ya doin nuthin?” she laughed louder. “Weel I dunno” I stammered we are brother and sister. “I seen cock before” Laura replied “And one or two of the boys have let me feel it for them” My mind was racing I desperately wanted a wank but my sister would not leave me alone. In the end I asked her what she meant. Quick as a flash she moved over and grabbed my boy pecker and started jiggling it in her hand. “Mmmmm! Aggghhhhh!” I gasped. “You like this?” “You bet” “Want me to stop?” “Noooo” I managed a groan “Carry on please”. The feel of my sister’s clammy hand on my pecker was just enough to bring a little bit of precum onto my penis. I was happy at what she was doing and I never wanted this to end. As soon as she saw my precum my sister suddenly got down on the floor in front of me and taking my penis placed her lips around it. “God Sis!” I exclaimed this is brilliant. The sucking and slurping noises she was making soon had me cumming and she gripped my rod even harder. Not letting up she drained all of my cum into her pretty mouth and swallowed my whole load. I was in heaven this was the first time a girl had ever done anything like this with me and it had to be my sister. Getting up she wiped her mouth on her dress and asked me “Well Bro how was that” “Fantastic” I replied “Bloody fantastic “OK” she replied now it’s my turn “What?” I followed her gaze as she asked me to kneel in front of her, as I did so she raised her skirt and I got my first view of my sister’s blue panties. This unreal state was followed by her next command. “Pull down my panties?” she ordered. I was so in the zone that I complied without hesitation and soon had my first glimpse of my sister Laura’s bald pussy. “Now put your finger in” she commanded I did as requested at first rather gingerly I was afraid of hurting her. When I saw that she was enjoying the sensation I plucked up courage. Here goes I thought to myself and I wanted to know how far I could actually insert my finger. As I pushed deeper my sister’s moans become more intense and I was afraid my parents would hear us. “Uggggh Mmmmmm Arrrrrr” she panted “YES YES YES” I continued my job willingly watching my sister squirm on the end of my finger. This continued for what seemed like hours but was actually only a few minutes until she said “That was nice Bro you have such wonderful fingers” “Thanks’ sis “, anytime. “You mean that” she enquired. “Sure why not long as you do what you did to me as well” With that she pulled up her panties and I stood up. As we stood there taking in what had just happened she kissed me on the lips. This wasn’t a sister kiss this was something else, her tongue thrust into my mouth and we stayed like that for a few moments. The bubble was broken when we heard Mother shouting from the bottom of the stairs. “You two OK up there?” she asked. We shouted down in unison that we were fine. Mother took this as satisfactory before informing us that we should get washed and be down for dinner in 5 minutes. As we washed in the bathroom we were a little conscious of what we had just done and an eerie silence befell us both as we prepared for dinner. Dinner never was a time for talking as Father had always reminded us. We sat in silence gazing at each other and hardly daring to look each other in the eye. Mother noticed our reluctance to make eye contact and remarked upon it. It was my sister that assured her all was well. Dinner over we settled into the family routine of telling how our days had been. Father it seemed had found a new lead for his agricultural supplies business and mother went on about her sewing circle. The conversation turned to us kids. I told mother about my school day and how I had been chosen to recite a story for the class next week as I was the best reader. Mother was enthralled for me and then turned her attention to Laura. Laura explained her day culminating in the fact she was going to learn to dance her teacher had chosen a few boys and girls to represent the school and she was to take part. The best 3 couples would take part in regional competitions as well as National if they got through the heats. This made mother smile even more we all knew before she married dad she was a professional dancer and my father was once just another admirer in her audience. Small talk over it was time to watch television until Mother finally raised her from the sofa and told us it was time for bed. Looking up at the clock both me and Laura groaned in unison as the clock did indeed say 9pm. Laura as usual went over to father and gave him a peck on the cheek and as she did so I noticed for the first time that my father had his hand a little on her butt. I think mother noticed it to but she just looked at them and smiled. I gave mother a peck on the cheek and we left the room to ascend the stairs. I went into my bedroom saying goodnight to Laura and started to remove my clothes and I got into my pyjamas. I struggled to sleep thinking of what had transpired earlier between me and Laura. I wanted to do it again and those thoughts brought my hand to my penis which I had noticed had started to swell against my pyjama bottoms. The strain was too much so I deftly removed them and started to play with my member. It was not my hand stroking my penis it was Laura’s I imagined her taking my penis and circling her hands around it as I stroked. Eventually I brought myself off and drifted off to sleep. I was awakened by a hand on my penis. As I stirred I could through misty eyes see my sister in my room and she was stroking my cock. “Do you always sleep with no bottoms on” she giggled. “Err no” I replied I was playing with myself and fell asleep “Did you think of me while doin it?” “Errrm Yes” I was breathing heavy as my sister continued her stroking “Good” she answered I started to wonder what our parent’s would think if they came upstairs now and caught us. Just as these thoughts were going through my mind I glanced at the clock and it said 1am. “Shhhhhh” My sister was saying “Mustn’t wake mom and dad. After a few minutes I was on the verge of cumming once more Laura must have sensed this as she casually placed her mouth over my penis and as she did so I let out a load of my cum into her mouth. I hadn’t noticed till now all the while she was doing this she had one hand under her nightgown and was playing with her pussy. She finished me off by licking my penis clean so there was no trace of any of my cum. “Mmmmm Yummy!” she squealed as she cleaned me up. Wider awake now I looked at Laura and saw how beautiful my sister really was she was elfin is stature with no bosoms and her flat chest was visible through her sheer nightgown. I looked at this vision that was my sister thinking how lucky could any guy get. I didn’t have to go asking girls for sex here was a willing partner right in front of me. To say the least I was uncomfortable around girls. I had a feel of one a while back but she did not like it threatened to tell her parent’s and from that point on I just avoided girls. I instinctively knew what was now required of me as Laura raided her nightdress over her head and flung it on my bedroom floor. Standing she removed her panties and lay down on my bed and opened her legs wide so I could seen all her charms. I knelt to play but she gently tapped me and ordered me to remove my top half. So there we were brother and sister totally naked and she was lying prostrate on her back legs wide open on my bed. I made my move placing a finger inside her little cunny and wiggled it about. This brought a cheery smile from Laura who thrust her buttocks forward so as to engulf more of my finger. As she writhed and pushed she whispered words foreign to me telling me she loved me and how good I was. This encouraged me to thrust harder and deeper until she let out a yelp. Suddenly remembering her situation she quickly silenced herself. We both imagined what would happen if one of our parent’s were to walk in now and see my sister lying on my bed with me fingering her bald pussy. For a second or two we both stopped and listened in case there were any footsteps heading our way. Satisfied that there was not to be we continued our play. “Mmmmmm Ooooooh Agggggghhh” she moaned “Faster bro push it in faster”. I dutifully complied with Laura’s wishes and soon had her shivering from head to toe then I noticed some fluids coming out of her pussy and I asked what that was. “Well ya known when you get your white stuff your cum” she started “That is what women get it is our fluid our cum” Made sense to me I thought and I instinctively put her stick juices that were now on my fingers under my nose and had a sniff. Smells nice I said. “Taste it” she replied I was unsure at first but she said she had tasted mine fair was fair I tasted hers. I put my fingers onto my lips slowly at first unsure what to expect. As the taste was quite enjoyable I licked the rest of my fingers. “Now down there” she commanded. “Eh what” I stammered. “Go on Lick it all clean like I did to you” Here goes nothing I thought and lowered my head to be on the same level as her pussy. It had the same aroma as I had sniffed from my fingers and I tentatively stuck out my tongue and began to lick. “Hmmmm Yummmmy” I told her I was enjoying my first taste of a female cunny. As I licked she grabbed the back of my head and forced me closer to her cunny at times I could hardly breathe but I continued as she let go. After I had cleaned all her juice I sat up on the bed and allowed Laura to do the same. We were both shattered after our exploit and we kissed each other goodnight and she grabbed her nightie and panties and crept back to her room. It did not take me long to fall asleep but I did not put my pyjamas on I just crawled into bed and pulled over the covers. The morning soon came round and I needed a pee as I reached the bathroom door I heard a noise coming from inside and as the place was occupied I went back to my room to await the footsteps leaving the bathroom. The footsteps came in time for me to stop bursting and as I launched my pee into the bowl I let out a great gasp. All of a sudden I heard a giggle behind me in my rush I had forgotten to close the door and my sister still naked stood behind me. “Fuck sis” I shouted “How long you been there” “Long enough to see you pee” She giggled. “Finished now all yours” I replied “Wanna watch me pee” she enquired “OH god can I?” “Be quiet though” she replied Father is already up I heard him in the bathroom earlier. Laura raised herself above the toilet seat and as she peed I could see her amber liquid trickling into the bowl. Just as she finished we were suddenly aware we were not alone. “Mother” Yelled Laura Mother was standing right behind me while I was watching my sister pee. I just knew this was trouble. Not only that we were both naked. As Mother looked first at me and then at Laura she had a very serious expression on her face. “What are you two doing?” she enquired “Nuthin mom” replied Laura “Tom was just watching me pee”. I could not believe Laura had said it out in front of mother just so matter of fact. Mother was not as shocked as I thought she would be and she came into the room and shut the door behind her. Mother then related a tale about what she and her brother and two sisters used to do at our age. Me and Laura stood there moths wide open as mother told us. “I heard you two this morning” she said This shocked both of us but before we could even reply mother went on to tell us it is alright for siblings to experiment on each other as long as no one gets hurt. “So” she continued “How long this been going on” We both confessed that last night was the first time. Mother stated that she wished her mother or father had taken the time to teach them about sex and that father and she had often wondered how they were to broach the subject with us. But as mother explained it seems we had already made a start and so it was now time for our lessons to continue. We both shrugged at her but mother merely told us to get ready for school and she would make arrangements. No more was said because as I previously stated the table was not a place to talk. Afterward we were in the business of getting ready for school and so no one had the time anyway. Mother busied herself in the kitchen as was her way and father kissed her on the cheek as he left for work. Mother just wished us a good day at school and we left to catch the bus. We travel on separate busses because Laura has a different school to me as she is quote ‘gifted’ and has a scholarship. School that day was a haze all I could think about was Laura and what we had started and mother finding us naked in the bathroom. I began to worry about what mother had said about continuing our lesson and school work became hard. I messed up on a test that I would have normally passed with flying colours. My teacher Mrs. Watkins was surprised when she handed me the grade. Asking me was I unwell and assuring her I wasn’t she accepted but still had a look of disappointment on her face that I had screwed up. Finally the school bell went and I was free to go home. Until Mrs Watkins asked me to stay behind to discuss my work. I explained I would miss my bus but she assured me she would give me a lift home as she wanted to speak to my parents. After reviewing my paper and again assuring herself I was not sickening for something we final walked over to Mrs. Watkins car. I felt a complete idiot sitting in my teacher’s car some of the other students watching as I squirmed in my discomfort. Mrs. Watkins noticed and tried to comfort me my turning towards me as she did so I caught a glimpse of her legs. Embarrassed I turned away but I had been spotted. “So you little pervert you like looking at my legs do you?” I made no remark I was scared to yes I enjoyed what I saw did that make me a pervert for looking at a leg. How do I answer yes would have got me in trouble and no would have been a lie and as I was taught if you cannot tell a truth say nothing. I smiled at her and she seemed to let the matter drop. Starting the car she backed out of the lot and we started for my house. On the way we made small talk about how was I doing since my sister Laura got her scholarship? I replied that I was happy for her and that I was not jealous which was true. It was at this point I noticed that on occasions she would look down at my crotch. Shifting in my seat I could also now see she had revealed more leg. Then suddenly she took a little drive off the beaten path and I assured her we were in the wrong direction. Mrs. Watkins seemed to ignore my ramblings and continued on her drive. Suddenly she stopped the car and just sat there. “So I was right you do like my legs little pervert” she laughed “and as she did so she started unbuttoning the top of her blouse. “Mrs. Watkins” I started to say but I could not take my eyes of her cleavage as her breasts came into view through her bra “You like these too” she commented “Well get closer boy they won’t bite you” She grabbed my head and pulled me towards her and I sank into her breasts. They were so warm and wonderful I could have stayed there all day. Suddenly she released me and seemed all flustered. “I am sorry” she started to say then started sobbing “It is OK Mrs. Watkins” I tried to assure her when all the time I was confused myself. My teacher had made a pass at me and was now regretting it “Please” she begged “Do not tell anyone I could get the sack and as my husband has left me I need the job and the money” I assured her I would not tell and she calmed down. Feeling braver I even ventured to her that I liked it. She took stock from this and without warning her hand was on my crotch. I let her open my flies and remove my penis. Immediately her eyes glazed over and she started to massage me gently. “You sure you want me to continue?” she asked gently “Sure” I replied go ahead “This is just between us she murmured it must go no further” “Fine Mrs. Watkins” I replied I promise I will not tell anyone “Good boy” she replied continuing all the while to stroke me “And call me Mrs. Watkins in class but we are quite alone call me Kate” “Yes Kate” I replied very well “Now remove your trousers for me so I can get at your cock better” I removed my trousers and shorts with Kate’s help and soon she was busying herself sucking on my penis for all she was worth. After a few moments I could feel the swell in my penis and was about to warn her when I exploded. Most went down her throat but some dribbled out the corner of her mouth and onto her blouse. “Now look what a mess we are in” she laughed “I had better remove my blouse in case we make more mess” In so saying she removed her blouse and also bent round to allow me to undo her bra clasp. As I had never done one of these before it proved a bit tricky but with instruction I managed it and her tits just fell out. I reached out a hand to touch them and she moaned her approval informing me how to play with her nipples and how to massage her breasts. I played with them for some time until she suddenly called out “Oh look at the time” we must get going I was kind of disappointed I was hoping we could have carried on but as Kate reminded me we still had to get to my house so she could meet my parents and she reminded me to call her Mrs Watkins in front of my parents. We got dressed in silence and we continued our journey mostly in silence but with the odd smile I got from Kate that was not so bad. I just wondered what she was going to talk to my parents about but she would give nothing away. As we approached the house my father was in the drive and he greeted us both “Come in Mrs Watkins” he started “Kate call me Kate” she replied “OK Kate come on in my wife has prepared a little food” Father ushered Kate into the house and as he did I am sure I caught a glimpse of him looking at her ass but then again so was I. Ordered to my room I went up and tried to listen in to what was being said downstairs. All of a sudden I was aware of my sister on the landing. “What ya listenin to” she asked “Shhhhhh” I replied “My teacher is downstairs and I wanna know what they sayin” We both listened out but neither of us could tell what was being said and so we decided that it was best we leave it. I guessed it was about me and if it was I was bound to find out sooner or later. Once in my room we decided that it was not safe to resume where we had left off as I could be called down any minute so we just listened to some of my DVD’s and Laura did me a little dance she had been practicing. “Wow sis that’s good no wonder you got the scholarship?” “Think so” “Yer I do if they don’t pick you they mad” I said and I leaned forward and kissed her. We stood kissing and embracing for a few moments then I heard my name being called “Tom, Laura get down here now” fathers voice. We parted with a slurp and hurried down to see what was wanted. “As you know” Father began “Since Laura got her Scholarship? Things have been a bit uneven around here for you Tom” Mother intervened “Mrs. Watkins here has come up with an idea of a break for both of you but mainly for Tom if you are agreeable” I listened as father and mother outlined the idea Mrs Watkins had proposed that we get to stay in her caravan by the beach for the summer we were about two weeks away from end of term. I nodded my approval and father made me thank Mrs Watkins before she left. The final part father said is that you two will be alone except for Mrs Watkins who will sort of chaperone you but the days are yours to do as you please father was saying after all how much trouble can you get up to on the beach. Mrs Watkins smiled at me as father made that last statement and I saw Laura looking at me. We said goodbye to my teacher and as she drove off I could once again imagine her warm breasts and I nearly tripped on the porch step going back into the house. Chapter 2 the Caravan The two weeks off end of term seemed like an eternity to me all I could think of was the holiday in the caravan by the beach. Laura and I got settled into a routine when our parents were asleep and we made sure we were in our own beds by the morning. My relationship with my teacher was a little strange but I managed to cop a feel now and again when she would find an excuse to keep me behind for a few minutes. My peers never suspected what we did or at least if they did they never let on. Kate never visited our house during those two weeks. The day finally arrived and Laura and I were packed with the usual stuff mothers stick in suitcases in case of emergency. At the appointed hour Kate turned up and father helped us load our stuff into her car. As Kate bent over to rearrange the luggage I feel sure I saw fathers hand just inches from her ass. At last the car was packed and as Laura was the elder she chose to ride in front with Kate. I was disappointed I was so looking forward to sitting there being able to take glimpses of her body. The journey seemed to go on forever. “How far is it” my sister asked “300 miles almost” replied Kate smiling then turning her attention to me she asked “You alright back there Tom” “Yes fine” I lied and that was my first lie ever “Very well” Kate answered just checking you seemed so quiet We had gone about 100 miles when Kate pulled off the highway to check under the hood. As Laura and I sat there we were puzzled. “Laura darling” Kate suddenly said “Could you come here a second please” As Laura got out the car I wondered what was going on when suddenly Kate appeared at my window “I think you should ride up front with me” she said winking. Laura and I exchanged seats and the hood was shut and we continued our journey. All the time I was watching Kate I could feel Laura’s eyes burning the back of my neck. The next stop was for fuels and a bite to eat and use the toilets. Kate sat us down at a table and made sure were comfortable and called for the menu. A girl of about 13 came over and gave us the menus and smiled at me and I smiled back. Kate and Laura both noticed this and began a giggle. Meal over Kate paid the waitress and started talking to her. Laura and I went to the toilet and went outside looking for Kate. We could not see her in the parking lot so we went back inside and looked around and there was still no sign. Worried we went back out and started a look around we checked all over the lot and finally we saw a small shed. As we approached me heard muffled sounds and so we were about to back off when a familiar voice said “You found us then” We ventured towards the shed and what we saw took our breath away. Kate was naked from the waist down and the little waitress was eating her pussy while at the same time playing inside her own panties. “Come in and shut the door or stay outside and wait” Kate said. We entered and closed the door and watched in awe as Kate moaned as the girl continued to suck away. “Wont’ be long” Kate said “This is Louise by the way” The young girl just raised her hand in acknowledgement and continued licking “Mmmmmmm Arrrrgh Oooooh” Kate was speaking to the girl In response Louise started to pile on the pressure and with a deft hand she was also bringing herself off. Louise motioned for me to come over and as I did she took my hand and placed it where hers had been. I placed my hand on the now wet pussy and began to slide my fingers in and out. Laura was not left out I noticed she had joined Kate and had her head buried in Kate’s breasts kissing and sucking them. With one great shout Kate had her orgasm and her whole body shook. At this point Louise stopped her labours and lay on the ground with her legs spread out to give me better access to her pussy. As I continued to finger the girls cunny Kate was getting dressed and sat waiting for me to finish the girl off. Meanwhile Laura had removed her panties and was openly playing with herself. I looked down at Louise who was about to come and worked furiously on her pussy. The girl wriggled and shook and then she was spent. Laura was still working so I moved over to help her finish off and was rewarded with a handful of her juices I licked them from my fingers and they tasted different. Then I realised It was a mixture of the two of them. I was not left unrewarded Louise had regained her composure and had her hand on my penis in all my ministries I had not felt my pants being removed. The girl sucked me till I exploded in her mouth and wiping all my cum from me thanked me. Kate and Laura had been watching the girl suck me and clapped when it was all over. After making sure we were all decent we left the shed and went over to the car without saying a word. Kate was the first to speak “Well kids how’s the holiday so far” Neither of us answered but we smiled and that said it all. We climbed back into the car and I got into the back not thinking. Laura just got in the front and we drove off. About 5 miles up the road Kate suddenly left the highway and neither of us dared ask why. Stopping in what looked like nowhere Kate just sat there looked at her watch and waited. It must have been at least 15 minutes when all off a sudden Kate started the car and turned it into a spot where she reversed and we headed the way we had come. Just before we reached the highway again Kate stopped the car got out and opened the trunk at the same time the back door opened and a figure got in and crouched on the floor. Kate closed the trunk and moved off joining the highway after about 10 minutes Kate announced “OK sweetie you can get up now” I recognised the girl as Louise from the cafe before either me or Laura said anything Kate spoke again “You OK now Honey” “Yes thank you” replied Louise “Will he find us” she stammered “No sweetie you are safe with me where we are going” This reassured Louise who found her smile again. This time proper introductions were made and soon we were all chatting like old friends. From the talk we found out the girl had been sold to the cafe owner who used her as a waitress (unpaid) during the day and a piece of ass at all other times. He was not a nice man and would let his friends have her for his own amusement. She recounted the time she had been made to strip for a group of them who tied her to a beam and all took turns in her ass till she was bleeding and sore. As she recounted her tale I felt sorry for her and found myself putting my arm around her waist at which point she just snuggled into me and fell asleep. Kate kept looking back at us in her rear view checking the situation and soon I fell asleep too. When I awoke we had stopped at the road-side and Kate had gone to sleep also. Laura and Louise were outside the car talking and I could not hear properly so I got out to hear more. “Hello sleepy head” Laura said “Louise and I were just talking about what she told us earlier” “Well I said Kate will look after her I am sure” “Kate you me Mrs Watkins oh brother and how familiar are you with your teacher you know her name” and she laughed I was not going to break the oath I had made to Kate those weeks past so I let the matter float past me and Laura did not seem to press it. Louise was crouched in some bushes taking a pee and I tried to get a look but was disappointed “Hey Louise” shouted Laura “Tom wanted to see you pee” “I’m sorry” she said “I should have thought “But if you like Tom you can dry me off” I looked a little bewildered till she raised her skirt and indicated what she meant. I had tasted pussy but not pee and the idea was not appealing but I looked at her cunny and the chance to lick it overwhelmed me. Getting down I motioned her come forward which she did first removing her panties. Standing over me she parted her legs to allow me to gain access and I started to Lick. At first the taste was a little off putting but I soon found I got a taste for it. I greedily licked her clean and when she was satisfied I had done a good job she asked Laura to double check. Both were satisfied at my efforts and i got a kiss from both of them. Kate started to stir and started to climb into the car. As we climbed in Kate got out “Just a moment kids I wanna pee” I asked if I could watch her and she smiled pulled off her panties and made sure I got a good view and started to pee. When she was done she started for the leaves but I insisted I dry her off and I surprised her by licking all her pee until she was dry. “Oh my” she exclaimed “that was the most wonderful thing ever” She kissed me full on the lips a kiss before I had only previously got from Laura. We climbed back in the car and set off once more. With hardly a word spoken by any of us. When we finally arrived at the caravan. The girls set off to explore while I helped Kate unload the car. The caravan was quite spacious bigger than I had imagined. It had 3 bedrooms. One was a master bedroom with a double bed the other two smaller with a bed either side the door. There was a small but adequate kitchen area and a large living space which Kate said could be made into beds if required so in total it could sleep 8 people. Having stowed the baggage Kate checked the fridge it had been stocked in anticipation of our arrival and then she went outside to check the gas supply. Satisfied all was in order Kate finally sat down and relaxed. It just seemed natural to sit beside her and she did not raise a hair when I started running my hand over her leg. Soon the hand was under her skirt and feeling the silk of her panties. We leaned into each other and kissed and cuddled for a while. This was not going to be a quick thrill at the side of the road and we both knew it. Slowly I started to unbutton her blouse while her hand massaged the outside of my pants. Removing her blouse we kissed some more before I reached around and unclasped her bra allowing her tits to swing free. I nuzzled into her breasts sucking and licking as she moaned her pleasure. Taking her nipples in my hands I began to tweak on them a little and by the look on her face I could see she was enjoying it. Lifting me up she removed my pants and shorts and I was forced to give up on my sucking as she bent her head and started to suck on my now engorged penis. This still allowed me the opportunity to play with her tits and the more I massaged them the harder she sucked on my penis. Nothing else mattered t that moment we were just two people the only two in the whole world. Finally I reached my peak and with due diligence Kate finished me off ensuring I was clean. I turned my attention to her now and she graciously removed her panties and skirt so now all she had on were her shoes. I urged her to remove her shoes but she wanted to keep them on. In order to be uncluttered I removed my clothes and was now naked in front of my teacher. Kate lay on the floor and opened her legs wide so that i could get a better look at her. Before I started licking her she suddenly parted her pussy lips and I was for the first time staring inside a woman’s pussy. I had died and gone to heaven and I could not wait to engage my mouth on her outer parts. Taking my time I licked away and then I brought my fingers into play. Working my fingers in I found my whole hand nearly disappeared inside that warm and squishy cavern. Kate was crying with lust as my hand went in her cunny “Yes darling all of it all your hand inside me please oooooooh” This was my teacher I had her naked and was fisting her as i later knew it to be called but at the time it was just another side to sex. It seemed ages we were there when all off a sudden she screamed “I’m Cummmmming yesssssss oh yes “ As she screamed copious amounts of her wetness spilled out onto the carpet and down her legs. Not wishing to waste much I wasted no time in getting my tongue around the wet area and licking for all I was worth. It kept coming and coming I strained to keep up but at last the flow subsided and at the same time her breathing started to get better. I watched her as she lay there not moving but sated. I lay beside her and we cuddled for a long time. At some point we fell asleep naked and on the floor. It was a surprise when we woke and found it was morning we were of course still naked which sent a thought to my brain that when Laura and Louise arrived back they had to have seen us. I expected Kate to dress but she just looked at me kissed me and asked what I wanted for breakfast. I did tell her but she insisted we eat first. I laughed and started to dress but she stopped me. So there we were fixing breakfast when Louise appeared just wearing her panties. Louise sat at the table ignoring the fact we were both naked and calmly ate her Cereal. I sat opposite with a plate of bacon and a slice of bread. I saw Kate sit down with just a cup of coffee. I was used to sitting in silence at meals so I was quiet but Kate spoke “So what do we fancy doing today then?” I was about to speak when Kate put her hand over my mouth “Yes sweetie we all know what you would like to do” Louise laughed so did we all. At this point Laura showed herself and she was naked too. Upon seeing she was the only one with clothes albeit only her panties Louise removed them. Laura had Cereal too and sat down. Kate explained we were discussing what we would do today. “The beach” Laura asked “where is the beach we looked around and could not find it.” “On that issue” Kate replied solemnly “there is no beach” She explained why she had mentioned one and that was to allay suspicion on her intentions of getting Tom alone in her caravan. You my dear Laura and you sweet Louise are bonus’s I never expected. She went on to explain she had her eye on me for ages as it appeared I never mixed at school and she felt sorry for me at first then she developed a crush but because of protocol had to keep it a secret. The time was ripe when I flunked my paper and she decided to use it to her best advantage. “Of course if any of you wish to go back I will start to pack and take you all home” It was Louise who pied up first stating the obvious she had no home to go to and was happy to stay whatever the circumstance that led her here. Laura was second reporting that no harm was done and that she quite liked the solitude and the company. I concurred and after a handshake we all agreed to keep the status quo. That over and breakfast done the two girls set about clearing up while I attended the man’s chore check the valves to the gas and the water supply. Kate showed me how to attend these things and once sure I understood she placed those items in my charge. Meanwhile the girls had cleaned the place nice and even the stain from our lovemaking had been cleaned. A fresh pine smell was omitting from the van and all was lovely. The girls had dressed and so had Kate so I followed suit. “There is a little spot I know not far away we can walk in 30 minutes” said Kate “Who is up for a hike and a picnic” We all three shouted hooray in unison and Kate with Louise’s help prepared a small feast. Kate fished out a hamper and I took time to have a chat with Laura “So what ya think sis” “About” “Kate what you make of her” “Very sexy lady” replied Laura “Yes I replied when did you get back in “ “Oh yes last night well we saw you two makin out and decided to give you space” “Shucks sis why didn’t ya come in” “Well we was both so turned on watching you that we had a little fun ourselves” She proceeded to relate how whilst watching us Louise started rubbing her own pussy and Laura soon followed suit. Once there hands were in there respective panties it was not long before the both removed there panties altogether. Next there skirts were discarded and finally there tops till they were both naked and giving each other a show. Louise then used a hand to play with Laura and so Laura responded. It was not long before both girls were rubbing each other’s cunnies. Once they had each had an orgasm Louise wanted to play a game there was some old rope under the van and Louise asked Laura to tie her hands and throw the rope over a branch. Laura then had to tie the rope so that Louise was on tiptoes. I was starting to get a hard on listening and Laura could see how I was getting so she removed my penis from its restraints as she continued the story and rubbing my penis in circles in the palm of her hand. After tying Louise up she had to get a branch and use it to beat Louise’s bottom till it was red. At first she did not want too but Louise insisted and so she gave in. Not wishing to hurt her friend she only hit her lightly at first but Louise begged for it harder and as her skill progressed Laura was able to hit with enough force to hurt but not cut. As she was giving her friend this treatment Laura found herself getting more and more turned on at the sight and soon her first orgasm hit her. As for Louise the more pain she seemed to get the happier she seemed. After a few moments Louise had her orgasm and Laura stopped the punishment. At this point I was ready to cum and asked Laura to take care of it for me and being the good sister she duly obliged. “Ahem” Katie said “when you two have quite finished can we get on with our picnic” I blushed as she said it I blew my load into my sister’s mouth and she cleaned me up. “Louise dear just make sure Laura done a good job there” Louise got down and inspected my penis and to make double sure gave it a lick. Kate being satisfied had me tuck myself away and handed me the hamper. I’m the man I carry the hamper. It was hard work keeping up with them carrying the hamper what had the put in this thing lead. We walked for what seemed hours but Kate assured us was only 30 minutes and we came across a path. Just down here she was beckoning and we followed me bringing up the rear with the hamper. All of a sudden the path opened up and we saw a small stream and a clearing. “Put the hamper there sweetie” Kate indicated a spot and I was relieved to have got rid of my burden. We all flopped down on the grass and Kate arranged the blanket she had carried. Placing the hamper on the blanket Kate was satisfied with her task. “If you want to skinny dip it is fine” said Kate but the stones can be slippery so take care” At first no one took up her suggestion but after we had rested a while Laura suddenly removed her clothing and got in the water. Waiting to see her reaction we waited. “It’s nice” Laura remarked Louise was next to discard her clothing and as she did I noticed there was still a red rash on her bottom from her last night’s exploits. Kate noticed it too and offered to put some lotion on it but that offer was rejected the girl saying it was nothing and would soon disappear. Satisfied Kate let the matter drop and instead removed her clothing and joined the others. Much splashing was heard and laughter as I watched the three of them naked in the water. Kate was lifting Louise in and out of the water and it was clearly visible that she took the opportunity to lift her out under her legs before throwing her back in. She then turned her attentions to Laura and gave her the same treatment. Taking their revenge both girls turned on Kate and pushed her over into the water and jumped on her it was an amazing spectacle and soon I could not resist the urge to join them. As if on cue they all turned on me and I spent several minutes being attacked on all sides. We played this game until we felt tired and hungry and we came out the water and lay on the grass drying out. I could see the glistening wet pussies of both Laura and Louise as they lay there in the sun. Kate was meanwhile preparing some sandwiches and we were well hungry by the time we ate. Having replenished our bodies with food we all agree that we had our fill and Kate was happy clearing away while we three strolled around exploring the territory quite naked and unashamed. Apart from the stream we came upon another clearing atop a hill and in the distance we could see a house though small so we guessed it was way off. When we got back Kate was laying down taking in the sun. We told her about the house and she told us yes it is deserted now but when she was a girl there was an old lady lived there who used to let the children play in her garden. Kate was one of those children and she was what the old lady used to call her special children. Those were the ones who would allow the old lady to touch them and play with them in her private chamber. The old lady was especial fond of the girls and would watch them for hours playing with each other’s naked parts while the old lady would touch herself and insert objects into her own pussy. Sometimes some of the girls would be allowed to fondle the old lady, but she never touched the children. Some of the boys were allowed to jerk off on her naked torso. It came to an end when a cry baby kid told his mom and the lady was arrested and sent to prison where she died. Since that day the site has been fenced off to keep out unwelcome visitors because the house is about in ruins and needs a lot of repair. We listened to her story with mouths agape and at the end we were feeling a little horny and Louise had already had her hands in her pussy. Laura had followed suit and both were gasping heavily. Kate saw this as a sign to go over and taking each of them she turned them round facing her from the rear. Asking each one to bend over and as they did she knelt down so her head was inches from their bottoms. With skilled fingers she opened up the ass cheeks of my sister and started licking around her bum hole. Louise kept her position while Kate ministered to Laura. When she was done with Laura the same thing was done to Louise and this time Laura stood stock still bent over. When Kate had licked Louise’s bum she put a finger from each hand in her mouth and licked it to wet. She then took those fingers and inserted one each to a waiting and willing bum hole. Louise hardly flinched as the finger was inserted in her bottom. Laura however was not so sure and at first she made little movements that Kate had to correct to remain fingering her bottom. Eventually shock gave way to pleasure and my sister was starting to enjoy herself. Kate kept removing the finger then licking it again and re-inserting into the bum it had come out of. Both girls were squealing with delight at this intrusion. Laura and Louise both were pushing back on the inserted finger to get more of the sensation. I watched fascinated as my sisters bottom wriggled and writhed at this assault and her squeals of appreciation had me in ecstasy so much so that without even touching myself I suddenly shot a load of my cum all over the grass. Kate had noticed my predicament but was attending to Louise and Laura and there was nothing she could do. Having ensured there bottoms were receptive she had me open the hamper and to my amazement there were several assorted penis shaped objects. She asked me to hand her two of them which I did and she inserted one each into a receptive well worked bottom. The girls were ordered to clamp their muscles round the device and this was to be a contest the first one to lose her object was to have complete reign upon the other for 1 hr the loser having to do what the winner wanted. The grim determination on both faces not to be the loser was a joy to watch and I thought it was going to end in a draw as little by little the penis shaped objects slipped out. It was close but Laura lost hers first so Louise was the winner and Laura was subject to Louise’s whims. Eager to start Louise ordered Laura to stand up and spread her legs. Louise then took one of the penis shaped objects and inserted it into Laura’s pussy. She wriggled it around making poor Laura scream and at intervals would remove it and have Laura lick her own juices. Kate had started administering to me now so as I was watching this spectacle I was being fondled first she would squeeze my balls and massage my penis which even though I had just shot a load was coming back to life. Then she did something amazing she took my penis and placed it on her chest and squeezed it between her breasts makin it slide out in and out of a groove. Meanwhile Laura was on all fours with the penis object in her ass and Louise was pushing it further and further in till it had almost disappeared. Laura was moaning with ecstasy. Just as she got it all in Louise started to remove it till just the tip was at Laura’s entrance then just as suddenly she pushed it in again. This was done over and over again Laura’s knees were beginning to buckle under her but Louise would not stop her assault. My tit wank was sending me into spasms and I was no better off than sister I was having great difficulty standing. Kate the bid me to lay on the grass still so I could see my sister being pounded and I lay as instructed. Kate the straddled me so I could see her face and as she got closer she gingerly placed my penis at her entrance and without a word of warning sat down. My breath was taken at this move here I was my penis embedded in Kate’s pussy. She started to lift herself up and lower herself down and as she found her rhythm the pace increased my penis was in rapture in its warm n cosy environment. Things had heated up on the Laura front too Louise was smacking Laura’s ass and I could see the redness of the cheeks as my sister was spanked. The same redness that I saw on Louise’s ass this morning at breakfast. As the sight became more and more exciting and the pressure on my penis increased I shot my load into Kate’s Pussy. As I unloaded a grateful Kate bent over and kissed me full on the lips and whispered that I had made her the happiest woman on earth. The assault on Laura was about over and as Louise helped my sister recover I saw the look of delight on Laura’s face. I asked if she enjoyed it and her words were yes she did and it would gladly do it all again and asked me if I liked watching her. I assured her I did and she blew me a kiss. With the day getting late Kate had us all get dressed and we walked back to the Caravan this time it was no drudge to carry the Hamper. And that is how we spent the most of our summer vacation. Kate got pregnant and had to leave her job but I saw a lot of her outside school hours Laura and I would go to her house and stay over weekends. The baby was born a year later and it was a little girl. A year after she had another one again a girl. No one suspected I was the father and it was assumed she had a secret lover and Kate did nothing to dispel that myth. Louise lived with Kate for several years until she and Laura found a space of their own. When I was 17 I left home and set up permanent with Kate only then did the penny drop by that time I had two lovely daughters. Kate and I are now contemplating using them to teach them sex as any good mother and father should. We still have the Caravan and we are planning a trip up there in the next summer break. Aunty Laura and Aunty Louise are of course invited. |
Hey,My name is Austin.Im 18 and im not such a dark skin pourter ricann.Im 5'8'',skinny and pretty sexy.and my story start's when i was 17,i was in school.It was a normale day at school like any other,most of the kid's at school was more preppy then me,i was along the line's of thuggy.Well,this kid name bobby had a girlfriend name lucie,i had a crush on at some time. Lucie is about a little over 5 goot and has blond hair,dress'd like a angel,well more like a punk mix thugy preppy angel would.Well that after noon at launch Bobby had broken up with Lucie because she had told him she had the hot's for me,not knowing until a week later.A week later lucie end'd up at my house,i invited her in and we were talkin.You smoke pot Austin she had ask'd.Knowing and paying enough attenion to her knowing she dos as well.Yes i replied.Cool,let's smoke Lucie said.Nothing happen,we just sat there talkin forabout 3 hour's,i have'nt laugh'd that hard sence me and bobby frist went out yell'd lucie still leting out a laugh and sucking in for air to breath. OH YEA!!That's what i came here to talk to you about said lucie,i want to ask you some thing.Thinking to my self this could be my chance not knowing i really said it out loud,yes it is your chance said newly girlfriend went home and i sat there confused what had happen so quick,a half hour later my mom said i had a phone call,she said it was my girlfriend.Confuse'd but happy even more.well,im just goin to skip for about two weeks because thats when all the fun happen. i love'd datin lucie,because she has only fuck'd bobby,and i know his dick was smaller then mine,well,to most girl's that are 17 7'' is big,but me at 17 that was small.well,2 weeks pass'd,and there was this girl name alica.Lucie's bestfriend,keep's flirting with one day after practic i went into the bathroom,i have seen alica's tit's befor on a dare,and they are FUCKIN HUGE!! Well,i seen her in the bath room,hearing from one of my resent ex's how big my dick was she got turn'd on,oh,yea,alica look's like a fox,white soft skin big tits,red hair,and a fat ass.Well,i walk'd into the bathroom,and saw her there puting her make up on."Are'nt you in the wrong side of the bathroom?i ask'd,"No,well,that's because im waiting for you."Oh,well,what do yea want?"...a pause..."Well,im sorry but lucie don't want to go out with you,i was jus flirting with you so you would end up fucking me and she would end up dumping you"she replied..."But...we didnt even fuck...we didnt even do nothing"..."i know..that's the sweet part...she said....i was sooo mad,i know she has heard about my dick,and i also know that she only fuck'd 4 guy's and they all had the size of dick's under 7",so i kno if i stuff'd it in really hard it would hurt. I ran into the cube and shut the door behind me,siten there to see if any one else is there.Alica"i said"..Yes Austin?.."Have you ever been rape'd?..There now was a even longer puase then befor.."No...Why Would you ask that?...Me not replying to her got her scare'd i guess,because when i kick'd open the bathroom cube door i sorta cought her 3 feet from where she was postion'd from where she was befor. I ran over to her riping her shirt of revieling her big firm tits in her tight bra.STOP!!!WHAT ARE YOU DOIN!!! she yell'd,i back hand'd her and through her on the ground."YOU WANT TO SAY WE FUCK'D!!WELL NOW WE CAN!!!WEHTER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!!!i yell'd in a feirc voice.I pull'd my belt off from my pante's and tied her up from the cute wall's and begind smakcing her from the left side of her face to the right,she went from crying to sayin harder harder."you want it harder,ok,i will give it to you harder,pull'd down my pante's revielingmy big stiff 9 inch hard cock thumping. She look'd in amazment,"it's true"she said,"yes it is"....pull'd out my knife and cute her pante's and G string's off,and start'd licking her pussy.she start'd maoning really loud"YES BABY OOHHHH GOD,WHAT ARE YOU DOIINNNN" she scream'd in releif.I got up and stuck my cock in side her,not takin it slow as she ask'd,i just jam'd it in side as fast and hard as i could,having her scream in satistfiction,she then began to climax in pleasure and in pain."your pussy is sooo tight dam it feels so good" i said..."stop,please stop,it hurt's she mumble'd....wanting her to say stop and no louder i start'd fuckin her harder and faster.i Pull'd out my dick and cam all over her chest and in her face."im sorry alica said....with a very confuse'd look on my face...why i ask'd..."because...every thing i said wasnt true...i said it to get you guy's are really goin out still...i wont tell her if you dont?"...oh...ok....i just left the bathroom in joyment,a brick of weight lift'd off my shoulder...i went to find my baby so i can show her just a good time for her second man...little did i know,sence the school was such a bad school,there was a camra right over us,watching the hole time,andthe guy watching..was lucie's dad...and my next one is about how i pick her up for a date...just wait.. |
New beginnings By anon y mouse First a preamble this is a follow on from a previous story ‘NEW MOTHER’ this story stands alone but for the background read you can read the other one first the choice is yours. On with the story............................. Chapter 1 After finally confronting my husband James about his affair with a 12 yr old girl we had reached a pact. He stayed out of my life and me his. The girl in question was the daughter of my lover and Boss Mike. I had been given carte' blanche' to become her mother as his wife had cancer and had accepted me as her substitute. We were very close even in the biblical sense. After I had confronted my husband I ordered them to fuck. James did not appear to be happy with me and Mike watching him and started to protest. “Fuck her now” I ordered “Or lose your piece of pussy forever” James removed his clothes with the help of Amy and I watched them both until I was satisfied he would do my bidding anytime I wanted. Mike and I after a few moments watching this left James and Amy to Fuck. Mike sniggered as he saw me take control “Yes hon I did pick well Cynthia will be pleased with the way you handled this situation” I laughed I had never seen myself as a dominant but after the past events I began to realise I was relishing the role. About half an hour later Amy appeared smiling and just got in the car butt naked. I climbed in the back with her and Mike drove us home. Our moans as we pleasured each other were distracting his driving but I needed the release. He warned me we were approaching home and we stepped out the car We reached the house and we walked in leaving mike to park the car. I went straight to Cynthia in the lounge and kissed her full on the lips. “You had a good day” She said “I can taste it in your kiss” “Yes in ways I will tell you later” I laughed “Good” She smiled “Just make sure he keeps feeding you his cock” “That’s a promise” I said “Will you want your usual” “Sure honey but I’ll have the Gin first” she laughed We both understood what the usual was. I left her side and before Mike entered I had poured both Cynthia and myself a Gin and the Whisky for Mike. “Amy is in” I told her “Is she still fucking that husband of yours” Cynthia winked Mike walked in and went over to his wife and kissed her. We talked about the day while having our drinks but I did not tell Cynthia about Julie I was saving that for later. “What’s for dinner hon” he asked “No idea till I look in the fridge” I glared “You men always either eating or fucking is that all I’m here for” “Is there anything else” he laughed I ignored the comment and left them to go prepare dinner. Actually it was mostly prepared all I had to do was cook it. Cynthia’s disability meant she wasn’t able to do the latter but she always tried to prepare the food for me to save time even though I told her was not necessary. I busied myself with dinner and we sat to eat Amy had put on some clothes but only her panties. I let it pass for now this needed sorting and I glanced at Cynthia. “Amy” I said after dinner “You been a bad girl go now and get ready for your punishment” Amy pretended to be annoyed but we knew she loved this bit and Cynthia gave me the look as if to say you are learning. Amy returned with the handcuffs on and completely naked with the belt clenched between her teeth. She knelt at my feet and did not move until I removed the belt. Standing up Amy walked to the table and faced it and stuck her butt out for what she knew was to follow. “Amy” I said “How many orgasm’s did you have fucking my husband?” “Two momma” “Then you shall take 20 on each cheek” “Yes momma thank you momma” “Good girl now stand perfectly still” Amy stood and I bought the belt down on her butt cheek Thwack I did not hold back “One thank you momma” Thwack “Two thank you momma” This continued until I had done 10 at which point I surveyed my work and Cynthia had moved to get a better view for which I had purposefully obliged by my own position. Noting Cynthia’s approval I allowed the belt to caress Amy’s exposed pussy lips before continuing Thwack “Eleven thank you momma” I stopped again at 20 and allowed Cynthia to inspect more closely the redness of Amy’s buttocks and the belt marks. Continuing until all 40 had been administered I put the belt down and sat down. Amy never moved she knew better if she did she would get double what she just had. I motioned to Mike he could move in with the cream which he dutifully applied to his daughters sore buttocks. “You may go now Amy” “Yes mom thank you mom” Away she went to lay down to help relieve the soreness. Mike, Cynthia and I moved away into the lounge and I fetched the Drinks. “Good show” said Cynthia “You are going to do me proud when I have gone” “May I kiss your tit’s” I asked her “Darling never ask they are yours whenever you want them wherever you want them” I removed her blouse and her bra and began to suckle “Mmmmm baby feels so good yes suck mommas tits” I suckled and mauled her breasts all the time hearing her moans of pleasure. My juices were flowing and I needed release I motioned to Mike and he understood so while I played with Cynthia Mike worked on my pussy. The more he sucked the harder I sucked Cynthia. Finally I could stand no more I released my hold on Cynthia and asked Mike to fuck me. Standing up I stripped off and I lay on the carpet waiting with my legs inviting. Mike took his clothes off and allowing Cynthia a little rub of his cock he got down between my legs. We made sure Cynthia got a good view and Mike began. Fist he rubbed his cock against my outer walls to get some of my wetness and then he inserted a finger to check I was moist enough. He placed his cock head at my waiting entrance and just put it in so the head was inside. He stayed there for a second or two teasing me with it. “Fuck me with it” I cried “Now” “Beg me?” He asked “I beg you” “Beg me what for” “I beg you put that cock in me now and fuck me” “And the rest” “I beg you put that cock in me now and fuck me please” ”That’s better” He suddenly thrust his cock deep inside till only his balls remained outside then he came back halfway and thrust again and again “Ahhhhh Fuck yes more harder” Mike thrust harder and harder I was having difficulty keeping up finally I had my orgasm my legs weakened and I almost passed out. Mike final shot his semen in me and I lay there letting it drip from inside me delirious in happiness. “Amy” Mike shouted Amy came into the room “Amy be a good girl go clean momma” Amy cleaned me out her expert tongue didn’t miss a drop and I swooned with pleasure again. While I was being so expertly cleaned I could see Cynthia licking her husband’s cock clean and it was mingled with my juices. Time was getting late and without any further words between any of us we all went to bed. Mike soon fell asleep next to me in our bed and it wasn’t long after I drifted off. Chapter 2 Next morning no one was up except Mike and I and we had breakfast it was a hurried one we had to get to the store today was going to be an important one. Going inside the 6 who had gathered, 2 off them on their day off were milling around gossiping but soon stopped as we walked past. We made for Mikes office. As soon as the door was shut I was hurriedly stripping off as was Mike. We soon got down to what we both wanted and as he fucked me hard over his desk I am sure my moans could be heard several miles away. At this point I no longer cared. After our session we straightened up and made our way back to the eager employees who were wondering why the special meeting. “Thank you” started Mike “For coming here and to you Martin and Sheila on your day off” Mumbles and shuffles as they awaited the continuation “As you know times are hard and over the past months we have lost many colleagues” Nods’ of ascent all round “Today marks a new beginning “Mike continued “We cannot sustain to employ you as things stand” The faces of the employees suddenly changed and now the atmosphere took on a sudden doom and gloom. “In 3 weeks we are closing the store” This was the bolt from the blue none of them expected. I felt for them, until I was offered my new position I would have been just another one of them but I had to let Mike continue and put on a brave face my turn was to come. “I am really sorry” Mike continued “that it comes to this but I have made my decision I thank you for your loyalty shown and Kaitlin will now explain what happens next” I looked around at the long faces and took over from Mike. “There is hope on the horizon” I began “Mike is having a new venture built about 6 miles from here and there is room for you all” Faces that had been long and drawn now began to have a hope “Nothing will be the same” I continued “The contracts you have and current wages will have to be re negotiated and your roles will be different” A look of bewilderment fell upon the gathered. “I am responsible for all hiring’s and contracts we are looking for chambermaids, cooks, waitresses and handymen plus forecourt staff for a Gas station” I knew none of these jobs were what they currently do and I paused deliberately before I continued watching the faces and trying to read what was on their minds “Any questions” This was the point I was dreading and with Mike standing behind me giving me the floor was the point at which my new job took off if I messed this up my job could be on the line too. Sam was the first to speak “Will you be advertising for the Vacancies?” “First we wanted to fill some of them from current employees” I replied “Other vacancies as they arise will be advertised” “When will the jobs start?” asked Maureen “The complex will start construction in 2 weeks and if the schedule is completed on time Phase 1 will be ready in 8 weeks.” “So we miss 5 weeks wages?” Sam again “I have worked out a package for you all” I replied “Those that choose to come with us will get half wages during the waiting period those that wish to terminate with us will be given redundancy depending on the years of service” All were looking round at each other and this was the time to leave them to formulate in their own minds where they wished to be. As I left I made 1 last statement. “A list of vacancies and salaries will be posted in 1 hr on the canteen notice board you will be able to read them if you are interested in any of them please come see me” With that I left them to it I deliberately walked away not seeming to give a damn so as not to make a bad situation worse. When we reached the office my knees were visibly shaking and Mike put his arms around me for comfort. “Magnificent” he said “You handled that situation very well” I responded by nuzzling closer into him. I wanted the earth to swallow me whole and was grateful for the encouragement and the bodily support. After a few moments I gathered my composure. Mike released his hold and sat down his side the desk to continue his work and I made the list and took it to the canteen and pinned it to the board. With the list was a brief description of the job salary and hours which were negotiable as we would be running 24/7 Returning to the office I once more flopped down. “Mike honey I need some fresh air” I asked “Any chance of a ride out” “Aww sorry hon I’m up to here with this lot what was your thinkin” “Nothing is no matter carry on I’ll go in the canteen and get myself a coffee and relax in my cupboard.” My cupboard was almost exactly that a small space where I worked that was tucked away but so small it felt like a broom closet. I shuffled my way downstairs I could feel them looking at me and noticed they were idly talking among themselves. I reached the canteen and was approached by Rachel. “If you want me Rachel I am just going for a coffee care to join me?” Rachel followed me in and I could feel all eyes on me now. Rachel sat herself down and waited for me to pour the coffees. Turning slowly I took the coffee’s over and sat opposite her. “Fire away Rachel” I commanded “Please Miss I was wondering how much the redundancy was?” “Let me see” I started “You been here 2 years right” “Yes Miss” “Well I am writing letters to you all stating the package as all will be different but as a guide line you will receive 1 months wage for every year of service” I could see the girl was having difficulties working it out maths were never her strong point but as shelf filler she worked hard and I knew her parents would miss her wages ”You will receive $1600” “Thanks miss” “Anything else?” I asked “What should I do miss take the money or another job” “That is up to you” I replied “You are a hard worker and I would hate to see you go” She smiled. I knew it would be hard for her if she left she would have 2 months pay and no work and if she stayed she would have 5 weeks half pay and in her situation that was never going to be easy. “Miss what is this chambermaid?” “Making beds and cleaning guests rooms and helping with the laundry” She nodded as if she understood but I doubt she did, not to say she was dumb but she had to be shown a task but once done she soon picked it up and did everything with gusto. “That all or is there something else?” “No miss I tell papa he know what to do” I nodded and with that she sat back drank her coffee and left. I was washing the cups no one stands on ceremony in this place even Mike does the washing up. “Excuse me can I have a word?” “Sure Julie come on sit down be with you when I dried these” Julie was a married woman who did not have to work and only came part time it was her way of getting some spending money for herself and to stave off the boredom. “Ok I am all yours” “Sorry” she started to blubber “But I really will miss being here” “So you won’t be coming for a job interview” “No not that” she said “This place and its friendly faces” “That depends” I replied “On who comes and who stays but you do not need the money you are a lucky one” “Can I tell you something now it looks like things will change?” “Sure hon” “I only come here because you work here and I have been dying to tell you I fancy you but” and she stopped mid sentence I looked at her in amazement that was the last thing I expected to hear. She was beautiful had a successful husband well adjusted marriage 3 children and lifestyle to die for. She averted her gaze from mine and started to get up to leave. “Sorry” she said “That was out of order” Sit I commanded “How long has this been a factor?” Her lips trembled as she continued to relate how she had fantasized about us for over a year. She had never had the courage to come right out and say before, but she realised this might be the last chance she got. Her reasoning was either I rejected her and she left and got another job or stayed home or I accepted her and made her dream a reality. Whirling with emotion and my recently acquired taste for female sex I took her hand. She never looked up. “Hun its Ok” I said “To have fantasies but we are not all lucky to have them fulfilled” She still kept looking at the table and I squeezed her hand once more “Honey” I said “You are a very attractive woman and I would love to make love to you” Her eyes widened and she pulled away from my hand. I stood up and moved round back of her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You just sit there a moment I will be right back” She never moved as I removed my hand and went back into Mikes office “Mike I am taking a short break” “Err Ok hon” “How long you going to be working?” “About 2 hours should do it” he said “make sure you are back by say midday and we go get come lunch” “Ok sweetie” I kissed his forehead and went back to Julie. She was talking to Sam and so I just lingered a while till they had finished “Listen Julie” I said “I was going for a drive for some fresh air I need it fancy coming for the ride?” She tried to excuse herself as she was here to work but I reminded her I was the boss and she agreed. We talked some more as we walked to the car and she was astounded to see I had Mike’s keys. “Won’t he mind” she said “Not if he wants his supper” I laughed exposing a piece of my tit. “You mean you and him how long?” “Just get in and I will tell you all about it.” As we drove I related my tale leaving nothing out and she sat there transfixed. I was starting to feel a little horny with her sat beside me but I did not want to scare her before I heard her story. “OK that’s me” I said “Now your turn.” Julie told me her marriage was not an issue, she had a loving husband and the three children but there was something lacking. She could have spent the day painting her nails or reading but she needed a release from the house and as this was part time she could fit it round the children. She first had lesbian desires when a friend of hers had popped round to try on a new dress she was hoping to dazzle her husband with. As she saw her friend stripped she had felt the desire to touch her but had not the courage. She did have chance to help her friend adjust the hem and she felt good but never pursued it. Her friend divorced her husband shortly after and moved away so more could happen. She had noticed me when I applied for the job and suddenly had the same urges but again she did nothing. We both stilled ourselves after out tales and I pulled over and without pre warning her I kissed Julie on the cheek. She blushed and was moving her face away but I stopped her and pulled her face toward me and kissed her full on the mouth. This time Julie responded and so I went one further and caressed her through her blouse. She took the hint and soon we were caressing each other and kissing still sat in the front of the car. Whilst this felt good it was not exactly comfortable and I pulled away from her. She looked disappointed as if that was going to be all and she blushed again “Listen Honey” I said “This is not the end OK” Julie nodded her understanding “I so want to fuck you right now” I said “But we have to get back to the store” Julie agreed “We will make love” I assured her “Trust me on that” As if to seal the deal I kissed her once again and massaged her tit then I pulled away and we buckled up for the drive back. When we reached the store we separated so as not to give the game away to the others and I went into Mike’s office. Of course I told Mike of my encounter and his eyes lit up “Would have like to have been a fly on the wall” He laughed “Men” I replied “Honestly you all perverts” and we both laughed. It was a little after midday when we broke for lunch Mike said he had an idea. I listened with intent and nodded my approval. We headed out into the car park and got in Mike’s car. As I always did at this point I removed my panties it was my way off showing him I was his whenever or wherever he wanted. Lunch was at a nice little restaurant a few miles down the highway and afterwards I knew what I wanted for desert. Whispering in mike’s ear he readily agreed. We headed for the little shack and no sooner inside I was naked to his gaze. I gave him a slow twirl rubbing myself as I did while Mike took in the view. I then knelt down and Mike came over to me and my face was inches from his crotch. I rubbed through the material gently and slowly unbuckled him. Sliding off his pants slowly and deliberately. Massaging his cock as I went. Soon he was standing before me his pants by his ankles and I took his cock in my hand and sank my lips over the tip. Slowly licking his cock head I massaged his balls at the same time. “Mmmmm sweetie you are a cock whore aren’t you” I never answered my mouth was full and I was in heaven. I took more of that cock into my mouth and Mike held my head and fucked my mouth. I was gagging but Mike was relentless he knew I liked it this way and so he continued his onslaught. I felt his cock twitch and tasted the first bit of precum. I waited with baited breath and wasn’t disappointed as his seed filled the back of my throat and I began to swallow. Some dribbled onto my tits as I tried to get it all. Mike then withdrew and stood back to survey his cock slut. I was massaging the spillage into my tits and then I moved in to lick Mike’s cock clean. Getting dressed we left the shack and went back to the office. Julie had already gone her hours were up but I knew she would be back tomorrow. The day went without any further mishaps and we drove home. Chapter 3 “How did it go” Cynthia asked “So So” I replied I went and did the usual getting the drinks and parked myself at Cynthia’s feet with my head sometimes in her lap. She would stroke my hair and it relieved the stresses of the day. “Time I sorted dinner” I said “No need we got a chef” “Chef” “Yes go and see” I had too curiosity aroused I made my way to the kitchen, Shock horror there was James stark naked apart from a pinafore cooking dinner. I said nothing but walked round the kitchen inspecting the boiling pans and checking the oven. “Is Mistress happy” he said I was taken aback what he had said “Sorry” “Mistress if my cooking is not up to scratch I apologise” I played up to this “Yes well it looks alright the proof will be in the tasting” I left him too it. Joining Cynthia I asked for an explanation. “After dinner honey” I accepted that and got back down on the floor to allow Cynthia to caress my hair once more every stroke was laboured with love. I felt 10 years old again when my daddy would stroke my hair. Of course I had no idea daddy was getting off doing it and it was not till my 11th birthday when he actually finally seduced me into stroking his cock. We never went further than that I never sucked him just stroked him till his white stuff came on my hand and he would wipe us both off and thank me with a kiss. Daddy continued stroking my hair till I was 13 and sadly he died. I had thought no one could take daddy’s place and I guess if things had progressed he would have taken my virginity but it was not to be. I met James and that was that. Suddenly a naked James walked in announcing dinner was ready and we went to eat. We sat in our usual places Amy included and James served the food and coffee’s as we ate each time he would back off and stand away from the table. “James” called Cynthia “we are finished when we have gone you may eat then wash all these pots and put them away. We will call you when we need you” “Yes Mistress” We all left the kitchen and allowed James to eat. Back in the lounge after Amy had poured the drinks and one for herself which this time was also a Gin. Cynthia explained why James was in the kitchen. She explained that since I moved out James moaned to Amy he would no longer be able to afford the rent and that would mean moving. He had nowhere to go. Being Amy’s pet she was allowed to bring him home provided he was off use and he agreed to sleep in the shed out back. He was not to be in the house without a member of family which included me being present unless of course Amy wanted to fuck him. James having no illusions he was now to be servant to us all had agreed rather than be homeless. He would only need clothes when he was driving Cynthia to and from her Doctors or her ladies circle, and if I wanted he would fetch anything I needed from the old home. To be honest there was nothing from there I wanted I hadn’t even wanted to see James again but seeing him subservient to our whims bought me great pleasure. I agreed to take the car and James truck and that way I could sell them and use the money, I already had an idea what on. Cynthia sounded a little bell and James came scuttling in. “Yes Mistress” “James I want you to drive Kaitlin back to your old home pick up your truck and bring it back here” “Yes mistress” “Then you are to go back again and this time bring back the car” “Yes mistress” “James and one more thing you must go naked” “Yes mistress” “Kaitlin sweetie make sure he don’t put clothes on and it’s up to you what else you do” I smiled I knew what I was gonna do and I went to my bedroom and removed a couple of items to take with me James sat driving he was watching the road I sat in the back of the car on the journey I removed my panties and began playing with myself with a hairbrush and vibrator. As I pushed the hairbrush up my pussy with one hand I freed a tit with the other and stroked my buzzing vibrator on it. The sensation was tremendous and I soon came and straightened myself up sat back for the rest of the ride. We reached the house and James went round back to get his truck. I drove the car home. The second journey was similar in nature except I stripped off all my clothes and deliberately sat in front playing in my pussy. James could look but not touch and he knew it. James drove my car back and I drove Mike’s. Parking up James walked round the side of the house and entered through the kitchen. Servants I learned from Cynthia never use the family entrance bad protocol. Cynthia noticed I was wet from my playing and bade me come over so she could play in there too I walked over stripped off again and let her do her thing. Mike watched us between drinking his whisky and reading his paper and smoking his cigar. Amy sauntered in with James in tow and told him stand in the corner. There was I still naked with Cynthia playing where James could no longer unless invited. Amy removed her clothing and knelt in front of Mike who reluctantly put his paper down and allowed Amy to remove his pants. Amy then proceeded to work on her daddy’s cock and I watched her from my vantage point. Amy worked until Mike was hard then he stood up and Amy proffered her backside for him. Mike rubbed the girl’s anus and produced some lube the girl had kindly thought to bring in and he inserted his cock into her anus. He fucked her hard as she squealed in delight at her daddy taking her. Mike worked into a faster tempo and soon he was ready to pop. Withdrawing he plastered the girl’s backside and back with his sperm. Mike sidled over to me and as I licked him clean Amy never moved. “James” Called Cynthia “There appears to be a mess on Amy go clean it up with your tongue” “Yes mistress” I could not believe James was actually going to lick Mike’s sperm off Amy. Without a flicker of emotion he licked until there was none left. “You may go now James bedtime for you” said Cynthia James left and we heard the back door open and close. We were all a little exhausted and we sat around chatting for a while mainly about Mike’s project and how I was enjoying my new job. The evening almost over each moved to their own room but I told Mike tonight I a sleeping with Cynthia and I got no argument. Cynthia smiled. Helping Cynthia undress I purposefully spent ages mauling her breasts when I had her fully naked I placed her on the bed. This was new to Cynthia who almost every night slept in her clothes. In the morning’s Mike would usually come in bathe her and dress her. Tonight was different I was going to give Cynthia her pleasure for allowing me to be part of her household. Chapter 4 Last night I had slept with Cynthia which was a first for both of us but I assured her while she was alive it would not be the last. This morning I bathed her and joined her in the bath so she could have fun with me while I did so. I then dressed her she never chose what to wear it was Mike’s choice today was mine. I combed her hair and she liked that much gentler than Mike did. I stepped into my room to see a sleeping Mike I got dressed quickly and re joined Cynthia. Amy was already awake and having breakfast with a naked James in attendance. Cynthia and I put in our breakfast order and he duly obliged. “What plans today dear” Cynthia asked “Back to the store “I replied “give the staff the redundancy offer and interview each about a possible position” “Sounds fun” Cynthia said with a wicked glint Cynthia had never taken any interest in Mike’s affairs the store was left to him from his father. Cynthia had put some of her inheritance money in to expand the place. This new venture was of little concern to her as long as she could carry on her lifestyle for the end of her days. Today Cynthia had a doctor’s appointment and James was given a suit suitable for a chauffeur. After the Doctors she had the ladies lunch and a meeting with her Lawyer. Mike appeared at this stage as James was wheeling Cynthia to the car this time he was allowed to use the front entrance. “Suppose I have to get me own breakfast” He joked “Sit down Grumpy” I replied I will do it. “Thanks hon” He replied and gave me a playful slap on the bum I turned to get him back forgetting I had a fried egg on the palette knife and it flew across the kitchen. I started to go clean it up but Amy reminded me no need we got a servant for that. I kissed her forehead and broke Mike another egg. Breakfast done we headed for the store but I forgot to remove my panties till Mike reminded me “Ok pervert” I laughed and removed them I always made sure I wore them by the time we got to the store. The staff were all busy doing their thing a few customers had wandered in taking advantage of the ‘closing down sale everything must go’. Julie blushed as I caught her eye and winked at her. We went up and settled into the day. About half an hour later I came back down and shouted in a stern voice “Julie Mike wants to see you in his office immediately.” Julie was a bit put out and wondered what she had done. As she followed me upstairs I glanced back to see the others talking wondering the same and when their turn was to come. I had succeeded in putting fear into the staff it wasn’t that I wanted to it was a part of the next process the job interviews and I wanted them edgy. God I was loving this power. I opened the door to Mike’s office and Julie went in I closed it behind us. It took Julie a few seconds to realise Mike was not in the office. In fact he was in the stationary cupboard but only I knew that. Julie tied to ask but I just turned her round and placed my lips over hers and kissed her. She tried to pull back. “It’ alright” I told her “We won’t be disturbed” I locked the door to be certain. To the staff this was nothing new Mike often locked the door on us if there was an important issue we needed to sort and did not want disturbing. I walked over to Mikes chair and sat down. “Sit down Julie“ Julie sat in the chair I used when in Mike’s office “Tell me what you said yesterday was you serious?” “Yes” Julie managed to stutter “And so was I when I said I would fuck you” Julie’s heart was pounding her dream her fantasy was about to become real “But not here” I added “Too many noses” “Ok” she stammered “Julie are you serious you want to continue working for us?” “Yes but” “Then listen I interrupted there is a vacancy that is not on the board because I just created it the pay is $3 an hr more than you are getting now and the hours are the same interested” “Yes if you think I am up to the task” I smiled “You are more than qualified and the work is easy” “Then yes again” Julie said “I hoped you would say that just read this contract if you are happy sign it and the job is immediate” Julie read the contract which was not a long document and signed “Good that is settled” I said and sank back as I had seen Mike do on many an occasion when he had found a good deal. “Now just one other thing” I said “Take off your panties” To show her I stood up lifted my dress and removed mine. Julie took the hint and did the same I got the first glimpse of her hairy bush. “Ok pass them here” Julie handed me her panties and I threw hers and mine out the window into the trash cart below. I unlocked the door and told her to follow me. We reached the shop floor and I asked everyone who was not serving to gather round “I am happy to say that Julie here has joined the new venture she has just signed her contract” To great cheers and well done Julie thanked them all “There is a place for you all I reminded them just consider your options I will need to know in 3 days what you intend and remember anytime I am here I will answer any queries you have.” The assembly broke up a much happier crew than before I was relishing the way I could influence people’s moods. I instructed Julie to go into the canteen and make us both a coffee. I went back into the office to see Mike and told him the 1st part was a success he smiled. I kissed him on the forehead and went down to join Julie. Julie handed me the coffee and as she passed it over I took the chance to touch her hand very casually to which she both blushed and also took a look round to check if anyone had seen. “Ok Julie We are leaving in a moment I need you come on the new site with me I have a job for you” We left the store with the glare of the others and got into Mike’s car damn I really ought to come in mine but that would not be so much fun. Anyway Mike could always take the store pick up home if desperate, but I planned to be back in time for Julie to get back for the children. Heading toward the site my mind was racing at the things I had planned for the unsuspecting Julie. We turned the corner and there it was gone. In its place were two large sectional buildings about 20 x 10 each and a truck was parked outside one and a bulldozer parked a little further off. Fuck I thought ruined. As soon as he saw me arrive Ken the contractor stepped out of the first building. “Kaitlin” He called over “I was about to call you” Stuff this I wanted sex and I was now stuck with work “Oh Hi” well I bought my new assistant Julie here to show her the site We walked over to the site hut he had come out of it was laden with plans and filing cabinets and 3 phones. Showing us round he was talking bills of quantities and shit. I just nodded. He showed us into the next one saying this was my office and asking if things were ok I just said so far but I would shift around if not. He told me if we needed heavy stuff shifting just get one of the guys on site. I remembered saying as long as he had a six pack not a beer gut. All the time I was seething this was wasting valuable time and Julie was getting a bit worried too. Finally Ken left us in the office and said he had to go order some supplies and make a few calls and left us. That was the cue I needed as he left I moved closer to Julie and kissed her allowing my hands to roam then I knelt before her lifted her skirt and kissed her pussy. “This will have to be trimmed” I told her “I do normally but its hard getting it right.” She said “Soon see to that” I said “Tomorrow I’m gonna shave you bald” “My husband will notice” “Do you still have sex? “Occasionally” “How often?” “Once a fortnight” “That’s cos you are so frigid open them damn legs girl” Julie opened her legs a little more and I could now insert a finger as I did she made a little cooing noise. I rubbed outside her pussy and fingered her making her moan softly. Not knowing how far sound travelled in these huts we tried to keep as quiet as possible. I stopped my fingering and stood up. “Your turn now” She got down on her knees as I had done and did the same to me as I had done to her. Technique was lacking but 10 out of 10 for attempt. We did not continue for long we had no idea when or if Ken would be back. In an attempt to make it look as if we had done something I pulled a couple of files down marked phase 1 opened them up and placed them on the desk I then arranged the chairs to make it look as though we had been seated. We had just rearranged our clothing and straightened our hair when ken knocked on the door. Quickly we sat down and I said “Enter” Ken came in wiping his muddy feet and saw us seated with the papers on the desk. “Oh sorry if you are busy” he remarked “Just I need to go over phase 1 week 1 if you have a moment” Fuck I was in deep shit here where was Mike when I needed him. I decided to bluff it out. “Fine Julie and I were finished anyway” Least I hadn’t lied about that. Ken came over with some papers. “I have done the prelims” he said “If you wouldn’t mind checking them over I can start” “I am running a bit late” I lied “But ok give them here” “No it’s fine” he said “Take them with you look them over when you have a moment but I do need clarification by 5pm tonight” “Yes no problem I will get them back to you maybe Julie will bring them later” “No he said those are office copies for your files just phone the ok” Phew saved I had time to get back and let Mike sort this one out. Ken left and so did we. On the way back we had a laugh about the whole thing it seemed I better do some studying earn my keep this was getting serious. We got back to the shop in time for Julie to hop in her car and get back for her children. They had a nanny but she still liked to be there when they got back from school. I watched as she drove off waving her goodbye. Chapter 5 I went inside to be greeted by Rachel “Miss my daddy says can I have one then chamber thingy jobs” “Ok come in the office in 5 minutes and I will interview you” “Ok Miss” I went into Mike’s office and told him about my failed chance to fuck Julie. He laughed. I threw a stapler at him. I need some studying I told him and related the events of the morning. “Ok sweetie” later “I have two forms to fill Tax audits for closure and I be with you” “Oh and I got a report to look at for Ken” I said “Needs approving and signing by 5pm” “Sure honey, now go or I will not be done” I had an interview to do and I would have preferred the office but I decided the canteen was as good a place as any. I was making my way down as Rachel made her way up. “Change of venue” I said “Canteen” Rachel turned and I followed her I stopped to make an announcement “I am going to Interview Rachel here so I would appreciate having the canteen clear for a spell, if anyone needs a drink take a can from the sales cooler and this time I will not moan about drinks on the shop floor” With that I went in the canteen with Rachel and closed and locked the door. “Ok Rachel now this will not be long” “Fine miss” Rachel listened as I re told her what the job was I had to explain some things several times in the end we got there. “Ok Rachel” “Yes miss” “I just need you to sign this paper and the job is yours” I knew she could not write her name proper so I allowed her to just scribble as best she could. “Anything more” I asked her “Miss what’s a lesbian?” “What made you ask that?” “Sam he said things have altered since that lesbian bitch took over” “Did he now” I remarked “Well I will sort him out for sure” “Miss you not answered” “Well if you want to know first I am not a lesbian but I do like girls” I continued to tell her how some girls and women liked to do things with other girls that other girls do with boys. I had to make it simple so she could understand. She asked so many tricky questions and I could be here all day. I had been frustrated at not fucking Julie if I played this right the day might not be a loss after all. “Listen honey” I said “It is probably better if I show you but if I do and you tell anyone I will take away your job understand” The threat was not meant as serious just to ensure she kept quiet. I started towards her and she got a little anxious. Doing my best to calm her I asked her to stand up. She hesitated a little so I reinforced my threat. She stood and I asked her to remove her dress. As she did I showed her I had no panties on. She took off her dress and her panties and stood there in socks and shoes. I asked her to remove those and as she did I stripped off too. Laying her on the table I began to play with her nipples and her pussy. She flinched when I inserted a finger in her pussy and again when I licked a nipple. I continued for a while and then I lay on top of her tit to tit and kissed her on the mouth. I continued by showing her how we rub pussies together and she moaned softly I finished off with a final licking of her pussy and we got dressed. The whole incident including interview had taken just over 1 hr and making sure she was ok and allowing her to compose herself I unlocked the door. Rachel took her copy of the contract and ran up to Martin to show him. I motioned that the canteen was now free but I decreed that from now on drinks could be consumed on the shop floor as long as there were no spillages but food was still to be consumed in the canteen. I left it at that and went back to join Mike in the office “You done what woman you mad” “No why” “What if she tells someone she is only 16?” “Don’t fret lover I got it covered” “Just be careful that’s all” I reminded him how old Amy is she still shook his head. His tax forms were completed and for the rest of the day he taught me about the job I had taken on. I learned it was much the same as the shop getting materials on time to a pre ordained schedule and chasing late deliveries. There was the small bit about site inspections by the planners from time to time and that unfortunately once work started proper on site I would be required there most the day. That meant I needed to interview the rest within 3 days or come back from time to time to a scheduled interview. I decided the former was the better option and put up a notice on the canteen board. As it came time to closing Sam approached me and I chose my words carefully “So Sam have you any idea what you are going to do” “I don’t know” He replied “Depends how things work out” “You mean you do not want to work for a lesbian bitch” I said His face dropped a mile “Sorry Madam” he stuttered “That was a silly off the cuff remark” “Then why make it, have you any basis in fact for the statement” “No Madam it was a stupid thing to say but how?” “Rachel” I replied cutting him short “She is an impressionable girl” “Yes Madam sorry won’t happen again” “I could sack you on the spot you know then no job and no redundancy” His face dropped like a stone “I will let it pass this time but if I hear” I stopped without finishing the sentence the message had got through and once again I had played the power game without realising it. I went back into Mike’s office he was just locking his safe from the days takings “Sales are up” he said “Pity the profits are down with this sale thing” “Poor baby” I whispered “I thought you needed to get rid of stock” “You right” he said “Cost too much for storage and the cash flow is coming in handy” We made small talk driving home Mike just wanted to make one stop “Where are we going I asked?” “See a man about a car” “What” “Shut the fuck up and enjoy the drive” No more to be said I remained silent the rest of the journey. We pulled into a garage forecourt. A man came out and greeted Mike I just sat in the car as ordered. They had been gone around 20 minutes and I was getting restless looking round to see if anyone was watching I pulled up my dress and began to play. Keeping careful watch I managed to get in 1 orgasm before I saw Mike and the man approaching. Mike got in the car and drove off “What was that about?” I asked “Organising a service for the car” “Liar you have yours serviced at Baileys” “Stop the 20 questions” I stopped wondering why he was so secretive and settled down for the ride home. The usual routine followed the drinks the dinner the chit chat. Retiring to the lounge I sat on Mike’s lap. “Pleasssseee hon” I said wriggling my ass into his crotch “Pleassse tell me what went on back there” Cynthia gave a huge giggle and Mike laughed “You will find out soon enough” He said “Now go away and let me read my paper” This was annoying I hated the pair of them but not really it’s just a phrase. James was led in by Amy and ordered to fuck her on the carpet. Nice to see someone was getting something. James my cuckold husband. “Oh by the way this is not James” Amy reported “Her name is Janice” We all laughed and thought it cute. Amy considered for a moment and said Momma can I dress Janice in some female clothes. She looked at me as she said it. All the while Janice was fucking her ass. “Sure honey” I said “You can take her shopping tomorrow after school what you have in mind” “Frilly underwear” I took $100 from my purse “Thanks momma” “That will cost you 30” I said “Now momma” “No tomorrow after you have bought Janice her underwear and if they not feminine or sexy enough I will double it” Janice finished his duties by coming over the girls back and bottom and was ordered to lick it up. Now he was licking his own sperm. While this was happening Mike left the room to make a phone call. He was now back just in time to see Janice being led away. We heard the back door open and close and Amy re entered the room. Sitting there naked she removed Cynthia’s blouse and bra and suckled on the breasts. Mike asked if I was going to join in but I told him no I had my share today and anyway I was not in the mood because he would not tell me what happened at the garage. It was some 30 minutes later the front doorbell went and Mike went to answer. Returning to the room he had the man from the garage in tow. “All ready sir” the man started to say but his eyes popped seeing Amy lying on the floor naked. “Thank you would you like a drink” Mike said “Well sir I must get back” “Nonsense Amy get the man a whisky” Amy trotted off and bought the man his drink “Sit down man” Mike said “Relax I am your last call as we agreed” “Yes sir” The man replied “Home now so when I finished this if I can use the phone to order a taxi.” “We will get you home” Mike said “Relax” The man sat back and drank his eyes wandered over to Amy and she played him. She made sure he caught glimpses of her pussy without making it obvious. Mike patted Amy on the bottom sometimes resting his hand a little longer than is proper. We got to know his name was Stephen and he lived alone since his wife left him taking his two children with her. He always volunteered for the later shifts it saved him being alone in his apartment for too long. “You like my daughter Stephen?” Cynthia asked “Yes she’s lovely” “Amy show Stephen how lovely you are” Amy with her back to Stephen bent forward and stuck her bottom almost in the man’s face. Then she turned round lay on the carpet and opened her legs for him to admire. His bulge was obvious and Amy moved in for the Kill. Stephen enjoyed Amy for over half an hour. “Kaitlin will run you home” Mike said “And how the fuck do I do that when I’m not speaking to you” “Simple darling use your new car” Chapter 6 After depositing Stephen in his apartment and refusing to go in for a drink in case it turned to sex I started my way home. As I turned through town at the Pizza stand I spotted Rachel. She was chewing on a Pizza and had a soft drink in the other hand. I pulled over to ask her what he papa had said to her contract. “Papa is happy” She said “It be hard for a few weeks with less money coming in” It was then I formulated a plan “Rachel sweetheart have you told anyone about what happed today” “No miss honest miss I would never break a promise never” “Good girl” I said “Rachel did you enjoy it” “Yes miss I am going to try my cousin Mary” “Would you like me to teach you more then?” I enquired “But again no one must know it is me understood” “Yes Miss thank you” “And Rachel if you are a very good student and do everything I ask I will make up your wages but no one is to know understood” “Yes miss” “Good I will see you at work tomorrow” With that I drove off as people were beginning to appear from the Pizza place and I recognised someone I did not want to see me. I arrived back home to find them all in bed and I climbed in with Mike kissed his forehead and went to sleep. The following morning I drove us to work in my new car. By now people must have guessed something so I made the announcement. “Some know already” I said pointing at Julie “Other’s may have speculated but Mike and I are an item we live together I live at his house” With that we went upstairs to the office. This morning’s brief was to go over my learning session regarding the site until I had it perfect plus a few bits Mike left out so as not to cause confusion. Julie was not needed so much so I asked her to hand around and help out in the shop. Mike locked the office and my revision started. After a couple of hours my head spun so I went down to bring up some coffees. Rachel caught me on the way out and asked when she would receive her training some of the others overheard and I told her soon I needed to sort a time. Rachel went away happy and If needed I could lie and say it was her new job training. Mike was on the phone when I got back. “Ken requests you meet him on site” He said “I told him you would call him back and arrange it” I returned Ken’s call and told him 30 minutes. Finishing coffee and a quick recap I grabbed Julie from the shop and we headed off to site. We got here just before ken and I unlocked our office door and we went in. I heard the knock but this time Julie let him in. “Morning” Ken said “Sorry about the sudden call but the Architect wants a meeting here in 20 minutes and I thought it best you be here to bear witness to what he says.” The architect I had forgotten that incident where I allowed him to lick my pussy this could get weird. No time to panic I would have to brave it out. While we were waiting a call came into my office who the fuck knew I was here except Mike. Julie answered and spoke to me “It is Mr Carter for you will you take it” “Excuse while I take this call” I said being professional as I could Ken backed off a little and started talking to Julie. I finished my call with Mike and gave my attentions back to Ken. I assured him that be fine and he left to his office. Julie and I had 15 minutes to kill and we made the most of it. Bill was on time and the plans he bought were laid on my planning desk. I got my copy out to be double sure and yes a mistake was there all right. This was my hour I was alone in this one I had to make a decision and after deliberation I made my choice. “Very well lose 3 parking spaces there and place the disabled bays there.” “Sound choice” Agreed ken “I did have my doubts putting a woman in charge but so far it has worked well” “Bill can you redraw that section and have it ready for the planners let’s see two days be enough” “More than adequate this time” he replied “That was a reference I take it to the last time” I asked “Yes Kaitlin it was but it is nice doing business your way” I pretended I knew nothing of what he was talking about and it passed over Ken and Julies heads. Julie made all coffee from a percolator in the corner and ken left. Bill waited till he had gone and Julie was out of earshot before enquiring if there was to be any repeat of our last encounter. I was not sure how to answer and I merely hinted that should an opportunity arise I would not deny his request but he could not fuck me. He affirmed that what he managed last time had him on edge and I sort of agreed that maybe a hand job could be arranged. However I layed down terms as to what I wanted in return. Julie returned from her toiletries as there was no plumbing yet and the portable toilets had not arrived we had to make do behind the bulldozer. I asked her go next door and see Ken about getting those items organised and take her time I had to have a private word with the architect. Julie left and as soon as I was sure it was safe I hoisted my dress to allow Bill to continue where he had left off. I opened my legs to allow him access and sat on the edge of my desk. His fingers and tongue worked their magic and I came very quickly. It was now my turn and slipping off the desk I knelt and removed his pants. Taking his cock out me gave him a hand job playing with his balls as well. I did not want to get the floor stained so I allowed my mouth to take his cock for him to unload and most of it was gone a quick cleaning of his cock and it was over. We adjusted ourselves and as the only water was on bottle for now he settled for putting his cock back as it was. He left and Julie walked in. “Nice timing” I said “Nothing to do with timing I heard you from outside the door” That worried me slightly. But I let it pass. Once again knocked the door. Upon being allowed entry he explained the plumbing would take 2 days but would be ready by the time we were on site proper. Plus there would be a special toilet just for our use. Last item was the soundproofing he explained it could get noisy on site and it was needed so you could answer the phones and the red one was site to site office to office. Plus the walkie-talkies would be on site too as well as the hard hats. He left to lock up his office and we hung back. Watching him leave we figured there was enough time to get it together and this time I ate her pussy and she ate mine in the 69. That would have to satisfy it was time to leave. Arriving back at the store we noticed the closed notice on the store and no one was around. I let Julie go and using my keys opened the store. All was quiet this was a trading day where was everyone. I switched on the lights to a large shout of ‘Surprise’ I looked and they were all there even Julie as I turned round was back. “What’s all this” I asked a grinning Mike it is not my birthday “A celebration” Mike replied “I have been offered a sum to take our remaining stock as of now we have sold out” I jumped into his arms almost bowling him over. The wine flowed and we all ended up a little tipsy. Mike had considered this and as people wandered off he called for taxis take them home. I hadn’t noticed Julie was still here and I passed out from the drink. I woke up at home Mike offering me a gin but I had enough drink for one day. Until Amy mentioned it I had forgotten about her punishment and as I was in no fit state I excused myself and asked Cynthia to perform the task. I did not watch I was too exhausted and went bed. I do remember asking Mike about the interviews and he said in my absence that was all sorted forget the store and I drifted asleep. Chapter Seven How long had I slept the clock said 10:30am. I must get to the store ouch my head hurt. I hurried to dress and found Mike in the lounge reading. “Morning sleepy head” “More like hammer head” He laughed while I went to the kitchen to find the tablets. Standing there was a sight to behold James or should I say Janice was wearing a pair of frilly panties in pink a suspender belt and a bra. It was all completed by a pair of red high heel shoes. I got the tablets a glass of water and went into the lounge. “The shop” I said “All finished do you not remember” It was coming back now, the party the drink the clinch I had with Mike while everyone watched and cheered. “Julie what about Julie” “She is coming round later for a few moments I said you were unwell” I didn’t have any work for her but I would miss not seeing her. I settled into the easy chair and curled my feet up. Mike went through what he had sorted and that was the end for 2 days for me. The site would be starting up then and at least this way I could relax before the onslaught I knew was coming. Putting all thoughts of anything out of my head I relaxed. It was some time before my head cleared and I went out back to the pool. Cynthia was sat by it in her chair taking in the sun. As I approached she pointed to the lounger. I lay down and we started talking. Actually Cynthia did most the talking. She had been her lawyer and I was being made Amy’s mother legally Cynthia was negating her parental rights. I saw the pain in her face as she told me. This I guess must be hard for any mother to do. There are cases where the courts have taken children from their parents but I had never come across transfer of custody especially as there was a living father who surely has more rights than I do. Her face was getting contorted and I was concerned I called Mike and he phoned her doctor. Doctor Marshall came within half an hour of getting the call and called the paramedics inside 20 minutes she was on her way to hospital. Mike went in the ambulance I followed in my car. By the time I arrived because I had to wait at interchanges and the ambulance did not Cynthia was in a private room Mike holding her hand. I had forgotten about Julie till mike mentioned it but this was more important and Julie would understand. I sat in a chair opposite as Mike continued to hold Cynthia’s hand. He only released it when a nurse came in to check on her and then he reached out for it again. I felt like an interloper and I told Mike I would leave but he begged me stay this is what she wanted. I stayed and after a few hours I noticed her wake up. I instinctively moved to her bedside. With Mike one side and me the other with the little strength she had she bought our hands together in hers. In faint voice she whispered “See we are one” Looking at me she said “I know you will stay with him and he loves you” I smiled and sat up to kiss her cheek. Smiling she repeated a similar phrase to Mike. I looked at Mike and he smiled at me. Suddenly without warning the alarm went and nurses and doctors rushed in pushing us out the room. I started to cry and Mike held me close. We could hear the commotion in Cynthia’s room. It seemed to take hours but it wasn’t. One of the Doctors took us aside and said simply “Sorry” Neither Mike nor I could believe she was no more we tried to get into the room but the nurse held us back. “Wait a few moments” She said “While we make her presentable and then you can go in and stay as long as you like” As we were about to enter I remembered Amy and I asked the nurse if they contact the school let her know we were here. She said she would and we entered the room. The person in the bed was not Cynthia. It was a pale reflection of a once great woman. I sat by her side and took her hand it was cool not cold. I have no idea how long I held that hand till Amy appeared. This was Amy’s moment and I left her to it. Mike had sat in the chair I had occupied once his face ashen and I had no idea how to console him. Amy broke the silence. “Moms gone but I have you please don’t you leave me” I burst into tears assuring her I was here to stay. She hugged me so tight it hurt but I was not about to push her away. A nurse appeared to check we were ok and offer us a coffee I ordered us all one and she went to fetch it. Mike got up and approached us and we had a 3 way hug. The nurse appeared with the coffee and we left the room shutting the door. Sitting in the ante room we sipped our coffee without a word being said. Eventually we wandered past the nursing station and out into the air. As we stood outside for a moment an orderly came up and handed us a paper it was the official time of death for us to give her Doctor and a signed statement she was deceased to present for her estate to be sorted. I drove us all home in silence and as we got to the drive Julie was waiting. I apologised and told her what happened and she took me and gave me a hug. She came in with us and insisted we sit while she made us coffees insisting she would find everything in the kitchen assuming she could find the kitchen. The next sound I heard was a scream and I rushed to see what happened. In all the confusion we had left Janice in her shed and Julie had gone out to the bins and seen this man woman and it freaked her out. I explained as best I could that was my husband but I doing not think she fully took it in at that point. We made the coffee together and went back in the lounge. Amy saw me and ran toward me I had the foresight to put down my coffee. I was surprised when she pushed me down sat on my knee pulled out one of my breasts and suckled like a baby. I had no say and Julie made no comment. It was Mike who told us that Amy was adopted and her real mother was a drug user. She had been in several homes but they could not cope with a feisty child even at 5 years of age she was destructive. It was only when Cynthia took her on and inadvertently against all the rules of child guidance slapped her across the face. Worried about child welfare taking her back she panicked. But the welfare never came and whenever Amy knew she had done wrong she informed Cynthia who would smack her it worked. As she grew the slaps became proper punishment and Amy both knew it was coming and grew to like it. The first time mike did it one day as Cynthia was unwell he found it raised an erection and Amy played on it and before long he was fucking her. This was not enough for the precocious child and soon she was making out with a lot of the boys in her school which got her expelled. They managed to get her another school but boys were old hat and she had two of the teachers fucking her. She grew tired of them and met a man whose wife was frigid meaning me. So began an affair she fell in love. The rest I could fill in myself. Amy had fallen asleep on my tit and carefully Mike pulled her off and took her to her bedroom he undressed her and put her to bed before returning to us. It was at that point I realised about Julie’s children “That is no problem” she said “My husband is home from one of his trips” She had told him she had a new job and her boss had called for a special meeting. He understands those he has them with his secretary. “I can ring him and say we worked late you are putting me up” “Will he not begin to wonder” I said “No he knows you are female he has no clue” Mike gave wry smile and we showed her a room. It needed bedding but she was shown where that was. Right now Mike and I needed to comfort each other and we went our room. Julie went her room. It was not supposed to be like this Mike had just lost his wife and we were having sex. There was no guilt he had lost one wife but the proxy one needed comfort too. We confirmed our feelings by our zealous lovemaking and sweaty and exhausted we fell asleep. In the cold light of morning Mike made the calls which set in motion Cynthia’s funeral. No expense was to be spared and he was going through both his and Cynthia’s phone books to inform any relative or friend he could. This took the best part of a morning. Some calls had to be delayed because of time zones and so some were earmarked to be placed later in the day. Julie kept us going with sandwiches and coffee. The cuckold was left in his shed but we took him in a sandwich. It was Julie who asked what did we do with him to which Amy simply replied anything we like. I looked at her and she asked me how many that remark would cost I simply told her that I was keeping score now was not the right time and she would get what was owed. Julie and I had to go on site before the funeral but it was early days so we only had to pop in for an hr or so I would meet Julie there. We did not have sex at all during the time leading to the funeral. On the day of the funeral I went in the lead car much to the annoyance of some relatives. Amy held my hand throughout the whole service. Julie made her appearance but kept a safe distance. We had a few people back afterwards but out of respect Julie did not accept the invite. While Mike mingled with guests I did not even know. Amy never left my side it was as if she were glued. Our guests never saw the cuckold we had him put in a Motel room and we hired him out to a middle aged couple Amy knew for the day. Finally when all the gusts had gone and we were completely alone we did what comes natural to us and fucked each other. Amy vowed at that point she was bored with the cuckold and we decided if the couple wanted him they could keep him. Amy was happy to settle for love from mommy and daddy. THE END For now maybe? |
Sasha and Clair by anon y mouse I was worn to a frazzle. My 7-year old twin boys were driving me up the wall now that school was out. "What are we going to do today?" each one asked over and over. Finally their dad took pity on me and took them off my hands for an extended weekend. They left early on Wednesday morning to spend time with Craig's parents. I went back to bed. When I awakened, I remembered the new neighbors across the street. I'd seen the moving vans, but had not laid eyes on them. After a late breakfast, I baked chocolate chip cookies and walked across the street. A beautiful young woman answered the bell. She was perhaps 24 or 25 with creamy skin, vibrant green eyes and smartly styled short auburn hair A belted robe covered her. "Hi, I'm Clair, your neighbor from across the street. Am I disturbing you? I brought cookies. Welcome to the neighborhood," I stammered. She took the plate. "Hi Clair, I'm Sasha. Nice to meet you. I was out on the patio. Would you join me?" "Of course," I said. "Thanks." "These will go great with the lemonade I have outside. I was taking a little sun. Do you mind if I continue while we talk" "Please, go right ahead." I seated myself under an umbrella near the pool as she went to a beach chair. When I looked back at her she had removed her robe. She stood there in her totally nude, voluptuous beauty. High full breasts, tiny waist and impossibly long, shapely legs. "It's just us girls here. You don't object to my nudity, do you?" "Not at all." I forced the words past my lips. She was so incredibly beautiful and perfect. My mind, my nipples and my pussy went on alert. I thought I had basically controlled these kinds of responses to women years ago. As I nibbled on a cookie, I thought back... ...Mom and Dad divorced when I was 16. She wanted to travel so Dad got me. He never remarried, but had relationships until he found a steady. Deborah seemed to be perfect for Dad. Perfect until she desided to fuck me on my 18th birthday. Dad was gone overnight on a business trip and asked Deborah to stay with me since this was my special day. He felt guilty for leaving me alone. She gave me a lovely negliee, my first sexy piece of intimate apparel, after Dad left. During the night she came into my room. She was naked except for the dick that protruded from the area of her pussy. She frantically pulled at my new gown until it was torn down the front. She kissed me hard, jamming her tongue in my mouth repeatedly and rubbed herself and the dick on me, all the while telling me to relax and enjoy it. She bit at my nipples as she rubbed my pussy. I tried to push her away, but fear and disgust soon turned to pleasure when she made me cum. I stopped fighting and let her have what she wanted. My body became her playground. She licked and sucked every inch of me. Oh, what sounds she made as she ate my pussy, as she mounted me and rode me in the night. She took my virginity with her strap-on dildo. I'm sure my dad didn't know she had a dick too. As I yelped in pain when she de-flowered me, she was triumphantly cumming on the part that was lodged in her. All night, she extracted one orgasm after another from my inexperienced body. She encouraged me with her moans of pleasure as I sucked her large breasts, as she held my head between her legs and accepted my tongue. She grunted in satisfaction as I brought my pussy down on her dick pushing it further into her. It became hard to distinguish her moans of pleasure from my own. I discovered the joy of female loving that memorable night. But I was so embarrassed at my actions when the morning came. I looked at my dishelved self in the mirror. I had love bites all over. The lips on my face and between my legs were swollen from much use. Dad's girlfriend had fucked me good and was probably anticipating more. I quickly showered, packed a few essentials and drove to my grandmother's house while Deborah was singing in the shower. I never stayed with Dad again until he got a new companion. I never told a soul what I had done. I went off to college later that year. Making a success of it was my only goal. Not many dates and very few parties. I switched roommates several times because the lonely ones wanted to fuck with me. In their naked youthfulness, they tempted me but I did not surrender. Pink pussy, taut titties, smooth skin, floral fragrances, flowing hair were put from my mind. Sometimes I forced myself to listen as a roommate moaned in pleasure when the girl from across the hall slipped in and fucked her. I knew how good they felt as they did it. When I allowed myself a peek, a roommate might be lying across the bed with her hair spilling to the floor. A girl might be attached to her breast, sucking loudly. Or she might be using her mouth between her legs. Or she might be riding her. Beauty on beauty, rubbing swollen pussies, seeking release. Most times, though, I would put in my earplugs, turn over and go to sleep. I was not going there again. Straight people didn't do those things. I met Craig in my senior year and I had proper sex. His excellent fucking pushed 'those thoughts' further back in my mind. An advertising firm hired me right out of college. We married two years later. The boys came along when I was 30. I still work for the ad firm but only part-time and from my home office... I brought my thoughts back to the woman in front of me. Looking at this gorgeous creature sunning herself, those feelings that I keep deeply hidden are slithering back. She rubbed oil on her skin as she chatted. I don't think I heard much of what she said. When she lay back on the chaise, her large, shaved pussy came in to view. My own pussy clenched. I nervously agreed to do her back when she asked. My hands kneaded her neck, shoulders, and her back. I was watching Clair. She was a sexy looking woman. It wouldn't take much to seduce her. Clair was lost in her own thoughts for a few minutes. I wonder where she was. "Would you be a darling and do my back and buttocks?" I asked. Was it my imagination or did Sasha purr and undulate as my hands traveled over her pretty ass. She was turning me on. Big time. I finished her up, created an excuse and got my wet pussy the hell out of Dodge. "I have to leave now, Sasha. I may have left something cooking on the stove." Yeah, right. The only overheated thing was her. I know Clair was turned on by me. Her hands shook as she massaged me. I know what I look like. I practically ooze sexuality. It's a fact of my life. Men and women are hot for me. I've had lots of sex in my life, but it wasn't until college that girls were added in the mix. I didn't know what I had been missing. In my second year at college, I met a beautiful couple at a student-teacher mixer. They took a sexual interest in me at first sight and I began fucking them both. He would encourage her as she fucked me. "Eat that pussy, honey. Trib her hard. My baby loves to fuck pussy." She went crazy and so did I. She would watch while he pounded his dick into my ass. The professor would never do it any other way. He preened and watched his performance in their all-mirrored bedroom. I truly blossomed sexually that year. I've since taken pleasure from many people, the beautiful, perfect men and women that I encounter, even though I am married. My husband at 42 is 16 years my senior He fell hopelessly in love with me when I interviewed for a job at his company. I have not worked a day since I met him. But I expertly spend his money. Even at his age, Barry is an excellent lover. When he pops the little blue pill, he fucks me long and hard and deep in both orifices. I am an excellent hostess and I do look great on his arm. Now back to Clair. Yes, those hands felt marvelous. Especially on my ass as she pulled open my cheeks to spread the oil. Clair has probably forgotten how beautiful she is since her kids were born. She is 5' 7" with shoulder length black hair and gray eyes. Motherhood has not hurt her figure. I'll just bet she thought primarily of her family until I came along. Now she is thinking about how my pussy looked when I spread myself out in the sun. Had she looked closer, she would have noticed it glistening with my juices. Juice brought forth by her stares. That night I dreamt four dark-haired women were pulling at me, wanting me, touching all of me. I woke with a start before I came. Craig would be so disappointed in me if he knew I had been with a woman. Even though I'm married with children, I guess I am still am turned on by women after all these years. Watching Sasha brought it to the surface. I try so hard to suppress it, but sometimes late at night when I can't sleep, I pull out that memory of Dad's girlfriend, hair swinging, breasts bouncing, pounding into me. I silently rub my clit and let myself cum. Once I am spent, I can roll over, pretend it didn't happen and go to sleep. The next day I decided to invite Clair for brunch. It was Thursday and my husband was already at the office. I also invited Heather, a fellow graduate student. Heather lets me kiss her above the waist only. Man, she is a kisser and her breasts are to die for. I love women's breasts. Sucking those titties takes the edge off our study sessions. She said she was saving the rest for Mr. Right. I wanted to excite Clair a bit. While they were there, I touched Heather's braless breasts inside her low-cut blouse as she sat next the Clair on the sofa or kissed her on the lips as if it were the most natural thing to do. Wide-eyed, Clair took it all in. At the door, I gave Heather one long last kiss with some tongue and saliva action as I moaned and rubbed her tits. I gave Clair a quiet, swift smack on the lips before sending her across the street. Sasha kissed me. She really did. But not like she kissed Heather. I saw her pink tongue enter Heather's mouth. She had her hands all over her breasts.They seem so natural together. Was Sasha fucking her? She's married like me, but she played with that woman's titties and kissed her like a lover. Somehow, I was a little jealous. By Friday, I knew I had to make a move on Clair while our husbands were away. Mine was in an all day golfing tournament in a neighboring city. It was already mid-morning. I was horny for pussy and wanted to make another conquest. I had to get in Clair's panties. "Clair, come over. I have something I want to show you. You'll love it, I promise. Ten minutes, ok?" I showered and slipped on a mint green, see-through-lace tank bra and panty. The panties were cut so that they didn't cover my ass completely. The front hugged and accentuated my large pussy lips. The tank bra pushed up my globes invitingly. I was sexy if I do say so myself. Clair rang on time. I quickly pulled her in. When I closed the door, I greeted her with a quick smack on the lips-kind of like before. When she opened her mouth to gasp, I forced my tongue inside. She put up a token effort to push me away, but finally acquiesced as I knew she would. I knew from day one that I would fuck her. Married women are my best conquests. They are so needy for something different and exciting. I am that. "Let's go upstairs, baby. I want to fuck you now! I know you want it." "Sasha, please. I don't know if I...Is this outfit what you wanted to show me? Green is your color. You look so hot in it. I can see your's so pretty." "Thanks," I said while turning to model. "I'll let you peel it off me. You want to touch me, don't you? You want to touch my pussy. I saw you looking at it. At me. Come on up, Clair. You can do whatever you want with me." I had her. I was offering her everything she wanted. Her clothes fell away quickly. Before long, she was slowly removing my green items. Her breath was ragged as she touched my flesh. Then I was naked, lying on top of Clair. My large clit was pushing into her. My tongue invaded her sweet mouth again. Our breasts pressed tightly together. I heard the sound of surrender in her throat as I began to slowly ride her. This beautiful woman, Sasha, was pressing against me. Her mound was screwing on mine. Pressing me into her mattress. She felt so damn good. I thought I would go crazy as she fucked my mouth with her tongue. Such exquisite pleasure from a woman was finally mine again. Her hot body and her naughty words encouraged my release. Her fragrant skin was soft and smooth as I roamed my hands over her. I humped my pussy upward as I came endlessly. She joined me. We were still very excited from our initial sexing. Sasha pulled away and began sucking my breasts very hard as she rubbed my clit. Soon she moved between my thighs, spread me wide and began eating on my pussy. She pumped three fingers into me as she pulled on my clit with her lips. My labia, my entire pussy disappeared into her hot, wet mouth. I thrashed in sublime pleasure as her long tongue made its way deep inside my vagina. My juices flowed freely. I lost all count of my orgasms. I was 18 again. My, my what a passionate woman this Clair is. She seemed to have had a lot of pent-up passion for a woman and she released it with me. Before she ate me, Clair whispered that she's needed pussy for so long. I don't think she's aware that she spoke. She sucked hard and long on my clit bringing me over and over the top. Her tongue pumped in me with such rapidity as these hungry sounds escaped from her throat. She was devouring me, becoming as aggressive as me. It was wonderful. Perhaps I can get a story from her. Wherever she got some, it must be memorable. During our time together, Clair asked to "ride" me as I did her. My engorged clit stood at attention for her. She was trembling as she climbed aboard and fitted her swollen pussy to me. Her lovely face, eyes closed, was concentrated in lust as our swollen pussies humped toward orgasm. Her red lips were parted, thick from my kisses. Perspiration dripped from her long neck down between her breasts. Beads of it caught on the thin gold heart that dangled from its chain. Her nipples were rock hard when I reached up for her breasts. Her ass was soft and sleek as I guided her screwing. I was ground into my mattress. Our pelvic bones grated on each other. Our sore,swollen lips became one sealed by our juices. Our clits lengthened to capacity. Pain was pleasure and pleasure was pain. I thought I fucked hard, but Clair fucked harder. Her pussy slipped into my opening. Mine slipped into hers. She held off cumming for as long as she could. Her body would leave mine for precious seconds holding back, but it could barely stand the absence. Contact. Sweet contact again. When she finally let us cum, frantically moaning and moving up and down on my pussy, it was hard and sustained. After long minutes, she collapsed on me. Tears flowed as she thanked me and kissed me passionately. Sasha and I spent the afternoon having sex. I surrendered my mind and my body to her. Hunger overcame me. I kissed and sucked every delicious inch of her-breasts, pussy, ass, the soles of her feet-everywhere. I memorized her with my hands and tongue. Now I know she did purr as I put my fingers in her pussy one by one. Sasha left me for a short time and came back with a bag she said she kept hidden in the attic. With her back to me, she stepped into a harness. She turned and came toward me with a red 8-inch dick. This was just too good! What pleasure I had with her slicing that thing into me from behind as we watched ourselves in the mirror. When she aimed the phallus at my butthole and paused, I gave her permission to enter. My dad's girlfriend had been in there and it felt really good. Sasha rubbed my dripping pussy and transferred the juice to my hole. Ever so slowly, she pressed forward. Slowly, so that I could savor the thick fullness. So that I could watch. There was no real pain even after all these years, but there was so much pleasure. She pushed all the way to the hilt and locked herself into me. She began sliding the dick in and out of my anus. Powerful strokes. Playful, erotic slaps on my cheeks heightened my pleasure. I came when I saw her dip at the knees, then come back up and push hard into me. The feel of that thing was incredible. It was part of the beautiful Sasha who was extraordinary. We were marvelous together. Sasha pressed me against the shower wall, kissing me hungrily as the water beat down on us. I couldn't make up for almost 20 years of lost pussy in one day, but I made a nice dent. I was no longer in denial. I liked fucking women, but I would still keep it a secret from my husband. As we kissed at her front door, Sasha told me that I was an excellent lover. I happily made my way across the street exhausted from delicious sex with a beautiful young woman. It was one of the best days of my life. |
Fornicating Felicia by anon y mouse I am the 33-year old mother of two boys who are 7 and 6. We are left alone at least two weeks out of a month because my husband's job requires that he travel across the country frequently. We hired a girl from the neighborhood to be a companion/babysitter when needed and to do light housework with me on the weekends. Felicia lived two doors down and was in and out of here all the time. The boys loved her because she was rough-housed with them. When my husband was away, I loved her, too but in a much different way. You see, I am a very sexual person. I need physical contact. With him on the road so much, what else could I do but pursue my pleasures elsewhere? I pursued Felicia. I wasn't cheating. Not really, was I? Here's how it all started. Felicia didn't have classes at her high school one Friday this spring. She called to see if I wanted her to work that day instead of the next. I told her to come on over and do the boys' rooms while they were at school. I hadn't dressed yet and was having another cup of coffee when she came in. Felicia was 5' 7", fully developed with thick, straight blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. Her full young breasts pushed at the t-shirt that was tucked into her Daisy Duke cutoffs. She made a beautiful, fresh 18-year old package, glasses and all. Her problem was that she didn't see herself as a pretty young woman. Not a lick of self-confidence emanated from her. No boyfriends either. She rarely looked me or my husband in the eyes, even when we were paying her. She probably saw herself as a gawky teenager, but I saw her as a potential playmate. Upstairs, passing by one of the boys' rooms, I noticed Felicia bending over picking up a toy. Her little ass was so cute as it tried to escape the legs of the brief shorts. I started getting wet thinking about kissing it. Yes, I have kissed female ass before. And I've done many more things as well. A few months before I met my husband, I struck up a conversation at intermission with a pretty, forty-something violinist who was part of the little orchestra that was playing in the park during lunch time. Over liquid refreshment, she looked me in the eye and said she'd been watching me as she played. "It's a good thing my skirt is black because you made me wet my panties. You look like you need fucking, sweet thing. I am just the woman to do it. Conserve your strength. You're going to need it." During the rest of the concert I watched her, all prim and proper on stage and thought about what she'd said. About her wet panties. She pressed her card into my hand and told me to meet her in thirty minutes. Even tough I was a somewhat shy virgin, I was still excited that anyone would want me. I took a chance for once in my life and called in sick after lunch. I didn't resurface for two days. I was eaten, screwed, my orifices inserted with pleasurable objects and kissed all over a million times. I had been a shy office worker. Practically invisible. I went back to work with my delicious secret and filled with sexual self confidence. My body was covered in passion marks beneath my clothing. My pussy was still swollen, my ass was throbbing from last night's intense anal fucking and my breasts sensitive to the slightest touch. The woman suggested I wear a pad because she knew I would wet myself when I thought about the things she did to me. She was so right. The girls remarked that they needed to get sick, too. I was practically glowing. My entire body had been fucked by an insatiable violinist. It was the most incredible experience of my life. I owed it to Felicia to indoctrinate her into a sexual life. It's what she needed to come out of her shell. And I needed pussy again in my life. I walked on to our bedroom and called her in. "Felicia, come here. I'd like to show you something." "Yes, ma'am," she answered, scarily. She probably thought her job was in jeopardy. I led her to the free-standing dressing mirror that I inherited from my grandmother. I loved looking at myself--5'8", 120 pounds, auburn hair, green eyes and always sexually charged--in this mirror. With my hands on her shoulders, I said "Look at yourself, Felicia. Now look at me looking at you. This is how other people look at you. Admiringly. They see a beautiful young woman. You must learn have more confidence in yourself and your looks. Haven't I always told you how fine and beautiful you are? Why don't you believe me?" "No, Ms. Liz. I'm a klutz and I'm too big. I wear glasses..." I pulled the glasses away and put them on the night table. "See, Felicia, you look beautiful without them. And look at these young, high breasts. Magnificient!" I brushed my palms across the hardening nipples. "Ms. Liz, please don't," she said, shakily. "Why not, Felicia? Doesn't this feel good to you? It makes me feel good to touch you this way. Don't you want me to feel good, sweetheart?" "Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry..." "Here, let me help you take this shirt off so you can see me touch you. Pleasure is everything. Good. Now let me have the bra." I rubbed and squeezed her breasts as we watched in the mirror. I was hot and wet. I had to have her pussy today. I placed a few kisses on her shoulders as I pinched the hardened nipples. She shuddered. I unbelted my robe to free my own hard nipples and pressed them against her back. "Do you like what I'm doing to you, Felicia? Do you feel my nipples?" I said as I zipped her shorts down slowly. "No--Yes, ma'am. But this isn't right, is it? Shouldn't I be doing this with a boy?" "If it makes you feel good, it's perfectly all right. And you feel so good to me. Believe me, honey, men don't know everything. Relax now. I'm going to put my hand inside your panties now and touch your nice, young pussy. I need to feel it. Watch me in the mirror as I touch you. Oh, yes, baby!" I caressed her pussy as I lightly rotated my own on her shorts. "Felicia, does my hand feel good down there? Your pussy is so smooth and wet. You're getting excited at my touch. I love that." "Yes, Ms. Liz. I feel all... all tingly." "I will make you feel even better in a few minutes. I am going to suck your pussy into my mouth." "Really, ma'am? Your mouth?" she moaned as I rubbed her clit hard. She had her first orgasm with a human being while watching the whole scene in a mirror. Her legs weakened. "Let me taste your pussy now. It will be fantastic for both of us. Step out of the shorts, sweetheart. Hurry." I gently pushed her on the bed and repositioned the mirror. I wanted her to watch me as I ate her out for the first time. I took her quickly so that so wouldn't suddenly change her mind. I stuck two fingers in her and got her g-spot. Then I attacked her clit and lips with my mouth. Felicia screamed in pleasure, "Oh, Ms. Liz, I...I feel..." and began to cum. She gushed her sweet girl-juice over my hand and into my mouth. I lapped up every bit, making sure my tongue found all the little folds where her treasure might be hiding. When I pushed my long, stiff tongue inside her pussy and explored her virgin territory, she came over and over as I held her firm with my mouth and hands.This was the first pussy I'd had in eight years.And it was good! When I rose from between her legs to look at her, she was sprawled out on my bed, sexually spent. Beautiful. She was looking steadily into my eyes for the very first time. Her mouth was open and ready for her first kiss. I was so excited as I devoured her, letting her taste her own pussy in my mouth. I spread her thighs and examined my handiwork-- her swollen pussy. Her clit raised its head again. Excitedly, I crawled on top of her and gave her some of my wet pussy. "Baby, feel me," I mumbled. I showed her no mercy as I rode her hard. Her moans of pleasure were music to my ears as I went deeper. Our breasts touched and our tongues mated as we screwed our sweating bodies to orgasms. I kept her trapped under me and fucked her over and over. Never once did she ask me to stop. I had her. "You made me feel good, Felicia. Just like I knew you would. Fucking your pussy was incredible," I said between sucking her pretty breasts. Aren't you glad you made me happy?" "Oh, yes ma'am. You did things to me..." Before I picked up the boys at school, I had licked and kissed every inch of her smooth, soft body. When she laid on her stomach, I crawled onto her back and spent myself screwing her sweet ass. Felicia was an avid learner when I ordered her to go down on me. That head, with its thick blond ponytail, was bobbing between my legs like an expert. Proudly, I watched her in the mirror as I was cumming again. She would be my perfect lover. Later during the summer, I took Felicia's virginity with a realistic rubber dick I bought at a sex shop in Las Vegas. He was my special friend when my husband was away. It was secreted away in the back of my own closet in a shoe bag where he would never look. I wanted to be the one to take her virginity as the woman had taken mine. I wanted to see her face as her hymen tore, as the pain faded and she adjusted to the fullness in her pussy for the first time. Felicia liked me to fuck her with my dick as she watched in the mirror. Her face was lovely and expressive when it was deep inside her pussy. The sweet sounds that came from her throat filled the room. I would rub her pubic bone and her clit and she'd squeeze it inside her. Just the site of her lying there, letting me do these things to her body for our pleasure, was an ultimate turn-on. I would lose my tongue in her mouth, pull her nipples with my teeth or stick my thumb in her ass. Whatever I wanted. On the day I shoved my dick in her ass, as my lover had done with me, my little lover cried and begged me not to take it out. "It's too good, Ms. Liz." I alternately watched her ass as I pumped it full of dick and watched her expression in the mirror. A couple of perfectly timed slaps on her cheeks helped bring Felicia some intense orgasms. Juice from my pussy dripped down my legs as I worked at her ass. The next time I went into the city, I bought a nice strap-on to add to my collection. That way I could have my hands free to explore as I dicked my baby girl. Felicia's mom called me a few weeks later, thanking me for giving her daughter a job. She said Felicia's self-confidence had gone through the roof and she even thinking about dating. "Honey," I said after clicking the phone off and she'd raised her head from between my legs, "that was your mom on the phone. She's very pleased with your social progress. I am pleased as well,sweetheart," I said as I rubbed her head with one hand. "You give great head, honey. Suck me harder. Yes, that's it. Make me cum, baby," I screamed silently as I dropped the telephone to the floor. My boys were playing downstairs. I fucked Felicia until she went off to college later that year. I couldn't get enough of her sweet body. I was always touching, kissing or fucking her whenever she entered my house. One morning, I leisurely shaved her blond pussy bald as I had done mine. Freaky me couldn't resist the urge to trib my baby while our pussies were still burning. "I'm sore, Ms. Liz, " she said, "but please keep fucking me. Please. You feel so good on me." Her begging for more of my pussy inspired me even more to give her what she needed. A big dose of me. I sawed my girl's pussy with mine, as hard and as deep as I could. "I know baby, I know. I love fucking you. I can't get enough." Her mom remarried and moved her new husband into their house. She didn't keep close tabs on her daughter as she'd done before. Felicia spent a lot of extra time at my house when my husband was not here. Sometimes overnight. On those nights we never slept. We fucked. One night my youngest opened the bedroom in the middle of the night. Still half asleep, he said he heard noises and thought his daddy was home. Luckily, the room was dark because I was on top of Felicia at the foot of the bed getting some late-night pussy. "Daddy's not... home yet, sweetheart. Go... back to... bed." I never stopped digging my pussy into hers as I talked with my son. He went back to his room after my assurance that his daddy was coming home tomorrow. But Mommy was still fucking sweet Felicia. I covered her mouth with mine as we were cumming. Don't get me wrong. I love my husband and we still have fantastic sex. But I do so love having my share of pussy when he's away. After Felicia leaves, I'll have to find a new girl to 'work' for me. |
Old Dogs New Trick by anon y mouse "I just think it's terrible," Martha said. "Well, it's just young people these days," Yvonne said. This conversation was taking place near me, but I had not been paying much attention. I didn't really want to be here, but Yvonne was my neighbor and I didn't have an excuse for not showing up for a neighborhood cocktail party. I usually begged off because Yvonne and almost all of her married friends spent too much of their spare time trying to match-make me with their unmarried friends. I've been a widower for two years. I'm 62 and in great shape with no beer gut, most of my hair and a more than ample bank account. My reward for working out and being successful is that it is open season on my love life. Don't get me wrong, I like women and would like a steady relationship – maybe even to get married again, but it will be my decision, not some busybody friend. "Billy, what do you think?" asked Martha. "I'm sorry," I said, "I didn't hear what this is about." "It's about the deplorable morals of young people these days." Martha said. "The girls have these 'bachelorette ' parties where they hire a young man to take his clothes off. They call them CFNM parties – clothed female, naked male." "Oh, come on, Martha," Yvonne said. "They're just kids having some fun." "Some fun?" Martha said. "I hear that they humiliate the young man. They pull him around by his...his..." "Penis, Martha." Yvonne said. "Billy knows what a penis is." "Well," Martha said, "they pull him around and spank him and make him serve them drinks and kneel down and lick their toes. It's horrible. Then, at the end of the party the bride...well the bride does this thing..." "The bride gives the young man a blowjob." Yvonne said. "Billy knows what a blowjob is. Eileen always claimed she was the best." Turning to me she said, "So what do you think, Billy?" The reference to Eileen and blowjobs took me off-stride for a minute. Eileen was my now deceased wife and she was, as far as my experience went, the best at blowjobs of anyone in the world. I did not, however, know that she discussed her talent with her friends. "Well, I guess if the girls are having fun, it seems harmless enough," I said. "What about the young man?" Martha asked. I was on my fourth or fifth drink and was far enough along to figure if I just slightly offended them, they would leave me alone. I liked Yvonne and I could tolerate Martha, but I was tired of their interfering with my life. "It sounds like fun. I presume they pay him. If I were 30 years younger, I might choose that as a career over the law. Take your clothes off, get poked around a little my some cute girls, get a blowjob and, in the end, a check – probably with a tip. I can't find a flaw in that plan," I said. I thought Martha was going to drop her drink. She was staring at me in total shock. My plan had worked – for her at least. Yvonne, on the other hand, was laughing. "You're right, Billy," she said. "I didn't see it from the man's point-of-view, but it makes sense that a guy would have a lot of fun." Just then, Yvonne's husband, Matt, came up to our group, took me by the arm and steered me toward the bar. Over his shoulder, he said to his wife, "I'm going to borrow Billy for a while and go smoke a cigar. He's seen all the fresh meat you invited tonight." "Thanks for the rescue," I said. "I wish you'd find somebody so Yvonne and her friends will stop all this shit," he said. "By the way, I heard the comment about Eileen and blowjobs. I hope that didn't bother you too much. Actually, Eileen taught Yvonne how to do it and I was grateful to Eileen until the day she died." With that, we freshened out drinks and spent the rest of the evening on the patio smoking. Two days later my phone rang and it was Yvonne. As soon as she identified herself I was thinking of reasons I could not attend another party. She had something else in mind, however. "Billy," she said. "Do you remember that conversation we had the other night about the bachelorette parties?" "The CFNM parties?" I asked. "Yes," she said. "You indicated that there was a time you might have done that." "It would have beat the hell out of waiting tables to pay my way through law school," I said. "Well, would you be interested now?" she asked. I laughed out loud. "Yvonne," I said, "I'm 62. I don't think a bunch of young women would be too interested in me." "No," she said, "but a group of more mature women might." "What are you talking about?" I asked. "I think it would be just the thing to spice up my Wednesday bridge game." "You're kidding," I said. "No, I'm not," she answered. "We're bored. Our husbands, as you well know, are wealthy. Our children are grown and have moved away. We get together to eat lunch and play bridge, but mostly we drink chardonnay until we're plastered. It's pretty sad." "Look, I'm sorry about that, but I don't think it would be a good idea." I said. "Besides, your friends might get offended and Matt and the other husbands would not like it either." "Matt and the other husbands are not to know," she answered. "There are only four of us and we can keep it quiet. It sure would be fun. You're still a really cute guy and it would be just the kind of fun you described the other night." "Complete with a blowjob?" I asked. "I can't promise what anyone else might do, but I'm certainly interested." As strange as it may seem, this was beginning to make sense. "Isn't Martha part of your bridge group?" I asked. "Don't worry about Martha," she said. "Thirty minutes into the wine and she's a wild woman." For some reason I agreed – maybe to reclaim my youth or to try a new adventure now that my wife was gone. I don't know exactly what, but I do know that my dick was as hard as it had been in years. Wednesday, around 11:30 I showed up at Yvonne's kitchen door in shorts and a tee shirt. She opened the door and invited me in. "First thing," she said, "get those clothes off. The girls will be here any minute and you're going to answer the door. Did you wear the underwear I told you to?" "I did," I answered. I took off my shirt, shorts, and flip-flops and revealed a black thong. Yvonne looked me over and said, "Nice, very nice—a cute ass and a good package. I think this is going to work out well." The doorbell rang and Yvonne led the way into the living room. "It's Sherry," Yvonne said. "She's knows what we're doing, so just open the door, offer to take her purse, and offer to get her a glass of wine. You are to address her as Miss Sherry and me as Miss Yvonne. You will address the others as Miss, also." "Yes," I said. Yvonne slapped my ass as hard as she could. It actually hurt and I didn't understand until she said, "Yes, 'MAM, you piece of male shit.' "Yes, mam," I said and opened the door. Sherry was about my age and just a little on the heavy side. She looked at me and said, "Well, well, what have we got here—a boy toy? Nice dick, Billy, and hard, too. I bet you don't need Viagra if the right lady is around." "May I take your purse and offer you a glass of wine, Miss Sherry?" I asked. "Sure, baby, but I', m going to stay right here by the door so I can watch your cute ass when you walk across the room." As soon as I returned with Sherry's wine, Gladys was at the door. As I took her purse she said, "Turn around and let me see your ass." "Yes, mam," I said and turned with her purse in my hand. She slapped my ass and said, "get me a glass of wine, bitch. That's what you're going to be this afternoon – my male bitch." I was a successful, and somewhat famous, attorney. I was educated and rich and intimidated my opponents in court. I had never been treated this way. It was humiliating and degrading and I loved it. My dick was as hard as it had been when I was 18. I wanted more—a lot more. And I got it. The fun was just beginning. Finally, Martha arrived. Yvonne went with me to the door since Martha did not know I would be there and that I would be answering the door in a thong. When I opened the door, Martha said, "Oh, my god! What is going on?" Yvonne reached through the door and pulled her inside. "Relax, Martha. I thought we'd spice up our little get-togethers." "But Billy is...he's naked," Martha said. "He's not naked yet. He has on a thong, but don't worry Martha. He will be naked shortly." She handed me Martha's purse and told me to get her a glass of wine. After everyone had a full glass of wine, Yvonne instructed me that it was time to serve lunch. It was to be a tomato stuffed with chicken salad on a bed of greens. Yvonne's maid had prepared the meal in the morning and then had been given the rest of the day off. A situation I'm sure she found strange since she always served on bridge day. Just as I was to get the prepared salad plates, Yvonne stopped me. "Hey, slut," she called, "come here." I walked over and she turned to the others and said, "Don't you think it's time to see what's under that pouch?" The others whistled and cheered. "Take it off and let's see that dick." I did as I was told and my dick, hard as it could get, sprang out. The women cheered and clapped. "Nice dick," Gladys said. "Good circumcise job." "I wish Bert had a dick that thick," Sherry said. "His is longer, but it's a pencil dick. I'd rather have a thick one than a long one." "OK, bring us our lunches, slut," Yvonne said, "and I don't want to see any empty wine glasses." I went into the kitchen and began to bring out the lunch plates. I would have to run back and get wine to keep the glasses full. They were really drinking – especially Martha who was on her third glass and she had been there only fifteen minutes. When I had served the last lunch I noticed that Sherry's glass was empty. I ran to the kitchen but had to open a new bottle. When I returned to the dining room, Yvonne was mad. "I told you no empty wine glasses, didn't I?" she said. "Yes, mam." I answered. "And you disobeyed me, didn't you?" she said. "No, mam," I said. "I had to open a new bottle." "So you didn't disobey me," she said, "you fucked up. Fucking up is as bad as disobeying. Bend over and grab your ankles." I did, as she said not sure of what was going to happen. I found out soon enough when she hit me hard on the ass with a ping-pong paddle. The stinging sensation lasted for the next ten minutes. During lunch they talked about their sex lives—how often they had sex, what their husbands did right and wrong and who in the neighborhood was having an affair. As I was cleaning off the table after lunch, Yvonne said, "There's some lunch for you in the kitchen." I said, "Thank you, mam," thinking I was to eat it in the kitchen. I was wrong. "It's some salad in a soup bowl. Fill another soup bowl with wine and bring them both in here," she said. When I came back with the two bowls, she said, "Put them on the floor." I did and she said, "Now get down on all fours and eat and drink like the dog you are." It was completely humiliating. I had to eat and drink without hands exactly like a dog. The women watched and laughed and taunted me. I also had to finish all of it and a soup bowl holds a lot of wine. I was beginning to feel the effects. When I had finished eating, Yvonne said, "After all that wine, do you need to pee?" "Yes, mam," I said, grateful she had asked. I was about to beg permission to go to the bathroom. Yvonne turned to the others and said, "Let's walk the dog." She went over to a drawer and produced a dog collar and leash. She put the collar around me and hooked on the leash. "Let's go," she said. I was led through the kitchen and into the back yard walking on my hands and knees. The girls were commenting on my ass and laughing at my attempts to step over doorframes and go down steps on all fours. Yvonne stopped in the yard and said, "When I walk my dog, he wags his tail. Wag yours." I tried by best to wag my ass back and forth and this brought howls of laughter. Yvonne led me to a tree and said, "Go ahead, pee." I looked at the tree, but I was having trouble figuring out how to do it. Finally, I had to brace my raised leg against the tree to keep from falling and I began to pee. The women laughed and jeered. "Look at that," one of them said. "Men are just like dogs—they even piss like dogs. They eat off the floor and they piss on trees." Everyone laughed except me. I had never been so humiliated. I just raised my leg to piss on a tree with four clothed women watching and laughing. I should have felt terrible, but I didn't. I felt exhilarated and my dick remained hard. Back inside, Yvonne instructed me to put a plastic tablecloth on the dining room table. Then she told me to lie down on it, face up. I really couldn't figure this one out until she reappeared with a bottle of chocolate syrup and a can of whipped topping. "Desert time, girls," she called. She then proceeded to cover me with chocolate syrup and whipped cream from my head, including hair all the way to my toes. I was covered in sticky syrup and cold whipped cream. The women looked on and one said, "I want to lick it all, but I don't want to get my clothes messy." "Let's take our tops off," Martha said. "That way we won't mess up our clothes." Yvonne had been right. Martha was well on her way to being drunk and she had become a ringleader in raunchy behavior. Each of the women removed their blouses and bras and all four gathered around the table topless. Tongues and tits covered my body for the next twenty minutes and I thought I was going to cum more than once. When they finished, Yvonne brought in some hot towels and had me clean each one of them. "Clean us, slut, but don't you dare cop a feel of our tits or I'll beat your ass with a belt," she said. Of course, the first thing I did was cop a feel of her tits so she would spank me. "Bad, bad, boy," she said. "Bend over." I bent over the table and she brought the belt over my ass with a good strong stroke. She then handed the belt to each of the other women who gave me a lash. I knew I would have whelps on my ass and the thought of it made me even more excited. I was still covered in the residue of chocolate and whipped cream so Yvonne said, "Back on all fours and back in the yard." When we were outside, Yvonne took the garden hose and began to wash me like a dog. The water was cold and the women rubbed it on me until the chocolate was gone. I was there on my all fours, dripping wet when Martha said, "Give me the hose.' Yvonne handed it to her and she spread my ass cheeks with one hand and pointed the nozzle a hard steady stream at my asshole. I jumped when the water hit and all the girls laughed. My dick temporarily softened from the shock and Sherry said again, "Just like a dog. Spray them with water, and they lose their hard ons." Inside again, I was still on all fours while the women talked about me like I wasn't there. Yvonne said, "You know what we haven't done? We haven't named his dick. We need a pet name for his dick." "I call Bert's Penny. I started with pencil dick and it just evolved into Penny." Sherry said. "Matt's is 'Big Boy'," Yvonne said. "It's not as big as he thinks it is, but he's so damn proud of it, I go along with it." "We call Reggie's 'Ding-Dong' – not very creative but when he says 'Ding-Dong' that means he wants to fuck," Gladys said. "Merton's dick doesn't have a name," Martha said. "Merton barely has enough personality to have a name, much less his dick." Actually, I thought, Martha has a point here. Her husband was personality challenged. "Let's call Billy's 'Willie'," Sherry said. "Billy's Willie." The others agreed and my dick became Willie. Yvonne said, "OK, what are we going to do with him? We're pretty drunk so we need to use our boy toy and his Willie before we get to far to enjoy it." "I want to suck his dick," Martha said. "This is my house and I get to suck his dick," Yvonne said. "No," Martha said, "I wanna suck his dick. I like to suck dicks and Merton doesn't care if I suck his or not." "I never knew a man who didn't like a blowjob," Gladys said. "Merton acts like he doesn't," Martha said. "We were in Las Vegas in one of those rooms with a round bed and a mirror over the bed. I put on some sexy black lingerie—stockings, garter belt, push-up bra. I spread him out on that bed and sucked his dick, ran my tongue up and down his shaft, tickled him under his balls. He started to come and I put my mouth over it and swallowed every drop of it—god, I love the taste of cum. Do you know what that bastard did? He said, 'Thanks, Honey,' got up, put on his pajamas and went to sleep. That was two years ago and I haven't given him a blowjob since—but I miss tasting cock." "I'm sorry," Yvonne said. "You can give him a blowjob when the bridge group meets at your house, but the hostess gets to give the blowjob." "But I wanna suck his dick!" Martha said. "How about he eats your pussy?" Sherry asked. "Oh, that would be great," Martha answered. "Merton has never done that. In fact, no one has ever done that to me." "Slut," Yvonne said, "eat Martha's pussy. Make her enjoy it and make her cum." Martha was up with her skirt, pantyhose and panties off in a flash. She sat back down and spread her legs. I went over, knelt in front of her and began to lick her clit. She jumped and said, "Oh, my god—this is so good." I put my tongue deep in her pussy, which was wet and ready. She pulled my head into her pussy and I thought I might not be able to breathe. I nibbled on her clit and she began to grind her ass on the chair. The other women were cheering her on. "Come on, Martha." " Get it on, Martha." "You can do it, girl" "Get him to make you cum, Martha." They even began a cheer: "Two, four six, eight; Guess whose pussy Billy ate." Martha reached up and unbuttoned her blouse. Then she reached around and unhooked her bra revealing a set of DD size, sixty-year old tits. She was squeezing her nipples and moaning. In what seemed like a short time, Martha closed her huge thighs on my head and began to pump her pussy against my mouth. Just when I thought I would lose my breath, she began to cum. Oh, shit!" Martha screamed. "Keep it up...god, don't stop...this is so fucking good....FUCK." Martha bounced up and down on the chair, twisting my head right and left each time her ass hit the chair. Finally, she let go of my head and leaned back, mostly naked, her juices all over my face and down her legs. The other women cheered and clapped. Martha bent down and licked her juices off my face. Then she said, "Clean my legs, bitch." I did as told and licked her juices off her inner thighs. I hadn't noticed that while I was eating Martha's pussy, Sherry and Gladys had stripped from the waist down and were masturbating each other while kissing. It was a pretty good show. They continued their girl-girl lovemaking until they both came. Then they looked at me and smiled. "Surprised?" Sherry asked. "We're not gay – just a little bi. I see Willie liked the show." My dick was indeed very hard. "My turn," Yvonne said. "Come stand here, slut. I'm going to suck Willie." I stood in front of Yvonne. She had taken off her slacks and panties because, as she announced, she was going to masturbate herself until my cum filled her mouth. With that she went about giving me one hell of a blowjob. The others clapped and cheered Willie on. "Let's see if that big boy can shoot." I was getting weak in the knees and my still aching ass was starting to contract. I felt myself about to cum. Yvonne felt it too, and pulled back her head and opened her mouth. I shot my load in her mouth and all over her face. She swallowed the cum in her mouth and then had a powerful organism from her masturbation. "Clean my face, slut," she said. I bent over and licked my cum off her face, tasting it for the first time. The girls got dressed and left. Fortunately, they could all walk home because none of them needed to drive. Martha reminded everyone that bridge was at her house next week and she was going to suck my dick. In the kitchen I put my thong on and was about to get dressed when Yvonne came up to me. "Good job," she said and slipped a $100 bill in my thong. "See you next week." On the way home I felt happier than I had in years. My dick was hard. I had been humiliated by four women for over three hours. I had been given a really good blowjob and I had a brand new $100 bill. This sure beats the hell out of practicing law. |
Rachel's Cocktail Party by anon y mouse Rachel sat at her dresser, putting the finishing touches to her make up and admiring herself in the mirror. Her husband, Edward had told her he was bringing three of his colleagues back from work for cocktails and snacks in the early evening and she was making sure she looked her best. She had put on a red party dress over matching red silk panties and a bra, the underwear she had chosen was brief, the panties little more than a thong, so it wouldn't show though her dress. The dress showed off her slim figure well and emphasized her breasts she thought, and added a touch of elegance, it flared slightly in the skirt and the hem was just above her knees. She carefully selected jewelry, diamond earrings and a full pearl necklace. She was especially impressed with the necklace; it was a present from Edward and consisted of a complete string of large pearls which reached around her elegant neck. As it was warm outside, she decided to go bare legged and put on her black sandals with heels. Her black hair went well with the dress, she put in her diamond ear studs and a gold necklace and considered the effect in the mirror. "Hmm, not bad" she said. Finally she clipped her hair up in an elegant style. She reflected on the past two years, she was twenty-four and since she met Edward, had settled down to a steady life with him. She had a bit of a past, but all of that was behind her now and Edward seemed happy for her to stay at home and keep house and occasionally organize drinks or supper parties for his many work colleagues and travel with him whenever he went abroad. In the daytime when she was not with Edward, she worked out regularly at her gym or took their dog for walks. "Not a bad life" she decided. She went downstairs and busied herself preparing small snacks and arranging the drinks glasses and plates. While she was busy she thought about Edward and his work colleagues, she had met one or two of them, mostly older than her, probably in their mid thirties or older she thought. She wondered exactly what they all did at work. She thought about her relationship with Edward. A strange but loving relationship she thought. Recently they had discussed their desires and fantasies in some detail. Car tires scrunched on the gravel drive outside and she heard laughter and car doors banging, then the front door opened and the men arrived, Edward, as ever, leading the way. After kissing her, he introduced his colleagues. "These are three of my friends from work" he said "Tony, George and Andrew". They were all smartly dressed but in a casual style with open necked shirts and sports jackets. They seemed to get on very well together, as if they had known each other from years ago, perhaps thought Rachel they went to school together and played football or some similar game together. She went to the bar in the corner of the room and offered to get them all a drink. She mixed up the cocktails while the men carried on talking, they were joking about something that had happed during the day. They all relaxed into the leather chairs Edward had purchased from somewhere in Africa. Rachel loved the smell and soft comfort of the upholstery. The conversation continued, buoyed by the alcohol perhaps. Rachel felt as if she was drifting, only occasionally catching up with the conversation. The leather felt soft, supporting Rachel's thighs, her legs moved slightly open. She suddenly realized that they were talking about sex in a way that surprised her. Edward was telling the others about an act of sex that they had performed a few evenings ago in the intimacy of their bedroom. She had never expected that he would relate the event to others especially in her company, she was shocked. The others joined in the conversation with some intimate details about their partners. Despite her initial reaction, Rachel could not help getting very aroused by their lewd conversation. Without warning Edward said "stand up Rachel, we've something we want you to do for us". He got up to help her, and the others remained seated. Edward produced a thin silk scarf from his pocket, stood behind her and whispered in her ear "I think you will enjoy this, darling, though you are free to say stop if you don't want this to continue". She was intrigued by this, what did he mean? She felt unable (or was it unwilling?) to resist and went along with his wishes. He proceeded, to her great surprise, to tie her hands behind her with the silk scarf. The position of her hands constrained her to stand upright with her breasts thrust outwards, she felt strangely vulnerable, but secure with Edward there to support her. The other men looked at her with admiration. In a very sudden and unexpected move, Edward pushed her towards one of the low backed leather chairs and made her kneel on two low stools he had positioned close to the back of one of the leather chairs. He then pushed her gently so that she bent forwards over the back of the chair. The chair back sloped gently forwards, supporting her upper body. Her face, turned sideways, and shoulders rested on the ample leather cushion of the chair. Because of the constraint of her hands in the silk scarf binding, the position arched her back so that her buttocks were offered to the men. She wondered what was to happen next. She suddenly realized that Edward was acting out one of the fantasies that she had described to him. Would he act it out completely as she had described? Her red skirt dress had ridden up so that the tops of her thighs were exposed at the back. Edward slowly drew up the dress and folded it over her back. Her ass cheeks and the skimpy red silk panties were exposed for all the men to see. Edward pushed the stools supporting her knees apart so that the thin strip of silk covering her intimate area was fully on view and stretched tight. The men drew closer in, to view. The outline of her sex could be seen faintly through the slight bulge of the material. Rachel thought about what was happening, she knew she could, if she wished have objected to her treatment and got up and walked out. However she felt strangely relaxed and intrigued as to what was to happen next. The taught strip of red material stretched between her spread buttocks was all that hid her intimate area from the gaze of the men. Then she felt Edward's hand on the waist elastic of her panties, surely he wasn't going to....? With an abrupt move he snatched at the material, she felt a sharp pain from the over-stretched elastic, then it gave way, he released the scrap of material and what was left slid down her left leg to the knee. The men's breathing had become heavy as the took in the sight of the beautiful young woman with her buttocks spread wide open to their view. Edward caressed her outer vaginal lips gently, then his fingers became more insistent and penetrated her moistening vagina. Rachel was surprised at herself as the probing fingers aroused her. The room was quiet apart form the men's breathing and the faint slicking noise of Edward's fingers in her cunt. She could see from the corner of her eye that the men had pulled their cocks out of their trousers, exposing their balls at the same time. Edward was talking in very graphic and crude terms about her body, particularly the area that was on display to the other men. His fingers had opened her inner vaginal lips like a flower, exposing her cunt hole, which gaped slightly open, below which the faint brush of her pubic hair could be seen. The dark, puckered ring of her anus was on full display. "I think she's ready for us" he said. One of the other men, Tony, moved over and Edward stepped aside. Rachel felt the hotness of his erect knob probing her outer vagina, forcing its way, and with a swift thrust he had penetrated her, she groaned slightly with surprise. He adjusted his footing and thrust again, this time penetrating her hard and deep. The other men applauded. Tony withdrew, almost fully, to thrust again. The men could see her inner lips being pulled in and out and stretched tight around the engorged cock. "Arrgh!" groaned Rachel, in surprise and with pleasure as the hard knob penetrated her deeply again and again. Tony grunted and came in her after only a few thrusts, with his knob spurting its hot liquid deep into her. He withdrew his still erect penis, which glistened in the evening light. The men saw the semen slowly well up from Rachel's still gaping vaginal crack and slowly drip down over her clitoris and leave a streak on the chair back. "Tony, well done!" said Edward. George moved up between her buttocks and caressed her vagina with his fingers. She was aware that she was completely exposed and vulnerable. However she was impressed with his gentleness, but this was short-lived, as she felt him using the moisture on his fingers to open up her anus. He had scooped the wetness in her vagina with his fingers and was using it to lubricate her anus, massaging around the rim of the small opening and eventually lubricating it to such an extent that he was easily able to penetrate this narrow opening with two fingers. He stepped back to admire his handiwork as her anal opening gaped slightly. Then, to Rachel's absolute dismay she felt the hardness of his penis pushing against her anus. Edward had penetrated her in this way before, but only once. George could smell the odor of her fully aroused sex as it gaped open and oozed the semen spent by Tony deep into her crack. His cock stiffened against the resistance of her anus. With a sudden thrust he was inside her. Her anal tube was stretching under the pressure from George's over eager cock as lust overtook him, he grabbed fiercely at her buttocks as he pushed further into her. Her anal fissure involuntarily contracted on his penis causing intense sensation of pleasure in George, he shouted aloud, "fuck Rachel, I'm coming into your ass". It was more than he could stand and with one more vicious thrust, his penis erupted into her bowel. When his orgasmic spasms had subsided, he gently withdrew his wilting cock. Rachel tried to preserve a small amount of dignity but was shocked when she felt her anus let an involuntary soft fart as it reacted to the violent pumping it had received. The men laughed at this and she heard them again discuss he details of her intimate anatomy. Semen leaked out of both of her freshly penetrated holes, she knew that she was still gaping open for the men to see. Edward pulled her roughly upright to a standing position. The red dress flowed down to cover her wet sex area. The scrap of the red panties slid down to her left ankle covering her shoe. Then Edward pushed her down to kneel on the floor. With her arms still tied behind her back he pushed his sex into her face so she was forced to take his crudely exposed penis into her mouth. She would have loved to have had her hands freed so she could have caressed his balls, however she was not to be permitted this pleasure. He pushed his erect cock into her mouth and held the back of her head with the palm of his right hand as he proceeded to fuck her mouth. His friends gathered round to witness the scene as his huge veined cock rammed in and out of her mouth. She tried to keep up with the pace, wherever possible licking the removed cock head, but it was nearly impossible as he eagerly continued to satisfy himself in her mouth. With one massive final thrust his seed exploded from the purple knob head, some thudding onto the back of her throat, but the pulsating cock was too much for her mouth to contain and it came free again, still spurting its load, onto her face and hair. Thick gobs of spunk clung to her face and hair and slowly descended leaving their traces in her hair and skin. Edward pulled her up again and pushed her over to her original position on the stools and bent over the back of the leather chair. Edward had pulled her dress up again and she felt the wetness between her exposed thighs cool in the air. Andrew had been watching the spectacle silently. His cock had grown to stiffness and its full length was nine inches and it had a huge girth, almost as much as a man's wrist. The other men were admiring this huge penis, and not without some envy. He moved up and took his place between Rachel's spread buttocks. He could see the area between her thighs was glistening wet where the other men's spunk had mingled with her own wetness. He bent forward over her back, rubbing the huge cock along the crevasse between her buttocks. He reached to the back of her neck and gently unfastened her pearl necklace and stood upright again. Rachel was trembling with anticipation; all she wanted now was the huge cock to force its way into her moist cunt. However Andrew kept her waiting. He gently prized open her anus with his fingers and proceeded to insert the pearl necklace, one pearl at a time into her well lubricated opening until only the clasp at one end of the necklace protruded out of the little puckered ring. Next he carefully laid open her cunt opening with his fingers and massaged her splayed buttocks. He was big and ready and gently pushed his mighty penis slowly into her cunt. Rachel grunted as she felt the massive penis force its way into her body. However she was quite unprepared for the next violent thrust from Andrew and she felt as if she would pass out from the shock as he completely filled her. Andrew quickly warmed to the task and thrust repeatedly into the young woman's welcoming cunt. Rachel felt the huge knob pressing down on her clitoris and she was moving towards an immense orgasm. "oh my gawwwd!" she shrieked, the other men were overawed by the spectacle of lust and had started to masturbate their exposed cocks. However Andrew was not finished and proceeded to pound her for all he could with massive thrust after thrust. His huge cock was making a loud slocking sound as it slid easily in and out of Rachel's over lubricated cunt. Rachel felt the orgasm building in her again. This time, just as she went over into a body-wracking climax, Andrew pulled the necklace slowly from her anus, one pearl at a time. The pleasure from the anal stimulation was so great that Rachel shrieked and then passed out completely. Andrew pulled his cock out of her gaping vagina and masturbated to ejaculate huge great fountains of stringy come over her buttocks and over her red dress. The other men contributed and came within seconds of each other; almost completely covering the unconscious Rachel's back with fresh sticky come. She came to with the men gently wiping her now naked body with warm towels. When they had cleaned her up, and they paid great attention to the areas that they had spayed their own fluid over, they wrapped her up in a silk gown and carried her to the bedroom. Rachel fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about the fantasy that Edward had described to her. How could she repay him? |
Jack froze. His mom turned back to his dad’s ass and rubbed the edge of her hand up and down his crack as he pummelled his swollen wet cock into his daughter’s cunt. Did mom just wink at me? It was such a shock to his system that Jack wasn’t sure he’d actually seen what he’d just seen. Sure his family fucking each other like wild animals was out of the ordinary, but his mom winking at him while her face was inches away from her husband’s ass and her twelve year old daughter’s pussy was just unbelievable. Racked with guilt for spying, shame for being caught or pure fear of their reaction to him finding out, Jack pulled his hand from his pants and bolted across the landing and down the stairs. He almost forgot to grab his homework before he was out of the door but he quickly ran to the kitchen, grabbed his papers and left as quickly as he could. Millions of questions filled his head but no answers came to him as he hurried back to school. The rest of the school day passed by in a blur, Jack taking in nothing of what was said. Even the normally attention inspiring Miss Brookes was invisible to Jack and his ‘head in the clouds’ attitude brought forth more than a few comments from teachers and classmates alike. As the last class ended Jack walked home unsure of what he was going to do or say when he got there. When he got home he headed straight for his room and laid back on his bed. His mind wandered back to the sights that greeted him in his sister’s bedroom and his flaccid cock started to swell. Despite himself Jack unbuttoned his pants and pushed them off and began to stroke his cock, his eyes closed imagining the perverse sights he had seen. Suddenly there was a knock on his door and without waiting for an answer his mom walked in. For the second time that day his mom had made Jack freeze. His hand gripped his cock tightly and try as he might he couldn’t move the other hand to cover himself. His mom closed the door and walked over to him, smiling and seemingly unaware that Jack had a rapidly deflating cock in his hand. She sat on the edge of the bed and put her hand on Jack’s. Without a word, she eased his fingers off his cock and wrapped her fingers round it smiling at her son. Jack let out a soft moan. “Oh baby you have such a beautiful cock.” She started to move her fingers slowly up and down stroking his cock, bringing it to life. “Oh mom,” moaned Jack, “that is so good.” “Oh baby, you are only fourteen but you are almost as big as your father.” It was true, Jack was proud of his cock and wasn’t ashamed in the showers at school like some of the other boys at school. Soon his cock was throbbing and as hard as it had ever been. Still smiling at her son, Jack’s mom lowered her head and flicked her tongue out at his pisshole, licking up the precum that had appeared there. She pulled her face away and the string that formed between her tongue and pisshole caught the light streaming into the room. She moved back to her son’s cock and licked it off, savouring the taste. “Mmmmm, Jack’s big cock tastes as good as it looks” she mewled and without further hesitation plunged her mouth down onto her sons cock taking it deep into her throat in one long sucking motion her nose in Jack’s light pubic hair. “Ohhhh my God mom,” cried Jack as he almost erupted in to his mom’s mouth. She felt his tension and started to suck up and down her son’s swollen throbbing cock, moans and ahhhhhs issuing from her. She held the base of his cock and was sucking hard and fast, all the way up and all the way down, hungry for her son’s tasty cum. Jack was unable to hold off any longer and involuntarily pushing down on his mom’s head bucked his ass off the bed and let fly a mighty gush of cum into his mother’s throat. His hard cock spurted and spurted, filling his mother’s mouth. “Fuck fuck fuck,” cried out Jack, his mother purring like a kitten. After she had sensed that Jack had finished cumming she drew her head up and licked her lips smiling at her son. “We have some talking to do baby,” she said. “No shit!” replied Jack. She raised her eyebrows at his use of language and Jack apologised. “Dinner will be ready in 15 minutes. We will talk then.” She kissed him lightly on the cheek and left the room. This is gonna be some talk thought Jack. He waited nervously in his room, still quite unable to believe the events of the day so far until he heard his father calling him to dinner. Jack walked down the stairs in a daze. Here we go he thought. His dad and sister were sat at the table, while mom served up the dinner. “Hey Jack,” she called as she saw him, “come and have some delicious pasta.” His family somehow looked different but he couldn’t put his finger on it. His dad was wearing shorts and a t shirt, teasing his daughter about some boy at school. Melissa, his sister, was laughing shyly and sticking her tongue out at her dad. Mom was laughing as she served up dinner. Jack sat down. “Let’s eat!” said Dad. The family ate through dinner, a few comments made but mostly concentrating on eating. Once the plates were cleared away, it began. “Jack,” began Mom, “we understand that what you saw today has brought you many questions and we are here to answer them but first let me explain how this happened. Your father and I have always been very open about sex as you and your sister know. We had taught you all we could about sex by explaining things and showing you books but it seems that wasn’t enough for one of you.” She smiled at Melissa, who looked up with a sheepish grin, and carried on. “one evening your father and I were fucking....yes Jack, fucking....” she emphasised the word to let Jack know it wasn’t a slip of the tongue. Your father was pretending that I was Melissa, he has always had a thing about that...” Dad rolled his eyes in mock guilt “when suddenly who walks into the room after a nightmare but your little sister. We didn’t hear or see her straight away so she was just watching us fuck while your father gave me orgasm after orgasm.” “The first we knew she was there was when she said “Mom! Why is dad pretending that you are me?” |
Rachel's Cocktail Party by anon y mouse Rachel sat at her dresser, putting the finishing touches to her make up and admiring herself in the mirror. Her husband, Edward had told her he was bringing three of his colleagues back from work for cocktails and snacks in the early evening and she was making sure she looked her best. She had put on a red party dress over matching red silk panties and a bra, the underwear she had chosen was brief, the panties little more than a thong, so it wouldn't show though her dress. The dress showed off her slim figure well and emphasized her breasts she thought, and added a touch of elegance, it flared slightly in the skirt and the hem was just above her knees. She carefully selected jewelry, diamond earrings and a full pearl necklace. She was especially impressed with the necklace; it was a present from Edward and consisted of a complete string of large pearls which reached around her elegant neck. As it was warm outside, she decided to go bare legged and put on her black sandals with heels. Her black hair went well with the dress, she put in her diamond ear studs and a gold necklace and considered the effect in the mirror. "Hmm, not bad" she said. Finally she clipped her hair up in an elegant style. She reflected on the past two years, she was twenty-four and since she met Edward, had settled down to a steady life with him. She had a bit of a past, but all of that was behind her now and Edward seemed happy for her to stay at home and keep house and occasionally organize drinks or supper parties for his many work colleagues and travel with him whenever he went abroad. In the daytime when she was not with Edward, she worked out regularly at her gym or took their dog for walks. "Not a bad life" she decided. She went downstairs and busied herself preparing small snacks and arranging the drinks glasses and plates. While she was busy she thought about Edward and his work colleagues, she had met one or two of them, mostly older than her, probably in their mid thirties or older she thought. She wondered exactly what they all did at work. She thought about her relationship with Edward. A strange but loving relationship she thought. Recently they had discussed their desires and fantasies in some detail. Car tires scrunched on the gravel drive outside and she heard laughter and car doors banging, then the front door opened and the men arrived, Edward, as ever, leading the way. After kissing her, he introduced his colleagues. "These are three of my friends from work" he said "Tony, George and Andrew". They were all smartly dressed but in a casual style with open necked shirts and sports jackets. They seemed to get on very well together, as if they had known each other from years ago, perhaps thought Rachel they went to school together and played football or some similar game together. She went to the bar in the corner of the room and offered to get them all a drink. She mixed up the cocktails while the men carried on talking, they were joking about something that had happed during the day. They all relaxed into the leather chairs Edward had purchased from somewhere in Africa. Rachel loved the smell and soft comfort of the upholstery. The conversation continued, buoyed by the alcohol perhaps. Rachel felt as if she was drifting, only occasionally catching up with the conversation. The leather felt soft, supporting Rachel's thighs, her legs moved slightly open. She suddenly realized that they were talking about sex in a way that surprised her. Edward was telling the others about an act of sex that they had performed a few evenings ago in the intimacy of their bedroom. She had never expected that he would relate the event to others especially in her company, she was shocked. The others joined in the conversation with some intimate details about their partners. Despite her initial reaction, Rachel could not help getting very aroused by their lewd conversation. Without warning Edward said "stand up Rachel, we've something we want you to do for us". He got up to help her, and the others remained seated. Edward produced a thin silk scarf from his pocket, stood behind her and whispered in her ear "I think you will enjoy this, darling, though you are free to say stop if you don't want this to continue". She was intrigued by this, what did he mean? She felt unable (or was it unwilling?) to resist and went along with his wishes. He proceeded, to her great surprise, to tie her hands behind her with the silk scarf. The position of her hands constrained her to stand upright with her breasts thrust outwards, she felt strangely vulnerable, but secure with Edward there to support her. The other men looked at her with admiration. In a very sudden and unexpected move, Edward pushed her towards one of the low backed leather chairs and made her kneel on two low stools he had positioned close to the back of one of the leather chairs. He then pushed her gently so that she bent forwards over the back of the chair. The chair back sloped gently forwards, supporting her upper body. Her face, turned sideways, and shoulders rested on the ample leather cushion of the chair. Because of the constraint of her hands in the silk scarf binding, the position arched her back so that her buttocks were offered to the men. She wondered what was to happen next. She suddenly realized that Edward was acting out one of the fantasies that she had described to him. Would he act it out completely as she had described? Her red skirt dress had ridden up so that the tops of her thighs were exposed at the back. Edward slowly drew up the dress and folded it over her back. Her ass cheeks and the skimpy red silk panties were exposed for all the men to see. Edward pushed the stools supporting her knees apart so that the thin strip of silk covering her intimate area was fully on view and stretched tight. The men drew closer in, to view. The outline of her sex could be seen faintly through the slight bulge of the material. Rachel thought about what was happening, she knew she could, if she wished have objected to her treatment and got up and walked out. However she felt strangely relaxed and intrigued as to what was to happen next. The taught strip of red material stretched between her spread buttocks was all that hid her intimate area from the gaze of the men. Then she felt Edward's hand on the waist elastic of her panties, surely he wasn't going to....? With an abrupt move he snatched at the material, she felt a sharp pain from the over-stretched elastic, then it gave way, he released the scrap of material and what was left slid down her left leg to the knee. The men's breathing had become heavy as the took in the sight of the beautiful young woman with her buttocks spread wide open to their view. Edward caressed her outer vaginal lips gently, then his fingers became more insistent and penetrated her moistening vagina. Rachel was surprised at herself as the probing fingers aroused her. The room was quiet apart form the men's breathing and the faint slicking noise of Edward's fingers in her cunt. She could see from the corner of her eye that the men had pulled their cocks out of their trousers, exposing their balls at the same time. Edward was talking in very graphic and crude terms about her body, particularly the area that was on display to the other men. His fingers had opened her inner vaginal lips like a flower, exposing her cunt hole, which gaped slightly open, below which the faint brush of her pubic hair could be seen. The dark, puckered ring of her anus was on full display. "I think she's ready for us" he said. One of the other men, Tony, moved over and Edward stepped aside. Rachel felt the hotness of his erect knob probing her outer vagina, forcing its way, and with a swift thrust he had penetrated her, she groaned slightly with surprise. He adjusted his footing and thrust again, this time penetrating her hard and deep. The other men applauded. Tony withdrew, almost fully, to thrust again. The men could see her inner lips being pulled in and out and stretched tight around the engorged cock. "Arrgh!" groaned Rachel, in surprise and with pleasure as the hard knob penetrated her deeply again and again. Tony grunted and came in her after only a few thrusts, with his knob spurting its hot liquid deep into her. He withdrew his still erect penis, which glistened in the evening light. The men saw the semen slowly well up from Rachel's still gaping vaginal crack and slowly drip down over her clitoris and leave a streak on the chair back. "Tony, well done!" said Edward. George moved up between her buttocks and caressed her vagina with his fingers. She was aware that she was completely exposed and vulnerable. However she was impressed with his gentleness, but this was short-lived, as she felt him using the moisture on his fingers to open up her anus. He had scooped the wetness in her vagina with his fingers and was using it to lubricate her anus, massaging around the rim of the small opening and eventually lubricating it to such an extent that he was easily able to penetrate this narrow opening with two fingers. He stepped back to admire his handiwork as her anal opening gaped slightly. Then, to Rachel's absolute dismay she felt the hardness of his penis pushing against her anus. Edward had penetrated her in this way before, but only once. George could smell the odor of her fully aroused sex as it gaped open and oozed the semen spent by Tony deep into her crack. His cock stiffened against the resistance of her anus. With a sudden thrust he was inside her. Her anal tube was stretching under the pressure from George's over eager cock as lust overtook him, he grabbed fiercely at her buttocks as he pushed further into her. Her anal fissure involuntarily contracted on his penis causing intense sensation of pleasure in George, he shouted aloud, "fuck Rachel, I'm coming into your ass". It was more than he could stand and with one more vicious thrust, his penis erupted into her bowel. When his orgasmic spasms had subsided, he gently withdrew his wilting cock. Rachel tried to preserve a small amount of dignity but was shocked when she felt her anus let an involuntary soft fart as it reacted to the violent pumping it had received. The men laughed at this and she heard them again discuss he details of her intimate anatomy. Semen leaked out of both of her freshly penetrated holes, she knew that she was still gaping open for the men to see. Edward pulled her roughly upright to a standing position. The red dress flowed down to cover her wet sex area. The scrap of the red panties slid down to her left ankle covering her shoe. Then Edward pushed her down to kneel on the floor. With her arms still tied behind her back he pushed his sex into her face so she was forced to take his crudely exposed penis into her mouth. She would have loved to have had her hands freed so she could have caressed his balls, however she was not to be permitted this pleasure. He pushed his erect cock into her mouth and held the back of her head with the palm of his right hand as he proceeded to fuck her mouth. His friends gathered round to witness the scene as his huge veined cock rammed in and out of her mouth. She tried to keep up with the pace, wherever possible licking the removed cock head, but it was nearly impossible as he eagerly continued to satisfy himself in her mouth. With one massive final thrust his seed exploded from the purple knob head, some thudding onto the back of her throat, but the pulsating cock was too much for her mouth to contain and it came free again, still spurting its load, onto her face and hair. Thick gobs of spunk clung to her face and hair and slowly descended leaving their traces in her hair and skin. Edward pulled her up again and pushed her over to her original position on the stools and bent over the back of the leather chair. Edward had pulled her dress up again and she felt the wetness between her exposed thighs cool in the air. Andrew had been watching the spectacle silently. His cock had grown to stiffness and its full length was nine inches and it had a huge girth, almost as much as a man's wrist. The other men were admiring this huge penis, and not without some envy. He moved up and took his place between Rachel's spread buttocks. He could see the area between her thighs was glistening wet where the other men's spunk had mingled with her own wetness. He bent forward over her back, rubbing the huge cock along the crevasse between her buttocks. He reached to the back of her neck and gently unfastened her pearl necklace and stood upright again. Rachel was trembling with anticipation; all she wanted now was the huge cock to force its way into her moist cunt. However Andrew kept her waiting. He gently prized open her anus with his fingers and proceeded to insert the pearl necklace, one pearl at a time into her well lubricated opening until only the clasp at one end of the necklace protruded out of the little puckered ring. Next he carefully laid open her cunt opening with his fingers and massaged her splayed buttocks. He was big and ready and gently pushed his mighty penis slowly into her cunt. Rachel grunted as she felt the massive penis force its way into her body. However she was quite unprepared for the next violent thrust from Andrew and she felt as if she would pass out from the shock as he completely filled her. Andrew quickly warmed to the task and thrust repeatedly into the young woman's welcoming cunt. Rachel felt the huge knob pressing down on her clitoris and she was moving towards an immense orgasm. "oh my gawwwd!" she shrieked, the other men were overawed by the spectacle of lust and had started to masturbate their exposed cocks. However Andrew was not finished and proceeded to pound her for all he could with massive thrust after thrust. His huge cock was making a loud slocking sound as it slid easily in and out of Rachel's over lubricated cunt. Rachel felt the orgasm building in her again. This time, just as she went over into a body-wracking climax, Andrew pulled the necklace slowly from her anus, one pearl at a time. The pleasure from the anal stimulation was so great that Rachel shrieked and then passed out completely. Andrew pulled his cock out of her gaping vagina and masturbated to ejaculate huge great fountains of stringy come over her buttocks and over her red dress. The other men contributed and came within seconds of each other; almost completely covering the unconscious Rachel's back with fresh sticky come. She came to with the men gently wiping her now naked body with warm towels. When they had cleaned her up, and they paid great attention to the areas that they had spayed their own fluid over, they wrapped her up in a silk gown and carried her to the bedroom. Rachel fell into a deep sleep, dreaming about the fantasy that Edward had described to her. How could she repay him? |
Fornicating Felicia by anon y mouse I am the 33-year old mother of two boys who are 7 and 6. We are left alone at least two weeks out of a month because my husband's job requires that he travel across the country frequently. We hired a girl from the neighborhood to be a companion/babysitter when needed and to do light housework with me on the weekends. Felicia lived two doors down and was in and out of here all the time. The boys loved her because she was rough-housed with them. When my husband was away, I loved her, too but in a much different way. You see, I am a very sexual person. I need physical contact. With him on the road so much, what else could I do but pursue my pleasures elsewhere? I pursued Felicia. I wasn't cheating. Not really, was I? Here's how it all started. Felicia didn't have classes at her high school one Friday this spring. She called to see if I wanted her to work that day instead of the next. I told her to come on over and do the boys' rooms while they were at school. I hadn't dressed yet and was having another cup of coffee when she came in. Felicia was 5' 7", fully developed with thick, straight blonde hair pulled into a ponytail. Her full young breasts pushed at the t-shirt that was tucked into her Daisy Duke cutoffs. She made a beautiful, fresh 18-year old package, glasses and all. Her problem was that she didn't see herself as a pretty young woman. Not a lick of self-confidence emanated from her. No boyfriends either. She rarely looked me or my husband in the eyes, even when we were paying her. She probably saw herself as a gawky teenager, but I saw her as a potential playmate. Upstairs, passing by one of the boys' rooms, I noticed Felicia bending over picking up a toy. Her little ass was so cute as it tried to escape the legs of the brief shorts. I started getting wet thinking about kissing it. Yes, I have kissed female ass before. And I've done many more things as well. A few months before I met my husband, I struck up a conversation at intermission with a pretty, forty-something violinist who was part of the little orchestra that was playing in the park during lunch time. Over liquid refreshment, she looked me in the eye and said she'd been watching me as she played. "It's a good thing my skirt is black because you made me wet my panties. You look like you need fucking, sweet thing. I am just the woman to do it. Conserve your strength. You're going to need it." During the rest of the concert I watched her, all prim and proper on stage and thought about what she'd said. About her wet panties. She pressed her card into my hand and told me to meet her in thirty minutes. Even tough I was a somewhat shy virgin, I was still excited that anyone would want me. I took a chance for once in my life and called in sick after lunch. I didn't resurface for two days. I was eaten, screwed, my orifices inserted with pleasurable objects and kissed all over a million times. I had been a shy office worker. Practically invisible. I went back to work with my delicious secret and filled with sexual self confidence. My body was covered in passion marks beneath my clothing. My pussy was still swollen, my ass was throbbing from last night's intense anal fucking and my breasts sensitive to the slightest touch. The woman suggested I wear a pad because she knew I would wet myself when I thought about the things she did to me. She was so right. The girls remarked that they needed to get sick, too. I was practically glowing. My entire body had been fucked by an insatiable violinist. It was the most incredible experience of my life. I owed it to Felicia to indoctrinate her into a sexual life. It's what she needed to come out of her shell. And I needed pussy again in my life. I walked on to our bedroom and called her in. "Felicia, come here. I'd like to show you something." "Yes, ma'am," she answered, scarily. She probably thought her job was in jeopardy. I led her to the free-standing dressing mirror that I inherited from my grandmother. I loved looking at myself--5'8", 120 pounds, auburn hair, green eyes and always sexually charged--in this mirror. With my hands on her shoulders, I said "Look at yourself, Felicia. Now look at me looking at you. This is how other people look at you. Admiringly. They see a beautiful young woman. You must learn have more confidence in yourself and your looks. Haven't I always told you how fine and beautiful you are? Why don't you believe me?" "No, Ms. Liz. I'm a klutz and I'm too big. I wear glasses..." I pulled the glasses away and put them on the night table. "See, Felicia, you look beautiful without them. And look at these young, high breasts. Magnificient!" I brushed my palms across the hardening nipples. "Ms. Liz, please don't," she said, shakily. "Why not, Felicia? Doesn't this feel good to you? It makes me feel good to touch you this way. Don't you want me to feel good, sweetheart?" "Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry..." "Here, let me help you take this shirt off so you can see me touch you. Pleasure is everything. Good. Now let me have the bra." I rubbed and squeezed her breasts as we watched in the mirror. I was hot and wet. I had to have her pussy today. I placed a few kisses on her shoulders as I pinched the hardened nipples. She shuddered. I unbelted my robe to free my own hard nipples and pressed them against her back. "Do you like what I'm doing to you, Felicia? Do you feel my nipples?" I said as I zipped her shorts down slowly. "No--Yes, ma'am. But this isn't right, is it? Shouldn't I be doing this with a boy?" "If it makes you feel good, it's perfectly all right. And you feel so good to me. Believe me, honey, men don't know everything. Relax now. I'm going to put my hand inside your panties now and touch your nice, young pussy. I need to feel it. Watch me in the mirror as I touch you. Oh, yes, baby!" I caressed her pussy as I lightly rotated my own on her shorts. "Felicia, does my hand feel good down there? Your pussy is so smooth and wet. You're getting excited at my touch. I love that." "Yes, Ms. Liz. I feel all... all tingly." "I will make you feel even better in a few minutes. I am going to suck your pussy into my mouth." "Really, ma'am? Your mouth?" she moaned as I rubbed her clit hard. She had her first orgasm with a human being while watching the whole scene in a mirror. Her legs weakened. "Let me taste your pussy now. It will be fantastic for both of us. Step out of the shorts, sweetheart. Hurry." I gently pushed her on the bed and repositioned the mirror. I wanted her to watch me as I ate her out for the first time. I took her quickly so that so wouldn't suddenly change her mind. I stuck two fingers in her and got her g-spot. Then I attacked her clit and lips with my mouth. Felicia screamed in pleasure, "Oh, Ms. Liz, I...I feel..." and began to cum. She gushed her sweet girl-juice over my hand and into my mouth. I lapped up every bit, making sure my tongue found all the little folds where her treasure might be hiding. When I pushed my long, stiff tongue inside her pussy and explored her virgin territory, she came over and over as I held her firm with my mouth and hands.This was the first pussy I'd had in eight years.And it was good! When I rose from between her legs to look at her, she was sprawled out on my bed, sexually spent. Beautiful. She was looking steadily into my eyes for the very first time. Her mouth was open and ready for her first kiss. I was so excited as I devoured her, letting her taste her own pussy in my mouth. I spread her thighs and examined my handiwork-- her swollen pussy. Her clit raised its head again. Excitedly, I crawled on top of her and gave her some of my wet pussy. "Baby, feel me," I mumbled. I showed her no mercy as I rode her hard. Her moans of pleasure were music to my ears as I went deeper. Our breasts touched and our tongues mated as we screwed our sweating bodies to orgasms. I kept her trapped under me and fucked her over and over. Never once did she ask me to stop. I had her. "You made me feel good, Felicia. Just like I knew you would. Fucking your pussy was incredible," I said between sucking her pretty breasts. Aren't you glad you made me happy?" "Oh, yes ma'am. You did things to me..." Before I picked up the boys at school, I had licked and kissed every inch of her smooth, soft body. When she laid on her stomach, I crawled onto her back and spent myself screwing her sweet ass. Felicia was an avid learner when I ordered her to go down on me. That head, with its thick blond ponytail, was bobbing between my legs like an expert. Proudly, I watched her in the mirror as I was cumming again. She would be my perfect lover. Later during the summer, I took Felicia's virginity with a realistic rubber dick I bought at a sex shop in Las Vegas. He was my special friend when my husband was away. It was secreted away in the back of my own closet in a shoe bag where he would never look. I wanted to be the one to take her virginity as the woman had taken mine. I wanted to see her face as her hymen tore, as the pain faded and she adjusted to the fullness in her pussy for the first time. Felicia liked me to fuck her with my dick as she watched in the mirror. Her face was lovely and expressive when it was deep inside her pussy. The sweet sounds that came from her throat filled the room. I would rub her pubic bone and her clit and she'd squeeze it inside her. Just the site of her lying there, letting me do these things to her body for our pleasure, was an ultimate turn-on. I would lose my tongue in her mouth, pull her nipples with my teeth or stick my thumb in her ass. Whatever I wanted. On the day I shoved my dick in her ass, as my lover had done with me, my little lover cried and begged me not to take it out. "It's too good, Ms. Liz." I alternately watched her ass as I pumped it full of dick and watched her expression in the mirror. A couple of perfectly timed slaps on her cheeks helped bring Felicia some intense orgasms. Juice from my pussy dripped down my legs as I worked at her ass. The next time I went into the city, I bought a nice strap-on to add to my collection. That way I could have my hands free to explore as I dicked my baby girl. Felicia's mom called me a few weeks later, thanking me for giving her daughter a job. She said Felicia's self-confidence had gone through the roof and she even thinking about dating. "Honey," I said after clicking the phone off and she'd raised her head from between my legs, "that was your mom on the phone. She's very pleased with your social progress. I am pleased as well,sweetheart," I said as I rubbed her head with one hand. "You give great head, honey. Suck me harder. Yes, that's it. Make me cum, baby," I screamed silently as I dropped the telephone to the floor. My boys were playing downstairs. I fucked Felicia until she went off to college later that year. I couldn't get enough of her sweet body. I was always touching, kissing or fucking her whenever she entered my house. One morning, I leisurely shaved her blond pussy bald as I had done mine. Freaky me couldn't resist the urge to trib my baby while our pussies were still burning. "I'm sore, Ms. Liz, " she said, "but please keep fucking me. Please. You feel so good on me." Her begging for more of my pussy inspired me even more to give her what she needed. A big dose of me. I sawed my girl's pussy with mine, as hard and as deep as I could. "I know baby, I know. I love fucking you. I can't get enough." Her mom remarried and moved her new husband into their house. She didn't keep close tabs on her daughter as she'd done before. Felicia spent a lot of extra time at my house when my husband was not here. Sometimes overnight. On those nights we never slept. We fucked. One night my youngest opened the bedroom in the middle of the night. Still half asleep, he said he heard noises and thought his daddy was home. Luckily, the room was dark because I was on top of Felicia at the foot of the bed getting some late-night pussy. "Daddy's not... home yet, sweetheart. Go... back to... bed." I never stopped digging my pussy into hers as I talked with my son. He went back to his room after my assurance that his daddy was coming home tomorrow. But Mommy was still fucking sweet Felicia. I covered her mouth with mine as we were cumming. Don't get me wrong. I love my husband and we still have fantastic sex. But I do so love having my share of pussy when he's away. After Felicia leaves, I'll have to find a new girl to 'work' for me. |
New beginnings By anon y mouse First a preamble this is a follow on from a previous story ‘NEW MOTHER’ this story stands alone but for the background read you can read the other one first the choice is yours. On with the story............................. Chapter 1 After finally confronting my husband James about his affair with a 12 yr old girl we had reached a pact. He stayed out of my life and me his. The girl in question was the daughter of my lover and Boss Mike. I had been given carte' blanche' to become her mother as his wife had cancer and had accepted me as her substitute. We were very close even in the biblical sense. After I had confronted my husband I ordered them to fuck. James did not appear to be happy with me and Mike watching him and started to protest. “Fuck her now” I ordered “Or lose your piece of pussy forever” James removed his clothes with the help of Amy and I watched them both until I was satisfied he would do my bidding anytime I wanted. Mike and I after a few moments watching this left James and Amy to Fuck. Mike sniggered as he saw me take control “Yes hon I did pick well Cynthia will be pleased with the way you handled this situation” I laughed I had never seen myself as a dominant but after the past events I began to realise I was relishing the role. About half an hour later Amy appeared smiling and just got in the car butt naked. I climbed in the back with her and Mike drove us home. Our moans as we pleasured each other were distracting his driving but I needed the release. He warned me we were approaching home and we stepped out the car We reached the house and we walked in leaving mike to park the car. I went straight to Cynthia in the lounge and kissed her full on the lips. “You had a good day” She said “I can taste it in your kiss” “Yes in ways I will tell you later” I laughed “Good” She smiled “Just make sure he keeps feeding you his cock” “That’s a promise” I said “Will you want your usual” “Sure honey but I’ll have the Gin first” she laughed We both understood what the usual was. I left her side and before Mike entered I had poured both Cynthia and myself a Gin and the Whisky for Mike. “Amy is in” I told her “Is she still fucking that husband of yours” Cynthia winked Mike walked in and went over to his wife and kissed her. We talked about the day while having our drinks but I did not tell Cynthia about Julie I was saving that for later. “What’s for dinner hon” he asked “No idea till I look in the fridge” I glared “You men always either eating or fucking is that all I’m here for” “Is there anything else” he laughed I ignored the comment and left them to go prepare dinner. Actually it was mostly prepared all I had to do was cook it. Cynthia’s disability meant she wasn’t able to do the latter but she always tried to prepare the food for me to save time even though I told her was not necessary. I busied myself with dinner and we sat to eat Amy had put on some clothes but only her panties. I let it pass for now this needed sorting and I glanced at Cynthia. “Amy” I said after dinner “You been a bad girl go now and get ready for your punishment” Amy pretended to be annoyed but we knew she loved this bit and Cynthia gave me the look as if to say you are learning. Amy returned with the handcuffs on and completely naked with the belt clenched between her teeth. She knelt at my feet and did not move until I removed the belt. Standing up Amy walked to the table and faced it and stuck her butt out for what she knew was to follow. “Amy” I said “How many orgasm’s did you have fucking my husband?” “Two momma” “Then you shall take 20 on each cheek” “Yes momma thank you momma” “Good girl now stand perfectly still” Amy stood and I bought the belt down on her butt cheek Thwack I did not hold back “One thank you momma” Thwack “Two thank you momma” This continued until I had done 10 at which point I surveyed my work and Cynthia had moved to get a better view for which I had purposefully obliged by my own position. Noting Cynthia’s approval I allowed the belt to caress Amy’s exposed pussy lips before continuing Thwack “Eleven thank you momma” I stopped again at 20 and allowed Cynthia to inspect more closely the redness of Amy’s buttocks and the belt marks. Continuing until all 40 had been administered I put the belt down and sat down. Amy never moved she knew better if she did she would get double what she just had. I motioned to Mike he could move in with the cream which he dutifully applied to his daughters sore buttocks. “You may go now Amy” “Yes mom thank you mom” Away she went to lay down to help relieve the soreness. Mike, Cynthia and I moved away into the lounge and I fetched the Drinks. “Good show” said Cynthia “You are going to do me proud when I have gone” “May I kiss your tit’s” I asked her “Darling never ask they are yours whenever you want them wherever you want them” I removed her blouse and her bra and began to suckle “Mmmmm baby feels so good yes suck mommas tits” I suckled and mauled her breasts all the time hearing her moans of pleasure. My juices were flowing and I needed release I motioned to Mike and he understood so while I played with Cynthia Mike worked on my pussy. The more he sucked the harder I sucked Cynthia. Finally I could stand no more I released my hold on Cynthia and asked Mike to fuck me. Standing up I stripped off and I lay on the carpet waiting with my legs inviting. Mike took his clothes off and allowing Cynthia a little rub of his cock he got down between my legs. We made sure Cynthia got a good view and Mike began. Fist he rubbed his cock against my outer walls to get some of my wetness and then he inserted a finger to check I was moist enough. He placed his cock head at my waiting entrance and just put it in so the head was inside. He stayed there for a second or two teasing me with it. “Fuck me with it” I cried “Now” “Beg me?” He asked “I beg you” “Beg me what for” “I beg you put that cock in me now and fuck me” “And the rest” “I beg you put that cock in me now and fuck me please” ”That’s better” He suddenly thrust his cock deep inside till only his balls remained outside then he came back halfway and thrust again and again “Ahhhhh Fuck yes more harder” Mike thrust harder and harder I was having difficulty keeping up finally I had my orgasm my legs weakened and I almost passed out. Mike final shot his semen in me and I lay there letting it drip from inside me delirious in happiness. “Amy” Mike shouted Amy came into the room “Amy be a good girl go clean momma” Amy cleaned me out her expert tongue didn’t miss a drop and I swooned with pleasure again. While I was being so expertly cleaned I could see Cynthia licking her husband’s cock clean and it was mingled with my juices. Time was getting late and without any further words between any of us we all went to bed. Mike soon fell asleep next to me in our bed and it wasn’t long after I drifted off. Chapter 2 Next morning no one was up except Mike and I and we had breakfast it was a hurried one we had to get to the store today was going to be an important one. Going inside the 6 who had gathered, 2 off them on their day off were milling around gossiping but soon stopped as we walked past. We made for Mikes office. As soon as the door was shut I was hurriedly stripping off as was Mike. We soon got down to what we both wanted and as he fucked me hard over his desk I am sure my moans could be heard several miles away. At this point I no longer cared. After our session we straightened up and made our way back to the eager employees who were wondering why the special meeting. “Thank you” started Mike “For coming here and to you Martin and Sheila on your day off” Mumbles and shuffles as they awaited the continuation “As you know times are hard and over the past months we have lost many colleagues” Nods’ of ascent all round “Today marks a new beginning “Mike continued “We cannot sustain to employ you as things stand” The faces of the employees suddenly changed and now the atmosphere took on a sudden doom and gloom. “In 3 weeks we are closing the store” This was the bolt from the blue none of them expected. I felt for them, until I was offered my new position I would have been just another one of them but I had to let Mike continue and put on a brave face my turn was to come. “I am really sorry” Mike continued “that it comes to this but I have made my decision I thank you for your loyalty shown and Kaitlin will now explain what happens next” I looked around at the long faces and took over from Mike. “There is hope on the horizon” I began “Mike is having a new venture built about 6 miles from here and there is room for you all” Faces that had been long and drawn now began to have a hope “Nothing will be the same” I continued “The contracts you have and current wages will have to be re negotiated and your roles will be different” A look of bewilderment fell upon the gathered. “I am responsible for all hiring’s and contracts we are looking for chambermaids, cooks, waitresses and handymen plus forecourt staff for a Gas station” I knew none of these jobs were what they currently do and I paused deliberately before I continued watching the faces and trying to read what was on their minds “Any questions” This was the point I was dreading and with Mike standing behind me giving me the floor was the point at which my new job took off if I messed this up my job could be on the line too. Sam was the first to speak “Will you be advertising for the Vacancies?” “First we wanted to fill some of them from current employees” I replied “Other vacancies as they arise will be advertised” “When will the jobs start?” asked Maureen “The complex will start construction in 2 weeks and if the schedule is completed on time Phase 1 will be ready in 8 weeks.” “So we miss 5 weeks wages?” Sam again “I have worked out a package for you all” I replied “Those that choose to come with us will get half wages during the waiting period those that wish to terminate with us will be given redundancy depending on the years of service” All were looking round at each other and this was the time to leave them to formulate in their own minds where they wished to be. As I left I made 1 last statement. “A list of vacancies and salaries will be posted in 1 hr on the canteen notice board you will be able to read them if you are interested in any of them please come see me” With that I left them to it I deliberately walked away not seeming to give a damn so as not to make a bad situation worse. When we reached the office my knees were visibly shaking and Mike put his arms around me for comfort. “Magnificent” he said “You handled that situation very well” I responded by nuzzling closer into him. I wanted the earth to swallow me whole and was grateful for the encouragement and the bodily support. After a few moments I gathered my composure. Mike released his hold and sat down his side the desk to continue his work and I made the list and took it to the canteen and pinned it to the board. With the list was a brief description of the job salary and hours which were negotiable as we would be running 24/7 Returning to the office I once more flopped down. “Mike honey I need some fresh air” I asked “Any chance of a ride out” “Aww sorry hon I’m up to here with this lot what was your thinkin” “Nothing is no matter carry on I’ll go in the canteen and get myself a coffee and relax in my cupboard.” My cupboard was almost exactly that a small space where I worked that was tucked away but so small it felt like a broom closet. I shuffled my way downstairs I could feel them looking at me and noticed they were idly talking among themselves. I reached the canteen and was approached by Rachel. “If you want me Rachel I am just going for a coffee care to join me?” Rachel followed me in and I could feel all eyes on me now. Rachel sat herself down and waited for me to pour the coffees. Turning slowly I took the coffee’s over and sat opposite her. “Fire away Rachel” I commanded “Please Miss I was wondering how much the redundancy was?” “Let me see” I started “You been here 2 years right” “Yes Miss” “Well I am writing letters to you all stating the package as all will be different but as a guide line you will receive 1 months wage for every year of service” I could see the girl was having difficulties working it out maths were never her strong point but as shelf filler she worked hard and I knew her parents would miss her wages ”You will receive $1600” “Thanks miss” “Anything else?” I asked “What should I do miss take the money or another job” “That is up to you” I replied “You are a hard worker and I would hate to see you go” She smiled. I knew it would be hard for her if she left she would have 2 months pay and no work and if she stayed she would have 5 weeks half pay and in her situation that was never going to be easy. “Miss what is this chambermaid?” “Making beds and cleaning guests rooms and helping with the laundry” She nodded as if she understood but I doubt she did, not to say she was dumb but she had to be shown a task but once done she soon picked it up and did everything with gusto. “That all or is there something else?” “No miss I tell papa he know what to do” I nodded and with that she sat back drank her coffee and left. I was washing the cups no one stands on ceremony in this place even Mike does the washing up. “Excuse me can I have a word?” “Sure Julie come on sit down be with you when I dried these” Julie was a married woman who did not have to work and only came part time it was her way of getting some spending money for herself and to stave off the boredom. “Ok I am all yours” “Sorry” she started to blubber “But I really will miss being here” “So you won’t be coming for a job interview” “No not that” she said “This place and its friendly faces” “That depends” I replied “On who comes and who stays but you do not need the money you are a lucky one” “Can I tell you something now it looks like things will change?” “Sure hon” “I only come here because you work here and I have been dying to tell you I fancy you but” and she stopped mid sentence I looked at her in amazement that was the last thing I expected to hear. She was beautiful had a successful husband well adjusted marriage 3 children and lifestyle to die for. She averted her gaze from mine and started to get up to leave. “Sorry” she said “That was out of order” Sit I commanded “How long has this been a factor?” Her lips trembled as she continued to relate how she had fantasized about us for over a year. She had never had the courage to come right out and say before, but she realised this might be the last chance she got. Her reasoning was either I rejected her and she left and got another job or stayed home or I accepted her and made her dream a reality. Whirling with emotion and my recently acquired taste for female sex I took her hand. She never looked up. “Hun its Ok” I said “To have fantasies but we are not all lucky to have them fulfilled” She still kept looking at the table and I squeezed her hand once more “Honey” I said “You are a very attractive woman and I would love to make love to you” Her eyes widened and she pulled away from my hand. I stood up and moved round back of her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “You just sit there a moment I will be right back” She never moved as I removed my hand and went back into Mikes office “Mike I am taking a short break” “Err Ok hon” “How long you going to be working?” “About 2 hours should do it” he said “make sure you are back by say midday and we go get come lunch” “Ok sweetie” I kissed his forehead and went back to Julie. She was talking to Sam and so I just lingered a while till they had finished “Listen Julie” I said “I was going for a drive for some fresh air I need it fancy coming for the ride?” She tried to excuse herself as she was here to work but I reminded her I was the boss and she agreed. We talked some more as we walked to the car and she was astounded to see I had Mike’s keys. “Won’t he mind” she said “Not if he wants his supper” I laughed exposing a piece of my tit. “You mean you and him how long?” “Just get in and I will tell you all about it.” As we drove I related my tale leaving nothing out and she sat there transfixed. I was starting to feel a little horny with her sat beside me but I did not want to scare her before I heard her story. “OK that’s me” I said “Now your turn.” Julie told me her marriage was not an issue, she had a loving husband and the three children but there was something lacking. She could have spent the day painting her nails or reading but she needed a release from the house and as this was part time she could fit it round the children. She first had lesbian desires when a friend of hers had popped round to try on a new dress she was hoping to dazzle her husband with. As she saw her friend stripped she had felt the desire to touch her but had not the courage. She did have chance to help her friend adjust the hem and she felt good but never pursued it. Her friend divorced her husband shortly after and moved away so more could happen. She had noticed me when I applied for the job and suddenly had the same urges but again she did nothing. We both stilled ourselves after out tales and I pulled over and without pre warning her I kissed Julie on the cheek. She blushed and was moving her face away but I stopped her and pulled her face toward me and kissed her full on the mouth. This time Julie responded and so I went one further and caressed her through her blouse. She took the hint and soon we were caressing each other and kissing still sat in the front of the car. Whilst this felt good it was not exactly comfortable and I pulled away from her. She looked disappointed as if that was going to be all and she blushed again “Listen Honey” I said “This is not the end OK” Julie nodded her understanding “I so want to fuck you right now” I said “But we have to get back to the store” Julie agreed “We will make love” I assured her “Trust me on that” As if to seal the deal I kissed her once again and massaged her tit then I pulled away and we buckled up for the drive back. When we reached the store we separated so as not to give the game away to the others and I went into Mike’s office. Of course I told Mike of my encounter and his eyes lit up “Would have like to have been a fly on the wall” He laughed “Men” I replied “Honestly you all perverts” and we both laughed. It was a little after midday when we broke for lunch Mike said he had an idea. I listened with intent and nodded my approval. We headed out into the car park and got in Mike’s car. As I always did at this point I removed my panties it was my way off showing him I was his whenever or wherever he wanted. Lunch was at a nice little restaurant a few miles down the highway and afterwards I knew what I wanted for desert. Whispering in mike’s ear he readily agreed. We headed for the little shack and no sooner inside I was naked to his gaze. I gave him a slow twirl rubbing myself as I did while Mike took in the view. I then knelt down and Mike came over to me and my face was inches from his crotch. I rubbed through the material gently and slowly unbuckled him. Sliding off his pants slowly and deliberately. Massaging his cock as I went. Soon he was standing before me his pants by his ankles and I took his cock in my hand and sank my lips over the tip. Slowly licking his cock head I massaged his balls at the same time. “Mmmmm sweetie you are a cock whore aren’t you” I never answered my mouth was full and I was in heaven. I took more of that cock into my mouth and Mike held my head and fucked my mouth. I was gagging but Mike was relentless he knew I liked it this way and so he continued his onslaught. I felt his cock twitch and tasted the first bit of precum. I waited with baited breath and wasn’t disappointed as his seed filled the back of my throat and I began to swallow. Some dribbled onto my tits as I tried to get it all. Mike then withdrew and stood back to survey his cock slut. I was massaging the spillage into my tits and then I moved in to lick Mike’s cock clean. Getting dressed we left the shack and went back to the office. Julie had already gone her hours were up but I knew she would be back tomorrow. The day went without any further mishaps and we drove home. Chapter 3 “How did it go” Cynthia asked “So So” I replied I went and did the usual getting the drinks and parked myself at Cynthia’s feet with my head sometimes in her lap. She would stroke my hair and it relieved the stresses of the day. “Time I sorted dinner” I said “No need we got a chef” “Chef” “Yes go and see” I had too curiosity aroused I made my way to the kitchen, Shock horror there was James stark naked apart from a pinafore cooking dinner. I said nothing but walked round the kitchen inspecting the boiling pans and checking the oven. “Is Mistress happy” he said I was taken aback what he had said “Sorry” “Mistress if my cooking is not up to scratch I apologise” I played up to this “Yes well it looks alright the proof will be in the tasting” I left him too it. Joining Cynthia I asked for an explanation. “After dinner honey” I accepted that and got back down on the floor to allow Cynthia to caress my hair once more every stroke was laboured with love. I felt 10 years old again when my daddy would stroke my hair. Of course I had no idea daddy was getting off doing it and it was not till my 11th birthday when he actually finally seduced me into stroking his cock. We never went further than that I never sucked him just stroked him till his white stuff came on my hand and he would wipe us both off and thank me with a kiss. Daddy continued stroking my hair till I was 13 and sadly he died. I had thought no one could take daddy’s place and I guess if things had progressed he would have taken my virginity but it was not to be. I met James and that was that. Suddenly a naked James walked in announcing dinner was ready and we went to eat. We sat in our usual places Amy included and James served the food and coffee’s as we ate each time he would back off and stand away from the table. “James” called Cynthia “we are finished when we have gone you may eat then wash all these pots and put them away. We will call you when we need you” “Yes Mistress” We all left the kitchen and allowed James to eat. Back in the lounge after Amy had poured the drinks and one for herself which this time was also a Gin. Cynthia explained why James was in the kitchen. She explained that since I moved out James moaned to Amy he would no longer be able to afford the rent and that would mean moving. He had nowhere to go. Being Amy’s pet she was allowed to bring him home provided he was off use and he agreed to sleep in the shed out back. He was not to be in the house without a member of family which included me being present unless of course Amy wanted to fuck him. James having no illusions he was now to be servant to us all had agreed rather than be homeless. He would only need clothes when he was driving Cynthia to and from her Doctors or her ladies circle, and if I wanted he would fetch anything I needed from the old home. To be honest there was nothing from there I wanted I hadn’t even wanted to see James again but seeing him subservient to our whims bought me great pleasure. I agreed to take the car and James truck and that way I could sell them and use the money, I already had an idea what on. Cynthia sounded a little bell and James came scuttling in. “Yes Mistress” “James I want you to drive Kaitlin back to your old home pick up your truck and bring it back here” “Yes mistress” “Then you are to go back again and this time bring back the car” “Yes mistress” “James and one more thing you must go naked” “Yes mistress” “Kaitlin sweetie make sure he don’t put clothes on and it’s up to you what else you do” I smiled I knew what I was gonna do and I went to my bedroom and removed a couple of items to take with me James sat driving he was watching the road I sat in the back of the car on the journey I removed my panties and began playing with myself with a hairbrush and vibrator. As I pushed the hairbrush up my pussy with one hand I freed a tit with the other and stroked my buzzing vibrator on it. The sensation was tremendous and I soon came and straightened myself up sat back for the rest of the ride. We reached the house and James went round back to get his truck. I drove the car home. The second journey was similar in nature except I stripped off all my clothes and deliberately sat in front playing in my pussy. James could look but not touch and he knew it. James drove my car back and I drove Mike’s. Parking up James walked round the side of the house and entered through the kitchen. Servants I learned from Cynthia never use the family entrance bad protocol. Cynthia noticed I was wet from my playing and bade me come over so she could play in there too I walked over stripped off again and let her do her thing. Mike watched us between drinking his whisky and reading his paper and smoking his cigar. Amy sauntered in with James in tow and told him stand in the corner. There was I still naked with Cynthia playing where James could no longer unless invited. Amy removed her clothing and knelt in front of Mike who reluctantly put his paper down and allowed Amy to remove his pants. Amy then proceeded to work on her daddy’s cock and I watched her from my vantage point. Amy worked until Mike was hard then he stood up and Amy proffered her backside for him. Mike rubbed the girl’s anus and produced some lube the girl had kindly thought to bring in and he inserted his cock into her anus. He fucked her hard as she squealed in delight at her daddy taking her. Mike worked into a faster tempo and soon he was ready to pop. Withdrawing he plastered the girl’s backside and back with his sperm. Mike sidled over to me and as I licked him clean Amy never moved. “James” Called Cynthia “There appears to be a mess on Amy go clean it up with your tongue” “Yes mistress” I could not believe James was actually going to lick Mike’s sperm off Amy. Without a flicker of emotion he licked until there was none left. “You may go now James bedtime for you” said Cynthia James left and we heard the back door open and close. We were all a little exhausted and we sat around chatting for a while mainly about Mike’s project and how I was enjoying my new job. The evening almost over each moved to their own room but I told Mike tonight I a sleeping with Cynthia and I got no argument. Cynthia smiled. Helping Cynthia undress I purposefully spent ages mauling her breasts when I had her fully naked I placed her on the bed. This was new to Cynthia who almost every night slept in her clothes. In the morning’s Mike would usually come in bathe her and dress her. Tonight was different I was going to give Cynthia her pleasure for allowing me to be part of her household. Chapter 4 Last night I had slept with Cynthia which was a first for both of us but I assured her while she was alive it would not be the last. This morning I bathed her and joined her in the bath so she could have fun with me while I did so. I then dressed her she never chose what to wear it was Mike’s choice today was mine. I combed her hair and she liked that much gentler than Mike did. I stepped into my room to see a sleeping Mike I got dressed quickly and re joined Cynthia. Amy was already awake and having breakfast with a naked James in attendance. Cynthia and I put in our breakfast order and he duly obliged. “What plans today dear” Cynthia asked “Back to the store “I replied “give the staff the redundancy offer and interview each about a possible position” “Sounds fun” Cynthia said with a wicked glint Cynthia had never taken any interest in Mike’s affairs the store was left to him from his father. Cynthia had put some of her inheritance money in to expand the place. This new venture was of little concern to her as long as she could carry on her lifestyle for the end of her days. Today Cynthia had a doctor’s appointment and James was given a suit suitable for a chauffeur. After the Doctors she had the ladies lunch and a meeting with her Lawyer. Mike appeared at this stage as James was wheeling Cynthia to the car this time he was allowed to use the front entrance. “Suppose I have to get me own breakfast” He joked “Sit down Grumpy” I replied I will do it. “Thanks hon” He replied and gave me a playful slap on the bum I turned to get him back forgetting I had a fried egg on the palette knife and it flew across the kitchen. I started to go clean it up but Amy reminded me no need we got a servant for that. I kissed her forehead and broke Mike another egg. Breakfast done we headed for the store but I forgot to remove my panties till Mike reminded me “Ok pervert” I laughed and removed them I always made sure I wore them by the time we got to the store. The staff were all busy doing their thing a few customers had wandered in taking advantage of the ‘closing down sale everything must go’. Julie blushed as I caught her eye and winked at her. We went up and settled into the day. About half an hour later I came back down and shouted in a stern voice “Julie Mike wants to see you in his office immediately.” Julie was a bit put out and wondered what she had done. As she followed me upstairs I glanced back to see the others talking wondering the same and when their turn was to come. I had succeeded in putting fear into the staff it wasn’t that I wanted to it was a part of the next process the job interviews and I wanted them edgy. God I was loving this power. I opened the door to Mike’s office and Julie went in I closed it behind us. It took Julie a few seconds to realise Mike was not in the office. In fact he was in the stationary cupboard but only I knew that. Julie tied to ask but I just turned her round and placed my lips over hers and kissed her. She tried to pull back. “It’ alright” I told her “We won’t be disturbed” I locked the door to be certain. To the staff this was nothing new Mike often locked the door on us if there was an important issue we needed to sort and did not want disturbing. I walked over to Mikes chair and sat down. “Sit down Julie“ Julie sat in the chair I used when in Mike’s office “Tell me what you said yesterday was you serious?” “Yes” Julie managed to stutter “And so was I when I said I would fuck you” Julie’s heart was pounding her dream her fantasy was about to become real “But not here” I added “Too many noses” “Ok” she stammered “Julie are you serious you want to continue working for us?” “Yes but” “Then listen I interrupted there is a vacancy that is not on the board because I just created it the pay is $3 an hr more than you are getting now and the hours are the same interested” “Yes if you think I am up to the task” I smiled “You are more than qualified and the work is easy” “Then yes again” Julie said “I hoped you would say that just read this contract if you are happy sign it and the job is immediate” Julie read the contract which was not a long document and signed “Good that is settled” I said and sank back as I had seen Mike do on many an occasion when he had found a good deal. “Now just one other thing” I said “Take off your panties” To show her I stood up lifted my dress and removed mine. Julie took the hint and did the same I got the first glimpse of her hairy bush. “Ok pass them here” Julie handed me her panties and I threw hers and mine out the window into the trash cart below. I unlocked the door and told her to follow me. We reached the shop floor and I asked everyone who was not serving to gather round “I am happy to say that Julie here has joined the new venture she has just signed her contract” To great cheers and well done Julie thanked them all “There is a place for you all I reminded them just consider your options I will need to know in 3 days what you intend and remember anytime I am here I will answer any queries you have.” The assembly broke up a much happier crew than before I was relishing the way I could influence people’s moods. I instructed Julie to go into the canteen and make us both a coffee. I went back into the office to see Mike and told him the 1st part was a success he smiled. I kissed him on the forehead and went down to join Julie. Julie handed me the coffee and as she passed it over I took the chance to touch her hand very casually to which she both blushed and also took a look round to check if anyone had seen. “Ok Julie We are leaving in a moment I need you come on the new site with me I have a job for you” We left the store with the glare of the others and got into Mike’s car damn I really ought to come in mine but that would not be so much fun. Anyway Mike could always take the store pick up home if desperate, but I planned to be back in time for Julie to get back for the children. Heading toward the site my mind was racing at the things I had planned for the unsuspecting Julie. We turned the corner and there it was gone. In its place were two large sectional buildings about 20 x 10 each and a truck was parked outside one and a bulldozer parked a little further off. Fuck I thought ruined. As soon as he saw me arrive Ken the contractor stepped out of the first building. “Kaitlin” He called over “I was about to call you” Stuff this I wanted sex and I was now stuck with work “Oh Hi” well I bought my new assistant Julie here to show her the site We walked over to the site hut he had come out of it was laden with plans and filing cabinets and 3 phones. Showing us round he was talking bills of quantities and shit. I just nodded. He showed us into the next one saying this was my office and asking if things were ok I just said so far but I would shift around if not. He told me if we needed heavy stuff shifting just get one of the guys on site. I remembered saying as long as he had a six pack not a beer gut. All the time I was seething this was wasting valuable time and Julie was getting a bit worried too. Finally Ken left us in the office and said he had to go order some supplies and make a few calls and left us. That was the cue I needed as he left I moved closer to Julie and kissed her allowing my hands to roam then I knelt before her lifted her skirt and kissed her pussy. “This will have to be trimmed” I told her “I do normally but its hard getting it right.” She said “Soon see to that” I said “Tomorrow I’m gonna shave you bald” “My husband will notice” “Do you still have sex? “Occasionally” “How often?” “Once a fortnight” “That’s cos you are so frigid open them damn legs girl” Julie opened her legs a little more and I could now insert a finger as I did she made a little cooing noise. I rubbed outside her pussy and fingered her making her moan softly. Not knowing how far sound travelled in these huts we tried to keep as quiet as possible. I stopped my fingering and stood up. “Your turn now” She got down on her knees as I had done and did the same to me as I had done to her. Technique was lacking but 10 out of 10 for attempt. We did not continue for long we had no idea when or if Ken would be back. In an attempt to make it look as if we had done something I pulled a couple of files down marked phase 1 opened them up and placed them on the desk I then arranged the chairs to make it look as though we had been seated. We had just rearranged our clothing and straightened our hair when ken knocked on the door. Quickly we sat down and I said “Enter” Ken came in wiping his muddy feet and saw us seated with the papers on the desk. “Oh sorry if you are busy” he remarked “Just I need to go over phase 1 week 1 if you have a moment” Fuck I was in deep shit here where was Mike when I needed him. I decided to bluff it out. “Fine Julie and I were finished anyway” Least I hadn’t lied about that. Ken came over with some papers. “I have done the prelims” he said “If you wouldn’t mind checking them over I can start” “I am running a bit late” I lied “But ok give them here” “No it’s fine” he said “Take them with you look them over when you have a moment but I do need clarification by 5pm tonight” “Yes no problem I will get them back to you maybe Julie will bring them later” “No he said those are office copies for your files just phone the ok” Phew saved I had time to get back and let Mike sort this one out. Ken left and so did we. On the way back we had a laugh about the whole thing it seemed I better do some studying earn my keep this was getting serious. We got back to the shop in time for Julie to hop in her car and get back for her children. They had a nanny but she still liked to be there when they got back from school. I watched as she drove off waving her goodbye. Chapter 5 I went inside to be greeted by Rachel “Miss my daddy says can I have one then chamber thingy jobs” “Ok come in the office in 5 minutes and I will interview you” “Ok Miss” I went into Mike’s office and told him about my failed chance to fuck Julie. He laughed. I threw a stapler at him. I need some studying I told him and related the events of the morning. “Ok sweetie” later “I have two forms to fill Tax audits for closure and I be with you” “Oh and I got a report to look at for Ken” I said “Needs approving and signing by 5pm” “Sure honey, now go or I will not be done” I had an interview to do and I would have preferred the office but I decided the canteen was as good a place as any. I was making my way down as Rachel made her way up. “Change of venue” I said “Canteen” Rachel turned and I followed her I stopped to make an announcement “I am going to Interview Rachel here so I would appreciate having the canteen clear for a spell, if anyone needs a drink take a can from the sales cooler and this time I will not moan about drinks on the shop floor” With that I went in the canteen with Rachel and closed and locked the door. “Ok Rachel now this will not be long” “Fine miss” Rachel listened as I re told her what the job was I had to explain some things several times in the end we got there. “Ok Rachel” “Yes miss” “I just need you to sign this paper and the job is yours” I knew she could not write her name proper so I allowed her to just scribble as best she could. “Anything more” I asked her “Miss what’s a lesbian?” “What made you ask that?” “Sam he said things have altered since that lesbian bitch took over” “Did he now” I remarked “Well I will sort him out for sure” “Miss you not answered” “Well if you want to know first I am not a lesbian but I do like girls” I continued to tell her how some girls and women liked to do things with other girls that other girls do with boys. I had to make it simple so she could understand. She asked so many tricky questions and I could be here all day. I had been frustrated at not fucking Julie if I played this right the day might not be a loss after all. “Listen honey” I said “It is probably better if I show you but if I do and you tell anyone I will take away your job understand” The threat was not meant as serious just to ensure she kept quiet. I started towards her and she got a little anxious. Doing my best to calm her I asked her to stand up. She hesitated a little so I reinforced my threat. She stood and I asked her to remove her dress. As she did I showed her I had no panties on. She took off her dress and her panties and stood there in socks and shoes. I asked her to remove those and as she did I stripped off too. Laying her on the table I began to play with her nipples and her pussy. She flinched when I inserted a finger in her pussy and again when I licked a nipple. I continued for a while and then I lay on top of her tit to tit and kissed her on the mouth. I continued by showing her how we rub pussies together and she moaned softly I finished off with a final licking of her pussy and we got dressed. The whole incident including interview had taken just over 1 hr and making sure she was ok and allowing her to compose herself I unlocked the door. Rachel took her copy of the contract and ran up to Martin to show him. I motioned that the canteen was now free but I decreed that from now on drinks could be consumed on the shop floor as long as there were no spillages but food was still to be consumed in the canteen. I left it at that and went back to join Mike in the office “You done what woman you mad” “No why” “What if she tells someone she is only 16?” “Don’t fret lover I got it covered” “Just be careful that’s all” I reminded him how old Amy is she still shook his head. His tax forms were completed and for the rest of the day he taught me about the job I had taken on. I learned it was much the same as the shop getting materials on time to a pre ordained schedule and chasing late deliveries. There was the small bit about site inspections by the planners from time to time and that unfortunately once work started proper on site I would be required there most the day. That meant I needed to interview the rest within 3 days or come back from time to time to a scheduled interview. I decided the former was the better option and put up a notice on the canteen board. As it came time to closing Sam approached me and I chose my words carefully “So Sam have you any idea what you are going to do” “I don’t know” He replied “Depends how things work out” “You mean you do not want to work for a lesbian bitch” I said His face dropped a mile “Sorry Madam” he stuttered “That was a silly off the cuff remark” “Then why make it, have you any basis in fact for the statement” “No Madam it was a stupid thing to say but how?” “Rachel” I replied cutting him short “She is an impressionable girl” “Yes Madam sorry won’t happen again” “I could sack you on the spot you know then no job and no redundancy” His face dropped like a stone “I will let it pass this time but if I hear” I stopped without finishing the sentence the message had got through and once again I had played the power game without realising it. I went back into Mike’s office he was just locking his safe from the days takings “Sales are up” he said “Pity the profits are down with this sale thing” “Poor baby” I whispered “I thought you needed to get rid of stock” “You right” he said “Cost too much for storage and the cash flow is coming in handy” We made small talk driving home Mike just wanted to make one stop “Where are we going I asked?” “See a man about a car” “What” “Shut the fuck up and enjoy the drive” No more to be said I remained silent the rest of the journey. We pulled into a garage forecourt. A man came out and greeted Mike I just sat in the car as ordered. They had been gone around 20 minutes and I was getting restless looking round to see if anyone was watching I pulled up my dress and began to play. Keeping careful watch I managed to get in 1 orgasm before I saw Mike and the man approaching. Mike got in the car and drove off “What was that about?” I asked “Organising a service for the car” “Liar you have yours serviced at Baileys” “Stop the 20 questions” I stopped wondering why he was so secretive and settled down for the ride home. The usual routine followed the drinks the dinner the chit chat. Retiring to the lounge I sat on Mike’s lap. “Pleasssseee hon” I said wriggling my ass into his crotch “Pleassse tell me what went on back there” Cynthia gave a huge giggle and Mike laughed “You will find out soon enough” He said “Now go away and let me read my paper” This was annoying I hated the pair of them but not really it’s just a phrase. James was led in by Amy and ordered to fuck her on the carpet. Nice to see someone was getting something. James my cuckold husband. “Oh by the way this is not James” Amy reported “Her name is Janice” We all laughed and thought it cute. Amy considered for a moment and said Momma can I dress Janice in some female clothes. She looked at me as she said it. All the while Janice was fucking her ass. “Sure honey” I said “You can take her shopping tomorrow after school what you have in mind” “Frilly underwear” I took $100 from my purse “Thanks momma” “That will cost you 30” I said “Now momma” “No tomorrow after you have bought Janice her underwear and if they not feminine or sexy enough I will double it” Janice finished his duties by coming over the girls back and bottom and was ordered to lick it up. Now he was licking his own sperm. While this was happening Mike left the room to make a phone call. He was now back just in time to see Janice being led away. We heard the back door open and close and Amy re entered the room. Sitting there naked she removed Cynthia’s blouse and bra and suckled on the breasts. Mike asked if I was going to join in but I told him no I had my share today and anyway I was not in the mood because he would not tell me what happened at the garage. It was some 30 minutes later the front doorbell went and Mike went to answer. Returning to the room he had the man from the garage in tow. “All ready sir” the man started to say but his eyes popped seeing Amy lying on the floor naked. “Thank you would you like a drink” Mike said “Well sir I must get back” “Nonsense Amy get the man a whisky” Amy trotted off and bought the man his drink “Sit down man” Mike said “Relax I am your last call as we agreed” “Yes sir” The man replied “Home now so when I finished this if I can use the phone to order a taxi.” “We will get you home” Mike said “Relax” The man sat back and drank his eyes wandered over to Amy and she played him. She made sure he caught glimpses of her pussy without making it obvious. Mike patted Amy on the bottom sometimes resting his hand a little longer than is proper. We got to know his name was Stephen and he lived alone since his wife left him taking his two children with her. He always volunteered for the later shifts it saved him being alone in his apartment for too long. “You like my daughter Stephen?” Cynthia asked “Yes she’s lovely” “Amy show Stephen how lovely you are” Amy with her back to Stephen bent forward and stuck her bottom almost in the man’s face. Then she turned round lay on the carpet and opened her legs for him to admire. His bulge was obvious and Amy moved in for the Kill. Stephen enjoyed Amy for over half an hour. “Kaitlin will run you home” Mike said “And how the fuck do I do that when I’m not speaking to you” “Simple darling use your new car” Chapter 6 After depositing Stephen in his apartment and refusing to go in for a drink in case it turned to sex I started my way home. As I turned through town at the Pizza stand I spotted Rachel. She was chewing on a Pizza and had a soft drink in the other hand. I pulled over to ask her what he papa had said to her contract. “Papa is happy” She said “It be hard for a few weeks with less money coming in” It was then I formulated a plan “Rachel sweetheart have you told anyone about what happed today” “No miss honest miss I would never break a promise never” “Good girl” I said “Rachel did you enjoy it” “Yes miss I am going to try my cousin Mary” “Would you like me to teach you more then?” I enquired “But again no one must know it is me understood” “Yes Miss thank you” “And Rachel if you are a very good student and do everything I ask I will make up your wages but no one is to know understood” “Yes miss” “Good I will see you at work tomorrow” With that I drove off as people were beginning to appear from the Pizza place and I recognised someone I did not want to see me. I arrived back home to find them all in bed and I climbed in with Mike kissed his forehead and went to sleep. The following morning I drove us to work in my new car. By now people must have guessed something so I made the announcement. “Some know already” I said pointing at Julie “Other’s may have speculated but Mike and I are an item we live together I live at his house” With that we went upstairs to the office. This morning’s brief was to go over my learning session regarding the site until I had it perfect plus a few bits Mike left out so as not to cause confusion. Julie was not needed so much so I asked her to hand around and help out in the shop. Mike locked the office and my revision started. After a couple of hours my head spun so I went down to bring up some coffees. Rachel caught me on the way out and asked when she would receive her training some of the others overheard and I told her soon I needed to sort a time. Rachel went away happy and If needed I could lie and say it was her new job training. Mike was on the phone when I got back. “Ken requests you meet him on site” He said “I told him you would call him back and arrange it” I returned Ken’s call and told him 30 minutes. Finishing coffee and a quick recap I grabbed Julie from the shop and we headed off to site. We got here just before ken and I unlocked our office door and we went in. I heard the knock but this time Julie let him in. “Morning” Ken said “Sorry about the sudden call but the Architect wants a meeting here in 20 minutes and I thought it best you be here to bear witness to what he says.” The architect I had forgotten that incident where I allowed him to lick my pussy this could get weird. No time to panic I would have to brave it out. While we were waiting a call came into my office who the fuck knew I was here except Mike. Julie answered and spoke to me “It is Mr Carter for you will you take it” “Excuse while I take this call” I said being professional as I could Ken backed off a little and started talking to Julie. I finished my call with Mike and gave my attentions back to Ken. I assured him that be fine and he left to his office. Julie and I had 15 minutes to kill and we made the most of it. Bill was on time and the plans he bought were laid on my planning desk. I got my copy out to be double sure and yes a mistake was there all right. This was my hour I was alone in this one I had to make a decision and after deliberation I made my choice. “Very well lose 3 parking spaces there and place the disabled bays there.” “Sound choice” Agreed ken “I did have my doubts putting a woman in charge but so far it has worked well” “Bill can you redraw that section and have it ready for the planners let’s see two days be enough” “More than adequate this time” he replied “That was a reference I take it to the last time” I asked “Yes Kaitlin it was but it is nice doing business your way” I pretended I knew nothing of what he was talking about and it passed over Ken and Julies heads. Julie made all coffee from a percolator in the corner and ken left. Bill waited till he had gone and Julie was out of earshot before enquiring if there was to be any repeat of our last encounter. I was not sure how to answer and I merely hinted that should an opportunity arise I would not deny his request but he could not fuck me. He affirmed that what he managed last time had him on edge and I sort of agreed that maybe a hand job could be arranged. However I layed down terms as to what I wanted in return. Julie returned from her toiletries as there was no plumbing yet and the portable toilets had not arrived we had to make do behind the bulldozer. I asked her go next door and see Ken about getting those items organised and take her time I had to have a private word with the architect. Julie left and as soon as I was sure it was safe I hoisted my dress to allow Bill to continue where he had left off. I opened my legs to allow him access and sat on the edge of my desk. His fingers and tongue worked their magic and I came very quickly. It was now my turn and slipping off the desk I knelt and removed his pants. Taking his cock out me gave him a hand job playing with his balls as well. I did not want to get the floor stained so I allowed my mouth to take his cock for him to unload and most of it was gone a quick cleaning of his cock and it was over. We adjusted ourselves and as the only water was on bottle for now he settled for putting his cock back as it was. He left and Julie walked in. “Nice timing” I said “Nothing to do with timing I heard you from outside the door” That worried me slightly. But I let it pass. Once again knocked the door. Upon being allowed entry he explained the plumbing would take 2 days but would be ready by the time we were on site proper. Plus there would be a special toilet just for our use. Last item was the soundproofing he explained it could get noisy on site and it was needed so you could answer the phones and the red one was site to site office to office. Plus the walkie-talkies would be on site too as well as the hard hats. He left to lock up his office and we hung back. Watching him leave we figured there was enough time to get it together and this time I ate her pussy and she ate mine in the 69. That would have to satisfy it was time to leave. Arriving back at the store we noticed the closed notice on the store and no one was around. I let Julie go and using my keys opened the store. All was quiet this was a trading day where was everyone. I switched on the lights to a large shout of ‘Surprise’ I looked and they were all there even Julie as I turned round was back. “What’s all this” I asked a grinning Mike it is not my birthday “A celebration” Mike replied “I have been offered a sum to take our remaining stock as of now we have sold out” I jumped into his arms almost bowling him over. The wine flowed and we all ended up a little tipsy. Mike had considered this and as people wandered off he called for taxis take them home. I hadn’t noticed Julie was still here and I passed out from the drink. I woke up at home Mike offering me a gin but I had enough drink for one day. Until Amy mentioned it I had forgotten about her punishment and as I was in no fit state I excused myself and asked Cynthia to perform the task. I did not watch I was too exhausted and went bed. I do remember asking Mike about the interviews and he said in my absence that was all sorted forget the store and I drifted asleep. Chapter Seven How long had I slept the clock said 10:30am. I must get to the store ouch my head hurt. I hurried to dress and found Mike in the lounge reading. “Morning sleepy head” “More like hammer head” He laughed while I went to the kitchen to find the tablets. Standing there was a sight to behold James or should I say Janice was wearing a pair of frilly panties in pink a suspender belt and a bra. It was all completed by a pair of red high heel shoes. I got the tablets a glass of water and went into the lounge. “The shop” I said “All finished do you not remember” It was coming back now, the party the drink the clinch I had with Mike while everyone watched and cheered. “Julie what about Julie” “She is coming round later for a few moments I said you were unwell” I didn’t have any work for her but I would miss not seeing her. I settled into the easy chair and curled my feet up. Mike went through what he had sorted and that was the end for 2 days for me. The site would be starting up then and at least this way I could relax before the onslaught I knew was coming. Putting all thoughts of anything out of my head I relaxed. It was some time before my head cleared and I went out back to the pool. Cynthia was sat by it in her chair taking in the sun. As I approached she pointed to the lounger. I lay down and we started talking. Actually Cynthia did most the talking. She had been her lawyer and I was being made Amy’s mother legally Cynthia was negating her parental rights. I saw the pain in her face as she told me. This I guess must be hard for any mother to do. There are cases where the courts have taken children from their parents but I had never come across transfer of custody especially as there was a living father who surely has more rights than I do. Her face was getting contorted and I was concerned I called Mike and he phoned her doctor. Doctor Marshall came within half an hour of getting the call and called the paramedics inside 20 minutes she was on her way to hospital. Mike went in the ambulance I followed in my car. By the time I arrived because I had to wait at interchanges and the ambulance did not Cynthia was in a private room Mike holding her hand. I had forgotten about Julie till mike mentioned it but this was more important and Julie would understand. I sat in a chair opposite as Mike continued to hold Cynthia’s hand. He only released it when a nurse came in to check on her and then he reached out for it again. I felt like an interloper and I told Mike I would leave but he begged me stay this is what she wanted. I stayed and after a few hours I noticed her wake up. I instinctively moved to her bedside. With Mike one side and me the other with the little strength she had she bought our hands together in hers. In faint voice she whispered “See we are one” Looking at me she said “I know you will stay with him and he loves you” I smiled and sat up to kiss her cheek. Smiling she repeated a similar phrase to Mike. I looked at Mike and he smiled at me. Suddenly without warning the alarm went and nurses and doctors rushed in pushing us out the room. I started to cry and Mike held me close. We could hear the commotion in Cynthia’s room. It seemed to take hours but it wasn’t. One of the Doctors took us aside and said simply “Sorry” Neither Mike nor I could believe she was no more we tried to get into the room but the nurse held us back. “Wait a few moments” She said “While we make her presentable and then you can go in and stay as long as you like” As we were about to enter I remembered Amy and I asked the nurse if they contact the school let her know we were here. She said she would and we entered the room. The person in the bed was not Cynthia. It was a pale reflection of a once great woman. I sat by her side and took her hand it was cool not cold. I have no idea how long I held that hand till Amy appeared. This was Amy’s moment and I left her to it. Mike had sat in the chair I had occupied once his face ashen and I had no idea how to console him. Amy broke the silence. “Moms gone but I have you please don’t you leave me” I burst into tears assuring her I was here to stay. She hugged me so tight it hurt but I was not about to push her away. A nurse appeared to check we were ok and offer us a coffee I ordered us all one and she went to fetch it. Mike got up and approached us and we had a 3 way hug. The nurse appeared with the coffee and we left the room shutting the door. Sitting in the ante room we sipped our coffee without a word being said. Eventually we wandered past the nursing station and out into the air. As we stood outside for a moment an orderly came up and handed us a paper it was the official time of death for us to give her Doctor and a signed statement she was deceased to present for her estate to be sorted. I drove us all home in silence and as we got to the drive Julie was waiting. I apologised and told her what happened and she took me and gave me a hug. She came in with us and insisted we sit while she made us coffees insisting she would find everything in the kitchen assuming she could find the kitchen. The next sound I heard was a scream and I rushed to see what happened. In all the confusion we had left Janice in her shed and Julie had gone out to the bins and seen this man woman and it freaked her out. I explained as best I could that was my husband but I doing not think she fully took it in at that point. We made the coffee together and went back in the lounge. Amy saw me and ran toward me I had the foresight to put down my coffee. I was surprised when she pushed me down sat on my knee pulled out one of my breasts and suckled like a baby. I had no say and Julie made no comment. It was Mike who told us that Amy was adopted and her real mother was a drug user. She had been in several homes but they could not cope with a feisty child even at 5 years of age she was destructive. It was only when Cynthia took her on and inadvertently against all the rules of child guidance slapped her across the face. Worried about child welfare taking her back she panicked. But the welfare never came and whenever Amy knew she had done wrong she informed Cynthia who would smack her it worked. As she grew the slaps became proper punishment and Amy both knew it was coming and grew to like it. The first time mike did it one day as Cynthia was unwell he found it raised an erection and Amy played on it and before long he was fucking her. This was not enough for the precocious child and soon she was making out with a lot of the boys in her school which got her expelled. They managed to get her another school but boys were old hat and she had two of the teachers fucking her. She grew tired of them and met a man whose wife was frigid meaning me. So began an affair she fell in love. The rest I could fill in myself. Amy had fallen asleep on my tit and carefully Mike pulled her off and took her to her bedroom he undressed her and put her to bed before returning to us. It was at that point I realised about Julie’s children “That is no problem” she said “My husband is home from one of his trips” She had told him she had a new job and her boss had called for a special meeting. He understands those he has them with his secretary. “I can ring him and say we worked late you are putting me up” “Will he not begin to wonder” I said “No he knows you are female he has no clue” Mike gave wry smile and we showed her a room. It needed bedding but she was shown where that was. Right now Mike and I needed to comfort each other and we went our room. Julie went her room. It was not supposed to be like this Mike had just lost his wife and we were having sex. There was no guilt he had lost one wife but the proxy one needed comfort too. We confirmed our feelings by our zealous lovemaking and sweaty and exhausted we fell asleep. In the cold light of morning Mike made the calls which set in motion Cynthia’s funeral. No expense was to be spared and he was going through both his and Cynthia’s phone books to inform any relative or friend he could. This took the best part of a morning. Some calls had to be delayed because of time zones and so some were earmarked to be placed later in the day. Julie kept us going with sandwiches and coffee. The cuckold was left in his shed but we took him in a sandwich. It was Julie who asked what did we do with him to which Amy simply replied anything we like. I looked at her and she asked me how many that remark would cost I simply told her that I was keeping score now was not the right time and she would get what was owed. Julie and I had to go on site before the funeral but it was early days so we only had to pop in for an hr or so I would meet Julie there. We did not have sex at all during the time leading to the funeral. On the day of the funeral I went in the lead car much to the annoyance of some relatives. Amy held my hand throughout the whole service. Julie made her appearance but kept a safe distance. We had a few people back afterwards but out of respect Julie did not accept the invite. While Mike mingled with guests I did not even know. Amy never left my side it was as if she were glued. Our guests never saw the cuckold we had him put in a Motel room and we hired him out to a middle aged couple Amy knew for the day. Finally when all the gusts had gone and we were completely alone we did what comes natural to us and fucked each other. Amy vowed at that point she was bored with the cuckold and we decided if the couple wanted him they could keep him. Amy was happy to settle for love from mommy and daddy. THE END For now maybe? |
Breaking Descent: A Temptress Born (Act One) “ Man was made from not but a grain of sand and his companion and savior made of marrow and blood.” -- Old Saying Marshall, Minnesota The soft hills of rolling grass and farmland during the early spring year was nothing short of amazing. The sky half covered in clouds let the air kiss the skin with cool lips. The smell of the night’s embrace of rainfall was a welcomed treat. A silver sly smile cut into the sky shining the plains in a heavy blue hue. The soil of the earth ripe for seeding. The rain was good Hamilton thought. “Nothing like spring tears to wash away the sins of the sinner“ he muttered with blood gushing from his neck. He couldn’t feel the rain, or grass, but he could feel the insane amount of pain raging an unholy storm throughout his body. He wasn’t done yet he thought and climbed to his feet with a hand around his throat… he was going to finish this. Five months prior… Hamilton was an average built man with nothing much going for him. He rested idle in a job that paid well enough and content in a world that could exist without him. He had a daughter and a wife, both very beautiful and clearly an oddity in Hamilton’s life. He always a selfish individual with no concern beyond his own design. There was little desire in him to ever have a family, and yet he somehow attained one. He didn’t have resent for it, but neither did he have any love for it. That was the beginning of the end for Hamilton, for in just the length of less than a year he would find himself broken, alone, and twisted because of his inability to take concern where it was demanded. Carole was a slightly petite woman, and pretty average in body tone. Her dyed gold hair was softer than it appeared and flowed with grace to the length of her shoulders. Fiercely intelligent and just as fierce on the social playing field it was a mystery as to why she would find a dull square witted man with the social standards of a five year old to be her husband. Perhaps it was nothing more than from a biological point of view Hamilton was able bodied, to be of some use in the bedroom, and easily pushed to do anything she could ask for. In her younger years she was an eye catching minx who never quieted her sexual appeal, and her alpha female status made her untouchable by most males. Being thirty-one didn’t hinder any of her prowess. She held a job as a nurse at a reform school for girls. Her daughter, Mille was a tall leggy fourteen year old with the physical and intelligent attributes of her mother, but she retained her father’s social awkwardness. She wore her hair short that cut off nicely between her ears and neck. Her big blue eyes could melt the coldest of hearts, and her soft seraphim voice would make even the gods quiet for a moment to hear just one word fall from her lips. Mille was developed appropriately with the early years of puberty setting in without apology. Then there was Sticks, the family’s large mutt. Despite that fact Sticks was very large and powerful. He had the face only a mother could love and mirrored that of a stone gargoyle. The Hamilton family found him as a pup beside a back country road three years ago barely alive. Hamilton could have cared less but Carole and Mille found him to be worth saving. They loved him and cared for him. From that love and care came a friendly brute. Sticks was affectionate with anyone willing to offer a rub on his side with the sole exception of Hamilton. The two beings were never found in the same room. He and Mille however were close and to an extent the same was true of Carole. It was not unusual to find Mille and Sticks paired up playing in the park, or backyard. To the outsider it was a strange pair up for most of the children Mille’s age had begun intermingling into the social workings of the world; molding into cliques and exploring sub-cultures. It was abnormal and perhaps a little freakish but that didn’t seem to bother Carole or her husband for their daughter to have only a simple dog for a friend. Carole and Hamilton expected her to be independent early on. Often her mom and pops were working in the afternoon so she was left on her own for roughly the better part of three hours right after school each day with the exception of the weekends when Mille spent most her time with her mother. Hamilton found solitude and escape ignoring his little family. Mille would occupy herself by playing with Sticks. When she wasn’t playing with her hairy companion she could be found flipping through channels in the family’s modest living room or drawing with crayon in her room. When things began to fall apart for the family was on a day that Mille stumbled upon a collection of something disturbing and evil belonging to her father. The finding would open a doorway in her mind into a dark plane of existence. From that point on there would be no undoing of the little girl’s transformation... That day was on March 15th, 2013. On that particular day Mille wore a small sky blue summer dress which had her small nipples visible through the thin cloth: her cute little nipples poked innocently out. She was a beautiful little girl. Her tall form a lengthy shapely heavenly form that graced the green blades of grass that kissed her back as she laid next to her dog rubbing his side gently as he napped lightly in the summer sun. Her soft green eyes lazily blinked as she hummed a soft almost silent song. The two lay in the grass captured in a world of their own. A world perfect without the floggings and abhorrent truths the world of adults seem to embrace. With her mother and father working she was left with Sticks to their own workings and play. Everything she did: she did with Sticks. From playing in the soft pools of mud puddles to running to the gas station just down the street for a small treat or sweet liquid. From time to time she would sneak an extra candy bar in Sticks’ mouth as she bought a cheap treat. She would walk innocently out with a free candy bar. Whoever was at the cashier’s counter never noticed the girl’s ingenuity and small time thievery. Today though there would be no stealing of candy bars. Just her and sticks soaking up the sunshine in the back yard. She laid there for a while watching Sticks sleep, his black hair on his chest would heave heavily; she thought perhaps Sticks was having a good dream, or a bad one… Probably a good one she thought. She pulled herself to her feet and headed into the house leaving Sticks to dream. Sticks dreamt. He dreamt of all the good things a dog could dream of, and dreamt of all the terrible nightmares a loved family pet could conjure. The subjection of unapologetic and unconditional love from the youngest of his little family pack conjured a deep feeling of want and protection in Sticks. Mille walked into the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water from the faucet. She continued over to the living room and turned on the TV. She flipped through the channels with distaste and boredom in her emerald eyes. There must have been hundreds of them, and more often then not she was blocked from viewing material that was inappropriate by her mom. She was stuck between old eighties re-runs, Sponge Bob and the news. None of which interested her. She flipped through the list of shit TV before deciding to watch a movie instead. She rolled off the couch crawling on her hands and knees to the DVD cabinet. She noticed that her dad’s section with the lock was left opened for the first time. There wasn’t much inside the secluded corner cabinet with only a small DVD binder inside chock full of strangely white-blank disks. Curiosity took the better of her and she pulled the first DVD out of the sheathe and continued onto the player… the disk dropped into the open tray that slid back into the mouth of the damned thing. She then scooted on the floor away from the screen on her booty… What she saw there was no way in this world or the next that could have prepared her for what she was about to witness. There in front her with the empty ugly glow the TV screen she watched a girl barely older than she squirm on some unknown white tile floor naked and crying. She had blonde hair that looked soaked and wet. She had large hazel eyes and porcelain skin that made her the tips of her breasts a bright pink-red. Mille’s mouth dropped open and her eyes widened with shock, fear and disgust. The camera tilted and flew into the girl’s face: the little blonde screamed and yelped as if struck by an angry hand. A man’s voice broke the whimpering cries of the girl in a animalistic growl, and Mille couldn’t understand what he was saying nor what language was being spoken. The tears in her hazel eyes made Mille shiver in fear. A chill ran down her arms and spine: in the wake followed goose bumps. Mille was afraid for the girl on the screen, and scared of the man who spoke in an unknown tongue. She watched in horror as the man’s hand grasped the young girl’s neck and pulled her up from the floor and into the air holding her suspended while she whined and choked for air with her body clenched and twitching. It was almost beautiful in a sickening kind of way. Time slowed for a few breathless seconds then time was wrought to a sudden stop locking the image of the girl being held suspended in the air as if a trophy kill of a hunter. Words in cheap electronic red streamed across the screen and read, “This is (Slavic girl’s name here), age fifteen, approx150lbs, virgin, found in eastern Europe, and captured with promise of monies by the “Candy Lady“… Kept alive for 789 days. Enjoy viewer” then the streaming lines disappeared and the video continued without halt. The man said something and slammed the little blonde against the tile walls. The teeth in her mouth slamming against each other cracking the enamel around them and rocking her jawbone with pain. He held her there as he repositioned himself in front her holding her throat firmly as angry little tears rolled off her cheeks. She clenched her teeth showing them in defiance at almost primal level. The motion of the camera unfocused and fell when it did Mille heard the girl gasp for air as the man’s hand released as he did she squealed in pain. What the camera didn’t capture was the man’s unwanted sudden invasion inside her body which naturally caused pain. She felt the head of his prick jam itself into her pussy, slipping past her perky little pussy lips and tearing into her hymen: breaking the seal holding her virgin. It was a pain unlike anything she had experience and by the look on her face it was something she never anticipated nor prepared for. The lens also missed the smile of satisfaction that crept along the man’s face. A vile slice of a human smile: mocking and selfish: evil and unapologetic. He felt himself enter the girl and her honey box was the sweetest of pussies he had violated. He could feel her heat explode and the veins inside throb with ferocity. The screen glowed with the girl facing the lens of the camera. In the pretty wide hazel eyes of the blonde girl there was an unspoken scream pleading quietly for God to hear her prayers for help. Had there been a God there surely there would have been heavenly retribution, but there in the glow and behind the screen in an electronic limbo no God would hear the girl’s screams, nor come with wrath to avenge her. This place Mille saw in the images being projected at her was that of a place where no god of light would dare transgress nor explore. Her blonde hair stuck to her body and her small perky breasts were fondled by the man behind the lens with the girl’s sweaty lengthy body pressed up against the wall. The man screamed a word and the girl screamed in horror and pain. He went deep into the girl but it was not deep enough for him for he wanted to be her to the hilt. He took only a second to enjoy the tight feel of the girl. Slowly rocking back and forth inside her. He wanted to fuck the living shit out of this girl and with a wink he began thrusting into her. His shaft tearing into the girl like a jackhammer in clay. He felt her elastic pussy stretch for the width and length of his dick. Her pink kissed him like no bitch before. Each time he rammed into the girl he felt himself being plunged deeper and tighter into her nectar of a fuck hole. That was it. The feeling of fucking her brains out and feeling the insane amount of pleasure she gave was too much. That primal animal side of him washed over him and into the girl. He started fucking her brutally hard and inhumanly fast. The girl was being pummeled mercilessly. All she could do was scream and writhe in unimaginable pain as he fucked the her without abandon. Mille could do nothing but watch the screen. Her eyes and attention completely engulfed by the madness being unleashed in front of her young impressionable mind. The girl’s soaked blonde hair stuck to the tiled wall with the back of her head slamming into it. The man grunted with each heavy forceful thrust into the girl’s body trying in vain to bring his raging prick to the hilt inside the girl’s little pussy. The girl clenched her teeth trying to deal with the absurd amount of pain being inflicted inside her as her sweet pink insides were being torn asunder by a colossal raging monster. She tried pushing him away with her small arms pressing her hands against his chest. In doing this she only excited the man more inspiring him to thrust harder and deeper into the girl. Tears rolled wildly off her checks. The man moved in and licked the tears off then slid his gross tongue unto her lips giving her a hard non-receptive kiss, then continued his onslaught into her frail abused body. He fucked her faster and harder. Her little breasts bouncing wildly as he did without mercy. Her pleas and whimpers was met only with vile words being coughed up between the man’s grunts. Then it stopped suddenly. With one last thrust he jammed the whole of his huge cock into the girl slumping onto the girl as he came into the girl finally being able to fully submerge his cock into her cunt. An intense orgasm washed through his loins and muscles. It felt as sweet as the manna of heaven. His body twitched and shuttered. She felt for the first time the heat of a man’s release flood into her insides. Wave after wave of the hot thick substance pumping into her. The screams of the girl quieted into soft whimpers. The girl began to fruitlessly hit at the man as he laughed and wrapped his powerful hands around the girl’s throat again. His powerful arm lifted her up and slid her sweaty squirming body up the wall. There was a playful and sickening plopping noise as his prick pulled from the girl. He then pulled the camera back to get a full image of the girl’s body. Her small pussy lips dripped with blood and cum. A slow trickle of the mix ran down her lengthy legs and dripped onto the floor. Mille watched as the lens came closer the girls gushing pussy and it showed a battered little fuck hole open and a gaped oozing blood and the white cream of cum. She noticed that the girl’s body had stopped squirming. For a moment the blonde felt release as the world around her faded into black and the pain slowly flood away like the pouring of water from a jar. She stopped her struggle and let the dark take hold. The man took noticed the little girl’s limp body: he uttered something in disgust and threw the limp form on the floor in the same way someone would discard a bad fruit. The camera then came around revealing the face of some man scowling into the lens. A man Mille did not know. The sight of him made Mille yelp in horror at the sight of him. He turned the camera back on the blonde’s lifeless body and stayed focused on her saying something in a raspy whisper. Mille began to cry… Then the girl moved slightly. Her feet shifted on the floor, and she came to life again gasping and whimpering. Pain washed over her body again. The horrible torn feeling of muscles and tendons being stretched and broken screamed from the insides of her crouch and underside of her belly. It was like being reborn in a fucked up kind of way. The man responded with a laugh at the unexpected revival of the girl. He moved the camera to her crying face, and slowly the screen faded to black. “End of Episode708-- A Killing” in white letters the title streamed across the screen. Mille sat on the carpet of her living room floor and did not know what to think, or do after having watched a fifteen minute clip of a budding teenage blonde girl being brutally raped. She didn’t notice the titles of the next episode run across the screen, “Episode709-- Raging Interruption”. Her developing mind was not meant to be subjected to such unholy horror. The evils in the world were always meant for the world of men and women, not little girls. She was confused and scared. She started to cry softly. Just as the next episode was starting she rushed to the DVD player ejected the disk and quickly placed it back in the holder and into unlocked cabinet. She scrambled into her bed room sitting at her desk. She began drawing. The images of the girl and the hand of that held her unfolded ugly from crayon and pencil. She stopped crying as she drew. Her eyes were wide and dilated; focused and afraid. She drew and drew of nothing but of what she had just witnessed. Sticks was having a nightmare about Mille. He could sense she was afraid and being hurt somewhere but he could not find her. He woke up with the sun lazily hanging over the horizon and the grass was cooler than when he fell asleep and Mille was gone. She probably went inside to watch TV or draw… he could sense there was something wrong with Mille. He barked with his tail erect expecting her to pop her head out from the house, but there was no response. He began to panic and barked wildly as he rushed inside the house looking for the girl. He found her at her desk but she did not turn around to meet him. Sticks whined to no avail. He nuzzled against her leg and finally she noticed him. She said something and fell to the floor hugging him. She held him so tight it hurt, but he did not yelp or whine. He tried licking the side of her head as she whimpered. She clung to him like the world was about to end. Images of the scene strewn about the floor drawn in the colors and hand of a child in pain… Carole was the first to arrive home. Mille was outside in the backyard sitting next to Sticks. Carol dropped her purse on the table and went outside to say hello to her little girl. She sat next to Mille grabbed her and gave her a light hug. Mille was the love of Carol’s world. She was the only thing that made any amount of sense, and the only person worth loving. She noticed without a blink that something was a little different about her little girl. “Is everything okay Mille?” she said to her daughter. Mille turned to her mom. She looked into her mom’s greens eyes and lied. “Everything’s okay mama”, and the beginning of the end had begun to unfold. Mille turned away with the images still fresh in her mind’s eye. Nothing could undo what she witnessed. Not even the deep love of a caring mother could undo the damage dealt. If there was evil in the world Hamilton knew its seed. If there was good in it, Mille knew it not… at least not anymore. And if there was still a bit of ignorance in that world Carole was a prime example of the term in chaos. Here in Marshall the End of the World would be born and there be no stopping it. Mille went to sleep that night and she dreamt. She dreamt of Hell. In it a world of flame, blackened skies, burning exposed flesh and the screams of a billion damned souls being tortured by the most unholy of demons. In that twisted dream she saw her teacher being horribly eviscerated. Her name was Kristine Castle widow of Joseph Castle. She was a young twenty-five year old History teacher with just barely a year of teaching experience and she lost her husband when she was twenty-three in a freak accident. Kristine never remarried and dated frequently but never steadily with anyone suitor. She was a beautiful Native American woman hailing from the tribe of the Rose Bud Sioux with some amount of French Canadian in her bloodline. Her jet black dark hair always had a brilliant reflective shine. Her softly dark skin was a treat to the eye with her curvy coke bottle shape. Though her measurements may not have been in the double D’s she had a defined seductive shape to her hips and those breasts of hers where to die for. They almost perfect in shape and size matching her body perfectly. She was known to be an extremely kind and always took interest into each student she had. A fan of stand up comedians she always recited lines and phrases making her a favorite of the school‘s faculty. She spent time with school events and always made time after class each day for any student that might have needed help in anyway. Mille thought she was the most beautiful woman she saw, even prettier than her mom. Demons like those on the windows of the Church that she often passed on her way to school in mornings surrounded the woman laughing that same horrible tongue as the man in the video. She was being held by her ankle by a horned demon with the body of a man and the head of a skinned bull over a pit, but it wasn’t a pit dug in earth and dirt, but a pit born from flesh, crimson, bone, pain, and hate. Around its edges a hundred thousand sharp teeth that looked like the teeth of sharks, and beneath the teeth a squirming mass that descended into a thick red darkness. Upon closer inspection the squirming mass was instead not a cylindrical mass of meat but instead millions of raging erect penis’ that squirmed and screamed for sexual release. It was in the image of a perverse “Sarlac” pit of the Star Wars movies. The Kristine was screaming. Her eyes almost black from being dilated so badly from the fear raging in the veins of her body. Everything about the woman screamed fear and dread. The demon released the woman. She yelped as she fell. The pit screamed like the hungry roar of a boar and a billion men insane with lust. The thing’s thousand teeth rattled and quivered, but as furiously as the millions upon millions of raging erections that took attention to the falling body that descended upon their squirming numbers. Each dick thinking of itself only without regard for its millions of other brothers just as eagerly awaiting to appease their own selfish twisted lust. Each screamed for sexual release. As she fell Mille saw in her eyes sorrow and terror of the worst kind. The kind that corrupts a soul… or feeds upon it. Then like a swarm of sharks the raging erections lunged. Millions of them launching from the pit at her. They shoved into her body. Every orifice was torn into. The pain was unimaginable. She was torn apart as each penis shoved itself for entry and her body exploded in a wet crimson mist in an instant. Torn flesh and bone rained down. Millions of dicks received no release. Most tore them selves from the wall and withered. In fact those that did enter her body had no time to fuck the bitch. Each was left unsatisfied and more thirsty for that of which they hungered for. Pussy meat. Mille tried screaming in her dream but to no avail. There was no waking from this sickening nightmare. She would not wake. The woman’s body parts fell deeper into the pit and fell into a mess of bile and ooze within the stomach of a greater beast; if she was consumed above then surely this is where she would be digested. Her torn body and bits of flesh splashed in the mixture. Then sinew and vein reconnected, muscle mass grew back and splintered bone folding back into shape by unseen hands. Somehow the pit reanimated the woman’s torn body, and she screamed as she was wracked with a thousand life times of torturous pain through out her body. She looked at her destroyed body as it reattached itself and healed. Perhaps she never died at all, perhaps she was able to recognize what had happened to her and could feel every painful second after exploding from the inside out. This was Hell after all, and death would be too easy. The woman’s thrashing body was then grabbed by a massive slippery tongue wrapping around her slim body squeezing her without remorse A dark voice echoed from the shadows of the belly of the beast, “and now you will know me. Every demon in hell will know your body… and each will tear you to pieces bitch!”. In the sub conscience of Mille this innocent little girl had awoken a monster. Hamilton unknowingly created a monster because of his stupid nature and self pleasing ways. A dark portal opened in the girl’s mind and there be no closing it. Sticks knew something was wrong and he barked late into the night. He tried to awake his friend but to no avail. She squirmed in her bed sheets and moaned while her parents fucked like robots in the room over. She squealed but her parents did not hear, and sticks was locked outside. The dream continued. Her teacher’s body entangled in the slithering invading tongue squeezed her form. Sweat mixed with salvia. Screams were met with laughter. Struggle was constricted by control. And the powerful held the weak. The voice from the darkness spoke again, “What you felt when you entered this second sphere was every damned human male’s soul for the hour in Earth time. All of whom doomed to be tortured by what they cannot have. Its by far the greatest hunger to want to fuck and come only to the taste of pussy nectar but never salivating in it… Don’t worry my little worm bitch. We shall salivate in your pussy for we are the warden’s not the Damned! And you shall know us for all of eternity! ha, ha, ha, ha, ha”. She screamed in horror as the tongue entered her body. Its forked end forcing itself into her asshole. Like some nightmarish snake it slithered inside her. Her body quivered in pain as inch by inch the thing slipped in her body. The lining or her anus began to stretch to it’s limits. The thing keep going deeper. The meat around her butt hole tore, and crimson release was greeted with lustful slime. She screamed in both terror and pain. Deeper and deeper it went with the dark voice laughing in delight as it watched with hidden eyes. It went deep. She felt the thing squirm in her stomach. She screamed and writhed and lashed her body. None of the struggling would free her and excited the horrid evil tongue even further till it burst from her throat and out her mouth. She didn’t quite scream, but she made gasping noise fighting for what air she could get. It slithered put from her mouth down her belly as tears flooded out her pretty brown eyes. Salvia oozed over her quivering twitching body. The tongue slipped around her pink honey box. Flicking at her clit and wetting her pussy lips before violating her fuck hole. At first it teased her slipping one of its tiny forks that ended at the tip: moving it around in a circular motion, then it went from nice to angry. It stopped only for a second to give the woman a false sense of softness, but then it lunged into her cunt. Fucking her like a rabid dog. Slipping and whipping inside her cervix pounding her and ravaging her wet pink. She choked. Tears rolled off her soft brown toned cheeks. Somehow in this terrifying violation she came. Washed over again and again with organisms until they too became painful and torturous. The tongue then without warning slipped away from her pussy and back into her mouth, down her throat, until finally ripping itself out of her ass. Blood and saliva exploded from her hole. She screamed and yelped and whimpered. Her body too weak and broken from the hours of titanic abuse. “That was just a teaser” a voice said, “wait till my dick is thrust in you in you little bitch.” She moved her hand into her cunt trying to ease her bruised flesh and she felt something. Her flesh was healing. And the bruises on her body were disappearing. “This is my gift to you, to always be made again even after being unmade, you didn’t think this was going to be easy did you? Every nerve in your system is made anew like a new born, and your little cunt and ass and throat as tight as the day before you opened your legs you fucking whore. This is Hell. My play ground, and your just one toy in a toybox.”, the dark voice said, so matter what happened to her no matter how terrible even resulting in her death, she would again be healed for the next demon or demons. Then she heard it. A deep growl. She stood on her feet and stood nose to nose with there impossibly evil looking Great Danes-- no not three. There standing in front of her were three heads on one very powerful muscular body. She had only time for her eyes to widen and her mouth dropped in horror at the snarling beast. The monster dog leaped, snatching her neck with one of its three powerful jaws: blood choked out her scream. It threw her quivering body on the ground, still conscience she tried getting up feeling the meat in her neck heal itself and she stood up trying to run away. The devil dog followed. Its claws pounding into the ground with a wide grin on each of its three face and then it jumped at her. She felt the beast’s claws grab into the skin on the top part of her shoulders and one of the monster’s mouths snapping the spinal column in her neck. She feel to the floor with the beast on top of her, it released her from its jaws but kept its paws holding her down. Again she healed. She tried getting up: her knees against the floor with her butt in the air. If only she knew her mistake. What she didn’t know was that the beast had no desire to eat her. Its impossibly large red penis hung from a hairy sheath. Pulsating and rock hard it plunged into her ass. She screamed in shock as the beast rammed its fiery cock into her re-virgin anus. It hurt so much she bit into the tip of her tongue. She never felt anything like this: being fucked by a demons was already traumatizing enough, but by a dog… a evil three headed Great Dane demon was pushing itself into insanity. And it, the Great Dane of Hell-- Cerebus pushed hard and fast. Ripping into her tight ass without remorse. Feeling the muscles spasm and tighten around his cock encouraged the raping beast to fuck faster and harder. She screamed and wailed terribly as the monster dog howl with pleasure drooling over her revenged body. Then she felt “it”-- the knot. A huge knot of meat rising from the hilt of the dog’s prick and inching closer to her ass. There was no way the beast could get that thing in her… there was no fucking way. It fucked her harder making her scream more and the pain more and more unbearable. The knot was a fearsome throbbing monstrosity of in it self and it was getting closer. Then with one heave the beast shoved the knot into her ass. She yelped and ripped a scream from her throat that surely tore at the walls of her inner neck. She felt it go deeper even when she thought it impossible. Then he came howling in pure heavenly pleasure. He thrusted himself her as he came ensuring this little bitch got all of what he was giving her. She felt the dog’s dick erupt inside her. Sperm shoot up into her intestines. It made her sick and she threw up with the dog still fucking her, then passed out from the pain and exhaustion… She awoke pain shooting up her spine and met nose to nose again with the hell hound, she looked down with the dog’s dick head settling gently on the lips of her pussy, “no plea---” she couldn’t finish as the fucking animal went in for the real kill. The dog never felt a pussy as good as hers in the countless millennia he had been fucking women. It was perhaps the most tender tight thing to be wrapped around his throbbing cock. He was going to make this sexy native bitch last and beg for death by the time he was done. He plunged into her tight little hole just as fresh and untouched as it was when she was sixteen. He felt the insides of her sweet nectar pussy clench and wrap itself around his invading pole. It felt to him twenty fold of the sweet kiss of her butt hole gave him not an hour ago. He let his throbbing monster set in her pussy for a few minutes so she would know how much more pain and pleasure awaited her. This dog was going to get his day. She felt the huge monstrosity open her pussy lips. She felt her insides explode in pain. She tried to get up to run away but there was no escaping her doom. The Dane pounded her pink slowing but rough. Inching deeper into her cunt. She felt it. The dogs’ fucking dick increased in girth and length sending her body into convulsions. Her elastic pink walls were at their limit ready to tear but her “gift” of healing prevented that and from it the dog felt her entire body please every demand of his prick. This perverted dog was loving each fucking minute of this bitch. He then decided to stop teasing her and give her his all. He then began his onslaught inside her pussy and against her body. Her breasts bounced and she made funny noises with the insanity being unleashed upon her. The Great Dane, Cerebus fucked the poor girl to death so many times that night-- only the devil knows how long a night lasts in Hell, well, him, Cerebus and his new bitch. He slammed her frail form till her insides were mush and against rocks or whatever got in the way. She knew pain and death again and again. But in her death she never felt any release only the continued thrashing of the hell hound. Then finally the beast came. In the rise of some twisted dark sun. She felt that disgusting perverse and painful knot twist up along the dog’s shaft. She shuttered and screamed in horror as it rose. For the beating she received while he brutally fucked her ass hole apart would be far more painful inside pussy. She remember how it felt as it rose into her ass and tore her asunder, and prayed for god to help her. He did not. The knot entered and she felt the tear of her inner pussy walls. Rupturing meat and sinew and veins. Nerves erupted in glorious impossible pain. That was only the enter trance of the beast’s beast. She felt him pound harder. The knot crawled up-- more flesh tore, more nerves exploded, and her screams grew louder. In kept getting deeper; tearing beyond her cervix and into her vagina… she felt pain beyond anything she has known as it exploded inside her. His cock erupted in cum gushing gallons of cream colored cum into her little form. As much as she was in, he was in pleasure. Finally after a whole night fucking this bitch’ brains out (literally on one occasion) he popped not counting fucking her ass apart. He finished with her. Before allowing her to recover in any way he clamped with his jaws her neck and tossed her aside. The sound of his dick unplugging from her gaping pussy made a satisfying plop noise. Cum and pussy juices flooded out her body. He turned and with the voice of a wolf… “When Hell is done with you, I will ask my Master to have you as my personal human bitch to fuck forever…”, with that Cerebus knew it would be a long time coming and chances are he never get pussy that good again until her return to him. Mille awoke from her sickening dream of Hell and ran to the bathroom. She threw up. She wasn’t sure what time it was but light had begun to break in the sky. She stood in the mirror shivering and frightened. She heard Sticks bark and ran outside. She grabbed him and held his warm fuzzy body in her arms. She wept with the horrid dream still haunting her. She woke up as the sun cracked over the house, and climbed up from the grass. She wanted to see her teacher. The woman being tortured so horribly in her dreams. Mrs. Castle. She did not mention anything to her parents about the dream. Her dad ignored her as he did every morning and her mom kissed her on her cheek as she ran off to the bus fearing for the fate of her teacher. She spent no time arguing with the other girls or pushing aside the asshole bullies. She ran into class and was the first kid at her desk. Awaiting quietly and hopeful for the bell to ring. It was the longest thirty minutes in her life. And a painful hour as no teacher arrived for it took a whole hour for the substitute to arrive. Something had happened to her teacher Mrs. Castle. The pretty tall and thin native American woman that was always so nice to all the children. Mille knew something bad must have happen and her gut clenched. To Mille’s delight her teacher walked into class. She wore loose cargo pants and a black and purple t-shirt with a beautiful wide smile. Mille jumped up from her desk and wrapped her arms around the teacher’s legs. “Why aren’t you the affectionate one today Mille?” Kristine said laying her hands gently on top of the girl’s head and began slowly stroking her hair. Kristine kneeled down looking into Mille’s eyes at eye level, “Are you okay sweetie?” she said with concern and curiosity in her voice and Mille looked right into her eyes, “Just happy to see you Mrs. Castle”, and proceeded to hug her teacher again. She did not understand what she saw in her father’s DVDs or the things in her dream about Hell, but she did know that it was bad, and to an extent somehow disturbingly exciting. She was glad that Kristine was okay and thought of nothing but the video she watched the day prior. It made her sick but also to a small extent excited her. It was something new alien begging to be explored. She ran home that evening as soon as the last bell rang. Her mom stayed with her taking a day off, and her father stayed at the office. She wanted to share with her mom about the things her dad had in the locked cabinet but was afraid of what might happen, and the last thing she wanted to do was anger her father. She mentioned nothing of the dream because it made her feel dirty and bad. She sat with her mom until she feel asleep. Her mother put her to bed and let Sticks sleep with her in the bedroom. Mille dreamt again as did Sticks. Sticks dreamt of Mille chasing her while she ran somewhere dark. He tried to keep up with her in the tall wet grass, and soon was lost in the green oblivion. A nightmare unfolded in his doggy head as his master slipped away into shade. Mille dreamt the same exact same dream she had the night prior about her teacher but this time the nightmare was more visceral and real. She awoke where it left off with the Great Dane of Hell, Cerebus telling the woman of her eternal fate with him. She whimpered softly clinging to Sticks burring her face into the dog‘s coat trying to make the memory of the dream wash away. She then felt a deep need or desire to again look into her father’s cabinet of evil. Curiosity took the better part of her consciousness and climbed from her bed. She walked down the hallway of her house silently sneaking past her parents room with Sticks in tow. She opened the cabinet and just as she left it before the door was still unlocked; she placed the DVD back in and immediately pressed “2” for the second chapter to start. The same blonde girl appeared on the screen. Only she wasn’t crying or beaten and bruised. The girl sat not so innocently on a couch wearing a soft blue dress just like the one Mille had. She could see the girl’s breasts and they were more developed than hers. Mille was again afraid for the girl but she was also a little curious as to what would happen to her. Sticks turned his head slightly to the side inquisitive of the girl on the screen. Mille covered the dog’s eyes but he shook his head and brushed off the girl’s attempt at censorship. They sat in the ugly glow of the screen and looked on with eyes wide and ears perked. The crickets outside for a moment quieted their song… The voice came back, but this time gentle. The girl smiled, but Mille could tell that it was a deeply painful dry smile. Two men entered the room from the right of the screen. Each wearing a strange rubber mask of dead presidents. One wore the mask of Ahab and the other Nixon. They approached the girl and spoke to her in the strange foreign language. She nodded and Ahab picked the blonde up from the couch her cute little body sat on. She straddled his hips with her long hairless legs and cooed in a soft voice. The man said something to the girl with an sly grin and the other wearing the Nixon mask snuck around behind her with the blonde never noticing a thing. She kissed the man gently and he kissed her back wrapping his powerful hands around her small round buttocks, but it wasn’t his hands holding her ass for his paw rested to the side of each thigh She may have known in a general sense to what was going to happen and came to terms with her new role in life-- serving the sexual monsters a full plate of their sick disgusting lusts for young girls, but not what was going to happen to her from behind and at the same time. She cooed again into the empty holes of the mask. When she felt the hands grab her little ass. With that her eyes widened with fear when she realized that the other man in the mask had sneaked behind her on purpose. She pushed gently back against Ahab with her eye brows in plea for them to stop. He only smiled back from inside the mask. His shaft entered the girl, she grunted and expressed pain in her pretty face biting at her lower lip. She again cooed softly and smiled that empty smile, but then her smile dropped into open mouth holding back a scream as Nixon entered from behind. She never became numb to the pain. Each experience seemed to her more painful than before. Nixon’s big cock gently entered her body, but that did nothing to ease the girl’s pain of being torn open from the inside. A sick smile sliced within the dark and sweaty interior of the mask. He felt good preparing to defile this little blonde bitch. The thought of it made his dick pulsate and twitch. The action made the girl squirm uncomfortable as she grabbed Ahab and tried to pull away with her arms around his neck. Two adult males had their dicks in a little girl at the threshold of becoming a woman… and somehow the sight was just as beautiful as it was vile and evil. One man inside her throbbing tight pink. The other in her cycloptic tight little ass. Two men is sheer pleasure. One little girl in agony and terrified to what was her fate in the next few minutes. Mille was absolutely in disgust by the material but at the same time just as enthralled in curiosity. Sticks just watched without taking his doggy eyes off the screen just on occasion to look at Mille as if questioning her motives but only to turn back and watch the video. Mille laid her hand on the dog’s head and continued her perverse inquiry into this dark underbelly world of her father which he hid. The men began plunging themselves into her form. Their dicks so big and long it was hard enough to push the heads of their rods into her screaming orifices. She tried to smiled as she whimpered in pain. She attempted to make it look like the unholy scene was enjoyable for all three parties but it was obvious only the men enjoyed the act. The girl couldn’t take the beating any more and she screamed then collapsed on Ahab. The men only laughed and fucked her limp body even harder. For only a few minutes she escaped the pain and humiliation. She awoke with the men hurting her absurdly more. She felt the dicks rage heat into her body from the innards of her virginal walls and the nerves exploding inside her anus and rectum. Each man tried up the other in a sick game of who could make the girl squeal and scream more. They fucked her harder and harder to the point even where the man behind made a weak attempt to stop the two. Her lengthy tiny form rammed repeatedly between the men. Sandwiching her in a world of depravity and pain. Finally one of the men came. Nixon exploded in her ass, screaming out in sheer unbridled pleasure. He pulled out her tight little fuck hole that made a satisfying plop noise. Blood and semen dripped on the white carpet. Silent reminders and testaments of the duo’s villainy. The other man swung her body around with his prick still raging in her pussy, pressing her body against a glass window and fucked her so hard that the beating caused cracks to form where the side of her head hit the window. Her little breast pressed against the window. The man with the camera ran outside revealing a wooded area and quickly found her little body being fucked mercilessly from the inside. Her eyes bled salty water. And her lips bled tiny droplets of crimson. Ahab popped. Ramming her so hard that her body broke the glass. Her small breaks suffered some tiny slices from the glass. She could only cry as the man threw her to the floor. As she laid there all three men came to her and began jacking off. They ruptured their sacks onto the girl’s body as she laid in a fetal position crying softly. Tears mixed with her crimson and pained by the men’s cum. Her beautiful blonde hair wet with sweat and the sickening mix that clung to her body and floor. Blood gently rolled off of her breasts. It was as beautiful as it was evil Mille thought. God. Beautiful. The screen rolled back to black again, “End of Episode709- Raging Interruption”. If what Mille saw before was villainous in the first episode, then this was of the devil’s hands. Oddly Mille did not cry or run off as she did before. She just sat there with her hand on sticks head scratching him gently. She paused the DVD and walked to the bathroom leaving Sticks behind her. She climbed over the toilet bowl and hurled. Throwing up her lunch. She started to cry but stopped. She flushed the toilet and washed her mouth. She looked up into the eyes of a little girl who had just witnessed some of the most horrifying and disgusting recordings to ever be published in any part of the world. She saw the eyes of a girl changed forever and turned away in disgust at the image. On her way out she looked back catching in the mirror a glimpse of a tight high little girl’s ass… and so it was. The change was complete. The final straw broke, and from the shattered glass rose the reflection of the Devil. She smiled a smile that was not of Mille. But beautiful in its naughty alien nature. Mille. Girl. Daughter. Angel. Monster. (Act Two) Her dad locked the section and she was cut off from her desire to explore this side of the adult world that both terrified her and intrigued her. She then had no choice but to find other mediums to flesh out her curiosity. She would draw. Hiding the pictures in a white binder. Often after finishing a drawing she would destroy the bits of art afraid she was doing something disgusting and wrong. She drew girls and women… something about the female form intrigued her and the only thing she drew or paid any attention to with the male figures in her drawings were the penis’ of grown men and of her dog’s. Her perverse inquiries only intensified as with her skill at drawing greatly increasing. In two months after first watching the forbidden material of her father Mille became quite the artist. She became interested in comic books and the drawings of the girl’s in them. She mimicked the style of the comic book artist to a “T”. She would hide her dirty drawings, but often would give her mom and her teacher little doodles of the comic book heroines she liked to pan over with her green eyes, or of simple cartoon animals-- mostly of Sticks. Mille was never comfortable with the dreams she would have about Hell. These were the drawings she never left to treasure like the ones she hid. These drawings were violent: brutal as they were evil. She would tear up the pictures and burn them in the backyard. Make no mistake though it interested her and filled her inquisitive nature with glee it was also something she was ashamed of: disgusted by her own dirty little mind producing such a deviant carnal Hell. Hamilton never noticed the change inside his little girl’s mind. He did however notice her change from the outside. She was fourteen and her body was developing. He noticed that his little girl had the budding flowering form of a seductress. She would walk by wearing those dresses her mother would buy and watch in silent hypnosis her tight high little ass move with the grace of her mother-- like a woman, a real woman. At times he imagined himself fucking his daughter with her calling him Daddy while sucked on the head of his penis like a lollipop. He thought of training her to be his little fuck toy. Hamilton wasn’t ashamed of his perverted fantasies of his own flesh and blood. He however kept it to himself never willing to dare the risk of going to prison for shit he could avoid. He had his DVDs and that’s all he needed. Once he caught Mille naked walking out of the shower. His mind filled with only the lustful desires of a perverted mad man. He watcher her smooth wet body almost dance in front of him without her ever noticing him. He briefly thought about jacking off, then thought of just barging in and fucking the brains out his daughter against the sink… but pulled away and went to other business leaving Mille to dry herself off. He never let go of the sight of his own beautiful minx muse that teased him so unintentionally. Mille grew found of her teacher. After learning of the doorway that was the internet, Mille would secretly print pictures of naked women. She would sometimes fantasize about kissing Kristine when class over like the girls did in movies and the internet. From time to time Mille would her fingers inside the lining of her panties teasing herself and exciting that feral primal inner animal within her. She saw in a daydream… laying next to Kristine in a lesbian grapple of forbidden love. A teacher and much younger pupil, and lesbians at that. The denizens of Marshall would have a field day if Mille and Kristine were ever caught together doing naughty things and playing nasty games. She imagined how soft her lips against her own. She could smell Kristine’s perfume and would bathe in the essence. Mille was experiencing her first crush and she was consumed by it. Mille began to try to catch her teacher’s attention. A first with little notes she left for her on the teacher’s desk as she scurried out, or with small flowers she plucked from gardens on her walk to school. It was school boyish and innocent. Mille however began approaching Kristine in a little more aggressive manner. Kristine may have been kind and caring for every student there was however one exception. Mille. The little girl began to sew an attachment with her. To Kristine, Mille was an extraordinary little girl. She especially impressed with the girl’s ability to draw and would compliment her frequently. Mille was also a beautiful girl who reminded Kristine of herself when she was her age-- still innocent and unspoiled by the outside world. There was however hints and signals that Mille sent out to Kristine that she didn’t quite catch. One day after dropping a white pedaled flower on her desk. Mille asked if she could share a secret with her. When Kristine leaned in with a wide grin, “tell me your secret Mille, it’ll be yours and mine only” and with that Mille pecked Kristine gently on the lips and quickly ran off but not before turning and holding the doorway to the class room with a devilish little grin half hidden by the wall… Kristine was caught off guard and almost started laughing hysterically because it was the last thing she expected. For a moment Kristine sat and thought about Mille. Mille had a pair of balls to do what she did. The next day Mille walked in wearing a sky blue summer dress. She eyed her teacher and gave her the look of what she assumed was a “sexy” look. Kristine responded with a raised brow and small hidden grin meant only for Mille. “Sit down girls… and boys” Kristine said starting the class a little early. Mille sat front and center of the class as she always did. At first Kristine tried to ignore Mille’s provocative pose, but she couldn’t help but look. Mille spread her legs open revealing her sweet little pink box. Mille bit her lower lip as she noticed Kristine’s attention being diverted exactly where she wanted her to. Right at her. Kristine noticed the girl’s pussy starting to get wet. As slips of light were caught in her pink lips and untouched fuck hole. Going against everything she had been taught about moral norms and social standings she decided to play with Mille in her perverted little game of “Hot For Teacher”. She leaned on Mille’s desk pressing her breasts up against one another with her arms. She watched the little girl‘s emerald eyes glow with excitement and intrigue. The other kids in the class room had no idea what was being played right in front of them. Completely bewildered and ignorant of the game the two engaged in. It was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Kristine couldn’t help but think of Mille through out the day as they teased each other. Both trying to one up the other. Kristine didn’t know why she was doing this. Deep down in her gut she knew it was wrong. Mille might have started to develop but she was still a little girl even at fourteen. The thought made a hot shiver run along her spine and legs. “God, this is so fucking hot”, Kristine thought. Suddenly the men she was dating seemed like distant clouds. After loosing her husband she had been lonely and bored. Men seemed like pigs to her. Her dead husband would beat her… Why not she thought, it was Mille after all that made the advances and began courting her. Why not give this a shot, if only to have some perverted fun. The part of reason and logic in her brain screamed for her not to continue encouraging the young impressionable girl, but a deeper desire ruled her… she felt her self starting to get a little wet. “Why don’t you stay after class Mille, I have something to discuss with you in private.”, no one said a thing; Mille just nodded and bit at her lower lip again agreeing to the arrangement grabbing fiercely at her desk and spreading her legs apart again. With a loud slam and lock of the door without another word Kristine marched right up to Mille and locked her lips on the little girl. Her hands grabbing the girl on the ass and lifting her up in the air. Mille wrapped her lengthy legs around her teacher in embrace. She never kissed anyone before but that didn’t hold Mille back because it was Kristine taking control. Kristine teased the girl’s lips with quick lashes of her tongue and breathed in her air. Mille was swooned. Kristine was enthralled with the situation as the two locked eyes with Mille still hold her with her legs. This was against everything she knew. If felt so bad it was good and delicious. She laid the girl gently on her back on her massive desk throwing papers off onto the floor clearing the way for her little whore. “Now, Mille… have you ever done anything like this before?” Kristine asked. “No… But I have seen girls… you know… do things with one another… I want you teacher…teach me how to be a bad little girl”, as perverted and unreal as that sounded it was all Kristine need as she turned to her pupil, “now baby, im going to lick your pussy. Im going to make you feel a whole new experience in life. I don’t want you to be afraid… Mama’s going to make it all okay”, she leaned again with her body showing Mille’s body. They kissed and Kristine sucked in Mille’s tongue gently teasing her. (Act Three) “Fuck it” Hamilton thought. Mille was his. Just as much as those damned DVDs and wife belonged to him. She was there for him because of him. If anything the little bitch should be thankful. He clocked out of work early. He arrived home. He walked through the door and there was Mille surprised and almost startled by his arrival. She pulled away the paper she was drawing and tried to hide it from her father beneath some homework. He caught her without saying a word, he pulled the drawing out of the tiny pile on the carpet and raised a brow when he realized what he was looking at. “Mille. Aren’t you talented?” he said genuinely impressed with the girl’s artwork. A picture of a woman vaguely familiar laid naked on a bed with what appeared to be Mille kissing. His dick fluttered with excitement. To think, his little girl was a perverted little lesbian. “Silly girl”, he said with an evil twinkle in his eyes, “ bitches are for boys…. And daddies!” and without warning he grabbed Mille by the neck. Frightened she said nothing. She saw into her dad’s eyes. In those raging almost black orbs laid a sick desire and lust. Mille recognized the look and had a damned good guess what her father wanted from her. She however did not want to give him anything. Especially that. She tried to scream but he held her too tightly. She watched in horror as her own father began to disrobe. Throwing his t shirt aside and unzipping his pants revealing a raging erection hidden only by the white cover of cotton. Its finally happening Hamilton thought gleefully to himself. Finally after months of wanting to fuck Mille he was going to. He was so hard from the thought it started to hurt with so much blood pumping into this crouch and dick. Mille began to loose consciousness and with the roll of her eyes she blacked out. She woke up on her father’s bed tied up with her ass in the air and limbs tied apart with torn bits of clothe. Immediately she pleaded with her father to stop and to let her go. He only smiled as he stroked himself at the sight of his sexy little minx of a daughter being held against her will with the promise of sexual penetration and violation only a father could give. He said nothing. She pleaded. This was it he thought and moved in climbing slowly over body kissing her buttocks and sliding his tongue on the inside of her ass crack. She squealed and began sobbing uncontrollably. “Stop Daddy, please Stop!” she begged. “Why baby? Can’t you see we’re having so much fun?” he responded in sick self satisfying tone. She continued her pleas. For a moment though she was excited as she felt her dad’s lips and tongue tease the lining of her asshole. He flicked at it and pushed the tip of his muscle into her anus enough and gently enough for her little body to writhe not in pain or shock, but for the first time in excitement and arousal, but reality flooded in as he stopped and whispered into her ear, “I haven’t been a good daddy have I? Well starting today sweetie. I’m going to be very good to you from now on little baby”. She hated the sound of her father talking to her like that. She hated the sound of any male talking a hushed seductive way. Him saying that made her gag. She didn’t want her daddy to be good to her. She just wanted to wake up. Sadly this was no dream. Then she felt it. The head of his dick being rubbed against her ass and teasing at the lips of her pink pussy lips. She screamed. Hamilton grabbed Mille around the neck almost killing her in his crushing hands. “You’re making me angry Mille. Daddy’s going to have to teach you a less--” he was cut off as something very sharp and powerful grabbed his neck and the sudden taste of metal washed over his tongue. Sticks heard Mille scream and rushed into the room and leaped at Hamilton locking him firmly in his powerful jaws. Hamilton jumped and tried to throw the mutt off him but to no avail. Punching the dog only pissed the mongrel off: the dog only biting harder into his neck with each hit. With no air and blood flooding into his lungs he started to black out, but in one last ditch effort he swung around. By some miracle the was able to throw the dog off but unable to catch his balance. He stumbled out the window smashing it a thousand slivers that cut into his flesh falling into wet grass… … The sky half covered in clouds let the air kiss the skin with cool lips. The smell of the night’s embrace of rainfall was a welcomed treat. A silver sly smile cut into the sky shining the plains in a heavy blue hue. The soil of the earth ripe for seeding. The rain was good Hamilton thought. “Nothing like spring tears to wash away the sins of the sinner“ he muttered with blood gushing from his neck. He couldn’t feel the rain, or grass, but he could feel the insane amount of pain raging an unholy storm throughout his body. He wasn’t done yet he thought and climbed to his feet with a hand around his throat… he was going to finish this. He ran into the house with hand firmly clasping his neck. He ran through the hallway, and with nothing but rage and pain to guide him. He burst into the room expecting to find a helpless little girl and a stupid mutt about to fucking die. What he met was two hundred pounds of a furry wrecking ball of teeth and meat. He tried to fight the dog off, and for a moment pleaded quietly into the dog’s eyes, but Sticks showed him no apology. With that the dog tore into Hamilton’s face: smashing bone and tearing meat with each gnash of his powerful jaws. He felt every painful second of the mauling. He was left on the carpet chocking from the hole that was once his face. Mille still restrained on the bed naked and hot with beads of sweat dotting her hot little body watched in satisfaction for twenty minutes as her father laid there dying. |
Guide week by anon y mouse This story was inspired by a friend who is unwell at the moment GET WELL SOON Richard heard the door but as he had his leg in plaster he could not get up to answer. “It’s open” he shouted “Sorry sir” said the young female voice “Just asking if there are any jobs needed for Guide week” “Come in” Richard replied “I am sure I can find something” The young girl stepped into the house. She was aware that her training told her not too as you never knew who was there. She left the door wide in case she needed a quick exit.Reaching the hallway she heard the voice beckon her into the living room “Sorry honey cannot get up too quickly” said Richard “I injured my foot see” The girl looked at the plastered foot and saw the man was indeed telling the truth. She explained that her mission was to raise funds for the local Guide Troupe by doing odd jobs for people. “Well I am the lucky one” said Richard “I have not washed the pots yet” “Sir I can do that all you offer is a rate for the job and we agree terms” “$3 is ok” said Richard “Yes sir most acceptable” “You will find everything you need” said Richard The girl thanked him and went about her task. She was dutiful in her work, if he liked the result there may be more as he was incapacitated. She hummed a tune as she washed the pots, there was not many. From the state of the house she guessed he lived alone, there were no signs of a female here or the kitchen would be tidier. “Everything ok?” called Richard “Yes sir nearly done” “I have the money ready here” Richard told her “Thank you sir” The work having been done the girl went into the room and Richard proffered her the money. “Is there any other work sir” “Well yes” said Richard “But I hardly think it is your type of work” “Just say sir let me judge” “Very well as I am incapacitated I have been unable to go upstairs and I have a bedroom to clear and dirty laundry interested” “Sir that may take a while if I may would you consider I bring in help” “Certainly” Richard replied “Just let me know how much it will cost” The girl went upstairs and viewed the room it was in shambles bed unmade and clothes everywhere. She went back down to negotiate a rate. “Sir I am sorry but that will take ages and I would expect no less than $20” Price agreed the girl was on her mobile to a friend “Julie” the girl started “Are you free to help me clean a bedroom” “Sure” said Julie “When?” “I’m there now” said the girl “Ok gimme the address be right over” The girl informed Richard all was settled and would start when her friend arrived “Fine” said Richard “But may I know your name” “It is Millicent sir but call me Milly” “Well Milly I am Richard pleased to know you” “Thank you sir” While Milly waited Richard offered her some lemonade and they sat talking. Richard explained how he stupidly tripped on the stair. He also told her he was ex army he now lived alone, and was working as a psychiatric nurse. Milly told him she was 15 lived with her mother, father had left them and she was a pack leader in the Ranger Guides. It took 20 minutes for Julie to arrive and Milly let her in. She was introduced to Richard and then the girls went upstairs to start the task. Milly could see that this would not be easy and she wished she had held out for more money, the whole room resembled a waste tip. She had however been taught by the Guides that life was not always easy and the motto was be prepared. The shelves needed a tidy and Milly set about sorting the vast array of military that was strewn around. For ex military she thought this guy is one hell of a sloppy man. In her room at home though not the tidiest her mother would scream if she was to leave her room in this state. Julie had a similar encounter down on the floor, it appeared at least 3 days of laundry and the smell was unbearable. Julie opened the window for fresh air. Within 30 minutes they had tidied the shelves and the floor was now free from clutter. The clothes had been placed on the bed. Milly went downstairs to ask what they should do with them. Richard told her where the laundry basket was and apologised for the mess and smell. He was normally a tidy person but an event in his life had changed his mood to sadness. H would not specify what and Milly went upstairs to fetch the clothes. Julie meanwhile had been busy with broom and the place looked a whole lot neater. There was a corner of the room with a chest of drawers and it looked like it needed a clean around there too, but she was unable to move it herself and needed Milly to help. The two girls grabbed a corner each and soon had the unit moved sufficiently to clean. There was a shock on their faces when they saw a magazine that had fallen down the back, and was now lying there in full view. Milly picked it up, sat on the bed and flicked through the pages. As she looked page after page was filled with photographs of naked women in a variety of poses; quite a lot of them were exposing their pussies. Milly showed Julie what she was looking at, both now sat on the bed in complete shock. Further pages revealed stories, as Milly read some they contained graphic detail of sexual acts. Milly was so shocked she threw the book down. “That is disgusting” Milly told Julie “That is nothing” Julie remarked “My dad has videos” “OMG” said Milly “Yes and they show men doing it” “You mean” “Aha yes the whole thing” “Urghhhhhh” said Milly “And there are bits where girls are with girls” Milly was so shocked at her friends descriptive of these videos. But at the same time she felt a tingle in her pussy. “Have you ever you know” said Milly “Done anything” “I do play with myself when I watch them” Julie answered Milly had never done anything like that, she was taught it was a sin to do such things and surprised her friend did such lewd acts. “Milly?” Julie asked “Do you want to see how I do it?” Milly was not sure, but Julie did not wait for an answer she hoisted her skirt and pulled aside her panties and shoved a finger inside her pussy. Milly sat there transfixed as her friend continued and was now writhing and pushing deeper and moaning. When she had finished, Milly saw the girl had wetness on her pussy. Julie one last time put her fingers in her pussy drew up some of the wetness and licked her fingers clean. “Wow” said Milly “That was amazing how did you learn to do that?” “From the videos” explained Julie “If you want i can teach you now” Milly was unsure, they had come to clean the room and get paid. The room was clean, no further reason to stay unless Richard had other jobs, and besides they were collecting money for the Guides. Julie explained the room had been done in quick time; Richard would have no idea of how long they needed and it would not take long. Millie agreed and did as her friend had earlier, with talking and encouragement from Julie it was not long before Milly had her first experience of an orgasm. “That was sensational” said Milly “My pleasure” said Julie “And if you want we can do other things?” Julie explained the other things and Milly was in agreement they should try. Now there was the matter of putting back the chest of drawers and the job was complete. The two descended the stairs and went into the room to tell Richard. “Thank you girls” Richard told them “That has been a big help now i have the money and more lemonade if you wish” Milly took the money and really wanted to leave to get to Julies to continue her education; but politeness was part of the scouting movement as she was thirsty. The three sat drinking lemonade, and chatting. Richard explained he had recently split from his girlfriend and apologised once more for the mess. H explained he had gotten into a drunken stupor after she left and being drunk he fell down the stairs. He was on the mend and the cast would be off tomorrow. Julie was the one who bought up the subject “That why you have that magazine?” She asked Richard was a little sheepish and did not know what to say “It is ok” continued Julie “My daddy has videos and he’s got mom” “Yes I admit” said Richard “It has been a lonely time and that is my solace” The air went silent as the three continued the lemonade. “Now girls” said Richard “If you have finished I do not need anything more today but may I ask you to call tomorrow I have need of you helping me on the bus to go get my caste removed.” Richard explained he was going to go alone but he thought the girls could help support him and he would pay for their help. It was agreed and the two left and promised to call and would gladly help him. With that they left Richard and skipped out the door. TO BE CONTINUED......................................... |
Guide week Chapter 3 Milly phoned Julie and arranged to meet at the garage clearance. It was a hot day and both girls were wet and sweaty as they moved box upon box of rubbish out of the garage. They were offered lemonade by Petra Anderson and were grateful for it. Mrs Anderson would have she explained tidied it herself, but she had heard the GUIDES were on job week and thought it better if she had help for herself and helped a good movement at the same time. She told Milly and Julie of her time in the Guides and as they cleared had may a tale to tell. Lunch approached and Petra, as they had been told to call her went inside to make sandwiches. Milly and Julie just carried on working they wanted to get to Richards as soon as possible, each had in their backpack a change of clothes and night attire. They all stopped for sandwiches and refreshments and then continued their labours. It was 3 in the afternoon that the task was finally completed. Petra paid the girls and offered them her shower to freshen up but they refused giving the story they had 1 last task to do for the day. Leaving Petra both girls were feeling the strain, it had been more work than at first appeared. Richard would probably be anxious they had not given a specific time, but nonetheless they wanted to get there as soon as possible, he had some other jobs to do and at least they would stay the night. Arriving at Richards they found a note on the door addressed to them, which stated if he was not home go in make themselves comfy and there was food in the cupboard if they felt hungry. Milly and Julie entered the house, there was a strong smell of pine as though someone had been cleaning or polishing. Looking around they noticed the differences in the rooms as they went exploring. Everywhere so neat and orderly, even the bed had been made and had fresh linen. These were some of the tasks they had come to fix as on Richards list. Both were puzzled as to why they had been requested back. Both were desperate for a shower and wondered what he would say if they used his bathroom. Deciding not to risk it they sat and waited. It was 45 minutes before Richard appeared with a large carry bag. “Ah good I see you made it?” said Richard “Let me just attend to this and I shall be right with you” Richard took the bag upstairs and soon returned to find the girls had noticed a photo album he had been looking through. Talking and showing them the photographs explaining who each was, where it was taken. The evening was getting later and the girls needed to freshen up, Milly asked if they may use the shower, Richard told them of course and as they went upstairs Milly made 1 final observation that Richard was looking smarter. Undressing, they were soon soaping and cleaning, Julie washing Milly’s back and vice versa. Neither of them detected Richard spying on them behind the door. Richard had his cock out and was rubbing himself to the sight of these two lovelies. Watching them shower and clean their cute pussies and asses, he got a little too close and the door pushed open. The girls turned to see Richard his trousers open with his cock in hand stumble in the bathroom and gave a loud laugh. Julie suggested if he was so horny he should shower too. Richard wasted no time in getting undressed and the 3 of them were soon frolicking around in the shower. Richard could now see the wondrous sight of Milly and Julie bathing at closer quarters. He watched as Milly soaped her friends pussy slowly and deliberately, then her belly and up over her breasts. Julie turned and Milly soaped down her back and round her bottom in a similar style. Julie returned the compliment for her friend. Richard’s hard cock was standing to attention and he thought he would explode. Suddenly Milly knelt down and took Richard’s cock in her mouth; whilst she did Julie had moved round behind him and was soaping his back. Richard was letting out moans of pure ecstasy at the attention. As Milly sucked harder and harder Julie inserted a finger in Richard’s anus and pushed in and out to excite his prostate. Richard was already too far gone and a few moments later his seed erupted in fury firing into the back of Milly’s throat. Trying not to miss a drop Milly eagerly swallowed as much as she could. Richard withdrew and stood back, he watched in amazement as Milly and Julie swapped his cum from one mouth to the other. They all 3 then finished their shower and dried off. Richard had the pleasure of drying both girls as they stepped out. In return the girl’s towel dried Richard. Milly and Julie were about to get dressed but Richard told them to come in the bedroom he had a surprise. On the bed had been laid out 2 sets of girl’s underwear and 2 dresses. Richard told them to dress and he left them to it while he himself dressed. Milly checked the size it was spot on but how would he have known. Seeing the girl’s dressed in the outfit’s he had chosen pleased Richard’s eyes. He had taken great care in the choice, and now he saw them being worn he chuckled at his wisdom. Milly was pleased with her outfit and so was Julie, they gave him a peck on the cheek. Much nicer than the jeans and t-shirt each had packed. Richard asked if they were hungry, both were enthusiastic in saying yes. Richard had one more surprise in store; he led them downstairs and ordered a cab. Within 30 minutes the 3 were seated at a table in a rather posh looking restaurant. Neither had been anywhere like this, and they felt like fish out of water. Richard allowed them to choose their own meal but did order the wine. The stares from other customers at his 2 companions made Richard feel proud. They did not let him down and they watched how other people ate not rushed but savouring each mouthful and sipping wine. Both felt very grown up as the evening passed, the meal over it was time to head back. Richard settled the bill and with a girl on each arm they stepped into a waiting cab; on the ride home each sat either side of him and leaned in close, he put an arm around each. Now ensconced back in Richard’s living room, the three sat relaxed as a warm milk drink was being supped. Richard asking them if they had enjoyed their evening, and the girls telling him that they had. Milly and Julie both affirmed that it was a pity the evening had to end. Richard agreed but as they had enjoyed it so much and he their company asked of them if once in a while they would consider a repeat performance. Milly and Julie nodded in affirmation, and each rose and placed a kiss on Richards’s cheek. Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was their company or maybe something else, but Richard felt a longing he had not had in a long time. He would love it if these two were to be his lovers. He checked his thoughts. He was lusting after two 15 year old girls. They had shown him they were not averse to some sexual activity, but he was unsure if they were virgins. Milly and Julie both were feeling similar, they enjoyed his company and were more than willing to be wined and dined. Julie for one had enjoyed the sexual aspect too and maybe they would get to do it again; she certainly hoped they would. Milly had sat down legs crossed in front of Richard her dress had ridden a little of which she was unaware, but he had spotted. As Milly sat there Richard began to feel a stir in his loins, a stir that Julie had noticed and without forethought she had taken it upon herself to massage it for him outside his pants. This only made Richard’s predicament worse, sensing the problem Julie moved in front of him, knelt and began to release him from his pants and shorts. Richard lay back to enjoy the wonderful touch of this girl; no sooner had she freed it than she began to run her fingers along its length. Richard rose in his seat allowing Julie to remove his pants and shorts in their entirety. Julie helped Richard remove his shoes and socks; she then stood before him to help him remove his tie and his shirt. Completely naked Richard was sat relaxed as Julie once more worked on his cock. This time she licked at his balls and up and down the shaft making Richard squirm and moan; taking a pause she invited Milly to help her. Now with 2 young nubile girls administering to his cock Richard felt he would soon cum and motioned the girls to stop. He invited them to stand and let him help them undress, taking his time with each as he removed the dresses 1 by 1. He took it in turn to remove their shoes and socks, leaving them clad in only their delicate little panties. He started with Milly first moving her round so he could see her back. He ran his hands over her shoulders down her back and across her bottom over her panties, feeling down each leg in turn till he reached her feet. Turning her round he started by running his hands across her flawless body, over the outside of her panties and again down her legs to the feet. He asked her to raise each in turn, and slowly and lovingly kissed and licked his way over her foot and between her toes. Licking up her legs toward her thighs asking her to open them a little, he then licked and sucked at her panty covered pussy. Leaving aside Milly he then required Julie to accept the same treatment. Milly had enjoyed the sensations and was a little disappointed he had not carried on but she appreciated it was now her friends turn. Julie too liked what was happening to her this was sheer bliss she had never seen this being performed in any of the clips of movie she had seen. Richard had now licked and sucked each girl in turn and his cock needed attention, he urged the girls to give him relief. Milly and Julie were more than happy to render to his aid and within a few short strokes and licks Richard signalled his readiness to shoot. He asked the girls to lie on the floor, and as he felt the welling he aimed his cum at each of their panties; shooting forth he soaked each of their panties as they lay there. Drained Richard once more sat down but asked the girl to lie there a few moments so he could witness the result of his actions. Satisfied he allowed them to stand and helped each one remove the stained panty. He took the articles aside and placed them on the table. “May I keep those as a souvenir?” Richard asked, both nodded their approval and he kissed each delicious slit as a thank you. Unsure of where to take this Richard gave them time to compose, as each one had now taken to sit upon a knee and put their arms around him. He was gently rubbing his hands on their butt cheeks as he finally summoned the words. “Girls that was so wonderful” Richard began “But if you would allow I could do so much more but only if you are both willing” Milly and Julie listed as Richard explained he would like them to have full sex by inserting his cock inside them. He assured them he would be gentle if they were virgins, which each of them told him they were. He also explained there would be some pain, they both looked in doubt but Richard explained this would soon go and they would enjoy it. Sitting back continuing to rub buttocks Richard watched and waited for their reply. Milly and Julie got off his lap and went to a corner to whisper. Julie was ready if Milly was, but her friend was not so sure, in the end Milly agreed that if Julie went first and she was ok then she would too. The girls came back to Richard and informed him of their decision. “Then” replied Richard “I think it is time we moved to my bedroom it will be more comfortable” All 3 went upstairs the discarded clothing left on the floor, reaching the bedroom Richard invited the girls to climb on the bed whilst he made preparation. Milly and Julie sat on the bed and watched as Richard went to a drawer and retrieved a tube of lubricant and a towel plus some condoms. Once he had all items ready he asked Julie to lie on her back and raise her buttocks, as she did Richard placed the towel underneath. “Now Julie “Richard said “I am going to start by licking your slit and placing a finger inside to loosen you just relax” Richard was unsure if this would moisten her enough, which was why he had taken precaution to have lube ready in case. He gently moved her legs further apart, and with his fingers he parted the folds of flesh which surrounded her labia and cunt entrance. He wet his tongue and licked over the exposed area. Julie yelped at the administration of Richard’s tongue and the parting of her opening, and she patiently lay as he continued. Richard took his time in ensuring the opening was wet enough before inserting a finger; he gently moved it around inside and watched as the young girl lowly moaned her pleasure. Satisfied she was enjoying it he asked Milly to come over and insert a finger in his anus as he continued with Julie; feeling himself becoming hard once more Richard felt time to continue to the next step. Asking Milly to stop he moved over Julie and resting on his arms he placed his cock at her entrance, moving over the girls wet slit. He asked Milly to come in and help him to moisten his cock head by wetting it with her mouth. Julie felt excited and nervous she was going to become a woman, some of the girls at school had bragged about having done it but she was not sure if they were true or not. This was real it was going to happen and Julie wanted it. Richards cock now glistening with Milly’s saliva he once again moved his cock back to Julie’s cunt entrance, this time he placed it inside just a little so the head was now embedded in the girl. Julie let out a soft moan at the invasion. Satisfied he was positioned correctly Richard withdraw a little and stopped. “Now Julie” Richard explained “The next part may very well hurt so are you sure that you wish me to continue?” Julie assured him she was and waited for what was to come. Richard satisfied that she was willing started to push his cock inside one more till he felt the resistance, giving Julie time to get accustomed to this he paused a few seconds. This was it now or never as Richard shifted his weight, withdrew a little and then in one swift and almost primal moment he lunged forward till he was almost ball deep. Julie felt the surge and a pain so intense that it hurt her insides, they felt like they were burning, she gritted her teeth but still a tear appeared and a little sniffle. Richard stopped to enquire if she was all right; he wiped her tears and in a soothing voice assured her that was the worst of it. Julie through her teary eyes thanked him and asked if that was it. Richard had taken her cherry she was deflowered but he had not come and needed release. He asked Julie to remain still while he continued assuring her this part would be better. Having made Julie comfortable he began a series of pumps in and out of her pussy, starting slowly he gradually increased his tempo until his seed was rising. Julie got used to the insertion and soon found the pain went and the feeling most enjoyable. Milly had witnessed the crying as Julie was finally deflowered, and had felt her own pain, feeling for her friend. Now she saw the same Julie actually smiling in enjoyment, and watched Richard as his face contorted and listened to his moans and excited yelling’s. Finally Richard could no longer hold onto his seed as he felt the precum he quickly withdrew and within seconds his seed was spurting in abundance over the girl, hitting her face abdomen and pussy. His seed spent Richard relaxed; he looked upon the sight before him as Julie lay there covered in his sperm. Julie was also happy lying there she was no longer a girl she was a woman now. Milly needed no invitation to move in and clean the seed from Richard’s cock, then gently clean the sperm from her friend’s body, licking and swallowing every last drop. She did offer some to Julie by dipping in her fingers and proffering them to be licked. Richard watched in joyful admiration at the two young lovelies enjoying themselves. Milly enquired when it would be her turn but Richard was by now tired and his foot was starting to become itchy again he needed a painkiller and told her that it was her turn in the morning he would be better then. Milly was disappointed but saw Richard’s foot hurting, she helped him put some lotion on it and went to get him water for his tablets. Julie had risen meanwhile and kissed Richard on the mouth. Millie came back to find them both sat up cuddling on the bed. Richard took his painkiller as Mille took her place on the other side of him. After a few more kisses and cuddles all 3 got into the bed and snuggling down together drifted into sleep. THE END (or is it?) This completes what I set out as a trilogy but if you want more I can expand it comments good or bad welcomed THANK YOU |
Guide week Part 2 by anon y mouse Apologies dear readers for the lack of sex in part 1 that was the sce setter for this part of the trilogy. Milly and Julie had met on the corner of Richard’s street and were walking up to his house. A lady who Milly had cleared some leaves for called out to her. “Young Miss” she shouted “Young miss hold up there please?” Startled Milly turned round and recognised her. “Mrs Anderson, good morning?” “Morning dear” The woman replied “I was wondering if I could avail of your services some time.” “Certainly” Milly replied courteously always here to help that is the Guide principal “Yes dear now can I ask you phone me when you are free I have a garage to clear?” “Certainly” Milly replied “I am on my way to another job right now when I am free I will make you next” “You are an angel” replied Mrs. Anderson “Call me Petra and do please phone?” With that the woman walked away. Julie and Milly discussed and agreed if it was a clear out and if anything like Richard’s room was they should do it together. They soon reached their destination and knocked the door. It took a while them standing there but they heard the voice saying to enter it was open. The girls entered and found Richard in the kitchen, he had tidied up a little since Milly’s last visit and the room smelled of pine. Richard greeted them and had them sit whilst he was wiping down the table. This was not an easy task on crutches, Milly grabbed his cloth and told him to sit and finished the job off. “And what is your rate for that job?” Richard asked with a grin The three laughed at the remark and Milly threw the cloth in the sink, washed it and returned to the others. All three now seated Richard reached for a pen and paper lying there and began to write. “I am making a list” he told them “Of jobs I have that may be of interest, please take it and at your leisure give me a rate” Milly and Julie studied it and wrote a figure next to each task. Richard had not expected the list being handed back so promptly. Richard surveyed the quotes. Rubbed his chin and wrote on the paper once more. Milly and Julie watched in silence as Richard wrote. Richard handed them back the note At the side of each task had been written agreed, except for the last which was written too little, a new figure was added. Milly and Julie had a whispered conversation and Milly wrote agreed. That being settled they sat while Richard went to get his wallet and keys. Watching him walk on the crutches both Milly and Julie could see why he needed the assistance. Their Guide handbook was the principal they lived by, to help a person carry shopping or cross the road, or open a door was not a task they had ever charged for, it was a service they provided out of courtesy for their fellow citizens. Richard was now ready and he handed his wallet and keys to Milly. He also had a pair of pants in a bag. He explained it was easiest as she could lock up and pay the bus. This made perfect sense the girls helped him out the door and down the step. Milly went back to lock the door and they set off for the bus. The girls walked each side of Richard in case he was to stumble one way or the other; their training taught them if he was to fall not to stop him as they would most likely get hurt too. The book said to assist in helping to the feet. They had also done the first aid so could administer to any wounds or cuts. The bus stop was not far and they reached in plenty of time though the walk was slow; Richard had allowed the time, he knew he could not rush. Helping him onto the bus Julie found him a seat and Milly paid the driver. It was a 30 minute ride and needed a change of bus. Arriving at the hospital Julie went to search a chair while Milly and Richard waited. It was not long before Julie reappeared and an orderly was with them. Richard was wheeled to the front desk and asked Milly to get the appointment slip out the wallet. Check in complete they were pointed in the direction but the orderly had other tasks and Julie pushed the chair. They approached the second desk and were ordered to take a seat and wait. There were many others in the same predicament and they assumed a long wait. It was 45 minutes before a nurse ushered Richard into a room. The girls were told they could wait outside or come in. They opted for the former, but Richard insisted on the latter. He was their employer for the task so the girls did as requested. Richard was sat upon a special chair and the nurse helped him remove his trousers. Milly turned her head away but Julie just watched. The nurse noticed the girls’ reactions. After a few second Milly returned her gaze to Richard who was just sat there in his shorts and watched as the nurse cut away at the plaster. It did not take long for the job to be done. The nurses applied some lotion and went to write her notes as Richard sat there in a state of half dress. Returning to her patient once more she asked about tetanus. Richard could not remember he told the nurse it had been at least 5 years. The nurse went back made a note and reached into a drawer. “ Ok Mr Farrington” she said “I think you need a booster, kindly stand, turn around, and remove your shorts” Richard looked at the girls in embarrassment, he had not expected this. Doing as told Richard dropped his shorts. “Bend forward please?” the nurse ordered Richard did as told. The girls had noticed his embarrassment and Milly was blushing too. Julie was not fazed at all and she was secretly looking for a glimpse of his cock. She was not disappointed as Richard bent down his cock hung down and she spotted his large and hairy balls. Milly meanwhile had also sneaked a peek. The injection completed Richard pulled up his shorts and reached in the bag Milly handed him for his pants. Now fully dressed he turned back to the girls and they left the room. Nothing was mentioned of his ordeal and they walked out into the fresher air. Richard suggested they go have a walk in the park across the road and they accompanied him. The day was a fine one as they took a stroll. Richard was grateful the cast was off and the girls could see already he was walking better he only had one shoe and sock on which amused them all. He had to keep the weight of his other but hobbled quite expertly. They found a bench and sat. Chatting about things in general and finally Julie broke the topic. “I seen nicer ones” Julie giggled “Seen nicer what?” Richard asked “Cocks” Julie laughed All three burst into laughter. Richard whispered in Julie’s ear and Milly could not hear. They got off the bench and headed for the bus. The journey home was spent in silence but Milly caught glimpses of Richard and Julie having some sort of secret giggle. She passed it off and as she still had the keys opened the door and they went in. “Be back in a moment to pay you” Richard said “Make yourselves a drink” Milly poured the lemonade and she remembered Mrs. Anderson. She reminded Julie and said she would ring her now they were finished here. Julie asked her not to be too hasty; there was another task to do here before they left. Milly was mystified but money was money, a task was a task, and all the proceeds went to the Guides. Richard returned and sat in the armchair opposite them, Milly noticed he had a magazine. “Ok girls come over here and Julie you can see if you like any of these?” The girls sat each side of the armchair as Richard opened the magazine. Milly blushed at what she saw, inside were photographs depicting men and women. The women were handling, or had the men’s cocks in their mouths. Milly was shocked but also curious. Julie on the other hand was informing Richard in no uncertain terms and describing the attributes of each. “But we need a real life comparison” Julie sniggered “Well if you are sure?” said Richard “You could compare mine and give me your opinion?” Julie without further asking reached down and began to massage Richard’s cock through his pants. “Seems small” Julie sniggered “Well do you know how we can remedy that?” asked Richard Julie nodded she did and Richard laughed. Julie asked him to manoeuvre so she could undo his belt, once accomplished she asked him to lift his bottom and she moved in front of him to pull away his pants. Milly was not sure what was happening but she was transfixed at her friend and Richard. Richard was now bare legged and with just his shorts on, as Julie rubbed him with her hand through the material. Milly noticed that as her friend did this the bulge appeared to get bigger; she also heard Richard give out little moans. Julie then put her hand inside the shorts and fished out Richard’s cock. As Richard’s cock sprang into view Milly noticed it was now pointing directly upwards. Julie helped Richard remove his shorts and now he was naked below the waist with just his socks on. Julie removed the socks and came back to minister to the now engorged cock. Milly watched as her friend played with the balls and the head, making Richard writhe a little. After a few moments Julie began running her finger up and down Richard’s cock, then she followed up with her tongue. Milly observed it was just like playing with a Popsicle, the point when her friends’ mouth covered the tip Richard almost jumped out the chair. Richard was close to coming but he wanted to make this last and asked Julie to stop. “It isn’t fair I am naked and you are not” Richard told them “Wouldn’t you two care to undress also?” Milly was shocked at him asking, Julie looked at her friend for an answer. Richard was watching and waiting for the response too. Julie took Milly to a corner of the room; Richard could hear the whispering but not the content. He hoped they would agree, but at this point could not be sure. Had he pushed the envelope, had he rushed the gun? “We have 2 conditions” said Julie “Fire away” replied Richard “One you have to undress us and two you allow us to have some fun with each other” Richard was delighted at the response, especially the chance to watch 2 horny 15 year olds making out. “Very well” said Richard “But you now have me harder than ever I need relief” Julie took the hint and once more played with Richard’s cock. Julie teased the head with her tongue. Whilst at the same time massaging his balls. Milly was not going to miss out as Julie removed her mouth, she took her friends place. Richard thought he died and gone heaven, two nubile young ladies servicing his cock. Richard soon signalled he was ready to shoot his seed as he did he pulled Milly further onto his cock. Milly was gagging and spluttering but Richard paid no heed and rammed in an out of the young girls mouth. “Arrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh” Richard cried out Milly felt the liquid fill her mouth and dribble onto her chin; she had no idea what to do and some went down her throat. Finding the taste not too repulsive Milly swallowed to clear her mouth, more followed it seemed endless. Julie encouraged her to suck and suck till it had stopped, and swallow all that came out. Richard was amazed this little girl was taking all his semen, he had only found one girl before that had allowed him to come in such a way and she was a professional. Richard had not enjoyed the seedy side of it however, and never used such services again. Milly had milked Richard dry and he pulled from her mouth. Julie was not long before she moved to lick the residue from her friends chin. Richard meanwhile had removed the rest of his clothing, and watched the friends enjoying his sperm. It was now time to undress the girls. Richard asked them once again if they were happy to continue and they both agreed yes. Richard took his time with each girl in turn, undoing their tunics and skirts. He removed their shoes and socks in the same fashion, caressing their feet as they came to his gaze. “Now” Richard commanded “I want you to remove each other’s panties but slowly and then come stand in front of me?” The girls followed Richard’s instructions to the letter, when they were naked they stood facing him as requested. Richard admired the forms he saw Milly had small breasts but pert, her friend Julie was a little more developed. Milly had a wisp of hair around her pussy but Julie was bald. As the twisted and turned and bent for his viewing he saw the prettiest little bottoms and their flat bellies. He indicated them to come closer and open their legs; he rubbed his hands over their bottoms and inspected their pussies in more detail. He opened their pussy lips to inspect their pink insides, and placed a finger in each. Milly enjoyed Richard’s attentions, but when he put a finger in her pussy she squealed. Julie on the other hand was enjoying it all, the finger was especially nice. Richard was getting harder but he was not going to come just yet, he broke off and asked the girls to do their little show. The two wasted no time, yesterday after leaving Richards they had gone back to Julies and on the pretext of Guide stuff had shut themselves in Julie’s room. That time was exciting enough, but now they were going to do it with an audience. Both girls tingled with anticipation. Richard watched as the two girls stood facing each other, when they moved into an embrace and kissed, he really knew this was going to be special. Milly and Julie were kissing madly, tongue on tongue, their bodies so close there was no daylight. Then Milly stood still as her friend moved from kissing her mouth. First the neck, giving sensual licks before moving onto the breasts, her licking and sucking making her friend squirm. Moving down and licking her belly, spending time in licking the button. Julie stood up and Milly copied her friends’ actions in precision detail. The two girls proceeded to lie on the floor, and they assumed the 69 position. They licked and fingered each other’s pussies, making great slurping noises. Richard could no longer contain his come, asking the girls to untangle and lie on their backs. Their movement was just in time as Richard spurted copious amounts of his seed all over the two naked girls. Being spent and his foot still paining, he signalled to the girls they may dress. Julie and Milly however had other plans as they each in turn licked and swallowed the sticky from each other’s bodies. Richard lay back in the armchair watching in fascination. When they had completed cleaning each other, they finally did dress as Richard counted the money out for them. “Girls” said Richard “I find I may need you tomorrow if you are available” Milly looked at Julie and the both agreed and nodded. “It may be later Richard” replied Milly “I promised to help tidy a garage” Julie had the brightest of ideas. She told Milly the parents were to be asked if each may stay at the others, that way if Richard wished they could come later and spend the entire night. Richard was in agreement and as the girls left he needed lotion for his itchy foot and went upstairs for a bath. Milly and Julie left the house with grins from ear to ear. TO BE CONTINUED |
Subsets and Splits