stringlengths 132
Summer in the south was always unpleasant to me: hot, humid, and with very little to do. It wasn't that I liked school; no fourteen year-old does. It was just that, without school, I was really the only kid my age living in my town. It was an old mining town, but the mine had moved on, leaving a small cluster of old houses and a few tired old stores on the main street. The highway no longer passed through, so there were seldom any visitors, and much more importantly to a boy my age, the girl in town closest to my age was four. At least when I went to school there were girls there, but I felt myself doomed to be a spectator, because they were all from the city to the west and I was nothing but a hick. My mother, rest her soul, died when I was seven, so for half my life the only family I had was my daddy and the dogs. Daddy worked as a trash collector in the city, so most of the time it was just me and our four dogs: Fudd, the youngest, a droopy basset hound who seemed to be unable to do anything other than sniff things; Townes Van Zandt, named for the singer, whom everyone knew as TVZ because he was a common sight on anyone's porch; the old hound Po, who had been my mother's favorite and who was older than I, and the bitch, Jinni, a soft, likable dog, about knee-high, whose name was really Virginia Wolf, which I thought was pretty funny at the time, even though I didn't know who Virginia Woolf was. I mention them all because they really were like family to me, and they all thought I was a puppy because I had been running with them since I was old enough to know how. I used to run naked through the fields, laughing and tackling them, and they in turn would lick my face and jump on me and knock me over, and then Fudd would sniff my butt. A dumb dog, Fudd, but I loved him anyway. But in the height of summer it was too hot to do anything other than sit in the house in my underwear with a fan blowing on me, and all four dogs would come and lie at my feet and pant. We couldn't afford cable TV and being in a valley as we were, no one in our town could get much of anything on the rabbit ears, so usually I sat there and read. Now it's a myth that southern country folk are more conservative sexually; they may not show it off, but there's just as much hanky-panky going on in a small town in the holler as there is in a big city up north. There were two boys other than me in our town, although to call them boys isn't really accurate because they were more than old enough to shave, as people said. But they treated me like a kid brother, and it was from them that I learned everything I knew about women and carnality, as our preacher used to call it. They sometimes got nudie magazines from the city, and when they got tired of their old ones they would give them to me. I think my daddy knew about it but he never said anything; he even caught me once with my hand down my pants reading one behind another book, but he just grinned and left the room. I guess he figured that at least I wasn't turning out queer from not having any women around. Truth was, I knew some "queers" and they seemed all right to me, no different from anybody else, but I had no desire to join them. I loved the female form too much. So on those hot summer days when there was nothing else to do and my daddy was away in the city, I would sit in front of the fan and look at my copies of Playboy and Penthouse, worn from use and sometimes stained by unknown liquids, and I would imagine what it would be like to have a girl like the one in the pictures ready and willing. I loved their rear end shots especially, the ones where they were down on all fours and pointing their cute little backsides up into the air like they were waiting for me to come up behind them and stick my cock right in. Truth was, I was going crazy with no girls around and my balls were full to bursting. The other thing I enjoyed watching, when it happened, was our bitch Jinni in heat. Whenever she was, that meant I would get to see some homemade porn, so I looked forward to it, even during the winter. Fudd and TVZ would go absolutely ape-shit over her while she would let them, and I got most of my biology lessons from seeing them mount her in turns, pumping away at her until they came and then a minute later popping out to let the other have a go. Watching that always made me harder than looking at pictures, truth be told, and I sometimes had to run for my room to grab something, anything, to cap over myself, otherwise I'd make a mess of the floor. Cumming brought momentary relief but it always left me longing for more, for a pussy to fuck. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out a plan of action. Actually, I never really planned it. It just started with an idea and then got out of control. One day I saw Jinni being fucked with great vigor by Fudd, and when his dick popped out, pale and huge compared to his size, Jinni turned and began licking it clean. I was so fascinated by this that I came without even thinking to get a rag, my spunk splashing onto my stomach and legs. I was a mess, and I was just about to go clean up, when I had the obvious thought. So before Fudd or TVZ could mount her again, I called Jinni over to me and stuck her head in my crotch. This was obviously not the way to do it, because she shied away from me like she was spooked, or maybe just because she wanted to get back to her doggy debauchery. But I wouldn't let her; I was hooked now and I had to know whether it would work or not. I let her head up from above my cock, which was surprisingly hard for having just cum, and I took a little of my jism on a finger and held it to Jinni's nose. That worked better; she licked my finger and then licked it some more, and by slowly leading her back between my legs I transferred her attention from my finger to my crotch and stomach. She must have liked the taste because she started really going at it, licking me clean and then continuing to lick. My dick rose of its own accord and she licked that too. The rasp of her tongue on the sensitive tip made me shiver, but I didn't want her to stop, it felt so good. I tried to stay as still as I could, and she licked down over my pubic fuzz and licked the dregs of my cum off my inner thighs and balls. I was quickly approaching orgasm again from all this attention, but I could feel it building in me much bigger than usual. And then I was cumming again. I tried to keep my cock from splashing it all over the place, but Jinni just kept on licking me all over and so the jism went every which way. Some even splashed onto her nose, and she stopped and delicately ran her tongue up and cleaned herself, then went back to my now-flaccid cock and cleaned me. I was exhausted from cumming twice in such a short time, plus the second orgasm had been the biggest I'd ever had, so finally I pushed her away from my crotch and went to lie down. I could hear barking from the other room and then the telltale scrabble of Jinni being mounted again and the pant of dog coitus, but for once I was uninterested in watching. I was thinking about what had happened and how good it had felt, but I was still feeling unfinished and wanting more. The hottest days of summer came right on schedule, and our house became like an oven. I took the dogs and escaped the stifling closeness by going up the hills a little way until there were more trees and much-desired shade. I knew of a spring that fed a small hidden creek, and I figured that would probably be the coolest thing around. When we got there all any of us wanted to do was lie on the ground and pant. I pulled off all my clothes like the country bumpkin I am and got myself a good spot in the boll of a large tree. The breeze and the shade helped cool the air somewhat, and with the heat problem solved my mind turned to other pursuits. I had brought a magazine for just this activity, but I was hoping that the dogs would give me a show, and I wasn't disappointed. Old Po found a shady spot, flopped over, and was promptly snoring, but the other three dogs were happy to be free of the house and they sniffed the air and each other. When they remembered that Jinni was in heat (which took them some time) I got the show I wanted, but I pulled the bitch closer to me so I had front row seats. I'd never paid close attention to the dogs mounting Jinni; I always watched from a distance, but now I coaxed Fudd up over her back and saw his cock, still astonishing me with its length, drooping from its sheath as it slowly inflated. It stiffened and then he was jabbing it into the bitch's backside, thrusting wildly until he finally slammed home and began to fuck for all he was worth. It didn't take him long to finish, and the knot, when it popped from Jinni's pussy, was not as large as I had expected. I let TVZ do his own thing while I sat back and watched and stroked my cock in time with his thrusts. At almost the exact instant he came inside her, I spewed my load, careful to make sure it all landed on me so there would be something to clean up. Unlike the first time, Jinni smelled cum in the air and came right over, dragging poor TVZ behind her, his cock still stuck inside her. I didn't even have to offer Jinni a taste; she dove right in, and her rasping tongue on my tender cock-head was like torture, but exquisite torture. I lay back and let the bitch clean me, my dick rising to full force without me doing a thing to help it along. This time my orgasm was longer in coming and Jinni seemed to be done licking me, so she turned and trotted away, leaving me on the edge of my seat. I could have wrung her neck right then if I hadn't been so desperate for release. I thought for a moment about finishing myself off, but seeing Jinni's retreating rump waggle to and fro gave me another idea, one which I had to think about. I wondered if I could put my cock in Jinni somehow, obviously not to make puppies but just as a substitute for the real thing. Jinni was like my sister, almost human to me in many ways, and I had no problem with the idea of incest. It could be the southern blood, or it could be that no one ever taught me different, but for whatever reason, the only thing holding me back was the worry that either I would hurt her or she might hurt me. All this time my cock, instead of slowly deflating, remained at a raging hardness, which finally made up my mind. I had to do something, and I would just be careful. I even went quickly and washed my cock in the spring, and the cold water, like ice from underground, finally caused my cock to retreat, though my balls were still bursting with juice. I whistled for the bitch, and she trotted up, tongue wagging. I could see her rump dripping from a recent ejaculation, and my limp cock came suddenly back to life. I had no real idea what to do, so I just thought like a dog for a minute. Getting behind Jinni, who seemed willing to take me on, I knelt and tried to put my hard cock at the same level as her wet pussy. This was easier said than done, but I finally managed it by squatting rather than kneeling. My cock by this time was raging with the same fury it had held a few minutes ago, and looking down I realized that it was much smaller than Fudd's cock, and I laughed at my worries. Jinni's privates were putting out a lot of heat and her backside wiggled slightly as if inviting me in. So I was just another dog to her, I guess, which was fine by me. Gingerly taking my cock in hand, I slowly pressed the head against her lips, feeling the warmth turn to fire on my turgid cock-head. I remembered the frenzy with which Fudd had slammed his home, so I figured I didn't have to worry about style. With this out of my mind, I just pushed. If that sounds anticlimactic, let me assure you it was not. The first time your cock enters a woman, or female animal of any kind, you know what you've been missing. It was better than I had imagined, hot and wet and soft, but moving at the same time. I was able to quite easily push my entire length, not very impressive compared to the dogs, into the bitch's tight passage, and when I was in all the way, her tail up against my stomach and the fur of her legs tickling my balls, I just sat there on my haunches for a second, savoring that beautiful feeling of being inside. I don't know what Jinni thought about all this, as she must have been used to rougher treatment, but she didn't seem to mind. Then, with all the skill of a pubescent boy in his first pussy, I started wildly thrusting and promptly popped out of her, pressing my cock into her leg. The fur was almost enough to tease me over the edge, but I concentrated all my strength on holding back and finally the threat subsided. Penetrating her the second time was just as nice as the first, something which I don't think could ever get old. This time I was more careful, pumping my hips against the bitch's rump with more control, until I couldn't stop myself and I came. God did I cum. It felt like my entire life force was pouring out of my balls, through my cock, and into Jinni's doggy pussy, to mingle with the spunk of Fudd and TVZ and make some really weird puppies. I fired spurt after spurt of jism into her, clutching her rump to me hard, and for the first time I couldn't help but moan in the throes of climax. All other orgasms to that point were wiped away, and only this one crowning climax remained. Eventually I started breathing again, let go of my bitch's rump with shaking hands, and sank to the ground, my now-spent cock flopping out of her, gooey and warm. I know she licked me clean, but I was already asleep, dreaming dreams of other pussies, some human, some not, into which I came again and again. |
It started raining about three in the afternoon. I looked out the window of the building I was painting momentarily to watch. The weatherman on the radio had made several comments so far today that there was a “winter storm warning” in effect, but it was supposed to hold off until later that evening. Typically, the weather heads were usually off by a few hours, so I didn’t know what to expect. I went back to my work, waiting for five o’clock to get here so I could get home before what ever was going to happen happened. At least if I was home when it hit, I may have the next day off due to snow. “Johnson, Williams, Martinez,” the foreman’s voice called from down stairs. “Get your asses down here.” He bellowed. “What’s that fuck head want now?” I said under my breath as I closed the paint can and dunked my brush. I went down stairs just in front of Martinez, but no surprise, being the ass kisser that he was, Johnson was already down there looking at me with a “shame on you for taking too long” look on his smug puss. “I got a special job for you guys tomorrow,” the foreman began, “and I need all three of you to get there early, and get it done quick.” He put his clipboard down. “You guys get your shit cleaned up, and get outta here.” He handed each of us a slip of paper with an address on it. “Be there by seven o’clock sharp.” He barked. I went back up stairs, got my brushes cleaned up and put everything back in my bag. Told the other two guys that I’d see them in the morning, ran through the rain, and hopped in my truck. “This should be some drive home.” I mumbled to myself as I started the engine. I pulled out of the, still dirt parking lot, with tires spinning mud everywhere. This little, afternoon storm was becoming a force to be reckoned with. After a short hop on the freeway, I exited, turning down the long, winding road that lead to my house. I live off of the beaten path, and I like it that way. Just me and the dog, and nobody else, and I’ve lived that way since I got out of prison. About nine years ago, I did a three-year beef for rape and aggravated assault, and now I have to register as a sex offender for the rest of my life. Living off the beaten trail makes that easy. No nosey neighbors to worry about and no gossip. I really didn’t do what they accused me of doing, but I’m sure no one believes that, being that there aren’t any guilty people in prison. I don’t know how long I’d been driving, but I was almost home when I saw a hooded figure in the middle of the road. I slammed on the brakes and swerved over to the left hand side of the road, sending my truck into a spin. It finally stopped, just short of sliding into the ditch along the roadside. I sat frozen behind the wheel, not sure if I’d stopped, or was still sliding, and waiting for the impending crunch that I thought I was going to hear. I shook my head, and looked out the windshield at the figure now lying in the road. I jumped out of the truck into the torrent of rain, feeling it pelt my skin like tiny shards of ice. “Are you all right?” I screamed over the din. I reached down and lightly shook the figure. “Hey!” I yelled again, “You ok?” I didn’t get a response. I gently turned the figure over and the hood of the raincoat fell back revealing a woman’s face. She was out cold, but shivering. I scooped her up off of the wet roadway, and carried her back to my truck. I laid her down in the passenger seat, and then climbed in, put the truck in drive, and started back towards town. I needed to get her to a hospital was my first thought, and because she was unconscious, that made it an emergency. “Miss?” I shook her lightly, trying to revive her. The raincoat she was wearing flung open, and she was nude underneath. Her milky white breasts heaved in time with her breathing. Her toned body was shivering at the sudden burst of cold air. I tried my best to cover her back up wondering what a beautiful woman was doing in the middle of November, out on an abandoned stretch of highway, that basically lead to nowhere. I strained trying to see the road in front of me through the mixture of snow, and rain that made it almost impossible for the windshield wipers to keep up and I had to slam on my brakes to keep from hitting a tree that had fallen across the road. The sudden stop made her shift in the seat a little, and the raincoat fell open again. It started snowing very hard and with the road blocked, I didn’t have many options left. I spun the truck around, and started heading for my cabin. We arrived a short time later. I pulled the truck as close to the door as I could, scooped her up, and carried her through the door. I laid her down on the sofa, took her cold, soaked raincoat off of her. She was gorgeous, lying there uncovered. Her breasts were perfectly shaped with quarter-sized areolas. Her nipples were stiff in the chill of the cabin’s air. Her pubic hair was blonde like the hair on her head and trimmed in a neat “V” shape just above her sex. Her legs were long, lean, and she seemed to be in all around good shape physically. I’d estimate her age to be early to middle twenties. I caught myself looking at her when she started shivering again. I covered her up with a comforter trying to get her warm, and then set about the task of starting a fire in the fireplace. When that was done, I checked on my guest, and then went to the kitchen to put on some coffee, and warm up some stew I’d made the night before. I went to the bedroom, and found a pair of sweat pants, and a sweatshirt for her to put on when she woke up. On my way back out to the kitchen, I checked on my nameless visitor again. She had stopped shivering, but was still unconscious. I put my hand on her forehead, she seemed to be running a fever and she stirred at my touch. I went on to the kitchen and got a cup of coffee, turned the stew down to simmer for a while and went back into the living room. I sat down, clicked on the TV to see what the storm was doing. A few minutes later my mysterious guest stirred, moaned a little, then sat straight up on the couch. She looked around in terror. “Hold on Miss,” I held my hand out. “You’re ok.” “Who are you, where am I?” She said in obvious terror. “My names Jeff and you’re at my house.” I tried to sound as soothing as possible. “I almost hit you with my truck.” I explained, “You were walking around in the storm, do you remember?” She looked at me with a curious, trying to remember what happened look. All at once, she stammered, “Did you find anyone else? Oh God, tell me you didn’t find anyone else!” She yelled out, and then started sobbing. I stood up, walked to the couch and put my hand on her bare shoulder. “No ma’am, there wasn’t anyone else around that I saw.” Now I was curious. Who was she expecting to be there and why did she not want me to find them. “Good,” she said. The news that she was alone when I found her seemed to calm her some and she looked around to try and gather her bearings. She looked below the comforter. “Was I naked when you found me?” She pulled the comforter up close to her neck, trying to cover herself more than she already was. “You had on a rain coat. It was drenched, so I took it off.” I looked away sheepishly, as I didn’t want her to know that I really liked what I’d seen under her raincoat, and looked probably more than was necessary. “I just wanted to get you warmed up, that’s all.” I tried nervously to re-assure her. She pulled the comforter tightly up to her neck, as if to hide completely from the world around her. “Do you have any clothes I can wear?” She finally asked, a little of the tension starting to dissipate from her voice. I gathered the clothes I’d laid out on the back of the couch and handed them to her. “They might be a little big on you, but they’ll do the job.” She smiled as she accepted them. “Are you hungry?” I asked disappearing into the kitchen to give her enough privacy to get dressed. “I’ve got some stew.” “That sounds good.” I heard her say. “How long has it been snowing?” I picked up the two bowls of hot stew I’d prepared and headed out of the kitchen. “Are you decent?” I asked before heading through the door. “Yes,” she said, “it’s really coming down out there.” She was standing next to the window, the sweat pants and shirt hanging on her small frame. “It started just after I found you on the road.” I handed her a steaming bowl. “How long have I been here?” She walked back over to the couch, a far away look in her eyes. “And where is here?” She sat down, stirring the hot thick liquid. I sat down in my chair and did my best to explain where “the middle of nowhere” actually is, but what seemed to calm her down even more was to find out that it was about thirty miles from where I picked her up. “We’ve been here about two hours.” I concluded. “That’s a lot of snow for two hours.” She gazed once again out the window as if she expected to see someone coming. “Miss, are you expecting anyone?” I asked her. “Even if there was anyone else around where I found you, they couldn’t have followed us through this storm.” She looked at me, tried to manage a smile, and started eating the stew. “You just don’t know, Jeff, is it?” She suddenly looked slightly panicked. “You just don’t know.” One knee bounced up and down uncontrollably and she was shoveling food in as if she hadn’t eaten in days. “Miss, are you in some kind of trouble that I should know about?” I asked as delicately as possible. “Is someone after you?” She stopped eating and looked at me as if she were trying to decide whether or not I was worthy of the information she was concealing. “Laura.” She stated. I looked at her, a questioning look on my face. “My name,” she said. “It’s Laura.” She went back to eating her stew, slower this time. “My ex,” she went on. “He just won’t leave me alone.” She finished her stew, set the bowl on the table, and stared out the window quietly. I finished my stew and set my bowl on the coffee table. I was completely at a loss of what to do. I wasn’t used to having women crying in front of me, unless I caused it to happen, and I didn’t do anything in this case. I wanted to say something, “you can stay here as long as you like.” I couldn’t believe that it came out of my mouth. The last thing I wanted was for a woman to be living with me for any length of time. I’d grown accustom to my life alone, not to mention that it was a woman that got me thrown in prison for three years of my life. I was in college majoring in communications. I realize that it’s not a Nobel Peace Prize winning field, but it was going to get me a decent job when I graduated. I met this girl at a party, and she came on really strong. One thing led to another and we wound up in my room. We fucked like bunnies all night long, and I thought she was into me. Somehow word got back to her father that she’d been a less then his little angel, and she cried rape. Of course, her father being the influential guy about town that he was, got the prosecutor to basically railroad me right into a prison cell. After all, his daughter wouldn’t consent to something like that. Now, I’m a painter for a subcontractor that’s a total ass and ain’t got the brains God gave a rock. “Thanks Jeff,” she snapped me out of memory lane, but I’m sure that he’ll find me here eventually.” She said staring out the darkening window. “Well, I’d better get some more wood.” I got up and headed for the back door. “The bathroom is in the bedroom there. I put clean towels on the rack for you. Make your self at home.” She looked at me and managed a little smile. “Jeff?” she said and I turned to look in her direction. “Thanks.” A tear fell from her sad eye, making a trail down her soft cheek. I simply smiled at her, nodded, and then went through the door towards the woodpile. When I came back in with an armload of firewood, she was gone from the couch. I heard the sound of running water coming from the bedroom, and figured she went to take a shower. I stoked up the fire and cleaned up the dishes from the coffee table. I sat down in my chair, flipped to the weather channel and got comfortable. The talking heads were saying how this storm is going to probably break all records for snowfall, and maybe temperatures. The storm was turning back on itself, and looked like it was going to stay a while. The seven-day forecast had just flashed on the screen and it was filled with snowy days. A brilliant flash of light out the window caught my eye, then, the power went out as a transformer down the road blew. I got up out of my chair and went to the mantle for the matches to light the several oil lamps I had stationed around the house when I heard the scream coming from the bathroom. I grabbed a hand full of matches instead and ran into the bedroom. “It’s ok Laura,” I tried to reassure her. “The power just went out. I’ll bring a light in here, just give me a second.” “Ok, just hurry” she replied shakily, obviously terrified at the sudden darkness. I returned to the bathroom door with an oil lamp that I’d lit, and tapped quietly on the door. “Laura, its me, I’ve got the light.” I turned the doorknob, and opened the door slowly, letting the tiny room flood with light before I entered. When I finally entered, she was crouched in the bathtub, her knees to her chest, like a small, scared little girl that was desperately searching for comfort. “It’s ok, I’ll set the light right here, and leave you to your shower.” I tried not to look directly at her. She picked her head up a little and peaked at me with one eye, as if to make sure that it was really me that she had heard. Once she realized that it was actually I that had entered the room, she lifted her head up, let out a gasping, sighing sound that signaled relief. She nodded her head, looking up at me with sad eyes. “I’ll be out in a minute.” She stuttered, obvious fear in her voice. I returned to the living room, stoked up the fire, and lit the remaining oil lamps, giving the room a warm appearance. Laura came out of the bathroom, a towel in one hand trying to dry her long blonde hair, wearing the sweats that I’d provided her. “They are a bit big, but they’re comfortable.” She sat down on the couch, as far away from me as the small sofa would allow, continuing to rub her hair between the folded towel. “Sorry, I don’t have a blow drier.” I said, immediately feeling a little silly. “Even if we had power, I don’t have one.” She stopped what she was doing, put the towel in her lap, and looked down at her now fidgeting hands. “Jeff” she finally said. “You’ve been so nice, and so sweet, but I need to be getting out of here.” She looked out the window again, a distant look on her face. “I’ve probably already put you in more danger than you know.” She started sniffling and a tear streaked down her cheek. “He’s out there looking for me, and if he finds me here, he’ll…” she stopped. “Laura, listen to me.” I leaned forward in my chair, my hands clasped in front of me. “There isn’t anyone looking for you tonight, in this storm.” I tried to reassure her. “Even if there is, you’re not leaving here in this weather. You’ll freeze to death.” I sat back “If the storm lets up tomorrow and the roads are passable, I’ll take you where ever you want to go, but tonight, you’re staying here.” I stood and walked to the window. “By the looks of this storm, we’ll both be here a few days at least.” I looked back at her sitting on the couch to see her sobbing into her hands again. I went to the couch, sat next to her, and put my arm around her shoulder, gently pulling her closer to me. “You’re going to be ok.” I reached for her chin, and pulled her face up to look at me. “I promise. You’ll be ok.” She looked at me, with eyes wet with tears, but managed a weak smile as she put her head on my shoulder. We sat motionless on the couch for some time simply feeling the warmth of two bodies touching. I gently stroked her head trying to add comfort to her obviously uncomfortable situation. I heard her breathing slow and become steady. Her hand on my chest, her head on my shoulder, she’d fallen asleep. I wasn’t sure if it was her weariness, or that she felt safe in my arms, but it felt good never the less. I shifted my weight, and gently laid her down on the couch. The fire was getting smaller, and I needed to get some more wood. I slipped quietly out the back door, filled my arms with wood from the pile, and then slipped back into the warmth of the cabin. I stoked the fire, covered my guest, and decided it was time to turn in for the night. I blew out all but one of the lamps in the living room and went into my bedroom, leaving the door open. I’m not sure how long I’d been asleep, but a loud noise outside, followed by a shrill scream from the living room woke me with a start. I reached under the bed for my Bowie knife, and bounded into the living room wearing nothing but my boxers to find Laura crouched behind the couch like she was hiding from something. I turned and looked out the window, and saw where the noise originated. A large tree limb had broken, and crashed down in the yard, narrowly missing my truck. The limb must have made a tremendous snap when it broke, followed by the loud thud when it hit the ground. This was the noise that woke us. I set the knife down on the hearth, and went to Laura’s side. “Hey,” I touched her shoulder. “It was just a tree limb falling.” I tried to lift her to a sitting position. “The cold just made the limb snap, that’s all.” I sat her up, and her arms went immediately around my neck, hugging me close. She laughed a little into my shoulder. “I feel so stupid.” She admitted. “Like a scared kid.” She broke her embrace, and we stood together. “Man, he’s got me runnin’ scared now.” She nervously laughed again. “How sure are you that he isn’t out there looking for me?” She looked into my eyes. I looked down at her, then out the window. “I’m pretty sure. He’d be a fool to be out there in ten degree weather, not to mention, stupid if he doesn’t think I’d defend you.” She smiled at that comment. “Ok, then I’ll try to relax some. What time is it?” I looked at the watch on my wrist, and she seemed to notice for the first time that I was only wearing boxer shorts. “It’s almost midnight.” I noticed her turn her head in embarrassment. I looked down and realized that my flaccid member was protruding from the fly of my shorts for everyone to see. “Well,” she turned, “it’s only fair that I got to see yours, since you saw all of me.” She lay back down on the couch and covered up with the comforter. I turned myself away from her, and stuffed my meat back into my boxers with more than a little embarrassment. I gathered the knife from the hearth, and headed back to the bedroom, this time shutting the door. It was probably at least an hour later when I awoke again, this time to feel Laura climbing into bed with me. “Huh…what?” I stammered sleepily. “Shh,” she whispered, “It’s cold out there. You don’t mind do you?” I simply turned away from her, without answering, and tried to go back to sleep. She pulled herself up towards me in a spooning fashion, and slung her arm loosely over my waist. I snapped my eyes open, now fully awake. She had crawled into my bed and was snuggled up to me, completely nude with her bare chest and legs firmly against me. I tried not to move or tense up at the shock that this lovely woman who was so scared, and fragile was lying against my mostly nude body. I could feel my cock start to harden under my boxers, which embarrassed me slightly because I started to feel like I shouldn’t be having the feelings I was having towards this woman who, up to this point, had trusted me to take care of her. We lay there for several minutes, my cock had inched its way back out the fly of my boxers, and was now throbbing. It had been a long time since I’d enjoyed the company of a woman and it appeared that my cock was more than ready to be pleasured again. Laura shifted her position slightly, which dropped her dangling hand farther down the front of me. Was she asleep? I felt an electric shock come over my throbbing member as her finger grazed over the tender helmet and came to a rest just below it on my vein riddled shaft then stopped moving. I lay still, not wanting to move, the involuntary throbbing of my stiff rod against her finger, the only movement. I was afraid that she was asleep and didn’t know what she was doing, which meant that she wouldn’t finish what she hadn’t realized that she’s started. I was also afraid that she wasn’t asleep, and knew what she was doing. That would mean that she would finish, and I would have slept with a woman that, according to her, was married to the biggest psychopath known to modern society. Not a good situation in either case. She took a deep breath, pressing her corpulent breasts harder against my bare skin, let out a soft, breathy moan, then wrapped her fingers around my engorged member, gently squeezing its girth. I let out my breath in a heavy gasp at the sensation of her delicate hand wrapped around my heaving cock. She started stroking gently, slowly moving her hand up and down the length, her breath coming faster, heavier now. She was awake all right, and knew full well what she was doing. I turned over to face her. “I don’t understand.” I started to say. She put a finger to my lips and made a quiet shushing sound. She smiled. “I couldn’t help myself.” She said, and then replaced her finger over my lips with her own mouth, kissing me. She parted her lips slightly and let her tongue drift lazily past my teeth, and danced around my mouth. My own tongue joined hers with growing, hungry, almost animalistic passion. I pulled her succulent body close to me, wiggled my knee in between hers forcing her to sling her leg over mine exposing her moistening sex to my skin for the first time as she ground her bare pussy into my thigh. Our bodies pressed together, writhing together, dancing to the music of lust and hunger. My hands roamed uninhibited over her soft, smooth flesh, her voluptuous breasts, her tender bare ass, and down her long legs. Her hand once again found its way down to my pulsing rod, then to my sensitive scrotum, shifting attention to one, then the other. “I want you now.” She gasped as she tried to pull me on top of her. “I want you inside of me now!” She commanded. I followed her lead and rolled on top of her between her legs. She shifted slightly, wrapped her legs around me and pulled me close to her, her hands reached down, stroking my manhood. She released, slightly, the hold on my with her legs, then guided my bloated beast to the entrance of her now soaking cunt. I felt the helmet pierce through the soft outer lips of her cavern of lust, as she tightened her grip on my waist with her legs, and drew my dick into her to the hilt. “Oh God!” She exclaimed, her head thrashing from side to side. “It’s been so long!” Her breath coming in short gasps. “Fuck me Jeff, please.” She gasped, “Just fuck me.” I pulled my cock out slowly a little ways then rammed myself back inside of her. Her sudden gasp as well as my own sexual depravity urged me to continue. My hips pistoned hard, our pelvic bones crashing together. The bed creaked, and shook as the headboard slapped against the wall in rhythm to our erotic ballet. I felt my ball sack start to tighten way too soon and knew that I’d soon spew my seed whether she was ready or not. A soft squeal came from her pursed lips, her eyes opened wide, her legs tightened around me, as her entire body tensed up. Her fingers dug trenches into my shoulders and the sensation was much too much for me to bear. My cock erupted sending wave after wave of pleasure through my tense body. Her hips bucked wildly and a guttural grunt exploded from her now gaping mouth. She arched her back, grabbed upward to the headboard and her pussy exploded in a torrent of gooey wetness that covered my cock and balls, along with the sheets. The violent expulsion of fluid pushed my cock completely out of her contracting cunt. She reached between her legs, grabbed my still spewing member, and forced it back into her folds. She wrapped her legs completely around me locking her ankles together and squeezed me towards her not allowing my cock to escape her pulsing cavern. She relaxed her hold on me, and let her arms and legs fall with a thud to the bed. My shrinking cock still inside, feeling her inner muscles clench periodically involuntarily, sending more waves of pleasure through my body, causing me to jump with each contraction. I rolled off of her, my now flaccid penis making a sloppy plop sound as I pulled it from her wetness and I collapsed on the bed next to her. We lied there motionless for a time, her hand slung motionless over my heaving chest as we both let ourselves relax and catch our breath. “Laura,” I started to speak, but her hand found my mouth and covered it. “Tomorrow.” She whispered. “I’ll explain everything tomorrow.” She rolled over towards me putting her head on my chest. I put my arm around her, gently caressing the small of her back as we both drifted off to sleep. |
There have been fantasies for hundreds of years about what can be done through hypnosis - especially erotic fantasies, especially of a man taking absolute control of the minds of dozens of young and nubile women. This is nonsense. And yet... The modern belief is that a person cannot be hypnotized into doing a thing which they would object to doing if not hypnotized. There are three problems with that; first is the possibility that someone could be gradually conditioned into doing a thing which they would not do if presented with it as an immediate order. Second is that there is evidence it is not true at all, but a superstition put forward as self-serving propaganda by hypnotic practitioners. Third is the question of just what a particular person would do... DEGREES OF ATTRACTION I had been getting to know Tina Reilly for some time now. Not by talking to her as much as asking about her, and asking the women in my office who knew and gossiped about everybody. If those women took from that the idea that is was interested in getting to know Tina better, and dating her, well, that was the truth as far as it went. The girl was not much younger than I, so the women got the added thrill of maybe being matchmakers. I knew that she was not attached, or not very. She had not long ago broken up with a boyfriend (and had not really been serious with him) and dated a couple of men off and on. She was Irish Catholic, and was brought up north of here, staying after going to school in the city. As with most offices, the place is fairly empty just before and after holidays, with people taking long weekends. Our computers are networked in such a way that everyone can see when anyone will be taking leave. So when I saw that Tina was going to be there the Friday before Columbus Day, I did not put in for it. That meant that of the twelve or so of us, only three were there that day. The third was an older man who left his desk a lot for bathroom breaks but not much otherwise. I had noted that Tina went to the breakroom for coffee around ten, so after walking by her desk to see that she was there, I went in five minutes before ten. As she walked in, I was standing by the coffeepot. I asked if I could fix her a cup, and she hesitated, then said yes. I handed it to her with a mild hypnotic added, obtained through a chemist I knew of who dealt in such things under the table. I tried to talk to her pleasantly, but in general acted no differently than usual. At lunchtime, I stopped her and spoke to her as she came back, walking her to my cubicle on the pretext of discussing a problem. (Hers was near that of Martinson, the older man.) When she sat in my extra chair, I put her under. "On a scale of zero to ten, with zero being having no particular reaction to me and with ten being that you regard any of my words or wishes as equivalent to direct messages from God Almighty, you will, beginning next Monday go one number higher each week in your attitude to me and attraction to me. Do you understand?" "Yes, I understand." "If at any time in the future I say to you "miraculous" three times in a row, you will maintain whatever level of affection you have reached. Do you understand?" "Yes, I understand." Then I told her that if at any time I said to her a certain other word three times she would go back to whatever level of affection she had toward me before that day, and regard any change there had been as a passing phase. I asked her if she understood. "Yes, I understand." "That's great Tina. That's all I needed." "Sure," she said. She smiled and went back to her cube. I spent the next two weeks being conspicuously nice to Tina, and on the next Friday I asked her for a date. She smiled nicely, but said that she was busy. "Ask me next week," the tall redhead said. "I do kind of like you." The third week I acted the same way, and on Thursday I asked her again. She said, "I am busy on Friday, but maybe Saturday?" That was fine with me, and I tried my best to make Saturday evening fine for her. I made a point of not trying to kiss her, but I did ask about a date next Friday. She agreed. The next Wednesday, I mentioned to her an art exhibit which I had been told would interest her, and asked if she wanted to go on Saturday afternoon with me. She was enthusiastic. Tina shyly added that if I was willing and available, she would like to fix dinner for the two of us and sit and talk in her apartment that evening. I don't think I need to say that I liked the idea. That day and the next and Friday Tina found an amazing number of reasons to stop by my desk. The movie on Friday evening was so-so, but the dinner before was very good and when we stopped at the door of her place she turned her face with its bright brown eyes up to me for a goodnight kiss and I bent down. It was nice, and better still was the fact that her lips trembled to show that she was on the edge of opening her mouth. I think if I had tried to, I could have tipped her over easily, but I did not. I think that women are much happier if such decisions are all their own - as far as they know. The exhibit was one that Tina enjoyed thoroughly, the dinner was one I that I liked just as much, and afterward... The conversation was bright and lively, we learned a great deal about each other, and we shared our first kiss of the evening only a few minutes after sitting on her couch. Her mouth trembled even more, but I made no move to open it. Our second one was over an hour later, after nine at night, and this time I saw her teeth and tongue before our lips touched. Her tongue was agile at wrapping around mine, and I explored the inside of her mouth for a long time, until we broke away breathless. I held her for a while, and our conversation was interrupted frequently thereafter by kisses and caresses and times when she got up to let her passions cool. It was eleven when I left, with promises of next Friday and Saturday evenings together. This week she was at a level of four in affection, or perhaps five, depending on how her mind interpreted my instructions. She found even more opportunities to talk to me at work, and when I was alone with her in the supply room and kissed her on the forehead, she pulled my head down to touch our lips. She called me at home that night, and we talked for a while. On Friday night she invited me into her apartment for coffee at the end, and our goodnight kiss was a long one, with my hands kneading her back and the heels of my hands lifting the sides of her breasts and rubbing them a little. I could see in her brown eyes that she would not have minded going further, but I decided to let her desire build more for a while. At the end of Saturday, we went into my apartment together for the first time. I felt that since she would be less comfortable here than in her own place, doing no more than last week would be a major step onward, but she actually asked me to kiss her neck; by the end I had opened her blouse and caressed her belly with my tongue and lips. When I dropped her at her apartment door, I slipped my hand down the back of her panties and cupped her cute little rear, though not using a finger on either of the obvious places. Her mouth was open now for all our kisses, and I began to picture it open as her red hair bobbed up and down over my lap, her mouth taking long strokes over my erection. But that would come, at this rate... Both next Friday and Saturday were guaranteed, of course. She kissed me at work three times that week, and called me to chat twice. On Friday in her apartment I saw her naked breasts for the first time and she was most reluctant to let me go home. On Saturday we went together to an indoor swimming pool in the afternoon. I got a good look at her bare legs for the first time and fantasized them wrapped around me; not for the first time, but now with a better idea of how they would look there. I also got the opportunity to feel them surreptitiously in the pool, almost to the point where they met. She saw my bare chest for the first time and felt my chest-hair, though what she thought I could only guess. Our play was almost too erotic to be allowed there We separated to change, and she met me at a restaurant near my apartment, and we never did go to the planned movie. We spent the evening in my place. By ten-thirty I had her leaning against me, naked to the waist, with my tongue in her mouth and my fingers in her panties, bringing her to orgasm. She did not go home that night. I suggested to her that I could open my couch to a bed and either she or I could use it, with the other of us in the bedroom. I gave her my bathrobe to use. She picked the couch. But after I first drifted off to sleep, I woke again. I opened my eyes slightly to see Tina standing in my bedroom door, wearing my bathrobe and perhaps nothing else, staring in at my nude body (for that was how I slept). I am sure that she was struggling within herself on whether to come in. But she closed the door and went away. The next weekend was a long one. It was Thanksgiving, and she was expected to be at her parents' for Thursday and Friday and Saturday, coming back to town on Sunday night. In the middle of the day on Saturday my answering machine got a long-distance call from Tina, asking me to meet her on Sunday evening for dinner. "I can't believe how much I miss you," she said. "I know that I will see you during the week, but I want so much to talk to you. No, I'll be honest; I want to kiss you and to feel your hands on me. I've never know anyone like you before." That Sunday ended in her apartment with my hands moving under her blouse from back to front, for she had not worn a bra when she met me for dinner. She was half ecstatic to see me and half frightened at how she felt about me and how much she wanted me. Tina was now at level seven or eight out of ten now. Friday night I kept us talking at a diner after the movie until after midnight, and when I took her to her door she said, "I really don't want to let you go home. That last night, when I stayed on your couch, I...." She could not quite bring herself to say it, but I knew what she thought. "I want to spend a lot more time with you," she ended lamely. She grabbed me and pulled my head down, and what we did that night differed mainly from full physical intercourse in that our clothes stayed on, I used only my fingers, and that we were standing in the hall outside her apartment door. We met at six on Saturday for dinner; the movie ended at nine. We entered her door at nine-thirty and kissed deeply before she went to make coffee for the two of us. I was just beginning to think to myself that she was gone longer than I expected when she returned. She had a little tray in her hands with two cups of coffee on it. But Tina also had changed - she now had on a filmy nightgown through which plainly peeped the two round erect circles of her nipples and the graceful triangle of her pubic hair. "I want you to stay longer tonight," she whispered. The coffee, I am afraid, went to waste. I took her into my arms; she took me into her bedroom and into her bed; I took her. But no, that deserves a longer telling. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her, bending to kiss her. Her mouth was open to receive my tongue as I stood. Her eagerness to accept my deep kiss was greater than ever before. My hands touched the bottom of her breasts, then the nipples. Then they returned to her back, to run down her shoulder-blades and the small of her back, to cup her buttocks. I lifted her a bit and her legs went around me; I rubbed the juncture of her legs against my erection until she whimpered in my ear. "I want you so much," she said. We must have moved from there, though I have no memory of it at all. We were standing by her bed and she was unbuttoning my shirt. She explored my chest with her hands and lips, sucking on my nipples. When she had removed my shirt and slacks and I was standing there clad only in shorts, Tina became a bit more hesitant. But when I kissed her again and lifted her to rub against my erection, her hand crept out and in and held that cylinder timidly. She pulled it through the opening in the front of my shorts and kissed me again. She stood on her toes in the openest of invitations, and I let my shaft lie across the place where she was asking my to enter, moving slowly back and forth. I broke away, saying, "There is something in my slacks I should get out soon." "A condom?" she asked. "Don't bother. I went on the pill a couple of weeks back, and this would be about the point when I would be safe anyhow. "I knew that this might happen, though I would never have believed it could happen so quickly. I want you so much that I - I want to feel all of you. I want to feel you explode inside me and feel what you will give me, to know that you have claimed me and feel the proof inside of me." I dropped my shorts then lay her on her bed and joined her. Then I joined with her, and jointly we enjoyed each other. But no, that deserves a longer telling. I lifted the top of her nightdress to run my fingers over her hard nipples while I bent over her to kiss her mouth, then dropped down to take first one, then the other between my lips, until she moaned and shivered in pleasure. Then I pushed Tina back on the bed and lifted her legs into the air. I reached up and slowly pulled her panties down her long legs. Pushing her thighs apart, I revealed her swollen pubes. Her hair was darker there, though still reddish. I used my fingers to spread the lips, opening her to my eyes. Her fluids covered the labia and my fingers. After playing with her pulsing opening for a long time, I finally dropped my head and opened my mouth. She cried out at the first touch. "I've never done that, I mean had someone do it! I've heard of it, but... Doesn't it taste, well, awful?" she gasped. "A lot less so than some wines, at least to me," I replied. "And it will bring you great pleasure, and that I will do quite a lot for." I continued and progressed and soon she strongly pulled my head into her groin. "Ohhhhhh yes, suck me!!!" she moaned as her hips bounced on the bed. "Suck me, suck me!" Her fluids were seeping more quickly into my mouth. My lips and tongue worked on her, bringing groans of pleasure from her. "I'm going yes, suck me!!!" Tina moaned again and became tense. Suddenly her body stiffened and she moaned as if in pain. "Ahhhhhh, ohhhhhhh lord, ohhh yes," she groaned as wave after wave of ecstasy raced through her body. Her climax went on and on before she released my head, letting me sit up. I had never seen a girl produce so much liquid before. I wiped my mouth on her sheet and moved back to lie beside her. Tina rolled over into my body, her mouth buried in my neck. "Thank you, that was wonderful," she whispered as she kissed my neck. After a rest of moments, I began to touch her nipples again, then moved on to her pubic hair. "While I was away at my parents', over Thanksgiving," Tina said softly, "I kept thinking about you. I wished that I could talk to you, and when I was alone at night, in my bed in my old room, I, well, I used my fingers on myself and wished that you were there with me in my bed and in me, as deep in me as you could get and I could take you. "I felt like I just wanted to devour you. It felt like kissing you was not enough any more, and cuddling was much too weak, and just being with you was not enough if that was where we stopped. I wanted to open my legs and feel your weight on me and have you enter me and take me and claim me and make me yours forever, and ohhh.... "And while what we did a few minutes ago was wonderful, it is still not that. Please, make love to me all the way. I want you to so much." My fingers, while she spoke, had made sure that she was still ready for me. I lifted off the blue nightgown so that her body, long legs leading to a triangle of dark hair, passionate brown eyes staring at me, and with a red cloud on her pillow at the top, was completely naked to me. As my body drew up to cover hers, her knees drew up to place her legs beside and outside mine. I used my hand to bring the head of my erection in contact with her outer labia. Tina jerked in reaction and gasped. "Please," she said. "I want you to do it, but remember that I have never done this before either." This I had not expected, but perhaps I should have - a good Catholic girl, not long away from home, nor even far from it now. I gave her only an inch, then withdrew slightly, then a little more, until I was moving easily within her. When I met resistance, it was so slight that I could not be sure then whether it were not just a dry place, a tighter place, and when I felt release and she opened her mouth in what could have been passing pain or suddenly greater pleasure, I was deep in. When I was at my limit, I began to give her faster strokes, and after only a few of those I could feel her internal muscles clamping down, to show that she had reached an orgasm. I slowed now for a while, to let her recover and to let myself last. Her long legs had now crept around me, to hold me in and spread herself more open for me. After an eternity of heavenly pleasure, I found myself speeding up again, and just as her back arched up I exploded into her clinging tunnel with what seemed to be half my vital fluids. If I seemed to go on forever, she went on longer; her heart was pounding still when I had withdrawn and lay beside her. Yes, there had been a membrane; I had a trace of blood on the head of my penis. When I woke, I turned to her and kissed her cheek. She woke halfway, and I said, "Miraculous, miraculous, miraculous." She opened her brown eyes and replied, "And so are you, my love." We fell asleep holding each other, and woke during the night to enjoy each other's bodies once again, until we joined in a wonderful long orgasm. On Sunday morning we did it again, and on Sunday afternoon. She wanted very much to catch up on years of abstinence, and I could not resist her, nor had I any reason to. Quite the opposite. We showered together on Sunday not long before I went home. She found new things to do with my body, and I found how much natural talent she had at them. But I did go home. Perhaps surprisingly, but perhaps not, she spent less time at my desk than in recent weeks, but seemed much happier when she did - and at other times, I heard from co-workers. Tina called me on Wednesday, and broke off the conversation to hurry over and knock on my door and spend the night. I met her on Friday night as we had agreed, and did not leave her apartment, at least to go home, until Sunday night. I rode her time after time, until we both sweetly ached. Her supervisor commented on how much better her attitude had become and how she could concentrate more fully now. What he did not know was that we were meeting every night after work, eating dinner together in her place or mine, and improving each other's attitudes in a direct physical fashion. That lasted three weeks. At the end of that time, we were walking down the street together when I felt a sharp pain and woke up in the hospital with Tina leaning over me. A man a few stories above me, it seems, had picked a warm day in January to finally take his air conditioner out of the window. He made it, but in the process dropped the screwdriver he had been using, and it gave me an almost glancing blow on the way down. The blade hit my head and slid into my shoulder. I was unconscious for two days. I was going to be all right, but I could not go back to work for a few more weeks. I needed some help during that time, and of course Tina volunteered to move in with me. I had to avoid doing much that might strain my shoulder so - let's say that I had many interesting times lying still while Tina found out how much her mouth and throat could take of me. And after a bit, another portion of her anatomy came in for heavy use. When I was back at work and in fact on Valentine's Day, Tina asked me to marry her. I had always felt that I was not ready to settle down, but then I had always been unwilling to settle down to the point of living with someone, and I was doing that now. I pondered chasing another woman who had begun working in the office. But if I wanted to do that, I needed to use the word to make Tina fall out of love with me, to write me off to experience. And then I realized that all memory of what it might be had gone. I pondered whether the feelings that Tina had for me were real, and realized that I had no way to tell the difference. She had shown that she was willing to care for me when I was sick, she certainly thought that she loved me (and, yes, I guess I loved her), she was damn good in bed... And there was no easy way out. It took me a day, but I said yes. |
I woke up and looked around the room and wondered if I had been dreaming. No, laying on the bed next to me was Bruce, my young handsome lover. I was a little older, but he didn't seem to care and we would get together whenever possible. Our love making was wonderful. I loved fucking him and I could tell he felt the same way. Well, we had plans to take off for the week-end, in fact, Bruce wanted to leave last night. We didn't quite make it out of bed. God, he had a beautiful body and a big beautiful cock. I could feel the wanting building up in my soul....My hand moved down and my pussy was wet. I began to squeeze my breasts with one hand, my nipples were hard and rubbed my wet, wanting pussy with the other hand. I felt a hand go over mine and I realized I had woke Bruce up. He took two finger and began to finger-fuck me. Oh my God, it felt good and I was moaning and my hips were reaching up towards the ceiling. "Ohhhhhh, my god, Bruce I want you so much...PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T STOP.........AWGH!!!' I couldn't stop moaning and my body was shaking. I was massaging my big beautiful globes with my hands when I felt his head going between my legs. Slowly, he began to kiss my inner thights while he massaged my pussy. I could feel his hands reaching for my clit. He began rubbing it between his thumb and finger and I thought I was going to go crazy when I felt his tongue darting in and out of my pussy. "Oh Bruce, OHHHHHH, Oh my sweet man!!!!! What are you doing to me I can hardly stand it??" Oh my, please lick my pussy, please, please!!! "Does that feel good Polly baby?? I want you to beg me for it, I'll lick you from the top of your head to those sweet toes of yours if you beg enough. I need for you to tell me you love me!!" "Please Baby, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASEEEEE!!!! I need you and I want you all the time. Some days all I can think about is sucking and licking that huge, throbbing dick of yours. I need you, I need you!!!!!!"! I could feel him starting to part the lips of my pussy with his tongue. Bruce was flicking it in and out of my pussy lips.."Tell me, Polly, I want to hear you say you can't live without me and that you LOVE me. Tell me or I'm going to stop. He had kissed his way up from my pussy to my breasts. I can't even explain the intense feeling I had in my body. "Please, Baby, please don't stop!!! I need you and want you more and more everyday." I had begun to move myself around in the bed so I could reach his beautiful package that was rock hard waiting for me...He was always hard and ready to go and all I could think of was kissing, licking and sucking his beautiful dick. "Come here, Baby, Come to Momma!" I began to kiss each one of his balls and slowly took them one by one into my mouth. He tasted so good-I loved the taste of him. I took his gorgeous, hard, huge dick into my hand and just very lightly rubbed it while I continuted kissing and sucking on Bruce's balls. He was laying beside me in the bed and had started kissing and fucking my wet, waiting pussy with his tongue. I could hear moans coming from somewhere but I was in such a sexual frenzy I wasn't sure if it was me or him. "OOOOHHHHHH Fuck, AAAhHHHHHHH, AAAHHHHHHH." "Spank me Baby, Spank me, I need to be spanked I've been a bad girl. I shouldn't be here with you and I need to be spanked." I could feel Bruce reach over to my ass and spank me. God, that made me even hotter.. Just a little sting is enough. We were still laying on our sides and sucking and licking each other....."I need to cum, Hon, I need to cum right now...Where do you want it in your mouth or in your pussy....."I want you to come in my mouth, I want to try and suck your balls dry." I took this cock into my mouth and slowly began sucking it, gradually working up to a faster pace....I wanted to taste his, hot, young cum. I loved sucking cock. I could feel his body beginning to shake and I knew he was close. Just knowing how close I was to tasting his young, hot, fuck juice was putting me over the top. " I'm cumming, Bruce, Oh my God, Baby!!!! Cum, Cum, Cum with me Baby. OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!! AAAWWWWGGGG!!" I could feel the cum let loose in me as he licked and tongue fucked-me. About the same time he reached over and spanked me a little harder this time and it felt like I was never going to stop cumming. Bruce was licking and swallowing every drop of my cum. He hadn't cum and I wanted Bruce to feel as good as he had made me feel. I loved sex and I couldn't get enough of it. I loved the feeling when my body would go over the top and my juices would begin to flow. Was there anything better in life? No, not for me, but right now I wanted my sweet young lover to reach that wonderful place, sexual heaven. "Don't move baby, I'll be right back. Rub your cock and keep it hard for Momma, I've got a little surprise for you. I've bought us a toy. " I reached into the dresser drawer and brought out a vibrator(not to big and not to small). I climbed back into the bed and my only thought was to bring my friend on a sexual, hot journey over the top..... Bruce reached for me, but I pulled away from him. "This is for you Brucey, I am your sexual slave until you cum for me. I just want to touch you and make YOU CUM!! I took his beautiful member into my hands and began licking it like it was a gian't popsicle. When I turned on the vibrator and began to run it lightly around his balls his hips began to lift up from the bed and I knew he was loving every minute of it.. "God, Polly, I love you, I love you. OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!" Slowly, I began taking his cock into my mouth, I took my tongue and began flicking it around the big, beautiful tip. I loved cock. Each time I went down on him I would blow and suck as hard as I could coming up on his big dick. Finally, I began to pick up the pace and at the same time I found his ass with the vibrator. I would just stick it in and out a little and he seemed to be enjoying every minute of it. I knew he was getting close and I was sucking him off as fast as I could. His body was beginning to shake and I could taste the pre-cum in my mouth. All of a sudden he began to shoot hot cum into my mouth and I wanted every drop. His cum was hot, and it seemed like it was never going to quit. I swallowed most of it, but I saved a drop for us to share. I loved the taste and I moved up in the bed and Bruce and I kissed and I shared the treat he had given me. Could it get any better, I don't thing so. He held me close to him for a while and I knew I had to get out of the bed or he would want to go again. After all he was only 19 and that cock of his could just keep going. We were sexually addicted to each other.. Oh, he thought he loved me, but he was young and was confusing our sexually relationship with love. "I'm going to take a shower and you're not coming in there with me or we'll never get out of town." I was making a run for the door before he could catch me. TO BE CONTINUED....THE ROAD-TRIP IS NEXT. |
Paul and I had joined the company on the same day three months ago. He’s tall, slim and handsome with short greying hair and he’s about 40 and married with a 6 year old daughter. I’m Chloe, single and I’m 25. I’m a ‘fuller figured girl’ (34d-26-34) and look a bit like the singer Charlotte Church. Just like Charlotte I like to ‘party’ (drinking, smoking and fucking) in a way that my mum and a lot of people at work would probably disapprove of! Paul is the UK Sales Manager and I’m the Head of Marketing for a clothing company based in Manchester. Because our job means that we have to work very closely on a regular basis our friendship has really blossomed in the last few months. From Paul’s point of view this must have been very difficult as I like to dress as sexily as work will allow and I’m a terrible flirt. Let me re-phrase that last part – I’m a terrific flirt! Sometimes I can’t help myself and with Paul (who has a wicked sense of humour) it has become a game that we play whenever we are together. This all brings me to last Wednesday night. Not for the first time Paul and I had to visit a couple of customers to discuss our joint business plans for the next 12 months. The difference this time was that we would have to stay over in Glasgow as one buyer could only see us on the Thursday lunch time. The build up on the Monday and Tuesday had been fun in the office with a one of my friends teasing Paul, in the canteen, about what she thought we would ‘get up to’ ‘being together’ in a romantic hotel! Paul played along with the joke by telling her that ‘Chloe would have to do all of the hard work!’ as he had a bad back. For the journey up North I’d dressed as soberly as possible in a nice pair of black hipster trousers, short grey jacket and a nice white cotton shirt that emphasised my cleavage, especially when I left the top three buttons undone. We left the office at 8 am giving us plenty of time to arrive for our appointment at 1.30. The journey was quite picturesque and we chatted about the clients and joked and gossiped about some of our colleagues. At one stage he asked about my weekend. I told him about a Hen Party that I’d been with on the Friday and a club that I’d gone to on Saturday with a couple of girlfriends. “I bet you had the fella’s running scared!” He joked. “Something like that” I grimaced. Paul raised his eyebrows as if to question my reply as he glanced at my chest. “Sooner or later I’d like to catch one,” I smiled. “Do I detect a deficiency in the loving area?” Paul grinned as his eyes burned into my chest. I shrugged my shoulders and smiled and the conversation went off into a different area. We finally parked the car in the neighbourhood of the client’s office at 12.15, and went into a trendy coffee shop for lunch. I tried to remain cool as the waitress showed us to a table to as several women who were already tucking into their lunches cast their ayes at Paul then shot envious looks in my direction. “I bet they think that I’m your mistress!” I whispered as we looked at the menu. “More likely my daughter!” Paul seemed unaware of the attention that he was getting from the other women. “Ooh,” I smiled, “You’re not that old! I’m sure that there’s plenty of life left in you!” The cheeky smile and twinkle in his bright blue eyes told me that I was right. The meeting went well even if I left Paul and our customer speechless a couple of times by leaning forward a couple of times giving them a close up view of my boobs. I also discretely bent over in such a way that Paul would also get a secret flash of my pink thong as they rose above the waist of my hipster trousers. Being the gentleman that he is; he never mentioned anything; even on the drive back to our hotel. Paul had asked me to meet him in the Hotel bar at 7.30, which gave me over an hour to shower and get dressed. I couldn’t believe my luck when I opened the door to my bedroom; I was in a suite! I had a dressing area, a sofa and matching chair plus the bed was absolutely huge. I smiled to myself when I saw that my room was overlooked by a large office block and some of the lights were still on. As well as being a flirt I’m also an outrageous tease; so without closing the wooden blinds I began to get undressed hoping some pervert would watch me. When I was a teenage girl living at home, I used to drive two of my neighbours wild by walking around my bedroom half naked for hours on end! I swear that one of them used a pair of binoculars when he was watching me getting dressed or undressed. Standing about three feet away from the window I kicked off my shoes, unbuckled my belt and leisurely peeled off my trousers taking great care to expose my generous arse to my new friend. Without actually looking out I faced the window when I dropped my blouse onto the bed leaving me standing in just my sexy underwear. As I turned away I’m sure I spotted a guy trying to hide behind a blind staring at me. I tried to keep a straight face as I proceeded to lean forward into the mirror looking for ‘something in my eyes’ so my ample backside pretty much faced my voyeur. Time was getting on and flashing at my stranger was making me very, very horny. Without undressing any more I went into the bathroom and ran a shower. As I slipped out of my knickers I couldn’t resist touching my pussy. Mmmm…it felt very hot and wet, just right for a little fun in the shower. As I stepped into the bath I caught my reflection in the mirror; my pubes were a bit hairier than I normally like, especially if the night was going to end as I hoped. Because of my drunken weekend I hadn’t had time to trim my box with my electric razor. There was nothing else for it as I stretched forward and fumbled in my wash-bag. I would have to go Brazilian! The hot water was thrilling as the power-shower cascaded against my firm breasts and the shampoo bubbles ran down my stomach and between my legs. It was great fun as I covered my nubile young body with soft soapy foam then let the tumbling water wash it off. After a couple of minutes I lathered up my pubes then rested my right foot on the side of the bath. I took a deep breath and swiped the razor downwards leaving a furrow of pink flesh in the middle of my hairy forest. A dozen flashes of Gillette later and the last of my dark pubes were spinning down the drain. I felt deliciously brazen as I finished off by pulling my swollen labia to one side as I sliced away the very last of my stubble leaving my genital area completely bald for the first time since I was 12. As I dried myself I could hardly stop touching the soft hairless skin or staring at my bald pussy in the mirror. God knows I was now absolutely desperate for relief; but I wanted to keep my pent up passion for later. I just hoped that Paul would appreciate the sacrifice that I was making for him. Just wrapped in a towel I sauntered back into main bedroom. A furtive look told me that my voyeur was still in his office; therefore my show could continue. I dropped the towel and bent over my suitcase making sure that my tits were dangling in profile for my little Scottish friend. I slowly selected the underwear that I’d brought specially for Paul; a matching black and silver bra and thong from La Perla and a pair of 8 denier shiny black hold-up stockings. It was Hellishly exciting as I gradually pulled my knickers up over my hips then eased each stocking up my long legs; meticulously checking how I looked in the mirror, knowing that it would be driving ‘him’ crazy. I was now trembling so much I was in danger of actually having an orgasm as I stuffed my aching tits into my bra! As I finally straightened my black and white wrap-over dress I was desperately hoping that the voyeur had had a wank while he’d been watching me, because it was killing me not being able to do the same! As I painted my lips with a bright shade of red lipstick all of my erogenous zones were on red alert! Paul’s pint glass was nearly empty as I nonchalantly strolled, fashionably late, through the bar to where my colleague was sitting. I love the effect that wearing high heals and a non-wired bra has on my posture. My hips sway and my large breasts always ‘jiggle’ just enough to get the attention that I crave. “You look nice.” He smiled as he eyed my body from head to toe. “I know!” I laughed as I sat down opposite him, “I just hope that you appreciate the effort that I’ve gone to.” Paul shrugged his shoulders, smirked and spread his hands in a manner that told me he was lost for words! “Would you like a drink?” He asked me as he stared at my chest like a baby boy at feeding time. “Yes please,” I replied as I lit a cigarette and crossed my legs like Sharon Stone did in Basic Interest, “a Southern Comfort and lemonade in a long glass.” It wasn’t only Paul’s eyes that were out on stalks; at least three businessmen sitting at the end of the bar virtually had their tongues hanging out as they too got an ‘accidental’ glimpse of a stocking top. When he returned with my drink Paul made small talk about the restaurant and a new bar that he wanted to visit as I continued my Sharon Stone impersonation, accidentally flashing my stocking tops every time I crossed my legs. An ex-boyfriend once told me that there can be something powerfully erotic when a woman smokes her cigarette in a certain manner. I did…and it appeared to have the right effect. We eventually took a taxi to the Centre of town where we had a beautiful meal downstairs in Rogano’s, followed by drinks in a couple of ultra-hip bars eventually ending upstairs in the Horseshoe Bar where we had another drink as we watched a bunch of wacky locals with terrific voices belting out songs on the Karaoke. I still couldn’t figure Paul out. I had linked his arm as we went from bar to bar and acted as sexily as possible without actually appearing like a slut; he appeared to love the attention and flirted as much as usual; yet he never tried make any type of move no matter how hard I tried to tempt him. Perhaps he really was happily married and faithful. Never mind, I consoled myself, I would frig myself senseless as soon as I was alone in my bedroom. When the taxi finally dropped us back at the Holiday Inn Paul asked if I wanted another drink. “Are you trying to get me drunk?” I giggled. “Do I need to?” my colleague asked with a twinkle in his eyes. “No.” I responded bluntly and stroked his hand Paul leant forward and gently moved some stray hairs from my face and then planted a soft kiss on my lips that felt like a 1,000 tiny Summer raindrops. “Let’s go to bed then,” I whispered in a matter of fact manner. Thankfully there wasn’t anyone in the lift so I grabbed his shirt and kissed him with as much force as I could gather in my drunken state. I instantly forced my tongue into his mouth twisting it around, running the tip along his teeth. Paul responded in kind then slid his hand inside my dress sliding his fingers up my stockings until he found the flesh of my thigh. I automatically wrapped my leg around his hip and rubbed myself against his groin as he playfully spanked my arse and tugged the back of my thong until it disappeared inside my pulsating pussy. Paul’s tongue was now halfway down my throat and his hand was now cupping my arse cheek like he was weighing it. ‘Ping’ went the lift and we had to disentangle ourselves as we suddenly arrived at our floor. “Are you sure about this?” Paul whispered as he ran his finger along the exposed part of my breast. “I didn’t think that you were interested in me!” I chided him as I fell back against the lift wall. He cheekily grinned and shrugged his shoulders; “I didn’t want to look too easy.” I shook my head in mild disbelief and made no attempt to adjust my dishevelled clothing as we hurried hand in hand along the corridor to my bedroom. As I fumbled with the key card Paul lifted the back of my dress and grabbed my bare arse in full view of the security cameras. “Stop that!” I cried out, only for him to slap my bare cheeks much harder than he had in the lift. “Ouch! That hurts!” I squealed as we tumbled inside the room. Grabbing me by the waist Paul powerfully kissed my puckered lips again and deftly unfastened the ribbon holding the front of my dress together as he kicked the door closed. “No, no, no!” I giggled as I wriggled out of his grasp, “I need to pee before we do anything like that. I forced him away and swivelled into the bathroom. “Take a seat and make yourself comfortable… I won’t be long!” I joked as I locked the door. It took me a few seconds to catch my breath as I quicklysat on the toilet with my knickers around my ankles; gallons of golden pee cascading into the bowl. All I could think, in my drunken state, as I pulled my knickers back up, was. “God! It’s actually going to happen,” I tried to work out a plan of action as I re-applied my lipstick and quickly brushed my hair. “That’s it!” I grinned at my reflection, “I’m going to take charge. I’m going to fuck his brains out!” I hung my dress on the door hook; took a deep breath and walked back into the bedroom as sexily and as confidently as I could in my bra, pants, stockings and high-heels. I was a little bit surprised to see that Paul was still fully clothed as he lounged on the sofa. The look on his face when I came into view made all of my hard work and pent-up sexual frustrations worthwhile. “Jesus Christ, Chloe!” He gasped as I teetered towards him. “Ssh,” I told him as I pressed my finger against my lips, “Sit back and…enjoy.” Paul pulled a ‘surprised face’ but did as he was told. I sexily straddled him; grinding my pussy against his stiffening cock as I gently pressed his face against my firm breasts. He began kissing and licking my uncovered flesh as I gently swayed my chest until it rubbed across his face. My pussy was on fire as I moved backwards on his lap; letting him admire my young body as I unbuttoned and removed his shirt, exposing a nicely hairy belly and chest – just how I like my men! As he was topless I thought that I may as well reciprocate! So I unclipped my bra then held it against my breasts for a few tantalising seconds before I finally let him see my big, firm tits! Even if I do say so my tits look bloody good! “Wow!” he gasped as he stared at my mammeries. I’m really proud of my tits; they are quite large, but unlike some of my friends they are big, firm and round and haven’t started to sag yet so still stick out and up just like they did in my teenage years. “Suck them,” I told him as I bent forward and offered them like a sacrifice. “MMMmmmm!” I purred as he gently licked both of my throbbing pink nipples. This was just sooooooo good I had to grab his head and pull him closer until I was trying to stuff all of a 34d tit into his mouth, nearly making him choke as I frantically rubbed my pussy against his dick! Very soon I was really close to cumming but I stopped myself. Instead I dis-mounted and knelt in front of him so that I could unbuckle his belt pulling his jeans down to his ankles. Paul kicked his shoes off and I fumbled with his socks and jeans until he was sitting with his cock straining to get out of his white boxers. I stood up and rubbed my aching tits as Paul coolly sat with his arms stretched out along the back of the sofa. It was too late to stop now even if I’d wanted to – and I didn’t. In a flash I’d whipped my tiny black thong off and stood in front of my workmate, legs apart in my stockings and heels making him stare at my hairless cunt. Paul actually looked stunned when he saw my bald pussy. He raised his eyebrows and let out a slow whistle as I nodded towards his pants. With a chuckle he lifted his legs and threw his pants at me! I ducked and they went over my head. When I regained my poise I instantly looked at his throbbing cock. “YES!” I thought, “that’s what I’ve been waiting all night for!” And it was worth waiting for. Six inches of raw, thick cock. I could hardly wait to feel it inside my dripping hole. But first I needed to taste it. To feel it in my mouth, down my throat, Christ, I NEEDED to suck that gorgeous cock. Paul resumed his previous position with his arms on the back of the sofa only now his stiff cock was standing to attention in the middle of a dark forest of pubic hair. I desperately tried not to lick my lips as I knelt before him again; but I should have as I was really, really looking forward to sucking his cock! At first I stroked his shaft, admiring it and making him wince as I ran my long fingernail along his thick blue veins. As I rubbed his bright purple helmet between my finger and thumb I began kissing his balls and nibbling his hairy sack, all the while looking up his body and never losing contact with his baby blue eyes. My kisses continued all the way up his thick shaft until I was dribbling onto his bell-end. My brain was now like mush as I ran my tongue across his piss-hole then engulfed the fat knob with my hot lips. His cock tasted divine as I sucked and slurped filling my mouth with his 40 year old dick. We still hadn’t said a word but we moaned and groaned, purred and gasped as I tried to give him the best blow-job of his life. I was now sooooooo turned on sucking Paul’s cock I could feel my own juices running down my thighs. I couldn’t stand it any longer and just had to FUCK him! With one last little kiss on the tip of his dick I stood up and straddled him again. This time there was no clothing to get in the way and my cunt was so wet I think that he could have driven his car up there! I rested my hands either side of his head and slowly edged my arse backwards until I felt that velvet tip nudge against my slit. With only a little adjustment his cock eased into my sodden hole. “Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh,” I panted as each inch entered my body, “Uuuuggghh!” I grunted when he finally thrust his hips upwards and absolutely filled my cunt. Part of me wanted to savour the moment and gently make love to this handsome man but the other (more dominant) part wanted to fuck his fucking brains out! The dominant part won! In seconds I was bouncing up and down on his six inches of throbbing gristle as I proceeded to fuck my middle-aged gorgeous co-worker. I greeted each of Paul’s thrusts with a sexual grunt, “Huh, huh, oh yeh, oh yeh!” Then when Paul began sucking my tits at the same time I couldn’t stop myself and the grunting became, “Huh fuck, huh fuck, fuck me, that’s good, that’s so good, fuck me, fuckmefuckme FUCK MEEEEE! My clitoris felt like a bullet as it rasped against Paul’s hard crotch. I had to press my mouth against his shoulder to stop myself screaming as our fucking became more frantic. “Fucking Hell! Fucking Hell! I’M NEARLY THERE!” I howled into his ear as I battered his cock with my love hole , “I’m cumming! Faster, faster, faster baby! FUCK ME FASTER!” Paul responded and his cock was soon like a piston as it banged deep and hard into my young tummy making my huge tits hurt as they bounced about like two out of control beach balls. “Yes, yes YES! Paul, Paul PAUL….that’s it, that’s IT!” I cried into his shoulder as he nearly sucked my tingling nipple out of it’s socket, “I’m cumming, I’m FUCKING…CUUUUUMMMMIIINNGG!” “Oooohhh Yyyyeeesssss that was fantastic,” I sighed as I slowly slid up and down his magic pole while he licked the sweat off my heaving titties. Gasping for breath and still impaled on his rod I grinned at him and naughtily whispered, “Oooh that was soooooo good; how should I repay you? Do you want to cum on my face and tits?” My cunt suddenly felt swollen but empty as I eased myself off Paul’s still hard cock until I was standing astride his legs, my shaven haven inches away from his face. Paul moved his head forward and gently kissed the tip of my pussy then slid his tongue along the crack; lapping at my sticky clitoris which made me gasp. I stood like this for a minute or so; but my desire to taste his cum was now overwhelming. “Stand up so I can suck you off.” I purred as I stepped off the sofa and dropped to my knees. Paul stood in front of me and ran his clammy cock across my face. “Oooh that feels good,” I purred as I smelt my cunt juice on his dick, “do you want me to suck your cock again? Would that be nice?” I teased him as he slowly wanked his cock inches away from my mouth, “do you want me to taste your spunk? Swallow it? That would be nice wouldn’t it? Filling my mouth with your hot cum?” Paul pushed his knob into my mouth and slowly stroked the shaft as I began slurping on his hard cock. “You’re a dirty little fucker…Chloe Rogers!” he gasped as his hand got faster forcing his stinking cock deep into my throat. “If I’d known what a horny little fucker you were I would have done this weeks ago!” Paul gasped. His eyes were now closed and he was very close to orgasm, “Oh, oh Chloe…show me your twat, show me it!” He continued furiously wanking his cock as I stopped sucking and lay flat on my back for him; rubbing my heaving tits as I spread my legs wide apart showing him my freshly shaved puffed-up gash. Paul shuffled forwards until he was standing on both sides of my hips. “Cum on me, cum on me!” I pleaded as I rubbed my clit with one hand and tweaked my nipples with the other, “Splash your spunk all over me! Spill it into my mouth…let me taste your spunk!” I was getting really turned on again! My fingers were a blur as they rubbed my clitty in time to Paul’s furious wanking. “Yes, yes yes!” I squealed as I felt another orgasm build up in my cunt, “cum on my face, cum on Chloe’s big titties!” “Uh…uh…uh…you dirty bitch!” Paul groaned as a long white jet of spunk flashed out of his cock and landed on my face and neck, “Oh Chloe….Chloe!” Another load landed on my tits but he kept rubbing. “Yeeesssss…..let me suck your cock….let me, let me suck your big fucking cock!” I cried out at the same time as I raised my head to catch the last drops of his cum when my second orgasm ripped through my lower body. “Mmmm….that tastes fucking lovely!” I whispered as I sucked the last few drops of salty man-juice out of his softening member. Paul flopped back onto the sofa as I wriggled around on the floor playing with myself for a third and very satisfactory final time. “Have you seen the time?” Paul chuckled as he waved his watch at me, “2.20! We’ve been fucking for over an hour!” He was still grinning from ear to ear as he kissed me goodnight and wandered off to his own bedroom. Chloe |
As long as Cynthia could remember, she wanted kids. It was her life long dream. And being married to Norman she thought that her dreams would at last come true. As long as Norman could remember, he wanted a family to provide for and protect. And the marriage between him and Cynthia would seemingly make this happen. After the wedding bells, they wanted to start making their family right away. After an extremely long year of fuck day after day, there should have been a little bundle of joy but on the contrary. The couple went to the doctor to find out what the problem was. It was Norman and his zero sperm count. When Cynthia asked him if he wanted to use a sperm donor, Norman reponded quickly with a "NO!" Norman was a very jealous man, and the very thought of another man's sperm in his wife was not a pleasant one. So, the couple decided to adopt. First they adopted a three month old girl named Candice. They loved her but it wasn't enough. Two years later, the adopted a six month old boy named Cory. Now, it felt as if their family was complete. They loved the children as if they were thier own. As the kids grew, and their personalities started to develop, it became a disfuntional family. Candice and Cory did not get along at all. Being the older of the two, Candice would take up for Cory. But at times, you would think the two hated each other by the way they talked. Present day, Candice is a 21 year old woman, 5'6", 125lbs., long dark brown hair that went half way down her back, natural green eyes, and size 36c breasts. She was a very responsible person and very dependable, but she was also a daddy's girl and a spoiled brat. Getting nearly everthing she wanted not only from her father but from the many men that admired her beauty. Cory, on the other hand, was a trouble maker. He was a bad boy; always getting into trouble, and making his family wonder about his future. He was 6ft, 200lbs, light brown hair, and deep blue eyes, which he used to get his way with the many women he fucked pretty much on a daily basis. It was a wonder why he didn't have kids yet. Norman and Cynhtia had finnally saved enough money to go on their second honey moon. They decided to leave Candice in charge while they were gone for a whole two weeks, since she was home from college for the summer. "Oh, and Candice, watch your brother and try to man sure he doesn't get into trouble.", said Cynthia as she was rushing out the door. "Don't worry, everything will be fine. As hard as it will be, I will try to get along with him." replied Candice seeing her mom to the car with her dad waiting. "Bye, honey, love you!" shouted the parents as the drove off. "Finally," thought Candice, "time to get some work done." She went back in the house and went upstairs to Cory's room. She opened the door to find him sleep. "Well, I guess cleaning the house can wait." As she looked at him sleeping, she saw his dick laying out on his stomach. The covers were on the floor. She unknowingly licked her lips at the site. "Dumbass, can't he ever sleep with his clothes on." She thought. She went to the living room to watch some t.v. on the 60" screen. Being that it was after 10pm, all the softcore porn shows were on. She was interested in sex in most everyway. While seh watched one of the shows, her hand crept down her superman underwear and touched her baby smooth twat to ready herself for a hot and heavy sceen. Just then the guy and girl were fucking. They guy on the screen took her forcefully from the back as the girls titties flopped towards the camera. With each stroke the girl screamed a little louder each time. Candice was in a finger fucking daze. Rubbing her clit while she lifted her tank top and started rubbing her left tit. "Mmmmmmmm, oh shit, that's right, fuck that pussy you stud. Ooooo yeah. Fuck it hard." said Candice. Following ever stroke with her fingers as the guy, she was getting herself off better than the girl was. Coming back to reality by one of the girl's screams, she turned the t.v. down as to not wake up Cory. But Cory was up, dressed only in his boxers, and watching her play with her now drentched pussy. He watched her continue viewing the show and go deeper with her fingers. He crept down stairs slow and quiet. "Yeah baby, suck those titties, suck 'em for me. Fuck me baby, fuck me." Candice said now really gettin into it with her eyes closed. Cory crept into the kitchen and got himself some milk to drink. "Hhhmmm, I wonder," Cory thought to himself. He walked over to th couch where Candice was with his un finished glass of milk. "Oh shit, oh shit, give it to me, yes, yes, yes, fuck i,t fuck it, fuck my pussy!" screamed Candice getting really close to her orgasm. With Cory knowing this he poured the rest of his milk all over her. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!", yelled Candice as she jumped up with both of her tits hanging out of her tank top. "CORY,you fucking bastard! How dare you!" "Oh, I'm sorry sis, I thought you needed help to cool down there." Cory replied, "You can't get a man to fuck or do you just like to watch." "I should be asking you, the same question." she said as she hinted towards his huge 8" dick hard as a rock and sticking out of his boxers. Cory grabbed it, "Oh, does this turn you on, is this what you like?" He crept closer to Candice stroking his dick. "Hell no it doesn't. Get that fucking thing away from me!" Candice yelled as he tried to touch her with it. But Candice could hardly ever resist a dick, and this one was no different. "Just touch it, once, that's it." Cory said with calming eyes. He put her hand on his dick and automatically she started to stroke. "You are a bastard. I hate you." Candice said seeming to be angry. This was a wopper of a dick. It was not only long but thick as well. This made her forget about her wet clothes and she payed more attention to her wet pussy. Grabbing his hands, she pushed one up against her pussy and the other on one of her breasts. "Get to work." she said in a smug voice. "Now that's what the fuck I'm talkin' about. Take off those wet clothes bitch. And then suck my dick." demanded Cory. Surprisingly she did what he said. She had never had a guy talk to her like that. and it turned her on far past any movie could do. After throwing her clothes to the floor she got on her knees and held his massive dick that was still sticking from his shorts. "Is this what you like you son of a bitch?" she said as she took him as far as his dick would go. "Slurp, slurp, slurp" and "Mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmm" was all cary could hear from Candice's mouth. "Suck that dick, you whore. Just like that, ooooh yeah, mmmm, suck it." said Cory not believing that his sister was sucking his dick. Candice circled the head with her tongue, licked up and down the shaft, and sucked till her jaws were tired. She got up, sat on the couch, spread her legs and her pussy lips and said," Get your ass over her and eat this pussy!" Cory knelt down and had her suck two of his fingers, then he put them as far as the would go insde of Candice. "OOOOOOOOOHHHH, SHIT," said candice. His fingers were almost as big as his dick. He pushed his fingers in and out of her pussy. His whole hand soaking from her juices. He then started to lick and suck on her clit, giving her the pleasure she never dreamed of. "Uh huh, oh shit, oh shit, suck it , right there, right there! OOOOOOO don't stop you bastard. Use that fucking tongue! Eat that pussy! Oh yesssssssssss!" Candice screamed. She sarted to buck her pussy towards Cory's face. Then he suddenly stopped. Knowing she was about to cum. "What the hell are you doing you mother fucker I was almost there!"Candice screamed at Cory grabbing his dick, "Give it to me, now you fucker! "Shut the fuck up bitch," Cory said as he helped her place his dick deep in her twat. " OOOOOOOOOOHHHH FFUUUUUUCK!!!" said the two siblings together. Deeper and deeper Cory went inside Candice. Surprisingly she to all of him easily. With her Pussy being so soaking wet, it was easy to go in and out. "Fuck it, fuck that pussy! It's yours! Harder, harder, make me cum you bastard!" Candice excalimed as she dug her nails into Cory's back. This just made Cory fuck like an animal. He was into it for the nut. The more he fucked the deeper he went. The deeper he went the faster he fucked. The faster he fucked, the more she moaned. The more she moaned thewetter she got. The smell of her juices and the feel of it flowing down his leg turned him on even more. Candice could feel his cock growing inside her. "Oooooooh shit! Fuck me!" Candice screamed as she orgasmed. As Cory continued to slam his dick deeper and deeper, she rubbed her clit to fuel her orgasim even more. "OOOOOOOOOOHHHHH You son of a bitch, FUUUUUUUUUCK!!!" she said as started to have a multiple orgasim. This just made the juices flow almost like a waterfall. That did it for Cory. It was too much wetness for his cock to handle but it was too good to pull out. "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH, SHIT, OOOOOOOHHHH, OOOOHH!!!" yelled Cory as he nutted seeming to be buckets of cum all in side Candice's pussy. Some of it flowed out dripping down both of their legs. "SHIT!!" screamed Candice, "Why the fuck didn't you pull out? You think just becuase you have a cock that size i wanna have a mistake by it you fucker!?" "I didn't see you tell me to put a condom on you bitch. You know you liked that shit!" responded Cory. "Well fuck you and good night, I'm going back to bed." he said as he went up stairs to his room. His cumming inside her is what gave her a huge orgasim. She couldn't deny it to herself that his dick was worth having again. Just thinking about his dick just being inside of her again got her juices flowing again. She went up stairs up to Cory's room, and this time she would ride him until she had enough. |
As you heard in previous stories, Angie is a beautiful woman with olive skin, long black hair, nice figure and a pretty face. She’d been a beautiful teenage girl, beautiful coed, and beautiful young woman; and she wanted to experience all life had to offer. She was never shy, always adventurous. And if you wanted to call her a tramp or slut you could go ahead: Angie knew sex was a healthy, normal human function to be enjoyed to the fullest. Angie didn’t live by your rules, she lived by hers. Angie is now my girlfriend, and loves to share with me the stories of her sexual adventures to turn me on. Here’s one of my favorites: Angie was in her late thirties, and she was in the ripe fruit of womanhood. Men turned to watch her walk by rather than the scantily clad coeds of the day. Brad was now 27. A fine healthy young man. Angie never had trouble with men fulfilling any fantasy she desired, but Brad was her favorite. She had introduced Brad to so many new things in his life, and she wanted to introduce him to another: she wanted Brad to dominate & humiliate her. He was a natural at so many things, but this was different. Could he do it? She had experienced a taste of this before, and she found it delicious. An old boyfriend would hogtie her and clip clothespins on her body, or tie her to a tree and leave for a few hours, or make her press her head down on the floor and lift her dress for his poker buddies to see. One night he left her tied up, naked, in the back of his pickup truck which was parked on the wrong side of town; luckily no-one looked in the truck that night! Brad was used to hearing from Angie every three or four years, and by now he knew that when he saw her, there would be something new and exciting soon. So when the phone rang… “Brad?” said Angie. “Hey Angie” Brad replied. “Brad, I’ll be in town this weekend” Angie continued, “If you’re available I’ll wire you some money, and I’ll email you a list of some things you need to buy”. Brad was doing OK in his job and had money, but Angie was extremely well off: her many men had treated her well over the years and she always let them spend their money while she saved hers. “OK” said Brad, not really knowing what to expect, but knowing it would be fun. Anything with Angie was fun. He was always available for Angie. “Brad?” she said before she hung up, “I’m looking forward to seeing you, when you get the list, you’ll know what I want…” click. Later that day Brad went down to the western union office, Angie had wired his over a thousand dollars. “Must be a pretty long list” he thought. When he checked his email, his mind reeled when he saw what she wanted: ropes, handcuffs, clothespins, dildos, candles, gag ball, ring gag… the list went on and on, he was going to buy everything in the adult toy store. And then he was to expect a crate from a shipping company. A couple of days later Brad dutifully collected all of the items on the list (much to the delight of the adult toy store owner) and by the time he got home that night, the crate was on his front porch. The crate was too big to get through the door so he eagerly opened it on the porch. Inside were several large devices made of wood, once he got them out, he knew what they were: stocks. Stocks like the pilgrims used, stocks that you put your head and arms through and get locked in the town square. And another set of stocks with two holes, about the size of Angie’s ankles, spread very far apart . He knew want Angie wanted. It thrilled him, and he would add his special spin to her fantasy. He assembled the stocks in his spare bedroom, and waited for Angie to arrive. When he saw the rental car pull into the driveway, he knew what to do. He opened the door and waited for Angie to come in. The door swung open and Angie started to speak, “Brad? Are you hemmmpppphhh”. He words were stopped by a rubber ball being forced between her teeth, she could feel the gag-ball being buckled around the back of her head. She felt her arms being pulled behind her and the sting of cold steel as the handcuffs were snapped on her wrists. She felt some rope around her wrists and still heard nothing, she started to panic. “This is too much, too soon, let me go!” she tried to say as she struggled, kicking off her shoes. All Brad heard was “Sskkktttsssssn, uuuuuunnnggg, UUUUUNNNGG!” as he tied a rope to the handcuffs and looped the other end over a hook he had put in his living room ceiling. As he pulled Angie’s arms up behind her, high enough to be uncomfortable, he finally let Angie see him. She relaxed a little, but still looked at Brad with a worried brow. Brad disappeared into the kitchen without saying a word. When he emerged, he had a large glistening knife in his hand. He moved quickly towards Angie, her eyes wide with fear. “You won’t be needing these” Brad said as he began to cut off Angie’s blouse and bra. Her perfect breasts leapt out, jiggling and cool in the evening air, but happy to be free. Her small nipples hardened. He liked what he saw: Angie, topless, gag-balled, tied to his living room ceiling wearing only a pair of sexy tight jeans. “You will be needing this” he said as he wrapped a blindfold around her eyes” “Nice” he said, “nice looking fuck-pig” he continued, letting Angie know he was going to play his role to the fullest. The words should have stung Angie, but they didn’t, they turned her on. She knew she was in for a wild ride. Brad loosened Angie’s tight jeans and yanked them down around her ankles, exposing her magnificent butt, uncovered except for the thin strings of her thong. Brad dug through Angie’s purse and drew out her bright red lipstick as Angie hung uncomfortably from the ceiling. “Ill just write a few instructions before I go” he said. “Go?” Angie thought, “GO!?” She felt Brad pressing the opened lipstick against her skin. He was writing something on her back, “What is he writing?” she thought. Brad must have read her mind as he began reading his work to himself, chuckling. “Let’s see” he said “’Fuck-pig’, ‘Fuck here’” Brad wrote with the lipstick as Angie felt him drawing a line towards her rectum. She gasped as the words sunk in, she gasped again as Brad produced a fine tip magic marker and began to read aloud what he was writing on her ribs “Suck control: grab and twist hard for better sucking” as he drew a line to her left breast. He wrote on her right ribs “Volume control: slap to increase volume” and drew a line to her right breast. Again reading aloud as he wrote. Happy with his work, Brad reached over and removed the gag-ball from her mouth, but before she could speak, he shoved the ring-gag in it’s place. Angie was glad because she could breathe easier through the ring-gag, but uncomfortable still: the ring gag was huge, almost a big around as a beer can. “Have fun” was all Brad said as he walked out the front door, leaving it open for all the world to see. Anyone who drove or walked by would see a beautiful woman, arms behind her, marvelous tits hanging, butt exposed. Hopefully they would investigate and follow instructions. Angie heard talking through the door, she didn’t know Brad was talking to a group of men he had invited over. These were men that hung out in his neighborhood, drinking beer on the sidewalk. She tried to look around the blindfold as she heard footsteps on the porch, lots of footsteps… “Well, lookie here” one of the men said as he entered the living room, “he wasn’t kidding”. “Let’s not waste any time” another said, “ he said he’d be back in a couple of hours” Angie felt her arms being untied from the ceiling. She also felt her hair being pulled, yanking her head back as she was lowered to the floor on her belly. “Here ya go” she heard as she smelled the sweat of an unwashed man near here. She felt her head being held hard, then she felt a penis on her tongue as one man forced his hard member through the gag-ring in into her mouth. He tried to push her head onto his penis, but the angle wasn’t right. He must have been sitting on the floor in front of her. “Grab those sofa cushions and put them on the floor” she heard a third voice say, “Lay her on her back on those cushions, with her head hanging off, I’ll show you how..” Angie was roughly rolled over and put on the cushions, within seconds she felt the weight of a man on her, but not the normal way. This man was laying on her with his head on her belly and his crotch over her face, her arms were pinned behind her. She could smell his sweaty balls, then she felt him push his throbbing penis into her mouth. She tried to shake her head to get free, she tried to push back with her tongue, but whoever this was held her head tight and kept pushing. She tried to kick but her jeans were still wrapped around her ankles. “Aaack, hru-aaack, Hruuuu-aaaack’ Angie gagged as the penis pushed the back of her throat, but he didn’t stop there. He kept pushing, hard, until she felt her throat open to accept him. She felt his hot dick deep in her throat, she smelled his sweaty balls on her nose as he drove his penis all the way in. Then he started humping. He started hunching her face. He was fucking her throat like it was a pussy and there was nothing she could do! He fucked deeper and deeper, she felt his balls against her nose with each stroke. He fucked her throat harder and harder, until she felt him swell even bigger, it felt like her throat would rip open and she heard him groan and felt him jerk as he pumped his load straight into her belly. She could feel each spurt in her throat, she could feel his semen in her stomach. When he rolled off, her blindfold came off with him. She saw the eight men looking hungrily at her. “Ready for more sweetie?” she heard another one say as she was smothered by the smelly, sweaty crotch of another man. She tried to struggle but it was no use: the gag-ring held her mouth open, the handcuffs and her weight held her arms and hands, and the man pushed his dick right where he wanted it. Hard. He hunched her face like the other man had, but his balls were looser, and they slapped her eyes and nose with each stroke. He too fucked her face like it was a pussy and dumped his load directly into her belly. Two more jumped on and did the same horrid thing, fucking her face and cumming in her throat, slamming her into submission. She was beat. She’d do whatever they wanted now. And they knew it. She was a fuck pig. They flipped her over and she felt them unlock the handcuffs. She also felt them pouring some kind of oil all over her ass. She didn’t care, she was theirs, she was their fuck pig. “Lift your ass up” was the order she heard, and she obeyed. She felt the man grab her hips as he rubbed his dick against her tight sphincter. She didn’t try to resist even thought she wasn’t ready, she just groaned loudly with her raw throat when he jammed his hot rod into her anus. He didn’t give her a chance to relax her asshole, he just started fucking hard right away. Angie grunted with each new thrust. The men laughed and cheered her grunts. He was deep in her ass, “A good ass fucking is what this fuck pig needs” she thought, “A good ‘up-to-the-balls’ ass fuck.”. While she was focused on the ass-banging she was getting , she didn’t notice the man kneeling in front of her until he grabbed her hair. He forced her head over his dick, and pushed her head down on it until her lips were buried in his crotch hair and balls. He moved her head back and forth on his dick, he held her head hard as he used her throat to jack himself off. “Face fucked and ass-fucked” she thought, “What a good fuck pig I am” as she felt them both tremble and jerk as the man behind her drove impossibly deeper into her bowels as the one in front tried to meet him inside of her while they spurted hot cum into her body from both ends. The last two men picked Angie up and hung her across the back of the sofa, while standing on either side, one fucked her ass while the other fucked her throat. She felt them pull out without cumming and saw that they were trying to trade places! “Even this fuck pig doesn’t want her ass-juice in her mouth” she thought as she tried to scramble off of the back of the sofa. It was too late, they had her. She tasted her ass for the first time as the man pushed his dirty dick into her mouth. The men laughed at the look on her face when It was covered with cum as she tried to suck that dirty dick clean. She didn’t even notice the man dumping his load into her ass. “OK Boys” she heard a man say “one more round!, everybody line up to ass fuck this bitch, but pull out and cum in her mouth!” Angie’s heart sank. She stayed on the floor, on her hands and knees, as her asshole was ravaged; then her mouth was soiled, eight more times. When they were done, they must have been instructed on what to do. They pushed her roughly into the shower and rinsed her off, then they took her into the spare bedroom, placed her head and arms through the top of the stocks, and latched her ankles though the bottom stocks, then they were gone. It seemed like hours before she heard Brads voice. She stood there, locked in the stocks, trying to sleep. She must have dozed off. “Did you get what you wanted” she heard Brad say. She hadn’t heard him come in. “More than I wanted” she replied, smiling. “Now I’ll get what I need” Brad said as she felt his hard penis slide into her pussy, only then did she realist that her pussy hadn’t been touched. He’d told the men to save that for him… |
Nikki and I had been up on the computer since 5 and it was now 11, we chatted on her MSN and had also been drinking Vodka and 7up she was still nursing her 1st drink and I had poured myself a very strong one. We invited her friend John over I was like in love with him, he was 24, about 6 foot, maybe 150LB, neck length brown curly hair and brown eyes. I was 18, 5'3, about 250LB, I had blue and black hair, and brown eyes. Nikki was about my height if not an inch taller, about 175LB, with black shoulder length hair, and brown eyes. I heard the door bell and ran to answer. it was John he was wearing a pair of beggy pants, a black T-shirt, and a back pack on his back. I was all smiles when I pulled open the door. He smiled at me and I invited him in and offered him a drink. "ya sure I'll take what ever your having" he said as he smiled at me. "Nikki we'll be down stairs ok? don't come down" I laughed as we walked down the stairs. I poured him a drink and he guzzeled it down "more?" I asked John handed me his glass and I poured another. I handed it to him and slid into his lap "guess what?" I said, "what?" he replied, "I'm so horny I want you to fuck me" I said in a whisper close to his ear so only he could hear and with that I licked up the rim of his ear, giving him a half stiff member. John chugged the rest of his drink and just as he finished I kissed him, not one of the things I usually do when I'm sober. He kissed me back, his lips were soft and pink, and tasted great. I got up and started to strip, I handed John a pair of leather shorts, "put them on I want to play with you" I said in a devilish voice. John started to strip I wanted to jump him right there but he made me turn around so he could change his boxers. "ok" he said as I turned around he looked hot. "follow me" I said as I toke his hand a lead him to another room. I closed the door and walked over to the closset "pick one you like" I said as I opened the closet door. He walked over to me and started to rummage threw the cloes before finding an outfit he liked it was a strapless leather bra and a skirt with a thong sown in, I smiled "I like this one too", I I slip it on in a matter of seconds." someone once told me you were a great dominator, think you can prove that to me?" I smile at him devilishly again, I walk over to the chains hanging from the middle of the ceiling and the one's bolted to the floor. "you gunna chain me up or not?" I ask egerly, John walkes over and kneels on the floor attaching the chains to my ankles, then he straightens up and attaches the one's hanging from th ceiling to my wrists. John walks over to my wall of whips and picks out a Riding Crop, then he walks back to me, John stands infront of me with Riding Crop in one hand and a smile on his face, he runs the Riding Crop up and down the outside of both my legs before sliding it up and down the inside. Then he ran it over my tits and stumach then my back, but then he got to my ass he stopped. he lifts the back of the skirt and tucks it into the top of the skirt. John taps the Riding Crop on my right ass cheek, then the other one, John brings his hand back far and back down on my ass with a loud "thwack" sound , I cry out " it again" I pleed. John brings his hand back again and smacks it down hard on my ass, "uhhhhhhhhh........again, again" I pleed, John does so again, and again, and again. making me moan with each smack. "I need you right now john, please fuck me?". John complies and undoes the chains I walk over to the bed and lean on it the skirt raising so you can just see my pussy. John reaches under the skirt and unbutons the underwear part and lets it fall reveling my hairless pussy lips. John presses his leather covered cock against my hot box. John pushes down the leather shorts he let his cock out and ran it against my lips leting it gather juices from me....John pushes past my lips and up into my pussy and starts to rock back and forth slowly in slow aganizing strokes. I start to push back against him wanting more, he smacks my ass hard "don't do that" snappes John. I stop moving and let him slide as much of his 8 inch cock in as he want's at a time. John begins to move faster and harder and with each of my moans comes a slap on the ass. I can feel my body start to tense up and my body starts to arch I let out a scream "I'm cumming oh fuck I'm cumming, I want you to cum inside me john please cum inside me" I beg and scream at the same time. I can feel his sweaty body smacking against mine as he, himself get close to his orgasm. I can feel his dick throbbing, and his body tense up as he lets out a loud moan and collapses next to my bent over body. Nikki walks in mid question "what are you two.........ok" she says as she closes the door. I start to laugh and so does John.................. |
Although, the name I use is not real, the story I am about to relate, actually happened to me this summer. I am a 38-year-old woman, married with two kids, Kevin, who is 16, and Lori, who is 14. This last summer, Lori and I were going to go to the second half of our church's summer camp in the upper Adirondack Mountains for a week. I was going as a part time counselor and all around chaperone, since the camp consisted of both boys and girls from different areas of the state. I had taken the week as vacation from my job and was excited about going, just to get out of the house for a week. The thought of being at a summer camp brought back good memories from when I was a young girl and had attended one for two summers. I was really looking forward to it, and so was Lori. That is until two days before leaving, she came down with chicken pox of all things. Well on the doctor’s advice, I called the woman in charge at the church that was running the camp to explain that we would not be attending. She was very upset and begged me to come and still be a counselor, since two others had already cancelled at the last minute and they would be very short handed. After a lot of discussion with my family, it was decided that I would still go and help out. One of the other women at the church that I knew was there for the first session and she had agreed to stay with me for the second one also, so it didn't sound too bad. Jill (The one who stayed) was younger than I was (29) but we got along well and had a lot of fun the first day in camp. Her and I slept in a tent type wooden platform at the outer edge of the camp. On the other side there were two men from the church, who had the same sleeping setup on the boys side. John was a good friend of my husband and I knew him also. Eddy was a black guy, who was fairly new to our church and neither Jill nor I knew him very well, but he was very nice and we all got along well. There were two barracks on each side of the campsite, which were permanent structures and held 4 kids in each one. The two barracks that housed the girls were situated just at the edge of the woods. Further in the woods were the two that the boys were staying in. There were 4 more barracks that were not needed this time. Since Jill had been there for a week already, she showed me around after lunch. The kids were all down by the lake with the two guys and the permanent camp counselor. When we went into the first barracks and looked around, I saw fairly large hole in the east wall of the barracks right over the headboard of the lower bunk. It had a red rag stuffed into it. As I pulled the rag out, Jill began to snicker, although I didn't know why. As I looked out through the open hole, I could see only dense undergrowth and trees, since that wall was right up against the woods. The hole was definitely man made and cut in a perfect circle and even sanded smooth on the inside. The wall was very thin and I wondered why the hole had not been patched. Jill just shrugged and we moved on, after I stuck the rag back in the hole. It didn't seem important since due to its location that wall of the structure seemed inaccessible from outside due to the dense woods. That evening when all of the scheduled activities were over, Jill and I put on our robes and headed for the showers. The girls’ shower and locker room was outfitted with only one shower room with four showerheads. Jill was at the sinks brushing her teeth as I went into the shower. I thought she would stay out there out of modesty, but I no sooner was getting wet, when in stepped Jill. She was beautiful I must say, even though females have never turned me on, I looked with envy at her body. She had the tinniest waist, gorgeous breasts, and an all over sexy body. Not that I was considered a slouch, but the few years difference in age did show between us. Jill began talking as she was soaping herself. She brought up the subject of the hole that I had come across in the girls barracks, and asked me how open minded I was about sex. I found the tone of the conversation very odd, but listened intently once I had assured her that I was open minded enough to listen to what she had to say. "Ever heard of a Glory Hole". She asked. Somewhere in the back of my mind I had remembered reading a dirty story of a bar that catered to homosexuals that had a hole between the toilet stalls for one guy to stick his cock threw so the guy in the next stall could suck it. I was sure that was not what Jill was talking about here though, so I thought! Jill told me that was exactly what it was. As she went on to relate all the details to me, I observed her spending a lot more time on soaping her ample bush and her nipples became erect. As I listened, I felt my nipples stiffen also. Jill went on to tell me that the boys would wait until dark, and then sneak through the woods to the hole, about two at a time. If the rag was in the hole, then they left. But if the rag had been removed, showing the light within then a completely different scenario would take place. As one boy acted as a look out, the other would slip his cock through the hole. The girls in the barracks would then take turns sucking them off! I was becoming a little warm between my legs as she told me of sneaking over to the small window on the North wall, which was also pretty secluded and watching the girls suck. I was startled by a Moan from Jill. As I looked down, she had two fingers inside of her pussy and was rubbing her clit with her thumb as she related what she had witnessed. Just by coincidence, her own girl who was 15 was staying in the other barracks, which relieved her at the time. But on the second night the girls traded barracks long enough for each to suck some cock. Jill's masturbation there in front of me, was making me wet as hell. My nipples were aching as Jill stepped closer to me and asked if I had ever been with a woman. I told her I hadn't and asked if she had? "A couple of times in collage" I flinched, but did not pull away as I felt her free hand on my thigh, and in no time I felt her finger on my clit. Her breath came in gasps as she fingered us both. "Do you finger yourself Linda?" I could only nod affirmative as a Minnie shock wave went through my pelvis. "Doesn't it feel a lot better when someone else does it?" I moaned in response as she pulled her finger out of my slippery slit. I didn't want her to stop, it felt so good. She took hold of my hand and brought it down to her slit and pressed it against it. I held my hand motionless at her mound as I once again felt her fingers enter me. I groaned and slid my finger between her folds, and duplicated what she was doing to me. I was on fire to say the least! I had many times felt my own pussy, but to feel another woman's while her fingers were stroking mine were too much. I felt the pressure build in my abdomen and pelvis, I was close to orgasm. Jill sensed it and sped up her finger action. Mine actually slowed since I was so preoccupied by my climax. I came like I hadn't in years, it was a cum that was earth shattering. My juices flowed into Jill’s hand like crazy. As I finally stopped Cumming and began coming down, Jill kissed me on the lips and then bent and took each of my stiff nipples in her mouth and briefly sucked each one. Jill grabbed my arm and began thrusting her hips towards my hand, which still had my finger in her love hole. "Do me Linda, I need to cum like you did PLEASE" "OHHHHHH" As my finger contacted her little nub. I finger fucked her rapidly as she began gasping for breath, and took her left nipple in my mouth. That did it, she began to cum. "OHHHHHHHH bite my nipple" "God I'm Cumming"" Her fluid gushed around my invading digit as she grabbed my hips to steady herself. I continued sucking her hard nipples as she recovered. We rinsed off and went back to our sleeping quarters, all the while making plans on sneaking over and spying on the girls. It was very dark out as we got to the small window and peered in. Nancy, one of the girls was laying in the bottom bunk by the hole. The rag had been removed and was laying on the floor. The other three girls were all sitting Indian style around the head of the lower bunk. I quietly took a peek around the corner to see if anyone was there. I couldn't see anyone, but as I looked over towards one of the boy’s barracks, I saw the light as the door opened and two figures came out and went into the woods. I whispered to Jill that they were coming. In a few minutes we watched as a stiff little cock was thrust into the hole. It wasn't a very big cock and only about two inches including the head was visible. We watched as Nancy took the head into her mouth and began sucking. It wasn't long before she pulled off and the cock began spewing its load as Nancy now stroked the head between her thumb and index finger. While catching the sperm in a washcloth with her other hand. As we continued to watch, I quietly peered around the corner, to see who the cock belonged to. It was Billy, he was only thirteen and not very big. The other boy with him was Danny, he was sixteen and a lot bigger. I watched as he unzipped his pants and took out his hard cock. I was amazed at the size, he was close to my husband in length, but a little thinner. I went back to the window in time to see it come through the hole. About 5 inches past the hole, and we heard the girls gasp, as Kathy took her turn on the bunk. Without hesitation, she began to give Danny an expert blowjob. In no time at all, Danny let out a moan and groan that was unmistakable. He was Cumming, but not in a washcloth, Kathy drank down every drop he could shoot and then some. Once finished, we watched as the two boys went back, and two more took their place. This went on until all 8 boys had been sucked off. When Jill and I got back to our tent, we were both very horny from what we had seen. But having sex in a tent was too risky since someone might hear us. Jill and I went deep into the woods to a clearing, where on a fallen log, I ate my first pussy, and had mine eaten by a girl for the first time also. The same scenario went on each night as before. By the end of the week, each boy had been blown at least twice and each girl had sucked at least one of the boys off. Some spit the cum out, others were expert swallowers. Jill and I sucked each other off at least twice a night after peeping. Jill was also married and had two children, so we had a lot in common. She was an expert cunt lapper, and later confessed to me, that she not only had female sex just in college, but had regular affairs with a girl where she works. It was Jill who came up with an idea, which immediately turned me on! "I think you and I ought to be in there, sucking off all those nice young cocks" Jill said. "How are we going to be able to arrange that" I said. By the end of the day, we had worked out a plan to do just that. Jill and I both have had fantasies of having sex with a younger male, but for obvious reasons they had stayed, just that fantasies. Here was an opportunity to fulfill a fantasy and keep anonymous at the same time. On the night before the weeks camping session is over, a neighboring camp always invites our girls to come over and spend the evening with them. Well as luck would have it 4 girls decided to go from our camp. But there was two from the glory hole barracks and two from the other one that decided to go. So Jill and I had the two girls from the glory hole barracks take sleeping bags and move over to the other barracks. Using the excuse that it would be late when the other girls came back and we didn't want them to disturb anyone. Then, Jill and I discreetly let it out to one of the boys, that not all the girls would be gone for the evening. We also let him know that Darla (one of the older girls) would be staying behind. The reason for this was that Darla, was the best cocksucker of the bunch. Watching her had been a real turn on. She really got into it and the boys seemed to favor her from what we had overheard during the week. Once it was good and dark, Jill and I snuck over to the empty barracks and taped cardboard over the little windows, so nobody could look in and observe us. The doors were locked, so anyone looking over or trying to get in would think that it was locked and dark because it was unoccupied. The only light came from the glory hole as I pulled the rag out. I laid on the bunk and looked through the hole towards the boy’s barracks. In a matter of minutes, I saw the light coming from an open door and two figures exit. I told Jill that we would soon have visitors. The sexual tension was terrific with expectation of a hard young cock being thrust through the hole. As I stole another peek out of the hole, I was able to make out a cock being pumped by hand to get it ready. Shortly Jill and I both gasped as the first cock came through. It was not very big and probably belonged to one of the younger boys. But he was not disappointed as I heard him moan through the wall, as my mouth took him in. I was the one who was disappointed, since I had gotten to swirl my tongue around the youthful head only about five times before I heard a grunt and it shot its youthful load into my mouth. I was just about to start fingering my pussy as I sucked when he started shooting. It was never the less delicious. Not as strong as a grown man and not as salty either, I loved it. Once drained, the cock disappeared back out of the hole. Jill and I traded places as the next cock came through. Jill had all the luck! I could immediately tell that it was one of the older boys due to the length and thickness of his cock. Jill began sucking for all she was worth, and soon had a large load of cum spurting down her throat, as I came all over my hand, which was busy fingering my wet pussy while watching her suck. After the cock disappeared, we waited and then Jill peeked out through the hole, and could make out the two figures going back through the woods. We waited for over half an hour and no one else showed up. We were about to put the rag back in the hole and leave, when through the hole came a huge cock. I say huge because in comparison with the two we had just serviced, it was gigantic. Very thick and at least 9" in length. Jill wrapped her hand around the shaft and was able to jerk the cock as she was sucking it, bringing forth an approving moan from the other side. I was dying of curiosity to know who belonged to such a beautiful cock. So as Jill was busy sucking, I quietly snuck out and peered around the corner. There with his crotch to the wall was John, and standing right behind him with his cock out was Eddy, the black guy. I almost gasped out loud as I caught a side view of eddy's cock! I had heard all the rumors about black cocks al my life, and in this case it was indeed not a rumor. Eddy was sporting a stiff cock at least 11" in length and was as thick as my wrist. I even had doubts about it fitting through the hole! I quietly went back in and whispered what I had seen to Jill, who began moaning louder each time I described our next visitor. It wasn't much longer and John had his release into Jill's sucking mouth. We watched with great anticipation as the softening flesh was pulled back through the hole. Then as Eddy's huge cock head came through, we both stared in awe, as the hole was nearly completely filled with the head. Once through, there was just a little more room around the shaft, but not a lot. Jill whispered, that we had to share this one, as she struggled to get the bulbous head into her mouth, while pumping the long shaft. It was such a sight, that I came as soon as my finger began rubbing my clit! After a minute or so, I took over and began sucking the black monster. To my delight, Jill situated herself under me so she could suck my cunt. I exploded into her mouth in no time, then we traded places and she had her orgasm almost as quick as mine. Eddy let out a loud groan, and I saw Jill's cheeks puff out as he started unloading. Her throat was working overtime, but the force and quantity of his sperm was overwhelming, causing it to start dribbling down her chin. I quickly got on the bunk and took over, receiving a strong spurt on the bridge of my nose and in my eyes, before I capped the spewing monster. An additional 4 strong spurts erupted into my mouth before it subsided. I continued to suck and lick with wild abandon, since I had made up my mind that I had to have this monster in my cunt, no matter what! My efforts were rewarded, with a cock that stayed hard instead of loosing its firmness. I took my mouth off and held the shaft so he could not withdraw from the hole. I told Jill to hold it while I stripped off my shorts. I had to have that beautiful black cock in my pussy! I was absolutely crazy with desire, as I backed up to the protruding hunk of meat. I shuddered as I felt the head come in contact with my pussy lips. Once the head was lined up, I drove back against the wall feeling Jill's hand as she pulled it out. I had taken Eddy's monster with ease, and I went into a fantastic orgasm almost immediately as he began his thrusting into me. I have never felt so full in my life! It was the most fantastic feeling. As I grunted and slammed my ass against the wall, trying to get as much penetration as I could, the door opened, and in came John, his cock was sticking out of his shorts, rock hard and straight out like a steel pole. Without saying a word, he came over to Jill, who dropped to her knees before him and began to suck his huge cock. I gasped and groaned loudly as I felt the thick black shaft disengage from my wet cunt. I slammed back against an empty wall. The door again opened, we had not thought about them having a key, as well as us. Anyway, Eddy came in with his cock still glistening with my pussy juice! I laid on my back across the bunk, this brought my pussy to the edge as I spread my legs wide! Without any words exchanged, Eddy knelt by the bunk between my spread legs! In this position, he was just the right height to match up with my hungry slit. He wasted no time in reinserting his huge cock into my waiting pussy. When I felt him go so deep into me that he bottomed out, I screamed out my release and had a climax that seemed to render me unconscious momentarily. As I began to slowly drift back to earth from the best and most intense cum, I have ever had, a warm sensation was at my pussy. As I looked down, I saw Eddy's head and felt his tongue enter me and begin exploring my love hole. As I looked over at Jill, she was in the same position on the other bunk as I was, and John's cock was going in and out of her cunt. Her legs were wrapped around his back and she was thrusting against him like a bucking bronco. She let out a small squeal and then she began to cum like crazy! Listening and watching them was all it took, Eddy's tongue got a liquid bath as I came all over his face! I watched as Jill now sat up in the bunk with John standing in front of her feeding her his cock! I looked down at Eddy who was still tenderly lapping at my wet pussy! "Have you cum yet"? I asked "No" "Bring it up to my mouth" I laid out on the bunk on my side as Eddy brought his hard black shaft to my mouth. I took the head and managed to get a couple of inches of the shaft into my mouth. I wrapped both hands around the shaft and still was not touching his pubic hair. That’s how long that monster was! As I sucked trying to bring him off in my mouth as a gesture of thanks for making me cum so beautifully, I felt the bunk sink down. And soon after, I felt John's cock slide into my pussy and begin fucking me. Jill had told him to give me a two way. I had never in my life had two guys at once, and it was pure heaven to be sucking one while fucking another. Jill helped by coming up and joining in at licking Eddy's shaft and licking his balls. She began to verbalize, which drove me to a frenzy! "I can feel his nuts tighten, he's going to cum in your mouth" "Cum Eddy, fill her mouth full of your hot cream" Just then John let out a moan, his cock seemed to swell in my pussy and jets of hot fire shot into my cunt. I began to cum and had a hard time breathing around Eddy's cock, but I wasn't about to let it go now! I stayed in an orgasmic state for like what seemed forever, as John's cock kept shooting into my pussy! Then Eddy announced that he was going to cum! The first spurt was so powerful and startled me so that my head pulled off of his cock. Before I could regain my sense, another huge spurt splashed against my forehead and went into my hair! The next one hit me in the chin and splashed all over my face. The next one didn't get away, it felt sneeringly hot as it spurted onto my tongue! Eddy was unbelievable, his cock just kept spurting and spurting. Jill managed to pull it from me and she took the remainder of his sperm into her mouth. As I watched her throat bob as she swallowed, I was in awe at the amount she must be getting! I finally dropped back on the bunk, exhausted from all the action. We finally left the barracks and went to the showers together, where we all fucked and sucked again before calling it a night. I just could not get enough of Eddy's black penis, no matter what I did. You can bet that next year, Jill and I will be at the camp again! But in the mean time, I still get Eddy's cock and John's whenever my husband is gone and they can fit it in around their wives. Sometimes I'll just meet Eddy for lunch, since his office is pretty close to mine, lunch consists of me sucking him off in his car in a parking lot! And believe me it fills me up! I have been able to loose 7 Lbs. by having a hot sperm lunch! I LOVE IT!!!!!! I have even gone so far as jerk him off into a container, to get an idea of how much he shoots. When he has not fucked his wife for about 4 or 5 days, he can provide 3 ounces of sperm. (I used liquor shot glasses as a measure). My husband supplies only about a half-ounce or so. Its such a treat to take Eddy's load and drink him down. We rarely fuck anymore, due to my obsession with drinking his sperm. But he doesn't mind! YOU WOULDN'T WOULD YOU???? |
The bell rings(class is over) Ms.Smith:Katrina can you stay after class for a while Katrina:Sure Ms Smith:Have you been studing for your finals? Katrina:Yes,but i still need a little help Ms Smith:Well, would you like me to help u as a tutor? Katrina:yes that would be great Ms Smith:Ok well,come to my house after school today around 6pm Katrina:ok,see you later ~Later 6 p.m.~ The doorbell rings Ms.Smith:JUST A MINUTE(opens the door)Hello Katrina Katrina:Hi Ms Smith:Well come on in Katrina:you have i nice place Ms Smith Ms Smith:thanks. what outfit are you wearin?It's cute Katrina:Babyphat(low-cut tank wit tight fitted jeans) Ms Smith:Oh where is my manners,would you like anything to drink?(i notice she's lookin down my shirt) Katrina:Gin please Ms Smith:Ok as long as you dont tell anybody i gave it to you(comes back into the room wit 2 glasses and the bottle of gin) Ms Smith:Ok, so what exactly you need help on? Katrina:Algebra Ms Smith:ok,lets get started! ~we studied for hours and i noticed that it was 11:00 p.m) Katrina:omg look at the time....i better get goin Ms Smith:its too late why dont you just spend the night Katrina:But i dont have any clothes Ms Smith:its ok you can borrow mines Katrina:ok,but i need to take a shower.Can you show me where it is? Ms Smith:Ok follow me ~we walked upstairs to her luxurious bathroom~ Ms Smith:Well you just get start and i will be in my room.(she peaked around the corner and wathed me undress) Katrina:Ok ~i unlift my shirt(as she could seen i had no bra on),then i unbuttoned my pants and slowly dropped them to my ankels(i had on a black laced victoria secret thong)then Ms Smith ran and got a towel and ran into the bathroom~ Katrina:OMG i didnt hear you comin in Ms Smith:No, no i should've knocked(lookin at ur body) Katrina: it is ok ,we are both women. Ms Smith:your right, u have a nice body for a 15 yr older Katrina:thanks Ms Smith:your welcome Katrina:well whats for dinner? Ms Smith:Dont u need a shower first? Katrina:yea Ms Smith:Well i need one also Katrina:Dont u have a second bathroom? Ms Smith:Nope Katrina:well u wanna wait or go first? Ms Smith:no i was gonna get in wit u Katrina:oh......well thats fine ....i guess ~She slipped off her tight fitted tank and she pulled down her jeans and her pink laced thong~ Ms Smith:Want me to was your back for u? Katrina:yea ~she lathered up the soap on the towel and massaged the soap sodtly on my back and she made her way lower.While she was cleaning my back she made her way to my round tight ass and covered it with soap~ Katrina:what are you doin? Ms Smith:oh, i thought u wanted me to wash it while i was washin your back Katrina:well i guess this can be our little secret Ms Smith:sounds nice Katrina:you want me to wash your back for you? Ms Smith:did you wash your front? Katrina:No Ms Smith:want me to wash it? Katrina:sure ~She started at my neck and worked her way down to my 36d breasts.movin them around and massaging the carefully.then she went down to my pussy,and washed it and slowly slipped her finger inside of my pussy lips. this made me wet. and wanted her pussy badly.We got out the shower and dried off.~ Ms Smith:what would u like to wear Katrina:i will just wear a t-shirt Ms Smith:ok ~we walked downstairs into the kitchen.i bent over to look in the fridge and picked out some strawberries.~ Katrina:i forgot the whipcream! ~i bent over again and my whole shirt flew up~ Ms Smith:you have a nice ass for your age(she slapped it) ~i moaned softly hopin she didnt hear me~ Ms Smith:Did u say somethinf? Katrina:no ~we walked into the living room and she grabbed my ass with a full grip.i moaned this time she heard me~ Ms Smith:did you jus moan? Katrina:no ~i sat down on the sofa wit my legs open while eatin strawberries~ Katrina:want any? Ms Smith:no thankyou Ms Smith:are you havin trouble wit health? Katrina:not really but i jus dont understand the whole lesbian idea Ms Smith:well women knows what other women like,so this give them an advantage.Like they know how to kiss another woman. ~she slowly moved in and kissed me.but this kiss was wonderful, i broke the kiss.~ Katrina:Wow Ms Smith:they also kno how to eat eachother pussies ~she slowly moved her hand up my shirt and glided her finer between my pussy lips Ms Smith made me so hot ,but i didnt kno why. Then she raised up my shirt and slowly licked my clit, i moaned wit pleasure.Then i suddenly though "i'm lettin my teacher eat me out"~ Kstrina:i dont think we should be doin this Ms Smith:are you sure, you looked pleasured. Katrina:................. WHAT WILL KATRINA SAY NEXT????? HIT ME UP AND I WILL EXPOSE IT!!!! |
Angie had always liked pleasing men, and had made very many men (and women) extremely happy in her life. People like to do many things, Angie’s thing was sex. Angie knew life was short, and she wanted to do and try everything there was to do. Angie was (and is) a beautiful woman, dark skin without a tan, long & straight brunette hair, and pretty green eyes. These were great accents on a knockout body: not tall, not skinny, but with perfect breasts with small brown nipples (which were almost always erect), an excellent firm heart-shaped butt, and a perfect small pussy. Angie had always been titillated by the thought of being a sex slave. She had read stories about the roman slaves who served their masters and friends, she had read stories of the Chinese slaves in early America that were bought and sold as sex toys, Angie wanted a taste of this action. She wanted it bad. Taking a chance, Angie answered a personal ad and arranged to meet a man (a potential master named Paul) at a local restaurant for breakfast. She wore a thin cotton sun dress, thong panties, and a pair of sandals. Angie could wear a burlap bag and make it look fabulous, she was a knockout in this outfit. Paul was a large muscular good looking man. They sat at one of the outside tables since it was a beautiful day. He spared no time and immediately told Angie that if she was to be his slave for the day, she was to do exactly as he said, all day long, starting now. He continued to say that if she gave any answer other than “yes master”, he would leave now and her opportunity would be lost. Angie thought for a moment and responded “yes master”. “Very good” Paul replied. They ate a light meal and as they drank coffee and waited for the waiter to bring the check Paul said “Angie, take off your dress” It was a public place, not crowded but still a lot of people were sitting at nearby tables enjoying their breakfast. Angie hesitated only a moment then said “ yes master”. She lifted her butt off of the seat and was able to pull her dress over her head, exposing her perfect breasts and gorgeous brown skin. She sat back there, her face turning red from embarrassment . To her surprise, no-one seemed to notice. The waiter returned, Paul held out a $50 dollar bill and told him to keep the change. The waiter could only stare at Angie’s shapely breasts and small brown, and very erect nipples. “Let’s go” Paul said, dropping the $50 on the table. He took Angie’s hand and pulled her up from her chair. Putting his arm around her waist he walked her to the sidewalk where (thankfully for Angie) his van was parked. The waiter just stared, mouth open, as Angie’s perfect heart shaped ass walked away from him and jumped into the van. Once in the van, Paul instructed Angie to lie on her back and lift her legs. He took a ‘spreader bar’, a flat metal bar, with brackets on either end fer her ankles and two smaller brackets towards the center for her wrists. He wrapped Angie’s ankles with a soft elastic material and then clamped the two end brackets around her ankles, he did the same to her wrists and clamped them too: not tight, but firm. There was no escaping.. Angie was on her back, legs spread, nude except for her thong panties and sandals. Paul gently turned her over on her knees and she realized how vulnerably she was positioned: Her ass in the air, her arms stretched straight on the floor back towards her ankles, her face pressing against the carpet of the van. “thank god this carpets clean” thought Angie. “I don’t want to mmmppphhhhhh” was all Angie could start to say as Paul pushed a gag-ball into her mouth and harnessed it around her head. “This was your idea” he said, “just relax, you’re mine until midnight.” “MMMmmmmmPPPhh, UUUuunnnngg!! uung! NNNNgg!” Angie protested until Paul slapped her hard on her exposed ass and told her to hush. “NNNggg! NNNNAAAANNGG” Angie continued. Paul pulled a paddle from a duffel bag and struck Angie seven quick, hard times across her bottom, he pushed her over with his foot and slapped her tits back and forth very hard, then grabbed her tits hard with his strong hands and pulled her up by her breasts until her face was near his . “Quiet!” he hissed. She got the message. He put her back on her knees, her ass and tits growing red from the abuse, her face even redder from shame and humiation at the predicament she had put herself in. He drove to his country estate, miles away from the city. Angie heard him call on his cell phone that 'the package' was on the way and that he would need help unloading the package. As she felt the van turn and slow down she heard the laughter of several men. The van pulled to a stop and she heard Paul say " We've only got until midnight. She felt a blindfold being placed around her eyes and then she was lifted and carried out of the van. “Get her lose” he heard Paul say and the spreader bar was removed from her wrists and ankles. She was relieved to stretch into a more comfortable position. Her relief was short-lived as she was carried out to the yard and felt her wrists and ankles being tied with rope. She felt herself being staked out spread-eagle in the grass. She was even less relieved when she felt her knees spread further apart and stakes driven into the ground on the inside of her thighs to keep her legs spread very far apart. “Shave her” commanded Paul and Angie heard the buzz of a hair-trimmer. She squirmed , buy knew better than to cry out, as she felt the trimmer remove the hair from her pussy. When she felt the hair being cut from her pussy, and felt someone blowing the cut hair away she felt herself being turned on. She thought this was all they were going to do when she felt the cool shaving cream being spread on her love mound and labia. “Be still Angie” a voice said “we want a close shave, and a straight razor is the closest shave there is”. Angie felt the wetness in her pussy growing and heard the man laugh “she don’t even need any shaving cream, she’s making her own!” Angie felt the gentle scrape and tug of the straight razor and was becoming terribly excited; blindfolded, tied spread-eagle in the grass, a group of men enjoying her discomfort. Now she was clean-shaven, naked, in the sun: the burning sun. “OK boys” Pail said, “let’s some back in a couple of hours after she’s ready. Ready!?!? Angie thought, Ready?! Paul must have read her mind when he said “A freshly shaved, sunburned pussy is the best for a slave, they make a lot more noise when the pussy is extra hot” he laughed and the men laughed as they walked away. Several hours later, it seemed like days, Angie’s skin felt quite sunburned, and her bare pussy seemed cooked. Angie heard voices approaching, but they were boy’s voices, not men’s. As they got closer she heard one boy say “Ma’am, uncle Paul said we should comedown and put some suntan lotion on you.” They pulled her blindfold off, but left the gag-ball in. The sun was blinding, but she was able to see 4 pre-teen boys staring at her nakedness. “I told you summer at uncle Paul’s was great didn’t I” said one boy to the othersr’ “Here, do it like this” giggled one boy as he held a bottle of suntan lotion to his crotch. Squeezing it, the bottle spurted a stream of milky white lotion all over Angie’s tits as if the boy was peeing or cumming on Angie. Laughing, the other boys did the same until they had emptied several bottles of suntan lotion all over Angie’s tits, belly, thighs, and pussy. “we’re supposed to rub it all in real good” the nephew said. All the boys eagerly started rubbing the lotion on Angie’s sunburned tits, boy like tits a lot more than pussies so they rubbed and rubbed her tits and nipples until Angie’s perfect breasts were red and shiny with the friction and lotion. They finished by rubbing in all the other lotion on her smooth belly, firm thighs, and shaved pussy. “Now watch this!” the nephew said, “I learned this last summer”. Stripping his shorts off, he straddled Angie’s chest, then leaned forward and rubbed his firm small penis all over Angie’s tits. “take that thing out of her mouth” he told the other boys. Angie was extremely grateful to be able to relax her jaw, but as soon as she relaxed her jaw, it was forced open again by the boy prying her mouth open with a plastic stick and forcing his penis into her mouth. He hunched and slammed her face, banging his pelvis into her face until she felt him shudder and squirt a few drops of boy cum into her mouth. Angie was getting very wet, despite her sunburned pussy. She was thrilled in a sick and dirty way by being face-fucked and used by a ten year old boy. “That’s right Stevie” she heard Paul’s voice say, “all you fellows take a turn, if you turn around and lay your head on her belly while you push your penis into her mouth she really likes that, don’t you slave? “Yes Master” Angie replied, she really did like that, especially their balls banging against her nose right before they came. Each boy face fucked Angie, and each boy squirted his boy-cum into her mouth or onto her face. She loved the other men watching her being used. “Now watch a grown man do it” said one of the men, “your dicks will grow soon and you’ll be able to make her gag like I’m going to” Having said this, he mounted her. He lay his head on her lower belly, near her sunburned pussy. He reached back to hold her head as he forced his long hard dick into her throat. “AAAAck, AAAAAAck gaaack’ Choked Angie as he pumped his hard dick harder and harder into her throat. With each stroke he slammed his balls hard against her nose, making her eyes water as she began to kick and thrash trying to get a fresh breath of air. She felt his dick grow thicker and harder right before she passed out from lack of air. The man gave each thrust a full hip& ass slam into her face as he squirted his cum directly into her belly. As he pulled out, she began to gasp for air, and the men and boys untied her and placed her back in the spreader bar and put her on her knees, ass in the air. When Angie came to, the first thing she heard was Paul saying “we’ll let that ass burn a little in the sun before we fuck it, You boys play all you want with her until I come back.” He laughed again “get her really warmed up” The boys yanked Angie’s head up by her hair and pushed her face on their penises until the all came again. They pinched and twisted and tugged on her tits until they were red and swollen. They paddled her with a boat paddle they had found and whipped her with a piece of rope . They finished their fun they all peed on her. When Paul and the men came back they saw their prize was completely ready. They hosed her off and argued who would fuck her first. Paul claimed sole rights to her asshole, but said he would go last. The first man poured vegetable oil all over her backside and positioning himself behind her, he pushed his huge rod into her sunburned pussy with a single stroke. Angie screamed at the stretching and the sunburn, and shrieked with pleasure on each stroke. When the man started to come, he pulled out, snatched Angie around by her hair and came all over her face. The men and boys cheered. Each man fucked Angie violently (she loved every painful minute) and each man came in her or on her. When they were done, she was a cum-covered mess: Cum matted her hair, was all over her face, and all over her ass. It was finally time for Paul to claim his reward; a deep, hard, ass-fuck of his slave. Leaving her in the spreader bar, he wrapped each tit in a dog collar and tied a rope to each. From behind, he prepared to ram his cock into her quivering rectum. He used the ropes tied to the dog-collars as reins as he mounted his horse-slave. His cock was a good 10 inches long and a big around as a coke bottle. Angie was exhausted from the sun, the face-fucking, the sunburned pussy fucking and general abuse at the hands of the boys: she could resist no more. Paul rammed his huge dick into Angie’s sphincter and she screamed, she screamed like a good slave should. As she was able to relax and accept the monster in her ass she began to fuck Paul back, pushing back with each stroke so Paul could ram his cock deep into her ass u to his balls. He pulled back HARD on the reins with each thrust. As he slammed her sunburned ass she felt his enormous cock grow larger and harder, she knew he was about to cum. He pumped harder and harder, and right before he came he pulled out of her ass, yanked Angie’s hair to bring her face up to meet his shit-covered cock, and shoved it into her mouth as he spurted load after load deep into the back of Angie’s throat. After he came, Paul lay down and placed Angie’s head on his crotch and told her to lick him clean with her tongue. She was still bound by the spreader bar so gravity kept her head pushed into his messy cock and balls: she licked him clean. It was only 7:00 and Angie still had 5 hours of slavery to go. Leaving her bound and naked in the spreader bar, Paul and his friends put Angie back in the van and drove her to the biker bar at the county line. The bikers glared at the ‘citizens’ pulling into their turf but smiled when they saw them unload the naked and trussed Angie and carry her into the bar and place her on her knees on the center of the pool table.. “She’s all yours till midnight” Paul called out to the biggest baddest biker, he nodded as he began to unbuckle his belt, and a line of his gang members started to form a line behind him… |
FAR FROM THE CITY'S BUSTLE It seemed to her like a crazy idea at first, to go out on a boat ride like this. When you went out with a boy, everybody knew you went to a movie or maybe an amusement park, or you went to sit on a bench or just hang around on the street. Of course some of them just wanted to park somewhere, but Jasmine didn't go for that -- or only for part of the date. This boat thing was really different from anything she had ever heard of anybody doing. And she found that it really was different. The sky was beautiful, blue and full of clouds, and living in the city she never thought to look up at it at all. The water looked very nice, and there were actually little fish living in it. Jasmine never would have thought that fish would live in a lake right in the city, though she had know for about all her life the lake was there; she had stood by it many times and thrown stones in it. But Bobby was different too, she guessed. She had gone out with him twice now, and he hadn't tried to get his hand on her breasts, let alone get into her pants. He just talked to her and they got to know each other. Bobby did kiss her, but he did not even do that much. Less than she was getting to want, in fact. Bobby had told her they would be out in the bright sunlight, so she wore a light white dress, and even the big white hat she wore to church when she visited her grandmother. That made her dark brown skin look more beautiful than ever to Bobby, but he did not say so. At least not when he met her. Bobby paid the old white man who rented the boats for three hours use. Jasmine thought that was an awfully long time to just row around, but he had not said what he had in mind beyond going out in the boat. He stepped into the boat, then took the wicker basket from her, then took her light chocolate hand to help her make the little hop to get in. And what was that blanket for that he had? He headed straight out from shore and Jasmine lay back and watched the sky and the water -- and Bobby. He, on the other hand, just faced her and only looked around once in a while to check where he was as he rowed. "The perfect picture of a lady of leisure taking pleasure in an outing on a sunny day," he said to her. "And you are the old-fashioned gentleman companion indulging her pleasure," she replied. "I would certainly like to provide you with as much pleasure as I can." She decided not to answer that one. It could lead to too much, for all the carefully innocent wording. She studied the half-visible fish that swam by the boat, and hoped the blush she felt did not show. When they were a little past the middle of the lake, she said, "Are you just going to the other side? I've never been there that I remember, but it doesn't look much different. More trees, maybe." "No, I'm not," he said. "Not really. Those trees aren't on the other side, but on an island close to it. That's where I want to go." Jasmine's eyebrows went up in surprise. "How'd you find out about that?" "It's on the map of the city, though you have to be almost behind the island to know it's there. I swam out there the first time when I was about ten. Really I've swum there since too, because I like the place. It's quiet." "You like to take girls there in a boat?" she asked. Maybe he wasn't that much better than the other boys she had known in her seventeen years. She might have to fight him off too. "No," Bobby said. "Though I'll say I've thought about it. But you are the first girl I have known who I thought might like it." Her mouth opened and she looked at him but she couldn't think what to say. The rowboat ran up onto the dirt and Bobby hopped out and pulled it further in so that Jasmine could step onto dry land. "There are a couple other boats on the lake. You think they are likely to come here?" "I doubt it," he said. "I've only a few times seen anybody land here. Don't know why, since I like the place a lot." Jasmine looked around, then followed Bobby as he walked away from the water. He stopped at a clearing with enough trees that you couldn't see the water easily, though it was not far away -- on all sides, really. They sat for a while and talked on the picnic blanket Bobby spread out, then ate the lunch he had brought. Jasmine was a little withdrawn at first, fiddling with her big white hat, then cast it aside and became more comfortable. Then he lay on his back and looked into the sky. Jasmine joined him, a little hesitantly. This, she thought, was the point where he was going to see what he could make her do. Well, yes and no. He put his brown arm around her, supporting her head, but he just talked for a while. Then he paused and told her how beautiful she looked in that dress, wearing that big white hat. She wanted to compliment him too, but the words would not come. She was not used to being told a thing like that when it not only was appropriate but might even be sincere. She just stared into his eyes; he stopped speaking and looked to her face. He kissed her, but after she had expected it and indeed after she wanted it. He never forced her, did not even really seem to lead her, but the time came when her whole body tingled with emotions and sensations he had aroused in her, her mouth almost ached from the exploration of his tongue, and his hand was gently brushing the black tip of one bare raised nipple -- for she had not worn a bra under that light white dress. Jasmine got to her feet, closed the top of her dress, and kissing his hand said, "I'll be back soon. I want to think alone." She stepped back the twenty feet or so to the rowboat. She looked out at the water, around at the trees, and back to where Bobby lay patiently on the blanket, looking into the heavens and not at the excited and troubled girl. Jasmine took several deep breaths while she thought. Why was this boy who seemed not to be trying able to do so much more to her and make her want to do so much more with him? And (in more than one way) what should she do? When she turned at last back from the lake, Bobby was standing and turned in her direction but looking at the ground. She walked to him and kissed his lips as his face rose towards her. That kiss began gently but did not remain so. His arms went around her as the kiss deepened, and in time her body sagged as he leaned forward. All the electric tension she had felt before returned, more quickly now as her breasts were pressed against his, as his hard manhood pressed against her. Jasmine straightened, stepped back, raised her hands to his neck. "Make love to me," she said as she unbuttoned his shirt. As the shirt came off, and his brown expanse of muscle was bared to her eyes and hands, and the shirt fell gently to the ground, he kissed her again. Bobby's fingers took the buttons of her light white dress down until she need only shrug to stand before him naked except for the panties that stood out against her brown skin and made him want her more. When Bobby had removed his trousers, he stepped with Jasmine to the edge of the blanket and held her hands as she sat, then lay, on it. He knelt and joined her. Their shoes were set aside by each other, with interruptions for gazes and touches and kisses, then Jasmine's hand entered his shorts to touch and hold and caress what she found there as his tongue entered her mouth again. As he knelt over her to circle his tongue tip round the little peak rising from one breast, she tugged the shorts off. His fingertips, hands, and lips and tongue brushed her, rubbed her, teased her, kissed her, from knees to forehead. Except for the portion of her still covered, where the effect of his caresses were most felt as he progressed; that he skipped over and never touched. She lay back as Bobby lifted her hips and removed her last garment, revealing her last and most hidden beauty. As he lay beside her, her lips sought his mouth once more while his fingers sought and caressed those other lips between her legs. It was soon as clear that she was ready to accept him there as it was obvious that he was ready to enter her. Her legs drifted apart and she softly said, "I want you very much." He took from the blanket the little foil packet which he had dropped there from his trousers. Bobby half-rose and knelt between Jasmine's open legs. His hand guided the head of his shaft to her entrance and he paused. "I want you very much," she repeated. "I want you," he replied, and he moved his hips. With a few moments, a few increasing strokes, he stopped in surprise. "You've never..." he whispered. "I want you!" she said fiercely. "Neither have I," he replied. And there came a gentle stretching, and a release, and her face changed from determination to a growing wonder. As Bobby raised his hips to withdraw, before slowly sliding in deeper, he wondered if the lubrication she had produced was now tinged with red, if there was blood on the latex that was all that separated them. The thought gave him an extra impulse to move forward and the additional force of his deepest lunge made Jasmine gasp. Bobby had heard that long slow strokes would allow him to keep going until a woman was thoroughly satisfied. The truth of that he could not judge here, with his inexperience and the tightness of her equally untried tunnel. All he knew was that he lasted as long as he could, that it was an eternity of heaven, and that it was over much too quickly. Jasmine, however, was plainly very happy. She felt the impact of his squirting semen through the barrier at the perfect moment to send a convulsion of ecstasy through all of her body. She surprised herself by suggesting that they dip naked into the lake, crouching until they entered the water, going to the side away from the land to avoid being seen. They dressed later, wanting to do it all again but unsure that their bodies could. The old man was grumpy but did not charge them extra for being a half-hour late bringing the boat back. |
I waited up until twelve thirty in case Maria phoned and then when she didn’t went to bed, I decided to sleep in our spare bedroom because we have a king size bed, and thought with any luck Maria would bring at least two guy's back therefore she would want plenty of room on the bed. I wedged our bedroom door open, I wanted to hear the action, I knew Maria would understand and not close it. I left the door of the bedroom I was in open too, because I was so excited I thought that I wouldn’t go to sleep. However I did go to sleep, I woke during the night, I looked at the time, it was three o’clock, Maria wasn’t in bed, at first all was quite, I thought Maria was still out looking for guy's, then I heard Maria giggling,she sounded as if she was enjoying herself,then she let out a low moan , it was the sound she makes when she is enjoying being fucked. The moaning got louder until she was crying out loudly, I knew she would cum soon, she did with a very loud yell. I lay quietly waiting to see if she was finished, she wasn’t, she was soon moaning again. I left the bed quietly and went to the our bedroom ,I stood in the shadow coming from the room,hoping I wouldnt be seen. The bedside light was on and I saw there were three guy's with her, one guy was lying on his back with Maria straddled across his hips, her cunt was impaled on his cock, another guy was having his cock sucked by Maria, the third one was playing with her tits, this was the first time I had seen Maria being fucked by three strangers in our place, I liked it, it was enough to make me cum without touching my cock. Maria started to enjoy herself even more,she started thrusting her cunt up and down on the guys cock,repeating over and over that she wanted to be fucked senseless. She told the two guys not fucking her to bite her nipples,when they did she let out a wail,she told them not to stop. Suddenly she rolled off of the guy she was fucking and lay on her back with her legs open wide,she told the guys she wanted to be fisted,first one guy fisted her and then the others. All three got their hands in her cunt up to their wrists,Maria was squirming around moaning in pleasure,she kept urging them to get their hands in even further,she was by then really making a loud noise,one of the guys told her to be quieter,he said I would hear her,Maria laughed and told him he didnt have to worry because she could do what she wanted,if she wanted to be fucked by a football team Im couldnt do anything about it,the guy laughed and asked her if she would like to be fucked by a football team,Maria laughed and said she did,my cock went hard again. Next Maria knelt on all fours,still with one of the guys hands in her cunt and said she wanted her arse fucked at the same time. First one and then the other fucked her arse until they came,then the third guy fucked her arse and came. I thought they must have finished but Maria wasnt ready to finish just then,she told them she wanted to be licked into orgasm. The three guys took it in turn to give her orgasms with their tongues,I counted Maria cumming twelve times,the guys were ready to fuck her again. I continued watching for a long time,they did every depraved thing they could do to Maria,she loved every minute of it, until eventually they had finished. I quietly went back to bed and waited to see if Maria would come. I didn’t have long to wait, I heard Maria talking quietly followed by muffled men’s voices, I heard Maria laugh, she was obviously happy, then I heard the stairs creek and the front door being opened and closed quietly. I heard Maria go to the bathroom and have a quick shower, then she got in bed and snuggled up to me, I turned and cuddled her. Maria knew I wasn’t asleep and kissed me long and hard, I asked her what that was for, she said it was for being the best husband in the world, I asked her how I was the best husband, she replied because not many husbands would let their wives enjoy themselves the way she had that night. I said that I was the lucky one, not many wives would be so unselfish and do what she was doing for their husbands, she giggled and said that was true, she asked if I wanted her to continue being so unselfish, I said of course I did, but even more so, she sighed in pleasure. I wanted her to commit herself so asked if she would keep on doing it for me, she said of course for as long as I wanted her to, I said she didn’t have to ask, of course i wanted her to do it ,and for ever, but even more often than she had been,ideally I would like her to fuck or be fucked twenty four hours a day seven days a week, Maria giggled again and said in that case she wouldn’t bother asking me if it was alright for her to fuck other guy's, I said of course she didn’t have to. She giggled even more and said I was insatiable, but she would try even harder for me, I said she had to promise she would fuck different guys at least twice a day every day,she promised she would,I was happy then. We fucked several times during what little was left of the night. In the morning I asked Maria if she had bought any guy's back with her, she smiled and said that I knew she had, I asked her how I knew, she said because I had watched them, she knew I would that is why she had left the light on. I didn’t deny it but was amazed that she knew. She said that she could sense me there, especially after she had heard me cum. She asked if I had enjoyed watching, I had to admit I had,she said in that case she would try and put a show on for me later,I made her promise she would. Maria said that she had waited for me to come and watch for a long time, I asked her how long, but she didn’t know, only that the guy's had fucked her at least once each before I arrived. She said she had chosen three guy's as her ‘punishment’ for not obeying me, as I had told her to, she knew I would enjoy seeing her being fucked by them, and from now on she would do the same, whenever she could ,I asked her if she still intended to, she said after last night definitely, she said that she enjoyed groups to individuals , she asked if I preferred her bringing groups or individuals home, I said groups of course, Maria said I was right again she did need to fuck at least two guy's, it wasn’t a quick fuck and then goodbye, what she liked was the way the guy's tried to surpass each other. I had to agree,but said sometimes she should fuck individuals,as an act of kindness,Maria giggled and said perhaps she would fuck individuals between fucking groups. I asked her how her dress had gone down at the club, she said it had been amazing as soon as she had walked in she had been surrounded by guy's,she had teased them all, and told them that she was looking for at least three guy's to take home and fuck, she took her time choosing who she would fuck, she said that she loved the power she had over guy's. I asked if she had fucked any guys at the club,she said she hadnt,but had sucked a few off,because she felt sorry for them because she couldnt invite them all home,I laughed and said she was very considerate. I asked if she was going out again that night to find more guy's, she said she didn’t think so, she wanted a rest,I thought she had only said that to provoke me into saying something. I said i would have to think about it, I might insist she went out, she said she would leave it up to me to decide.She also said that she would like me to set her tasks to perform,I asked her what she meant,she said for example I could tell her to strip off in public or fuck on a train or anything,she said it would be exciting. I thought for a moment and then said I would but with one proviso,Maria asked what it was,I said if I set her a task she had to carry it out without argument and to do it exactly as I demanded,she smiled and said of course she would. |
Every year in high school, the band went on a competitive field trip. Sometimes we went to Myrtle Beach or Virginia Beach, or sometimes the destinations were a surprise. However, once every four years we went to Florida and played in the Disney World Parade- this allowed every class the chance to experience the "Disney trip". I use quotes because "Disney trips" were not like the others. We would have shirts made for the entire band that said things like "some finger fast and some blow hard" or "for more sound blow harder" or "Nymphonic Band" and the band parents wouldn't care what we did at Disney World, some would purposefully turn their backs and allow all hell to break loose. Other trips weren't half as crazy or free. Among the students, however, the rules never changed- "What happens on band trip stays on band trip" Now that I roughly explained the setting, and the attitudes we had, I can introduce you to the girl and myself. For privacy's sake, and because I'm too lazy to write her full name a bunch of times, I'll call the girl Sue. Sue was beautiful. She had long dirty-blonde hair, green eyes, and a smile that can only be described as indescribable. She was fifteen at the time so all I cared about were those perky C-cup breasts and that round ass that fit perfectly into my hands. She was a little on the "tom-boyish" side, so shorts and a tee shirt were mostly what she wore. Her personality couldn't have been any better, though. She was optimistic and had a great sense of humor. She was also very open about her feelings and about what she wanted, liked, or disliked. She was never pushy though, she was caring and at the same time she'd slap you for tickling her. Basically, she was fun. Me, on the other hand, I wasn't acceptable to many people. Some thought I was a dork (which I'd have to agree with) and others thought I was a rebel, and still others were just unsure. My friends always describe me as fun, charismatic, and brave. Being as I would do about anything to make people laugh, I guess this is true. Anyways, I'm just an average guy, not much to look at, but far from ugly. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and sometimes I'd shave. Now HERE is what happened. We all loaded on the buses and headed down to Florida. It was about a sixteen-hour drive; so bonding with the people around us was inevitable. I sat with my friend Adam and my friend Jen sat across the aisle from me. I had known Jen for a couple of years, but our relationship had never really surpassed just being well acquainted. During the bus ride we talked and joked and became much closer, so when she decided to hang out with me and my friends for the duration of the trip, I wasn’t surprised. We arrived at our hotel early and unpacked for the weekend. Everybody went to the pool to swim and cause mayhem, so my buddies and I joined them. I had just sat down in a lounge chair when Jen and Sue ran over, practically yelling, “Come swim with us!” “Ok,” I said and they each grabbed an arm and we walked to the deep end of the pool. We jumped in and swam around for a while and just had a good time. When we got out, Sue went to get us towels and I said to Jen, ”I didn’t know you and Sue were Friends?” She replied, “Oh yeah, ever since elementary school. Why? Do you like her?” “Well, I don’t know about that, but I can’t seem to keep my eyes off her assets.” Jen giggled and whispered, “You know she has a boyfriend?” As Sue walked over with the towels I simply just stated, “I know,” and we dried off and headed for our rooms. There were a lot of things planned for the trip and we had to get ready for our day. Apparently, Jen had said something to Sue because when we arrived at the House of Blues, for lunch, Sue hurried over to sit with us and she was being very flirtatious with me. I was ready to rip her clothed off and bang her right on the table after about five minutes, but I stayed calm and flirted back. For the remainder of that day and for the entire second day of the trip, Sue went everywhere I went and the flirting had progressed into mild groping- when nobody was around. We had fun and saw many things at Disney’s multiple parks. By the end of the second day I felt like I was on vacation with a very close girlfriend. After we returned to our rooms for the night, the phone rang. Adam answered and talked for a moment and then announced that it was for me. The other two guys in our room made their comments and I grabbed the phone. “Hello,” I really wasn’t sure who was calling. “Hey there,” Sue’s voice was like a harp. “Hi, what’s up?” “I want you to meet me.” “ I can’t…” (The band parents sat right outside our room) “ No, in the morning, by the pool. Wear your bathing suit.” I said, “Ok, ah, what time?” “6:00” “Why?” I asked. She said, “Just be there” “Ok, I will” I answered and she hung up the phone. Adam yelled, “What was that about?” I just said, “Nothing” and, after a little harassment, we continued our usual guy things. I was beyond excited, though. I couldn’t sleep, and the night seemed to drag on forever. Finally it was 5:45 and I got dressed and headed for the pool. I kept imagining what might happen. My fantasies were running wild. I got to the pool and saw Sue sitting in one of the chairs. There was no one else around and I couldn’t help but wonder what was about to happen. I walked over to Sue and she quickly stood up and kissed me deeply and passionately. For a second I envisioned her bent over a lounge chair as I plowed her doggie-style. When I got my wits about me again, I asked, “ Why’d you want me to meet you?” (I was trying to play it cool) She said, “Because we have that five hour break later and I wanted to see if you’d spend it with me?” “Well of course, what did you have in mind?” I said innocently. She stood up and jumped in the pool. “Come in” she said softly as she cleared the water from her eyes. I jumped in and swam over to her. She wrapped her arms and legs around me, put her forehead against mine and said, “If you listen to me this well later today, you won’t be sorry,” then she pushed away, swam to the edge of the pool and got out. As she walked away she yelled, “Meet me at my room when our free-time starts.” I stood confused for a second and then got out of the pool. My mind was running a hundred miles a minute and the only thing keeping me flaccid was the cold-ass water that I just got out of. When I got back to my room, the other guys were awake and, of course, began harassing me about my early morning swim. I simply said, “Nothing happened.” Adam answered, “YEAH RIGHT! Now come on-- Did you get any?” “No,” I said, “But I might later.” “She’s gonna tear you up, boy” one of the other guys replied. (This was one of our common expressions) “Yeah, we’ll see,” I answered. We went to breakfast and began the day’s events. However, Sue seemed more distant than on the previous two days. “Maybe she’s having second thoughts,” I thought, and the added stress only made the day seem to drag more. We went to a water park, to a mall, and finally we got back to the hotel. We had to stay in our rooms for an hour because we were supposed to pack our bags for the trip home. That hour alone seemed to last for ten days. I shoved my belongings into my suitcase and waited for 3 o’clock. At ten till I started towards Sue’s room, four band parents stopped me on the way to make sure my bags were packed. Finally I reached her room and I nervously knocked. The door flew open and there stood one of Sue’s roommates. “Hey, is Sue here?” I said. “ Ah, Yeah,” She sarcastically replied and then turned and said with an annoyed tone, “Hey Sue, somebody’s here to see you.” (As if she didn’t know who I was.) I saw her shove one last thing into her bag and then walk over. “Hi, are you ready?” “Um, sure, for what?” I quietly said. “Come with me.” Sue grabbed my hand, and we began to walk down the hall. “I accidentally discovered an empty unlocked room over here.” My dick about shot through the front of my shorts, but I tried to play it cool saying, “Oh yeah, what good does that do us?” Playfully she replied, “You’ll see” We entered the room and she locked the dead bolt. “So what are we gonna do for five hours in here?” I said, pretending not to have a clue. She grabbed my arm and led me over to the bed, then she turned me so my back was facing it and said, “close your eyes and you’ll find out” I closed my eyes even though the thought of her playing dominatrix scared me. I heard her take off her shirt and bra and then her shorts. I wondered if she wasn’t wearing panties because I didn’t hear her move from the time her shorts came off until I felt her hands pulling my shirt off. She ran her breasts down my chest to my stomach, which caused me to take a deep breath. She asked, “Do you like that?” but quickly put her finger over my mouth so I wouldn’t answer. She knelt down and unbuttoned my shorts while she sucked on my stomach. She pulled my shorts down and I lifted each leg so my feet wouldn’t be restricted. “Wow, impressive,” she said, as she began lightly stroking my member (I personally don‘t wear underwear). I didn’t know what to say so I remained silent. I felt her lick the head of my dick and then put a little in her mouth, sucking lightly a few times. Then she said, “I’ve done this before, but I’ve never been fucked. I think your gonna be my first.” I reached down, grabbed her arms and pulled her up. I opened my eyes and looked directly into hers and asked, “Are you sure?” She had a stupid look of shock for a second and then said, “Who said you could open your eyes?” I took this response as a “Yes” and let go of her arms and shut my eyes. Sue knelt back down on the floor and in one swift motion took all eight inches of my cock down her throat and began bobbing. This feeling was new to me because other girls I had been with could barely take half of me. It felt great, though, and I knew it would make me cum quick. Sue also realized this and pulled my dick out of her bobbing mouth just before I would’ve filled her belly with goo. She stood up, dragging her hands up the front of my body and then resting them on my shoulders. I fought to keep my eyes closed as I heaved deep breaths of pleasure. We stood like this for only a few seconds, but it seemed like an hour. Suddenly Sue said, “Open your eyes.” I did what she said and allowed my eyelids to swing open. In front of me was one of the most wonderful sights a 17-year-old boy can see. Two gorgeous, large, perky tits and a beautiful teenage girl staring directly in my eyes, with that certain sparkle in her eye that says take me now. She asked, “You weren’t about to let go and ruin the next few hours were you?” “I was trying not to,” was all I could say. Sue gave me a devilish smile and said. “That’s a good boy, now how are you gonna make me feel good?” Then she pushed me on the bed, slid down her panties, and climbed on top of me. With her hair dangling around her face, she stared into my eyes for a moment and then forcefully kissed me. Then she sat up a little, grabbed my dick, positioning it to penetrate her wet pussy, and then vigorously impaled her little body with my cock. She let out a loud, ‘Agghhh” and remained motionless for a few moments. Her eyes closed and her head tilted back, I laid still worried that she was in pain. Slowly she leaned forward and positioned her elbows by my shoulders. She let her head fall forward as she opened her eyes. I stared into those gorgeous green emeralds for a few seconds and then asked, “Are you alright?” “Yeah, it feels great,” she passionately replied and then slowly began gyrating. She started with slow, short strokes and quickly moved to fast long strokes. “Oh…mmm…nhhh…” flowed from her mouth as she pumped her pussy onto me. After only a few minutes her voice increased to screams. “AHHH…..AHHHH…OHHHHHH” and Sue came. Her juices flowed down my dick and through the crack of my ass, then she crashed onto my body, gasping for breath. I laid still until she began kissing my neck, then I knew she was ready for more. I rolled her over and got on top. Now I was in charge and she wasn’t going to forget this day. I slid my dick back into her tight snatch and began to fuck. The screams and moans were at full volume almost immediately. Even more quickly than before Sue came again. The vaginal spasms were like a warm massage for my prick as I pounded her through her orgasm. When she stopped spasming I decided to get a little rougher. I pulled her to the edge of the bed so I could stand and give her a good slamming. I pulled her legs up with my arms and grabbed her waist, then rammed it back into her dripping cunt. I slammed her as hard and deep as I could for about five minutes and then she came again. This time her eyes rolled back in her head and she shot a stream of fluid all over my chest. I had never seen a girl squirt like that before and it caused me to shoot my load deep in her warm box. I came harder than I had ever cum before. Barely able to stand, I rolled over onto the bed. Sue quickly turned and fervently kissed me. We made out for a little while and then I said, ”I’m sorry, when you squirted…” “Don’t worry about it,” she interrupted. “But…” “Don’t Worry” she insisted. “Now if this is gonna continue I have to pee.” “Oh no you don’t,” I said as I held her from standing up. “Your pussy just wants more.” Then I rolled her over and positioned her face down with her ass hanging over the edge of the bed. I knew she really did have to pee, but I also knew that if I drank just a little piss then all of her inhibitions would be lost and every dirty little pleasure she desired, she would ask for. I knelt down and shoved my tongue in her slit. The combination of my cum and her juices was like fresh cantaloupe with a little salt. I moved down her pussy to her clit and tapped it with my tongue. A couple spurts of piss shot into my mouth. It didn’t taste that bad. I moved up and down her snatch, every time I hit her clit she would shoot a little reward out for me. Sue reached back and grabbed my hair and I headed straight for her button. I began flicking my tongue over the little nub and drinking the piss that came out. She pulled up on my head and I immediately followed, worrying that my plan had grossed her out. When I tried to stop at her little pink hole, to my surprise she kept pulling up and toward her. So I licked up over her perineum and began flicking my tongue at her asshole. She let go of my hair and spread her ass cheeks. My plan had worked. I licked at her ass for a few moments before I remembered how badly she needed to urinate. Continuing to suck her asshole, I reached up to rub her clit. As soon as my fingers made contact piss began running down my chest. As disgusting as it was, licking her ass and being pissed on made me very horny. “Push your tongue in my horny little ass,” Sue began to whimper. (Tasting her shit wasn’t exactly on my to-do list but) I plunged my tongue into her little sphincter. Again I was surprised by the taste, although it wasn’t pleasant it wasn’t that awful either. I dug my tongue as deep into her ass as I could and judging by her moans, she appreciated my willingness to lick her bowels. After a few minutes of this she rolled over and said, “You have to fuck my ass!” Without say a word I stood up, spit in my hand, rubbed the spit on my cock, positioned myself, and slid my dick slowly into her tight little asshole. It felt great, her ass was a lot tighter than her pussy. I slowly pushed in until I was completely inside her little asshole. She bit her lip and clenched her eyes so I asked, “Does that hurt?” “A little,” she replied, “But don’t stop- Fuck me hard.” I began to move my cock in and out of her ass with quick, short strokes and I felt her loosen up a little. Her eyes opened and she showed signs of enjoyment even before she squealed, Yeeeah, Fuck my little asshole!” I plowed my cock in and out of her until she came. She came hard and pushed her ass against me. The rhythmic squeezing up her ass sucked another load out of my dick. Before I lost my hard-on she sprung up and practically threw me on the bed. She quickly positioned herself over me in a 69 and once again my cock down her own throat. Then she pushed her ass onto my mouth, and I licked my cum out of her. My dick twitched in her mouth as she bobbed away and with the greatest feeling I’ve ever had I felt fluid pour from the tip (I think it was piss though). When my dick stopped shooting, she lifted herself from the 69 position and moved around to the side of the bed. I felt her lick my asshole a couple of times and before I could think about how great that felt she shoved a finger inside of me. Poking around my rectum Sue asked, ”Do you like that?” Surprisingly enough, I did, so I replied, ”Mmm hhmmm” and she pushed another finger into my ass. Instinctively I lifted my legs and she knelt down to lick my balls. She worked two fingers in and out of my asshole quickly and forcefully, stopping only to suck on them to lubricate. She fucked my ass with her fingers and sucked in my balls and I couldn’t believe I enjoyed. After she worked my ass for several minutes, I had the strangest orgasm I ever had. My dick was soft, yet I still oozed cum from the tip. She worked me through my orgasm and sucked the cum off my belly and out of my soft cock. Lying down next to me she kissed me deeply and snowballed my cum into my mouth. We passionately kissed for several minutes and then laid in each other’s arms silently for several more. Sue broke the silence by saying, “Let’s go take a shower.” I answered, “Ok” and we took a quick shower together (We didn’t have time for a long shower because our 5-hour break was almost over). We got dressed and before we walked out of the room shared one more long kiss. Our band went to a restaurant before heading home and apparently Sue told Jen about my manhood, because for weeks after our return all I heard from Jen was comments like, “Hey big boy” and various other phallic references. I tried getting Sue to dump her boyfriend, but what happens band trip stays on band trip so I only gained just a new friend. |
I had always been a different. I liked girls, boys and Animal. So this is an account of my fun times with my friend, Matt and his rotti x Shepard. It all started at the age of 14, Matt and I had been friends for years, in fact I can’t remember a childhood without Matt. So as we grew up there were very few secrets. I member one Saturday I went over to Matt’s house, we were going to go fishing. When I got there, Matt’s Dad, Jeff was driving out the drive way heading to work. Jeff was a police officer so most days of the week Jeff was away. Jeff and Matt lived near the beach, Jeff owned the house. He brought it just after Matt’s mum passed away. Jeff never remarried but he had girlfriends and one hell of a porn collection. I went around the back as I normally did. As I opened the gate I was greeted by Boss, Matt’s big Rottiweiler x German Shepard dog. He may have looked mean and scary but he was the biggest wimp of a dog you’d ever met. I gave Boss a pat and continued on my way up to the back door. Matt was standing in the kitchen and saw me as I walked up to the glass sliding door. Matt opened it. He was looking very pleased with himself as he let me in the house. “Hi Dave.” Matt smiled at me. “Hey.” I replied trying to work out why he looked pleased. I sat down at the kitchen counter. Matt walked around the other side of the of the kitchen counter and opened one of the draws. “Check this out, Dave, I have something better then fishing for us to do!” Matt said as he pulled out one of Jeff’s Porno movies. The woman on the cover was being fucked by a black guy while she sucked a horses cock. At that age, as you all could imagine, I was keen to see and know everything there was about sex. Matt and I walked into the living room and sat in the double seater. Matt looked like he wanted to do more then watch a porn movie. But I was just over the moon about seeing naked women and another guy’s cock. Matt stood up and put the porn movie in the VCR then headed back to where we were sitting. The movie started. It looked full on. In the opening few seconds, there were flash shots of women, animals and men doing all these sex things that boys our age could only dream about. We watched for only a few minutes before I felt my cock growing bigger. I was screaming to come out. Man I wanted to. I looked over at Matt, who was looking at me. I could see that his cock had grown too and was begging to brake free of his shorts. “Hey Matt, you ever pull yourself?” I asked, not thinking before I said it. I wasn’t sure what Matt was going to say. I knew he’d tell me the truth. But I was worried that he’d say no and that I’d feel like a retard because I had been playing with my dick a lot over the last year or so. “Yeah, I do.” Matt said. “Me too, man I want to right now.” I said. Matt smiled and nodded his head. With that I pulled down my shorts and pulled out my rock hard cock. I started to stroke it up and down, it felt great. I saw that Matt was watching me. But that was fine, I didn’t care. “Can I play with your dick?” Matt asked as he ripped out his big, fat cock. His cock was huge. I felt embarrassed as my cock was only 6” inches and Matt’s was at least 8” or 9” inches. Before I could answer, Matt had my cock in his hand and working my cock. He started slowly and slowly worked up to a faster pace. I grabbed Matt’s cock and started to try to match speed. We pulled each, watching the movie as we both worked each up. I don’t know where or how but Boss was now in the living room watching us. Matt saw Boss there then stopped playing with me and looked at Boss with a smirk on his face. “Dave, watch this!” Matt said as he stood up and walked over to Boss. Matt stood there, cock hard as a rock, Boss sat then started to lick Matt’s cock. The delight on Matt’s face was unbelievable. Even Boss seemed to look very happy. I continued playing with my cock, no longer watching the porn movie, but now watching my best friend getting a blow job from his dog. After a few minutes, Matt and Boss came over to me. Matt sat down then leaned down over my cock and took it in his mouth. I was shocked, nervous and very horny. Boss then came in on the act and started to sniff my balls then started to lick them. It was world shattering to say the least. I could feel my cock pulsating harder and harder. I knew I was about to cum. But I tried to fight it, but couldn’t. I blow my load, Matt nearly choked and spat my cum all over me. Before I could react, Boss started to lick the cum up from my belly and crotch. Now that Matt had given me my first blow job, I wanted to give him his first blow job, well from a human. As Boss finished licking my cum and going back to lick the head of my cock I leaned down and took Matt’s huge cock in my mouth. His cock tasted great. I jerked my head back and forth running my tongue over every last part of his tasty cock. While Boss made me hard again. Matt seemed to have cummed very quickly. I swallowed it, it took a bit to get use to the taste. But I didn’t want to stop. After the second time I made Matt cum, Boss was trying to join in on sucking Matt’s cock. So I pulled Matt’s cock out of my mouth. Me and Boss then started licking Matt’s hard cock. For the rest of the day, Matt, Boss and I fooled around with each other. That was the best Saturday ever. It was the start of something that would last for a few years to come. Depending on how you the readers rate this story I may write the two other parts to this story. |
Over the summer I decided to visit my old friend Ray in the neighborhood I used to live in a couple years ago. I haven't seen him in a long ass time so it was good to catch up with him. I finally got to the house after a long four and a half hours of driving. I was ready to get some damn sleep. As I was getting my bags out the trunk my eyes caught some sexy ass white girl washing a car in a tiny jean skirt and a bikini top. That’s when I grabbed Ray by the shoulder. "Yo Ray, who's that?" "Oh that’s Stacey. Every guy on the block got some from her." He had a light smile on his face. "Even you?" "Yeah." "Well I’ll hit it before I leave. In fact I'll talk to her now." I said confidently. Then I walked across the street. Her back was facing me so she didn't see me yet until she turned around. Damn this girl had ass, it was round, big and tight. Personally I was an ass man. She had light brown silky hair to her stomach and milky white flawless skin. What made her ass look so big was the small waist, in fact the rest of her body was small. She had perfect thin long legs. She looked like she was around 5'5. She turned around and looked at me. "Wassup?" I asked. She set the water hose down and walked down the driveway towards me. I was now face to face with her. "Hey. Do I know you?" She had one of those cute high pitch girlie voices, now that I was able to look at her close up she had light blue eyes, like ice maybe. She had perfect dick sucking full lips along with soft facial features. Not only that she was almost busting out that tiny bikini top with her big tits. "No you don’t know me. I’m a friend of Rays I came all the way out of California to see him, I used to live in your house." "Really? Well Rays a nice guy and a good friend so if you're anything like him, im interested." Every time she said a word with "TH" in it she stuck her tongue out slightly between her teeth. In a way she was letting me know she had tongue skills. "I’m Marlon, and you." "I’m Stacey." "Pretty name, but obviously so are you." She sweetly blushed and turned her head away from me. In some form of embarrassment. "What baby... You don’t believe me?" "No not that, I just wasn't prepared for that." She it said giggling and her tits bouncing. And me looking. I noticed she had a habit of running her fingers through her hair and letting it all cascade back down. That was sexy. "How old are you?" She asked. "17." "Me too." There was a long pause "Do you wanna come inside? You know, finish talking." I knew and she knew that we weren't gonna just "talk" this girl was easy. But why? She was so beautiful. Its usually the ugly ones like that. I knew that the second after I slept with her all this interest I had in her now would be gone. I wanted to stay and play for a few days. "Baby, you know I would but I gotta finish unpacking how bout I catch up with you later." "Okay, do you want my number?" "Lets see... Let me come over at around this time tomorrow." "Okay! Bye Marlon, it was nice meeting you." She reached over and wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug. At first I was surprised but I went with the flow and wrapped my arms around her waist. Her body was warm and her tits felt good pressed up against my chest. After the hug was over she sweetly smiled and went back to washing the car. I went back to Rays house. And told him everything. At least everything he didn’t see out the window. We were in his room setting up the air mattress. "Shit I forgot to bring my condoms!" I said "I got you covered." Ray said as he pulled a box out his drawer. I got up and grabbed the box away from him. "Man, you know I cant wear these small ass condoms. I need the large ones." Of course I forgot to mention Ray was white. He had brown hair and brown eyes, and an athletic build. Although we were complete opposites he was still a best friend and a good person. "You black guys think you're so bad with your "so called" big dicks. When it really depends on the motion of the ocean!" He began moving his hips around in some rythmless geek way. I began to laugh. The next day after going out and buying condoms that were actually my size. Ray and I went back to his house and I got ready to go over Stacey's house. I decided to go for the hardcore thug look. I wore a black du rag on my head, a whitebeater with black baggy khaki pants. By the way im darkskinned 6'2 exactly 205 pounds, athletic build and brown eyes. I walked back into his room to hear head throbbing rock music. "Turn that shit off!" I yelled as I rummaged through my bags and threw a G-Unit CD at him. He looked at it with dis interest and threw it back. I turned around and walked out the room and out the house as Rays mom looked at me like I was a crime suspect. I walked up to Stacey's door and knocked, in no less than two seconds did she answer it. "Hi Marlon." She opened the door and let me in. She wore tiny white shorts and a matching white midriff that tied up at the breasts. This outfit could seriously fit a six year old, but it looked damn sexy on her. "You look nice." I said. "Thank you." She walked in front of me. Half her ass was hanging out those teeny shorts. It was meaty and juicy as hell. I was tempted to slap it. I didnt realize I was licking my lips and staring at it until we hit the kitchen and she turned around completley catching me. She ran her fingers through her hair. "I’m gonna fix us a drink okay." She softly said. I sat down on the stool in her kitchen. My old house looks way better now than when we used to live in it, i thought. I saw her open up the top cabinet to get some glasses. She had to be doing this on purpose, standing on her tip toes and reaching as high as she can. I don’t even think she was wearing panties. That big ass was all I was looking at. She grabbed the glasses and fell off her tip toes quick and hard makikng her ass jiggle. I was ready to lose my mind. "Oh shit." I accidentally said. "What was that?" She asked while walking to the fridge. "Uhh, with ice." "You got it." She fixed the drinks and walked in front of me handing me my glass of soda. I took a sip and realized she was getting closer. So close she was now between my legs. For the second time she ran her fingers through her hair, letting it all cascade back down. Looking at me with her longing blue eyes. She pressed her lips against mine and slid her tongue in my mouth. As she wrapped her arms around my neck. I began to kiss her back exploring her mouth and caressing my tongue up against hers. My hands started on her waist but moved to her hips, then her ass. Once I had my hands on it I didn't wanna let go. My fingertips pressed into her soft ass. With one of my hands I took it off and re grabbed it. Almost slapping it. I loved how it felt. She kissed me harder after that. I knew I could have her now but I wanted to save it for later. "You wanna go upstairs Marlon?" She asked. My hands still on her ass and her arms still around my neck. I looked down at her large breasts and then back into her eyes. "Not yet, Baby I've only been here for about 7 minutes, lets watch TV." She gave me a strange look and walked toward the den as I followed behind her, still watching that ass. We sat on the couch with ample space between us. She had the remote and flipped the channel to one of those disgusting plastic surgery procedure shows. Looking at it with interest. "You watch this shit?" I asked after sipping my drink. "Yeah, It prepares me." "Prepares you for what?" "Next year I’m getting a boob job." Huh, I thought. This girl already had to be packing D cups. Why the hell would she. "Why. You know they're already big." That gave me an excuse to look at them "Yeah, but I don’t want big. I want HUGE." "Those are enough to satisfy any man." I added. She scooted closer and closer to me until our bodies touched. "Enough to satisfy you?" She asked in a sexy voice. She fondled with the tie on her midriff and untied it. Her large firm tits came free out of her top. She had perfect and perky breasts with pink areolas and nipples. She watched me watching them. Her top still on and untied. "Are they enough Marlon?" She broke the erotic silence and my observant staring. I looked back into her eyes. "Y-yeah." I said stammering. "You can touch them if you want." Stacey was good. She knew how to play the game. She wanted it now and this was her way of trying to get me. Licking my lips in lust, I grabbed one of them gently as she arched her chest out lightly smiling. I moved down and lightly sucked on one of them, at first I had most of it in my mouth, then I moved to her nipple and began to separatley suckle on it. I continued swirling my tongue around the rest of her breast. Her arm went around me and she began to caress the back of my neck. Then she moved in for another kiss. Once again I felt her soft lips up against mine and her tounge in my mouth. My dark black hand still squeezing her other creamy white breast, feeling her hard nipple in the middle of my hand. My other hand grabbed her other breast. I just couldn't let go, they felt so damn good. She started laying down expecting me to get on top of her...I did...I was laying on top of her, in between her legs. My dick now touching her pussy. I was now propped up on my elbows as she continued to kiss me grinding her hips up against my now hard dick. Feeling the slight mound between her thighs. And her arms still around my neck. "Mmmm you feel so big." She moaned referring about the size of my dick. "Fuck me Marlon." I got off the top of her, sitting up to my former position. "Is there something wrong?" She asked getting up, her top still full and wide open. "Stacey, I didn't wanna just jump to the fuckin, lets just take this slower." "Wow, Do you have a girlfriend or something?" "No, I just wanna take this in steps." "Steps?" She asked running her fingers through her hair again for the fifth time by now. "Come on I haven't even seen it. I’m desperate to know if its true about black guys." "You will baby." "Can I still suck it?" I wasn't expecting to hear that. "Yeah." I said casually when I was exited on the inside. I unbuckled my belt and unzipped my zipper and pulled it out. That’s when she got off the couch and onto her knees. "Oh my God, it's soooo big." She looked at it with a smile and with no further questions she slowly slid my dick into her mouth. Her lips were so soft pressed up against my dick and her mouth was wet and warm. Her mouth looked overstuffed with my dick inside it. She sucked on the head then moved down to get the rest. That’s when she took me by surprise and effortlessly shoved it down her throat. That’s when I groaned and palmed the back of her head pushing it down on my cock. It was going in and out her throat at a quick pace now. The sensations of her wet mouth and throat felt like heaven on my dick, so i rested my head back and enjoyed every moment. I anticipated the moment I'd get to cum deep down in her throat. "That’s right, suck daddys dick." "Yeah suck on it real good." When someones giving you real good head anything comes out your mouth. "Don’t stop sucking my dick bitch." The encouragement made her even more passionate about it when she took it back inside her mouth and sucked it like a vacuum. That’s when I felt the cum rise up from my balls, travel up my dick and squirt three giant squirts of my blackman seed into her mouth. My climax was sharp and intense. Some of the cum got on the side of her mouth, but the rest of it she swallowed down like a pro. She licked my dick clean of all its creamy white contents, gave it one final suck and stopped. "Damn Stacey." I said putting my dick back in my pants. She giggled and then took a sip of her soda. With her shirt still opened and untied she sat on my lap and rested her head on my shoulder. "There’s a lot more where that came from." She answered running her fingers in circles around my chest. I grabbed one of her tits and began to massage it while we talked. "How long are you gonna be out here?" She asked "I got three more days." "3 days, im really going to miss you." "Me too." Not after I hit it, I thought. I looked at my watch like I had to be somewhere. "Baby, I gotta go." "But why?" I let go of her tit, and she slowly got up. That’s when I noticed her knees were red. "Will you come back?" She innocently asked while tying her top back up. "Yeah, tomorrow at around this time." I walked toward the door with her behind me. While standing by the door she grabbed my hand and kissed me. I kissed her back. I looked at her perfect image one more time, opened the door and left. Once I got back to Rays house I told him everything of course. Stacey was a whore, I knew that and every other guy on the block did too. So why was I constantly thinking of her and treating her like a girlfriend. Maybe it will all be different after I get the pussy. The next day I went back to her house. Like yesterday she answered within 2 seconds. This time she wore a short silk black robe, her hair was also damp. She let me in without greeting me. As soon as the door shut she began kissing me and leading my hand up her robe. She grabbed my hand and walked me up the stairs and surprisingly into my old room. "This was my old room." I said breaking the kiss. "That’s great." She said sarcastically still kissing me. She pushed me onto the bed. Damn she was aggressive and I loved every minute of it. She crawled on top of me and took off her little black robe, under that she was wearing a tight black teddy. My dick froze, she looked like a lingerie model. She began undressing me first with my shirt, then standing up and letting me take off my pants. I reached for my condom in my wallet and quickly put it on, as she waited with a wet and wanting pussy. After I put it on she faced me, took off the teddy exposing her bare white pussy and the big beautiful tits I already seen. Then she leaned on the bed and got on all fours. "This is how you want it?" I asked. "Yes." I walked up to her ass, took my dick and slowly slid it into her pussy until it was all the way in. She sweetly moaned. That’s when I took my full length out and pushed it right back in. Her pussy was warm, wet, and inviting. For a whore she definitely had a tight pussy. One of my hands held her hips the other one tickled and played with her clit. After I was back in balls deep, I felt her pussy walls expand and then contract causing me to let out a series of groans as I pounded in and out of her enjoying the squeeze-let go feeling her pussy was giving me. She clamped her pussy muscles down on my dick and after a second or two she let go. I started pushing up inside her a little harder, and the harder I got the more the bed creaked. "Uhhh, harder." She asked She was one of those girls that liked it rough. So I began to go harder, and harder till I reached maximum speed. She wildly moaned and squealed. I was bangin the shit out of her little white pussy with my black dick. Her pink wet hole looked overstuffed, just like her mouth did yesterday. Her pussy felt so damn good I enjoyed every second of it. When it started to feel even better I started pulling her long brown hair while pounding into her full force. This was the first time I fucked a white girl and thanks to her it wont be my last. This girl was way too experienced, I didn’t have a problem with it. Her pussy was getting wetter as I was fucking her. It felt even better. Her pussy went from wet to slimy in seconds. I groaned louder. Then I slowed down took my dick all the way out and jammed it forcefully into her pussy hard and quick. Her moans were now incessant. I did this about four more times before I went back to fast-fucking her. I let go of her hair and took my hand off her clit, slapped her ass twice in a row, and tightly held her hips pushing her on my dick even more. I was getting rougher now that I was close to climaxing. I pumped her pussy about four more times as I felt the greatest climax emerge, It was like an explosion. It felt so fuckin good I groaned the loudest of all the other groans. Then I groaned one last long time as my climax started to fade. I pulled my slimy wet condom covered dick out of her. She turned around smiling as I was still breathing hard. "I loved it." She grabbed me by my hand, pulled back the blankets and got inside. I got inside with her. I figured I might as well give her some after-sex-bedtime talk since I was leaving the day after tomorrow. She nestled into my arms with a smile on her face and her blue eyes dead on me. I felt her wet pussy on my leg. "I love you Marlon." At that point I got a butterfly in my stomach. I hope she wasn't expecting me to say it back, I just met her. Yeah I liked her, and I could possibly picture her being my girlfriend. I didn't love her. After a moment of silence she put her finger over my lips. "Sssh , you don’t have to say anything, I know you don’t feel the same way." She removed her finger. "Stacey, I just met you 2 days ago, you're just caught in the moment." "Call it whatever you want." After a few more minutes of talk. I got dressed, left the room and headed for the door before her parents would get home. She kissed me one more time, that’s when I opened the door and left. When I got home I of course told Ray everything. We both decided If I wanted to get home at the time I wanted to which was about 8am then I should leave at 3am. On my last day I bought Stacey a rose to let her know I cared. We made out for the last time. That following morning I woke up at 3am and tiredly packed my stuff in the car. As I was shutting the door I heard a loud noise. I reached for the baseball bat in my passesnger seat, emerged from the car and turned around holding the bat in swinging position. Thats when I saw Stacey in a tiny tight white nightgown flinching from fear. Her hair was behind her shoulders. "I need you!" She ran towards me. I was shocked to see her out this late. "Stacey go back home. I coulda hurt you." "Please, just a few minutes." She started kissing me. I wasn’t kissing her back, my feelings for her were starting to fade. She stopped kissing me and turned around opening the backseat door. She got inside. "One more time?" I looked up at Rays house too see all the lights out, then Stacey’s house. The lights were out as well. I dropped the bat and got in the backseat and crawled on top of her. Her nightgown was already up to her waist. I pulled down my pajama pants and out came my dick. I positioned myself between her legs and slowly pushed my dick up in her. The penetration made her moan as she caressed the back of my head. I knew I had to do this quick. So I pulled out and began pushing into her quick and hard. Her pussy felt better than last time for some reason. Again her walls squeezed my dick. Her pussy was so wet and tight. I groaned numerous times as she squealed my name. I was fucking her good in my backseat. And not only that her little pussy was like heaven on earth. I dove deep into her fucking the shit out her pussy. Her body shook beneath me. the feeling got way more intense as I felt my climax coming It felt unbelievably good. I groaned one last time as I felt my cum squirt out, about 3 squirts maybe. After I was done I got off the top of her and got out the backseat, still breathing hard. She got out afterwards and stood in front of me, running her fingers though her hair like she always did. "I’m really gonna miss you." She told me with watery blue eyes. "I will too, I kissed her forehead." "I still love you." "Don’t forget me Marlon. But something tells me you'll be back." "How do you figure that?" I asked "You'll see." She said smiling She kissed my lips. Then she walked across the street. I watched her until she made it safely back into her house. I got in the car and drove off. I was driving for about two hours or so when I almost crashed the car in pure shock. "A condom!" "Oh shit forgot to wear a condom!" Since Stacey "Loved me" so much im guessing she wanted me to get her pregnant so I can always be with her. How can I be so fucking stupid and have sex with her with no protection! That’s what she meant when she told me I’d be back. I continued driving back home just thinking about the call I was going to get nine months from now. ~FIN |
Dr. Michael readied the new exam room for its first patient of the day. He’d had the room specially equipped to take advantage of the females he specifically chose from the young, inexperienced students who received medical examinations at no charge. In exchange for this free service they would allow medical students to be present during the exams. Or these females would think the men present at their exams were medical students. Dr. Michael never let actual medical students take part; instead he usually invited some of his friends. It was an exceptional chance to abuse a young girl at whim and get away with it. He checked the chart of the next patient, Joanna, a nineteen-year-old university student from Stratford, Ontario. Many university students visited his clinic, which was exactly why he located it close to campus. He didn’t practice medicine for the money; he had more then he could ever spend. He simply enjoyed female flesh. And, the younger, the better. He preferred young, inexperienced girls who could be easily controlled by an authoritative person, such as a doctor. He had never met Joanna, but there was a picture of her in the chart. She appeared to be tall, about five feet ten with obviously long legs. Blonde hair covered her breasts, which is what initially peaked his interested in her. He loved the sight of a girl naked from the waist up, hair concealing her naked breasts; but just the possibility of a hard nipple peeking out from between the blonde strands would make his cock so hard. He looked at her breasts, guessing them to be about 36C’s, but he would soon find out for himself. He enjoyed inspecting breasts very intimately. The picture did not show her ass, but soon she would be stripped naked on his cold metal table, her legs spread high and wide in the metal stirrups. He even had large leather straps for the ankles, to “protect her from hurting herself”—or so he would tell her. He and his “interns” would have her spread open, with hands and fingers in all of her orifices. Even though she was nineteen, Joanna had never had a gynecological exam before. Unwittingly, she was a perfect candidate for Dr. Michael, not knowing what was expected, gullible enough to accept almost anything that would be done to her innocent body. She had been told that it would be a very extensive exam done under a research grant and would require a minimum of four hours. Since it was free, she would be required to give them her full cooperation in whatever they asked and she accepted this condition. Dr. Michael knew Joanna was sitting just outside in the lobby filling out the spurious forms. There were so many of them, over 30 pages of “legalese” that his receptionist told her was necessary. She had started reading them but became bored after two pages and finally went directly to the last page and simply signed it. Had she read it, she would have seen some rather important clauses. The section where it described the research project for the study of the Masturbatory Practices of the Female College Student and that the volunteers would be required to masturbate during the exam or allow one of his medical staff to masturbate her “as many times as necessary.” Or the stipulation that should the volunteer decide not to complete the extensive exam, she would be liable for all costs incurred, which could reach as high as several thousands of dollars. Or that the volunteer will be photographed and/or videotaped during the exam, while nude and engaged in or being masturbated, for teaching purposes. She would soon find out the sad truth of what she had signed. The receptionist smiled at Joanna, “you may go in now, Joanna. The doctor will be with you in a few minutes. Just have a seat. The beginning of the exam will be getting your history. Relax,” she added when she noticed how nervous Joanna was. She won’t be nervous by time she is finished, the knowing receptionist thought. Dr. Michael would make her cum so many times before he was done, she would be barely able to walk. As Joanna disappeared into the office, the receptionist picked up her purse, left the office and locked the door, putting up the “Closed” sign. Dr. Michael did not like to be disturbed during testing. His friends had already arrived and were dressed in their “doctor” coats, with stethoscopes around their necks, waiting for their chance at the fresh meat. Click here! Joanna looked around the large, sterile room with some fear. She had heard about gynecological exams and dreaded the thought of being trussed up naked and spread like a plucked chicken, but the school required a yearly physical and a bi-yearly gynecological exam in order to participate in sports. Her budget was severely limited and she jumped at the opportunity for the free exam when recommended by a girl at school. What Joanna did not know was that the girl was paid by Dr. Michael to recruit others for his exams, but only after he had done an extensive background check on them, something he could easily afford. The pictures and videos that were produced from the exams made him thousands of dollars in the overseas markets, especially Japan. They could never get enough videos of naked, blonde teens being examined by doctors. His videos showing their forced orgasms were the best in the market. Joanna looked at the metal table with dread, imagining what would happen on it. She shivered at the sight of the evil looking stirrups, made worse by the leather straps around them. Would her legs be bound to them while spread? She had not thought of that, assuming that she would merely place her feet in them. She noticed another table near the wall, with a drain near the center, two-inch walls up the side and a large spray nozzle hanging down from the ceiling. Across the center was a raised portion about five inches wide and padded with heavy rubber. In each of the four corners were the evil leather straps again, no doubt to fully restrain the patient. It was definitely big enough to hold the spread body of an individual. She could not tell what was underneath the white towels on the smaller, movable tables, but she presumed that they were instruments used for the examination, including the dreaded speculum. She had seen pictures of them and she cringed at the thought of something that big going inside her let alone spreading her open from within. Dr. Michael entered the room, his eyes immediately drawn to Joanna. She was as beautiful as her picture, long blonde hair flowing down in front, covering her breasts exactly as he’d imagined. She wore a button-down blouse and jeans so low on her hips it left her stomach naked. He could tell she was tall even as she sat and couldn’t wait to see her long legs naked. She had such lovely lips, the type that looked so nice wrapped around your cock, sweet eyes looking up at you as you fed more cock deep into her mouth. “Good morning, Joanna, I’m Dr. Michael. I want to thank you for volunteering for our study. It is so important that we get people who will take the time to help in our important research.” “Thank you Dr. Michael. I hope I will do well. I’m really nervous about it. I’ve never had a gynecological exam before and I’m not sure what to expect.” Joanna shifted nervously in her chair, the doctor’s eyes looking her body up and down as she talked. Damn Joanna, he’s a doctor. He is supposed to be doing that. Relax, it will be OK, she thought, trying to calm herself. “I will guide you through the whole thing, Joanna; explain it as we go. I have three colleagues who will join us after we go through your medical history. This is a teaching clinic as well as a research clinic. I know it will be a little uncomfortable for you with so many people in the room, but we will keep you as relaxed as possible. If you would like, we could give you a mild tranquilizer to calm your nerves. All you have to do is ask.” |
when I first moved to the area in which I now live, I noticed the little girl next door would always sit on my steps and wait for my arrival, some times she would sit in a dress and part her legs when I would walk up to my door, I would always turn my head the other way, but look peripherally. I counsel at two of the local youth centers, and deal regularly with children who have been molested, all confuse love with sex and always associate the two, so it is very easy to talk them into sucking your dick, or fucking their little pussys, seeing the same behavior in my neighbor, I knew she was being fucked, and I knew I would fuck her also. After about six months she began to use any excuse to touch my ass, from picking nonexisant lent, to invisible dust, then she started to outright molest me, grabbing, squeezing, even pinching, but I never told anyone, I just waited for my chance to get her alone. Sarah (not her real name) had become close with my own daughter and began spending a great deal of time in our home. One day my wife was in the kitchen, and my daughter running through the house, Sarah entered my room while I was preoccupied, and said"what are you doing?" when I turned and looked her way she was sitting on my bed with her legs on the railings, parted showing me her beautiful young, hairless, cunt, I said nothing I just stared into her little pussy and looked into her eyes with a look that said "yes I want to fuck you too". Erica called out for her,she smiled , I smiled then she jumped off of the bed and walked away. A couple of weekends later, my wife had taken my daughter out it was a three hour trip either way, so I had the house to myself for a while. At 10:30 there was a knock on the kitchen door looking through the window I saw it was Sarah, I let her in and offered her cookies and milk. While getting the glass I looked out of ther window to see if anyone had noticed her entry , then pulled up a chair , and told her that Jesse had gone out with her stepmom and wouldn't be back for a while. She told me her mom had gone shopping, and asked could she stay until her return, I said yes. We had gone to the masterbedroom to watch tv,not five minutes I just leaned over and kissed her, just a child she had no idea how to kiss, but she was willing to learn. I asked her could I give her a speacial kiss and she said yes, with that I raised her dress and peeled off her underware and started kissing, and sucking her pretty little cunt, I knew she was fucking by the way my finger was easily accepted by her pussy. (I would later find out it was her fifteen year old brother) I don't like bragging but I have an 8 inch dick and I knew I would have trouble with this young babysnatch, even though her brother had taken her cherry, she had not known a mans love. After wetting her cunt as much as possible, it was time to fuck this baby, it seemed to take forever squeezing my dick inside of her, but I was determined to break the laws of physics as well as various rape laws, but with that young pussy in front of me I didn't give a fuck about any laws. I pumped my big dick so deep into that sweet young golden pussy she almost let out a scream then I remember who and what I am in the community and who and what she is, so I eased my strokes and slowly churned my dick into her, right to left, left to right, the breaking rythm to an in and out motion." Why are you crying?", I asked "its big" . "Do you want me to stop?" she said no. I told her not to worry, that I would not hurt her, then I placed her legs on my shoulders and watched her pretty blond head turn from side to side and her face grimace as I pounded and grounded my dick into that sweet young tender cunt, I wanted to pull my dick out before I came but I couldn't resist seeing my cum pour out of her cunt, and watch her pussy slowly close, I watched it closely, almost with the curiosity of a child Two days later she had come by again,we stole a moment and she had told me her "ti ti" still hurts and her "brother wants to know why it hurts so much", and now when he sees me, he calls out for his little sister, but he will have to realize, now that he has opened her up he must share her. Two weeks had passed, when I had finally gotten a chance to be alone with her again, she was in the garage behind her house placing clothes in washer. I was raking my lawn, "good morning Sarah", "good morning Mr. R, is Erica home?" "Yes' , I answered ' she's in the livingroom watching t.v." . "Can she have company?" she asked. "Anytime you want to come over, just come on in, you don't have to ask" I said. Later that afternoon Sarah knocked on the door, I called out to Erica to let her friend in, while I went insane with anticipation, wondering how, when and where would I get her alone. My wife had gone out to run a few errands, and I got ready to fuck, I had given the girls fruit juice, Erica's was laced with cough syrup(25%alcohol) she was fast sleep in no time flat. I looked at Sarah and smiled, and led her by the hand to the rear bathroom, I knelt down in front of her, pulled her close, kissed her and told her just how much I missed her while I played with her pussy through her pants. I stood up in front of her and took out my dick, and said "open your mouth", she did and proceeded to put the head of my dick on her little pink tongue, and just watched her close her pretty, little, red lips over it. Because of the size of my dick, and her little mouth she could only fit the head in her mouth, not to mention her brother was just using her, and not training her properly in the art of love, she did not know how to accept my dick, so I taught her. I taught her to bob her head up and down, to pull it out of her mouth, and lick it from the balls to the tip of the dickhead, I taught her to gently place only one testicle in her mouth and gently suck it, I taught her where the nerve endings were and how to work her teeth and tounge across the head to bring me pleasure, then I started to fuck her pretty little freckled face, holding the sides of her face while she choked and gagged. I wanted to cum in her mouth so bad,and not too mention before my wife got back so I tensed my lower torso, and would only allow the first inch of my head in her mouth, creating just the right amount of friction to bring on an orgasm , sweat dripped from my chin onto her forhead, she was looking up with an unreadable look in her eyes, the next thing you know, I was shooting gobs of cum down her throat. She had begun to choke, then she starting coughing, followed by her little hands covering her mouth, which erupted like a violent volcano, spewing vomit eveywhere, (her brother doesn't cum in her mouth I would soon learn ) after I cleaned her up, and layed her down in the guest room I told her if anyone ask's "just say it was something you ate". After my wife had returned I had asked her to take Sarah home and explain to Sarahs mom how she had taken ill after excess sweets. When my wife had return she told me that Sarahs' mother said she wanted to know would we like to spend a day by the lake before it gets too cold, I told her yes, but I was thinking only if her son isn't coming. |
Recap: if you haven't read the first part or the second part read them. sarah and i were in high school and were still dating. i was a junior and she was a sophmore. we had been having sex in new places and almost three times a day. i was now driving and had my own car which was cleaned a lot because of all of the cum stains. i gave her a ride to school everyday, *wink*wink. we both had a lot of friends and we both were very popular. i had to keep other guys off of her a lot now because she had long blonde hair and a full C cup and had an ass that everyone wanted. it is not that i was worried about losing her it was that i didn't want to share her at all. but i wasn't all alone either every girl in the school was dieing to get 10 minutes alone with me. sarah was at my side every minute that we had together so no one was gonna get to me. one day after school i decided that i was gonna put another place on our list and we went into a bathroom and immediately stripped and were having sex. we didn't care if anyone found out either and no one did. we didn't know if what we had was love or lust and we didn't care. she was the girl of my dreams and i thought that she was the only girl that could meet my needs. i was wrong.. a girl in my school was paying extra attention to me. she was in most of my classes and wasn't to bad as far as looks go. she had long brown hair and hazel eyes she had a pair of jugs that people just wanted to fuck the hell out of. her ass was just like sarah's too. her name was heather. she was tall and slim and i found myself fantisizing over her. one day i got a major hardon in class while fantisizing over her and excused my self to the bathroom. she took this as her opportunity and excused herself also. she ran up to me in the hallway and jumped on my back. she whispered in my ear that she wanted me so bad right now and i really didn't care. we went to an empty class room and she removed her halter top and pants. she was standing there within my grasp, in nothing but a black thong and matching bra. i moved towards her and kissed her deeply exploring her mouth with my tounge. she didn't object and began to remove my shirt we broke our kiss and i removed her bra revealing her beautiful bare breasts with erect nipples. i slowly fondled her nipples and began to remove her thong. i noticed that she was already wet with excitement. i unleashed my now 8 1/2 inch cock and she put a condom on with trouble. obviously it was her first time and i didn't mind at all. i slipped my cock into her pussy and with a long urge i broke through her hymen and withing a few minutes she had her orgasm. then about three minutes later she had another orgasm and i came into the condom. we returned to class and the teacher asked where we had been because we were gone for 15 minutes. i told him that a teacher needed our help to move books into his classroom. we didnt get introuble so i didn't care. after class i offered heather a ride home and decided that i would have a little fun with her and sarah on the way home. school ended and sarah and i walked to my car. heather caught up to us and i introduced her to sarah. we left the school parking lot and i pulled the car over at the ususal spot were me and sarah have sex. sarah sent me a look like what the fuck are you doing. but we really didn't care and me and sarah started to strip naked. heather got the picture and stripped herself. sarah immedietly jumped on my cock and i had positioned her on her back. then i motioned for heather to straddle her and sarah started to eat heather out. heather was the first to orgasm and that made sarah orgasm which made me orgasm. sarah then got back into the front seat but i still had a hardon so i took heather and rammed it up her pussy. she moaned with pleasure i continued to pound away at her noticing that sarah was getting jealous. heather started to match me stride for stride and went into an extreme orgasm. i kissed sarah deeply and began to play with her tits. i turned heather over onto her hands and knees and began to pound her doggy style. before i came into her pussy i pulled it out with all of the juices and made her clean off my cock. then i jumped back into the front seat and fucked sarah again and she made me love it . i came deep into her pussy as she came on my cock. by then i was exhausted but sarah took this as and opportunity and got in the back seat with heather and sarah had heather cleaning all of the cum out of her pussy. i dropped heather off at her house and then went home and me an sarah fucked again in her bedroom before i left for home. |
I had been dreaming of visiting the U.S. for many years, I had gone out with a hot guy from Florida who was living in Sydney/Australia for 4 years but needed to go back to the U.S. due to his working visa expiring and though he begged me to come and live with him and as much as I loved him, I wasn’t prepared to leave everything in Sydney behind to go to another country and be with him. This played on my mind for a few years, the regrets, the what ifs???? They were driving me mad so I finally decided, fuck it, I’m going to surprise him with a visit. I buy my ticket and finally, with anticipation, I get to Florida, Tampa Bay to be exact and check myself into the hotel and then I finally start realizing that this is stupid, I can’t believe I’ve done this, he could already be in a relationship, be married, who knows, but most importantly, I wondered, how do I lure him into the bar downstairs and surprise him. Either way, I had to see him. I convince the receptionist at the front desk to help me and she loves the whole set up, thinks its romantic, she was such a nice girl, so she rings him and pretends to try to pick him up lol, convinces him to meet her at the bar that night, that she had met him once before through a mutual friend and really liked him, he fell for it hook, line and sinker, he wasn't going to come thinking it was a prank but i'm glad he was intrigued enough to bite. I was so excited, I spend the day getting myself ready for him, I get my hair and nails done, go the beautician and get my pussy and ass completely waxed, I wanted to make sure my body was exactly the way he remembered it. I get to the bar 30minutes before he was due to supposedly meet her and I sit quietly and hidden in the dark corner of the bar, then I finally see him and my heart skips a beat, I nearly cry because I’ve missed him so much and all the love I felt for him just came pouring back. He looked so sexy and so fucking hot. He settled at the bar and orders a drink, by this time I had already devoured two martini’s and lucky for that because it made it easier for me to approach him. I sneak up behind him and put my hands over his eyes, and he stretches behind himself and starts to touch my body, trying to figure out who it is, obviously thinking it’s the girl who rang, he continues touching my body and finally his hands finally rest on my ass. He says “are you going to show me who you are or not” and I slowly pull my hands away from his eyes and he turns around and oh my god, to this day I can’t forget the look of shock and happiness on his face. He just stared at me, and then grabs me and kisses me with the most hungry and passionate of kisses I’ve ever felt. I knew then he missed me as much as I had missed him, he picks me up and I’m straddling him now, lucky I was wearing jeans, and I’m sitting there on top of him, kissing and hugging him. He finally sets me down and asks me 100 questions, but he still wouldn’t stop kissing me. Everyone was watching us at this stage, we even heard a “get a room” which embarrassed us. We stick around the bar for about an hour, talking about what made me do this etc, finally o I grab him and take him up to the room. We get in the elevator and he just couldn’t keep his hands off me. He starts to kiss me, not caring that people were coming in and out of the elevator, we get to my room and as soon as the door closes he throws me against the wall and deep tongues my with so much passion, I’m so horny and wet by then, he literally rips my top off me, buttons go flying, and he latches his hot mouth on to my nipples and starts to suck them like his life depended on them. We always had intense and mind blowing sexual sessions, each time was like the first, he is sucking and biting then harder now, I’m breathing so heavily by then and grabbing his face and burying it deeper into my chest, he’s on his knees now I’m freaking out and just wanting his cock inside me. What you all don’t know is that this guy has one hell of a hot cock, it’s 10inches long, circumcised and 2 and half inches wide, every woman’s dream cock. I wanted it inside me so desperately. He pops the buttons on my jeans and starts to pull them down, I rip my shoes off by then and the jeans follow them very quickly, he then starts to pull my g-string down and he inhales the sex aroma of my waxed pussy which by then was so wet, after ripping them off me he lifts my leg up in the air and then starts to suck my pussy juices right out of my cunt, I nearly cum straight away, I’m moaning loudly and totally losing it by now, his tongue is like no other, he starts to suck my clit and then flickers his tongue along it fast and then he dips it into my hole and I scream, he’s fucking me with his tongue and I’m slowly losing it, he rests my leg on his left shoulder and then starts to finger me while licking and sucking, I’m pinching my nipples by then, then dipping my finger in my pussy and then rubbing the juices on my nipples and then licking them, I love the taste of myself, no wonder he is sucking it like his life depended on it. I know I’m close, I can feel the intensity of what his tongue is doing to me and I start to grind into his mouth, I look down into his eyes and the look of sex and passion in his eyes does me in and I cum so hard in his mouth, I just see his tongue lapping away at my pussy, devouring my juices. He stands up and kisses me, letting me taste my juices on his tongue, he knows how much I love that. He picks me up and throws me on the king size bed and then rips his clothes off, I can’t keep the want out of my eyes, just one look at his hot tattooed body and it just sends shivers up and down my spine. He is completely naked in front of me and my eyes are glued to his perfect cock, standing up hard and erect, I need to have it in my mouth so badly. He comes to the bed and I latch my mouth on to it and I hear him groan, he always loved how I sucked his cock dry, I couldn’t get enough of it, I lie sideways on the bed and put a pillow on the edge and then push my head all the way back hanging off the side of the bed, he knows I want to deep throat him, we both love that. He bends down like he’s about to 69 me and slowly enters his cock into my mouth and then pulls out, then back in, a bit deeper this time, and he continues to do this, going deeper each time, finally I feel him go past my tonsils and down the back of my throat and I realize I can’t breath and that is exactly how I want it, he pulls out, lets me breath and then forces it back down again, deeper this time, past my tonsils and down the back of my throat, he starts to fuck my mouth harder and faster now, letting me breath at the right intervals, I’m sucking his cock in deeper and deeper, I know that it was down my neck because my neck kept on bulging each time he pushed in, in the meantime, he starts to flicker his tongue on my clit again, in the 69er position and all I can do is moan with pleasure, it was still tender and I didn’t expect it, I know he’s close to coming because he starts fucking my throat harder and faster and I can see him tensing up, he finally warns me and then screams as I start to feel his hot liquid gold pouring down the back of my throat, it was so hot, it felt like it was burning me, he kept on fucking my mouth until every drops was dripping down my throat and I just kept on sucking his cock, sucking the cum right out of the eye, I didn’t care if it was tender, I wanted to make sure no drop went astray. He finally pulls out of my mouth and just shakes his head, he can’t believe how intense that was. We are both naked and he helps me up and then just kisses me, that was the one thing I always loved about him, he was never the kind of guy who shied away from kissing a woman after she’s swallowed him like so many guys do, he’s a real man who is in tune with his sexuality and I love that about him. We get up, still totally naked and realize how thirsty we are so I go and pour us some drinks, our favorites, cranberry juice and vodka, I got 4 bottles of vodka from duty free when I arrived and I had bought some cranberry juice in my travels that day getting ready for that night. I realize there isn’t any ice so I call room service and ask them to bring up a container of ice. We sit there naked on the lounge, me sitting on his lap talking about the surprise, he couldn’t believe I was there, he kept on licking and sucking my right nipple while I was trying to explain more of my surprise, I can’t believe how happy he was. I asked him if he was with someone and he said no, that there hadn’t been anyone serious since we had broken up and I know it’s wrong but I felt so happy about that. The door knocks and it was room service, in the meantime my ex wanted to make a quick call, not even thinking I opened the door, totally naked, and the poor kid nearly dropped the ice, I said sorry, this is how we do things in Australia lol. My ex was laughing his head off talking on the phone while seeing what I just did, I gave the kid a tip and said thanks and he just couldn’t take his eyes off my nipples. I felt like asking him if he would like to suck them but I stopped myself ehehhe. I finish making our drinks and settle myself back on my ex’s lap, his cock getting hard again, damn I love that cock. Anyway, we drink our drinks and he takes the ice out of his and slowly runs it on my nipple, the cold making it go hard instantly and it felt awesome, he starts to suck it hard and deep, I still haven't felt his cock in my pussy yet and I was dying for it. We finished our drinks and he picks me up again and again throws me on the bed with this cheeky look in his eye. I land and my legs spread and he just dives right back in again, mouth first and I start moaning again, his tongue was doing wonders, I was still so wet from before. This time though he doesn’t waste anytime. He lifts my legs up on to his shoulders and then starts to tease my pussy lips with the head of this 10 inch cock. He knew how badly I wanted him inside me, he always teased me in the past and it was still driving me crazy. He starts to slide into me and I freak out, his size is a size I have missed so much, I feel him struggling to get it in but I didn’t want him to be gentle, I want it hard and I begged him to just fuck me and not worry and that was all he needed to hear from me to make it happen, he thrusts deep and his whole cock is inside me, we both knew it fit, it fitted for 4 yrs. He can’t control himself anymore, he starts to fuck me hard and fast now, I am screaming with the intensity of this cock in my tight pussy, the look in his eyes are driving me crazy, he lowers my legs and bends down and starts to suck my nipples really hard while fucking my pussy deep and fast, I’m screaming by now, he is thrusting so hard into me that he is lifting me up with every thrust and pushing my nipples deeper into his mouth, he quickly pulls out and flips me over on to my knees, and with one hard thrust buries himself deep into my pussy from behind, I can feel his balls hitting my pussy lips and I’m bent down so hard and my ass and pussy so high up and he is riding me so damn hard and fast, I’m screaming into the bed covers by now begging him to fuck me harder, faster, not to stop, he pulls out again and lies down next to me and I get up and I lower my pussy down on his hard cock and he starts to fuck me even harder now, he is so deep now that I can feel him hitting my womb, my tits are bouncing with every thrust and he is pinching them, holding my ass while thrusting deeper into my pussy, he is fucking me so fast now, I feel every nerve ending on my body is on fire from the electricity our two bodies were creating. He screams he’s about to cum and the second I looked in his eye he screams one last time and with one hard thrust buries himself to the hilt into my pussy and I feel him pouring his cum deep inside me, he pulls back a bit and then thrusts again and continues pouring up into me, he always had a huge load of cum and I wish I was able to taste it again. I start clenching my pussy muscles to suck every drop out of that hot cock. He is moaning now, I know it’s freaking him out cause his cock is so sensitive, swimming inside me with his cum and my own juices. Finally I slowly stand up off him and then I suck his cock, I love tasting his cock after it’s been inside me, the taste of both our juices drive me crazy, then I kiss him so he can taste what I taste, I have to admit our juices are one hell of a lethal cocktail, talk about an aphrodisiac. I curl up next to him and both fall asleep, it feels so good to fall asleep in his arms again, to feel his heart beat next to mine. Time goes by and then I hear a knock on the door, we look at each other and he smiles and says he has a surprise for me. I am very intrigues and I quickly remember to throw a robe over myself and I answer the door. There in front of me is one of the hottest guys I had ever seen, this guy was the epitome of edible. I looked at him and he smiled and asked if my ex was here and I said yes, and he came on in the room. I close the door which is already hanging with the Do Not Disturb Sign on it. They say hello to each other and we are introduced, by now I am very intrigued indeed. I look at my ex with an enquiry in my eyes, wanting to know who this guy is? He finally tells me “do you remember when we were in Australia and you had told me so many times how you wish to have sex with two guys” and I slowly nod my head, my heart starting to pound, he continues “well, this here is a very good mate of mine and I know he would love to have a taste of you as I’ve not stopped talking about you since I got back, so this is our chance to make your dream a reality, so what do you think? Are you game?”. I look at his friend thinking that I would be a fucking idiot to say no to THAT so I smiled and slowly nod my head. I offer him a drink and I make us all the same cranberry and vodka. They are both sitting on the bed now and I slowly walk up to his friend, my ex is sitting up now, his back against the head of the bed, just watching, to see what we both do. I stand in front of his friend and I slowly open my robe and the look in his eye freaks me out, he starts to touch my breasts with his hands and then I feel him running his hands all over my body, then resting on my pussy and then moving them away again, I take the robe off and stand naked in front of them both. My ex is hard by now and is slowly stroking his 10inch cock. His friend asks me to turn around and bend down in front of him, I do that, I bend down and as I squat my pussy lips are exposed to his mouth as well as my asshole and he starts to lick my clit from behind, I start to moan, damn, he feels so great. I start pushing my pussy back on to his lips. He slips a finger into my pussy, then another, then another, I beg him to slip another one in which he does, 4 fingers pumping in and out of my pussy, I hear my ex tell him to try to fist me, that i love that, I get so excited just thinking about it. I feel him trying to push his thumb into me as well, I couldn’t cope with how gentle he was being, what is it with these two tonight, I want pain because with pain, comes pleasure, so I push back and help him bury his fist in me, I hear my ex moan, I know he is dying to get inside me again. His friend starts to fist fuck me, finally, with one hard thrust he is wrist deep inside my pussy, I am so wet by now and I start pushing harder on to his fingers, fucking his fist, I can hear the gushing come out each time he pulls out. He starts to rub my clit with his other hand and I start to cum immediately, I’m moaning and screaming by now, my ex gets up and thrusts his cock into my mouth while I’m bent down in front of his friend. I start sucking his cock like it’s the last one on earth. He grabs my head and starts to fuck my mouth hard and fast, I know he is dying to cum by now, I know he is close, he starts telling me how much he loves his cock buried down my throat and I start to moan cause his words are driving me mad, he starts fucking my mouth faster and then I feel him grab my head tight and ram it all the way down my throat until I feel his hot cum pouring down my throat, he keeps thrusting till every drop is sucked dry. He pulls away and then bends down and kisses me. His friend pulls his hand out of my pussy and stands up while helping me stand up straight, he pulls me closer to him and starts kissing me deeply which freaked me out as i've just swallowed my ex, these two are real men as far as i'm concerned, they aren't scared to experiment, his roaming hand is now leaving a trail with his wet fingers from my cum all over my body, I take his shirt off and then slowly undo his jeans, pull them down until he is naked in front of me, I gasp when I see his cock, is it possible that his cock is bigger than my ex’s? I look at my ex and he just smiles and nods, knowing what I was thinking. I smile and get down on my knees and start to suck the life out of that hot cock. He starts to moan while grabbing my head and forcing it down on his cock, little does he know that I love having my head forced to suck a cock, it turns me on, I finally get confirmation exactly how big that cock is, it is at least 12inches long and at least 3 inches wide, I was in complete shock when I saw it completely erect. He pulls out of my mouth and throws me on the bed next to my ex, he turns me sideways and then with one hard thrust he is buried deep inside my pussy, I scream instantly, I can’t believe how tight his cock was in my pussy, even after he fisted me, my exthen thrusts his cock in my mouth while his friend is fucking my hard and fast now, pinching my nipples from behind while thrusting deep inside me, it felt like he was ripping my pussy to shreds, it felt awesome, I couldn’t stop screaming with pleasure, my ex was holding my head again and fucking my mouth hard while his friend was ripping into my wet pussy. I felt like a queen being pleasured beyond my fantasy expectations. His friend pulls out and they swap positions, this time I’m on my back and my ex just bends forward and rams his cock deep inside my already abused pussy, his friend pushes my head back and rams his 12inch cock down my throat, I’m freaking out because it’s so thick and long and I can’t believe how perfect it fits in all my holes, I love my ex even more for making this fantasy a reality. My ex pulls out and then puts me back on my knees again and starts to fuck me from behind again, it feels so awesome when he gets so deep, I feel his finger resting near my asshole and I start to feel abit excited, I love being fucked up the ass but it has been years since any man has done me there, since we broke up actually, I start to anticipate his next action, I feel his finger enter my asshole and I tense up with excitement, he slips it into my pussy with his cock and takes out some more juices and then buries his finger in my ass again while he’s still fucking my pussy hard and fast, his friends cock is still down my throat, I can’t believe that 36 hrs ago I was in Sydney wondering what will come of this visit and now look at me lol. My ex asks me if I want it in the ass and I moan my reply, he knows I want it in my ass, he pulls out of my pussy and rubs it up and down my bum crack, getting it nice and wet and then I feel the head of his cock pop into my asshole, I scream with pleasure while his friends cock is still thrusting into my mouth, my ex then slowly starts to slide his cock into my ass, I’m wanting it to so bad, I hate that they are being so gentle, I want to be fucked hard and fast, I’m totally losing my mind, I finally push back hard on to it to help him bury deeper into my ass, I knew he was surprised so he grabs my hips and thrusts hard into my ass until he’s all the way in, all 10 inches of him, and then he starts to fuck it hard and fast, the way I like it, I feel his balls slapping up against my pussy lips and the pressure of them slapping against them is making me close to cumming again, I know I am close and I start to scream while his friends cock is still in my mouth and then I finally lose it as that last thrust pushes me over the edge and my clit bursts with pleasure, I know that my screaming is driving him crazy and he starts to fuck my ass even harder, I can feel him hitting the inside wall of my ass and it’s driving me mad. I’m freaking out by now, I can’t believe how good it feels having his cock back into that hole. His friend is ready to cum but doesn’t want to cum in my mouth, he wants to fuck my ass well, they high five each other and swap positions, I feel my ex pull out and I feel sad because I loved that full feeling of him in there so much. I know his friend is getting ready to fuck one of my holes, but which one, my ex is in front of me again and lets me lick his cock after it’s been in my ass, it’s clean as I always douche before I have sex, whether we have anal or not. His friend is teasing both my holes with his huge cock and then with one hard and unexpected thrust, he buries his 12 inches of hard manhood deep into my ass, I screammmm, that actually hurt but in a good way, my ex holds me as his friend is thrusting deeply and very hard and with each thrust he is pushing me across the bed, I can’t believe that his cock is in my ass, 3 inches wide, its starting to feel uncomfortable and I start moaning but with pain and my ex asks me if he’s hurting me and I nod and his friend starts to pull out and I scream “NOOOOOOO don’t you dare take it out, it hurts but it feels amazing, just fuck me, I will be ok”. They both laugh so he continues to fuck me, I know that my discomfort is getting him more excited and he thrusts into me even harder, he pulls out and tells my ex to help position me on top of him. My ex holds me up while he positions the head of this cock into the opening of my asshole, he slowly starts to lower me on it and I’m forcing myself to breath in and out, it hurts like hell but feels so fucking amazing. He buries it all the way deep inside my ass and just lets me sit there for awhile to adjust to his size being completely lost up my ass. He then lifts my legs and asks my ex to hold me there while he thrusts deep and hard inside me, I prepare myself for the onslaught and then just when I thought I was ready for it, he fucks my ass like it’s a piston, hard and so fucking fast, I start to cum straight away and my ex is having to hold on to me to make sure I don’t fall, I feel like I’m about to pass out. He bends down and starts to suck and bite my nipples, while holding me so his friend can rip my ass to shreds, my pussy juices are dripping on to his cock, I can’t believe how wet I am, my ex bends further down and laps up my cum on his tongue then stands up and lets me lick it off his tongue, god I’ve missed this man. His friend asks me how I feel about having them both in both my holes, I look at my ex, he so wants to I can tell, I have never had both holes filled and I have to admit I was a bit scared, they are both huge fucking cocks, will they hurt, my ex sensing my thoughts tells me that if it hurts they will both stop and I believe him, I know he would never hurt me and he proved that when he thought his friend was hurting me when fucking my ass. So I agree, I know they are both so happy with that decision. My ex lowers me deeper on to his friends dick, with my back to his friends face and pushes me back so my pussy is more exposed, I look at his cock thinking “how the hell can I fit both of these in my holes” he bends over and starts to insert his cock into my already dripping pussy, he slides right in and I can feel both cocks touching each other through the fine skin separating my ass and pussy, I can’t believe how amazing it feels. They both start to thrust into me in unison, they then start getting harder and faster with their thrusting and I’m screaming with pleasure, it’s driving me crazy, I can feel these two hard 10inch plus cocks filling both my holes, fucking me like the whore I want to be right there and then, my ex bends down and continues biting and sucking down hard on my nipples, the pain and pleasure I’m feeling is driving me crazy, his friend starts driving into my ass even harder than before, I know the feel of my other hole being full is creating a new sensation for him, I feel myself being pushed and fucked so hard, each thrust from both of them is ripping into me and sending waves of pleasure up and down my spine, I’m totally losing it by now, I have cum over and over again and I know they can feel each one of my pussy contraction, my ex starts moaning hard and his thrusts are getting more desperate, I know he’s close now, he has this sexy evil look in his eyes and I know that this is also his fantasy, he always wanted us to have a 3some and it never happened, until now. He starts fucking my pussy even harder and I know he’s close, he nods to me and then starts to moan that turns into a scream and he thrusts so fucking hard into my pussy that he nearly rips his friends cock out of my ass and he cums so fucking hard inside me, I start to cum again because the pressure and build up pushed me over the edge, his friend is also ready and asks my ex to help hold me while he fucks my ass hard one last time before he blows, my ex pulls out of me and all I could see is his cock full of his and my cum, before he can move away I latch my mouth on to his cock and start to suck it clean, I suck it all the way down the back of my throat and all I can hear is him screaming with pleasure and his own pain, I clean it with my tongue and then let it go with a smile on my face. He smiles back at me and says I’m a bad girl but he loves me anyway which brought a smile to my face. He helps hold me up and then his friend starts fucking my ass hard and fast and I start to scream because it really is starting to hurt, his cock is so huge and I know he is dying to cum, I try to hang in there as long as I can, he is pounding into me and holding my legs tight, I know I will have bruises the next day, my ex is looking at me closely, he knows I’m in pain, its written all over my face, he helps to spread my legs even wider to help with the penetration, his friend is screaming now, fucking me like a mad man, screaming and fucking me, he is so close, I know that any second now I will feel him rip one last time into my ass and fill me up, and that is exactly what he does, he screamssssss and then I feel him thrust so fucking hard up my asshole, I’m sure he’s nearly punctured my wall, and I can feel him pouring into my ass, my ex is holding on to me for dear life now. I can barely move, let alone breath, he helps lower me off his friends cock and lies me down on the bed and asks me if I’m ok, I smile and say that I am better than alright, I feel like I can die tonight with a smile on my face, they both smile and agree. There was a huge spa in the bathroom so I went to run the bath, we all got into it and I felt so spoilt, there I was with two hot and extremely well endowed cocks. We start to wash each other but before I know it, my ex starts to kiss me again, very deep and passionately, god I missed this man, I feel his hands roaming my naked body and I start to spread my legs without realizing it, I feel his fingers insert my pussy and I feel my wet pussy start to leak on his fingers underwater, he then starts to lick his fingers, knowing how much that drives me crazy, I bend down and start to lick them to, both our tongues sucking and licking his fingers, our tongues occassionally meeting, his fingers wet with my pussy juices, I then feel his friend turn my face around and starts to bury his tongue down my throat just as my ex was, I had my back to him but my head turned to the right, kissing him and tasting his tongue, his hands came up from behind me and he starts to grab my tits and starts to pinch my nipples, they are so hard and erect and the pressure of his fingers pinching and pulling them is driving me crazy, in the meantime my ex has 3 fingers inside me now and I’m moaning in his friends mouth as he deeply kisses me, I know they are both rock hard again because I can feel my ex’s cock on my leg and his friends cock on my back, I’m starting to lose it and I’m moaning so hard now, my ex bends down and pushes his friends hands away and starts to bite my nipples hard and then is sucking them like they are his only lifeline. I feel his friend grab me from behind and slowly raise me, I have no idea what he is going to do but I don’t care, I am so lost right now, so horny, I feel him position himself behind me and under me and then my ex also pulls my legs closer to him and with one hard thrust his friend is buried in my ass again, I screammmmm, I didn’t expect that, I thought for sure he’ll bury himself in my pussy but instead he was buried deep inside my ass, then he starts to push deeper and deeper inside me and I start to groan, the pleasure it unbelievable, being in the water is helping him thrust into me, I am bouncing hard and fast now and water is pouring out of the sides of the spa, my ex starts biting and sucking my nipples again and that is when I feel his fingers buried in my pussy again, this time he has 4 fingers and he is struggling to get his fist in there, the water and my wet juices is helping him though, his friend is holding me up from behind now and ramming into me and my legs are spread even wider while my ex is on a mission to bury his hand inside me, I finally feel a quick suction and realize his hand is inside me, wrist deep, he grins that cheeky grin and kisses me and then starst to fuck my cunt with his hand, I’m screaming now, totally losing it, the hot water is tingling my clit and the pressure of both of them buried inside me, cock and hand is driving me nuts….. my ex rips his hand out from me and I hear this huge pop and then I start to feel my cunt fill up with water, but before I can get used to it, he buries his huge cock inside me with one hard thrust. I start to scream now, two huge cocks inside my holes again, twice in one night, who would've dreamed, ramming into me, hard and fast and I’m delirious with pleasure, I can’t contain myself anymore, I know I am close, I scream one last time and cum all over his cock, the scream was so loud, I can hear the echo of the bathroom, my ex bends down and starts to bite and suck my nipples again while I’m still oozing all over his cock, I finally stop and then I look in his eye and I know he is going to fuck me so fucking hard now, his friend is now pounding into my ass faster and harder than before and I know he has opened my ass up even more because the water is seeping into it with each thrust and I can hear the squishy wet and horny sound it’s making, my ex looks at me again and then spreads my legs even wider and starts to fuck me like an animal, all I hear is my own screams of pleasure and also his friends screams and moans and my ex’s screams and moans, we are all losing it now and I can’t control myself anymore, I cum again, so hard this time, I feel like I’m about to pass out, I feel like I can’t breath, my ex has this animal look in his eye and he is possessed with every thrust into me, he is screaming now, pounding into me, hurting me but the fine line between pleasure and pain is driving me over the edge. He bites my nipples again, this time drawing blood and sucking them, I can’t feel the pain, the adrenaline has kicked in and its’ all about pleasure, he is so close now, I can feel that he won’t be long in cumming, in the meantime I feel his friend spread my ass cheeks wide one last time and then I feel him ram his cock and balls all the way up my ass and he blows so damn hard, I can feel his hot cum burning my asshole again, its so tender inside and out by now, it feels so amazing, my ex feels the pressure of him blowing in my ass and that is all he needed to finally cum, he spreads my legs wider and then up, lifting me even higher and then he screams and he rips his cock deeper inside me, cumming so hard and fast again, non stop with the thrusts, fucking me like the wild animal he is. I feel like I’m about to pass out, I can’t move, I can’t breath, my whole both is aching but I feel so amazing. They both slowly pull out of both my holes and I feel the hot water fill both holes, it was actually amazing to watch how the water was just gushing inside them, they to were both mesmerized to see what their cocks had done to both my holes, my ex looks at me and just smiles and slowly bends down and gives me a very passionate and loving kiss, it was so gentle, I can’t believe how at home I felt with him at that moment. His friend was kissing my shoulder now, gently massaging my very sore nipples. I turn around and kiss him to, I feel like a queen, buried between these beautiful men. We slowly get out of the spa and they both carry me to the bed, they lie me down in the middle and settle themselves on either side of me. I finally fall asleep on my ex’s chest but with his friends fingers gently stroking my pussy lips and occasionally slipping inside them, with another finger massaging my asshole and fingering that to. I can’t believe how content I was, this was home………… 4 hrs later I wake up realizing that his friends cock was buried deep inside my ass again, that man loves ass…lol….. I turn to him and smile and he starts to fuck me with long hard thrusts while fingering my pussy, before I knew it, he was also wrist deep in my pussy, with his dick in my ass, he says he wanted to feel what my ex felt when he did it, I smiled and told him to go for it, I close my eyes and enjoy the ride, with the slow loving motion of both my holes being penetrated again. I turn to my ex and he smiles at me, watching what his friend was doing and asks me “are you happy babe?” and I said “yes, this was the best thing I could’ve done, I’ve missed you so much”, I look in his eyes and that is when I realize he still loves me, his eyes never lie, they have always told me so much when I look into them, he finally says “please tell me you are here to stay and this isn’t a quick trip, I don’t think I can handle that pain again babe?” and I have no idea how to tell him that my ticket was only for 2 weeks. I sigh and tell him “we’ll see love, we’ll see”……knowing deep in my heart that I will be going home and leaving us both heartbroken again…… The time finally came after two weeks…… he actually cried at the airport, we both did, we had two very intense and emotion filled weeks that felt like 2 yrs to us, when I had to say goodbye at the airport, I felt like a piece of me was dying, you have to understand this man never cries, nothing will ever make him cry, he is a true mans man, he was brought up to believe that a man must always be strong, he shouldn’t cry even if he was hit in the balls hard….. but when I kissed him that last time, his face was wet and that is all I needed to start me off, I didn’t want to let him go. He held on very tight but I had to go, I left him and disappeared as I was departing, watching him in so much pain, it didn’t match the pain I was feeling though, I just wanted to curl up on the ground and cry like a baby. The trip home felt like a dream, I don’t even remember the plane touching down. That’s when I knew……I was back in Australia but my heart was in Tampa, for the first time I knew without a shadow of a doubt what I needed to do……….. I went home, packed up all the things that were important to me, booked another ticket back to him, I said goodbye to my family, my friends, my whole life really, my fantastic job that I had, and I went home…… home to my man. I can’t end without the most memorable part of it all, I didn’t tell him I was coming “home” to him, I say home because being there with him felt like home, I got to Tampa in the afternoon, I knew the bar he would be in, I knew exactly what his daily ritual was, I go the bar and sure enough, there he was, alone, drinking a Budweiser lite, looking very lost….. I sneak up behind him and said “what does a girl have to do to get a beer around here” and the quickly turns around and screams, he couldn’t believe I was there, he grabs me, screams, turns me around and then asks me “does this mean you’re here to stay” and I scream “yessssssssssssssssss” and he screams again and shouts everyone at the bar a drink, they all cheered, it was awesome, he wouldn’t let me go, kept on kissing me, making sure I was real. All of his friends came up to me later and said that he has been so miserable and unhappy since we had originally broken up and they all knew it was because of me and now he is finally whole again, I love his friends…… to this day I love them. I stayed there for another 3 years and then we both decided to come back to Sydney which is where we are now settled, we own our own house and are getting married in 6 months time. He loves Australia. We are meant to be, fate and destiny played their part and I can’t imagine my life without this man, plus the crazy sex life is just the added bonus. The End. Hope you all enjoyed my story, it’s a fairytale to me (with some awesome sex). The great news is, the fairytale is still happening……….. |
She was just turning twenty: lonely, a little skinny with small breasts and blood red lips lips. She was lonely and forever in search of love. She went to a community college and got average grades. All the boys ignored her; she was just too plain. But things were about to change. The girl, named Raven by the way, was surprised one day when she saw the eyes of a very handsome dark haired man roaming up and down her body one afternoon in psych class. She blushed and looked away, but when she returned her focus to the lecturer the eyes were still there, green and piercing, ripping her clothes off with every glance. She felt excited in ways she had never dreamed of. Her cotton panties began to get soaked. She rubbed her hips together trying to take full advantage of the attention. That night, while laying awake it bed, her fingers slipped into her dripping cunt at the thought of that strange man in her class. Her orgasm and masturbation ritual, which was usually a way to get to sleep, was now filled with a new excitement and as her hands began to caress her entire body, she came with an intensity she could not believe. In the calm afterwards she thought about tasting her self, just to be extra dirty, but decided not to. It was just too weird. Raven looked forward to class the next day but to her dismay, the beautiful man was not in class. She sulked quietly until quiet near the end of class; her dream man appeared and with an excuse to the teacher, took up his regular place. She had heard his voice; it tingled in her brain, deep and pleasurable. She thought about penetration, oral sex, and so much more. She thought about this man more and more, and one day, during one of her many daydreams, he was there, right next to her in the grocery store buying oranges and cucumbers. She shirked away but he was kind to her, funny even making crude comments about the produce. She laughed and thought it was cute. He told her his name was Alex, and gave her his number. Raven called three hours later and set up a date. She sounded very very desperate. They dated, kids stuff really. Movies, carnivals, classically cliché things that made her feel comfortable. He was polite and firm. She was afraid to upset him and always tried to be as pretty as possible on her dates. He had her by a leash, she loved it. They kissed, but anything else was avoided almost awkwardly. She would put out, she made that clear, but he just ignored her body. Sometimes she felt ugly and beautiful at the same time. This frustrated her very much. Raven began to masturbate more and more. The loved the juice running down her legs and thought of cock non-stop. Alex was driving her crazy and she wanted sweet pleasurable sex and told him so. “You want sex?” he asked almost jokingly, “then you have to play by my rules.” She was thrilled a little kink was always welcomed. She had been a shut in for so long and a virgin for twenty years. Fantasies were her forte. They began to kiss passionately in her apartment living-room/kitchen. He broke it off quickly and saliva dripped down her small chest into her cleavage, dripping into her bra. She felt ever inch of her body on fire. She wanted cock! “You’ve got to promise me” he said, that once we start, there is no going back, do you understand?” She nodded and he kissed her on the head. “Meet me at my house tomorrow.” And he left. Alex’s house was a secretive place that Raven barely went to. She went up to the door in a robe and not much else and rang the bell. Alex was there waiting, she was late and he was pissed. Something had changed about him; he seemed more grim, more focused, more within his element. Raven was a little nervous, would he beat her? He led her to the upstairs bed and all of her worries vanished. She felt his large hands explore her outer lips and go deep inside her. She could almost taste his cum as he sucked on her small tits. All of a sudden the room went black as a cloth was put over her mouth, the last thing she remembered seeing was a small shadowy female figure come out of the closet. When Raven awoke she was tied up in the basement. The smell of chloroform was in the air and in front of her stood her lover Alex, still clothed and a naked hairless girl next to him. She was yellowish with large blue eyes. A black band was around her neck and her head was pointed down, making her look helpless and sad. She was fingering herself constantly to “keep herself warm for her master”. Alex gagged Raven and whispered in her ear:” This is my first wife and slave; she is to be called the First. You will be my second, do you understand?” Raven shook her head and Alex grabbed her nipple sending pain throughout her body. She began to cry and nod “yes yes” immediately. Torture and conditioning began and Raven was being fully turned into another number. She was beaten and struck until she bled. Vaginal secretions were poured onto her as the First became excited. She was not shaved, like The First, and her armpits and pussy began to grow a fine layer of fur. She felt wild, and soon enough she began to enjoy the torturous pain. At night she was massaged and brought close to orgasm. Large dildos were put into her ass and vagina and set on vibrate while she slept. She woke up from wet dreams constantly only to find a bald slave either watching her intently or curled in a fetal position. Raven was told she had dropped out of school and quit her job, Alex had arrange everything. She was let down from the chains a new person. She was a little weak and ate heavily. It had been weeks since her last real activity. She had become a new person. Her bush was large and unkempt, her nipples were red and puffy and she had the posture of a sexually molested beast (not far from the truth). She desired more and more sex and soon she would have it. She was no longer a virgin, dildo and fisting had broken her hymen long ago, but the first real penis in her was soon to come. Alex approached her at the table where she and The First ate and unzipped his pants unceramonially. The basement was dark and unfurnished with an old carpet, the walls were cracked and beat and the single light from the ceiling gave the basement the appearance of a slasher film. This is where Raven would finally be fucked in. He and the First began to suck on Alex’s enormous cock. She ate it and licked his ass and balls; they fingered themselves almost to orgasm until he was nice and hard. The first bent down and began to eat and lick Ravens hairy cunt. Waves of pleasure enveloped Raven as the long tongue reached into her. Alex slowly crept up behind his first lover and deeply penetrated her hole. All Raven knew of this was the sudden gasp and the slight lull in pleasure. After Ravens first orgasm, Alex pulled out of The First and made raven suck him more. It tasted of precum and ass. Alex had been sodomizing the poor creature. Alex started fucking Raven and as his cock slid in and out of her the First covered her in saliva, finally resting on Alex’s cock and Raven’s swollen clit. Alex moaned in pleasure and orgasm as he sprayed his two slaves with cum. The white liquid ran down their faces and into ever crack and crevice. It stained the ones skin and got stuck in Raven’s hair. The two were put into a room, chained up without cleaning and left to contemplate their fates as Permanent slaves with each other. The End |
It all stated one day, when my daughter was 13 and I was 33. My daughter's name is Emily. She has small tits, and a nice ass; I would soon find out that she saves her cunt. I will never forget this one day that it started, I was at home on the computer looking at porn when my Emily came home, "hi, dad," she sad, and gave me a small kiss on the cheek, "hi sweetly, how was your day?" I asked as she sat down. As she sat I could see right up her skirt, she wasn't wearing panties, I looked away fast but I still got hard. "It was fine, we started learning about sex ed in school" she started moving and rubbing her little cunt on the floor as if to relive pressure, "I’m going to take a shower now." she got up and striped and went up stairs, this made my dick bulge even more I just started jerking it right there, then she came down naked and said that there were no towels, "I didn't know you felt that way abut me dad" she came over to my and started giving me a blow job, I told her that it wasn't right for us to be doing this, but as all teenagers Emily didn't listen to her father when she wanted to do something, I came in her mouth and she swallowed all of my cum "do u want to return the favour?" she climbed up on me and put her cunt right over my mouth. "O daddy I just love your warm tongue in my cunt" that was her idea of a hint to get me to eat her out. So I did. She was so sweet; I licked her to orgasm, after orgasm. Then she said "how about we go up to your bed where we have more room?" i didn't want to because my wife would know that i had sex with someone in our bed, "no how about we go to your bed" i demanded as i spanked her playfully on the ass, and she went straight to her room she ran there, i walked when i got there she was fingering her self. i shed what clothes i was wearing and went to the bed. The came and lied on me. Gave me a long French kiss and she lowered her pussy onto my dick she was so tight as i got far enough i felt her cherry and she went straight through it. She was doing everything and i was just lying there. Emily started moaning and groaning "o yes dad fuck me, fuck me" then she came all over my dick and the bead sheets, she kept on fucking me till i came. i groaned and then shot my load deep inside her, she whispered in my ear "your cum feels so warm in my cunt." then she got off and started licking her juice off my cock, and a little bit of blood, i forgot that i had been her first so i asked her after she shucked me to another orgasm if she was alright she said she was fine. i knew she was lying because i saw the tears in her eyes, i kissed her and said "o, Emily u made me happiest daddy in the world today. u should have let me be on top so it wouldn't have hurt u so much" just then I heard a car pull up. i kissed Emily once more and ran to my bedroom, got dressed, but realized it wasn't my wife’s car. it was my daughters friend Maggie. Her and her parents were nudists, Emily knew they were coming over she came down stairs but naked, and dragged her friend up stairs and they started talking about what just happened between me and her, I was downstairs with Maggie’s parents. I apologized for being rude so I striped but I still had Emily’s juice on my dick so Helen and Joe saw this so I called Maggie and Emily downstairs, they came but they had had cum on their faces “what have u been doing?” I said to my daughter who looked ho hot with girl cum on her face, “there just having fun” Helen said ”yes dad were just having fun, kind of like the fun that u and me just had” I blushed at that then suggest we wait for my wife to come home and wait to continue. We didn’t have to wait long, my wife Kathryn pulled up, and when she walked in the door she said “Helen, Joe, how nice to see you again, I’ve been horny all day and couldn’t do anything about it, Joe do u want to help me?” I took Helen to the spare bedroom and Kathryn took Joe to our room, When me and Helen got there she got on all fours and said “fuck me in the ass, I haven’t been fucked there since last time we fucked,” I said, “ok, ur ass hole is always tight, I love fucking it,” In Emily’s room her and Maggie were in a 69 and licking like there was no tomorrow, after they each came three or four times Maggie got a dildo and shoved it in Emily’s cunt until she came then Emily took it with her cunt juice still dripping from it, and shoved it in Maggie’s ass Emily then whispered in Maggie’s ear that she had to pee, she sat on Maggie’s chest right on top of her tits, and pissed, this made Maggie cum hard then they switched positions and Maggie pissed on Emily and with no attention to her cunt she came. Joe and Kathryn were fucking like beasts Kathryn had cum coming out of every hole. after a few hours Joe and Helen had to leave. They let Maggie spend the night. During the night me and Kathryn kept on hearing moaning i told her that i wouldtell emily and maggie to stop and go to bed but thasts not what i had in mind. WHen i got to Emily's room I told maggie to go to my bed and hopefully my wife would fuck her, but i wanted Emily all to me self, she had dried cum all over her body. i licked her tits and ass, then she said that she hasn't pissed since Maggie's parnets were over, i started to lick her cunt and she pissed right in my mouth, her piss tasted so good. |
We have lived in our neighborhood for 12 years. The children were small when I was able to buy the house with the money in the divorce settlement.Heather was 7 and Phillip was 5,my name is Mary Lynn Hewitt. The summer that I had my radical life changing experience,Heather had just turned 19 and was home after her freshman year at college. I did not see her much,as she was working at a Preschool -Daycare in the Arvida complex off Yamato Road. Phillip was 17,and away at computer camp for a month, before going off USC to study computer science. I have been online for about ten years,so email and all its eccentricities are part of my life.One day,however,I received an email that came in on the evening of June 15th and said simply, “ When you go out to shop tomorrow,do not wear any panties.” I just sat there and looked at the screen. I hit reply and typed “who is this"and sent it off,only to have it bounce back in 10 seconds. The message said there was no such address.Who would send me an email like this I thought?It was hard for me to admit that I was somewhat scared, but also quite turned on. I thought of some guys I knew at work,at the health club and in the neighbor hood,and I even thought of Lional Able,my sexy British neighbor,but he was out of town on one of his trips. The next day I went shopping,I hesitated about the panties and then put them on and went about my business.That night about 9,I received another email that said:it was too bad I had decided not to obey,I had missed a thrill. That I should please think about it more.And that was it-- again I hit reply and it bounced back. My head whirled as I sat on the window seat in the living room and stared out at the night.How did he know I’d wore panties? Was I being stalked? Who was behind this? For two weeks I received no emails and was really disappointed.The next email came in again at 9 in the evening. It said:“Tomorrow when you go to the library, do not wear a bra,wear that lavender t-shirt,you look wonderful in it” I did not even bother to hit reply. I sat there thinking,Well,I have another chance.Then I pulled myself back to reality.What was it that was making me even consider doing it.Who was I, or who I was I becoming? I came into the kitchen the next morning,and ask my two young adults: ” I am going to the library soon, anyone want to come?.” I knew full well if one of the kids came I would wear the bra for sure.They both shook their heads, “We are playing tennis with the Sutton Twins at Pioneer Park,” They gulped down the OJ,inhaled the bagel and off they went.There was nothing for it now,I took off my bra,put on my lavender t-shirt,grabbed my backpack and took off for the library.I had gone braless before but never like this.It was fun,and I enjoyed it.The email came in --prompt as ever and it said: “ That’s my girl” It was the second week of July when the next e-mail came.I was in my bedroom,Heather and some friends were in the Florida room watching "The Gilmore Girls".Phillip was over at Cliff’s house. I looked around to make sure no one was able to see my screen and I read these words: “Beautiful one,Tomorrow at the City Hall Art show,no panties,no bra.If you do not comply there will be consequences.” I sat there stunned!What I thought,am I crazy,this could be some weird serial killer setting me up by stalking me! But somehow I knew that was not true.That section of me that had been deprived for so long was kicking into gear. I began planning what to wear so as to disguise the fact that I had no bra and panties on.I had planned to wear shorts and a t-shirt,but definitely not now.Funny,I had already made up my mind to obey. The next day was bright and beautiful and hot as are days in July,in South Florida.Heather was all excited as one of her pictures would be in the juried show.She and Phillip and entourage took off early.I told them I would meet them there. By ten o'clock,I was a nervous wreck and had tried on most of the clothes in my closet. It was pretty evident no matter what I wore,the no bra look would seen.I settled for a long flowered skirt,and a wine colored loose blouse.I felt very decadent as I parked the car and walked in among the crowd.I was greeted by numbers of people I knew.There were a few glances from guys that told me I was right about my braless look.The no panties,however would remain a secret,or so I thought. LionalAble was there,a smile on his face,in fact as one of the judges for the show. He put his arm around my waist and hugged me. I wondered if he could feel the no elastic at my waist,maybe he knew? Again and again I felt a pleasurable feeling that comes with being naughty.Times passed and It was almost time to go home.Heather had won a third and was happy.The skies opened up and we all got drenched.Needless to say,I ran,no I sprinted for the car as my clothing clung to my body. there were two off- duty police officers who were watching me;one of them lived on my block.But my kids never noticed.Bless their self-absorbed little hearts. At 9 I was at the computer. There was absolutely no mail.I was at a loss to say how I felt.For 5 long days there was no mail.When the next one came,on Aug 5,I was absolutely blown away with the request. It said: “On Tuesday you will receive a package from UPS. On Saturday night at 12:00 midnight,you are to put on what you find in the package.You will then walk to the your bay window,If you look up to your left and right at the far top you will find a hook.You will attached the leather cuffs around your wrists to the hooks.You will be on your toes,on the window seat,your arms spread very wide with help of the hooks and cuffs.You will stand,in the window for 60 minutes, absolutely motionless.Be sure and turn off all inside and outside lights.Your children will be away for the evening.You did well the other day, but we must help you get rid of your inhibitions. Look on this as a step,if you do not do this, you will be disciplined.“ I was a basket case the rest of the week, would the kids be around when the UPS driver came.? They were not,and in box was a pale green satin corset with no bottom and no top,pale green stockings and a pair of leather cuffs.I went to the window,and sure enough there were two hooks there.Would the kids be going out that night,how long would they be out,when might they be returning home?It was not till Friday I found out that Heather was going to South Beach to a new dance club and would stay with her friend Sal that night. Phillip was going to be with his dad in Daytona. The coast was clear, the scene was on.Or was it? Finally I decided I would do it. On Saturday night,11:30 the phone rang.My cousin Mary calling from Denver,it was early there for her.I talked for about 10 minutes,then reminded her of the time difference. She reluctantly said good bye,and I drove for the closet to get dressed or undressed as the case might be. Everything looked wonderful,I looked wonderful,I stood there marveling ata me I would not have even chose to allow. At five till midnight I approached the window,the house dark, the outside lights off.I stood on the window seat, attached the cuffs,spread my arms and legs and was there --on display,for all those who happened to pass by.The 60 minutes passed slowly, it was heaven and hell.No one passed by,no bushes moved,no shadows appeared.I stayed there --was almost reluctant to get down.My nipples were hard as bullets,and there was pussy juice dripping down my leg.What was I becoming?? Not only did I enjoy being an exhibitionist, but I enjoyed obeying his direction’s He watched as she pulled her arms loose from the cuffs,and stretch her arms and legs. His camera kept clicking noiselessly Two days and no emails later,the photos came.In a plain brown envelope,no return address, postmarked Deerfield Beach.I sat on my bed and stared at the images-- of me--in the window. It was a night photo,therefore it had a green cast and that all but obliterated the corset and stockings.I appeared absolutely naked.Someone had been out there,watching and taking pictures.I began to cry,not out of fear,but out of need,and as the tears fell so did the juice from my pussy. I was saturated,my panties were wet through and though and my tears were genuine.I took a shower, reached for my bike helmet,got my bike out of the garage and headed for the ocean.I left a note on the kitchen table, saying: ”I am biking,will grab something to eat out. You are on your own. Love MOM” I made sure the pictures were put away in the safe in my room,I could not bring myself to destroy them.I chose to bike to a park that was far from my house.I wanted to be exhausted physically so I would not think.But think I did, and I finally reached the conclusion that I wanted an alternative life style and what implication it would have I did not know!I began to research on the web and found so many sites my mind was boggled at the things I did not know I found out not only was there thriving alternative communities out there,there was a Bondage Club near by.I waited for another email, none came until the night before the kids left for school on Aug 28th. It said: “This Saturday morning,you will have a visitor.He comes from me,let him in and let him to what I sent him to do.It is for your pleasure and reward.Do not hesitate to strip for this, this is important” Oh my God,I thought,now what! Clearly I was in for a new experience,but not with the writer of the emails. My mind whirled with possibilities and finally I had to let it go and wait.I was being rewarded for obeying,my mind boggled. The kids got off with the maximum of chaos and effort.A few of their friends who were staying behind to study,came to see them off along with the Bennett's who lived next door. Their dad from Daytona,who would take them to the airport.Along with others,Lionel Able was there to pass out hugs and gifts. I went off to work,feeling a little empty but thinking to myself that no mother has a cure for the “Empty Nest Syndrome” that I was having. On Thursday I rid up the house as Clara was coming to clean on Friday while I was at work.I put out clean sheets and wondered why I was doing that,made me wet wondering. Friday I came home, the house clean and empty.I pulled out all the emails and the pictures from the safe and one by one went over them. I visited some web sites and thought seriously about signing up. I went to bed and surprisingly fell asleep Saturday morning was hot and steamy. There was a hurricane out there somewhere in the South Atlantic.I had a cup of coffee.I still wore my sleep shirt when the doorbell rang This was it, but it was not-- it was a man selling Termite inspection.I managed to get rid of him,he was reluctant.I think he was more then interested in my night shirt.Funny how much of an exhibitionist I was becoming.At 11 the doorbell rang again.I answered it and there was a young man,about 28 or so.Tall, blond, and good looking. “Hi,"he said,“I am here to give you a message courtesy of a friend” and he handed me a card “Where shall I set up” he asked.” “Oh, in the bedroom, I think” I waved my hand in the direction,he headed off that way,carrying what looked to be a table and I followed while reading the card. The note read: "From my hands to your body From my heart to your soul One day it will be me" “My name is Jim and I am going to give you a tantric deep message,"the young man said. I frowned,but he explained no further. “Please remove your clothes” he said as he looked at the bed. He felt it and said it would be firm enough to use and more comfortable then the table. “Lie on you back,we will put a pillow under your heard and a pillow under your hips.Spread your legs apart and bend your knees a little.” He began.His fingers had warm oil on them, and he began to massage my toes,feet,thighs, abdomen,chest and nipples.I began to feel relaxed and yet wide awake.It was a truly relaxing and yet erotic experience.I drifted off somewhere Never once did his fingers stray,only did their wonderful job.I don’t know how long I lie there, but when I woke up.He was gone. An email came a few days later.The sender was glad I had enjoyed the message and that it was time to be a bit more daring.On Thursday around 2am,I was to wear my black lacy peignoir and I was to take a walk around the block,with Heather’s dog,Buster. It said that I was not to run,or jog,but leisurely walk.Again,if I disobey there will be a harsh discipline.I stared at the mail.However at two a.m.,as if guided by an unseen hand,there I was,in my black lacy see- though Peignoir walking Buster. A Police car came slowly down the street as I finished and started to turn into my driveway. Two faces stared at me, trying not to look at my very obvious body. One voice said, “ Hello, Mary Lynn,dogs do have to be walked at difficult times,but watch out it gets chilly this time of night.” As he said this his eyes were fixed on my chest.I looked down at my very prominent nipples aggravitated by the lace and the chill.I walked into the house,tuned Buster loose and fell on my bed;exhilarated and exhausted. By the middle of September,I was getting weary and frustrated and wanted this game to be over.I wanted to find out who was doing this,and to actually touch him and have him touch me. There was only one way I knew to accomplish this, I would disobey him, surely he will show up to discipline me, anyway that is what my logic system told me.I waited for the next email.It did not come for a week. “You did as you were told,excellent slave, now you will find the next task challenging. Your daughter has a web cam hooked up to her computer, transfer it to your computer,follow the URL I give you,it will open a door to a viewing room. You are to stand in front of the camera, and slowly strip till you are naked.You will be able to see how many people are watching by the number at the bottom.When you are naked you will play with you nipples,and your clit and then lie down on your bed and masturbate till you cum.” Aghast! Well --I thought I picked the right command to disobey, there is not way I am going to do this.And I didn’t,in fact I grew very cowardly and actually went on a early long weekend to Key West.The weekend was an alternate in hell as I was sad I did not obey,and fearful about the discipline. It was also an alternate iheaven,where I argued with myself that I had finally come to my senses,this lifestyle was not for me.I would go back to a normal life and block any further emails. I was back home about two weeks,and had received no emails.He evidently knew I had disobeyed.I was working in the yard around the Gardenia bush when Mrs. Bennett came over and ask me if I had heard the news. “No“, I said “what news“ “Why,Mr.Able is moving out,he is going back to England,after all these years.” She chatted about a few other things and then left. My heart stopped for a fraction of second, and I ran,literally ran into my house.What should I do?Was he the one?Yes,I was pretty sure of it. Was this the discipline?Oh God,this was terrible! I paced and paced,and finally threw open the door about and ran across the street and walked in the unlocked front door.The house was cool,seemed to be deserted and I went from room to room seeing evidence of packing being done.I sat down and cried,then pulled myself together after a while and started to leave.I heard a noise,a car pulled in,it was his car.I ran for the front door,it was now locked.I struggled with it,to no avail.I heard the door from the garage to the kitchen open and the footsteps coming toward me. What I did was not thought out,I just threw myself down on my knees,my head touching the floor and waited.I could see his shoes now as he stood in front of me.I kept saying “I am sorry,I am sorry,I am sorry,don’t leave,give me another punishment,please.” He left me there on my knees for a long time.Finally,he did not speak,but grabbed me by my hair and dragged me into another room.He stripped me naked,with no sign of emotion.He tied my wrists together,and threw one end of the rope over an exposed beam and I was hanging with my toes baring touching the floor.I was blindfolded and spanked,he used many kinds of whips.Some felt like velvet caresses some felt like hot irons,my body was on fire.My pussy was leaking juice and urine. It went on and on and on.I begged,I pleaded,I cried. He knelt before me,spread open wide the lips that sheltered my clit,he then put his tongue on me and in me and sucked me dry.The pain disappeared and I was crying again.He took me down,put me in a warm bath,put cream on some slashed skin and never spoke.I grew wise and did not speak either.Finally I looked up at him, tears falling from my eyes, “Master,don’t leave me,I will die without you. You made me what I am.” He stood before me,that face I knew so well. “ I love you woman,but never ever forget who you are and who I am again.” He smiled,“remember that my pretty slave.” He did not leave,the neighborhood settled down.I live in my house,he lives in his.There is a special room is in his house,because my kids still come home at times. We make love,a lot,in many,many ways and in many places.I learned that the touch of lips, and the hurt from his hands were both signs of his love for me.I rarely disobey,for this is my life. I am a happy slave. |
This is a continuation of Chapter 6. If this is your first time reading about the Quad's, I would recommend to go back and read Chapter 6 first. If you want to know about everything that has happened, go back to the first chapter. Enjoy. **** Later that afternoon, Jack, Shane and I were the first ones up. We sat in the breakfast nook, drank glasses of orange juice, and talked about what we had done the night before. Neither Shane nor I had ever had bi sex, and even though we did try it, we decided that it really wasn't for us. Jack had tried it before and enjoyed it. We told him that if wanted to continue with it, it was fine with us. We just didn't want to do it. When Stephanie, Stacy and Brenda woke later, the six of us relaxed around the house, swam in the pool, and went out to dinner. We just sat around and watched movies before we headed off to bed that night. We didn't do anything more that weekend. When our parents returned, they told us that they found a four bedroom, three-bath house for us. Mom and dad had also called Jack and Brenda's parents, and all of them agreed to help with the expenses. The rest of the summer we spent relaxing. Either around the house and pool, or at Jack and Brenda's. There were a few times when they spent another long weekend with us, and it was just like the first time, sex, sex, and more sex. When it was finally time to leave for college, we packed, said our good-byes and left. Shane and Stacy were in one car, and Stephanie and I were in my truck with the majority of our stuff. We stopped by Jack and Brenda's, picked them up, and left again. During the summer, we purchased inexpensive furniture to furnish the house, so all we had were our clothes and necessities. The plan was to arrive a few days early so we could get settled in before we began our first hectic week of college. Even though we had been there a few times over the summer, all of us still had a hard time negotiating the campus, but we managed. Through the thoughtful thinking of our parents, and smart investing, our college was basically paid for. But all of us found small part time jobs for spending money. The first few weeks we were so busy getting use to college life, all of us had little time for anything else. Classes, study, work and sleep. That is all we did. After the first month, the girls decided to invite some friends over whom they had met at school. Jack, Shane and I were fine with it. We had some studying to do on a paper that was due the following week. That Friday when Stephanie, Stacy and Brenda arrived home, they brought their friends along with them. Introductions were made all around, and we went our separate ways. The girls spent their time between the living room and outdoors. Jack, Shane and I stayed in the room that we converted to be a studying room for all of us. Girls will be girls, and a few times the laughing and screaming traveled throughout the house for us to hear. There were even a few times when some of the girls accidentally opened the door hunting for the bathroom. After an embarrassing apology, they closed the door and went on their way. A little more than an hour after the girls arrived, I had to urinate, so I headed to the bathroom. Quietly making my way through the hallway, I could hear the girls. After I had taken care of my business, I was putting my cock away when the door suddenly opened. Turning to see whom the intruder was, I was surprised to see one of the new girls. "Oh, I'm sorry. I thought the bathroom was empty," she stammered. Not knowing what to say or do, I stood there in a stupor. "Looks like you have your hands full," she stated bringing me back around. Looking down, I realized my cock was still exposed, halfway to my pants. "Oops, sorry." I said trying to stuff it back in. The girl closed the door, and quickly made her way in, placing her hands over mine, stopping me from putting my cock out of sight. "Don't. I want to show you that I am sorry for intruding." With that said, she quickly knelt and placed my flaccid cock in her mouth. After a few minutes of sucking me in and out of her mouth, my cock was soon at a hardened state. Stephanie, Stacey and Brenda had all given me blowjobs, but this stranger in front of me made them look like amateurs. The suction she was applying had me seeing dark spots in my eyes, and I had to place my hands on the wall to keep my legs from giving out. The girl never sped up. She was very slowly giving me a blowjob, taking her time, savoring the taste, and tracing her tongue over every inch of my cock. Not knowing how long we had been in there, I started to feel my testicles tighten up. She must have felt it also because she took only the head of my cock in, and started to pump the rest. I was soon emptying my full load into her mouth. Whomever this angel was in front of me, swallowed every drop and did not let a bit leak past her lips. When she was done, the girl placed my cock in my pants, zipped me, and stood to kiss my on my cheek, thanking me. I could smell my cum on her breath as she kissed me, and then she made her way to the toilet to sit and relieve herself. I had not uttered a word since she walked in on me, and quietly walked out to give her some privacy. Making my way back to the room with Shane and Jack. When I told them what happened, they just hoot and hollered. Both of them saying, "Yea right." And then started joking about it. Not too long later, Jack was the one who had to take a bathroom break. He was gone for about forty-five minutes when he walked back in with a Cheshire Cat grin on his face. "Okay Sherlock. What's the shit eating grin for?" Shane asked him. "You remember the tall girl with long brunette hair? I just bent her over the sink and had her from behind." The hooting and hollering started all over again. Not wanting to be left out, Shane walked out of the room. Jack and I continued laughing about what was happening. We had started to calm down when Shane walked back in. "Hey guys, I have a good one for you?" "What? You blew your nut as soon as one of them looked at you." Jack told him as I almost fell out of my chair laughing. "No. I have one who wants two of us." "Bullshit." I told him as I wiped the tears from my eyes. "I am serious Shawn. She came on to me, and then asked if one of you would like to join us." "I don't know. What would Stephanie, Stacy and Brenda think if they walked in on us?" Jack asked. "If we hurry they won't. You two decide and then come on. We will be in one of the other rooms." Shane then turned and walked out. "What do you think?" Jack asked me. "I don't know. If you want to join them, go ahead. I will try to head off the girls." Suddenly Jack slowly started to smile. "Uh oh. I hate it when you get that look. What's up?" "How about both of us joining them?" Jack asked. "Shane said that she wanted two of us, not all three." "Yes she did, but not which one. So lets go in there and see what happens." "Okay, but if she gets upset I am leaving." We waiting about another ten minutes and then went hunting for Shane and the girl. They were in one of the bedrooms, and when we walked in, Shane was on his back, and the girl was riding him, facing away from us. Shane saw us, and smiled knowing that both of us were there. Getting undressed, Jack walked up to the girl and pushed her down so she was lying on Shane's chest; his cock still buried in her. Jack ran his fingers through her crack until he got to her anal opening. Shane and Jack were the two who enjoyed anal sex; I could never get into it. Jack then slid one finger up her rectum until it was buried to the third knuckle. Slowly he started to slide his finger in and out of her. Jack kept the movement up until a second finger joined the first, opening her up a little more. A third soon joined the other two, and when Jack thought she was ready, he got behind her and aimed his cock at her waiting rectum. Slowly Jack pushed in, and when he was fully buried, both him and Shane waited until she got used to their cocks being in her. When they started moving, Shane and Jack set up a rhythm as both their cocks pumped in her. Standing there watching them got me going, and my cock was soon at its full size. Silently I walked up to them until my cock was in the face of the girl. When she first saw me, the girl was a little surprised, but when she saw my hard cock a smile crossed her face and she reached for me, pulling me until she could suck my cock into her mouth. There we all were, Shane on has back with his cock buried in the girls pussy as she lay on his chest. Jack was above them with his cock buried in her ass, and I was to the side with my cock in her mouth. If we were enjoying this, then the girl had to be in heaven with cocks in every hole. I am sure that if we had two more guys there, she would have her hands full as well. We were being as quiet as possible, so when I heard a slight noise at the door, I looked. Stephanie was standing in the hallway looking in at us. She was neither shocked nor upset. After watching for a few minutes, she turned and left. Not long after Stephanie left, Stacey stood at the door. As like Stephanie before her, she did not utter a word. Just stood there and watched as Jack, Shane and I slid our cocks in and out of every hole this girl had. She left, and then Brenda showed up. I didn't mind the three of them seeing us, but I was starting to worry that the rest of the girls would see us. The three of us started moving faster, and soon I felt myself tighten up. The girl must have felt it also because she picked up the pace a little more on my cock. When the cum raced through my cock and into the waiting mouth, she swallowed it like she had done this many times before; not a drop was missed. Jack yelled out saying that he was getting close. The girl moved from between Shane and Jack, and when she did Brenda made a hasty retreat. The girl took Jacks cock, and was soon swallowing his cum. After she had his cock sucked clean, the girl turned to Shane. Soon she was drinking his sperm. Whoever this girl was, she just swallowed three loads of cum, and not one drop passed her lips. Jack, Shane and I got dressed and made it back to the other room. Studying was done for the night because all we could do was talk about what happened. |
“Why don’t you try it?” Laura’s big brown eyes widened as a naughty thrill went through her body making her shudder a little at the thought of it. “Be serious” Laura said with a shy smile to her best friend Tally. Laura and Tally were sat in a coffee shop as they normally did on their dinner break chatting. Tally had been Laura best friend since they were at school; here they were still best friends at the age of 33, even working in the same office building. What they were chatting about was a present that Laura had been given for her last birthday by another friend. “I am serious Lau you should try it” Tally smiled as she tried to convince Laura it was right what she was saying. “I’m 33 Tally and have never done anything like that before in my life, no not even when I was younger before you say anything” Laura laughed and shook her head, her long brown curly hair swaying as she sipped her coffee and smiled at her friend. “Laura you are sexy, just look at those boobs for got sake” Laura’s mouth dropped and she playfully slapped her friends arm before giggling “If no bloke wants that then you need to do something” Tally joked as she pointed at Laura’s chest, her tight, white silk shirt pressed against her big breasts “Hey I’m not some old spinster you know” Laura laughed as did Tally “I have had men before” again Laura laughed “Yeah but the last one was what 3 years ago?” Tally said with a grin, “Come on tell me you haven’t had the feelings in all that time” Laura couldn’t lie, she had become frustrated at times during the last 3 years of abstinence but she had never done anything about it, she just dove into her work more and tried to forget the feeling until they went away, still the thought of what Tally was saying made her mind run wild. “I’ll get a bloke some time” Laura said as she drank the last of her coffee and looked at her friend who smiled “But right now we need to get back to work” she said looking at her watch. “Just don’t forget what I said Lau” Tally said as they got back to the office and went to their own office’s. Laura couldn’t forget what Tally had said even if she wanted to; her mind was on it all the time she was trying to work, thrills ran through her mind and made her giggle at times, she was just happy that she was alone in her office so she could let out the feelings she had. The day ended and Laura went home, when she got in she did her usual ritual, run a bath as she got some food out of the freezer to be heated up for hr to eat. Stripping off Laura dropped her clothes in her hamper which was overflowing now and got into the hot water, the bubbles covering her long legs as they sank into the rippling liquid, a shiver went down her back as she sighed as the water covered her trimmed pubic hair and stomach her breasts lightly getting lapped by the warm water as the bubbly suds covered her and she closed her eyes relaxing her body. “I couldn’t” Laura said in her mind as she thought about what Tally had said to her, she couldn’t even believe that she had been given it for her birthday, she was shocked then but could laugh about it now. Laura got out of her long soak and wrapped her silk bathrobe around her wet body and went to her bedroom opening her wardrobe she pulled out the shoebox that she had put the present in, she still hadn’t opened it from its packaging. Smiling Laura opened the box and pulled the present out, sill in its packaging from the shop where it was bought. Laura smiled and sighed as she looked at it, her eyes looked down the long black dildo she had been given in the plastic case. “You’d not hurt me would you?” she said to the rubber cock before giggling “I’ll just take you out of this plastic but that’s it ok” Laura ripped open the packaging and let the rubbed cock drop onto her bed, her eyes looked at it, following the 8 inch long shaft from the big round head down to the rubber suction up at the bottom, she looked in the package and saw a leaflet that came with it, picking it up she began to read. Basically it was just some helpful advice, Laura skimmed until she saw what the suction cup was for, it said that you could stick the dildo to objects to leave your hands free while you used it, Laura thought about where you may stick it and laughed dropping the paper she rubbed her hand over the long shaft. “Hmmm feels very err rubbery” she laughed again before picking up the long rubber cock and looked it closely. It did look awfully real, perfectly shaped and it didn’t feel all that unreal either, it was quite firm but not so hard that it wouldn’t bend. “I wonder who modeled for you then?” Laura joked to herself as she looked down the 8 inch of thick shaft, her mind was working over time as she held the dildo in her hand and ran the other hand up and down it, like she would if she was giving a man a hand job. Laura dropped the dildo into the shoe box and put it back, a shiver went down her back again as she thought about what it must feel like to have something that big inside your pussy, but she had other things to do she told herself, like the laundry. Loading her dirty panties and bra’s along with her other clothes into the washing machine Laura’s mind was back in her bedroom with the dildo, she couldn’t stop thinking of it really, she had been thinking over the last week how much she missed sex, that’s how she and Tally had got to chatting about what they had during their break. Turning on the machine she leaned on it, her ass pressed on the top as she sat back and looked into space her mind thinking of her last boyfriend and the dildo in her bedroom. “Oh, oh!” Laura moaned a little in surprise as the washer began to spin her clothes. The spinning was shaking the washing machine under Laura’s ass and sending nice feeling vibrations to her pussy, Laura smiled as she felt herself get wet down there from the vibrations of the spinning washer. “Ohhh!” Laura moaned as she felt the vibrations get harder, she quickly jumped onto the machine and sat there enjoying the feelings she was getting as her pussy got wetter and wetter, the vibrating washing machine much to her surprise sending her to her first orgasm for over 3 years. Laura opened her mouth wide as she felt her pussy contract and an orgasm wash over her, her hands closed tightly into fists as the vibrating washing machine sent shocks through her pussy, her breasts jiggled as she sat on the top of the washer and enjoyed its spinning, her pussy felt on fire as she felt another orgasm again, her mouth open and eyes closed as she moaned her way through the orgasm, it didn’t take much to set her off, it had been so long since she had anything that even felt slightly sexual that this was like heaven. “Oh wow!” Laura said as she got off the washing machine once it was finished spinning her clothes, her hair was a mess she had been shaking her head a lot as she came hard 3 times and her breath was ragged, but she couldn’t help smiling. Pulling her clothes out she took them to dry and then feeling tired she decided it was time for an early night today, that night she slept better then she had for ages. “So what happened last night then Lau?” Tally asked as they met for coffee again “Did you do it?” “No, I got it out but never used it like you said I should have” Laura laughed “But I did do something” she said with a cheeky smile on her face “You did, what was it then? Come on details please” Tally said with a grin, all excited about hearing what Laura had done the night before. Laura began to tell her all about the previous night, Tally listening to each word intently with a smile and a few giggles as Laura described the feelings the vibration had won her when she sat on the top of the washing machine and felt them fully. “Oh that’s nothing, we’ve all done that” Tally joked with a smile “I’m surprised its taken you so long to try it is all. I thought all women knew the old trick of putting the washer onto spin, jumping on and letting it go to work,” she laughed, as did Laura. “I couldn’t believe how it felt, I came like 3 times” Laura laughed “And had the best sleep I had for years!” Tally laughed loudly and took Laura’s hand in hers on the table “Now you know how good it can be you should try it with that thing in your wardrobe Lau” Tally said with a smile as she looked into Laura’s brown eyes “I’m not sure Tally, it’s well big,” she said grinning at her friend “So what, come on we’ve all done it before, it will be fine” Tally said laughing before Laura told her to keep it down before she has the attention of everyone in the café. “Oh forget them,” Tally laughed “Now you really need to try it, its got a suction cup on it don’t it?” Tally asked and Laura nodded “Well there you go, go home, I’ll cover for you at work and try it out, just how I told you to” Laura blushed a little, the thought of it was tempting her, she could feel her pussy get damp and her nipples were hard as she thought about doing it. Looking at Tally her mind was made up “Ok, I’m going to do it” Tally hugged her and laughed “Good for you Lau! Don’t worry I’ll sort things at work you just get home right now” Tally said as she pushed her friend towards the door, both woman laughing as they got outside, Laura looking back she waved and stuck her tongue out as Tally laughed at her and waved back before heading back to work. “What am I doing?” Laura said as she got home “I can’t believe I’m going to do this” she closed and locked the door before going to the stairs and pausing for a few seconds, but a sudden naughty thrill later and she was running up to her bedroom. “Ok it’s just you and me now” Laura said to the long black dildo as she opened the shoebox and looked at it. Her mind all over the place, she was nervous but aroused too, this was the first spontaneous thing she had done for herself for as long as she could remember. Taking the dildo out of the box she ran down to the washing machine and had a big smile and giggle as she remembered the night before, her pussy was already dripping with anticipation as she held the rubber cock and moved over to the machine. “There we go” Laura said as she stuck the rubber cock onto the top of the washing machine and admired it stood proudly up, the black rubber looking inviting as it looked so life like. Laura giggled as she got naked from the waist down, dropping her trousers and damp panties on the floor she put her hand son her hips and bit her lower lip as she thought about what she was doing. “Ok here we go” Laura set the washing machine to spin cycle, all that was needed was her to push the start button when she was ready, a sudden doubt filled her mind but Laura was now very excited about what she was doing and her pussy was very wet and aching for it. Putting her hands on the top of the washing machine after turning her back to it she lifted herself up and sat back over the dildo, holding her pussy over it she tried to aim it right, slowly she lowered herself down and giggled when she felt the head of the cold dildo touch her pussy lips. “Ohhh” she moaned as she felt the rubber cock open her pussy lips and slip inside as she pushed herself down onto it. It had been so long since anything had been in her pussy she had forgot how good it felt, the dildo was firm but yet flexible and felt so good as it stretched Laura’s pussy as she took it as deep as she could, her legs hanging over the edge of the washing machine she looked down and laughed as she saw her trimmed pubic hair with the black dildo slightly coming from it “We’ll this is a first… never had a anything black in there” Laura joked to herself as she wiggled on the rubber cock and moaned as she felt the thrill shoot through her pussy as she got comfy on it and reached down to the controls of the washing machine. “Ok this is it Laura” she told herself as she leaned forwards and looked for the start button, slowly she pressed it and sat upright waiting for the cycle to start and her pleasure to begin. The black rubber dildo in her pussy began to shake a tiny bit and Laura smiled and giggled as she felt the little vibration’s of pleasure went through her pussy and made her moan. “Oh nice” Laura said in a low voice as the washing machine began to pick up speed, the dildo in her pussy began to shake violently sending shocks through Laura’s body, her pussy getting wetter and more sensitive with every second as the washer began to crank up the spin, shaking Laura’s body on top. With her big breasts shaking in the tight shirt Laura moaned as she felt her orgasm wash over her, clenching her pussy on the black dildo she smiled and moaned as the vibrating rubber cock sent her over the edge again. Laura felt her ass shake as the cycle went onto high spin, the whole washing machine shaking and vibrating as Laura put her hands on it and began to make little thrusts up and down on the shaking black cock, each move it made, made Laura cry out in pleasure as her clit was rubbed by the rubber. “Oh Yes! Yes!” Laura called out as the vibrating in her pussy made her fly to another orgasm, the juice washing over the dildo as the spinning shook it inside her tight griped pussy, Laura screaming out now as she thrust herself up and down on the 8 inch shaft the deep penetrations sending a massive orgasm through her each time. The spin cycle lasted a good fifteen minuets and Laura moaned and cried out through it all as wave after wave of orgasm washed through her pussy, the black dildo in her shaking to the very end, glistening with the juice she had secreted over it. Laura had in those fifteen minuets having had more orgasms then she had in all the previous years of her life since she was 18. As the washing machine came to a stop Laura let out one final sigh of pleasure as she bit her bottom lip and eased herself off the dildo and smiled as she looked down at it and the wetness shining. She pulled it off the washing machine and laughed as she felt her pussy lips began to close, the tingling still there deep inside her pussy. In her bedroom Laura put the black dildo into its shoebox and placed it back into the wardrobe before getting some clothes on and grabbing the phone, calling Tally she smiled and told her she was right, and that wasn’t going to be the last time that the washing machine would rub with nothing inside. *********************************************************************************************************** Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed… please leave a message or preferably send me some feedback with an e-mail address, I will reply to anyone who does. |
I have had excellent feedback on the Quad’s, and as long as you the reader keep asking for more, I will continue writing. Enjoy. **** I thought that my parents would have been very upset with us. But, it was just the opposite. Don’t get me wrong though, they were upset with us, but at the same time, they encouraged us to stay together. Most parents would have been crying, yelling, threaten to disown us, and probable try to have us committed to a crazy house. But mom and dad were very calm, and even shocked us by saying that they were stepsiblings. They shocked us even further when we were given permission to us their humongous walk in shower together, and then they joined us. Our mother is very beautiful for being in her 40’s, only a slight indication that she had quadruplets, but I don’t think I could ever have sex with her. It was a little awkward at first having sex with my sisters, but with my mother, that is something that I don’t think I could do. You could call us a dysfunctional family, but we are a family who love each other deeply, and would do anything to protect each other. After our coming out weekend, we had to go back to our normal lives. Mom and dad went to work, and we went back to school. That morning during breakfast they talked with us again, and reminded us of the importance to keep what we were doing quiet. At school it seemed that the resistance toward us was worse than it was before. Most of the kids were upset because we made them look bad when we pulled up in the stretch hummers we rented, others were mad because we simply looked better than they did. Stephanie and Stacy were beautiful, but not the beauty queen beauty, and they would turn heads. Shane and I were a little over six feet, and muscular. We didn’t have a body builder’s physique, but enough to cause female’s heads to turn, and to take care of each other when needed. There were those at school who didn’t push us much, because they knew that we would push back. At home we would touch, kiss and hug each other. Stephanie and I slept with each other, and Stacy and Shane were with each other. When our parents were home, we kept it kind of low key. They knew what we were doing, but they wanted us to do it behind closed doors. We never pushed what we did on our parents, and that is the way that they liked it. My mother had taken Stephanie and Stacy to the doctors, and got them on birth control because she didn’t feel like having grandchildren yet. We were a normal family, doing normal family things together, but with a twist. We kept it quiet, and no one would have guessed what we were doing. Graduation came for us, and we were happy. All four of us had decided to attend our parents’ alma mater earlier in our senior year, so we were all set for college. After high school, mom and dad started to make plans for us to go and visit our grandparents, mom’s mother and dad’s father. Who we found out were married to each other. Stephanie and I were laying in bed one night talking, when she had to get up and use the bathroom. She put on her robe and walked out, closing the door behind her. A few minutes later, she came back in and crawled back in bed. I was on my back, and she threw her arm over me, rubbing my chest. Slowly she would rub my muscular chest, and then move her way down to my hard stomach. When I felt her hand on my cock, it started to respond and get hard. She then turned around, took my cock into her mouth, straight down her throat. Stephanie had given me quite a few blowjobs, and had gotten so good at it, that she could take my cock straight down her throat with no problem. She then started to suck me in and out. While she was sucking, I had my hand covering her snatch, with my index finger up her vagina, going in and out of her. When Stephanie had me nice and wet from her saliva, she straddled my waist facing me, and lowered herself onto my cock. Reaching up to grab her tits, Stephanie started to ride me. After a few minutes, and her juices flowing. Stephanie pulled herself off me, guided my cock back to her rectum, and sat back down with my cock in her ass. I then knew that this was Stacy, and not Stephanie that I was fucking. Stacy liked it up the ass, Stephanie didn’t. As I held onto Stacy’s tits, she started to ride me up and down again. Stacy took her right hand and planted two fingers in her pussy, fingering herself as she slammed up and down on me. When Stacy felt my cock start to tighten in her ass, she started to ride me, and finger herself faster. When she felt the first shot of cum in her ass, Stacy slammed down on me, and continued to finger herself as she brought herself to an orgasm. When she had calmed down, Stacy lifted herself off me, and laid on my chest. “You two need to be careful. We don’t need to get in trouble with mom and dad.” I told her. “I know. They are in their room, and we were real quiet.” We then lay there and fell asleep on each other. **** Stacy walked into the other room, and crawled into bed with Shane. He reached over and started to massage her nipples with the palms of his hand. When he had the nipples hard, and sticking out, Shane rolled over and took it into his mouth. Stacy gasped, and started to run her hand over his back. After Shane had both nipples hard, and wet, from sucking on them, he started to licked her down the valley between her breasts and onto her stomach. When he got to her navel, he ran his tongue around and into it. Stacy shuddered, and felt him go lower. When Shane got down to her pussy, he pulled her lips apart, and shoved his tongue straight into her. Stacy moaned, and put her hands on his head to keep him down there. After a few minutes of bringing her close to an orgasm, Shane sat up, rolled Stacy on her stomach and lifted her ass up in the air. Kneeling behind her, Shane guided his cock into her pussy, and started to pump in and out. Then he took his index finger and slid it into Stacy’s ass. When he heard her shriek in the pillow, and felt how tight her ass was, Shane knew that this was Stephanie. Stacy usually enjoyed it when he did this, and could take two or three fingers in her ass. Knowing that this was Stephanie, Shane felt his cock swell inside her, and started to pump faster. Stephanie started to moan, and thrust back at him. Faster they went until Shane slammed into her one last time, shot his cum deep into her, and Stephanie muffled her scream. When Shane and Stephanie untangled themselves, they lay with their arms around each other and went to sleep. We switched a few more times until we left for our grandparents. **** We were worried about meeting our grandparents for the first time. Would they be able to se right though us and know what we were doing? What would they say if they did know? Mom and dad told us not to worry, and for us to be careful on what we say. Not only were we going to meet our grandparents, but there would be uncles, aunts and cousins that would be there. We would be there for about a week, and it was a four-hour drive, so we packed and hit the road. On the way over, we didn’t say much, and left each other with their thoughts. When we got there, cars were already lined up, and someone look out the window. Nervously, we got out stretched, and looked around. They lived in an old farmhouse that was restored, which sat on a few acres of land. Following our parents inside, introductions were made all around. Mom had a brother a few years older than her, and two sisters younger. Their spouses were there also, and they all showed some resentment towards us, but not much. All our cousins came inside when they heard us pull up. There were seven of them, and they were all the same age as us or younger, except one. His name was Norman. When he was introduced, he yelled that his name was Norm in a real belligerent tone. I instantly disliked him. Our grandparents, Brad and Joan, were an older version of mom and dad. Except for the gray hair, and age lines, you would swear that they were twins. They hugged us, and warmly welcomed us into their house. After introductions were made, Shane, Stephanie, Stacy and I went outside with the other kids. Norman went off on his own, while the rest of us stayed together and talked. “What the hell is his problem?” I threw out. My cousin Brenda, Norman’s sister, answered. “He’s pissed because my parents made him come with us. He wanted to stay home, but he got arrested not too long ago, and Dad told him that he would either straighten up or he would be on his own.” “He just rubs me the wrong way.” Shane said. “He gives me the creeps.” Stephanie threw in. Two of our cousins, Brenda and Jack, were the same age as us, and we stayed together talking with each other. Jack was the oldest son of mom’s oldest sister. It came out that everyone lived within a few hours of each other. We decided that we would try and get with each other during the next week. Everyone stayed there for the day, and since it was summer, we cooked on the grill for dinner. The longer we stayed there, the more open everyone became with us. All that is except Norman. He stayed to himself the whole time. Later on that evening as everyone was leaving for home, it was decided that we would stay there instead of getting a hotel. With the house being an old farm one, there was plenty of room for every one. Shane and I would share a room, Stephanie and Stacy had one, and mom and dad had their own. After everyone had left, it had grown quiet, and as we sat around talking, I realized that I could grow to enjoy this new family. We later retired for the evening. When we were laying in bed, Shane and I started talking. “You know, this is the first time in a few months that we have not slept with the girls.” I told him. “I know. It does feel kind of strange.” “Hold on a second.” I told him and then opened the door. Looking up and down the hallway, I quietly stepped out. A few minutes later, Stacy walked in and crawled in bed with Shane. I had pulled my own switch. The next morning I was the first to wake, so I got dressed and walked down to the kitchen. My grandparents were already up and drinking their coffee, so I joined them. One by one, everybody made their way down. After a few hours, Stephanie hadn’t come down so mom went up to find out what was wrong. A little while later she came back to say that Stephanie had a headache and wasn’t feeling good. She wanted to stay in bed, so mom let her. Since granddad had his heart attack, not too many things had been done, so Shane, dad, and I worked that day to get things caught up. We found out that this had at one time been a functioning farm, and there was more land here than we first realized. Dad talked with granddad at lunch about possible renting some of the land out to local farmers. This way the land wouldn’t just sit there, and it would be extra income coming in for them. Plus it would be less for granddad to take care of. Stephanie still wasn’t feeling too good at lunch, so she stayed in bed. I went up to check on her, and she was laying there looking out the window. “Hi hun. How are you feeling?” I asked as I sat on the edge of the bed. “I could be better. I woke this morning with a migraine, and part of it has been hanging with me all day. I just wish I could get out with everyone.” “You just rest up hun and get better. We have all week, so you can come out with us later.” “I love you Shawn.” “I love you too Stephanie.” I leaned down kissed her, and moved her hair out of her eyes. Taking the dirty dishes that were there, I went back down into the kitchen. We worked outside the rest of the afternoon doing minor repairs until we were called in to get washed up for dinner. While we were working, some of the others had shown back up again, including Norman. After jumping into the shower, we heated up leftovers for dinner. When everyone was done, grandma was going to take some soup up to Stephanie when I offered to take it up while she visited with everyone. She thanked me, and I took the tray upstairs. Stephanie was now out of bed, sitting in a chair looking out the window. When she saw me come in, she smiled and gave me a kiss and a hug. “Feeling better?” I asked. “Lots, thank you. I guess this extra rest did me some good.” Stephanie dug into the soup, and had it gone before too long. When she was done, she sat the bowl down, and leaned back. “I watched you all afternoon working with your shirt off, and needless to say it did some things to me?” She told me with a laugh to her voice. “Really! And what kind of things were they?” I asked with a laugh of my own. “This for one.” She said as she lifted her shirt to show me an erect nipple. Smiling I reached up to massage her tit, and at the same time leaned over to kiss her. We had just started to kiss each other when she jumped back and gasped, pulling her shirt down at the same time. Turning around, I saw Norman as he turned away from the door. Rushing out of the room, I chased him down the hall catching him as he started going down the stairs. Jerking away from me, Norman lost his balance, and tumbled down the rest of the way. As I ran down after him, everyone came in from the other room to see what the disturbance was. “What the hell is going on?” My Uncle Frank yelled as he stepped between us. “Dad …. ,” Norman managed to gasp out. “I saw …. him upstairs …. kissing Stephanie.” “So what. They are brother and sister.” Stephanie had managed to put a long robe on, and had joined us. Mom looked at her, and saw a sad look on her face. Bowing her head, mom walked back in the kitchen. “Dad, you don’t understand. They were kissing, but he also had his hand up her shirt.” “Is this true?” Uncle Frank asked as he turned to me. “Yes sir it is. But I can explain.” “You don’t need to explain Shawn, I understand. Let me get this peeping tom home.” Uncle Frank pushed Norman toward the door, and booted him in the ass. Yelling out, Norman rushed out of the house. Once we had the house to ourselves again, mom and dad, our grandparents, and the four of us were sitting in the kitchen. “Tell me what is going on,” my grandfather asked. My dad was getting ready to say something when I butted in, and told granddad the whole thing from beginning to end. When I was done, everyone was quiet for a few minutes. “I was afraid something like this would happen.” My grandfather replied. “What do you mean?” My dad asked him. Granddad was quiet for a little bit, while he collected his thoughts. “What I am about to mention, only your stepmother and I know about. None of the others know, and I don’t want them to know. So this is going to be between all of us here.” My grandfather was quiet again, and my grandmother reached over to take his hand. “Your mother and I were never married Scott.” “What are you trying to say Dad?” My father asked heatedly. “The only way that I can say this Scott is straight out. The reason your mother and I never married, is because we are brother and sister.” Our complicated family just got worse. “She got upset and left when she found out that I had been having affair with Joan for years.” “Well, that is understandable,” my father told him after he got over his shock of finding out that his father was also his uncle. “Yes, but Joan is also my first cousin.” Shit, it’s getting worse. “Have you two ever wondered why your four kids look almost exactly like you?” “We have thought about it a few times Brad.” My mother spoke. “Well that is because you are also my daughter Sue.” All of our jaws dropped, and the first thing that went through my mind was that our family tree was going to be totally screwed up. Here we were sitting down, being told that dad’s father was also his uncle, and his stepmother was his aunt. That would make them our great-uncle and aunt, as well as our grandparents. What makes it even worse is that mom and dad are not stepsiblings as we first thought, but brother and sister. So our mom was also our aunt, and our father was our uncle. Oh Shit! “Now you know why we were upset when you two wanted to get married,” my grandmother/great-aunt spoke for the first time. “Why didn’t you tell us about this before?” Mom asked. “We were hoping that we would never have to talk about this,” my grandmother told her. “But, it is all out in the open now. No one else knows about it, so please keep this to yourselves.” We sat there and talked for hours. With all the rest and sleep she had through the day, Stephanie still fell asleep against me. My grandmother said that she needed to get upstairs, so I carried her to bed and went back down to talk. We continued to talk into the night until mom started to nod off. All of us went to bed then. I was the first one up again the next morning to join granddad and grandma for coffee. Everyone got up without a hitch, and we started our day. That morning we worked around the farm again, and in the afternoon granddad had to go to the doctors, so mom and dad went with them. Shane, Stephanie, Stacy and I decided to stay there and go exploring. The first day we arrived, Brenda told us about a pond that was on the land where they used to go fishing and swimming. The four of us decided to try and find it. After everyone left for the doctors, we grabbed some snacks, and left to hunt for the pond. After walking around for about an hour, we found it. Walking around it, we located an area where we could sit. Laying there and relaxing, Shane spoke up. “Hey! How about a swim.” “We didn’t bring any suits.” Stephanie told him. “Who said we need suits,” he shot back. Shane stood, stripped down, and then walked into the pond. The girls and I looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders, and then stripped down joining Shane. We swam and splashed around for a while and then got out. Laying there, we were quiet and enjoyed each other’s company. Stephanie poked me in the side and pointed over at the others. Leaning up on my elbow, I looked, and there was Shane and Stacy all over each other. Laughing, I reached over for Stephanie and started kissing her. Stephanie pushed me over on my back, straddled my face so that her pussy was there for the licking, and then she leaned over to take my cock into her mouth. She gave me one of her best blowjobs, as I ate her out. As always, she took my cock into her mouth and straight down her throat. I licked her from asshole to clit and back. Stephanie’s juices were starting to flow, and I was licking them up. She was sucking my cock in and out of her mouth, taking it all the way in every time she went down. Shane and Stacy were in the same position. But Shane had his fingers pumping her ass, as he was eating her out. Stacy felt his cock swell in her mouth, and she started to suck him faster. When he felt his load ready to blow, Shane sucked Stephanie’s clit into his mouth and started to hum. Just as she got just his cock head in her mouth, Stacy started to shake in orgasm as Shane shot his load into her mouth. I felt my balls tighten up, and knew that I was ready. Sucking Stephanie’s clit into my mouth, I slowly pulled off it. When Stephanie felt me tighten up, she allowed just the head in her mouth, and then she started to orgasm when I pulled off her clit again. Tasting her juices, I shot my cum into her mouth. When the four of us calmed down, the girls sat up and slid down till they were over our still hard cocks. Stephanie turned so she was facing me, and then guided my cock deep into her pussy. Stacy was facing away from Shane, and she guided his cock into her ass. When they had us fully in them, Stephanie and Stacy started to ride up and down. Turning to the side, they then started to kiss each other, and pinching each other’s nipples. Looking up at them, I was surprised when they started to trade our cum with each other. Both of them were pinching nipples, and with their free hand, they reached down to play with the other’s clit. Shane and I saw this, and it started to really turn us on. Stephanie and Stacy really started to pound up and down on us. Pretty soon I felt by cock swell up again, and after pumping up and down a few more times, Stephanie slammed down on me one last time as I shot my cum into her and she shook with her own orgasm. Shane must have been close also, because at the same time that Stephanie and I had our orgasms, Stacy slammed down on Shane as they started to shudder together. After all four of us had calmed down, and laughed about what we did, we got dressed and headed back to the house. **** What will the Quad’s do next? Stay tuned for Ch. 5. I would greatly appreciate your feedback. Anything from a kind word to what you would like to see next. I work a full time job in addition to writing and everyone who writes knows that writing stories takes a lot of time, effort, and thought. I personally do it because I love to write and the idea of people enjoying what I have written. |
I was 16 when I met Amanda. I had recovered from a breakup with my last girlfriend, and I was looking for someone when a friend of mine put the idea of dating her. I had known who she was but we never really talked. When I finally got up the courage to ask her out, she had said yes. We dated for about a year, and we were each others firsts. We had sex for the first time after about 3 months of dating, but her first anal, that was a different story. We saw each other at school everyday, and jung out as much as we could. On Sundays, we would spend the day together. Not having cars, we just spent the day in her basement, watching tv and having sex. Her parents were really cool and always left us alone. Anal sex was always something that I enjoyed, either in my older brothers porno movies or mags. We had been having sex for some time when I started thinking about how much I would like to have anal sex with her. But how could I approach her with that? I had no way of even attempting to bring it up without fear of getting dumped or embarrased. One day, we were in her basement. We were watching tv, holding each other, when we started making out. We started to move things to a more adult direction. I put my hands under her shirt, and undid her bra, freeing her C cup tits. I placed my hands on them, slowly massaging them, while she undid my belt. After a while, I took of her shirt and started sucking on her tits. She moaned in pleasure while I did so. As I did this, I began rubbing her pussy on the outside of her jeans. She squirmed under my touch. She immediatly moved and took of my shirt. I undid her pants and pulled them down, leaving her only in her bikini panties. I began to rub her ass as well. "I love your ass. You have a great ass," I told her. She was always self conscious about it. I loved the sight of her in nothing but her panties. She pulled my pants down, and took of my boxers. I moved down from her tits, and moved to hot pussy. I moved my hand under her panties, and began to finger her. "Unnghh, yeah, that feels good. Don't stop." She wiggled under my touch. I inserted another finger inside her and she squirmed more. "YES! That feels so good. Keep fingering my pussy." I moved her panties aside, and began licking her pussy. She had to bit her lip to keep from screaming. "MHHFFMF! UNGH! YEAH!," she cried through muffled lips. I worked my tongue in and around her pussy, licking and nibbling her clit as she moved under me. "My turn!" She moved quickly and told me to lie down. She began kissing my chest and moving down slowly towards my cock. She began to lick my shaft as I moaned in ecstasy. I moved her brown hair aside I watched her work on my dick. Her blue eyes stared back at my like a porn star. She was good. She put her lips on my cock and began sucking. Up and down. It felt so good, I didn't want it to stop. It was so good, and then she began playing with my balls. That felt even better. But what was really good was her tight ass was pointed up in the air. As she sucked my dick, her ass moved so seductivly I felt my self wanting to be near it. I pulled her towards me, and told her to lie down. As she lay on her stomach, I climbed on her back. I began to massage her back. My ulterior motive, however was to attempt to move my dick towards that great ass. How I wanted to stick it between her hot ass! I moved slowly down, trying to position my self. But then she said "My turn." I got off of her, and let her get on my back, and she began to massage me. It felt good, feeling her hot, lithe body on me. After a few minutes, I told her, " I'm not done. Lie back down." She lay back down, and I placed my self lower than I had before. I moved until I had my cock between those perfect ass cheeks. YES! It felt so good I wanted to fuck her ass right there. Then she said something to me I'll never forget. With my dick between her cheeks, she moved to sit back on my dick, placing it between her ass, pressing against her tight asshole, and said " I just want to sit right here for a few minutes." I began to rub her ass again, and said "I told you you have a great ass." What she said next was even better. She got off me, got on her hands and knees, and looked over her shoulder, and said "Well what are you going to do about it?" SCORE!!!! SHE WANTED IT TOO! I quickly moved behind her and began to press my cock against her ass hole. It went in slowly, and she moaned in pleasure. "More," she said. "You like that, baby?" "Yes, fuck my ass deep!" I moved my cock deeper into her ass, and she moaned and squirmed under my touch. It felt so good, being in her tight virgin ass, moaning underneath me, pushing her ass back against my thrusting cock. She took to buttfucking like a pornstar. She lay down on her stomach, and I got back on top of her. This time, my cock went in in long, deep slide. "UNGH!" she moaned. I began to pump her ass fast and deep. After a few minutes of this heaven, I said "I'm going to cum." "Go ahead, baby. Cum in my ass. Do it. Fill my ass with your hot cum." I released my seed in her no longer virgin ass, thrusting all the while. It felt so good to do it, after all that time. As we finished and cleaned up, she told me that she had been wanting to do that for a long time. After that, we made anal sex a regular part of our repertoire. And it was great. |
Hi,this is the true story of my life.My mom is a widow.My father died when i was 16yrs and my mom was 34.she has maintain her figure very well.when she go to the market the people fucked her with there eyes.she is very sexy women in world.My friends also came closer to her.We are like friends.We share all our i went to college my friends teach me about sex.They talk about my mom and from there i changed my opinion toward my mom.Our relatives want to take advantage of her sexual desire but my mom was not interested.I saw my mom naked many times taking bath and changing clothes.She also watched me when i was taking bath and changing clothes.We were aware of that but we cant say to each other. One day i told mom about my friends and there girl friends.How they go to see movie and for date.Mom asked me that i had any gf.i answered no.She then told me that this sunday we will go for the date.Iwas too exited.The sunday has come.that morning we only brushed and took our clothes for taking bath at that spot.We went there at 10a.m.No one was there only two boys was taking bath.We dont take interest and we sat on the rock as our foot was under water.It was hot day so mom was wearing t shirt with night payajama and i was wearing bermuda with t shirt.My mom does not wear panty.Then mom asked me about my friends dating.i told her everything,what they do in dating etc. Then mom told me that she want to take bath.MOM went in water without opening her clothes and i went in having underwear.My cock was hard that time and seen by mom.she smiled.and we started taking bath.we were throwing water to one another body.seeing us the two guys also came and joined us as they became our friends.They were good swimmer so mom told them to teach her swim.they agreed and took mom in his arms and told her to swim,they were enjoing her boobsthen they told mom to open her clothes as she then enjoy mom was in bra.they were enjoing her by putting their fingure inside her asshole and cunt.Mom was also enjoing.Then i went near her and kissed her lips.we all are naked now.inside water we were fucking her.She was enjoing very much.a cock inside her cunt,asshole and mouth.We are fucking her and thn she told us that we will go on sand.We were naked and went on sand.The sand was hot,but we are hotter than we started kissing her licking her cunt and asshole.Then mom took three cock in her mouth and we all fall our cum in her mouth.She was enjoing every drop of it.Then we all started licking her cunt she was moaning very loudly and then she came.we three enjoyed her cum. After that we were enjoing her body parts.Our cock was hard so we took blowjob one by one and started fucking her.we fucked her 2 hours.Then we saw some crowd was coming so we went to our home and they went there.That night when i was fucking her she told me that my three yrs of desire was fulfiled by you you are very good fucker,but i want to fuck with nigeros.Please son give me sexual enjoyment with nigeros.i told yes to her.Then i fucked her vwhole night.Then t day time i fucked her in bathroom.She was enjoing all moments with me.That day i went to my friends hotel to see that any nigeros stays there.Ifound two nigeros at one room.I went to there room and invite to our home for dinner.They agreed.At 7Oclock i went to hotel and at 8 we were at home. Seeing my mom they were surprised because mom was wearinglight colour saree with matching blouse and petticoat without bra and panty and her clavage was visible to us.And her nipples also.They were seeing her clavage regularly.They enjoyed dinner with us Then we said that we have a movie for them.Then we started bf of three men taking one mom sat between them.Then after few minutes one nigero put his hand on moms boob and started pressing it slowly.Mom took her hand on his cock and started massaging it.Seeing that the other one put my moms hand on his cock and started kissing her.Than they opened the zip of their pant and took out the cock.It was incredible the size was about fifteen inch long.Than they made her naked.One started giving her blowjob and other one was licking her cunt.Mom took half of cock in her mouth.He was finguring her asshole.Then they changed their position.The cunt licker was now taking blowjob and the other one was fucking her asshole.Then he put his cock inside her cunt.The long cock inside her ass and cunt was enjoyed by her she was moaning very loudly because mom falls two times but they were fucking her very hard as they were not cum till now.Then i went near her and put my cock indide her mouth.Then one of them said me to fuck her asshole.Iwas fucking her ass and he was licking my ass.Then he put his cock inside my asshole i roared very loudly.He then kissed me desperatly.Iwas enjoing that at same time he put full cock inside my asshole.Iwas fucking moms asshole,one of them fucking her cunt and one was fucking me.After 20 mins i told him that i was falling.He told me to wait we took out our cockslept at position 69 and took cock inside our mouth and fall all cum in our mouth. The other nigero was fucking her till now.Then he took out his cock from her cunt and put on her mouth and started masterbating.After two mins he fall all his cum on moms face.Then he put his cock inside her mouth and mom was enjoing every drop of his cum.And we were kissing her face. Their cock is still hard so they told mom that she want her in other position.Mom then sat on cock of one nigero as he was fucking her ass and other one put his cock inside her cunt.they all were sat.Mom was in between them.They were fucking her very hard.They were kissing her every parts.Mom was tired very much.She was telling them to remove her but they were in fucking and fucked her for hours and slept with her.Mom was in between and there cock was inside her cunt and asshole.Next morning when she tried to wake up she was helpless because she was in arms of them.she tried her self to remove from their arms but they wake up and kissed her lips and boobs was pressed by another.Mom told them to remove her but they told her to give them blowjob.He sat on mom and put his cock inside her mouth.They both put there cock inside her mouth and they were putting there fingure inside her cunt.She started moaning.Then they called me and told me fuck her cunt.My cock was slept so one of them took my cock inside his mouth and gives me blowjob.Then i started fucking my mom.They now removed there cock fom her mouth.One of them was kissing me and other man put his cock inside my asshole.And the other one put his cock inside the asshole of other nigero.we fucked in that position whole day.Our cock was inside each other ass.Then we go to sleep after 3hrs we wake up.Mom was telling me that it was great movement of her life.Then she kissed me desparately and we went to take bath.after few mins they came to bathroom and told us that they also want to join us. They were puttng soaps in moms body.they covered her body full of soaps.And then they told mom to put soap on there started putting soaps on there cock and there cock was covered with soaps.We all are standing and one of them told mom that they will fuck her in standing position and started pressing her boobs and the other one was kissing her lips desprately.Then they told mom to bend in doggy position.One of them put his cock which was covered with soap inside her asshole he put his whole cock inside.Then he took her in his arms and took her up now they were standing and the other one widen her legs and put his cock inside her pussy they were fucking her very fast and they were kissing herneck lips and bodyparts.I was really enjoing that.Mom was moaning very loudly after that one nigero had come near me and told me to fuck her ass my cock was really hard so i went back and put inside her asshole.the nigero came at my backside and started licking my ass.He put his lips inside my asshole i was enjoing that.after an hour of fucking we take bath and came outside.We had breakfast and they told us that they want to go they enjoyed very much.Before leaving we all kissed each other and they give me 10000Rs.And told us that they will be back soon. As they leave mom told me that u are the most sexy son as u fulfiled my desire of fucking nigeros.Then she kissed me and told me that she was very much tired so she want to sleep.She went to sleep and i was thinking of what happened with nigero.there cock was in my mind.I was thinking how they fucked us.That was great moment of our life.I went to sleep and at 6 P.M mom wake me up.she sat beside me as she was looking very sexy in nighty.I kissed her lips for 5mins.and then she told me that she want to see an adult movie in theatre.I agreed but i told her mom i also want to taste women u have to arrange them for me.She smiled and took my erect cock inside her mouth.And gives me blowjob i came inside her mouth she drank all my cum.Then she kissed me despratly for 10mins.I then started licking her cunt as she fall i drunk all her cum.Then we take bath and went to see movie. Mom was wearing salwar kameez without bra and panty.And her clevage was visible to everyone.We took two tickets of box and went to see movie.The box contain six seats so three men also came as they had taken four tickets.Mom sat between us.The movie started after 10 mins one man started masterbating.He was naked in front of us.He came near mom and told her to give him blowjob.Mom was in mood so she took his cock and put inside her mouth.Seeing that the other man also started pressing her boobs.Mom was enjoing Then i put my hand inside her salwaar.We all got naked and took blowjob one by one from her.Then mom sat on my cock as my cock inside her asshole.One man was fucking her cunt and the other tow was taking blowjob.We all are enjoing then we changed our position as the cunt fucker and i put our cock inside her mouth and exploded cum she drank all.The other two men were fucking her cunt and ass fastly and in standing position.Mom has fallen and they were in full speed after 5 mins they took out there cock and told mom to give them blowjob.Mom took there cock in her mouth and started giving them blowjob.They fall allthere cum and she drank that.Than we all tasted her three times and at the end of movie they give us 5000rs.Then we went to home and i told mom that i want to taste some women.That i will tell u later. |
My father, the king of Dezanthim, was adamant that I had to meet his new general in my finest clothes I know he is hoping that I would fall for him and finally be off his hands. Everyone thinks I’m an arrogant bitch who talks down to anyone who isn’t royal and they are probably right, I have no time for peasants. As I enter the room to meet this man, all the servants bow as I walk past them and I’m finally standing in front of my father, sarcastically I say “Father, as I am sure there is much desperation for me to be here today, I apologize for my lateness and beg your forgiveness” My father looks at me disapprovingly and replies “Mendzina, you will be the death of me my child, I don’t know what to do with you anymore, come, I want you to meet someone, General Temanka, please allow me to introduce you to my daughter, Princess Mendzina, my dear, please meet my new General”. Up until now I hadn’t looked at this man standing next to my father but when I finally raised my eyes and looked at him, I felt my legs start to shake, in front of me stood one of the most sexiest man I have ever seen, he was tall, very broad shoulders, muscles oozing out of his amour and the most amazing smile and bluest of eyes, I was speechless, I don’t know how much time had passed before I acknowledged him but his smile tells me he knew that I was hit by his good looks. I finally snap out of it and say “It’s very nice to meet you General Temanka, I hope you get to live longer than my fathers last General” and he smiles, to himself he is thinking that he likes the way this girl pushes that fine line. “My lady, I have every intention of living long into my dotage, but for me to only see your beautiful smile everyday will make me stay alive even more”. I feel my heart start to beat very quickly and I knew right there and then, that I had to have this man. Over the months I watched him very closely I took my time until it was time to plan my plot. I knew General Temanka was due back from his away trip tomorrow and I will be hiding in his room and when he is in his bath, I will make myself known to him. The next day comes and finally he comes back, he spends time with my father, reporting the trip to him and then finally starts to get ready to depart, I quickly run and hide in his room. He walks in and demands a bath to be filled with water. The servants bring hot water, wary of him and finally they leave. I watch him get naked and I can feel my pussy start to get wet, this man is just amazing to look at, he turns around and I catch my breath, he has the biggest cock I have ever seen, it’s huge, at least 12 inches long and very very thick, at least 2 inches thick each way. He gets in the bath and starts to scrub the dirty off his hot body, I can’t handle it anymore, I step out of the shadows and show myself. He stops washing himself and just watches me, I slowly approach him and tell him that I have been waiting for him. He slowly rises out of the water and I look at him from head to toe, water dripping over his muscular and chiseled body, he looks at me looking at his cock and I can see it growing hard in front of my eyes. He says “Princess Mendzina, you should not be in here, you must leave, I cannot be held responsible for my actions if you don’t” I approach the bath and take my dress off with one pull, I am standing there naked in front of him, his eyes are looking at my body, devouring it with his eyes, I watch his cock getting harder still, he gets out of the bath and walks to the door and tells me again “you must go, I have to insist, you’re father will kill me if he finds us like this”, I don’t move and finally he turns around and starts locking the latch and then he approaches me, he grabs me and picks me up and carries me to the bed and then throws me on it. He says to me “you should’ve walked away when you had the chance my lady, now, you will pay” but I quickly jump up and I slap him hard in the face, nearly making him lose his balance. He slowly turns his face back at me and looks at me with this anger in his eyes, defying me, I tell him “you are not the one who dictates here General, I’m not one of your soldiers, I rule in this house, not you, you will do as I say and then you will shut your mouth, you are not to tell a soul, do I make myself clear General” my voice raising as I spoke, his defiance only making me angrier. He slowly walks towards me and then unexpectedly, he slaps me across the face, the power of his slap throwing me across the room, I hit the wall hard and fall down, I can’t believe he hit me, I stand up trying to get away from him, I start to run to the door but he grabs me and then throws me on the bed, I am so scared now, what is he going to do “I warned you my lady, I told you to leave, I know what you are, I have heard the tales of the whore that you are, sleeping with soldiers and generals alike, I gave you a chance to leave, you chose to stay, and in this room, it is I who dictates, not you, you are the one who will shut up and you will see what I am now, because I am about to do things to you that I assure you, you will never forget”. I am so scared now, I try to scream but he puts his hand over my mouth and quickly grabs some cloth that was on the chair and starts to gag me, I can’t believe he is treating me, the princess, like this, how dare he. He grabs my ankles and pulls me towards him and spreads my legs and I feel his hot tongue lapping away at my pussy, I am still so wet, the danger exciting me as well as scaring me, I feel his whole tongue bury itself inside me and I start to squirm, trying to fuck his face but at the same time push him away, I didn’t know what I wanted, I hated him, I wanted him. He starts to finger my pussy now, I can hear the suction of his fingers in my pussy, I can’t believe how wet I was, he kept on dipping his fingers inside me and then licking them clean, I was so turned on by this but I had no idea what he was going to do. He says to me, “I will take the gag off but if you scream, I promise you that you will not walk out of this room alive. What say you?” I nod, the gag was hurting and I just needed to be able to speak at least, he takes the gag off and then grabs my hair from behind, forcing my head back and then stares deep into my face and smiles and then he buries his tongue deep down my throat, ripping my lips to shreds, it was a painful kiss but I was still very turned on, he then pulls me down on the floor and smiles at me again. I know what he wants, his cock is hard as a rock, so close to my lips, I shake my head, it was to big, I didn’t want to suck it, his smile goes away and then he grabs my head with both his hands, holding it tight and then with one hard thrust has his 12 inch cock buried all the way down the back of my throat, I start to choke, I can’t breath, I can feel my eyes rolling to the back of my head, he pulls out and then slaps my face again. “You will not only suck my cock princess but you will enjoy it, do I make myself clear”, I nod while trying to get my breath back, I start to suck the head of his cock, god it was so huge, how can I suck this cock and enjoy it, what have I got myself into, I try to take some more in but it’s so huge. “I can’t, please, don’t make me, it’s to big” he gets angry again and slaps me again, “you will take it all in or I will do it myself and that is when you will know pain, do it, NOW”, I can feel blood trickling out of my mouth, that slap was hard. I am so scared, I open my mouth as wide as I can and I start to take in more, I can barely breath, I can taste my own blood in my mouth, I move away and I know he’s losing patience with me, I start to suck it again, I am only able to get about 4 inch in my mouth, he pulls out and then picks me up and throws me on the bed, he positions me where my head is hanging over the side of the bed “you obviously need help so let me show you how it’s done” and then he lowers his cock in my mouth and keeps on pushing until it’s buried all the way down my throat again, I start to choke again, thrashing my head from side to side, needing air, he pulls out and smiles. My thrashing was exciting him more. He then grabs my head again with both hands and squats over me, his face facing my pussy, he looks down into my eyes and smiles and then he shows no mercy, holding my head because he has complete control by doing this, he starts to fuck my mouth, hard and fast, I feel all 12 inches bury itself down the back of my throat, knowing how close to death I am, his rhythm getting faster now, fucking my gapping mouth harder now and looking me in the eye, knowing my fear and loving it, he has such a demonic look in his eye, I am so scared, how did this happen, he finally starts to scream and I feel this hot disgusting liquid pour down my throat, I start to gag, i’m choking but he keeps at it until every drop is dripping down my throat, he pulls out and all you hear is this huge gush of air forcing itself out of me. He starts to laugh. I was so sure I was about to die. He pushes me across the bed and starts to suck my nipple, god that felt so good, but then he starts to suck it to hard and then he bites down on them, I’m in pain now, “stop, it hurts, why are you hurting me” and he just smiles and then starts to suck the other nipple and does the same thing, I try to push him away but he gets angry again and grabs my legs again and spreads them wide, he starts to lick my clit again, sucking it, it felt so good but I didn’t want to enjoy it. He then slips a finger inside me, ahhhhhhh it felt so amazing, he buries another finger inside me and I start pushing down on them, I just want to fuck his fingers, they feel amazing, I hate my body for betraying me like this. He slips another finger in and I start to feel discomfit, but I was able to take it as I was so wet, then another, oh my god, that hurts, “stop, please stop” and then he starts to fuck my pussy with all four fingers, in and out, hard and fast, god, it hurts so much. He stops and says “I know you’re enjoying this you bitch but I’m going to do something to you that you won’t ever forget” and then starts to bury his thumb in me, I try to pull away but he forces all 5 fingers inside me. I’m in so much pain now, I’m begging him to stop, he keeps pushing deeper and then with one hard push and the sound of suction, he’s whole huge masculine hand is buried wrist deep into my pussy, I scream and he slaps me with his other hand, I shut up and then he starts to fist me, I’m hurting so badly now, he starts to pinch my nipples with his other hand, pulling them and pinching them so hard, my whole body was aching beyond words. He bends down and starts to suck my clit while fisting me and my body starts to burn with pleasure, I can feel my pussy juices oozing on his hand, he continues to lick and suck my clit and finally I scream as I cum all over his hand, god it was such an intense orgasm, I can hardly breath, his hand is buried so deep inside my pussy now, my pussy muscles had sucked it in deeper when I came and then slowly he pulls it out and my juices were all over it, he orders me to lick his hand clean which I do, I never knew my pussy juices tasted so good. Once his hand was licked clean, he pulls himself up and then I see how hard his cock was, I still couldn’t believe the size of that thing, he pulls me towards him and with no warning buries his cock with one hard and very fast thrust deep inside my pussy, I scream again and he slaps me again to shut up, his cock was ripping me to shreds, it wasn’t as big as his fist but then again his fist wasn’t 12 inches long, he is fucking me hard and fast now, grunting and ripping into me, he is muttering under his breath “you fucking whore, you like to be raped don’t you, you like to have a huge cock in your pussy don’t you, you’re a whore aren’t you, you fuck all the soldiers like this don’t you, you’re a fucking slut who loves cock in all her holes” and on and on it went. He was getting so aggressive and angry with his thrusts and I knew I just had to hold on for dear life, he bends down and grabs both my tits and pushes them together so both my nipples were close to each other and then he sucks them both together and then bites them both together, I wanted to scream, god there was so much pain, I didn’t want to make him angry again. He kept on pumping his cock deep inside me, not stopping, finally he stops and then flips me over on to my knees. He buries his cock in me again but this time is much deeper and I am in more pain than before, it felt like he was ripping a hole through my womb, he kept on fucking me hard and fast, showing my mercy, slapping my ass and biting my shoulder, he was an animal, he pulls out again and pulls me up and positions himself under me and then with one hard push is buried up inside my pussy again, this time, I’m having to hold on to dear life as each thrust was the deepest it could get and it was so hard it was throwing me up in the air. I’m begging him to stop now, crying, the pain, the humiliation, I just wanted it to end, he starts to pinch my nipples hard again and has no intention of showing me some mercy, I know he is close to cumming because his eyes are bulging now and his hot muscled body is glistening with his sweat. I am still trying to hold on as each thrust was getting more brutal and then finally with one last hard painful thrust, he pushes so hard inside me when he came that he knocked me off his cock, he gets up and starts to stroke his cock letting every drop that was left to pour on my nipples. He then massages his cum on my raw nipples, it was soothing but also stinging. He gets up and pours himself a glass of water, I can’t move, my whole body is aching and I can barely breath from the pain. He brings the jug of water over to me and asks me if I would like a glass and I nod so the bastard pours the whole jug of water over me, icy cold water hitting my abused nipples and causing more pain. I call him every name I can think of, hating him with every pore in my body, little did I realize that each word that was coming out of my mouth was getting him more excited, his cock was growing hard again, I couldn’t believe it. I start to shake my head “no, please no more, let me go, I can’t take anymore, please, I will leave you alone, I won’t tell anyone what occurred here, I promise you” but he just smiled that smile. God, he was so fucking hot, I hated him for being so hot. He starts to walk towards me and says “well, we have done a lot today princess, that is without a doubt, but there is one more experience you must share with me, I promise you, you will never forget this, today princess, I am going to fuck your ass, and you, princess, are going to enjoy it”, I jump up and I start to run to the door, I am screaming now, knowing he will slap me, he does worse than that, he punches me in the face and knocks me out. I wake up a few minutes later and I’m tied to the bed with the gag in my mouth again, I start to thrash around, trying to get away, god, he can’t mean what he said, nobody has ever done that to me ever before and I can’t cope with that cock of his in my ass, I continue thrashing, drawing blood on my wrists and ankles. He approaches me and raises my body and puts a pillow under my lower back, raising my ass up in the air, oh god, he’s going to do it. He starts to finger my pussy again, getting me nice and wet again, does that mean he has changed his mind, he buries his huge cock all the way deep inside my pussy again and it felt so amazing, I hated how much I loved it, he keeps thrusting in and out and then pulls out and I look at his cock, it’s so wet and slick with my pussy juices, he gets on the bed and squats over my face and again buries his cock all the way down my mouth, forcing me to suck it and lick all my juices off it, he then pulls out again and then does it again, dips his cock in my pussy again, this time pulling out and finding more pussy juices on it. I can’t believe I was so turned on by this. I thought he was going to get me suck it again but he didn’t, he smiled at me and then without warning or care buries his whole 12inch cock deep and with one hard and brutal thrust all the way up my ass, the pain was so intense and the thrust was so hard that it lifted me off the pillow, I know I’m close to losing consciousness now but he doesn’t stop, he starts to fuck my ass and is loving how brutal and painful it is, he is loving looking at the tears in my eyes, the fear, the pain, the humiliation, he pulls out and shows me the blood on his cock and then laughs, he has ripped my ass to shreds and I can’t believe he could be cruel. He only dipped in my pussy to get his cock wet for my ass. He thrusts it back in my ass and then shows no mercy, fucks it so hard and is pumping deeper and deeper inside me, I feel like he has put a knife to my ass, the pain so sharp and fierce, I’m losing my strength, I can’t fight anymore, I stop thrashing and just let him rip my ass apart, he keeps on fucking it harder and faster, deeper and then I feel him bury his fingers in my pussy again, I still have no strength to fight him and I know my pussy is still very wet. He buries all fingers in my pussy, fisting me while fucking my ass, the full feeling was a new sensation to me but still painful, each thrust was so hard that he was pushing me further up the bed causing my ankles to bleed even more with the pulling, he didn’t care, both my holes were full and being fucked so brutally and he was loving it. My ass felt like it was on fire. He pulls his fist out and rubs it on my nipples, leaving a trail of my juices all over them, he bends down and starts to suck my nipples hard and bites them again while fucking my ass even deeper. Finally he stops, cock still in my ass. Letting me get used to the size. I have no idea what he is up to now but I am scared. Then he slowly thrusts all the way out, letting the head rest near the opening and then rams hard all the way in, then slowly out again, rests and then rams it back in again, so fucking cruel. I know it’s not over yet. He pulls his cock out and buries 3 fingers in my ass, I scream in my gag again, noooooooo, he’s can’t do that, he just can’t, then he slips in a 4th and finally his thumb, all 5 fingers buried in the opening of my ass, I’m in so much pain now, I can’t breath, can’t move, I feel like this is happening to someone else, he keeps pushing it in my ass deeper and again he is finally wrist deep in my ass but to my amazement he is getting deeper in my ass, it’s now past his wrist and I am in complete shock, he pulls out and then rams the whole thing all the way back in again, my asshole must be a gapping hole now. He pulls it out again where only the tips of the fingers are still in the hole and then again, one hard and brutal thrust its buried up my ass past his wrist, he finally loses interest and just starts to fist my ass now, opening his hand while it’s in my ass, it is killing me, the pain is unbearable. He pulls his hand out again and rams his cock back in it again, my asshole is so huge now that I can’t really feel his cock but I can feel the opening of my hole and that is very raw, he is close to cumming again, sweat is pouring off his body now and his grunting is getting louder and then finally he grabs my hips and buries his cock and balls all the way inside my ass, pumping it in and out until every drop was spent in my asshole. He pulls out and laughs and then grabs a mirror to show me what he has down, he lowers the mirror over my asshole so I can see this huge gapping hole, blood and cum oozing out of it, my pussy completely red and raw and huge due to the mauling his hand and cock did. He unties my binds and takes the gag out. I am in shock, I can’t move, I can’t speak. He says “you’re free to go princess” but I don’t move. “I said you’re free to go, go, leave, I do not want you here, but you better heed my words princess, you are not to tell anyone who did this to you, if you do you will pay with your life, I will hunt you down and I will kill you, now get out”. I slowly get up, grab my dress and put it on, I start to shuffle to the door, not able to walk properly and unlock the door, I turn around and look at him with such hatred, I know this is not over, if it is the last thing I do in this life, I will make that man pay for what he did to me. I open the door and leave. I slowly walk to my room and my maid is in there, I tell her to go and get my father, I sit on the bed, not able to move. She runs, knowing something is wrong, my face smeared with blood from his slaps and punch. My father runs in the room and stops in the middle of the room, shock and concern on his face, he falls at the foot of my bed, grabbing my hands, begging me to tell him what happened. I stand up and slowly take my dress off, he looks at my body, sees the blood, the bites and then he sees what has become of my pussy and ass. He screams, he demands to know who did this to me, tears in his eyes. I put the dress back on and look at my father. I look him in the eyes and then I start to cry and say “It was your General father, you’re General did this”. “Guards” my father screams. End of Part 1. |
Defend Each Other By Heatround© San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco Ca. Main Terminal area 12:35 a.m. 16 September. Alex sat in the quiet airport terminal, fixing her lipstick in a small compact and checking her make-up, waiting for John to arrive from Japan. John had gone to Japan to convince his investor in financing a chain of Judo Dojo’s here in America. Their other Dojo had grown and friends wanted more Dojo’s in different parts of town. She finished putting up her compact when the simple solitaire on her left ring finger caught her eye. “Mrs. John Jensen!” she thought to herself as she played with it. It had been over a year since that first night John and she had made love on his floor, the first night they realized they were in love. Since then, they had moved in with each other, met each other’s family and then got married. It was a simple Buddhist ceremony, where a few friends and family members got together. John and Alex made a promise to each other to follow the four noble truths and to respect each other from now until the end of days. That made her feel safe and warm inside. Since John had been to Japan for the last seven weeks, it had felt like the end of days for Alex and she could hardly wait for him to get off the plane. “Leave me for seven weeks,” she thought to herself. Alex had deliberately dressed seductively, in order to punish John for leaving for so long. She was wearing a gray plaid skirt where the hemline was boarder-line obscene, a plain white blouse, that barley contained her D sized breasts and matching white knee-high stockings. Her make-up was also on a thin line of being trashy but that was the look she was going for. She looked almost like a streetwalker but she didn’t care. She knew John liked that type of thing and she was going to use it to tease him for leaving her alone for seven weeks! Alex again thought to herself, “I’m going to show him what he has been missing and I’m not going to allow him to have any until we get home!” Then she cracked an evil smile. “Maybe I should wait until tomorrow to greet John,” a voice rang out. Alex sat up, some what startled. “What?” she said to Steve. Steve Kolaski, a big Polish man, was bigger than John, about 6’1” and 230 pounds. He shaved his head which made his already dark brown eyes seem darker. Alex loved Steve, like a big brother but his eyes had always bothered her a bit. They looked as if they have seen Hell but she still loved the big guy. Steve was a friend of John’s from when they were kids. He was ‘Little John’ to John’s ‘Robin hood’, Steve and John had known each other for twenty, maybe twenty five years. They both served in the military together, Rangers or Green Berets, Alex couldn’t remember. Now Steve came to help John with the Dojo and the construction of a new Dojo on the east side of town. Steve truly was a good friend and Alex loved him for that. Steve looked Alex up and down and in a sheepish voice repeated, “I said maybe I should wait until tomorrow before I greet John.” Alex smiled and began to blush. “I will behave long enough to allow you to say hi, but once we leave the airport, I won’t make any promises!” Then she concealed her lovely face and hazel eyes from Steve with her hand and began to giggle. Steve began to laugh with his trademark, throaty laugh then said, “Are you blushing Ms. Jensen?” Alex smiled even bigger. At that time a voice said over the PA system. “Fight 121 from Dallas Ft. Worth now arriving at gate 3.” Alex stood strait up and began to smile from ear to ear. Then she looked over to Steve and said. “After the Son of a bitch left me for seven weeks, I’m going to kill him. But he will die with a smile on his face!” And with that, Steve nodded and faced towards the security check point with Alex, waiting for John. Part II San Francisco International Airport, San Francisco Ca Parking Garage. 1:26 a.m. 16 September. As all three friends walked to their cars in the airports parking garage, Alex had her arm around John’s hip as John rested his arm on Alex’s 5’9’ petite but firm frame. The two could not keep from touching each other and stealing small kisses. They were drunk with love and lustful thoughts for each other. “You look so dirty in that outfit.” John said to Alex with a lustful smile. “Do you not like it?” Alex replied playfully. “I like it a lot!” John said as he pulled Alex into him so he could wrap his arms around her and kiss her deeply. Alex melted as their tongues danced with each other. She felt John growing more excited as his hips pressed against her. With the deep kiss and the obvious growth in John’s pants, she too began to become aroused. John pulled from their kiss, looked down and saw Alex’s skirt begin to rise. “Some one didn’t wear panties.” John said to the now blushing Alex. “OK you two!” Steve said as he covered his eyes. “Can’t you two love birds wait until at least I’m not here?” John and Alex both blushed. “Sorry Brother.” John finally said. “But it has been a long seven weeks.” “And you two can wait at least another couple of hours!” Steve retorted. “I’m mean sweet mother of God people! This is a parking lot!” Steve began to chuckle. “Besides if I’m not getting any, then neither of you are either!” Alex quickly got in a fighting stance. “Don’t make me kick your ass right here and now,” She said playfully. Steve threw his arms up in surrender. “Ok there she devil! I give!” Then he smiled. “I got you something from Tokyo,” John said. John reached into his bag and produced a bottle of sake and a DVD. “Its anime porn!” John said loud enough that other people in the garage could hear. “I know how much you like to watch cartoons having sex!” Steve rolled his eyes at John. “Thanks I do like a good Hentia but I don’t think people here on the wharf quite heard you!” All three laughed. John finally said, “It’s good to be home.” Alex squeezed him tightly and said, “Yes! I hate it when you are gone for so long.” Steve finally said, “But that is the nature of our company. If you want to expand, you need the blessing of the Kodakan. And who better to send as an ambassador than John?” John interrupted, “Well I did find an investor! And as a silent partner, he is wanting to open three more Dojo’s!” Both Steve and Alex’s eyes grew in size and a big smile stretched ear to ear! All three spoke excitedly for several minuets before Steve realized what time it was. “Holly shit! It’s almost two in the morning!” Steve blurted out. “I have to go to the Dojo tomorrow!” “Damn!” Alex said, “So do I!” “Don’t worry about girl,” Steve said. “It’s a small class. I should have no problems with it. Stay with lover boy and I will see you two later in the day.” “You’re a gem” Alex said then kissed him on the cheek. “Yea thanks Bro,” John said. Steve smiled and as he turned to walk towards his car, yelling out to them, “Just don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” then he slipped into the darkness. Part III Streets of San Francisco Ca., 2:15 a.m. 16 September. “So did you miss me?” John asked from the passenger side of the car. “Only a whole lot!” Alex replied. John reached over to Alex’s bare leg and began to caress the smooth skin of her inner thigh. Alex took in a sharp breath. “What are you doing John?” she said as coolly as possible. “Me? I’m not doing anything!” he said, “I’m just talking to my wife.” “John, you never could lie worth a damn.” Alex said. “Besides you have to wait until we get home!” “Why?” John asked as his hand slowly made its way up Alex’s thigh and under her skirt. Alex’s breath began to shutter, “Because I said so,” she kind of demanded. “And besides, if you don’t stop doing what you are doing you might cause me to crash the car!” By this time John had unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned into Alex’s ear. “Then maybe you should stop the car.” He whispered. “Damn you!” Alex said as she turned into a dark, deserted parking lot. Her skin was burning with desire! She wanted John to kiss and touch every part of her body. “I wanted to wait!” As soon as Alex put the SUV into park, she unbuckled her seatbelt and attacked John’s mouth with her lips and tongue. She drove her tongue deep into his mouth and made soft, groaning sounds as both their lips made loud, wet, smacking sounds. Alex pulled away from John, looked dead into his eyes and said, “I want you so bad!” “So do I!” John said with ragged breath. Alex smiled, then proceeded to free John’s thick, nine inch cock from his pants. She looked at his throbbing member and noticed the large amount of the clear liquid, she liked to call candy, leaking from the tip. John eased his half of the benched seat back to allow Alex better access to his now freed cock. “Oh baby you know what I want!” He said to Alex. “Please don’t make me beg!” “Don’t worry baby! You won’t have to wait any longer!” Alex then positioned her body in such a way that she could have her knees in the driver’s seat and be perpendicular to John. This allowed her to be able to suck John’s cock without having to use her hands to hold herself up, freeing her hands for other uses. Once she was comfortable and stable, she grabbed John’s hot cock with her right hand and started to caress his shaved balls with her left. “God I missed you!” Alex said while looking at John’s cock and balls. John almost laughed out loud. For a moment, he thought Alex had said that to his cock and not him. “I missed you to baby.” He said after he realized it was him and not his cock that Alex missed. Then John felt the warm, wet sensation of Alex’s mouth engulfing his cock. Alex’s mouth wrapped around John’s massive cock and she tasted his sweet oozing pre-cum. She felt her own cock grow and begin to rub against the coarse material of the wool skirt she wore. The feeling was very erotic for Alex which caused her to move her hip back and forth. The action of John’s cock pressing against the back of her throat and rubbing her own cock was too much for Alex to handle. “I want you in me!” she demanded of John. John felt his cock twitch as Alex began to straddle him. “I have been waiting for weeks for this!” Alex said to John. She had reached down between her legs from behind her own ass to guide John’s, now throbbing, cock into her hot ass. It felt divine, Alex thought to herself. The mixture of her spit and John’s precum was all the lubrication she needed to have him in her. “Oh my!” were the words that escaped from Alex’s mouth as John’s cock began to fill her up. Alex always loved the way John filled her. She loved when he had all of his nine inches deep in her. Having his balls pressed against her firm ass. Alex truly loved it when his cock rubbed against that magic spot inside of her. Each time his cock went in and out of her, it caused the tip of her cock to ooze more and more precum. So much so that it dripped from the tip onto John’s now bare belly. While Alex was riding John, she felt his hand slide up her body from her hip to her firm breasts. Her nipples were hard and begging to be touched by John, she was not disappointed. John had pulled Alex’s blouse open with so much force that buttons were torn off. Alex didn’t care, she only wanted John. Alex felt John’s hot lips and tongue tease her nipples through her bra. “Please John! Suck my tits!” she now had begged John even more. Once John had freed her breasts from her lace, white bra, he did exactly what Alex wanted. Alex moaned out loud, once she had her tits in John’s mouth. “Oh God baby! That’s it!” Then she began to rock back and forth harder on John’s cock. “You are going to make me cum!” John yelled. Once John said he was going to cum, Alex felt John’s cock swell even bigger. “Give it to me!” Alex demanded. Alex felt her own cock begin to explode. John could cause her to cum from just fucking her. A matter of fact John’s cock was so apt in job, that often it would cause her to have the most mind blowing orgasm. And tonight, in the front seat of their SUV, was no different. Hot white cum flew from Alex’s cock onto John’s body when she felt him blow his wad deep inside her. Her body went into spasms and her breath became short and ragged. Her orgasm was even greater when she watched John cum in her. It was what she loved when they had sex together. And she never wanted it to end. Black four door Sedan, fifty meters behind Alex and John’s SUV, 2:32 a.m. 16 September. Two men sat in the black four-door sedan wondering about the sudden turn into the dark parking lot and why the two occupants delayed leaving. The man behind the steering wheel was small in stature, about 5’9” and 135. He had olive color skin, dark brown eyes and dark curly hair. This man had a Middle Eastern or maybe Mediterranean look about him. He sat quietly behind the wheel waiting for the man in the passenger seat to act. The other man was different in appearance. He stood about 6’1” at 250lbs. His hair had turned gray and retreated back so much that the top of his head was completely bare. His eyes were dark as well but they showed many more years in them than his companion. Finally, after what seemed like a very long time, the old man lifted a small radio to his month and uttered one word. “Go” Alex and John’s SUV, 2:32 a.m., 16 September Alex laid her head against John’s strong chest, trying to catch her breath in between her still shuttering body. John slowly caressed Alex’s back, breathing in her perfumed skin and sweat. “I missed you so much.” Alex purred into John’s chest. “I missed you to.” He said as he kissed the top of her head. “I think we should get going.” John sighed. “Besides we can do it again with more room to move in,” he said with a slight chuckle. Alex began to chuckle with John but it soon changed to gasps of air and confusion. Before both Alex and John knew what had hit them, they were covered in small fragments of glass which was followed by blinding white light and a loud popping sound. Alex’s ear no longer could hear, except for a high-pitched, chirping ring. Her eyes also failed her; all she could see was the flashing white light in a field of darkness. In a dream like state, Alex felt herself being pulled apart from John and flung into the cold emptiness of space. And as fast as the chaos had begun it ended with a sharp blow from the ground against her head. Steve’s apartment San Francisco Ca., 2:47 a.m., 16 September. Steve lay naked in his one bedroom apartment watching T.V. He was tired but couldn’t sleep. He looked around his dismal place remembering the time he enjoyed the comforts of a king sized bed and the fact that where he takes a shit was just four feet from his head. His divorce was not very good for him. She got everything; the house; the cars; the bank accounts, but what really made Steve’s blood boil was she had gotten a lawyer that some how convinced the judge that Steve was a bad guy. True, he was on the road a lot and he did spend long hours in the office but that was how he was able to provide the 2,500 foot house and the king size bed he was now missing. He thought to himself that if she would have just asked to take a lover or at least bitch about the hours spent away from the house instead of acting as if nothing was wrong, then maybe he would of changed. But then again he thought that he wouldn’t have changed anyway and it was for the best for all involved. “Women,” he said aloud “Can’t live with them, can’t bury them in the backyard,” then he laughed to himself. While channel surfing Steve came across a commercial for one of those phone sex numbers disguised as a party chat line. He thought to himself, “hell why not” then he picked up the cordless phone that lay on the milk crate ‘night stand’ that was beside his bed. “Hi this is Charlene who are you?” a young voice said over the phone. “I’m” there was a slight pause in Steve’s voice, “Bob” Steve really didn’t know why he felt it necessary to lie to the girl on the phone. It wasn’t like they were going to run into each other at the store or any where else, but he still felt more comfortable giving her a different name. “Hi Bob,” she said. “So why are you calling so late tonight?” “I was bored and couldn’t sleep.” He said. “Is that the only reason you called?” Charlene’s voice was a bit more seductive when she asked. “Well, maybe a little horny too.” Steve said in lower tones, as if someone would hear him. “Oh really?” Her voice now was dripping with sex. “What do you think we should do about that?” “I really don’t know maybe I should just go.” Steve said. Charlene said, “Oh please don’t go. I will make it worth your while if you stay.” “How?” Steve replied. “Hang on, let me get something!” She said. Then Steve could hear her receiver being put down and some noise of things being opened. “Still here sweetie?” “Yes, I’m still here” he responded. Charlene said, “Good! Now I want you to listen for a second.” Steve heard some noise in the background then the familiar sound of a vibrator. It sounded as if it belonged to a larger toy due to its deeper pitch. The sound then went away and it was replaced by Charlene’s voice. “Did you hear that?” she said. “Yea,” Steve said. “Do you know what that was?” Charlene asked. Steve replied, “It was a vibrator.” “It’s just not a vibrator!” Charlene’s voice sounded almost offended by Steve’s remarks. “It’s my favorite vibrating dildo!” She said, with a little more playfulness. “It’s about 12” long, fat and made out of some new type of rubber that makes it almost feel like the real thing!” She continued. Then Charlene asked, “So why don’t you stay on line with me and I will tell you all about how it fills my pussy?” Steve felt his cock began to swell. “Ok, tell me how it fills your pussy.” He said. Charlene’s voice turned more seductive in tone when she said. “Well after a long night of talking sex to men and women I get a little horny.” She continued, “I mean how much can a girl take?” Steve reached down to his cock with his left hand then said, “What do you talk about?” Charlene’s voice began to shutter, “Any thing they want to talk about but if I get to take over the conversation I talk about how much I love to suck a man’s dick or go down on a lady.” “Yea?” Steve said. “Oh yea,” Charlene said. “I love to make people cum with my mouth and tongue.” She said. “Just thinking of it makes me wet” Her voice said with a shutter. Steve’s cock now had grown to its full, erect, eight inches and had begun to throb. He thought that maybe Charlene was really playing with herself which made him even more excited. “Tell me more baby.” Steve said in a lower tone. Charlene said, “My pussy gets so wet it needs to be played with or I can’t sleep!” Steve could hear Charlene moving around, like she was getting comfortable. “So what do you do?” Steve asked. “I get on my back, turn on my toy and give my pussy what it wants!” She said. “I rub my pussy first so I can get myself and my toy nice and wet, then once that has happened I push this rubber cock into myself!” Steve was now stroking his cock in slow, long strokes. He felt how hot his cock was in his hand. He was feeling his cock become more sensitive each time the tip would pass through the circle his thumb and forefinger had made. Steve could see clear liquid began to ooze out of his throbbing cock. “Mmmmm, that’s it baby!” Steve said. “Oh God! It’s in me!” Charlene gasped. “It feels so good!” she continued. “How good?” Steve asked. “I’m so wet,” She said. Then she said to Steve, “Call me a whore! Call me a dirty little whore!” Steve’s cock almost exploded when Charlene said that. “Oh, you dirty whore. I want you to fuck your pussy!” Steve found himself stroking faster and more precum oozed from the tip. “Oh God, stroke that cock you bastard!” Charlene yelled over the phone. There was a deep moan from Charlene’s side of the phone when she finally yelled “I’m cumming!” Steve knew he wouldn’t last any longer. His cock began the rhythmic twitch it always did before releasing hot cum. “I can’t hold it!” Steve yelled Charlene continued making sounds that belonged more to an animal than a human. “Oh Go..” Steve couldn’t finish what he was going to say. His cock had become a fleshy fountain that sprayed thick, white cum all the way up to his chest. With each blast of his cock being more intense then the one before it. After a few moments Charlene finally spoke. “Are you still alive?” Steve chuckled, “Yea, still alive.” “Good.” Charlene said. “I hope you liked it.” she continued. “And then some,” Steve replied. “Well have a good night lover,” She said. “You to,” then Steve hung up the phone. Steve’s apartment San Francisco Ca., 5:36 p.m., 16 September. Steve walked into his apartment, tired from the late night and long day of teaching his and John’s Judo classes. He thought of nothing but taking a shower and crawling into bed. He laid his wallet and keys on a small table which held his answering machine. Steve pushed the small play button on his machine and walked towards the kitchen. “This is Sally!” a shrilled voice came over the speaker. Steve was looking into an almost empty refrigerator when he heard his ex-wife’s voice. The voice caused his ears to burn. So much so that he started to hide behind the open refrigerator door, as if she was in the room and about to throw something at him. “You are late with the alimony!” the she-devils voice continue. “And if you don’t get it to me within the next five days…” Steve had run over to push the button that would play the next message, cutting his ex-wife’s voice off in mid sentence. The next message started with a more cheery voice offering an exciting opportunity to get in on the ground floor of some lame time-share. He thought it better to hear that than the ‘loving’ croaks of his ex. Steve had returned to his kitchen and started to make himself something to eat when the next message stopped him dead in his tracks. “Steve, it’s me Alex. I’m at the downtown police station” Her voice was filled with grief. “Something has happened!” Then Steve could hear her start to sob. “John is missing if you get this, please call me.” Steve’s machine said in a dead pan way, “End of messages.” Steve grabbed his cell phone, wallet and keys as he ran out the door, leaving everything where it laid. San Francisco, Ca. police department, Downtown 6:32 p.m. 16 September. Once Steve reached the police department, he was led to a back room where Alex sat. As soon as he walked in he saw her sitting, still wearing what she wore the night before. Her hair was matted with some dried blood in it. “Are you ok?” he said as he took off his coat cover her. As Steve walked to her, she stood up to meet him and buried her face into his chest. “I don’t know what happened,” Alex sobbed. “We stopped and then there was a flash.” She wasn’t making sense to Steve. “Sssh, Just relax I will find out what’s going on.” Steve said reassuringly to Alex. The door to the small office had opened when an older man walked in. The old cop was about fifty with thinning gray hair and a face that was deep with wrinkles. His brown eyes looked like they had seen the worst of man kind for so long that they looked permanently sad. The old cop spoke to Steve. “Are you Mr. Steve Kolaski?” “Yes,” Steve said. “I’m Officer William Jones. Do you know a John Jensen?” he asked as he pulled out a small note pad. “Yea, we go way back.” Steve replied. “Can we go into my office and talk for a minute?” Officer Jones asked. “Please don’t leave me!” Alex grabbed tighter around Steve’s chest. “I’m not leaving you.” He said as he pried Alex away from him. “I will be right back, I promise.” Alex looked up at Steve with tearful eyes and nodded in understanding. Steve nodded back and gave a small smile. “I’m going to find out what’s going on. I will be right back.” Then Steve turned and walked out the door with Officer Jones. Officer Jones’ office, 6:41 p.m. 16 September. “What do you mean you have no idea what happened?” Steve’s voice rang out. “Aren’t you the investigators?” Then he continued, “Why aren’t you out there looking for my buddy?” Officer Jones sat behind his desk quietly while Steve carried on. Then as if he was on stage telling an audience to be quiet, he raised his hand. Steve fell silent. “Mr. Kolaski.” Jones said. “Here is what I know.” He continued. “At six this morning a man out walking his dog finds Ms. Jensen on the ground, half-naked in a parking lot with a large bump to her head.” Jones continued after turning a page in his notebook. “Ms. Jensen is taken to the hospital at six forty-five, where she was treated for a concussion and a minor scrap across her cheek.” He turned another page in his notebook. “At 1:15, Ms. Jensen became coherent enough to tell us about her husband John.” Then Officer Jones laid his notebook down and looked at Steve. “Up until 1:15 we were treating this as a rape and assault case.” Steve spoke. “So what happened?” “We aren’t sure,” The old cop said. “But whatever happened, this was done to well to be something like a random act or a case of wrong place, wrong time.” Steve looked at Jones with a question in his face. “Why do you say that?” Jones leaned towards Steve and said, “It doesn’t smell right.” “Huh?” was Steve’s reply. The old cop said, “I served in recon back in Vietnam and when you’ve spent as much time in the bush as I did, you could tell the difference between friend or foe by the way they smelt. And if they didn’t smell right, you had better stay still and get ready for a fight.” Steve looked and Jones. “So do we fight?” “That depends if you can bring any light on this.” Jones asked. “I can’t add anything, but I could find out something for you.” Steve said. “Please do” Jones replied. “Now take Ms. Jensen home. She has had a very bad day.” To be continued. |
As we lay in bed, my naked girlfriend wrapped around me, looking up at the ceiling and catching our breath after another amazing romp, my girlfriend turned and looked at me. With a hint of curiosity in her eyes, she caught me off guard with one of those lose-lose questions like “which of my girlfriends is the hottest?” This one was a bit more candid, as she asked me “if you could have a threesome with me and one of my girlfriends, who would it be?” Obviously I was shocked, but the feeling of my cock growing again got me thinking about this. Now my girlfriend, named Vicki, had a plethora of friends, but they were not very attractive through my eyes. All but one weren’t fuckable if I was sober. Being drunk is another story! Anyways, the one friend came to mind. She was Natasha. She wasn’t the hottest piece of ass on the planet but from what I heard she was slutty, and I thought she was cute. I wasn’t too sure but she always seemed to flirt with me, grabbing me and stuff sometimes. I know I wouldn’t hesitate to stick it in her. After a minute or two of thinking, I responded with “Anyone of your friends? I’d pick Natasha.” Vicki looked at me with a puzzled look but seemed to be satisfied. I asked why she asked me that and she replied with a typical “no reason at all answer”. She arose from the bed and I watched as her tits bounced with each step. They were only a B cup but they were perky and she had this silver dollar sized nipples that I would just love to suck on. While I was lost in staring at her nude body, I quickly forgot the question. Well a few days had passed and we continued with our normal sex life. It consisted of me fucking her brains out from all sorts of positions, fantasizing about sticking it in her ass. She said she’d never do anal but I was hoping she would. One day I was sitting at home doing some homework (we were both in college), and I got a call from her. She sounded out of breath, and said to come over quickly, she had an emergency. I thought this was peculiar but what the hell. Better than reading about economical situations in the world! I pulled up and luckily the doors leading into her apartment complex were open. I followed a car past the main gate and walked up to the door and knocked. After a minute of waiting I knocked again, and I heard Vicki shout “come in! it’s open!” Without further hesitation I opened the door to a dark, yet dimly lit apartment. I thought the power went out but the hallway light was on. I saw a faint light from under her bedroom door and I knocked and heard Vicki say “come in sweetheart”. When I pushed the door back, Vicki was on her knees on the bed, with a g-string on and a sexy lacey black bra. Her hand was cupping her tit and I could see the outline of nipple. Of course I thought another sexy game by her! It didn’t take long for my clothes to hit the floor and before I knew it, I was butt naked, cock hard and throbbing and my tongue was buried in Vicki’s mouth. I was caressing her body, feeling every inch of her smooth skin. She was a small girl, only 5-3 and weighed 105 but she was very fun to touch. She let out soft moans as I was massaging her chest, while she began to stroke my cock. I began to kiss down her neck, while undoing her bra. Her bra fell down, revealing her perky, firm breasts. Her nipples were rock hard and I took one in my mouth, playing with it, biting it, licking it, while my other hand squeezed the other. “ohh Jason that feels so good….mmmmmmn don’t stop. Bite it baby, bite and take me baby. I want to feel your tongue over my nipple. You know you want it baby.” After a couple of minutes like this, I pushed her back on her bed and pulled down her panties. She had gotten a nice little wax! I kissed her soft, smooth pussy lips, playing around with her pussy. She continued to let out soft moans. All of a sudden she pulled my head up and told me to stop! “What the heck Vicki? Is something wrong?” She said “No baby, I just don’t want to cum….yet. I have a special present in the bathroom that will make both of cum harder than we ever have before. Take a look.” As I turned to go see what device she spoke of, I looked at the bathroom door to not see some sex toy, but Natasha standing there, ass naked, leaning in the door way, with one hand rubbing her snatch and the other running down her chest. Holy shit! I almost came right there. Although she’s a little chubby, she has a nice C cup, with shoulder length brown hair and a somewhat freckly body. Her pussy was also completely bare, and looked awesome. Natasha climbed into the bed, looked at my cock and said “Well Jason, Vicki tells me you want a threesome with us. Is this true?” I was speechless. I didn’t know if this was some sort of sick joke where if I said yes I’d be castrated or this fantasy was really coming true. Without thinking I leaned in and kissed her lips, feeling their luscious taste. My hand made its way up to her tits and began to caress her already hard nipples. My other hand was stroking my cock. I had no idea this was going to happen. I pulled away from her mouth and she hoped on top of Vicki. Vicki looked at me and said “This is a taste of what you’re going to get baby!” They began to make out passionately, with their mouths devouring each other. Their naked, soft bodies on top of one another, their breasts pushing against each other. Natasha began to hump Vicki, pushing her pussy into Vicki’s, which lead to little moans leaking out of them. I was still slowly stroking my dick, not wanting to erupt yet. Their hands explored their sensual bodies, going over their nipples, onto their hips, and down to their pussies! I was in heaven! Slowly, Natasha began kissing down Vicki’s body, her eyes closed, moaning softly, as Natasha resumed eating her out, taking over for me. I leaned and began to suck on Vicki’s nipple, while watching Natasha bury her tongue into Vicki’s pussy. I wanted to fuck Natasha right there. As I dreamt of ramming my cock up her box, Vicki began to cum, arching her back and screaming “ooooohhh yes, yes, yes, yes, Natasha, yes, yes not again you dirty little whore! Ohhhhh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee”. I could see the juices flowing over Natasha’s face, and knew she had pleased my woman. Exhausted, Vicki looked up at me and said, now it’s your turn. Without warning they jumped on me and began to tag team my cock with their mouths. First Natasha began to lick my head while Vicki sucked on my balls. Natasha slowly wrapped her mouth around my cock and began sucking. God this felt great, I wanted to shoot my load all over the inside of her warm mouth. I had to pull back for fear of cumming too soon. When I pulled off, Vicki got on top of my cock and slid it into her snatch. She was so tight even after months of fucking. I was not very big but she was just perfect. While she rode my cock, I grabbed her hips, lifting myself into her body even more. Suddenly I felt a pressure on my head, and as I looked up, Natasha’s cunt was inches from my face. She looked down and said “Common Jason, you got to please me too!” She lowered her cunt to my face, with her asshole right above it. She was facing Vicki and as I began to devour her excited clit, she leaned in and was kissing Vicki, forming a nice little triangle. I was just gobbling on her lips, licking inside and out, up and down, left and right and I could here her moan. Her pussy tasted delcious, and it wasn’t long before she began to come all over my face. She was moving up and down screaming “ohhhh yes Jason, ohhhh eat me you little bastard!!!!! Lick my clit, eat me just fucking eat me ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh myyyyyy Goddddddddd!!!!!” as wave after wave of her sweet juices erupted on my face! I think I was pleasing her! As she was cumming I began to also and erupted inside Vicki’s tight little pussy, filling her up with my wholesome goodness. They both collapsed onto me in a heap of pure pleasure. My cock grew limp and fell out of Vicki’s snatch. After a few moments of catching our breath, Natasha looked at Vicki and said “Say honey, doesn’t your boy here keep begging to ram it in your tender little ass? I know how tenders yours is from earlier but if you want, he can stick it up me. It wont hurt. You could watch. What do you say Vick?” Before I could even ask about the “earlier” part, Vicki responded with an astounding yes. I was completely baffled. “Maybe now with some hot anal he can stop bitching about it!” “But baby, I am not hard! I need some motivation :wink:: wink:” With that Vicki got in front of me on all fours, and began to expose her sweet little cunt from behind. I could see her tight pussy and asshole glistening in the candle light of the room, and she slowly began to massage her clit. My cock was hard in an instant. I sat up and kissed her asshole then looked at Natasha. She didn’t even need an invitation, she was already on her stomach, grabbing her ass cheeks, waiting for her exposed little asshole to be pounded into submission. I smeared some of her juices onto her shitter to lube it up. I leaned in and gave it a good licking too, taking in the taste and smell. She obviously cleaned it up. I sat up and pushed the head of my cock slowly into her, feeling her tight rectal walls close around as the hole began to enlarge. She felt so fucking good. I pushed in further and further until I was thrusting in small movements, fucking her deep and good. She was letting out moans saying “mmmmmn yea Jason, give it to me up my ass you little perv, common pound me harder”. As she moaned, Vicki moved in front of her exposing her sweet pussy, and Natasha began to bite her lips, and lick her clit. I quickened my strokes and was now full fledge pounding her pucker, watching her hole contract and enlarge with every stroke. I looked up and grabbed Vicki’s tits, rubbing her nipples as I was just absolutely fucking her friend. With in minutes I began to feel the rush of my cum getting ready to shoot. I grabbed hold of Natahas hips and yelled “ohh fuck yea baby I am going to drench you with my cum….mmmn I am going to cum so fucking hard…arghhhhhhhhhhhh” I screamed as my cum just filled her up so much that it started leaking out. Natasha was on the same wave length as she began to buck and screamed “ohhhhhh yea Jason fill me up I am going to cum so hard you dirty little bitch mmmmmmmmmmmmn yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”. I pulled my cock out and we all fell back into the bed together. After a few minutes we hopped in the shower, cleaned each other off, exchanging some kisses and feels. We climbed into bed, naked and passed out, a wonderful night in the books. I awoke the next morning to Natasha gone, and Vicki in the kitchen fixing pancakes. I had 3 hours until class so no rush. As we reminisced about last night, I asked her about the whole “earlier” situation. Vicki then explained how this all transpired….after she asked me the threesome question, she asked Natasha is she had ever had a threesome. Natasha had already had one once and said she’d do it again. She also knew Vicki was referring to a threesome with us three. Natasha told me she’d do it, but she said Vicki had to be sure she could handle a girl first. That’s why she was out of breath on the phone. Before I came over, they had experimented, and Natasha had led Vicki into multiple orgasms by eating out her ass and pussy. After that orgasmic lesson, Vicki knew she was ready. After some food, I fucked Vicki again from behind, playing with her asshole and sending her into multiple orgasms. I got dressed and got into my car with a big smile on my face, not knowing that was the last time I’d ever see Natasha in that light ever again, or that I’d ever be doing anal again…at least with her. Whenever we hung out, she would wink at me but nothing ever transpired into that night of amazing, passionate hardcore sex with my girl and her friend. |
My guy and I first met in 1979. He helped me bet on a pony I wasn't s'posed to bet on--I was 13, he was 20--but I went home from my outing $23 richer, and totally in love. My sisted whined to my mother what I'd done, my mother yelled at me how I was a knocle draggin' dumb ass, and I told my sister to go suck a diseased bowel. But, I got a kiss that lightning struck my groins and I was $23 richer. In 1979, for a 13 year old kid that didn't get much in money or in boys, I was stratospheric. I'd forgotten him in the course of 7 years, but when we got together again, it was for keeps. I'd also newly discovered sex and the art and gentle strokes oral sex ushered, and I was in afterglow heaven. Peter taught me everything I know about sex, I taught him to have a grand sense of adventure. What a pair of .... we are. Those times were puntuated with the freak shows we'd given on an AmTrak train to see his mother, the ten minute doggy style bangfest in Trump Tower elevator, servicing my man in the back of a chartered bus on the way home from a church outing, the near-miss hit we both took doin' it on a Macybed in the bedding displays, and three times in a portable stellaruim in a science museum in Queens. All those times, we'd either not been or nearly been caught, save one: When I came up for air while servicing a juicy cock on my man while we were on the AmTrak to Niagara Falls, a priest sitting in front of us got up in time to see my head re-emerge for fresh air--it was hot under that jacket!--and the evidence all over my grinning face. He sat down again, startled ... but the question of was there a slight glint of avarice his eyes held is still a vintage debate between Pete and me. The other times, we were far younger than we are now; why brazen acts are solely limited to 20 somethings always bothered me. But there we were, openly subtle to the nuances of hornyness in public. One date in Manhattan found us visiting Trump Tower and we got carried away. So much so, I got on his shouders to turn around the CCTV camera and the general public below got a free show of how to do a meaty quickie, doggy style. He fucked me, pussy and ass, so hard--and I'm a screamer--it was a huge surprise the cops weren't called from the muted yelps I'd made. By the time someone thought to do that, we were long gone. And the camera was put back in its original post. ******************************************************************************* Oral sex under the stars--even if those stars are contrived, so what?--is a wonderous way to contemplate your insignificance while orgasmically enjoying the vast blackness of the cosmos canopied before you. Cygnus the Swan glided in beautiful formation as he flicked the alphabet across my Eden covered clit, and I couldn't help groaning submissively. That concrete floor was unforgivingly hard, but so was Peter when he finally plunged himself into me, first just gently, then ever pistoning regularly, building to a rhythm that left me breathless when finished and generously moist during. Back to the oral we go, and from my vantage point, Cassiopeia and Orion, Sirius and Betelgeuse shone majestically above me. Not too bad for a makeshift planetaruim--the very same that little kids, moms and dads, teachers and grad students crawled through to snjoy the splendor the night skies held. Thank God those domed walls don't talk! As that concrete beneath us painfully turned our knee, hip and ankle bones against us, we shifted jackets and coats between us and that stone floor for a final oral pleasure. Final there, that was, as we'd finish our tryst on a softer venue. Those jackets bought us another five minutes, but it was the sweetest, most flowing five minutes I'd ever enjoyed. As the night stars revolved slowly over our heads, silence ever so deafening and we didn't say a word but for our moans of pleasure, the welcome tongue dancing over my vintage took away what was left of my resolve to hold back, and I forgot about star formations and constellations. We gave the scaled-down cosmos a show of passion, ecstacy, love and mutual pleasure as we completed out lovemaking with 69'ing one another. Over and again I flowed, couldn't stop, didn't stop, wouldn't quit and the more I gave myself to Pete, the more he took, sucking and tonguing expertly. I was groaning and moaning and trembling involuntarily, he was too, my mouth full of him, the rushing liquid of his DNA pounding in my ears, deafening my growing groans ... and we came together, wow, what perfect synchronicity. Little blobs of purple stars exploded in my eyes, blacking out the rotating ones in the domed, dim blackness ... and that floor gave my knees a stabbing, painful reminder of who just was boss here. We left, walking slowly home to ease the protests our bones were yelling loudly ... and picked right up where we'd left off. By morning, our loins (and bones) were sleeping most contentedly. ******************************************************************************* Last night, I wanted another man, but he was being seriviced by another Joe like him. I'm not the kinda gal to take second fiddle to anyone in that department--and decorum prevented me from being a back alley whore cat to a quadruple male orgy--so I went home, buzzing with testosterone of my own to share with my sleeping prince. Kissing had its place and time, and though we'd taken that time to enjoy that, it was just the precursor to what we were both eager to do. After 10 minutes of this, I inverted myself first ... and slipped my mouth and tongue around his waiting cock. Quivering slightly from my presence--Peter hadn't loin-trembled in a long time, not from ill-desire of me, but from damn lack of sleep--we both voiced our pleausres simutaneously. Once again, in rhythm, once again knowing each other as we do, in spite of time, age, changing bodies and shifting schedules, demands of kids and of life, the neighbors got a fast lesson on who's a great moaner and how exactly to get throaty for full effect. He fucked me like a sailor on leave, a pimp does his street slut and as if we were secretely being videoed and soundtracked on "Candid Porno Camera." We sucked, kissed, ate, tongued, nibbled, tasted, licked, slurped and bit all over getting animal on one another. He grew thicked and more inviting, I allowed him to enter me--after having him feast on my wetness scented and flavored just for him--and banged me into my fifth orgasm that night, having hung on past the point of no return when he licked my pussy, leaving me to pour into his open mouth four times previously. We came together, over and over, and still again, though it lasted just a few minutes in real time, it felt like hours. Once finished, he fell asleep cock still Viagara rigid, still inside me, very much satisfied. I slipped into a contented snooze, grinning peacefully to myself, still wet and full of my personal piston, my last thought before drifting off was: While I'm thrilled to still turn a guy's head and what a turn on that still is, when it gets right down to brass tacks, Pete's set the gold standard in cocks. Compared to him, in oral technique and thrusting style, lest they take the time to improve, all other fellas are just fool's gold. |
Subsets and Splits