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22,200 | 640 | 3 | 660 | 504 | Valorie s'est regardée dans le miroir des toilettes de la gare tout en ajustant son col. Quand elle s'est réveillée le jour où, bien sûr, elle ne pensait pas qu'elle obtiendrait une enveloppe et ensuite le breffage qu'elle devait passer. Elle s'est donné un moment pour s'assurer que son uniforme était correct et a même regardé par-dessus elle-même un moment. C'était à la fois pour essayer de s'assurer qu'elle pouvait donner une bonne première impression tout en lui donnant un moment pour s'assurer. Un moment simple pour défaire ses nerfs qu'être donné une mission d'une telle manière pourrait réveiller. Un autre jour au bureau, elle a dit à sa réflexion de mettre l'affaire au lit. Avec un virage rapide, elle est sortie directement de la porte et a passé le moteur à vapeur. En se tournant la tête vers elle, elle prit un examen rapide par reconnaissance pour la bête massive qui la tirait vers l'est. Ce n'était que bref, car elle se retournait vers l'avant pour faire son chemin à l'intérieur d'une cabine de train qui serait reliée à celle où ils resteraient pendant la durée de la promenade.
En entrant dans Valorie ne pouvait pas aider mais scanner les deux figures rapidement une fois avant de mettre ses pieds ensemble et offrir un salut dû à l'alchimiste supérieur devant elle. "Major Falkner faisant un reportage dans Ma'am." Se tenant à l'attention pour l'instant de ne pas insulter le colonel avant qu'elle ne puisse seulement penser à leurs apparitions. Il ne lui a pas fallu longtemps pour se rappeler au moins les noms des deux alchimistes qui se tenaient devant elle. Des visages comme ceux-là, bandés ou tout simplement aussi uniques qu'Emilia n'étaient pas facilement perdus de mémoire. Elle ne les connaissait pas bien en plus de leurs noms et titres, car elle ne se retrouvait pas dans les mêmes zones pendant l'extermination d'Ishvalen. En raison de leurs apparences et noms, Valorie sentait que cette mission allait à plus important qu'elle ne pensait même pas commencer, bien qu'elle ne l'ait pas montré sur son visage. | Name:
Valorie Falkner
State title:
Quick Silver Alchemist
Valorie’s life was involved with the military from the moment she was born. Her father was a state alchemist himself, which led to many days where he wasn’t home due to work. However, when he was home he made the best of it. Valorie’s idol was her dad, and she didn’t want to be anything but like him for a long time. As a child this led her to be a bit of a tomboy when she was about seven. Knowledge and adventure were her favorite pastimes, especially when it came to books. From alchemy to fantasy tales she didn’t want to put them down as they either brought her closer to her father in teaching her about what he does as an alchemist, or took her to a far off land within the stories. She wasn’t popular as a child from it though as her attitude had gotten her into several fights, though she befriended a social reject like herself. Her friend though passed when she was eleven due to complications with an illness leaving her alone. Without a fellow adventurer or someone to share what she has read from stories she started to only read about science and alchemy. If she didn’t have a friend anymore, perhaps she could be looked up to like her father was as a state alchemist.
She became far more shy and closed herself off until she was sixteen because of this despite her mother and father trying to help otherwise. Her mother often joked about how she wished her daughter wasn’t a tomboy, but she missed it quickly after it was gone. Eventually her mother to fell ill, and even if it didn’t take her life it left her frail. Seeing his wife in this state, Valorie’s father enclosed himself into being a workaholic. Even at home he would shut himself in his office leaving Valorie to care for her mother. For a year she stopped doing alchemy all together after she had begun to do it from what she read at the age of thirteen. Valorie got a letter from the military on her seventeenth birthday which stated they heard about her skill that she had developed and how she had helped around town before, sometimes with repairs and a few times she even stopped a criminal or two who didn’t think a girl would see them and trap them with chains. Before she tore up the letter, her mother found it and gave her a long lecture. Despite her objections, Valorie’s mothers insisted that she would be fine and that she didn’t want Valorie to waste her life away. Even if it was with the military, her mother told Valorie that her father wasn’t made the way he is by the work he did, but by how he handled the situations.
Heading off, Valorie easily got past her state alchemist exam. It was all well and good before the Ishvalen conflict. When she joined the military, it had been going on already. However, she was a state alchemist. It wasn’t until Order 3066 that she saw the front lines. She was 21 at the time when she had to draw the blood of the Ishvalens. Her first days were the worst, but then her father died in the conflict. She didn’t see it happen, but the death list revealed his fate as well as a surperior seeking her out. He was killed by an Ishvalen who had taken an Amestrian sniper rifle a month earlier. Valorie found herself surprisingly calm upon his death. For the last year he had basically ran from her ailing mother she had gotten to the point of cursing him, now he was simply gone. The day after she killed without the same hesitation as the other days or overwhelming pain, same with the next. It continued until the end of the war, on the day they claimed victory that she knelt over and threw up what she had been holding in to make it through the conflict.
Hiding that weakness from her peers as well as superiors, she continued as a State Alchemist, but the thought remains on her mind about the atrocities committed. They had to kill everyone they saw without holding back, and her alchemy had been practically made for the killing. It wasn’t to help people, rather she could repair broken guns. Shift iron into spikes or slice a man in half with a long mercury whip. She couldn’t face her mother afterwards preferring to only write letters. Working on missions for the military as she quickly gained respect with her proficiency in alchemy. A young star on the rise, but for now still a major.
Metal Alchemy:
Valorie's specialty lies in the transition metals of the periodic table. Mercury, Iron, Silver, Gold and more and their structures is the understanding she comes in with.
Common abilities for her to use:
Weapon Formation: The earth's crust is largly made of iron and this is taking the iron from the ground to make blades and other items. Also can make metal bolts, screws, and such if needed.
Metal Spikes: Making a line or grouping of metal spikes to come from the ground
Entrapment: The creation of metal chains to launch and bind an opponent
Steel Needles: A preference of hers for a less bloody way and quiet way to incapacitate by making steel needles as throwing weapons.
Quick Silver Whip: Her trademark technique in which she carries a vial of mercury with her to transmute into either a long spike or razor whip to kill her opponent with a flexible metal she can shape more at will than most. However, she doesn't use it often as it is mercury. Luckily alchemy allows her to control the mercury to a point to prevent it from poisoning those around, and herself, as her attacks end with her putting it back in it's container. |
22,201 | 640 | 4 | 2,568 | 670 | Dans l'une des cabines du train, un serveur s'approcha d'un chiffon à la main et d'une assiette de nourriture dans l'autre. Avec une observation rapide, il était clair que la nourriture allait à l'homme et à sa femme qui était assis près de l'extrémité de la cabine. William, qui regardait le serveur, se tint et l'intercepta. Il a griffonné sur une petite planche de craie à des vitesses miraculeuses et l'a tenu pour le serveur à lire, le panneau a lu « Je marchais juste pour em, je vais juste prendre la nourriture avec moi » William a attendu que les yeux des serveurs rencontraient le sien et il souriait. Son petit plan de connivence a fonctionné et le serveur a remis le steak et la purée de pommes de terre. William tenait son sourire, attendant que le serveur se retourne. Au moment exact où il l'a fait, William s'est lancé dans une marche rapide vers la cabine du train où il était censé approvisionner les autres alchimistes. Tout aurait pu être plus facile si William avait décidé de juste payer pour de la nourriture, mais il ne voulait pas avoir à payer un prix ridicule pour quelque chose comme la purée de pommes de terre et de steak.
La porte de la cabine s'ouvrit devant lui, se tenant à l'intérieur, il y avait trois personnes. L'une était une fille, une jeune, portant l'uniforme militaire debout près de la fenêtre. L'autre était un homme, légèrement plus grand que les autres. Il était fortement bandé sur ses bras et sa tête, ce qui rendait difficile de distinguer ses traits. La troisième fille se tenait là, en saluant les autres. Un salut ne dure généralement pas plus de quelques secondes, donc il a spéculé qu'elle était arrivée à la même époque qu'il l'a fait. Cependant, à la différence d'elle, William n'a pas salué. C'est peut-être un très grand geste de reconnaissance, mais William n'allait saluer personne, sauf si c'était légitimement dû. Dans ses yeux, ce n'était pas le cas.
Avec une bouche pleine de steak, il regarda le lot, puis déplaça ses yeux sur son tableau de craie où il effaça la dernière chose qu'il avait écrite et commença à fraicher. Il a tenu le tableau de craie, « matin ». Il lisait. | Name: William Campbell
Age: 25
Rank: Major
State title: The Trapping Alchemist
Backstory: Ever since William was a boy his interest in Alchemy always lead him into trouble. Practising the art whenever he saw fit, and usually having little to no regard for the consequences. By the age of 14 William thought he knew everything there was to know about alchemy and decided to learn alkahestry, thinking they were along the same lines. He mustered up some money and took a long and unforgettable trip to Xing, where he went to tons of different libraries cross referencing everything he learned. It was to his misfortune when he accidentally stumbled upon a sacred families secret. Descendants of the aforementioned family abducted him off the street a few days later and preformed unauthorized and unprofessional surgery on him. During the abduction they removed his vocal cords, this was a symbolic way of saying don't speak a word of the family's secret. Luckily for William, doctors at the nearest hospital used alkahestry and medical sciences to save his life, and prevent him from bleeding out. The doctors told William that he would probably never speak again. William had to find an alternative way to communicate with people, he started to use a small, clipboard sized chalkboard to write out what he wants to say.
William came back to Amestris a changed man. William was no longer filled with excitement and curiosity, instead, depression and cynicism. Every where he went, he felt like he could trust no one. He'd thought a lot about that day in Xing, and everyday he wonders why he couldn't defend himself. William knows so much about alchemy, yet, he still managed to get abducted. William came to the conclusion that he needed to get stronger, but self motivation wasn't enough to do that, he also needed resources. He needed more knowledge. This is where he decided to become a state alchemist.
He became a state alchemist a few months after the Ishvalan war had ended, he thought there would be a lack of soldiers after the war, and it would be a good chance to join.
Specialty: Liquefaction - William uses alchemy to create quicksand using the ground, thus his name 'The Trapping Alchemist'. William must preform a chain like reaction to create this quicksand. First, he uses his alchemy to deconstruct the earth in a targeted area and destroy it into millions of pieces of sand. William then uses his alchemy to create water from exchanging the material around the sand (wood, concrete, dirt etc.). The third step in his form of alchemy is to saturate the freshly made sand with the water he transmuted, giving him quicksand. William was the first person to create and use this type of alchemy, William used this alchemy during the practical part of his state alchemist exam. He preforms his alchemy with a small chalkboard that he carries around, this chalkboard is the same one he uses to communicate with. |
22,202 | 640 | 5 | 62 | 2,653 | Gresham Law avait eu une matinée merdique, et il se transformait rapidement en une journée merdique. En se réveillant, non seulement on lui a dit qu'il était renvoyé vers l'est, mais c'était apparemment un voyage pour tuer plus de gens. Gresham n'avait pas envie de revoir l'est, il avait eu sa charge, mais il ne pouvait pas dire non... c'était un alchimiste d'État après tout. Alors maintenant, il entra dans une voiture de train bientôt pour être lié à l'est, et il avait manqué brekfast.
Lorsqu'il est entré dans la voiture, il a vu une personne qu'il connaissait bien, deux personnes qu'il connaissait par réputation, et un homme qu'il n'avait jamais vu dans sa vie. Il décida de saluer celui qu'il connaissait en premier, la fille d'une vieille amie, une Valorie Falkner. Il avait été ami avec son père avant la guerre et avait servi avec eux tout au long, il ne savait pas qu'elle serait là... ils avaient beaucoup parlé depuis la guerre et il n'était pas certain de son opinion de lui, "Bonjour Valorie, ça fait un moment. Je ne savais pas que tu serais là... Dis-moi comment tu étais?
Gresham n'était pas vraiment un conversationniste d'Adept, donc sa tentative maladroite de parler était honnêtement son meilleur essai. | Name: Gresham Law
Rank: Major
State title: The Melting stone alchemist
Appearance: Gresham has white skin with hazel eyes. His hair is black and kept short but well maintained, he sports a very gruff 5- o'clock shadow in contrast to his well kempt hair. wears the standard blue military uniform. He transmutes using the tattoos on his hands. On his left hand the alchemical symbol for water within a transmutation circle, bits of alchemical script are in the circle as well as running up long whirlpool like lines that protrude from the circle to smaller circles on the ends with other important alchemical script. On his right palm the transmutation circle has the triangles of earth, clay, and arsenic within it, and strait lines composed of alchemical text run to the tips of his middle, index, and ring fingers where three smaller circles each have 1 of the three larger triangles at a smaller size in them. He is 5'9 and 185 lb., with an average build for his height.
Backstory: Born in southern Amestris, Gresham was the son of an automail engineer in Rush valley. He had zero talent in engineering and in fact had no interest in the craft, much preferring the study of chemistry and the elements, leading him to alchemy. He easily aced the state alchemist exam with an interesting type of alchemy, combining solid stone and metal alchemy with water alchemy, able to flash freeze rock and metal to make it brittle, create mud of most any material and create flexible part solid part liquid transmutaions, hence The Melting stone alchemist. About 2 years after becoming a state alchemist the Ishvalan civil war broke out, and not long after he was deployed to Ishval with many other state Alchemists. Durine the war his alchemy probed intensly useful, and many Ishvalans died at his hands. He has become a gruff and Jaded man, and is now again called to kill.
Specialty: Liquid/earth fusion
-Freeze or boil water in an. enemies blood
-Create simple weapons
-Create walls or spikes
-Create mud
-Turn metal and stone to soft, pliable material
-Or turn it brittle and easily shattered
Non-alchemy abilities
-Skilled in Judo, as well as Amestrian boxing
-Fast and acrobatic combatant |
22,203 | 640 | 6 | 1,278 | 8,110 | Le premier alchimiste à arriver après Charles était une autre femme, beaucoup plus grande et avec une figure féminine comme celle dont Emilia ne se développerait jamais, saluant, elle se présenta comme Falkner.
Emilia ne pouvait pas dire honnêtement qu'elle a rappelé la femme de n'importe où, bien qu'il n'était pas impossible qu'ils se soient rencontrés avant qu'à l'une des nombreuses réunions officielles les alchimistes du domaine aient été obligés de prendre part. Néanmoins, elle a redistribué le salut avant de dire : « A l'aise, major. Comme je l'ai dit au major Walenburg plus tôt, ce n'est pas un briefing formel, juste une réunion pour renforcer notre camaraderie. Vous pouvez vous aider à boire, si vous le souhaitez, pendant que nous attendons les autres. »
Deuxièmement, les deux autres membres de leur groupe de travail qui seraient dans ce train sont arrivés, bien qu'ils aient fait preuve de beaucoup moins de respect pour le protocole qu'Emilie ne le voudrait, de sorte qu'elle a dit : « Messieurs, alors que je dois souligner qu'il ne s'agit pas d'une réunion officielle, le protocole militaire devrait être suivi en tout temps, sans exception. L'ordre est ce qui fait de nous, Amestriens, les espèces supérieures de cette terre, donc nous devrions toujours y répondre. Je vais le laisser glisser cette fois, mais vous devriez vous sentir soulagé que je ne sois pas le général Basque Grand, puisqu'il est beaucoup plus impitoyable quand il s'agit de maintenir l'ordre."
Emili s'est ensuite assise à table et a demandé aux autres alchimistes de la suivre. « Le déjeuner d'aujourd'hui est gracieuseté du Haut Commandement, vous pouvez demander ce que vous souhaitez dans le menu. Maintenant, que diriez-vous de commencer nos présentations?" Elle a versé un autre verre de cognac pour elle-même, mais ne l'a pas bu avant de dire "Je suis le colonel Emilia B. Krowitz, connu sous le nom d'Alchimiste de la Rose du Sang. Ceux d'entre vous qui ont servi à Ishval ont peut-être entendu beaucoup d'histoires sur moi, mais en fin de compte, tout ce que je fais est un travail vital très peu sont disposés à se charger eux-mêmes. Mon expertise est la bio-alchimie, mais je suis aussi un médecin de terrain qualifié au cas où l'un d'entre vous serait blessé pendant son service. J'espère que nous pourrons coopérer et devenir de véritables camarades d'armes après la fin de cette mission. » Après avoir terminé son introduction, Emilia a pris une gorgée de brandy et a demandé à la suivante de la suivre. | Name: Emillia B. Krowitz
Rank: Colonel
State title: The Blood Rose Alchemist
Emillia's's past is a hazy and bloody spot on the pages of Amestris military registry, all that's know about her is that she joined the army under a special invitation from the Füher, as a medical officer tasked with a secret research, sometime before the Ishval War broke out.
The nature of her research was extremely secretive and it was said that she was the head of one of the most feared concentration camps during the conflict. Countless lives where sacrificed in her sinister research, whose purposed was the creation of that which all alchemist seek, The Philosopher's Stone.
After the end of the war she was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant colonel and given head of one of the states secret laboratories in order to continue her research, after Tim Marcoh went AWOL.
Blood Alchemy, which can be used a variety of ways, including:
- Healing, which was her original expertise;
- Halt the aging process of her body, which requires a constant supply of fresh blood, earning her the nickname "Amestrian Vampire";
- Combat, with her signature move, the "Bloody Rose Transmutation", where she causes the iron and oxygen on her victims blood to react violently and burst their blood vessels, popping out of their skin in the characteristic shape of roses made from coagulated blood.
Secretly, she's a bat-based Chimera, one of the first to ever be produced, since she offered her body willingly to help on the research she had been conducting for years alongside other genius bioalchemists like Shou Tucker and Tim Marcoh.
Also, she's an expert knife fighter and shouldn't be underestimated even when she is unable to make use of her alchemy, since her extensive knowledge of the human body's inner workings and cold blooded sadism means that she knows exactly how to inflict the maximum amount of suffering with each slash. |
22,204 | 640 | 7 | 660 | 504 | Valorie laissa tomber son salut à la parole du colonel et détendit sa pose pour se tenir debout avec ses bras tenus derrière son dos de façon décontractée. Merci, Madame. Elle a répondu en nature. Sa première impression d'Émilie était positive pour l'instant car il semblait que le colonel pouvait créer un sentiment d'autorité approprié. Pourtant, l'homme bandé rendait Valorie curieux même si elle savait qu'il était impoli d'essayer de discerner pourquoi il aurait besoin des bandages aussi bien que de qui il pourrait être en tant que personne lui-même. Ces pensées furent écourtées par l'introduction de William. Elle ne pouvait pas se rappeler qui il était, et elle ne se souciait pas de la façon dont il entrait beaucoup comme Emilia. Le respect du commandement, après tout, a fait une fonction militaire correctement. Si chacun prenait sa propre initiative, les stratégies et les plans s'effondreraient, et non pas qu'il n'y ait jamais de situation pour contester ou contester un ordre. Ces situations que vous espérez tout simplement ne pas rencontrer. Il utilisait aussi un tableau de craie, et ne pouvait s'empêcher de penser à la façon dont cette mission se déroule avec quelqu'un qui semble être muet.
Gresham a produit une réaction différente bien que Valorie a manqué son manque d'ordre alors qu'elle traversait le moment de le reconnaître. Alors que Valorie voulait répondre, et même ouvert sa bouche légèrement pour le faire, elle a été coupée par la voix d'Emilia et sa réponse aux deux hommes. Valorie a levé un sourcil pour le moment où Emilia a mentionné l'ordre faisant des Amestiens l'espèce supérieure. Pour l'instant cependant, Valorie prendrait cela comme une fierté d'Émilie pour son pays plutôt que comme quelque chose d'extrême. Jetant un coup d'oeil après à l'homme qu'elle savait qu'elle a dit hoche une fois pour au moins un seul sa reconnaissance, mais aussi comme une façon de dire s'il veut parler il devra venir un peu plus tard après leur réunion est terminée. Après le mouvement d'Emilia, Valorie s'asseyait au siège le plus proche sur la table. Elle n'a pas pris de boissons pour elle-même dès le moment et a trouvé ses mains tissées ensemble se reposant en bas mais ne touchant pas son menton. Avec les mots qu'Émilie était un médecin Valorie se sentait un peu surpris. L'alchimie amestrienne et les propriétés de guérison n'étaient généralement pas reliées, mais Valorie avait lu une fois sur les pouvoirs supposés de guérison de l'alchéhésie. Avec cette Valorie a conclu qu'il n'était pas trop farfetché que quelqu'un peut avoir trouvé comment utiliser Alchemy dans le domaine médical.
Quelques secondes après qu'Emilia ait terminé Valorie a commencé son introduction. Je vais aller ensuite, je suis le major Valorie E. Falkner, l'alchimiste de Quicksilver. Je me spécialise dans l'alchimie métallique.Le dos de ses mains a montré des cercles d'alchimie tatoués comme beaucoup d'alchimistes viseraient à faire avec soit un gant ou un tatouage eux-mêmes. C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer tous. Elle a ajouté à la fin que sa tête reposait sur ses mains pour ne pas écouter celui qui parlerait ensuite. Valorie aurait pu dire quelque chose au sujet de son père s'ils ne la connaissaient pas directement, mais elle a rejeté cette idée au moment où cela lui est venu à l'esprit. | Name:
Valorie Falkner
State title:
Quick Silver Alchemist
Valorie’s life was involved with the military from the moment she was born. Her father was a state alchemist himself, which led to many days where he wasn’t home due to work. However, when he was home he made the best of it. Valorie’s idol was her dad, and she didn’t want to be anything but like him for a long time. As a child this led her to be a bit of a tomboy when she was about seven. Knowledge and adventure were her favorite pastimes, especially when it came to books. From alchemy to fantasy tales she didn’t want to put them down as they either brought her closer to her father in teaching her about what he does as an alchemist, or took her to a far off land within the stories. She wasn’t popular as a child from it though as her attitude had gotten her into several fights, though she befriended a social reject like herself. Her friend though passed when she was eleven due to complications with an illness leaving her alone. Without a fellow adventurer or someone to share what she has read from stories she started to only read about science and alchemy. If she didn’t have a friend anymore, perhaps she could be looked up to like her father was as a state alchemist.
She became far more shy and closed herself off until she was sixteen because of this despite her mother and father trying to help otherwise. Her mother often joked about how she wished her daughter wasn’t a tomboy, but she missed it quickly after it was gone. Eventually her mother to fell ill, and even if it didn’t take her life it left her frail. Seeing his wife in this state, Valorie’s father enclosed himself into being a workaholic. Even at home he would shut himself in his office leaving Valorie to care for her mother. For a year she stopped doing alchemy all together after she had begun to do it from what she read at the age of thirteen. Valorie got a letter from the military on her seventeenth birthday which stated they heard about her skill that she had developed and how she had helped around town before, sometimes with repairs and a few times she even stopped a criminal or two who didn’t think a girl would see them and trap them with chains. Before she tore up the letter, her mother found it and gave her a long lecture. Despite her objections, Valorie’s mothers insisted that she would be fine and that she didn’t want Valorie to waste her life away. Even if it was with the military, her mother told Valorie that her father wasn’t made the way he is by the work he did, but by how he handled the situations.
Heading off, Valorie easily got past her state alchemist exam. It was all well and good before the Ishvalen conflict. When she joined the military, it had been going on already. However, she was a state alchemist. It wasn’t until Order 3066 that she saw the front lines. She was 21 at the time when she had to draw the blood of the Ishvalens. Her first days were the worst, but then her father died in the conflict. She didn’t see it happen, but the death list revealed his fate as well as a surperior seeking her out. He was killed by an Ishvalen who had taken an Amestrian sniper rifle a month earlier. Valorie found herself surprisingly calm upon his death. For the last year he had basically ran from her ailing mother she had gotten to the point of cursing him, now he was simply gone. The day after she killed without the same hesitation as the other days or overwhelming pain, same with the next. It continued until the end of the war, on the day they claimed victory that she knelt over and threw up what she had been holding in to make it through the conflict.
Hiding that weakness from her peers as well as superiors, she continued as a State Alchemist, but the thought remains on her mind about the atrocities committed. They had to kill everyone they saw without holding back, and her alchemy had been practically made for the killing. It wasn’t to help people, rather she could repair broken guns. Shift iron into spikes or slice a man in half with a long mercury whip. She couldn’t face her mother afterwards preferring to only write letters. Working on missions for the military as she quickly gained respect with her proficiency in alchemy. A young star on the rise, but for now still a major.
Metal Alchemy:
Valorie's specialty lies in the transition metals of the periodic table. Mercury, Iron, Silver, Gold and more and their structures is the understanding she comes in with.
Common abilities for her to use:
Weapon Formation: The earth's crust is largly made of iron and this is taking the iron from the ground to make blades and other items. Also can make metal bolts, screws, and such if needed.
Metal Spikes: Making a line or grouping of metal spikes to come from the ground
Entrapment: The creation of metal chains to launch and bind an opponent
Steel Needles: A preference of hers for a less bloody way and quiet way to incapacitate by making steel needles as throwing weapons.
Quick Silver Whip: Her trademark technique in which she carries a vial of mercury with her to transmute into either a long spike or razor whip to kill her opponent with a flexible metal she can shape more at will than most. However, she doesn't use it often as it is mercury. Luckily alchemy allows her to control the mercury to a point to prevent it from poisoning those around, and herself, as her attacks end with her putting it back in it's container. |
22,205 | 640 | 8 | 62 | 2,653 | Gresham soupira du fait qu'il n'était pas en mesure de parler immédiatement à Valorie, mais il avait ignoré le protocole militaire. Alors il s'est tourné vers le Sang s'est levé et a cassé un dur salut,"Terriblement désolé colonel je me suis oublié, Major Gresham Law rapportant pour le service", et ensuite a déménagé pour s'asseoir.
Après qu'Emilia et Valorie eurent parlé, il décida que c'était son tour : « Je suis Gresham Law, l'alchimiste du sang armé, mais contrairement au colonel, je ne suis pas médecin. Je suis bien mieux connu pour avoir tué des gens, en particulier beaucoup d'Ishvalans avec mon alchimie liquide » alors qu'il terminait Gresham se souvenait de la ville qu'il était infâme d'avoir exterminé seul... peut-être qu'ils le connaissaient... mais il espérait certainement que ce n'était pas le cas.
Il prit un verre et se versa un peu de cognac, écoutant les autres se présenter. | Name: Gresham Law
Rank: Major
State title: The Melting stone alchemist
Appearance: Gresham has white skin with hazel eyes. His hair is black and kept short but well maintained, he sports a very gruff 5- o'clock shadow in contrast to his well kempt hair. wears the standard blue military uniform. He transmutes using the tattoos on his hands. On his left hand the alchemical symbol for water within a transmutation circle, bits of alchemical script are in the circle as well as running up long whirlpool like lines that protrude from the circle to smaller circles on the ends with other important alchemical script. On his right palm the transmutation circle has the triangles of earth, clay, and arsenic within it, and strait lines composed of alchemical text run to the tips of his middle, index, and ring fingers where three smaller circles each have 1 of the three larger triangles at a smaller size in them. He is 5'9 and 185 lb., with an average build for his height.
Backstory: Born in southern Amestris, Gresham was the son of an automail engineer in Rush valley. He had zero talent in engineering and in fact had no interest in the craft, much preferring the study of chemistry and the elements, leading him to alchemy. He easily aced the state alchemist exam with an interesting type of alchemy, combining solid stone and metal alchemy with water alchemy, able to flash freeze rock and metal to make it brittle, create mud of most any material and create flexible part solid part liquid transmutaions, hence The Melting stone alchemist. About 2 years after becoming a state alchemist the Ishvalan civil war broke out, and not long after he was deployed to Ishval with many other state Alchemists. Durine the war his alchemy probed intensly useful, and many Ishvalans died at his hands. He has become a gruff and Jaded man, and is now again called to kill.
Specialty: Liquid/earth fusion
-Freeze or boil water in an. enemies blood
-Create simple weapons
-Create walls or spikes
-Create mud
-Turn metal and stone to soft, pliable material
-Or turn it brittle and easily shattered
Non-alchemy abilities
-Skilled in Judo, as well as Amestrian boxing
-Fast and acrobatic combatant |
22,206 | 640 | 9 | 2,433 | 529 | Charles fut agréablement surpris par les salutations amicales d'Émilie. Peut-être que sa réputation était une exagération? La plupart des histoires sur Charles étaient aussi très exagérées. Il aurait dû attendre avant de la juger. "Merci maman, je viens de faire mes ordres.", répondit-il à son compliment.
Juste après avoir dit ces mots, un jeune alchimiste plutôt beau est entré. Elle a salué le colonel, contrairement à l'alchimiste qui est entré après cela. Il a apporté de la nourriture avec lui et a écrit ses salutations plutôt informelles sur un tableau de craie. Peut-être était-il muet? Charles s'est souvenu avoir entendu parler d'un jeune alchimiste muet, même s'il ne pouvait pas lui donner un nom.
Après cela, Gresham Law est entré. Charles le connaissait depuis qu'ils ont combattu dans la même unité pendant un court moment. Pourtant, ils n'ont jamais vraiment parlé. Il a aussi oublié son salut.
Après qu'Emilia s'est présentée, cela avait un certain sens pour Charles, elle était bio-alchimiste et médecin. Il a entendu parler de la recherche sur l'alchimie médicale, qui doit être la raison pour laquelle elle est ici.
La jeune femme était spécialisée dans les métaux, un ajout utile à l'équipe. Gresham a utilisé l'alchimie liquide, mais Charles savait déjà que, son introduction a fait rouler Charles avec ses yeux, que la fierté pour tuer des gens était quelque chose qu'il n'avait jamais eu.
"Je m'appelle Charles Walenburg, je suis l'alchimiste corrosif. Je me spécialise dans la transmutation des acides.", il ne pensait pas qu'une introduction était plus nécessaire... | Charles Walenberg
The Corrosive Alchemist
Age: 37
Rank: Major
Charles is a man of average build whose whole face and arms are covered in bandages. He is normally wearing the uniform of an state alchemist.
Born in east city, Charles was the son of an enthusiastic but ultimately talent less alchemist. His father was researching in the field of acids without any real progress. That changed when Charles came of age and began to study alchemy and help his father in his research. He was much more intelligent and had a much better understanding of alchemy and just like that he created the alchemist formula to create acids. However his first test went wrong, permanently damaging the skin on his face and arms.
He wasn't going to stop however and two years later after better research and training he used his brand of alchemy to become a state alchemist.
When the civil war started Charles was send to Ishbal as a human weapon. He was a good soldier, killing who he was ordered to and created piles of corroded houses and streets. The Ishvalen who fought him were dissolved before the eyes of their brothers and friends. There was no night in which Charles didn't had nightmares about Ishbal, but he still would do it again.
His specialty are acids. He always has two things with him. His ring with his transmutation circle, as well as several small canister on his belt. In each canister are two substances he uses when the situation requires them. Flour, Chloride and the canisters itself have a Antimony alloy. Normally he uses the nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen in the air to create nitric acid. However he can also use the cannisters to create fluoroantimonic acid the most corrosive acid known to man.
Charles is also a capable fighter in hand-to-hand combat. |
22,207 | 640 | 10 | 2,568 | 670 | William écouta provisoirement l'autre alchimiste se présenter. Sur les quatre autres qui se tenaient devant lui, un seul se distinguait naturellement. Emilia B. Krowitz, l'alchimiste de la Rose du Sang. D'après ce que William savait d'elle, elle est chercheuse (cherchant quoi, William ne pouvait pas dire), elle est un officier plus haut que lui, elle a des compétences en alchimie médicale (ce qui est rare) et elle manie une alchimie très dangereuse. L'intérêt de William a été atteint par elle, mais il n'était pas sûr si c'était d'une bonne façon. Même si elle était un officier de rang supérieur, William n'avait pas l'impression qu'elle devrait être traitée différemment de la façon dont il traiterait un autre alchimiste d'état. William l'observa un moment. Elle avait l'air jeune, presque jeune pour être colonel, mais son apparence ne voulait pas nécessairement dire quoi que ce soit. Plus William y a pensé, plus il a commencé à stresser, il a décidé de laisser et de poursuivre ce voyage.
Les pensées et les spéculations circulaient dans sa tête alors qu'il traitait les informations qui lui étaient données par ses confrères alchimistes. Il a pris en compte l'alchimiste corrosif, en pensant à la mort d'une équipe qu'ils pourraient faire. Mais il n'a pas quitté Gresham ou Valorie, chaque personne à qui il pensait lui a donné des idées. Malheureusement, la vague d'informations sur ses pairs s'est arrêtée et c'est à son tour de se présenter. William avait presque oublié que c'était ce qu'ils faisaient en premier lieu, en se présentant l'un l'autre. William ne s'est jamais présenté à l'autre. Il a effacé son tableau de craie et a écrit dessus. En caractères gras et épais, pour que tout le monde puisse le voir, il a écrit : « Je m'appelle William Campbell », qu'il a observé de près à tous les yeux, en veillant à abaisser le conseil d'administration au moment opportun. William a décidé qu'il voulait changer un peu les choses. Vu que William était la seule personne qui pouvait utiliser son alchimie en toute sécurité dans le train, il l'a fait. L'air tremblait alors qu'il préformait son alchimie, transformant la plaque dans sa main en eau et en moitié en sable. L'eau a instantanément saturé le sable, laissant une petite gobe de goopy, du sable qui coule entre ses doigts brouillés. Au bout de quelques secondes, il s'est encore griffonné sur sa planche, « je fais des sables mouvants. N'importe où." William l'a laissé à ça. Un sentiment de satisfaction l'a frappé comme une vague quand il a réalisé que tout ce truc d'introduction était fini. Maintenant, il pourrait enfin s'asseoir et se détendre jusqu'à l'est. | Name: William Campbell
Age: 25
Rank: Major
State title: The Trapping Alchemist
Backstory: Ever since William was a boy his interest in Alchemy always lead him into trouble. Practising the art whenever he saw fit, and usually having little to no regard for the consequences. By the age of 14 William thought he knew everything there was to know about alchemy and decided to learn alkahestry, thinking they were along the same lines. He mustered up some money and took a long and unforgettable trip to Xing, where he went to tons of different libraries cross referencing everything he learned. It was to his misfortune when he accidentally stumbled upon a sacred families secret. Descendants of the aforementioned family abducted him off the street a few days later and preformed unauthorized and unprofessional surgery on him. During the abduction they removed his vocal cords, this was a symbolic way of saying don't speak a word of the family's secret. Luckily for William, doctors at the nearest hospital used alkahestry and medical sciences to save his life, and prevent him from bleeding out. The doctors told William that he would probably never speak again. William had to find an alternative way to communicate with people, he started to use a small, clipboard sized chalkboard to write out what he wants to say.
William came back to Amestris a changed man. William was no longer filled with excitement and curiosity, instead, depression and cynicism. Every where he went, he felt like he could trust no one. He'd thought a lot about that day in Xing, and everyday he wonders why he couldn't defend himself. William knows so much about alchemy, yet, he still managed to get abducted. William came to the conclusion that he needed to get stronger, but self motivation wasn't enough to do that, he also needed resources. He needed more knowledge. This is where he decided to become a state alchemist.
He became a state alchemist a few months after the Ishvalan war had ended, he thought there would be a lack of soldiers after the war, and it would be a good chance to join.
Specialty: Liquefaction - William uses alchemy to create quicksand using the ground, thus his name 'The Trapping Alchemist'. William must preform a chain like reaction to create this quicksand. First, he uses his alchemy to deconstruct the earth in a targeted area and destroy it into millions of pieces of sand. William then uses his alchemy to create water from exchanging the material around the sand (wood, concrete, dirt etc.). The third step in his form of alchemy is to saturate the freshly made sand with the water he transmuted, giving him quicksand. William was the first person to create and use this type of alchemy, William used this alchemy during the practical part of his state alchemist exam. He preforms his alchemy with a small chalkboard that he carries around, this chalkboard is the same one he uses to communicate with. |
22,208 | 640 | 11 | 1,278 | 8,110 | Après les présentations étaient dues et leur déjeuner était au-dessus du train était déjà loin de Central City. Emilia a congédié les alchimistes réunis, bien qu'elle ait demandé à Valorie de la rencontrer plus tard dans la soirée, dans la cabine personnelle d'Emilia. L'alchimiste de Blood Rose avait acquis un intérêt sur Valorie, puisque les alchimistes de l'État étaient une race très rare et la plupart d'entre eux travaillaient sur des laboratoires, tout comme Emilia. Un alchimiste de guerre comme Valorie trop rare et Emilia ne perdrait pas la chance de mieux l'étudier.
En dehors de Valorie, le seul autre à susciter l'intérêt d'Emilia était Charles, l'alchimiste corrosif, après s'être battu avec lui lors d'une opération ponctuelle, Emilia savait que ses connaissances et ses compétences étaient vastes. Cependant, elle a aussi remarqué qu'il lui manquait les tripes nécessaires pour récolter les vrais fruits de son travail de toute sa vie, ce qui lui rendrait difficile de le convaincre de l'aider dans la recherche de la pierre. En fait, tous les autres alchimistes ressemblaient au type qui s'opposerait à une telle expérience même si elle devait être exécutée sur des membres d'une sous-espèce inférieure, ou des criminels, comme ceux de la cellule rebelle qu'ils ont été envoyés pour exterminer.
« Eh bien, le moment venu, je verrai ce que je vais faire à leur sujet... » Emilia s'est dit alors qu'elle s'occupait du corps du sergent et inspectait une voiture dont l'accès lui était permis seulement, puisqu'elle contenait du matériel de laboratoire dont elle aurait besoin pour leur mission et qu'Emilia n'avait pas envie de laisser d'autres alchimistes faire ses recherches personnelles. | Name: Emillia B. Krowitz
Rank: Colonel
State title: The Blood Rose Alchemist
Emillia's's past is a hazy and bloody spot on the pages of Amestris military registry, all that's know about her is that she joined the army under a special invitation from the Füher, as a medical officer tasked with a secret research, sometime before the Ishval War broke out.
The nature of her research was extremely secretive and it was said that she was the head of one of the most feared concentration camps during the conflict. Countless lives where sacrificed in her sinister research, whose purposed was the creation of that which all alchemist seek, The Philosopher's Stone.
After the end of the war she was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant colonel and given head of one of the states secret laboratories in order to continue her research, after Tim Marcoh went AWOL.
Blood Alchemy, which can be used a variety of ways, including:
- Healing, which was her original expertise;
- Halt the aging process of her body, which requires a constant supply of fresh blood, earning her the nickname "Amestrian Vampire";
- Combat, with her signature move, the "Bloody Rose Transmutation", where she causes the iron and oxygen on her victims blood to react violently and burst their blood vessels, popping out of their skin in the characteristic shape of roses made from coagulated blood.
Secretly, she's a bat-based Chimera, one of the first to ever be produced, since she offered her body willingly to help on the research she had been conducting for years alongside other genius bioalchemists like Shou Tucker and Tim Marcoh.
Also, she's an expert knife fighter and shouldn't be underestimated even when she is unable to make use of her alchemy, since her extensive knowledge of the human body's inner workings and cold blooded sadism means that she knows exactly how to inflict the maximum amount of suffering with each slash. |
22,209 | 640 | 12 | 660 | 504 | Valorie n'a pas demandé quoi que ce soit à manger et seulement siroté sur un verre de thé pour la durée du déjeuner. Elle avait de nouveaux nerfs pour faire face à ce que le thé a aidé avec. Non pas parce qu'elle a été demandée par Emilia, mais plutôt parce qu'elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que Gresham soit ici. Qu'y avait-il à lui dire après tout? C'était un plaisir de savoir qu'il était encore en vie et qu'il allait bien, cela lui rappelait aussi son père. Valorie n'a pas quitté son chemin pour lui parler au cours des trois années précédentes après le conflit. Dans ce cas, elle préférerait parler à Emilia plutôt qu'à Gresham, mais elle a hurlé plus tôt parce qu'elle savait qu'elle avait besoin de lui parler à un moment donné puisqu'ils sont dans un train comme collègues alchimistes sur une mission. L'éviter ne serait qu'un mal pour eux et un mal à leur tâche.
Elle n'était cependant pas celle qui devait s'approcher, car elle lisait un petit livre à la table lorsque le déjeuner était terminé. Humble à elle-même tranquillement tout en le faisant. Le livre était probablement un des plus navet entendu parler, et était tout simplement une courte histoire. C'est peut-être sa dernière chance pendant un certain temps en raison de la mission d'apprécier de tourner la page après tout. Valorie semble avoir cessé d'examiner les autres alchimistes et ne se souciait pas d'approcher et d'en apprendre davantage pour l'instant. Ils n'étaient pas ennemis après tout, donc elle n'avait pas besoin de sauter dans se soucier d'eux, bien qu'elle était plus qu'heureux de parler si demandé à. | Name:
Valorie Falkner
State title:
Quick Silver Alchemist
Valorie’s life was involved with the military from the moment she was born. Her father was a state alchemist himself, which led to many days where he wasn’t home due to work. However, when he was home he made the best of it. Valorie’s idol was her dad, and she didn’t want to be anything but like him for a long time. As a child this led her to be a bit of a tomboy when she was about seven. Knowledge and adventure were her favorite pastimes, especially when it came to books. From alchemy to fantasy tales she didn’t want to put them down as they either brought her closer to her father in teaching her about what he does as an alchemist, or took her to a far off land within the stories. She wasn’t popular as a child from it though as her attitude had gotten her into several fights, though she befriended a social reject like herself. Her friend though passed when she was eleven due to complications with an illness leaving her alone. Without a fellow adventurer or someone to share what she has read from stories she started to only read about science and alchemy. If she didn’t have a friend anymore, perhaps she could be looked up to like her father was as a state alchemist.
She became far more shy and closed herself off until she was sixteen because of this despite her mother and father trying to help otherwise. Her mother often joked about how she wished her daughter wasn’t a tomboy, but she missed it quickly after it was gone. Eventually her mother to fell ill, and even if it didn’t take her life it left her frail. Seeing his wife in this state, Valorie’s father enclosed himself into being a workaholic. Even at home he would shut himself in his office leaving Valorie to care for her mother. For a year she stopped doing alchemy all together after she had begun to do it from what she read at the age of thirteen. Valorie got a letter from the military on her seventeenth birthday which stated they heard about her skill that she had developed and how she had helped around town before, sometimes with repairs and a few times she even stopped a criminal or two who didn’t think a girl would see them and trap them with chains. Before she tore up the letter, her mother found it and gave her a long lecture. Despite her objections, Valorie’s mothers insisted that she would be fine and that she didn’t want Valorie to waste her life away. Even if it was with the military, her mother told Valorie that her father wasn’t made the way he is by the work he did, but by how he handled the situations.
Heading off, Valorie easily got past her state alchemist exam. It was all well and good before the Ishvalen conflict. When she joined the military, it had been going on already. However, she was a state alchemist. It wasn’t until Order 3066 that she saw the front lines. She was 21 at the time when she had to draw the blood of the Ishvalens. Her first days were the worst, but then her father died in the conflict. She didn’t see it happen, but the death list revealed his fate as well as a surperior seeking her out. He was killed by an Ishvalen who had taken an Amestrian sniper rifle a month earlier. Valorie found herself surprisingly calm upon his death. For the last year he had basically ran from her ailing mother she had gotten to the point of cursing him, now he was simply gone. The day after she killed without the same hesitation as the other days or overwhelming pain, same with the next. It continued until the end of the war, on the day they claimed victory that she knelt over and threw up what she had been holding in to make it through the conflict.
Hiding that weakness from her peers as well as superiors, she continued as a State Alchemist, but the thought remains on her mind about the atrocities committed. They had to kill everyone they saw without holding back, and her alchemy had been practically made for the killing. It wasn’t to help people, rather she could repair broken guns. Shift iron into spikes or slice a man in half with a long mercury whip. She couldn’t face her mother afterwards preferring to only write letters. Working on missions for the military as she quickly gained respect with her proficiency in alchemy. A young star on the rise, but for now still a major.
Metal Alchemy:
Valorie's specialty lies in the transition metals of the periodic table. Mercury, Iron, Silver, Gold and more and their structures is the understanding she comes in with.
Common abilities for her to use:
Weapon Formation: The earth's crust is largly made of iron and this is taking the iron from the ground to make blades and other items. Also can make metal bolts, screws, and such if needed.
Metal Spikes: Making a line or grouping of metal spikes to come from the ground
Entrapment: The creation of metal chains to launch and bind an opponent
Steel Needles: A preference of hers for a less bloody way and quiet way to incapacitate by making steel needles as throwing weapons.
Quick Silver Whip: Her trademark technique in which she carries a vial of mercury with her to transmute into either a long spike or razor whip to kill her opponent with a flexible metal she can shape more at will than most. However, she doesn't use it often as it is mercury. Luckily alchemy allows her to control the mercury to a point to prevent it from poisoning those around, and herself, as her attacks end with her putting it back in it's container. |
22,210 | 640 | 13 | 62 | 2,653 | Gresham s'est assis, regardant par la fenêtre sur la voiture de train. Ses yeux se déplaçaient alors que la campagne passait rapidement. Il tira ses yeux de la campagne en mouvement rapide et se tourna pour regarder Valorie en lisant son livre. Il se sentait vraiment comme une éternité depuis qu'il l'avait vue, la dernière fois qu'il avait vu Valorie était l'enterrement officiel de sa fsther peu après la guerre, et il ne lui avait pas parlé à l'époque non plus. Cela semblait être un mauvais moment, après tout, elle ne connaissait Gresham que par son père et partageait des missions pendant la guerre.
Mais maintenant les choses étaient différentes, maintenant ils faisaient partie d'une unité à nouveau et il devait dégager l'air. Et il s'intéressait vraiment à sa vie après la guerre, voir si elle la traitait mieux que lui. Il a posé son verre vide sur le sceau de la fenêtre qu'il regardait et s'est levé, s'approchant de Valorie et la tapant sur l'épaule avant de dire : « Je voudrais m'asseoir? ». En supposant qu'elle a dit oui, Gresham s'est assis et a mis un demi cœur sourire sur son visage, "Donc, en supposant que nous ne sommes pas interrompus à nouveau, dites-moi, comment avez-vous été depuis notre dernière rencontre? Je crois que c'était l'enterrement de ton père?" Gresham était vraiment un conversationniste maladroit, et alors qu'il était assis à écouter la réponse de Valorie son sourire a baissé, son visage de retour à un look neutre, fatigué. Bien que ses cheveux étaient soignés, son ombre maladroite d'une barbe disait à quel point l'homme était vraiment fatigué, ainsi que le regard fatigué dans ses yeux.
Comme Valorie a fini Gresham hoche la tête, puis rencontre ses yeux avec un regard assez sérieux, "Eh bien, en vérité, j'ai quelque chose de plus substantiel à dire que juste "comment êtes-vous"... de retour à Ishval... eh bien j'étais là quand votre fathe-" soudain le côté de la voiture de train a explosé, coupant la phrase de Gresham court. Toute personne debout aurait été abattue, ainsi que tout le monde assis à la table.
Avant même que la fumée n'ait disparu, trois hommes ont sauté dans la voiture aujourd'hui à moitié détruite, parlant fort et tirant des épées. Cependant, très probablement, les alchimistes étaient temporairement sourds et désorientés par l'explosion dans un espace aussi confiné, qui se levait d'abord pour les confronter? | Name: Gresham Law
Rank: Major
State title: The Melting stone alchemist
Appearance: Gresham has white skin with hazel eyes. His hair is black and kept short but well maintained, he sports a very gruff 5- o'clock shadow in contrast to his well kempt hair. wears the standard blue military uniform. He transmutes using the tattoos on his hands. On his left hand the alchemical symbol for water within a transmutation circle, bits of alchemical script are in the circle as well as running up long whirlpool like lines that protrude from the circle to smaller circles on the ends with other important alchemical script. On his right palm the transmutation circle has the triangles of earth, clay, and arsenic within it, and strait lines composed of alchemical text run to the tips of his middle, index, and ring fingers where three smaller circles each have 1 of the three larger triangles at a smaller size in them. He is 5'9 and 185 lb., with an average build for his height.
Backstory: Born in southern Amestris, Gresham was the son of an automail engineer in Rush valley. He had zero talent in engineering and in fact had no interest in the craft, much preferring the study of chemistry and the elements, leading him to alchemy. He easily aced the state alchemist exam with an interesting type of alchemy, combining solid stone and metal alchemy with water alchemy, able to flash freeze rock and metal to make it brittle, create mud of most any material and create flexible part solid part liquid transmutaions, hence The Melting stone alchemist. About 2 years after becoming a state alchemist the Ishvalan civil war broke out, and not long after he was deployed to Ishval with many other state Alchemists. Durine the war his alchemy probed intensly useful, and many Ishvalans died at his hands. He has become a gruff and Jaded man, and is now again called to kill.
Specialty: Liquid/earth fusion
-Freeze or boil water in an. enemies blood
-Create simple weapons
-Create walls or spikes
-Create mud
-Turn metal and stone to soft, pliable material
-Or turn it brittle and easily shattered
Non-alchemy abilities
-Skilled in Judo, as well as Amestrian boxing
-Fast and acrobatic combatant |
22,211 | 640 | 14 | 2,568 | 670 | William était assis dans une cabine dans le train, attendant d'arriver à destination. Cela faisait un moment qu'il n'était pas dans un train depuis si longtemps, mais pendant qu'il attendait, il se rappelait à quel point c'était ennuyeux. Il a rappelé la dernière fois qu'il avait besoin de voyager dans un train aussi longtemps, il se dirigeait vers l'ouest pour rendre visite à un de ses vieux amis. Contrairement à son dernier voyage, cependant, il ne voulait pas vraiment aller à l'est. Ce n'était qu'un des nombreux inconvénients d'être un alchimiste d'État, et plus il y pensait plus il l'acceptait. William se pencha la tête en arrière et ferma les yeux, espérant qu'il s'endormirait et se réveillerait à leur arrivée. Il a fallu très peu de temps avant qu'il commence à flotter dans et hors de la conscience. Chaque fois que William s'endormit, une bosse dans le train s'est rendue apparente et l'a réveillé.
Il a décidé de ne jamais s'endormir, alors il a sorti une cigarette et l'a allumée. Il ouvrit la fenêtre la plus proche de lui pour laisser l'air s'évacuer en appréciant sa fumée. Ce sentiment de satisfaction n'a pas duré longtemps. À peine à mi-chemin de sa cigarette et de l'explosion a interrompu la paix. Elle l'a envoyé en avion hors de sa cabine et dans la prochaine de l'autre côté de l'allée. Il a regardé le trou massif dans le train, mais tant de fumée a rendu difficile à voir. Sa vision était floue et ses oreilles sonnaient, rendant tout cela beaucoup plus difficile à comprendre ce qui se passait.
William a essayé de se lever, mais sa main a glissé de la table qu'il utilisait pour le soutien et il est retombé, rendant le traumatisme crânien plus blessé. William ne voulait pas se sentir complètement inutile alors il a dessiné un cercle de transmutation sur son tableau de craie au meilleur de ses capacités. Il s'est claqué la main dessus et a préformé son sable vif et son alchimie. Un anneau de sable mouvant s'est formé autour du William sans défense, dans le cas où quelque chose ou quelqu'un venait à lui, ils seraient coincés et incapables de faire quoi que ce soit.
Tout ce qu'il pouvait faire, c'était attendre qu'il vienne à la raison, et trouver une stratégie. | Name: William Campbell
Age: 25
Rank: Major
State title: The Trapping Alchemist
Backstory: Ever since William was a boy his interest in Alchemy always lead him into trouble. Practising the art whenever he saw fit, and usually having little to no regard for the consequences. By the age of 14 William thought he knew everything there was to know about alchemy and decided to learn alkahestry, thinking they were along the same lines. He mustered up some money and took a long and unforgettable trip to Xing, where he went to tons of different libraries cross referencing everything he learned. It was to his misfortune when he accidentally stumbled upon a sacred families secret. Descendants of the aforementioned family abducted him off the street a few days later and preformed unauthorized and unprofessional surgery on him. During the abduction they removed his vocal cords, this was a symbolic way of saying don't speak a word of the family's secret. Luckily for William, doctors at the nearest hospital used alkahestry and medical sciences to save his life, and prevent him from bleeding out. The doctors told William that he would probably never speak again. William had to find an alternative way to communicate with people, he started to use a small, clipboard sized chalkboard to write out what he wants to say.
William came back to Amestris a changed man. William was no longer filled with excitement and curiosity, instead, depression and cynicism. Every where he went, he felt like he could trust no one. He'd thought a lot about that day in Xing, and everyday he wonders why he couldn't defend himself. William knows so much about alchemy, yet, he still managed to get abducted. William came to the conclusion that he needed to get stronger, but self motivation wasn't enough to do that, he also needed resources. He needed more knowledge. This is where he decided to become a state alchemist.
He became a state alchemist a few months after the Ishvalan war had ended, he thought there would be a lack of soldiers after the war, and it would be a good chance to join.
Specialty: Liquefaction - William uses alchemy to create quicksand using the ground, thus his name 'The Trapping Alchemist'. William must preform a chain like reaction to create this quicksand. First, he uses his alchemy to deconstruct the earth in a targeted area and destroy it into millions of pieces of sand. William then uses his alchemy to create water from exchanging the material around the sand (wood, concrete, dirt etc.). The third step in his form of alchemy is to saturate the freshly made sand with the water he transmuted, giving him quicksand. William was the first person to create and use this type of alchemy, William used this alchemy during the practical part of his state alchemist exam. He preforms his alchemy with a small chalkboard that he carries around, this chalkboard is the same one he uses to communicate with. |
22,212 | 640 | 15 | 2,433 | 529 | Charles lisait ses notes de recherche, en pensant à elles et aux formules et équations d'alchimie. Il l'a toujours fait s'il voulait garder l'esprit de quelque chose, comme cette mission en ce moment. Peut-être pourrait-il obtenir l'un des autres alchimistes pour une discussion scientifique plus tard? Ça pourrait être intéressant. Il a regardé par la fenêtre, a-t-il vu quelque chose? Charles regarda en arrière ses notes, sans y réfléchir davantage.
Il ne s'est pas inquiété du long voyage, car cela lui a donné le temps de réfléchir. Il a juste remis ses notes dans ses poches en entendant un bruit assourdissant. Charles a été jeté contre le mur du train, sentant une douleur difficile dans son bras, peut-être a-t-il été brisé. Il ne pouvait rien entendre et quand il ouvrit les yeux, il vit que William se trouvait soudainement dans sa cabine pour effectuer une transmutation. Charles sauta alors que le sol autour de William se transformait en sable mouvant.
"Surveillez votre alchimie! Je suis juste derrière toi!", Charles cria à peine en entendant sa propre voix. | Charles Walenberg
The Corrosive Alchemist
Age: 37
Rank: Major
Charles is a man of average build whose whole face and arms are covered in bandages. He is normally wearing the uniform of an state alchemist.
Born in east city, Charles was the son of an enthusiastic but ultimately talent less alchemist. His father was researching in the field of acids without any real progress. That changed when Charles came of age and began to study alchemy and help his father in his research. He was much more intelligent and had a much better understanding of alchemy and just like that he created the alchemist formula to create acids. However his first test went wrong, permanently damaging the skin on his face and arms.
He wasn't going to stop however and two years later after better research and training he used his brand of alchemy to become a state alchemist.
When the civil war started Charles was send to Ishbal as a human weapon. He was a good soldier, killing who he was ordered to and created piles of corroded houses and streets. The Ishvalen who fought him were dissolved before the eyes of their brothers and friends. There was no night in which Charles didn't had nightmares about Ishbal, but he still would do it again.
His specialty are acids. He always has two things with him. His ring with his transmutation circle, as well as several small canister on his belt. In each canister are two substances he uses when the situation requires them. Flour, Chloride and the canisters itself have a Antimony alloy. Normally he uses the nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen in the air to create nitric acid. However he can also use the cannisters to create fluoroantimonic acid the most corrosive acid known to man.
Charles is also a capable fighter in hand-to-hand combat. |
22,213 | 640 | 16 | 660 | 504 | Valorie clignait une fois avant de tourner la tête pour voir que Gresham l'avait approchée. Elle a rassemblé un sourire faux mais convaincant pour dire "Pas du tout," et regarder prendre son siège. Pendant qu'elle tentait de cacher ce sentiment, il était définitivement maladroit de parler à Gresham après la guerre et la mort de son père. Il n'a pas non plus été aidé par le fait qu'il a élevé les funérailles dans sa première phrase de lui parler. Cependant, elle a gardé son calme pour l'instant et est restée agréable à l'extérieur, après tout, elle a essayé de rester confiante et gentille à l'extérieur, mais elle n'a toujours pas approché les gens de son propre côté souvent en plus de son travail. Elle a répondu avant de regarder légèrement vers le bas. Il y a trois ans, je t'ai vu marcher quelques fois, mais je n'ai jamais eu l'occasion de dire bonjour.C'était un mensonge assez facile à voir à travers, et du fait qu'il a pu voir la Valorie silencieuse pendant les funérailles qui n'a même pas pleuré pendant elle, il comprendrait probablement. C'est agréable de voir que vous pensiez, malgré les circonstances, ainsi que de savoir que vous êtes toujours en train de le frapper. Elle n'avait pas besoin d'avoir quelqu'un d'autre mort dans sa vie.
Valorie ne pouvait s'empêcher de voir son regard fatigué, mais elle ne voulait pas le sonder déjà après trois ans. C'est au cours de cet examen qu'elle serait prise dans l'explosion de la voiture de train pendant que Gresham parlait. Elle s'envola dans sa chaise et dut la retourner plus tard tout en toussant dans la fumée. Ses oreilles sonnent, et elle sentait du sang couler de son front avec de la douleur dans sa hanche.Elle a dit en regardant et en disant les trois hommes. C'était quand l'instinct de combat a pris le relais. Elle a déjà compris qu'elle ne pouvait pas utiliser le métal sur le sol de la voiture pour attaquer, pour le trou dans le mur et la section manquante du plancher déjà quitté la voiture pour compromettre de risquer plus de dommages structurels alors que tout le monde était encore dessus. Cependant, le toit et le mur derrière elle étaient un jeu équitable pour quelques points de métal. Sa paume s'est enfoncée à plat sur le mur derrière elle avant que le son et la signature de l'alchimie ne s'allument à travers la fumée. Une partie du plafond reculait encore plus en tirant du métal du mur qui formait trois pointes simples directement au centre de la masse pour les trois hommes. Une pointe chacun, et son autre main presserait contre le mur ainsi que pour former son propre sabre à utiliser dans l'auto-défense. | Name:
Valorie Falkner
State title:
Quick Silver Alchemist
Valorie’s life was involved with the military from the moment she was born. Her father was a state alchemist himself, which led to many days where he wasn’t home due to work. However, when he was home he made the best of it. Valorie’s idol was her dad, and she didn’t want to be anything but like him for a long time. As a child this led her to be a bit of a tomboy when she was about seven. Knowledge and adventure were her favorite pastimes, especially when it came to books. From alchemy to fantasy tales she didn’t want to put them down as they either brought her closer to her father in teaching her about what he does as an alchemist, or took her to a far off land within the stories. She wasn’t popular as a child from it though as her attitude had gotten her into several fights, though she befriended a social reject like herself. Her friend though passed when she was eleven due to complications with an illness leaving her alone. Without a fellow adventurer or someone to share what she has read from stories she started to only read about science and alchemy. If she didn’t have a friend anymore, perhaps she could be looked up to like her father was as a state alchemist.
She became far more shy and closed herself off until she was sixteen because of this despite her mother and father trying to help otherwise. Her mother often joked about how she wished her daughter wasn’t a tomboy, but she missed it quickly after it was gone. Eventually her mother to fell ill, and even if it didn’t take her life it left her frail. Seeing his wife in this state, Valorie’s father enclosed himself into being a workaholic. Even at home he would shut himself in his office leaving Valorie to care for her mother. For a year she stopped doing alchemy all together after she had begun to do it from what she read at the age of thirteen. Valorie got a letter from the military on her seventeenth birthday which stated they heard about her skill that she had developed and how she had helped around town before, sometimes with repairs and a few times she even stopped a criminal or two who didn’t think a girl would see them and trap them with chains. Before she tore up the letter, her mother found it and gave her a long lecture. Despite her objections, Valorie’s mothers insisted that she would be fine and that she didn’t want Valorie to waste her life away. Even if it was with the military, her mother told Valorie that her father wasn’t made the way he is by the work he did, but by how he handled the situations.
Heading off, Valorie easily got past her state alchemist exam. It was all well and good before the Ishvalen conflict. When she joined the military, it had been going on already. However, she was a state alchemist. It wasn’t until Order 3066 that she saw the front lines. She was 21 at the time when she had to draw the blood of the Ishvalens. Her first days were the worst, but then her father died in the conflict. She didn’t see it happen, but the death list revealed his fate as well as a surperior seeking her out. He was killed by an Ishvalen who had taken an Amestrian sniper rifle a month earlier. Valorie found herself surprisingly calm upon his death. For the last year he had basically ran from her ailing mother she had gotten to the point of cursing him, now he was simply gone. The day after she killed without the same hesitation as the other days or overwhelming pain, same with the next. It continued until the end of the war, on the day they claimed victory that she knelt over and threw up what she had been holding in to make it through the conflict.
Hiding that weakness from her peers as well as superiors, she continued as a State Alchemist, but the thought remains on her mind about the atrocities committed. They had to kill everyone they saw without holding back, and her alchemy had been practically made for the killing. It wasn’t to help people, rather she could repair broken guns. Shift iron into spikes or slice a man in half with a long mercury whip. She couldn’t face her mother afterwards preferring to only write letters. Working on missions for the military as she quickly gained respect with her proficiency in alchemy. A young star on the rise, but for now still a major.
Metal Alchemy:
Valorie's specialty lies in the transition metals of the periodic table. Mercury, Iron, Silver, Gold and more and their structures is the understanding she comes in with.
Common abilities for her to use:
Weapon Formation: The earth's crust is largly made of iron and this is taking the iron from the ground to make blades and other items. Also can make metal bolts, screws, and such if needed.
Metal Spikes: Making a line or grouping of metal spikes to come from the ground
Entrapment: The creation of metal chains to launch and bind an opponent
Steel Needles: A preference of hers for a less bloody way and quiet way to incapacitate by making steel needles as throwing weapons.
Quick Silver Whip: Her trademark technique in which she carries a vial of mercury with her to transmute into either a long spike or razor whip to kill her opponent with a flexible metal she can shape more at will than most. However, she doesn't use it often as it is mercury. Luckily alchemy allows her to control the mercury to a point to prevent it from poisoning those around, and herself, as her attacks end with her putting it back in it's container. |
22,214 | 640 | 17 | 1,278 | 8,110 | Emilia lisait quelques notes de recherche sur son laboratoire mobile, lorsque le train a été secoué par une violente explosion provenant des voitures avant et presque tombé de la chaise dans laquelle elle était assise, heureusement tous ses matériaux ont été correctement entreposés, de sorte que les dommages étaient minimes et facilement réparables avec une application de base de l'alchimie élémentaire.
"Je doute qu'une défaillance mécanique causerait une telle explosion." Emilia pensait, tout en sortant de la voiture de laboratoire à temps pour voir quelques figures obscures à bord du train arrêté "Rebels, ou juste trainer des voleurs? Ça n'a pas d'importance de toute façon." Elle a dit en dessinant un pistolet et un couteau de combat, qui étaient sa méthode préférée de légitime défense, puisque son alchimie n'était pas adapté pour le combat.
Une fois arrivé à la voiture, l'explosion s'est produite, Emilia a remarqué la lumière caractéristique d'une transmutation et a conclu que c'était là que se trouvaient certains, ou tous, des autres alchimistes de l'État. Elle a glissé soigneusement la porte en utilisant le côté de la voiture comme couverture, avant de crier "Pour les crimes de terrorisme et attaquer les alchimistes d'État, je, le colonel Emilia B. Krowitz, vous ordonne de vous rendre immédiatement. La non-conformité à cette commande entraînera votre exécution sommaire." Cela dit, Emilia se tenait à côté de la porte, avec ses armes prêtes, attendant l'action prochaine des terroristes. | Name: Emillia B. Krowitz
Rank: Colonel
State title: The Blood Rose Alchemist
Emillia's's past is a hazy and bloody spot on the pages of Amestris military registry, all that's know about her is that she joined the army under a special invitation from the Füher, as a medical officer tasked with a secret research, sometime before the Ishval War broke out.
The nature of her research was extremely secretive and it was said that she was the head of one of the most feared concentration camps during the conflict. Countless lives where sacrificed in her sinister research, whose purposed was the creation of that which all alchemist seek, The Philosopher's Stone.
After the end of the war she was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant colonel and given head of one of the states secret laboratories in order to continue her research, after Tim Marcoh went AWOL.
Blood Alchemy, which can be used a variety of ways, including:
- Healing, which was her original expertise;
- Halt the aging process of her body, which requires a constant supply of fresh blood, earning her the nickname "Amestrian Vampire";
- Combat, with her signature move, the "Bloody Rose Transmutation", where she causes the iron and oxygen on her victims blood to react violently and burst their blood vessels, popping out of their skin in the characteristic shape of roses made from coagulated blood.
Secretly, she's a bat-based Chimera, one of the first to ever be produced, since she offered her body willingly to help on the research she had been conducting for years alongside other genius bioalchemists like Shou Tucker and Tim Marcoh.
Also, she's an expert knife fighter and shouldn't be underestimated even when she is unable to make use of her alchemy, since her extensive knowledge of the human body's inner workings and cold blooded sadism means that she knows exactly how to inflict the maximum amount of suffering with each slash. |
22,215 | 641 | 0 | 1,949 | 2,861 | ...Une nouvelle société...
La pluie bat sur les trottoirs inondés de ce qui était autrefois San Francisco, autrefois un paysage de collines, un sens nostalgique des vieux paysages de la ville, maintenant une ville bleue et blanche qui brille. Une balise d'espoir dans l'obscurité qui l'entoure.
Les villes n'ont pas toujours eu de pluie artificielle.
Mais plus rien n'était réel.
La météo a toujours été contrôlée sur la base des sondages des citoyens sur leurs tampons tactiles holographiques fournis par les Mechangels étincelants et élégants. On pourrait supposer qu'ils étaient fatigués du soleil. Il était facile de le faire, ce qui avec l'atmosphère modifiée par des robots spécialisés. Le réchauffement climatique était une chose du passé.
C'était vraiment une bonne chose?
L'eau s'est précipitée dans les collines massives de la ville, les rues ont déserté à l'exception de quelques personnes se promenant tranquillement à travers elle, complètement sèche grâce aux Mechanges qui les ont protégés avec leur corps. La pluie s'inscrivait déjà dans leurs engrenages légèrement exposés, s'usant dans des matériaux imperméables. C'était comme si c'était pour les forcer à rouiller, mais ils ne le feraient pas. Les mechanges étaient plus puissants qu'une petite pluie.
Près d'une ruelle, une petite souris lava ses joues à fourrure dans les flaques près de sa maison. Cependant, comme l'un des grands anges mécaniques est venu, il s'est évanoui. Comme la souris passait une poubelle sur le côté d'une allée, déjà presque plein d'eau qui a lavé les débris dans le reste de la rue--qui serait ensuite ramassée par les poubelles vigilantes--il ne se souciait pas de remarquer le corps d'une jeune femme fourrée dedans.
Aussi synthétique que la pluie elle-même.
Ses yeux morts furent tournés vers le ciel, sa bouche s'ouvrit dans la crainte, ou peut-être l'horreur, des choses qui étaient devant elle. La pluie est tombée plus fort, donnant l'illusion de larmes sur ses joues. Ses cheveux verts étaient trempés dans le noyau, déjà en train de rouiller. Tout le monde savait que Cyborgels n'était pas plus fort qu'une petite pluie.
Ses lèvres tremblaient.
Ses yeux ont commencé à montrer la vie. Le corps de Cyborgels s'est heurté à un dysfonctionnement, en ramenant la poubelle et elle avec elle. L'eau qui avait été ramassée dans la poubelle a versé sur son dos nu et l'a fait trébucher. Elle ne sentait pas le sol en dessous de sa raclure contre ses paumes.
Elle ne les sentirait jamais trembler contre ses paumes.
Son petit corps brouillait pour se couvrir du côté opposé de l'allée, qui avait abrité de la pluie sous un surplomb exposé. Elle s'est accrochée au mur et s'est évanouie. Elle n'avait jamais eu besoin de l'air avant aussi mal qu'elle l'a fait maintenant. Son front pâle s'est appuyé sur le mur sinistre devant elle.
Nu. Seul. C'est insondable. Elle se mit à gémir, la misère de son existence retournant à elle comme elle l'a fait à d'autres de son genre tout autour de la Nouvelle Société.
La pluie noyait le bruit de la misère. La pluie noyait le bruit de l'ignorance. Mais pour une fois, la pluie n'a pas noyé la réalité. | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Much, MUCH better. Very realistic for the setting they're in. You are accepted! |
22,216 | 641 | 1 | 1,888 | 134 | CORP DE DESIUM TRAVAILLANT POUR VOUS DE BÂTIR UN BET--
C'était tout ce qu'Ethan pouvait faire à partir du panneau de holo alors qu'il se précipitait dans la rue sur son hoverbike.
Il s'est déplacé dans sa salopette verte sale. Le logo de Desium Corp., cousu sur la poitrine, démangeait. La division des services de lettrage a été faite d'un vieux matériau qui se sentait mal à l'aise sur la peau nue. Ses cheveux blonds courts flutter avec le vent et les gouttelettes de grime et d'huile de moteur a volé sur le sol derrière lui. Deux petites oreillettes ont fait sauter sa chanson de rock millénaire préférée, noyant le son de tout le reste.
Le moteur de son hoverbike s'est effondré. La lumière bleue brille de ses lévitateurs magnétiques et laisse une teinte pâle contre la route noire. Une boîte métallique planait derrière elle, attachée magnétiquement au vélo et pleine de pièces rouillées, de pièces cassées et de ferraille générale.
Grand, je me demande quel smart-ass admin a décidé qu'il serait une bonne idée d'avoir la pluie aujourd'hui, a pensé Ethan. Il a reniflé son nez à l'odeur caustique de l'asphalte.
C'est l'heure de trier pour plus d'ordures. Si seulement mon mauvais patron réclamait les bonnes parties. Et au bon moment. Alors je n'aurais pas à passer toute la matinée à faire ça pour que je puisse tout réparer à l'heure. Et peut-être libéré à l'heure. Honnêtement, je ne comprends pas pourquoi je sors pour ça. J'aurais dû reclasser il y a des années, il pensait.
Il a laissé sortir un soupir alors qu'il passait le bâtiment après le bâtiment. Les logos LED et les panneaux holographiques sur eux s'estompaient dans un lightshow alors qu'il se déplaçait sur la route.
Il a regardé autour de lui. Les rues étaient vides, sauf quelques citoyens. Ils descendirent joyeusement, protégés par la pluie en haut par leurs nouveaux Mechangels.
Ils flottaient le long d'un mouvement de nature mécanique. Ils et leurs citoyens n'ont pas prêté attention à Ethan alors qu'il passait en voiture.
Ses sourcils se sont sillonnés et sa bouche s'est heurtée à la jalousie des citoyens. Il a jeté un autre regard sur les nouveaux serviteurs robotiques. "Creepy Mechs, honnêtement je ne sais pas pourquoi tout le monde pense qu'ils sont si bons," il s'est demandé.
Il a appuyé sur les freins juste devant une ruelle sombre. Il a ouvert son holopad et a marqué l'endroit. C'est le dernier endroit que je vérifie avant de rentrer. Voyons voir ce qu'on peut gratter, il pensait.
Il a enlevé ses bouchons d'oreilles et éteint la musique. Whistling, il a mis quelques boutons sur son holopad. Elle commença à briller en blanc, éclairant le sentier devant lui.
Il a regardé dans l'allée. Il a immédiatement identifié un tas de sacs à ordures reposés contre le mur à droite. Une poubelle vide était posée sur son côté au milieu du sentier.
Parfait! On dirait que les poubelles ne sont pas encore arrivées, il pensait tourner la lumière vers les sacs à ordures. Il a grimacé à la puanteur soudaine. "Peut-être qu'ils ne viennent pas assez souvent," a-t-il ajouté. Tout le reste dans l'allée est resté sombre comme la lumière illuminait les sacs noirs.
Espérons que j'ai de la chance. Tout ce que je demande, c'est une puce de carbonite 2x2 ou un câblage de Silicate. J'aurais certainement besoin d'un autre panneau de lumière, ou peut-être... ses pensées erraient alors qu'il marchait vers l'avant. | Name: Ethan Everux
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human; Not a full citizen but works for Desium Corp.
Ethan is a blond, caucasian male who is 5'11. His eyes are a dark brown. His hair is short and often dirty from the residue in the repairshop. On the job he wears a wifebeater, loose trousers, and an old set of military boots he bought from the local exchange store. The work gloves he uses are a size too big for his hands.
When he is off-work he typically switches to a set of more fashionable clothes. He enjoys wearing tight-fitting blue-jeans or tan-chinos complimented by a button-up shirt with rolled sleeves.
Career: Mechanic for Desium Corp.
Technical Knowledge of Desium Corp. Goods: Ethan is extremely knowledgable on most products that come from the Desium Corp. which are pretty much all the products in the world. He gets this knowledge from his daily routine which consists of receiving faulty goods and repairing them to be refurbished or returned. He has worked with anything from guns, cars, computers, musical instruments, portable stoves, and even some Cybergels. If Desium Corp. makes it then Ethan can identify it, figure out how to fix it, and have a relatively good idea of how it works.
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Personality: Messy, Loud-mouth, Cheerful, Idealist, Sympathetic
Bio: Ethan was born a few years before the arrival of the "demons" in the city of Hong Kong. He can trace his genealogy back to the first British colonists of the 19th Century. His mother is an english teacher for the local school. He never knew his father and his mother never spoke of him.
Ethan and his mother lived in a small two room apartment in the old highrises of the city. Always the curious child he eagerly explored the mostly abandoned highrise. He would spend his childhood with the local street urchins walking up the stairs and exploring abandoned rooms. By the time he was fifteen he began to explore the city itself on his own. Because his mother was often busy teaching, Ethan had the freedom to go where he pleased when he pleased.
One day he saw a media outlet from the Desium Corp. on the lives of citizens on a large digital screen. Ethan was bewitched by the sight of the lives of those privelaged people. The clean air, clean water, and most importantly the Cyborgels. The mechanical marvels resembled the sky horrors that supposedly brought death and destruction when Ethan was young, but they were nothing like them. They brought capabilities that improved the lives of any human that had one. Everything was improved by having a cyborgel. He dreamed of living the lives of those people in that commercial. Coming from a household with a meager income, becoming a citizen became his goal.
His new goal caused a rift between him and his mother, who had strong and harsh feelings towards Desium Corp. The two would fight about this nonstop until Ethan turned eighteen and ran from his home. Eventually, he found transportation to one of the new cities. Stepping into the employment center he immediately applied for a job, intent on climbing the social ladder and becoming a full citizen. He was given a test, he took it, and was emplaced in the Services Division, as a mechanic.
It was a decision that Ethan came to have conflicted feelings about. His boss was a fat old administrator who sits on his desk napping. Hours were long and the work was grueling. Part orders were always delayed so items would never be fixed on time, which reflected poorly on Ethan's records and took him further from his dream.
However, he found that he had a knack for repairing damaged items and jerry-rigging things to work. He loved working with any and all products from the Desium Corp. Each damaged product was a complex puzzle that appealed to his need to solve problems. In the mornings he would go out to the nearby junkyards to recover anything useful, and would work all afternoon, with a smile, fixing things.
Sometimes he would even receive damaged Cyborgels. He would shake and jump in excitement with every opportunity he got to work with one. He studied their strange organic-metal biology. Questions like "How do they work?" "What makes them move?" spun in his mind. Every chance he got to work on the Cyborgel he would burn the midnight oil, learning as much as he could out of the mechanical marvel, while trying to repair its fault.
Although he was still far from his dream of living the life of a full citizen, Ethan found fulfillment in the present as a mechanic.
Fresh Water
His Boss
Other: None
22,217 | 641 | 2 | 2,097 | 1,847 | Être sournois n'était pas sa spécialité. Elle a glissé dans l'allée bien après l'allée, à la recherche d'une forme de bâtiment abandonné afin qu'elle puisse se reposer pour un bref sort, mais aucune telle pensée n'a pu être vue pendant des miles. Elle a essayé de rester sous les surplombs pour que la pluie ne s'inscrive pas dans ses pièces métalliques, mais c'était très difficile. Parfois, il n'y avait jamais de surplomb à subir. Lorsqu'elle en a trouvé un, elle a risqué d'utiliser ses jambes en métal pour sprinter rapidement jusqu'à la prochaine, mais dès qu'elle s'est arrêtée, elle avait un problème de fonctionnement.
Elle a regardé dans les rues et a vu les très rares humains marcher avec des robots métalliques d'une sorte ou d'une autre. Elle ne les reconnut pas, mais grâce à un jeune groupe d'enfants qui jouaient avec eux, elle apprit qu'ils s'appelaient "Mechanges". Elle les regardait et, pour une raison quelconque, ils ne lisaient pas comme "ange" pour elle. Elle a réussi à sortir de la ville et c'est là qu'elle a commencé à trouver des bâtiments abandonnés. Elle en a trouvé un qui semblait avoir de l'eau courante et elle s'est précipitée directement dans celle-ci.
Courant à l'étage dans l'une des pièces vides, elle dépouilla rapidement ses vêtements déchirés, déchirés et frotta ses morceaux de chair, ce qui n'était pas grand-chose. Il se composait de ses cheveux, de son visage, de sa poitrine, de son abdomen et de son bras gauche. Elle a même dû être prudente avec ses cheveux à cause de son attachement dans le dos qui a continué à flipper devant son oeil droit avec chaque dysfonctionnement.
Une fois qu'elle a fini de se nettoyer, elle ne s'est sentie que légèrement mieux. Elle a ensuite lavé ses vêtements, en déchirant les bouts de cordes sur son haut, mais en laissant le jean déchiré tel qu'il était. Elle ne voulait pas que quelqu'un voie ses jambes. Maintenant, elle avait un plateau à manches longues avec un jean déchiré qui montrait un peu de métal à travers eux. Super, elle n'allait pas se démarquer dans la foule.
Elle a fouillé dans le bâtiment abandonné, cherchant une paire de gants à mettre sur ses mains pour que sa main en métal ne se montre pas. Elle n'en a pas trouvé, mais elle a trouvé une vieille paire de bottes pour couvrir ses pieds en métal et une veste avec des poches et une capuche. Ça devrait marcher pour l'instant. Elle a rapidement glissé dans les bottes et a tiré sur sa nouvelle veste. Elle a retourné la capuche de sa veste et a mis les deux mains dans les poches, presque déchirant les poches avec la force. Elle s'est agrippée avec un autre dysfonctionnement et a réalisé qu'elle devait attendre la pluie avant de pouvoir aller n'importe où. Elle s'assit sur le lit et attendit, regardant la sombre fenêtre dans cette nouvelle société. | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Other: REBORN |
22,218 | 641 | 3 | 1,602 | 2,499 | Kirk était assis à l'intérieur de sa voiture de vol stationnaire stylisée garée juste à l'extérieur du premier de ses magasins d'armes étiquetés comme il se doit « Gun-ho! ». La voiture a été faite pour avoir l'air d'une Ford Torino, mais ce n'était pas le cas. Sans les roues, c'était comme conduire n'importe quelle vieille voiture, mais hélas, les roues étaient une chose du passé et si Kirk devait rattraper l'avenir, il le ferait avec style. Les sons du Dr. Feelgood jouaient légèrement en arrière-plan alors que la fumée remplissait lentement l'air et était aspirée à travers un petit port qui conduisait à l'échappement à l'arrière de la voiture. Les voitures volantes avaient leurs avantages, Kirk l'admettrait.
Il a pris la cigarette de sa bouche alors qu'il se lançait à l'holopad. Sa vision était en train de s'aggraver, s'il avait 20 ans de moins, il aurait probablement appelé lui-même 'Grand-père' à l'époque comme une sorte d'insulte maladroite. Si Kirk écrivait des mémoires, ils seraient remplis de paragraphes dignes de ce nom sur lui essayant d'être cool ou d'essayer de faire une doublure avant ou après avoir tué quelqu'un. Il soupira, fermant l'holopad et, à son tour, l'article sur les quais ou un autre animal aujourd'hui éteint. Il a tordu la clé dans l'allumage et mis la voiture en route. Il a conduit lentement dans la nuit, la pluie glissant sur son pare-brise seulement pour qu'il soit jeté par les essuie-glaces. Il aimait la pluie, il a pu voir des trous du cul s'imprégner pendant qu'il se moquait d'eux du confort de sa voiture.
Il a garé sa voiture juste devant un restaurant. Il a dû tuer le temps avant de rentrer à la maison, la vieille femme qui est restée dans l'appartement à côté de lui voudrait avoir une discussion et l'inviter pour le thé et autant que Kirk ne voulait pas entrer, il n'a pas eu le cœur de lui dire "non". Il a quitté sa voiture et s'est tenu sous le toit général du restaurant juste à côté de l'allée. La cigarette n'a été faite qu'à mi-chemin. Il aimait se tenir sous la pluie de temps en temps, même si c'était artificiel. | Name: Kirk Chin
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
Kirk is a rather short man of a slightly muscular build. His hair is a shaggy and of medium cut. He is almost always seen wearing some sort of suit, his reason behind this being that he always wants to look on point, even when faced with death. Scars litter his hands from numerous failed attempts at lockpicking during his early years.
Career: Revolutionary/Gun dealer owner
-Sufficient at shooting
-Able to break into homes/cars
-Can lockpick
Kirk was born to a rather poor family. His father was a butcher who had came to America directly from China while his mother was an American of Chinese descent working in a car wash that laundered money for a local gang lord. Kirk's brother, Douglas was born two years after he was and Kirk took it upon himself to be as brotherly as possible. Which essentially means poking fun at Douglas whenever he saw fit. Kirk's mother and father tried their best to keep them out of any crime or gang related business, but in a poor neighbourhood like the one they lived in, it was just about inevitable for them to commit some sort of crime.
They were both recruited into the gang that laundered money through their mothers carwash. Kirk excelled in stealth while his brother excelled in the more brutal and loud part of the job. Kirk would often joke that 'He ain't heavy, he's my brother" whenever someone asked if Douglas was the 'heavy weapons guy'. Or at least, they did later on in their jobs, they started out as drug runners and gradually worked their way up. It was only at the ages of 21 and 19 that Kirk and Douglas got their big break and began to get in on the action. They each had the same job to prove themselves though, one that drastically changed their lives for the worse. They were forced to kill an undercover cop each, Douglas took it a bit better than Kirk did. Kirk almost attempted suicide after the event while Douglas took it in stride and carried on with his daily life.
The revolution began shortly after this. Kirk had considered joining every now and then but the leader of the gang was strongly opposed to anyone joining and raising any attention to the gang itself. He'd tried to help any revolutionaries he met along the way as much as he could though, even if it was just some spare bus change.
Kirk stayed with the gang for another six years before he began to consider leaving to work on his own. He would do much more than leave after a series of events transpired though. Douglas had been apprehended by the police after a drug bust and was forced to work undercover for the cops or be put in jail for a length of time that was essentially a death sentence. The gang leader found out and ordered Douglas' death, sending Kirk over the edge. He planned his revenge in silence for several months before acting. The gang's leader was meeting with a rather corrupt politician to make a deal about the police force turning a blind eye in return for a steady supply of drug shipments. Kirk had planned the entire situation out. He disguised himself as one of the leaders bodyguards and had planted makeshift sticky bombs at select locations around the warehouse that they met. He blew the charges, taking care of the other guards along the politician and any exits the leader could escape from. Kirk beat him to death there and then and quickly made his escape through a manhole leading to the city sewers where he had stashed a spare suit and a place to exit in order for his alibi to be complete.
With the leader gone the gang quickly broke down and fell apart leading to Kirk having a surge of business coming his way. He stole from the rich and gave to himself. His prize possession being an exact remake of the famous Ford Torino. He used the money he gained from stealing in order to finance his own gun dealership. He joined the revolution shortly after he had gained enough profit to go higher than breaking even and began to stop stealing until he had no need to anymore. He now helps to train any revolutionary who wants to be trained in the art of stealth along with supplying the revolutionaries with weaponry, at a discount of course, can't give everyone a free gun. He recently opened a pawn shop that has been slowly getting off the ground since he opened it.
-Muscle cars - preferably from the 70s
-Nice suits
-Big Business
Theme Song: Milk and Alcohol
Other: REBORN |
22,219 | 641 | 4 | 794 | 276 | Les voix—elle était entourée d'eux. Certains se sentaient familiers, d'autres étrangers, et bien que chacun parlait doucement, il y en avait tellement que leurs paroles rebondissaient des murs de sa tête comme des échos indistincts. Le temps qu'elle avait perdu la trace d'il y a longtemps, et dans l'obscurité de la pseudo-hibernation, tout ce qu'elle pouvait faire était d'imaginer ce que chaque voix faisait loin en dehors de sa ligne de vision. À des moments comme celui-ci, elle imaginait qu'elle était réparée, comme de temps en temps, l'un de ses membres serait prodété ou élevé. Elle se réveilla sur la table dans un labo, retenu jusqu'à ce qu'un Crystex Core soit inséré dans son implant et que son nouvel objectif soit déclaré.
Cette fois, cependant, quelque chose était différent. C'était quelque chose d'indistinct, une nouvelle saveur dans l'air. Alors qu'elle s'y concentrait, son cerveau léthargique a commencé à traiter la sensation et, étrangement, l'a qualifiée d'inconfort intense. Eh bien, ce n'était pas nouveau. Nemesis se prépare à se nicher dans le confort de l'inconscient jusqu'à ce qu'une autre pensée s'éveille par elle-même. Si elle était retenue en toute sécurité dans un labo, pourquoi était-elle mal à l'aise? Pourquoi il faisait si froid?
Les yeux de Nemesis sont ouverts, blancs, mais pleins d'un but inébranlable. Bien que sa vision ait été un peu plus qu'un flou au début, elle est finalement venue voir qu'elle était dans une zone extérieure, à savoir un tas d'ordures. Ses lèvres à peine mouvantes se fendaient dans un sourire, et en un seul mouvement, elle déchirait l'obus d'un drone sur son torse. Cette chose limitait sa capacité à respirer depuis un certain temps; il était évident que les taches grisâtres sur son torse deviendraient bientôt des ecchymoses.
À un certain niveau, elle a compris ce qui s'était passé dans son manque de conscience. Les scientifiques responsables de ses soins n'avaient fait aucun secret sur son entretien de plus en plus difficile et sur l'inévitabilité qu'elle allait mal fonctionner au-delà des réparations. Cependant, au lieu de se sentir bannie et inutile, elle ressentait une étrange poussée de plaisir. La junkie criblée d'ennemis du passé était impressionnante. Là se trouvaient ses adversaires, la création après la création qui n'avait pas été en mesure de lui correspondre. Ce sont là ses trophées, la somme de son existence, et si son destin devait vraiment être jeté de côté, sa valeur avait au moins été plus grande que ces créations doléantes – pour un temps.
Comme les êtres mortels qui l'entouraient, sa prime avait atteint son bord et était engraissée pour se retirer jusqu'à ce qu'elle n'était que des os et des cendres. Son manque de commandement était, en vérité, un commandement très clair qu'elle redoutait depuis son premier échec à déconstruire un drone : sa seule tâche maintenant était de mourir. Ce n'était pas le ressentiment qu'elle ressentait, mais la confusion. Si elle était assez fonctionnelle pour bouger, penser, agir, pourquoi se reposait-elle parmi les restes inertes et d'autres déchets de ses commandants? Sans doute, si elle était active, il y avait un but au-delà de se soumettre à l'abîme.
La pluie s'est effondrée, et les restes déchirés de son costume se sont bafoués contre la peau et le métal alors qu'elle s'asseyait dans son tas de victoire et envisageait son prochain mouvement. Essayer de retourner au labo serait futile, et même si elle le souhaitait, un simple regard sur son environnement était suffisant pour dire une telle chose était impossible. Elle était dans un territoire inconnu, mais familier : elle a reconnu les drones et les machines de la base où elle vivait, mais toutes les ordures avaient été jetées hors de l'endroit.
Quel choix avait-elle que de déménager? Nemesis n'a pas prêté attention à la raquette qu'elle a faite quand elle a creusé ses jambes à partir de la machinerie visqueuse et cassée. Il a fallu un peu de temps, étant donné qu'elle n'avait qu'un bras mécanique attaché, mais ensuite le véritable exploit a commencé. Le simple fait de descendre le tas de grimaces se traduirait par des coupures et des contusions, et elle savait que sa constitution était déjà à ses limites. Elle a dû s'enfoncer soigneusement, laissant ses jambes couler à chaque pas. C'était une petite symphonie macabre comme des morceaux de métal clinqués, grattés, et soufflés, secouant des poches d'huile et de boue.
L'obstacle suivant qu'elle a affronté était beaucoup moins intimidant: il n'y avait rien de plus qu'une clôture reliée par fil. Au-delà, il y avait un espace de terre stérile avant un tas de bâtiments. Après ces formes noires était un skyline plus brillant et plus grand complètement étranger à elle. Malgré cela, c'était assez signe de civilisation: là elle trouverait un but à nouveau.
Nemesis a glissé son pied dans l'un des liens, puis sa main. Avec son pied sur le fond et les doigts sur le dessus, elle a commencé à le tirer ouvert, en déchirant efficacement la clôture. Quand elle avait un trou assez grand pour passer à travers, elle sortit de la décharge. Elle a encore reçu une myriade de rayures peu profondes des bords déchiquetés des maillons brisés à son passage, mais ce n'était rien à sa peau gelée. Tout ce qu'elle pouvait faire, c'était s'immiscer maintenant, soit pour trouver son salut, soit pour trouver sa fin. | Name: Nemesis
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: What skin remains of Nemesis’ is pale and fair. Her head is mostly intact, though many parts of her skull and the majority of her spine have been replaced. She has one ear intact: the other is composed of a wireless receiver that connects deeper into her brain. All four of her limbs are mostly missing from her elbows and knees down—all that remains is bone that has been mostly supplanted by metal. She leans towards a lanky build, but the features of her face remain angelic, sporting a soft nose and chin. She is a natural redhead and has blue eyes.
As for wings—these have also been stripped down to bone and replaced with gears and joints to maintain their use (these have since been damaged and are inoperable in her current state). Oddly enough, her natural white feathers still grow from her bones and pockets of functional flesh.
These metal-plated bones (and various other parts of her limbs that are fully replaced by metal and mechanisms) have a copper color. As far as clothes, Nemesis wears whatever is required of the occasion, though her career has mostly dictated plain bodysuits and helmets.
Career: Nemesis was one of the angels whose mental adjustments did not go well. Having lost nearly everything that was her former life, all that remained was a passionate, burning rage. She was not compatible for service-related tasks, and rather than completely scrapping her, she was given a bodysuit and put into military testing for mechanized soldiers and untested military equipment. In simple terms, she was kept in captivity and released to tear apart robotic prototypes, thus exposing weaknesses while highlighting the strengths of each respective model.
Naturally, it was not a career she could last long in. Recovery that took weeks between trials became months as each fracture, rupture, and replacement became more complicated to repair. When she was deemed useless, her weapon implements (namely prototype blades) were removed and she was on the brink of being tossed away with the very same robotic ruins she’d destroyed.
This state of ruin, however, had sated the mindless vengeance she had survived with. Her temperament was mild, not far from comatose, and she was still capable of responding to orders. Given the money spent on her physical adjustments, the company is still in debate over whether she should be re-assigned or simply left to rot.
Bludgeoning: Close combat involving the use of fists is part of the reason she has no flesh left on her hands.
Sword Use: Close combat involving the use of mundane and plasma blades.
Supplemented Strength: Due to most of her skeletal and muscle structure being replaced by machinery, she has twice the strength of a normal man, allowing her to pry apart metal sheets and break small bricks.
Robotic Destruction: Taking apart experimental machinery has given her a refined approach to killing machines—she knows where the weakest points of most combat-related weaponry and mechs are, where their power sources are, and how to bypass impenetrable metal shells to disrupt their power sources.
Crystal-Code Reading: Due to an implant in her brain called the Crystex-Reader 430, she is capable of reading coded information burned onto Crystex Cores. Crystex Cores are banks of physical memory that can record most, if not all known medias. They are, however, formed from rare materials and require very specific devices to burn data onto them. For this reason, they are used almost exclusively in the military to record and share sensitive information.
In the case of Nemesis, the Crystex-Reader 430 was implanted directly into her brain. It can read Crystex Cores inserted into the device that was once her ear (referenced above) and relay the information at will to her brain. Her brain still has to read and process the information, but this was a very direct means of teaching her how to use equipment that was later applied to her body to be tested.
Supernatural Abilities: Flight—one would assume.
Bio: Nemesis has only recently come to recall shreds of her past—with her body broken, she had nothing left but to ruminate on her own existence. She knows that, to some extent, she was once a leader responsible for dispatching troops, but who she may have commanded and for what reason she cannot recall. She has the vague understanding that she was once a whole being, without machinery, and that thought alone had caused the rage that sustained her through so much bodily damage.
Apart from those vague facts, she is left only with procedural memory: to respond immediately to commands without question was ingrained into her long before she became a testing puppet for the government. Her grace with the blade has also always been natural to her, and on occasion, she finds herself ruminating on things she has no former recollection or context of, like the patterns of the stars.
Likes: Standing over dismantled robotic foes, warm temperatures, physical exercise, puzzles that blueprints present, and examining objects she has not yet seen before.
Dislikes: Medical centers, animals (she cannot comprehend them), sleep, situations that do not have a very specific objective to accomplish.
Theme Song: Beyond that Prayer
Other: REBORN |
22,220 | 641 | 5 | 1,700 | 2,650 | Le soleil brillait avec les lumières les plus vives et la chaleur remplissait l'air tandis que Lexie se détendait dans sa chaise les yeux fermés. Elle pouvait sentir une brise chaude se brossant sur son corps avec ses cheveux se balançant doucement en allers et retours, mais toute cette émotion, ce sentiment de sérénité, s'est réduite à rien lorsque le bruit d'un tonnerre s'est effondré au loin. Lentement, elle ouvrit les yeux et se trouva à regarder une lumière de plafond avec suffisamment de luminosité pour laisser des taches d'ombre dans ses yeux quand elle clignait. Le bruit de chant d'un climatiseur chaud pouvait être entendu tout près et alors qu'elle se remontait dans sa chaise l'air balayait devant elle pour environ les dix mille fois ce jour-là.
Elle a dû s'évanouir, non, elle s'était évanouie parce qu'en regardant l'horloge, elle a pu voir que 15 minutes étaient passées et à côté de l'horloge était un café à moitié fini qui perdait sa capacité d'évacuer la vapeur. "Qu'est-ce que j'étais en train de faire?" Elle a pensé qu'en interrogeant le bureau, elle verrait quelle paperasse restait derrière elle.
Le foyer Lexie travaillait sur l'un des niveaux supérieurs de l'immeuble Desium Corp. Avant son bureau a posé environ 500 mètres carrés de vide proche. La seule chose à côté de son bureau qui remplissait la pièce était quelques plantes en pot, deux salons, une table basse et un tapis pour les accompagner. Derrière elle se trouvait un ensemble de portes doubles qui mènent au bureau de son directeur, avant qu'elle ne soit deux portes d'ascenseur, et sur le côté était une salle de conférence qui était actuellement occupée par quelques personnes choisies qui discutaient de l'état d'avancement du déploiement des Mechangles ainsi que des plans futurs pour la distribution de leur arme. Dans l'ensemble, il a rendu la journée assez terne et vu que c'était son 6ème jour de suite au travail, Lexie était un peu plus de la semaine.
À ce moment-là, les portes se sont ouvertes et plusieurs hauts ont commencé à s'écouler vers l'ascenseur. Ils se plaignaient du brillant travail qu'ils avaient accompli, même s'il s'agissait d'une signature sur un document. Un des hommes dépêchés du groupe s'est dirigé vers Lexie avec un dossier à la main et l'a remis à elle. Elle a sorti sa main et l'a enlevé en lisant le gros titre.
"Ventes et croissance - 2ème trimestre"
"Monsieur, voulez-vous que j'entre vos notes dans votre dernier rapport de dossier?" Elle a demandé.
"Ce serait merveilleux. On a encore rencontré quelques anomalies. On dirait que nous avons les mêmes problèmes avec la Révolution que l'an dernier. » Son manager a parlé alors qu'il se reposait la main contre la table pour se soutenir. C'était un grand homme. Assez mince et d'un âge moyen, mais encore jeune apparence.
"Comment voulais-tu gérer ça?" Lexie s'est penchée sur sa chaise avec un sentiment de curiosité, espérant secrètement quelque chose à faire.
"Rien pour le moment. Nous avons trop d'autres choses à faire avec le déploiement et nous avons décidé que nous nous occuperons des quelques-unes... des faux-délivrances... le moment venu. » Se poussant hors de la table, il a commencé à marcher vers son bureau avant de rappeler, "Oh, et une fois que vous avez fini. Rentrez chez vous et prenez un jour de congé."
"Comme vous le souhaitez, M. Kagome." Elle a parlé alors qu'on la laissait dans sa chambre silencieuse pour finir la journée. | Name: Lexie Bristol
Gender: Female
Character Type: Demon
Unlike many other demons, Lexie has a demonic form that looks more human like than demon.
Career: Secretary to a Desium Corp Manager within the weapons sales division.
- Excellence in hand to hand combat with additional melee weapons training.
- The ability to monitor various sectors of the city through sales and distribution of their goods. If a section becomes too hot or too cold an inquiry is produced to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Supernatural Abilities:
- When in Release form she is able to vastly increase her strength and speed as well as summon her personal, demonic weapon "Loutka".
- Lexie owns a special axe known as "Loutka" that was forged from Hell itself. The axe is also viewed as a cursed weapon because of what happens when the wielder spills their own blood onto the blade, and only after an injury has been inflicted upon a victim. When these two steps are complete the axe head will begin to glow a brilliant white and lock the two fighters into a joint unison for only a maximum of a few minutes. Any injuries inflicted upon the wielder will be mirrored back onto the joined victim as well. In essence, the wielder becomes a temporary voodoo doll for the victim as "Loutka" believes each time it draws blood off the wielder, it is attacking the other person. This spell however has a long cool down period where the weapon and wielder must rest.
- Although not used often when she is in her Release form she is able to flick out her hand in order to shoot a plasma, energy ball.
Personality: Calm and assertive but when in Release form she can often appear insane.
Bio: Lexie, being within the sales division, is able to monitor the traffic and sales of their products to both demons and humans. Mostly this was used to help their marketing department in order to control where they need to advertise and ship their goods. Occasionally though, thanks to rebels and black market dealers, some of their deliveries would go missing with couriers winding up dead or dismantled. This is where she would be sent on special assignments to simply retrieve what rightfully belonged to Desium Corp. After all, it isn't easy explaining a 1 million dollar stock loss to the company.
Outside of work she enjoys the underground life of the city, often venturing into raves deep within abandoned car parks under the city buildings or pits where disposed Cyborgels were forced to fight against each other or demons for illegal betting. These environments allowed her to feel more at home with the chaos and despair that they spilled out while reminding her of the past where the demons won against the angels.
She owns an apartment near a top level of one of the City towers. The view gives her the feel that she like a god looking down on her people, judging the and watching them like ants
Likes: Art, Wine, Dancing
Dislikes: Cats (It's a demon thing), Milk
Theme Song: Duality - Slipknot
Other: Trivia - Loutka in Czech means Puppet
Reborn |
22,221 | 641 | 6 | 1,792 | 1,123 | Un homme solitaire en costume jaune a traversé les rues d'une ville américaine. Il s'est démarqué parce qu'il n'avait pas quelque chose au-dessus de sa tête. Non, il a utilisé le imperméable classique pour se protéger de la précipitation artificielle. Non pas que quelqu'un remarquerait que les rues étaient pour la plupart dépourvues d'âmes, mais bien sûr, il tourna la tête quand les quelques personnes qui avaient des parapluies mécaniques passèrent.
Yuri avait entendu parler de la montée des Mechanges et de l'obsolescence des Cyborgels. Que ces derniers étaient maintenant jetés dans des poubelles et des tas de déchets. Les révolutionnaires étaient dégoûtés, mais ils voyaient une chance, une opportunité. S'ils pouvaient obtenir une prise des Cyborgels jonchés et les faire réparer, alors ils seraient une grande aide à la révolution. Il y avait cependant opposition à l'idée, que les déchets Cyborgels pourraient être trop endommagés au-delà de la réparation pour être de toute utilité et la récupération pour eux serait une perte de temps.
Cependant, la majorité, y compris Yuri, a dit qu'il valait la peine d'un coup et maintenant le révolutionnaire russe a commencé à voyager dans les décharges de la nouvelle société pour trouver un Cyborgel rejeté. Jusqu'à présent, il n'a trouvé que les restes de robots et les ordures habituelles des citoyens. Yuri était loin d'abandonner cependant, le monde était énorme et il savait tôt ou tard qu'il trouverait un Cyborgel. Cependant, il aurait dû amener quelqu'un pour l'aider.
Comme Yuri continuait, il semblait entendre de faibles lamentations. La forte pluie qui a frappé le sol a rendu difficile de le confirmer, donc il n'était pas sûr qu'il entendait peut-être des choses. Cependant, puisqu'il y avait peu de raisons pour que quelqu'un se lamente dans la nouvelle société « parfaite » et ne soit pas pressé, Yuri a décidé d'enquêter. Les cris semblaient provenir d'une ruelle, alors le Russe s'y dirigeait tout en se demandant qui ou ce qui pourrait les faire. | Name: Yuri Volkova
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
Description: Standing at 5'9, Yuri has a well-built body thanks to his time in the military. Since he is in Russia, he usually wears thick or furry clothing for the cold but will readily ditch it when he goes to somewhere warmer. Like a stereotypical Russian, Yuri really likes ushankas and will wear them whenever possible and when it does not get in the way.
Career: Former military. Currently a Revolutionary.
*Expert melee combatant (especially with his tomahawk-knife combo)
*Average marksmanship
*Can rally people with speeches
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Yuri was born 4 years before the angels came in a rural village in Russia. There he was taught patience, hard work and other idealistic virtues which Yuri brought with him as he aged. When he was 15 years old and right when Cyborgels were being handed out, he went to St. Petersburg to get higher education where he met Friedrich Kroenen, a German just two years older than him, who is also studying there until he could get back to Germany. The two became great friends because of their shared interest in philosophy.
Both enlisted in the military to keep the citizens of New Society safe from the radical revolutionaries. Both became close to the unit they were assigned to and both seemed on the way to becoming fire-forged brothers. However, Yuri was a big fan of conspiracies and liked looking into things beyond what they looked like. The Russian was once anti-angel and was glad they were defeated for he thought their heavenly appearance were lies and readily believed the words against them.
But one thing bugged Yuri. How and where did the anti-angel weaponry came from? And why were there Cyborgels, androids that looked like the enemy? There were reasons but Yuri found them lacking to have servants modeled after the enemy. Because of this, Yuri and other like-minded individuals in his unit, tried to delve deeper. He invited Friedrich in the search for the truth but unfortunately his German friend did not share his ideals and, under orders from the higher-ups, had Yuri detained.
Or at least tried to have Yuri detained. The Russian caught wind of this and fled with the other associates. Yuri went low in Russia for a while and continued to search for the truth. It was then he managed to get a hold of a friendly revolutionary who told him the whole story of what happened to the angels. Yuri was a bit skeptical at first but believed in it after connections from the story and the current things made perfect sense.
Days after the revelation, Yuri decided to return to his home village to start spreading the word of the revolutionaries. However, he found his village under attack from the military... with Friedrich Kroenen at the lead. Trying to detain him was one thing but Yuri could not believe his former friend would lay waste on his village. Yuri could only watch as his home burned and his family put to death. The Russian swore he would get revenge and the fates blessed him with an opportunity when Friedrich's unit decided to take a rest in the village's ruins.
Using his training and knowledge of the military, the element of surprise some well-placed explosives, he managed to take out his friend's troops and also set Friedrich on fire via Molotov Cocktail. His former friend managed to douse himself with a nearby puddle before running towards the woods. Yuri chased after him ultimately lost him to the woods' fog.
Knowing that his traitorous friend was probably still alive, Yuri officially joined the revolutionaries to fight for the oppressed angels and the deceived mankind and in the hopes he would encounter his friend again. He fought the military arm of New Society continuously, while hearing about a captain among them wearing a gas mask, to where he is now, hoping to meet Friedrich Kroenen for one last reunion.
-Desium Corp.
-New Society
-Friedrich Kroenen
Theme Song:
"We were lied to. All this time we've been fighting the wrong enemy. The angels really have come to bring us, humanity, salvation. To deliver us to the next world. And what did we, humanity, do? We looked the other way. We listened to the venomous lies of opportunists, of power-hungry men, of demons in human flesh. We fought against our saviors and enslaved every last one of them. Turned them into mindless servants for us, humanity, who then indulged in the many sinful vices of life and forgot the virtues of our great ancestor heroes.
But the fight is not over. Once the true revolution begins, the world will be REBORN anew and the facade of peace Desium Corp. imposes will come crashing down! The angels will once again take their rightful place as judges and... I hope they forgive us for what we've done. Though I will not be surprised if they do not, if they condemn us all to Hell. It is what we deserve after all, after our numerous blasphemies and pain we've caused them." |
22,222 | 641 | 7 | 1,949 | 2,861 | ...Une nouvelle société...
Le gémissement soudain et fort du métal étant plié juste derrière vous serait suffisant pour faire la plupart de la chute d'estomac de l'être organique. Tout comme votre corps avait tiré à travers le trou dans la clôture, une main gigantesque de couleur bronze et marron vous a arraché par votre dos et vous a tiré dans la décharge que vous venez de fuir. La petite ouverture de la clôture grattée contre la main en métal brun vous tenant comme il est passé à travers et contre votre peau, sûr de causer au moins beaucoup d'inconfort. La main qui vous tenait était ferme, mais pas écrasée. Vous êtes levé dans l'air et tourné autour pour faire face à un robot de taille inouïe et massive avec plusieurs autres derrière lui. C'est la tête circulaire qui t'agite, te regardant comme un globe oculaire erratique quand la pluie s'est déversée plus fort.
Vous pouvez voir l'huile des robots s'écouler des petites ouvertures dans son revêtement métallique comme la pluie s'y jette aussi. Il commence à marcher avec vous à nouveau dans la décharge, sa main grimace sûr d'endommager tous les vêtements que vous portiez. Les autres robots foulent celui qui vous tient, toutes leurs têtes circulaires se déplaçant de façon erratique.
bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip b bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip bip b
Comme le bruit de la pluie frappant la fenêtre et le toit en métal de l'immeuble abandonné que vous aviez choisi de prendre refuge dans est devenu une partie de l'arrière-plan, vous remarqueriez un bruit étrange venant non loin de l'endroit où vous êtes couché sur le lit. Puis quelque chose zippé par le cadre de porte, offrant un étrange aperçu de ce qui ressemblait à un vide-boutique sur les stéroïdes avec un XD affiché sur son moniteur. Un autre a poursuivi après, le visage sur le moniteur différent que le dernier avec un D:<. Les bips ont continué, les emplacements dans le son seulement légèrement différent. Qu'est-ce qui se passait ici?
- Mery le B.
"Tu sais," sifflait une voix. "Tu pourrais te faire virer pour avoir dormi au travail."
Une grande femme se pencha contre le bureau de la secrétaire. Ses cheveux étaient un brun doux et elle avait l'air d'être du teint caucasien, sa tenue une simple blouse pourpre et jupe au crayon noir avec des leggings et des chaussures noires brillantes. Ses bras ont été croisés alors qu'elle semblait s'éblouir à son collègue. "Je ne voudrais pas te voir partir." Ses yeux se fermaient à moitié en souriant. "Je me demande ce que le grand patron pourrait faire? C'est pas vrai.
Un tourbillon venait de sa gorge alors qu'elle se tournait pour regarder les deux hommes maintenant dans sa ruelle. Un homme asiatique ne semble pas remarquer et fumer une cigarette, et un autre terrier dans ses ordures. Elle ne pouvait pas comprendre pourquoi... mais ça l'a terrifiée.
"A-A-A-VOIE!" Sa voix s'est évanouie. Pourquoi sa voix a-t-elle glissé? Ça ressemblait à un animatronique brisé qui essayait de parler. Ses mains étaient toutes les deux tendues devant elle et à n'importe qui il serait clair qu'elle était effrayée. Il n'en faudrait pas beaucoup à deviner, même si vu qu'elle était nue dans une ruelle couverte d'ordures.
La pluie s'est répandue plus fort.
"D-0o0o0o0o00000ooo0oonnnnnn....." Sa voix a cédé la place à des sons d'un vieux cadran vers le haut ordinateur ferait, en remplaçant ses lamelles par un étrange bruit statique. Son corps s'est ébranlé de façon erratique. Elle est entrée dans la pluie vers eux, son cerveau brouillant comme la pluie vers le bas sur son corps, a pensé que ce ne serait pas clair par les crevasses qu'il traversait. Les deux hommes la verraient en plein air tandis que tout son esprit s'évanouissait.
Mais son corps ne l'a pas fait. Avec chaque bruit et chaque glissade qui sonnait hors de son corps a bougé, sa tête secouant dans un étrange écran de macabre. Les émotions variaient avec peu ou pas de sens avec chaque phrase terminée.
"Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Prenez ça pour ce que vous voulez!" Heureux. "Non, personne ne sait qu'on est là." C'est inquiétant. "StOP STOP St0o0o0o0OP" Peur. "Je-je-je-je suis vous guide-je suis votre guide" Utile.
Puis la lumière de ses yeux est morte et son corps s'est effondré. C'est resté comme ça un moment.
"SYSTEM REBOOT." Ses lèvres bougeaient mais c'était beaucoup trop monotone. Robotique. "SYSTEM REBOOT. Le système redémarre. Le système redémarre. Le système redémarre. SYSTEME..."
Il a continué, en écho dans l'allée autour d'elle et dans la région. | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Much, MUCH better. Very realistic for the setting they're in. You are accepted! |
22,223 | 641 | 8 | 1,888 | 134 | Qu'est-ce que... Ethan a entendu le bruit soudain derrière lui. Il a largué un équipement circulaire qu'il avait examiné et a sauté vers le mur.
Il vit deux mains sortir de l'obscurité. "En arrière-arrière!" Il hurla et agita la lumière de son holopad devant lui.
-- Un cyborangel!? il murmura sous son souffle, tandis que la figure était illuminée. Ses pensées se précipitèrent furieusement alors qu'il regardait la figure vert pâle.
Les mouvements et la voix étaient erratiques. Une cacophonie de son s'est exprimée de sa bouche pendant qu'elle balançait ses mains. Soudain, dans un dernier tourbillon mécanique désespéré, il s'est effondré vers l'avant, immobile.
Il leva la main et saisit la tête. "Homme! Ça m'a fait peur une seconde. Ha ha... Ha ha..." a-t-il dit en secours.
Alors que la panique s'est abattue, Ethan a marché sur le Cyborangel curieusement. " Un cyborangel! Juste allongé dans la rue comme ça," pensa-t-il. Il s'accroupit et examina son visage.
Il avait un joli visage et figure de fillette malgré la saleté et le grime qui tapissaient les contours de sa peau pâle. Ses cheveux verts étaient recouverts de miettes et enchevêtrés de bouts de déchets. Le corps a été rasé vers l'avant complètement immobile.
"C'est vraiment dommage qu'ils laissent un cyborange comme toi dans une décharge comme celle-ci. Certains n'apprécient pas une œuvre d'art comme toi. Je ne comprends vraiment pas pourquoi ils pensent que ces nouveaux mechs sont tellement mieux. Ce ne sont que des robots glorifiés, tous métalliques et pas de bio », a-t-il chuchoté.
La figure comateuse n'a montré aucun signe de conscience, sauf le cambriolage rythmique de « SYSTEM REBOOT » venant de sa bouche.
Une alarme a soudainement sonné de l'holopad. "Frappe! Je dois retourner au travail », pensait-il en regardant l'alerte.
Ethan s'est levé et était sur le point de se précipiter pour son holobike. Alors qu'il se levait, il regarda en arrière la figure comateuse du Cyborangel. Il s'y trouvait avec une triste expression, l'eau de pluie glissant dans les gouttelettes de son corps.
Il a regardé en arrière l'alarme sur son holopad, puis il est retourné au Cyborangel. Ses yeux se rétrécissaient, ses pensées couraient dans sa tête.
"Homme, merde. Je n'aurai probablement pas cette chance pendant un moment. Boss-guy peut attendre, j'ai un record parfait ce mois-ci. Il ne peut rien faire si je suis en retard juste une fois », soupira-t-il et s'accroupit à côté de la figure pâle.
Il a mis un jeu de lunettes de sa ceinture et a sorti le dernier outil multi-mécanicien. -- Très bien, bébé, dit-il en portant ses lunettes. "Je ne sais pas qui t'a jeté, mais ils ne t'ont certainement pas rendu justice. Votre espèce a un faible dans mon cœur, donc au moins je vais vous arranger. Je vais même ajouter ma propre mise à jour personnelle à vous. Alors vous devriez être en mesure de trouver votre chemin de retour à votre propriétaire, et montrer à quel point vous êtes mieux comparé à ces mechs effrayants."
Les lunettes scannaient immédiatement le Cyborangel et commencèrent à fournir des spécifications dans sa vision. "Hm...c'est ça... Ici, il murmurait avec ses outils. Il a enlevé un petit compartiment au-dessus de l'oreille du Cyborangel avec une vis magnéto-vis. Il a révélé un ensemble de ports. Ethan a branché un câble dans un port et l'a connecté à son holopanel.
Son holopad a pleuré alors qu'il commençait à faire un scan des circuits internes. Des panneaux pleins de données ont commencé à apparaître.
« Eh bien, la structure physique est stable, et il n'y a pas de dommages aux composants internes », a-t-il pensé. "Le logiciel est tout gâché, cependant, je me demande qui a programmé ce Cyborangel? Je n'ai pas vu un tel codage paresseux depuis un moment."
Son appareil a encore bourdonné. Un groupe d'experts intitulé « Programme d'installation? » avec les boutons "Oui" et "Non" sont apparus. Ethan a tapé oui. "C'est peut-être illégal", chuchotait-il à la figure du coma. "Mais vous savez quoi, personne ne s'en fout des lois ici de toute façon. Ici rien ne va."
Une barre de progression d'installation est apparue, sautant immédiatement à 1%.
"J'ai toujours voulu tester ça. Les cyboranges ont une carte mère organique, un peu comme un cerveau, qui donne des ordres au reste de son corps. Pour une raison quelconque, ils ont tous des tiges de distributeurs statiques attachées qui ne font rien d'autre que amortir et bâillonner les signaux dedans », a-t-il pensé regarder la barre de progression monter jusqu'à 40%.
"Le programme devrait désactiver tous les distributeurs statiques, qui à leur tour devraient donner un coup de pouce dans les facultés mentales. Je ne vois pas vraiment l'intérêt de les avoir là-bas. Tout ce qu'ils font c'est gâcher avec des capacités cognitives supplémentaires. Je me demande qui les a construits en premier lieu, c'est presque comme s'ils voulaient intentionnellement que les Cyboranges s'éteignent."
Quand la barre atteint 80%, un message surgit. Ethan l'a lu. "Huh, c'est bizarre. On dirait que celui qui a programmé celui-ci a accidentellement attaché un distributeur à la zone de mouvement moteur du cerveau au lieu du cortex. Cela expliquerait pourquoi ce Cyborangel a été jeté. Cela signifie aussi que des processus de réflexion supplémentaires fonctionnaient, mais peu importe. Ne peut pas vraiment être efficace ici si vous pouvez à peine marcher ou bouger votre bras sans vous éparpiller. »
Il a cliqué sur quelques boutons et la barre a repris, passant de 80 % à 85 % et 90 %. En quelques secondes, il a atteint 100% et un panneau "Installation Complète" est apparu.
"Eh bien! Ça devrait faire le tour, tout ce que je dois faire maintenant c'est attendre qu'il redémarre" pensa Ethan. Il regarda alors avec impatience le corps comateux du Cyborangel, en attendant qu'il revienne à la vie. | Name: Ethan Everux
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human; Not a full citizen but works for Desium Corp.
Ethan is a blond, caucasian male who is 5'11. His eyes are a dark brown. His hair is short and often dirty from the residue in the repairshop. On the job he wears a wifebeater, loose trousers, and an old set of military boots he bought from the local exchange store. The work gloves he uses are a size too big for his hands.
When he is off-work he typically switches to a set of more fashionable clothes. He enjoys wearing tight-fitting blue-jeans or tan-chinos complimented by a button-up shirt with rolled sleeves.
Career: Mechanic for Desium Corp.
Technical Knowledge of Desium Corp. Goods: Ethan is extremely knowledgable on most products that come from the Desium Corp. which are pretty much all the products in the world. He gets this knowledge from his daily routine which consists of receiving faulty goods and repairing them to be refurbished or returned. He has worked with anything from guns, cars, computers, musical instruments, portable stoves, and even some Cybergels. If Desium Corp. makes it then Ethan can identify it, figure out how to fix it, and have a relatively good idea of how it works.
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Personality: Messy, Loud-mouth, Cheerful, Idealist, Sympathetic
Bio: Ethan was born a few years before the arrival of the "demons" in the city of Hong Kong. He can trace his genealogy back to the first British colonists of the 19th Century. His mother is an english teacher for the local school. He never knew his father and his mother never spoke of him.
Ethan and his mother lived in a small two room apartment in the old highrises of the city. Always the curious child he eagerly explored the mostly abandoned highrise. He would spend his childhood with the local street urchins walking up the stairs and exploring abandoned rooms. By the time he was fifteen he began to explore the city itself on his own. Because his mother was often busy teaching, Ethan had the freedom to go where he pleased when he pleased.
One day he saw a media outlet from the Desium Corp. on the lives of citizens on a large digital screen. Ethan was bewitched by the sight of the lives of those privelaged people. The clean air, clean water, and most importantly the Cyborgels. The mechanical marvels resembled the sky horrors that supposedly brought death and destruction when Ethan was young, but they were nothing like them. They brought capabilities that improved the lives of any human that had one. Everything was improved by having a cyborgel. He dreamed of living the lives of those people in that commercial. Coming from a household with a meager income, becoming a citizen became his goal.
His new goal caused a rift between him and his mother, who had strong and harsh feelings towards Desium Corp. The two would fight about this nonstop until Ethan turned eighteen and ran from his home. Eventually, he found transportation to one of the new cities. Stepping into the employment center he immediately applied for a job, intent on climbing the social ladder and becoming a full citizen. He was given a test, he took it, and was emplaced in the Services Division, as a mechanic.
It was a decision that Ethan came to have conflicted feelings about. His boss was a fat old administrator who sits on his desk napping. Hours were long and the work was grueling. Part orders were always delayed so items would never be fixed on time, which reflected poorly on Ethan's records and took him further from his dream.
However, he found that he had a knack for repairing damaged items and jerry-rigging things to work. He loved working with any and all products from the Desium Corp. Each damaged product was a complex puzzle that appealed to his need to solve problems. In the mornings he would go out to the nearby junkyards to recover anything useful, and would work all afternoon, with a smile, fixing things.
Sometimes he would even receive damaged Cyborgels. He would shake and jump in excitement with every opportunity he got to work with one. He studied their strange organic-metal biology. Questions like "How do they work?" "What makes them move?" spun in his mind. Every chance he got to work on the Cyborgel he would burn the midnight oil, learning as much as he could out of the mechanical marvel, while trying to repair its fault.
Although he was still far from his dream of living the life of a full citizen, Ethan found fulfillment in the present as a mechanic.
Fresh Water
His Boss
Other: None
22,224 | 641 | 9 | 191 | 241 | L'endroit qui était autrefois San Francisco,?C'est quoi, ça?C'est quoi, ça?
"Leviathan, un monstre marin mentionné dans l'Ancien Testament. Sa puissance et sa taille laissaient les humains dans l'admiration et dans l'incapacité de lui faire du mal. Plus important encore, Léviathan est aussi le nom de la maîtrise de Thomas Hobbes. » La voix désintéressée du marquis Kimaris a appelé dans la salle de rassemblement sombre, assis avec un genou levé à l'avant de tout, d'innombrables visages obscurcis par l'obscurité devant lui. C'est comme ça qu'il les préférait, tranquille et dans le noir. Tournant paresseusement une page du livre susmentionné, il continua.
« Apparemment, c'est assez profond, il a eu tout l'impact sur la politique telle qu'elle est connue. Est-ce que l'un d'entre vous l'a lu?" Il parla à la messe tranquille, leurs formes s'éloignant d'une bête assise. Le silence était sa réponse. "Ne le pensait pas..." Il soupirait. "Je viens juste de commencer, et de faire mon jugement sur la conclusion de Hobbes quand j'aurai fini." Il a cassé le livre, se déplaçant pour se tenir debout.
Les stagiaires n'avaient pas besoin de lui aujourd'hui, et ce n'était pas comme s'il avait beaucoup de devoir envers eux en premier lieu. Kimaris a aidé la nouvelle société simplement parce qu'il s'agissait d'un changement plus calme du chaos du monde, donc pensait ses « alliés » dans le cercle intérieur de la nouvelle société. Si c'était vrai, son aide était basée sur l'humeur, et son comportement n'illustrait que ce point. Alors que les stagiaires qui ont suivi sa formation le plus souvent se sont avérés être des pions humains utiles, il a parfois choisi ses autres passe-temps plutôt que d'enseigner aux humains comment se battre.
Il marcha à travers la foule silencieuse de stagiaires en uniforme et masqués vers la sortie des couloirs.
L'endroit qui était autrefois San Francisco, City Streets
La pluie s'est abattue à l'extérieur du bâtiment caché dans le secteur industriel, sans être remarquée par les passants. Kimaris a laissé sortir un huff, son souffle visible dans l'air froid. En ajustant son manteau d'hiver, il se prépara à se lancer dans le temps humide.
-- Est-ce que vous aurez besoin de transport, monsieur? L'accompagnateur de Kimaris lui a demandé d'aller de son côté, une personne formelle mais humble qu'il a trouvée. Elle n'a jamais été concernée par les formalités et les rendez-vous, où Kimaris était le contraire. Frustrant, de son point de vue, mais il a vu l'utilisation d'un journal en mouvement.
"Non, non. Je me sens comme une promenade. Retournez au bureau central. Appelez-moi si j'ai besoin d'être quelque part." Il a dit dédaigneusement, marchant devant la petite femme pouvait lui en dire plus.
Kimaris a joué un rôle important dans la création initiale de la Nouvelle Société, mais il était probablement le moins connu. Marcher parmi les humains était une chose inégalée pour lui, où pour d'autres il pourrait être plus enclin à attirer l'attention. N'importe qui qui se souvenait de Kimaris n'était pas susceptible de dire quoi que ce soit non plus, ce n'est pas comme si on cherchait activement quelqu'un comme lui de toute façon. Il n'avait tout simplement rien à offrir, contrairement au genre plus politique.
Comme tout ce que Kimaris a fait, il marchait parmi eux parce qu'il le pouvait, sentant le désir de simplement errer sans but pendant un certain temps. | Name: Kimaris
Gender: Male
Character Type: Demon
Appearance: In his human disguise, Kimaris (or simply Kim) comes across as a grumpy individual from appearance alone, but his face simply happens to have a frowning disposition, and his calm and controlled nature results in him rarely going beyond his 'default' expression. Kim has a subtle build, at first appearing rather unpowerful, but actually being anything but.
Career: Executive Office Official (Inner Circle)
Skills: Even without the abilities granted to him by his demonic state of being, Kimaris is an unrivalled warrior among the Host and demonic brethren. As well as having unending amounts of talent in matters of conflict, he is also very good at passing these skills down to his students. In stark contrast to this, he is a master of grammar, logic and rhetoric, and the matter of teaching these fields.
Supernatural Abilities:
Supernatural Condition: A blanket power covering Kimaris' superior physical capabilities, including senses. His strength, speed and durability dwarfs that of a humans by immeasurable leagues, capable of shrugging off standard bullet fire like rain and breaking bones in a single, half-hearted blow. In reality, it requires an entity on level with the most powerful angels to combat him on an even battlefield.
Flight: It's on the tin. Although Kimaris does have wings, they are simply for show. His flight is achieved through a form of limited telekinesis.
Black Steed: Kimaris' mount is more of a spiritual entity than an actual horse; an impenetrable black smog which takes the vague shape of a horse, charging at speeds even greater than what Kimaris' himself is capable of at a consistent rate. Rarely sees use.
Personality: Reclusive warrior with smarts & hoarding.
Bio: Marquis Kimaris earned his bit of Hell through unmatched fury and martial strength. All those that stood before Kimaris were swiftly crushed - but only if they stood before him. He was a solitary entity which only desired to have his own land to be solitary within, having no qualms against removing any who intended to disturb. Over time, he became recognized by those lesser and greater than himself as a being of note, even being integrated into the loose 'system' which eventually took root in hell as a Marquis with 20 legions of lesser demons under his rule, although through their own wish to be ruled by him.
Unknown to most of his brethren, Kimaris is quite the book worm. Part of the reason he is such a solitary entity is because of this, prefering to be left alone to study the vocations of rhetoric and logic. His skill as a warrior and a virtual force of nature in combat are the reasons he is valued, and as such he is only called upon for those talents - something Kimaris finds himself growing increasingly discontent with. Even in the days before Earth's meant-to-be destruction, he was made to teach countless humans how to fight like himself, a demon, with gun, sword, fist and bone should it be required.
When his former brothers and sisters of the host arrived, they found not only armed mortals, but a 'godly warrior' demon ready to strike them down. Even through the brainwashing and memory loss, some Cyborgels may have the vague image of Kimaris burnt into their mind.
Marquis Kimaris retains high prestige among his brothers and sisters in the New Society, kept close by the 'Inner Circle' but not treated as one of them. He is their shield against incursion, mentor of their finest agents and nothing else. However, Kimaris' loyalty could be in question. For all the efforts the New Society went through in creating this order, did the warrior lord truly care for any of it? If a new alternative were to present its self, who is to say he would not work against them like he worked against the Host?
Likes: Quiet, the freedom to act, philosophy, stand up comedy
Dislikes: Disturbances, futile conflicts, potatoes ("I am simply not fond of their taste.")
Theme Song:
Other: REBORN |
22,225 | 641 | 10 | 586 | 3,914 | - Une heure plus tôt...
Padding doucement, le chien gris et blanc moelleux se promène jusqu'à la bosse noire blottie sous une fenêtre du complexe d'appartements abandonné. Soufflant tranquillement, elle touche la main de la bosse, la dormant avec son nez. La masse, maintenant évidemment une personne, gémit et lève la tête, révélant les yeux grognon d'un jeune homme. "Hé, Sasha," il mute, frottant un œil avec une main gantée.
Atteindre, Zac gratte l'oreille du chien, la faisant serrer la tête contre sa paume. Souriant, Zac se tient debout et s'étire, seulement pour sentir la patte de Sasha à son tibia. En regardant vers le bas, il chuckles, voyant le regard sur le visage de son compagnon. « Je sais ce que vous voulez », dit-il, en entrant dans sa poche pour sortir un biscuit de chien.
La queue de Sasha se branle alors qu'elle s'habille, en regardant avec impatience la gâterie avant que Zac ne la jette à elle, en la baissant en l'éloignant de l'air. "Bonne fille," dit-il, en tapant la tête de Sasha avant de se tourner vers le côté de la fenêtre, où ce qui semblait être un sac de golf était assis. Il siffle par-dessus l'épaule, siffle, un seul, bref mot, et s'en va, son fidèle chien se rapproche à ses talons.
En sortant dans la pluie, il tire son capot et regarde autour de lui. Peu de gens étaient dehors et à peu près. Ceux d'entre eux étaient accompagnés de leurs mechangles. En entendant son chien gronder, Zac dit, "Easy, girl", ce qui rend instantanément Sasha tranquille. Une fois de plus fier de l'obéissance de Sasha, il marche dans la rue, choisissant une direction aléatoire, son compagnon se rapproche à ses talons.
- Présent...
Il ne savait pas comment, mais il avait d'une manière ou d'une autre atteint le bord de la ville, où toutes les parties moins belles étaient regroupées, comme pour cacher tout cela aux résidents plus riches. Soupirant, il s'assoit au sommet d'une colline surplombant un scrapyard. Sasha se couche à côté de lui, comme s'il s'ignorait de la pluie et du sol mouillé, grâce à sa fourrure épaisse. Zac chuckles et lui frotte le dos, en disant, "Je t'envie, fille."
C'est quand il regarda en arrière vers le scrapyard que Zac remarqua quelque chose qui se passait en dessous, grâce à une lueur de lumière. En regardant vers le bas, il voit un vieux robot soulever quelque chose devant lui. Suspicieux, il érafle son sac de golf, décompresse le haut, et tire quelque chose qui n'était évidemment pas pour un sport aussi détendu.
Agenouillé sur un genou, le coude appuyé sur l'autre genou, Zac regarde la portée de son fusil. S'il était quelqu'un d'autre, la vue d'un cyborgel ne l'aurait pas dérangé et il serait parti. Cependant, il n'est personne d'autre.
Après avoir tiré le boulon de son fusil et apporté un tour dans la chambre, il tire ses lunettes sur ses yeux, un affichage avec direction du vent, distance, et d'autres variables apparaissant sur sa vision automatiquement, et dit, "Sasha, garde."
Le chien comprend immédiatement et continue en alerte, ses yeux aiguisés balayant la zone autour d'eux, les oreilles percés pour tout son. Plaçant une confiance inébranlable en son fidèle ami, Zac observe que le Cyborgel parvient à se libérer. Alors, le surprendre jusqu'à ce qu'il réalise exactement quel genre de robots ils sont, les hommes poubelles reculent, regardant sur leurs épaules à la femme.
Abaissant son fusil, il contemple un moment avant de glisser son fusil dans son sac. Il dit : "Relax, Sasha." Se levant jusqu'à ses pieds, il glisse sur la colline et s'élance jusqu'à la clôture, son chien droit à ses talons. Une fois là-bas, il appelle le Cyborgel, "Hé! Tout va bien?"
Note: Coordonné avec Fée après beaucoup de confusion. Mais ça vaut le coup! :D | Name: Zacary 'Zac' Yoxall
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human Revolutionary (Military defector)
Description: The goggles that are usually either wrapped around his neck or the top of his head are high-tech remnants of when he was with the military (which he stole, of course). They eliminate the need for a spotter, analyzing wind direction and speed, as well as distance from himself to the target when sniping, although it provides no further assistance with aiming. He also has slight traces of cybernetics, although they were installed purely to repair nerve damage in his arm after being caught in a firefight and hidden under his skin.
Career: Ex-military sniper, now works with the Revolutionaries
Skills: -Excellent cook
-Elite-class sniper
-Proficient with various weapons and hand-to-hand, but best with sniper rifles
Personality: -Carefree
-Tends to not be very bright
Bio: Zac was raised in a well-to-do family. He had never wanted for anything, everything was readily provided by parents who tried too hard to please their only child and heir to their business. And he hated it.
His family had several Cyborgels as servants. Granted, he was always raised to believe they were demons who had come to destroy them all back when he was five, but he had never believed that. He wasn't sure how, but he had a feeling there was more to the Cyborgels than met the eye, but could never exactly put his finger on it.
When he was of age, mainly to get away from his posh lifestyle, he joined the military, where he excelled as a sniper. At first, it was all fine and dandy, protecting civilians from renegades and 'repurposed' Cyborgels who sought to do harm to innocents. That changed one day, during a brutal firefight between the Revolutionaries and the military.
He had been forced into close-quarters with a Cyborgel and, severely wounded in his right arm, was forced to chase her down. When he finally caught up to her and leveled his pistol at her, he saw something: a spark of life in her eyes. Seeing this, he let her go.
A month later, after his arm was repaired, he gathered his gear and seemingly vanished.
Likes: -Spicy food
-Sweet food
-Sour food
-Protecting the true innocents
Dislikes: -Rich people
-People who use power to get away with their crimes
-Bad cooks
Theme Song: Drawnonward by Jack Trammell
Other: Reborn! :D |
22,226 | 641 | 11 | 794 | 276 | Ce n'était pas la douleur physique qui a surpris Nemesis, plutôt, l'acte indésirable d'être accosté. Sa peau était si engourdie qu'elle sentait à peine les égratignures plus profondes sur ses biceps et ses épaules – elle se sentait un peu plus visqueuse que le sang sur les morceaux de son costume, mais la lubrification était plus l'avantage dans sa situation actuelle. Comme si par instinct, elle se concentrait sur le contrôle de sa réaction au métal gelé pressé contre son corps. Elle trembla, secoua, mais ne cria pas. Le cri serait la facilitation de ses plus grands ennemis, la douleur et la peur.
Non, au lieu de ça, elle a laissé sa rage prendre le contrôle. Il n'est pas venu dans une frénésie animaliste ou une brume rouge: c'était un état presque sans émotion à la surface. Sous ce placage frais, son cerveau fonctionnait dans un état accéléré de clarté malgré. Elle a vu l'épaisseur des plaques métalliques du robot couvrant son cadre et a su immédiatement que même avec un bras encore fonctionnel, déchirant à travers cette défense extérieure était impossible. Ce robot n'était pas une chose construite pour la vitesse ou même la force, mais la durabilité. Une telle création de faible entretien était-elle vraiment son adversaire final?
Très bien. Nemesis a atteint ses bras sur la lèvre de la main du robot, essayant de se positionner pour une frappe efficace. Je ne me soumettrai pas. Je me battrai jusqu'à ce que le conflit me prenne – mourir au repos les lauriers de mon passé n'était pas une fin convenable. Pourtant, même si elle pensait à une fin, elle s'efforçait d'un avenir. Son seul bras mécanique creusé dans le menton exposé dans le poignet du robot. Même dans son état brisé, sans valeur, l'acte était trop facile: les articulations étaient presque toujours les points faibles de tout robot, car ces pièces nécessitaient aussi le plus de flexibilité.
Les étincelles volaient comme des doigts de Nemesis, piqués dans le revêtement métallique protégeant les fils et déchirant les cordons. Immédiatement, la poignée qui la tenait est devenue boiteuse, et elle a commencé à glisser. Elle a maintenu une prise des fils, pendant un moment. Il n'était naturel que le robot contre-attaque, mais il n'a pas autant atteint pour elle avec son autre main. Même les robots environnants étaient simplement là, leurs petites têtes se branlant tellement qu'on aurait dit qu'ils dysfonctionnementaient.
Ce n'était pas le moment de gawk. Nemesis lâcha les fils, étendit ses jambes en atterrissant. Honnêtement, il n'y avait pas beaucoup d'écart entre la chose démantelée main et le sol, mais c'était une position naturelle adaptée pour éviter rapidement. Avec un bras manquant et une jambe gauche endommagée, elle n'avait pas en fait les moyens de se déplacer avec suffisamment de grâce pour être combative, mais son instinct de combat avait été douloureusement raffiné. Même si elle pouvait à peine bouger, elle ne donnerait pas l'apparence d'un tel jusqu'à ce qu'il soit impossible même de maintenir la prétention.
Courir n'était pas une option, donc elle a maintenu sa posture, les yeux pivotant autour tandis qu'elle a essayé de jauger l'étrange groupe de mouvement suivant. Est-ce qu'ils essaieraient de l'écraser avec leur pure messe? Ils n'ont pas l'air particulièrement rapides, mais il y en avait assez autour d'elle pour éviter d'être piétiné serait... difficile. Est-ce que l'un d'eux essaierait de l'attraper aussi, ou était-ce qu'ils avaient l'IA capable de changer de tactique? Est-ce qu'ils...
Ils viennent de reculer. Le sol tremblait alors que les robots se tapaient les épaules et se détournaient, leurs torses gras, ressemblant à des bennettes, ronflaient comme déçus. Nemesis clignait, ne comprenant pas comment tourner le dos aiderait leur lutte contre elle. Après avoir pris quelques pas, ils se retournèrent, regardant derrière leurs épaules d'une manière qui ne pouvait être décrite que comme attachante.
La position de Nemesis s'estompe. Est-ce que ça dysfonctionnementait? À quoi bon l'attraper pour la capturer s'ils s'enfuient, le second d'entre eux a - t - il été endommagé? Ils avaient tous les avantages de la détruire, mais ils étaient là, debout sous la pluie et la regardant en arrière comme... comme...
Comme ils me veulent. Nemesis a pressé sa main en métal contre le côté de sa tête, sentant un mal de tête qui arrive. Ce mot, le besoin, était un terme qu'elle connaissait, mais qu'elle n'avait jamais utilisé par rapport à elle-même. Elle ne voulait rien, et personne ne voulait rien d'elle. Son existence n'avait qu'un seul but, et l'accomplissement de ce but justifiait son existence.
Mais ça vient de faire une autre fausseté interne : si son but était de tester des drones et des équipements pour le laboratoire de robotique et qu'elle n'était plus là, pourquoi existait-elle encore? L'abîme a-t-il finalement décidé de la réclamer et elle ne l'a tout simplement pas réalisé?
Un étrange sentiment de peur s'est installé dans la fosse de son estomac. Elle avait choisi de sortir d'une tombe potentielle, celle que ses commandants avaient creusée pour elle. En essayant de revenir à un semblant d'eux, elle avait désobéi aux ordres mais n'avait tout simplement pas voulu le reconnaître. Elle voulait être nécessaire. Oui, c'était l'origine de sa confusion continue, pourquoi elle s'écartait de l'état d'esprit singulier de détruire chaque objet mécanique en vue.
Nemesis a laissé sa main en métal tomber sur son côté alors qu'elle regardait les éboueurs. Je veux exis...
Coucou! Tout va bien?Cette voix, c'était définitivement humain.
Nemesis a tourné son corps, une épaule face aux robots et l'autre face à l'étranger parce qu'elle ne pouvait pas prendre le risque d'avoir son dos tourné vers l'un ou l'autre. Une fois de plus, elle était confrontée à une situation bizarre, celle-ci étant humaine en sa présence alors qu'elle n'était pas retenue. Elle a pris les ordres d'eux, oui, les a regardés travailler sur son corps, mais il y avait toujours eu une compréhension qu'elle était quelque chose à ne jamais approcher sans prudence. Le tas de cadavres de drones ruinés derrière elle était probablement la raison pour laquelle.
Tout va bien... Le front de Nemesis sillonné alors qu'elle contemplait l'étrange question. Qu'est-ce qui était juste, exactement? Elle ne savait pas quel était son objectif actuel et, par conséquent, ne pouvait pas dire si elle effectuait son travail correctement. Alors que l'homme attendait sa réponse et que les robots (leur tête se branlait encore avec ces mouvements étranges) regardaient, Nemesis se tenait simplement là et ruminait sur la nature de la question.
Elle a été blessée — peut-être que c'était la nature de son enquête? Est-ce qu'un des scientifiques est enfin venu la réparer? Cette rencontre avec les robots a-t-elle été un test? Nemesis s'est regardée en bas, trouvant que son costume n'était pas plus que des lambeaux s'accrochant à sa poitrine et au sommet de ses bras et de ses jambes. Des coupes croisées traversèrent les bras, les jambes et les côtés, et se sont débrouillées dans tout ce qui était l'huile des robots ainsi que l'ordure de la jonque. Ses cheveux, plus comme une éponge maculée qui se gonflait, étaient rasés de sang, mais elle ne sentait aucune blessure à la tête. Cet état était-il acceptable? C'était une question stupide, c'était aux commandants de décider.
Nemesis a finalement tourné le dos aux robots, décidant que l'humain était sa priorité pour l'attention. Il faisait noir, donc elle ne pouvait toujours pas dire beaucoup de l'homme. Il avait quelque chose d'anormal sur la tête, mais autrement il ne ressemblait à rien de plus que les humains charnels et limbes qu'elle avait l'habitude de voir.
Sa réponse, après une analyse complète de la situation, de la question, et de l'asker, n'était pas du tout une réponse : « Veuillez rappeler la nature de l'enquête. »
OoC: J'ai coordonné avec Daxam pour le poste, donc merci pour votre patience, Daxam! | Name: Nemesis
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: What skin remains of Nemesis’ is pale and fair. Her head is mostly intact, though many parts of her skull and the majority of her spine have been replaced. She has one ear intact: the other is composed of a wireless receiver that connects deeper into her brain. All four of her limbs are mostly missing from her elbows and knees down—all that remains is bone that has been mostly supplanted by metal. She leans towards a lanky build, but the features of her face remain angelic, sporting a soft nose and chin. She is a natural redhead and has blue eyes.
As for wings—these have also been stripped down to bone and replaced with gears and joints to maintain their use (these have since been damaged and are inoperable in her current state). Oddly enough, her natural white feathers still grow from her bones and pockets of functional flesh.
These metal-plated bones (and various other parts of her limbs that are fully replaced by metal and mechanisms) have a copper color. As far as clothes, Nemesis wears whatever is required of the occasion, though her career has mostly dictated plain bodysuits and helmets.
Career: Nemesis was one of the angels whose mental adjustments did not go well. Having lost nearly everything that was her former life, all that remained was a passionate, burning rage. She was not compatible for service-related tasks, and rather than completely scrapping her, she was given a bodysuit and put into military testing for mechanized soldiers and untested military equipment. In simple terms, she was kept in captivity and released to tear apart robotic prototypes, thus exposing weaknesses while highlighting the strengths of each respective model.
Naturally, it was not a career she could last long in. Recovery that took weeks between trials became months as each fracture, rupture, and replacement became more complicated to repair. When she was deemed useless, her weapon implements (namely prototype blades) were removed and she was on the brink of being tossed away with the very same robotic ruins she’d destroyed.
This state of ruin, however, had sated the mindless vengeance she had survived with. Her temperament was mild, not far from comatose, and she was still capable of responding to orders. Given the money spent on her physical adjustments, the company is still in debate over whether she should be re-assigned or simply left to rot.
Bludgeoning: Close combat involving the use of fists is part of the reason she has no flesh left on her hands.
Sword Use: Close combat involving the use of mundane and plasma blades.
Supplemented Strength: Due to most of her skeletal and muscle structure being replaced by machinery, she has twice the strength of a normal man, allowing her to pry apart metal sheets and break small bricks.
Robotic Destruction: Taking apart experimental machinery has given her a refined approach to killing machines—she knows where the weakest points of most combat-related weaponry and mechs are, where their power sources are, and how to bypass impenetrable metal shells to disrupt their power sources.
Crystal-Code Reading: Due to an implant in her brain called the Crystex-Reader 430, she is capable of reading coded information burned onto Crystex Cores. Crystex Cores are banks of physical memory that can record most, if not all known medias. They are, however, formed from rare materials and require very specific devices to burn data onto them. For this reason, they are used almost exclusively in the military to record and share sensitive information.
In the case of Nemesis, the Crystex-Reader 430 was implanted directly into her brain. It can read Crystex Cores inserted into the device that was once her ear (referenced above) and relay the information at will to her brain. Her brain still has to read and process the information, but this was a very direct means of teaching her how to use equipment that was later applied to her body to be tested.
Supernatural Abilities: Flight—one would assume.
Bio: Nemesis has only recently come to recall shreds of her past—with her body broken, she had nothing left but to ruminate on her own existence. She knows that, to some extent, she was once a leader responsible for dispatching troops, but who she may have commanded and for what reason she cannot recall. She has the vague understanding that she was once a whole being, without machinery, and that thought alone had caused the rage that sustained her through so much bodily damage.
Apart from those vague facts, she is left only with procedural memory: to respond immediately to commands without question was ingrained into her long before she became a testing puppet for the government. Her grace with the blade has also always been natural to her, and on occasion, she finds herself ruminating on things she has no former recollection or context of, like the patterns of the stars.
Likes: Standing over dismantled robotic foes, warm temperatures, physical exercise, puzzles that blueprints present, and examining objects she has not yet seen before.
Dislikes: Medical centers, animals (she cannot comprehend them), sleep, situations that do not have a very specific objective to accomplish.
Theme Song: Beyond that Prayer
Other: REBORN |
22,227 | 641 | 12 | 1,792 | 1,123 | Yuri a finalement atteint l'allée d'où viennent les cris. Il pouvait voir un hoverbike garé derrière un restaurant lumineux qui était adjacent à l'allée. L'allée elle-même était assez sombre pour obscurcir la vision, mais les Russes ont vu des lumières venant de l'intérieur de la zone sombre. Yuri s'est demandé si quelqu'un avait des ennuis et a sorti un pistolet au cas où. L'arme était vieille école, probablement seulement bon pour tuer des civils qui n'avaient pas Mechanges les protéger.
À l'approche, Yuri a essayé d'évaluer la situation. Grâce à la lumière émise, le Russe a pu voir une personne qui opérait sur un... Cyborgel rejeté? Les Russes maudits silencieusement. Il a été battu au punch par un grand mâle aux cheveux blonds courts portant une salopette verte. La personne en question semblait être un mécanicien et de ce dont Yuri pouvait se souvenir, les salopettes vertes étaient l'uniforme pour les mécaniciens de Desium Corp. L'ennemi.
Yuri a pensé à sortir ce mécanicien de Desium Corp. et libérer le Cyborgel, mais le mécanicien pourrait être armé. Il a l'élément de surprise, mais quand même, un meurtre serait risqué et pourrait attirer l'attention indésirable. Tandis que le révolutionnaire continuait à observer secrètement le mécanicien, une pensée lui vint. Que faisait le mécanicien? Il semblait fixer le Cyborgel, une série obsolète qui devrait être jetée loin pour ne plus jamais être touchée. Est-ce qu'il recherchait le Cyborgel pour des pièces? Le mécanicien ne semblait rien prendre. En fait, il semblait attendre que le robot redémarre.
Avec ces pensées, Yuri a décidé de tenir. Attendre que le mécanicien du Desium Corp. finisse et voit ce qui se passerait ensuite. | Name: Yuri Volkova
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
Description: Standing at 5'9, Yuri has a well-built body thanks to his time in the military. Since he is in Russia, he usually wears thick or furry clothing for the cold but will readily ditch it when he goes to somewhere warmer. Like a stereotypical Russian, Yuri really likes ushankas and will wear them whenever possible and when it does not get in the way.
Career: Former military. Currently a Revolutionary.
*Expert melee combatant (especially with his tomahawk-knife combo)
*Average marksmanship
*Can rally people with speeches
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Yuri was born 4 years before the angels came in a rural village in Russia. There he was taught patience, hard work and other idealistic virtues which Yuri brought with him as he aged. When he was 15 years old and right when Cyborgels were being handed out, he went to St. Petersburg to get higher education where he met Friedrich Kroenen, a German just two years older than him, who is also studying there until he could get back to Germany. The two became great friends because of their shared interest in philosophy.
Both enlisted in the military to keep the citizens of New Society safe from the radical revolutionaries. Both became close to the unit they were assigned to and both seemed on the way to becoming fire-forged brothers. However, Yuri was a big fan of conspiracies and liked looking into things beyond what they looked like. The Russian was once anti-angel and was glad they were defeated for he thought their heavenly appearance were lies and readily believed the words against them.
But one thing bugged Yuri. How and where did the anti-angel weaponry came from? And why were there Cyborgels, androids that looked like the enemy? There were reasons but Yuri found them lacking to have servants modeled after the enemy. Because of this, Yuri and other like-minded individuals in his unit, tried to delve deeper. He invited Friedrich in the search for the truth but unfortunately his German friend did not share his ideals and, under orders from the higher-ups, had Yuri detained.
Or at least tried to have Yuri detained. The Russian caught wind of this and fled with the other associates. Yuri went low in Russia for a while and continued to search for the truth. It was then he managed to get a hold of a friendly revolutionary who told him the whole story of what happened to the angels. Yuri was a bit skeptical at first but believed in it after connections from the story and the current things made perfect sense.
Days after the revelation, Yuri decided to return to his home village to start spreading the word of the revolutionaries. However, he found his village under attack from the military... with Friedrich Kroenen at the lead. Trying to detain him was one thing but Yuri could not believe his former friend would lay waste on his village. Yuri could only watch as his home burned and his family put to death. The Russian swore he would get revenge and the fates blessed him with an opportunity when Friedrich's unit decided to take a rest in the village's ruins.
Using his training and knowledge of the military, the element of surprise some well-placed explosives, he managed to take out his friend's troops and also set Friedrich on fire via Molotov Cocktail. His former friend managed to douse himself with a nearby puddle before running towards the woods. Yuri chased after him ultimately lost him to the woods' fog.
Knowing that his traitorous friend was probably still alive, Yuri officially joined the revolutionaries to fight for the oppressed angels and the deceived mankind and in the hopes he would encounter his friend again. He fought the military arm of New Society continuously, while hearing about a captain among them wearing a gas mask, to where he is now, hoping to meet Friedrich Kroenen for one last reunion.
-Desium Corp.
-New Society
-Friedrich Kroenen
Theme Song:
"We were lied to. All this time we've been fighting the wrong enemy. The angels really have come to bring us, humanity, salvation. To deliver us to the next world. And what did we, humanity, do? We looked the other way. We listened to the venomous lies of opportunists, of power-hungry men, of demons in human flesh. We fought against our saviors and enslaved every last one of them. Turned them into mindless servants for us, humanity, who then indulged in the many sinful vices of life and forgot the virtues of our great ancestor heroes.
But the fight is not over. Once the true revolution begins, the world will be REBORN anew and the facade of peace Desium Corp. imposes will come crashing down! The angels will once again take their rightful place as judges and... I hope they forgive us for what we've done. Though I will not be surprised if they do not, if they condemn us all to Hell. It is what we deserve after all, after our numerous blasphemies and pain we've caused them." |
22,228 | 641 | 13 | 1,700 | 2,650 | Ça ne me dérangerait pas non plus de te regarder partir. Je me demande ce que le grand patron penserait? C'est vrai.
"Mery, vous savez très bien, en vertu de notre accord sur le lieu de travail, que j'ai droit à mon déjeuner et à mes pauses-thés", a parlé Lexie alors qu'elle se déplaçait dans sa chaise, déplaçant des morceaux de papier d'un endroit à l'autre et les agrafant ensemble lorsqu'ils semblaient correspondre. Elle a levé les yeux et a vu Mery avec un regard sévère sur son visage comme pour dire 'J'attends le retour', "J'ai juste eu ma pause à mon bureau, si j'ai le droit de faire ça?"
Lexie a pris les documents qu'elle avait ensemble et les a placés dans un dossier de voyage zippé. Alors qu'elle se levait de son bureau, elle marchait vers l'ascenseur, passant devant Mery sans même reconnaître sa présence. Avec une touche douce, elle a appuyé sur le bouton et a attendu que l'ascenseur annonce son arrivée avec une sonorité calme et un bruit émouvant des portes. Lexie est entrée et a tenu son doigt sur le bouton portes ouvertes, attendant que son collègue travaille pour finalement avoir l'indice qu'il était temps de quitter le travail pour la journée. Mery a marché à l'intérieur et s'est positionnée sur le mur arrière hors de la vue de Lexie, mais visible à travers les reflets de porte métalliques.
"Et alors?" Elle a parlé, fendant le silence comme le tonnerre plus tôt ce jour-là, "Quels plans avez-vous pour votre jour de congé?"
Un peu plus tard
Lexie sortit de l'ascenseur et se dirigea vers les portes avant, fumant alors qu'elle laissait une collègue stupéfaite là-bas en état de choc. Mery se frottait doucement la joue après la gifle qu'elle avait reçue, probablement pour avoir posé une question inappropriée mais qui savait ce qu'on disait au sein du concessionnaire en acier confiné.
Les portes de la tour s'ouvraient alors que Lexie sortait dans les rues froides et humides. Rapidement, elle s'est précipitée sur la route, tenant son dossier au-dessus de sa tête pour repousser une partie de la pluie qui tombait. Elle a rapidement esquivé les voitures stationnaires jusqu'à ce qu'elle arrive sur le trottoir de l'autre côté et fasse un pas dans une flaque. L'eau s'éclaboussait dans l'air et sur un piéton voisin.
"Damn", elle l'entendit murmurer alors qu'elle regardait vers le haut pour voir son pantalon trempé. Il avait l'air énervé, comme si quelqu'un essayait de se promener. Il a couru les mains dans ses cheveux roux, montrant la frustration de ce qui venait de se passer. | Name: Lexie Bristol
Gender: Female
Character Type: Demon
Unlike many other demons, Lexie has a demonic form that looks more human like than demon.
Career: Secretary to a Desium Corp Manager within the weapons sales division.
- Excellence in hand to hand combat with additional melee weapons training.
- The ability to monitor various sectors of the city through sales and distribution of their goods. If a section becomes too hot or too cold an inquiry is produced to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Supernatural Abilities:
- When in Release form she is able to vastly increase her strength and speed as well as summon her personal, demonic weapon "Loutka".
- Lexie owns a special axe known as "Loutka" that was forged from Hell itself. The axe is also viewed as a cursed weapon because of what happens when the wielder spills their own blood onto the blade, and only after an injury has been inflicted upon a victim. When these two steps are complete the axe head will begin to glow a brilliant white and lock the two fighters into a joint unison for only a maximum of a few minutes. Any injuries inflicted upon the wielder will be mirrored back onto the joined victim as well. In essence, the wielder becomes a temporary voodoo doll for the victim as "Loutka" believes each time it draws blood off the wielder, it is attacking the other person. This spell however has a long cool down period where the weapon and wielder must rest.
- Although not used often when she is in her Release form she is able to flick out her hand in order to shoot a plasma, energy ball.
Personality: Calm and assertive but when in Release form she can often appear insane.
Bio: Lexie, being within the sales division, is able to monitor the traffic and sales of their products to both demons and humans. Mostly this was used to help their marketing department in order to control where they need to advertise and ship their goods. Occasionally though, thanks to rebels and black market dealers, some of their deliveries would go missing with couriers winding up dead or dismantled. This is where she would be sent on special assignments to simply retrieve what rightfully belonged to Desium Corp. After all, it isn't easy explaining a 1 million dollar stock loss to the company.
Outside of work she enjoys the underground life of the city, often venturing into raves deep within abandoned car parks under the city buildings or pits where disposed Cyborgels were forced to fight against each other or demons for illegal betting. These environments allowed her to feel more at home with the chaos and despair that they spilled out while reminding her of the past where the demons won against the angels.
She owns an apartment near a top level of one of the City towers. The view gives her the feel that she like a god looking down on her people, judging the and watching them like ants
Likes: Art, Wine, Dancing
Dislikes: Cats (It's a demon thing), Milk
Theme Song: Duality - Slipknot
Other: Trivia - Loutka in Czech means Puppet
Reborn |
22,229 | 641 | 14 | 586 | 3,914 | -- Eh bien, pas la réponse que je cherchais, mais au moins elle peut parler, mutters de Zac, être en mesure de voir son état blessé et déshonoré même d'où il se trouvait.
En entendant le hochet de la clôture à maillons en chaîne, il regarde vers le bas pour voir Sasha squirming à travers l'ouverture le Cyborgel avait fait des moments avant. Une fois à travers, elle trotte jusqu'au Cyborgel et renifle à ses coupures, pleurnichant doucement. Zac s'incline tranquillement à la vue avant d'enfiler son sac à dos de son épaule gauche. Un moment plus tard, il tire un jeu portatif de coupe-fils de la poche latérale et se met au travail sur la clôture.
Quelques instants plus tard, il glisse à travers l'écart qu'il avait fait du trou et se dirige vers le Cyborgel, glissant les coupe-fils dans sa poche alors que Sasha le rencontre à quelques pieds de là. S'arrêtant à côté de son chien, il regarde le Cyborgel et les mutters, "Peut-être quelque chose de plus technique fonctionnerait..." Enlevant sa gorge, il demande alors, "Donnez-moi un, euh... rapport de dommage?" | Name: Zacary 'Zac' Yoxall
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human Revolutionary (Military defector)
Description: The goggles that are usually either wrapped around his neck or the top of his head are high-tech remnants of when he was with the military (which he stole, of course). They eliminate the need for a spotter, analyzing wind direction and speed, as well as distance from himself to the target when sniping, although it provides no further assistance with aiming. He also has slight traces of cybernetics, although they were installed purely to repair nerve damage in his arm after being caught in a firefight and hidden under his skin.
Career: Ex-military sniper, now works with the Revolutionaries
Skills: -Excellent cook
-Elite-class sniper
-Proficient with various weapons and hand-to-hand, but best with sniper rifles
Personality: -Carefree
-Tends to not be very bright
Bio: Zac was raised in a well-to-do family. He had never wanted for anything, everything was readily provided by parents who tried too hard to please their only child and heir to their business. And he hated it.
His family had several Cyborgels as servants. Granted, he was always raised to believe they were demons who had come to destroy them all back when he was five, but he had never believed that. He wasn't sure how, but he had a feeling there was more to the Cyborgels than met the eye, but could never exactly put his finger on it.
When he was of age, mainly to get away from his posh lifestyle, he joined the military, where he excelled as a sniper. At first, it was all fine and dandy, protecting civilians from renegades and 'repurposed' Cyborgels who sought to do harm to innocents. That changed one day, during a brutal firefight between the Revolutionaries and the military.
He had been forced into close-quarters with a Cyborgel and, severely wounded in his right arm, was forced to chase her down. When he finally caught up to her and leveled his pistol at her, he saw something: a spark of life in her eyes. Seeing this, he let her go.
A month later, after his arm was repaired, he gathered his gear and seemingly vanished.
Likes: -Spicy food
-Sweet food
-Sour food
-Protecting the true innocents
Dislikes: -Rich people
-People who use power to get away with their crimes
-Bad cooks
Theme Song: Drawnonward by Jack Trammell
Other: Reborn! :D |
22,230 | 641 | 15 | 794 | 276 | Les yeux bleus de Nemesis s'élargissaient alors que... la chose se pressait à travers la clôture, profondément perturbée. Ce n'était ni robot ni humain, mais une créature bizarre et erratique, et elle ne voulait pas qu'elle soit près d'elle. Malheureusement, elle n'avait pas vraiment le choix. Avec un peu de difficulté, elle se leva de sa position de combat, utilisant son seul bras pour l'aider à redresser sa jambe gauche. Pendant ce temps, l'homme semblait s'aventurer à travers la clôture, et elle ressentait une étrange poussée de soulagement. Elle était sur le point d'être récupérée?
Quel que soit l'espoir qu'elle aurait pu avoir sur le visage aplati quand l'homme a demandé un rapport de dommages. Pour la première fois qu'elle se rappelait, elle divertit l'idée de mentir. Après tout, si elle était trop gravement endommagée, ne la laisserait-il pas pourrir comme les scientifiques l'avaient fait? Ou peut-être la nature de sa question était-elle plus bénigne, voulait-il simplement s'assurer que sa capacité de percevoir et de traiter était intacte? Nemesis a examiné ce qu'elle pouvait faire de son visage, mais l'expression légère qu'il avait n'a pas du tout aidé son dilemme.
Elle est allée honnêtement, en commençant par le pire. Bien que sa voix semblait tout à fait naturelle, comme celle d'une femme, son ton restait assez monotone pour imiter un ordinateur. La température interne du corps est critique. Les récepteurs neuronaux dans la fixation de la jambe gauche, les ports z32 et z37 sont endommagés; la mobilité est gravement altérée. Ligaments d'escadre et engins opérationnels endommagés; capacité de vol impossible. Lésions cutanées modérées, perte de sang significative : le temps estimé avant la défaillance critique du système est inférieur à une heure.
Dans une après-pensée, le ton dans sa voix s'est levé incomfortablement. "J'ai besoin d'aide." | Name: Nemesis
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: What skin remains of Nemesis’ is pale and fair. Her head is mostly intact, though many parts of her skull and the majority of her spine have been replaced. She has one ear intact: the other is composed of a wireless receiver that connects deeper into her brain. All four of her limbs are mostly missing from her elbows and knees down—all that remains is bone that has been mostly supplanted by metal. She leans towards a lanky build, but the features of her face remain angelic, sporting a soft nose and chin. She is a natural redhead and has blue eyes.
As for wings—these have also been stripped down to bone and replaced with gears and joints to maintain their use (these have since been damaged and are inoperable in her current state). Oddly enough, her natural white feathers still grow from her bones and pockets of functional flesh.
These metal-plated bones (and various other parts of her limbs that are fully replaced by metal and mechanisms) have a copper color. As far as clothes, Nemesis wears whatever is required of the occasion, though her career has mostly dictated plain bodysuits and helmets.
Career: Nemesis was one of the angels whose mental adjustments did not go well. Having lost nearly everything that was her former life, all that remained was a passionate, burning rage. She was not compatible for service-related tasks, and rather than completely scrapping her, she was given a bodysuit and put into military testing for mechanized soldiers and untested military equipment. In simple terms, she was kept in captivity and released to tear apart robotic prototypes, thus exposing weaknesses while highlighting the strengths of each respective model.
Naturally, it was not a career she could last long in. Recovery that took weeks between trials became months as each fracture, rupture, and replacement became more complicated to repair. When she was deemed useless, her weapon implements (namely prototype blades) were removed and she was on the brink of being tossed away with the very same robotic ruins she’d destroyed.
This state of ruin, however, had sated the mindless vengeance she had survived with. Her temperament was mild, not far from comatose, and she was still capable of responding to orders. Given the money spent on her physical adjustments, the company is still in debate over whether she should be re-assigned or simply left to rot.
Bludgeoning: Close combat involving the use of fists is part of the reason she has no flesh left on her hands.
Sword Use: Close combat involving the use of mundane and plasma blades.
Supplemented Strength: Due to most of her skeletal and muscle structure being replaced by machinery, she has twice the strength of a normal man, allowing her to pry apart metal sheets and break small bricks.
Robotic Destruction: Taking apart experimental machinery has given her a refined approach to killing machines—she knows where the weakest points of most combat-related weaponry and mechs are, where their power sources are, and how to bypass impenetrable metal shells to disrupt their power sources.
Crystal-Code Reading: Due to an implant in her brain called the Crystex-Reader 430, she is capable of reading coded information burned onto Crystex Cores. Crystex Cores are banks of physical memory that can record most, if not all known medias. They are, however, formed from rare materials and require very specific devices to burn data onto them. For this reason, they are used almost exclusively in the military to record and share sensitive information.
In the case of Nemesis, the Crystex-Reader 430 was implanted directly into her brain. It can read Crystex Cores inserted into the device that was once her ear (referenced above) and relay the information at will to her brain. Her brain still has to read and process the information, but this was a very direct means of teaching her how to use equipment that was later applied to her body to be tested.
Supernatural Abilities: Flight—one would assume.
Bio: Nemesis has only recently come to recall shreds of her past—with her body broken, she had nothing left but to ruminate on her own existence. She knows that, to some extent, she was once a leader responsible for dispatching troops, but who she may have commanded and for what reason she cannot recall. She has the vague understanding that she was once a whole being, without machinery, and that thought alone had caused the rage that sustained her through so much bodily damage.
Apart from those vague facts, she is left only with procedural memory: to respond immediately to commands without question was ingrained into her long before she became a testing puppet for the government. Her grace with the blade has also always been natural to her, and on occasion, she finds herself ruminating on things she has no former recollection or context of, like the patterns of the stars.
Likes: Standing over dismantled robotic foes, warm temperatures, physical exercise, puzzles that blueprints present, and examining objects she has not yet seen before.
Dislikes: Medical centers, animals (she cannot comprehend them), sleep, situations that do not have a very specific objective to accomplish.
Theme Song: Beyond that Prayer
Other: REBORN |
22,231 | 641 | 16 | 1,949 | 2,861 | Mery est sortie de l'ascenseur et a regardé sa collègue partir. Elle s'est encore frottée la joue, un grand grognement qui monte dans sa gorge et ses yeux changent jusqu'à ce qu'ils soient complètement noirs.
"Petite pute." Sa voix s'est évanouie, qui s'était déplacée vers quelque chose de moins qu'humain. Lexie paierait pour cet acte de manque de respect. C'est alors que Mery a décidé qu'il était temps de montrer à cette enfant insolente avec qui elle s'occupe. Peut-être pas maintenant, mais elle souffrirait quand le moment est venu. Elle regarda à l'extérieur, le pigment s'évanouissant de sa peau alors qu'elle tremblait avec le léger changement. C'est vrai qu'elle n'allait pas entrer dans cette putain de ville. Des vers pathétiques et insignifiants avec leurs Mechangels si spéciaux sont sortis là-bas et elle a répugné à être dans cette peau plus longtemps.
Ses yeux ébènes se rétrécissaient à la surface réfléchissante à côté de l'ascenseur et elle marchait vers lui. Elle a disparu à travers la réflexion, emmenant ses affaires loin de la saleté des humains qu'elle regardait.
Pendant ce temps, la pluie est tombée plus durement, faisant fuir les gens à l'intérieur avec leurs Mechanges alors que les deux démons à l'extérieur interagissent. Ils sont maintenant seuls.
Une autre paire d'yeux regardés de loin.
Avec une lente traînée sur sa cigarette, l'inspecteur Jacobi Noire est resté squatté sous le surplomb et a regardé les deux personnes, l'un clairement un cyborgel et l'autre un humain, interagir. Intéressant comment ils semblaient être à l'aise avec la présence des autres. Tout compte fait, le garçon devrait avoir plus que peur d'elle. Après tout, elle a arraché la main de ce pauvre Garbage Man. Mais alors, pourquoi ça effrayerait un tireur d'élite militaire de Desium Corp? L'inspecteur a tapé un fichier au sol, CONFIDENTIEL estampillé en caractères gras et rouges sur le devant. Il était loin et aperçoit des débris. Pour l'instant, il resterait inaperçu, et cela allait bien pour lui. Il a l'impression qu'il y avait quelque chose, et qu'il allait le découvrir.
Son pixiebot brillait dans son oreille et il regardait par-dessus, ses yeux dorés affichaient un hologramme projectif lisant « Message de : Chef ». Il cramponne sa langue et soupire pendant qu'il sort sa cigarette. "Mareesa," Il a commencé tranquillement. Garde un œil sur ces deux-là. Rends-moi ce que tu vois."
-- Monsieur, oui, monsieur! J'ai chié le bot de pixie. Elle le salua de la manière la plus perky possible et s'inclina vers l'endroit où Jacobi avait regardé à travers. L'inspecteur s'est tenu et s'est étendu avant de lui coller les mains dans les poches et de commencer à retourner au bureau. "Trouvez-moi plus tard, Willya?" Il a demandé, griffant l'arrière de sa tête et commençant une nouvelle cigarette. "Nous avons beaucoup de paperasse sur les mains..."
Le pixiebot a chiré dans la confirmation, et a commencé à enregistrer les interactions des deux ci-dessous.
Un son scintillant vient du Cyborgel.
"Reboot complet!" Au lieu de la voix robotique, elle est sortie, celle qui avait glissé. Ses yeux revinrent à la vie, une mousse de mer pétillante, et trouvèrent les siens. Elle clignait un moment, puis regardait autour de lui, la pluie maintenant effectivement trempé ses cheveux aussi verts. Un son bip est venu de l'arrière de son cou, ce qui l'a amenée à émettre un autre son robotique.
"Trois. Les formes de vie. Détecté." Une détection confuse, quant à l'homme qui venait de la réparer, il était le seul dans la ruelle. Bien qu'il y ait une souris à proximité... mais ça n'explique pas le troisième. Elle leva les doigts sur ses lèvres rose pâle, surprise comme si le mouvement avait été involontaire. Elle avait l'air si... confuse. -- Où suis-je... qui êtes-vous? Et maintenant effrayé. Elle regarda l'homme qui venait de la réparer et fit un pas en arrière, ses mains s'accrochèrent contre sa poitrine alors qu'elle frappait de nouveau le mur arrière. "P... S'il vous plaît..." Sa voix trembla. "Ne me faites pas de mal." | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Much, MUCH better. Very realistic for the setting they're in. You are accepted! |
22,232 | 641 | 17 | 1,888 | 134 | Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? C'était soudain, il pensait que le Cyborangel s'était rétréci. Le câble attaché à elle et son holopad s'est détaché alors qu'elle frappait le mur.
Il la regarda et sentit un sentiment de pitié. Sa posture, le regard terrifié sur son visage, sa voix tremblante reflétaient une véritable peur.
L'expression d'Ethan est devenue triste. Il était sur le point de lever une main pour la réconforter, mais s'arrêta et secoua la tête. L'expression de la pitié s'est rapidement transformée en tristesse.
"Daman! Je n'ai jamais vu un Cyborangel exprimer des émotions aussi vives et explicites. On dirait que les mises à niveau fonctionnent. Toute sa réaction était si vive qu'elle m'a presque fait penser qu'elle était une vraie personne! » Il a réfléchi.
Un petit sourire s'est développé sur son visage. "Ethan Everux tu t'es vraiment surpassé avec celui-ci," il s'est moqué de lui-même.
Il a fait un pas en avant et a offert un coup de main. "C'est irréel! Pour un robot organique, j'ai l'impression de parler à une personne vivante et pas à une machine réactive. Je me demande à quel point son AI réagit bien aux émotions humaines. Une seule façon de le savoir », pensait-il heureux.
"Ne t'inquiète pas! Je suis Ethan. Quel est votre nom?" lui a - t - il demandé. | Name: Ethan Everux
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human; Not a full citizen but works for Desium Corp.
Ethan is a blond, caucasian male who is 5'11. His eyes are a dark brown. His hair is short and often dirty from the residue in the repairshop. On the job he wears a wifebeater, loose trousers, and an old set of military boots he bought from the local exchange store. The work gloves he uses are a size too big for his hands.
When he is off-work he typically switches to a set of more fashionable clothes. He enjoys wearing tight-fitting blue-jeans or tan-chinos complimented by a button-up shirt with rolled sleeves.
Career: Mechanic for Desium Corp.
Technical Knowledge of Desium Corp. Goods: Ethan is extremely knowledgable on most products that come from the Desium Corp. which are pretty much all the products in the world. He gets this knowledge from his daily routine which consists of receiving faulty goods and repairing them to be refurbished or returned. He has worked with anything from guns, cars, computers, musical instruments, portable stoves, and even some Cybergels. If Desium Corp. makes it then Ethan can identify it, figure out how to fix it, and have a relatively good idea of how it works.
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Personality: Messy, Loud-mouth, Cheerful, Idealist, Sympathetic
Bio: Ethan was born a few years before the arrival of the "demons" in the city of Hong Kong. He can trace his genealogy back to the first British colonists of the 19th Century. His mother is an english teacher for the local school. He never knew his father and his mother never spoke of him.
Ethan and his mother lived in a small two room apartment in the old highrises of the city. Always the curious child he eagerly explored the mostly abandoned highrise. He would spend his childhood with the local street urchins walking up the stairs and exploring abandoned rooms. By the time he was fifteen he began to explore the city itself on his own. Because his mother was often busy teaching, Ethan had the freedom to go where he pleased when he pleased.
One day he saw a media outlet from the Desium Corp. on the lives of citizens on a large digital screen. Ethan was bewitched by the sight of the lives of those privelaged people. The clean air, clean water, and most importantly the Cyborgels. The mechanical marvels resembled the sky horrors that supposedly brought death and destruction when Ethan was young, but they were nothing like them. They brought capabilities that improved the lives of any human that had one. Everything was improved by having a cyborgel. He dreamed of living the lives of those people in that commercial. Coming from a household with a meager income, becoming a citizen became his goal.
His new goal caused a rift between him and his mother, who had strong and harsh feelings towards Desium Corp. The two would fight about this nonstop until Ethan turned eighteen and ran from his home. Eventually, he found transportation to one of the new cities. Stepping into the employment center he immediately applied for a job, intent on climbing the social ladder and becoming a full citizen. He was given a test, he took it, and was emplaced in the Services Division, as a mechanic.
It was a decision that Ethan came to have conflicted feelings about. His boss was a fat old administrator who sits on his desk napping. Hours were long and the work was grueling. Part orders were always delayed so items would never be fixed on time, which reflected poorly on Ethan's records and took him further from his dream.
However, he found that he had a knack for repairing damaged items and jerry-rigging things to work. He loved working with any and all products from the Desium Corp. Each damaged product was a complex puzzle that appealed to his need to solve problems. In the mornings he would go out to the nearby junkyards to recover anything useful, and would work all afternoon, with a smile, fixing things.
Sometimes he would even receive damaged Cyborgels. He would shake and jump in excitement with every opportunity he got to work with one. He studied their strange organic-metal biology. Questions like "How do they work?" "What makes them move?" spun in his mind. Every chance he got to work on the Cyborgel he would burn the midnight oil, learning as much as he could out of the mechanical marvel, while trying to repair its fault.
Although he was still far from his dream of living the life of a full citizen, Ethan found fulfillment in the present as a mechanic.
Fresh Water
His Boss
Other: None
22,233 | 641 | 18 | 586 | 3,914 | Zac exhale fortement, frottant l'arrière de sa tête. "C'est un problème," mutters-t-il, "d'autant plus que je n'ai aucune idée de ce que tu as dit."
En marchant vers le Cyborgel, il la regarde, en prêtant une attention particulière aux parties qu'il connaissait, celles qui étaient organiques. « J'ai suivi une formation médicale, dit-il, mais seulement assez pour stabiliser un être organique. Donc tout ce que je peux vraiment vous aider, ce sont vos coupures, vos gazhes et tout ce qu'il n'y a pas. Quant à votre cybernétique, nous devrons trouver quelqu'un d'autre pour gérer ça, mais je pense que ça peut attendre. Je vais voir si je ne peux pas faire une béquille pour vous hors de quelque chose ici en attendant. Le plus gros problème serait votre température interne."
Il l'ouvre et sort un petit kit de secourisme. Le tenant par la poignée, il se hoche vers la colline d'où il venait, en disant, "Si vous me suivez là-bas, je peux vous faire cousu et bandé vers le haut, alors nous pouvons trouver ce qu'il faut faire ensuite." Il regarde alors la souche où l'un de ses bras devrait être et demande, "Vous ne sauriez pas où est votre bras, n'est-ce pas?" | Name: Zacary 'Zac' Yoxall
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human Revolutionary (Military defector)
Description: The goggles that are usually either wrapped around his neck or the top of his head are high-tech remnants of when he was with the military (which he stole, of course). They eliminate the need for a spotter, analyzing wind direction and speed, as well as distance from himself to the target when sniping, although it provides no further assistance with aiming. He also has slight traces of cybernetics, although they were installed purely to repair nerve damage in his arm after being caught in a firefight and hidden under his skin.
Career: Ex-military sniper, now works with the Revolutionaries
Skills: -Excellent cook
-Elite-class sniper
-Proficient with various weapons and hand-to-hand, but best with sniper rifles
Personality: -Carefree
-Tends to not be very bright
Bio: Zac was raised in a well-to-do family. He had never wanted for anything, everything was readily provided by parents who tried too hard to please their only child and heir to their business. And he hated it.
His family had several Cyborgels as servants. Granted, he was always raised to believe they were demons who had come to destroy them all back when he was five, but he had never believed that. He wasn't sure how, but he had a feeling there was more to the Cyborgels than met the eye, but could never exactly put his finger on it.
When he was of age, mainly to get away from his posh lifestyle, he joined the military, where he excelled as a sniper. At first, it was all fine and dandy, protecting civilians from renegades and 'repurposed' Cyborgels who sought to do harm to innocents. That changed one day, during a brutal firefight between the Revolutionaries and the military.
He had been forced into close-quarters with a Cyborgel and, severely wounded in his right arm, was forced to chase her down. When he finally caught up to her and leveled his pistol at her, he saw something: a spark of life in her eyes. Seeing this, he let her go.
A month later, after his arm was repaired, he gathered his gear and seemingly vanished.
Likes: -Spicy food
-Sweet food
-Sour food
-Protecting the true innocents
Dislikes: -Rich people
-People who use power to get away with their crimes
-Bad cooks
Theme Song: Drawnonward by Jack Trammell
Other: Reborn! :D |
22,234 | 641 | 19 | 191 | 241 | De l'eau sur son pantalon. Il avait souffert pire, bien pire, dans le passé et s'était déplacé au-delà d'une si petite dispute. Avec un shrug non-botté, il a regardé vers le haut du coupable de cet acte. Une jolie chose - au moins sur la surface immédiate, Kimaris était assez vieux et expérimenté pour repérer les signes de conte de contes d'un déguisement, tout comme son propre actuel. Kimaris a l'air d'avoir l'air de voir le regard droit dans sa couverture.
"Soyez plus prudent." Il dit, tournant son regard d'elle vers la direction d'où elle venait. Desium Corp. Une sensation soudaine a rempli l'air, perceptible par Kimaris par pure coïncidence. C'est un sentiment horrible et familier que seuls des individus comme lui pouvaient reprendre. Dédain dirigé et intention de nuire. Curieusement, il n'était pas dirigé contre lui, mais plutôt contre la femme qui l'a précédé.
"Suggère que tu entres dans les portes. Et surveille tes arrières. Je pense que vous avez un ennemi là-bas." Il offrit, se tournant sur son talon et continuant sa marche plus profonde dans la ville, mains dans les poches.
La pluie était agréable. | Name: Kimaris
Gender: Male
Character Type: Demon
Appearance: In his human disguise, Kimaris (or simply Kim) comes across as a grumpy individual from appearance alone, but his face simply happens to have a frowning disposition, and his calm and controlled nature results in him rarely going beyond his 'default' expression. Kim has a subtle build, at first appearing rather unpowerful, but actually being anything but.
Career: Executive Office Official (Inner Circle)
Skills: Even without the abilities granted to him by his demonic state of being, Kimaris is an unrivalled warrior among the Host and demonic brethren. As well as having unending amounts of talent in matters of conflict, he is also very good at passing these skills down to his students. In stark contrast to this, he is a master of grammar, logic and rhetoric, and the matter of teaching these fields.
Supernatural Abilities:
Supernatural Condition: A blanket power covering Kimaris' superior physical capabilities, including senses. His strength, speed and durability dwarfs that of a humans by immeasurable leagues, capable of shrugging off standard bullet fire like rain and breaking bones in a single, half-hearted blow. In reality, it requires an entity on level with the most powerful angels to combat him on an even battlefield.
Flight: It's on the tin. Although Kimaris does have wings, they are simply for show. His flight is achieved through a form of limited telekinesis.
Black Steed: Kimaris' mount is more of a spiritual entity than an actual horse; an impenetrable black smog which takes the vague shape of a horse, charging at speeds even greater than what Kimaris' himself is capable of at a consistent rate. Rarely sees use.
Personality: Reclusive warrior with smarts & hoarding.
Bio: Marquis Kimaris earned his bit of Hell through unmatched fury and martial strength. All those that stood before Kimaris were swiftly crushed - but only if they stood before him. He was a solitary entity which only desired to have his own land to be solitary within, having no qualms against removing any who intended to disturb. Over time, he became recognized by those lesser and greater than himself as a being of note, even being integrated into the loose 'system' which eventually took root in hell as a Marquis with 20 legions of lesser demons under his rule, although through their own wish to be ruled by him.
Unknown to most of his brethren, Kimaris is quite the book worm. Part of the reason he is such a solitary entity is because of this, prefering to be left alone to study the vocations of rhetoric and logic. His skill as a warrior and a virtual force of nature in combat are the reasons he is valued, and as such he is only called upon for those talents - something Kimaris finds himself growing increasingly discontent with. Even in the days before Earth's meant-to-be destruction, he was made to teach countless humans how to fight like himself, a demon, with gun, sword, fist and bone should it be required.
When his former brothers and sisters of the host arrived, they found not only armed mortals, but a 'godly warrior' demon ready to strike them down. Even through the brainwashing and memory loss, some Cyborgels may have the vague image of Kimaris burnt into their mind.
Marquis Kimaris retains high prestige among his brothers and sisters in the New Society, kept close by the 'Inner Circle' but not treated as one of them. He is their shield against incursion, mentor of their finest agents and nothing else. However, Kimaris' loyalty could be in question. For all the efforts the New Society went through in creating this order, did the warrior lord truly care for any of it? If a new alternative were to present its self, who is to say he would not work against them like he worked against the Host?
Likes: Quiet, the freedom to act, philosophy, stand up comedy
Dislikes: Disturbances, futile conflicts, potatoes ("I am simply not fond of their taste.")
Theme Song:
Other: REBORN |
22,235 | 641 | 20 | 794 | 276 | Un froid involontaire a couru sa colonne vertébrale alors que l'homme s'approchait. Par pure réflexe, elle recula avec sa bonne jambe, levant le bras gauche pour une frappe préventive. L'expérience avec les petits drones plus rapides lui avait appris qu'il était préférable de jouer sur la défensive, en attendant que l'ennemi s'extensive lors de la première frappe afin qu'elle puisse facilement faire un pas de côté et contre-attaque. Le contrôle à distance était, à bien des égards, la meilleure défense contre l'attaque. Si elle n'avait pas été élevée pour une destruction complète et totale, elle aurait pu se demander pourquoi elle avait adopté cet état d'esprit face à l'acceptation de l'aide, mais elle était dans un état critique et son instinct de survivre en pleine force.
C'est quand elle s'est souvenue – elle n'aimait pas les scientifiques. En fait, il y avait beaucoup de choses qu'elle n'aimait pas. Elle n'aimait pas l'air froid ou la slime caustique irritant sa peau; elle n'aimait pas cette chose suractive et furieuse qui semblait pouvoir sauter et mordre à toute seconde; et honnêtement, elle n'aimait pas l'humain. Être dépendante, forcée de faire confiance à son corps entre les mains d'une personne dont les motivations étaient inconnues, était quelque chose qu'elle n'aimait pas.
Le visage de Nemesis contorsionné dans une expression de douleur, et encore, elle a pressé sa main sur sa tête. Pourquoi pensait-elle à de telles choses? Les humains étaient ceux qui lui ont donné un but; c'était la raison pour laquelle elle existait. Elle ne devrait pas penser aux pensées de rejet, qui étaient contraires à la survie. Mais... la pression dans sa tête! C'était quoi ce sentiment! Quelque chose à l'intérieur lui criait d'arracher l'homme là où il se tenait.
Je dois... garder la clarté. Être distrait, c'est mourir. La main de Nemesis s'est serrée dans un poing, mais elle est retombée sur son côté. Il y avait quelque chose de plus dur dans son regard qu'elle regardait l'homme tout de même. Je n'ai pas besoin de pièces jointes supplémentaires pour le moment. Mon objectif...
Elle clignait, réalisant qu'elle se donnait un ordre, mais continua. Mon objectif est de survivre. Les dommages de la peau ne sont pas pertinents : la chaleur et l'abri sont prioritaires. Aide mon mouvement et emmène-moi à la chaleur et à l'abri. | Name: Nemesis
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: What skin remains of Nemesis’ is pale and fair. Her head is mostly intact, though many parts of her skull and the majority of her spine have been replaced. She has one ear intact: the other is composed of a wireless receiver that connects deeper into her brain. All four of her limbs are mostly missing from her elbows and knees down—all that remains is bone that has been mostly supplanted by metal. She leans towards a lanky build, but the features of her face remain angelic, sporting a soft nose and chin. She is a natural redhead and has blue eyes.
As for wings—these have also been stripped down to bone and replaced with gears and joints to maintain their use (these have since been damaged and are inoperable in her current state). Oddly enough, her natural white feathers still grow from her bones and pockets of functional flesh.
These metal-plated bones (and various other parts of her limbs that are fully replaced by metal and mechanisms) have a copper color. As far as clothes, Nemesis wears whatever is required of the occasion, though her career has mostly dictated plain bodysuits and helmets.
Career: Nemesis was one of the angels whose mental adjustments did not go well. Having lost nearly everything that was her former life, all that remained was a passionate, burning rage. She was not compatible for service-related tasks, and rather than completely scrapping her, she was given a bodysuit and put into military testing for mechanized soldiers and untested military equipment. In simple terms, she was kept in captivity and released to tear apart robotic prototypes, thus exposing weaknesses while highlighting the strengths of each respective model.
Naturally, it was not a career she could last long in. Recovery that took weeks between trials became months as each fracture, rupture, and replacement became more complicated to repair. When she was deemed useless, her weapon implements (namely prototype blades) were removed and she was on the brink of being tossed away with the very same robotic ruins she’d destroyed.
This state of ruin, however, had sated the mindless vengeance she had survived with. Her temperament was mild, not far from comatose, and she was still capable of responding to orders. Given the money spent on her physical adjustments, the company is still in debate over whether she should be re-assigned or simply left to rot.
Bludgeoning: Close combat involving the use of fists is part of the reason she has no flesh left on her hands.
Sword Use: Close combat involving the use of mundane and plasma blades.
Supplemented Strength: Due to most of her skeletal and muscle structure being replaced by machinery, she has twice the strength of a normal man, allowing her to pry apart metal sheets and break small bricks.
Robotic Destruction: Taking apart experimental machinery has given her a refined approach to killing machines—she knows where the weakest points of most combat-related weaponry and mechs are, where their power sources are, and how to bypass impenetrable metal shells to disrupt their power sources.
Crystal-Code Reading: Due to an implant in her brain called the Crystex-Reader 430, she is capable of reading coded information burned onto Crystex Cores. Crystex Cores are banks of physical memory that can record most, if not all known medias. They are, however, formed from rare materials and require very specific devices to burn data onto them. For this reason, they are used almost exclusively in the military to record and share sensitive information.
In the case of Nemesis, the Crystex-Reader 430 was implanted directly into her brain. It can read Crystex Cores inserted into the device that was once her ear (referenced above) and relay the information at will to her brain. Her brain still has to read and process the information, but this was a very direct means of teaching her how to use equipment that was later applied to her body to be tested.
Supernatural Abilities: Flight—one would assume.
Bio: Nemesis has only recently come to recall shreds of her past—with her body broken, she had nothing left but to ruminate on her own existence. She knows that, to some extent, she was once a leader responsible for dispatching troops, but who she may have commanded and for what reason she cannot recall. She has the vague understanding that she was once a whole being, without machinery, and that thought alone had caused the rage that sustained her through so much bodily damage.
Apart from those vague facts, she is left only with procedural memory: to respond immediately to commands without question was ingrained into her long before she became a testing puppet for the government. Her grace with the blade has also always been natural to her, and on occasion, she finds herself ruminating on things she has no former recollection or context of, like the patterns of the stars.
Likes: Standing over dismantled robotic foes, warm temperatures, physical exercise, puzzles that blueprints present, and examining objects she has not yet seen before.
Dislikes: Medical centers, animals (she cannot comprehend them), sleep, situations that do not have a very specific objective to accomplish.
Theme Song: Beyond that Prayer
Other: REBORN |
22,236 | 641 | 21 | 1,792 | 1,123 | Le Cyborgel avait achevé son redémarrage et avait pris vie. Le mécanicien a clairement ramené le Cyborgel à la vie bien que Yuri se soit demandé pourquoi.
Les Russes ont continué à observer furtivement. Le Cyborgel fut d'abord confus, qui se transforma en peur quand elle se redressa contre le mur, disant au mécanicien de ne pas lui faire de mal. La mécanicienne a fait un pas en avant et a offert un coup de main, lui demandant son nom. Il était évident pour Yuri que le mécanicien ne signifiait aucun mal au nouveau Cyborgel, bien que la raison échappait encore au russe. Yuri pensait que quoi que ce soit, c'était probablement bienveillant.
La Révolution a besoin d'une personne comme lui. Il aiderait beaucoup à restaurer les Cyborgels. Cependant, il était toujours Desium Corp. et Yuri n'avait aucune idée de sa loyauté. Le Russe se demandait s'il devait venir. Après tout, il a été identifié et il avait une arme, mais le mécanicien pourrait aussi l'avoir.
En mettant les pensées de côté pour l'instant, Yuri a continué à espionner le duo pour savoir ce qui allait se passer ensuite. Il viendra quand c'est bénéfique ou nécessaire. | Name: Yuri Volkova
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
Description: Standing at 5'9, Yuri has a well-built body thanks to his time in the military. Since he is in Russia, he usually wears thick or furry clothing for the cold but will readily ditch it when he goes to somewhere warmer. Like a stereotypical Russian, Yuri really likes ushankas and will wear them whenever possible and when it does not get in the way.
Career: Former military. Currently a Revolutionary.
*Expert melee combatant (especially with his tomahawk-knife combo)
*Average marksmanship
*Can rally people with speeches
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Yuri was born 4 years before the angels came in a rural village in Russia. There he was taught patience, hard work and other idealistic virtues which Yuri brought with him as he aged. When he was 15 years old and right when Cyborgels were being handed out, he went to St. Petersburg to get higher education where he met Friedrich Kroenen, a German just two years older than him, who is also studying there until he could get back to Germany. The two became great friends because of their shared interest in philosophy.
Both enlisted in the military to keep the citizens of New Society safe from the radical revolutionaries. Both became close to the unit they were assigned to and both seemed on the way to becoming fire-forged brothers. However, Yuri was a big fan of conspiracies and liked looking into things beyond what they looked like. The Russian was once anti-angel and was glad they were defeated for he thought their heavenly appearance were lies and readily believed the words against them.
But one thing bugged Yuri. How and where did the anti-angel weaponry came from? And why were there Cyborgels, androids that looked like the enemy? There were reasons but Yuri found them lacking to have servants modeled after the enemy. Because of this, Yuri and other like-minded individuals in his unit, tried to delve deeper. He invited Friedrich in the search for the truth but unfortunately his German friend did not share his ideals and, under orders from the higher-ups, had Yuri detained.
Or at least tried to have Yuri detained. The Russian caught wind of this and fled with the other associates. Yuri went low in Russia for a while and continued to search for the truth. It was then he managed to get a hold of a friendly revolutionary who told him the whole story of what happened to the angels. Yuri was a bit skeptical at first but believed in it after connections from the story and the current things made perfect sense.
Days after the revelation, Yuri decided to return to his home village to start spreading the word of the revolutionaries. However, he found his village under attack from the military... with Friedrich Kroenen at the lead. Trying to detain him was one thing but Yuri could not believe his former friend would lay waste on his village. Yuri could only watch as his home burned and his family put to death. The Russian swore he would get revenge and the fates blessed him with an opportunity when Friedrich's unit decided to take a rest in the village's ruins.
Using his training and knowledge of the military, the element of surprise some well-placed explosives, he managed to take out his friend's troops and also set Friedrich on fire via Molotov Cocktail. His former friend managed to douse himself with a nearby puddle before running towards the woods. Yuri chased after him ultimately lost him to the woods' fog.
Knowing that his traitorous friend was probably still alive, Yuri officially joined the revolutionaries to fight for the oppressed angels and the deceived mankind and in the hopes he would encounter his friend again. He fought the military arm of New Society continuously, while hearing about a captain among them wearing a gas mask, to where he is now, hoping to meet Friedrich Kroenen for one last reunion.
-Desium Corp.
-New Society
-Friedrich Kroenen
Theme Song:
"We were lied to. All this time we've been fighting the wrong enemy. The angels really have come to bring us, humanity, salvation. To deliver us to the next world. And what did we, humanity, do? We looked the other way. We listened to the venomous lies of opportunists, of power-hungry men, of demons in human flesh. We fought against our saviors and enslaved every last one of them. Turned them into mindless servants for us, humanity, who then indulged in the many sinful vices of life and forgot the virtues of our great ancestor heroes.
But the fight is not over. Once the true revolution begins, the world will be REBORN anew and the facade of peace Desium Corp. imposes will come crashing down! The angels will once again take their rightful place as judges and... I hope they forgive us for what we've done. Though I will not be surprised if they do not, if they condemn us all to Hell. It is what we deserve after all, after our numerous blasphemies and pain we've caused them." |
22,237 | 641 | 22 | 1,700 | 2,650 | Je vous suggère d'entrer dans les portes. Et surveille tes arrières. Je pense que vous avez un ennemi là-bas.
Lexie a vu le mâle partiellement mouillé continuer sur sa marche à travers les foules décroissantes. La pluie ou l'eau sur son pantalon semblait trop le déranger. Quant à Lexie, elle continua sa courte descente vers l'entrée de la station de métro à proximité et rejoignit le troupeau de bétail qui voyageait quotidiennement dans ces tunnels sombres et danky.
"L'ennemi?" Elle se pensa alors qu'elle se tenait sur l'escalator qui l'emmenait sur le réseau Hyper-rail. "Mery est humaine. Un pion. Ou était-il en train de parler de quelqu'un d'autre?"
Ses compétences à détecter d'autres êtres n'étaient pas aussi bonnes que certains des autres démons et c'était quelque chose qu'elle ne pouvait jamais comprendre. Peut-être dans sa forme réelle cela peut être différent, mais elle n'avait pas changé de forme depuis un certain temps en raison des longues heures au travail. Pourtant, quelqu'un d'autre a remarqué quelque chose et il a eu cette ambiance qui lui semblait familière.
"Mon Dieu, merde... J'ai besoin d'une putain de pause..." elle s'est chuchotée pendant qu'elle a acheté ses doigts jusqu'à ses yeux et les a massé doucement. "Peut-être qu'un voyage au Slaying Trench ce week-end pourrait m'apaiser."
Le Slaying Trench, un club situé au fond des limites de la ville et presque impossible à trouver, c'est-à-dire à moins que vous ne sachiez où trouver l'entrée. C'était un endroit limité aux démons et populaire pour avoir enfreint bon nombre des règles fixées par les humains. Le pire, c'était les combats illégaux entre Cyborgles et Demons. Beaucoup des pauvres Cyborgels ont été programmés avec force pour se battre l'un contre l'autre, le refus étant leur fin de soi. Les démons semblaient aimer cela, voyant ces êtres puissants se réduire à rien de plus qu'une coquille de leur ancien moi.
Lexie s'est arrêté. Elle a regardé autour de la plate-forme vide qui l'entourait et a entendu quelques bruits de certains adolescents vers l'un des bouts. La surface de tuile propre du tunnel reflétait la faible lumière qui lui donnait suffisamment de conseils pour trouver un banc sur lequel s'asseoir. Comme elle était assise là, elle pouvait voir l'hologramme sur le mur indiquant que ce n'était que quelques minutes avant l'arrivée du train suivant. Un deuxième hologramme près d'ici était de jouer un léger jingle pour une pub de bonbons accompagnée d'une étrange vidéo de pandas dansants.
« Soyez plus prudent », a-t-elle entendu dans sa tête alors qu'elle se détendait, fermant les sens au monde. Ses yeux s'illuminent dans un vert émeraude et un couple passant a pris un court, deuxième regard croyant qu'ils étaient de couleurs vives lentilles de contact. Elle s'est fermée dans une légère transe, en écoutant, permettant au monde autour d'elle de parler ce sont de légers murmures. | Name: Lexie Bristol
Gender: Female
Character Type: Demon
Unlike many other demons, Lexie has a demonic form that looks more human like than demon.
Career: Secretary to a Desium Corp Manager within the weapons sales division.
- Excellence in hand to hand combat with additional melee weapons training.
- The ability to monitor various sectors of the city through sales and distribution of their goods. If a section becomes too hot or too cold an inquiry is produced to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Supernatural Abilities:
- When in Release form she is able to vastly increase her strength and speed as well as summon her personal, demonic weapon "Loutka".
- Lexie owns a special axe known as "Loutka" that was forged from Hell itself. The axe is also viewed as a cursed weapon because of what happens when the wielder spills their own blood onto the blade, and only after an injury has been inflicted upon a victim. When these two steps are complete the axe head will begin to glow a brilliant white and lock the two fighters into a joint unison for only a maximum of a few minutes. Any injuries inflicted upon the wielder will be mirrored back onto the joined victim as well. In essence, the wielder becomes a temporary voodoo doll for the victim as "Loutka" believes each time it draws blood off the wielder, it is attacking the other person. This spell however has a long cool down period where the weapon and wielder must rest.
- Although not used often when she is in her Release form she is able to flick out her hand in order to shoot a plasma, energy ball.
Personality: Calm and assertive but when in Release form she can often appear insane.
Bio: Lexie, being within the sales division, is able to monitor the traffic and sales of their products to both demons and humans. Mostly this was used to help their marketing department in order to control where they need to advertise and ship their goods. Occasionally though, thanks to rebels and black market dealers, some of their deliveries would go missing with couriers winding up dead or dismantled. This is where she would be sent on special assignments to simply retrieve what rightfully belonged to Desium Corp. After all, it isn't easy explaining a 1 million dollar stock loss to the company.
Outside of work she enjoys the underground life of the city, often venturing into raves deep within abandoned car parks under the city buildings or pits where disposed Cyborgels were forced to fight against each other or demons for illegal betting. These environments allowed her to feel more at home with the chaos and despair that they spilled out while reminding her of the past where the demons won against the angels.
She owns an apartment near a top level of one of the City towers. The view gives her the feel that she like a god looking down on her people, judging the and watching them like ants
Likes: Art, Wine, Dancing
Dislikes: Cats (It's a demon thing), Milk
Theme Song: Duality - Slipknot
Other: Trivia - Loutka in Czech means Puppet
Reborn |
22,238 | 641 | 23 | 586 | 3,914 | Zac regarde le Cyborgel, notant son langage corporel et l'émotion non-dite dans ses yeux. Elle a l'air d'être complètement hors de son élément, pense-t-il. Nodding, il dit alors, "Pas de problème. Je connais un endroit à proximité qu'on peut utiliser jusqu'à ce que tu ailles mieux."
Alors qu'il se dirige vers le Cyborgel pour l'aider, il remarque que Sasha fixe intensément un monticule d'ordures, ses oreilles perchées et sa queue levée. « Sasha, dit-il, attire son attention. Relaxant, sa queue va de l'avant en attendant un autre ordre. Zac sourit et marche à côté du Cyborgel. « Je sais que vous n'êtes pas à l'aise avec le fait que je sois si proche, dit-il, enveloppant son bras autour de ses épaules, mais portez avec moi, du moins pendant un moment. Vas-y et utilise-moi comme béquille, d'accord?
Cela dit, il commence à la ramener au trou de la clôture. Sasha fait quelques pas en avant, mais se retourne vers le tas de ferrailles. Bien qu'elle ait l'air de le regarder, elle le regarde vraiment, à la recherche de preuves des voix qu'elle avait entendues. Incapable de voir beaucoup, cependant, elle se retourne vers son maître et le Cyborgel et trots de retour vers eux.
Une fois à travers la clôture, Zac dit, "Comme il semble que je devrais vous aider pendant un petit moment, vous pouvez me dire ce que vous passez? Tu peux m'appeler "Zac". | Name: Zacary 'Zac' Yoxall
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human Revolutionary (Military defector)
Description: The goggles that are usually either wrapped around his neck or the top of his head are high-tech remnants of when he was with the military (which he stole, of course). They eliminate the need for a spotter, analyzing wind direction and speed, as well as distance from himself to the target when sniping, although it provides no further assistance with aiming. He also has slight traces of cybernetics, although they were installed purely to repair nerve damage in his arm after being caught in a firefight and hidden under his skin.
Career: Ex-military sniper, now works with the Revolutionaries
Skills: -Excellent cook
-Elite-class sniper
-Proficient with various weapons and hand-to-hand, but best with sniper rifles
Personality: -Carefree
-Tends to not be very bright
Bio: Zac was raised in a well-to-do family. He had never wanted for anything, everything was readily provided by parents who tried too hard to please their only child and heir to their business. And he hated it.
His family had several Cyborgels as servants. Granted, he was always raised to believe they were demons who had come to destroy them all back when he was five, but he had never believed that. He wasn't sure how, but he had a feeling there was more to the Cyborgels than met the eye, but could never exactly put his finger on it.
When he was of age, mainly to get away from his posh lifestyle, he joined the military, where he excelled as a sniper. At first, it was all fine and dandy, protecting civilians from renegades and 'repurposed' Cyborgels who sought to do harm to innocents. That changed one day, during a brutal firefight between the Revolutionaries and the military.
He had been forced into close-quarters with a Cyborgel and, severely wounded in his right arm, was forced to chase her down. When he finally caught up to her and leveled his pistol at her, he saw something: a spark of life in her eyes. Seeing this, he let her go.
A month later, after his arm was repaired, he gathered his gear and seemingly vanished.
Likes: -Spicy food
-Sweet food
-Sour food
-Protecting the true innocents
Dislikes: -Rich people
-People who use power to get away with their crimes
-Bad cooks
Theme Song: Drawnonward by Jack Trammell
Other: Reborn! :D |
22,239 | 641 | 24 | 794 | 276 | Elle a arrêté de respirer. Le choc chaud du corps de l'homme contre son côté était presque suffisant pour faire son court-circuit. Elle n'avait jamais été touchée de telle façon, et honnêtement, elle avait oublié ce que la chair ressentait. Sans ses mains, ce n'était que le sommet de ses membres en combinaison avec sa tête et son torse qui avaient une peau fonctionnelle. Même si les vêtements de l'homme étaient mouillés, elle pouvait sentir la pression chaude de sa peau sous le tissu adouci. La chair de son épaule était ferme avec une douceur intérieure; c'était presque comme presser contre une source amortie.
Nemesis a laissé sortir un petit huff, frémissant alors que ses nerfs revenaient à la vie. L'homme a dû savoir qu'elle avait de la difficulté à se tenir debout, et encore moins à marcher, parce que son bras était enveloppé autour d'elle et qu'il l'avait retenue de son côté. Sa main, se reposant sur sa taille, se sentait comme une balise chaude. Avait-il une idée que c'était la toute première fois qu'elle sentait la peau avec la sienne?
Il est si... doux. Je ne comprends pas. La matière organique est faible, si facile à déchirer, mais c'est la force qui me délivre maintenant. Les humains étaient... différents de près, ça devenait clair pour elle. Il lui a fallu un moment pour retrouver ses sens, mais il était beaucoup plus facile de bouger quand elle pouvait pencher son poids sur lui, traînant sa mauvaise jambe entre eux. Sa tête s'éloignait de l'homme, et honnêtement elle n'avait pas d'énergie à épargner pour corriger sa posture, mais la seule chose qui comptait était qu'elle pouvait voir le sol et se déplacer en conséquence.
Elle n'était pas impatiente d'aller à nouveau à travers la clôture, mais l'homme avait fait un travail décent pour dégager un chemin. Quand ils ont traversé cela, elle a ressenti un nouveau bourdonnement d'énergie: ils se dirigeaient vraiment vers la société humaine. Qu'est-ce qui l'attendait au milieu de ces étranges lumières et ombres?
"Puisqu'il semble que je devrais peut-être vous aider pendant un petit moment, pouvez-vous me dire ce que vous allez passer? Tu peux m'appeler Zac.Son ton était encore léger, presque apaisant dans son calme. Puis encore une fois, il n'était pas au milieu du gel à mort.
"Ma désignation..." Nemesis s'est arrêté court, réalisant dans une étincelle de pensée que sa désignation, Nemesis, n'était pas en fait un nom. Elle avait été appelée cela par les testeurs de drones parce qu'elle était le niveau de boss, de leur némésis littéral. Son but ne semblait plus être un némésis, et sa désignation était donc dénuée de sens. Si l'homme allait l'aider à trébucher de l'abîme, alors...
Elle ne savait pas si Zac était un titre de commandement ou un de ces titres personnels appelés ‘noms', mais elle a trouvé qu'elle avait un goût inhérent à son son. Mon ancienne désignation ne sert plus un but dans mon identification. | Name: Nemesis
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: What skin remains of Nemesis’ is pale and fair. Her head is mostly intact, though many parts of her skull and the majority of her spine have been replaced. She has one ear intact: the other is composed of a wireless receiver that connects deeper into her brain. All four of her limbs are mostly missing from her elbows and knees down—all that remains is bone that has been mostly supplanted by metal. She leans towards a lanky build, but the features of her face remain angelic, sporting a soft nose and chin. She is a natural redhead and has blue eyes.
As for wings—these have also been stripped down to bone and replaced with gears and joints to maintain their use (these have since been damaged and are inoperable in her current state). Oddly enough, her natural white feathers still grow from her bones and pockets of functional flesh.
These metal-plated bones (and various other parts of her limbs that are fully replaced by metal and mechanisms) have a copper color. As far as clothes, Nemesis wears whatever is required of the occasion, though her career has mostly dictated plain bodysuits and helmets.
Career: Nemesis was one of the angels whose mental adjustments did not go well. Having lost nearly everything that was her former life, all that remained was a passionate, burning rage. She was not compatible for service-related tasks, and rather than completely scrapping her, she was given a bodysuit and put into military testing for mechanized soldiers and untested military equipment. In simple terms, she was kept in captivity and released to tear apart robotic prototypes, thus exposing weaknesses while highlighting the strengths of each respective model.
Naturally, it was not a career she could last long in. Recovery that took weeks between trials became months as each fracture, rupture, and replacement became more complicated to repair. When she was deemed useless, her weapon implements (namely prototype blades) were removed and she was on the brink of being tossed away with the very same robotic ruins she’d destroyed.
This state of ruin, however, had sated the mindless vengeance she had survived with. Her temperament was mild, not far from comatose, and she was still capable of responding to orders. Given the money spent on her physical adjustments, the company is still in debate over whether she should be re-assigned or simply left to rot.
Bludgeoning: Close combat involving the use of fists is part of the reason she has no flesh left on her hands.
Sword Use: Close combat involving the use of mundane and plasma blades.
Supplemented Strength: Due to most of her skeletal and muscle structure being replaced by machinery, she has twice the strength of a normal man, allowing her to pry apart metal sheets and break small bricks.
Robotic Destruction: Taking apart experimental machinery has given her a refined approach to killing machines—she knows where the weakest points of most combat-related weaponry and mechs are, where their power sources are, and how to bypass impenetrable metal shells to disrupt their power sources.
Crystal-Code Reading: Due to an implant in her brain called the Crystex-Reader 430, she is capable of reading coded information burned onto Crystex Cores. Crystex Cores are banks of physical memory that can record most, if not all known medias. They are, however, formed from rare materials and require very specific devices to burn data onto them. For this reason, they are used almost exclusively in the military to record and share sensitive information.
In the case of Nemesis, the Crystex-Reader 430 was implanted directly into her brain. It can read Crystex Cores inserted into the device that was once her ear (referenced above) and relay the information at will to her brain. Her brain still has to read and process the information, but this was a very direct means of teaching her how to use equipment that was later applied to her body to be tested.
Supernatural Abilities: Flight—one would assume.
Bio: Nemesis has only recently come to recall shreds of her past—with her body broken, she had nothing left but to ruminate on her own existence. She knows that, to some extent, she was once a leader responsible for dispatching troops, but who she may have commanded and for what reason she cannot recall. She has the vague understanding that she was once a whole being, without machinery, and that thought alone had caused the rage that sustained her through so much bodily damage.
Apart from those vague facts, she is left only with procedural memory: to respond immediately to commands without question was ingrained into her long before she became a testing puppet for the government. Her grace with the blade has also always been natural to her, and on occasion, she finds herself ruminating on things she has no former recollection or context of, like the patterns of the stars.
Likes: Standing over dismantled robotic foes, warm temperatures, physical exercise, puzzles that blueprints present, and examining objects she has not yet seen before.
Dislikes: Medical centers, animals (she cannot comprehend them), sleep, situations that do not have a very specific objective to accomplish.
Theme Song: Beyond that Prayer
Other: REBORN |
22,240 | 641 | 25 | 1,949 | 2,861 | "Ethan..." Le cyborgel panté, ses cheveux verts de longueur moyenne imbibés de la pluie et encore nus comme un bébé nouveau-né. À l'intérieur de sa vue, un petit jeu de pixels s'est enroulé. Qu'est-ce que ça pourrait être... Il a demandé son nom...
La réponse est venue automatiquement et sans sa permission, pas moins. Ses yeux verts se sont branlés pour rencontrer sa main, la regardant de façon incertaine. Cependant, l'écran sur ses yeux lisait que c'était un geste de... bienveillance. Ses yeux sont allés à la rencontre des siens. Cette fois, elle a pu parler sans force. "Je... Je crois que mon nom... c'est Lee." Quelque chose comme ça. "Et je pense qu'à part ça il manque..."
Lentement, hésitantement, elle a drapé sa main dans sa paume ouverte. "Je pense..." Elle murmura doucement, la tête baissée. "Il manque beaucoup de moi."
Elle a ensuite eu un œil sur son corps nu. Comment n'avait-elle pas senti à quel point elle devait être froide... un draft... Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Elle a sauté en arrière, baguant la couleur sur son visage alors qu'elle regardait autour d'elle rapidement et a tiré un drap sale des poubelles, frappant plusieurs autres boîtes de conserve juste au moment où les poubelles sont arrivées.
Alors qu'elle tirait le drap sur son corps, ses joues un tourbillon de rose et de rouge, les insectes de litière balayaient l'allée. Ils ont bipé en passant devant Ethan et Lee, se mettant rapidement au travail avec le nettoyage de la zone. L'un a tourné le coin et a heurté son petit corps smack dans l'espionnage russe. Effrayé, le moniteur est passé d'un :3 à un DX avec de petites larmes de dessins animés vers le bas de son moniteur, laissant un son étrange bâillonner. C'est des petits bras robotiques qui se sont évanouis alors que les roues déplaçaient son petit corps en rond autour de l'espion.
"AEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Presque comme un atari essayant de transmettre l'émotion. Lee a regardé, clignotant, le bruit.
Pendant sa garde, le mulet était venu vers le petit pixiebot.
"Shoo!" Elle a demandé, les mains sur ses hanches comme elle a essayé d'être tranquille. "Allez-vous-en!"
Pourtant, il l'a regardée, curieuse. C'est vrai. Il était temps de montrer à ce chien qui est le patron. Le pixiebot est sorti de sa cachette pour bourdonner autour du chien, essayant de l'éloigner.
"Sasha", a appelé l'homme qu'elle regardait. Immédiatement, le museau a commencé à enfiler sa queue, capturant efficacement le pixiebot dans ses poils épais.
"Aah! " La petite voix de Maresa était petite, non entendue par les gens qui parlaient avant elle. Et ce qui est pire, elle a été enchevêtrée dans les poils de chiens par son minuscule câblage. Elle s'est battue au début, mais son corps s'est effondré et elle a pué, scintille doucement. Ça allait être une longue journée. Au moins maintenant, elle pourrait les espionner plus efficacement.
"Vous venez?"
Un petit enfant s'est cogné sur sa jambe de pantalon, ses petits yeux remplis d'émerveillement aux étrangers jolis yeux verts. "La présentation commence bientôt!"
Où étaient les parents de ces gamins? La petite fille avait des cheveux bruns courts et de grands yeux gris-bleu. Elle était vêtue d'un uniforme d'école privé de Desium Corp, mais elle ne pouvait sûrement pas avoir plus de 5 ou 6 ans. Pourtant, elle est restée là, regardant Lexie dans l'espérance.
Un phénomène similaire se produit par Kimaris.
Devant lui, au milieu de la rue, se tenait un enfant dans un petit imperméable jaune. Je suis juste là... à le regarder. Ils tiennent une petite lettre dans leurs mains, et semblent s'attendre à ce qu'il s'approche. Les rues étaient désertes maintenant, et elles étaient seules. | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Much, MUCH better. Very realistic for the setting they're in. You are accepted! |
22,241 | 641 | 26 | 1,888 | 134 | Elle manque une partie d'elle-même? On dirait des dommages au côté information-stockage de sa carte mère biologique. Il a réfléchi.
Ethan s'est serré la main. "Lee. C'est un pré-," il a commencé, avant qu'elle s'éloigne avec un regard embarrassé. Il l'a vue trébucher sur quelques poubelles avant de balayer un drap sale autour de son corps nu.
"Wow. Est-ce qu'elle vient d'exprimer de l'embarras en ce moment? Les cyborgels viennent toujours à la salle de réparation avec leurs vêtements dépouillés et je ne pense pas avoir jamais vu une personne exprimer la détresse de ne pas porter de vêtements. Ses réactions humaines sont incroyables! » Il a réfléchi.
Les petits bots de litière rampaient autour de faire des bruits de bip et de sifflement alors qu'ils ramassaient des ordures. Ethan était là à regarder curieusement le Cyborgel.
« Ce serait une occasion unique. Je me demande si je pourrais l'amener dans la salle d'entretien. Si je retire le composant de la carte mère et réplique sa programmation, alors les résultats pourraient amener Cyborgels au niveau suivant. Peut-être que si je les publie, je serai élevé à la citoyenneté totale! » Il a réfléchi.
Il sourit un peu comme il imaginait une vie dans un paradis sablonneux. Avec de l'eau propre, des plages propres, de la vraie nourriture, de vraies femmes...
Cependant, son sourire s'est évanoui dans une fronce. "Mais ça n'a pas l'air juste. Elle a probablement un propriétaire. Je ferais quelque chose d'illégal. Je pourrais finir en prison si Desium Corp OP-SEC savait que j'avais modifié la programmation sur la propriété de Corporation », pensait-il.
"Plus je ne sais pas il semble juste..," Il a regardé la figure visiblement effrayée en face de lui. Le fait qu'elle s'engueulait dans la ruelle arrière, nue et craintive, alors que tout ce qu'il pensait en profitant d'elle, le faisait sentir comme une personne terrible.
Il s'est ébranlé la tête. "Man, Ethan s'en est sorti," pensa-t-il. "Rappelez-vous que ce n'est qu'un robot biologique. Elle n'est pas vraiment une personne. Elle n'est pas vraiment consciente. Toutes ses actions sont des réactions programmées. Elle n'est qu'une manifestation physique avancée d'un programme informatique."
Pendant que les robots rampaient. Ethan a réfléchi à travers le débat interne sur ce qu'il fallait faire dans la situation.
"Bah, je vais l'emmener à mon poste de travail. Je trouverai un moyen de résoudre les problèmes de mémoire si je peux et peut-être répliquer son programme sans la disséquer et se sentir si terrible. Je ne dis pas que je devrais être terrible, mais ça reposerait plus facilement sur ma conscience si je n'allais pas de cette façon », pensa-t-il et soupira-t-il.
Dans le coin, Ethan entendit le long cri de vent d'un fond de litière en détresse. Il l'a ignoré, "Il a dû rencontrer quelque chose. Les choses maudites ont des locomotives horribles pour les collecteurs de ordures."
La pluie continuait d'éclabousser sur le sol autour d'eux. Ethan a léché une main à travers ses cheveux maintenant complètement trempés. "Maintenant comment la faire venir avec moi?" Il a réfléchi.
Ethan a eu une idée. "Um.. Cyborgel Lee," il a commencé. "Vous devez m'accompagner à une station pour l'entretien immédiat et les réparations. S'il vous plaît, suivez-moi pour le transport. | Name: Ethan Everux
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human; Not a full citizen but works for Desium Corp.
Ethan is a blond, caucasian male who is 5'11. His eyes are a dark brown. His hair is short and often dirty from the residue in the repairshop. On the job he wears a wifebeater, loose trousers, and an old set of military boots he bought from the local exchange store. The work gloves he uses are a size too big for his hands.
When he is off-work he typically switches to a set of more fashionable clothes. He enjoys wearing tight-fitting blue-jeans or tan-chinos complimented by a button-up shirt with rolled sleeves.
Career: Mechanic for Desium Corp.
Technical Knowledge of Desium Corp. Goods: Ethan is extremely knowledgable on most products that come from the Desium Corp. which are pretty much all the products in the world. He gets this knowledge from his daily routine which consists of receiving faulty goods and repairing them to be refurbished or returned. He has worked with anything from guns, cars, computers, musical instruments, portable stoves, and even some Cybergels. If Desium Corp. makes it then Ethan can identify it, figure out how to fix it, and have a relatively good idea of how it works.
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Personality: Messy, Loud-mouth, Cheerful, Idealist, Sympathetic
Bio: Ethan was born a few years before the arrival of the "demons" in the city of Hong Kong. He can trace his genealogy back to the first British colonists of the 19th Century. His mother is an english teacher for the local school. He never knew his father and his mother never spoke of him.
Ethan and his mother lived in a small two room apartment in the old highrises of the city. Always the curious child he eagerly explored the mostly abandoned highrise. He would spend his childhood with the local street urchins walking up the stairs and exploring abandoned rooms. By the time he was fifteen he began to explore the city itself on his own. Because his mother was often busy teaching, Ethan had the freedom to go where he pleased when he pleased.
One day he saw a media outlet from the Desium Corp. on the lives of citizens on a large digital screen. Ethan was bewitched by the sight of the lives of those privelaged people. The clean air, clean water, and most importantly the Cyborgels. The mechanical marvels resembled the sky horrors that supposedly brought death and destruction when Ethan was young, but they were nothing like them. They brought capabilities that improved the lives of any human that had one. Everything was improved by having a cyborgel. He dreamed of living the lives of those people in that commercial. Coming from a household with a meager income, becoming a citizen became his goal.
His new goal caused a rift between him and his mother, who had strong and harsh feelings towards Desium Corp. The two would fight about this nonstop until Ethan turned eighteen and ran from his home. Eventually, he found transportation to one of the new cities. Stepping into the employment center he immediately applied for a job, intent on climbing the social ladder and becoming a full citizen. He was given a test, he took it, and was emplaced in the Services Division, as a mechanic.
It was a decision that Ethan came to have conflicted feelings about. His boss was a fat old administrator who sits on his desk napping. Hours were long and the work was grueling. Part orders were always delayed so items would never be fixed on time, which reflected poorly on Ethan's records and took him further from his dream.
However, he found that he had a knack for repairing damaged items and jerry-rigging things to work. He loved working with any and all products from the Desium Corp. Each damaged product was a complex puzzle that appealed to his need to solve problems. In the mornings he would go out to the nearby junkyards to recover anything useful, and would work all afternoon, with a smile, fixing things.
Sometimes he would even receive damaged Cyborgels. He would shake and jump in excitement with every opportunity he got to work with one. He studied their strange organic-metal biology. Questions like "How do they work?" "What makes them move?" spun in his mind. Every chance he got to work on the Cyborgel he would burn the midnight oil, learning as much as he could out of the mechanical marvel, while trying to repair its fault.
Although he was still far from his dream of living the life of a full citizen, Ethan found fulfillment in the present as a mechanic.
Fresh Water
His Boss
Other: None
22,242 | 641 | 27 | 1,792 | 1,123 | Lee.
C'était le nom du Cyborgel.
C'était le nom du mécanicien.
Avec ceux à l'esprit, Yuri a continué à observer. Lee le Cyborgel a failli prendre la main d'Ethan mais ensuite elle a pris un aperçu de son corps nu. Elle s'est branlée dans l'embarras et s'est empressée de prendre un drap sale dans les poubelles, frappant plusieurs autres boîtes juste au moment de l'arrivée des poubelles. Les bots de litière ont bipé en allers et retours en passant devant le mécanicien et le Cyborgel, se mettant rapidement à travailler avec le nettoyage de la zone.
On a tourné le coin et cogné son petit corps en Yuri, l'étonnant. Effrayé, c'est un moniteur qui passe d'un ':3' à un 'DX' avec de petites larmes de dessin animé qui coulent sur son moniteur, laissant un son bizarre. C'est des armes robotisées de petite taille qui ont décollé alors que les roues déplaçaient son petit corps en rond autour du russe. "AEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Le robot s'est éparpillé tout en donnant la position de Yuri.
"Shhhh! Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Yuri a essayé de faire taire le robot de litière, en essayant de l'attraper afin qu'il ne puisse pas attirer plus d'attention. Alors qu'il essayait de le faire, Yuri l'a accidentellement suivi à l'ouverture et s'est révélé à Ethan et Lee. Le Russe a frappé mentalement sa tête au mur pour avoir fait une telle erreur mais dehors, il a gardé son cool.
Avec peu d'option, il a lentement dirigé son pistolet sur le duo et est resté silencieux. Leur action suivante déterminerait s'ils sont inoffensifs ou non. | Name: Yuri Volkova
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
Description: Standing at 5'9, Yuri has a well-built body thanks to his time in the military. Since he is in Russia, he usually wears thick or furry clothing for the cold but will readily ditch it when he goes to somewhere warmer. Like a stereotypical Russian, Yuri really likes ushankas and will wear them whenever possible and when it does not get in the way.
Career: Former military. Currently a Revolutionary.
*Expert melee combatant (especially with his tomahawk-knife combo)
*Average marksmanship
*Can rally people with speeches
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Yuri was born 4 years before the angels came in a rural village in Russia. There he was taught patience, hard work and other idealistic virtues which Yuri brought with him as he aged. When he was 15 years old and right when Cyborgels were being handed out, he went to St. Petersburg to get higher education where he met Friedrich Kroenen, a German just two years older than him, who is also studying there until he could get back to Germany. The two became great friends because of their shared interest in philosophy.
Both enlisted in the military to keep the citizens of New Society safe from the radical revolutionaries. Both became close to the unit they were assigned to and both seemed on the way to becoming fire-forged brothers. However, Yuri was a big fan of conspiracies and liked looking into things beyond what they looked like. The Russian was once anti-angel and was glad they were defeated for he thought their heavenly appearance were lies and readily believed the words against them.
But one thing bugged Yuri. How and where did the anti-angel weaponry came from? And why were there Cyborgels, androids that looked like the enemy? There were reasons but Yuri found them lacking to have servants modeled after the enemy. Because of this, Yuri and other like-minded individuals in his unit, tried to delve deeper. He invited Friedrich in the search for the truth but unfortunately his German friend did not share his ideals and, under orders from the higher-ups, had Yuri detained.
Or at least tried to have Yuri detained. The Russian caught wind of this and fled with the other associates. Yuri went low in Russia for a while and continued to search for the truth. It was then he managed to get a hold of a friendly revolutionary who told him the whole story of what happened to the angels. Yuri was a bit skeptical at first but believed in it after connections from the story and the current things made perfect sense.
Days after the revelation, Yuri decided to return to his home village to start spreading the word of the revolutionaries. However, he found his village under attack from the military... with Friedrich Kroenen at the lead. Trying to detain him was one thing but Yuri could not believe his former friend would lay waste on his village. Yuri could only watch as his home burned and his family put to death. The Russian swore he would get revenge and the fates blessed him with an opportunity when Friedrich's unit decided to take a rest in the village's ruins.
Using his training and knowledge of the military, the element of surprise some well-placed explosives, he managed to take out his friend's troops and also set Friedrich on fire via Molotov Cocktail. His former friend managed to douse himself with a nearby puddle before running towards the woods. Yuri chased after him ultimately lost him to the woods' fog.
Knowing that his traitorous friend was probably still alive, Yuri officially joined the revolutionaries to fight for the oppressed angels and the deceived mankind and in the hopes he would encounter his friend again. He fought the military arm of New Society continuously, while hearing about a captain among them wearing a gas mask, to where he is now, hoping to meet Friedrich Kroenen for one last reunion.
-Desium Corp.
-New Society
-Friedrich Kroenen
Theme Song:
"We were lied to. All this time we've been fighting the wrong enemy. The angels really have come to bring us, humanity, salvation. To deliver us to the next world. And what did we, humanity, do? We looked the other way. We listened to the venomous lies of opportunists, of power-hungry men, of demons in human flesh. We fought against our saviors and enslaved every last one of them. Turned them into mindless servants for us, humanity, who then indulged in the many sinful vices of life and forgot the virtues of our great ancestor heroes.
But the fight is not over. Once the true revolution begins, the world will be REBORN anew and the facade of peace Desium Corp. imposes will come crashing down! The angels will once again take their rightful place as judges and... I hope they forgive us for what we've done. Though I will not be surprised if they do not, if they condemn us all to Hell. It is what we deserve after all, after our numerous blasphemies and pain we've caused them." |
22,243 | 641 | 28 | 1,700 | 2,650 | Une foule rugissait de joie alors que deux Cyborgels se battaient pour leur vie, se tapant les poings dans la tentative désespérée d'éviter leur propre mort. Les monstres sur les corniches d'en haut jetèrent des paroles de calomnie et de péché, demandant à leurs minions d'achever leur trahison. Quelques-uns de ces monstres étaient assez grands pour se tenir au-dessus d'une maison, tandis que d'autres étaient de simples jouets par rapport au reste, mais chacun avait le même poing droit dans l'air et chacun criait le mot "Kill" encore et encore.
"Regardez la chienne là-bas," a parlé une femelle à poil partiellement verte qui était assise sur le bord avec ses pieds en train de glisser sur le mur latéral. Ses bottes tapotaient sur la surface ondulée en acier dans un air presque rythmique tandis qu'à côté d'elle posa un grand chien comme la bête. Il s'est assis là pour analyser la scène avant de pousser une réponse confiante.
"Elle est faible. Un Cyborgel médical. Elle n'a plus aucune chance.
Sa voix a été coupée par la vue du poing de la femelle Cyborgel craquer contre la gorge de son adversaire. Le mâle qu'elle combattait est tombé au sol en luttant pour respirer et, alors qu'il était là, le vainqueur s'est penché, a posé sa main sur le dos de sa tête, et a arraché le circuit de la carte mère à l'intérieur. Un cri électronique criant d'un bot mourant échoua dans les murs de la cage et la pauvre fille tomba à genoux dans la tristesse.
Lexie a regardé la scène pendant qu'elle achetait une bouteille de vin à ses lèvres et prenait une grosse gorgée. Elle était heureuse, non, extatique, de sa prédiction et elle pouvait sentir que la compagne à côté d'elle était énervée par son raisonnement raté. La fille en bas était assise là à pleurer à la vie qu'elle avait prise. Soudain, son cou s'est tordu d'un coup de foudre pour que la fille regarde directement dans les yeux de Lexie. Lentement, elle examina Lexie, s'inclinant la tête vers le côté, de sorte qu'elle apparaissait dans les positions les plus contre-naturelles. Il a tourné au-delà d'un angle de 90 degrés, assez pour briser la colonne vertébrale de toute créature vivante avant de parler dans un bébé possédé comme la voix, "La présentation commence bientôt!!"
Lexie clignait soudainement en état de choc, seulement pour voir un petit enfant vêtu d'un uniforme de l'école Desium Corp. Elle a regardé l'environnement autour de sa remarque qu'elle était encore dans le métro froid. Ses souvenirs, ils ne se sentaient pas bien, presque falsifiés comme si quelqu'un les espionnait. Pire encore, elle n'avait aucune idée d'où venait cet enfant ni de ce qu'elle voulait dire par «présentation».
« J'ai une lettre », a dit l'enfant en levant la main avec une offrande de papier et d'écriture. Lexie leva lentement la main et regarda ses doigts pincer le coin de l'enveloppe, lui permettant de tomber boiteux à l'intérieur de sa main. Elle a regardé au-delà du journal pour voir que la fille avait disparu.
"Où est-elle allée?"
"Tu vas l'ouvrir déjà?" une voix gâchée du côté de Lexie. Alors qu'elle bougeait les yeux pour voir qui occupait le siège à côté d'elle, elle vit le même uniforme d'école et le même sourire ringard qui la regardait. La jeune fille s'est agenouillée sur le banc en anticipant désobéir à toutes les règles de l'étiquette des sièges et s'est déplacée dans cette position plus vite qu'une seconde main sur une horloge.
Tandis que Lexie regardait l'enfant, elle crampait les doigts le long du bord jusqu'à ce qu'elle rencontre une apparence et s'ouvrait les plis pour en révéler le contenu intérieur. | Name: Lexie Bristol
Gender: Female
Character Type: Demon
Unlike many other demons, Lexie has a demonic form that looks more human like than demon.
Career: Secretary to a Desium Corp Manager within the weapons sales division.
- Excellence in hand to hand combat with additional melee weapons training.
- The ability to monitor various sectors of the city through sales and distribution of their goods. If a section becomes too hot or too cold an inquiry is produced to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Supernatural Abilities:
- When in Release form she is able to vastly increase her strength and speed as well as summon her personal, demonic weapon "Loutka".
- Lexie owns a special axe known as "Loutka" that was forged from Hell itself. The axe is also viewed as a cursed weapon because of what happens when the wielder spills their own blood onto the blade, and only after an injury has been inflicted upon a victim. When these two steps are complete the axe head will begin to glow a brilliant white and lock the two fighters into a joint unison for only a maximum of a few minutes. Any injuries inflicted upon the wielder will be mirrored back onto the joined victim as well. In essence, the wielder becomes a temporary voodoo doll for the victim as "Loutka" believes each time it draws blood off the wielder, it is attacking the other person. This spell however has a long cool down period where the weapon and wielder must rest.
- Although not used often when she is in her Release form she is able to flick out her hand in order to shoot a plasma, energy ball.
Personality: Calm and assertive but when in Release form she can often appear insane.
Bio: Lexie, being within the sales division, is able to monitor the traffic and sales of their products to both demons and humans. Mostly this was used to help their marketing department in order to control where they need to advertise and ship their goods. Occasionally though, thanks to rebels and black market dealers, some of their deliveries would go missing with couriers winding up dead or dismantled. This is where she would be sent on special assignments to simply retrieve what rightfully belonged to Desium Corp. After all, it isn't easy explaining a 1 million dollar stock loss to the company.
Outside of work she enjoys the underground life of the city, often venturing into raves deep within abandoned car parks under the city buildings or pits where disposed Cyborgels were forced to fight against each other or demons for illegal betting. These environments allowed her to feel more at home with the chaos and despair that they spilled out while reminding her of the past where the demons won against the angels.
She owns an apartment near a top level of one of the City towers. The view gives her the feel that she like a god looking down on her people, judging the and watching them like ants
Likes: Art, Wine, Dancing
Dislikes: Cats (It's a demon thing), Milk
Theme Song: Duality - Slipknot
Other: Trivia - Loutka in Czech means Puppet
Reborn |
22,244 | 641 | 29 | 191 | 241 | Ce n'était pas la chose la plus inhabituelle à arriver à Kimaris dans toute son existence, mais il était quelque peu remarquable en termes d'événements dans la journée. Il y a longtemps, ça aurait pu surprendre Kimaris. Maintenant c'était 'normal'. Le démon s'approcha de l'enfant à un rythme régulier, regardant vers le bas leur forme petite et jaune-clad sceptique. Son regard léthargique est entré directement dans un éblouissement dangereux, les mains restant dans sa poche. "Tu as quelque chose pour moi, 'enfant'?" Il savait mieux que penser que c'était vraiment un enfant. Non, les enfants ne sont pas apparus d'où il n'y avait rien de précédent. Ils étaient rarement si calmes de pied léger qu'il ne pouvait pas les identifier à un kilomètre de distance.
Quelqu'un d'autre était au travail ici, et ils voulaient l'attention de Kimaris. Un de ses collègues peut-être? Non, pas du tout. Ils seraient plus directs et passer par son accompagnateur, il n'y a pas besoin de ce niveau de théâtralité étrange ou de secret avec lui. Même étranger, qui voudrait qu'il fasse quoi que ce soit en dehors de ses collègues? Darn étrange. Soit il avait peu à craindre de celui qui a envoyé cet enfant, soit l'enfant lui-même. Après tout, c'était Kimaris, et quiconque avait un souvenir assez long pour se souvenir de la formation de la Nouvelle Société savait que l'attaque de Kimaris était comme courir la tête en premier dans un camion...
Pas sage du tout.
En sortant une main de sa poche, il a arraché la lettre des mains de la petite chose suspecte, en la regardant. | Name: Kimaris
Gender: Male
Character Type: Demon
Appearance: In his human disguise, Kimaris (or simply Kim) comes across as a grumpy individual from appearance alone, but his face simply happens to have a frowning disposition, and his calm and controlled nature results in him rarely going beyond his 'default' expression. Kim has a subtle build, at first appearing rather unpowerful, but actually being anything but.
Career: Executive Office Official (Inner Circle)
Skills: Even without the abilities granted to him by his demonic state of being, Kimaris is an unrivalled warrior among the Host and demonic brethren. As well as having unending amounts of talent in matters of conflict, he is also very good at passing these skills down to his students. In stark contrast to this, he is a master of grammar, logic and rhetoric, and the matter of teaching these fields.
Supernatural Abilities:
Supernatural Condition: A blanket power covering Kimaris' superior physical capabilities, including senses. His strength, speed and durability dwarfs that of a humans by immeasurable leagues, capable of shrugging off standard bullet fire like rain and breaking bones in a single, half-hearted blow. In reality, it requires an entity on level with the most powerful angels to combat him on an even battlefield.
Flight: It's on the tin. Although Kimaris does have wings, they are simply for show. His flight is achieved through a form of limited telekinesis.
Black Steed: Kimaris' mount is more of a spiritual entity than an actual horse; an impenetrable black smog which takes the vague shape of a horse, charging at speeds even greater than what Kimaris' himself is capable of at a consistent rate. Rarely sees use.
Personality: Reclusive warrior with smarts & hoarding.
Bio: Marquis Kimaris earned his bit of Hell through unmatched fury and martial strength. All those that stood before Kimaris were swiftly crushed - but only if they stood before him. He was a solitary entity which only desired to have his own land to be solitary within, having no qualms against removing any who intended to disturb. Over time, he became recognized by those lesser and greater than himself as a being of note, even being integrated into the loose 'system' which eventually took root in hell as a Marquis with 20 legions of lesser demons under his rule, although through their own wish to be ruled by him.
Unknown to most of his brethren, Kimaris is quite the book worm. Part of the reason he is such a solitary entity is because of this, prefering to be left alone to study the vocations of rhetoric and logic. His skill as a warrior and a virtual force of nature in combat are the reasons he is valued, and as such he is only called upon for those talents - something Kimaris finds himself growing increasingly discontent with. Even in the days before Earth's meant-to-be destruction, he was made to teach countless humans how to fight like himself, a demon, with gun, sword, fist and bone should it be required.
When his former brothers and sisters of the host arrived, they found not only armed mortals, but a 'godly warrior' demon ready to strike them down. Even through the brainwashing and memory loss, some Cyborgels may have the vague image of Kimaris burnt into their mind.
Marquis Kimaris retains high prestige among his brothers and sisters in the New Society, kept close by the 'Inner Circle' but not treated as one of them. He is their shield against incursion, mentor of their finest agents and nothing else. However, Kimaris' loyalty could be in question. For all the efforts the New Society went through in creating this order, did the warrior lord truly care for any of it? If a new alternative were to present its self, who is to say he would not work against them like he worked against the Host?
Likes: Quiet, the freedom to act, philosophy, stand up comedy
Dislikes: Disturbances, futile conflicts, potatoes ("I am simply not fond of their taste.")
Theme Song:
Other: REBORN |
22,245 | 641 | 30 | 586 | 3,914 | Zac regarde Nemesis pendant quelques instants. La dernière fois qu'il a dû donner un nom à quelqu'un/chose, c'était quand il a trouvé Sasha, mais c'était tout à fait différent. En ce qui le concerne, en raison du sentiment qu'il avait depuis qu'il était enfant, que Cyborgels étaient plus que ce qu'ils semblaient, il était sur le point de nommer une femme adulte. Eh bien, si elle veut passer de son passé, peu importe ce que c'était, il pense, et que je lui donne un nouveau nom aiderait avec ça, alors qui suis-je pour discuter?
Il reste tranquille pour le reste de la promenade, en mullant sur ce qu'il faut l'appeler. Pendant ce temps, Sasha, ignorant l'auto-stoppeur involontaire maintenant pris dans sa fourrure, trots aux côtés de Nemesis, sa queue brandissant alors qu'elle regarde le Cyborgel.
Finalement, ils atteignent un vieux immeuble de bureaux abandonné. Zac aide Nemesis à s'asseoir contre le mur lointain, bien loin de la fenêtre, et écrase son fusil et son sac à dos. Alors qu'il ouvre son sac et sort une couverture pliée, Sasha s'assied à côté de Nemesis, comme s'il attendait une commande qui la laisserait aider le Cyborgel. Après avoir posé la couverture dépliée sur le dessus de Nemesis, il s'assied à côté d'elle et demande, "Comment le nom 'Alexis' sonne-t-il?" | Name: Zacary 'Zac' Yoxall
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human Revolutionary (Military defector)
Description: The goggles that are usually either wrapped around his neck or the top of his head are high-tech remnants of when he was with the military (which he stole, of course). They eliminate the need for a spotter, analyzing wind direction and speed, as well as distance from himself to the target when sniping, although it provides no further assistance with aiming. He also has slight traces of cybernetics, although they were installed purely to repair nerve damage in his arm after being caught in a firefight and hidden under his skin.
Career: Ex-military sniper, now works with the Revolutionaries
Skills: -Excellent cook
-Elite-class sniper
-Proficient with various weapons and hand-to-hand, but best with sniper rifles
Personality: -Carefree
-Tends to not be very bright
Bio: Zac was raised in a well-to-do family. He had never wanted for anything, everything was readily provided by parents who tried too hard to please their only child and heir to their business. And he hated it.
His family had several Cyborgels as servants. Granted, he was always raised to believe they were demons who had come to destroy them all back when he was five, but he had never believed that. He wasn't sure how, but he had a feeling there was more to the Cyborgels than met the eye, but could never exactly put his finger on it.
When he was of age, mainly to get away from his posh lifestyle, he joined the military, where he excelled as a sniper. At first, it was all fine and dandy, protecting civilians from renegades and 'repurposed' Cyborgels who sought to do harm to innocents. That changed one day, during a brutal firefight between the Revolutionaries and the military.
He had been forced into close-quarters with a Cyborgel and, severely wounded in his right arm, was forced to chase her down. When he finally caught up to her and leveled his pistol at her, he saw something: a spark of life in her eyes. Seeing this, he let her go.
A month later, after his arm was repaired, he gathered his gear and seemingly vanished.
Likes: -Spicy food
-Sweet food
-Sour food
-Protecting the true innocents
Dislikes: -Rich people
-People who use power to get away with their crimes
-Bad cooks
Theme Song: Drawnonward by Jack Trammell
Other: Reborn! :D |
22,246 | 641 | 31 | 794 | 276 | Le nom semblait étranger sur sa langue. Elle ferma les yeux et se pencha la tête contre le mur, comme si elle l'envisageait. En vérité, elle buvait simplement dans le fait que sa peau n'était plus trempée par la pluie verglaçante. Avant de se faire une opinion du nom, elle s'est servie de son bon bras pour déplier la couverture, la répandre sur son corps en tirant les genoux à proximité.
C'était un étrange petit câlin, mais il a plus ou moins travaillé pour piéger la petite chaleur corporelle qu'elle produisait. Pour accélérer le processus, elle s'est rapprochée de Zac, brossant sa peau et des morceaux de vêtements contre son côté. « Alexis est acceptable. » En fait, tout était acceptable tant qu'il serait son chauffage personnel.
Le panting de l'autre créature à côté d'elle a rétréci ses yeux. Qu'est-ce que c'est? | Name: Nemesis
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: What skin remains of Nemesis’ is pale and fair. Her head is mostly intact, though many parts of her skull and the majority of her spine have been replaced. She has one ear intact: the other is composed of a wireless receiver that connects deeper into her brain. All four of her limbs are mostly missing from her elbows and knees down—all that remains is bone that has been mostly supplanted by metal. She leans towards a lanky build, but the features of her face remain angelic, sporting a soft nose and chin. She is a natural redhead and has blue eyes.
As for wings—these have also been stripped down to bone and replaced with gears and joints to maintain their use (these have since been damaged and are inoperable in her current state). Oddly enough, her natural white feathers still grow from her bones and pockets of functional flesh.
These metal-plated bones (and various other parts of her limbs that are fully replaced by metal and mechanisms) have a copper color. As far as clothes, Nemesis wears whatever is required of the occasion, though her career has mostly dictated plain bodysuits and helmets.
Career: Nemesis was one of the angels whose mental adjustments did not go well. Having lost nearly everything that was her former life, all that remained was a passionate, burning rage. She was not compatible for service-related tasks, and rather than completely scrapping her, she was given a bodysuit and put into military testing for mechanized soldiers and untested military equipment. In simple terms, she was kept in captivity and released to tear apart robotic prototypes, thus exposing weaknesses while highlighting the strengths of each respective model.
Naturally, it was not a career she could last long in. Recovery that took weeks between trials became months as each fracture, rupture, and replacement became more complicated to repair. When she was deemed useless, her weapon implements (namely prototype blades) were removed and she was on the brink of being tossed away with the very same robotic ruins she’d destroyed.
This state of ruin, however, had sated the mindless vengeance she had survived with. Her temperament was mild, not far from comatose, and she was still capable of responding to orders. Given the money spent on her physical adjustments, the company is still in debate over whether she should be re-assigned or simply left to rot.
Bludgeoning: Close combat involving the use of fists is part of the reason she has no flesh left on her hands.
Sword Use: Close combat involving the use of mundane and plasma blades.
Supplemented Strength: Due to most of her skeletal and muscle structure being replaced by machinery, she has twice the strength of a normal man, allowing her to pry apart metal sheets and break small bricks.
Robotic Destruction: Taking apart experimental machinery has given her a refined approach to killing machines—she knows where the weakest points of most combat-related weaponry and mechs are, where their power sources are, and how to bypass impenetrable metal shells to disrupt their power sources.
Crystal-Code Reading: Due to an implant in her brain called the Crystex-Reader 430, she is capable of reading coded information burned onto Crystex Cores. Crystex Cores are banks of physical memory that can record most, if not all known medias. They are, however, formed from rare materials and require very specific devices to burn data onto them. For this reason, they are used almost exclusively in the military to record and share sensitive information.
In the case of Nemesis, the Crystex-Reader 430 was implanted directly into her brain. It can read Crystex Cores inserted into the device that was once her ear (referenced above) and relay the information at will to her brain. Her brain still has to read and process the information, but this was a very direct means of teaching her how to use equipment that was later applied to her body to be tested.
Supernatural Abilities: Flight—one would assume.
Bio: Nemesis has only recently come to recall shreds of her past—with her body broken, she had nothing left but to ruminate on her own existence. She knows that, to some extent, she was once a leader responsible for dispatching troops, but who she may have commanded and for what reason she cannot recall. She has the vague understanding that she was once a whole being, without machinery, and that thought alone had caused the rage that sustained her through so much bodily damage.
Apart from those vague facts, she is left only with procedural memory: to respond immediately to commands without question was ingrained into her long before she became a testing puppet for the government. Her grace with the blade has also always been natural to her, and on occasion, she finds herself ruminating on things she has no former recollection or context of, like the patterns of the stars.
Likes: Standing over dismantled robotic foes, warm temperatures, physical exercise, puzzles that blueprints present, and examining objects she has not yet seen before.
Dislikes: Medical centers, animals (she cannot comprehend them), sleep, situations that do not have a very specific objective to accomplish.
Theme Song: Beyond that Prayer
Other: REBORN |
22,247 | 641 | 32 | 1,949 | 2,861 | Le pixiebot est resté silencieux, tournant les yeux vers les deux et écoutant intensément. Aussi discrètement qu'elle l'a pu avec ce DAMN DOG qui l'aime. Puis elle a été battue par terre. Enfin, elle pourrait s'échapper... elle s'est évanouie à travers les cheveux fins, en luttant contre son évasion.
'Les associés de l'entreprise,
Il y a des affaires urgentes sur la place de la ville. Signalez immédiatement à ce voisinage dans le meilleur tenue que vous pouvez gérer sur un préavis aussi court. Une présentation sera faite au public dans le cadre de la nouvelle technologie Mechanges. C'est à nous de garder le public heureux.
Revlis Tongs
Desium Corp Président.»
L'enfant a regardé, attendant que le démon termine ses lectures. Puis, satisfait, l'enfant s'est retourné et a couru... tout droit dans la circulation en sens inverse. Le parapluie qu'ils portaient vole... et le sang est lavé dans le caniveau.
-- Vous avez fini de lire maintenant? L'écolière peppy a sauté du banc, ses yeux extatiques. Le métro rugissait alors qu'il commençait à s'approcher de la gare. "C'est bien. Il faut que j'y aille. Au revoir!" La fille de l'école a couru pour les voies comme le train était venu. Elle sauta tout droit dans le sentier, la foule qui attendait le métro s'évanouissait et se couvrit la bouche pendant que le sang s'aspergeait contre leurs visages. Choquée. Une distraction pour donner à la salle de démonstration de partir sans préavis.
"...?" Lee s'est cogné la tête sur le côté et a levé un sourcil. -- Qu'est-ce que ces mots signifient, Ethan? Clairement, elle était confuse. Ses grands mots n'ont rien à voir avec elle et c'était évident. Puis quelqu'un est sorti du bord de l'allée.
Alors que Lee tournait la tête et le regardait, ses pupilles s'affaiblissaient. Sur l'écran au-dessus de ses yeux, ses yeux se rétrécissaient sur l'arme et lisaient : hostile.
La pluie s'est arrêtée.
Elle s'est accrochée dans l'air comme elle l'avait été un moment auparavant, mais elle est restée immobile. Le temps semblait lent, mais tout s'est passé si vite.
La main de Lee arrachée, et en costume, la pluie suivit, formant un bras étendu pour abattre l'arme de la main des espions. Son autre main se déplaçait en réponse, comme une danse coordonnée, la pluie mouillait autour du corps de Yuri et le retenait en l'air.
Ses bras sont immobiles. Ses yeux étaient blancs mais lointains. Derrière elle, ses cheveux verts semblaient donner l'illusion d'être plus longs... Elle avait réagi entièrement sur l'instinct mais... Ses yeux s'élargissent, la vie revient à eux. La pluie a recommencé, continuant à tomber comme il aurait dû. Comme elle s'est retirée, l'espion tomberait aussi. Elle fixa ses mains, plus terrifiées que jamais.
Elle regarda Ethan, son regard plein de peur mortelle.
"Qu'est-ce que je suis?" | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Much, MUCH better. Very realistic for the setting they're in. You are accepted! |
22,248 | 641 | 33 | 586 | 3,914 | Sentant Alexis se pencher près de lui, Zac ne peut s'empêcher de sentir ses joues se réchauffer, étrangement assez. Cependant, ne rien dire, il pose doucement son bras sur ses épaules, en décidant que cela l'aiderait à se réchauffer plus rapidement. En entendant sa question, il regarde Sasha et chuckles. « C'est mon chien et partenaire dans le crime, Sasha », dit-il.
Cliquer sur sa langue, Sasha se tient joyeusement et trotte de l'autre côté, où il la gratte derrière l'oreille. "Elle est avec moi depuis que je l'ai trouvée il y a quelques mois. Quand je l'ai trouvée, elle était affamée et avait de la fièvre. Je l'ai soignée à nouveau et elle est à mes côtés depuis."
Sasha s'appuie ensuite sur la poitrine de Zac et lèche légèrement la joue d'Alexis. Zac chuckles et dit, "Je pense qu'elle t'aime déjà."
Alors qu'il frappe doucement le dos du chien, une pensée lui arrive. En regardant le Cyborgel se blottis contre son côté, il demande, "Donc, euh, est-ce que vous avez besoin de manger? Genre, pour du carburant ou autre chose? Parce que, j'ai du pain dans mon sac à dos que vous êtes le bienvenu." | Name: Zacary 'Zac' Yoxall
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human Revolutionary (Military defector)
Description: The goggles that are usually either wrapped around his neck or the top of his head are high-tech remnants of when he was with the military (which he stole, of course). They eliminate the need for a spotter, analyzing wind direction and speed, as well as distance from himself to the target when sniping, although it provides no further assistance with aiming. He also has slight traces of cybernetics, although they were installed purely to repair nerve damage in his arm after being caught in a firefight and hidden under his skin.
Career: Ex-military sniper, now works with the Revolutionaries
Skills: -Excellent cook
-Elite-class sniper
-Proficient with various weapons and hand-to-hand, but best with sniper rifles
Personality: -Carefree
-Tends to not be very bright
Bio: Zac was raised in a well-to-do family. He had never wanted for anything, everything was readily provided by parents who tried too hard to please their only child and heir to their business. And he hated it.
His family had several Cyborgels as servants. Granted, he was always raised to believe they were demons who had come to destroy them all back when he was five, but he had never believed that. He wasn't sure how, but he had a feeling there was more to the Cyborgels than met the eye, but could never exactly put his finger on it.
When he was of age, mainly to get away from his posh lifestyle, he joined the military, where he excelled as a sniper. At first, it was all fine and dandy, protecting civilians from renegades and 'repurposed' Cyborgels who sought to do harm to innocents. That changed one day, during a brutal firefight between the Revolutionaries and the military.
He had been forced into close-quarters with a Cyborgel and, severely wounded in his right arm, was forced to chase her down. When he finally caught up to her and leveled his pistol at her, he saw something: a spark of life in her eyes. Seeing this, he let her go.
A month later, after his arm was repaired, he gathered his gear and seemingly vanished.
Likes: -Spicy food
-Sweet food
-Sour food
-Protecting the true innocents
Dislikes: -Rich people
-People who use power to get away with their crimes
-Bad cooks
Theme Song: Drawnonward by Jack Trammell
Other: Reborn! :D |
22,249 | 641 | 34 | 1,700 | 2,650 | L'odeur du sang a rempli l'air pendant que les freins du train criaient à l'arrêt. Ce n'étaient pas les seuls cris qui pouvaient être entendus à l'intérieur de la plate-forme souterraine alors que les gens en état de choc se précipitaient vers le bord pour essayer de sauver la pauvre fille... mais leurs efforts étaient futiles. Il n'y avait à peine aucune masse de corps à sauver et c'est là que les sentiments de chaos et d'horreur remplissaient l'air. Les gens regardaient autour de lui pour déterminer d'où venait la fille et qui elle parlait le dernier, mais tout ce qu'ils pouvaient voir était un banc vide.
Lexie avait utilisé la distraction pour planifier rapidement une évasion. Elle savait qu'un retour à la gare n'entraînerait que des foules de gens qui auraient tenté de se rendre dans les rues à temps, alors elle a sauté sur la ligne de train adjacente et s'est enfuie jusqu'à l'un des tunnels. Peu de temps plus tard, elle avait réussi à atteindre la fin en toute sécurité et est partie en plein air.
La pluie tombait encore, mais dans cette zone, il semblait s'être apaisé à une douche légère. En utilisant son temps sagement Lexie a fait son chemin à travers les voies jusqu'à la route la plus proche, dans ses mains étaient ses chaussures qu'elle avait enlevé plus tôt pour rendre plus facile de marcher le long de la mise à la terre en métal bleu.
Agissant rapidement, elle a suivi la ligne de clôture le long des voies jusqu'à ce qu'elle rencontre une zone fermée qui s'ouvre au monde libre. Elle a regardé vers le bas et a saisi le cadenas, lui donnant une pression serrée. Ses yeux changeaient de couleur, ses cheveux poussaient des extensions de vert, et une ombre tournait autour de son corps pour se transformer en robe en cuir sombre. Immédiatement le cadenas a explosé dans une douche de fragments lui permettant d'accéder à la rue. Lexie respira lentement et regarda les petits changements perdre leur couleur avant de tomber au sol et se briser en un million de morceaux. La légère odeur de soufre a rempli l'air pendant que Lexie passait par la porte d'entrée.
En rentrant dans ses chaussures, en se dépoussiérant et en tenant son dossier fermement à sa portée, Lexie marcha en avant et suivit le groupe qui se dirigeait vers la place de la ville. | Name: Lexie Bristol
Gender: Female
Character Type: Demon
Unlike many other demons, Lexie has a demonic form that looks more human like than demon.
Career: Secretary to a Desium Corp Manager within the weapons sales division.
- Excellence in hand to hand combat with additional melee weapons training.
- The ability to monitor various sectors of the city through sales and distribution of their goods. If a section becomes too hot or too cold an inquiry is produced to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Supernatural Abilities:
- When in Release form she is able to vastly increase her strength and speed as well as summon her personal, demonic weapon "Loutka".
- Lexie owns a special axe known as "Loutka" that was forged from Hell itself. The axe is also viewed as a cursed weapon because of what happens when the wielder spills their own blood onto the blade, and only after an injury has been inflicted upon a victim. When these two steps are complete the axe head will begin to glow a brilliant white and lock the two fighters into a joint unison for only a maximum of a few minutes. Any injuries inflicted upon the wielder will be mirrored back onto the joined victim as well. In essence, the wielder becomes a temporary voodoo doll for the victim as "Loutka" believes each time it draws blood off the wielder, it is attacking the other person. This spell however has a long cool down period where the weapon and wielder must rest.
- Although not used often when she is in her Release form she is able to flick out her hand in order to shoot a plasma, energy ball.
Personality: Calm and assertive but when in Release form she can often appear insane.
Bio: Lexie, being within the sales division, is able to monitor the traffic and sales of their products to both demons and humans. Mostly this was used to help their marketing department in order to control where they need to advertise and ship their goods. Occasionally though, thanks to rebels and black market dealers, some of their deliveries would go missing with couriers winding up dead or dismantled. This is where she would be sent on special assignments to simply retrieve what rightfully belonged to Desium Corp. After all, it isn't easy explaining a 1 million dollar stock loss to the company.
Outside of work she enjoys the underground life of the city, often venturing into raves deep within abandoned car parks under the city buildings or pits where disposed Cyborgels were forced to fight against each other or demons for illegal betting. These environments allowed her to feel more at home with the chaos and despair that they spilled out while reminding her of the past where the demons won against the angels.
She owns an apartment near a top level of one of the City towers. The view gives her the feel that she like a god looking down on her people, judging the and watching them like ants
Likes: Art, Wine, Dancing
Dislikes: Cats (It's a demon thing), Milk
Theme Song: Duality - Slipknot
Other: Trivia - Loutka in Czech means Puppet
Reborn |
22,250 | 641 | 35 | 2,029 | 36 | Des gouttes d'eau sont tombées dans la chair pâle, lavant la saleté et le sang comme si le ciel lui-même pleurait pour la chose brisée jetée sur le côté de la route et oubliée. S'il n'était pas pour les deux grandes ailes d'anshen notant l'objet sans aucun doute comme un cyborgel, on supposerait que le corps brisé et carbonisé couché dans l'allié était la victime d'un meurtre au lieu d'ordures qui ont longtemps survécu à son utilisation.
Un petit chat noir émerge d'une benne voisine, la forte pluie qui fait ressembler le félin à un rongeur noyé alors que la fourrure mangy s'attache désespérément à son corps à moitié affamé. Danser de sa mache était une nouilles blanches boiteuses jeté loin du restaurant chinois à deux pâtés de maisons. Brushing contre la poubelle avant de s'enfoncer dans la rue, le chat n'a pas remarqué que les yeux d'un objet censé être mort commencent à s'ouvrir.
Les yeux étaient un rouge brillant, bien que l'œil gauche semblait être en panne car la lumière rouge clignotait erratiquement seulement pour s'arrêter quand la gravité a pris le dessus et le cyborgel est tombé en avant, son visage rencontrant le sol. Un gémissement de douleur qui sonnait eerly humain émis par les lèvres fissurées du cyborgel.
Le cyborgel est resté là pendant une bonne 30 secondes environ avant finalement lutté pour se pousser avec son bras gauche, le bras droit suspendu inutilement, oscillant légèrement comme la gravité a fait une moquerie de lui et le cyborgel. Après que le corps se soit secoué et a lutté alors qu'il tentait de revenir à la position assise qu'il avait été avant qu'il se réveillait contre toutes les chances imaginables, il a donné lieu à un autre accident au sol.
La poitrine du cyborgel s'est déplacée vers le haut et vers le bas, travaillant pour l'haleine tandis que les yeux rouges flétrissaient autour de l'allié comme s'il cherchait quelque chose - n'importe quoi - pour l'aider. | Name: Liron
Gender: Male
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: For a cyborgel, Liron looks rather ... human if you disregard the ashen colored wings and the mechanical arm and red mechanical eyes.
Or at least once upon a time he looked rather human. His short, black hair is currently matted with blood and his right arm - a metal prosthetic - hangs useless at his side. His leg is bent rather awkwardly - no doubt broken, and parts of his body are covered in nasty burns. If one looked really closely they could find pieces of burned dog hair.
However, once he gets cleaned up and no longer looks like something out of the Night of the Living Dead, Liron is a rather tall young man - about 5'11" if one were to measure him - with short tossled black hair and pale white skin. He is wiry, yet clearly muscular. His shoulders are broad, and taper down. His ashen wings can easily fold against his body - although they could be hidden by a coat, there is a weird awkward bulge in the back for anyone with any sort of sense of detail for attention.
Currently Liron is wearing what he died in - well, after his body was ransacked for the "good" clothes by various miscreants. (After all, Liron is a cyborgel and an object. Also, believed dead). By some good fortune Liron was left with a pair of dirty, if not rather soiled, black boxer shorts.
After his capture and brainwashing, Liron was re-tasked to working as a "volunteer" firefighter. (Of course one couldn't exactly call him a volunteer since, you know, brainwashing but semantics.)
There are two different types of firefighters; wildland firefighters who contain and prevent the spread of the raging inferno of death that is eating the forest and firefighters which most people are used to seeing in towns, villages and cities.
Contrary to popular belief, neither are mutually exclusive - after all they are trained to do two different tasks. Figherfighters who are in towns and cities measure fires by yards and feet and use water to put them out. On the other hand, wildland firefighters fight fire with literal fire. After all when you are measuring fires in literally tens of acres, there isn't going to be enough time to put one of those bad boys out. Of course there are other differences between the two (such as work weeks) but will not be mentioned in favor of it not being very important.
However, the people in charge decided why not double dip and make Liron able to perform in both capacities.
While Liron's job was mostly to either contain or put out fires - depending on what call he was sent to - Liron was also tasked in performing other typical firemen duties like rescuing kittens out of trees on those off days that there wasn't anything on fire.
The most important skill Liron had when he was "working" as a fireman was that he looked human, or at least could pass off as one as long as he wore a long coat to hide his wings and mechanical arm. While his eyes were a bit harder, it was usually nothing that a pair of sunglasses or a fireman helmet couldn't fix.
The reason this was important was because as a fireman, Liron didn't just fight fires (although it was a good part of it) but dealt with distressed individuals and the public at large. Since people could act erratically when upset and distressed, Liron's "ability" to pass as human was considered a beneficial perk.
To expand on this, it can be easily inferred that Liron has some grief consoling experience under his belt. Even if it wasn't programmed into him, Liron no doubt would have had to learn on the job. While Liron very rarely dealt with the public in any other capacity, he was trained to in case of emergencies and something came up and some person approached him instead of an actual human.
He's memorized the entire layout of the city he was stationed in - as well as the street conditions - in the need to travel to the most direct route of the incident. The forest was a bit harder considering landmarks tended to go up in flames or were on fire at the time.
Liron's right arm also provides him with great strength - it has the ability to rip apart armored trucks and smash concrete. This has a variety of uses from cleaning up debris to smashing in walls to look for hot spots, or being able to carry unconscious person, the mechanical arm has many uses depending on what the situation calls for.
Liron also has very basic EMS skills - mostly focusing on "is this person alive?" and "if not, attempt to resurrect" or "if so, wow they're bleeding a lot - let's stop that." Liron also has been taught how to use Narcan to save people who have overdosed. Essentially he was put through first responder training, or better put programming.
Liron's thermal sensing eyes - whose function can be toggled on and off merely by thinking about it - allows Liron to search for lifeforms, whether they are dead or alive based on their heat temperatures. This is greatly beneficial when looking for victims trapped inside structure fires or even car fires.
Finally, the most obvious of Liron's skills is to fight fire. This extends more than just to using a high pressurized hose to dose the flames. For structure fires, Liron needed to determine best location for venting structure based on location of hazard and fire personnel, roof type, and building construction. Also, when it comes to forceable entry, he needed to know where best to enter the blazing inferno called death. Wildfire firefighters on the other hand learned how to camp in the path of an inferno and running from fire tornadoes which love to pop up because the universe loves to troll like that. While maybe not so much a skill, it might be interesting to note.
Supernatural Abilities: Judging by his wings, it can be assumed that Liron has the ability to fly.
Personality: Quiet, Efficient, Obedient, Empathic, Blunt
Bio: Liron doesn't know much about himself prior to becoming a firefighter. He was a relatively undamaged angel, and stayed relatively unmodified after some towns and cities in the western part of the United States were complaining of the lack of volunteer firefighters to fight fires - after all, charging into a raging inferno borders on brave and crazy. It was felt if Liron was kept more "human," it would benefit the fire departments.
After all, Liron would be an easy thing to throw away and be able to take the most dangerous tasks, thus taking the figurative (and literal) heat off the other, more important (and human) firefighters. However, since things happen in the heat of the moment and people need somebody to cry to and ask questions, it was felt Liron needed to appear mostly human as to not cause any greater distress or anger, potentially impeding the firemen's jobs if somebody had an issue with Liron.
Liron was assigned to a small fire unit in the western part of the United States where the dry weather and low population made it very hard to have enough people for the constant fires which seemed to start with the littlest of provocation.
Assigned the name "Liron" by one of the fire crew (to make it easier when out on calls), Liron lived mostly in the fire hall (or in the path of a blazing inferno on those wildfire days which could last up to months) unless he was out on a call. He was in charge of the tedious day to day work when at the station of making sure the equipment was working and cleaned, and whatever droll jobs that needed to be done but weren't exactly enthralling.
While Liron was helpful to the fire department, as cyborgels eventually faded into misuse, money towards his upkeep seemed to gradually diminish into nothing.
One day when at a structure fire call, the flames enveloped a propane tank causing an explosion which would make Michael Bay proud. Unfortunately, Liron was in the house at the time rescuing the family's pet dog and was severely damaged.
Considered outdated and unable to be repaired, Liron's burned body was simply thrown to the side of the road with rest of the trash.
Theme Song: Cruel Angel's Thesis
Other: Reborn |
22,251 | 641 | 36 | 1,792 | 1,123 | La menace de Yuri a été un mauvais choix car la pluie s'est soudainement arrêtée un moment avant que Lee ne s'éteigne, et en même temps, la pluie a suivi, formant un bras étendu pour abattre l'arme de la main de Yuri. Son autre main se déplaçait en réponse, comme une danse coordonnée, la pluie mouillait autour du corps du Russe et le retenait en l'air.
Ses bras sont immobiles. Ses yeux étaient blancs mais lointains. Quelques secondes plus tard, ses yeux s'élargissent, la vie revient à eux. La pluie a recommencé, continuant à tomber comme il aurait dû. Quand elle s'est retirée, Yuri est tombée sur le sol mouillé. Le corps du Russe était un peu douloureux d'être saisi, mais il était stupéfié par la capacité du Cyborgel.
Yuri a pris un moment pour traiter ce qui lui était arrivé. Un sourire se forma dans son visage alors qu'il s'émerveillait de la puissance des Cyborgels. "Haaaahahahahaha!" Le Russe lâcha un rire copieux quand il se leva. "Angel du Ciel en effet!" Il a complété Lee alors qu'il ramassait son arme. "Comment l'humanité a réussi à te vaincre est au-delà de moi."
Holster son arme, Yuri s'est approché du duo tout en mettant ses mains en l'air. "Ne vous inquiétez pas, je ne suis pas votre ennemi."
Le Russe a fait la taille de Lee avant de regarder Ethan. "Vous avez de la chance, mon ami, d'avoir trouvé un tel ange. Je suppose que vous allez la garder?" | Name: Yuri Volkova
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
Description: Standing at 5'9, Yuri has a well-built body thanks to his time in the military. Since he is in Russia, he usually wears thick or furry clothing for the cold but will readily ditch it when he goes to somewhere warmer. Like a stereotypical Russian, Yuri really likes ushankas and will wear them whenever possible and when it does not get in the way.
Career: Former military. Currently a Revolutionary.
*Expert melee combatant (especially with his tomahawk-knife combo)
*Average marksmanship
*Can rally people with speeches
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Yuri was born 4 years before the angels came in a rural village in Russia. There he was taught patience, hard work and other idealistic virtues which Yuri brought with him as he aged. When he was 15 years old and right when Cyborgels were being handed out, he went to St. Petersburg to get higher education where he met Friedrich Kroenen, a German just two years older than him, who is also studying there until he could get back to Germany. The two became great friends because of their shared interest in philosophy.
Both enlisted in the military to keep the citizens of New Society safe from the radical revolutionaries. Both became close to the unit they were assigned to and both seemed on the way to becoming fire-forged brothers. However, Yuri was a big fan of conspiracies and liked looking into things beyond what they looked like. The Russian was once anti-angel and was glad they were defeated for he thought their heavenly appearance were lies and readily believed the words against them.
But one thing bugged Yuri. How and where did the anti-angel weaponry came from? And why were there Cyborgels, androids that looked like the enemy? There were reasons but Yuri found them lacking to have servants modeled after the enemy. Because of this, Yuri and other like-minded individuals in his unit, tried to delve deeper. He invited Friedrich in the search for the truth but unfortunately his German friend did not share his ideals and, under orders from the higher-ups, had Yuri detained.
Or at least tried to have Yuri detained. The Russian caught wind of this and fled with the other associates. Yuri went low in Russia for a while and continued to search for the truth. It was then he managed to get a hold of a friendly revolutionary who told him the whole story of what happened to the angels. Yuri was a bit skeptical at first but believed in it after connections from the story and the current things made perfect sense.
Days after the revelation, Yuri decided to return to his home village to start spreading the word of the revolutionaries. However, he found his village under attack from the military... with Friedrich Kroenen at the lead. Trying to detain him was one thing but Yuri could not believe his former friend would lay waste on his village. Yuri could only watch as his home burned and his family put to death. The Russian swore he would get revenge and the fates blessed him with an opportunity when Friedrich's unit decided to take a rest in the village's ruins.
Using his training and knowledge of the military, the element of surprise some well-placed explosives, he managed to take out his friend's troops and also set Friedrich on fire via Molotov Cocktail. His former friend managed to douse himself with a nearby puddle before running towards the woods. Yuri chased after him ultimately lost him to the woods' fog.
Knowing that his traitorous friend was probably still alive, Yuri officially joined the revolutionaries to fight for the oppressed angels and the deceived mankind and in the hopes he would encounter his friend again. He fought the military arm of New Society continuously, while hearing about a captain among them wearing a gas mask, to where he is now, hoping to meet Friedrich Kroenen for one last reunion.
-Desium Corp.
-New Society
-Friedrich Kroenen
Theme Song:
"We were lied to. All this time we've been fighting the wrong enemy. The angels really have come to bring us, humanity, salvation. To deliver us to the next world. And what did we, humanity, do? We looked the other way. We listened to the venomous lies of opportunists, of power-hungry men, of demons in human flesh. We fought against our saviors and enslaved every last one of them. Turned them into mindless servants for us, humanity, who then indulged in the many sinful vices of life and forgot the virtues of our great ancestor heroes.
But the fight is not over. Once the true revolution begins, the world will be REBORN anew and the facade of peace Desium Corp. imposes will come crashing down! The angels will once again take their rightful place as judges and... I hope they forgive us for what we've done. Though I will not be surprised if they do not, if they condemn us all to Hell. It is what we deserve after all, after our numerous blasphemies and pain we've caused them." |
22,252 | 641 | 37 | 1,888 | 134 | Ethan a vu les points des yeux de Lee, rétrécir. Elle a levé la main à l'arrière de l'allée.
Je n'ai pas dit quelque chose de mal, il a pensé quand il a senti la pluie arrêter soudainement de verser.
Il a pensé quand les gouttelettes d'eau sont tombées non pas vers le bas, mais a volé sur le côté. Il sentit la brusque ruée des particules liquides contre son visage, alors qu'elles volaient en direction de la main de Lee.
Il a crié en trébuchant sur un sac à ordures.
L'impact a fait mal et le sens de l'odeur d'Ethan a été violé par l'odeur de la nourriture pourrie et d'autres odeurs nauséabondement nocives.
Il pensa et se frotta la tête.
Lee, je ne veux pas dire que tu aies mal!
À ce moment-là, il entendit le bruit des pas mouillés s'approcher de lui.
Une voix fortement accentuée courbée, "Angel du Ciel en effet! Comment l'humanité a réussi à vous vaincre est au-delà de moi."
La figure qui s'approchait devint plus claire lorsqu'il entra dans la lumière. C'était un homme en combinaison de pluie jaune avec un pistolet dans la main."Ne vous inquiétez pas, je ne suis pas votre ennemi; vous avez de la chance, mon ami, d'avoir trouvé un tel ange. Je suppose que vous allez la garder?"
Ethan a regardé l'homme dans la combinaison de pluie. Ses yeux s'élargissaient alors qu'il éteignait son pistolet. "Oh crud," Ethan pensait. Une seule personne portait ces vieilles armes. C'est un révolutionnaire, l'un des fous.
Je ne veux pas d'ennuis ici. Je suis juste un mécanicien honnête faisant mon travail, a répondu Ethan.
Ses pensées couraient avec ce qu'il devait faire. Je ne peux pas envoyer un appel d'urgence à la police. S'ils prenaient Lee et savaient que j'avais trafiqué la programmation... L'image des visages visorisés et sans émotion du personnel de Desium OPSEC a cligné dans sa tête.
Lee, viens avec moi, il chuchotait vers elle, ses yeux regardaient encore le pistolet de l'homme.
Il a stressé. J'irai chercher cette unité dans une station de réparation. Je n'ai vraiment rien à voir avec votre conflit avec Desium Corp. J'essaie juste de gagner une vie honnête, a-t-il dit et a commencé à marcher vers son hoverbike. | Name: Ethan Everux
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human; Not a full citizen but works for Desium Corp.
Ethan is a blond, caucasian male who is 5'11. His eyes are a dark brown. His hair is short and often dirty from the residue in the repairshop. On the job he wears a wifebeater, loose trousers, and an old set of military boots he bought from the local exchange store. The work gloves he uses are a size too big for his hands.
When he is off-work he typically switches to a set of more fashionable clothes. He enjoys wearing tight-fitting blue-jeans or tan-chinos complimented by a button-up shirt with rolled sleeves.
Career: Mechanic for Desium Corp.
Technical Knowledge of Desium Corp. Goods: Ethan is extremely knowledgable on most products that come from the Desium Corp. which are pretty much all the products in the world. He gets this knowledge from his daily routine which consists of receiving faulty goods and repairing them to be refurbished or returned. He has worked with anything from guns, cars, computers, musical instruments, portable stoves, and even some Cybergels. If Desium Corp. makes it then Ethan can identify it, figure out how to fix it, and have a relatively good idea of how it works.
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Personality: Messy, Loud-mouth, Cheerful, Idealist, Sympathetic
Bio: Ethan was born a few years before the arrival of the "demons" in the city of Hong Kong. He can trace his genealogy back to the first British colonists of the 19th Century. His mother is an english teacher for the local school. He never knew his father and his mother never spoke of him.
Ethan and his mother lived in a small two room apartment in the old highrises of the city. Always the curious child he eagerly explored the mostly abandoned highrise. He would spend his childhood with the local street urchins walking up the stairs and exploring abandoned rooms. By the time he was fifteen he began to explore the city itself on his own. Because his mother was often busy teaching, Ethan had the freedom to go where he pleased when he pleased.
One day he saw a media outlet from the Desium Corp. on the lives of citizens on a large digital screen. Ethan was bewitched by the sight of the lives of those privelaged people. The clean air, clean water, and most importantly the Cyborgels. The mechanical marvels resembled the sky horrors that supposedly brought death and destruction when Ethan was young, but they were nothing like them. They brought capabilities that improved the lives of any human that had one. Everything was improved by having a cyborgel. He dreamed of living the lives of those people in that commercial. Coming from a household with a meager income, becoming a citizen became his goal.
His new goal caused a rift between him and his mother, who had strong and harsh feelings towards Desium Corp. The two would fight about this nonstop until Ethan turned eighteen and ran from his home. Eventually, he found transportation to one of the new cities. Stepping into the employment center he immediately applied for a job, intent on climbing the social ladder and becoming a full citizen. He was given a test, he took it, and was emplaced in the Services Division, as a mechanic.
It was a decision that Ethan came to have conflicted feelings about. His boss was a fat old administrator who sits on his desk napping. Hours were long and the work was grueling. Part orders were always delayed so items would never be fixed on time, which reflected poorly on Ethan's records and took him further from his dream.
However, he found that he had a knack for repairing damaged items and jerry-rigging things to work. He loved working with any and all products from the Desium Corp. Each damaged product was a complex puzzle that appealed to his need to solve problems. In the mornings he would go out to the nearby junkyards to recover anything useful, and would work all afternoon, with a smile, fixing things.
Sometimes he would even receive damaged Cyborgels. He would shake and jump in excitement with every opportunity he got to work with one. He studied their strange organic-metal biology. Questions like "How do they work?" "What makes them move?" spun in his mind. Every chance he got to work on the Cyborgel he would burn the midnight oil, learning as much as he could out of the mechanical marvel, while trying to repair its fault.
Although he was still far from his dream of living the life of a full citizen, Ethan found fulfillment in the present as a mechanic.
Fresh Water
His Boss
Other: None
22,253 | 641 | 38 | 1,949 | 2,861 | "Je l'ai fait!"
Le petit cri vient d'un petit corps sur la queue de Sasha. Le mini robot avait de petites larmes de frustration qui lui coulait le visage. Elle a regardé Zac, tout sauf complètement jeter son objectif de mission. "Enlevez-moi de ça... MUTT! C'est vrai! Avec le bâillon du chien stupide, ses fils étaient encore plus enchevêtrés qu'auparavant et elle l'avait eu.
Beaucoup de démons dans le glamour humain étaient occupés à courir autour de la place de la ville, aidant à mettre en place ce qui semblait être une grande étape avec une grande feuille sur ce qui doit être le nouveau prototype de Mechange qu'ils prévoyaient de dévoiler. Mais pourquoi à si court délai? Dès qu'elle est arrivée quelqu'un de son travail a ouvert, ou plus correctement, poussé, elle dans l'escalier jusqu'à la scène pour aider à la préparation finale, un maquilleur attachant autour d'elle pour la rendre plus présentable pour les caméras qui étaient également en train d'être mis en place. Cette présentation était apparemment importante... mais pourquoi Lexie n'aurait-il pas entendu parler de ça? Pourquoi ce court préavis?
Les yeux du petit chat ont finalement pris le léger mouvement de la personne sous la poubelle. En tombant ses nouilles, il s'approchait curieusement de la figure, ses yeux ambres grand en prévision. C'est le bord des petites queues qui a coché avec l'intérêt. Puis, travaillant son courage, il a rembourré un peu plus près de la figure pour presser son nez mouillé à la joue pâle qu'il a porté, puis frotter tout son corps contre le visage de la figure. Il sait trop bien que la nourriture sera certainement reçue en récompense de son imploration silencieuse.
La tête de Lee tournait. Qu'est-ce qu'elle vient de faire? Qu'est-ce que cet homme vient de dire? Alors que l'homme qui s'appelait 'Ethan' commençait à marcher à son vélo, elle se serre les poings.
"Attendez!" Elle a appelé, étonnamment hors d'haleine. Sa poitrine se déplaçait avec l'haleine, chaque mouvement émettant un 'whirrrr' platonique de la machinerie interne. Alors qu'elle regardait Ethan, ses yeux verts étaient grands dans la préoccupation, la confusion, et un peu de peur. Elle a pointé vers Yuri.
"Ce type... il sait ce que je suis!" Elle s'est arrêtée pour regarder Yuri. "Vous savez ce que j'ai raison?" Puis elle se retourna vers Ethan, sans attendre une réponse. "Je veux emmener cet homme avec nous! Il sait ce que je suis... Il peut me dire que tu... répares... euh... moi......" Ses mots ont filé et elle a regardé en bas comme si essayer de comprendre ce que "réparer" signifiait même. | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Much, MUCH better. Very realistic for the setting they're in. You are accepted! |
22,254 | 641 | 39 | 794 | 276 | Le visage d'Alexis s'est déformé en dégoût, la langue de la chose s'est évanouie sur la joue. Elle se pencha rapidement, levant son bon bras pour repousser la créature. Le fait qu'elle ait maintenant quelque chose en commun avec le mute – qui est sauvé et soigné par Zac – l'a encore plus bouleversée. Elle ne voulait pas être perdue sans un humain, mais elle ne pouvait imaginer une réalité sans eux. Dans un monde sans humains, elle ne pouvait pas être réparée. Dans un monde sans être humain, qu'y avait-il à faire, sinon pourrir et attendre la mort de toute façon?
Quand Zac a parlé de nourriture, elle l'a regardé curieusement. Mon régime se compose de barres de compléments nutritionnels du laboratoire. Quelque chose lui a dit que c'était différent, d'où le nom, mais elle avait, à l'occasion, vu certains des scientifiques manger avant. Ils avaient diverses... des choses miettes ou de douces bouffées de choses qui ne ressemblaient pas du tout à des barres. S'ils pouvaient consommer de telles choses, il n'y avait aucune raison qu'elle ne puisse pas, bien qu'elle n'était pas particulièrement sûre si elle voulait essayer.
Cependant, avant que Zac puisse répondre, une petite voix sonnait de la queue du chien. Quelque chose de chaud a explosé au sein d'Alexis, et elle était à nouveau Nemesis, voyant le petit robot. La première chose qui lui est venue à l'esprit était, espion, et la suivante a été détruire. Elle se branla en avant sous le bras de Zac, se penchant maladroitement sur ses genoux alors qu'elle tentait de saisir l'envahisseur, probablement pour l'écraser par la suite. | Name: Nemesis
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: What skin remains of Nemesis’ is pale and fair. Her head is mostly intact, though many parts of her skull and the majority of her spine have been replaced. She has one ear intact: the other is composed of a wireless receiver that connects deeper into her brain. All four of her limbs are mostly missing from her elbows and knees down—all that remains is bone that has been mostly supplanted by metal. She leans towards a lanky build, but the features of her face remain angelic, sporting a soft nose and chin. She is a natural redhead and has blue eyes.
As for wings—these have also been stripped down to bone and replaced with gears and joints to maintain their use (these have since been damaged and are inoperable in her current state). Oddly enough, her natural white feathers still grow from her bones and pockets of functional flesh.
These metal-plated bones (and various other parts of her limbs that are fully replaced by metal and mechanisms) have a copper color. As far as clothes, Nemesis wears whatever is required of the occasion, though her career has mostly dictated plain bodysuits and helmets.
Career: Nemesis was one of the angels whose mental adjustments did not go well. Having lost nearly everything that was her former life, all that remained was a passionate, burning rage. She was not compatible for service-related tasks, and rather than completely scrapping her, she was given a bodysuit and put into military testing for mechanized soldiers and untested military equipment. In simple terms, she was kept in captivity and released to tear apart robotic prototypes, thus exposing weaknesses while highlighting the strengths of each respective model.
Naturally, it was not a career she could last long in. Recovery that took weeks between trials became months as each fracture, rupture, and replacement became more complicated to repair. When she was deemed useless, her weapon implements (namely prototype blades) were removed and she was on the brink of being tossed away with the very same robotic ruins she’d destroyed.
This state of ruin, however, had sated the mindless vengeance she had survived with. Her temperament was mild, not far from comatose, and she was still capable of responding to orders. Given the money spent on her physical adjustments, the company is still in debate over whether she should be re-assigned or simply left to rot.
Bludgeoning: Close combat involving the use of fists is part of the reason she has no flesh left on her hands.
Sword Use: Close combat involving the use of mundane and plasma blades.
Supplemented Strength: Due to most of her skeletal and muscle structure being replaced by machinery, she has twice the strength of a normal man, allowing her to pry apart metal sheets and break small bricks.
Robotic Destruction: Taking apart experimental machinery has given her a refined approach to killing machines—she knows where the weakest points of most combat-related weaponry and mechs are, where their power sources are, and how to bypass impenetrable metal shells to disrupt their power sources.
Crystal-Code Reading: Due to an implant in her brain called the Crystex-Reader 430, she is capable of reading coded information burned onto Crystex Cores. Crystex Cores are banks of physical memory that can record most, if not all known medias. They are, however, formed from rare materials and require very specific devices to burn data onto them. For this reason, they are used almost exclusively in the military to record and share sensitive information.
In the case of Nemesis, the Crystex-Reader 430 was implanted directly into her brain. It can read Crystex Cores inserted into the device that was once her ear (referenced above) and relay the information at will to her brain. Her brain still has to read and process the information, but this was a very direct means of teaching her how to use equipment that was later applied to her body to be tested.
Supernatural Abilities: Flight—one would assume.
Bio: Nemesis has only recently come to recall shreds of her past—with her body broken, she had nothing left but to ruminate on her own existence. She knows that, to some extent, she was once a leader responsible for dispatching troops, but who she may have commanded and for what reason she cannot recall. She has the vague understanding that she was once a whole being, without machinery, and that thought alone had caused the rage that sustained her through so much bodily damage.
Apart from those vague facts, she is left only with procedural memory: to respond immediately to commands without question was ingrained into her long before she became a testing puppet for the government. Her grace with the blade has also always been natural to her, and on occasion, she finds herself ruminating on things she has no former recollection or context of, like the patterns of the stars.
Likes: Standing over dismantled robotic foes, warm temperatures, physical exercise, puzzles that blueprints present, and examining objects she has not yet seen before.
Dislikes: Medical centers, animals (she cannot comprehend them), sleep, situations that do not have a very specific objective to accomplish.
Theme Song: Beyond that Prayer
Other: REBORN |
22,255 | 641 | 40 | 1,888 | 134 | Ethan était stupéfait. "Qu'est-ce que? Depuis quand Cyborgels interroge-t-il leurs ordres?" Il s'est demandé.
Il n'arrêtait pas de raccrocher à son vélo. "Je ne peux pas la laisser ici, si elle tombe aux mains des rebelles et Desium OPSEC traque qui a modifié sa programmation... Plus l'homme fou la veut. Qui sait à quel genre de but bizarre ils l'utiliseraient," pensa-t-il. "Jamais. Pourquoi aujourd'hui? Pourquoi il fallait que ce soit aujourd'hui!"
Avec sa main droite derrière le dos, il a ouvert son holopanel. Il pouvait sentir son pouce se reposer facilement sur un bouton rouge.
Il l'a regardée et puis l'homme fou dans le imperméable. Il était évident que les fous voulaient le Cyborgel. S'il l'abandonnait, il se ferait tirer dessus. S'il courait, il se ferait tirer dessus, peu importe ce qu'a dit le fou. Vous ne pouviez pas faire confiance aux hommes fous.
Les points de décision et les pistes d'action ont couru à travers sa tête. "Essuie-le," pensa-t-il et descendit le bouton.
L'holopanel a immédiatement commencé à envoyer un signal de détresse à toutes les unités de police voisines. "Dans quelques secondes, cet endroit va ramper avec la police. Il ne faut pas se faire tirer dessus avant. Et trouver un moyen de ne pas les faire enquêter sur le Cyborgel," pensa Ethan.
Il a encore tourné la tête vers le Cyborgel Lee. "Voyez, vous devez venir avec moi. Cet homme a besoin de beaucoup d'aide. Sûrement de l'aide mentale. Vous ne devriez pas écouter ce qu'il dit », a-t-il dit. | Name: Ethan Everux
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human; Not a full citizen but works for Desium Corp.
Ethan is a blond, caucasian male who is 5'11. His eyes are a dark brown. His hair is short and often dirty from the residue in the repairshop. On the job he wears a wifebeater, loose trousers, and an old set of military boots he bought from the local exchange store. The work gloves he uses are a size too big for his hands.
When he is off-work he typically switches to a set of more fashionable clothes. He enjoys wearing tight-fitting blue-jeans or tan-chinos complimented by a button-up shirt with rolled sleeves.
Career: Mechanic for Desium Corp.
Technical Knowledge of Desium Corp. Goods: Ethan is extremely knowledgable on most products that come from the Desium Corp. which are pretty much all the products in the world. He gets this knowledge from his daily routine which consists of receiving faulty goods and repairing them to be refurbished or returned. He has worked with anything from guns, cars, computers, musical instruments, portable stoves, and even some Cybergels. If Desium Corp. makes it then Ethan can identify it, figure out how to fix it, and have a relatively good idea of how it works.
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Personality: Messy, Loud-mouth, Cheerful, Idealist, Sympathetic
Bio: Ethan was born a few years before the arrival of the "demons" in the city of Hong Kong. He can trace his genealogy back to the first British colonists of the 19th Century. His mother is an english teacher for the local school. He never knew his father and his mother never spoke of him.
Ethan and his mother lived in a small two room apartment in the old highrises of the city. Always the curious child he eagerly explored the mostly abandoned highrise. He would spend his childhood with the local street urchins walking up the stairs and exploring abandoned rooms. By the time he was fifteen he began to explore the city itself on his own. Because his mother was often busy teaching, Ethan had the freedom to go where he pleased when he pleased.
One day he saw a media outlet from the Desium Corp. on the lives of citizens on a large digital screen. Ethan was bewitched by the sight of the lives of those privelaged people. The clean air, clean water, and most importantly the Cyborgels. The mechanical marvels resembled the sky horrors that supposedly brought death and destruction when Ethan was young, but they were nothing like them. They brought capabilities that improved the lives of any human that had one. Everything was improved by having a cyborgel. He dreamed of living the lives of those people in that commercial. Coming from a household with a meager income, becoming a citizen became his goal.
His new goal caused a rift between him and his mother, who had strong and harsh feelings towards Desium Corp. The two would fight about this nonstop until Ethan turned eighteen and ran from his home. Eventually, he found transportation to one of the new cities. Stepping into the employment center he immediately applied for a job, intent on climbing the social ladder and becoming a full citizen. He was given a test, he took it, and was emplaced in the Services Division, as a mechanic.
It was a decision that Ethan came to have conflicted feelings about. His boss was a fat old administrator who sits on his desk napping. Hours were long and the work was grueling. Part orders were always delayed so items would never be fixed on time, which reflected poorly on Ethan's records and took him further from his dream.
However, he found that he had a knack for repairing damaged items and jerry-rigging things to work. He loved working with any and all products from the Desium Corp. Each damaged product was a complex puzzle that appealed to his need to solve problems. In the mornings he would go out to the nearby junkyards to recover anything useful, and would work all afternoon, with a smile, fixing things.
Sometimes he would even receive damaged Cyborgels. He would shake and jump in excitement with every opportunity he got to work with one. He studied their strange organic-metal biology. Questions like "How do they work?" "What makes them move?" spun in his mind. Every chance he got to work on the Cyborgel he would burn the midnight oil, learning as much as he could out of the mechanical marvel, while trying to repair its fault.
Although he was still far from his dream of living the life of a full citizen, Ethan found fulfillment in the present as a mechanic.
Fresh Water
His Boss
Other: None
22,256 | 641 | 41 | 1,792 | 1,123 | (pure493, le ninja.)
On dirait qu'Ethan a identifié Yuri comme un révolutionnaire bien au regret du Russe. Le mécanicien a immédiatement tenté de rompre le contact avec Yuri en disant qu'il n'est qu'un ouvrier et qu'il ne veut rien avoir à voir avec le conflit entre la Révolution et le Desium Corp et la Nouvelle Société.
"Ah mais en réparant le Cyborgel à l'état de fonctionnement, vous avez déjà quelque chose à voir avec le conflit. Il peut être petit, mais il s'agit clairement d'un acte contre Desium Corp., oui?" Yuri a dit, son ton poli et pas du tout hostile malgré les mots eux-mêmes. "Beau travail, au fait."
Le mécanicien, toujours méfiant du révolutionnaire, commença à marcher vers son hoverbike. Yuri se demandait s'il allait rapporter le Russe. Il était douteux que Yuri puisse le rapporter et qu'ils aient tous les deux des ennuis. Mais tout ce qui ne semblait pas importe pour Lee le Cyborgel a arrêté le mécanicien.
Lee a dit à Ethan que Yuri savait quelque chose sur elle et a exigé qu'il vienne. Lee et Yuri se sont tous deux tournés vers le mécanicien pour obtenir la réponse. Quelques instants de silence ont passé avant qu'Ethan ne donne sa réponse sous la forme d'alerter la police par son holopanel.
L'action a surpris et déçu Yuri. "Qu'est-ce que tu fais?! Ils nous détruiront tous les deux et déchireront le Cyborgel une fois de plus! » Le Russe a crié sur le mécanicien. "Nous devons quitter la zone. Il y a des bâtiments abandonnés près d'ici, mais si vous voulez, vous pouvez retourner à votre magasin pour vous cacher. »
S'il est ininterrompu, Yuri enlèvera son imperméable, révélant un ensemble de beaux vêtements convenant à un citoyen de la Nouvelle Société. En sortant un parapluie, il le dira à Ethan. "Soyez prudent, d'accord? Vous n'êtes pas un mauvais homme, peut-être un peu proche d'esprit, mais pas mauvais. Garde-la en sécurité, elle fait partie de notre salut."
Avec ses mains en cuir, le Russe prenait son imperméable et le jetait à la poubelle avec son arme. "Demandez. C'était du millésime." Yuri sortirait rapidement de l'allée avec le parapluie ouvert, ressemblant à un autre citoyen de la Nouvelle Société. | Name: Yuri Volkova
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
Description: Standing at 5'9, Yuri has a well-built body thanks to his time in the military. Since he is in Russia, he usually wears thick or furry clothing for the cold but will readily ditch it when he goes to somewhere warmer. Like a stereotypical Russian, Yuri really likes ushankas and will wear them whenever possible and when it does not get in the way.
Career: Former military. Currently a Revolutionary.
*Expert melee combatant (especially with his tomahawk-knife combo)
*Average marksmanship
*Can rally people with speeches
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Yuri was born 4 years before the angels came in a rural village in Russia. There he was taught patience, hard work and other idealistic virtues which Yuri brought with him as he aged. When he was 15 years old and right when Cyborgels were being handed out, he went to St. Petersburg to get higher education where he met Friedrich Kroenen, a German just two years older than him, who is also studying there until he could get back to Germany. The two became great friends because of their shared interest in philosophy.
Both enlisted in the military to keep the citizens of New Society safe from the radical revolutionaries. Both became close to the unit they were assigned to and both seemed on the way to becoming fire-forged brothers. However, Yuri was a big fan of conspiracies and liked looking into things beyond what they looked like. The Russian was once anti-angel and was glad they were defeated for he thought their heavenly appearance were lies and readily believed the words against them.
But one thing bugged Yuri. How and where did the anti-angel weaponry came from? And why were there Cyborgels, androids that looked like the enemy? There were reasons but Yuri found them lacking to have servants modeled after the enemy. Because of this, Yuri and other like-minded individuals in his unit, tried to delve deeper. He invited Friedrich in the search for the truth but unfortunately his German friend did not share his ideals and, under orders from the higher-ups, had Yuri detained.
Or at least tried to have Yuri detained. The Russian caught wind of this and fled with the other associates. Yuri went low in Russia for a while and continued to search for the truth. It was then he managed to get a hold of a friendly revolutionary who told him the whole story of what happened to the angels. Yuri was a bit skeptical at first but believed in it after connections from the story and the current things made perfect sense.
Days after the revelation, Yuri decided to return to his home village to start spreading the word of the revolutionaries. However, he found his village under attack from the military... with Friedrich Kroenen at the lead. Trying to detain him was one thing but Yuri could not believe his former friend would lay waste on his village. Yuri could only watch as his home burned and his family put to death. The Russian swore he would get revenge and the fates blessed him with an opportunity when Friedrich's unit decided to take a rest in the village's ruins.
Using his training and knowledge of the military, the element of surprise some well-placed explosives, he managed to take out his friend's troops and also set Friedrich on fire via Molotov Cocktail. His former friend managed to douse himself with a nearby puddle before running towards the woods. Yuri chased after him ultimately lost him to the woods' fog.
Knowing that his traitorous friend was probably still alive, Yuri officially joined the revolutionaries to fight for the oppressed angels and the deceived mankind and in the hopes he would encounter his friend again. He fought the military arm of New Society continuously, while hearing about a captain among them wearing a gas mask, to where he is now, hoping to meet Friedrich Kroenen for one last reunion.
-Desium Corp.
-New Society
-Friedrich Kroenen
Theme Song:
"We were lied to. All this time we've been fighting the wrong enemy. The angels really have come to bring us, humanity, salvation. To deliver us to the next world. And what did we, humanity, do? We looked the other way. We listened to the venomous lies of opportunists, of power-hungry men, of demons in human flesh. We fought against our saviors and enslaved every last one of them. Turned them into mindless servants for us, humanity, who then indulged in the many sinful vices of life and forgot the virtues of our great ancestor heroes.
But the fight is not over. Once the true revolution begins, the world will be REBORN anew and the facade of peace Desium Corp. imposes will come crashing down! The angels will once again take their rightful place as judges and... I hope they forgive us for what we've done. Though I will not be surprised if they do not, if they condemn us all to Hell. It is what we deserve after all, after our numerous blasphemies and pain we've caused them." |
22,257 | 641 | 42 | 2,029 | 36 | Feu. Feu. Feu.
Le mantra brisé avait traversé l'esprit de Liron, avec l'ordre de "sauver le mutin". Le fait que Liron ne trouvait rien d'autre n'était pas une source de détresse, bien que le nom du sentiment ne soit pas venu tout à fait à l'esprit de l'ange. La chaîne cassée, cependant, s'arrêta lorsque la petite créature noire qui l'a réveillé (un chat dit une voix dans sa tête, son appelé un chat) commença à frotter son visage contre le sien.
Les traits du visage de Liron n'ont pas changé à mesure que son bon bras s'approchait et enterrait ses doigts dans la fourrure du félin, le cachant. Il était mouillé, il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de remarquer, en commençant lentement à se rendre compte qu'il pleuvait.
Crannant sa tête vers le ciel, il regarda les larmes du ciel battre, le mantra de feu dans sa tête mourant à rien laissant derrière un vague et vide sentiment. En plus des douleurs et des douleurs à travers son corps. C'était bizarre. Il y avait eu des injections pour cela dans le passé. Ou c'était des pilules? Un autre coup de douleur dans sa jambe lui a dit que ça n'avait pas d'importance.
Où est le capitaine? Pourquoi elle n'est pas là? Où suis-je? Les pensées pitoyables sont venues à travers son esprit, pas tout à fait piercing ensemble, il avait été jeté et oublié.
"Capitaine?" Il a crié faiblement, sa voix a mal et mal, il s'est un peu cassé aussi. "Je suis ici." | Name: Liron
Gender: Male
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: For a cyborgel, Liron looks rather ... human if you disregard the ashen colored wings and the mechanical arm and red mechanical eyes.
Or at least once upon a time he looked rather human. His short, black hair is currently matted with blood and his right arm - a metal prosthetic - hangs useless at his side. His leg is bent rather awkwardly - no doubt broken, and parts of his body are covered in nasty burns. If one looked really closely they could find pieces of burned dog hair.
However, once he gets cleaned up and no longer looks like something out of the Night of the Living Dead, Liron is a rather tall young man - about 5'11" if one were to measure him - with short tossled black hair and pale white skin. He is wiry, yet clearly muscular. His shoulders are broad, and taper down. His ashen wings can easily fold against his body - although they could be hidden by a coat, there is a weird awkward bulge in the back for anyone with any sort of sense of detail for attention.
Currently Liron is wearing what he died in - well, after his body was ransacked for the "good" clothes by various miscreants. (After all, Liron is a cyborgel and an object. Also, believed dead). By some good fortune Liron was left with a pair of dirty, if not rather soiled, black boxer shorts.
After his capture and brainwashing, Liron was re-tasked to working as a "volunteer" firefighter. (Of course one couldn't exactly call him a volunteer since, you know, brainwashing but semantics.)
There are two different types of firefighters; wildland firefighters who contain and prevent the spread of the raging inferno of death that is eating the forest and firefighters which most people are used to seeing in towns, villages and cities.
Contrary to popular belief, neither are mutually exclusive - after all they are trained to do two different tasks. Figherfighters who are in towns and cities measure fires by yards and feet and use water to put them out. On the other hand, wildland firefighters fight fire with literal fire. After all when you are measuring fires in literally tens of acres, there isn't going to be enough time to put one of those bad boys out. Of course there are other differences between the two (such as work weeks) but will not be mentioned in favor of it not being very important.
However, the people in charge decided why not double dip and make Liron able to perform in both capacities.
While Liron's job was mostly to either contain or put out fires - depending on what call he was sent to - Liron was also tasked in performing other typical firemen duties like rescuing kittens out of trees on those off days that there wasn't anything on fire.
The most important skill Liron had when he was "working" as a fireman was that he looked human, or at least could pass off as one as long as he wore a long coat to hide his wings and mechanical arm. While his eyes were a bit harder, it was usually nothing that a pair of sunglasses or a fireman helmet couldn't fix.
The reason this was important was because as a fireman, Liron didn't just fight fires (although it was a good part of it) but dealt with distressed individuals and the public at large. Since people could act erratically when upset and distressed, Liron's "ability" to pass as human was considered a beneficial perk.
To expand on this, it can be easily inferred that Liron has some grief consoling experience under his belt. Even if it wasn't programmed into him, Liron no doubt would have had to learn on the job. While Liron very rarely dealt with the public in any other capacity, he was trained to in case of emergencies and something came up and some person approached him instead of an actual human.
He's memorized the entire layout of the city he was stationed in - as well as the street conditions - in the need to travel to the most direct route of the incident. The forest was a bit harder considering landmarks tended to go up in flames or were on fire at the time.
Liron's right arm also provides him with great strength - it has the ability to rip apart armored trucks and smash concrete. This has a variety of uses from cleaning up debris to smashing in walls to look for hot spots, or being able to carry unconscious person, the mechanical arm has many uses depending on what the situation calls for.
Liron also has very basic EMS skills - mostly focusing on "is this person alive?" and "if not, attempt to resurrect" or "if so, wow they're bleeding a lot - let's stop that." Liron also has been taught how to use Narcan to save people who have overdosed. Essentially he was put through first responder training, or better put programming.
Liron's thermal sensing eyes - whose function can be toggled on and off merely by thinking about it - allows Liron to search for lifeforms, whether they are dead or alive based on their heat temperatures. This is greatly beneficial when looking for victims trapped inside structure fires or even car fires.
Finally, the most obvious of Liron's skills is to fight fire. This extends more than just to using a high pressurized hose to dose the flames. For structure fires, Liron needed to determine best location for venting structure based on location of hazard and fire personnel, roof type, and building construction. Also, when it comes to forceable entry, he needed to know where best to enter the blazing inferno called death. Wildfire firefighters on the other hand learned how to camp in the path of an inferno and running from fire tornadoes which love to pop up because the universe loves to troll like that. While maybe not so much a skill, it might be interesting to note.
Supernatural Abilities: Judging by his wings, it can be assumed that Liron has the ability to fly.
Personality: Quiet, Efficient, Obedient, Empathic, Blunt
Bio: Liron doesn't know much about himself prior to becoming a firefighter. He was a relatively undamaged angel, and stayed relatively unmodified after some towns and cities in the western part of the United States were complaining of the lack of volunteer firefighters to fight fires - after all, charging into a raging inferno borders on brave and crazy. It was felt if Liron was kept more "human," it would benefit the fire departments.
After all, Liron would be an easy thing to throw away and be able to take the most dangerous tasks, thus taking the figurative (and literal) heat off the other, more important (and human) firefighters. However, since things happen in the heat of the moment and people need somebody to cry to and ask questions, it was felt Liron needed to appear mostly human as to not cause any greater distress or anger, potentially impeding the firemen's jobs if somebody had an issue with Liron.
Liron was assigned to a small fire unit in the western part of the United States where the dry weather and low population made it very hard to have enough people for the constant fires which seemed to start with the littlest of provocation.
Assigned the name "Liron" by one of the fire crew (to make it easier when out on calls), Liron lived mostly in the fire hall (or in the path of a blazing inferno on those wildfire days which could last up to months) unless he was out on a call. He was in charge of the tedious day to day work when at the station of making sure the equipment was working and cleaned, and whatever droll jobs that needed to be done but weren't exactly enthralling.
While Liron was helpful to the fire department, as cyborgels eventually faded into misuse, money towards his upkeep seemed to gradually diminish into nothing.
One day when at a structure fire call, the flames enveloped a propane tank causing an explosion which would make Michael Bay proud. Unfortunately, Liron was in the house at the time rescuing the family's pet dog and was severely damaged.
Considered outdated and unable to be repaired, Liron's burned body was simply thrown to the side of the road with rest of the trash.
Theme Song: Cruel Angel's Thesis
Other: Reborn |
22,258 | 641 | 43 | 1,949 | 2,861 | NOM!<3
La petite adolescente a pris une bouchée de son bagel à l'oignon, frémissant presque dans le bonheur. Cuisi à la perfection à partir d'un grille-pain et balayé vers le haut et vers le bas avec une quantité dégoûtante de beurre.
Seulement pour elle, ce n'était pas dégoûtant, en fait, c'était à peine suffisant. Chaque jour où elle n'avait pas à cuisiner pour elle-même était un grand jour, et encore mieux, il pleuvait et lui donnait la chance de montrer son parapluie totoro. La plupart des gens n'utilisaient plus de parapluies, juste leurs Mechangels. Elle en utiliserait probablement un aussi si elle ne les haïssait pas tant. Ses parents ont essayé de lui en donner un à un moment donné, mais Mel ne l'a jamais utilisé, donc, mécontent, ses parents l'ont renvoyé. Elle n'a jamais beaucoup aimé le truc de l'IA, et ses amis Tumblr ont aussi dit que c'était totalement immoral. C'était mauvais pour l'environnement. Plus Y facteur Le juge Natalia Rills a totalement arnaqué un gars l'autre jour pour ne pas en posséder un à utiliser comme un microphone sur scène, donc il y avait aussi un facteur d'essayer de se débarrasser de Mechanges pour piquer la celebritie debout sur le spectacle.
Ça ne durerait pas longtemps. Mais, peu importe.
Alors qu'elle passait dans une ruelle, elle entendait une voix faible venant des poubelles. Ça l'a fait tourner, bagel toujours dans sa bouche. "Mmn?"
Ses yeux s'élargissaient en le voyant. Frapper la fourrure d'un chat mignon qu'elle n'allait pas rentrer avec elle ce soir oh mon dieu quel mignon je me demande si je peux lui faire jouer des baguettes sur le keyboa... Ahem. Oui. Un blessé. C'est un truc. Elle s'est précipitée et s'est agenouillée, son ombre tombant sur le sien. Elle tenait son parapluie sur lui, s'inquiétait de son visage.
"H-hey, est-ce que ça va...?" Elle a demandé, en tirant provisoirement les ordures de lui.
"Vois-y!" Le pixiebot a échoué dans la détresse alors qu'il essayait de s'éloigner de la main entrante.
Les sourcils du Cyborgel ont crû. Elle regarda ses mains, pensant à ce qu'elle venait de faire avec l'eau. La police était déjà en route, les sirènes flambaient à proximité.
"Non! J'ai dit qu'il venait... Avec!"
Ses mains arrachées vers le haut, soulevant la marche russe dans une boule d'eau plus délicatement accrocheuse, en gardant son visage libre. Elle courut à Ethan et sauta sur son vélo à mesure que les sirènes se rapprochaient. "Vivre!" Elle a exigé, une autorité soudaine dans sa voix. | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Much, MUCH better. Very realistic for the setting they're in. You are accepted! |
22,259 | 641 | 44 | 2,097 | 1,847 | Razielle secoua et sauta loin des robots, atterrissant sur le seuil de la fenêtre. Les deux petits robots ont couru autour de ses pieds, comme s'ils étaient de l'IA. Peut-être qu'ils l'étaient. C'est tout à fait possible, vu le fait qu'elle ne se souvenait de rien d'avant la jonque. Elle descendait soigneusement du seuil de la fenêtre et regardait les petits robots. Ils glissaient autour du sol pendant un bref moment avant de disparaître une fois de plus de la porte. Elle lève un sourcil et les suit en regardant autour. Ces petits robots avaient disparu dans la maison, disparaissant complètement de sa vue. Les bips hauts et les bips bas semblent être tout autour d'elle, mais elle ne peut pas se concentrer sur un exactement un.
Elle commence à se promener dans l'immeuble, en vérifiant différentes pièces. On dirait un appartement normal. Elle regarde dans les portes, voit des lits, déchirés et ruinés de rats ou quelque chose comme ça. Elle voit des objets laissés par les anciens propriétaires quand ils ont disparu. Elle entre dans ce qui semble être une chambre de petit garçon et elle regarde autour. Elle remarque un plateau plat dans le coin et elle s'y joint curieusement. Elle marche et la tape. Soudain, un peu de bourdonnement a rempli l'air et la petite planche flotte. Elle saute en arrière et voit qu'elle reste immobile, contrairement à ces petits robots. Elle soupire et la tape encore. Il retourne au sol. Ce monde nouveau est si étrange pour elle.
Elle se retire de la pièce et continue de regarder autour de lui. | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Other: REBORN |
22,260 | 641 | 45 | 586 | 3,914 | Zac était sur le point de retirer le pain de son sac quand il entendit la petite voix. Un moment plus tard, Alexis s'était jeté sur ses genoux, atteignant Sasha. Ou plutôt, sa queue. Réagissant rapidement, il se lève et attrape le poignet, arrêtant le Cyborgel affaibli. Si elle était à plein pouvoir, il y a des chances que ma main soit sortie, il se rend compte.
En repoussant cette pensée, il dit, "Facile, là-bas. Ne prenons pas de décisions irréfléchies, d'accord? »
Assis doucement à l'arrière d'Alexis, il scoots derrière Sasha, qui avait sauté à ses pattes, pensant qu'Alexis avait essayé de jouer, entraînant ainsi sa queue à se remuer rapidement. "Sasha, quand même", dit Zac alors qu'il sort les coupe-fils d'avant.
Une fois que Sasha s'est calmée, Zac regarde sa queue pour voir le pixiebot enchevêtré dans sa fourrure. Alors qu'il utilise les coupe-fils pour couper la fourrure de Sasha, attention à ne couper aucun des fils exposés des pixiebots, il dit à la petite machine, "Alors, qu'est-ce que tu fais coincé dans la fourrure de mon chien? | Name: Zacary 'Zac' Yoxall
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human Revolutionary (Military defector)
Description: The goggles that are usually either wrapped around his neck or the top of his head are high-tech remnants of when he was with the military (which he stole, of course). They eliminate the need for a spotter, analyzing wind direction and speed, as well as distance from himself to the target when sniping, although it provides no further assistance with aiming. He also has slight traces of cybernetics, although they were installed purely to repair nerve damage in his arm after being caught in a firefight and hidden under his skin.
Career: Ex-military sniper, now works with the Revolutionaries
Skills: -Excellent cook
-Elite-class sniper
-Proficient with various weapons and hand-to-hand, but best with sniper rifles
Personality: -Carefree
-Tends to not be very bright
Bio: Zac was raised in a well-to-do family. He had never wanted for anything, everything was readily provided by parents who tried too hard to please their only child and heir to their business. And he hated it.
His family had several Cyborgels as servants. Granted, he was always raised to believe they were demons who had come to destroy them all back when he was five, but he had never believed that. He wasn't sure how, but he had a feeling there was more to the Cyborgels than met the eye, but could never exactly put his finger on it.
When he was of age, mainly to get away from his posh lifestyle, he joined the military, where he excelled as a sniper. At first, it was all fine and dandy, protecting civilians from renegades and 'repurposed' Cyborgels who sought to do harm to innocents. That changed one day, during a brutal firefight between the Revolutionaries and the military.
He had been forced into close-quarters with a Cyborgel and, severely wounded in his right arm, was forced to chase her down. When he finally caught up to her and leveled his pistol at her, he saw something: a spark of life in her eyes. Seeing this, he let her go.
A month later, after his arm was repaired, he gathered his gear and seemingly vanished.
Likes: -Spicy food
-Sweet food
-Sour food
-Protecting the true innocents
Dislikes: -Rich people
-People who use power to get away with their crimes
-Bad cooks
Theme Song: Drawnonward by Jack Trammell
Other: Reborn! :D |
22,261 | 641 | 46 | 1,700 | 2,650 | Quelque chose n'avait pas l'air juste et comme Lexie a été poussée dans les coulisses, elle n'a pu s'empêcher de penser à tout ce qui s'est passé. Un autre démon l'a mise en garde contre une présence mystérieuse, un enfant qui est apparu de nulle part pour délivrer un message, et sa mort qui a poussé Lexie à faire une évasion rapide. Elle a été habituée à redresser la violence qu'elle a vécu sur une base hebdomadaire au Slaying Trench, mais pas ce spectacle d'horreur. Pour couronner ça, on dirait qu'elle était maintenant techniquement de retour au travail. Ça allait être une longue journée.
Lexie s'y tenait avec les expressions les plus ternes alors que l'un des maquilleurs allait travailler à nettoyer l'apparence désormais usée vers le haut.
"Que se passe-t-il ici?" Elle a parlé au jeune artiste.
"Je ne sais pas. On m'a parlé d'une présentation et c'est tout ce qu'on m'a dit.
Lexie tenait son bras dehors et repoussait lentement la jeune fille qui écoutait : « Ça a l'air bien, » alors qu'elle marchait vers une table voisine et s'asseyait sur le bord. Tirant son dossier sur ses genoux, elle l'a ouvert et a commencé à éplucher les pages, à la recherche d'informations sur l'ordre du jour d'aujourd'hui. Elle pouvait voir la réunion qui s'est tenue au bureau, mais après cela, il n'y avait plus rien à dire.
Même quand elle regardait autour de la pièce pour trouver des visages familiers, elle ne faisait que dessiner des blancs. Beaucoup de ces gens semblaient être perdus dans leur propre monde avec l'installation, mais ils travaillaient tous ensemble comme un essaim d'abeilles. Tout le monde bourdonnant autour de l'endroit en sachant ce que l'autre faisait avant même que les mots soient prononcés.
"Lexie!" une voix cria de loin comme un jeune homme avec un casque poussa pour qu'elle vienne à sa position. Fermeture du dossier qu'elle a marché jusqu'à sa position près de la scène qui était presque prête pour qu'il soit révélé. | Name: Lexie Bristol
Gender: Female
Character Type: Demon
Unlike many other demons, Lexie has a demonic form that looks more human like than demon.
Career: Secretary to a Desium Corp Manager within the weapons sales division.
- Excellence in hand to hand combat with additional melee weapons training.
- The ability to monitor various sectors of the city through sales and distribution of their goods. If a section becomes too hot or too cold an inquiry is produced to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Supernatural Abilities:
- When in Release form she is able to vastly increase her strength and speed as well as summon her personal, demonic weapon "Loutka".
- Lexie owns a special axe known as "Loutka" that was forged from Hell itself. The axe is also viewed as a cursed weapon because of what happens when the wielder spills their own blood onto the blade, and only after an injury has been inflicted upon a victim. When these two steps are complete the axe head will begin to glow a brilliant white and lock the two fighters into a joint unison for only a maximum of a few minutes. Any injuries inflicted upon the wielder will be mirrored back onto the joined victim as well. In essence, the wielder becomes a temporary voodoo doll for the victim as "Loutka" believes each time it draws blood off the wielder, it is attacking the other person. This spell however has a long cool down period where the weapon and wielder must rest.
- Although not used often when she is in her Release form she is able to flick out her hand in order to shoot a plasma, energy ball.
Personality: Calm and assertive but when in Release form she can often appear insane.
Bio: Lexie, being within the sales division, is able to monitor the traffic and sales of their products to both demons and humans. Mostly this was used to help their marketing department in order to control where they need to advertise and ship their goods. Occasionally though, thanks to rebels and black market dealers, some of their deliveries would go missing with couriers winding up dead or dismantled. This is where she would be sent on special assignments to simply retrieve what rightfully belonged to Desium Corp. After all, it isn't easy explaining a 1 million dollar stock loss to the company.
Outside of work she enjoys the underground life of the city, often venturing into raves deep within abandoned car parks under the city buildings or pits where disposed Cyborgels were forced to fight against each other or demons for illegal betting. These environments allowed her to feel more at home with the chaos and despair that they spilled out while reminding her of the past where the demons won against the angels.
She owns an apartment near a top level of one of the City towers. The view gives her the feel that she like a god looking down on her people, judging the and watching them like ants
Likes: Art, Wine, Dancing
Dislikes: Cats (It's a demon thing), Milk
Theme Song: Duality - Slipknot
Other: Trivia - Loutka in Czech means Puppet
Reborn |
22,262 | 641 | 47 | 2,029 | 36 | La fille n'avait jamais été vue par Liron. Non pas qu'il ait vu beaucoup d'humains à l'extérieur de la station et des appels. Ses sourcils sillonnaient alors qu'il essayait de se rappeler si elle était l'enfant de la famille. Il était presque sûr que le petit humain avait été un homme, et sûrement moins de 10 ans. Celle-ci était féminine et considérablement... plus âgée.
Un voisin? Il s'est montré engourdi alors que son esprit traitait la question qu'elle lui avait posée. C'était un qu'il avait entendu avant - non pas à lui-même bien sûr, mais à d'autres. Toujours à d'autres. Comment était-il censé répondre à son enquête? Chaque fois qu'il était présenté aux humains, il semblait qu'il était par la voie de mentir et de dire, « Je vais bien », même si les larmes couraient vers le bas de son visage. Liron n'a jamais tout à fait compris le raisonnement qui l'a motivé, et il ne lui a jamais été expliqué de façon adéquate.
"Le chien est-il en sécurité?" Liron a finalement demandé, en décidant que s'il réussissait dans sa mission, il serait "bon". Les blessures pouvaient guérir et son bras actuellement inutile - le poids de la chose mécanique et son incapacité à lui envoyer des signaux a alerté le cyborgel il était dans un état de grave délabrement - pourrait être traité plus tard. Cela et son manque de vêtements - alors qu'il y avait du poids sur lui, ce n'était pas celui de son uniforme. Pour être vrai, Liron ne savait même pas comment commencer à décrire ce qu'il ressentait en plus d'exprimer sa douleur - sûrement ce ne serait rien pour aider à former un diagnostic pour commencer les réparations. | Name: Liron
Gender: Male
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: For a cyborgel, Liron looks rather ... human if you disregard the ashen colored wings and the mechanical arm and red mechanical eyes.
Or at least once upon a time he looked rather human. His short, black hair is currently matted with blood and his right arm - a metal prosthetic - hangs useless at his side. His leg is bent rather awkwardly - no doubt broken, and parts of his body are covered in nasty burns. If one looked really closely they could find pieces of burned dog hair.
However, once he gets cleaned up and no longer looks like something out of the Night of the Living Dead, Liron is a rather tall young man - about 5'11" if one were to measure him - with short tossled black hair and pale white skin. He is wiry, yet clearly muscular. His shoulders are broad, and taper down. His ashen wings can easily fold against his body - although they could be hidden by a coat, there is a weird awkward bulge in the back for anyone with any sort of sense of detail for attention.
Currently Liron is wearing what he died in - well, after his body was ransacked for the "good" clothes by various miscreants. (After all, Liron is a cyborgel and an object. Also, believed dead). By some good fortune Liron was left with a pair of dirty, if not rather soiled, black boxer shorts.
After his capture and brainwashing, Liron was re-tasked to working as a "volunteer" firefighter. (Of course one couldn't exactly call him a volunteer since, you know, brainwashing but semantics.)
There are two different types of firefighters; wildland firefighters who contain and prevent the spread of the raging inferno of death that is eating the forest and firefighters which most people are used to seeing in towns, villages and cities.
Contrary to popular belief, neither are mutually exclusive - after all they are trained to do two different tasks. Figherfighters who are in towns and cities measure fires by yards and feet and use water to put them out. On the other hand, wildland firefighters fight fire with literal fire. After all when you are measuring fires in literally tens of acres, there isn't going to be enough time to put one of those bad boys out. Of course there are other differences between the two (such as work weeks) but will not be mentioned in favor of it not being very important.
However, the people in charge decided why not double dip and make Liron able to perform in both capacities.
While Liron's job was mostly to either contain or put out fires - depending on what call he was sent to - Liron was also tasked in performing other typical firemen duties like rescuing kittens out of trees on those off days that there wasn't anything on fire.
The most important skill Liron had when he was "working" as a fireman was that he looked human, or at least could pass off as one as long as he wore a long coat to hide his wings and mechanical arm. While his eyes were a bit harder, it was usually nothing that a pair of sunglasses or a fireman helmet couldn't fix.
The reason this was important was because as a fireman, Liron didn't just fight fires (although it was a good part of it) but dealt with distressed individuals and the public at large. Since people could act erratically when upset and distressed, Liron's "ability" to pass as human was considered a beneficial perk.
To expand on this, it can be easily inferred that Liron has some grief consoling experience under his belt. Even if it wasn't programmed into him, Liron no doubt would have had to learn on the job. While Liron very rarely dealt with the public in any other capacity, he was trained to in case of emergencies and something came up and some person approached him instead of an actual human.
He's memorized the entire layout of the city he was stationed in - as well as the street conditions - in the need to travel to the most direct route of the incident. The forest was a bit harder considering landmarks tended to go up in flames or were on fire at the time.
Liron's right arm also provides him with great strength - it has the ability to rip apart armored trucks and smash concrete. This has a variety of uses from cleaning up debris to smashing in walls to look for hot spots, or being able to carry unconscious person, the mechanical arm has many uses depending on what the situation calls for.
Liron also has very basic EMS skills - mostly focusing on "is this person alive?" and "if not, attempt to resurrect" or "if so, wow they're bleeding a lot - let's stop that." Liron also has been taught how to use Narcan to save people who have overdosed. Essentially he was put through first responder training, or better put programming.
Liron's thermal sensing eyes - whose function can be toggled on and off merely by thinking about it - allows Liron to search for lifeforms, whether they are dead or alive based on their heat temperatures. This is greatly beneficial when looking for victims trapped inside structure fires or even car fires.
Finally, the most obvious of Liron's skills is to fight fire. This extends more than just to using a high pressurized hose to dose the flames. For structure fires, Liron needed to determine best location for venting structure based on location of hazard and fire personnel, roof type, and building construction. Also, when it comes to forceable entry, he needed to know where best to enter the blazing inferno called death. Wildfire firefighters on the other hand learned how to camp in the path of an inferno and running from fire tornadoes which love to pop up because the universe loves to troll like that. While maybe not so much a skill, it might be interesting to note.
Supernatural Abilities: Judging by his wings, it can be assumed that Liron has the ability to fly.
Personality: Quiet, Efficient, Obedient, Empathic, Blunt
Bio: Liron doesn't know much about himself prior to becoming a firefighter. He was a relatively undamaged angel, and stayed relatively unmodified after some towns and cities in the western part of the United States were complaining of the lack of volunteer firefighters to fight fires - after all, charging into a raging inferno borders on brave and crazy. It was felt if Liron was kept more "human," it would benefit the fire departments.
After all, Liron would be an easy thing to throw away and be able to take the most dangerous tasks, thus taking the figurative (and literal) heat off the other, more important (and human) firefighters. However, since things happen in the heat of the moment and people need somebody to cry to and ask questions, it was felt Liron needed to appear mostly human as to not cause any greater distress or anger, potentially impeding the firemen's jobs if somebody had an issue with Liron.
Liron was assigned to a small fire unit in the western part of the United States where the dry weather and low population made it very hard to have enough people for the constant fires which seemed to start with the littlest of provocation.
Assigned the name "Liron" by one of the fire crew (to make it easier when out on calls), Liron lived mostly in the fire hall (or in the path of a blazing inferno on those wildfire days which could last up to months) unless he was out on a call. He was in charge of the tedious day to day work when at the station of making sure the equipment was working and cleaned, and whatever droll jobs that needed to be done but weren't exactly enthralling.
While Liron was helpful to the fire department, as cyborgels eventually faded into misuse, money towards his upkeep seemed to gradually diminish into nothing.
One day when at a structure fire call, the flames enveloped a propane tank causing an explosion which would make Michael Bay proud. Unfortunately, Liron was in the house at the time rescuing the family's pet dog and was severely damaged.
Considered outdated and unable to be repaired, Liron's burned body was simply thrown to the side of the road with rest of the trash.
Theme Song: Cruel Angel's Thesis
Other: Reborn |
22,263 | 641 | 48 | 1,888 | 134 | Attends, Ethan bégayait avant d'être poussé sur son vélo.
"Vivre!" Il a entendu.
Presque instinctivement et par peur pour sa vie, il a allumé le moteur. L'unité anti-grav a pris vie et le vélo s'est levé. Il a marché sur la pédale, et ils ont accéléré hors de l'allée.
"Shoo-!" Il a crié comme une voiture s'est arrêtée. Il s'est retourné vers la droite. La voiture s'est barrée et s'est arrêtée. Le conteneur métallique attaché à la moto transportant toute la ferraille recueillie Ethan s'est claqué dans la voiture. Les connecteurs magnétiques se sont arrachés et le conteneur s'est ricoché dans un mur.
"Mon Dieu! Mon butin!" Il a hurlé en regardant en arrière et a poussé la pédale, accélérant sur la route. Étrangement, le fou était transporté à travers un cocon aquatique.
"Lee! Je ne sais pas ce que vous faites, et nous, eh bien, j'ai toujours des problèmes, mais je ne veux pas m'impliquer avec quelque chose de pire alors vous devriez vraiment laisser ce gars partir!" Il a crié à travers la circulation. | Name: Ethan Everux
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human; Not a full citizen but works for Desium Corp.
Ethan is a blond, caucasian male who is 5'11. His eyes are a dark brown. His hair is short and often dirty from the residue in the repairshop. On the job he wears a wifebeater, loose trousers, and an old set of military boots he bought from the local exchange store. The work gloves he uses are a size too big for his hands.
When he is off-work he typically switches to a set of more fashionable clothes. He enjoys wearing tight-fitting blue-jeans or tan-chinos complimented by a button-up shirt with rolled sleeves.
Career: Mechanic for Desium Corp.
Technical Knowledge of Desium Corp. Goods: Ethan is extremely knowledgable on most products that come from the Desium Corp. which are pretty much all the products in the world. He gets this knowledge from his daily routine which consists of receiving faulty goods and repairing them to be refurbished or returned. He has worked with anything from guns, cars, computers, musical instruments, portable stoves, and even some Cybergels. If Desium Corp. makes it then Ethan can identify it, figure out how to fix it, and have a relatively good idea of how it works.
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Personality: Messy, Loud-mouth, Cheerful, Idealist, Sympathetic
Bio: Ethan was born a few years before the arrival of the "demons" in the city of Hong Kong. He can trace his genealogy back to the first British colonists of the 19th Century. His mother is an english teacher for the local school. He never knew his father and his mother never spoke of him.
Ethan and his mother lived in a small two room apartment in the old highrises of the city. Always the curious child he eagerly explored the mostly abandoned highrise. He would spend his childhood with the local street urchins walking up the stairs and exploring abandoned rooms. By the time he was fifteen he began to explore the city itself on his own. Because his mother was often busy teaching, Ethan had the freedom to go where he pleased when he pleased.
One day he saw a media outlet from the Desium Corp. on the lives of citizens on a large digital screen. Ethan was bewitched by the sight of the lives of those privelaged people. The clean air, clean water, and most importantly the Cyborgels. The mechanical marvels resembled the sky horrors that supposedly brought death and destruction when Ethan was young, but they were nothing like them. They brought capabilities that improved the lives of any human that had one. Everything was improved by having a cyborgel. He dreamed of living the lives of those people in that commercial. Coming from a household with a meager income, becoming a citizen became his goal.
His new goal caused a rift between him and his mother, who had strong and harsh feelings towards Desium Corp. The two would fight about this nonstop until Ethan turned eighteen and ran from his home. Eventually, he found transportation to one of the new cities. Stepping into the employment center he immediately applied for a job, intent on climbing the social ladder and becoming a full citizen. He was given a test, he took it, and was emplaced in the Services Division, as a mechanic.
It was a decision that Ethan came to have conflicted feelings about. His boss was a fat old administrator who sits on his desk napping. Hours were long and the work was grueling. Part orders were always delayed so items would never be fixed on time, which reflected poorly on Ethan's records and took him further from his dream.
However, he found that he had a knack for repairing damaged items and jerry-rigging things to work. He loved working with any and all products from the Desium Corp. Each damaged product was a complex puzzle that appealed to his need to solve problems. In the mornings he would go out to the nearby junkyards to recover anything useful, and would work all afternoon, with a smile, fixing things.
Sometimes he would even receive damaged Cyborgels. He would shake and jump in excitement with every opportunity he got to work with one. He studied their strange organic-metal biology. Questions like "How do they work?" "What makes them move?" spun in his mind. Every chance he got to work on the Cyborgel he would burn the midnight oil, learning as much as he could out of the mechanical marvel, while trying to repair its fault.
Although he was still far from his dream of living the life of a full citizen, Ethan found fulfillment in the present as a mechanic.
Fresh Water
His Boss
Other: None
22,264 | 641 | 49 | 1,792 | 1,123 | Avant que Yuri puisse sortir de l'allée, Lee a déclaré haut et fort à Ethan que Yuri venait avec eux. Ses mains se sont arrachées vers le haut, soulevant le russe dans une eau de boule. Sa tenue était douce et il a gardé le visage de Yuri libre. "Quoi--?" Le révolutionnaire avait vu et expérimenté beaucoup de choses mais n'avait jamais été transporté par l'eau et il doutait que ce fût une expérience partagée par beaucoup.
Le Cyborgel courut à Ethan et sauta sur son vélo à mesure que les sirènes se rapprochaient. Elle a commandé au mécanicien de le frapper et de conduire il l'a fait, la situation l'a atteint.
Après que le vélo fuyant ait essuyé un certain trafic et perdu conteneur de ferraille, Yuri a entendu Ethan exiger que Lee le lâche puisqu'il ne voulait pas avoir d'autres problèmes. "Tu fuis la police, mon garçon! Sans parler de la réparation d'un Cyborgel! Vous pourriez aussi bien rejoindre la Révolution! » Le Russe l'a dit à Ethan.
« Comme je l'ai dit, il y a des rues et des bâtiments abandonnés près d'ici. Nous pouvons nous cacher là-bas ou à votre place." Yuri a donné des conseils au conducteur. | Name: Yuri Volkova
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
Description: Standing at 5'9, Yuri has a well-built body thanks to his time in the military. Since he is in Russia, he usually wears thick or furry clothing for the cold but will readily ditch it when he goes to somewhere warmer. Like a stereotypical Russian, Yuri really likes ushankas and will wear them whenever possible and when it does not get in the way.
Career: Former military. Currently a Revolutionary.
*Expert melee combatant (especially with his tomahawk-knife combo)
*Average marksmanship
*Can rally people with speeches
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Yuri was born 4 years before the angels came in a rural village in Russia. There he was taught patience, hard work and other idealistic virtues which Yuri brought with him as he aged. When he was 15 years old and right when Cyborgels were being handed out, he went to St. Petersburg to get higher education where he met Friedrich Kroenen, a German just two years older than him, who is also studying there until he could get back to Germany. The two became great friends because of their shared interest in philosophy.
Both enlisted in the military to keep the citizens of New Society safe from the radical revolutionaries. Both became close to the unit they were assigned to and both seemed on the way to becoming fire-forged brothers. However, Yuri was a big fan of conspiracies and liked looking into things beyond what they looked like. The Russian was once anti-angel and was glad they were defeated for he thought their heavenly appearance were lies and readily believed the words against them.
But one thing bugged Yuri. How and where did the anti-angel weaponry came from? And why were there Cyborgels, androids that looked like the enemy? There were reasons but Yuri found them lacking to have servants modeled after the enemy. Because of this, Yuri and other like-minded individuals in his unit, tried to delve deeper. He invited Friedrich in the search for the truth but unfortunately his German friend did not share his ideals and, under orders from the higher-ups, had Yuri detained.
Or at least tried to have Yuri detained. The Russian caught wind of this and fled with the other associates. Yuri went low in Russia for a while and continued to search for the truth. It was then he managed to get a hold of a friendly revolutionary who told him the whole story of what happened to the angels. Yuri was a bit skeptical at first but believed in it after connections from the story and the current things made perfect sense.
Days after the revelation, Yuri decided to return to his home village to start spreading the word of the revolutionaries. However, he found his village under attack from the military... with Friedrich Kroenen at the lead. Trying to detain him was one thing but Yuri could not believe his former friend would lay waste on his village. Yuri could only watch as his home burned and his family put to death. The Russian swore he would get revenge and the fates blessed him with an opportunity when Friedrich's unit decided to take a rest in the village's ruins.
Using his training and knowledge of the military, the element of surprise some well-placed explosives, he managed to take out his friend's troops and also set Friedrich on fire via Molotov Cocktail. His former friend managed to douse himself with a nearby puddle before running towards the woods. Yuri chased after him ultimately lost him to the woods' fog.
Knowing that his traitorous friend was probably still alive, Yuri officially joined the revolutionaries to fight for the oppressed angels and the deceived mankind and in the hopes he would encounter his friend again. He fought the military arm of New Society continuously, while hearing about a captain among them wearing a gas mask, to where he is now, hoping to meet Friedrich Kroenen for one last reunion.
-Desium Corp.
-New Society
-Friedrich Kroenen
Theme Song:
"We were lied to. All this time we've been fighting the wrong enemy. The angels really have come to bring us, humanity, salvation. To deliver us to the next world. And what did we, humanity, do? We looked the other way. We listened to the venomous lies of opportunists, of power-hungry men, of demons in human flesh. We fought against our saviors and enslaved every last one of them. Turned them into mindless servants for us, humanity, who then indulged in the many sinful vices of life and forgot the virtues of our great ancestor heroes.
But the fight is not over. Once the true revolution begins, the world will be REBORN anew and the facade of peace Desium Corp. imposes will come crashing down! The angels will once again take their rightful place as judges and... I hope they forgive us for what we've done. Though I will not be surprised if they do not, if they condemn us all to Hell. It is what we deserve after all, after our numerous blasphemies and pain we've caused them." |
22,265 | 641 | 50 | 794 | 276 | Une expression extraterrestre s'est retrouvée sur le visage d'Alexis. Ses lèvres s'assemblaient, les joues bouffaient légèrement tandis que ses sourcils plongeaient dans une expression de déplaisir. Elle criait, oui, au fait que sa cible avait été déplacée au-delà de sa portée. Personne n'était jamais venu entre un ennemi et elle comme ça, la tuant sous un seul bras et lui disant de ne pas prendre de décisions imprudentes.Était-elle capable, elle aurait atteint et aurait essayé de prendre le pixiebot à nouveau par dépit.
Malheureusement, elle s'est rendue compte que son corps nouvellement réveillé n'avait pas envie de bouger. Si Zac ne l'avait pas repoussée, elle aurait probablement été coincée sur lui. Ce n'était pas exactement un mouvement calculé, mais qu'est-ce qu'elle devait faire d'autre? Quand il y avait un robot dans la zone, il était détruit ou cassé en morceaux.
Les robots ne peuvent pas ressentir de douleur.Alexis sullenly vulgaire à Zac, puis à la main qui tenait le pixiebot. Vous devriez au moins enlever ses ailes et son récepteur sans fil afin qu'il ne puisse pas effectuer de reconnaissance ou d'évasion. | Name: Nemesis
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: What skin remains of Nemesis’ is pale and fair. Her head is mostly intact, though many parts of her skull and the majority of her spine have been replaced. She has one ear intact: the other is composed of a wireless receiver that connects deeper into her brain. All four of her limbs are mostly missing from her elbows and knees down—all that remains is bone that has been mostly supplanted by metal. She leans towards a lanky build, but the features of her face remain angelic, sporting a soft nose and chin. She is a natural redhead and has blue eyes.
As for wings—these have also been stripped down to bone and replaced with gears and joints to maintain their use (these have since been damaged and are inoperable in her current state). Oddly enough, her natural white feathers still grow from her bones and pockets of functional flesh.
These metal-plated bones (and various other parts of her limbs that are fully replaced by metal and mechanisms) have a copper color. As far as clothes, Nemesis wears whatever is required of the occasion, though her career has mostly dictated plain bodysuits and helmets.
Career: Nemesis was one of the angels whose mental adjustments did not go well. Having lost nearly everything that was her former life, all that remained was a passionate, burning rage. She was not compatible for service-related tasks, and rather than completely scrapping her, she was given a bodysuit and put into military testing for mechanized soldiers and untested military equipment. In simple terms, she was kept in captivity and released to tear apart robotic prototypes, thus exposing weaknesses while highlighting the strengths of each respective model.
Naturally, it was not a career she could last long in. Recovery that took weeks between trials became months as each fracture, rupture, and replacement became more complicated to repair. When she was deemed useless, her weapon implements (namely prototype blades) were removed and she was on the brink of being tossed away with the very same robotic ruins she’d destroyed.
This state of ruin, however, had sated the mindless vengeance she had survived with. Her temperament was mild, not far from comatose, and she was still capable of responding to orders. Given the money spent on her physical adjustments, the company is still in debate over whether she should be re-assigned or simply left to rot.
Bludgeoning: Close combat involving the use of fists is part of the reason she has no flesh left on her hands.
Sword Use: Close combat involving the use of mundane and plasma blades.
Supplemented Strength: Due to most of her skeletal and muscle structure being replaced by machinery, she has twice the strength of a normal man, allowing her to pry apart metal sheets and break small bricks.
Robotic Destruction: Taking apart experimental machinery has given her a refined approach to killing machines—she knows where the weakest points of most combat-related weaponry and mechs are, where their power sources are, and how to bypass impenetrable metal shells to disrupt their power sources.
Crystal-Code Reading: Due to an implant in her brain called the Crystex-Reader 430, she is capable of reading coded information burned onto Crystex Cores. Crystex Cores are banks of physical memory that can record most, if not all known medias. They are, however, formed from rare materials and require very specific devices to burn data onto them. For this reason, they are used almost exclusively in the military to record and share sensitive information.
In the case of Nemesis, the Crystex-Reader 430 was implanted directly into her brain. It can read Crystex Cores inserted into the device that was once her ear (referenced above) and relay the information at will to her brain. Her brain still has to read and process the information, but this was a very direct means of teaching her how to use equipment that was later applied to her body to be tested.
Supernatural Abilities: Flight—one would assume.
Bio: Nemesis has only recently come to recall shreds of her past—with her body broken, she had nothing left but to ruminate on her own existence. She knows that, to some extent, she was once a leader responsible for dispatching troops, but who she may have commanded and for what reason she cannot recall. She has the vague understanding that she was once a whole being, without machinery, and that thought alone had caused the rage that sustained her through so much bodily damage.
Apart from those vague facts, she is left only with procedural memory: to respond immediately to commands without question was ingrained into her long before she became a testing puppet for the government. Her grace with the blade has also always been natural to her, and on occasion, she finds herself ruminating on things she has no former recollection or context of, like the patterns of the stars.
Likes: Standing over dismantled robotic foes, warm temperatures, physical exercise, puzzles that blueprints present, and examining objects she has not yet seen before.
Dislikes: Medical centers, animals (she cannot comprehend them), sleep, situations that do not have a very specific objective to accomplish.
Theme Song: Beyond that Prayer
Other: REBORN |
22,266 | 641 | 51 | 586 | 3,914 | Zac pense quelques instants, puis dit, "Vous avez raison sur le récepteur, mais je n'ai pas vraiment raison de couper ses ailes. Mais j'ai une idée."
Après avoir arraché l'antenne au récepteur du pixiebot, il arrive dans sa poche et tire une bande de caoutchouc, qu'il enveloppe ensuite autour des ailes de la petite machine, les tenant ensemble sans les endommager. "Voilà," dit-il. "Maintenant, il ne peut pas nous espionner ou s'échapper." En regardant le pixiebot, il dit : "Alors, qui t'envoie? Je veux dire, ce serait assez difficile de croire que tu t'es délibérément coincé dans la queue de mon chien, mais il est aussi très peu probable que tu sois juste assez proche pour être coincé." | Name: Zacary 'Zac' Yoxall
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human Revolutionary (Military defector)
Description: The goggles that are usually either wrapped around his neck or the top of his head are high-tech remnants of when he was with the military (which he stole, of course). They eliminate the need for a spotter, analyzing wind direction and speed, as well as distance from himself to the target when sniping, although it provides no further assistance with aiming. He also has slight traces of cybernetics, although they were installed purely to repair nerve damage in his arm after being caught in a firefight and hidden under his skin.
Career: Ex-military sniper, now works with the Revolutionaries
Skills: -Excellent cook
-Elite-class sniper
-Proficient with various weapons and hand-to-hand, but best with sniper rifles
Personality: -Carefree
-Tends to not be very bright
Bio: Zac was raised in a well-to-do family. He had never wanted for anything, everything was readily provided by parents who tried too hard to please their only child and heir to their business. And he hated it.
His family had several Cyborgels as servants. Granted, he was always raised to believe they were demons who had come to destroy them all back when he was five, but he had never believed that. He wasn't sure how, but he had a feeling there was more to the Cyborgels than met the eye, but could never exactly put his finger on it.
When he was of age, mainly to get away from his posh lifestyle, he joined the military, where he excelled as a sniper. At first, it was all fine and dandy, protecting civilians from renegades and 'repurposed' Cyborgels who sought to do harm to innocents. That changed one day, during a brutal firefight between the Revolutionaries and the military.
He had been forced into close-quarters with a Cyborgel and, severely wounded in his right arm, was forced to chase her down. When he finally caught up to her and leveled his pistol at her, he saw something: a spark of life in her eyes. Seeing this, he let her go.
A month later, after his arm was repaired, he gathered his gear and seemingly vanished.
Likes: -Spicy food
-Sweet food
-Sour food
-Protecting the true innocents
Dislikes: -Rich people
-People who use power to get away with their crimes
-Bad cooks
Theme Song: Drawnonward by Jack Trammell
Other: Reborn! :D |
22,267 | 641 | 52 | 1,949 | 2,861 | À l'extérieur de la fenêtre du bâtiment montre que la prochaine porte est en fait un casino. Les lumières étincelantes et le son étouffé d'une musique de jazz intense et vivante sapent la tranquillité des fenêtres et la subtilité du son de la pluie. Un rappel pervers de l'industrialisation de la nature.
Il devient évident le nombre massif de sons d'abeilles qui remplissent le bâtiment abandonné et ils viennent tous du couloir à l'extérieur de l'appartement où elle a habité. Si elle y était entrée, elle le verrait rempli au bord d'insectes de portée actifs et mêlant, tous se comporteraient comme s'ils se trouvaient dans un casino. À un bout du couloir, il semblait y avoir un ensemble dans lequel ils ont imité un bar, un bug de litière derrière une boîte en carton a filmé des photos de différentes boissons sur son moniteur, et le bug de litière qu'il 'parle' pour flasher sur son moniteur la boisson qu'il voulait. Le bogue de la litière barmane a inséré sa main en forme de griffe dans la boîte qui servait de barre et a sorti une boîte de soude vide et jetée, la servant au bogue de la litière qui avait commandé.
Certains ont même prétendu qu'ils étaient ivres en utilisant des visages @~@ sur leurs moniteurs et en prétendant tomber. Près de lui, trois bugs de portée se tenaient de suite, jouant comme un groupe avec les instruments qu'ils jouaient sur leurs moniteurs. Bien sûr, tout est sorti comme des bips, sonnant comme une version de jeu rétro de Frank Sinatra. Près d'eux, les punaises se « dansaient » en faisant de jolis oscillations les unes autour des autres.
À l'extrémité du couloir, une zone de jeu avait été aménagée. Les deux punaises qui l'avaient croisée ont franchi une ligne d'arrivée de fortune faite de jumelles et de canettes. Des bestioles heureux qui avaient évidemment parié de l'argent sur le gagnant ont sauté de haut en bas avec >w< sur leurs moniteurs, tandis que d'autres ont jeté des choses en bas, bouleversés à leur perte avec TT^TT sur leurs moniteurs.
Ces robots avaient littéralement appris à agir de cette façon depuis le casino qu'ils travaillaient à côté.
Avant qu'elle ne puisse dire un mot, ce salaud a mis une bande de caoutchouc stupide autour de ses ailes. Alors qu'il a fait qu'elle a agi presque comme un oiseau quand il a obtenu ses ailes coupées. Elle cria et se battit, ses sourcils sillonnaient dans l'ennui. Même le mordre avec sa petite bouche mais, en tant que robot, elle n'avait pas besoin de dents. C'est Dangit. Qu'est-ce que c'était que des conneries! Sans oublier qu'il a coupé son antenne, Jacobi avait travaillé si dur pour l'installer sur elle quand son vieux s'est cassé! Et maintenant comment était-elle supposée rentrer à la maison?! Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Quelle journée flippante!
Quand l'idiot a fini de la manipuler, elle a pris une position dans sa main ouverte et s'est tapé le pied, s'est cognée et a soufflé les pieds dans la frustration.
"Personne ne m'a envoyé, je cherchais un morceau de feuille d'étain dans la décharge pour ma collection de propriétaires quand ce MUTT a balancé sa queue dans mon visage et je me suis fait attraper!!!"
C'était l'une des excuses que Jacobi lui avait programmées si elle s'était fait attraper en espionnant pour lui. Elle tenta de sauter et de voler pour montrer à quel point elle était ennuyée, mais au lieu de cela, elle tomba dans sa main, largement dépassée par la bande de caoutchouc lourde sur son petit corps léger. Elle a atterri sur ses fesses sans cérémonie et puée, ses petites lèvres vertes la rendant absolument adorable. Mais elle était loin de se sentir mignonne. C'est son indic. Je me suis sentie furieuse. Ses petits bras se plisèrent et elle s'éternue au Cyborgel.
"Pourquoi es-tu avec une stupide machine obsolète?" Son nez s'est ridiculisé et il est devenu clair que le pixiebot avait une discrimination définie contre les grandes machines. C'était un soupçon de jalousie qu'ils pouvaient détecter? Elle enregistrait encore, mais il n'y avait aucun moyen de le dire visiblement.
Mel s'est alors rendu compte que c'était un cyborgel... et qu'il était... omg il est si mignon.
Et dans la douleur
et comme... sous la pluie et tout.
Et mignon...<3
C'est vrai! Elle a dû le sortir d'ici.
"Il n'y a pas de chien ici! Euh... Attendez... laissez-moi vous aider...!" Elle a plié son parapluie totoro et a rapidement déplacé les ordures de lui, mettant son bagel dans son sac de livre de marque Vocaloïde. Le visage chibi de Hatsune Miku avait toujours l'air choqué mais, euh, peu importe, totalement pas important en ce moment. Mon Dieu, je suis un con de Weeaboo, Mel s'est dit. Elle a rapidement déménagé pour déplacer toutes les choses au-dessus du mignon cyborgel. Cependant, elle n'était pas prête à le trouver... nu.
Un short de boxeur. C'est Siiiick.
Elle a pris une photo sur son téléphone et l'a rangée.
Penser vite, je veux dire, les gars ne peuvent pas marcher nus, il a dû avoir quelques vêtements sur droite? Ça ne l'embêterait pas qu'il reste Nekkid ensemble. Elle secoua la tête, rougissant un peu et lui tira un fusil dans le dos. Après avoir beaucoup agité, elle a réussi à obtenir quelques samouraïs japonais cosplay bas sur ses jambes boiteuses. Heureusement qu'elle venait du café cosplay.
Mon Dieu, ça commence vraiment à l'aube sur elle juste combien d'un problème elle a.
Elle s'agenouille et met son bras autour de son cou, le tirant avec beaucoup de grognements. Mel ouvre son parapluie. Maintenant... elle pourrait aller chez elle par derrière et personne ne poserait de questions, n'est-ce pas? Oui, c'est légal.
"Heu... Accroche-toi, mon pote. J'ai regardé une vidéo de youtube une fois sur la façon de réparer les cyborgels. Je suis sûr que ses totes sont précis vous savez?" Elle l'espérait, de toute façon. Elle se mit lentement à marcher, le penchant lourdement contre elle.
Le jeune homme avec le casque grondait alors qu'il regardait son presse-papiers.
"Huit bébé, tu es le joli visage de la présentation d'aujourd'hui. Maintenant tout ce que tu dois faire c'est monter sur scène et tirer le rideau du truc quand le signal est donné. N'oubliez pas d'aller voir votre patron avant qu'on commence." Il l'a regardée dans l'attente d'une réponse, mais un cri de l'autre côté de la conférence de presse a attiré l'attention.
"Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par "nouvelles nouvelles"?! C'est la nouvelle!!!" La journaliste semblait se moquer de ses agents, furieuse de voir ses projecteurs volés.
"Désolé Hun, mais sérieusement cette poursuite de la police est partout, n'est pas aucun moyen que nous puissions obtenir un aliment sur la station comme il est. Il faut attendre."
La journaliste a continué à faire connaître sa frustration, mais c'était vrai. Sur le grand écran de la place, une poursuite sur un hoverbike attire maintenant l'attention...
"Gardez-vous en...!"
C'était tellement bizarre... comment ces ordres sont sortis d'elle si facilement. Elle s'est brièvement demandé pourquoi... mais il était temps de laisser cet instinct prendre le contrôle. Elle tenait fort à Ethan, son seul bras s'étendit pour garder les Russes derrière eux. Elle a failli perdre de vue quand le mécanicien a frappé quelque chose, mais elle s'est redressée.
Derrière eux, les sirènes se lamentaient, les voitures volantes de la police se déplaçaient après elles. Les lumières rouges et bleues clignotaient et le son indiscutable de la sirène saignait. La pluie était arrivée à un bruissement à ce moment-là, mais il y avait encore beaucoup à travailler. Cependant, l'anomolie de la façon dont elle tenait le russe dans l'eau est ce qui a attiré le plus l'attention.
Au-dessus, déjà un hélicoptère d'une station de nouvelles captait cette vidéo en direct, et elle était montrée sur tous les écrans tournés vers la station. Lee l'a regardée et, grondant, elle s'est levée à l'arrière de la moto, se retournant pour faire face à la situation à portée de main. Ses genoux étaient serrés, et ses yeux rétrécis. Sa main se préparait à faire... quelque chose. Ses cheveux courts verts lui ont fouetté le visage alors qu'elle regardait l'hélicoptère. Dans le même temps, avec le brouillard et la pluie fouettant sa peau, et le vent prêt à les arracher de la moto à tout moment, cela allait être risqué. | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Much, MUCH better. Very realistic for the setting they're in. You are accepted! |
22,268 | 641 | 53 | 2,097 | 1,847 | Razielle s'engage dans le couloir, en regardant tous les robots de ce petit casino. Elle lève les sourcils et regarde autour. Ce robot s'est adapté rapidement. C'était de l'IA! Elle regarde les jeux pendant quelques instants, en voyant le couple de bots de litière de plus tôt qui avait couru dans la pièce dans laquelle elle était avant. Elle sourit aux bottines de danse. Elle recule lentement, espérant qu'aucun des robots ne la remarquera avant qu'elle ne disparaisse à nouveau dans l'endroit. Elle se précipite ensuite vers la fenêtre, regardant le casino. Il est possible qu'il y ait quelqu'un qui pourrait lui expliquer ce qui se passe et qui ne l'aurait pas dénoncée. Si elle pouvait trouver quelqu'un assez soûl, alors ils pourraient lui dire ce qui se passait sans même savoir ce qu'elle est!
Elle remarque qu'il ne pleut plus vraiment et qu'elle précipite les marches, en s'assurant de couvrir chaque pouce de ses pièces mécaniques autant qu'elle le peut. Elle s'élance dans la rue, s'engouffrant un peu à mesure que la pluie pénètre dans ses engins et ses fils. Elle se précipite au casino, allant sous le surplomb qui se tenait au-dessus des portes. Elle garde la tête baissée, tirant son capot autour de son visage pendant qu'elle entre dans le casino. La musique de jazz pese dans ses oreilles et elle gronde à nouveau avec un dysfonctionnement de la pluie. J'espère que personne ne l'a remarqué. Elle va plus loin dans le casino et regarde dans l'admiration. Elle n'a jamais été à l'intérieur avant et immédiatement elle n'aime pas cela. L'odeur de fumée est épaisse dans l'air et elle ne supporte pas. Bien qu'elle soit maintenant à moitié mécanique, elle a encore ses sens.
Elle regarde autour de l'étage du casino, à la recherche d'une zone de bar d'une sorte pour qu'elle aille vers pour pouvoir parler à quelqu'un, mais elle continue à se faire bousculer. Soudain, elle se fait pousser directement dans une table de blackjack et tombe sur le siège. Heureusement, sa capuche ne recule pas, mais maintenant tout le monde à la table pense qu'elle va les rejoindre. Elle lève un sourcil et avale fort, regardant loin de la table. Elle n'a pas d'argent. Au moins, elle ne pense pas. Elle regarde autour d'elle impuissante, curieuse comme quoi faire dans cette situation. | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Other: REBORN |
22,269 | 641 | 54 | 586 | 3,914 | Au lieu de se mettre en colère, Zac a simplement laissé le petit robot râler sur sa main, agissant comme un parent avec un enfant qui se comporte mal. Laisse-la juste sortir tout de son système, il se dit à lui-même. Ça aide à personne de se mettre en colère.
Quand le pixiebot a fini, maintenant qu'il criait sur la main, Zac soupire... puis sourit. "Écoutez," dit-il, "Je suis désolé d'avoir coupé votre antenne et attaché vos ailes ensemble. Mais vous devez comprendre d'où je viens. Même si je n'ai aucune idée pourquoi quelqu'un voudrait m'espionner ou mon ami, je ne peux pas très bien vous laisser partir pour rapporter toutes les conclusions que vous pourriez avoir. Alors, faisons un marché."
En ramassant les coupe-fils, il dit alors, montrant une partie de l'impitoyable qui est venu avec son entraînement, "Dis-moi qui t'a envoyé et pourquoi, je vais couper la bande de caoutchouc. Si vous ne le faites pas, je couperai toujours la bande de caoutchouc... mais une bonne partie de vos ailes pourrait finir par décoller aussi." | Name: Zacary 'Zac' Yoxall
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human Revolutionary (Military defector)
Description: The goggles that are usually either wrapped around his neck or the top of his head are high-tech remnants of when he was with the military (which he stole, of course). They eliminate the need for a spotter, analyzing wind direction and speed, as well as distance from himself to the target when sniping, although it provides no further assistance with aiming. He also has slight traces of cybernetics, although they were installed purely to repair nerve damage in his arm after being caught in a firefight and hidden under his skin.
Career: Ex-military sniper, now works with the Revolutionaries
Skills: -Excellent cook
-Elite-class sniper
-Proficient with various weapons and hand-to-hand, but best with sniper rifles
Personality: -Carefree
-Tends to not be very bright
Bio: Zac was raised in a well-to-do family. He had never wanted for anything, everything was readily provided by parents who tried too hard to please their only child and heir to their business. And he hated it.
His family had several Cyborgels as servants. Granted, he was always raised to believe they were demons who had come to destroy them all back when he was five, but he had never believed that. He wasn't sure how, but he had a feeling there was more to the Cyborgels than met the eye, but could never exactly put his finger on it.
When he was of age, mainly to get away from his posh lifestyle, he joined the military, where he excelled as a sniper. At first, it was all fine and dandy, protecting civilians from renegades and 'repurposed' Cyborgels who sought to do harm to innocents. That changed one day, during a brutal firefight between the Revolutionaries and the military.
He had been forced into close-quarters with a Cyborgel and, severely wounded in his right arm, was forced to chase her down. When he finally caught up to her and leveled his pistol at her, he saw something: a spark of life in her eyes. Seeing this, he let her go.
A month later, after his arm was repaired, he gathered his gear and seemingly vanished.
Likes: -Spicy food
-Sweet food
-Sour food
-Protecting the true innocents
Dislikes: -Rich people
-People who use power to get away with their crimes
-Bad cooks
Theme Song: Drawnonward by Jack Trammell
Other: Reborn! :D |
22,270 | 641 | 55 | 2,029 | 36 | Il y avait beaucoup de choses que Liron voulait demander à l'étrange femme humaine. D'abord et avant tout, c'est pourquoi elle avait une paire de pantalons tout simplement avec elle. Alors que Liron n'était pas le plus au courant sur les humains en dehors de ses fonctions à la station et ceux qu'il a rencontrés lors d'appels, il se sentait plutôt positif de transporter une paire de pantalons de rechange n'était pas quelque chose que l'on faisait normalement. D'autant plus qu'ils n'étaient pas comme Liron l'avait vu avant - comme elle les aidait sur lui, il ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de remarquer qu'ils étaient tout sauf pratiques.
La deuxième question était un peu plus personnelle que la première, et c'est pourquoi elle a pris une photo de lui. Il n'était sûrement pas si rare que des preuves photographiques soient nécessaires, d'autant plus qu'elle semblait vouloir l'emmener avec lui au lieu de le renvoyer à la station. Et bien, pas qu'il avait son costume normal pour le marquer où retourner s'il était perdu.
« Bien que votre aide soit très appréciée, je ne suis pas sûr que les chatons ou les bébés soient des mécaniciens qualifiés », a dit Liron, se penchant finalement sur la fille comme on voudrait une béquille. Alors qu'une jambe était sans doute cassée - elle était tordue et semblait en feu - il avait une autre bonne jambe à utiliser. "Je fais partie de Fire Engine Hose 998, bien que tout service d'incendie dans la ville serait tout aussi pragmatique."
Il avait déjà vu des vidéos YouTube - ses collègues se montraient constamment ou les regardaient sur leur téléphone quand ils pensaient que personne ne regardait. Au fil des ans, Liron ne pouvait s'empêcher de se demander quel était le dessin ou l'aspect pratique d'un site Web qui montrait des chats et des petits humains. | Name: Liron
Gender: Male
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: For a cyborgel, Liron looks rather ... human if you disregard the ashen colored wings and the mechanical arm and red mechanical eyes.
Or at least once upon a time he looked rather human. His short, black hair is currently matted with blood and his right arm - a metal prosthetic - hangs useless at his side. His leg is bent rather awkwardly - no doubt broken, and parts of his body are covered in nasty burns. If one looked really closely they could find pieces of burned dog hair.
However, once he gets cleaned up and no longer looks like something out of the Night of the Living Dead, Liron is a rather tall young man - about 5'11" if one were to measure him - with short tossled black hair and pale white skin. He is wiry, yet clearly muscular. His shoulders are broad, and taper down. His ashen wings can easily fold against his body - although they could be hidden by a coat, there is a weird awkward bulge in the back for anyone with any sort of sense of detail for attention.
Currently Liron is wearing what he died in - well, after his body was ransacked for the "good" clothes by various miscreants. (After all, Liron is a cyborgel and an object. Also, believed dead). By some good fortune Liron was left with a pair of dirty, if not rather soiled, black boxer shorts.
After his capture and brainwashing, Liron was re-tasked to working as a "volunteer" firefighter. (Of course one couldn't exactly call him a volunteer since, you know, brainwashing but semantics.)
There are two different types of firefighters; wildland firefighters who contain and prevent the spread of the raging inferno of death that is eating the forest and firefighters which most people are used to seeing in towns, villages and cities.
Contrary to popular belief, neither are mutually exclusive - after all they are trained to do two different tasks. Figherfighters who are in towns and cities measure fires by yards and feet and use water to put them out. On the other hand, wildland firefighters fight fire with literal fire. After all when you are measuring fires in literally tens of acres, there isn't going to be enough time to put one of those bad boys out. Of course there are other differences between the two (such as work weeks) but will not be mentioned in favor of it not being very important.
However, the people in charge decided why not double dip and make Liron able to perform in both capacities.
While Liron's job was mostly to either contain or put out fires - depending on what call he was sent to - Liron was also tasked in performing other typical firemen duties like rescuing kittens out of trees on those off days that there wasn't anything on fire.
The most important skill Liron had when he was "working" as a fireman was that he looked human, or at least could pass off as one as long as he wore a long coat to hide his wings and mechanical arm. While his eyes were a bit harder, it was usually nothing that a pair of sunglasses or a fireman helmet couldn't fix.
The reason this was important was because as a fireman, Liron didn't just fight fires (although it was a good part of it) but dealt with distressed individuals and the public at large. Since people could act erratically when upset and distressed, Liron's "ability" to pass as human was considered a beneficial perk.
To expand on this, it can be easily inferred that Liron has some grief consoling experience under his belt. Even if it wasn't programmed into him, Liron no doubt would have had to learn on the job. While Liron very rarely dealt with the public in any other capacity, he was trained to in case of emergencies and something came up and some person approached him instead of an actual human.
He's memorized the entire layout of the city he was stationed in - as well as the street conditions - in the need to travel to the most direct route of the incident. The forest was a bit harder considering landmarks tended to go up in flames or were on fire at the time.
Liron's right arm also provides him with great strength - it has the ability to rip apart armored trucks and smash concrete. This has a variety of uses from cleaning up debris to smashing in walls to look for hot spots, or being able to carry unconscious person, the mechanical arm has many uses depending on what the situation calls for.
Liron also has very basic EMS skills - mostly focusing on "is this person alive?" and "if not, attempt to resurrect" or "if so, wow they're bleeding a lot - let's stop that." Liron also has been taught how to use Narcan to save people who have overdosed. Essentially he was put through first responder training, or better put programming.
Liron's thermal sensing eyes - whose function can be toggled on and off merely by thinking about it - allows Liron to search for lifeforms, whether they are dead or alive based on their heat temperatures. This is greatly beneficial when looking for victims trapped inside structure fires or even car fires.
Finally, the most obvious of Liron's skills is to fight fire. This extends more than just to using a high pressurized hose to dose the flames. For structure fires, Liron needed to determine best location for venting structure based on location of hazard and fire personnel, roof type, and building construction. Also, when it comes to forceable entry, he needed to know where best to enter the blazing inferno called death. Wildfire firefighters on the other hand learned how to camp in the path of an inferno and running from fire tornadoes which love to pop up because the universe loves to troll like that. While maybe not so much a skill, it might be interesting to note.
Supernatural Abilities: Judging by his wings, it can be assumed that Liron has the ability to fly.
Personality: Quiet, Efficient, Obedient, Empathic, Blunt
Bio: Liron doesn't know much about himself prior to becoming a firefighter. He was a relatively undamaged angel, and stayed relatively unmodified after some towns and cities in the western part of the United States were complaining of the lack of volunteer firefighters to fight fires - after all, charging into a raging inferno borders on brave and crazy. It was felt if Liron was kept more "human," it would benefit the fire departments.
After all, Liron would be an easy thing to throw away and be able to take the most dangerous tasks, thus taking the figurative (and literal) heat off the other, more important (and human) firefighters. However, since things happen in the heat of the moment and people need somebody to cry to and ask questions, it was felt Liron needed to appear mostly human as to not cause any greater distress or anger, potentially impeding the firemen's jobs if somebody had an issue with Liron.
Liron was assigned to a small fire unit in the western part of the United States where the dry weather and low population made it very hard to have enough people for the constant fires which seemed to start with the littlest of provocation.
Assigned the name "Liron" by one of the fire crew (to make it easier when out on calls), Liron lived mostly in the fire hall (or in the path of a blazing inferno on those wildfire days which could last up to months) unless he was out on a call. He was in charge of the tedious day to day work when at the station of making sure the equipment was working and cleaned, and whatever droll jobs that needed to be done but weren't exactly enthralling.
While Liron was helpful to the fire department, as cyborgels eventually faded into misuse, money towards his upkeep seemed to gradually diminish into nothing.
One day when at a structure fire call, the flames enveloped a propane tank causing an explosion which would make Michael Bay proud. Unfortunately, Liron was in the house at the time rescuing the family's pet dog and was severely damaged.
Considered outdated and unable to be repaired, Liron's burned body was simply thrown to the side of the road with rest of the trash.
Theme Song: Cruel Angel's Thesis
Other: Reborn |
22,271 | 641 | 56 | 1,700 | 2,650 | Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par "nouvelles nouvelles"?! Voici les dernières nouvelles!!Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
Lexie a regardé pour voir un journaliste crier à certains des autres travailleurs leur disant de se remettre en position et d'expliquer pourquoi son histoire n'était pas sur la chaîne, au lieu de cela il y avait cette chasse policière fortement diffusée qui semblait prendre tout l'immobilier. On pouvait voir des images d'un vélo en vol et d'un tissage à l'intérieur de la circulation, le tout avec cette bande-annonce inhabituelle d'eau contenant une pauvre victime innocente.
"Au début, nous suivons juste une poursuite sur l'autoroute Cross City et nous traversons vers Matthew dans l'hélicoptère Channel 7 News. Matthew, que voyez-vous?"
"Merci. Comme vous pouvez tous le constater, nous suivons cette moto Hover qui a déjà causé de graves dommages à un autre véhicule après qu'il s'est cassé une remorque magnétique, a heurté un mur et s'est écrasé sur un conducteur non suspect. Heureusement, le conducteur n'est pas blessé et un personnel médical est arrivé sur les lieux, mais c'est une poursuite plutôt inhabituelle... »
La caméra a zoomé sur les personnes impliquées afin de donner au public la meilleure expérience de visionnement.
"...Il semble y avoir trois membres du personnel impliqués dans l'un ressemble à un prisonnier à l'intérieur d'une boule d'eau et un autre presque comme un..."
"...cyborgel," Les mots sont sortis de la bouche de Lexie alors qu'elle reconnaissait instantanément à la structure du corps de la femelle, "Ils étaient censés être désaffectés... et celui-ci utilise des pouvoirs?"
En regardant vers l'horizon, Lexie pouvait voir la zone approximative où ce chaos se déroulait en raison de la forte concentration des unités aériennes. En même temps, la pluie s'est arrêtée comme si elle était aspirée dans une masse concentrée autour des hélicoptères. Elle a regardé vers le haut pour voir que les nuages étaient toujours placés au-dessus, mais la pluie n'était pas produite, et comme elle a acheté ses yeux pour examiner les gens autour d'elle, elle a remarqué son patron, M. Kagome, sur le côté en parlant à l'un des autres employés.
La température de Lexie a commencé à s'élever alors qu'elle se dirigeait vers son patron. Il a regardé vers le haut pour voir sa secrétaire féminine lever les deux mains dans l'air, les yeux commençant à montrer des signes de vert et crier de la manière la plus odieux, "BUJI!!!! Qu'est-ce qui se passe?!?!" | Name: Lexie Bristol
Gender: Female
Character Type: Demon
Unlike many other demons, Lexie has a demonic form that looks more human like than demon.
Career: Secretary to a Desium Corp Manager within the weapons sales division.
- Excellence in hand to hand combat with additional melee weapons training.
- The ability to monitor various sectors of the city through sales and distribution of their goods. If a section becomes too hot or too cold an inquiry is produced to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Supernatural Abilities:
- When in Release form she is able to vastly increase her strength and speed as well as summon her personal, demonic weapon "Loutka".
- Lexie owns a special axe known as "Loutka" that was forged from Hell itself. The axe is also viewed as a cursed weapon because of what happens when the wielder spills their own blood onto the blade, and only after an injury has been inflicted upon a victim. When these two steps are complete the axe head will begin to glow a brilliant white and lock the two fighters into a joint unison for only a maximum of a few minutes. Any injuries inflicted upon the wielder will be mirrored back onto the joined victim as well. In essence, the wielder becomes a temporary voodoo doll for the victim as "Loutka" believes each time it draws blood off the wielder, it is attacking the other person. This spell however has a long cool down period where the weapon and wielder must rest.
- Although not used often when she is in her Release form she is able to flick out her hand in order to shoot a plasma, energy ball.
Personality: Calm and assertive but when in Release form she can often appear insane.
Bio: Lexie, being within the sales division, is able to monitor the traffic and sales of their products to both demons and humans. Mostly this was used to help their marketing department in order to control where they need to advertise and ship their goods. Occasionally though, thanks to rebels and black market dealers, some of their deliveries would go missing with couriers winding up dead or dismantled. This is where she would be sent on special assignments to simply retrieve what rightfully belonged to Desium Corp. After all, it isn't easy explaining a 1 million dollar stock loss to the company.
Outside of work she enjoys the underground life of the city, often venturing into raves deep within abandoned car parks under the city buildings or pits where disposed Cyborgels were forced to fight against each other or demons for illegal betting. These environments allowed her to feel more at home with the chaos and despair that they spilled out while reminding her of the past where the demons won against the angels.
She owns an apartment near a top level of one of the City towers. The view gives her the feel that she like a god looking down on her people, judging the and watching them like ants
Likes: Art, Wine, Dancing
Dislikes: Cats (It's a demon thing), Milk
Theme Song: Duality - Slipknot
Other: Trivia - Loutka in Czech means Puppet
Reborn |
22,272 | 641 | 57 | 1,888 | 134 | SHIIIITTTT, Ethan cria alors qu'il secouait à gauche pour éviter un hovercar entrant.
"Fuck, j'ai juré. Je veux dire... Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Il pensait qu'il s'était balancé sur une rue. Les flics étaient juste derrière lui, il n'avait pas à regarder avec le nombre de hovercopters aéroportés autour de lui.
"Je pourrais juste m'arrêter et laisser les flics m'emmener. Puis encore une fois, je serais probablement tué par le robot évidemment dysnfuctionnel sur mon dos en ce moment », a-t-il pensé.
Il sentait son seul bras bien enveloppé autour de lui, presque au point d'étouffer. Son visage est légèrement rougi par la sensation.
"Mon Dieu, est-ce que la compagnie de la femme me manque tant?" Il pensait se serrer la tête. "Et pourquoi aujourd'hui a été le jour où j'ai atterri avec un cyborgel psychotique et un de ces rebelles lunatiques.
Alors qu'il retournait vers la route, il s'est rendu compte que la route s'était terminée et qu'il allait à pleine vitesse vers un mur de briques.
"Oh sh-!" Il cria et poussa fort sur le frein. La décélération a fait monter le fond de l'hoverbike, mais il était trop tard.
La moto a heurté le mur et s'est brisée. Des morceaux de brique et de poussière volaient partout. Il a entendu crier alors qu'il se sentait lancé libre et s'écraser dans une table.
"Afhg," il s'est étouffé alors qu'il claquait et sur le sol. Il a atterri face vers le haut. Dizzy et désorienté, il a vu des pièces, des cartes et des jetons flotter autour de lui. | Name: Ethan Everux
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human; Not a full citizen but works for Desium Corp.
Ethan is a blond, caucasian male who is 5'11. His eyes are a dark brown. His hair is short and often dirty from the residue in the repairshop. On the job he wears a wifebeater, loose trousers, and an old set of military boots he bought from the local exchange store. The work gloves he uses are a size too big for his hands.
When he is off-work he typically switches to a set of more fashionable clothes. He enjoys wearing tight-fitting blue-jeans or tan-chinos complimented by a button-up shirt with rolled sleeves.
Career: Mechanic for Desium Corp.
Technical Knowledge of Desium Corp. Goods: Ethan is extremely knowledgable on most products that come from the Desium Corp. which are pretty much all the products in the world. He gets this knowledge from his daily routine which consists of receiving faulty goods and repairing them to be refurbished or returned. He has worked with anything from guns, cars, computers, musical instruments, portable stoves, and even some Cybergels. If Desium Corp. makes it then Ethan can identify it, figure out how to fix it, and have a relatively good idea of how it works.
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Personality: Messy, Loud-mouth, Cheerful, Idealist, Sympathetic
Bio: Ethan was born a few years before the arrival of the "demons" in the city of Hong Kong. He can trace his genealogy back to the first British colonists of the 19th Century. His mother is an english teacher for the local school. He never knew his father and his mother never spoke of him.
Ethan and his mother lived in a small two room apartment in the old highrises of the city. Always the curious child he eagerly explored the mostly abandoned highrise. He would spend his childhood with the local street urchins walking up the stairs and exploring abandoned rooms. By the time he was fifteen he began to explore the city itself on his own. Because his mother was often busy teaching, Ethan had the freedom to go where he pleased when he pleased.
One day he saw a media outlet from the Desium Corp. on the lives of citizens on a large digital screen. Ethan was bewitched by the sight of the lives of those privelaged people. The clean air, clean water, and most importantly the Cyborgels. The mechanical marvels resembled the sky horrors that supposedly brought death and destruction when Ethan was young, but they were nothing like them. They brought capabilities that improved the lives of any human that had one. Everything was improved by having a cyborgel. He dreamed of living the lives of those people in that commercial. Coming from a household with a meager income, becoming a citizen became his goal.
His new goal caused a rift between him and his mother, who had strong and harsh feelings towards Desium Corp. The two would fight about this nonstop until Ethan turned eighteen and ran from his home. Eventually, he found transportation to one of the new cities. Stepping into the employment center he immediately applied for a job, intent on climbing the social ladder and becoming a full citizen. He was given a test, he took it, and was emplaced in the Services Division, as a mechanic.
It was a decision that Ethan came to have conflicted feelings about. His boss was a fat old administrator who sits on his desk napping. Hours were long and the work was grueling. Part orders were always delayed so items would never be fixed on time, which reflected poorly on Ethan's records and took him further from his dream.
However, he found that he had a knack for repairing damaged items and jerry-rigging things to work. He loved working with any and all products from the Desium Corp. Each damaged product was a complex puzzle that appealed to his need to solve problems. In the mornings he would go out to the nearby junkyards to recover anything useful, and would work all afternoon, with a smile, fixing things.
Sometimes he would even receive damaged Cyborgels. He would shake and jump in excitement with every opportunity he got to work with one. He studied their strange organic-metal biology. Questions like "How do they work?" "What makes them move?" spun in his mind. Every chance he got to work on the Cyborgel he would burn the midnight oil, learning as much as he could out of the mechanical marvel, while trying to repair its fault.
Although he was still far from his dream of living the life of a full citizen, Ethan found fulfillment in the present as a mechanic.
Fresh Water
His Boss
Other: None
22,273 | 641 | 58 | 2,097 | 1,847 | Razielle saute de la table alors qu'une moto vient brusquement frapper à travers le mur. Il se connecte directement à la table devant elle. Elle voit un homme allongé sur le sol devant elle. Heureusement, il n'avait pas cassé son capot ou tout ce qui couvrait ses pièces mécaniques. Alors que les poussières s'installent avec le reste des jetons et des cartes, elle voit le jeune homme gémir et la regarder. Elle soulève un sourcil et marche prudemment vers l'avant alors que les autres se remettent et courent pour la sécurité.
Elle s'assure qu'elle n'est pas blessée elle-même. Elle a quelques morceaux de mur sur son capot et dans ses gants. Elle se secoue rapidement, en frappant tous les éclats qui sont sur sa tête et dans son gant. Elle brosse la poussière qui est tombée sur ses vêtements et elle descend au sol. Elle se secoue de nouveau et un nuage de poussière apparaît autour d'elle. Elle passe par là et s'approche du jeune homme couché sur la table.
Elle entend les sirènes au loin, mais elle ne réalise pas que ce sont les flics. Au lieu de ça, elle marche vers l'avant et regarde ce type. C'est la plus proche qu'elle ait jamais été avec un humain. Elle s'agenouille sur le sol à côté de lui et, soigneusement, fait éclater ses yeux de rayons X devant son œil. Elle examine son corps, mais elle ne voit rien de troublant. Elle le regarde et demande à sa voix tranquille : "Ça va, monsieur?" | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Other: REBORN |
22,274 | 641 | 59 | 1,949 | 2,861 | Tout comme le hoverbike s'est levé pour essayer d'empêcher le crash, la fille cyborgel a utilisé l'élan pour sauter. L'eau qui transportait le russe a été larguée et son corps étonnamment léger a été jeté à grande vitesse dans l'air. L'eau qu'elle avait utilisée l'a jetée vers le haut, donnant l'illusion qu'elle avait sauté une grande distance... juste dans l'espace ouvert de l'hélicoptère captant le flux en direct pour les nouvelles.
Le cameraman et le reporter se sont évanouis, les images en direct jouées sur tous les écrans disponibles se sont tournées vers la station. Le corps de Lee tremblait alors que l'hélicoptère luttait pour retrouver son sang-froid. Même si la journaliste reculait dans une peur incertaine et que le pilote pouvait être entendu en arrière-plan en essayant de se demander ce qui se passait, elle ne s'est pas inquiétée. Elle a pris l'objectif de l'appareil photo, le branlant pour qu'elle puisse le regarder de plus près. Ses yeux s'évanouissaient en essayant d'évaluer ce que c'était, son iris vert imitant son mouvement sur tous les écrans. Puis son visage s'endurcit dans un regard pierreux. Elle a commencé à parler.
"Vos habere potuit en saluant. Habebis ignis.Je suis réveillé."
"Je suis réveillé."
À tout démon ou créature du surnaturel, la traduction de ce que le cyborgel avait dit est venue facilement.
"Vous auriez pu avoir le salut.
Maintenant vous aurez le feu."
Après ce qui a été dit, la jeune fille aux cheveux verts a sauté en arrière et est tombée à l'envers de l'hélicoptère. Le journaliste et cameraman bâclés s'est gâché et s'est penché sur le bord de l'hélicoptère à l'écran pour regarder le cyborgel adoucir son atterrissage avec le torrent d'eau qu'elle avait encore sous son contrôle, et s'enfuir dans un casino où le mur était tombé à cause de l'écrasement. Après qu'elle soit entrée dans rien ne pouvait être vu.
Les yeux de M. Kagome étaient verrouillés sur l'écran. C'est impossible. C'était impossible... puis il a entendu son employé lui crier dessus. Cependant, alors que ses yeux lui tombaient dessus, il ne savait pas comment ouvrir sa bouche. Qu'est-ce que ça voulait dire... Il ferma les yeux et respira profondément. Lorsqu'il les ouvrit, une teinte orange surpassa la brillance de ses yeux et il alla à sa rencontre.
"Frappe-toi." Il sifflait sous son souffle alors qu'il mettait un bras autour d'elle et l'inaugurait avec force autour de la salle de présentation, cachée par la feuille confirmant ce pour quoi la conférence avait été organisée. Il se mit à lui faire face, à moitié grogneant et à moitié murmurant. "Je n'ai aucune idée de ce qui se passe. Mais c'est mauvais." Insuffisance de l'année. 20 ans d'asservissement des anges. Le chéquier de la divinité qu'ils ont servie. Maintenant, c'était douteux. "C'est un cyborgel, mais ça suffit. Mais le grand homme... Je me demande ce qu'il va faire." Il est revenu à la pensée. Bien sûr, il s'est référé au PDG de tout Desium Corp... qui venait présenter ce qui devait être fait aujourd'hui. Il secoua la tête et la regarda, l'orange dans les yeux mourant. "Après aujourd'hui, ça n'aura pas d'importance."
Unf. Unf. Unf. Unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. unf. Jolie voix aussi.
"Nah nah nah, Youtube a beaucoup de trucs. Je sais ce que je fais. Surtout." Elle a eu de la chance de vivre là où elle l'a fait, dans une sorte d'allée déserte, elle a grognonné alors qu'elle le montait dans les escaliers, un peu surpris par le poids. Après beaucoup de travail, elle a finalement pu se lever et déverrouiller son appartement de l'extérieur pour y entrer. Enfin, hors de la pluie qui s'était arrêté de toute façon pour une raison et dans le chaud.
Sa télé était allumée, une chaîne d'information passant en revue les dernières nouvelles était en train de jouer. C'était un vieux style, dans un squaure parfait. Tout dans cette pièce a crié son amour pour la culture japonaise. De l'affiche avec des hommes à moitié nus dans une piscine à son imprimé d'une fille en uniforme de marin et de longues queues de cochons odieux intitulé en police scintillante "Sailor Swoon" il viendrait probablement à ses invités sentir qu'il n'était certainement plus au Kansas. Elle l'a posé sur son lit de futon et s'est précipitée aux toilettes pour trouver son kit de premiers soins.
Près de son lit, de nombreuses peintures accrochées sur les murs, s'éloignant d'un style de décoration weeaboo à une salle d'artistes désordonnée. Tous uniques; certains paysages, quelques études d'anatomie, un en particulier un beau paysage marin avec l'image fanée d'une femme pleurante dans le coin était artistiquement bien fait. On trouverait quelque chose sur son dos comme un ensemble de pinceaux et de stylo waacom. Près de son ordinateur portable était ouvert avec la tablette à proximité pour représenter un dessin inachevé.
En arrière-plan, la télévision a montré le visage d'un cyborgel parlant latin avec les derniers mots étant: "Je suis réveillé."
Le pixiebot avait perdu. Ses ailes se sont effondrées dans la tristesse de sa défaite et elle s'est froncée les pieds contre elle. Ses bras se repliaient, mais elle parlait clairement et sans colère.
«Noire», soupira Maresa, ses ailes se déchirant tristement. "Le Détective Jacobi Noire m'a envoyé. Pour ce qui est de la raison...
Ses sens ont été enflammés et elle s'est levée droit. Ses yeux s'élargissaient soudainement, et d'eux un hologramme était projeté pour montrer les dernières nouvelles, quelque chose Jacobi avait fait en sorte qu'elle le fasse pour qu'il puisse suivre les crimes actuels. Cependant, sans son antenne, les images n'arrivaient que sous la forme de statiques, avec seulement quelques choses montrant à travers la capture d'écran comme des images. Le serait en mesure d'attraper certaines choses dans l'audio, qui était également très déséquilibré.
"...Autoroute Cross City..."
"...a chié sur un mur..."
"dans une boule d'eau..."
Les yeux verts brillaient sur eux à travers la statique.
"Vos habere potuit en saluant. Habebis ignis.Je suis réveillé."
Et puis la nourriture a été coupée. Le pixiebot s'est effondré, pleurnichant. "Ow ow ow ow! Ça fait mal sans mon antenne!" | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Much, MUCH better. Very realistic for the setting they're in. You are accepted! |
22,275 | 641 | 60 | 1,792 | 1,123 | La poursuite de la police a rappelé à Yuri de Saint-Pétersbourg où exactement la même chose s'est produite. Sauf qu'il était assis à l'intérieur d'une voiture et ne flottait pas en plein air dans un blob d'eau tenu ensemble par une entité puissante. Sauf ça, c'était à peu près pareil. Surtout le véhicule en fuite qui se dirige tout droit vers un mur. "ÉTHAN! Regardez! » Le mécanicien a remarqué et a poussé fort sur le frein. La décélération a fait monter le fond de l'hoverbike, mais il était trop tard.
Yuri s'est attelé à l'impact, mais pour une raison quelconque, tout ce qu'il sentait était un bruit au sol comme s'il venait de tomber. Ses yeux s'ouvrirent et virent le vélo frapper le mur et le briser. Des briques et des débris étaient partout. Pourquoi il n'était pas blessé était encore un mystère pour le Russe. Il avait le sentiment que Lee avait quelque chose à voir avec ça.
Le Russe s'est levé et a rapidement arpenté ses environs. La scène de l'accident était dans un casino et il y avait déjà un hélicoptère de nouvelles qui la couvrait. Le blason des sirènes de police a atteint les oreilles de Yuri qui lui a dit de partir immédiatement. Lee le Cyborgel n'était nulle part où être trouvé mais il a trouvé Ethan le mécanicien couché sur une table de casino avec une personne captée en train de vérifier sur lui.
Yuri s'est dirigé vers le mécanicien. "Ethan? Ça va? Nous devons partir." En se rapprochant, le Russe vit que les yeux de la personne occultée étaient étendus et examinaient Ethan. La personne n'était certainement pas un Mechangel, donc ça pourrait être un... "Un autre Cyborgel?" Il a demandé à voix haute. | Name: Yuri Volkova
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
Description: Standing at 5'9, Yuri has a well-built body thanks to his time in the military. Since he is in Russia, he usually wears thick or furry clothing for the cold but will readily ditch it when he goes to somewhere warmer. Like a stereotypical Russian, Yuri really likes ushankas and will wear them whenever possible and when it does not get in the way.
Career: Former military. Currently a Revolutionary.
*Expert melee combatant (especially with his tomahawk-knife combo)
*Average marksmanship
*Can rally people with speeches
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Yuri was born 4 years before the angels came in a rural village in Russia. There he was taught patience, hard work and other idealistic virtues which Yuri brought with him as he aged. When he was 15 years old and right when Cyborgels were being handed out, he went to St. Petersburg to get higher education where he met Friedrich Kroenen, a German just two years older than him, who is also studying there until he could get back to Germany. The two became great friends because of their shared interest in philosophy.
Both enlisted in the military to keep the citizens of New Society safe from the radical revolutionaries. Both became close to the unit they were assigned to and both seemed on the way to becoming fire-forged brothers. However, Yuri was a big fan of conspiracies and liked looking into things beyond what they looked like. The Russian was once anti-angel and was glad they were defeated for he thought their heavenly appearance were lies and readily believed the words against them.
But one thing bugged Yuri. How and where did the anti-angel weaponry came from? And why were there Cyborgels, androids that looked like the enemy? There were reasons but Yuri found them lacking to have servants modeled after the enemy. Because of this, Yuri and other like-minded individuals in his unit, tried to delve deeper. He invited Friedrich in the search for the truth but unfortunately his German friend did not share his ideals and, under orders from the higher-ups, had Yuri detained.
Or at least tried to have Yuri detained. The Russian caught wind of this and fled with the other associates. Yuri went low in Russia for a while and continued to search for the truth. It was then he managed to get a hold of a friendly revolutionary who told him the whole story of what happened to the angels. Yuri was a bit skeptical at first but believed in it after connections from the story and the current things made perfect sense.
Days after the revelation, Yuri decided to return to his home village to start spreading the word of the revolutionaries. However, he found his village under attack from the military... with Friedrich Kroenen at the lead. Trying to detain him was one thing but Yuri could not believe his former friend would lay waste on his village. Yuri could only watch as his home burned and his family put to death. The Russian swore he would get revenge and the fates blessed him with an opportunity when Friedrich's unit decided to take a rest in the village's ruins.
Using his training and knowledge of the military, the element of surprise some well-placed explosives, he managed to take out his friend's troops and also set Friedrich on fire via Molotov Cocktail. His former friend managed to douse himself with a nearby puddle before running towards the woods. Yuri chased after him ultimately lost him to the woods' fog.
Knowing that his traitorous friend was probably still alive, Yuri officially joined the revolutionaries to fight for the oppressed angels and the deceived mankind and in the hopes he would encounter his friend again. He fought the military arm of New Society continuously, while hearing about a captain among them wearing a gas mask, to where he is now, hoping to meet Friedrich Kroenen for one last reunion.
-Desium Corp.
-New Society
-Friedrich Kroenen
Theme Song:
"We were lied to. All this time we've been fighting the wrong enemy. The angels really have come to bring us, humanity, salvation. To deliver us to the next world. And what did we, humanity, do? We looked the other way. We listened to the venomous lies of opportunists, of power-hungry men, of demons in human flesh. We fought against our saviors and enslaved every last one of them. Turned them into mindless servants for us, humanity, who then indulged in the many sinful vices of life and forgot the virtues of our great ancestor heroes.
But the fight is not over. Once the true revolution begins, the world will be REBORN anew and the facade of peace Desium Corp. imposes will come crashing down! The angels will once again take their rightful place as judges and... I hope they forgive us for what we've done. Though I will not be surprised if they do not, if they condemn us all to Hell. It is what we deserve after all, after our numerous blasphemies and pain we've caused them." |
22,276 | 641 | 61 | 1,700 | 2,650 | Les yeux oranges dans lesquels Lexie se fixait avaient réussi à lui faire sentir comme la plus petite des fourmis du monde. Ils étaient une couleur dans laquelle elle voyait rarement et pour lui de l'éblouir avec eux signifiait peut-être qu'elle repoussait les limites.
« Après aujourd'hui, cela n'a pas d'importance », a dit M. Kagome alors que la couleur commençait à disparaître de ses yeux et que le ton de sa voix achetait la conversation à un niveau d'étiquette respectable. Il s'est retiré de Lexie et lui a demandé de marcher et de parler.
Lexie a suivi et dans une voix douce répondant à sa dernière phrase. "Vous parlez de la présentation des Mechangles, n'est-ce pas?"
"C'est exact. Après tout, c'est notre division qui s'est occupée de la portion de l'arme du projet Mechangles, et vous tous devriez savoir de quoi ces nouveaux modèles seront capables », s'arrêta-t-il un instant à mesure qu'ils atteignaient l'extrémité de la zone des coulisses, « Cependant... » sa main leva comme il pointait sur l'écran extérieur qui était partiellement visible à travers les rideaux. Il a pointé, et repointé son doigt à chaque fois étant un peu plus fort, montrant que cela commençait à vraiment l'énerver.
"Fuck!" Le superviseur de Lexie a juré sous son souffle qu'il s'était cassé la main et l'avait placée dans sa poche, tirant un paquet de cigarettes. Il a ouvert le couvercle et a tenu tout le paquet à ses lèvres, tirant une fumée fraîche avec sa bouche avant de l'allumer avec un briquet à glissière plaqué or. Se détendant du stress qu'il causait, il a posé une question à Lexie pour qu'il réponde.
"Quand s'est passé ton dernier combat?"
-- Il y a quelques mois, monsieur.
-- Qui était-ce?
"Quelques membres révolutionnaires, essayant de voler une de nos livraisons à une usine de Mechangle."
"Néanmoins, ils ont été appréhendés pour être interrogés."
"Shit", il a couru sa main à travers ses cheveux en essayant de penser à ce qu'il faut faire en attendant. "Je suis dans deux esprits ici, que ce soit pour t'envoyer faire face à ce Cyborgel ou que ce soit pour te garder ici jusqu'à ce que le grand homme arrive." | Name: Lexie Bristol
Gender: Female
Character Type: Demon
Unlike many other demons, Lexie has a demonic form that looks more human like than demon.
Career: Secretary to a Desium Corp Manager within the weapons sales division.
- Excellence in hand to hand combat with additional melee weapons training.
- The ability to monitor various sectors of the city through sales and distribution of their goods. If a section becomes too hot or too cold an inquiry is produced to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Supernatural Abilities:
- When in Release form she is able to vastly increase her strength and speed as well as summon her personal, demonic weapon "Loutka".
- Lexie owns a special axe known as "Loutka" that was forged from Hell itself. The axe is also viewed as a cursed weapon because of what happens when the wielder spills their own blood onto the blade, and only after an injury has been inflicted upon a victim. When these two steps are complete the axe head will begin to glow a brilliant white and lock the two fighters into a joint unison for only a maximum of a few minutes. Any injuries inflicted upon the wielder will be mirrored back onto the joined victim as well. In essence, the wielder becomes a temporary voodoo doll for the victim as "Loutka" believes each time it draws blood off the wielder, it is attacking the other person. This spell however has a long cool down period where the weapon and wielder must rest.
- Although not used often when she is in her Release form she is able to flick out her hand in order to shoot a plasma, energy ball.
Personality: Calm and assertive but when in Release form she can often appear insane.
Bio: Lexie, being within the sales division, is able to monitor the traffic and sales of their products to both demons and humans. Mostly this was used to help their marketing department in order to control where they need to advertise and ship their goods. Occasionally though, thanks to rebels and black market dealers, some of their deliveries would go missing with couriers winding up dead or dismantled. This is where she would be sent on special assignments to simply retrieve what rightfully belonged to Desium Corp. After all, it isn't easy explaining a 1 million dollar stock loss to the company.
Outside of work she enjoys the underground life of the city, often venturing into raves deep within abandoned car parks under the city buildings or pits where disposed Cyborgels were forced to fight against each other or demons for illegal betting. These environments allowed her to feel more at home with the chaos and despair that they spilled out while reminding her of the past where the demons won against the angels.
She owns an apartment near a top level of one of the City towers. The view gives her the feel that she like a god looking down on her people, judging the and watching them like ants
Likes: Art, Wine, Dancing
Dislikes: Cats (It's a demon thing), Milk
Theme Song: Duality - Slipknot
Other: Trivia - Loutka in Czech means Puppet
Reborn |
22,277 | 641 | 62 | 2,029 | 36 | Liron n'était pas sûr de ce qu'il attendait quand elle ignorait la sienne, et bien, il pensait que c'était une demande de l'emmener à la caserne de pompiers. Sa tête (avec le reste de son corps) criait dans l'agonie, à chaque fois que sa jambe cassée frappait un pas de douleur dans son corps comme s'il avait été marqué d'un fer chaud et qu'il devait mordre sa langue pour éviter de crier dans l'agonie. Pourtant, les larmes se sont glissées dans ses yeux - il semblait que même lorsque ses yeux mécaniques semblaient avoir oublié de lui enlever ses conduits de larmes.
Finalement, ils ont réussi à se rendre chez elle. Ses yeux regardaient autour de lui, prenant tout. La maison d'une personne pourrait en dire beaucoup sur eux avec leurs décorations. Liron avait appris au cours des années à jeter au moins un coup d'œil rapide, car cela pourrait aider s'il se retrouvait à consoler la famille. Une pièce avec beaucoup d'artefacts religieux, comme des croix, était plus susceptible d'être apaisée en leur disant que le Seigneur veillerait sur eux que quelqu'un qui n'en avait pas. Parfois, si la maison était une cause perdue, il chercherait tout ce qui pourrait diminuer le coup, même un peu. Il cherchait généralement des photos, de préférence des familles, car les gens avaient tendance à les apprécier le plus. Surtout s'ils ont oublié de les soutenir quelque part, ce qui semblait être beaucoup.
Cependant, quand il a regardé autour de l'appartement de cette jeune femme, il n'a pas glané de nouvelles informations. C'était bizarre et coloré, comme elle.
"Vos habere potuit en saluant. Habebis ignis.Je suis réveillé."
Son attention s'est immédiatement tournée vers la télévision, qui était un modèle plus ancien, et il a aperçu deux yeux verts porté directement dans la caméra. Bien sûr, Liron pouvait comprendre le latin qui était prononcé, mais il ne l'a pas vraiment enregistré comme une langue différente en raison de la grande quantité de douleur et d'inconfort dans son esprit. Cependant, en tant que pompier, il n'aimait pas vraiment l'idée de "il y aura du feu".
Son front sillonnait alors qu'il déplaçait une brosse dans son dos. Il ne savait pas vraiment ce qui se passait, et avec sa mémoire éparpillée et la quantité énorme de douleur qu'il souffrait, il n'était guère bénéfique au service des pompiers s'il rentrait. Il soupira alors qu'il regardait d'où viennent les sons, pas tout à fait pour s'assurer de la situation. Mais ce serait inconvenant de ne pas au moins la remercier.
« Merci à l'avance pour votre aide. Peu d'entre eux se seraient arrêtés », a-t-il rappelé, car il s'était ajusté pour trouver une position plus confortable. | Name: Liron
Gender: Male
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: For a cyborgel, Liron looks rather ... human if you disregard the ashen colored wings and the mechanical arm and red mechanical eyes.
Or at least once upon a time he looked rather human. His short, black hair is currently matted with blood and his right arm - a metal prosthetic - hangs useless at his side. His leg is bent rather awkwardly - no doubt broken, and parts of his body are covered in nasty burns. If one looked really closely they could find pieces of burned dog hair.
However, once he gets cleaned up and no longer looks like something out of the Night of the Living Dead, Liron is a rather tall young man - about 5'11" if one were to measure him - with short tossled black hair and pale white skin. He is wiry, yet clearly muscular. His shoulders are broad, and taper down. His ashen wings can easily fold against his body - although they could be hidden by a coat, there is a weird awkward bulge in the back for anyone with any sort of sense of detail for attention.
Currently Liron is wearing what he died in - well, after his body was ransacked for the "good" clothes by various miscreants. (After all, Liron is a cyborgel and an object. Also, believed dead). By some good fortune Liron was left with a pair of dirty, if not rather soiled, black boxer shorts.
After his capture and brainwashing, Liron was re-tasked to working as a "volunteer" firefighter. (Of course one couldn't exactly call him a volunteer since, you know, brainwashing but semantics.)
There are two different types of firefighters; wildland firefighters who contain and prevent the spread of the raging inferno of death that is eating the forest and firefighters which most people are used to seeing in towns, villages and cities.
Contrary to popular belief, neither are mutually exclusive - after all they are trained to do two different tasks. Figherfighters who are in towns and cities measure fires by yards and feet and use water to put them out. On the other hand, wildland firefighters fight fire with literal fire. After all when you are measuring fires in literally tens of acres, there isn't going to be enough time to put one of those bad boys out. Of course there are other differences between the two (such as work weeks) but will not be mentioned in favor of it not being very important.
However, the people in charge decided why not double dip and make Liron able to perform in both capacities.
While Liron's job was mostly to either contain or put out fires - depending on what call he was sent to - Liron was also tasked in performing other typical firemen duties like rescuing kittens out of trees on those off days that there wasn't anything on fire.
The most important skill Liron had when he was "working" as a fireman was that he looked human, or at least could pass off as one as long as he wore a long coat to hide his wings and mechanical arm. While his eyes were a bit harder, it was usually nothing that a pair of sunglasses or a fireman helmet couldn't fix.
The reason this was important was because as a fireman, Liron didn't just fight fires (although it was a good part of it) but dealt with distressed individuals and the public at large. Since people could act erratically when upset and distressed, Liron's "ability" to pass as human was considered a beneficial perk.
To expand on this, it can be easily inferred that Liron has some grief consoling experience under his belt. Even if it wasn't programmed into him, Liron no doubt would have had to learn on the job. While Liron very rarely dealt with the public in any other capacity, he was trained to in case of emergencies and something came up and some person approached him instead of an actual human.
He's memorized the entire layout of the city he was stationed in - as well as the street conditions - in the need to travel to the most direct route of the incident. The forest was a bit harder considering landmarks tended to go up in flames or were on fire at the time.
Liron's right arm also provides him with great strength - it has the ability to rip apart armored trucks and smash concrete. This has a variety of uses from cleaning up debris to smashing in walls to look for hot spots, or being able to carry unconscious person, the mechanical arm has many uses depending on what the situation calls for.
Liron also has very basic EMS skills - mostly focusing on "is this person alive?" and "if not, attempt to resurrect" or "if so, wow they're bleeding a lot - let's stop that." Liron also has been taught how to use Narcan to save people who have overdosed. Essentially he was put through first responder training, or better put programming.
Liron's thermal sensing eyes - whose function can be toggled on and off merely by thinking about it - allows Liron to search for lifeforms, whether they are dead or alive based on their heat temperatures. This is greatly beneficial when looking for victims trapped inside structure fires or even car fires.
Finally, the most obvious of Liron's skills is to fight fire. This extends more than just to using a high pressurized hose to dose the flames. For structure fires, Liron needed to determine best location for venting structure based on location of hazard and fire personnel, roof type, and building construction. Also, when it comes to forceable entry, he needed to know where best to enter the blazing inferno called death. Wildfire firefighters on the other hand learned how to camp in the path of an inferno and running from fire tornadoes which love to pop up because the universe loves to troll like that. While maybe not so much a skill, it might be interesting to note.
Supernatural Abilities: Judging by his wings, it can be assumed that Liron has the ability to fly.
Personality: Quiet, Efficient, Obedient, Empathic, Blunt
Bio: Liron doesn't know much about himself prior to becoming a firefighter. He was a relatively undamaged angel, and stayed relatively unmodified after some towns and cities in the western part of the United States were complaining of the lack of volunteer firefighters to fight fires - after all, charging into a raging inferno borders on brave and crazy. It was felt if Liron was kept more "human," it would benefit the fire departments.
After all, Liron would be an easy thing to throw away and be able to take the most dangerous tasks, thus taking the figurative (and literal) heat off the other, more important (and human) firefighters. However, since things happen in the heat of the moment and people need somebody to cry to and ask questions, it was felt Liron needed to appear mostly human as to not cause any greater distress or anger, potentially impeding the firemen's jobs if somebody had an issue with Liron.
Liron was assigned to a small fire unit in the western part of the United States where the dry weather and low population made it very hard to have enough people for the constant fires which seemed to start with the littlest of provocation.
Assigned the name "Liron" by one of the fire crew (to make it easier when out on calls), Liron lived mostly in the fire hall (or in the path of a blazing inferno on those wildfire days which could last up to months) unless he was out on a call. He was in charge of the tedious day to day work when at the station of making sure the equipment was working and cleaned, and whatever droll jobs that needed to be done but weren't exactly enthralling.
While Liron was helpful to the fire department, as cyborgels eventually faded into misuse, money towards his upkeep seemed to gradually diminish into nothing.
One day when at a structure fire call, the flames enveloped a propane tank causing an explosion which would make Michael Bay proud. Unfortunately, Liron was in the house at the time rescuing the family's pet dog and was severely damaged.
Considered outdated and unable to be repaired, Liron's burned body was simply thrown to the side of the road with rest of the trash.
Theme Song: Cruel Angel's Thesis
Other: Reborn |
22,278 | 641 | 63 | 1,949 | 2,861 | Ethan a bourdonné quelque chose d'incohérent, se sentant très vertigineuse de son accident. Il serait clair que, pour l'instant, le mécanicien serait hors service. Il n'a donc pas répondu au cyborgel lui demandant s'il allait bien.
Cependant, le visage qui était sur tous les écrans de la chaîne 7 news s'est effondré dans l'ouverture dans le mur le vélo de vol stationnaire écrasé avait fait, ce qui a causé beaucoup de clients de casino à retourner en état de choc. C'était beaucoup à prendre, évidemment. Sur ses écrans, elle regarda l'autre cyborgel dans la pièce et lut qu'elle était comme Lee. Lee sans mots scooped Ethan vers le haut, ses parties mécaniques sous la peau en faisant un exploit facile. Elle se tourna vers Yuri, les yeux tournés vers la douceur et le calme. Emmenez-moi dans un endroit sûr. Je ne suis pas le bienvenu ici." Elle s'est tournée vers la fille du cyborgel à côté d'elle. "Venez avec nous aussi. Nous devons agir rapidement. »
La télé s'est éteinte sans avertissement. Depuis la porte de la salle de bains, Mel avait la télécommande.
"Les nouvelles sont si déprimantes, pas bon à regarder." Elle murmura avant de tomber à côté de l'ange. Elle sourit à ses remerciements. "De rien. Je serais un peu sans coeur si je n'ai pas aidé, tu sais? Au fait, vous êtes un cyborgel, n'est-ce pas? » Elle remontait les jambes longues et bruyantes du pantalon de samouraï qu'elle avait enfilé sur lui plus tôt, un kit de premiers soins ET une boîte à outils à ses côtés. "Je n'ai jamais remarqué que l'A.I. c'était tellement humain."
Elle regardait lentement pour se redresser les jambes afin de pouvoir travailler sur eux, en faisant des clins d'œil. Oh mon Dieu, elle ne pensait pas que c'était si mal... elle pouvait le faire.
C'est un peu faux.
Entrez : Atemisk Refilu}
Un chanfrein gluant vient de derrière les deux.
"Allez nulle part, mes colombes. Nous avons du travail à faire ici." Un homme roux, bien fait, grince sur les deux d'entre eux. Il était rare de voir le PDG ne souriant pas avec à la fois la chaleur et un éternuement en même temps, cette fois n'était pas différent. "Les idiots se réveillent peut-être, mais ils sont loin d'être une menace."
Ses yeux sont tombés sur Lexie.
« L'amour comme toujours ma chère, » Il s'empoigna de sa main et mit doucement un baiser sur le dos. Ses yeux rencontraient les siens et il semblait presque s'ennuyer dans son état même d'être, comme ses élèves examinaient chaque fragment de couleur dans les siens. Buji Kagome a enlevé sa gorge à côté de lui.
-- Devrions-nous commencer alors, monsieur? Buji a demandé, semblant essayer de tirer le PDG de sa secrétaire.
-- Mais bien sûr, répondit Atemisk, en se tournant vers Buji, mais en gardant les yeux sur Lexie. "Préparez l'équipe de caméra, M. Kagome. Lexie, ma chère, tu viendras avec moi." Il a commencé vers la scène, en regardant à la fois lisse et considérablement raffiné. | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Much, MUCH better. Very realistic for the setting they're in. You are accepted! |
22,279 | 641 | 64 | 2,097 | 1,847 | Razielle regarde la fille. Comment sait-elle ce qu'elle est? Grâce à l'impulsion de la jeune fille, Razielle retire sa capuche et tire ses bottes ainsi que ses gants. Ses jambes en métal maintenant exposées et brillantes, elle se tourne vers Yuri et dit, "Si vous avez besoin d'un refuge sûr, il y a un petit bâtiment vide à quelques pâtés de maisons d'ici. Il est possible pour nous de rester un moment là-bas jusqu'à ce que nous trouvions quelque chose de plus sûr. » Elle se branle le menton vers l'inconscient dans les bras de Lee. En pressant sa main sur son cœur et en la tenant à eux dans un geste respectivement, elle dit, "Je suis Razielle. Je peux l'aider à le guérir si vous le souhaitez, mais nous devons y aller maintenant. »
Elle jette un coup d'œil nerveux alors que les gens la regardent et regardent ses jambes et son bras en métal. Elle roule mal les épaules et regarde Lee. "Tu sais ce que je suis et tu sais ce que je peux faire. Cet endroit est l'un des plus sûrs à proximité." Sa voix est calme alors la plupart des gens sauf le jeune cyborgel devant elle ne peut pas l'entendre. "S'il vous plaît, laissez-nous partir." | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Other: REBORN |
22,280 | 641 | 65 | 1,700 | 2,650 | Buji a commencé à commander l'équipe de caméra alors qu'il s'éloignait du duo. On pouvait le voir dans ses yeux qu'il avait un soupçon d'ennui surtout lorsqu'il se tenait à une bonne distance tout en gardant le PDG et Lexie dans sa vision périphérique.
En la guidant à l'endroit qu'il désirait, Atemisk la poussa doucement loin de la foule d'ouvriers. Un sentiment de convoitise, que ce soit pour elle ou simplement pour le pouvoir, pouvait être ressenti dans l'air autour de lui alors que les deux s'éloignaient de la scène arrière et au coin des rideaux, leur donnant une vue complète de leur public et du ciel ci-dessus.
Lexie a regardé vers les scènes de chaos au loin et a soulevé une question qui lui plaguait l'esprit, "Que ferons-nous du cyborgel voyou? Mais plus important encore, qu'est-ce qui se passe ces derniers temps?" En se retournant et en regardant l'équipage, elle pouvait voir que son gestionnaire avait perdu de l'intérêt pour ce qu'ils étaient en train de faire, obligeant les travailleurs à faire tous ces petits travaux insignifiants. "Tout ce qui mène à ça. Je ne peux pas comprendre la mort (des enfants), le sang, le désir d'un ange de regarder le monde brûler. »
Elle s'avança jusqu'au bord du rideau et plaça sa main sur le gigant tassel matériel, se positionnant là où la jeune réalisatrice lui avait dit d'être plus tôt. Le matériau se sentait lisse et doux alors qu'elle courait ses doigts le long des coutures. Elle chuchotait : « Je suppose que vous pourriez dire que je deviens trop humain. Vingt ans et j'ai oublié ce qu'était vraiment la maison. »
Lexie reposa ses bras sur la corde et tenta de deviner lequel des ouvriers était humain, et qui était déguisement. Un exploit qu'elle s'est souvenu qu'elle pouvait accomplir sans effort il y a une vie. | Name: Lexie Bristol
Gender: Female
Character Type: Demon
Unlike many other demons, Lexie has a demonic form that looks more human like than demon.
Career: Secretary to a Desium Corp Manager within the weapons sales division.
- Excellence in hand to hand combat with additional melee weapons training.
- The ability to monitor various sectors of the city through sales and distribution of their goods. If a section becomes too hot or too cold an inquiry is produced to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Supernatural Abilities:
- When in Release form she is able to vastly increase her strength and speed as well as summon her personal, demonic weapon "Loutka".
- Lexie owns a special axe known as "Loutka" that was forged from Hell itself. The axe is also viewed as a cursed weapon because of what happens when the wielder spills their own blood onto the blade, and only after an injury has been inflicted upon a victim. When these two steps are complete the axe head will begin to glow a brilliant white and lock the two fighters into a joint unison for only a maximum of a few minutes. Any injuries inflicted upon the wielder will be mirrored back onto the joined victim as well. In essence, the wielder becomes a temporary voodoo doll for the victim as "Loutka" believes each time it draws blood off the wielder, it is attacking the other person. This spell however has a long cool down period where the weapon and wielder must rest.
- Although not used often when she is in her Release form she is able to flick out her hand in order to shoot a plasma, energy ball.
Personality: Calm and assertive but when in Release form she can often appear insane.
Bio: Lexie, being within the sales division, is able to monitor the traffic and sales of their products to both demons and humans. Mostly this was used to help their marketing department in order to control where they need to advertise and ship their goods. Occasionally though, thanks to rebels and black market dealers, some of their deliveries would go missing with couriers winding up dead or dismantled. This is where she would be sent on special assignments to simply retrieve what rightfully belonged to Desium Corp. After all, it isn't easy explaining a 1 million dollar stock loss to the company.
Outside of work she enjoys the underground life of the city, often venturing into raves deep within abandoned car parks under the city buildings or pits where disposed Cyborgels were forced to fight against each other or demons for illegal betting. These environments allowed her to feel more at home with the chaos and despair that they spilled out while reminding her of the past where the demons won against the angels.
She owns an apartment near a top level of one of the City towers. The view gives her the feel that she like a god looking down on her people, judging the and watching them like ants
Likes: Art, Wine, Dancing
Dislikes: Cats (It's a demon thing), Milk
Theme Song: Duality - Slipknot
Other: Trivia - Loutka in Czech means Puppet
Reborn |
22,281 | 641 | 66 | 1,792 | 1,123 | De nulle part, Lee a scoopé l'inconscient Ethan et a demandé à Yuri de les emmener quelque part en sécurité. Le Cyborgel nommé Razielle a été invité à venir aussi bien et elle était au courant d'un endroit sûr.
-- Très bien, Razielle. Emmenez-nous dans ce lieu sûr." Yuri a dit au guérisseur Cybrogel.
Une fois qu'ils se sont déplacés, Yuri a demandé à Razielle. "Vous avez dit que vous étiez guérisseur, n'est-ce pas? On dirait que j'ai touché une charge de mère cette nuit. Je suis Yuri et le Cyborgel vert est Lee."
« Nous, les révolutionnaires, avons un campement à la périphérie de cette ville. Une fois que nous aurons nos repères, nous pourrons y arriver à condition d'éviter toute attention. » Yuri l'a dit aux Cyborgels. "Tu es célèbre parmi nous, tu sais? Une fois que nous avons entendu que vous étiez jetés, nous nous sommes mobilisés pour vous récupérer et vous rendre tous à vos bons endroits. » | Name: Yuri Volkova
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
Description: Standing at 5'9, Yuri has a well-built body thanks to his time in the military. Since he is in Russia, he usually wears thick or furry clothing for the cold but will readily ditch it when he goes to somewhere warmer. Like a stereotypical Russian, Yuri really likes ushankas and will wear them whenever possible and when it does not get in the way.
Career: Former military. Currently a Revolutionary.
*Expert melee combatant (especially with his tomahawk-knife combo)
*Average marksmanship
*Can rally people with speeches
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Yuri was born 4 years before the angels came in a rural village in Russia. There he was taught patience, hard work and other idealistic virtues which Yuri brought with him as he aged. When he was 15 years old and right when Cyborgels were being handed out, he went to St. Petersburg to get higher education where he met Friedrich Kroenen, a German just two years older than him, who is also studying there until he could get back to Germany. The two became great friends because of their shared interest in philosophy.
Both enlisted in the military to keep the citizens of New Society safe from the radical revolutionaries. Both became close to the unit they were assigned to and both seemed on the way to becoming fire-forged brothers. However, Yuri was a big fan of conspiracies and liked looking into things beyond what they looked like. The Russian was once anti-angel and was glad they were defeated for he thought their heavenly appearance were lies and readily believed the words against them.
But one thing bugged Yuri. How and where did the anti-angel weaponry came from? And why were there Cyborgels, androids that looked like the enemy? There were reasons but Yuri found them lacking to have servants modeled after the enemy. Because of this, Yuri and other like-minded individuals in his unit, tried to delve deeper. He invited Friedrich in the search for the truth but unfortunately his German friend did not share his ideals and, under orders from the higher-ups, had Yuri detained.
Or at least tried to have Yuri detained. The Russian caught wind of this and fled with the other associates. Yuri went low in Russia for a while and continued to search for the truth. It was then he managed to get a hold of a friendly revolutionary who told him the whole story of what happened to the angels. Yuri was a bit skeptical at first but believed in it after connections from the story and the current things made perfect sense.
Days after the revelation, Yuri decided to return to his home village to start spreading the word of the revolutionaries. However, he found his village under attack from the military... with Friedrich Kroenen at the lead. Trying to detain him was one thing but Yuri could not believe his former friend would lay waste on his village. Yuri could only watch as his home burned and his family put to death. The Russian swore he would get revenge and the fates blessed him with an opportunity when Friedrich's unit decided to take a rest in the village's ruins.
Using his training and knowledge of the military, the element of surprise some well-placed explosives, he managed to take out his friend's troops and also set Friedrich on fire via Molotov Cocktail. His former friend managed to douse himself with a nearby puddle before running towards the woods. Yuri chased after him ultimately lost him to the woods' fog.
Knowing that his traitorous friend was probably still alive, Yuri officially joined the revolutionaries to fight for the oppressed angels and the deceived mankind and in the hopes he would encounter his friend again. He fought the military arm of New Society continuously, while hearing about a captain among them wearing a gas mask, to where he is now, hoping to meet Friedrich Kroenen for one last reunion.
-Desium Corp.
-New Society
-Friedrich Kroenen
Theme Song:
"We were lied to. All this time we've been fighting the wrong enemy. The angels really have come to bring us, humanity, salvation. To deliver us to the next world. And what did we, humanity, do? We looked the other way. We listened to the venomous lies of opportunists, of power-hungry men, of demons in human flesh. We fought against our saviors and enslaved every last one of them. Turned them into mindless servants for us, humanity, who then indulged in the many sinful vices of life and forgot the virtues of our great ancestor heroes.
But the fight is not over. Once the true revolution begins, the world will be REBORN anew and the facade of peace Desium Corp. imposes will come crashing down! The angels will once again take their rightful place as judges and... I hope they forgive us for what we've done. Though I will not be surprised if they do not, if they condemn us all to Hell. It is what we deserve after all, after our numerous blasphemies and pain we've caused them." |
22,282 | 641 | 67 | 2,029 | 36 | Liron a ouvert la bouche pour répondre, que bien sûr il était une machine, tous les cyborgels étaient des machines. Cependant, les mots ne sortaient pas de sa bouche. Je ne pouvais pas sortir de sa bouche. Il ne savait pas pourquoi, mais quelque chose l'a fait hésiter. Au lieu d'être naturel qu'il ait des parties mécaniques, il a soudain senti que c'était plus naturel qu'il était chair et os. Ses yeux se sentaient étrangers et il sentit soudain la perte d'un membre où son bras mécanique était.
Avec son bon bras, il s'est éraflé sur une peau enflammée près de son cœur alors qu'il s'installait incomfortablement dans sa poitrine. La douleur le piqua, mais il préféra ce sentiment au sentiment d'effroi et de maladie qui commençait à le frapper. Comment était-il censé répondre à ça?
"Les autres cyborgels ne sont-ils pas comme moi?" Il demanda provisoirement, méfiant de lui-même. Il avait vu d'autres cyborgels pour être sûr, mais pour la plupart, il n'a jamais vraiment prêté attention. Son niveau de chair était-il quelque chose d'anormal? Pour lui, c'était juste... au moins plus juste que les pièces mécaniques qu'il essayait d'éviter de penser. "On m'a toujours dit que j'étais très... humaine."
C'était vrai. Parfois, lorsqu'il combattait les grands incendies de forêt qui rasaient le paysage, certains membres des pompiers avec lesquels il s'est battu - dont certains étaient des criminels - pensaient qu'il était l'un d'entre eux jusqu'à ce que ses yeux ou bras soient montrés. D'habitude, bien que l'apparence de ses ailes ait fait le tour. Son bras a atteint le dos et a brossé les plumes de l'anse. Ils étaient très doux, et ils se sentaient, bien, naturels.
« Bien sûr, c'était généralement avant qu'ils ne voient mes yeux et mon bras... ou mes ailes », continua-t-il. "J'ai pensé que c'était censé être un compliment, mais maintenant je n'en suis pas si sûr." | Name: Liron
Gender: Male
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: For a cyborgel, Liron looks rather ... human if you disregard the ashen colored wings and the mechanical arm and red mechanical eyes.
Or at least once upon a time he looked rather human. His short, black hair is currently matted with blood and his right arm - a metal prosthetic - hangs useless at his side. His leg is bent rather awkwardly - no doubt broken, and parts of his body are covered in nasty burns. If one looked really closely they could find pieces of burned dog hair.
However, once he gets cleaned up and no longer looks like something out of the Night of the Living Dead, Liron is a rather tall young man - about 5'11" if one were to measure him - with short tossled black hair and pale white skin. He is wiry, yet clearly muscular. His shoulders are broad, and taper down. His ashen wings can easily fold against his body - although they could be hidden by a coat, there is a weird awkward bulge in the back for anyone with any sort of sense of detail for attention.
Currently Liron is wearing what he died in - well, after his body was ransacked for the "good" clothes by various miscreants. (After all, Liron is a cyborgel and an object. Also, believed dead). By some good fortune Liron was left with a pair of dirty, if not rather soiled, black boxer shorts.
After his capture and brainwashing, Liron was re-tasked to working as a "volunteer" firefighter. (Of course one couldn't exactly call him a volunteer since, you know, brainwashing but semantics.)
There are two different types of firefighters; wildland firefighters who contain and prevent the spread of the raging inferno of death that is eating the forest and firefighters which most people are used to seeing in towns, villages and cities.
Contrary to popular belief, neither are mutually exclusive - after all they are trained to do two different tasks. Figherfighters who are in towns and cities measure fires by yards and feet and use water to put them out. On the other hand, wildland firefighters fight fire with literal fire. After all when you are measuring fires in literally tens of acres, there isn't going to be enough time to put one of those bad boys out. Of course there are other differences between the two (such as work weeks) but will not be mentioned in favor of it not being very important.
However, the people in charge decided why not double dip and make Liron able to perform in both capacities.
While Liron's job was mostly to either contain or put out fires - depending on what call he was sent to - Liron was also tasked in performing other typical firemen duties like rescuing kittens out of trees on those off days that there wasn't anything on fire.
The most important skill Liron had when he was "working" as a fireman was that he looked human, or at least could pass off as one as long as he wore a long coat to hide his wings and mechanical arm. While his eyes were a bit harder, it was usually nothing that a pair of sunglasses or a fireman helmet couldn't fix.
The reason this was important was because as a fireman, Liron didn't just fight fires (although it was a good part of it) but dealt with distressed individuals and the public at large. Since people could act erratically when upset and distressed, Liron's "ability" to pass as human was considered a beneficial perk.
To expand on this, it can be easily inferred that Liron has some grief consoling experience under his belt. Even if it wasn't programmed into him, Liron no doubt would have had to learn on the job. While Liron very rarely dealt with the public in any other capacity, he was trained to in case of emergencies and something came up and some person approached him instead of an actual human.
He's memorized the entire layout of the city he was stationed in - as well as the street conditions - in the need to travel to the most direct route of the incident. The forest was a bit harder considering landmarks tended to go up in flames or were on fire at the time.
Liron's right arm also provides him with great strength - it has the ability to rip apart armored trucks and smash concrete. This has a variety of uses from cleaning up debris to smashing in walls to look for hot spots, or being able to carry unconscious person, the mechanical arm has many uses depending on what the situation calls for.
Liron also has very basic EMS skills - mostly focusing on "is this person alive?" and "if not, attempt to resurrect" or "if so, wow they're bleeding a lot - let's stop that." Liron also has been taught how to use Narcan to save people who have overdosed. Essentially he was put through first responder training, or better put programming.
Liron's thermal sensing eyes - whose function can be toggled on and off merely by thinking about it - allows Liron to search for lifeforms, whether they are dead or alive based on their heat temperatures. This is greatly beneficial when looking for victims trapped inside structure fires or even car fires.
Finally, the most obvious of Liron's skills is to fight fire. This extends more than just to using a high pressurized hose to dose the flames. For structure fires, Liron needed to determine best location for venting structure based on location of hazard and fire personnel, roof type, and building construction. Also, when it comes to forceable entry, he needed to know where best to enter the blazing inferno called death. Wildfire firefighters on the other hand learned how to camp in the path of an inferno and running from fire tornadoes which love to pop up because the universe loves to troll like that. While maybe not so much a skill, it might be interesting to note.
Supernatural Abilities: Judging by his wings, it can be assumed that Liron has the ability to fly.
Personality: Quiet, Efficient, Obedient, Empathic, Blunt
Bio: Liron doesn't know much about himself prior to becoming a firefighter. He was a relatively undamaged angel, and stayed relatively unmodified after some towns and cities in the western part of the United States were complaining of the lack of volunteer firefighters to fight fires - after all, charging into a raging inferno borders on brave and crazy. It was felt if Liron was kept more "human," it would benefit the fire departments.
After all, Liron would be an easy thing to throw away and be able to take the most dangerous tasks, thus taking the figurative (and literal) heat off the other, more important (and human) firefighters. However, since things happen in the heat of the moment and people need somebody to cry to and ask questions, it was felt Liron needed to appear mostly human as to not cause any greater distress or anger, potentially impeding the firemen's jobs if somebody had an issue with Liron.
Liron was assigned to a small fire unit in the western part of the United States where the dry weather and low population made it very hard to have enough people for the constant fires which seemed to start with the littlest of provocation.
Assigned the name "Liron" by one of the fire crew (to make it easier when out on calls), Liron lived mostly in the fire hall (or in the path of a blazing inferno on those wildfire days which could last up to months) unless he was out on a call. He was in charge of the tedious day to day work when at the station of making sure the equipment was working and cleaned, and whatever droll jobs that needed to be done but weren't exactly enthralling.
While Liron was helpful to the fire department, as cyborgels eventually faded into misuse, money towards his upkeep seemed to gradually diminish into nothing.
One day when at a structure fire call, the flames enveloped a propane tank causing an explosion which would make Michael Bay proud. Unfortunately, Liron was in the house at the time rescuing the family's pet dog and was severely damaged.
Considered outdated and unable to be repaired, Liron's burned body was simply thrown to the side of the road with rest of the trash.
Theme Song: Cruel Angel's Thesis
Other: Reborn |
22,283 | 641 | 68 | 1,949 | 2,861 | "En effet,"
Les yeux de Lee semblaient briller alors qu'elle tenait le mécanicien contre elle. "S'il vous plaît, dirigez-vous. Nous pouvons faire un débriefing là-bas."
Les voitures de police s'arrêtaient assez vite, faisant regarder Lee dehors.
"Et dépêchez-vous."
"Je me sens parfois humain aussi", a gâché Atemisk, ajustant sa cravate alors qu'il regarde les journalistes qui commencent à tomber en place. Il était temps de commencer le spectacle. "La seule différence entre les mortels et nous, c'est que nous sommes tellement plus puissants."
Il n'a pas noté ses autres questions, peut-être ne l'a-t-il pas entendue? Ou peut-être qu'il l'a entendue et que c'était sa réponse à tout ce qui précède. Il est allé sur le podium alors que les caméras ont commencé à rouler.
"Iunno," Mel a lâché, frottant la peau enflammée sur sa poitrine avec un salvent. C'était rafraîchissant et cela faciliterait la sensation. "Il n'y a pas beaucoup de cyborgels, mais ils semblaient toujours aussi robotiques, je suppose. Comme une merde d'arme à feu, tu sais? Eh bien, les Mechanges ressemblent plus à des armes à feu. Vous avez vu Big O, n'est-ce pas? Ah probablement pas, sachez juste qu'ils sont comme... des robots, mais pas. En quelque sorte. Peu importe." Son bablage l'avait fait rougir d'un peu d'anxiété. Elle a pris une profonde respiration et a continué à effectuer les premiers soins sur ses morceaux charnus.
Elle s'arrêta pour le regarder dans les yeux, à la recherche des mots justes. "...normal." | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Much, MUCH better. Very realistic for the setting they're in. You are accepted! |
22,284 | 641 | 69 | 2,097 | 1,847 | Razielle plonge sa tête dans les deux et hoche la tête. Elle se retire immédiatement sur son déguisement et commence à sortir parmi la foule paniquée. Elle se tourne vers ses deux disciples et dit : "Essayez de vous fondre." Elle commence un jogging lent, après un jeune couple qui s'accroche l'un à l'autre. Elle regarde en arrière pour s'assurer que les autres suivent avant de continuer. Elle garde la tête basse alors qu'ils passent par la police et elle continue à marcher. Elle parvient à s'éloigner suffisamment de la foule avant de s'arrêter et de regarder les deux.
"Le bâtiment est juste autour du bloc. On peut y arriver facilement. S'il vous plaît essayez de suivre." Elle leur fait signe avant qu'elle ne parte au sprint. Ses jambes mécaniques la portent plus vite que la plupart des gens normaux et elle se sentait mal pour courir devant, mais s'il y avait déjà de la police dans le bâtiment, elle pourrait au moins courir en arrière et les avertir. Elle s'arrête juste devant le bâtiment et voit qu'il n'y a que des bots de litière encore là. Elle attend à la porte qu'ils arrivent. | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Other: REBORN |
22,285 | 641 | 70 | 1,700 | 2,650 | Puissant... c'était quelque chose dont Lexie avait perdu de vue. Le pouvoir de pouvoir contrôler les motivations des autres. Atemisk a parlé sens tandis qu'elle regardait vers le public et regardait leurs expressions. Ils étaient venus ici, à la présentation de leur propre initiative. Desium Corp avait invité ces gens à assister à ce moment dans le temps et ils ont obéi. Si c'était une présentation par un magasin de coin sur un nouveau produit qu'ils allaient vendre, il n'y aurait même pas une fraction des gens que le sol contient à ce moment-là. Les démons avaient le pouvoir sur tout le monde à cause des produits que les gens consommaient et ils étaient sur le point de voir un autre article qu'ils devaient désirer.
Les équipes de caméra et de film regardées à Atemisk se tenaient au stand en attendant le moment présent. On pouvait voir de petits droïdes de caméra volante planant près de l'avant de la scène afin d'obtenir la photo parfaite du PDG et des marchandises dévoilées.
Alors que la foule se taisait, et qu'Atemisk se lâchait la gorge pour commencer son discours, Lexie plaça une ferme prise sur la corde. Elle se tenait là dans une position fière et sentit son expression s'éclairer car elle savait que ce serait un moment de vérité. Tout ce pour quoi ils avaient travaillé était venu à cela et tout ce dont elle avait besoin était ce signal à tirer et tout changerait pour l'avenir. | Name: Lexie Bristol
Gender: Female
Character Type: Demon
Unlike many other demons, Lexie has a demonic form that looks more human like than demon.
Career: Secretary to a Desium Corp Manager within the weapons sales division.
- Excellence in hand to hand combat with additional melee weapons training.
- The ability to monitor various sectors of the city through sales and distribution of their goods. If a section becomes too hot or too cold an inquiry is produced to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Supernatural Abilities:
- When in Release form she is able to vastly increase her strength and speed as well as summon her personal, demonic weapon "Loutka".
- Lexie owns a special axe known as "Loutka" that was forged from Hell itself. The axe is also viewed as a cursed weapon because of what happens when the wielder spills their own blood onto the blade, and only after an injury has been inflicted upon a victim. When these two steps are complete the axe head will begin to glow a brilliant white and lock the two fighters into a joint unison for only a maximum of a few minutes. Any injuries inflicted upon the wielder will be mirrored back onto the joined victim as well. In essence, the wielder becomes a temporary voodoo doll for the victim as "Loutka" believes each time it draws blood off the wielder, it is attacking the other person. This spell however has a long cool down period where the weapon and wielder must rest.
- Although not used often when she is in her Release form she is able to flick out her hand in order to shoot a plasma, energy ball.
Personality: Calm and assertive but when in Release form she can often appear insane.
Bio: Lexie, being within the sales division, is able to monitor the traffic and sales of their products to both demons and humans. Mostly this was used to help their marketing department in order to control where they need to advertise and ship their goods. Occasionally though, thanks to rebels and black market dealers, some of their deliveries would go missing with couriers winding up dead or dismantled. This is where she would be sent on special assignments to simply retrieve what rightfully belonged to Desium Corp. After all, it isn't easy explaining a 1 million dollar stock loss to the company.
Outside of work she enjoys the underground life of the city, often venturing into raves deep within abandoned car parks under the city buildings or pits where disposed Cyborgels were forced to fight against each other or demons for illegal betting. These environments allowed her to feel more at home with the chaos and despair that they spilled out while reminding her of the past where the demons won against the angels.
She owns an apartment near a top level of one of the City towers. The view gives her the feel that she like a god looking down on her people, judging the and watching them like ants
Likes: Art, Wine, Dancing
Dislikes: Cats (It's a demon thing), Milk
Theme Song: Duality - Slipknot
Other: Trivia - Loutka in Czech means Puppet
Reborn |
22,286 | 641 | 71 | 1,792 | 1,123 | Razielle mène le trio et un inconscient dans l'ouverture et dans la foule. Elle leur a dit de se fondre et a commencé un jogging lent. La police a commencé à apparaître et à augmenter en nombre. Leur attention était la dernière chose que le trio voulait en ce moment. Une foule avait aussi commencé à se former, mais heureusement elle servait de voile aux autorités.
Après avoir sorti de la foule, Razielle a dit aux deux autres que le bâtiment était à proximité et d'essayer de suivre. Yuri a levé un sourcil au dernier, mais a trouvé la réponse quand le guérisseur Cyborgel s'est soudainement boulonné à des vitesses inhumaines. Le Russe soupira et commença à courir. Il avait le sentiment qu'il allait être la dernière personne au lieu de réunion. | Name: Yuri Volkova
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
Description: Standing at 5'9, Yuri has a well-built body thanks to his time in the military. Since he is in Russia, he usually wears thick or furry clothing for the cold but will readily ditch it when he goes to somewhere warmer. Like a stereotypical Russian, Yuri really likes ushankas and will wear them whenever possible and when it does not get in the way.
Career: Former military. Currently a Revolutionary.
*Expert melee combatant (especially with his tomahawk-knife combo)
*Average marksmanship
*Can rally people with speeches
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Yuri was born 4 years before the angels came in a rural village in Russia. There he was taught patience, hard work and other idealistic virtues which Yuri brought with him as he aged. When he was 15 years old and right when Cyborgels were being handed out, he went to St. Petersburg to get higher education where he met Friedrich Kroenen, a German just two years older than him, who is also studying there until he could get back to Germany. The two became great friends because of their shared interest in philosophy.
Both enlisted in the military to keep the citizens of New Society safe from the radical revolutionaries. Both became close to the unit they were assigned to and both seemed on the way to becoming fire-forged brothers. However, Yuri was a big fan of conspiracies and liked looking into things beyond what they looked like. The Russian was once anti-angel and was glad they were defeated for he thought their heavenly appearance were lies and readily believed the words against them.
But one thing bugged Yuri. How and where did the anti-angel weaponry came from? And why were there Cyborgels, androids that looked like the enemy? There were reasons but Yuri found them lacking to have servants modeled after the enemy. Because of this, Yuri and other like-minded individuals in his unit, tried to delve deeper. He invited Friedrich in the search for the truth but unfortunately his German friend did not share his ideals and, under orders from the higher-ups, had Yuri detained.
Or at least tried to have Yuri detained. The Russian caught wind of this and fled with the other associates. Yuri went low in Russia for a while and continued to search for the truth. It was then he managed to get a hold of a friendly revolutionary who told him the whole story of what happened to the angels. Yuri was a bit skeptical at first but believed in it after connections from the story and the current things made perfect sense.
Days after the revelation, Yuri decided to return to his home village to start spreading the word of the revolutionaries. However, he found his village under attack from the military... with Friedrich Kroenen at the lead. Trying to detain him was one thing but Yuri could not believe his former friend would lay waste on his village. Yuri could only watch as his home burned and his family put to death. The Russian swore he would get revenge and the fates blessed him with an opportunity when Friedrich's unit decided to take a rest in the village's ruins.
Using his training and knowledge of the military, the element of surprise some well-placed explosives, he managed to take out his friend's troops and also set Friedrich on fire via Molotov Cocktail. His former friend managed to douse himself with a nearby puddle before running towards the woods. Yuri chased after him ultimately lost him to the woods' fog.
Knowing that his traitorous friend was probably still alive, Yuri officially joined the revolutionaries to fight for the oppressed angels and the deceived mankind and in the hopes he would encounter his friend again. He fought the military arm of New Society continuously, while hearing about a captain among them wearing a gas mask, to where he is now, hoping to meet Friedrich Kroenen for one last reunion.
-Desium Corp.
-New Society
-Friedrich Kroenen
Theme Song:
"We were lied to. All this time we've been fighting the wrong enemy. The angels really have come to bring us, humanity, salvation. To deliver us to the next world. And what did we, humanity, do? We looked the other way. We listened to the venomous lies of opportunists, of power-hungry men, of demons in human flesh. We fought against our saviors and enslaved every last one of them. Turned them into mindless servants for us, humanity, who then indulged in the many sinful vices of life and forgot the virtues of our great ancestor heroes.
But the fight is not over. Once the true revolution begins, the world will be REBORN anew and the facade of peace Desium Corp. imposes will come crashing down! The angels will once again take their rightful place as judges and... I hope they forgive us for what we've done. Though I will not be surprised if they do not, if they condemn us all to Hell. It is what we deserve after all, after our numerous blasphemies and pain we've caused them." |
22,287 | 641 | 72 | 1,888 | 134 | Ses oreilles sonnaient et le monde devenait flou alors qu'il s'en allait et sortait de la conscience.
Il se sentait hissé et se déplaçait. Ses yeux erraient paresseusement alors qu'il entendait des cris et des cris étouffés et voyait jouer des cartes flotter autour de lui.
"Gurrrgghh," il s'est effondré.
Il a vu des choses. Un homme en imperméable jaune. "Les fous?" la pensée s'est glissée dans son esprit, mais il ne pouvait même pas remonter le sentiment d'alarme. A côté de lui, était une figure de fillette, Ethan noté optique rouge accroché sur un de ses yeux.
Ses yeux dérivent vers la jeune fille aux cheveux verts qui le porte. Son expression. Plus calme et recueilli que quand il l'a trouvée. Quelque chose de dangereux, pas robotique mais pas humain.
Son visage lui rappelait des histoires que sa mère racontait des temps anciens. Des êtres des cieux qui ont fait pleuvoir le feu et la colère sur la terre.
"Angel," il murmura et dérivea dans la noirceur de l'inconscience. | Name: Ethan Everux
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human; Not a full citizen but works for Desium Corp.
Ethan is a blond, caucasian male who is 5'11. His eyes are a dark brown. His hair is short and often dirty from the residue in the repairshop. On the job he wears a wifebeater, loose trousers, and an old set of military boots he bought from the local exchange store. The work gloves he uses are a size too big for his hands.
When he is off-work he typically switches to a set of more fashionable clothes. He enjoys wearing tight-fitting blue-jeans or tan-chinos complimented by a button-up shirt with rolled sleeves.
Career: Mechanic for Desium Corp.
Technical Knowledge of Desium Corp. Goods: Ethan is extremely knowledgable on most products that come from the Desium Corp. which are pretty much all the products in the world. He gets this knowledge from his daily routine which consists of receiving faulty goods and repairing them to be refurbished or returned. He has worked with anything from guns, cars, computers, musical instruments, portable stoves, and even some Cybergels. If Desium Corp. makes it then Ethan can identify it, figure out how to fix it, and have a relatively good idea of how it works.
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Personality: Messy, Loud-mouth, Cheerful, Idealist, Sympathetic
Bio: Ethan was born a few years before the arrival of the "demons" in the city of Hong Kong. He can trace his genealogy back to the first British colonists of the 19th Century. His mother is an english teacher for the local school. He never knew his father and his mother never spoke of him.
Ethan and his mother lived in a small two room apartment in the old highrises of the city. Always the curious child he eagerly explored the mostly abandoned highrise. He would spend his childhood with the local street urchins walking up the stairs and exploring abandoned rooms. By the time he was fifteen he began to explore the city itself on his own. Because his mother was often busy teaching, Ethan had the freedom to go where he pleased when he pleased.
One day he saw a media outlet from the Desium Corp. on the lives of citizens on a large digital screen. Ethan was bewitched by the sight of the lives of those privelaged people. The clean air, clean water, and most importantly the Cyborgels. The mechanical marvels resembled the sky horrors that supposedly brought death and destruction when Ethan was young, but they were nothing like them. They brought capabilities that improved the lives of any human that had one. Everything was improved by having a cyborgel. He dreamed of living the lives of those people in that commercial. Coming from a household with a meager income, becoming a citizen became his goal.
His new goal caused a rift between him and his mother, who had strong and harsh feelings towards Desium Corp. The two would fight about this nonstop until Ethan turned eighteen and ran from his home. Eventually, he found transportation to one of the new cities. Stepping into the employment center he immediately applied for a job, intent on climbing the social ladder and becoming a full citizen. He was given a test, he took it, and was emplaced in the Services Division, as a mechanic.
It was a decision that Ethan came to have conflicted feelings about. His boss was a fat old administrator who sits on his desk napping. Hours were long and the work was grueling. Part orders were always delayed so items would never be fixed on time, which reflected poorly on Ethan's records and took him further from his dream.
However, he found that he had a knack for repairing damaged items and jerry-rigging things to work. He loved working with any and all products from the Desium Corp. Each damaged product was a complex puzzle that appealed to his need to solve problems. In the mornings he would go out to the nearby junkyards to recover anything useful, and would work all afternoon, with a smile, fixing things.
Sometimes he would even receive damaged Cyborgels. He would shake and jump in excitement with every opportunity he got to work with one. He studied their strange organic-metal biology. Questions like "How do they work?" "What makes them move?" spun in his mind. Every chance he got to work on the Cyborgel he would burn the midnight oil, learning as much as he could out of the mechanical marvel, while trying to repair its fault.
Although he was still far from his dream of living the life of a full citizen, Ethan found fulfillment in the present as a mechanic.
Fresh Water
His Boss
Other: None
22,288 | 641 | 73 | 1,949 | 2,861 | La même station d'information qui avait diffusé le message de Lee s'est tournée vers la conférence de Live Press, montrant Atemisk sur un podium, en regardant fait comme il a commencé à s'adresser à tout le monde là-bas. Des flashs d'appareil photo se sont éteints de temps en temps pour tenter de capturer la grâce dans laquelle le PDG a déménagé, mais rien ne pouvait le représenter avec précision aussi bien que la vidéo le pouvait.
"Les gens de New San Francisco", il a commencé, ses mains l'aidant à énoncer son discours. "J'ai le plaisir de vous accueillir à cette conférence de presse surprise et de vous donner les résultats de demain." Il ferma les yeux et régla sa cravate. La foule s'est ridiculisée, comme le slogan du Desium Corps. Rouvrant les yeux, il regarda de nouveau la foule. « Nous, en tant qu'entreprise, vous avons apporté beaucoup d'avancées incroyables dans la technologie », a-t-il cliqué sur un bouton, des diapositives Powerpoint passant à l'écran derrière lui montrant exactement ce qu'il disait comme il le disait. "Nous avons mis fin à la faim dans le monde, réussi la paix dans le monde, créé Pixiebots, Cyborgels, Reconnaissence Drones, Modulé 24/7 Service Alimentaire et... le bien-aimé bug Litter." L'écran dépeint un bug Litter mais quelqu'un avait collé un arc rose à un coin de son moniteur, qui rougissait. Cela a gagné des rires partiels et des "ahs" partiels à quel point c'était mignon.
« Oui, nous avons résolu tous les problèmes du monde. Depuis le premier lancement du Desium Corp avec le prototype Cyborgel, nous avons obtenu du succès après le succès vers la mondialisation totale. La souffrance est terminée et le monde qui est devenu une nouvelle société ne pourrait pas être plus grand! » Santé. Des sifflets. Un 'Amen' ironique. Alors que les applaudissements se terminaient lentement, le sourire massif du PDG était surchargé de confiance. "Oui, oui, et nous travaillons vers de plus grandes choses. Ce que nous faisons ici aujourd'hui est de dévoiler cette dernière technologie de Mechangel. Nous avons envoyé des enquêtes à tous les propriétaires actuels de MECH et tous sont revenus avec beaucoup des mêmes résultats troublants; un manque infime d'humanité, trop grand, les enfants collant aimants partout sur eux..."
Un autre ronflement de la foule.
« Nous avons donc décidé de ramener l'humanité au projet ANGEL. Nous avons décidé, que peut-être ces vieux Cyborgels pourraient valoir quelque chose après tout...!" Le signal est donné pour tirer le rideau.
Lee sprinté pour suivre Razielle, ses propres jambes mécaniques lui permettant de suivre avec facilité, mais elle dérive encore un peu derrière pour garder le russe en contrôle. Ses yeux bercés avec Ethan avaient bourdonné, mais pour l'instant elle gardait le focus. Elle s'est arrêtée quand Razielle l'a fait, a regardé le bâtiment, puis est entrée sans mot. À l'intérieur, les litières faisaient encore la fête comme si elles venaient de vaincre l'anarchie de la Deathstar, jouant de leur groupe de fortune. Ils ne semblaient pas remarquer les visiteurs.
Lee a trouvé le lit où Razielle était assise pour coucher Ethan. Elle l'a regardé en bas, en faisant un pas en arrière pour laisser l'autre cyborgel travailler. « Russe », a-t-elle commencé, son comportement calme. "Vous semblez comprendre ce que nous sommes... "C'est exact?" | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Much, MUCH better. Very realistic for the setting they're in. You are accepted! |
22,289 | 641 | 74 | 2,029 | 36 | Normal. Sa tentative de le faire se sentir plus accepté ne l'a envoyé que dans un autre état de confusion. Après tout, pourquoi était-il normal? Un humain? Un cyborgel? Quelque chose d'autre? De plus, il y avait toujours des définitions différentes de la normalité sur lesquelles personne ne semblait s'entendre.
"Normal pour quoi?" Il a posé la question qui tournait autour de son esprit. "Un cyborgel? Un humain? Quelque chose d'autre?" | Name: Liron
Gender: Male
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: For a cyborgel, Liron looks rather ... human if you disregard the ashen colored wings and the mechanical arm and red mechanical eyes.
Or at least once upon a time he looked rather human. His short, black hair is currently matted with blood and his right arm - a metal prosthetic - hangs useless at his side. His leg is bent rather awkwardly - no doubt broken, and parts of his body are covered in nasty burns. If one looked really closely they could find pieces of burned dog hair.
However, once he gets cleaned up and no longer looks like something out of the Night of the Living Dead, Liron is a rather tall young man - about 5'11" if one were to measure him - with short tossled black hair and pale white skin. He is wiry, yet clearly muscular. His shoulders are broad, and taper down. His ashen wings can easily fold against his body - although they could be hidden by a coat, there is a weird awkward bulge in the back for anyone with any sort of sense of detail for attention.
Currently Liron is wearing what he died in - well, after his body was ransacked for the "good" clothes by various miscreants. (After all, Liron is a cyborgel and an object. Also, believed dead). By some good fortune Liron was left with a pair of dirty, if not rather soiled, black boxer shorts.
After his capture and brainwashing, Liron was re-tasked to working as a "volunteer" firefighter. (Of course one couldn't exactly call him a volunteer since, you know, brainwashing but semantics.)
There are two different types of firefighters; wildland firefighters who contain and prevent the spread of the raging inferno of death that is eating the forest and firefighters which most people are used to seeing in towns, villages and cities.
Contrary to popular belief, neither are mutually exclusive - after all they are trained to do two different tasks. Figherfighters who are in towns and cities measure fires by yards and feet and use water to put them out. On the other hand, wildland firefighters fight fire with literal fire. After all when you are measuring fires in literally tens of acres, there isn't going to be enough time to put one of those bad boys out. Of course there are other differences between the two (such as work weeks) but will not be mentioned in favor of it not being very important.
However, the people in charge decided why not double dip and make Liron able to perform in both capacities.
While Liron's job was mostly to either contain or put out fires - depending on what call he was sent to - Liron was also tasked in performing other typical firemen duties like rescuing kittens out of trees on those off days that there wasn't anything on fire.
The most important skill Liron had when he was "working" as a fireman was that he looked human, or at least could pass off as one as long as he wore a long coat to hide his wings and mechanical arm. While his eyes were a bit harder, it was usually nothing that a pair of sunglasses or a fireman helmet couldn't fix.
The reason this was important was because as a fireman, Liron didn't just fight fires (although it was a good part of it) but dealt with distressed individuals and the public at large. Since people could act erratically when upset and distressed, Liron's "ability" to pass as human was considered a beneficial perk.
To expand on this, it can be easily inferred that Liron has some grief consoling experience under his belt. Even if it wasn't programmed into him, Liron no doubt would have had to learn on the job. While Liron very rarely dealt with the public in any other capacity, he was trained to in case of emergencies and something came up and some person approached him instead of an actual human.
He's memorized the entire layout of the city he was stationed in - as well as the street conditions - in the need to travel to the most direct route of the incident. The forest was a bit harder considering landmarks tended to go up in flames or were on fire at the time.
Liron's right arm also provides him with great strength - it has the ability to rip apart armored trucks and smash concrete. This has a variety of uses from cleaning up debris to smashing in walls to look for hot spots, or being able to carry unconscious person, the mechanical arm has many uses depending on what the situation calls for.
Liron also has very basic EMS skills - mostly focusing on "is this person alive?" and "if not, attempt to resurrect" or "if so, wow they're bleeding a lot - let's stop that." Liron also has been taught how to use Narcan to save people who have overdosed. Essentially he was put through first responder training, or better put programming.
Liron's thermal sensing eyes - whose function can be toggled on and off merely by thinking about it - allows Liron to search for lifeforms, whether they are dead or alive based on their heat temperatures. This is greatly beneficial when looking for victims trapped inside structure fires or even car fires.
Finally, the most obvious of Liron's skills is to fight fire. This extends more than just to using a high pressurized hose to dose the flames. For structure fires, Liron needed to determine best location for venting structure based on location of hazard and fire personnel, roof type, and building construction. Also, when it comes to forceable entry, he needed to know where best to enter the blazing inferno called death. Wildfire firefighters on the other hand learned how to camp in the path of an inferno and running from fire tornadoes which love to pop up because the universe loves to troll like that. While maybe not so much a skill, it might be interesting to note.
Supernatural Abilities: Judging by his wings, it can be assumed that Liron has the ability to fly.
Personality: Quiet, Efficient, Obedient, Empathic, Blunt
Bio: Liron doesn't know much about himself prior to becoming a firefighter. He was a relatively undamaged angel, and stayed relatively unmodified after some towns and cities in the western part of the United States were complaining of the lack of volunteer firefighters to fight fires - after all, charging into a raging inferno borders on brave and crazy. It was felt if Liron was kept more "human," it would benefit the fire departments.
After all, Liron would be an easy thing to throw away and be able to take the most dangerous tasks, thus taking the figurative (and literal) heat off the other, more important (and human) firefighters. However, since things happen in the heat of the moment and people need somebody to cry to and ask questions, it was felt Liron needed to appear mostly human as to not cause any greater distress or anger, potentially impeding the firemen's jobs if somebody had an issue with Liron.
Liron was assigned to a small fire unit in the western part of the United States where the dry weather and low population made it very hard to have enough people for the constant fires which seemed to start with the littlest of provocation.
Assigned the name "Liron" by one of the fire crew (to make it easier when out on calls), Liron lived mostly in the fire hall (or in the path of a blazing inferno on those wildfire days which could last up to months) unless he was out on a call. He was in charge of the tedious day to day work when at the station of making sure the equipment was working and cleaned, and whatever droll jobs that needed to be done but weren't exactly enthralling.
While Liron was helpful to the fire department, as cyborgels eventually faded into misuse, money towards his upkeep seemed to gradually diminish into nothing.
One day when at a structure fire call, the flames enveloped a propane tank causing an explosion which would make Michael Bay proud. Unfortunately, Liron was in the house at the time rescuing the family's pet dog and was severely damaged.
Considered outdated and unable to be repaired, Liron's burned body was simply thrown to the side of the road with rest of the trash.
Theme Song: Cruel Angel's Thesis
Other: Reborn |
22,290 | 641 | 75 | 794 | 276 | Le visage d'Alexis n'était rien d'autre que sympathique que la petite machine qui pleurait. Elle ne comprenait pas pourquoi un robot serait programmé pour « ressentir la douleur ». Il y avait des moyens beaucoup plus efficaces pour détecter les dommages, et le bruit hideusement ennuyeux que le petit bot faisait sonner dans ses oreilles et a fait les parties plus tendres d'entre eux flipper. Sa main mécanique fléchit, retenue seulement par Zac, besoin illogique de garder la chose dysfonctionnement en une seule pièce.
Les éclats d'une bobine de nouvelles ont été perdus sur Alexis, qui n'a rien trouvé de compréhensible en eux. Il y avait une voix étrange et des mots de réprimande en latin, mais c'était une longue langue morte et n'avait aucun sens à laquelle elle pouvait l'attribuer. C'était peut-être un mantra de combat? Les humains étaient-ils en guerre?
Alexis soupirait, réparant un coup d'œil sur Zac. Si vous allez garder ce morceau de malbouffe, baissez le volume. Son terrain désagréable perturbe mes capteurs auditifs." | Name: Nemesis
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: What skin remains of Nemesis’ is pale and fair. Her head is mostly intact, though many parts of her skull and the majority of her spine have been replaced. She has one ear intact: the other is composed of a wireless receiver that connects deeper into her brain. All four of her limbs are mostly missing from her elbows and knees down—all that remains is bone that has been mostly supplanted by metal. She leans towards a lanky build, but the features of her face remain angelic, sporting a soft nose and chin. She is a natural redhead and has blue eyes.
As for wings—these have also been stripped down to bone and replaced with gears and joints to maintain their use (these have since been damaged and are inoperable in her current state). Oddly enough, her natural white feathers still grow from her bones and pockets of functional flesh.
These metal-plated bones (and various other parts of her limbs that are fully replaced by metal and mechanisms) have a copper color. As far as clothes, Nemesis wears whatever is required of the occasion, though her career has mostly dictated plain bodysuits and helmets.
Career: Nemesis was one of the angels whose mental adjustments did not go well. Having lost nearly everything that was her former life, all that remained was a passionate, burning rage. She was not compatible for service-related tasks, and rather than completely scrapping her, she was given a bodysuit and put into military testing for mechanized soldiers and untested military equipment. In simple terms, she was kept in captivity and released to tear apart robotic prototypes, thus exposing weaknesses while highlighting the strengths of each respective model.
Naturally, it was not a career she could last long in. Recovery that took weeks between trials became months as each fracture, rupture, and replacement became more complicated to repair. When she was deemed useless, her weapon implements (namely prototype blades) were removed and she was on the brink of being tossed away with the very same robotic ruins she’d destroyed.
This state of ruin, however, had sated the mindless vengeance she had survived with. Her temperament was mild, not far from comatose, and she was still capable of responding to orders. Given the money spent on her physical adjustments, the company is still in debate over whether she should be re-assigned or simply left to rot.
Bludgeoning: Close combat involving the use of fists is part of the reason she has no flesh left on her hands.
Sword Use: Close combat involving the use of mundane and plasma blades.
Supplemented Strength: Due to most of her skeletal and muscle structure being replaced by machinery, she has twice the strength of a normal man, allowing her to pry apart metal sheets and break small bricks.
Robotic Destruction: Taking apart experimental machinery has given her a refined approach to killing machines—she knows where the weakest points of most combat-related weaponry and mechs are, where their power sources are, and how to bypass impenetrable metal shells to disrupt their power sources.
Crystal-Code Reading: Due to an implant in her brain called the Crystex-Reader 430, she is capable of reading coded information burned onto Crystex Cores. Crystex Cores are banks of physical memory that can record most, if not all known medias. They are, however, formed from rare materials and require very specific devices to burn data onto them. For this reason, they are used almost exclusively in the military to record and share sensitive information.
In the case of Nemesis, the Crystex-Reader 430 was implanted directly into her brain. It can read Crystex Cores inserted into the device that was once her ear (referenced above) and relay the information at will to her brain. Her brain still has to read and process the information, but this was a very direct means of teaching her how to use equipment that was later applied to her body to be tested.
Supernatural Abilities: Flight—one would assume.
Bio: Nemesis has only recently come to recall shreds of her past—with her body broken, she had nothing left but to ruminate on her own existence. She knows that, to some extent, she was once a leader responsible for dispatching troops, but who she may have commanded and for what reason she cannot recall. She has the vague understanding that she was once a whole being, without machinery, and that thought alone had caused the rage that sustained her through so much bodily damage.
Apart from those vague facts, she is left only with procedural memory: to respond immediately to commands without question was ingrained into her long before she became a testing puppet for the government. Her grace with the blade has also always been natural to her, and on occasion, she finds herself ruminating on things she has no former recollection or context of, like the patterns of the stars.
Likes: Standing over dismantled robotic foes, warm temperatures, physical exercise, puzzles that blueprints present, and examining objects she has not yet seen before.
Dislikes: Medical centers, animals (she cannot comprehend them), sleep, situations that do not have a very specific objective to accomplish.
Theme Song: Beyond that Prayer
Other: REBORN |
22,291 | 641 | 76 | 1,700 | 2,650 | Avec une grande traction Lexie avait libéré le rideau de ses prises et le tissu est tombé au sol comme une chute d'eau. Le nouveau produit de Desium Corp, un Mech Cyborgel, était sur un grand podium. C'était la première fois que Lexie regardait la figure et elle semblait tout simplement incroyable. Le boîtier en métal a été poli à une brillance vierge avec une légère teinte à la coloration pour donner la profondeur et l'attrait des composants, mais ce qui était plus étonnant était les composants organiques qui ont posé entre les boîtiers en métal. Il ressemblait moins aux Mechangles actuels, et qu'à l'heure actuelle était une bonne chose vu que les Mechangles ont reçu quelques critiques négatives en raison de leurs apparences froides et inhumaines. Le public a commencé à rugir dans les applaudissements et Atemisk était là fier de son nouveau dévoilement.
"Ce devait être ce que Buji appelait le prototype du "Gen 3"," Lexie s'est demandé. Elle a regardé pour voir où était son manager, mais tout ce qu'elle a vu était une grande foule de gens derrière la scène essayant d'obtenir un aperçu sournois du nouveau Cyborgel. Elle a cependant remarqué quelqu'un d'autre. Se tenant parmi le groupe avec une expression un peu sérieuse était un visage familier, un collègue travailleur que Lexie connaissait.
Lexie s'est détournée de la foule qu'elle pouvait voir avant elle et a commencé à marcher lentement dans le groupe de spectateurs. Elle a poussé à travers la mer des corps, les sentant pousser contre son corps alors qu'elle marchait contre le courant, jusqu'à ce qu'elle arrive à la position où elle pensait que ce visage familier devrait être.
"Mery?" Lexie s'exprima doucement en regardant autour d'elle pour voir où elle allait, mais peu importe à quel point elle avait l'air de ne pas voir sa collègue. "C'est bizarre. Elle était là, je sais qu'elle était là." "Mère!" | Name: Lexie Bristol
Gender: Female
Character Type: Demon
Unlike many other demons, Lexie has a demonic form that looks more human like than demon.
Career: Secretary to a Desium Corp Manager within the weapons sales division.
- Excellence in hand to hand combat with additional melee weapons training.
- The ability to monitor various sectors of the city through sales and distribution of their goods. If a section becomes too hot or too cold an inquiry is produced to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Supernatural Abilities:
- When in Release form she is able to vastly increase her strength and speed as well as summon her personal, demonic weapon "Loutka".
- Lexie owns a special axe known as "Loutka" that was forged from Hell itself. The axe is also viewed as a cursed weapon because of what happens when the wielder spills their own blood onto the blade, and only after an injury has been inflicted upon a victim. When these two steps are complete the axe head will begin to glow a brilliant white and lock the two fighters into a joint unison for only a maximum of a few minutes. Any injuries inflicted upon the wielder will be mirrored back onto the joined victim as well. In essence, the wielder becomes a temporary voodoo doll for the victim as "Loutka" believes each time it draws blood off the wielder, it is attacking the other person. This spell however has a long cool down period where the weapon and wielder must rest.
- Although not used often when she is in her Release form she is able to flick out her hand in order to shoot a plasma, energy ball.
Personality: Calm and assertive but when in Release form she can often appear insane.
Bio: Lexie, being within the sales division, is able to monitor the traffic and sales of their products to both demons and humans. Mostly this was used to help their marketing department in order to control where they need to advertise and ship their goods. Occasionally though, thanks to rebels and black market dealers, some of their deliveries would go missing with couriers winding up dead or dismantled. This is where she would be sent on special assignments to simply retrieve what rightfully belonged to Desium Corp. After all, it isn't easy explaining a 1 million dollar stock loss to the company.
Outside of work she enjoys the underground life of the city, often venturing into raves deep within abandoned car parks under the city buildings or pits where disposed Cyborgels were forced to fight against each other or demons for illegal betting. These environments allowed her to feel more at home with the chaos and despair that they spilled out while reminding her of the past where the demons won against the angels.
She owns an apartment near a top level of one of the City towers. The view gives her the feel that she like a god looking down on her people, judging the and watching them like ants
Likes: Art, Wine, Dancing
Dislikes: Cats (It's a demon thing), Milk
Theme Song: Duality - Slipknot
Other: Trivia - Loutka in Czech means Puppet
Reborn |
22,292 | 641 | 77 | 1,792 | 1,123 | Comme Yuri l'avait prévu, il était mort le dernier à destination. Le sprint n'était pas que taxer les Russes. Il s'était éloigné de beaucoup d'autres au cours de sa vie révolutionnaire.
Yuri est arrivé devant la maison abandonnée Razielle les avait conduits à, légèrement panting. Malgré le déchirement des serviteurs angéliques, ils étaient encore ligues devant le corps humain. Les Cyborgels sont entrés avec la suite russe, jetant un regard en arrière pour voir si quelqu'un les regardait. À l'intérieur, les litières semblaient faire une fête à une vieille chanson, mais elles n'ont pas prêté attention aux nouveaux arrivants.
Lee a porté et placé l'inconscient Ethan sur un lit avant de se tourner vers Yuri. Elle voulait préciser que les Russes savaient ce qu'ils étaient. "Ah, oui. Nous savons ce que vous êtes vraiment Cyborgels." Yuri a répondu. "Ou du moins ce que nos preuves indiquent et ce que nous pouvons déduire de ces preuves."
"Je suis Yuri au fait, Yuri Volkova. Ex-Nouvelle Société militaire et actuellement partie de la Révolution." Le révolutionnaire s'est formellement présenté. -- Maintenant, qu'aimerais-tu savoir d'abord? | Name: Yuri Volkova
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
Description: Standing at 5'9, Yuri has a well-built body thanks to his time in the military. Since he is in Russia, he usually wears thick or furry clothing for the cold but will readily ditch it when he goes to somewhere warmer. Like a stereotypical Russian, Yuri really likes ushankas and will wear them whenever possible and when it does not get in the way.
Career: Former military. Currently a Revolutionary.
*Expert melee combatant (especially with his tomahawk-knife combo)
*Average marksmanship
*Can rally people with speeches
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Yuri was born 4 years before the angels came in a rural village in Russia. There he was taught patience, hard work and other idealistic virtues which Yuri brought with him as he aged. When he was 15 years old and right when Cyborgels were being handed out, he went to St. Petersburg to get higher education where he met Friedrich Kroenen, a German just two years older than him, who is also studying there until he could get back to Germany. The two became great friends because of their shared interest in philosophy.
Both enlisted in the military to keep the citizens of New Society safe from the radical revolutionaries. Both became close to the unit they were assigned to and both seemed on the way to becoming fire-forged brothers. However, Yuri was a big fan of conspiracies and liked looking into things beyond what they looked like. The Russian was once anti-angel and was glad they were defeated for he thought their heavenly appearance were lies and readily believed the words against them.
But one thing bugged Yuri. How and where did the anti-angel weaponry came from? And why were there Cyborgels, androids that looked like the enemy? There were reasons but Yuri found them lacking to have servants modeled after the enemy. Because of this, Yuri and other like-minded individuals in his unit, tried to delve deeper. He invited Friedrich in the search for the truth but unfortunately his German friend did not share his ideals and, under orders from the higher-ups, had Yuri detained.
Or at least tried to have Yuri detained. The Russian caught wind of this and fled with the other associates. Yuri went low in Russia for a while and continued to search for the truth. It was then he managed to get a hold of a friendly revolutionary who told him the whole story of what happened to the angels. Yuri was a bit skeptical at first but believed in it after connections from the story and the current things made perfect sense.
Days after the revelation, Yuri decided to return to his home village to start spreading the word of the revolutionaries. However, he found his village under attack from the military... with Friedrich Kroenen at the lead. Trying to detain him was one thing but Yuri could not believe his former friend would lay waste on his village. Yuri could only watch as his home burned and his family put to death. The Russian swore he would get revenge and the fates blessed him with an opportunity when Friedrich's unit decided to take a rest in the village's ruins.
Using his training and knowledge of the military, the element of surprise some well-placed explosives, he managed to take out his friend's troops and also set Friedrich on fire via Molotov Cocktail. His former friend managed to douse himself with a nearby puddle before running towards the woods. Yuri chased after him ultimately lost him to the woods' fog.
Knowing that his traitorous friend was probably still alive, Yuri officially joined the revolutionaries to fight for the oppressed angels and the deceived mankind and in the hopes he would encounter his friend again. He fought the military arm of New Society continuously, while hearing about a captain among them wearing a gas mask, to where he is now, hoping to meet Friedrich Kroenen for one last reunion.
-Desium Corp.
-New Society
-Friedrich Kroenen
Theme Song:
"We were lied to. All this time we've been fighting the wrong enemy. The angels really have come to bring us, humanity, salvation. To deliver us to the next world. And what did we, humanity, do? We looked the other way. We listened to the venomous lies of opportunists, of power-hungry men, of demons in human flesh. We fought against our saviors and enslaved every last one of them. Turned them into mindless servants for us, humanity, who then indulged in the many sinful vices of life and forgot the virtues of our great ancestor heroes.
But the fight is not over. Once the true revolution begins, the world will be REBORN anew and the facade of peace Desium Corp. imposes will come crashing down! The angels will once again take their rightful place as judges and... I hope they forgive us for what we've done. Though I will not be surprised if they do not, if they condemn us all to Hell. It is what we deserve after all, after our numerous blasphemies and pain we've caused them." |
22,293 | 641 | 78 | 2,097 | 1,847 | Razielle regarde que les deux entrent dans le bâtiment. Les voitures de la police viennent dans la rue et elle rentre rapidement, en s'assurant qu'ils ne la voient pas. Elle soupire soigneusement et marche autour des litières en se dirigeant vers la pièce une fois de plus. Elle fait signe à Lee alors que Lee pose Ethan et recule pour qu'elle travaille. Son œil X-Ray se retourne encore devant son œil droit et elle commence à scanner sur son corps une fois de plus, se concentrant principalement sur son cerveau.
En arrière-plan, elle entend Lee poser à Yuri une question sur la façon dont il sait ce qu'ils sont et Razielle respire profondément car Yuri répond par un oui. Ou du moins, une sorte de oui. Razielle se penche sur Ethan et se concentre sur sa tête. Il va certainement avoir une commotion, mais ce ne sera pas trop mal. Il va juste avoir des lunettes de soleil pendant un moment et ne pas bouger pendant les prochaines heures à moins qu'ils ne veuillent vomir partout. Elle examine ensuite son haut du corps. Il semble avoir meurtri quelques-uns de ses os, mais il serait surtout juste douloureux plutôt qu'extrêmement blessé. Elle ne veut pas le toucher, juste au cas où il aurait peur de choses comme elle. Elle examine ensuite son bras et remarque que son épaule est déplacée de sa base.
Elle tousse légèrement et regarde Lee et Yuri. "Il a une épaule disloquée. C'est une solution facile, mais ça va faire mal." Elle regarde Yuri et Lee et demande : "L'un d'entre vous va-t-il le retourner? Je sens qu'il n'aimera pas qu'un étranger le touche. » Elle recule de la forme inconsciente d'Ethan et des gestes pour que l'un d'eux marche vers le haut. | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Other: REBORN |
22,294 | 641 | 79 | 1,949 | 2,861 | Elle s'est soudain sentie incroyablement maladroite et sa bouche a laissé sortir un tas de choses pour essayer de se corriger.
"Je veux dire, c'est juste-Normal veut dire comme pas normal et-tu n'es pas censé être-je veux dire ne pas dire que tu es-je... euh..." Elle rougissait de rouge vif et secouait la tête, secouant les yeux. Elle a pris une profonde inspiration pour essayer de se centrer. "Je veux dire..." Exhale. "Cyborgels... sont toujours si... Je ne sais pas... » Elle s'est éraflée la joue et a regardé loin d'elle en y pensant. "Stoic. Je veux dire, quelque chose d'ami mais leurs yeux ont toujours l'air si morts, genre... robotique et tout. Mais quand je te regarde, j'ai l'impression que tu es quelque chose.... respirer, penser... tu sais?"
Elle mentirait si elle ne pensait pas que c'était un peu flippant. Comme regarder un tas de mannequins arriver à la vie.
"Détecter le latin."
Le bot de pixie leva les mains devant elle et commença rapidement à travailler, son sourcil sillonné comme un écran holographique sorti de ses yeux et elle commença à travailler. « Traduction pour les ondes sonores reçues en cours... téléchargement... terminé. La langue latine détectée; 'Vous auriez pu avoir le salut. Maintenant, vous aurez le feu. Langue anglaise détectée; 'Je suis réveillée.'"
Les yeux de Maresa se rétrécissaient au cyborgel. "Quelle attitude." Ses bras se repliaient et ses yeux arrêtaient de projeter leur hologramme. "Vous pensiez qu'un programme basé sur l'ange serait, vous savez, angélique?"
Elle avait laissé passer qu'ils n'étaient pas basés sur des "démons", comme l'avait dit Desium Corp.
Dans l'arrière-plan où se trouvait Lexie, Atemisk continua.
« En effet, nos dernières avancées dans le domaine de la technologie Cyborgel et Mechangel nous ont conduits à une solution de choix, une combinaison des deux! Avec une personnalité plus contrôlée, Notre nouveau MechaCyborgels laissera notre marché du travail libre pour les propriétaires tout en promouvant simultanément la compagnie et surtout, l'obéissance. »
Sur scène, le MéchaCyborgel s'est ébranlé avant de lever la tête.
Il semblait qu'il s'agit d'un gaz pour l'air.
Aucun air ne remplirait leurs poumons.
Pour l'instant, ils n'en avaient pas.
Ses mains se levaient, les regardaient.
Quand sont-ils devenus si froids?
Quand a-t-il eu si froid?
Tant de voix et de scènes capturées par sa vision infrarouge...
Quelque chose lui a fait du mal... quelque chose...
Quand est-il devenu si sombre...?
La conférence de presse s'est poursuivie alors que le nouveau MechaCyborgel se mouvait sur scène, gagnant plusieurs «ooohs» et «aaahs» à la fluidité et à la grâce à laquelle il se déplaçait. Il semblait être tout à fait humain dans ses mouvements, mais avec une quantité excellente de grâce qui briserait tout cœur de ballerines.
"Amazing, n'est-ce pas?" Mery a crié dans l'oreille de Lexies. "Combien sous contrôle ils sont maintenant..." La démocratie ne s'est cependant pas tenue à côté d'elle, laissant un à se demander où elle pourrait être. "Sous notre contrôle..."
-- Aucun de nous ne le connaît, répondit Lee, se tournant vers Razielle. Elle avait écouté avec insistance les yeux qui brûlaient dans les Russes. Elle avait l'air tendue. "Mais je sais qu'il s'appelle lui-même... Ethan. Je peux vous aider. S'il vous plaît, dites-moi quoi faire." Pendant qu'elle parlait, elle venait au lit et attendait des instructions.
"Yuri Volkova..." Elle a commencé, assis Ethan. "Qu'est-ce que votre... "preuve," dites-nous que nous sommes?" Elle a tenu le mot dans sa bouche comme si c'était étranger, mais elle a eu l'essentiel de ce que cela devait signifier. -- Qu'est-ce que vous pensez que nous sommes? | Name: Razielle
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Description: Both of her legs, all the way up to her hips, are completely replaced with metal parts to give her the ability to run faster, that way she can get to patients faster. She has a completely replaced, thin, metal right arm that allows her to shift the fingers of her hand into scalpels. She has a movable X-Ray "eye" that can be flipped in front of her right eye to be able to see inside someone's body. It is movable so that she can have both her eyes for outer wounds. Her halo is only a gold circlet around her head now.
Career: Nurse/ Doctor for some of the larger, more important hospitals, where government officials would go. She would help wherever she was needed within the hospital
-Ability to quickly perform an operation that would normally take a human doctor hours within a few minutes
-Though she is now mechanical, she does still have her brain, and she is very good at comforting people when they need someone to turn to
-Has the ability to find a problem, health wise, with a person faster than a human doctor
Supernatural Abilities: Mind Cleansing- She has the ability to cure people of any ailment that troubles them within the mind. For example, if someone was stressed out about something, she could calm them down just by touching them. Another example is if someone had schizophrenia, she could cure them of that just by touching them. It is only in the mind though. No where else.
Personality: Quiet, Strong-Willed, Thoughtful, Grounded
Bio: Before she was found out and captured, she would silently watch over people in hospitals. She was especially drawn toward younger children who had cancer or were paralyzed for some disease. Her heart ached for them and every once in awhile, there was a special child that she would fall deeply in love with and grant a miracle for, whether it was getting rid of their cancer, helping them to walk again, or getting rid of whatever ailment was upon them. When the angels began to descend, she tried to ease the children far enough to where they could die without pain, but she was captured before she could.
She remembers nothing after the time she was captured. The next thing she realized she was waking up in a dumpster surrounded by piles of trash and disgusting smells. She stood up and shoot herself off and wandered into the city. She made sure to stay in the shadows because she knew one thing, though she didn't remember: if she woke up in a dump, then there were people who definitely did not want her around.
Likes: Snow (before she was turned), Sparkly Things, Most Animals (She Feels That They Are Healing)
Dislikes: Spiders, Too Sweet People, Ignorant People, Sharks, Crocodiles
Theme Song: Healing Incantation from Tangled (Just 'cause)
Much, MUCH better. Very realistic for the setting they're in. You are accepted! |
22,295 | 641 | 80 | 586 | 3,914 | Zac réfléchissait tranquillement alors qu'Alexis et le pixiebot parlaient. Angélique? Il a réfléchi. Je pensais que les Cyborgels étaient censés être modelés après les démons qui sont venus sur Terre il y a toutes ces années. Peut-être que ça a un rapport avec la raison pour laquelle ils se sentent si... je ne sais pas, 'undémonique?'
Même si Alexis lui avait dit de baisser le volume du pixiebot, il ne semble pas remarquer et dit, "Eh bien, aussi curieux que ce latin l'était et ce qui ne l'était pas, je suis honnêtement plus intéressé par ce bulletin d'information que vous avez parroté." Levant ses pieds, il regarde par la fenêtre de l'immeuble et ajoute : « Je suis presque sûr de savoir comment arriver à l'autoroute d'ici. Je suis aussi certain de connaître la zone où ces photos ont été prises."
En parlant d'Alexis, il dit alors : « Je pense qu'on devrait aller voir ça, juste pour voir ce qui se passait. Nous allons amener le petit ici avec nous et, avec un peu de chance, nous allons rencontrer cet inspecteur Noire et il aura des informations pour nous, comme pourquoi il a décidé d'avoir son espion de pixiebot sur nous comme ça."
En regardant vers le bas le pixiebot, il ajoute, "Et nous allons aller de l'avant et passer le temps avec un jeu unilatéral de vingt questions." | Name: Zacary 'Zac' Yoxall
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human Revolutionary (Military defector)
Description: The goggles that are usually either wrapped around his neck or the top of his head are high-tech remnants of when he was with the military (which he stole, of course). They eliminate the need for a spotter, analyzing wind direction and speed, as well as distance from himself to the target when sniping, although it provides no further assistance with aiming. He also has slight traces of cybernetics, although they were installed purely to repair nerve damage in his arm after being caught in a firefight and hidden under his skin.
Career: Ex-military sniper, now works with the Revolutionaries
Skills: -Excellent cook
-Elite-class sniper
-Proficient with various weapons and hand-to-hand, but best with sniper rifles
Personality: -Carefree
-Tends to not be very bright
Bio: Zac was raised in a well-to-do family. He had never wanted for anything, everything was readily provided by parents who tried too hard to please their only child and heir to their business. And he hated it.
His family had several Cyborgels as servants. Granted, he was always raised to believe they were demons who had come to destroy them all back when he was five, but he had never believed that. He wasn't sure how, but he had a feeling there was more to the Cyborgels than met the eye, but could never exactly put his finger on it.
When he was of age, mainly to get away from his posh lifestyle, he joined the military, where he excelled as a sniper. At first, it was all fine and dandy, protecting civilians from renegades and 'repurposed' Cyborgels who sought to do harm to innocents. That changed one day, during a brutal firefight between the Revolutionaries and the military.
He had been forced into close-quarters with a Cyborgel and, severely wounded in his right arm, was forced to chase her down. When he finally caught up to her and leveled his pistol at her, he saw something: a spark of life in her eyes. Seeing this, he let her go.
A month later, after his arm was repaired, he gathered his gear and seemingly vanished.
Likes: -Spicy food
-Sweet food
-Sour food
-Protecting the true innocents
Dislikes: -Rich people
-People who use power to get away with their crimes
-Bad cooks
Theme Song: Drawnonward by Jack Trammell
Other: Reborn! :D |
22,296 | 641 | 81 | 2,029 | 36 | Donc, vivant, il a dit, comprendre son sens maintenant. Il était "normal " parce qu'il était vivant. Ce n'était pas normal pour les cyborgels. Son front sillonnait la pensée, sentant qu'il n'y avait pas quelque chose de tout à fait juste avec la déclaration. Après tout, cette créature n'était pas un cyborgel? Pourtant, elle n'a pas agi comme une seule, pas plus qu'il ne l'était.
Il s'est cogné comme un mal de tête. En fermant les yeux, il a commencé à se demander de nouvelles choses qu'il n'avait pas avant. Comme pourquoi il était fait de chair. Les nouveaux modèles ne l'étaient pas. Il a vu le chef les regarder en ligne...
Le chef a tourné le dos, seulement la lumière de son ordinateur éclairant la pièce. Elle lui avait dit de nettoyer la caserne, et après de longues heures de labeur, il avait fini. En rangant les chiffons, il s'est retourné pour voir le chef s'enfoncer sur son ordinateur, s'accrocher à ses clés.
"Chef, je peux vous apporter quelque chose? il demanda alors qu'il s'approchait de l'ordinateur, ses yeux captant ce qu'elle regardait. Le chef ne s'est pas retourné, grogneant le café.
Un sentiment de tristesse l'a emporté alors qu'il se rendait compte pourquoi il avait été laissé dans l'allié. Il avait été jeté, il n'était plus utile. Honnêtement, il ne savait pas pourquoi il fonctionnait en considérant ses blessures.
"Pourquoi ai-je été fait avec de la chair?" Il n'a demandé à personne en particulier. | Name: Liron
Gender: Male
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: For a cyborgel, Liron looks rather ... human if you disregard the ashen colored wings and the mechanical arm and red mechanical eyes.
Or at least once upon a time he looked rather human. His short, black hair is currently matted with blood and his right arm - a metal prosthetic - hangs useless at his side. His leg is bent rather awkwardly - no doubt broken, and parts of his body are covered in nasty burns. If one looked really closely they could find pieces of burned dog hair.
However, once he gets cleaned up and no longer looks like something out of the Night of the Living Dead, Liron is a rather tall young man - about 5'11" if one were to measure him - with short tossled black hair and pale white skin. He is wiry, yet clearly muscular. His shoulders are broad, and taper down. His ashen wings can easily fold against his body - although they could be hidden by a coat, there is a weird awkward bulge in the back for anyone with any sort of sense of detail for attention.
Currently Liron is wearing what he died in - well, after his body was ransacked for the "good" clothes by various miscreants. (After all, Liron is a cyborgel and an object. Also, believed dead). By some good fortune Liron was left with a pair of dirty, if not rather soiled, black boxer shorts.
After his capture and brainwashing, Liron was re-tasked to working as a "volunteer" firefighter. (Of course one couldn't exactly call him a volunteer since, you know, brainwashing but semantics.)
There are two different types of firefighters; wildland firefighters who contain and prevent the spread of the raging inferno of death that is eating the forest and firefighters which most people are used to seeing in towns, villages and cities.
Contrary to popular belief, neither are mutually exclusive - after all they are trained to do two different tasks. Figherfighters who are in towns and cities measure fires by yards and feet and use water to put them out. On the other hand, wildland firefighters fight fire with literal fire. After all when you are measuring fires in literally tens of acres, there isn't going to be enough time to put one of those bad boys out. Of course there are other differences between the two (such as work weeks) but will not be mentioned in favor of it not being very important.
However, the people in charge decided why not double dip and make Liron able to perform in both capacities.
While Liron's job was mostly to either contain or put out fires - depending on what call he was sent to - Liron was also tasked in performing other typical firemen duties like rescuing kittens out of trees on those off days that there wasn't anything on fire.
The most important skill Liron had when he was "working" as a fireman was that he looked human, or at least could pass off as one as long as he wore a long coat to hide his wings and mechanical arm. While his eyes were a bit harder, it was usually nothing that a pair of sunglasses or a fireman helmet couldn't fix.
The reason this was important was because as a fireman, Liron didn't just fight fires (although it was a good part of it) but dealt with distressed individuals and the public at large. Since people could act erratically when upset and distressed, Liron's "ability" to pass as human was considered a beneficial perk.
To expand on this, it can be easily inferred that Liron has some grief consoling experience under his belt. Even if it wasn't programmed into him, Liron no doubt would have had to learn on the job. While Liron very rarely dealt with the public in any other capacity, he was trained to in case of emergencies and something came up and some person approached him instead of an actual human.
He's memorized the entire layout of the city he was stationed in - as well as the street conditions - in the need to travel to the most direct route of the incident. The forest was a bit harder considering landmarks tended to go up in flames or were on fire at the time.
Liron's right arm also provides him with great strength - it has the ability to rip apart armored trucks and smash concrete. This has a variety of uses from cleaning up debris to smashing in walls to look for hot spots, or being able to carry unconscious person, the mechanical arm has many uses depending on what the situation calls for.
Liron also has very basic EMS skills - mostly focusing on "is this person alive?" and "if not, attempt to resurrect" or "if so, wow they're bleeding a lot - let's stop that." Liron also has been taught how to use Narcan to save people who have overdosed. Essentially he was put through first responder training, or better put programming.
Liron's thermal sensing eyes - whose function can be toggled on and off merely by thinking about it - allows Liron to search for lifeforms, whether they are dead or alive based on their heat temperatures. This is greatly beneficial when looking for victims trapped inside structure fires or even car fires.
Finally, the most obvious of Liron's skills is to fight fire. This extends more than just to using a high pressurized hose to dose the flames. For structure fires, Liron needed to determine best location for venting structure based on location of hazard and fire personnel, roof type, and building construction. Also, when it comes to forceable entry, he needed to know where best to enter the blazing inferno called death. Wildfire firefighters on the other hand learned how to camp in the path of an inferno and running from fire tornadoes which love to pop up because the universe loves to troll like that. While maybe not so much a skill, it might be interesting to note.
Supernatural Abilities: Judging by his wings, it can be assumed that Liron has the ability to fly.
Personality: Quiet, Efficient, Obedient, Empathic, Blunt
Bio: Liron doesn't know much about himself prior to becoming a firefighter. He was a relatively undamaged angel, and stayed relatively unmodified after some towns and cities in the western part of the United States were complaining of the lack of volunteer firefighters to fight fires - after all, charging into a raging inferno borders on brave and crazy. It was felt if Liron was kept more "human," it would benefit the fire departments.
After all, Liron would be an easy thing to throw away and be able to take the most dangerous tasks, thus taking the figurative (and literal) heat off the other, more important (and human) firefighters. However, since things happen in the heat of the moment and people need somebody to cry to and ask questions, it was felt Liron needed to appear mostly human as to not cause any greater distress or anger, potentially impeding the firemen's jobs if somebody had an issue with Liron.
Liron was assigned to a small fire unit in the western part of the United States where the dry weather and low population made it very hard to have enough people for the constant fires which seemed to start with the littlest of provocation.
Assigned the name "Liron" by one of the fire crew (to make it easier when out on calls), Liron lived mostly in the fire hall (or in the path of a blazing inferno on those wildfire days which could last up to months) unless he was out on a call. He was in charge of the tedious day to day work when at the station of making sure the equipment was working and cleaned, and whatever droll jobs that needed to be done but weren't exactly enthralling.
While Liron was helpful to the fire department, as cyborgels eventually faded into misuse, money towards his upkeep seemed to gradually diminish into nothing.
One day when at a structure fire call, the flames enveloped a propane tank causing an explosion which would make Michael Bay proud. Unfortunately, Liron was in the house at the time rescuing the family's pet dog and was severely damaged.
Considered outdated and unable to be repaired, Liron's burned body was simply thrown to the side of the road with rest of the trash.
Theme Song: Cruel Angel's Thesis
Other: Reborn |
22,297 | 641 | 82 | 1,700 | 2,650 | Incroyable, n'est-ce pas? Comme ils sont sous contrôle maintenant... Sous notre contrôle...
La voix résonnait tranquillement avec un soupçon de réverbération, et elle semblait si proche de l'oreille de Lexie qu'elle aurait pu jurer que Mery était juste à côté d'elle. Lexie s'est curieusement retournée pour voir d'où venaient ces mots, mais elle n'a été accueillie que par les particules de poussière qui se reflétaient dans les faisceaux de lumière. Pour être honnête, elle avait une clairière autour d'elle de quelques mètres au spectateur le plus proche, et même alors ils étaient trop distraits par le prototype qui s'est levé sur la scène en analysant elle-même. En d'autres termes, cette déclaration qu'elle a entendue est venue de l'air plus que les lèvres de son collègue.
"Notre contrôle?" Lexie parlait tranquillement, ne sachant pas si Mery écoutait ou non. Doucement, elle s'est écartée, se déplaçant tout en pirouettant et en analysant tout ce qui l'entoure. Pour Lexie, ça n'allait pas. La voix de Mery était si proche de son oreille qu'elle était si claire. "De quoi tu parles? Pourquoi le public serait-il sous notre...
Tout en se déplaçant le long de Lexie ont déménagé à l'endroit où elle et la main de scène ont terminé les retouches pour améliorer sa présentation pour la révélation. Elle pouvait voir un miroir placé à proximité qui était utilisé par les gens pour vérifier leur apparence une dernière fois avant qu'ils ne s'aventurent sur scène. Elle se tenait là et s'analysait à l'intérieur de la réflexion, portant une main sur son visage et vers le coin de l'œil. Elle a remarqué à quel point ils avaient l'air terne avec leur manque de couleur avant de parvenir à une conclusion.
"Vous ne faites pas référence aux gens êtes-vous?" Elle regarda plus profondément dans ses yeux et les vit briller légèrement une teinte verte tout en rétrécissant leur regard. "Ce qui soulève encore plus de questions..."
Alors qu'elle regardait dans le miroir, elle remarqua que sa réflexion brillait si légèrement. | Name: Lexie Bristol
Gender: Female
Character Type: Demon
Unlike many other demons, Lexie has a demonic form that looks more human like than demon.
Career: Secretary to a Desium Corp Manager within the weapons sales division.
- Excellence in hand to hand combat with additional melee weapons training.
- The ability to monitor various sectors of the city through sales and distribution of their goods. If a section becomes too hot or too cold an inquiry is produced to ensure that everything is running smoothly.
Supernatural Abilities:
- When in Release form she is able to vastly increase her strength and speed as well as summon her personal, demonic weapon "Loutka".
- Lexie owns a special axe known as "Loutka" that was forged from Hell itself. The axe is also viewed as a cursed weapon because of what happens when the wielder spills their own blood onto the blade, and only after an injury has been inflicted upon a victim. When these two steps are complete the axe head will begin to glow a brilliant white and lock the two fighters into a joint unison for only a maximum of a few minutes. Any injuries inflicted upon the wielder will be mirrored back onto the joined victim as well. In essence, the wielder becomes a temporary voodoo doll for the victim as "Loutka" believes each time it draws blood off the wielder, it is attacking the other person. This spell however has a long cool down period where the weapon and wielder must rest.
- Although not used often when she is in her Release form she is able to flick out her hand in order to shoot a plasma, energy ball.
Personality: Calm and assertive but when in Release form she can often appear insane.
Bio: Lexie, being within the sales division, is able to monitor the traffic and sales of their products to both demons and humans. Mostly this was used to help their marketing department in order to control where they need to advertise and ship their goods. Occasionally though, thanks to rebels and black market dealers, some of their deliveries would go missing with couriers winding up dead or dismantled. This is where she would be sent on special assignments to simply retrieve what rightfully belonged to Desium Corp. After all, it isn't easy explaining a 1 million dollar stock loss to the company.
Outside of work she enjoys the underground life of the city, often venturing into raves deep within abandoned car parks under the city buildings or pits where disposed Cyborgels were forced to fight against each other or demons for illegal betting. These environments allowed her to feel more at home with the chaos and despair that they spilled out while reminding her of the past where the demons won against the angels.
She owns an apartment near a top level of one of the City towers. The view gives her the feel that she like a god looking down on her people, judging the and watching them like ants
Likes: Art, Wine, Dancing
Dislikes: Cats (It's a demon thing), Milk
Theme Song: Duality - Slipknot
Other: Trivia - Loutka in Czech means Puppet
Reborn |
22,298 | 641 | 83 | 1,792 | 1,123 | Lee et Razielle allaient réparer Ethan. Pour Yuri, le mécanicien n'a pas eu de chance d'être blessé et chanceux d'être guéri par deux Cyborgels. Le Russe ne pouvait pas attendre pour frotter ça sur le visage d'Ethan. Lee avait cependant posé à Yuri une question sur ce qu'ils, les Cyborgels, étaient.
Yuri s'est débarrassé de la gorge avant de commencer. "Je ne sais pas si vous vous souvenez, mais il y a quelques décennies, des anges du Ciel sont descendus sur la Terre pour apporter la fin du monde et transférer ses habitants à l'au-delà. Les humains n'étaient, bien sûr, pas vraiment sûrs de toute la chose de «douer», mais les anges ont promis que la transition serait sans douleur. Mais alors, un certain nombre d'humains ont commencé à parler contre les anges, affirmant qu'ils étaient en fait des démons ici pour causer des ravages sur le monde."
« Le reste de l'humanité les a crus et les prédicateurs des mensonges, Desium Corp., ont distribué des armes qui pourraient vaincre les anges et faire la guerre contre eux, unissant le monde dans une seule société. Dans un court laps de temps, les anges du Ciel ont été complètement vaincus et faits prisonniers. Tous les derniers. Le gouvernement a dit qu'ils libéreraient les anges au Ciel, mais nous avons vu nary un ange qui s'envolait vers le ciel. Peut-être sont-ils retournés par téléportation, mais Desium Corp. a commencé à donner des Cyborgels." Yuri a continué, inhalant une fois avant de continuer.
« Ces serviteurs de Cyborgel rappelaient très bien nos « ennemis ». Pourquoi? Pourquoi n'ont-ils pas fabriqué des serviteurs robotiques qui semblent plus agréables que l'ennemi. Se pourrait-il que le design de Cyborgel soit fait de cette façon pour se moquer des anges vaincus? J'en doute. Sauf pour la partie moqueuse. Desium Corp. s'est certainement moqué de la race angélique lorsque les anges emprisonnés ont été transformés en serviteurs mécaniques."
-- Eh bien, les serviteurs n'en sont plus, car vous n'êtes manifestement au service de personne. Tu sais, sauf pour ce garçon." Yuri a fini. | Name: Yuri Volkova
Gender: Male
Character Type: Human
Description: Standing at 5'9, Yuri has a well-built body thanks to his time in the military. Since he is in Russia, he usually wears thick or furry clothing for the cold but will readily ditch it when he goes to somewhere warmer. Like a stereotypical Russian, Yuri really likes ushankas and will wear them whenever possible and when it does not get in the way.
Career: Former military. Currently a Revolutionary.
*Expert melee combatant (especially with his tomahawk-knife combo)
*Average marksmanship
*Can rally people with speeches
Supernatural Abilities: N/A
Yuri was born 4 years before the angels came in a rural village in Russia. There he was taught patience, hard work and other idealistic virtues which Yuri brought with him as he aged. When he was 15 years old and right when Cyborgels were being handed out, he went to St. Petersburg to get higher education where he met Friedrich Kroenen, a German just two years older than him, who is also studying there until he could get back to Germany. The two became great friends because of their shared interest in philosophy.
Both enlisted in the military to keep the citizens of New Society safe from the radical revolutionaries. Both became close to the unit they were assigned to and both seemed on the way to becoming fire-forged brothers. However, Yuri was a big fan of conspiracies and liked looking into things beyond what they looked like. The Russian was once anti-angel and was glad they were defeated for he thought their heavenly appearance were lies and readily believed the words against them.
But one thing bugged Yuri. How and where did the anti-angel weaponry came from? And why were there Cyborgels, androids that looked like the enemy? There were reasons but Yuri found them lacking to have servants modeled after the enemy. Because of this, Yuri and other like-minded individuals in his unit, tried to delve deeper. He invited Friedrich in the search for the truth but unfortunately his German friend did not share his ideals and, under orders from the higher-ups, had Yuri detained.
Or at least tried to have Yuri detained. The Russian caught wind of this and fled with the other associates. Yuri went low in Russia for a while and continued to search for the truth. It was then he managed to get a hold of a friendly revolutionary who told him the whole story of what happened to the angels. Yuri was a bit skeptical at first but believed in it after connections from the story and the current things made perfect sense.
Days after the revelation, Yuri decided to return to his home village to start spreading the word of the revolutionaries. However, he found his village under attack from the military... with Friedrich Kroenen at the lead. Trying to detain him was one thing but Yuri could not believe his former friend would lay waste on his village. Yuri could only watch as his home burned and his family put to death. The Russian swore he would get revenge and the fates blessed him with an opportunity when Friedrich's unit decided to take a rest in the village's ruins.
Using his training and knowledge of the military, the element of surprise some well-placed explosives, he managed to take out his friend's troops and also set Friedrich on fire via Molotov Cocktail. His former friend managed to douse himself with a nearby puddle before running towards the woods. Yuri chased after him ultimately lost him to the woods' fog.
Knowing that his traitorous friend was probably still alive, Yuri officially joined the revolutionaries to fight for the oppressed angels and the deceived mankind and in the hopes he would encounter his friend again. He fought the military arm of New Society continuously, while hearing about a captain among them wearing a gas mask, to where he is now, hoping to meet Friedrich Kroenen for one last reunion.
-Desium Corp.
-New Society
-Friedrich Kroenen
Theme Song:
"We were lied to. All this time we've been fighting the wrong enemy. The angels really have come to bring us, humanity, salvation. To deliver us to the next world. And what did we, humanity, do? We looked the other way. We listened to the venomous lies of opportunists, of power-hungry men, of demons in human flesh. We fought against our saviors and enslaved every last one of them. Turned them into mindless servants for us, humanity, who then indulged in the many sinful vices of life and forgot the virtues of our great ancestor heroes.
But the fight is not over. Once the true revolution begins, the world will be REBORN anew and the facade of peace Desium Corp. imposes will come crashing down! The angels will once again take their rightful place as judges and... I hope they forgive us for what we've done. Though I will not be surprised if they do not, if they condemn us all to Hell. It is what we deserve after all, after our numerous blasphemies and pain we've caused them." |
22,299 | 641 | 84 | 794 | 276 | Alexis a froncé le duo, encore un peu mal à l'idée de ne pas pouvoir déchirer la petite machine en lambeaux. Alors que la gentillesse de Zac l'avait amenée à la chaleur et à la nourriture, il était un peu trop gentil. Est-ce qu'il croyait honnêtement que c'était une forme d'otage avec laquelle il devait être échangé?
« Si vous avez l'intention d'accéder à l'information stockée à l'interne du robot, il est beaucoup plus efficace de lier son processeur à un ordinateur et de lire le cœur de la mémoire. » Alexis se penchait lourdement contre le mur pendant qu'elle se tenait, toujours à peine en forme pour bouger. "Il contient probablement une certaine manière de balise ou de dispositif de suivi qui conduira à un danger indésirable pour nous. Je suggère d'extraire ses informations et de les déconstruire. Je pourrais peut-être utiliser son câblage et son émetteur miniatures. » | Name: Nemesis
Gender: Female
Character Type: Cyborgel
Appearance: What skin remains of Nemesis’ is pale and fair. Her head is mostly intact, though many parts of her skull and the majority of her spine have been replaced. She has one ear intact: the other is composed of a wireless receiver that connects deeper into her brain. All four of her limbs are mostly missing from her elbows and knees down—all that remains is bone that has been mostly supplanted by metal. She leans towards a lanky build, but the features of her face remain angelic, sporting a soft nose and chin. She is a natural redhead and has blue eyes.
As for wings—these have also been stripped down to bone and replaced with gears and joints to maintain their use (these have since been damaged and are inoperable in her current state). Oddly enough, her natural white feathers still grow from her bones and pockets of functional flesh.
These metal-plated bones (and various other parts of her limbs that are fully replaced by metal and mechanisms) have a copper color. As far as clothes, Nemesis wears whatever is required of the occasion, though her career has mostly dictated plain bodysuits and helmets.
Career: Nemesis was one of the angels whose mental adjustments did not go well. Having lost nearly everything that was her former life, all that remained was a passionate, burning rage. She was not compatible for service-related tasks, and rather than completely scrapping her, she was given a bodysuit and put into military testing for mechanized soldiers and untested military equipment. In simple terms, she was kept in captivity and released to tear apart robotic prototypes, thus exposing weaknesses while highlighting the strengths of each respective model.
Naturally, it was not a career she could last long in. Recovery that took weeks between trials became months as each fracture, rupture, and replacement became more complicated to repair. When she was deemed useless, her weapon implements (namely prototype blades) were removed and she was on the brink of being tossed away with the very same robotic ruins she’d destroyed.
This state of ruin, however, had sated the mindless vengeance she had survived with. Her temperament was mild, not far from comatose, and she was still capable of responding to orders. Given the money spent on her physical adjustments, the company is still in debate over whether she should be re-assigned or simply left to rot.
Bludgeoning: Close combat involving the use of fists is part of the reason she has no flesh left on her hands.
Sword Use: Close combat involving the use of mundane and plasma blades.
Supplemented Strength: Due to most of her skeletal and muscle structure being replaced by machinery, she has twice the strength of a normal man, allowing her to pry apart metal sheets and break small bricks.
Robotic Destruction: Taking apart experimental machinery has given her a refined approach to killing machines—she knows where the weakest points of most combat-related weaponry and mechs are, where their power sources are, and how to bypass impenetrable metal shells to disrupt their power sources.
Crystal-Code Reading: Due to an implant in her brain called the Crystex-Reader 430, she is capable of reading coded information burned onto Crystex Cores. Crystex Cores are banks of physical memory that can record most, if not all known medias. They are, however, formed from rare materials and require very specific devices to burn data onto them. For this reason, they are used almost exclusively in the military to record and share sensitive information.
In the case of Nemesis, the Crystex-Reader 430 was implanted directly into her brain. It can read Crystex Cores inserted into the device that was once her ear (referenced above) and relay the information at will to her brain. Her brain still has to read and process the information, but this was a very direct means of teaching her how to use equipment that was later applied to her body to be tested.
Supernatural Abilities: Flight—one would assume.
Bio: Nemesis has only recently come to recall shreds of her past—with her body broken, she had nothing left but to ruminate on her own existence. She knows that, to some extent, she was once a leader responsible for dispatching troops, but who she may have commanded and for what reason she cannot recall. She has the vague understanding that she was once a whole being, without machinery, and that thought alone had caused the rage that sustained her through so much bodily damage.
Apart from those vague facts, she is left only with procedural memory: to respond immediately to commands without question was ingrained into her long before she became a testing puppet for the government. Her grace with the blade has also always been natural to her, and on occasion, she finds herself ruminating on things she has no former recollection or context of, like the patterns of the stars.
Likes: Standing over dismantled robotic foes, warm temperatures, physical exercise, puzzles that blueprints present, and examining objects she has not yet seen before.
Dislikes: Medical centers, animals (she cannot comprehend them), sleep, situations that do not have a very specific objective to accomplish.
Theme Song: Beyond that Prayer
Other: REBORN |