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Evangeline avait une façon intéressante de serrer la main d'Alicia. Elle l'a fait d'une manière qui semblait délicate, mais cela lui semblait encore sain et généreux, quelque peu réconfortant. Sur une note contrastée cependant, elle a froncé quand Endless a donné sa préférence pour le nom 'Alicia'. "Je pense qu'Endless est un beau nom, il en dit beaucoup sur qui vous êtes si je puis dire." Evangelienne lui dit, souriant encore une fois. Elle sourit beaucoup. Elle le remarqua silencieusement en écoutant. "Je t'appellerai sans fin et tes plus grandes victoires, mais j'aime aussi le nom d'Alicia." Alors qu'elle aurait normalement dû se sentir flattée par le compliment à la fin, Alicia s'est sentie plutôt... dérangée par l'utilisation de son vrai nom. Non, vraiment, je préfère Alicia. Elle voulait le dire, mais elle a gardé son petit ennui dans sa tête et loin de ses traits, en gardant un sourire amical. Soudain, son partenaire-conversateur s'est rendu pâle à sa question sur le temps qu'elle avait passé là-bas, semblant être dans l'obscurité au sujet de l'heure exacte. Alicia a immédiatement regretté de poser la question et de lui apporter ainsi du chagrin et était sur le point de s'excuser quand elle a répondu. "Je crois que je ne suis ici que depuis un jour, mais." Sa voix s'enfuit et elle rompt le contact visuel pour regarder dans la fontaine. Alicia a décidé de la laisser pour le moment et, au lieu de cela, a attendu silencieusement sa réponse à la dernière question, en regardant un oiseau sauter sur le sol. Elle a quelque peu sauté quand elle a répondu, car elle était tombée dans une transe en regardant le petit oiseau. Je suis désolé. Je suis la Déité de la Complexité. Je peux entendre les pensées des gens, me réveiller dans d'autres rêves, je suis d'où vient toute la curiosité du monde." "Uh... wah. C'est vraiment... important. Vraiment impressionnant, par rapport à ce que j'ai... » Elle n'a pas pu s'empêcher de commenter immédiatement et elle s'est légèrement moquée à la fin pour garder un léger sentiment sur la conversation. "Et toi?" Evangeline demanda d'un ton curieux et Alicia sourit difficilement alors qu'elle lui apportait une réponse. "Promets de ne pas rire? Je vous l'ai dit, ce n'est rien d'impressionnant comme le vôtre, donc... » En observant ses traits, Alicia pouvait cependant voir qu'Evangéline semblait assez décente pour ne pas rire, peu importe à quel point c'était insignifiant. "Très bien... Je suis apparemment la divinité du vol, mais je ne peux même pas voler tout seul. C'est une dure ironie, hein?" Elle s'est forcée à l'alléger, mais il semblait qu'il fallait plus d'explications. "Tu vois, je peux courir très vite, je suis aussi agile que... une chose agile, j'ai une affinité avec les choses volantes et je peux ou ne pas être capable de survivre à de très mauvaises chutes, mais pas de vol. Plutôt impressionnant, n'est-ce pas? Elle a fait un commentaire sarcastique, mais tout comme elle a fini, un homme est entré dans l'atrium. Tan et mince de construction, il avait un moyen occasionnel de marcher et comme il a ouvert sa bouche, Alicia a observé qu'il avait une façon tout aussi occasionnelle de parler aussi. "J'espère que ça ne te dérange pas que je m'en aille. Je suis Ryko." C'est subtil. "Sans fin, ou de préférence Alicia. Un plaisir." Elle l'attaqua pour avoir gâché l'atmosphère délicate, fragile mais confortable avec son entrée et même s'il s'assit et Alicia tenta de revenir à une conversation normale, elle ne put ébranler le sentiment qu'il était là, en les regardant. Ce n'était certainement pas un sentiment confortable. La jeune fille aux cheveux noirs a rapidement cherché un moyen d'échapper à la situation et, en la trouvant, elle a commencé à se diriger vers la porte, en parlant clairement en se détournant. "Je me sens... piqué. S'il vous plaît, excusez-moi." Elle a salué (les vieilles habitudes meurent durement...) avant de quitter l'atrium et d'entrer dans le couloir.
Name: Endless Nickname: Alicia (preferred name) Age: 20 Birthday: October 15th Origin: For all of its existence, humans have longed to fly, to conquer the skies above them and freely wander its blue expanses, like the birds who had long mastered the art of travelling through the air. Many dedicated their lives, and sometimes sacrificed them, in this pursuit, though humanity found little success in their quest to grasp at the skies until October 15th, 1783, when the two French Montgolfier brothers managed to make physics teacher fly in a tethered hot-air balloon, and even before that, humans had managed to fly for at least a few yards using primitive gliders. Throughout the next few centuries, humankind quickly began to master the skies; going from small balloons to fearsome metal beasts in nary three centuries. It was no coincidence that a girl was born twenty years ago, on the day that decades ago, man first took to the sky, a girl who belonged to no parents but had a name that evoked the sky itself; 'Endless', though she prefers to call herself Alicia, as Endless isn't a very pretty sounding name. Deity: Deity of Flight Hair Color: Black Hair Style: Shoulder length. Eye Color: Blue Skin Color: Palish white Height: 1m63 Body Build: Slim, rather lacking in womanly features (though definitely not of boyish figure), not very muscular but not at all fat. Markings: Bizarre, straight scars between her shoulder blades, almost parallel to one another. Demi-description: Alicia is a deity of flight, both of birds and other animals and of humankind. While physically not particularly special, she has no fear of heights, drops and a fall from a high altitude has little to no effect on her. However, she lacks the ability to fly herself, for some bizarre, ironic reason. She can run very fast, however, causing her to remark that perhaps it's a power that originally evoked how a plane takes off, by going from a standstill and picking up swift speed. Alicia is also very agile, in the air and on the ground, with the human art of parkour an easy feat for her. Background: Endless spent most of her childhood in a foster family's care, having been born to parents who could never be found through biological tracing. From an extremely early age, she took an almost instinctive interest in flight and after long periods of begging, her eventual adoptive father signed her up for her first flight lessons. By the end of the first lesson, it was clear she was a natural and it was barely a month later that she was doing her first flight. Naturally, after finishing school, she signed up for her country's air force, where her skills were once again evident. All was smooth sailing until her first combat deployment when a faulty engine sent her plane stalling and plummeting to the ground, almost just above the airfield where she took off. To all observers, it seemed definite from the angle of the plane when she crashed that her life was lost. Amazingly to the contrary, she survived with barely a scratch on her body. Her comrades suggested she go on medical leave, but at her own insistence she was back in the air in a few weeks. After this event, she remained cheerful and she continued flying for a good year until her plane was forced to shake hands with a surface-to-air missile. When she crashed, her body was found to be fine, but she didn't wake up this time. Or did she? When she awoke from a deep slumber, Alicia found herself in a new, fantasy-esque land and with no explanation to prove what this place really was, she was left only to wander... Personality: Alicia is very pensive, but at the same time quite talkative and in general is very optimistic and cheerful. However, she is somewhat guarded with new people, due to her relatively rough childhood. Along with this general friction towards strangers, she can be slightly hesitant and a bit clumsy at times. She has a strong animus to succeed in most situations and is very determined when it comes to reaching what is most important to her; the brilliant azure skies. Occasionally, she attempts to use complicate expressions and complex expressions in order to make herself look somewhat smarter, but this usually backfires on her. Powers: -High agility, both in the air and on the ground. -Fearlessness of heights, drops and falls. -Invulnerability to falling, even from extremely high altitudes and at high speeds. -Very, very fast runner (move over Usain Bolt!) Weapons: None, at the moment, she relies on her powerful kicks and punches...
Il clignait, regardant la fille partir presque dès qu'il était entré. "Il semble que j'ai pris la mauvaise décision..." Il a murmuré, légèrement déprimé par sa réaction à son entrée. ses joues deviennent chaudes. Il a porté les lèvres, la poitrine mal à l'aise. Quoi? Il a regardé en bas, mettant sa main sur sa poitrine. Pourquoi? C'était la seule question qu'il pouvait se poser. Il n'avait jamais été comme ça avec des humains. Ils le méprisaient et l'attaquaient pour avoir ruiné leur vie. Quelqu'un devait avoir une attitude facile à vivre, n'est-ce pas? Il se tourne pour regarder la femelle plus grande, son cœur encore serré, presque comme s'il était nerveux. "Désolé... Je ne voulais pas la faire... ou tu t'enfuyais. Il soupira et tira les jambes sur ses genoux, regardant vers la porte où la fille, Alicia, s'était enfuie. "Il semble que je l'ai mise en colère..." Il murmura, ses yeux montrant sa tristesse. Il se tourna vers l'autre femelle, assise à la fontaine. "Tu peux partir et aller l'attraper si tu veux. Je vais m'en sortir toute seule. Promis." Il lui a dit, un gros sourire sur le visage, ses joues encore rouges de l'embarras. Peut-être que je ne suis pas fait pour ça... Il a pensé, se poser lui-même. Il a laissé sortir un long soupir. Il devait arrêter d'être si émotif. Ils ne le traiteraient pas comme ça, n'est-ce pas? L'un d'eux serait certes bon envers lui, la divinité de la renaissance. Quelqu'un, n'est-ce pas?
Name Ryko Orion Nickname Currently? None. Age 119 (Appears 19) Birthday Aug 2 Origin Timeless and forgotten. Legend says he was created by the death of his previous reincarnation. His reincarnation was said to have been a great Goddess by the name of Rheia. The Diety is said to have been born the day God made Humans. Deity Deity of Rebirth Hair Color Dark Brown Hair Style Short and shaggy. Eye Color Crystal Blue Skin Color Very tan Height 5’11 Body Build Thin Markings Marking of a flower bud on his chest. Demi-description As the deity of Rebirth, Ryke sees the life span of humans as well as the way they lived their lives. His mind is often jumbled with these memories and he can seem a bit… out of it at times. It’s said that in his eyes, one can see an entire universe of ideas. To some, they look like stars and to others they may look like something else entirely. Personality Ryko is pretty easy going and easy to get along with. He isn’t afraid to talk to people despite what demeanor they may carry. He is not afraid of death because he knows what awaits him. He also considers himself somewhat of a death god and as such is pretty serious at times. But, for the most part he is pretty easy going. He likes to crack jokes and mess with people in a friendly way. There are times where he can be found staring off into space. Powers Vision Ryko can see the past lives of humans and can see their life span. He cannot see the lifespan nor past lives of other deities, however. For his power to work, people must believe in him. Reincarnation Ryko has the ability to choose a human’s reincarnation. He cannot choose a deity’s reincarnation, which is decided by both the Goddess and her people. Heal Ryko can heal both others and himself. However, healing himself using a bit of his lifespan. When and if he dies, he will go through another rebirth. He cannot bring back the dead, but can only send them to a new reincarnation. Weapons He has a blessed long bow. He uses the power of light found within himself as the bows. They have the power to wound any deity, kill any demon, and purify the soul of a human. Heeeere he is. :D Let me know if I need to change anything or if he has conflicts with other deities. ~
Xabiz s'est lentement dirigé vers le temple. Il a vu d'autres aller à côté de lui des coins de ses yeux et courir pour être dans le temple. Il soupirait, il n'y avait aucune raison d'essayer d'entrer en premier. Et si le temple tombait sur eux? Ou s'il y avait des pièges dans les couloirs du temple? Beaucoup de scénarios différents ont joué dans le fond de son esprit, mais aucun n'a été réduit au silence, seulement étouffé par son désir de ne pas montrer sa différence. Il a atteint l'entrée du temple alors qu'une autre entité éternue... ou rugissait fort. C'était une expérience assez, en entendant à quel point quelqu'un d'autre pouvait être bruyant. Est-ce que c'était humain? Il dit entrer dans le temple, ne sachant pas que par habitude il fermait la porte derrière lui. Une vision s'est évanouie à l'avant de son esprit... -- Quelque chose ne va pas, Blaze? Une petite créature a parlé à quelqu'un devant la porte du temple. Apparemment, ils étaient amis. "Je ne sais pas ouvrir une porte..." Xabiz s'est arrêté à mi-chemin du couloir. Vraiment? Il ne sait pas ouvrir une porte? Il a pensé, se retourner et revenir à la porte. Quand Xabiz est revenu à la porte, il s'est tiré à la porte. Il n'avait pas de mécanisme de verrouillage, ou il n'en avait pas vu, et la porte s'ouvrait légèrement. "Voilà. Je pense que cela aidera Blaze." Xabiz a dit à haute voix, ses pensées devenant trop nombreuses pour juste penser les choses à travers et parler à haute voix a rendu plus facile de « s'entendre penser » comme d'autres l'avaient dit. Il a commencé à marcher vers l'Atrium alors que quelqu'un marchait vers lui. "Bonjour." Xabiz a dit qu'ils marchaient l'un vers l'autre. Bien qu'il ne voulait pas vraiment interagir avec quelqu'un, tout le monde mérite un "bonjour" amical en passant.
Name: Xabiz Kazzul Nickname: This is a gift given by others, not something you give yourself. Age: 21 Birthday: The day isn't important. Origin: Someplace, Somewhere. Deity: Deity of Foresight Hair Color: A Dark Blue which appears Black Hair Style: Short and Messy Eye Color: Gray Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'9" Body Build: Thin and Lean. Built to run, not to fight. Markings: A small white gemstone in the middle of his forehead. Demi-description: He is the Deity of Foresight. He is that sense of Deja vu that some people experience. Seeing into the future isn't all that it's cracked up to be. The future is always shifting and changing. This shifting and changing annoys him, especially when he is trying to figure out what to next. Background: He's been 'blessed' with the ability to see the future. What a 'blessing' that is. Although it is enjoyable to witness the same hilarities twice, to see everyone around him die in multiple ways every day of his life has been a nightmare. Personality: He tries to keep calm and collected around most people, not letting them know what he fears. It's a constant battle of emotion and most days, he struggles to show the world a happy face. He hasn't let that many people get close to him, it doesn't hurt that much if he doesn't know them well. Powers: He can see the future. This ability isn't perfect and more often than not, isn't the actual future that happens. Instead, he sees something that could have been and a few things that happened changed it. Weapons: This has always been a debate. An argument within the background of his head. Most days, he doesn't have a weapon. On a few, he carries a dagger at his side, hand hovering over it, ready to strike at the futures which he has seen as a threat to him.
Innocentius s'est interrogé sur le manoir grec, explorant les chambres et les couloirs. C'était un endroit très vaste et intéressant, mais il était plus intéressé par les autres personnes. Selon la déesse, ils étaient tous Déités comme lui, mais de quoi étaient-ils Déités? Il voulait tellement aller à chacun et poser cette question, mais il pensait que c'était impoli. Beaucoup d'entre eux semblaient avoir des endroits où aller, et d'autres parlaient en groupe. Soudain, il se sentait très seul. Tout seul dans un immeuble rempli de gens.
Name: Innocentius Nickname: Depends on how the RP goes ;) Age: 94. Not as old as actual innocence is, he just replaced the previous Deity of Innocence when they... well... wasn't so innocent anymore. Birthday: June 18th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Innocence Hair Color: Silver blonde Hair Style: Eye length and kind of messy Eye Color: Bright blue Skin Color: Cream Height: 5'' Body Build: Small and lean, but not weak. Markings: He has a gold star on his left cheek. Demi-description: Everybody sees evil in this world, right? Things happening in other countries that make one feel teary inside. Actually, that is incorrect. The new born child knows nothing. He can only see the happiness that his parents show him. Since that's what he sees, that's what he shows. This is what is known as "innocence". Innocence is happy, innocence is peaceful, innocence is pure. Background: Joshua can't remember much of his past. It might have been terrible, it might have been wonderful. As soon as he became a Deity, his memory was almost completely wiped. He might most definitely remember it later on, and it's going to be be wonderful/horrifying Personality: Carefree, happy, a curious. Those are his three easiest to spot characteristics. Of course, he isn't always happy, and sometimes he gets pretty serious, but he is usually very child-like. Powers: Unkown Weapons: None
Alors que l'homme à la peau pâle aux cheveux bleu foncé ouvrit la porte, deux choses éclatèrent dans l'esprit de Blaze. Le premier a été combien la personne qui a ouvert la porte pour lui était bonne et le second a été combien il était facile d'ouvrir la porte lui-même. C'était si trivial, que la simplicité de cela a fait Blaze penser qu'il était un idiot complet. Paco a éclaté en rire. "Vous avez la sagesse... d'un dragon, mais... d'une porte... vous battez!", il a essayé de dire, mais ses paroles n'ont pas pu être entendues clairement par son rire. -- Comme si vous aviez de meilleures chances... répondit Blaze, irrité. Une fois de plus, il a vu la personne qui l'a aidé de l'autre côté de la porte. "Voilà. Je pense que ça va aider, Blaze. Ils ressemblaient tout à fait à des espèces. Il a d'abord pensé à dire bonjour, puisque c'est la façon dont les humains commencent à converser, mais alors il a pensé que ce n'est pas la bonne action à prendre, compte tenu de la situation. Au lieu de cela, il a répondu: « Merci beaucoup monsieur! Tu es vraiment gentil!" Il se souvient alors que « monsieur » est un honneur qui est habituellement utilisé sur les personnes âgées. Blaze errait s'ils avaient le même âge, puisqu'il n'avait pas une idée à quoi ressemblent les personnes âgées. Il pensait même lui demander s'il pouvait respirer le feu, signe qu'un dragon atteint l'âge adulte, mais il abandonna bientôt la pensée. Puis il l'a frappé qu'il connaissait à la fois son nom et le fait qu'il ne pouvait pas ouvrir la porte et avait besoin d'aide. Il se précipita pour lui demander mais l'homme avait déjà atteint l'Atrium. "Bonjour", l'étranger a dit à trois autres personnes. Avec cela, Blaze a confirmé que les humains, comme il a supposé que c'était leur race, utilisent le "bonjour" comme moyen d'interaction. Il a ensuite examiné les trois autres personnes qui étaient là. L'un d'eux quittait l'Atrium. Comme il ne connaissait que les hommes et les femmes en lisant des livres, il ne reconnaissait que les femmes de leurs courbes, prenant ainsi une jeune femme pour un homme, car elle manquait de courbes, malgré les autres différences évidentes. Il a décidé de suivre l'exemple de Xabiz et d'être amical. "Bonjour, monsieur... et monsieur qui s'en va!" Il a dit à Evangeline, Ryko et Alice respectivement.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
"Et ça commence..." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C'était trop. Bien, bien, beaucoup trop. Lethia était entrée dans le grand temple, et normalement, elle aurait pu apprécier sa beauté. Pas cette fois. Elle a dû fermer les yeux et poser ses doigts sur son temple. Ses sens étaient surchargés alors que de nouvelles sensations commençaient à l'écraser. Cette tuile sur le sol était un peu tordue, souffrant à travers trop de talons qui s'y tapaient dans sa jeunesse. Et si elle réglait l'angle...? Cette fontaine, elle avait trop d'eau qui coule par rapport aux jours normaux, peut-être que si elle diminuait un peu... Soudain, l'esprit de Lethia grandit encore, ne sentant plus ces pensées sombres de l'OCI-esque. Dans la confusion, elle ouvrit les yeux pour ne plus rien voir hors de l'ordre. Le débit d'eau de la fontaine était légèrement inférieur à celui d'avant, et cette tuile n'était plus tordue. Elle ne savait plus où c'était, en fait. Elle a clignoté quelques fois avant de se rendre compte que tout avait un nouveau sentiment de tranquillité et d'ordre. Qu'est-ce qui se passait? Cela pourrait-il avoir un rapport avec son devenir une déesse? Presque immédiatement, Lethia s'est moqué de cette pensée. De quoi serait-elle une déesse? OCD-ness? Le besoin de tout pour être parfait? Ça n'allait pas très bien avec elle-même. Néanmoins, quelque chose se passait, quelque chose qui avait changé l'esprit de Lethia pour toujours, et elle ne pouvait pas dire si c'était une bonne ou une mauvaise chose. C'était bien. Pas vrai? Espérons. Spotant un groupe de personnes bavardant près de la fontaine nouvellement balancée, Lethia s'est déplacée silencieusement vers eux, s'arrêtant une fois qu'elle était à environ 10 pieds d'eux. L'interaction sociale n'était pas son fort, mais elle se sentait plus à l'est alors qu'elle découvrait d'autres personnes ici aussi. Elle les fixa à tour de rôle, sentant de nouvelles pensées tourbillonner autour de sa tête. Arrête. Arrête. Arrête. Arrête. Arrête. Elle ne pouvait pas déchiffrer ses nouvelles pensées, elles étaient bousculées et enroulées. Qu'est-ce qui se passait? Qu'est-ce que son subconscient essayait de lui dire? Jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'en rende compte, sa tête s'est mise à mal une fois de plus.
Name Lethia Nickname Unestablished as of yet Age 17 Birthday December 7th Origin Deity Deity of Balance Hair Color Raven Hair Style Lethia’s hair falls to her waist, and her straight hair is let loose. Eye Color Dark Blue Skin Color Pale Ivory Height 5’2” Body Build Lethia’s frame is short and slender Markings N/A Demi-Description Light, Dark Good, Evil Yin, Yang Life, Death Love, Hate Hope, Despair Order, Chaos Sanity, Insanity Happiness, Sorrow Fortune, Misfortune For everything, there is an opposite. It’s Lethia’s job to find that perfect median, to make sure that there’s neither too much, nor too little of each. If there are too many deaths, then people will be graced with a child. If a country is too prosperous, then Lethia will arrive with a drought. Lethia is at times mistaken for a Deity of Revenge. This however, isn’t true. This misconception is born from the fact that Lethia is known for causing misfortune for the fortunate. Lethia isn’t doing this for revenge, she’s doing this to make sure that they don’t have too many good things happening to them. However, balance is subjective. And the interpretation of such a complex word is up to Lethia, the Deity of Balance. She has been known to favor misfortune, unfairness, especially for personal reasons. However, there’s a balance in this as well. She still has to balance fairness and unfairness. That’s why she can get away with this. Background Lethia grew up with a lack of balance. She never experienced the love of a mother, the comforts of a home. As an orphan, she grew up with misfortune, sorrow, and loss. Ostracized by her peers, never having a home, Lethia had no one to depend on, no one to protect her. Eventually, she moved away from the city to live by herself in the woods. It was the best decision she ever made. Until she received her new position of power that is. As a goddess, she would be able to right the wrongs, to make sure that people wouldn’t suffer from pure misfortune as she did. Now that she thinks about it though, if her destiny was to become a deity of balance, then technically her situation would be balanced right now. All of her misfortune could be explained if it all led to her having her eventual deity status. Personality There is an aura of perpetual darkness around Lethia. Rather than be the center of attention, Lethia prefers to be an observer, mysterious and aloof. Not much is known about Lethia, as she doesn’t open up to anyone. She seldom smiles, but she doesn’t radiate hostility. She simply isn’t a social person, finding solace in being alone. Lethia isn’t absent from interaction though, she’s always there, observing and analyzing. She’s not unkind by any means, however. She can be compassionate, charming, and kind, she just doesn’t allow herself to have the chance to show the warmer sides of herself. She feels emotions, but she hardly ever portrays them, remaining seemingly cold, or frigid. Stated kindly, she’s neutral and unaffected. There’s a slightly sadistic side to her personality, which causes her to favor misfortune, chaos, and suffering in her godly duties. Powers Judgement Lethia can see the balance within anything. This is largely subjective and unexplainable, but an example would be that she can sense the amount of various emotions within a person. She can observe the balance between day and night, she knows the amount of fortune and misfortune someone has encountered. Psychokinesis Lethia has the ability to manipulate her surroundings. She can move things around with her mind. Enforcing Balance If something is off balance, Lethia has the ability to fix it. If someone is feeling too much sorrow, Lethia can provide joy. If there are too many storms, she can clear the skies. However, she can only do this when something is truly off balance, not just because she wants to. The scale of her ability is limited to the scale of the unbalance, meaning that she can only do small things for small imbalances, and large things for large. Weapons Scythe, daggers, bow and arrows. Lethia also uses her surroundings as a weapon.
Son sourire chaleureux n'a pas quitté son visage alors que la fille patronnait son pouvoir merveilleux. Elle était la divinité du vol, mais elle riait de l'idée de ne pas pouvoir voler. Elle a évité la sensation de malaise dans son estomac car elle lui a dit que ce n'était pas aussi impressionnant que le sien. Elle ne se sentait pas du tout impressionnante, elle était surtout humble, mais il y avait des défauts à être une telle divinité. Mais cette conversation n'était plus sur elle-même, elle était maintenant engagée dans l'apprentissage sur Ali-bird. Elle sourit à son surnom pour la femme devant elle, maintenant qu'elle parlait de vol, ses yeux lui rappelaient celui d'un aigle. Grand, audacieux et mystique. Son visage détendu à cause de l'immense sourire. "Je pense que c'est une divinité merveilleuse. Vous êtes probablement léger comme une plume." Elle riait légèrement seulement pour garder l'atmosphère détendue et confortable. "Je crois que vous ne représentez pas seulement le vol, avec le vol vient la liberté absolue. Parfois, la liberté est la clé du bonheur dans la vie. Ce qui est plus libre que le vol." Ce n'était pas pour réconforter son malaise à son sujet, mais pour parler solennellement par honnêteté. Elle alla à nouveau parler avant qu'un jeune homme de l'air apparaisse, elle lui donna le même sourire chaleureux qu'elle avait donné à Ali-Bird. Mais la tension ne tarda pas à s'épaissir comme elle pouvait ressentir ses émotions, mais elle la garda pour elle-même. Elle la regardait attentivement, jusqu'à ce qu'elle s'enfuie enfin. Elle la surveillait, ne voulant pas se précipiter dans la tête et lui demandait ce qui ne va pas. Elle ne voulait pas que quelqu'un la trouve comme un monstre, ou un fou. D'habitude, les gens n'aimaient pas qu'elle puisse lire leurs émotions, leur esprit, et même leur parler. Elle s'est retournée vers le garçon qui semblait dérangé par sa réaction, mais elle ne pouvait pas lui en vouloir. Elle voulait admettre que c'était un peu dur, mais elle était sûre qu'Ali-Bird avait de bons raisonnements, cela aurait pu être la façon dont il s'est assis.. Elle est restée calme et a affronté le garçon à nouveau, seulement pour qu'il traite encore la fuite de la fille. Elle s'est sentie légèrement offensée quand le garçon a supposé qu'elle ferait la même chose. Evangeline n'avait aucune raison de courir. "Je n'ai aucune raison de m'enfuir de toi, ni de la poursuivre. Il est évident qu'elle veut être laissée seule. » Elle regarda vers la porte et retourna vers lui, capable de lui rendre le sourire au visage. Elle tendit la main en s'asseyant sur le bord de la fontaine. "Bonjour, je suis Évangéline. Déité de complexité." Elle l'a inclus parce qu'elle pensait qu'un modèle allait bientôt commencer quand elle s'est présentée aux autres.
Name: Evangeline Nickname: Aveline Age: 19 Birthday: June 12th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Complexity Hair Color: Black Hair Style: past her waist Eye Color: Graphite Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'6 Body Build: Thin but has curves Markings: sapphire crystal in between the eye brows Demi-description: She is the deity of complexity. She collects all vivid thoughts and complex emotions that humans feel and try to translate on their own. She thinks of everything before answering a question and sometimes she is scrambled between multiple conclusions to one's simple comment or question. She usually looks lost, and results to staying quiet as she tried hard not to burst in to saying all her thoughts out loud because they create anxiety for others. To think so 'complex' as her. She sees both sides, and tried to decipher which would be the best road to take, but she makes mistakes as well. She isn't the goddess of perfection. Background: She's listened to all of these thoughts since was immortal. She could hear thoughts from hundreds of years ago and everyday they fill her head. She gets to listen to people break down complicated theories or amazing Epiphanies each one has while growing up. It's all one amazing cluster of chaotic chemistry between love and hate. She sometimes finds it a curse when she begins to over analyze each person's words, remembering the exact same quotes from the thoughts in her head that its somewhat overwhelming she feels that no one is their self. Only creations of one another. She scared she'll never be thrilled again. Personality: She keeps a simple personality, keeping most of her thoughts to herself and tries to give the easiest explanation. She doesn't like explaining who she is and what she does because even to her it all sounds like a complicated mess of a life, but she enjoys it. She is somewhat quiet but loves adventure, it is where she smiles most. Even though it is rare for her to be taught something new, she loves learning. Powers: Telepathy, but she tries hard not to sue it when she is getting to know someone. She doesn't want to be able to read their emotions, or know what they are thinking. But she does use it in some situations when she only wants one person to know what she is thinking or wanting to say. Other powers unknown. Weapons: N/A
Actaeon est tombé à travers les buissons en griffant et en essayant de saisir quelque chose, mais il a juste continué à tomber jusqu'à ce qu'il frappe le sol. Il regardait autour de lui et il était dans une forêt, il tenait des plantes florescentes et des créatures étranges. Il regarda autour de lui un moment et renifla l'air qu'il était rassuré par les odeurs qu'il avait ramassées, aucune d'entre elles ne semblait être malveillance plutôt toutes agréables odeurs calmantes. Il s'est quelque peu détendu mais est resté plus ou moins sur ses gardes, il a suivi l'odeur lors d'une promenade décontractée et s'est retrouvé à regarder un arbre massif et a remarqué un temple sur l'une de ses branches. Une femme en robes d'or apparut devant lui étendant sa main, dans une enveloppe. Actaeon prit la note et la déchira, il la lut dans sa tête. Vous êtes ici pour apprendre à prendre ma place le moment venu. Je sais que tu as attendu quelque temps depuis que tu as été capable de penser. C'est comme ça que ça doit être mon petit, tu t'entraîneras pour me remplacer un jour. - Lupa. Actaeon a levé les yeux de la note et a remarqué qu'il était dans un temple, très léger à l'intérieur par rapport à la forêt à l'extérieur. Il a cherché la femme et ne l'a pas vue, il a reniflé l'air et a suivi un parfum à une pièce. Il vit deux autres personnes et étendit quelque peu ses griffes, une femme et un homme. "Kak teb'a zovut?" Il a dit en russe, ils ne semblaient pas comprendre "Ty govoriš' po-russki?" "N.S.I. shuí?" Il a dit en chinois, finalement il a essayé l'anglais avec un accent russe, "anglais? Peut-être anglais, oui?"
Name: Actaeon Nickname: Lupus Age: 22 Birthday: Unknown Origin: Raised by wolves in upper northern Russia. Deity: Deity of the wild animal/hunt Hair Color: Blond Hair Style: Non specific Eye Color: Yellow Skin Color: Somewhat Tan white Height: 6'4 Body Build: Athletic Muscular Markings: A tattoo on his right shoulder Demi-description: The god of wild animals and hunting he protects beasts and can sometimes be seen causing chaos or preventing his creatures from being restrained by man. Rational thought is not always his forte but he is capable of it, his most common resource is his limitless fury which boils in every one of his creatures. He can appear calm on the outside while wishing to tear apart those around him. Background: He was raised in a wolf den and proved himself the most vicious even of his mother, the other pups were submissive to him beyond belief. Since adolescence he has been wreaking havoc upon those who would claim the lands that belonged to the animals, killing stealing destroying anything he needs to in order to ensure the survival of his animals. Personality: A strong minded individual with little regard for lives that are not animals, he is loyal to a fault and will fight beyond what he's capable of and likely till death. Anything he can do he will do without thinking twice. Powers: He can communicate with animals as well as bring them to his aid, he is incredibly fast and strong with near limitless stamina. He has the advanced senses of a wolf. Weapons: His claws and fangs
Il sourit à la femme son malaise soudainement disparu. Son sourire semblait réchauffer son cœur et calmer son âme. Encore une fois, il était peut-être content de revoir quelqu'un d'aussi amical. Il serait un ermite pour toutes ces années après tout. Presque 100 ans passés par lui-même. Il était temps qu'il en voie d'autres. Peut - être que le temps passé avec les souvenirs des humains l'avait fait ainsi. "C'est un plaisir de vous rencontrer, Evangelienne, Déité de Complexité." Il a commencé. Il se leva et se prosterna devant elle. Il l'a regardée avec un grand sourire sur le visage. "Je suis Ryko. Déité de la renaissance." Il lui a dit, lui donnant un sourire maladroit. Il n'était pas sûr de savoir ce qu'il était. Ses pensées ont été perturbées par la voix d'un autre homme. Ryko a regardé l'homme. Il semblait très... gros et blond. Il parlait, sa voix était basse. "Quel est votre nom?" Il a demandé. Alors, « Parlez-vous russe? Chinois? Anglais? Peut-être anglais, oui?" Ryko a clignoté en le regardant. Un de ses pouvoirs lui a permis de comprendre n'importe quelle langue. Ce serait mal s'il se souvenait de la mémoire d'une personne mais ne la comprenait pas. Il a souri à cet homme. "Toute langue marchera pour moi. Je suis Ryko, la divinité de la renaissance." Il répondit avec un petit sourire, ses yeux bleus tourbillonnants regardant l'homme. Quelle sorte de divinité était-il?
Name Ryko Orion Nickname Currently? None. Age 119 (Appears 19) Birthday Aug 2 Origin Timeless and forgotten. Legend says he was created by the death of his previous reincarnation. His reincarnation was said to have been a great Goddess by the name of Rheia. The Diety is said to have been born the day God made Humans. Deity Deity of Rebirth Hair Color Dark Brown Hair Style Short and shaggy. Eye Color Crystal Blue Skin Color Very tan Height 5’11 Body Build Thin Markings Marking of a flower bud on his chest. Demi-description As the deity of Rebirth, Ryke sees the life span of humans as well as the way they lived their lives. His mind is often jumbled with these memories and he can seem a bit… out of it at times. It’s said that in his eyes, one can see an entire universe of ideas. To some, they look like stars and to others they may look like something else entirely. Personality Ryko is pretty easy going and easy to get along with. He isn’t afraid to talk to people despite what demeanor they may carry. He is not afraid of death because he knows what awaits him. He also considers himself somewhat of a death god and as such is pretty serious at times. But, for the most part he is pretty easy going. He likes to crack jokes and mess with people in a friendly way. There are times where he can be found staring off into space. Powers Vision Ryko can see the past lives of humans and can see their life span. He cannot see the lifespan nor past lives of other deities, however. For his power to work, people must believe in him. Reincarnation Ryko has the ability to choose a human’s reincarnation. He cannot choose a deity’s reincarnation, which is decided by both the Goddess and her people. Heal Ryko can heal both others and himself. However, healing himself using a bit of his lifespan. When and if he dies, he will go through another rebirth. He cannot bring back the dead, but can only send them to a new reincarnation. Weapons He has a blessed long bow. He uses the power of light found within himself as the bows. They have the power to wound any deity, kill any demon, and purify the soul of a human. Heeeere he is. :D Let me know if I need to change anything or if he has conflicts with other deities. ~
Innocentius réussit à aller dans un cercle géant, et se termina dans la première pièce. Il a immédiatement remarqué quelqu'un qui semblait très confus, et aussi un peu vertigineuse. Il s'est écrasé. "Ça va?" lui a - t - il demandé. Il n'était pas sûr de ce qu'il pouvait faire pour aider, alors il était juste à proximité. ((Je regrette mon incapacité à écrire de longs messages avec dialogue >.<))
Name: Innocentius Nickname: Depends on how the RP goes ;) Age: 94. Not as old as actual innocence is, he just replaced the previous Deity of Innocence when they... well... wasn't so innocent anymore. Birthday: June 18th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Innocence Hair Color: Silver blonde Hair Style: Eye length and kind of messy Eye Color: Bright blue Skin Color: Cream Height: 5'' Body Build: Small and lean, but not weak. Markings: He has a gold star on his left cheek. Demi-description: Everybody sees evil in this world, right? Things happening in other countries that make one feel teary inside. Actually, that is incorrect. The new born child knows nothing. He can only see the happiness that his parents show him. Since that's what he sees, that's what he shows. This is what is known as "innocence". Innocence is happy, innocence is peaceful, innocence is pure. Background: Joshua can't remember much of his past. It might have been terrible, it might have been wonderful. As soon as he became a Deity, his memory was almost completely wiped. He might most definitely remember it later on, and it's going to be be wonderful/horrifying Personality: Carefree, happy, a curious. Those are his three easiest to spot characteristics. Of course, he isn't always happy, and sometimes he gets pretty serious, but he is usually very child-like. Powers: Unkown Weapons: None
"Un tout nouveau mot." ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Les yeux de Lethia se sont évanouis vers la nouvelle figure, sans s'attendre à ce que quelqu'un vienne lui parler. Immédiatement, elle a été submergée par la vague d'innocence. Quelque chose au sujet d'une personne adorable a crié "trop!" Cela n'a servi qu'à confondre encore la pauvre fille. Comment pouvait-elle ressentir quelque chose à propos de quelqu'un qu'elle vient de rencontrer, surtout parce qu'il était assez gentil pour s'inquiéter pour elle. Lethia a fermé les yeux pendant une courte seconde, prenant une profonde respiration pour se composer. Elle a eu une envie soudaine d'enlever une partie de la pureté qui a rayonné de lui--ce qui était très étrange, Lethia n'était pas exactement une personne vengeur, surtout aux étrangers--il y avait juste trop d'innocence là-bas. Elle a brillé un sourire sec et a donné un léger clin d'œil à sa tête. "Je vais bien, merci." Lethia s'est rendue compte que plus elle se concentrait sur d'autres choses, plus il était facile de s'en occuper. Elle pouvait équilibrer ses pensées rationnelles avec l'envie brute, et cela fonctionnait. Ce n'était cependant qu'un soulagement temporaire, Lethia s'inquiétait davantage de l'origine de cette envie. Pourquoi voudrait-elle causer le malheur à un étranger?
Name Lethia Nickname Unestablished as of yet Age 17 Birthday December 7th Origin Deity Deity of Balance Hair Color Raven Hair Style Lethia’s hair falls to her waist, and her straight hair is let loose. Eye Color Dark Blue Skin Color Pale Ivory Height 5’2” Body Build Lethia’s frame is short and slender Markings N/A Demi-Description Light, Dark Good, Evil Yin, Yang Life, Death Love, Hate Hope, Despair Order, Chaos Sanity, Insanity Happiness, Sorrow Fortune, Misfortune For everything, there is an opposite. It’s Lethia’s job to find that perfect median, to make sure that there’s neither too much, nor too little of each. If there are too many deaths, then people will be graced with a child. If a country is too prosperous, then Lethia will arrive with a drought. Lethia is at times mistaken for a Deity of Revenge. This however, isn’t true. This misconception is born from the fact that Lethia is known for causing misfortune for the fortunate. Lethia isn’t doing this for revenge, she’s doing this to make sure that they don’t have too many good things happening to them. However, balance is subjective. And the interpretation of such a complex word is up to Lethia, the Deity of Balance. She has been known to favor misfortune, unfairness, especially for personal reasons. However, there’s a balance in this as well. She still has to balance fairness and unfairness. That’s why she can get away with this. Background Lethia grew up with a lack of balance. She never experienced the love of a mother, the comforts of a home. As an orphan, she grew up with misfortune, sorrow, and loss. Ostracized by her peers, never having a home, Lethia had no one to depend on, no one to protect her. Eventually, she moved away from the city to live by herself in the woods. It was the best decision she ever made. Until she received her new position of power that is. As a goddess, she would be able to right the wrongs, to make sure that people wouldn’t suffer from pure misfortune as she did. Now that she thinks about it though, if her destiny was to become a deity of balance, then technically her situation would be balanced right now. All of her misfortune could be explained if it all led to her having her eventual deity status. Personality There is an aura of perpetual darkness around Lethia. Rather than be the center of attention, Lethia prefers to be an observer, mysterious and aloof. Not much is known about Lethia, as she doesn’t open up to anyone. She seldom smiles, but she doesn’t radiate hostility. She simply isn’t a social person, finding solace in being alone. Lethia isn’t absent from interaction though, she’s always there, observing and analyzing. She’s not unkind by any means, however. She can be compassionate, charming, and kind, she just doesn’t allow herself to have the chance to show the warmer sides of herself. She feels emotions, but she hardly ever portrays them, remaining seemingly cold, or frigid. Stated kindly, she’s neutral and unaffected. There’s a slightly sadistic side to her personality, which causes her to favor misfortune, chaos, and suffering in her godly duties. Powers Judgement Lethia can see the balance within anything. This is largely subjective and unexplainable, but an example would be that she can sense the amount of various emotions within a person. She can observe the balance between day and night, she knows the amount of fortune and misfortune someone has encountered. Psychokinesis Lethia has the ability to manipulate her surroundings. She can move things around with her mind. Enforcing Balance If something is off balance, Lethia has the ability to fix it. If someone is feeling too much sorrow, Lethia can provide joy. If there are too many storms, she can clear the skies. However, she can only do this when something is truly off balance, not just because she wants to. The scale of her ability is limited to the scale of the unbalance, meaning that she can only do small things for small imbalances, and large things for large. Weapons Scythe, daggers, bow and arrows. Lethia also uses her surroundings as a weapon.
Harreydin s'est réveillé de sa chute, surpris qu'il n'était pas mort. Car dans ses pas imprudents il avait trébuché dans une fosse sur ce nouveau monde étrange et la dernière pensée qui avait traversé sa tête était qu'il allait mourir dans ce vaste monde de verdure et de plantes exotiques. Au lieu de cela, il s'est rendu compte qu'il était tout simplement tombé à un niveau plus élevé de cette forêt, avec le plus grand arbre qu'il ait jamais vu dans sa vie debout devant lui. Avant de faire un autre pas, il s'est assuré qu'il n'avait laissé tomber aucun de ses engins, y compris ses outils de forge étrangement nouveaux, et l'arme qu'il avait faite avant d'être balayé jusqu'à là où il était maintenant, le scimitar Drakan. Heureux que rien ne soit tombé, Harreydin leva la tête et fut surpris par une femme vêtue de robes d'or qui apparut soudainement de nulle part. Elle lui présenta une enveloppe, et malgré sa littératie limitée, il se trouva capable de la lire parfaitement. Harreydin, Vous êtes ici pour apprendre à prendre ma place le moment venu. Tu es peut-être en colère contre moi maintenant, mais tu comprendras Tout quand le jour arrive. Vous deviendrez un Dieu. Olmec, le Seigneur de la Forge. Dans un mélange de choc et d'appréhension, Harreydin était sans voix et n'a donc rien dit alors qu'il regardait en arrière pour trouver le messager pour avoir disparu, bien qu'il ait remarqué encore plus au-delà où le messager avait été un chemin menant vers les branches de l'arbre. Tandis que ses yeux erraient, il espionnait un temple magnifique au sommet d'une branche particulièrement grande. Ce doit être ma destination prévue, a-t-il pensé. Ainsi, il a ajusté sa ceinture et ses leggings et a plié la lettre dans sa poche avant de commencer son ascension au temple.
Name: Harreydin Nickname: "The Forge Lord" Age: 44 Birthday: June 10th Origin: Harreydin was born the son of a city craftsman in the desert settlement of Al-ad-dhima. Raised to take over his father's place, he found that he was a natural at making magnificent works at the forge, so much so that his work attracted the eyes of the local Bey, whom took him from his father's forge and placed him in his own palace forge. Harreydin cried at having been taken so forcibly from his father, but learned quickly that there wasn't much he could do about it without risk of being lashed. So, he buried himself in his work, crafting blades, armour, and fine jewellery for the wonder of the Bey and his dignitaries at court. His skill impressed more than them though, for the Forge Lord had cast his gaze upon the young man, watching intently as he grew older and even better at his crafts. For the Forge Lord had need of an apprentice to take under his tutelage for the day when his time crafting the foundations of worlds and great works for the divine was done. Thus, on the day his greatest craft yet had been completed, a Scimitar of as yet unmatched skill in his mortal world, the Forge Lord came down and whisked Harreydin away in a cloud of smoke and fire, cracking the foundations of the Bey's court beneath his might. Harreydin then awoke in Desnia, clad in tools his did not recognize, and no idea how he ended up there. Deity: Deity of Metallurgy and Earthen Crafts Hair Color: Pale Red Hair Style: Long braided beard and mustache, as well as tied back in a series of knots behind his head Eye Color: Orange, like autumn leaves Skin Color: Heavily Tanned Height: 5''7. Body Build: Heavily defined muscles, though not bulky. Markings: Fresco Tattoos depicting various stages of metallurgy and crafting all across his torso, shoulders, and back. Demi-description: As the deity of Metallurgy, Harreydin lives to build things out of the earth's fruits. Everything from the smallest ring to an entire palace, no task is too great or too small for his skills. He builds projects for himself, and anyone who makes a reasonable offer. Background:(//I may have covered this in my Origins, I'll let you decide if I need more) Personality: Somewhat of a loner, Harreydin doesn't require the company of others to entertain himself, though when he is around others he is generally a calm, level-headed person who treats all people reasonably, so long as they give him respect in turn. He is slow to anger, and is more often than not a stoic in most situations, though he hates it when people break, vandalize, or in some way disrespect his work. Powers: Master craftsman, Harreydin's skill lies in the crafting items, tools, and structures the likes of which are unparalleled out of metal, stones, or gems. He also possesses extreme resilience to heat from the hot fires of his forge, as well as great strength. Weapons: His crafting hammer and tongs, as well as first great blade, a scimitar he named Drakan.
Innocentius - Salle principale "T'es sûr? Vous semblez avoir mal à la tête », retourna Innocentius. C'était comme si elle se battait pour quelque chose. Peut-être que c'était lié à ses pouvoirs de Déité? Peut-être qu'elle était la Déité d'Endurance et qu'elle gardait un pauvre soldat en vie. Ou peut-être était-elle la divinité de la douleur cardiaque et aidait une famille dont la mère est malade.
Name: Innocentius Nickname: Depends on how the RP goes ;) Age: 94. Not as old as actual innocence is, he just replaced the previous Deity of Innocence when they... well... wasn't so innocent anymore. Birthday: June 18th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Innocence Hair Color: Silver blonde Hair Style: Eye length and kind of messy Eye Color: Bright blue Skin Color: Cream Height: 5'' Body Build: Small and lean, but not weak. Markings: He has a gold star on his left cheek. Demi-description: Everybody sees evil in this world, right? Things happening in other countries that make one feel teary inside. Actually, that is incorrect. The new born child knows nothing. He can only see the happiness that his parents show him. Since that's what he sees, that's what he shows. This is what is known as "innocence". Innocence is happy, innocence is peaceful, innocence is pure. Background: Joshua can't remember much of his past. It might have been terrible, it might have been wonderful. As soon as he became a Deity, his memory was almost completely wiped. He might most definitely remember it later on, and it's going to be be wonderful/horrifying Personality: Carefree, happy, a curious. Those are his three easiest to spot characteristics. Of course, he isn't always happy, and sometimes he gets pretty serious, but he is usually very child-like. Powers: Unkown Weapons: None
Aaaaah, Actaeon a dit souriant, " Un dieu de la communication, comment... utile. Je suis Actaeon, ou si tu préfères mon nom divin Lupus." Actaeon se tenait les bras croisés, puis regarda la femme. Il l'a regardée sur elle était mince mais pas mince d'os, elle avait de longs cheveux foncés avec des yeux gris et un petit minéral sur son front. Il l'a pointée d'un doigt et a commencé à parler. -- Alors, que pouvez-vous faire? dit Actaeon, s'approchant d'elle. Il se tenait dans un pied et demi d'elle et reniflait l'air autour d'elle, elle sentait assez bien et il souriait.
Name: Actaeon Nickname: Lupus Age: 22 Birthday: Unknown Origin: Raised by wolves in upper northern Russia. Deity: Deity of the wild animal/hunt Hair Color: Blond Hair Style: Non specific Eye Color: Yellow Skin Color: Somewhat Tan white Height: 6'4 Body Build: Athletic Muscular Markings: A tattoo on his right shoulder Demi-description: The god of wild animals and hunting he protects beasts and can sometimes be seen causing chaos or preventing his creatures from being restrained by man. Rational thought is not always his forte but he is capable of it, his most common resource is his limitless fury which boils in every one of his creatures. He can appear calm on the outside while wishing to tear apart those around him. Background: He was raised in a wolf den and proved himself the most vicious even of his mother, the other pups were submissive to him beyond belief. Since adolescence he has been wreaking havoc upon those who would claim the lands that belonged to the animals, killing stealing destroying anything he needs to in order to ensure the survival of his animals. Personality: A strong minded individual with little regard for lives that are not animals, he is loyal to a fault and will fight beyond what he's capable of and likely till death. Anything he can do he will do without thinking twice. Powers: He can communicate with animals as well as bring them to his aid, he is incredibly fast and strong with near limitless stamina. He has the advanced senses of a wolf. Weapons: His claws and fangs
Je ne suis pas... le Dieu de la Communication. Quel Dieu étrangement spécifique... Ryko a brouillé, plutôt brouillé, même si c'était une bonne conclusion compte tenu de ce que le gars savait. Ryko s'est tourné vers lui, le regardant parler à Evangeline. "Je suis en fait la divinité de la renaissance, étant donné que je ne suis pas encore tout à fait un Dieu." Il a répondu, sa voix est encore un peu basse et mombly. Il voulait être entendu mais en même temps, il ne voulait pas interrompre. Il soupira et croisa encore une fois les jambes dans son siège, mordant les lèvres d'une manière un peu pensive. Il suppose que la Déité de la renaissance était un spectre assez large. Mais ce n'était pas son choix. Pourtant, il pensait que le titre avait l'air cool. Il tourna la tête pour regarder Évangéline, puis le nouveau venu. -- Alors... quel est votre nom? Il a demandé, en regardant clairement l'homme. Pour une raison quelconque, même s'il ne savait pas, il se sentait comme le plus jeune ici. La plupart des autres qu'il avait vus avaient l'air plus vieux que lui. Mais il pouvait sentir dans certains d'entre eux leur... nouveauté. Peut-être parce qu'il sentait les effets de leur renaissance. Encore une fois, comment le saurait-il? 119 ans plus tard et il n'avait toujours pas tout compris. Il soupirait. Il y avait tellement à apprendre. Heureusement qu'il a eu un peu de temps pour l'apprendre. Il n'était même pas encore le Dieu. Quelqu'un d'autre s'occupait de son travail pendant qu'il apprenait tout, à savoir sa mère. Il a dû l'admettre, elle était un cookie dur pour être capable de faire tout ça. Il pouvait à peine gérer ce qu'elle lui avait donné, ce qui n'était pas grand-chose. Juste l'âme égarée de temps en temps et presque jamais pendant qu'il était occupé.
Name Ryko Orion Nickname Currently? None. Age 119 (Appears 19) Birthday Aug 2 Origin Timeless and forgotten. Legend says he was created by the death of his previous reincarnation. His reincarnation was said to have been a great Goddess by the name of Rheia. The Diety is said to have been born the day God made Humans. Deity Deity of Rebirth Hair Color Dark Brown Hair Style Short and shaggy. Eye Color Crystal Blue Skin Color Very tan Height 5’11 Body Build Thin Markings Marking of a flower bud on his chest. Demi-description As the deity of Rebirth, Ryke sees the life span of humans as well as the way they lived their lives. His mind is often jumbled with these memories and he can seem a bit… out of it at times. It’s said that in his eyes, one can see an entire universe of ideas. To some, they look like stars and to others they may look like something else entirely. Personality Ryko is pretty easy going and easy to get along with. He isn’t afraid to talk to people despite what demeanor they may carry. He is not afraid of death because he knows what awaits him. He also considers himself somewhat of a death god and as such is pretty serious at times. But, for the most part he is pretty easy going. He likes to crack jokes and mess with people in a friendly way. There are times where he can be found staring off into space. Powers Vision Ryko can see the past lives of humans and can see their life span. He cannot see the lifespan nor past lives of other deities, however. For his power to work, people must believe in him. Reincarnation Ryko has the ability to choose a human’s reincarnation. He cannot choose a deity’s reincarnation, which is decided by both the Goddess and her people. Heal Ryko can heal both others and himself. However, healing himself using a bit of his lifespan. When and if he dies, he will go through another rebirth. He cannot bring back the dead, but can only send them to a new reincarnation. Weapons He has a blessed long bow. He uses the power of light found within himself as the bows. They have the power to wound any deity, kill any demon, and purify the soul of a human. Heeeere he is. :D Let me know if I need to change anything or if he has conflicts with other deities. ~
Merci beaucoup monsieur! Tu es vraiment gentil! Xabiz a entendu Blaze mais s'était déplacé vers la pièce centrale avec d'autres personnes dans elle beaucoup trop rapidement pour déranger le retour des plaisanteries. Il semblait y avoir deux conversations, l'une entre trois personnes de plus au centre de la pièce et l'autre dans un couloir différent entre deux. Il secoua la tête, l'esprit rempli de visions de batailles et d'amour, de mort et de vie. "Je déteste ça." Xabiz a dit, se rendant vite compte que ce n'était pas quelque chose qu'il aurait dû dire à haute voix. « Idiot... » il murmura sous son souffle, attendant que quelqu'un lui demande ce qu'il déteste, car beaucoup de visions changeaient pour que les gens le fassent. Trouver quelque chose qui n'est pas mon esprit obscurci des multiples aspects de l'avenir ne devrait pas être trop dur... n'est-ce pas? Il pensait que peut-être personne ne demanderait... peut-être...
Name: Xabiz Kazzul Nickname: This is a gift given by others, not something you give yourself. Age: 21 Birthday: The day isn't important. Origin: Someplace, Somewhere. Deity: Deity of Foresight Hair Color: A Dark Blue which appears Black Hair Style: Short and Messy Eye Color: Gray Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'9" Body Build: Thin and Lean. Built to run, not to fight. Markings: A small white gemstone in the middle of his forehead. Demi-description: He is the Deity of Foresight. He is that sense of Deja vu that some people experience. Seeing into the future isn't all that it's cracked up to be. The future is always shifting and changing. This shifting and changing annoys him, especially when he is trying to figure out what to next. Background: He's been 'blessed' with the ability to see the future. What a 'blessing' that is. Although it is enjoyable to witness the same hilarities twice, to see everyone around him die in multiple ways every day of his life has been a nightmare. Personality: He tries to keep calm and collected around most people, not letting them know what he fears. It's a constant battle of emotion and most days, he struggles to show the world a happy face. He hasn't let that many people get close to him, it doesn't hurt that much if he doesn't know them well. Powers: He can see the future. This ability isn't perfect and more often than not, isn't the actual future that happens. Instead, he sees something that could have been and a few things that happened changed it. Weapons: This has always been a debate. An argument within the background of his head. Most days, he doesn't have a weapon. On a few, he carries a dagger at his side, hand hovering over it, ready to strike at the futures which he has seen as a threat to him.
Enfant de Lupa, La loupe Actaeon a dit dédaigneusement, "Si vous préférez mon nom complet Actaeon, ou vous pouvez m'appeler Lupus. Mais la plupart préfèrent ce dernier, et votre nom autre que le dieu de la renaissance serait?" Actéon se tourna vers la divinité de la renaissance et reprit son visage habituel, « Et qu'est-ce que cela implique exactement? »
Name: Actaeon Nickname: Lupus Age: 22 Birthday: Unknown Origin: Raised by wolves in upper northern Russia. Deity: Deity of the wild animal/hunt Hair Color: Blond Hair Style: Non specific Eye Color: Yellow Skin Color: Somewhat Tan white Height: 6'4 Body Build: Athletic Muscular Markings: A tattoo on his right shoulder Demi-description: The god of wild animals and hunting he protects beasts and can sometimes be seen causing chaos or preventing his creatures from being restrained by man. Rational thought is not always his forte but he is capable of it, his most common resource is his limitless fury which boils in every one of his creatures. He can appear calm on the outside while wishing to tear apart those around him. Background: He was raised in a wolf den and proved himself the most vicious even of his mother, the other pups were submissive to him beyond belief. Since adolescence he has been wreaking havoc upon those who would claim the lands that belonged to the animals, killing stealing destroying anything he needs to in order to ensure the survival of his animals. Personality: A strong minded individual with little regard for lives that are not animals, he is loyal to a fault and will fight beyond what he's capable of and likely till death. Anything he can do he will do without thinking twice. Powers: He can communicate with animals as well as bring them to his aid, he is incredibly fast and strong with near limitless stamina. He has the advanced senses of a wolf. Weapons: His claws and fangs
Ryko a clignoté. Quel idiot il avait été. "Désolé. Je ne sais pas comment j'ai raté le fait que tu m'avais déjà dit ton nom. Mais tu as fait la même chose. Je t'ai déjà dit que mon nom était Ryko." Il répliqua en rigolant à la fin. Actaeon... Ryko a souri à cet homme. "Je pense que je peux gérer Actaeon si ça te plaît." Il a continué, souriant. Interrogé sur ses pouvoirs, son sourire s'est évanoui, reflétant le visage de l'Actéon maintenant sévère. "La vie et la mort. Quand je deviendrai un Dieu à part entière, j'hériterai de la tâche d'envoyer des âmes à leur nouveau... » Il s'arrêta, cherchant la bonne parole, « Leur nouvelle coquille, quoi que ce soit. Certains se transforment en Dieux, d'autres en simples fantômes d'eux-mêmes. La plupart viennent d'être envoyés dans une coquille semblable à leur dernière." Il m'a expliqué. Déjà un mauvais goût commençait à se former dans sa bouche. « Ce n'est pas toujours facile, mais il faut le faire tout de même. Seuls ceux qui sont jugés acceptables peuvent passer dans le royaume des morts-vivants où ils vivent en paix et en harmonie. D'autres finissent comme du néant, de la noirceur dans un monde vide que les humains ont appelé Limbo." Il a expliqué plus loin. "De toute façon, j'en ai assez d'en parler. C'est un sujet plutôt déprimant, la mort." Il l'a dit à Actaeon. "Et toi, Actaeon?" Il a demandé, plus qu'heureux pour un changement de sujet.
Name Ryko Orion Nickname Currently? None. Age 119 (Appears 19) Birthday Aug 2 Origin Timeless and forgotten. Legend says he was created by the death of his previous reincarnation. His reincarnation was said to have been a great Goddess by the name of Rheia. The Diety is said to have been born the day God made Humans. Deity Deity of Rebirth Hair Color Dark Brown Hair Style Short and shaggy. Eye Color Crystal Blue Skin Color Very tan Height 5’11 Body Build Thin Markings Marking of a flower bud on his chest. Demi-description As the deity of Rebirth, Ryke sees the life span of humans as well as the way they lived their lives. His mind is often jumbled with these memories and he can seem a bit… out of it at times. It’s said that in his eyes, one can see an entire universe of ideas. To some, they look like stars and to others they may look like something else entirely. Personality Ryko is pretty easy going and easy to get along with. He isn’t afraid to talk to people despite what demeanor they may carry. He is not afraid of death because he knows what awaits him. He also considers himself somewhat of a death god and as such is pretty serious at times. But, for the most part he is pretty easy going. He likes to crack jokes and mess with people in a friendly way. There are times where he can be found staring off into space. Powers Vision Ryko can see the past lives of humans and can see their life span. He cannot see the lifespan nor past lives of other deities, however. For his power to work, people must believe in him. Reincarnation Ryko has the ability to choose a human’s reincarnation. He cannot choose a deity’s reincarnation, which is decided by both the Goddess and her people. Heal Ryko can heal both others and himself. However, healing himself using a bit of his lifespan. When and if he dies, he will go through another rebirth. He cannot bring back the dead, but can only send them to a new reincarnation. Weapons He has a blessed long bow. He uses the power of light found within himself as the bows. They have the power to wound any deity, kill any demon, and purify the soul of a human. Heeeere he is. :D Let me know if I need to change anything or if he has conflicts with other deities. ~
Désolé, j'ai été autrement distrait, Actaeon a dit " Je suis Actaeon futur dieu de la chasse et dieu des animaux sauvages. Je protège les créatures que l'homme chercherait à apprivoiser et à déplacer de leur maison naturelle. Mes pouvoirs ne sont pas exactement... c'est beaucoup plus simple à vous montrer." Avec ce Actaeon a sauté sur le toit du bâtiment et a creusé ses mains en tenant sur, puis a balancé ses jambes générant de l'élan et s'est lancé dans le mur devant lui, il a creusé ses griffes et ses pieds dans le mur pour se positionner lui-même. Il regarda ensuite derrière lui et renversa le mur, atterrissant sur ses deux pieds. Il est passé à Ryko et s'est agenouillé à côté de sa chaise, il a mis sa main sous elle et l'a soulevé avec un bras. Il a tenu la chaise juste un moment assez longtemps pour établir le fait qu'il était fort, puis l'a remis en place. « Cela pourrait suffire pour répondre à ce que je peux faire », a dit Actaeon. « Je peux aussi faire d'autres choses, mais ici, je ne sais pas si je peux les présenter correctement. »
Name: Actaeon Nickname: Lupus Age: 22 Birthday: Unknown Origin: Raised by wolves in upper northern Russia. Deity: Deity of the wild animal/hunt Hair Color: Blond Hair Style: Non specific Eye Color: Yellow Skin Color: Somewhat Tan white Height: 6'4 Body Build: Athletic Muscular Markings: A tattoo on his right shoulder Demi-description: The god of wild animals and hunting he protects beasts and can sometimes be seen causing chaos or preventing his creatures from being restrained by man. Rational thought is not always his forte but he is capable of it, his most common resource is his limitless fury which boils in every one of his creatures. He can appear calm on the outside while wishing to tear apart those around him. Background: He was raised in a wolf den and proved himself the most vicious even of his mother, the other pups were submissive to him beyond belief. Since adolescence he has been wreaking havoc upon those who would claim the lands that belonged to the animals, killing stealing destroying anything he needs to in order to ensure the survival of his animals. Personality: A strong minded individual with little regard for lives that are not animals, he is loyal to a fault and will fight beyond what he's capable of and likely till death. Anything he can do he will do without thinking twice. Powers: He can communicate with animals as well as bring them to his aid, he is incredibly fast and strong with near limitless stamina. He has the advanced senses of a wolf. Weapons: His claws and fangs
Encore une fois, Ryko ne pouvait que cligner les yeux en regardant Actaeon... préformé. C'est ce à quoi ça ressemblait de toute façon. Ryko s'est cogné les mains. "C'est plutôt génial!" Il s'est exclamé, un grand sourire maintenant sur son visage. Il ne pouvait pas montrer ses pouvoirs à Actaeon. La plupart d'entre eux se sont en quelque sorte... continués... peut-être... "Si vous voulez voir un goût de ce que je fais..." Il a commencé à réfléchir. Dans son esprit, il appelait déjà sa mère, lui demandant une petite mission. En quelques instants, il pouvait en sentir un. Il s'est tourné vers Actaeon, un sourire sur son visage. "Voici ce que je fais. Ou... ce que je vais faire." Il l'a dit à l'homme et a ensuite fermé les yeux. Il s'est déplacé à travers les souvenirs des âmes. C'était une jeune fille... non... une femme. Un accident de voiture... D'habitude, maman lui a envoyé des missions plus agréables, généralement des personnes âgées. Ça ne l'a pas rendu aussi triste. Mais cette femme était trop jeune... Il soupira et tira l'âme de son corps. Actaeon voyait une petite forme d'orbe blanche devant Ryko, une petite impulsion pouvait être ressentie à quelques pieds de lui. Ryko ouvrit les yeux à l'âme et la laissa reposer entre ses mains. "C'est une âme. C'était une jeune femme. Ryko s'est arrêté en écoutant les voix dans sa tête. "Elle sera un homme, un prêtre, en fait." Il a expliqué avec un sourire sur son visage. Avec cela, son baiser la petite orbe blanche et il a disparu, dans l'estomac d'une autre femme humaine. Ryko a souri à Actaeon. "C'est ce que je fais." Il a expliqué, remerciant déjà silencieusement sa mère. « J'ai aussi un pouvoir de guérison, mais je n'ai pas l'intention de faire du mal à quoi que ce soit pour vous le montrer. Vous le verrez quand il sera, j'en suis sûr." Il a continué, toujours assis à son siège. En fait, il n'avait pas bougé depuis qu'il s'était déjà assis. Il aimait être paresseux... le déménagement était trop d'effort.
Name Ryko Orion Nickname Currently? None. Age 119 (Appears 19) Birthday Aug 2 Origin Timeless and forgotten. Legend says he was created by the death of his previous reincarnation. His reincarnation was said to have been a great Goddess by the name of Rheia. The Diety is said to have been born the day God made Humans. Deity Deity of Rebirth Hair Color Dark Brown Hair Style Short and shaggy. Eye Color Crystal Blue Skin Color Very tan Height 5’11 Body Build Thin Markings Marking of a flower bud on his chest. Demi-description As the deity of Rebirth, Ryke sees the life span of humans as well as the way they lived their lives. His mind is often jumbled with these memories and he can seem a bit… out of it at times. It’s said that in his eyes, one can see an entire universe of ideas. To some, they look like stars and to others they may look like something else entirely. Personality Ryko is pretty easy going and easy to get along with. He isn’t afraid to talk to people despite what demeanor they may carry. He is not afraid of death because he knows what awaits him. He also considers himself somewhat of a death god and as such is pretty serious at times. But, for the most part he is pretty easy going. He likes to crack jokes and mess with people in a friendly way. There are times where he can be found staring off into space. Powers Vision Ryko can see the past lives of humans and can see their life span. He cannot see the lifespan nor past lives of other deities, however. For his power to work, people must believe in him. Reincarnation Ryko has the ability to choose a human’s reincarnation. He cannot choose a deity’s reincarnation, which is decided by both the Goddess and her people. Heal Ryko can heal both others and himself. However, healing himself using a bit of his lifespan. When and if he dies, he will go through another rebirth. He cannot bring back the dead, but can only send them to a new reincarnation. Weapons He has a blessed long bow. He uses the power of light found within himself as the bows. They have the power to wound any deity, kill any demon, and purify the soul of a human. Heeeere he is. :D Let me know if I need to change anything or if he has conflicts with other deities. ~
Xabiz a été surpris quand personne n'a bougé d'un pouce pour lui poser des questions sur son explosion. Je suppose qu'ils sont trop enveloppés dans leurs propres conversations pour s'occuper Il pensait, jeter un coup d'oeil autour de la pièce pour une chaise pour s'asseoir. En en trouvant un et en s'asseyant, Actaeon sauta du sol au plafond du temple. Il s'est ensuite lancé dans l'un des murs, s'en est retourné et a ensuite pris le siège d'un autre homme avec lui. -- Cela pourrait suffire comme réponse à ce que je peux faire. L'homme a dit à la fin. C'est tout? Augmentation de la force physique et de l'endurance? Je ne vois pas pourquoi c'était nécessaire. Xabiz a pensé, les futurs changent rapidement pour correspondre aux dommages structuraux qui ont été causés, ainsi que ce que cet individu peut faire ou causer. "Si vous voulez voir un aperçu de ce que je fais..." L'autre homme sur la chaise a commencé à montrer ses capacités. Xabiz n'a pas compris jusqu'à ce que la lumière blanche apparaisse dans les mains de Ryko. En le regardant, Xabiz a eu un afflux d'avenirs avec des possibilités illimitées. "Une âme." Xabiz dit à haute voix, stupéfait du spectacle qui s'est déroulé devant lui. C'était l'une des rares fois qu'il ne voyait pas la mort dans ses visions, seulement l'avenir de la vie. Quand Ryko l'a embrassé, il a disparu et les visions de l'avenir pour l'ici et maintenant s'est emparé.
Name: Xabiz Kazzul Nickname: This is a gift given by others, not something you give yourself. Age: 21 Birthday: The day isn't important. Origin: Someplace, Somewhere. Deity: Deity of Foresight Hair Color: A Dark Blue which appears Black Hair Style: Short and Messy Eye Color: Gray Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'9" Body Build: Thin and Lean. Built to run, not to fight. Markings: A small white gemstone in the middle of his forehead. Demi-description: He is the Deity of Foresight. He is that sense of Deja vu that some people experience. Seeing into the future isn't all that it's cracked up to be. The future is always shifting and changing. This shifting and changing annoys him, especially when he is trying to figure out what to next. Background: He's been 'blessed' with the ability to see the future. What a 'blessing' that is. Although it is enjoyable to witness the same hilarities twice, to see everyone around him die in multiple ways every day of his life has been a nightmare. Personality: He tries to keep calm and collected around most people, not letting them know what he fears. It's a constant battle of emotion and most days, he struggles to show the world a happy face. He hasn't let that many people get close to him, it doesn't hurt that much if he doesn't know them well. Powers: He can see the future. This ability isn't perfect and more often than not, isn't the actual future that happens. Instead, he sees something that could have been and a few things that happened changed it. Weapons: This has always been a debate. An argument within the background of his head. Most days, he doesn't have a weapon. On a few, he carries a dagger at his side, hand hovering over it, ready to strike at the futures which he has seen as a threat to him.
Actaeon se tourna pour voir un homme assis comme Ryko partait, Actaeon le regarda. Les cheveux des garçons étaient un bleu foncé, douteux qu'il serait reconnu comme n'importe quoi sauf noir à l'œil humain normal. Il marcha vers l'homme et renifla l'air autour de lui, il semblait être un humain normal. -- Alors, qu'est-ce que vous faites? Actaeon a dit avec scepticisme : « Nous avons la renaissance, moi-même, celle qui est belle là-bas et que je ne peux que geuss sur ce que sont ses pouvoirs, ces autres et vous. Qu'est-ce que tu peux faire?"
Name: Actaeon Nickname: Lupus Age: 22 Birthday: Unknown Origin: Raised by wolves in upper northern Russia. Deity: Deity of the wild animal/hunt Hair Color: Blond Hair Style: Non specific Eye Color: Yellow Skin Color: Somewhat Tan white Height: 6'4 Body Build: Athletic Muscular Markings: A tattoo on his right shoulder Demi-description: The god of wild animals and hunting he protects beasts and can sometimes be seen causing chaos or preventing his creatures from being restrained by man. Rational thought is not always his forte but he is capable of it, his most common resource is his limitless fury which boils in every one of his creatures. He can appear calm on the outside while wishing to tear apart those around him. Background: He was raised in a wolf den and proved himself the most vicious even of his mother, the other pups were submissive to him beyond belief. Since adolescence he has been wreaking havoc upon those who would claim the lands that belonged to the animals, killing stealing destroying anything he needs to in order to ensure the survival of his animals. Personality: A strong minded individual with little regard for lives that are not animals, he is loyal to a fault and will fight beyond what he's capable of and likely till death. Anything he can do he will do without thinking twice. Powers: He can communicate with animals as well as bring them to his aid, he is incredibly fast and strong with near limitless stamina. He has the advanced senses of a wolf. Weapons: His claws and fangs
Que puis-je faire? Xabiz a dit, ne se rendant compte que par la suite que Actaeon voulait savoir quel était son pouvoir ou ses capacités. Pour être honnête, Xabiz aussi. Quel Dieu ou Déesse remplacerait - il? Comment dire que je ne sais pas, sans dire que je ne sais pas... Il a pensé, en essayant de trouver un mensonge rapide et en utilisant ses visions pour voir s'il avait une issue. Même s'ils se sont à peine rencontrés, les visions ont montré la mort de Xabiz souvent avec la force et la vitesse d'Acteon. "Je ne pense pas que ce que je peux faire soit si important." Xabiz a dit, se tenant lentement et s'éloignant. J'ai déjà peur de cette personne que je connais à peine? Stupide et folie en même temps. Xabiz voulait une sortie. Une sortie. Essayer de concentrer les visions pour lui montrer le futur prend beaucoup d'énergie et il ne voulait pas s'évanouir en essayant de partir.
Name: Xabiz Kazzul Nickname: This is a gift given by others, not something you give yourself. Age: 21 Birthday: The day isn't important. Origin: Someplace, Somewhere. Deity: Deity of Foresight Hair Color: A Dark Blue which appears Black Hair Style: Short and Messy Eye Color: Gray Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'9" Body Build: Thin and Lean. Built to run, not to fight. Markings: A small white gemstone in the middle of his forehead. Demi-description: He is the Deity of Foresight. He is that sense of Deja vu that some people experience. Seeing into the future isn't all that it's cracked up to be. The future is always shifting and changing. This shifting and changing annoys him, especially when he is trying to figure out what to next. Background: He's been 'blessed' with the ability to see the future. What a 'blessing' that is. Although it is enjoyable to witness the same hilarities twice, to see everyone around him die in multiple ways every day of his life has been a nightmare. Personality: He tries to keep calm and collected around most people, not letting them know what he fears. It's a constant battle of emotion and most days, he struggles to show the world a happy face. He hasn't let that many people get close to him, it doesn't hurt that much if he doesn't know them well. Powers: He can see the future. This ability isn't perfect and more often than not, isn't the actual future that happens. Instead, he sees something that could have been and a few things that happened changed it. Weapons: This has always been a debate. An argument within the background of his head. Most days, he doesn't have a weapon. On a few, he carries a dagger at his side, hand hovering over it, ready to strike at the futures which he has seen as a threat to him.
Actaéon commença à sentir les phéromones de peur et de nervosité, il s'éloigna et s'éloigna de l'homme. Puis il a fait un faux pas vers lui en ramenant une main, juste pour le faire sortir. -- Vous n'avez rien à craindre, dit Actaeon en baissant les poings. Je peux le sentir sur vous, ce n'est pas une odeur agréable qui me fait confiance. En plus, nous serons bientôt tous des dieux, pas comme si je te tuerais ou quoi que ce soit."
Name: Actaeon Nickname: Lupus Age: 22 Birthday: Unknown Origin: Raised by wolves in upper northern Russia. Deity: Deity of the wild animal/hunt Hair Color: Blond Hair Style: Non specific Eye Color: Yellow Skin Color: Somewhat Tan white Height: 6'4 Body Build: Athletic Muscular Markings: A tattoo on his right shoulder Demi-description: The god of wild animals and hunting he protects beasts and can sometimes be seen causing chaos or preventing his creatures from being restrained by man. Rational thought is not always his forte but he is capable of it, his most common resource is his limitless fury which boils in every one of his creatures. He can appear calm on the outside while wishing to tear apart those around him. Background: He was raised in a wolf den and proved himself the most vicious even of his mother, the other pups were submissive to him beyond belief. Since adolescence he has been wreaking havoc upon those who would claim the lands that belonged to the animals, killing stealing destroying anything he needs to in order to ensure the survival of his animals. Personality: A strong minded individual with little regard for lives that are not animals, he is loyal to a fault and will fight beyond what he's capable of and likely till death. Anything he can do he will do without thinking twice. Powers: He can communicate with animals as well as bring them to his aid, he is incredibly fast and strong with near limitless stamina. He has the advanced senses of a wolf. Weapons: His claws and fangs
Blaze était déprimé que, malgré son salut joyeux et plein d'énergie, personne ne répliqua. Même le type qui l'a aidé avec la porte l'a ignoré. Il n'était pas sûr de ce qu'il faisait de mal. Peut-être son souffle? Il a ouvert la bouche près du nez de Paco. "Ça sent mauvais?" lui a - t - il demandé. « Je suis sûr que peu de gens auraient l'odeur discrète de fumée dans la bouche, n'est-ce pas? » Paco répondit, encore une fois d'un ton ironique. "Si jamais tu utilises une mèche de dragon et que ta bouche sent comme des fleurs, fais-le-moi savoir." Son attention s'est ensuite tournée vers Xabitz, qui semblait murmurer quelque chose comme « Je déteste ça ». Blaze pensait qu'il devait une faveur au jeune homme, donc il a décidé de demander s'il pouvait l'aider de toute façon. Il n'était pas si sûr pourquoi, mais le jeune homme semblait mal à l'aise, trop concentré sur ses pensées. Il décida de le confronter, mais il entendit un bruit. Il a tourné son regard vers un homme effectuant une sorte d'acrobatie et des exploits de force, bien sûr, rien de tout cela n'était quelque chose qu'il était lui-même incapable de faire. "Imprimé?" Paco a demandé. -- Vous plaisantez, n'est-ce pas? Après avoir effectué ses acrobaties, l'homme s'est approché a atterri près d'un autre homme. Il semblait sombre, silencieux et il semblait avoir des problèmes de confiance, ce que Blaze confirmait par sa difficulté à parler. Cependant, ce qui l'intéressait le plus, c'était un regard de plus près sur l'acrobate. Il avait des traits animalistes, comme des griffes et des canines. Sa construction était encombrante et intimidante, du moins pour d'autres personnes. D'une certaine façon, Blaze sentait qu'il était semblable à cet homme, sauf du fait que Blaze ressemblait à un humain. L'autre homme a alors convoqué une orbe blanche de lumière et à partir des sons de celle-ci, Blaze était sûr qu'elle était vivante. Quelques instants plus tard, le jeune homme partit et l'autre s'approcha de Xabitz, dont Blaze sentait la peur. "J'espère qu'il n'essaie pas d'attaquer le gentil gars qui m'a aidé." Il a réfléchi. Puis il s'est approché d'Actaeon et s'est emparé de son épaule. "Bon coup, mon gars! Tu as vraiment l'air effrayante!" C'est ce qu'il a dit.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
C'est bon! "Ah... ha... AAA!!!" C'est bon! Le poing d'Alicia a frappé dans le mur de marbre d'une pièce vide à l'intérieur d'une des ailes du temple, criant dans la dolour. Avec un rebond non-impressif, sa main recula complètement, sans douleur, un effet secondaire probable de sa puissance qui la rendait immunisée aux impacts. Ce sentiment indolore n'a fait qu'essayer de frapper avec plus de force et avec chaque jab le mur a commencé à avoir l'air pire et pire, mais sa main est restée sans défaut. Anglily, elle a griffé les dents à la seule rétroaction donnée par les impacts; une secousse dans son bras qui n'a duré qu'une seconde. Le seul effet durable sur elle semblait être les enveloppements de poignets qu'elle avait faits à partir d'un tissu qu'elle avait trouvé dans ses recherches, qui s'estompaient constamment au fur et à mesure qu'elle commençait à transpirer. Finalement, elle a jeté les enveloppements et s'est déplacée sur des coups de pied, avec la même rage et la même ferveur, ses cris de fureur retentissant dans la pièce, mais ont été réduits au silence par les murs de pierre épais. Pourquoi? En examinant objectivement la situation et les événements passés, on pouvait deviner que la raison de cette rage profonde était peut-être son arrivée dans ce monde, la vérité étant dévoilée et la perte de ses ailes métalliques. Cependant, il n'y en avait pas. En vérité, la raison de son anéantissement total du mur était qu'elle était en colère contre elle-même pour sa réception moins que chaleureuse de l'homme qui s'était présenté comme Ryko. Il y a quelques minutes à peine, alors qu'elle traversait les couloirs du temple et de ses bâtiments environnants, elle était devenue consciente de l'épaule froide qu'elle avait donnée à l'homme et qu'elle avait aggravée par la mauvaise humeur générale de l'ancienne situation, elle s'était rapidement en colère contre elle-même. Et c'est comme ça qu'on est arrivés ici. Cependant, à mi-chemin de sa destruction du mur, il semblait que la raison de sa colère avait changé considérablement. Stupide! Très bien! Imbécile! Il m'appelle... un homme!" En effet, il semblait que maintenant la raison de sa fureur continue était le commentaire involontaire de la divinité des dragons. Craquage Sous la force des impacts continus et puissants, le bloc de marbre s'est fendu en deux morceaux. Alicia a pris cela comme un signe pour s'arrêter et a décidé, après avoir essuyé la sueur notable de elle avec les enveloppements du poignet et s'assurer qu'elle ne portait pas trop d'odeur, de quitter tranquillement la pièce et elle est revenue dans le couloir, abandonnant la recherche de nourriture après avoir perdu sa faim. Alternativement, elle a décidé de retourner à la fontaine et de demander si quelqu'un avait prévu quoi faire. Quand elle a atteint la porte de l'atrium une fois de plus, elle s'est assurée de sourire en entrant, essayant au moins de donner une meilleure seconde impression. Immédiatement, elle a remarqué quelques nouveaux visages et instinctivement, elle a perdu le sourire et a mis une expression gardée. En regardant autour de l'atrium, elle trouva Évangéline, toujours assise à la fontaine, le grand bâtard, un homme mince, pâle et maigre aux yeux gris, Ryko et un étrange et intimidant étranger. En naviguant à travers ce qui semblait être une discussion plutôt chaude, elle s'est plie à côté de Ryko, qui se détendait paresseusement sur l'oreiller et après un moment de silence, s'est exprimée avec ferveur : « Écoutez, désolé tout à l'heure. J'étais de mauvaise humeur, mais... Je l'ai fait dans mon système, tu sais? Quoi qu'il en soit, je me demandais si tu n'avais pas une idée de ce qu'on était censés faire ici. Je suis un peu perdu, vraiment." Elle sourit faiblement dans une tentative de donner un look plus amical, mais elle trouvait cela quelque peu difficile.
Name: Endless Nickname: Alicia (preferred name) Age: 20 Birthday: October 15th Origin: For all of its existence, humans have longed to fly, to conquer the skies above them and freely wander its blue expanses, like the birds who had long mastered the art of travelling through the air. Many dedicated their lives, and sometimes sacrificed them, in this pursuit, though humanity found little success in their quest to grasp at the skies until October 15th, 1783, when the two French Montgolfier brothers managed to make physics teacher fly in a tethered hot-air balloon, and even before that, humans had managed to fly for at least a few yards using primitive gliders. Throughout the next few centuries, humankind quickly began to master the skies; going from small balloons to fearsome metal beasts in nary three centuries. It was no coincidence that a girl was born twenty years ago, on the day that decades ago, man first took to the sky, a girl who belonged to no parents but had a name that evoked the sky itself; 'Endless', though she prefers to call herself Alicia, as Endless isn't a very pretty sounding name. Deity: Deity of Flight Hair Color: Black Hair Style: Shoulder length. Eye Color: Blue Skin Color: Palish white Height: 1m63 Body Build: Slim, rather lacking in womanly features (though definitely not of boyish figure), not very muscular but not at all fat. Markings: Bizarre, straight scars between her shoulder blades, almost parallel to one another. Demi-description: Alicia is a deity of flight, both of birds and other animals and of humankind. While physically not particularly special, she has no fear of heights, drops and a fall from a high altitude has little to no effect on her. However, she lacks the ability to fly herself, for some bizarre, ironic reason. She can run very fast, however, causing her to remark that perhaps it's a power that originally evoked how a plane takes off, by going from a standstill and picking up swift speed. Alicia is also very agile, in the air and on the ground, with the human art of parkour an easy feat for her. Background: Endless spent most of her childhood in a foster family's care, having been born to parents who could never be found through biological tracing. From an extremely early age, she took an almost instinctive interest in flight and after long periods of begging, her eventual adoptive father signed her up for her first flight lessons. By the end of the first lesson, it was clear she was a natural and it was barely a month later that she was doing her first flight. Naturally, after finishing school, she signed up for her country's air force, where her skills were once again evident. All was smooth sailing until her first combat deployment when a faulty engine sent her plane stalling and plummeting to the ground, almost just above the airfield where she took off. To all observers, it seemed definite from the angle of the plane when she crashed that her life was lost. Amazingly to the contrary, she survived with barely a scratch on her body. Her comrades suggested she go on medical leave, but at her own insistence she was back in the air in a few weeks. After this event, she remained cheerful and she continued flying for a good year until her plane was forced to shake hands with a surface-to-air missile. When she crashed, her body was found to be fine, but she didn't wake up this time. Or did she? When she awoke from a deep slumber, Alicia found herself in a new, fantasy-esque land and with no explanation to prove what this place really was, she was left only to wander... Personality: Alicia is very pensive, but at the same time quite talkative and in general is very optimistic and cheerful. However, she is somewhat guarded with new people, due to her relatively rough childhood. Along with this general friction towards strangers, she can be slightly hesitant and a bit clumsy at times. She has a strong animus to succeed in most situations and is very determined when it comes to reaching what is most important to her; the brilliant azure skies. Occasionally, she attempts to use complicate expressions and complex expressions in order to make herself look somewhat smarter, but this usually backfires on her. Powers: -High agility, both in the air and on the ground. -Fearlessness of heights, drops and falls. -Invulnerability to falling, even from extremely high altitudes and at high speeds. -Very, very fast runner (move over Usain Bolt!) Weapons: None, at the moment, she relies on her powerful kicks and punches...
Belle construction que vous avez là le gars, Actaeon entendu comme une main a atterri sur son épaule, "vous avez l'air effrayant." Actaeon s'est retourné et a attrapé l'homme par la gorge laissant sortir un rugissement de l'oreille, montrant ses canines. Il lâcha alors l'homme et sourit. Il s'est mis la main pour une poignée de main et s'est présenté. "Actaeon," il a commencé " dieu des bêtes sauvages et de la chasse. Et vous le seriez?"
Name: Actaeon Nickname: Lupus Age: 22 Birthday: Unknown Origin: Raised by wolves in upper northern Russia. Deity: Deity of the wild animal/hunt Hair Color: Blond Hair Style: Non specific Eye Color: Yellow Skin Color: Somewhat Tan white Height: 6'4 Body Build: Athletic Muscular Markings: A tattoo on his right shoulder Demi-description: The god of wild animals and hunting he protects beasts and can sometimes be seen causing chaos or preventing his creatures from being restrained by man. Rational thought is not always his forte but he is capable of it, his most common resource is his limitless fury which boils in every one of his creatures. He can appear calm on the outside while wishing to tear apart those around him. Background: He was raised in a wolf den and proved himself the most vicious even of his mother, the other pups were submissive to him beyond belief. Since adolescence he has been wreaking havoc upon those who would claim the lands that belonged to the animals, killing stealing destroying anything he needs to in order to ensure the survival of his animals. Personality: A strong minded individual with little regard for lives that are not animals, he is loyal to a fault and will fight beyond what he's capable of and likely till death. Anything he can do he will do without thinking twice. Powers: He can communicate with animals as well as bring them to his aid, he is incredibly fast and strong with near limitless stamina. He has the advanced senses of a wolf. Weapons: His claws and fangs
Le rugissement d'Actaeon a ennuyé Blaze, parce que son sens de l'ouïe a augmenté. L'homme laissa sa gorge et étendit son bras. Ses griffes étaient pointues, probablement capables de déchiqueter la peau et l'os avec facilité. Il a donné une odeur de sauvagerie, de férocité et de vicidité. "Actéon, dieu des bêtes sauvages et de la chasse. Et vous le seriez? "Un dieu? La première fois que j'en ai rencontré un... » il a commenté, inconnu de lui que tout le monde autour de lui était une divinité, y compris lui. "Je suis Blaze! Désolé de ne pas avoir un titre chic, mais je ne pense pas pouvoir me traiter de dieu ou quelque chose comme ça. Malgré ça, ravi de vous rencontrer! » Il a répondu doucement. Il a aussi étendu son bras. Alors qu'il secouait la main, la partie supérieure de son costume d'Actaeon se déchirait un peu entre la poitrine. Blaze l'a fait au moment où Actaeon s'est emparé de la gorge. « C'est bon d'être fort, mais ne faites pas peur aux gens. Surtout l'ami là-bas qui m'a aidé quand j'étais dans une pincée! » Il a dit de revenir à Xabitz.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Pas très longtemps de repos qu'elle avait pensé. Les voix se calmèrent finalement, et elle put fermer les yeux. Ses vêtements de soie semblaient intacts, pas de rides de la nuit, ses pieds encore nus. C'est comme ça qu'elle aimait être la plupart du temps, sentir le sol en dessous d'elle l'a rendue équilibrée. Le soleil était lumineux, mais il saignait seulement à travers des petits pots d'où la jungle a atteint pour rencontrer les nuages, le reste était dans des teintes de bleu vif et de vert. Elle descendit le long couloir du temple qui s'est retrouvé sur le rebord ouvert. Elle se demandait aussi comment ils s'en sortiraient, ils ne pensaient pas vraiment qu'ils resteraient ici pour toujours? Lorsqu'elle a atteint le chemin d'entrée, elle s'est arrêtée brusquement à ne pas comprendre la scène devant elle. On aurait dit que les deux étaient prêts à se tuer l'un l'autre pour une poignée de main amicale. Elle ferma les yeux brièvement. N'y pense pas, n'y pense pas. Elle ne pouvait pas se demander pourquoi quand elle savait que ce serait presque inexplicable. C'était les pires pensées. Elle les a finalement ouverts et a pris une profonde respiration, il ne devrait pas y avoir de raison pour qu'elle ait peur de se présenter. Elle ne s'enfermait pas dans une pièce, et se cachait. "Je suis désolé d'interrompre, mais j'ai pensé que je devrais me présenter aussi." Elle s'arrêta, ses mots ne flottaient pas tout à fait comme elle le voulait. Elle était un peu nerveuse. Elle n'avait pas vu des choses si... intimidantes dans la vraie vie. Elle s'est recomposée, et a laissé un sourire chaud tomber sur ses joues alors qu'elle aussi tendait sa main doucement. "Mon nom est Évangéline, divinité de la complexité."
Name: Evangeline Nickname: Aveline Age: 19 Birthday: June 12th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Complexity Hair Color: Black Hair Style: past her waist Eye Color: Graphite Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'6 Body Build: Thin but has curves Markings: sapphire crystal in between the eye brows Demi-description: She is the deity of complexity. She collects all vivid thoughts and complex emotions that humans feel and try to translate on their own. She thinks of everything before answering a question and sometimes she is scrambled between multiple conclusions to one's simple comment or question. She usually looks lost, and results to staying quiet as she tried hard not to burst in to saying all her thoughts out loud because they create anxiety for others. To think so 'complex' as her. She sees both sides, and tried to decipher which would be the best road to take, but she makes mistakes as well. She isn't the goddess of perfection. Background: She's listened to all of these thoughts since was immortal. She could hear thoughts from hundreds of years ago and everyday they fill her head. She gets to listen to people break down complicated theories or amazing Epiphanies each one has while growing up. It's all one amazing cluster of chaotic chemistry between love and hate. She sometimes finds it a curse when she begins to over analyze each person's words, remembering the exact same quotes from the thoughts in her head that its somewhat overwhelming she feels that no one is their self. Only creations of one another. She scared she'll never be thrilled again. Personality: She keeps a simple personality, keeping most of her thoughts to herself and tries to give the easiest explanation. She doesn't like explaining who she is and what she does because even to her it all sounds like a complicated mess of a life, but she enjoys it. She is somewhat quiet but loves adventure, it is where she smiles most. Even though it is rare for her to be taught something new, she loves learning. Powers: Telepathy, but she tries hard not to sue it when she is getting to know someone. She doesn't want to be able to read their emotions, or know what they are thinking. But she does use it in some situations when she only wants one person to know what she is thinking or wanting to say. Other powers unknown. Weapons: N/A
Blaze sentait un parfum élégant non loin d'ici. Quelques instants plus tard, une belle dame exotique s'approcha d'eux. Ses vêtements correspondaient à son corps mince comme s'ils avaient été cousu pour elle. Ses cheveux étaient soigneusement disposés au-delà de sa taille et leur couleur sombre rappelait Blaze du ciel nocturne sans étoiles qu'il aimait parfois regarder. Mixé avec tout cela, était une odeur de nervosité. "Je suis désolé d'interrompre, mais j'ai pensé que je devrais me présenter aussi." Ses paroles ont donné une ambiance d'hésitation. Blaze a compris que c'était normal, voir un gars avec des griffes, des dents et la force de tirer le meilleur parti de leur capacité destructrice d'être face à face avec un homme aux yeux rouges, évidemment non-intimidé par ses caractéristiques meurtrières. Il n'a jamais été heureux de savoir qu'il ou ses actions terrifiaient quelqu'un, ou même l'ont rendu mal à l'aise. Blaze se souvint alors qu'elle était la dame qui n'a pas répondu à sa salutation avec deux autres hommes (l'un d'entre eux étant Alicia). "Peut-être qu'elle ne m'a pas entendu cette fois, pas grand chose", pensa-t-il honnêtement. Elle tendit doucement sa main près de ces deux-là. « Mon nom est Évangéline, divinité de la complexité.", dit-elle avec un sourire doux. Il toucha sa main aussi légèrement qu'il le pouvait et, avec un sérieux sourire, il répondit: "Comme je disais à notre ami sauvage il y a un moment, je ne peux pas prétendre être une Déité. En dehors de ça, je m'excuse si on t'a fait peur.Je suis l'Enfant Dragon, Blaze. Ravie de vous rencontrer! » Blaze sentit alors quelque chose lui tirer la jambe. C'était Paco, qui essayait aussi de se présenter. "Oh, et c'est Paco, mon ami de longue date!" "Bon de vous rencontrer aussi, madame" dit sa petite compagne.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Elle se sentait confuse par sa réponse, il ne pouvait pas s'identifier comme une divinité. Peut-être qu'ils ne seraient pas tous les mêmes après tout, ce qui l'a perplexe. Pas mal, sachant que son esprit serait au travail en essayant de comprendre ce qu'était un enfant dragon. "Vous devez donc être spécial." Son ton était sincère autant que sa déclaration. S'il n'était pas une divinité comme le reste des gens qu'elle avait rencontrés, peut-être que cela signifiait qu'il était spécial, différent. Son apparence était différente, mais elle a appris à ne pas juger de l'extérieur, elle avait appris beaucoup plus sur la façon dont l'apparence n'a guère d'importance pour les émotions d'une vraie personne. "Je suis désolé, au fait. Pour ne pas t'avoir remarqué avant." Elle s'est arrêtée, sa main a bougé pour se couvrir la bouche mais elle l'a arrêtée. Elle n'avait pas appris cela en se souvenant de son appétit, mais sa pensée avait glissé dans sa tête. Elle a cousu ses cheveux derrière son oreille alors que son visage devenait rouge. "Je suis désolé, j'essaie mon plus dur de ne pas faire ça... mais." Elle a saisi le côté de son bras et a regardé loin. Elle détestait ça, et les gens détestaient ça. Savoir que quelqu'un pouvait lire ses pensées, mais elle ne le ferait jamais pour sa propre commodité, c'était seulement la nature pour son esprit de saisir les gens autour. Elle regarda en bas et sourit pour voir la petite créature près des chevilles de Blaze. Elle s'est penchée pour mieux le regarder et a élargi son sourire. "Bon de vous rencontrer Paco, Evangelienne." Elle s'est penchée en arrière et a regardé vers les portes à l'extérieur. Elle regarda en arrière Blaze et pointa vers l'extérieur du temple. -- J'avais l'intention de sortir, voulez-vous vous joindre à moi? Sa voix était à nouveau douce et tranquille. Elle se tourna et se mit à sortir assez lentement pour que l'homme puisse la suivre s'il décidait de le faire.
Name: Evangeline Nickname: Aveline Age: 19 Birthday: June 12th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Complexity Hair Color: Black Hair Style: past her waist Eye Color: Graphite Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'6 Body Build: Thin but has curves Markings: sapphire crystal in between the eye brows Demi-description: She is the deity of complexity. She collects all vivid thoughts and complex emotions that humans feel and try to translate on their own. She thinks of everything before answering a question and sometimes she is scrambled between multiple conclusions to one's simple comment or question. She usually looks lost, and results to staying quiet as she tried hard not to burst in to saying all her thoughts out loud because they create anxiety for others. To think so 'complex' as her. She sees both sides, and tried to decipher which would be the best road to take, but she makes mistakes as well. She isn't the goddess of perfection. Background: She's listened to all of these thoughts since was immortal. She could hear thoughts from hundreds of years ago and everyday they fill her head. She gets to listen to people break down complicated theories or amazing Epiphanies each one has while growing up. It's all one amazing cluster of chaotic chemistry between love and hate. She sometimes finds it a curse when she begins to over analyze each person's words, remembering the exact same quotes from the thoughts in her head that its somewhat overwhelming she feels that no one is their self. Only creations of one another. She scared she'll never be thrilled again. Personality: She keeps a simple personality, keeping most of her thoughts to herself and tries to give the easiest explanation. She doesn't like explaining who she is and what she does because even to her it all sounds like a complicated mess of a life, but she enjoys it. She is somewhat quiet but loves adventure, it is where she smiles most. Even though it is rare for her to be taught something new, she loves learning. Powers: Telepathy, but she tries hard not to sue it when she is getting to know someone. She doesn't want to be able to read their emotions, or know what they are thinking. But she does use it in some situations when she only wants one person to know what she is thinking or wanting to say. Other powers unknown. Weapons: N/A
Donc vous devez être spécial. Blaze ne s'est jamais considéré comme spécial, puisqu'il était toujours avec des dragons. Bien sûr qu'il était plus fort que la plupart de son genre, mais c'était tout. Cependant, la sincérité qui émanait de ses paroles faisait que Blaze ressentait cela. C'était une première pour lui de voir quelqu'un lui parler doucement depuis son départ de chez lui, à l'exception de Paco. Tout au long de son voyage, il ne rencontra que des animaux sauvages qui essayaient de le dévorer. Même ici, la première personne qui l'a accueilli a d'abord attrapé sa gorge. Il n'avait pas peur une fois, mais il sentait parfois qu'il se distinguait.Avant de pouvoir répondre, Evangelienne continua: "Je suis désolé, au fait. Pour ne pas t'avoir remarqué avant." Sa soudaine rougissement et sa pose, ainsi que ses excuses ont rendu Blaze mal à l'aise. Ce n'est pas comme si elle avait fait quelque chose de mal, ou du moins quelque chose qui l'a dérangé. Elle a ensuite salué Paco et a demandé si Blaze allait la rejoindre à l'extérieur. Elle a été la première personne à s'approcher de lui et il était vraiment heureux pour l'invitation. -- Ce serait un plaisir! Blaze répondit et la suivit au même rythme lent qu'elle marchait. "Au fait, je pense que ce que tu as fait était vraiment incroyable, sachant ce que je pensais, je veux dire. Ne te sens pas mal, je n'ai rien à cacher. C'est l'un de vos pouvoirs, je suppose? »
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Il se tourna pour regarder comme il entendait la voix de la femme d'avant. Elle lui a déjà dit son nom? Il ne se souvenait pas... C'est une merveille qu'il ait pu se souvenir de son propre nom. Avec la quantité d'information qu'il a passé dans sa tête chaque jour, c'était une merveille qu'il fonctionnait encore. Une partie de la magie, je suppose. Toujours.. Il a regardé la fille comme elle semblait être beaucoup plus bavarde maintenant, après s'être excusée pour plus tôt. Lentement, un sourire s'est glissé sur son visage, écoutant son discours. "Hé, écoute, désolé pour tout à l'heure. J'étais de mauvaise humeur, mais... Je l'ai fait dans mon système, tu sais? Quoi qu'il en soit, je me demandais si tu n'avais pas une idée de ce qu'on était censés faire ici. Je suis un peu perdu, vraiment." Elle a dit, avec une tentative de sourire. Ryko a gâché, voyant la nature embarrassante de son sourire. "Tu n'as pas à faire semblant de sourire. Mais je préférerais que tu souris. Les gens sont toujours plus beaux quand ils sourient, n'est-ce pas?" Il lui a dit, lui clignotant ses blancs nacrés, un regard ludique dans ses yeux. "Quant à ce que nous faisons ici..." Il a commencé, essayant de recueillir ses pensées. "D'après ce que j'ai vu sur la lettre, je suppose qu'on est faits pour rester ici et... se retrouver? Je sais que ça a l'air plutôt musclé mais... Je pense que c'est ce que nous sommes censés faire. Tu sais? Viens avec qui nous sommes censés être et quoi faire avec ça." Il s'est arrêté. "De l'air de ça, nous avons tous besoin de ça... "Réflexion." Il a continué, en rigolant. « Bien... » Il recommença à regarder autour de la pièce. « Il semble que certains d'entre nous soient plus informés de notre situation que d'autres. » Il a dit, plus de réflexion que de lui dire quoi que ce soit. "Oh. Je n'ai jamais pris ton nom." Il s'est brouillé, se tournant maintenant pour la regarder à nouveau, un petit sourire sur son visage et dans ses yeux. Comme d'habitude, ses yeux bleu foncé tournaient, clin d'œil, presque comme si l'on pouvait voir les âmes, les souvenirs qui s'y tenaient. Pour lui, c'était comme un ordinateur dans sa tête, un qu'il pouvait heureusement s'éteindre et s'allumer comme il le voulait, même si les voix ne s'arrêtaient jamais vraiment. Pour lui, il pouvait voir les âmes, leurs échéanciers, toutes leurs vies différentes qui font d'eux ce qu'ils sont. C'était si beau, si magnifique, qu'il était parfois malade. Il aime comment les humains se réfèrent à Dieu comme cet être si beau qu'on ne peut même pas se permettre de le regarder pendant plus d'une seconde avant que leurs yeux éclatent en flamme et qu'ils ne voient plus jamais. C'était comme pour lui, douloureusement beau.
Name Ryko Orion Nickname Currently? None. Age 119 (Appears 19) Birthday Aug 2 Origin Timeless and forgotten. Legend says he was created by the death of his previous reincarnation. His reincarnation was said to have been a great Goddess by the name of Rheia. The Diety is said to have been born the day God made Humans. Deity Deity of Rebirth Hair Color Dark Brown Hair Style Short and shaggy. Eye Color Crystal Blue Skin Color Very tan Height 5’11 Body Build Thin Markings Marking of a flower bud on his chest. Demi-description As the deity of Rebirth, Ryke sees the life span of humans as well as the way they lived their lives. His mind is often jumbled with these memories and he can seem a bit… out of it at times. It’s said that in his eyes, one can see an entire universe of ideas. To some, they look like stars and to others they may look like something else entirely. Personality Ryko is pretty easy going and easy to get along with. He isn’t afraid to talk to people despite what demeanor they may carry. He is not afraid of death because he knows what awaits him. He also considers himself somewhat of a death god and as such is pretty serious at times. But, for the most part he is pretty easy going. He likes to crack jokes and mess with people in a friendly way. There are times where he can be found staring off into space. Powers Vision Ryko can see the past lives of humans and can see their life span. He cannot see the lifespan nor past lives of other deities, however. For his power to work, people must believe in him. Reincarnation Ryko has the ability to choose a human’s reincarnation. He cannot choose a deity’s reincarnation, which is decided by both the Goddess and her people. Heal Ryko can heal both others and himself. However, healing himself using a bit of his lifespan. When and if he dies, he will go through another rebirth. He cannot bring back the dead, but can only send them to a new reincarnation. Weapons He has a blessed long bow. He uses the power of light found within himself as the bows. They have the power to wound any deity, kill any demon, and purify the soul of a human. Heeeere he is. :D Let me know if I need to change anything or if he has conflicts with other deities. ~
Elle lui sourit alors qu'il acceptait de venir avec elle, elle partit en laissant la brise frapper son visage doucement et porter ses cheveux. Il faisait chaud, mais pas assez pour briser une sueur avec la brise fraîche qui a traversé. Elle n'arrivait toujours pas à comprendre à quel point ce jeu s'était avéré magnifique. Elle s'arrêta et fixa jusqu'à ce qu'elle le regardât un peu surpris. Il lui a ensuite demandé si c'était l'un de ses pouvoirs. Est-ce qu'elle pourrait vraiment appeler ça un pouvoir? Rien de grand n'est jamais venu d'interférer avec les pensées et les émotions de quelqu'un. Le vrai secret est qu'elle pouvait manipuler les pensées ou les émotions d'une personne, quelque chose d'autre qu'elle n'a jamais voulu faire ni parler avec d'autres. Ce pourrait être une issue cruelle quand on l'utilise mal. "Je suppose que c'est le cas. J'essaie de ne pas, l'esprit est un endroit délicat pour un. Chaque chose qui importe est tenue captive dans un endroit seulement destiné à une seule personne. Pourquoi devrais-je respecter les règles et être capable d'attaquer ses pensées." Elle a commencé à déraper ses pensées, reconnaissant qu'elle était capable d'arrêter quand elle l'a fait, elle pourrait courir pendant des heures s'il le permettait. Elle a fait son chemin jusqu'au bord, pour regarder en bas se demander quand elle pourrait toucher le noyau de la terre à nouveau. Elle s'est tournée vers lui. "Quel est l'un de vos pouvoirs, enfant Dragon?" Son sourire était maintenant ludique comme si elle jouait avec des questions de lui.
Name: Evangeline Nickname: Aveline Age: 19 Birthday: June 12th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Complexity Hair Color: Black Hair Style: past her waist Eye Color: Graphite Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'6 Body Build: Thin but has curves Markings: sapphire crystal in between the eye brows Demi-description: She is the deity of complexity. She collects all vivid thoughts and complex emotions that humans feel and try to translate on their own. She thinks of everything before answering a question and sometimes she is scrambled between multiple conclusions to one's simple comment or question. She usually looks lost, and results to staying quiet as she tried hard not to burst in to saying all her thoughts out loud because they create anxiety for others. To think so 'complex' as her. She sees both sides, and tried to decipher which would be the best road to take, but she makes mistakes as well. She isn't the goddess of perfection. Background: She's listened to all of these thoughts since was immortal. She could hear thoughts from hundreds of years ago and everyday they fill her head. She gets to listen to people break down complicated theories or amazing Epiphanies each one has while growing up. It's all one amazing cluster of chaotic chemistry between love and hate. She sometimes finds it a curse when she begins to over analyze each person's words, remembering the exact same quotes from the thoughts in her head that its somewhat overwhelming she feels that no one is their self. Only creations of one another. She scared she'll never be thrilled again. Personality: She keeps a simple personality, keeping most of her thoughts to herself and tries to give the easiest explanation. She doesn't like explaining who she is and what she does because even to her it all sounds like a complicated mess of a life, but she enjoys it. She is somewhat quiet but loves adventure, it is where she smiles most. Even though it is rare for her to be taught something new, she loves learning. Powers: Telepathy, but she tries hard not to sue it when she is getting to know someone. She doesn't want to be able to read their emotions, or know what they are thinking. But she does use it in some situations when she only wants one person to know what she is thinking or wanting to say. Other powers unknown. Weapons: N/A
Indra dormait sous un chêne avec une pensée sur son esprit " Comment puis-je utiliser mon plein potentiel quand j'ai 3 hommes sous mon nez tout le temps? Je veux être libre à nouveau!". Elle a ouvert les yeux. - Une lettre sur ma poitrine? Qu'est-ce que c'est? Elle ouvre la lettre et la lit : Vous êtes ici pour apprendre à prendre ma place le moment venu. Tu es peut-être en colère contre moi maintenant, mais ma chère, tu comprendras Tout quand le jour arrive. Vous deviendrez un Dieu. Les vôtres. C'est ce que j'ai dit. Après avoir lu la lettre, la prochaine chose qu'elle a vue n'était pas le chêne qu'elle dormait c'était un arbre énorme sur sa place et à côté d'elle un temple qu'elle n'avait jamais vu avant "je ne me souviens pas voyager vers une autre planète" elle a durci. Néanmoins, elle était curieuse de savoir quel temple c'était et a commencé à s'y installer. En montant l'escalier, elle voit un temple immense et avant cela un homme métallique massif, se réfugiant à la conquête "Quel robot rouillé et laid faisant sur un beau temple comme cela" pensa-t-elle. "Peut-être qu'il n'y a plus de piles" pensa-t-elle à nouveau. - "Peut-être que c'est la personne qui m'a donné la lettre" dit-elle. - "Je sais ce qu'il y a de mal à chercher les piles dont il a besoin et à le recharger" a-t-elle dit et a commencé à chercher l'homme "métallique" avec un seul but - Peut-être qu'il connaît le sens de la lettre...
Name: Indra Nickname: Inie Age: Same age as time ( around 10 billion years old ) Birthday: 1 January Origin: When the Big Bang occured like the scientists call the Genesis of deities, she were the 4rth to be born from it.(1st was Time, 2nd Space and 3rd Death) Deity: Elemental Deity Hair Color:Black Hair Style: Lengthy Eye Color:Blue Skin Color: Caucasian Height: 1,78cm Body Build: Seems like a normal woman with finely toned muscles and a perfect skin that smells like summer rain. Markings:No markings Demi-description: Indra is the Deity of Elements she commands the elements to do her bidding. She protects the earth with all her might, she restributes water to all the world so life can exist, she uses the air to move life from the one place to another and shared fire with most of the intelligent species to use it and evolve. She is not that good though... She uses some of the other elements for her own reasons of personal relief, like storms,tsunamis,typhoons, etc. in order to constantly test the life forms she shared fire with them. Or so she says she does... Background:After spending millions of years to tend and protect the life forms she shared fire with them some instincts she never had occured. She wanted to test her powers to the outmost limit.. She overtested all the civilizations and burned,immolated and scorched the 78,4% of the planets. When all that slaughter stopped her brothers Time,space and Death made her bind her own powers. Indra didn't want that and she made a deal with them, she would only use only a portion of her abilities (about 2%)and never more or Death would come for her. Personality: Peaceful almost everytime but when she is angry the storm comes. Powers:Use of all elements except void or other omnipotent ones. At times she can become the very essence of the element of her choice for a short period of time. Weapons:No weapons.
Blaze a laissé la brise rafraîchir son corps. Le paysage était plus beau que jamais. Le ciel sans limite devant lui, le même ciel qu'il appréciait dans le dos d'un dragon. Son visage a donné un sentiment nostalgique, comme il était curieux si tout le monde allait bien. Il a été perdu dans sa pensée pendant un moment, puis il s'est souvenu qu'il n'était pas seul. Il ne voulait pas créer un atmoshpere sombre. Il a enfermé ses pensées au fond de son esprit. "Je suppose que c'est le cas. J'essaie de ne pas, l'esprit est un endroit délicat pour un. Chaque chose qui importe est tenue captive dans un endroit seulement destiné à une seule personne. Pourquoi devrais-je respecter les règles et être capable d'attaquer ses pensées." Blaze pourrait deviner à quel point il aurait été difficile pour elle d'avoir des pouvoirs qui vont à l'encontre de son éthique. Constamment avoir à contrôler ses propres pensées, émotions, afin qu'ils ne se mélangent pas avec une autre personne. Ce n'était certainement pas quelque chose que personne ne pouvait gérer. « Je crois que vous devez être une personne vraiment forte, capable de faire face à vos pouvoirs. Je suis impressionné! » Il a commenté. Elle marchait jusqu'au bord de la plate-forme où se tenait le temple. Blaze s'est arrêté à quelques pas, car il pensait qu'il devait la laisser apprécier la vue sans être perturbée. Il a vu la vue panoramique de Desnia plusieurs fois, donc il a connu sa magnificence. Plus tard, la jeune femme lui demanda ce qu'était l'un de ses pouvoirs d'un ton joyeux. "Mes pouvoirs? Je ne suis pas aussi impressionnant que la plupart des gens que j'ai vus ici. J'ai été élevé par des dragons, mais quelque temps avant de partir pour mon voyage, j'ai appris que je n'y étais pas né. Malgré cela, les dragons m'ont élevé comme l'un des leurs. Steadily, j'ai acquis leur connaissance, leur sagesse, leur pouvoir...", il s'arrêta, puis, doucement, des flammes sortirent de sa bouche, formant la forme de la danse évangélique lentement dans un circle de feu. "Et leurs flammes... j'espère que je ne t'ai pas fait peur... Au fait, qu'est-ce que tu veux faire, je veux dire, avant qu'on arrive." Il a conclu.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Elle lui a fait face pendant qu'il parlait, lui donnant le respect que tout le monde méritait lorsqu'on lui a posé une question. Ses yeux éblouis comme le ciel nocturne, aussi sombres qu'ils étaient, semblaient briller. Une chose sur elle-même qu'elle aimait, ses yeux étaient aussi utilisés comme un passage, un âge de lien de l'âme. Quelque chose de beau et terrifiant, ses yeux étant l'une de ses armes les plus meurtrières. Elle sourit alors qu'il lui donnait des remords pour quelque chose qu'elle trouvait mal, mais c'est pour ça qu'elle était là. Pour apprendre. Elle regarda en arrière par-dessus le rebord momentanément avant de balayer la zone où elle se tenait, un grand banc de pierre ne s'assit pas à quelques pieds d'eux. Elle s'est soigneusement rendue au banc et s'est assise les mains dans les genoux. Elle a regardé vers lui, assez intéressé par son histoire d'être élevé par des dragons. Elle avait toujours aimé la pensée des dragons, elle passait du temps à lire toujours des genres différents, différentes façons d'entraîner les dragons, mais elle n'avait pas cru qu'ils étaient vrais, mais la passion de Blaze l'a rendu surréaliste. Evangeline ne pouvait pas s'empêcher de sourire large, comme si la nostalgie l'entourait. Bientôt une figure de sa propre a été formée à partir de flammes, ils se sont si parfaitement mélangés que cela semblait presque inoffensif. Elle s'est approchée prudemment pour regarder une flamme s'allumer et danser autour de ses doigts. Elle sourit alors qu'elle la regardait danser avant de disparaître. Il s'est excusé mais elle n'a pu que sourire, en examinant sa main. "Je pouvais sentir votre affinité, feu. Vous avez un lien très unique parce qu'il ne vient pas seulement du feu, mais d'un sens plus fort de la chaleur que je suppose vient de vos compagnons audacieux. Comme c'est fascinant" Elle le regarda, son visage brillant. Elle riait tranquillement avant de s'arrêter à cause de sa prochaine question. Son sourire s'éclaircit mais ne laisse pas son visage. " Je n'étais pas sûr si je suis honnête avec vous, je n'ai pas passé beaucoup de temps dans mon propre esprit donc il est assez difficile de savoir où je vais." Elle l'a regardé avec une puanteur, juste une douce. Elle s'est penchée en arrière pour laisser ses cheveux flotter plus librement. "S'il vous plaît, ne me considérez pas comme un malheur, je sais que je peux avoir pitié de moi-même. Mais la vie est un frisson, n'est-ce pas? » Son sourire s'éclaircit une fois de plus. "Et toi?"
Name: Evangeline Nickname: Aveline Age: 19 Birthday: June 12th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Complexity Hair Color: Black Hair Style: past her waist Eye Color: Graphite Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'6 Body Build: Thin but has curves Markings: sapphire crystal in between the eye brows Demi-description: She is the deity of complexity. She collects all vivid thoughts and complex emotions that humans feel and try to translate on their own. She thinks of everything before answering a question and sometimes she is scrambled between multiple conclusions to one's simple comment or question. She usually looks lost, and results to staying quiet as she tried hard not to burst in to saying all her thoughts out loud because they create anxiety for others. To think so 'complex' as her. She sees both sides, and tried to decipher which would be the best road to take, but she makes mistakes as well. She isn't the goddess of perfection. Background: She's listened to all of these thoughts since was immortal. She could hear thoughts from hundreds of years ago and everyday they fill her head. She gets to listen to people break down complicated theories or amazing Epiphanies each one has while growing up. It's all one amazing cluster of chaotic chemistry between love and hate. She sometimes finds it a curse when she begins to over analyze each person's words, remembering the exact same quotes from the thoughts in her head that its somewhat overwhelming she feels that no one is their self. Only creations of one another. She scared she'll never be thrilled again. Personality: She keeps a simple personality, keeping most of her thoughts to herself and tries to give the easiest explanation. She doesn't like explaining who she is and what she does because even to her it all sounds like a complicated mess of a life, but she enjoys it. She is somewhat quiet but loves adventure, it is where she smiles most. Even though it is rare for her to be taught something new, she loves learning. Powers: Telepathy, but she tries hard not to sue it when she is getting to know someone. She doesn't want to be able to read their emotions, or know what they are thinking. But she does use it in some situations when she only wants one person to know what she is thinking or wanting to say. Other powers unknown. Weapons: N/A
Blaze sourit alors qu'Evangéline touchait la figure de danse. Il était heureux qu'elle l'appréciât, au lieu de le craindre. Avant de le réaliser, il avait un sourire plein de cœur. Il avait finalement une personne à qui il pouvait parler, sans avoir à se cacher quoi que ce soit. Il soupira de soulagement et apprécia son discours sur ses flammes. Son discours était si élégant, adapté à une Déité comme elle-même. Ses paroles le touchèrent, comme s'il n'avait jamais rien su de ses flammes et qu'il devait en apprendre plus sur eux dès le début. Cependant, il a senti son sentiment d'inconfort sur sa prochaine question. Sa réponse, suivie d'une légère hausse, fit que Blaze se demandait s'il avait commis une erreur en posant une telle question. Cependant, avec sa prochaine question, c'était au tour de Blaze de perdre son sourire. "S'il vous plaît, ne me considérez pas comme un malheur, je sais que je peux avoir pitié de moi-même. Mais la vie est un frisson, n'est-ce pas? Et toi?" Blaze s'approcha également du bord de la plate-forme. Il regarda les couleurs vertes, bleues et brunes de la nature, de la mer et des montagnes respectivement. L'allégresse remplissait son expression. "Quelque part en bas, il y a un dragon...", il ferma les yeux et soupira, cette fois non pas du soulagement, mais de la tristesse. "que je dois tuer." Il a continué. "Un dragon sombre, un halbringer de destruction. Il y a quelque temps, avant ma naissance, un Dragon nommé Urumel a trahi ses parents, tuant des dragons, sa raison inconnue. Il est considéré comme le plus fort de tous les dragons et il est le mal pur. Partout où il atterrit, il devient une vue de flammes noires. Rien de plus. Maintenant, c'est ma tâche de tuer l'un des miens, même s'il est maléfique. » Il dit, sa voix tremble légèrement. Il la regarda encore une fois, son visage le calmant un peu. "La vie peut être un frisson, mais parfois désagréable...Mais tout le monde porte sa propre croix, donc je ne me plains pas", conclut-il avec un sourire discret.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Son visage s'enfonce dans une fronde bouleversée, pour dire que l'un est le mal pur est vraiment une déclaration audacieuse. Elle voulait se disputer contre l'idée de la mort avant la raison, mais beaucoup voient un œil pour un œil. Elle a vite corrigé son visage pour ne pas l'offenser. Elle a regardé par-dessus le bord avec lui. "Pure le mal.. Que croyons-nous être vraiment le mal? Nous vivons tous selon des mœurs différentes, alors qui est pour dire est qui est dans la mauvaise action." Elle le faisait encore. Elle se leva, ses yeux se mirent à flipper, des teintes sombres de gris au blanc, mais pas d'une façon effrayante. Ils semblaient s'adapter. « Certaines personnes croient que la mort est destinée à des gens qui tuent des gens, d'autres disent que le pire est mérité à ceux qui opposent la douleur et la tragédie à d'autres, mais alors nous croyons que la douleur est la punition correcte? Nous ne pensons pas assez loin dans notre voyage pour reconsidérer si leur vie vaut la peine d'être fournie. » Elle s'est retournée pour lui faire face à la compréhension que sa déclaration était exagérée, et biaisée. « Mais s'il vous plaît, ne vous méprenez pas, certaines personnes ne méritent pas de vivre, mais... comme je l'ai dit, l'esprit est un endroit délicat... » Son visage s'est légèrement assombri en image d'un souvenir désagréable. "J'ai été coincé dans la tête d'un homme qui était sur quelque chose appelé 'Mort Row?' C'est comme ça qu'ils l'appellent correct? Eh bien, il a partagé avec moi ses pensées les plus séduisantes, je l'ai trouvé beau et tombé amoureux de ses idées... Ses derniers mots étaient: "Mon Lizzy-Rose." Elle s'arrêta et sourit pour le regarder en arrière. "Sa fille, qui est, elle est morte à l'âge de trois ans pour une raison inconnue, il essayait seulement de faire de son mieux par elle." Elle s'arrêta les yeux, éblouissant dans la couleur de la lune. "Il a fait des choses horribles, terribles. Mais il ne voulait que tout ce qu'il pouvait obtenir pour sa fille. La vie l'a puni en aimant trop, mais il ne pouvait pas l'aimer assez." Elle sourit une fois de plus, car elle pouvait voir ses rêves vifs d'eux jouer ensemble au parc local. Elle s'est arrêtée. Levant rapidement les yeux, elle s'est évanouie jusqu'au noir pailleté. "Je suis désolé, parfois je ne peux pas arrêter ça." Elle gloussait même si son cœur était lourd. Elle lui sourit, celle-ci une fois de plus ludique pour raviver l'atmosphère qu'ils avaient. "La vie n'est agréable qu'à ceux qui la laissent être agréable. Mais ne doutez pas de vous-même, la plupart diraient que votre croix est noble. » Elle savait qu'elle avait trop souri, mais elle ne savait pas quoi faire d'autre. Un sourire était quelque chose qu'elle n'a pas pris à la légère, c'était du respect, de l'affection, réconforter quelque chose qu'elle voulait pourvoir à tout le monde. "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je suis ici. Je suis censé apprendre sur moi-même au lieu de tout le monde autour de moi, bien à l'intérieur de mes propres pensées."
Name: Evangeline Nickname: Aveline Age: 19 Birthday: June 12th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Complexity Hair Color: Black Hair Style: past her waist Eye Color: Graphite Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'6 Body Build: Thin but has curves Markings: sapphire crystal in between the eye brows Demi-description: She is the deity of complexity. She collects all vivid thoughts and complex emotions that humans feel and try to translate on their own. She thinks of everything before answering a question and sometimes she is scrambled between multiple conclusions to one's simple comment or question. She usually looks lost, and results to staying quiet as she tried hard not to burst in to saying all her thoughts out loud because they create anxiety for others. To think so 'complex' as her. She sees both sides, and tried to decipher which would be the best road to take, but she makes mistakes as well. She isn't the goddess of perfection. Background: She's listened to all of these thoughts since was immortal. She could hear thoughts from hundreds of years ago and everyday they fill her head. She gets to listen to people break down complicated theories or amazing Epiphanies each one has while growing up. It's all one amazing cluster of chaotic chemistry between love and hate. She sometimes finds it a curse when she begins to over analyze each person's words, remembering the exact same quotes from the thoughts in her head that its somewhat overwhelming she feels that no one is their self. Only creations of one another. She scared she'll never be thrilled again. Personality: She keeps a simple personality, keeping most of her thoughts to herself and tries to give the easiest explanation. She doesn't like explaining who she is and what she does because even to her it all sounds like a complicated mess of a life, but she enjoys it. She is somewhat quiet but loves adventure, it is where she smiles most. Even though it is rare for her to be taught something new, she loves learning. Powers: Telepathy, but she tries hard not to sue it when she is getting to know someone. She doesn't want to be able to read their emotions, or know what they are thinking. But she does use it in some situations when she only wants one person to know what she is thinking or wanting to say. Other powers unknown. Weapons: N/A
Elle était passionnée par son histoire. Blaze pensait que cela pourrait être dû au fait qu'elle a vu les images qu'elle a décrites à travers la personne qui les a vécues, au lieu de les entendre d'un conteur errant. Comme elle a continué, Blaze avait une meilleure compréhension du fardeau que ses pouvoirs avaient. Elle a terminé son histoire et Blaze n'a eu qu'une seule question. "Si le mal est subjectif, alors le bien est aussi... alors cet homme a-t-il déjà pensé à ce que sa fille penserait de ses actions? Serait-elle capable de supporter la honte, si elle réussissait à vivre, à cause des atrocités de son père?" Il ne pouvait pas prononcer ces mots, pas après avoir revu son sourire. Au lieu de cela, il est resté silencieux, même si Evangeline pouvait simplement découvrir ce qu'il pensait en ce moment. Ses dernières paroles l'ont amené à penser à combien il pourrait être difficile de s'accrocher à la mémoire d'un autre. "J'espère que vous trouverez ce que vous cherchez, Evangeline... si je suis autorisé à vous appeler si familierment." Il a dit humblement. Il a ensuite poursuivi en ces termes: « Je crois aussi qu'un sourire est l'une des plus grandes bénédictions! » Bien qu'il n'ait pas ses pouvoirs, il était certain que c'était ce qu'elle pensait. Il a été interrompu par Paco, qui a pointé sur une autre dame qui semblait examiner une armure de 4 mètres de haut. "Voulons-nous voir ce qui se passe?" lui a - t - il demandé.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Son sourire s'éclaircit. -- Bien sûr que vous pouvez m'appeler ainsi, vous pouvez m'appeler comme vous voulez. Elle aimait les pseudos, comme Ali-Bird le nom qu'elle a donné à la jeune femme qu'elle avait rencontrée hier, Endless. Evangeline adorait vraiment le nom Endless, mais la fille avait semblé désapprouver son propre nom. Elle ne savait pas quoi dire quand il lui a souhaité bonne chance. Quand elle a pensé à se retrouver, elle ne savait pas à quoi s'attendre du résultat. Cela ne signifiait pas non plus qu'il serait positif ou négatif pour ce fait, mais elle a pris la chance et l'a maintenu proche. Rien n'était mieux que de ne pas essayer. Elle a clignoté quelques fois quand il a mentionné le sourire, elle a pensé momentanément mais s'est forcée de le pousser de ses pensées. Comment aurait-il pu le savoir? Est-ce qu'elle lui a dit? C'est pas vrai. Ne faisons pas ça en ce moment, elle s'était gardée assez équilibrée pour le moment. Heureusement, sa prochaine question l'a distrait de ses pensées. Elle n'était pas exactement sûre de ce qu'ils allaient aller voir, mais elle n'a pas pensé à l'aventure. Elle se tenait à côté de lui et le laissait diriger le chemin.
Name: Evangeline Nickname: Aveline Age: 19 Birthday: June 12th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Complexity Hair Color: Black Hair Style: past her waist Eye Color: Graphite Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'6 Body Build: Thin but has curves Markings: sapphire crystal in between the eye brows Demi-description: She is the deity of complexity. She collects all vivid thoughts and complex emotions that humans feel and try to translate on their own. She thinks of everything before answering a question and sometimes she is scrambled between multiple conclusions to one's simple comment or question. She usually looks lost, and results to staying quiet as she tried hard not to burst in to saying all her thoughts out loud because they create anxiety for others. To think so 'complex' as her. She sees both sides, and tried to decipher which would be the best road to take, but she makes mistakes as well. She isn't the goddess of perfection. Background: She's listened to all of these thoughts since was immortal. She could hear thoughts from hundreds of years ago and everyday they fill her head. She gets to listen to people break down complicated theories or amazing Epiphanies each one has while growing up. It's all one amazing cluster of chaotic chemistry between love and hate. She sometimes finds it a curse when she begins to over analyze each person's words, remembering the exact same quotes from the thoughts in her head that its somewhat overwhelming she feels that no one is their self. Only creations of one another. She scared she'll never be thrilled again. Personality: She keeps a simple personality, keeping most of her thoughts to herself and tries to give the easiest explanation. She doesn't like explaining who she is and what she does because even to her it all sounds like a complicated mess of a life, but she enjoys it. She is somewhat quiet but loves adventure, it is where she smiles most. Even though it is rare for her to be taught something new, she loves learning. Powers: Telepathy, but she tries hard not to sue it when she is getting to know someone. She doesn't want to be able to read their emotions, or know what they are thinking. But she does use it in some situations when she only wants one person to know what she is thinking or wanting to say. Other powers unknown. Weapons: N/A
Blazed a avancé devant Évangéline, à la fois pour diriger la voie et pour la protéger dans la chance improbable que quelque chose s'est passé. Physiquement, il était plus fort qu'elle, ou du moins il le pensait, donc il ne voulait pas prendre de risque. Après quelques mètres de marche, ils se sont approchés d'une gigantesque statue ombragée et quelqu'un sur le dessus. Blaze était certaine qu'elle était une femme, à cause des courbes, le seul moyen pour lui de reconnaître les femmes. Elle semblait examiner la statue, mais il ne savait pas pourquoi. La statue émettait une sorte d'aura sombre, quelque chose qui ne correspondait pas à la sainteté qui décrivait le reste du temple. En outre, il n'était pas placé dans une position logique d'architecture, comme il était au hasard là. Il y avait un problème. Blaze s'est concentré sur son audition. Il a essayé d'écouter si l'homme à l'intérieur de l'armure avait un battement de cœur, mais en vain. Peut-être que l'armure a isolé le battement du cœur, ou peut-être que c'était une statue... ou qu'elle était vivante et qu'elle n'avait pas de battement du cœur. L'idée semblait irréelle, mais pendant tout ce temps, Blaze était terrassé par Deities, donc ça ne semblait pas impossible. Puis il a examiné les runes sur le bouclier de cette chose et les a comparés à toutes les runes qu'il a repérées dans le temple. Pas de correspondance. Il s'est tourné vers Évangéline. « Je suis presque sûr que cette statue immobile n'a pas sa place ici et, même si c'est une intuition, je pense qu'elle est vivante. » C'est ce qu'il a dit. Puis il s'est tourné vers la femme en plus. "Excusez-moi de manquer, mais ce n'est peut-être pas sûr de gâcher ce truc. C'est peut-être dangereux!" Il a dit à haute voix.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Indra avait raison à propos de ce truc mettalique était éteint. Après un examen plus approfondi de ses runes, elle était sûre de les avoir vus avant. "Où ai-je vu ces runes?" Elle a réfléchi. Néanmoins, elle continua de le fouiller. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle ait vu un bijou bleu emmitouflant une sorte de lumière dans la poitrine du géant. "C'est ça!" Elle a crié - Je ne pourrais pas le recharger en choquant cette perle au milieu. Elle a dit : Sur la route du géant, elle entendit un bruit. quelque chose comme "c'est dangereux" C'est la première fois qu'elle sentait une présence. Une présence douce, une présence furieuse, une présence en colère. "Pas moyen que tous ceux-là viennent d'une seule personne" elle a hurlé. Quand la descente l'a rendu possible, elle a vu un tas de gens venir à elle. "Peut-être qu'ils partent d'ici.. Peut-être qu'ils ont des réponses!" Elle a réfléchi. À cette époque, elle devint l'essence même de l'air et disparut de la vue et réapparut devant des étrangers qu'ils lui parlaient. - Où suis-je? vient de ses lèvres avec un ton très doux de sa voix
Name: Indra Nickname: Inie Age: Same age as time ( around 10 billion years old ) Birthday: 1 January Origin: When the Big Bang occured like the scientists call the Genesis of deities, she were the 4rth to be born from it.(1st was Time, 2nd Space and 3rd Death) Deity: Elemental Deity Hair Color:Black Hair Style: Lengthy Eye Color:Blue Skin Color: Caucasian Height: 1,78cm Body Build: Seems like a normal woman with finely toned muscles and a perfect skin that smells like summer rain. Markings:No markings Demi-description: Indra is the Deity of Elements she commands the elements to do her bidding. She protects the earth with all her might, she restributes water to all the world so life can exist, she uses the air to move life from the one place to another and shared fire with most of the intelligent species to use it and evolve. She is not that good though... She uses some of the other elements for her own reasons of personal relief, like storms,tsunamis,typhoons, etc. in order to constantly test the life forms she shared fire with them. Or so she says she does... Background:After spending millions of years to tend and protect the life forms she shared fire with them some instincts she never had occured. She wanted to test her powers to the outmost limit.. She overtested all the civilizations and burned,immolated and scorched the 78,4% of the planets. When all that slaughter stopped her brothers Time,space and Death made her bind her own powers. Indra didn't want that and she made a deal with them, she would only use only a portion of her abilities (about 2%)and never more or Death would come for her. Personality: Peaceful almost everytime but when she is angry the storm comes. Powers:Use of all elements except void or other omnipotent ones. At times she can become the very essence of the element of her choice for a short period of time. Weapons:No weapons.
La femme a réapparu devant Blaze en un instant. Il ne pouvait même pas suivre sa présence. Sa tenue était assez révélatrice, ne couvrant que ses taches sensibles. Blaze ne savait pas si c'était une façon appropriée ou innapropriée de s'habiller, mais il soutenait cette dernière idée. Son aura était un mystère lui-même, pas un mal, mais pas un doux non plus. Il était curieux de cette femme. Une amie? Un ennemi? Ni l'un ni l'autre? Elle leur a demandé s'ils savaient où ils étaient, une question que Blaze ne pouvait pas non plus répondre avec confiance. "Elle a dû être amenée ici comme nous..." pensa-t-il. Il s'approcha de la femme et étendit la main. "Je suis l'Enfant Dragon, Blaze. Tout comme vous, nous avons été mystérieusement amenés ici sans explication. D'après ce que je sais jusqu'ici, la plupart des gens autour de nous sont des Déités d'une sorte, tandis que d'autres, comme moi, ignorent leur arrivée ici, parce que nous ne partageons pas ce statut. Voici mon ami, Evangelienne et voici mon compagnon, Paco. Ravi de vous rencontrer! » Il a répondu. Paco cette fois ne s'est pas présenté. Au lieu de ça, il se cachait derrière Blaze. Ses instincts lui disaient que cette femme est dangereuse. Blaze a remarqué son action et a décidé d'être sur sa garde. Il n'avait pas l'intention de ne pas faire confiance à la femme avant lui, mais il devait protéger à la fois Paco et Evangelienne. -- Alors, qui êtes-vous, mademoiselle? lui a - t - il demandé.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
- "Bonjour, mon nom est Indra" a-t-elle répondu. - "Je me suis réveillé il y a un moment et j'ai trouvé cette lettre sur moi" a-t-elle dit et montré la lettre - "Alors, je suis venu ici pour trouver des réponses à la lettre et j'ai vu ce robot métallique rouillé et je suis sur le point de le recharger" dit-elle. Après avoir dit qu'une brise soudaine s'est abattue sur elle. Elle regardait nulle part et ses yeux poinçaient sur le mouvement d'une feuille tombante. Elle a entendu des murmures des esprits de l'air lui expliquer qu'elle n'est plus sur la planète qu'elle dormait et qu'elle est sur la planète Desnia loin du regard de ses frères. jusqu'à ce point.Puis elle se rend compte qu'elle devra trouver le sens de la lettre jusqu'à ce que son frère visite cette planète et peut-être un moyen d'enlever cette « malédiction » loin d'elle ou alors elle pensait...
Name: Indra Nickname: Inie Age: Same age as time ( around 10 billion years old ) Birthday: 1 January Origin: When the Big Bang occured like the scientists call the Genesis of deities, she were the 4rth to be born from it.(1st was Time, 2nd Space and 3rd Death) Deity: Elemental Deity Hair Color:Black Hair Style: Lengthy Eye Color:Blue Skin Color: Caucasian Height: 1,78cm Body Build: Seems like a normal woman with finely toned muscles and a perfect skin that smells like summer rain. Markings:No markings Demi-description: Indra is the Deity of Elements she commands the elements to do her bidding. She protects the earth with all her might, she restributes water to all the world so life can exist, she uses the air to move life from the one place to another and shared fire with most of the intelligent species to use it and evolve. She is not that good though... She uses some of the other elements for her own reasons of personal relief, like storms,tsunamis,typhoons, etc. in order to constantly test the life forms she shared fire with them. Or so she says she does... Background:After spending millions of years to tend and protect the life forms she shared fire with them some instincts she never had occured. She wanted to test her powers to the outmost limit.. She overtested all the civilizations and burned,immolated and scorched the 78,4% of the planets. When all that slaughter stopped her brothers Time,space and Death made her bind her own powers. Indra didn't want that and she made a deal with them, she would only use only a portion of her abilities (about 2%)and never more or Death would come for her. Personality: Peaceful almost everytime but when she is angry the storm comes. Powers:Use of all elements except void or other omnipotent ones. At times she can become the very essence of the element of her choice for a short period of time. Weapons:No weapons.
Après s'être tenu complètement comme une statue dans la forme et l'échelle, parce que ce qui pourrait décrire une figure sans nom et gigantesque comme lui à moins qu'il une statue. Alors que les gens devraient connaître ses légendes et contes d'histoires bibliques à travers de nombreux univers et dimensions. Soudain, une figure féminine supposée sans indice lui apparut et lui parla, en raison de son corps déchiré par la guerre, qu'il ne put l'entendre jusqu'à ce qu'elle parle de quelque ''gros robot'' Il tourna et tourna immanquablement au-dessus d'elle, ses yeux perçants l'auraient presque paralysée si elle était une femelle normale, mais aussi sans indice qu'elle semblait juste sauter sans but. ''Je suis Conquestus, Dieu du Conflit...'' Sa voix couvrait toute la région et semblait couler avec le vent, laissant tout le monde autour de la région entendre son ton de la verrue et expérimenté, mais il était déformé comme s'il était un esprit essayant de parler, sa voix sonnait vraiment plus démoniaque que angélique, comme prévu par quelqu'un comme lui. Il a commandé froidement, la voix d'une figure dirigeante et d'un stratège et tacticien connus a couvert l'entirité de sa voix. Les plaques blindées dont presque couvert tout son corps semblait expulser une sorte de brouillard bleu et rouge, tout flottait vers le ciel dans une formation belle mais terrifiante et mélange de couleurs et de formes le long de la colonne de brouillard qui provient de ses plaques d'armure. Poursuivant son regard vers le bas sur elle, il prit en même temps dans son environnement, à l'intérieur du temple dont il ne méritait pas d'entrer là étaient tout à fait les quelques figures, apparemment il était le seul personnage qui devait impie entrer dans un si grand temple, vraiment, les seuls temples dont il a pu entrer étaient ceux qui ont été faits pour l'adorer et sa propre forteresse cathédrale personnelle. Il regardait apparemment à travers le temple et aperçut une divinité en colère, la pilote de chasse abattue, elle devait faire face à ses émotions pour monter dans des niveaux de puissance tels que le sien, parce qu'il était sans doute le plus fort ici quand il s'agissait d'un duel, qui se produirait, avec le temps, le conflit apparaît toujours, peu importe ce que vous faites pour le cacher et l'empêcher de se produire. Il a repéré une sorte de dragon connecté l'homme, évidemment une forme de divinité et une divinité de complexité. Un mélange intéressant, puisque la divinité de la complexité agissait plus à sens unique que ce que représente la complexité, il a deviné que la divinité du dragon doit être tout à fait la figure. Avec le bouclier des titans à la main et l'épée sur son dos, il regarda en arrière la petite femme, debout aussi immobile que jamais.
Name: Conquestus Nickname: - - - - - - - - Age: If you could point a finger and explain that 'this is the day that conflict started!' that would be the day of which Conquestus would've been born. Birthday: Whatever day which fathers conflict. Origin: Conquestus is born from the natural personality of challenging ideals, when ever two people clash on whatever type of field, be it through speeches or fists Conquestus would have been deitiesed by this very notion, in the begining of time, the begining of conflict. Conflict exists on many different scales that we're not aware of, there is galactic conflict, gravity fighting light, meteors fighting planets, no matter what the chaos of conflict and the chaos of everyday lift is ultimately a piece in the puzzle which is conflict, Conquestus is the offspring of two clashing ideals, which were the first thing to happen in this universe, when something want's something else and they confront something that want's what they want there will be conflict, be it of intelligence or of lifelessness. Deity: Deity of Conflict. -------- Hair Color: Described as a figure of 'blazing' hair colors, signifying the firey reality of conflict. Hair Style: Once again, it is described as a chaotic hair style, yet it holds order, it is not put in any type of style yet it recembles order, just like the nature of conflict, you can find order in conflict, even if conflict is, originally, a creator of chaos. Eye Color: In ancient runes his eyes are described as piercing flame, rising to the sun, to the possible future, yet it originates from the bottom, from the deepest caverns of his eyes. It is described to be a pair of eyes who shine as bright as a star, pierce like a bullet yet it's dark as the shadow of night. Skin Color: His remaining skin appears like fire burnt flesh, however most parts of his organic body has been reinforced or replaced by 'unholy, yet divine metals.' This was described in ''The Dying Angel'' a biblical adaptation to a long lost story of ''Conquestus and his unending Crusade.'' The original story was the last story which resided in the ''Heavenly Pillar'' biblical book which had been archeologically found in the very modern day, a famous writer had readaptated the story into ''The Dying Angel'' book which was an incredible hit. Height: Yet again, as described from ''The Dying Angel'' Conquests is a Titan amongst men and demi-gods alike, his height was never really described in meters nor feet, however the universal language can be understood. ''As the figure crosses the horizon and splits it in two, charging at him was a human, unlike any other man, the figure covered in the suns blinding blaze was twice that of the man who charged at him, the man who was once known as the Behemoth of Ghalíí, with a single swing of his mighty sword the behemoth flew, as if he would bare wings, into the sky.'' If I break immersion I'd say that the Behemoth of Ghalíí was 230cm. Conquestus, the Dying Angel in this case is nearly twice his size, 390cm. Body Build: I really like quoting this made up universe I'm thinking of as I go. As written in the original story, Conquestus is a war built figure, taller and stronger then any other deity who would cross his path, whilst maybe not the most agile or caring he would face the problem head on, with his brute force and surprising cunning and knowledge and prevail, because what in the end kills him, as written in the book, is himself and his very existance, he is a plague, and therefor he is haunted by every death in every universe, multiverse or alternate reality. As written in ''The Dying Angel'' here is a description. ''As he stood still, in the very epicenter of attention he allowed us to gaze at his wartorn figure, whilst covered in armor of unknown origin the very body of which he originated was unlike any other warrior, scarred beyond recognition, yet it was recognizable as a man, he appeared plagued, troubled, he stated no word, simply allowed us to gaze upon him, and the pseudo-biblical oaths hanging off his body, written on these burnt papers who hold their anchor in the skin of this mighty figure, written on these were the explenations of conflict, one would not suspect what to be written on these long and ancient papers to be connected with conflict. Markings: As stated from ''The Dying Angel'' ''By giving up his body upon death, he was the very first victim of conflict, loosing his life he became a deity of what took his life, His body were to be cleansed, washed and perfectionised, because the moment he would leave the house of godhood and into the purpose of his life he'd lose every aspect of reason, he'd find no need in self hygine, none in cleansing, neither anything in compasion, because he would, with time, lose his skin to the ''unholy, yet divine'' metals of which were, in the begining his armor.'' His skin is a testament to the nature of conflict, tortured, burned beyond recognition and removed, replaced with this metal. Carved and hooked into his skin is a 1000 page long explenation of conflict made and written by the god of all, it is placed on one, long piece of indestructible cloth like writing material. It is hooked in repeated sense, going over and above previous pages so that certain things could not be read, the final product is a cross like shape on the back Conquestus wrapping around his torso also. ----- Demi-description: Conquestus is a deity of conflict, fathered by the god of all because he deemed conflict a burden in need of baring. As a litteral Titan Conquestus is no stranger to physically demanding actions nor combat, He is a veteran of many wars of many purposes and of many origins, on many different planes of existance, because he is the ultimatum, he is the ultimate barer of the burden which will, ultimately end all when he cannot bare it any longer. Being created by the first at of conflict in mortal kinds and ressurected as a deity of what killed him by the father of all he is now forced to bare what he hates beyond all, however his existance revolves around it, therefor his life is now a mist of memories blurred together to create a blurry vision of a background, whatever's been written in books is what he goes off by, because he's killed too many, seen to many faces, seen too many sufferers to be able to remember anything but the screams of voices as they face the ultimatum, the blade of the executioner. The self hating part of Conquestus existance is a subject to the fact that most people of conflict dislike using violence, however are forced to by others. Background: In the begining of Conquestus life he was a mortal of the first ever existance in the first ever plane of existance, he was slayed by the first ever use of violence and conflict and in that term was brought into the afterlife, The allfather, a nameless God of everything and everyone sought out the fact that conflict was a nature which he did not wish to experience, yet it had sneaked it's way into his existance, he chose Conquestus, or whatever name he bore before then as an Angel of Conflict, a Dying Angel who would slay only to take pieces out of his very soul. Even though the future which the Allfather was obviously aware of was daunting and of incredible dislike of him he blessed Conquestus with the greatest of weapons and armor and cleansed his spirit and soul before sending him into the warfield which would span the begining of his endless crusade. As long as there's war, there will be sacrifices and deaths, which can lead to complete destruction. At the hand of Conquestus millions of men, women and children have fallen, billions, infact, actuall, trillions, UNCOUNTABLE numbers which haunt his every moment. Civilizations have fallen, stars imploded and planets ripped themselves open. His arrival in any realm is oftenly explained like this. ''The skies itself rippen open to lead the way onto us a man of black metals and a sword longer then myself, carried by continentally large wings he plummeted into the ground and ripped it open, leaving much to evaporate or discintergrate beneath his feet. The scar in the sky heals and the wings fade into oblivion, however his will of fire engulfes him in the purifying and hateful flames of conflict itself, he swings his weapon upon soldier after soldier, carving a path through the unending field of men, all whilst slowly walking forwards, the black cloak carried by the wind on his back. Using blood as the fate of the ultimate crime of warfare.'' Personality: A non-discriminating personality of divinity, he is not a great speaker however when he voices his wills he speaks quick and true, using the perspective of a warrior to great lenghts he makes it obvious that he has been through much and experienced more. His age is beyond many realms and at times the truth of his beliefs can be voiced in his rather cold, chilly, grim and experienced voice, the voice of a man who has slain child after child, as if it was part of some mechanical construction. His body, however does not speak for the same, mostly covered in the heavily reinforced, cleansed, blessed and purified 'demonic-angelic armour.' However the occational arm skin reveals burnt skin that does not seem to rot and dead skin which does not reak of corpse. Powers: The powers of Conquestus are directed towards conflict, therefor he has a cunning intellect and strong strategical and tactical capabilities, however they're limited to the aspect of warfare and conflict, from the weakest of conflicts to the strongest. He is also able to teleport himself to his fortress cathedral, a pocket dimension of a small religious town built around a massive cathedral made for both the act of praying and the hard acts of warfare, Conquestus is the owner of the Cathedral fortress however hundreds if not thousands attend it every day and work their jobs, he often goes here for brief times, his normal routine is that he appears in the main chamber, prays to the allfather, get's himself cleansed, repeaired and re-armored and return into combat again, it happens at a reduced time in the physical world, one day in the pocket dimension is generally a minute in any other plane of existance. Conquestus is a divine forger, capable of making neigh anything if given the tools. Weapons: - Vanquisher of Conflict: The 250cm long runic greatsword is the legendary weapon most oftenly connected with Conquestus, the Vanquisher of Conflict is a legendary weapon forged by the allfather in the begining days for the pre-destined champion of his will, however it would instead be used to challenge conflict. It's blade is sharper then any other and can cleave through the thickest of armors, however it's scale makes it slow and hard to carry around, therefor it sits on a holster on the very back of Conquestus. The sword itself carries such power that without even using any of it's divine capabilities a single swing damages the enemy before it actually makes contact, the pure force makes the wind flee and hit the enemy before the weapon itself is supposed to, as described by Tribal members of a, yet to be truly developed, world. - Protector against Unjustice: The self forged, unbreakable legendary shield of which Conquestus bears in one hand, whilst somehow managing to battle with the Vanquisher of Conflict in the other, a great display of godlike strenght, because the Protector against Unjustice weights almost seventy tons and the sword cannot be measured by normal scales since it was made by the Allfather. If he were to simply drop it on the ground it would most likely fall through a good 10 meters of earth and crack through stone, aswell.
Blaze a été témoin de la figure gigantesque qui tournait sur la femme qu'il venait de rencontrer et inévitablement lui aussi, puisqu'il était juste à côté d'elle. Avec cela, il a confirmé que l'armure est vivante. "Je déteste quand j'ai raison..." il a murmuré. Il était énorme. Son ombre les couvrit tous et ses yeux intimidaient de stupéfier même les plus courageux des guerriers. Son armure épaisse était usée de ce qu'il semblait être des milliers, voire des millions de batailles, indiquant son expérience. Blaze ne pouvait s'empêcher de penser que cette divinité pourrait être plus forte que lui-même, une chose qu'il lui faisait se sentir mal à l'aise, considérant qu'il devait protéger trois personnes. Il suggérait aux autres de s'enfuir, mais il pensait qu'il valait mieux ne pas se séparer de lui, car il ne connaissait pas les capacités de cette chose. Alors que Blaze pensait à ce qui serait la meilleure ligne d'action, l'entité s'est présentée comme Conquestus, la Déité des Conflits. Le son pur de sa voix a ennuyé Blaze en raison de son audition sensible. « La Déité des Conflits, dit-il... Comment suis-je censé vaincre quelqu'un qui est né pour des batailles? » Il a réfléchi. Ses pensées furent une fois de plus interrompues par Conquestus, qui continua: "Parlez de votre but..." Il est calme? Il est en colère? Bien sûr, presque tout le monde serait en colère si quelqu'un marchait sur eux, plus encore s'ils avaient une réputation telle que la sienne. Il n'a pas non plus donné une impression de "bien pour vous rencontrer". Blaze a pris l'initiative de parler à Conquestus. Il a marché devant la femme et a dit : "Je suis l'Enfant Dragon, Blaze. Je m'excuse si la dame vous a insulté, mais elle ignorait votre identité et le fait que vous étiez en vie. Nous avons été amenés ici, probablement comme vous l'étiez. Nous n'avons pas l'intention de provoquer un conflit, alors veuillez accepter mes excuses. » Il pensait qu'il était ironique d'utiliser l'ironie du « conflit » mondial à la Déité qui la représentait. Il espérait que son choix de mots calmerait la Déité et assurerait la sécurité de tous.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Perdue dans sa pensée sur les esprits élémentaires de cette planète et son propre but avec la lettre qu'Indra lui a donnée a fermé les yeux un peu pour se rappeler si elle a déjà voyagé ici dans ses voyages dans le passé. Toujours rien. Cela fait des millions d'années qu'elle n'a jamais mis les pieds sur une autre planète et qu'elle a même une discussion. "Dragons huh" a-t-elle souri."Je me souviens de la première naissance. Elle éclose d'un œuf et elle était fatigante comme la nuit de pleine lune" a dit. Après une certaine période de temps, elle entendit une voix venant d'en haut et derrière elle. Elle s'est retournée en voyant le robot la regarder et s'appeler Dieu du conflit. « Donc mes actions et toutes les guerres de civilisation ont eu ce résultat? » Elle s'est interrogée et elle se souvient que son frère lui a parlé de ce soi-disant Dieu et de ses pouvoirs sur le champ de bataille. "Je savais que j'avais déjà vu ces runes avant" dit-elle, Quand ces mots entendaient que Blaze était déjà en face d'elle essayant de protéger Indra mais le garçon dragon semblait effrayé. Le sol sur ses pieds a commencé à s'effondrer, a commencé à léviter dans l'air formant une plate-forme sur laquelle Indra était debout. Il a commencé à se diriger vers la tête de Conquestus, puis une Voix n'a pas entendu de la bouche d'Indra mais c'était le bruit du vent l'aidant à utiliser le même ton que Conquestus. "Im Indra. Les Eléments eux-mêmes! Je suis ici pour obtenir des réponses en tenant compte de cette lettre. » La voix s'arrêta alors qu'elle lui montrait la lettre.
Name: Indra Nickname: Inie Age: Same age as time ( around 10 billion years old ) Birthday: 1 January Origin: When the Big Bang occured like the scientists call the Genesis of deities, she were the 4rth to be born from it.(1st was Time, 2nd Space and 3rd Death) Deity: Elemental Deity Hair Color:Black Hair Style: Lengthy Eye Color:Blue Skin Color: Caucasian Height: 1,78cm Body Build: Seems like a normal woman with finely toned muscles and a perfect skin that smells like summer rain. Markings:No markings Demi-description: Indra is the Deity of Elements she commands the elements to do her bidding. She protects the earth with all her might, she restributes water to all the world so life can exist, she uses the air to move life from the one place to another and shared fire with most of the intelligent species to use it and evolve. She is not that good though... She uses some of the other elements for her own reasons of personal relief, like storms,tsunamis,typhoons, etc. in order to constantly test the life forms she shared fire with them. Or so she says she does... Background:After spending millions of years to tend and protect the life forms she shared fire with them some instincts she never had occured. She wanted to test her powers to the outmost limit.. She overtested all the civilizations and burned,immolated and scorched the 78,4% of the planets. When all that slaughter stopped her brothers Time,space and Death made her bind her own powers. Indra didn't want that and she made a deal with them, she would only use only a portion of her abilities (about 2%)and never more or Death would come for her. Personality: Peaceful almost everytime but when she is angry the storm comes. Powers:Use of all elements except void or other omnipotent ones. At times she can become the very essence of the element of her choice for a short period of time. Weapons:No weapons.
Le titan de la guerre se tenait toujours, intrigué par la volonté de Blaze de protéger cette femme âgée de 10 milliards d'années. ''Éloignez-vous de Dragon enfant...'' Il a dit, le pilier de la brume se levant maintenant au-delà des nuages, qui l'a mis hors de vue. Le père tout entier lui avait parlé de cet Indra, il l'avait créée pendant la naissance de cet univers, mais elle est allée au-delà de l'égoïsme, elle croit qu'elle a une quelconque influence sur la divinité du conflit? Il est né un million d'univers devant elle et a vécu plusieurs milliards sur ce sujet. Son expérience est au-delà de tout ce qu'elle comprendrait et elle se prétend responsable des civilisations et des guerres? ''Les éléments ont un lien avec l'esprit des mortels...' Il a mentionné froidement, après cela, cependant elle est allée au-delà de la folie et a pris l'agressivité envers la divinité qui n'a vécu que la guerre pour des millions d'univers valant du temps. ''Vous ne tenez pas compte de mes actions...'' Il a commandé et a ensuite continué encore une fois. ''Le père vous a rendu très obsédé, je vois...'' Il a rejoint le Vanquisher du conflit et en un instant de mouvement et de temps il l'a dessiné et cassé contre le sol. ''Écoutez maintenant...'' Il a exigé dans son ton habituel de la voix. ''L'allpère existait avant cette supposée Genèse de l'existence, il l'a créée comme il l'a fait plusieurs fois auparavant, quand un univers est à sa limite, quand ses ressources sont épuisées, il la détruit et la reconstruise à nouveau, comme une création du premier univers. Ce n'est qu'un enfant de millions d'univers précédents.» Il se lisait bien évidemment et se servait de son regard perçant pour capter l'enfant dragon dans la soumission, Inbra il ne serait pas si sûr de forcer la peur sur elle, simplement parce qu'elle était trop... sans Clueless. Le père vous l'a écrit, comme tout le monde l'a fait, il est le père de tous, le créateur de tout et rien. Je suis son champion, et même en sachant cela...' Il s'est arrêté, la terre sous ses pieds a commencé à rougir et à craquer, la terre a en fait défié la gravité et a flotté vers le ciel, tout comme la brume inconnue. "Tu oses prendre les bras vers moi?"
Name: Conquestus Nickname: - - - - - - - - Age: If you could point a finger and explain that 'this is the day that conflict started!' that would be the day of which Conquestus would've been born. Birthday: Whatever day which fathers conflict. Origin: Conquestus is born from the natural personality of challenging ideals, when ever two people clash on whatever type of field, be it through speeches or fists Conquestus would have been deitiesed by this very notion, in the begining of time, the begining of conflict. Conflict exists on many different scales that we're not aware of, there is galactic conflict, gravity fighting light, meteors fighting planets, no matter what the chaos of conflict and the chaos of everyday lift is ultimately a piece in the puzzle which is conflict, Conquestus is the offspring of two clashing ideals, which were the first thing to happen in this universe, when something want's something else and they confront something that want's what they want there will be conflict, be it of intelligence or of lifelessness. Deity: Deity of Conflict. -------- Hair Color: Described as a figure of 'blazing' hair colors, signifying the firey reality of conflict. Hair Style: Once again, it is described as a chaotic hair style, yet it holds order, it is not put in any type of style yet it recembles order, just like the nature of conflict, you can find order in conflict, even if conflict is, originally, a creator of chaos. Eye Color: In ancient runes his eyes are described as piercing flame, rising to the sun, to the possible future, yet it originates from the bottom, from the deepest caverns of his eyes. It is described to be a pair of eyes who shine as bright as a star, pierce like a bullet yet it's dark as the shadow of night. Skin Color: His remaining skin appears like fire burnt flesh, however most parts of his organic body has been reinforced or replaced by 'unholy, yet divine metals.' This was described in ''The Dying Angel'' a biblical adaptation to a long lost story of ''Conquestus and his unending Crusade.'' The original story was the last story which resided in the ''Heavenly Pillar'' biblical book which had been archeologically found in the very modern day, a famous writer had readaptated the story into ''The Dying Angel'' book which was an incredible hit. Height: Yet again, as described from ''The Dying Angel'' Conquests is a Titan amongst men and demi-gods alike, his height was never really described in meters nor feet, however the universal language can be understood. ''As the figure crosses the horizon and splits it in two, charging at him was a human, unlike any other man, the figure covered in the suns blinding blaze was twice that of the man who charged at him, the man who was once known as the Behemoth of Ghalíí, with a single swing of his mighty sword the behemoth flew, as if he would bare wings, into the sky.'' If I break immersion I'd say that the Behemoth of Ghalíí was 230cm. Conquestus, the Dying Angel in this case is nearly twice his size, 390cm. Body Build: I really like quoting this made up universe I'm thinking of as I go. As written in the original story, Conquestus is a war built figure, taller and stronger then any other deity who would cross his path, whilst maybe not the most agile or caring he would face the problem head on, with his brute force and surprising cunning and knowledge and prevail, because what in the end kills him, as written in the book, is himself and his very existance, he is a plague, and therefor he is haunted by every death in every universe, multiverse or alternate reality. As written in ''The Dying Angel'' here is a description. ''As he stood still, in the very epicenter of attention he allowed us to gaze at his wartorn figure, whilst covered in armor of unknown origin the very body of which he originated was unlike any other warrior, scarred beyond recognition, yet it was recognizable as a man, he appeared plagued, troubled, he stated no word, simply allowed us to gaze upon him, and the pseudo-biblical oaths hanging off his body, written on these burnt papers who hold their anchor in the skin of this mighty figure, written on these were the explenations of conflict, one would not suspect what to be written on these long and ancient papers to be connected with conflict. Markings: As stated from ''The Dying Angel'' ''By giving up his body upon death, he was the very first victim of conflict, loosing his life he became a deity of what took his life, His body were to be cleansed, washed and perfectionised, because the moment he would leave the house of godhood and into the purpose of his life he'd lose every aspect of reason, he'd find no need in self hygine, none in cleansing, neither anything in compasion, because he would, with time, lose his skin to the ''unholy, yet divine'' metals of which were, in the begining his armor.'' His skin is a testament to the nature of conflict, tortured, burned beyond recognition and removed, replaced with this metal. Carved and hooked into his skin is a 1000 page long explenation of conflict made and written by the god of all, it is placed on one, long piece of indestructible cloth like writing material. It is hooked in repeated sense, going over and above previous pages so that certain things could not be read, the final product is a cross like shape on the back Conquestus wrapping around his torso also. ----- Demi-description: Conquestus is a deity of conflict, fathered by the god of all because he deemed conflict a burden in need of baring. As a litteral Titan Conquestus is no stranger to physically demanding actions nor combat, He is a veteran of many wars of many purposes and of many origins, on many different planes of existance, because he is the ultimatum, he is the ultimate barer of the burden which will, ultimately end all when he cannot bare it any longer. Being created by the first at of conflict in mortal kinds and ressurected as a deity of what killed him by the father of all he is now forced to bare what he hates beyond all, however his existance revolves around it, therefor his life is now a mist of memories blurred together to create a blurry vision of a background, whatever's been written in books is what he goes off by, because he's killed too many, seen to many faces, seen too many sufferers to be able to remember anything but the screams of voices as they face the ultimatum, the blade of the executioner. The self hating part of Conquestus existance is a subject to the fact that most people of conflict dislike using violence, however are forced to by others. Background: In the begining of Conquestus life he was a mortal of the first ever existance in the first ever plane of existance, he was slayed by the first ever use of violence and conflict and in that term was brought into the afterlife, The allfather, a nameless God of everything and everyone sought out the fact that conflict was a nature which he did not wish to experience, yet it had sneaked it's way into his existance, he chose Conquestus, or whatever name he bore before then as an Angel of Conflict, a Dying Angel who would slay only to take pieces out of his very soul. Even though the future which the Allfather was obviously aware of was daunting and of incredible dislike of him he blessed Conquestus with the greatest of weapons and armor and cleansed his spirit and soul before sending him into the warfield which would span the begining of his endless crusade. As long as there's war, there will be sacrifices and deaths, which can lead to complete destruction. At the hand of Conquestus millions of men, women and children have fallen, billions, infact, actuall, trillions, UNCOUNTABLE numbers which haunt his every moment. Civilizations have fallen, stars imploded and planets ripped themselves open. His arrival in any realm is oftenly explained like this. ''The skies itself rippen open to lead the way onto us a man of black metals and a sword longer then myself, carried by continentally large wings he plummeted into the ground and ripped it open, leaving much to evaporate or discintergrate beneath his feet. The scar in the sky heals and the wings fade into oblivion, however his will of fire engulfes him in the purifying and hateful flames of conflict itself, he swings his weapon upon soldier after soldier, carving a path through the unending field of men, all whilst slowly walking forwards, the black cloak carried by the wind on his back. Using blood as the fate of the ultimate crime of warfare.'' Personality: A non-discriminating personality of divinity, he is not a great speaker however when he voices his wills he speaks quick and true, using the perspective of a warrior to great lenghts he makes it obvious that he has been through much and experienced more. His age is beyond many realms and at times the truth of his beliefs can be voiced in his rather cold, chilly, grim and experienced voice, the voice of a man who has slain child after child, as if it was part of some mechanical construction. His body, however does not speak for the same, mostly covered in the heavily reinforced, cleansed, blessed and purified 'demonic-angelic armour.' However the occational arm skin reveals burnt skin that does not seem to rot and dead skin which does not reak of corpse. Powers: The powers of Conquestus are directed towards conflict, therefor he has a cunning intellect and strong strategical and tactical capabilities, however they're limited to the aspect of warfare and conflict, from the weakest of conflicts to the strongest. He is also able to teleport himself to his fortress cathedral, a pocket dimension of a small religious town built around a massive cathedral made for both the act of praying and the hard acts of warfare, Conquestus is the owner of the Cathedral fortress however hundreds if not thousands attend it every day and work their jobs, he often goes here for brief times, his normal routine is that he appears in the main chamber, prays to the allfather, get's himself cleansed, repeaired and re-armored and return into combat again, it happens at a reduced time in the physical world, one day in the pocket dimension is generally a minute in any other plane of existance. Conquestus is a divine forger, capable of making neigh anything if given the tools. Weapons: - Vanquisher of Conflict: The 250cm long runic greatsword is the legendary weapon most oftenly connected with Conquestus, the Vanquisher of Conflict is a legendary weapon forged by the allfather in the begining days for the pre-destined champion of his will, however it would instead be used to challenge conflict. It's blade is sharper then any other and can cleave through the thickest of armors, however it's scale makes it slow and hard to carry around, therefor it sits on a holster on the very back of Conquestus. The sword itself carries such power that without even using any of it's divine capabilities a single swing damages the enemy before it actually makes contact, the pure force makes the wind flee and hit the enemy before the weapon itself is supposed to, as described by Tribal members of a, yet to be truly developed, world. - Protector against Unjustice: The self forged, unbreakable legendary shield of which Conquestus bears in one hand, whilst somehow managing to battle with the Vanquisher of Conflict in the other, a great display of godlike strenght, because the Protector against Unjustice weights almost seventy tons and the sword cannot be measured by normal scales since it was made by the Allfather. If he were to simply drop it on the ground it would most likely fall through a good 10 meters of earth and crack through stone, aswell.
Le regard du conquête était intense. Cela fait longtemps que Blaze n'a pas ressenti d'intimidation d'une telle ampleur. L'air s'est allégé et la pression qu'il a emmiturée était équivalente à quelques-uns des dragons les plus forts. Cependant, il a fait un pas en avant. "J'ai vécu avec des dragons assez longtemps pour surmonter ces difficultés. Bien que ce ne soit pas mon intention, même si c'est le Dieu du conflit, alors je ne reculerai pas, pour l'honneur de tous les dragons!» Sa voix résonnait dans tout le temple, tout comme la voix des deux autres. Lentement, ses canines sont devenues plus tranchantes et une faible lumière est apparue du côté gauche de la poitrine. Blaze a enlevé ses vêtements et a révélé une cicatrice en forme de dragon, illuminé dans les couleurs du plus chaud des flammes, les flammes d'un dragon. Il passa devant l'arme de Conquestus et marcha droit devant lui, en emmitant sa propre aura, une aura de férocité, de sauvagerie et de supériorité, l'aura d'un dragon. Il a demandé à Paco de reculer, affirmant que les choses pourraient prendre un tour pour le pire et protéger Évangéline. Son visage était sérieux, contrairement au moi souriant qu'il a habituellement. Puis il se tourna vers Conquestus et dit: "Je vous demanderai de ne pas vous battre ici une dernière fois, la Déité des Conflits. Nous n'avons pas à commencer une bataille avec tant d'innocents. »
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Indra a ri. "Relax Child, nous ne nous battrons pas, nous ne faisons que nous connaître." Elle a dit calme avec un beau sourire sur son visage. Après cela, elle a dit qu'elle se retournait à la conquête. "Je suis extrêmement heureuse de connaître quelqu'un de plus fort que moi", a-t-elle dit. "Vous avez peut-être aussi entendu parler de mes frères. La mort, l'espace et le temps.Je suis en voyage pour trouver une force plus forte qu'eux ou un moyen pour moi d'en devenir une. Même si je suis heureux de faire une connaissance avec vous et merci pour l'information sur l'alfather, mais votre réponse sur ce dernier était maintenant spécifique. ce que nous devons faire pour acquérir les pouvoirs dont il parle.? Elle a dit et s'est assise dans la plate-forme attendant que le Dieu de Confilct réponde pendant qu'elle pensait à un moyen pour tous ces Dieux ici pour se battre avec son frère afin de se débarrasser de sa malédiction.
Name: Indra Nickname: Inie Age: Same age as time ( around 10 billion years old ) Birthday: 1 January Origin: When the Big Bang occured like the scientists call the Genesis of deities, she were the 4rth to be born from it.(1st was Time, 2nd Space and 3rd Death) Deity: Elemental Deity Hair Color:Black Hair Style: Lengthy Eye Color:Blue Skin Color: Caucasian Height: 1,78cm Body Build: Seems like a normal woman with finely toned muscles and a perfect skin that smells like summer rain. Markings:No markings Demi-description: Indra is the Deity of Elements she commands the elements to do her bidding. She protects the earth with all her might, she restributes water to all the world so life can exist, she uses the air to move life from the one place to another and shared fire with most of the intelligent species to use it and evolve. She is not that good though... She uses some of the other elements for her own reasons of personal relief, like storms,tsunamis,typhoons, etc. in order to constantly test the life forms she shared fire with them. Or so she says she does... Background:After spending millions of years to tend and protect the life forms she shared fire with them some instincts she never had occured. She wanted to test her powers to the outmost limit.. She overtested all the civilizations and burned,immolated and scorched the 78,4% of the planets. When all that slaughter stopped her brothers Time,space and Death made her bind her own powers. Indra didn't want that and she made a deal with them, she would only use only a portion of her abilities (about 2%)and never more or Death would come for her. Personality: Peaceful almost everytime but when she is angry the storm comes. Powers:Use of all elements except void or other omnipotent ones. At times she can become the very essence of the element of her choice for a short period of time. Weapons:No weapons.
Sans même reconnaître l'existence de l'enfant dragon, il ne se sentait pas mal par cette minuscule figure comme il ne le ferait pas dans son royaume non plus. Ils regardaient vers Conquestus comme s'ils étaient égaux, même si la vérité est triste, ils étaient loin d'elle, tandis que Conquestus haïssait l'œuvre dont il est forcé d'endurer il sait que le fardeau est à lui d'endurer et personne d'autre. ''Je ne vous aiderai pas, ni aucun de vos frères, ils ne savent rien des expériences et des épreuves que j'ai endurées et je serais surpris s'ils pouvaient me battre...'' Sa voix était sans émotion comme auparavant cependant les rochers autour de lui sont tombés à terre, et le pilier de la brume a commencé à s'estomper lentement. ''Vous me sous-estimez...'' Il a ensuite poussé l'enfant dragon, sans le savoir assez brutalement.''Parlez de votre but...'' Il a répété encore une fois. Cependant son emprise autour de l'épée runique qui était plus grande alors même ceux en face de lui, le Vanquisher du conflit donnerait une aura de lui-même, une de terreur et de mort, il surpassait celle de même Conquestus. ''Vous regardez le travail de forge de l'Allfather, lui-même.'' Il s'est remasqué comme ils auraient regardé l'épée runique se faisant remarquer.
Name: Conquestus Nickname: - - - - - - - - Age: If you could point a finger and explain that 'this is the day that conflict started!' that would be the day of which Conquestus would've been born. Birthday: Whatever day which fathers conflict. Origin: Conquestus is born from the natural personality of challenging ideals, when ever two people clash on whatever type of field, be it through speeches or fists Conquestus would have been deitiesed by this very notion, in the begining of time, the begining of conflict. Conflict exists on many different scales that we're not aware of, there is galactic conflict, gravity fighting light, meteors fighting planets, no matter what the chaos of conflict and the chaos of everyday lift is ultimately a piece in the puzzle which is conflict, Conquestus is the offspring of two clashing ideals, which were the first thing to happen in this universe, when something want's something else and they confront something that want's what they want there will be conflict, be it of intelligence or of lifelessness. Deity: Deity of Conflict. -------- Hair Color: Described as a figure of 'blazing' hair colors, signifying the firey reality of conflict. Hair Style: Once again, it is described as a chaotic hair style, yet it holds order, it is not put in any type of style yet it recembles order, just like the nature of conflict, you can find order in conflict, even if conflict is, originally, a creator of chaos. Eye Color: In ancient runes his eyes are described as piercing flame, rising to the sun, to the possible future, yet it originates from the bottom, from the deepest caverns of his eyes. It is described to be a pair of eyes who shine as bright as a star, pierce like a bullet yet it's dark as the shadow of night. Skin Color: His remaining skin appears like fire burnt flesh, however most parts of his organic body has been reinforced or replaced by 'unholy, yet divine metals.' This was described in ''The Dying Angel'' a biblical adaptation to a long lost story of ''Conquestus and his unending Crusade.'' The original story was the last story which resided in the ''Heavenly Pillar'' biblical book which had been archeologically found in the very modern day, a famous writer had readaptated the story into ''The Dying Angel'' book which was an incredible hit. Height: Yet again, as described from ''The Dying Angel'' Conquests is a Titan amongst men and demi-gods alike, his height was never really described in meters nor feet, however the universal language can be understood. ''As the figure crosses the horizon and splits it in two, charging at him was a human, unlike any other man, the figure covered in the suns blinding blaze was twice that of the man who charged at him, the man who was once known as the Behemoth of Ghalíí, with a single swing of his mighty sword the behemoth flew, as if he would bare wings, into the sky.'' If I break immersion I'd say that the Behemoth of Ghalíí was 230cm. Conquestus, the Dying Angel in this case is nearly twice his size, 390cm. Body Build: I really like quoting this made up universe I'm thinking of as I go. As written in the original story, Conquestus is a war built figure, taller and stronger then any other deity who would cross his path, whilst maybe not the most agile or caring he would face the problem head on, with his brute force and surprising cunning and knowledge and prevail, because what in the end kills him, as written in the book, is himself and his very existance, he is a plague, and therefor he is haunted by every death in every universe, multiverse or alternate reality. As written in ''The Dying Angel'' here is a description. ''As he stood still, in the very epicenter of attention he allowed us to gaze at his wartorn figure, whilst covered in armor of unknown origin the very body of which he originated was unlike any other warrior, scarred beyond recognition, yet it was recognizable as a man, he appeared plagued, troubled, he stated no word, simply allowed us to gaze upon him, and the pseudo-biblical oaths hanging off his body, written on these burnt papers who hold their anchor in the skin of this mighty figure, written on these were the explenations of conflict, one would not suspect what to be written on these long and ancient papers to be connected with conflict. Markings: As stated from ''The Dying Angel'' ''By giving up his body upon death, he was the very first victim of conflict, loosing his life he became a deity of what took his life, His body were to be cleansed, washed and perfectionised, because the moment he would leave the house of godhood and into the purpose of his life he'd lose every aspect of reason, he'd find no need in self hygine, none in cleansing, neither anything in compasion, because he would, with time, lose his skin to the ''unholy, yet divine'' metals of which were, in the begining his armor.'' His skin is a testament to the nature of conflict, tortured, burned beyond recognition and removed, replaced with this metal. Carved and hooked into his skin is a 1000 page long explenation of conflict made and written by the god of all, it is placed on one, long piece of indestructible cloth like writing material. It is hooked in repeated sense, going over and above previous pages so that certain things could not be read, the final product is a cross like shape on the back Conquestus wrapping around his torso also. ----- Demi-description: Conquestus is a deity of conflict, fathered by the god of all because he deemed conflict a burden in need of baring. As a litteral Titan Conquestus is no stranger to physically demanding actions nor combat, He is a veteran of many wars of many purposes and of many origins, on many different planes of existance, because he is the ultimatum, he is the ultimate barer of the burden which will, ultimately end all when he cannot bare it any longer. Being created by the first at of conflict in mortal kinds and ressurected as a deity of what killed him by the father of all he is now forced to bare what he hates beyond all, however his existance revolves around it, therefor his life is now a mist of memories blurred together to create a blurry vision of a background, whatever's been written in books is what he goes off by, because he's killed too many, seen to many faces, seen too many sufferers to be able to remember anything but the screams of voices as they face the ultimatum, the blade of the executioner. The self hating part of Conquestus existance is a subject to the fact that most people of conflict dislike using violence, however are forced to by others. Background: In the begining of Conquestus life he was a mortal of the first ever existance in the first ever plane of existance, he was slayed by the first ever use of violence and conflict and in that term was brought into the afterlife, The allfather, a nameless God of everything and everyone sought out the fact that conflict was a nature which he did not wish to experience, yet it had sneaked it's way into his existance, he chose Conquestus, or whatever name he bore before then as an Angel of Conflict, a Dying Angel who would slay only to take pieces out of his very soul. Even though the future which the Allfather was obviously aware of was daunting and of incredible dislike of him he blessed Conquestus with the greatest of weapons and armor and cleansed his spirit and soul before sending him into the warfield which would span the begining of his endless crusade. As long as there's war, there will be sacrifices and deaths, which can lead to complete destruction. At the hand of Conquestus millions of men, women and children have fallen, billions, infact, actuall, trillions, UNCOUNTABLE numbers which haunt his every moment. Civilizations have fallen, stars imploded and planets ripped themselves open. His arrival in any realm is oftenly explained like this. ''The skies itself rippen open to lead the way onto us a man of black metals and a sword longer then myself, carried by continentally large wings he plummeted into the ground and ripped it open, leaving much to evaporate or discintergrate beneath his feet. The scar in the sky heals and the wings fade into oblivion, however his will of fire engulfes him in the purifying and hateful flames of conflict itself, he swings his weapon upon soldier after soldier, carving a path through the unending field of men, all whilst slowly walking forwards, the black cloak carried by the wind on his back. Using blood as the fate of the ultimate crime of warfare.'' Personality: A non-discriminating personality of divinity, he is not a great speaker however when he voices his wills he speaks quick and true, using the perspective of a warrior to great lenghts he makes it obvious that he has been through much and experienced more. His age is beyond many realms and at times the truth of his beliefs can be voiced in his rather cold, chilly, grim and experienced voice, the voice of a man who has slain child after child, as if it was part of some mechanical construction. His body, however does not speak for the same, mostly covered in the heavily reinforced, cleansed, blessed and purified 'demonic-angelic armour.' However the occational arm skin reveals burnt skin that does not seem to rot and dead skin which does not reak of corpse. Powers: The powers of Conquestus are directed towards conflict, therefor he has a cunning intellect and strong strategical and tactical capabilities, however they're limited to the aspect of warfare and conflict, from the weakest of conflicts to the strongest. He is also able to teleport himself to his fortress cathedral, a pocket dimension of a small religious town built around a massive cathedral made for both the act of praying and the hard acts of warfare, Conquestus is the owner of the Cathedral fortress however hundreds if not thousands attend it every day and work their jobs, he often goes here for brief times, his normal routine is that he appears in the main chamber, prays to the allfather, get's himself cleansed, repeaired and re-armored and return into combat again, it happens at a reduced time in the physical world, one day in the pocket dimension is generally a minute in any other plane of existance. Conquestus is a divine forger, capable of making neigh anything if given the tools. Weapons: - Vanquisher of Conflict: The 250cm long runic greatsword is the legendary weapon most oftenly connected with Conquestus, the Vanquisher of Conflict is a legendary weapon forged by the allfather in the begining days for the pre-destined champion of his will, however it would instead be used to challenge conflict. It's blade is sharper then any other and can cleave through the thickest of armors, however it's scale makes it slow and hard to carry around, therefor it sits on a holster on the very back of Conquestus. The sword itself carries such power that without even using any of it's divine capabilities a single swing damages the enemy before it actually makes contact, the pure force makes the wind flee and hit the enemy before the weapon itself is supposed to, as described by Tribal members of a, yet to be truly developed, world. - Protector against Unjustice: The self forged, unbreakable legendary shield of which Conquestus bears in one hand, whilst somehow managing to battle with the Vanquisher of Conflict in the other, a great display of godlike strenght, because the Protector against Unjustice weights almost seventy tons and the sword cannot be measured by normal scales since it was made by the Allfather. If he were to simply drop it on the ground it would most likely fall through a good 10 meters of earth and crack through stone, aswell.
Blaze a été jeté assez loin, non pas parce qu'il n'était pas préparé, plutôt à cause de la différence de force entre lui et la Déité en armure. C'était la première fois que quelqu'un le repoussait comme ça, encore plus sans briser une sueur. Il a reconnu que Conquestus était hors de sa ligue. Mais au lieu d'abandonner, une fois de plus, il s'est levé. Il n'était pas sûr pourquoi, mais une envie d'excitation s'est précipitée, donnant un frisson à travers sa colonne vertébrale. Était-ce le défi de surmonter un obstacle? Ou peut-être le plaisir de trouver quelqu'un de plus fort. Qu'il ne pouvait pas répondre. Paco s'est précipité vers lui et lui a demandé s'il allait bien. Il s'est moqué. "Il y a des types comme ça dehors, hein? Peut-être que ce gars peut m'aider à réveiller mes capacités, comme on m'a demandé. J'espère juste que je ne mourrai pas avant de le faire." Il a dit et brossé les lèvres de sa main. Paco n'avait jamais vu Blaze si avide d'une bataille. Il était généralement recueilli et calme. Peut-être que c'était parce que c'était la première fois qu'il pouvait aller contre quelqu'un d'autre, tester ses limites et voir jusqu'où il pouvait aller. Blaze est revenu à Conquestus. A quelques mètres de lui, il a sauté à la hauteur de sa tête. Sa figure était encore plus inquiétante d'en haut. Blaze a pris une profonde respiration. -- Eh bien, Lancelot, vous êtes fort, mais pouvez-vous faire face à mes flammes? Il a dit et a jeté une énorme flamme de sa bouche.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Alors que son emprise autour du Vanquisher du conflit se resserrait, les actions en cours concernant l'enfant dragon commencèrent à se réchauffer. Il exprima alors qu'il arrachait l'épée du sol, la balançoire presque instantanée ferma la distance entre les deux en un éclair, avec l'énorme bord de la lame runique si près du visage de Blaze qu'il ne s'attendait probablement pas à la puissance liée à la lame d'Allfather. La force invisible qui suivit dans le sillage de la lame secouerait même les fondations de l'arbre lui-même, et les arbres les plus faibles au loin tomberaient à la force de la lame. Il leva alors son bouclier, Protecteur contre l'Injustice et la flamme fut apparemment absorbée par l'incroyable force de l'armure des boucliers. ''Ce sera votre avertissement... Ne me faites pas face au combat...'' Il a demandé comme il, une fois de plus, a enterré la lame d'épées dans le sol.
Name: Conquestus Nickname: - - - - - - - - Age: If you could point a finger and explain that 'this is the day that conflict started!' that would be the day of which Conquestus would've been born. Birthday: Whatever day which fathers conflict. Origin: Conquestus is born from the natural personality of challenging ideals, when ever two people clash on whatever type of field, be it through speeches or fists Conquestus would have been deitiesed by this very notion, in the begining of time, the begining of conflict. Conflict exists on many different scales that we're not aware of, there is galactic conflict, gravity fighting light, meteors fighting planets, no matter what the chaos of conflict and the chaos of everyday lift is ultimately a piece in the puzzle which is conflict, Conquestus is the offspring of two clashing ideals, which were the first thing to happen in this universe, when something want's something else and they confront something that want's what they want there will be conflict, be it of intelligence or of lifelessness. Deity: Deity of Conflict. -------- Hair Color: Described as a figure of 'blazing' hair colors, signifying the firey reality of conflict. Hair Style: Once again, it is described as a chaotic hair style, yet it holds order, it is not put in any type of style yet it recembles order, just like the nature of conflict, you can find order in conflict, even if conflict is, originally, a creator of chaos. Eye Color: In ancient runes his eyes are described as piercing flame, rising to the sun, to the possible future, yet it originates from the bottom, from the deepest caverns of his eyes. It is described to be a pair of eyes who shine as bright as a star, pierce like a bullet yet it's dark as the shadow of night. Skin Color: His remaining skin appears like fire burnt flesh, however most parts of his organic body has been reinforced or replaced by 'unholy, yet divine metals.' This was described in ''The Dying Angel'' a biblical adaptation to a long lost story of ''Conquestus and his unending Crusade.'' The original story was the last story which resided in the ''Heavenly Pillar'' biblical book which had been archeologically found in the very modern day, a famous writer had readaptated the story into ''The Dying Angel'' book which was an incredible hit. Height: Yet again, as described from ''The Dying Angel'' Conquests is a Titan amongst men and demi-gods alike, his height was never really described in meters nor feet, however the universal language can be understood. ''As the figure crosses the horizon and splits it in two, charging at him was a human, unlike any other man, the figure covered in the suns blinding blaze was twice that of the man who charged at him, the man who was once known as the Behemoth of Ghalíí, with a single swing of his mighty sword the behemoth flew, as if he would bare wings, into the sky.'' If I break immersion I'd say that the Behemoth of Ghalíí was 230cm. Conquestus, the Dying Angel in this case is nearly twice his size, 390cm. Body Build: I really like quoting this made up universe I'm thinking of as I go. As written in the original story, Conquestus is a war built figure, taller and stronger then any other deity who would cross his path, whilst maybe not the most agile or caring he would face the problem head on, with his brute force and surprising cunning and knowledge and prevail, because what in the end kills him, as written in the book, is himself and his very existance, he is a plague, and therefor he is haunted by every death in every universe, multiverse or alternate reality. As written in ''The Dying Angel'' here is a description. ''As he stood still, in the very epicenter of attention he allowed us to gaze at his wartorn figure, whilst covered in armor of unknown origin the very body of which he originated was unlike any other warrior, scarred beyond recognition, yet it was recognizable as a man, he appeared plagued, troubled, he stated no word, simply allowed us to gaze upon him, and the pseudo-biblical oaths hanging off his body, written on these burnt papers who hold their anchor in the skin of this mighty figure, written on these were the explenations of conflict, one would not suspect what to be written on these long and ancient papers to be connected with conflict. Markings: As stated from ''The Dying Angel'' ''By giving up his body upon death, he was the very first victim of conflict, loosing his life he became a deity of what took his life, His body were to be cleansed, washed and perfectionised, because the moment he would leave the house of godhood and into the purpose of his life he'd lose every aspect of reason, he'd find no need in self hygine, none in cleansing, neither anything in compasion, because he would, with time, lose his skin to the ''unholy, yet divine'' metals of which were, in the begining his armor.'' His skin is a testament to the nature of conflict, tortured, burned beyond recognition and removed, replaced with this metal. Carved and hooked into his skin is a 1000 page long explenation of conflict made and written by the god of all, it is placed on one, long piece of indestructible cloth like writing material. It is hooked in repeated sense, going over and above previous pages so that certain things could not be read, the final product is a cross like shape on the back Conquestus wrapping around his torso also. ----- Demi-description: Conquestus is a deity of conflict, fathered by the god of all because he deemed conflict a burden in need of baring. As a litteral Titan Conquestus is no stranger to physically demanding actions nor combat, He is a veteran of many wars of many purposes and of many origins, on many different planes of existance, because he is the ultimatum, he is the ultimate barer of the burden which will, ultimately end all when he cannot bare it any longer. Being created by the first at of conflict in mortal kinds and ressurected as a deity of what killed him by the father of all he is now forced to bare what he hates beyond all, however his existance revolves around it, therefor his life is now a mist of memories blurred together to create a blurry vision of a background, whatever's been written in books is what he goes off by, because he's killed too many, seen to many faces, seen too many sufferers to be able to remember anything but the screams of voices as they face the ultimatum, the blade of the executioner. The self hating part of Conquestus existance is a subject to the fact that most people of conflict dislike using violence, however are forced to by others. Background: In the begining of Conquestus life he was a mortal of the first ever existance in the first ever plane of existance, he was slayed by the first ever use of violence and conflict and in that term was brought into the afterlife, The allfather, a nameless God of everything and everyone sought out the fact that conflict was a nature which he did not wish to experience, yet it had sneaked it's way into his existance, he chose Conquestus, or whatever name he bore before then as an Angel of Conflict, a Dying Angel who would slay only to take pieces out of his very soul. Even though the future which the Allfather was obviously aware of was daunting and of incredible dislike of him he blessed Conquestus with the greatest of weapons and armor and cleansed his spirit and soul before sending him into the warfield which would span the begining of his endless crusade. As long as there's war, there will be sacrifices and deaths, which can lead to complete destruction. At the hand of Conquestus millions of men, women and children have fallen, billions, infact, actuall, trillions, UNCOUNTABLE numbers which haunt his every moment. Civilizations have fallen, stars imploded and planets ripped themselves open. His arrival in any realm is oftenly explained like this. ''The skies itself rippen open to lead the way onto us a man of black metals and a sword longer then myself, carried by continentally large wings he plummeted into the ground and ripped it open, leaving much to evaporate or discintergrate beneath his feet. The scar in the sky heals and the wings fade into oblivion, however his will of fire engulfes him in the purifying and hateful flames of conflict itself, he swings his weapon upon soldier after soldier, carving a path through the unending field of men, all whilst slowly walking forwards, the black cloak carried by the wind on his back. Using blood as the fate of the ultimate crime of warfare.'' Personality: A non-discriminating personality of divinity, he is not a great speaker however when he voices his wills he speaks quick and true, using the perspective of a warrior to great lenghts he makes it obvious that he has been through much and experienced more. His age is beyond many realms and at times the truth of his beliefs can be voiced in his rather cold, chilly, grim and experienced voice, the voice of a man who has slain child after child, as if it was part of some mechanical construction. His body, however does not speak for the same, mostly covered in the heavily reinforced, cleansed, blessed and purified 'demonic-angelic armour.' However the occational arm skin reveals burnt skin that does not seem to rot and dead skin which does not reak of corpse. Powers: The powers of Conquestus are directed towards conflict, therefor he has a cunning intellect and strong strategical and tactical capabilities, however they're limited to the aspect of warfare and conflict, from the weakest of conflicts to the strongest. He is also able to teleport himself to his fortress cathedral, a pocket dimension of a small religious town built around a massive cathedral made for both the act of praying and the hard acts of warfare, Conquestus is the owner of the Cathedral fortress however hundreds if not thousands attend it every day and work their jobs, he often goes here for brief times, his normal routine is that he appears in the main chamber, prays to the allfather, get's himself cleansed, repeaired and re-armored and return into combat again, it happens at a reduced time in the physical world, one day in the pocket dimension is generally a minute in any other plane of existance. Conquestus is a divine forger, capable of making neigh anything if given the tools. Weapons: - Vanquisher of Conflict: The 250cm long runic greatsword is the legendary weapon most oftenly connected with Conquestus, the Vanquisher of Conflict is a legendary weapon forged by the allfather in the begining days for the pre-destined champion of his will, however it would instead be used to challenge conflict. It's blade is sharper then any other and can cleave through the thickest of armors, however it's scale makes it slow and hard to carry around, therefor it sits on a holster on the very back of Conquestus. The sword itself carries such power that without even using any of it's divine capabilities a single swing damages the enemy before it actually makes contact, the pure force makes the wind flee and hit the enemy before the weapon itself is supposed to, as described by Tribal members of a, yet to be truly developed, world. - Protector against Unjustice: The self forged, unbreakable legendary shield of which Conquestus bears in one hand, whilst somehow managing to battle with the Vanquisher of Conflict in the other, a great display of godlike strenght, because the Protector against Unjustice weights almost seventy tons and the sword cannot be measured by normal scales since it was made by the Allfather. If he were to simply drop it on the ground it would most likely fall through a good 10 meters of earth and crack through stone, aswell.
Blaze a de nouveau été repoussé par le Conquestus apparemment invincible. Cependant, la bataille ne pouvait que l'exciter. Son cœur battait à présent de l'excitation, son poing tremblait d'impatience. La Déité du Conflit était de loin l'être le plus fort qu'il ait jamais rencontré, peut-être la chose la plus forte qu'il ne rencontrerait jamais. Cependant, tous ces inconvénients ne l'ont fait que sourire. Pas un sourire de confiance, mais un sourire de plaisir. Il savait qu'il devait être insignifiant devant le pouvoir incalculable de la Déité, mais il ne serait pas satisfait de cela. Une fois de plus, il s'est levé. Son visage saignait et il a blessé ses côtes. Heureusement, ils n'étaient pas cassés. "Même mes flammes n'ont pas fonctionné. Mais vu qu'il a utilisé son bouclier, alors s'ils l'ont touché, cela doit signifier qu'ils pourraient lui faire des dégâts après tout... Eh bien, si je n'ai pas au moins un coup propre, je ne serai pas satisfait. » Il a réfléchi. Blaze a calculé toutes les tactiques possibles. Il savait qu'il ne pouvait pas profiter du poids des armes de Conquestus, puisque la Déité était capable de les utiliser comme s'ils étaient sans poids. Il n'avait pas non plus d'angle mort, malgré une position presque sans défense. Il n'avait qu'une seule option. Attaque à la tête. Il regarda de nouveau son adversaire. "Arrête? C'est ma chance de prendre le dessus! C'est un honneur de me battre avec toi, autant le savourer! Merci, la Déité des Conflits!" Il a dit à haute voix. Une fois de plus, il se dirigea vers Conquestus. Il a sauté comme avant, mais cette fois-ci il a lancé sa lance à dragon sur le sol, se donnant un coup de pouce, afin de faire passer Conquestus à côté du moment de l'attaque et se dirigeant vers un coup de poing à pleine puissance à la tête de la Déité. "C'est tout ou rien maintenant!", était la pensée qui s'est clignée dans sa tête.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Innocentius regarda autour de lui dans la confusion. Il avait senti une sorte de pouvoir courir à travers lui, mais il n'était pas au courant de ce que c'était. Il a couru dehors pour voir ce qui se passait. "C'est ton dernier avertissement. Ne me faites pas face au combat », a dit un énorme être entièrement couvert d'armure et tenant une épée gigantesque couverte dans des pièces. L'avertissement a été adressé à un jeune homme avec un dragon brillant sur sa poitrine. Pourquoi se battent-ils? s'est demandé Innocentius. Quels étaient leurs objectifs?
Name: Innocentius Nickname: Depends on how the RP goes ;) Age: 94. Not as old as actual innocence is, he just replaced the previous Deity of Innocence when they... well... wasn't so innocent anymore. Birthday: June 18th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Innocence Hair Color: Silver blonde Hair Style: Eye length and kind of messy Eye Color: Bright blue Skin Color: Cream Height: 5'' Body Build: Small and lean, but not weak. Markings: He has a gold star on his left cheek. Demi-description: Everybody sees evil in this world, right? Things happening in other countries that make one feel teary inside. Actually, that is incorrect. The new born child knows nothing. He can only see the happiness that his parents show him. Since that's what he sees, that's what he shows. This is what is known as "innocence". Innocence is happy, innocence is peaceful, innocence is pure. Background: Joshua can't remember much of his past. It might have been terrible, it might have been wonderful. As soon as he became a Deity, his memory was almost completely wiped. He might most definitely remember it later on, and it's going to be be wonderful/horrifying Personality: Carefree, happy, a curious. Those are his three easiest to spot characteristics. Of course, he isn't always happy, and sometimes he gets pretty serious, but he is usually very child-like. Powers: Unkown Weapons: None
Indra s'y tenait un peu en regardant le combat qu'ils avaient tous les deux. C'est là que ça l'a frappée. « Nous ne sommes pas seuls ici! Derrière nous il y a un temple et 2 personnes innocentes qui vont en être blessées! Je dois faire quelque chose. " Elle a dit. Après avoir dit qu'elle a commencé à faire une plate-forme pour les gens qui n'étaient pas dans le combat, puis elle l'a lévité à sa place et l'a fusionné avec la sienne. C'est quand une réplique puissante du coup que Conquestus a fait sur Blaze les a frappés. Sans penser se protégeait elle-même et l'autre avec un globe d'air autour de la plate-forme. "Maintenant, nous sommes en sécurité" a-t-elle dit. ..Maintenant pour le temple.. elle a vomi « Ce n'est pas un endroit pour se battre, il y a des innocents et un immense temple que nous connaissons peu! Si tu veux te battre, va ailleurs", a-t-elle dit. Eléments de vent, d'eau et d'électricité Écoutez mon appel! Elle a crié. Un grand nuage les entourait à la fois Blaze et Conquestus Après cela, une puissante rafale de vent a envoyé Blaze à 30 mètres. Quant à Conquestus, un typhon apparut le repoussant l'un de l'autre et au milieu Un tonnerre puissant eut lieu pendant 3 secondes.
Name: Indra Nickname: Inie Age: Same age as time ( around 10 billion years old ) Birthday: 1 January Origin: When the Big Bang occured like the scientists call the Genesis of deities, she were the 4rth to be born from it.(1st was Time, 2nd Space and 3rd Death) Deity: Elemental Deity Hair Color:Black Hair Style: Lengthy Eye Color:Blue Skin Color: Caucasian Height: 1,78cm Body Build: Seems like a normal woman with finely toned muscles and a perfect skin that smells like summer rain. Markings:No markings Demi-description: Indra is the Deity of Elements she commands the elements to do her bidding. She protects the earth with all her might, she restributes water to all the world so life can exist, she uses the air to move life from the one place to another and shared fire with most of the intelligent species to use it and evolve. She is not that good though... She uses some of the other elements for her own reasons of personal relief, like storms,tsunamis,typhoons, etc. in order to constantly test the life forms she shared fire with them. Or so she says she does... Background:After spending millions of years to tend and protect the life forms she shared fire with them some instincts she never had occured. She wanted to test her powers to the outmost limit.. She overtested all the civilizations and burned,immolated and scorched the 78,4% of the planets. When all that slaughter stopped her brothers Time,space and Death made her bind her own powers. Indra didn't want that and she made a deal with them, she would only use only a portion of her abilities (about 2%)and never more or Death would come for her. Personality: Peaceful almost everytime but when she is angry the storm comes. Powers:Use of all elements except void or other omnipotent ones. At times she can become the very essence of the element of her choice for a short period of time. Weapons:No weapons.
Même si les pouvoirs d'Indra étaient incontestablement puissants, il n'a pas été échelonné par le Typhoon, puisqu'il a compris ses souhaits, il a simplement marché à l'endroit où il imaginait que le Typhoon le traînerait s'il était en fait un mortel et s'arrêtait là, faisant face à Blaze une fois de plus, avec son bouclier dans sa main gauche et son épée fracassée dans le sol. Il a déclaré aveuglément sur les déclarations de Blaze, bataille pour l'anticipation était l'œuvre d'un idiot et la chose de l'inexpérience. ''Chargez-moi si vous osez continuer ce duel, je ne vous donnerai pas d'autres chances...'' Il a parlé, sa voix surplombant même la foudre du champ de bataille. L'ancienne brume s'était retrouvée enveloppée autour du Vanquisher du conflit, supposée l'alimenter pour une raison quelconque, l'épée elle-même murmurait, les voix étaient générées par l'épée, les voix du passé, le sang gravé sur l'épée commençait à générer des voix de ceux qu'elle appartenait autrefois, et leur rage était concentrée dans la lame. Les chanfreins invisibles et les chaînes l'écrasent et le maintiennent à la surface de plus en plus visible à mesure que la puissance des lames augmente avec la rage de ces voix, hommes et femmes, même enfants. Ses yeux perçaient apparemment à travers Blaze et son éblouissement observant étudiait tous ses mouvements. L'idiot serait démoli directement au pandémonium. ''Donne-moi une autre chance et je te démolirai...'' Il a menacé, la cape a soufflé avec le vent, dissimulant sa gauche, bras de bouclier de Blaze, vue de n'importe qui. Il a ensuite vu Indra. Sur le champ de bataille, vous n'avez aucun pouvoir sur moi... Il s'est exprimé de façon décontractée.
Name: Conquestus Nickname: - - - - - - - - Age: If you could point a finger and explain that 'this is the day that conflict started!' that would be the day of which Conquestus would've been born. Birthday: Whatever day which fathers conflict. Origin: Conquestus is born from the natural personality of challenging ideals, when ever two people clash on whatever type of field, be it through speeches or fists Conquestus would have been deitiesed by this very notion, in the begining of time, the begining of conflict. Conflict exists on many different scales that we're not aware of, there is galactic conflict, gravity fighting light, meteors fighting planets, no matter what the chaos of conflict and the chaos of everyday lift is ultimately a piece in the puzzle which is conflict, Conquestus is the offspring of two clashing ideals, which were the first thing to happen in this universe, when something want's something else and they confront something that want's what they want there will be conflict, be it of intelligence or of lifelessness. Deity: Deity of Conflict. -------- Hair Color: Described as a figure of 'blazing' hair colors, signifying the firey reality of conflict. Hair Style: Once again, it is described as a chaotic hair style, yet it holds order, it is not put in any type of style yet it recembles order, just like the nature of conflict, you can find order in conflict, even if conflict is, originally, a creator of chaos. Eye Color: In ancient runes his eyes are described as piercing flame, rising to the sun, to the possible future, yet it originates from the bottom, from the deepest caverns of his eyes. It is described to be a pair of eyes who shine as bright as a star, pierce like a bullet yet it's dark as the shadow of night. Skin Color: His remaining skin appears like fire burnt flesh, however most parts of his organic body has been reinforced or replaced by 'unholy, yet divine metals.' This was described in ''The Dying Angel'' a biblical adaptation to a long lost story of ''Conquestus and his unending Crusade.'' The original story was the last story which resided in the ''Heavenly Pillar'' biblical book which had been archeologically found in the very modern day, a famous writer had readaptated the story into ''The Dying Angel'' book which was an incredible hit. Height: Yet again, as described from ''The Dying Angel'' Conquests is a Titan amongst men and demi-gods alike, his height was never really described in meters nor feet, however the universal language can be understood. ''As the figure crosses the horizon and splits it in two, charging at him was a human, unlike any other man, the figure covered in the suns blinding blaze was twice that of the man who charged at him, the man who was once known as the Behemoth of Ghalíí, with a single swing of his mighty sword the behemoth flew, as if he would bare wings, into the sky.'' If I break immersion I'd say that the Behemoth of Ghalíí was 230cm. Conquestus, the Dying Angel in this case is nearly twice his size, 390cm. Body Build: I really like quoting this made up universe I'm thinking of as I go. As written in the original story, Conquestus is a war built figure, taller and stronger then any other deity who would cross his path, whilst maybe not the most agile or caring he would face the problem head on, with his brute force and surprising cunning and knowledge and prevail, because what in the end kills him, as written in the book, is himself and his very existance, he is a plague, and therefor he is haunted by every death in every universe, multiverse or alternate reality. As written in ''The Dying Angel'' here is a description. ''As he stood still, in the very epicenter of attention he allowed us to gaze at his wartorn figure, whilst covered in armor of unknown origin the very body of which he originated was unlike any other warrior, scarred beyond recognition, yet it was recognizable as a man, he appeared plagued, troubled, he stated no word, simply allowed us to gaze upon him, and the pseudo-biblical oaths hanging off his body, written on these burnt papers who hold their anchor in the skin of this mighty figure, written on these were the explenations of conflict, one would not suspect what to be written on these long and ancient papers to be connected with conflict. Markings: As stated from ''The Dying Angel'' ''By giving up his body upon death, he was the very first victim of conflict, loosing his life he became a deity of what took his life, His body were to be cleansed, washed and perfectionised, because the moment he would leave the house of godhood and into the purpose of his life he'd lose every aspect of reason, he'd find no need in self hygine, none in cleansing, neither anything in compasion, because he would, with time, lose his skin to the ''unholy, yet divine'' metals of which were, in the begining his armor.'' His skin is a testament to the nature of conflict, tortured, burned beyond recognition and removed, replaced with this metal. Carved and hooked into his skin is a 1000 page long explenation of conflict made and written by the god of all, it is placed on one, long piece of indestructible cloth like writing material. It is hooked in repeated sense, going over and above previous pages so that certain things could not be read, the final product is a cross like shape on the back Conquestus wrapping around his torso also. ----- Demi-description: Conquestus is a deity of conflict, fathered by the god of all because he deemed conflict a burden in need of baring. As a litteral Titan Conquestus is no stranger to physically demanding actions nor combat, He is a veteran of many wars of many purposes and of many origins, on many different planes of existance, because he is the ultimatum, he is the ultimate barer of the burden which will, ultimately end all when he cannot bare it any longer. Being created by the first at of conflict in mortal kinds and ressurected as a deity of what killed him by the father of all he is now forced to bare what he hates beyond all, however his existance revolves around it, therefor his life is now a mist of memories blurred together to create a blurry vision of a background, whatever's been written in books is what he goes off by, because he's killed too many, seen to many faces, seen too many sufferers to be able to remember anything but the screams of voices as they face the ultimatum, the blade of the executioner. The self hating part of Conquestus existance is a subject to the fact that most people of conflict dislike using violence, however are forced to by others. Background: In the begining of Conquestus life he was a mortal of the first ever existance in the first ever plane of existance, he was slayed by the first ever use of violence and conflict and in that term was brought into the afterlife, The allfather, a nameless God of everything and everyone sought out the fact that conflict was a nature which he did not wish to experience, yet it had sneaked it's way into his existance, he chose Conquestus, or whatever name he bore before then as an Angel of Conflict, a Dying Angel who would slay only to take pieces out of his very soul. Even though the future which the Allfather was obviously aware of was daunting and of incredible dislike of him he blessed Conquestus with the greatest of weapons and armor and cleansed his spirit and soul before sending him into the warfield which would span the begining of his endless crusade. As long as there's war, there will be sacrifices and deaths, which can lead to complete destruction. At the hand of Conquestus millions of men, women and children have fallen, billions, infact, actuall, trillions, UNCOUNTABLE numbers which haunt his every moment. Civilizations have fallen, stars imploded and planets ripped themselves open. His arrival in any realm is oftenly explained like this. ''The skies itself rippen open to lead the way onto us a man of black metals and a sword longer then myself, carried by continentally large wings he plummeted into the ground and ripped it open, leaving much to evaporate or discintergrate beneath his feet. The scar in the sky heals and the wings fade into oblivion, however his will of fire engulfes him in the purifying and hateful flames of conflict itself, he swings his weapon upon soldier after soldier, carving a path through the unending field of men, all whilst slowly walking forwards, the black cloak carried by the wind on his back. Using blood as the fate of the ultimate crime of warfare.'' Personality: A non-discriminating personality of divinity, he is not a great speaker however when he voices his wills he speaks quick and true, using the perspective of a warrior to great lenghts he makes it obvious that he has been through much and experienced more. His age is beyond many realms and at times the truth of his beliefs can be voiced in his rather cold, chilly, grim and experienced voice, the voice of a man who has slain child after child, as if it was part of some mechanical construction. His body, however does not speak for the same, mostly covered in the heavily reinforced, cleansed, blessed and purified 'demonic-angelic armour.' However the occational arm skin reveals burnt skin that does not seem to rot and dead skin which does not reak of corpse. Powers: The powers of Conquestus are directed towards conflict, therefor he has a cunning intellect and strong strategical and tactical capabilities, however they're limited to the aspect of warfare and conflict, from the weakest of conflicts to the strongest. He is also able to teleport himself to his fortress cathedral, a pocket dimension of a small religious town built around a massive cathedral made for both the act of praying and the hard acts of warfare, Conquestus is the owner of the Cathedral fortress however hundreds if not thousands attend it every day and work their jobs, he often goes here for brief times, his normal routine is that he appears in the main chamber, prays to the allfather, get's himself cleansed, repeaired and re-armored and return into combat again, it happens at a reduced time in the physical world, one day in the pocket dimension is generally a minute in any other plane of existance. Conquestus is a divine forger, capable of making neigh anything if given the tools. Weapons: - Vanquisher of Conflict: The 250cm long runic greatsword is the legendary weapon most oftenly connected with Conquestus, the Vanquisher of Conflict is a legendary weapon forged by the allfather in the begining days for the pre-destined champion of his will, however it would instead be used to challenge conflict. It's blade is sharper then any other and can cleave through the thickest of armors, however it's scale makes it slow and hard to carry around, therefor it sits on a holster on the very back of Conquestus. The sword itself carries such power that without even using any of it's divine capabilities a single swing damages the enemy before it actually makes contact, the pure force makes the wind flee and hit the enemy before the weapon itself is supposed to, as described by Tribal members of a, yet to be truly developed, world. - Protector against Unjustice: The self forged, unbreakable legendary shield of which Conquestus bears in one hand, whilst somehow managing to battle with the Vanquisher of Conflict in the other, a great display of godlike strenght, because the Protector against Unjustice weights almost seventy tons and the sword cannot be measured by normal scales since it was made by the Allfather. If he were to simply drop it on the ground it would most likely fall through a good 10 meters of earth and crack through stone, aswell.
Elle a regardé sans impression, elle n'avait pas de mots pour cela alors que les deux ont commencé à se battre les uns les autres. Elle secoua la tête, et ne s'assit plus sur le banc de pierre pour regarder les deux. "Pourquoi puis-je demander? Pourquoi se battre les uns contre les autres avec seulement la connaissance de son apparence? Un homme que vous ne devez pas croire que votre taille vous rend plus puissant que la sensibilité. Qu'est-ce que tu as à venir? Je ne vous vois pas comme un Victor, mais comme des idiots puérils. Votre brutalité ne signifie rien d'autre qu'une cruauté inutile. Un tel lieu spirituel n'a pas besoin d'être entaché par votre vulgarité! " Sa voix n'était plus douce et douce, elle n'a peut-être même pas été entendue par les deux, mais sa colère a ému. Dégoûtés par leurs actions, pour combattre sans être invités pour quoi? Pour voir qui est le plus grand homme. Blaze avait perdu tout son respect, elle était déjà prête à quitter ce temple sans passer plus de 24 heures. Elle a ensuite regardé une femme remuer les éléments qui lui ont donné un peu de soulagement que quelqu'un les arrêtait tous les deux, mais rien n'a fonctionné. Elle s'est répétée, espérant être entendue. "Pourquoi puis-je demander? Pourquoi se battre les uns contre les autres avec seulement la connaissance de son apparence? Un homme que vous ne devez pas croire que votre taille vous rend plus puissant que la sensibilité. Qu'est-ce que tu as à venir? Je ne vous vois pas comme un Victor, mais comme des idiots puérils. Votre brutalité ne signifie rien d'autre qu'une cruauté inutile. Un tel lieu spirituel n'a pas besoin d'être entaché par votre vulgarité! " Sa voix était forte et monstrueuse, ses yeux étaient blancs.
Name: Evangeline Nickname: Aveline Age: 19 Birthday: June 12th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Complexity Hair Color: Black Hair Style: past her waist Eye Color: Graphite Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'6 Body Build: Thin but has curves Markings: sapphire crystal in between the eye brows Demi-description: She is the deity of complexity. She collects all vivid thoughts and complex emotions that humans feel and try to translate on their own. She thinks of everything before answering a question and sometimes she is scrambled between multiple conclusions to one's simple comment or question. She usually looks lost, and results to staying quiet as she tried hard not to burst in to saying all her thoughts out loud because they create anxiety for others. To think so 'complex' as her. She sees both sides, and tried to decipher which would be the best road to take, but she makes mistakes as well. She isn't the goddess of perfection. Background: She's listened to all of these thoughts since was immortal. She could hear thoughts from hundreds of years ago and everyday they fill her head. She gets to listen to people break down complicated theories or amazing Epiphanies each one has while growing up. It's all one amazing cluster of chaotic chemistry between love and hate. She sometimes finds it a curse when she begins to over analyze each person's words, remembering the exact same quotes from the thoughts in her head that its somewhat overwhelming she feels that no one is their self. Only creations of one another. She scared she'll never be thrilled again. Personality: She keeps a simple personality, keeping most of her thoughts to herself and tries to give the easiest explanation. She doesn't like explaining who she is and what she does because even to her it all sounds like a complicated mess of a life, but she enjoys it. She is somewhat quiet but loves adventure, it is where she smiles most. Even though it is rare for her to be taught something new, she loves learning. Powers: Telepathy, but she tries hard not to sue it when she is getting to know someone. She doesn't want to be able to read their emotions, or know what they are thinking. But she does use it in some situations when she only wants one person to know what she is thinking or wanting to say. Other powers unknown. Weapons: N/A
Actaeon se penchait contre le mur en regardant chacun d'eux converser, il regardait de nouveaux visages entrer et les observait évaluer, trouvant peu de faiblesses. Ses yeux flippaient de l'un à l'autre et ainsi de suite, il ne voyait personne trop dangereux mais était encore prudent, il se tenait hors du mur et décidait de déplacer la conversation ailleurs. Il appréciait le combat entre les deux et souriait mais sentait quelque chose. -- Je déteste être celui qui dérange cela, dit Actaeon, pour ceux d'entre vous qui n'ont pas entendu mon nom, je suis Actaeon ou Lupus, bientôt dieu des bêtes sauvages et de la chasse. Typiquement, j'aimerais une telle bataille, mais je vois actuellement que certaines de nos divinités ne sont pas si à l'aise avec la bataille. Et sur une note plus importante, je sens un repas, allons chercher de la nourriture." Avec cet Actaeon renifle l'air et suit l'odeur de la viande cuite, il finit par se retrouver à regarder une table chargée de nourritures qu'il sourit et s'assied. Il a pris une jambe d'une sorte d'oiseau et a mordu dedans, puis a attrapé une partie du bœuf tranché et écharpé vers le bas. Il sourit à la nourriture.
Name: Actaeon Nickname: Lupus Age: 22 Birthday: Unknown Origin: Raised by wolves in upper northern Russia. Deity: Deity of the wild animal/hunt Hair Color: Blond Hair Style: Non specific Eye Color: Yellow Skin Color: Somewhat Tan white Height: 6'4 Body Build: Athletic Muscular Markings: A tattoo on his right shoulder Demi-description: The god of wild animals and hunting he protects beasts and can sometimes be seen causing chaos or preventing his creatures from being restrained by man. Rational thought is not always his forte but he is capable of it, his most common resource is his limitless fury which boils in every one of his creatures. He can appear calm on the outside while wishing to tear apart those around him. Background: He was raised in a wolf den and proved himself the most vicious even of his mother, the other pups were submissive to him beyond belief. Since adolescence he has been wreaking havoc upon those who would claim the lands that belonged to the animals, killing stealing destroying anything he needs to in order to ensure the survival of his animals. Personality: A strong minded individual with little regard for lives that are not animals, he is loyal to a fault and will fight beyond what he's capable of and likely till death. Anything he can do he will do without thinking twice. Powers: He can communicate with animals as well as bring them to his aid, he is incredibly fast and strong with near limitless stamina. He has the advanced senses of a wolf. Weapons: His claws and fangs
Les paroles d'Evangéline s'adressèrent à Blaze. C'était vrai. Alors que sa première intention était de la protéger, Paco et l'autre femme, son comportement contre la Déité menaçante, à la fin il n'a agi comme rien de plus qu'une bête sauvage. C'était un côté de lui qu'il n'avait jamais su. Ça arriverait à chaque fois qu'il faisait face à quelqu'un de fort? L'idée l'a terrifié. Il n'a pas tenu compte du fait qu'il mourrait du tout. En tant que combattant capable, il était dans les standarts de ce monde, les pouvoirs des autres êtres étaient tout simplement écrasants. Il a arrêté ses attaques et la cicatrice a cessé de briller. Ses canines sont devenues normales aussi. Il s'est harcelé lui-même. Il s'est levé de la dernière attaque de Conquestus. Encore une fois, il n'a pas réussi. Mais il ne pouvait pas s'en soucier moins en ce moment. Il se leva, dépoussiéra ses vêtements et son corps. Il a avancé sans lever la tête et a comparu devant Conquestus. "Je suis désolé pour mon comportement, la Déité des Conflits. Je ne suis clairement pas ton égal dans la bataille. Merci d'avoir épargné ma vie." C'est ce qu'il a dit. Il a ensuite tourné le dos à la Déité, non pas d'une manière grossière ou arrogante, mais parce qu'il n'avait rien d'autre à dire. Il a pris le reste de ses vêtements du sol. Encore une fois, il a couvert sa cicatrice. Il n'a toujours pas levé la tête, juste en passant par tout le monde. Avant de passer par Évangéline, il a dit: "Je suis désolé... tu ne méritais pas de voir ça." Sa voix tremblait, comme s'il tenait des larmes, des larmes de regret, c'est-à-dire. Après cela, il a avancé, ne regardant pas du tout en arrière. Paco, qui regardait toute la bataille, le suivait, évidemment inquiet. "Blaze...?" "Ce n'est rien, Paco. J'ai juste besoin d'un peu de temps pour réfléchir..." Il marchait de l'autre côté de la plate-forme. Quelque temps plus tard, il s'est dissipé de la vue de tous et s'est assis seul sur le bord de la plate-forme. Ses yeux avaient un regard vide et son visage était plein de chagrin.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Indra a abaissé la plate-forme au sol et a enlevé la bulle d'air qui les a potassés. Elle s'est ensuite tournée vers Evangelienne et s'est présentée en ignorant le Conquestus un peu, mais toujours prête à une attaque surprise. "Je suis Indra déesse des éléments que je viens d'arriver. Je ne sais pas comment... "elle a murmuré. "Je n'ai que cette lettre" et je leur l'ai montrée. Après cela, elle tourna son regard vers Conquestus. " Vous pouvez être un dieu fort du conflit, mais vous ne dépendez que des armes que votre père a faites et agir comme un enfant. Vous vous vantez de votre âge et de vos réalisations, mais la seule chose que je vois en vous n'est que les cicatrices de vos batailles. Si vous voulez faire conflit avec nous je vous suggère que vous devez d'abord savoir pourquoi vous êtes venu ici et connaître votre but sur ce et puis commencer à penser à vendettas personnelles." Alors elle s'est détournée et quelque chose l'a frappée. "dans ce monde mon frère ne fait pas où ou comment me trouver, cela signifie que je peux utiliser mon plein potentiel sans se soucier de quoi que ce soit, mais juste pour être sûr que je vais l'utiliser pour le bien.. pour l'instant." Elle a pensé et puis un très beau sourire est venu de ses lèvres. Alors, qu'est-ce que tu as, chère fille? se référant à l'évangélisation.
Name: Indra Nickname: Inie Age: Same age as time ( around 10 billion years old ) Birthday: 1 January Origin: When the Big Bang occured like the scientists call the Genesis of deities, she were the 4rth to be born from it.(1st was Time, 2nd Space and 3rd Death) Deity: Elemental Deity Hair Color:Black Hair Style: Lengthy Eye Color:Blue Skin Color: Caucasian Height: 1,78cm Body Build: Seems like a normal woman with finely toned muscles and a perfect skin that smells like summer rain. Markings:No markings Demi-description: Indra is the Deity of Elements she commands the elements to do her bidding. She protects the earth with all her might, she restributes water to all the world so life can exist, she uses the air to move life from the one place to another and shared fire with most of the intelligent species to use it and evolve. She is not that good though... She uses some of the other elements for her own reasons of personal relief, like storms,tsunamis,typhoons, etc. in order to constantly test the life forms she shared fire with them. Or so she says she does... Background:After spending millions of years to tend and protect the life forms she shared fire with them some instincts she never had occured. She wanted to test her powers to the outmost limit.. She overtested all the civilizations and burned,immolated and scorched the 78,4% of the planets. When all that slaughter stopped her brothers Time,space and Death made her bind her own powers. Indra didn't want that and she made a deal with them, she would only use only a portion of her abilities (about 2%)and never more or Death would come for her. Personality: Peaceful almost everytime but when she is angry the storm comes. Powers:Use of all elements except void or other omnipotent ones. At times she can become the very essence of the element of her choice for a short period of time. Weapons:No weapons.
Innocentius a regardé le combat dans l'horreur. Il ne semblait pas accomplir quoi que ce soit, sauf que le petit homme se soit fait battre assez durement. Soudain, ça s'est arrêté. Le plus petit s'en alla tristement, comme s'il pensait que quelqu'un serait déçu par lui d'avoir quitté la bataille. Il s'est excusé auprès d'une femme en chemin. Innocentius le suivit pendant un moment, et s'assit près de lui. Innocentius n'a pas dit un mot, il vient de regarder.
Name: Innocentius Nickname: Depends on how the RP goes ;) Age: 94. Not as old as actual innocence is, he just replaced the previous Deity of Innocence when they... well... wasn't so innocent anymore. Birthday: June 18th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Innocence Hair Color: Silver blonde Hair Style: Eye length and kind of messy Eye Color: Bright blue Skin Color: Cream Height: 5'' Body Build: Small and lean, but not weak. Markings: He has a gold star on his left cheek. Demi-description: Everybody sees evil in this world, right? Things happening in other countries that make one feel teary inside. Actually, that is incorrect. The new born child knows nothing. He can only see the happiness that his parents show him. Since that's what he sees, that's what he shows. This is what is known as "innocence". Innocence is happy, innocence is peaceful, innocence is pure. Background: Joshua can't remember much of his past. It might have been terrible, it might have been wonderful. As soon as he became a Deity, his memory was almost completely wiped. He might most definitely remember it later on, and it's going to be be wonderful/horrifying Personality: Carefree, happy, a curious. Those are his three easiest to spot characteristics. Of course, he isn't always happy, and sometimes he gets pretty serious, but he is usually very child-like. Powers: Unkown Weapons: None
Tandis que l'épée commençait à se taire et moins active Conquestus le gaina une fois de plus sur son dos. Alors que l'enfant dragon partait de droite devant lui, il ne parlait pas d'un mot, il regardait tout simplement vers le bas sur lui. ''Laissez-vous.. Le conflit n'est pas pour le plaisir.» Soudain Indra a exprimé son opinion. ''Ne faites pas de lien entre les faits imaginaires...'''
Name: Conquestus Nickname: - - - - - - - - Age: If you could point a finger and explain that 'this is the day that conflict started!' that would be the day of which Conquestus would've been born. Birthday: Whatever day which fathers conflict. Origin: Conquestus is born from the natural personality of challenging ideals, when ever two people clash on whatever type of field, be it through speeches or fists Conquestus would have been deitiesed by this very notion, in the begining of time, the begining of conflict. Conflict exists on many different scales that we're not aware of, there is galactic conflict, gravity fighting light, meteors fighting planets, no matter what the chaos of conflict and the chaos of everyday lift is ultimately a piece in the puzzle which is conflict, Conquestus is the offspring of two clashing ideals, which were the first thing to happen in this universe, when something want's something else and they confront something that want's what they want there will be conflict, be it of intelligence or of lifelessness. Deity: Deity of Conflict. -------- Hair Color: Described as a figure of 'blazing' hair colors, signifying the firey reality of conflict. Hair Style: Once again, it is described as a chaotic hair style, yet it holds order, it is not put in any type of style yet it recembles order, just like the nature of conflict, you can find order in conflict, even if conflict is, originally, a creator of chaos. Eye Color: In ancient runes his eyes are described as piercing flame, rising to the sun, to the possible future, yet it originates from the bottom, from the deepest caverns of his eyes. It is described to be a pair of eyes who shine as bright as a star, pierce like a bullet yet it's dark as the shadow of night. Skin Color: His remaining skin appears like fire burnt flesh, however most parts of his organic body has been reinforced or replaced by 'unholy, yet divine metals.' This was described in ''The Dying Angel'' a biblical adaptation to a long lost story of ''Conquestus and his unending Crusade.'' The original story was the last story which resided in the ''Heavenly Pillar'' biblical book which had been archeologically found in the very modern day, a famous writer had readaptated the story into ''The Dying Angel'' book which was an incredible hit. Height: Yet again, as described from ''The Dying Angel'' Conquests is a Titan amongst men and demi-gods alike, his height was never really described in meters nor feet, however the universal language can be understood. ''As the figure crosses the horizon and splits it in two, charging at him was a human, unlike any other man, the figure covered in the suns blinding blaze was twice that of the man who charged at him, the man who was once known as the Behemoth of Ghalíí, with a single swing of his mighty sword the behemoth flew, as if he would bare wings, into the sky.'' If I break immersion I'd say that the Behemoth of Ghalíí was 230cm. Conquestus, the Dying Angel in this case is nearly twice his size, 390cm. Body Build: I really like quoting this made up universe I'm thinking of as I go. As written in the original story, Conquestus is a war built figure, taller and stronger then any other deity who would cross his path, whilst maybe not the most agile or caring he would face the problem head on, with his brute force and surprising cunning and knowledge and prevail, because what in the end kills him, as written in the book, is himself and his very existance, he is a plague, and therefor he is haunted by every death in every universe, multiverse or alternate reality. As written in ''The Dying Angel'' here is a description. ''As he stood still, in the very epicenter of attention he allowed us to gaze at his wartorn figure, whilst covered in armor of unknown origin the very body of which he originated was unlike any other warrior, scarred beyond recognition, yet it was recognizable as a man, he appeared plagued, troubled, he stated no word, simply allowed us to gaze upon him, and the pseudo-biblical oaths hanging off his body, written on these burnt papers who hold their anchor in the skin of this mighty figure, written on these were the explenations of conflict, one would not suspect what to be written on these long and ancient papers to be connected with conflict. Markings: As stated from ''The Dying Angel'' ''By giving up his body upon death, he was the very first victim of conflict, loosing his life he became a deity of what took his life, His body were to be cleansed, washed and perfectionised, because the moment he would leave the house of godhood and into the purpose of his life he'd lose every aspect of reason, he'd find no need in self hygine, none in cleansing, neither anything in compasion, because he would, with time, lose his skin to the ''unholy, yet divine'' metals of which were, in the begining his armor.'' His skin is a testament to the nature of conflict, tortured, burned beyond recognition and removed, replaced with this metal. Carved and hooked into his skin is a 1000 page long explenation of conflict made and written by the god of all, it is placed on one, long piece of indestructible cloth like writing material. It is hooked in repeated sense, going over and above previous pages so that certain things could not be read, the final product is a cross like shape on the back Conquestus wrapping around his torso also. ----- Demi-description: Conquestus is a deity of conflict, fathered by the god of all because he deemed conflict a burden in need of baring. As a litteral Titan Conquestus is no stranger to physically demanding actions nor combat, He is a veteran of many wars of many purposes and of many origins, on many different planes of existance, because he is the ultimatum, he is the ultimate barer of the burden which will, ultimately end all when he cannot bare it any longer. Being created by the first at of conflict in mortal kinds and ressurected as a deity of what killed him by the father of all he is now forced to bare what he hates beyond all, however his existance revolves around it, therefor his life is now a mist of memories blurred together to create a blurry vision of a background, whatever's been written in books is what he goes off by, because he's killed too many, seen to many faces, seen too many sufferers to be able to remember anything but the screams of voices as they face the ultimatum, the blade of the executioner. The self hating part of Conquestus existance is a subject to the fact that most people of conflict dislike using violence, however are forced to by others. Background: In the begining of Conquestus life he was a mortal of the first ever existance in the first ever plane of existance, he was slayed by the first ever use of violence and conflict and in that term was brought into the afterlife, The allfather, a nameless God of everything and everyone sought out the fact that conflict was a nature which he did not wish to experience, yet it had sneaked it's way into his existance, he chose Conquestus, or whatever name he bore before then as an Angel of Conflict, a Dying Angel who would slay only to take pieces out of his very soul. Even though the future which the Allfather was obviously aware of was daunting and of incredible dislike of him he blessed Conquestus with the greatest of weapons and armor and cleansed his spirit and soul before sending him into the warfield which would span the begining of his endless crusade. As long as there's war, there will be sacrifices and deaths, which can lead to complete destruction. At the hand of Conquestus millions of men, women and children have fallen, billions, infact, actuall, trillions, UNCOUNTABLE numbers which haunt his every moment. Civilizations have fallen, stars imploded and planets ripped themselves open. His arrival in any realm is oftenly explained like this. ''The skies itself rippen open to lead the way onto us a man of black metals and a sword longer then myself, carried by continentally large wings he plummeted into the ground and ripped it open, leaving much to evaporate or discintergrate beneath his feet. The scar in the sky heals and the wings fade into oblivion, however his will of fire engulfes him in the purifying and hateful flames of conflict itself, he swings his weapon upon soldier after soldier, carving a path through the unending field of men, all whilst slowly walking forwards, the black cloak carried by the wind on his back. Using blood as the fate of the ultimate crime of warfare.'' Personality: A non-discriminating personality of divinity, he is not a great speaker however when he voices his wills he speaks quick and true, using the perspective of a warrior to great lenghts he makes it obvious that he has been through much and experienced more. His age is beyond many realms and at times the truth of his beliefs can be voiced in his rather cold, chilly, grim and experienced voice, the voice of a man who has slain child after child, as if it was part of some mechanical construction. His body, however does not speak for the same, mostly covered in the heavily reinforced, cleansed, blessed and purified 'demonic-angelic armour.' However the occational arm skin reveals burnt skin that does not seem to rot and dead skin which does not reak of corpse. Powers: The powers of Conquestus are directed towards conflict, therefor he has a cunning intellect and strong strategical and tactical capabilities, however they're limited to the aspect of warfare and conflict, from the weakest of conflicts to the strongest. He is also able to teleport himself to his fortress cathedral, a pocket dimension of a small religious town built around a massive cathedral made for both the act of praying and the hard acts of warfare, Conquestus is the owner of the Cathedral fortress however hundreds if not thousands attend it every day and work their jobs, he often goes here for brief times, his normal routine is that he appears in the main chamber, prays to the allfather, get's himself cleansed, repeaired and re-armored and return into combat again, it happens at a reduced time in the physical world, one day in the pocket dimension is generally a minute in any other plane of existance. Conquestus is a divine forger, capable of making neigh anything if given the tools. Weapons: - Vanquisher of Conflict: The 250cm long runic greatsword is the legendary weapon most oftenly connected with Conquestus, the Vanquisher of Conflict is a legendary weapon forged by the allfather in the begining days for the pre-destined champion of his will, however it would instead be used to challenge conflict. It's blade is sharper then any other and can cleave through the thickest of armors, however it's scale makes it slow and hard to carry around, therefor it sits on a holster on the very back of Conquestus. The sword itself carries such power that without even using any of it's divine capabilities a single swing damages the enemy before it actually makes contact, the pure force makes the wind flee and hit the enemy before the weapon itself is supposed to, as described by Tribal members of a, yet to be truly developed, world. - Protector against Unjustice: The self forged, unbreakable legendary shield of which Conquestus bears in one hand, whilst somehow managing to battle with the Vanquisher of Conflict in the other, a great display of godlike strenght, because the Protector against Unjustice weights almost seventy tons and the sword cannot be measured by normal scales since it was made by the Allfather. If he were to simply drop it on the ground it would most likely fall through a good 10 meters of earth and crack through stone, aswell.
Blaze était assis au bord de la plate-forme, ses yeux ne regardant nulle part. La réplique des événements qui se sont produits là où il a trop de choses à faire face. Ce qui l'a le plus troublé, c'est qu'aucun dragon qu'il connaissait n'avait soif de pouvoir. Donc, même s'il a hérité du sang d'un dragon, ses actions où il est inexcusable. Était-il une bête sauvage alors? Ou quelque chose de pire. L'idée d'être quelque chose d'horrible l'a dégoûté. Ce serait peut-être bien de ne plus jamais se battre. De cette façon, il ne répéterait pas ce qu'il a fait. Un jeune garçon était à proximité, le regardait. Il l'a remarqué il y a un moment, mais il n'a pas eu le courage de lui parler. Il n'était pas d'humeur à parler à qui que ce soit, il voulait juste prendre Paco et quitter cet endroit, avant qu'il ne cause quelque douleur à quelqu'un. Il a regardé ses blessures. La plupart d'entre eux où peu profond et déjà guéri. Les autres avaient besoin de temps. Sans tourner, il a dit, d'un ton déprimé: "Si tu es perdu et que tu as besoin d'aide, je viens d'arriver moi-même. Tu devrais demander à quelqu'un d'autre..."
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Je ne suis pas perdu, répondit Innocentius doucement. "Tu n'es pas heureuse, alors je veux te rendre heureuse. Vous ne semblez pas vouloir parler, donc je ne parle pas." Il est de nouveau resté silencieux, mais il a continué à regarder. ((Ugh... Stupide incapacité à bien afficher avec le dialogue >.<))
Name: Innocentius Nickname: Depends on how the RP goes ;) Age: 94. Not as old as actual innocence is, he just replaced the previous Deity of Innocence when they... well... wasn't so innocent anymore. Birthday: June 18th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Innocence Hair Color: Silver blonde Hair Style: Eye length and kind of messy Eye Color: Bright blue Skin Color: Cream Height: 5'' Body Build: Small and lean, but not weak. Markings: He has a gold star on his left cheek. Demi-description: Everybody sees evil in this world, right? Things happening in other countries that make one feel teary inside. Actually, that is incorrect. The new born child knows nothing. He can only see the happiness that his parents show him. Since that's what he sees, that's what he shows. This is what is known as "innocence". Innocence is happy, innocence is peaceful, innocence is pure. Background: Joshua can't remember much of his past. It might have been terrible, it might have been wonderful. As soon as he became a Deity, his memory was almost completely wiped. He might most definitely remember it later on, and it's going to be be wonderful/horrifying Personality: Carefree, happy, a curious. Those are his three easiest to spot characteristics. Of course, he isn't always happy, and sometimes he gets pretty serious, but he is usually very child-like. Powers: Unkown Weapons: None
Blaze a écouté le garçon parler. Son ton n'avait pas le plus léger de malhonnêteté ou de malice. En fait, il était chaud, une voix de pureté cristalline. Il n'a jamais rencontré une telle personne. Le garçon a dit que Blaze était malheureux et qu'il avait raison. Il ne s'est jamais trouvé aussi malheureux. Cependant, quand le garçon a dit qu'il voulait rendre Blaze heureux et a ensuite dit qu'il ne parlerait pas parce que Blaze ne voulait pas, Blaze a cru que le garçon était contredit lui-même. Il riait à peine. "Vraiment ou pas, vous savez vraiment comment remonter le moral de quelqu'un. Quel est votre nom?" lui a - t - il demandé.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Il a fait un pas en avant, le sol s'est brisé sous son pied, même si un petit pas a tenu une telle force. ''Je ne parlerai pas plus loin avec les figures qui font le point de se considérer comme justice... Il n'y a pas de plus grande injustice que cela..'' Il a fait son chemin vers l'enfant dragon, tandis que ses actions avaient été défavorables, il a senti un regard d'intrigue dans cet homme. Alors que ses pieds forts combattaient les chaînes invisibles en se déplaçant vers l'emplacement des hommes, il trouva un autre jeune garçon en dehors de lui, il aurait partagé l'homme, tandis que la sympathie de Conquestus était morte il y a longtemps et avait donc des sentiments chaleureux qu'il naissait. ''Greetings younglings.'' Il leur a parlé. Il a remarqué une aura d'un chien battu autour de l'enfant dragon, comme s'il avait réalisé ses mauvaises actions et de ce fait lui a pardonné, alors qu' normalement il tuerait l'homme instantanément il n'avait pas affaire à un mortel, mais à une divinité, s'il tuerait une divinité sans bonne excuse, il démolirait l'écosystème divin qui contrôlait le royaume mortel. Dans les cas normaux, je te démolirais, tu as de la chance d'être divin, et tu as de la chance que je pense chèrement à la prospérité du système Allfathers..' Il se tenait toujours dans son sillage étaient de petites fissures dans le sol qui l'a porté vers l'avant. ''Puis-je vous aider?'' Alors qu'il ne donnait normalement ses compétences à personne, ce n'était pas vraiment la tâche normale ou le jour non plus.
Name: Conquestus Nickname: - - - - - - - - Age: If you could point a finger and explain that 'this is the day that conflict started!' that would be the day of which Conquestus would've been born. Birthday: Whatever day which fathers conflict. Origin: Conquestus is born from the natural personality of challenging ideals, when ever two people clash on whatever type of field, be it through speeches or fists Conquestus would have been deitiesed by this very notion, in the begining of time, the begining of conflict. Conflict exists on many different scales that we're not aware of, there is galactic conflict, gravity fighting light, meteors fighting planets, no matter what the chaos of conflict and the chaos of everyday lift is ultimately a piece in the puzzle which is conflict, Conquestus is the offspring of two clashing ideals, which were the first thing to happen in this universe, when something want's something else and they confront something that want's what they want there will be conflict, be it of intelligence or of lifelessness. Deity: Deity of Conflict. -------- Hair Color: Described as a figure of 'blazing' hair colors, signifying the firey reality of conflict. Hair Style: Once again, it is described as a chaotic hair style, yet it holds order, it is not put in any type of style yet it recembles order, just like the nature of conflict, you can find order in conflict, even if conflict is, originally, a creator of chaos. Eye Color: In ancient runes his eyes are described as piercing flame, rising to the sun, to the possible future, yet it originates from the bottom, from the deepest caverns of his eyes. It is described to be a pair of eyes who shine as bright as a star, pierce like a bullet yet it's dark as the shadow of night. Skin Color: His remaining skin appears like fire burnt flesh, however most parts of his organic body has been reinforced or replaced by 'unholy, yet divine metals.' This was described in ''The Dying Angel'' a biblical adaptation to a long lost story of ''Conquestus and his unending Crusade.'' The original story was the last story which resided in the ''Heavenly Pillar'' biblical book which had been archeologically found in the very modern day, a famous writer had readaptated the story into ''The Dying Angel'' book which was an incredible hit. Height: Yet again, as described from ''The Dying Angel'' Conquests is a Titan amongst men and demi-gods alike, his height was never really described in meters nor feet, however the universal language can be understood. ''As the figure crosses the horizon and splits it in two, charging at him was a human, unlike any other man, the figure covered in the suns blinding blaze was twice that of the man who charged at him, the man who was once known as the Behemoth of Ghalíí, with a single swing of his mighty sword the behemoth flew, as if he would bare wings, into the sky.'' If I break immersion I'd say that the Behemoth of Ghalíí was 230cm. Conquestus, the Dying Angel in this case is nearly twice his size, 390cm. Body Build: I really like quoting this made up universe I'm thinking of as I go. As written in the original story, Conquestus is a war built figure, taller and stronger then any other deity who would cross his path, whilst maybe not the most agile or caring he would face the problem head on, with his brute force and surprising cunning and knowledge and prevail, because what in the end kills him, as written in the book, is himself and his very existance, he is a plague, and therefor he is haunted by every death in every universe, multiverse or alternate reality. As written in ''The Dying Angel'' here is a description. ''As he stood still, in the very epicenter of attention he allowed us to gaze at his wartorn figure, whilst covered in armor of unknown origin the very body of which he originated was unlike any other warrior, scarred beyond recognition, yet it was recognizable as a man, he appeared plagued, troubled, he stated no word, simply allowed us to gaze upon him, and the pseudo-biblical oaths hanging off his body, written on these burnt papers who hold their anchor in the skin of this mighty figure, written on these were the explenations of conflict, one would not suspect what to be written on these long and ancient papers to be connected with conflict. Markings: As stated from ''The Dying Angel'' ''By giving up his body upon death, he was the very first victim of conflict, loosing his life he became a deity of what took his life, His body were to be cleansed, washed and perfectionised, because the moment he would leave the house of godhood and into the purpose of his life he'd lose every aspect of reason, he'd find no need in self hygine, none in cleansing, neither anything in compasion, because he would, with time, lose his skin to the ''unholy, yet divine'' metals of which were, in the begining his armor.'' His skin is a testament to the nature of conflict, tortured, burned beyond recognition and removed, replaced with this metal. Carved and hooked into his skin is a 1000 page long explenation of conflict made and written by the god of all, it is placed on one, long piece of indestructible cloth like writing material. It is hooked in repeated sense, going over and above previous pages so that certain things could not be read, the final product is a cross like shape on the back Conquestus wrapping around his torso also. ----- Demi-description: Conquestus is a deity of conflict, fathered by the god of all because he deemed conflict a burden in need of baring. As a litteral Titan Conquestus is no stranger to physically demanding actions nor combat, He is a veteran of many wars of many purposes and of many origins, on many different planes of existance, because he is the ultimatum, he is the ultimate barer of the burden which will, ultimately end all when he cannot bare it any longer. Being created by the first at of conflict in mortal kinds and ressurected as a deity of what killed him by the father of all he is now forced to bare what he hates beyond all, however his existance revolves around it, therefor his life is now a mist of memories blurred together to create a blurry vision of a background, whatever's been written in books is what he goes off by, because he's killed too many, seen to many faces, seen too many sufferers to be able to remember anything but the screams of voices as they face the ultimatum, the blade of the executioner. The self hating part of Conquestus existance is a subject to the fact that most people of conflict dislike using violence, however are forced to by others. Background: In the begining of Conquestus life he was a mortal of the first ever existance in the first ever plane of existance, he was slayed by the first ever use of violence and conflict and in that term was brought into the afterlife, The allfather, a nameless God of everything and everyone sought out the fact that conflict was a nature which he did not wish to experience, yet it had sneaked it's way into his existance, he chose Conquestus, or whatever name he bore before then as an Angel of Conflict, a Dying Angel who would slay only to take pieces out of his very soul. Even though the future which the Allfather was obviously aware of was daunting and of incredible dislike of him he blessed Conquestus with the greatest of weapons and armor and cleansed his spirit and soul before sending him into the warfield which would span the begining of his endless crusade. As long as there's war, there will be sacrifices and deaths, which can lead to complete destruction. At the hand of Conquestus millions of men, women and children have fallen, billions, infact, actuall, trillions, UNCOUNTABLE numbers which haunt his every moment. Civilizations have fallen, stars imploded and planets ripped themselves open. His arrival in any realm is oftenly explained like this. ''The skies itself rippen open to lead the way onto us a man of black metals and a sword longer then myself, carried by continentally large wings he plummeted into the ground and ripped it open, leaving much to evaporate or discintergrate beneath his feet. The scar in the sky heals and the wings fade into oblivion, however his will of fire engulfes him in the purifying and hateful flames of conflict itself, he swings his weapon upon soldier after soldier, carving a path through the unending field of men, all whilst slowly walking forwards, the black cloak carried by the wind on his back. Using blood as the fate of the ultimate crime of warfare.'' Personality: A non-discriminating personality of divinity, he is not a great speaker however when he voices his wills he speaks quick and true, using the perspective of a warrior to great lenghts he makes it obvious that he has been through much and experienced more. His age is beyond many realms and at times the truth of his beliefs can be voiced in his rather cold, chilly, grim and experienced voice, the voice of a man who has slain child after child, as if it was part of some mechanical construction. His body, however does not speak for the same, mostly covered in the heavily reinforced, cleansed, blessed and purified 'demonic-angelic armour.' However the occational arm skin reveals burnt skin that does not seem to rot and dead skin which does not reak of corpse. Powers: The powers of Conquestus are directed towards conflict, therefor he has a cunning intellect and strong strategical and tactical capabilities, however they're limited to the aspect of warfare and conflict, from the weakest of conflicts to the strongest. He is also able to teleport himself to his fortress cathedral, a pocket dimension of a small religious town built around a massive cathedral made for both the act of praying and the hard acts of warfare, Conquestus is the owner of the Cathedral fortress however hundreds if not thousands attend it every day and work their jobs, he often goes here for brief times, his normal routine is that he appears in the main chamber, prays to the allfather, get's himself cleansed, repeaired and re-armored and return into combat again, it happens at a reduced time in the physical world, one day in the pocket dimension is generally a minute in any other plane of existance. Conquestus is a divine forger, capable of making neigh anything if given the tools. Weapons: - Vanquisher of Conflict: The 250cm long runic greatsword is the legendary weapon most oftenly connected with Conquestus, the Vanquisher of Conflict is a legendary weapon forged by the allfather in the begining days for the pre-destined champion of his will, however it would instead be used to challenge conflict. It's blade is sharper then any other and can cleave through the thickest of armors, however it's scale makes it slow and hard to carry around, therefor it sits on a holster on the very back of Conquestus. The sword itself carries such power that without even using any of it's divine capabilities a single swing damages the enemy before it actually makes contact, the pure force makes the wind flee and hit the enemy before the weapon itself is supposed to, as described by Tribal members of a, yet to be truly developed, world. - Protector against Unjustice: The self forged, unbreakable legendary shield of which Conquestus bears in one hand, whilst somehow managing to battle with the Vanquisher of Conflict in the other, a great display of godlike strenght, because the Protector against Unjustice weights almost seventy tons and the sword cannot be measured by normal scales since it was made by the Allfather. If he were to simply drop it on the ground it would most likely fall through a good 10 meters of earth and crack through stone, aswell.
Innocentius a donné un petit sourire quand l'homme a un peu ri. Un pas de plus vers la mission accomplie. "Je suis Innocentius, quel est ton nom?" il demanda, se demandant de quoi l'autre homme était la Déité. Jusqu'ici, dans ce pays de Déités, il n'avait découvert personne.
Name: Innocentius Nickname: Depends on how the RP goes ;) Age: 94. Not as old as actual innocence is, he just replaced the previous Deity of Innocence when they... well... wasn't so innocent anymore. Birthday: June 18th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Innocence Hair Color: Silver blonde Hair Style: Eye length and kind of messy Eye Color: Bright blue Skin Color: Cream Height: 5'' Body Build: Small and lean, but not weak. Markings: He has a gold star on his left cheek. Demi-description: Everybody sees evil in this world, right? Things happening in other countries that make one feel teary inside. Actually, that is incorrect. The new born child knows nothing. He can only see the happiness that his parents show him. Since that's what he sees, that's what he shows. This is what is known as "innocence". Innocence is happy, innocence is peaceful, innocence is pure. Background: Joshua can't remember much of his past. It might have been terrible, it might have been wonderful. As soon as he became a Deity, his memory was almost completely wiped. He might most definitely remember it later on, and it's going to be be wonderful/horrifying Personality: Carefree, happy, a curious. Those are his three easiest to spot characteristics. Of course, he isn't always happy, and sometimes he gets pretty serious, but he is usually very child-like. Powers: Unkown Weapons: None
La conversation de Blaze avec Innocentius a été interrompue par le réveil bruyant de Conquestus. Sans se tourner, Blaze savait déjà qui il était de l'aura féroce qu'il émmit. Il se tenait devant Innocentius. "Voyons que notre conversation doit attendre. Mais pour répondre à votre question, je suis Blaze...Bon de vous rencontrer, Inno!» Il a dit, donnant un surnom au garçon. La gigantesque figure s'arrêta avant les deux, l'air aussi invincible que jamais. Blaze était pleinement conscient qu'il ne pouvait pas aller contre lui, mais il ne voulait pas endosser son nouvel ami. Cependant, le but de Concuestus ne semblait pas être une bataille, mais il aurait aussi bien pu l'être. Les paroles qu'il prononça insultaient Blaze, parce qu'il se sentait épargné parce qu'il était censé être une divinité. Il leva les bras à l'épaule. "Je ne suis pas une des divinités dont vous venez de parler. Si ynu veut me tuer parce que j'ai pris ta colère alors qu'il en soit ainsi. Je n'ai rien à perdre! » C'est ce qu'il a dit. Puis il tourna la tête vers Innocentius. « Ne vous inquiétez pas Inno, je ne laisserai rien vous arriver! »
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Imbécile! Ne parlez pas de la bataille si légèrement!» Il a rugissé sur le garçon. ''Savez-vous de l'expérience où vous êtes forcé de tuer des nombres sans fin sans fin, la plus grande pause de tous s'est terminée en quelques minutes. J'ai tué des enfants et des femmes, des pères et des mères. J'ai gaspillé des familles entières, tout ça parce que je suis ce que je suis. J'ai été forcé de porter le fardeau que personne d'autre ne pouvait porter. Vous n'avez pas le droit de parler de guerre à la légère, et quand je vous donnerai une autre chance, vous l'attraperez!» Il continua, sa rage n'était pas dirigée contre le garçon, mais le père tout entier, il sentit ses chaînes tirer plus grand et le sol sur lequel il se tenait commença à craquer et casser. C'est à une telle force incroyable qu'il s'est presque agenouillé devant l'Allfather qui contrôlait évidemment ces Chaînes, mais il s'est prosterné devant le ciel en représailles, debout jusqu'à la plus grande de ses capacités. Soudain les millions de chaînes sont devenues visibles et il a été poussé dans une position agenouillée à un rythme très rapide. Vos chaînes maudites.. Ils ne me lieront pas pour toujours!» Il a lutté contre les chaînes pour se lever à nouveau, il a succombé jusqu'à ce que la force devienne de plus en plus inébranlable, mais il a réussi à se lever, l'allpère a dû respecter sa position finale parce que la force des chaînes a commencé à s'affaiblir et leur apparence a commencé à s'estomper encore une fois dans l'invisibilité. Sa fureur était inconciliable à ce stade, mais sa position contre la divinité a surtout forcé le père à respecter sa colère. Il continua à regarder le beau ciel, apparemment à travers lui, jusqu'aux extrémités de l'univers.
Name: Conquestus Nickname: - - - - - - - - Age: If you could point a finger and explain that 'this is the day that conflict started!' that would be the day of which Conquestus would've been born. Birthday: Whatever day which fathers conflict. Origin: Conquestus is born from the natural personality of challenging ideals, when ever two people clash on whatever type of field, be it through speeches or fists Conquestus would have been deitiesed by this very notion, in the begining of time, the begining of conflict. Conflict exists on many different scales that we're not aware of, there is galactic conflict, gravity fighting light, meteors fighting planets, no matter what the chaos of conflict and the chaos of everyday lift is ultimately a piece in the puzzle which is conflict, Conquestus is the offspring of two clashing ideals, which were the first thing to happen in this universe, when something want's something else and they confront something that want's what they want there will be conflict, be it of intelligence or of lifelessness. Deity: Deity of Conflict. -------- Hair Color: Described as a figure of 'blazing' hair colors, signifying the firey reality of conflict. Hair Style: Once again, it is described as a chaotic hair style, yet it holds order, it is not put in any type of style yet it recembles order, just like the nature of conflict, you can find order in conflict, even if conflict is, originally, a creator of chaos. Eye Color: In ancient runes his eyes are described as piercing flame, rising to the sun, to the possible future, yet it originates from the bottom, from the deepest caverns of his eyes. It is described to be a pair of eyes who shine as bright as a star, pierce like a bullet yet it's dark as the shadow of night. Skin Color: His remaining skin appears like fire burnt flesh, however most parts of his organic body has been reinforced or replaced by 'unholy, yet divine metals.' This was described in ''The Dying Angel'' a biblical adaptation to a long lost story of ''Conquestus and his unending Crusade.'' The original story was the last story which resided in the ''Heavenly Pillar'' biblical book which had been archeologically found in the very modern day, a famous writer had readaptated the story into ''The Dying Angel'' book which was an incredible hit. Height: Yet again, as described from ''The Dying Angel'' Conquests is a Titan amongst men and demi-gods alike, his height was never really described in meters nor feet, however the universal language can be understood. ''As the figure crosses the horizon and splits it in two, charging at him was a human, unlike any other man, the figure covered in the suns blinding blaze was twice that of the man who charged at him, the man who was once known as the Behemoth of Ghalíí, with a single swing of his mighty sword the behemoth flew, as if he would bare wings, into the sky.'' If I break immersion I'd say that the Behemoth of Ghalíí was 230cm. Conquestus, the Dying Angel in this case is nearly twice his size, 390cm. Body Build: I really like quoting this made up universe I'm thinking of as I go. As written in the original story, Conquestus is a war built figure, taller and stronger then any other deity who would cross his path, whilst maybe not the most agile or caring he would face the problem head on, with his brute force and surprising cunning and knowledge and prevail, because what in the end kills him, as written in the book, is himself and his very existance, he is a plague, and therefor he is haunted by every death in every universe, multiverse or alternate reality. As written in ''The Dying Angel'' here is a description. ''As he stood still, in the very epicenter of attention he allowed us to gaze at his wartorn figure, whilst covered in armor of unknown origin the very body of which he originated was unlike any other warrior, scarred beyond recognition, yet it was recognizable as a man, he appeared plagued, troubled, he stated no word, simply allowed us to gaze upon him, and the pseudo-biblical oaths hanging off his body, written on these burnt papers who hold their anchor in the skin of this mighty figure, written on these were the explenations of conflict, one would not suspect what to be written on these long and ancient papers to be connected with conflict. Markings: As stated from ''The Dying Angel'' ''By giving up his body upon death, he was the very first victim of conflict, loosing his life he became a deity of what took his life, His body were to be cleansed, washed and perfectionised, because the moment he would leave the house of godhood and into the purpose of his life he'd lose every aspect of reason, he'd find no need in self hygine, none in cleansing, neither anything in compasion, because he would, with time, lose his skin to the ''unholy, yet divine'' metals of which were, in the begining his armor.'' His skin is a testament to the nature of conflict, tortured, burned beyond recognition and removed, replaced with this metal. Carved and hooked into his skin is a 1000 page long explenation of conflict made and written by the god of all, it is placed on one, long piece of indestructible cloth like writing material. It is hooked in repeated sense, going over and above previous pages so that certain things could not be read, the final product is a cross like shape on the back Conquestus wrapping around his torso also. ----- Demi-description: Conquestus is a deity of conflict, fathered by the god of all because he deemed conflict a burden in need of baring. As a litteral Titan Conquestus is no stranger to physically demanding actions nor combat, He is a veteran of many wars of many purposes and of many origins, on many different planes of existance, because he is the ultimatum, he is the ultimate barer of the burden which will, ultimately end all when he cannot bare it any longer. Being created by the first at of conflict in mortal kinds and ressurected as a deity of what killed him by the father of all he is now forced to bare what he hates beyond all, however his existance revolves around it, therefor his life is now a mist of memories blurred together to create a blurry vision of a background, whatever's been written in books is what he goes off by, because he's killed too many, seen to many faces, seen too many sufferers to be able to remember anything but the screams of voices as they face the ultimatum, the blade of the executioner. The self hating part of Conquestus existance is a subject to the fact that most people of conflict dislike using violence, however are forced to by others. Background: In the begining of Conquestus life he was a mortal of the first ever existance in the first ever plane of existance, he was slayed by the first ever use of violence and conflict and in that term was brought into the afterlife, The allfather, a nameless God of everything and everyone sought out the fact that conflict was a nature which he did not wish to experience, yet it had sneaked it's way into his existance, he chose Conquestus, or whatever name he bore before then as an Angel of Conflict, a Dying Angel who would slay only to take pieces out of his very soul. Even though the future which the Allfather was obviously aware of was daunting and of incredible dislike of him he blessed Conquestus with the greatest of weapons and armor and cleansed his spirit and soul before sending him into the warfield which would span the begining of his endless crusade. As long as there's war, there will be sacrifices and deaths, which can lead to complete destruction. At the hand of Conquestus millions of men, women and children have fallen, billions, infact, actuall, trillions, UNCOUNTABLE numbers which haunt his every moment. Civilizations have fallen, stars imploded and planets ripped themselves open. His arrival in any realm is oftenly explained like this. ''The skies itself rippen open to lead the way onto us a man of black metals and a sword longer then myself, carried by continentally large wings he plummeted into the ground and ripped it open, leaving much to evaporate or discintergrate beneath his feet. The scar in the sky heals and the wings fade into oblivion, however his will of fire engulfes him in the purifying and hateful flames of conflict itself, he swings his weapon upon soldier after soldier, carving a path through the unending field of men, all whilst slowly walking forwards, the black cloak carried by the wind on his back. Using blood as the fate of the ultimate crime of warfare.'' Personality: A non-discriminating personality of divinity, he is not a great speaker however when he voices his wills he speaks quick and true, using the perspective of a warrior to great lenghts he makes it obvious that he has been through much and experienced more. His age is beyond many realms and at times the truth of his beliefs can be voiced in his rather cold, chilly, grim and experienced voice, the voice of a man who has slain child after child, as if it was part of some mechanical construction. His body, however does not speak for the same, mostly covered in the heavily reinforced, cleansed, blessed and purified 'demonic-angelic armour.' However the occational arm skin reveals burnt skin that does not seem to rot and dead skin which does not reak of corpse. Powers: The powers of Conquestus are directed towards conflict, therefor he has a cunning intellect and strong strategical and tactical capabilities, however they're limited to the aspect of warfare and conflict, from the weakest of conflicts to the strongest. He is also able to teleport himself to his fortress cathedral, a pocket dimension of a small religious town built around a massive cathedral made for both the act of praying and the hard acts of warfare, Conquestus is the owner of the Cathedral fortress however hundreds if not thousands attend it every day and work their jobs, he often goes here for brief times, his normal routine is that he appears in the main chamber, prays to the allfather, get's himself cleansed, repeaired and re-armored and return into combat again, it happens at a reduced time in the physical world, one day in the pocket dimension is generally a minute in any other plane of existance. Conquestus is a divine forger, capable of making neigh anything if given the tools. Weapons: - Vanquisher of Conflict: The 250cm long runic greatsword is the legendary weapon most oftenly connected with Conquestus, the Vanquisher of Conflict is a legendary weapon forged by the allfather in the begining days for the pre-destined champion of his will, however it would instead be used to challenge conflict. It's blade is sharper then any other and can cleave through the thickest of armors, however it's scale makes it slow and hard to carry around, therefor it sits on a holster on the very back of Conquestus. The sword itself carries such power that without even using any of it's divine capabilities a single swing damages the enemy before it actually makes contact, the pure force makes the wind flee and hit the enemy before the weapon itself is supposed to, as described by Tribal members of a, yet to be truly developed, world. - Protector against Unjustice: The self forged, unbreakable legendary shield of which Conquestus bears in one hand, whilst somehow managing to battle with the Vanquisher of Conflict in the other, a great display of godlike strenght, because the Protector against Unjustice weights almost seventy tons and the sword cannot be measured by normal scales since it was made by the Allfather. If he were to simply drop it on the ground it would most likely fall through a good 10 meters of earth and crack through stone, aswell.
Blaze ne savait pas si les paroles de Conquestus avaient un ton de remords, ou s'il ne faisait que lui expliquer son fardeau. Cependant, il ne pouvait que sympathiser avec la Déité, malgré l'écoute des atrocités qu'il avait commises. Bien sûr, il savait que ce pouvoir aurait un coût encore plus élevé. Puis les mouvements de la Déité ont changé, comme ils ont été forcés. Il y avait quelque chose qui semble le faire tomber, peu importe combien Conquestus a lutté pour aller contre eux. Blaze se demandait ce qui s'était passé. Il n'y avait rien qui semblait retenir la Déité et il ne pouvait même pas imaginer qu'il soit retenu par quoi que ce soit, de toute façon. À un moment donné, il erra si la Déité était démentie de l'abattage sans fin qu'il avait causé et imaginait tout. Cependant, il se trompait immédiatement, car des millions de chaînes sont apparues de nulle part. Malgré ses vaillants efforts, la Déité du conflit s'est rendue à la force apparemment insupportable qui l'a agenouillé. La vue s'est terminée par Conquestus muttering: "Tes chaînes maudites... Ils ne me lieront pas pour toujours!" Encore une fois, Conquestus a lutté pour aller contre les chaînes qui le retenaient et a réussi à se tenir debout sur ses pieds. Blaze empathie avec la Déité maintenant silencieuse qui regardait le ciel. Il était la deuxième personne qu'il rencontrait avec un fardeau proportionné à ses pouvoirs, le premier étant l'Evangélienne, bien que le sien était plus grand. La Déité a regardé vers le ciel et Blaze a hypothéqué son regard a été dirigé vers l'être qui l'a fait souffrir. Après avoir vu tout cela, Blaze était convaincu de ce qu'il voulait faire. Il se tourna vers Conquestus et dit: "Vous me considérez peut-être insignifiante, je n'ai peut-être même pas une fraction de votre pouvoir et vous avez raison, je ne sais rien de l'abattage de masse, encore plus si vous êtes forcé de le faire. Mais maintenant je sais pourquoi tu souffres et je sais ce que je veux faire. Je jure sur ma fierté, je ferai tout ce que je peux et encore plus pour mettre fin à vos souffrances et vous aider à gagner votre liberté! » Puis il se tourna vers le ciel et dirigea sa voix vers la figure qu'il supposait qui plaçait ces chaînes sur Conquestus: « Peu importe à quel point vous êtes forts et quel est votre but, si vous pensez qu'obliger quelqu'un à tuer éternellement pour quelque raison que ce soit est votre justice, alors ma justice est de libérer Conquestus et de vous frapper un sur le chemin! » Même s'il savait qu'en ce moment il aurait autant pu provoquer un être omnipotent, Blaze ne le regrettait pas du tout. Il a été dégoûté par la logique folle du Tout-Père et il était prêt à faire tout ce qu'il faut pour libérer Conquestus.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Innocentius (ou Inno) est sorti de derrière l'arbre qu'il se cachait derrière. Il n'avait pas voulu que Blaze se batte, surtout après avoir perdu la première fois, mais Blaze semblait très résistant, donc Inno n'a pas essayé de l'arrêter. Il n'aurait eu qu'à se mettre en travers de Blaze. Cependant, le combat ne semblait pas avoir eu lieu. Il y avait beaucoup à parler de choses très énormes, mais pas de bagarre. Inno a soupiré de soulagement et l'a essuyé pour la tête. Un autre combat aurait pu être désastreux.
Name: Innocentius Nickname: Depends on how the RP goes ;) Age: 94. Not as old as actual innocence is, he just replaced the previous Deity of Innocence when they... well... wasn't so innocent anymore. Birthday: June 18th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Innocence Hair Color: Silver blonde Hair Style: Eye length and kind of messy Eye Color: Bright blue Skin Color: Cream Height: 5'' Body Build: Small and lean, but not weak. Markings: He has a gold star on his left cheek. Demi-description: Everybody sees evil in this world, right? Things happening in other countries that make one feel teary inside. Actually, that is incorrect. The new born child knows nothing. He can only see the happiness that his parents show him. Since that's what he sees, that's what he shows. This is what is known as "innocence". Innocence is happy, innocence is peaceful, innocence is pure. Background: Joshua can't remember much of his past. It might have been terrible, it might have been wonderful. As soon as he became a Deity, his memory was almost completely wiped. He might most definitely remember it later on, and it's going to be be wonderful/horrifying Personality: Carefree, happy, a curious. Those are his three easiest to spot characteristics. Of course, he isn't always happy, and sometimes he gets pretty serious, but he is usually very child-like. Powers: Unkown Weapons: None
Elle marchait dans les couloirs, chantant de petites berceuses qu'elle a écoutées encore et encore dans les rêves des gens. Quand les petits enfants sont dans les bras de leur mère en train de s'endormir, l'une de ses préférées 'Tous les jolis Petits Chevaux'. Son chant se retourna vers les mots alors qu'elle chantait à travers les grandes salles où les mots mous résonnaient contre les murs, et l'oiseau criait. Elle sourit alors qu'elle commençait à tourner et à tourner autour de l'espace ouvert, le temple était vraiment beau. Elle regarda alors par la fenêtre, regardant la jungle ouverte, se demandant quand elle trouverait le courage de sortir du temple et d'entrer dans le désert. Elle s'est ensuite distrait par un parfum, elle a pu sentir les épices chaudes et les sauces arrosées sur les rencontres cuites et d'autres veriety de la nourriture. Elle suivit rapidement le parfum jusqu'à ce qu'il s'ouvre dans une grande salle à manger, elle ne perdit pas de temps à se faire une assiette de viande rouge, et du pain avec un verre de ce qui semblait être du vin rouge, ce qui avait du sens. Ce sont les choses habituelles offertes aux dieux. Elle s'est assise dans la chambre vide et a commencé à remplir son estomac de la nourriture la plus délicieuse qu'elle ait eue depuis longtemps, mais elle s'est rapidement demandé... qui avait cuisiné tout ça? Y en avait-il d'autres qu'elle ne connaissait pas.
Name: Evangeline Nickname: Aveline Age: 19 Birthday: June 12th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Complexity Hair Color: Black Hair Style: past her waist Eye Color: Graphite Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'6 Body Build: Thin but has curves Markings: sapphire crystal in between the eye brows Demi-description: She is the deity of complexity. She collects all vivid thoughts and complex emotions that humans feel and try to translate on their own. She thinks of everything before answering a question and sometimes she is scrambled between multiple conclusions to one's simple comment or question. She usually looks lost, and results to staying quiet as she tried hard not to burst in to saying all her thoughts out loud because they create anxiety for others. To think so 'complex' as her. She sees both sides, and tried to decipher which would be the best road to take, but she makes mistakes as well. She isn't the goddess of perfection. Background: She's listened to all of these thoughts since was immortal. She could hear thoughts from hundreds of years ago and everyday they fill her head. She gets to listen to people break down complicated theories or amazing Epiphanies each one has while growing up. It's all one amazing cluster of chaotic chemistry between love and hate. She sometimes finds it a curse when she begins to over analyze each person's words, remembering the exact same quotes from the thoughts in her head that its somewhat overwhelming she feels that no one is their self. Only creations of one another. She scared she'll never be thrilled again. Personality: She keeps a simple personality, keeping most of her thoughts to herself and tries to give the easiest explanation. She doesn't like explaining who she is and what she does because even to her it all sounds like a complicated mess of a life, but she enjoys it. She is somewhat quiet but loves adventure, it is where she smiles most. Even though it is rare for her to be taught something new, she loves learning. Powers: Telepathy, but she tries hard not to sue it when she is getting to know someone. She doesn't want to be able to read their emotions, or know what they are thinking. But she does use it in some situations when she only wants one person to know what she is thinking or wanting to say. Other powers unknown. Weapons: N/A
Tu es vraiment un imbécile. Il a déclaré, cependant sa fureur s'estompait lentement, ses yeux regardant toujours au-delà du ciel. ''Mais votre volonté est au bon endroit...'' Tout en disant que son corps a commencé à s'estomper une fois de plus dans l'oubli. ''Je reviendrai...'' Son corps alors instantanément devenu invisible, il s'est trouvé dans sa cathédrale de la forteresse dans la dimension de poche de laquelle il trouve beaucoup de but.
Name: Conquestus Nickname: - - - - - - - - Age: If you could point a finger and explain that 'this is the day that conflict started!' that would be the day of which Conquestus would've been born. Birthday: Whatever day which fathers conflict. Origin: Conquestus is born from the natural personality of challenging ideals, when ever two people clash on whatever type of field, be it through speeches or fists Conquestus would have been deitiesed by this very notion, in the begining of time, the begining of conflict. Conflict exists on many different scales that we're not aware of, there is galactic conflict, gravity fighting light, meteors fighting planets, no matter what the chaos of conflict and the chaos of everyday lift is ultimately a piece in the puzzle which is conflict, Conquestus is the offspring of two clashing ideals, which were the first thing to happen in this universe, when something want's something else and they confront something that want's what they want there will be conflict, be it of intelligence or of lifelessness. Deity: Deity of Conflict. -------- Hair Color: Described as a figure of 'blazing' hair colors, signifying the firey reality of conflict. Hair Style: Once again, it is described as a chaotic hair style, yet it holds order, it is not put in any type of style yet it recembles order, just like the nature of conflict, you can find order in conflict, even if conflict is, originally, a creator of chaos. Eye Color: In ancient runes his eyes are described as piercing flame, rising to the sun, to the possible future, yet it originates from the bottom, from the deepest caverns of his eyes. It is described to be a pair of eyes who shine as bright as a star, pierce like a bullet yet it's dark as the shadow of night. Skin Color: His remaining skin appears like fire burnt flesh, however most parts of his organic body has been reinforced or replaced by 'unholy, yet divine metals.' This was described in ''The Dying Angel'' a biblical adaptation to a long lost story of ''Conquestus and his unending Crusade.'' The original story was the last story which resided in the ''Heavenly Pillar'' biblical book which had been archeologically found in the very modern day, a famous writer had readaptated the story into ''The Dying Angel'' book which was an incredible hit. Height: Yet again, as described from ''The Dying Angel'' Conquests is a Titan amongst men and demi-gods alike, his height was never really described in meters nor feet, however the universal language can be understood. ''As the figure crosses the horizon and splits it in two, charging at him was a human, unlike any other man, the figure covered in the suns blinding blaze was twice that of the man who charged at him, the man who was once known as the Behemoth of Ghalíí, with a single swing of his mighty sword the behemoth flew, as if he would bare wings, into the sky.'' If I break immersion I'd say that the Behemoth of Ghalíí was 230cm. Conquestus, the Dying Angel in this case is nearly twice his size, 390cm. Body Build: I really like quoting this made up universe I'm thinking of as I go. As written in the original story, Conquestus is a war built figure, taller and stronger then any other deity who would cross his path, whilst maybe not the most agile or caring he would face the problem head on, with his brute force and surprising cunning and knowledge and prevail, because what in the end kills him, as written in the book, is himself and his very existance, he is a plague, and therefor he is haunted by every death in every universe, multiverse or alternate reality. As written in ''The Dying Angel'' here is a description. ''As he stood still, in the very epicenter of attention he allowed us to gaze at his wartorn figure, whilst covered in armor of unknown origin the very body of which he originated was unlike any other warrior, scarred beyond recognition, yet it was recognizable as a man, he appeared plagued, troubled, he stated no word, simply allowed us to gaze upon him, and the pseudo-biblical oaths hanging off his body, written on these burnt papers who hold their anchor in the skin of this mighty figure, written on these were the explenations of conflict, one would not suspect what to be written on these long and ancient papers to be connected with conflict. Markings: As stated from ''The Dying Angel'' ''By giving up his body upon death, he was the very first victim of conflict, loosing his life he became a deity of what took his life, His body were to be cleansed, washed and perfectionised, because the moment he would leave the house of godhood and into the purpose of his life he'd lose every aspect of reason, he'd find no need in self hygine, none in cleansing, neither anything in compasion, because he would, with time, lose his skin to the ''unholy, yet divine'' metals of which were, in the begining his armor.'' His skin is a testament to the nature of conflict, tortured, burned beyond recognition and removed, replaced with this metal. Carved and hooked into his skin is a 1000 page long explenation of conflict made and written by the god of all, it is placed on one, long piece of indestructible cloth like writing material. It is hooked in repeated sense, going over and above previous pages so that certain things could not be read, the final product is a cross like shape on the back Conquestus wrapping around his torso also. ----- Demi-description: Conquestus is a deity of conflict, fathered by the god of all because he deemed conflict a burden in need of baring. As a litteral Titan Conquestus is no stranger to physically demanding actions nor combat, He is a veteran of many wars of many purposes and of many origins, on many different planes of existance, because he is the ultimatum, he is the ultimate barer of the burden which will, ultimately end all when he cannot bare it any longer. Being created by the first at of conflict in mortal kinds and ressurected as a deity of what killed him by the father of all he is now forced to bare what he hates beyond all, however his existance revolves around it, therefor his life is now a mist of memories blurred together to create a blurry vision of a background, whatever's been written in books is what he goes off by, because he's killed too many, seen to many faces, seen too many sufferers to be able to remember anything but the screams of voices as they face the ultimatum, the blade of the executioner. The self hating part of Conquestus existance is a subject to the fact that most people of conflict dislike using violence, however are forced to by others. Background: In the begining of Conquestus life he was a mortal of the first ever existance in the first ever plane of existance, he was slayed by the first ever use of violence and conflict and in that term was brought into the afterlife, The allfather, a nameless God of everything and everyone sought out the fact that conflict was a nature which he did not wish to experience, yet it had sneaked it's way into his existance, he chose Conquestus, or whatever name he bore before then as an Angel of Conflict, a Dying Angel who would slay only to take pieces out of his very soul. Even though the future which the Allfather was obviously aware of was daunting and of incredible dislike of him he blessed Conquestus with the greatest of weapons and armor and cleansed his spirit and soul before sending him into the warfield which would span the begining of his endless crusade. As long as there's war, there will be sacrifices and deaths, which can lead to complete destruction. At the hand of Conquestus millions of men, women and children have fallen, billions, infact, actuall, trillions, UNCOUNTABLE numbers which haunt his every moment. Civilizations have fallen, stars imploded and planets ripped themselves open. His arrival in any realm is oftenly explained like this. ''The skies itself rippen open to lead the way onto us a man of black metals and a sword longer then myself, carried by continentally large wings he plummeted into the ground and ripped it open, leaving much to evaporate or discintergrate beneath his feet. The scar in the sky heals and the wings fade into oblivion, however his will of fire engulfes him in the purifying and hateful flames of conflict itself, he swings his weapon upon soldier after soldier, carving a path through the unending field of men, all whilst slowly walking forwards, the black cloak carried by the wind on his back. Using blood as the fate of the ultimate crime of warfare.'' Personality: A non-discriminating personality of divinity, he is not a great speaker however when he voices his wills he speaks quick and true, using the perspective of a warrior to great lenghts he makes it obvious that he has been through much and experienced more. His age is beyond many realms and at times the truth of his beliefs can be voiced in his rather cold, chilly, grim and experienced voice, the voice of a man who has slain child after child, as if it was part of some mechanical construction. His body, however does not speak for the same, mostly covered in the heavily reinforced, cleansed, blessed and purified 'demonic-angelic armour.' However the occational arm skin reveals burnt skin that does not seem to rot and dead skin which does not reak of corpse. Powers: The powers of Conquestus are directed towards conflict, therefor he has a cunning intellect and strong strategical and tactical capabilities, however they're limited to the aspect of warfare and conflict, from the weakest of conflicts to the strongest. He is also able to teleport himself to his fortress cathedral, a pocket dimension of a small religious town built around a massive cathedral made for both the act of praying and the hard acts of warfare, Conquestus is the owner of the Cathedral fortress however hundreds if not thousands attend it every day and work their jobs, he often goes here for brief times, his normal routine is that he appears in the main chamber, prays to the allfather, get's himself cleansed, repeaired and re-armored and return into combat again, it happens at a reduced time in the physical world, one day in the pocket dimension is generally a minute in any other plane of existance. Conquestus is a divine forger, capable of making neigh anything if given the tools. Weapons: - Vanquisher of Conflict: The 250cm long runic greatsword is the legendary weapon most oftenly connected with Conquestus, the Vanquisher of Conflict is a legendary weapon forged by the allfather in the begining days for the pre-destined champion of his will, however it would instead be used to challenge conflict. It's blade is sharper then any other and can cleave through the thickest of armors, however it's scale makes it slow and hard to carry around, therefor it sits on a holster on the very back of Conquestus. The sword itself carries such power that without even using any of it's divine capabilities a single swing damages the enemy before it actually makes contact, the pure force makes the wind flee and hit the enemy before the weapon itself is supposed to, as described by Tribal members of a, yet to be truly developed, world. - Protector against Unjustice: The self forged, unbreakable legendary shield of which Conquestus bears in one hand, whilst somehow managing to battle with the Vanquisher of Conflict in the other, a great display of godlike strenght, because the Protector against Unjustice weights almost seventy tons and the sword cannot be measured by normal scales since it was made by the Allfather. If he were to simply drop it on the ground it would most likely fall through a good 10 meters of earth and crack through stone, aswell.
Blaze s'est occupé du bien-être de Conquestus. En fait, il s'inquiétait s'il allait bien seul. Il a été amusé de l'ironie qu'il a empathie avec celui qui est responsable de chaque conflit dans le multivers. "Je dois être plus fou que je ne le pensais..." il murmurait. Avec la Disparition de la Déité, Blaze se tourna de nouveau vers Innocentius. Il se cachait derrière un arbre. Blaze le considérait béni parce qu'il ne voulait pas participer à un combat. Il souhaitait ne jamais avoir à se battre, mais il savait que c'était impossible. "Tu peux sortir maintenant! C'est sûr!" Il a attendu que le garçon se rapproche et a continué: "Je pense repartir une fois de plus, veux-tu venir?"
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Xabiz se réveille au milieu de l'Atrium. Je me suis évanoui? - C'est quoi, ça? Explique pourquoi personne n'est là... pensée de Xabiz, debout. Il se demandait où tout le monde allait, se promenant à l'entrée du temple. Il est témoin de la statue géante d'un homme, Blaze et d'un autre blond poilu... parlant, peut-être? Comme si sur un caprice, les mouvements des statues devenaient plus rigides, presque forcés. Apparemment hors de nulle part, des millions de chaînes paraissaient tirer la statue vers le bas pour s'agenouiller. D'où viennent les chaînes? Qui les contrôle? "Vos chaînes maudites.. Ils ne me lieront pas pour toujours!" Les mots résonnaient dans la tête de Xabiz, son esprit lui montrant l'avenir. La pierre gemme brille légèrement, signifiant la vérité derrière ce qu'il voit. La statue est furieuse et dirigée vers un être au-dessus de lui. Et, de cette existence à une autre. Xabiz chuchotait, ne sachant pas qui c'était, seulement un nom sur lequel la statue dirigeait sa fureur. Xabiz voulait parler à la statue, quel que soit son nom et son but, pour en savoir plus sur ce 'Allfather'. Xabiz tourna et entra dans le temple par la suite, un peu de lumière se dirigeant vers la vision qu'on lui donna. Il ressentait le besoin de nourriture, puis sentait certains plus loin dans le temple, suivant l'odeur de la salle à manger. Xabiz s'est fixé une assiette avant de remarquer qu'une femme avait déjà commencé à manger à la table. "Mes excuses. Je ne t'ai pas remarquée jusqu'à maintenant. Comment allez-vous?" Xabiz a dit qu'il prenait place à la table en face d'elle.
Name: Xabiz Kazzul Nickname: This is a gift given by others, not something you give yourself. Age: 21 Birthday: The day isn't important. Origin: Someplace, Somewhere. Deity: Deity of Foresight Hair Color: A Dark Blue which appears Black Hair Style: Short and Messy Eye Color: Gray Skin Color: Pale Height: 5'9" Body Build: Thin and Lean. Built to run, not to fight. Markings: A small white gemstone in the middle of his forehead. Demi-description: He is the Deity of Foresight. He is that sense of Deja vu that some people experience. Seeing into the future isn't all that it's cracked up to be. The future is always shifting and changing. This shifting and changing annoys him, especially when he is trying to figure out what to next. Background: He's been 'blessed' with the ability to see the future. What a 'blessing' that is. Although it is enjoyable to witness the same hilarities twice, to see everyone around him die in multiple ways every day of his life has been a nightmare. Personality: He tries to keep calm and collected around most people, not letting them know what he fears. It's a constant battle of emotion and most days, he struggles to show the world a happy face. He hasn't let that many people get close to him, it doesn't hurt that much if he doesn't know them well. Powers: He can see the future. This ability isn't perfect and more often than not, isn't the actual future that happens. Instead, he sees something that could have been and a few things that happened changed it. Weapons: This has always been a debate. An argument within the background of his head. Most days, he doesn't have a weapon. On a few, he carries a dagger at his side, hand hovering over it, ready to strike at the futures which he has seen as a threat to him.
Où allons-nous? a demandé à Inno curieusement. Il semblait y avoir beaucoup de gens qui allaient à la salle à manger, peut-être qu'ils pourraient y aller et dîner. Inno était aussi en quelque sorte désireux de repérer la partie extérieure de la zone. Il semblait qu'il y avait une grande quantité de territoire au fond de l'arbre, mais comment y arriveraient-ils? Innocentius avait l'impression qu'il n'y avait pas d'ascenseur. Espérons qu'il y ait eu une sorte de système de téléportation magique, parce qu'il n'avait vraiment pas envie de marcher autant d'escaliers. Pas maintenant, jamais.
Name: Innocentius Nickname: Depends on how the RP goes ;) Age: 94. Not as old as actual innocence is, he just replaced the previous Deity of Innocence when they... well... wasn't so innocent anymore. Birthday: June 18th Origin: Can't remember Deity: Deity of Innocence Hair Color: Silver blonde Hair Style: Eye length and kind of messy Eye Color: Bright blue Skin Color: Cream Height: 5'' Body Build: Small and lean, but not weak. Markings: He has a gold star on his left cheek. Demi-description: Everybody sees evil in this world, right? Things happening in other countries that make one feel teary inside. Actually, that is incorrect. The new born child knows nothing. He can only see the happiness that his parents show him. Since that's what he sees, that's what he shows. This is what is known as "innocence". Innocence is happy, innocence is peaceful, innocence is pure. Background: Joshua can't remember much of his past. It might have been terrible, it might have been wonderful. As soon as he became a Deity, his memory was almost completely wiped. He might most definitely remember it later on, and it's going to be be wonderful/horrifying Personality: Carefree, happy, a curious. Those are his three easiest to spot characteristics. Of course, he isn't always happy, and sometimes he gets pretty serious, but he is usually very child-like. Powers: Unkown Weapons: None
Bien, évidemment, nous allons à une aventure... Personnellement, j'ai des choses que je veux régler, mais ça va être amusant! Nous pouvons rencontrer de nouvelles personnes, explorer de nouveaux endroits et en savoir plus sur toute la Déité chose que nous avons été traînés ici pour! Mais d'abord, on devrait prendre quelque chose à manger! Je meurs de faim! Blaze a dit d'un ton joyeux. Il avait assez faim, mais il avait une autre raison d'aller à la salle à manger. D'où il sentait la nourriture fraîchement cuite, il sentait aussi un parfum. Le parfum d'Evangéline. Il s'est précipité dans la salle à manger avant Inno et l'a trouvée là-bas. Le loup-garou était aussi là, mangeant seul. Blaze s'est approché d'Evangéline. "Une fois de plus, je suis désolé pour les ennuis que je vous ai causés à cause de mon combat avec Conquestus. Vous ne voulez peut-être pas écouter mes excuses, mais j'ai l'intention de partir bientôt et c'est le moins que je puisse faire...Après avoir mangé, je vais partir, alors portez ma présence encore un peu plus longtemps. » Avec ces mots, Blaze assis quelques chaises loin d'Evangéline et a commencé à manger, montrant les formalités, au lieu de manger sauvagement, comme beaucoup pourraient supposer, à cause de son statut de dragon.
Name: Blaze Nickname: Dragon Son Age: 22 Birthday: August 1st Origin: Dragons are feared by many as the fiercest and strongest mythical creatures in existence. Their power can destroy even the sturdiest fortresses and their flames are rumored to burn anything, even souls. However, contrary to general belief, dragons are extremely wise creatures, with knowledge that goes as far as their ancient existence. Many of them are even capable of using magic. Blaze knows all these facts very well, being brought by dragons since infantry. Now he wanders around Desnia, along with his partner Paco, to fullfil the tasks his brethren has requested of him. Deity: Deity of dragons. Hair Color: White Hair Style: As in the photo Eye Color: Red Skin Color: Normal Height: 1,79 Body Build: Nicely toned muscles, but not bulky. Markings: A dragon symbol scar engraved on the left side of his chest. Demi-description: Blaze is a Dragon Deity, the protector of all dragons. He has acquired a dragon's strength and knowledge, along with their respect of nature and life. While he knows about the human civilization and their history, his lack of experience with them make him oblivious to simple facts such as food, their way of giving birth and even their behavior patterns. In spite of that, he can quickly adapt to every new thing he experiences through his calm-minded understanding. While having tremendous force, he avoids conflicts, knowing that using his powers rashly can cause destruction to both nature and any other living being. However he is always happy to lend a hand, knowing that sometime he might even need help himself. Background: His mother dying at birth, a newborn baby was left in the darkest depths of a forest, because his fellow villagers were terrified by his flaming red eyes, labeling it as cursed. Cold, alone and without food or water, the baby started to cry. But, as time passed, the cry changed, turning in a wild roar that echoed through the end of the horizon. The spectacle that followed shocked the villagers. Hundreds of dragons flew above the village, and formed a circle above the location the baby was. As their flight turned into a dance, one dragon descended and, despite its tremendous force, picked the baby gently. Upon their contact, the baby's body received a dragon shaped scar. The dragons returned to their homeland and surrounded the now quiet infant and decided to bring it up as one of their own brethren. They named him Blaze, because of his red eyes and the dragons' own flames that burn through anything. Blaze grew up believing he was born with dragons learning from them speech, writing, cultures and knowledge and slowly acquired their strength, wisdom and even their flames. At some point he also found Paco, with whom he goes everywhere. At some point, his fellow kin sent him on a journey with 3 tasks: Learn about his true origins, awaken his latent powers and kill the Dark Dragon, Urumel. Now, with Paco, he wanders through Desnia to fullfil the tasks given to him and find out more about the world. Personality: Blaze is usually quite cheerful and somewhat curious, being his first time out of the dragons' homeland. He is quite energetic and he always says what he is thinking, believing that being sincere is the best value anyone can have. Despite his appearance though, he is level headed and rarely displays rashness, patiently thinking of what should be done in any situation. However, he can be sarcastic at times and always looks for a chance to say a good one-liner to lighten the mood. He never displays fear, because he does not think that something can be scarier than a dragon, however he is not unaware of it, trying to help anyone to get rid of their own fears. Powers: Blaze possesses the strength,speed,endurance and senses of a dragon. His raw power is enough to lift a house with little effort, while he can reach speeds that a normal human's eye is difficult to follow. He is also able to create dragon flames from his hands and use dragonbreath as well. If overcome with emotion, Blaze's dragon abilities give him dragon scales, claws, and fangs and boost his abilities, however, in this form he is uncontrollable and cannot distinguish friend or foe. Weapons: None. He is a bare hand fighter. (P.S: He is my first character in RP so if he is overpowered please tell me so I can fix it. Also if there is a problem with having a companion (Paco), I will correct that as well.)
Il y a toutes sortes d'écoles; écoles primaires, écoles secondaires, lycées, collèges, écoles d'art, écoles intérimaires, écoles d'ingénieurs... et puis il y a Shinjuku Academy, connu pour ses diplômés impressionnants et ses étudiants et employés dévoués mais localement connu, comme le Ryozanpaku, une école pour combattants, l'école de combat ultime. C'était une école assez grande. Assez grand pour tenir quelques dojos utilisables à droite des dortoirs et une zone de taille raisonnable pour des séances de formation de masse derrière les dojos. Il a également tenu sa propre arène qu'il a utilisé pour des concours, comme Iron Fist Competition. C'était lundi et le début d'une nouvelle année, ce qui signifiait pour les étudiants résidents, la Semaine d'initiation des jeunes gens. Bien que appelé la « semaine d'initiation », il s'agissait plus ou moins d'une cérémonie d'une journée, puis de quatre jours de test des compétences et des capacités des nouveaux arrivants pour voir s'ils pouvaient gérer les pressions que cette école leur a imposées. Pour la plupart de l'école, les élèves étaient dans leurs classes ou dojos; Étudier l'histoire de leur art et certaines des autres classes de base, ou pratiquer leurs katas et épargner avec leurs camarades de classe. Ailleurs dans l'école, en bas de la salle des classes seniors était une salle avec une porte en chêne avec une petite plaque qui lisait dans une police de couleur obsidienne "Student Government". L'intérieur était magnifiquement décoré. Son sol de tradition japonaise et ses portes intérieures mais avec sa décoration d'une torche plus moderne. Là, un jeune homme était assis à un bureau en chêne près de la fenêtre qui surplombait l'entrée de l'école. Il portait une chemise à manches longues à col gris qui était bien pressée. Sur sa chemise était assis son patch qui était une combinaison du drapeau taïwanais et japonais se croisant. Deux barres d'or reposaient sur les drapeaux gravés avec un petit imprimé "SGP" pour le président du gouvernement étudiant. Sa chemise cousue dans une paire de pantalons noirs croustillants avec des chaussures de robe polies. Ses jambes se croisent alors que sa main soutient sa tête sur l'accoudoir. Ses yeux ambrés brillants s'élancent vers les nouveaux arrivants. Freshmen, l'abruti de la litière. Ils ont le plus à prouver hors de toute l'école de sorte qu'ils doivent se déplacer plus rapidement et frapper plus fort que n'importe qui d'autre s'ils veulent le faire donc ce n'est pas une surprise que la première année soit le premier à être sauté ou intimidé, en particulier pendant la semaine d'initiation de Freshman. Certains nouveaux venus riaient et plaisantaient avec d'autres, d'autres avec un regard nerveux et d'autres avec ce regard d'indifférence à propos de la nouvelle école. Il savait ce qu'il voulait dire aujourd'hui et il l'en voulait. Il savait qu'il, ainsi que le gouvernement étudiant, devrait présenter les nouveaux élèves à l'école. Il tourna la tête vers le reste de la pièce où le gouvernement étudiant était assis, regardant toujours les étudiants s'élancer pour le début de la nouvelle année. Son regard ne fait qu'augmenter en entendant l'interphone donner sa bague traditionnelle avant que le chef de l'école commence son annonce pour l'inévitable cérémonie. "Puis-je avoir votre attention s'il vous plaît étudiants. Comme vous le savez, aujourd'hui commence la cérémonie pour les nouveaux étudiants, donc je m'attends à ce que le corps étudiant soit sur leur meilleur comportement. Veuillez vous présenter à l'auditorium pour la cérémonie d'initiation de la première année dans 30 minutes. "Christy-kun, avez-vous préparé un discours pour cette cérémonie?" Il a dit avec un soupir exaspéré. Il détestait vraiment faire ces cérémonies. Il y a eu quelques fois qu'il a vraiment apprécié cela, mais c'est à ce moment qu'il est devenu président pour la première fois. C'était une façon pour lui de le frotter dans les visages de tous les juniors et des aînés qui doutaient de ses capacités mais maintenant, c'était juste la redondance. -- Je suppose que vous êtes prêts? Il demanda alors qu'il tournait sa chaise en regardant son cabinet. Il était Huang Miyamoto, le Démon de Shinjuku, connu pour sa semaine d'initiation et pour sa capacité à abattre le président en tant que jeune homme, un exploit qui n'avait pas été accompli avant dans l'école. Il regarda Christina avec un peu d'ennui alors qu'il attendait sa réponse.
Name: Huang Miyamoto Nickname: The Demon of Shinjuku Age: 19 Height: 5'11" Weight: 158lbs Year: Senior Personality: Huang feels that due to his position as President and reputation in the school as one of, if not THE top fighter, that he must be respected and doesn't care how. He has control of his anger thanks to his training however he shows no quarter in unleashing the slightest amount to put someone in their place whether verbally or physically. When in conversation he comes across as a calm individual with a condescending tone at times but tries to hide it through a faux smile. He cannot stand freshmen or as he puts it "pieces of meat to be fed to the wolves". His hatred for freshmen will stem farther if they show any kind of weakness but that hatred is not limited to JUST freshmen. ANYONE who shows weakness in front of him is considered lower than him. When fighting his fake smile has a tendency to become more genuine and a bit dark. Fighting Style: Because of his personality he likes to remind people of who is on top by using explosive strikes and damaging clinches. His quick and nimble body allows him to become more flexible in a fight in order to get out of certain situations. He will taunt his opponents in subtle ways like adjust a fist or a kick to where he thinks it is the right place before going in and countering with a more precise, harder hit. He doesn't prefer to use any form of ground game but will if he needs to. Martial Arts: Muay Thai Silat Brazilian Jiu Jutsu Krav Maga History: Huang is of Taiwanese and Japanese decent. His father, who lived, studied and taught Silat and Muay Tai in Taiwan, had relocated to Japan in order to broaden his teaching to the rest of the world. It was in Japan that his father married and gave life to him. Starting at the young and delicate age of three, Huang's father began teaching him what he knew. Even at such a young age, Huang had shown a natural ability to understand his father's art styles. With this in mind, Huang's father began to push him harder in training, with expectations raising as the years progressed. By age 15 he was considered by his father a "decent" fighter but that was putting it mildly. He had one a few first place martial arts trophies through the years but not without a few second and third place here and there. Huang was able to keep up with his father, although Huang's father would hold back a little bit still. He felt that his When he entered into Shinjuku Academy, he had been in conflict multiple times within the initiation week. Huang was not one to hold back when threatened and that was clearly shown in the video recordings that a few students managed to get when he brutally beat down the small group with no mercy. Huang had never actually fought anyone but he enjoyed the rush it brought. The week Huang had entered into the academy is what is known right now as "The bloody week". Huang had challenged as many juniors and seniors as he could to show that he was better then they were. The gossip on the number of fights that Huang caused had become so great that he was selected, by the student government and his sensei at the time, to enter the Iron Fist Tournament, as a freshmen. This alone spread more rumors around the school about his combat prowess but it didn't reach its peak until in the middle of the tournament, Huang had challenged the President for his position, something that had never happened in the school's history. So the freshmen vs. the student government president fight would take place as the last fight. So as the tournament proceeded to its last fight, which all bets were on the president at the time. The president of the student government had been a regional champion and champion of his precinct for some time so it was complete shock that had ran through the school when Huang hand taken him down in the 4th round, using the three to calculate and analyze his opponent before overpowering him within 2 minutes. Many were surprised he managed to make it past the first two rounds but with this Huang had taken the position of president of the student body government. Through the years in the academy until his senior year, he had picked up Brazilian Jiu Jutsu and Krav Maga in order to expand his knowledge of the Martial Arts world. In this time as well, he had many try to take him out of the position but all had failed. He kept a tight group of the best in his student governing body. Dreams and Fears: He looks forward to the day that the schools "plague" is thoroughly snuffed and its reputation remains strong although he feels right now that it has fallen since the new freshmen have entered. He fears that one day, he will be dethroned from his place as president and his crown as the top fighter striped away.
Tetsunosuke était assis sur un banc tout en profitant de l'ombre d'un arbre à proximité fourni. Il portait des pantalons de couleur charbon de bois, un polo blanc sous un pull en col noir, et des bottes en suède noir chukka. Sur sa manche droite était assis un patch avec un tigre à l'aspect caricatural portant des gants MMA et un short Vale Tudo. Pinné sur le patch étaient deux barres d'or signifiant qu'il était un aîné. Tout en laissant un léger soupir, il tira les manches de son pull au-dessus de ses poignets. Aujourd'hui marquerait le début de sa dernière année à l'Académie Shinjuku. L'endroit où il avait perfectionné ses capacités au cours des trois dernières années. Bien sûr, alors qu'il avait étudié à Shinjuku, il ne pouvait plus prendre le temps de participer à des tournois d'arts martiaux, qu'il manquait beaucoup. Cependant, c'était inévitablement pour le mieux puisqu'il voulait se concentrer uniquement sur l'entraînement et monter une ou deux classes de poids. Il ne serait pas en mesure de mettre tout son dans gagner du muscle et de grossir s'il devait s'inquiéter de couper pour une classe de poids toutes les deux semaines dans le circuit de compétition. Cependant, Muscle n'était pas tout ce qui l'intéressait. Tetsunosuke avait également passé beaucoup de temps à améliorer son niveau de compétence déjà phénoménal afin de s'assurer que prendre le titre mondial à un moment donné ne serait pas inouï. Comme une annonce s'est évanouie sur les orateurs autour de l'école, Tetsu a fait un visage de légère ennui. « Eh bien... je suppose qu'il sera temps d'aller à la cérémonie bientôt. Mais je ne peux rien y faire. Il faut juste le sucer et s'en aller." Il se dit tranquillement en regardant les branches de l'arbre se déplaçant avec la légère brise dans l'air. Avec cela, Tetsu se leva lentement et commença à prendre son temps pour aller à l'auditorium.
Name: Testsunosuke Shoji (Goes by Tetsu usually) Nickname/Ring Nickname: The Northern Tiger Age: 17(senior) Height: 5'7" Weight: 157lbs Personality: Tetsu usually keeps to himself and does not go out of his way to challenge other students very often unless for what he deems an important reason. Stoic and calm, he only loses his cool in a fight when he encounters cheating or anything that could be considered dishonorable. Fighting Style: Tetsu prefers to be on the offensive and aggressive, while not sacrificing any of his technicality. If he seems to be going nowhere with the way he is fighting, he will create space and try something else. He adapts to situations very well and does not respond well to cheating. Usually he prefers to end a fight quickly and go for the finish rather than drag it out and let it go to a decision. Martial Arts: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Muay Thai Shotokan Karate Wrestling History: At the age of 4, Tetsu began training at a small Karate Dojo in his neighborhood located in Northern Tokyo. He took lessons and excelled at the dojo for 7 years. During his time there, he would watch MMA on television whenever he wasn't training or at school. Mesmerized, he vowed to be like the fighters he watched so intently on his small tube t.v. Eventually, Tetsunosuke began training at another facility to further his knowledge of other styles in order to prepare him to capture the dream he held so dear. It is here at an MMA gym that he would study the disciplines known as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai along with Wrestling. He is considered a prodigy by many who have witnessed his exploits in the competitive circuit for the styles that he trains in. His many skills gained him sponsorship from a couple high profile martial arts brands and an invitation to Shinjuku Academy once he was of high school age. During his first three years at Shinjuku, Tetsu Mostly kept to himself; focusing on training and his physique. While he detested the way weaker students are treated, he mostly tried to ignore it and keep himself out of as many fights as possible. However, this is not to say that he has not fought against other students. The few times that Tetsunosuke has been left without choice or chose to fight, based on his honor, he completely dismantled his opponents in the quickest and most effective way. Of course, this was only against lower tier bullies. As a result, nobody really made a big fuss about Tetsu and his abilities. Anybody who had heard of him and his competition exploits while a younger child/teen had simply just assumed that he couldn't keep up once he was at an elite school and so he was forgotten while at Shinjuku and away from competition. He had never chosen to enter The Iron Fist Tournament, but he was now a senior and this year was different. Tetsu had begun to grow tired of the current attitude many of the schools student government members possessed and the way they treated the other students, so a decision was made on his part to put a stop to it once and for all. He plans to quietly enter the tournament to dethrone the president along with his lackeys. Nobody yet knows of this plan however, so Tetsu is still without much attention at the beginning of his senior year. Dreams and Fears: Tetsunosuke dreams of being Champion of the world in whatever MMA organization is most popular. He wants to be known as the best and retire undefeated once he makes his pro debut. After retirement, Tetsu wishes to run his very own training facility and bring up a new generation of fighters and champions. Tetsu fears crushing defeat and losing the sight and motivation necessary to accomplish his goals.
Daichi était l'un des très nombreux débutants marchant à travers les portes de devant, avec de grands yeux et l'anticipation. Daichi n'a marché avec personne, tous ses amis n'étaient en aucun cas des combattants, donc n'allaient pas à l'Académie Shinjuku. Contrairement à la plupart des étudiants qui l'entouraient, Daichi était excité. Il pourrait se battre contre des adversaires qu'il n'aurait jamais eus s'il n'était pas venu ici, et plus encore, il peut se prouver, aussi longtemps qu'il peut le faire. Daichi est passé sur un banc vide pour vérifier rapidement son sac. Gants de boxe, vérifiez. Photo de papa et maman, vérifie. Des articles de toilette, vérifie. Patch de chemise, chèque... Patch de chemise? Daichi a sorti la bande d'argent. Pousse-toi! Il s'est soudain rendu compte que ce n'était pas sur sa chemise alors il l'a rapidement apposé sur sa manche droite à l'aide du Velcro. Beaucoup mieux. Daichi sourit à son imbécile, il ne voulait pas être embarrassé le premier jour. Son uniforme était noir pur, ce qu'il aimait, c'était la couleur de son gilet quand il faisait de la boxe. Daichi a recommencé à marcher à travers les portes d'entrée. L'école elle-même était très imposante, et encore moins ce qui devait venir, cependant, Daichi a vu qu'elle était pleine d'opportunités pour lui. Il peut se faire de nouveaux amis, et j'espère que son compagnon de chambre était assez gentil aussi. Daichi a suivi tous les autres étudiants de première année car ils avaient probablement une meilleure idée de l'endroit où aller qu'il ne l'a fait. La semaine d'initiation serait probablement l'une des semaines les plus difficiles qu'il affrontera dans cette école, mais il devrait endurer. J'espère que la cérémonie sera bonne. Du moins, Daichi l'espérait. De toute façon, Daichi a fait son chemin vers l'auditorium où ses premiers pas à Shinjuku commenceraient.
Name: Daichi Sentouki Age: 15(Freshman) Height: 5' 7" Weight: 167 lbs (Middleweight) Personality: Daichi is a colourful and cheerful person who enjoys others companies rather than solidarity outside of training and fighting. Daichi is a very honest and selfless person however Daichi can stand up for his friends "too much". He's not afraid of anyone that threatens their friends, which can land him in some sticky situations. However, he is also incredibly self-doubtful as he doesn't believe he's that good a fighter, even though he was accepted into this school which hopefully meant something. He keeps his promises, defends anyone and is far from turning down a challenge of ANY scale. Fighting Style: Daichi is a very standard boxer with a good mix of offense and defense, however what he usually does is wait, examine, and act. At the beginning he'll hang back, moving around the enemy, dodging and blocking attacks to get a feel of his opponent. After he gets his first gauge, he'll try and switch it up to offensive strategies. However this lasts for a little bit to test the defensive capabilities of his opponent. With all this data gathered, it would be time to make a plan and stick with it. Martial Arts: Boxing History: Daichi has always had problems with bullies, his own or his friend's bullies. This problem had started at about midway through elementary school where a bully had decided to make Daichi's group of friends his target. However, you mess with Daichi's friends, you've messed with him. Daichi approached the older bully in the middle of the playground and asked him to stop pushing him and his friends about. Well... you can probably imagined how that went. An ass-kicking occurred and a call from the principle. Daichi wouldn't let this go, even with the school now involved. His parents wouldn't stand for this, but at the same time, they wouldn't stand for their son to be violent either. That being the case, Daichi secretly researched and practiced Boxing. Boxing was a way of honourable fighting which demonstrated skill and who was better, not just senseless beating. Senseless beating was for bullies, an honourable fighting style to stand up for his friends was for Daichi. After weeks of youtube videos, books from the library and physical practice, Daichi approached the bully a second time, asking for an apology and a promise to discontinue the bullying. Obviously, the bully disagreed and went to swing at the child. Daichi ducked to the left, under the arm and threw a left jab to the face. That one punch was all it took that day to begin his pursuit of boxing. Daichi's life has been pretty uneventful apart from his boxing. Joining a boxing gym, and then amateur leagues became integral to his life. He could never imagine life without boxing. But with his new school, he could have chosen to be any kind of fighter, learn a new style maybe. But no... Boxing let him prove something, and help himself. He could beat these other fighters who used kicks and grabs at the school, he would hopefully attain a new skill level that will propel himself into professional boxing. If not, it proved he had a long way to go. Dreams and Fears: Daichi strives to be one thing, World Champion. That is his ultimatum, his one true dream and goal in life. However, probably his biggest fear is to be useless. For example, if he is physically defending someone and he fails, that's when he believes his biggest fear has come true. What's the point in him fighting if his motive for it fails?
J'ai toujours ce rêve... Je vole à travers le ciel dans un avion d'hélice, une mer de nuages sans fin s'étend au-dessous de moi. Tout est paisible... mais soudain, des éclairs de lumière traversent mon cockpit. Derrière moi, il y a un autre avion qui tire. Je tisse et plonge pour l'éviter, essayant désespérément de gagner le dessus, mais ça ne marche jamais. Il est toujours sur ma queue. Ça finit toujours la même chose... Je retourne mon avion pour qu'il monte sur sa queue, mais le voilà, juste là, arme à seulement des mètres de mon cockpit... Puis la noirceur... Avis pensait à son rêve... son cauchemar qui l'avait hantée depuis qu'elle a emménagé avec son oncle. Elle pensait à ce que ça pouvait signifier quand elle tombait sur le sol de l'Académie Shinjuku. "Lève cette salope idiote. Vous pensez que vous pouvez vous faufiler la semaine d'initiation en vous transférant dans la classe junior!?" Avis était arrivé tôt pour obtenir sa chambre dans l'ordre et avoir le temps de planifier l'école. Elle ne s'attendait pas à être brusquement frappée sans avoir été avertie par ses pairs. "Vous pensez que vous pouvez juste... juste sauter ce que nous avons dû endurer!? Eh bien, il semble que moi et mes amis ici allons vous rattraper sur deux ans de défaites!" Alors qu'Avis tentait de se lever, elle sentit un pied claquer dans son estomac, le vent s'évanouissant d'elle. "J'ai dit "Arrêtez!" Avis s'est lentement mis aux pieds, comme elle l'a fait, elle a concentré son esprit sur le problème actuel. "D'accord, il y en a cinq et l'un d'entre moi... ils sont certainement tous portés sans cervelle... très probablement le reste de cette école est... et sont incroyablement violents. Probablement avoir une expérience de combat sérieuse sous leur ceinture... les options sont limitées à dire le moins!" Elle a remarqué son dossier sur le sol et une idée a commencé à se former. Un plan d'évasion qui peut ou non fonctionner, mais un plan néanmoins. Avis s'est penché et a ramassé son dossier, l'agresseur attendant sa réponse, voulant montrer que toute tentative de le combattre était pour rien. Oui, lui et les autres voulaient prouver leur ancienneté à l'égard de cet étudiant transféré. Montre-lui quel est le vrai ordre de l'école, et qu'elle était une ordure. Ils voulaient... "Quoi?" Qu'est-ce qu'il y a? Un dossier rempli de papiers vola dans l'air au centre de l'homme, donnant à Avis assez de distraction pour le frapper au visage avec sa paume, se brisant facilement le nez. Alors qu'il tombait, elle darda devant les quatre autres, toujours choquée par ce qui venait de se passer. Il n'a pas fallu longtemps pour que le groupe donne suite. "T'en fais pas! Tu paieras pour ça! Vous paierez!" Courant à pleine vitesse, Avis descendit les couloirs en glissant les salles de classe avant de sortir de l'école dans la cour de justice. Une grande foule de première année traversaient, se dirigeant vers l'auditorium. Par derrière, elle a remarqué que le groupe lançait pratiquement des jeunes gens hors de leur chemin pour l'atteindre, s'attaquant à elle. "Mon Dieu, merde. Cet endroit est complètement fou!" Elle s'est maudite pendant qu'elle continuait à courir.
Name: Mordecai Igins Age: 17 Height:5'10", 177.8 centimeters Weight: 155 lbs, 70.3 Kg Year: Freshmen Personality: Kuudere (a character that is cold, blunt, cynical, and pretty much doesn't care if his beloved dies. That's what he is on the outside but she is actually caring and nice on the inside.) Fighting Style: Submission Specialist primarily, endurance fighter if too difficult. Martial Arts: Jujutsu and Tang Soo Do History: Mordecai Grew up in the country of Australia, dispite his looks, he was born and raised. With a Half Indian, Half Australian father and a Japanese Mother. Mordecai was brought into the world of Mix Martial Art since birth, being the youngest out of 3 children. He began taking on simply movements and strikes at the age of 5. At six he began learning from his mother side of Japanese MMA, mainly Jujitsu before moving a completely new skill that originated from Korea at 8 years old. Mordecai was so engrossed into it that trained after school at his local club, soon he was unbeatable. He was well known around the area surrounding him. He continued to train himself throughout his life until he neared the end of his high school in Australia, when his parents gave him a letter containing a invitation to Shinjuku Academy in Japan, without a second though. He packed up his bags and headed to Shinjuku Academy. Despite not knowing an ounce of Japanese. Dreams and Fears: Mordecai Wishes to become a Professional Driver, despite loving MMA, He wants to become a Driver. His Fear is....well everyone has a fear, Mordecai doesn't like revealing it, so we'll cross the bridge when we get to it.
Xu était sur une promenade en admirant l'école. Il a toujours aimé ici, le paysage a eu un effet apaisant qui semblait travailler sur toutes les âmes enflammées qui sont venues ici pour se battre. Il marchait vers un arbre quand il a entendu l'annonce. Cette école a toujours eu une façon formelle de faire les choses avant le début de la folie et cette année, Xu a refusé de ne pas y aller. C'était une première année très calme l'année dernière qui n'a pas beaucoup dit, a gardé à lui-même et seulement chaque combat quand nécessaire. Mais maintenant il était temps pour certains changements, des amis seraient faits et des rivaux seraient trouvés cette année. Xu avait besoin de tirer le meilleur parti de son temps ici et être un solitaire n'aidera pas du tout. Avec cette pensée, il a commencé son chemin vers l'auditorium. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Christina était là depuis un moment pour vérifier son téléphone, attendant que le temps vienne enfin quand les cloches sonneraient et que les portes de l'enfer s'ouvriraient. Quand ils ont fait Huang avait ce regard de douleur et de déplaisir sur son visage. Il s'est retourné et a commencé à s'adresser à la chambre en commençant par elle. "Christy-kun, avez-vous préparé un discours pour cette cérémonie?" "Oui, je l'ai écrit juste à vos spécifications." Elle lui a dit ça avec un ronflement au regard ennuyé sur son visage. Elle ne les considérait pas comme des amis, seulement parce qu'elle ne pouvait jamais dire avoir le temps, mais Christina avait un grand respect pour Huang. Elle était là quand il a enlevé l'ancien président étudiant. Elle ne se souciait pas pourquoi il l'a fait mais cela l'avait choquée avec le reste, et était l'une des seules raisons pour laquelle elle a contesté l'ancien vice-président. "Oh et essayez d'être gentils, ce ne sont que des jeunes gens, vous leur donnez toujours ce "regard". Essaie juste de briser un sourire." Elle a dit en lui donnant le discours.
Name: Avis Falke Age: 17 Height: 5'7 Weight: 140lb Personality: Very social, straightforward, and friendly. A good way to describe her general attitude to friends and strangers alike would be "Hello, here I am, and I'm here to have a good time." She posses a naturally reasonable and skeptical mind, leaning more to thinking things through and strategically navigating social scenes rather than simply blurting things out. On a more personal level, she is much more depressed and hopeless, feeling like she is helplessly getting trampled by the march of time. Fighting Style: Doesn't stick to any particular art of any sort as fighting has never really been part of her life in any real way. She knows enough for self defense, however, and is not completely incompetent. She fights more like a soldier than a competitor, aiming to truly damage and disable, rather than bring the opponent to submission. This means she is very withheld to the idea of competitive fighting, as all she knows is to hurt and kill, not simply fight. For example, any hair pulling, palm punching, crotch shots, and other forms of "dirty" fighting are all good in her book. It's saved her life on one occasion. Martial Arts: No real formal art or training. Simply skills taught by both her father and her grandfather for defending herself. History: Born in the United States as a first generation American. Her mother and father were German immigrants who were trying to get away from their troubled families. From an early age, Avis loved aircraft and flying. All she ever wanted to do was play with toy airplanes, go to airshows, and ride in planes. As she got older, she immediately joined a Civil Air Patrol squadron nearby, and rose quickly in the ranks. There, even at the young age of 11, she got to fly her first plane. It was a small Cessna, but she was absolutely thrilled nonetheless. She didn't care too much for the military aspect of it, but did enjoy the outdoor activities it provided her. Sadly, this dream of a life was quickly crushed. Her parents died horribly in a car accident as they were driving to pick her up from her CAP meeting. They met a slow, painful death in the hospital with Avis there to watch. She was moved to her Uncle's home, by now being sixteen years old. He was some sort of salesperson and was rarely home, hell, he wasn't even home to help her unpack, or even be at the funeral. Avis had simply become some sort of vague entity that existed there, rather than an actual niece living there in the eyes of her Uncle. To his workaholic, greedy head, Avis soon became an annoyance. Soon they moved to Japan where her Uncle's company was based out of, and there her Uncle tossed Avis into the first boarding school available... and that school was Shinjuku Academy. Thus with only knowing a little bit of Japanese, having a German-American accent, and hair that went from blond to light grey when she was eight, her troubles only grew. Dreams and Fears: Avis's dream is to one day become a flight instructor or stunt pilot, as flying is the only time when she is truly happy in life. Her greatest fear is time. She constantly deals with, and suppresses the dark truths of time that fill her mind. Whether it be the gradually shrinking chances of obtaining her dreams or the inevitability of her demise, time always seems to be an enemy to her..... On a less metaphysical note, she also has an irrational fear of open water. Other: The Civil Air Patrol is essentially the US Air Force's version of boy scouts, only its open to everyone and let's you try flying planes and such. Google them if you're curious! :D
Mardochée Igins se tenait devant l'Académie Shinjuku, orné de son nouvel uniforme d'écoles et de son grand sac de voyage sous son bras droit "... C'est l'Académie Shinjuku, hein." son expression sans émotion qu'il portait toujours à l'heure actuelle. son bleu bleu balancé dans le vent alors qu'il a doucement pris les premiers pas dans l'académie, où pour les 3 deux de l'année, il hausse ses compétences en arts martiaux et, espérons-le, prendre de nouveaux styles de combat le long du chemin. Il était l'autre nouveau-né en chemin, mais n'a pas eu la peine de leur parler pour même les reconnaître. Les Kuudere errèrent dans l'académie sans entrer en contact avec qui que ce soit. Surtout pour la raison. Il ne savait pas parler japonais, quiconque essaierait de lui parler n'aurait qu'à les regarder. Bien sûr, sa mère, étant japonaise à part entière, lui avait donné un cahier sur la façon de se comporter au pays du soleil levant, avec quelques phrases. dans son autre main libre était une note à tous les étudiants de se rencontrer dans la salle pour la cérémonie d'ouverture. "Ce devrait être facile, d'abord trouver le répertoire et ensuite faire mon chemin là." Il a murmuré. Le garçon poilu bleu a causalement fait son chemin à l'intérieur avant de voir une grande planche avec différentes formes de construction et légendes..trouble était. Tout était en japonais. "Pour l'amour de Dieu...", il plaça sa tête contre la planche comme maudite. alors qu'il regardait de nouveau vers le haut, il vit un petit départ sur le dessus d'un bâtiment. "Je vais prendre des risques et aller là-bas." Alors qu'il parlait à lui-même, il entendit plusieurs cris à sa droite. Il a repéré une fille fuyant d'autres étudiants. "......" s'accrochant à lui-même, il est allé de l'autre côté. Il essaierait d'éviter autant de contacts que possible.
Name: Farley Scary Age: 17 Height: 6'3 ft Weight: 175 lbs Year: Freshman Personality: In short, exactly the kind of person you'd expect to bring a knife to a fistfight. Scary isn't the kind of guy that values "fair-play" and "an honest day's work" and will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. That said, he is far from heartless and would sooner die than betray a friend. In the end, he'll probably reluctantly stand up for his morals... whatever they are. Fighting Style: Scary lives for cheap shots. At the start of a confrontation, one can reasonably assume that he has a small police-station's supply of weaponry on his person. Every fight is a battle between his flash showman's instincts and the tacit knowledge that the powers that be would be less than thrilled at the prospect of a contestant pulling a butterfly knife out of his shoe mid-fight. Cheap shots are the name of his game 9 times out of 10, though he's not above just tranqing them from halfway across the field if he thinks he can get away with it. Even without sneaking something into the ring, Scary is still better off confusing and distracting his opponents than facing them head on. Martial Arts: A sort of bastardized ninjutsu, with a slight Fencing edge in the hidden blade department and a working knowledge of basic modern military hand to hand if the need arises. History: A military brat, Farley Scary was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia. From day one, he held his father on a pedastle, a symbol of bravery. After all, the old man had the courage to enter the UK Special Forces! Much as Farley loved the thrill of combat however, he knew he'd rather have the glory and money of arena combat than a career on the front. That in mind, he developed a flashy (not to mention possibly cheating-oriented) set of moves and left for the academy (despite both parents encouraging him to pursue any other career). Dreams and Fears: In a lot of ways, Farley is a simple man. He wants money. He wants fame. He wants friends, even if his rather prickly demeanor would indicate otherwise. Given that his entire life thus far has been learning a style that allows his wits and dexterity to overcome his wiry frame and lack of stamina. He wants to be the very best, but only if doing so gets him cash and an expensive engraved trophy. He resents being called a cheater, seeing his use of pepper spray, rubber bullets and shoe blades as a way of compensating for his stamina (which, as previously mentioned, is laughable), as legitimate as any other fighting style. Or at least, that's the defense he uses. How much of it he actually believes is up for debate. He is also deathly afraid of beetles.
Oui, je l'ai écrit juste selon vos spécifications. Elle se moquait de sa réaction qui ne faisait que rendre son regard douloureux beaucoup plus douloureux alors qu'il regardait vers la porte dans la pensée. Elle s'est mise sur les nerfs mais elle était l'une des rares qu'il a toléré. La plupart des filles de l'école l'aimaient parce qu'il était le mauvais garçon, le cœur. Même avec tous les combats qu'il avait eus, il maintenait toujours ses allures charmantes et la plupart des filles ici avaient le béguin pour lui. Elle était une combattante habile et lui a montré le respect qu'il méritait et n'a pas rencontré comme une chienne collante, c'est pourquoi elle a été placée dans ce petit cercle. Le fait qu'elle n'avait aucun sentiment à son égard l'a rendu bien meilleur. Il a été brisé de son regard quand, de son côté périphérique, le discours qui était préparé pour lui a été porté à sa vue. "Oh et essayez d'être gentils, ce ne sont que des jeunes gens, vous leur donnez toujours ce "regard". Essaie juste de briser un sourire." Il a donné son faux sourire habituel avant de prendre les papiers et de les placer dans son sac. "Christy-kun, je suis toujours gentil." Il tourna alors son attention vers Issei, son faux sourire encore sur son visage. "Issei-san, avez-vous pris contact avec le reste du Comité de discipline? J'ai besoin de savoir s'ils sont prêts pour des perturbations qui pourraient ou non se produire aujourd'hui. Je ne veux PAS que cela soit traîné plus longtemps qu'il ne le sera déjà. De plus, je vous confie Christy-kun et vous la responsabilité de montrer les nouveaux... rafraîchissants autour du campus. Si vous voulez obtenir de l'aide des autres Juniors ou Seniors, allez-y. Je donnerais ce détail au coordonnateur des activités, mais le dernier n'a pas si bien fonctionné et depuis, nous n'en avons pas attribué un nouveau qui me le rappelle. Christy-kun, veuillez noter que nous devons nommer un coordonnateur des activités. » C'était surtout parce qu'il ne voulait pas supporter Huang et son ego surgonflé alors il l'avait défié. La fracture de la mâchoire et de l'oeil, 2 côtes meurtries, l'épaule disloquée et une fracture de la cheville composée étaient le résultat de sa position debout pour lui-même. Le garçon a essayé de faire expulser Huang pour ses actions mais il a été prouvé qu'il a défié Huang pendant les heures d'école et avec l'accord d'un sensei qui était à proximité d'observer. Il attendait la réponse d'Issei avant de se tenir debout et d'épingler le sac par-dessus son épaule alors qu'il se tenait et se dirigeait vers la porte avant de regarder par-dessus son épaule, le sourire encore sur son visage. "On devrait y aller." Il s'est retourné pour ouvrir la porte du salon SG aux couloirs de l'aile senior et il s'est rendu à l'Auditorium pour l'inévitable cérémonie.
Name: Huang Miyamoto Nickname: The Demon of Shinjuku Age: 19 Height: 5'11" Weight: 158lbs Year: Senior Personality: Huang feels that due to his position as President and reputation in the school as one of, if not THE top fighter, that he must be respected and doesn't care how. He has control of his anger thanks to his training however he shows no quarter in unleashing the slightest amount to put someone in their place whether verbally or physically. When in conversation he comes across as a calm individual with a condescending tone at times but tries to hide it through a faux smile. He cannot stand freshmen or as he puts it "pieces of meat to be fed to the wolves". His hatred for freshmen will stem farther if they show any kind of weakness but that hatred is not limited to JUST freshmen. ANYONE who shows weakness in front of him is considered lower than him. When fighting his fake smile has a tendency to become more genuine and a bit dark. Fighting Style: Because of his personality he likes to remind people of who is on top by using explosive strikes and damaging clinches. His quick and nimble body allows him to become more flexible in a fight in order to get out of certain situations. He will taunt his opponents in subtle ways like adjust a fist or a kick to where he thinks it is the right place before going in and countering with a more precise, harder hit. He doesn't prefer to use any form of ground game but will if he needs to. Martial Arts: Muay Thai Silat Brazilian Jiu Jutsu Krav Maga History: Huang is of Taiwanese and Japanese decent. His father, who lived, studied and taught Silat and Muay Tai in Taiwan, had relocated to Japan in order to broaden his teaching to the rest of the world. It was in Japan that his father married and gave life to him. Starting at the young and delicate age of three, Huang's father began teaching him what he knew. Even at such a young age, Huang had shown a natural ability to understand his father's art styles. With this in mind, Huang's father began to push him harder in training, with expectations raising as the years progressed. By age 15 he was considered by his father a "decent" fighter but that was putting it mildly. He had one a few first place martial arts trophies through the years but not without a few second and third place here and there. Huang was able to keep up with his father, although Huang's father would hold back a little bit still. He felt that his When he entered into Shinjuku Academy, he had been in conflict multiple times within the initiation week. Huang was not one to hold back when threatened and that was clearly shown in the video recordings that a few students managed to get when he brutally beat down the small group with no mercy. Huang had never actually fought anyone but he enjoyed the rush it brought. The week Huang had entered into the academy is what is known right now as "The bloody week". Huang had challenged as many juniors and seniors as he could to show that he was better then they were. The gossip on the number of fights that Huang caused had become so great that he was selected, by the student government and his sensei at the time, to enter the Iron Fist Tournament, as a freshmen. This alone spread more rumors around the school about his combat prowess but it didn't reach its peak until in the middle of the tournament, Huang had challenged the President for his position, something that had never happened in the school's history. So the freshmen vs. the student government president fight would take place as the last fight. So as the tournament proceeded to its last fight, which all bets were on the president at the time. The president of the student government had been a regional champion and champion of his precinct for some time so it was complete shock that had ran through the school when Huang hand taken him down in the 4th round, using the three to calculate and analyze his opponent before overpowering him within 2 minutes. Many were surprised he managed to make it past the first two rounds but with this Huang had taken the position of president of the student body government. Through the years in the academy until his senior year, he had picked up Brazilian Jiu Jutsu and Krav Maga in order to expand his knowledge of the Martial Arts world. In this time as well, he had many try to take him out of the position but all had failed. He kept a tight group of the best in his student governing body. Dreams and Fears: He looks forward to the day that the schools "plague" is thoroughly snuffed and its reputation remains strong although he feels right now that it has fallen since the new freshmen have entered. He fears that one day, he will be dethroned from his place as president and his crown as the top fighter striped away.
La marche jusqu'à l'auditorium était assez irrégulière, mais le temps était beau malgré tout. Il adorait les arbres tout autour du campus. L'informatique a certainement rendu ses courses quotidiennes à 4h30 beaucoup plus calmes d'une certaine manière. Pour la plupart des étudiants, c'était beaucoup trop tôt car les cours n'ont commencé que bien plus tard, mais ses séances de roadwork du matin étaient essentielles pour s'assurer que son cardio était en état de pointe viennent le jour du combat. Alors que Tetsu s'approchait de l'auditorium, il commença à entendre un peu de bruit venant d'une autre direction. Il n'y a pas réfléchi au début, car c'était normal au début d'une nouvelle année scolaire. Les Freshmen l'ont toujours obtenu le pire à coup sûr et leur force a dû être testée, mais le plus souvent, il est allé trop loin et les coups ont été brutaux. Il n'a pas approuvé cela. Une fois qu'il l'a pensé une seconde, il a tourné son attention à la commotion et a vu quelqu'un se faire frapper avec un fusil astucieux. Il n'a pas approuvé cela encore plus. "Un sale tricheur. Prenez votre perte comme un homme, et cessez de vous déshonorer vous-même et cette école." Les réchauffeurs et le fait d'agir de manière déshonorante au cours d'un combat étaient quelque chose que Tetsu détestait. Ce type n'était pas mieux que le groupe de brutes qui couraient après ce qui semblait être une fille aux cheveux gris. Pendant un moment, Tetsunosuke a arrêté de marcher et a commencé à regarder et voir comment cela se passerait.
Name: Testsunosuke Shoji (Goes by Tetsu usually) Nickname/Ring Nickname: The Northern Tiger Age: 17(senior) Height: 5'7" Weight: 157lbs Personality: Tetsu usually keeps to himself and does not go out of his way to challenge other students very often unless for what he deems an important reason. Stoic and calm, he only loses his cool in a fight when he encounters cheating or anything that could be considered dishonorable. Fighting Style: Tetsu prefers to be on the offensive and aggressive, while not sacrificing any of his technicality. If he seems to be going nowhere with the way he is fighting, he will create space and try something else. He adapts to situations very well and does not respond well to cheating. Usually he prefers to end a fight quickly and go for the finish rather than drag it out and let it go to a decision. Martial Arts: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Muay Thai Shotokan Karate Wrestling History: At the age of 4, Tetsu began training at a small Karate Dojo in his neighborhood located in Northern Tokyo. He took lessons and excelled at the dojo for 7 years. During his time there, he would watch MMA on television whenever he wasn't training or at school. Mesmerized, he vowed to be like the fighters he watched so intently on his small tube t.v. Eventually, Tetsunosuke began training at another facility to further his knowledge of other styles in order to prepare him to capture the dream he held so dear. It is here at an MMA gym that he would study the disciplines known as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai along with Wrestling. He is considered a prodigy by many who have witnessed his exploits in the competitive circuit for the styles that he trains in. His many skills gained him sponsorship from a couple high profile martial arts brands and an invitation to Shinjuku Academy once he was of high school age. During his first three years at Shinjuku, Tetsu Mostly kept to himself; focusing on training and his physique. While he detested the way weaker students are treated, he mostly tried to ignore it and keep himself out of as many fights as possible. However, this is not to say that he has not fought against other students. The few times that Tetsunosuke has been left without choice or chose to fight, based on his honor, he completely dismantled his opponents in the quickest and most effective way. Of course, this was only against lower tier bullies. As a result, nobody really made a big fuss about Tetsu and his abilities. Anybody who had heard of him and his competition exploits while a younger child/teen had simply just assumed that he couldn't keep up once he was at an elite school and so he was forgotten while at Shinjuku and away from competition. He had never chosen to enter The Iron Fist Tournament, but he was now a senior and this year was different. Tetsu had begun to grow tired of the current attitude many of the schools student government members possessed and the way they treated the other students, so a decision was made on his part to put a stop to it once and for all. He plans to quietly enter the tournament to dethrone the president along with his lackeys. Nobody yet knows of this plan however, so Tetsu is still without much attention at the beginning of his senior year. Dreams and Fears: Tetsunosuke dreams of being Champion of the world in whatever MMA organization is most popular. He wants to be known as the best and retire undefeated once he makes his pro debut. After retirement, Tetsu wishes to run his very own training facility and bring up a new generation of fighters and champions. Tetsu fears crushing defeat and losing the sight and motivation necessary to accomplish his goals.
L'agitation et l'agitation du premier jour d'une nouvelle année ont toujours apporté un sourire au visage de la présidente Displinary Head, l'idée de ce qui devait arriver était toujours une occasion « heureuse ». Issei Hamada regardait la vague de nouveaux jeunes gens qui marchaient à travers les portes de l'école scannant chaque individu pour voir qui allait être les fauteurs de troubles dans l'année à venir. Il se tenait là dans son costume noir parfaitement pressé, les deux barres d'or sous un oni-masque souriant, regardant le monde passer autour de lui. Pendant son moment de paix, quelques-uns de ses officiers sont venus derrière lui et l'ont informé que sa présence était demandée dans la salle du Gouvernement étudiant. Après avoir soupiré tranquillement, bien qu'il n'ait jamais perdu son sourire de signature, Issei s'est tourné et a traversé le chaos qui était l'école et s'est dirigé vers l'endroit où le gouvernement avait plus de début de réunion scolaire. Comme il traversait les salles trop familles Issei pouvait entendre les conversations des étudiants qui l'entouraient. Leurs chuchotements tranquilles et leurs rires racistes ne l'ont pas découragé de son but et c'est cette détermination inébranlable que les chuchotements sur lui ont commencé. Alors qu'il n'était pas le plus puissant combattant de l'école, un titre sauvé pour le président, ceux qui avaient été à l'école avant connaissaient son nom et sa réputation et savaient qu'il n'était pas quelqu'un à tenter. Comme il a fait son chemin dans le bureau du gouvernement étudiant Issei a remarqué le schowl apparemment permanent sur le président et le démineur froid du vice-président était deux choses sur lesquelles Issei pouvait toujours compter. Alors qu'il entrait, il a salué le groupe qui s'est réuni en écoutant les conversations en cours. Alors qu'Hyuang se tournait vers lui et s'inquiétait des préparatifs nécessaires à la cérémonie plus tard dans la journée, tout ce qu'Issei pouvait faire était de lui donner une vague de congédiement, « Oui, tout est en place pour qu'aucun des fraisiers ne reste en ligne. Tu t'inquiètes trop, tu vas porter cette fronce à ton visage." Alors qu'il terminait sa conversation avec Hyuang, il tourna ensuite son attention vers Christy, le vice-président. De toutes les autorités étudiantes de l'école, Chirsty devait être de loin la préférée d'Issei pour tourmenter. Même s'il tourmentait tout le conseil avec son sarcasme et son esprit vif, il n'y avait pas d'autre groupe de personnes qu'il faisait le plus confiance. "Et salutations à votre Altesse. Comment va notre illustre reine des glaces ce beau matin?"
Name: Issei Hamada, The Prodigy of the Takeda Nickname: The Grinning Demon Age: 19 (Senior) Height: 5'11" Weight: 189 lbs. Personality: Issei is an odd assortment of personality traits. On the surface he gives off an air of being aloof and mysterious, never truly showing real anger or happiness instead keeping an eerie seeming smile. He tends to stand back from a crowd scanning for possible weakness in others, perhaps planning to prevent a tragedy before one starts, but more likely looking to exploit said weakness for his own gain. On the rare occasion that he does actually express the churning sea of emotions inside of him it is usually rather explosive and violent, on either side of the spectrum. Fighting Style: Issei is by definition an endurance fighter. Believing that the fight can be determined through the unveiling of a fighters technique Issei almost always puts up a front as inexperience allowing him to takes a beating before taking his opponents to the ground. Martial Arts: Daito-Ryu- Issei's preferred method of combat, is a traditional Japanese sharing similarity to both Jujitsu and Aikido. Where Aikido uses large circles and "gentleness" in its locks and throws Daito-Ryu uses small circles and explosive power to almost rend the affected limb from the body. A typical scene for someone on the receiving end of a Daito-Ryu are several finger shaped bruises all along the forearm. History: Issei Hamada was born to a lower-middle class family in Tokyo, never needing anything but understanding the value of hard-work. Issei was always a little bit of an outcast, never really picked on or bullied he was never a social butterfly either. At the age of seven he started taking classes in classic karate and through those classes he finally began to thrive both socially and emotionally. Over the next few years Issei began bouncing from school to school in search for the perfect style to fit him finding faults in everything that he attempted to study, until he found a Daito-Ryu school in Tokyo only a few blocks from his childhood home. It is unknown when or why Issei began acting the way he does now but what is known is during his middle school years he began systematically picking fights with people in what appeared to be a challenge system to prove he was the strongest. On his final day of middle school he received his invitation to Shinjuku Academy, something that he accepted gladly. In his sophomore year Issei had already earned a reputation as a powerful fighter. Without throwing a single punch he single handed defeated most of his peerage with little to no effort, it was this that brought him to the attention of the Head of Disciplinary Committee. Issei's arrogance brought him to a face to face challenge with the Club chairman to which he lost astoundingly, in doing so he seemed to lose touch with himself. It wasn't until he began training himself in the spiritual aspects of martial arts that he finally began to regain some sort of control. It took the bulk of remainder of the year, but on the last day of his sophomore year he once again challenged the Disciplinary Head to a rematch. The match was intense with neither fighter backing down and both dealing serious blows in rapid succession, it was a long drawn out battle. After an extended bout it came down to a single mistake but the Disciplinary Head was downed and forced to surrender. Issei had become the Head of the Disciplinary Committee during his sophomore year and has been unbeaten since.
Elle a écrit dans son planificateur, qu'elle gardait habituellement sur sa personne. Elle a vu ce qui était arrivé à l'ancien coordinateur et ce n'était pas joli. Il est venu chercher des alliés dans son soulèvement et a demandé à Christina, disant qu'elle pouvait garder sa position. Elle lui a dit oui et a ensuite informé Huang de ses projets. Quand ils se sont battus, c'est elle qui a témoigné que c'était un combat légal, elle a ri tout le temps qu'il se faisait botter le cul. "Je vais commencer à dresser une liste après la cérémonie, tout ce que vous cherchez en particulier." "Et salutations à votre Altesse. Comment va notre illustre reine des glaces ce beau matin?" Chirstina roula les yeux dès que le "petit homme" arriva et les roula de nouveau quand il commença à lui parler. Quand elle a rencontré Issei pour la première fois, elle n'a eu aucun problème avec lui et a pensé que son sourire était un vrai gracieusement, mais quand il s'est levé et est devenu le chef du comité disciplinaire, il est devenu un cul ho bâillonné avec tout le monde au bureau. Il se fout toujours d'eux et n'est qu'un abruti malveillant. Il le fait spécialement à Christina, toujours dans son visage à ce sujet ou qui toujours essayant de la mettre dans un combat, la taquinant toujours. Christina est surprise qu'elle n'ait pas encore éteint ses lumières. Bientôt, il est devenu l'idiot souriant dans ses yeux, portant toujours son sourire malveillant et perturbateur, même s'il est en colère, c'est juste jouer flippant. "Je vais bien. Merci." Elle a dit brusquement qu'ils sortaient de la pièce derrière le président. "S'il vous plaît ne commencez pas avec moi au jour Issei, c'est la cérémonie d'ouverture, et nous sommes coincés à travailler ensemble, alors ne gâchez pas ce jour comme vous ne faites jamais une autre." Elle a dit pendant qu'elle pinçait le pont de son nez, sans même le regarder. Le garçon a toujours trouvé un moyen de ruiner sa journée. Elle avait une idée qu'il l'aimait secrètement, pourquoi il l'embêterait tout le temps, Christian savait que beaucoup de garçons qui sont allés ici l'aimaient, mais Issei était juste bizarre à ce sujet. "Je vous l'ai déjà dit, et je vous le répète, ce n'est pas un moyen d'attirer l'attention des filles, surtout des reines." Elle a dit avec un sourire sournois et a continué avec sa marche. __________________________________________________________________ Xu venait à l'auditorium et quand il est arrivé, il a vu qu'un groupe de garçons essayaient d'intimider une fille. Ce n'était pas une scène cool pour lui. Il s'est approché d'un type debout et a regardé la situation s'effondrer. Le mec avait l'air plus grand et plus vieux que Xu, Xu a glissé quand il s'est retrouvé à tailler l'autre. "Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé, la situation n'a pas l'air bonne pour elle?" Il a demandé au garçon. "Oh et mon nom est Xu. Pensez-vous que nous devrions intervenir ce pourrait être amusant." Il a dit pendant qu'il branlait les yeux comme si cela l'aiderait à voir.
Name: Avis Falke Age: 17 Height: 5'7 Weight: 140lb Personality: Very social, straightforward, and friendly. A good way to describe her general attitude to friends and strangers alike would be "Hello, here I am, and I'm here to have a good time." She posses a naturally reasonable and skeptical mind, leaning more to thinking things through and strategically navigating social scenes rather than simply blurting things out. On a more personal level, she is much more depressed and hopeless, feeling like she is helplessly getting trampled by the march of time. Fighting Style: Doesn't stick to any particular art of any sort as fighting has never really been part of her life in any real way. She knows enough for self defense, however, and is not completely incompetent. She fights more like a soldier than a competitor, aiming to truly damage and disable, rather than bring the opponent to submission. This means she is very withheld to the idea of competitive fighting, as all she knows is to hurt and kill, not simply fight. For example, any hair pulling, palm punching, crotch shots, and other forms of "dirty" fighting are all good in her book. It's saved her life on one occasion. Martial Arts: No real formal art or training. Simply skills taught by both her father and her grandfather for defending herself. History: Born in the United States as a first generation American. Her mother and father were German immigrants who were trying to get away from their troubled families. From an early age, Avis loved aircraft and flying. All she ever wanted to do was play with toy airplanes, go to airshows, and ride in planes. As she got older, she immediately joined a Civil Air Patrol squadron nearby, and rose quickly in the ranks. There, even at the young age of 11, she got to fly her first plane. It was a small Cessna, but she was absolutely thrilled nonetheless. She didn't care too much for the military aspect of it, but did enjoy the outdoor activities it provided her. Sadly, this dream of a life was quickly crushed. Her parents died horribly in a car accident as they were driving to pick her up from her CAP meeting. They met a slow, painful death in the hospital with Avis there to watch. She was moved to her Uncle's home, by now being sixteen years old. He was some sort of salesperson and was rarely home, hell, he wasn't even home to help her unpack, or even be at the funeral. Avis had simply become some sort of vague entity that existed there, rather than an actual niece living there in the eyes of her Uncle. To his workaholic, greedy head, Avis soon became an annoyance. Soon they moved to Japan where her Uncle's company was based out of, and there her Uncle tossed Avis into the first boarding school available... and that school was Shinjuku Academy. Thus with only knowing a little bit of Japanese, having a German-American accent, and hair that went from blond to light grey when she was eight, her troubles only grew. Dreams and Fears: Avis's dream is to one day become a flight instructor or stunt pilot, as flying is the only time when she is truly happy in life. Her greatest fear is time. She constantly deals with, and suppresses the dark truths of time that fill her mind. Whether it be the gradually shrinking chances of obtaining her dreams or the inevitability of her demise, time always seems to be an enemy to her..... On a less metaphysical note, she also has an irrational fear of open water. Other: The Civil Air Patrol is essentially the US Air Force's version of boy scouts, only its open to everyone and let's you try flying planes and such. Google them if you're curious! :D
Issei avait parlé. Son schowl ne pouvait plus être présent sur son visage donc au lieu d'un rouleau de ses yeux suffisait alors qu'il se levait et se dirigeait vers la porte. Issei a toujours eu un moyen d'énerver Huang. Qu'il soit en retard à une réunion ou juste en poussant ses boutons, Issei aimait tirer la chaîne du président mais Issei était l'un des rares que Huang respectait. "Tch. Christy-kun s'assure que c'est quelqu'un qui est compétent, fiable et loyal. Il doit aussi être capable de se retenir si quelqu'un veut les défier. » Il avait quitté le bureau pour se rendre à l'auditorium. Heureusement pour les aînés, l'auditorium a été une courte promenade, et encore plus pour les étudiants dans le salon du gouvernement étudiant. Il n'a pas fallu longtemps avant qu'il se rende à l'entrée latérale de la cérémonie. Huang soupira alors qu'il ouvrit la porte et fut bombardé par le bavardage fort des étudiants et du personnel. Dans la première rangée, les jeunes gens étaient assis avec de petits paquets remplis d'informations sur l'école. Il les regarda, quelques-uns paraissaient forts, mais le reste craquerait dans la semaine. Il secoua la tête et lui fit un sourire sur le visage. Rien d'accueil, mais certainement pas de véritable plaisir en cela. Huang avait fait son chemin sur la scène, il pouvait ici quelques murmures de la foule mais il les ignorait alors qu'il prenait place derrière le directeur de l'école qui était assis devant le podium. Le directeur était un homme plus âgé qui regardait vers l'âge de 60 ans. Il portait un costume gris bien pressé et une cravate rouge. C'était d'une mode un peu plus ancienne mais il a donné une aura d'autorité et de respect qui l'a complétée. Il s'est penché vers le micro et l'a tapé. Sa voix était rugueuse et sonnait d'un homme sage avec un ton qui pouvait faire taire même le groupe le plus rampé. "Puis-je avoir votre attention s'il vous plaît. Je suis Kojiro Hatsuname, Directeur de l'École et je voudrais être le premier à vous accueillir de nouveaux étudiants à l'Académie Shinjuku des Arts Martiaux. Comme la plupart d'entre vous le savent, ici à l'Académie Shinjuku, nous maintenons la tradition et l'excellence quand il s'agit d'enseigner à nos étudiants qui peuvent être montrés dans nos étudiants qui ont fait un nom pour eux-mêmes tels que Takeshi Inoue, Michihiro Omigawa, Takanori Gomi et Shinya Aoki. Nous avons également des attentes élevées de nos étudiants qui entrent dans l'Académie comme vous l'avez vu livre de brochures dans le sac que nous avons fourni. Pour expliquer les règles de l'école nous avons bien Huang Miyamoto, président du gouvernement étudiant expliquer. Monsieur le Président. Huang?" Il y eut des applaudissements de l'école, suivis de quelques chuchotements et rires des aînés. La fronce de Huang disparut dans son sourire alors qu'il secouait la main des réalisateurs et se dirigeait vers le podium. Avec son sac sur les épaules, il entra et sortit le discours que Christina avait écrit pour lui. Il l'a soigneusement placé sur le podium et a ajusté le micro à sa hauteur avant de soupirer et de regarder vers le haut dans la foule. Bonjour et bienvenue à l'Académie Shinjuku. Je tiens à remercier mon cabinet de m'avoir aidé dans ce discours et de m'avoir aidé à préparer la cérémonie. Comme vous l'avez entendu, je suis Huang Miyamoto, président du gouvernement étudiant et coordonnateur des activités du Maui Tai Club. Je suis le président du club depuis la première année et je suis resté en position depuis. Mais je ne suis pas là pour parler de moi, ni de mes réalisations, mais pour vous informer, nouveaux étudiants, des règles et règlements de cette école. Si vous voulez bien ouvrir le manuel des étudiants à la page 22, nous commencerons. » Alors qu'il parlait, il a sorti le livre des étudiants et s'est tourné vers la même page que les nouveaux étudiants seraient sur et échafaudé aux règles. "Les étudiants doivent être en uniforme en tout temps. Vous aviez reçu dans le courrier avant de venir ce que vous deviez porter. Mesdames, une jupe noire/gris/bleu doit être portée et les hommes noir/gris/bleu doivent être portés. Les bas pour femmes doivent aussi être portés. Seul le moment où un étudiant doit être hors uniforme devrait être lorsque le jour est terminé ou dit que l'étudiant est dans le dojo, la zone d'entraînement ou l'anneau. Il n'y a pas d'heures de combat après l'école à moins qu'un enseignant ou un instructeur soit présent sur le campus pour le faire. Il n'y a pas non plus de combats dans les dortoirs. S'il y a chaque élève qui était à part de ce combat sera condamné à une amende pour les dommages causés dans le processus ainsi que d'autres mesures disciplinaires jusqu'à et y compris l'expulsion. Vous pouvez défier un étudiant pendant la journée s'il y a un enseignant ou un membre du gouvernement étudiant présent. Les membres du club peuvent contester d'autres clubs peut contester d'autres clubs avec l'approbation du gouvernement étudiant et des instructeurs pertinents pour ledit club. Maintenant, si vous pouvez vous tourner à la page 58 pour les arrangements de literie pour chaque étudiant." Huang soupira alors qu'il se tournait vers la page suivante. "C'est complètement ridicule." Il s'est débarrassé de la gorge avant de s'adresser de nouveau aux élèves. Les arrangements de couchage pour les jeunes gens sont les suivants : 1 chambre pouvant accueillir 2 lits superposés, salle de bains commune et placard pour chaque étudiant. Les étudiants de première année déjeuneront entre 10 h et 11 h. Les arrangements de couchage pour les deuxièmes années sont comme suit: 2 chambres chacune contenant deux lits, salle de bain privée pour cette chambre plus grand espace de placard et cuisine jointe au milieu de chaque chambre. Le déjeuner est de 11h00 à 12h00. Les arrangements de couchage pour les Juniors sont les suivants: 1 Chambre, composée de 2 lits grand placard, salle de bains personnelle et cuisine personnelle. Les logements pour personnes âgées sont comme suit: 1 Chambre simple queen avec salle de bains privée et cuisine. Les chambres pour personnes âgées disposent également d'un balcon, d'un grand placard avec une petite salle d'entraînement. Les juniors et les seniors partagent le même déjeuner de 12h00 à 13h00. Les étudiants sont admissibles à manger dans leur chambre au cours de leur déjeuner prévu s'ils le souhaitent. Veuillez noter que si vous êtes trouvé dans un secteur qui n'est pas autorisé pendant les heures d'école, des mesures disciplinaires seront prises. Et maintenant... Huang soupira alors qu'il regardait son discours et le livre. Pour lui, c'était trop, mais il savait qu'après cela, il pouvait retourner dans le salon ou dans sa chambre s'il le désirait, mais lorsqu'il échafaudait le journal à la partie suivante, il ne pouvait s'empêcher de sourire. Le sujet suivant était le Tournoi de Fer Fist. Il a regardé dans la foule avec maintenant un sourire plus étrange sur son visage.
Name: Huang Miyamoto Nickname: The Demon of Shinjuku Age: 19 Height: 5'11" Weight: 158lbs Year: Senior Personality: Huang feels that due to his position as President and reputation in the school as one of, if not THE top fighter, that he must be respected and doesn't care how. He has control of his anger thanks to his training however he shows no quarter in unleashing the slightest amount to put someone in their place whether verbally or physically. When in conversation he comes across as a calm individual with a condescending tone at times but tries to hide it through a faux smile. He cannot stand freshmen or as he puts it "pieces of meat to be fed to the wolves". His hatred for freshmen will stem farther if they show any kind of weakness but that hatred is not limited to JUST freshmen. ANYONE who shows weakness in front of him is considered lower than him. When fighting his fake smile has a tendency to become more genuine and a bit dark. Fighting Style: Because of his personality he likes to remind people of who is on top by using explosive strikes and damaging clinches. His quick and nimble body allows him to become more flexible in a fight in order to get out of certain situations. He will taunt his opponents in subtle ways like adjust a fist or a kick to where he thinks it is the right place before going in and countering with a more precise, harder hit. He doesn't prefer to use any form of ground game but will if he needs to. Martial Arts: Muay Thai Silat Brazilian Jiu Jutsu Krav Maga History: Huang is of Taiwanese and Japanese decent. His father, who lived, studied and taught Silat and Muay Tai in Taiwan, had relocated to Japan in order to broaden his teaching to the rest of the world. It was in Japan that his father married and gave life to him. Starting at the young and delicate age of three, Huang's father began teaching him what he knew. Even at such a young age, Huang had shown a natural ability to understand his father's art styles. With this in mind, Huang's father began to push him harder in training, with expectations raising as the years progressed. By age 15 he was considered by his father a "decent" fighter but that was putting it mildly. He had one a few first place martial arts trophies through the years but not without a few second and third place here and there. Huang was able to keep up with his father, although Huang's father would hold back a little bit still. He felt that his When he entered into Shinjuku Academy, he had been in conflict multiple times within the initiation week. Huang was not one to hold back when threatened and that was clearly shown in the video recordings that a few students managed to get when he brutally beat down the small group with no mercy. Huang had never actually fought anyone but he enjoyed the rush it brought. The week Huang had entered into the academy is what is known right now as "The bloody week". Huang had challenged as many juniors and seniors as he could to show that he was better then they were. The gossip on the number of fights that Huang caused had become so great that he was selected, by the student government and his sensei at the time, to enter the Iron Fist Tournament, as a freshmen. This alone spread more rumors around the school about his combat prowess but it didn't reach its peak until in the middle of the tournament, Huang had challenged the President for his position, something that had never happened in the school's history. So the freshmen vs. the student government president fight would take place as the last fight. So as the tournament proceeded to its last fight, which all bets were on the president at the time. The president of the student government had been a regional champion and champion of his precinct for some time so it was complete shock that had ran through the school when Huang hand taken him down in the 4th round, using the three to calculate and analyze his opponent before overpowering him within 2 minutes. Many were surprised he managed to make it past the first two rounds but with this Huang had taken the position of president of the student body government. Through the years in the academy until his senior year, he had picked up Brazilian Jiu Jutsu and Krav Maga in order to expand his knowledge of the Martial Arts world. In this time as well, he had many try to take him out of the position but all had failed. He kept a tight group of the best in his student governing body. Dreams and Fears: He looks forward to the day that the schools "plague" is thoroughly snuffed and its reputation remains strong although he feels right now that it has fallen since the new freshmen have entered. He fears that one day, he will be dethroned from his place as president and his crown as the top fighter striped away.
Tetsu a senti une présence de son côté. Il n'y avait pas un sentiment menaçant... ni un sentiment fort, mais il savait mieux que de laisser ça le tromper. Pourtant, il doutait de qui que ce soit qu'il serait capable de le faire le mieux. "Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé, la situation n'a pas l'air bonne pour elle?" Tetsu s'est retourné pour regarder le garçon et lui a donné un regard vide. "Oh et mon nom est Xu. Pensez-vous que nous devrions intervenir ce pourrait être amusant." Après un autre moment de fixer le garçon, Tetsu a laissé une réponse très franche. "J'essaie de ne pas m'impliquer dans les affaires d'autrui. Excusez-moi, je vais être en retard." Avec cela, il s'est tourné et a marché au-delà de Xu et dans l'auditorium. Il avait réussi à s'asseoir près de l'extérieur droit dans la mer des étudiants réunis pour la cérémonie. « On dirait que je l'ai à peine fait... » Alors qu'il commençait à s'espacer dans son siège, il a remarqué que les étudiants membres du gouvernement arrivaient près de l'avant de l'auditorium. Huang Miyamoto était parmi eux et aussi le président... même s'il était à peine digne du titre. Il était comme un enfant qui voulait seulement la position comme une affirmation de sa « force ». Certes, il était au-delà des autres élèves, mais cela n'impressionnait pas Tetsunosuke. Il n'a pas fallu beaucoup pour être une brute de jeunes gens et ceux plus faibles que vous. « Nous devrions essayer d'élever ceux qui sont plus faibles que nous et nous tenir ensemble pour rendre cette école grande. Ne les frappez pas. Regarde. C'est l'année où tu auras la tienne... » Il n'a jamais exprimé son opinion sur la question, mais... cela a-t-il fait de lui un lâche? Ou peut-être qu'il n'avait pas le droit d'avoir l'avis? Ça n'avait pas d'importance. C'était l'année où il allait participer au Tournoi du fer et mettre fin à son règne. Ou au moins il essayait... mais il était encore confiant qu'il pouvait le battre. Tetsu a une fois de plus fait une zone, mais la partie sur lui ayant son propre balcon et une petite salle d'entraînement a attiré son attention pendant un moment. C'était parfait. Avec cet arrangement, il n'aurait plus besoin de basculer autour d'autres colocataires et pourrait vivre comme il le souhaitait. La salle d'entraînement était la vraie chose pour l'exciter. Avec un tapis, un mannequin de lancer, et un sac lourd de 6 pieds, il aurait tout ce dont il avait besoin dans une zone d'entraînement. Bien sûr, cela ne signifie pas que Tetsu n'a pas apprécié l'entraînement avec d'autres. Vous devez travailler avec des partenaires vivants pour vous améliorer. Il n'y a presque pas d'autre moyen. "Si tu crois que tu peux avancer tout seul, tu délires." Toutes les trois années Tetsu avait rejoint différents clubs et cette année il ferait de même. Cependant, cela n'a jamais été un problème en raison du fait que Tetsunosuke avait passé des années à pratiquer de nombreux arts martiaux et avait plus que le niveau de compétence suffisant pour être accepté par ces clubs. Soudain, Tetsu sentit un silence effrayant pendant un instant et leva les yeux de ses bras croisés. Il regarda le Président, Huang Miyamoto, avec un sourcil levé et un regard d'une légère curiosité. "Judging par cette merde mangeant le sourire, il doit avoir quelque chose d'intéressant à parler." Tetsunosuke a commencé à prêter une plus grande attention afin d'entendre ce que le président du gouvernement étudiant a à dire ensuite.
Name: Testsunosuke Shoji (Goes by Tetsu usually) Nickname/Ring Nickname: The Northern Tiger Age: 17(senior) Height: 5'7" Weight: 157lbs Personality: Tetsu usually keeps to himself and does not go out of his way to challenge other students very often unless for what he deems an important reason. Stoic and calm, he only loses his cool in a fight when he encounters cheating or anything that could be considered dishonorable. Fighting Style: Tetsu prefers to be on the offensive and aggressive, while not sacrificing any of his technicality. If he seems to be going nowhere with the way he is fighting, he will create space and try something else. He adapts to situations very well and does not respond well to cheating. Usually he prefers to end a fight quickly and go for the finish rather than drag it out and let it go to a decision. Martial Arts: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Muay Thai Shotokan Karate Wrestling History: At the age of 4, Tetsu began training at a small Karate Dojo in his neighborhood located in Northern Tokyo. He took lessons and excelled at the dojo for 7 years. During his time there, he would watch MMA on television whenever he wasn't training or at school. Mesmerized, he vowed to be like the fighters he watched so intently on his small tube t.v. Eventually, Tetsunosuke began training at another facility to further his knowledge of other styles in order to prepare him to capture the dream he held so dear. It is here at an MMA gym that he would study the disciplines known as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai along with Wrestling. He is considered a prodigy by many who have witnessed his exploits in the competitive circuit for the styles that he trains in. His many skills gained him sponsorship from a couple high profile martial arts brands and an invitation to Shinjuku Academy once he was of high school age. During his first three years at Shinjuku, Tetsu Mostly kept to himself; focusing on training and his physique. While he detested the way weaker students are treated, he mostly tried to ignore it and keep himself out of as many fights as possible. However, this is not to say that he has not fought against other students. The few times that Tetsunosuke has been left without choice or chose to fight, based on his honor, he completely dismantled his opponents in the quickest and most effective way. Of course, this was only against lower tier bullies. As a result, nobody really made a big fuss about Tetsu and his abilities. Anybody who had heard of him and his competition exploits while a younger child/teen had simply just assumed that he couldn't keep up once he was at an elite school and so he was forgotten while at Shinjuku and away from competition. He had never chosen to enter The Iron Fist Tournament, but he was now a senior and this year was different. Tetsu had begun to grow tired of the current attitude many of the schools student government members possessed and the way they treated the other students, so a decision was made on his part to put a stop to it once and for all. He plans to quietly enter the tournament to dethrone the president along with his lackeys. Nobody yet knows of this plan however, so Tetsu is still without much attention at the beginning of his senior year. Dreams and Fears: Tetsunosuke dreams of being Champion of the world in whatever MMA organization is most popular. He wants to be known as the best and retire undefeated once he makes his pro debut. After retirement, Tetsu wishes to run his very own training facility and bring up a new generation of fighters and champions. Tetsu fears crushing defeat and losing the sight and motivation necessary to accomplish his goals.
C'est un vrai discours. Vlad a brièvement envisagé de se lever et de quitter l'auditorium, mais le personnel de l'école a toujours semblé extra-moyen sur ces cérémonies d'initiation des jeunes gens. Il a considéré que le président, M. Huang Miyamoto, avait l'air d'un type à l'air court-tempéré, et Vlad ne voulait pas gâcher sa chemise rad. Il est donc allé avec la seule vraie option qu'il avait, assis en silence et avalant le même discours qu'il avait entendu depuis son entrée à l'école. "Coño, quel ennui!" Tout à coup, Vlad s'est rendu compte que l'assise à côté de lui n'était pas vide. Maintenant, à côté de lui, était un aîné bizarre, calme qu'il avait vu autour mais à peine reconnu. Surpris par le discours qui suce l'âme et qui snooze, Vlad laisse tomber un murmure de plaisanterie. L'homme, la seule façon pour moi d'être plus ennuyé serait d'être fait de bois. Et c'est là qu'il s'est souvenu que la plupart des étudiants de l'Académie Shinjuku n'avaient presque aucun sens de l'humour. Tous ces combats de première année déclenchés par une mauvaise blague ou un jeu de mots échappé. Alimentée par des dizaines de souvenirs et un instinct d'auto-préservation, la paranoïa de Vlad s'est mise à l'eau. Side-eyeing et se préparant lui-même, Vlad attendait de voir comment son voisin assis a réagi à son jeu de mots merdiques.
Name: Mordecai Igins Age: 17 Height:5'10", 177.8 centimeters Weight: 155 lbs, 70.3 Kg Year: Freshmen Personality: Kuudere (a character that is cold, blunt, cynical, and pretty much doesn't care if his beloved dies. That's what he is on the outside but she is actually caring and nice on the inside.) Fighting Style: Submission Specialist primarily, endurance fighter if too difficult. Martial Arts: Jujutsu and Tang Soo Do History: Mordecai Grew up in the country of Australia, dispite his looks, he was born and raised. With a Half Indian, Half Australian father and a Japanese Mother. Mordecai was brought into the world of Mix Martial Art since birth, being the youngest out of 3 children. He began taking on simply movements and strikes at the age of 5. At six he began learning from his mother side of Japanese MMA, mainly Jujitsu before moving a completely new skill that originated from Korea at 8 years old. Mordecai was so engrossed into it that trained after school at his local club, soon he was unbeatable. He was well known around the area surrounding him. He continued to train himself throughout his life until he neared the end of his high school in Australia, when his parents gave him a letter containing a invitation to Shinjuku Academy in Japan, without a second though. He packed up his bags and headed to Shinjuku Academy. Despite not knowing an ounce of Japanese. Dreams and Fears: Mordecai Wishes to become a Professional Driver, despite loving MMA, He wants to become a Driver. His Fear is....well everyone has a fear, Mordecai doesn't like revealing it, so we'll cross the bridge when we get to it.
L'homme, la seule façon pour moi d'être plus ennuyé serait d'être fait à partir de bois.Le Tetsu entendit probablement la plaisanterie la plus épineuse du siècle venir du côté de lui et leva un sourcil tout en laissant sortir un chanfrein très léger. Qui fait une blague comme ça? Avec une curiosité croissante, Tetsunosuke regarda la direction dans laquelle la plaisanterie cheesy venait et examina l'étudiant assis à côté de lui. Il n'était certainement pas japonais, mais il semblait amical. Assez amical pour attaquer les oreilles de Tetsu avec une plaisanterie, c'est-à-dire. Sa tenue était certainement étrange aussi bien. Très étrange. Il semblait à peine répondre aux normes du code de l'uniforme des écoles si quelqu'un ne regardait pas de trop près. La chemise qu'il portait ressemblait à quelque chose que l'on pourrait porter en vacances en Amérique latine selon Tetsu. "Cette chose est-elle un peu visible?" Il leva son front encore plus haut et le laissa enfin reposer. Bien sûr, c'était un gars très intéressant. "Quel est votre nom?" Il demanda tranquillement et sans aucune émotion. Il devait certainement travailler sur ses compétences sociales. C'était l'un des seuls moments où Tetsunosuke a posé cette question à un autre élève. Il avait quelques connaissances tout au long de ses trois années passées à Shinjuku, mais pas de vrais amis. La chose la plus proche qu'il avait avec ses amis était ses potes de club et partenaires de sparring, mais il n'a jamais été pris au-delà des tapis ou des dojos. "Peut-être cette année sera-t-il différent dans cet aspect aussi?"
Name: Testsunosuke Shoji (Goes by Tetsu usually) Nickname/Ring Nickname: The Northern Tiger Age: 17(senior) Height: 5'7" Weight: 157lbs Personality: Tetsu usually keeps to himself and does not go out of his way to challenge other students very often unless for what he deems an important reason. Stoic and calm, he only loses his cool in a fight when he encounters cheating or anything that could be considered dishonorable. Fighting Style: Tetsu prefers to be on the offensive and aggressive, while not sacrificing any of his technicality. If he seems to be going nowhere with the way he is fighting, he will create space and try something else. He adapts to situations very well and does not respond well to cheating. Usually he prefers to end a fight quickly and go for the finish rather than drag it out and let it go to a decision. Martial Arts: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Muay Thai Shotokan Karate Wrestling History: At the age of 4, Tetsu began training at a small Karate Dojo in his neighborhood located in Northern Tokyo. He took lessons and excelled at the dojo for 7 years. During his time there, he would watch MMA on television whenever he wasn't training or at school. Mesmerized, he vowed to be like the fighters he watched so intently on his small tube t.v. Eventually, Tetsunosuke began training at another facility to further his knowledge of other styles in order to prepare him to capture the dream he held so dear. It is here at an MMA gym that he would study the disciplines known as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai along with Wrestling. He is considered a prodigy by many who have witnessed his exploits in the competitive circuit for the styles that he trains in. His many skills gained him sponsorship from a couple high profile martial arts brands and an invitation to Shinjuku Academy once he was of high school age. During his first three years at Shinjuku, Tetsu Mostly kept to himself; focusing on training and his physique. While he detested the way weaker students are treated, he mostly tried to ignore it and keep himself out of as many fights as possible. However, this is not to say that he has not fought against other students. The few times that Tetsunosuke has been left without choice or chose to fight, based on his honor, he completely dismantled his opponents in the quickest and most effective way. Of course, this was only against lower tier bullies. As a result, nobody really made a big fuss about Tetsu and his abilities. Anybody who had heard of him and his competition exploits while a younger child/teen had simply just assumed that he couldn't keep up once he was at an elite school and so he was forgotten while at Shinjuku and away from competition. He had never chosen to enter The Iron Fist Tournament, but he was now a senior and this year was different. Tetsu had begun to grow tired of the current attitude many of the schools student government members possessed and the way they treated the other students, so a decision was made on his part to put a stop to it once and for all. He plans to quietly enter the tournament to dethrone the president along with his lackeys. Nobody yet knows of this plan however, so Tetsu is still without much attention at the beginning of his senior year. Dreams and Fears: Tetsunosuke dreams of being Champion of the world in whatever MMA organization is most popular. He wants to be known as the best and retire undefeated once he makes his pro debut. After retirement, Tetsu wishes to run his very own training facility and bring up a new generation of fighters and champions. Tetsu fears crushing defeat and losing the sight and motivation necessary to accomplish his goals.
L'aîné s'est branlé (à peine) et a répondu : « Quel est votre nom? » Vlad a été soulagé, bien qu'il n'ait pas complètement quitté sa garde. Tout au long des trois années qu'il avait été à Shinjuku, il n'avait pas eu la chance de devenir ami avec quelqu'un d'autre. De son point de vue, les étudiants se sont pris trop au sérieux et le personnel a agi trop haut et puissant. Dans la rare occasion, quelqu'un a commencé à agir amicalement, ils ont fini par être des brutes sadiques à la recherche d'une cible facile. Et ça s'est toujours terminé dans une bagarre. Certains ont été gagnés et d'autres non, mais ils étaient tous des combats. "Mais ce n'est pas ce qui se passe en ce moment, n'est-ce pas?", pensait Vlad lui-même, essayant de garder une vision optimiste de la vie. "Je suis Vladimir. Vlad pour court. Comme l'empaleur. Mais la seule chose que je pourrais empaler en ce moment, ce sont mes oreilles, juste pour que je puisse arrêter d'écouter ça." Continuer à utiliser son sens de l'humour (maintenant rouillé) semblait être la voie à suivre. "Et toi?"
Name: Mordecai Igins Age: 17 Height:5'10", 177.8 centimeters Weight: 155 lbs, 70.3 Kg Year: Freshmen Personality: Kuudere (a character that is cold, blunt, cynical, and pretty much doesn't care if his beloved dies. That's what he is on the outside but she is actually caring and nice on the inside.) Fighting Style: Submission Specialist primarily, endurance fighter if too difficult. Martial Arts: Jujutsu and Tang Soo Do History: Mordecai Grew up in the country of Australia, dispite his looks, he was born and raised. With a Half Indian, Half Australian father and a Japanese Mother. Mordecai was brought into the world of Mix Martial Art since birth, being the youngest out of 3 children. He began taking on simply movements and strikes at the age of 5. At six he began learning from his mother side of Japanese MMA, mainly Jujitsu before moving a completely new skill that originated from Korea at 8 years old. Mordecai was so engrossed into it that trained after school at his local club, soon he was unbeatable. He was well known around the area surrounding him. He continued to train himself throughout his life until he neared the end of his high school in Australia, when his parents gave him a letter containing a invitation to Shinjuku Academy in Japan, without a second though. He packed up his bags and headed to Shinjuku Academy. Despite not knowing an ounce of Japanese. Dreams and Fears: Mordecai Wishes to become a Professional Driver, despite loving MMA, He wants to become a Driver. His Fear is....well everyone has a fear, Mordecai doesn't like revealing it, so we'll cross the bridge when we get to it.
Christina a suivi le groupe dans l'auditorium et s'est levée sur le côté et a écouté Huang parler. Son sourire était si faux, et elle était d'accord avec ça. Le garçon ne sourit pas du tout et il n'avait vraiment aucune raison de le faire, plus vous ajoutez sur sa haine pour la première année en général et il était juste une grande vieille boule de soleil. Maintenant, il était sur le devant souriant et leur racontant leur nouvelle vie ici à Shinjuku. Elle aimait l'hébergement que les personnes âgées recevraient, leur propre salle d'épargne, et ne pas avoir à partager avec certaines femmes bavardes qui ne savent pas comment faire face à leurs propres émotions. Mais maintenant elle aurait un balcon pour elle-même. Elle a eu des frissons quand il a commencé à parler du tournoi Iron Fist. La chose a été un point fort pour toute son année, parce qu'elle a dû tester le métal des nouveaux enfants et régler les rivalités. La chambre a un peu plus d'eerie, et le sourire de Huang n'était pas agréable. _________________________________________________________________________________ Xu a laissé la situation avec la fille seule et a continué jusqu'à ce qu'il se trouve lui-même dans un siège vers le milieu. Il écoutait les hébergements et n'était pas heureux. Il aurait encore à partager une chambre, et son déjeuner serait pendant son temps d'entraînement pour que tout son programme soit ruiné. Il se demandait avec qui il serait coincé dans sa chambre. Mais pour l'instant, il a levé les yeux quand la pièce s'est calmée, il a vu le président se calmer et sourire bizarrement. Il se demande ce qui se passe ensuite sur la liste avant que cela ne perde. Xu s'est posé des questions sur beaucoup de choses, et il n'a fait que sa curiosité ne lui ferait pas de mal.
Name: Avis Falke Age: 17 Height: 5'7 Weight: 140lb Personality: Very social, straightforward, and friendly. A good way to describe her general attitude to friends and strangers alike would be "Hello, here I am, and I'm here to have a good time." She posses a naturally reasonable and skeptical mind, leaning more to thinking things through and strategically navigating social scenes rather than simply blurting things out. On a more personal level, she is much more depressed and hopeless, feeling like she is helplessly getting trampled by the march of time. Fighting Style: Doesn't stick to any particular art of any sort as fighting has never really been part of her life in any real way. She knows enough for self defense, however, and is not completely incompetent. She fights more like a soldier than a competitor, aiming to truly damage and disable, rather than bring the opponent to submission. This means she is very withheld to the idea of competitive fighting, as all she knows is to hurt and kill, not simply fight. For example, any hair pulling, palm punching, crotch shots, and other forms of "dirty" fighting are all good in her book. It's saved her life on one occasion. Martial Arts: No real formal art or training. Simply skills taught by both her father and her grandfather for defending herself. History: Born in the United States as a first generation American. Her mother and father were German immigrants who were trying to get away from their troubled families. From an early age, Avis loved aircraft and flying. All she ever wanted to do was play with toy airplanes, go to airshows, and ride in planes. As she got older, she immediately joined a Civil Air Patrol squadron nearby, and rose quickly in the ranks. There, even at the young age of 11, she got to fly her first plane. It was a small Cessna, but she was absolutely thrilled nonetheless. She didn't care too much for the military aspect of it, but did enjoy the outdoor activities it provided her. Sadly, this dream of a life was quickly crushed. Her parents died horribly in a car accident as they were driving to pick her up from her CAP meeting. They met a slow, painful death in the hospital with Avis there to watch. She was moved to her Uncle's home, by now being sixteen years old. He was some sort of salesperson and was rarely home, hell, he wasn't even home to help her unpack, or even be at the funeral. Avis had simply become some sort of vague entity that existed there, rather than an actual niece living there in the eyes of her Uncle. To his workaholic, greedy head, Avis soon became an annoyance. Soon they moved to Japan where her Uncle's company was based out of, and there her Uncle tossed Avis into the first boarding school available... and that school was Shinjuku Academy. Thus with only knowing a little bit of Japanese, having a German-American accent, and hair that went from blond to light grey when she was eight, her troubles only grew. Dreams and Fears: Avis's dream is to one day become a flight instructor or stunt pilot, as flying is the only time when she is truly happy in life. Her greatest fear is time. She constantly deals with, and suppresses the dark truths of time that fill her mind. Whether it be the gradually shrinking chances of obtaining her dreams or the inevitability of her demise, time always seems to be an enemy to her..... On a less metaphysical note, she also has an irrational fear of open water. Other: The Civil Air Patrol is essentially the US Air Force's version of boy scouts, only its open to everyone and let's you try flying planes and such. Google them if you're curious! :D
Exactement ce que vous attendiez d'une école centrée autour des combats est ce que Remy a observé dans sa promenade d'orientation autour de l'école avant le début du discours. Les gens étant physiquement intimidés partout. Une culture où la dynamique du pouvoir se concentre autour de vos prouesses de combat. Si vous étiez nouveau à l'école, ils viendraient vous tester. Tout en venant dans votre visage, vous irrespectant, vous poussant au bord et voir comment vous réagissez. Si vous tournez l'autre joue, vous êtes noté comme une chatte qui peut se promener. Si vous montrez que vous ne tolèrez pas cela et ne pouvez pas être irrespectueux comme ça, vous ne serez plus testé parce qu'ils ont découvert votre valeur. Qu'ils viennent tester Remy, un bon coup de pied c'est tout ce qu'il faudrait pour se couper la jambe et les laisser saigner à mort, figurément. Heureusement, grâce à son exploration précoce de l'école, il n'a pas été dérangé et a pu éviter la confrontation. Peut-être en raison de sa marche éloquente, a levé le menton et un léger sourire tandis que sa chaîne d'argent rebondissait sur son cou à chaque pas. La confiance dans son mouvement qui vous embrouillerait et vous faire croire que ce n'était pas son premier jour. Comme s'il était déjà au sommet de la chaîne alimentaire. Peut-être parce qu'ils ne l'ont pas remarqué. Tôt ou tard, il l'apprenait, il venait à l'école tôt pour explorer donc tout le monde n'était pas présent. Il n'avait pas fini d'explorer quand il était temps d'aller à l'auditorium. Alors il a coupé la marche et s'est dirigé vers là-bas. Comme il était nouveau avec d'innombrables autres jeunes gens, non seulement c'était au moment où il se faisait tester. C'était aussi le meilleur moment pour se faire le plus d'amis possible. La fois où tout le monde n'avait pas encore d'amis et les cercles serrés ne s'étaient pas formés. S'ils essaient de le sauter avec un gang, il aurait besoin de liens sociaux pour s'assurer que ce ne serait pas un seul homme contre une armée. Il faudrait qu'il trouve des jeunes gens avec qui traîner après le discours. Une fois qu'il est arrivé à l'auditorium, il n'a pas fallu plus de cinq minutes pour que ce type se montre. Il s'est présenté comme le président du gouvernement étudiant. Intéressant. Donc c'était l'homme qu'il allait détrôner violemment dans quelques années, probablement le laisser avec une jambe coupée qu'il va devoir recoudre à ses hanches. Pauvre paysan. Parfois, même Remy souhaitait qu'il ne soit pas une telle bête. Remy a suivi le discours dans son manuel, s'est assuré de prêter attention au discours qu'il allait être forcé de donner après avoir battu le gars. Donc ils travaillaient avec des colocataires? C'est plutôt cool. Soudain, il s'est arrêté et a eu ce sourire vraiment effrayant. Il ne semblait pas si amusé quand il parlait de tout ça avant. Donc ça doit être intéressant.
Name: Huang Miyamoto Nickname: The Demon of Shinjuku Age: 19 Height: 5'11" Weight: 158lbs Year: Senior Personality: Huang feels that due to his position as President and reputation in the school as one of, if not THE top fighter, that he must be respected and doesn't care how. He has control of his anger thanks to his training however he shows no quarter in unleashing the slightest amount to put someone in their place whether verbally or physically. When in conversation he comes across as a calm individual with a condescending tone at times but tries to hide it through a faux smile. He cannot stand freshmen or as he puts it "pieces of meat to be fed to the wolves". His hatred for freshmen will stem farther if they show any kind of weakness but that hatred is not limited to JUST freshmen. ANYONE who shows weakness in front of him is considered lower than him. When fighting his fake smile has a tendency to become more genuine and a bit dark. Fighting Style: Because of his personality he likes to remind people of who is on top by using explosive strikes and damaging clinches. His quick and nimble body allows him to become more flexible in a fight in order to get out of certain situations. He will taunt his opponents in subtle ways like adjust a fist or a kick to where he thinks it is the right place before going in and countering with a more precise, harder hit. He doesn't prefer to use any form of ground game but will if he needs to. Martial Arts: Muay Thai Silat Brazilian Jiu Jutsu Krav Maga History: Huang is of Taiwanese and Japanese decent. His father, who lived, studied and taught Silat and Muay Tai in Taiwan, had relocated to Japan in order to broaden his teaching to the rest of the world. It was in Japan that his father married and gave life to him. Starting at the young and delicate age of three, Huang's father began teaching him what he knew. Even at such a young age, Huang had shown a natural ability to understand his father's art styles. With this in mind, Huang's father began to push him harder in training, with expectations raising as the years progressed. By age 15 he was considered by his father a "decent" fighter but that was putting it mildly. He had one a few first place martial arts trophies through the years but not without a few second and third place here and there. Huang was able to keep up with his father, although Huang's father would hold back a little bit still. He felt that his When he entered into Shinjuku Academy, he had been in conflict multiple times within the initiation week. Huang was not one to hold back when threatened and that was clearly shown in the video recordings that a few students managed to get when he brutally beat down the small group with no mercy. Huang had never actually fought anyone but he enjoyed the rush it brought. The week Huang had entered into the academy is what is known right now as "The bloody week". Huang had challenged as many juniors and seniors as he could to show that he was better then they were. The gossip on the number of fights that Huang caused had become so great that he was selected, by the student government and his sensei at the time, to enter the Iron Fist Tournament, as a freshmen. This alone spread more rumors around the school about his combat prowess but it didn't reach its peak until in the middle of the tournament, Huang had challenged the President for his position, something that had never happened in the school's history. So the freshmen vs. the student government president fight would take place as the last fight. So as the tournament proceeded to its last fight, which all bets were on the president at the time. The president of the student government had been a regional champion and champion of his precinct for some time so it was complete shock that had ran through the school when Huang hand taken him down in the 4th round, using the three to calculate and analyze his opponent before overpowering him within 2 minutes. Many were surprised he managed to make it past the first two rounds but with this Huang had taken the position of president of the student body government. Through the years in the academy until his senior year, he had picked up Brazilian Jiu Jutsu and Krav Maga in order to expand his knowledge of the Martial Arts world. In this time as well, he had many try to take him out of the position but all had failed. He kept a tight group of the best in his student governing body. Dreams and Fears: He looks forward to the day that the schools "plague" is thoroughly snuffed and its reputation remains strong although he feels right now that it has fallen since the new freshmen have entered. He fears that one day, he will be dethroned from his place as president and his crown as the top fighter striped away.
Je suis Vladimir. Vlad pour court. Comme l'empaleur. Mais la seule chose que je pourrais empaler en ce moment, ce sont mes oreilles, juste pour que je puisse arrêter d'écouter ça. Tetsu pensait que c'était un nom très étrange pour un étudiant qui ressemblait... à ça. "Et toi?" Tout comme Vlad avait fini de se présenter, il entendit quelque chose qui l'intéressait beaucoup vers le podium. Le tournoi Iron Fist. "Tu ferais mieux d'être celui qui signe une putain de renonciation!" Alors qu'il se grincait légèrement les dents, Tetsu ne pensait qu'à ce qu'il donnerait au gouvernement étudiant dans six mois. "Calm down... passez votre temps à vous préparer et ils n'auront plus aucune chance..." Relaxant une fois de plus, Tetsu tourna encore une fois son attention vers Vladimir. Il avait rarement donné son nom avant dans une simple conversation, mais ça ne ferait pas de mal d'être ami avec ce gars, non? "Mon nom est Tetsunosuke Shoji, mais vous pouvez m'appeler Tetsu. Quelle année êtes-vous?" C'était un peu bizarre d'être en interaction avec un autre étudiant pendant si longtemps sans aucun équipement d'entraînement. Les choses les plus proches de ses amis Tetsunosuke ont été ses partenaires de formation dans les clubs et les cours auxquels il a participé tout au long de l'année scolaire. "Peut-être pouvons-nous être amis? Qui sait."
Name: Testsunosuke Shoji (Goes by Tetsu usually) Nickname/Ring Nickname: The Northern Tiger Age: 17(senior) Height: 5'7" Weight: 157lbs Personality: Tetsu usually keeps to himself and does not go out of his way to challenge other students very often unless for what he deems an important reason. Stoic and calm, he only loses his cool in a fight when he encounters cheating or anything that could be considered dishonorable. Fighting Style: Tetsu prefers to be on the offensive and aggressive, while not sacrificing any of his technicality. If he seems to be going nowhere with the way he is fighting, he will create space and try something else. He adapts to situations very well and does not respond well to cheating. Usually he prefers to end a fight quickly and go for the finish rather than drag it out and let it go to a decision. Martial Arts: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Muay Thai Shotokan Karate Wrestling History: At the age of 4, Tetsu began training at a small Karate Dojo in his neighborhood located in Northern Tokyo. He took lessons and excelled at the dojo for 7 years. During his time there, he would watch MMA on television whenever he wasn't training or at school. Mesmerized, he vowed to be like the fighters he watched so intently on his small tube t.v. Eventually, Tetsunosuke began training at another facility to further his knowledge of other styles in order to prepare him to capture the dream he held so dear. It is here at an MMA gym that he would study the disciplines known as Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai along with Wrestling. He is considered a prodigy by many who have witnessed his exploits in the competitive circuit for the styles that he trains in. His many skills gained him sponsorship from a couple high profile martial arts brands and an invitation to Shinjuku Academy once he was of high school age. During his first three years at Shinjuku, Tetsu Mostly kept to himself; focusing on training and his physique. While he detested the way weaker students are treated, he mostly tried to ignore it and keep himself out of as many fights as possible. However, this is not to say that he has not fought against other students. The few times that Tetsunosuke has been left without choice or chose to fight, based on his honor, he completely dismantled his opponents in the quickest and most effective way. Of course, this was only against lower tier bullies. As a result, nobody really made a big fuss about Tetsu and his abilities. Anybody who had heard of him and his competition exploits while a younger child/teen had simply just assumed that he couldn't keep up once he was at an elite school and so he was forgotten while at Shinjuku and away from competition. He had never chosen to enter The Iron Fist Tournament, but he was now a senior and this year was different. Tetsu had begun to grow tired of the current attitude many of the schools student government members possessed and the way they treated the other students, so a decision was made on his part to put a stop to it once and for all. He plans to quietly enter the tournament to dethrone the president along with his lackeys. Nobody yet knows of this plan however, so Tetsu is still without much attention at the beginning of his senior year. Dreams and Fears: Tetsunosuke dreams of being Champion of the world in whatever MMA organization is most popular. He wants to be known as the best and retire undefeated once he makes his pro debut. After retirement, Tetsu wishes to run his very own training facility and bring up a new generation of fighters and champions. Tetsu fears crushing defeat and losing the sight and motivation necessary to accomplish his goals.
Il y a quelques heures, dans les salles d'odeurs de chlore du Laboratoire 4 de Central City... Deux officiers de l'armée ont traversé les couloirs tout en essayant de retenir leur souffle à cause de l'odeur forte du désinfectant utilisé pour nettoyer l'installation de recherche biologique. L'un d'eux portait une enveloppe de bronzage contenant une commission accélérée directement par le haut commandement au commandant de cette installation. Après une courte promenade, ils arrivèrent à destination, les portes en bois dur du bureau du soldat connu sous le nom de 'Amestrian Vampire' pour son alchimie impitoyable et signature, Emillia B. Krowitz. "Monsieur, êtes-vous sûr que ces ordres ont raison? Pourquoi le commandement enverrait-il un chercheur biologique dans une mission comme celle-ci? » Celui qui portait l'enveloppe, qui se distinguait facilement comme une courte chevelure, blond, jeune femme, demandé. -- Interrogez-vous les ordres du commandement, sergent? L'autre, qui était un homme à moitié chauve, gris poilu, se dirigea vers ses cinquante ans, répondit d'une manière très rugueuse. -- Non, monsieur! La femme a répondu hâtivement en se tenant à l'attention. "Alors frappe à la porte." L'homme cria, juste avant que la porte ne soit ouverte de l'intérieur, révélant l'expression déplaisante d'Emillia. Ce serait un très mauvais jour pour les deux... Aujourd'hui, à bord d'un train, à destination d'East City... « C'est l'occasion idéale de faire avancer la recherche de la Pierre, puisque je semble être l'officier le plus haut rang du groupe de travail. » Emillia s'est dit elle-même alors qu'elle examinait les détails de la commission. En termes simples, ils ont dû étouffer une cellule rebelle basée sur les territoires de l'est, bien qu'il semble y avoir quelques couches de vérité à découvrir sur ce groupe, ce qui rend évident pourquoi ils ont chargé l'un des tortionnaires les plus tristes de l'armée à ce travail. "Même si je dois m'occuper de ce fou de fer, à East City, qui me donne une migraine juste à partir de la simple pensée de lui." Elle a dit, se référant au commandant des Territoires de l'Est, le général de brigade Basque Grand, un homme qu'Emilia a détesté. "De toute façon, il était temps que je vérifie les autres alchimistes, pour voir si j'aurais des problèmes à régler." Emilia redressa alors son uniforme, après avoir fini son'repas' et sortit de sa cabine pour rencontrer les autres alchimistes. Elle a laissé le corps pâle du jeune sergent d'avant, qu'elle allait jeter plus tard à la station la plus proche en disant que la femme était morte d'un choc anémique.
Name: Emillia B. Krowitz Rank: Colonel State title: The Blood Rose Alchemist Appearance: Backstory: Emillia's's past is a hazy and bloody spot on the pages of Amestris military registry, all that's know about her is that she joined the army under a special invitation from the Füher, as a medical officer tasked with a secret research, sometime before the Ishval War broke out. The nature of her research was extremely secretive and it was said that she was the head of one of the most feared concentration camps during the conflict. Countless lives where sacrificed in her sinister research, whose purposed was the creation of that which all alchemist seek, The Philosopher's Stone. After the end of the war she was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant colonel and given head of one of the states secret laboratories in order to continue her research, after Tim Marcoh went AWOL. Specialty: Blood Alchemy, which can be used a variety of ways, including: - Healing, which was her original expertise; - Halt the aging process of her body, which requires a constant supply of fresh blood, earning her the nickname "Amestrian Vampire"; - Combat, with her signature move, the "Bloody Rose Transmutation", where she causes the iron and oxygen on her victims blood to react violently and burst their blood vessels, popping out of their skin in the characteristic shape of roses made from coagulated blood. Others: Secretly, she's a bat-based Chimera, one of the first to ever be produced, since she offered her body willingly to help on the research she had been conducting for years alongside other genius bioalchemists like Shou Tucker and Tim Marcoh. Also, she's an expert knife fighter and shouldn't be underestimated even when she is unable to make use of her alchemy, since her extensive knowledge of the human body's inner workings and cold blooded sadism means that she knows exactly how to inflict the maximum amount of suffering with each slash.
Comme Charles mis les pieds dans le wagon du train où ils étaient censés rencontrer une seule personne était déjà là. Il savait déjà à quoi s'attendre après avoir lu le briefing, mais voir une personne considérée presque universellement comme un psychopathe comme l'officier le plus élevé de cette mission n'était pas vraiment agréable. "Maman.", il la salua et fit un salut: "Mon nom est Charles Walenburg, nous avons servi ensemble à Ishbal. Je crois que nous nous sommes rencontrés pendant l'attaque sur ce monastère d'Ishvalen." Charles s'est bien souvenu de cette bataille. Il ne savait pas exactement pourquoi elle était même à cette bataille, ou dans cette mission pour cette question, car elle est une chercheuse mais il se souvient d'elle. Quand elle s'est montrée, il n'était plus la personne la plus détestée ou la plus craintive de la compagnie. Il avait cependant des doubts qu'elle se souvenait de lui. À part son regard et son alchimie, Charles n'était pas une personne particulièrement mémorable. Il espérait juste qu'aucun des autres alchimistes n'était très désireux d'échanger des histoires de guerre alors qu'il s'asseyait...
Charles Walenberg The Corrosive Alchemist Age: 37 Rank: Major Appearance: Charles is a man of average build whose whole face and arms are covered in bandages. He is normally wearing the uniform of an state alchemist. Backstory: Born in east city, Charles was the son of an enthusiastic but ultimately talent less alchemist. His father was researching in the field of acids without any real progress. That changed when Charles came of age and began to study alchemy and help his father in his research. He was much more intelligent and had a much better understanding of alchemy and just like that he created the alchemist formula to create acids. However his first test went wrong, permanently damaging the skin on his face and arms. He wasn't going to stop however and two years later after better research and training he used his brand of alchemy to become a state alchemist. When the civil war started Charles was send to Ishbal as a human weapon. He was a good soldier, killing who he was ordered to and created piles of corroded houses and streets. The Ishvalen who fought him were dissolved before the eyes of their brothers and friends. There was no night in which Charles didn't had nightmares about Ishbal, but he still would do it again. Specialty: His specialty are acids. He always has two things with him. His ring with his transmutation circle, as well as several small canister on his belt. In each canister are two substances he uses when the situation requires them. Flour, Chloride and the canisters itself have a Antimony alloy. Normally he uses the nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen in the air to create nitric acid. However he can also use the cannisters to create fluoroantimonic acid the most corrosive acid known to man. Charles is also a capable fighter in hand-to-hand combat.
Emilia est arrivée au wagon de réunion désigné avant l'un des autres alchimistes et a trouvé sa place à la table de briefing après avoir commandé à un serviteur d'apporter une bouteille du meilleur cognac qu'ils avaient sur la voiture du restaurant. À l'arrivée de Charles, elle se tenait près de la fenêtre, regardant le paysage avec insouciance tout en savourant la boisson exquise, jusqu'à ce qu'il se présente... La petite femme, qui n'avait pas l'air d'aller au-delà de son adolescence, a redistribué le salut tout comme elle rencontrait le regard de Charles avec sa façade imprenable, avant de dire : « A l'aise, major. Le briefing officiel ne débutera que lorsque nous aurons rendez-vous avec le général Basque Grand à East City. Ce n'est qu'un rassemblement social entre confrères alchimistes du domaine, alors s'il vous plaît amusez-vous." Emilia se déplaçait à la boisson qui était posée sur une table latérale avant de se tourner vers les fenêtres une fois de plus et de continuer « Bien sûr, je me souviens de cette opération. Vous devez être l'alchimiste corrosif, n'est-ce pas? Grâce à vos vaillants efforts, nous avons pu capturer leur saint homme vivant et obtenir les informations cruciales que nous recherchions. Beaucoup de vies amestriennes ont été sauvées à cause de vous, si vous le souhaitez, je pourrais vous faire recevoir une médaille pour cela. » Indépendamment de la réponse de Charles à son offre, Emilia ferait une brève pause avant de la reconnaître et ensuite dire « Dès que les autres arriveront, nous déjeunerons ensemble, la présence n'est pas facultative. Cependant, vous pouvez demander n'importe quoi dans le menu, puisque j'ai fait en sorte que nous ayons un chef personnel pour la journée. » Sans dire un autre mot, Emilia se tourna de nouveau vers le paysage et resta silencieuse jusqu'à l'arrivée des autres alchimistes.
Name: Emillia B. Krowitz Rank: Colonel State title: The Blood Rose Alchemist Appearance: Backstory: Emillia's's past is a hazy and bloody spot on the pages of Amestris military registry, all that's know about her is that she joined the army under a special invitation from the Füher, as a medical officer tasked with a secret research, sometime before the Ishval War broke out. The nature of her research was extremely secretive and it was said that she was the head of one of the most feared concentration camps during the conflict. Countless lives where sacrificed in her sinister research, whose purposed was the creation of that which all alchemist seek, The Philosopher's Stone. After the end of the war she was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant colonel and given head of one of the states secret laboratories in order to continue her research, after Tim Marcoh went AWOL. Specialty: Blood Alchemy, which can be used a variety of ways, including: - Healing, which was her original expertise; - Halt the aging process of her body, which requires a constant supply of fresh blood, earning her the nickname "Amestrian Vampire"; - Combat, with her signature move, the "Bloody Rose Transmutation", where she causes the iron and oxygen on her victims blood to react violently and burst their blood vessels, popping out of their skin in the characteristic shape of roses made from coagulated blood. Others: Secretly, she's a bat-based Chimera, one of the first to ever be produced, since she offered her body willingly to help on the research she had been conducting for years alongside other genius bioalchemists like Shou Tucker and Tim Marcoh. Also, she's an expert knife fighter and shouldn't be underestimated even when she is unable to make use of her alchemy, since her extensive knowledge of the human body's inner workings and cold blooded sadism means that she knows exactly how to inflict the maximum amount of suffering with each slash.