Replacing a turntable stylus can work magic An upgrade to my turntable stylus rendered previously unplayable records miraculously well again. Arthur C. Clarke is credited with saying that any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, but when it comes to music, the older gear is more miraculous--and mysterious--to me. MP3 players are just special-purpose hard drives or memory sticks, Pandora and other online radio services are just twists on the streaming audio sites that first emerged in the early Web days, and every online tool for musicians simply takes an old task-- recording, CD manufacturing, distribution--and moves it to the Web, gaining various efficiencies along the way. Even digital audio workstations like ProTools and Cubase are somewhat intuitive to a longtime computer user. It's a miracle: the Goldring 1022GX. But a turntable involves actual mechanical and electrical engineering, and, despite being a longtime vinyl buff, I find the technology remains an absolute mystery
Aleutian kayak From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia   (Redirected from Baidarka) Jump to: navigation, search Aleut men in Unalaska in 1896, with waterproof kayak gear and garments Three hatch model Aleut baidarka, by Sergie Sovoroff. Wooden frame of 1/6th scale model Iqyax. The Baidarka or Aleutian kayak was the watercraft created by the native Aleut (or Unangan) people of the Aleutian Islands. The Aleut people were surrounded by treacherous waters and required water transportation and a hunting vessel. Due to the geography and climate of the Aleutian Islands, trees and wood were in scarce supply and the people relied primarily on driftwood to create the framework of the kayak, which was covered with the skins of sea mammals. Two types of boats were created, one with a covered deck, the hunting kayak and another that was open and capable of carrying goods and people from one island to another. Baidarka is the Russian name used for Aleutian style sea kayak. The ancient Unangan name is Iqyax. The word has
Saturday, July 31, 2010 Last Call Just a reminder what's at stake in November.  It's not just the House.  Nate Silver's latest Senate Rankings: If Nate's right, the Republicans picking up 9 Senate seats is conceivable and that would leave Charlie Crist as the the man who decides who's in control of the Senate. Or hey, Ben Nelson. Or Joe Lieberman. Just saying. A lot of noise has been made about the GOP retaking the House, but the Senate is in play at this point. It's not likely, but it's in play. Upping The Ante By Calling Anti-Semitism David Cameron and his UK government are learning what American lawmakers have known for decades:  anything less than full- throated support for Israel's policies will eventually lead to Israeli charges of anti-Semitism.  What, you thought Cameron was going to be allowed to point out the ridiculousness of the collective punishment in Gaza? His remarks, made in an interview on a Jewish website, provoked anger from senior MPs and Jewish leaders who said the 87-year-old pres
This is Jeff Driggs' first time directing at the OBT. His history with the company includes acting in a 2008 show and as assistant director at Phantom of the OBT earlier this year. The play follows three friends. Well, really two friends and one patsy. Charlie and Jack ask Lord Fancourt "Babs" Babberly to play the role of Charlie's aunt, Donna Lucia d'Alvadorez, while they court the loves of their lives. Things get crazy when Jack's dad and the father of one of the young maidens try to court Babs, and then the real Donna Lucia d'Alvadorez shows up! Actors change nightly, so we can't write about all of them. We're sure the cast we didn't see are equally talented, and the show will be good any night. Unlike many OBT plays, the majority of jokes have nothing to do with Utah culture. So feel free to bring out-of-state friends. They will get it. It's light on hilarity to start, but once Babs (Rusty Bringhurst) comes out of his dressing room as Donna Lucia, the place explodes in laughter and continues to peri
asked 204 Muslimah02's gravatar image closed Apr 10 '13 at 15:32 sadie ♦ 1.6k313 sadie's gravatar image The question has been closed for the following reason "The question is answered, right answer was accepted" by sadie Apr 10 '13 at 15:32 If you mean burka that covers the face then the problem is solved. She can remove the face veil and wear the black jilbab. But she should not put on anything on her face that will attract attention.  is permissible for her to wear any colour of clothing so long as it covers her ‘awrah, does not resemble men’s clothing, and is not so tight as to show the shape of her limbs or so thin as to show what is beneath it, and does not provoke temptation. but it is better for her to wear a jilbab. So no matter if you wear a pants it will reveal your shape so it is deemed haram in addition women are not suppose to imitate men in dress. However, if you men skirt that is loose and that it covers the whole lower half. It permissible on the condition that upper half is covered acc
Take the 2-minute tour × I am encrypting data (health care industry) using the aes encryption classes in the .net framework. What are some of the recommended locations for safely storing the key? I have it in the web.config for development, but that does not feel production worthy, to say the least. share|improve this question add comment 4 Answers You can encrypt your web.config values using built in methods in the framework: This is probably a reasonable place to store your key - if somebody has managed to access your server to retrieve these details, then you probably have bigger worries. share|improve this answer True. Is DPAPI more "secure" though? –  Saraz Oct 25 '10 at 14:35 @Saraz - Sorry, don't know the answer to that... –  Paddy Oct 25 '10 at 14:46 @Saraz: More secure than what? It's more secure in the sense "is infeasible to recover without administrator-level access on that specific machine" (as the encryption algo is dependent on data that are unique to the machine). In other words, if som
Investing For Cash Flow Home » Business, Real Estate Investing For Cash Flow What is just as important as location, location, location when analyzing a piece of real estate?  Cash flow, cash flow, cash flow!  The Lucrative Investor defines cash flow as the net profit left after expenses.  This includes all of the expenses associated with owning real estate such as mortgage payment, insurance, taxes, property management, maintaince and in some cases a property owners fee (commonly referred to as an HOA).  Too often, investors purchase an investment property without throughly conducitng their due diligence. For seasoned investors, what I’m about to tell you is nothing new, but often comes a surprise for newer investors.  In general, cash cow properties will not be prettiest property on the block, but running a successful real estate portfolio comes down to at least covering the monthly and unforeseen expenses.  “Aligator” properties as we call them, or negative cash flow properties take from investors bank a
SEO News Facebook Mobile Social Platform 1. Social Media Monetization in a 'Mobile First' World Most social networking companies eventually monetize through advertising, and more specifically through "native advertising" – or non- standard ad units that are specific to the platform and are organically integrated into the content experience. Custom Audiences allows marketers to retarget Facebook users who earlier visited their websites or mobile apps, as well as combine first-party data such as customer emails, purchase data, and CRM data with Facebook's own targeting parameters to... 3. Unruly's Second Opinion on Top 10 Social Video Trends for 2014 This will be fed by the launch of Facebook's new video ad platform, while Twitter will also play a big part in 2014. It's a game-changing move by the social network, with Morgan Stanley predicting Facebook video ads could be worth $1billion market... Keyword data is still available for advertisers using PPC on Google's platform. First we
Magazine Links What Is Hinduism? Join the Conversation Magazine Web Edition > February 1990 > Violence is Not Hindu Dharma Violence is Not Hindu Dharma I was in India during the election time. People asked me about the Ramjanmabhoomi controversy in Ayodhya. My feeling is that Hindus should be a little more tolerant and not demand and use violence in getting the place back. If it really comes to it, the Hindus could be more generous. The Muslims seem to be loving Rama so much. That's why they want to put their mosque right over the birthplace, because they feel it is a more holy place. So Hindus could be more generous and say, "Yes, all right. We are friends. You seem to be interested in that place, because you seem to love as much as we do. OK, take it. Rama will be happy to accommodate you. We will request Rama to be present in some other place. Not even nearby. There is no need." Wherever we pray, Rama will come. We seem to be sticking with geographical places, as if in the other places Rama is not avail
Vial Stoppers That Won't Stop Clumping Sep 21, 2011 By Pharmaceutical Technology Editors Untitled Document Q: In our manufacturing process, we are running into issues with our vial stoppers clumping in the feeder bowl. How can we ensure that the stoppers go through smoothly without clumping up? A: Clumping can result from various issues. The design of lyophilization stoppers can lead to twinning, a condition where the closures’ legs interlock and remain that way during processing. Autoclaving in an inappropriate container or in a container that holds closures too tightly may also result in twinning. Inconsistent siliconization and overprocessing can lead to clumping. If stoppers are autoclaved or dried too long, excessive heat may break down the elastomer. The result is a bowl full of tacky stoppers. When clumping occurs, manufacturers must first examine the type of stopper they use. It may be time to move to a newer product, such as ready-to-use or ready-to-sterilize stoppers. Suppliers of these componen
Guild:Emerald Dreamers (Staghelm US) 99,207pages on this wiki This article is a guild information page for Emerald Dreamers of Staghelm US. Emerald Dreamers was originally intended as a mostly druid Horde guild, to allow druids to break free of the 'STFUhaelz lol' stigma. With the release of the expansion, this became much less necessary, and it was basically opened to friends and friends of friends. Overview Edit The guild was formed on Staghelm, shortly before the expansion was released, when the Head Treehugger became disgusted with the micromanagement of the raid guild it was his misfortune to get into. Its main intention was to allow a druid to be a druid, instead of a healer, whether they wanted to be Moonkin, bear, ZOMGKITTIESMEWMEWMEW or even a healer. This is not a guild where one can use the phrase "holding the guild back" and mean it. Be what you are, what makes you happy to play, and we will work around that. If you're interested in joining, send a message to any
Variability of particulate seawater properties related to bottom mixed layer-associated internal waves in shallow water on a time scale of hours Turnewitsch, Robert, Gerhard Graf Limnol. Oceanogr., 48(3), 2003, 1254-1264 | DOI: 10.4319/lo.2003.48.3.1254 ABSTRACT: To obtain information on relations between internal wave-controlled hydrographic variability in bottom mixed layers (BMLs) and particle- associated BML parameters, depth distributions of density, relative turbidity, relative chlorophyll a (Chl a), relative phycoerythrin fluorescence (Phyco), total particulate matter (TPM), particulate carbon (PC), and particulate nitrogen (PN) were obtained at a shallow-water site in the southwestern Baltic Sea in July 2001 in the course of a temporally highly resolved 1-d time series. The density distribution showed evidence for a BML and undulations of BML thickness probably caused by near- inertial internal waves. Relative pigment fluorescence in the BML and in the layer above the BML was inversely coupled and re
Subject: Re: Making a common API for cpu frequency drivers To: Juan RP <> From: Jason Thorpe <> List: tech-kern Date: 09/01/2006 15:56:43 On Sep 1, 2006, at 3:15 PM, Juan RP wrote: > Do I need to release references with every obj used in the code? From the proplib(3) manual page: The rules for managing reference counts are very simple: o If you create an object and do not explicitly maintain a reference to it, you must release it. o If you get a reference to an object from other code and wish to main- tain a reference to it, you must retain the object. You are sible for releasing the object once you drop that reference. o You must never release an object unless you create it or retain it. So, take the following example: foo(device_t dev) prop_number_t num; num = prop_dictionary_get(device_properties(dev), /* ... do something ... */ You did not need to manipulate the ref count because you did not maintain a reference outside
The Hydrologic Cycle The basic hydrologic (or water) cycleThe hydrologic cycle involves the continuous circulation of water in the Earth-Atmosphere system. At its core, the water cycle is the motion of the water from the ground to the atmosphere and back again. Of the many processes involved in the hydrologic cycle, the most important are... • evaporation • transpiration • condensation • precipitation • runoff Evaporation is the change of state in a substance from a liquid to a gas. In meteorology, the substance we are concerned about the most is water. For evaporation to take place, energy is required. The energy can come from any source: the sun, the atmosphere, the earth, or objects on the earth such as humans. Everyone has experienced evaporation personally. When the body heats up due to the air temperature or through exercise, the body sweats, secreting water onto the skin. The purpose is to cause the body to use its heat to evaporate the liquid, thereby removing heat and cooling the body
Woman Charged With Murder in Anchorage Shooting by Your Alaska Link News Team ANCHORAGE, Alaska- Anchorage police say they have arrested a 27-year-old woman and charged her with a man's fatal shooting. According to investigators, Bonnie Degenstein called 911 Friday night to report that she and 24 year old Ryan Tamborrino had been drinking and playing with a gun inside a residence on West 54th Avenue when she accidentally shot him. Police arrived and found Tamborrino dead. They initially reported that he had been shot multiple times, but later corrected that to say he was only shot once. Multiple guns were found at the residence. Degenstein was arraigned Saturday in Anchorage and charged with second-degree murder.
There's more to you than meets the eye What we offer FIve Dimensions of a Brand After years of working with clients and organizations, we have developed a proprietary system on creating an Intentional Distinct Dynamic Brand®. Our system is unique in that we apply it to one of our signature programs that takes you through an intensive process of creating your own authentic brand message. Our distinct Five Steps to a Distinct Dynamic Brand® is a proprietary process that we have cultivated through working with clients who realize that their image and brand identity is a cornerstone of their performance as an individual and not always tied to what they do. Harris & Barnes approach to image expands to communicating beyond the aesthetic components. Communications on many levels is visual brand creation, verbal communication and etiquette and behavior that's appealing and situation appropriate. It's our brand message to the world. How we show up, who we be, our environment and peers and our contribution and lega
Sailing - Corfu Ionian sea is the perfect destination for sailors as its clear and tranquil waters make one of the safest sailing areas in the world. Going to Corfu by sailing boat is ideal not only for the amateur sailors but also for the experienced ones due to its geographical position that combines natural beauties, several moorings and an international airport. The scenery is beautiful with several picturesque villages and many fortresses dating back to the period of Venetian occupation. Its gulfs are well protected and surrounded by pine tree forests and olive groves, busy cosmopolitan cities and vast sandy beaches where you can swim or eat at the local taverns. Sailing will give you the opportunity to reach beaches that can not be accessible by car.
Web Theoi Greek Name Transliteration Latin Spelling Translation Θεια Theia Theia Sight, Prophecy OURANOS & GAIA (Theogony 132, Homeric Hymn To Helios, Apollodorus 1.8) HELIOS, SELENE, EOS (by Hyperion) (Theogony 371, Homeric Hymn To Helios, Apollodorus 1.9, Hyginus Pref) THEIA (Theia). A daughter of Uranus and Ge, one of the female Titans, became by Hyperion the mother of Helios, Eos, and Selene, that is, she was regarded as the deity from which all light proceeded. (Hes. Theog. 135, 371 ; Pind. Isthm. v. 1; Apollod. i. 1. § 3, 2. § 2; Catull. 66. 44.) Source: Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Hesiod, Theogony 371 ff : Greek Name Transliteration Latin Spelling Translation Θεια Theia Theia Divine Inspiration, Prophecy (theiazô) Θεα Thea Thea Sight, Seeing (thea, theaomai) Ιχναιη Ikhnaiê Ichnaea Tracing, Tracking Ευρυφαεσσα Euryphaessa Euryphaessa Wide-Shining (eury-, phaethô) Αιθρη Aithrê Aethra Clear Blue Sky, Ether (aithrê) 1. The ancient Greeks believed that the eyes
Thursday, January 19, 2012 Jack White's Apollo Hoax Evidence They've now deleted the only copy left of Jack White's Apollo Hoax book on Here is a link to all of Jack White's Apollo Hoax Evidence and below are a few examples of his work: This is NASA image AS11-40-5922 of the lunar lander supposedly taken on the moon. Is that construction paper, tape, and foil!? Can anybody tell me with a straight face that this is a multi-million dollar space craft? There is no burn print under the lunar lander's 10,000 pound thrusters, nor a speck of dust/dirt on the landing pods (as though it was just set down in place), even though NASA scientists in their own documents were worried about the lander falling into it's massive burn radius. In these images of Buzz Aldrin we can see his boots and gloves changing colors and shapes. If he was really on the moon then this would mean de- pressurizing his suit time and again for fashion's sake. In the top image there are footprints all around but the moon rover has no tracks i
Friday, September 18, 2015 Milan Lucic - 1st day of training camp Lucic on playing with Kopitar and Gaborik.... Two of the best players in the league and I get a chance to play with them.  I am excited for the opportunity.  They've already had success playing together and I just want to do what I can to contribute. On his first training camp with the Kings? I am still getting used to everything.  it's been a good transition so far.  Everybody has been very welcoming.  Just taking it day by day.  Kind of feel like a rookie again.  I am just going to try and bring my game. On his style and fit for the Kings...... I think my game fits really well.  Watching this team from the outside I hope and think its a perfect fit. I hope it works out the way I think it should.  I am just going to bring my big body and physical play to the team and add to what this team already has.  i feel like i fit right into the system they already have in place.  it's not like they need me to change my style to fit the way they play
  Network:  FPSguru RTSguru Login:  Password:   Remember?   Show Quick Gamelist Jump to Random Game Recent forum postsRSS Active threads Cloud view List all forums General Forums Developers Corner General Discussion Popular Game Forums Click a status to find game forum Game Forums Click a letter to find game forum Guild Wars 2 Guild Wars 2  General Discussion  » Tired of Fighting 5 Pages « 1 2 3 4 5 » Search 90 posts found Novice Member Joined: 9/27/12 Posts: 219 10/03/12 1:16:36 PM#61 Originally posted by Elikal I must say, those teeth-grinding last 10 levels from 70-80 are really, really tiresome. Fight, fight, fight... for every damn centimeter. Yes, there are other zones than Orr, but overall, where is the fun any beauty from the early levels? It's all serious, war-ish and deadly. Yes, I too feel worn out and tired of the fighting and the confounded difficulty of the last 10-15 levels. Why are they always catering some hardcore nuts? :( The last 15 levels are the fastest, most casual, and ea
Skip to main content Return to Transcripts main page Week's War Activities Recounted Aired August 12, 2006 - 19:00   ET CAROL LIN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: "This Week at War" is coming up in just a moment, but first, a look at what's happening right now in the news. Israel confirms one of its helicopters was shot down by Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon. No details on casualties though yet. Israel also says it lost seven soldiers today in fighting on the ground. The Lebanese cabinet has thrown its support behind the U.N. resolution that is meant to bring an end to the fighting. Israeli officials will talk (ph) about the measure tomorrow. They've already said they do expect to halt military operations on Monday. Two more American soldiers killed today in Iraq. The military says they were on a foot patrol south of Baghdad when a roadside bomb went off. British police raid some Internet cafes as part of their probe into the alleged airline terror plot. They're searching for any e- mails sent or received by the
Annotation Please »« Credulity, Skepticism and Cynicism How Unhappy Is Irrational? • …is just too damned much trouble, really. 1. says Friends are generally better than therapists, but therapists are usually *most* effective if you have a good cognitive grasp of the *reason* for your unhappiness. Whether it's from an obvious physical illness or not. Therapists are actually pretty poor at helping one identify the source, but pretty good at helping one figure out how to make life more plesant in the meantime. So, while if you don't know one who would benefit you I wouldn't urge therapy, I also don't see why the 'rationality' of your unhappy state means that it's useless to consult one. This is the problem with all you "ohh I'm so RATIONAL!" skeptic folks. Sometimes it takes irrational to be happy. I reccomend rainbows and puppies. Or FWDAOTI. 2. says Wow. Just wow. I think that your "negativity" given your current state of health and activity and all the rest is a perfect
login about faq I was looking for a couple of good repped -(By you guys)- Minecraft servers. Some things that are very helpful -I only need a 10 person slot -under twenty dollars a month -Good uptime -Web Control Panel ready -Not a lot of general problems. -approx 256-512MB of RAM -Bukkit Ready Any help would be great! THX asked Aug 23 '12 at 04:58 linux_geekshed's gravatar image 256-512 RAM only hosts enough for 1-2 players inside the same chunks... Also check Google. (Aug 23 '12 at 06:40) nitrocrime nitrocrime's gravatar image I've been using one called CubedHost. My experience with them has been very good actually, the server connection is extremely good and there's never any lag (Except for that one time I accidentally made a large tower of cactus and they all fell). Their customer service is very good, they are Bukkit ready, have a simple control panel to use. Plus they've had 99% uptime (Except for scheduled maintenance! You can get a 256mb server for $3 a month, although I doubt that
Take the 2-minute tour × I do know that ~ are the loopback IP addresses for most modern operating systems and we could use these IP addresses to refer to our own computer. But what's It seems it also refers to the local computer, then what's the difference? And could you explain the following ip connections for me: alt text share|improve this question Might find this question interesting as it is partially related: stackoverflow.com/questions/113238/… –  username Oct 25 '09 at 8:35 @username:Thanks for the clue. –  Jichao Oct 25 '09 at 8:40 Also have a look at this question, as it gives details as to what is (and isn't): serverfault.com/questions/228629/… –  Ellie Kesselman Aug 12 '11 at 4:25 4 Answers 4 up vote 51 down vote accepted blank3's comment on that is mostly right too. The only thing is that you're not saying "all addresses should have access" -- that's done in your firewall(s) and/or the server software and/or other security layers like tcpwrappers., in this context, means "all IP addresses
• galaxies: clusters: general; • cosmology: observations; • X-rays: galaxies: clusters We present the results of a simple but robust morphological classification of a statistically complete sample of 108 of the most X-ray-luminous clusters at 0.15 ≤z≤ 0.7 observed with Chandra. Our aims are to (a) identify the most disturbed massive clusters to be used as gravitational lenses for studies of the distant Universe and as probes of particle acceleration mechanisms resulting in non-thermal radio emission; (b) find cluster mergers featuring subcluster trajectories that make them suitable for quantitative analyses of cluster collisions; and (c) constrain the evolution with redshift of the cluster merger fraction. Finally, (d) this paper represents the third public release of clusters from the MAssive Cluster Survey sample, adding 24 clusters to the 46 published previously. To classify clusters by the degree of relaxation, we use the projected offset of the brightest cluster galaxy from the peak (or the global
JakeJanovetz-webField-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) are the most flexible and capable devices available to interface to a large variety of system devices such as memories, data acquisition (ADC/DAC), image sensors, displays, and so on.  Often, the goal is to interface these system devices to a software infrastructure running on a workstation platform using a Windows, Linux or Mac operating system.   The ubiquitous PC, with its myriad of software development environments, comfortable presence, and low-cost, should be the ultimate microprocessor development platform but it has generally been ill-suited to the intimate hardware development scene. This is largely due to the layers of operating system between the application software and the device pins a developer wishes to "wiggle."  Development engineers in commercial design and academic research have found a way to bring these two worlds together fortuitously with USB-based FPGA modules, designed to bridge the gap between hardware and software worlds.    
Research Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis RC35 Programme Coordinators Volker H. Schmidt, National University of Singapore, [email protected] David Strecker, University of Jena, Germany, [email protected] Congress Programme Sessions descriptions Session 1: Contingency and directionality Chair: Volker H. Schmidt, National University of Singapore, [email protected] This session will concern itself with a puzzling observation. On the one hand, every social phenomenon, institution, structure, is contingent in the sense that nothing forces them upon us, that there is choice in both individual and collective action, that alternate paths of development are possible (and often realized), that nobody can predict the future with absolute certainty – in short, that it is open rather than being fixed and determined by the past. On the other hand, when adopting a long term perspective and a historical viewpoint, we can also discern powerful trends that seem to reflect a directed rather
4 reasons the U.S.-Pakistan alliance will survive Islamabad is furious with Washington after NATO airstrikes kill two dozen Pakistani soldiers. Still, a diplomatic divorce may not be in the cards A NATO strike that killed two dozen Pakistani soldiers last year has fueled calls for the U.S. to end drone attacks in Pakistan. akistan, outraged over cross-border NATO airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers over the weekend, reportedly plans to boycott next week's talks in Germany on the future of Afghanistan. Pakistan has also shut down a crucial route used to get supplies to U.S. troops in neighboring Afghanistan, and has given the U.S. 15 days to vacate a shadowy base used in America's drone war against Taliban insurgents. U.S. officials have apologized for the incident, calling it "a tragedy," and NATO has promised an investigation. Despite the increasingly tense atmosphere, once the dust has settled, both America and Pakistan are expected to work hard to patch things up. Here, four reasons the latest U.
Subscribe English look up any word, like alabama hot pocket: When two individuals engage in joining hands, but as they do so they spread their fingers and one individual rotates their hand to a horizontal plane while the other keeps his or her hand vertical, resulting in a scissoring motion of the fingers. This act is seldom done in error. Its usage could connotate either a later scissoring rendezvous or membership in one of the many global scissoring sororities. Person 1: "Did you see Mary and Sue do the Persian handshake when Sue came in?" Person 2: "Yeah, I think they're totally going to scissor later!" by scissordome March 17, 2013 5 0
Edit Article If you want to play well in dodgeball, just follow these steps. The most important thing, of course, is to practice! 1. 1 Stay behind and let your teammates get the balls, unless you're really fast. If nobody on your team is fast, then let the other team get the balls and just stay back and try to dodge and catch. If you and your team do get them, then roll the extras back to your side so the enemy won't get them. 2. 2 Once you get a ball, hold on to it until the other team's best players have thrown theirs, then go up and throw it at some of the people who are not as good. Get the average throwers out first so there are less distractions. If you are a bad thrower, just catch them as they get thrown at you. 3. 3 While getting ready to throw, stay crouched low to the ground and start to sort of gallop towards the line that divides the two sides. This will help you gain power for the throw. If they throw a ball at you while going towards the middle line, crouching and running
Posted in: News Miss Utah Fumbles Pageant Question, Gets Mocked On Twitter Miss Utah Lost The Pageant With A Fumbled Answer Miss Utah certainly sent Twitter buzzing on Sunday night when she stumbled over her answer to a question during the Miss USA pageant on NBC. The unfortunate flub by Miss Utah, Marissa Powell, came during the question and answer session of the program. While dressed in a beautiful evening gown, the beauty pageant contestant was asked: Her response, according to many Twitter users, made her the perfect poster child for her response. Miss Utah gave a fairly jumbled answer, which contained the following phrase: The look on Marissa Powell’s face said it all. Miss Utah was sure she blew it. And she did, as the crown eventually went to Miss Connecticut, Erin Brady, instead. On Twitter, Miss USA was ridiculed by users, who said things like, “If you’re having trouble sleeping like me… watch Miss UTAH say the dumbest thing ever to at least make you laugh!” Another user commented: “Miss U
Newer Older codebeta, patrickjoust, Matías.M, and 113 other people added this photo to their favorites. 1. gone girl [negativenowhere / negative1] 35 months ago | reply a beautiful winding road....and fog, too - doesn't get much better than that :) 2. cth825 35 months ago | reply this curve is a real beauty... 3. Eila Ray 35 months ago | reply this is so gorgeous! 4. The Gentleman Amateur 35 months ago | reply That's a super photograph! 5. Dead Slow 35 months ago | reply Wonderful atmosphere, beautiful shot.
Sherwood Schwartz embraces actresses Florence Henderson of 'The Brady Bunch,' left, and Dawn Wells of 'Gilligan's Island' during a ceremony where he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2008. Associated Press Sherwood Schwartz created "Gilligan's Island" and "The Brady Bunch," wacky television shows that drew generations of loyal viewers—and heaps of critical derision. Mr. Schwartz, who died Tuesday at age 94, wrote and produced both shows, which have gone on to be broadcast world-wide. Surprisingly for shows that have performed so well in syndication, neither "The Brady Bunch" nor "Gilligan's Island" was a blockbuster on first run. But audiences grew as repeats multiplied, and the shows' introductory theme songs have become cultural tropes. Each laid out the set-ups and characters—because, Mr. Schwartz told the writer Merrill Markoe, "Puzzled people cannot laugh." Mr. Schwartz co-wrote the sea shanty, "The Ballad of Gilligan's Island." "Both shows are pervasive," Mr. Schwartz told the Los An
• Register Forgot Password Leaving Community Cep97 and CP110 suppress a cilia assembly program. Mammalian centrioles play a dynamic role in centrosome function, but they also have the capacity to nucleate the assembly of cilia. Although controls must exist to specify these different fates, the key regulators remain largely undefined. We have purified complexes associated with CP110, a protein that plays an essential role in centrosome duplication and cytokinesis, and have identified a previously uncharacterized protein, Cep97, that recruits CP110 to centrosomes. Depletion of Cep97 or expression of dominant- negative mutants results in CP110 disappearance from centrosomes, spindle defects, and polyploidy. Remarkably, loss of Cep97 or CP110 promotes primary cilia formation in growing cells, and enforced expression of CP110 in quiescent cells suppresses their ability to assemble cilia, suggesting that Cep97 and CP110 collaborate to inhibit a ciliogenesis program. Identification of Cep97 and other genes inv
The first part of this Series laid out the importance of carefully planning your engine build. In this month's segment, we will further discuss the planning process and begin addressing bottom-end component selection. The information should help you understand more about current techniques in circle track engines or, if you purchase your engines, is intended to make you a more educated buyer. When planning a build, the first place to start is a careful review of the rules you'll face. You need to understand what is permitted in the class you'll be competing in. It is also important to evaluate what the engine will be required to do. Answers to the following questions will help guide you:1. On average, what is the minimum engine speed where wide open throttle (WOT) occurs? 2. What is the minimum WOT engine speed under worst possible cases (slippery track, ill-handling car, hot humid air with low barometric pressure)? 3. On average, what is the maximum engine speed? 4. What is the maximum speed (rpm) the en
Catalog Search: PCB6335C: Estuarine Ecology 4 Prerequisite:  Graduate status, PCB 3043C or equivalent Estuarine ecology involves an examination of the unique physical, chemical, & biological interactions within estuaries, emphasizing energy flow and nutrient cycles. The lecture portion of this course consists of two parts, a brief general introduction and overview followed by forays into specific areas of Estuarine Ecology. The introduction portion of the course is designed to bring graduate students with diverse backgrounds to the same point by the end of the semester with respect to basic Geological, Biological, Chemical, and Ecological principles relating to estuaries. The remainder of the course will examine specialized topics which are of current interest or which have played important roles in the development of the field. Students will be introduced to these advanced topics through guest lectures, scientific papers and field work. (A laboratory fee of $51.93 will be assessed.)
Wednesday, August 7, 2013 I had an encounter recently with my housemate, that sheds a little light on the way I am perceived by people, especially by those who have no idea about my CFS, and the strange in-between world that my condition forces me to live in. I have already written a little about this before here. A brief word here about my living arrangements. I live in a shared semi-detached house in an estate on the edge of a medium sized town. There are three bedrooms in the house, though only two are now occupied, so I basically share with a woman in her forties from an African country who has been in Ireland about four years. Let's call her K. K was here when I moved in, about eighteen months ago. K and I had an argument about the electricity bill last week, a common enough occurrence I imagine for people who share a living space and who have communal bills. She has a thing about the immersion water heater, and doesn't like anyone to have it on for longer than fifteen minutes. From my perspective sh
RSS Feeds Beppe Grillo's protest group wins Italian hearts Friday - 3/1/2013, 3:43pm  ET FILE - In this Feb. 24, 2013 file picture German politician Peer Steinbrueck speaks to the media in Berlin, Germany. The German opposition leader's comment that &quot;two clowns&quot; won Italy's election has led the Italian president to cancel a meeting with him. Peer Steinbrueck is Chancellor Angela Merkel's challenger for the top job in Germany's September election. In discussing the Italian vote, he said Tuesday Feb. 26, 2013 that he was &quot;appalled to a certain point that two clowns won.&quot; That was an apparent reference to comic-turned-politician Beppe Grillo, whose anti- establishment 5 Star Movement performed strongly, and scandal- scarred former Premier Silvio Berlusconi, whose center-right coalition did better than expected. Italian President Giorgio Napolitano is visiting Germany and was due to meet with Steinbrueck, but Steinbrueck spokesman Michael Donnermeyer said Napolitano called off the meeting bec
No encontramos iTunes en este ordenador. Para usar vista previa y comprar música de Cripple Crow de Devendra Banhart, descarga iTunes ya. Yo tengo iTunes Descarga gratis iTunes para Mac y PC Cripple Crow Devendra Banhart Abre iTunes para escuchar un fragmento, comprar y descargar música. Reseña de álbum Cripple Crow marks a departure for Devendra Banhart. It's obvious from the faux Sgt. Pepper-meets-Incredible String Band freak scene cover photo that something is afoot. The disc is Banhart's first foray from Michael Gira's Young God label, and it's more adventurous than anything he's done before. This is not to imply that the set is a slick, over-produced affair, but it is a significant change. The instrumental, stylistic, and textural range on this 23-song set is considerably wider than it's been in the past. Working with Noah Georgeson and Thom Monahan, a backing band of friends known as "the Hairy Fairies", Banhart's crafted something expansive, colorful, and perhaps even accessible to a wider ar
Cliff RichardSay You Don't Mind I feel I'm taking up all of your time And i still can't work it out, wheter or not you mind Say you still need my love and I will be strong Just say that you're O.K. and I'll carry on Say you don't mind Well I need to show my love of that I am sure Just let me feel you close, closer than before I'm feeling better now, now that you're near Just let me say the things, the things you want to hear Say you don't mind 'Cos I'm waking up - been shaken up And I'm thrilled that I know you I need to love - can't give enough And all because you do - everything right to me can't you see Say you don't mind © 2014
A new microscope called the Multi-View SPIM, or MuVi-SPIM for short, is allowing scientists to take unprecedented images of rapid biological processes, at a level of detail we've never seen before. And to show off the power of this new microscope, the developers have released an incredible time-lapse video of a fruit fly embryo undergoing development. To capture this video, the new microscope shines a thin sheet of light on the embryo, illuminating one layer of the sample at a time, to obtain an image of the whole sample with minimal light-induced damage. MuVi-SPIM builds upon the Selective-Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM) technology developed at EMBL a few years ago. But unlike SPIM, the new microscope takes four full images from different angles, eliminating the need to rotate the sample. This results in faster imaging and the ability to merge the four images into a single high-quality three-dimensional image - something that's never been done before. Astonishing Time-Lapse Video of a Fruit Fly Embryo
Subscriber login Forgot your password? Library card login Definition of they in English Syllabification: (they) Pronunciation: /T͟Hā/ Translate they | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish [third person plural] • 1used to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified:the two men could get life sentences if they are convicted • people in general:the rest, as they say, is history • informal a group of people in authority regarded collectively:they cut my water off • 2 [singular] used to refer to a person of unspecified sex:ask someone if they could help Middle English: from Old Norse their, nominative plural masculine of ; related to them and their, also to that and the 1 The word they (with its counterparts them, their, and themselves) as a singular pronoun to refer to a person of unspecified sex has been used since at least the 16th century. In the late 20th century, as the traditional use of he to refer to a person of either sex came unde
Original content from | Commercial Services | Talent Partnerships Your epoints How To Calm A Cat In Heat How To Calm A Cat In Heat This video shows a vet from Cats Protection providing information about how to tell if your intact female cat is in heat and what you can do about it. The vet goes into great detail describing the signs and behaviors of the cat in heat, including calling, affection, and a lordosis pose, as well as how your cat can attract male toms from far away. Hi, my name is Karen. I'm one of the vets at Cats Protection, the UK's leading cat welfare charity, and I'm going to talk to you today about some aspects of pet care. I'm going to talk to you today about how to calm a cat that's in heat. First of all, what do we mean by saying a cat that's in heat? Well, we're talking about a female cat or a queen who's in heat or ready for mating. Sometimes it's called “in season.” If you have an intact female, one that's not been spayed, she will come into heat periodically throughout the year, eve
Export Contents Suppose, you are editing a PSD file created in Photoshop and need to edit a smart object it contains. Since the "Edit Smart Object" command can't do this, you will need a workaround. 1. Select the smart object in the Layers panel. 2. In the Effects panel, double-click the "Export Contents" thumbnail. 3. In the "Save" dialog that opens, choose a destination folder, file name (let it be "sample.psd") and click "Save". So, you have saved the smart object's contents as a separate PSD file. 4. Now open the exported file "sample.psd" (File > Open), edit it as needed and save the file (File > Save). 5. Choose the initial document, the "sample.psd" has been exported from. 6. Make sure that the smart object is selected in the Layers palette and apply the "Replace Contents" effect. 7. In the "Place" dialog that appears, browse to the "sample.psd" file and click "Place". Thus we have replaced the original smart object with a modified copy. Previous Next Exporting smart object
Artichoke-Rosemary Tart with Polenta Crust This super-easy polenta crust doesn't require a rolling pin or a baker's touch. Serve this savory tart at a barbecue or other summer gathering. April 2011 Web "Ancient Grains for Modern Meals" features Mediterranean-inspired recipes starring Old World grains such as farro, barley and polenta. Photo Courtesy Ten Speed Press The following is an excerpt from Ancient Grains for Modern Meals by Maria Speck (Ten Speed Press, 2011). The excerpt is from Chapter 6: Modern Mains.  Artichoke-Rosemary Tart with Polenta Crust Serves 4 as a main course, or 8 as a starter  Polenta Crust:  1 1/2 cups low-sodium vegetable broth 1 1/4 cups water 1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt 1 1/4 cups polenta or corn grits 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan cheese (about 21/2 ounces; use the large holes of a box grater) 1 large egg, at room temperature 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Artichoke Cheese Filling:  1 cup plain whole-milk Greek yogurt 2 large eggs 1/2 cup finely chopped green onions (
Net Neutrality vs. Net Neutering The fight for Net Neutrality is for the place we call the Net. The fight against Net Neutrality is for a neutered Net biased toward carrying the next form of Cable TV. But what about the fact that most of us never have experienced Neutrality in the first place? An earlier version of this article was presented in Doc's March 2, 2006, SuitWatch newsletter. Click to subscriber to SuitWatch. It's time to define the Internet. We haven't done that yet--certainly not in a way that allows lawmakers and regulators to operate from the same set of assumptions that we do--"we" being the Net- savvy techies of the world. As I pointed out last November in "Saving the Net: How to Keep the Carriers from Flushing the Net Down the Tubes" , carriers subordinate the Net to the pipes that carry it, which they own. To them the Net is a container cargo system for the stuff we call "content", and it's subject to whatever traffic control regime they wish to impose on it. That includes tiered service
Friday, December 17, 2004 Beacon No. 16: Hold the Smallpox, I'll Take the Flu Hard power is the application of military force. No other nation dares resist the U.S. in a stand-up fight, everyone says, for fear of bringing destruction down on their own heads. For terrorists, large-scale sabotage will backfire, too: It was simple for U.S. investigators to trace the September 11 hijackers back to Al-Qa'ida, Usama bin Ladin and Afghanistan, and quickly destroy the Taliban regime. So this leaves terrorists, so far denied weapons of mass destruction, to issue tape recordings from caves and perpetrate one-off bombings. Doesn't it? About 25 years ago, science-fiction author Frederik Pohl wrote about intermediate steps between combat and influence in The Cool War. In it, a Unitarian minister named Hornswell "Horny" Hake is shanghaied into helping a CIA successor called The Team to conduct something with elements of sabotage and propaganda, but smaller than war. Here, a Team member tells Hake how the world really w
Kamado Joe "MoJoe" Newscast March 2012    Kamado Joe Company 2865 North Berkeley Lake Road NW Duluth, GA 30096 (877) 215-6299 Grilling the Perfect Steak Serving great steaks doesn’t have to be a “rare” event. There's a reason that steaks are one of the most popular cuts of meat. No other type of meat offers the flavor and juiciness of a prime cut of beef. And it's expensive. That’s why it's critical to grill it to your desired doneness...no more no less. Whether you like your steak well done, rare or anywhere in between, a few simple steps will get you to steak perfection. Choosing a Grill Temperature Ask 10 ceramic grill owners for the temperature they use to grill steaks and you'll likely get 10 different answers. The reality is that you can grill a steak as low as 300°F or as high as 800°F. You will get more “blackening” or charring by searing the meat at higher temperatures. I prefer 500°F for grilling steaks, because it gives me a bit of blackening like a fine steak restaurant. If you are new to
Ex-Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. Sentenced to 2.5 Years in Prison His wife, Sandra, was sentenced to one year in prison for filing false tax returns. Posted: 08/14/2013 01:00 PM EDT Former congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. was sentenced to 30 months in prison, followed by 36 months of supervised release, after pleading guilty to the misuse of $750,000 in campaign funds. His wife Sandi, a former Chicago alderman, received a one-year sentence and a period of supervised release for an additional year. "The fall from grace is complete for my client," attorney Reid Weingarten told reporters after a nearly five-hour sentencing hearing. "Jesse Jackson went from an enormously respected, charismatic long-term member of Congress to a convicted felon who's about to be incarcerated. So it's a day of deep sadness." Weingarten pronounced the sentence rendered as fair and applauded Judge Amy Berman Jackson for being extraordinarily thoughtful during every aspect of the procedure. As a result of her thoughtfulness, he said,
This ad will close in Charting Your Business Future Years 10 to Retirement: Managing Maturity Years 10 to Retirement: Managing Maturity With the maturity of becoming a decade-old company comes stability. That's the good news. The bad news is that while your company stabilizes, markets continue to change, competitors arise, technologies disrupt and the world otherwise evolves. So the primary growth challenge in this era is to keep innovating. You've spent years building systems to formalize the way your company is run. Now take a look at what you've made with an eye to tearing at least some of it down. Channels of communication that worked well for years will be found to leave important constituencies out of the loop. Department leaders will be seen as more concerned with turf wars than growing the company. Policies that once promoted growth will be recognized as growth-retardants. Markets that once seemed they would expand forever suddenly mature themselves and become slow- or no-growth ventures. This is
Man kills 85-year-old observing Ramadan night prayer Residents of Abiola Central Community, Moniya, Akinyele Local Government area of Oyo State were thrown into mourning as a young man, Mutiu Tiamiyu, beat to death an 85-year-old man, Nasir Adigun, on Ramadan eve. The octogenarian, who was physically impaired, was said to be observing Tarawhi (Ramadan night prayer) on Tuesday when Tiamiyu pounced on him. It was learnt that the old man was persuaded by his family members to observe the prayer at home, while other members of the household went to the mosque. The attention of residents and worshippers in a nearby mosque were drawn to the old man’s plight by an unnamed teenager, who raised the alarm. When the residents arrived at Adigun’s house, the old man was found in a pool of blood. He was rushed to a nearby hospital and was later referred to the University College Hospital, Ibadan. He died before getting to the hospital. An eyewitness, who preferred anonymity, said, “Tiamiyu had eaten the old man’s
Teen sci-fi franchise 'Divergent' debuts with $56M JAKE COYLE AP Film Writer Published: NEW YORK (AP) -- To go with "Twilight" and "The Hunger Games," Lionsgate now has a trio of young-adult franchises with the box-office leading "Divergent." The teen science-fiction thriller starring Shailene Woodley debuted with $56 million over the weekend, according to studio estimates Sunday. The opening, while less than some anticipated, launches Lionsgate's third franchise built on young-adult best- sellers. With an audience 59 percent female and half under the age of 25, "Divergent" lured young moviegoers with dystopian drama and an upcoming star. "Divergent," though, fell well short of its forerunners: "Twilight" opened with $69.6 million in 2008, and "The Hunger Games" began with $152.5 million in 2012. Richie Fay, president of domestic distribution for Lionsgate, called it "a great beginning for another franchise for the company." A sequel is already in the works. "The key to the success of these franchises is
closet in a spare bedroom… yes please! even though this idea is not a reality for most, the pictures are brimming with ideas that can translate into any space. for instance… 1. a set of hooks to hang jewelry 2. repurposing a credenza in the bedroom to hold accessories 3. rolling racks that don’t look like rolling racks will help this usual eyesore blend with your room’s decor 4. large, full-length mirrors help open up a small space while pulling double duty (you can really see what you look like before leaving the house) 5. utilizing bins and baskets to store everything from shoes to clutches on a shelf, cubbie or flat surface images; ballard designs neato: extra long hooks not sure how i’d survive in a world without hooks—thank god you and i don’t have to. ballard designs has pumped it up a notch and given us what they call, ralston hooks (aka extra deep, really long hooks). i’d use these for heavy book bags and purses in the hallway and to be honest, just about anywhere you need to hang you
Are there other people that wish there were sunglasses #11WasabeePosted 9/21/2013 7:26:12 PM ThePrisoner06 posted... Wasabee I do wear sunglasses when outside due to a medical condition affecting my eyes, but indoors is not cool. I just get used to it. Well... then close your eyes for 2 or 3 seconds while the light lasts, or look away from the tv... I personally close my eyes halfway, but again that's me :) Conduit 2 FC: 5072-5409-4120 "Heeeellooooo People!" - Rage #VoteEvanz #121PefrogPosted 9/21/2013 7:38:24 PM Try turning your back to the flashy. It works sometimes. #13ThePrisoner06Posted 9/21/2013 7:48:05 PM Thats a good idea Dug, as I have got one of my control sensitivities set high, may just try the quick 180 turn and see if its better. NNID - AndyInTheUK Mainly playing Zombi U. Currently Number 4 on the Standard mode Leaderboard for Zombi U.
Nokia: exclusivity for charity July 27, 2008 at 5:23 by Martina Comments Anyway, I’d like to go back to the main point of my post: the combination of charity and exclusivity. It’s a great idea, especially with technology products and technology freaks that would go crazy to get a phone or any other device way before it hits the market. If you think about it, pre-selling a product and giving the takings to charity can do a very good job for a brand and its social responsibility, especially if done consistently and transparency. Of course this can’t work for all goods, but with technology and luxury brands I think it can result as a positive tool to promote a product while doing something good for the others. One Response to Nokia: exclusivity for charity 1. Buzzing Bees says: Why do they force you to watch all the video clips before you can enter te contest? If you’re videos are interesting enough, people will watch them anyway, but if you force them, they’ll leave… Advertise here
Monday, December 9, 2013 Smart housewife! Another few days go by, and it's raining pretty hard. The wife finds a leak in the roof. She says, "Honey, there's a leak on the roof! Can you please fix it?" He says, "What do I look like, Bob Vila?" Friday, December 6, 2013 Here are some signs and notices written in English that were discovered throughout the world. You have to give the writers an 'E' for Effort. We hope you enjoy them. In a Tokyo Hotel: person to do such thing is please not to read notis.  In a Bucharest hotel lobby: regret that you will be unbearable. In a Leipzig elevator: In a Belgrade hotel elevator: should enter more persons, each one should press a number of wishing floor. Driving is then going alphabetically by national order. In a Paris hotel elevator: Please leave your values at the front desk. In a hotel in Athens: Visitors are expected to complain at the office between the hou
Daycare Grants & ChildCare Grants Are you a small day care owner dreaming of one day expanding your operations?  Or a day care provider wanting to set up your own child care center at home?  Are you a young parent wanting to return to college but want to be assured that your young children are being given utmost care and nurturing while you are away? These and more are just some situations which can be resolved by applying for a day care or child care grant. With a renewed focus on improving services and benefits for its citizens, the federal government, states, as well as various institutions and organizations have teamed up to offer different types of grants. While the grants do not exactly amount to a fortune, these are still substantial amounts meant to bridge or meet the needs of different people. Daycaregrants.Org has compiled and listed the different available grants in all 50 states . We want to help you find the right grant and benefactor  for your situation. Are You Serious in Applying for a G
Seeking Alpha Seeking Alpha Portfolio App for iPad Seth Klarman, the author of the legendary investment work "Margin of Safety" that only ran one print edition (and thus the book sells for over $1,000 on websites like Ebay and Amazon), often encouraged investors to think like investors instead of speculators. While Warren Buffett has his analogy that encourages investors to pretend that the stock market has closed for five to ten years, Klarman encourages investors to only buy assets that would generate good returns by measuring the business performance in relation to the price paid (instead of worrying about market fluctuations in either direction). In particular, Klarman pointed out how ridiculous the market for thirty-year Treasuries has become because no one actually goes through with holding them for thirty years: For still another example of speculation on Wall Street, consider the U.S. government bond market in which traders buy and sell billions of dollars' worth of thirty-year U.S. Treasury bonds
Girls Soccer Is Now The Ultimate Combat SportS You thought New Mexico's Elizabeth Lambert was tough? Wait until you see the next generation of female soccer hooligans who will take over America with their very unladylike football skills. The Rhode Island state soccer championships were apparently played in the Thunderdome yesterday, as the final between Tolman and Woonsocket ended a bit earlier than scheduled after a bench- clearing, hair-pulling brawl broke out on the field. Woonsocket was leading five to zip when Kristen Cahill got into a little dustup with Tolman's Maria Lopera and things just went down hill from there. Even better, there was another brawl during the post-game medal ceremony, this time involving the fans of the two schools up in the bleachers. Now that's fucking soccer! Click to view I think someone needs to put a stop to these hyperviolent soccer girls before they make all the soccer- playing boys in this country look like a bunch of weak bitches. Fights break out at HS soccer game [WP
Again With the Sarah Silverman-Jimmy Kimmel BreakupS So the Sarah Silverman-Matt Damon "f*ckng" was for laughs, but the July breakup was real; Silverman's awkwardness on Jimmy Kimmel Live in October was staged but the couple's reconciliation was real. This latest breakup? Actual, or setup for a joke? It's confirmed, anonymously but by Us Weekly and then People, so probably as real as it gets between two Hollywood celebrities and their dualing phalanxes of "people." In other words, they waited until after the Oscars. Wouldn't want any "plus one" guest-list awkwardness at the afterparties! (Judging from the Vanity Fair Oscar-party pic above, they both knew the fix was in.)
It's not always a question of why -- sometimes why not will suffice. The rolling bot above relies upon the Mindstorms NXT light sensor's ability to read the contrasting colors on the iPhone display. After some simple programming and DIY tomfoolery you can drive the robot from the comforts of your WiFi-enabled web browser. Overkill? Oh hells yeah, but at least now your iPhone will serve a purpose after Monday. See how the kids at Battlebricks did it in the video after the break. Softbank to sell (UMTS 3G?) iPhone in Japan
FrontPageMag Article Write Comment View Comments Printable Article Email Article Left-wing Monster: Robert Mugabe By: Michael Radu FrontPageMagazine.com | Tuesday, March 14, 2006 In comparison to Zimbabwe, neighboring Mozambique and Zambia, once the far poorer countries, now look wealthy. South Africa and Botswana, moderately successful by African standards, look like first-world countries. Zimbabwe is becoming the most benighted sub-Saharan nation, the heart of Africa's darkness and the soul of its shame. The death of this once-rich and thriving country has been the lifetime project of its Dictator for Life, Robert Mugabe. The Making of a Tyrant Dictator for Life Around 1990, Mugabe took his secretary Grace Marufu, 40 years his junior, as a second wife (his first wife would die two years later). The marriage was a strange one, entered into under a traditional African law which allows a junior wife. Grace is infamous for her influence on her husband and for her family's voracious
look up any word, like smh: release of air during anal sex mr. bailey ass queefed while his hairy boy friend ass rammed him. by pound dat pussy June 24, 2007 The expulsion of air from a rectum after anal sex. An assqueef occurs when an object, usually a penis, creates a vacuum of air inside the rectum, and continues building up pressure, until audible release is inevitable. Note that an assqueef is not a fart. Jerome coughed loudly to drown out his assqueef as sam pulled out. by Master Funao July 03, 2006 when a girl tries to blame a fart during sex as a queef usually to no avail because of the smell what was that just a queef keep going since when have your queefs smelt like ass and muffins I'm calling Ass queef! (leave room) Awww i wasnt finished. Where's that Carrot by watthefrukbitch May 01, 2009 Pretty much, just another word for a fart. If you want to be more immature about it, just use the word Ass queef. Fu*king A! Why did you have to fuggin release your ass queef right in my face! Fu*k! by Tits McGee
Dozenbeer 26/mai/2013 às 6:14 Unbalanced Multiplayer and other stuff I really have to bring this up. I love this games concept but I just cant deny how much it just fails. I bought this game because it looked like something you have to be skilled in. But its just not like that. And im talking mostly of the multiplayer. Here are my reasons why I rather play Super Puzzle Fighter or any other competitive puzzler: - often one dies because of an inevitable situation like having a cannon on both sides and getting a row dropped that only leaves 1 space to survive the drop.......its impossible to dodge. - the rounds that are played are way too short and this comes of the extreme difficulty and unfairness, also of the slippery controls, new players often dont wanna even play with me, because its too hard, there is no tweaks in difficulty or options. - again quoting one of the best puzzlers of all time ---> in supper puzzle fighter both players always get the same layout dropped in their row, but here it just appear
MLS responds to Players Union criticisms over labor talks Just a day after members of the Major League Soccer Players Union publicly criticized MLS officials over their handling of labor negotiations, MLS is defending itself against claims that it is not taking talks over a new Collective Bargaining Agreement seriously. MLS president Mark Abbott responded on Saturday to criticism from players that MLS hasn't done enough to help make a labor deal happen, telling SBI that the league has done quite a bit to try and get a deal to happen. "They're mis- characterizing the scope, extent and seriousness of the proposals that the league has made," Abbott said. "We can't compel them to accept those proposals, we can't compel them to appreciate those proposals but I can tell you that they are significant. To say that the league is not serious is a complete mis-characterization of what has happened over the past few weeks, or months for that matter." "There was some sense that the league hadn't been taking the negoti
12 Varieties of Wine and Pairings Whether you're cooking for your sweetheart on Valentine's Day or dining out, we've compiled a list of some of the West's best wines and perfect pairings that will be sure to impress the apple of your eye on the year's most romantic day. Sauvignon BlancSauvignon Blanc Sauvignon Blanc: crisp and refreshing Taste: Tart lemon, grapefruit, melon, and tropicals like passionfruit over a pleasant grassiness and herbal quality. Pair with: Cheeses, green vegetables, oysters, delicate fish, fresh herbs, mild vinaigrettes, dishes with tangy dairy, pesto. Try it with: Roasted Artichoke Salad with Lemon and Mint Cabernet SauvignonCabernet Sauvignon Cabernet Sauvignon: the king of reds Pair with: Well-marbled beef, hearty fowl, spice rubs and sauces, marinades with soy sauce, long-braised stews, pot roast, grilled red meat. Chardonnay: rich and complex white Pair with: Sweet shellfish, white-fleshed fish, chicken and turkey, pork, veal, legumes, winter squash, corn, nuts, risotto and pa
When Team Canada entered their dressing room ahead of today's eventual 1-0 win, they found this note—left there by a group of players who already knew what it's like to beat the U.S. by a goal. The Inspirational Note Canada's Women's Team Left The Men Hayley Wickenheiser, Brianne Jenner, and Shannon Szabados were the authors, but the sentiment was likely universal. It also reads pretty much like a game-plan executed to perfection. [Daniele Hamamdjian]
Kelvin–Helmholtz mechanism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search However, it soon was recognized by Sir Arthur Eddington and others that the total amount of energy available via this mechanism only allowed for the Sun to shine for millions of years rather than the billions of years that the geological and biological evidence suggested for the age of the Earth. (Kelvin himself had argued that the earth was millions, not billions, of years old.) The true source of the Sun's energy remained uncertain until the 1930s in which it was shown by Hans Bethe to be nuclear fusion. Power generated by a Kelvin–Helmholtz contraction[edit] Gravitational potential energy from Newtonian mechanics is defined as: U = -\frac{Gm_1m_2}{r} Recasting in terms of the mass of the sphere gives the final answer: While uniform density is not correct, one can get a rough order of magnitude estimate of the expected age of our star by inserting known values for the mass and radius of the Sun, and t
bullet in a block 0 pts ended A bullet A of mass 50 grams is traveling at a speed of 1000m/s when it impacts a stationary block B of mass 10 kg. The block is suspended by a weightless cord. After theimpact, the bullet is embedded in the block and they rotate throughan arc, suspended by the cord. What is the height the bullet/block will rise on the cordafter impact? What is the work done by the tension in thecord? I am really stuck on this if anyone can help, I would greatlyappreciate it. Answers (1) • Simon2800 Rating:5 stars View this solution... try Chegg Study Upgrade now Step-by-step solutions to problems in 2,500 textbooks Fast expert answers 24/7 Ask a question
Toys galore at the Salvation Army giveaway For the past few months, the Salvation Army has been collecting toy donations for needy families. Friday, all those donations were given out at the largest toy shop in the Port City.
Podcast - Full Program Podcast - Individual Items Not sure what this is? Find out more The World TodayThe World Today Correspondents ReportCorrespondents Report More Current Affairs: Aussie dollar rise: effect on exports PM - Monday, 19 May , 2003  18:42:00 Reporter: Darcy Lambton MARK COLVIN: The Australian dollar is going from strength to strength against a tumbling American greenback. Earlier today, it broke through the 66 US cents barrier for the first time in nearly three and half years. Local currency strategists see recent trends continuing, which spells bad news for Australia's exporters. Darcy Lambton reports. DARCY LAMBTON: The Australian dollar is proving to be an irrepressible performer on the world stage. Along with the Euro, it's stealing the limelight from the once buoyant American greenback. At one point today, the Aussie dollar fetched 66.2 US cents, marking a 40-month high, but despite the meteoric rise, Federal Treasurer Peter Costello isn't getting carried away. PETER COSTEL
(W) Robert Kirkman (A) Charlie Adlard, Cliff Rathburn (CA) Charlie Adlard THIS ISSUE: Rick Grimes is not prepared for this. A couple months ago he was a small town cop who had never shot anyone and only ever saw one dead body. Separated from his family he must now sort through the death and confusion to try and find his wife and son. All the while fighting for his survival. How did this happen? How did things get so bad so fast? How will things ever return to normal after everything he's seen? From the guys behind BATTLE POPE and BRIT comes something COMPLETELY different. Item Code: OCT128199 In Shops: 12/12/2012 SRP: $1.00
 Getting Rid of House Flies | ThriftyFun Browse   Newsletters Contests   Ask   Share   Account   About Getting Rid of House Flies House Fly House flies are a nuisance and unsanitary. Getting rid of house flies is easy if you use the proper methods. This is a guide about getting rid of house flies. Tip: Use Lavender To Deter Houseflies Source: Someone, somewhere on the Internet. By Ellabelle from Cape Town Tip: Basil to Keep Flies Out of House To keep flies out of the house, plant some basil plants in a pot and place it on the board of the window. Flies move away because of the aromatic scent of the basil plant. By MaryJane from Lachine, QC Tip: Keep Houseflies Away with Cucumber Peelings I hate pesky houseflies, they drive me bonkers! I looked for a suitable tip and found one involving cucumber peelings! (Who knew?) Well, I put them on the windowsill last evening and I can report that they seem to be staying away. It's a good thing I can put my salad peelings to good use! Keep Houseflies
Take the 2-minute tour × I have an entity and I've realised that there is a group of properties that work together. So, I moved them to a value object (together with their behavior) and now I have a reference from my entity to this value object. I've read "Domain Driven Design Quickly" (PDF) and I came across the following statement when explaining Value objects: If Customer is an entity object, then one instance of this object, representing a specific bank client, cannot be reused for account operations corresponding to other clients. The outcome is that such an instance has to be created for every client. This can result in system performance degradation when dealing with thousands of instances. But I'm still not clear exactly what this means. Is my new object a value object or should it be an entity? I am having trouble reasoning whether it should in fact be an entity. In other words, what questions should I ask in my domain to assure me that it should be a value object? share|improve this question ad
From Mean Girls to Geeks: A Teen's Hilarious Guide to Surviving Middle School My daughter started her second year of Middle School last week. After a year of being a 6th grader at the bottom of the school's totem pole, she was excited to return to a place that she'd formerly found intimidating. It was no longer a new and scary world. She was returning to school as a seasoned, worldly (dare I say a little jaded) 7th grader. And because my daughter apparently knows everything about everything, I sat down with her to ask about what tips she might have for kids (and parents) who are just starting Middle School this year, and feeling a little nervous. She had a lot to say. Parents, feel free to pick and choose from these nuggets of wisdom… and edit accordingly. Daughter: Middle School is really hard if you go it alone. You need friends who will watch your back when the mean kids start coming around. Me: Are there always mean kids? At every school? Daughter: Yes. I mean, not to freak anyone out, but mean ki
Foxconn 925A01-8EKRS2 0 thumbs up The Foxconn 925A01-8EKRS2 is equipped with an Award / Phoenix v6.0 BIOS derivative, like most other motherboards shipping today.  Foxconn has done some tweaking, however, that gives the 925A01 some fairly unique features and capabilities... The BIOS: Foxconn 925A01-8EKRS2 It's Fairly Complete Most of the BIOS menus contain options that are commonly found on a multitude of other products.  The Standard, Advanced, and Chipset Features menus are home to common features for tweaking memory timings, assigning the boot order, and setting the time and date, etc.  On the "BIOS Features" menu though, we found some Foxconn specific options that aren't very common.  These "BIOS Features" are dubbed SuperBoot, SuperBIOS-Protect, SuperRecovery, and SuperSpeed.  SuperBoot basically trims down the POST routine on warm-reboots to shave a few seconds off of the boot process and SuperBIOS- Protect prevents unwanted programs, like a virus for example, from overwriting the BIOS and damagin
Monday, April 28, 2008 General Update Stud has the younger three kids up at the local school grounds to play catch, football, etc. I got Princess her own pink bat, ball and glove a few weeks ago and she has been begging Stud to take her to play catch so he finally got a chance tonight. Cryptic is working on catching up on over-due assignments with his on-line school (I won't even GO THERE right now! ARG!) and I just got done doing some lovely yoga and ball exercises from one of my many exercise DVDs that I have not done in MONTHS. Stud and I are not doing good about going to the gym anymore and I am eating horribly AGAIN, so I am still attempting to get myself feeling better. I feel MUCH better after doing this and walking for about 30 minutes with Cryptic at 6:30 this morning. We plan to do that every morning before everyone else is up and before things get too bright. Neither of us like sunshine and bright light, so we go early! LOL Stud was 40 yesterday! I feel kind of weird that it was almost like any
Agenda and views of this site This statement may be updated from time to time as circumstances change. But the principles will not. There are a few things that need to be made clear from the outset. Things which I and others here have stated repeatedly but can get lost as articles vanish down the blog and into the past. However some of these ideas are the template around which other posts are made and therefore it is important that this site and its articles are viewed with these principles in mind. If nothing else, it can solidify either your support for, or your contempt of this blog and its authors but at least it will be for what we actually stand for and believe as opposed to what others may imagine and impugn it to be. The first thing I feel needs clarification is our attitude towards Islam. I need to be as clear about this as humanly possible. Islam is a religious political and cultural system. Its no more deserving of protection than that of Nazism or Communism with which, by the way, it shares a
Thursday, March 05, 2009 Another brief demolition of Roger Cohen If the examples I have given weren't enough, here's a letter to the New York Times concerning Cohen's belief that Iranian Jews are patriotic and free: To the Editor: David Simantob Los Angeles, March 2, 2009 In Iran, as in all Muslim states, the tolerance of other religions only extends to the point at which they are perceived to be slightly threatening. There are a few Jews left over in Egypt and Syria and Yemen, and as in Iran their governments like to point to them as proof of their tolerance. But they will only tolerate those who toe the line, who publicly agree with their totalitarian masters and who submit to second-class citizen status. Proof that this is anti- semitism and not only anti-Zionism could be seen from a simple thought experiment: Imagine how these tolerant governments would react if a Jewish community wanted to build a single synagogue that is taller than the surrounding mosques.
May 11th, 2009 03:00 PM ET 5 years ago Cafferty: How can Pres. Obama succeed at Mideast peace where others have failed? Join the conversation on Jack's blog. Join the conversation on Jack's blog. To read more and contribute to the Cafferty File discussion click here Filed under: Cafferty File soundoff (45 Responses) 1. Mississippi Mike No, he's basically a more arrogant Jimmy Carter. Obama is failing in everything he's tried to do so far, Middle East policy is way "above his paygrade." He thinks that making flowery speeches and giving in to their every whim will make the muslim world respect him but instead they are going to use him up and hang him out to dry. 2. Tony President Obama can dream all he wants and the Arab world and dream along with him! The elephant in the room that no one wants to acknowledge is the misguided support the United States has provided to successive Israeli govertments, without ever the warning that things will change. It has always been the 'other' side that
Convergent validity From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - View original article Jump to: navigation, search Convergent validity, a parameter often used in sociology, psychology, and other behavioral sciences, refers to the degree to which two measures of constructs that theoretically should be related, are in fact related.[1] Convergent validity, along with discriminant validity, is a subtype of construct validity. Convergent validity can be established if two similar constructs correspond with one another, while discriminant validity applies to two dissimilar constructs that are easily differentiated. Campbell and Fiske (1959) developed the Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix to assess the construct validity of a set of measures in a study.[2] The approach stresses the importance of using both discriminant and convergent validation techniques when assessing new tests. In other words, in order to establish construct validity, you have to demonstrate both convergence and discrimination.[3] Convergent validit
Take the tour × I've come across two kanji, which are both read やなぎ and both mean "willow". From what I've found out so far, has an On'yomi of リュウ and it seems to mean more "things with the qualities of a willow"; while  has an On'yomi of ヨウ and means the type of tree. That being said it also seems to be a name element. Can anyone confirm this or shed some more light on the subject? share|improve this question add comment 2 Answers up vote 5 down vote accepted やなぎ リュウ: • Used for willows which have their branches hanging down including しだれやなぎ. Can refer more broadly to the tall deciduous trees in the willow family and as a general term for shrubs as well according to Kanjigen. • Has a frequency of 1169/2501 and is classified as a general usage Kanji according to Kanjidic. かわ やなぎ ヨウ: • Used for willows which have their branches going upwards including かわやなぎ and ねこやなぎ according to Kanjigen. • Has a frequency of 1815/2501 so is less common and is classified as a 人名用{じんめいよう} Kanji for use in pe
1. Home Discuss in my forum Potty Training Puppies How to House Train Puppies in 8 Easy Steps Potty Training Puppies Puppies often look guilty when owners act unhappy--even though they don't know what they've done wrong. Photo Credit: © Amy Shojai, CABC A new puppy brings great joy, but potty training puppies can lead to frustration. Puppy potty accidents start your relationship off on the wrong paw. Without the right training he won't know how to please you. Dogs can be potty trained at any age, but puppies learn much more quickly than adults. Puppies are so cute that owners forgive puppy-size accidents, but adult-size deposits aren't cute and often lose the grown-up pet his home. Use these 8 puppy potty training tips to housebreak puppies and ensure he grows up to be the best friend he's meant to be. How To House Train Puppies Think of potty training from your puppy's point of view. When he has to go he won't wait-he simply squats in place. He won't understand why you're always mad when you come h
You can also: Follow Us: FacebookTwitterBlog RSS Share | Massachusetts Appellate Procedure Rule 29: Voluntary Dismissal (a) Dismissal in the Lower Court. If an appeal has not been docketed, the appeal may be dismissed by the lower court upon the filing in that court of a stipulation for dismissal signed by all the parties, or upon motion and notice by the appellant. (b) Dismissal in the Appellate Court. If the parties to an appeal or other proceeding shall sign and file with the clerk of the appellate court an agreement that the proceeding be dismissed, specifying the terms as to payment of costs, and shall pay whatever fees are due, the clerk shall enter the case as dismissed, but no rescript or other process shall issue without an order of the appellate court. An appeal may be dismissed on motion of the appellant upon such terms as may be agreed upon by the parties or fixed by the court. The clerk of the appellate court shall promptly notify the clerk of the lower court whenever an appeal in a crimin
›› Convert acre inch/day to cusec acre inch/day Did you mean to convert acre inch/day acre inch/day [survey] to cusec ›› More information from the unit converter How many acre inch/day in 1 cusec? The answer is 23.8016531882. We assume you are converting between acre inch/day and cusec. You can view more details on each measurement unit: acre inch/day or cusec 1 cubic meter/second is equal to 840.54743765 acre inch/day, or 35.3146662127 cusec. Use this page to learn how to convert between acre inches/day and cusecs. ›› Want other units? You can do the reverse unit conversion from cusec to acre inch/day, or enter any two units below: Convert to   I'm feeling lucky, show me some random units. ›› Definition: Cusec This abbreviation for cubic foot per second, common in the British Commonwealth countries (except Canada), is not used by the US Geological Survey; instead, cfs is used. ›› Metric conversions and more This page was loaded in 0.0027 seconds.
NORM PATTIS: Perhaps it's time to repeal the Second Amendment I'll be starting trial this week in Norwich. My client is accused of murder. The victim was shot to death, point blank, with a hand gun. The gun has never been found. As near as I can tell from reading the police reports, a bunch of people were hanging out in a low-income neighborhood in New London, rolling dice, getting stoned, and passing a communal bottle of alcohol. A hooded man walked up, pointed a handgun at the back of man's head, and pulled the trigger. The shooting seems almost random, a casual even. I've seen far too many of these sorts of cases in recent years. They are far too common. Young men get in a beef about something, a girl, a slight, drugs, and then, someone returns with a gun. Shots are fired, and quick death is delivered courtesy of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. Dis' me and die, sucker - that's the new motto for patiots. This right to bear arms, to transform our streets into killing fields, is ove
Between Worlds: Jilbab and Transgender in Indonesia It is a scene that wouldn’t be unfamiliar in France or Belgium: a woman’s hijab is snatched away by strangers on the street from her head despite her protest. She is told she shouldn’t wear it, or rather, she has no right to because her wearing it mocks other women and femininity itself. But it is not an episode of Islamophobic rage that is recounted by Shuniyya Rumaha Haiibalah, but an incident in her native Indonesia that would later become the title of her best-selling memoir, Jangan lepas jilbabku! (Please do not remove my jilbab!) Haiibalah is Muslim and transgender. The hostile reactions from other women and men towards her decision to wear the jilbab (hijab) in public was based on the belief of the irreconcilability of being waria* (transgender) and expressing religiosity in the gender of choice. While other waria do not mix gender identity with religious identity (as the video above shows, some transwomen dress as men in places of worship), women
Font Size Alzheimer's Disease (cont.) Health Tools Alzheimer's Disease: Should I Take Medicines? Alzheimer's disease causes loss of brain cells in areas of the brain. Some of the deterioration may be related to a loss of chemical messengers in the brain, called neurotransmitters, that allow nerve cells in the brain to communicate properly. People with Alzheimer's disease have two things in the brain that are not normal: amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. • Amyloid plaques are clumps of a protein called beta amyloid. This plaque builds up around the cells in the brain that communicate with each other. • Neurofibrillary tangles are made from a protein called tau. Normally, the tau protein helps cells communicate in the brain. In Alzheimer's disease, the tau protein twists and tangles. The tangles clump together, and some nerve cells die, which makes communication in the brain much harder. • As brain cells die, it shrinks. The damage to the brain eventually causes problems with memory, in
Rooney: Relaxed England not lost in translation England's unbeaten Euro 2012 squad feel more relaxed and confident under new manager Roy Hodgson because he is English and nothing gets "lost in translation", striker Wayne Rooney said on Sunday. In his first appearance at a news conference at the England squad's media centre in Krakow, the talismanic forward confirmed he was fully fit, relieved to be available after serving a two-match ban and unfazed by facing a hostile Ukrainian crowd in Donetsk on Tuesday. "We've been to a lot of stadiums around the world and we've had to deal with a big atmosphere on a lot of occasions," Rooney said. "I think we are big enough and experienced enough to deal with that." England need a draw in their final Group D game against the co-hosts to be certain of reaching the quarter-finals. "Are we feeling more relaxed than at the World Cup?" said Rooney. "Yes, I would say so... we are more relaxed. It helps all the coaching staff being English and no words are lost in translat
If You Can't Beat 'Em, Manufacture a Scandal October 17, 2013 RSS Feed Print Kathleen Sebelius and Barack Obama. There's a new tactic by critics of the Obama administration: Off with their heads! Or, if you can't beat 'em on policy, demand they resign or try to force them out of their jobs. First, there's Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus says should go. Why? Poorly-handled technology Sebelius surely had no role in developing or operating. But is this a fireable offense? You get fired as a cabinet secretary when you take bribes or show up drunk at a cabinet meeting. Yes, it's clear the RNC hates the Affordable Care Act. But if they really think it's a "train wreck,'' why not let the choo-choo hit the wall? Demanding that Sebelius be fired diminishes the seriousness of the legitimate opposition to Obamacare, and just makes the RNC look raving mad. [See a collection of political cartoons on Obamacare.] Then there's Jonathan J
post #21 of 21 Thread Starter  take the notebook apart i will help u, the chips looks like this manuals if u need it 1) Find the Password Chip: This is usually a small 8-pin chip, approx. 5 x 6mm. Security chip is usually marked with one of the following designations (or just a portion of the complete number, i.e. '02' instead of '24C02'):<24C01, 24C02, C02, 24C04, 24C08, 24C16, 24C164, 93C46, C46, 93C56>To locate the security chip, you must remove the system board completely from the laptop andcarefully and systematically examine the entire system board to locate all 8-pin chips with any of thedesignations indicated above. Often, there are two chips (i.e. a 'C46' and a '24C08'), only one of which is the security chip. If more than one chip is found, please contact us before removing any of the chips and send us detailed pictures showing the exact location of these chips so that we can determine which one is most likely to be the security chip. If a single security chip isfound, proceed to Step 2: Remove th
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General Question robmandu's avatar Under what circumstances can you imagine where a person could shoot a policeman in self defense? Asked by robmandu (21196 points ) February 13th, 2009 Sorry, been listening to Bob Marley. Observing members: 0 Composing members: 0 21 Answers eambos's avatar Corrupted cop turned hitman out to get you? miasmom's avatar Unfortunately there are crooked cops, so maybe in a situation where the cop was doing something illegal and trying to hurt someone… nikipedia's avatar Is the policeman acting on behalf of the law, or is he just some dbag who happens to, coincidentally, be a policeman? If the former scenario is the case, is the law corrupt? If the latter scenario is the case, is he a dbag who happens to be a policeman who happens to be threatening you in some substantive way? La_chica_gomela's avatar These ones: if the police broke down your door without warning because they thought your house was the crack house but it was actually next door or it was the same numb
Well, here's a surprise: Mountain View now accepts PayPal payments for apps, games, books and other digital goods on Google Play. If you're not exactly fond of paying through credit cards cards or carriers, you can activate the option by clicking Add Paypal and typing in your log-in details. The option has a huge limitation, though: you can't exactly use it to buy devices and accessories. So, if you want to buy a new Android phone or a Nest thermostat, you need to bust out that plastic. That said, Play has also expanded carrier billing and gift card availability to more countries, and anyone waiting for either may want to check Google Support for the full lists. [Image credit: Steve Ganz/Flickr]
macrohistory & world timeline Timeline: 1771 to 1780 1771  By the Gamtoos River, clashes occur between Xhosa people and Dutch trekkers (pastoral wagon pullers). 1772  Oxygen is discovered by the Swedish chemist Carl Wilhelm Scheele. Europeans have been investigating the properties of gasses. 1773  A Baptist Church for black slaves is founded is South Carolina Colony. 1773  Tea selling businessmen in Boston are upset because the British East India Company has been given the right to sell tea directly to the colonists and at a cheaper price. The business men have begun a boycott of the East India Company's tea along the Atlantic coast. They disguise themselves as Indians and throw 342 chests of tea into Boston harbor – to be known as the Boston Tea Party. 1774  An English chemist, Joseph Priestly, independently discovers oxygen. 1774  King George III of Britain decides to punish lawbreakers in the colonies. He closes Boston Harbor and expands the powers of his governor in Massachusetts. Local elections i
Undated -- Today's Birthdays: Singer Ron Isley of the Isley Brothers is 71. Guitarist Hilton Valentine of The Animals is 69. Actor Richard Hatch ("Battlestar Galactica") is 67. Keyboardist Bill Champlin (Chicago) is 65. Actress Carol Potter ("Beverly Hills, 90210," "Sunset Beach") is 64. Singer Leo Sayer is 64. Comedian-turned-politician Al Franken is 61. Actor Mr. T is 60. Drummer Stan Lynch (Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers) is 57. Actor Judge Reinhold is 55. Actor Brent Briscoe ("Mulholland Drive," "A Simple Plan") is 51. Actress Lisa Edelstein ("House") of 46. Actress Fairuza Balk ("The Waterboy") is 38. Singer-guitarist Mikel Jollet of Airborne Toxic Event is 38. Rapper Havoc of Mobb Deep is 38. Actress Ashlie Brillault ("Lizzie McGuire") is 25. Actress Sarah Ramos ("American Dreams") is 21.
I typed out Charlotte's accent. I don't care if it offends anyone that's just how I write it ok. This was just a little thing I did for fun. It goes with a big story I'm working on, but it's just... for fun... I swallow thickly and look down at the rushing water below. My palms are sweaty and my toes curl around the stinging hot edge of the bridge. The sun is beating down on my back and I feel like my scars are burning. They itch so bad that I just need to tear my skin off, but I'm too terrified to move. "Are you sure you want to jump first?" I hear Růžena ask gently behind me. I can't answer even if I wanted to; my throat is too dry. "I am villink to go first if you are to be changink your mind, Casey!" Charlotte sings. "Or perhaps little Chmury vould like to?" I hear Chmury squeak and say something nervously and indistinct Charlotte giggles and says something in German. Verona tries to stifle a laugh. I look down again. For once, I can't jump. I've wanted to jump my whole life and now that I finally h
Archive of articles classified as' "All Posts" Back home A short letter to a unit testing newcomer One of my friends asked how to get started with unit testing and Test Driven Development and figured I could write a short post. I also mention TDD a few times in my book so I think it could use some more attention. I got started with unit testing when I wrote a smallish Python project, and realized I couldn’t maintain large Python projects without tests*. So I wrote unit tests for my code. I then quickly got into TDD. I don’t remember what resources I used, but there are plenty. I’d encourage you to start unit testing by writing your code first, then the tests. As soon as this becomes easy and is paying off, start writing the tests first (TDD). You will come to appreciate that this is a powerful way of thinking and working. Even if you don’t ultimately stick with this approach, it is worth becoming skilled with it. You will uncover many suboptimal areas in your coding process that are otherwise extremely
Automobile Accident Cases: Strategies To Expose The Inattentive Driver Most automobile accidents are caused by driver inattention. All it takes is a glance away from the roadway or a moment of distraction for a driver to lose control of his or her vehicle. These precious seconds often result in disastrous consequences for our clients. Consequently, it is incumbent on trial lawyers for victims of automobile accidents to develop strategies to expose and explain such driver inattention. We live in a society of ever-increasing technology and multi- tasking that greatly increases the likelihood of driver distraction and inattention. The sources of distraction include the proliferation of: cell phones, PDA’s, computer options and controls on the dashboard, GPS devices, drive-through fast food restaurants, and perhaps most importantly, hectic lifestyles. It is wise for trial lawyers to develop strategies to determine such sources of distraction and expose them in their automobile accident cases. It is at least as i