Take the 2-minute tour × I wish to use Stage3D and Context3D in ActionScript. For that I need to download the beta version of Flash Player 11. However, I can't find the equivalent Flash Builder SDK with the mxmlc executable that can compile ActionScript into Flash 11 capable Shockwave Flash files. Any clue as to where I may download it from? share|improve this question add comment 1 Answer up vote 3 down vote accepted You do not need another SDK you need to modify the flex- config.xml file and add additional parameter to your mxmlc command. Look in sdks\4.5.1\frameworks\flex-config.xml and change the target-player node the swf-version to 13 and the node path-element to the correct playerglobal.swc (available on labs.adobe.com). The compiler parameter is "-target- player=11.0.0" (if your flex-config.xml reflect that version). share|improve this answer There's a download link for the playerglobal.swc at adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html –  slowdog Nov 21 '11 at 19:43 add comment Your Answer
Switch Lights The lights are on What's Happening 25 Indie Games To Watch In 2014 With the launch of the Steam Greenlight open alpha program and the loosening of self-publishing standards on both the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, 2013 will be remembered as a year that indie developers broke down some of the walls standing between them and gamers. Now it's time for us to enjoy the spoils. The list of promising indie games slated to come out in 2014 is long and impressive. Here are the 25 titles we're most excited for. Among the Sleep Developer: Killbrite Studio Platform: PC, Mac, Linux It loses some of its haunting powers as you age, but darkness is the scariest thing in the world to many children. Among the Sleep puts you in the footie pajamas of a two-year old. Rising from your crib, you stumble and crawl your way through your home, wary of everything that goes bump in the night. In this house, there are a lot of bumps. The Banner Saga Developer: Stoic Platform: PS3, 360, PC, Mac, Linux Conceptualiz
Tag Archives: typo3 image quality Image Quality settings in TYPO3 TYPO3 has a very cool mechanism to resize images automatically. Often we might notice that the images like JPEG/PNG when resized are either blur, or their quality may not be very good. This can easily be changed by loggin into the install tool and changing the following configuration from the “All Configuration” menu: [GFX][jpg_quality] = 90 [GFX][png_truecolor] = 1
world news Insults fly on Nixon tapes Richard Nixon Richard Nixon believed there were humanitarian reasons for releasing Rudolf Hess. Photograph: AP Former US president Richard Nixon called then-Indian prime minister Indira Gandhi an "old witch" and Indians a "slippery treacherous people", according to recently released transcripts of Oval Office tapes. The comments were made during a private conversation between Nixon and his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, on November 5 1971, and Mr Kissinger appeared to support his views. "We really slobbered over the old witch," Nixon told Mr Kissinger of his meeting with Gandhi the previous day. "While she was a bitch, we got what we wanted too," Mr Kissinger said. "She will not be able to go home and say that the United States didn't give her a warm reception and therefore in despair she's got to go to war." Gandhi had come to Washington to discuss the growing possibility of war with neighbouring Pakistan. At the time, the United States was allied with
Tell me more × I want to find packages whose names contains characters in a specified search string. Something similar to apt-cache search, but I also want the output to show whether the package is installed on my system by marking with a flag ii (installed) or un (not installed). $ dpkg -l *skype* ||/ Name Version Description un skype <none> (no description available) un skype-common <none> (no description available) un skype-mid <none> (no description available) So Ubuntu finds skype in its software center and it passes the flag un, indicating its not installed on my system. Well, actually it is installed on my system: $ apt-cache policy skype So why was the un flag associated with skype in the above example? In fact, whenever I use the dpkg command, it thinks the package is not installed: dpkg -L skype Package `skype' is not installed. share|improve this question Looks like you're on a 64-bit system with a
Meta Battle Subway PokeBase - Pokemon Q&A Pokemon day care questions ? 0 votes 1. if you put two Pokemon in the daycare do the expreince like 20, 10 for Pokemon 1 and 10 for Pokemon two or they both get 20 exp 2.can Pokemon evolve in daycare 2. is there anyway to make Pokemon in daycare get more experience since 1 step is 1 exp asked Sep 8, 2012 by metapod pro 2 Answers 0 votes Best answer 1. Pokemon do not split experience in the daycare because otherwise there would be 1/2 exp. per step and it is 1 exp. per step no matter what. If 2 different Pokemon types are in the daycare, some may lvl. up faster than others because of their experience category. • Pokemon do not evolve in the daycare. To evolve the Pokemon after it has gone past its evolution lvl., just level up the Pokemon one level and it will evolve. 2. No there is not a way to earn experience faster in the daycare by an item or any other method. answered Sep 8, 2012 by Chimcharizard selected Sep 9, 2012 by metapod pro i mean expe
Pet Psychology & Pet Emotional Therapy What is Pet Psychology? Pet psychology, animal psychology, pet or animal behavior study, is the understanding of canine, feline or equine behavior, instincts and social rituals in their natural habitat as well as in our unnatural human environment. Animal psychologists and pet behaviorists use these understanding to educate human caretakers how to act and respond to animals based on their natural body language and social rituals. Pet psychologist and behaviorist also use these understanding to redirect unwanted natural behavior and instincts, without suppression, in order to help human adapt animals to our society in a safe and acceptable manner. Pet psychology is all about helping dogs, cats and horses feel safe, confident and secure inside and outside our homes. True animal psychology is based on observing and learning from canine natural pack behavior, feline solitary natural instincts and equine herd mentality, then modify the rules for interspecies co-existence.
CMT News 20 Questions With Chris Young He Discusses Nashville Star, Jay Leno and Scrambled Eggs New artist Chris Young made a name for himself in Music City this year by winning Nashville Star. Here, the Tennessee native answers fans' questions about the country singer who inspired him to sing falsetto, why he wears a bandana on his wrist and the reason he's proud of his first single, "Drinkin' Me Lonely." 1. When you won Nashville Star, what was running through your head? "Don't fall off the stage." (laughs) I guess the neatest thing for me was looking forward literally to what the next day was going to be like. The next day, I went into RCA and met everybody and my producers of the album. I knew I was going to have to do all that stuff. It was also kind of like a "Finally, it's over!" thing. We'd been holed up in Opryland Hotel for two and a-half months. It wasn't that long for everybody else, but we were living it. 2. How did you feel the whole time you were on the show? Were you nervous, scared of emb
Take the 2-minute tour × I'm trying to setup a reverse proxy in lighttpd, such that all requests (and only those requests) under /mobile/video is redirected to the / directory of a secondary web server. This is pretty easy in apache, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do so in lighttpd. $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/wsmobile/video/" { url.rewrite-once = ( "^/wsmobile/video/(.+)" => "/$1" ) proxy.server = ( "" => ( ( "host" => "", "port" => 9091 ) ) ) I've tried using the http["url"] directive, but lighttpd simply ignore those requests and continue to pass the full url to the secondary server, which of course chokes and throws 404s. However, if I do a global rewrite then everything gets forwarded to the secondary server, which is also not what I want. How do I go about this task? share|improve this question 1 Answer 1 up vote 1 down vote accepted url rewrites won't work in $HTTP["url"]. However, you should be able to rewrite it globally in this manner: url.rewrite-once = ( "^/wsmobil
Good Night, and Good Luck Dodging the Sniper Fire Marcel Ophüls on the heroic idealists and cynical mollycoddles of wartime journalism "Stay away from CNN." Those were among Colin Powell's first words of advice to Bush during the plotting of the invasion of Afghanistan. Perhaps the president recalled the warning while Anderson Cooper discovered his manhood in the flooded bayou, shouting in outrage that the government had betrayed the people, or when, a few days ago, the cable news outlets saw fit to point out that the Q&A session between Bush and American soldiers was staged (as if that were a novel occurrence...). Just as Bush's lockdown of the American press seems to be unraveling, the Bell is screening Marcel Ophüls's long essay-movie The Troubles We've Seen: A History of Journalism in Wartime. Though the movie takes many hours to restate things we already knew, there's still a terrible shock in hearing a French cameraman tell us that his country's military was worse than our own when it came to hiding t
Cold Beer and Crocodiles 1st edition A Bicycle Journey into Australia Cold Beer and Crocodiles 0 9780792279525 0792279522 Details about this item Cold Beer and Crocodiles: The born wayfarer takes his time, stays close to the land, and lives by its rhythms, always ready when a friendly nod turns into a dinner invitation but just as happy to camp alone under the Southern Cross. He's a free spirit, following the road map of his own adventurous imagination. When he happens to be a keen observer and a vivid writer as well, the result is a classic travel book. American Roff Smith had been living in Australia for 15 years when he quit his job, pared his life to what could be carried in the panniers of his bicycle, and pedaled off on a 10,000-mile circuit of the continent. By the time he coasted back into Sydney nine months later, he had discovered an Australia that eludes the casual traveler; "Cold Beer and Crocodiles" is his evocative, eventful report from the highways and byways of "Oz," an affectionate por
I am just curious about this because I don't hear about it. I hear about Atheists being shunned and hated but not that much about any actual physical harm outside of intense mental/emotional harm. This question is only intended in the U.S. I know it happens in other countries. I am just wondering if Atheists need to fear this in the same manner as a homosexual would fear beatings and being killed? Views: 365 Reply to This Replies to This Discussion This is a good article on the subject. I don't think your discussion is a network question though. That is a good article, thank you. I have reposted this question hopefully I'll get a few more responses. I've personally have never been attacked or threatened and was curious if this was an actual threat to other atheist or a unneceessary fear. I understand that there is a definate fear of shunning and verbal abuse it's just that i've never heard of actual physical abuse because of atheisism. I'm dead tired and this may come out garbled. I ran into someone Fri
Dragon Age II Reader Review Dragon Age II is an average game. Let's get that out of the way first. Normally I wouldn't go out of my way to rag on an average game, but DA2 systematically strips out all the promise, mystery and depth that Dragon Age: Origins went to great lengths to establish. In every way but one this is an inferior title to its predecessor and it's just baffling. Clearly there were budget and timing issues at work but the drop in quality and quantity in this sequel is so brazen and so staggering it leaves me little choice but to chalk up this mess as possibly the biggest disappointment of 2011. And it's only March. Looking at the large scale of the game, the overarching narrative blows. Is 15 hours enough time to make a fair judgement of something like this? If not, it should be. There is nothing driving the momentum of DA2's plot and characters are shifted up so often that it's hard to establish any real camaraderie. There were many significant plot threads and narrative cliffhangers that
legally binding Common legal phrase indicating that an agreement has been consciously made, and certain actions are now either required or prohibited. For example, a lease for an apartment is legally binding, because upon signing the document, the lessor and the lessee are agreeing to a number of conditions. The lessor typically agrees to provide the apartment in a certain condition for a certain length of time, and the lessee typically agrees to pay an agreed upon rent and refrain from certain destructive behaviors. The other requirement for an agreement or contract to be considered legally binding is consideration - both parties must knowingly understand what they are agreeing to. If a person is forced, tricked, or coerced into entering into an agreement, it typically is not considered legally binding. Use legally binding in a sentence Related Videos Have a question about legally binding? Ask for help in the
408 F3d 900 Kikalos v. United States 408 F.3d 900 Nick KIKALOS and Helen Kikalos, Plaintiffs-Appellants, UNITED STATES of America, Defendant-Appellee. No. 04-1613. United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit. Argued December 2, 2004. Decided May 24, 2005. Donald E. Schlyer (argued), Schlyer & Associates, Merrillville, IN, Ralph M. Bernstein, Chicago, IL, for Plaintiffs-Appellants. Before BAUER, POSNER, and ROVNER, Circuit Judges. POSNER, Circuit Judge. The plaintiffs brought suit for a refund of federal income taxes, had a jury trial that resulted in a verdict for the government, and appeal, complaining about the jury instructions and the exclusion of much of their evidence. The plaintiffs, husband and wife, own three retail stores in Hammond, Indiana. The stores operate under the name "Nick's Liquor" but sell cigarettes, beer, wine, soft drinks, potato chips, and other snack food as well as hard liquor. Most sales are cash sales; the stores do not accept credit cards. Nick Kikalos, the husb
So, who owns the Dodgers? Kai Ryssdal: Major League Baseball came to the Los Angeles County legal system today. The couple that owns the Los Angeles Dodgers started a high profile, Hollywood-style divorce trial this morning. Actually, we don't know who really owns the team, hence the trial. Frank McCourt says his wife, Jamie, signed away her rights to the Dodgers in a post-nuptial agreement a couple of years ago. California being a community property state, though, Jamie McCourt figures half the team and half of its value of something near $800 million belongs to her. Also at issue -- because sometimes a billion dollar baseball club just isn't enough -- are who owns which of their seven houses, how many hundreds of thousands of dollars in monthly living allowance is enough and who gets the private jet. Meanwhile, the Dodgers stink, players are being released and Carla Hall is spending her mornings inside the courtroom covering the case for the Los Angeles Times. Carla, good to have you with us. Carla Hal
1. Religion & Spirituality Discuss in my forum Military & Political Outcome of the Crusades Military, Political, Religious, and Social Consequences The first and perhaps most important thing we should bear in mind is that when all is said and done, from a political and military perspective the Crusades were a massive failure. The First Crusade was successful enough that European leaders were able to scratch out kingdoms which included such cities as Jerusalem, Acre, Bethlehem, and Antioch. After that, though, everything went downhill. The Kingdom of Jerusalem would endure in one form or another for several hundred years but it was always in a precarious position. It was based upon a long, narrow strip of land with no natural barriers and whose population was never entirely conquered. Continual reinforcements from Europe were required but not always forthcoming (and those that tried didn't always live to see Jerusalem). The whole of its population was around 250,000 concentrated in costal cities like As
yousif wleed User Stats Profile Images User Bio yousif wleed has not yet updated their profile :( Recently Uploaded yousif wleed does not have any videos yet. Recent Activity 1. seriously when shooting people with all PP that's in the camera, all of them would be super sharp and lots of aliasing problems. tried natural light and artificial and both are the same ( for people only) maybe sharpening 2 and up would be great…
Nabokov: the Prose and Poetry of It All Readers of Lolita may recall that Humbert Humbert, who delivers himself of the contents of the book while in confinement awaiting trial for murder, is something of a poet. “You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style,” he says, and you can count on this particular murderer for scattered flights of verse as well. His are “occassional poems” in the most invidious sense possible. His muse materializes only intermittently, and when she does it is in response to situations of a kind that do not, as a rule, give rise to la poèsie pure—or whatever we may call the opposite of occasional poetry. Hoping, for example, to calm his restless Lolita he improvises a bit of what he tells her is “nonsense verse.” The Squirl and his Squirrel, the Rabs and their Rabbits Have certain obscure and peculiar habits. Male humming birds make the most exquisite rockets. The snake when he walks holds his hands in his pockets. Nonsense is correct,” Lolita says mockingly perhaps gu
AVmail: May 7, 2007 • E-Mail this Article • View Printable Article • Text size: • A • A • A Doctors in Bonanzas Will we never hear the last of the Doctors/Bonanzas myth (Short Final, Apr. 29)? When the FAA finally set about testing the Bonanza more thoroughly, they found that the v-tails were prone to structural damage. Essentially, the tails had been failing due to high-speed twisting forces through a fault in the basic design. Maximum allowable airspeed was immediately restricted until two well-known modifications were installed to protect the ruddervators. How come doctor-flown Bonanzas with traditionally designed tail-feathers had not been subject to failure? Bill Vitale All-Weather Flying I am deeply concerned by Point2Point's John Boehle's comment on the company's winter dispatch reliability (AVwebFlash, May 2). There are no all- weather aircraft smaller than the B737. None. Zip. Nada. Aircraft of the types he operates have no business being airborne in known icing. Risk of ici
Skip to Content General Laws Section 55. Registrars shall, from the names entered in the annual register and from the names maintained on the inactive voters list, prepare voting lists for use at elections; provided, however, that such registrars shall not enter the names of women voters in separate columns or lists. In such voting lists, such registrars shall place the names of all voters entered on the annual register and those maintained on the inactive voters list and opposite to the name of each his residence and party enrollment. The registrars shall maintain separate voting lists for active and inactive voters or one voting list if inactive voters are designated as such on the voting list. In cities they shall prepare such voting lists by wards, and if a ward or town is divided into voting precincts, they shall prepare the same by precincts. In all such cities and in towns having five thousand or more inhabitants, the voting lists shall be arranged by streets in alphabetical order, and the names of t
Some Programming Basics Embedded Hello World GPIO Outputs Output Examples GPIO Inputs Input Examples Interrupt Examples Timer/Counter Examples LCD Character Displays Display Multiplexing Key/Switch Multiplexing Real Time Operating Systems Coming Soon AVR Freaks This site is still very much a work in progress, and not yet ready for prime time! If you are seeing this website now it's probably because you got the URL from my resume. If so, that's because I took the chance that an incomplete (!) website would give you more information about my background than no website at all. This endeavor has proven to be a lot more work than I expected, but maybe it will also end up being a little more useful to beginners as a result. Welcome to the OLD site of the Introduction to Embedded Programming website. Please visit the NEW site for the latest version of this tutorial. Target Audience This tutorial is intended for students, hobbyists, programmers and hardware designers who want to le
Teaching the Holocaust with Primary Sources Holocaust Header IntroductionNuremberg Race Laws | Kristallnacht | Ghettos Concentration CampsDachau | Bergen-Belsen | Auschwitz Righteous Among the NationsGies | Schindler | Winton | Grueninger Primary Source and Analysis Tools | Library of Congress Resources   Primary Source Sets | PDF Version Righteous Among the Nations During World War II many Jews went into hiding to escape Nazi concentration camps. For some, hiding Jews was a profitable business. They would agree to hid Jews in exchange for money. When the money ran out, many would turn on their Jewish charges and hand them over to the Nazis. But there were a select few who could not turn their backs on their fellow human beings, no matter the cost. These non-Jewish people who risked their own lives to save the Jews from Nazi persecution are referred to as The Righteous Among the Nations. In most cases these individuals never intended to become a rescuer, the opportunity often presented itself by a simple
Rosenthal: Romero close to one-year deal with Cardinals Cash Kruth Pingback: JC Romero Rumor « The 7th Inning Why are theYankees apparently totally out of the mix for players such as Darvish? Do they think they are good enough as is? If so, they must be betting very heavily on questionable arms after Sabbathia. Leave a Reply You are commenting using your account. Log Out / Change ) Twitter picture Facebook photo Google+ photo Connecting to %s Get every new post delivered to your Inbox. Join 813 other followers %d bloggers like this:
Monday, September 26, 2011 American Idol Phenom Chris Daughtry Lists North Carolina Crib SELLER: Chris Daughtry LOCATON: Oak Ridge, NC PRICE: $699,000 SIZE: 3,670 square feet, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms listing photos: Re/Max Realty Consultants Anonymous said... "Hateful stares and LOUD guffaws!" this is the part NO ONE ever speaks of when waxing poetically on the Parent Trap. Dr. Phil has never spoke so pure and honest in all the days I've been reading your fortune cookie/tea leaf go gurl! candi speling said... The house isn't the only thing that is brick-built. Anonymous said... What a terribly blah house of no distinction whatever. What on earth made you put it on your blog, Mama? Anonymous said... I like Greensboro - it's a nice college town with friendly residents. I don't know anything about Oak Ridge, but I'd take something in town over this McMansion. Ditto Anon 3:40 PM. I sent this to my Dad last year and he declared it to be the perfect set-up, a house for the parental units &
Category: One Song How Stevie Wonder sparked Drake's 'Marvin's Room' Before a late-night drunk dial became the anchor of Drake’s bitter breakup jam, “Marvin’s Room,” his phone buzzed during a studio session with a surprising voice on the other end: Stevie Wonder. “He’s one of the kindest, most spontaneous individuals. He said, ‘I’ll be there in 20 minutes,’” the Canadian rapper-singer recalled from a booth in the Polo Lounge at the Beverly Hills Hotel. “So we started cleaning up.” Drake was already in the legendary Marvin’s Room studios in L.A. when he received the call from Wonder, who, true to his word quickly, arrived. Drizzy and his longtime producer Noah "40" Shebib were cutting “Doing It Wrong" when Wonder requested to go into the booth. Continue reading » Party rock is in the house? Please, no. Two-hundred twenty-eight million people have watched the “Party Rock Anthem” video on Vevo since it was uploaded in March 2011, so we're a little late in the game to argue against it. It's the 15th mos
Weight lifting Discussion in 'Off-topic Zone' started by locked&loaded, Nov 30, 2008. 1. locked&loaded locked&loaded its redskin season 2,827 Messages 85 Likes Received I just started lifting sense the football season came to a close. I have creatine but i dont know what is best. What supplements should i take, i want to add lean muscle. ofcourse. 2. Yeagermeister Yeagermeister Active Member 47,576 Messages 9 Likes Received Raw eggs.....it worked for Rocky :D 3. Section444 Section444 Well-Known Member 4,351 Messages 859 Likes Received Honestly, I just drink a half gallon of 2% milk a day. Sometimes I'll mix it with soy protein; it's worked great for me thus far. Lot's of fish and chicken too. 4. Route 66 Route 66 Active Member 3,310 Messages 6 Likes Received Some say you get plenty of protein in regular foods but I and many others disagree and take protein supplements along with our meats and other products. I basically s
Lemon Law Lawyers In La Junta Colorado The City of La Junta is a Home Rule Municipality that is the county seat and the most populous city of Otero County, Colorado, United States. The city population was 7,568 at the U.S. Census 2000. La Junta is located in southeast Colorado, on the Arkansas River east of Pueblo. During World War II, La Junta had an Army Air Force Training Base outside town. The airport, located 5 miles (8.0 km) north of La Junta, has 77 acres (31 ha) of tarmac and two runways which are still in use. One runway (east-west) is 6,851 feet (2,088 m) long and the other is 5,800 feet (1,800 m). . In 1979, the first episodes of the CBS western miniseries The Chisholms, starring Robert Preston, was filmed near La Junta. The Caboose (pictured below right) is the drive through for the State Bank which was established in 1893. The bank is unique as it has been remodeled with antiques, including a teller line from the late 1890s. What is lemon law? Answers to lemon law issues in Colorado
Moving into rented accommodation in the catchment area-when can I safely move back? (282 Posts) enlondon Wed 10-Apr-13 01:00:03 I am thinking of renting a property in the catchment area of a secondary school. Once I have done this and my child is given a place (presuming everything has gone to plan and the catchment area has not all off the sudden become even smaller etc), how much longer do I need to live there before I can move safely back to our house outside the catchment area? As soon as I have filled in the application? As soon as my child is offered the place? As soon as my child has actually started in September? I actually called the LEA to ask this question and they were not sure. I asked a different LEA the same question about another school and they said that I could move out of the catchment area as soon as the application form was received! They seemed puzzled by my question though, understandably, and not sure if I trust their answer. tiggytape Sat 30-Aug-14 11:08:29 Lavender - there is no
Documentation of the module re by Peter Verhas Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. The module RE This module implements some simple regular expression handling functions. They can be used to match some strings against regular expressions and to use matched sub strings to format replace strings. This module provides functions that are similar to the Perl language operators m// and s///. 3. Match a string against a regular expression re::match(string,regexp [, replace]) re::m(string,regexp [, replace]) This function is the main regular expression match function. The first argument is the string that is to be matched against the regular expression. The second argument is the regular expression. If the string matches the regular expression the return value of the function is true, otherwise false. The regular expressions may contain parentheses inside it. If it does the substrings matching the regular expression part between the parentheses will be stored in a regular expression dollar array. The sub
Posted: Tue May 7, 2013 2:03PM; Updated: Fri May 17, 2013 10:47AM Jim Trotter States, ex-players trying to level playing field on workers comp Decrease font Decrease font Enlarge font Enlarge font SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Reggie Williams' movements are as labored as his breathing. While others walk the halls of the state Capitol with apparent ease, the 58-year-old former Cincinnati Bengals linebacker struggles to get around. He has a crutch under each arm, and his strides are uneven because his right leg is three inches shorter than his left due to surgical complications from injuries sustained during his 14-year career. A raised scar runs down the middle of his right knee, which has been operated on 24 times. It's so swollen it's hard to tell where the top of the knee begins and the bottom of his thigh ends, so disfigured that there appears to be three large broccoli heads beneath the skin. Williams, the NFL's Man of the Year in 1986 and Sports Illustrated's co-Sportsman of the Year in 1987, normally keeps
Régie des rentes du Québec Administering a defined contribution plan A defined contribution plan is generally administered by a pension committee, which is the first responder for the plan and must ensure that the plan is in conformity with the relevant laws. The pension committee is responsible for the administration of the plan and the management of the pension fund. Furthermore, it has an important role to plan in providing information to plan members. It must act with prudence, diligence and competence, like any reasonable person. Sometimes the administrator is not a pension committee A plan with less than 26 members and beneficiaries can be administered by the employer. In that case, the employer has the same obligations and responsibilities as a pension committee. Who can provide information about a plan? Generally, the documentation given to plan members indicates the name and contact details of a contact person. Those details can also be obtained from the employer our by using the Régie's onlin
This is a debugging block Support Navigation This is a debugging block This is a debugging block GLAAD Social Media This is a debugging block connect with glaad GLAAD Speaks with Roger Ross Williams About His New Sundance Film 'God Loves Uganda' This is a debugging block One of the standout documentaries at Sundance this year is the new film God Loves Uganda, which examines the relationship between American evangelical missionaries and the increasingly anti-gay Ugandan religious and political establishments.  Academy Award-winning filmmaker Roger Ross Williams faced death threats to expose how virulent, and potentially deadly, anti-LGBT bias is being promoted by US-based religious institutions in other countries. In the case of Uganda, this has led to the undermining of HIV prevention programs and advocating for the death penalty for LGBT people. Below you can read GLAAD’s interview with Williams about his film, which is currently screening at Sundance, and view the film’s trailer. In your “Meet
Help - Search - Members - Calendar Full Version: Visiscript Question For Python I'm running Visiscript and Python on a Henteges 3.5.3 Poodle and am not able execute a python script from within Visiscript. I can open and save script files ok, and I can execute the scripts just fine from the command line. But when I load a simple script file and press the 'execute' button (or select run from the menu), nothing appears to happen. Am I missing a config setting or something? Ok, I'll answer my own question so that someone else might save some time. In the Visiscript Configure menu: 1. Set 'Command' to python. 2. In the drop down menu, select 'python' 3. deselect 'Interactive Modus' 4. In 'Execute Modus', select 'popen' Now I can run a script and view the output! I'm liking Visiscript now. I installed visiscript recently, but I cant seem to be able to open existing files in it at all. It starts off with a new button only and when I do the "New" then I get the file menu. On "Open" it just closes down totall
Take the 2-minute tour × i am working on a app that is keeping track of high school sporting even scores. it will allow users to submit scores of games in progress. right now i have a database table called scores. But i am stuck when it comes to representing the amount of time in minutes and seconds left in the game. share|improve this question Instead of recording the (relative) "time left" consider reporting the "time submitted" as well as the "end time". Then the "time left" is just the difference of the other two (absolute) times. –  user166390 Jul 19 '12 at 3:37 i am capturing the timestamp of when the score was submitted by the user. although there is really no way of capturing the end time since its "game time" and you have stoppages of play or the stoppages of the game clock due to timeouts, an incomplete pass, or the ball carrier going out of bounds. –  Eric Cumbee Jul 19 '12 at 3:42 add comment 1 Answer up vote 2 down vote accepted You can use the TIME type: share|improve this answer that s
Idea Factory Priceless Science: SuperBowl 2012 So, The Pats and the Giants are going to square off in one of America's most popular televised sports events, but have you ever considered the numbers behind this game? Lots of flights, tickets, ad time, money for the half time show, and of course chicken wings. Lots and lots and lots of chicken wings!! Go team! Have a great Superbowl Sunday everyone! Science Unplugged Can you design a structure that can withstand gravity? Build a bridge you can cross. Reconstruct the world-famous Roman arches. Stack blocks to form a gravity-defying cantilever. Marvel at the mechanics of pulleys, gears, and other labor-saving devices. Light and Vision Play with perception by experimenting with lenses, mirrors, prisms, and light. Walk into a room where children are bigger than adults, then step into an alcove of infinite reflections. You won’t believe your eyes! Subscribe to Idea Factory
The Green Fairy What do you do in a one horse ski town when it’s freezing cold and there’s no skiing? Hang out with friends in Glacier at Grahams and talk about skiing. But talk only lasts so long, then the questions about liquor come up. “Hey, anything tasty in that locked wooden chest you keep? The one with the chains and padlocks on it?” Of course there’s something tasty in it, some questions needn’t be asked. Several years ago I preferred a good Single Malt Scotch. Before scotch, I spent time getting to know all those wonderful varieties of tequila. This last summer, it seemed that all roads led to the state of Rum, but only if it had flavor. However, there’s a certain drink I developed a weakness for several years ago that until recently I had to procure from my favorite liquor store in White Rock, B.C., a crazed fifteen minute drive north if you really want to get there quick. Also known as the Green Fairy, Absinthe is a mysterious nectar with hints of licorice and has been linked with madness
< Back to front page Text size + She left me with the dog Posted by Meredith Goldstein  June 29, 2010 08:30 AM E-mail this article Invalid E-mail address Invalid E-mail address Sending your article Dog days of summer. Q: This will be the first time I've ever written to an advice column, but there's a first for everything or so I've been told. I find the act both slightly embarrassing and therapeutic. I am currently undergoing the pain of a 4+ year relationship ending. For a period, I was deeply in love and could only see the good. We lived together and even adopted a wonderful little screwed-up dog that we shared the care of. Now I am living by myself with sole custody of the pooch. My companion moved out over two months ago but things started going south slowly long before then. She became sad and I became withdrawn, perhaps not in that order. For each of us it was the longest romantic relationship we have ever been in, and neither of us has ever been married or anything like that. When it was good,
People, Parties, and Power Back In my years of political activity beginning in 1960, I have found no shortage of conservatives willing to tell the political parties what they should do. But I have noticed a great shortage of conservatives willing to take the time, spend the money and pay the political price necessary to achieve and hold power in a political party. Unless more conservatives accept the responsibility of political participation inside the parties, thirty years from now conservatives will still be complaining that the parties fail to do what they ought to do. Only a tiny fraction of Americans participate in party activities. There is a great turnover of participants and leadership. In the business world, corporate leadership tends to last for decades; labor union leadership tends to last for life. Some years ago I looked up the tenure of all the Republican Party state chairmen in the United States. The average state party chairman had held that post for about eighteen months! I believe it is th
Medieval Machinery YKTTW Discussion Medieval Machinery Buttons, switches, and even proximity sensors in a medieval setting. Already have? (permanent link) added: 2012-08-27 12:29:07 sponsor: Xolroc (last reply: 2012-08-29 23:56:51) Add Tag: You've seen them and not given them a second thought, they're so ubiquitous. But think: Buttons and pressure plates, commonly used for traps or alarms in medieval settings, don't do much of anything without electricity. If you mechanically connected them to what they're supposed to operate, you'd either have to press them in several feet or push with the force of a truck! And don't even get me started on fires that start or spikes that come out of the ground when you get near them. Sometimes there are even doors that slide up into the ceiling at the press of a button, and slide back down when it's pressed again. True, a mechanism to do that is possible. But it'd likely be larger than the building it's used in! Admittedly, counterweights would work for the levers and bu
Undo and Repeat the Changes Microsoft word provides two important features called Undo, which is used to undo the previous action and second one is Repeat or Redo, which is used to repeat the previous action. For example, If you mistakenly delete text, you can use the Undo feature to recover it, similar way if delete a character and you want to delete more characters then you can use Repeat operation. How to use Undo & Repeat operations: You can access the Undo and Repeat buttons from the Quick Access toolbar. You should make a note that Repeat button also called Redo button and both operations have same meaning. Undo and Repeat Buttons Here is the simple procedure to apply undo or repeat (redo) operations: Step (1): Let us type some text in a blank document as I have typed above. Now click Repeat (Redo) button and you will see that word would repeat the same operation for you. Repeat Operation Step (2): Now to examine undo operation, let us delete last word operation character by character so that
Iowa State University Horticulture and Home Pest News Summer Care of Lawns This article was published originally on 6/9/1995 Sound mowing practices are necessary for a good quality lawn. This is especially true during the summer months. Improper mowing during hot, dry weather may seriously damage the turf. Mow Kentucky bluegrass lawns at a height of 3 to 3 1/2 inches during the summer months. During cool weather in spring and fall, bluegrass lawns should be mowed at a height of 2 to 2 1/2 inches. The additional leaf area during summer shades and cools the crowns of the turfgrass plants. Extremely high temperatures at crown level can kill turfgrass. When mowing the lawn never remove more than one-third of the total leaf area at any one time. A lawn mowed at a height of 3 inches should be cut when it reaches a height of 4 1/2 inches. Removing more than one-third of the leaf area weakens the turfgrass and reduces its capacity to withstand additional environmental stresses. Weakened turf is also more likely t
What is meta? × I'm most active in the c++ tag and as a result I find myself referencing C++ FAQ Lite quite a bit. That tendency comes from my brief Usenet experience, where the convention was to link to known good content rather than writing your own answer (i.e., don't reinvent the wheel). The convention on SO, however, appears to favor writing your own complete answer rather than linking somewhere that might not exist in the future. Given that the C++ FAQ Lite website has only had one update in the last three years, is there any benefit to posting some of the more interesting FAQs (using the c++-faq tag) on SO and letting the community decide on the best answer? I'm certainly not suggesting we plagiarize the excellent work of Marhsall Cline et al. It's just that many C++ language questions (and I think this applies to most programming languages) that come up on SO can be answered simply by referencing the FAQ website. What's the right thing to do? Should SO seek to become the home of all programming lan
[an error occurred while processing this directive] BBC News watch One-Minute World News Last Updated: Thursday, 29 July, 2004, 19:00 GMT 20:00 UK Iraq 'is al-Qaeda battleground' Coalition troops in Iraq The Iraq war may have increased the terror threat, says Donald Anderson Iraq has become a "battleground" for al-Qaeda, MPs have warned in a report on the war on terrorism. The Commons foreign affairs committee says there are too few foreign troops in Iraq and Muslim states should be encouraged to send forces. The MPs say Iraqi forces are still a long way from being able to ensure security in their country. The report also says Afghanistan could implode with "terrible consequences" without more foreign troops. Donald Anderson, the committee's Labour chairman, said the Iraq war might well have increased the terror threat in the short term, although it was too early to assess its long term impact. The wide-ranging findings are the latest instalment in the MPs' long-running investigation into the war against
Take the 2-minute tour × It often happens to me that after learning the whole day and reading lots of text especially with small letters I feel my eyes very tired. Who knows good set of exercises that don't takes lot of time, that helps to prevent eyes tiring. share|improve this question This doesn't seem like a question on Judaism. –  Ariel K Jun 28 '11 at 19:42 @ArielK Can you provide more insight on why you think it's off-topic. After all, isn't it about Jewish Life? –  yydl Jun 28 '11 at 22:48 @ArielK But many of the questions in product- recommendation are also not halacha and hashkafah. I think we ought to allow questions that are particular to Jewish life (in this case learning texts for many hours). Perhaps we should raise this on Mi Yodeya Meta? –  yydl Jun 29 '11 at 2:11 @yydl This reminds me of a batch of questions from early days of SO: "What is your favorite food... as a programmer?" "What music is best... for a programmer?" "Which is the most effective coffee... for a programmer?". Just because
HOME > ON THE BOOKSHELF > March-April 2003 > Bookshelf Detail Science Across Cultures Anthony Grafton Lost Discoveries: The Ancient Roots of Modern Science—From the Babylonians to the Maya. x + 453 pp. Dick Teresi. Simon and Schuster, 2002. $27. Early in the 1990s, Dick Teresi set out to write an exposé. Multiculturalism was on the rise in the schools and generating controversy in legislatures, school boards and the media. No specimen of it created more heat or less light than the Portland African-American Baseline Essays. According to this curriculum, the ancient Egyptians had built flying machines, mastered psychokinesis and even devised electric batteries. Some of these claims rested on fragments of archaeological evidence, interpreted with little or no reference to their original contexts. Others had no basis whatsoever, except their creators' desire to instill pride in African-American schoolchildren. Teresi—a skilled and prolific science writer—accepted a magazine assignment and began to debunk wha
A client came accross my website (most probably through google as I did some SEO to my website) and just contacted me, he's looking for an ASP.NET developer for some project. The problem is that I didn't do any serious freelance work here before and have no idea how much I should charge. The problem is that if I try to be competitive and give a low rate they could think I'm a bad developer, on the other hand if I give a high rate they could go to others with lower rates, what's a good and reasonable rate for a freelance developer in Sydney, Australia? Many thanks in advance ... The main IT professional Job site in Australia is seek.com.au have a look at the contract jobs in there, you should get a feel for it depending on the contract length, experience etc. If I had to guess I would say in this economic climate somewhere in the range $50 - $80 per hour would be around average for an experienced dev. That's a bit localized. You need to check out the Sydney rags (I'm originally from Melbourne so I'd be
Take the 2-minute tour × I have a java application with multiple thread started and they are all sharing a single db connection created in the main function. So far things have been running smoothly. I am worried will there be any problem in future like corruption etc? share|improve this question 1 Answer 1 up vote 2 down vote accepted You will have problem if: - you use transactions. Two threads starting transactions on the same connection would not be nice for your datas. Think about what mysql will do if one thread want a rollback - you use auto increment and LAST_INSERT_ID. If two threads work on the same table at the same moment, the last id is the same for both if they share the same connection - and maybe much more problems if you don't only use "simple" things (aka select/insert/update) share|improve this answer thank you for the input yes each of my thread is using one transaction and sure enough I am using last_insert_id too. So what is your best suggestion then use individual connection is it
• Heritage Action • More Lecture #1173 on Immigration December 3, 2010 The Arizona Immigration Law: What It Actually Does, and Why It Is Constitutional Abstract: America has arrived at a dangerous, unprece­dented moment: an Administration is attacking a state that is simply trying to help the federal government restore the rule of law. In addition to partisan mischarac­terizations of S.B. 1070, observes Professor Kris Kobach, the Eric Holder Justice Department launched an unprece­dented and unwarranted lawsuit that has shattered the balance between the federal government and the states, as well as the balance between executive and congressional power, through its distortion of preemption doctrine. A federal district judge has already embraced the Justice Department’s argument without any evident awareness of how the argument breaches constitutional boundaries. Consequently, concludes Kobach, America’s only hope is that the appellate courts will realize just what is at stake, and uphold S.B. 1070 on cons
Take the 2-minute tour × I have a tcp server setup using inetd on aix 5.3. Problem is the responses come very very slowly from the server.But if I have a standalone deamon server , its very fast. But my requirement is that i have to use inetd. So,Is there anyway to improve the performance of inetd. share|improve this question add comment migrated from stackoverflow.com Oct 26 '09 at 8:35 This question came from our site for professional and enthusiast programmers. 4 Answers One of the problems when running through inetd is that it's going to introduce overhead in the performance. If performance is a concern, which it is, do not use inetd and use a standalone daemon. share|improve this answer add comment The best way to improve performance would be to take inetd out of the picture. But if you really, really have to use inetd, here are some ideas: 1. Renice inetd to a negative priority. 2. Turn down / off inetd logging 3. Log to a faster disc / raid. Another possibility is that your service i
Conferenece Exhibition Call For Participation Presenters Media Registration spacer Swimming Across the Pacific Life Enhancement Swimming across the Pacific is a compelling swimming experience that enhances life in four main areas: 1. Entertainment. The sensation of swimming in virtual water while suspended in air is highly enjoyable. The apparatus may look clumsy, but it is very comfortable, and it gives a strong sense of floating because it supports the body quite well. 2. Sports. The simulated swimming requires exertion of energy to move through the space. Just as in any sport, often it is the process of doing that is enjoyable and satisfying. Virtual swimming is about the fun of the activity as much as the destination. 3. Education. With this apparatus, people who are afraid of the water can learn to swim and enjoy the pleasures of body movement while floating. For researchers, Swimming Across the Pacific supports investigation into new ways of engaging the body for navigation through virtual spaces.
Saturday, January 19, 2008 Juror Records I'm not sure why, but the concept of jury duty keeps following me around, like a bad odor. I guess it all started earlier in the week when a co- worker announced that he had been called for jury duty and he wasn't sure how long the court would require him to be there. I've never been a big fan of jury duty, but when I lived in California, there was a law which stated that you were told on the first day if you were to be on a jury. If not, you were dismissed and couldn't be called back for another year. People always came up with excuses and ploys to get out of jury duty, many of which are no longer accepted. Recently, in Colorado, so few people showed up for jury duty, that the court staff went out and subpoenaed people on the street for "emergency jury duty." Read the article here. Laughs aside, I have found that many counties have jury duty-related records available. Many times they are listed as "jurors census" or "jurors lists." Of course, being in the 19th cent
Forgot your password?   Resources for students & teachers At one end of the machine was a broad band of cloth, passing around two rollers.  One roller was close to the wheels and other large rollers of the machine itself.  The other was back from it a little; and the cloth, being extended from one of these to the other, formed a sort of flat table just before the machine. The girl who came to tend the machine immediately opened the great bundle of wool, and then she took up a handful of it, and began to spread it evenly over the cloth.  When she had got the cloth pretty nearly covered she pulled a handle pretty near her, and that, in some mysterious way or other, set the machinery a-going.  The cloth, with all the wool upon it, began to move towards the great rollers of the machine.  These rollers were covered with card teeth, and the wool, as it was drawn in between them, was carded fine, and spread evenly over all the surface; and in a few minutes Jonas and Oliver found that it began to come out at the
Take the 2-minute tour × Let $A=\{1,2,3,4,5,6\}$ and let's consider the usual order relation given by $\leq$. My textbook includes an image representing this structure: enter image description here Given the definition of lattice, I don't understand how this isn't it. When I am looking for the supremum and the infimum for every pair it is obvious that $\forall (a,b)\in A$ $$\begin{aligned} \;a\leq6 \text{ and } b\leq6, 1\leq a \text{ and } 1\leq b\end{aligned}$$ so what is that I don't take into account? share|improve this question I think 2,3 don't have a join, and 4,5 don't have a meet? –  sperners lemma Nov 13 '12 at 18:13 @spernerslemma I'm trying to figure out this thing myself... and it's kind of confusing. I don't know why they aren't joined! –  haunted85 Nov 13 '12 at 18:15 Sperners observation is correct. Both $4$ and $5$ are upper bounds for $2$ and $3$. There is no least upper bound. Similarly there is no greatest lower bound for $4$ and $5$. –  Jay Nov 13 '12 at 18:23 add comment 2 Answers
Government-Shutdown Watch: An Inside View I mentioned yesterday the uncertainty tax that the possible government shutdown was imposing on "normal" government operations, as people from National Park employees to members of the military tried to figure out whether they could plan as far ahead as next Monday. Thumbnail image for hillary-clinton-secretary-of- state.jpg I included mention of one important Cabinet Department that was not sure whether it could welcome a foreign delegation arriving this weekend for long-planned talks. NEWS UPDATE: I have heard just now, from a State Department spokesman, that "The Consultation on People Exchange hosted by Secretary Clinton and State Councilor Liu Yandong will still proceed as planned even during a shutdown." So there! And that is good news. State Councilor Liu Yandong, fyi, is the highest- ranking woman in the Chinese government. Despite this development, a reader's account of other shutdown-related churn at State: >>As the spouse of a federal government employe
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Jaci Stephen Jaci Stephen: 'How did I end up here? LA wasn't where I expected to be at 50' Way Out West Full May moon over Los Angeles. It hovers beside the Lexington Commercial Holdings building on Wilshire Boulevard, above the streetlamp at the end of North Crescent Drive. I try to take a picture of it on my i-Phone and curse again the contraption that is about as effective as Gordon Ramsay with laryngitis. When the camera finally captures the shot, I see that the moon is indistinguishable from the light from the streetlamp: two white balls that could be anything, anytime, anyplace. Except that they are in Beverly Hills 90210, just outside my new apartment on North Crescent Drive where, bizarrely, I am now living. Most days, I don't cry, but tonight, as I think of Britain waking up as I walk into dusk, I do. How did I get here? How did I, an intelligent woman, teetering on the menopausal precipice of life, end up pretty much alone, financially struggling, in a strange city, staring at the wrong sid
Take the 2-minute tour × Is it any way to import/export Radio Station list of Rhythmbox? If not, could you please suggest me any good music player which has similar functionality like Rhythmbox? Thank you! share|improve this question You mean radio stations? –  Javier González Jan 14 '11 at 20:35 Yes, I mean radio stations –  Bakhtiyor Jan 17 '11 at 11:01 add comment 3 Answers rhythmbox stores information about all music-files in ~/.local/share/rhythmbox/rhythmdb.xml Entries concerning radiostations start with "entry type iradio". share|improve this answer Yeah you are right, I knew that before. But I am looking for some easier way, if one exists. –  Bakhtiyor Jan 15 '11 at 11:56 add comment here's a python script to do the same thing, i.e. extract names and locations of internet radio stations from the xml data base used by Rhythmbox: import xml.sax.handler import xml.sax import pprint class RhythmboxPlaylistHandler(xml.sax.handler.ContentHandler): def __init__(self): self.inRTitle = F
Dr. Gawande: Teams at heart of better care 05/12/2014 10:32 AM 02/15/2015 11:19 AM Dr. Atul Gawande received widespread attention after The New Yorker published his 2009 article about two Texas towns that were starkly different from each other in heath care costs and the culture of their medical communities. In one, a culture of profit-making led doctors to over-treat patients. In the other, costs were significantly lower because the doctors worked more as teams when treating a patient and focused more on quality of care than money. The clarity with which Gawande described the issues involved has made the article almost required reading for anyone working to solve the nation’s health care problems. Gawande, an associate professor at the Harvard University medical and public health schools and director of the World Health Organization’s program to reduce surgical deaths, was interviewed briefly after his UNC-Chapel Hill commencement address on Sunday. The interview has been edited for clarity and length.
The Wife Test by Betina Krahn, historical (2003) Berkley, $6.99, ISBN 0-425-19092-7 Structurally, The Wife Test is written in a way that mirrors the author's previous book, The Husband Test: we have a road trip for the first half of the book, court stuff in the second half, and enough stupid heroine antics to make me wish someone would swat all these horrible creatures to pancakes with some giant almighty fly-swatter. Seriously, watching Chloe of Guibray and her entourage of near-nuns crashing through the wilderness is like watching a bunch of children running through a Nazi concentration camp thinking it's a new Girl Guide jamboree gathering site. The stupidity begins early on, when our heroine Chloe persuades the elderly nun to let her, a know- it-all empty-headed loudmouth, lead the other four women from the Convent of the Brides of Virtue to England. See, the patron of the Convent, the Duke of Avalon, is unable to get his people to raise enough ransom to free him. So he decides to use his four "daughters
Southwestern Deserts September, 2000 Regional Report Improve Soil in Garden Beds To get the garden ready for fall crops, add organic matter, digging a 4- to 6-inch layer of compost into the soil to a depth of 12 to 18 inches, add fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorous (desert soils have plenty of potassium), and add soil sulfur (3 pounds per 100 square feet) to enhance drainage and reduce alkalinity. Plant Cacti and Succulents Propagate jointed cacti such as prickly pears and chollas by cutting them with a clean, sharp knife at the joint. Separate aloe and agave "pups" from their parents, retaining as much root as possible. Allow the open cuts to callus for a week before transplanting into well-drained soil. Their roots will rot if kept too wet. Fall Plant Selection Late September and October are prime planting months in the desert. Decide what types of plants you want in your landscape, what cultural requirements they have, and what conditions your landscape provides. Look through plant books
• Mon 49°F / 28°F Democratic Congresswoman Speaks Out Against Syria Military Strike Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call(WASHINGTON) -- President Obama's efforts to win congressional support for a resolution to hit Syria for its alleged use of chemical weapons got a lot tougher Monday when a Democratic congresswoman from his birth state said she wouldn't sign on to the plan. Tulsi Gabbard, who was elected to the House last November, knows something about war having served tours in both Iraq and Kuwait with the Hawaii National Guard. Gabbard acknowledges that she's disturbed by the deployment of chemical weapons that the administration claims was launched by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's forces. However, Gabbard says that after weighing all the evidence, "I have come to the conclusion that a U.S. military strike against Syria would be a serious mistake." A vote in the Senate for a resolution authorizing military force is expected to be close but the House appears to be another story with sentiment running heav
The BAM! Squad Jan 23, 20120 No. 2 - Surprise! Post comment as twitter logo facebook logo Sort: Newest | Oldest ditto Andrew--It feels good watching Nene bond with Marlo. The "talls" need each other to fight the opinionated short trolls. I am liking Marlo more and more. I don't see her as a loose cannon, I see her like a woman who stands up for herself and doesn't allow anyone to treat her like crap. Can't wait until Sheree goes off the show. She is really serving NO purpose. Nene's friendship with Marlo is the most set-up, contrived bit of "Housewife reality" I've seen to date. Nene can't get along with anyone so Bravo bought her a friend. I like the NeNe & Marlo combo. If Nene went by herself it would have been those 3 making snides remarks about her and Cynthia. As an outside observer it seems NeNe is so over being on this show. I think she "hangs on" because of the money and little else. Sheree still seems so bitter about life and I am not sure how she is funding her lifestyle. Kandi is becomin
San Francisco Giants: The Splash All about the San Francisco Giants Buster Posey to start tonight despite throat injury Thanks to rookie beat writer Alex Pavlovic, or as I call him my lineup fetcher until I say he isn’t, we now know that Buster Posey is starting tonight’s game against the Padres. Manager Bruce Bochy said Friday night he would check on Posey to see how he was doing after taking a bounced pitch to the throat. Posey apparently must be OK. He is due for a day off Sunday. Marco Scutaro, who was sick yesterday, must be feeling better, too. The lineup against lefty Eric Stults: 1. Pagan CF 2. Scutaro 2B 3. Sandoval 3B 4. Posey C 5. Pence RF 6. Nady LF 7. Belt 1B 8. Arias SS 9. Bumgarner P Categories: SF Giants
The Observer (Kampala) Uganda: Oil - Uganda Still Has Chance to Avoid Curse Tucked away in one of the tallest buildings in Kampala is the oddly named 'National Social Security Fund.' Oddly named because despite its intention to provide a soft landing for salaried employees, NSSF is hardly a pension fund. Most Ugandans in fact consider its deductions a form of taxation. Recently the NSSF managing director, the former banking official Richard Byarugaba, described the fund, now easily Uganda's wealthiest purse beside the Central bank, as a "monster." What he meant was that despite its lion size, the fund is little more than a pussycat in the economy, meowing, not roaring, scratching and not clawing forward at the opportunities around it. Around the world these days it is fashionable to talk of Africa's moment. On Sandhill road in the small but extra- wealthy city of Palo Alto where Silicon Valley investors eager for the next big find pitch their ventures, Africa is coming up regularly. These venture funds c
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21— A Congressional subcommittee investigating investments in the United States by President Ferdinand E. Marcos of the Philippines and his wife, Imelda, heard testimony today from two lawyers who said they were told Mrs. Marcos owned a Long Island estate and that she intimidated another investor in the property. Possible corruption and what the subcommittee chairman, Representative Stephen J. Solarz, a Brooklyn Democrat, called a ''headlong, multibillion flight of capital'' led by the Marcoses out of the Philippines, have become issues in the presidential elections scheduled there on Feb. 7. Another subcommittee member, Representative Toby Roth, Republican of Wisconsin, accused Mr. Solarz of trying to unfairly influence the outcome of the elections by holding the hearings now. Mr. Solarz said the subcommittee staff had begun investigating the Marcos holdings in September, before President Marcos called the elections. He said delaying the hearings might make it appear he was unfairly favori
EDNA MORRIS President, Quincy's Family Steakhouse, Spartanburg,S.C. Age: 45. Why she's rising: Many consider Morris the industry's most effective human resources executive; as president she has the chance to apply her natural leadership talents on a much wider scale. Ladder climbing: Executive vice president, human resources; senior vice president, human resources; vice president of education and training, Flagstar Companies. Schooling: B.A., Psychology (Phi Beta Kappa), 1974, University of ... Register to view this article Why Register for FREE? Already registered? here.
Stuff We Sell Diable du Feu! There aren't any comments yet, be the first to comment! Log in to comment Electric Cowbell ECR705 Karthala 72 Diable du Feu! At long last Electric Cowbell presents the mysterious dark and funky "Diable Du Feu" from the elusive Karthala 72. It's a monster full-length limited-edition (only 300 pressed!) 140-gram vinyl release with a bevy of remixes. The sound of a 1970?s psychedelic freakout only heavier than you ever heard it before. 1. Intro 2. Diable De La Feu 3. Marche De La Mort 4. Bahari Farasi 5. Armour Sombre 6. Triomphe Dieu De La Mer 7. Dans Le Coeur Du Feu 8. Trop Fort 9. Delores 10. Le Vieux Chien Marcel 11. Kishindo Hekalu Wa Roho 12. Lexpansion Bantoue
The Peace Pastor Pursuing Peace through Faith with the Rev. Marty Troyer Roots of Violence #3: Why did Jesus have to die? How did the violence of the cross come to be? And how was it that Jesus, whom we proclaim to be Son of God, came to be killed there? John allows us to sit in on a closed door meeting (John 11:47-50) of power brokers who choose the path of violence for a specific reason. They are not choosing to be evil. Nor are they choosing to appease a Holy God with a perfect sacrifice. No, they are choosing violence as a means to peace. Same script as Perry’s Texas (who will be executing it’s 500th person this spring), and Zero Dark Thirty’s myth of redemptive torture. [Read More]
Welcome to Global Credit Union Mon - Fri 8 am - 6 pm Planning for Retirement While saving and investing for your retirement can be complicated, in most cases it doesn’t have to be. A simple, step-by-step approach can help you build up an impressive sum with a surprisingly small amount of effort and outlay. Start early The sooner you begin to set money aside for your retirement, the longer your investments have to grow. By starting early you have the most powerful force in mathematics working for you: compound interest. With it, interest is calculated not only on the deposits you make but also on the accumulated interest from prior periods. Compound interest works best over time, which is why starting early is key. For example, if you were to put aside $100 per month beginning at age 30 you’d have about $216,000 at 65, assuming an 8 percent annual return. However, if you wait ten years, you’d have just $91,000 saved. The difference in contribution amount is small: $12,000 ($100 each month for 10 years)
Sign in to Your Account Done Forgot account info? Don't have an Account? Register Now! Done USA School Search Study Chemistry in the US Study Chemistry If you are an international student interested in studying science in the US, you might consider studying chemistry. Chemistry is considered the “central science”; it is the science of the molecular scale, and it is at the molecular level that major advancements are being made in areas such as medicine, nanotechnology, new materials, and the environment. A firm understanding of chemistry is required in order to fully understand most other areas of science. What is Chemistry? Chemistry is the study of the composition, properties and behavior of matter. Chemistry is referred to as the “central science” because it joins together physics and mathematics, biology and medicine, and the earth and environmental sciences. Because of this, knowledge of the nature of chemicals and chemical processes provides valuable insight into a variety of physical and biologi
Disappointed with congressmen’s votes August 4th, 2013    Author: Administrator    Filed Under: Opinion Dear Editor: Rather than standing up for the rights and privacy of American citizens, they chose to stand with the Administration and the NSA in their continuing quest to spy on millions of innocent Americans. House Republicans claim that they want an open discussion on the issue of government surveillance, but nothing could be further from the truth. What they really want is to keep the average citizen in the dark about exactly how vast the surveillance program really is. Our government is becoming increasingly out of touch and out of control. They are using 9/11 and the war on terror as an excuse to slowly but surely eliminate many of our basic rights and freedoms. Warrantless wiretaps, secret courts, indefinite detention of American citizens without due process, secret drone kill lists. How are any of these things consistent with our Constitution? How are any of these things consistent with the Ame
Literature Glossary If we had a nickel for every time someone asked us to define cliché… we'd have a nickel. According to the brightest literary minds, clichés should be avoided like the plague. So if you think clichés give you a way with words, abandon ship. At one time, every cliché was as fresh as a daisy and could take your breath away, but you know what they say: when there are too many cooks in the kitchen, these phrases just lose their cutting edge. Sometimes a cliché's not just a cliché (and it's not always a phrase, either). Shakespeare used clichéd characters with the best of 'em, but he did it on purpose. Now that's poetry. We dare you to write an entire paragraph entirely in clichés. But be warned: it's easier said than done. (Trust us.)
What is meta? × Possible Duplicate: Lose Rep Accomplishments… I have just gotten close-voting privileges on SO. Jeff in the past has talked about a rep-recalc coming in the future with downvotes being increased to -5 points; if this is done, I may well go below 3000 (I still don't understand some of my downvotes...). Will I lose my close-vote privileges? share|improve this question marked as duplicate by XMLbog, ChrisF, GEOCHET, Troggy, Shogging through the snow Nov 3 '09 at 22:10 The great recalc is a myth, like Atlantis and fat-free food that tastes good. –  XMLbog Nov 3 '09 at 20:48 I didn't think that podcast aired on April 1st? –  C. Ross Nov 3 '09 at 20:50 Fire and brimstone coming down from the skies! Rivers and seas boiling! Forty years of darkness! Earthquakes, volcanoes... The dead rising from the grave! Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! –  Adam Davis Nov 3 '09 at 20:52 Oh, it's not a myth. The Mayans predicted it... so did Nostradamus. It's a widely believed fac
Psalm 10 (English Standard Version) View In My Bible Why Do You Hide Yourself? 1 Why, O LORD, do you stand 1far away? Why 2do you hide yourself in 3times of trouble? 2 In arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the poor; let them 4be caught in the schemes that they have devised. 3 For the wicked 5boasts of the desires of his soul, and the one greedy for gain 6cursesa and 7renounces the LORD. 4 In the pride of his faceb the wicked does not 8seek him;c all his thoughts are, 9"There is no God." 5 His ways prosper at all times; your judgments are on high, 10out of his sight; as for all his foes, he 11puffs at them. 6 He 12says in his heart, "I shall not be moved; throughout all generations I 13shall not meet adversity." 7 14His mouth is filled with cursing and 15deceit and 16oppression; 17under his tongue are 18mischief and 19iniquity. 8 He sits in ambush in the villages; in 20hiding places he murders the innocent. His eyes stealthily watch for the helpless; 9 he lurks in ambush like 21a lion in his 22thicket; he 23
Smoking cigarettes is getting more and more taboo, even though some still cling to the habit and some embrace it with the accompanying pride of rebellion. In case you were wondering what that cigarette is doing to you, this one shows a graphic of amount vs. lung damage. There’s also a two sided cigarette, although we’re honestly not sure how that’s supposed to work. There’s also a cigarette with minutes counted down on it—according to the artist, it’s to let you watch how much of your life is slipping away. Barcelona-based Ernest Perera is responsible for these unusual and bewildering cigarettes. The Spanish are still very accepting of smoking in public places, making this designer all the more edgy.
Nance's dazzling "An Oversimplification of Her Beauty" anything but oversimplified By Sean Burns Share this Story: Terence Nance (left) and Namik Minter in "An Oversimplification of Her Beauty." “In layman’s terms, I got Friend Zoned,” Terence Nance announces late into An Oversimplification of Her Beauty, summing up in seven words this rambunctious multimedia kaleidoscope of missed connections and unrequited affection. Audacious, playful and sometimes quite sad, it’s also beyond self-indulgent and wears a little thin over the long haul. But still, what a dazzling debut. The title itself is something of a hoot, as there’s nothing oversimplified about this picture. It’s expanded from an autobiographical short film called How Would You Feel? that Nance made in 2010 as a devotional object for his dreamgirl (Namik Minter, whose name is redacted in the copious onscreen text, but cheerfully plays herself all the same). They’re friends without benefits, and Nance longs for so much more, bemoaning her “serious co
 Australia Flooding Creates Global Ripple Effect - World - CBN News - Christian News 24-7 - CBN.com Australia Flooding Creates Global Ripple Effect Ad Feedback As flood waters in Australia have covered an area larger than the state of Texas, Queensland Treasurer Andrew Fraser has called the flooding a "disaster of biblical proportion." The flooding is also having a global impact on wheat and coal prices. It has turned the city of Rockhampton's streets into raging rivers. "What's happening here in Rockhampton is - well, I don't think we're going to see it again for another 50 or 100 years," Anna Bligh, Queensland State Premier, said. "That's the nature of this event." Residents in the coastal city are bracing for the rising waters to peak sometime in the next 24 hours. Hundreds of people have already evacuated. Local police continue to go door- to-door to check to see if anyone's still in their homes. "We're still expecting that this potentially could be the second or third largest flood that this regio
If the answer to a question is patently in the official, easy to find, obvious documentation, the question has little value because: • it is a basic question that 99% of visitors would already know • the answer is already published • any answer given would not stay as current as official documentation So it should be closed, but the existing close reasons don't cover it. The most reasonable close reason would be a custom "...because the answer is available in official on-line documentation". However this situation happens more often (in my experience) than some of the other pre-canned reasons. What about adding a "the answer is available in official on-line documentation" to the menu? Yes, I know it's already cluttered. I'd vote for removing some of the "other site" shortcuts and move them into the "other site" menu (one more click, big deal), leaving the front off-topic menu for custom reasons. The close vote would require a link to said documentation. Like duplicates, 4 other people would need t
Good robots make jobs Kai Ryssdal: Marketplace's David Brancaccio is making a very solo car trip this week, a long lonely coast-to-coast drive in pursuit of the answer to this question: As technology becomes more and more powerful in our lives and in this economy, who's winning and who's losing? Who's working and who's not? Here's David with another installment of Robots Ate my Job. David Brancaccio: It's day four after leaving the beach in New Jersey an I'm outside Oklahoma City now, in 44 miles it will be the halfway point. I'm taking my travel buddy, Wilson the Robot Dog, for a walk in the parking lot before getting back into the car. Wilson the Robot Dog barks Try listening to that for another 1,600 miles. My silver plastic pal in his own AA battery powered way is a very rudimentary virtual companion and for people who know how to design, build or operate more cutting-edge robots it's a golden age of full employment -- as I discovered before the trip when visited one of the top robotics programs in
Procure por qualquer palavra, como sex: The list of people who are duche's and just dont get it. set up with code names to protect the identy of the guilty with varying levls of retardation. i swear if that guy calls one more time he's moving up on the old douchemeter. por olympiacos 21 de Dezembro de 2006
Source: http://www.sing365.com Long Shadow    ------Jackson United Another song about you Swore I wouldn't do this again It takes some getting used to strangers Become fast friends Eye to eye we're disagreeing on everything Getting closer now to desperate So desperately Stuck in frustration Holdin on to nothing to no one Stuck in frustration Holding out giving in moving on It's a long, long shadow from which I crawled out fo But I can't complain Whispers and riddles we stick to the middle It's harder every day Digging thru old thoughts of you sponsored links That never fit quite right Stained and burned and torn and bruised Now fight into fight I can't take this long I can't fake this strong I keep moving on Anger's my anchor I sink to the bottom Here come the vultures Circling closer
Answer a question Ask a question When feeding ur baby,how do u knw he or she is satisfied? Smtimes,my baby throws up immediately after eating .i can't say may b it's over feeding or he gets irritated by eatin a particular meal Posted: 04/03/2012 by Ayikra Mom Answers have you considered that he has reflux? sounds like it my baby is constantly spewing and throwing up he has pretty bad reflux posted 04/04/2012 by applepie77 Was this answer helpful? 0 out of 0 found this helpful Answer this question Featured video Your Pregnancy, Week by Week Your Pregnancy, Week by Week Have an account? Log in
New Posts  All Forums:Forum Nav: Halp, rewiring post #1 of 10 Thread Starter  Anyone has any idea why both drivers would require 3 wires? Can I wire them up in 2 wire per driver? post #2 of 10 All drivers I believe have 2 needed connectors: In (+) and ground (-). The reason some have 3 is because the 2 grounds are connected. For example, the Q701's left driver has 4 wires it appears. The 2 grounds are connected to the single pin on the 3 pin xlr, and then the right driver is connected via wire to the left driver, so it appears that the driver has 4 wires, when actually, it has only 2 needed. Do you have a multimeter? post #3 of 10 And also, how exactly are you wanting to require these headphones? Just recable, or reterminate, or balance? post #4 of 10 Thread Starter  No multimeter till tomorrow, recabling these headphones. It appears that the + of the left driver is connected to the right as well for some weird reason. Ground is the brown color cable that is soldered on the same place for both drivers.
Who the heck are these people? Highlight's social overload Too many people, too little privacy: new location-aware friend finder breaks privacy norms. I don't know you, but I know where you are. Screenshot by Rafe Needleman/CNET Unlike Foursquare or Facebook, it works without requiring check-in, which is what makes it cool. The serendipity factor is just through the roof. It'll tell you if a person you know (that is, a Facebook friend) is in the coffee shop where you are standing in line. That's assuming they are also a Highlight user. Which, if they're a geek in the Bay Area or at SXSW, is pretty safe bet. This thing is taking off. As Robert Scoble says, you can tell this app is important, because it's already winning a bunch of haters. And for good reasons. In fact, I have two. I've been using the app for barely 48 hours here in San Francisco, and already I'm overwhelmed with alerts from it, because Highlight seems to be designed to help you connect with people you don't know just yet: your Facebook
Maine and Maryland made history on election night by becoming the first states to legalize same-sex marriage by a popular vote. An hour ago, Washington officially joined in by confirming the passage of its own marriage equality measure, Referendum 74. Minnesota also contributed to this election's history-making by becoming the first state to defeat a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. To put the four-out-of-four sweep in perspective, before this year, marriage equality made 32 ballot appearances and lost every single time. That's a big fucking deal. Particularly when you take into account that Maine voters rejected a same-sex marriage bill just three years ago. Needless to say, celebration was well warranted, and cameras were happily on hand in three of the four states to capture the moment each marriage equality measure passed (or, in the case of Minnesota, the moment the anti- marriage-equality measure failed). Above: Minnesota (skip to the 3-minute mark); Middle: Maryland; Bottom: Main
January 4th, 2011 - 11:13 am That Second Twirl of Princess Boy Yesterday on the Today Show, Meredith Viera interviewed Cheryl Kilodavis and her self-described "princess boy," Dyson, age 5 (left). Dyson likes to dress up like a princess, wearing tutus and lots of pink. His mom used to push back against her son's inclinations, trying to redirect him toward trucks and other boyish things. But then her older son said, "Why can't you just let him be happy, mom?" She realized that her discomfort with her son's interests were more about her than about him. She has since allowed him to dress and play however he wants and wrote a children's book called "My Princess Boy" to help other kids and parents who may face a similar situation. Personally, I'm behind Dyson and allowing him to play however he wants, wear whatever he wants, go to school in tutus, or whatever. Lord knows my boys have enjoyed the not-so-occasional twirl in a fairy or ballerina outfit (see exhibits A and B below). I was a little conflicted, thoug
YOURSAY 'Speed does not kill, but reckless driving does. Nevertheless AES should not be privatised, for God's sake.' AG: AES trials on hold to address legal concerns your sayMahashitla: Out of almost 300,000 summonses issued, only less than 4 percent were paid. If AES (automated enforcement system) is not cancelled, in less than one year more than a million summonses would have been issued. The courts will be overstretched and hundreds of thousands of warrants of arrest will be issued. The police will have a field day bringing in offenders every day. Lock-ups will be crowded every night and more Black Marias will have to send these offenders to court every morning. Soon the prisons will be filled with speeding motorists. By not paying, the rakyat has sent a very strong message to this 'do what I want' government that they no longer tolerate its stupidity and greed anymore. Kgen: I don't think BN is going to give up the AES. It is too lucrative for their cronies. They are stopping the court charges becau
negotiating childcare arrangements- help needed (15 Posts) typographicerrors Tue 19-Mar-13 16:09:11 my partner and I are separating; after a long period of unhappiness on both our parts I have met someone else and cannot attempt to make things work any more. Partner is deeply hurt, angry, upset - understandably. I want to be sensitive to his feeling but also want to work out how we look after our two children - we have always shared parenting evenly and fairly as we both work full time. Partner wants me out of the house immediately and to retain custody of the children; I want a proper conversation about what we think is best for them rather than him dictate the terms. I dont really know where and how to begin to sort things out; me being in the house is creating tension that the children are picking up on but I feel anxious about leaving the family home without having some agreed arrangements in place about the children. Am I being unreasonable? Lonecatwithkitten Tue 19-Mar-13 18:58:50 I would make a lis
Harrison is bleeding out! At least, that's the nightmare Dex wakes to in the middle of the night when he hears his son cries out and finds what looks like bloody footprints. Luckily, it's just popsicle juice, and Harrison's biggest problem is a stomach ache from eating an entire box. Dex cleans him up and gives him Pepto — in full good-daddy mode. Meanwhile, Deb is also not feeling great: She's passed out drunk in her car. An officer finds her and arrests her for having hit a parking meter. Deb bursts out laughing before saying, "Mother s—t." (Always good for a new profanity, that Deb!) The cop, recognizing her, offers to call Dex, but she instead dials Quinn — who comes to Miami Metro and gets her out of trouble. In the light of morning, Dex arrives at the team's latest crime scene: Lyle Sussman's cabin. Sussman, however, is not where Dex found him last — hanging on the porch — but instead face down in a bloody heap, having been shot in the head. Dex suspects someone restaged the death to get the cops off
Twelve identical point charges q are equally spaced around the circumference of a circle of radius R. The circle is centered at the origin. One of the twelve charges, which happens to be on the positive x axis, is now moved to the center of the circle. Find the magnitude of the net electric force exerted on this charge. Express your answer in terms of some or all of the variables q, R, and appropriate constants. Want an answer? No answer yet. Submit this question to the community.
Memory Alpha Bhigbout Aen 36,784pages on this wiki Bhigbout Aen was the name of a deceased Acamarian. An autopsy performed on the deceased person's body revealed the cause of death to be cerebral hemorrhage. This hemorrhage was attributed to a sudden onset of tissue inflamation following a spinal injury. The deceased's death record was reviewed by the crew of the USS Enterprise-D in 2366. (TNG: "The Vengeance Factor") Bhigbout Aen seems to be named after John Bigbooté, a character from The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension. It was one of several references to the movie in the records. Advertisement | Your ad here Around Wikia's network Random Wiki
 You are in:  World: Africa Front Page  Middle East  South Asia  From Our Own Correspondent  Letter From America  UK Politics  Talking Point  In Depth  Commonwealth Games 2002 BBC Sport BBC Weather Tuesday, 9 April, 2002, 11:25 GMT 12:25 UK Rape - silent war on SA women South African protest against violence on women South Africans are mobilising against sexual violence test hello test By the BBC's Carolyn Dempster Rape is endemic in South Africa. On this the police, politicians, sociologists and rape survivors all agree. There is a silent war going on, a war against women and children. It is a fact that a woman born in South Africa has a greater chance of being raped, than learning how to read. One in four girls faces the prospect of being raped before the age of 16 according to the child support group, Childline. Campaigner Charlene Smith Charlene Smith, rape survivor and campaigner Believes solution to combating sexual violence lies in: • the way mothers bring up sons • greater community res
Meta Battle Subway PokeBase - Pokemon Q&A What are two other good moves for a XtremeKiller Arceus? (Tribute to a legendary Expert)? 0 votes A normal Arceus with Extreme Speed, Swords Dance and __________ and __________. Which moves would be good in the ______ sections? asked Feb 4, 2013 by Flare 1 Answer 2 votes Best answer Shadow Claw/Force (Credit to JCM for SF), Brick Break (Credit to JCM on BB), and Recover are 3 that come to mind. Brick Break takes Steels, Shadow Claw hits ghost types like Giratina which wall you, and Recover would be for recovery, but I suggest the first 2. As Ferrothorn and Giratina are both extremely common in Ubers, and if you run Recover, one of them walls you. answered Feb 4, 2013 by |SentByRavens| edited Feb 4, 2013 by |SentByRavens| I am completely with you Ben. Screwing ghost and steel types who try and wall you is much more satisfying than staying in long. Cause I hate ghost and steel types. Dems annoying I actually don't agree with you. Brick Break > EQuake for Steels,
View the buyer's guide chart here. Wireless networks are ubiquitous, but an enterprise environment demands much more than the simple wireless routers used on home networks. An enterprise-class router needs better security, better performance, and more features than lesser routers. Most importantly, however, an enterprise wireless router needs to be able to manage the keys used to access it. Watch Your Standards Wireless standards have stabilized substantially in recent years. The older 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g standards are well accepted. While you still need to make sure that the hardware in your router and the hardware you're going to use to connect wirelessly support the same standards, the odds are good that if you're OK with the speeds these standards provide, you're not going to have to worry about what will and won't work on your network. The 802.11n standard, however, raises more questions. 802.11n equipment provides much faster data transfer than the older standards, but often with a higher p
Subscribe Feedback English look up any word, like totes magotes: 2 definitions by Buffalo Danger! Expressing a physical art such as skateboarding in an excessively stylish manor. Derived from the English Gnarly meaning "Quite dandy" and the English suffixes dog shred meaning “to finely dice an animal that is larger than a cat yet smaller than a horse." *Note* The word's emphasis is largely expanded if surrounded by "cash-money" signs as shown in the example bellow. Do not become bamboozled, "Nardogshred" is not a widely accepted currency! Although acceptations are made if Rad Percy is taking up residence in your neck of the woods. That skate sesh was some straight up $gnardogshred$ A slang term used to refer to the STD crabs, usualy contracted over the internet. That website just gave me a bad case of the eCrawlers! gnardogshred crabs std a fonzie by Buffalo Danger! January 28, 2009 add a video add an image rss and gcal
Print and Go Back NFL [Print without images] Friday, September 15, 2006 Palmer has lofty expectations for 2006 By Graham Bensinger Special to Editor's note: Each week during the season Graham Bensinger will be talking with high-profile NFL figures for's Weekly Conversation. Graham Bensinger: Next week, Bengals-Steelers … what comes to mind when you think about that? Carson Palmer: They're the best team in football, a great opponent, and got us the last time we played them. It's a huge game. It's a division game and our rival. A game we need to win going in to their place [Heinz Field]. It's going to be exciting. Bensinger: What do you expect it to be like? Palmer:: It's going to be a knock-down fight and a drag-out, four-quarter battle. They are a very physical team and we're a physical team. We match up well. They have a good defense. We have a good offense. They have a good offense. We have a good defense. It's a very evenly matched game. Whoever executes better and plays their best football that day
[[quoteright:300:[[VisualNovel/{{Ever17}} http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/dohoho.jpg]]]] [[caption-width-right:300:[-Capping a pen with one eye closed: harder than it looks?-] ]]\ -> '''Hadul:''' Fire once and you'll be woozy. Fire twice, and you'll be half dead.\\ '''Gene:''' [[ParrotExposition So no multiple discharges, huh?]]\\ '''Hadul:''' Yes! Just like... well, [[FreudWasRight you know.]] --> -- ''Anime/OutlawStar'' (on the Caster Gun's DeadlyUpgrade) Any situation which is made, sometimes for comic effect, sometimes for dramatic effect, to look like another situation -- not in the sense that it is [[NotWhatItLooksLike mistaken for that other situation]] by any of the characters, just in the sense that we the audience see the resemblance. The characters do not. This sort of situation can lead to a MistakenForIndex plot if some other character hears it out of context. Alternatively it can refer to an [[CaptainErsatz ersatz]] of something more familiar that the audience would immediately
From Inside the Box: TV News and Buzz Follow Zap2it: A Few Words With ... 'Southland's' C. Thomas Howell: ' I get Tweeted all day long' c-thomas-howell-southland-tnt-325.jpgZap2it: Now that your "Southland" character, LAPD Officer Bill "Dewey" Dudek, is a regular, what's he up to? C. Thomas Howell: He has an old- school point of view and perspective. He's been on the force for 25 years and seen everything. He's jaded and hardened, doesn't trust anybody. All those things happen to these guys that have been on the force for that long. A lot of them retire or quit, can't take the heat. Zap2it: How do you see your role in the large ensemble cast of "Southland?" C. Thomas Howell: I just try to make our other actors look good. That's my job. I'm like the fullback on the team. I'm the guy that hits the hole and blocks when they're given the ball so they can score a touchdown. It's an unglorified position, really. We're not going to win a game unless somebody does it. Once you really understand your role ... tha
Business in China Recession's blessing Falling Western demand is keeping high-quality Chinese goods in China See article Readers' comments Jochen Chen Sir, a kind reminder: the picture attached to the article reflects a supermarket filled with people in Summer, but not the Winter. When in Summer, the world economic is still good, at least compared with the current situation. However, the supermarket may be nobody now. Actually what this article describes is very much true. Chinese has endured low-quality goods while exporting better quality ones. The reason, though many, may very much be that:. Government policies tilt towards export, subsidies are given to exports, hence average Chinese is paying foreigner to have a better quality product than themselves.. Government regulation is more strict when it comes to exports. They require better quality assurance. When tinted milk is found in majority of manufacturers in China, very few is found among exported products.. Competition for export is fierce a