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4,059,730 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Cna Daily News - Us | Catholic Charities prepares long-term aid for Colo. flood victims | Catholic Charities prepares long-term aid for Colo. flood victims
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(Before It's News)
Denver, Colo., Sep 17, 2013 / 03:22 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Catholic relief agencies in Colorado are assembling to provide long-term assistance for victims of the massive floods that have struck the state’s Front Range in the past week.
“It’s just been devastating,” said Geoff Bennett, vice president of shelter and community outreach for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Denver.
“It’s sad to see people losing their homes and in some cases people losing their lives. They’ve been in our prayers and we’re trying to figure out how to best assist.”
Bennett told CNA Sept. 16 that the agency is reaching out to parishes in affected areas “just to assess what the need is and how we can provide assistance.”
Many parishes are hosting community meetings about the disaster, caused by several days of record-setting rainfall in the normally dry climate, which triggered flash floods and a sustained increase in water levels.
“It sounds like they’re all just now trying to figure out what is going on,” he said, adding that Catholic Charities can serve as a resource for parishioners’ long-term needs.
Information about the extent of the disaster is still incomplete. At least seven people have died in the floods, and more than 1,200 people were still unaccounted for on Sept. 16, with power and phone service down in several areas.
More than 11,000 people have been evacuated, according to local reports, and nearly 18,000 structures have been damaged, some 1,500 of them destroyed.
The damage is widespread, affecting 15 counties along the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains and into the eastern plains. Among the most heavily affected are Boulder and Larimer counties in the north part of the state and El Paso county in the south. Some rural and mountain residents have been cut off from roads and communications networks.
President Barack Obama has declared the Colorado floods a major disaster and has authorized federal funds to help flood victims. Denver Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila has called for prayers for all those affected.
Glenn Good, regional director of Catholic Charities of Larimer County, said that the agency had to evacuate its homeless shelter in Fort Collins on Friday. It is assessing the facility, which “appears to be okay.” The agency is also attempting to locate any displaced clients.
The immediate emergency response is primarily handled by the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army, while Catholic Charities assists in long-term recovery.
“For the most part people are in shelters or staying with families or in motels,” Good said. “We’re in the process of trying to figure out these people’s needs and how we are going to help them move on.”
The agency is still helping hundreds of victims of the massive wildfires which struck Colorado in 2012, work anticipated to continue into next summer.
That disaster prompted the Catholic Charities affiliate and other agencies to form a long-term recovery group that will now be repurposed to help flood victims.
Good said that the recovery process for flood victims will be similar to the effort after the fires: with the help of Catholic Charities USA, the local agency will raise funds to help survivors. The agency has already established a process for survivors to meet with case workers to evaluate their needs and to set a plan for recovery.
However, insurance could pose a major problem for flood victims.
“Unfortunately, what I am hearing here in northern Colorado related to the flood, is that a lot of people did not have any flood insurance,” Good said. “So that’s going to be a great concern, obviously, if we are going to have a lot of people who are essentially uninsured for flood damage.”
Despite the challenges that flood victims are facing, Good said community support appears strong.
“There were a lot of people who wanted to help. All of our agencies have been inundated with people who want to not only volunteer their time, but also donate funds to help with the effort,” he noted.
“A lot of people are in need, but fortunately there are some people willing to give.”
Bennett explained that some aid could include gift cards for food and clothing.
The agency has applied for some emergency grants and is receiving donations, he explained. It has also partnered with government and private agencies “to work together and help as many people as we can.”
“Everyone is in our prayers. We know how difficult this can be,” Bennett said.
Donations to flood victim relief may be made through the Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Denver website at
Source: |
4,059,731 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Cna Daily News - Us | Scholars say love for the poor illuminates Pope’s first six months | Scholars say love for the poor illuminates Pope’s first six months
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(Before It's News)
Washington D.C., Sep 20, 2013 / 12:03 am (CNA/EWTN News).- In his first six months as Roman Pontiff, Pope Francis has shown his distinct style through a “prophetic” concern for the poor and a continuing outreach to those on the margins of society, say Catholic observers.
Kurt Martens, an associate professor of canon law at the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., told CNA that Pope Francis, through his actions, has “gained a lot of credit in secular society, among those who were skeptical towards the Church.”
A study by Pew Research Center, released Sept. 12, found that nearly 80 percent of Catholics in the U.S. hold a favorable view of Pope Francis, while just four percent said they hold an unfavorable view. Support among the general U.S. population was also high, with 58 percent of respondents saying they view the Pope favorably.
A Pew analysis explained that these numbers have remained “largely unchanged” since Pope Francis was elected six months ago, on March 13.
Martens noted that some of this support could be part of a “honeymoon phase,” which may decline as the Pope addresses more controversial topics. However, the scholar also said that non-believers and lapsed Catholics are finding the Pope largely sympathetic.
Among the highlights of the last six months, Martens said, was the Pope’s call for a Sept. 7 prayer vigil for peace in Syria, which drew 100,000 people to St. Peter’s Square and prompted thousands of similar local events around the world.
This vigil could foreshadow Vatican diplomacy’s return to the “golden years” of the John Paul II era, which witnessed victory over Soviet communism and the prevention of war between Chile and Argentina, the scholar said.
He suggested that Pope Francis’ public stands, combined with the skill of the Holy See’s new Secretary of State, Archbishop Pietro Parolin, could mean the Vatican will “play an even larger role” in international affairs than it has in the past.
“That would be great if the Holy See could play a renewed role as peacemaker in the world,” he said.
In addition, Martens praised the Pope’s “very strong attention to the poor,” characterizing this visible show of concern for those on the margins of society as “very evangelical and noble.”
He said that Pope Francis’ July 8 visit to refugee centers on the Italian island of Lampedusa was “very prophetic,” given the prevalent indifference to the plight of immigrants. The Pope was “reaching out to those people who were looking for a better future,” the professor said.
Father Daniel Pattee, T.O.R., the theology department chair at Franciscan University of Steubenville, said that the New Evangelization has been a theme in the Pope’s first six months.
“Pope Francis is concerned about so many Catholics becoming neglectful of their faith by soft-peddling its requirements,” he explained. “He has also attempted to light a fire among the hierarchy to what is most important about their shepherding God’s People and he has called upon bishops and priests alike to become men of service.”
Fr. Pattee suggested that Pope Francis’ decision to reside at Casa Santa Maria, rather than in the papal apartments, has helped boost his appeal.
“I think this Pope is reaching people on a daily basis by his decision to live no different from any of the priests throughout the world who serve in parishes,” he stressed. “This venue has given his papacy an accessibility to the day-to-day problems and difficulties that most people face in their lives as they go to work, serve in families, or attempt to minister to others.”
Daily Mass at the papal house makes attendees “feel like we are all in attendance at daily Mass with our parish priest,” he observed.
Looking to the future, Fr. Pattee said that Pope Francis will likely focus much of his papacy on the reform of the Vatican’s administration, the Roman Curia.
According to Martens, an expert on the curia who advises the U.S. bishops on canon law and church governance, this reform could be “most difficult” because it involves changing the mentality within the Vatican.
Careerism, communications problems and a lack of accountability are continuing problems in the curia, he said.
He noted with concern reports about Monsignor Battista Mario Salvatore Ricca, the newly appointed temporary prelate of the scandal-plagued Vatican Bank. According to Vatican analyst Sandro Magister, certain evidence of the priest’s alleged past homosexual relationship was missing or removed from his personnel file when he was appointed.
Martens described it as “a bit dangerous and a bit disappointing” that “these mistakes are made,” suggesting that the handling of the file deserves additional scrutiny.
“We still have a long way to go,” he said.
Faced with both the immense task of curia reform and the Church’s ongoing call to evangelize, Fr. Pattee said that the Holy Father’s personal witness thorough his actions and simple style of “living, preaching and governing the Church” are key.
Referencing the well-known “Prayer of St. Francis,” he said that the Pope is “more about actions than words, understanding than being understood, loving than being loved.”
Source: |
4,059,732 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | former Secretary of State – AMERICAN TODAY | It’s hard to believe that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is close to securing the Democratic nominee, but that is likely to become a nightmarish reality. In response to her progression on the campaign trail, the National Review has just released a three-minute video explaining the many reasons why Hillary |
4,059,733 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Cna Daily News - Us | Wyoming Catholic College ‘opens’ hearts to God’s will | Wyoming Catholic College ‘opens’ hearts to God’s will
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(Before It's News)
Lander, Wyo., Sep 22, 2013 / 04:47 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- As a new academic year begins, Wyoming Catholic College’s new president believes that his school offers students an education meant to integrate all aspects of the human person, allowing an openness to God.
“The physical, the poetic mode of education – the physical formation of students here – opens their hearts further, not only to the will of God for their life, but also for the intellectual, academic rigor that follows,” college president Kevin Roberts told CNA in a September interview.
He said that a “lack of engagement with God’s first book” – nature – is among the “crises facing modern society.” Part of Wyoming Catholic’s mission is to correct the tendency to “simply not appreciate enough” the natural beauty that is around us.
Wyoming Catholic was founded in 2007 to provide a liberal arts education that forms the whole human person in all his aspects – physical, spiritual and intellectual. The school is unique, even among Catholic liberal arts schools, for its inclusion of the physical: the curriculum includes a three-week camping trip, and horsemanship as well.
This “poetic mode” of education, which appeals to both the exterior and interior senses, and which also includes an emphasis on poetry and its memorization, is “so important for the development of the intellectual and moral virtues later on,” added Robert Carlson, who helped found the school along with Father Robert Cook, a priest of the Diocese of Cheyenne, and Bishop David Ricken, who was Bishop of Cheyenne from 2001 to 2008.
The vision for formation and education at Wyoming Catholic College is indebted to John Senior, who with Dennis Quinn and Frank Nelick ran the Integrated Humanities Program at the University of Kansas during the 1970s. Graduates of the program include Bishop James Conley of Lincoln and Archbishop Paul Coakley of Oklahoma City.
As a graduate student, Carlson worked with Senior on the program.
“I learned a tremendous amount about education, and what it should and should not be, experiencing those three professors.”
While teaching at Casper College in Wyoming, Carlson explained that he “became friends with Fr. Bob Cook and Bishop Ricken, and we spent a lot of time together, over pasta, and wine, et cetera, discussing education, and they of course were introduced to this Integrated Humanities Program and John Senior, and I got them quite excited about it.”
Senior, Carlson explained, is the “immediate cause of the motivation and inspiration for the founding of Wyoming Catholic College,” but Senior considered himself to be merely a “doorman to the great minds” such as Plato, Aristotle, Dante, Thucydides and Herodotus, whom Carlson called the remote causes of the school’s founding.
Following in Senior’s vision, the professors at Wyoming Catholic are meant to be “doormen,” facilitating the students’ encounter with the profound thinkers of the Western tradition.
Roberts, the college’s new leader, said that the first part of his role as president is to “emphasize its roots, its foundation,” which was given to it by its founders. He then added that “the second is leading us from this transition phase to the next 10, 20 years, which will involve the building of a new campus.”
“But the key point I want to make, is that colleges and schools are people – they’re not buildings.”
“And what we’re doing this year, and I hope forever, is relishing in the human beings around us. I think that’s what the founders did so well, in the years leading up to the college, and in the first stage of the college.”
Roberts added that “what we want to do is bottle that and harness it, and ensure that the supernatural joy that Bishop Ricken, and Dr. Carlson and Fr. Cook set in motion, is something that’s sustained over the years.”
Roberts, who co-founded John Paul the Great Academy, a primary and secondary classical school in Louisiana, prior to becoming president of Wyoming Catholic, said that at the academy “my faculty and I became devotees of John Senior and the Integrated Humanities Program in Kansas. We were, of course with secondary education, trying to perfect our own practice of the poetic mode of education.”
“So in a profoundly spiritual sense, as well as a professional one, I felt called to come here, in large part because not only does the college commit itself to a robust formation of faith, but it does that by using the John Senior approach of opening the door to the great minds of civilization.”
He added, “I think we’re in a really good spot … to continue that moving forward. We don’t want to deviate from that unique mission that Dr. Carlson set out … our goals here are grand, magnanimous: they’re for the glory of God.”
Roberts emphasized that he was drawn to Wyoming Catholic because “anyone who visits here, experiences a supernatural joy that I’ve not seen anywhere else.”
Even though he has been drawn back into higher education, Roberts remains “deeply immersed in efforts to bring a classical curriculum to as many secondary Catholic schools as possible.”
He noted that “an increasing number of bishops and superintendents of education, and dioceses around the country” are coming to understand and appreciate the value of an “authentic Catholic liberal education.”
The adoption of classical and liberal arts education, he said, “is I think the only way we’re going to renew Christian society, in the U.S. and beyond.”
Together with physical and intellectual formation, Wyoming Catholic College offers spiritual formation, including daily Mass. Roberts said, “we believe very firmly that Wyoming Catholic College should stand with the Church in its entire liturgical tradition, which is why we’re committed to offering both the extraordinary and ordinary forms, and occasionally the Byzantine rite.”
“Because we are committed to the three transcendentals, what is good, beautiful and true, in the highest form of prayer, the Mass, we need to be emulating that,” he added.
Zach Thomas, a junior at the school, said that “every day I’m nourished by the sacraments, I’m encouraged by the teachers, by my fellow students,” adding that the “ability to live in a real Christian community” has been the most important result of his formation there.
The community naturally engendered within the culture of Wyoming Catholic College has resulted in strong relationships between faculty and students, with faculty and their families becoming friends with their students, inviting them over not only for class sessions, but also for poetry readings, croquet matches, music, and dining.
“Families are a constant part of the students’ life, and it’s great to see how much the students attach themselves to the teachers and their families, and admire them as role models,” Thomas reflected.
He concluded that the opportunity to get “breathing room” from the constant flow of incoming electronics has been among the “most valuable aspects” of his time at the college.
“The physical aspect of being in Wyoming, of being immersed in the purity and the depths of the outdoors, has been really formative.”
Source: |
4,059,734 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Andrea Tantaros Drops The HAMMER On Obama’s FBI Director… She’s EXACTLY Right | Throughout the duration of the Orlando shooting and its aftershock, the internet has been set aflame by a multitude of hypothetical scenarios and concurrent debate about them.
One of the biggest mysteries is how Omar Mateen, the Pulse shooter, was able to legally obtain a firearm despite prior investigations of him by the FBI.
“Our work is very challenging. We are looking for needles in a nationwide haystack. But we’re also called upon to figure out which pieces of hay might someday become needles,” FBI Director James Comey stated.
The fiery Andreas Tantaros didn’t take that too well. In a blunt tweet, she stated, “He was under surveillance & interviewed by the FBI 3 TIMES. That’s not a needle, that’s a ticking Islamist time bomb.”
She’s exactly right. The inability of the FBI to take action after three red flags have been thrown was quite curious.
We don’t want to advocate denying any American citizen, which Mateen was, his Second Amendment rights, even if he has been investigated by law enforcement three times — such individuals remain innocent until proven guilty, and if the law can deprive them of their rights on the basis of an unproven accusation, than all of our rights are at risk.
That said, how many investigations does it take Obama’s federal law enforcement officers before they realize that they have a potential terrorist on their hands? It’s hard to imagine that if the FBI were less hindered by political correctness, its agents could have determined the nature of the threat Mateen presented to the American public.
The alternative — that a radical Muslim could pull off the deadliest mass shooting in American history without ever having given law enforcement reason for concern — is too dreadful to contemplate.
Please share this story and let us know what you think of Andrea Tantaros’ tweet. |
4,059,735 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet | Worldview Archives | REVIEW ROUNDUP
All three of today’s books deal with how Christians should think and talk about sexuality. What I really like about them..Read more |
4,059,736 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet | Youth Reads: Shatterworld | (Note: This review contains spoilers.)
The Starflower left Earth seven years ago, carrying Christians who had been persecuted for their Christian faith and threatened by possible nuclear attack from the east. With only a few memories of Earth, Rejoice Holly has lived on the spaceship for most of her life. When she finally arrives on New Earth, she struggles to find her place. She is expected to be a farmer’s wife, but her most passionate desire is to be an astronomer, though this is deemed a useless profession by the colony. Allowed to use a telescope, Rejoice discovers an asteroid—which is, of course, set to destroy her new home.
And this will not be disastrous just for the humans. The native species of New Earth, the hexacrabs, cannot survive another asteroid.
On the whole, Leila Rose Foreman’s “Shatterworld” is an entertaining read. Foreman masterfully creates her planet and the alien race who inhabit it, the hexacrabs. Somewhat similar to jellyfish, the hexacrabs are intelligent tentacled creatures. When the colony discovers the hexacrabs and begin attempting to communicate, the new relationship is engrossing. Different cultures intertwine as the creatures trade and talk with the humans and each species learns about the other. Foreman uses beautiful imagery to help the colonists translate complex ideas to the aliens. For instance, space, as one man describes it, is a sea above the sky.
Meanwhile, the tensions within the Holly family and the stresses they face, though caused by issues we might not be familiar with, are meaningful and realistic. Stronghold, Rejoice’s older brother, seems to face depression. He is bitterly angry with his parents for bringing him to New Earth. He lashes out several times, abandons his faith, and even thinks of suicide. But by the end of the book, he finds his place and realizes the pain he has caused his family. He accepts his position and his calling and grows to love his family again. The growth of Stronghold’s character is very deep and hopeful.
Although there are many beautiful and interesting elements in the book, it seems to be missing something. The major conflict of the book (the asteroid) is introduced awkwardly late in the book and very quickly resolved—by a 13-year-old girl. While the book is science fiction, many details like this seem too far-fetched to be taken seriously. The translation device used to talk to the hexacrabs, for example, is invented far too quickly. Everything in the book moves a little too fast; there is very little indication that much time has passed between significant events.
Additionally, there are a few short chapters that showcase the thoughts of the aliens. While initially interesting, these chapters break up the action. And though these chapters crucially show the “humanity” and intelligence of these creatures, the terminology they use is confusing rather than enlightening.
The Christian elements of the story, while interesting, also seem oddly disconnected from the rest of the book. Rejoice and her brother do not have a solid foundation of belief: All they know is that their parents are Christian. Thus, the traditional Christian elements of the book, in stark contrast to the technology and futuristic atmosphere, seem very much annoying and out of place. This could be made into a successful juxtaposition, but the way it was actually done here left me unsatisfied.
There is also little to no mention of the moral question of colonizing space. Yes, the colonists feel called to their decision to migrate, and the book ultimately gives them an important purpose on the planet. While reading, however, I could not help but think of C.S. Lewis’s Space Trilogy and the questions it raises. Is it moral to attempt to continue the human race on other planets, or might it be, as Lewis argues, immoral and even arrogant? Exploring this question could have added more profound meaning to the book. However, the end of the book leaves us wondering not whether the characters will think on this moral question, but whether they will succeed in preventing the asteroid from destroying New Earth.
“Shatterworld” is the first in a projected trilogy by Foreman. Despite the book’s flaws, I very much look forward to finding out what happens to Rejoice and discovering more of this intriguing planet and its inhabitants. I believe the middle-school readers at whom the book is targeted will enjoy them too.
Image copyright Written World Communications. Review copy courtesy of the author.
Samantha Van Slyke is a student at Grove City College.
Articles on the BreakPoint website are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BreakPoint. Outside links are for informational purposes and do not necessarily imply endorsement of their content. |
4,059,737 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Jeff Corwin – AMERICAN TODAY | Birds who wish to come into the country illegally have found a friend in MSNBC. According to a segment aired today on the network, the proposed border wall between U.S. and Mexico will now face a legal challenge from Congressman Raul Grijalva of Arizona and the Center for Biological Diversity: According to |
4,059,738 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | U.S. citizenship – AMERICAN TODAY | Barack Hussein Obama has been desperately trying to keep his college records sealed ever since he first entered the White House. He was very successful in this endeavor: until now. Recently, “Americans for Freedom of Information” released copies of Obama’s transcripts from Occidental College, and what they revealed could get him |
4,059,739 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet | Youth Reads: Soundless | What would it be like to suddenly be able to hear when you have been deaf from birth? To complicate matters further, what if you have grown up in a land of the deaf and among a people where the ability to hear has been lost for centuries? With no one to guide you, would sound even make sense to you? In Richelle Mead’s “Soundless,” this unexpected gift of hearing is just the first in a series of events that will challenge everything that Fei and her community believe about the world, but it also may be part of the key that will unlock their future.
Fei and her older sister Zhang Jing, like everyone they have ever known, are deaf. They are also part of an elite caste of artists who chronicle the life of their mountaintop village through calligraphy and the painting of daily scenes that are then hung in the center of town for all to see every morning.
Lately, though, many of those pictures have depicted great suffering among the people, as there is very little food available and more and more villagers are inexplicably going blind. Trapped by blocked passes and the threat of avalanches should they attempt to climb down from their lofty home, the villagers rely on a zip line for food and supplies from the township below in exchange for the metals they mine. However, as more and more workers lose their sight and resort to begging for a living, the community’s output of metal is decreasing, resulting in an increasing shortage of food.
In frustration and desperation, Fei and Li Wei, a handsome young miner, secretly attempt the dangerous climb down the mountain so they can try and reason with the line keeper. However, what they discover there will shake them to the core.
Mead departs radically from her more bloodthirsty tales of vampires and demons in a stand-alone novel set in ancient China that includes only a touch of fantasy. Fei is a strong and sympathetic heroine whose talent, courage, and willingness to do whatever it takes to save her people will appeal to a broad base of readers. Li Wei, Fei’s childhood friend and former sweetheart, also makes for a solid romantic lead. Unfortunately, as the plot is fairly straightforward and the book is relatively short, Mead does not take the time to truly develop either character to their full potential. We get glimpses of depth and interior struggles now and then, especially in Fei’s case, but are still left wanting more.
As for some of the supporting cast members, such as the scholarly Xiu Mei, her dishonored ex-soldier father, and the blond-haired, green-eyed foreigner Lu Zhu, their intriguing pasts are merely touched upon, leaving one with the frustration of a piqued but unquenched curiosity.
Still, Mead does give her readers a chance to dig below the surface somewhat by throwing a bone to those who know a bit of Chinese, even though without the presence of Chinese characters in the text the meanings of names and place names can only be assumed. For example, the land below the mountain is part of Beiguo, which in Chinese can mean “North Kingdom.” Xiu Mei can be translated as “graceful, pretty, and charming,” which are all good descriptions of the girl in the book. Similarly, Li Wei can be a combination of the Chinese characters for “strength” and “protect,” both of which describe Fei’s companion. Even Fei’s name could be a subtle take on her personality as one of its more common meanings is “to fly,” an apt description of a protagonist who soars above the rest. It might also be a nod to her connection with the legendary pixius, winged lion-like creatures from Chinese mythology who play a small but important role in the book.
Unlike the bulk of Mead’s other books, there is very little in her latest novel that Christian readers will find objectionable. Although there is the religious overlay of China’s ancient belief in evil spirits, the main characters do not buy into it. Nor are the pixiu seen as gods, which is definitely one way the story could have gone. Additionally, Fei and Li Wei resist various temptations that come their way, including sexual temptations, even though they are highly attracted to each other. Even alcohol is shunned in favor of tea in one scene. The absence of vulgarity is another point in the book’s favor, and even though there is some violence it is not terribly graphic.
In short, “Soundless” is a pleasant surprise. Even though the backstories of the characters and the world they inhabit are never fully revealed, the plot is engaging and enjoyable enough to make up for this lack. Rich with themes of self-sacrifice, unconditional love, and the overcoming of personal handicaps, Mead’s book is definitely worth reading.
Image copyright Razorbill. Review copy purchased from Hastings.
John E. Roper, in addition to his role as a missionary/pastor/teacher in Africa, has written for USA Today, the Arizona Republic, the Daily Oklahoman, the US Review of Books, and more.
Articles on the BreakPoint website are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BreakPoint. Outside links are for informational purposes and do not necessarily imply endorsement of their content. |
4,059,742 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | JUST IN: Trump Makes MAJOR Independence Day Announcement – Liberals HATE IT | President Trump recently gave his very first Independence Day speech this past Saturday in front of crowds of civilian and military families. Now he’s made an announcement about his plans for the day, and liberals are not going to be very happy.
The Washington Examiner reports that President Trump is going to spend Independence Day at the White House with some of our fine military and their families for a night that they will never forget. The traditional dinner and festivities go back decades, and now we have a REAL reason to celebrate. Our country is finally back on the path to being GREAT again!
Their day is going to start out on the South Lawn for a picnic and time to sit outside and enjoy the weather. It is going to be an amazing occasion, and there are, without a doubt, going to be tales told from the brave soldiers attending the event.
After the picnic, everyone is going to gather on top of the Truman Balcony to get ready for the fireworks as dusk approaches. It is times like this that show how far we have come as a country, and how much work we still have yet to do.Personally, we are hoping to see great coverage of heartwarming stories about veterans from around the country. Call it a hunch, but we have a feeling the mainstream news outlets are going to be using this occasion to ramble about talks of impeachment and treason.It is pathetic that these people cannot get together for ONE day and honor our country. We should all be proud to be Americans and to celebrate each other on our Independence Day.
Instead, there is going to be mud slung from the Left all day long. They are going to be upset if they are unable to get a reaction from the president while he is handling IMPORTANT matters.This situation is an excellent example of how the media treats our veterans on a day to day basis. These so-called “journalists” would rather talk about the myth that Trump and Russia are working together than discuss all of the good things Trump has done for veterans everywhere.President Trump has fundamentally changed the way that our veterans are cared for, and not a word has been uttered about it from the MSM. The Left should be ashamed of themselves. While we are celebrating our independence from Great Britain and honoring our military, these guys are going to be spewing hate.
Happy Independence Day! |
4,059,743 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | VIDEO: Top Democrat Storms Fox News And Shreds Fox’s Clinton Benghazi Lies | Rep. Xavier Becerra, who is rumored to be on Hillary Clinton’s VP short list, stormed Fox News and shredded one of the biggest lies about Hillary Clinton and Benghazi.
Let us know what you think about this… |
4,059,744 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Hillary Clinton Proclaims Her Love For Islam, What She Said Might Make You Vomit | America was founded on Christian beliefs. But you wouldn’t know that listening to President Barack Obama or presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
Time and time again, in the wake of tragedy, Clinton and Obama have come to the defense of Muslims. They have essentially ignored attacks on Christians.
“I want to remind us, particularly our Republican friends, that George Bush was right,”
Clinton said in a recent speech, referencing a comment made by Bush in 2001. |
4,059,745 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | VIDEO: Farrakhan Says Trump Is RIGHT About Banning MUSLIMS Because.. | Watch this stunning video that discusses the hidden agenda of Islam in instituting widespread Sharia Law. Minister Louis Farrakhan Says Donald Trump Is Right About Banning Muslims Because They Hate America..
Let us know what you think about this.. |
4,059,746 | conspiracy | | 2017-11-27 | | null | BREAKING – We Now Know WHO Is Behind the Effort to BLOCK Trump’s Refugee Order | Sponsored:
Once again, the corrupt Democrats are trying to stop Donald Trump from improving this country. And one man is behind it all.
George Soros is backing the immigration lawyers who filed a lawsuit against the executive order signed by Donald Trump, which has halted immigration from specific nations. (via Breitbart)
The order halted visas for 90 days for both “immigrants and non-immigrants” from the following list of countries: Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Syria, Sudan, and Libya.
It also halts the entry of refugees for 120 days, blocks refugees from Syria indefinitely, and lowers the yearly amount of refugees allowed into our country to 50,000. While the pause is in place, Trump’s administration will be working on a better vetting system for immigration.
Many are filing lawsuits against this executive order. For example, one lawyer is representing Iraqi refugees who were held at the Kennedy International Airport. They wanted their clients released and also want to represent others who are being detained “unlawfully.”
These lawsuits have been filed by lawyers from various organizations, including the International Refugee Assistance Project, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the National Immigration Law Center, the International Refugee Assistance Project (formerly Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project) from the Urban Justice Center, and the Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization from Yale Law School.
And many of these organizations are funded by George Soros. The ACLU is funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundation. In 2014 alone, they gave the ACLU a grant of $$50 million. All of the other organizations have received several Open Society donations.
Another connection is Taryn Higashi, who is a director of the International Refugee Assistance Project, and is on the advisory board for one of Soros’ Open Society Foundations– the International Migration Initiative.
Soros, a huge open borders supporter, has given millions to immigrant causes, and heavily influenced Obama’s immigration policies. Leaked Open Society documents revealed that Soros sent Obama a personal letter on the issue of accepting more refugees.
Obama increased the amount of refugees allowed into the US yearly to 100,000. George Soros, and Obama’s compliance to his wishes, have flooded our country with illegals and refugees who put our nation in danger.
This executive order goes against everything that Soros has been working for. He wants to dismantle this country and create a world without borders. So, now Soros is trying to prevent Trump’s order from taking effect, by channeling his money into the organizations who are throwing lawsuits at Trump’s administration. Who knows, he may have even ordered them to put forth the suits in the first place.
But, Soros will not succeed, not as long as the American people are able to stand up against him. Trump is doing what is best for this country, and we need to support him in any way we can.
Click here to get my DAILY Trump email newsletter free!!
What do you think about the lawsuits funded by Soros? Please share the story on Facebook and tell us because we want to hear YOUR voice! |
4,059,747 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet | Youth Reads: The WondLa Trilogy | (Note: This review contains spoilers.)
Imagine spending most of your childhood alone in an underground sanctuary with only a robot called “Muthr” as your teacher and companion. You have never seen another human, yet you have prepared to one day emerge, face the dangers of an outside world, and join with others of your kind.
But then imagine the unthinkable occurring: Your sanctuary is suddenly violated by an alien intruder; you barely escape to the outside world, and then you make the shocking discovery that nothing is like what the holographic programs have taught you. In fact, you may be the only person of your species alive on the planet, which may or may not be Earth.
This is how Tony DiTerlizzi’s highly engaging WondLa trilogy begins. But while this futuristic fairy tale may be vastly entertaining on the surface, its underlying worldview leaves much to be desired.
In “The Search for WondLa,” Eva Nine is only 12 years old when forced to abandon the only home she has ever known. Suddenly, she finds herself encountering bizarre and sometimes deadly flora and fauna that even her Omnipod can’t identify. Nor is this handheld computer much help with the grumpy and slightly inebriated blue alien who is squatting in the abandoned remains of an identical sanctuary to hers. Things take a definite turn for the worse when she and the alien, whom she later discovers is named Rovender, are captured by the same bestial marauder who invaded her home.
However, despite her young age and inexperience with the dangers of the surface world, Eva Nine is far from helpless. Clever, resourceful, and uncommonly brave, she manages to outwit her captor and escape with Rovender and a giant water bear named Otto with whom she can somehow telepathically communicate. Determined to find the paradise she sees in a scrap of illustrated cardboard with the word “WondLa” on the top, she reunites with Muthr and, along with Rovender and Otto, sets off on a perilous journey of discovery.
“A Hero for WondLa” begins with Eva Nine and Rovender in the ruins of New York City, where they are waiting for the teenage Hailey, the only other human they have yet encountered, to ready his airship to transport them to Attica, the world’s last remaining human city. But Attica is hardly the utopia they’re searching for. Instead, it is a society where the citizens live seemingly carefree lives but are completely ignorant of what the outside world is really like. The city’s enigmatic leader, Cadmus Pryde, is also unaware that his moves to safeguard his people and restore their place on the planet are being subverted by an “ally” who is secretly bent on humanity’s destruction. As Eva Nine, her newfound older sister, and her friends attempt to expose the truth and save Orbona (Earth) for man and alien alike, they will be tested as never before. And Eve Nine, who is not like any other being on earth, will begin to discover just how special and powerful she really is.
The final book in the series, “The Battle for WondLa,” pits Eva Nine and her friends against a devious being named Loroc who is perfectly willing to level cities and extinguish entire species to accomplish his goal of world domination. His lies and political machinations sow seeds of distrust and chaos, and Eva Nine will have to trust those who once sought her death for help in stopping him. Yet even this aid may not be enough to thwart an ever-changing enemy who seems to hold all the cards. But then again, Eva Nine is a child of prophecy, and can even the mighty Loroc stop what is destined to be?
Gripping and fast-paced, the books can be difficult to put down. DiTerlizzi, a master storyteller whose previous series, The Spiderwick Chronicles, eventually reached the big screen, knows all the techniques needed to create a world that is both profoundly alien and yet human enough to lure in his audience. Unfortunately, for some Christian parents, his superb craftsmanship may not be enough to make up for the non-Christian worldview at the heart of the story.
DiTerlizzi’s Orbona is ultimately controlled by an entity similar to Mother Earth who is aided by an alien device that is bringing life back to the planet via a virus. Rapid evolution is rampant on Orbona, with even a form of lichen in the city ruins becoming an intelligent species in the space of several centuries. For some unexplained reason Eva Nine is able to tap into the earth’s energy, the “hum” of the world, which enables her to feel from a distance all plants and wildlife, and then ask them to do her bidding. Add to this base a touch of shamanism, reincarnation, a fear of spirits, a belief in fate, and occasional bits of graphic horror, not to mention some drinking, and one can see that despite having many excellent elements, the books may not be suitable for all readers.
Would most young teens enjoy these books? Undoubtedly, as they are extremely well-written and filled with fascinating creatures and landscapes. Ultimately, however, due to the issues listed above, some Christian parents may feel that WondLa is not that wonderful.
Image copyright Simon & Schuster. Review copies obtained from the publisher.
John E. Roper, in addition to his role as a missionary/pastor/teacher in Africa, has written for USA Today, the Arizona Republic, the Daily Oklahoman, the US Review of Books, and more.
Articles on the BreakPoint website are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BreakPoint. Outside links are for informational purposes and do not necessarily imply endorsement of their content. |
4,059,748 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Gina Dalfonzo, Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet | Youth Reads: The Sleeper and the Spindle | (This review contains major spoilers.)
Neil Gaiman is one of the most beloved and acclaimed fantasy writers working today, and the winner of several awards, including the Newbery and Carnegie medals. He has a gift for taking classic archetypes and tropes and putting a fresh spin on them, in beautifully written prose. “His style,” as another BreakPoint writer has written, “is simple, straightforward, and enchanting.”
So I had high hopes for Gaiman’s most recent book “The Sleeper and the Spindle,” a short fairytale retelling for grade 7 and up, illustrated by his frequent collaborator Chris Riddell. Unfortunately, my hopes were not destined to be fulfilled.
“The Sleeper and the Spindle” weaves together two fairytales — Snow White and Sleeping Beauty — although those characters’ names are never actually used. The story begins as “the queen,” Snow White, is preparing for her wedding, which is just a week away. But she is called away by news of a mysterious plague in a neighboring kingdom, which causes people to fall asleep and never wake up. Accompanied by her old friends the dwarves, she dons her armor and sets off to help.
The story contains some interesting and original twists, and it makes good points about selfishness and the lust for power and admiration. Yet both the plot and the characters are slight — much slighter than they needed to be even in a short story. We never truly feel that we know them, or, in most cases, that we understand their motivations for their actions.
This is especially problematic with the queen. It’s clear from the start she doesn’t really want to get married — the sour expression on her face in Riddell’s first drawing of that would make it very clear by itself, but Gaiman’s text confirms it:
“She wondered how she would feel to be a married woman. It would be the end of her life, she decided, if life was a time of choices. In a week from now, she would have no choices. She would reign over her people. She would have children. Perhaps she would die in childbirth, perhaps she would die as an old woman, or in battle. But the path to her death, heartbeat by heartbeat, would be inevitable.”
However, nowhere are we told exactly why Snow White’s prince inspires such grim feelings of mortality in her. We’re told almost nothing at all about him at any point, except that he’s “pretty.”
Gaiman has been very upfront about his desire to flip a lot of the fairytale tropes and traditions regarding men and women on their heads (see some of the quotes on this page). But he does a poor job of it here, by portraying the traditional male hero as completely unnecessary and even annoying. It’s the queen who kisses Sleeping Beauty awake; the scene, and Riddell’s accompanying drawing, are not sexualized at all, but they quite clearly signal that no prince is needed here, for any reason.
This is hardly an original move — “Maleficent” famously did it, well before this — and it’s also a lazy one. It’s lazier to set up a situation where the women do everything and the men (aside from the dwarves) are superfluous, than it is to allow them both a part to play. And when the queen leaves her prince and her kingdom and disappears “into the night” at the end of the story, we still don’t know exactly why. (Nor do we know why, after many people died trying to get through the thorns and rescue Sleeping Beauty, the queen was the first person to have the novel idea of burning the thorns down. Apparently she’s the only person in the story allowed to have a fully functioning brain.)
I hesitate to say it of a highly talented and respected writer, but I can’t help feeling that Gaiman phoned in most of this story. He may be trying to update old tropes, but to do it he relies far too heavily on modern tropes, and it feels as if he’s never examined them to determine whether they’re truly better than the old ones. He may have a commendable desire to treat women and girls with dignity, but in stripping men of theirs, he does his characters and his story no favors.
(Other content issues: a couple of very mild profanities and a little violence, not graphic or explicit.)
Image copyright HarperCollins. Review copy obtained from the reviewer’s local library.
Gina Dalfonzo is editor of and Dickensblog.
Articles on the BreakPoint website are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BreakPoint. Outside links are for informational purposes and do not necessarily imply endorsement of their content. |
4,059,749 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Schumer Flashback: Obama ‘Deserves’ to Pick His Cabinet Without Obstruction [VIDEO] | Here’s another example of amnesia among Democrats showing the selective memory they engage in when it’s politically expedient.“We were for it before we were against it” is a popular motto among Democrats. Another might be, “When we do it, it’s okay, when Republicans do it, it’s not.” Enter Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer who sounds a lot different these days than he did four years ago.
Currently, Democrats are building a wall, of sorts, against every Cabinet pick President Trump has made. Lawmakers have gone out of their way to obstruct Jeff Sessions and Betsy DeVos from taking their positions in the new administration. But now that they’re officially in, the next step for Democrats is to go after their character and sow seeds of doubt in their abilities.But Schumer had a much different take on this tactic when Barack Obama was president and Democrats were in the majority. At the start of Obama’s second term, he accused Republicans of holding the government hostage and “paralyzing” the executive branch by moving slowly on his nominees, just like the Dems are doing now.
At that time, Schumer said:“Just about everyone in America — Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative — believe that once you elect a president, he deserves his choices to run the executive branch.“But a new tactic has been introduced to try to paralyze the executive branch the way they’ve paralyzed the legislative branches because they really don’t want the government to function.” WATCH:
source |
4,059,750 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | BREAKING: Major Clinton Donor CAUGHT! Here Is The Shocking Reason Why… | Clinton Foundation mega-donor and longtime Clinton family friend Gilbert Chagoury was denied a visitor visa by the State Department in 2015 for terrorism-related reasons according to government documents, the LA Times reports. Chagoury’s visa denial derived from his political support for Michel Aoun, a Lebanese Christian politician whose political party is part of a coalition with Hezbollah, the Shiite Muslim group backed by Iran and which currently holds a terrorist organization classification by the U.S. government.
According to the LA Times, “Last summer, when Chagoury planned a trip to Los Angeles, he applied at the U.S. embassy in Paris for a visitor’s visa and was refused, according to interviews and government documents.” “Based on the FBI report and other allegations from intelligence and law enforcement sources, the State Department denied the application,” the paper reported. “It cited terrorism-related grounds, a broad category that can apply to anyone believed to have assisted a terrorist group in any way, including providing money.”
Chagoury’s connection to the Clintons date back decades. Chagoury was among the 250 guests who attended the Clintons’ White House Christmas party in 1996, that was just two months after he donated $$460,000 to a controversial pro-Clinton Miami-based Democratic voter-registration group.
Chagoury has…
4,059,751 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | James Woolsey – AMERICAN TODAY | Hillary Clinton’s campaign and team are slowly but surely falling apart. People from her own team are starting to see what kind of a person she is and are starting to support Trump. One of those people is Hillary’s confidant and advisor James Woolsey. VIA Viral Liberty: James Woolsey, a national security |
4,059,752 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Mexico City – AMERICAN TODAY | Of course, el Trumpo has to stay in the headlines by running down to Mexico and meeting with the President: Donald Trump is considering jetting to Mexico City on Wednesday for a meeting with Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, just hours before he delivers a high-stakes speech in Arizona to clarify |
4,059,753 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Standoff! Obama Refuses to Answer Benghazi Committee’s Questions: I Don’t Take Demands From Congress | The House Select Committee on Benghazi is up in arms on the issue of whether Committee should answer questions about the White House’s reaction to the 2102 terror attack that took four American lives.
“When they asked the president if he was willing to answer questions about what happened that evening, he was advised by his counsel at the White House not to answer what he was doing because of the separation of powers issue,” Fox News Channel’s chief intelligence correspondent Fox Newsreported.
The White House’s reaction to the attack — especially that of the president — on the evening of September 11, 2012 “has largely been unknown,”she told Harris Faulkner on “Outnumbered.”
Herridge added that “We will learn more in the upcoming Republican version of the [Benghazi] report about some critical meetings that went on that day that we have not known about in the past and some of the figures who are implicated in those meetings.”
At issue in those meetings would be discussions of the possibility of rescuing Ambassador Chris Stevens “who was missing at that time, and the extent to which the video was discussed, and some of this may be very surprising.”
Obama’s attorney issued a statement on the issue.
“If the president were to answer your questions, his response would suggest that Congress has the unilateral power to demand answers from the president.”
Demanding answers is called “checks and balances” among the three branches of government.
Fox Business Network’s Lou Dobbs commented on the lack of an official White House statement of the events surrounding the terror attack after “almost four years.”
“That, in and of itself, is damning,” he said.
“If you have the most transparent administration in history, now’s the time to prove it,” Fox Business Network’s Kennedy added, picking up on Dobbs’ theme.
The Democratic members of the committee have already released their version of their findings, which indicates that the committee uncovered nothing new.
The Republic member’s findings are expected later this week, and will reportedly include the full transcripts of the witnesses who had previously never testified on the matter prior to their appearance before the committee. |
4,059,754 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | OBAMA IS OVER! Look What Trump Caught Him Doing in Hawaii Yesterday | After Trump’s temporary travel ban was blocked yesterday by a liberal judge in Hawaii, it became clear who was really behind it.
News 2 in Hawaii reported that Obama played golf on Tuesday, then took a 40 minute drive to eat at Noi Thai Restaurant on the other side of the island. Obama reportedly ate with “friends” in a private room.
But check this out: Judge Derrick Watson, Obama’s Harvard classmate and the Judge who blocked Trump’s order, lives just 5 minutes from that restaurant!
Did Obama meet with Judge Watson and convince him to block Trump’s order?? It is very likely. Derrick Watson is an Obama appointee and they graduated together at Harvard.
JUST THINK ABOUT IT: Obama drives 40 minutes out of his way to eat at a restaurant that happens to be located next to his Harvard Classmate who blocks Trump’s Executive Order the next day. This is fishy at the very least…
SHARE this on Facebook so we can make this go viral! Trump needs to see this!! |
4,059,755 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | WHAT!? Look Who Was Mentioned 23 Times In Dems Benghazi Report… | The Democrats in Washington have absolutely no interest in holding anyone accountable for Benghazi.
That’s been made very clear by there complaining and stonewalling.
They released a bogus report today saying that Hillary Clinton did a great job handling it and that they still can’t be sure what caused the attack.
Seriously. It’s nuts.
In their report, for some reason, they mentioned Donald Trump 23 times.
From The Daily Caller:
A 339-page report released by Democrats on the House Select Committee on Benghazi mentions Donald Trump 23 times.
That total is more than the combined number of references to Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, two of the former Navy SEALs killed in the Sept. 11, 2012 attacks. Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was also killed during the onslaught, is mentioned 85 times in the report, according to Republicans on the Select Committee.
I’m starting to get the feeling Democrats really don’t like this Trump guy.
Talk about being disrespectful to families of the lives that were lost.
Democrats are clearly way more interested in Trump than they are finding out what really happened on that tragic night in 2012.
Another embarrassing display from the Democrats. |
4,059,756 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Cna Daily News - Us | Houma-Thibodaux diocese in Louisiana receives new bishop | Houma-Thibodaux diocese in Louisiana receives new bishop
% of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.
(Before It's News)
Houma, Louis., Sep 23, 2013 / 10:10 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Pope Francis appointed Bishop Shelton J. Fabre head of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux today, and accepted the resignation of Bishop Sam G. Jacobs, who had turned 75 in March.
Bishop Fabre had served as the auxiliary bishop of New Orleans since 2007.
“Bishop Fabre for me has been a true brother in ministry. He has been a great coworker in the ministry of this archdiocese, and I have a great deal of respect for him and for the way in which he lives out his ministry as a bishop,” Archbishop Gregory M. Aymond of New Orleans said Sept. 23.
“I will sincerely miss him and our ministry together. At the same time, the people of the Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux are very blessed to receive a loving and gentle shepherd who will walk with them and lead them in the ways of Christ.”
He will be installed as Bishop of Houma-Thibodaux on Oct. 30.
Bishop Fabre was born in 1963 in New Road, Louis., and after high school entered seminary for the Diocese of Baton Rouge. He studied at Saint Joseph Seminary College in Louis., and then received a masters in religious studies from the Catholic University of Louvain.
He was ordained a priest in 1989, and served at several parishes, as well as head of the diocesan Black Catholic office and in the tribunal. He was then appointed auxiliary bishop of New Orleans, and consecrated on Feb. 28, 2007.
Bishop Jacobs, who is Bishop Fabre’s predecessor, had served as head of the Houma-Thibodaux diocese since 2003.
The Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux covers 3,400 square miles in south-east Louisiana, and is home to some 120,000 Catholics, who comprise 59 percent of the local population.
Source: |
4,059,757 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Cna Daily News - Us | Knights of Columbus encourage prayers for next Pope | Knights of Columbus encourage prayers for next Pope
% of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.
(Before It's News)
New Haven, Conn., Feb 13, 2013 / 02:02 am (CNA).- A new prayer from the Knights of Columbus thanks Jesus for the ministry of Pope Benedict XVI and intercedes for the gift of a holy and faithful Pope after Benedict’s retirement on Feb. 28.
“Until a new pope is elected, we encourage all members of the Knights of Columbus, their families and all Catholics to say this prayer daily for Pope Benedict, for the Church, and for our future Pope,” Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said Feb. 11.
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal charitable order with over 1.8 million members worldwide.
Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus, wrote the prayer, which thanks Jesus Christ “for the ministry of Pope Benedict XVI and the selfless care with which he has led us as Successor of Peter, and your vicar on earth.”
“Good Shepherd, who founded your Church on the rock of Peter’s faith and have never left your flock untended, look with love upon us now, and sustain your Church in faith, hope, and charity,” the prayer reads.
It also asks Jesus to give Catholics a new Pope “who will please you by his holiness and lead us faithfully to you, who are the same yesterday, today and forever.”
The Knights of Columbus have supported many papal initiatives. The order co-sponsored with the Pontifical Commission for Latin America the December 2012 “Ecclesia in America” conference on regional challenges and evangelization. Pope Benedict XVI addressed attendees at the conference.
On Feb. 11, Supreme Knight Anderson said Catholics’ thoughts and prayers are with the Pope. He said Pope Benedict has “worked so hard in leading the Church” and has “always been such a good friend to the Knights of Columbus.”
“We wish him all the best in his retirement,” Anderson said. “In addition, we pray for all those cardinals who will take part in the conclave, and for his successor, that God may inspire them as they carry out the mission with which they are entrusted.”
Pope Benedict on Monday unexpectedly announced that he would resign from his duties on Feb. 28, citing “advanced age” and deteriorating strength. The consistory of cardinals he had previously convoked will serve as a papal conclave.
Source: |
4,059,758 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Mississippi – AMERICAN TODAY | It’s been driving Americans nuts, but Democrats continue to do it. They keep claiming that they are the party of the American people, but realistically, they are as far from it as they could possibly be. They claim that they want to help the working class and the poor pick |
4,059,760 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Cna Daily News - Us | EWTN mourns passing of Deacon Steltemeier, founding president | EWTN mourns passing of Deacon Steltemeier, founding president
% of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.
(Before It's News)
Irondale, Ala., Feb 15, 2013 / 06:49 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Deacon R. William Steltemeier, Jr., founding president of the Eternal Word Television Network, died in Hanceville, Ala. on Feb. 15 at the age of 83 after a lengthy illness.
Michael P. Warsaw, current network president and CEO, called Deacon Steltemeier “a man of incredible faithfulness,” noting that only EWTN founder Mother Angelica was more closely associated with the network.
“As a husband, a father, an attorney and in his vocation as a permanent deacon, Bill always remained focused on serving God and serving others,” Warsaw said.
“He devoted himself totally to Mother Angelica’s mission and sacrificed all he had to help her build EWTN into the tremendous vehicle for evangelization that it has become.”
Warsaw added: “While we mourn his passing, we take comfort from his own example of faith and are confident he has heard those words from the Gospel of Matthew, ‘Well done good and faithful servant…enter into the joy of your master.’”
Deacon Steltemeier was born in Nashville, Tenn. on June 6, 1929. He married Ramona Schnupp on Aug. 22, 1953. He graduated from Vanderbilt University and Vanderbilt Law School before entering the U.S. Army and serving for two years in France.
He co-founded the law firm of Steltemeier & Westbrooke in Nashville in 1960. The firm specializes in bankruptcy and commercial law and continues to operate today.
Bishop Joseph A. Durick of Nashville ordained Steltemeier to the diaconate on April 26, 1975. He was among the first American men ordained to the permanent diaconate.
Deacon Steltemeier first met Mother Angelica at a legal convention in Chicago in March 1978.
When he heard Mother Angelica speak, he heard an inner voice say “Until the day you die.” He believed this to mean his life would be dedicated to serving Mother Angelica.
When EWTN was founded in 1980, Deacon Steltemeier became its first president and board member. He resigned from his law firm in 1985 to serve EWTN full-time. He commuted from his Nashville home to EWTN headquarters in Irondale, Ala. for 22 years.
In 2000, the deacon succeeded Mother Angelica as EWTN’s chairman and CEO. He and his wife moved to Hanceville, Ala. in 2002. He retired as CEO in 2009, but was re-elected chairman of EWTN’s Board of Governors the same year.
Deacon Steltemeier worked in various aspects of prison ministry and prisoner rehabilitation. In 1975, the Governor of Tennessee appointed him to the state’s review board for prison reform. He also served as Catholic chaplain to the Tennessee State Prison for Men.
In October 2009, Pope Benedict XVI awarded Deacon Steltemeier the pontifical medal Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice.
The deacon is survived by his wife of 59 years, his brother Fred Steltemeier of Nashville, and several nieces. His son Rudy Steltemeier III and daughter-in-law Debra Steltemeier preceded him in death.
Source: |
4,059,762 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Trump Just FIRED 800 Gov’t Workers And Put 200 More On Notice After Uncovering SICK Thing They ALL Did | President Trump has demonstrated his deep appreciation and love for our military ever since taking office, a drastic change from the arrogant Commander-in-Chief our veterans became accustomed to underneath Obama. Now President Trump is doing something incredible for the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedom, in an unprecedented move that just took place at the White House overnight that’s putting a smile on the faces of our veterans while making Obama look like an even bigger jerk.
We all witnessed the disgusting way Obama treated our military over the past 8 years where he reduced Marines to his personal servants to shield him from the rain, often times arrogantly refusing to even return a salute. Who can forget the images of Obama standing in front of the flag-draped coffins of our heroes back in 2012 as he lied his ass off about Benghazi, blaming the attack on a YouTube video? But perhaps Obama’s biggest stab at our military was promising our heroes to “fix the broken VA,” but going on to completely ignore that campaign promise, as hundreds of thousands of veterans would go on to be forgotten, dying while waiting to be treated at VA hospitals across the nation.
Thankfully, the days of our military heroes being forgotten and treated like crap are finally over. President Trump is not only fixing the VA that Obama failed to do, but is making Obama’s corrupt VA officials pay the ultimate price for their negligence. In a clean sweep that happened in the overnight hours, it’s being reported that 500 VA employees have just been terminated, and an additional 200 have been suspended for their shady conduct. The Gateway Pundit reported:
The Department of Veterans made public a list of employee terminations, demotions, and suspensions. It has expressed that this list week be updated weekly in an effort to add more transparency to the department following Congresses’ push to increase the scope of power by the VA secretary.
President Trump expressed his frustration with the VA back on the campaign trail, stating that the VA was “probably the most incompetently run agency in the United States.”
The bulk of firings were directed at lower level VA workers, such as house keepers and food service workers, after learning that initial oversight was not implemented. Many of these employees were discovered to be felons, sex offenders, or generally incompetent. This has lead to poor care, and at times death from neglect, for our veterans.
Va Secretary David Shulkin said in a written statement that he is doing everything to hold VA employees accountable and will now make the actions of all employees transparent to tax payers, as they have the “right to know” what is going on. The Starts and Stripes reports that a list was posted online over the weekend containing the date and type of disciplinary actions for the 800 employees that President Trump is cracking down on. They reported:
“Veterans and taxpayers have a right to know what we’re doing to hold our employees accountable and make our personnel actions transparent,” VA Secretary David Shulkin said in written statement. “Posting this information online for all to see, and updating it weekly, will do just that.”
The list, posted online Friday, contained the occupation, VA region, the date and type of disciplinary action for approximately 800 VA employees disciplined since Jan. 20. For privacy reasons, the VA is not posting employees’ names.
The initiative is part of the new VA Office of Accountability and Whistleblower Protection that Trump created in April with an executive order. Navy and Air Force veteran Peter O’Rourke is directing the office and advising Shulkin on the discipline of VA managers and employees.
Shulkin gained more firing authority after Trump signed legislation June 23 establishing more repercussions and a faster firing process for VA employees. Trump, Shulkin, and many veterans and supporters of the legislation said the new rules would allow the VA to root out poor-performing employees and a perceived culture of corruption in the department.
Thank God that our military heroes finally have a Commander-in-Chief who genuinely cares about them and is doing everything in his power to ensure they receive care after coming home from war battered and broken. God bless our nation’s heroes and God bless President Trump! |
4,059,764 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Rubio caves: ‘I want to be helpful’ to Donald Trump | Remember when Marco Rubio was out on the campaign trail taunting Donald Trump about his p*nis size and saying he couldn’t be trusted with the nuclear codes? Well. At this point, Paul Ryan should take lessons from Rubio in how to handle the inevitable capitulation to pressure to back Trump. Rubio will be attending the Republican National Convention this summer, and if it would be helpful for him to speak in support of Trump, well:
“I want to be helpful. I don’t want to be harmful, because I don’t want Hillary Clinton to be president,” Rubio told CNN’s Jake Tapper in an interview.
“Look, my policy differences with Donald Trump — I spent 11 months talking about them. So I think they’re well understood,” Rubio said.
“That said … I don’t want Hillary Clinton to be president. If there’s something I can do to help that from happening, and it’s helpful to the cause, I’d most certainly be honored to be considered for that.”
In exchange for throwing away what had seemed to be his principles, Rubio got a nice little pat on the head from Donald Trump himself.
Poll data shows that @marcorubio does by far the best in holding onto his Senate seat in Florida. Important to keep the MAJORITY. Run Marco! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 27, 2016
Once upon a time, Trump was no more a fan of “Little Marco” than Little Marco was of Trump, but this tweet is not coming from nowhere. The Republican establishment is urging Rubio to run for re-election to the Senate, since the current candidates to replace him aren’t looking too promising. And, despite a long list of reasons not to do it—including his big loss in the Florida presidential primary and poor approval ratings—Rubio seems to be softening. Then again, reversing position on whether to run for Senate again is nothing compared to the about-face he’s already pulled on supporting Trump. |
4,059,766 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Queen of Corruption – AMERICAN TODAY | Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton isn’t exactly known for being the sharpest tool in the shed, but a statement she just made recently might be the dumbest she’s made in her lengthy career, and that’s really saying something. Apparently, according to the Queen of Corruption, she’s running across a lot of |
4,059,767 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Trump Calls Out Obama For This “Unusual” Thing He Does At Every Press Conference [Video] | Barack Obama was not not shy about throwing Trump under the bus at the G7 meeting in Japan, where he had this to say:
“They’re rattled by him [Trump] and for good reason. Because a lot of the proposals that he’s made display either ignorance of world affairs or a cavalier attitude or an interest in getting tweets and headlines instead of actually thinking through what is required to keep America safe.”
Trump didn’t not hesitate to respond to Obama saying:
“It’s unusual that every time he holds a press conference he talks about me.”
Barack Obama seems to have an obsession with talking about Trump every chance he gets. On the other hand, Obama dodges every question possible about Hillary Clinton’s investigation.
Trump is winning over democrats, which make the democratic party very nervous. They saw what happen with the Reagan democrats in past and have a fear that a similar occurrence is about to happen with Trump.
Watch: |
4,059,769 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet | Youth Reads: Rook | Unfolding in the distant future, Sharon Cameron’s “Rook” is set in a world that, many centuries ago, was all but destroyed by polar shifts. The world plummeted into another dark age and, as time passed and countries and cultures started to re-emerge, history began to repeat itself. The one main difference is that, in this new, old world, any advancements in technology are scorned, feared, and forbidden. The technology of “The Ancients” is blamed for the destruction of the world so many centuries ago, and considered dangerous.
Eighteen-year-old Sophia Bellamy lives with her brother, Tom, and their ailing father in The Commonwealth. In the land that used to be known as England, more and more members of the shrinking upper class are driven into poverty as land and business laws and taxes become increasingly stringent. Meanwhile, across the sea, the Sunken City — once known as Paris — is in the throes of political upheaval and revolution, the cliffs seeming to echo with the voices and sounds of the French Revolution from long ago.
As the world around her is falling apart, Sophia’s chance for a personal future of her choosing is also destroyed when her father arranges a marriage for her to René Hasard. His family fortune could save the Bellamys from ruin, but his arrogance and buffoonery prove endlessly exasperating for smart, pragmatic, and resourceful Sophia.
Driven as much by personal frustration and boredom as by political rebellion, Sophia dons a false identity and becomes the Red Rook, the key player in a group of conspirators who sneak political prisoners out of the Sunken City and into the Commonwealth, saving them from death and enabling them to start new lives. The Rook becomes a symbol of hope and freedom to members of the Upper City who are being mercilessly and unjustly imprisoned by the bloodthirsty Ministre of Security. A man driven by his fanatic, ritualistic worship of the goddess Fate, LeBlanc is as determined to catch and kill the Red Rook as she is to topple his prison and destroy his plans.
If it sounds like there’s a lot going on in “Rook,” it’s because there is. This dystopian novel reads more like historical romantic fiction. Admittedly an homage to “The Scarlet Pimpernel” by Baroness Emmuska Orczy, “Rook” seems to exist in an incongruent world. One moment characters are traveling in stage coaches, riding horses, and having swordfights; the next they are contemplating the original use of plastic “artifacts” like soda bottles and CDs, wondering how gunpowder was used, and mystified as to why people would want to use clocks to tell time.
But perhaps an incongruent world is part of the point. Power can always corrupt, but in a world shaped by personal uncertainty, ruled by political instability, and overshadowed by idolatry, life is anything but harmonious and consistent. Using the past as a template, Cameron has crafted a future that abhors technology and honors fate, creating a society that is repeating the mistakes of history due to shortsightedness and superstition.
Along with power and our inability to learn from the past, love and family, social and economic inequality, the role of religion in society, and duty versus desire are all themes touched upon in “Rook.” Fate versus personal choice and responsibility is also discussed. To paraphrase René (spoiler alert!), some things may be meant to happen, but depending on our choices, they might never happen at all.
This is an especially interesting theme for Christians, whose views on destiny and choice are influenced by our understanding of God’s will. While I don’t think “Rook” discusses the issue in a particularly deep way, it does highlight it in an entertaining fashion, which could still make it a conversation starter with teens. Refreshingly free of teen angst, vampires, and zombies, “Rook” may be a good read for young people grappling with the bigness of life, the unknowns of the future, and how they fit into it all. Additionally, it offers a creative response in the form of determined, proactive protagonists to a culture that increasingly tells us we are owed the things we want and should expect them to come our way, regardless of our own efforts or actions.
While “Rook” is a page-turner, it felt somewhat crowded with too many ideas, and both the style and plot points felt a bit heavyhanded at times. I also wasn’t completely sympathetic to Sophia, as I didn’t find her outwitting of the entire French government well-earned, either through her personal backstory or present circumstances. While the attention given to Sophia’s conflicting love interests does make it feel a bit like a romance novel at times, there are only three scenes with detailed physical intimacy, and in these, sex is not clearly implied. There is no explicit modern-day bad language, but cursing is implied and some crude language is used. There is quite a bit of time devoted to the development of Ministre LeBlanc’s worship and resulting rituals towards Fate and Luck. Any parents who might find exposure to idolatry or pagan-esque practices inappropriate for their children will want to take that into consideration.
But overall, I found “Rook” a unique and lively read that was a welcome change from much current Young Adult fiction characterized by dark themes, dark worlds, and excessive navel-gazing.
Image copyright Scholastic Press. Review copy obtained from the reviewer’s local library.
Annie Provencher is a writer in northern Virginia.
Articles on the BreakPoint website are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BreakPoint. Outside links are for informational purposes and do not necessarily imply endorsement of their content. |
4,059,770 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Hillary Clinton Claims Sexism on the Campaign Trail | “I mean, they come to my events and then they say that to me,” Clinton told the magazine’s Rebecca Traister. “Unpacking this, understanding it, is for writers like you. I’m just trying to cope with it. Deal with it. Live through it.”
The former first lady was asked why she thinks women’s ambition is often regarded as “dangerous.”
“[It’s] a fear that ambition will crowd out everything else — relationships, marriage, children, family, homemaking, all the other parts [of life] that are important to me and important to most women I know,” Clinton said. “We’re so accustomed to think of women’s ambition being made manifest in ways that we don’t approve of, or that we find off-putting.”
She also said that men fear ambitious women like her.
“I think it’s the competition,” Clinton said. “Like, if you do this, there won’t be room for some of us, and that’s not fair.”
This is yet another attempt by Hillary to play on the fact she’s a woman and attempt to look like a brave crusader taking on the patriarchy as a means of drawing in the feminist crowd to vote for her come November.
Listen, the last reason anyone has for not voting for Clinton is because she’s a woman. I mean for goodness sake, who really cares about that?
The reason so many folks won’t vote for her is because she’s a classless liar who is corrupt to the core. She’s attempted to cover up the deaths of Americans in Benghazi to help the president get reelected. She’s illegally used private email servers to conduct state business, leaving valuable information vulnerable to cyberattack.
What other reason does one need not to voter for her?
Hillary being a woman should be the least of her worries at this point.
At the end of the day, this is just pandering at its finest and hopefully it backfires in her face. |
4,059,772 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet | Worldview Archives | He wants you to call him her. What do you do? For the Colson Center, I’m John Stonestreet. So a..Read more |
4,059,774 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | VIDEO : Bernie Sanders Mentions Hillary ZERO TIMES During Speech The “Day After” His Endorsement | Monday’s Sanders/Clinton Unity Rally, where Bernie pledged his soul to the Wall St. Devil, appears to be all for show. Is Bernie having second thoughts?
During a speech to the League of United Latin American Citizens in Washington, DC just one day after his “sell-out” moment where he endorsed Clinton, Sanders failed to mention his new BFF.
4,059,775 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | “A Big Fat Ugly Lie!” Trump just Put REPUBLICANS On NOTICE! Obamacare must go. | On Monday President Trump spoke at the White House in front of an audience of families with children. Many of these families had sick children and had been financially ruined by Obamacare while their kids could still not get all the help they needed. (VIDEO BELOW)
From the President:
For the past 7 years Obamacare has wreaked havoc on the lives of innocent hardworking Americans behind me today. We have real American families, great families. I just a lot of time with them. (VIDEO BELOW)
We’re suffering because seven years ago a small group of politicians and special interests in Washington engineered a government takeover of health care. Every pledge that Washington Democrats made to pass that bill turned out to be a lie. It was a big fat ugly lie!
Democrats promised Americans like Steve Finner, a former police officer in West Virginia, that they would save $$2,500 a year under Obama care. Instead his premiums have more than tripled, that’s pretty bad. As a result of Obamacare skyrocketing, Steve and his family and many of his employees had no other option than going on Medicaid and giving up their existing coverage. No choice no choice. For them Obamacare, as promised, was a nightmare. (VIDEO BELOW)
Marjorie and Kevin Weir from South Carolina have a son, Monty, who suffers from spina bifida. Washington Democrats promised families like the Weir’s that if they liked their doctor they could keep their doctor, but now there’s only one insurer left in the state exchange and Marjorie says that every year she waits, anxious to learn if the doctors and hospitals which our son needs the most will remain in their network. (VIDEO BELOW)
**Watch Trump call out the Republicans (Below) then SHARE. It is URGENT!
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. WATCH President Trump call out Republicans and Democrats alike. Watch President Trumps full speech here, then SHARE with all you friends. The Crooked Liberal Media will not show this. (VIDEO BELOW) |
4,059,776 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Apocalyptic scene! Terrifying video, photos of Smokey Mountains engulfed; massive resort town evacuations | Wildfires engulfed the Great Smoky Mountain National Park on Monday and strong winds further complicated efforts to put out the fires, forcing a mandatory evacuation order to be issued for residents of Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Terrifying videos and breathtaking pictures below show the scene near downtown Gatlinburg (*Warning: Some of the following tweets contain language not suitable for children and some might find objectionable):
Just got a group of people off the mountain after two of the three routes off the mountain were blocked. The spur was on fire. #Gatlinburg — Treyton (@treyton) November 29, 2016
source |
4,059,777 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | SHOCK REPORT: The Number ONE Item Bought With Food Stamps Is… | Most conservatives will agree that government handouts are a mistake.
While on paper they sound good: programs that provide money or food for the less fortunate, so that they can support themselves while looking for work. Unfortunately it doesn’t turn out that way.
Programs like Welfare and food stamps become a road block for people seeking independence. It infantilizes large portions of our citizens, making them dependent on the government, instead of creating opportunities for work and inspiring Americans to succeed.
Not to mention creating a huge tax burden on working Americans.
Now we are learning that not only does the food stamp program hurt our citizens economically, it’s hurting them physically.
From NY Times:
The United States Department of Agriculture, which oversees the $$74 billion food stamp program called SNAP, has published a detailed report that provides a glimpse into the shopping cart of the typical household that receives food stamps.
The findings show that the No. 1 purchases by SNAP households are soft drinks, which accounted for 5 percent of the dollars they spent on food. The category of ‘sweetened beverages,’ which includes fruit juices, energy drinks and sweetened teas, accounted for almost 10 percent of the dollars they spent on food. “In this sense, SNAP is a multibillion-dollar taxpayer subsidy of the soda industry,” said Marion Nestle, a professor of nutrition, food studies and public health at New York University. “It’s pretty shocking.”
That’s right, you’re tax dollars are going to help Americans buy the worst foods available. It’s helping them put on weight, get diabetes, and shorten their life expectancy. Not only that, it’s helping keep the soda industry alive and well. |
4,059,778 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Veterans – Page 2 – AMERICAN TODAY | The Democrats are fighting for the rights of the illegal immigrants, and on the other hand they are not showing any respect for our war veterans, who brought their lifes on the line for our freedom. The Democrats are now voting to cut off their pensions. VIA AMERICANOVERLOOK : On Dec. 17, Senate |
4,059,780 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet | Worldview Archives | They’re Killing, Not Curing
One Scandinavian country’s treatment of the vulnerable is a barometer for where the rest of the world is headed. While..Read more |
4,059,781 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Trey Gowdy Kicks Obama Out The Door With Brutal Message About His Presidency, You’ll Love It | Conservatives who are sick of the tyranny of President Barack Obama and wary of the corruption of failed Presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton have had no better ally for the past few years than Congressman Trey Gowdy of upstate South Carolina.
Gowdy recently stood up with a national advocacy group for veterans and brutally criticized lame-duck President Obama for his sickening neglect of the VA healthcare system and for the way Obama’s government retaliated against whistleblowers both within the Internal Revenue Service and the VA.
Said Gowdy, standing shoulder to shoulder with Concerned Veterans for America, “I don’t like bullies. Government against whistleblowers is an unequal fight. Free speech is the ability to speak truth to power without consequences.”
Continued Trey, “With very few limitations, you have the right to say what you want to say. But as a responsible citizen, I have to use that right judiciously. There are people in the media who are professional and there are some who have lost all pretense of objectivity.”
Added Trey, destroying Democrats for perverting the Constitution, “Constitutional equilibrium is out of whack. I wish my colleagues would just read the document and not confuse it with the Declaration of Independence or a poem by Robert Frost.” |
4,059,782 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | San Bernardino – AMERICAN TODAY | We have been telling you about major gun control legislation that has been working its way through the legislature in California. Well, it made its way to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk. And if you know anything about “Governor Moonbeam” you know that he signed the bills with great pleasure. Here are the details. From |
4,059,785 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Georgia Department of Health – AMERICAN TODAY | Doctors across the U.S. are issuing warnings about a new and potentially deadly tick-borne illness spreading across the country like wildfire. (SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO) KGW reported that the disease is called the Powassan virus, and it’s spread by the same tick that carries Lyme disease. Doctors have warned anyone who |
4,059,786 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | BREAKING: Trump’s Inaugural TV Ratings Just Dropped…Even Trump Is STUNNED! | Friday was a historic day for the United States as we said goodbye to eight years of racial division, Socialist policy, and overreaching government power and we welcomed a President who would protect the interests of the American people.
The Inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 45th President of the United States was a momentous occasion. The powers at be wanted to install their own person, someone who would protect the interests of a bloated government, globalist billionaires, and greedy corporations. Instead the American people fought back and elected a man who would champion their freedoms and rights.
Make no mistake, the establishment is not happy about Trump’s victory, so they try to fight him on every issue. They downplayed how may people watched and supported our new President. Even in regards to how many people watched the Inauguration, they tried to insult our new President.
But as it turns out, Trump’s swearing in was one of the biggest events in recent history.
From EW:
Donald Trump’s inauguration ratings were the second-highest in 36 years, according to Nielsen.
The swearing-in of the 45th president was seen by 30.6 million viewers across 12 networks…
And actually, Trump could have been seen by more viewers than either Obama or Reagan. Nielsen ratings do not account for online viewing, which has grown sharply in recent years and is far more commonplace than even four years ago., for example, clocked 16.9 million live streams, tying with its Election Day coverage for the site’s top event (live stream tallies are typically not apples-to-apples with Nielsen’s strict methodology of counting average viewers, but are still additive). Plus, portals like YouTube, Facebook and Twitter offered live streams as well.
In an age when more people are watching content online, you can bet many more were witnessing Donald Trump’s Inauguration on their laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and streaming boxes, probably making it the most widely watched Inauguration in history.
We know that massive crowds came out in D.C. to witness the Inauguration live. While early reports tried to downplay the event, CNN’s own Gigapixel camera captured the amazing scene. The crowds stretched out all the way back to the Washington Monument.
It makes sense that Donald Trump’s Inauguration would be so widely watched. He spearheaded a movement of the American people taking their country back from corrupt, global forces. All those people who packed out stadiums, convention halls, and flocked to polls are now eagerly watching his presidency unfold. |
4,059,787 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | BREAKING: Trump Just Found Out Why Veterans’ Healthcare Is So BAD, He’s FURIOUS | The Washington swamp is doing everything the oppose President Trump. Even if it hurts our veterans.
On his first day in office President Trump fired a Veterans Affairs (VA) manager known for his corruption. Veterans cheered the firing, but the deep-state bureaucracy brought the manager back. (via Daily Caller).
The most lazy and corrupt officials at the VA are protected from being fired. No change at in veterans healthcare is possible when there is no accountability of non-elected bureaucrats. The Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) prevents the ousting of bad employees who would be immediately fired in the private sector.
On January 20th Veterans Affairs received the order to remove DeWayne Hamlin as the director of the Healthcare System in the Caribbean for the VA. However, the corrupt manager is already back. DeWayne was allowed to return to work even though his firing is still being actively litigated after he appealed his firing to the MSPB. Hamlin was well-known in the VA for his corruption. He was arrested prior to his firing for driving while intoxicated. He was found with painkillers that were not prescribed to him. Hamlin was likely stealing the opiates from the healthcare system he managed. Missing opiates is a major problem at the VA as many assume officials take the drugs for recreational use.
Joseph Colon, the whistle-blower who alerted authorities of Hamlin’s misconducted was immediately targeted by healthcare director. Hamlin ordered that Colon be fired for exposing his crime — and asked Rosayma Lopez to carry out the wrongful termination. Rosayma refused the order. Changing tactics, Hamlin offered Lopez over $$300,000 of tax-payer money to quit. Lopez turned down the settlement which was the largest in the recent history of the VA. Despite the clear incompetence and corruption Hamlin kept his job.
Lopez believes that Hamlin is being protected by someone on the inside. The case made to MSPB justifying the firing of the corrupt official made no mention of the DUI, bribery, or stolen opiates. It is clear that We the People are not in control of our country. We elected President Trump to drain the swamp but he has been blocked at every turn. We are in the battle of our generation in the fight between We the People and the swamp. |
4,059,788 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Nikki Halley just made Vladimir Putin and Bashar al-Assad start looking for a hole to hide in! | Global politics is a tricky business. Unlike our national politics, lives are lost every day because of international conflict. Yesterday Syria once again used chemical weapons on their citizens.
Women, children, and men of all ages died yesterday as the result of a War Crime. After the initial attack, First Responders were targeted. Even during World War II, the Nazis respected the red cross of medical units.
Nancy Pelosi blamed Trump. President Trump makes it clear this happened because of the weak policies of Obama. Obama’s cozy relationship with Iran has to lead to the death of more innocent civilians, along with our military men and women.
Nikki Halley made it clear today that the United States is ready to act, on its own. She urged other members of the UN Security Council to come to the same conclusion. Minutes later while seated with the King of Jordan, President Trump said these attacks are “unthinkable.”
For all the politics surrounding the Russians, it becomes more clear every day. Obama, Hillary, and certain Democrats prefer the Russians and Iranians over Americans. If the Mainstream Media ignores how President Trump and his team handled Russia and Syria today, they will be sorely disappointed when President Trump brings the fury down on both.
The election is over. President Trump is in charge and if Putin and Assad are smart they will crawl back in the hole they slithered out of! Who knows maybe they will invite Clinton and Obama to join them!
I have no love loss for International War Criminals like Putin or Assad. As much as I want to see our men and women in green at home, I also want to see the nonsense in the Middle East finished. We can’t afford another war, but we can certainly stand to refresh a few of our Tactical Nuclear Tomahawks.
Don’t call me crazy before your remember how we won World War II. I don’t think Russia wants a war with the United States. We should start running our B-52s about 27 miles off the coast of Russia. At the same time, we should send a carrier ground right to the coast of Russia, just outside in International Waters.
Trump doesn’t bluff! Putin knows it! Russia needs to understand that we will NOT allow them to bully their neighbors, or us! Sure, that’s tough talk from a guy in his garage; too bad Obama didn’t have the backbone to say it. It’s probably a good thing I don’t have the “football.”
The strongest defense is always the strongest offense in war. We took the beaches of Normandy, defeating the Nazi defenses. We flattened two major cities in Japan defeated the Japanese defenses. We took island after island in the Pacific defeating the Japanese defenses. We went town to town through Europe liberating their people.
It is about time we go on OFFENSE and God help us all if Putin thinks we are bluffing! I am tired of our fighting men and women dying in a never ending war. Sometimes the quickest way to end a war, it to END IT!
I would hate for United States of American to have to do something drastic, but our young people continue to die without results. If talk is tough then actions are serious. The real question is this: Is America ready to do what is necessary to end this never ending proxy war?
God Bless! God Bless America!! |
4,059,789 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Veterans Going Crazy After Trump Pulled Out His Secret Weapon To Protect Our Vets! | President Trump took time out of his day on Thursday to show how much he respects and honors our military and its veterans. He visited VA offices and thanked our amazing veterans for their service. But, even more, he signed an executive order called Improving Accountability and Whistleblower Protection at the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Trump said that the order makes it clear “that we will never ever tolerate substandard care for our great veterans.” Wow! What a stand up man our President is. He knows the value of our military men and women and is committed to doing whatever he can to honor our veterans and make their lives better.
The intent of the President’s executive order is to get rid of any barriers to finding bad employees at the VA and removing them, so that our veterans get the service they deserve. While the order shows Trump’s strong commitment to our veterans, VA Secretary David Shulkin said that to bring true reform to the Department, we NEED Congress to pass accountability legislation. Shulkin has endorsed accountability legislation, which, by the way, he could not get under Obama’s reign. Obama said he’d veto any such legislation if it ever crossed his desk! What a relief to our veterans to have a President who truly cares about their welfare, after they put so much into protecting OUR welfare!
SHARE this with everyone you know to show how much you THANK VETERANS FOR THEIR SERVICE! |
4,059,790 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Guess Who Just Pleaded Guilty For Stealing $$250,000 From Disabled Veterans? | The Veterans Administration (VA) exists to help sick, injured, and disabled vets get the help they need to live happy and productive lives. America owes it to them to see that they get it for all the sacrifices they have made for us. Without the VA, many veterans would be left with debilitating illnesses, medical problems, and other issues that no person should have to deal with on their own. But when the VA fails them, where do they turn? VA fiduciary Glenn P. Pearson, formerly a sergeant with the Whitman, Massachusetts Police Department, has committed unconscionable crimes against the American veterans he was supposed to be helping.
The Daily Caller has more: Former police sergeant Glenn P. Pearson pleaded guilty Tuesday to embezzling funds from disabled veterans in the course of preparing false tax returns.Pearson, who formerly served as a police sergeant in Whitman, Mass., also pleaded guilty to wire fraud, preparing false tax returns, obstructing tax laws and misappropriating funds. “Glenn Pearson took advantage of disabled military veterans who could not manage their own financial affairs, by diverting hundreds of thousands of dollars in VA payments to his personal benefit,” said Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General Goldberg in a release from the Department of Justice. “He then used his tax preparation business to generate more than $$1.5 million in bogus refunds and obstructed IRS audits looking into the fraudulent returns he prepared. Today, Pearson is held fully accountable for his abuse of trust and fraudulent conduct.”
As a fiduciary, Pearson was expected to help disabled veterans manage their funds when they are unable to do it themselves because of mental incompetence or other problems: The point of fiduciaries is to help disabled veterans manage their funds when they are unable to do so because of mental incompetence, infirmities or other issues. The fiduciary receives the veteran’s funds and is tasked with managing them appropriately. Pearson misappropriated and embezzled more than $$250,000 of benefit funds by raiding the accounts of disabled veterans.
It is very sad when veterans who have given so much to America are taken advantage of in this way. Veterans deserve every advantage, blessing, and benefit our society can give them. People like Pearson should never be able to abuse them the way he has! The VA, evidently, still may have a way to go before they can weed out the crooks and we see the improvements it needs! |
4,059,791 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Guess What Trump Just Launched For Veterans? VA Officials Are Panicking! | During his campaign, President Trump made it clear he was going to put American veterans first.For far too long our VA system has neglected the men and women who served to keep us safe. Not anymore.Already Trump has been working to reform the agency. Now a new measure will make sure VA officials are doing their job.
From Conservative Tribune:
The Trump administration will “soft launch” a hotline for veterans to express concerns or voice complaints about the VA, according to a statement by Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin. Preparations for a fully functional hotline can’t come too soon. Whistleblowers claimed the VA suicide line dropped an astounding 1.4 million calls last year from veterans in desperate need of help, the Washington Examiner reported. Those kinds of numbers are simply unacceptable.
Trump is making good on his promises as a candidate, as he included a direct line to the White House for veterans as part of his 10-point plan for VA reform during his campaign, according to the Washington Examiner. ABC News reported that Shulkin is hoping to have this new hotline fully operational by August 15.
This hotline will allow veterans and their family members to report cases of neglect or abuse. It will give them the ability to seek help when they need it. And it will help our government crackdown on the rampant abuse and corruption within Veterans Affairs. Time and again we’ve learned about the many veterans without care or help. Or the VA hospitals that have stolen medicine, abused patients, or all but ignored them.
Watch the latest video at <a href=”//”></a><span id=”mce_marker” data-mce-type=”bookmark” data-mce-fragment=”1″></span> |
4,059,792 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | John Stonestreet, Eric Metaxas | The Point: Let Boys Be Friends | What’s really killing male friendship? For the Colson Center, I’m John Stonestreet with The Point.
Writing at the Medium, Mark Greene, author of the book, “Remaking Manhood,” explains the devastating consequences of a culture that discourages men from forming close, lasting friendships.
When boys are young, he writes, they express tremendous affection for one another. They openly talk of loving their best friends. But for some reason, in their teenage years, boys grow apart and stifle that affection.
It wasn’t always this way. In times past, men spoke of each other with passionate love. Think of David and Jonathan and Jesus and John. Now, boys can’t express tenderness for one another without it being thought of as sexual.
Greene attributes the change to homophobia, but he’s got it exactly backwards. Boys haven’t stopped expressing affection for each other because our culture is more disapproving of homosexuality. They’ve stopped because our culture is obsessed with it.
Fighting the epidemic of male loneliness and suicide requires a recovery of close, male friendship. Boys should be able to say, “I love you,” without it being turned into something it’s not. |
4,059,793 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | BREAKING: State Dept. Inspector General Releases Clinton Report… | In a report published to lawmakers Wednesday, the State Department inspector general determined that Hillary Clinton did not comply with the agency’s policies on records. According to Politico, the report specially pointed to Clinton for her “exclusive use of private email.” Specifically, the report set forth the following:
“Secretary Clinton should have preserved any Federal records she created and received on her personal account by printing and filing those records with the related files in the Office of the Secretary. At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act.”
In other words, Hillary Clinton was guilty of violating not only clear departmental policy, but also federal law that had been in place since 1950. The report went further than just to…
4,059,794 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Liberal NY Times Releases Audio of Trump Endorsing Tariff He Swears He Never Endorsed | During the Fox Business Republican debate, moderator Neil Cavuto asked Donald Trump about a quote in The New York Times in which he endorsed a tax on products coming from China.
Here’s the exchange via Mediaite:
“Last week, The New York Times editorial board quoted you as saying that you would impose ‘up to 45 percent tariff on Chinese goods…’” Cavuto began.
“That’s wrong,” Trump cut in. “They were wrong. It’s The New York Times, they are always wrong.”
“What I said to The New York Times, is that we have great power, economic power over China and if we wanted to use that and the amount — where the 45 percent comes in, that would be the amount they saw their devaluations that we should get. That we should get,” Trump told a very confused Cavuto.
Trump is right about one thing: The liberals at The New York Slimes cannot be trusted.
But in this case, it appears those liberals have an audio recording of The Donald, which is unfortunately making him look just like the Obamas and the Clintons — liars.
We have listened to the audio and below is the transcript of Trump. (If you wish to listen to the audio, click here.)
I would tax China coming in, products coming in. A tariff, I would do a tariff and they do it to us. You have to be smart. I’m a free trader, I’m a free trader, and some of the people would tell you ‘oh it’s terrible.’ I’m a free trader.
I love free trade, but it’s gotta be reasonably fair. I would do a tax. And let me tell you what the tax should be, the tax should be 45 percent. That would be a tax that would be an equivalent to some of the kind of devaluations that they’ve done. They cannot believe that we haven’t done this yet.
In this same meeting, which occurred in January, Trump said he is flexible and negotiable on immigration reform. This portion of the meeting came during his “off-the-record” remarks so The Times will not discuss or release the recording of his immigration statements unless Donald gives his permission.
Presidential hopeful and Constitutional conservative Ted Cruz is calling on The Times to release the audio and expose Donald Trump for holding these liberal views. |
4,059,795 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | BREAKING: President Trump Announces Stunning Military Maneuver…North Korea On High Alert! | Now that we have a man in the White House who has lived his life standing tall, it’s a whole new ballgame. And everyone who has grown accustomed to benefiting at Americans’ expense need to adjust their thinking quickly.
As we’ve seen with Mexico (the wall), Russia (Putin is now playing ball) and China (just turned back a convoy of NK coal ships) – they will.
It’s way past time we were in a position of leverage and used it to inject some stability into the increasingly turbulent global landscape. If America cannot lead the world against tyranny, who will? The U.S. is now taking a hard-line stance against terrorist states like Syria, Iran, and most recently North Korea
President Trump is taking the situation with Kim Jong Un very seriously, and sent a message to the dictator during a recent interview with Maria Bartiromo.
From The Gateway Pundit:
“We are sending an armada, very powerful. We have submarines, very powerful, far more powerful than the aircraft carrier, that I can tell you. And we have the best military people on Earth. And I will say this. He is doing the wrong thing. He is doing the wrong thing.”
This response is sure to put Kim Jong Un on his toes, because now he knows that the international community is done with his games, and will use force against him if necessary.
President Trump has now taken two Asian powerhouses to Mar-a -largo for golf and has walked away with two huge trade deal agreements. Obama should take notes. He never got this much accomplished when he was in the White House!
Hopefully Trump’s message is the wake up call Kim Jong Un needs in order to stop his attempts to agitate the already volatile region by launching missiles at the U.S.
Now that China is agreeing to cooperate with us, Kim Jong Un’s house of cards is rapidly collapsing. |
4,059,796 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Nevada Convention – AMERICAN TODAY | The media has been hammering Trump supporters for “violence” at his campaign events. People that have been paying attention know that the vast majority of that violence has stemmed from leftists who have showed up to stir up trouble at his events. In fact, Bernie Sanders supporters have been linked to a |
4,059,797 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Bernie Supporters Issue Death Threats And Cause Chaos In Nevada [Video] | The vicious response has come as millions of new voters, many of whom felt excluded by establishment politicians, have flocked to the insurgent campaigns of Mr. Sanders and Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump has all but locked up the nomination, but many backers of Mr. Sanders remain enraged as his hopes of being the Democratic candidate dwindle.
How sweet. They seem nice.
You like how that New York Times article mentioned Trump before they mentioned Bernie?
No bias here!
When will the media demand that Bernie apologize in the same fashion they demanded that Trump apologize for every supporter of his that looked at someone the wrong way?
The crazier thing is that Bernie was asked about this situation today and he didn’t even answer the question. He just walked away!
New: When asked about Nevada Dem convention today, Bernie Sanders walked away mid-Q, @DannyEFreeman reports. — Alex Seitz-Wald (@aseitzwald) May 17, 2016
Can you imagine the media outrage if Trump handled the situation like that?
The media continues to let us down time and time again.
Another classy performance from Bernie Sanders fans. Look, both sides have nut jobs but clearly the Bernie Sanders campaign has their fingerprints on the majority of the violence we have seen and the media double standard here is ridiculous.
People talk about the Republican Party being fractured? Give me a break. |
4,059,798 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Cna Daily News - Us | Catholic college students honor Pope Benedict’s last days | Catholic college students honor Pope Benedict’s last days
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(Before It's News)
Washington D.C., Feb 28, 2013 / 02:11 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Students at American Catholic universities are observing the end of Pope Benedict XVI’s papacy with special Masses, prayers and acts of charity.
At Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio, “Christ the King Chapel was filled to overflowing” during a holy hour on Feb. 22, the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter, said Tom Sofio, a public relations official.
Sofio told CNA that hundreds of students attended the holy hour – which was held “in thanksgiving for Pope Benedict’s papacy and to pray for the new pope” – as well as the subsequent Mass celebrated by Steubenville Bishop Jeffrey Monforton.
In addition, he said, almost 130 students enrolled in the university’s study abroad program in Austria re-arranged their schedules and traveled by buses on a 16-hour overnight trip to Rome for the Pope’s final audience on Feb. 27.
Franciscan University was one of several Catholic colleges that had special Masses, prayers and other events to honor the final days of Pope Benedict’s papacy. The Holy Father is stepping down at the end of February due to failing strength and advanced age.
The University of Notre Dame celebrated two Feb. 27 Masses at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart for Pope Benedict and in thanksgiving for his service to the Church.
Ave Maria University in Naples, Fla., hosted a multi-day celebration in thanksgiving for Pope Benedict’s ministry.
Events included several Masses, a faculty lecture, Eucharistic holy hour, student-organized panel on the Holy Father’s contributions to the Church and student service project to prepare meals for the poor, in the spirit of Pope Benedict’s 2005 encyclical on love, “Deus Caritas Est.”
In New Jersey, Seton Hall University’s Immaculate Conception Seminary held a Feb. 27 colloquium on Pope Benedict’s legacy.
The event featured speakers from the School of Theology who specialize in Sacred Scripture and Systematic Theology.
Benedictine College in Atchison, Kan., will celebrate Mass and then ring the bells at St. Benedict’s Abbey, adjacent to campus, at 1:00 p.m., which is 8:00 p.m. in Rome, the time at which the Holy Father will officially step down.
Students in the University of Dallas’ Rome program attended the Pope’s final public Mass on Ash Wednesday at St. Peter’s Basilica, the university said.
University of Dallas student Ada Thomas said it was “bittersweet” to be there.
“I was definitely struck by the Pope’s humility. He wasn’t giving a final performance, so to speak, but he was celebrating a Mass surrounded by those he loves: Catholics from all over the world and every walk of life.”
Source: |
4,059,799 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Cna Daily News - Us | Catholics United launches pro-life attack on Romney | Catholics United launches pro-life attack on Romney
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(Before It's News)
Washington D.C., Jul 18, 2012 / 02:23 am (CNA).- A Democrat-leaning Catholic group that has supported pro-abortion rights politicians is attacking former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney over controversial reports claiming he had stock ownership in a medical waste disposal firm that discards aborted unborn children.
Anthony M. Stevens-Arroyo, writing at the Catholics United-run group blog “Our Daily Thread,” cited Security and Exchange Commission filings apparently showing that Mitt Romney was involved in investment firm Bain Capital’s purchase of stock from the Stericycle medical waste disposal firm after his February 1999 retirement from management.
Stevens-Arroyo said “it is fair to ask what being ‘opposed to abortion’ means to a candidate who assisted this biowaste company in growing to be the largest in the country and made tens of millions from the deal.”
He charged that Stericycle “directly cooperated in abortion business” because abortion clinics would not have stayed open without waste disposal.
He then stated that Catholic opposition to abortion is “a fundamental principle of our doctrinal teaching” and noted canonical provisions that excommunicate any Catholic involved in the procurement of abortion.
Stevens-Arroyo questioned whether Romney deserves “a single Catholic vote” for allegedly owning a company that profited from abortions.
But the Romney campaign maintains he left Bain Capital in February 1999 to run the Salt Lake City Olympics full time.
The Obama campaign contends that since Romney’s name appears on documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission in November 1999 that he was still involved with Bain Capital., a project of the University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, said July 12 “None of the SEC filings show that Romney was anything but a passive, absentee owner during that time, as both Romney and Bain have long said.
It is unclear whether Romney could have known of Stericycle’s involvement in the disposal of fetal remains, as pro-life advocates’ own activism did not begin until recent years.
StopStericycle, a Philadelphia-based volunteer group opposed to the company’s involvement in abortion, formed in 2010. It is further researching Romney’s role in Stericycle’s ownership, the group’s director Michael Marcavage told CNA.
Stericycle’s accounts department has told StopStericycle researchers that its present-day clients include over 500 Planned Parenthoods, affiliates of the largest abortion provider in the U.S. The company’s website claims over 528,000 customers worldwide.
While the documents continue to be an area of controversy, Stevens-Arroyo himself was noncommittal towards criticizing President Barack Obama’s own position in favor of legal abortion and embryonic stem cell research in a July 16 e-mail interview with CNA.
“(A)lthough Mr. Obama coincides with Catholic teaching on many areas, I have considered that as a non-Catholic it is wrong to impose on him obedience to the Church,” Stevens-Arroyo said.
“As president, he takes an oath of office to uphold the law of the land and abortion is the law of the land. The right to an abortion has been enforced by every president, both Republicans and Democrats, since Roe v. Wade.”
Stevens-Arroyo did not give direct responses to questions about whether the Supreme Court should overturn Roe v. Wade, whether doctors who perform abortions should be criminalized, and whether Democrats and Republicans should work towards that goal.
Catholics United, publisher of “Our Daily Thread,” is not known for criticizing President Obama’s support for legal abortion. It is one of several Democrat-leaning Catholic outreach groups founded after Democratic candidate Sen. John Kerry lost the 2004 election and the Catholic vote, in a campaign dogged by controversy over his support for abortion.
Catholics United has also defended Kathleen Sebelius, who is now Secretary of Health and Human Services. In 2008 Sebelius was rebuked by Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City for her support for abortion rights and her acceptance of political contributions from abortionist George Tiller.
Though President Obama’s Catholic defenders are selective in their criticisms, the controversy over Stericycle could prove significant in the 2012 presidential election among pro-life voters skeptical of Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee.
The facts and the interpretations of Romney’s involvement in Stericycle are already politically charged.
An attack using Stericycle could discourage some pro-life voters already wary of Romney’s record. He supported Roe v. Wade as late as 2002, but he has said he changed his mind on abortion in 2004. He also backed embryonic stem cell research before turning against it and vetoing several Massachusetts bills that favored the research.
CNN correspondent John King reported on July 13 that insiders with Bain and the Romney campaign strongly believe that “either the Obama campaign or a Democratic ally” want to use the Stericycle investment against Romney late in the campaign but “cannot do so with any credibility” if it is certain that Romney left the company in February 1999.
Read more at CNA Daily News – US
Source: |
4,059,800 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Cna Daily News - Us | Former Vatican diplomat sees wisdom of Holy Spirit in Pope’s election | Former Vatican diplomat sees wisdom of Holy Spirit in Pope’s election
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(Before It's News)
Denver, Colo., Mar 15, 2013 / 12:05 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Despite “seeming anomalies” in the election of Pope Francis, a former ambassador to the Vatican said that seeing the event through the eyes of faith can give us a glimpse into the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
“I have confidence in the College of Cardinals and the Holy Spirit,” said Jim Nicholson, who served as U.S. ambassador to the Holy See from 2001-2005.
“They know very well what the Church needs today,” he told CNA.
On March 13, Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was elected by the cardinals as the new Pope, taking the name Francis.
The Holy Father made his first public appearance from the balcony of St. Peter’s on the evening of March 13, greeting the crowds gathered in the square below. Pope Francis’ installation Mass as Bishop of Rome will be on March 19, the Feast of St. Joseph, at 9:30 a.m. in St. Peter’s Square.
Nicholson said that while some may “think there are superficial contradictions” in the election of Cardinal Bergoglio, he finds the choice “terrific.”
“A combination of social justice and orthodoxy. That is greatly needed,” he said.
One of the apparent anomalies surrounding the election was the fact that Cardinal Bergoglio’s name had not been one of those mentioned as a top possibility for Pope when the conclave began, said Nicholson. And while it had seemed like the cardinals were largely undecided and there was no clear frontrunner, the conclave lasted just two days – shorter than many Vatican analysts had anticipated.
The former ambassador said that while this contradicted many people’s expectations, it shows that Pope Francis was “obviously very well regarded” among his brother cardinals.
The choice of Cardinal Bergoglio was also “very positive,” he explained, because there is such a “heavy concentration of Catholics in Latin America,” and the Church there has the potential for significant growth.
Nicholson also said that he sees the election of the Church’s first Jesuit Pope as significant.
Pope Francis “has been providing a literal example of Christ’s humility,” he said, describing the new Pontiff as man who has lived a life of austerity, “while being a highly regarded scholar.”
The Pope is a “model of simplicity and humility, riding public transportation to work, living in a small apartment,” he reflected.
The Holy Father’s choice of the name “Francis” is another of the “seeming anomalies,” Nicholson said, observing that St. Francis of Assisi is “the founder of an order of which he is not a part.”
In addition, he said, although St. Francis of Assisi is “one of the most beloved saints in the Church,” no Pope has ever taken his name before.
However, taking St. Francis’ name is “consistent with his lifestyle,” which is characterized by humility, austerity and a dedication to the poor, he explained.
The age of the new Pontiff – 76, one year past the customary retirement age for bishops – was also a surprise to the former ambassador. Still, he commented, the cardinals see “in him the energy to do the job,” which will assuredly be an “enormous” task.
Ultimately, Nicholson explained, he has confidence in the new Holy Father because he trusts that the Holy Spirit was guiding the cardinals in voting for the man whom the Church needs as a spiritual leader at this moment in history.
The election has “created a new paradigm,” he said.
Source: |
4,059,801 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Cna Daily News - Us | Protestant seminary to keep positive ties with Church | Protestant seminary to keep positive ties with Church
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(Before It's News)
Pasadena, Calif., Mar 20, 2013 / 12:02 am (CNA).- Fuller Theological Seminary, a leading center for the formation of evangelical Protestant pastors, will continue to promote positive relations with the Catholic Church, according to its new president.
“Our reach is global…and at Fuller we want to be a catalyst for healthy global ecumenism,” Dr. Mark Labberton told CNA March 15.
Labberton is currently a professor of preaching at the Pasadena, Calif.-based seminary, and will take over as president of the school on July 1. He succeeds Richard Mouw, who has served as Fuller’s president since 1993.
He said that though there are tensions in Latin America between Pentecostalism and the Roman Catholic Church, he wants to promote good relations between the groups.
“One of Rich Mouw’s emphases has been evangelical-Catholic dialogue and conversation, and I’m certainly hopeful that can continue.”
Labberton expressed a “great respect for the Roman Catholic Church” and said he is moved by its “expression, with all its tensions and challenges,” and by its “overarching unity.”
“The global response and attention given to the Pope’s selection this week is itself obviously a palpable expression of that, and the fact is that there’s no movement within Protestantism that could galvanize the global church in such a singular way.”
He is particularly encouraged that Pope Francis brings is bringing social justice concerns to the forefront of his papacy, while staying always connected to Christ.
Labberton said that putting aside Protestants’ “acute anxieties around issues of power,” he has “great regard” for the Catholic Church, and finds it “very inspiring in many different forms.”
He is eager to “grow in and engage” his experiences of Catholic “leadership and worship,” he said.
He finds the prospect of becoming Fuller’s president a daunting one, due both to the changes facing Christianity and education, and the legacy he has to fulfill.
The Protestant church in America, he said, is facing one of its “largest sea changes,” with redefinition of denominational structures and a “deep restructuring of what church means.”
Protestantism is facing “many more experiments” in non-denominational visions, he said, and so Fuller’s graduates are facing a field that is “in some cases fractured, or being re-defined.”
“The thing that concerns me the most, is how does a seminary like Fuller contribute in the most meaningful way to the education of the Protestant church in all its various manifestations, and its impact in the wider world,” Labberton said.
Because of this, he said, “one of the things I found very moving about the appointment and call of the new Pope this week has been my sense of deep gratitude for his social conscience; his sense of the Church and the reality of the Gospel and needing to live it in real terms, especially in the lives of the poor and the marginalized.”
Labberton shares this social conscience with Pope Francis, and said “it’s one of the primary concerns I’d also want to bring to the seminary.”
“I think evangelical churches have often been guilty of over-talk and under-live, especially when it comes to allowing our faith to lead us and draw us to engagement with the people who are most unseen and forgotten, so I’d hope that’s one of the main themes that would emerge from what I hope to do as president.”
He said that Protestants can at times focus on “a caricature of Reformation days” and a theology of being saved “by grace through faith in Christ alone.” He said this leads to “almost a divorce between grace and action,” which he finds troubling.
“That’s a false dichotomy. Protestantism at its best will see that as a false dichotomy. But I think in popular terms it is an evident dichotomy, and I think it’s a false theological division that I would want to do everything possible to address.”
Under his leadership, he would like to see Fuller “call the Protestant church into the fact that these are two inextricably bound qualities of our experience of God.”
The new president hopes that churches affected by Fuller Seminary “would vividly demonstrate – not just talk about and affirm – but actually come to more deeply and truly incarnate” the intrinsic link between God’s grace and human action.
Source: |
4,059,802 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | CNN IS FINISHED! Vladimir Putin Just Told Them Their WORST Nightmare | Ever since President Trump was elected, CNN has been pushing this BOGUS “Russia rigged the election” nonsense. They keep calling for “investigations” into Russia’s “involvement,” and The President has responded by calling it FAKE NEWS! Well, now Vladamir Putin is Responding.
Putin just delivered an EPIC dose of Karma! He said the work of the lying journalists at CNN could have interfered with their election results! The Hill is reporting that Putin invited CNN to sit before their investigation committee but they declined the invitation.
CNN just lost the last ounce of credibility they had. They have been screaming and crying for months that it was Russia this, Russia that. Russia is responsible for all the world’s problems. No, CNN. Your LIES and irresponsible FAKE journalism are responsible for the world’s problems!
The FAKE NEWS you produce on daily basis is what actually influences elections, and Russia is about to expose what you did! |
4,059,803 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | BREAKING! Mrs.”Blood In The Streets” Loretta Lynch CAUGHT Red-Handed! Look What She Did To… | There is no denying that one of the most corrupt Attorney Generals of our time is Loretta Lynch. Recently, Lynch made a video to rally anti-Trump protesters and called for blood in the streets.“It has been people, individuals who have banded together, ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference. “They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”
Loretta Lynch is obviously trying to take Trump down now, but it’s not the first time. She made some dirty moves to take him down before the election.“LORETTA LYNCH PERSONALLY SIGNED OFF ON THE FISA WARRANT TO WIRETAP DONALD TRUMP. “ Every single judge on the FISA Court as of today was appointed during Obama’s Presidency. Five of the current eleven judges on the court are scheduled to be on the court for President Trump’s entire first term with six of the judges’ terms expiring before January 2021. Seven of the judges are scheduled into the year 2020.
“According to ABC, all applications to the FISA Court were signed off on by the Attorney General and therefore if any applications were processed in the past year, they were signed off on by Loretta Lynch. This means that Lynch signed off on any requests for wire tapping President Donald Trump during the Presidential race. “
So instead of choosing to investigate the Clinton Foundation for illegal activities Lynch signed an application to wire tap President Trump.What is also concerning is that the FISA Court turned down President Obama’s Administration’s first request to wire tap President Trump that was evidently signed off on by Attorney General Lynch. With only two applications denied out of 10,700 from 2009 through 2015, the fact that the Obama Administration’s application was denied by the FISA Court is very disturbing.THE ODDS OF THIS HAPPENING WERE 0.02%. There is some serious corruption at play and president Trump isn’t going to stop until he gets the truth America deserves.
source |
4,059,804 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Mike Pence Rode In On A Harley Last Night And Promised Two Things Dems HATE To Hear | Mike Pence looked like the coolest Vice President in US History when he rode into Senator Joni Ernst’s summer ‘Roast and Ride’ rally in Iowa today on a freaking Harley motorcycle. (But wait, there is more…)
I had to show y’all that video, but trust me when I tell you that it’s not even the best part.
Pence gave an amazing speech at the rally where he promised America 2 things that are gonna make Liberals’ blood boil.
Mike Pence promised that Donald Trump is gonna Lower Taxes & Repeal Obamacare.
Oooooooooooh boy, you know there are some Democrat elites down in DC just STEAMIN’ over that right now.
The Vice President on the United States also told the onlookers how leaving the Paris Accords would benefit them, the workers, and how Trump has finally brought our great country back.
I think one of the reasons so many people still love both Donald Trump and Mike Pence is because they both always get out and visit the people.
Sure, they are not perfect, nobody is. The left thinks we don’t know that, but we do. Still, they are a hell of a lot better than what we had before and are doing their best to help the country.
So, if you love the Promises that Mike Pence made or even just seeing him on that Harley, help share this out and let the world see the REAL Trump administration for themselves. |
4,059,805 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Shiladitya Basu, Jerome Delos Santos, Nico Parungo, Necta Casiple, Jennifer Ong | The New Celebrity Apprentice: Tyra Banks, Jessica Alba To Feature As Advisors | The New Celebrity Apprentice or also known as The Apprentice 15, will now be hosted by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Jessica Alba, the founder of The Honest Co., and Warren Buffet will be joining in with Schwarzenegger as advisors. It is pretty evident that the acting career of Jessica Alba is presently in the bog, which maybe due to her involvement in business.
Apart from Alba, what’s surprising is that Tyra Banks, the supermodel, will also be joining them as an advisor. Tyra’s career after ‘America’s Next Top Model’ isn’t doing well either.
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The CELEB Dirty Laundry, believes that this might have been a part of NBC’s plan to get these two back on track by giving them a ladder for themselves.
According to sources this season might be the most insane one till date. This season features the famous Boy George who goes up against Carson Kressley, Carnie Wilson and Nicole “Snooki”.
The New Celebrity Apprentice have not got much coverage and thoughts have lingered around creating a buzz about it. NBC has reported, “[The New Celebrity Apprentice] is not on the full schedule because of ‘an embarrassment of riches’. It’s been held between The Voice cycles, that could use a big engine like this.”
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Questions have also emerged regarding the survival of the show on TV. It is believed that Donald Trump’s quintessential position as the Apprentice boss will be a hard one for Schwarzenegger to replace, as Trump has delivered an ample amount of fodder to show which could last them a life time.
It is hard for one to imagine Tyra Banks screaming, Jessica Alba without blinking an eye asking someone to leave the show for being useless and says it with dearth of emotions. What will be interesting to see is when Boy George goes mad when things don’t conform accordingly.
READ ALSO: Jaden Smith Dead – Will Smith Has A Vampire Son?
For more updates on The New Celebrity Apprentice, subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Twitter and Facebook. |
4,059,806 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Debleena Sarkar, Nico Parungo, Necta Casiple, Jennifer Ong | Arnold Schwarzenegger President: Actor Believes He Can Beat Donald Trump If Allowed | Arnold Schwarzenegger has revealed in a recent interview about his dreams of getting into the oval office. The former Governor of California said he would have competed against Donald Trump to become the Republican presidential candidate if he was allowed.
Schwarzenegger, who was elected to be the “Governator” for eight years since 2003, is not eligible to run for the White House, since he was born in Austria.
Only natural born citizens, that is, those who are either born in the United States or on a foreign land to at least one US citizen parent can hope to run for the presidentship, the Mail Online reported.
However, speaking to the Adweek magazine, the Terminator actor said that being the President of the US has been his dream, even though he doesn’t like politics.
Also Read: Arnold Schwarzenegger Dissed Donald Trump? Ashamed To Be Republican?
“If I’d been born in America, I would’ve run,” he told Adweek. “Because now? This was a very good time to get in the race.”
Earlier this month, Arnold Schwarzenegger vowed to not vote for a Republican candidate for the first time in his American life.
“For the first time since I became a citizen in 1983, I will not vote for the Republican candidate for president,” Schwarzenegger was quoted by the Mail Online. “As proud as I am to label myself a Republican, there is one label that I hold above all else: American.”
He added, “So I want to take a moment today to remind my fellow Republicans that it is not only acceptable to choose your country over your party—it is your duty.”
This is not the first time, Schwarzenegger has opened up about his aspirations. In 2010, he spoke of his dreams while speaking to Jay Leno of “The Tonight Show,” the Mirror reported. Back in October 2013, he reportedly even wanted to get the law changed so that he could run for presidentship.
Also Read: Arnold Schwarzenegger & Marie Shriver Reconciling? Divorce Taking Too Long
Want to get updated with the latest news on Arnold Schwarzenegger? Subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on Twitter and Facebook. |
4,059,807 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Karthik Prasad, Jerome Delos Santos, Nico Parungo, Necta Casiple, Jennifer Ong | Hottest Christmas Idea: Turbo Man From Jingle All The Way! | Christmas is considered to be the most wonderful time of the year, especially to kids expecting surprising gifts from their family. However, the 90’s children were unfortunately expecting an action figure as gift that didn’t exist in the stores.
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s “Jingle All The Way” released in 1996 was a great Christmas movie to the PG-13 audience. But in the end, kids were left aching over a toy called Turbo-Man.
90’s Action Figure In Creation For Christmas Gift
Turbo-Man was an action figure used in “Jingle All The Way”. The movie’s plot is based upon Howard (played by Arnold Schwarzenegger) trying to get his hands on Turbo-Man action figure for his kid.
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Plot-wise, the movie didn’t succeed at appealing to the critics. However, the Turbo-Man toy managed to live on as one of the most wanted toys in every kid’s wish list from the 90’s.
Fortunately, it looks like the toy has finally made it to reality. Fans will soon be able to purchase the fictional toy known as “Turbo Man” form “Jingle All the Way”.
Turbo Man toy was only created for ‘Jingle All the Way’ in 90’s.
According to Cinema Blend, a Kickstarter page has begun to acquire funds to create the “Turbo Man” action figure. J.R. DeJesus is running the campaign and hads revealed that he wants to “accurately produce an action figure of Turboman from the film Jingle all the way”.
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The action figure will be created using “3d scan data from an original prop”. Cinema Blend has confirmed that the campaign is run by acquiring Brian Levant’s (director of “Jingle All the Way”) permission to mass-produce the toy.
It has also been revealed that the original prop was handover to J.R. DeJesus by director Brian Levant. Fortunately, DeJesus has also promised that the action figurine will meet the buyer’s expectation.
The campaign has already received 102 backers with a pledge of $$14,213. DeJesus has 24 more days to go to acquire the remaining $$13,000 to complete his goal.
Also Read: Meet Aarush Anand, 7-Year-Old Boy Who Only Wants Peace In Syria For Christmas
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4,059,808 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- Saving the Republic, Part 3 | SAVING THE REPUBLIC?
By Kelleigh Nelson
June 9, 2010
We the People and the Continental Congress
The first Continental Congress was in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in 1774 and had delegates from twelve of the thirteen colonies that became the United States. It was convened in response to acts passed by the British Parliament. The delegates organized an economic boycott of Great Britain and petitioned the king for a redress of grievances.
The second Continental Congress met in 1775 in Philadelphia and the Revolutionary War had already begun. The movement towards independence was growing. The Congress established the Continental Army in June of 1775 and issued the Declaration of Independence in July 1776. They had designed a new government in the Articles of Confederation which were ratified in 1781.
The ratification of the Articles became the Congress of the Confederation which met from 1781 to 1789. After the War, it declined in importance and the delegates elected to Congress preferred to serve in state government. When the Articles were replaced by the Constitution, the Confederation Congress was superseded by the U.S. Congress.
The men that founded our country, fought for liberty, lost everything they owned, and gave us this Representative Republic were, for the majority, God fearing men. Even those who were deists, (considered then to be non-believers) knew their Bibles and God’s Word as well as studied preachers of today, if not better. They were guided by the Holy Scriptures.
A new Continental Congress was called in the fall of 2009 and met with delegates from every state at Pheasant Run in St. Charles, Illinois for 11 days. There were roughly 118 people from 49 states who worked on the articles of freedom for 15 to 22 hours a day according to one delegate from the south. Each state had to nominate and vote on who the elected delegates would be that would go to this historic meeting.
The organization behind the new Continental Congress is It is a tax exempt 501(c) 3 organization and is funded by donations from the “We the People Foundation.” I would urge everyone to take a look at the website and read the articles of freedom that came about after an 11 day meeting in St. Charles, Illinois last fall, 2009, by the work of those who met for this Continental Congress. The organization is the brainchild of Bob Schulz, founder and chairman of We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc.
Their ultimate goal is to educate large numbers of people, gain at least 5% of the population to sign on with them, and be pro-active in a non-violent constitutional activity that petitions the representatives of each state for remedies or their members will withdraw their support, i.e., monies from going to the federal government. The right to petition our government for a redress of grievances is guaranteed in the first amendment.
Everyone I spoke with said the speakers at this meeting were extraordinary, the facility, paid for by the Foundation itself was excellent, the work was laborious and results oriented, and the delegates were hard working, decent patriotic Americans. They also all had great respect for Bob Schulz and this endeavor. All were also very proud of the end result of their work, the “Articles of Freedom.”
However good the intentions of all these patriotic and wonderful people, the point of trying to educate the American electorate has been going on for many decades. The government’s deliberate dumbing down of our children in the government run schools makes the task highly improbable. (See Dennis Cuddy’s latest book, NEW WORLD ORDER, The Rise of Techno-Feudalism. There are several chapters on education that are short and succinct and also appeared in News With Views articles.)
Sadly a few of the original delegates have already splintered off into another competing group. About ten of them were purported to be evangelical Christians. This seems to be a common situation with conservatives, whereas with communists and hardcore liberals, they will stick together to the bitter end to achieve their goals.
One delegate that corresponded with me said this, “My critique is that CC2009 has largely been a failure because conservative patriotic America has become too fractured to unite effectively. I concluded this is probably due to a spiritual blindness being allowed by God as a failure of too few Americans being committed to Biblical Christianity and its ethics. I made this conclusion at the culmination of the October vote which determined who would represent each state at November's Continental Congress.”
Unfortunately, from what I’ve been told, only about 20% of the attending delegates were truly God fearing men. Without God at the center of every effort to save our beloved Republic, and without profound and sincere prayer beseeching God’s guidance, all will come to naught.
The Tea Parties
On April 15th, 2009, Tea Parties in towns and cities all across America met to show their displeasure with the direction of our government. On September 12th, 2009, the Tea Parties, 912 Glenn Beck group, Oath Keepers, and others joined in a march on Washington, D.C. The main stream media, including Fox News, failed to report the true number of American loving patriots that attended that event. I believe by the many photos there were probably 2 million people in that march. One thing the tea parties have accomplished is giving hope to the many Americans that love our country and are seeing our freedoms and liberties disappearing daily.
Gathering with like minded Americans infuriated with the failure of their representatives to listen to their constituents concerns, fuels the desire to stop the onslaught of a government totally out of control. Unfortunately, scoundrel politicians have tried to take over the tea parties, use them for their own gain, profit off them both politically and monetarily, and yes, also infiltrate them. Despite the fact that we are frustrated and want and need to do something, so far the tea parties haven’t accomplished any sort of change in the direction this administration is pushing. Please see this important article regarding same.
Other Futile and Disingenuous Efforts
World Net Daily is one of the premier daily news outlets and many people read their columns. I agree with many of their writers on various topics. Having said that, Joseph Farah is a long time member of the secretive Council for National Policy and his Western Journalism Center was originally funded by Richard Mellon Scaife who seems to equally fund both sides of the aisle. Farah worked for Scaife’s now defunct Pennsylvania newspaper years ago.
Recently Farah had several “feel good, do something” campaigns, one of which was to send congress 5 million pink slips that specifically warned “that senders will oppose in the next election any member of Congress who votes for more spending, intrusive legislation that restricts personal freedom and more big government programs.” It goes on to say that you can send all 535 members of congress a pink slip telling them what you oppose for only $$29.95 and sent by Fed Ex and including your name and address. Sounds like a good way to petition the rascals doesn’t it?
Unfortunately, all those pink slips just ended up in a circular file and the “feel good” of the effort was wasted on the elitists in D.C. that don’t care what constituents think. Should have saved your money and the trees for all the paper that was wasted. I think they got the idea at Townhall meetings and they still didn’t listen.
Another recent campaign was to send Pelosi, Reid and Obama copies of the constitution via Fed Ex for only $$9.95. What do you suppose those three elitists who have willingly trampled on the constitution did with the 10,000 constitutions that were WND’s goal? I’m sure it made people feel good to send them, but it did nothing to save our republic and the above three probably never even saw them. Money was wasted and nothing accomplished to save our beloved Republic. Better the constitutions had been passed out to the uneducated electorate.
Another extremely troubling article on WND was written back about 6 months ago by Gary Kreep of United States Justice Foundation. It was about the danger of a constitutional convention and the whole article until the end sounded good. In fact it sounded as though it was taken directly from Joan Collins and Ken Hill's book, CONSTITUTION IN CRISIS which was written in the 80s when we fought the first constitutional convention call. See my article in NWVs entitled WOLVES IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING?
However, having said that, at the end of the article Kreep says we're only TWO STATES AWAY from seeing a con-con convened! That's an outright lie...he proceeds to accurately list the 32 states that passed "calls" by the mid-80's, and then says, "Some states, like Georgia, Virginia, and others have since voted to "rescind" their calls for a "con-con - BUT NO ONE is sure whether those "rescission" votes are actually the danger is real."
Conspicuously absent from his statement is a complete list of states whose legislatures did withdraw their "calls," starting with Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, etc.-- easy enough to access and obtain...WHY doesn't he know who withdrew? Why didn't he "do his homework" and list all the states?! And WHY does he suggest that we're still on the precipice of a Con-Con even after several states withdrew their calls and prevailing legal opinion is/was that the withdrawals are constitutional? He goes on to add, "Right now, our staff is conducting legal and historical research, and preparing legal opinions, to submit to every state legislature, if necessary, and we'll be offering to represent any state, or state legislator in fighting the Con-Con based on those documents." And finally, the coup de gras..." In addition, we'll be calling on the Attorney General of the United States, and the Attorney General of each and every state that has passed a "Con-Con" resolution to issue an official Opinion on the legality of rescission." What's wrong with this picture??
Just what sort of "opinion" does Mr. Kreep imagine he will get out of Eric Holder on the subject? He certainly knows that Obama MUST HAVE a Con-Con to impose a new Constitution on the nation, so is there any doubt what Holder will "conclude" on recall legality?
There is a legal opinion from the former Attorney General of Maryland, Stephen Sachs, on the validity of "recalls." Kreep could have obtained that document, which was widely distributed. In addition to other such opinions, there's also the 1981 opinion of a Legislative Attorney with the American Law Division and an Analyst from the Government Division of the Library of Congress which affirms the legality of recalls (Report #81-135 GOV/A). There was/is no need to question the legality of withdrawals, UNLESS KREEP SEEKS TO "MUDDY THE WATERS." He managed to obtain quotes of Warren Burger and Gerald Gunther (these are provided in the Con-Con material in CONSTITUTION IN CRISIS) on the dangers of an open Constitutional Convention, but he conveniently ignores Sachs' and the Library of Congress' definitive stance on recalls, which allow NO BASIS FOR DISPUTE, and states he'll ask A/G Holder for his opinion?! Just what is it about existing legal opinions of validity that Kreep doesn't like or understand? Why does he "pull the punch" by stating all the factual reasons to NOT convene a Convention and, then remove the obstacle to a Con-Con by saying state withdrawals could/may be invalid?
This type of writing to an uneducated electorate and especially to younger patriots who do not know about the past fights against a constitutional convention and the destruction it would wrought disturbs me more than the “feel good” efforts that do nothing to Save the Republic. This is in actuality an effort to DESTROY the Republic fully. I have never heard Farah express these opinions and I was horrified that his fellow CNP member, Gary Kreep did so on Farah’s website.
Again, a false friend is more dangerous than an open enemy.
For an excellent short explanation of the extreme dangers of a con-con, see this video by Phyllis Schlafly who valiantly helped fight the call in the late 70s and early 80s.
What should and can be done
The first and most important action is to pray. Pray for our country, pray with a repentant heart for all that we’ve lost because we’ve allowed God to be removed from every facet of American culture. Spend time on your knees talking to the one who gives us everything. There are many websites that will give you the chronological reading of the Bible for one year. You’ll know the heart and mind of God if you read the manufacturer’s handbook!
Secondly, do not fall prey to the “spirit of fear” that is so prevalent with so many so-called patriots that are selling all types of wares to keep you “safe,” and “fed,” and “hidden” in certain groups when dangers come. II Timothy 1:7, “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”
Thirdly, you absolutely must investigate the many folks running for office in the primaries. There are 22 homes in my little area and 3 of these homes are liberals. Many are conservatives. However, there are only 4 families on my street that vote in the primary. What do I constantly hear at major elections? “Well, we have to vote for the lesser of two evils again.” The reason for that is because the American electorate doesn’t understand that the primaries are the most important of all the elections, and most are too busy watching sports to go to the polls. Most don’t even vote.
And finally, I will suggest some websites where simple education and activities can save our Republic. These are among the best I’ve ever found,,,, and “National Precinct Alliance (NPA) is a nonpartisan constitutional conservative organization that has come together for the expressed and sole purpose of encouraging and educating Citizens in how to take part in the political process by becoming a Precinct Executive.”
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My purpose in writing this particular article was in the hope that we’d stop “spinning our wheels,” and get down to work with actions that I know will make a difference. Can we change the direction we’re headed? I don’t know. We’re in very, very bad straits folks. I watch daily the actions of my government and it strikes me that a huge sewer has broken over the American landscape and spewed it’s filth to every nook and cranny of our beloved nation. I can tell you however, I know the end of the book, and I do know that we are to do everything and to STAND for righteousness until the end. Will you join me? For part one or two click below.
Click here for part -----> 1, 2,
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,809 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- American Citizens as Guinea Pigs | AMERICAN CITIZENS AS GUINEA PIGS
By Kelleigh Nelson
June 20, 2010
It was probably about 1951 or 52 when I was just a little girl and was sitting at the kitchen table in our apartment in Chicago. My mom was reading the Chicago Tribune newspaper and often would read aloud to me as a child. I distinctly remember her reading an article to me that stated the federal government had sprayed a flu virus over the Rogers Park area of Chicago to see how the contamination worked on the population. It was a very small article in the back pages, and I remember my mother’s anger at reading it. I believe Americans have been experimented on for many, many decades, and I also believe it will get far worse with the coming Obamacare.
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks
In 1951 a 31 year old woman and mother of five by the name of Henrietta Lacks died of cervical cancer in Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. Without her or her family’s permission, portions of her cancer cells were taken by her doctor prior to her treatment as well as after her death and during autopsy. Throughout our history, the poorer citizens, many of whom were black, were especially targeted for experimentation. Henrietta had two of the most virulent strains of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) that cause cervical cancer. There are over 100 different strains affecting 90% of today’s sexually active population. Henrietta’s family did not learn of her cells being taken until over 20 years after her death.
Unlike normal cells which are extremely difficult to grow, the cancer cells from Henrietta grew exponentially. They are called the HeLa cell line, the first two letters from the patient’s name were used for cell lines back then. Henrietta’s cells have helped to conquer various illnesses with new drugs, helped create the polio vaccine, uncovered secrets of cancer, viruses, and the atom bomb’s effect and have been bought and sold by the billions. There are so many of them now that they would wrap around the earth three times. They also easily contaminate other cell lines so their use is now in a sterile and controlled environment.
Henrietta’s family has never received one dime from any laboratory or Johns Hopkins in all the years since her death despite the fact that her cells were taken without the family’s knowledge. There are still no laws on the books stating that any piece of your body that is removed cannot be used without your express permission. Today, labs sell countless biopsies for various uses in cell line cultures.
Back in 1954, Dr. Chester Southam, a cancer researcher and chief of virology at Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute had a frightening thought. What if the researchers working with HeLa cells could be infected? He and many other scientists believed that cancer was caused by either a virus or an immune system deficiency, so Southam decided to use HeLa to test those theories.
He loaded a syringe with saline solution mixed with HeLa. He injected millions of HeLa cells into the forearm of a leukemia patient telling her he was testing her immune system. Within a short period of time, nodules like Henrietta’s showed on the arm. He removed them. He injected several other patients who had cancers to see whether or not their own immune system would fight them off. In many cases they did, but in four they had to be removed but kept growing back, and in one they metastasized to her lymph nodes.
Southam continued injecting patients at Sloan-Kettering and James Ewing Hospitals. It wasn’t until three Jewish doctors refused to do Southam’s protocols, citing the Nuremburg code, that the experiments were halted. In the ensuing media mess and trial, Southam nearly lost his medical license, and the wars about patient consent began.
Southam went on to solicit prisoners in Ohio State Penitentiary in order to inject healthy patients with HeLa. As Rebecca Skloot, the author of, “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” states, his tactics reminded her of Dr. Josef Mengele, the notorious “Angel of Death,” in Nazi Germany who conducted horrid experiments on prisoners and especially twins.
You can even order Henrietta’s cells on the web today, and we still have no proper laws governing parts of our bodies that are excised and discarded, but are not put in the biohazard garbage!
The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
President Clinton, at the White House on May 16, 1997, addressed five elderly African American men, ages 89 to 109, and the family members of others that couldn’t be present. He apologized for one of the most shameful episodes in U.S. medical history. In 1932, the government used 623 men as human guinea pigs in a 40 year medical experiment. This in itself is bad enough, but for 40 years these black men, predominately poor and uneducated, were deliberately kept in the dark about what was happening to them. This “experiment” continued for 20 years after the Nuremburg trials and the set of standards that came out of the trials called the Nuremburg codes. The civilized world agreed that human beings would not be used as research animals and that doctors would never forget their first duty to heal their patients.
The United States Public Health Service (PHS) conducted this experiment (now the CDC). More than half of the 623 men had syphilis, the others, a control group, did not. They were told they were being treated for “Bad Blood.” The men were told they’d get free lunches, free medical care, free burial and 100 dollars. That may sound odd, but at the time burial money and free medical care were coveted. Despite the development of penicillin in the early 40’s and the availability of it by 1944, the men were never treated. In actuality, the “experiment” was to see what illnesses developed and how long it took the men to die.
By the end, in 1972, 28 of the men had died of syphilis, 100 were dead of related complications, 40 of their wives had been infected, and 19 of their children had been born with congenital syphilis. At first they were given the choice of medicine of that day to treat syphilis, but in such small amounts that only 3% showed any improvement. To insure the men would show up for potentially dangerous spinal taps, the PHS doctors misled them with a letter full of promotional hype…their “last chance for special free treatment.” The men were also never told their bodies would be required for autopsy. Even the Surgeon General of the U.S. participated in enticing the men to remain in the experiment by sending them certificates of appreciation after 25 years in the study.
To read about this experiment on poor uneducated blacks in our country is to become outraged at the cruelty and the inhuman tactics, not to mention the fact that they purposely lied to these men as though their lives were less important than anyone else’s life…i.e., white men. Yet, the times were quite different and even after the experiment, many within the medical community felt absolutely no regret. And, what did the “experiment” succeed in doing?
On July 27, 1972, one survivor, Charlie Pollard went to see attorney Fred D. Gray who became the attorney for the plaintiffs in what became known as Pollard vs. United States of America, a $$1.8 billion class action civil suit filed in federal court in Montgomery, Alabama. Gray demanded $$3 million in damages for each living participant and the heirs of the deceased. The case never went to trial and was settled out of court in December, 1974. The government agreed to a $$10 million out-of-court settlement. Sadly, the living participants received $$37,500 in damages, the heirs of the deceased, $$15,000. Gray received nearly $$1 million in legal fees for two years of hard work.
No PHS officer who had been directly involved in the study felt any contrition.
While working as a producer for the Roger Fredinburg show some years back, we interviewed attorney Fred D. Gray. I will never forget what he said when we were told the small amount of awards from the lawsuit. He said, “How can you expect to get a fair settlement when the judge hearing the case works for the people you’re suing?”
In 1990, a survey found that 10% of black Americans believed the U.S. government created AIDS as a plot to exterminate blacks and another 20% could not rule out the possibility that this might be true. Is it any wonder after the government’s experiment at Tuskegee?
As an aside, President Clinton nominated Dr. Henry W. Foster for Surgeon General in 1995. It came out in the news that Dr. Foster, an ob/gyn was present at a meeting in 1969 in which a small number of local doctors were informed of the infamous Tuskegee experiment.
Dr. Luther C. McRae said in an interview that Dr. Foster learned some details of the experiment at the 1969 meeting. Dr. McRae said that like all the doctors present that day, including himself, Dr. Foster did not express any moral qualms about the study. At the time, Dr. Foster was chairman of the department of obstetrics and gynecology at Tuskegee University. He did not become surgeon general because of this fact.
Medical Apartheid
The experiments on black Americans began in the early days of our Republic and by the time of the War of Northern Aggression, blacks were being used, almost exclusively for experimental surgeries, and it was never consensual, but rather to expand medical knowledge.
One surgeon from Alabama, James Marion Sims, did all his experimentation with his slaves. He took the skulls of young black children (only blacks) and opened their heads and moved the bones around. He even decided to remove the jawbone of a slave who protested loudly, so the doctor had him tied to a barber’s chair and operated on him without anesthesia.
There have been many stellar physicians and surgeons throughout American history who have never suffered any consequences for their experiments and surgeries on people without their permission.
Prison experiments have been off limits for a number of years, but a federal panel is now considering loosening the regulations around prisoner experiments. The history of research in prisons has been the worst of abuses. There were experimental agents administered, men were crippled and killed. There were even mind control experiments.
In Holmesburg Prison in Philadelphia, prisoners there were injected with Staphylococcus and Monilia, herpes, and other viruses. Dr. Kligman was in charge and he injected men at the behest of pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies with dangerous chemicals. These men had a type of checkerboard on their backs where different chemicals were tested. Dr. Kligman has never been successfully sued, but rather honored.
Another Mississippi neurosurgeon, Orlando J. Andy, was doing experimentation in the 1960’s and 70’s. He was taking institutionalized young black boys and cutting out parts of their brain. His rationale was to find “behavior problems,” but there’s no psychologist report. And he was not a psychologist, but a neurologist. Also, there was no indication any of them had behavioral problems. The University of Mississippi is very proud of their revered hero, Dr. Andy. His medical literature never shows that he did anything untoward.
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There are countless horror stories of experiments on black Americans from the beginning of our Republic, but there are also countless experiments that are done on the general population of America. I’m not talking about conspiracy theories, I’m talking about documented proof of government experiments on the general population.
In part 2, we’ll look at the SV-40 monkey virus contamination of the polio vaccines, the plutonium experiments during the cold war on military and others, and the fluoride deception perpetrated by the majority of towns and cities of America. I highly recommend the books listed in the Bibliography!
1- The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot
2- Bad Blood by James H. Jones
3- The Tuskegee Syphilis Study by Fred D. Gray
4- Bus Ride to Justice by Fred D. Gray
5- Medical Apartheid by Harriet Washington
6- Acres of Skin by Allen Hornblum
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts
Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,810 | unknown | | 2017-11-27 | | Anne Nordhaus-Bike | Article: Handle Holiday Stress by Harmonizing with the Season | - Advertisement -
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Holiday movies, carols, and greeting cards assure us December--especially Christmas--is "the most wonderful time of the year."
Yet how many times have you heard people confide their favorite holiday actually is Thanksgiving? How many years have you made it through December's rush, only to be disappointed, depressed, or exhausted by the time Christmas finally comes?
If ever you have felt that way, be assured you are not alone. In fact, the holidays as observed in modern America are more often a source of stress than celebration.
With some knowledge of the underlying astrological energies of this time of year, however, it is possible to reclaim the wonder and joy of winter's feasts and festivals by harmonizing yourself with this season's natural rhythms and deeper purpose.
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Every year, around November 23, the Sun moves from intense Scorpio into fun-loving, happy-go-lucky Sagittarius. Suddenly, the mood lifts and our spirits soar, because Sagittarius wants nothing so much as a good time. This shift coincides with Thanksgiving, a holiday centered around gratitude, celebrating nature's bountiful harvest, and enjoying a comfortingly abundant and traditional feast. Also, Thanksgiving's simple, sensual pleasures carry no obligation to buy gifts.
After this holiday, Sagittarius's ruler, Jupiter, begins to work its magic--and plenty of mayhem. Much like the Ghost of Christmas Present in Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol, Jupiter inspires us to eat, drink, and be merry as we think only of the present. With its big and generous nature, Jupiter pushes us to expand constantly and set aside the normal rules of life.
This expansive, enthusiastic energy can become so overwhelming--and frankly, so enjoyable in the short term--that many people happily go to excess by spending beyond their means on extravagant presents, partying more days than not, drinking a goodly amount of alcohol, and dining daily on rich party fare. Most of us also take on Herculean tasks we attempt at no other time: sending cards to everyone on our address list, baking special cookies and treats, putting up and decorating a tree, attending seasonal entertainments, and socializing with everyone we have neglected the rest of the year.
Over it all hangs an inflexible deadline, for ready or not Christmas comes December 25. To make that deadline, many people take a typically Sagittarius approach: they sacrifice sleep by staying up late or even all night at times, they stop taking quiet time for themselves, and they give up all the healthful routines that take too much time--particularly regular exercise.
Compounding the season's physical challenges, this festive frenzy builds at the same time the Sun is in its final waning weeks of the year--meaning there is less daylight every day until the Solstice, the shortest day of the year, on December 21. In any waning period, our physical energy is diminished because we are meant to turn our attention inside ourselves in order to rest and reflect.
The turning point in this annual drama occurs on the Solstice, when the Sun leaves fiery, ebullient, jovial Sagittarius and enters cold, sober, hardworking Capricorn. If Sagittarius is the Ghost of Christmas Present, Capricorn feels like the Ghost of Christmas Future: unforgiving and utterly serious. Ruled by Saturn, the stern taskmaster of the zodiac, Capricorn calls us to cultivate the rewards of discipline, practical effort, and adult responsibility.
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Although Saturn's seeming harshness always operates for our greater good, it feels like punishment--especially if we are overtired, hung over, sick, and stuffed to the gills with holiday goodies. Even worse, as the Sun waxes, meaning the days begin to get longer after the Solstice, the increased light shows us all our shortcomings and the consequences of our Sagittarian excess: exorbitant credit card bills, piles of dirty dishes after a party, family relationships requiring repair, and bulging waistlines badly in need of exercise.
Bring back joy through balance, wise choices
While the astrological deck may seem stacked against us this time of year, you can bring back holiday joy by focusing on balance and taking time to make wise choices. Start by being aware of the powerful energies operating at this time of year. Knowing that Sagittarius will expand whatever we focus on--and Capricorn will make us pay for any excesses--think about what you most want to expand during this time and what you prefer to minimize.
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4,059,811 | unknown | | 2017-11-27 | | Anne Nordhaus-Bike | Article: Sun into Aquarius: Time to Awaken to Inner Wisdom | - Advertisement -
Anne Nordhaus-Bike is president of ANB Communications. The author of the award-winning Living in Harmony astrology column for the Gazette newspaper in Chicago, she has won several journalism awards and in 1997 was added to the "Wall of Fame" of the ( more... |
4,059,812 | reliable | | 2017-11-27 | | null | | Risk Associated with Iron Supplements
Iron is a double-edged sword. If we don’t absorb enough, we risk anemia; but if absorb too much, we may increase our risk of cancer, heart disease, and a number of inflammatory conditions. Because the human body has no mechanism to rid itself of excess iron, one should choose plant-based (non-heme) sources, over which our body has some control. |
4,059,814 | unknown | | 2017-11-27 | | Greg Palast | Article: Charlottesville: A gun in his face, but he got the photo | - Advertisement -
Greg Palast's investigative reports appear in Rolling Stone, the Guardian and on BBC Television. His latest film, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, on how Donald Trump stole the 2016 election, is available on Amazon. Palast is Patron of the Trinity ( more... |
4,059,815 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | Dmitriy Sudakov, Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo | Putin and corruption: Rotten teeth of Western propaganda machine | Putin and corruption: Rotten teeth of Western propaganda machine
The BBC that has repeatedly found itself in the midst of corruption scandals about grants from the EU and funds from the United States has released a propaganda documentary about Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In the documentary, the BBC interviewed Adam Szubin, who oversees US Treasury sanctions. Mr. Szubin told the BBC that the United States was aware of Putin's corruptness for many years.
Does the US Treasury official have any proof for his words? Of course, he does not.
"We've seen him enriching his friends, his close allies, and marginalising those who he doesn't view as friends using state assets. Whether that's Russia's energy wealth, whether it's other state contracts, he directs those to whom he believes will serve him and excludes those who don't. To me, that is a picture of corruption," Adam Szubin told the BBC.
Interestingly, the US official said that it was Putin, who was enriching his friends, not vice versa. Is the US Treasury jealous or what? Does the US have a list of those, who need to own Russia's "energy wealth" or receive state contracts? The US has a very extensive experience in lobbyism. Noteworthy, it was Putin who demanded state contracts should be published for transparency.
Bush corrupted Bin Laden, and the son of Mr. Biden "suddenly" turns out to be a top manager of a gas company that is to develop deposits in the Donbass. Is that not corruption?
One shall assume that US officials may soon accuse Russia of corrupting NASA. Why not? The latter, instead of developing its technology for years to come, prefers to purchase Russian RD-180 engines for American rockets.
Adam Szubin continues with saying that Putin receives the annual salary of about $$110,000 which is not all of his income. "That is not an accurate statement of the man's wealth, and he has long time training and practices in terms of how to mask his actual wealth," the US official said.
In fact, no one in 15 years of Putin's stay in power has ever published one single proof of his corruptness. It is probably only international financier William Browder, who keeps "enlarging" Putin's fortune saying that he has $$40 billion, then $$100 and finally $$200 billion. Again, those are just words and nothing more.
Not that long ago, many international publications and the Russian opposition raised the flag of Alexander Litvinenko and his partner Alexander Goldfarb. Strangely enough, the latter wrote in his book (surprise) that "Putin had the reputation of a non-corrupt official that was very rare during those times."
Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that all of those remarks were fictitious. Indeed, if you want to receive an official comment, where are comments from other high-ranking officials? Where is a comment from Merkel, Obama, Kohl, etc? This is a serious accusation, after all. Or does Putin, who holds indisputable leadership in international rankings of politicians need to urgently comment on accusations from the US official, who only knows how to use the word "probably?"
It appears that the whole Western propaganda machine likes to operate on the basis of probability. Yet, this is a standard technology that the United States has been using for years, including in Ukraine. At first, they find a leader that they need to destroy and then accuse him or her of corruption, violence and then expect national rebellions or conspiracy of elites to end the whole process with "democratization." In Russia, a revolution does not seem to materialize, and bombing a nuclear power is not something NATO would be willing to take up.
The tongue ever turns to the aching tooth, as they say. Most recently, Gallup has conducted a curious opinion poll about corruption in the United States. The poll showed that 75 percent of Washington residents believe that corruption is a common phenomenon in the US government. The number of those who share this point of view has increased from 67 percent in 2007.
This is how we can see the professional purity of the BBC journalism. What can we expect from the corporation that referred to the Soviet War Memorial in Berlin as "The Tomb of the Unknown Rapist?"
Read article in Russian |
4,059,816 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo | Kremlin wants US to prove allegations of Putin's corrupt activities | Kremlin wants US to prove allegations of Putin's corrupt activities
Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that accusations from a representative of the US Treasury about the corruptness of Russian President Vladimir Putin were fictitious.
Source: Pravda.Ru photo archive
"None of these questions require an answer, because they are pure fiction," Dmitry Peskov said.
Earlier, Adam Szubin, the officer in charge of sanctions at the US Treasury Department suggested that the Russian president was enriching his friends and close allies while marginalizing those whom he does not consider his friends.
"Whether that's Russia's energy wealth, whether it's other state contracts, he directs those to whom he believes will serve him and excludes those who don't. To me, that is a picture of corruption," Szubin told the BBC. "He supposedly draws a state salary of something like $$110,000 a year. That is not an accurate statement of the man's wealth, and he has long time training and practices in terms of how to mask his actual wealth," Szubin added.
According to Dmitry Peskov, the material from the BBC was fictitious, slanderous and ungrounded. "If they leave such accusations without proving them, it then casts a shadow on the reputation of this department," Peskov continued. "Now the department will have to provide evidence and demonstrate that the remarks from an official representative were not slander," Putin's spokesman said.
According to Peskov, it is the US official, rather than the BBC who is responsible for exposing suspicions about President Putin. "We could have brushed it aside as an irresponsible journalistic exercise, if it wasn't for the official comment," Peskov said.
Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru |
4,059,818 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | Игорь Буккер, Александр Артамонов, Руслан Веснянко, Любовь Степушова | "Матильда": "неправильный" фильм, который мало кто видел | Сравним "Матильду и "Черный квадрат"?
13 марта объявлена дата выхода киноленты "Матильда". В прокате мы ее увидим только в октябре. Ну а скандал вокруг этого фильма, который мало кто видел, уже вызвал общественный резонанс. Что делать с режиссерами, умеющими за государственный счет снимать чернуху о нашем общем прошлом, поливая грязью чувства верующих и народные святыни? Дело не в конкретном фильме, а в тенденции.
Кадр из фильма Матильда
По запросу Натальи Поклонской прокуратура России проверит фильм Алексея Учителя "Матильда". Запрос направлен на имя генпрокурора Юрия Чайки после обращения к депутату Госдумы общественных движений "Царский крест" и "Родительский отпор РФ", которые заявили, что картина оскорбляет религиозные чувства. "В истории нет фактов сожительства русских царей с балеринами, — сказано в петиции. — Россия представлена в фильме как страна виселиц, пьянства и блуда, что также является ложью. В картину включены постельные сцены Николая II с Матильдой, сам царь представлен жестоким мстительным развратником и прелюбодеем".
Уж сколько раз твердили миру, что негоже указывать художнику, что и как писать, рисовать или снимать. Мало кто лезет с советами в науку или технологии, потому что большинство ни черта там не понимают и не разбираются, зато каждый второй норовит указывать спортивным тренерам и режиссерам, как правильно делать большой спорт и искусство. Однако рука некоего исторического персонажа при слове "культура" тянулась к револьверу (с легкой руки российского режиссера). И пусть эти слова сказал не он, а Ханс Йост: Геббельса справедливо заклеймили нацистом, но не за это высказывание. Причины были более серьезные, чем "слова, слова, слова…".
Либеральные критики наверняка припомнят такой эпизод прямого вмешательства в дела работников искусства, как знаменитая "бульдозерная выставка". Если вдуматься, что общего между политикой нацистов ли, советских партийцев ли, и нынешних "непримиримых борцов" за чистоту искусства? Абсолютно внешний фактор — попытки и порой результаты навязывания своей позиции. Только и всего. У нынешних, как говорится, руки коротки. В самом крайнем случае, они могут повести себя как коллекторы - проще говоря, угрожать и набить морду. Словом, чистой воды уголовщина.
А креативные художники творят на благо таких же креативных, как они сами, ибо варвары их не понимают. Ну, не дано быдлу понять высокое искусство. Не для масс оно (в смысле, искусство), для масс предназначена иная масса. Итак, противостояние художника, если и чем-то испачканного, так краской, и скотоподобного большинства, которое не понимает высокого искусства. А то, что в "высоком" искусстве показывают голые задницы, так они присутствовали даже в классическом искусстве античности! Всякие венеры там, аполлоны и прочие красавчики с амурами и психеями.
Опять-таки обманчивое внешнее сходство. Обнаженные ягодицы — еще не повод к запрету произведения искусства, если это действительно произведение искусства, а не очередная мазня, китч или дешевка. Не говоря уже о проплаченной пропагандистской акции. А где критерий истинной оценки, а не вкусовщины? Это настоящее искусство, а это — халтура!
Во время беседы с корреспондентом "Правды.Ру" настоятель храма Святых Космы и Дамиана, священник Александр (Борисов) отметил, "чтобы найти грань между, с одной стороны, вседозволенностью, а с другой стороны — разумным, показом исторической правды, мне кажется, было бы целесообразно создать комиссию из известных писателей, культурологов, эрудитов (?), которые имеют влияние в обществе. В 1990-е годы была комиссия по помилованию, в которую входили известные писатели: Приставкин, Окуджава. Для меня к счастью, я там тоже оказался. Эта комиссия решала вопросы о помиловании осуждённых, готовила президенту материалы о помиловании. Там были люди, которые пользовались незыблемым нравственным авторитетом в обществе. Мне кажется, такая комиссия могла бы быть создана для таких вот трудных случаев".
Покойный ЕБН в этом случае непременно бы тогда заметил: "Вот в чем закавыка!". Комиссия — дело хорошее, но конечное решение опять-таки за президентом, а не за "господами присяжными заседателями". Вопросов тут море.
Во-первых, кто сейчас так называемый нравственный авторитет и для кого? Во-вторых, в царской России суд присяжных под аплодисменты оправдывал террористов, например, Верочку Засулич. Она же покушалась на жизнь царского сатрапа! За счастие народное. В-третьих, как проверить уровень компетенции этих членов. И, наконец, между самими "авторитетами" вполне возможны трения. Комиссия ничего не решает — последнее слово за "царем-батюшкой".
Батюшке в самую пору припомнить кое-что из Ветхого Завета: был взвешен и найден легким.
Не легковесны ли наши общественники? И еще одно бессмертное, но уже без богословия: "А судьи — кто?".
Давайте прислушаемся к словам настоятеля Богоявленского собора, священника, протоиерея Александра (Агейкина), также прокомментировавшего "Правде.Ру" выход фильма "Матильда" на российские экраны: "Терминологию "оскорбление чувств верующих" можно пришить куда угодно. На самом деле, здесь идет некая подмена исторических фактов, когда желаемое выдают за действительное. Киноиндустрия строится на скандале. Этот фильм построен на вбросе, чтобы привлечь внимание. Последний император со своей семьей был причислен к лику святых как страстотерпец. Не могу сказать, какие цели преследует режиссер и создатель этого фильма, но их действия если даже не оскорбительны, то не правильны. Они противоречат нормам морали. Может быть, какие-то благие цели преследуются режиссером, но в принципе этот фильм неправильный. Это шоу-бизнес, который подразумевает некий скандал, чтобы привлечь внимание".
Пусть художник лучше нарисует мало кому понятный "черный квадрат", но этим никого не обидит, чем плюнет в лицо в обществу, обвинив людей при этом в тупоумии и косности. Извините, вы, может быть, сможете изящно послать мою мать куда подальше, но не ищите потом защиты, если я вас прибью в подворотне, как последнюю тварь. |
4,059,819 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, Part 2 | AMERICAN CITIZENS AS GUINEA PIGS
By Kelleigh Nelson
July 29, 2010
The Polio Vaccine Contamination with SV-40
Most Americans do not remember what a horror the polio epidemic was upon America. In the early 50s, over 33,000 Americans fell crippled or died slow, terrible deaths from polio each year. It was a virus spread casually that infected the lining of the intestines, then the blood stream, and finally the nervous system where it destroyed the victim’s brain stem. The search for a polio vaccine became a national scientific effort supported by very powerful political forces. As a virus, it did not respond to antibiotics as bacteria do, so a vaccine was needed to stop the crippling and killing.
American scientist Jonas Salk came forward with a new idea to eliminate all three strains of polio. He would grow the live virus in a lab and then kill the virus and inject the dead virus into children. Being dead, they could not produce, but would create antibodies against the virus. Thus the immune system would be armed against polio.
Bernice Eddy was a bacteriologist at the NIH (National Institute of Health) and was told to safety-test the new vaccine. What she found was that the virus in the vaccine was not dead but still alive and able to breed. When she tried it on her monkeys, they were paralyzed. She sent pictures and warned the NIH.
Several prominent physicians stepped into the fray to state the vaccine was safe. One of these doctors was Dr. Alton Ochsner who was Dr. Mary Sherman’s boss. To demonstrate his faith in the vaccine, Dr. Ochsner inoculated his own grandchildren with it. The mass inoculation proceeded on schedule and within days children fell sick from polio, some crippled, and some died. Ochsner’s grandson died of polio and his granddaughter was crippled with it. The director of the NIH resigned, the Secretary of Health resigned, it was a huge failure by public health.
A second safer vaccine was later developed and deployed by Albert Sabin and it used a weakened live virus. Everyone thought this would be safe. Bernice Eddy was removed from the polio studies, despite the fact that she was the one that warned them prior to the fiasco. She was transferred to the influenza section where she met Sarah Stewart who proved that some cancers were caused by viruses as well as discovery of DNA recombination, which is a powerful tool in medical research today.
In 1957 Stewart and Eddy discovered the polyoma virus, which produced several types of cancer in a variety of small mammals. Polyoma proved that some cancers were caused by viruses. This started the study of cancer virology. This same polyoma virus acted very much like Simian Virus # 40, a monkey virus that caused cancer.
The polio vaccine’s manufacturers had grown their polio viruses on the kidneys of monkeys. When they removed the polio virus from the monkeys’ kidneys, they also got a number of the monkeys’ unknown viruses. Eddy was afraid they’d inoculated an entire generation of Americans with cancer-causing monkey viruses. She was right and in October of 1960 gave a talk to the New York Cancer Society saying they had found the polio vaccine was infected with cancer causing viruses, SV-40. From 1954 to 1963, almost every dose of polio vaccine produced in the world was given to 98 million Americans and was contaminated with the cancer-causing virus from the monkey kidneys used to develop the vaccine.
Instead of sounding the alarm, the NIH took away her lab and destroyed Eddy’s career. Studies were repeatedly dismissed by federal health officials, so no warning was given to consumers. Other researchers found the same thing, albeit the SV-40 did not cause cancer in the host (the monkeys), but what about a primate who had not been exposed to it previously? When clean African monkeys were infected with SV-40, all of them developed cancer. The political insiders already knew this, but had not announced it. The public was not told. In 1961 one of Eddy’s co-workers published a paper that stated the polio vaccine was contaminated with live SV-40. A couple of very back page articles appeared in the New York Times with a mention of a possibility of cancer in the vaccine. None of the Salk or Sabin vaccines that were contaminated with SV-40 were recalled. They sat on shelves and were used until they were gone.
But back to Dr. Mary Sherman who worked for Dr. Ochsner. Mary Sherman was murdered on 21st July 1964. She had been stabbed in the heart, arm, leg and stomach. Her mattress had been set on fire, but her massive burns could not have come from the smoking mattress. The crime has never been solved. Edward Haslam published “Dr. Mary’s Monkey,” in 2007 and argues that Dr. Alton Ochsner organized “one of the 159 covert research centers which the CIA had admitted to setting up.” Haslam believes that Ochsner recruited the brilliant researcher and physician Mary Sherman to run the research operation. The project was set up 23 March 1962 and Dr. Sherman was allegedly involved in carrying out secret research into developing a vaccine to prevent an epidemic of soft-tissue cancers caused by polio vaccines contaminated with SV-40.
Dr. Eddy’s forecasted epidemic has come true. In a 1994 article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the front page of USA Today stated, “Baby boomers are much more likely to get cancer than their grandparents were at the same age.” They even stated that men born between 1948 and 1957 have three times as much cancer as those born in the late 1800s.
These affected Americans are the baby boomers who were inoculated with the polio vaccine. The polio epidemic caused 33,000 cases a year at its height. Compare that to the number of cancer cases in 1994, 182,000 new cases of breast cancer, 200,000 new cases of prostate cancer, and 500,000 new cases of lung cancer. The increase in any one of these diseases in the years since 1985 when baby boomers that were inoculated turned about age 40 was greater than the entire polio epidemic at its peak. Increase in soft tissue cancers is at 50%, this includes skin at 70%, lymphoma at 60%, prostate at 60%, and breast at 34%.
There is abundant evidence of a variety of simian viruses found in the human blood supply. The DNA from SV-40 is repeatedly extracted from several types of tumors. Former virologist, John Martin, M.D., Ph.D., said, “SV-40 infection is now widespread within the human population almost certainly as a result of the polio vaccine.” This vaccine was given to millions of American and European children. SV-40 has been discovered in tumors of children never inoculated with the vaccine leading most scientists to believe it is genetically passed.
Researchers have found SV-40 in 45% of the seminal fluid samples and 23% of the blood samples from healthy donors. That meant that SV-40 could have been spreading through sexual activity, from mother to child, or by other means which could explain how those never inoculated with the contaminate vaccine could pass it on or infect their children and grandchildren.
Mesothelioma is a rare cancer. Few human cases were reported before the 1950s, but its incidence has been increasing steadily, reaching several thousand cases a year in the United States by 1988. Studies had linked mesothelioma to asbestos exposure – with tumors usually appearing many decades later. Yet 20% of victims had no asbestos exposure. One of the researchers decided to test 48 human mesotheliomas stored at the NIH. He was stunned to find that 28 of them contained SV-40.
The final and most horrific part of the story reports that Lederle Laboratories, the sole oral vaccine supplier in the U.S. from 1977 onward, continued to use monkey kidneys possibly infected by the SV-40 virus in its manufacturing process until oral polio vaccine was removed from the market as late as January 2000.
So, the damage from the vaccine for polio has had a widespread effect on all of the population and my mind immediately thinks of the elite and powerful who believe in population control. Why didn’t they stop the inoculations? Why wasn’t the public warned? Why didn’t they find a better way to grow the vaccine without the contamination from Rhesus monkeys? Why wasn’t a vaccine against SV-40 found as soon as possible? As the inoculated baby boomer population ages, and their immune systems become compromised, SV-40 is most likely to step in and give them some form of cancer.
The impetus for these series of articles started originally with an e-mail from a friend who reads NewsWithViews by asking me if AIDS was manmade. I believe at the time I answered her by telling her I didn’t know. However, having said that, AIDS like SV-40 comes “allegedly” from monkeys. Many believe, especially in the black community, that AIDS was developed by the CIA to rid the world of undesirables.
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I doubt we’ll ever know the truth of the inception of AIDS, but with the knowledge of what has happened with other epidemics and vaccines, and the governments’ penchant for experiments on the population; we certainly can have our doubts. The next part of the article will cover the Plutonium experiments during the cold war and answer the question as to why the Amish are so much healthier than the “general” population seems to be. For part one click below.
Click here for part -----> 1.
1- Dr. Mary’s Monkey by Edward T. Haslam
2- The Virus and the Vaccine by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,820 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, Part 3 | AMERICAN CITIZENS AS GUINEA PIGS
By Kelleigh Nelson
August 24, 2010
Radiation Experiments on the General Population
During the cold war, while preparing America for nuclear attack, thousands of US citizens were victims of over 4,000 secret and government classified radiation experiments. They were unethical, non-consensual, and probably illegal. These classified radiation experiments were conducted by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), the Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Health, Education and Welfare, (HEW), the Public Health Service, (now the CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Veterans Administration (VA), the CIA, and NASA.
Millions of people were exposed to radiation fallout from testing of more than 200 atmospheric and underground nuclear weapons. We’ve all heard of the military as well as the many famous actors that were given special viewings of the nuclear bomb tests and how they died from their radiation exposure from cancers. There were hundreds of secret releases of radiation into the environment and over populated areas, and there were over 200,000 “atomic vets” who worked closely at the Nevada test site in the 50s and 60s.
The human test subjects for specialized testing to receive radiation were mostly in a compromised or powerless position. Many were prisoners, some poor, pregnant, children, elderly, black Americans, and even mentally retarded. Many were soldiers or military personnel who felt they had to follow orders which we’ll discuss in a later article. In most cases, no informed consent was given and most of the time the subjects did not even know they’d been exposed to radiation.
Also affected were those called the “downwinders” of the nearby towns in Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado. The human and animal populations suffered the worst cumulative radioactive effects of fallout, along with their environments loaded with radioactive food, water, and farm products. Declassified AEC records (now DOD) from the 50s describe in one document that the people downwind of the Nevada test site were a “low use segment of the population.”
Government doctors and scientists tried to brainwash the public into believing a low amount of radiation was good for you. They totally ignored the truth that they knew that nuclear fallout could lead to an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, neurological disorders, immune system disease, reproductive abnormalities, sterility, birth defects, and genetic mutations which, like SV-40 monkey virus, can be passed on from generation to generation. A secret AEC document from April 17, 1947 revealed that physicians were aware of these radiation hazards but simply ignored them.
It stated, “It is desired that no document be released which refers to experiments with humans that might have an adverse effect on public opinion or result in legal suits. Documents covering such field work should be classified as ‘Secret’.”
Quite obviously these physicians ignored their sworn Hippocratic Oath promising that they would do no harm to their patients. And after 1947’s development of the Nuremberg Code of justice resulting from the Nazi war crimes trials after WWII, they most likely were breaking the law. The Nuremburg Code includes 10 principles to guide physicians in human experimentation. Go here for the 10 points of the Nuremberg code. Prior to the Nazi war crime tribunals, there was no written code for doctors other than the Hippocratic Oath, and lawyers defending the Nazi doctors tried to argue that similar wartime experiments were conducted with prisoners at the Illinois State Penitentiary where they were deliberately infected with malaria.
During the Nuremberg trials the AMA came up with its own ethical standards, which included three requirements: 1) voluntary consent of the person on whom the experiment is to be performed must be obtained; 2) the danger of each experiment must be previously investigated by animal experimentation; and 3) the experiment must be performed under proper medical protection and management. As we’ll see, the Nuremberg codes and the AMA Standards were totally ignored.
According to author Carole Gallagher’s photo-essay, AMERICAN GROUND ZERO: THE SECRET NUCLEAR WAR, many of the “downwinders” testified that the Public Health Service told them that it was their neurosis about the fallout that would give them cancer, especially if they were female. Women with severe radiation illness, hair loss, severely burned skin, were diagnosed in hospitals as “neurotic.” Other severely ill women were diagnosed with “housewife syndrome.”
When Gallagher asked a DOE spokesperson about the AEC/DOE’s practice of waiting until the wind blew towards Utah before testing nuclear bombs or venting radiation, in order to avoid contaminating Los Angeles or Las Vegas, the official answered on tape, “Those people in Utah don’t give a shit about radiation.”
Some of the secret experiments by the government included exposing Alaskan villagers to radioactive iodine in the 1960s; exposing about 800 pregnant women in the late 40s to radioactive iron to determine the effects on their fetuses; injecting newborn babies with radioactive iodine; exposing the testicles of more than 100 prisoners to cancer-causing doses of radiation that continued into the early 70s; exposing 200 cancer patients to high levels of radiation from cobalt and cesium, (the AEC didn’t stop this experiment until 1974); administering massive doses of full body radiation to cancer patients in Cincinnati’s General Hospital, at Baylor College in Houston, at Memorial Sloan-Kettering in New York City, and the US Naval Hospital in Bethesda; exposing 29 patients at the University of California Hospital in San Francisco to total body irradiation (100-300 rad dose) to obtain data for the military; and feeding 49 retarded teenagers radioactive iron and calcium in their cereal during the years 1946-1954. These are only a few of the horrific experiments.
It was in the 90s that the plutonium experiments were exposed by reporter and Pulitzer Prize winning author Eileen Welsome, who wrote the fabulous book, THE PLUTONIUM FILES. It was a 10 year investigation as a newspaper reporter that led Eileen to write the book. I had the pleasure years ago of tracking Eileen down and having her as a guest on the Roger Fredinburg Show.
The plutonium experiments were performed under the auspices of the government’s Manhattan Project which brought together a revered group of scientists to develop the atom bomb. It was done in Oak Ridge, TN, only 12 miles from where I live, and the radiation contamination in our area of the country is legend. Plutonium was injected or fed to subjects and it is immediately toxic to the body unlike radiation exposure that will cause illness in time.
Plutonium was not the only radioactive element used on human subjects. The Boston Project in the early 50s included the use of radioactive strontium, polonium, radium and uranium. As an aside, radium was used in the making of watches so that the numbers and dials glowed. The women that painted these watches with the radium would put the brushes in their mouths to bring them to a point before dipping again into the radium. The results were devastating cancers of the jaw, tongue, mouth, throat and internal organs from swallowing so much radioactive material. More on the results of the Radium Company employees in New Jersey.
The public was unaware that plutonium was used in the two bombs dropped on Japan until after August of 1945. The government maintained that it was essential to do plutonium experiments in order to determine if it affected employees working on the government projects. Most of the tests were on unknowing cancer patients which started in the 40s. All the experiments were a dismal failure.
In 1997, the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research concluded: “Large numbers of nuclear weapons workers have received information which systematically understates their actual exposures because the dosages were not combines.” Yet the DOE denied that many human subjects had high exposures to radiation. Despite the experimenters’ protestations that the doses were low and therefore not dangerous, many of the experiments were designed to induce harm.
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Ebb Cade was a black man who worked for a cement company in Oak Ridge, TN. On his way to work with his brothers and fellow workers one morning, they passed a stalled government truck in their lane only to plow into an oncoming dump truck. Ebb was taken to the Oak Ridge Army Hospital. Ebb’s nose and lip were cut; his right kneecap, forearm, and his left femur were fractured. Other occupants injuries were not known, but the driver of the vehicle spent 9 months in the hospital. Los Alamos chemist, Wright Langham (they were working with plutonium) sent Dr. Hymer Friedell detailed instructions for an injection into Ebb Cade of plutonium. Five days after the injection, and nearly three weeks after the accident, Ebb’s bones were set. The timing of his surgery was so they could take bone samples from Ebb after the plutonium had circulated in his body. Cade developed yellow jaundice at the end of his hospital stay, and although he seemed to heal properly, only 8 years later he died at 63 of heart failure. The rest of his family outlived him by decades. For part four click below.
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4,
1- The Plutonium Files: America’s Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War by Eileen Welsome (direct quotes included)
2- The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code by J. Katz
3- American Ground Zero: The Secret Nuclear War by C. Gallagher
4- A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical and Biological Warfare by R. Harris and J. Paxman
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,821 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo | News and articles by tag Great Britain | It may seem strange to relate the photochemical reaction to the hegemonic balance between the different axes of power, but this is an exercise that depends in reality on the order we give to the objects of reason, and on how the relevancies are established that identify them from the logical framework that is used. |
4,059,825 | reliable | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Subscribe to Videos Podcast | Subscribe to Videos Podcast
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4,059,826 | reliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Michael Greger M.D. Faclm | Cantaloupe and Listeria: an estimated 85% of cases are from deli meats, not melons | More than a dozen deaths have been reported in the national outbreak of listeriosis linked to cantaloupes from a farm in Colorado, making it the third deadliest recorded Listeria outbreak in U.S. history, after a 1985 outbreak linked to cheese, and a 1998 outbreak linked to Sara Lee deli meat and hot dogs.
Listeria has been described as having a “Jekyll & Hyde” personality. In the natural environment, it exists as a benign “saprophyte” living off decaying vegetation. In humans, though, it is one the deadliest bacterial infections currently known, with the potential to infect the brain and kill 1 in 6 people infected despite early antibiotic treatment.
What is responsible for this transformation from an environmental soil bacterium to public health hazard? One way new human infectious diseases emerge is through a process called “exaptation,” in which an adaptation in one context coincidentally predisposes evolutionary success in an unrelated context, as was the case with Legionnaire’s disease. Legionnaire’s is caused by bacteria whose primary niche was the scum lining the rocks of natural hot springs, a warm, moist environment not unlike the human lung. The invention of machines that could mist the air with water afforded an opportunity—as evidenced by the 1976 American Legion convention outbreak in Philadelphia—for ventilation systems to condition the air with bacteria now known as Legionella. In the environment of the human respiratory tract, Legionella’s prior adaptations proved lethal in 29 of 182 cases.
Similarly, passage though animals raised for meat has been blamed for changes in pathogens that enhance human infectivity and virulence. This “exaptive” cross-host adaptation may have played a role in the emergence of diseases such as SARS and highly pathogenic strains of bird flu. The toxin that makes E. coli O157:H7 so deadly in humans apparently evolved to facilitate benign colonization in cattle. Likewise, when Listeria are ingested by livestock, adaptation to their new environment commences with the activation of a set of stress genes associated with virulence in humans. This can lead to udder invasion in mammals, resulting in mastitic milk and fecal shedding for further transmission into meat and dairy products. Compared to strains found in the environment, Listeria adapted to growth in farm animals may be more often associated with large-scale human outbreaks.
This is evidently the first time cantaloupes have been considered a culprit. The FDA/USDA Listeria risk assessment identifies deli meats as the only “very high risk” food category, accounting for an estimated 85% of cases. On a per serving basis, deli meats were identified as the riskiest, followed by hot dogs, meat pâté, unpasteurized milk, and seafood. Other dairy products, including cheese and pasteurized milk, fell into the moderate risk category, while fruits and vegetables were classified as low risk, coming in at relative risk ranking of 14 and 18, respectively (the top 13 riskiest food groups were all meat and dairy).
Of 17 outbreaks noted during a 25-year period by CDC researchers, 8 were meat, 8 were dairy, and one was from coleslaw made from cabbage contaminated with infected sheep manure. It is unclear how the cantaloupes in this case were contaminated, though early reports of the use of human sewer sludge on an adjacent field is one possibility.
To protect oneself from more typical sources of Listeria, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that those at high risk (such as people over 50 and pregnant women) avoid hot dogs, lunch meats, cold cuts, and other deli meats unless they are recooked until “steaming hot,” to kill off any accumulated bacteria. In other words, ready-to-eat meats may not really be ready to eat.
Cantaloupes, like alfalfa sprouts, have been associated with outbreaks of foodborne illness—especially Salmonella—but it’s important to put the risk in perspective. Approximately 50 Americans are sickened in melon-borne Salmonella outbreaks every year. At the same time, the FDA estimates that 142,000 Americans are sickened every year by Salmonella from eggs.
According to a 2011 report from the Emerging Pathogens Institute, the five food poisoning sources that cause the greatest disease burden in the United States (in terms of cost, illnesses, hospitalizations, and death) are Campylobacter from poultry, Toxoplasma from pork, Listeria from deli meats, Salmonella from poultry, and then Listeria from dairy products.
-Michael Greger, M.D. |
4,059,827 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, Part 4 | AMERICAN CITIZENS AS GUINEA PIGS
By Kelleigh Nelson
August 24, 2010
Radiation Experiments on the General Population
Arthur Hubbard was a white baseball player who played for his small college. He and his wife had seven children, one of whom died from eating mistletoe at Christmas. He had his own business called Hubbard’s Baseball Inn which sold beer and barbeque in Austin, Texas. In June of 1944, he had a swelling under his chin about the size of a hen’s egg. He had it excised four months later. It was squamous cell carcinoma. He had large doses of radiation, but the cancer came back and he underwent another surgical procedure and another round of radiation. A friend who was a surgeon urged him to get treatment at the University of Chicago. The largest study of plutonium was there in a group of buildings that came to be known as the “Met Lab.” The doctors who worked in the lab had privileges at Chicago Billings Hospital.
Arthur and his family knew they were experimenting with a new “treatment,” but none of them suspected the so-called treatment consisted of an injection of top-secret material that would end up being used in a weapon soon to be dropped on Japan. By the spring of 1945, Arthur bore little resemblance to what he had been prior to cancer and the injection. His jaw had been removed, and he was in considerable pain trying to swallow. Five months after the injection, Arthur died in October of 1945 after complaining of chest pains. Twelve hours after he died, his body was autopsied and his organs harvested (I hate that word) and examined for plutonium deposition. The hottest parts of his body were his bone marrow and liver, but scientists were convinced the injection had not affected his disease or hastened his death.
Albert Stevens was a house painter and he had tremendous stomach pain which the doctors believed was a cancerous ulcer. He was told to consult specialists at the University of California Hospital. This was another area of testing for plutonium. Albert underwent a huge battery of tests. He was diagnosed with stomach cancer and although a gastroscopy (today’s endoscope which is inserted in the mouth and down to the stomach with a small camera to look around) was ordered, but it wasn’t done. Albert was 58 years old. The top secret scientists heard about Albert (they thought he was a dying patient, so what did an experiment matter) and decided he’d make a good human plutonium experiment for UC’s plutonium lab. Four days after his injection, he was wheeled into surgery. The surgeons thought they found a huge ulcerating carcinomatous mass that had grown into his spleen and liver, so they removed a portion of his liver, all of his spleen, his 9th rib, part of his pancreas, lymph nodes, and an apron of fat covering his internal organs. The lab found that he did not have cancer, he had a bad ulcer. Albert lived for another 21 years, but could never gain weight. It is a remarkable feat since the injection he received was 858 times what the average person receives in their lifetime. His heart gave out before his thinning and brittle bones.
Edna Bartholf was injected on February 8, 1946 and was diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease. She was only 59 and died nine months later.
Janet Stadt was suffering from scleroderma, a skin disease and was injected in March of 1946 at the age of 41. She died of cancer of the larynx some thirty years later.
Eighteen year old Jean Daigneault was suffering from Cushing’s syndrome, a metabolic disorder when she was injected in November of 1945. She died a year and a half later. Scientists found plutonium in her hair when her body was exhumed many years later.
Simeon Shaw suffered from an osteogenic carcinoma. He and his mother arrived in San Francisco from Australia. He was injected with plutonium and two other radioisotopes on April 26, 1946 when he was two months shy of his fifth birthday. He died eight months later.
Elmer Allen’s leg was amputated because of an osteogenic sarcoma. He was injected with plutonium on July 18, 1947 and lived another forty-four years. He always knew the doctors had injected him with something, but never could prove it until Eileen Welsome found the truth.
Maude Jacobs, mother of seven, who was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was forty-nine, died a painful death twenty-five days after her irradiation at Cincinnati General Hospital. Her deterioration was so rapid that she never had a chance to make arrangements for her children.
Helen Hutchison received a radioactive Vanderbilt “cocktail” when she was six months pregnant. Bizarre health problems plagued both Helen and the child she was carrying for many years after an apparently uneventful birth.
Physicians in Oak Ridge used lead covered syringes and lead-lined gloves to protect themselves from the radiation when they were injecting radioisotopes into human guinea pigs.
In the 1990s, the CIA released classified documents relating to plutonium and other radiation experiments on human subjects.
Terminally ill patients at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston were injected with uranium as part of an experimental program sponsored by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. They all received high doses and their physical conditions worsened and most died. These experiments were conducted, without the patients’ knowledge, by neurosurgeon Dr. William Sweet, a graduate of Harvard Medical School. They were done to see if safety standards could be improved among workers engaged in nuclear energy projects. Sweet received the prestigious Harvey Cushing Medal from the American Association of neurological Surgeons.
Dr. Eugene Saenger led a Pentagon funded study of whole body radiation experiments with 90 terminally ill cancer patients at the University of Cincinnati. Their families received a settlement for $$5 million.
In the 1950s, mentally retarded students were given permission by their parents to belong to the Science Club at Fernald School in Waltham, Massachusetts. They were fed radiation with the cereal to determine the pathway of nutrients in the human digestive system. The tests were carried out by the Quaker Oats Cereal researchers from MIT. Other students were injected with radioactive iodine in the thyroid. Quaker settled a lawsuit of $$1.85 million with 30 of the students.
In the spring of 1950, the military exploded radioactive lanthanum 140 near Los Alamos, New Mexico, causing human, cattle, water, and land contamination.
In other radiation tests from 1945 to 1949, 829 pregnant women were fed radioactive iron drinks in order to detect their effect on fetal development. Several of the mothers’ children died as a result of the radiation.
In 1961, researchers at MIT injected 20 subjects ranging in age from 63 to 83 with Radium and Thorium as part of a study on aging.
In 1957, northern Alaskan Eskimos and Athabascans, most of whom spoke no English, received an apple and an orange for allowing United States Army doctors to inject into them radioactive Iodine-131.
Prisoners were prime subjects and as one experimenter stated, “Much cheaper than chimpanzees.” One group of prisoners had their testicles irradiated and then later surgically removed for study.
The legal maneuvering of the nuclear establishment reveals a general lack of concern for the public…the fear of liability so haunted the U.S. nuclear weapons establishment that contractors to the AEC demanded and got complete immunity from liability even for gross negligence or violation of contract. Concern about liability even carried over to the human experiments, although nearly none of the test subjects were told what was done to them. Dr. Charles Edington wrote that he was for all the scientific studies and results, as long as they were not held liable. He had approved the irradiation of the testicles of prisoners in both Washington and Oregon State Prisons from 1963 to 1971.
Despite the documentation of hundreds and thousands of cases of unethical conduct resulting in lasting damage to thousands, not a single physician, scientist, technician, nurse, policy maker or administrator has come forward to ever admit wrongdoing.
For over twenty years the law allowed the US Department of Defense (DOD) to use Americans as “guinea pigs.” This law (the US code annotated Title 50, Chapter 32, Section 1520, dated 30 July 1977) remained on the books until it was repealed under public pressure in 1998. The new and revised bill prohibits the DOD from conducting tests and experiments on humans, but allows “exceptions.” One of the exceptions is that a test or experiment can be carried out for “any peaceful purpose that is related to a medical, therapeutic, pharmaceutical, agricultural, industrial, or research activity.” Thus, the 1998 law has obvious loopholes which allow secret testing to continue.
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Unethical and dangerous experimentation undoubtedly continues in secret up to the present time, under the guise of “national security.” Please think twice before signing up for any government sponsored medical studies particularly at leading medical institutions. One might also view doctors and especially scientists with a healthy dose of skepticism and a touch of paranoia.
In Part 5, we’ll look at the number of experiments including radiation, biological weapons, viruses, and vaccines done on our military forces without their knowledge or consent.
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4,
1- The Plutonium Files: America’s Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War by Eileen Welsome (direct quotes included)
2- The Nazi Doctors and the Nuremberg Code by J. Katz
3- American Ground Zero: The Secret Nuclear War by C. Gallagher
4- A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret Story of Chemical and Biological Warfare by R. Harris and J. Paxman
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,828 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- The Plight of a Naturalized Citizen | THE PLIGHT OF A NATURALIZED CITIZEN
By Kelleigh Nelson
September 5, 2010
Laszlo is a naturalized citizen of the United States of America. A naturalized citizen is one who, being born an alien, has lawfully become a citizen of the United States under the constitution and laws. He has all the rights of a natural born citizen, except that of being eligible as president or vice-president of the United States.
Laszlo and his family immigrated to the United States in 1982 from Hungary. At that time he obtained his Social Security Card along with his Green Card. In 1989, he and his wife became American citizens in Los Angeles, California. Two years later they both obtained their US Passports, which they’ve kept renewed ever since. They have paid taxes since 1982. They have never borrowed or gotten financial help from the government. Both Laszlo and his wife have worked full time since they’ve been in this country.
Their 36 year old son served two terms with the Air Force, one in Desert Storm, and one in Desert Shield. This family has assimilated into American life and culture and are exemplary American citizens.
Laszlo is presently employed by the state working for the Juvenile Detention Center for the last eight plus years. He recently applied for a job as a reservist with the local Sheriff’s office. As a part of the hiring procedure (besides the very detailed background investigation), his legal status and eligibility to work were also checked by E-Verify. The result came back as “Tentative Non-Confirmation.” Tentatively, this means he’s not eligible to work since:
- “The SSA is unable to confirm his US citizenship
- And they cannot confirm that employee is eligible to work because SSA records do not show that the Social Security holder is a US citizen”
Laszlo worked with and was one of the original members of the Citizens Council on Illegal Immigration in his town and was instrumental in getting E-Verify passed into law in his state. Obviously, no good deed goes unpunished. Here is a link for an explanation of E-Verify.
After his E-Verify “Non-confirmation,” he visited the local Social Security office with his Social Security Card, Drivers’ License, U.S. Passport, and the original Naturalization Certificate issued by the United Stated Federal Government. After the lengthy research by the SSA clerk, he was told that none of his information can be verified in the system. She asked him, “Would you like to contest? It will be a long process and may not turn out in your favor.” She also informed him that he broke the law by laminating his social security card and that seemed to be her biggest concern!
In the meantime, he cannot get hired, will probably lose the job opportunity, and might even lose his current job with the state if the social security administration reports him as a “non-eligible” to work in the United States.
At this point he is helpless and doesn’t know where to turn to provide proof that he is a naturalized citizen. At the same time he and his family as well as all his friends are outraged that millions of illegal aliens are floating around in our country, working illegally, being paid under the table, committing crimes that kill 25 American citizens a day, voting, taking advantage of the entitlement system of the US, rioting and going unpunished for unlawful entry into the US. Yet, Laszlo as an American citizen is being denied work because the federal government has dropped the ball AGAIN on a LEGAL American.
I have known Laszlo for sometime as a cyber buddy who does his homework and sends important information to his e-mail list. He knows our constitution probably better than the majority of people he corresponds with who are natural born citizens. This man and his family have fought for America’s culture and her laws; he has been on the frontlines in many battles. He’s the kind of citizen America is proud to call her own. And he votes!
I’ve suggested that Laszlo make an early appointment in his congress person’s local office as soon as possible rather than going through the Social Security Administration (one big huge bureaucracy of slow moving paperwork). He needs his yearly tax records, his naturalization certificate, his drivers’ license and all his documentation, and he needs to get his congress critter to help him so this man can continue being employed with not one, but two jobs to help support himself and his family.
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If anyone reading this has any other suggestions that can help Laszlo, please by all means, contact me through e-mail and I’ll forward your suggestions and e-mails to Laszlo.
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,829 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, Part 5 | AMERICAN CITIZENS AS GUINEA PIGS
By Kelleigh Nelson
September 12, 2010
Experiments on our Military
The brave men and now women of our military deserve the very best in equipment, training, protection, leadership, healthcare, housing and pay. Undoubtedly, they have been lacking in these areas and many more over the years. The active military and the veterans all deserve the very best we can give them as well as our daily prayers for all of them. Sadly, they have often been used as subjects for experiments conducted by the same groups I mentioned in Part 3 of this article, the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC), the Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Health, Education and Welfare, (HEW), the Public Health Service, (now the CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Veterans Administration (VA), the CIA, and NASA.
Undoubtedly, all of us have heard of Gulf War illness and depleted uranium (DU) sickness our veterans have come home with from the Iraq war. Several Persian Gulf War vets reported that they were ordered to take experimental vaccines during Operation Desert Shield or face prison.
Most researchers cite radioactive poisoning from depleted uranium shells as the deadliest element in the Gulf War Illness “cocktail.” In the 1991 war the Pentagon fired more than 340 tons of DU projectiles at targets in Iraq and Kuwait. More than a half million Gulf era veterans are on medical disability. It was in 1993 that a group of twenty four affected soldiers went to a leading expert on radiation and found they had many times the “safe” level of toxic depleted uranium in their bodies.
The military of course continues to deny the connection of depleted uranium to the returning vet’s illnesses, but so many were sick that in 2007, President Bush signed legislation for a newly mandated study. I have my doubts of the outcome simply because the government rarely takes responsibility for their crimes against the citizens and military personnel. However, in 1996, the DOD admitted that Desert Storm soldiers were exposed to chemical agents.
Hundreds of thousands of military personnel during the last seventy years have been involved in human experimentation and other intentional exposures conducted by the DOD, often without a service member’s knowledge or consent. In some cases, soldiers who consented to serve as human subjects found themselves participating in experiments quite different from those described at the time they volunteered.
During WWII veterans who originally volunteered to test “summer clothing” in exchange for extra leave time, found themselves in gas chambers testing the effects of lewisite and mustard gas.
Soldiers were ordered occasionally by commanding officers to volunteer to participate in research or face dire consequences. Additionally, some of these human subjects were threatened with imprisonment at Fort Leavenworth if they discussed these experiments with anyone, including their wives, parents, and family doctors. For decades the Pentagon denied that the research had taken place, resulting in decades of suffering for many veterans who became ill after the secret testing. Some documents exposing these experiments have been declassified, but others have not.
The U.S. chemical weapons stockpile contains two classes of agents, namely, organophosphate nerve agents (sometimes called nerve gas) and blister (or mustard) agents. The nerve agents are usually referred to by their Army code designations: VX, GB (Satin), and GA (Tabun). The blister agents are H, HD, and HT. These agents are contained in a variety of munitions as well as in bulk containers stored at eight continental U.S. sites and at Johnston Island in the Pacific Ocean.
The Pentagon recently declassified reports on Project 112 and Project SHAD (shipboard hazard and defense). These programs had been carried out between 1961 and 1970 and were designed to identify American military vulnerability to chemical and biological weaponry. Large numbers of soldiers, who were unaware they were being used, were exposed to toxic substances and suffered consequences to their health when their ships were sprayed with these substances.
Fifty were carried out on more than 5,800 U.S. troops who have been identified. The documents state that many of them were sprayed with VX and satin gas, both of which are deadly. It was to test the effectiveness of decontamination procedures and safety measures at the time. This was just one of many chemical warfare experiments conducted by the U.S. military.
Volunteer tests involving mustard gas in World War II were done from 1942 to 1944 by the U.S. Chemical Warfare Service to test the effectiveness of gas masks and protective clothing. They refused to pay disability benefits to the victims of the experiments.
Radium Rods
Between 1940 and the 1960s, the military used radium rods to treat submariners and airmen who were suffering ear and sinus problems caused by pressure changes related to depth and altitude.
(Remember in part 1 where I wrote about Henrietta Lacks and her cancer treatment at Johns Hopkins? They used radium rods to treat Henrietta’s cervical cancer as well.) The procedure was discontinued in the mid 60s when pressurized cabins and more effective treatments were developed.
The number of sailors and airmen who received this treatment is unknown although the Department of Veteran Affairs launched an effort to try to contact as many as they could locate.
The treatment involved the use of radioactive radium rods that were pushed through each nostril and placed against the opening of the Eustachian tubes for six to 12 minutes. They repeated the treatment over months in order to shrink the patients’ adenoids, relieving pressure and improving balance problems. This was common practice for military and civilian doctors in the 40s and 50s.
The Pentagon does not admit that the radiation treatments have caused any long term health problems, saying studies are inconclusive. Nevertheless, the military acknowledges that there is a “significant risk” of a connection, and those subjected to the treatment are being urged to advise their doctors so the physicians can consider this during exams.
Military dependent children with inner ear problems are also believed to have received these radium rod treatments, but there is no mention of any notification effort to warn them of any long term effects.
Operation Whitecoat
This experiment took place at Fort Detrick, which is a US Army research center located outside Washington, D.C. Historically Fort Detrick was the center for the United States biological weapons program (1943-1969). Today it conducts biomedical research and development and is home to the US Army Medical Research and Material Command (USAMRMC), with its bio-defense agency, the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID).
Operation Whitecoat was carried out between 1954 to 1973. Over 2300 U.S. Army soldiers, most of whom were trained medics, contributed to the experiment by allowing themselves to be infected with viruses and bacteria that were considered likely for use in biological attacks. They were exposed to Q fever, yellow fever, Rift Valley fever, Hepatitis A, Plague, tularemia (rabbit fever) and Venezuelan equine encephalitis along with other diseases. They were treated for illnesses to determine the effectiveness of antibiotics and vaccines. Some soldiers were given two weeks of leave in exchange for their use as guinea pigs. They were, however, allowed to consult with outside sources before deciding to participate. They had to sign consent forms after discussing the risks and treatments with a medical officer. Of the soldiers approached, about 20% declined. Much of the testing remains classified and Fort Detrick allows no visitors; not even ex-soldiers who were exposed as part of the tests can visit.
According to USAMRIID, the Whitecoat Operation contributed to vaccines approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for yellow fever, and hepatitis and helped develop biological safety equipment including decontamination procedure, fermentors, incubators, centrifuges and particle sizers.
The Government Accountability Office issued a report in 1994, which stated that between1940 and 1974, the US DOD and other national security agencies studied hundreds of thousands of human subjects in tests and experiments involving hazardous substances.
Interestingly enough, the enlisted men staged a sit down strike to obtain more information about the dangers of the biological tests. So, because of this, Seventh-day Adventists who were conscientious objectors were recruited for the studies. Leaders of the Seventh Day Adventist Church described these human subjects as “conscientious participants,” rather than objectors because they were willing to risk their lives by participating in research rather than fighting a war.
Many of the volunteers still have lingering health problems, some serious. This experiment was truly a voluntary and consent given study unlike many of the others. Nevertheless, I’ve read enough about Fort Detrick to be wary of any tests they gave, especially since the results are still classified.
The Bikini Island
Truly a tropical paradise in the Pacific Ocean’s Marshall Island Chain, eleven families lived on the island of Bikini with their chief Juda in 1946. That same year American military planners concluded that the Bikini Atoll was the ideal target for testing the power of atomic bombs. After talking to the islanders, all 161 of them were moved to the Rongerik Atoll, hundreds of miles away.
They were told it was only temporary.
Forty two thousand (42,000) American soldiers moved out to Bikini. They used the island to test two atomic bombs, one dropped by plane on July 1, 1946 and one detonated under the sea on July 22, 1946.
American soldiers watched the explosions from the ship Mt. McKinley, which was only nine miles offshore. They protected their eyes with tinted goggles as the mushroom-shaped clouds rose from the lagoon. Within hours of the explosions, soldiers were checking the 10 ships they’d installed as “ghost fleets” near ground zero to record the bombs effects. Some ships sank, others floated on their sides, riddled with holes, black, charred and stripped of surface paint. Gun barrels and other structures on the ships were melted. Many lambs and pigs on the ships had burns and lesions on their bodies; others were dead. When the soldiers stepped onto the ships, their Geiger counters ticked rapidly from the radioactive fallout.
On the day of the second blast, the winds shifted and went directly toward the Mt. McKinley and the troops. They were pelted with small stones, ash, coral and other debris from the explosion.
That summer the temperature hovered around 100 degrees and the soldiers stripped down to shorts and tee shirts whenever possible, slept on the ship’s deck, and swam in the lagoon to try to stay cool. They washed their clothes in the water and cooked their food in it.
Over the next 11 years, American soldiers participated in 23 tests at Bikini during which hundreds of bombs were detonated.
The islanders did not find Rongerik as lush and inviting as Bikini and wanted to go home because they were starving and terribly unhappy. The military moved them twice. They sat and waited to return home while eating Spam.
The largest bomb dropped on Bikini on March 1, 1954 was a hydrogen bomb 1000 times more powerful than the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima. Even the island on Rongerik had radioactive fallout rained down on it along with all the soldiers and islanders being drenched with white ash. The children played in it because it looked like snow.
The fallout made people terribly ill, many were burned, lost hair, and vomited. They had signs and symptoms of radiation poisoning. Much later, the Defense Nuclear Agency called this blast the “worst single incident of fallout exposures in all the U.S. testing program.”
In 1968, a few islanders moved back to Bikini, but by 1978, they were evacuated again because the radioactive cesium and strontium levels in the water and soil were too high. More than half a century later, the island is still too radioactive for habitation.
The early loss of life and illness to the American military men and to the islanders who lost their home as well is incalculable. Offspring of those exposed have had terrible birth defects and most of their children died.
MK Ultra experiments
Few people are aware of the covert biowarfare experiments conducted by various government agencies, especially the military and CIA. It was started in 1953 by Allen Dulles, head of the CIA.
In 1977, the CIA admitted to no less than 149 subprojects including experiments to determine the effects of different mind altering drugs on human behavior. Forty-four colleges and universities were involved, along with fifteen research foundations, twelve hospitals or clinics, and three penal institutions. It is still questionable whether these “research” experiments continue on the military and general population without their knowledge. I believe they do. See this.
In actuality, MK Ultra had a precursor that started in 1945 with Operation Paperclip. This was headed by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency, an OSS project (previous name of the CIA). Operation Paperclip was the program to recruit former Nazi scientists, many who had studied torture and brainwashing, were prosecuted under the Nuremburg trials, and then were smuggled into the United States to work with the CIA and military on these covert projects. Of course the Nuremburg Codes (mentioned in part 3 and 4) were once again ignored.
As examples, unwitting citizens were tested with LSD in punch. One man threw himself out a window after ingestion thinking cars were monsters out to get him. Another experiment was using taxpayer dollars again to hire prostitutes to lure men from bars back to safe houses after their drinks had been spiked with LSD.
Captain George Hunter White, who headed many of these horrific experiments wrote to the head of the CIA’s Technical Services Staff after leaving government service in 1966 and said, “I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun…Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessings of the all-highest?”
Allegedly these experiments ended in 1975, but again, with the numerous stories about Ft. Detrick, the CIA, MK Ultra and experiments without consent on both the general population and our soldiers, I really have my doubts these experiments have ceased. Many innocent victims died and given the destruction of classified documents, the failure to get consent, the failure to do follow-up studies, and the uncontrolled nature of the studies, we’ll never know the full outcome of the resulting problems and deaths these experiments caused.
Walter Reed
Standing as a proud and dramatic antithesis to the actions of our government , military and CIA was Major Walter Reed who established the United States Army Yellow Fever Commission in Havana in 1900. When Major Reed asked for volunteers, he made full disclosure of the risk, including possible death to all who came forward. Mosquitoes laden with yellow fever were used to infect volunteers. Physicians Jesse Lazear and nurse Clara Maass were two of the early medical professionals who volunteered and did not survive the illness. The sacrifice of these professionals was groundbreaking in establishing a moral compass for informed consent by ethical health professionals.
The research work under Reed’s leadership was responsible for stemming the deaths from yellow fever on those building the Panama Canal, something that had confounded the French only 30 years earlier. Reed gave the credit to Dr. Carlos Finlay for the discovery of the yellow fever vector in all his speeches and writings. Major Reed died in 1902 from peritonitis resulting from a ruptured appendix. He was only 51.
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Please note that in radiation experiments, none of the physicians or scientists involved ever used themselves as test subjects.
In future articles we’ll cover the poison fluoride, as well as various other experiments on the unsuspecting American population.
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
1- The Human Radiation Experiments by Alan R. Cantwell, Jr. M.D.
2- Testimony before House Energy and Power Subcommittee transcripts
3- Yellow Jack: How Yellow Fever Ravaged America and Walter Reed Discovered
4- its Deadly Secrets by John R. Pierce and Jim Writer
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts
Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,830 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, Part 6 | AMERICAN CITIZENS AS GUINEA PIGS
By Kelleigh Nelson
October 29, 2010
In the movie, Conspiracy Theory, Mel Gibson says, “You know what they put in the water don’t you? Fluoride! Yeah, fluoride, on the pretext that it strengthens your teeth. That’s ridiculous. You know what this stuff does to you? It actually weakens your will, takes away the capacity for free and creative thought, and makes you a slave to the state.”
It turns out that statement is factual and true. The movie “Conspiracy Theory,” used several absolutely true statements about subjects most constitutionalists are aware of, in a way that “neutralized” the actual facts. The above statement repeated shortly after the movie would be answered with, “Oh, that was in that Conspiracy movie, it’s not really true.” This is a typical tactic of the corporate powers that be and the nanny state, and serves only to negate the truth.
What is sodium Fluoride?
First of all, there is no such substance as “Fluoride” listed in the periodic chart of elements, nor in the Merck Index. Instead, a GAS called fluorine is listed. The use of this gas in various industries such as aluminum manufacturing and the nuclear industry create certain toxic byproducts which have “captured” fluorine molecules. Fluoride waste products are also derived from the industrial manufacture of zinc, uranium, aerosols, insecticides, fertilizers, plastics, lubricants and pharmaceuticals. One such toxic, poisonous “byproduct” is called sodium Fluoride, which according to the Merck Index is primarily used as rat and cockroach poison and is also the active ingredient in most tooth pastes and as an additive to drinking water.
Fluorine is the most highly reactive, and chemically unstable of all existing chemical elements. Fluorine is not found by itself in nature because it is so unstable that it chemically combines, violently in many cases, with practically any other element. Fluorine has the strongest effect of all the halogens (Bromine, Chlorine, Fluorine). Halogens are the non-metallic elements. Fluoride is one of the major ingredients in the controversial psycho-active psychiatric drug, PROZAC which is used so prevalently in the UK that it is now in the water and the filtration systems cannot remove it. And sodium Fluoride is also in the deadly Sarin military nerve gas, designated Isopropyl-Methyl-Phosphoryl Fluoride.
Alcoa Aluminum in Alcoa, TN, near Maryville, is only about 20 minutes from where I live. Fluoride is used to make aluminum. Many years ago I spoke to my veterinarian regarding our dogs and teeth cleaning. Our dogs get their teeth brushed every night with a chicken flavored dog toothpaste that has NO FLUORIDE in it. Why? Because if the dogs swallowed fluoride on a daily basis as they do with the chicken flavored paste, it would kill them. Occasionally, I would have the veterinarian clean our dogs’ teeth while they were under anesthesia. Our vet asked if we wanted a fluoride treatment on their teeth while they were under. I immediately went out and bought a copy of Christopher Bryson’s THE FLUORIDE DECEPTION and gave it to my vet. (This book is available from News With Views and I highly urge you to purchase a copy.) Under no circumstances did I want fluoride used on our pets. In discussing Alcoa Aluminum and their use of fluoride in the manufacture of aluminum products, the vet commented that he’d seen fluorosis in the teeth of cattle near Alcoa where the water is loaded with fluoride. Fluorosis is an irreversible condition caused by excessive ingestion of fluoride during the tooth forming (and bone forming) years which damages the enamel forming cells. It also has destructive effects on the rest of the body.
At the time when sodium Fluoride was first put in the water in Grand Rapids, Michigan in 1945, there were no fluoridated products available commercially. Crest introduced its fluoridated toothpaste in 1955, and Colgate added fluoride in 1967. We now have so many fluoridated products, from our toothpaste to floss and mouthwash, which many choose to use topically. We should be asking, “Why do we need toxic chemical byproducts in our water and all these products?” Check your toothpaste tube, it says in bold, do not swallow. It says this on toothpaste tubes, because toothpaste (fluoride) should most definitely not be swallowed (ingested).
So the question that begs to be asked, why would we think that it is okay to drink (ingest) fluoride, but not swallow toothpaste? The answer is, clearly, it is not okay. There is absolutely no proof that fluoridated water contributes to the dental health of American children.
Despite dental pressure, 99% of western continental Europe has rejected, banned, or stopped fluoridation due to environmental, health, legal, or ethical concerns. Only about 5% of the world population is fluoridated and more than 50% of these people live in North America. Here is a recent news report on Fluoride from Australia.
When was it first used?
This insanity of putting sodium Fluoride into drinking water had its first occurrence in the German ghettos and in Nazi Germany’s infamous concentration camps. The Gestapo had little concern about dental hygiene or the effect on teeth. Their reason for the mass medicating of water with sodium Fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in their prison camps into calm, malleable, submissive and docile attitudes. “The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben,” by Joseph Borkin goes into detail regarding this very early practice. If you can find a copy, buy it!
Who does it benefit?
Sodium Fluoride is quite expensive for the worlds’ chemical companies to dispose of, but in the 50s and 60s, Alcoa Aluminum and the entire aluminum industry (who had an overabundance of the toxic waste) somehow sold the FDA and our government on the insane and highly profitable idea of buying this poison at a 20,000% markup and injecting it into our water supply and dental rinse.
Of course, much of the water goes down the drain, but we also bathe in it and it is absorbed by our skin. The chemical industry and others have not only a free hazardous waste disposal system, but we also pay them handsomely in the process with taxpayer dollars.
Professor Kaj Roholm, former Chief of the Toxicology Committee for the National Research Council classifies hydrofluorosilic acid and hexafluorosilic acid as “extremely toxic.” One chemical company selling fluoride to water suppliers describes it as “a colorless to straw yellow, transparent, fuming, corrosive liquid with a pungent odor and irritating action on the skin.”
Dr. Phyllis Mullenix
In 1995, Dr. Phyllis Mullenix published a very important work on the neurotoxic effects of fluoride in rat studies. Dr. Mullinex got her PhD in pharmacology from the University of Kansas in 1975.
From University of Kansas Medical Center she went to John Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore between 1975 and 1977. In 1977 she was hired to work at Harvard with Dr. Herbert Needleman on the lead project. She was at the Children's Hospital in Harvard Medical School in the Psychiatry Departments and Department of Neuropathology at the Harvard Med School between 1977 and 1982. Then, in 1982 she went to the Forsythe Dental Center in Boston, first into the Department of Pharmacology and then in 1983 the first toxicology department in any dental research institution in the world was established. She was brought in to head up this department to look at the environmental impact and the toxicity of products that are used by dentists and the dental community. And in particular they specifically mentioned fluoride, mercury, and nitrous oxide.
Her paper concerning the neurotoxicity of sodium fluoride in rats was published in the Neurotoxicology and Teratology journal, a peer reviewed journal in 1995. The study basically found three things. First of all, sodium fluoride in the drinking water of young animals, showed that with time - meaning a period of weeks in a rat's lifetime - they would develop changes in their behavioral patterns, and that pattern change was a hypo activity pattern. They became slower, like ‘couch potatoes.’ It had a specific pattern to it which was very strikingly similar to the pattern that she had seen in substances or drugs that they used to treat acute lymphocytic leukemia in children, which clinically cause IQ deficits. They also looked at fluoride levels in the brain an hour after IV injections, but Dr. Mullinex felt this did not mimic properly what the population of America was ingesting in their drinking water. What they found after a test on the animals drinking fluoridated water was that there were major accumulations of fluoride in all the regions of the brain, and that some areas looked like there were greater accumulations than others, that were sex-determinant.
Harold Hodge was one of the founders of the Society of Toxicology. He was also one of the chief pharmacologists of the Manhattan Project, and in that Manhattan Project he had done a lot of the studies on toxicology of fluorides, in looking at the adverse effects that you could expect from fluoride extending from the exposures to uranium hexafluoride. (Fluoride was used to make the atomic bomb). Hodge talked about how weird it was during the Manhattan Project, how one scientist couldn't talk to another scientist and go from one laboratory to the next. But he never said anything to Dr. Mullinex that he knew fluoride would affect the central nervous system.
In 1996, after Dr. Hodge's death some investigative reporters, Joel Griffiths and Cliff Honicker, had various declassified documents, and of the documents in this whole series of papers was a request from Harold Hodge to the military, saying something to the effect that they wanted money to do studies to look at the effects of fluoride on the central nervous system in an animal model. They specifically stated that they had evidence, clinical evidence, that fluoride would cause confusion, drowsiness, lassitude, and that they were afraid that workers who worked with uranium hexafluoride were going to become a danger, either to themselves or to other people that they were working with, if they should have their brains effected by fluoride, and that they thought that this is something that should be examined. Hodge also was responsible for human radiation experiments that were discussed in part 4 and 5.
Dr. Mullinex gave her speech regarding her research on fluoride to the National Institute of Health (NIH), mentioned in part 2 of this series, in late 1990. The FDA was there, the National Institute of Dental Health and others. When she mentioned the results of her research on fluoride and the damage she saw, the audience attacked her with questions regarding her research methodology. Eventually she lost her job because of what she exposed. But then she exposed those that fought her and the results of her research.
Many honest scientists have attempted to blow the whistle on sodium fluoride’s false propaganda campaign. They have ended up being “black-listed,” and their valid points disputing the vested interests of these mega corporations never get the press they deserve. If one follows the money the “control” behind this is prominent American families. The 1952 campaign to convince the public of fluoride’s benefits was rammed down our throats by the Public Health Departments and various dental organizations. Sadly, sodium Fluoride has now become usual and common and is even offered in dental offices as specialized treatments for “sensitive teeth” where the gums have receded.
Side effects of sodium Fluoride poison
Independent scientific research evidence over the past 60 plus years has shown that sodium Fluoride shortens our life span, promotes various cancers and mental disturbances, and makes humans stupid, docile, and subservient, all easily done in the drinking water of Americans. There is also increasing evidence that aluminum in the brain is a causative factor in Alzheimer’s Disease, (something we rarely saw with the epidemic proportions of today before the 50s). Evidence points towards sodium Fluoride’s strong affinity to “bond” with this dangerous aluminum (remember it is a byproduct of aluminum manufacturing) and also it has the ability to ‘trick’ the blood-brain barrier by imitating hydrogen ion thus allowing this chemical access to brain tissue.
In 1992, the American scientists, Robert Isaacson, Julie Varner, and Karl Jensen found that fluoridated water carried aluminum into rat brains, producing Alzheimer’s-like changes in brain tissue. Phyllis Mullenix, who gave lab mice moderate doses of fluoride and generated symptoms resembling ADHD, fears that the high incidence of both diseases in the general population is direct evidence of Fluoride’s toxic effects and that both the number and kind of such injuries may worsen in the coming years.
Arthritis, increased risk of hip fracture, Alzheimer’s, heart disease from fluoride concentrates in the arteries which attracts calcium and can contribute to their hardening, thyroid problems, Down’s Syndrome, breathing difficulties, reproduction problems, and other central-nervous-system disorders have all been linked by scientists to fluoride exposure.
Fluorides are cumulative toxins. The fact that fluorides accumulate in the body is the reason that U.S. law requires the Surgeon General to set a Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for fluoride content in public water supplies as determined by the EPA. This requirement is specifically for the purpose of avoiding a condition known as Crippling Skeletal Fluorosis (CSF), a disease that progresses through three stages. The MCL, designed to prevent only the third and crippling stage of this disease, is set at 4ppm or 4mg per liter. It was assumed that people retain half of this amount (2mg), and therefore 4mg per liter is considered "safe." However, a daily dose of 2-8 mg is known to cause the third crippling stage of CSF. See this link for historic use of Fluoride.
I would highly suggest the purchase of “The Fluoride Deception” by Christopher Bryson which is available from NewsWithViews. It is probably the most comprehensive book on the subject. If you cannot afford to have a whole house filtration system that removes fluoride, at least get one that will remove it from your drinking and cooking water.
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It is my belief that this is just another chapter in the push for population control via Rockefeller, Harriman and Carnegie with the start of their eugenics program shortly after 1900. Today, the Rockefeller Foundation is still the prime sponsor of such programs, but is now more covert in its operations. As a philanthropic enterprise it masquerades as the public relations front for the United Nations' drastic depopulation efforts. You can Google 'Agenda 21' for more on the UN’s global depopulation plans. The poisoning of America’s drinking water is just one more way to the stupefaction and ultimate elimination of the citizenry.
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,831 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, Part 7 | AMERICAN CITIZENS AS GUINEA PIGS
By Kelleigh Nelson
November 9, 2010
Part 7, Our Food
Infant Formulas
In the July 12th issue of Mother Jones magazine, there was an article entitled, “Which Infant Formulas Contain Secret Toxic Chemicals?” I was absolutely appalled, but why should I be when American citizens have been used as guinea pigs for a couple hundred years. And yes, why not start with the babies?
Although artificial human milk is regulated by the FDA, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control found that a thyroid-affecting chemical used in rocket fuel contaminates 15 brands of powdered infant formula including the two most common, Similac and Enfamil produced by Abbott Nutrition and Mead Johnson Nutrition respectively. The International Formula Council blames any unwanted chemicals on the water used to make them. According to the FDA, baby milk in the USA, unlike China, has “extremely low” levels of melamine in the formulas. Don’t you feel better knowing that? Needless to say the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breast feeding until at least 6 months and up to a year to avoid these powdered and premixed infant milks.
In my estimation, the poisoning begins at an early age. Is this an “experiment?” I don’t know, but I’d recommend new mothers avoid store bought infant formulas and take up breast feeding to protect their newborns.
Why McDonalds Hamburgers, AND BUNS, Won’t Decompose
That’s right, they don’t grow mold, and they don’t decompose. One young man has a basement full of hamburgers that he started collecting back in 1989. None of them have decomposed in over two decades. Watch this video of Len Foley’s Bionic Burger. Regular burgers and buns have mold all over them in just a matter of days, but not McDonalds’. The reason is the high content of sodium which “preserves” the meat, for uh…20 some years or more. Yummy…wonder what this does to our insides. No forget that, what does it do to our youngsters who crave this stuff because of fast foods’ great commercials targeting our children? I’m a long time baker and confectioner, and I know how long fresh bread lasts, and McDonalds’ “fresh” hamburger buns, never ever deteriorate with mold or fungus like normal breads. Here’s what McDonalds’ own website says is in their buns:
Enriched flour (bleached wheat flour, malted barley flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamin mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid, enzymes), water, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, yeast, soybean oil and/or partially hydrogenated soybean oil, contains 2% or less of the following: salt, calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate, wheat gluten, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, dough conditioners (sodium stearoyl lactylate, datem, ascorbic acid, azodicarbonamide, mono- and diglycerides, ethoxylated monoglycerides, monocalcium phosphate, enzymes, guar gum, calcium peroxide, soy flour), calcium propionate and sodium propionate (preservatives), soy lecithin.
Eeeewwww….that’s enough for me! Okay, we’ve got skyrocketing obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancers and the nation gobbles this stuff up like candy. Who is stupid enough to eat this non-food that even mold and fungus won’t eat, and FYI fungus will even eat cow manure! We need to reinstate home economics in the education system, but in reality our education has been so dumbed down that it’s no wonder McDonalds is making a fortune. Oh yes, and Ray Kroc’s wife Joan left millions to NPR when she died. (Think of recently fired Juan Williams).
As an aside, years ago my husband knew a young man who worked at his company. He and his wife didn’t cook, and they ate fast food nearly all the time. He ended up in the hospital with malnutrition. I don’t believe that an occasional (for us never) stop at Mickey D’s will kill you, but I sure wouldn’t make a habit of it…and that goes for the rest of the fast foods as well.
I highly recommend reading “Fast Food Nation” by Eric Schlosser. You’ll decide never to eat a fast food hamburger again when you know all the facts of how the cattle are slaughtered and America’s most dangerous job of meatpacker.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
GMOs are being pushed allegedly to conquer the food crisis, but in reality GMOs do nothing of the sort and can actually contaminate normally grown foods. The proponents of GMOs claim an increased yield, but in fact over 20 years, the yields of soybean, corn, and feed crops have failed to increase. Dr. Doug Gurian-Sherman, former US EPA and US FDA biotech specialist concludes that “traditional breeding” out performs genetically modified crops hands down! He also states there are no GM crops that were genetically engineered to resist drought, reduce fertilizer pollution, or save soil…no not one!
Bill Cristinson, President of the U.S. Family Farm Coalition states that the promise of using less chemicals and producing a greater yield is total hogwash. Even a major UN-World Bank sponsored report compiled by 400 scientists and endorsed by 58 countries concluded that GMOs had little to offer in the way of helping the world’s food supply.
GMO foods have not been shown safe to eat. Genetic modification is really a crude way to instill foreign genetic material (viruses and bacteria) into crops and the consequences are unknown. Animals will avoid GMO foods, even insects and vermin will not eat these food crops. Little testing has been done for safety and only one study has been published on the direct effects of eating GM foods. It found unexpected effects on gut bacteria (which is of extreme worry since the gut is your immune system balance) but was never followed up. Claims that Americans have eaten GM foods for years with no ill effects are false. No one has studied or monitored people who have ingested GM foods for any period of time. Unfortunately, the government has refused to label GM foods; so again, the citizen is a guinea pig for unknown ill effects of an untested crop altering program.
Dr. Suzanne Wuerthele, US Environmental Protection Agency toxicologist states, “We are confronted with the most powerful technology the world has ever known, and it is being rapidly deployed with almost no thought whatsoever to its consequences.”
Everyone has heard of Mad Cow disease and most understand that the cause is feed contaminated with bones from dead animals, purposely put in the grain allegedly to enhance the feed...but in fact, causes this deadly disease. As well, stealth GMOs are in animal feeds without the consent of consumers. Meat, eggs, and dairy products from animals raised on the millions of tons of GM feed imported into Europe do not have to be labeled. Are they force fed the GM food or is it simply intermixed? We don’t know. However, GM crops fed to animals can appear in the resulting product and the animals’ health can be affected as well as the health of those eating the animals or their byproducts, eggs and dairy.
GM seed prices in America have increased dramatically compared to normal and organic seeds, which in effect cuts the average farm incomes for those growing GM crops. The farms that have been growing GM seeds are now dealing with the consequences of increased pricing as well as having their soil contaminated with genetically altered seeds and crops.
GM contamination of conventional food is increasing. For example, a one year test of GM rice grown in a field was found to have extensively contaminated the US rice supply and seed stocks. Canada’s oilseed rape industry (Canola) has been destroyed by contamination from GM rapeseed. The coexistence of normal seeds and crops with GM’s is practically impossible. Once it spreads, it is impossible to grow normal crops as the soil is contaminated and the genetic alterations spread. It is a one way choice, once it’s made, it cannot be reversed. For an overview of the worldwide contamination of GMOs in fish, insects, crops, trees, plants, etc, see this link.
The big biotech firms (especially Monsanto) pushing their genetically altered foods have a terrible history of toxic contamination and public deception. Of course they have patents on the GMO’s and that allows them to control and monopolize the world’s food supply. They have even started harassing and intimidating farmers for the “crime” of saving patented seed or “stealing” patented genes – even if those genes got into the farmer’s fields through accidental contamination by wind or insects. Farmers are being sued for having GMOs on their property that they never wanted, never bought and never knew about and don’t intend to use. It’s gotten totally out of hand. Do you see the picture of control with the food industry…and America the bread basket of the world!
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Our water is filled with the poison of fluoride, and now our food is contaminated by being genetically altered with viruses and bacteria that no honest consumer would ever want to eat. And we don’t even know which foods we buy are GMOs. Again, it appears this is part of the big picture to control our food and the population of the world. I’d bet the Rockefeller Foundation for Population Control and their friends are behind this entire plan. If you have a little piece of land, grow your own and learn to can fruits, vegetables, and meats just like our grandparents did.
Life is changing radically in America and sadly most are not prepared to care for themselves without the help of the state as we once were in generations past.
Click here for part -----> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts
Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,832 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- Forgiveness | FORGIVENESS
By Kelleigh Nelson
December 4, 2010
Recently we watched a wonderful movie entitled, “Amish Grace.” It is based on the true story of the shootings of Amish school children in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania in October, of 2006. Five of the children were killed and five others injured. The movie is an amazing depiction of grace and forgiveness, but also shows the struggle of real people in the valley of great loss. It shows the bitterness that is held if there is no forgiveness. It is a family movie and one I’d especially suggest at Christmas time. I cried through the entire story. I totally understood the anger, hatred, and devastation felt by those who lost children. Yet, in the end of the movie, the Amish community surrounds the wife and children of the man who murdered and injured their children. And they all forgave.
Corrie Ten Boom
Many years ago I heard Corrie ten Boom tell the story of something that happened to her regarding forgiveness. If you don’t know who Corrie (Cornelia) Ten Boom was, she was a Dutch Christian Holocaust survivor who helped many Jews escape the Nazis during WWII. During the Second World War, the Ten Boom house was known as the “hiding place” for fugitives, Jewish people, students who refused to cooperate with the Nazis, and resistance fighters. The Ten Boom family saved 800 of these people. The Gestapo set a trap and caught them and the only survivor after the war was Corrie. Her sister Betsie died in Ravensbruck concentration camp.
It was in a church in Munich in 1947 where she had just finished a talk about how God had forgiven her sins and how we were to forgive others. People were filing out of the basement where she had given her talk when she saw him, a heavyset man, balding, with his hat in his hand. He was working his way through the crowd toward her and she saw the man in his coat one minute, and then saw a blue uniform and a visored cap with its skull and crossbones. She remembered the huge room, the harsh lights, the pile of women’s clothing in the center of the floor and her terribly thin sister and her having to walk naked past this horrible guard.
He said to her, “You mentioned Ravensbruck in your talk and I was a guard there.” He did not remember her. He went on to say, “Since that time, I have become a Christian. I know that God has forgiven me for the cruel things I did there, but I would like to hear it from your lips as well. “Fraulein,” he said as his hand came out, “will you forgive me?”
She said she stood there and it felt like hours as she saw her dear sister die in that place, saw the atrocities committed by men like him that were guards, and wrestled with the most difficult thing God had ever asked her to do. She said she stood there with coldness in her heart, but she knew that Jesus said in the perfect prayer he taught us, “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” She thought, well, I can reach out my hand. Her wooden arm stretched out to him and when he grabbed it, an amazing thing happened, the forgiveness and love of God flooded through her like an electric jolt through her arms and she grasped him and said, “I forgive you brother.” She said she had never known God’s love as intensely as she did then.
Eva Moses Kor
Eva and Miriam Mozes were born in Portz in Transylvania (Hungary) in 1935. She was deported with her family in early 1944 to Auschwitz. Her parents and two older sisters died there. Eva and her twin, Miriam, survived when Dr. Josef Mengele, the “Angel of Death,” selected Eva and her twin for inclusion in his horrid experiments.
After the liberation of Auschwitz, Eva lived for five years under Communism in Romania with an aunt who had survived the war. She emigrated to the new state of Israel in 1950 where she was drafted into the Israeli Army and reached the rank of sergeant major. In 1960 she married an American Holocaust survivor and moved with him to Terre Haute, Indiana.
I had the privilege of speaking to Eva for a couple hours on the phone. She is not a religious woman and she has endured persecution for being a Jew even in Terre Haute. Her Holocaust Museum has been torched and burned there. She has an organization she founded for the Mengele Twins dedicated to finding their medical records. I believe she still has a lawsuit against Bayer as they were present with Mengele as a company doing “experiments” on the prisoners.
I have her book, “Echoes from Auschwitz” about her and her sister. In the front of the book she wrote to me, “To Kelleigh Nelson: I agree that we must teach the lessons of the Holocaust, and in my opinion they are; 1) Never give up! 2) Work to eliminate hatred and prejudice from our world. 3) Forgive your worst enemy – it will heal your soul and it will set you free. Good luck in your endeavor.” Eva Moses Kor, Mengele Twin.
As I mentioned, Eva is not a religious person. She does not know the tenets of the Christian faith, nor does she observe her Jewish faith. She has however found an amazing peace in what Jehovah taught throughout the Bible in both old and new testaments.
In 2005, Eva did a short documentary entitled, “Forgiving Dr. Mengele.” I have watched it and it is surprisingly uplifting and at times light hearted. She has not only forgiven Mengele, but all Nazis. She clarifies often that she is speaking for only herself and not other survivors. Sadly this has made her persona non grata among many of her fellow Holocaust survivors.
In 1993, Eva Mozes Kor met with Doctor Hans Munch, a Nazi doctor at Auschwitz who was acquitted of war crimes at the Krakow War Crimes Trial in 1947. After this meeting, which she recorded on video, she wrote Dr. Munch a letter of forgiveness. They met again in 1995 at Auschwitz, where Dr. Munch signed a documentation of the gas chambers, and Kor issued a declaration of amnesty and forgiveness to all Nazis. Her forgiveness caused much anger from many survivors. Eva Kor has made speeches about forgiveness across the country, as well as at her museum, to school groups and organizations.
“I have personally experienced the act of forgiveness that gave me my emotional freedom. No human being can be free: emotionally free, and mentally free, without forgiving people who have wronged them,” Eva said.
Both Corrie and Eva know the freedom of forgiving their enemies. Their bitterness was eliminated in their sheer act of obedience on Corrie’s part to her faith and on Eva’s part in the knowledge that she was set free when she decided to forgive. God’s truths work for those who believe and those who do not. The tenets of God’s Word are infallible.
Every single one of us has been hurt by someone, and some of the hurts have been insurmountable obstacles to healing…not from the hurt or the loss, but because we cannot forgive the pain that has been caused. In my own heart there is unforgiveness for continuing destructive actions by the family of someone I love dearly. It is a process to forgive fully.
It is not by how we “feel,” but rather our commitment to obey the Word of God. Throughout the Old Testament, when the Israelites would fall away from God, and then lose His blessings, they would come to a point where they would turn back to Jehovah and plead for His mercy. Every time God would hear their prayers and in His loving kindness, He would forgive them their sins when they turned from their wicked ways. In the New Testament, Colossians 3:13 states, “Forbearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.”
So, how do we obey? We pray for the one that has injured us or our loved ones. We forgive not by feelings, but by faith in obedience. Is it easy? No, and the prayers may be difficult at first, but if you continue in faith, God will change your heart and ease your burden of bitterness. Matthew 6:14-15 says, “For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you. But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
Corrie Ten Boom said, “Forgiveness is to set a prisoner free, and to realize that prisoner was you.” When we do forgive the Lord sets us free from anger, bitterness, resentment and hurt that previously imprisoned us.
We are/or were a Judeo-Christian culture based on the tenets of God’s Word, written entirely by God through Jewish authors. In Genesis 12:1-3 the unconditional Abrahamic Covenant is given to Abraham. It states, “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country and from thy kindred and from thy father’s house unto a land that I will show thee; And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing ; And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed .”
How true this is! Not only have the Jewish people throughout history given great contributions to society in every arena, and not only is the entire Word of God, the scriptures, given to us through Jewish men of faith, but ALL FAMILIES OF THE EARTH are blessed through the Jewish people because they gave us the Messiah, the descendant of King David. This is why we were called a Judeo Christian culture.
This month we celebrate the birth of that Messiah. He is the one that came for the entire World that our sins are forgiven if we accept Him as Savior and the King of Glory. In His death, the final sacrifice was made and He said on the cross, “It is finished.” Our sins and trespasses are many, but are forgiven.
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The Amish who lost their children, Corrie who lost her family in the Holocaust because they saved the persecuted, and Eva who was tortured by the infamous beast Mengele all chose to forgive and in doing so set themselves free.
May the joy and blessings of the Christmas season and its full meaning of true peace and love be yours through the celebration of the Messiah’s birth and throughout the coming year.
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,833 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Oath Keepers did NOT organize the Global Rally for Humanity | There has been a lot of confusion about Oath Keepers and this last week’s Global Rally for Humanity .
For the record, the Oath Keepers had nothing to do with this rally what so ever.
It has been mis-represented by many major news outlets that this is an event that was organized by us and that simply is not the case. We have sent out letters and communicated directly with some of these writers in order to get this information corrected.
We find it very disheartening that someone who is writing for the mainstream media would not take the time to contact our organization directly and confirm what is, up to that point, hearsay. A basic tenet of journalism is to check your facts. This does not seem to be done by these so called “journalists.” It seems they are more interested in demonizing us than reporting on truth.
A good rule of thumb when concerning Oath Keepers National and what we are, or are not planning and/or organizing, is to check our website or email newsletter. It is through these avenues that will make announcements concerning our upcoming projects and operations. |
4,059,834 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | The New DOJ Asset Forfeiture Scheme and How to Stop It | Veterans, you swore an Oath...
Oath of Enlistment
I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.
Officers Oath
I, [name], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God. |
4,059,835 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | Dmitriy Sudakov, Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo | Panama Papers: Where have all the Americans gone? | Panama Papers: Where have all the Americans gone?
There are a few interesting aspects in the story of "Panama Papers" - the materials released to compromise a great deal of politicians and their offshore assets - that deserve special attention.
The materials were released by the International Consortium for Investigative Journalism. However, as it appears, this consortium is "not quite international." There are many public figures and policy-makers in the papers indeed, including Putin's acquaintances, Ukrainian President Poroshenko, British politicians and so on. The question is about those figures whose names do not appear in the papers.
Most honest officials live in the USA
The Panama papers do not include any names of US officials. Looks interesting, does it not? One shall assume that the United States of America is home to world's most honest, incorruptible officials, who have absolutely no money anywhere and no offshore accounts either.
This idea may come to mind to many people especially when they think of recent scandals with Hillary Clinton and her efforts to protect a Swiss bank from the IRS.
The authors of the investigation were sponsored by USAID. Naturally, it is very uncomfortable to investigate the deeds of sponsors. This is the key to the "American silence."
The results of the investigation conducted by the International Consortium for Investigative Journalism appear raw. The authenticity of the provided documents has not been established, plus the whole report makes references to "very anonymous and reliable" sources. It is hard to understand whose accounts appear in the papers. Oh, and the icing on the cake, is "the secret friend of Putin, a cellist."
Why not an accordion player or a toast master? Noteworthy, Drew Sullivan, one of the "authors" of all this "universal reveal" was a stand-up comedian in the past, who had received millions from the State Department.
"Sullivan is the founder of Journalism Development Network. It is not quite clear what this agency deals with exactly - it has no official website. However, it is known that this organization not just regulates the OCCRP (Organized Crimea and Corruption Reporting Project), but also acts as a financial seal between the latter and the US government," investigator Roman Golovanov wrote.
"In general, Journalism Development receives huge funds from both the USAID and the US State Department," he continues while publishing reports about multimillion-dollar grants that the organization had received.
"As we can see, this is a typical example of a grant-eater and its founder, who is firmly addicted to the financial needle of the State Department and the USAID, and therefore acts as an instrument of the US-led foreign policy. It is worthy of note that Sullivan's organization not only masters the funds of US taxpayers but also directs financial flows in Russia," the expert wrote. Specifically, the money comes to the Novaya Gazeta newspaper, which the author recommends for inspection to at least six tax agencies.
Panama Papers: Another information attack on Russia
"The widely publicized investigation about Putin has gone down the drain as a collection of substantiated charges that do not reveal anything. In fact, they have made news out of thin air to promote it through "loyal" and simply Russia-unfriendly media," he said.
"This is an information attack, rather than journalism. Key publications on the website of the primary source (ISIJ) and the international media (The Guardian, The USA Today, etc) say a lot about the Russian president, but much more substantiated allegations against Poroshenko, Xi Jinping's family members and other personas do not appear to raise any interest with anyone," Golovanov adds.
"Why this attack has come at this particular moment is clear as well. There are large federal elections coming up, and this is a brainwashing attempt to discredit reputable individuals. Have you paid attention to the fact that there are no Americans in the report? Is it because the sponsors of this "investigative organization" are in Washington? This is a moth-eaten story of he who pays the piper calls the tune," he suggests.
Russian bloggers continue. Stanislav Yakovlev, for example, wrote the obvious: "The concept of "confidential" is now either just a word or a bad joke."
"A "leak" appears to be a legal and socially approved way of obtaining information. Starting from yesterday, working with "information leaks" has officially become noble and even heroic work," he wrote.
In general, we are witnessing not just a method of information warfare, but, a global and national standard of democratic politics. What is the most democratic state in the world today, the stronghold of democracy? This is the USA, of course. In this country, an organization of the US State Department uses this type of "investigation" as a method of work. This organization showed everyone a bag and said that there was a cat inside that bag - this is how this investigation can be described.
Many may now want to dig something up for American officials. Monica Lewinsky's act in the Oval Office and Hillary Clinton's financial scandals will seem to be baby talk in comparison.
The USAID has opened a Pandora's box without realizing what consequences these actions may lead to.
Read article in Russian |
4,059,836 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo | British MPs demand Cameron's resign given offshore scandal | British MPs demand Cameron's resign given offshore scandal
The British MPs demand resignation of the country's PM David Cameron after he had admitted his offshore involvement. "It's taken six attempts for journalists to get this out of Mr Cameron. The question is one of honesty here, he's covered this up," John Mann, a Labourite MP, who serves on the Treasury Select Committee, wrote in his Twitter, and said that the hypocrite should now go away.
AP Photo
Tom Watson, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, shares the same opinion. He addressed the PM and called to return the British Treasury all the money he got due to offshore, and resign. He also reminded that Cameron used to call acts of people, who operate with such knotty schemes to be "wrong given the moral viewpoint.
David Cameron admitted he had owned shares in his father's offshore company Blairmore Holdings, however had sold them before taking office.
As Pravda.Ru reported, there was revealed information on the offshore deals connected with a large Panamanian company Mossack Fonseca. Former member of special services Edward Snowden called this investigation to be the greatest leakage in the history of journalism.
Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru |
4,059,837 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | Dmitriy Sudakov, Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, Costantino Ceoldo | Why do the British hate us so? | Why do the British hate us so?
Why do the British hate us so?
The hysteria coming from the British elites on the subject of Russia, has been hitting a pitch reminiscent of a kinder care age child who did not get the piece of cake that the other children got. Simply put, the bilge coming from the majority of the English press and backed up by the words of their political and social elites make the rhetoric of the Cold War seem absolutely mild. There is no anti-Russian conspiracy theory that the English do not plunge into whole hearted and believe with no necessity of proof.
But why is this happening?
When taken in the light of the fact that outside of the unpleasantness of the Crimean War in the mid 1800s and the Cold War post 1945, for the majority of their relationship, Russia and England were close friends and allies. Some say this relationship goes back to English trading expeditions through Archangel in the reign of Ivan Grozny (the Feared) during the late 1500s, others point to the fact that King Harold's daughter, the last Saxon AND Orthodox princess of England, fled from the Catholic Frankish and Britain invaders and came to Kieven Rus , in 1066, along with her mother and extended family, where she married a Rus prince.
Either way, the hysteria that now categorizes the English is unprecedented and it is in my belief, originates from two facts, one external and one internal.
Externally, the British have leveled out from the loss of their empire and their military and industrial strength into a position of a second rate European power, some where on the order of Spain or Poland. To resist this position and it's appropriate level of relevance, they have relied upon their "special relationship" with the US to become the number one vassal (lapdog) of DC. There is no war or "police" action that the British will not go along with, no matter how detrimental to their own nation. Global positioning requires as much, regardless if the people being asked to do the sacrificing by their elites, understand or care about it.
To this end, the British, both Labour and Tories, but more so Labour, have become the paramount Trotskyte Neocons, out doing all but the most rabid US Neocons. Such now is the constant barking of the English lapdog against Russia. As with all lapdogs, they tend to bark long after their purpose is served and their masters must force them to calm down and behave.
The second part, the internal reason, is much more complex and has much to do with an internal psyche of decay and anger. Like a two-bit bully, who is abused at home and strikes out at others, the favorite target of the British has become Russia.
Quite simply, as the UK sinks into the deepest reaches of an Orwellian Police State, where the government tracks every car on the autobahns, every phone call, all Internet usage and even has council members rummaging through people's dust bins before the rubbish is picked up, and all the while their own industry is pushed off to third world nations and the British themselves are pushed off by a tsunami of third world immigrants bent on making the English like them not themselves like the English, the beleaguered and enslaved subjects of Her Majesty are looking for someone to strike out of sheer anger. Instead of looking inwardly and to God and solving the myriad of their own problems, they have instead chosen the easier route of striking at far off Russians. Of course it is the now long habit of taking the easier route that has brought the English to the point of possible extinction on the English Isles. A sorry state indeed.
My closing advice to the British is simple. First, replace the worn out spine with a new one and stand up for yourselves and your culture. Break your bonds with the Trotskytes and return to a more conservative, Christian society, for which you were once famous for. Rally around the one royal of this generation who seems to have any understanding of honor and duty and who repeatedly placed his life in danger for his nation: Prince Harry, and make a proper King of him. Give him the political power and support to pull the UK from the brink of extinction.
Maybe, just maybe, than you will return to being a nation that can be respected and not one used as a testing grounds by every would-be Western autocrat on how to absolutely control and cower the sheeple .
The choice is simple: will my grandchildren be reading about England in a history book or will I be buying them tickets from Moscow to London? At the moment, with your concentration on your Russophobia rather on your own survival, I am wagering on the history books. |
4,059,839 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | Александр Артамонов, Руслан Веснянко, Любовь Степушова | "Отравленные" куриные яйца чуть не докатились до России | "Отравленные" куриные яйца чуть не докатились до России
Скандал с куриными яйцами в Евросоюзе продолжается второй месяц. Наличие фипронила в яйцах оказалось неожиданностью для всех, продемонстрировав низкий уровень контроля за продукцией.
При этом яичный порошок, загрязнённый этим веществом, чуть не попал в Россию. В самом ЕС скандал затронул почти все страны, а также Канаду, почти двадцать стран в Азии, в Африке и на Ближнем Востоке. В результате были уничтожены миллионы кур, тонны яичного порошка, разорваны десятки контрактов.
Как пояснил специалист по безопасности питания, советник Россельхознадзора Алексей Алексеенко, это очень тревожная ситуация по многим причинам. По его словам, загрязнение касается не только яиц, фипронил может попадать в пищевые и кормовые растения, питьевую воду и водоёмы. Последнее очень опасно для рыбы - фипронил крайне токсичен для неё.
Алексеенко добавил, что, по данным расследования, есть две версии этого нарушения. Запрещенный препарат добавляли в Голландии из-за вспышки красных клещей у кур или просто для профилактики. Но проблема в том, что регулирующие органы Голландии это выявили раньше, устранили это нарушение и скрыли информацию.
"И только потом каким-то чудом фипронил обнаружили в Германии. Чудом потому, что его никто не проверяет в яйцах - ведь его запрещено использовать в птицеводстве и он там просто не должен быть", - пояснил эксперт.
В этой связи позитивным является только тот факт, что европейские яйца в Россию практически не поставляют. А вот партия загрязнённого яичного порошка уже выявлена и задержана, что заставляет подумать об усилении контроля за продукцией из ЕС.
Ранее "Правда.Ру" сообщала, что "яичный скандал" не затихает в Европе, в продуктовый кризис оказались вовлечены по меньшей мере 10 из 28 стран Евросоюза после того, как в магазины попали яйца, зараженные инсектицидом фипронил.
Отравленные яйца изымаются из продажи в Бельгии, Нидерландах, Германии, Швеции, Великобритании, Франции, Люксембурга, Дании, Словакии, Румынии и Швейцарии. |
4,059,840 | reliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Michael Greger M.D. Faclm | Banning Trans Fat in Processed Foods but Not Animal Fat | Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video.
The years of healthy life lost due to our consumption of trans fats is “comparable to the impact of” conditions like meningitis, cervical cancer, and multiple sclerosis. But, if food zealots get their wish in banning added trans fats, what’s next? “[V]ested corporate interests” rally around these kinds of “slippery slope” arguments to distract from the fact that people are dying.
New York Mayor Bloomberg was decried as a “meddling nanny” for his trans-fat ban and attempt to cap soft drink sizes. How dare he try to manipulate consumer choice? But, isn’t that what the industry’s done? In 1950, “[a] twelve-ounce soda…was [the] king-sized” option. Now, that’s like the kiddie size.
Similarly, with trans fats, it was the industry that limited our choice by putting trans fats in everything without even telling us. So, who’s the nanny now?
New York City finally won its trans-fat fight, preserving its status as a public health leader. “For example, it took decades to achieve a national prohibition of lead paint, despite unequivocal evidence for harm.” But New York led the way, banning it “18 years before federal action.”
There’s irony in the slippery slope argument that first, they came for your fries; next, they’ll come for your burger. After the trans fat-oil ban, one of the only sources of trans fat left will be in the meat itself. “Trans fats naturally exist in small amounts in the fat in meat and milk,” as I’ve talked about before. Animal products only used to provide about a fifth of America’s trans-fat intake, but since the U.S. trans fat-ban exempts animal products, they will soon take over as the leading source.
In Denmark, for example, now that added trans fats are banned, the only real trans fat exposure left is from animal products found in U.S. dairy, beef, chicken fat, turkey meat, lunch meat, hot dogs—with trace amounts in vegetable oils, due to the refining process.
The question is: are animal trans fats as bad as processed food-trans fats? A compilation of randomized interventional trials found that they both make bad cholesterol go up; they both make good cholesterol go down; and so, they both make the ratio of bad to good go up, which is bad. So, all trans fats cause negative effects, “irrespective of their origin.” They suspect that removing natural trans fats from the diet too could prevent tens of thousands of heart attacks. But, unlike processed foods, you can’t remove trans fats from milk and meat, because trans fats are there naturally.
The livestock industry suggests a little bit of their trans fats might not be too bad. But you saw the same everything-in-moderation-argument coming from the “Institute of Shortening” after industrial trans fats were first exposed as a threat. The bottom line is that “all sources of trans fat should [probably] be minimized.” The trans fat in processed foods can be banned, and just adhering to the current dietary guidelines to restrict saturated fat intake, which is primarily found in meat and dairy as well, would kind of automatically cut trans fat intake from animal fats.
The reason no progress may have been made on animal trans fat reduction in Denmark is because The [Danish] Nutrition Council that pushed for the trans fat ban was a joint initiative of “The [Danish] Medical Association and The [Danish] Dairy Board.” They recognized that “the economic support from The [Danish] Dairy Council could be perceived as problematic” from a scientific integrity point of view. But not to worry, the medical association expanded the board and funding members to include “the Danish pork industry, the Danish meat industry, The Poultry and Egg Council”, as well as Big Margarine.
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4,059,841 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- American Citizens as Guinea Pigs, Part 8 | AMERICAN CITIZENS AS GUINEA PIGS
By Kelleigh Nelson
February 6, 2011
Part 8, X-ray Computed Tomography or CT scan
Since its introduction in the 1970s, CT Scans have become more and more popular as diagnostic tools. While the patient is receiving the three dimensional scan, outside of the room, a technician reads the 3-D image of the interior of the body on a computer.
CT scans save lives, but they also cause cancer. Of the 70 million scans done last year alone, double the number of a decade ago, at least 23 million of them were unnecessary. Fifteen thousand (15,000) Americans will die of cancer from the CT scans given in a single year, predict scientists from the National Cancer Institute.
Approximately four years ago I received an abdominal CT scan. Had I known what I know now, I would never have agreed to the procedure. I had gastritis, which is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. However, the Gastroenterologist had, only weeks before, done an endoscopy on me and my stomach was fine. So, he assumed incorrectly that it couldn’t be gastritis and sent me for a CT scan of my pancreas and liver. The very expensive and high radiation scan showed I had gastritis. My doctor still didn’t believe it and because I don’t believe doctors are gods, I chose another physician. Yet, I understand that these tools are used by physicians to avoid lawsuits. They practice defensive medicine to save themselves from trial lawyers.
Good Housekeeping magazine, CBS, USA Today and countless other media outlets have recently exposed the new statistics regarding CT scans and cancer. How many decades have we heard that radiation causes cancer? It’s been even before the 1940s that scientists knew this. Previous articles in this series have exposed same. Yet, the medical field uses radiation (allegedly in small doses) to check for breast cancer, (mammography), dental problems (x-ray), broken bones (x-ray), and CT scans of the head, chest, abdomen, and full body. They promise to cut your risk of dying from cancer, yet full body CT scans themselves pose a real cancer risk according to the latest research.
The question is, “How much radiation is too much?” One CT head scan equals 30 chest x-rays, one CT chest scan equals 119 chest x-rays, one CT Abdomen scan equals 234 chest x-rays. The experts tell us that the risk of cancer from one CT scan is small, one in 1000. However, chronic conditions like kidney stones or Crohn’s disease or multiple health problems can have numerous CT scans ordered early in life and the radiation starts adding up and the end result is likely a cancer death.
X-rays from a single full-body CT scan give a dose of radiation equal to cancer-associated radiation doses in A-bomb survivors according to David J. Brenner, PhD, director of Columbia University’s center for radiological research. Brenner says if you have a single full-body CT scan in your life, your risks are very minimal, maybe one out of 1,200 would die of radiation induced cancer.
However, if you’re doing this type of screening on a regular basis, then the radiation doses add up and the risks become quite high. Brenner says the radiation dose of one full-body CT scan is close to the doses received by Japanese survivors of atomic bombs. Each successive CT scan adds up more exposure.
For several years now freestanding clinics have been offering full-body CT scans to anyone who wants one. Ads for these clinics promise early detection of dangerous diseases such as cancer and heart disease. The idea is that a full-body CT scan will find tumors and other signs of disease in their earliest most treatable stages – before any symptoms of illness. This puts healthy individuals at a higher risk for cancer in 10 to 20 years. Nevertheless, CT scans are an aid in defining specific problems when symptoms are evident and no cause can be found in other diagnostics.
The come-ons are quite deceiving. One says, “A $$99 lung scan could save your life! It’s a closer look that could make all the difference.” Another says, “Help save your life in seven minutes.
HeartSaver CT can uncover heart disease…years before you exhibit symptoms.” And another, “You don’t know what’s inside until you look!” Unfortunately, unnecessary scans and radiation exposure like this can end up killing you.
In a recent survey of more than 100 physicians, 74% of those questioned significantly underestimated a patient’s risk of getting cancer from a single abdominal-pelvic CT scan. Only 17% said the risk of radiation influenced their decision to use CT scan. They are still viewing CT scans as innocuous as other radiological procedures, like regular bone x-rays, when in fact, the radiation dose with CT is hundreds of times higher. They aren’t even considering cancers that could be caused down the road from using these diagnostic scans. Another survey found that over 50% of the scans done were unnecessary. A Dutch study found that in roughly 50% of patients, CT heart scans had identified coronary blockages that actually weren’t there! Of course these imaging centers are profit centers for clinics and hospitals. Even doctors who aren’t radiologists have installed CT scanners in their offices. The revenues from insurance and Medicare induce the usage of scans for profit.
Sadly our own government has basically caused this situation with the passage of bills 30 years ago stating no one could be refused medical treatment for indigence. The cost to physicians, clinics, hospitals and emergency rooms skyrocketed and of course has been passed on to those who do have insurance and do pay their bills and the result is higher costs. As well, the medical community itself suffers losses and thus the desire to find ways wherein funds can be made in one area to compensate for losses in other areas.
In CT colon screens, as in colonoscopies, one still has to go through the wretched prep, but instead of being put under and having a probe inserted, many patients opt for the CT screening for colon cancer. However, this “virtual” colonoscopy is not as effective in finding and eliminating small precancerous polyps. Since there are cases of small polyps quickly becoming cancerous and the much higher risk of radiation from the scan, plus the need to still be sedated and have the polyps removed should they be seen on the scan, Medicare announced last year they would no longer cover the cost of virtual colonoscopies.
Cedar Sinai Medical Center in LA was under investigation for exposing patients to extremely high radiation overdoses resulting in patients losing their hair and reddening of their skin. The Cedar Sinai radiation overdose investigation focused on more than 200 patients who were given CT brain scans used to diagnose strokes. Cedar Sinai did their own investigation and what they found was shocking. The CT brain scan machine had been set to the higher dosage level from February of 2008 to August of 2009. The 206 patients who received CT brain scans in that time were exposed to eight times the normal radiation dosage levels. As a result of this finding, the FDA sent a nationwide alert to all hospitals to check their CT brain scan procedures and settings warning that undetected overdoses put “patients at increased risk for long-term radiation effects.” It is still unclear today whether the machine settings were the result of medical negligence or a deliberate act intended to expose these patients to overdoses of radiation.
A class action lawsuit has been filed by these patients and according to the lawyer handling the suit, the amount of radiation during a single CT scan can range from 1,000 to 10,000 millirems, depending on the machine and the settings. Evidence suggests that Japanese survivors of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki who were a mile or two from ground zero received about 3,000 millirems on average. The Cedar Sinai patients received eight times the normal dose. By the way, Cedar-Sinai is certified by the Joint Commission as a primary stroke center and is listed as one of the U.S. news and World Report’s best hospitals in 11 categories, including neurology and neurosurgery.
I doubt this is the only facility in the United States that has overdosed its patients. One patient stated that the only thing that happened after the overdose was discovered was a phone call from the facility to find out if he’d had hair loss.
Two studies in Archives in Internal Medicine show that CT scans deliver far more radiation than has been believed and may contribute to 29,000 new cancers each year, along with 14,500 deaths. One study led by the National Cancer Institute used existing exposure data to estimate how many cancers might be caused by CT scans. Another study in the journal suggested the problem is even worse. Researchers found that people may be exposed to up to four times as much radiation as estimated by earlier studies. Older studies relied on dummies with sensors, but new studies used 1,119 patients at four San Francisco area hospitals. Based on those higher measurements, a patient could get as much radiation from one CT scan as 74 mammograms or 442 chest X-rays.
Do I trust the AMA or FDA to monitor these various CT scans throughout all the different hospitals and clinics in the United States…my answer is obvious…NO! There are, however, a few things you can do to protect yourself.
1. Ask why it’s necessary and what the doctor hopes to learn that can’t be learned via another diagnostic source.
2. Check out the clinic or hospital ratings by the American College of Radiology. You can search accredited clinics in your area.
3. Request a shield to protect your breasts, reproductive organs and thyroid.
4. If you’re pregnant, just say NO!
5. Ask even more questions especially if it’s your child.
6. Keep a list of all your radiation tests to give to any doctor asking for another. Lifetime radiation buildup is dangerous!
7. Try to get a digital version of your completed scan to give to other physicians so you do not have to repeat the scan.
I will also mention that I am not against new technology that can save lives. I have a friend who had to have CT body scans because she was so ill and they found a contained cancer in one of her kidneys and removed the entire kidney. The CT scans she had saved her life. Nevertheless, this is not a diagnostic tool that should be used yearly or even for a checkup of heart, lung, or body.
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It is a tool that should only be used for severe symptoms and when no other diagnostic tool will give the proper answer. Sadly, once again, the American citizen who is all too trusting of the medical industry has ended up being irradiated by machines that have no oversight and are used way too frequently for a diagnostic tool.
1 - Good Housekeeping Magazine, July 2010 “The Test That Can Give You Cancer”
2 - John Esterbrook article, “CT Scan Radiation Risks?” August 31, 2004,
3 - Cheryl Clark, “Health Leaders Media,” October 12, 2009, Cedar Sinai
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© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,842 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- Planned Parenthood and Susan G. Komen | PLANNED PARENTHOOD AND SUSAN G. KOMEN
By Kelleigh Nelson
February 23, 2011
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, now Susan G. Komen for the Cure, was launched by Nancy Goodman Brinker in response to a promise she made her dying sister, Susan Goodman Komen, to do everything she could to eradicate breast cancer. Her sister died in 1980 at the age of 36.
Every October (breast cancer awareness month) becomes the push for donations to Susan G. Komen. Last October I wanted to buy some China on sale at a local department store and unless I gave $$1.00 to Komen for every discount coupon (I needed five), I couldn’t get the sale price. It reminded me of the corporate offices I’d worked for that had pushed for 100% participation in United Way donations. The upper management would actually harass you to give and wanted deductions from your paychecks! I would give one penny, that way they could say they got 100% donations, but it still irritated me. We all have a right to choose to refuse!
The reason I won’t give to Susan G. Komen is simple. For years pro-lifers like me have opposed contributing to SGK because it not only denies that induced abortions may cause breast cancer, it also bestows financial grants to Planned Parenthood affiliates allegedly for breast cancer screening. Planned Parenthood claims their community grants are restricted and closely monitored to provide vital breast health education, screening and treatment services for underserved women. But for every dollar Komen donates to Planned Parenthood, another dollar from another source is freed up to promote and perform abortion. Since the Susan G. Komen Foundation began giving grants to Planned Parenthood, purportedly for breast health services, the number of women receiving breast health services from Planned Parenthood has decreased. According to Planned Parenthood’s 2003-2004 Annual Report, abortions increased by 14,000 in 2002-2003, which breast exams decreased by more than 141,000. We have now reached the ungodly number of over 53 million aborted babies. How can we expect God to bless our nation when we kill the innocents in the womb and the elderly in their sick beds?
Between 2004 and 2009, SGK affiliates gave $$3.3 million to Planned Parenthood. In Fiscal Year 2009 alone, Planned Parenthood got $$731,303 from SGK. It really doesn’t matter the amount inasmuch as anyone that believes in choosing life as God’s Word states, (Deut.30:19) and are trying to save people with a disease like breast cancer, don’t want any part of their monies going to an organization that funds abortion providers.
SGK seems to speak out of both sides of their mouths. Their website states that childbearing protects women from breast cancer, and the more children a mother bears and the younger she begins bearing them the better. They also acknowledge breast feeding protects against breast cancer. Abortion however, blocks all those preventative measures. It has even been found that breast cancer survivors lower their risk of dying by 42% simply by getting pregnant, but again, abortion blocks that protection. SGK acknowledges never having children increases a women’s risk of getting breast cancer, and delaying childbearing, particularly after 35, also increases the risk. Abortion increases the risk of both those risks.
Eric Winer, the chief scientific advisor for Susan G. Komen for the Cure believes the Planned Parenthood criticisms are unfounded. He states a relationship with two Catholic ethicists, Ron Hamel and Michael Panicola, both Ph.D.’s. Winer claims these men examined the moral implications of SGK’s funding and concluded it was permissible for the church to be involved with Komen in light of its funding of Planned Parenthood. But get this, the Hamel/Panicola opinion, published on the now infamous, pro-Obamacare Catholic Health Association’s website, is really a piece of work. It reads like the letters you receive from your congress critters that answer none of your questions and talk totally around the issue and then thank you for your interest.
SGK will argue there is no concrete evidence that abortion contributes to breast cancer and now statistics even show that early use of hormone contraception also contributes to breast cancer just as hormone replacement therapy has been found to do. Eric Winer has also dismissed the proven link between abortion and breast cancer even though there are many studies and clinical professionals who agree, including Angela Lanfranchi, M.D., who writes in a Breast Cancer Prevention Institute brochure, “The later in pregnancy an abortion is done, the higher the risk of breast cancer as the more Type 1 and 2 lobules will have formed. Induced abortion leaves a woman with more places for breast cancer to start.
Karen Malec, spokesperson for the Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer says Komen does not tell women the truth that abortion increases breast cancer risk in three ways:
1. By delaying a first full term pregnancy (a risk recognized by all experts) the woman loses her chance to mature 85% of her cancer-susceptible breast lobules into full cancer resistant lobules at a younger age. Full maturity takes place throughout the last months of pregnancy.
2. Almost all of the childless women’s breast lobules are cancer–susceptible Type 1 and 2 lobules. Up to 95% of all breast cancers arise in these lobules. The breasts grow during pregnancy because of an increase of estrogen which is a cancer causing agent, thereby causing the lobules to multiply. The woman who aborts before lobule maturation is completed is left with more places in her breasts for cancers to start.
3. The Institute of Medicine lists abortion as a risk factor for premature birth…and premature birth before 32 weeks gestation increases the mother’s breast cancer risk. Through the abortion-premature birth link, the woman is left with more places in her breasts for cancers to start.
Even Komen states on its own website that a large analysis that combined results of many studies found that while women were taking birth-control pills (and shortly thereafter), they had a 10 to 30 percent higher risk of breast cancer than women who had never taken birth control pills.
As for the emergency contraceptive pill, which contains 10-15 times the amount of artificial hormones as a single birth-control pill, its labeling states it is contraindicated if one has a current or past history of breast cancer. In fact it appears hormonal contraceptives are more seriously implicated in breast cancer than previously known.
A 2009 study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention showed that the risk for women under 40 of contracting a newly identified and virulent form of the disease called triple-negative breast cancer rose by 320% if using hormonal contraceptives for a year or more.”
This same study co-authored in part by two of the very National Cancer Institute researchers who in 2003 denied a link between abortion and breast cancer, also acknowledged a 40% increased risk of contracting breast cancer under the age of 40 if a woman had had an abortion.
Karen Malek says, “Komen perpetuates the breast cancer epidemic by giving funds to Planned Parenthood. As a seller of hormonal contraceptives and abortions, Planned Parenthood is the primary cause of the breast cancer epidemic.”
Although the funds are supposedly intended for breast cancer screenings, Komen has no way of ensuring that the funds are used exclusively for that purpose instead of its cancer-causing activities.
Several of the Catholic dioceses have withdrawn their support for Komen for these reasons as well as Komen’s endorsement of experiments on embryonic humans.
Other SGK Connections to Planned Parenthood
A pro-lifer in Washington State discovered on Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest’s (PPGNW) IRS 990 forms that it has held a 12.5% share in Metro Centre, a mall in Peoria, Illinois since 2006. PPGNW is Washington’s largest abortion provider and is currently under investigation for Medicaid fraud. Metro Centre is owned by Eric Brinker who is the son of Nancy Goodman Brinker, the founder of SGK. Eric also sits on SGK’s board. Brinker claimed the 12.5% Planned Parenthood inherited from one of the original stockholders, but they’ve never sold their shares.
Brinker also states that only “20 of Komen’s 122 U.S. affiliates fund breast health services through local Planned Parenthood clinics.” But what is interesting is two of those 20, Komen Puget Sound and Komen Boise, fund Brinker’s business partner, PPGNW.
Komen Board Members and Staff
Nancy Brinker, founder of SGK Foundation, has served on the advisory board of Planned Parenthood of Dallas. In 2003, Planned Parenthood received a record $$475,000 from Susan G. Komen affiliates all across the nation and Planned Parenthood of Dallas built a new facility costing $$5 million dollars. Nancy Brinker received the Gertrude Shelburne Humanitarian Award from Planned Parenthood of North Texas in 1996. Gertrude Shelburne established Planned Parenthood in Dallas in 1982, and was a friend of Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood.
Eve Sanchez-Silver, former SGK Foundation National Hispanic/Latina Advisory Council member, resigned after discovering the connection between the Komen Foundation and Planned Parenthood.
Lisa Custard, current member of the Susan G. Komen Foundation National Board of Directors, is pictured and listed in the Planned Parenthood of North Texas newsletter as a donor.
Monica Leonard of the Sacramento Valley Susan G. Komen Affiliate had a prior job at Planned Parenthood Golden Gate and Komen lists this on their Sacramento Affiliate website.
Philadelphia Komen Affiliate Board Member John Briggs has also served on the advisory board for Planned Parenthood.
The form 990 for Susan G. Komen for the cure is at this website. How many miles do those thousands of volunteers need to "walk for the cure" just to meet the payroll of the Executive Board? If you add up the 2009 annual compensation (salary & benefits) listed on page 59 for 17 employees, the grand total is $$3,859,117.00. You do the math.
In Support of Each Other
Planned Parenthood of North Texas gave an award to the co-chair of the Ft. Worth Race for the Cure.
Planned Parenthood of North Texas thanked the Susan G. Komen Foundation Collin and Tarrant County Affiliates in their newsletter for granting Planned Parenthood of North Texas $$46,430 in 2004.
Planned Parenthood of Southeast Michigan formed a team for the Susan G. Komen Detroit Race for Cure.
Susan G. Komen Colorado Springs Affiliate hosted a health fair where they included “health partners” Planned Parenthood.
Susan G. Komen lists the local Planned Parenthood Health Centers as a resource on most of their affiliate websites and vice versa.
Susan G. Komen and Planned Parenthood are both involved in the Texas Medical Center Women’s Health Network.
Planned Parenthood of Southeast Michigan participated in the Susan G. Komen Lee National Denim Day in 2001.
Planned Parenthood of Lubbock is listed as a sponsor of the Lubbock Race for the Cure in 1998 and 1999.
Eugenics or Cure?
Planned Parenthood over the years has stated in their literature such things as the elimination of child care, medical attention, scholarships, housing, loans, and subsidies to poor families. It has openly stated maternity benefits should be drastically reduced or even eliminated, substantial across-the-board marriage and child taxes being imposed, and large families not being given preferential charitable relief. Saying Planned Parenthood is an advocate for the poor is an outright lie. For Susan G. Komen to lead people to believe poor women are getting breast exams at Planned Parenthood and not being propagandized by their programs is ludicrous. Planned Parenthood is instead a great oppressor and exploiter of the poor. Its image-conscious rhetoric of compassion is Orwellian doublespeak. It is not involved primarily in “family planning,” but is instead involved in “family banning.”
Finally and most importantly, Planned Parenthood is by no means privately funded. The truth is, a vast proportion of Planned Parenthood’s funding at every level, from the local level to the international level, comes right out of the American taxpayer’s pockets. It has become for all intents and purposes an unofficial, and thus unrestrained and unrestricted branch of the federal government and part of the population control plan. See this link here.
There was a recent expose of a Planned Parenthood affiliate aiding a pimp’s underage sex ring. The organization that put this on YouTube is a group of young pro-lifers called LiveAction. Their website, and the video.
Live Action has audio from phone calls to Planned Parenthood in various states that agree to take donations that specifically target donating to fund aborting black babies. The caller says there are too many blacks and he wants to reduce the minority population. Planned Parenthood agrees that he just needs to specify that on his donation and they will honor his request.
Dr. Alveda King, pro-life advocate and niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, has kind words for Live Action group and takes issue with Susan G. Komen’s statements that there’s no conclusive proof abortion causes breast cancer. She states, “Giving Planned Parenthood money is part of an insidious cycle. Breast cancer is linked to abortions, Planned Parenthood gives abortions and then they turn around and give you mammograms, ‘We are going to give you breast cancer then we are going to turn around and let you know that you have it, and then we are going to get with this great organization and raise money to treat it,’” she said.
I hope this article reaches enough pro-lifers that they’ll understand funding Susan G. Komen is working against God’s command to CHOOSE LIFE! And yes, there are other groups collecting funds for breast cancer research that have no connections to pro-abort groups.
Finally, let me end from some words sent to me by a dear friend who lives because her mother’s abortion failed. She is one of the finest Christian women I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing.
She wrote the following words to me:
“Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity. For they shall be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.” Ps. 37:1-2
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“We need to appropriate such promises to ourselves in times such as these when the continuing headlines night and day are of one calamity or threat after another. Unless we had the unchangeable Word of God to cling to we would have long ago given into the pressures all around us, but history proves that what He has said He will do. We could greatly expedite His promises by daily praying for faith to trust Him more, realizing that the day is coming when He will reign supreme and all those who have walked in His steps. Not only will we be strengthened for the rest of the journey, but we will give increased courage to those whose eyes are upon us as those who profess to be followers of the one true God and Christ. Remain faithful. It is the only way to live and not simply exist.”
2- Coalition on Abortion/Breast Cancer
3- Bioethics Defense Fund
5- The Daily Caller
6- Grand Illusions: The Legacy of Planned Parenthood by George Grant
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
Sign Up For Free E-Mail Alerts
Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,843 | reliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Michael Greger M.D. Faclm | Benefits of Green Tea for Boosting Antiviral Immune Function | Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video.
“The belief of green tea as a ‘wonder weapon’ against diseases dates back thousands of years.” I’ve talked about it in relation to chronic disease, but what about infectious disease? Interest in the antimicrobial activity of tea dates back to a military medical journal in 1906, suggesting that servicemen fill their canteens with tea to kill off the bugs that caused typhoid fever. However, this effect of tea was not studied further until the late 1980s, when tea compounds were pitted against viruses and bacteria in test tubes and petri dishes.
But, what we care about is do they work in people? I had dismissed this entire field of inquiry as clinically irrelevant—until genital warts. “External genital warts,” caused by human wart viruses, “are one of the most common and fastest-spreading venereal diseases worldwide.”
“Patients with [external genital warts] present with one or several cauliflower-like growths on the genitals and/or anal regions,” considerably impairing people’s “emotional and sexual well-being.” But, rub some green tea ointment on, and you can achieve “complete clearance of all warts” in more than 50% of cases.
Wow. If it works so well for wart viruses, what about flu viruses? Works great in a petri dish, but what about in people? Tea-drinking schoolchildren do seem to be protected. But, you don’t know until it’s put to the test. If you give healthcare workers green tea compounds, they come down with the flu about three times less often than those given placebo. In fact, just gargling with green tea may help. While a similar effect was not found in high school students, gargling with green tea may drop the risk of influenza infection seven- or eight-fold, compared to gargling with water, in elderly nursing home residents, where flu can get really serious.
Unlike antiviral drugs, green tea appears to help by boosting the immune system, enhancing the proliferation and activity of gamma delta T cells, a type of immune cell that acts as “a first-line defense against infection.” “Subjects who drank six cups of tea per day had up to a 15-fold increase in [infection-fighting] interferon…production in as little as one week”—but why?
There’s actually a molecular pattern shared by cancer cells and pathogens with “edible plant products, such as tea, apples, mushrooms, and wine.” And so, eating healthy foods may help maintain our immune cells on ready alert, effectively priming our gamma delta T cells “that then can provide natural resistance to microbial infections, and perhaps tumors.”
I guess I shouldn’t have been so surprised—tea, after all, is “a vegetable infusion.” You’re basically drinking a hot water extraction of a dark green leafy vegetable.
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4,059,851 | reliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Michael Greger M.D. Faclm | Controversy Over the Trans Fat Ban | Below is an approximation of this video’s audio content. To see any graphs, charts, graphics, images, and quotes to which Dr. Greger may be referring, watch the above video.
In 1993, the Harvard Nurses’ Study found that high intake of trans fat may increase the risk of heart disease by 50%. That’s where the trans fat story started, in Denmark, ending a decade later with a ban on added trans fats there in 2003. It took another 10 years, though, before the U.S. even started considering a ban. All the while, trans fats were killing tens of thousands of Americans every year. Why, if so many people were dying, did it take so long for the U.S. to suggest taking action?
One can look at the fight over New York City’s trans fat ban for a microcosm of the national debate. “Opposition came,” not surprisingly, “from [the food] industry,” complaining “about government intrusion,” likening the city to a “nanny state.” “Are trans fat bans…the road to food fascism?” Yes, a ban on added trans fats might save 50,000 American lives every year, which might save the country tens of billions of dollars in healthcare costs. Not so fast, though. If people eating trans fat die early, think how much we could save on Medicare and Social Security. That’s why “smokers [may] actually cost society less than nonsmokers, because smokers die earlier.” So, “we should be careful about making claims about the potential cost savings of trans fat bans.” “More research is needed on the effects of these policies.” Yes, we might save 50,000 lives a year, but you have to think about “the effects on the food industry.”
How about just “education and product labeling,” rather than the “extreme measure of banning” trans fat? As the leading Danish cardiologist put it, when we discover a food additive that’s dangerous, we don’t label it, we simply remove it. But, we’re Americans! “As they say in North America: ‘You can put poison in food if you label it properly.’” But look, people who are informed and know the risks should be able to eat whatever they want. But that’s assuming they’re given all the facts, which doesn’t always happen, “due to deception and manipulation” by the food industry.
And, not surprisingly, it’s the unhealthiest of foods that are most commonly promoted, using deceptive marketing. It’s not because junk food companies are evil, or want to make us sick. “The reason is one of simple economics—[processed foods simply] offer higher profit margins and are shelf-stable, unlike fresh foods, such as fruit[s] and vegetables.” So, their “model of systemic dishonesty,” some argue, “justifies some minimal level of governmental intervention.”
But what about the slippery slope? “Today, trans fats; tomorrow, hot dogs.” Or the reverse, what if they make us eat broccoli? This actually came up in a Supreme Court case over Obamacare. As Chief Justice Roberts said, Congress could start ordering everyone to buy vegetables, a concern Justice Ginsburg labeled “the broccoli horrible.” Hypothetically, Congress could compel the American public to go plant-based; yet, one can’t “offer the ‘hypothetical and unreal possibilit[y]…of a vegetarian state as a credible [argument].” As one legal scholar put it, “Judges and lawyers [may] live on the slippery slope of analogies, [but] they are not supposed to ski it to the bottom.”
If anything, what about “the slippery slope of inaction”? “Government initially defaulted to business interests in the case of tobacco and pursued weak and ineffective attempts at education” to try to counter all the tobacco industry lies, and look what happened. The unnecessary deaths could be counted in the millions. “The U.S. can ill afford to repeat this mistake with diet.”
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4,059,855 | conspiracy | | 2017-11-27 | | Pbspot Admin, Will Phoenix, Navy Corpseman | Air Marshal Charged With Taking Photos Up Passengers’ Skirts | A federal air marshal in Nashville, Tennessee has recently been charged with taking photographs up the skirts of female passengers as they boarded a plane at Nashville International Airport. Air marshal Adam Bartsch has been arrested and awaits trial for his actions that were witnessed by other passengers. One such passenger took out their cell phone and filmed the marshal’s misdeeds.
Michael Pascarella, the Assistant Supervisory Air Marshal in Charge, told The Associated Press that Bartsch was removed from duty as soon as these allegations were lodged against him. He is, according to Pascarella, in the process of being suspended or fired. He further emphasized “TSA does not tolerate criminal behavior.”
Nashville local WKRN-TV say that the TSA is assisting with the investigation. Police have so far confirmed that Bartsch was on duty, flying Southwest Airline Flight 3132 Thursday when the incident was witnessed and recorded. Police tell WKRN that “the witness notified a flight attendant and Bartsch was taken off the flight and charged with disorderly conduct.” Bartsch court date has been set for November 14.
(Article by Isa Abu Jamal)
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Related Posts via Taxonomies |
4,059,856 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- Social Security Payroll Tax Cut | SOCIAL SECURITY PAYROLL TAX CUT
By Kelleigh Nelson
April 2, 2011
Those of you still collecting a paycheck should have noticed an increase in what you took home starting in January of 2011. If you got a raise, you might not notice the difference. However, we did, and when my husband asked the payroll department at his company what caused the difference, all they could tell him was the tax rates were different. Of course I immediately wondered what was done, but could find no answers. Then my husband came across a small article in our local paper taken from the Wall Street Journal that told about the social security rate cuts for 2011.
The 2011 tax rate is 4.2 percent for employees, 6.2 percent for employers, and 10.4 percent for self-employed people. These rates apply to earnings up to the maximum taxable amount ($$106,800 in 2011).
The Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 reduced 2011 Social Security tax rates for employees and self-employed people by two percentage points, from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent for employees and from 12.4 percent to 10.4 percent for self-employed people. Without further changes in the law, these tax rates will return to 6.2 percent and 12.4 percent, allegedly beginning in 2012.
The payroll tax reduction temporarily gives employees extra take-home pay. The tax rate reduction allows a worker earning $$50,000 to take home an extra $$1,000 over the year and a worker making $$80,000 would take home $$1,600. This reduction of the payroll tax levied on most workers is intended to accelerate economic recovery by leaving more than $$100 billion in employees' wallets over the next year - money they would presumably spend. S'cuse me, but I think we're at an all time unemployment rate high, and I don't see signs of recovery like the Obama loving media seems to see.
In August of 2010, it was reported in Washington's annual trustees' reports on the fiscal health of Social Security and Medicare, that social security will be paying out more than it's taking in, which has come six years sooner than what was projected in 2009. The financial collapse and the continuing retirement of many baby boomers has prompted the United States Social Security system to be in the red. In an annual trustees' reports on the fiscal health of Social Security and Medicare, U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said it is expected to pay out over $$41 billion more than what it takes in from payroll taxes.
C'mon folks, we've been told social security is broke for years now...we know the congress criminals have sanctioned using social security monies for various a sundry entitlement purposes other than social security! So, it defies logic that government would choose to reduce the tax revenue on a program that's going broke! Guess who was behind this program. Yep, you've got it...President Obama and the democrats proposed this one year reduction as an economic stimulus and of course our Republican congress criminals jumped in bed with their leftist commie buddies in a bi-partisan vote. Both supporters and opponents agree this is opening the door to major changes in how social security is financed in the future.
I wanted to know more, so of course I called my congress critter's office and asked to speak to someone about this subject. A young man named Patrick tried to answer my questions. As an aside, my congressman was first elected to Congress in 1988, in a special election to succeed his late father, and elected to the seat for a full term in his own right the same day. He has been reelected every two years since then from a district that has been held continuously by Republicans since 1857. He has never faced a serious or well-funded challenge for reelection, and was reelected without major-party opposition from 1994 through 2000. He does vote conservatively for the most part, although he voted for NAFTA and Goals 2000 which raised the ire of his constituents, including me. He backed the RINO for governor in 2010 rather than the true conservative who is our Lt. Governor. His son is being groomed to take over his seat when he retires. I guess that's how it works in a family business.
So, Patrick couldn't tell me the exact bill number where this tax change occurred. When I asked how long the reduction would last, he stated it would definitely be for only one year. I've since read in several articles that it could likely be renewed for a second year and perhaps indefinitely.
Patrick told me that this simply replaced a tax credit that wasn't working. I wondered, what tax credit and what wasn't working...but didn't get an answer there either. When I asked how much social security would lose over the year, Patrick told me that since it was a stimulus that it was agreed by both sides of the aisle that what it would stimulate would make up for the losses. I thought, yeah, sure and a chicken has lips. Guess what the losses are for one year? The estimated revenue loss for the trust funds for 2011 is $$112 billion. Okay, so the economy is booming again, and small business and large corporations are hiring again, right? And that's going to increase the social security trust fund income for 2011 even with the tax rate reduction of 2%, so what, me worry? Nah, it'll all work out. Remember, it was FDR who said, "Nothing, absolutely nothing, happens in politics that isn't planned."
Clashes over how to keep social security solvent have been loud in recent years, but this debate over the reduction has been so muted that few actually know about it. Since the inception of the Social Security Act (PL 74-271) was enacted in 1935, the program has relied strictly on a payroll tax that workers and their employers pay equally. With the exception of some government employees, workers who earn up to $$106,800 annually now pay 6.2% of their income in social security taxes, and their employers match that amount. Self-employed workers like me pay the full 12.4%.
For decades after its founding, supporters sought to have the government's general fund support the program in much the same way that it pays for the military rather than having it allegedly (cuz it's not there) in a trust fund strictly for social security usage. If social security has to depend on general revenue (which I'd guess is what the congress criminals and this administration are wanting) it starts having to compete with every other federal program for money and can easily be cut from the budget.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I found it total insanity to cut the rate of deductions when social security is paying out more than it's taking in each year. At $$50,000 a year income, an increase of $$1000 for the year because of the deduction would net the employee so little money per week after taxes that the fractional increase would simply go to pay for the exponential increases in the cost of family groceries. Stimulate the economy? I really don't think so.
Although congress voted in the big omnibus spending bill of 2009 to not receive a pay raise in 2010, they did not vote to eliminate their automatic cost of living raises each year unless they vote against it. Here's the link on how they voted on those automatic raises.
The social security tax reduction actually gave federal employees a 2 percent raise on all income below the social security ceiling. The military received a pitiable 1.4 percent raise, but still will get that additional 2 percent added on for at least 2011. This social security reduction gives everyone who works a pay raise.
Those who have already retired and have paid into social security since its inception, receive nothing. Recently retired seniors paid social security tax while they worked for the benefits received by those who retired before them. The promise was that those who retire after them would pay their benefits. I'm sickened to see that once again things seniors deserve are being taken away from them and given to someone else. They've paid their share of social security tax while they worked and everyone else should do the same. Social security recipients haven't had an increase in cost of living for two years and prices have soared although the government says there's no inflation. I expect the politicians are planning to cut even more from social security recipients and over 50 million Americans are collecting today because of the baby boomer generation hitting collection age.
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Our country has allowed the murder of 53 million innocent babies in the womb since 1973. Now the target is the elderly and the glut of baby boomers who will break the government Ponzi schemes of social security and Medicare/Medicaid. See my article, "It Has Nothing to Do With Health Care" for a full report on the elderly as the new targets of the death culture.
We'll have to wait to see what the criminals in congress plan for the elderly and social security, but from the looks of things so far, it certainly doesn't bode well.
Nevertheless, remember Proverbs 1:33 and put your trust and hope in God Almighty.
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
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4,059,857 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- The Phony Rightwing, Part 1 | THE PHONY RIGHTWING
PART 1 of 2
By Kelleigh Nelson
June 3, 2011
Newt Gingrich
A couple years ago one of my neighbors asked me to accompany her to a tea party meeting at the Maryville, TN library which is about 25 minutes from Knoxville. I said, "Sure, I'd love to go see what they're doing." There were several speakers and most of it was boring classroom beginner's education for those that were just waking up to the fact that we've lost our country. We paid our two dollars and sat in the back of the room. The third speaker's topic was "Where to go for information." When they showed pictures of websites of Newt Gingrich and Heritage Foundation and others, I just shook my head and got up and left. I was absolutely appalled that any freedom loving American would send an audience of uneducated people into the hands of those that are worse enemies than the obvious Democrat Marxists. Remember folks, "A false friend IS MORE DANGEROUS than an open enemy."
For several months I've mulled over the thought of exposing everyone they suggested, Newt, Heritage, Koch and a plethora of GOP candidates running for election in 2012 for POTUS. In a previous three part article, SAVING THE REPUBLIC?, I exposed a good deal of the Heritage background, but we will need to revisit and explore more deeply the deception of this allegedly conservative think tank which is anything but a constitutional foundation.
First we'll start with Newt who masquerades as a rightwing conservative but is one of the most dangerous enemies of freedom now hoping to gain the presidency in 2012. Some friends have told me with all the bad press he's dead in the water, but I saw McCain resurrected, not once but twice to win the primary in the 2008 elections, so we still need to know the truth about Newt.
Gingrich was born in 1943 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. A college professor, historian, and author, Gingrich twice ran unsuccessfully for the House before winning a seat in the election of November 1978. He was re-elected ten times, and his activism as a member of the House's Republican minority eventually enabled him to succeed Dick Cheney as House Minority Whip in 1989. As a co-author of the 1994 Contract with America, Gingrich was in the forefront of the Republican Party's dramatic success in that year's Congressional elections and subsequently was elected Speaker of the House.
Newt received a B.A. in history from Emory University in Atlanta in 1965. He received an M.A. in 1968, and then a PhD in modern European history from Tulane University in New Orleans in 1971. At Tulane University he accepted student deferments rather than being drafted to Viet Nam. He experimented with marijuana. He led a campus demonstration defending the school paper's right to print a photo of a nude faculty member. And in 1968 he campaigned for Nelson Rockefeller.
In 1990 he became a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. If you've never read Richard N. Gardner's April 1974 article in CFR's World Affairs, Gardner called for an end run around national sovereignty eroding it piece by piece. The CFR was founded in 1921 for world government and eliminating national independence. Henry Kissinger is also a CFR member and actually schooled Newt. Both Gingrich and Kissinger claim they're conservatives.
Gingrich has been married three times. In 1962, he married his first wife, Jackie Battley, who was 6 years his senior and his high school geometry teacher. In the spring of 1980, Gingrich left Battley after having an affair with Marianne Ginther. According to Battley, Gingrich visited her while she was in the hospital recovering from uterine cancer surgery to discuss the details of their divorce. Six months after the divorce was final, Gingrich wed Marianne Ginther in 1981. In the mid-1990s, Gingrich began an affair with House of Representatives staffer Callista Bisek, who is 23 years his junior. They continued their affair during the Lewinsky scandal, when Gingrich was a leader of the Republican investigation of President Clinton for perjury in connection with his alleged affairs with Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky. In 1999, over the Mother's Day weekend and on the same day his second wife had been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Gingrich informed her he had found someone else.
In 2000, Gingrich married Bisek shortly after his divorce from second wife Ginther. He and Callista currently live in McLean, Virginia. If I were Callista, I'd take extremely good care of my health.
Newt was elected congressman from Georgia in 1978. In 1979 he voted
1. YEA to the creation of the Department of Education, which is unconstitutional (William Z. Foster called for a federal Department of Education in his book, "Towards Soviet America.") Studies were to be cleansed of religious, patriotic and other features of the 'bourgeois' ideology. Students were to be taught basis of Marxian dialectical materialism, inter nationalism and general ethics of the new Socialist Society. See any articles by Charlotte Iserbyt.
2. YEA to designating 68 million acres as Federal protected wilderness. Our constitution doesn't call for any land "control," but the communist manifesto calls for all abolition of property and land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. Federal Land grabs today are huge percentages of the 13 western states that are now federally owned.
Note: The communist manifesto wants:
1. Land controls
2. Progressive Income Tax
3. Termination of Inheritance
4. Central Bank which is the Federal Reserve
5. Control of Education
In 1994 Newt voted:
1. YEA to the National Endowment for the Arts
2. YEA for 1.2 billion for UN peacekeeping
3. YEA for the presidential line item veto
4. YEA for 13 billion in foreign aid
5. YEA for 166 million more for the IRS
6. Led Congress into GATT with fellow CFR member Bill Clinton and then stated that it was a very big transfer of power. It was, because it overrode Article 1, Section 8 of the constitution. As well, GATT reduces the amount of money we can save for pensions. He jawed with President Clinton in NH that he was a huge fan of FDR and Woodrow Wilson, two of the most despised early communist leaning presidents. Remember Wilson gave us both the federal reserve and the 16th amendment, income tax.
He also voted:
1. China as Most Favored Nation for trade
2. Voted to supply funds to subsidize trade with the Soviets.
3. Voted to transfer 2.2 million acres in Idaho to Wilderness status.
4. Voted for federal funding loan guarantees for greater trade with Red China.
5. Voted for taxpayer funds being available to foreign governments through export/import banks.
6. Is pro amnesty - Joe Galloway wrote in December 2010 that both Newt and Jeb Bush were pro-amnesty. Gingrich stated, "We are not going to deport 11 million immigrants." How about 40 million Newt...send them home, they're an invasion!
7. Is pro foreign aid. In 1995 he voted for 31.8 billion in foreign aid, but wouldn't vote to cut foreign aid by a measly 1%.
Newt also backed a strong central government, strong environmental laws, national service programs, the United Nations Goals 2000 (which many Republicans voted for), federal financing of local police, and UN peacekeeping missions for our military.
8. Gingrich is pro-Obamacare and even advocated it in the 90s on Meet the Press, and recently:
9. He did a Global Warming ad with Nancy Pelosi that is coming back to haunt him, but in reality, he is a big environmentalist.
10. Is pro-Gun Control - Newt is currently circulating a letter advertising a DVD called: "America at Risk" for which you may obtain a copy if you send him $$35.00 or more. On page 3 of his six-page letter he says: "Today the choice is yours: You can either sit back and allow Barack Obama and the liberal elite to disarm our country, leaving us defenseless against enemies who explicitly desire to erase America from existence."
Yet, if you check on the voting list of those who voted "yea" on Public Law 101-216 in 1989 (an update to the General and Complete Disarmament Law, Public Law 87-297) you will find that Newt Gingrich voted in favor of section 2 of this disarmament bill which reads:
"(2) as defined in this Act, the terms 'arms control' and 'disarmament' mean 'the identification, verification, inspection, limitation, control, reduction, or elimination, of armed forces and armaments of all kinds under international agreement to establish an effective system of international control';"
Should we trust a man who professes to be so concerned with our security and right to have armed forces, who also votes to give them away to the United Nations for a world army? The last thing we need is someone who professes to protect us, while at the same time, is planning to sell us out! See Bernadine Smith's website for countless documents.
Newt's campaign manager for many of his congressional races, was Ralph Reed of the Christian Coalition and a charter member of the secretive Council for National Policy. Ralph was a paid speaker like many of his fellow CNP members for Sun Myung Moon's Unification church who has a front group within the CNP.
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Reed took money from fellow CNP member, Jack Abramoff's American Indian casino clients through a variety of conduits and manipulated Christian groups to act as fronts to oppose gambling competition for the tribes. He helped Abramoff oppose legislation to extend protections to women and children employed by sweatshops in the Northern Mariana Islands, despite the fact that our government had reported that the employers forced employees to enter the sex-tourism trade. When these immigrant workers inevitably became pregnant, they were forced to have abortions. For part two click below.
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© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
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