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4,059,602 | satire | | 2017-11-27 | | Blasting News, Robert Sobel, Amra Ibrahimbegovic, Asmir Pekmic | Young investors drawn to invest in Snapchat | Its been three days since #SNAP Inc., parent firm of temp photo-vid sharing social network #Snapchat, began their initial public offering (#IPO) on the NYSE. For the first two days the stock simply exploded, with 200 million shares sold to raise $$3.4 billion, an increase in stock by 40 percent. So far so good; the company even managed to succeed in one other venue: that of engaging a particular target audience to invest in their IPO, the very same young people who are using their Snapchat mobile app. Not only did they snap up a portion of the IPO, now they’re in the mood to invest elsewhere too.
Young investors
Just as Snap Inc.
had hoped in their pre-IPO hype campaign, a number of university-aged young people have decided to make Snapchat their first ever investment in the stock market. Take for instance 18-year-old University of California freshman Ryan Eshaghi, who claims to have been “addicted” to using Snapchat ever since the eighth grade. "It defined the way teens and young adults communicate with one another," Eshaghi remarked about the app (according to USA Today). Thus, using his savings from a part-time job of aiding high-school students prepare for college application exams, he went in and bought 20 shares of Snap Inc. stock. And he’s fully confident that the company will grow further from the IPO.
Willie Jamieson, aged 23, is a marketing hound in Charleston, South Carolina. His first investment was in Tesla, and he decided to partake in the Snap Inc. IPO as well.
He believes that Snapchat going forward will have a lot of upsides that will make his investment grow.
The so-called “millennial” age group has never been a strong presence in the stock market, what with being more concerned with limited funds that usually go more into their student loans as well as bad memories of the last big stock crash. Nevertheless, Snap Inc. gambled that their IPO could be marketed to these young adults, and they succeeded in enticing them to invest beyond their initial estimates.
The stock roller coaster
Then again, the stock market is the stock market; and one of the rules is that what goes up can also come down. On day three of the IPO, Snap Inc.’s shares have taken a dive in the wake of multiple “sell” recommendations put out by several expert brokers. Already its fallen 19% from its high-mark and 12% when trading closed Monday March 6. Analyst Scott Kessler was surprised by the quick drop but assures investors that it’s the norm with new stocks that have sold hot off the bat. Still, Robinhood, an online stock trading mobile app, noted that its user base increased on a record high during the Snapchat IPO, where 43% of their registered traders went for Snapchat. |
4,059,603 | conspiracy | | 2017-11-27 | | null | The Real Reason Janet Yellen Hates Cash | Janet Yellen thinks the US Dollar is a ““cash is not a convenient store of value.”
Long-term she is correct. After all, thanks to the Fed, the $$USD has lost 95% of its purchasing power over the last 100 odd years. Anyone who has kept their money in cash has generally lost money virtually non-stop.
However, in today’s world in which some $$9 TRILLION in bonds are posting negative yields, cash isn’t looking so bad. Yes, you’ll still lose purchasing power over time… but the same is true if you buy bonds in Europe or Japan… just with more volatility.
Yellen’s disdain for cash isn’t that cash is a poor store of value… it’s that cash, particularly physical cash is one of the few “loopholes” in the current financial system that permits you to escape the insanity of Negative Interest Rates from Central Banks.
After all, there are two basic benefits to storing your money in a bank:
1) Security
2) Interest
With NIRP in place, #2 is no longer a benefit. If anything storing your money in a bank with NIRP means losing money.
This leaves #1: security.
But you can likely achieve the same security by buying a home safe and sitting on physical cash there. Indeed, this is precisely what consumers in Europe and Japan have done since Central Banks in those two regions employed NIRP.
This is why Yellen and her ilk hate cash. Central Banks want to force consumers to spend money or invest in risk assets by punishing deposits with NIRP. But physical cash avoids NIRP entirely.
Will this stop Central Banks? No way.
Indeed, we've uncovered a secret document outlining how the Fed plans to incinerate savings in the coming months.
We detail this paper and outline t hree investment strategies you can implement
right now to protect your capital from the Fed's sinister plan in our Special Report
Survive the Fed's War on Cash.
We are making 1,000 copies available for FREE the general public.
To pick up yours, swing by….
Best Regards
Graham Summers
Chief Market Strategist
Phoenix Capital Research |
4,059,605 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- Occupy Wall Street and the Constitutional Convention | OCCUPY WALL STREET & THE CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION
By Kelleigh Nelson
October 26, 2011
"Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths." --James Madison, Federalist No. 10, 1787
"Remember democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." --John Adams, letter to John Taylor, 1814
The group often credited with sparking Occupy Wall Street (OWS) is Adbusters, the Canadian anti-capitalist magazine founded in 1989 by Kalle Lasn and Bill Schmalz in Vancouver, British Columbia. This July, Lasn and Schmalz issued a call to flood lower Manhattan with 90,000 protesters. Lasn has been accused of anti-Semitism regarding some of the articles in Adbusters. [Link]
Kalle Lasn previously called for a protest at the upcoming G20 while demanding a one-percent tax on financial transactions. You can read The Daily Call article on this here: "Occupy Wall Street Demands Global UN Tax and Worldwide G20 Protest."
They don't even try to hide their affinity to the UN, they're taking the UN's call for the tax to the streets and screaming for its implementation. As one of the founders of Occupy Wall Street, Lasn is also in bed with the power elite Soros crowd, which helps fund his magazine, as reported by Lew Rockwell.
Lawrence Morley writes in Adbusters:
"Revolt, if it is to be successful, must come from the mind; a growing unease and dissatisfaction with things as they are. Revolt may be leaderless, but it cannot be idea-less. ... It could be said that any society has vested interests in the status quo which could not be unseated by argument. I disagree. For any revolution to succeed, even those interests must be shown to gain, or to lose less by cooperation than they would otherwise. I, as a Progressive Anarchist, want the complete overthrow of present societies, but not now, not immediately, not violently, but gradually and peacefully as ideas gradually seep through one’s mind. The intention of this revolutionary is to assault your mind and destroy your beliefs."
Another writer for Adbusters is Michael Hardt. He is an American literary theorist and post-Marxist philosopher perhaps best known for the book Empire, written with Antonio Negri and published in 2000. It has been called the Communist Manifesto of the 21st century.
For those of you who have studied and understand communism, Morley's words and Hardt's writings will ring those bells. Those involved in these protests remind me of the 60s and the Viet Nam protests, albeit, they aren't as organized, nor are they as intellectual as those from the 60s. When asked questions about what they'd replace the free market with, they have no answers, other than the rich make too much money and they should share with those who are less fortunate. [Link] (Sounds like Obama's redistribution plans to me).
The protesters include persons of a variety of political orientations, including liberals, political independents, anarchists, socialists, libertarians, and environmentalists. At the protest's start, the majority of the demonstrators were young; however, as the protest grew the age of the protesters became more diverse, mostly related to the use of social networks.
The dominant theme is that the U.S. is broke and corporations have ruined it. Now they want to kill the corporate "personhood" and then the US will be good again and then there will be justice and prosperity for all. Dream on!
Celebrity Involvement
The usual left wing celebs who want to be seen as erudite politically, but only know how to mimic the left-wing lines, are gaining publicity with their involvement with the OWS. On September 19, Roseanne Barr, the first celebrity to endorse the protest, spoke to protesters calling for a combination of capitalism and socialism and a system not based on "bloated talk radio hosts and that goddamn Ayn Rand book." (Uh, excuse me Roseanne, I think you've been eating too much sugar. We already have a combination of what little remains of capitalism and a huge new amount of socialism - a nice euphemism for full-fledged communism) .
Conservative activist and John Birch Society member, H.L. Hunt's granddaughter, Leah Hunt-Hendrix, 28, a doctoral student at Princeton writing her dissertation on the history of solidarity, joined OWS protesters, and said. “We should acknowledge our privilege and claim the responsibilities that come with it.” I believe H.L. understood it far better than his granddaughter.
Filmmaker Michael Moore spoke against Wall Street, saying, "They have tried to take our democracy and turn it into a kleptocracy." (Michael, we were once a representative republic who followed the "rule of law." Now we are as you state, a "democracy" which is nothing more than "mob rule.") Susan Sarandon and Kanye West were also there to add their two-cents worth.
Other celebs include folk singer, Pete Seeger, Arlo Guthrie, Tao Rodríguez-Seeger, Tom Chapin, David Amram, and Guy Davis. Others who are in support of the OWS according to Wikipedia include the usual suspects, Noam Chomsky, George Soros, and Yoko Ono. Mother Jones Magazine reports the growing number of unions joining in the activist protests.
Karl Denninger, one of the original Tea Party founders believes there are many similarities between OWS and the Tea Party demonstrations since many Tea Partiers have joined in the ranks of the OWS. As we've seen with Tea Parties across the nation, many are being led by infiltrating change agents and haven't a clue of where the real battles lie. This is just another example of the deliberately dumbed down electorate reacting like lemmings and being led by socialist propaganda.
Calling for a Constitutional Convention
The OWS not only is demanding the UN one-percent tax, but they are now also demanding a Constitutional Convention for the purpose of changing the entire social structure of the US. Those of you who read my articles know I've written several times about the dangers of a Constitutional Convention. See The Constitutional Convention Con and Wolves in Sheep's Clothing? for the full ramifications of a Constitutional Convention. Leftist commentator, Cenk Uygur has announced the formation of Wolf-PAC to campaign for a Constitutional Convention. His call to action was featured on a website, Amped Status, run by David DeGraw who is one of the original founders of the OWS movement. Here is a video of Cenk's dangerous Constitutional Convention announcement.
A Constitutional Convention has been the dream of US leftists for a century or more. tells us that as far back as 1932, the Socialist Party's platform included proposed changes to the Constitution, and many of these changes seem to parallel what Cenk and others want now. From
The Socialist Party's 1932 platform included many proposed changes to the Constitution. One group concerned voting and elections, including popular election of the President and the ability to hold national referenda. Judicial review would be specifically barred. Workers' rights would be protected and child labor barred; nationalization of industry would also be permitted and promoted. Finally, they advocated an easing of the requirements for ratification of constitutional amendments.
As I've stated many times before, a Constitutional Convention is fraught with risks and could easily spin out of control. It would very likely be hijacked by the elitists and then we'd end up with an anti-freedom agenda and a new constitution that would totally destroy the liberties our 1787 Constitution grants us. People...this means the entire Bill of Rights could disappear! Can you just imagine who we'd end up with on a Committee of Detail today, or the delegates from each state? It is the very people we oppose and that includes the phony right-wing like McCain, McConnell, and Boehner, and Snowe and Collins, not to mention Pelosi and Reid, Feinstein, Boxer and Schumer! God help us!
What few people understand is the fact that the right wing is pushing a Constitutional Convention as well and has been for a long time. Their tactics are subtle and disarming with the conservative sounding Balanced Budget Amendment that could easily lead to a Constitutional Convention. There has also been a desire of the leftists to eliminate the Electoral College. In doing so, the smaller states would not have a voice in elections and we'd end up having the president elected by the most leftist populated states. In the 2012 election, Obama would remain president. [Link]
Today the Vatican called for the establishment of a "global public authority" and a "central world bank" to rule over financial institutions that have become outdated and often ineffective in dealing fairly with crises. The document from the Vatican's Justice and Peace department should please the OWS demonstrators and other movements around the world who have used the economic downturn to stage socialistic or progressive protests to push the US and world further down the road to serfdom.
I believe Occupy Wall Street is another Trojan Horse designed to further the aims of the elitists pushing a One World Order. The Con-Con promoters have been at this for decades and it is now coming to the fore again after we fought it off in the 80s. The Tea Party movement and the Occupy Wall Street movement are both expressions of people's anger and rage over what our elitist politicians in both parties are doing to the American people via the right/left Hegelian Dialectic which provides the elite a way of controlling the masses.
As others have illustrated in numerous articles, there is considerable evidence that Occupy Wall Street is funded by these powerful elements. The great central banking families (and their political, military, religious and financial colleagues and enablers) have been plotting world government for more than a century and they see the US Constitution as an impediment. Leftism suits their purpose.
We need to remove the Fed and central banking and return the country to a competitive monetary system that goes back to gold and silver. We do not need a Constitutional Convention to do this.
We do need political and economic pressure on all of our state and local representatives and we need to warn them of the dangers of a Con-Con. Please use my previous articles to do same.
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We have two gigantic dangers to the citizens of America. One is a Constitutional Convention which would not only destroy the Constitution we have now, but would give us a totally different country and eliminate our God given unalienable rights. The other is the massive all encompassing UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development that is already in full bloom across America and in nearly every city and town.
These are the two most important subjects we need to tackle today. If there are any good Tea Parties and freedom loving groups who are not infiltrated with change agents and neutralizing RINOs, please join the rest of us freedom-loving patriotic Americans in fighting these forces of evil.
As many of my close and dear friends fighting this behemoth say, FIRST WE MUST PRAY and repent for allowing God to be kicked out of America, as well as pleading for His Mercy on our nation. And then, we all need to get to work!
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,606 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- Taxed Enough Already | TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY
By Kelleigh Nelson
November 29, 2011
"If the public are bound to yield obedience to laws to which they cannot give their approbation, they are slaves to those who make such laws and enforce them." --Candidus Pen name of Samuel Adams during the era of the Sons of Liberty Source: in the Boston Gazette, 1772
Bill Haslam is the Republican Governor of Tennessee. Haslam was elected to office in 2010. He previously served as Mayor of Knoxville, Tennessee, from 2003 until his resignation in 2011. While he has an "R" behind his name, Haslam is no conservative. This is the story of how he intends to raise taxes on all Americans. The title of this article is "TEA," for Taxed Enough Already, the same acronym used by the Tea Parties.
First let's look at this phony right winger who calls himself a Christian Conservative. Haslam was born in Knoxville in 1958 and is the son of Jim Haslam, the founder of Pilot Corporation, the parent company of the convenience store and travel center chain, Pilot Flying J. He ran for Mayor of Knoxville partly because of a conversation he had with fellow RINO Bob Corker who was then mayor of Chattanooga, TN. Corker is now the junior RINO senator of Tennessee and he along with our Senior RINO Senator, Lamar Alexander and our Governor, Bill Haslam, is a big proponent of UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development.
In Haslam's first mayoral race, he defeated Democrat Knox County Commissioner Madeline Rogero by a 52% to 46% margin. In 2006 Haslam appointed Rogero to Director of Community Development in Knoxville supposedly to keep her from running against him in the 2006 race. The prevailing strong rumor is that Rogero convinced Haslam to apply for a government grant (600 American cities have done so) that would award from $$4 to $$6 million tax dollars to the city to implement Smart Growth (SG) which is a major component of UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development. To put it succinctly, Smart Growth is centralization of population within the city limits using only bicycle paths, public transportation, stack-em and pack-em high-rise living, and turning the rest of the formerly occupied rural and suburban areas back to pre-Columbian pristine days. (See Wildlands Project) We are now fighting the implementation of SG in Knoxville and four other surrounding counties under a regional plan called PlanET or Five Counties/One Vision and I and my cohorts are spending a great deal of time educating people about how we will lose our property rights and much more because of SG. Thank you Bill Haslam.
We have attended several of the PlanET forums where the proponents of Smart Growth allegedly solicit community input. However, at each forum we have seen, the facilitators have used the Delphi Technique to achieve the consensus for the desired input. Present at all three of these meetings were architects from Wallace Roberts & Todd, a Florida firm, who travel around the country implementing Smart Growth, probably with the guarantee of getting the contract to build the stack-em and pack-em high-rises in the city.
I was told by one of the top architects that they had just "finished up" Austin, Texas and somewhere in North Carolina. But listen to this statement by David Rouse, of Wallace Roberts & Todd, from a Chattanooga newspaper article in which he stated that he is "committed to an open process, and that property rights won't be impacted without the public's consent." Where is the outrage over this one sentence? Property Rights NEED TO BE PROTECTED! not trampled whether the public consents or not, the constitution says so!
A local Tea Party had been infiltrated with RNC folks who supported Haslam over the more conservative Lt. Governor, Ron Ramsey. They didn't like the fact that activists within the Tea Party had been at the polls in 2010 and had backed Ramsey rather than Haslam. Those same activists had also helped elect four out of five conservative candidates by their presence at early voting. Sadly, because of the infiltration and neutralization of the local Tea Party, who decided they would become a government 501(c)4 and neither oppose nor endorse candidates, the Tea Party did not have a presence at the early voting polls in the recent city mayoral race. If they had, we may have elected Republican Commissioner Ivan Harmon over extreme leftist and Sustainable Development proponent Democrat Madeline Rogero. Fighting SG and Agenda 21 in Knoxville has now become much more difficult and the proponents of this draconian UN Agenda 21 have become empowered.
Haslam was formerly a member of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns Coalition. Boston Mayor Thomas Menino and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, serve as co-chairs of the coalition, and like the majority of Mayors in the Coalition, they are Democrats. It is an ardently anti-gun organization and the ties this group has to ardent anti-gunners is quite apparent. The group even has ties to the California Microstamping law. Haslam resigned in early 2009 and paid the National Rifle Association $$1000.00 for a lifetime membership so he could portray himself to the Tennessee electorate as a pro-Second Amendment Governor. Most opponents of Haslam believe his family money bought the Governorship for him.
One of Haslam’s first acts as governor was to roll back disclosure requirements, so it’s unknown how much he earned from selling his stock in EZ Corp, a Texas-based company that owned two pawnshops in Knoxville. Haslam rolled back disclosure requirements so that he and other officials had to list sources of income but not corresponding dollar figures. That decision has brought criticism from party leaders on both sides of the aisle, who say the result is less transparency for state government. Gov. Bill Haslam’s stake in a multimillion-dollar loan guarantee was sold to a prominent Knoxville developer three days after a report by The Tennessean uncovered the original transaction.
Looks like Bill Haslam's family, along with a lot of the Tennessee Republican establishment are supporting Mitt Romney. Due to the political ramifications, it is doubtful they would do this without the Governor's approval which leads one to believe that Governor Haslam is also supporting Mitt Romney. Here are the details regarding the support and the other corporations involved including the Governor's brother, Jim Haslam. Willard Mitt Romney is one of the worse RINO candidates, running a close second as fellow communist behind Third Wave Fabian Socialist and communist Newt Gingrich. Not much of the Obama doctrine would change with either of these two.
The State of Tennessee joined the Federal TSA in "Security Operations" on Tennessee Interstates and bus stations. According to the Tennessee Report, "The Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security on Tuesday partnered with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and several other federal and state agencies for a safety enforcement and awareness operation on Tennessee’s interstates and two metropolitan-area bus stations. The agencies conducted a Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) operation at scale complexes where trucks and large vehicles are weighed. The VIPR operation was also conducted at two regional bus terminals in Nashville and Knoxville. Why would a conservative Christian Governor allow the TN Department of Safety and Homeland Security to bring the TSA into TN and for us to be the "inaugural" state? Obviously along with our constitution shredding federal government, Haslam sees no problem with the state of Tennessee shredding the 4th Amendment to the Bill of Rights.
Now to get to the very gist of the reason for this article. What has so infuriated me about this phony Republican governor is the blatant attack on Tennessee's citizens for more taxation, not to mention the fact that he's wanting all of America to pay new taxes.
The subject of this article is straight out of the playbooks of what the Tea Parties allegedly are fighting. Unfortunately, my local Tea Party was long ago infiltrated by change agents for the Republican (RINO) party and neutralized to the point of being nothing more than a garden club. As I wrote in Part 4 of my article on the Tea Parties, I had brought up the subject of our governor pushing for an internet sales tax at this local Tea Party and absolutely nothing was done. In fact, I wasn't given the opportunity to speak to this issue at the local Tea Party for even the 10 minutes I was told I had.
Bill Haslam stated at the beginning of his term that he was going to contact all the other governors and push the federal Congress to pass a bill that would tax all internet sales even when the company purchased from via internet does not have a presence in your state. Internet retailers cannot be compelled to collect sales taxes if they have no physical presence in a state under a 1992 U.S. Supreme Court decision. Haslam wants to change this and in effect tax all Americans on every state's sales tax when we purchase goods from a company in another state and there is no presence of that company in our state.
Muddying the waters is the fact that our previous governor had made an agreement with Amazon to bring three shipping hubs to Tennessee, bringing with it approximately 1200 jobs. However, Governor Bredesen did not wish to tax the citizens of Tennessee when Amazon came here, so he had an agreement with Amazon that they could come to Tennessee without having purchases by citizens within the state taxed at our 9.25% rate. Immediately Haslam set out to change this when he became governor and now in two years all citizens of Tennessee will pay 9.25% sales tax when they purchase anything from Amazon. All for a lousy 1200 jobs! So, Haslam has cost us all more in taxes and now he even wants to tax the rest of the American citizens by pushing a NATIONAL INTERNET SALES TAX.
I don't know how many of you remember what it was like before the internet, but 15 years ago or so tons of catalogues were always coming in the mail. When customers ordered from any of those catalogues where the companies did not have a presence in their state, they did not charge any sales tax. It has always been that way. Yet, here we are with another Republican governor pushing more taxes on the people of Tennessee in an economy that is totally lackluster and stagnant. And not only on Tennessee, but on the entire citizenry of the United States. Talk about killing the economy even more!
To top it all off, Tennessee is headed by a Republican Governor and represented in the U.S. Senate by two Republicans who are pushing this tax along with our governor. Both Senators, Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker are with Governor Haslam on instituting yet another new tax on America's overburdened citizens via the NATIONAL INTERNET SALES TAX. Of course both of our Senators are moderate RINOs at best, with the senior Senator Alexander being the worst socialist of the two. Is it any wonder we are considered the most corrupt state in the Union?
Where are the Tea Parties? It is Taxed Enough Already they stand for, isn't it? Why has there been no uproar about this across the state of Tennessee and throughout the country? Why has nothing been done to start a campaign against this new tax (as if we don't have enough of them already). And yes, I know it's part of the UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development/Smart Growth plan to tax us all into the poor house and rid the nation of the declining middle class, but come on people....where is the fight? Are you paying attention to what your Governor is doing?
How many times have I said, "A false friend is more dangerous than an open enemy?" And how many times have I written about the phony right wing and all the right wing UN-NGO (United Nations Non Governmental Organizations) groups being in bed with the left? We need numbers of people to write, call, send letters to your newspaper editors and speak about this at your group's meetings. I beg of you to cry out against this tyranny!
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We must be on our knees repenting for allowing our beloved nation to throw God out of the country. We must be on our knees repenting for allowing our country to murder 56 million babies in the wombs of their mothers. Are you pleading for mercy from the Lord God Almighty? Are you working to save our Republic? Are you going to Tea Parties who are nothing more than garden clubs, or are you actively trying to stop the onslaught of communism in our country by attending active groups?
I beg of you to get active and to take information to your pastors, your friends, your neighbors and to speak out because time is short and the satanic moneyed communists never sleep. It took strong men and women, submitting to God's Word and seeking His blessings, to build and defend America, home of the FREE and the BRAVE. It will take nothing less to keep it.
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,607 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kelleigh Nelson -- Happy Holy Days: Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah | HAPPY HOLY DAYS: MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY HANUKKAH
By Kelleigh Nelson
December 3, 2011
Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.(KJV) Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel, which being interpreted is, God with us. (KJV) John 10:22 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of dedication and it was winter.(Hanukkah - The Festival of Lights or Feast of Dedication)
Seems like just five minutes ago we put away all the Christmas decorations and cards from 2010, and here we are in just a blink of an eye at another Christmas. Is time speeding up or is it my age that seems to make every day go faster than the day before? Yes, it's upon us again, the season of "Black Friday," the frenzy of shopping madness, the joy of family gatherings, the food, the celebrations, the parties, the decorations, church services, and the tiny spark of truth as to why we celebrate the Judeo-Christian Holy Days that arrive at this time every year, the real meaning of the season.
Hanukkah or Chanukah
Hanukkah, is the eight day long Festival of Lights, and is one of the most joyous times of the Jewish year. The reason for the celebration is twofold (both dating back to 165 BC):
• The miraculous military victory of the small, ill-equipped Jewish army (Maccabees) over the ruling Greek Syrians, who had banned the Jewish religion and desecrated the Temple;
• The miracle of the small cruse of consecrated oil, which burned for eight days in the Temple's menorah instead of just one.
The celebration is not only the Festival of Lights to commemorate the oil lasting for eight days instead of just one, but also the Feast of Dedication inasmuch as the Temple was rededicated after its destruction. (John 10:22) Chanukah means dedication. It commemorates the day the Holy Temple (this was the second temple) was re-dedicated after the defeat of Antiochus. The war was fought because King Antiochus marched into Judea with his soldiers and wanted all the Jews either to be killed, or to become Hellenists (a religion that includes mostly Greek customs, along with some Jewish customs).
Antiochus made terrible laws against the Jews which prevented them from following most of their customs. A statue of Antiochus was erected in the Jewish temple and the Jews were ordered to bow down before it. The Ten Commandments forbid Jews to worship statues or idols so they refused. Antiochus, the Syrian King and his army destroyed the Jewish Temple almost completely, and put pigs (which Jews are not allowed to eat) and idols all around it and stole holy vessels. A small group of Jews called Maccabees rebelled and after a three year war they recaptured Jerusalem from the Syrians. The Temple was all but destroyed.
The Jews had to clean and repair the Temple, and when they were finished they rededicated it to God. They did this by lighting the lamp (Menorah) - which was a symbol of God's presence. Only one small jar of oil was found, enough to last only one day, but miraculously the lamp stayed alight for eight days. Hanukkah is not one of the larger Jewish Holy Days, but it is a joyous celebration nonetheless and falls close to the Christmas season nearly every year.
Christ Mass and Messiah's Birth
Those of us who believe in Jesus Christ as our Saviour and as the Messiah who was promised in a number of verses throughout the Old Testament celebrate his birth every December 25th. Yes, I know Jesus wasn't really born on December 25th and I know all about the pagan holiday that occurred then, so don't write me e-mails regarding same. That is not what this missive is about. It is about the Joy of the Season and the celebration of God's Love for us by sending His Son to Die for Our Sins as the FINAL SACRIFICE!
And it was prophesied and promised...
Upon Miriam’s (Mary) greeting to Elisheva, (Elizabeth) Elisheva responds to Miriam, calling her "the mother of my LORD." She clearly speaks to Miriam as already being pregnant - the fetus of Yeshua was already growing in her womb. Thus, Yeshua was conceived at Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, for He is the Light of the World.....Link
Isaiah 7:14 - "Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Imman'u-el."
1. After prophesying that the Savior would suffer for our sins and then be "cut off out of the land of the living," Isaiah states that He "will see His offspring" and that God the Father will "prolong His days" (Isaiah 53:5, 8 and 10)
On the Day of Pentecost, when Peter preached the first Gospel sermon, he boldly asserted that God had raised Jesus from the dead (Acts 2:24). He then explained that God had performed this miraculous deed in fulfillment of David's prophecy in Psalm 16. In fact, he quoted the words of David in detail as contained in Psalm 16:8-9-10-11. Years later, Paul did the same thing when he spoke to the Jews of Antioch in Pisidia. Like Peter, he declared that God had raised Jesus from the dead in fulfillment of Psalm 16:10 (Acts 13: 33-34-35).
The fulfillment of the prophecies of the birth of Messiah, are written in the Gospels of the New Testament. This is what we as believers celebrate in Jesus, Yeshua, the King of Glory.
Despite the economic hardships, despite the destruction of our beloved country, despite the downfall of the greatest constitution protecting our God given rights, despite the loss of our freedoms and our Republic, we have the JOY that is only in knowing God the Father sent His Son Jesus, our Messiah, as the final sacrifice for our sins. He set us free, He is our Joy, He is our peace, He is our resurrected bodies, He is our only King. So, no matter what your circumstances, if you have Messiah in your heart and in your life, and you believe on Him, you have everything. This is what our HOLY DAYS of Christmas are all about.
Take time in this busy season to reflect with God's Word the amazing gift we were given with Christmas. Take time to be alone with His Word, and to know the greatest gift to mankind is our King of Glory, the Son of God.
Remember too, the origin of the word holiday is "holy day." Christmas truly is a Holy Day. God, the very embodiment of holiness, humbled himself to come to earth; to be born as a baby in a stable. What a reason for celebration! Well-meaning people who have obsessed over saying “Happy Holidays,” believing it diminishes the religious value of the greeting and of Christ Mass (Christmas) are taking affront at something that is more precious than the greeting, "Merry Christmas."
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So when some shop keeper wishes you a Happy Holiday, remember in pre-industrial society the only holidays were Sundays and the Christian festivals. Holy days and holidays were one and the same thing. One can only begin to imagine how precious and special these days were. Wish that shop keeper back, "Happy Holy Days to you too!"
Happy Holy Days indeed, and Merry Christmas to you. May this year you feel the awe in God's gift and the wonder of His holiness every time someone wishes you a "Happy Holiday"!
© 2010 Kelleigh Nelson - All Rights Reserved
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Kelleigh Nelson has been researching the Christian right and their connections to the left, the new age, and cults since 1975. Formerly an executive producer for three different national radio talk show hosts, she was adept at finding and scheduling a variety of wonderful guests for her radio hosts. She and her husband live in Knoxville, TN, and she has owned her own wholesale commercial bakery since 1990. Prior to moving to Tennessee, Kelleigh was marketing communications and advertising manager for a fortune 100 company in Ohio. Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, she was a Goldwater girl with high school classmate, Hillary Rodham, in Park Ridge, Illinois. Kelleigh is well acquainted with Chicago politics and was working in downtown Chicago during the 1968 Democratic convention riots. Kelleigh is presently the secretary for Rocky Top Freedom Campaign, a strong freedom advocate group.
E-Mail: [email protected] |
4,059,609 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Get Your Jeff Spicoli On! | Vans has just released their Spring 2010 shoe line and things are looking good! If you’ve forgotten why Vans are so cool, here’s a quick reminder. Unlike NIKE, Reebok, or Adidas, Vans were not created to make tons of money, but instead for poor beach kids who couldn’t afford the expensive shoes. Because of this the now world-famous Z-Boys of Dogtown quickly adapted the blue authentic Vans as part of their daily uniform. This is all documented in the highly successful film Lords Of Dogtown. Thirty years later and nothing has changed. Vans are still cheap and still made for surfers, skateboarders, and any other alternative athletes. All that’s changed are the selection of different styles. Most recently they’ve hired artists Donny Miller and Taka Hayashi to design a couple of new looks and the new looks are looking good! Plus let’s be honest here- it’s almost impossible to look like a douche bag while wearing Vans. These shoes are never out-dated and the older they get the cooler they look. The only other shoe that could be compared to Vans are Converse, but sadly Chuck Taylor’s are becoming an icon for wanna-be musicians who can’t play guitar for sh*t.
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4,059,610 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Haley and Fiorina’s wins are Palin’s too | Oh, those “mama grizzlies, they rise up.” So says Sarah Palin, rightfully, and it bears repeating after two high-flying lady Republicans she championed swept to victory on Tuesday. In South Carolina, Nikki Haley outdistanced three rivals in the GOP gubernatorial primary (falling just short of a majority, but she is heavily favored to win the runoff on June 22), while in California, Carly Fiorina held off four Republicans in a crowded Senate primary. Their wins are Palin’s, too.
Haley and Fiorina are examples of what Palin last month called an “emerging, conservative, feminist identity” in the GOP. In other words, the rise of Palinistas: smart, pro-life conservative women who succeed with style — and a dash of controversy. The latter they address with a smile, and, Thatcher-like, with a quick quip or a swift kick.
Full story: Palinistas Party – Robert Costa – National Review Online |
4,059,611 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Obama administration pretending Mexico not flooding U.S. with meth | WASHINGTON — In an apparent effort to minimize diplomatic turbulence with the Mexican government, the Obama administration has been delaying for weeks the release of a Justice Department report that describes a “high and increasing” availability of methamphetamine mainly because of large-scale drug production in Mexico.
The report, obtained by The New York Times, is called the 2010 National Methamphetamine Threat Assessment by the National Drug Intelligence Center of the Justice Department. It portrays drug cartels as easily able to circumvent the Mexican government’s restrictions on the importing of chemicals used to manufacture meth, which has reached its highest purity and lowest price in the United States since 2005.
Full story: Administration Delays Release of a Drug Report – |
4,059,613 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | NOW: Women have been left out of the debt discussion | From left; Assistant Democratic Leader Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C, Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., and Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., listen to questions as they speak to reporters after a Democratic Caucus meeting on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, July 15, 2011. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
The feminist National Organization for Women (NOW) is concerned that without a significant amount of female leadership in the room, the debt deals currently in the works will disproportionately hurt women.
According to NOW, without input from female leaders the male decision-makers have let women’s budget priorities fall by the wayside.
“If there were more women in leadership roles these drastic cuts would not be on the table,” NOW president Terry O’Neill told The Daily Caller. (RELATED: Hill Republicans tee off on Obama’s debt ceiling speech)
O’Neill argued that while House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has been participating, she has been outweighed by all the male leaders — even with a Democratic president and Senate.
“[With more female consideration] the staggering number of women reliant on these programs would be headline news,” O’Neill added. “Right now women make up just 17 percent of members in Congress and it is clear that women are not high on the list of considerations.”
The feminist organization believes that the cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid that congressional leaders are currently floating will leave millions of women in financial trouble. NOW leaders note that as a group, women depend more on government money than men.
According to NOW and their allies, 57 percent of Medicare beneficiaries are women, and women over 85 represent 80 percent of Medicare recipients. Women also rely heavily on Social Security, making up 58 percent of beneficiaries over 62 and 71 percent of beneficiaries at age 85. Further, women comprise 78 percent of nursing home residents. NOW fears that cuts to Medicaid would leave their future in jeopardy.
Instead of cuts to social programs, NOW is pushing for for tax increases on corporations and millionaires.
“NOW has long insisted that any deficit reduction plan must require corporations and multi-millionaires to pay their fair share in taxes,” O’Neill added in a statement. “I hope that President Obama will do the right thing — which the vast majority of people in this country support — leave Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and other essential programs alone and out of the debt deal.”
According to O’Neill the country is not facing a debt crisis, but rather a jobs crisis. Cuts to what NOW see as lifelines for women will not help this problem, they maintain.
“We don’t have a debt crisis, we have a jobs crisis,” O’Neill said. “Until we get that under control we don’t really need to be haggling over the debt. Let’s get people back to work before we start making such large cuts that will hurt so many, especially women.”
Follow Caroline on Twitter |
4,059,614 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | RNC donors flee to NRSC for November | A group of former top donors to the Republican National Committee have written fellow wealthy Republicans advising them to steer their contributions this cycle to the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
“After much deliberation, we have decided our focus should be on making gains in the United States Senate,” says their letter, whose signatories include three former RNC finance chairmen. “The best way for us to afect [sic] the outcome of these races is by supporting the National Republican Senatorial Committee.”
Full story: Ben Smith: Political News and Analysis – |
4,059,615 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri | CLN : Conscious Life News | It is very important to address the various levels of injury, once the dark cabal can no longer create their vast daily chaos. Their days are quite numbered, as the global financial debacle they created will soon be over. From my own research, I believe the following areas noted below are the ones that must be addressed, as we already have run out of time. This is a short –but pressing– list; and certainly it can and will be expanded.
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Paid advertising on Conscious Life News may not represent the views and opinions of this website and its contributors. No endorsement of products and services advertised is either expressed or implied. |
4,059,616 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Marshal M. Rosenthal Reports On The Electronic Gadgets, Hi-Tech That Filters In To His Hidden Lair That Moves Through Time, Space New York To La., He'S Been An Editor, Reporter, Journalist, Analyst, With Coverage Extending Business Topics To Movies, Video Game To Consumer Electronics, Toys To Pop-Culture | How To Sound Smarter Than You Are | We all believe that everybody thinks we’re smart. Sorry to disappoint, but those who bother to think about you at all probably don’t have that word in mind. The only chance you have to prove your worth is when talking to other people face on — forget about social networking because it’s not the same. To sound smarter than you are, which is to say making others perceive you as one smart dude, follow these few simple rules. See, by listening to me, you’re smarter already. Read (if you can) below.
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4,059,617 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | A New Jersey Native, Rutgers University Graduate Who Firmly Believes It'S Better To Be Lucky Than Good. My Goal In Life Is To One Day Write A Batman Screenplay. You Can Probably Find Me Somewhere Cooking Either Too Little Or Too Much Pasta., Contact Me - Eric.Italiano Teamcoed.Com | Chris Cornell’s Wife Writes Letter To Late Husband | Last week, Soundgarden and Audioslave lead singer Chris Cornell killed himself after a show at the Fox Theatre in Detroit. Cornell, 52, was found hanging in the hanging in the bathroom of his room at the MGM Grand Hote.
Cornell, an icon of ’90s grunge, trailblazed a new era of rock music with hits like “Black Hole Sun” and “The Day I Tried To Live.”
At the time, Cornell’s representative Brian Bumbery told the Associated Press that the singer’s wife and family were shocked by his death, which he described as “sudden and unexpected.”
Now, with a week to process it, Cornell’s wife, Vicky Karayiannis, penned a heartbreaking letter to him, telling her late husband that she was sorry he felt alone.
via Billboard:
To My Sweet Christopher, You were the best father, husband and son-in-law. Your patience, empathy and love always showed through. You had always said I saved you, that you wouldn’t be alive if it were not for me. My heart gleamed to see you happy, living and motivated. Excited for life. Doing everything you could to give back. We had the time of our lives in the last decade and I’m sorry, my sweet love, that I did not see what happened to you that night. I’m sorry you were alone, and I know that was not you, my sweet Christopher. Your children know that too, so you can rest in peace. I’m broken, but I will stand up for you and I will take care of our beautiful babies. I will think of you every minute of every day and I will fight for you. You were right when you said we are soulmates. It has been said that paths that have crossed will cross again, and I know that you will come find me, and I will be here waiting. I love you more than anyone has ever loved anyone in the history of loving and more than anyone ever will. Always and forever,
Your Vicky |
4,059,618 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Psychoanalysis | From Conservapedia
Psychoanalysis is a form of psychotherapy based largely on Sigmund Freud's work with psychodynamics. The main goal of therapist in psychoanalysis is to help the patient come to terms with issues locked in the sub-conscious mind.[1] Practitioners of psychoanalytic psychology believe that mental and behavioral disorders are due to repressed unconscious thoughts usually linked to key events during development.
Karl Popper indicated that psychoanalysis is merely a pseudoscience because its claims are not testable and therefore they cannot falsifiable.[2] See also: Psychology and pseudoscience
The origins of the idea stems from Freud's work in the 1880s and his attempts to treat individuals diagnosed with neurotic or hysterical disorders. He came to believe that these disorders emerged because the patients were repressing taboo sexual thoughts and desires.
Psychoanalysis is not simply a recasting of Freud's ideas. Many other practitioners developed the concept beyond just repressed sexuality. Carl Jung believed there was a range of traumatic events that could lead to repression and advocated for concepts like archetypes and synchronicity. Jung was also a proponent of dream interpretation as a mechanism for understanding the patients unconscious. He also believed in a collective unconscious that dreams could tap into.
Modern day practitioners of psychoanalysis are predominantly clinically based. However, it is nowhere near as popular as it was in it prime during the mid 20th century. Some researchers in psychology are also interested in ideas of psychoanalysis. One psychoanalytic concept that has been supported by experimental evidence is the idea of psychological defensive mechanisms.[3] However, much of psychoanalysis has not stood up to empirical investigation. Repressed sexuality, dream interpretation, a collective unconscious and many other ideas that are the back bone of psychoanalysis have all been falsified in controlled experiments.
Psychoanalysis has also been labeled as unscientific because it lacks the ability to be falsified. Karl Popper is probably one of the most significant critics in this fashion.
While empirical investigation has mostly been negative for psychoanalysis, certain elements of psychoanalytic theory have been very important to development of modern psychology. These include the realization that the mind has elements not under direct conscious control that can affect actions and behavior, and that human mental development occurs in stages.
See also
Notes |
4,059,619 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Lawrence Krauss | “
But I have a bone to pick with Dr. Krauss about his latest book, A Universe from Nothing, which has the subtitle Why there is something rather than nothing? Those having taken an intro to philosophy class will recognize that Krauss’ subtitle is a rendition of the most basic philosophical question of existence, which has been attributed to truth seekers such as Gottfried Leibniz who asked, “Why do we have something rather than nothing at all?”.... You would think that by the title of Krauss’ book he answers the question that Leibniz posed, but he doesn’t. Instead, he redefines what ‘nothing’ is. ‘Nothing’ to Dr. Krauss would be empty space or the quantum vacuum.... defines ‘nothing’ as: 1. no thing; not anything; naught: to say nothing. 2. no part, share, or trace (usually followed by of ): The house showed nothing of its former magnificence. 3. something that is nonexistent. 4. nonexistence; nothingness: The sound faded to nothing. But, I think the best definition of ‘nothing’ is Aristotle’s: “Nothing is what rocks dream about.” Why does Krauss attempt to redefine ‘nothing’? Because Krauss is an atheist and a fairly acerbic one at that. He not only doesn’t believe in God but also doesn’t like God. Here is the problem Krauss faces: If nothing is really nothing and we have something (the universe) from a real nothing, then it points to the universe having a beginning. And as Stephen Hawking has observed, “Many people do not like the idea that time has a beginning, probably because it smacks of divine intervention.” The problem is that empty space and/or the quantum vacuum aren’t nothing; they’re something. So Krauss’ book does absolutely ‘nothing’ to answer Leibniz’s question and leaves his readers no better off than they were before where the issue of the origin of the universe is concerned. All the scientific evidence points to the universe exploding out of true nothingness, but atheists like Krauss hate this truth.[2]
” |
4,059,620 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | The National Organization for Women defends Bachmann against Newsweek | One of presidential candidate Michele Bachmann’s major political opponents is defending her against what it says is blatant sexism on the part of Newsweek magazine.
Monday, the National Organization for Women (NOW) spoke out against Newsweek’s most recent cover, which features an extreme close-up of Michele Bachmann and the title “The Queen of Rage.”
“It’s sexist,” NOW president Terry O’Neill told TheDC. “Casting her in that expression and then adding ‘The Queen of Rage’ I think [it is]. Gloria Steinem has a very simple test: If this were done to a man or would it ever be done to a man – has it ever been done to a man? Surely this has never been done to a man.”
While some have pointed out that Newsweek has used unflattering photos of men such as Rush Limbaugh and John McCain on its cover, O’Neill says that is not the issue.
“Who has ever called a man ‘The King of Rage?’ Basically what Newsweek magazine – and this is important, what Newsweek magazine, not a blog, Newsweek magazine – what they are saying of a woman who is a serious contender for President of the United States of America…They are basically casting her as a nut job,” O’Neill said. “The ‘Queen of Rage’ is something you apply to wrestlers or somebody who is crazy. They didn’t even do this to Howard Dean when he had his famous scream.”
NOW is diametrically opposed to Bachmann on practically every political issue. Bachmann is pro-life, NOW is pro-choice. Bachmann wants to make significant cuts to entitlements, while NOW it pushing to protect Social Security and Medicare. The list is practically infinite. Nevertheless, NOW is rallying to her side for all women in politics.
“The main reason why we would stand up for Michele Bachmann and defend her against these kind of misogynistic attacks is we want women to run for office. Of course my job is to defeat Michele Bachmann and I intend to do so. But good women will not run for office if Newsweek magazine can do this to such a prominent politician and get away with it.”
Follow Caroline on Twitter |
4,059,622 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | President, Executive Editor - Coed Media Group., Nyc Via Austin | The Girls of Hooters Budapest Will Make You ‘Hungary’ [95 PHOTOS] | If you’re searching for the best American food experience in all of Budapest, look no further than the Hooters restaurant there. Not only is it hands-down the best place to watch the Super Bowl in all of Hungary, it’s probably got the cheapest pitcher of Natty Light in the country. (Please note that it’s probably the only place in Hungary that serves Natty Light.)
But let’s be honest, the real reason you’re going to a Hooters in Budapest is because the of girls. That city is well-known for being absolutely stacked with European hotties. So it’s like having the comforts of home with the women of Europe. Win win. |
4,059,623 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Wyatt Is A Gettysburg College Graduate, Nyc Native Who Is Flattered That You'Re Interested About Reading Up On Him. | FSU Student Shooting Victim Saved By Textbooks: Photos | By now you know about the Florida State University shooting at Strozier Library early Thursday morning, and the somewhat fortunate news that only three students were injured–one of whom is in critical condition.
But new evidence shows that there would have been a fourth victim, if not for the fact that he had checked out two textbooks one minute earlier–textbooks which stopped a bullet.
Five f*cking feet away. That’s unbelievable.
He then went onto Reddit (under the name thejasond123) and posted new details and photos that show he was the first intended target of the shooter.
I’m a student at FSU, I was leaving Strozier when I heard a shot behind me. I turned around and saw the gunman shoot one person who collapsed. I turned and ran to my car before driving off. There were a ton of people stuck in the library when this happened. I went home so I don’t have any other details.
Edit: I got home and noticed two of my books were destroyed. They stopped the bullet. I was the initial target of the gunman. I’ve posted pictures of the bullet, the books, and my backpack. I’m beyond lucky to not have been injured at all. Thank you all for your support, your comments have comforted me.
Edit 2: Just got home from the station. Gave my statement, the police came by around 3:30 a.m. to collect the evidence. There were a bunch of people shaken up at the station, but it looks like everyone is okay. The worst injured guy is in surgery, and after that, hopefully (s)he’s in the clear. Also, thank you for the gold, kind stranger. :) |
4,059,624 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Wyatt Is A Gettysburg College Graduate, Nyc Native Who Is Flattered That You'Re Interested About Reading Up On Him. | UC Davis Jewish Fraternity Defaced With Swastikas | A Jewish fraternity at UC-Davis–AEPi–was defaced with swastikas last Friday night.
Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi said in a written statement, “This kind of behavior is not only repugnant and a gross violation of the values our university holds dear, it is unacceptable and must not be tolerated on our campus or anywhere else.”
Some of you will remember an earlier story this year about the Emory chapter of AEPi that was similarly defaced with swastikas. In that particular incident, the guilty students “received sanctions appropriate to their respective levels of involvement and culpability.” That’s in addition to the FBI investigation, which will probably follow this UC Davis crime too. |
4,059,626 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | Caroline May, Jeff Poor, Carey Roberts, Laura Donovan, S.E. Cupp, Jeff Winkler, Jon Ward, Carrie Lukas, Jedediah Bila, Robert Laurie | The Daily Caller | The Independent Women’s Forum is calling the New York Times columnist a ‘mean girl,’ in response to her comparison of female Republican candidates to characters from the LiLo film |
4,059,628 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Wyatt Is A Gettysburg College Graduate, Nyc Native Who Is Flattered That You'Re Interested About Reading Up On Him. | 25 Most Dangerous Colleges In The United States: Report | We now know the 25 most dangerous college campuses, thanks to a study from StartClass. Being from the Northeast, I always imagined that Trinity (located in the heart of Hartford, CT) would be high on this list but that’s not the case.
Update: The methodology and data originally provided by StartClass has been proven erroneous.
Of course, with any study or reports it’s important to know where the numbers come from. The statistics themselves represent violent and non-violent crimes reported to campus security and local law enforcement officials in 2012-2013. Those numbers were then put up against the overall size of the school, giving us a list of the most dangerous colleges relative to their student population.
The 25 Most Dangerous College Campuses In America
25. Oakwood University
24. Hampshire College
23. Kentucky State University
22. East Texas Baptist University
21. Grinnell College
20. Pomona College
19. Livingstone College
18. Presbyterian College
17. Sewanee–University of the South
16. Hiram College
15. Claremont-Mckenna College
14. Oregon Health and Science University
13. Franklin College
12. Occidental College
11. Wilmington College
10. Reed College
9. St. Augustine’s University
8. Swarthmore College
7. Shaw University
6. Cheney University of Pennsylvania
5. Gallaudet University
4. The Art Institute of Pittsburgh
3. Central State University
2. Inter American University of Puerto Rico – Barranquitas
1. Benedic College |
4,059,629 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | J.R. Taylor Has Spent Several Years Covering All Aspects Of Pop Culture For Prestigious Publications. Well, They Were Prestigious. | Second Virginia Tech Student Arrested For Murder Of Girl | In a bizarre twist, a second Virginia Tech student has been arrested after police took in track star David Eisenhauer, 18, on charges of the abduction and murder of 13-year-old Nicole Lovell — with Natalie Keepers, 19, now charted with helping to hide the young girl’s body.
Nicole had been missing since Tuesday night. Police arrested Eisenhauer on Saturday in his dorm while Nicole was still missing. Charges were upgraded to murder after Nicole’s body was found later that day. Keepers was arrested on Sunday morning.
Both students (seen below in their Montgomery County mugshots) are sophomore engineering majors. Police haven’t released any statements on the relationship between the two Virginia Tech student — but say that the two were close enough for Keepers to have helped move Nicole’s body.
Authorities are also saying that Eisenhauer had known Nicole previously, and Nicole’s family said that the young girl had sneaked out of her bedroom window on Tuesday.
Virginia Tech students had helped in the search for the missing girl. Eisenhauer is currently missing on the roster of the Virginia Tech track team on the college’s website. |
4,059,630 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | J.R. Taylor Has Spent Several Years Covering All Aspects Of Pop Culture For Prestigious Publications. Well, They Were Prestigious. | University of North Carolina at Greensboro Riot — Video | Things got kind of crazy at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro during the annual UNCG Gym Jam — and, fortunately, there were students around to cover the riot on social media.
This was the fifth annual Gym Jam, and seems to be the first one to end with UNCG getting put into lockdown while multiple fights broke out during the basketball game. Here’s what it looked like if you were standing in the wrong damn place during the thing…
That has us believing this Tweet…
And here’s another (safer) angle of the mayhem that would also have COED staffers hiding in the freight elevator. The person who posted here also noted: “#UNCG doesn’t need to invite other schools to our events if they don’t know how to act.”
We’re sure the UNCG administration appreciates the suggestion that it isn’t their students causing all the mayhem. But we’d also appreciate knowing these “other schools” involved… |
4,059,631 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Editor. Writer. Traveler. Shoe Obsessed. While Judging People On How They Use, Their, Vs., They'Re, On Social Media, She Enjoys Eating Anything, Literally Anything, With Sriracha, Binge-Watching Hgtv. | Cristen Q, University of Memphis: Memphis Pom Dance Team | Meet this week’s College Cheerleader of the Week , Cristen Quick from the University of Memphis! The senior from Louisiana initially attended and cheered for LSU before transferring to Tennessee. She’s majoring in child development and family studies and balances her schoolwork with sorority life, daily three-hour practices, and friends.
How did you choose your school?
I chose University of Memphis just for Memphis Pom Dance Team. Ever since I was in high school, I had my eye on this dance team because of the amazing things they would do at nationals. I am honored to say I am a part of this spirit squad.
What is it about cheerleading you like the most?
Being a part of the athletic side of the university and getting to be in the action that goes on for sporting events and marketing. It is truly a feeling that cannot be explained.
Was it easy to adjust to cheering in college?
No, not at all. I have been busy my whole life and been a great student, but college is a different story. The school work is harder to stay on top of because you do have free time, and because you are incredibly busy doing appearances, practice, work-outs AND sporting events. I am also in a sorority, so I originally put sorority, my social life, and dance team in front of school, but I quickly learned that was not the way to do it!
How busy does cheerleading keep you?
Extremely busy! It keeps me on task and it is great to have a schedule. Every Monday and Friday we practice from 1:15-4 pm. Every Wednesday night we have practice at 8:30 pm until whenever we get things done. We also have Sunday practices to work on extra things! On top of practices, we have workouts on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 6:30 – 7:30 am as a team. All of this work keeps us in tip top shape for all of our performances!
What are some cheerleading traditions at your school?
The TIGER spell out!
Follow the Memphis Pom Dance Team on Twitter | Facebook |
4,059,634 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Pages that link to "Atheist factions" | Jump to: navigation
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4,059,635 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | Tech, Law Reporter | FDA Warns Bakery To Remove ‘Love’ From Ingredient List | The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently warned a relatively small Massachusetts bakery to remove the word “Love” from its granola’s ingredient list.
The FDA sent a critical notice on Sept. 22 to Nashoba Brook Bakery due to products being “misbranded.”
“Your Nashoba Granola label lists ingredient ‘Love,'” the warning letter reads. “Ingredients required to be declared on the label or labeling of food must be listed by their common or usual name. ‘Love’ is not a common or usual name of an ingredient.”
The ostensible mislabeling of products was “not among the agency’s top concerns,” the FDA clarified, according to Bloomberg.
John Gates, CEO of Nashoba, said the FDA’s official perspective of the “Love” ingredient “felt so George Orwell,” a reference to the author of “1984,” a dystopian novel about an omnipresent and authoritarian government.
“I really like that we list ‘love’ in the granola,” Gates told Bloomberg. “People ask us what makes it so good. It’s kind of nice that this artisan bakery can say there’s love in it and it puts a smile on people’s face. Situations like that where the government is telling you you can’t list ‘love’ as an ingredient, because it might be deceptive, just feels so silly.” (RELATED: FDA Doesn’t Want You To Eat Cookie Dough, But Not Because Of Raw Eggs)
Nevertheless, despite disappointment, Gates said his company will comply with the FDA’s rules.
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4,059,637 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Conservapedia | From Conservapedia
First Things is a website "published by The Institute on Religion and Public Life, an interreligious, nonpartisan research and education institute whose purpose is to advance a religiously informed public philosophy for the ordering of society."[1] |
4,059,638 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Tell the USDA To Reject “Agent Orange” Corn (takes 1 minute) | (True Food Network) Dow Chemical is currently requesting an unprecedented USDA approval: a genetically engineered (GE) version of corn that is resistant to 2,4-D, a major component of the highly toxic Agent Orange. Agent Orange was the chemical defoliant used by the U.S. in Vietnam, and it caused lasting ecological damage as well as many serious medical conditions in both Vietnam veterans and the Vietnamese.
Exposure to 2,4-D has been linked to major health problems that include cancer (especially non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma), lowered sperm counts, liver disease and Parkinson’s disease. A growing body of evidence from laboratory studies show that 2,4-D causes endocrine disruption, reproductive problems, neurotoxicity and immunosuppression. Further, industry’s own tests show that 2,4-D is contaminated with dioxins, a group of highly toxic chemical compounds that bioaccumulate, so even a minute amount can accumulate as it goes up the food chain, causing dangerous levels of exposure. Dioxins in Agent Orange have been linked to many diseases, including birth defects in children of exposed parents; according to EPA, 2,4-D is the seventh largest source of dioxins in the U.S.
USDA approval of Dow’s GE corn will trigger a big increase in 2,4-D use – and our exposure to this toxic herbicide. Yet USDA has not assessed how much, nor analyzed the resulting impacts on public health, the environment or neighboring farmers (2,4-D is prone to drift and cause damage to nearby crops). Instead, USDA has once again bowed to the pesticide industry, by giving preliminary approval to still another pesticide-promoting crop that will likely harm people and their children, including farmers, and the environment. USDA claims to be adhering to a scientific process, yet the Agency is blatantly ignoring the science on 2,4-D.
Click on the link below, scroll to the bottom, then enter name, state, zip, and email to…
Tell USDA To Do Its Job And Reject 2,4-D Resistant GE Corn |
4,059,639 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Pages that link to "Research on atheist conferences" | What links here Page: Namespace: all (Main) Talk User User talk Conservapedia Conservapedia talk File File talk MediaWiki MediaWiki talk Template Template talk Help Help talk Category Category talk Sysop Sysop talk Team1 Team1 talk Team2 Team2 talk Judges Judges talk Am Govt 101 Am Govt 101 talk Supply Siders Supply Siders talk
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The following pages link to Research on atheist conferences:
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4,059,640 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Limbaugh responds to NOW, Media Matters with ‘National Organization for Rush Babes’ | Radio giant Rush Limbaugh is fighting back against the National Organization for Women (NOW), the liberal women’s advocacy group that has mobilized with Media Matters to take him off the air.
On Tuesday, Limbaugh announced the creation of a new women’s group on Facebook — Rush Babes for America, aka The National Organization for Rush Babes — to provide his women listeners and other females with conservative leanings an outlet to show their support and independence from groups like NOW, to which Limbaugh often refers as the National Association of Gals or the NAGs.
“I wanted to come up with a contrast to the NAGs, to the NOW gang: Just all of the women in this country and in this audience, as a means of contrast. So we start this group dedicated to the values that most women hold dear: family, the American values of the founding, freedom and capitalism,” Limbaugh explained on Tuesday. “And most important of all, not being told by anybody else how or what to think!”
According to Limbaugh, organizations like NOW see women as a single-minded entity with liberal causes on the brain. The radio host explained that his project is part of movement against that to show that women can have all kinds of beliefs —even, and especially, conservative ones.
“The National Organization for Women and their simpaticos, like the mainstream media, want to project this image that all women think alike, that they’re all ‘feminists’ in the activist liberal sense; that they’re monolithic, that they all think and act and do the same things,” Limbaugh said. “So what Rush Babes for America is about is posting stories and ideas that happen here on the program (and occasionally elsewhere) and inviting all of you to participate in conversations on Facebook with other women about what matters to you as a means of demonstrating just what a minority the National Organization for Women and its so-called affiliates really are.”
In less than a day, the Facebook page had garnered 18,430 “likes.”
In mid-April, NOW launched its “Enough Rush” campaign to get Limbaugh off the air for what they allege is his misogynistic bullying of women (particularly noted contraception activist Sandra Fluke) and others. (RELATED: Full coverage of Rush Limbaugh)
The group has been working with Media Matters for America to target local advertisers and stations to reach that end. On May 18, NOW is rallying their chapters for a national day of protest against Limbaugh and his affiliates.
Their “coordinated plan to have me taken off the air, under the premise that women hate this program and that this program is an unfriendly environment for women, that this program laughs at, impugns, makes fun of women,” Limbaugh responded. “Of course, the flaw in this is the National Organization for Women thinking that they speak for women. If there was ever a group that speaks for an almost infinitesimal minority of women, it’s the NAGs.”
To Limbaugh, that group is just a handful of “basically miserable and unhappy women, for whatever reason.”
Limbaugh will be using the Facebook page to highlight news stories and issues of interest to the women in his audience.
“I happen to know the women in this audience in total number dwarf the membership of the National Organization for Women, and yet there they are teaming up with Media Matters — a combined program designed to convince everybody I should be taken off the air,” Limbaugh said. “Well, what about the women who listen to this program? What about the women who like this program? What about the women who believe in this program? What about the women who agree with the political concepts, the values, the objectives as stated by your host on this program? What of them, what of all of you women who seemingly don’t exist to the media, to the National Organization for Women. There are many, many more of you than there are of them. And Rush Babes for America at Facebook is where you go to be officially counted and tabulated and to make a difference.”
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4,059,641 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Media Matters, NOW unite to force Limbaugh off the air | WASHINGTON - JUNE 23: Radio personality Rush Limbaugh interacts with the audience before the start of a panel discussion "'24' and America's Image in Fighting Terrorism: Fact, Fiction, or Does It Matter?", June 23, 2006 in Washington, DC. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
“Start listening to Rush Limbaugh.” That was the message representatives from Media Matters for America and the National Organization for Women delivered to NOW chapter leaders in a secret, narrowly focused strategy session Wednesday night.
In audio of the NOW/MMFA strategy webinar obtained exclusively by The Daily Caller, the liberal organizations plotted the best ways to get the radio giant and veritable burr in their collective saddles off the air.
Go after the local advertisers
The key, according to Media Matters online outreach director Jay Carmona, is to target Limbaugh at the local level — specifically advertisers in local radio markets — but with an eye on his national sponsors.
“I will say, just going by the numbers, getting local stations to drop Limbaugh is actually a hard, more long-term campaign than just looking at getting local sponsors to drop,” she explained, adding that they do not need to get the conservative talker off every local station to make an impact.
The catch, however, is that women who are active with NOW and the men who support them — whom Limbaugh often needles as the NAGs (National Association of Gals) and the “new castrati” — are actually going to have to listen to his radio show in order to identify and target those local advertisers.
“The first thing you want to do is, I say, start listening to Rush Limbaugh,” Carmona advised.
“I know this is a really big thing to ask. It’s really difficult, but he is online from noon Eastern to 3 o’clock every weekday, although your local station may air at a different time,” she said, advising listeners to take notes, and then track and contact advertisers that broadcast during Limbaugh’s show.
Carmona recommended that Limbaugh’s opponents should contact the businesses privately — just in case the advertisement was a mistake — and to open lines of communication for potential negotiations. (RELATED: Full coverage of Rush Limbaugh)
She added that the only way they can know for sure if a company continues to buy ads on Limbaugh’s show is to “keep listening.”
Listening to Rush taxes their mental health
NOW and Media Matters have a support structure to keep morale up in the face of Limbaugh’s conservatism.
“If you listen as a group it is actually really empowering. So I know folks who are live chatting ‘The Rush Limbaugh Show’ on Facebook every day,” Carmona told call participants.
“Just make sure that you take some time to talk about why certain things he says are wrong or messed up with your group, and that can actually be super, super empowering to do that,” she continued.
“And that way, also, when somebody asks, ‘Do you even listen to Rush Limbaugh?’ which happens, you’ll be able to say, ‘Yes, do you want to know what he said today?’”
It’s wise, Carmona added, to take mental health breaks from the show.
“Make sure that you also, just in general — if something is freaking you out and you are feeling really bad listening to Rush Limbaugh — take a break. Give yourself the time and the space that you need to listen to the stuff because it can be difficult at times,” she said.
The strategy session focused on NOW chapters’ ability to focus on local advertisers, who buy time from broadcast affiliates rather than from Limbaugh’s carrier, Clear Channel, because “most local station affiliates make the bulk of their profit off of these local advertising dollars, so targeting your local advertisers really is how you get those local stations to drop Rush. And that is what you’re aiming for.”
Call participants also heard that targeting national advertisers can also be effective, but that the result won’t impact the local stations as much as Clear Channel itself.
[ooyala embedCode=”RjZWNtNDqsQ-diNbBIJUVkDj-dUf2uC5″ name=”ooyalaPlayer_3i2un_goq1q86s” width=”640″ height=”360″ /] |
4,059,642 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | NOW: Wal-Mart is ‘blowing smoke’ with its multi-billion dollar women’s initiative | FILE - In this May 16, 2011 file photo, the Wal-Mart logo is displayed in Springfield, Ill. Wal-Mart Stores Inc., the world's largest retailer, is launching measures Wednesday Sept. 14, 2011 that it says will help out women around the world in the next five years. The retailer said it will spend $$20 billion over that period on goods and services from U.S. businesses owned by women. (AP Photo/Seth Perlman, File)
Wal-Mart announced a multi-billion dollar initiative this week to promote women in the workplace in an effort to improve its image as a female-friendly company. Despite its efforts, the National Organization for Women (NOW) says the retail giant’s recent action does not make up for its past and current transgressions against women.
“It’s completely unconvincing. It’s a PR stunt,” NOW President Terry O’Neill told TheDC. “The fact is Wal-Mart has never convincingly denied that it systemically violates federal law by discriminating against its female workers.”
Wal-Mart announced Wednesday that over the next five years it will source $$20 billion from women-owned businesses in the U.S. and double its international sourcing from female suppliers.
Furthermore, Wal-Mart will provide 200,000 low-income households job training, and assist another 60,000 women working in factories to “develop the skills they need to become more active decision-makers in their jobs and for their families.”
The company also pledged to spend an additional $$1 billion to increase female and minority representation among the suppliers Wal-Mart uses.
“We want women to view us as a retailer that is relevant to them and cares about them,” Wal-Mart Chief Executive Mike Duke said in a statement. “We want them to be leading suppliers, managers and loyal customers.”
Wal-Mart has reason to cater to women. The company has repeatedly come under fire from NOW and other women’s groups for their treatment of women in the workplace.
Since 2002 NOW has referred to Wal-Mart as the “Merchant of Shame” for “sex discrimination in pay, promotion and compensation, wage abuse, exclusion of contraceptive coverage in insurance plans, violations of child labor laws and the Americans with Disabilities Act, and discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.”
Indeed, Wal-Mart’s women’s initiative announcement came mere months after the U.S. Supreme Court dismissed a class action sexual discrimination suit against the retailer. Individual litigation is still pending.
O’Neill said that the case’s dismissal was inappropriate, but offered some suggestions for how Wal-Mart can improve its image among women.
“First, follow the law, stop discriminating against women. Second, be transparent, allow independent auditors to go in and actually ascertain that they are following civil rights laws with respect to employment discrimination. Third, create some family friendly policies for women trying to make it up the corporate ladder at Wal-Mart,” O’Neill said, explaining that a classic example is work schedules, wherein women are forced to chose between watching their children during the holidays or working Wal-Mart hours.
“They need to stop blowing smoke in various places and start actually, seriously following the law and becoming a decent and humane corporate citizen,“ said O’Neill.
Follow Caroline on Twitter |
4,059,643 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | The Daily Caller News Foundation | ‘Lets talk about it’: We love your body [SLIDESHOW] | Alessandra Ambrosio, Brazilian model extraordinaire, likes to show off her hot bod -- just find her a beach and point the way
The National Organization for Women’s “Lets talk about it” campaign to raise awareness about girls’ body image issues is a project of Love Your Body Day, October 19. And it has lots of people talking.
As earnest supporters of the female population, we at The Daily Caller believe we must do our part to honor the superior sex that always gets us up and never lets us down.
With a love for all women — of all shapes, sizes, and builds — we have compiled a collection of some of the bodies we love most. Some sporty, some sultry, but all sexy.
So let the love-fest begin.
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Click an image below for larger version. |
4,059,644 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Every Cancer can be Cured in Weeks explains Dr. Leonard Coldwell | In this video, Dr. Leonard Coldwell answers, in detail, a question about how cancer can be cured in weeks. The second the body is alkaline, the cancer is stopped. Dr. Coldwell explains how that is achieved.
Dr. Coldwell:
“In my experience, every cancer can be cured in two to sixteen weeks. Some cancers can be cured in minutes, because every doctor in the world that’s in office for twenty years or longer knows cases of spontaneous healing… That means, if it’s possible, we just have to find a way to access this. That’s number one. We all know about this. It also happens, very often, when people go to Lourdes or these religious places. It’s not really the place that cures them. It’s the expectation and the way to that place that cures them.
The second you get rid of acidosis and toxemia, the second the body gets alkaline and oxygen rich by juicing a lot of greens (everything that is green that has a lot of chlorophyll and gives the body a lot of oxygen) – and getting your body alkaline with good calcium, with good nutrition, with good trace minerals – will help to alkalize the body.
The second you are alkaline, the cancer has already stopped. It can take a couple of days or a couple of weeks, but it stops.”
Watch the above video for more. Also, visit Dr. Coldwell’s website: |
4,059,648 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | Kal El | Oregon Lawmakers Vote to Bail Out Planned Parenthood | The demand for abortion in Oregon is going down, so why do pro-abortion lawmakers there seem so determined to increase it?
From 2011 to 2014, Oregon saw a 15 percent decline in the number of abortions.
It also saw a 7 percent decline in the number of abortion providers.
But, apparently that isn’t a trend line pro-abortion politicians want to see continue.
When it comes to restrictions on abortion, Oregon already has very few.
It has no parental consent or even parental notification laws. There are no mandated counseling or waiting periods for women seeking abortions. There are no additional regulations on facilities performing abortions to increase safety or ambulance-ready requirements.
And, unlike 43 other states that restrict abortion after either 20 weeks or after an unborn child can live outside the womb, Oregon allows abortions up until the moment of birth.
As a matter of fact, the only “restriction” on abortion in Oregon is that it isn’t free—for everyone.
So state lawmakers recently passed legislation to ensure that it is.
Called the Reproductive Health Equity Act, the bill ensures that all Oregonians, regardless of their income, citizenship status, gender identity, or type of insurance, receive the full spectrum of reproductive health services at zero out-of-pocket cost.
Of course, “reproductive health services” is code language for abortion and “zero out-of-pocket cost” means Oregon taxpayers, regardless of their personal views, will be paying for more abortions.
Oregon already allocates $$2 million of state Medicaid funds for abortions. This new bill would tack on another $$10 million.
But this time they are taking it a step further by forcing all insurance plans, exempting only a handful of religious charities, to cover abortions, for any reason, free of cost, to anyone in the state.
So, whether you are a citizen or noncitizen, rich or poor … whether you are three months pregnant or just weeks away from giving birth … and for whatever reason, including the fact you wanted a boy instead of a girl, you can now get an abortion compliments of Oregon taxpayers.
It’s no coincidence that those lobbying for the bill just happen to be the very entities that will profit from it. Dropping abortion rates means dropping profits for groups like Planned Parenthood who helped draft the legislation.
And just like at the federal level, they want taxpayers to bail them out.
But there is a way to stop it.
If opponents can collect the signatures of 58,789 registered voters between now and October 5, they can force the bill to be put on the 2018 ballot—allowing the people of Oregon, not pro-abortion special interests, to have the final say.
VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
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Source material can be found at this site. |
4,059,650 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | President, Executive Editor - Coed Media Group., Nyc Via Austin | 100 Sexy Girls With Sleeve Tattoos | If you’ve perused our Suicide Girls galleries – here and here, you know we dig body ink. But, what about sleeve tats? The body art commonly associated with male drummers and banned by the Marines can also drop jaws on a pair of lady guns. You might have seen them on Jesse James‘ exes like Janine Lindemulder and Michelle “Bombshell” McGee. Now, you can see even more in our extensive gallery highlighting the princesses with “pipe paint”. Lock ‘n’ load!
[coed-wall-gallery columns=”4″ size=”full”] |
4,059,651 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | It’s a WOOT-OFF! | Not sure how many of you are “in the know” on this one, but the 2nd greatest site in the world (second to COED) is
They normally sell one product a day, at ridiculously low prices with $$5 shipping. Today is a WOOT-OFF, meaning that they go one product after another.
If you have a consumer electronic addiction like me – you NEED to check this out. |
4,059,652 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | A Girl’s Favorite Sex Position Is… | Everybody has their own fantasy, their own mood-lighting, their preferred music – when it comes to the sexual encounter, there are infinite ways women get their libido up and running.
But apparently, according to an iVillage poll, there’s one position that ranks high above the rest – and it’s very surprising.
Over 200 women have taken the “What’s Your Favorite Sexual Position” poll in the last couple of days, having the option to pick either A) Missionary/Man on top, B) Woman on top, C) Doggy Style or the ever-elusive D) Other.
You wanna know what choice is ahead on the polls as of this posting?
Doggy Style!
Now, maybe this doesn’t surprise you, but I’m certainly taken back. I had no idea that so many women genuinely enjoyed this position.
It’s always seemed like men get the most pleasure from this position, especially since it lets us feel all powerful and caveman like. But as the results show, women too find it the most pleasurable as well. Call it deeper penetration, call it a woman’s want to be dominated, call it whatever you would like – I call it good news for men with a booty fetish. |
4,059,653 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | President, Executive Editor - Coed Media Group., Nyc Via Austin | 210 MORE ‘WTF Were They Thinking’ Tattoos | You get drunk, you stumble into a tattoo parlor, and you request the FUNNIEST or most BAD-ASS ink job anyone’s ever conceived. You do realize this isn’t a permanent marker, right? You realize the removal is just as expensive as the application? I mean, we even showed you 210 WTF Were They Thinking Tattoos last year and you STILL went out and got Bert and Ernie sodomizing Frank the Tank from Old School. So, in an effort to stop the madness, we’ve collected 210 MORE WTF Were They Thinking tattoo pics. You’re welcome!
[coed-wall-gallery columns=”3″ size=”full”] |
4,059,654 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Wyatt Is A Gettysburg College Graduate, Nyc Native Who Is Flattered That You'Re Interested About Reading Up On Him. | The 35 Most American Photos Ever Taken. Period. | Rumor has it that every time you come across one of these photos on the web, a Bald Eagle gets it’s wings.
These are the most American pictures ever taken and if you don’t like it, you can just git out. |
4,059,656 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Watch UFC 122 For FREE on Spike! | Saturday night on Spike tv, the UFC will give you a FREE PPV. Why? Because they love their fans and understand that you’re probably broke from tailgating all season. Here’s what you can expect on this wonderful night of UFC 122.
Nate Marquardt vs. Yushin Okami
Nate “The Great” Marquardt will face off against Yushin Okami in a Middleweight Title Eliminator bout. Nate just fought less than 2 months ago and jumped at the chance to fight again, especially when a #1 contender spot is on the line. This fight seems one-sided to casual MMA fans, but you should know that Okami does have a win over Anderson Silva.
Jorge Rivera vs. Alessio Sakara
Jorge Rivera, a TUF 4 veteran, beat the living hell out of Nate Quarry his last time out. This dude’s striking was sick that night, landing almost 75% of his punches. I expect him to be just as dominant against Alessio Sakara.
Dennis Siver vs. Andre Winner
Germany’s own son, Dennis Siver, is up against TUF finalist Andre Winner. Besides Clay Guida, I can’t think of a more interesting fighter to watch than Siver. His trademark spinning back kick, when placed properly, is powerful enough to make you sell out your grandma. Just the thought of his highlight reel makes my stomach turn. Watch this fight just to see Andre go from Winner to Loser after being on the wrong side of Siver’s Russian/German foot.
Amir Sadollah vs. Peter Sobotta
I love the UFC and Spike thank you, but c’mon man! They’re practically spoon-feeding The Ultimate Fighter season 7 winner Amir Sadollah. His opponent, whose name I will not mention because you’d just read and think “WTF bro? Who’s that?” He’s lost both of his fights in the UFC and Amir needs a win – now.
Krzysztof Soszyński vs. Goran Reljic
Krzysztof Soszyński faces Goran Reljic in what should be a back and forth fight. Both have good stand up and always look to finish. K-Sosz really need to rebound from his Fight of the Night loss to Stephan Bonnar. I wouldn’t doubt if he wins the same honors in Germany wither.
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Want more MMA news and insight? Follow Jason Moles on Twitter. |
4,059,657 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | UFC 123: Rampage vs. Machida, Hughes vs. Penn | The Motor City is host to quite the Thanksgiving treat – a UFC event that will have everyone talking through the holidays. This is the first time Zuffa has brought MMA back to Detroit or its suburban jewel, The Palace of Auburn Hills since UFC 9 back in 1996. From start to finish, this PPV will be a nice break from mid-season football. Let’s take a look at what’s to come.
Main Event: Rampage Jackson vs. Lyoto Machida
Coming off one of the best-selling films of 2010 and a loss to his rival from The Ultimate Fighter Season 10 and #1 contender Rashad Evans, Quinton Jackson has put in one of his most focused training camps ever. Not being on the red carpets has allowed Rampage to get his head right. Lyoto “The Dragon” Machida had his “era” ended after getting KO’ed and losing his title back in May at the hands of Shogun Rua. Now he’s back to drinking his own urine and ready to get his title back. Styles make fights; Saturday night we’ve got Karate & Counter-Striking vs. Boxing & Powerbombs.
I’m not sure if Jackson is completely ready to walk red carpets and attend movie premieres full-time just yet. Machida is far from done in MMA, but I’m not convinced he’s shaken the cobwebs from his head yet. Jackson steps away from the A-Team, brings his A- game to win and step closer to a title shot.
Rubber Match: Matt Hughes vs. B.J. Penn
These two Hall-of-Famers (Hughes: Official, Penn: It’s gonna happen) split their two previous fights a few years back. This is a rare occasion when the powers that be in Zuffa put a guy coming off of a win against a guy who’s coming off of a loss. Both of these guys have worn the strap, yet they seem to be going in opposite directions. Hughes has won his last three fights, against game opponents might I add. Baby Jay, conversely, has lost 2 straight and 3 of his last 5 including a the time he refused to answer the bell against GSP.
It’s no secret that Hughes wants this fight to end quickly so he can get back into his tree stand. But with Penn as hungry as his is, it’s much easier said than done. I think the winner of this fights will take home the ‘Submission of the Night’ honors.
Joe Lauzon vs. George Sotiropoulos
This fight has the potential to be ‘Fight of the Night’ if Lauzon’s last fight is any indication of how he’ll perform in Motown. Dude Hulked out and went absolutely berserk submitting a Brazilian Jujitsu black belt in 2:01 of round 1. Homey must not have liked the cake his last opponent brought to the weigh-ins’. Sotiropoulos hasn’t lost since 2006 when he nailed Shinya Aoki in the sack. Most of the fight should take place on the ground with J-Lau securing a win and moving up in the ranks.
Free on Spike: Aaron Simpson vs. Mark Munoz
Once again, Spike and the UFC are giving you, the fan, a couple free fights. Simpson–Munoz is the one I’ll be keeping my eye on. These Middleweights aren’t exactly Anderson Silva caliber fighters, but they know how to put on a good scrap. Don’t worry about who wins or losses, just enjoy two men putting their bodies on the line for your entertainment… and a fat paycheck of course.
The Return of Karo Parisyan
I don’t usually make fun of people with mental problems, and I’m not going to start. This highly talented Judoka has faced more ups and downs than Kim Kardashian’s panties. After testing positive for steroid cocktail, he pulls out from his next fight just days before the event. Dana White unleashed on Twitter and said that you’ll never see him in the UFC again and that he’s %@&$$#*! the fans for the last time. Time heals all wounds and Karo has exorcised his demons, at least I think he has but it’s only Sunday night and anything can happen between now and then. Here’s hoping for a successful return for ‘The Heat’.
Want more MMA news and insight? Follow Jason Moles on Twitter.
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4,059,658 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | I'Ve Written Thousands Of Articles Including Posts For Coed, Guyspeed, Thefw, Tv Fanatic, G-Men Hq, Brobible, Nfl Spin Zone. I'Ve Also Authored Scripts For Woven Digital'S Short-Form Videos Published Uproxx, Brobible., Here Are Links To My Writing Samples, Social Networks | Watch Heavy’s Fight Day Live Show From UFC 134 [STREAMING VIDEO] | The UFC’s only official pre-fight show, Fight Day, returns before the historic UFC 134 event on Saturday, Aug. 27th at the HSBC Arena in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Hosts Dave Farra and Megan Olivi will guide you through the latest news of the week, including all the details of the landmark Fox/UFC television deal. Guests will include UFC CEO Lorenzo Fertitta, fighters Junior dos Santos and Joseph Benavidez, and journalists John Morgan, Ben Fowlkes and Matt Brown. Check it out below.
Fight Day Live begins streaming at 5pm ET/2pm PT
Official Fight Card
Preliminary Card (Facebook)
Bantamweight bout: Canada Yves Jabouin vs. United States Ian Loveland
Featherweight bout: Brazil Yuri Alcantara vs. Brazil Felipe Arantes
Welterweight bout: Brazil Erick Silva vs. Brazil Luis Ramos
Bantamweight bout: Brazil Raphael Assunção vs. Brazil Johnny Eduardo
Welterweight bout: Brazil Paulo Thiago vs. United States David Mitchell
Preliminary Card (Televised)
Middleweight bout: Brazil Rousimar Palhares vs. United States Dan Miller
Lightweight bout: Brazil Thiago Tavares vs. United States Spencer Fisher
Main Card
Light Heavyweight bout: Brazil Luiz Cane vs. Bulgaria Stanislav Nedkov
Lightweight bout: England Ross Pearson vs. Brazil Edson Barboza
Heavyweight bout: Brazil Antônio Rodrigo Nogueira vs. United States Brendan Schaub
Light Heavyweight bout: Brazil Maurício Rua vs. United States Forrest Griffin
Middleweight Championship: Brazil Anderson Silva (c) vs. Japan Yushin Okami
For more UFC videos, go to |
4,059,659 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Museum Replaces Dr. Seuss Mural Due To A ‘Jarring Racial Stereotype’ | A Massachusetts museum is replacing part of a Dr. Seuss mural after three authors threatened Thursday to not attend an event at the museum due to the mural portraying a racial stereotype of a Chinese man “with chopsticks, a pointed hat and slanted slit eyes.”
The mural at the Amazing World of Dr. Seuss Museum in Springfield, Mass., will replace part of a mural that features a Chinese character from Seuss’s first children’s book called, “And To Think That I Saw That on Mullberry Street.” Authors, Mo Willems, Mike Curato and Lisa Yee signed a letter to explain why they are declining an invitation to the now-canceled Children’s Literature Festival Oct. 14, reported Fox News.
“We recently learned that a key component of this institution honoring Dr. Seuss features a mural depicting a scene from his first book, ‘And to Think That I Saw It on Mullberry Street,’ and within the selected art is a jarring racial stereotype of a Chinese man, who is depicted with chopsticks, a pointed hat and slanted slit eyes,” said the complaint.”We find this caricature of ‘the Chinaman’ deeply hurtful, and we have concerns about children’s exposure to it.”
The museum agreed to change the mural, reported The Associated Press.
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4,059,660 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | Civil Rights Reporter | No-Fun School Cancels Halloween, Decides To Celebrate ‘Black And Orange Day’ Instead | A girl walks among thousands of pumpkins, which are carved, at the Great Highwood Pumpkin Festival in Highwood, Illinois, October 18, 2013. Organizers are trying to set the Guinness Book of World Records for the most lit jack-o'-lanterns on display. REUTERS/Jim Young
A Massachusetts elementary school decided to cancel its Halloween costume parade since it is not inclusive for all students involved, outlets reported Tuesday.
Instead of the costume parade, the school in Walpole will throw a “Black and Orange” spirit day, Boyden Elementary School officials announced.
“The costume parade is out of our ordinary routine and can be difficult for many students,” the school principal said in a message to parents. “Also, the parade is not inclusive of all the students and it is our goal each and every day to ensure all student’s individual differences are respected.”
The school will also host a Halloween party Friday, the “Monster Mash Pasta Bash,” after school so the students can have the chance to celebrate with their friends.
Some parents have expressed outrage about the decision, saying it is taking political correctness too far, while others accepted the principal’s concern about security and keeping the students safe.
“That’s the part that especially the parents and the students are having a hard time understanding,” Julie Lowre, a parent, told Fox 25 Boston. “We have numerous events not all inclusive, so if you cancel one event you have to cancel them all.”
The decision to cancel the Halloween costume parade was up to the school, one parent said.
“It’s not my decision to make, it’s decision for someone who has authority, who knows the issues more than I do,” Charissa Kaselis, a Parent Advisory Council member, said, noting the parade is open to the public which makes security difficult.
Another Walpole resident believes its unfair to the children to cancel the parade.
“I think it’s a lot of political correctness, ” a Walpole woman said. “I think it’s a shame because Halloween is the funnest day of the year next to Christmas for children.”
The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out the school but received none in time for publication.
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4,059,661 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Talk:Atheist factions | From Conservapedia
To the author: What is the purpose of this page? Is it really very surprising that there are many different points of view among atheists? There's no atheist pope or ayatollah who enforces a particular set of beliefs (non-beliefs!) Can you add something else to say factionalism among atheists is itneresting, e.g. is it reflected in diverse life-styles or behaviours among atheists? KhalidM 16:06, 25 September 2011 (EDT)
"Khalid", of course, this further confirms my suspicion that you were not a Muslim, but merely an atheist posing as a Muslim. Conservative 04:03, 29 November 2011 (EST) You've been told how unacceptable is your habit of making personal attacks on those who merely ask you questions challenging some of the silly things you say. I think you've even caused good people to throw their hands up and walk away from this site thinking it's hopeless to try reforming your behavior. Your personal jabs are nasty and no substitute for arguing your points with logic and facts. You should not view people trying to help you get your foot out of your mouth as attacking you. Many here were very generous to you but you attacked them. You should stop this behavior. Nate 09:44, 29 November 2011 (EST) Nate, talk to Andy about this. If memory serves, he agreed with me that "KhalidM" was a Muslim poser and an atheist. Lastly, I have been told a lot of wrongheaded things by liberals such as yourself and I have no intention to caving into them although certainly constructive criticism is welcome. Unfortunately, your rants do not meet the benchmark of constructive criticism. Conservative 16:00, 3 December 2011 (EST) You are out of control with this outrageous childish behavior. How old are you? You have no idea what someone's faith is. You can say certain behavior is not consistent with Christian principles such as when you attack others like this but I can not see in your heart. Also I just pointed at the screen and laughed when you called me a "liberal" and used the word "rant" again when I show that you treat people awfully. Someone needs to teach you how to treat others with respect as well as debate. Nate 17:22, 3 December 2011 (EST)
mote, meet beam
There is an old joke:
I was walking across a bridge one day, and I saw a man standing on the edge, about to jump. I ran over and said: "Stop. Don't do it."
"Why shouldn't I?" he asked.
"Well, there's so much to live for!"
"Like what?"
"Are you religious?"
He said, "Yes."
I said, "Me too. Are you Christian or Buddhist?"
"Me too. Are you Catholic or Protestant?"
"Me too. Are you Episcopalian or Baptist?"
"Wow. Me too. Are you Baptist Church of God or Baptist Church of the Lord?"
"Baptist Church of God."
"Me too. Are you original Baptist Church of God, or are you Reformed Baptist Church of God?"
"Reformed Baptist Church of God."
"Me too. Are you Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1879, or Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915?"
He said: "Reformed Baptist Church of God, Reformation of 1915."
I said: "Die, heretic scum," and pushed him off.
AugustO 17:41, 25 September 2011 (EDT) |
4,059,662 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Transgender Inmate Sues Because Prison Won’t Let Him Get A Mammogram | Prison inmates head out to the day’s work of battling the blazes at fire command center in Santa Rosa, California, U.S October 14, 2017. REUTERS/Heather Somerville.
A transgender inmate is suing a Massachusetts state prison because the prison he’s currently kept in won’t offer him female services like mammograms and tampons or house him with other female inmates.
The anonymous inmate at Massachusetts Correctional Institution-Norfolk filed his complaint in a Boston federal court Wednesday against the prison, requesting that he be transferred to a nearby women’s prison, according to the Boston Herald. The transgender inmate is serving four years for a drug-related crime.
“There are other transgender women who are housed in men’s facilities who face daily harassment, abuse, and diminishment as women,” Jennifer L. Levi, the director of the Transgender Rights Project at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders and the inmate’s attorney, told the Herald. “It’s important for people to be recognized as who they are. … She’s serving time for the underlying conviction, she shouldn’t be punished for being transgender.”
“They have traumatized her by forcing her to live in a male correctional facility, subjecting her to strip searches by male correctional officers, forcing her to shower in view of male prisoners … and refusing to address or refer to her using female pronouns,” the lawsuit reads.
The transgender inmate is also suing the corrections commissioner, the prison superintendent, an Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator and the assistant deputy commissioner of clinical services.
Another transgender inmate recently sued the Indiana Department of Corrections commissioner because the jail he’s housed in won’t provide him with hormone therapy to facilitate his gender transition, arguing that the denial constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, according to the Indy Star. (RELATED: Transgender Inmate Sues State Over Not Getting Hormone Therapy).
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4,059,663 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | National Security Politics Reporter | Former Army Reservist Confesses To Escaping Prison, Stealing Guns And Trying To Rob Banks | Former Army reservist James W. Morales pleaded guilty Monday to stealing firearms, escaping prison and trying to rob two banks.
Morales started his crime spree back in late 2015, when he stole weapons from the Lincoln Stoddard United States Army Reserve Center in Worcester, Mass., subsequently escaped prison and then tried to rob two banks, The Boston Globe reports.
He stole six M-4 carbines and 10 M-11 handguns from the Army Reserve Center in total after obtaining access to the building through a kitchen window, but authorities quickly arrested him four days later in New York. He then managed to escape on Dec. 31, 2016, from the Donald W. Wyatt Detention Facility in Rhode Island by “climbing a basketball hoop, jumping onto a roof, and going through a barbed wire fence.”
Police arrested him again after he tried to rob two banks. At one of the banks, Morales demanded the teller hand over cash. The teller refused, and Morales stated in response: “Okay, have yourself a nice day.”
Morales’ sentencing hearing is set for Feb. 8. Morales could serve up to 15 years in prison based on the charges filed against him and the plea agreement reached between prosecutor and defense, but Judge Timothy S. Hillman still has to agree. It’s still possible that Hillman could sentence Morales to 90 years in prison, which is the maximum sentence for all the charges involved in the case.
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4,059,664 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Washington State Schools Might Adopt Planned Parenthood Sex Ed Program | Members of Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America and more than 20 other organizations hold a "Stand Up for Women's Health" rally in support of preventive health care and family planning services, including abortion, in Washington April 7, 2011. (Photo: REUTERS/Joshua Roberts)
Washington State public schools are considering adopting a Planned Parenthood sex education program that already operates in four other states and is looking to go national.
The Human Growth and Development Citizen Advisory Committee (HGD CAC) for Spokane, Wash., is considering using the abortion giant’s “Get Real” program which will head to the school board as well as Spokane district staff to be approved if it gets an ok from the advisory committee, according to KXLY News.
Planned Parenthood’s sex ed program curriculum teaches sixth through eighth graders and pairs school lessons with assignments that students take home in an effort to spark conservations with parents. The program includes STI prevention, condom usage and sexual decision making.
While some community members have expressed support for the program, others are not so sure. “Spokane, you know, we are a wonderful community that is very family oriented, we need to do it in a way that actually teaches to who this community is,” mother Joanna Hyatt whose two children will soon be attending Spokane public school told KXLY. A sexual educator herself, Hyatt doesn’t oppose sex education but doesn’t agree with the way “Get Well” teaches information to kids.
“This program does meet meets the state standards. what it doesn’t meet is the local standards,” Spokane pastor John Repsold also told the outlet.
Hyatt and others have proposed several options for the school board to consider instead, including presenting “Get Well” along with another program that parents can choose between. Parents currently have the option to opt their kids out of any sex ed programs at the school, but the Planned Parenthood proposal would make “Get Well” mandatory for all public school children in the district.
As of 2014, “Get Real” was taught in 150 schools in Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island and Texas according to Time Magazine. Planned Parenthood hopes to the take the program nationwide and expand to conservative states especially.
“If kids are able to negotiate relationships, they will be better able to negotiate sexual relationships,” Planned Parenthood’s VP of education and training in Massachusetts, Jennifer Slonake, told Time Magazine.
Spokane’s consideration of the program comes after the program was set to begin at nine Cumberland County, N.C., middle schools but was halted after parents loudly complained. “I just don’t think that’s appropriate for a 12-year-old, whether it be a boy or a girl, to be teaching them that,” parent Nick Quello told WRAL in October.
Spokane’s Planned Parenthood did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.
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4,059,665 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Uber Driver Faces Charges After Allegedly Denying Service To Blind Couple | An Uber driver is facing charges for allegedly denying ride service to a legally blind couple in Boston, according to a report published Tuesday.
Milissa Garside and her boyfriend David Welch claim they were both treated disrespectfully by an Uber driver after known as “Allen” when he refused to serve the blind couple Saturday, reported the Daily Mail. The driver allegedly refused service to the couple, saying “no dogs,” since the couple had a service dog. The couple, who relies on Uber for transportation, told the driver that it was illegal to refuse them service, due to disability laws.
Welch allegedly tried to get in the backseat as the driver rolled up the window, dragging him down the street. The driver did not stop until Welch was able to remove his hand, allegedly after being pulled between 10 to 15 feet down the road.
“I was freaked out because I could hear Richard running, trying to keep up with the car. I knew something was happening so I kept asking ‘what’s happening, what’s happening?'” said Garside, since she was unable to witness the incident.
The couple then called the police, who showed up 45 minutes later. The Uber driver lost his account under the pending criminal investigation.
Prior to this incident, Uber was forced to pay $$2.38 million to the U.S. National Federation for the Blind after frequently declining to pick up riders with service animals after advocacy groups sued in 2014.
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4,059,668 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | Education Reporter | Mayor And School Condemn School Game Featuring Trump Tombstone | With Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin standing behind him, U.S. President Donald Trump listens to remarks before signing an executive order, making it easier for Americans to buy bare-bone health insurance plans and circumvent Obamacare rules at the White House in Washington, U.S., October 12, 2017. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque
A Massachusetts school apologized Sunday after hosting a Halloween game involving a “Don Trump” tombstone.
The tombstone was featured at a Friday fundraiser and party hosted by West Parish Elementary School’s fifth grade parent committee, reported AOL. Principal Telena S. Imel apologized for the incident in a Sunday letter to the West Parish school community.
The game featured bean bags, along with mock tombstones, reported CBS Boston.
“While, according to the parent, this [game] was designed to be humorous, a number of attendees rightfully felt that it showed disrespect,” said Imel. “And, intentionally or not, it inappropriately brought a political agenda into what was designed to be a fun family affair.”
Claiming that she would be more vigilant to prevent political messaging at Gloucester Public Schools in the future, the principal said that the school system’s job “is to train students to think for themselves, to understand their emotions, and to show respect, not to persuade them of any opinions, political or otherwise.”
Sefatia Romeo Theken, mayor of Gloucester, Mass., agreed with the principal’s sentiments in a letter published Monday.
The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to Imel for further comment, but received none in time for press.
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4,059,669 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Is America Heading toward a Fate Similar to Germanwings’ Flight 9525? | By John W. Lillpop
Metaphorically speaking, it seems as though the United States of America, as a nation, faces a fate not unlike that of the 150 helpless passengers killed when the co-pilot of a German Airbus deliberately crashed the aircraft into the French Alps.
In the case of America, the main villain is the pilot, Barack Hussein Obama, who for reasons known only to he and his troubled mind, has drifted completely to the “dark side” and now represents a real and present danger to America, her allies, and, in fact, the future of planet earth.
Obama is joined in his mission by a reckless, irresponsible co-pilot, the insufferable John Kerry, who stands ready and eager to repeat his act of anti-American defiance, committed on April 23, 1971, when he arrogantly, and with great pride, tossed his combat medals over the White House fence to protest America’s role in the Vietnam War.
The very dangerous Obama-Kerry tandem is reportedly on the verge of acquiescing to a nuclear agreement with the terrorist state of Iran, where said agreement could facilitate the violent relocation of Israel and six million residents into the sea, and plunge the entire Middle East into a desperate race for nuclear weapons hegemony in what is already the most unstable region of the world.
For America, the damage resulting from an Obama-Kerry surrender to the Mullahs could ultimately force the world into World War 111, a helter-skelter conflict with the frightening potential to abruptly end civilization as we know it.
Unfortunately for America and the world, there seems to be no level-headed, common sense person working to knock down the cockpit door to stop the Obama-Kerry team from executing their diabolical scheme.
VN:F [1.9.22_1171]
calculating... Rating: 2.0/10 (1 vote cast) |
4,059,670 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | From TUF 1 to TUF 12: The Journey of Josh Koscheck | Tonight, Josh Koscheck will be fighting Georges St. Pierre for the UFC Welterweight championship in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He’s comfortable being the heel and underdog against arguably the best pound-for-pound fighter on the planet in GSP. After 7 months, the one-sided flame war which started ironically enough in Montreal when Kos said the Pittsburgh Penguins would beat the Canadiens and then he would beat St. Pierre so they (the fans) would lose twice. If I told you he didn’t cross over from WWE but instead made his rise to the top starting on the first season of The Ultimate Fighter, you may be a little hesitant. Five years and a dozen seasons later, Josh Koscheck has come full circle in the MMA world.
Under the coaching of UFC Hall-of-Famer Chuck “The Iceman” Liddell, Koscheck made it all the way to the semifinals where he lost to Diego Sanchez who went on to become the 1st Ultimate Fighter. While on the reality show, his drunken antics sent fellow participant and fan favorite fighter Chris Leben into a rage. Realizing ‘The Crippler’ isn’t someone to mess with when he’s pissed – even if he is half asleep – Josh ran inside and hid. Leben pursued while wreaking havoc on anything that got in his way, including the front door glass and a bedroom door. Critics pointed out that if he had spent more time training and less time staying up late and drinking by the pool, he may have been the one to secure the six-figure contract from the UFC.
It must have been Josh’s lucky day when he got word that the Zuffa brass decided to give him another shot. At the finale, Josh knocked out his opponent. Four months later, Kos submitted another foe which led to the signing of a UFC contract. Since 2006 he’s racked up a 11-3 record with wins over Diego Sanchez, Chris Lytle and Paul Daley. One of his losses came at the hands of the champion, GSP, who he’ll face at UFC 124. The partying has died down and the training has intensified since his first week at American Kickboxing Academy (AKA). The past is just that – the past. Kos understands that everything in the past has prepared him for Saturday night, including his time coaching against the Welterweight Champion on season 12 of The Ultimate Fighter.
At UFC 113, Josh Koscheck dominated the very talented Paul ‘Semtex’ Daley – and talked trash the entire 15 minutes. After the final bell, a frustrated ‘Semtex’ assaulted Kos as he walked away leading to his banishment from the UFC by Dana White. You’d think that would help him garner some love from the fans, but not in Montreal. The winner was to be rewarded with a coaching spot on the 12th season of The Ultimate Fighter and a title shot against Canada’s own son, Georges St. Pierre. Before the fans could digest what had just took place, Kos got on the mic and blasted the crowds hockey team and champion – blasphemy to our neighbors from the north.
For the Pennsylvania native, it’s all been fun and games leading up to 124. To the fighter who needs no nickname to conjure up heat from the crowd, being this close to GSP for an extended period of time meant an opportunity to play mind games with the champ. From blocking in St. Piere’s car and almost smashing his personal medic, to losing all but a few fights as a coach, Koscheck can’t have enough fun.
It’s a great story: Man joins reality show as a contestant and loses. Man works hard and gets contract anyway. Years later returns to reality show as a coach with a title shot on the line at the end. It’s easy to hate a guy who speaks his mind freely but you must acknowledge and respect what he has done in MMA. Does he have what it takes to become only the 3rd man to stop GSP in his professional career? Well, if he fights as well as he talks trash we may have a new champion come Sunday.
Watch UFC 124 Live TONIGHT on PPV.
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4,059,671 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Watch Heavy’s Exclusive UFC 126 Pre-Fight Show NOW [Live Stream] | [fightday]
Heavy has partnered up with UFC to launch “Fight Day Live” a 90 minute pre-fight show that takes a look at the challenges facing the fighters along with their greatest accomplishments. We’ve teamed up with Heavy to bring you the live broadcast from UFC 126 in Las Vegas. The event was originally supposed to feature former Light Heavyweight Champion Vitor Belfort taking on Yushin Okami. However, UFC President Dana White said Belfort would instead challenge Middleweight Champion Anderson Silva for the belt.
UFC 126 will feature two preliminary fights live on Spike TV, and one preliminary fight on their Facebook stream. However, you can watch the live stream of “Fight Day Live” below right now.
Preliminary card
Welterweight bout: Mike Pierce vs. Kenny Robertson
Light Heavyweight bout: Kyle Kingsbury vs. Ricardo Romero
Lightweight bout: Paul Taylor vs. Gabe Ruediger
Preliminary card (Facebook Stream)
Bantamweight bout: Norifumi Yamamoto vs. Demetrious Johnson
Preliminary card (Spike TV)
Featherweight bout: Chad Mendes vs. Michihiro Omigawa
Lightweight bout: Donald Cerrone vs. Paul Kelly
Main card
Bantamweight bout: Miguel Torres vs. Antonio Banuelos
Light Heavyweight bout: Jon Jones vs. Ryan Bader
Welterweight bout: Jake Ellenberger vs. Carlos Eduardo Rocha
Light Heavyweight bout: Forrest Griffin vs. Rich Franklin
Middleweight Championship bout: Anderson Silva vs. Vitor Belfort
For more UFC videos, head over to
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4,059,672 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Spike TV’s Diamond Diver: What Does It Take To Get Your Girl A Ring? | You want to pop the question to your girl – so you save up enough money to buy her a beautiful diamond ring. But what are the risks that were taken before putting that sparkly band on your loved one’s hand? Billions of dollars worth of diamonds lie undiscovered at the bottom of the ocean. The new Spike TV show, Diamond Divers, chronicles a rough-and-tumble crew of gem hunters who trek from Washington State to the infamous Skeleton Coast off the dangerous coast of South Africa in search of riches.
This motley crew battle such dangers as sharks, pirates, potential shipwrecks, and epic storms to mine for diamonds under the sea. Fearless Captain John, and his tough nautical crew, put everything on the line to battle the treacherous seas of South Africa – and sometimes each other:
COED caught up with Marty House – one of our head divers on Diamond Divers (and the guy fighting in the video above) – to find out the true skinny on what it’s like to be a real-life treasure hunter.
COED: What are the risks that diamond divers go through to get the diamond that might go on your loved one’s hand?
DIAMOND DIVER: Out in that South African sea, there were sharks, underwater avalanches, poachers, deadly storms and in general, Poseidon’s wrath – those waves were monstrous, getting up to 50-60 feet at times. Of course there was the danger of the boat sinking (believe me, in the rickety wooden boat we were in, that was a real possibility) and injury. I put my diving career on the line; it’s easy to get hurt in those unpredictable seas out there. If I got hurt, my career would be over.
COED: What’s the hairiest situation you’ve been in?
DIAMOND DIVER: Once, I was digging at the bottom of the sea and got trapped in what felt like quicksand. Also, the suction nozzle wasn’t the greatest the first time out and it was tough trying to make sure my equipment and myself didn’t get sucked in down there. You’re down there for up to an hour at a time – the deeper you go, the more dangerous it is. You really had to be careful, because just one small cut was enough blood to attract sharks.
COED: Do you think diamonds are so valuable because of the dangers attached to obtaining them?
DIAMOND DIVER: Yes, I’m sure that’s a factor. It’s a dangerous journey going out to South Africa and braving those rough seas. We were lucky enough to get through one deadly storm, but a neighboring boat didn’t make it. They lost four men that day. People lose their lives over these diamonds – these diamonds have to at least be somewhat close to being worth that.
COED: What’s the toughest dive you’ve ever been on?
DIAMOND DIVER: My first dive was in the Gulf of Mexico and it was a major test for me. I had to dive to 150 feet in zero visibility and the sea swells were huge, which made the boat move – thus moving the equipment along with it. I had to go down there and place an 8×20 foot slab of concrete that I couldn’t see, onto a crane I also couldn’t see. In situations like that, you really need a good sense of direction because you can’t see what’s above you or around you.
COED: If it’s so dangerous, what keeps you coming back?
DIAMOND DIVER: The chance for riches, the rush of it, the excitement and the adventure. I’m an adrenaline junkie. I love doing what most people don’t get the chance to do!
COED: How does one become a diamond diver? Is there special training?
DIAMOND DIVER: Sure, you can go out there and try it without any prior training, but I don’t you’ll make it back. You absolutely need to know the rules about diving and have some proper training – the physics and medicine of diving is crucial – there are rules to follow and symptoms to recognize if something goes wrong.
COED: What’s your background?
DIAMOND DIVER I’m a commercial diver, so I went to dive school and spent many years diving recreationally and commercially – getting experience. No school can teach you experience. I was probably over qualified as a diver out there – but at the very least you should be trained in rigging, deep diving, underwater construction, underwater demolition, penetration diving, CPR, and first aid to go diving for diamonds.
COED: What did you do before diamond diving and why did you decide to go into it?
DIAMOND DIVER: I started out as a logger – which is where all my experience rigging comes from. I’m a big risk taker and love the excitement- you need to take these risks to really appreciate life. Diving came about because I realized I could get paid for a daily adrenaline rush. I also wanted to be a part of an elite group of people who were trained specifically for this job. As for diving for diamonds – the possibility of adventure and riches interested me. Also, I had never been to South Africa, so it was a chance to see and dive in a new place.
COED: How would you describe the personality of your diamond diver crew?
DIAMOND DIVER: Well, I would say Sam – my best friend, roommate, and fellow diver- and I were humble and excited. We really worked hard out there. As for the rest of the crew, they were a different breed – and that’s all I will really say about them. As a crew, we were all very excited about being there and about the possibility of finding diamonds. We also all shared an element of the unknown, because we had no idea what we were getting into or what was happening next. We shared the drive to find those diamonds, though. Man, we really wanted to find diamonds.
COED: What is the equipment needed for diamond diving?
DIAMOND DIVER: General equipment include hand tools to fix the boat; plus welding equipment and metal working equipment to work on the pumps and fixing the boat from underwater. The pump is the main piece of equipment in diving for diamonds – it sucks up all the potentially diamond filled gravel. The pump was 200 feet long, was 6” wide and was cut up into 40-50 foot sections. Depending on how deep we went, we had to detach and attach these sections using a pneumatic impact wrench to phalange it up – which is essentially bringing two phalanges together and bolting them.
Dive equipment – as commercial divers, Sam and I are used to surface air supply, but this boat wasn’t properly equipped with that, so we ended up having to use regular Scuba gear that was self-contained. The only difference was that we used full face masks, which allowed us to talk and communicate with each other.
COED: What’s the biggest treasure you found on a dive?
DIAMOND DIVER: Prior to this trip, my buddies and I once found a model T at the bottom a lake in Washington. As for what we found in S. Africa, I’m not allowed to tell you that yet. You’ll have to tune in to see…
Diamond Divers premieres Wednesday, June 20 at 10PM on Spike TV |
4,059,673 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Spike TV’s Bar Rescue Takes On Pirates! | I have an affinity for Spike TV’s Bar Rescue. (Premieres Sunday, July 29th, 9:00ET.) Last season I was on an episode filmed in the Orange County at a biker bar named the Canyon Inn Sports Bar & Grill. (God bless Spike TV; they gave me an open bar tab!) My duty was to step up to the plate and drunkenly swing for the cheap seats—in the name of journalism.
If you’re not familiar with the show, here’s the skinny: Bar Rescue is like Kitchen Nightmares—but with bars. Instead of Gordon Ramsey dishing out the tough love, we have renowned bar and restaurant consultant Jon Taffer. (Think of him as Gordon Barsey.) Under Taffer’s watchful eye, his bar-transforming-posse traverses the country to give failing watering holes one last chance to succeed. Heads butt. Tempers flair. Taffer’s in-your-face approach rocks the establishment’s old guard in an attempt to turn the place around into a profitable drinking joint.
Taffer’s motto: “Fixing bars is easy; fixing people is tough.”
Bar Rescue is a classic clash of the Titans: good vs. evil, Coke vs. Pepsi, the Simpsons vs. Family Guy. With friction between egos, you hope to see the following on every episode:
-A chef running out of the kitchen with the seat of his pants on fire!
-Taffer and the bar manager angrily spraying each other with seltzer bottles!
-A pie fight!
Bar Rescue certainly has its hands full in the season opener. Taffer is sent to fix an establishment called, Piratz Tavern. If you haven’t guessed it’s a pirate themed bar; run by a group of friends who like to dress as pirates. (Sounds like a formula for disaster, doesn’t it?)
The 1 Star Yelp reviews tell the story:
The staff here all dress up as pirates. at first it seems fun, then you realize all of the staff is there to play pirate and not work, so the service is terrible, the food is OK but over priced. I will fight tooth and nail before I go back.
Who will win; Taffer or the pirates? Tune in to Spike TV on Sunday and find out! Check out a little video taste: |
4,059,674 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | SPIKE TV Honors Eddie Murphy and Dwight Schrute’s New Little Brother | Welcome to Today’s Comedy News, a new feature here on COEDmagazine that brings you the part of comedy that generally isn’t very funny (no, not Whitney Cummings): News from the world of comedy. The goal of this segment is to provide a quick overview of the most important daily news from the comedy world. We’ll skim through all the boring stuff so you don’t have to. And so, let’s get right to it: What do Justin Spitzer, Thomas Middleditch, Stand Up to Cancer, and Eddie Murphy have in common? They’re all featured in this article.
Rate this: |
4,059,675 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | A Republican Governor Just Made His State The First To Guarantee Birth Control Coverage | Massachusetts Republican Gov. Charlie Baker signed into law legislation that allows access to free birth control to all women in his state Monday, becoming the first state to guarantee contraceptive coverage since President Donald Trump’s executive order allowing employers to abstain for religious reasons.
“This legislation will ensure no woman in Massachusetts, irrespective of what goes on in Washington, will worry about whether her health care services and rights will be affected here in the commonwealth,” Baker said at the signing.
The bill, drafted in response to Trump’s Oct. 6 executive order rolling back mandatory contraceptive coverage required by the Affordable Care Act, imposes a state level requirement that insurance plans cover contraceptives. The bill includes an exemption for religious institutions.
Even if the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is changed at the federal level, Massachusetts’ requirement to cover contraception will remain. The law is expected to add between seven and 20 cents to the average monthly premium.
The bill received bipartisan support in the state legislature, with only a few “no” votes in the state house and unanimous approval from the state senate.
“There will be women we’ll never know about who are able to make decisions on how large their family is, when to start their family, regardless of economic condition,” Democratic House Speaker Pro Tempore Pat Haddad.
“There will be women we’ll never know about who are able to make decisions on how large their family is, when to start their family, regardless of economic condition,” Haddad said.
Follow Thomas Phippen on Twitter
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Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected]. |
4,059,676 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Libertarianism | From Conservapedia
Libertarianism is a political philosophy that believes in minimizing or entirely eliminating government interventionism in many aspects of life including economic, personal, and in foreign policy matters. Libertarians tend to oppose legal restrictions on social behavior that doesn't affect anybody else. The French term of Laissez-Faire, or let us do, is a term that describes some aspects of the libertarian belief.[1] Libertarianism tends to emphasize a form of individual liberty, and tends to support rights of private property.
The first systematic libertarian was Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), an English political philosopher whose books such as The Man Versus the State (1884) had a major impact in Europe and America in the late 19th century.[2] The chief American representative was Yale professor William Graham Sumner.
Ronald Reagan stated in 1975, "I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism....The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom and this is a pretty general description also of what libertarianism is....Now, I can’t say that I will agree with all the things that the present group who call themselves Libertarians in the sense of a party say, because I think that like in any political movement there are shades, and there are libertarians who are almost over at the point of wanting no government at all or anarchy. I believe there are legitimate government functions. There is a legitimate need in an orderly society for some government to maintain freedom or we will have tyranny by individuals."[3]
In the United States, libertarians are typically fiscally conservative and socially liberal using the common US meanings of liberal and conservative. A faction of libertarians exist in the GOP, and are typically more ardent than other members of the GOP in keeping the principle of fiscal sanity and are less willing to "sell out" those principles for political expediency. They support an isolationist foreign policy and are to the left of most Democrats on social and foreign policy issues. The foremost libertarian figure in the GOP is former long-time Congressman Ron Paul.
Libertarian Philosophy
Libertarianism is best summed up in the Non-Aggression Principle, which states that government (or "private police agencies" in the anarcho-capitalist variant) should only exist to protect life, liberty, and property from force and fraud.
Libertarianism is closely related to liberalism, if this word is interpreted according to its original meaning of classical liberalism. Libertarians in America tend to be liberal on social issues but conservative on economic issues. Libertarians generally oppose government regulation of drugs, prostitution, and marriage (including bans of same-sex marriage). The Libertarian Party officially supports legalized abortion, however, libertarians themselves are divided on the issue, since government protection from force depends on the personhood of the unborn baby (or fetus). However, libertarians are uniformly opposed to government funding for abortions (such as through Planned Parenthood). Furthermore, they oppose restrictions on pornography. However, they also oppose universal health care, taxes and the welfare state. They are strong supporters of school choice, and oppose continuing the public school system. Some libertarians support school vouchers, while others are skeptical due to the issue of government influence over private education.
Libertarians support an expansive view of liberty as the proper basis for organizing civil society. They tend to define liberty as the freedom to do whatever one wishes up to the point that one's behavior begins to interfere with another's person or property through coercive means. At the point of interference, each party would become subject to certain principled rules for adjudicating disputes, generally accepting that one who has demonstrated a proven lack of respect for the rights of others should be subject to sanctions, including possible constraints on their freedom. They believe that liberty is the right of every individual.
Libertarians generally defend the ideal of freedom from the perspective of how little one is constrained by authority, i.e., how much one is allowed to do (also referred to as negative liberty). This ideal is distinguished from a view of freedom focused on how much one is able to do (also called positive liberty).
Libertarianism and irreligion/religion
See also: Atheism and politics
According to Murray N. Rothbard, who writes for the Ludwig von Mises Institute, most libertarians at the present time are atheists.[4] Ayn Rand was a libertarian and atheist.
Rothbard also declares:
“ There are many libertarians who are theists, Jewish or Christian. Among the classical-liberal forebears of modern libertarianism in a more religious age there were a myriad of Christians: from John Lilburne, Roger Williams, Anne Hutchinson, and John Locke in the 17th century, down to Cobden and Bright, Frédéric Bastiat and the French laissez-faire liberals, and the great Lord Acton.[5] ”
Both Ron Paul and Rand Paul are religious libertarians. Christian libertarians are represented by the Libertarian Christian Institute.
Libertarian Factions
Libertarians tend to use the word "libertarian" (small "l") to refer to the philosophy, and "Libertarian" (capital "L") to refer to the party. Thus, more libertarians exist than members of the Libertarian Party. Two general factions exist in the libertarian movement. The first are those libertarians who apply the principles of right to person and property to an absolute. They believe that no person, group, or government is above the right to violate these two things. They thus believe that government itself is illegitimate because it violates person and property. These libertarians subscribe to anarcho-capitalism, as first named by Murray N. Rothbard. They believe that law and security can be handled by private means in the free market. The other faction believes in a very limited government. They are often referred to as minarchists. Libertarian minarchists want the state to only enforce law and order but generally nothing else. Ayn Rand was a minarchist.
Libertarians tend to view liberalism as a philosophy advocating less government interference in private morality and more government control of business, and view conservatism as a philosophy advocating more government interference in private morality and less government control of business, while they view libertarianism as advocating less government control in all areas. However, there have been fusionist attempts to mix libertarianism and with social conservatism. This is noted in particular by paleolibertarians. They believe that social conservatism is a natural entity in a free society, but do not believe that it can be enforced by state interventionism. For instance, they may personally oppose homosexuality, but advocate for marriage privatization rather than believing that government should sanction "marriage" exclusively between a man and a woman.
Outside the United States, the term "libertarian" refers to left-wing anarchism.
Libertarian Thought in America
While there are libertarian factions within the Democratic and Republican parties, neither party is particularly well aligned with libertarian thought. While the Republican Party sometimes adopts libertarian-sounding rhetoric of small government in economic affairs, many libertarians see it as being a force that has increased government interventionism in these affairs. Libertarians generally, for example, are opposed to the USA PATRIOT Act, which they believe increases government power and removes protections on the liberty and privacy of the public. Most conservatives, on the other hand, view it as a necessary government program and believe security to be more important than personal liberty and privacy. Libertarians point out that such a view contradicts those of the founding fathers, such as Benjamin Franklin, who summarized it most eloquently, "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." Libertarians are also generally opposed to the Iraq War, unlike the majority of conservatives.
While all libertarians agree in general on the principles of the desirability of maximizing individual liberty and avoiding excessive government interference with the operation of the free market, individual libertarians have opinions that differ wildly within these general principles.
The libertarian movement generally praises the United States Constitution, regarding it as the proper scope of the national government. They believe that the Democratic and Republican parties have overstepped constitutional limits. Anarcho-capitalist libertarians, on the other hand, view the implementation of the constitution as the very reason the national government is the size it is today.
Notable Libertarians
Libertarian-oriented writers include Frédéric Bastiat, William Leggett, John Stuart Mill, Henry David Thoreau, Lysander Spooner, Herbert Spencer, William Graham Sumner, Carl Menger, Ludwig von Mises, Rose Wilder Lane, Albert Jay Nock, Henry Hazlett, and Isabel Paterson. Science fiction writers; L. Neil Smith, J. Neil Schulman, and Brad Linaweaver. Several popular financial writers including Harry Browne and Howard J. Ruff. Browne would later run for President, twice, on the Libertarian Party ticket. Ruff declared his political philosophy as libertarian but as a socially conservative Mormon made an exception on issues like abortion and prostitution, where he disagreed with the libertarian view. Nobel Laureate economists Milton Friedman, F.A. Hayek, Ronald Coase, Gary Becker, James Buchanan, George Stigler, and Vernon Smith. Humorist Dave Barry, actor/comedian Drew Carey, actor Denis Leary, former MTV VJ Lisa "Kennedy" Montgomery, actor Kurt Russell, investigative reporter John Stossel, and the late rocker Frank Zappa have all referred to themselves as being aligned with or openly supporting the Libertarian Party. Many Republican congressmen and senators hold libertarian positions, such as Walter B. Jones, Rand Paul, and Justin Amash.
The most influential libertarian of the 20th century was Milton Friedman (1912-2006), a leader of the Chicago School of Economics.
See also
Further reading |
4,059,680 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Causes of evolutionary belief | From Conservapedia
A number of articles have been written concerning the reasons why evolutionists commonly hold their evolutionary views:
Evolutionary gut feelings, "Belief in Evolution Boils Down to a Gut Feeling" (cites study in Live Science article)
Related article:
Morals decline linked to belief in evolution - (cites Australian National University study) |
4,059,681 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Countdown to UFC 77 | The time has come for Rich Franklin and Anderson Silva to throw down.
Not saying I have a man crush, but if I did – I would be Rich Franklin’s bitch. But let’s be serious for a moment, Anderson can Muy Thai his ass all over Ohio – but at the end of the day, Rich Franklin is going to dominate. Rich has striking power that will shut down Anderson’s chin. Silva got lucky last time, but he had the benefit of being the first top-class Muy Thai fighter to meet Franklin.
Rich Franklin, a former elementary school teacher, has been training with the top striker, Muy Thai and “Gracie” trainers in the world. Let’s be serious: Franklin’s biggest flaw is his ground work. Guys like Franklin and Liddell had a time and place in 1-dimensional fights; that time is gone. No one even realizes that Chuck Liddell began as a kick boxer…probably because you can count the number of times Chuck kicks in a fight on one hand. Thank GOD Rich Franklin has seen the light and started to train in multiple disciplines.
As such, Anderson Silva is going to get his ass kicked. 3rd round knockout – Franklin wins.
Also on the card, is Tim Sylvia Vs. Brandon Vera. Vera is 8 and 0, and everyone thinks he is the new worlds’ prodigy. He is being put up against Tim “The Maniac” Sylvia. This is like a little boy hitting a homerun in t-ball, so his coach put him up against Roger Clemens (in his prime). I rarely use the euphemism that a fighter is going to get sodomized, but sadly, Brandon Vera is going to get absolutely abused and ass-hammered by Sylvia.
1st round rape – Sylvia wins.
A full breakdown of the card after the jump. |
4,059,682 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Spike TV’s MANswers Season Finale Tonight! | There are some questions in life that a man needs answered. And nobody answers them better than Spike TV‘s MANswers series. Combining taboo questions with as many super hot chicks you can pack into a television episode, MANswers is a must-see for any self-respecting college dude.
Tonight’s season finale will answer questions like, What are the most extreme sex fetishes in the world?; What’s the only guaranteed way to defuse a bomb? and Which animal can drink you under the table? The show airs at 11pm, but if you can’t wait, catch a quick preview here. Your ADHD will thank you.
Check out preview clips from Spike TV’s MANswers season finale here! |
4,059,683 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | VALentine’s Day Advice with TNA’s So Cal Val | Valentine’s Day is coming up. And whether you love it or it hate it, it is an important holiday for women around the world. But some guys don’t know what to do on Valentine’s Day and screwing it up could ruin your relationship forever. So what should we do? Luckily, TNA’s SoCal Val (Valerie Wyndam) from Spike TV’s iMPACT is here to tell you how to have a perfect Valentine’s Day.
How important is Valentine’s Day to you?
Very! I think it’s a wonderful holiday. I love any excuse to be extra affectionate and dress up for an occasion.
Has a boyfriend ever forgotten Valentine’s Day?
No. If they did they’d never hear the end of it!
What’s a good Valentine’s Day date for you?
Any day I can be pampered, go out for a fancy meal and be reminded I’m still special to the one I love is a good day. I think it’s cute to know he’s tried to impress me and put my wants before his.
Also, what’s a bad one?
Perhaps one without originality. Or if anything feels forced. That’s a deal breaker!
What do you think are common misconceptions about Valentine’s Day?
That you can’t celebrate if you’re single. Love yourself!
Say you’re single on Valentines Day, but decide to go out to a bar, anyway. How do you like being approached?
Anything genuine or funny. I would hope the guy wouldn’t make any jokes about being alone on Valentine’s day. Its probably already on everyone’s mind, we don’t need a reminder!
What is the worst Valentine’s Day present you ever received?
Thankfully, I haven’t had a bad one. I even loved the silly paper Valentines I got as a kid in school. With the candy hearts. Adorable!
What are bad Valentine’s Day presents?
Anything practical. A gift should be something you wouldn’t get for yourself. Maybe a bit frivolous.
What kind of gifts do you like to receive on Valentine’s Day?
I’m a classic girl, I love jewelry. You can never go wrong with a lovely watch, bracelet or necklace. Even a sexy anklet! It’s a nice reminder to see that piece of jewelry year round and remember the day it was given to you. I also love flowers. Cliche? You bet! But always appreciated.
What’s your advice for guys who don’t know what to do for their girl on Valentine’s Day?
Ask one of their female friends for tips. Make sure whatever you do is thoughtful and don’t go overboard.
What would you describe as going overboard?
Doing anything too grand that it becomes impersonal. Or anything in public could wind up embarrassing. I hate those big screen messages at sporting events. So overdone!
Say your guy is on a budget, what can he do to make you happy without spending too much money?
Even a hand-made gift can be special if you’ve put enough thought into it. Like a CD of songs you know she loves.
If your boyfriend, for some reason or another, screws up Valentine’s Day is that the end of the relationship?
Everyone deserves a second chance. Forgetting a holiday isn’t the end of the world if the guy is really truly sorry.
Is there any advice you want to give single guys that you haven’t mentioned yet? How about guys in a relationship?
Just be yourself and never forget who you are no matter how long you’ve been with someone. Change for no one!
How about your fans?
I’d say the same.
So Cal Val has many upcoming projects. She will be writing a fashion advice column for, a spread for FSM Magazine, advertisements for the first person shooter, FEAR 2 as an Armacham Fear Away nurse, and of course on TNA iMPACT every Thursday night on Spike TV. Also be sure to check her myspace at and for upcoming projects and appearances. Finally, we thank Val for taking the time to talk to us about Valentine’s Day. |
4,059,684 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | UFC 119 Preview | For the first time in history, the Ultimate Fighting Championship is headed to Indianapolis, IN. This Saturday is UFC 119, which features some of the best in the business going at it in the center of the Octagon. Canseco Field House has never seen so much intense action. Oh, you thought that just because there aren’t any titles on the line that you can blow off this PPV? Think again pal. Tune in this weekend and you won’t be disappointed. Here’s 5 things you need to know about UFC 119.
1.) Main Event: Frank Mir vs Mirko Cro Cop will be one for the ages.
Former heavyweight champ Frank Mir looks to get in the Win column and finish the 2006 PRIDE Grand Prix winner Mirko Cro Cop. It’s a UFC vs PRIDE fight, and with a win over Mir, Cro Cop could launch himself into the title picture and regain the mystique he had for so many years. Expect Mir to go for the takedown to work his jujitsu and get the submission. Cro Cop on the other hand will be looking to land a sick head kick and put Mir to sleep. One way or the other this fight will not go the distance – someone is going down.
2.) Nogueira vs. Bader has title implications.
TUF 8 winner Ryan Bader is undefeated in the Octagon and is looking to stay that way in Indy. The former ASU student is currently ranked the #10 best Light Heavyweight according to Sherdog. His opponent, Minotauro Nogueira, is on a 7 fight win streak. These two guys are hungrier that ever, despite on being at opposite ends of their careers. While the main event might boast more star power, the light heavyweight bout holds more importance in its division as neither man has yet to face a loss in their tenure with the UFC.
3.) Melvin Guillard vs. Jeremy Stephens will be the ‘Fight of the Night’.
Between the two of them, they have accumulated 3 ‘Knockout of the Night’ awards and 1 ‘Fight of the Night’. You can expect these exciting lightweights to put on quite a show. Even if you are relatively new to MMA or are a casual fight fan, this fight will have you on the edge of your seat until the final bell.
4.) You Can Watch the Prelims Live and Free on Spike.
Not sure MMA is you thing? Spike has you covered as they usually have since UFC 103. Pay attention to the Matt Mitrion – Joey Beltran fight. Former NFL Lineman Matt Mitrione is the winner of 2 straight and set to face his toughest competition to date. ‘Meathead’ used to play for the NY Giants (who just so happened to play against the Colts this past Sunday) and has not lost one ounce of power since his playing days, just ask Kimbo Slice. ‘The Mexicutioner’ Joey Beltran has victories over many UFC veterans including Rolles Gracie. This fight has more of a loser goes home mentality to it which will inevitably entice these big boys to stand and bang.
5.) You Can Watch Virtually Anywhere!
This PPV is available live on computers and mobile devices throughout the world. So if your chilling at the club or playing Beer Pong at a frat house, you can still watch two guys beat the snot out of each other. Better yet, go to Hooters, eat some wings, drink beer AND watch the fights. Not really the socialite? You can also take the traditional route and buy the PPV via cable or satellite, order pizza and you have yourself one helluva time. You have no excuse to not watch, so buy it, watch it, and thank me later.
Want more MMA news and insight? Follow Jason Moles on Twitter. |
4,059,685 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | A Humanitarian At Heart, I'M A Living Breathing Contradiction. A True Chameleon Of A Writer, There'S Just No Topic Or Niche I Am Not Willing To Tackle. I Spent Two Years As A Biography Writer For Pornhub'S Keezmovies, I'Ve Worked On Contract As A Blogger For Mr.Skin, I'Ve Wrote Numerous Ppv Film Descriptions As Well As A Number Of Short Film Scripts All Within The Realm Of Adult Entertainment. But Don'T Let My Lack Of Judgement Towards The Taboo Side Of Life Fool You, I'M A Big Softy On The Inside Who Consistently Strives To Make The World A Better Place To Live In One Word At A Time. So, Let'S Get Real | Elon Musk Net Worth 2017: How Much is Musk Worth Now? | Born June 28, 1971, in Pretoria, Transvaal, South Africa, Elon Musk is simply inspirational all around. Known largely for his work as a founder and co-founder of the highly successful companies like SpaceX, Telsa Motors, Zip2, and Paypal, it truly is no surprise that Elon Musk has made quite the name for himself as infamously notorious engineer, inventor, and investor. But how much exactly has all of Elson’s hard work assisted him in adding to his bank account and how much exactly is Elon Musk worth now? The answer might enough to motivate you to believe that ‘dreaming big’ is the way to go…
Elon Musk’s Net Worth as of 2017: $$13.5 Billion
Kicking off his career by founding the web software company Zip2 in 1995, Elon and his brother Kimbal developed an internet cityguide for the news paper publishing industry, and obtained contracts with The New York Times and The Chicago Tribune. Four years later in 1999 the company sold to Compaq, and in turn Elon was given a solid 7% of the profit adding a nice $$22 Million to his net worth right off the bat.
Only one month after selling Zip2, Elon jumped right back on the success band wagon, co-founding the electronic payment system company with the assistance of $$10 million dollars from the sale of Zip2.
Between 2000-2004 Elon Musk’s success continued to soar. merged with a company named Confinity, which owned a money transfer service called PayPal. One year later with high hopes of focusing on the money transfer service alone, the company changed their name to Paypal. Paypal, which would end up being sold to the note-worthy online auction website, assisted Elon in adding $$165 million to his net worth.
In 2001 Elon dreamed up ‘Mars Oasis’, a project which focused on landing an experimental greenhouse on Mars. Although Mars Oasis never quite took off, the concept resulted in his decision to launch a company called SpaceX. In 2002 Elon founded Space Exploration Technologies dead set to focus on manufacturing and developing space launch vehicles.
How’d that go? The first two vehicles that SpaceX brought fourth were: The Falcon 1 and Falcon 2, and in turn went on to eventually make history with the help of the SpaceX Dragon as the first commercial company to launch and berth a vehicle to the International Space Station. Yeah, we’ll just call that one a success!
SpaceX’s Estimated Contribution to Elon Musk’s Net Worth: $$3.6 Billion
Jumping on board with Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning, Elon began his work with Telsa Motors by leading the Series A round of investment in February 2004, joining their board of directors as its chairman. After spending four years actively working with Telsa and overseeing projects such as the design of the Roadster, Elon assumed the position of CEO and product architect in 2008.
Although later in 2008 Elon’s net worth ended up taking a minor $$20 Million dollar hit due to him divorcing his first wife Justine, in 2009 he had jumped back on track when SpaceX signed a contract with NASA for a minimum of $$1.6 billion dollar’s to allow the Falcon 1 rocket to be the first privately funded liquid-fueled vehicle to put a satellite into Earth orbit. What was the maximum? Oh, you know; $$3.1 Billion, no big deal!
Telsa Motors Estimated Contribution to Elon Musk’s Net Worth: $$5.7 Billion
2010-2014 continued to be excellent years on regards to Elon Musk’s net worth. He provided the financial capital for Solar City, a company owned by two of his cousins, in which he is currently still the companies largest shareholder. SolarCity is now the largest provider of solar power systems in the United States.
In 2013 Elon won the Heinlein Prize for Advances in Space Commercialization award which assisted him in gaining not only some well deserved respect, but also $$500,000. He then went on to buy a $$17 Million dollar mansion in Bel Air, CA and basically; we don’t blame the guy one bit!
SolarCity’s Estimated Contribution to Elon Musk’s Net Worth: $$1.6 billion
With many years of success behind him, Elon Musk has yet to lose any motivation.
In 2015 he announced the creation of OpenAI, a research company focusing on artificial intelligence that hopes to one day develop AI technologies that are both safe and beneficial to humanity. In 2015 Elon’s net worth experienced a minor drop of $$16 Million when he filled for divorce with actress Talulah Riley, but the digits don’t lie and all we’ve got to say is that $$13.5 billion sure is one heck of a bank account balance!
On March 31, 2016, Elon unveiled Tesla Model 3.
Although his luck with women has been pricey to say the least, as of 2016 Elon Musk sits at #94 on Forbes Billionaires list and we’re sure with his history of success that his EPIC $$13.5 billion dollar bank roll is just bound to keep on climbing! |
4,059,687 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Wyatt Is A Gettysburg College Graduate, Nyc Native Who Is Flattered That You'Re Interested About Reading Up On Him. | Kaitlin Chapple Wins Miss COED August 2014 [PHOTOS] | c
Congratulations to Kaitlin Chapple who won the right to be called Miss COED August 2014 after a very tight race. But all that hard work has paid off and now she’s got an entire month to reign as queen of the castle. Is 2014 the year of the redhead? Already a quarter of the Miss COED of the Month winners have red hair. One thing’s for sure, though, Kaitlin officially put British Colombia on the Miss COED map in 2014.
Special thanks to all the Miss COEDs who didn’t win and to all the fans/readers who voted last week–we’ll see you next time. In the meantime, say hello to Kaitlin.
Congratulate Kaitlin on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
4,059,688 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Three Teenagers Are Currently Running For Governor In Kansas | Three teenagers are currently running for governor in Kansas after a third threw his hat into the ring Thursday.
Ethan Randleas, 17, decided to join the race with two other students — Jack Bergeson, 16, and Tyler Ruzich, 17 — since there are no age limitations to become a Kansas governor, the Kansas City Star reported.
“Under Kansas law, there is no law governing the qualifications for governor, not one,” said Bryan Caskey, director of elections at the Kansas secretary of state’s office. “So there’s seriously nothing on the books that lays out anything, no age, no residency, no experience. Nothing.”
Randleas calls himself a “conservatarian,” a portmanteau of conservative and libertarian.
“We just had a president win on the campaign promise of draining the swamp,” Randleas said. “And if you really want to drain the swamp, you know, you get the complete outsiders and that’s what I am.”
Randleas even joked to reporters that he should put his dog on the ballot, ostensibly as hyperbole to prove that Kansas should have stricter regulations.
“Maybe it’s 18 [years old], but just some way to make sure we don’t have like a dog run,” Randleas said Thursday, according to the Star. “Because I’m sure someone’s going to think about it and be like, ‘Well, you know, might be funny to have my dog run. I’m going to have my dog run for governor.’ And they’ll fork over $$2,000 to get it on the primary ballot as a joke.”
Follow Gabrielle on Twitter
Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected]. |
4,059,689 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | Associate Editor | Democrats’ 2018 Candidates Are Sprinting Away From Nancy Pelosi | Democratic congressional candidates are increasingly trying to distance themselves from unpopular House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
Paul Davis is just the latest Democratic congressional candidate willing to throw Pelosi under the bus. Davis, previously the Democratic nominee for governor of Kansas, is running in Kansas’ 2nd Congressional District to replace outgoing Republican Rep. Lynn Jenkins.
Davis announced his opposition to the House Minority Leader during his campaign kickoff event, indicating that Pelosi’s unpopularity will be something Davis embraces — rather than endures — as a campaign issue.
“This is a broken Congress right now, and I think the leaders of both political parties bear responsibility for that,” the Kansas City Star quoted him as saying. “And I think that we need new leadership in both political parties.”
A McClatchy survey of 20 House Democratic candidates found just one willing to support Pelosi as leader of the House Democratic Caucus. Another 18 candidates refused to publicly support Pelosi, while another explicitly stated his opposition to Pelosi.
“We are overdue for a new generation of leadership,” Kenneth Harbaugh, who is running in Ohio’s 7th Congressional District, told McClatchy. “We have a remarkable opportunity in front of us, and it’s going to take new thinking and new leadership to capitalize on it.”
Even Democrats who declined to explicitly oppose Pelosi still harshly criticized her in interviews with McClatchy. (RELATED: Dems’ Identity Crisis Threatens To Drag Out Into 2018)
David Kim, running as a Democrat in Georgia’s 7th Congressional District, compared Pelosi unfavorably to congressional Democrats’ favorite boogeyman: Vladimir Putin.
“President Putin probably has a better approval rating in Georgia than Nancy Pelosi,” said Kim.
Several current House Democrats called for Pelosi to step down after the party squandered chances to win back House seats in the special elections in Georgia and Montana.
When asked following Jon Ossoff’s loss in Georgia if Pelosi’s brand is more “toxic” than President Trump’s, Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan answered in the affirmative.
“You know what, the honest answer is, in some areas of the country, yes she is,” Ryan said in a CNN interview. “As unfair as it is, there have been a lot of people that have spent a lot of money running ads against her…It doesn’t benefit our candidates to be tied to her.”
Pelosi is unpopular not just with swing voters but with Democratic voters as well.
A Rasmussen poll in late June found that 58 percent of likely Democratic voters say the party needs new leadership. |
4,059,690 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | National Security Politics Reporter | ISIS Supporter Sentenced To 30 Years For Trying To Blow Up Bomb At Kansas Military Base | A member of the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) stand guarded in front of a ISIS flag in the border town of Jarablus, August 31, 2016, Syria. Turkish troops and Turkey-backed rebels have been fighting Kurdish-led forces and IS since Turkey's incursion into Syria on Aug. 24. with the swift capture of Jarablus, a town a few km inside Syria that was held by Islamic State. Defne Karadeniz/Getty Images.
An Islamic State supporter who attempted to blow up a car bomb outside of Fort Riley has been sentenced to 30 years in prison.
More than a year after pleading guilty to attempting to set off a car bomb on the Fort Riley military base in Kansas, 22-year-old John T. Booker Jr. was sentenced Monday to 30 years in prison. In February 2016, he pleaded guilty to attempting to employ a weapon of mass destruction and attempting destruction of government property. Prosecutors dropped a charge of attempting to provide material support to ISIS. At the time, his lawyer claimed Booker was mentally ill.
Booker stated during his guilty plea that he wanted to kill U.S. troops to help ISIS in its fight against America. His method of choice was a bomb he thought consisted of 1,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate. Booker even went so far as to make a video he intended for people to watch after he died.
“You sit in your homes and think this war is just over in Iraq,” Booker said in the video he filmed. “Today we will bring the Islamic State straight to your doorstep.”
Booker pledged allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in the video.
In reality, undercover informants for the FBI were assisting Booker in his plan, and the bomb materials were completely harmless. Moreover, the FBI had been investigating Booker since 2014 because he made a post on Facebook about wanting to commit jihad. His first plan entailed joining the Army to commit an insider attack, but that failed because he was flat-out rejected from entering.
Shortly after making posts about jihad, Booker began talking with an FBI informant in October 2014. In 2015, Booker met another FBI informant who he figured would help him carry out the attack. Months later, on April 10, 2015, Booker drove with the informants to Fort Riley and was arrested when he armed what he assumed was a large bomb inside a van.
“With this sentence, John Booker is being held accountable for his plan to kill U.S. military personnel on American soil in the name of ISIS,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Dana Boente in a statement. “The National Security Division’s highest priority is countering terrorist threats and protecting American lives by bringing to justice those who plot to attack us. I want to thank the many agents, analysts, and prosecutors who made this result possible.”
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4,059,691 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | Religion Reporter | Incarcerated Witch Sues Prison For ‘Imposing Strong Christian Values’ | An inmate in an all-female Kansas prison is suing the prison administration for allegedly imposing “Christian propaganda” on the women.
Shari Webber-Dunn filed her lawsuit Wednesday against the Topeka Correctional Facility, alleging the administration was “imposing strong Christian values on inmates,” according to Newsweek.
Webber-Dunn, who is a practitioner of a Wiccan tradition called Thelema, and is serving time for murder, claimed that prison officials created a “coercive atmosphere where inmates are pressured to spend their time in a highly religious atmosphere and to participate in religious activities and prayers, thus violating the establishment clause,” according to The Wichita Eagle.
“There is no valid reason why Christian materials should be displayed there in a state-owned and operated correctional facility,” Webber-Dunn alleged in her lawsuit.
The lawsuit seeks an injunction to prevent prison officials from engaging in actions that promote any one religion. Webber-Dunn listed the display of a cross in the prison laundry facility, encouraging prayer requests, airing Christian movies, and soliciting donations for a spiritual library as alleged “Christian propaganda” that breached the Establishment Clause.
The American Humanist Association, based in Washington, D.C., joined Webber-Dunn’s lawsuit, and issued a statement lambasting the prison for allegedly engaging in a government establishment of religion.
“Prisons are not exempt from the Constitution, and prisoners do not lose the shield from state-sponsored religion provided by the Establishment Clause,” said David Niose, AHA legal director, in the statement.
Webber-Dunn has been serving time in prison for murder since 1995, and will not be eligible for parole until 2034.
Prison officials have issued no statement concerning the allegations, and a spokesman claimed as of Wednesday not to have seen the lawsuit.
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4,059,692 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | Capitol Hill, Health Care Reporter | Republicans Are Actually On Board With Raising Taxes | U.S. President Donald Trump gestures at the Infrastructure Summit with Governors and Mayors at the White House in Washington, U.S., June 8, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas
A handful of conservative lawmakers in Kansas, Tennessee and South Carolina are throwing their support behind raising taxes in order to increase federal revenue and pay for the programs pushed by President Donald Trump’s administration.
Republicans find themselves in a conundrum, where they want to simultaneously cut the tax and regulatory burden on the American people while also pay for massive infrastructure improvements, health care reform and other key state programs.
In the face of real, tangible fiscal problems, however, Republican lawmakers are quickly finding out the limits to cutting taxes, The New York Times reports.
Republicans vetoed to overrule South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster’s veto to increase the state’s gas tax and blocked a filibuster. The same Republicans also blocked broad tax cuts, claiming that the cuts were too expensive in the face of the state’s other liabilities.
Republican Gov. Bill Haslem of Tennessee signed the state’s first gas tax into law, amid outcry from conservative groups that argued a state with over a $$1 billion surplus should not increase taxes on its citizens.
Conservative lawmakers in Kansas overrode their governor’s push for steep cuts to personal and corporate tax income rates in June, and increased taxes by $$1.2 billion.
The Illinois Democratic-controlled House, with the help of Republicans, levied giant, permanent personal and corporate income-tax rate increases Sunday. Passed with a 72-45 vote, the $$5 billion tax bill raises the personal income tax rate from 3.75 to 4.95 percent and the corporate income tax rate from 5.25 to 7 percent. (RELATED: Illinois House Dems Increases Taxes By $$5 Billion)
Trump and his administration are unfazed by the recent Republican upheaval regarding tax and regulatory reform. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin continues to promise that tax reform will get signed into law in 2017, along with a litany of deregulation.
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4,059,693 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Planned Parenthood Brings Abortion Back To Kansas City | Members of Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America and more than 20 other organizations hold a "Stand Up for Women's Health" rally in support of preventive health care and family planning services, including abortion, in Washington April 7, 2011. (Photo: REUTERS/Joshua Roberts)
Kansas City’s Great Plains Planned Parenthood received a license to reopen its abortion services and offer nonsurgical abortions Monday, following five years of not performing them.
The clinic will begin consultations in a week, and Planned Parenthood will also received a license to perform both surgical and medication abortions at its Columbia clinic, said Missouri Department of Health spokesperson, Sara O’Connor, according to U.S. News.
Abortion clinics were forced to close after Missouri law required they meet surgical outpatient center standards. The clinic returned after a judge stopped the state law. Currently only one clinic — in St. Louis — offers abortions in Missouri.
“We are thrilled to announce that Missouri women can now access safe and legal abortion services at our midtown [Kansas City] health center,” said the interim president and CEO of the local Planned Parenthood chapter, Aaron Samulcek.
Lawmakers, however, recently passed a law tightening abortion regulations and giving the attorney general the ability to prosecute violations, set to take effect on Oct. 24. It is unclear how these upcoming regulations will pair with the reopened abortion clinics, given that it was similar regulations. The Department of Health has been ordered to issue licenses for clinics in Columbia, Kansas City, Springfield, and Joplin, according to the Columbia Daily Tribune.
“The department has to comply with the court order and the attorney general worked very hard to get a stay while they were appealing the case,” said the director of Campaign Life Missouri, Sam Lee. “I think the department’s hands are tied. They are sworn to uphold the law,” Lee added.
“We mark a hard-fought victory for Missourians who now have one more place to access safe, legal abortion in Midtown Kansas City,” Samulcek said according to The Kansas City Star.
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Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact [email protected]. |
4,059,694 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Wyatt Is A Gettysburg College Graduate, Nyc Native Who Is Flattered That You'Re Interested About Reading Up On Him. | Nikki Cole Wins Miss COED July 2014 [PHOTOS] | Congratulations to Nikki Cole, winner of Miss COED July 2014. Not only was Nikki able to put her Philadelphia fan base to work to earn the most votes this month, she’s the first model from The Keystone State to advance to the Miss COED of the Year 2015 finals.
We don’t know what she’s going to do with the $$500 cash, but we’re just going to put it out there that we’d love to go to a Yankees with her (Nikki might be the only woman in Philadelphia to root for the pinstripes).
If you’re unfamiliar with her portfolio, we suggest heading to her original Miss COED page here to learn more about her. Otherwise you can just peep her photos in the gallery below. Video’s at the bottom.
4,059,695 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Caitlin O’Connor | miss coed July 8th, 2013
Caitlin is a 23-year-old model and actress who was just named Maxim Magazine’s Advice Girl for the summer. Sure, now she might be working for “the enemy” now (just kidding, we sort of kind of like those guys) but we’re happy to have her back as a Miss COED.
She’s finishing up her senior year at UCLA with a major in English and a minor in theatre. She can be seen in upcoming episodes of Key and Peele |
4,059,696 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Coed Contributing Writer, Personality Extraordinaire. Please Follow Me On Twitter | The World’s Weirdest, Most WTF Bars | When you first go to a bar (usually when you’re 18), you find it hard to compose yourself. You’re drinking with the big boys now. But once you’re actually of legal age, you’ve already hit up the same bars so many times, you begin to get bored with the whole experience. Well, you need to broaden your horizons, my friend. We’ve compiled a list of the world’s most WTF bars that should pump new life into your uninspired liver. Check it out below.
Red Sea Star Underwater Bar
This is your chance to bump into that first cartoon crush you had, Ariel the mermaid. Located in Eilat, Israel, the Red Sea Star Bar gives you panoramic views of the ocean and seats 105 people. Also, you’ll have a chance to see and interact with your meal before it’s killed and served to you!
The Skeleton Bar
H. R. Giger was a designer on the set of the Alien movies; so you know if he were to design a bar, it would be made completely out of skeletons. The bar is located in the Château St. Germain, Gruye`res, Switzerland, and even features a section with just children’s skulls. If you want to feel like you are inside of the Alien movie, you should come here.
Hobbit House Bar
I am being haunted by little people. This bar is actually filled with rescued dwarfs (who were probably indentured servants to Snow White) and all work at this bar now in Manila, located in the Philippines. They may be little but they have a lot of love which they serve up in martinis and wine glasses. Say hi to Sleepy for me if you visit.
Absolut Icebar
You will never be served a warm drink here because the entire bar is made out of clear ice. If you happen to be wandering around Stockholm, Sweden, and find yourself dying for a drink, this will probably be the coolest bar you’d find in town. There are many other ice bars opening up around the world, including one I’ve visited in Vegas. Make sure you bring a parka and gloves (the cups are made out of ice, too.)
Clinic Bar
This is probably the world’s most wheelchair friendly bar since most of the seating is indeed, on wheelchairs. In Clarke Quay, Singapore, if you’re feeling faint and like you need to lie down, don’t’ fret, there’s the Clinic Bar which can swoop you up in one of its wheelchair seats and roll you down to a faux-hospital bed where you can dine on burgers and beer. And who said hospitals were scary?
The Baobab Tree Bar
If you feel like hanging out in a HUGE ASS TREE which serves up liquor, then you will want to venture out to Limpopo, South Africa. The bar has a ventilation system so you won’t be suffocating while downing your drink. The tree is about 6,000 years old which would officially make it the oldest living organism on the planet!
Vampire Cafe
Leave it to the Japanese who sell panties in outdoor vending machines to come up with a café paying homage to vampires. In Ginza, Tokyo, you can ring your bell, which comes on every table, and order yourself a nice, bloody cocktail. Heavy on the blood. I hope you can read Kanji, because that’s what most of the menu items are written in.
Sky Bar (also see, Vertigo Bar)
I don’t recommend this bar if you have a fear of heights. The Sirocco Sky Bar is the world’s largest open-air restaurant and bar which is located on the 64th floor of the State Tower in Bangkok, Thailand. After you’re done abusing their human trafficking, unwind on top of the world and have a glass of champagne. We’re pretty sure this was the place featured in The Hangover Part II.
Floyd’s Pelican Bar
This bar which really looks like a shack about to topple over, and most likely built by local 3 year olds, is destined off the south coast of Jamaica in Parottee Bay. You might have to bring a life jacket in case you get incredibly drunk and come smashing through the floor bar straight into the ocean. Bring your flippers too so you can stare your lobster straight into the eyes before you harpoon him for dinner.
Floating Bar
The Bight, off of Norman Island in the British Virgin Islands has a very unique floating bar. There is something more awesome than being on a floating bar and that would be the loads of NAKED PEOPLE who have no issue stripping down and jumping off into the water with their beverages in hand. Have no fear if you feel like you’re floating away, the bar is anchored.
Coffin Bar
This is either a sister venue of the Vampire Bar in Tokyo or a new, scary trend. Introducing Coffin Bar, in Ukraine, and built by undertakers. There’s nothing too impressive about the bar; it is just in the shape of a coffin, has interior black lining to block out sunlight and is surrounded by different caskets on the inside. Their website isn’t working, well, because they’re probably dead.
Alux Lounge
There is more to Mexico than just the donkey shows and Tijuana hookers; they have really beautiful caverns, one of which is the only one, of two cavern bars in the entire world. They say if you stay long enough you’ll see “little people” from the ancient Mayan times walking through the caves. Personally, I think it’s the peyote you’re on.
Cave Bar
If you feel like pulling a Mission Impossible stunt, make sure to come to Cova d’en Xoroi. This bar is physically off the edge of a cliff in Cala n’Porter, Menorca. If your loved one happens to break up with you in this destination at least you’d have a good place to jump. But, before you jump, please reconsider as the cave turns into a dance club!
Faraday Bar
You must be really, really lost if you ended up in this bar, because it is in Antarctica. Researchers decided it was really cold and lonely there so they decided to build the only bar possibly on the entire continent. Getting drunk is no fun unless you’re getting drunk with a penguin. I would give you an exact location for the bar, but just keep walking until you see the only building in sight. Order the Vodka, everything else is frozen.
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4,059,697 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | Kal El | What Malala’s Story Tells Americans | Malala Yousafzai was 11 years old when she inadvertently became the voice for millions of Muslim girls in Pakistan and Afghanistan who want to attend school.
In a moving 2009 New York Times video and her blog on living under Taliban occupation in the Swat Valley of Pakistan, Malala dared to share her deepest aspiration: freedom to learn.
Now, Malala, age 14, is clinging to life after being shot in the head and neck by Taliban militants in northwest Pakistan. As she and a few other eighth-grade girls rode their school bus home, the men stopped the bus and demanded, “Which girl is Malala?” The gun was raised. They shot her, as well as two other girls.
Inconceivable. A young girl targeted by grown men whose religious framework somehow translates into gunning down children because they want to be in school. Openly advocating for girls’ education and wanting to help other Pakistani girls fulfill their right to attend school was her only “crime.” Malala and her family are devout in their Muslim faith, with pictures capturing Malala’s face framed by a traditional head scarf and kneeling on her rug offering prayers to Allah. No apostasy here. Just a desire for education.
As the mother of two daughters, I find the horror of this act piercing. It is also unfathomable. On the same day Malala was shot, my daughters were sluggish about getting to school, wishing their three-day weekend had been longer. Malala’s tragic story was fresh on my mind; I wanted to take them to task for complaining. Yet, inevitably they would hear it the same way we heard our parents tell us to “clean our plate” because children all over the world are starving. It is just too far removed from our children’s experience. Dying for education just doesn’t compute, and for that, I am grateful.
Which brings me to American exceptionalism. Somehow, many Americans have grown uncomfortable with the belief that American society is better than others. So instead we tout American tolerance. Thinking we are educated, worldly, and open-minded, we hold vague notions that every society has its own values, religion, and culture, and no one way of doing things is superior to any other.
Enter Malala. She crystallizes the debate, and for a moment, we are silent. The familiar “I’m okay, you’re okay” notion that all moral codes and cultural norms are to be respected and appreciated for their vast variety is found hollow.
America is many things. It has not always gotten everything right. But, as Heritage scholar Matthew Spalding explains, “America is exceptional because, unlike any other nation, it is dedicated to the principles of human liberty, grounded on the truths that all men are created equal and endowed with equal rights.”
We hope and pray for Malala. We hope for the ideals her simple voice embodies. We hope America’s leaders abandon the “all nations are equal partners” approach and, as noted at by Heritage analyst Lisa Curtis at today’s Heritage event on Pakistan, “commit to supporting Pakistani civil society members who are risking their lives to stand down extremist ideologies and to stand up for the rights and freedoms of all Pakistanis.”
Beyond all of that, our part as American citizens is to remember that the freedoms our daughters and all of us enjoy are, indeed, exceptional. It isn’t conflated national egoism to say so. It is fact.
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4,059,698 | bias | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Creation science | From Conservapedia
Creation science is branch of science which sets out to show that supernatural creation of the material universe by God is consistent and compatible with the available scientific evidence. Being in the realm of origins science, creation science is a historical science.[2][3][4] Most advocates of creation science believe the earth is about 6,000 years old, and they publish scientific evidence supporting this view (See, for example, Counterexamples to an Old Earth). The ongoing discovery of hundreds of living fossils correlates well with creation science but finds no answer in Darwinian theory.[5] In addition, scientists in the discipline of creation science state that the first law of thermodynamics and second law of thermodynamics argue against an eternal universe. They also claim that these laws point to the universe being created by God.[6][7][8] Creation scientists also assert that naturalistic processes alone cannot account for the origin of life and that the theory of evolution cannot account for the various kinds of animals and plants. Both evolutionary scientists and young earth creation scientists believe that speciation occurs; however, young earth creation scientists state that speciation generally occurs at a much faster rate than evolutionists believe is the case.[9] Creation Ministries International, a leading biblical creation science organization, declared:
“ Creationist research is having a global effect that is worrying the atheists and secularists of this world. They have had it all their own way for over a century but things are slowly changing. For almost twenty five years now, Journal of Creation has been publishing cutting-edge creationist research that has been fueling the war against evolution, creating little fires all around the world, including Great Britain. Atheist evangelist, Prof Richard Dawkins, speaking at the 20th anniversary of the Edinburgh International Science Festival in April 2008, said the rise of creationism in British schools raised a serious problem for science teachers. It is a very worrying trend,’ he said, ‘and I think a lot of it has come over from America and Australia.’[10] ”
Creation Science and Genetic Programs and Biological Information
For a more detailed treatment, see Intelligent design.
Scientists in the area of creation science and intelligent design advocates state the genetic code, genetic programs, and biological information argue for an intelligent cause in regards to the origins question.[11][12][13]
Dr. Werner Gitt, former director and Professor of Information Systems at the prestigious German Federal Institute of Physics and Technology (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt), wrote that human beings are the most complex information processing systems on earth. Dr. Gitt estimated that the human body processes thousands of times more information than all the world's libraries contain.[14]
Dr. Gitt has written several points regarding the origin of biological information:
In his work In the Beginning Was Information Dr. Gitt stated that “There is no known law of nature, no known process and no known sequence of events which can cause information to originate by itself in matter.”[15] Dr. Gitt argued that the density and complexity of DNA information is millions of times larger than mankind's current technology and this means a supremely intelligent being was the author of this information.[16] Similarly, Dr. Stephen C. Meyer in his 1996 essay The Origin of Life and the Death of Materialism, wrote that "the information storage density of DNA, thanks in part to nucleosome spooling, is several trillion times that of our most advanced computer chips.[17] Gitt stated that the author of the information encoded into the DNA molecule, who constructed the molecular biomachines to encode, decode and run the cells was supremely intelligent.[18] Dr. Gitt asserted that because information is a nonmaterial entity and does not originate from matter, the author of biological information must be nonmaterial (spirit).[19]
Dr. Walt Brown concurs in regards to the supernatural origin of biological information and states that the genetic material that controls the biological processes of life is coded information and that human experience tells us that codes are created only by the result of intelligence and not merely by processes of nature.[20] Dr. Brown also asserts that the "information stored in the genetic material of all life is a complex program. Therefore, it appears that an unfathomable intelligence created these genetic programs."[21]
To support his creation science view regarding the divine origin of genetic programs, Dr. Walt Brown cites the work of David Abel and Professor Jack Trevors who wrote the following:
“ No matter how many "bits" of possible combinations it has, there is no reason to call it "information" if it doesn't at least have the potential of producing something useful. What kind of information produces function? In computer science, we call it a "program." Another name for computer software is an "algorithm." No man-made program comes close to the technical brilliance of even Mycoplasmal genetic algorithms. Mycoplasmas are the simplest known organism with the smallest known genome, to date. How was its genome and other living organisms' genomes programmed? - David L. Abel and Jack T. Trevors, “Three Subsets of Sequence Complexity and Their Relevance to Biopolymeric Information,” Theoretical Biology & Medical Modelling, Vol. 2, 11 August 2005, page 8[22][23] ”
See also:
Creation Scientist Successfully Predicts Planetary Magnetic Fields
Using a young earth creation model, physicist Russ Humphreys successfully predicted the strength of planetary magnetic fields while Darwinists failed.[24] Since Humphreys' first success with the Voyager II results on Uranus and Neptune,[25] subsequent explorations yielded additional successes for Mercury.[26] Dr. Donn Chapman invited Dr. Humphreys on the Origins TV series presenting his theory.[27][28]
Other recent successful predictions were that Pluto would show active geology, it's atmospheric escape rate would be too great for millions of years, and that Pluto's moons would not yield evidence for being formed from collision.[29] This was confirmed by the New Horizons flyby.[30]
Effect of the growth of creation science and Christian apologetics
See also: Atheism vs. Christian revival and Christian apologetics and Atheism vs. Christianity
The effect of evolutionism/atheism/agnosticism on the Western World and the world at large was mitigated by the growth of modern creationism and Christian apologetics in the latter half of the 20th century and today global creationism, Christian apologetics and global Christianity is seeing rapid growth.[31][32][33]
Biblical creation publications
See also: Biblical creation journals
Some prominent biblical creation publications are given below:
Journal of Creation - Peer reviewed
Creation Research Society Quarterly Journal - peer reviewed
Creation Science and the Evolutionary Science Community
Creation science is considered as pseudoscience by the majority of the scientific community. It is also commonly rejected by atheists as they generally hold the worldview of naturalism. Liberals reject Creation Science with the spurious pretext that it cannot be disproved (falsifiability) and therefore cannot be considered "science".[34][35]
However, Dr. Walt Brown argues that the field of creation science is scientific[36] and the evolutionists' objections to creation science are due to their worldviews and preconceptions, rather than on the basis of scientific evidence or the scientific validity of the idea.[37] Also, Karl Popper, a leading philosopher of science and originator of falsifiability as a criterion of demarcation of science from nonscience,[38] stated that Darwinism is "not a testable scientific theory, but a metaphysical research programme."[39] Michael Ruse, a leading Darwinist and philosopher of science, conditionally acknowledged Popper's statement: "Since making this claim, Popper himself has modified his position somewhat; but, disclaimers aside, I suspect that even now he does not really believe that Darwinism in its modern form is genuinely falsifiable."[40] However prominent evolutionist J. B. S. Haldane, when asked what would falsify the theory of evolution, said "Fossil rabbits in the Precambrian."
See also |
4,059,699 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Hysteria Subsides As Campus Carry Is Implemented In Georgia, Kansas, And Texas | As sure as day follows night, when it comes to the liberalization of Right-to-Carry laws, the initial anti-gun hysteria recedes and is eventually replaced by most people wondering what all of the fuss was about. The latest iteration of this predictable pattern is now playing out on college campuses in Georgia, Kansas, and Texas in relation to Campus Carry. Despite the new rules having been met with concerns about classroom debates devolving into gunfights and body-armor-clad instructors, reports on the ground reveal that the implementation of Campus Carry has been decidedly mundane.
Texas’s Campus Carry law went into effect on August 1, 2016. The University of Texas at Austin was a hotbed of opposition to the law, but in July the Austin American Statesman reported that the new policy has posed “no problems so far at UT-Austin.” Recalling the gun control fanaticism at UT, the article elaborated, “Opponents of Senate Bill 11 feared there would be a rise in gun-related violence at the campus. But as the one-year anniversary approaches, those concerns have been unfounded.”
In the first year, the only police-involved incident at UT related to the new law occurred when an individual alerted law enforcement to someone carrying in a university library. The “armed” person turned out to be a graduate student posing for a picture to appear in a New York Times article.
Earlier this month, the Denton Record-Chronicle described a similarly tranquil experience at the University of North Texas. UNT Police Chief Ed Reynolds told the newspaper, “We have had no incidents since the law passed or since the law went into effect of criminal acts by license-to-carry holders,” adding, “We have had cases that involved weapons on campus, but the individuals that were carrying were not license-to-carry holders.” The paper also reported that Texas Woman’s University Police Chief Samuel Garrison told them that “there has been no significant impact on that campus.”
On July 1, Kansas and Georgia joined the ranks of states recognizing the Right-to-Carry on public college and university campuses. A month into the new school year, Kansas State University’s student newspaper, the Collegian, reported that Campus Carry was going smoothly. Citing an interview with Bradli Millington of the K-State Police Department, the paper noted that there had been “no incidents reported regarding the new policy” at K-State.
As for Georgia, earlier this month, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reported that there were “no problems as school opens,” and that, “state officials say no one has been charged with carrying a gun in a prohibited area.”
Examination of Right-to-Carry permit holder revocation data in large states, such as Florida and Texas, has long made it clear that permit holders are among the most law abiding demographics in society. This fact wasn’t lost on Texas Campus Carry law author Sen. Brian Birdwell when he spoke with the Austin American Statesman about the policy’s unremarkable first year. Birdwell explained, “After decades of resounding success with the concealed handgun license program in Texas, I’m not the least bit surprised to see the campus carry law being implemented successfully and without incident… It’s a testament both to the irrationality of the original prohibition and the law-abiding nature of handgun license holders.”
Despite a history of success, this week a small handful of public university faculty in Georgia filed suit to overturn the state’s Campus Carry law; proving no amount of experience and reason can eliminate the ignorance of some anti-gun zealots.
Established in 1975, the Institute for Legislative Action (ILA) is the “lobbying” arm of the National Rifle Association of America. ILA is responsible for preserving the right of all law-abiding individuals in the legislative, political, and legal arenas, to purchase, possess and use firearms for legitimate purposes as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. |
4,059,700 | political | | 2017-11-27 | | Education Reporter | Here’s How A State College Fully Embraced Free Speech | Kansas State University (KSU) became the only institution of higher education in Kansas to fully embrace free speech on campus Friday, according to a nonprofit group tracking college civil liberties.
The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education awarded KSU a green light for its free speech policy. None of Kansas’ other colleges possess the rating, which the school earned after implementing a free speech policy similar to that of Ohio State University.
“The ideas of different members of the University community will often and quite naturally conflict,” KSU’s statement reads. “Some individuals’ ideas will even conflict with the University’s values and principles.”
The school notes that vulnerable members of society would be the most harmed by encroachments on free speech, also mentioning that civil rights movements “would not be possible.”
“We are committed to our values of inclusion, diversity, anti-discrimination and nonviolence,” said Cheryl Strecker, KSU’s general counsel. “At the same time, our principles and policies reflect the university’s longstanding commitment to free speech, a commitment that now is also formally expressed in our Statement on Free Speech and Expression. I hope that we can serve as a leader on this front as we and other institutions face the challenges of our day.”
KSU is one of 33 out of nearly 450 institutions that have earned FIRE’s green light rating. (RELATED: North Carolina Colleges Rated Most Free Speech-Friendly)
“With its robust new free speech statement and its other policy revisions, Kansas State University has established itself as a leader in championing the free speech rights of its students and faculty,” said Samantha Harris, FIRE’s Vice President of Policy Research.
The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to Kansas State for comment, but received none in time for press.
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4,059,703 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | null | COED & Quinn Tackle The AXE College Football Bucket List | The 2011 college football season is about to kick-off and we’ll be there for every play. We’re hitting the road with Quinn the Mannequin from AXE to attend six of the most anticipated college football games of the year.
Not familiar with Quinn? Quinn’s the star of the most recent AXE commercials. You probably saw him on the VMAs… no big deal, we’re hanging with a celebrity for six weeks. We know what you’re thinking. You’re bringing a mannequin along? Here’s why: Quinn and the scent of his body spray are loved by the ladies, making him a great addition to the team. When getting ready for tailgating or post game parties, dudes take a cue from Quinn. Think “Pit Pit Chest” – one spray under each armpit and across the chest when applying AXE body spray.
So along the way Quinn and the COED crew will attempt to complete the ultimate college football bucket list; featuring items that every sports fan wishes they could accomplish. Whether we’re slipping and sliding at a tailgate in Tallahassee or Quinn is crowd surfing in the student section and live on the jumbo-tron, we’ll be doing it up in an unforgettable way.
Want to follow our trip?
We’re kicking off the adventure at the Cowboy Classic, featuring a powerhouse showdown between Oregon vs LSU.
Week two we’re at The Big House in Ann Arbor, MI for Notre Dame vs Michigan, which is being predicted to be the largest sporting event in United States history.
Week three we’ll be at Oklahoma vs Florida State seeking out Jenn Sterger look-a-likes and partaking in the FSU Chop.
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What do all of these games have in common?
ESPN College GameDay!
Yup, we’re gonna be on Erin Andrews watch while keeping an eye out for the funniest and most entertaining GameDay signs, antics and fans each week.
Help Us Complete The Bucket List!
Submit bucket list suggestions to: [email protected].
4,059,708 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | John Stonestreet, Eric Metaxas | The Point: Culture vs. Faith | And the conclusion of the matter? Be intentional. For the Colson Center, I’m John Stonestreet with The Point
A recent article in the Wall Street Journal, “The Teenage Spiritual Crisis,” reads like a book review of Christian Smith’s landmark study of teen spirituality Soul Searching. And, the phrase coined by Smith back in 2005—moralistic, therapeutic deism—still applies.
But let’s be clear, the idea that God is whoever we imagine him to be and is primarily interested in our happiness and our niceness is one that teens get straight from this culture. Think about it: Why do students so often doubt God but so rarely doubt squishy cultural mandates like “tolerance” and “equality.”
Listen, culture catechizes our teens even if the church fails to do so. At the same time, the church has to take seriously the very real questions teens have about God, themselves, truth, and faith.
My new book, A Practical Guide to Culture, was written to help parents intentionally confront culture with their teens–with truth and hope. Come to to find out more. |
4,059,709 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | James Franco Claims He Attempted Suicide After Trump’s Election | Hollywood actor-and-director James Franco claims the election of Donald Trump affected him so badly that he was driven to attempt suicide.
“I mean, I’ve been reacting really badly!” Franco told the Daily Beast in an interview to promote his latest film, I Am Michael. “I’ve spiraled into a depression and I’ve been questioning everything that I am, and how I’ve been doing things.”
The arrival of I Am Michael—a film that needs heavy promotion—in theaters and on-demand seems to have helped take Franco’s mind off his psychological suffering and put an end to his wallowing in self-pity.
Franco is currently making the media rounds to promote the bio drama, which follows a gay activist who rejects his homosexuality after accepting God.
During the election campaign the 38-year-old Hollywood darling endorsed Hillary Clinton via a parody video of the famous Dos Equis beer “Most Interesting Man in the World” commercials.
“She’s the most interesting woman in the world,” Franco says in the ad, which first appeared on his personal Instagram page. |
4,059,710 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | BREAKING: Exposed! Obama’s Plan For Final Months In Office… Our Worst Fears Are TRUE! [Video] | With conservative businessman Donald J. Trump the presumptive GOP presidential nominee and Hillary Clinton facing a criminal investigation… You didn’t think President Obama was going to turn over the White House to Trump without a fight, did you?
Conservative radio host Michael Savage told his millions of listeners made a huge prediction that Obama will use his final months in the White House to destroy the American economy, to hurt Trump and the Republican Party.
After all, Obama doesn’t want Trump to have the ability to clean up the disaster his policies have been. If true, this is devastating!
“If Trump wins – and I think he will – there will be an economic crash,” Savage told listeners of his nationally syndicated show, “The Savage Nation,” Monday.
“The reason I say that is not because of his policies, but because of what Obama will do on the way out the door.”
Savage said that if anyone thinks that a President Trump will be able to easily “turn this huge ship around, you don’t know much about navigation in turbulent waters.”
“Wait until you see what happens in the last few months if Trump wins,” Savage said.
4,059,711 | conspiracy | | 2017-11-27 | | null | WATCH: Media Attacked For Excluding CNN, But They Forgot THIS | Sponsored:
On Friday night, CNN posted “An Unprecedented Act” as they tried to rile up outrage over being excluded from an informal get together of press members.
But they have seemed to forgotten that Obama made it his life mission to exclude Fox News, even using the FBI against them. His administration also called Fox News “fake” and “not real news.”
Liberal hypocrisy never changes. It wasn’t a big deal to the liberals that Obama criticized Fox News, but now that President Trump is criticizing CNN and calling them out for being “fake news,” they are throwing a fit.
But Trump is actually telling the truth about CNN, unlike Obama when he spoke of Fox News. CNN is doing nothing but fear mongering the American people and misleading us with false information about Trump and his administration.
They paint Trump to look like a dictator seeking to control the country by “oppression.” It’s ridiculous how many people are actually buying it and listening to the mainstream media instead of the President’s actual words.
Fox News was merely giving the people of this nation some criticism of Obama. The rest of the media praised Obama’s every move. Someone had to step up and do some actual journalism.
But this is how the left works, they can do things like criticize the media and they are “just arguments,” but when someone on the right does it, they’re just hateful and spiteful.
Nothing that Trump has done in regards to the media is unprecedented. And it’s very understandable that Trump is treating the media the way he is. You just can’t encourage this kind of spin without a heavy conscience.
CNN and other leftist media sites are just irresponsible, they refuse to cover the great things Trump has already done to fix this country, or the perspective of his supporters. The bias is as clear as day, and the American people are sick and tired of it. We elected him, and the media should respect that!
They should be covering all of the good and bad of every President, not picking and choosing what information they want the American people to know.
The media are also whining about Trump’s use of Twitter, but who can blame him! On Twitter, he says what he means and the media can’t twist it as much as they do with his spoken words. He takes his words right to the American people, because he knows the mainstream media will not!
Click here to get my DAILY Trump email newsletter free!!
What do you think about the hypocrisy of the media? Please share the story on Facebook and tell us because we want to hear YOUR voice! |
4,059,712 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | INCREDIBLE! Trump Just Did Something For Hero Cops Who Saved Scalise That Left Everyone In Tears | Donald Trump may not be the media’s favorite President, but even they will tear up when they see the amazing thing he did for the first responder officers that saved the life of Congressman Scalise and the others in the area during that horrible shooting weeks ago.
So what did the President do? Well, he called a meeting with all of the first responders and Scalise’s wife Jeniffer. That’s when he dropped this bombshell on them:
He gave ALL the Heroic first responders the Medal of Valor!
That’s right. The highest honor a civilian officer can receive was given to two Capitol Police Special Agents, David Bailey and Crystal Griner, and three Alexandria Police Department Officers, Nicole Battaglia, Kevin Jobe, and Alexander Jensen.
Trump told a tale of the officers racing through a hail of bullets only to narrowly escape with their lives before heroically taking down the mad man. It may sound grand, but it’s the truth.
In fact, Special Agent Crystal Griner took a bullet during the shooting in her successful attempt to save Scalise. God bless you, Special Agent Griner
Look, I think the video and the story speak for themselves. So please, do your part in thanking them for their service my commenting ‘Amen’ and sharing their incredible story with everyone you know. |
4,059,713 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Curtis Scaparrotti – AMERICAN TODAY | Donald Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, recently came forward to tell the world that NATO allies must pay their “fair share” as most are currently not doing so. He wasn’t just right, he was vindicated. In the midst of the controversy surrounding Donald Trump’s demand that NATO nations meet their financial |
4,059,714 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | BREAKING – We Now Know WHO Is Behind the Effort to BLOCK Trump’s Refugee Order | Once again, the corrupt Democrats are trying to stop Donald Trump from improving this country. And one man is behind it all.George Soros is backing the immigration lawyers who filed a lawsuit against the executive order signed by Donald Trump, which has halted immigration from specific nations. The order halted visas for 90 days for both “immigrants and non-immigrants” from the following list of countries: Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Somalia, Syria, Sudan, and Libya.
It also halts the entry of refugees for 120 days, blocks refugees from Syria indefinitely, and lowers the yearly amount of refugees allowed into our country to 50,000. While the pause is in place, Trump’s administration will be working on a better vetting system for immigration.Many are filing lawsuits against this executive order. For example, one lawyer is representing Iraqi refugees who were held at the Kennedy International Airport. They wanted their clients released and also want to represent others who are being detained “unlawfully.”
These lawsuits have been filed by lawyers from various organizations, including the International Refugee Assistance Project, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the National Immigration Law Center, the International Refugee Assistance Project (formerly Iraqi Refugee Assistance Project) from the Urban Justice Center, and the Jerome N. Frank Legal Services Organization from Yale Law School.And many of these organizations are funded by George Soros. The ACLU is funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundation. In 2014 alone, they gave the ACLU a grant of $$50 million. All of the other organizations have received several Open Society donations.
Another connection is Taryn Higashi, who is a director of the International Refugee Assistance Project, and is on the advisory board for one of Soros’ Open Society Foundations– the International Migration Initiative.Soros, a huge open borders supporter, has given millions to immigrant causes, and heavily influenced Obama’s immigration policies. Leaked Open Society documents revealed that Soros sent Obama a personal letter on the issue of accepting more refugees.Obama increased the amount of refugees allowed into the US yearly to 100,000. George Soros, and Obama’s compliance to his wishes, have flooded our country with illegals and refugees who put our nation in danger.This executive order goes against everything that Soros has been working for. He wants to dismantle this country and create a world without borders. So, now Soros is trying to prevent Trump’s order from taking effect, by channeling his money into the organizations who are throwing lawsuits at Trump’s administration. Who knows, he may have even ordered them to put forth the suits in the first place.
source |
4,059,715 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Board of Canvassers – AMERICAN TODAY | Ever since the presidential election, liberals have been whining about how “unfair” it is that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton. Since Michigan had not yet been called for Trump, liberals were holding on to the hope that he would actually lose the state, which would have made it difficult for |
4,059,716 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet | Culture/Institutions Archives | No More Dishonest Rebranding
What does Planned Parenthood do? Everyone seems to know the answer except Planned Parenthood. When I say “Colgate,” what comes..Read more |
4,059,717 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Tom Cotton – AMERICAN TODAY | Hillary Clinton recklessly discussed, in emails hosted on her private server, an Iranian nuclear scientist who was executed by Iran for treason, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., said Sunday. “I’m not going to comment on what he may or may not have done for the United States government, but in the emails |
4,059,718 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Leaked Emails EXPOSE Hillary’s Crooked “Pay to Pay” Scheme | Hillary Clinton put the State Department up for sale, with top aides pulling strings and doing favors for fat-cat donors to the Clinton Foundation — including a shady billionaire, according to smoking-gun e-mails released Tuesday. The stunning revelations include how wealthy contributors seeking influence or prestigious government gigs could fork over piles of cash to get access to Clinton’s inner circle, including top aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills.
In an April 2009 message to Abedin and Mills, Doug Band, who was overseeing the Clinton Foundation at the time, urgently asked for a meeting between a top US official and Gilbert Chagoury — a major donor to the Clinton family charity. “We need to speak to the substance person re Lebanon. As you know, he’s [Chagoury] key guy there and to us and is loved in lebanon,” wrote Band, in a clear attempt to suck up to a big donor to the foundation.
“Its jeff feltman,” Abedin wrote back, referring to America’s former ambassador to Lebanon who went on to become assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs in August 2009. “I’m sure he knows him. Ill talk to jeff,” said Abedin. Less than 20 minutes later, Band replied, “Better if you call him. Now preferable. This is very important. He’s awake I’m sure.” Chagoury is a Lebanese-Nigerian billionaire who gave the Clinton Foundation between $$1 million and $$5 million. In 2009 he also pledged $$1 billion to the Clinton Global Initiative.
The construction magnate, a close pal of Bill Clinton’s, has…
4,059,719 | unreliable | | 2017-11-27 | | Eric Metaxas, John Stonestreet | Youth Reads: Breeder | What is truth and how do we know? Who is valuable and why? Narrated by a young woman who is both privileged and exploited, “Breeder” by K. B. Hoyle (author of The Gateway Chronicles) investigates these questions and others. “Breeder” is the first entry in Hoyle’s new Breeder Cycle series.
As an approved breeder in the Controlled Repopulation Program, the girl known as Seventeen carries “genes that will make humanity better, stronger, smarter, and more versatile.” Overpopulation and divisive societal structures have caused three Great Devastations to drive the humanity to the brink of extinction. The Unified World Order (UWO) arose from the chaos, created orderly peace, and now strives to ensure controlled repopulation of Gaia Earth under optimal conditions.
Seventeen knows she has a privileged place in that effort. Since she was 13, her needs have been catered to while residing at Sanctuary, the all-inclusive medical center, gymnasium, and living facility. Internally reciting the litany of UWO history and own her life, she ends with:
“‘My life is perfect.’
“I will remember this. I will repeat it until I remember it is true, and I will cease these foolish doldrums.”
Confused by growing malaise, Seventeen—called only by a number, like all breeders—pretends that all is well, but can’t quite contain her growing doubts and questions. She believes that a male enforcer, named Pax, has infiltrated female-only Sanctuary. He had the audacity to ask her name. It’s a name she can barely remember, a name given to her by other children while pre-schoolers, a name that manages to bubble up into her consciousness: Pria. But the medical staff remind her of the impossibility of a man being in Sanctuary, and she doubts the reliability of her memory.
As she is deemed troublesome and her life threatened, Pax reappears and convinces her to escape Sanctuary with him. Outside for the first time in five years, she finds herself in the wilderness with an unknown man. Everything Pria has been taught and known to be true will be challenged by Pax and others that are beyond UWO control—people the UWO claimed no longer exist.
The opening scenes and engaging writing drew me in. Life within Sanctuary is interesting, although details of Pria’s childhood are frustratingly scant and are told rather than shown. A remembered scene or two from her childhood would have been welcome. Descriptions of Pria and Pax’s time in wilderness are realistic (if simplistic at times to this backpacker and hunter).
The narrative shines while developing the relationship between the two main characters, as well as the relationships they later form in their new community. Forced to trust Pax for her survival, Pria does so with reasonable hesitation and reticence. She plays neither the helpless victim nor the untrusting ingrate. The first time he wakes her for night watch, Pax apologizes because Pria is tired.
“‘I didn’t say that to make you feel bad [Pria responds]. I’m strong and capable—of course I can do my part.’
“‘I know you’re strong and capable, Pria,’ he says. ‘You don’t have to convince me.’”
They are sometimes awkward with each other; at others times their cooperation flows easily.
In their new community, they are welcomed by most, but a few accuse them of being UWO spies. Seething with hate and anger toward the UWO, they threaten Pria and Pax with violence and even death. This distrust lurks in the background of the main story.
An aspect of both Pria and Pax that becomes evident and humorous to their new friends is that neither has any idea how babies are conceived. Upon seeing children, Pria asks Celine,
“‘Where do you get them?’
“Celine snorts. ‘We make them.’
“‘What do you mean? . . . You have implementation facilities here?’
“Celine blinks and raises an eyebrow, ‘You know, for someone whose job it is to reproduce for humanity, you’re shockingly naive.’”
By the end of the book, Pria and Pax aren’t any wiser in the ways of procreation. There are hints of romantic interest between a few characters, but refreshingly, there is no sexually arousing content, intended or otherwise. Romance is a far more minor theme in “Breeder” than in either “The Hunger Games” or “Divergent.”
Within an interesting, complex, engagingly written story, “Breeder” tackles weighty topics—trustworthiness, human worth, reproductive technology, cloning—realistically and honestly. It well deserves its Silver Book Award from Literary Classics International in the young adult science fiction category. I look forward to discussing it with my teenage daughter.
Image copyright The Writer’s Coffee Shop.
Ellen Mandeville earned her B.A. in English literature from UC, Santa Cruz. She lives in the mountains of Idaho with her husband and two children, blogs at, and is currently writing her first novel.
Articles on the BreakPoint website are the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of BreakPoint. Outside links are for informational purposes and do not necessarily imply endorsement of their content. |
4,059,720 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Virginia jail – AMERICAN TODAY | Hillary has been dogged by scandal after scandal her entire time in politics, but perhaps none has weighed her down more than the issue of her possibly illegal and unsecured email server while Secretary of State. For months there has been speculation and worry that her private “homebrew” server was open |
4,059,721 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Old Video of Hillary’s Response to Building a Wall Sounds Familiar to What Trump is Saying Now | Like the terrible politician she is, Hillary Clinton of the past can’t seem to agree with Hillary Clinton of the present.
In this clip, watch and listen to how eerily similar Hillary sounds to Donald Trump on building a border wall…
From Independent Journal Review:
It’s been replayed a thousand times, dissected, debated and used as the fodder for boycotts, dropped ads, and international outrage: Trump’s now-infamous line about Mexico sending “rapists” and the country’s worst to the United States:
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
The Hillary quotes that she gives about the Mexico “problem” is given below:
“Mexico is such an important problem [snip]… Mexican government’s policies are pushing migration north [snip]… There isn’t any sensible approach except to do what we need to do simultaneously—you know, secure our borders with technology, personnel, physical barriers [such as a “wall,” ed.] if necessary in some places. And we need to have tougher employer sanctions and we need to try to incentivize Mexico to do more [snip]… If they’ve committed transgressions of whatever kind, they should be obviously deported.”
It’s clear from her remarks that she is also qualifying her position, such as using the term coming out of the “shadows,” but it still boils down to the following:
Mexico’s policies are pushing undocumented immigrants north into the United States.
The U.S. should put a stop to it using walls
The U.S. should deport criminals
If only Hillary felt the same way today as she did back then about building a ‘physical barrier’ on our southern border, she’d probably have had more support throughout the primary process. |
4,059,722 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Mexican President Apologizes To Trump, And Trump’s Response Is AMAZING [Video] | The back and forth between former Mexican President Vicente Fox and Republican candidate Donald Trump has been a fascinating display of political trash talking.
Trump of course, has famously said he’d build a wall to keep illegal immigrants out of America, and that Mexico would pay for it.
President Fox responded during a CNN interview with, “I’m not going to pay for that f***ing wall,” to which The Donald countered that he would build it even higher if he was going to have that kind of attitude.
Now onto the next chapter.
Immediately after Trump became the apparent GOP nominee, Fox ran to CNN to apologize to Trump for cursing at him over the wall proposal.
“I apologize. Forgiveness is one of the greatest qualities that human beings have, is the quality of a compassionate leader. You have to be humble. You have to be compassionate. You have to love thy neighbor,” Fox told Breitbart News.
In an interview with Bill O’Reilly last night however, Trump responded by telling Fox to “get your money ready ’cause you’re going to pay for the wall.”
Via Fox News Insider:
During an interview on The O’Reilly Factor tonight, Donald Trump was asked if he had a message for Mexican President Vicente Fox, who was scheduled to be on the show later in the evening.
His reply: “Yeah, get your money ready ’cause you’re going to pay for the wall.”
4,059,724 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Monica Peterson – AMERICAN TODAY | Monica Peterson, Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center, was found dead in Haiti after investigating Clinton’s ties to Haitian human trafficking. This was in November 2016 and the death largely remains unexplained and has not been investigated. The Haiti government took three weeks to return Monica’s body to the US for |
4,059,726 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | Kathy Griffin Is Back: She Just Doubled Down With ANOTHER Evil Attack On Trump | Ginger joke-star Kathy Griffin has taken to Twitter once again, this time aiming to punch holes in President Trump after she symbolically beheaded him.“POTUS likes to punch down. Whether it’s anchors, US Attorneys, or stand-up comics. Meanwhile, millions are about to lose health insurance,” Griffin tweeted.Griffin shocked the world last month with a picture of herself holding the severed head of Donald Trump (No insult or injury there).
When the shenanigans hit the fan and Griffin was forced to go on the defensive, claiming to have received “death threats,” she hired civil attorney Lisa Bloom, held a press conference, and portrayed herself as the victim.
“A sitting president of the United States, and his grown children, and the first lady, are personally — I feel — personally trying to ruin my life forever,” Griffin, 56, said recently. “What’s happening to me has never happened, ever, in the history of this great country.”“This is America, and you shouldn’t have to die for [a joke.] The death threats I’m getting, they’re constant, and they are detailed, and they are serious, and they are specific. Today it’s me, and tomorrow it could be you,” Griffin said and added that Trump “picked on the wrong red-head.”
She obviously doesn’t know Donald Trump — or, for that matter, the law regarding making death threats.Griffin played with fire and she got burned. She’s going to continue getting burned and making a fool of herself, as do so many other shallow celebrities who dabble in liberal politics. And you can bet your last ginger snap that Kathy Griffin et al don’t use Obamacare.
Griffin offers nothing to the political discourse because, frankly, she has nothing of substance to offer. Just more of her stupid jokes and her insane publicity stunts that say more about her character than President Trump’s.
Source by: Us Herald |
4,059,727 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | YES HE WILL : Trump Expected to Order Mexican Border Wall TODAY | President Donald Trump promised a wall, and a border wall America will get! From the NYT:
WASHINGTON — President Trump on Wednesday will order the construction of a Mexican border wall — the first in a series of actions this week to crack down on immigrants, including slashing the number of refugees who can resettle in the United States and blocking Syrians and others from “terror-prone” nations from entering, at least temporarily.
During an appearance at the Department of Homeland Security on Wednesday, Mr. Trump plans to sign an executive order to direct federal funds to be shifted toward the building of a wall on the southern border, a signature promise of his campaign. He has argued that doing so is vital to gaining control over the illegal flow of immigrants into the United States.
“Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Tuesday night. “Among many other things, we will build the wall!”
Big day planned on NATIONAL SECURITY tomorrow. Among many other things, we will build the wall! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 25, 2017
source |
4,059,728 | rumor | | 2017-11-27 | | null | JUST IN: Steve Bannon Just Got A New Gig After White House Dismissal… | Well, that was fast. Just hours after the news that Steve Bannon was leaving the Trump administration, we have confirmation of where his new home will be…
…or rather, which old home he’s returning to. Breitbart has announced that Bannon has returned to the website he took over after the untimely death of Andrew Breitbart, in the role of executive chairman, and in fact has already gotten to work charing an evening editorial meeting today.
“The populist-nationalist movement got a lot stronger today,” said Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow. “Breitbart gained an executive chairman with his finger on the pulse of the Trump agenda.” Breitbart News CEO and President Larry Solov agreed. “Breitbart’s pace of global expansion will only accelerate with Steve back,” said Solov. “The sky’s the limit.” Bannon joined the Trump campaign on August 17, 2016 — nearly one year ago to the day of his return to Breitbart. He submitted his intention to leave the White House on August 7 of this year. “White House Chief of Staff John Kelly and Steve Bannon have mutually agreed today would be Steve’s last day,” said White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders Friday afternoon. “We are grateful for his service and wish him the best.”
The speed with which Bannon made the switch is presumably explained by today’s revelation that the decision for him to leave was actually made a week ago, but the announcement was delayed by the events in Charlottesville last weekend dominating the news cycle. It also accounts for why he decided to go wildly off-message on North Korea earlier in the week.
To say Bannon was a divisive figure in the White House would be a huge understatement. His brand of populist politics clashed with both traditional conservatives and establishment moderates in a number of ways. But while many are glad to see him go, concerns are mounting that Bannon’s absence will mean the liberal voices in the administration, such as Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, will have more power and less resistance. |
4,059,729 | fake | | 2017-11-27 | | Cna Daily News - Us | Leaders call for prayer in response to deadly DC shooting | Leaders call for prayer in response to deadly DC shooting
% of readers think this story is Fact. Add your two cents.
(Before It's News)
Washington D.C., Sep 16, 2013 / 05:31 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- U.S. leaders are offering prayers for the nation following a shooting at the Navy Yard in southeast Washington, D.C., that left 13 dead and about a dozen more injured.
“I join people of all faiths across our community in praying for the people killed and wounded in the attack at the Navy Yard in Washington, D.C,” said Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl, adding that he is also praying for first responders and for family and friends of the victims.
“While many facts are still unknown, our most powerful tool right now is prayer,” the Washington, D.C., cardinal said in a Sept. 16 statement. “The Church always calls us to prayer, particularly in moments of crisis. It is what we do best because it is what the Lord asks us to do.”
At about 8:20 a.m. on Sept. 16, numerous shots were fired at the D.C. facility, which contains the headquarters of the Naval Sea Systems Command.
Washington D.C. Police Chief Cathy Lanier confirmed that at least 13 people were killed in the shooting, including one shooting suspect, identified by the FBI as 34-year-old Aaron Alexis, a military contractor from Texas. Authorities are asking the public for help in finding more information on Alexis and the shooting.
Police initially said that they were looking for two more potential suspects, but later said they had found and cleared one of the individuals, leaving the other possible suspect at large.
Washington Mayor Vincent Gray told reporters that the motive for the shooting is unclear.
The base and surrounding public schools were placed on lockdown for several hours, according to the Department of the Navy and D.C. city officials.
As the nation confronts “yet another mass shooting,” President Barack Obama said in a Sept. 16 press conference, “we send our thoughts and prayers to all at the Navy Yard who’ve been touched by this tragedy.”
“We thank them for their service. We stand with the families of those who’ve been harmed. They’re going to need our love and support.”
The president said authorities are investigating the shooting in order to “make sure whoever carried out this cowardly act is held responsible” and prevent similar acts of violence.
Military Archbishop Timothy M. Broglio said he was “shocked and deeply saddened” by the news.
Noting that he has “often visited and celebrated the Eucharist” at the base’s chapel, he added that he “prayed for the victims, the wounded, and their families at the noon Mass at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center.”
Archbishop Broglio urged society to “restore the notion of respect for life into the fabric of the Nation,” in order to prevent such acts in the future.
“When the uniqueness of the human person created in the image and likeness of God is universally recognized, the possibility of a mass shooting is more remote,” he said.
Source: |
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