It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, There, they must gather three lodestones that have been dropped by a kraken living not far from the rift. They must not, however, kill the kraken, as the Water Ashari people would then lose their source of lodestones. DM: She swallows strongly. "Your mother was a brave woman, very much like you, now that I see you before me. Unsure of herself, and wishing to please, and not disappoint. And it's hard to ascertain but I fear it's perhaps that lack of confidence that may have caused her failure." Player: Did she not make it out? Of the water plane? DM: "She brought her own companions, that she had found and brought with her along her path. Our guides brought her to the rift, and her companions did not survive. Your mother did not return, and we sent scouts to try and retrieve her body so she could be interred correctly, but we only found a leg." Player: She's still alive. That means she's still alive. DM: "Hold onto that hope. Use it, and finish what she started. She lives through you at the very least. Hold that memory." Player: I will hold on to it, but I hope you know that does not define me. I'm not her. DM: "Good. Then perhaps you have a chance." Player: We'll complete your task. Thank you. DM: "You've come far, young Keyleth. I have faith that you will rise, and become the Voice of the Tempest. For now, we rest. Eat. Sleep. For tomorrow, you face the pet of the Titans." And that's where we'll leave tonight's session.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away. DM: All right, that ends your turn. Then it's going to use a legendary action to attempt to hit you with a tentacle. That is a 28 to hit. All right. Player: Oh shit, 22. No. Hits me. DM: Yep. That is-- Player: Oh, uh, hold on. Two. What's 28 to hit? Nah, wouldn't hit 28. Never mind. 'Cause I'm blessed but it's not much-- DM: 28 points of bludgeoning damage. LIAM. Okay. Uncanny Dodge? Okay, so reduce that by half, so it's 14 and you are grappled. Player: Oh, good. DM: As the tentacle wraps around you.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They see two guards patrolling the top of the wall. Keg steps on a hornet nest, and Caleb sends owl- Frumpkin bouncing off a tree to distract the suspicious guard. DM: That's what you see within the interior of the courtyard. The wall itself resides probably about out here. Player: This is inside the wall? DM: This is inside the wall. Player: Oh jeez. DM: Above that, still-- Player: There's a second floor? DM: There's a second floor.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you challenges Gunther to a match. After a long, intense duel, you emerges victorious. DM: He's a very strong looking human male with ruddy, tan skin and long, jet black hair that's braided in a single thick braid that goes past his waist in the back. He's dressed in partial scalemail across the chest and part of the shoulders, a dull iron color to it that's over his chest. You see a heavy waistband of dull gray leather that's like a thick, almost a foot thick piece around there and a rough-looking warhammer that's strapped to his side and he has his arms crossed and smiling widely at you with a very welcoming smile. "That was impressive. That guy you just destroyed up there? He's kind of a douche." Player: I could tell. DM: "What's your purpose here? Are you looking for work?" ASHLEY Me or--? "Yes, you." Player: I mean, it depends on what kind of work, I guess. DM: "Well, mercenary work, of course." Player: Oh, well yeah. DM: "All right, well, first off, my name is Darrow." Player: Hello Darrow. DM: "What's your name? Yasha, you said?" Player: My name is Yasha. DM: "All right, pleasure to meet you. Well, I am the de facto leader of a mercenary band known as the Stubborn Stock. We're out of Guar on the Menagerie Coast, but we've been hired for about a seven month stint so far by the Empire and it's been paying pretty well. We've had some pretty good scenarios here. The retainer's been nice and honestly, it's not bad to be paid to sit around in case they need us."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Dranzel divulges that he doesn't know who the wealthy person is, that the gold is in an abandoned building in the Cloud Top district, and that it's long abandoned and boarded up but hard to get into. Percy says that this building has probably been pillaged already. DM: He takes the coin. Takes the drink. "Well, you know where it is. You know what it looks like. If you're interested in finding your way in and come out with anything, we'll be here about another week." Player: All right. How long have you been here? DM: "Probably been here about two weeks now. Two and a half weeks." Player: Hmm. Have you noticed-- I'm sure you've seen many people come in and out, but an older gentleman dressed much nicer than he should be in an establishment like this? DM: You describe Riskel to him? Riskel's elven. Thin features, older. Has some battle scars, but long-ish hair kept behind his ears. And as you describe it, he goes, "Yes, yes actually. We had a gentleman like that who came in here a couple of times about a week ago, and last saw a few days ago." Player: A few days ago? DM: "Yeah! He came in and watched one of our performances. Tipped us rather well!" (chuckles)
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog and Arkhan, who are too big to squeeze past the trap, instead lock arms and use the Boots of Spider Climbing to walk across the ceiling. They all reach the other side and carry on. DM: You guys continue up the next set of spiral stairs, climbing higher and higher up Entropis. You can see, every now and then, one of the various vein-like cracks of energy that's holding the tower together. You can glance out and see, very obscured, movement in the distance. It's too fractured; too much diffraction. Continuing upward, you come to a second, or another, floor. About four minutes of climbing. This next half-chamber, you see dozens of sets of chains and manacles affixed to the walls, where tortured corpses are currently dangling from them, left in pieces. The scent is terrible. Decay is strong. Player: I cast Divine Sense. Undead. DM: No undead. Player: Traps? DM: Go ahead and make an investigation check. Player: 18. DM: Okay. No traps in this chamber.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, A passing guard tells them the Bastions are preparing for a fight against Vecna. you'ildan leads the way to the Duskmeadow district, to the Raven's Crest temple. DM: Vax'ildan. As the panic and pain subsides, much easier now than it was your previous ventures, into this communion, the darkness surrounds you, familiar, but you are intent, and you are driven. The very force of your conversation is pushed out from your personality into this ether, this surrounding, infinite void, and a familiar voice comes. "You burn with intent, my feathered boy." Player: We need to talk. DM: "Then talk we shall. Speak your mind." You still see nothing around you, it's just the voice from the darkness. Player: We were too late to stop him. Vecna. DM: "I sensed it, yes." Player: This dead man who wanted to be a god is now a fucking god. We have been speaking to your brothers and sisters, your found family, and they are arming us with what we need to fight your foe. You know who he is. He is upon us and I have come to you for aid. And as I have learned, he is somewhat akin to you. He was one of us and has ascended, like you. DM: "He is no kin to me. He is a trier. He is a copycat. He ascends for selfish reasons, whereas I was merely following my destiny. He will be destroyed. You have the tools. You have the means. The weave is tangled before us. The threads grow knotted, hard to follow. But yours still glows so bright into that terrible knot." Player: This thing. This man is your enemy, yes? DM: "As he is the enemy of all things." Player: Agreed. I have come here seeking power. DM: "You have my blessing already." Player: What of these trammels? These fragments of divinity. Have you that in you? DM: "I do not know much of these trammels but that they were used. But I fear that is beyond my knowledge. The Knowing Mistress would be the one to speak to." Player: We have. DM: "Then what do you need of me?" Player: We need to power trammels. The Dawnfather, the Knowing Mistress have contributed to our cause, to your cause, these seeds of power. I had hoped you could offer the same. DM: At this point, you feel a finger trace across your chin from behind. You feel an arm, the weight resting on your shoulder, and it pulls and turns you around, and as you spin, you come face to face with the porcelain mask you are so familiar with. As the hand still holds the edge of your cheek and your shoulder, "Am I to believe that this is not some ploy to diminish my power and leave me vulnerable to cast me from my seat?" Player: I thought you knew me inside and out. DM: "I know you, but do you know them? Do you think I've been welcome since I entered this pantheon? My existence is perpetually a threat to the creators. If anything, part of this burden that we all face lies on my shoulders, as well. Why would they not think to strike at two birds with one stone?" At which point, you watch the feathers of her dress furl out a bit, like a bird that's hit a chill. Player: Well, it depends on you, then, and how much you want this wretch taken down. DM: Make a persuasion check. Player: 18. DM: There's a long, silent stare. "I put my faith in you, my fate-touched. Do not forget that. And all I ask is you put all your faith in me." Player: You have it. DM: "Then I shall watch your thread. Now wake up." In that instant, everything goes black once more, and you feel the pain, the heat in your lungs, but then it subsides quickly, and you stay there beneath the familiar, thick surface of the blood. No need for air.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tary purchases a few healing potions and a Scroll of Fire Shield from Cyric. While the shopkeeper leaves to gift-wrap the potions, they hear a loud clang from outside; Doty has knocked out the two guards who were following them. DM: As you guys are walking closer to the outside of Zephra, you see a couple of individuals beginning to approach, three or four children, just seeing these strange visitors in the outskirts. They're also keeping low and not trying to draw your attention too strongly, though they are out in the middle of the open. You see a few bushes and elements. You see two grown individuals walking up with the children, one of which appears to be a relatively young girl, maybe around 13, 14 years old who pushes the kids to the back and goes, "Keyleth?" Player: Yes, hi, hi. What's your name? DM: "Sora. You used to watch over me when I was little." Player: Oh my goodness, Sora. Wow, last time I saw you, you were like, like, oh man. Look how big you've gotten. DM: "I--" Player: Do you still know that handshake? Do you remember the-- DM: It takes a moment for you guys to figure it out. Player: And there, you've got it. You got it. DM: It's slightly awkward, but for the most part you recall it. Player: Yeah, yeah. DM: "I'm much older now, I don't need to--" Player: Oh man. DM: "I didn't--" Player: You forgot-- DM: "You're back." Player: Yeah. I guess I am. DM: "We have to tell everyone else." Player: Hey, hey. DM: The kids are all just quietly staring wide-eyed and smiling quietly. Player: Sora, Sora. Have you seen my dad around? DM: "Do you want me to get him?" Player: Yeah. DM: "Okay." Player: Okay. DM: "C'mon, c'mon kids." And takes them by the hand and they all drag the kids off as you guys wait in the outskirts of the city. One of the kids who didn't quite get a hand on this young three-year-old boy who's running behind them stops. Turns and stares at you all, but stares specifically at Grog and is just wide-eyed, going--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites you, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm. DM: Oh. oh! The frozen man. Okay. Keyleth. You take a moment to cut through and there's the other undamaged mandible, the eye appears to be undamaged but those are all going to be very careful, time-intensive things to remove properly. There isn't much that can really be pulled from this other than that. There's not a whole lot of material on-- Player: Can I vial any of the blood? DM: You can bottle some of the blood, yeah. Player: Yeah, I want to do that. DM: Okay, so you bottle some of the blood-- Player: And I'm going to take that mandible if I can. DM: Okay, so you remove a mandible. So you can mark that down. All right, so you guys are gathering money.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of adventurers, Vox Machina, had found themselves in the Feywild, intent on discovering another one of the Vestiges of the Divergence, one of the many artifacts that they hope will aid them in their struggle against Thordak the Cinder King and the rest of the Chroma Conclave. They've defeated two of the members, three still remain, Thordak being the seeming powerhouse head of that troupe. DM: He does. However, in the purposes of this type of circumstance, it's usually meant for smaller plants that have no sentience that you can normally interact with, like roses and petunias. Player: I've done this before with talking to the treant. DM: You can probably communicate with it, yes. I'm saying, issuing commands on this might be a little more difficult for the rest of the spells. Player: What if I cast at a higher level? Would that help? DM: This is not a spell that can be cast at a higher level, unfortunately. So what do you want to do? You're casting Speak With Plants. Player: Well, I cast it, so I'm going to say Hey! You spit that out of your mouth right now, mister! You don't know where that's been! And trust me, I do. DM: Make an intimidation check. (cheering)
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Uk'otoa was sealed beneath the ocean, and his temples defaced. Avantika intends to bring him back. DM: No. As you walk and you are led, Vera tells two of the various deckhands to grab their shit and leave for the night. They confusedly do so and look a bit put out by it, but you guys are led to these two chambers that are more comfortable than at least the area you slept in The Mistake. Player: As we're moving through, can we clock sort of what's being kept on the ship? Are there cells, are there barrels, are there packages of things? DM: That would be down in the cargo hold, which you've not been led to. You guys are currently on the main upper decks now. You're led to your chambers. There are still guards posted on the outside. There isn't a complete trust in this regard, but it's not having weapons trained on you the entirety of your stay now, at least. Player: Did we previously see what the flag they were flying was and what it looked like? I can't remember. DM: You didn't pay a very close attention to it, but you can go and check if you'd like. Player: Can we do that now? DM: Sure. You head up to it and the flag actually is an exact, or is close to a replica of the tattoo that she has on her sternum.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth fires her Sunbeam at him, but he resists most of its effects. Scanlan falls from the sky, as casting his previous spell caused him to stop concentrating on Bigby's Hand, which then dispersed. DM: The bite attack is 25. This here, you take 15 points of piercing damage-- Sorry, 15 plus eight. So 23 points of piercing damage, total. I need you to make a constitution saving throw. Player: Tight. Cool, that is a four. DM: Okay, so you are now poisoned as the fangs poison your body. You feel it pulsing through yourself. Player: Okay. DM: And you suffer-- Player: I've got to get my calculator out to find out if I'm about to die. DM: 25 points of poison damage from failing the save.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and you, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city —and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists. DM: This other one here, glancing over and seeing you there, is going to look towards you. I need you to make a wisdom saving throw. Player: I've got advantage. Good, I got a 19. DM: 19. You have advantage from? Player: Being a half-elf. Oh, it's not charm, is it? Then the first one was shitty. Ten or 11, somewhere around there. DM: You are a kitty cat. Player: Can I use luck to take my second roll? I have luck left? DM: You have one luck left? Player: I have two luck left, after sleeping. DM: Yeah, technically.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Some of them splintered off to try and acquire the goods that were taken from his store, however they apparently had already been stolen from the location they were being stored in, or been delivered already, they're uncertain as to what became of them. But they get the sense that it was probably best that they chose Gilmore over the gold, at first glance. DM: I'd say it's about anywhere from 16 to 20 feet tall. It's two-story, but it's not extremely well-built. Player: I'm going to try to get a vantage point where I can at least get where he's only three-quarters cover. So I suppose I'm going to head south down the alley to see if I can get a-- DM: Pushing to these guys? Player: Yeah. DM: Okay, so one-- You can get to about there if you want to. Player: I can get a good look at him there. DM: You can see, yeah. He'll have half-cover from there. Player: Half-cover's fine. So, if I were to knock him prone, would he fall off the roof, or could I try and push him off the roof? These are my-- DM: For the wyvern, or for the rider? Player: The wyvern. DM: You can try. It's hard-pressed, he's sturdy on the side, knocking him prone might fall over onto the rooftop. Who knows if it'll slide or not. It's your call. What do you want to try? Player: I'll try knocking him prone, and see if that does it. DM: Okay!
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny you, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by Vex, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope? DM: 12 points of lightning damage. All right. The bolt of lightning bursts through the body. All righty. That comes to the top of the round. At the end of Scanlan's turn, it's going to use a legendary action to strike down, with the tail, onto Vax behind, as you are already in that vicinity. Player: Dex save? DM: No, this is instead going to be a 26 to hit. Player: Yeah, that-- oh, displacer cloak. Did you do that at disadvantage? DM: That is instead a 24 to hit. Player: That does hit. I'll use Uncanny Dodge, though. DM: All right. So what would be 18 damage, you take nine instead from the tail. Percy.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, Molly douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables. DM: It is a small enough space, I'll let you make an athletics check or acrobatics check instead of athletics. Player: Is it small enough to where I can do the wedge myself-- DM: It is not small enough for that, unfortunately. It's about a ten foot gap, but you can leap from side to side or you can climb with athletics. It's your choice. Player: Is leap from side to side also athletics? DM: That's acrobatics to do that. Player: Yeah, that one. Let's do that one. DM: It's monkish. Go for it. Player: Monkish? Okay. 19. DM: You leap, leap, leap, leap. You get about 20 feet up your movement before you have to grab onto the wall to stop yourself. Player: 18. Sorry. DM: That's fine. Still enough. And if you wanted to use an action to dash, you could make it the rest of the way up. Player: Yes. DM: Pole vaulting off, parkouring up the wall until eventually you leap and get back up to the top.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party continued in the direction Jester sensed the orb through Locate Object. Jester's spell fades. DM: Go for it. Yasha, by the way, is no longer raging. She wasn't attacked or didn't-- Oh no, but she did get an attack of opportunity, so she would be. You're correct. Player: So 20 on the first one. DM: That hits. Player: The second is a 24. DM: Yeah, both hit. Player: The first one (counting). Damn it. Seven plus three is ten. And the second one-- DM: First blow, as she swings by, carves through as it goes taut for a second, all of its muscle seizing, and then goes limp as its torso begins to drift away from the lower half of its fish body and it begins to slowly float off. Player: Great. Shit. So if I didn't need that second attack, did I waste it on the one that was there? DM: Right now, you still have the second attack. It depends on the movement you have and I don't what else you can get in range for.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog and Scanlan break off to try to find the Lord of the Quadroads, whom Grog hopes may owe him a favor, while everyone else proceeds to the Temple of Sarenrae. At the temple, you asks a fellow devotee about physically contacting Sarenrae, then kneels at an altar to pray. DM: All right, so you two are splitting off and the rest of you are going to Sarenrae? All right. The five of you make your way through the Quad Roads, towards the northern side of the Quad Roads before it splits off at the base of the mountain and before it divides off towards the Abundant Terrace and the Trial Forge. The Braving Grounds. That is where you spent a lot of time raising the temple of the Everlight, Sarenrae. Traversing there on the cold day, the city seems to be as vibrant as ever, and as dour as ever, as is the nature of those who live in these northern lands, but you know, smiles and existence come together occasionally. You come to the temple. It looks well-kept. The various clerics and acolytes that you had assigned to watch over it in your absence over this past year and a half before you ventured out to defeat the Conclave seem to have taken good care, and it's warming to your heart to see what appears to be children stepping out, laughing with their parents in what seems to have been a small service of some kind. And as you begin to watch and approach, you can see the acolytes that are saying goodbye to those at the front door glance over and see your face, and they brighten immediately. There you go, clear your nose. Acolyte Sheila, who is one of the older women who first helped you raise it and became one of your first acolytes here at the temple. The temple which is being known now as the Temple of Renewal. It is the official title of the location, which is taken from the realm of Sarenrae, known as the Island of Renewal. As she sees your face, Acolyte Sheila goes, "Pike! Mistress Pike!" And runs up and takes you in her arms. She tries to lift you, but you're far too heavy with the armor. (grunts) Player: That's okay. I'm heavier than I look. DM: "Yes, of course." Player: Pure muscle. DM: You guys see this woman in probably her late-forties or early-fifties, mostly gray-silver hair with streaks and bits of a dark brown. It's put back in some sort of a bun with a large stick through the center to hold it in place. She's wearing robes of light blue and gold, very much in the way that you've seen Pike wear most of her equipment and earlier armor to her deity. She looks around. "Well, my apologies. I am Sheila, and I know who you are. We've heard much. You are welcome. You are welcome here at the Temple of Renewal. Please come in." Player: It looks lovely in here. You guys have really kept it up quite nice. DM: "The hard part was already done. Come into her light, please." And leads you all into this tower. The excavation site here. What was once a large pit, below which the original temple was, the edges have been ground down to be this slow decline, and a tower was risen up. The actual stonework was ascended about 15 feet up, so it's not quite street level; it's a little below, but it's this small bowl that leads to the tower itself, and then it rises up a good 30 feet.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They book rooms for ten nights, and Pike manages to score them free drinks. While the rest of the party get ready to dive into the water, Tary pulls Vax aside and gives him an unspecified magical item. DM: "Let me see here." And he brings up this small abacus and starts doing math really quickly on the side you see. "Nine days, you said?" Player: Ten days. DM: "Ten days, all right. We'll put that at an even-- with discount for friendships, 1500 gold for the entire stay." Player: Oh! Well, seems-- and food is included, I'm assuming. DM: "Oh, no. I'm sorry." Player: Where would we go eat? DM: "Well, we have a restaurant within as well, and there are plenty of places to eat around the way. We are happy to bring it to your quarters, but there is a surcharge for it, of course."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy takes a shot at one as it reaches for his leg, exploding the skeleton into splinters of bone. However, another one immediately takes its place. DM: With the rocketing (blast) sound, the Pepperbox fires, and the skeleton in front of you just explodes into splinters of bone, just... being scattered amongst the crowd of skeletons behind it. However, the moment that that one is gone, another one seems to already be crawling into its place. Player: Whatever you're going to do, do it! I'm firing again. DM: Okay, fire again. Player: 24. DM: What is it, 24? Player: 24. 11 points of damage. DM: 11 points of damage? (gunshot) It fires and blasts off most of the skull on the skeleton, and you can see its jaw hangs open, but it still (skeletal hiss).
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside. DM: Four. Fassbender's still standing there. On a five or six, it recharges. That ends Vax's turn. Keyleth, you're up. Player: Okay. As an earth elemental I want to drop into the earth and Earthglide. DM: All right. How many feet are you going? Player: With my 60 feet-- question, can I get across and to the top of this pillar here? Maybe? DM: Oh, right there? Player: That one. DM: You can get up to there. You're wider than the pillar, though. You like-- Player: Earthglide to the top, so it's 30 feet tall. (nervous laughter) And I'm going to use my momentum to see if I can rocket myself out and see if I can jump and grab onto his leg. DM: Okay, so you're making this a jump action, then? Player: Yeah, I want to shoot out of the pillar. DM: Using the momentum of the Earthglide? Player: And shoot out with a waterslide trajectory, woo! Yeah? Maybe? DM: Okay. I'll say that-- It's pretty fast-- Also pretty heavy as an earth elemental. Player: I'm thinking about it real hard. DM: Go ahead and make an athletics check. Player: So is that strength as a-- DM: That would be strength as an earth elemental if you do not have a specific skill for it. Player: I'm going to use Scanlan's inspiration. Ooh, that's good. 18 plus five, so, 23. DM: 23. You manage to leap and catch the bottom of its foot. (cheering) You're not halting or doing anything to Umbrasyl other than the fact that you're holding on to-- Player: But I've got his foot. And I'm heavy as fuck. Well, if Fassbender weighs, what was it, like 1,200 pounds? 2,800 pounds? DM: Yeah. Player: So I'm at least as heavy if not heavier than Fassbender. A ton is 1,000 pounds. Right? DM: 2,000.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You began to look throughout the room. You found a sword across the upper ceiling, an ornamental blade of some kind. DM: A moment passes, and the door (lock clicks, creak). Dolan's head peeks out. "Gentlemen, it's good to see you. What news have you?" Player: Only a moment of your time. I'm a little embarrassed that I did not remember this the other day, but it was quite an evening that night. DM: "Of course." Player: When Ulog was in that house, he found something that I think you should have. Shortly before he expired, he shoved it into my hand. I pull out those papers that he found about the wife. It's a little frayed, he shoved it into my hand. We are lucky that it did not burn up, but take this, please. DM: "Of course. I'll see what I can do. Things are a bit tense right now, of course." Player: When it makes sense. DM: "Of course. How is Horris?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The druid wishes him good luck as the rogue runs straight for Tylieri. He stabs the vampire three times in the side, first with the Flametongue Dagger, then the Keen Dagger, then the Flametongue again. DM: I know. To look at you, reach up with the throat that he's grasped, and sink his fangs directly into your throat, Grog. Player: (angry noise) I have a little collar. Does that help at all? DM: Not in this moment. You have a big neck. Very big neck, and a very tiny collar. That will be a 20 to hit? Player: Yep. DM: All righty. So you take nine points of piercing damage. Player: Is that halved? DM: That is halved. Yeah. So say five, round up. Player: Sure. DM: However, you do take 14 points of necrotic damage. That is not reduced. But your maximum hit points are now reduced by 14. Player: Got it. DM: As you feel that same similar cold feeling as the life blood's being drained out of your body and you see his eyes cresting at you with this wild glare. That ends your turn, Vax?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The group of five tieflings, a goliath, and the undisguised Doty all walk out of the alleyway. There are many other streets branching off; the City of Dis is much larger than even the City of Brass was. DM: Sure. This would be more perception, actually because you're trying to pick up details in the scenery. Player: Perception check? DM: Nature to understand if you knew what they were. Player: That's a shithole roll 14. DM: 14? Player: Total. DM: You do, occasionally, catch what looks to be some element of small, flying, buzzing pests, but they're different than what you're used to. The brief glances you get of one that comes nearby, it seems to have eight sets of wings and some horrid-looking pincers on the front and looks like a nasty denizen of the scenery. And immediately, you're like, "Ugh!"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex pays for their rooms and receives the keys from Treev as you follows the masked figure to where they are heading into several alleyways, his skills in pursuing those who wish to be hidden serving him well. Eventually, he notices the figure entering a closed store called A Kingly Home and depositing the scroll inside a barrel before sneaking off. DM: 22. You look down the hallway, and you see the shadow of the figure framed against what looks to be another opening on the opposite side but the sunlight is coming through. You can just see the dark outline as it darts forward and then leaps off again, down the right past that exit. You follow, and you look off the side just as you see the figure slink behind one large crate next to a storage section outside of a warehouse. It ducks behind another one. Darts up to a building that looks to be shuttered and closed. It looks like a furniture store with a little sign at the top that says, "A Kingly Home." It moves an empty rain barrel to the side and slips the leather case through a hole that was previously hidden by the barrel, dropping it inside the building, slides the barrel over it again. Looks back and forth. Make another stealth check. Player: 25. DM: 25. Doesn't seem to make notice, and then darts off, leaping, leaping up onto a rooftop and vanishing off. Player: You said, "A Kingly Home"? DM: A Kingly Home. Player: I'm going to stealth back to the Debt's Respite. DM: Keeping a very close watch on the path you took and marking it mentally back to the Debt's Respite. It's probably a good mile off from where you guys were, if not a little further. You guys continue your conversation, go about your own business. Eventually, Vax returns with the information, the path of wherever this letter was dropped off to.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of you and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city —and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists. DM: You currently have no way of seeing it right now unless you move far enough in that direction. You may. Player: I'm going to try to get into sight. DM: That's as far as you can get. I would say it has three-quarters cover, so you can attack it, but it gets plus five to its AC. Player: Okay. I'm going to attack it. 23? DM: 23 hits. Player: Then I'm going to attack it again with my blazing bowstring. 26. DM: That hits.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex interrogates Grog first, then goes to the front desk, where she learns that Vax had been let into the room earlier. She immediately hunts down her brother and sics Trinket to pin him down, whereupon they work out that Tary was responsible for the dogs. DM: "Let me see." He pulls past and makes his way towards the room, and looks inside, and you can see him go, (distressed noise). Player: Has this happened before? DM: "No! I've never seen those dogs here before. The breed? They don't exist!" Player: I've never seen them before, either. I've never seen anything like it. DM: (exclaims in a foreign language) Player: How good a job did you do on our stuff? DM: It's still torn and messed up, but it's not covered in urine. It still smells terrible in there.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He takes a drink. Ipkesh asks what their business is. DM: "I have not met them, but stories do swirl, and find my ears. It does all of us well here to know what's going on." Player: Well, I will admit, we have some questions. DM: "Well, perhaps I have some answers." Player: We've heard of a-- would you call it a prison? An underground series of cells, beneath the tower? Beneath the tower, beneath the city. That's where we think we might find our boy. DM: "There is a prison here, yes. I know it well." Player: You know it well, I would hope not from personal experience? DM: "Oh, no, no. It imprisons many things, but-- I would be blunt with you as well. We live here under the interest of business, yes?" Player: I understand. DM: "Information is a resource." Player: A very, very great one. There is a prison, underground, people go there. Perhaps this is an easy question to ask that will flow freewy-- freely. What is this? Why do people get sent to that prison? DM: "What do you have to offer for my information?" Player: What are you in the market for? I have dull things, but I get the distinct impression you're not necessarily somebody who's going to be interested in coin? DM: "I prefer not to dole out small tidbits. I prefer to bundle in larger packages." Player: I understand. How do I know that what you have to offer is worthwhile? DM: "I can--" Player: I have a proposal. DM: "Hm, tempt me."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They ask Marius about what he was doing with the ship. Marius was not planning to go on the ship. DM: "Ah!" He starts pulling up the scrap of his sleeves. "Do you have any idea how much I paid for this?" Player: Throw them overboard. DM: "I'm going to remember this." Player: Yeah, you should. DM: He combs his hair over. Player: It was a pretty fucking dope thing. Okay. Here is the thing, this reputation you keep talking about? That you are so deeply concerned about-- DM: He pulls a tooth out.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They decide to find another way for Horris to leave and return to the inn. Caleb tells the group that the stone from the Sutan Residence is half of a set of Sending Stones, and they put it in the Haversack. DM: "We got this nice shield over here that we just had finished a couple days ago. That's an enchanted little delightful piece. That one is a little more affordable at about 550 gold pieces." Player: What does it look like, though? DM: The shield itself has the head of two lions, facing away from each other, with their claws extended. It has almost a diamond shape. It's a pretty decent size. The coloration of it is a bright gold where the lions are. The back of it is a dull, almost graphite metallic, with a gold border around the edge of it. It’s very pretty. Player: What does it do? DM: "This one? It improves your defenses more than a normal shield would. It instinctively places the shield in places that might help protect from incoming blows, therefore making you hard to connect with." Player: Oh. That's pretty cool. DM: (whispers) "It's a plus one." Player: How much is your fancy box? DM: "The fancy box that you’re requesting, while not actually enchanted, it is taking away one of the objects that we keep contained. So, respectfully, I'll have to charge you the cost of that one and a replacement, but that'll simply put you back about 15 gold pieces total."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She has many stories about Jester, but none she will speak about in mixed company. Jester, who forgot to cast disguise self, puts on her cast-iron tiki mask, which Marion notes is 'interesting' for dinner. DM: "Curious choice, but I understand probably for the best. There is not much of a mouth hole, so eating is going to be very difficult." Takes a little spoon and is like, "All right, here we go try to make it-- there it is. Perfect." You guys talk for a bit. She shares some embarrassing stories of Jester's childhood. Asks each of you a little bit about your story, and we'll say for the better part of the evening, it's an enjoyable respite from the chaos of the day and the chaos of the journey. Your blink dog has dried, as has your weasel. Player: Oh yeah! Can I go check on Professor Thaddeus? DM: You can, and as you go ahead and find-- there is a coat room, essentially, where the young man who had originally met you when you got there is inside. You can see him sitting in the back on a stool going like this. He's staring in the far way, and there's a coat rack where Professor Thaddeus is sitting on there, staring at him. As you enter the chamber-- Player: Hey. DM: "Oh, hey." Player: Is my bird okay? DM: You can see there's some scratches on his cheek. "Yeah, he's fine. Just watching him right there." Player: Uh-huh. You didn't traumatize him, did you? DM: I think not? Hard to feed these. Player: Yeah, I know. I grab the food that I just took from my plate and I'm like, "Thaddeus, come. Thaddeus?" DM: Roll an animal handling check.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He arrived to find her nude on the balcony, creating and manipulating a column of water. She was unfazed by his arrival, already having two wine glasses set out on her desk. DM: She takes a little silk robe and places it over her and sits down. There are already two glasses places on the table. She uncorks it and pours two glasses. Player: To your success. DM: "To our success in time, eh?" Player: One can hope. It's only fair; you've been on this journey far longer than I have. DM: "This is true." Not the best wine you've had, but it's serviceable. Player: Not aerated. DM: "I am excited for you to experience this." Player: I am as well. Is it everything you thought it would be? DM: "I've only but scratched the surface, and I've never felt a connection like this with the sea that has been my life. It's incredible. I can only do it in bursts, but I can cause it to swell and move and part and flood and shift. It's-- (sighs). Soon." She reaches out and touches the top of your hand. "Soon. I promise. Now, we were talking before and I think it's only fair." She takes another big sip. "Your blade is very interesting. I knew one other who had a blade very similar. Referred to it as the Sword of Fathoms."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The next morning, they continue through the Quannah Breach in the Dunrock Mountains at the northern border of the Dwendalian Empire. They reach the gate run by the Uteloch family of the tribes. DM: As you travel through these winding ravines, choosing the one to the right, which you know to be the wider of the two, the low howl of the wind that's traversing these sheared twisted walls, like a haunting, whistling, and moan sound. It accompanies the brush growing more dense. The air grows colder still, as white banks of snow and ice frame various ledges and outcroppings along these strangely curved and smoothly sheared cliffsides. It feels like a giant had grabbed a mountain range and tore it in two and there's an even break on each side. It winds and curves. It's like a natural labyrinth. A few miles through this strange maze, you're met with a makeshift wall and a ten-foot wooden gate. Your eyes, at first, notice a few dozen wooden poles carved into spikes that emerge from the ground, pointed in your direction from the base, many of which are stained dark while others still bear the weathered skulls of warning. Three armored folk stand there; two human men and a half-orc woman all bearing weapons and watching you carefully as you approach. Player: This isn't the gate, right? DM: This is the gate. Player: Oh, it is? DM: You've reached the edge of the Quannah Breach and turned to the final bastion outside of the Empire. Player: But it's not the gate into Shadycreek Run. DM: It's the gate into the region of Shadycreek Run.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Wohn rushes to the front door and spots Nott, but falls victim to her Hideous Laughter and is knocked prone, while Keg finishes the second guard ( Phil) and rushes over to attack Wohn. When Wohn shrugs off the Hideous Laughter, she retaliates on Keg, attacking her with Yasha's stolen Magicians's Judge, dispelling the Haste and stunning her. DM: Well, technically, you don't have advantage. It's advantage on melee attacks, not ranged attacks, but it's fine. Player: Second is a 15. First is total shit, second is a 15. DM: 15 hits. Player: Third is better than that. DM: So two hits. Player: That is eight for the first and eight for the second. DM: Nice! Oof. That'll be enough. How do you want to do this, Caleb?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Jarrett seems elated at the news. you also mentions that Scanlan has left Whitestone. DM: And look, I understand that, and I warned him. He knew full well the dangers involved; he's a much stronger man than I am. Who was I to tell him this? And he's very persuasive. Player: He is. When was the first time you gave it to him? DM: Not more than maybe a week or two ago? Player: Thank you. Thank you for giving them to me. DM: Yes, it was burning a hole in my pocket. And I don't want to hold onto it. Player: I understand. DM: Sorry. Player: I appreciate your service, Jarrett. DM: I appreciate your understanding. Player: Get better. Keep training. DM: Yes, I should do that. Player: All right. DM: He turns around, "You lot heard nothing! Nock your crossbows, nock--" (whack) and slaps one guy on the back of the head. "All right. Focus up, on the targets," and you hear him begin taking a few volleys off in the distance as you walk your way back to the castle. The rest of you, as you walk through Whitestone, Taryon, you watch this beautiful, wonderfully slightly backwards city--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike realizes she has seen this place in a vision, as well as a cavern of blue crystal beyond it. They decide to cross it. DM: 47 points of damage. Oof. So as you rush past, you (swoosh) slam the blade into the side. You see where part of it seems to start and open, but it's starting to close up again. You reopen that seam and drag across, leaving a giant wound across its side. Player: Okay, and then with that knife in, I'm going to stick the other knife in and attempt to attack it and then drag it to the ground. Grapple it to the ground with my body as I attack. Second attack is a 25. DM: 25 hits. Player: Okay. That's seven. DM: Are you doing damage, or you grappling him? Player: I'll grapple. DM: Okay, so there's no damage on this. Go ahead and make an athletics check. Player: Okay. 20. Natural 20. (all cheer) DM: Nice! So you grab it, and you pull it. You have it currently held. Its physical body is pulled to the ground, and you can see its arms are trying to pull it up off the ground, and (slurpy noises) flipping around. Complete chaos in the air. You imagine you'll probably have a hard time holding it down, but for now it's currently blinded and grappled. Player: With haste, I have a third attack. DM: You do. Player: I'm going to drag across its throat. That is a 25. DM: That hits. Player: And that's seven. DM: You don't get the bonus-- oh, for the extra attack you do, because it's with your main arm. So, seven damage? All right. Cool. You bring the blade across, and you can see the blood begin to pour out from it, and as it does, you can see the throat opens up, and where you cut on the throat you can see what looks like white gleaming teeth on the inside of its throat. The entire interior of its trachea is coated with teeth.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, She rents them a boat called the Shore Shanty, helmed by Captain Santy, for three days' use. After about two hours of sailing, they arrive above the undersea volcano. DM: Hobbles off and makes his way back up the stairs. So you come outside to this one dock hub. It's a modest two-story building looks like it has like a watch tower second story and the bottom floor is much larger. The door is currently closed. The wood looks a little sea-rotted. You can see the edges of the wood are curling and dark and perpetually damp. Little bits of green moss and various fungus are starting to gather at the very edges of the building, but it seems to be standing and has been there for a while. Player: (knocking sound) DM: You knock on the door. A voice inside goes "Come in." Player: (door creak) I don't know why I made the sound effect. DM: That's okay. As you push the door open, glancing inside, there's general gray dull daylight coming from the cloudy sky, but there are also a few oil lanterns hanging in different places. You can see stacks of maps or other heavy pieces of parchment that are curled up and tied off in sections. There are small crates, most of them empty, that are scattered about the entranceway here, and as you enter the building you watch as a very tall, thin, lanky female half-orc spins around across the room with a singular monocle that is very, very intense to make one eye look really big over the other. Spins around; sides of the head shaved and the rest of it slicked back against the head with a little bit of a light brown shock against the black to one side. Dressed fairly nice but you can see the clothing at an immediate glance is nice upfront and then tatters at the bottom. Spins around. "Yes?" Player: We were hoping to charter a ship at great expedience to about five miles off the coast to the plume of smoke and the underwater volcano. DM: You watch as the one eye, moving independently of the other, glances and looks each of you very quickly up and down and then slicks back into place. "That can be arranged, yes." Player: Excellent. DM: "How long would you wish to charter this ship?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vax Vax'ildan, a half-elf rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Scanlan casts invisibility on himself and then pokes his head out the door, not able to discern how the battle is going so returns to the mansion. Vorugal flies up, out of the range of Yenk. DM: Right now? 60 feet up. Yenk leaps and can't quite get that height and angrily begins to reach over and climb up the side of the mountain there. Player: Can I attack him right now? DM: What's up? Player: Can I attack him right now? DM: Which one? Player: Vorugal. 60 feet. I'm sharpshooter; he's 60 feet away from me. DM: 60 feet is your range. He's a little higher than 60 feet from the angle.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Nott the Brave, a goblin rogue . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you immediately is hit by a crossbow bolt fired from under the table, and Caduceus comes face to face with Ruzza hiding in a corner. Roll initiative! DM: Yeah, we're going back to the next combat round. You technically have not gotten your reaction yet. So no. Player: You know what? I won't, just in case I want to react to something else. DM: Well, that finishes Protto's turn. Nott, you're up. Player: Did Protto duck or anything? DM: Yeah, Protto is currently now behind the table and using it as cover. Player: So I cannot see The Devil Wears Prada? DM: No, you cannot.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Tiny Vax, thanks to a potion that does that. Scanlan managed to go ahead and put in an Immovable Rod within its stomach, which held it up for a moment, before it decided to truly gain the advantage it needed to escape the circumstance, allowed it to tear through its body, as well as an arrow that was shot by you, towards her brother, in the hopes of, I don't know, being a symbol of hope? DM: No! They are way over-- they're like a tiny little dragon speck in the distance. We'll get to you guys here in just a moment, but their situation is a little more dire and immediate, so I have to figure out what's going on with them right now. Player: What if we could've chased after them? Right away? DM: You can if you want to. Did you want to go after them? Player: Yeah. I would have chased after them, immediately, when it took off. DM: Okay, we'll get to that in just a minute. As it is-- the dragon's speed is it can fly 80 feet per round. Player: That's really fast, though. DM: Yeah, and it's making double-dash manoeuvring here, even at your fly speed on the broom-- Player: What do great eagles have? Giant eagles, I think, have really fast speed too. DM: Let's check that real fast. Giant eagles--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Dairon reveals how much she hates and distrusts the Kryn, and mentions she will be traveling to Bladegarden soon. DM: "I'm going to travel to Bladegarden. See what I can gather on the front lines. With these conflicts escalating, I wish to be informed as to who's in charge there and perhaps what dangers might be creeping further into the empire." Player: This Bloodgarden in the northeast side? DM: "Bladegarden is outside of where the garrisons are, yes. It's where most of the main military is held." Player: Well, I still have a lot of training, so come back alive, I guess. DM: (chuckles) "I've survived long enough. Anyway, one more round of sparring?" Player: Sure! DM: With that, you and Dairon continue to trade blows and continue the lessons throughout the day.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Across from the entrance is a set of wooden doors which he listens at. He hears nothing, but notices that the door is unlocked. DM: Yes. From around the corner, you pull back, leap up, jump onto Grog's back and attempt to spring off of it. Player: 11. DM: 11, okay. All right. So you jump off of Grog's back. Grog, not expecting it, instinctively ducks down and the force you push off, as he's not aware there's going to be a giant cat there-- Player: Uh-huh. DM: -- in doing so, it doesn't give you the momentum you need. You are able to jump over him and get kind of into center of the fray. But you do not have the pounce attack, unfortunately. Player: Okay. That's fine. DM: But it gets you there, at least. Player: Oh, can I not attack? DM: You can attack, yeah. Player: Okay, okay, okay. I'm gonna go ahead and do my bite attack. DM: Go for it. Player: I'm gonna go right for his throat. Still with the same intention that I had in mind. DM: Okay, this is the one that took the arrow from Laura. Player: Okay, 17. DM: 17? That hits. Go ahead and roll for damage. Player: 1d10 plus five. Where's my d10s? Ten damage. Piercing damage. DM: Ten piercing damage, all right. So, as you rush forward, you bite at him. You see he pulls back, but you get a big, meaty chunk of his forearm and clamp down, and you feel a snap, some sort of bone in the middle of his arm and he gives out a horrible-- (yells) sound, as he takes the butt of his hammer and hits you on the snout. Doesn't do any damage, but it's enough to get you to kind of let go of your grip a little bit, and he rips his arm out of your jaws. Leaving that kind of nasty, irony taste of duergar blood, that you've now become accustomed to, unfortunately. That ends the round. Now you have Tiberius and a cat in your way.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Laina welcomes them home and tells them there has been no news or visitors, except Allura to check in on them a few days ago. She preps a meal for them while they discuss how to handle the Horn of Orcus that they have acquired. DM: Erwen, who's by the door, leads her to the guest room and you guys take a moment to rest. We'll go ahead and pick up next session at that point, where Allura's being brought in, so we'll stop the game there as I have to rush to the airport, but before that we have some gifts to open from you guys. Player: You're rushing to the airport tonight? DM: Huh? Player: You're rushing to the airport tonight? DM: Yeah, I got a redeye, 1AM. To be in Sandusky, Ohio. At Collisi--er no, Collosalcon. Please come. Player: You're going to do the waterslides, right? You won't ride waterslides? DM: It'll be fun. Guys, thank you so much for watching, that was a lot of fun.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Judging by the weather, they have arrived somewhere in Exandria. As Vox Machina comes within range of the base of the tower, they are addressed by an omnipresent, directionless voice. DM: Delilah's over here. She and two skeletons right now are lording over the paralyzed Vax on the ground. Player: If I move at all, I'm going to take opportunity from skeletons. DM: Yep. They don't do a whole lot of damage, but damage adds up. Player: Jesus. Okay, I am going to head to Delilah. I can move up to her, correct? DM: You're going to move straight up to her? Player: Can I? DM: You can, yeah. Both skeletons get attacks of opportunity on you. That's a nine and a 12. They both hit you, but the mantle writhes out in front of you. You watch as various leaves unfurl almost like a cat's fur on the back of its neck, and it deflects the blows from the skeletons as you rush past.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The damage quickly reverts them out of their eel forms. The fight comes down to simply destroying as many of the tentacles as they can, hoping this will allow them to get away. DM: Yeah, okay, fourth level? So that is an additional 4d10 piercing damage towards the attack. Go ahead and roll the attack. Player: 23? DM: 23 is the disadvantage? Player: Yeah. DM: Okay, that hits. Player: 11 plus three lightning and then-- how many? 4d10? DM: 4d10. Player: 18. DM: Okay, plus 18 points of damage. So as you fire the arrow, it sinks into the side of its mouth, just bursts with thorns in the vicinity. Kind of roils, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. You have your secondary attack if you want to. Player: Yeah, I guess I'm gonna try to shoot at his eye. DM: Okay, go ahead and roll. Player: 29. DM: 29 hits. Player: 16, plus four lightning, nothing. DM: Okay. Player: And I'm gonna-- This is so stupid. I'm gonna swim back down and try to hide. I've got nothing. DM: You already used your bonus action, unfortunately. To cast the spell. Player: Yes, I did. I'm gonna stand right there and say, fuck you, let go of my brother. DM: Okay. Percival, you're on the other side of the portal, looking through and you're watch--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Yasha Nydoorin, a half-angel barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Wohn was walking alongside the third cart. Keg did not recognize the cart's driver. DM: No, from what your experience would be, they would probably go to the hideout, to their little homestead deeper into the Savalierwood. They would drop off their payload and celebrate, probably, for an evening of revelry, and then come back the next day to begin the process of preparing them for delivery, which involves breaking them. Player: Presumably, there are people in Shadycreek Run who would love to see them dead. DM: Presumably. There are also people that would-- Player: Would help them? DM: --would help them. They have allies. Player: Okay. DM: I mean, they're working for one of the tribe families, so yeah.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina is recovering after their battle with both Vorugal and Yenk. A group of them start to harvest from their fallen enemies. DM: Okay, so you head to the dragon. Okay. So you guys head over there. You now see partially elements of the wall that had crumbled in on Vorugal's body. You see now, emerging from the center of the scales in the chest as it lays on its back, slain, its throat torn out by Raishan, a piercing tree begins to burrow its way through the torso of the dragon and bloom outwards. Waiting for that process to finish, you bring out your carving dagger and-- Player: I patiently wait for the tree. DM: Okay. Player: I don't want to interrupt. That's rude. DM: It grows pretty fast as part of the enchantment of Fenthras. So, that brief pause completed, you go to town with your blade on the dragon's corpse. Let's go ahead and make a check on this. This would be-- Player: Nature, right? DM: Yeah. Player: With advantage. Oh, that's good. 28. DM: 28, okay. It'll take you the better part of about an hour to really harvest everything you want from this that's usable, and that's with aid from Scanlan, because it's a very big dragon, and that's a pretty small blade. So you begin that process.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Then continuing to follow where this route led you, upward, hopefully towards the underbelly of the city of Thar Amphala. You uncovered a mostly cleaned out vault and did battle with some undead trolls that immediately rushed in and attacked you. DM: Okay. And that one does finish it. So that's three skeletons down. Grog, I want to to individually roll an initiative check for me. Player: Natural 20. With Gil's dice. DM: So as you guys are watching this happen, the other five rush in to close the gap, but you are at the ready, and you get to strike before they do. Player: Nice. Am I hitting them? Yeah, Okay. Reckless, great weapon master. 31 for the first one. DM: That hits. Player: Okay, cool. DM: Your minimum damage will kill them. So as the first one comes up towards you, you swing up. As you slam into it, you watch as its bony body blows up against the side of the nearby stone building and then scrapes to the ground. Player: Can I use the other strike on another? DM: Yes, you can.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm. DM: So Kent Plucker approaches you as you approach and goes like, "Scanlan. Good thing you're here. I think we may need your silvered tongue to go ahead and help us out in this endeavor. Dr. Dranzel's inside; he's been arguing with the warden for quite some time. We're trying to get Kaylie out." Player: What happened? Why is she in jail? DM: "She got in a bit of a bar fight last night, it seems. Messed up quite a few gentlemen and all of them are arrested and being held inside. They're wanting a bit of change to do the damages and pay for the fine of whatever else she's done. And, well, we're not keen on really paying fines, so we're trying to see how much we can get out of this with our--" Player: What's the fine? DM: "I don't know. We didn't go in as a full group. The guards wouldn't let us." Player: Was she injured in any way? DM: "I haven't seen her. You'll have to go inside to find out." Player: All right. Thank you. You won't be needed here anymore. You guys can leave. DM: They all look at each other. "If it's fine by you, we're going to wait for Dr. Dranzel."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the entrance, they're stopped by several zolezzo, who ask their business and where they hail from. you says she's Fiona Fancypants, theater critic extraordinaire, then rolls a seven on deception. DM: He looks back to the rest of the zolezzo, and they discuss for a moment for themselves, and he says, "Well, I apologize, but there is no entry after dark on this side of the wharf, regardless. If you want to enter, you have to enter from the main gates." Player: Oh no, but she's performing soon, and we're going to miss it if we go all the way around! DM: "Well, then you'll have to find some way to make it through the gate." He holds his hand out. Player: (singsong) Here we go, we need some money. Let's see how much I have. I have five gold to put in his hand? DM: You put five gold in his hand? Player: That's a lot of gold, isn't it. I don't know, here you go! DM: He shakes it in his palm. "Very well, let them in." To the side, they have a portcullis that is held up by some sort of chain mechanism that is beyond the wall. They step aside and let you in, they usher you through quickly because nobody's supposed to come through this entrance. As they all walk by, you can see them all looking each of you up and down, taking a mental note of what you have on you, who you are, what you look like, as well as what they perceive to be inside the cart. A few strange faces at the cluster of creatures around Jester and the rather disinterested looking owl that's clutching the forearm bracer of Beauregard. You pass through this archway on the exterior wall and immediately look before you, and you can see the eastern side of the harbor here, what is known as the Restless Wharf. Immediately before you, you can see a plethora of people that are walking along this heavy dockside harbor. There are a number of warehouses and small huts and buildings that are built both on the dock and built along the side of where it adjusts from stone and sand into wood and elements that turn into the docks themselves. You can see tall cranes made of wood and cord and rope, some of them ten feet, some of them 25-30 feet or so, that are in the process of either loading or off-loading various materials from the trade ships that are making their way into harbor or loading up to leave in the morning. You see two or three larger guild buildings that tend to be the hubs of information for those that are coming from the docks. There are a few dockmasters that are walking around who are in the process of taking down information of who it is entering or exiting with their ships, making sure that everything is being handled, and you see a number of zolezzo that are also keeping a close eye. Torches are now lit as the sky grows darker, and there's one that's going through the city and lighting the actual oil lanterns that hang on these tall, thin poles that dot the city that have to be lit at dusk. One thing that does catch your eye is, right towards the center of this harbor where the Restless Wharf would be transitioning into what you know as the Open Quay, which is the other half of this harbor, there is a massive lighthouse that sits on this one bit of rock that protrudes where the docks come to an end and an element of the stone floor continues out before breaking off into a shelf into the ocean below. You can see this beautiful lighthouse. You know it as the Mother's Lighthouse. It catches your attention specifically, Caduceus, because the beautiful design of this lighthouse, while it seems natural and a gradual tower-like point on the back side, on the northern side, the southern side that faces the ocean has a 20-foot relief of the upper torso of a woman that is emerging from the lighthouse looking out over the ocean. A beautiful sculpture with wild hair that tangles and curls around the shoulders and then merges in with the stonework of this lighthouse, but what's unique is the way the lighthouse itself is placed as it rotates. As the light beacon comes across, you watch as the eyes of the woman flare up as the light passes that side of the tower. You recognize, the closer you get to this area, this large sculpture is that of the Wildmother, of Melora. That is where the Mother's Lighthouse title comes from.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you stares up at him and his many guards. Tylieri leaps up onto the ceiling and sticks to it, skittering across like a spider. DM: He jumps up and spider-crawls across the ceiling, and then drops down. Yeah. With deft acrobatic feats, he leaps across, drops and lands right in front of you. You can see now in his face, as slovenly as it is, there is a look of deathly hunger in his eyes, and fangs bared from under his lips. Player: That's a neat trick. DM: He is now going to make two melee attacks against you. That's a natural 20 with the claw, and the other one's going to be a 15? I don't think it's going to hit. Player: No. DM: So he now has these long claws in his hand. The first one (whoosh). It catches you off guard from the sheer weird assault that he's brought to you. Player: What's wrong with you? DM: You take 16 points of slashing damage (whoosh) from the first arc, and he goes up with the second hand and this time you (grunt) pull out of the way. His hand manages to knock some of the bolts free that were jammed in your chest. Player: Half the 16, right? DM: Half of 16, correct. Player: So, eight. DM: Because you're raging, so eight on that one. That's his go. And he just grins at you with this hissing sound, licking his fanged lips. That ends his turn. That brings us to Grog. You're up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Knowing that time is of the essence, the party debates why they're going to Ripley's chambers. Percy is insistent on seeing Ripley's work for himself, and then he takes The List and presses the barrel gently into her back, mentioning that it's not personal; he's simply a little nervous. DM: "Understood." She straightens up a little more and continues walking ever so carefully. Not quite leaning her head or making too many large movements, but definitely still keeping a seemingly nervous eye on how quiet the atmosphere is. Player: I creep over to one of the doors in the room and see if I can hear anything on the other side. DM: You don't hear anything inside the room. Roll a perception check. Player: (groans) 14. DM: You hear some slight, muffled, dull thud noise, but you can't really tell how close it is. It's very, very faint. Player: Can I see if the door handle is-- DM: (click) It's open. Player: I step to the side and push it open. DM: Push it open (creak) The door opens. Everyone before you whips around, hearing the noise in the silence. Looking inside, it appears to be a long-untouched music room, a space for hosting individuals where you would have small performances, and there is a very cold fireplace in the far corner. There is a small, circular window that is placed in the center of the room that has a very thick glass pane with cross bar on it that seems to look out. And this is your first view-- for you, especially, since you woke up in the tunnel-- your first view of the outside.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, From the ground, she continues to shoot it, taking heavy damage herself. A well-placed arrow to the shoulder takes the creature down without killing it. DM: There you go! So the jaws clamp on you, and you just muscle and squeeze out. You can feel the teeth tear against your flesh between the bits of your leather armor. As you pull away, the armor snaps open on its hinges and you now have your bloodied shoulder exposed in the moonlight right now in the canopy. As it's there, you're heaving, it's kind of heaving, staring you down. What are you going to do? It's your turn. Player: I'm going to have Trinket run up and I'm going to, fuckin' A, have to disengage, and run the fuck away, 'cause that's all I can do. I'm going to disengage and run as far towards that tree circle as I can. DM: As you move, with disengage, you can go around. Player: Okay. DM: That's where you can get, right there. Player: Yeah. So I want Trinket in front of me, and then I'm going to take two more shots at him. DM: Okay, go for it.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vox Machina are on a boat. DM: 21? Okay. You take a moment and glance out in the same direction you were, and you scan past the horizon. Nothing. Player: Motherfuck. Well, I come back down. It went under water, whatever it was. Does that mean it was big enough to be some sort of sea monster? Was it a sea monster? DM: "I sincerely hope not, for all of our sakes. But, nevertheless, I'm gonna go ahead and have the men man our ballistas. Just to be safe." Player: How quickly do those things move? DM: "What things?" Player: Sea monsters. DM: "Depends on the sea monster." Player: This one was very large. DM: "Hopefully slowly." And she shouts off, "Full sail!" A bunch of the deckhands start pulling the ropes down, letting the sail come to a full-- flutter of wind itself isn't too terribly strong, but it's enough to at least inflate the sails even further, and give a little more of a speedy direction. Player: I wanna go back up and keep an eye, with the spyglass, on any kind of movement, that looks like it's coming towards us. DM: Okay, cool. Some of her men go over and start loading the large ballistas to the back of the ship. Anybody else hanging out on the deck?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax, invisible, goes to find Vex and tells her about the seeing stones. The stones were near the collapse. DM: The handful of dragonborn that were there, after the collapse, were walking back to the internal cavern area. As you head back, a large portion of Ravenites have all come out of their caves, and right now are in the process of scouring the ruins. Some of them are putting armaments away. Tooma is out there, currently conversing with a number of the other community leaders that are deciding what the next steps are. Player: I approach Tooma. (clears throat) Tooma, it's time that we make our departure very soon. DM: "Very well." Player: I want to thank you so much for everything that you provided and everything that your people have done. DM: "I wish to thank you for your sticking to your word." Player: Of course. I would love to help and leave some parting gift in any way that I can. DM: "The riches from the hoard will provide enough for us. You need not worry." Player: What was your land like before Vorugal got here? I know it wasn't as icy and as frigid. DM: "It was without snow. We are at the south side of Wildemount. I hope this fades with time, we are not bound for snow people." Player: I can attempt to maybe revitalize your plant life as much as I can before I leave. DM: "You can do this?" Player: I can. DM: "By all means. We would appreciate it."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Its first action is to rake its scimitar across the stone, causing an echo throughout the chamber, then resheathing it and pulling its longbow. It is a strong opponent, managing to cost Jester over half her hit points with one arrow. DM: All right. Now the chamber, primarily, is now visible to everybody without issue, yourself included. Player: Then I'm going to take some cover. DM: Is it an action to cast Light as a cantrip? Player: Oh, it's an action, never mind, can't do it! DM: Well, you had cast Light previously on the edge of your staff. You're still giving off your own light source. Player: Okay, well I'm going to hide. DM: Are you going to stay put, then? Player: I'm going to pull in the back and hide. DM: In the back of the hallway there?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you restrains Daxio further with a vine. Grog shackles Daxio with manacles and pulls him out of the cell, smashing him against the opposite wall. DM: All right. Second one-- natural one on the second roll. Metal's clinking against the wall. Third one-- is going to be a 17? Player: 17 is exactly what he needed. DM: 17 does hit, all right. It's going to try and trip-attack you, so you take as this third strike-- 12 points of slashing damage. And make a strength saving throw. Player: 15. DM: 15. With that, slams it around and hits you right about the kneecap. The blade hits the armor and it guards most of it, but the sheer force of the impact knocks you off your feet and you land face-down on the ground, in front. With that, Daxio uses the momentum of the strike to and use the action surge ability. He's gonna do three more strikes against your now-prone self. With disadvantage, and you're prone so each attack has no disadvantage against you. Player: Yeah. DM: That's a natural 20.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Nott says that they've been very clear that they're in this for what they can grab for themselves. She corrects Fjord's assumption that she relies on Caleb for protection, saying it's the other way around. DM: Sure. Waiting on the opposite side. You got it. All right. That brings it up to the top. Beau, you're up. Player: Okay. I still have him restrained. I can't see or do shit. Still holding onto the rope, can I full-on football tackle him and try and push him out of this dark cloud? DM: Try and shove, you mean? Player: Uh-huh. DM: Well, if you have someone grappled, you can pull them at half movement. Player: Oh, I'll do that, then. I'm going to start, with the rope wrapped around, start like a lifeguard, backing out. DM: This way or this way? Player: Yeah, towards Fjord. I felt Fjord go by, so I want to try and go towards Fjord. DM: Okay, so you manage to push it out of it, right there, and you're both outside of the darkness.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Fjord uses Misty Step to appear next to Caleb in the water, startling him, and they're joined by Caduceus. you Sends to her mother, asking if she's singing tonight. DM: Are you heading back to the main road, to one of the entrances to the eastern gate of the city? Or are you heading towards the coastline to the actual wharf itself? Player: Whatever way is faster. DM: Probably the wharf. Player: Let's do the wharf. DM: Okay. You head along the coastline, eventually finding your way to where the wall itself slowly diminishes in steps. It does extend out into the ocean, there is no direct path where you can walk along the shore and go into the city. It is specifically marked off. There is an archway there that is gated by two of the guards that run the city. Player: I cast Disguise Self before we get up there. DM: Okay. You do see about six zolezzo that are currently guarding that entrance. The rest of you see armored guards, varying from the scalemail and the maroons and muted colors of the townsguard you're used to seeing in the Empire. Here, the zolezzo have a blue and green base, but you can see on the armor, each individual zolezzo has their own unique decoration and flair to it, some way of customizing it, making it their own. As such, even within their own ranks there is a sense of color and individuality, and their own armored senses. That doesn't mean they're not still armed and wondering who the fuck you are as you approach the exterior of the city. As your cart begins to approach, four of the six zolezzo immediately raise their weapons, and they begin to approach. "Halt! What is your business in Nicodranas?"
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, With all the enemies handled, you douses the flames on the dead priest's head and calls Caleb out of his withdrawn state. The rest of the party searches the room for any valuables. DM: It's Molly, Fjord, Jester, Nott, the manticore, Beau, then Caleb and the priest together, then Shakäste. Player: Vicious Mockery on the manticore. DM: All righty, 12. Player: I don't actually know what it's rolling against. What is it against? DM: It's eight plus two, which is your proficiency bonus, which is ten. Plus your wisdom modifier. What is your wisdom modifier? Player: My wisdom modifier, I believe it's three. DM: It would be 13, so it hits, yeah. Player: All right! That's one point of psychic damage and it has disadvantage on the next attack. (rasping) You should leave and protect the child. Trying to-- DM: All right, the female face grins even wider, the eyes narrow (growls). Player: I'm going to back up. DM: It seems like it shakes its head a bit. It seems strangely wounded briefly, but then grins at the prospect of a new meal. Player: I'm backing up a little bit. I'm going to step back ten feet. DM: You move back ten feet to there. Player: Yeah, backing up. DM: That brings us to Fjord's turn.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Pike tells Scanlan that while she does love him, she has feelings for someone else. She kisses his cheek and bids him goodnight. DM: And-- anything else, before the evening's rest comes? All right. Sleep finds you all, some easier than others, until a measured period of time, I believe? Player: Yeah. DM: Grog sprung awake, gathered the folks in the pre-dawn hour of the following morning. You gather your stuff, exit the mansion, and start making your way towards the Margrave's house. Player: Is there anyone on the street? DM: Make a perception check. Player: 19. Plus zero. DM: You guys exit Wilhand's place and there is a cross-street that Wilhand's home is nearby, that's like a building sandwiching it on each side, and the one just south of it is on the corner of that cross street. Across the way as you guys exit the room, or exit the front of the building, you see two figures stand up, arms crossed. The same individuals you saw earlier.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They looked above and they saw what looked like the entrance to a cavern where at least the dragon seems to fly in and out of. It's a ways up the mountain, and there's a smaller cavern towards the base of the mountain. DM: All right, that'll do. So at the top of the round as one giant has pulled itself out of the cavern and begins shouting over in Giant about the intruders. The secondary one that comes stalking out of the forest, both of them with these giant axes that are currently held on the side of leather belts (roars) give a bellowing scream and go charging into the fray. At the top of the round, though, Percy is ready. What have you got? Player: What is that strange orange thing, right here? DM: This is actually a tree. Player: That's a tree. Okay, good. So that's cover? DM: Yeah. This rock and these boulders here have some cover, but from a giant who has a very large perspective maybe not as much as you'd think. Player: Okay, so is there any way I can maybe get some partial cover right over here? DM: You could move over this way, yes. Player: Yeah. So I've got cover from the tree from this one until he moves, but I can see this guy? DM: Correct. Player: It is Bad News time! I'm going to bust out Bad News and take a shot. DM: All right, so. Rip out Bad News, uses one of your attacks, second attack prepares it. You're ready to fire, go ahead and shoot. Player: All right. They're pretty big, so I'm going to take the negative five to my attack bonus and see what that does. That's a 21. DM: 21 will hit. Player: That's a good shot. Oh yeah! That's 17, 27, plus-- 33 points of damage. DM: 33 points of damage? Nice. So you hear this loud, ringing explosion that echoes through this small valley at the base of the mountain, and from out the corner of your eye, it's the first time you've seen this weapon do its wonders. You see a flash of light, a plume of smoke goes up and you see this impossibly fast blast of some projectile go slamming into the shoulder of the giant over here that's currently reaching for a rock. It pushes him back against the wall, which prevents him from falling over and he catches himself. Looks back, and you can see there's a small crater in the armor where a little bit of blood begins to pour out, and a little bit of smoke seems to be pouring out of the impact. (snarls and yells) Gives out a really angry yell. You can see like spittle that begins to shake loose and spray from his mouth out of frustration. That the end of your turn?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex, you, and Pike convince him not to eat it, though, on the chance that the fruits are actually souls. Over the next few hours, the party make their way to a clearing containing the immense citadel of the Dawnfather, lit by a giant beacon of sunlight. DM: "The Dawnfather is the god of the harvest. Good luck. Sorry if I came off a bit brusque. It's been a long time since anyone's talked to me." Player: No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. DM: "Apology accepted." Player: Would you like a hug? DM: "No. I would most definitely not like a hug." Player: Okay. Well, it was wonderful meeting you. Absolutely. Thank you. All right, bye. Okay, bye. DM: "Good day."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vex and you investigate a tunnel to determine which of two they will continue down. After deciding the left one is the most likely, Grog charges ahead, the others giving chase. DM: We shall say, a general sense of this area, you look and you can see, in this area, unlike the previous sections, there are small clusters of bats on the ceiling. Player: Okay, I'm going to-- DM: As apparently they have an exit of some kind to the surface. Player: I'm going to go ahead and cast Beast Sense on one of the bats. DM: Okay. Player: And I'm going to channel myself through the bat and I'm going to make him fly down the far left tunnel. DM: Okay. So as you guys are walking over there, one of the bats--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He calls out what he has to do to fix this and with no answer, he turns to leave. A light illuminates the next chamber. DM: You enter the next chamber, where you see the interior of this structure is ivory-white bone and glass, with a blue hint, very much resembling the interior of a very naturally, beautifully-carved ice cavern. There is a stairway that ascends, as well as other hallways that lead out from the central nerve center of the lower floor of the main structure. As you walk into this central chamber, you see, ever so faintly, at the very top of the stairs, a pair of feet (footsteps) walk and disappear up the stairs. Player: I'm going to charge after them. DM: Okay. You go running up the stairway. (thud thud) You get to the top, and you can see at the very top of the stairs a dark wooden door with a dark iron rim and what appears to be a large hanger or handle or knocker bolted to it and it (thud) just closes as you come underneath the top of the archway and up the stairs. Player: I knock. DM: (doosh) Once? Player: Three times. DM: (doosh doosh) With each hit, you can hear the reverberation of the echo of the knock through a much larger chamber beyond. As soon as you release the actual door knocker, the door (thump-crash, creak) just creaks open ever so slightly into a very, very dark chamber. You can see very, very little in here, other than the basic outline of what looks to be a little bit of floor, some sort of a smooth, glassy surface that refracts just a little bit of light that makes it through what looks to be some sort of broken-up glass dome-type structure above you. You can't make out much beyond that. It's very dark in here.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Lady Kima identifies one of the thralls, a dwarf, as a former companion of hers. you asks Scanlan to distract Kima for a moment. DM: Kima steps in at this point and says, "I agree. (sigh) We have quite a journey ahead of us." At which point, Clarota pipes up and says, "Indeed. We're not too far from Yug'Voril. Let us rest." Player: Kima. I... just wanted to apologize. DM: "What for?" Player: I came across too harshly that night. DM: She puts her hand up and... in a matronly way. "It's honestly not a worry. War is stressful, and all of us have been through a lot for this experience. I understand. I've been where you've been, and it's not uncommon to question everything around you, and with good reason: that's what keeps you alive. Were you to believe every person that crossed your path, you would not have made it past your 15th season. I can assure you, as best as I can, that I mean the best for all of us. I just know that if we don't do what we're here to do, far more people will suffer than the few I've brought down here to protect me and for me to protect. I'm not asking for your trust. I'm just asking for your patience." Player: Well, I can grant you that. Only if you promise to grant us respect in return, because I feel you were a little untrusting of what we were doing up front, which I once again understand. DM: "You caught me at a rough time." Player: Same here. DM: "Well, thank you."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They join Avantika's crew at their table. you decides to fight a gnome seaman, Sorris Cade, at his invitation, and they have a friendly glorious bar fight until she decides that's enough and heals him a bit. DM: She's drinking and watching. One leg up on the table and she's glancing over, watching this transpire. You're going to sweep as you get up? Player: Yeah. DM: Roll for attack. Player: 13. DM: 13 does not hit. Player: No! DM: You sweep and he leaps up and then, from the air, tries to come down onto your leg with the full force of his tiny gnomish body. Natural 20.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, You managed to, thanks to a very high roll from Keyleth, discover there was some sort of a waterfall or trickle of liquid near the hip of this giant titan. Its giant, four, swinging arms only managed to clip Keyleth and Vax once. DM: 23 points of damage in the first hit. As you spin around, jaw open, growling in rage (yells), you bring the axe across, and it cuts across the front of its chest. You watch as pieces of rock break off, and it still holds strong against the impact. Player: I do it again! DM: Go for it. Player: Reckless, Great Weapon Master this time! 25. DM: 25 hits. Player: 31 points of damage. DM: Nice! The second hit, you swing around and slam it. It actually gets stuck and wedged in part of its body. The mouth opens and gives this guttural (grunts) as a reaction. Actually giving a pain exert upon the hit. However, as it reaches out, both of its hands grab the edge of the axe. All right. That end your turn? Player: Is he holding my axe? DM: He's attempting to. Player: Well, I wanted to move! DM: Okay, then move. Player: I'm moving! I would like to go (counting) 30 feet to face off with this guy. DM: All right. Well, that guy swings at you with his fist as you pull away. You rip the axe out of its grasp, and instead it takes one wide swing with its right fist.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After slamming his feet into the sand and preparing himself for conflict, he beckons you towards him. you faces off with Earthbreaker Groon. DM: So you're raging, so you take half damage from these, because they're bludgeoning, since he's punching you. Player: Mmhmm. DM: His eyes flash, he rushes up and pummels you once in the chin, elbows you in the sternum, goes and grabs your shoulder and leaps over behind you and then kicks straight back into the middle of your shoulder blades and (pained gasp) you feel the breath almost get kicked out of you. That is 15 bludgeoning damage, halved to-- Player: Seven? DM: We'll say eight. Player: Eight? Yeah. DM: That is nine, reduced to five, and that is 13 reduced to seven. There you go. Player: Oh shit, that's 20 points of damage. Cool. DM: That's his turn. You're up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Before this happened, as a part of a journey towards this Tri-Spire, both Caleb and you made their way there. Caleb unsuccessfully entering a nicer district of the city that did not seem to believe or respect his presentation. DM: You do, and you go through. It'll take you a little while to go through all the bodies here, so we'll get to see how many you get through here. Player: Did you say two sets of armor? Would that fit in the bag? DM: Hmm? Player: Would that fit in the bag? Two sets of armor? DM: Well, I believe it would because it is a volume/space thing. It'll take up a lot of space within the-- and you have two two-foot by two-foot spaces on the two sides, and then you have the main eight-foot cube section there, so. Player: Okay, we'll bring these back to the Crownsguard and hopefully get some reward. DM: You do find another pair of studded leather armor that has like a sea motif to it. There's shells pressed into it, and a wave pattern on the edges. The person it's attached to has a bunch of tattoos across their body as well, that insinuate a lot of time at sea, different names of different ships that are different points of faded on the body. They may have been a sailor at some point in their life and has expired under here.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They then made their way into the city of Deastok, to the Darrington Estate, and were led up into the study of Howaardt Darrington, father of Taryon. They all discussed the reasons of why Tary was brought back, the current financial state of the family, and the intent to resolve and remedy long-standing sins of the father through ' Taryon standing up and doing his family duty', from Howaardt's perspective. DM: Sure. You catch his attention. He comes back to the table as you step up and start in his direction, he goes, "Hey. Another round, eh?" Player: Actually, no. I give him five gold. DM: "All right. You want another one?" Player: No, I'd rather not. No, I was just wondering, do you know how long Korshad usually hangs out here every night? DM: "Varies. Easily probably another hour or so." Player: Always with the same company, or different people? DM: "Varies. They've been here most of the afternoon." Player: Oh, wow. Would you mind going over to him and just letting him know that the gentleman who bought him the drink would love a moment of his time. DM: "Oh, all right." Player: Taryon Darrington. He needs to know the name. DM: "Okay. I will." He looks at the gold and goes, "All right. I will." Player: No rush. But make sure it happens. DM: You see he noticeably gets a little nervous. Walks over. Do you go back to your table to join your compatriots? Okay. As you're watching, he actually has to psych himself up. He approaches and then turns around and stops for a second, and goes up to the table again and stops himself and gets the gumption up this time and goes to the table. And you see him talking to Korshad, who at this point has his hand on the tip of the drink, glances up at him. Looks over at the table again. Player: I walk over and put my hand on Taryon's shoulder and keep eye-contact with Korshad. DM: You see a smile creep slowly across Korshad's face. Puts his hand up and immediately you can watch as Wence, who's in the middle of talking and expressing this goes, "Yes." And quickly darts away. Korshad gives a point to the rest of the guys and you watch his lips say, "Excuse me a moment." He stands up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the orchards outside the Fortress of the Sun, Vox Machina plan their next steps. They decide to make Terrah their next stop, for its proximity to the Pools of Wittebak, where Pelor said they could find the key to Ioun's whereabouts. DM: All right. So as you walk down into the village, a number of the guardians step out quickly, seeing an approaching party, however, recognizing Keyleth and her station immediately, turn into an escort that leads you to the center portion of the village. Player: I request Pa'tice. DM: Quickly enough, they go and retrieve Pa'tice. You see the elderly form of the leader you've met before step out, the graying hair, the weathered dark skin tones, the long greens and brown leathers that drape off, showing hints of the knees and lower feet, the large walking staff that he carries at his side as he approaches and the headdress that seems to be a combination of thick twines and shale shards that have been woven in, steps forward. "Keyleth. An unexpected visit, most definitely." Player: Kaitiaki. DM: "Kaitiaki." Player: Pa'tice, I am so sorry for the late intrusion. We've just gotten back from the plane of Elysium, so we're a little tired. Yeah, we're fighting a god right now, well, more of like a demi-god, so have you heard of Vecna? Sorry, I'm probably getting ahead of myself. Do you have any food? Let's talk over dinner. DM: "We have food, yes. You are guests of Terrah. Please, we will provide whatever you require. Come, provide them a meal!" And he puts his hand out and they run off quickly.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, However, upon noticing that some of the buildings on the eastern side of town began to light up with what appeared to be flame, you began to approach rather rapidly, seeing members of the city's citizens fleeing, screaming, and apparently there seemed to be some sort of attack. Upon going into the town, you realized that a number of these buildings were being set fire by an incursion of Gnolls. DM: Ten? You go to swing, and as it sees you suddenly, it backs away, and your staff hits the dirt right next to it. (snarls) It just barely misses it. Caleb, you following up? Player: Caleb sends Frumpkin right down to the one that Jester was attacking and I will send out a Fire Bolt at the same time. DM: Go for it. Roll your attack roll for the Fire Bolt. Player: That's at advantage if my birdie is bothering him up close. DM: Right. Okay. Wait, you're going for the one that Jester is attacking? Player: Yeah, the one that Jester is attacking. DM: Okay. Go for it. Player: That is-- oh, that's good. That is 21. DM: 21 hits. Go ahead and roll damage. Player: These spells are all still new to me. Oh, that's a big one. DM: One point of damage. Player: Big one point of damage. DM: It begins to burn this small circular image on the hyena's body. (yelping) Go ahead and--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Fjord, a half-orc warlock . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vera reveals herself to be a formidable mage, causing an Ice Storm which slows Nott, Caduceus, and Yasha and casting Mass Suggestion on the Guards to arrest them. you, seeing the tide turning, summons a demon onto the ship to distract the crew while rushing himself to the aid of Caleb. DM: "Okay. O great king, give me a bit of time with this, if you don't mind?" He looks around. Everyone's looking at him. At this moment he glances around and sees the dozens and dozens of eyes locked on him, and he starts getting a little nervous. You see a little sweat drop on his forehead, and he adjusts his glasses again. They're starting to fog a bit. He goes, (clears throat), plops down, and starts going through, and pulls out paper and a quill. He sets up in the middle of the dock area and starts going through and point-by-point deciphering and translating each part of the cipher over to one of his empty pages. Player: Great king, if we may, time we have. DM: "That we do." Player: It's at your whim that we serve. I think it would be only fair to ask that we remain under guard while your compatriot here translates that text. DM: "Oh, we're standing right here." Player: Fair enough. DM: "You still haven't answered my question. What brought you to these waters? Why'd you throw in with her lot?" You see now, they're bringing Avantika forward with the rest of you.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The frost worm bites Keyleth, who casts Blight as payback and heals herself. Vax asks Pike for healing, then hits the visible worm. DM: That ends its turn. Now having it appeared, as this round has happened, I would like both Grog and Percy to-- Player: I'm going to shoot the purple thing with a violent shot. DM: How many points into it? Player: I'm going to drop all three points into violent shot. DM: Okay! That adds plus six to your misfire. So you have like a 46% chance of misfiring on this shot. Player: If I roll a six. A six or lower. It-- DM: Well, it adds plus two to your misfire per point spent. Player: Oh! Never mind then! Oh shit! Then never mind. Then I'm just going to take two points of violent shot. So that's-- DM: So that would bring it to a misfire of seven. Player: Yeah. DM: Okay! So take your shot.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Scanlan Shorthalt, a gnome bard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Rain begins to fall. Percy puts his Hat of Disguise back on. DM: All right. So you groups divide, Scanlan heading towards the northeastern house, the rest of you heading towards the northwestern house. Eventually, you get to the outskirts of both abodes, and you can see the dark clouds in the sky, occasional claps of thunder and flashes of light. Even though it's midday, it's pretty dark right now. The few folks that are out and about have their heads covered with hoods, and they're trying to stay under overhangs to stay nice and as dry as they can. You are all soaked to the bone at this point, just pushing through. Your cough is still setting in pretty heavily at this point, too. You guys make your way to the outskirts of the home. You, Scanlan, skipping along, the boy that you are with your one weird wandering eye, find your way to the other abode. So. What's the plan? Player: How far is the gate from the front door? DM: It's about 25, 30 feet. And the house that you're looking at right now, it's very well-crafted. Looks like it's made from a lot of the fine timber of Whitestone, the lighter woods and dark woods contrast with each other, stained to show the variation in the two. It's a very beautiful home. Player: Okay. Any guards? Anything around? DM: Currently, you can see there is one guard visible at the front. That's all you can see at the moment. Player: And if I walk around back, is there any guards around back? DM: There is a second guard around back that is just now stepping out of an outhouse that is situated behind the building.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax sneaks ahead to get a closer look around the room. As nothing happens, Percy then leads the way forward onto the platform. DM: 21. The runes across the blade specifically deal with cursing the physical form of what touches its blade. Player: Shit. Okay, cool. Instead of walking towards the anvil, can I start walking to the right, towards one of those chains that's dangling on? DM: The chains are immediately to the left and right of the anvil, so to go towards the chain you'd be stepping closer to the anvil, and as you turn to the side its head tracks you as you go. Player: Is it tilting it down? DM: You haven't moved forward, so no. Player: Okay. Can I keep moving in that direction? DM: Okay, you begin to step forward towards the chain. The blade comes down to a flat end towards you.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party finally decides on a two-pronged plan. Vax and Scanlan will sneak in to kill the illithid, while the rest of the party creates a distraction and try to blind them with light. DM: Plus your tinker's kit proficiency. It's down underneath your skills. Proficiency, at the very bottom left. Player: Yeah, I don't have a number for that. DM: You can add your proficiency modifier to your intelligence check. Add your intelligence modifier plus four. Player: Ah, thank you. 17. DM: All right, and so what are you trying to accomplish with this arrow again? Player: I was just trying to make an entanglement arrow. It's a trapper's arrow. DM: Okay. You manage to work out what seems like a tanglefoot bag-type detonation, where if an arrow were fired, it would be a grapple check against the individual, probably give them penalties until they're able to break free of the grapple. So yeah, success on that one.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Across from them, in the wall on the far end of the space, are three arches into more tunnels. Patrolling the openings are a number of humanoids, skeletons, and one larger creature. DM: You back up into the hallway to find a space that isn't immediately visible and begin to build the circle of incantation. The rest of you keep watch in case anything begins to make its way toward the entrance. As you complete the ritual, your vision expands, and you feel your essence being pulled up through the earth and rock, changing from gray and brown to black and dead, until eventually, for a brief instant, you see a burst of the city of Thar Amphala, matching precisely your memory of the inner sanctum of the city. In an instant, there's a rush of momentum and energy, and you see footsteps. You see before you the death knight that you had previously encountered in the struggle is stepping up these dark, ruddy stone steps. One, two, three, you can hear the echo surround you in this slightly curving staircase. Player: Do I see Delilah? DM: You do not. Unfortunately, you see a very vague image of a room that's disappearing behind him as it curves around where you can see two other armored figures similar to the one that's in the center archway that are standing watch in that chamber. They vanish as he curves around, and you watch as he steps up, step-step-step. Player: Can I get any other details on where he is? Can I see any other identifying landmarks? DM: Currently it's a windowless stairway that curves. Player: Is he going upwards? DM: Yeah.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Mollymauk Tealeaf, a tiefling blood hunter . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, meanwhile, has dropped off Toya at her tent and makes his way back to the docks. When he sees the rest of the party in chains, he decides to turn himself in as well and gets locked up with the rest. DM: You get a little closer, you are still maybe a good 100 feet or so away from them, keeping to the shadows along a building, keeping low. Thankfully it's nighttime, it's pushing midnight at this point. Because you're ostentatiously dressed, but there isn't a lot of light in your colors. As far as you know right now, no one can see you, you're too far away to hear much, but you can keep an eye on them. Player: Oh, what's the play? What's the play? Ah! I'm going to-- Yeah, fuck it. I'm going to walk up. DM: All right. Player: With briskly. There I find you! I've been looking everywhere. You're not supposed to leave the bloody inn you-- oh. (sighs) They're already in trouble, apparently. DM: "I love when they do this! Chain him up." You are shackled as well. Player: All right. Less questions to answer. DM: At this point, Norda is starting to smile a bit. She's like "Man, if we could have more criminals like you lot, my job would be far easier. I would get home a lot earlier."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Beauregard Lionett called Beau, a human monk . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, He warns the rest of the Mighty Nein as combat continues. A crew member unfurls the sail, which is plain, attempting to escape the area. DM: You do have enough movement, you have 15 feet more, so you leap down onto his crumpled unconscious body, and his other friend is going to pull back to try and take a shot while he's backing up towards the back portion of the ship. Player: I go Melee range, you can't do it! And then a 19? DM: That'll hit. Go ahead and roll damage. Player: Big money. Okay! Nine. Die! Die! DM: And so he-- You (impact sound), and he falls unconscious onto the ground. Player: I turn to Marius and I say "The Gentleman sent us? Gentleman? You a Gentleman?" DM: He's like (startled gasping). Make a persuasion check. Player: Really? DM: Yeah!
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They make their way to Greyskull Keep, where they find that their old servants, Laina and Erwen, have returned. DM: Captain Adella's there with her crew behind her. "It's been an absolute pleasure. Should you require our assistance again, you know where to find us, and if not, we're busy making money elsewhere, fuck off." Player: 1,500? DM: She takes the coin purse from you. Player: Plus 150 tip. DM: Takes that, hands it to one of her-- her first mate-- Player: Plus 200 for any damages to your ship. DM: "It was quite damaged." Passes it off to her first mate again and you can see the first mate is kind of the sheepish mousy gentleman who is currently in process of counting all the coins as they come in, he's, like, the on-board accountant and he's just-- "We're good." "Wonderful. Thank you so much for your patronage. Wish you all a fond farewell. Now shoo."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The bard then goes to Lyra to back her up and he inspires her. you, seeing Percy flanked by the two orcs on him, casts Hunter's Mark on the wounded one and shoots him with the Blazing Bowstring. DM: Yep. Roll twice for Trinket. As the arrow (sploof) hits him on the chest area and (boom) bursts into flames, igniting part of his shoulder. As he looks down you hear this guttural growl from around the corner. As he glances over Trinket comes jumping out of the shadows from behind the tree. Player: Trinket! I never know what to look at because I never attack with Trinket. DM: Attack bonus. Player: Okay. That's 22 for one. DM: 22 hits. Roll for the second attack. Player: The second one is a 16. DM: 16 just barely hits.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caleb Widogast, a human wizard . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, They find a long metallic rod half buried in the rubble about the size of the platform hole in the room below. Yasha sticks a sword into the ashes in one urn, and shortly thereafter a small glowing orb emerges and attacks her. DM: Seven. That urn explodes on the inside of the alcove as the streaking, hot Scorching Ray slams into the clay, causing the top half of it to detonate. The bottom half of the clay cracks, and the bottom still remains in place, the ash clouding out of it. The one-- Player: So that did not get destroyed, then, it got damaged? DM: This will-o'-wisp flickers out. It had been heavily damaged already, and that amount of scattering of the ash caused it to flicker and disintegrate. The bottom of the urn is still holding itself in place, the top half scattered and broken. Player: That was just one, so I continue to wrap my hand around, and a second one shoots out at the one in the ceiling. That is a natural 18. DM: That hits. Roll damage on that one. Player: Yeah. That is an eight. DM: Eight? It shatters and breaks. The ash comes clouding down like the slight drizzle of soft dust and ash. This will-o'-wisp vanishes into the space.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Grog then takes the first bead of divinity -- the one from Ioun-- smashes it on the Anvil, and folds the powdered remains into the first ingot. With aid from Keyleth and Scanlan in the form of spells and inspiration, he does the same with the bead from Pelor, but has trouble with the one from the Raven Queen. DM: All right, so you glide down and you grab his body, and you lift him up, and you get him out of the lava but that's as much movement as you've got. Player: Can I use my action to-- DM: It's your action to grab and pull him out. Player: Can I use my bonus action to dash away? DM: You can. I'll say you move half speed because you're having to bring him with you. Player: Okay, I'm going to back up. DM: So you can get both of you guys back up to wherever you want to go. Player: Into the corner. DM: Into the corner? So you get about there.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Pike Trickfoot, a gnome cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Percy and Vex go out into the woods to camp together for the night, but not before Vex sends Trinket to keep Keyleth company in her room. you finds a clearing in the woods to sit for a moment, where she is joined by the wolf Galdric. DM: Probably. He's not a full, ruined beast. He lives in the forest. Smells of earth, dust, and nature. Doesn't seem to react to your hug, but allows it. Player: I sit next to him. DM: He seems to share the space with you for the time that you're in the forest. Not a strong connection, but an acknowledgement, mainly focusing on the moon before it passes through the canopy and is no longer visible. Player: I came out here to build a little something, so I'm glad to have you out here for a little bit. Thank you for staying with me. DM: The one ear to the side perks open to listen to your statement, but the vision doesn't meet yours, still focused in space as it fades. You get the essence that the wolf acknowledges you. Player: (sighs) I feel like Grog would be so happy right now to be around a wolf. I give him a scratch behind his ear. DM: He actually seems to enjoy it and gives into it. One of the giant hind legs of the wolf-- Player: Oh, that's a good boy. I give out a little howl. DM: He howls along with you. (howls) Player: That was for my friend Vax. DM: The wolf gets up, circles you once, and makes his way into the darkness of the forest once more. Player: Goodbye. After a bit, I head back. DM: Okay. Grog?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, These stones are utilized, apparently, in both keeping the rift contained and keeping the city of Vesrah aloft and up towards the air. However, in the process of them researching where these lodestones came from, it was discovering in recent years that they were byproducts of one of the krakens that lives in the Water Elemental Plane. DM: Okay. As you put your hand towards it, you feel a very, very faint vibration, actually a very similar vibration to the throat bead. Player: Really. Are the throat beads green? Do they look similar? DM: At this point, now? You notice, yes, they're made of the same material. You see that a lot of-- the lodestones' main purpose is here, but a lot of the inherent magic of them, or at least the enchantment properties of it, it's a pretty big part of the general life here at Vesrah. Player: Do the beads tend to react when they get closer to the lodestone? DM: There is no change. But you do feel that faint hum and vibration of power of the lodestone that is embedded within. Player: I turn to Durent. Whereabouts do they tend to be found? The lodestones? DM: "Well, I mean, all over." Player: All over? DM: "Who knows where they've been dropped. The ocean tends to swallow things up. You might have to dig. Mostly we find them buried."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Taliesin and Marisha start eating popcorn. Scanlan manages to maintain his eyebite spell; he tries to escape the acidic digestive track by casting Thunderwave from the inside of the worm. DM: I think you can still move around, you just think you have to have concentration towards it, I'll have to-- Player: I'm going to have my concentration on reverting. But in the meantime, I'm going to-- DM: You can use your action to begin to revert your form, yeah. Player: I have to use my action? DM: However, nope! Reverting takes a minute, during which time a creature is incapacitated and can't move. Player: (sputtering) DM: So yeah. So currently--
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, At the Platinum Sanctuary, the twins are greeted by Highbearer Vord. He offers to seal Opash's book in a vault beneath the city, but Vax, who doesn't entirely trust him, tells him they didn't actually bring it with them. DM: Puts his hands aside and steps back. "Oh. Well. Return with the tome, should you see fit to leave it here." Player: Can I ask you, how much do you know of Orcus? DM: "I know enough." Player: I don't know much of anything, and it's important that we learn. DM: "Hmm." So, he nods to one of the other advisors who steps off for a moment. "Sit a moment. This is a conversation to have." And some of the guards come and bring a few chairs and set them behind you. "Orcus, the demon prince of undeath, resides in the depths of Thanatos, one of the varying realms of the Abyss. It is here that he snuffs the life from all creatures and brings them under his sway. He is an entity of ever-hungering need for power, and to take all life and break it so he can bring it under his control. Thankfully, as one of the betrayer gods, he was sealed away, and the Divine Gate was placed up to prevent his, and any other evil entities' entrance into our world. However, that does not prevent him from sending his minions, sending his powers, sending his influence out through the permeable, small gaps in this gate. So his influence remains." Player: He only has two horns, right? DM: "Oh! Four, once." Player: Four? DM: "Two that he maintains on himself to this day, and two that were severed, enchanted, and bequeathed into two of his, at the time, one of his champions."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party tear into the cherub creature while it summons lava from the ground beneath them, traps Keyleth and Grog in the earth, and attempts to freeze Vax in a casing of ice. As it takes heavy damage, the creature unleashes a burst of radiant energy from its chest, doing a huge amount of damage to everyone close by. DM: 40, nice! So as it hits, you watch as the brambles try and wrap around it, but it actually flies free. Player: Oh wait! Plus the blazing bowstring, another two fire damage. DM: 42 total. You can see more of it's just falling out of its small, decomposing torso, and it's trying to fly upward now, towards the light. It's on the edge. Player: I want to try to do the same thing again. DM: Okay, go for it. Player: With a Blazing Bowstring again. 28. DM: 28 hits. Roll damage. Player: Okay, bramble shot again, because I get two, motherfucker! That's ten for my Blazing Bowstring. Oh, Jesus H. Macy. 19, plus five is 24, plus eight is 32, 36. Oh my god, 34. 38, plus ten is 48. DM: How do you want to do this? (cheering)
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Taryon Darrington, a human artificer . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, While everyone is fooling around on the beach, and Grog is burying Tary in the sand, Vax takes an opportunity to steal Tary's clothes and hide them in Percy's room. DM: All right, as you pull the patch and throw it in the room, it glows a bright orange and then flashes and burns into two small coal-like embers that when they slam into the ground, crack and open, and from those two embers you see two full-grown mastiffs. (barking and snorting) Player: There's food in there. Eat it all. Scratch through everything you want. DM: They both start eating. They go nuts on the place. Player: And use this as your latrine as well. DM: One of them goes, (sniffs) and just pisses on one of the sacks. You're not quite sure which one it is. Player: Good doggy. All right. You're free now. Go away. I don't know. DM: Do you leave them in the room? Player: Yeah, just stay here, go, whatever you want. I don't know. I feel weird. I don't need a pet right now. DM: You leave and close the door behind you? Okay. All right, so you guys meet up again. You get more drinks, you begin to wander the city. Is there anything else you want to do while you're out and about for the afternoon?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Grog Strongjaw, a goliath barbarian . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The party then retrieved their first artifact and then made their way towards the Pyrah tribe of the Ashari druids, the fire guardians of the gate to the Elemental Plane of Fire, which apparently Thordak, the Cinder King—the great red dragon that helms the Chroma Conclave that has torn through all of the civilization of Tal'Dorei —emerged from. The party went there, found a surviving faction of the Pyrah tribe including Cerkonos, their headmaster, as well as a few members of Keyleth's tribe, the Air Ashari, and her father. DM: 28! Yeah, Vax, keeping an eye, the guard doesn't seem to have kept notice and continues walking off towards the distant farmhouse. The plants all wrap around his body and he: "What's this? Stupid-- " Player: I run over and I tackle him, knock him to the ground, put my hand over his mouth, punch him in the forehead. Punch him again. Punch him a third time. And I barely lift my hand. DM: "You motherfucker-- " Player: Punch him again. DM: At this point, now he's got blood pouring out of the corner of the eye. One eye has gone a little red from burst vessels. You can see it starting to swell up already. Blood's now pouring out the side of the nose where you've hit it, and he's still fighting even though the plants have kept him entangled. As soon as the calm comes to him (heavy breathing). Player: (sing-song) Horace. DM: The eyes go wide and all the tension in the body loosens. "Fucking hell." Player: (muffled) Fucking hell. DM: You're still holding his face? (muffled) "Fucking hell." Player: I'm going to move my hand. If you make a sound, wash, rinse, repeat, yeah? Nod. Shut the fuck up. DM: He spits a couple teeth out the side of his mouth. Player: You're looking big. DM: "You're supposed to be dead. You're supposed to be fucking dead. I watched you beaten to death. Why the fuck are you still alive?" Player: Yeah, right. Funny thing about me. So look, who else is out in this field with you right now? DM: "No one. It's me and Cole, but Cole's heading back to the city. We have other ones passed out around, but most of them stay in town, especially during the day. That's where the festivities are."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Keyleth polymorphs Grog into a gorilla, and she herself Beast Shapes into a giant eagle. Everyone moves through the bog canopy and enters a shaded nightfall in proximity to the giant tree. DM: Well, I mean, you need an eight-hour rest for a full night's rest, so it depends how much time you want to push off until you begin taking your rest. Player: Oh, right. Well, how about a couple hours? DM: Okay. First hour, seemingly no real change. Second hour, go ahead and make another perception check. Player: 17. DM: 17. You do notice a little ways off, some of the tree brush shifts a little bit, and then you see what looks to be a few trees kind of (fwoosh). Player: Disappear? DM: Seemingly there's now a hole in the canopy where once was straight canopy.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Vax pulls Scanlan aside and pitches him a backup plan. He wants to have Scanlan Dimension Door into Umbrasyl's stomach and use the unmovable rod to hurt him from inside. DM: Three hours, so, from what he's doing with the aid of people that aided him, which would be Vex asking about, the few folks that have any experience with any sort of blacksmithy are the folks that make horseshoes, and that's the extent of the complication they can create. So they can attempt to, with your aid, craft some springs. They have the materials to do very basic metalwork and ironwork, but the people you encounter, two folks in particular, they're both a little confused by your overall design and are waiting for you to lead them in a specific direction. Player: Okay, I'm just going to take them and I'm going to start building one and see if they can follow suit then. Three springs will be more than enough for this design. DM: How big a spring? Player: I would say, how tall is this dragon? DM: Roughly 30 to 40 feet, depending. Player: About a two-to-three-foot spring, then. Three two-to-three-foot springs made of solid iron. Just enough to lift the system and toss. And it's just, you make them like chainmail. It's a process that exists. I'm not going nuts. DM: I'm not saying you're going nuts. You are a little stretched for supplies and manpower based on the circumstances in Westruun for a complicated task, but it's fairly possible, but it will pretty much take the entirety of your day and most of your night to prepare this. You'll be able to squeeze by with this, with the construction of the device, and have maybe just enough room for-- I'll let you squeeze in a long rest. Player: That'll be perfect. DM: But that's success or fail. Player: That'll do. DM: Okay. What are the rest of you guys planning?
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Vex Vex'ahlia, a half-elf ranger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, To that end, they visit a mapmaker named Tyriok to get general directions toward the Sunder Peak mountain. After a couple days of travel, the party arrive at the mountain home of the Fire Ashari. DM: 24? Yeah, you maintain concentration. As it almost knocks you off your side, you manage to (grunts) maintain your focus on the spell; your Telekinesis is still going. Player: I try to hit him with an arrow. DM: Go for it. Player: 16. DM: 16 hits. You go (flying arrow) you loose it and it goes hurtling up the side through the darkness and it finds purchase somewhere in the face of the entity. Go ahead and roll damage. Player: Yeah! 17. DM: 17, nice.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Percival de Rolo, a human gunslinger . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, After a faithful re-meeting with the parents of Vex and Vax, discussions were had, hats were attempted to be stolen from the leader of the city —and successfully done so. The other half of agreements were... pseudo-achieved, and they made their way northward through the Evershifting Grasses to the outskirts of the Moonbrush, a heavy, heavy forested wood that will lead them to their destination after that, which is the Gilded Run, a series of rivers that wrap around their final destination, the Shademurk Bog, where apparently Fenthras exists. DM: Okay, gotcha. Okay, so you take the shot, the blast echoing throughout the trees and the treeline. You watch as the pixie takes the slug and actually gets thrown to the ground and then flutters back up, barely. Player: Flutters back up, barely? DM: Yeah. It was undamaged before. Player: Nothing fancy, just hitting it again. DM: All right. Player: That's a 23. DM: That'll hit. Roll damage. Player: That's better. 24 points of damage. DM: 24 points of damage. You hear this horrible, high pitched (yelps) as the light is scattered by a burst of what looks like a tiny blood spray, and dust and smoke.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, The crew had been waiting a number of days, the repairs had been completed on Bisaft Isle. You guys decided to call it an evening and rest up. DM: "Misan!" The little boy goes, "What?" "Bring some honeycomb over here for a customer!" "Okay!" He cuts a little piece off with a dull knife and holds it on the edge of the knife and walks over. You see the bees covered up his arm and he puts it over and hands it to you. Player: Wow! DM: It's gooey. It's very sweet and very waxy. Player: It's really good. It's like gum, but sweet. Can I have a jar of it? DM: The boy heads back to his work and she's waving some of the bees away and goes, "Sure. Let's walk back. I'll be happy to sell you a jar or two. How many would you like?" Player: With the actual honeycomb in it? DM: "Of course!" Player: I want two jars. DM: "Two jars. That'll run you five gold pieces." Player: Okay. DM: "All right." She claps her hands together happily and leads you back, telling you more about the waves of various traders and merchants that come through. Some individuals, some names, she throws out that she's met and flirted with and one that asked her to marry him when she was younger but she turned him down. You have no idea who any of these people are, but you can't help but be half-fascinated, because they're stories. You have two jars of honey plus honeycomb for five gold.
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Jester Lavorre, a tiefling cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, you, Beau, and Molly go to The Fungal Fount. On the way, Beau brings up the issue of what to do with Kiri-- she's afraid Kiri will die if they keep her with them. DM: "Right, okay. So I've been working on something for you based on what you requested and I have these." He puts these two vials on the table. One of them is a healing potion, larger than the basic kind. The other is a sky blue color, and as he sets it on the table, as soon as it impacts, there's a flash and you see some sparkles kind of going (energy crackling) through it before it settles. And he goes, "I'm going to be honest, not entirely certain the extent of what this is. It protects you from something. I know the basis of it is insulation." Player: What's the gold stuff in there? DM: "I do not see what you mean." Player: What's the stuff that swirled around when you put it on the table? DM: He taps it again and (energy crackling). It looks like a spark. Player: What is that? DM: "I don't know. But I bet it's interesting."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Keyleth, a half-elf druid . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, In the orchards outside the Fortress of the Sun, Vox Machina plan their next steps. They decide to make Terrah their next stop, for its proximity to the Pools of Wittebak, where Pelor said they could find the key to Ioun's whereabouts. DM: Pa'tice, who's sat down with you, says quickly, "We have been made aware via the other Ashari that there is some danger possibly coming. We are awaiting word of what to do other than keep ourselves in a defensive position. We have to guard the rift, of course. But should there be a call to action, we'll do what we can. I'm unfamiliar with this Vecna, but whatever you plan, please be careful." Player: (sighs) Okay. More than anything, I think I would want you all to be relief for the surrounding area and surrounding villages if anything disastrous were to happen. I know you have to guard the rift and that is insanely important and especially right now with someone like Vecna who could potentially abuse that. But if anything were to happen, I don't know if you could house extra people during a disaster. DM: "We are quite good at assembling makeshift and temporary lodging. The rock is our friend, if you will." Player: Yeah, that's more, I think, what we would need. DM: "Of course, of course! Not a worry." Player: Currently, Vecna is just north of Vasselheim, close to Pyrah. DM: "Have you asked Pyrah for aid, as well?" Player: They've also been put on alert, but we have not personally been there yet since this has happened. DM: "Well. Good. They're closer. But we're happy to help if we can."
[ "DM", "Player" ]
It's a fantasy role-playing game. DM: You are Caduceus Clay, a firbolg cleric . You are the member of the famous group of adventurers. Previously, Algar sees them and orders Xundi to finish them off quickly. Roll initiative. DM: It's okay. We'll get that fixed in the app. It's plus three to hit, so go ahead and roll an attack to hit. Player: No, that's an eight. DM: That does not hit unfortunately. But you now have a swarm of beetles now here in this dark underground area-- Player: For my actual action I'm going to put-- I'm going to use one of my Channel Divinities. DM: Okay. Player: On the water creature just to-- just for now I'm going to cast the-- Path to the Grave. DM: Okay. Player: And then that's my turn. DM: That finishes your go. Fjord, you're up.
[ "DM", "Player" ]